215 00359"Tº" University of Michigan - BUHR - , º, iſ . . . c. - -- - Lºº, - tº Sº y - . J > . . - º ' ', . ,º NX tº “..., \ , ºr º *:... . . . . . . .Y º Łºsº - º * ~ * * * º § *** *** **** & X tº 4 Zºº & º * , *** - º , , ºf - THE . Century Atlas A ND º Gazetteer F THE world Edited by J. G. BARTHOLOMEW, F.R.G.S., F.R.S.E., ETC. L O N DO N J O H N WA L K E R & CO. Farringdon House, Warwick Lane, E.C. I 890 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • { IO. II. I 2. I3. I4. I5. 16. I7. I8. I9. 2O. 2 I. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. C O N T E N T S OF A T LAS Astronomical GeoGRAPHY, . PREVAILING WINDS. . OCEAN CURRENTS. . MEAN ANNUAL RAIN FALL. . MEAN ANNUAL TEMPERATURE. COMMERCIAL CHART OF THE WORLD. . WORLD IN HEMISPHERES. BRITISH EMPIRE. . NORTH POLAR REGIONS. SOUTH POLAR REGIONS. EUROPE. BRITISH ISLES, PHYSICAL. BRITISH ISLES, RAILWAYS. ENGLAND AND WALES. SCOTLAND. IREIAND. HOLLAND AND BELGIUM. DENMARK. FRANCE. GERMANY. . AUSTRIA-HUN GARY. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. BALKAN PENINSULA, SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. MOROCCO, ALGERIA, ETC. 27. 28. 29. 3O. 3I. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 4O. 4 I. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 5.o. sº 52. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. RUSSIA IN EUROPE. ASIA. TURKEY IN ASIA, Etc. PERSIA, AFGHANISTAN, Eic PALESTINE, ANCIENT AND MODERN. PALESTINE, Division AMONG TRIBEs. INDIA. FARTHER INDIA. CHINESE EMPIRE AND JAPAN. AFRICA. EGYPT, ETC. SOUTH AFRICA. NORTH AMERICA. DOMINION OF CANADA. EASTERN PROVINCES OF CANADA. NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN. UNITED STATES. MEXICO AND THE WEST INDIES. SOUTH AMERICA. EAST INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO. OCEANIA. AUSTRALIA. NEW SOUTH WALES, VICTORIA, ETC. - NEW ZEALAND, AND Tasmania. WORLD AS KNOWN TO THE ANCIENTS. DESCRIPTIVE GAZETTEER OF 35,000 NAMES A T END OF THE A 7TLAS. w ASTR Au ºº: U JNOMICA EQUINox The white part on the Earth's surface a within the Arctic fºrce - - - - - GEOGRAPHY - APPARENT PATH of the sun R". Point of Sunrise S = Point of Sunset | | | LUNAR Phases of the Moon |ECLIPSE 0CEAN TIDES - Lowriae First Quarter NEAP TIDES sus || --- - unawu- - - comparative sizes of THE sun and PLANET's Ju Pº-R tri---nºt- "- |sus ----- º ---> o 7~ - | ---cuny. - _- a -a-r or rht sun's cºncu-rer---tº- on the saw-sca-- THE SOLAR SYSTEM - --~~ - - - - Distance of pianºs from the Sun is noted in Millions of Miles * - º *C) ?” __ John Bartholomew & Co. - - º -- ••u•v•w•xt | –*******purifºvaniae|---- sanaemopſtºd ºoºº şJLN3, INQO NWYGIOO №ſºſ,Jae- sº(\, ,----- ſiſ躺:: - -|- caelcael0+1ozrae, ootaea oa ºſvot oºkdaeoz ooz.caeoº-woºae os ae ootaeuo'i oziovioºmoºt0910:1oºrtoºidaetozirº: ool, og rºuot oºkcaeorºl.oºloºrorºt**i T-----_T----~ ~~~~ ( ・' (I ----~~~~----_|-T- |||-1|- .|-|||T ,|T|-T- - si ueų, ºuowae,|T|- |||-|------| ||-| ||-· · ·|| -|-:|- |-|-|- | |-ſaevº? ¿TTO | | | | ||| || … ;) );|- {|||-||- |-||- *|{|-søqou, ol ue un sºoriae~); - |-·|samotoro ou aonautae |-| 3 | N | O || Z.Cu|º 1 !! !! !!H _L \ nJº--S||||-|--------- |- (~~~~|- |-----| 1| | | (_| |_||- ſºº •---- ----- |-±±! 1:::- |-№ſ| - Tt :-)|- |-·||- ·| ·|-. . . . .|nuº, ſāEGTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTToº -|-©~--~ºtſwolaeſaeſūnūſī: |-…ſ. | - . . .||- l.Hn:o:S|-|ſae ---- ſae,| - |-)! |-ſae . {{ |.----·………… _------------- . . .*(, , , 1 anot hvºrdobaewaes |- ſaeſº,ſae---_- -------::{{±ſ ſººſºſtrºſſwºlae----- ·-ſoº nsº:paeae|--------|-|-ſrael, º ſº |-|-|- |-----|-Vºſſ№ :||-|-- ()|- |-|ſuae |-·|-|-“…|- ſae .| , ، ،| || …(), , ; … . .' º ~io | + 3\ NZŤTwº (o 1\! , JAsoºbº,º || … 0|-*{1, \,| _º· · · attrae.||:ſ.(№|(|---- №ſēā(№ I J | \__ \_ — sagae (=ss (C!Q!),=)ſae ſºº * * * *(15. 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Fork. *. =º . - sº s s” º / º y a. sea - ta - - - º - / - º a riº º fºn -- #: - iºns /. b - 7. !.…” * T. §mº" as - ** a n Pt a tea, Meno *- º #s - - --- º v º - - - - *** * Leynah. .." TÜRKEY IN ASIA *English Miles - *— º, Iºw zºo sºo sº */º - - * * - *s º s - * -- o caui" º * Bubiyan 1. słº karaś. *Rhubbar º okah \ sºrrow L 22 Hz * ... " oom-stradiº * .." -->2. * 4. // prº tº º 5 55 i--------- \ - ſ Amu Darya º \ - * …? --- …” } \ K R V* tºº. .” ºre ºwn 1) es er Krasnovodsk & * º w ºw. - **** L_* - º --------- - *. º º §º e Us - - - - *. *ada ºat & - - 2.;Sº * \,, . - ** - rº, º -- º º Z". - * --- -> - Zºº, º +. º *ans, . %. º: * \\ Merv º - - ele - Zºº . v * - ºº: *d . . º - *…+ º- -- * º * } ºr a º: # 9 - gahjerm - - : * - hi.ºzº." - - = ºś - - - - -: - i.ati bbāsabad, RR: º - s - Panjdeh. - - y - - han tal § - 3. $ º ~~ - * , - - - ------- # Z. Sº, - º * º a- * - emnan, R gºla, - º - - sº * -- *\tº ºval --------> Tursh º, A - L-2- #: º -*- | Gre at Salt Steppe. º ºr.º. º ***ing- - (Kevir) --~~~~ º s - s a ºr *straaja º K- Q----Rº. ‘. A., S *A. \\ º: %. I - - - - º , -Saurº º § 3:º - &\- %... º. - º §§ - * abahan º ºvar- - Zºº - – fe- £2, º º Jºynah. duinº ºf. wbºyan r. tº > º sfeiere º **# * mara, tº tº elſhahbaz º º Bushin as Beecamg: - * X s. AFGHANISTAN & BALUCH ISTAN \º º Miles º --- º j." sº - L an. -- % º *hºw sheus, sº tº - found * 2: * º º 3. *- tºº sera: º sier…abou-Meta Dº - - a Budu eyoshak - .# zdur. - BALU Cºſs TAN - Jºwka Parwa";L | Wałł. º - - - -------- --- Urnachº I, º - --- shari The Edinburgh Geographical Institute - º - G ad - s 4im, s º Alahabad x- sº Bistanº º Gustan da'akº - L & hº - - #º L w a sº chalcºn-Su” º - - - dasht-i-Margº -->- S. - Das - - --~~ º - ** alsº º Landi | --> §º bad º º - - ºffº *~. sh ºs. º - - º --- --- -- º-º: - à ºz º * \º- - - s ristºry - -- f º -- - - ºrsºs. Dese" ºf - Sºbº- º § º º - Tº i \ S. º, tarº ºſºftºpº º º º º *Utsch/ - º º - º - - "stºº. º 1. *… e. B§ch - * ºoo*|׺utotoºpsraegunor ! - |- ae- | LLOEººººooºººººſ \,ozørſº " " " (ºr ~ºzorrowºrº „zº zºg, oooº!sº??/, /ºr/ºws/, L ſººººº,,,);NI HIGH (IOIN (IN V J, NICHIO NV ºmri24 *aerºpuor øya „oſºſ TIJ,worzºwºrº „zo ººae, ooº on 32-33 |- | | | | ||-zºaz?--pºs ºſa wae ººm, put surae 8uſinoſooøų, uo ºno N. -~~ ~~~~){, _·-ı:ſae……… §$%%ſ,%-¿ſae £5;?);�ºqoqº 44 og jį aeroſºd ſaeuaeroſ, T.{{#¡¡¡¡¡¡) |×---- º wº º (srpäoºsae (ſººſſeqqae º eqqae Ē ē); -- º --------_ Z,- :: *、、) •)ſae quoſ, quaeqquaeſº§ %§;* : \SQ -�ºººººº,,,§|×ſºſ|- �aaoirſ§§ſ.*№fwsºg„Á------ ----~$.~#:#ffffſºr) - |-|-t. t.)|-§ſºlº, „ºſ: ºffraerosŽ, ,¿ſuaeS'##} § (a)*zººſ|׿№ №.ºraezºv ···S Į_ •! -_- ) — *{„№rºnae∞**---- ||-t· <>|"":'N 3.---- ·•maeºſsa,:~.°′¿};<!” !-…| S38:18, 1 OJ NI NOISŤA10 9NIMOHS~).ſºtſiººn №ºt:t.§§§§§) ſääopao onder)"| ||ſºſĶUTr*taeŞĶĪTI\7&I^№ſae|-ºgſ, |-! 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Petrºpºrº Pere **.cº. *. ºrro. ºwa.” Aºne *rees car. ºzhe Pºrces 67tarº Heawandoa fºod, fro/ º - T J R & E Basseinº *alsetter a tº hen. No º E º: º º º hºtº º British statute Mºdes 69-16-1 Pegree 50 2. tºo 320 Railways pº Telegraphs º * ºs º tºº. Tº: º combarnere B. - º Ramſ sº cº Fºr tº: J. "| N. Andaman interview tº in all An dia º Andaman sº: S. Andamanl ! laur Island sº ... tº Lit. Aud manº —|| 10 The Fäſſºurg, Geographi cal Institute Longitude East 80 of Greenwich - - John Bartholomew & Co. - - ***------- --~~~- Hauſ, ibes ºf * 24. 20 16 16 - s º % ** 3. §§ -- --- | Preparis North chan. * 3: * I. Preparis 1.2 *e traºdi & º . & Karaº Tº . Preparis south channel º Mºs - in - - Kab Little - Great coco 1. Pachime Lanaº.” * * Tavoy North Andaman intº * Tavoy º Caboosas . Mid-A - - 12 - - - M ui - South * - Archipelage - N.Y. - º º - Pºlozzicer - .." - - *::::: * - ºf P: ..º. ºntina - - - Pºłº - - Clarai. … Ceicer º - "...rea - Suivnº | C-head - demier sandy P* . ." - - *hºrºugh * : Kohºng -cºatswick L. - Ten Degree channel sº Pulo Wate. Davis tº º N D I A N. - - Chance L- - - - dººr Nicobar Middler. Pulo Tugang. *... Coral - * WTillanchong -- - 8 BAR Str. s cCoral - ºombrero channel - Prºjah, P Little Nicobar ºrai. r *Georgescharmº - pºone: O C Greatnicobar ------- - E A. N - - r - *~, B. * P P. ladassº & Pulo old. 4. Anambaiºt 3. Natum Islands º, ºr + ºuba - English Miles "ſº Jimad. - º o -o a --> so 1-o tºo 2. - ºn gil . . . ." Railways thus – Pernana - 1. *Sibou-1. Pt 1. - 92 - 86 100 Longitude East of Greenwich * = Tºm Bºº gh Geographical Institute - - - - - - -- - - do º aeºruolo prºgunor ſºgaeua, jo got ºsmaet ºpnaeuo'r TĂȚÑOEī£ * ſº ººrwa ºuvri … laeuae: 001 ----|()-*º.…-|-ſae;!, ·ſtºr?ſae |-ſae,ſaeRțºſ,ſae;ſae},: ſ!) № Fºſſº),ſiſ;!!!| |(~~~~¿fºtºjº | !,,,,,,,, §“|- : ~ Q \,\! -|-)---- - |- |-|-|-|-……………■ _-ſae~~~~.………………..- ----·- ~~~~ -..-…)----***(),ſae:|----…-…:…,ſaeuae· - | _ - _ … !-| __,--|-. . . .----№.-|- |-ſae…!------ …----..……|-|-|-- - …..tittaet,!7!! ;ºpuruae| …, … ·|- |-ſ.----·----|--- | _… ·ti·i·---··· -_!!!|- |-•ı,----ſaeuaeriºts|-ſ."………………|-ſ.… . . …ſae - |-. . . . . .---- ·|-|- |-!|-|- |-) .·|--ºtaceae·|-|-ºººººººººº… (…), „(….…...….--------…) …|-----|-…,|-|------|-|-(-:|-ſººſºv,-(………….…. ----|-----|-- …·-------·!!!!!!!!!!!|---------|-ſae------- ----|--|-- |--------…|-,-|-|----------- |-|-|-|------ |-|- :|-- -|--|-ſae|-ſuae tu (trae…|×××………”H------ |-|-----. . . .|-|--- .|-|-:I ſtaerae.--------- |-* ……!!!ſae.· ſae|--~~~~ ·:: | …,ſae|-|-, !ſiae!---…: ----ſae.|- --~~~~);----__- - ----∞ √|-----·|- |------ __,----|-… :( :( . )|-|-|-|- -------- |-…ſae…\!\ -- |-· ·T·! !!----·- li …- -|-|---------- -----…………·|-|-|- !:------|-. . . .~~~~|-ſae-----|-……ı)----|- …---- .----|--… :~ ael,…----|-|-|-º :|-- ---- ----aeſ «(.. caeae-----…:----|-!!!!!!!·----……:-)|-|-|-|- |-! -..……-:) --- …:…_.--~~~~!)·- ()-·----·----. . . ._Tºtºſº: :-)----5|-|- …-…|-|-------|------·· · · -_ _|------ -------- ----ſ·!,º.....…! --~~~~ ~… --|-·----| || …ae| ……|-|- |--.… …………----….……. ----|------ ---- ºlaeth…·…_-_ae|---pirae…….ſaeu! -----|-----…|- -- --~.-----:-----ſae| ''----~ |-·- .-|-|×-) ----ae.|-|-·|-·"… --….…… …- ſ. |× ºes. © |*№. __ <> º ſºſ. |× ±%ºgſae; v = −2,(…){!“,J.S|- \, ſvillas, ſae ſººſ ſ. |- Two / Bay of Biscay A T L A N T Ust Urt Rºss TU AsSIA * A . . Adalia º --- - w Almería. |º & º º ºuta i ---it - cTeheran -º-º-º: *E Madeira I; - Portosanto Madeirae, º ºigerians. jº - Hajjia º: Mºgadº cº º * - - MºR. Tº º - - "...chirº - --- Ab º ºf Flºoteae L * ºſariidañº º Tafilet º - ºf - - - - *Ispahan * * * * * * | | HE I / T ſ |- º - - ºnaria -" - - º º i. - - a 9- Cºadº - - o Dekºnd Ig di Rufra Oases - --- || º aw. Garnetº, º Desert …” º ºr. krº A */ L i - 2/. * | - A Gatrº Retabo - º Tropic of Cancer - - º * A …” \tº bestiº * Taos º __ º - º *Arawan. - - * … *. ox. 5 - ºf Tüttellust Bilma º ºs i * * --- * º lſº \ Si Ş. 9. h ºl, y - Kºº, sºlours º º, - … - - Matamº ºs Isº ºverd - - : A * ~ * - º \sºga MBIA ºdific “. . sassºgi Jºſ i - Maradi º & - - - - - - i. - º º &ombº - - - #. - Hºº A R RA º º - º, tº -- º - * - º sº | º *…*Arreº | ºt º *...* Diasso rºtossi: - - -- * -ººrººº- º: - \ººtºutºfana. - - º º º s º º > * *º gº º OF GUINEA.º.º.º. Princesſº Lorisco tº M5. gola. - Aruwimi Stax --- all-station º º º *niº ſatumiba, --- - …-Nzi - º C O N G. O. *... dºn - .S. sette& lº O Mayurt --- º º, Ç s T Air Eºssº º - *Manvuema. 2, - res-Salaam | N ºf N D I A N |-- ºld Kilwa º - - ABec al 㺠a ri BRITISH --- pº. all ºf ºa - - - º - - Protectº *Vr - º . . . . . . . - / - \ º 10 \,..., of O Greenwich V LO 20 - | 3O Longitude East 40 of e. 50 / *--- -= The Edinburgh Geographical Institute - - Jºhn Eartholomew & Cº. 38 39 - 25 so 55 - 4-0 - T M E D I T E -R R A N E A N S E A || | allºr - & atteorº ſº ºwſ, º \ f th | *** * * ~ 2. tº gº - a t h = * * * : , ..…" ** º *- -> 3. - - º - ----- - Rosata a M. o Burlos ** w * * * --- º-º -- ****** d - - ** * * * * * * - ºf El Hame º º | * : * ~~ - - * - --- *sº - º *~ - #4%. , sº SAID º, ; ; - ſº - - º * 3oz. A by a n Pl a team - Peº R: - º - beer- , RºzºFºzzº º - .9asis of ºººººººoo. º e . - Birkºfelikºw, º --- Faºlº #sº º º Tº - - ſº, tº- Setra" e - © ar. Bela wº ºs º - "I'd *- ºº i º elf, a. renº e/. Sio N º º § - - --- ºzºan...?? 2. ºnnesa. - - | el Kasr. . ubbo ; º º A. A tº J.Mukhtāb $º ake Tinsah ºn 5 MIDI}L, Nº ATeboºk -ºr- - º º intenºs º * - * º erapeum c S- - - º º 'º. * & Bither ºf - - º ºvel - ºut-- -º-º: § "º * {\. ** º - ſº Manſº sºn Sº - - - ſiriš º º - - ºw. - º- ºilih A- UEZºº awarenamººkane - ---Tº- - ----- s Tº: º \ S | § º |n el Kas - - , ºr º: - ". s Palat "... º | ºs ºvernº - Ş. - G. of Suez - - * i. º - - ºr. - - 25 p: ~ º º §§ P As fod § - º * - *arketin Bºyar,Nasif RED SE -- * - or Gºons ºncº wi-dan- Nº * * - r. Berys' Eºfºo ºn Triºsºnºr" ". . -- # \I. C.Bgreedy olei - - ºz., º … Tropic or Cancer mass *. - a \ ºth . - *... \ s.…” As ert Hºareer Beni Khelb Letan y 7 o hit r Beni i. creatººshman \ anº **s r * nº ºal gº 9. **** * **ś - * + ºstrone Berg *— . - a.ilip sº sº - º º º Nº. §§ - *º- * ºf Röſ, ** º \ NQRTH º "ºº-ºº! N. ££º Gro ene CAPE ºol,0NY, NATAſ, sº "RANSWAAA. Englia-Miles - 34. d-ºº-ºo-ºº- ºo - Robbeº.” cape town ºrable hº _-ºrantzºſº - - Simonºtº ** º - 54 - º S. C. cape of GoodHope s tº º *s º | º - 18 ~ Agnihº's 22 Longitude East 26 from Greenwich 50 - ** - - - -- - Jºhn Bertholomew & Co. º - South b º º 3o * --> exi - - º *Nº, - º § § - --- º, ... * -º-Lº- - - - .. * {^ ºn º -wº º Sierº #. Bo ºn - º --- ^ Majima º º- - º g - º º ºleMºº - Cººliº Salºuš º- - D Y. Saladº, º ºn * º ºf…azºº. -x. smille º-º. * - º ºccas' º X J. º ºn' - 4. . - - ...Yºuán: º Revilla º 7 cº,- so s | C. corro º - - a ************ * - - - * - 4 : AMERICA English Miles adā`350-355THº-5bo Kilometres — - - - -º-º: º -zºo sºld coo lººd Longitude West 100 of Greenwich. 90 80 - - —l The T Geographical Institute ºooº »ºtroportſ-reg trųor 09!“*****… uººae uro, 06 tºº,ºprºzºwo 7’ V - :…:((( T’º, •æraerºzºrnºux V (I V NI V O"…, ſo NoI NIINoct ș” šºſ; ș,|-¿· ،ºº! ! ſ. ":ſaevºſ. ſº”; ſiſäänö,1) |------- ………… ſe, º..….|- |- F-J±%ĢĒ,ſaeuºpºſ. Ķ_%,".…º.ſ. ſºº!”-*(),ſuae ^ · ∞º----fort,\, ·×~\.aeviiſ ºn! -..……***is „ a º|×s \;#” , |-„puºdºſº,*·| e.r.l.mnº!:}…adºrsº| \_…--~~~~ To s aſ al H. ||æraeumbwaer, |- ----!***** gº|| __,ſae |:ºz.ſaeſº,|-§§ |-|-ºff';ºrºſ, º zae|-ſí· ***)………. *',№.*…;- Tºº ’, %> | ºſae � 08 -swer \ £ake Ontar” - - seal L: "º DOMINION OF Gulf of Maine (G A N A D A (EASTERN PROVINCES) English Miles =22 so ---> ---> , a bra d'or P e inli DO ION OF W. *.. Fez Ro CC 0 emarocco Cape - - - - Timbuctu | st s s ºf ºlº, NORTHATLANTIL 3. º, S.S. º - wº- SKETCH CHART OF THE - *. º - - on MERCATORS PROJECTION soo - 50 40 \\ } ºsº ſaevae ſaesº: UNITED STATES, English. Miles ·:·, |- | 115(S. Luke PotosiLongitude west 95 from Greenwich The Edinburgh Geographical Institute Blan ºrsºs...} “lºos iſ scaii ºwen.” Alu Sºrºrº. º º - ºsºgººsane. º i * Quif ºn? ſº S.Fernando F - - ºpºſºrator º Hidrº. *Santºn 2%rridae. Hanaº as Nº. ſ Aſ E. I. B. A. H. A. M. A. & garatasca. 1.agoon. --> - º earin * º *ew - - Éoruba, ºrd Isles º * Cup * Buen Ayre *c. º Quana. narebo Los Ro º *" --tº- tº sºs sºspºº, º º - ºut. mºtº º ſ º º º ragual. - º º N } & Tropic or cancer º deta Espiritu Saº west INDIE's & CENTRAL AMERICA. fººd . ºatia'idad Bank: Blºw ARD I* ºn CARIBEE S. f.es sa -- º º: º: - * - M* ". - Pºsº sº- WIND WARD Iš - º on Sº" CARIBE Brenaminº - ºut- º nut. Aves Is . John Bartholomew & Co. - 80 C A R T B B E A S E A. - s: Vincent; sharbadoes #. *Grenadines 4×e Lºs Lanºs . Grenada. fos Roques “ lanquilla -> - of the Orinoco Malpelo I. CºAgujaº - Salvador (Bahia, “ Seguro Caravellas Abrolhos Doce Trºpic of Capricorn A T L | A N T I C Masafuera's #º I Longitude West 50 of Gree, ch - 2'- - - John Bartholomew & Co 95 100 135 14-0 145, 150 Lºlº, - * fº º 3. º * 2: . ri - * Asuncon. aty | ". MARLAN NE ºn Almagum or LADR on E ...- | | rºnº. F' I #;" C ISLANDS aSeypan (Sp anish) *Rota, shºre" - - / Anson, * I A c Earlſø). | Faisºmºny * C. A. R O L I N E - I S. L. -- P Palaos) *Ngoli, (śī. - … - elew amish .9%abelihuap P . ..&Andrew I - "Currentſ. tº- a ic E. | Lord Marthr Equator ||o -- sºfadºgs|| ; : Admiralty tº º Y Pada. - - - º's . - --- - - - ------ - -- - - * tº º - * sº a. is marck * º ºn * : E & lº ºri ‘i ºi...ºlaar. ** : *º-, - Scºtten B J. A. va º &Acu. º I § D * sº .*.* º *gaº Roºg º baba &rºr, " . k - 2- *; 5. Tºmor-Laut Fredº 2. * *š Zºſimorlaut |*. --- marianu" Hºwzzarzuz T-i- | *#".gx. & Serºa -> º 5* º A R A r ºr R A s E A sº. -- - Forrºrs: : - - on-e- - Aſſessel If - t EAST INDIAN ARCHIPFLAGO English Miles 5-HåøTºº-º-º-Fºº-ºo º: Gulf of **one ºf Carpentaria. * * - - | | *. ºn Friº” ºf - …” - lºosal. * *.…nº.º.º.". º | - º . º | -low-lardines - - *: - P Wºla - º arguon i- - - - war-ve- - Zº de Pºtarº º * | : - - 2d º - - º | - * * Marianne or * TT º-. º &eypan. - º Alligator - ... Gaspar Riº i. ſ "… - / ...--" --- *, *... | - i. º - - ** º - & - 2. º º - - - --" |- - f - - º * *. 10. 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South Australia, Northern Territory, on M“Kinley miles from Palmerston. S. Wales, estuary of Illoughor and Amman Rivers. manuf. th: Rhenish Prussia, 6 m. S. Solingen. P. 6828. tshp. and vil. Engl., S.W. Lancash., 3% in. N. Ormskirk. P. 2290; remains of priory. [P. 651. Bursledon, par., and vil. Engl., S. Hants, 43 m. SE. Southampton. Burslem, mun. bor. Engl., N. Staffordsh., within the parl. bor. of Hanley, 20 m. NE. Stafford, 149 m. NW. London. P. 26,522. 3Bursztyn, the Galicia, on the Lippe, 20 m. SW. Brzezany. P. 3953. Burton, vil. New Brunswick, Sunbury co., on St. John R. P. 1677. 3Burton in Kendal, th Engl., S. Westmorland. P. 675. Burton-upon-Stather, par.,and vil. Engl., N. Lincolnsh. P. 971. Burton-upon-Trent, mun. bor. E. Stafford and Derby, on R. Trent, 11 m. SW. Derby. P. 39,288. Brewing of ale is the staple industry; average annual business done 4,7,000,000. Burträsk, tin. Sweden, Westerbotten län, 50 m. NNE. Umea. P. 6709. Burtscheid, th: Prussia, S.E. Sub. of Aix-la-Chapelle. P. 12,139. . Buru or Buro, isl. Molucca grp., W. Ceram and Amboyna, belonging to Dutch. P. 94,000 [P. 1675 - / b- Burum or Boerum, vil. Netherlands, Friesland, 11 m. SE. Dokkum. Burwash, par. and vil. Engl., E. Sussex, 8 m. NW. Battle. P. 2285. Burwha, th: Soudan, Bornu, W. shore Lake Chad. P. 5000. 3Burwell, par. and vil. Engl., Cambridge, 4 m. SE. Newmarket. P. 1949. 3urwood, th N. S. Wales, suburb, and 2 m. ſrom Newcastle. P. 1500. 3urwood, post vil. Victoria, co. Bourke, 9 m. E. Melbourne. P. 106. 3urwood, vil. N. S. Wales, 63 m. by rail W. Sydney. P. 1000. Bury, parl, and mun. bor, lingl., 11 m. NW. Manchester, 195 m. NW. London by rail. . P. 53,240. It returns one member to Parliament. Staple industry is cotton manuf., but other industries are exten- sively pursued. 3ury § Edmunds, parl. and mun; bor. Engl., Suſſolk, on R. Lark, 34 m. E. Newmarket, 78 m. NE. London by rail.., P., 16, III. Teturns one member to Parliament. Manuf. agricultural imple- ments, and has great trade in agricultural produce. Burzet, tm. France, dep, Ardèche, 14 m. N. Largentière. P. 2608. Busachi, th: Sardinia, II m. NE. Oristano. P. 2237. Büsbach, vil. Rhenish Prussia, 6 m. E. of Aix-la-Chapelle. P. 1840. Busby, the Scot., 7 m, S. Glasgow by rail, on R. White Cart. P. 2155. Busca, tin. Italy, Piedmont, 9 m. NW. Coni. P. 9338. Buseo, th: Roumania, in Wallachia, 60 m. NE. Bucharest. P. 12,000. Bushire or Abu-Shehr, spt. Persia, on Persian Gulf. Lat. 29° N. It has a large trade with India. mk...tn. Irel.., N. Co. Antrim, 5 m. E. Portrush. P. Irog. Illinois, M'Donough co., 20 m. S. Galesburg. P. 2737. Clarence Strait, NW, cst. America, 56° 17' N., 132°42' W. a royal park, Engl., Middlesex, on R. Thames, IIIoacres. , vil. France, dep. Nord, 12 m. SE. Cambrai. P. 3086. tn. Galicia, on R. Bug, 32 m. ENE. Lemberg. P. 5800. amt, Norway, in Christiania Stift. Area, 5740 sq. m. Caps. and Kongsberg. P. Io2,186. Bussang, vil. France, dep. Vosges, on R. Moselle. P. 2409. Busselton or Vasse, th cap. Vasse Dist. W. Australia, 144 m. from Busserach, vil, Switz., cant, and 15 m. N. Soleure P. 662. [Perth. Busserolles, vil. France, dep, Dordogne, 10 m. N. Nontron. P. 1946. Russeron, tshp. Indiana, U.S., Knox co., 45 m. S. Terre Haute. P. 1864. Busseto, th Italy, on the Ongina, 17 m. N.W. Parma. P. 8373. £ussière Dunoise, th France, dep. Creuse, 73 m, NW. Guérêt, P. 2196. Bussnang, vil. Switz., cant. Thurgau, on 1. b. of R. Thur. P. 2122, £ussolengo, vil. Italy, 9 m. WNW. Verona. P. 3337. Bussoleno, th Italy, 5 m. by ry. E. Susa, on the Döra. P. 368I. Bussorah, Turkey. See Bassorah. £ustard Bay, E, cSt. Australia, in lat. 24°4′ S., lon. 151°50' E. Bustleton, vil. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia co., on Pennypack Creek. £ustº Arsizio, th: N. Italy, prov, and 20 m. NW. Milan. P. 13,500. £ºsuluk, ft. tº Russia, göv. Samara, on Busuiuk R. P. I5,000. Büsum, Spt: Prussia, Holstein, on N. Sea. P. 1971. £ušvagon, isl. Philippine Isls., 50 m. SW. Mindoro, 50 m. long. Butan, State, India. See Bhutan. [P. 7656. £ºnà, tº Punjab. Rohtak Dist., on branch of w. Jumnà &#. Bute, isl. Scot. in Firth of Clyde, forming part of Buteshire; 16 m. long, 3 to 5 broad. P. 10,998. Rothesay is the chief tin. Buteshire, insular CQ.. Scot, in Firth of Çlyde, comprising Arran, Bute, Great and Little Cumbrae, etc. Area, 218 sq. m. P. 17,657. ..., C2, ºn; Rothesay. It returns one member to parliament. 3ute Inlet, a great bay, Brit. Columbia. flat. 59° 30' N. ; lon. 125° W. £uţºra, th: Sicily, prov. Caltanisetta, 8 m. NNW. Šerranova." p. GIIo. £uti, the Italy, Tuscany, 9% m. E. Pisa. P. 52.74. [P. 2107. Butler, vil. Illinois, U.S., Montgomery Co., 8 m. E. Litchfield. £uffler, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 166 m. W. Pört Arthur. Butler, th: Pennsylvania, U.S., cap. of B. Co., 26 m. N. Pittsburg. £ütow, th: Prussia, Pomerania, 53 m. E. Cosſin.” p. 4952. [2. 333. £utrinto, cSt. tin. Turkey, oppoſite Corfu. jº. 3OCO. Butschatsch. See Buczacz. £ušchowitz or Buczowic, th: Moravia, 18 m. E. Drünn. P. 2:00. Butt of Jewis, prom. Scot., N. end of Lewis, Ross; with lightliousc. Dutte City, mining vil. Montana, United States, Deer iodge Co.. 65 miles south of Helena. P. 3 63. - • , \'S Butterley, ºy: Sta. and coal and iron works, Engl., 10 m. NE. Derby. Buttermere, tshp., vil., and lake, Engl., W. Cumberland. p. I27. The ake is 13 m. long, à m. broad. Åit. 247 ft. above sea-level. #ºwºrth, tshp. Engl., SE. Lancashire, Rochdale par. P. 84 II. £uttes, vil. Switz., cant. and 19 m. SW. Neufchâtel. P. 1433. [tn. 1409. #ºnt, mkt._tn, and par. Irel., N. co, and 27 m.N. Cork. P. 2695; #.º.º. Jºy, in Piedmont, 16 in. Ny.'Asti. "Pºé.” ‘’’’ Butfisholz, vil. Switz., cant. and 11 m. Nºw. Lucerne. P. rºzo Buttstädt, the Germany, Saxe-Weimar, Irm. NNiš. Weimar. jº. 260: #####; Fº gov, Voronesh. P. 21,694. • I’. 2091. tºyin.9r. Buttzen, th Hungary, co. . NIE. P. o Butz, vil, Switz., cant, Aargº, y; sº NIE, Arad. P. 2769. Butzbach, the Germany, in Hessen, 11 m. S. Giessen. P.,2833. Bützow, th: Germany, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 18 m. SW. Rostock. Buxar, th India. See Baixar. [P. 5323. Buxtehude, th; Prussia, Hanover, 13 m. SE. Stade. P. 3613. Buxton, watering-place and mkt. tin. Engl., Co. and 36 m. NW. Derby, 163 m. NW. London by rail. P. 6025. Alt. IOoo ft. Buxton, tshp. Maine, U.S., York co., 15 m. W. Portland. P. 2546. Buxton, pastoral dist. Victoria, co. Anglesey, 60 m. NE. Melbourne. Buxy, th France, Saône-et-Loire, 9 m. SW. Châlons. P. 2952. [P. Ioo. Buyukdere or Bujukdere, th: Turkey, on W. shore of Bosphorus, Iom. N. by E. Constantinople. • ,, . [P. 5189. Buzançais, th France, Indre, on R. Indre, 13 m. NW. Chateauroux. Buzen or Bizen, prov. Japan, N. Kiu-Siu Isl. P. 331,873. Buzzard's Bay, Massachusetts, U.S., inlet of Atlantic Ocean. Bwangata, dist. Congo Free State, on Congo R. Bwlch Oerddrws, mt, pass, Wales, Dinas Mowddwy to Dolgelly. Bwlch Tyddiad, pass, Wales, on road, Harlech to Llanbedr. Bwlch-y-Ddeufaen, mt. pass, Wales, between Caerhun and Aber. Byaduk, post vil, Victoria, co. Normanby, 15 m. from Hamilton. Byam Martins, isl. Pacific Ocean, Low Archipelago, - Byers Green, tshp. and ry. sta. Ingl., South Durham, 53 m. N. of Bishop Auckland. P. 2452. Bykund, ruined city, Turkestan, 23 m. S.W. Bokhara. Byfleet, par. and vil. Engl., W. Surrey, 8 m. NE. Guildford. P. 1261. Byng Inlet, vil. Ontario, Algoma Dist., W. shore of Georgian B. Byrock, vil. N. S. Wales, on rail. 455 m. W. Sydney...P. 200. . Byron, vil. Michigan, U.S., Shiawassee co., 60 m. NW. Detroit. P. 600. Byron's Bay, on E. cst. Labrador, N. America. Lat. 54° 40' N. Byron's Isl., in Gilbert Isls., Pacific Ocean, 1° 18' S., 177°20' E. Çaacaty, th Argentina, prov. and 77 m. S. Corrientes, P. 4000. Cabaça, th: Africa, Lower Guinea. Lat. 6° S. ; lon. II° 30' E. Qabagan, th: Philippine Isls., in N, extreme of Luzon Isl., P. 12,Coo. Caballos or Port Cortez, tin. Honduras, on N. CŞt. 56 m. N. Santiago. Cabanes, th: Spain, 12 m. NE. Castellon de la Plana. P 30.8. Cabatuan, the Philippine Isls., in Panay Isl. P. 20,216. CabaZera, tin. Philippine Isls., Isl. of Luzon. P. 29,057. Cabello, Puerto, spt. Venezuela, on Caribbean Sea. P. &cco. Cabenda. See kšiná. © - Cabes or Gabes, spt. Tunis, 200 m. S. of Tunis city. Cabes, Gulf of, inlet of Mediterranean, E. of Tunis. Cabeza del Buey, prov. and the Spain, 86 m. ESE. Badajos. P. 7451. Qabezas de San Jian, th Spain, 27 m. S. Seville. P. 4674... [P. 2443. Cabezon de la Sal, tin. Spain, prov. and 7 m. NE. Valladolid Cabezuela, th Spain, 16 m. NE. Placencia, on the Jerty. I’. 1792. Cabiao, th Philippine Isls. Luzon, NW. Manilla. P. 5000. Cable, La., spt. Algeria, 300 m. E. Algiers. P. 6270. Cabo Frio, spt. city, Brazil, NE. cape of same name. P. 5000. Cabool or Cáboul. See Kabul. Caboolture, post the Queensland, 31 m. N. Brisbane. P. of dist. 6783. Cabot, village, Vermont, United States, Washington county, 18 miles north-east of Montpelier. P. 1242. Cabot Strait, name of entrance to Gulf of St. Lawrence, between Newfoundland and Cape Breton Isl. Cabra, th Spain, 30 m. SSE. Cordova. P. 13,763. Has a college and Inormal school. - Cabra del Santo Cristo, th Spain, Andalusia, 28 m. SE. Jaen. P. 3503. Cabras, vil. Sardinia, 5 m. NW. Qristano. P. 4209. - Cabrera, isl. Balearic Isls., 9 m. S. Majorca, a place of exile. Cabriel, r. Spain, aſi. of Jucar, in New Castile, 130 m. long. Cabul. See Kabul. Caca, or Mapiri, r. Bolivia, prov. Larecaja. Cacagne, th: Senegambia, on l. b. Gambia R. ſmouth. Cacahitla, til. Mexico, prov. La Puebla, on Yopez R., 100 m. from Cacahuamilya, extensive and remarkable cave, near México city. Cagapaba, th: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, 150 m. SW. Porto Alegre. P. 3500; cattle-rearing district. Cacapon, r. W. Virginia, U.S., aff. of Potomac R., 130 m. long. Caccamo, th: Sicily, prov. and 18 m. SE. Palermo. P. 8344. Caccavone, the Italy, prov. Campobasso, 3 m. SW. Agnone. P. 245r. Cacceres, prov. Spain, in basin of Tagus. Area, 7569 sq. m. P. 323,474. Caceres, th cap. of above proy., 24 m. W. Trujillo. P. 14,204. Caceres, th: Colombia, State Antioquia, 110 m. N. Popayan. Caceres or Nueva Caceres, th Philippines, SE. cSt. Luzon. P. 12,000. Cachar,Dist. India, in Assam, 24°12' to 25°50' N., and 92°28' to 93°29. E. Area, 3750 sq. m. P. 313,858. Cap. Silchar. Tea and rice are grown extensively, also mustard, lińseed, etc. Øache, 1. Arkansas, U.S., aff, of White River at Clarendon; 230 m. Qache Creek, vil. California, Yolo Co., 12 m. W. Woodland. P. 3067. Cache la Poudre Creek, r. Colorado, U.S., aff. of S. Fork Platte R. Qacheo, Portuguese settlement, Senegambia, on Cacheo R. Cacheville, vil. California, U.S., Yolo co., on Pacific Ry. Gachimayo, r. Bolivia, aff. of the Pilcomayo River, 340 m. long. Qachoeira, th: Brazil, prov, and 60 m, N.W. Bahia. P. of dist.º.o.ooo. Cachoeira, th: Brazil, prov. Rio Grande do Sul, 220 m. NW. R. Grande. Cachoeira Grande, ft. th; Brazil, prov. Para, on R. Tocantins. P. Acco. Caconda, dist. and th: Benguela, Portugu. W. Africa, on Cotape R. gačongo, th; W. Africa, in Angola, 35 m. SE. Loango. [P. 33,000. Cagouma, vil. Quebec, Temiscouata co., on S. b. St. Lawrence R. Qadalen, th: France, dep. Tarn, 5 m. SE. Gaillac. P. 18; 3. [P, 643. Qadaques, the Spain, 32 m. NE. Gerona. P. 2361. Qadder, par. and vil. Scot. NW. Lanarksh., 5 m. N. Glasgow. P. 6963. Qaddo Lake, Texas, U.S., cos. Marion and Harrison, 20 m. long. Qadenef, th: France, dep. Vaucluse, 31 m. SE. Avignon. P. 2554. Qadereita, th Mexico, State and 42 m. E. Queretaro. P. 50cc. Qader Idris, Imt. Wales, S.W. Merionethshire, 2929 ft. Çağrousse, th: France, dep, Vaucluse, on the Rhone. P. 3164. Cadillac, th France, dep. Gironde, on the Garonne. P. 2839. Qadillac, vil. Michigan, U.S., Wexford co., on Clam Lake.” P. 2213. Çağiz, maritime prov. Spain, on Atlantic. Area, 2835 sq. m. P. 431,531. Cadiz, city and Špt., cap. of above prov., on Isl, of Léon, 66 n. Nºw. Gibraltar. P. 59,659; exports, sherry wine, salt, fruit, and cork. Çağiz, vil, Qhio, Harrisón Co., 22 m, N.W. Wheeling. P. 877. gadore or Pieve di Cadore, th N. Italy, 22 m. NE. Belluno. P. 3164. Cadsand, Qr Cassandria, island, Netherlands, at mouth of the West Scheldt. P. 1178, [P. 41,508. Qaen, city, Françë, cap, of dep, Calvados, 148 m. WNW, "Pāris. Caergwrle, parl, bor. and ry. sta., Flintsh., 5 m. NW. Wrexham. • 1039. It is one of the Flint Parliamentary Boroughs. Caerleon, th Monmouth, on R. Usk, 24 m. NE. Newport. P. Io99. Caerphilly, th; and ry. sta. Wales, Glamorgan, 7 m. N. Cardiff. Caer Wys, parliamentary borough, Wales, Flintshire, 73 m. E. St. Asaph. P. 604. . See Flint Boroughs. Caesarea or Kaisariah, Small haven, Palestine, 55 m, NNW. Jeru. gaffraria, a country of Africa. See Kaffraria. [Salem. Caffristan, a country of Asia. See Kafiristan. £agayan, prov, Philippines, at N, extremity of Luzon. P. 72,697. Cagayan, isl. Sulu Archipelago, NE. Borneo, belonging to Sultan of ulu. Area, 38 sq. m. Sls. Qagayanes, grp. of small isls, in Sulu Sea, belonging to the Philippine Qaggiano, th; Italy, prov. Salerno, 14 m. N. of Ijiano. P. 3539. Qagli, tin. Italy, in the Marches, 13 m. S. of Urbino. P. roſé04. Qagliari, city, cap. of Sardinia, on South coast. P. 39,312. Cagliari, province, Italy, comprising the Southern half of Sardinia. Area, 5256 sq. m. P. 419,972. Øagnano, th Italy, prov. and 25 m. NE. Foggia. P. 4186. Øagnano, th: Italy, prov. and 10 m. NW. Aquila. P. 3340. Qagnes, vil. France, dep. Var, 10 m. W. of Nice. P. 23:5. Qaguan, the Colombia, State Cundinamarca, 120 m. SSW. Dogota. Qaha Mts., Irel, cos. Cork and Kerry. Alt. 2249 ft. Cahabon, the Guatemala, 25 m. NE. of Coban. P. Gooo. Cahawba, r. Alabama, U.S., aff of Alabama R. at Cahawba. Qaher, mkt: th Tipperary, on R. Suir, 11 m. W. of Clonmel. P. 2469. £aherconiish, vil. Irel., Co. and 8 m, SE. Limerick. P. 46. Ca. nercomree, mt. Irel., co. ICerry, 8 m. SW. Tralee. Alt. 2796 ft. Qahersiveen, mkt. th: Irel.., co. Kerry, 3 m. NE. Valentia. P. 2003. Cahete or Villanova da Rainha, th: Brazil, 25 m. SE. Sabara. P. 65oo. Qahla or Kahle, vil. Saxe-Altenburg, 15 m. NE. Rudolstadt, P. 278r. Qahors, th France, cap. of dep. Lot, 66 m. N. Toulouse, p. I5,524. Qahuzac, vil. Franée, dep. Tarn, 12 m. NNW. Alby. P. I547. Caicos or Caycos, and Turk's Isls., grp. West India isis.' in S. of the Bahamas, subordinate to Jamaică. 778. £ailloma or Caylloma, thferu, cap. of C. prov., 85 m. NE. Arequipa. Saillou, Lake, Louisiana, U.S., 2 m. N. of Mexican Gulf. Saimanera, spt. Cuba, 15 m. by rail from Guantanamo. Cainsdorf, village of Germany in Saxony, circle of Zwickau. P. 3065; large iron and chemical works here. Cainsville or Cayuga Heights, vil. Ontario, Brant co., on Grand R. Cairnbulg, fishing Yil. Aberdeensh., 23 m, SE. Fraserburgh. P. 459. Cairney, Pär. and vil. Scot, Aberdeensh., 43 m. NW. Huntly. P. 1565. Qairneyhill, vil. Scot., Fife, 3 m. SW. Dunfermline. p. 325. Qairngorm, mt. Scot., bord. of Inverness and fanſ. Ali. 4284 ft. Cairn Ryan, spt. vil. Scot., Wigtownsh., on Loch Ryan. Cairns, spt. Queensland, co. Nares, 900 m, N.W. Brisbane. P. 15oo. Qairnsmore of Carsphairn, mt. Scotſ, N. Kirkcudbright. Alt. 2612 ft. Qairntoul, mt. Scot., SW, Aberdeensh. Alt. 4241 ft. Cairo (el Mas'r or Misr of the Egyptians, Arab. El Kochireh), cap. city of Egypt, near r. b. of Nile, 5 m. from the commencement ºf , the Delta. Lat. 30°2'4' N, ; lon. 31° 15' 367 E. P. 374,838, Cairo, th: Italy, 12 m. by rail WNW, Sávona. P. 4640, Cairo, city, Illinois, U.S., cap, of Alexander co., at conſtuence of Missis- sippi and Ohio Rivers, 180 m. below St. Louis. P. 9583. [tn. I867. çaistor, par, and th: Engl., N. Lincolnsh.,73 m. SE. Brigg. P. 2099; Caistor-next-Yarmouth, cst. par. and vil. Engl., Norfolk, 3 m. N. Yarmouth. P. 1572; in vicinity is a ruined castle. * Caithness-shire, most N. co. of the mainland of Scot., bounded N. by Pentland Firth, E. and SE. by N. Sea, and W. by Sutherland. Area,686 sq. m. , P. 38,865. Co. tin. Wick. It is mostly flat, and in the SW, mountainous. It returns I member to Parliament tn. Italy, 8 m. NE. Naples. P. 11,707. prov. and th: Peru, dep. Caxamarca. P. of prov. 19,000; city of Peru. See Caxamarca. [of th: 4128. tn. France, dep. Lot, 19 m. ENE. Cahors. P. 1942. [P. 6282. or. Gaiasso, th: Italy, prov. Caserta, 10 m. NE. Capua. (Old), or Cross River, r. Africa, Upper Guinea, falls into of Biafra by a wide estuary. New Calabar R. is a branch of the Niger Delta. - P. 6000. Calabozo, th: Venezuela, cap. of State Guarico, 185 m. S.W. Caracas, Calabria, div. or compartimento, Italy, forming the SW. extrem. of the mainland, and comprising provs. Cosenza, Catanzaro, and Reggio. ... It is traversed by the Apennines, and the valleys are very fertile. Area, 6663 sq. m. P. 3,304,980. Calabretto, tr. Italy, prov. Avellino, Iom. NE. Campagna. P. 3226. Calaceite, th; Spain, 75 m. NE. of Teruel. P. 2207. Qalahorra, city, Spain, 24 m. by rail SE. Logroño. P. 8134. Calais, th France, dep. Pas-de-Calais, on Strait of Döver, 20 m. ESE. of Dover. It is one of the chief ports of debarkation from England. P. 13,529. P. of the suburb of St. Pierre-lès-Calais, 33,290. Calais, city, Maine, U.S., Washington co., on St. Croix R. P. 6172. Calamata, th: Greece. See Kalamata. Calamianes Is., grp. Philippines, between Mindoro and Palawam. Calamo, isl, one of the Ionian Is., Greece. °, 17,041. Calamocha, th: Spain, 38 m, N. of Teruel. P. 1752. Calafias, th Spain, in Andalusia, 20 m. N. of Húčiva. P. 3252. Qalanda, th Spain, 62 m. NE. Teruel on C. R. P. 3658. Qalamma, th Italy, in Calabria, 7 m. NE. Reggio. P. 2284. Qalapan, th; Philippine Is., cap of Mindoro, on NE. cst. P. 25on. Calapooya R., Oregon, U.S., aff, of Willamette, from Cascadé Ra. Calasparra, th Spain, 40 m. NW. Murcia. P. 4907. Qalațabiano, the Sicily, 15 m. N. by E. of Aci Réaſe, P. 3682. - Qalafia Fimi, th: Sicily, prov. Trapani, 28 m. SW. Palermo. P. ro,964. Galaţa-Scibetta, th: Sicily, 46 m. W. Catania. P. 7220. Qalatayud, th; Spain, proy, and 55 m. by rail SW. Saragossa. P. 11,512. Qalayan, isl. Babuyan Isls., 60 m., N, of Luzon; 15 m. long. Qalga, prov.and tri. Peru, 22 m. NE. Cuzco. P. of prov. 13,940; of Qalbuco or El Fuerte, th; Chili, on cst. of Chiloe Isl. P. 2506. [th. 6815. Calcar or Kalkar, th: Rhenish Prussia, on R. Rhine. P. 2200. Calci, vil. Italy, on Monte Pisano, 53 m. E. of Pisa. P. 5544. Calcinaja, the Italy, 12 m. E. of Pisa, on R. Arno. P. 3819. Qalcinate, vil. Italy, 10 m. ESE. Bergamo. P. 2498. Qalcinato, th: Italy, 16 m. SE. Bergamo. P. 3566. Qalcken, th: Belgium, in E. Flanders, 8 m. E. of Ghent. P. 5360. Calcutta, city, metropolis of India, and cap. of Bengal prov., on 1. b. 9f R. Hugli, 89 m. above its mth. in Bay of Bengal. Lat. 22°34'2'' N.; lon. 88°23'59". E. P. 433,219, or with suburbs, including Howra on opposite side of r., 789,864. Its exports amount to an average of 33 millions sterling annually; in ports, 22 millions. The exports are opium, rice, oil-seeds, jute, tea, indigo, cotton and jute goods, hides and wheat; imports, cotton goods, pig-metals, cotton yarn, spirits, salt, woollen, metal, silk and linen goods. The Port of Calcutta, p. 28,200, extends Io m. along the Hugli. Caldas da Rainha, th Portugal, 58 m. N. of Lisbon. P. 2689. Qaldas de Mombuy, tm. Spain, 14 m. N. Barcelona. P. 3692. Caldas de Royes, th: Spain, prov. Galicia, 12 m. N. Pontevedra. P. 5878; thermal springs. Calder, th: Scot., N. Lanarksh., 2 m. SW. Airdrie. P. 2186. Qalder, r. Engl...aff of R.Aire, Lancash., and W. R. York, 45 m. long. Qalder, r, aff, of R. Ribble, NE. Lancash., 15 m. long. - Qalder, East, vii. 11 m. S.W. Edinburgh, on R. Almond. P. 734. Qalder, Mid, vil. II; m. S.W. Edinburgh. P. 657. Calder, West, th: 153 m. SW. Edinburgh. P. 229I. gºldera, port, Qosta Riga, on the Pacific, near head of G. of Nicoya. Qaldera, spt. Hayti, on S. cat., 50 m. SW. Santo Domingo. derā, śPt. Chili, prov, Atacama, 50 m. from Copiapo. P. 35co. derbank, vil, Scot., Lanarksh., 2 m. SE. Airdrie." P. I749. [P. 306. derCruix, vil, and ry, sta. Scot., NE. Lanarksh., 4 m. NE. Airdrie. geW, r, lºng!, aff, of R. Eden, W. Cumberland, 25 m. long. Qaldewgate, suburb of Carlisle, Éngl. P. I3,679. dier8, vil. Nº Italy, prov. and 8 m. by rail É. Verona. P. 3568. dwell, vil, New Jersey, U.S., Essex co., 9 m, NW. Nºark. P. 3.67. [S. end ºf L. George, 60 m. N. Albány. P. of tshp. 1267. Caldwell or Lake George, vil. New York, cap, of Warren CO., at Caldy, and St. Margaret, two isls. Engl., off SE, cst. Pembroke, separated from mainland by C. Sound. P. 89; lighthouse. ledon, mkt: tn. Irel, S. co. Tyrone, on R. Blackwater. P. 562. Caledonian Canal, ship canal, Scot., from Moray Firth to L. Linnhe. Caledon, vil. Cape Colony, 50 m. WSW. Zwellendam. P. 724. Caledon R., S. Africa, aft. of the Nu Gariep. Lat. 30° 18' S. Caledonia or Seneca, village, Ontario, Haldimand county, on Grand P. 1242. [P. 400. Corner, vil. Nova Scotia, Queens co., 38 m. SE. Annapolis. Springs, vil. Ontario, Prescott co., 72 m. W. Montreal. tn, Spain, 30 m. SE. Barcelona, on cst. P. 3536. vil. Corsica, 5 m. SE. Calvi. P. 2639. Spain, 8 m, SW. Talavera, near the Tagus. P. 3076. tn; Italy, 20 m. SSW. Parma. P. 3402. isl. Engl., at S.extremity of Isle of Man; 620 acres. tn. Canada, cap. Alberta Ter. on rail, 840 m. W. Winnipeg. Mills, township, South Carolina, Abbeville county, ſo ºn. ... of Augusta. P. 3170. Qali, th; Colombia, State Cauca, 70 m. N. by E. Popayan. P. of dist. Qalice di Vara., tm. Italy, prov, Massa-e-Carrara. i. 3425. [12,743. Qalicut, th and spt. India, Malabar Dist., Madras. É. 57,085. California, the most W. State of the U.S. of America, of the Pacific, bounded N. by Oregon, E. by Nevada and Arizona, S. by Lower Salifornia. Area, 158,360 sq. m. P. 864,694. Cap, Sacramento. It is, traversed by Sierra Nevada and the Coast Range, between which are the valleys of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, 500 m. long, and 70 m. broad, of great fertility and of salubrious climate. The mineral wealth of C. is very great, and includes the Precious metals. Agriculture in all its branches is the leading in. Slustry. San Francisco is the chief port and the terminus of the Union Pacific Rail. Other chief towns are, Oakland, Stockton, San Jose, and Los Angeles. California, Gulf of, west coast of Mexico, between peninsula of Lower California and the mainland. California, Lower or Old (Span. Baja, or Vieja. California), ter. of Mexico on W. cSt., formed of a peninsula lying N.W. to ŠE., 750 Im. long, tººlinating in Cape San Lucas. It is bounded on N. by the State of California, E. by the Gulf of California, and S. and W. by the Pacific Oc. Area, 61,544 sq. m. P. 30,198. Cap. La Paz. Calig or Calix, th: Spain, 38 m. NE. Castellon de la Plana. .P. 3426. Calimera, tn; Italy, 13% m. NW. Otranto. P. 3008. Calimere Point, low prom. India, the most Š. point of Coromandel 9|alingapatam, th: India. See Kalingapatam. [coast. Qalištoga, vil. California, Napa co., on rail. 66 m. N. San Francisco. Qalitri, the Italy, prov. Avellino, 7 m. ENE. Conza. p. 7242. Qalizzano, vil, Italy, on the Bormida, Am, SW. Cairo. P. 3016. Callac, th Francé, dep. Côtes-du-Nord, 37 m. WSW. St. Brieuc. ..P. 3147; trade in flour. [P. 3453, gallahan, vil. Florida, U.S., Nassau co., 20 m. NW. Jacksonvillé. çallan, mkt, th and pār. Ireſ., 13 m. SW. Kilkenny. P. of par. 3181. Qallana, th: Soudan, 450 m. SSE. Timbuctoo. ſtn. 1522. Callander, mkt, th and par. Scot., S.W. Perth, on R. Teith. P. 2167 ; Qallander, ry, sta, Canada, on C. P. Ry., 224 m. W. of Ottawa. Qallao, isl. of Cochin Chinā, lat. 15° 48' N. ; has a tin. on SW, shore. Qallao, ft. spt. and arsenal, Peru, &m. by rail W. Lima. P. 33,502. gallas, th: France, dep. Var, 5 m. NE. Draguignan. P. 1812. Qallawadda or Bismarck, tsiip. Victoria, Borung Co., 191 m. NW. Mel- Ca, enberg, vil. Saxony, dist. of Waldenburg. P. 1634. [bourne. ſº §g, vil. Saxony, near Lichtenstein. P. 2824. Callernish, vil. Scot., Lewis Isl., 16 m. W. Stornoway. Druidical circ. Çallewattà, R., Australia. Seei)arling. 9aſſiano, vil. Italy, prov. Alessandria, 2 m. sw. Casale. P. 3372. Gallicoon, tshp. New York, Sullivan Co., 20 m. NW. Monticello. P.2487. Gallies, tri. Puššía, 58 m. ESE. Stettin. P. 3603. Qalligray or Killigray, isl. Scot., Outer Hebrides, in Sound of Harris. Qallington or Kellington, mkt, tr. E. Cornwall." p. I925. Qalliope, gold-field, Queensland, co, Clinton, 329 m. NW. Brisbane, Qalloo, vil. Belgium, É. Flanders, on R. Scheiáč p. 3058. gallosa de Ensārria, th Spain, 26m. NE. Alicante. #. 4229. Qallosa de Segura, th Spain, 27 m. Šw. Alicante. P. 4203. Callundborg, TXenmark. See Kallundborg. Calmar, Sweden. See Kalmar. çalmeyer Isl., Java Sea, thrown up 1883, during eruption of Kra'zatau. Calmina, th Africa, in Dahomey, 15 m. SE. Abomey. P. 15,000. Qalmpthout, vil. Belgium, 12 m. by rail N. Antwerp. P. 3418. Calne, th and par. Fingl., Wilts, 6 m. SE. Chippenham. P. 5194; Calosso, vil, Italy, in Piedmont, if m. SSÉ. Asti.”?... [th.”. C. 2. a I4. CALATO THE CENTURY GAZETTE E R CAPE COLONY tn. and gold-field, Colombia, 50 m. NNE. Popayan. P. 4000. vil. California, Mendocino co., 110 m. WNW. Sacramento. tn. Ceylon, on cst., 93 m. N. of Colombo. P. 4500. [P. 807. and vil. Engl., E. Cornwall, 6 m. SW. Tavistock. vil. Sicily, Girgenti Prov., Sciacca Dist. P. 7264. [P. 65.17. city, Sicily, prov. and 32 m. SW. Catania. P. 28,119. ft. city, Sicily, 28 m. NE. Girgenti. P. 30,480. prov. Sicily, on S. CSt. Area, 1455 sq. m. P. 264,308. tn. Sicily, prov. and 38 m. SE. Palermo. P. 5 Ceylon, on W. cst., 26 m. SE. Colombo. [P. 97.40. ft. tin. France, dep. Rhône, on R. Saône, 3 m. NE. Lyons. tn. Michigan, U.S., Houghton co., 42 m. N. L'Anse. P. 8299. Isl., tm. Quebec, Pontiac co., on Ottawa R. P. 1269. tn. Italy, prov. Turin, 11 m. by rail S. Ivrea. P. 6450. dep. France, part of Normandy, on English Chan. Area, 2132 sq. m. P. 437,267. Cap. Caen. Calvary, vil. Wisconsin, U.S., co. and 13 m. E. Fond-du-Lac. Calvello, th: Italy, prov. and 12 m, S. Potenza. P. 4964. Calverley, par. and vil. Engl., York, partly in Bradford. P. 39,613; vil. Calvi, ft. spt. Corsica, on W. Cst. 38 m. WSW. Bastia. P. 2023. " Calvi, th Italy, prov. Caserta, 7% m. NNW. Capua. P. 3037. Calvia, th: Spain, isl. of Majorca, 6 m. W. Palma. P. 2577. Calvillo or Valle de Huajucar, th: Mexico, in Aguas Calientes. Calvinia, th: in N.W. Prov., Cape Colony. 11’. 72-5. Calvisson, the France, dep. Gard, Iom. SW. Nimes. P. 2508. Calvizzano, vil. Italy, 5 m. NW. Naples. P. 1993. Calw or Kalw, th: Würtemberg, on the Nagold, 30 m. S.W. Stuttgart. Calzada, th Spain, 15 m. S. by E. Ciudad Real. P. 4894. [P. 4632. Cam or Granta, r. Engl., Cambridge, aff. of Ouse, 3% m. above Ely. Camajore, th: Cent. Italy, II m. NW. Lucca. P. 17,070. Camamu, th:, isl., and bay, Brazil, prov. Bahia, 75 m. S.W. Bahia. Camana, th: Peru, cap of C. Prov., 60 m. SW. Arequipa. P. 4700. Camanche, vil. California, Calaveras co., 42 m. SE. Sacramento. Camaret, vil. France, in Finistère, 8 m. SW. Brest. P. 1933. Camargo, vil. Spain, prov. and 6 m. S. Santander. P. 3497. Camargo, th Mexico, State Tamaulipas. P. 2800. Camargue Isl., France, dep. Bouches-du-Rhône. Camaroons, r. W. Africa, Upper Guinea, enters Bight of Biafra. Camaroons Mts., lofty range, W. Africa. Lat: 4° 13' N.; alt. 11,000 ft. Camarota, vil. Italy, prov. Avellino, 7 m. WSW. Policastro. P. 3083. Camatagua, th: Venezuela, State Aragua, 50 m. S. Caracas. P. 5716. Cambay, feudatory state, India, Bombay Pres., at the head of Gulf of C. in W. part of Gujarat Prov. Area, 350 sq. m. P. 86,074. Cambay, chief th of above. Lat. 22° 18' 30' N. ; lon. 72° 40' E. Cambay Gulf, India, separates Kathiawar from Bombay CŞt. [P. 36,007. Camberwell, parl. bor. and par. Engl., in S. London. P. of par. 186,593; bor. (containing Penge).205,243. It returns 3 mem. to Parliament. Camberwell, post th: New S. Wales, co. Durham, 139 m. N. Sydney. Camberwell, suburb, and 5% m. E. Melbourne, Victoria. [P. of dist. 500. Cambewarra, post th: New S. Wales, co. Camden, Ice m. S. Sydney, on the Good Dog Creek. P. of dist. 550. Cambiano, vil. Italy, prov. and 9 m. by rail SE. Turin. P. 2606. Cambil, the Spain, prov. and 13 m. SSE. Jaen. P. 3787. [P. 1587. Cambo, watering-place, France, Basses Pyrenées, 9 m. SSE. Bayonne. Cambodia or Camboja, tu Siam, anc. cap. of C. on R. Mekong. Cambodia, kingdom and protectorate of France, in S. of Indo-Chinese Peninsula, having Siam on N. border, Annam on E., G. of Siam on the SW., and Lower or French Cochin China on SE. Area, 38,610 sq. m. , P., 1,500,000. Cap. Penompein. Its chief r. is the ekong, which is joined at the cap. by the great r, from the Tale Sab Lake. Chief products are, salt, cotton, gums, timber, tobacco, pepper, ginger and sugar. It is rich in metals. , Udong was the former cap. C. has extensive and splendid architectural remains. Cambodia or Camboja Point is the most S. point of French Cochin Cambodia or Camboja River. See Mekong. [China. Camboorie or Kamburi, th: Siam, 120 m. NNW. Bangkok. [Brisbane. Cambooya, post th and ry. sta. Queensland, Aubigny co., 124 m. SW. Camborne, mkt. tin. Engl., W. Cornwall, II m. SW. Truro. P. 13,601. Cambrai or Cambray, th: France, dep. Nord, on R. Scheldt, 32 m. by rail SSE. Lille. P. 23,448. It is famous for its cambrics. Cambria, vil. California, co. and 30 m. NW. San Luis Obispo. Cambria, th: Pennsylvania, Cambria Co., 77 m. E. Pittsburg. P. 2223. Cambria, vil. Quebec, Argenteuil Co., 9 m. W. St. Jerome. P. 700. Cambridge, parl. and mun., bor. Engl., co. th of C. shire, and seat of a great English University, on R. Cam, 56 m. N. London by rail. P. of parl, bor. 40,878; mun. bor. 35,363. The bor. returns I and the University 2 members to Parliament. [P. 2262. Cambridge, vil. Maryland, U.S., cap. Dorchester co., on Choptank R. Cambridge, city, Massachusetts, and semi-cap. of Middlesex Co. Separated from Boston by Charles R. Contains Harvard P. 52,669. See Cambridge Port and East Cambridge. tn. New Zealand, co. and on Waikato R. P. II.74. vil. Ohio, U.S., 24 m. ENE. Zanesville. P. 2883. vil. Vermont, 24 m. ENE. Burlington. P. 1750. or Sharp's Bridge, village Canada, prov. Nova Scotia, in , 7 miles from Kentville. , vil. Indiana, U.S., Wayne co., 15 m. W. Richmond. N.W. Australia. Lat. 14° 45′ S. P. 2370. part of city of Cambridge, Massachusetts. P. 27,274. inland co, England, bounded N. by Lincoln, E. and Suffolk, S. by Essex and Herts, W. by Bedford, and Northampton. Area, 820 Sq. m. , P., 185,594. The N. part includes the Isle of Ely and part of Bedford. Level, and is very fertile. The co, returns 3 members to Parliament. Co. th Cambridge. Other chief tins, are Ely, Wisbeach and New- market. Cambrils, spt. Spain, 8 m, SW. Tarragona. P. 2480. Cambus, vil, and ry. sta. Scot., Clackmannansh., 2 m. NW. Alloa. Cambusbarron, vil. Scot., co. and 1% m. SW. Stirling. P. II35. Cambuslang, tim, Lanarksh., near R. Clyde, 33 m. SE. Glasgow. P. 5538. Cambusnethan, vil. N. Lanarksh., near Wishaw. P. 1829. Cambyna, or Kabeina, isl. Malay Archipelago, 15 m. S. Celebes. Camden, vil. Arkansas, U.S., cap. of Ouachita Co. On O. R. P. 1502. Camden, vil. Maine, U.S., Knox Co., on Penobscot Bay. P. oftshp. 4512. Camden, vil, Missouri, U.S., Ray co., on Missouri R. P. oftshp. 3347. Camden, city and port of entry, New Jersey, U.S., cap. of Camden co., on Delaware R., opposite Philadelphia. P. 52,884. . [dist. 3564. Camden, tshp. New S. Wales, co. Camden, 40 m. SW, Sydney. P. of Camden East or Clark's Mills, vil. Ontario, Addington co. P. 5134. Camden Town, dist. in N. of London, Engl., with sta. on N. Lond. Ry. Camel, r. Engl., E. Cornwall, flows NW. 30 m. to Atlantic Ocean. Camelford, mkt. th Engl., E. Cornwall, 15% m. W. Launceston. Camelon, vil. Scot., E. Stirlingsh., forms part of Falkirk. P. 2014. Camelot, hill, Engl., Somerset, 5 m. ENE. Ilchester. Camel's Hump, peak, Vermont, U.S., on Green Mts. Alt. 4088 ſt. Camel's Hump, int. India, Malabar Dist. Madras Pres. Alt. 7677 ft. Camen, th Prussia, Westphalia, 8 m. by rail SW. Hamm. P. 4850. Camenz or Kamenz, th Saxony, 20 m. by rail NE. Dresden. P. 6406. Camerano, tr. Italy, prov. and 9 m. S. Ancona. P. 3821. Cameri, vil. Italy, in Piedmont, 4% m. NE. Novara. P. 5232. Camerino, city, Italy, prov. Macerata, 41 m. SW. Ancona. P. II,761. Camerlata, vil. Italy, prov. and 2 m. by rail S. Como. P. 2599. Cameron, vil. Missouri, Clinton co., 35 m. E. St. Joseph. P. 21.cg. Cameron, vil. Texas, cap. of Milan co., on Little R. P. 4873. Camerota, tm. Italy, prov. Salerno, 17 m. S. by E. Vallo. P. 3579. Cameta, th: Brazil, on the Tocantins, 85 m. SW. Para. P. 2000. Caminha, th: Portugal, on the Minho, 27 m. NW. Braga. P.3130. Camisano, th: Italy, prov. and 8% m. ESE. Vicenza. P. 4534. Cammarata, th Sicily, 36 m. by rail S.E. Palermo. P. 6225. [P. 568o. Cammin or Kamin, th Prussia, Pomerania, 38 m. NNE. Stettin. Camoghe, mt. Switz. cant. Ticino, 7 m. N. Lago di Lugano, 8800 ft. Camogli, tin. Italy, prov. and 18 m. by rail ESE. Genoa. P. 9137. Camolin, vil, and ry. sta. Irel., N. co. Wexford, 8 m. SW. Gorey. Camotes, grp. isls. Philippines, on W. cst, of Leyti Isl. [P. 416. Campagna, the S. Italy, prov. and 20 m. E. Salerno. . P. 6896. Campagna di Roma, old prov. Italy, extending along the W. CŞt. from Civita Vecchia to Astura and the Pontine Marshes, and in- land to Alban and Sabine Hills, 70 by 40 m. It abounds with and is malarious and unhealthy. tn. Italy, prov. and 15 m. NE. Grosseto. P. 5587. Italy, in Emilia, 12 m. NNE. Reggio. P. 3813. tn. dep. Hautes Pyrenees, on the Adour. P. 31.13. isl. . Co. of Patagonia. Lat. 48°30' S. ; 55 m. long. tn. Italy, prov. Cosenza, 7 m. SW. Cariati. P.2345. or Compana, Argentina, on R. Parana, 45 m. NW. Buenos tn. Spain, 37 m. ENE. Seville. P. 3964. [Ayres. tn. Spain, in Estremadura, 62 m. E. Badajos. P. 6653. city, Brazil, Minas Geraes, 15om. SW. Ouro Preto. P. 7ooo. div. or compartimento, Italy, comprises provs. Avellino, Caserta, Naples, and Salerno. Area, 6948 sq. m. S ry. sta. for Richmond, Tasmania, 273 m. from Hobart. tshp. Victoria, co. Rodney, 132 m. N. Melbourne. P. 500. tn. Colombia, State Boyaca, 45 m. W. Tunja. P. 5ooo. vil. Victoria, on Merrimerri Creek, Io m. N. Mel- bourne. Campbellford, vil. Ontario, Northumb. co., on R. Trent. P. 1418. Campbell Isl., in the Pacific Ocean, 450 m. S. New Zealand. 896. - post tim. S. Australia, co. Victoria, 148 m. N. Adelaide. P. 338. Campbell's Creek, post. th Victoria, co. Talbot, 81 m. NW. Mel- bourne. P. 660; gold-mining district. Campbellton, th: Néw Brunswick, Restigouche co., 16 m. West from Dalhousie. P. 600. ydney. P. 690. Campbelltown, tshp. New S. Wales, co. Cumberland, 34 m. SW. Qampbelltown, tshp. New Zealand, có. Southland, Otago. P. 503. Campbelltown, bush tShp. New Zealand, Manawatu, on the Oroua Downs Estate, prov. and 114 m. from Wellington. (Salm §§own, tshp. S. Australia, on R. Torrens. P. of dist. 1469. º { # Wn, tshp. Taşmania, Somerset, 91 m. N. Hobart. P. 948. rºl, II | own, fishing vil. Scot, Inverness, near Ft. George. P. 83I. Ca.m 2pe lville, vil. Ontario, Halton Co., 4 m. NW. Wellington Square. Campbeltown, parl, and royal bur, par., and spt. Scot. Kintyre, Argyll, 83 in. SW. Glasgow. P. of par. 9755; parl. bur. 7358; royal bur. 5070. It unites with Ayr, Irvine, inveraray and Oban in returning I mem. to Parliament. [NE. Gloucester. P. 1861. Campden of Chipping Campden, th: Engl, co, and 30 m. by rail Campeachy, Gulf of, part of G. of Mexico, W. of Yucatán. Campeachy or Campêche, th: México, cap. of State Campeachy, on ay, 90 m. SSW. Merida. Exports, logwood and wax; manufactures, cigars. P. 16,000. Campeachy, State, Mexico, includes part of Yucatan Peninsula. Area, Sq. m. P. 90,413. There are Imany ruined Indian ths. Co. th Hamden, Victoria, 123 m. SW. Melbourne. W. Suburb of Sydney, New S. Wales. P. 3000. [P. 1500. tn. Italy, prov. and 7 m. NW. Florence. P. 12,235. tn. Italy, 33 m. NW, of Grosseto. P. 6015. tobuey, th Spain, 40 m. SSE. Cuencă. P. 2800. tn. Spain, 33 m. NW. Malaga. P. 5656. or Kimpina, th: Roumania, 32 m. NW. Ploesti. P. 3065. Grande, th: Brazil, 80 m. W. Parahyba. P. 5000. , Brazil, 50 m. N. São Paulo. P. 7000. mkt, th Italy, 66 m. NE. Venice. P. 2086. Campli, th Italy, prov. and 5 m. N. Teramo. P. 8476. Camp Nelson, hamlet, Kentucky, on K. R., 8 m. S. Nicholasville. Campo, vil. SW, cst. Elba Isl., Italy. P. 2239. Canyº, ft. th: Italy, cap. of C. Prov. 53m. NE. Naples. P. 14,594. or Molise Prov, in Abruzzi and Molise. Aréa, 1778 sq. mi. Campo Bello, th S. Carolina, Spartanburg co. P. 378r. (P. 386,467. Campo Bello or Welsh Pool, port of entry, New Brunswick. P. 1160. Campobello, th: Sicily, prov. Trapani, 8 m. E. Mazzara. P. 7223. Campobello di Licata, th: Sicily, 15 m. N. Alicata. P. 7946. Campo de Criptana, th: Spain, 50 m. NE. Ciudad Real. P. 6586. Campo Freddo, th: Italy, prov. and 16 m. NW. Genoa. P. 3730. Campo Largo, th: Brazil, prov. Bahia, on R. Grande. P. 3000. Campolieto, th Italy, prov. and 8 m. NE. Campobasso. P. 2832. Campo Mayor, ft. tri. Portugal, in Alemtejo, 9 m. NE. Elvas. P. 5673. Campo Mayor, th: Brazil, prov, Piauhy, 145 m. NE. Oeiras. P. 6006. Campo Mayor de Quixera mobim, th: Brazil, prov. Ceara. P. 8000. Campo Reale, th: Sicily, Trapani, 12 m. SE. Alcamo. P. 5168. Campos, city, Brazil, prov. and 155 m. NE. Rio Janeiro. P. 18,000. Campos, tm. Majorca, 21 m. SE. Palma. P. 3981. Campo San Pietro, tin. Italy, 13 m. N. Padua. P. 3796. Qampoganto, tm. Italy, prov. Modena, SW. Finale. P. 3rró. Camp Point, vil. Illinois, U.S., Adams co., 21 m. NE. Quincy. P. 2102. Campsie, par. and vil. Scot., Stirling. P. 5873; Campsie Félls 1894 ft. Camt003 or Gamtoos, r. Cape Col. enters sea 20 m. S.W. Uitenhage. Camvelin, vil. Wales, W. Carmarthen, 53 m. NE. Narberth. Cana, ruined city, Palestine, 13 m. SE. Acre, near Nazareth. Qanaan, vil. New Hampshire, U.S., Grafton co. P. 1762. Canada (Dominion of), country of N. America, the most extensive of the British Colonies, is bounded on the S. by the United States and the great lakes, Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, and by part of St. Lawrence R., E. by the Atlantic, Davis Strait, and I3affin Bay, N. by the Arctic Ocean, and W. by the Pacific and U.S., ter. of Alaska. Its greatest breadth E. to W., is 2800 m., and from N. to S. over 2000 m. Area, 3,406,542 sq. m., not far short of that of Europe. P. (1881) 4,324,810. The E. cst. is indented by the G. of St. Lawrence, B. of Fundy, and by the great inland Sea, Hudson Bay. The country is characterised by vast lakes, rivers, and plains, but comparatively little mountainous land. The main rivers are the St. Lawrence, Nelson (with its feeders the Saskatchewan and Red), Mackenzie, Fraser, Columbia, and Yukon. The great lakes which occur nearly in line from NW. to SE. are Gt. Bear, Gt. Slave, Athabasca, and Wollaston in the Mackenzie basin, Deer, Winnipeg, Winnipegoses, Manitoba and L. of the Woods in the Nelson basin, and Superior, Huron, Erie and Ontario in that of the St. Lawrence. In the W. is the great system of the Rocky Mtns. The Laurentian range runs parallel with the R. St. Lawrence. The climate of C. generally varies between extreme heat in Summer and cold in winter, but is healthful and agreeable. Agriculture is the main source of wealth, the country containing Some of the finest wheat-growing regions in the world. Manitoba. and the NW. Territories alone are capable of supplying Europe with corn, C., is also a greatstock-rearing country. Fruit growing, forest productions, and the fisheries are also of great importance. Mineral riches, including coal and iron, are believed to be vast, but as yet imperfectly developed. Manufactures are chiefly confined to the E. provinces. Commerce is extensive, C. ranking fourth among the nations in the tonnage of her ships. The railway system is extensive, and is united with the Western cst. by the Canadian Pacific Rail. . . . - The Dominion was founded in 1867, according to Act of Imperial Parliament, by the union of the previously.distinct colonies of Canada (Up. and Ir.), New Brunswick, Brit. Columbia, Prince Iºward Isi, and Nova Scotia, and now comprises besides Manitoba, and the NW. Territories, Up. Canada, or C. West, and Ir. Canada, or C. East, are almost entirely in the basin of the St. Lawrence, and are now known as the provs. of Ontario and Quebec respectively. Newfoundland, with its dependency the Labrador Coast, has not, yet joined with the Dóminion. The government of C. is conducted under agoyºgeneral appointed by the Brit. Crown, assisted by a privy council. The goy: general appoints the chief magistrates (lieutenant-governors) of the provinces, each of which has its own ministry and legislature. The ëanadian Parliament (which sits at Ottawa, the cap.) consists of a senate (members named by the gov.-gen., and holding office for life) and a House of Commons, who are elected by the people. The most important tus. are Montreal, Toronto, Quebec, Halifax, Hamilton, Ottawa, St. John, etc. - Canada fake, lake, New York, Fulton co., 12 m. NW. Gloversville; Canaderaga fake, New York, its outlet joins to that of Otsego Lake. Canadian R, from New Mexico, Texas, and Indian Ter, to Arkansas R., 45 m. above Ft. Smith, 900 m. long. Canadice Lake, New York, Ontario co., 3 m. E. Hemlock Irakº. Canajoharie, vil. New York, Montgomery Co., on Mohawk R. P. 4294. Čanaidover, vil. Ohio, Tuscarawas co, and r. P.3293. Čanale, th Italy, in Piedmont, 24 m SE. Turin, P. 3890. Canales, th: Spain, 36 m. S. by W. Valencia. P. 3439. Čanamina or Čana, in. Africa, Dahomey, 12 m,S, Abomey. P.30,000 Čanandaigua, vil, New York, Ontario Co., on C. Lakº: , P.,573% §anandaigua'Lake, New York, 15 m, by 2 in...extºls N tº: Čananea, cst, th Brazil, prov. São Paulo. ..Lat: 35 S. P. 2000. Čanard, vii. Nova Scotia, King's co., at mth. of C. R. P. 1429. Canardiere, La, vil. Canada, near Quebec. . P.,509. - damaries of Canary Isls., grp. belonging to Spain, N., Atlantic Oc. off N.W. cst. of Africa, consisting of Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Črancanaria, Teneriffe, Gomera, Palma, and Hierro (Ferro). Area, 2847 sq. m. P. 304,326. Las Palmaş, in Gran Canaria, is thc cap. of the prov. of Çanarias. The W. Cst. of Africa, from Cape Banco to Cape Bojador is under the Governor of the Canary Isls. Cañavaral de Alconeta, vil. Spain, 23 m. N. Caceres. P. 1824. Cañagas, tm. Panama, dep. Veraguas. P. 4000. Čana. Verde, th Brazil, Minas Geraes, 12 m. from Tamandua. Čancaie, cst, th France, Ille-et-Vilaine, 8 m. ENE. St. Malo. P. 6523. Cancao or Kang-Kao, spt. French Cochin China, on G. of Siam. Cacellara, th Italy, prov. and 8 m. NE. Potenza. P. 3583. Candé, th: France, Maine-et-Loire, 11 m. SW. Segre. P. 2145. Candeish, dist. India. See Khandeish. Candela, th: Italy, prov. and 22 m. S. Foggia. P. 6544. Candelo, th New S. Wales, 14 m. SW. Bega. P. 300. Candelaria, th Argentina, prov. Corrientes, on the Parana. Candelaria, spt, th on E. Cst. of Teneriffe, Canaries. P. 2333- Candelario, th Spain, in Leon, 40 m. S. Salamanga. R. 2619- Candeleda, th Spain, Old Castile, 42 m. SW. Avila. P. 5000. Candelo, tri. Italy, 33 m. SE. Biella, on the Cervo. P. 2886. Candia, isl. Mediterranean. See Crete. o OP Čandia' or Megalo Kastron, city, Crete, on N. cst. Lon. 25° 8' E. Candia, th: Italy, in Piedmont, 26 m. S. Novara. P. 3091. [P. 13,000. Candon, th: Luzon, Philippines, prov. Hocos Sur. P. 20,588. Candy, th: Ceylon. See Kandy. Canea, spt. Crete. See Khanea. Camel, tr. Senegambia, 30 m. SE. Sedo. P. 6000. Camelas, mining th: Mexico, 110 m. NW. Durango. Camelli, th Italy, 13 m. SE. Asti. P. 5700, - Canelones, th: Uruguay, C. Dep. 20 m. N. Monte Video. P. 3000. Canet de Mar, cSt. th: Spain, 26 m. NE. Barcelona. P. 3297. Cañete, spt. N. Peru, dep, and 85 m. SE, Lima. - Cañete de las Torres, th Spain, 25 m, E. Cordova. P. 2334. Cañete-la-Huergina, th Spain, 27 m. E. Cuenca. P. 1840. Cañete-la-Real, th; Spain, 44 m. NW. Malaga. P. 4916. Caneva, Inkt, th N. ſtaly, prov. and 37 m. W. Udine. P. 5257. angallo, th: Peru, dep. and 150 m. W. Cuzco. Cangas, th: Spain, prov. and 15 m. SW. Pontevedra. P. 8654. Cangas de Onis, tin. Spain, prov. and 35 m. ESE. Oviedo. P. 9115. Cangas de Tineo, th Spain, prov. and 35 m. WSW. Oviedo. P. 22,212. Cangozima, th: Japan. See Kagoshima. Cangugu, th: Brazil, on C. R. prov. Rio Grande do Sul. P. 60co. Caniapuscaw or Koksoak, lake, Cent. Labrador, 70 m. long, thence issues r. of same name to Ungava B., Hudson Str. Canicatti, th: Sicily, prov. and 15 m. NE. Girgenti. P. 2C,785. Canigou, mt. France, Pyrenées, elev. 9137 ft., 24 m. SW. Perpignan. Caniles, th: Spain, 29 m. S.W. Granada. P. 5122. Canillas, th; Spain, 22 m. ENE. Malaga. P. 3228. Canino, the Italy, 20 m. WNW. Viterbó, has celebrated baths. P.2750. Canisteo, vil. New York, on C. River, Steuben co. P. 3694. Cañiza, La., tm. Spain, prov. and 24 m. SE. Pontevedra. Tº. 8050. Canmore, ry. Sta. Canada, on C. Pacific Ry., 906 m. W. Winnipeg. Canna, isl. Scot., Hebrides, Argyll, 12 m. SW. Skye. P. 57. Cannamore, spt. th: India, Malabar Dist., Madras, 11° 51° N. P. 26,386. Canne (anc, Ca.117ta), vil. Italy, prov. Bari, 8 m. WSW. Barletta. Cannelton, vil. Indiana, cap. of Perry co. on Ohio R. P. 1837. Cannelton, sta. W. Virginia, Fayette co., 27 m. above Charleston. Cannelton, vil. W. Virginia, Kanawha co. and river. Cannes, tm., winter resort, and spt. France, dep. Alpes-Maritimes, 22 south-west of Nice. P. 19,385. vil, Italy, Calabria, 8 m. N. Reggio. P. 2230. tn, Italy, 20 m. W. Mantua, on the Oglio. P. 3627. tn. Italy, 9 m. S. Bari. P. 3094. Creek, tin-mining locality, Queensland, in the Palmer Dist. vil. Ontario, Hastings co., 3 m. N. Belleville... P. 600. spt. Nova Scotia, King's co., Iom. NE. Kentville. P. 3260. post tshp. W. Australia, 12 m. from Perth. vil. Ontario, Ontario co., 59 m. NE. Toronto. P. 922. tn. W. Stafford, 125 m. NW. London. P. 17,125. - Falls, vil. Minnesota, U.S., 36 m. S. St. Paul. P. Io.46. tn. N. S. Wales, Gregory co., 330 m. NW. Sydney. P. 480. tn. Pennsylvania, Washington co., 22 m. S.W. Pittsburg. Würtemberg, on R. Neckar, 4 m. NE. Stuttgart. P. 18,031. Mineral springs in the vicinity. Canobio, tm. Italy, on W. shore, Lago Maggiore. P. 2839. Canonbie, par., vil., and ry. Sta. Scot., Dumfries, on R. Esk. P. 2723. Cañon City, Colorado, U.S., cap. of Fremont Co., on Arkansas R. Canosa, th Italy, prov. Bari, 13 m. S.W. Barletta. P. 18,656. [P. 1591. Canossă, th Italy, in Emilia, 11 miles South-West of Reggio, with ancient castle. P. 1529. [62° 38' W. Canouan, is]. W. Indies, in Grenadines, group. Lat. 12° 43' N. ; lon. Canowindra, tshp. New S. Wales, 20 in. from Cowra. P. 220 ; dist. 540. Camrobert or Ange Gardien, vil. Quebec, Rouville co. P. 347. Canso, spt. Nova Scotia, on Chedabucto Bay. P, II36. Canso, Cape, the SE. extremity of Nova Scotia. Canta, th: Peru, dep, and 50 m. NE. Lima. Čantabrian Mits., N. Spain, form a prolongation of Pyrenées, W.- ward to Cape Finistérre. Some summits attain ro,000 ft. Cantagallo, th: Brazil, 85 m. by rail NE. Rio Janeiro. P. 4000. Cantal, cent. dep. France, in S. Auvergne. Area, 2166 sq. m. P. 241,742. Cap. Aurillac ; surface mountainous; contains Plomb de Cantal, 6093 ft. in elevation. Cantalupo, th: Italy, prov. and 13 m. WSW. Campobasso. P. 2723. Canteleu, th: France, dep. Seine-Inférieure, 3 m. W. Rouen. P. 3528. Canterbury, city, parl, and mun, bor. Engl., E. Kent, on R. Stour, 62 m., S.E. London by rail. P. 21,704; has a fine cathedral. The Archbishop of C. is Primate of all England. C. returns 1 member to Parliament. Canterbury, vil. Connecticut, U.S., Windham co. P. 1272. Canterbury, post. and mun. dist. New S. Wales., on Cook's R., co. Cumberland, 6 m. S. Sydney. P. about 15,000. [Newburg. Canterbury or Čornwall, vil. and summer resort, New York, 5 m. S. Canterbury, provincial dist. New Zealand, in South Isl., having E. the Pacific Oc., N. Nelson, S. Otago, and W. Westland, from which it is separated by the Southern Alps. The E. parts form an immense plain, 200 m. in length. P. 118,850. Chief tins. Christ- church (the cap.), Lyttleton, Timaru, Kaiapoi and Akaroa. Cantiano, th: Italy, in the Marches, 20 m. S. Urbino. P. 3295. Cantillana, th: Spain, 18 m. N. Seville, on Guadalquivir. P. 5154. Cantin, Cape, W. CSt. Morocco. Lat. 32° 35' N, ; lon. 9°12' W. Cantire or Cantyre, Scot. See Kintyre. Canton (Chinese Sheng-Cheng), city and spt. China, cap. of prov. Quantung, on 1. b. of Canton or Pearl R. (Choo-kiang), about 70 m. from its mth. in China Sea. Lat. 23°6' 9" N. ; lon. 113° 15' E. P. I,600,000 (including about 200,000 “boat-people'). The port is Open to foreign commerce. In 1879 the value of exports amounted 4,060,000, imports to £1,235,000. Exports, silk, tea, Cassia, mats; imports, cotton goods, opium, and metal hardware. Canton, tshp. Connecticut, Hartford co., on Farmington R. P. 2299. Canton, th: Illinois, U.S., Fulton co., 25 m. WSW. Peoria. P. 3766. Canton, vil. Massachusetts, Norfolk co., 14 m. S. Boston. P. 4523. Canton, the Missouri, Lewis co, on Mississippi R. P. 2632. Canton, tshp. and vil. New York, St Lawrence co. P. 6375. Canton, city, Ohio, cap. Stark co., 56 m. SE. Cleveland. P. 12,258. Canton, th Pennsylvania, Bradford co., 40 m. NE. Williamsport. Cantoria, tm, Spain, 34 m. NNE. Almeria. P. 4957. [P. 1837. Qanturio or Cantu, th Italy, 5 m. SE. Como. P. 2699. - Canvey Isl., Engl., S. Essex, in R. Thames. P. 283. Çamy, th France, Seine-Inférieure, 40 m. NW. Rouen. I’. 1833 Canzo, th; Italy, ſo m. NE. Como. P. 1889. Silk manuf. CaOrle, is!. and vil. Adriatic Sea, 29 m. NE. Venice. P. 3359. Caorso, vil. Italy, Iom. E. Piacenza. P. 4512. Capaccio, th: Italy, prov. and 25 m. SE. Sälerno. P. 4145. Capamnoli, vil, Italy, 16 m. SE. Pisa. P. 3503. [a.nanol i, til, Italy, 5 m. by rail E. Lucca. P. 6703. - Caparica, vil. Portugal, prov. Estremadura, 8 m. S. Lisbon. P. 6927. Capbern, vil, France, Hautes-Pyrenées, 8 m. NE. Bagnères. P. 783. Cap Chat, vil. and par. Quebec, Gaspé co., on St. Lawrence. P. 1427. Cap des Rosiers, vil. and par. Quebec, co, and 19m. from Gaspé. P.714. Cape. . For all Capes not undermentioned, see respective names. Cape Amber, Ambre, or Ambro, the N. point of Madagascar. Cape Ambriz, on W. cst. of Africa. Lat. 8° 2' S. Cape Anguilla, on cst. of Newfoundland. Lat. 47° § . ; lon. 59° 17' W. a V. Cape Aniva, on S. cst. Saghalien Isl., E. of Aniva Bay Cape Ann, the E. point of Essex co., Massachusetts. Cape Anne, the NW. extremity of N. Somerset, Arctic America. Cape Apolloni, on cst. of Guinea. Lat.,4° 58' 45" N. ; lon. 2° 35' W. Cape Apsheron, in E. Georgia, on Caspian Sea. Cape Ainhem, Australia, N.W. point of G. of Carpentaria. Cape Baba, the most W. point of Asia Minor. Cape Barfleur, cst. of France, 18 m. E. Cherbourg. Cape Bathurst, on N. cst. of Canada, 79° 30' N., 127° 30' W. Cape Bismarck, on E. cst. Greenland. Lat. 76°40' N. ; lon. 17° ro' W. Cape Blanco, on W. CŞt. Sahara. Lat. 20° 47' N. ; lon. 16° 58' W. Cape Boeo, the W. point of Sicily. Cape Bojador, headland, W. Africa, terminates Atlas Mts. Cape Bon or Ras Adder, the N.-most point of Africa, 58 m. NE. Tunis, on the Mediterranean. Lat. 37° 4' N. ; lon. Toº 53' E. Cape Bougainville, on N.W. cst. Australia, 13° 52' S., 126°12' E. Cape Breton Isl. forms E. part of Nova Scotia, separated from the mainland by the Gut of Canso. Area, 3120 sq. m. P. 84,500. A headland on the E. cst. is named Cape Breton. Cape Broyle, fishing settlement, Newfoundland, on Ferryland. P. 465. Cape Bruni, on S. cst. Tasmania. * Cape Canso, the SE. extremity of Nova Scotia. Cape Cantin, W. cst. Morocco. Lat. 32° 35' N. ; lon. 9°12' W. Čape Carthage, cst. of N.Africa, on Mediterranean, 36°52′ N, 10°21' E. Čape Catastrophe, S. Australia, S. extremity of Eyria Peninsula. Cape Catoche, NE. extremity of Yucatan, Mexico. Čape Charles, Virginia, U.S., at entrance to Chesapeake, Bay. Cape Charles, Labrador cst., at entrance to Strait of Belle Isle- Cape Chudleigh, N. cst. Labrador, at entrance of Hudson Str. Cape Clear, most S. point of Irel. on an isl: with lighthouse. Cape Coast Castle, th: Gold Coast, Brit. W. Africa, 5° 5' 25" N. lat. ; 1° 13' 38° W. lon. P. 16,000. - • Cape Cód, Massachusetts, U.S., name applied to a peninsula 65 m. long with several tims. ; Provincetown at extremity. Cape Colonna (anc. Sumitem), S. point of Attica, Greece. ºr Cape Colony or The Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, Brit. Cºl. occupying the S. parts of S. Africa, bounded on the N. by the Orange River and Orange Free State, E. by Natal and Indian Ocean, S. by Indian Ocean, and W. by S. Atlantic Ocean, Length from E. to W. 780 m., N. to S. 500 m. ... This region of 242,734 sq. m. comprises Cape Col. proper, p. 81,450; Basuto- land, 128,176; Griqualand West, 49, Ior ; Griqualand East, 96, 180; Transkei Districts or Kaffirland, 58,623; and Dependencies. 124,122. Total p. 1,267,652. To the N. of the Orange R. as far as "jat. 22° S., and from lon. 20° E. to the Limpopo R. and S. African Rep., extends the Brit. protectorate of Betchuana Land. Area, 184,500 sq. m. P. 33,000. Cape Col. rises from the coasts in successive terraces and table-lands, the loftiest range being vari- ously named in different parts, Roggeveld, Nieuwveld, Winter- I 5 H CAPE COLUMBIA THE CENTURY GAZETTEER CARTMEL rg, Sneeuwberg, Storm Berg, and Drachenberg, or Kathlamba º The coast ; and those of the NE, are fertile and well watered, with good pasturage in the interior ; where are also the Karroo Desert plains. The N. parts are mostly, barren, The Orange or Gariép is the most important riye. . There are also the Čt, Kai, Gt. Fish, Zondag, Gamtoos, Gauritz, Breede, and Ölifant. The coasts are indented on the W: by St. Helena, Sal- danha, and Table Bays, and on the S. by False, Walker, Mossel, and Algoa Bays. On the S. CŞt arº the famous Cape of Good iſope and Cape Agulhas, the latter the most S. point of Africa. Cape Town is the cap... Other ports are Simonstown, a naval statiºn, and Port Elizabeth. The exports Consist of wool, hides, ostrich feathers, copper ore, diamonds, Wines, aloes, goat and sheep skins, ivory, and, Angora hair and horns. The people of Capé Col. consist of the Brit. authorities and settlers, and the descendants of the original Dutch farmers ('Boers ) and those of German and French origin, . The coloured people, are Kaffirs, Hottentots, and Malays. The climate is remarkably agreeable and salubrious. The government is conducted under a governor and council appointed by the Brit. Crown. There is also a Legis- lative Council and House º: Assembly, the members of both of which are popularly elected. º - Cape &#. º point of Grant Land, Arctic America: © 2. ~/ Čape Comorin, the S. extremity of India. Lat. 8.5 N. ; lon. 7.3% E. Čape Conception, cSt. of California. Lat. 34° 29 N. ; lon. £29.25. W. Čape Corrientes, S.W. cºt. Mexico. Lat. 23.2% N. ; lon. Ios” 35' W. Cape Corrientes, SE. CŞt. §:60 m. S. Inhambane. ape Corso, the N. extremity of Corsica. - - agº sº º §: Čreux, the most E. point of Spain, W, limit of G. of Lions. Cape Crillon, most S. point of Saghalien Isl. . . Čape Delgado, on E. CŞt. Africa, 40 m. SE; Quiloa. Čaščijiaimond, on St. Lawrence R., on which is Citadel of Quebec. Cape Elizabeth, the N. extremity of Saghalien Isl. Cape Elizabeth, tshp. Maine, U.S., Co. Cumberland. P. 5302. Cape Engaño, NE, extremity of Luzon Isl., Philippines: Čape Espichel, W. Cst. Portugal, 21 m. S. by W. of Lisbon. Čape Eternity, on S. b. Saguenay R. Quebeg. 39 m. from mºuth. Cape Farewell, S. extremity of Greenland: 59° 49' Å; 43° 54 W. Cape Fear, N. Carolina, U.S., on Smith Isl.,33°50' N., 77°57' W. Čape Fear R., N. Carolina, enters Atlantic, near Cape Fear, 250 m. Cape Finistère, most W. point of France, gives n㺠tº dep. of F. Cape Finisterre, most W. point of Spain, on ºf: of Galicia. Cape Flattery, N.W., extremity Washington, U.S., at Juan de Fuca. Cape Formosa, W. Africa, near mouth ºf R: Niger. Cape Frio, E. cst. Brazil, 80 m. E. Rio Janeiro. Elev. 1570. ft. Čape Gaspé, Quebec, Canada, on G. of St. Lawrence. Cape Gata (Span. Cabo de Gata), S. CŞt. Spain, 35 ſº SE. Alme...a. Cape Girardeau, city, Missouri, on Mississippi Rº C. G. co. P. 3889. Cape Gracias-a-Dios, on Mosquito.cst., between Honduras and Nicar- Cape Grim, the NW. extremity of Tasmania. * [agua. Cape Gris-Nez, France, Pas de Calais, being nearest point t? England. Cape Guardafui, most E. point of Africa; ºr 53 N., 51 29. E; Cape Hatteras, N. Carolina, U.S. Lat, 35.15° N.; lon,75°3; W. Čape Haytien, spt. Hayti, on N. cst. ; considerable trade. P. Io,000. Cape Hemlopen, Delaware, U.S., at entrance to Delaware B. Cape Henry, Virginia, U.S., at S. of entrange to Chesapeak2.É. tape Horn, most S. point of S. America, 55°58.40" Sº,67° 3 W. Cape Howe, SE, extremity of Australia, Victoria and New S. Wales. Čape Island, vil. New Jersey, U.S. P. 800; sea-bathing. Čape John, Šub. dist. Nova Scotia, Pictou.39. P. 823. Cape La Hague, N. cst. France, 16 m, NNW. Cherbourg. Cape Leeuwin, SW, extremnity of Australia. * Cape Leuca or Santa Maria di Leuca, S.E. extrêmity Italy. Čapella, tshp. Queensland, Kiosku co., 97 m: W. Rockhampton. Čape Lookout, N. Carolina, U.S.; 85 m., S.W. Cape Hatteras. f Čape Lopatka, the S. extremity Kamtchatka, 51.2' N., 156° 46' E. Cape Lopez, W. Cst. Africa, the S. boundary Bight of Biafra. Čape Matapan, the most S. point of Morea, Greece. Cape May, New Jersey, U.S., at entrance to Delaware B. Cape May, city, New Jersey, Cape May co., a Summer resort. P. 570. Čape May Courthouse, New Jersey, U.S., cap. Cape May Co. P. 1699. Capo Mendocino, most W. point of California, Humboldt co- Cape Nao, W., cst. Spain, Alicante, opposite Formentera: Čape Naturaliste, W. Australia, W. Šide of Geºgraphe Bay. Cape Negrais, on cst. of Burma. Lat. 16° x 39", N. ; lon. 94° 12' E. Cape Nordkyn, N gºgian Lapland, most N. point of European main- land. Lat. 71°6' N. e g º Cape North, sub. dist. Nova Scotia, co. Victoria. P. I215. Čape North, most N. point of Europe, on Mageroe Isl., Norway. Lat. 71° ro' 12" N. ; lon. 25° 46' E, e e Cape of gºod Hope, celebrated prom. S. Africa, Iooo ft. high ; 30 m. S. Cape Town. Lat. 34°22'S, ; lon, 18°29' E. Gives name to Cape Colony and Cape Town. tº 4- e g C - A.A. Cape Ortegal, N.W. extrem. of Spain, in Galicia, 43°45' N., 7° 56' W. Cape Otway, S.W. extremity of Victoria, Australia, * Čape Palmāś, W. Africa, S. point of Liberia, 4° 22' N., 7° 44 W. Cape Palos, ŠW. cst. Spain, Murcia, 20 m. E. Cartagena. Cape Peñas, N.cst. Oviedo, Spain, on B. of Biscay. * Cape Princé of Wales, most W. point N. America, Behring Str. Cape Race, SE. extremity of Newfoundland. Cape Ray, SW, extremity of Newfoundland. ... Cape River or Vaunks or Rio de Segoria, r. Nicaragua. Cape Roca, or Rock of Lisbon, W. CŞt. of Portugal. Cape Romania, most S. point of Malay Penin. and of Asia. Cape Roxo, on cst, of Senegambia, W. Africa, 12° 16' N. Capertree, ry. sta. New S. Wales, 122 m. W. Sydney, 2739 ft. above sea- Cape Sable, the SE. extremity of Nova Scotia, Canada. [level. Cape Sable, the S. point of mainland of Florida, U.S. Cape Sable Island, sub. dist. Nova Scotia, co. Shelburne. P. 1991. Cape St. Augustine, Brazil, the most E. point S. America. Cape St. Lawrence, the N. extremity of Cape Breton Isl., Canada. Cape St. Lucas, the S. extremity of Lower California. Cape St. Roque, on NE. extremity of Brazil, 5°28' S., 35° 16' W. Cape St. Vincent, the SW. extremity of Portugal. Cape Severo-Vostochnoi, Cape Chelyuskin or N.E. Cape, the most N. point of Chelyuskin Penin, and of Asia, Cape Skagen or The Skaw, the N. extremity of Denmark. . Cape Skillo, E. cst. Morea, Greece, at entrance to G. of Ægina. Cape Spartel, N.W. cst. Morocco, at entrance to Str., of Gibraltar. Cape Spartivento, most S. point of Calabria and of Italy. Cape Spartivento, on S. cst. of Sardinia. Cape Spencer, extremity of York Peninsula, S. Australia. Capesterre, La., or Le Marigot, th: Guadeloupe. P. 6100. Cape Three Points, Africa, on S. CSt. Guinea, 4° 48' N., 2° 5' W. Cape Tormentine, New Brunswick, in Northumberland Str. Cape Town, cap. and spt. Cape Colony, on S. shore Table Bay, 32 m. N. Cape of Good Hope. P. (1886) 60,000. Exports, wool, ostrich feathers, and wine. . In 1879 there entered Io.28 ships of 794,738 tonnage, and cleared 991, 768, 188 tonnage. Cape Trafalgar, SW. cat. of Cadiz, Spain. Lat. 36° 10' N. ; lon. 6° 1' W. In a naval engagement here on Oct. 21, 1805, Lord Nelson was victorious over France and Spain. [Str. P. 250. Cape Traverse, vil, and cape, Prince Edward Isl., in Northumberland Cape Verd or Verde, W.-most point Africa, Senegambia, 17° 34' W. Cape Verdlslands (Port. IZhas l'ez-des) in Atlantic Oc., 320m. W. Cape Verd. , Area, 1486 sq. m. Constitute the Portuguese prov. Cape Verd, inclusive of possessions on the Continent, near Cape Roxo. Cap. Porto Praya. P. To?,026. [Towers. P. 315. Capeville, mining locality, Queensland, on Cape R. 59 m. from Charters Cape Vincent, port of entry, New York, on St. Lawrence R. P. 1361. Cape Wrath, N.W., extrem. Scot., Sutherlandsh., 58° 37' N., 5° 1' W. Cape York, most N. point, Australia, Queensland, ſo 41’S., 142° 34' E. Capestang, th France, dep. Herault, 9 m. W. Béziers. P. 3737. Capestrano, th: Italy, prov. and 22 m. SE. Aquila. P. 375+. Capibari, tin. Brazil, 120 m. W. São Paulo. P. 2000. Capistrello, th: Italy, 3% m. W. Lake Fucino. P. 2393. Capitanata, former prov. of S. Italy, now Foggia. Qapivari, the Brazil, prov. Rio Janeiro, 24 m. NW. Cabo Frio. P. 4000. Capis or Capiz, city, Philippines, cap. of prov. of C. in Panay Isl. ; the is on N. CSt. P. 12,000 : prov. 243,244. tn. Sicily, 19 m. WNW. Bronte. P. 4545. cst; tın. Austro-Hungary, 8 m. SW. Trieste. P. ro,834. Italy, prov. and 3 m. SW. Caserta. P. 295r. tn. Italy, prov. Avellino, 13 m. NE. Campagna. P. 3792. vil. Italy, pº, Aquila, 8 In. W. Avezzano. P. 2074. vil. Irel.: Co. and 9 m. N. Tipperary. P. 629. Prussia, Schleswig, 15 m. SE. Flensborg. P. 2609. tn. Irel, W. Co. Waterford, on R. Blackwater. P. 1555. th. Italy, prov. and 27 m. NW. Campobasso. P. 3072. Italy, 17 m. N. Corsica, 3% m. by 13 m. P. 476. !, th Italy, 9 m. SE. Viterbó, with anc. castle. Tº. 5238. isl. I m. off NE. cSt. Sardinia, was residence of Garibaldi. i,tn. Italy, 13 m. NE. Arezzo, birthplace of Michael Angelo. isl. and thº, Italy; 20 m. S. Naples...P. 2907; tın. 2283. (P. 3327. vil. Italy, in Piedmont, 7 m. SW. Novi. P. 327. tn. Italy, Iom. WNW. Bergamo. P. 1802; silk manuf. tn. Italy, 15 m. NW. Verona. P. 6075. [Lawrence. P. 800. vil, in prov., and co. and 9 m. above Quebec, on the Št. tn, Belgium, E, Flanders, 13 m, NNW, Ghent, P. 3588. p e Cap St. Ignace, vil. Quebec, Montmagny co., on S. b. St. Lºrençº. Capsali, tin. Greece, on Cerigo Isl., near S. side: P. 1500. [P. 3889. Cap Sarité, tin. Quebec, cap. Portneuf co., 31 m. above Quebec. P. I29E. Captain's Harbour, port, Alaska, on Uonalaska Isl. Captain Island, isl, New York, Westchester Co.; lighthouse. Capua, ft. city, S. Italy, prov. Caserta, 19 m. N. Naples. P. 15,504. Capuršo, tin. Italy, 7 m. SE. Bari. P. 4162. Caputh, par. and vil. Scot., Perth, 5 m. SE. Dunkeld. P. 2096. Caquiaviri, th Bolivia, on r. b. Desaguadero River. g Caraballeda, spt. Venezuela, State Bolivar. [Valencia. Carabobo, state, Venezuela. Area, 2985 sq. m. , P: 163,401; Cap- Carabaya, prov. Peru, dep. Puno. P. 45,232; gold and silver worked. Caraca, La, isl. Spain, on E. side Bay of Cadiz. P. 6000; arsenal. Caracas or Santiago de Leon de Caracas, city, and cap. of Venezuela, 16 m. SSE. La Guayra. P. 70,509. s ºf g Caracas or The Federal District, ter. Venezuela, comprising city of C. Area, 7 sq. m. P. 70,198. The former State of C. now called Bolivar. [E. Atacama, with very rich silver:mines. Caracoles or La Placilla de Caracoleg, tr. N. Chili, prov. and 50 m. Caraglio, tm. Italy, in Piedmont, 6 m. W. Coni. P. 6552. Caramut, post.tshp. Victoria, co. Villiers, 35 m. from Warrnambool. Caramanico, th Italy, prov. and 17 m. SW, Chieti. P. 5067. [P, 200. Caraquette, port of entry, New Brunswick, Gloucester co. P. 3837. Carafal, tin. Venezuela, dist. Bolivar, on Yurnan R. P. Cooo- Carate, th N. Italy, 15 m. N. Milan. P. 3567. Caravaca, th Spain, 39 m. NW. Murcia. P. º: Caravaggio, thºſtaly, 16 m. by rail S. Bergamo, P. 8164. Caravellas, th: Brazil, prov. Bahia, on Bay of C. P. 5000. Carballo, th Spain, prov. and 10 m. from Coruña. P., 11,449. º Carberry, ry. sta, Canada, Manitoba, Norfolk Co., on Canadian Pacific Ry, ro53 m. W. of Winnipeg. Hill, Scot. Edinburghsh., S.E. Musselburgh. Alt. 500 ft. tn. Italy, prov. and 36 m. E. Avellino. P. 2814. tn. Italy, prov, and 4 m. S. Bari. P. 6449, . vil. Illinois, U.S., Jackson co., 57 m. N. Cairo. P. 2213. city, Pennsylvania, co. and on r. Lackawanna, P. 7714. port of entry, Newfoundland, Conception B. P. 2000. vil. France, Haute Garonne, 25 m. SW. Toulouse. P. 2520. , th Spain, 36 m. SE. Cordova. P. 443r. .. tn. Spain, prov. Valencia, 12 m. NE. San Felipe. P. I2,102. city, France, cap. of Aude, 55 m. SE. Toulouse, P. 27,512. tn. France, dep. Var, 18 m. WSW. Draguignan. P. 2074. tn. Guatemala, N. of Coban. P. 36,000. range of Downs, England, W. Cornwall, 2 m. N. St. Austell. tshp. New S. Wales, co. Bathurst, 183 m. W. Sydney. P. of tn. France, dep. Lot, 3rm. NE. Cahors. P. 1273. [dist. 7560. Hills, India, Travancore State, yields Caºdamorºs. spt, Cuba, on N. side, 120 m. E. Havana, P. 6000. vil. Scot., 3 m. SW. Auchterderran, Fife. P. 391. mun. and parl. bor., spt., and Co. th: Wales, Glamorgansh., on estuary of the Severn, 29 m. W. Bristol, 170 m. W. London by rail. P. 32,761. Has very extensive docks, iron, and tin-plate works, and shipbuilding yards. Exports, coal and iron. It ranks as third port in Gt. Britain for amount of shipping cleared. ... In 1885, 12,909 vessels of 5,417,174 tonnage cleared the port. The bor. unites with Cowbridge and Llantrissaint in returning I member to Parliament. e Cardigan, mun. bor., spt., and par. Wales, and co. tr. of Cardigansh. on R. Teifi, 3 m. from its mth. P. of par. 2727; bor. 3669. Cardigan Bay, on W., cst. Wales, extending 70 m. N. and S. e Cardiganshire, maritime co. Wales, between RS., Dovy and Teify. Area, 693 sq. m. P. 70,270; co, th: Cardigan. Mtnous, in N. and E.; Plimlimmon, alt. 2469 ft. Cattle and sheep extensively reared. Lead ore is worked ; co. th: Cardigan. Cardinale, the Italy, prov. and 21 m. SSW. Catanzaro. P. 3347. Cardington, par. and vil. Engl., Co. and 2% m. SE. Bedford. P. I225; Cardito, vil. Italy, 7 m. N. Naples. P. 4760. [vil. 512. Cardona, the Spain, 44 m. NW. Barcelona. P. 4360; SW. is a remark- able mt. of pure rock-salt, 500 ft. elev. [P. 9365. Cardross, par. and vil. Scot., on Clyde, 3% m. NW. Dumbarton. Cardwell, cst, th Queensland, 950 m. NW. Brisbane. P. II.86. Careggi, vil. Italy, 3 m. N. Florence, numerous villas, etc. Carenage. See Castries. Carentan, th: France, dep. Manche, 17 m. NW. St. Lo. P. 3045. Carentoir, vil. France, Morbihan, 35 m. ENE. Vannes. P. 3922. Caresana, vil. Italy, prov. Novara, 8 m. SE. Vercelli. P. 3822. Carfin, mining vil. Scot., NE. Lanark, 2 m. NE. Motherwell. P. 1428. Cargarie, agricult... dist. Victoria, co. Grant, 77% m. W. Melbourne. Cargill, par. and vil. Scot., E. Perth, on R. Tay. P. 1348. [P. 180. Cargo, tshp. New S. Wales, co. Ashburnham, 217 m. W. Sydney. P. 280. Carhaix, th: France, dep. Finistère, 37 m. NE. Quimper. P. 2680. Carhuamayo, tr. Peru, 16 m. S. Pasco. Elev. 13,087 ft. Cariaco, tin. Venezuela, 40 m. E. Cumana. P. 7000. Cariati, th Italy, prov. Caserta, 20 m. ESE. Rossano. P. 3846. Caribbean Sea, part of Atlantic lying between W. India Isls. and shore of S. and Cent. America. Carribbees or Lesser Antilles, the E. section of W. India Isls., divided into Leeward and Windward Groups. Cariboo, vil. Colorado, U.S., co. and 20 m. W. Boulder. P. 549. Cariboo, gold-fields, Brit. Columbia, on Upper Fraser R. Cariboo Point, N. shore Loch Huron, Ontario; with Ind. hieroglyphs. Carife, the Italy, prov. Avellino, on the Apennines. P. 2352. [P. 2 roo. Carignan, the France, dep. Ardennes, 26 m. by rail ŠE. Mézières. Carignano, th Italy, prov, and II m. S. Turin, on 1. b. Po. P. 7230. Carillon, co. Manitoba, Canada. Carillon, vil. Quebec, on Ottawa R., Argenteuil co. P. 500. Carimata, isl. and grp. in Billiton Passage, W. of Borneo. Carinhenha, th: Brazil, prov. Bahia, on São Francisco. P. 2003. Carini, th: Sicily, 12 m. WNW. Palermo. P. Ir,797. Çarinola, th: S. Italy, prov. Caserta, 20 m. SE. Gaeta. P. 8372. Carinthia (Ger. Kärzitheat), Austrian crown land and titular duchy, W. of the Tyrol, and enclosed by ridges of the Alps, and drained by the Drave and tributaries. Area, 3987 sq. m. P. 353,485, two- thirds German, and one-third Slavic. Cap. Klagenfurt. Carisbrook, the Victoria, co. Talbot, Io'7 m. NW. Melbourne. P. ro89. Carisbrooke, vil, and castle, Isle of Wight, SW, Newport. P. 8304. Carlentini, th: Sicily, 19 m. NW. Syracuse. P. 7534. Carlet, th Spain, 19 m. S. Valencia, on R. Requeña. P. 4467. Carleton, vil. Nova Scotia, co. and 16 m. from Yarmouth. P. 778. Carleton, vil. Quebec, Bonaventure co., on B. of Chaleurs. P. rogg. Carleton, Suburb of St. John, New Brunswick, terminus of European and N. American Rail. P. 1232. Carleton Place, th: Ontario, Lanark co., 28 m. SW. Ottawa. P. 1975. Carlingford, Spt. th: Irel.., N. Co. Louth, on C. Lough. P. 727. Carlingford Lough, sea-inlet, Irel., between cos. Down ić Louth. Carlinville, vil. Illinois, U.S., cap. of Macoupin co. P. 31.17. Carlisle, city, parl, and mum. bor. Engl., and co., tm. Cumberland, on R. Eden, 98 m. S. Edinburgh, 145 SE. Glasgow, 60 W. New- castle, and 299 NW. London by rail. P. 35,884. Has cathedral old castle. Returns I member to Parliament. tn. Pennsylvania, cap. Cumberland co. P. 6209.T tn. Italy, on San Pietro Isl., S.W. cat. Sardinia. P. 6219. spt. Croatia, on Adriatic, opposite Pago Isl. P. 1200. tn, Italy, prov, and 12% m. NNW. Catanzaro. P. 3C85. vil. Scot., NW. Peebles, on N. Esk, 14 m. SW. Edinburgh. tn. Spain, 15 m. SSW. Cordova. P. 4671. , inland co. Irel.., Leinster Prov., surrounded by cos. Wexford, , Queen's, Kildare, and Wicklow. Area, 346 sq. m. * ; chief rs. Slaney and Barrow. Chief tims. Carlow, Bagenalstown and Tullow. It returns I member to Parliament. Carlow, th: Irel., co. th of Carlow, on R. Barrow. P. 7185. Carloway, vil. Scot., Lewis Isl., at head of Loch C. P. 316. Carlowitz or Karlowitz, th Hungary, on Danube, 20 m. N.W. of confluence of the Theiss ; famous for its wines. Carlsbad or Karlsbad, tr. Bohemia, 70 m. NW. Prague, on the Töpel; famous for its hot springs. P. ro,579. Carlsburg, Transylvania. See Karlsburg. Carlscrona or Blekinge, laen or prov. S. Sweden, having S. and E. the Baltic. Area, 1164 sq. m. P. 140,071. or Karlskrona, ft. th: Sweden, cap. of above, on five small on the Baltic shore. The chief naval station. P. 19,127. extensive ironworks, Sweden, prov. and 22 m. NW. Orebro. tn. Germany. See Karlshafen. or Karlshamn, spt. Sweden, 20 m. W. Carlscrona. P. 6438. or Karlsruhe, city, cap. of Baden, 4 m. E. of the Rhine. The Streets converge towards the Grand Ducal Palace. P. 61,066. Carlsruhe, th: Prussian Silesia, 18 m. NW. Oppeln. P. 2020. Carlsruhe, tin. Victoria, Kyneton co., 48 in. NW. Melbourne. P. 300. Carlstad or Wermland, prov. Sweden, N. from L. Wener, and E. of Norway. Area, 7457 sq. m. P. 259,958; has rich iron-mines. tn. Sweden, cap. of above, on N. shore L. Wener. P. 7769. ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 94 m. W. of Port Arthur. Germany. See Karlstadt. vil. New Jersey, U.S., Bergen co., 9 m. N. Jersey City. municip, in Dufferin co., Manitoba, Canada. P. Togo. Junction, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 28 m. SW. Ottawa. tn. and par. Scot., 53 m. NW. Lanark. P. 8552; thi 3867. vil, Illinois, U.S., cap. Clinton co., 47 m. E. St. Louis. É, 2017. or Patea, th: New Zealand, 60 m. S. New Plymouth. P. 834. Carmagnola, th Italy, on the Po, 16 m. S. T urin. P. 12,771. * Carmarthen or Caermarthen, Engl., co, th of Carmarthenshire, and co. of itself, parl. and mun. bor., par., and Špt. on R. Towy. P. of par. and th 10,514. It unites with Llanelly in returning I member to Parliament. e Carmarthen Bay, S. cst. of Carmarthenshire, 18 m, across. .. Carmarthenshiré, maritime co. S. Wales, bounded N. by Cardigansh., E. by Brecknock and Glamorgan, S. by Bristol, Chan., and W. by Pémbroke. Area, 929 sq. m. P. I24,864. The Co. returns 2 members to Parliament. Surface upland and Intnous. Carmar- then Van, 2596 ft. alt. The Towy is the most important river- Carmaux, th: France, dep. Tarn, II m. by rail N. Alby. P. 8048. Carmel, Mount, Palestine, extremity of range of hills, which extend from plain of Esdraelon, and terminate on the Mediterranean. Carmen, th Colombia, State of Bolivar. P. 6946. Carmen, spt, Mexico, on Campêche Bay. P. 7000. Carmen or Patagones, th: Argentina, on R. Negro, 500 m. SW. Buenos Ayres. P. 2009. Carmen de la Flores, th Argentina, 140 m. SW. Buenos Ayres. Carmi, vil. Illinois, U.S., cap. White co., IQI m. NE. Cairo. P. 2512. Carmignano, th Italy, in Val d'Ombrone, NW. Florence. ...P. II,II4- Carmóe or Karmöe, isl. Norway, 20 m. NW. Stavanger. P. 6400. Carmona, city, Spain, 18 m. NE. Seville. P. I7,426. * Carmunnock, par. and vil. Scot., 5 m. SE. Glasgow. P. 722 : vil. 315. Carmyle, vil. and ry. sta. Scot., 4% m. SE, Glasgow. P.484. Čarmylié, par, and vil. Scot. Forfarshire, 6% m. NW. Arbroath- Carnabat, th: Turkey, 70 m. NE. Adrianople. P. 2000. [P. II37. Carnarvonor Caernarvon, parl. and mun. bor. and spt. Wales, and co, th: of Carnarvonshire, 6% m. SW. Bangor. P. ro,258. . It unites with Bangor, Conway, Criccieth, Nevin, and Pwllheli in returning I member to Parliament. Carnarvon Bay, Wales, W. Carnarvonsh. and Anglesey. Carnarvon, tsiip. W. Australia, at mth. Gascoyne R. Lat. 24°52'45"S. Carnarvonshire, maritime co, in NW. Wales, separated from Angle- sey by Menai Strait. Area, 577 sq. m. P. 19,349. Surface minous. Snowdon rises to 357 ft. The co. returns 2 members to Parliament. Slate, stone, and lead are the chief mineral trea- Carnatic, div., Madras Pres. See Karnatic.... [Sures. Čarnbee, par. and vil, Scot., Fife, 3 m. NW. Pittenweem. P. IQ57. Čarndonagh, vil. Irel, N, co. Donegal, 20 N. Londonderry. P. 725. Carnew, par. and vil. Irel., co, Wicklow, Iom. NW. Gorey. P.3560. Carnforth, tshp. Engl, co, and 6 m. NE. Lancaster. P. 1879, Iyil. Zor. Carngham, mining thi. Victoria, Grenville Co., 15 m. W. Ballarat, P. 1693. Carnic Alps, extend along NE, frontier of Italy, into Carniola; Carnières, vil. Belgium, prov. Hainaut, Iom. W. Charleroi. P. 53.16. Čarniola (Ger. Krºin), Austrian crown land and duchy, enclosed by Styria, Carinthia, Goritz, Istria, and Croatia. Area, 3844 sq. m. P. 491,562, chiefly Slavic, Cap. Laibach, Surface mtnous. The Caſſié and julian Alps traverse the prov. rising in the Terglou to 397 ft. The Save is the chief river. e Carmóðr, par, and vil. Scot., 33 m. NW; Dunfermline. P. 1955. Carmoustie, cst, th Scot., roºm. by rail NE. Dundee. P. 2650. Cºrngore Point, the SE, extremity of Irel, co. Wexford. Carnwath, par. and vil. Scot., Lanark, 25 m. SW. Edinburgh. P. 5831; Caroche, tr. Venezuela, State, and 20 m. NE. Trujillo. vil. 845. Carolina, th: Spain, prov. and 35 m. NNE. Jaen. ... P. 7782. Carolina, U.S. See North Carolina, and South Carolina... . Caroline Islands, extensive archipelago, in N. Pacific, claimed by Spain, 138° to 163° E. lon., and 3° to 10° N. lat. Caroline Island (Brit.), S. Pacific. Lat. 9°57' S.; lon. 150° 25' W. Caromb, th: France, dep. Vaucluse, 4 m. NE. Carpentras. P. 2105. Caron, ry. sta. Canada, NW. Ter., on C. P. Ry., 4: 4 m. W. Winni- Caronia, th: Sicily, on N. CSt., 22 m. E. Cefalu. P. 4540. [peg. Caroni, r, Venezuela, aff. of Orinoco, 85 m. E. Angostura, 400 m. long. Carora, th: Venezuela, State Barquisimeto, Ioom. S.W. Coro. P. 6000. Carotto, vil. Italy, on B. of Naples. P. 4870. Carouge, tr. Switz., cant. and 1% m. S. Geneva. P. 5889. CaroVigno, th: Italy, prov. Lecce, 19 m. NW. Brindisi. P. 5180. Carovilli, th: Italy, prov. Campobasso, Iom. NE. Isernia. P. 3006. Carpaneto, th: Italy, prov. and 13 m. SE. Piacenza. P. 5803. Carpathian Mountains (Ger. Kaz?athem), lofty semicircular belt 800 m. long by 250 broad, enclosing the plains of Hungary, from the Danube at the ‘Iron Gates,' to Pressburg, separating Rou- mania, Bukowina, Galicia, Silesia, and Moravia from º: Mt. Butschetje in Transylvania, is the culminating point, 9528 ft. Many other Summits exceed 8000 ft. Carpenedolo, th Italy, 21 m. SE. Brescia. P. 5.168. [Wessel Isl. Carpentaria, Gulf of, large gulf, N. Australia, between C. York and Carpentras, city, France, Vaucluse, 16 m. NE. Avignon. P. 9699. Carpi, tr. Italy, 9 m. by rail NNW. Modena. P. 18,856. Carpineti, the Italy, 23 m. SW. Modena. P. 6399. Carpino, th: Italy, prov. Foggia, on Mt. Gargano. P. 6258. Carpinone, th Italy, prov, and 19 m. W. Campobasso. P. 2950. Carpio, th: Spain, 15 m. NE. Cardova, on R. Guadalquivir. P. 2919. Carquefou, vil. France, Loire-Inférieure, 6 m. NE. Nantes. P. 2932. Carradon, hamlet, Engl., E. Cornwall, 4% m. N. Liskeard. Carranca, th: Brazil, prov. Minas Geraes. P. 4coo; agricultural dist. Carrantuohillor Carrantuel, mt. Kerry, near Killarney, highest sum- mit of Macgillycuddy Reeks, and of Ireland, 3414 ft. Carrara, city, Italy, 59 m. SW. Modena, on the Apennines. P. 30,143; near are famous quarries of white marble. Carratraca, Springs, vil. Ontario, 40 m. E. of Ottawa. Carreño, th; Spain, prov. and 58 m. ESE. Oviedo. P. 6271. Carriacou, isl. Brit. W. Indies, the largest of the Grenadines. P. 2850. Carrical. See Karikal, Carrick, an anc. div. Ayrshire, Scot., S. of R. Doom. Carrick, tshp. Tasmania, co. Westmoreland, on Liffey River, Io miles S.W. of Launceston. , P. 285. Garrick-a-rede, rocky islet, Irel, co. Antrim, 4 m. NW. Ballycastle. Garrickbeg, vil. Irel.., co. Waterford, opposite Carrick-on-Suir. Carrickfergus, mkt. tr. and spt. Irel., Antrim, on N. side of Belfast Lough, 93 m. N. Belfast. P. 4792. Carrickfergus Bay, a name of Belfast Lough. Carrickmacross or Magheross, mkt. th; and par., and ry. Sta. Irel., co. Monaghan, 51 m. NW. Dublin. P. of par. 6960. Carrick-on-Shannon, mkt, th Irel, co, tm, Leitrim, P. 1384. Øarrick-on-Suir, mkt, th Irel, co. Tipperary. P. 6583. [P. 120. Carrieton, post th: S. Australia, Dalhousie Čo., 200 m. N. Adelaide. garrigaholt, fish. vil. Irel., S.W. co. Clare, at mth. of Shannon. P. 360- garrigaline, par. and vil. Irel, co. and 6 m. S. Cork. P. 4571 ; vil. 576. Carrigtohill, vil. and ry. sta. E. co. Cork, 3 m. W. Midleton. P. 609. Carrington, par. and vil. Scot., 53 m. SW. Dalkeith. P. 606. Garrion de Calatrava, th Spain, 9 m. NE, Ciudad Real. P. 3112. Carrion de los Cespedes, th Spain, 14 m. W. Seville. P. 265t. Garrion de los Condes, the Spain, 21 m. N. Palencia. P. 31.47. Carrizal Albo, th: Chili, prov. Atacama, 25 m. by rail east of Cape Šajo. P. 7000 ; near is one of the richest copper-mines. Carrizal Bajo, spt. Chili, Atacama, 140 m. N. Coquimbo. [P. roo. garroll, tshp. New S. Wales, on Namoi River, 275 m. N. Sydney. Carrollton, vil. Georgia, U.S., cap. Carroll co., 50 m. SW. Atlânta. Carrollton, vil. Illinois, U.S., cap. Greene co. P. 1934. Carrollton, vil. Missouri, U.S., cap. Carroll co. P.23rg.' Carron, r. Scot., Stirlingsh., aff, of the Forth at Grangemouth, 20 m. Carron, vil. 2 m. NW. Falkirk. P. 902; ironworks. [long. Carronbrook, vil. Ontario, Perth co., 17 m. NW. Stratford. P. 1000. $º vil. Scot., E. Stirling, on Carron R. P. 481. ( r: Jarrouges, th France, dep. Orne, 15 m. NW. Alençon. P. 1972. Jarrowdore, vil. Irel, co. Down, 7 m. SE. Newtownards. P.387. Garru, th: Italy, Piedmont, 6 m. NE. Mondovi. P. 4153. Carse of Forth, Scot, dist. on R. Forth, Gartmore to Bo'ness. Carse of Gowrie, tract, Scot., on N. b. Tay, Kinnoul to Dundee. Qarshalton, par. and vil. Engl. Mid Surrey, 3 m. SW. Croydon. P. 484r. Qarsoli, th; Italy, prov, Aquila, 49 m. ENE. Rome. P. 5351. Carson City, cap. of Nevada, U.S., Ormsby co., E. of Sierra Nevada. • 4229. Carson R., from E. slope of Sierra Nevada to Carson Lake, 170 m. Qarsphairn, par. and vil, Scot., N. Kirkcudbright, on R. Deugh. P. 484. Qarstairs, par. and vil. Scot., Lanark. P. 1955; vil. 528. Qarstairs Junction, vil. and ry. sta., 28} m. SW. Edinburgh. P. 888. Cart, r. Scot., aff, of Clyde at Renfrew, formed by Black and White C. Cartagena, or Carthagena, city, and chief naval arsenal, Spain, on Mediterranean, prov. and 27 m. by rail SE. Murcia. P. 75,908. Cartagena or Carthagena, city, and spt. Colombia, cap. of State Bolivar. Lat. Io 25' 36” N.; lon. 75° 34' W. P. 8603. Cartago, th: Costa Rica, 20 m. E. San José. P. 15,000. Carfago, th: Colombia, State Antioquia, 150 m. W. Bogota. P. 7696. Cartama, th: Spain, 21 m. W. Malaga. P. 4906. Cartaxo, th: Portugal, Santarem District, P. 5686. Cartaya, th and spt. Spain, Andalusia, 9 m. NW. Huelva. P. 5430. Cartersville, vil. Georgia, U.S., cap. Bartow.co. P. 2037. Qarterton, th: New Zealand, 58 m. by rail NW. Wellington. P. 1300. Carthage, vil. Illinois, United States, cap. of Hancock co., 15 miles east of Keokuk. P. I594. . 4167. Carthage, th: Missouri, cap. Jasper co., 27 m. NW. Pierce §: Qarthage, vil. New York, Jefferson co., on Black River, , P. 1912. Garthage, vil. N. Carolina, cap. Moore co., 50 m. SW. Raleigh. P. 2336. arthage, Cape, cst. N. Africa, on Mediterranean, 36° 52' N., roº 217 E. Cartier, ry. Sta. Canada, on Ont. div. C. P. Ry., 358 m. W. Ottawa. Cartmel, market town and par. England, North Lancashire, 6 miles east of Ulverston, P, 5600, I6 CARTWRIGHT THE CENTURY GAZETTEER CAZES-MONDENARD Cartwright, ry. sta. Canada, on Pembina section of C. P. Ry., 145 m. from Winnipeg. Carupano, Spt. Venezuela, State, and 57 m. NE. Cumana. P. 12,389. Carvin-Epinoy, th France, Pas-de-Calais, 20 m. NE. Arras. P. 7759. Casaba or Kassaba, th: Asia Minor, 30 m. NE. Smyrna. P. 12,000. Casablanca, th: Chili, prov. Valparaiso. P. 2000. Casa Branca, th: Brazil, prov. São Paulo. P. 31oo. Casa Branca, tm. Brazil, prov. Minas Geraes. P. 2Coo. Casacalenda, th: Italy, 18 m. NE. Campobasso. P. 7207.” Casalanguida, vil. Italy, prov. Chieti, II m. SW. Vašto. P. 338r. Casal Bordino, th Italy, prov. Chieti, 7 m. NW. Vasto. P. 5283. Casal Bore, th Italy, prov. Avellino, 7 m. NW. Aviano. P. r104. Casal Borgone, th: Italy, 4 m. ENE. Turin. P. 2354. Casal Buttano, th: Italy, 8 m. NNW. Cremona. P. 61ſt. Casal di Principe, th: Italy, prov. and 14 m. SW. Caserta. I’. 4040. Casal Dani, th Italy, prov. and 21 m. S. Campobasso. P. 4849. Casale, the Italy, prov. and 18 m. NW. Alessandria, on the Po. Casale, vil. Italy, 7 m. SE. Treviso. P. 3846. [P. 17,096. Casale Corte Cerro, th Italy, prov. Novara. P. 3424. Casale della Trinita, th Italy, prov. and 25 m. SE. Foggia. P. 6648. Casale lo Šturno, the Italy, Avellino, I m. NE. Frigentö. Casal Maggiore, th: Italy, on the Po, 22 m. E. Cremona. P. 15,648. Casalnuovo, tm. Italy, prov, and 6 m. by rail NE. Naples. P. 4715. Casalnuovo, th Italy, prov. Foggia, 15 m. S.W. San Severo. P. 4123, Casal Pusterlengo, th Italy, prov. Milan. P. 6336. Casalvecchio, th Italy, prov. and 25 m. NW. Foggia. P. 2513. Casalvecchio, vil. Sicily, 23 m. SW. Messina. P. 2935. Casalvieri, th: Italy, prov. Caserta, 7 m. SE. Sora. P. 4456. Casamarciano, vil, Italy, prov. Caserta, 13 m. NE. Nola. P. 1867. Casamassima, th S. Italy, prov. and 2 m. S. Bari. P. 7296. Casamicciola, th Italy, 12 mi. S.W. Pozzuoli, ruined 1883 by earthquake. Casanere, ter. §. from Andes to Orinoco. P. 26,066. [P. 2573. Casandrino, vil. Italy, 6 m. N. Naples. P. 2935. Casanova, th Italy, prov. and 2 m. NW. Caserta. P. 4823. Casapulla, th Italy, 3 m. NW. Caserta. P. 3031. Casarano, tm. Italy, prov. Lecce, 12 m. SE. Gallipoli. P. 502r. Casarbonela, th Spain, 29 m. WNW. Malaga. P. 4412. Casar de Caceres, th: Spain, Iom. NW. Caceres. P. 4276. Casares, th: Spain, 52 m. WSW. Malaga. P. 5418. Casariche, tr. Spain, 52 m. E. Seville, on R. Yeguas. P. 2891. Gasarza, vil, Italy, prov. Genoa, 6 m. SE. Chiavari. P. 2065. Casas Grandes, th: Mexico, State Chihuahua, 35 m. S. Llanos. £asate-Nuovo, vil. Italy, 18 m. NE. Milan. P. 3875. Cascade Mountains, continuous of Sierra Nevada, run N. through Oregon, Washington, and Brit. Columbia, crossing the Columbia and Fraser RS. Mt. Shasta in California is 14,440 ſt. alt. In Washington are Mts. St. Helens, Rainier, and Baker. [Launceston. Cascade River, tin-mining centre, Tasmania, co. Dorset, 50 m. NW. Cascaes, spt. Portugal, 15 m. W. of Lisbon, on Atlantic. P. 1600. Cascante, the Spain, Navarra, 53 m. S. Pamplona. P. 3945. Cascavel, tin. Brazil, prov., and 40 m. S.W. Ceara. P. 9000. Cascia, th: Italy, in Umbria, 13 m. E. Spoleto. P. 4624. Cascina, th Italy, in Tuscany, on R. Arno, 8 m. ESE. Pisa. P. 22,225. Casco Bay, cst, of Maine, U.S., on which is City of Portland. Caselle, th: Italy, 8 m. NW. Turin, on the Stură. P. 5276. Caselle Landi, vil. Italy, in Lombardy, 19 m. SE. Lodi. P. 2668. Casellina, suburb of Florence, Italy, 2 m. W. city. P. 15,321. Caserta., tm. Italy, cap. of prov. C., 17 m. N. by E. Naples. P. 31,349; with a magnificent royal palace. Caserta, formerly Terra di Lavoro, prov. Italy, in Campania. Area, 2307 sq. m. P. 807, IIo; produces corn, oil, wine, and silk. Caserta Vecchia (Old Caserta), th: Italy, 3 m. NE. Caserta. P. 1200. Cashel, city, Irel.., co. Tipperary, 96 m. SW. Dublin. P. 3961. The seat of Cath. and Anglican bishop. At foot of “Rock of Cashel.” Cashel or Dookie South, post tshp. Victoria, co. Moira, 125 m. NE. Melbourne. P. Ioo; limestone and iron ore quarries. Cashmere, native State, India. See Kashmir. [vicinity 3000. Casino, th New S. Wales, Rous co., on Richmond R. P. 1300; with Casio e Casola, th: Italy, prov. and 29 m. S.W. Bologna. P. 3310. Caskets, dangerous rocks in English Chan., 7 m. W. Alderney; light- Casola, th: Italy, 3 m. E. Castel-a-Mare. P. 2479. [house. Casole, vil. Italy, prov. and 15 m. W. Sienna. P. 4399. Casoli, th Italy, prov. and 17 m. SW. Chieti, on a mt. P. 6409. Casorate, th Italy, in Lombardy, II m. NW. Pavia. P. 3534. Casoria, th Italy, 6 m. by rail N. Naples. P. Io,063. Caspe, tin, Spain, prov. Saragossa, 12 m. NE. Alcañiz. P. 9157. Caspian Sea, great inland sea or salt lake between Europe and Asia, 760 m. long by 270 m. Area, 180,000 sq. m. It receives Rivers Volga, Ural, Atrek, Kura, and Terek. It has no outlet. The surface is 84 ft. below ocean-level. Cassala, or Kasala, th Nubia, 300 m. SSW. Suakin. P. 5000. Cassano, th: Italy, prov. and 34 m. N. Cosenza. P. 9216. Cassano, th Italy, prov. and 18 m. SSW. Bari. P. 5117 ; copperworks. Cassano Magnago, vil. Italy, Lombardy, 23 m. NW. Milan. P. 3604. Cassano-sopra-Adda, th: Italy, prov. Milan, on R. Adda. P. 7513. Cassel or Kassel, city, Prussia, cap. of gov. of Cassel and of prov. Hessen-Nassau, on R. Fulda, 91 m. NNE. Frankfort-on-the-Main. P.64,083; near is the palace of Wilhelmshöhe. Cassel, th France, dep. Nord, 27 m. NW. Lille. P. 4276. Cassiar, sub. dist. British Columbia, co. New Westminster. T. 3566. Cassergode, th India, S. Kanara Dist., Madras Pres. P. 6416. Cassils, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 733 m. W. Winnipeg. [2950. Cassilis, tm. New S. Wales, co. Bligh, 223 m. N. Sydney. P. of dist. Cassim-Pasha, suburb of Constantinople, on N. b. of Golden Horn. Cassine, th: Italy, 14 m. by rail SSW. Alessandria. P. 5483. Cassino con Sant' Angelo. See San Germano. Cassiquiale, r. Venezuela, bifurcation of Orinoco, affording navigable communication with Rio Negro, aff. of Amazon. Cassis, spt. France, Bouches-du-Rhône, Iom. SE. Marseilles. P. 1837. Cass Lake, Minnesota, U.S., expansion of Mississippi R. Cassley, r. Scot., Sutherland, aff, of Oykel, 8m. SW. Lairg, 20 m. long. Cassolnovo, vil. Italy, Io; m. SE. Novara. P. 5741. Cassville, vil. Missouri, cap. Barry co., 50 m. SW. Springfield. Castagma, th Italy, prov. Teramo, 15 m. NW. Civita di Penne. P. III.3. Castagnaro, vil. Italy, 6 m. SE. Verona, on R. Adige. P. 4674. Castagneto, th: Italy, prov. and 30 m. SE. Salerno. P. 2354. Castagneto, vil, Italy, 39 m, SE, Pisa, on the coast, P. 6364. Castagnole, vil. Italy, prov. Turin, 14 m. NE. Pinerolo, P.,2242. Castagnole, vil. Italy, prov. Alessandria, 18 m. S. Casale. P. 2935. Castagnole delle Lanze, vil. Italy, I m. S. Asti. P. 4930. Castalia, or St. John’s Fountain, a spring at foot of Parnassus. Castalla, the Spain, 24 m. NW. Alicante. P. 3737. gastano, th; Italy, 21 m. WNW. Milan. P. 4503. Casteggio, th: Italy, Piedmont, 5% m. NE. Voghera. P. 3925. Casteſ or Kastel, th: Prussia, gov. Wiesbaden, on R. Rhine. P. 6618. Castel-a-Mare (dž Stabza), city, and spt. Italy, 17 m. by rail S]:. aples, on the Bay. ...P. 29,267; has a cath., royal pal., and anc. cas. Castel-a-Mare, spt. Sicily, 20 m. E. Trapami. P. I6,553. Castel-a-Mare, tin, Italy, prov. Teramo, near Adriatic. P. 6433. astel-a-Mare della, Bruca, vil. Italy, prov, Salerno, on the Coast. Castel Arquato, tin. Italy, in Parma, 19 m. SE. Piacenza. P. 4098. . Castel Baldo, vil. Italy, 21 m. S.W. Padua, on R. Adige. P. 2946. forte, th: Italy, 7 m. NE. Mantua. P. 2849. Castel Bolognese, th: Italy, prov. and 22 m. SW. Ravenna. P. 5737. Castel Bottacio, th: Italy, prov, and 14% m. N. Campobasso. P. 1963. Castel Buono, th: Sicily, near Palermo. P. 9062; mineral springs. Castel Cucco, the Italy, in Lombardy, 21 m. NW. Treviso. P. I555. Casteldaccia, the Sicily, prov. Palermo. P. 31.47. Castel de Franchi, th Italy, prov. Avellino, on R. Calore. P. 31.76. Castel dell' Abate, th Italy, Salerno, 12 m. SW. Cappacio. P. 5076. Castel del Piano, th Italy, 28 m. NE. Grosseto. P. 6482. Castel del Rio, th: Italy, 33 m. WSW. Ravenna. P. 2924. Castel de Sangro, tm. Italy, prov. and 53 m. SE. Aquila. P. 5466. Castel Fidairdo, th Italy, prov. Ancona, near Loretto. P. 6650. Castellſiorentino, th: Italy, in Tuscany, 18 m. S.W. Florence. P. 8880. Castel Forte, th: Italy, prov. Caserta, 14 m. NE. Gaeta. P. 3470. Castel Franco, th Italy, prov. and 16 m. WNW. Bologna. P. 6700. Castel Franco, ft. th: Italy, prov. and 15 m. W. Treviso. P. II,721. Castellºranco, the Italy, prov. Avellino, 21 m. NE. Benevento. P. 2500. Castel Franco di Sotto, 26 m. SW. Florence, on R. Arno. P. 4732. Castel Gandolfo, vil. Italy, 14 m. SE. Rome, on Mt. Albano. P. 2044; villas, and summer residence of the Pope. , th: Italy, 13 m. NW. Mantua. P. 4352. vil. N. Italy, 7% m. NW. Vicenza. P. 3094. tn. Italy, 21 m. N.W. Potenza. P. 3469. vil. Italy, prov. and 6 m. NW. Parma ; has a fine castle. vil, Italy, 12 m. SW. Rovigo. P. 3367. [P. 31.42. tn. France, Lot-et-Garonne, on R. Avance. P. 3394. tn. Italy, prov. Turin, Iom. SW. Ivrea. P. 5997. tn. Italy, prov. and 26 m. SE. Bari. P. 9776. tn. France, Basses-Alpes, 20 m. SE. Digne. P. 1891. tn. Italy, prov. Lecce, 21 m. NW. Taranto. P. 9276. Italy, prov. and 5 m. SW. Alessandria. P. 6607. tn. N. Italy, prov. and 16 m. NW. Cremona. P. 7035. sopra. Ticino, vil. Italy, 19 m. N. Novara. P. 4969. vil. Italy, prov. and 19 m. SSE, Pisa. P. 2345. vil. Italy, 9 m. NNE. Sienna. P. with com. 4IIo. Wales. See Lloughor. tn. Portugal, Beira, 64 m. SE. Coimbra. P. 7464. vil. Portugal, II m. N. Portalegre, P. 5263. N ; Castello di Quatro, th: Italy, 4 m. by rail N.W. Florence. Castellon de Ampurias, th Spain, 21 m. NE. Gerona. P. 2856. Castellon de la Plana, prov. Spain, in Valencia, on Mediterranean. Area, 2496 sq. m. P. 301,052. Castellon de la Plana, city, Spain, cap. of above, 40 m. by rail NNE. 4 m. from the sea. P. 23,204. * tn. Spain, 55 m. N. Teruel. P. 2418. vil. Italy, 7% m. W. Mantua. P. 4328. vil. Italy, prov. and 27 m. ESE. Salerno, P. 2980. tn. Italy, prov. Caserta, 6 m. SW. Sora. P. 1610. Aqua Borrana, th Italy, prov. and 20 m. NE. Campo- basso, the loftiest vil. in the Apennines. P. 4545. Castelluccio Inferiore, th Italy, 32 m. SW. Tursi. P. 2734. Castelluccio Superiore, tm. Italy, NW. of above. P. 2793. Castel-Madama, vil. Italy, ENE. Rome. P. 33.18. Castel Maggiore, th: Italy, 8 m. by rail NE. Bologna. P. 4824. § tn. France, 22 m. NW. Carcassonne. P. ro,059. Castelnau de Brassac, th: France, in Tarn, 30 m. SE. Alby. F. 412o. Castlemau de Médoc, th: France, 16 m. NW. Bordeaux. P. 1753. Castelnau de Montmirail, th: France, 17 m. NW. Alby. P. 2532. Castelnau Montratier, th: France, 12% m. SW. Cahors. P. 3588. Castelnovo, tm. Italy, prov. and Iom. W. Verona. P. 3888. Castelnuovo, spt. Dalmatia, II m. W. Cattaro. P. 7188. Castelnuovo, th Italy, prov. and 14 m. SE. Chieti. P. 3333. Castelnuovo Bocca d'Adda, vil. Italy, 23 m. SE. Lodi. P. 2571. Castelnuovo d'Asti, th: Italy, 15 m. NW. Asti. P. 3659. Castelnuovo dei Monti, th; N. Italy, 20 m. SW. Reggio. P. 6205. Castelnuovo della Berardengo, tin. Tuscany, prov, and 9 m. E. Siena. P. 7895; trade in fruit, etc. ää Daunia, tm. Italy, 24 m. NW. Foggia. P. 3796. di Garfugnana, tin. Italy, 43 m. S.W. Modena. P. 3373. di Magra, th: Italy, II m. E. La Spezzia. P. 3552. di Sotto, th N. Italy, Iom. NW. Reggio. P. 6002. Scrivia, th Italy, 13 m. NE. Alessandria. P. 7418. or Kasteloryzo, isl. Asia Minor, 36° 8° 33° N., 29° 40' E. vil. Italy, prov. and I2 m. SE. Campobasso. P. 3006. vil. Italy, prov. and 20 m. W. Campobasso. P. 2510. ft. th: Portugal, prov. Beira, near Spanish frontier. or Castelruth, vil. Tyrol, 14 m. NE. Botzen. P. 1037. France, 23 m. WNW. Montauban. P. 1212. Italy, Salerno, 8 m. W. San Severino. P. 5140. tn. Italy, dist. Piacenza. P. 8627. Italy, 20 m. NW. Arezzo. P. 5640. tn. Italy, I4 m. SE. Bologna by rail. P. I2,695. Italy, 33 m. S. Potenza. P. 1968. ft. spt. Sardinia, 16 m. NE. Sassari. P. 2140. tn. France, 12 m. W. Montauban. P. 7245. tn. Sicily, 16 m. N. Girgenti. P. 9842. Catalozzia), th: Italy, Calabria, 47 m. NE. Reggio. P. 8633; trade in wine, and silk. P. 4271. Castelvetere, th Italy prov. Benevento, 18 m. SE. Campobasso. Castelvetere, tm. Italy, prov. Avellino, Iom. W. Sant'Angelo. P. 2253. Castelvetrano, tr. Sicily, prov. Trapani, 46m. S.W. Palermo. P. 20,097. Castenedolo, th: Italy, prov. Milan, 6% m. SE. Brescia. P. 3666. Casterton, th: Victoria, on Glenelg R., 256 m. W. Melbourne. P. 812. Castletº, vil. France, in Landes, 12 m. NNW. Dax. P. 2006. Castiglione, th: Italy, Lombardy, 11% m. SE. Lodi. P. 3833. Castigliome, th: Italy, 21 m. NW. Lucca. P. 3526. Castiglione, tr. Sicily, 25 in. NE. Catania. P. 9773. Castiglione, vil. Italy, prov. and 12 m. E. Romé. Castigliome, th: Italy, Massa-e-Carrara, 21 m. NW. Lucca. P. 3526. Castigliome, th: Italy, prov, and 25 m. SE. Bologna. P. 4920. Castigliomedei Gati, th: Italy, 26 m. SW. Bologna. P. 2000. [P. Ir,377. Castiglione del Iago, tr. Italy, 22 m. W. Perugia, on L. Perugia. Castiglione della Pescaria, cSt._tm. Italy, 12 m. W. Grosseto. P. 3358. Castiglione della Stiviere, th; Italy, 22 m. NW. Mantua. P. 5286. Castigliome d'Orcia, th: Italy, Sienna, 8m. SE. Monte-Alcino. P. 4150. Castiglionefiorentino, th: Italy, Iom. SE. Arezzo. P. 13,012. [P. 4077. Castiglione Messer Marino, th: Italy, Chieti, 22 m. SW, Västö. Castigliome Messer Raimondo, th: Italy, 17 m. SE. Teramo. P. 3138. Castilblanco, th: Spain, Estremadura, 15 m. SE. Logrosan. P. 320ſ. Castile (Span. Castilda), a former kingdom of Spain occupying the freat cent. plateau, cap. Burgos. See New and Old Castile. Castile, vil. New York, Wyoming co., 57 m. ESE. Buffalo. P. 2315. Castillo de las Guardas, th: Spain, 30 m. NW. Seville. P. 3699. Castillo de Locubin, tin. Spain, 18 m. SW. Jaen. P. 5552. Castillon, the France, Gironde, on the Dordogne. P. 3091. [P. 208r. Castillonès, th: France, Lot-et-Garonne, 17 m. NW. Villeneuve. Castine, port of entry, Maine, U.S., on Penobscot Bay. P. 1215. Castlebar, mkt. th: Irel., co. th: Mayo, on Lough C. P. 3855. (P. 54r. Castlebellingham, vil. and ry. sta. Irel., Co. Louth, 7 m. S. Dundalk. Castleblayney, mkt. th: Monaghan, 18 m. NW. Dundalk. P. 1810. Castle Cary, mkt. th: Engl., Somerset, 12 m. NE. Yeovil. P. 2034. mkt. th Ireland, N. co. Kilkenny. P. II.82. vil. Irel.., 8 m. NE. Limerick, on Shannon. P. 350. Irel., W. co. Tyrone, 10 m. SW. Strabane. P. 756. tn. Ireland, S. co. Kildare, 9 m. SE. Athy. P. 675. mkt. th: and par. Engl., N. Leicester. P. 2662. mkt. tin. Kirkcudbr., 19 m. SW. Dumfries. P. 2565. par. and vil. Engl., 93 m. SE. Durham. P. 880. [P. 398. vil. and ry. sta. Irel.., co. Donegal, 17 m: S. Londonderry. tn. West Riding, York, Iom. SE. Leeds. P. Io,530. , vil. Irel., co. Kerry, on Tralee B. P. 597... [P. 3492. and vil. Irel., co. Cork, 5 m. SE. Skibbereen. vil. Engl., Essex, 5 m. N. Halstead. P. Jo.40. Scot., Carluke par., Lanarksh. P. 485. [tn. I 466. and par. Irel.., co. Kerry, 11 m. SE. Tralee. P. 6049; , hamlet and ry. sta. Scot., Wigtownshire, 3 m. SE. ; ruined castle here. { vil. 2II. par. and vil. Irel., co. Cork, 5 m. SE. Fermoy. P. 1370 ; vil. Irel., co. Kerry, 8 m. S. Tralee, on R. Maine. P. I59. bor. Victoria, Talbot co., 77 m. NNW. Melb. P. 5787. vil. Irel., E. co. Cork, 13 m. S. Mogeely ry. sta. P454. Ontario, Peel Co., II m. from Weston. P. 200. ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry, 927 m. W. Winnipeg. a peak of Sierra Nevada, 13,000 ft. Colorado, the highest of Elk Mts...f4, fräft. e post tim, New Zealand, co. Wairape East, province and 108 miles NNE. of Wellington. º Castlepollard, vil. Irel.., N. co. Westmeath, 12 m. N. Mullingar. P. 852. R., 40 m. W. by N. Sydney. Castlereagh, post th New S. Wales, co. Cumberland, on r. b. Nepean Castlereagh, mkt. th: Irel... co, Roscommon, 9n R. Suck. P. 1229. Castle Rising, vil. Engl., Norfolk, 4 m. NE, King's Lynn. P. 345. Castleton, par. and tshp. Engl., N. Derbysh., in Peak dist., P. 985. Castleton, par. and vil. Scot., 21 m. S. Hawick. P. 2256; vil. 924. Castleton, tshp. New York, Staten Isl. P. 13:943. Castleton, vil. Vermont, U.S., co. and II m. W. Rutland. P. 3426. Castleton of Braemar, vil. Scot., S.W.Aberdeensh., on R., Dee. P. 234. Častletown, spt. Engi., Isle of Man, in S. extremity of isl. P. 2243. Castletown, spt. vil. Engl., Portland Isl., S. Dorset, 4% m. SE. Wey- Cast wn, vil. Scot., Caithness, on Dunnet Bay. P. 932. [mouth. Cºast wn, vil. Irel., co. Limerick, 7 m. W. Brûreery. Sta. Castletown Bearhaven, spt. Irel.., co. Cork, on Bantry Bay. P. IO28. astletownroche, par. and : Irel.., N. co. Cork, 8 m. E. * on R. Awbeg. P. 6484; vil. 820. .., | P. 954. casiºn: spt. vil. Irel., S. co. Cork, 6 m. SE. Skibbereen. Castlewellan, mkt. th: Irel.., co. Down, I9 m. NE. Newry. P. 892. Častor, par., 'tshp., and ry. sta. Engl. Northampton, 55 m), west of Peterborough. P. II58; vil. 661. [P. 27,408. Castres, th: France, dep. Tarn, on R. Agout, .25 m. SE, Alby. Častri, vil. Greece, Phocis, on Mt. Parnassus, 7 m. E. Salona, TP. 4399. Častries or Fort Castries, port of entry, Brit. W. Indies, Isl. St. Lucia. Castro, vil. Italy, prov. Rome, 9 m. S. Frosinone. P. 3503. Castro, th: Asiatic Turkey, cap. of Mitylene Isl. ... P. 6029. . . Castro, th: Brazil, prov. São Paulo, 85 m. NW. Curitiba. P. of dist.8oco. Castro, dep. and th: Chili, prov. and on E. cst. Chiloé Isl. Area, 13,519 sq. m. P. of dep. 35,016 ; of th: Ioco. Castro Daire, th: Portugal, prov. Beira, 18 m. SW. Lamego, P. 332^. Častro del Rio, th Spain, 16 m. SE. Cordova, on R. Guadajoz. P. Io,261. Here there is a nautical school. Castro-Giovanni, city, Sicily, 13 m. NE. Caltanisetta. P. IQ,777. Castro-Jeriz, th Spain, 18 m. W. Burgos. P. 2648. Castro Marim, th: Portugal, Algarve, on R. Guadiana. P. 3980. Castro Nuovo, tm. Sicily, 25 m. N. Girgenti. P. 4856; marble quar. Castro Nuovo, th Italy, prov. and 34 m. SSE. Potenza. P. 2014. Castro-Pignano, th Italy, prov. ić 5 m. NW. Campobasso. P. 2740. Castropol, spt. N. Spain, 58 m. WNW. Oviedo. P. 8135. Castro-Reale, city, Sicily, 12 m. S.W. Milazzo. P. 9037. Castro-Urdiales, spt, thSpain, prov. and 27 m. E. Santander. P. 7623. Castro-Verde, tri. Portugal, in Alemtejo, 26 m. S. Beja. P. 3360. Castro-Villari, tin. Italy, in Calabria, 7 m. NW. Cassano. P. II,743. Castua, th: Istria, 34 m. SE. Trieste. P. of dist, 14,536; tın. 554. Castuera, th: Spain, 68 m. ESE. Badajos. P.6869. Casute, th: Chili, prov. Aconcagua; gold-washing. [P. rºoo. Catalina, th: and port of entry, Newfoundland, 69 m. NW. St. John. Catalonia (Span. Čataluña), former prov. Spain, in N.E., bounded E. by Mediterranean, N. by the Pyrenées, and W., by Aragon. Area, 12,613 sq. m. ; cap, Barcelona, It is divided into provs. g Barcelona, Terragona, Lerida, and Gerona. Surface very moun- tainous, and rich in minerals. Catamarca, prov. Argentina, in NW., having W. the Andes. It is Very fertile, and rich in mineral. Area, 42,085 sq. m. P. ro2,000. Catamarça or San Fernando de Catamarca, cap. of above." Lai. ... 27.30 S. ; lon. 68.W. P. 8000. It has large trade. Catanduanes, isk. Philippine Isis, near S.E. cst. Luzon, 40 m. long. Catania, city, Sicily, cap. of prov. of Catania, on E. cst, 54 m. by rail NW. of Syracuse, at foot of Mt. Etná. P. 98,355; of comí. mune, IOO,417. Has a cathedral, university, Senate-house, Bene- dictine convent, and superb churches. Qaţānia, prov, of Italy, in Sicily. Area, 1970 sq. m. P. 564,186. Catanzaro, city, Italy, cap. of prov. G., near G. of Squillace, 33 m. SE. Cosenza. P. 24,094; has a cathedral. gaftanzaro, prov., (Calabriz. Ulteriore II.). Area, 2367 sq. m. Catarroja, th Spain, 6 m. S. Valencia. P. 552r. [P. 432,064. Catas Altas, vil. Brazil, prov. Minas Geraes, 20 m. NE. Ouro"fretº. P. 3000; mining locality. Qaftasauqua, tr. Pennsylvania, Lehigh co., on 1. b. Lehigh R. P. 3065. Qatastrophe, Cape, S. Australia, S. extremity of Eyria Peninsula. Qatawba R., N. Carolina, rises in Blue Ridge, 300 m. long. QaţāWissa, vil. Pennsylvania, Columbia co., on Susquehanna. P.2co2. Qaţbalogan, the Philippine Isls., on Samar isl., on W. coast. P. 7coo. Cateau-Cambresis or fle Cateau, th France, in Nord. P. 9564. Qafërham, par. and vil. Engl., E. Surrey, 7 m. S. Croydon. P. 6259. Cathay, mediaeval name for China and Éaštern Tartary. Cathcart, post...th. New S. Wales, co. Wellesley, 220 m. S. Sydney. Cathcart, par. Scot., 3 m. S. Glasgow. P. 12,221. Contains vils. of Qld Cathcart, p. 1603; and New Cathcart, p. 689. Cathkin Braes, hill-ridge, Scot., Carmunnock par., NW. Ilanarkshire. Cat Isl, or Guanahani, Bahama Isls. Area, 340 sq. m. P. 2378. Catmandoo, cap. of Nepaul. See Khatmandu. Catoche, Cape, NE. extremity of Yucatan, Mexico. Qatonsville, vil. Maryland, có. and 8 m, W. Baltimore. P. 1712. Gatorce, th: Mexico, 125 m. N. San Luis Potosi. Alt. 7760 ft. P.25,000. Qatrine, the Scot., Ayrsh., on R. Ayr, 50 m. S.W. Edinburgh. P. 2633. Gatskill, th; New York, cap. Greene co., on W. b. Hudson R. P. 83; r. Catskill Mts., New York, a group of the Appalachian system, W. Hudson River, Round Top, 3864 ft., and High Peak, 3720 ft. Cattaraugas Creek, r. New York, enters L. Erie 12 m. Niš. Dunkirk. Qaţţaro, spt, th: Austria, prov. Dalmatia, 38 m. SE. Ragusa. P. 2949. Cattegat or Kattegat, arm of N. Sea, between Sweden and Jutland. Cattenon or Kattenhowen, vil. Alsace, 5 m. NE. Diedenhofen. Catterick, par., tshp., and vil. Engl., N. R. York, on R. Swale. P. 2637; Cattolica, th: Sicily, prov. and 14 m. NW. Girgenti. P. 7037, [tshp. 650. Catuama, spt. Brazil, prov. Pernambuco, N. of Olinda. Catumbela, r. Lower Guinea, enters Atlantic 20 m. NE. Benguela. Catus, tr. France, dep. Lot, 9 m. NW. Cahors. P. 1704. Caub, the Prussia, gov. Wiesbaden, on the Rhine, below Bingen. Cauca, r. Colombia, flowséoc m. S. to N. into the Magdalena. (P. 3177. Cauca, State, Colombia, bounded W. by the Pacific Ocean. Aréâ 52,123 sq. m. P. 435,078; Cap. Popayan. Caucahuc, isl, Chili, prov, and NE, Chilhoe Isl, Caucasia, lieutenancy of Russian Emp. between Black and Caspian Seas, traversed by Caucasus Mts, consisting of gov. Stavropol, and dists. Terek, and Kuban (Circăucasia), and Irgovs. and dists. S. of the Caucasus. (Transcaucasia). "Area, #2,496 sq. m. P. 6,534,853; cap. Tiflis. Caugasus, lofty range of mts. Russia, from Black Sea to Caspian, and forming there the boundary between Europe and Asia. The highest point is Mt. Elburz, 18,526 ft., Kasbek, 16,546 ft. Caucasus, Indian. See Hindu Kush. [shipbuilding. gaudan, vil. France, dep. Morbihan, cant. Pont-Scorff. P. 6458; Caudebec, th: France, Seine-Inférieure, on the Seine. P. 2280. Gaudebec-les-Elbeuf, th: France, Seine-Inférieure. P. r1,290. Gauderan, vil. France, Gironde, 2 m, W. Bordeaux. P. 643r. Øaudeţe, th Spain, prov. and 50 m. ESE. Albacete. P. 5:39. Caudete, the Spain, prov. and 5 m. NW. Teruel. P. 6000. Qaudry, vil. France, in Nord, fom. by rail SE. Cambria. P. 5334. Caughnawaga or Sault St. Louis, vil. Quebec, on S. b. St. Lawrence, opposite Lachine, Io m. by rail above Montreal. P. ro84. Caulfield, tshp. Victoria, 6 m. by rail SE. Melbourne. P. of dist. 2489. Caulonia. See Castel Vetere. Gaumont, th: France, Calvados, 12 m, S.W. Bayeux. P. ſcó6. Gaumont, th; in Lot-et-Garonne, 4 m. S. Marmande. P. roag. ſp. 1570. Caumont, vil. in Vaucluse, 18 m. from Avignon, on the Durañéc. Gaunes, Les, the France, dep, Aude, II m. NE. Carcassonne. P. 2507. Øauqueneš, th; Chili, cap. prov. Maule, 60 m. S. Chillan. P. 7000. Causewayhead, vil. Scot, 13 m. NE. Stirling. P. 370. [P. 4157. Gaussade, tn. France, Tarn-et-Garonne, 12 m. NE. Montaubań. Cauterêts, vil. France, Hautes-Pyrenées, 25 m. SW. Tarbes. P. I989. Cauterskill Creek, r. New York, Catskill Mts., with several falls. Cautla-Amilpas, Ciudad Morelos, th: Mexico, State of Morelos. P. 3000; sugar-growing district. - Cauvery, r. S. India, famous for its sanctity, beauty, and utility for irrigation, rises in Coorg, in W. Ghats, and flows SE. through Mysore to Bay of Bengal, in Tanjore Dist., 475 m. Cava, isl. Scot., Orkneys, 9 m. S. Pomona. Cava or La Cava, the Italy, prov. and 6 m. by rail NW. Salerno. Cavaglia, th Italy, 30 m. NE. Turin. P. 2845. P. 22,077. Cavaillon, th: France, Vaucluse, 15 m. SE. Avignon. P. 859r. Cavalcante, th: Brazil, prov, and 300 m. NE. Goyaz. P. 4030. Cavalese, th; Tyrol, 22 m. NE. Trent, on the Avisio. P. 2897. Cavalla, vil. Liberia, W. Africa, co. Maryland; exports, rice and ivory. Qavaller-Maggiore, th: Italy, in Piedmont, 27 m. NE. Coni. P. 5646. Cavan, inland co, Irel., prov. Ulster, surrounded by cos. Fermanagh, Monaghan, Meath, Westmeath, Longford, and Leitrim. Area, 746 Sq. m. P. I29,476 (8o per cent. Roman Cath.). It returns 2 members to Parliament. Chief rivers, Woodford, and Upper Erne, which flow into Lough E. Tins., Cavan (co. th), Cootehill, and Belturbet. Cavan, co. th of C. 72 m. S.W. Belfast by rail. P. 3050. Cavan, vil. Ontario, Durham Co., 65 m. NE. Toronto. P. Sub. dist. 3479. Cavanas, port, Cuba, NW. cat., 38 m. SW. Havana. Gavarzere, th Italy, prov. Venice, on R, Adige. P. with com. 17,280. CavaSo, vil. Italy, prov, and 20 m. NW. Treyiso. P. 31.93. [P. 3617. Gavazuccherina, th, Italy, prov, Venetia, dist, San Dona di Piave. Qave or Cavi, th Italy, prov. Rome, 2 m. SE. Palestrina. P. 3658. Cave City, th: Kentucky, United States, Barren county, 6 miles south- east of the Mammoth Cave. P. 2234. [P. 1276. Cavendish, vil. Vermont, U.S., Windsor co., 30 m. SE. Rutland. Cavendish, post th: Victoria, co. Dundas, on Wànnon R., 193 m. W. Melbourne, and 16% m. N. of Hamilton. P. 223. Cave Spring, vil. Georgia, U.S., Floyd co., 16 m. SW. Rome. P. 218t. Cavezzo, th Italy, Emilia, dist. of Mirandola. P. 4879. Cavité, ft. Spt. Philippines, Luzon Isl. To m. SW. Manilla. P. 5115. Cavor or Cavour, th: Italy, in Piedmont, 7 m. SE. Pinerolo. P. 73ro. Cavriana, vil. N. Italy, 17 m. NW. Mantua. P. 2365. [Rockhampton. Cawarral, tshp. Queensland, co. Livingston, on C. Creek, 28 m. from Cawdor, par. and vil. Scot., 53 m. SW. Nairn. P. ro70; near is C. Cas. Cawnpur (Kazuh?zer), dist. India, N.W. Provs., W.-most in Allahabaul Div., between the Ganges and Jumna. Cap. C. City. Area, 2379 sq. m. P. I, 181,396. Cawnpur City, chief tim. of above, on r. b. Ganges, 130 m. above its junction with the Jumna at Allahabad, 628 m. NW. Calcutta. P. 151,444. Elevation, 500 ft. [Selby. P. IIo8. Cawood, par. and vil. Engl., W. R. York, on R. Ouse, 43 m. NW. Caxamarca or Cajamarca, tr. Peru, cap. C. Dep., 90 m. E. of Pacasmayo. P. I2,000; eley. 9400 ft. Area of dep. I7,721 Sq. m. P. 244,895; agriculture, mining, gold-washing, etc. Caxamarquilla, th N. Peru, 70 m. S. Caxamarca. P. 8000. Caxatambo or Cajatambo, prov. and th: Peru, dep. Junin, 140 m. N. Lima. P. of prov. 30,472 ; tın. 2772. Caxias or Cachias, th: Brazil, prov. Maranhão, on Itapicuru. P. I2,000. Cax or Kaso, Turkish isl., in Grecian Archip. P. 4500. Caxoeira, Brazil. See Cachoeira. Caxton, par. and vil. Engl., co. and 9 m. W. of Cambridge. P. 563. Cayambe, mt. Andes of Ecuador, on the Equator, 19,535 ſt. [drawings. Caycara, th: Venezuela, State of Bolivar, on the Orinoco ; mural Cayenne, spt, th: S. America, cap. of French Guiana. P. II,000. Cayes, Les, spt. Hayti, on S. cst, 92 m. WSW. Port-Republican. Cayes-de-Jacmel, th: Hayti, on Jacmel R., 20 m., S. Port-au-Prince. Cayeux, cst. tin. France, dep. Somme, on English Chan. P. 31.78: Caylus, tm. France, in Tarn-et-Garonne, 25 m. NE. Montauban. P. 4644; contains an old rock-built castle. * Caymans, The, grp. of 3 isls. Brit. W. Ind., 150 m. WNW. Jamaica. P. 2400; produce, timber, and dyewood. P. 897. Caythorpe, par. and vil. Engl., S. Lincoln, Io m. NE. Grantham- Cayon, tin. Spain, prov, and 9 m. W. Corunna. * Cayor or Kayor, maritime state, Senegambia. , P. 150,000. Càyte or Caite, r. Brazil, passes Bragança, and drains several lakes. Cayuga, tri. Ontario, Haldimand Co., on Grand R. P. 21.09. Cayuga Lake, New York, 38 m. long, drains to Seneca R. Cazalia, de la Sierra, th Spain, prov. and 39 m. NE. Seville. P. 8322. Cazaubon, th: France, dep. Gers, on the Douze, 40 m. NW. Auch. Cazbin, th Persia. See Kasbin. [P. 2839. Cazembe’s Country, Africa, about Io" S. and 30°E. Area, 120,000 sq. m. Cazenovia, tm. New York, Madison co., 20 m. SE, Syracuse. P. 4363. Cazères, tr. France, Haute Garonne, on l. b. of Garonne. P. 2677. Cazes-Mondenard, Yil, France, Tarnºct-Garonne, P. 2419. I 7 H CAZORLA. THE CENTURY GAZETTEER CHARTHAM a, city, Spain, Andalusia, 4 m. E. Jaen...P. 6651. *::::::::::::::: tn. France, Hérault, 6 m. NW. Béziers. P. 320I. Čea, vil. Portugal, prov. Beira, 33 m. WSW. Guarda. P. #6 : Cal Čeara, cst. prov. Brazil, 5° S., Area, 40,251 sq.m. P. 7. ; Cap. Fórtaleza ; products, tropical; minerals, gold quartz, e ă. P. I82 Cébazat, th: France, Puy-de-Dôme, 5%; N. gºmº. . P. I325. Čepoila or Cevolla, th Spain, 25 m.NW. Toledo. P. 3.8% 6 Öğreros, tr. Spain, 21 m. SSE, Avila, on the º: . 3554- Čeccano, vil. Italy, 5 m. S.Nº. OIl # ;: e º - . Spain, 35 m. . Caceres. I’. e 3. º; #. Cape Colony, between #º º: Cedarburg, vii. Wisconsin, Ozaukee Co., 23*, N. Miyaº . 2539. Cedar Falls, city, Iowa, Black Hawk co., on Cedar R. P. 3020. neral Banks took place here. P. 2583; s cº; city, Iowa, Linn co., 98m.NN W. Burlington. P. 15,426. tº #ed 'Cedar R., Minnesotá and Iowa, aft: of Iowa R., #. #: Cedar Springs, vil. Michigan, Kent Co., 3 º' NNE. Grand º S. Čefalu, th Sicily, 44 m. ESE. Palermo. P. #. [P. II4I. Čeglie, city, Italy, prov. Lecºe, 27 m: W. Brindisi. P. *:::::: Čefiegin, tn. Spain, prov. and 37 m. WNW. Murcia. P. 9760. P. 2II2 Čeirãor Elnas, r. Portugal, aff, of M ondego, 2 m. E. Coimbra. P. 2II2. Čelano, tr. Italy, prov. and 28 m. SSH: Aquila. P. 8599. Čelanova, tr. Spain, prov. and 3 m. S. 9º, P. 4628. P. g38 Čelbridge, vii.andry sta. Irel, NE. Co. Kildare, on R. Liffey. P. º º Celebes, farge isl. Malay Archipelago, between Borneo and the Mouccas, on the Equator. Area, 77.271 sq.m. P. 4,000,000. It consists mainly of four large peninsulas traversed by mt, chains, with many active volcanoes. The Dutch exercise the º; Their principal establishments are at Menado in the NW., an ſºniañ the NE. The aboriginal inhabitants, the Alfooras, .# the interior; the Boogis, a Borneån people, inhabit the coasts, ºn are mostly Mohammedans. The falº indicate the Austro- Malayan région. Climate healthy. Soil immensely #1 l Celebes Sea, N. of Celebes, E. of Borneo, and S. of Philippine Isls. Čeienza, ºn "I taly, prov. and 39 m. WN W. Foggia. P. 3702. Čelenza, th Italy, prov. Shiºti, 17. SW. Vašto. P. 1884. &ºieştial Mountains. See Thian-Shah, 6 delina, vil. Ohio, cap. Mercer C9.9% Wabash R. P. 1346, F. 2628 Čellarāyke or Nether Kilremny, fishing vil. Scot., S.E. Fife. P. 2628. Čelle, tin. Prussia, 23 m. N. Hanover, on R. Aller. P. 18,782. Čelie, tn. Italy, on Gulf of Genoa, 4 ºn. NE. Savona. P. 222I. Čellino, th Italy, prov. and 12 m. SE. Teramo. P. 3. Čelorico, th Portugal, in Beira; II in. NW. Guarda, P.3019. P. O46 Cembra, th Austria, 9 m. NE. Trent, on the Avisio. P. 1641. . [P.945. Cemmes, par. and vil. Wales, W. Montgomery, 6 m. NE. Machynlleth. Ceneda, th Italy, prov. and 22 m. N.Trºise, with cathedral, I :*. Geneselli, th Italy, prov. Rovigo, dist. Massa Superiore. ...? e Cenia, th: Spain, prov. Tarragona, 15 m. SW. Tortosa, P.3 à e Cenis, Mont, mt. of the Alps, between the Cottian and Graian chains of the bound. of iº º *Italy, crossed by a road, and - a ry. tunnel ; elev. 6775 ft. - cºśi franée, on Giróñde, opposite Bordeaux. P. 1264. Čentallo, th: Italy, in Piedmont, Zºº; N. Coni. P. 4949. Čento, tú. Italy, in Emilia, 16 m. †NNW. Bologna, P. 19,881. º Čentorbi or Cénturipe, tr. Sicily, 19 m. WNW. Catania. P. 9596, Central, tshp. Missouri, St. Louis go...1930. W. St. Louis. P. 7485. Čentral America. See America, Central. [P. 400. 5. Chebogue, viſ. Nova Scotia, co. and 2% tº from Yarmºh. Central City, Colorado, United States, Cap. Gilpin Co., 40 miles west of Denver. P. 2026. e [Bismarck. Central City, mining th Dakota, U.S., Black, Hills, 280 ºl, SW. Čentral Falls, th Rhode Isl., co, and 43 m, N. Providence. P. 4044. Centralia, city, Illinois, Marion Co., 66 m. E. St. Louis. P. 3621. §jia, tº Pennsylvania, Columbia co., S.E. Danville, P., 1886. tºai India, non-official name of territories under nine Political * Agencies, under supervision of the Agent to Governor-General fºcentral India residing at Indore. . The tract lie; N. of Cent. Trows., having NW. Provs. on N.E., Rajputana ºn N.W., Khandesh ind flewa Kantha Dists, on W. and SW. Area, 75,000 sq. m. P. 9,261,907. º - e. º & - Centraſ Frövinces, chief commissionership, India, extending from fºundelkhand in the N. to Madras Pres, in the S., and from išengal in the E. to Independent Malwa and the Deccan in the W. Area, 113,279 sq. m. P. II,548,5}r; chief tim. Nagpur. C. P. comprise divs. Nagpur, Jabalpur, ÎNarbadda, and Chhatisgarh, which are divided into 18 dists. Area, 84,445 sq. m. P. 4,879,356. Therearéalso 15 Native States, with area 28,834sq. m. P-572,383. Centre Harbour, summer resort, New Hampshire, 43 m. N. Concord. Centreville, vil. Illinois, St. Clair Co., 7 m. ŠE. St. Louis. P. III6. Čentreville, th Iowa, cap. Appanoose co. P. 2475; Čentreville, th Maryland, cap. Queen Anne Co., P. 4336. Centreville, vil. Ontario, Addington co., 17 m. NE. Napanee. P. 300. Centreville, vil. New Brunswick, Carleton co. P. 600. Centreville, sub. dist. Nova Scotia, King's co. P. 2391. [P. ro57. Centropolis, vil. Kansas, U.S., Franklin co., 10 m. NNW. Ottawa. Cephalonia, or Kephalonia, one of the Ionian Isls. Greece. Area, 315 sq. m. P. 80,957; chieftms. Argostoli, and Lixuri. * * * Cephissis or Melas, r. Greece, enters L. Topolias 3 m. NE, Livadia. Čephissia or Kephissia, vil. Greece, 12 m. NE. Athens. Cephissus, r. Greece, in Attica, enters Gulf of AEgina near Athens. Ceppaloni, tin. Italy, prov. Avellino, 6% m. S. Benevento. P. 3456, Ceprano, th Italy, r1 m. SE. Frosinone. P. 3834. Cera, isl. Malay Archipelago, W. of Timor Laut. Ceram or Sirang, isl. Malay Arch., in the Moluccas. . Area, 19,900. sq. m. Governed by native chiefs, under the Dutch...P. 200,000. Cerami, th Sicily, prov. Catania, 17 m. W. Bronte...P. 5190. Čeram faut, grp. of small isls. off E. end Ceram. P. 2000. derano, vil. İtaly, in Piedmont, 8% m. ENE. Novara. P.5709. Čerbat, vil. Arizona, U.S., Mohave co., 6 ºn, S. Mineral Park. Čerchiara, th: Italy, prov. Cosenza; 9 m. NE; Castrovillari. P. 3389. Cerda, tm. Sicily, 3 m. by rail SE. Termini. P. 5175. Cère, t. France, Cantal and Lot, aff, of Dordogne, near Bretenoux. Cerea, tr. Italy, 19 m. SSE., Verona. P. 7625. f Ceres, vil. Cape Colony, Tulbagh Div. 75 ºr NE. Cape Town. Čeres, par. and yil, Scot., Fife, 2% m SE: Cupar. P. 2063; vil. 724. Čeres, post, th Victoria, co. Grant, 6 m. W. Geelong. Čéret, ta. France, Pyrenées-Orientales, 18m, SW, Perpignan. P. 37.77. Čerfontaine, vil. Belgium, prov. Namur, 6 m. WSW. Philippeville. Ceriana, vii. Italy, 5 mi. N. San Remo. P. 2543. |P. I665. Cerignoia, th: Itály, prov. and 24 m. SE. Foggia. P. 25,418. Cerigo, S.-most of the Ionian Isls., Greece. Area, 116 sq. m. P. 13,259. Cerigotto, small isl. of Greece, between Cerigo and Crete, 5 m. long- Cerilly, tri. France, dep. Allier, 24 m. WNW. Moulins. P. 2909. Cerină, the Cyprus, on N. CŞt., To m. N. Lefkoşia. º Cérizay, th France, dep. Deux-Sèvres, 9 m. W. Bressuire. P. 1863. Cermigiano, vil. Italy, prov. Teramo, 12 m. NNW. Penne. P. 2701. Cerne-Abbas, mkt. tr. Engl., 7 m. N. Dorchester. P. 925. Cernetz or Zérnetz, vil. Switzerland, in Lower Engadine. P. 603. Cernilow, vil. Bohemia, Königgrätz, near Smiritz. P. 2030. Cernowitz, th: Bohemia, 14 m. ESE. Tabor. P. 21.99. Cernusco-Asinaria, th: Italy, 7 m. NE. Milan. P. 5758. Cerra del Cobre, Imt. Andes of Atacama, Chili, 18,320 ft. Cerreto, th: Italy, prov. Benevento, on the Apennines. P. 5449. Cerreto Guidi, th: Italy, prov. Florence, 4 m. NW. Empoli. P. 6412. Cerro, tm, Italy, prov. Campobasso, 13 m. NE. Venafro. P. 2721. Cerro Azul, th: Peru, 75 m. SSE. Callao. Cerro de la Giganta, the highest mts. of Lower California, 5000 ft. Cerro del Andevalo, th: Spain, 26 m. N. Huelva. P. 3190. Cerro de Pasco or fasco, tn. Peru, dep. Junin, 138 m. NE. Lima, 13,673 ft. above sea-level, with rich silver-mines. P. 6500. Cerro do Roque, mt. grp. Brazil, W. of Lake Patos. gerro Gordo, Int, pass. between Mexico and Vera Cruz. Cerro Gordo, mining camp, California, Inyo co. ; silver-mines. Cerro Gordo de Potosi, metalliferous Int. Bolivia, near Potosi. Cerros, isl. Pacific Oc., off cst. of Lr. California, 30 m. long by 5 m. Certa or Serta., tm. Portugal, in Beira, 23 m. SE. Coimbra. P. 3859. Certaldo, th Italy, in Tuscany, 18% m. S.W. Florence. P. 7984. Cervaro, th: Italy, prov. Caserta, 22 m. SE. Sora. , P. 4525 Cerveira, th: Portugal, prov. Minho, 16 m. by rail N. Vianna, P. 2300. Cervera, th Spain, prov. and 28 m. by rail E. of Lerida. P. 3789. Cervera, th: Spain, 58 m. N. of Palencia. P. 2163. . 429O. Cervera del Rio Aihama, th Spain, Logroño, 18 m. S. Calahorra. Cervetere, vil. Italy, in the Campagna, 27 m. W. Rome. P. 1905. Cervia, th Italy, in Emilia, 13 m. SE. Ravenna, P. 6606. Cervicales, grp. of isls. in Mediterranean, SE. Corsica. Cervinara, th: Italy, prov. and 12 m. NW. Avellino. P. 7147. Cervin, Mont (Ital. Monze Sºzio Ger. Aſaſterhozat), mt. of the Pennine Alps, 12 m. WNW. of Monte Rosa. Elev. 14,771 ft. Cervione, th: E. cst. of Corsica, 26 m. S. Bastia. P. 1912. Cesana, vil. Italy, prov. and II m. S.W. Belluno. P. 2430. Cesan Maderno, vil. Italy, ſo m. NW. Milan. P. 4269. Cesaro, th: Sicily, 7% m. NW. Bronte, on a hill. P. 4976. Qesena, th: Italy, prov. and 12 m. by rail SE. Forli. P. 39,490. Qesenatico, th: Italy, 9 m. NE. Cesena, on Adriatic. P. 6615. Cesi or Cesio, vil, Italy, 7 m. NNE. Narni. P. 4197. Qessenon, vil. France, in Hérault, 15 m. E. St. Pons. P. 2407. Cessford, vil. Scot., Roxburgh, 6 m. NE. Jedburgh, Cedar Mountain, Virginia, Culpepper.So. A Confederate victory over - Cervasca, vil. Italy, 54 m. SW. Coni, near l.b. of the stra. P. 2867. Cesson, vil, France, Ille-et-Vilaine, 3 m. E. Rennes. P. 3437. Cetona, vil, Italy, prov. Sienna, 10 m. SW. Chiusi. P. 4387. Cetraró, th: Italy, prov. and 24 m. NW. Cosenza. P.6987. o Cette, ft. tu, and spt. France, dep. Herault, 19 m, SW, Montpellier, on a tongue of land. P. 35,517. . It is a fortress ºf the first glass. Cettinje, Cettigne or Zetinje, capital of the principality of Monte- negro, 15 miles from Cattaro. P. 2009. - e Ceuta (Moorish Sebta), spt. and ft. th: Morocco, belonging to Spain, opposite and 17 m. SSE. of Gibraltar. . P. 97.03. Ceva, th Italy, Piedmont, 26 m. E. of Coni, on the Tanaro. . P. 5420. Cévennes, range of mts. S. France, forming the watershed, between the Rhône basin on the E., and those of the Loire, Allier, Lot, and Tarn on the W. The highest points are Mezia (5794), and Lozère (4884). The Ceyennes are rich in minerals. Cevico de la Torre, tin. Spain, Leon, 12 m. SE: Palencia. P. 1818. Ceylon (native Singhala, anç. Taprobate), isl. Indian Ocean, form- ing a Crown colony of Brit. Empire, SE. India, separated by the Gulf of Manaar. It lies between lat. 5° 55' and 9°51’, lon. 79°41' 40” and 54° 50' E. Length, N. to S. 266 in., greatest breadth, 14om. Area, 24,702 sq. m. P. 2,781,618. The surface, is alluvial and fertilé, except in the interior of S. part, which is mountainous; Pedrotallagălla (8280 ft.), Adam's Peak (7420 ft.). Climate diversi- fied, but healthy generally. Chief tims, are Qolombo, the gap., Kandy, Jaffna, Trincomali, and Galle. The Singhalese and the Tamils are the principal races. .. º Cezimbra, th: Portugal, on the Atlantic, 18 m. S. Lisbon. P. 6815. Chaam, vil. Netherlands, N. Brabant, Iom. SE. Breda., P. 1342. Chabamais, th France, in Charente, 30 m. NE. Angoulême. P. 1866. Chabeuil, th: France, dep. Drôme, 7 m. SE. Valence. P. 3121. Chabkan or Tchabkan, r. Chinese Emp., enters L. Ike-Aral-Nor, from the SE., about 48° N. lat. 90° W. lon. Length, 500 m. Chablis, the France, dep. Yonne, 9 m. E. Auxerre. P. 2190. Chabris, th: France, dep. Indre, 30 m. N. Chateauroux. P. 3043. Chacao, the Chili, on N. cst. of Chiloé Isl:, 16m. NE. Ancud. . Chacarilla, vil, Bolivia, dep. La Paz de Ayacucho; copper-mines. Chachacomani, peak, Andes of Bolivia, lat. 16° S. Eley. 20,235 ft. Chachapoyas, th: Peru, cap. of Amazonas, 70 in. . Caxamarca. Chaco, El Gram. See El Gran Chaco. [P. 3366. Chad, Tchad or Tsad, fresh-water lake, Soudan, r3° N., lat., 14° E. lón., surrounded by Bornou, Kanem, and Baghirmi. Area, Io to 50,000 sq. m., according to dry or wet season, elev. II.50 ft. . It receives the Yeou and the Shari Rs., but has ordinarily no outlet. At extreme high water its surplus escapes by the Bahr-el-Gazal, NE.:ward to Bodele basin in the Sahara, hadda R. See Benué. hadwell Heath, hamlet and ry. sta. Engl., rom. NE. London. haffey, sub. dist. Ontario, Muskoka co, P. 2315. agaramus or San Fernando, naval sta. W. Indies, on Trinidad Isl. agdah, th: India, Nadiyah Dist., Bengal, on R. Hugli. P. 8989. hagny, th France, Saône-et-Loire, Iom. NW. Châlons. P. 4222. hagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean, S. Maldive group. hagres, th: Colombia, on N. cst. of Isthmus of Panama. P. Troo. hagrin Falls, tin. Ohio, U.S., Cuyahoga Co., 18 m. SE. Cleveland. hahan or Tchahan, tin. Mongolia, 200 m. NNE. Pekin. haharbag, til, Afghanistan, 30 m. N. Cabul. haibasa,th. India, cap. Singbhum Dist., Bengal, on R. Roro. P. 6006. haillac, til. France, in Indre, 17 m. SE. Le Blanc. P. 2649. haillac, vil. France, Haute-Vienne, 5 m. NE. Rochechouart. P. 1372. hailland, th: France, in Mayenne, II m. NW. Laval. P. 2013. haille-les-Marais, vil. France, 28 m. SE. La Roche-S.-Yon. P. 2487. Chaillevette, spt. France, Charente-Infér., 6 m.S. Marennes. P. 956. Chain of Ponds, post th S. Australia, co. and 19 m. NE. Adelaide. Chainpur, th: Iñdia, Shahabad Dist., Bengal. P. 2964. [P. Ioo. Chai-ya, Čst. th Siam, on E. side Malay Penin., lat. 9°30' N. Chakén, th India, Jaipur State, Rajputana. P. 6219. Chaklaši, th: India, Kaira Dist., Bombay Pres. P. 7981. Chakwal, tm. India, dist. Jhelum, and 54 m. SE. Punjab. P. 5717. Chala, port, Peru, Arequipa, lat. I5°50'S. Chalabre, th: France, dep. Aude, 24 m. S.W. Carcassonne. P. 1920. Chalamont, th France, dep. Ain, 1.9 m, E. Trévoux. P. 1900. Chalancon, th: France, dep. Ardèche, 16 m. SW. Tournon. P. III.5. Chalantenango, th and dep. San Salvador, Cent. America. Chalanthrista, th: Greece, in the Morea, 12 m. SSE. Patras. Chalaval, vil. Chili, prov. Atacama; copper-mines. Chalcis, Chalkis or Negropont (Turk. Egrifos), the Greece, cap. of Euboea, 17 m. . Thebes. P. 6877. Chalco, tin. Mexico, on Lake Chalco, 25 m. SE. Mexico by rail. P. 2000. Chale, vil. and B. Engl, S. cºt. Isle of Wight, 6% m. W. Ventnor. P. 681. Chaleur Bay or B. of Chaleurs, inlet of Gulf of St. Lawrence, between Gaspé Peninsula and north coast of New Brunswick. alfont St. Giles, vil. Engl., S. Bucks, 3 m. SE. Amersham. P. 1264. halgrove, vil. Engl, SE, Oxfordsh., 5 m. SW. Tetsworth. P. 512. alisgaon, th India, Khandesh Dist., Bombay, 30 m. S. Dhulia. halk Farm, a NW. suburb of London, England. [P. 3941. halk River, ry. sta, Canada, on the C. P. Ry., 126 m, W. Ottawa. halki Isl., one of Prince's Isls., Sea of Marmora, 13 m. from Constan. allams, the France, dep. Vendée, in the midst of marshes, 23 m. N.W. La Roche-sur-Yonne. P. 4917. halles, vil. France, dep. Sarthe, II m. SE. Le Mans. P. 1080. halmers, vil. New York, co. Niagara, 7 m. NE. of the Falls. [P. 5139. halonnes-sur-Loire, the France, on the Loire, 12 m. SW, Angers. hâlons-sur-Marne, city, France, cap. of dep. Marne, 106 m. by rail , E. Paris, on R. Marne, with cathedral. P. 23,200; elev. 270 ft. Châlon-sur-Saône, th France, dep. Saône-et-Loire, on r. b. Saône i. m. N. Macon. P. 21,618; elev. 584 ft. Chalus, th: France, Haute-Vienne, 17 m. SW. Limoges. P. 2530. Cham, tm. Bavaria, on R. Cham, and on rail, 30 m. NE. Ratisbon. Cham, the Siam, on G. of Siam, 70 m. SW. Bangkok. [P. 3543. Chama, vil. and r. W. Africa, on the Gold Goast. P. 5000. [P. 1260. Chamalières, th France, Puy-de-Dôme, 2 m. W. Clermont-Ferrand. Čhamariakota, tn. India, Godavari Dist., Madras, 7 m. N. Coconada. Chamba, State, India, in Punjab. P. r15,773. Cap. C. P. 5218. [P. 496r. Chambal (Chiemöu?), r. Cent. India, trib. of the Jumna, 40. Im. below Etawah, rising in the Vindhya Hills. Length, 650 m. Chambal, th: India, Chittagong Dist., Bengal. P. 5000. § hamberet, th: France, dep. Corrèze, 21 m. NW. Tulle. P. 3026. C hambersburg, tm. New Jersey, U. S. Mercer co. P. 5437. hambersburg, th: Pennsylvania, Franklin Co., 52 m. WSW. Harris- burg. , P. 6877; manufs. Cotton and woollen goods, iron, etc. Chambers' Creek, post, th New S. Wales, co. Bathurst, 158 m. W. Sydney. P. about 70. + - Chambertin, famous vineyard, France, in Burgundy, 6 m.S. Dijon. Chambéry, city, France, cap. of dep. Savoy, 45 m. S.W. Geneva, on the Leysee and Albane Rivers. P. 19,622. Chambezi, r. Cent. Africa, enters Lake Bangweolo, on E. side. lambly, th France, dep. Oise, 20 m. SSE. Beauvais. P. 1531. lambly Basin, vil. Quebec, Chambly co., on Richelieu R. P. 988. lambly Canton, vil. Quebec, Chambly co., on Richelieu R. P 1506. hambon, th France, dep. Creuse, 26 m. E. Guéret. P. 2207. hambon, vil. France, Haute-Loire, Iom. SE. Yssingeaux. P. 2195. hambon-Feugerolles, th France, 5 m. S.W. St. Etienne. P. 816O. hambord, vil. France, 8 m. E. Blois, with magnificent château. hamboulive, vil. France, dep. Corrèze, 12 m. NW. Tulle. P. 2750. hamelco, tin. Guatemala, in Alta Vera Paz. P. 3000. hamiani, the India, Unao Dist., Oudh. P. 4oro. hamounix, val. France, Up. Savoy, drained by R. Arve, overhung by Mont Blanc on the S., C. vil. has a p. of 2420; elev. 3425 ft. Champagne, old prov. France, in NE., now forming deps. Ardennes, Marne, Aube, and Haute-Marne, and part of Aisne, Seine-et- Marne, and Yonne. Cap. was Troyes. | ºt, tiſſ º tn. France, Haute-Saône, 25 m. ENE. Vesoul. P. 4114. ampagnole, tin. France, dep. Jura, on R. Ain. P. 3700. lampaign, city, Illinois, U.S., C. Co., 33 m. W. Danville. P. 5103. hamparam, dist. India, Patna Div., Bengal, on the Nepal frontier- rea, 3531 sq. m. P. 1,721,608. Cap. Motihari. hampdeniers, th: France, dep. Deux-Sèvres, 4 m. N. Niort. P. rº/2. hampeix, th: France, Puy-de-Dôme, 16 m. SE. Clermont-F. P. 1582. hampigny, vil. France, dep, Seine, 8 m. ESE. Paris. P. 3084. hamplain, wil. New York, Clinton Co., 4 m. W. Rouse Point. P. 5407. hamplain, vil. Canada, on St. Lawrence, 64 m. SW. Quebec. hamplain,_Lake, separates N. parts of Vermont and New York States, U.S. Area, 488 sq. m.; Ioo m. long. ; 93 feet above sea- level. , Discharges at N. end by Richelieu R. to the St. Lawrence. hamplitte, th: France, in Haute-Saône, 29 m. W. Vesoul. P. 253r. hampniers, th: France, in Charente, 5 m. NE. Angoulême. P.3255. hampoton, th: Mexico, Yucatan B., and 35 m. SSW. Campeachy. hampsecret, tin. France, in Orne, 4% m. NE. Domfront. P. 2735. lampfocé, th: France, Maine-et-Loire, 15 m. SW. Angers. P. 1994. namula San Juan, vil. Mexico, State Chiapas. P. 4000. hamusca, th: Portugal, on R. Tagus, 13 m. NE. Santarem. P. 3078. hanac, the France, Lozère, on R. Lot, 8 m, SW. Mende. P. 1732. manak-Kalessi, th: Asia Minor, on the Dardanelles. P. 6000. hapar, th: India, dist. and 20 m. E. Mirzapur, NW. Provs. P. 91.48. haiarcillo, tin. Chili, Atacama, 26 m. by rail from Pabellon. [P. 2000. hancay, Spt. Peru, dep. Lima, at mth. of C. R., 43 m. NW. Lima. hanchocon, mining vil. Chili, prov. Atacama; silver-mines. handa, dist, India, Nagpur Div., Cent. Provs. Area, Io,785 sq. m. P.649,146. Cap. C., 80 m. SSE. Nagpur. P. 16,137. Chandarnagar (Chundernagore), the India, belonging to France, on A C r. b. Hugli River, in Hugli Dist., 21 m, by rail N. Calcutta. . 21,819. Seat of French sub-governor. Chandalusi, tm. India, dist. and 27 m. from Moradabad. P. 27,521. Chandavolu, th India, Kistna Dist., Madras. P. 2895. Chandbali, r. port, India, Balasor Dist., Orissa, on Baitarani River. handeri, th: Cent. India, Gwalior, 170 m. S. Agra. Chandod, vil, and place of pilgrimage, India, Bombay, dist, and 30 m. SE. Baroda, on r. b. Narbada. P. 4200. Chandor, th India, NW. Provs. dist. Nasik, and 40 m. NE. Bombay. Chandpur, th India, dist. and 19 m. S. Bijnaur. P. II,182. [P. 4892. Chandpur, Seaside vil. India, at mouth of Hugli River, Midnapur Dist. Chandragiri, the India, N. Arcot Dist., Madras. P. 4193. - Chandrakoma, th: India, Midnapur Dist., Bengal. P. 12,257. ſº tn. India, dist. and 16 m. E. Ellichpur, Berar. P. 4816. C P ańeral, spt. Chili, prov, Atacama, 48 m. N. Caldera. P. 2670. hang-Bhakar, native State, India, Chutia Nagpur, Bengal. Area, 906 sq. m. P. 13,466. Contains coal-bearing rocks. Chang-Chau or Chang-Chow, city, China, prov. Po-Kien, 36 m. SW. moy, its port. P. estimated 800,000 to 1,000,000. Changé, vil. France, dep. Sarthe, 4 m. ESE. Le Mans. P. 2371. Changé, vil. France, dep. Mayenne, 2% m. N. Laval. P. 1706. Change Is., grp. Newfoundland, 8 m, from Fogo. P. 520. Chang-Mai, tm. Asia, in Laos, on R. Mekong, 2° 16' N. P. 25,000. Chang-Sha, city, China, prov. Hu-Nan, on the Heng-Kiang. Chang-Te, th: China, in liu-Nan, on L. Tong-Ting-Hu. Chang-Wha, th: Formoso, on W. C.St., opposite Amoy. Chaniers, vil. France, Charente-Infér., 4 m. from Saintes, P. 2151, Channapata, th: India, Bangalore Dist., and 37 m. SW. of Mysore State. P. 1240, or including Sukravarpet, 7080. [end. P. 584. Channel or Port-au-Basques, port of entry, Newfoundld., near S.W. Channel Is., grp. in English Chan., near CŞt. of Normandy, belonging to Britain, comprise Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark. Chansama, th India, Baroda Ter., Gujarat Prov., Bombay. P. 7452. Chantada, th Spain, prov. and 30 m. SSE. Lugo. P. 13,852. Chantelle, th France, in Allier, 9 m. N. of Gannat. P. 1921. Chantenay, tin. France, Loire-Infér., 2 m. W. Nantes. P. Ir,808. Chantenay, vil. France, in Nièvre, 15 m. SE. Nevers. P. 2035. Chantenay, vil. France, in Sarthe, 15 m. N. La Flèche. P. I272. Chantibun, the Siam, near G. of Siam, 175 m. SE. Bangkok. P. 30,000. ~Chantilly, th: France, dep. Oise, 25 m. by rail NE. Paris, P. 3942. Ghantonnay, tn. France, Vendée, 17 m. E. La Roche. P. 3709. Chantrigné, th: France, dep, and 7 m. NE. Mayenne. P. 1782. Chanu, vil. France, in Qrne, 9 m. N. Domfront. P. 2419. Chao-Naiman-Sume Khoton, or Dolenor, large city, Mongolia, 165 m. N. by W. of Pekin, Inanuf. brass and iron idols. hao Tchou, city, China, prov. Quang-Tung, on the Han-kiang. laource, th France, in Aube, 16 m. S. of Troyes. P. 1491. [Rivers. lapada, th: Brazil, prov. Maranhão, between Tocantins and Mearim tapada, the Brazil, prov. Minas Geraes, 8 m. NE. Fanado. P. 28o0. lapada, th: Brazil, prov. Matto Grosso. P. 4000. [sq. m. lapala, lake, Mexico. Lat. 20°2' N.; lon. Io2-103°25' W. Area, 1300 laparal, th: Colombia, State of Tolima. P. 7266. hapeau, yil. Quebec, Pontiac co. L. P. r"I5. majºel, vil, and ry, sta, Irel, co, Wexford, 7 m. SW. Enniscorthy. hapel and Stirling Bridge, vil. Scot., N. Lanarksh. P. 414. [P. C63. hapel-en-le-Frith, mkt. and par. Engl., Derbysh. P. 417o. hapelhall, vil. Scot., Lanarksh., 23 m. SE. Airdrie. P. i229. lapelizod, th: Irel., 3 m. W. Dublin, on R. Liffey, P. 1583. hapelle Basse-mer (La), th: France, department £ofeſſieure, I3 miles ENE. of Nantes. P. 3278. Chapelle d'Armentières (Ia), in France, dep. Nord. P. 3960. Chapelle Saint-Denis (La), th France, dep. , Seine, 3 m. S. Saint Denis. ... P.17,674. Manufs. liqueurs, chemicals, etc. Chapel of Garioch, par. and vil. Scot., 21 m. NW. Aberdeen. P. 1923. Chapelton of Glassford, par. and vil. Scot., N. Lanark. P. 937; vil. 443. Chapeltown, ecclesiastical district and vil. England, West Riding, Yorkshire, 7 miles North of Sheffield. P. 6284. hapleau, ry, sta. Canada, on Ont. div. C. P. Ry., 495 m. W. Ottawa. haplin, ry. Sta. NW. Ter., Canada, on C. P. Ry., 4513 m. W. Winnipeg. hapman, Sub. dist, Ontario, Muskoka co. P. 1744. hapoo, spt, th: China, prov. Che-Kiang, 30 m. SE. Shanghai. mapora, cSt. th: Portuguese E. Indies, 12 m. NW. Goa. hapra, th India, gap. of Saran Dist, Bengal, on Gogra. P. 51,670. haprauli, vil. India, Meerut Dist., NW. Provs. P. 6:15. hapultepec, th: Mexico, 2 miles, South-west of the capital; burying place of ancient kings of Mexico. haralan, th: Colombia, 140 m. NNE. Bogota. P. 8026. harbonnier, vil. France, Puy-de-Dôme, 9 m. S. Issoire. P. r26o. hargas, tin. Paraguay, dep. Hermengildo. P. 35oo. hard, mun, bor, Engl., W. Somerset, 145 m. SE. Taunton. P. 24rr hardon, th; Ohio, cap. of Geauga Co., 33 m. E. Cleveland. P. roër. harente, dep, France. Lat. 45° 30' N.; lon. O’. Drained by R. Charente which gives it name. Area, 2295 sq. m. P. 366,408. Cap. Angoulême. Contains famous brandy dist. of Cognac, Charente-Inférieure, maritime dep. France, W. of above, and &lrained by R. Charente, which here enters Bay of Biscay at Rochefort, after a course of 200 m. Area of dep. including islands Ré and Oléron, 2635 sq. m. P. 462,803. Cap. }. Rochelle. gharenton, tn. France, dep. Seine, on R. Marne, SE. Paris. P. Ir,826. g arenzat, vil, France, Puy-de-Dôme, 23 m. WNW. Riom. P. 1853. C; : i i harikar, the Afghanistan, 36 m. N. Cabul. P. 5000. aring, par., and vil. Engl., E. Kent, 5% m. NW. Ashford. P. 1349. gharité, La., tin. France, in Nièvre, on the Loire. P. 4776. ºharitºn, ti, Iowa, cap. Lucas co., 50 m-SSE. Des Moines. P. 2977. £harjui, th: Turkestan, 65 m. S.W. Bokhara, on route to Persia. Charkhari, native State, Çent. India, in Bundelkhand. Area, 787 sq. m. P. 143,015. Cap. is Charkhari, 40 m. from Banda. Charkov, gov. Russia. See Kharkov. - Charlbury, Inkt. th: and ry. sta. Engl., NW. Oxfordshire, 9 m. E. Chipping Norton Junction. P. 1319. ath here. Qharlcombe, par. Engl., E. Somerset, 13 m. N. Bath; water-works for Charleroi, th: Belgium, prov. Hainaut, on R. Sambre. P. 19,310, Charles, sub. dist. Quebec, Bellechasse co. P. 1989. Charles, sub, dist. Quebec, St. Hyacinthe co. P. ſo.43. Charles de Caplan, sub. dist. Québec, Bonaventura Co. P. roS9. âârjºsbºrg, ºn.9uebec.gap...of co, and 4 m. below, Quebec. P. 2333 Charles City, Iowa, cap. Floyd co., on Cedar R. P. 2421. º Charles, r. Massachusetts, enters sea at Boston, 75 m. long. Charleston, cap. Nevis Isl., on N.W. cst. (Brit. % Indies). P. 2000. Charleston, th: Illinois, cap. Coles co., 145 m. ENE. St. Louis. P. 2867. leston, port of entry, city, S. Carolina, and cap. of C.co. Lat. 32° 46' N. ; lon, 79°57'.W. P. 49,984; exports, cotton, rice, tobacco, corn, ham, turpentine, and timber. Charleston, city, W. Virginia, cap. Kanawha co., 369 m. WNW. Richmond. P. 8000. Charleston, mining th: New Zealand, Butler co., 18 m. SW. Westport Charleston, tshp. S. Australia, co. and 25 m. E. Adelaide, on Onka- paringa River. Trade in sawn timber and wattle bark, Charleston or Caledon, th: Ontario, 41 m. from Toronto. P. 53ro. Charlestown or South Waratah, mining th: New S. Wales, on Lake Macquarie, 87 m. N. Sydney. P. 268. arlestown, spt. vil. Scot, Fife, 33 m. SW. Dunfermline. P. 632. harlestown, vil. Scot., NW, Banffshire, 4 m. NW. Dufftown. P. 72r. larlestown, vil. Irel., co. Mayo, Iom. NW. Ballaghaderreen. P. 778. larlestown, eccl. dist, and spt, vil, Engl., E. Cornwall. , P. 2749. harlestown, vil. Indiana, cap. Clarke co., 14 m. NNE. Louisv. P. IIo3. larlestown, former city, Massachusetts, now merged in Boston. arlestown, th: West Virginia, capital Jefferson co., Io miles south- west of Harper's Ferry. P. 2016. harleville, th: France, in Ardenne, 1 m. NE. Mézières. P. 16,185. harleville, mkt. tu. Irel., in co. and 34 m. N. of Cork. P. 2266. harleville, tshp. Queensland, on Warrego R. P. of dist, 1470. harlieu, th: France, dep. Loire, 38 m. N. Montbrison. P. 5720. larlois, vil. Netherlands, on the Maas, 2 m. SW. Rotterdam. P. 8456. larlotte, th: Michigan, cap. Eaton co., 35 m. NW. Jackson. P. 29Io. larlotte, vil. New York, Monroe co., on Lake Ontario. P. 1540. harlotte, city, N. Carolina, cap. Mecklenburg co. P. 7092. larlotte, vil. Vermont, U.S., 12 m. S. Burlington. P. 1342. arlotte Amalie, th: St. Thomas Isl. P. I4,000. tn. Prussian Silesia, 42 m. S.W. Breslau. P. 1250. harlottenburg, th: Prussia, on R. Spree, 3 m. W. Berlin. P. 42,372. harlottesville, th: Virginia, cap. Albemarle co. P. 2676. [P. II,485. larlottetown, city, cap. of Prince Edward Isl., and of Queen's co. larlton, th: Victoria, co. Gladstone, 173 m. NNW. Melbourne. P. 1000. larly, vil. France, in Aisne Dep., 42 m. SSW. Laon. P. 1739. larmes-sur-Moselle, the France, dep. Vosges. P. 3250. larmey, vil. Switzerland, 14 m. S. Freyburg. P. IIIo. [P. 626. harmouth, par. and vil. Engl., W. Dorset, 6 m SE. Axminster. ºarneux, vil. Belgium, To m. E. Liége. P. rođ9. [P. 6242. laro, th: Mexico, State Michoacan, at foot of Sierra Otzumatlan. harolles, th France, Saône-et-Loire, 30 m. W. Macon. P. 3354. laronne, th: France, adjoining Paris on the E. P. 22,005. harost, th: France, dep. Cher, 15 m. SW. Bouges. P. 1619. harpey, th: France, in Drome, 9 m. E. Valence. P. 1481. arroux, th France, in Vienne, 30 m. S. Poitiers. P. 2085. 9 marsadda, th: India, dist. Peshawur, Punjab. P. 8363. Charters Towers, mining tshp. Queensland, co. Davenport, 820 m. ... N.W. Brisbane, P. 3313. [Canterbury, Chartham, vil, and ry. Šta. Engl., E. Kent, on R. Stour, 23 m. SW, 3.T : C ri tº 8 . . . . . . . ;temb : I8 CHARTRES THE CENTURY GAZETTEER CHILUMETZ Chartres, city, France, cap, of dep. Eure-et-Loir, 5.4 m. S.W. Paris. . 21,903. Its cathedral is one of the finest in France. Chartreuse, La Grande, famous monastery in France, 14 m. N. Grenoble, 3323 ft. above the Sea. Chartum. See Khartum. Chascomus, th: Argentina, prov. and 200 m. SSE. Buenos Ayres. haskoi, tr. Turkey, 25 m. E. Adrianople. P. 5000. [P. 4000. hasseneuil, th: France, in Charente, 18 m. S.W. Confolens. P. 24C2. hata, th India, NW. Provs, dist. and 21 m. NW. Muttra. P. 6014. hatawa, vil. Mississippi, Pike co., 92 m. N. New Orleans. hâteaubriant, th: France, Loire-Infér., 40 m. NNE, Nantes. P. 5564. hâteau-Chinon, th: France, Nièvre, 37 m. E. Nevers. P. 2613. hâteau-d'OEx or -d'Oyes, vil. Switz., 22 m. E. Lausanne. P. 2771. hâteau-du-Loir, th: France, in Sarthe, 23 m. SSE. Le Mans. P.3018. hâteaudun, th: France, Eure-et-Loir, 26 m. S.W. Chartres. P. 7036. hâteau-Gonthier, th France, dep. Mayenne, 17m. SE. Laval. P. 7334. Chateauguay, vil. Quebec, on r. and in co. C.,24 m. S. Montreal. P. 900. Château-Landon, th: France, Seine-et-Marne, 16m. S. Fontainebleau. Manufs. whiting ; trade in grain and wine. tn. France, Finistère, 13 m. N. Quimper. P. 3462. tn. France, in Cher, 21 m. SSE. Bourges. P. 3745. tn. France, 17 m. NE. Quimper. P. 3328. tn. France, 5 m. S. Montelinar. P. 1242. tn. France, dep. Charente, Ir. m. WSW. . 32O4. rade in wine, brandy, and salt. tn. France, 12 m. NW. St. Amand. P. 2993. tn. France, 14 m. ESE. Orleans. P. 3391. tn. France, Haute-Vienne, 9 m. E. Bellac. P. 4013. tn. France, Bouches-du-Rhône. P. 58CI. tn. France, Loiret, Iom. ESE. Montargis. P. 2551. tn. France, Indre-et-Loire, 17 m. NE. Tours. P. Manufs. leather, woollen cloths, flannel, etc. [P. 1820. tn. Quebec, on St. Lawrence, 15 m. below Quebec. tn. France, cap. of Indre, 88 m. SW. Orleans. P. 21,179. , th France, Aisne, on R. Marne. P. 7294. tn. France, Haute-Marne. P.I.5II. . . . tn. France, Côtes-du-Nord, rom. W. St. Brieuc. P. 1353. tn. France, Puy-de-Dôme, 9 m. N. Thiers. P. 1933. tn. Belgium, Hainaut, on the Sambre. P. Yo,955. tn. Belgium, Hainaut, on the Sambre. P. 9926... ... tn. France, dep. and on R. Vienne, 20 m. NE. Poitiers. , P., 18,289. Duke of Hamilton takes title frºm this F. of Duke. Châtel-St. Denis, vil. Switz., cant. and 23 m. S.W. Freyburg. P. 2342. Chater, ry, sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry, 127% m. W. Winnipeg. Chatham, ft. spt. th and par. bor. Engl., Kent, 33 m. Slº. London; P. 46,788. C. is one of the chief naval arsenals of Britain, and returns I member to Parliament. Chatham, th Massachusetts, Barnstaple co., on C. Cod. , P: 2252. Chatham, port of entry, New Brunswick, Northumberland Co., on Miramichi R., 12 m. from its mouth. P. 5762. Chatham, sub. dist. Quebec, Argenteuil co. P. 3985. Chatham, th: Ontario, cap. Kent co., 67 in. S.W. London. T. 7873. Chatham Islä., grp. dependency of ää 450 m. E. N. Zealand. P. 250. Chatham Isl., off W. cist. Patagonia, 30 m. S. Wellington Isl. ~Chatham Isl., one of the Galapagos grp., in Pacific Ocean. Chatham Port, cst. vil. Massachusetts, 90 m. SE. Boston. P. 1378. Chatham Willage, New York, Columbia co., 24 m., SSE. Albany. Chatillon, ta. Italy, 15 m. by rail E. Aosta, on Dora Baltea. P. 2865. Châtillon-les-Dombes, th France, in Ain, 16 m. NE. Trévoux. P. 2890. Châtillon-sur-Indre, th: France, dep. and on R. Indre. P. 3436. Châtillon-sur-Loire, th: France, Loiret, 44 m. SE. Orleans. P. 3266. tillon-sur-Seine, th: France, Côtes-d'Or, 48m. NW. Dijon. P. 5500. hat Moss, peat bog, Engl., S. Lancash., 7 m. W. Manchester. latonnay, th: France, in Isère, 15 m. ESE. Vienne. P. I977. hatou, vil. France, Seine-et-Oise, 3 m. E. St. Germain. P. 3382. hatra, th: India, dist. and 36 m. NW. Hazaribagh, Bengal. P. II,900. hâtre, La., tm. France, dep, and on R. Indre. P. 5234. hatsworth, a splendid seat, Engl., Derbysh., on R. Derwent. hatsworth or Johntown, vil. Ontario, Grey co., Io9 m. NW. Toronto. hatsworth Isl., New S. Wales, at mth, of Clarence R. P. 1200. Chatsworth, agricult. dist. Victoria, co. Villiers, on west bank of Hopkins river, 167 m.W. of Melbourne. - - Chattahoochee, r. Georgia, 500 m. long, unites with Flint R. Chattanooga, city, Tennessee, cap. Hamilton Co., on 1. b. Tennessee R., 151 m. SE. Nashville. P. I2,892. Chattéris, mkt. th: Engl., N. Cambridgesh., 72 m. N. London. P. 4712. Chaudesaigues, th: France, Cantal, 12 m. SSW. Saint-Fleur. P. 1823. Chaudière, lake, Canada, expansion of Ottawa R., above Ottawa. laudière, r. Quebec, from L. Megantic to St. Lawrence. laudière Junction, vil. Quebec, Levis Co., 9 m. SE. Quebec. P. 776. haudoc, French Cóchin-China, cap. Nangiang Provinge. lauffaiiles, th: France, Saône-et-Loire, 2.4m. WSW. Macon. P. 4462. haughat, th India, Malabar Dist., Madras, P. 5535. haul, cst. the India, Kolaba Dist., 30 m. S. Bombay. P. 5355. haumont, th: France, Haute-Marne, 150 m. ESE. Paris. P. I2,160. hauny, tr. France, Aisne, on R. Qise, 21 m. NW. Lagn. P. 8852. hatauqua Lake, New York, 7 m, from L. Erie, 18 m. long. Chaux-de-Fonds, th: Switz., 9 m. NW. Neufchâtel. P. 24,183. Chaves, tr. Portugal, 14 m. W. Braganza. P. 6524. Chazelles-sur-Lyon, th: France, in Loire, 16m. E. Montbrison. P. 6017. Chazy, th: New York, Clinton Co., 14 m. N. Plattsburg. P. 3074. Cheadie, par., tshp., and vil. Engl., Chesh., near the Mersey. P. I4,961. Cheadle, mkt, th and par. Engl., co. and 13 m. NE. Stafford. P. 4724. Cheadle, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 809 m. W. Winnipeg. Chebogue, vil. Nova Scotia, co. and 2% m. from Yarmouth. P. 1666. Cheboygan, th: Michigan, cap. C. co., on Lake Huron. P. 2269. Checiny, th: Poland, 9 m. SW. Kielce, on the Czama. P. 5.194. Checkley, par. and vil, Engl., N. Staffordsh., 33 m. SE. Cheadle. P. 2549. Checo, vil. Chili, prov. Coquimbo, 6 m. E. Copiapo ; copper-mines. Chedabucto Bay, on cst. of Nova Scotia, on S. of Gut of Canseau. Cheddar, par. and vil, Engl., Somerset, 2% m. SE. Axbridge. P. 2306. Cheduba, isl. India, in Aracan, Bay of Bengal. Area, 240 Sq. m. P. 23,867; fertile and well wooded, [Peninsula. P. 32,000. Che-Foo or Tchifu, treaty port, China, on N. cst. of Shan-Tung Cheera, tin. Chinese Turkestan, 75 m. ESE. I&hotan. P. 20,000. Chegogin, Cst, vil. Nova Scotia, co, and 8 m. from Yarmouth. P. 300. Che-Kiang or Tche-Kiang, maritime prov. China, 27°-31° N., II 7°-123° E. Area, 35,669. P. If,685,348; exports, silk, tea, cotton, indigo, fruits, camphor, and coal. Cap. Ning-Po. Cheliabinsk or Tcheljabinsk, th: Russia, gov. Orenburg. P. 5187. Chelles, th: France, Seine-et-Marne, Iom. E. Paris. P. 3500. Chelm or Kholm, th: Russian Poland, 42 m. E. Lubin. P. 4874. Chelmer, r. Engl., co. Essex, aff. of Blackwater, 29 m. long. Chelmsförd, mkt. th: Engl., co. th: Essex, on R. Chelmer. P. 9825. Chelmsford, ry. sta. on Ontario div. C. P. Ry., 335 m. W. Ottawa. Chelsea, parl, bor. Engl., Middlesex, on R. Thames, a W. part of London. P. 88,128. C. returns I member to Parliament. Has a famous hospital for invalid soldiers, built in 1682-1690. [P. 25,709. Chelsea, city, Massachusetts, Suffolk co., a NE. Suburb of Boston. Cheltenham, parl. and mun, bor. and par. Engl., Co. and 7 m. NE. Gloucester, 114 m. NW. London. P. of parl. bor. 50,842. It returns 3 member to Parliament. A fashionable and educational resort. It is handsomely built, and has mineral springs. Cheltenham, th: Pennsylvania, Montgomery co, P. 3236. heltenham, vil. Victoria, Bourke Co., 13 m. SE. Melbourne. T. 697. helva, th Spain, 38 m. NW. Valencia. P. 4672. helyuskin Peninsula, extreme N. part of Siberia, Too m. long. hembar or Tchembar, th: Russia, gov. 66 m. WSW. Penza. P. 3948. hemillé, th: France, Maine-et-Loire, 19 m. SSW. Angers. P.4420. hemnitz, manufacturing and trading th: Saxony, 36 miles SW. O Dresden, at foot of the Erzgebirge. P. IIo,817. Chemulpo, spt. Corea, on W. side of isl., open to foreign trade. Chenab, r. India, one of the five streams of the Punjab, rises in the Himalayas of Kashmir, and joins the Ghara in lat. 29° 21' N., after a course of 765 miles. Chenango, r. New York, aff. of Susquehanna at Binghampton. Chénée, vil. Belgium, 8 m. by rail S.W. Liége. P. 6163. Chengalpat (Chingle??tt), dist. India, Madras, on B. of Bengal. Area, 2842 sq. m., P. 981,38r. Cap. C. on S. Ind. Ry. , P. 5617. hénier, sub. dist. Quebec, cos. Drummond and Arthabasca. P. 1995. hemit, Le, vil. Switz., cant. Vaud, on L. Joux. P. 3407. henoa, vil. Illinois, M'Lean co., 23 m. NE. Bloomington. P. 1063. heo-Po, spt. th: China, prov. Fo-Kien, S.W. Amoy. Chepo, tri. Colombia, dep. Panama, near Chepo River. Chepstow, mkt. th:, river-port, and par. Engl., Monmouthsh., 17 m. NE. Newport, on R. Wye. I’. 3591. C. Cas. a fine ruin. .[P. I52. Chepstowe, post tim. Victoria, co. Grenville, 125 m. W. Melbourne. her, r. France, aff. of the Loire, 12 m. below Tours, 220 m. long, flows through Allier, Cher, Loire-et-Cher, and Indre-et-Loire. Cher, a cent. dép. France, traversed by R. Cher. Area, 2779 sq. m. . 355,349. Cap. Bourges. Cherasco, tm. Italy, in Piedmont, 32 m. SSE. Turin. P. 95II. Cherat, sanitarium, India, Peshawar Dist., 33° 50' N., 72° 1' E. Cherbourg, ft. spt.tn. and naval sta. France, dep. Manche, on English Chahnel, 85 m. W. Havre. P. 35,691. sub. dist. ſº. Rimouski co. P. 690. or Shershell, spt. th: Algeria, 55 m. WSW. Algiers. P. 6490. or Tcherdyn, tin. Russia, gov. and 162 m. N. Perin. P. 3126. par, Engl., N, Wilts, 3 m, SE. Calne. P. 290, ; g : C : 5 : : ; Cheribon or Sheribon, th: Java, on N. cst., 125 m. E. Batavia. P. zo,000. P. of residency 1,346,267. Coffee-growing dist. Cherikov or Tcherikov, th; Russia, gov. and 40 m. SE. Smolensk. Sheriton, par, and vil. Engl., N. Hănts, 6% m. SE. Winchester. P. 613. Sherkasee or Tcherkasi, th: Russia, 95 m. SE. Kiev. P. 13,914. Cherkask or Staroi Tcherkask, th Russia, near mth. of Don. É. 5939. Qhernetz or Tchernetz, th: Roumania, on R. Danube, opp. Gladóvá. Chernigov or Tchernigov, gov. Russia, E. of R. Dnieper. Aren, 29,232 sq. m. P. I,970,094. Cap. C. on R. Desna, 80 m. NNE. Kiev. Lat. 51° 27' N. ; lon. 31° 18' E. P. 22,418. Chernomorsk or Tc ernomorsk, gov. Transcaucasia, on NE. cSt. Black Sea. Area, 2741 Sq. m. P. 15,703. Chernoyarsk or Tchernoiarsk, ft. th Russia, on R. Volga. P. 4917. Cherokee, vil. Iowa, cap. of C. co., 59 m. ENE. Sioux City. P. 1523. Cheronji, sta, on Shiré R., S. Cent. Africa. . Lat. 17° S. Cherpulchari, th: India, Malabar Dist., Madras. P. 450r. Cherry Creek, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 222 m. W. Donald. Cherryfield, vil. Maine, U.S., Washington co., on Narraguagas. Cherry Gardens, post tshp. S. Australia, co. and 14 m. SE. Adelaide. Cherso, isl. and th: Austria, Adriatic, 12 m. SSW. Fiume. P. 79 ro; Cherson. See Kherson, [tn. 4670. Cherta, th: Spain, 8 m, from Tertosa. P. 3450. §. mkt. tr. and par. Engl., W. Surrey, on R. Thames. P. 9215. Cherwell, r. Engl., aff, of T. Thames, near Oxford, 30 m. long. Chesapeake Bay, extensive inlet of Atlantic, Maryland, and Virginia, U.S., extends from mouth of Susquehanna River southward 2CO miles to Cape Charles and Cape Henry. [P. 3080. Chesapeake City, Maryland, U.S., Cecil co., 50 m. E. Baltimore. Chesham, mkt: tn., Engl., Bucks, 5 m. S.W. Berkhampstead. P. 6502. Cheshire or Chester, maritime co., Engl., bounded NW. by Irish Sea, and bordering on Lancash., York, Derby, Stafford, Salop, Denbigh, and Flint. Area, Io27 sq. m. P. 644,037. Co. tin. Chester. The co, returns 8 members to Parliament. Cheshire, th: Connecticut, co. and 16 m. N. New Haven. P. 2284. Cheshunt, th: and par. Engl., co. Herts, 5% m. S. Hertford. P. 7735. Chesley, vil. Ontario, Bruce co., 15 m. from Walkerton. P. 893. Chesme or Tchesme, vil. Asia Minor, opposite Scio Isl. P. 6000. Cheste, tin. Spain, 14 m. W. Valencia. P. 5230. Chester, city, parl, and mun. bor., and Co. in itself, Engl., W. Cheshire, on R. Dee, 16 m. S. Liverpool, 33 m. SW. Manchester. P. parl. bor. 40,972; mun. bor. 36,794. Has a Gothic cathedral; manuf. boots and shoes, etc. Chester, city, Illinois, cap. of Randolph co., on Mississippi R. P. 2580. Chester, tm. New York, Orange co., 55 m. NNW. New York. P. 2256. Chester, tshp. Nova Scotia, co. Lunenburg, on Mahone Bay. P. 2974. Chester, city, Pennsylvania, Delaware co., on Delaware River, 15 m. below Philadelphia. P. I5,500. Chesterfield, mun. bor. Engl., Derbysh., 11 m, S. Sheffield. P. 12,221. Chesterfield Inlet, extends W. from Hudson Bay, 250 m., 63°30' N. Chesterford, Great, village and ry, sta. England, west of co. Essex, on River Granta. P. 913. cheºtreet, tn, and par, Engl., 5 m. N. Durham, P. 49,337; tn. 6646. Chesterton, par., and village, England, co, and NE. suburb of Cam- bridge, on River Cam. P. 5766. hestertown, Maryland, U.S., cap. Kent co., on Chester R. P. 2359. heticamp, fishing vil. Nova Scotia, on Cape Breton Isl. P. 2726. etopa, vil. Kansas, U.S., Labette Co., on Meosho R. P. 1305. letterpur or Chatrapur, th: Madras, dist. and 5 m. from Ganjam. hetvai, vil. India, Malabar Dist., Madras, on inland waters. P. 8018. netwynd, post tri. Victoria, co. Dundas, 27om. W. Melbourne. P. 159. hevening, par. and vil. Engl., W. Kent, 3% in. NW. Sevenoaks. P. ro86. heviot, post th: New Zealand, co. Cheviot, 70 m. N. Christchurch. Cheviot Hills, mt. range, extend 35 m. on border of Engl. and Scot. Cheviot Hill, 6 m. SW. Wooler, 2676 ft. ; Cairn Hill, 2545 ft. Chevreuse, th: France, Seine-et-Oise, 7 m. SW. Versailles. P. 1734. Øhewton, mining th Victoria, 23 m. from Castlemaine. P. 1800. Cheyenne, city, cap. Wyoming, U.S., Laramie Co., 6000 ft. in eleva- tion, on Union Pacific Ry., 106 m. N. Denver. P. 9000. R., aff, of Missouri, U.S., Wyoming, and Dakota, 500 m. tn. France, in Ardèche, 28 m. SW. Tournon. P. 3059. sub. dist. Nova Scotia, co. Halifax. P. I550, tn. India, Kalsia State, Punjab. P. 5389. spt. India, Bengal, dist. Balasor (Orissa). , native State, Cent. India, Bundelkhand. Area, r169 sq. m. P. 164,376. Lat. 24° 21'-25°16 N. ; lon. 79°37'-80°28' E. Chhaffarpur, cap. of above. I-at. 24°54' N, ; lon. 79°38' E. P. 13,474. Chhatisgarh, SE. div. of Cent. Provs. India, comprising dists. Raipur, Belaspur, and Sambalpur, with attached States. Area, 39,761 sq. m. P. 4,612,705. Area of Brit. Dists., 24,204 sq. m. Chhatnai, th: India, Rangpur Dist., Bengal. P. 9591. Chhibramau, th: India, Farukhabad District, North-West Provs, 17 miles S.W. of Fatehgarh. P. 7990. Chhindwara, dist. India, Narbada Div., Cent. Provs. Area, 3915 sq. m. P. 372,899. Cap. C. Lat. 22° 3' N. ; lon. 78° 59' E. P. 8220. Chhota Nagpur, div. India. See Chutia Nagpur, Qhhota Udaipur, State, India, Rewa Kantha, Gujarat, P. 71,218. Chiajano or Chiaiano, vil. Italy, 4 m. NW. Naples. P. 3826. Chiampo, vil. N. Italy, 12 m. W. Vicenza. P. 4049. Chianciano, vil. Italy, prov. Siena, 4 m. SE. Montepulciano. T. 2655. Chiapa, or Las Chiapas, state, S.E., Mexico, on the Pacific. Arca, 29,729 sq. m. P. 242,029. Cap. San Cristobal. Chiaramonte, th: Sicily, prov. Catania, 33 m. SW. Syracuse. P. 10,014. Chiaravalle, th Italy, Iom. W. Ancona, on r. b. R. Esino. P. 5248. Chiaravalle, th Italy, prov. and 17 m. SW. Catanzaro. P. 4322. Ghiari, th Italy, Lombardy, 14 m. W. Brescia. P. 10,507. Shiaromonte, th Italy, prov, and 42 m.SE. Potenza. P. 2884. Ghiasso, th: Switz., cant. Ticino, 4 m. NW. Como, P. 1571. Chiavari, th Italy, prov. and 17 m. by rail ESE. Genoa. P. 12,066. Chiavenna, tm. Italy, prov. and 20 m. WNW. Sondrio. P. 4648. Chicacole, the India, Ganjam Dist., Madras, 4 m. from the sea. P. 16,355. Chicago, city and port of entry, Illinois, U.S., co. th of Cook co., on SW. CSt. Lake Michigan. Elev. 597 feet above sea-level, and 15 feet above the lake. It is the fourth in size of the cities of the U.S. Area about 36 sq. m. P. (1837) 4170; (1850) 29,963; (1880) 503,185; (1886) 550,000. Contains a flourishing university. In 1883 130 million bushels of grain and flour were exported, also cattle, butter, cheese, hides, and wool, etc., in enormous amount. Chichen, vil. Mexico, in Yucatan, 18 m. SW. Valladolid, with vast remains of an ancient Indian city. Chichester, city and mun. bor. Engl., co. Sussex, 28 m. W. Brighton, nd 66 m. by rail SW. London. P. 8114; has a splendid cathedral. Chichester, vil. Quebec, Pontiac co., on Ottawa R. P. 702 Cºh Chi Ch ahominy R., Virginia, aff, of James R., 22 m. below City Point. lana, th Spain, prov. and 12 m. SE. Cadiz. P. II,627. [II,325. layo, city, Peru, cap. of dep. Lambayeque, 18 m. N. Eten P. Chico, tm. California, Butte Co., 96 m. N. Sacramento. P. 3300. Chicopee, town, Massachusetts, U.S., in Hampden county, on Connec- ticut River. P. II,528. Chicopee Falls, th Massachusetts on C. R., Hampden co. P. 3465. Chicoutimi R., Quebec, flows SW. to Saguenay R., in C. co. Chicoutimi, Co. tri. of C. co., Quebec, on S. b. Saguenay R. P. 1935. Chicova, trading th S. Africa, on r. b. Zambesi R., 160 m. W. Tette. Chiem See, harge lake, Bavaria, 42 m. SE. Munich, 1500 feet above sea. Chieri, th: Italy, in Piedmont, 9 m. SE. Turin. P. 13,260. [75 m. long. Chiese, r. Tyrol, and N. Italy, enters the Oglio, 18 m. W. Mantua. Chieti, formerly Abruzzo Citeriore, prov. Italy, on the Adriatic. Area, 1105.sq. m. P. 357,982. Cap. Chiete, city, 40 miles east of . I’. 22,432. Chièvres, th: Belgium, in Hainaut, II m. NW. Mons. P. 3325. Chignecto Bay, forms N. extremity of Bay of Fundy, Canada. Chignolo, tm. Italy, in Lombardy, 16 m. ENE. Pavia. P. 5165. Chigonaise River, village, Nova Scotia, in Colchester county, 13 miles from Truro. P. 450. Chigrin or Tchigrin, th: Russia, gov. Kiev, 21 m, W. Krilov. P. 8903. Chigwell, par. and vil. Engl., W. Essex, 13 m. NE. London. P. 5431. Cnihuahua, state, Mexico, next N. frontier. Area, 89,292 Sq. Im. P. 225,251. Cap. C. 310 m. N. by W. Durango, 4500 feet above sea. P. 16,000. [Alt. 3664 feet. hikalda, vil. and sanitarium, India, dist. and roºm. from Ellichpur. hikballapur, th: India, 36 m. NW. Kolar, Mysore. P. 9133. aikhli, tin. India, Bombay, dist. Surat. P. 5000. hikori, th India, Bombay, dist. Belgaum. P. 6184. . . [P. 19.837. hilambaram, th India, S. Arcot Dist., Madras, 25 m. S. Cuddalore hilapa, th: Mexico, State Guerero, 60 m. NE. Acapulco. P. 4000. hilaw, th: Ceylon, on W. cat., 45 m. N. of Colombo. P. 3227. milca, th: Peru, on cst., 40 m. SE. of Lima. hilchote, vil. Mexico, State Jalisco. P. 5000. hildwall, par. Engl., 4% m. E. of Liverpool. P. 31,026. hilecito, mining vil. Argentina, La Rioja Prov. near Monagasta. hili (Span. Chile), rep. on W. cst. S. America, forming a band of country about 2650 m. from N. to S, and 220 broad, lying between the Pacific Oc. and the Andes, which separate it from Bolivia, Argentina, and Patagonia. It is bounded on the N. by Peru at the R. Camarones, lat. 19° S., and embraces Cape Horn, the W. parts of Tierra del Fuego, and both sides of the Strait of Magellan. S. of 42° an extensive series of islands line the entire cst. Area, 290,817 sq. m. P. (1885) 2,526,969. Language, Spanish ; Religion, Roman Catholic, It is divided into 19 old provs, and one : territory, with 3 new provinces (Antofagasta, Tarapaca, and Tacna and Arica), taken from Peru and Bolivia, the future of Tacna and Arica to be determined in 1893 by plebiscitum. Santiago is the capital, Valparaiso the chief port and second city in size. The climate varies from the tropical heats of the N. to the rigours of the extreme S. Average summer temp, in the plains 60° to 70° hili,tshp. New York, Monroe Co., 8 m. SW. Rochester. P. 2287. Li, prov. China. See Pe-Chi-li. lianwala, vil. Gujrat Dist., Punjab, on Jehlam R., 85 m. NW. Lahore. hika Lake, shallow inland lake, India, #. Dist., öß, and č. llan, th Chili, cap. of prov, Nuble, 112m. by rail ENE. Talcaguana. ..P. 16,000. In the vicinity are the Baños de Chillan. Chillicothe, th: Illinois, co, Peoria, on Lake Peoria. P. 1357. Chillicothe, city, Missouri, capital of Livingstone county, 95 miles ...north-east of Kansas City... P. 5860. Gºicothe, city, Ohio, cap, of Ross co., on r. b. Scioto R. P. ſo,938. Chillon, th Spain, 56 m. S.W. Ciudad Real. P. 2542. [Vevay. Qhillon, cas. or ft. Switz., at E. extremity of L. of Geneva, 6 m. Sí. Chilge, isl. Chili, forming with several smaller isls, a prov. Cap. Ancud. ...Area, 3995 sq. m. P. 73,420. [P. 1772. Chiltern, in: Victoria, Bogong co., 1683 m. by rail NE. Melbouffle. Chiltern Hills, chalk range, Engl., extends NE. from S. Oxfordsh., through Bucks, Bedfordsh., and Herts, and reaching 904 ft. iii ...elevation, near Wendover. & Chiltern Hundreds, comprise Burnham, Desborough, and Stoke in Bucks. The Steward of the G. H. is now a nominal office, by the acceptance of which, being a place under the British Crown, any ...member of Parliament may be enabled to resign his seat. Chilton, village, Wisconsin, United States, cap. of Calumet co., 22 miles NE. of Fond-du-Lac. P. 1361. Chimaltenango, th: Guatemala, dep. Chimaltenango, 25 m. WNW. Guatemala. P. 4000 ; agricultural and cattle-rearing dist. Chimay, th Belgium, in Hainaut, 32 m. SE. of Mons. P. 3310. Chimbo, the Ecuador, in the Andes, at foot of Chimborazo. P. 2000. Chimborazo, mt. in Andes of Ecuador, 90 m. S. Quito. Alt. 21,420 ft. Chimborazo, prov. Ecuador, S. of the above. Area, 5544 sq. m. . Cap. Riobamba. P. 90,782. §himbote, spt. Peru, dep, Ancachs, lat. 9° S., 172 m. W. of Huaraz. nº, a vast empire of E. Asia, comprising five great divs., viz. Manchuria, Mongolia, Turkistan (Eastern), Tibet, Dzungaria, and Qhina proper. See the 2es?ective articles. It is bounded N. by Siberia, W. by West Turkistan, S. by India, Nepal, Burma, Annam, and China Sea, E. by Eastern Sea (Tung-Hai), Yellow Sea, Corea, and the Maritime Prov. of Siberia. Total area, 4,468,863 sq. m. i . P. 402,735,000. China. Proper (Chinese, 7 chatzig-Kızeſt, anc. Serica, 7 rzºza, and Cºgy); forms the SE, portion of the Empire, and is about one- third of its whole extent, between 18° and 41° N, lat. ; and mainly from 191° to 122° 30' E. lon. Area, about 1,554,000 sq. m. P. according to Chin. authority, 381,554,977, which is probably much in excess of verity. It is bounded on the E. and SE. by gulfs and seas of the Pacific Ocean, N. by Mongolia and Manchuria, S. by Tonquin and Burma, W, by Tibet and the country of the Koko Nor. On the NW. China Proper extends by the prov. of Kan-Su, in that direction as far as 90° E., and 45° N. . For administrative purposes. C. is divided into 18 preys.-maritime, Pe-chi-Li, Shantung, Kiang-Su, Che-Kiang, Fo-Kien, and Isl. of Formosa, Quang-Tung, and Isl, of Hainan; in Hoang-Ho basin, Ho-Nan, Shan-Se, Shen-Si, and Kan-Su; inz Yazig-tse-Kºzazug: basizt, Ngan-whi, Hu-Pe, Kiang-Su, Hu-Nan, Quei-chow, Se- chuen, and Yun-Nanj tº the S., Quang-Se (see separate articles). C. is distinguished by the magnitude of its rivers, the great Basing of which are separated by mt. chains. The principal are the Hoang-Ho, Yang-tsi-Kiang, and Canton R. The climate varies according to the latitude. The heat in summer is great, and in the N. the winters are severe. No country of the world is so carefully cultivated as C., every available spot being utilised to supply its enormous population with the necessaries of life. . The staple products are rice, tea, silk, bamboo, etc. The mineral wealth is great. Gov. a despotic monarchy. The people are of the Mongolian race, and the language monosyllabic, the writing of which is very peculiar, and non-phonetic. The Religion of the educated classes is that of Confucius, who flourished about 500 years B.C. The cap. and metropolis of the Empire is, Pekin. Čhinaman’s Flat, th: Victoria, Talbot co., IIom. . Melbourne. Chinandega, th: Nicaragua, dep, C. P. Io,000 (?). China Sea (Chin. Wan-Hai or Southern Sea), part of Pacific Oc., S. of China, and between Malay Arch, and Annan and Siam. China Strait, between E. end N. Guinea and Louisiade Arch. Iguano: Chincha, Isls., 14 m. off cst. Peru, lat. 13° 38' S., a former source of Chinchew (Ch.70azz Cho?v-Foo), city and seaport, China, in the province of Fo-Kien. Lat. 24°57' N. Chinchilla, city, Spain, 9 m. SE. Albacete. P. 6080. Chinchon, th: Spain, 25 m. SSE. Madrid. P. 4771. Chin-Chu, city, China, prov. Ho-Nan, 80 m. SSE. Kai-Fong. [Hu. Chin-Chu, city, China, prov. Hu-Nan, 110 m. WSW. Tong-Ting- Chingford, par, and vil. Engl., W. Essex, near Epping Forest. P. 1387. Ching-Hai, spt. China, prov. Che-Kiang, 9 m. NE. Ning-Po. Ching-Kiang-Fu, city, China, prov, Kiang-Su, on r. b. Yang-tse- Kiang, and at junction of Imperial Canal. P. I30,000. Chingoma, large isl. E. Africa, at mouth of Zambesi R. !hinguacousy, sub. dist. Ontario, Peel. co. P. 5476. hing-Te-Fu, city, China, prov. Pe-chi-li, 110 m. NNE. Pekin. hing-Ting, city, China, prov, Pe-chi-li, 155 m. SSW, Pekin. hi H ng-ton, city, China, prov. Se-Chuen. Lat. 30° 40' N. ; lon. IOA” E. ng-Tu-Fu, city, China, cap. of Se-Chuen, on R. Min; lat. 30°50' N. niot, th India, Jhang Dist., Punjab, 2 m. S. of the Chenab. P. Io,731. hin-Ngan, city, China, in the province of Quang-Se. Lat. 23° 20' N.; lon. Ioé? 127 E [Thame. P. I237. Chinnor, par. vil. and ry. sta. Engl., SE. Oxfordsh., 5 m. SE. Chinon, tin. France, dep. Indre-et-Loire, 25 m. by rail SW. Tours. P. 6096; manufs. pottery, leather, etc.; trade in fruit, wine, etc. Chinraipatam, ft. th India, Mysore. Lat. 12°54' N. ; lon. 76° 27' E. Chintamanipet, th India, dist, and 25 m., NNW. Kolar, Mysore. P. 5119. " Trade in grain, gold, silver, and precious stones. Chinu, th Bolivia, prov, Columbia, P. 6273, Ghiobbe, th China, prov. Fo-Kien, 15 m. ŠW. Amoy, P. 300,000 (?). §º. spt, the Italy, on an isl. 15 m. S. Venice. P. 28,015. Chiplun, th: India, cap. of Ratnagiri Dist., Bombay. , P. I2,065. hippawa, port of entry, Ontario, Welland co., on R. Niagara. P. 664. Chippenham, bor. and mkt. th: Wilts, 13 m. NE. Bath. P. 4495. Chippewa (Ojibway), r. Wisconsin, aff, of Mississippi, 300 m.19ng. Chippewa Falls, tr. Wisconsin, on Chippewa river, cap. of Chippewa co., 90 miles E. of St. Paul. 3982. - Chippewa R., Michigan, aff. Pini R., 4 m. W. Midland city, room. long- Chippewa R., Minnesota, aff, Minnesota R., at Montevideo, 120 m. long. Chipping Barnet, par. Engl., Herts, partly in the of Barnet., P. 4283- Chipping Campden, mkt, th; and par. Engl. Gloucester. P. 1861. Chipping Norton, bor. and par. Engl., NW. Oxford, 12 m, SW. Banbury. P. par. 4607; tın. 4167. [P. 992 Chipping Ongar, mkt, th: and par. Engl., Essex,233 m. NE. Lºndon Chipping Sodbury, mkt, th: and par. Engl., W. Gloucestersh; P. Ioë7. Chipping Wycombe or High Wycombe, bor. and par. Engl., Co. Bucks, 15 m. NW. Windsor. P. par. 13,154; tın, Io,613. Chiquimula de la Sierra, th: Guatemala, dep. C., 85 m. NE. Guate- mala. P. 9ooo; maizé, rice, sugar, and dyewogds are grown. Chiquinquira, th: Colombia, 2 days' ride from Sa. Iſ & Cie Bogota. hiquitos, prov, Bolivia, dep. Santa Cruz. [P. I3, II6. TT2, al, tn. India, Malabar Dist., 3 m. N. Cannanore. P. 8658. rala, th India, Kistna Dist., Madras...P. 906ſ. irgaon, th India, dist, and 18 m. NE. of Jhansi, N.W. Provs. P. 3748. hiriqui, dep, r., lagoon, and archipelago, Colombia, State Panama. Låt.'9° N. ; lon. 32° 36' W. Area of dep. 7223 sq. m. P. *7,399. hirk, par. and vil. Wales, SE: Denbighsh., ºn R• Ceiriog. P. 21.71. hirnside, vil. Scot., Berwicksh., 43 m. NE. Duns. P. 939. hislehurst, par. and vil. Engl., W. Kent, 9 m. SE, London...?. 5341. hiswick, par. and W. suburb of London, Eng!, on R. Thames. É. 5,3%. C. House, the seat of the Duke of Devonshire is here: Chitaldrug, dist. India, Nagar Div., Mysore. Area, 4871 sq. m. # 73.6. Cap. C. §26m. NW. Bangalore... P. 427. ſhear ºf Chitambo, vii. Cent. Africa, on L. Bangwgolo. A. Lying tº died itor, tr. Udaipur State, Rajputana, 30 m: from Naiºabăd. P. $93. itraí, tm. India, cap. of C. State, Kashmir. Lat. 35°55' N. ; lon. 71.56 E. ittagong, div. India, Bengal, comprises dists. Chittagong, Noak- hai, Tipperah, and Chittagong Hill Tracts. Area, 12,II.8 Sq. m. P. 3,575,648. C. Dist., area, 2567 sq. m. , P: º334*. Cap. C. or jºiámabad, second port of Bengal. Lat: 22.2% N. P.,20,969. Chittagong HillTracts, dist. of above., S. of Hill Tipperah State. i CA. : : Area, 5419 sq. m. P. 101,597. Cap. Rangamati. Chittur, É India, N. Arcot. Dist., Too m. from Madras, P. 5809. Chittur, th India, State of Cochin, Madras. Lat: 1942 S. P. II, IoS. Chiusa, th: Italy, in Piedmont, 8 m. SE. Coni. P. 6565. Chiusa, th: Sicily, 30 m. SSW. Palermo. P. 7355. Chiusano, th: Italy, 16 m. ENE. Avellino. P. 3129. . s Čhiusi, city, Italy, in Tuscany, prov. and 56 m. by rail SE. Sienna. Chiva, ta. Spain, 18 m. W. Valencia. P.4338..., º P. 5005. Chivasso, city, Italy, in Piedmont, 15 m. NE. Turin, on R. Po. P. Io, I37. Chivilcoy, tr. Argentina, at rail; junc., II5]n. W. Buenos Ayres. P. 8800. Chiumetz, tin. Böhemia, 46 m, by rail ENE, Prague. P. 3924. I9 CHMIELNIK THE CENTURY GAZETTEER COLESBERG mielnik, th: Russia, in Podglia,93 m; N.E. Kamieniec. º Boland, 19 m. SSE. Kielce. P. 8136, [P. 7787. Africa, aff, to r. b. Zambesi. Lon. 25.30 E., . [P. 2499. and vil. Engl., W., Surrey, 4 º' N.W. Woking ry, sta. R., Alabamá and Florida to G. of Mexico, 186 m. long- m. Russia. See Chotyn. t tn. Prussia, prov. Posen, 47 m. WSW, Bromberg. P. 3092. Pacific Océan, one of Salomon Isls. -Seine, th: France, 6 m. by rail S. Paris. P. 6978. tn. French Cochin China, 8 m. WSW. Saigon. P. #5%; or Chollet, th France, Maine-et-Loire, 37, ºn: SW. Angers. P. 15.916; calico and flannel weaving, Hexham. P. ió03. Chollerton, tshp. and ry: Sta. Engl., S. Northumberland, 6 m. N. Cholmondéley, tshp. and gas. W. Cheshire, 74 m. W. Nantwich. P. 235; contains G. Castle, seat of the Earl of C. Cholula, Indian th: Mexico, Statº and 151n. W N.W. Pueblo. P. 6coo. Alt. 6912 ft.; contains ruins of ancient Aztec temple. Chomérać, th: France, dep. Ardèche, 3% m. SE. Privăş. P. 2390. Chong-Ping, large th China, Pº Folkien, 120 m. SW. Fu-chu, Chonos Archipelago, isl.g.P. ºff W. cºt. Patagonia. Lat. 44° and 46°S. * Chū. Asiatic Russia, from L. Issyk-Kui, flows 600-700 m. choº! towards the Sir §: but does not reach that river. -Kiang, r. China. See Cantº- s § #ālī. r. Siberia, aff, to r. b. Qbi, 500 m. lºng. Choomp-Hoon, th: Siam, neºt G. of Siam, 11° N., 99° 30' E. P. 8009. tº room or fchurum, th Asia Minº. 33 m. SW. Osmanjik, P. 7609. Choo-Yung, city, China, prov. 75.” W. Yun-Nan. [P. 13,933. Chopra, tº India, Khāndesh Dist., Bombay, 8 m, from R. Tapti. Čhorillos, cst. vil. Peru, 9 m. by rail S. Lima; a bathing resor; Chorley, bor., mkt, th;, and paſſ: Engl., N. Lancash;9. SE. Preston. P. 16,478; extensive manufs. ; railway-wagon building, bleaching, etc. "Numerous coal-fields in the vicinity. [P. 4000. Chorloo or Tchorlu, th Turkey, Roumelia, 29 p. NE. Rodosto. Chorostow, th Austria, prov. Galicia, 39*. SSE. Tarnopol. P. 5623. Chorrera, tr. Colombia, State Istmo, Iom. W. Panama. P. 4834. thorukor Tchoruk, r. Armenia, enºrs Black Sea at Batoum, 302 ºl. Chorzele, the Russian º gov. *::: º: N. Przasznik. P. 2580. Ghoshi, th: Japan, prov. Shimosa. . . *Z-9. - - § B. i. £ibertad, in the Andes, 130 m. N. Trujillo. { { §hota Nagpur. See Chutia Nagpur. º fºotiebor, thºohemia, 19 m. SE. Czaslau. P. 3923. Chotyn or Khotin, fºrtified town South Russia, Bessarabia, on the River Dniester. P. 16,183. - - of Zen in. Bohemia, 19 m. E. Chrudin, on the Stille Adler. P. 3712. nouzé-Éur-Loire, th: France, Indre-et-Loire, 7 m. N.W. Ghinon- arist, vil. Hayti Isl., NW, cst... P.,3009; actº trade. [P. 2731. hristburg, th: Prussia, 23 m. NE. Marienwerder. P. 3234. hristchurch, parl, bor., spt., and Par. Engl., S. Hants, 34 m. SW. Southampton, 113 m. SW. London. P. par. 12,989; bor. 28,535. C. returns r member to Parliament: º Christchurch,tn. New Zealand, cap. 9f Canterbury P.” dist., Selwyn co., on South Isl. Ry., 8 m. from Lyttelton by rail, , P., 30,719. Christ Church, tshp. S. Carolina, Charleston C91.9% cst, E. 5153: Christiania of Kristiania, cap. city, Norway, at head of C. Fiord. Lat. 59° 44' N. ; lon. Io 45° E. P. 130,627; of Stift or diocese, 489,915; trade in cotton, oil, soap. beer, and brandy. Christians Amt, prov. S. Norway. Area, ro,368 sq. m. P. II5,84; Christiansand, spt. th S. Norway, Cap. of C., stift, 157 m. SW. Christiania; a naval arsenal, ºl. and citadel. P. 13,022; of stift, 342,672; chief industry, fishing. e Chrillº , sett, on Brit. Gold Coast, Africa, 4 m. E. Accra. Christianshaab, Danish sett. on W. CŞt. Greenland, SE. Disko Isl. Christianstad, fortified tn: Sweden; capital of Christianstad Laen, - miles SW. of Stockholm. P. 9203. Christianstad Laen or S. extremity. Area, 2514 sq. m. . . 226,867, , or Bassin, fortified town, Cap. of the Danish island of on NE. cst. P. 3500. [hjem. P. 5709. spt. th: Norway, £omsdal Amt, 85 m. W SW. Trond- in Śweden, Carlstad Laen, on L. Wener. . P.507?. tn. laen and 55 m. S. Vasa, on G. of Bothnia. P. 2800. I. ), coral isl. Indian Oc. Lat. 10° 30' S. ; lon. Io9' 30' E. Isi, Pacific Oc. Lat. * 57%.N. ; lon. . 57°27' W.; guano. Isl., Cape Breton Isl., in Little Bras d'Or. P. I315. tn, Bohemia, on the Chrudimka, 62 m. ESE. Prague. º ; manufs. machinery, sugar, and spirits. Chryston and Muirhead, vil, Scot, 73 m. NE. Glasgow. P. 721. Cºamow, ºn Austria, prov. Galicia, 27 m. by rail W. Cracºw. P. 7023. mºt, thand par. England, East Devon; ºn River Teign, SW. Exeter. P. 1927. [SW. Launceston. vil. Tasmania, co. Westmoreland, on Lobster R. 48 m. mkt, tin. and par. Engl., N. Devon, on River Taw, 8 ... of South Molton. P. 1385. [Alt. 23,944 ft. peak of Himalayas. . Lat. . 49' N.; lon. 89° 19 JE. th. India, dist. and 33 m. from Lahore. P. 8122. r. Patagonia, enters Atlantic, at lat: 14° 15' S. [21,000 ſt. tn. and mt. Peru, 15 m. N : NW. Arequipa, elev. of int. of Sucre, city, Bolivia. Lat. 19° 49' S. ; lon. 65° 35' W. . 12,000 (?). It was the cap. of Bolivia until 1869. Cap. of dep.C. Chur (Fr. Coire), cap. of Swiss canton Grisons, in Upper Rhine Valley, 58 m. ESE. Lucerne. P. 8889. * [P. 4850. Church, Ém. and ry. sta. Engl., S.E. Lancash...I m. NW. Accrington. Church Gresley, tshp. and ry. Sta. England, South Derbyshire, 4% miles SE. of Burton-on-Trent. P. 5422. * Churchill, Missinnippi or English R., Canada, enters W. side of Hudson Bay, at Fort Churchill. Length about 839 m. Church Štretton, mkt. tr. and par. Engl., 123 m. SW. Shrewsbury. Churjajira, th: India, Dacca Dists, Bengal. I: 7467. [P. 1683. Churu, th: India, Bikaner State, Rajputana. P. 19,666. IP. Ig73. Churwell, tshp. andry, sta. Engl., W. Riding, Yorks, 3 m.SW. Leeds. Čhusan, a large isl. off E. cst. Çhina, prov. Che-Kiang. P. 209,392. Čhutia'Nagpur, div. Bengal, in SW, comprises dists. Hazaribagh, Lohardaga, Singbhum, and Manbhum, and 7 native states. Total area, 43,020 sq. m. P. 4,903,991. Area of native states 16,054 sq. m. P. 678,000. | Alt. bcoo it. Ciamo; or Čamot, vil. Switz., cant. Grisons, 3 m, SE. Mt. Baduz. Čianciana or San Antonio, tr. Sicily, 15 m. NW, Girgenti. P. S949. Cicagna, vil. Italy, II m. §. Chiavari, at foot of Apennines. P. 2683. Cicciano, the Italy, prov. Caserta, 3 m. N. Nola. P. 4572. Ciechanów, th Poland, prov. Plock, 14 m. N.W. Pułtusk. P. 4867 Cienfuegos, th: Cuba, on S. CSt. Lon. 81° W. P. 65,067. Cieplice, vil. Austria, Galicia, 29 m. NNW. Przemysl. P. 2812. Cieza, tr. Spain, 26 m. by rail NW. Murcia, near the Segura. P. Io,9IO. Cigliano, tú. Italy, in Piedmont, 18 m. W. Vercelli. P 6390. diſavegna, th: Italy, 4 m. NE. Mortara. P. 4129. Cilly, Čilli or Zilli, tm. Styria, on the Save, 58 m. S. Grätz. P. 5393. Cimarron or Red Fork of Arkansas R., rises in S. of Colorado, U.S. and flows E. through Kansas and Indian Ter. Length, 650 m: Cimbrishamn, th Sweden, 33 m. SSE. Christianstad, on the Baltic. Ciminna, th: Sicily, 18 m. SE. Palermo. P. 6582. [P. 1786. Cimitile, ta. Italy, prov. Caserta, I_m. N. Nola. P. 3794. Cimone, mt. Apennines, prov. Modena. Lat: 44° 13' N, ; 6975 ft. Cinaloa or Sinaloa, state, Mexico, E. of Gulf of California. Area, 36,189 sq. m. P. 201,918. Cap. Culiacan. Cináñoa, thin above state, 50 m. from Gulf of Mexico. P., 17,330. Cincinnati, city, cap. of Ohio, U.S., Hamilton Co., on N. b. of Ohio ... Ílat. 33° 6' 30" N.; lon. 84° 26' W. P. (1830) 23,830; (1850) 115,438; (1880).255,139; (1886) 280,000. . It is the largest pork-mart in the world; has a college and flourishing manufactures. Ciney, th: Belgium, proy. and 15 m. by rail S.E. Namur.,, P. 3996. jingoſi or Cingolo, fin. Italy, 14 m. WNW, Macerata: ...P. I2,389. Cinigiano, th: Italy, prov. Grosseto, 28 m. S. by E. of Sienna. P. 4486, Cinisi, th Sicily, 14 m. WNW. Palermo. P. 5740. [P. 4990. Cinquefrondi, the Italy, prov. Reggio di Calabria, 15 m, ENE. Palmi. Cinque Ports or Five Ports, an ancient jurisdiction, under a Lord Warden, Engl., on csts. of Sussex, Kent, and Essex, including Hastings, New Romney, Hythe, Dover, and Sandwich, to which were afterwards added Winchelsea and Rye. Cintra or Sintra, town, Portugal, 14 miles by rail north-west of Lisbon, remarkable for its beauty of situation; has 2 royal residences, ruined castle, and villas. P. 4810. Ciotat or La Ciotat, spt. th France, in Bouches-du-Rhône. P. 9702. . . Circars, the Northern Circars, historical name for a large tract of country, India, along the cst, of Bay, of Bengal, Madras Pres., corresponding generally with British dists. Ganjam, Vizagapatam, odavari, Kistna, and part of Nellore and Karnul. [morsk. Circassia, dist. of the W. Caucasus, now in govs. Kuban and Cherno- Circleville, city, Qhio, cap. Pickaway co., on E. b.ofscioto R. P. 654r. Cirencester or Cicester, mkt, th and par. Engl., E. Gloucestershire, on the Churn, 16 m. SE. Gloucester. P. of par. 7737; th: 7658. Cirie, the Italy, in Piedmont, 12 m. NNW. Turin. 5095. Giro, th Italy, prov. Catanzaro, 21 m. by rail NNW. Čše. P. 6238. Ciscaucasia, name applied to portion of Caucasia.N. of the Ints. Cisco, § sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 308 m. W. of Donald. Cis-Sutlej. States, tract of country, India, including British dists. mbala, Ludhiana, Firozpur, and Hissar, and the native states of Patiala, Jind, and Nabha. Cisterna, vil. Italy, 8 m. by rail SSE. Velletri. P. 3904. Cisterna, vil. Italy, in Piedmont, 23 m. SE. Turin. P. 24 li. - - O2. Cisternino, the Italy, prov. of Bari, 17 m. SE. Monopoli. P. 6369. | hamlet, France, in Côte-d'Or, 14 m. NE. Beatºne.... or Elatea, mt.Greece, on bound. of Attica and Boeotia, 462oft. tn, N. Italy, 14 m. NE. Vicenza, on the Brentella. P. 9368. Pieve, th Italy, in Umbria, 23 m. WSW. Perugia. P. 7696. Castello, the Italy, on R. Tiber, 39 m. NW. Perugia. P. 5796. Italy, prov. Reggio di Calabria, néâr Palmi. P. 12,070. or Notabile, city, Malta, 6 m. W. Valetta. P. 22,182. spt. of Dalmatia, on Is, of Lesina. P. 4487. Venezuela. See Angostura. Minorca, on W. cst., 25 m. W. Port Mahon. P. 7777. City, Spain, cap. of prov., 97 m. S. Madrid. .P. 33.5%. ., formerly La Mancha. Area, 7570 sq. m. P. 280,642, Časas, th: Mexico, State Chiapas. P. 65C0. city, Spain, 44 m. SW. Salāmanca. P. 6856. , prov. Friuli, 9 m. ENE. Udine. P. 6285. in. Italy, prov. Latium, 19n. SE, Viterbo. P. 4521. or Penné, city, Italy, 23 m. SE: Teramo. P. 9838. th. Italy, prov. Aquila, 5 m. E. Rieli. P. 4227. - tn. Itály, prov. and 12 m. W. Macerata. P. 9998. tn. Itály, prov. Teramo, near Adriatic..., P.,7944. spt, city, Italy, on Mediterranean, 38 m, N.W. Rome. , in prov. of Arezzo. P.6H5. [P. II,938. tn. Italy, Abruzze, dist. Penne. P. 4624. ft. th: Italy, prov. and 9 m. N. Teramo. IP. 7902. in Vienne, on R. Charente. P. 2549; co, tin, of C.shire, Scot, on R. Devon, P.3593. the smallest co. of Scot., on N. b. of R. F9Fth, be- tWeell and Fife. Area, 47 sq. m. P. 25,680. It unites with in sending 1 member to Parliament: Clacton-on-sea, watering-place, Engl., E. CŞt. Esº, 5* SE. Col- chester. P. 651; admirable facilities for sea-bathing. Clairac, th: France, Lot-et-Garonne, 16 m; NW. Agen. P. 4050. . Clairvaux, vil. France, dep: Aube, 33 m. SE. of Troyes, with ancient abbey, founded by St. Bernard in III4 - º lairvaux, vil. Quebec, Charlevoix go., 9 m). NW, St. Paul's B. P. 400, lamart, vil. France, 5 m. by rail S.W. Paris. P. 4387. amecy, tm. France, in Nièvre, on R. Yonne,49*. NE. Nevers. P. 5536. ane, ºil. Co. Kildare, on R. Liffey, 18 m. W. Dublin. P. Hi85. anwilliam, municipality, Minnedosa Co., Manitoba. ſamwilliam, div. Cape Colony, watered by Qliphant's R. P. Jojº,000. Clapham, par. and SW, suburb, Londºn, Mid Surrey., P. 36,380. apham, par. and vil. W. R. Yorksh; 6 º' N.W. Settle. P. I450. Ciara, mkt' th' and ry, sta. King's Co., 6 m, N.W.Tullamore. P. 956. iara'or villa Ciara,tn. Cuba, 33 m. by rail N.E.Cienfuegºs. P. 22.78. Clarborough, par. and vil. Notts, 3 m. NE. of E. Retford. P. 2946. lare, maritime co. Irel., prov. Munster, bounded W. by Atlantic, N. by Galway, and separated by R. Shannºn from Tipperary, Limerick, and Kerry. Area, 1294 sq. m. P. 141,457. Co. in. Ennis. It returns 2 members to Parliament: are, mkt, th and par, Engl., W. Suffolk, gº R. Stour. ... P. 1704. are; tım, and ry, sta. Irel, co.Clare, 2 m. Sº: Ennis, P. 790. are isl. Irel., in Clew Bay, W. Co. Mayo. P. 62I. .... |P. 1131. are, municipality, S. Australia, Stanley Co., 89 m. NNW. Adelaide. laregalway, par, and vil. Irel, cq. and 7 m. NE. Galway., P. 2378. aremont, th New Hampsh., U.S., 55 m. WNW. Concord. P. 4704. aremont, vil. Ontario prov. and co., 6 m, from Stouffville: P. 500. a remorris, th Irel, S. co. Mayo, 14 m. SE. Castlebar. P. 1319. arence, pastoral dist. N. S. Wales, in NE. of the col. Area, 5000 sq.m. farence Harbour or Port Clarence, Alaska, E. side of Behring Str. jarence R. News. Wales, enters Shoal Bay. Lat. 29°35′S. ; 250 m. Čarence River Heads, post, tm. New S. Wales, 397 m, N. Syśy. Člarence Town, township, New South Wales, co: Durham, Qº Williams River. P. of dist. 1644. [Richelieu R. P. 300. Clarenceville, vil. and port of entry, Quebec, Missisquºi, Co., near Čia rendon, th New S. Wales, C. co., in Eurongilly gºld fields. P. 250. arendon'or Corduroy, vil. Victoria, 83 m. WNW. Melbourne. arendon, vii. S. Australia, 18 m, SE, Adelaide. P. of dist. 1566. arendon'Centre, vil. Quebec, Pontiac cº, 8 m. NW. Bristol. P.250. arina, vil. Quebec, Shefford Co., 4 m. SW. Granby. P. 400. arinda, thiowa, U.S., cap. of Page Co., 65 m. SE. Omaha. P. 2011. arion, bor. Pennsylvania, cap. of Çlarion Co.;25 m, SE. Oil City. arke, Mt., highest peak of Australian Alps, New S. Wales, 7256 ft. arke's Harbour, vii. Nova Scotia, on Cape Sable Isl. P. 400. arke's R., Flathead R. or Clarke's Fork of the Columbia R., rises ir, Rocky Mts., Montana, through Idaho and Washington, 700 m. ark's Beach, fishing sett. Newfoundland, on Conception Bay.. P. 444. arksburg, vil. W. Virginia, Harrison co., on Monongahela. ſ. 2397. arkstown, th New York, Rockland co., 122 m. S. Albany. P. 4400. arksville, vil. Missouri, Pike co., on Mississippi R. P. 1493. arksville, ry, sta. New Zealand, 38 m. from Dunedin. arksville, tri. Tennessee, United States, capital of Montgomery co., on Cumberland River. P. 3880. {gauze. Clary, vil. France, Iom. SE. Cámbrai. P.,2657. . Manuſs., lace and Číasé, tshp. and partly suburb of Swansea bor, S. Wales. 1.18,833, burghal part, 7912; coal-mines and copper-works. [P. 1781. Clashmore, par, and vil. Irel., S.W., co. Waterford, 7 m. N. Youghal. Čſatt, vil. W. Aberdeensh., 3 m. SW. Kinnethmontºy. Sta. P. 452. Číausthal or Klausthal, tin. Prussia, in Harz Mts., 56 m. SE. Hanover. P. 887; ; chief industry, mining. . 4347. Claverack, vil. New York, Columbia Co., 4% m. ESE. Hudson tShp. Claverhouse, vil. Scot., S. Forfarsh., 3% m. NE. Dundee. R. 393. Clay Cross, th: Engl., E. Derbysh, 4% in. S. Chesterfield., P.6879 Clayton, vil, Engl. Lancashire, 3% m. E. Manchester. P. 3380. Clayton, tshp. Engl., W. R. York., 33 m. SW. Bradford. P,7980. Clayton-le-Moors, tshp. Ilancash., 5 m. NE. Blackburn. P.,3695. Clearfield, bor. Pénnsylvania, cap. C. Co., on Susquehanna. P. 1808. Clearwater, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry, 134 m. from Winnipeg. Clear, Cape, most S. point of Irel., on an isl, with lighthouse. Cleator Moor, th: Engl., co. Cumberland, on R. Eden, 4 m. S.E. Whitehaven. P. Io,420; coal-mining, and iron manuf. Cleaveland, th: Tennessee, U.S., cap. Bradley Co. P. 2400. Cleckheaton, th Engl., W.R. York, 5% m. SE. Bradford. P. 10,653. Cieden-Capsizun, vil. France, dep. Finistère, arrondissement and 27 miles WNW, of Quimper, near the coast. P. 2456. [P. 2840. clectiºns vii. and watering-place, Engl., N. Lincoln, on the Humber. Cleguérec, in. France, in Morbihan, 6 m. N.W. Pontiyy. P..of com. 3369. Cleland, vil. Scot., Lanarksh;, 3% m. NE. Motherwell. P., (with Omöa) 1503; has extensive iron-works. [P. I330. Clementsport or Moose River, vil. Nova Scotia, on Annapolis Basin. Cleobury Mortimer, mkt., tm. Engl., S. Shropshire, 7% m. NE. Ten- ury. P. 1581 ; trade in coal, ironstone and limestone. ercken, vil. Belgium, W. Flanders, 20 m., S.W. Bruges. P. 4152. lerkenwell, par. Engl., in Finsbury parl. bor, London. P. 69,076. lermont, th France, dep. Oise, 16 m. by rail SSE. Beauvais. P. 5628. lermont, tshp. Queensland, C. Co., 575 m. NW. Brisbane and 227 m. N.W. Rockhampton. P. of dist. 5118. [pellier. P. 5450. Clermont-l'Hérault, th: France, in Hérault, 23 m. by rail W. Mont- Clermont-Ferrand, city, France, cap. of dep. Puy-de-Dôme, .250 m. ...SSE. Paris. P. 43,033. C. was cap, of Auvergne. [P. 2953. éry, th: France, dep. Loiret, on R. Loire, 9 m. SW. Orleans. les, th: Tyrol, 19 m. N. by W. Trent, on the Noce. P. 3352. evedon, par. and vil. Engl., E. Somerset, 16 m. SW. Bristol...P.,4869. leveland, dist. Engl., N. R. York, between the Tees and Whitby. leveland, city and port of entry, Ohio, U.S., Cuyahoga Co., on S. shore of Lake Erie, at mth. of Cuyahoga R., 138 m. NNE. Columbus. Lat. 40°30' N. ; lon. 81°42' W. P. (1810) 57, (1860) 43,417, (1880) 160,146, (1886) 176,000. Industries very extensive, iron, cloth, paper manuf., shipbuilding, and oil refining. Exports, coal, coal-oil, iron wares, stone and glassware, etc. eveland, watering-place, Queensland, on Moreton Bay. P. 321. eveland, tshp. Tasmania, co. Somerset, 32 m. SE. Launceston. P. IIo. eves (Ger. KZeve), th: Rhenish Prussia, 23 m. NW. Wesel. P. ro,170. ew Bay, Irel., W. Co. Mayo, 7 m. by Iom. [P. 9296. ewer, par. Engl., E. Berks, on R. Thames, partly in Windsor bor. ey next the Sea, par. and vil. Engl., N. Norfolk, 4% m. NW. Holt. ićhy or C.-la-Garenne, a N. suburb of Paris...P. 24,320. [P. 719. lifden, spt. and mkt, th Irel.; in Connemara, W. co. Galway. P. 1287. lifford, vil, Ontario, on Red R...Wellington co. P. 722. Clifton, watering-place, Engl., W. Suburb of Bristol. P. 22,915. Clifton, name of several small pars. and vils. in Great Britain. Clifton, tshp. and mining vil. Michigan, Keweenaw Co., 2 m. from ... Lake Superior. P. 1406. [the Arizona copper-mines. Clifton, vil, Arizona, U.S., Pima co., 175 m. NE. Tucson. Near are Clifton, vil, Ohio, Greene co., 20 m. ENE. Dayton, P. Ioa 6. Clifton or Suspension Bridge, th; Ontario, on W. b. Niagara R. P.2347; Clifton, coal-mining vil. New S. Wales, 30 m. S. Śydney. P. of . Clifton and neighbourhood, 700; 309 ft. above sea-level. Clingman's Peak, S. Carolina, Black Mts. Elev. 6660 ft. Clinton, city, Iowa, cap. of Clinton co., on Mississippi R. P. ro,954. Clinton, th Massachusetts, co, and 17 m. NNE. Worcester. P. 8345. Clinton, th: New York, U.S., Oneida co., 9 miles west-south-west of ... Utica..., P. 1236; Hamilton College is here. Clintom, vil. Qntario, Huron co., 13 m. SE. Goderich. P. 2606. Clinton, th: New Zealand, Clutha co., 74 m. SW, Dunedin. , P.363. Clinton, th; S. Australia, on St. Vincent's Gulf, 86 m. N. Adelaide. Clinton-Golden Lake, large lake, Canada. Lat. 64° N.; lon. Io/* 30' Clinton Lilloet, sub. dist. Brit. Columbia, Cariboo co. . P. 1529. [W. Çlion, vil. France, Loire Inférieure, 11 m, S. Paimboeuf. P. 2105. Clippens, vil. Scot., Renfrewsh., Kilbarchan par, P. 674; oil-works. tn. : C. l ii ; ; tn. France, Loire Inférieure, 16 m. SE. Nantes. P. 2900. mun, bor. Engl., NE. Lancash., on R. Ribble. P. ro,176. New Zealand, co. Hawke's Bay, near Napier. P. 400. mt, Scot, Kincardinesh., 9 m. SW. Banchory, alt. 1944ft. Point, Scot., Renfrewsh., opposite Dunoon, with a lighthouse, vil. Irel.., N. co. Kilkenny, 9 m. W. Carlow. . P. 369. vil, Irel., W. King's Co., 5 m. NE. Banagher. P. 414. mkt. tr. Irel., S. co. Tipperary, 8 m. S. Caher. P. 1209. par. and fishing vil. Irel., S.co. Louth, 7 m. NE. Drogheda. ; vil. 662. Post-office is called C. Head. [vil. 225. and vil. Irel., co. Tyrone, 9 m. SE. Fintona. P. 19,166; or Cloughjordan, vii. and ry, sta. Ireland, N.co. Tipper- Io miles West of RoScrea. P. 644. [P. 3676. , spt, and mkt, th Irel., S. co. Cork, 15 m. SW., Bandoil , póst tim. Queensland, on C. R., 1500 m. NW. Brisbane. tn. Irel. W. co. Monagham, 39m. NW, Dundalk. P. 2216 E. Írel., NW. King's Co., on R. Shannon... P. 2523. mun, bor. Irel., on R. Suir, cos. Tipperary and Waterford P. 9325; trade in corn, butter, and provisions: Clonmelion, vil. Irel., NE.co. Westmeath,.5 m, NW. Athboy. P. 456. Clontarf, tr. Irel., co, and 3 m. NE. Dublin. ...P.4210; sea-bathing. ( ( §loseburn, par. and vil. Scot, co, and 113 m. NW. Dumfrieş. P.1505. Šlëtze or 'fºlótze, vil. Prussian Saxony, 40 m. , NW. Magdeburg. Cloudy Bay, New Zealand, on N. CŞt. of South Island. [P. 2804. Cloveily, par. and vil. Devonshire, 11 m. SW, Bideford. P. 787, Cloyne, mkt, th: Irel., SE, co. Cork, 5 m. S. Middleton.,. P. II26. Čium, mkt, th Engl., S. Shropsh., on R. Clun, 5% m. N. Knighton. Clunes, bor. Victoria, Talbot Co., 20 m. N. Ballarat... P. 4717. [H. 2247- Cluny (Clugny), th France, Saône-et-Loire, 14 m. N.W. Macon. P. 4385. luny, ry. Stå. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 776% m. W. Winnipeg. Čiusone, tm. N. Italy, 17 m. NE. Bergamo, near the Serio. P. 3381. Clutha, 'larger. New Zealand, enters Molyneux Bay, Dunedin Prov. Clwyd, r. N. Wales, Denbighsh., flows 30 m; to N. Sea at Rhyl. Clyde, r. Scot., Lanarksh, enters Firth of C. below Dumbarton, 98 m. Clyde or Dunstan, min.tshp. N. Zealand, 151 m. NW. Dunedin. P.340. Clyde, scattered dist. Victória, 34 m.SE. Melbourne, P.250. Clyde from Works, vil. Scot, Lanarksh., 3 m. SE, Glasgow. P. 670. Clydebank, police burgh and ry. sta. Scotſ, on R. Clyde, Dumbarton- shire, 53 m. NW. Glasgow. P.1634; Shipbuilding. Clydebank, dist. Victoria, co. Tanjil, 137 m. E. Melbourne. P. I40. Cly e, Scot., the dist. forming Vale of Clyde, Lanarkshire. ly e, min.tn. Victoria, 88% m. NW. Melbourne. P. 250. Clydesdale, vil. Scot., N. Lanarksh, near Holytown Junc. P. III.7. Clyne, par." and vil. Scot., S.E. Sutherlandsh., 9 m. S.W., Helmsdale. Clythe Ness, cape, Scot., Caithness, on N. Sea. Lat. 58.21' N. [P. 1812. Coahuila, state, NE. Mexico, area, 59,305 sq. m. P. I44,594; Cap Saltilio; industries, agriculture, and cattle-rearing. [P. 4000. Coahuila or Cohahuila, th: in above State, 150 m. NW. Monterey. Coalbrookdale, iron and coal dist., vil., and ry. Sta. Engl., S. Shrop- shire, II m. SE. Shrewsbury. P. 1707. Coalgate, posttn. New Zealand, co. Selwyn, 38 m, SW, Christchurch. Coalsnaughton, mining vil. Scot, 1 m, SE. Tillicoultry, P. 899. . Coalton, vil, Scot, Fife, 2 m, S. Markinch. ...P. 441, 3 Goaltown, cst. vil. Scot, SE. Fife, 13 m. N. Wemyss, P. 369. [P. 1904. Coalville, vil. Engl., N. Leicestersh., 5 m. SE. Ashby de la Zouch. Coamo, th: Porto-Rico, West Indies. ..., P. 5000. [Paulo. Coanza, Quanza or Kwanza, r. Lr. Guinea, enters Atlantic S.9f San Coast Range, mts. U.S., Amer., run parallel to the CSt. of California, and Washington, over 1000 m. Mt. Olympus 8150 ft. police burgh, N. Lanarksh., 83 m. E. Glasgow. P. I7,500. vil. Scot., N. Lanarksh., 1 m. SW. Airdrie. P. I70I. bor. Pénnsylvania, Chester co., 38 m. W. Philadelphia. vil. Quebec, Stanstead co. P. 2682. [P. 2766. tn. Guatemala, 9 m. N. of the city of G. P. 18,000; eley. 4306ft. N. S. W., Róbinson co., 550 m. W. Sydney. P. of dist. 3000. tn. New S. Wales, Dampier co., 234 m. S. Sydney. P.972. of Kobbe, th Cent. Africa, cap. of Darfur, 14° 1' N, 28.8' E. post. th: N. S. W., 500 m. W. Sydney, on Talbragar R. ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 85 m. W. Ottawa: post tim. Victoria, co. Heytesbury, on Curdies River, 130 miles . of Melbourne. P. 447. [91° E. P. 6000. or Kobdo, city, NW. Mongolia, on the Iso. Lat. 48 N.; lon. par. and viſ, Engl., W. Surrey, 6% m. W. Epsom. P. 2319. par. and vil. Engl., mid. Kent, 4 m. SE. Gravesend. P. 919. or Port la Mar, spt, Chili, prov. Atacama. P. 2400. . . . (Ger. Koblem?), city, cap. of Rhenish Prussia, on R. Rhine, at thc confluence of R. Moselle. P. 31,669. P. of gov. 616,554. Cobourg, th Ontario, cap. Northumberld, co., on L. Qnt. P. 4957. Cobre or El Cobre, th Cuba, Iom, by rail W. of Santiago. P. 3000. Coburg, th Germány, cap. of Duchy of Coburg, on rail from Dresden to Munich. P. 16,210. Area of duchy, 217 sq. m. P. 57,383. Coburg, vil, and penal establishment, Victoria, co. Bourke, on Merri Creek, 5 m. N. Melbourne. P. 1850 (650 convicts). Cocaigne, vil. New Brunswick, Kent Co., II m. NW. Shediac. P. 900. Cocanada, spt, th: India, Godavari Dist., Madras, 545 m. S. Calcutta. Cocentayna, th Spain, 30 m. N. Alicante. P. 7926. [P. 28,856. Cochabamba or Oropesä, city, Bolivia, cap. of dep, of C., 8370 ft. above the sea. P. 14,705. Area, of dep. 2664 sq. m. P. 240,000. [P.3225. Cochem or Kochem, tr. Prussia, on R. Moselle, 24 m.-SW. Coblentz. Cochin, native state, India, Madras Pres, on S.W. CŞt., 9° 48' and 10° 50' N. lat. Area, 1361 sq. m. P. 600,278; cap. Ernakolam. Cochin, tm. in above state # m. S. of the Brit. th: of Cochin. P. 13,775. Cochin, spt. th S. India, Malabar Dist. Lat. 9° 58' N. P. 15,698. Cochin China, cent. prov. of Anam, name sometimes applied to the whole country. French Cochiat Chizua or Basse Cochin-Chine, a Fr. col. formed by the Mekong delta, S. of Anam. Area, 23,083 sq. m. P. 1,642,185; cap. Saigon. See Amam and Cambodia. Cochrane, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 862 m. W. Winnipeg. Cockburn Land, Arctic America, in the Gulf of Boothia. Lat. 70° to 74° N. ; western portion of Baffin Land. [P. II30. Cockburnspath, cSt. par. and vil. Scot., Berwicksh., 7 m. SE. Dunbar. Cockenzie, fishing vii. and spt. Scot., Haddingtonshire, on Firth of Forth, 8 m. NE. of Tranent. P. 1612. Cocker, r. Engl., co. Cumberland, from Buttermere to R. Derwent. Cockermouth, th: Engl., at mth. of above, 25 m SW. Carlisle. P. 5353. Cockpen, par. 73 m, SE, of Edinburgh, P, 4544; coal-mines. Coco Isls., two small isls. in Bay of Bengal. Lat. I4° N. Cocos Isls. See Keeling Isls. Cod, Cape, Massachusetts, U.S., name applied to a peninsula, 65 m. long, with several tims. ; Provincetown lies at its extremity. Codigoro, tr. Italy, 23 m. E. Ferrara, on Po di Volano. P. 43 II. Codinas de San Feliu, th: Spain, 30 m. N. Barcelona. P. 2906. Codogno, th: Italy, prov. Milan, 15 m. SE. Lodi. P. II,600. [P. 200. !odrington, dist. N. S. Wales, on Richmond River, 355 m, N. Sydney. Codroipo, th Italy, prov. and 14 m. by rail S.W. Udine. P. 4982. § tshp. and vil. Wales, Glamorgan, I m. N. Neath. P. 3522. Coele-Syria, vai. of Syria, between Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon, Coepang or Koepang, tr. and Dutch sett. Timor Isl., in the SW. Coesfeld, tm. Prussia, gov. and 18 m. W. Münster. P. 4840. Coetivy, isl. Indian Ocean, 550 Im. NE. of Madagascar. [P. 3067 Coevorden or Koevorde, ft. tin. Netherlands, 23 m. SSE. Assen Coggeshall, the Engl., co. Essex., 44% m. NE. London. P. 2998. ghills Creek, tin. Victoria, Talbot co., II4 m. WNW. Melbourne. Cognac, th France, dep. Charente, 24 m. W. Angoulême. P. I4,087. Cogoleto, vil. Italy, 14 m. by rail W. Genoa. P. 2563. Cohoes, city, New York, co, and 9 m. N. Albany, near the mouth of ... the Mohawk River. P. 20,752. [of dist. 500. Coimadai, post th: Victoria, co. Bourke, 34 m. NW. Melbourne. P. Coimbatore (Koyazzzöatter), dist. India, Madras Pres. Area, 7842 Sq. ... m. P. 1,657,690. Cap. C. 304 m. by rail from Madras. P. 38,967. Coimbra, city, Portugal, cap. of prov. of Beira, on R. Mondego. Coin, the Spain, in Andalusia, 21 m. W. Malaga. P. Io,065. . [P. 13,369. Coire, Switz. See Chur. [P. 83,792. Cap. San Carlos. Cojedes, State of Venezuela, S. Carabobo. Area, 5086 sq. m. Cojutepeque, th: Cent. Amer., 15 m. S. San Salvador. P. Io,000. Colac, tin. Victoria, Polwarth co., 50 m. W. by S. Geelong. P. 2400. Colberg or Kolberg, tr. Prussia, 25 m, W. Cöslin. P. 16,557. Colborne, vil. Ontario, 85 m, by rail E. Toronto, on L. Ontario, P. 1979. Colchagua, prov. Chili. Area, 3787 sq. m. P. 155,278. Cap. San Fernando; cattle, horses, and mules are reared. Colchester, parl. and mun. bor. and spt. Engl., E. Essex, on R. Colne, 52 m. NE. London. P. 28,374. It returns I mem. to Parl. - - C O Colchester, th: Vermont, United States, Chittenden co. P. 4421. Col de Balme, pass, in Alps, Chamounix val. to Switz. Eley. 7218 ft. Coldingham, cst, par. and vil. Scot., NE. Berwicksh., 46 m. SE. Edin- burgh. P. of par. 3173; vil. 572. [7641 ft. Col de Ferret, pass, Alps, between Orsières and Courmayeur. Elev. Colditz or Kolditz, th: Saxony, 25 m. SE. Leipsic by rail. P. 4302. Coldstream, par., and th; Scotland, on R. Tweed, 13% m. S.W. of Berwick-on-Tweed. P. 2561; th 1616. - [P. 400. Coldstream, vil. New Brunswick, Carleton co., 17 m. NE. Woodstock. Goldu Bonhomme, pass, in the Alps, Iom. SW. Mt. Blanc. Elev. 8054ſt. gol du Julier, pass, Alps, Switz., near source of R.Inn. Elev. 7558.ſt. Coldwater, city, Michigan, cap. of Branch co., 55 m.W. Adrian. P. 4681. Coleford, mkt. th: Engi., W. Gloucestersh., 4 m. SE. Monmth. P. 2709. Coleraine, spt. and mkt. th: Irel.., co. Londonderry, on R. Bann. P. 5899. Coleraine, th: Victoria, Dundas co., 236 m. W. Melbourne. P. 667. Coleroon, r. India, the N. mouth of the Cauvery, enters B. of Bengal. Colesberg, tin. Cape Colony, cap, of C, Div., 410 m, N, Port Elizabeth. 2O COLESHILL goleshill, mkt, th: Engl., Warwicksh., ſom. NE. Birmingham. P. 2356 99.99mg, th: India, Bengal, div. and dist. Bhagalpur. i. 5239. Qolico, vil. Italy, prov. and 26 m. NNE. Como. P. 3610. Colima, state, Mexico, on Pacific Ocean. Area, 2704 sq. m. P. 72,591. Cap. Colima, 80 m. E. Manzanillo, the chief port. P. 26,251. Colimº, volcano 30 miles NE. of Colima City. Elev. 12,635. QQinsburgh, vil. Scot., E. Fife, 2 m, N.W. Kilconquharry sta. P. 366. Colinton, par, and vil. Scot., 4 m. SW. Edinburgh, P. 4347. Øoll, isl, par. Scot., Argyllsh., 9% m. W. Ardnamurchan Pößt, P. 643. çollace, par. and vil. Scot., 8 m. NE. Perth. P. 643. - Collares, the Portugal, 12 m. WNW. Lisbon. P. 3132. Colle, the Italy, prov. Benevento. P. 5579. Colle, th: Italy, prov. and 22 m. SSW. §lórence. I’. 94.26. Colle dival d'Elsa, the Italy, 12 m. NW. Sienna. P. 5252; of com. 8730. Qölleda or Kölleda, th: Prussian Saxony, 5 m. E. Sommerda. P. 3595. College Point, tin. New York, 10 m. INE. New York city. P. 4192. 99 lesano, the Sicily, 25 m. ESE. Palermo. P. 5379. Qolleśsie, par. and vil. Scot, N. Fife, 23 m. NWT adybank. P. 1989. Colletorto, th Italy, prov. Campobassó, 10 m. SSE, I’arino. P. 3837. Øollºy, ry. Sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 533 m. W. Winnipeg. Qolin, vil. Scot., Co. and 33 m. E. Dumfries. P. 309. Sollingwood, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. Í.25,000 Collingwood, sub dist, Ontario, co. Grey. P. 4915. Collingwood tin, Ontario, Simcoe co., on S. shoré Georgian B. P. 4445. Collingwood, tshp. New Zealand, co. C., near sea-csi. prov. and 65 miles north-west of Nelson. P. 152. [wheat-growing dist. Collinsfield, post.tn. S. Australia, Čo. Daly, 163 m. N. Adelaide; Collinsville, vil. Illinois, Madison co., 12 m. ENE. St. Louis. P. 2887. Coliioure, spt. th: France, Pyrenées-Orientales. P. 3622. Colliston, par. and vil. Scot., Forfarsh., 33 m. NW. Arbroath. P. 659. Collo or Colo, spt...tn., Algeria, 75 m. W. of Bona, P. 1200. [vil. 45. ºglion, par. and vil. Irel.., co. Louth, 7.m. NW. Drogheda. P. 1476; Collooney, vil. Irel, co. and 6% m. S. Śligo. P. 38o. Qolmar or Kolmar, city, Germany, cap, of Upper Alsace. I’. 26,537. Colmenar, th: Spain, prov. and 15 m. §. Malaga, , P. 4791. Qolmenar de Oreja, til. Spain, 30 m. SSE. Madrid. P. 4913. Qolmenar Viejo, tu, Spain, 17 m. N. of Madrid. P. 442;. Qolmonell, par. and vii. Scot., S. Ayrsh., on R. Stinchar. P. 219. Colnbrook, vil. Engl., S. Bucks, 2 m. NE. of Wraysbury. P. 1312. 99pme, r. Engl., co. Essex, flows 35 m. to N. Sea. Qolne, r. Engl., W. R. York, aff, of the Calder, 14 m. long. go ne, mkt, th: Engl., NE. Lancash., 26 m. N. Manchester. P. ro,313. Qologna, tr. Italy, 19 m. SE, Verona. P. 7770. * Cologne (Ger. Cółn ºr Röſſ”), ft. city, Prussia, cap. of Rhineland, on J. b. of the Rhine, with magnificent Gothic cathedral. P. 161,401. Cologne or Köln, gov. Rhenish Prussia. Area, 1535 sq. m. P. 754,228. £ologno, th Italy, Lombardy, 8 m. SSE. Bergamo. P. 3137. £2.9mbes, vil. France, dep, Śēine, 6 m. by raiſ N.W. Paris. "P. 9877. Colombia, United States of, a federal rep., S. America, in the NW., bounded N. by Caribbean Sea, E. by Venezuela, S. by Ecuador, and W. by Pacific Ocean. It includes the Isthmus of Panama. Area, 320,733 sq. m. P. 3,000,000 : chief tims. Bogota, the cap., Medellin, Panama, Ibague, Popayan, and Cartagena. The language is Spanish ; religion, Roman Catholic. C. is traverscd by three ranges of the Andes, in the valieys of which are the rivers Magdalena and Cauca. E. of the Andes the plains are drained by tributaries of the Orinoco and Amazon. The mineral wealth is very great, and includes the precious metals and emeralds. The products are numerous and varied. The rep. consists of nine states and six territories. From 1831 to 1861 the country was called New Granada. Colombier, vil. Switz., cant. and 4 m. SW. of Neuchâtel. P. 1653. Colombo, spt, and cap. Ceylon, on W. Cst. Lat. 6° 56' N.; lon. 79° 49' E. P. 110,502. C. is connected by rail 79 m. with Kandy. tshp. New S. Wales, Auckland co., 23 m. W. of Bega, P. 300. tn. Cuba, 40 m. by rail S.E. Cardenas. P. 20,398. tn. Colombia. See Aspinwall. tn. Italy, prov. and 16 m. NE. Teramo. P. 4879. Uruguay. Area, 1969 sq. m. P. 25,000. çst, tin. Uruguay, N. b. La Plata. P. 2500. [to 3 m. P. 387. Argyll, 16 m. NW. Port Askaig, Islay, 8 m. long by if of the U.S. of America, traversed by the Rocky Mts., by Wyoming and Nebraska, E. by Nebraska and Kansas, S. by Indian Ter. and New Mexico, and W. by Utah, Cap. Denver. Area, Io:3,925 sq. m. P. 194,327. Colorado, r. Texas, enters Gulf of Mexico at Matagorda, ooom. Colorado, r. U.S. Amer., under the name of Čreen R., rises in Wyoming, flows through Utah and Arizona, and separating the latter from Nevada and California, enters the Gulf of California. Length, Tošo m. Area of basin, 264,629 sq. m. Colorado, Rio, or Cobu Leuba, r. Argentina, enters the Atlantic, from the Andes in lat. 39° 51’S. Length about 900 in. Colorado Springs, tin. Colorado, U.S., cap. of El Paso co., 75 m. S. Denver. P. 4226. It is a fashionable summer resort. Colorno, til. Italy, on C. R., 8 m. N. Parma. P. 2409; of com. 7077. Coltbridge, a W. suburb of Edinburgh. Coltness, parish, Scotland, North Lanarkshire. P. 2896. Coltness Ironworks here. See Newmains. Colton, post th S. Australia, Flinders Dist., 320 m. NW. Adelaide. Columbia or Oregon, r. rises in Brit. Columbia, in the Rocky Mts., traverses Washington Ter., U.S., and dividing the latter from enters Pacific Ocean. Length, 1400 m. cape, N. point of Grant Land, Arctic America. [P. 3583. city, Indiana, cap. Whitley co., 19 m. WNW. Fort Wayne. th. Missouri, 24 m. E. Boonville. P. of tshp. 6917. city, Pennsylvania, ILancaster co., on East bank of the Susquehanna R., 24 m. SE. Harrisburg. P. 8312. Columbia, city, cap. S. Carolina and of Richland co., on Congaree R., 86 m. IEN E. Augusta (Georgia). P. 13,000. Columbia, city, Tennessee, cap. of Maury co., 45 m. SSW. Nashville. Columbia, district of. See District of Columbia. [P. 3400. Columbus, city, Georgia, cap. of Muscogee co., on Chattahoochee R., 1oo miles SSW. of Atlanta. P. ro,123. Columbus, th: Indiana, cap, of Bartholomew co., on White R. P. 4813. Columbus, city, Mississippi, cap. of Lowndes co., on Tombigbee R. P. 3955; rich farming dist. ; exports, cotton. e Columbus, city, cap. of Ohio and of Franklin co., on Scioto R., 116 im. NE. Cincinnati. P. 51,647; iron-foundries. Colvend, par. and vil. Scot. SE. Kirkcudbrightsh. P. 1281 Colyton, inkt, tr. and par. Engl., E. Devon, on R. Coly. P. 2330. Comacchio, ft. th: Italy, prov. and 28 m. ESE. I erarra. P. 8389. Comayaguá, formerly Walladogad, city, Central America, capital of lſonduras, 170 miles E. of Guatemala. P. Io, Coo. . . º Combaconum, (Kºzubhakonam), the India, Tanjore Dist., Madras, ill the Kaveri (Cauvery) delta. P. 50,098. [long. Combahee, r. S. Carolina, enters Atlantic 4 m. SW. Edisto R., 140 m. Combarbala, th: Chili, prov. Coquimbo. P. 1600. Comber, Inkt. tin. and par. Irel., N. co. Down, 8 m. SE. Delfast. P. 2165. Combin, mt. Switz., E. Gr. St. Bernard. Elev. 14,163 ft. [P. 1318. Combmartin, cst. par. and vil. Engl., N. Devon, 5 m. E. Ilfracombe. Combourg, tri. France, Ille-et-Vilaine, 22 m. SSE. St. Malc. P. 5698. Combinteignhead, par. and vil. Engl., E. I.)evon, 6 m. N. Torquay. Comeragh, Ints. Irel., N. co. Waterford, rising to 2478 ft. [P. 423. Comet, tshp. and ry. sta. Queensland, 140 m. W. Rockhampton. Comines, tin. Belgium, E. Flanders, Io in. SE. Ypres. P. 4381. Comines, th: Fränce, dep. Nord, on R. Lys, opposite the above. Comino, isl. Mediterranean, between Malta and Gozo. P. 900. [P. 6637. Comisa, th: IDalmatia, on W. CSt. Lissa Isl., P. 3554. Comiso, th: Sicily, prov. Syracuse, 13 m. W. Ragusa. P. 20,337. Comitan, tin. Mexico, State of Chiapa, 40 m. SE. San Cristoval. Commenda, Brit. ft. W. Africa, Gold Cst., 15 m. WSW. Cape CSt. Cas Commentry, th: France, in Allier, 9 m. SE. Montluçon. P. 12,415. Commercy, tin. France, in Meuse, 35 m. E. Bar-le-Duc. P. 5262. Commondyke, mining vil. Scot., Ayrshire, 3 m. NIE. Cumnock. P. Io;8. Como, Lago di, lake, Lombardy, expansion of R. Adda, among the Alps, famous for its beauty, 35 m. long. º - Como, city, Italy, in Lombardy, at S. extremity of Lago di Como. P. 25,518; with a cathedral. Area, of prov. 105c sq. m. P. 533,911. Comoriri, Cape, the S. extremity of India. Lat, 8° 5' N. ; lon. 77°30' E. Comorn (Hun. Komaron), the Hungary, at conſluence of Danube and Waag, 48 m. WNW. Pestli. P. 13,108. Comoro, grp. of isls. 350 m. from NW. cst. Madagascar. P. 60,000; they comprise, Great Comoro, Johanna, Mayotte (to France); and Compass Berg, mt, S.Africa, 30 m. N. Graaf Reynet, 6394 ft. [Mohilla. Compiègne, tin. France, dep. Oise, on R. Oise, 52 miles NE. Paris. . P. 14,008: shipbuilding, sailcloth making, etc. . • Compostela,tn. Mexico, former cap. of State Jalisco; has silver-mines, Compton, village, Quebec, on Coaticook River, 13.4 miles E.S.E. of Montreal. P. of district 2520. P. 1858; vil. Io98. Gomrie, par. and vil. Scot, Co. and 25 m. W. Perth, on R. Eºrn- Concarneau, til. France, in Finistère, on an isl., 12 miles SB, Quimper. P. 5191 ; trade in salted fish, preserves, etc. Conceicāo-de-Lagoa, th: Brazil, in is!. of Santa Catherina. P. 8cco. Concepcion del Uruguay, th: Argentina, prov. Entre Rios, on the Uruguay River, 160 miles north of Buenos Ayres. P. 6513. Concepcion, tin. Bolivia, dep. Tarija, 240 m. SE. Chuquisaca. P. 20co. Concepcion, tin. Bolivia, 145 m. NE. Santa Cruz de la Sierra. • Concepcion, spt. Clili, cap. of C. Prov., 270 m. SSW. Santiago. P. 19,000. Area of prov. 3535 sq. m. P. 182,724. *** *-------- . ----. - goncepcion or Villa Rea-de-la, C., tm. Paraguay, 'on Paraguay R. £oncepcion-de-la Vega, til. Hayti, isl. W. Indies.” P. 3000, iP. 800. £9mception Bay, inlet on E. coast Newfoundland, NW, St. John's. Ønception, Cape, cst. of California. Lat. 3 ºzó' N.; lon. 126°25' W. Çonghas ºr Conchos, r. Mexico, aff, of Rio Grande, 300 m. long. Goncobello, th; W. Africa, on R. Congo. Lat. 40°30' S.;ion. To E. Concord, th: Massachusetts, Middlesex co., 20 m. WNW, Boston. P. 3922; cotton and woollen manufactures. [P. 13,833. Comcord, city, cap. of New Hampshire, U.S., co. and on R. Merrimäc. Congord, municipality, New South Wales, suburb and 7 miles west from Sydney, on Parramatta River. [P. 1264. Concord, vil. N. Carolina, cap. of Cabarrus co., 23 m. S. Salisbury. Concordia, post til. S. Australia, 43 m. from Cawler. P. 135. Concordia, vil. Kansas, cap. of Cloud co., on Republican R. Concordia di Qua, ta. Italy, prov, and 17 m. N. Modena. P. 9766. Onçordia, La., tm. Argentina, on R. Uruguay, Entre Rios. P. 10,000. Comdah, post; tın. Victoria, county Normanby, on Lake Condah, 247 miles west from Melbourne. Condamine R., Queensland, a head stream of Darling R. Øondamine, post tin. Queensland, co. Bulwer, on Č. R., 240 m. W. Øondaff, vil; France, Corrèze, 16 m. NNW. Tulle. P. 1594. (Brisbanc. Condat, vil. France, Puy-de-Dôme, 26 m. W. Clermont-Ferrand. gondatchy, vil, Ceylon, W. cst., 120 m. N. Colombo; has pearl fishery. 92ndé, th: France, dep. Nord, 7 m. NNE. Valenciennes. P. 462r. Øondé, th and spt. Brazil, prov. and 85 m. NE. Bahia. P. 2002. gondé-sur-Noireau,th. France, in Calvados, 25 m. SSW. Caen. P.7279. çondé-Vieux or Viêux-Condé, vil. France, dép. Nord. P. 3617. Sondino, yil, Austria, Tyrol, 21 m. W. Roveredo. P. I54I. gondobolin, th: New S. Wales, Cunningham co., on 'Lachlan R. Qondom, th; France, in Gers, 25 m. NNW, Auch. P. 8555. {P. 450. Condore, isl. in S. China Seá, Š. of Cochin China. Conegliano, th Italy, prov. and 15 m. N. Treviso. P. of com. 8938. Øonemaugh, bor. Pennsylvania, Cambria co., 36 m. WSW. Altºona. Conestogo, vil. Ontario, Waterloo co., 8 m. N. Berlin. P. 450. IP. 3498. Øoney Island, at entrance to New York Harbour. P. I 184. Conſienza, vil. Italy, in Piedmont, 9 m. SSW. Novara. P. 3OIſ. £9mäentl, til, Italy, prov. Catanzaro, 7 m. N. Nicastro. P.3437. Øonfolens or Confölént, til. France, in Charente, on R. vienné. P. 3O43. 99ng; Vil. Irel, S. Co. Mayo, near head of Lough Corrib, P. 277. Qongleton, mun, bor. Engi., E. Cheshire, 26m. S. Manchester, P.; I, II6. Congo, the greatest r. of Africa, enters the Atlantic at lat. 6, S., 200 ºl. N. I-9ando. It issues from L. Bangwcolo in lat. If 30° S., lon. 28° E.; under name of Luapula, and flows N. to L. Moero. thence under name of Lualaba and Ugarowa, N. and N.W..ward to the Eduator, crossing and recrossing which, the Congo thence flows SW.-ward to its mouth, a length of over 3000 m. It thus drains, a vast region of Cent. Africa, SW, of the Nile Basin, including L. Tanganyika, an area estimated at 1,400,000 sq. m. Its volume of water far exceeds that of the Mississippi. It is con. tinuously navigable for 780 m., but the lower course is obstructed by cataracts, and the Stanley Falls interrupt at lon. 25° 50' E. Congo, a maritime country of S. Guinea, lying S. of the Lower Congo. Cap. Banza or Ambassi, the São Salvador of the Portuguese. Congo, The Independent State of the, founded 20th #eb. 1885, according to Act signed by plenipotentiaries at the Berlin Conſer. eace on the Congo, and placed under the sovereignty of the King 9f, the Belgians, by vote of the Belgian Corps Legislatifs. It is declared perpetually neutral, and was proclaimed at Banana #3th July, 1885. Area, computed by Stanley at 1,056,200 sq. m. J. 40 millions. . Cent. gov. at Brüssels. Cap. Boma, on the Qongo. Divided into 11 provinces for administrative purposes. Tºublic force 2000 black men, Commerce is free, and only such dues levied as are indispensable. Principal exports are palm oil, coffee, india-rubber, dyes, rice, copal, wax, iyory, skins, etc. Imports, fire-arms, powder, spirits, cloths, and glass ware. Congonhas-do-Campo, tin. Brazil, prov. Minas-Geraćs. P. 4oco. Congresbury, par. and vil. England, East Somersetshire, on River Yeo, 6% miles N. Axbridge. TP. 1185. [P. 6000. Congun, the Persia, prov. Fars, on Persian Gulf, 120 m. SE. Bushire. Coni or Cuneo, th Italy, 55 m. by rail SSW. Turin. P. 12,013; com. 24,924. Cap. of C. Prov. Area, 2756 sq. m. P. 664,416. Conil, fishing th Spain, 22 m. SSE. Cádiz. P. 5556. Conisbrough, par. and vil. Engl, West Riding of Yorkshire, on R. Don, 5 in. SW. Doncaster. P. 27c6. Conishead Priory, Engl., on west side Morecambe Bay, Lancashire, now a 'Hydropathic." Coniston Water, lake, Engl., N. Lancash., 6 m. long, 1 m. broad, 16o ft. deep, 147 ft. above the sea. |Madras. P. 37,275. Øonjevaram (Kazuchivergºn), th India, Chengalalpat Dist., 42 m. SW. Connaught, smallest and least populous prov. W. irel., comprises cos. of Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon, and Sligo. Area, 6863 sq. m. P. 821,657; 95 per cent. Roman Catholic. Connaught, vil. Ontario, Dundas co., 23 m. from Matilda. P. Boo. Connecticut, r. U.S. of America, flows S. bctween Vermont and New Hampshire, traverses Massachusetts and Connecticut, and enters Long Island Sound. Length 450 m. Area of basin, 10,600 sq. m. Connecticut, a small New England State, U.S. of America, enclosed by New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Long Island Sound. Area, 4990 sq. m. P. (1880) 622,700; Hartford, on Connec- ticut R. is the cap. New Haven is the largest city. {P.3609. Connellsville, bor. Pennsylvania, I’ayette co., 57 m. SSE. Pittsburg. Connemara or Ballynahinch, mountainous district, Ireland, west co- ... Galway; with many small lakes. Qönnerm or Könnerm, in. Prussian Saxony, 16 m. NW. IIalle. P. 4214. Connersville, city, Indiana, cap. of layette co., on Whitewater River and Canal, 22 m. SW. Richmond. P. 3223. [vil. 234. Øonnor, par. and vil. Irel, co. Antrim, 5 m. S. Ballymena. P. 6661; gonon, r. Scot., E. Ross, flows into Cromarty I’irth; with falls. Qomon Bridge, vil. on above, 2 m. S. Dingwall. P. 385. Qonsecon, vil. Ontario, Prince Edward co., 22 m. W. Belleville. P. 5co. Conselice, th Italy, prov. and 24 m. SSE. Ferrara. P. 6839. Conselve, th: Italy, prov, and 12 m. S. Padua. P. 5061. Øonsett, th: Engl., N. Durham, on R. Derwent. P. 7x63. [P. 4561. Conshohocken, bor. Pennsylvania, Montgomery co., on Schuylkiſ R. Constance (Ger., Constan: or Konstaziz), ft. city, Baden, on SW. shore of L. Constance, at the efflux of the Rhine. P. 14,601. Constance, Lake of (Ger. Rodez. See), lake, Cent. Europe, between Switzerland, Baden, Würtemberg, Bavaria, and Austria; length W. to SE. 40 m. ; greatest breadth about 9 m. Area, 200 sq. m.; greatest depth, 964 ft.; 1283 ft. above sea-level. It divides at N.W. cnd into two arms, the Ucherlinger See, and the Zeller or Unter Sce. The lake is traversed by the Rhine, and receives smaller streams. [yards. dist. Cape Colony, near Rondebosch, with famous vine- vil. New York, Oswego co., on N. shore Oneida L. P. 3491. tn. Spain, 40 m. NNL. Seville. P. ro,988. ſt. city, Algeria, cap. of dep., 54 m. by rail SW. Philippe- P. 36,536; on rock 1963 ſt. above sea-level. [P. 1,369,153. Constantine, the E.-n:ost of the deps. of Algeria. Area, 49,055 sq. mi. Constantime, par. and vil. Cornwall, 5% m. SW. Falmouth. P. 1925. Constantinograd, th: Russia, gov, and 40 m. ESE. Poltava. P. 4433. Constantinople (Turk. Stamāool or Ista???&ool azt: Coptstantiatiº, anc. Byzazutiuzzi), city, Turkey in Europe, cap. of the Ottoman Empire, stands on a promontory on W. shore of the Bosphorus, and on Sea of Marmora. Lat. 41° o' 18" N.; lon. 28° 59' 15" E. P. 873.565. The Golden Horn, an inlet of the Bosphorus, separates Constantinople from the suburbs of Galata and Pera. The most re- markable building in Constantinople is St. Sophia, the chief mosque of the Mohammedan world. [89 m. SSW. Zhitomir. P. 35,695. Constantinov or Staro (old) Konstantinov, th: Russia, gov. Volhynia, Constitucion or Maule, th Chili, cap. of prov. Maule, on the CŞt., 115 m. NE. Conception, at the mth. R. Maule. P. 7000. Consuegra, th: Spain, prov. and 35 m. SE. Toledo. P. C8II. Contarina, tin. Italy, 29 m. S. Venice, on R. Po. P. 6304. Contessa, tin. Sicily, prov. Palermo, 9 m. SW. Corleone. I’. 3266. Conthey, th Switz., cant. Valais, 3 m. W. Sion, near R. Rhone. P. 2553. Contich, vil. Belgium, 6 m. SSE. Antwerp. P. 398r. Contin, par. and vil. Scot., E. Ross, 4 m. SW. Strathpeffer. P. 1422. Contres, th: France, in Loir-et-Cher, 14 m. SSE. Blois. P. 2493. Contrexéville, vil. France, dep. Vosges, 14 m. SW. Mirecourt. Controguerra, th: Italy, proy. and 16 m. NNE. Teramo., P. 2790. Contursi, tin. Italy, prov. and 26 m. E. Salerno, on R. Sele. P. 3064. Conversano, th: Italy, prov. and 19 m. SE. Dari. P. 12,370. * Conway or Aberconway, parl. and nium. bor, and spt. Wales, N.E. Carnarvonsh., at nuth. of R. Conway. 3254. ... G. unites with Carnarvon, Bangor, Criccieth, Nevin, and Pwllheli in returning r member to Parliament. [Carnar: Conway, r. Wales, flows N. 30 m. to Irish Sea, between Denbigh and Conway, village, Massachusetts, Franklin county, 30 mics north-west of Springfield. P. 1760. {R. Saco. P. 2092. Conway, vil. New Hampshire, U.S., Carroll co., 132 m. N. Boston, on Coobcabia, th Africa, in Darfur, 4.1 m. W. Cobbc. Coogee, th: New S. Wales, co. Cumberland, 4 m. S. Sydney. § dist. Queensland, in extreme N. Area, 25,5°o sq. m. . Cookham, par... yil. and ry. sta. Engl., E. Berks, 3 m. N. Maidenhead. Cook Inlet, gulf, on S. cºt. Alaska, 200 m. in length. [P. 6851. Cook Isls. or Hervey Archipelago, in Polynesia, SW. Society Isls. Area, 143 sq. m. P. 7500. The natives are Christians. - Cookarindia, post th: N. S. Wales, 357 m. S. Sydney. P. of dist. 400. --—----------—-...--- THE CENTURY GAZETTEER CORREZE Cookley, vil, Engl., E. Worcestersh., 23 m. NE. Kidderminster. %29: ſount, Southern Alps, New Zealand, Canterijury. Alt. 13,200. 9:00kshire, Compton co., Québec, 13 m. Niš. Lennoxviiie. B. 400. gookstown, mkt; tın. Irel.., NE. c6, ivrone, 53 m. W. Belfast. P. 3870. Qook Strait, divides N. Island from Š. Island, New Zealand. Cooksville, vil. Qntario, Peel co., 16 m. SW. Toronto. P. 4CO. Cooktown, inunicipality and spt. Queensland, on Endeavour River, IQ50 miles N.W. of Brisbane. P. 46co. [P. 170. goolah, post th: New S. Wales, co. Napier, 246 m. WNW. Sydney. Coolgarra, mining tshp. Queensland, in Herberton Dist. ; tin and Coolin Mts. Scot. See Cuchullin. [silver found. £90longolook, mining tshp. New S. Wales, 171 m. N. syāney. - Cooma, th: New South Wales, county Beresford, near the Murrum- bidgee River. P. 1050; dist. 12,060. [Cas. P. 50,000. Coomassie, th Africa, cap. of Ashantee, 120 m. NNW, Cape Coast goomqra, small tshp. Queensland, co. Ward,39;m. from Brisbane. Coonabarabran, tshp. New South Wales, on Castlereagh River, 294 miles N.W., of Sydney...P. 410; dist. 1472. P. IIoo. Qoonamble, tshp. New S. Wales, Leichharāt co., 390 m. NW. Sydney. Coonoor, tri. and Sanitarium, India, Nilgiri Hills, 6500 ft. above the sea. Cooper's Creek, post th: Victoria, 11.6m. E. Melbourne, copper-mining. Cooperstown, New York, Otsego co., on Susquehanna. P. 2100. 990can bong,th. N. S. W., Northumberland co., 25 m. Šw. Nešćastle. Coorg (Kuzº), prov. S. India, under Mysore Resident, between Mysore and Malabar CŞt. Area, 1583 sq. m. P. 178,302. Cap. Merkara. Coosa, r. U.S., Georgia and Alābāmā, aff, of Tallapoosa R., 350 m. long. goo; Bay, ºn cst. of Oregon, U.S., at lat. 43°20' 337 N Cootehill, mkt. th Irel.., NE. co. Cavan, ã'm NW. Bubin. P. 1789. Sopan, ruined city, Guatemala, 30 m. S. Chiquimula. Qope.Cope, post fin. and ry. sta. Victoria, 161 m. NW. Melbourne. gopeland, thy. New S. Wales, 167 m. N. Sydney. P. gºo. Qopeland Isls., off NE. cst. Irel, éo. Down, at entrancé to Belfast L. Copenhagen (Dan. Kjøbenhavn), the cap. of Denmark, on the Sound on E. CŞt. of Seeland, and partly on, Amager Isl. Lat. 55° 40' 9” N.; lon, 12° 34' 7" E. P. 289,000. C. has a university and many fine buildings. Manuf. porcélain, spirit, iron-foundries, sugar. refining, etc. In 1879 C. possessed 438 ships of 77,263 ton. Qopertino, th, Italy, prov. and ſom. SSW. Lecce. P. 6446. Copiapo or San Francisco de Selva, th Chili, cap. of prov. Atacama, 9n R. Copiapo, 30 m. from its mouth. P. ro,374. 99piapo or Porto Côpiapo, spt. Chili, 33 m.w of above. Copinshay, Small isl. Scot., Orknevs, off SE. cºt. Mainland. 99pmanhurst, vil. News. Wales. Ciárence co., on R. Clarence. P. 203. Copparo, th. Italy, II m. ENE. Ferrara. P. of commune, 30,874. Coppenbrügge, thi Germany, 19 m. SSW. Hanover. P. 1362. Coppenhall, par. Engl., W. Cheshire, 5 m. NE. Nantwich. P. 27,264 £9pperfield. tn., Queensland, Clermont co., 580 m. NW. Brisbane çopper Harbour, vil. Michigan, Keweenaw có., on L. Superior. [P. 500. Coppermine R., flows N. 300 m. to Coronation Gulf, Dom. of Canada. Qopperopolis, th: California, U.S., Calaveraşcă, with copper-mines. Coquet, r. Northumberland, from Cheviots to Warkworth, 40 m. long. £9quimbo or La Serena, city, Chili, cap. of prov. C., on C. R. P. 14,000. 99quimbo or Porto G., Śpt. 7 m. SW, foregöing. ſº. 533. 90%uimbo, prey. Chili, S. Atăcama prov. Area, I2,905 sq. m. P. 175,900. Qora or Megali-Chora, tin. in Isl. of Samos, AEgean Sea. P. 1030. Coraki, tshp. New S. Wales, on Richmond R., 515 m. N. Sydney. Coral Sea, part of Pacific Oc., between Queensland and New Guinea. Corato, city, Italy, prov. Bari, 14 m. SE. Barletta. P. 33,258. Qorbagh or Korbach, tin. Germany, in Waldeck, on R. ittº. P. 2509. Qorbeil, th: France, dep. Seine-et-Oise, on R. Šeine. P. 6719. Qorbetta, th: N. Italy, io in. W. Milan. P. 5529. 90rbiè..tn. France, dep. Somme, 9 m. by rail E. Amiens. P. 4339. Qorbridge, th Engl., on R. Tyne, 33 m. E. Hexham, i. 1593.” Qorby, par. and vil. Engl., S. Lincoln, on R. Glen, 3 m. SE. Grantham. Çordillera, a Spanish term applied to the chain of the Andes, Cordova, city, Spain, cap. of prov. of C., on R. Guadalquiver, 86 m. NE. Seville. . P. 48,884. Area of prov. 5300 sq. m. p. 4OO, IIO. gordova, th Mexico, State and 66 m. WSW. Vera Cruzon rai. p. 4396. Cordoya, city, Argentina, cap. of C, prov., on R. Primero, 387 m. N.W. Buenos Ayres. Ilat. 31° 35' S.; ion. 63° 50' W, 'F with suburbs 60,000. P. of prov. 330,000. Cordovado, vil. N. Italy, 33 m. ŠW. Udine. P. 1722. Corea or Korea, a peninsular kingdom, tributary to China, bounded £, by Sea of Jāpan, S. by Strait of Corea, which separates it from Japan, E. by the Yellow Sea and Leao Tong Pro. (China), and, N. by Manchuria. Area, about 93,000 sq. m. P. about 8% millions. Cap. King-Ki-Tao. Corea is traversed from north tº South by a mountain chain near the eastern seaboard, with fertile plains and valleys to the west. Corella, th Spain, in Navārre, 49 m. SSW. Pamplona. I’. 5613. §orºntyn, S.America, separates Brit. and Dutch Guiana. ii. 1777. 90rſe Castle, th and par. Engl, SE. Dorset, 4 m. Šiš warehāţá. Corfu, one of the Ionian Isls. of Greece, in the Mediterranean. Area, 274 sq. m. P. 78,024. The nomarchie of C. includes also the isls. of Santa Maura and Paxo. Area, 422 sq. m. P. IC6, Io9. Øorfu, ft. city and spt., cap. of above, on its E, cst, P. 16,515. gori, the Italy, 29 m. SE: $ome. P. 6379. Çor 3, th: Spain, 47 m. NNW. Caceres, on the Alagon. P. 2614. £oria, th Spain, 6 m. S. Seville, on R. Guadaiguiyi. P. 4577. gorigliano, the Italy, prov. Cosenza, 6 m. WNW. Rossanó. P. 13,878. Qorigliano, th Italy, prov. and 18 m. by rail SSE. Lecce. P. 3237. Corinaldo, thi Italy, in the Marches, 25 m. W. Ancona. P. 5877. £orindhap, tshp. Victoria, 88 m. W. Melbourne. P. 350. £9;inga, tri. Italy, prov. and 15 m. WSW. Catanzaro. P. Scoo. Coringa. (Kozºga), spt, th India, Madras Presidency, Godavari Dist., fit Inth. of Godavari R., 8 m. S. Cocanada. P. 4397. Corinna, gold-field, Tasmania, on Pieman R., room. W. Launceston. Corinne, yil. Maine, Penobscot co., 32 m. WNW. Bangor. P. 1503. Gorinne City, th Utah, U.S., on Bear R., 6tm. N. Salt Lake City. Corinth (Körinthos), anc. city. Greece, on the Isthmus of C., 48 m. W. Athens. P. 7575. Corinth was for a long time one of the most flourishing cities of anc. Greece. [P. 2275. çorinth, vil. Mississippi, cap. of Alcorn co., 57 m. SE. Jackson. Corinth or Lepanto, Gulf of, large arm of the sea, Greece, communi- cating with Ionian Sea by Strait of Lepanto. Corio, th Italy, 20 m. NNW. Turin. P. 6337. Cork, maritime co., largest in Irel, bounded N. by co. Illimerick, E. by Tipperary and Waterſord, S. and SW. by the Atlantic, and W. by Kerry, Area, 2890 sq. m. P. 495,607, of whom 90.8 per cent, are R. Cath. Co. th: Cork. The chief rivers are the Black- water, Lee, and Bandon. It returns 7 members to Parliament. Cork, city, cap. of above, parl, and muri. bor. and spt. on R. Lee, 66 m. SW. Dublin by rail, 400 from Glasgow, 284 from Liverpool, 255 from Bristol, 260 from Plymouth, and 610 from London. P. of pari. bor. Ioa,496; mun. bor. 80,124. It returns 2 members to Parliament. In 1885, 2596 ships entered the port, of 728,087 ton. Exports, grain, cattle, dairy produce, and provisions. C. has cminent scientific and literary institutions. Corleone, th: Sicily, 21 m. S. Palermo. P. 16,391. Gorleto, the Italy, prov. Basilicata, 23 m. SE. Potenza. P. 5377. Cörlin or Körlin, th: Prussia, in Pomerania, 16 m. SW. Cöslin. P. 3roo. Qormons, th: Austria, Trieste, 7 m. by rail W. Görz. I’. of com. 5234. CornetQ, cSt. th: Italy, 12 m. by rail N. Civita Vecchia. P. 6223. Cornhill, par. and vil. Engl., N. Northumberland, 2 m. E. Coldstream. Cormiglio, th: Italy, 25 m, SSW. Parma. P. 543r. [P. 688. Corning, th: New York, Steuben co., on Chemung R. P. 4802. Cornplanter, tshp. Pennsylvania. P. ro, oro; contains Oil City, etc. Cornwall, maritime, co. Engl., forming its SW. extremity, bounded E. by Devon. Area, 1350 sq. m. P. 330,686. The co. is rich in minerals, especially tin and copper. It returns 6 members to arliament. Co. tin. is Bodmin. | Montreal. P. 4468. Cornwall, port of entry, Ontario, on R. St. Lawrence, 67 m. SW. Cornwallis Isl., Arctic Ocean, E. Bathurst. Lat. 65° N.; lon. 95° W. Cornwallis, municip., Brandon co., Manitoba. . 90 Coro, tin. Venezuela, cap. of State Falcon, 155 m. WNW. Valencia. Corocoro, th: Bolivia, Dep. La Pay. P. 9ooo; silver and copper mines. Coromandel Valley, post vil. South Australia, near River Sturt, co. and 9% miles S.E. of Adelaide. [of Thames. P. 1174. Coromandel, th: New Zealand, prov. Auckland, on E. shore of Firth Coromandel Coast, name popularly applied to E. cst. of Madras Pres. Corona, vil. N. Italy, 15 m. NW. Verona. An cingagement took place here in 1797 between the French and Austrians. Coronata, isl., of Dalmatia, in Adriatic, 18 m. S. of Zara, 35 m. long. Coronation Gulf, str. of Arctic Amer., betwcen mainland and Wol- laston Land. Lat. 66°-68° N.; lon. 108°-116° W. Coronel, cSt. tin, Chili, prov. and 25 m. S. of Conception. P. 5658. Coronil, th Spain, 24 m. SE. of Seville, with Moorish Cas. P. 4606. Corop, vil. Victoria, on L. Cooper, 140 m. N. of Melbourne. P. 338. Corowa, tshp. New S. Wales, Hume co., on Murray R. P. of dist. 2000. Corozal, th: Balize, in extreme N. point. P. 2000. Corpach, vil. Scot., N. Argyll, on Loch Eil, 2% m. N. Fort William. Corpus Christi, tin. Texas, cap. of Nueces co., on bay of same name, 235 m. SW. of Galveston. P. 3254. [P. 4344. Corral de Almaguer, th Spain, prov. and 45 m. ESE. of Toledo. Correggio, th N. Italy, prov. Modena, 5 m. E. Carpi. P. 12,699. Corrèze, dep. France. Lat., 45° N.; lon. 2° E. Area, 2265 sq. m. P. 326,494; chief tri. Tulle. It is drained by R. Corrèze and Dordogne, Two-thirds of the dep, is intnous, Cootamundra, th and ry. Sta. N. S. W., 25.3 m, S. Sydney. P. 1900. C. 2 I |- CORRIB THE CENTURY GAZETTEER DALECARLIA Corrib, Lough, Irel, cos. Galway and Mayo, connected by Corrib River with Atlantic. , Area, 68.5Gl. Im. - Corrientes, prov. Argentina, E. of R. Parana, and E. of Brazil. Area, 22,394 sq. m. P. 294,000. C. the Cap., on E. b. Parana R. below the confluence of the Paraguay. P. 20,000; has important ºradº; Corrientes, Cape, S.W. cat. Mexico. Lat. 20 22 N.; lon. 105° 35 W. corriemtes, Cape, SE. cSt. Africa, 60 m. $. of Inhambane. &rievreckan, whirlpool, Scot., W. CŞt, between Jura and Scarba. Corry, city, Pennsylvania, co, and 37 m. SE. of Erie. P. 5277. Čorryong, post, tr. Victoria, about 369 m.N.E. Melbourne. . [P. 3747. Gorsham.'or C. Regis, mkt. tin. Engl. N. Wilts, 4m.S.W. Chippenham- Corsica, (Fr. Corse), isl, and dep, France, in Mediterranean, 190 m. §. Genoa, separated on the S. from Sardinia by Strait of Bonifacio. Length 110 m., breadth, # §: *. 37 sq. m. P. 278,501. Cap. iaccio. Language, an Italian Cilalect. coº tn. Texas, cap. of Navarro, co., 53, m. SSE, of Dallas. tºo, Cape, the Northern extremity of Corsica Isl: [P. 3373. Gorgoer of Korsør, th Denmark, in Seeland, Qn Gt: Belº. P. 3956. Şorstorphine, vil. Scot, 3% m. W. Edinburgh by rail. P. 952. Cortale, th Italy, prov. and 9 m. WSW. Catanzaro. P.,4129. Corte, tin. Corsica, near the centre, 31 ſº, SW. Bastia. P. 5136. ( ( t tn. Spain, prov. and 43 m. NNE. of Huelva. P. 4759. ś. 5. #. 15 m. SE, Piacenza, on the Larda. P. 4659. Corfemarcq or Kortemark, th Belgium), 15 Fº by rail SSW. Bruges. Čortemiglia, thºſtaly, Piedmont, 19 m. §§§bā; P. 3504. [P. 4507. Gºes à la Fronteia, th: Spain, 48 m. WSW. Malaga. P. 5045. Cortland, tº New York, cap. of C. Co., 36 m. §, Syracuse. P. 4050. Čortona, th Italy, in Tuscany, 73 m. by rail SE. Florence. P. 3591. Čoruche, th: Portugal, 50 m. ENE. of Lisbºl: P. 4280. Čorumna (Span. Coruña), ft. city and Špt. NW. Spain, cap. of prov; Cºuni, in Galicia, 320 m. NW. Madrid. P. 34,098. Area of rov. 3051 sq. m. P. 616,043. e - corº, iš à: largest of the Pelew grp. in the N. Tacific. * Fºrwen, mkt, thºwales, NE. Merioneth, on R. Dee, 203 m. N.W. flondon, and 12 m. NE. Bala. P. 2708. Cos or Kos, isl. Asiatic Turkey, in Mediterranean, 21 m. long by 5 m. Čosalatn, Mexico, State Cinaloa, 80 m. NE. Mazatlan. P. 48%. Čosenza, city, Italy, cap. of prov. C., 12 m. E. Mediterraneºl. P. 21,613. Čosenza, prov. S. Italy, in Calabria. ... Area, 2841,51; in: P. 474,207. Coshocton, th: Ohio, cap. of Coshocton Co., on Muskingum River, 69 m. ENE. Columbus. P. 3044. . . [Baltic. P. 17,277. Cöslin, Köslin or Koeslin, th: Prussia, in Pomerania, §§ from the Cosme, th France, in Nièvre, on R. Loire, 33 m, NNW. Nevers. Čossack, pearl-fishing yil. W. Austral. Lat. 20°46′S. P. 1000., [P.,7401. Cossacksºcountry of the Don), government, Russia, traversed by River Don, lies north-east of the Sea of Azof. Capital Cherkash, Area, 6r, 7 sq. m. P. 1,474,133. . 3023. cosºvºie, tn. #. Mayenne, ſo m. NW. Chateau Gontier. Čosta Rica, the most southern republig of Cent. America;. Area, 19,985 sq. m. P. 213,785. Cap. San Jose. . [P. of dist. 1350. Costerfield, mining tshp. Victoria, Co. Dalhousie, 79 ſº. N. Melbourne. Šoštigliole d'Asti, th italy, prov. Alesiandria, 8 ºn. S. Asti. P. 7344. čogwig, in, Germány, Anhalf, near Zerbst, on r. b. Elbe R, P. 5753. Coteau Landing, th Quebec, cap. of Soulanges co., on St. Lawrence. Coteau St. Pierre, vii. Quebec, 4 m. from Montreal. P. 2009. Côte-des-Neiges, village, Quebec, 3 miles from Montreal. P. 842. Côte-d'Or, dep. E. France, traversed by R. Saône, . Area, 3383 sq. m. P. 381,574. Cap. Dijon, named from its mts., which rise to 1968 ft. Côte St André, La., tm. France, dep, Isère. P. 3496. Côtes-du-Nord, maritime dep., NW. France, on English Chan. Area, sq. m. P. 628,256. Cap. St. Brieuc; exports, corn and cider. or Köthen, th Germany, Anhalt, on Zittau R. P. I7,473. r. Wales, Cärdigan and Carmarthen, aff, of Towy, 25 m. long. tn. France, in Var, 16 m. W. Draguinan. P. 26.12. tn. Italy, 34 m. SSE, Ferrara. P. 6664. vol. Andes of Ecuador, 34 m. SSE. Quito. Elev. 19,493 ft. cSt. th: Italy, prov. Catanzaro, 6 m. NW. Cape Nau. P. com. 9662; trade in corn, wine, and oil. [II34 ft. Cotswolds, hill range, Engl., E. Gloucestersh., 50 m. º reaches Cottbus or Kottbus, th Prussia, on R. Spree, 43 m. SSW. Frankfort. P. 28,249; manufs, cloth, woollen goods, machinery, etc. Cottenham, par. and vil. Engl., co, and 63 m. N. Cambridge. P.2458. Cottian Alps, div. of the Alps, from Mte, Viso N.W. to Mt. Senis. Cottingham, th Engl., E. Riding, Yorks, 4 m. NW. Hull. P. 3598. Cotuy, th: Hayti, W. Indies, on an aff, of R. Yuna, 40 m. NNE. S. Dómingo. P. 2020; copper and iron mines. Couckelaere, vil. Beigium, if m. SW. Bruges. ...P. 4348. e Counani, smáll rep. S. America, between Brazil and French Guiana. Area, 24,000 sq. m. P. 700. ap. U. w Council Éluffs, city, Iowa, cap. of Pottawattamie Co., 4 m. E. by N. Omaha, with which it is connected by rail over Missouri. P. 21,557. Coupar-Angus, mkt, th: Perthsh. and Forfarsh., near Isla R., 153 in. NE, Perth. P. 2154; manufs., coarse linen fabrics. Courbevoie, th France, on R. Seine, 5% m, NW. Paris, P.15 ±2. Courland of Kurland, gov. Russia, on Baltic Sea and Gulf of Riga. Area, ro,533 sq. m. P. 642,570. Cap. Mittau. Courpiére, thfrance, Puy-de-Dôme, 22 m. E. Slermont. P. 37%9. Courrières, th. France, Pas-de-Calais, 18 m. ESE. Bethune. P. 3332. Cours, the France, dep. Rhône, 20 m. WN.W. Villefranche. P. 6929. Coursan, th France, dep. Aude, 3 m. NNE, Näſſbºne...P.,3458. Courtallum, vii. and sanitarium, India, Tinnevelli Dist., Madras, 35 m. from Palamkotta, 450 ft. above sea-level. [P. 29,307. Courtrai or Courtray, ſt. tin. Belgium, W. Flanders, on R., I-yś. Coussac-Bonneval, tin. France, Hautes-Nantes, Vienne, 6 m. E. St. Yrieix. P. 3508; it possesses iron-mines and forges. Coutances, th: France, dep. Manche, 41 m. S. Cherbourg. P. 8187. Coutras, th France, dep. Gironde, on 1. b. R. Dronne. P. 4008. Cove, fishing vil. Scot., NE. Kincardinesh.; 4 m. S. Aberdeen. P. 565. Cove and Kilcreggan, th Scot., S.W. Dumbarton, on Clyde. P. 816. Cove, vil, Irel., S. co. Cork, 13 m. E. Kinsale. P. 268. Cove of Cork or Queenstown. See Queenstown. . Coventry, par. and mun. bor, Engl., N. Warwicksh., 18 m. SE. Birmingham. P. of parl. bor. 46,563; mun. bor. 42, III. Returns r member to Parliament. [P. 4519. Coventry, th: Rhode Island, U.S., Kent Co., 18 m. SW. Providence, Covilhã, tin. Portugal, in Beira, 21 in, S.W. Guarda, P, IQ,986. Covington, city, Kentucky, cap. of Kenton Co., on Ohio R. P. 33,090. Cowall, peninsular dist. Scot., between Loch Fyne and Firth of Clyde. Cowansville, vil. Quebec, Missisquoi Co., 55 m. SE. Montreal. .P. 609. Cowbridge, parl. 6or. Wales, SE. Glamorgan, 14 m. SW. Cardiff. It unites with Cardiff and Llantrisaint in returning I member to Parliament. P. 1229. The Welsh name is Pontfaen. Cowes or W. C., spt. Engl., Isle of Wight, Io; m. SSE. Southampton. P. 6772. E. Cowes, vil. on opposite side of R. Medina. P. 2512. Cowes, spt. Victoria, on Phillip Isl., 55 m. SE. Melbourne. P. 350. Cowflat, post th: New S. Wales, 155 m. W. Sydney; copper-mining Cowlairs, ry. sta. and N. suburb of Glasgow, Scotland. [here. Cowpen, tshp. Engl., Northumberland, I m. NW. Blyth. P. Io,003. Cowra, th: New S. Wales, on Lachlan R., Bathurst Co. P. 1800. Cow warr, post th: Victoria, co. Tanjil, 1133 m. E. Melbourne. P. II.5. Coylton, par. and vil. Scot, Co. and 53 m. SE, Ayr. ...P. 3100. . . Coy's Diggings, post tim, Victoria, 85 m. NE. Melbourne; mining- Cozumel Isl., off E. cst. of Yucatan, is 24 m. long by 7 m. [district. Cracow or Krakow (Ger. Kraśa (), city, Austria, Galicia, on 1. b. P. 66,095; manufs. cloth and leather ; mining. . of NE. Prov. Cape Colony. Area, 3247 sq. m. P. 9000. tn. and ry. sta. S. Australia, co. and 17% m. SE. Adelaide. and vil. Scot., Forfarsh., 1% m, SW. Montrose. P. 2589. Scot., Ayrshire, 2 m. SW. New Cumnock. P. 302. ry. sta. Canada, on Pacific Ry., 107 m. W. Donald. and vil. Scot., Ayrshire, 4 m. S. Kilmarnock. P. 590. tn. Victoria, Talbot Co., 40 m. N. Ballarat. P. 400. Hill and Hydropathic Establishment, 2 m. SW. The hill is 500 ft. in elevation. [P. 383. mining-vil, Scot., S.E. Ayrshire, I m. NE. Dalmellington. tn. Scot., N. Lanarksli. P. 2330 ; forms part of Wishaw. par. Scot., W. C.St. Argyll, 18 m. NW. Lochgilphead. P. 45r. and royal bur. and spt. Scot., E. Fife, Io m. SE. St. Andrews, on Firth of Forth. P. II 48. It unites with St. Andrews, Pittenweem, Cupar, E. and W. Anstruther, and Kilrenny, in re- I member to Parliament. [P. 4710. tn. Würtemberg, , 13 m. NNW, EIwangen, on R. Jagst. vil. Northumberland, 6 m. SE. Morpeth. P. 5744. Scot., 5 m. NW. Edinburgh, on Firth of Forth. P. 3004. tn. and par. Ingl., NE. Dorset. P. 2317. [P. r30. smallvil. Victoria, co. Mornington, 29m. SSE. Melbourne. ry. Sta. Canada, on Pacific Ry., 575 m. W. Winnipeg. mkt, tin. and par. Engl., Kent, 46 m. SE. London. P. 4216. ost th: Tasmania, Co. Glamorgan, 60 m. SE. Launceston. or Cranleigh, W. Surrey, 8 m. SE. Guildford. P. 2083. tn. Rhode Island, 5 Im. S.W. Providence. P. 5940. tn. France, in Mayenne, 18 m. SSW. Laval. P. 4527. France, Haute Loire, 19 m. N. Le Puy. P. 360r. Braemar, par. W. Aberdeensh. P. 16II : contains vil. and Castleton, also Balmoral and Abergeldie Castles. Crato, the Brazil, prov. Amazonas, on 1. b. Madeira R. P. 6000. Crawfordjohn, par, and vil. Scot., Lanarksh., 4 m. W. Abington. P. 843. Crawfordsville, city, Indiana, cap, of Montgomery co. P. 525t. Crayford, par. and vil. Engl., W. Kent, 8 m, SE. Greenwich. P. 4347. Crécy or Cressy, th: France, in Somme, Iom. N. Abbeville. P. 1666. rediton, mkt., tm. Engl., N. Devonshire, 8 m. NW. Exeter. P. 4165. ree, r. Scot., S. Ayrshire, flows to head of Wigtown Bay, 25 m. long. reetown, spt. Kirkcudbrightshire, at head of Wigtown B. P. 979. refeld or Krefeld, tin. Rhenish Prussia, 12 m. NW. Düsseldorf. Manufs. silks, velvets, ribbons, and taffetas. P. 90,236. reil, th: France, in Oise, on R. Oise, 32 m. N. Paris. P. 7182. rema, tr. Italy, 25 m. by rail ESE. Milan. P. 8251. remmen, th: Prussia, in Brandenburg, 26 m. N. Potsdam. P. 2836. remona, ft. city, Italy, cap. of prov., on R. Po, 48 m. SE. Milan. P. 30,202. Area of prov. 632 sq. m. P. 309,842. répy, tm, France, in Oise, 13 m. by rail E. Senlis. P. 3369. rescentino, tin. Italy, in Piedmont, 18 m. WSW. Vercelli. P. 6902. respino, th: Italy, on R. Po, 40 m. SSW. Venice. P. 4653. ressy, vil. France. See Crécy. m. SW. Melbourne. ressy, post th: Victoria, co. Grenville, on Woady Yallock Creek, 87 rest, th: France, in Drôme, on R. Drôme, Tom. E. Loriol. P. 5535. reston, tm. Iowa, U.S., Union co. P. 5081. - reswick, bor, Victoria, Talbot co., r1 m. by rail N. Ballarat. P. 373r. rete or Candia (Turk. Kiridi or Ghizit), large isl. in Mediterranean, a vilayet of Turkey, SE. Greece, 150m. long, 6 to 35 m. broad. Area, 3327 sq. m. P. 300,000; the majority of whom belong to the Greek Church; language Greek. Candia is the chief tin. Mt. Ida, near the centre, rises to 7672 ft. ; exports, oil, soap, honey, fruits, etc. Creteil, vil. France, in Seine, on the Marne, 6 m. SE. Paris. P. 3430. Creuse, r. France, deps. Creuse and Indre, aff, of Vienne, 175 m. long. Creuse, cent. dep. France. Area, 2150 sq. m. P. 284,942. Cap. Gueret. Creux, Cape, the most E. point of Spain, W, limit of Gulf of Lions. ëreuzburg or Kreutzburg, th: Prussian Silesia, 40 m. SE. Oels. P. 6515. Creuzot, Le, th: France, dep. Saône-et-Loire, 18 m. by ry. SSE. Autum. P. with dist. 28,125; coal and iron dist. [com. II,057; tın. 5856. Crevalcore, th: Italy, Emilia, prov. and 19 m. NW. Bologna. P. of Crévecoeur, vil. France, in Nord, on R. Scheldt, ... P. 2569. Crevillente, th Spain, in Valencia, 18 m. SW. Alicante. P. 8683. Crewe, mun, bor. Engl., W. Cheshire, 22 m. SE. Chester. P. 24,385. C C : : rewkerne, mkt, the Engl., mid. Somerset, 15 m. SE. Taunton. P. 3986. riccieth, parl, bor, and par. Wales, S. Carnarvonsh. P. of par. 1213; bor. 1138. C. unites with Carnarvon, Bangor, Conway, Nevin, and Pwllheli, in returning I member to Parliament. [P. 4271. ch, mining vil. aſid par. Engl., N. Derbysh., 4 m. SW. Alfretón. chton, par. and vil. Scot., Edinburghsh., 6 m. SE. Dalkeith. P. Io94. ckhowell, mkt. thand par. Wales, co. and 13 m. SE. Brecknock. cklade, mkt, the Engl., N. Wilts, on R. Thames. P. 1600. [P. 1333. eff, mkt, th: Scot., S. Perthsh., on R. Earn, 18 m. W. Perth. P. 4469. iffel, Int, Scot., S.E. Kirkcudbrightsh., near the Nith. Elev. 1800 ft. ffel, gold-mining locality, New Zealand, on top Pisa Range, Io m. lion, Cape, most. S. point of Saghalien Isl. [from Pembroke. mea (Rus. Krime), peninsula of S. Russia, formed by Black Sea and Sea of Azof, part of Taurida Gov., and joined to the mainland by Isthmus of Perekop. P. 127,682; chiefly Mohammedans. Crimmitzschau, the Saxony, 10 m. by rail NW. Zwickau. P. 19,755. Criman Canal, Scot., co. Argyll, connects Loch Gilp with Atlantic. Croagh, par. and vil. Irel, co. Limerick, 3 m. E. Rathkeale. P. 1062. Croaghpatrick, mt. Irel., S. co. Mayo, 4 m. SW. Westport. Alt. 25roft. Croatia (Ger. Kroatient), a titular kingdom of Hungary, extends NE. from the Adriatic to R. Drave, and is bounded W. by Carniola and Styria, and E. by Slavonia, and SE. by Turkish Croatia. Ch. th: Agram. The people are Roman Catholic, and of the Croat race; languages, Servo-Croatian and Slavo-Croatian. Turkish Croatia, is the NW, portion of Bosnia. - Croatia, and Slavonia, a united kingdom of Hungary, includes the above. Area, 16,785 sq. m. P. 1,194,415. ... Cap. Agram. Crofthead, vil. Scot., S. Renfrewsh., near Neilston. , P. Cog. Crofton, small settlement, New Zealand, Rangitikei Co., 133 m. from Wellington ; promoted on temperance principles. [P. 2354. Croisic, Le, spt. th: France, dep. Loire-Inférieure, 44 m, W. Nantes. Croki, vil. New S. Wales, co, Macquarie, on Manning R. P. 600. Cromarty, parl...bur, and spt. Scot, cap. of Co. of Cromarty, at entrance to C. Firth, 19% m. NE. Inverness. P. 1352. Cromarty unites with Wick, Kirkwall, Dornoch, Tain, and Dingwall, in re- turning I member to Parliament. [inland. Cromarty Firth, arm of N. Sea, E. cst. Scot., Ross, extends 18 m. Cromartyshire, co. N. of Scot., consists of 20 detached portions, so merged in Ross-shire as to be practically one. See Ross. romaale, par. Scot., Strathspey, Inverness, and Elgin. , P. 3642. romer, th and CŞt, par. Engl., Norfolk, 20 m. N. Norwich. P. 1597. romford, mkt, the Engl., N. Derbysh., 2 m, N. Wirksworth. P. 1074. rompton, High, vil. Engl., Lancash., 3 m. N. Oldham. P. of dist. 1899. romwell, th: New Zealand, Vincent co., 145 m. NW. Dunedin. P. 600, ronberg or Kronberg, th: Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau. P. 2391. ronberry, vil. Scot., E. Ayrsh., 2 m. NE. Lugar. P. 799; iron-works. rondall, par, and vil. Engl., N. Hants, 3 m. NW. Farnham. P. 3188. Cromstadt or Kronstadt, ft. spt. th: Russia, on isl. of Kotlin in G. of Finland, 20 m. W. of St. Petersburg, opposite mth, of the Neva. P. 48,276; extensive shipping trade carried on. - Crookwell, post tim. New S. Wales, 160 m. SW. Sydney, on C. River. Croom, th: Irel.., co. and II m. SW. of Limerick. P. 747. [P. 800. reppenstädt, th: Prussian Saxony, 7 m. SSE. Qscherslében. P.2391. Cropredy, tshp. and vil, cos. Qxford and Warwick, 33 m. N. Banbury. Crossby or Great C., cSt. th: Engl., 6% m. NW. Liverpool. P. 5033. Crossen or Krossen, th: Prussia, 32 m. SE. of Frankfort on Öder. P. 7108; fruit and vine growing district. mt. Engl., on border of E. Cumberland. Alt. 2930. ft. vil. Scot., Lanarksh., 3 m. SW. Carluke. P. 816. vil. Irel. Co., Down, 5 m. NW. Downpatrick._P. 743. mining vil, Scot., 33 m. NE. Dunfermline. P. 1057. sh. vil. Irel.,.co. Cork, 4 m. S. Queenstown. P. 392 Scot., mid. Ayrsh., 3 m. SE. Maybole. P. 740, bor. Scot., S. Suburb of Glasgow. P. 2960. - vil. and ry. Sta. Scot., N. Ayrsh., Kilmaurs par. P. 740. and ry. Sta. Scot., N. Renfréwsh., 4 m. W. Paisley. P. 406. Dom. Canada, gives origin to R. Churchill, 60 m. long. tn. Victoria, Co. Villiers, 175 m. W. Melbourne. Inkt. tin. Irel., S. co. Armagh. P. 872. par, and village Scotland, Kirkcudbrightshire, 33 miles of Castle-Douglas. P. 1333. - Crossmolina, market town, Ireland, in the north of co. Mayo, 7 miles west of Ballina. P. 5738; th 765. Crossmyloof, vil, Engl, Renfrewsh., 13 m. SW. Glasgow. P. 1195. Crossover Diggings, tshp. Victoria, co. Buln-Buln, 76 m. E. Melb. Croston, par, and vil; Engl., S.W. Lancash., 6 m. W. Chorley. P. 4692. Croton R., New York, aff, of Hudson, 33 m. N. New York, 60 m. long. Crowfoot, ry, sta., Alberta, on C. P. Ry., 766 m. W. Winnipeg. Crowland or Croyland, mkt. th Engl., 8 m. NE. Peterborough. P. 2929. Crowlands, post th: Victoria, on Wimmera R., 148 m. NW. Melb. growle, ºn. Engl. N. Lincolnsh., 7 m. E. Thorné. P. 3353. [Creek. Crow's Nest, post the Queensland, gold-field, 18 m. from Murphy's Croy, vil. Scot., Nairn and Inverness, 3 m. S. Fort George. P. 1703. Croydon, parl, and mun, bor. Engl, Surrey, Iom. S. London Bridge. P. 78,953. Cap. of E. Surrey. It returns I member to Parliament. Croydon, ry, sta. New S. Wales, co, Cumberland, 6 m. W. Sydney. Croydon, gold-inining field, Queensland, 120 m. E. Normanton. Crozet Isls., uninhabited grp. Indian Ocean, 46°27′ S., 52° 14' E. Crozon, th: France, dep. Finistère, 25 m. NW. Quimper. F. 8223. gruden, citºr; Scott NE. Aberdeensh.,8m, SE. Peterhead. P.3444. Grummock Water, lake, Engl., Cumberland, 7 m. Sw. Keswick, 2% Ørumpsall, tshp., Engl., 2% m. N. Manchester. ‘ P. 8154. [m. long- Gruyshautem, vil. Belgium, 11 m. SW. Ghent. P. 564. [P. 496. Ørystal Brook, til S. Australia, Victoria co., 141 m. by rail N. Adelaide. Ørystal City, ry. Sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry, 130 m. from Winnipeg. 3rystal Palace, and ry. sta. Engl., E. Surrey, 7 m. S. London Bridge. Csaba, the Hungary, 7 m. SSW. Bekes. P. 32,616. Csakova, th: Hungary, on R. Temes, 18 m. Š. Temesvar. P. 4217. QSanad, th; Hungary, cap. of co., 44 m. N. Temesvar. P, grº. QSath, th Hungary, co. Borod, 13 m. from Miskolcz. P. 4705. Øservenka, th: Hungary, co. Bacs, Iom. from Zombor. P. 7025. QSQngrad, tm. Hungary, at confluence of Theiss and Körös, P. I7,356. Cuba, the largest and most W. of W. India Isls., and belonging to Spain, lies S. of Florida and N. of Caribbean Sea; 650 m. long from E. to W. ; greatest breadth rio m. Area, 45,881 sq. m. P. I,521,684; of whom 489,249 were coloured. Cap. Havana. Cubacaº, th Brazil, prov. Matto Grosso. P. 6000; gold-mines. Quchullin or Coolin Hills, Isl. of Skye, Scot. Alt. of Scuir-na-Gillean, Qugkfield, mkt, tº Engl., Sussex, 12 m. NW. Lewes. P. 1713. [3183 ft. Cuddalore (Kudalur), tm. India, capital of South Arcot District, Madras, 127 miles by rail south of Madras. P. 43,545. C i : C culºps; (Kadapa), dist. India, Madras Pres. Lat. # S.; lon. 78° Area; 8745 sq. m. ... P. 1,121,638. Cap. Cuddapañ, in the Pennar val., 167 m. by rail from Madras, P. 18,982. guddesdon, par., tshp., and vil. Engl., 53 m. SE. Oxford. P. 1513. Øudgegong, mining.fshp. New S. Wales, co. Wellington, 145 m. NW. Qudgewa, post vil. Victoria, 259 m. NE. Melbourne. [Sydney. P. 150. Qudham, par. and vil. Engl., W. Kent, 4 m. N. Westerham.” P. IO29. Cuenca, city, Spain, cap. of Cuenca Prov., near confluence of Huescar and Jucar Rivers, 84 m. SE. Madrid. P. 7916. Area of prov. 6639 sq. m. P. 244,915. (8640 ft above the sea. P. 30,000. çuenca or Rambae, city, Ecuador, dep, Assuay, 85 m. SSW. Quito ; Quernavaca, the Mexico, cap. of State Morelos, 40 m. S. México. Cuers, th: France, in War, II mi, by rail NE, Toulon. P. 38oo. [P. 16,500. Cuesmes, tr. Belgium, Hainaut, 3 m. by rail S. Mons. P. 742r. Cuevas de Vera, th Spain, 42 m. NE. Almeria, on R. Almanzora P. 20,644; manufs. earthenware, esparto fabrics, wine, etc. Cuevas de San Marcos, th Spain, 38 m. N. Malaga. P. 4943. Guglieri, th: Sardinia, 9 m. SE. Bosa. P. 4502. Cuilcach, mt. Irel., on NW. border of co. Cavan. Alt. 2188 ft. Culebra, Spt. Costa Rica. Lat. Io. 35' N. ; lon. 85° 38' W. Quliacan, th: Mexico, 99 m. SE. Cinaloa, on R. Culiacan. P. 8000. Qullar de Baza, th: Spain, prov, and 54 m. N. Almeria. P. 7417. Cullen, parliamentary and royal burgh and seaport, Scot., Co. and 83 m. NW. Banff. . P. of parl. burgh 2033; royal burgh, 3682. Cullen unites with Elgin, Banff, Inverurie, Kintore, and Peterhead, in re- turning I member to Parſiament. [P. II,049. tn. Spain, prov. and 24 m. SSE. Valencia, on Mediterranean. tshp. and ry. Sta. Engl., Northumb., NW. Tynemouth. and ry. Sta. Scot., 33 m. NE. Inverness. Battle, 1746. or Collumpton, mkt, th: Engl., N. Devon, 123 m. NE. Exeter. P. 2938; manufs. paper, leather, and flour. Culross, parl. and royal bur. and spt. Scot., in detached portion of Perth, on N. shore of Firth of Forth. P. . C. unites with Stirling, Inverkeithing, Dunfermline, and Queensferry, in return- ing 1 member to Parliament. [sta. P. 828. Culsalmond, par...and vil. Scot, Aberdeensh, 4% m. NE. Insch ry. Culter, par. and vil. Scot, Lanarksh. and Peebles, vil. in former. P. 574. Cults, par. and hamlet, Scot, Fife, 3% in. SW Cupar. P. 704. Cumana, Spt. city, Venezuela, cap. of State C., on a gulf of ëribbean Sea. P. 12,050. Area of state, 391.3 sq. m. P. 78,459. Cumbal, mt. Andes of Columbia, a little N. of Equator. Alt. 15,620 ft. Cumberland, maritime and border co. N.W., Engl., on Irish Sea. Area, 1516 sq. m. P. 250,647. Co. tr. Carlisle. C. contains many picturesque lakes, and the mts. Scafell Pikes, Scafell, Helvellyn, Skiddaw, Bow Fell, and Cross Fell. It returns 4 mem. to Parl. Cumberland, city, Maryland, U.S., on Potomac R., cap. of Alleghany co., 178 m. W. by N. Baltimore. P. ro,693. [P. 6445. Cumberland, th: Rhode Island, U.S., co. and 8 m. N. Providence. Cumberland Peninsula, Canada, forms W. shore of Davis Strait. Cumberland Sound, an inlet of Canada, S. of the foregoing. ., U.S.,P.; of Alleghany MtS., W. border Kentucky. Cumberland R., large aff, of Ohio R., U.S., Kent. and Tenn., 650 m. Cumbernauld, par. and vil. Scot, Dumbarton, 153 m. NE. Glasgow. P. 4270; Vil. Io94; weaving, mining, and quarrying. [field. P. 471. CumberWorth, tshp. and vil. Engl., W.R. York, 8 m. SE. Hudders- Cumbrae, Great and Little, 2 isls. Scot., co. Bute, in Firth of Clyde. Cumbrian MtS., Engl., occupy part of cos. Cumb., Westm.,and Lancash. Cumbum, th India, Madura Dist., Madras. P. 5361 : fertile dist, Gumbum, th India, Karnul Dist., Madras. P. 770. Lat. 15°34' 15" N. Cumiana, th: Italy, in Piedmont, 7 m. N. Pinerolo. P. 5765. Cuminestone, vil. Scot., E. Aberdeensh., 6 m. E. Turriff. P. 525. Cummertrees, par. and village, Scotland, South Dumfriesshire, 3% miles west of Annan. P. Io94. [Ayr. P. 3345. Cumnock, unkt: tn. and ry; sta. Scot., Ayr, on R. Lügar, 17 m. É. Cumnock, New, par, and vil. Scot, 5% m. SE. Qld C. P. 378f; vii. 1265. Cumnor, par, and vil, Engl., N. Berks, 3% m, SW, Oxford. P. Iorr. Cundinamarca, state, Central America, Colombia. Area, 84,942 sq. m. P. 409,602. Cap. Bogota. E. Sydney. Cundletown, postal tshp. New S. Wales, on N. b. Manning R., 199 m. Cunene or INourse, r. Africa, in Benguela, falls to Atlantic Ocean. Cuneo. See Coni. Cunha, tr. Brazil, prov, and 125 m. ENE. São Paulo. P. 38oo. Cunnamulla, th: Queensland, Wellington Co., on Warrego R. P. 648. Cuorgne, th: Italy, in Piedmont, 12% m. WSW. Ivrea. . P. 3225. Cupar, parl. and royal bur. Scot, Co., tm. Fife, 53 m. NE. Ladybank Junc., 335 m. NE. Edinburgh. P. of parl, bur. 5010. C. unites with St. Andrews, Pittenweem, Crail, E. and W. Anstruther, and Kilrenny, in returning I mem. to Parl. aracas. P. II,644. Gura, or Villa de Cura, th: Venezuela, State of Aragua, 60 m. SW. Curaçoa, isl. Dutch W. India Isls., 75 m. from Venezuelan cst. Area, Curia, Muria, Isles. See Kuria, Muria, Isls. [212 m. P. 25,686. Curico, prov. Chili. Area, 2913 sq. m. P. Io2,647. Cap. Curicó, 116 m. by rail S. Santiago. P. II,000. Curische Hafi or Kurische H., a lagoon of the Baltic, in E. Prussia. Curitiba, tr. Brazil, on C. River, 108 m. W. Paranagua. P. 8000. Curragh, º Irel, co. and 2 m. E. Kildare. C. camp here. Qurramulka, post tim, S. Australia, Fergusson co., 129 m. W. Adelaide. Qurrie, par, and vil. Scot., on Water of Leith, 6 m. SW. Edinburgh. Curtatione, th: Italy, 3 m, from Mantua. P. 7039. [P. 2390. Curzola or Corzola, isl. Adriatic, Dalmatia, 25 m. long. P. 21,812, Qusano, tri: Italy, prov, and 19 m. NW. Benevento. P. 4087. Qushëndall, ºst; yil. Irel, NE.co. Antrim, 17m. NE. Ballymèna. P. 380. Cushing or Chatham, vil. Quebec, Argenteuil co., 55 in. NW. Montréal. Cusset, th: France, dep. Allier, 36 m. S. Moulins. P. 6330. [church. Cust, posttm. New Zealand, Ashley co., Canterbury, 33 m. NW. Christ. Custon, post tim, and ry. Sta. S. Australia, 273 m. SSÉ. Adelaide. Cüstrin, th: Prussia. See Küstrin. Cutch (Kachch), native state, India, in Gujarat, under political con- trol of Bombay gov., forming a peninsula between Rann of Cutch and Gulf of C. Area, 6500 sq. m. P. 512,084. Cap. Bhuj. Cutch Gundava, proy. Baluchistān, in NE. P. iod,006. Cap. Bhag. Cuttack (Kataka), dist, India, Orissa Prov, Bengal. Area, 3517 sq. Im. P. 1,738,165. Chief town, Cuttack City, cap. of Orissa Prov., on R. Mahanadi. P. 42,656. - Cuvo, r. W. Africa, Benguela, enters Atlantic 120 m. S. of the Coanza. Cuxhaven, Spt. Germany, 58 m. WNW. Hamburg, at mth. of Elbe. P. 4405; sea-bathing place. [lon. 56° W. P. rô,000. Guyaba, city, Brazil, cap. of prov. Matto Grosso. Lat., 15° 26' S.; Cuzco, city, Peru, cap. of dep, of C., 200 m. N. Arequipa. Elev. 13,000 ft. P. 18,370. Area of dep. 23,766 sq. m., P. 243,661. Cwm-Avon, Seat of copper, iron, and tin works, Wales, 2 m. N. Aber- Cwmdā, vil. Wales, Glamorgan, 6 m. NW. Bridgend. P. 6232. [avon. Cyclades, grp. of isls. Greece, in the AEgean. Cap. Syra. P. 132,620. Qypress, ry, sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry. , 55.4% m. W. Winnipeg. Cyprus (Turk. Kºris), isl. of Turkey in Asia, in the Mediterranean, #48 m. long, 40 m. broad. . Area, 3584 sq. m. P. 186,173. Cap. Nicosia. Larnica is the chief port. It is under British rule. Czarnikow or Tscharnikow, th Prussia, 63 m. SW. Bromberg. CZaslau, th Bohemia, 46m. ESE. Prague. P. 6878. Czegled, tin. Hungary, 40 m. SE. Pesth. P. 24,873. Czemstochow, the Poland, prov. and 50 m. SW. Petrikau. . P. 14,167. Czernowitz or Tschernowitz, th Austria, cap. of Bukowina, near the Pruth, 146 m. by rail S.E. Lemberg. P. 32,346. - Dabhoi, th: India, Baroda Ter: Gujarāt, 15 m. SE, Baroda. P. 14,925. Dabringhausen, vil. Rhenish Prussia, near Düsseldorf. P. 55oo. Ilacca, div. India, East Bengal, having on the south the Bay of Bengal, and comprising districts of Dacca, Faridpur, Bakarganj, and Maimansingh. Area, 15,000 sq. m. P. 8,700,939. Dacca. District, between the Ganges and Brahmaputra. Area, 2797 sq. m. P. 2,116,350. Capital, Dacca, City, on the north bank of the Buriganga River, 190 miles NE. of Calcutta. P. 79,076. [P. 3376. I)achau, th Upper Bavaria, Io m. NNW. Munich, on R. Ammer. Dacre, par. and vil. Engl., E. Cumberland, on R. Dacre. P. 973. Daffer or Dassen, isl. S. Africa, between Saldanha and Table Bays. 1)agana, th Senegambia, on R. Senegal. P. 3000 ; a French station. Tagenham, par, and village, England, South Essex, 2 miles north-west of Rainham ry. Sta. , P. 34II. Daghestan, ter. Russia, in the Caucasus, and on Caspian. Area, 11,469 sq. m. P. 529,705. Cap. Derbend. or Dammersellen, vil. Switz. 18 m. NW. Lucerne. isl. Russia, in Esthonia, in Baltic Sea. P. 15,000. vil. IQelaware, U.S., Sussex co., 50 m. SSÉ. Dover. rp. in Red Sea, opposite Massowah. [P. 3021. tn. Rhenish Prussia, 4 m. S.W. München Gladbach. P. 6030. tn, Saxony, on a ry. 27 m. E. Leipsic. P. 2946. [P. 5395. tn., Prussia, in Brandenburg, on R. Dahme, 14 m. S. Berlin. , kingdom, W. Africa, Cn cst. of Guinea. Area, about 4000 .sq. m. P. 180,000. .Cap. Abomey, principal port, Whydah. Daillebout or Ste. Mélanie, vil. Quebec, Co. Joliette, 46 m. NE. ontreal. P. 500. Trade in lumber. [vil. 696. Dailly, par. and vil. Scot., S. Ayrsh.,.5%. m. NE. Girvan, P. 2226; Daimiel, th: Spain, prov. and 25 m. by rail ENE. Ciudad Real. P. 9652. Dain-hat, th; India, Bardwan Dist., Bengal, on Bhagirathi R. P. 5789. Dai-Nippon is the native name of Japan. [Cupar. P. 693. Dairsie, par. and ry. sta. and Dairsiemuir, vil. Scot. Fife, 3 m. NE. Dakahlieh, prov. Lower Egypt. Area, 93.69 sq. m. P. 586,033. Dakar, th: in French col. of Senegal, on Cape Verd. P. 2000. Dakkeh, vil. Nubia, on J. b. of Nile, 40 m. NE. Derr. r Dakor, th and ry, sta. India, Kaira Dist., Bombay. P. 777r. Dakota, ter. of U.S., bounded N. by Assiniboia and Manitoba (Canada), E. by Minnesota and Iowa, S. by Nebraska, and W. by Wyoming, and Montana. It is traversed NW. to SE. by the Miš. souri R., and W. to E. by the N. Pacific Ry. On the E. frontier is the Red River of the North. Area, 149, roosq. m. , P. (1880) 135,177. Cap. Bismarck; former cap. Yankton. [ton, 600 m. long. Takota or James R., r. of Dakota, aff. of Missouri, 16 m. below Yank- Dakshin Shahbazpur, isl. India, in the Moghria estuary, Bengal. Area, 615 sq. m. P. 212,230. [P. 3865. Dalbeattie, th Scot., Kirkcudbrightsh., 5 m., E. Castle Douglas. Dalby, tshp. Queensland, Darling Downs, 152m, N.W. Brisbane. P. ºoo. Dale, par. and vil. S. Wales, Pembrokesh., on Milford Haven. P. 359. Dalecarlia, former prov. Sweden, now included in Kopparberg Læn. tº. (ſº | L: Lt. ºr Lºº is Or 22 DAL-ELF Jal-Elf, r. Sweden, Norwegian frontier SE, to C. of Bothnia, 250 m. Dalen, vil. Netherlands, in Drenthe, 2% m. NE. of Coervorden. P. 3985. Dalfsen, vil. Netherlands, in Overyssel, 7 m. E. of Zwolle. P. 5207. Dalgetty, cSt. mining par. Scot., Fife, 5 m. SE. Dunfermline. P. 1321. alhousie, ry. sta. and castle, Scot., 9 m. SE. Edinburgh, on R. S. Esk. Dalhousie, port of entry, Canada, province New Brunswick, capital of Restigouche co. P. 6oo. - 7687 ft. Talhousie, th and sanitarium, India, Gurdaspur Dist., Punjab. Elev. Dalias, th: Spain, prov. and 20 m. WSW. Almería, P. 936r. Dalkeith, mkt. th: Scot., 6% m. SE. Edinburgh. P. 6931. Has important grain market. D. Palace principal seat of Duke of Buccleuch. Dalkey, par. and vil. Irel., with ry. sta., 8 m. SE. Dublin. P. 2790. Tallas, vil. Scot., Elginsh., on R. Lossie, 8% m. SE. Forres. P. 915. , Dallas, th Texas, U.S., cap. of Dallas co., on Trinity R. P. 13,500. I}alles or The Dalles, th Oregon, United States, on South bank of Oregon River, cap. of Wasco co. P. 2232. Dallya or Dalja, market th: Austro-Hungary, in Slavonia, on the right bank of the Danube River. P. 7461. Dalmahoy, seat, Scot., Edinburghsh., 2% m. SE. Ratho Junction. Dalmally, vil. and ry. sta. Scot., Argyllsh., near head of L. Awe. Dalmatia (Ger. Dalmatien), prov. Austria, a long narrow mtnous. tract with many isls. on E. shore of Adriatic, bounded N. by Croatia, and E. by Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Montenegro. A rea, 4954 sq. m. P. 476, Ior ; chief products are oil and wine. I437. Talmellington, par. and ry. Sta. Scot., 15% m. SE. Ayr. P. 6383; vil. Dalmeny, vil. and ry. Sta. Linlithgowsh., 83 m. NW. Edin. P. 1660. Lalmorton, post til. N. S. Wales, 343 m, N. Sydney. P. 233; mining. Dalmuir, vil. and ry. Sta. Dumbarton, 93 m. NW. Glasgow. P. 940. Dalry, th:, par., and ry. Sta. Scot., 17% m. NW. Ayr. P. of try. 5oro. Dalry, vil. Scot., Kirkcudbright, 8 m. NW. New Galloway. P. 603. Dalrymple, vil. and ry. sta. Scot., 4 m. SE. Ayr. P. 305. - Dalrymple, post tim. Queensland, 25 m. NW. Charters Towers. Dalserf, par, and vil, Scot., on R. Clyde, 7 m. SE. Hamilton. P. 9378. Dalston, par. and ry. Sta. Engl., 4% m. SW. Carlisle. P. 2443. alston, dist. and ry. sta. Engl., in NE. part of London. P. 32,278. alton, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 6.61 m. W. Ottawa. Dalton, the Georgia, U.S., Whitfield co., 39 m. NNE. Rome. P. 2516. Talton, post th: New S. Wales, 163 m. SW. Sydney. , P. of dist. 150. Daltonganj, tr. Bengal, Lohardaga Dist., on N. Koel R. P. 7440. Dalton-in-Furness, mkt. tri. and par. Engl., 16 m. NW. Lancaster. P. of par. 60,598; tın. 13,339. The par. contains Barrow-in-Furness. Dalton-le-Dale, par. Engl., N. Durham, 6 m. S. Sunderland. P. 12,650. Daly, municipality, Brandon co., Manitoba, Canada. Ilalwhinnie, ry. Sta. Scot., Inverness-sh., 583 m. NW. Perth. Dalziel, par. Scot., N. Lanark. P. 13,853; contains parts of Motherwell and Wishaw, coal, ironstone, and sands: one abound. Damaghan, ft. th: Persia, in Khorassan, 50 m. SSE. of Astrabad. Daman, a Portuguese th, and settlement, India, Gujarat Prov., pres. and 100 m. N. of Bombay. Area, 82 sq. m. P. 49,084. Damanhoor, tin, Egypt, at ry. junc., 38 m. ESE. Alexandria. P. 23,353. Damar or Demar, tin. Arabia, in Yemen, 120 m. NNW. Aden. P. 25,006. Damara Land, country, SW. Africa, on the coast. Lat. 19° 40'-23° S. It is a German protectorate. r & tº a tº Damascus (Arab, e&ſt Shazzi), a very ancient city, Asiatic Turkey, cap. of Syria, on a plain at E. base of Anti Lebanon, 180 m. S. by W. of Aleppo, and 58 m. SE. Beyroot, its port. P. 200,000, of whom 18,000 are Christians, and 5000 Jews. It is the seat of extensive trade and manufactures “damasks,' etc. 1)ambach, th Alsace, 4 m. N. Schlettstadt. P. 2957. Dambelong, salt lake, W. Australia, 175 m. SE. Perth, Dambool, vil. Ceylon, 45 m. N.W. Kandy, and 70 m. NE. Colombo. Dambu, th Cent. Africa, in Bornu Kingdom, in the Soudan. Tamer, dist, and th: Egypt, Nubia, on R. Nile. P. of th: 5000. Lamgarten, th: Prussia, 25 m. W. Stralsund. P. 1668. Tamietta (Arab. Damvat), th: Egypt, on E. branch of Nile, 8 m. from its mouth, 113 m. by rail N. by E. Cairo. P. 34,044. Damoh, dist. India, Jabalpur Div., Cent. Provs. Area, 2790 sq. m. P. 312,957. Cap. D. between Sagar and Allahabad. P.'8665. [E. Bampier Archipelago, off N.W. cat. Australia. Lat. 21°S.; lon. 116-117° Dampremy, th: Belgium, in Hainaut, E. Charleroi. P. 8550. ſtrade. : Damuggoo, large tri. Af.ica, on R. Niger. Lat. 7° N.; considerable Dana, r. E. Arica, from near Mt. Kenia, SE. to Formosa Bay. - ijanakii or Dankali country of E. Africa, between Red Sea and Abyssinia, lying between at 13° and 15° N. Danbury, par. and vil. Engl., W. Essex, 4% m. SE. Chelmsford. P. 978. Danbury, tin. Connecticut, U.S., cap. of Fairfield co., on Still R., 30 m. WNW. New Haven. P. 11,666; has extensive hat factories. IDanby, par. and vil. Engl., N. R. York, 73 m. NW. Egton. P. 2407. Tandaloo, post th: New S. Wales, Narrowmine co., 350 m. W. Sydney. Damdenong, vil. Victoria, 184 m. SE. Melbourne. P. 494. [P. Ioo. Tamemora or Dannemora, vil. Sweden, 24 m. N.N.E. Upsala. P. 1237. I)anevirke, Danish settlement, New Zealand, 81 m. from Napier. Tangerous Archipelago, isl: grp., Pacific Ocean, in Low Archipelago. Danielsonville, th: Connecticut, U.S., Windham co. P. 31.18. Tanilov, the Russia, gov. and 40 m. NNE. Yaroslav. P. 5781. Dankar, vil. India, Kangra Dist., Punjab, cap. of Spiti tract. Lat. 32° 5' 30" N. ; lon. 78° 15' 15° E. Eley. 12,774 ft. . Dankara or Denkara, th: Åſrica. 47 m. W. Coomassie ; gold-mines. Damkaur, tin. India, Bulandshahr Dist., on the Jumna, NW. Provs. Lat. 28° 21' 25" N. ; lon, 77° 35' 35" E. P. 5122. [23,176 ft. Dankia, mt. Himalayas, Sikkim, 50 m. ENE. Kanchanjanga. Alt. janºville, vil. New York, Livingston co., 15 m. SE. Mount Morris. Dantzic (Ger. Dantzig), ſt. c ty, and spt. prov. of W. Prussia, cap. of ov. I)antzic, on left bank of Vistula, 3% miles from its mouth. ’. 114,805. It exports large quantities of corn and timber. The value of exports in 1879 was £6,939,775; imports, £8,067,225. The proper port of Dantzic is Neufahrwasser, at the mouth of the Vistula. Area of gov. 3068 sq. m. P. 578,770. Tanube (Ger. Donaté, Hung. Dizzta), the largest r. of Europe next to - the Volga, rises in the E. slopes of the Black Forest, in Baden, 2650 ft. above sea-level, traverses Würtemberg, Bavaria, Upper and Lower Austria, Hungary, and forming the N. boundary of Servia, and separating Bulgaria from Roumania, enters the Black Sea by four mouths, on the confines of Bessarabia and Roumania. Length, 2000 m. Area of basin, 315,423 sq. m. Its principal affs. on the right are the Iller, Lech, Isar, and Inn, the Enns, and Ley- tha, the Drave and Save, Morava, and Isker. On the left it receives the Naab, March, Waag, Tineiss, Aluta, Sereth, and Pruth. Danubian Principalities. See Roumania, Servia, and Bülgaria. Danvers, tin. Massachusetts, Essex co., 19 m. N. by E. from Boston. P. 7048; manufs. leather, boots, shoes, etc. [Chicago. P. 7733. panville, city, Illinois, cap. of co., and on Vermilion R., 132 m. Š. l)anville, the Kentucky, cap. of Boyle co., 96 m. SE. Löuisville. §: Deaf and dumb asylum here. [City. P. 2254. Danville, th Missouri, cap, of Montgomery co., 44 m. ENE. Jefferson anville, th: Pennsylvania, cap. of Montour co., on Susquehanna. River, 69 m. north of Harrisburg. P. 8345. Danville,tn.Virginia, Pittsylvania co., 141 m. WSW. Richmond. P. 7526. Danville, vil. Quebec, Richmond co., 85 m. by rail SW. Quebec. P.325. Daphne, vil. and winter resort, Alabama, capital of Baldwin co., on east coast of Mobile Bay. [world; 28,278 ft. Dapsang, in Karakoram Range, Tibet, second highest int. in the Tapto, vil. New S. Wales, Camden co., 74 m. S. Sydney. P. 4oo. Tarab or Darabgherd, th: Persia, in Fars, 130 m. SE. Shiraz. P. ro,ooo. Dar-al-Beida, or Casa Blanca, spt. th Morocco, 46 m. NE. Azamor. Darbhangah, dist. India, Patna Div. of Behar, Bengal. Area, 3665 sq. m. P. 2,633,447. Cap. Darbhangah, on left bank of Little Bāgh- mati R. Lat: 26° To N.; lon. 85° 57' E. P. 65,955. Dardanelles, Hellespont, or Strait of Gallipoli, between Europe and Asia, connects the Sea of Marmora with the AEgean Sea, 40 m. long. Tardanup, farming settlement, W. Australia, 124 m. S. Perth. [m, long. Darent, r. Engl., W. Kent, flows NE. to the Thames, below Erith, 20 Darenth, par. Engl., W. Kent, 2 in. SE. I.)artford. P. 1536. Dar-es-Salaam, spt. Africa, 25 m. S. Zanzibar. Barfield, par. and vil. Engl., W. R. York, 5 m. SE. Barnsley. P.23,59r. Darfur or Darfour, country of Africa, E. Soudan, W. Kordofan. Lat. Io’-16° N. ; lon. 26°-29° E. Area, about 106, ooo sq. m. P. 4,000,000, of a mixed race of Arab and Negro. Language, a dialect of Arab. Religion, Mohammedan. Chief towns, Fasher and Kobe. Considerable trade with Egypt. Targaville, tshp. New Zealand, Hobson co., ; 19 m. NW. Auckland. 3Dargalong or Moorilim, post th: Victoria, 87 m. NE. Melbourne. Dargle, glen and waterfall, Irel., N. co, Wicklow, enters the sea near T}arien, Isthmus of. See Panama, Isthmus of. [Bray. Barjiling, dist. India, in Rajshahi Kuch Behar Div., Bengal, between Nepal and Bhutan. Area, 1234 sq. m. P. 155,179. Cap. Darjiling, tn. and sanitarium in the Himalayas. Elev. 7167 ft. Lät. 27°3' N.; lon. 83° 18′ 13" E. P. 7018. [P. 3020. Darkehmen, th Prussia, 15 m. SSW. Gumbennen, on R. Angerap. Darlaşton, th: and par. Engl., E. Stafford, within parl. bor. of Wednesbury. P. 13.563; extensive iron manufs. [tshp. 1848. Darley, par, and tshp. Engl., N. Derbysh., on R. Derwent. P. 2527; T}arling or Callawatta, river, Ncw South Wales, the longest affluent of the Murray River, flows south-west, and joins the Murray River, at Wentworth. Length, I réo miles. [sq. m. Darling, a pastoral dist. traversed by the above in SW. Area, 56,ooo Darling Downs, a rich pastoral dist. Queensland, W. of Brisbane. Iarling Range, range of granite mts. W. Australia, parallel with cst. Darlingford, ry, sta, on C. P. Ry, Manitoba, 96 m, from Winnipeg. . THE CENTURY GAZETTEER DETROIT Darlington, parl, and mun. bor. Engl., S. Durham, 36 m. S. New- castle. P. 35,104. It returns I member to Parliament. Darlington, municip. suburb of Sydney, New S. Wales. P. 2500. Darmstadt, the Germany, cap. of Grand Duchy of Hessen and of prov. Starkenburg, at NW, extremity of the Odenwald, on R. Darm, 15 m. S. Frankfort. P. 42,794. Darnetal, th: France, in Seine-Infér., 2 m. by rail E. Rouen. Darmick, vil. Scot., Roxburghsh., 1 m. W. Melrose. P. 448. 3Darnley, isl. Queensland, in Torres Strait. P. 300. I}arrang, dist. India, prov. Assam, in upper valley of the Brahmaputra. Area, 3418 sq. m. P. 273,333. Cap. Tezpur. I}art, r. Engl., S. Devon, flows SE. to Engl. Channel, 46 m. long. I}artford, mkt, the Engl., W. Kent, 17 m. E. London. P. ro, 163. IDartmoor or D. Forest, upland tract, Engl., in cent. Devonshire. Area, 140,000 acres. It rises in Yos Tor to 2050 ft. I)artmouth, mun. bor. and spt. England, South Devon, on River Dart, 228 miles S.W. London. P. § Dartmouth, port, Prince Edward Isl., Prince co., on Richmond Bay. Dartmouth, tin. Nova Scotia, Halifax Co., opposite Halifax. P. 3786. Darton, par. and vil. Engl., W. R. York, 3 m. NW. Barnsley. P. 6014. Daruvar, th: Hungary, 32 m. N.W. Posega. P. 9575; marble quarries. Darvel or Darval, tin. Scot., Ayr, 9 m. E. Kilmarnock. P. 1701. Darwen, Lower, tshp. and ry. sta. Engl., NE. Lancash., within Over Darwen, and boſſ of Biaćburn, i. 453I. Darwen, Over, mun. bor. and manuf. th: Engl., NE. Lancash., 33 m. S. Blackburn. P. 29,744; cotton manufs. bleaching, Calico-printing. Darwin, ry. Sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 359 m. W. Port Arthur. Darwin, Mount, in Tierra del Fuego, is 6800 ft. in alt. Dashkova, th: Russia, gov. and 12 m. S. Mohilev, on r. b. Dnieper. Lasuya, the India, Punjab, dist, and 25 m. NW. Hoshiarpur. I’. 6428. T}atchet, vil. S. Bucks, on R. Thames, 2 m. E. Windsor. P. 1202. Datia, native state, Bundelkhand, Cent. India. P. 182,598. Capital Datia, 125 miles S.E. of Agra. P. 28,346. [château. Datschitz, th: Moravia, 25 m. S. Iglau. P. 2497. Here is a fine Daudnagar, th India, Bengal, Gaya Dist., on Son R. P. 9870. [P. 1243. Daulata ad, tn. and ft. India, Nizam's Donn., 23 m. NW. Haidarabad. Dauphiny (Fr. Dauphiné), an old prov. S.W. France, now comprised in deps. Drôme, Hautes-Alpes, and Isère. Dauria, country of Asia, forming circle of Nerchinsk, in Transbaikalia. Dausa, th: Cent. India, Jeypore State, Rajputana. P. 7384. Lavangere, th India, Mysore, 40 m. NW. Chitaldrug. P. 6362. Davenport, city, Iowa, Scott co., on Mississippi R. P. 23,830. Daventry, mum. bor. Engl., co, and 13 m. NW. Northampton. P. 3859. DaVeyston, post th: S. Australia, Light co., 41 m. N. Adelaide. Bavid, th: Colombia, state and 1.15 m..W. by S. Panama. P. 7906. Davidson's Mains or Muttonhole, village, Scotland, 3 miles NW. Edinburgh. P. 744. [P. 515; 7140ad sacra, p. 658. Daviot, par., guoad sacra par., and hamlet, Scot., E. Aberdeensh. Daviot and Dunlichty, par. Scot., Nairn and Inverness. P. 1252. Davis Strait, connects Baffin Bay with the Atlantic, between South Greenland and Cumberland Peninsula. Davos or Tafaas, par. and vil. Switz., cant. Grisons, 15 m. ESE. Chur. Elev. 4845 ft. P. 3561. Climate very rigorous. Dawdon, tshp. lºng l., N. Durham, 63 m. SE. Sunderland. P. 7714. Dawley, th Shropsh., 4 m. SE. Wellington. P. 9200 ; iron-works. Dawlish, th: E. Devon, at mth. of R. Dawlish. P. 3977. Dawson, r. Queensland, aff. of Fitzroy R. Dawson Isl., Tierra del Fuego, in Strait of Magellan. Dax, Ax, or Ags, ft. th France, dep. Landes, on l.b. Adour. P. ro,218. Daxabon or Dajabon, th: St. Domingo, 39 m. ESE. Cape Hay.i. P. 6154. Daxlanden, vil. Baden, 4 m, W. Carlsruhe, on the Rhine. P. 2719. Daylesford, th: Victoria, 753 m. by rail N.W. Melbourne. P. 4062. Dayton, th Kentucky, on R. Ohio, 2 m. from Cincinnati. P. 3210. Dayton, city, Ohio, cap. of Montgomery co., on l. b. Gr. Miami R. . 42,500. Has extensive manufs. and commerce. Lead Sea, Sea of Sodom or Lake Asphaltites (Arab. Baſtº. Iloot), a salt lake, S. Palestine, 25 m. E. Jerusalem. Length 41 m., breadth 84 m. Surface 1312 ft. below the level of the Mediterranean. It receives the R. Jordan at its N. extremity, but has no outlet. Deadwood, th Dakota, U.S., among the Black Hills. P. 3777. Teal, mun. bor, and Špt. Engl., E. Kent, 82 m. SE. London. P. 8500. Dean, post tim, Victoria, Talbot Co., II? m. NW. Melbourne. P. 500. Tean, Forest of, Engl., W. Gloucestersh., 20 m. long by Iom. Deane, par. and vil. SE. Lancash., 13 m, SW, Bolton. P. of par. 68,632; Dean’s Marsh, post tshp. Victoria, 99 m. S.W. Melbourne. Tyil. 13,662. Ileanston, vil. Scot., Perth, on R. Teith, 1 m. W. Doune. P. 675. I}ease Strait, chan. Arctic Ocean, communicates with Coronation Gulf. Death Valley or Amargosa Desert, California, United States, Inyo county, is 159 ft. below sea-level. Deba or Dibbah, ft. th: Arabia, on cst., Ioom. NW. Muscat, P. 12oo. Teba or Dhapa, til. Tibet, near Up. Sutlej R., 14,918 ft. above the sea. Bebbah or ifebbeh, tn. Nubia, on the great bend of the Nile. [wich. Deben, r. Engl., E. Suffolk, flows S.E. 30 m. to N. Sea, 5 m. NE. Har- Tebenham, Inkt. th: and par. England, East Suffolk, 84 miles north- east of London. P. 1179. [Timbuctoo. Debo or Dibbie, lake, Africa, an extension of R. Niger, 150 m. SW. Debreczin or Debretzin, th: Hungary, 116 m. E. Pesth. P. 51,122. Lecatur, city, Illinois, cap. of Macon Co., on N. b. Sangamon R. P. 9548. Decazeville, vil. France, in Aveyron, 19 m. NE. Villefranche. P. 6625. I)eccan or Dekkan (Daksht?t, 77te South), name applied locally to the elevated tract between the Narbada and Kistna Rivers, India, but generally and Inore properly includes the whole country S. of the Vindhya Mts., which separate it from Hindostan Proper. JDeception, ry. Sta. on C. P. Ry., 313 m, W. Port Arthur. Decize, th France, dep. Nºëvre, 18 m. SE. Nevers. P. 4927. Decorah, th Iowa, cap. of Winnasheik Co., on Iowa R. P. 2950. Deddington, mkt. th and par. Engl., N. Oxfordshire, 6 miles south of Banbury. P. 1958. Dede Agatch, spt. tr. European Turkey, on AEgean Sea, 92 m. by rail S. by W. Adrianople. - Bedham, par, and vil. Engl., E. Essex, on R. Stour. P. 1745. Bedham, tm. Massachusetts, cap. of Norſolk co., on Charles R. P. 664r. Ilee, r. N. Wales and Cheshire, from Lake Bala, Merioneth, flows N.E., N., and N.W. to Irish Sea, 20 m. below Chester, 90 m. long. Dee, r. Scot., Aberdeensh, and Kincardinesh., from Cairngorm Mts., flows E. to N. Sea at Aberdeen, 87 m. long. Dee, r. Scot., W. Kirkcudbrightsh., from Loch Dee, flows SE. and S. to Kirkcudbright Bay, 384 m. long. Dee, r. Irel., co. Louth, flows 20 m. E. to I)undalk Bay. Deegoa, th: Bornou, Cent. Africa, 60 m. S. Kuka. P. 15,000. [long. Teel or Deal, r. Irel.., cos. Cork and Limerick, aff. of Shannon, 26 m. Deer Lake, Canada, drains to Mississippi R. Lat. 58° N, ; 145 m. long. Deer, New, par. and vil. Scotland, East Aberdeensh. P. 4875; vii. 13 miles west of Peterhead. P. 755. [P. 5104. Deer, Old, par. and vil. Scot., Aberdeensh., 93 m. W. Peterhead. Deerfield, th: Massachusetts, U.S., 33 m. N. Springfield. P. 3543. Tjeering, tshp. Maine, U.S., adjoining Portland. P. 4324. Deer Park, vil. and summer resort, Maryland, Garrett co., 47 miles south-west of Cumberland. P. 11,420. P. 619 r. Lees, th: Transylvania, on R. Szamos, 28 m. NNE. Klausenburg. T]efiance, th: Ohio, cap. of D. Co., on r. b. Maumee R. P. 5907. I)eggendorf, tin. Lr. Bavaria, on the Danube, 29 m. NW. Passau. IJeglia or Delia, tu. Sicily, 1 I m. SSW. Caitanisetta. P. 4144. [P. 6337. Begnizli or Denizli, tin. Asia Minor, 53 m. Sä. Ala-Shehr. P. 20,000. Dehkergan, th: Persia, prov. Azerbijan, 28 m. SSW. Tabriz. Dehra, th India, cap. of Dehra, Dun Dist., NW. Proys. Lat. 30° 20' N. ; lon. 78° 6' E. : 2300 ft. above the sea-level. P. 18,959. I)ehra Dun Dist., India, NW. Provs. Area, 1393 sq. m. P. 144,070. Leidesheim, tin, Rhenish Bavaria, 4 m. N. Neustadt-an-der-Hardt. P. 2823; wine-growing district. [rout. I’. 8ooo. Their-el-Kämer, tin. Syria, on the slope of Lebanon, 12 m. SSE. Bey- I}e Kaap, gold-fields, E. side of Transvaal, 123 m. from Delagoa Bay. IJelagoa Bay, inlet of Indian Ocean, SE. Africa. Lat. 26°.S. The Portuguese have a trading settlement on the North side of the Bay, called Lorenzo Marquez. P. Io, ooo. Telaney, mining tshp. Queensland, a short distance from Georgetown. Delatyn, tin. Austria, Galicia, on R. Pruth. P. 4495. I)elaware, r. U.S., from New York State, ſlows SE. and S., forming boundary between Pennsylvania, and New York, and New Jersey, to Delaware Bay, length 350 m., Philadelphia, Wilmington, Cam- den, Chester, Trenton, and Easton are on its banks. IJelaware, one of the smallest states of the U.S. of America, occupy- ing part of the penin. between Chesapeake and Delaware Bays, bounded N. by Pennsylvania, W. and S. by Maryland, and E. loy Delaware Bay and River. Area, 2050 sq. m. P. (188c) I46,608. Cap. Dover; 'Wilmington is the largest tim. 30elaware, th Ohio, cap. of D. co., 24 m. N. Columbus. P. 6894. Delaware Bay, estuary of D. River, U.S., between Cape May (New Jersey) and Cape Henlopen (Delaware). [N. Philadelphia. Belaware Water Gap, vii. and summer resort, Pennsylvania, Ics m. Delegate, th: N.S. W., Wellesley co., 366 m. S. Sydney. P. of dist. 7oo. Delémont (Ger. Delsberg), tin. Switz., cant. and 29 m. N. Bern. I’. 3007. Telft, tm. S. Holland, on R. Schie, NW. Rotterdam. P. 27,372. Delftshaven, the on r. b. of Maas, 2 m. SW. Rotterdam. P. 13, 133. Delfzyl or Delfzijl, th: Netherlands, 16 m. ENE. Groningen. P. 6093. Telgado, Cape, E. cst. Africa. Lat. Io 41’S. ; lon. 58° 47' E. Telhi, div. India, in Punjab, comprising dists. of Delhi, Gurgaon and Karnal. Area, 5610 sq. m. P. 1,907,984. D. Dist., area, 1277 sq. m. P. 643,515. D. or Shahjahanabad, city and cap. of above div, and Deoband, th: India, Saharanpur Dist., North-West Provinces, 154 dist” former cap. of Mughal Empire, on r. b. of R. Tu - g º s tº ºf ºt . Juſſina, II3 in. above Agra, 390 from Allahabad, 354 from §. F. (#3) D. is famous for its architectural glories. The palace of is one of the most magnificent in the world. D. has founded in 1792. [ing. on 1: cst. Sumātra, belonging to the Dutch ; tobacco-grow- th. Prussian Saxony, 19 m. NE. Merseburg, on the Lober. th. Algeria, 49 m. E. of Algiers. P. 35,382. [P. 8342. tn, Germany, 18 m. WNW. Oldenburg. P. 6647. Y ta. Mºnitoba, on C. P. Ry. 202 m from Winnipeg. th. Tasmania, 32 m. by rail W. Launceston, P. g. tn; Soudan, 20 m, SE, of Boosa. P. oooo. A th. Oregon, U.S., Van Wert co., 14 m. NW. Lima. P. 3814. (?tamte of the Gree&_&etter. A), applied to the alluvial tract em. between the bifurcations at the mth. ofa river, such as at those of the Nile, Ganges, Irawadi, Niger, Mississippi, Danube.' Delvino or Delbino, ſt.th." European Turkey, prov. Albania, in vilayet and 44 in. WNW. of Janina. P. 7500. [21,000 ft. Remayend, Yolcanic Int. Persia. loftiest peak of Elbruz Mº' Ai. Dembea or Tzana, lake, Abyssinia, 60 m. long by 25 m. It is the Source of the Blue Nile or Bahr-el-Azrek. Demer, r. Belgium, in Limbourg and S. Brabant, aſ of R. Dyle. Pºmerara, r. Brit. Guiana, 180 m. to Atlantic Ocºt Georgetown. Demir-Hissar, th: European Turkey, near the Struma, 15 m. NW. Šećes, 288 m. W. by N. of Constântinople. P. &c. Demirkapu (Serv. Djerda?), or ‘Iron Gate,” narrow rocky defile ſº intº separating Wallachia from Hungary, through which the Danube rushes in the Transylvanian Alps, below Orșova. Demmin, th: Prussia, 25 m. by ràil S. of Străşund. P. Io,546. Demonte, ft. tin. Italy, prov., and 15 m. SW. Coni, on r. b. of Stura. .,5913; lead-mines; trade in corn, rope, and chestnuts. [P. 8Coo. Demotica, th: Turkey, on R. Maritză, 25 m. by rail S. Adrianople. Den, The vil. Scot., Dalry par., N. Ayrshire. F. 995. Renain, th: France, in Nörd, 14 m. by rail E. of Dºi. P. I7,202. . Lenbigh, pârl... and mun. bor. Wales, co., tm. of Denbighshire, 25 m. W. of .Chester. P. 6535. It unites with Ruthin, Wrexham, and Holt, in returning 1 member to Parliament, Denbighshire, maritime co. N. Wales, bounded N. by Irish Sea, E. by Flintsh, Chesh., and Shropsh., S. by Montgomerysh., ānā §. º W. by º; Areá, 664 sq. m. É. III,740. urface partly intnous or hilly. Principal rivers, Clw zº tº and Dee. Co. tr. Denbigh. y p ſº yd, Conway, Denby, par., vil, and ry, sta. Engl., 7 m. NE. Derby. P. 1394. Dender, mayigable r. Belgium, joins the Scheidt at Benieńde. Dender, r. Nubia, aff, of Blue Nile, 40 m. N. of Sennaar, 2 o m. long: Dendermonde or Termonde, fortified til. Belgium, East Fianièrºg east of Ghent. . P. 8883. # 382. vil. Netherlands, in Overyssel, 54 m. NE. Oldenzää. par, and vil, Engl., S.E. Bucks, 3 m. NW, Uxbridge. P. I254. vil. Scot., Roxburgh,.5 m. NE. Hawick. P. 59%. * Gate, th: Engl. W. R. York, 54 m. W. Bradford. P. 3549 Spain, on Nicditerrancan, 13 m. ESE. Oliva. P. 8623. * th. N. S. W., on Edward R., 488 m. SW. Sydney, F. 25OO. gºld-mining dist. Tasmania, 30 m. NE. Launceston. " ' " City, th: N. Texas, Grayson Co., 3 m. S. Red R. P. 3975. Town, post tshp. New S. Wales, Bligh Co.,244 m. N. Sydney. Denman, vil. N. S. Wales, on Hunter R. 165 m. N.W. Sydney. P. 560. Denmark, (Dan. Laºtºmark, Ger. Dānemark), kingdom of Europe, gomprising the penin. of Jutland, and a grp. of isls. in the Baſtić Sea, yº. Zealand, Funen, Laaland, etc. It lies between 4° 34' and 57° 45' N. lat., and 8° 4' and 12° 34' E. lon. Bornholm jºi. belong; also to the kingdom, lying in the Baltic, 90 m. E. Zealand. D., is bounded W. by N. Šea, N. by Skager Rack, E. by Qattegat, the Sound, and Baltic, and S. by the Băltic and Schleswig (Prussia). Area, 14,788 sq. m. P. (1836) 1,969,039. Its depend- encies are, Faroe Isls., Iceland, Greenland, and the W. Indian Isls., Santa Cruz, St. Thomas, and St. John. The surface of D. is very level and little elevated. It is essentially agricultural, and pro. duces much grain. The religion is Lutheran, and the language Danish. Gov. a hereditary constitutional monarchy. The Diet consists of two chambers, the Fol/sth.”g and the Lantast/ting. d J Denmark Hill, eccl. dist. and ry. Sta. Engl., E. Surrey, in S. London. P. 4574; the sta. is 4 m. S. of London Bridge. P. 222. Dennington, post th: Victoria, 174 m. W. Melbourne, on Merri R. Denny, th; and par. Scot., Co. and 7 m. S. Stirling. P. 5728; tın. 4089. Dent du Midi, int. of Alps of Valais and Savoy, Io,778 ft. high. Renſſon, th Engl., S.E. Lancash., 4 m. SE. Manchéâter. P. 7660. Denton, tº, Texas, cap. of D. Co., 40 m. NNW, Dallas, P. 4335. Denyer, city, Colorado, U.S., cap. of state and Arapahoe co, on r. b. S. Platte R, 922 m. W. St. Louis. Alt. 5196ft. P. 45,000. miles from Muzaffarnagar. P. 22,116. [P. 2.93. Deodar, native state, India, Gujarat, Bombay. Area, 440 sq. m. T}eogarh, tin. India, Santal Parganas, Bengal, 24° 29° N., 86° 44' E. Deogarh, tin. India, native state Udaipur, Rajputaña. P. 6846, [P. 8o05. Qeori, tº India, Cent. Provs., dist, and 39 m. S. Sagar. P. 7 irá. Deptford, parl. bor. England, counties Kent and Surrey, on R.Thames, 3 m.,SE. London Bridge by rail. P. 76,752. IIas a royal victualling yard; returns I member to Parliament. Dera Ghazi Khan, dist. India, Derajat Div., Punjab, bounded S. by Sindh, and E. by the Indus, W. by Sulaiman Šſts. Length about 398 m., average breadth 25 m. Area, 4517 sq. m. P. 363,346. Cap. th:...of same name 2 m. W. of R. Indus. P. 22,309. Dera Ismail Khan, dist. N. of the ſoregoing. Average length Iro in, breadth, about 80 m. Area, 9296 sq. m. P. 441,649. Cap. th of same name 4 m. W. from R. Indus. P. 22,164. Derajat, div. of Punjab, in val. of the Indus, comprising dists. Bannu, and the two foregoing, between lat. 28° 27' an:l 33° 15' N. Area, 17,681 sq. m. , P. I, 137,572. Cap. Dera Ismail Khan. [P. 1500. Derāyeh, th: Arabia, in cent. of Nedjed, former cap. of the Wahabees. Derbend, ft. tin. Russia, cap. of Daghestan, on Caspian Sea. P. 14,750. Derby, parl, and mun. bor. Engl., cap. of D.shire, on R. Derwent, 42 m. NE. Birmingham, 127 m, NW. London by rail. P. 81,168; manuf silk, porcelain, iron-works, etc. D. returns 2 mems. to Parl. Derbyshire, midland co. Engl., having York on the N., Notts on E., Leicester, Warwick, and Stafford on S., and Stafford and Cheshiré on the W. Area, 1929 sq. m. P. 461,914. The Pennine chain of hills enters the co, in the N., forming the Peak Dict. The main rivers are the Trent, Derwent, Dove, and Wye. Chicftns. Derby (the cap.), Chesterfield, and Glossop. The co. returns 7 members to Parliament. Mineral springs at Buxton, Matlock and I’akewell. Terby, th: W. Australia, cap. of Kimberly Dist., at mth. of Fitzroy R. Derby, tin. Connecticut, New Haven co., on Housatonic R. P. 11,649. Dereham, East, mkt. th: and par. Engl., 16 m. NW. Norwich. P. of par. 5640. The poet Cowper is buried hcre. [P. 560. Dereham, West, par. and vil. Engl., W. Norfolk, 3 m. SE. Downham. Derna, spt; tın, Africa, in Barca, 140 m. NE. Bengºzi. P. CCCo. IJerr, tin. Nubia, on S.E. bank of 18. Nile. Lat. 22° 44' N. P. 3Coo. Perry, co. and th: Irel. See Londonderry. Derry, tshp. Pennsylvania, Westmoreland co. P. 6909. Dervend, th: Bo nia, on the left bank of Ukrina River. P. 4ooo. Derwent, r. Engl., W. Cumberland, drains Derwent and Bassen- thwaite Waters to Solway Firth, 33 m. long. [ćo 111. Berwent, r. Ingl., Derbysh., from High Peak to R. Trent, on SE. Berwent, r. Engl., aff, of R. Tyne, from Durham, 3 m, W. Gateshead, Derwent, r. Engl., York, aff. of R. Ouse, from near Whitby. 57 m. [30 m. Terwent, r. Tasmania, passes. New Norfolk and Hobart to Storm B. IJerwent Water, lake, Engl., Cumberland, near Keswick, 3 m. long. 3Desaguadero, r. Argentina, from the Andes to Urre Languen, 500 m. T}ésaguadero, r. Bolivia, from L. Titicaca, 180 m. to Lake Aullagas. T}esaignes, th: France, Ardèche, on R. Doux. P. 36co. Desborough, par, and vil. with ry. sta. England, N. Northampton, 5 miles S.E. of Market Harborough. P. ºcéo. - Deschambault, sub. district, Canada, prov. Quebec, Portneuf co., on north bank of St. Lawrence R. P. 2.657. (320 m. long. IDes Chutes, r. Oregon, U.S., aff. of Columbia, 12 m. above the Dalles. Desemboque, the Brazil, prov. Minas Ceraes, on R. das Velhas. I’. 5cco. Desenzano, tin. Italy, on SW. shore of Lago di Carda. P. 4320. T}esertas, isl. grp. in Atlantic, 30 m. SE. Madeira. P. Coo. Tesio, th N. İtaly, 1 r. m. N. Milan. P. 6798. Désirade, isl. of Fr. West Indies, 4 m. E. Guadeloupe. ... P. 1609. Ijeskford, par. Scot., N. Banff. P. 849; vil. 4 m. S. Cullen. Des Moines, r. Minnesota to SE. Iowa, aft. of Mississippi, 550 m. Tes Moines, city, cap. of Iowa, and of Polk co., on Des Moines R. Desna, r. Russia, aff, of Dnieper, opposite Kiev,5Com. long. P. 22.4cö. Despoblado, elevated tabicland, Peru, E. of the Andes. Lat: 22°-24” . ; alt. 12,000 ft. ; uninhabited. [78co ft. Lespoto Dagh, mts. Turkey, branch SE. from the Balkans. Elev. Besgau, th N. Germany, cap, of Anhalt, on the Mulde. P. 27,766. Lesterro, city, Rrazil, capital of province and cn west side of Santa Catharina Island. P. I4,000. [P. 3893. Tesvres, th France, Pas-de-Calais, 11 m. by rail ESE. Boulogº. Detmold, th Germany, cap. of Lippe, on R. Werra, 47 m. SW. Hanover. P. 8913; linen manufs, tanning, brewing, etc. & Detroit, city, and port of entry, Michigan, U.S., on W. b. Detroit R., opposité Windsor in Canada, 18 m above L. Erie. P. (181c) 779; (1840) 9102; (1880) 116,340; (1885) 133,269. D. has cztensive tradio by lake and rail; manuf locomotives, cars, ships, iron-bridges, etc., and has numerous tanneries and pork-packing warehouses. 23 DETROIT THE CENTURY GAZETTE E R DüDINGEN Detroit R., Michigan, from L. St. Clair S. to L. Erie 25 m., separat- ing the state from prov. of Ontario in Canada. . Pettva, th: Hungary. 20 m. E. Altsohl. P. with environs, 23:3: ... Teulgaon Raja, th: India, Buldana Dist., Berar. Lat. 20° N. ; lon. 76 . P. 7025. Cotton and silk are articles of its trade. Teutsch-Krome, th: Prussia, on L. Radnor, 61 m. WNW. Posen. P. 6652. Beutz or Duytz, strongly fortified town, Rhenish Prussia, on Rhine, opposite Cologne. P. 17,737 ; has artillery stores, [P. Io,657. Ineux-Ponts (Ger. Zweibrückeni), tin. Rhen. Bavaria, 50 m. W. Speyer- Deux Rivières (Two Rivers), ry, sta.C. P. Ry...177 m. W. Ottawa. Beux-Sèvres, dep, W. France. E. Vendée. Area, 2315 sq. m., P- 353,766. Cap. Niort; main rivers, Sèvre-Niortaise and S.-Nantaise. Devāśiñalli, th’India, Mysore, dist, and 23 m. N. Bangalore. P. 5776. Devavanza, mkt. th Hungary, comitat Neves. P. ro, 184: Devenish, post th- and ry, sta. Victoria, . m. NE. Melbourne. I}eventer, ft. city, Netherlands, in Overyssel, on the Yssel. P.22,449. I}everon, r. Scot., Aberdeen and Banff, reaches the sea at Banff, 61 m. Tevizes, mun. bor. Engl., N. Wilts, 21 m. NW. Salisbury. P. 6645. Devon or Devonshire, maritime co., in S.W. Engl., between Bristol and English Channels, and having Cornwall on the W., an Somerset and Dorset on E. Area, 2586 sq. m. . P.603,595. Surface diversified; climate salubrious. In the centre is Dartmoor Forest. The Exe, Tamar, Torridge, and Taw are the chief rivers, D. contains Exeter (co. th), Plymouth, Devonport, Torquay, Barn- staple, Tiverton, Bideford, etc. It returns 8 members to Parl. Devon, r. Scot., aff. of the Forth, 2% m. NW. Alloa, 33 m. long. Devonport, parl, and mun, bor. and fortified Seaport Engl.), South Devonshire contiguous to Plymouth. P. 63,980, Devonport is the seat of one of the royal dockyards, and a naval and military station. It returns 2 members to Parliament. I)evonport, a suburb 2 m. NE. Auckland. New Zealand. P. 1319. jevonſide, vil. Scot., Clackmannansh., Tillicoultry par. P. 479. [bea. Tevra-Taboor or Debra-Tabur, large th, Abyssinia, 35m. E. L. Dem- Bevynock, par. and vil, with ry, sta. S. Wales, 7 m. W. Brecknock. Tewas, th Cent. India, cap. of State of D., 20 m. NE. Indore. P. II,92r. Tewsbury, parl, and mun., bor. Engl., W. R. York, on R. Calder, 9 m. S. fleeds. P. 69,566; mun. bor. 29,637. It returns I men, tº ry, sta. on C. P. Ry., Canada, 59 m. W. Port Arthur. [I arl. or Dezfool, th: Persia, 32 m. WNW. Shuster. P., 15, oco. isl. Japan, opposite Nagasaki th: ; former Dutch factory. large isl. Red Sea, 9 m. from Abyssinian cst., is 129 m. in circum. tn. India, dist. and 62 m. SW. Ahmadabad. P. 10,044. tn, cap. of D. State, Cent. India, 183 m. E. Baroda. P. 15,224. tn. cap. of D. State, Gujarat, Bombay Pres. P. 5176. . . tn. Khandesh Dist., Bombay, 21° N. lat. ; 75° 20' E. . 13,081. Chief industry, weaving of coarse cloth, Tharapuram, th dist. Coimbatore, and 46 m. ESE. Madras. R. 7310. Tharmsala, Čap. Kangra Dist., Punjab, 16 m. NE. Kangra. P. 5322. 3)harwar, dist, in S. Maratha º Bombay. Area, 4535 sq. m. P Cap. D. Lat. 15° 27' N. ; lon. 75°3' E. P. 27,191. state, Orissa, Bengal. Area, 1463 sq. m. . P. 208,316. spt, th Bombay, dist, and 62 m. SW. Ahmadabad. P. 1930r. tn. Bombay, dist, and 22 m. SW. Ahmadabad. P. 17,716. cap. of State D., Rajputana, 34 m. S. Agra. P. rB,833. tn. India, Gujarat, Bombay. . P. 16,121. r cap. of Í). State, Käthiawar, Bombay, 75 m., W. P. 12,304. Area of state, Ir42 sq. m. P. 99,6 tn, cap. of D. State, Gujarat, Bombay. P. 4613; of state, 21,777. khandesh Dist., Bombay, 30 m. N. Chalisgaon. P. 18,449. mt. Switz., Bernese Alps (Bern and Valais); elev. Io, 190 ft. tn. Hungary, in Slavonia, in comitat Verötze, 22 miles SW, of Eszek. P. 7866. g [Preto. P. 12,000. amantina (Tejuco), city, Brazil, Minas-Geraes. 229 m. NNE, Ouro amantino, tm. Brazil, Matto-Grosso, 70 m. NNW. Cuyaba. P., 1800. amond, Cape, on St. Lawrence R., on which is citadel of Quebec. amond Creek, mining yil. Victoria, 16% m. NE. Melbourne. amond Hill, post sta. Victoria, Bendigo Co., 194 m. N. Melbourne. amond Harbour, port, Bengal, on 1. b. Hugli R., in lat. 22 11.N. arbekir, ft. th: Turkey in Asia, cap. of vilayet of D., on R; Tigris. Lat. 37° 55' 30' N. ; lon. 57° 33' 30" E. P. Io,000. [P. 8216. Dibai, th’ India, Bulandshahr Dist, NW. Provs, 26.m. N. Aligarh. Bie, th France, in Drôme, on R. Drôme, 37 m. ESE. Valence: P-3793. Dibrugarh, th India, cap. of Lakhimpur Dist., Assam, on Debru R. Didsbury, tshp. and vil. SE. Lancash., 3 m. W. Stockport...P.460. Dieburg, Én. Germany, in Hessen, 9 m. by rail ENE. Darmstadt, P.41%. Biedenhofen (Fr. 7%ionville), ft. th Ger. Lorraine, on R. Moselle. P. 8:11. Capitulated to Germany 24th November 1870. iego Garcia, largest island in Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean. eppe, spt. th: France, Seine-Inférieure, on Engl. Chan. P. 22,003. est, tin. Belgium, S. Brabant, on R. Demer. P. 7599. eu-le-Fit, tin. France, Drôme, 17 m, E. Montélimart. P. 4167. ez or Dietz, th: Prussia, Iom. N. Nassau. P. 4174. g (Deeg), th and ft. Bhartpur State, Rajputana, Cent. India. P. 15,828. igby, port of entry, Nova Scotia, cap. of D. Co., 140 m. W. Halifax. Digby, the Victoria, Normanby co., 254 m., W. Melbourne. P. 450. Tigger's Rest, post th: and ry. sta. Victoria, 20% m. NW. Melbourne. Dignano, tin. Austria, in Istria, 48 m. SSE. Trieste. P. 5315. Digne, th: Iºrance, cap. of Basses-Alpes, 55 m. NE. Aix. P. 677r. Digoin, th: France, Saône-et-Loire, 14 m. W. Charolles. P. 4225. Ilijon, city, France, cap. of Côte-d'Or, 197 m. SE. Paris. P. 60,855. Dillenburg, th: Prussia, 40 m. by rail NE. Nassau, on R. Dille. P. 3823. illi or Dielli, th: Timor Isl., on NW. cst., Gap. of Portuguese sett. Ilingen, th: Bavaria, on Danubi , 30 m. NW. Augsburg. P. 5862. Imam, th: Persia, Azerbijan Prov., 50 m. NNW. Urumiyah. P. 6000. lcio Lake, S. Cent. Africa, source of Zambesi, 475 m. W. Bangweolo. mboola, post tshp. Victoria, Borung co., 216 m. NW. Melbourne. inajpur, dist. in W. Rajshahi "Kućh Behar Div., Bengal. Area, 4:18 sq. m. P. 1,514,346. Cap. D., 261 m. N. Calcutta. P. I2,560. inan, th France, in Côtes-du-Nord, ram. S. St. Malo. P. 9964. inant, th: Belgium, prov. and 15 m. by rail S. Namur. P. 6773. magur, th India, Patna Dist., Bengal, on S. b. Ganges. P. 37,893. naric Alps, mt. range of S. Croatia, Dalmatia, and Herzegovina. nas Mowddwy, mkt. th N. Wales, rom. SE. Dolgelly. ndigal, th: India, Madura Dist. Lat. Yo’21' N, ; lon. 78° E. P. 14, 182 ndings, The, isl. group, Straits Settlements, lat. 4° N. ngle, §pt, th: Irel, W.co. Kerry, on N. side Dingle Bay. P. 1833, ing Wall, parl, and royal bur. Scot., cap. of Ross-sh., at SW, extremity of Cromarty Firth, 18} m. by rail NW. Inverness. D. unites with ick, Cromarty, Kirkwall, Dornoch, and Tain, in sending r member to Parliament. P. 1921. [P. 4487. inkelsbühl, ft. th: Bavaria, on the Wernitz, 40 m. NW. Donauwörth. omede Isls., grp. in Behring Strait, 3 in number and uninhabited. ppoldiswaldé, in. Saxony, II m. S. iśresden. P. 3375. rk Hartog Isl., off W.cst. Australia, at Shark Bay, 25°28' S. ºrieton, cst, par. and vil. Scot., N. Haddingtonsh. P. rigo3; vil. 343. Tschau, th: Prussia, on 1. b. of Vistula, 20 m. SSE. Dantzic. p. 11, #3. sco, large isl, off W. CŞt. of Greenland. Lat. 69°11' N. smal Swamp, in S. Virginia and N. Carolina, 36 m. long by Io wide. Sna, th: Russia, gov. Vilna. P. 8026. son, vil. Belgium, 2 m. NNW. Verviers. P. 12,216. §: ºktº find par. Engl...S. Norfolk, on R. Waveney. P. 3846. strict of Columbia, dist of U.S., containing Washington, the fede- £al cap. of the U.S., and Georgetown; bounded ºn Sºw. by R. Potomac, and enclosed on the three other sides by Maryſand. Area, 70 sq. m., E. 177,624. The dist. is not represented in Con. Biłghling, par, and vil. Engl., 6 m. N. Brighton. P. 1343, ſgress. Ditton, Long, par, and village, England, Surrey, 2 miles south-west of Kingston-upon-Thames. P. 2315. Diu, isl. of W. India, belonging to Portugal, off S. extremity of Kathia- war Peninsula, Bºmbay Presidency, 7 m. long. P. rºſé36. Pixcove, a Brit: tn: Africa, on Gold Coast, 4° 48' N. ; 1857°W. #. º Wº on R. Yser. P. 4116. Dixon, city, Illinois, cap. of Lee Co., on Rock R., 98 m. W. Chi ######":5:#; $ 98 m. W § IXjökjokarta, th: Java, on S. side, cap. of Dutch Residency of same §aine, P., 69,999. Area of res. 1191 sq. m. P. gor,03. Prmitrov, th Russia, gov. and 45 m. N. Moscow. jº. 9206. [P. 6552 ºmitrovsk, tin. Russia, gov. and 57 m. SW. Orel, on R. Nerº. Linieper, larger. Russia, rises in gov. Smolensk. fat. 50° 30' N. and flows southward to Black Sea, near Kherson. Length, over joo Iłł Dnieprovsk, th: Russia, gov. Tauris, on i. b. River Dnieper. F.313. Tºnigster, r. Austria and Russia, rises in Carpathian Mijºlijä...i - flows to Black Sea, 700 m. long. Area of basin 29,37; sq. m." £º (Pięż), tract in N.W. Frovs, India, between Gāngē; and jumna. Rºbº, th: Aru Isls., Dutch New Guinea. Lat §45′S. and 134°20' E. £38&in, th; Saxony, 35 m, by rail ESE. Leipsic, i. II,972. £9bºran, th: Germany, Mečklenburg, zoºm. NNE. Séºérin. P. 417 I. £9bling, a suburb of Vienna, 3 m. Nº of city. P. 6624. [Black Séa. £9brºdja or Dobrudscha," dist. Roumania, between Daj £ºchāº; th; Hungary, 24 m. by rail NN; Gönöſsajo. F. Pocº, r. Brazil, Minas Geraes, 500 m. to Atlantic, 60 m. N. victóña. £9%art, lºch and r. Scot. Perth, flows Niš, through Cº. to £odder, r. Irel, S. co. Dubin, flow; 12 m. to publin Bāy. [L. Tay #;º Y; U.S., co. Iowa. P. 3540. e * 1038.purg, ft. tr. Netherlands, i - £ofrines, mts. Norway. ºb;ºland, on R. Yssel. P. 4532. ;D : IDj4. .g+..* : ; I} O D G ead. #; Bank, gt. Sandbank in N. Sea, begins 36 m. E. Flamborough : Ogliani, th: Italy, rov. Coni, Yrm. NE. Möndoyi. P. 5607. [P. 12,394. Dohad, the India, dist, of Fanchºiáñais, Bombay, 77 m. NE. Baroda. Dokkum, th Netherlands, in Friesland, NE. Leeuwarden. P. 4259. D9l, th: France, Ille-et-Vilaine, 15 m. by rail SE. St. Malo. P. 4443. Dºle, th: France, dep. Jura, on R. Doubs, 28 m. SE. Dijon. P. iś90. Dôle or La Dále, mt. Switz., in Jura Mts., 16m. N. Geneva. Elev. 5569 ft. Dolgelly, mkt. th: N. Wales, co. tin. of Merioneth, 9 m. E. Barmouth. Dolina, th: Austria, in Galicia, 22 m. by rail SSE. Stry. P. 7596. Dolis or Sata, tin. Hungary, 40 m. WNW. Pesth. P. 61co. i. 2014. Dollar, th and par. Scot., Clackmannan, at ft. of Ochil Hills. P. 2500; Pollar Law, mt. Scot., 94 m. SW. Peebles; elev. 268oſt. [Netherlands. Lollart, gulf of N. Sea, at estuary of the Ems, at NE. frontier of Dollova, vil. Hungary, in the Banat, 21 m. ENE. Belgrade. P. 5865. Dolmatov, th: Russia, goy. Perm, on R. Iset. P.,4337. Bolo, til Italy, 13 m. W. Venice, on the Brenta and Brentano. P. 6331. Dolomnor, Mongolia. See Chao-Naiman-Sume. [P. 5500. Dolores, tri. Argentina, prov. and 120 m. by rail SSE. Buenos Ayres. Bolores R., aft. of Rio Grande, Sevier co., Utah, 250 m. long. Dombovitza, r. Roumania, aff, of Danube, 50 m. below Bucharest. Dombu, th, Africa, in Bornu, on caravan route to Murzuk. [P. 4812. Domfront, th: France, in Orne, near the Varenne, 13 m. S. Flers. Dominica (Republica Dominica?ta), an independent negro republic in the West India Isls., forming the E. and larger portion of Haiti or Santo Domingo. Area, 29,595 sq. m., P. 300,000. Chief ; Santo Domingo, Puerto-Plata, Samana, and Monte Cristy. The language is Spanish, and the religion Roman Catholic. Exports, sugar, tobacco, coffee, mahogany, dyewoods, and guano. Capital Santo Domingo. P. 16,000. Dominica, British West Indian Isl., Leeward Isls. Area, 291 sq. m. P. 28,211. Capital Roseau. * Tominion City, ry. sta, Manitoba, on C. P. Ry, 56 m. S. Winnipeg. Domitz, tin. Germany, Mecklenburg, 33 m. SSW. Schwerin. P. 2426. T}ommel, r. Netherlands, N. Brabant, aff. of R. Maas. Domo d’Ossola, th N. Italy, prov. Novaro, SE. of the Simplon. Don, r. Russia, from gov. of Tula, to Sea of Azof, 1325 m. [P. 3577. Don, river, England, Yorkshire, affluent of the Ouse at Goole, 70 miles long. It passes Sheffield, Rotherham, Doncaster,etc. Don, river, Scot, in Aberdeenshire, flows E. to the North Sea, 2} miles N. from mth. of R: Dee, 82 m. long... & Don, r. France, Maine-et-Loire, and joins the Vilaine N.E. Redon, 40 m. Don, tshp. Tasmania, co. Devon, near mth. R. D., 2 m. W. Formby. Donabue, th, Up. Burma, on R. Irawadi, 65 m. NW. Rangoon. [P. 4oo. Dona Francisca, German settlement, S. Brazil, prov. Santa Catharina. P. 18,000; chief th: Joinville. Donaghadee, Spt, th: Irel., NE, co. Down, on N. Chan., 21% m. from Port Patrick in Scot., 19 m. E. Belfast. P. of par. 5334; th: 1861. Donald, post tim. Victoria, co. Rara-Kara, 1823 m. NW. Melbourne. Donald, ry, sta. on C. P. Ry., Canada, Ioz2 m. W. Winnipeg. [P. 601. Donaueschingen, th: Germany, in Baden, 37 m. NW. Constance. P. 3518. Chief industry, brewing. [Danube. P. 1080. Domaustauf, tr. Bavaria, Up. Palatinate, 9 m. WNW. Wörth, on R. Donauwörth, tin. Bavaria, in Swabia, on the Danube, 25 m. NNW. Augsburg. P. 3683; flax and hop-growing district. Don Benito, th Spain, on l.b. Guadiana, 60 m. W. Badajos. P. 15,003. Doncaster, post th Victoria, S. Bourke, Iom. NE. Melbourne. P. Irè4. I}oncaster, mun, bor. Engl., W. R. York, on R. Don, 32 m. S. York. P. 21,139. Gt. N. Ry. locomotive wks, here. [P. I909. Donchery, th; France, in Ardennes, on R. Meuse, 3 m., W., Sedan. Bonegal, maritime co. Ulster, Irel., bounded W. and N. by Atlantic, E. by cos. Londonderry, and Tyrone, and S. by cos. Fermanagh, and Leitrim, and Donegal B. Area, 1870 sq. m. P. 206,035, of whom 76'5 per cent, are Roman Cath. The cSt. is rugged and broken; surface mtnous., Mt. Errigal 2460 ft. Chief rs. Foyle, Erne, and Finn. D. contains the tris. Letterkenny and Bally- shannon, and Lifford (co. th:). It returns 4 mem. to Parliament. Bonegal, spt. Irel.., co. and on Donegal B., 157 m. NW. Dublin. P. I416. Lonegal Bay, extends between cos. D. and Sligo,28 by 20 m. Doneraile, mkt. th: Irel., N. co. Cork, on R. Awbeg, 6 m. NNE. Mallow. P. 1208. In vicinity is D. Park. [400 m. I}onets or Donetz, r. Russia, large aff, of the Don, from gov. Kursk, Ilongargarh, th: India, S.E. Khairagarh State, Cent. Provs. P. 5543. Dongarra, th: W. Australia. Lat. 29° 17' S., 245 m. N. Perth. Donges, mkt. th: France, in Loire-Infér., 25 m. NNW. Nantes. P. 2918. Dongola, prov. Up. Nubia. Lat. 17° 50-19° 30' N., on both banks of Nile. P. 20,000. See New Dongola, and Old Dongola. Donibristle, vil. and seat, Scot., Fife, Aberdour par. P. 502. [P. 1666. I}onington, par. and vil. Engl., Lincolnsh., 7% m. NW. Spalding. T}onnelly's Creek, mining vil. Victoria, Tanjil co., 135 m. E. Melbourne. Donnington, mkt. th: Engl., N. Shropshire, 3% m. SW. Newport. T}onnybrook, par. Irel, sub. of Dublin, on R. Dodder. P. 15,596. 3Donzy, tr. France, in Nièvre, Iom. ESE. Cosne. P. 3638. Toobaunt, lake and r. Canada, drain to Chesterfield Inlet. Lat. 63° N. Toobošary or Dubosary, th: Russia, gov. Kherson, on the Dniester. P. 9475; tobacco-growing dist. Doobovka, or Dubovka, tin. Russia, gov. and 180 m. SSW. Saratov, on the Volga. P. 12,737. Looen, post tim, and ry. sta. Victoria, 2203 m. NW. Melbourne. [26 m. Doon, r. Scot., Ayrsh., from Loch Doon, flows NW. to Firth of Clyde, Doorak or Durak, th: Persia, 200 m. SW. Ispahan. P. 8ooo.. [rooom. Doostee, Dusti or Mooleanee R., Baluchistan, enters Arabian Sea. Dora Baltea, r. Italy, in Piedmont, from Lit. St. Bernard to Po, 90 m. O Ił Dorama, ta. Arabia, in Nedjid, 30 m. NE. Derayeh. 77oo. Dora Ripaira, r. Italy, from Cottian Alps to the Po, near Turin, 60 m. Dorat, Le, th: France, dep. Haute Vienne, 7 m. N. Bellac. P. 45rr. Borchester, mum. bor. Engl, cap. of Dorset, on R. Frome. P. 7567. Torchester, port of entry, New Brunswick, Westmoreland co., on Petitcodiac R., 116 m. NE. St. John. P. 800. - Dordogne, dep. France, in SW. Lat. 45° N.; lon, o' 30' E. Area, 3545 sq. m. P. 492,205. §§ Périgueux. Chief rivers are, the Dordogne, Isle, Drôme, and Vezère. I}ordogne, r. of France, aff, of Garonne, 13 m. N. Bordeaux, I}ordrecht, th: Netherlands. See Dort. 290 m. long. Ilores, par. and vil. Scot., on Loch Ness, 7 m. SW. Inverness. P. r143 Dorking, mkt. th Surrey, 25 m. S.W. London by rail, P. 6328. Dornach, vil. Germany, in Alsace, 23 m. by rail NW. Mülhausen. Dornbirn or Dºrnbühren, th; Austria, in Vorarlberg, 8 m. S. Con- stance L. P. 9307; lace, cotton, and iron manufs. Dorno, the Italy, prov, Pavia, 3 m. SE, Mortara, P. 4864. Dornoch, parl, and royal bur, and spt. Scot., cap. of Sutherland, in E., on D. Firth,803 m. NE. Inverness. P. 497. #. unites with Wick, Cromarty, Dingwall, Kirkwall, and Tain in returning I member to Parliament; sea-bathing and golfing. [long. Dornoch Firth, inlet of N. Sea, between Ross and Sutherland, 22; m. Dornogk, par, and vil. Scot, Dumfries, on Solway, 3 m. E. Annan. Dorogh, tr. Hungary, 20 m. NNW. Debreczin. P. 8026. [P. 814. Iſorogobuj, th; Russia, gov. and 55 m. ENE. Smolensk, on R. Dnieper. Dorogoi, th: Roumania, 75 m. NW. Yassy. P. ro,oco. [P. 8332. Porosma, vil. Hungary, 6 m. by rail WNW. Szegedin. P. 9633. Dorp, ºn. Prussia, on the Wipper, 17 m. NE. Cologne. P. 13,285. Dorpat, tr. Russia, gov. Livonia, 157 m. NE. Riga. P. 29,727. Dorset or Dorsetshire, maritime co, on S. cst. Engl., bounded W. by Devon, N. by Somerset, and Wilts, and E. by Hants. Area, 98o sq. m. . P. 191,028. The Stour is the chief r. T. contains the tims. of Poole, Dorchester (co. th), Weymouth, Bridport, and Melcombe Regis. The co. returns 4 members to Parliament. • 3336. Porsten, th: Prussia, in Westphalia, 35 m. SW. Münster, on the Lippe. Dort or Dordrecht, th Netherlands, prov. S. Holland, on R. Maas, 12 m. SE. Rotterdam. P. 30,360. D. is well situated for trade. Dortmund, tr. Prussia, in Westphalia, on the Emster, 27 m. WNW. Arnsberg. P. 78,435. Manuf. numerous and important. Dosa, tn. India, Jaipur State, Rajputana. Lat 26°51' N.; lon. 76°23’E. Dos Barrios, th Spain, Ocaña Dist. Toledo. P. 2440. R9; Hermanas, th; Spain, prov. and 6 m. SSE. Seville. P. 5864. Rotis, or Totis, th: Hüngary, 12 m. SE. Comorn. P. 9855. Douai or Douay, ft. th France, in Nord, on R. Scarpé, 30 m. S. Lille. P. 29,172. . D. has a fine arsenal and cannon foundry. The Douay Version of Scripture was published here in 1609. "[per. P. 38o3. RQūāºnenez, spt,tn. France, in Finistère, on D. Bay, 13 m. Nw. Qūim. PQuble Bay, vil, New S. Wales, suburb and 3 m. S. Sydney. Pºo. Doubooka, th: Russia, gov. Saratov, on r. b. Volga. #. I3,443. Doubs, dep. France, in the E., bordering on Switz, and traversed by the Jura range. Area, 2028 sq. m. P. 310,827. Cap. Besançon. Chief r: the Doubs, an aff. of the Saône, 363 m. long. Doué, th: France, Maine-et-Loire, rom. WSW. Saumur. P. 3260. Douera, th: Algeria, 10 m. SW. Algiers. P. 2458. Douglas, ry, sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 122 m. W. Winnipeg. Touglas, set...tn., and watering-place, cap. of Isle of Man, on ŠE. cst., ... 82 m. NW. Liverpool. P. is,719. Douglas, par, and vil. Scot., Lanark. P. 2641; vil. on Douglas Water. Pouglas, th Illinois, U.S., co. Effingham. P. Acoz. [P. 1262. Rouglas, tr. Iowa, U.S., Union co.” P. 5920. Douglas, vil. Irel., co, and 2 m. SE. Cork, on Douglas rivulet. P. 527. Douglas, in. New S. Wales, co. Camden, 45 m. s. Sydney. Douglas City, California, 17 m. NW. Sacrāmento. Douglas Water, r. Scot., aff, of Clyde, 23 m. SE, Lanark, com. Yong. Douglastown, spt. N. Brunswick, Northumbla, co., 3 m. N. Chathai. Doullens, th: France, on Somme, 20 m. N. Amiens. P. 4647. Doune, yil. and ry, sta. Scot., S. Perth, on R. Teith, 83 m. NW, Stirling. . P. 996. At SE. end of vil. is D. Castle. Pour, the Belgium, in Hainaut, 9 m. WSW. Mons. P. ro,213. Doura, mining vil, Scot, Ayrsh, 3 m, SSE, Kilwinning. – Douro (Span. Duero), r. rises in Soria Prov., Spain, and flows W. through Old Castile, Leon, and N. Portugal, to the Atlantic at Oporto, 400 m. long. . Douze, r. France, joins the Midou at Mont di Marsan, 55 m. long. Dovadola, th: Italy, Iom. SW. Terra del Sole. P. 2852. Dove, r. Engl., Derbysh. and Staffordsh., flows 45 m. to R. Trent. Dover, parl, and mun., bor...and spt. Engl., E. Kent, on Str. of Dover, 6 m. SE. London by rail, 22m. from Calais, and 68 m. from Ostend. . 30,270. It returns 2 members to Parliament. D. Castle on a chalk cliff, 350 ft. high. [P. 4500. I}over, the cap of Delaware, U.S., Kent co., 48 m. S. Wilmington. Dover, city, New Hampshire, U.S., cap. of Stratford co. P. 12,882. Dover, th New Jersey. U.S., Morris co., on Rockaway R. P. 2958. Dover, th Ohio, U.S., Tuscarawas co. P. 4107. - Dover, Strait of, between England and France, connects English hannel with North Sea, 21 miles wide. [P. 2021. Dovercourt, par. and ry, sta. Engl., E. Essex, forms S. dist. Harwich. Dovrefield or Doſrines (Norw. Daavreffeld), mtn. range, Norway. Lat. 62°-63° N. Greatest height, 4200 ft. Dovey, r. Wales. See Dyfi. [P. 16,476. Dowlais, dist, and ry. sta. S. Wales, a NE. part of Merthyr Tydfil. Dowlaishvaram, til. India, Godavari Dist., Madras. P. 8002. DOWn, maritime co. Ulster, Irel., in NE. having Antrim on N., co. Armagh on the W., and the Irish Sea on all other sides. Area, 957 sq. m. P. 272,107, of whom 29°8 per cent. are Roman Cath. The Mourne Mts. in the S., rise to 2796 ft. The cst. is indented by Strangford Lough, and Belfast Lough, Dundrum Bay, and Car- lingford Lough. Chief rivers, Laggan, Newry, and Upper Bann. The co, returns 4 members to Parliament; and contains part of Belfast. Downpatrick is the co. til. Bownham Market, mkt. tr. Engl., W. Norfolk, on R. Ouse. P. 2633. Downpatrick, spt. th: Irel.., cap of co. Down, on R. Quoile, near its entrance to Strangford Lough, 27 m. SE. Belfast. P. 3419. [Sands. Downs, The, a roadstead off E. cst. Kent, at Deal and Goodwin Downs, N. and S., 2 parallel ranges of chalk hills, Engl., from Hants across Surrey, Kent, and Sussex, to sea-cst. Alt. 500 ft. tn. and par. Engl., S. Wilts, on R. Avon, 6 m. SE. Salisbury. bor. Pennsylvania, 34 m. N. Philadelphia. P. 2070. mt. of the Siebengebirge, on r. b. Rhine, Iom. SE. Bonn. tn. France, cap. of dep. Var, 40 m. NE. Toulon. P. 9133. dist. New S. Wales, 561 m. N. Sydney. or Quathlamba Mits., SE, Africa, from Transvaal S. to and Basuto Land. Pramburg, th Prussia, Pomerania, 50 m. SSW. Cöslin. P. 5722. Prammen, spt...tn. Norway, on R. frammen, near its mouth in Christiania Fiord, 33 m. §y rail S.W. Christiania. P. 19,391. Draperstown, vil, and ry, sta. Irel, S. co, Londonderry. P. 475. Pravº (Ger., Drau), r. aff, of Danube, 14 m. E. Eszek, 360 m. Drayton, vil. Ontario, Wellington co., 32 m. Nºw. Guelph. P. 587. Drayton, tshp. Queensland, room. W. Brisbane. P. 6669. Drayton, Market, or Drayton in Hales, mkt, th: Engi, N. Shropsh., on R. Terne, 18 m. NE. Shrewsbury. P. 5188. [Kilmarnock. P. 323. Dreghorn, par, and vil. Scot., N, Ayrshire. P. 3949; vii. 5 m. W. Premºvil. Scot., Haddingtonsh., atry, junc., 163 m. ÉNæ. Edinburgh. Drenthe, prov. Netherlands, on frontier of Prussia. Area, Ioz8 sq m. P; 124,460. Assen is the cap. Dresden, dist. Engl., Staffordsh., in Stoke-upon-Trent. P. 3094. Tresden, city, Germany, cap. of Kingdom of Saxony, on R. Eibe, 103 m.S. by E. Berlin. P. 246,086. Dresden is famóus for its valuable collections of Works of art, educational establishments, etc., and for its splendid public buildings. Manufs, numerous. Dresden China is made at Meissen, lower down the Elbe. [P. 860,558. Dresden, one of the four provs. of Saxony. Area, 1288 sq. m. Dresden, vil. Qntario, Bothwell co., on R. Sydenham. P. 1979. Dresden, tin. Tennessee, U.S., co. Weakley. P. 32.44. Preux, the France, Eure-et-Loire, 21 m. by rail N. Chartres. P. 8254. Drewenz, r and lake, Prussia, aff, of Vistula, 3m, E. Thorn, 80 m. long. riburg, ta. Prussia, Westphalia, 12 m. by rail W. Brakel. P. 2509. Ariel, vil. Netherlands, in Gelderland, 6 m. SE. Bommel. P. 435. 3riºsen, th: Prussia, Brandenburg.64 m. by railNE. Frankfort. .4998 £riffield, Inkt, the Engl., E.R. York, 27 m.E.York. P. 6323. [P. º. Brighlington, tshp. and vil. Engl., W. R. York, 5 m. SE. Bradford. i)rin, r. Turkey, in Albania, flows from. to Adriatic, 4 m. W. Alessio. jºrina, r, aff, of the Saye, separates Bosnia from Servia. [P. 3490. £riša, tm. Russia, in Vitebsk, on R. Düna, 48 m. ESE. Dünaburg. Bröbak, spt. Norway, on E. side of Christiania Fiord. P. 2047. £rogheda, mun; bor...and spt. Irel., co. Louth, on R. Boyne. H. 12,297. £rohobicz, the Austria, in Galicia, 18 m. by rail SE, Sambor. P.23%. Troitwich, mun. bor. Engl., co. and 7 m. NE. Worcester. P. 3761 ; has salt-works. [47 m. Melbourne. ... P. rso. £rgmana, post tim, Victoria, co. Mornington, on Port Phillip Bay, Drôme, dep. SE. France, bounded W. by the Rhône. _Area, 2519 sq.- ... . m. P. 3I4,615. Chief rivers, Drôme, and Isère. Cap. Valènce. prôme, r. France, aff, of Rhône, 12 m. SSW. Valence, 60 m. long. Dromore, mkt, th: Irel., W. co. Down, on R. Laggan. P. 2491. ºronero.tn. Italy, prov.and ſom. WNW. Coni, at foot of Alps. P. 7236. Bromfield, th: Engl., E. Derbysh., 6 m. NW. Chesterfield. P. 433r. Pronne, r. France, aff. of the Isle, in Gironde, 90 m. long. Drontheim, Norway. See Trondhjem. --- £rošen, tº Prussia, 14 m. NE. Fränkfort-on-the-Oder. P. 52 7. £rouin, tshp. Victoria, co. Buln-Buln, 56 m. E. Melbourne. P. A18. Broylesden, tr. Engl., 33 m. E. Manchester. P. 8687. Druent, th:, Italy, prov, and 7 m. NW. Turin. P. 2499. Drumbö, vil. Ontario, Oxford co., 23 m. ESE. Stratford. P. 660. IDrumclog, moorland and site of battle, Scot., W. Lanarksh., 6 m. SW. Strathaven. Claverhouse defeated by Covenanters, 1679. [Tweed. Drumelzier, par. and vil. Scot., co. and 93 m. SW. Peebles, near the Drumkeera, yil. Irel., co. Leitrim, 17 m. N. Carrick-on-Shannon. Drumlanrig Cas., Scot., on R. Nith, 17 m. NW. Dumfries. [P. 354. Drumlithie, vil. and ry. sta. Scot., 73 m. SW. Stonehaven. Drummond, th Victoria, co. Talbot, 68 m. NW. Melbourne, rich Drummond Cas., Scot., Perth,3} m. SW. Crieff. ſmining district. Trummondville East, th, Quebec, cap. of Drummond co., on St. Francis R. P. 900. Drummondville West, vil. Ontario, on Niagara R. P. rooo. Drummoššie Muir, Scot, NE. Inverness, includes Culloden battlefield. Drumore, cst. vil. Scot., S.W. Wigtownsh., 5 m. NW. Mull of Gallo- - Way. P. 575; has a harbour and quay. [P. 544. Prumshanbo, vil. Irel, co. Leitrim, 9 m. N. Carrick-on-Shannon. Drumsna, vil, and ry, sta, co. Leitrim, 5 m. SE. Carrick-on-Shannon. Pruten, yil, Netherlands, in Gelderland, on R. Waal. P. 4603. Dryburgh Abbey, ruin, Scot., on R. Tweed, 43 m. SE. Mélrose. Dry Creek, gold-field, Victoria, co. Delatite, 140 m. NE. Melbourne. Dry Creek or Montague, ry. sta. S. Australia, 63 m. N. Adelaide. Dryſe Water, r. Scot, Dumfries, aff. of Annan, 2 m. W. Lockerbie Dryfesdale or Drysdale, par. Scot., Dumfries. P. 2971. Bryhope Tower, anc., border peel, Scot., co. and 153 m. SW. Selkirk. £rymen, par. and vil. Scot...co, and 23% m. S.W. Stirling by rail. Prynºck, ry, sta, Canada, on C. P. Ry.,286 m. W. Donald. [P. 143r. Drysdale, the Victoria, co. Grant, 58 m. S.W. Melbourne. P. of dist, Hoo. Duanesbºrg, th: New York, Shenectady co., 24 m. W. Albany. P. 2930. 2uart, vil: Ontario, Co. and 14 m. S. by E. Bothwell. P. 206. Rºbbo, tshp, New S. Wales, Lincoln co., on Macquarie R. P. 32CO. : §ºn. Prussian Saxony, on R. Mulde, 18 m. W. Torgau. P. 3765. Rºnka, the Prussian Poland, on R. Bug, 16m. SE. Chełm, P. 467%. £ubigza, th: Croatia, on 1. b. of R. Unna, opposite D. in Bosnia. Lublin, maritime co. Irel, prov. Leinster, bounded N. by co. Meath, F. by Irish Sea, S. by Wicklow, and W. by cos. Kildare and Meath. Area, 354 sq. m. . P. 418,910, of whom 765 percent, are Roman Cath. The Liffey is the only important r. On the cSt. is Dublin Bay and Howth Head. Thé Wicklow Mts. rise in the S. to 2000 ft. Cap. Dublin. Other chief tims. are Kingstown, Black Rock, Bray. The co. returns 2 members to Parliament. Dublin, city, metropolis of Irel., parl, and mun. bor. and spt. at mth. of R. Liffey, on D. Bay, 292 m. NW. London, via Holyhead, 64 in, from Holyhead... P. of parl... bor. 273,282; mun. bor. 249,602, olice dist. 349,643. D. contains the Castle, official residence of the ord Lieutenant and staff. Bank of Ireland, formerly the Parlia- ment, the University, or Trinity College, Courts of Jústice, or the Four Courts, St. Patrick's Cathedral, and Christ Church. D. returns 4 and the University 2 mem. to Parl. In 1885, 7374 vessels of 2,048,806ton, cleared the port. Exports, chemical products, spirits, glass, and porter. Dublin Bay, inlet of Irish Sea, co. Dublin, between Howth Head on the N. and Kingstown on the S. Dubnicza, tr. Bulgaria, 22 m. S. Sophia. P. Coco. [P. 7255. 2upno, the Russia, gov, Volhynia, 70 m. NE. Lemberg (Galicia). Bubois, tr. Pennsylv., Clearfield co., 129 m. NE. Pittsburg. P. 2718. Duboistown, bor. Pennsylvania, 3 m. S. Williamsport. Ru 0088ary, th: Russia, gov. Kherson, on the Dniester. P. 94.75. Rºrºvna, ºn. Russia, on R. Dnieper, 47 m. NNE, Mohilev. F. 7200. £ubuque, city, Iowa, cap. of P. co, on W. b. Mississippi R. P. 26.330. Duchray Water, Scot., a head-stream of the Forth, ºn W. Aberfoyle. Ducks, ry, sta, Canada, on C. P. Ry., 191 m. W. Donald. Buddęston, NE. suburb of Birmingham, Engl. P. 3,518. [P. 333. Duddingston, cSt. par, and vil. Scot. P. 7330; vii. 2; m. SE: Eói. 2uddon, r. Engl., Cumberland and Lancash., flows 20 m. to Irish Sea. D r D li Duderstadt, tri. Prussia, in Hanover, 15 m.SE. Göttingen. P. 4505 ** Ot. Düdingen, vil, Switz, cant, and 3 m. by rail NNE, Freyburg, P. 23.2. 24. DUIDLEY THE CENTURY GAZETTEER EGYPT Dudley, parl. and mun. bor. Engl., in a detached section of E. Wor- cestersh., surrounded by Staffordsh., 8 m. NW. Birmingham. P. of parl. bor. 87,527; mun. bor. 46,252. It returns I member to Parliament. D. is situated in the ‘Black Country.' - Dudweiler, vil. Prussia, circle of Saarbrücken. . P. of dist. 11,550. Dueñas, th Spain, prov. and 5 m. by rail S. Palencia. P. 3834. IXueru or Kakibbi, river, Equat. Africa, discovered by Emin Pasha, forms probable junction between Albert Nyanza and Muta Nzige. Due West, vil. S. Carolina, Abbeville co., 96 m. WNW. Columbia. Tuffel, vil. Belgium, Io m. by rail SE. Antwerp. P. 4460. [P. 2457. IJuffield, th: Engl., on R. Derwent, co. and 4 m. N. Derby. P. 2549. Tufftown, th: and ry. sta. Scot., Banff, 4 m. SE. Craigellachie Junc. 2. 1252. Limeworks and a distillery here. Duffus, cst, par. and vil. Scot, Elgin. P. 3985; vil, New Duffus. Duffi, ft. sta, on the Nile, in Egyptian Equatorial Prov. [Winnipeg. Dufrost, ry, sta, Canada, on Emerson div., , C. P. Ry, 40 m. S. Duida, mt. Venezuela, 20 m. NE. from R. Cassiquiare. Elev. 8500 ft. Duirinish, par. Scot., in W. of Skye. . P. 4319. , Area, 80,041 acres. . uisburg, tin. Rhenish Prussia, 15 m. N. Dusseldorf. , P. 47,519. 3Duiveland, isl. Holland, between mouths of Maas and Scheldt Rivers. uivels Kantoor, gold-field, S. Africa. Lat. 26°20' S.; lon. 30°50' E. 3Duke Centre, vil. Pennsylvania, M* Kean co. P. 2068; has oil wells. 3Dukinfield, tshp. Cheshire, in Staleybridge parl. bor. P.,29,675. . Dukla., tm. Austria, in Galicia, 17 m. SE. Jaslo, on the Jasielka. P. 3007. Julce (Golfo Dulce), lake, communicating with Atlantic, NE. Guatemala. Dulce or Golfo Dulce, gulf, inlet of Pacific Ocean, on cst. of Costa Rica. Dulcigno, spt. Turkey, in Albania, on the Adriatic. P. 7000. 3Duleek, vil. Irel., E. Čo. Meath, 5 m. SW. Drogheda. P. 581. Tülken, th Rhenish Prussia, 20 m. by rail W. Düsseldorf. P. 7487. Tull, par. and vil. Scot, Perth, 3% m. W. Aberfeldy. P. 2565. Dülmen, th: Prussia, Westphalia, 17 m. SW. Munster. P. 4570. Dulnain, r. Scot., NE. Inverness, flows to R. Spey, 28 m. long. 3Duluth, city and port of entry, Minnesota, cap. of St. Louis Co., at W. end of L. Superior, and E. terminus of N. Pacific Ry. P. 3643. Dulvadilla, ry. sta. Queensland, on Western Ry, 410 m. W. Brisbane. Tulverton, mkt. tr. Engl., W. Somerset, 21 m. W. Taunton. P. I273. T}ulwich, a S. sub. of London, with ry. sta. P. of East D. 23,318; South D. 3691. In yicinity is Dulwich College. Dumangas, the Philippine Islands, Panay Island. P. 25,000. Dumbarton, parl, and royal bur. and spt. Scot, co, th of D.shire, at confluence of Clyde and Leven, 16 m. NW. Glasgow by rail. P. of parl. bur. 13,782; royal burgh Io,898. It unites with Kilmarnock, Renfrew, Rutherglen, and Port-Glasgow in returning I member to Parliament. Shipbuilding is the chief industry. Dumbartonshire, co. Scot., having the estuary of the Clyde on the S., W. Loch Long and Argyll, N., Perth and E. Loch Lomond and Stirling. A detached portion lies to the E. between Lanark and Stirling. Area, 242 sq. m. ... P. 75,333. The N. Section is very mtnous. Ben Worlich is 3092 ft. high. Chieftns. Dumbarton, Kirkin- tilloch, Alexandria, Helensburgh, Cove, and Kilcreggan. The co, returns I member to Parliament. IDumbrowitza, r. Roumania, unites with the Arjis, 16 m. from Danube. Dum-Dum, tin. Bengal, 4% m. NE. Calcutta, P. (including troops) 4223. Dumfries, parl, and royal bur. Scot, co.th, of D.shire, on R. Nith, 33 A. - NW. Carlisle by rail. P. 17,092; royal bur. 15,713. The D. Burghs (D., Annan, Lochmaben, and Sanquhar, in the co., and Ičirkcudbright) return r member to Parliament. . 25,584. Dumfriesshire, maritime co, on S. border of Scot., has Solway Firth on the S., Kirkcudbright and Ayr on the W., Lanark, Peebles, and Selkirk on the N., and Roxburgh and Cumberland on the E. Area, 1063 sq. m. P. 76,140. The chief rivers are the Esk, Annan, and Nith. The northern parts are mountainous; Hartfell, 2651 ft. The co. returns I member to Parliament. - Dumraon, th Bengal, Shahabad Dist., sta, on E. Ind. Ry. P. 17,429. I)üna or Southern Dwina, r. Russia, rises in gov. Tver, and enters S. of Riga, 600 m., navigable most of its course. Area of basin 65,000 sq. m. See Dwina. [St. Petersburg to Warsaw. P. 69,003. Dünaburg, ft. th: Russia, gov. Vitebsk, on r. b. Diina, on rail froßh JJunbar, royal burgh and seaport, Scot., Haddingtonshire, 293 m. east of Edinburgh by rail. P. 3745. [tshp. 6327. I)unbar, vil. Pennsylvania, Fayette co., 61 m, SSE. Pittsburg. P. of Bunbeath, cSt. vil. Scot., Caithness, 20 m. S.W. Wick. Dunblane, mkt. tr. and ry. Sta. Scot., S. Perthsh., on Allan Water, 5 m. N. Stirling. P. 2186. Dunblane has an ancient cathedral and a hydropathic institution. [P. 479. 3Duncannon, vil. Irel., co. Wexford, on E. side of Waterford Harb. 3Duncansbay Head, the NE. extrem. of Scot., Caithness. Alt. 210 ft. Tundalk, mkt. and spt. th: Irel.., co. th of Louth, on R. Castletown, near D. Bay, 55 m. N. Dublin and 53 S. Belfast by rail, P. II,913. Dundas, tin. Ontario, Wentworth co., at W. extremity of Lake Ontario. Tundee, parl, and royal bur. and spt. Scot. Forfarsh., on .N. side of Tay, 213 m. E. Perth, 42 N. Edin., 84 NE. Glasg., and 441 N.W. London by rail. P. 142,063. D. is in population the third th: in Scot.; the first portin Britain for seal and whale fishery, and chief seat of the linen and jute manufs., annual value A, 8,000,000; other manufs. Inumerous and important. In 1885, III.7 vessels of 394,851 ton. cleared the port. D. returns 2 members to Parliament. Dundee, vil, and port of entry, Canada, Quebec, Huntingdon co., 76 miles S.W. of Montreal. P. I499. I) andonald, cst. P. and vil. Scot., Ayr, 5 m. SW. Kilmarnock. P. 8105. pundrennan, vif, and ruined abbey, and 5 m. SE. Kirkcudbright. Tundrum, spt. vil. and ry. sta. Irel., co. Down, on D. Bay., P. 372. Dundrum, vii. and ry. Stå. Irel., Co. and 4 m. S. Dublin. P. 492. Tundrum Bay, Irel.., co. Down, inlet of Irish Sea, 9 m. broad. [P. 5692. Dundwaraganj, th India, N.W. Provs., dist, and 22 m. NE. Etah. Bunedin, city, New Zealand, dist. of Otago, co. Taieri, 9 m. from Port Chalmers by rail. P. 24,372; with Suburbs, 42,794. I}unfanaghy, mkt. and spt. th Irel., N. Co. Donegal, 40 m. NW. Strabane. P. 598. Vessels of 100 tons can reach the quay. Tunfermline, pari. and royal bur. Scot., Fife, 3 m. N. of Firth of Forth, 16 m. NW. Edinburgh. ...P. parl. bur. 17,084; royal bur. 19,915. Staple manuf. is table linen and covers. D. is in the Stirling Bieżghs group, which returns I mem. to Parl. P. 36,780. Dungannon, mkºtn. Irel., co. Tyrone, 4om.by rail W. Belfast. P. 4084. Dungarpur, chief th: and native state, India, Rajputana. Lat. 23° A 52' N ; lon, 73° 49' E. P. of state, 153,381. Dungarvan, mkt. and spt. th: Irel., co. and 29 m. SW. Waterford. , 6 ... b33b. • Büngen, vil. Netherlands, N. Brabant, 3 m. SE. Bois-le-Duc. P. 3881. Tunge Ness, low headland, Engl., on S. cst. of Kent, 10% m. SE. Rye. Dungeness, tshp. Queensland, 935 miles north-west from Brisbane, at entrance to Hinchinbrook Channel. mkt. tin. Irel., co. Londonderry, 9 m. S. Limavady. P. 761. promontory, Scot., on the Clyde, 2% m. E. Dumbarton. , cst. vil. Irel., W. co. Donegal, 34 m. NW. Stranorlar. P. 468. tshp. New S. Wales, Durham co., 130m. N. Sydney. P. 440. tfi. Scot., E. Stirlingsh. P. 1257; part of burgh Denny and D. mkt. th: Scot., on R. Tay, co. and 153 m. NW. Perth. P. 768. tshp. Victoria, co. Villiers, 70 m. from Ballarat. P. 279. . (Fr. DuzzAergite), ft. spt. tin. France, dep. Nord, on Strait of 45 m. E. Dover. P. 38,025. [P. 7248. port of entry, New York, Chautauqua Co., on Lake Erie. mkt. Irel., W. co. Wicklow, 26 m. SW. Dublin. P. 615. and vil. Irel., co. Louth, 42 m. N. Dublin. P. 765; vil. 498. or Dun-sur-Auron, th: France, in Cher, II m. N. St. . 4555. Here there are iron-mines. of, mt pass, Irel., S. co. Kerry, near Killarney Lakes. par. and vil. Scot. P. 1363; vil. Ayrsh., 7 m. NW. Kilmarnock. Place, vil. Scot., Lanarksh., Dalserf par. P. 327. [P. 357. cst. par. and ruined cas. Irel.., N. Co. Antrim. . P. 2145. Bay, Irel., S.W. co. Cork, 16 m. long, 4 m. wide. , nikt. th: and ry. sta. Irel., on R. Bandon, co. Cork. ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry, 651 m. W. Winnipeg.[P. 2049. vil. and pottery, Scot., on R. Forth, 8 m. SE. Stirling. mkt. th: and par. Irel.., N. co. Galway, 8 m. NE. Tuam. East, fishing vil. Irel.., 8 m. SE. Waterford... P. 345. bor. Pennsylvania, Lackawanno co., 12 m. NE. Pittston. Town, Bahámas, on Harbour Isl., N. extrem. of Eleuthera. Great, mkt. th and par. Engl., Essex, on r. b. R. Chel- mer, 39% m. NE. London. P. 3005. - P. 338. 1) unmow, fittle, par. Engl., on 1. b. R. Chelmer, 2 m.SE. of above. Tunmurry, vii. and ry. sta. Irel, co. Antrim, 5 m. S.W. Belfast. P. 713. Linen manufactures here. [Thurso. P. 1607. Dunnet, cst. par. and vil. Scot., N. Caithness, on D. Bay, 9 m. SF- Tunnet Head, the most N. point of Scottish mainland, Caithness. & Dunnichen, par. and hamlet, Scot., 33 m. SE. of Forfar. P. 1422. * Dunning, par.,vil., and ry. sta. Scot., 93 m. S.W. Perth. P. 1635; vil. IoA8. Dunnotiar, cst, th and ruined cas. Scot. P.1708; part ºf Stonehāyºn. Dunnville, port of entry, Ontario, on Grand R., Monck co. P. 1452. Dunolly, mining th: Victoria, Gladstone co., 30 m. WNW. Castlemaine. Dunoon, th; Scot., Argyll, on W. shore Firth of Clyde, P.4%. Dunrobin Cas., Scot., séat of Duke of Sutherland, on CŞt.nºaº. Golspie. Dunrossness, par. and penin. Scot., S. extrem, of Mainland. Shetland. Duns, mkt. tr. and par. Scot., Berwicksh., 55 m. SE. Edin. P. tſ. 2437. Dunsandel, th New Zealand, prov. Canterbury, co. Selwyn, 25 m. S. Christchurch. Lat. 43°42' S.; lon. 172° 13' E. P., 150. Dunscore, par. and vil. Scot., 9 m. NW. Dumfries. P. I405: & Dunghaughlin, par. and vil, frei., S. co. Meath, 13 m. N. Dublin. Dunsinane Hill, Scot., in the Sidlaws, 8% m. NE. Perth, alt. IoI2 ft. Dunstable, mum. bor. Engl., Co. and 18 m. S. of Bedford. P. 4627. Dunstaffnage Cas., ruin, Scot., Argyll, 3% m. NE. Oban. Dunster, mkt, th Engl, W. Somerset, 5 m. W. Watchet, P.1126. Dunsyre, par. and vil. Scot., Lanarksh., 8% m. NE. Carstairs Junc. Duntocher, manuf. th Scot., 9 m. NW. Glasgow, Dumbartonsh. IJuntroom, in. New Zealand, co. Waitaki, Ioy m, from Dunedin. Dunvegan, vil. and cas. Scot., on D. Loch, Isle of Skye, Inverness. #jº and vil. Engl., E. Suffolk, 4 m. SW. Southwold, P.250. Düppel, vil, Prussia, in Schleswig, opposite Sonderburg. P. 630. Duquoin, vil. Illinois, Perry Co., 77 m. N. Cairo. P.2808. Bura, Den, vil. and ravine, Scot., Fife, 2% m. E. of Cupar. P. 38o. Durance, r. France, aff. of Rhône between Avignon and Tarascom. Durango, the Spain, prov. Biscay, 13 m, SE. Bilboa, P. 4276. Durango, an inland state, Mexico, E. of Cinaloa. Area 42,527 sq. m. P. 196,852. It is traversed by Sierra Madre. Cap. Durango,7295 ft. alt. Lat. 24° 25' N. ; lon. 103° 34' W, P. 20,000. Durazzo or Duras, ft. spt. th: Turkey, in Albania, on Adriatic. , P. 500c. Durban or D'Urban, th Africa, in Natal, 3 m. by rail from its harb, on Port Natal. Lat. 29° 30' S. P. 13,300. Durcal, vil. Spain, 15 m. S. of Granada. P. 2626. [P. 19,802. Düren or Mark-Düren, the Rhenish Prussia, 18 m. E. Aix-la-Chapelle. Turham, maritime co. N. Engl., bounded N. by Northumberld., E. N. Sea, S. by Yorksh., and W. by êuſſeià. and Westmor- l . Area, IoI2 sq. m. P. 867,258. In the W. are hills of the Pen- ine chain. Chief rs. Derwent and Tyne, Wear and Tees. The chief tims. are the parl. bors of Durham (co. tr.), Darlington, Gates- head, Hartlepool, S. Shields, Sunderland, and Stockton, and mun. bor. Jarrow. The co. returns 8 mems. to Parl. Durham, parl, and mun, bor, and episcopal city, Engl., Co. th of D., 12 m. S. of Newcastle, on R. Wear. P. 15,372. D. has a noble and a university. The bor. returns I mem. to Parl. N. Carolina, Orange co., 26 m. NW. Raleigh. P. 2041. Ontario, Grey co., on Saugeen R. P. 1059. Lead, th Victoria, IIom. NW, Melbourne. P. of dist. 1500. Ox, th: Victoria, 154 m. NW. Melbourne, agricult. dist. tn. Bavaria, in Rhenish Palatinate, Iom. N. Neustadt. Germany, Baden, 3 m. by rail ESE. Carlsruhe. P. 7656. par. Scot., NW. Sutherland. P. 987. Kyle of D. and Ferry. tn. Moravia, 25 m. SW, of Brünn, on the Thaya. P. 3024. vil. Switz., cant, and 16 m. SE, of Zurich. P. 2236. vil. Switz., cant. and 22 m. NE. Bern. P. 1450. [P. 579. tn. Ln. Austria, on the Danube, 33 m. WSW. Krems. par and vil. Scot., Dumfries, 6 m. N. Thornhill. P. IIo7. Durrow, mkt. th Irel., Queen's co., 2 m. NW. Attanagh rysta. P. 738. Dursley, mkt. th and ry. sta. Engl., 15 m. SW. Gloucester, . P. 2344. Durtal, tm. France, dep. Maine-et-Loire, rom. NNW. Baugé, on r. b. ... R. Loire. P. 3292. Mineral springs here. Düsseldorf, city, Rhenish Prussia, cap of gov. of D. on r. b. Rhine, 21 m. NNW. Cologne, P. 115,190. D. has an art School, and many manuf. Area of gov. 2110 sq. m. P. I,753,952. Butch Guiana, or Surinam, Dutch col. on NE. of S. America, having Brit. Guiana on W., French Guiana on E., and Brazil on the S Area, 46,069 sq. m. P. without Indians, 57,132. Cap. Paramaribo. Dutchville, th N. Carolina, U.S., co. Granville. P.2300. Duthill, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 91.4 m. W. Winnipeg. T}ux or Duchs, tm. Bohemia, 18 m. WNW., Leitmeritz. P. 7363. Tuxbury, cst. vil. Massachusetts, Plymouth Co., 38 m. SE. Boston. Dwarka, Spt. India, Kathiawar Penin., 22° 14' N, 69° 5' E. P. 5000. Dwina, Southern, r. See Düna. I)wina, Dvina, or Northern D., r. N. Russia, is formed by junction of Suchona and Vitchegda in gov. Vologda, and flows NW. to White Sea at Archangel. , Including the Suchona rooo m. long. Tyce, vil. Scot., 63 m. NW. Aberdeen, near r. b. of Don. P. 561. Dyffryn, vil. Engl., Glamorgansh., 53 m. SW. Llandaff. P. 661. Dyfi or Dovey, r. N. Wales, from Merioneth to Irish Sea, 30 m. long. Dykehead, vil. Scot., NE. Lanarksh., 3 m. W. of Shottsry. Sta. P. IIo5. Byle or Dyl, r. Belgium, flows N. and W., 50 m. to R. Nethe. Dyngia, vol. in. Central Iceland, Dysart, parl. and royal bur. and spt. Scot., Fife, on N. shore Firth of Forth, 2% m. NE. Kirkcaldy. P. of parl. bur. Io,877; tın. 2659. I). is one of the Kirkcaldy Parl. Bºtzg/ts. Działoszice, th Poland, on R. Warta; 36 m. SSW. of Kielce. P. 4167. Dzungaria. See Soungaria. Eagle, isl. Irel.., NW. Co. Mayo, 3 m. SW. Erris Head; lighthouse. Eagle Pass, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 88 m. W. Donald. Eagle River, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 232 m. W. Port Arthur. Eaglehawk, bor. Victoria, Bendigo co., IoS m. NW. Melbourne. Eaglesfield, vil. Scot., Dumfries, 1 m, NE. Kirtlebridge Sta. P. 534. #º, vil. Scot., S.E. Renfrewsh., 8% m. S. Glasgow. P. 888. Ealing, th Engl., Middlesex, 53 m. W. of Paddington by rail. P. 15,764. E. is a local gov. district. . 5497. Earlestown, th: and ry. sta. Engl., Lancash., 5 m. N. Warrington. Earlsferry, royal bur. Scot., Fife, 1 m. W. of Elie. P. 365. Earlston (formerly Ercildouzte), mkt. th: and ry. Sta. Scot., S.W. Berwicksh., 31 m. SE. of Edinburgh. P. Ioro. Earn, r. Scot., S. Perthsh., aff. of R. Tay, SE. Perth, 46 m. long, issues from Loch Earn, which is 63 m. long and 3 m. broad. Easdale, isl, and vil. Scot., W. CŞt. Argyllsh., II m. SW. Oban. Easedale, mtn. val, Engl., W. border of Westmorland. [P. 460. Easingwold, th: Engl., N. R. Yorksh., 10 m. SE. Thirsk. ...P. 2044. Easky, vil. Irel., N.W. co. Sligo, on R. Easky, 14 m. NE. Ballina. P. 374. Easley, th: S. Carolina, Pickens co., 12 m. SW. Greenville. P. 3030. East Athabasca, vil. Quebec, in A. co., 12 m. SE. Stanfold. P. 450. East Boothbay, cst. vil. Maine, U.S., 15 m. SSE, Wiscasset. P. I451. Eastbourne, mun. bor. and watering-place Engl., E. Sussex, 3 m. E. of Beachy Head, and 66 m. SE. London. P. 22,014. East Brady, bor. Pennsylvania, on Alleghany R., Clarion co. P. 1242. East Bridgewater, th: Massachusetts, Plymouth co., 24 m. S. Boston. East Cambridge, a sub. of Boston, U.S. P. ro, 134. [P. 2710. £ast Cape, most E. point of Asia. Lat. 66°6' N.; lon. 169° 50' W. East Chester, th: New York, 16 m. NNE. New York. P. 8737. East Cleveland, ril. Ohio, Cuyahoga co., 6.m. ENE. Cleveland. P. 2876. Easter Isl, or Waihu, isl. Pacific Ocean. Lat. 27°6’ S.; lon. Io9' 17' W. Eastern Archipelago, region of Oceania extending from 93° to 162° 30' E. lon., and from lat. 12° S. to 20° N. embracing thus the large and numerous isls. lying between SE. Asia and N. Australia, of which the principal are, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, Philip- pines, Papúa, Bismarck Arch., Salomon Isls., etc. . Distance from W. to E. about 5000 m.; N. to S. 2810 m. See Malaysia. Eastern Roumelia, prov. of Bulgaria, S. of Balkans, bounded E. by Black Sea, and S. and SW. by Roumelia. Area, 13,851 Sq. m. P. 975,030. Cap. Philippopolis; chief port, Burghas. In 1878, it was created by the Berlin Côngress an automatic prov. of the Turkish Empire, but has since effected a union with Bulgaria. . Fast Farnham, vil. Quebec, Brome co., 51 m. ESE. Montreal. P., in- cluding W. Farnham, 1880. º East Flanders (Fr. F/aziº're Orientfale), prov. Belgium, bounded N. by Netherlands. , Area, 1158 sq. m. P. 930,847. Cap., Ghent; main rivers, Schelde, and Lys. [Aurich. East Friesland, dist. of Prussia, in N.W. angle of Hanover. Cap. East Greenwich, vil. Rhode Isl., U.S., cap. of Kent Co. P. 2887. East Grimstead, mkt. tin. Engl., E. Sussex, 32 m. S. London. P. 6918. East Haddam, tshp. Connecticut, on E. side of Connecticut River. Eastham, tshp. Engl., on R. Mersey, 6 m. SE. Birsenhead. P. 639. East Ham, th: Engl., SW. border of Essex, 1% m. S W. Barking. P. 9713. East Hampton, tr. Massachusetts, Hampshire co. P. 4296.1[P. 3503. East Hartford, th Connecticut, Härtford co., on r. opposite Hartford. East Haven, vil. Connecticut, N. H. co., on Long Isl. Sound. P. 3057. East Indies, vaguely applied to India, Indo-China, and Malaysia. East Kilbride, tin. Scot., W. Lanark, 12 m. S. Glasgow. P. III.8. East Liverpool, th Ohio, Columbiana Co., on Ohio R. P. 5568. East Linton or Prestonkirk, th Scot., Haddingtonsh., on R. Tyne. East London, spt. Cape Colony, on SE. CSt. P. 2134, [P. Ioa2. East Looe, fishing port, Engl., E. Cornwall, on the Looe. P. 1353. East Main, r. Labrador, flows 400 m. to James Bay. Bast Lothian, another name for Haddingtonshire. East New York, th Long Isl., E. of Brooklyn. P. 12,000. [P. 5977. Easton, th Maryland, cap. of Talbot Co., 50 m. SSE. Baltimore. Easton, tº Massachusetts, Bristol Co., 25 m. S. Boston. P. 3902. Easton, city, Pennsylvania, cap. of Northampton co., at confluence of Lehigh and Delaware RS. P. I2,500. - - East Orange, th New Jersey, on E. border of Orange City. P. 8349. Eastport, port of entry, Maine, Washington Co. P. 4006. [P. 2934. East Portland, th: Gregon, on Willamette R., opposite Portland. East Plean, vil. Scotland, co. and 53 m. SE. Stirling. P. 369. . East Providence, tshp. Rhode Isl., U.S., on Seekönk R., opposite P. East Prussia (Ger. Ość Preussent), prov. Prussia, forming NE. extrem. of the kingdom, comprises govs. Königsberg, and Gumbinnen. Area, 14,278 sq. m. P. 1,959,475. Cap. Königsberg. East Saginaw, city, Michigan, on E. b. of R., 2 m. NE. of S. P. 19,916. Has a large trade in lumber and salt. . East St. Louis, bor. Illinois, St. Clair co., on Mississippi, opposite St. Louis on Missouri. P. ro,000. East Vale, th Engl., Staffordsh., 5 m. SE. Stoke-upon-Trent. P. I419- Eastwood, par. and vil. Engli, 9 m. NW. Nottingham. . P. 3566. Eaton, vii. Öhio, cap. of Preble co., 53 m, N. by W. Cincinnati. P. 2143. Eaton, tshp. Cheshire, on R. Dee, 4 m. S. Chester. P. 32. Eauabalong, tº New S. Wales, co. Blaxland, 351 m. W. Sydney. Eau Claire, city, Wisconsin, cap, of E. C. co., on Chippewa R. P. ro, 119. Eau Claire, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 210 m. W. Ottawa. Eaux-Bonnes, Les, vil. France, Basses Pyrenées, 22 m. S. Pau. P. 826. Eaux-Wives, suburb of Geneva, Switz., on SE. shore of Lake. P.7365. Eauze or Buše, the France, in Gers, 15 m. SW. of Condom. P. 4386. Ebbw Vale, in Engl., seat of iron-works, Monmouth and Brecknock 178 miles north-west of London. P. 14,700. Ebchester, par. and vil. Engl., N. Durham, on R. Derwent. P. 14oz. Ebeleben, th; Germany, 9 m. SW, of Sondershausen. P. 1425. Eberbach, vil, Baden, on R. Neckar, 23 m. E. Mannheim. P. 4857. Ebersbach, th: Germany, circle of Budissin, Saxony. P. 7493. - Ebingen, th: Würtenberg, Iom. ESE. Bahlingen. P. 6086. Eboli or Evoli, th Italy, 44 m. SE. Naples, in Salerno. P. ºr,536. Éboulemens, Les, vil.-port, on St. Lawrence, 69 m. below Québec. Ebro, r. Spain, from Cantabrian Mts., Santander Prov., flows SE. 400 m, to Mediterranean in Tarragona Prov. Ebwy, r. Engl., Monmouthsh., aff. of Usk, 2 m. S. of Newport. 24 m. Ecausoines, vil. Belgium, prov. Hainaut, on the Seine. P. 6172. Ecclefechan, vil. and ry. sta. Scot., Dumfries, 20 m. NW. Carlisle. Eccles, th Engl., on R. Irwell, 4 m.W. Manchester. P. 11,143. (P. 768. Eccles, Hº and vil. Scot., S. Berwicksh., 53 m. SE. Greenlaw. P. 1546. Ecclesall Bierlow, tshp. Engl., S.W. of Sheffield. P. 58,791. Ecclesfield, par. and tshp. Engl., 6 m. N. Sheffield. P. 32,387. Eccleshall, mkt, th Engl., co, and 7 m. NW. Stafford. P. 4075. Eccleshill, th; and tshp. Engl.;3 m. NE. Bradford, on R.Aire. P. 7037. Echinos, th Greece, nom. of Acarnania and Ætolia. P. 5710. - Echmiedzin or Etchmiadzin, ft. monastery, Russia, gov. Erivan, 20 m. N. of th of E., called the ‘Rome of the Armenian Church.” and vil. Scot., co, and 12 m. W. of Aberdeen. P. 1297. th. Netherlands, prov, and 19 m. NE. Luxembourg. bor. Victoria, on Murray R., opposite Moama. P. 4500. [P.4200. tshp. S. Australia, Co. and 21 m. SE. Adelaide. P.144. Spain, on R. Xenil, prov. and 45 m. NE. of Seville. P. 24,955. loch, Scot, Argyll, 4 m. N. of Holy Loch, 6 m. long. tn., Prussian Saxony, 25 m. SW. Merseburg. P. 2013. Prussia, on the Baltic, Iom. ESE. Schleswig. P. 5604. par. and vil. Scot., Roxburgh, 6 m. S. of Kelso. P. 912. ', ft. France, dep. Ain, 14 m. SW. Geneva. º, rep. S. America, under the Equator, whence its name, having Colombia on the N., the Pacific on the W., Peru on the S., and Brazil on the E. Area, 251,327 sq. m. P. 1,004,651, ex- clusive of wild Indians, whose number is unknown. The Gala- pagos Isls. belong to the rep. The chains of the Andes traverse the W. portion of the country from N. to S., of which some of the peaks are, Cumbal, Pichincha, Chimborazo, Cayambe, Antisana, Cotopaxi, and Sangay. . The plains to the E. are drained by affs. of the Amazon. . Principal tris, are Quito (the cap.), Guayaquil, Cuenca, and Loja. The language is Spanish, and religion Roman Catholic. e [Quebec. P. 1200. Ecureuils, Les, vil.-port, Canada, on St. Lawrence, 25 m. below Eda, ft. th; Sweden, 60 m. NW. Carlstadt, near the frontier. P. 5655. Edam, th Netherlands, 12m. NE. Amsterdam, on Zuyder Zee. P. 5880. Edar, state, India, in Kathiawar, Gujarat. P. 258,429. Area, 4966 sq. m. Cap. Edar, 64 m. NE. Ahmadabad. P. 6223. Edawauma, vil. India, Madras Pres., Malabar Dist. Lat. II*59' N., on ... b. R. Beypore. P. 4800. Eday, isl. Scot., Orkney Isls., Stronsay and Fölay par., P. 732. Ed Damer, tr. Nubia, on r: b. of Nile, at influx of the Acbara. Eddington, post th: Victoria, 99 m. NW. Melbourne, on R. Loddon. ddlestone, par., vil, and ry. Sta. Scot, co. and 44 m. N. of Peebles. ddraçhillis, cst. par. and bay, Scot., W. Sutherland. P. 1525. ddystone Lighthouse, in Engl. Chan., 14 m. S.W. Plymouth, 168 ft. Ede, tm. Netherlands, proy. Gelderland, 11 m. WNW. Arnhem. P. 11,955. Eden, cst, vil. New S. Wales, Auckland Co., 283m. SW, Sydney. P. 230. Eden, r. Engl., Westmorland and Cumberland to Solway, 65 m. Eden, r. Scot., Fife, flows E. 29 m. to St. Andrews Bay. 15¢ en; r. Scot., aff, of the Tweed, 3% m. NE. of Kelso, is 23 m. long. denbridge, par, and vil. Engl., W. Kent, 30 m. SE. London. P. 1943. denderry, th: Irel.., NE. King's Co., 373 m. W. of Dublin. P. 1555. denhope, tshp. Victoria, on Lake Wallace, 260 m. W. Melbourne. Edenkoben, th Rhenish Bavaria, 7 m. by rail N. of Landau. P. 5008. C C C : Edentom, port of entry, N. Carolina, cap. of Chowan co. P. 1382. en Walley, tm. S. Australia, 44% m. NE. Adelaide, on E. Creek. Edfu or Edfoo, th Up. Egypt, on 1. b. of Nile; ruins of two temples. Edgartown, port of entry, Massa., U.S., on E. CSt. Martha's Vineyard. gbaston, par. Engl., a W. dist. of Birmingham. P. 22,760. gecumbe, Mt., New Zealand, N. Isl., near W. C.St., 10,000 ft. gehill, ridge, Engl., on S. border of Warwicksh., site of battle. Edgewater, th New York, on Staten Isl., on N. Y. Bay. . P. 8044. { £ geWorthstown, tr. Irel., E. co. Longford, 67% m. NW. Dublin. P.842. geware, par. and vil. Engl., Middlesex, 11% m. NW. London. P. 816. Edinburgh, city, cap. of Scot., parl, and royal bur., and co. th: of Mid- lothian, 13 m. from Leith, its spt. on S. shore of Firth of Forth, 42 m. E. of Glasgow, 396% m. N. of London by E. CŞt. route. P.236,032. Lat. 55°57'23" N.; lon. 3° 10' 30" W. E. is renowned for its pictur- esque situation and general beauty, and is the Seat of a celebrated University and Medical School, of the Law Courts, many educa- tional and charitable institutions, and the Royal Scot. Academy of Fine Arts, etc. The most prominent structures are the Castle, Holyrood Palace, St. Giles's and St. Mary's (Episcopal) Cathedrals, the Assembly Hall, University, New Medical School, Royal In- firmary, Heriot's, Donaldson's, Stewart's, and Orphan Hospitals, Fettes College, High School, Edinburgh Academy, Industrial Museum, Royal Institution, National and Portrait Galleries, Par- liament House, Advocates' and Signet Libraries, General P. O., Register House, Bank of Scot., etc. A Free Library is (1888) in course of erection. E. is also noted for its bookbinding, §: and publishing, type-foundries, etc. Tanning, brewing, distilling, manuf. of glass and jewellery are important industries. The city returns 4 M.P.s, and the university unites with that of St. Andrews in returning I. The Castle Rock, Calton Hill, Arthur's Seat, and Salisbury Craigs, are prominent features of the landscape. Edinburghshire or Midlothian, maritime co. Scot., S. side of Firth of Forth, is bounded E. by Haddingtonsh., Berwicksh., and Rox- burghsh., S. by Selkirksh., Peeblessh., and Lanarksh., and W. by Linlithgowsh. Area, 362 sq. m., P. 389,164. The co. returns 1 M.P. Chief tims, are Edinburgh, Leith, Portobello, Mussel- burgh, Dalkeith, Loanhead, Penicuik, and W. Calder. Chief rs. Esk, Water of Leith, and Avon. The Pentland and Moorfoot Hills traverse the co. Paper-works, coal and iron mining, and shale-works, are the chief industries. [shore York Penin. Pdithburg, th S. Australia, 217 m. (50 by water) W. Adelaide, on E. Edmonton, th and par. Engl., Middlesex, 7% m. N. London. P. 23,463. Edmundston, Little Falls or Madawaska, village, Canada, province New Brunswick, on River St. John. Fdnam, par. and vil. Scot., Roxburghsh., 2% m. NE. Kelso. P. 613. Edrom, par. and vil. Scot., E. Berwicksh., 3 m. NE. Duns. P., 1514- Edwardesabador Dhulipnagar, th: Punjab, cap. of Bannu Dist., P. 8969. Edwardsburg or Port Elgin, village, Canada, prov. Ontario, Grenville co., 8 m. NE. PreScott. P. 5431. [P. 2887. Edwardsville, vil. Illinois, cap. of Madison co., 19 m. NE. St. Louis. Edzell (Aigle), vil. Scot., Forfarsh., on N. Esk, 5% m. N. Brechin. P.370. Eeckeren, tm. Belgium, 4 m. by rail N. of Antwerp. P. 4205. Eecloo or Eccloo, 'th. Belgium, Iom. NW. of Ghent, P. II,164. Eermeghan, th: Belgium, E. Flanders, 9 m. WSW. Bruges. P. 3320- Effingham, vil. Illinois, Effingham co., 99 m. ENE. St. Louis. P. 3065. Ega, tin. Brazil, on R. Teffe, near the Amazon, 1150 m. above Para- Eganville, vil. Ontario, Renfrew co., on Bonnechère R. P.400. Egba, kingdom, W. Africa, S. of Yoruba, cap. Abbeokuta. P. 290,000. Egea. de los Caballeros, th Spain, 34 m. NNW, of Saragossa. P. 4289. £geln,tn. Prussian Saxony, 16 m. SW. Magdeburg, on the Bode. P. 5075. Eger, r. Bohemia, aff. of the Elbe, 33 m. NNW. Prague, 125 m. long. £ger, th Bohemià, on the right bank of the River Eger. P. II,78r. Manufactures, cloth, hats, and shoes. [long. P. of th: 6000. £gerdir, lake and th: Asia Minor, 15 m. NE. Isbarta; lake, 27 m. Egeröe, isl. off SW. cst. Norway, 40 m. SSE. of Stavanger. £gersund, fishing th Norway, 38 m. S. of Stavanger. P. 2144: - Egerszeg, vil. Hungary, on the Zala, £% m. SSW. of Raab. P. 4ooo. £gg, vil. Switz., cant. and 9 m, S.E. of Zurich. . P. 2274. Egga, tu. W. Africa, on r. b. of Niger, in Yoruba cºuntry. P. 15,000. Eggebee, walled tn. W. Africa, 80 m. S. by W. of Kano. P. I4,000. Eggegrund, vil. Norway, prov, Norrland. Lat. 60° 43' 30" N. - Eggenstein, vil. Baden, near Carlsruhe. P. I577: Egg Harbor City, vil. New Jersey, Atlantic co. P. 1232; ſº 8692. Egham, par., vii., and ry. Sta. Engl., co: Surrey, on . b. of Thames. Egilshay, isi. Scot., Orkney Isls., 11 m. N. of Kirkwall, P. F65. Eglinton Castle, seat, Scot, N. Ayrsh.; 2 Jn. N..of Irvine. Eglinton Iron Works, vil. Scot., 23 m. NW. Irvine. ... P.,672. £gmondville, vil. Ontario, Huron Co., 2 m, from Seaforth. P. 500. º ont, vol. New Zealand, 18 m. S. New Plymouth, 8270 ft. remont, th: Engl., W. Cheshire, 2 m. NW. Birkenhead... P. 2976. remont, mkt, tr. Engl., W. Cumberland, 6 m. SE. Whitehayei). ripo, Greece. See Euboea and Chalcis. [P. 5976. Egyék, vil. Hungary, on R. Theiss, 15 m. NW. Nadudvar. P. 3539. Egypt (Ārab. Āz Misr or Musr: Coptic, Khem : Turk. Áº). country of NE. Africa, and including a small, portion of Asia (Sinai Peninsula), is bounded N. by the Mediterranean, E. by Arabia and the Red Sea, S. by Nubiá, and W. by the Libyan De- sert. Egypt, properly so called, consists of the Delta and val. of the Nile, as far S. as Wady Halfa, at the 2d Cataract, a distance : : 25 EHEN THE CENTURY GAZETTE E R ESK of 850 m. The val. has an average width of 8 m, of fertile land, Šišič desert beyond. Egypt comprises, beside the Red Sea littoral (gov. of Kosseir), El Arish (Sinai), and Isthmus of Suez; and W. ºf the Nile the oasis of the Libyan Desert: In the S. a part of Dongola Proy., the mostS. tº being Akasheh. Total area, io,690 sq. m., or, including the desert Country, 394,345. P. 6,317,265. The rainfall in Egypt being remarkably deficient, the Country owes its great fertility entirely to the annual inundation by the Nile, which, beginning early in June, reaches the maximum ãout the 'second week of September, and subsides by the middle of November. The climate is not considered to be salu- ixious, Egypt is famous as the seat of very ancient civilisation, many monuments of which remain, the Pyramids being especially jºšrated. The principal towns are, Cairo (the cap.), Alexandria (the chief port), Damietta, Tanta, Assiout, Port Said, etc. The African dependencies of Egypt comprised until recently Nubia, the Egyptian Soudan, including Senaar, Dongola, Kordofan, Darfur, Fertit, etc., and the provinces of the Equator extending up the Nile to the great lakes. These have now been abandoned ășa source of weakness rather than of strength. Egypt is tribu- tary to Turkey, and furnishes besides a contingent of troops in time of war. In all other respects it is independent of that Power. The head of the gov. is the Khedive, a hereditary despot...The whole gov. is at present (1887) under the control of Great Britain. Ehen, r. Engl, Cumberland, from Ennerdal; Wºº to Irish Sea, I2 m. Ehingen, th: Würtemberg, 15 m. by rail S.W. of Ulm. P. 4272, Ehningen, vil. Würtemberg, 7 m.W. of U rach, ... P. 3395. Ehrenberg, th: Bohemia, 25 m. NE. of Leitneritz, P. 5231. Ehrenbreitstein, th and ft. Prussia, on r, b. Rhine, Qpposit; Coblenz, F. g339. Theft. on a rock 468 ft. high, “the Gibraltar of the Rhine. Ehrenfelá, th Prussia, a sub. of Cologne. P. 18,343. Ehrenfriedersdorf, th Saxony, 44 m. SW. Dresden. P. 4370. Eibenschütz, th Moravia, on the Iglawa, 12 m. SW. Brünn, P. 3630. Eibenstock, tr. Saxony, 16 m. SSE of Zwickau. P. 6913. IF. 4990. £ibergen, vil. Netherlands, prov. Gelderland, 22 m. E. Zutphen. Eichsād; or Aichstadt, tin. Bavaria, 30 m. S. 9f Nürnberg. P. 7655. Eider, r. Prussia, ſlows 90 m. to N. Sea, between Holstein and SČhleswig. Area of basin, 1307 S3; ſº. tº a - - Eidsvold, th’Norway, 42 m. by rail NNE. of Christiania. P. 7500. Eifel, hiſ range, Rhenish Prussia, connected W. With the Ardennes. Eigg, isi, (6; by 4 m.) Inverness, 5 m. S.W. Sleat Pºint, Skye. P. 297. Eigér, mt. Switz, Bernese Alps, 2 m, N. of Mönch; elev. 13,945 ft. Eii, Loch, sealoch, Scot, Argyll and Inverness, Up, and I-r-, 3m, long. Eilau or £ylau, th W. Prussia, 35 m. SE: of Marienburg. P. 3832, £iian or Eylau, th E. Prussia, 23 m. S. Königsberg. P.3629; a battle was fought here Feb. 8, 1807 between the French and Rus. and Prus. Eildon Hills, Scot., Roxburghsh., near Melrose, have 3 Summit5, Eilenburg, th: Prussian Saxony, on R. Mulde. P.E.I,032. [1385 ft. Eimbeck, th Prussia, 38 in. SSE. Hanoyer, 9}} R. Ilme. P. 7991. Eimeo, isi. Society Isis., in the Pacific, NW, of Tahiti. P.1599. [P. 4178. Eindhoven, th: Netherlands, N. Brabant, 19, m. SE. Boš-le-Dug. £insiedein, thand place of Roman Catholic pilgrimage, Switzerland, cant. and 9 m. ENE. Schwytz. . P. 849). • Eisenach, tr. Germany, cap. of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, 45 m. W. of Weimar, in the Thuringian Forest. P. 19,743. * - Eisenach, principality, Germany, in the west of Thuringia. Cap. Eisenach. Area, 285 sq. m. P. 84,298. Eisenberg, th Germany, in Sachsen-Altenburg. P. 690ſ. Eisenstadt, th Hungary, 7 m. NNW, of Oedenburg, P: 2473. [P.3278. Eisfelt, tr. Germany, on R. Werra, 23 m. by rail ESE. Meiningen. Eisgrub, th Moravia, 29 m. SSE. Brünn, on R., Thaya. P. 2251. Eisleben, thºrussian Saxony, 18 m. W. of Halle. P. 23,4753 Copper Ekaterinburg, Russia. See Yekaterinburg. [and silver works. Ekaterinodar, Russia. See Yekaterinodar. Ekaterinograd, Russia. See Yekaterinograd. Ekaterinoslav, Russia. See Yekaterinoslay. Ekersund, tin. Norway, amt Stavanger, on W. CŞt. P.2400. Ekinäs, spt. Finland, on N. side of entrance to G. of Finland. P. 1340. Ekesjo, th Sweden, 33 m. ESE. of Jonkoping. P. 21.40. Eksjö, th Sweden, 160 m. S.W. of Stockholm. P. 1596. El Áhsa, country of Asia. See Lahsa. [1300 ft. . P. 427. Elaine, 'th. Victoria, co. Grant, 80% m, N.W. Melbourne, elevation Elan, r. S. Wales, aff, of R. Wye, 4% m. SW. Rhayader, 15 m. long. El Araish, ft. spt. Morocco, on Atlantic, 45 m. SSW. Tangier. P. 5090. El Arish, vil. Egypt, on Mediterr., at mth; of Wadi-el-Arish. P. 2284. El Arouch, vil. Algeria, 20 m. by rail S. of Philippeville. . P. 2127. El Atef, tr. Algerian Sahara. Lat. 32°28' N. ; lon. 2° 18' E. P. 2500. £Iba, isi. Italy, in Mediterranean, off Tuscan cst... P. 21,755. El Bácharieh, oasis, in Libyan Desert, Lat. 28° N. . £lbe, r. Germany, from the Riesengebirge in Bohemia, flows NW. through Saxony, and separating Holstein and Hanover, enters N. Sea at lat. 53° 50' N., after a course of 720 m. Area of drainage, 55,600 sq. m. It receives on the r. the Elster and Havel, on the iſ the Moldau, Eger, Mulde, and Saale. On its banks are Dres- den, Magdeburg, Hamburg, and Altona. * Elberfeld, th Rhenish Prussia, on R. Wupper, 15 m. by rail B. of Düsseldorf, and adjoining Barmen. P. Ioč,499. E. is one of the most important manuf. tims. of Europe. - Tºlbe-Teinitz, tin. Bohemia, on R. Elbe, 19 m. W. of Chrudim. P.2345. Elbeuf, th France, Seine-Infér., 13 m. SSW. of Rouen, on R. Seine. P. 23,512. Chief industry, cloth manufacture. . . [P.37,395. bing, ft. spt. W. Prussia, 34 m. by rail ESE. Dantzic, on the Elbing. lbingerodé, th Prussia, in the Härz, 20 m. E. Clausthal. P. 3185. Ibogen, ft. th Bohemia, 74 m. by rail W. by N. of Prague. P. 3298. | Bostan, th: Asiatic Turkey, 40 m. NW. Marash. P. 8-9000. bruz or Elburz, mt. range, Persia, skirting S. shore of Caspian Sea. Highest peak Demavend, 21,000 ft. £lbruz, the highest peak of the Caucasus; elev. 18,526 ft. Elburg, th Netherlands, in Gelderland, on the Zuyder Zee. P. 2636. El Carpio, th Spain, 22 m. WNW. of Toledo, near the Tagus. P. 2588. Eſche, th: Spain, 13 m. S.W. of Alicante. P. 19,636. £lda, tm. Spain, 26 m. NW. Alicante, on the Elda. P. 4337. Eldagsen, th: Prussia, in prov. and 15 m. SSW. Hanover. P. 2496. El Dahma or El Hammed, desert plain on NE. frontier of Arabia. Bl Dakhel, oasis, Egypt. Lat. 25°30' N. ; lon. 29° E. Blde, r. aff, of the Elbe at Domitz, 62 m. SE. Hamburg. Length,94 m. Elderslie, vil. Scot., Renfrewsh., 2 m. W. of Paisley. P. r141; tra- ditional birthplace of Sir William Wallace. Eldon, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 945 m. W. Winnipeg. . [Guiana. El Dorado (Lazzd of Gold), name given by Spaniards to what is now El Dorado, tin. Victoria, co. Bogong, 12m.W. by N. Beechworth. P.1562. Elek, vil. Hungary, 15 m. NW. of Simand, co. Arad. P. 5607. [4300. Elemar, vil. Hungary, co. Torontal, 9 m. NW. Nagy-Becskerek. P. Elephanta, isl, in Bombay Harb., Thana Dist.; has famous rock caves. Elephantiné, isl. Upper Egypt, in the Nile, opposite Assouan. Eleuthera, #. Bahama Isis., separated from Abaco by Providence an. I’. 3OOO. El Farafreh, oasis in Libyan Desert, 80 m. SW, of El Dakhel. El Fasher, th: Africa, cap. of Darfur, 225 m.W. of El Obeid. P. 12,000. Elfdal, Elfdalem or Elfvedal, vil. Sweden, 72 m. N.W. Falun. P. 4208. Elfeld, tr. Prussia, prov. Hessen-Nassau, on the Rhine. P. 33 Elfkarleby, th Sweden, 50 m. N. Upsala, at mouth of Elf: Gulf of Bothnia; iron-works, and fisheries. P. 5138. Elfsborg or Wenersborg, laºn of SW. Sweden, W. of L. Wener. Area, 4948 sq. m. P. 282,335 ; cap. Wenersborg. Elgg., tm. Switz., cant. and 18 m. by rail NE. Zurich. P. 7248. El Ghor, Arabia. See Arabah. Elgin, parl, and royal bur. Scot, cap. of Elginsh., on R. Lossie, 37 m. NE. Inverness. P. of parl. bur. 7413. E. has ruins of a noble gathedral. The EAgizz Bzzz:ghs return 1 M.P., and consist of Elgin, I3anff, Cullen, Inverurie, Kintore, and Peterhead. P. 31,804. Elgin, city, Illinois, Kane co., 36 m. WNW. Chicago. P. 8787. Elginshire or Morayshire, maritime co. in NE. Scot., bounded N. by Moray Firth, E. and SE. by Banffsh., S.W. by Inverness, and W. by Nairnsh. Area, 477 sq. m. P. 43,788. It inites with Nairnsh. in returning r M.P., Chief tims. Elgin (co. th:), and Forres. The Spey, Lossie, and Findhorn, are the main rivers. [3°ro’E. P.650. El Goleå, ºn. and caravan sta. Algerian Sahara. Lat. 30°35' N; ión. El Gran Chaco, vast plain of S. America, in Bolivia and Argentina. *-* Lat. I 8°-28° S. ; lon. 58°-63° W. Surface mostly desert. #hām, par. and yil. Engl., E. Kent, 63 m. NW, Folkestone. P. r192. El Hejaz or Hedjaz, region of Arabia, Ottoman Émpire, extending along the Red Sea. It contains the cities of Mecca and Medina, and the spts. of Jiddah and Yembo; soil unproductive. [ferry) 917. bur. Sºot., S.E. CŞt. Fife, 34 m. NE. Edinburgh. P. (with Éarls- cSt. Vil, and par. Engl., co. Hants, 4 m.W. Southampton. P. 6032. of the nom. of Achaia and Elis, NW Morea, Greece. Russia. Sce Yelisabetgrad. - tshp. Maine, U.S., Co. Cumberland. P. 5302. the N. extremity of Saghalien Island. [P. 32,149. Jersey, cap. of Union co., 14 m. WSW. New York. N. Carolina, 40 m. S. Norfolk. P. 272r. io, U.S., Co. Lawrence. P. 4586. [ville. P. 4354. vil. Kentucky, cap. of Hardin co., 42 m. S. Louis. See Yelisavetpol. ſm. long. r. Portugal, aff, of Tagus, 7 m. SW. Alcantara, 50 on B. b. Nile, 40 m. SSE. Thebes... [N.; lon. 29°iš. tº Egypt, cap. of oasis El Dakhel. Lat. 25° 4: ft. SPt. Arabia, in Larsa, on Persian Gulf, i 4O. al, in city Čity th. El Khalil (anc. Hebron), tin. Asiatic Turkey, Palestine. P. 18,009. f El Khargeh or The Great Oasis, in Libyan Desert, Egypt. Lat: 25°30'. Elkhart, th Indiana, on St. Joseph R., Ior m. E. Chicago. P. 6953. Elkhart, r. Indiana, aff. of St. Joseph R. at Elkhart, 90 m. long. Elkhorn, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry, 197 m. W. Winnipeg. Elk Mts., Colorado, U.S., of which Castle Peak is 14,115 ft. Elko, th Nevada, U.S., cap. of E. Co., on Humboldt R. P. 4000. Ellalong, th: New S. Wales, 120 m. N. Sydney. P. of dist. 700. Elland, tr. Engl., W. R. York, on R. Calder, 3 m. SE. Halifax. P. 8278. Ellen, r. Engl., W. Cumberland, enters Solway at Maryport, 18 m. Ellenburg, th New York, Clinton Co., 28 m., E. Malone. P. 3186. Bllen's Isle or Eilean Molach, wooded islet, Scot., near ft. L. Katrine; principal scene of Scott's Lady of the I-6&é. Ellenville, vil. New York, Ulster Co., 80 m. NNW. New York. P.2750. Ellerslie, tshp. Victoria, co. Hampden, 1.42% m. S.W. Melbourne. Ellesmere, mkt. th: Engl.,N. Shropsh., Irm. SW.Whitechurch. P. 1875. llesmere, Lake, New Zealand, prov. Canterbury, near the Sea. Ellesmere Land, Arctic N. America, W. Smith Sound, 78° N, Elleszelles, th: Belgium, in Hainaut, 16 m. NE. Tournay; , P: 5439. Ellice Isls., coral grp. Polynesia, in the Mulgrave Archipelago, S. Pacific. Lat. 8° 33' S. ; lon. 179° 13' E. P.2500. te Ellichpur, dist. India, Berar. Arca, 2623 sq. m. P. 313,805. Cap. is E. Ellichpur, city, cap. of above. . Lat. 21° 15' 30" N. ; lon. 77°29' 30" E. 98 m. W. of Nagpur. P. 26,728. . Ellicot, tshp. New York, at S. extremity of Chautaugua Lake, P. 9026. Elliott, post th: Queensland, co. Lennox, 200 m. N. Brisbane. Elliston, post th, S. Australia, co. Musgrave, 317 m. W. Adelaide. Ellon, par. and vil. Scot., E. Aberdeensii, on R.Ythan. P. 3698; vil;964. Ellora, vil. India, in Nizam's Dominions, 13 m, NW. Aurangabad. P. 43. E. is famed for its rock temples and Muhammadan shrine. Elloré, th India, Madras. Lat. 16°42' N, ; lon, 81°9' E. P. 25,092. Ellrich, th Prussian Saxony, 7 m. by rail NW, Nordhausen. , P. 3038. Ellsworth, city and port of entry, Maine, cap. of Hancock co., 28 m. SE, Bangor. P. of city, 5052; tshp. 5257. El Mebarrez, th: Arabia, 33 in. S. of Lahsa. P. IQ,900. * - Elm Creek, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry, 45 m. S.W. from Winnipeg. Elmina, ſt. spt. (British) on Gold Cst., W. Africa. P. 15,000. Elmira, city, New York, cap.of Chemung co., Qn Chemung R. P. 29,541. Elmshorn, th Prussia, prov. Schleswig-Holstein, 18 m. NW. Ham- burg. P. 8712; weaving, iron-casting, and brewing: Elne, tr. Francé, in Pyrenées-Orientales, 8m. SSE. Perpignan. P. 3103. Elora, vil. Canada, province Ontario, Wellington Co., on Grand River, 14 miles by rail NW. of Guelph. . P. I387. [P. 7700. El Ouad or El Wad, vil, Algerian Sahara, 119 m. S. by E. of Biskāra. El Paso del Norte, settlement, on right bank Rio Grande, in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico. P. 6000. Blphin, mkt, th Irel, co, Roscommon, 9 m, SW. Carrick-on-Shannon, is *-*** * - . 597, Epiºne, mining vil. Scot., Haddington, 2 m. SW. Tranent. £lphinstone, tshp. Victoria, co. Talbot, 703 m. NNW, Melbourne. El Rosario, the Mexico, State Cinaloa, 55 m. ENE. Mazatlan. Elsass, German for A/race. Elsfleth, tin. Germany, in Oldenburg, on the Weser. P. 21.13. Elsinore (Dan. Helsingör), in. Denmark, isl, of Zealand, on the Sound. P. 8978; opposite Helsingborg. Elster, Black (Schzőartze Elster), r. Germany, flows NW, through Saxony to the Elbe, 8 m. E. of Wittenberg (Prussia). Length, 105 m. It receives the Rhoder on its right bank. * - Elster, White (JPeisse Elster), r. Germany, flows N. Iro m. and joins the Saale near Halle. It receives the Pleisse. - Elsterberg, th Saxony, 6 m. by rail SSW. Greitz, on White Elster. P. 4052; cotton manufactures, and tanning. * - Elsternwick, vil. suburb, Melbourne, Victoria, 6 m. by rail S. of city. £lstow, vil. #3 m. S. Bedford. P. 558. Birthplace of J. Bunyan. Elstree, par. and vil. Engl., on S. border of Herts. P. 662. Elswick, tshp. Engl., S. Northumberland, W. of Newcastle. P. 34,642 Eltham, tshp. Engl., Kent, 7 m. by rail ESE. London. P. 5827. Eltham, tin. Victoria, on R. Yarra, 14 m. ENE. Melbourne. Elton Lake, salt lake, Russia, goy. Samara, 90 m. ENE. of the Volga. Elton, tshp. Engl., S.E. Lancashire, in parl. bor. of Bury. P. II,947. Eltz, r. Bäden, joins the Rhine 20 m. S. of Strasburg, 33 m. long. Elvan Water, Lanarksh., aff, of the Clyde from Lowther Hills. Elvas (Span. Helves), ſt. th Portugal, 12 m. W. of Badajos. P. II,206. Elvend, mt, grp. W. Persia. Lat. 34°50' N. Elverum, th Norway, amt Hedemarken, on R. Glommen. P. 7200. El Viso, vil. Spain, in Andalusia, 40 m. N. of Cordova. ... P. 3166. Elwangen, tr. Würtemberg, on R. Jaxt, 45 m. by rail BNE. Stutt- art. . 471 I. Flwº, r. N. Wales, Denbighsh., ſlows NE. 20 m. to the Clwyd. Ely, city and Inkt., tm. Engl., Cambridgesh., on 1. b. of R. Ouse, 15 m. NE. of Cambridge by rail. P. 8171. Ely has a very fine cathedral. Ely, Isle of, or Cambridgeshire Fens, in N. of co., cut off from the rest of the co, by the Ouse. Area, 227,326 acres. P. 63,328. Elyria, the Ohio, cap. of Lorain Co., 25 m. WSW. Cleveland. P. 5648. Elze, tin. Hanover, 9 m. WSW. Hildesheim, on the Saale. P. 3020. Emba or Djem, r. Asia, gov. Ouralsk, enters NE. extrem. Caspian Sea. Embrun, tin France, in Hautes-Alpes, on r. b. of Durance. P. 4008. Emden, spt. Hanover, on Dollart Bay, E. Friesland. P. 14,019. Emerald, tu, Queensland, 165 m..W. of Rockhampton. P. 750, Emerald Hill, th: Victoria, suburb of Melbourne. P. 25,374. º Emerson, ry. Sta. Manitoba, on E. div. C.P. Ry., 63 m. S. Winnipeg. Emilia, a compartimento or div. of Italy, bounded N. by Venetia and Lombardy, S. by Tuscany and the Marches, E. by the Adriatic. Area, 7920 sq. m. P. 2,261,660. t Eminabad, th India, Gujranwala Dist., Punjab. P. 5886. £min Pasha's Prov., Equat. Africa, on White Nile, contains stations of Lado, Fatiko, Gondokoro, Wadelai, etc. - Emley, par., tshp., and vil. Engl., 7 m. SE. Huddersfield. P. 2638; tshp. I289. 348. Emly, par., vil., and ry, sta. Irel., S.W. co. Tipperary. ... P. 2148; vil. £mmendingen, th: Baden, on the Eltz, 9 m. NNW. Freiburg. P. 37.11. mmenthal, val. Switz., cant. Bern. R. Emmen is aff. of the Aar. Emmerich, walled tu. Rhenish Prussia, 49 m. NNW, Düsseldorf. P. 9759; tobacco manufs., iron-casting, shipbuilding. Empedrado, th: Argentina, in prov. of Corrientes. [76° 40' N. Emperor William's Land, tract in E. Greenland, reaching to lat. Emperor William's Land, a German possession in New Guinea, on N. side, from lon. I41° to 148° E. he col. embraces also the ad- jacent Bismarck (New Britannia) Arch. and Admiralty Isls. Empoli, the Italy, 16 m. W. Florence, on R. Arno. P. 7297. Emporia, city, Kansas, U.S., cap. of Lyon co., on Neosho R. P. 4631. Ems, r. NW. Germany, flows NW. and N. through Westphalia and Hanover to North Sea at Emden, by the Dollart Est., 160 m. long. Ems or Bad-Ems, watering-place, Prussia, prov. Hessen-Nassau, on R. Lahn, 6 m. SE. of Coblenz by rail. P. 6731. Emsworth, small spt. Engl, S. Hants, 2 m. SE. Havant. P. 1780. Emu, #. New South Wales, co. Cook, 37 m. W. Sydney. P. 500. Emu Park, watering-place, Queensland, 29 m. E. Röckhampton. Emyvale, vil. Irel, co. and 6 m. N. of Monaghan. P. 366. Enara, lake, Russian Lapland. Lat. 69° N.; lon. 28° E. Area, 685 sq. m. Enarea, country of the Gallas, S. of Abyssinia and of Blue Nile. Encina-Sola, tin. Spain, 60 m. NNE. of Huelva. P. 4377. Encounter Bay, S. Australia, receives the Murray River. Encounter Bay, tshp. S. Australia, 83 m. S. Adelaide. P. of dist. Togy. Endelave, islet, Denmark, in Cattegat. Area, 6 sq. m. P. 700. [P. 1145. Endellion, cSt. par. and vil. Engl., E. Cornwall, 9 m. NW. Bodmin. Enderbury Isl., Pacific Ocean. Lat. 3° 9 S.; lon. 171°8' W. Guano Enderby Land, isl, crossed by Antarctic Circle. Lon. 50° E. [deposit. Enderby, par. and vil. Engl., on R. Soar, S.W. Leicestersh. P. ió77. Endermo, Spt. Japan, S. cºt. of Yeso, 42° 20' N., 141° 5' E. Endingen, th: Baden, 12 m. NNW. Freiburg. P. 2695. - End of Track, ry. Sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 51 m. from Winnipeg. rick Water, r. Scot., Stirlingsh., flows 29 m. W. to Loch Lomond. röd, vil. Hungary, on the Körös, 92 m. ESE. of Pesth. P. 9372. Enfield, tr. Connecticut, U.S., co. and 18 m. NE. Hartford. P. Š755. eld, mkt, tr. and par. Engl., on New R., Iom. N. London. P. 19, rö4. eld, th N. S. Wales, on Hawkesbury R., 39m. NW. Sydney. P. 456. Engadine, val. Switz., cant. Grisons, watered by R. Inn, 43 m. long. Engaño, Cape, NE. extremity of Luzon, Philippine Isls. Engelberg, vil. Switz., cant. Unterwaldén, 9 m. SE. Sarnen. P. 1931. Engelholm, Spt Sweden, on the Rönne-Aa, near the Cattegat. P. 2657. Engen, th: Baden, in Lake Circle, on R. Aach. P. 1996. Austrians defeated here in 1800 by Moreau. Enghien, th Belgium, in Hainault, 16 m. NNE. Mons. P. 41.98. Enghien-les-Bains, the Seine-et-Oise, 9 m. by rail N. Paris. P.1610. England (Latin, Azagãº) forms, with Wales, the S. and larger div. of the isl. of Great Britain, lying between 49° 57 42” and 55° 46' N., lat., and from 1° 46' E. to 5°42' W. Length, from Portland Bill to the Tweed, 363 m.; breadth, from N. Foreland to Land's Lnd, 320 m. It is bounded on the N. by Scot., from which it is Separated by the Tweed, the Cheviot Hills, the Lidd, Sark, and Solway Firth; on the E. is the North Sea; W. the Irish Sea, St. George's Channel, and Atlantic Ocean; on the S. the English Channel and Strait of Dover. Area, 58,265 sq. m., of which 7377 belong to Wales., P. of Engl. and Wales (18or), 9,156,171; (1881) 25,974,439; (1885) estimate 27,499,041. . With the exception of elgium it is the most densely populated country of Europe. Engl, and Wales return 495 members to the House of Commons. It is divided into 40 counties, and Wales into 12. London is the oap. and metropolis of the Brit. Empire. Of its numerous other cities and tims, Liverpool exceeds half a million of population, Birmingham, Manchester, and Leeds exceed 300,000, and Shef. field and Bristol exceed 200,000. Twelve tims. are between roo,000 and 200,000, and twenty-five from 50,000 to roo,000. The highest Summits are in the Cumbrian Mt, group, where Scawfell rises to 3208 ft. The Pennine chain runs S. from the Cheviots into Derby- shire, where the Peak attains 2927 ft. The other ranges are mostly of insignificant elevation. The most famous rivers are the Thames, Ouse, Nen, Welland, Witham, Humber (with its branches the Trent and Ouse), Tees, Wear, and Tyne, all falling to the North Sea. . To the W. cat, fall the Severn, Wye, Usk, Dee, Mersey, Ribble, and Eden. The lakes are not numerous, and are mostly among the Cumbrian Mts. English Bazar or Angrazabad, the India, cap. of Muldah Dist., Bengal, 55 m. N. of Murshedabad. P. 12,430. English Channel (Fr. La Manche), narrow Sea, separating the S. shore of Engl. from the N. shore of France. English Harbour, fishing vil. Newfoundland, on Trinity Bay., P. 350. English Harbour West, town and port of entry, Newfoundland, 4 miles Belleorem. River, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 116 m. W. Port Arthur. R., Canada. See Churchill R. Town or St. , Spt. Victoria co., Cape Breton Isl. P. 524. tn. Lower Burma, Bassein Dist., on r. b. Daga River. tn. Spain, 47 m. S.W. Valencia, P. 6358. Russia. See Yenikale. tn. N. Holland, on E. shore Zuyder Zee. P. 5863. Rhenish Prussia, on the Moselle, 4 m. SW. Zell. P. 2148, tn. Sweden, 50 m. by rail NW. Stockholm. P. 2495. vil. Switz., cant, and I m. SE. Glarus, on the Linth. P. 2785. Water, lake, Engl., Cumberland, 7% m. SW. Whitehaven. tn. of Clare, Irel, on R. Fergus. P. 6307. [P. 5666. ...tn. Irel, co. Wexford, on R. Slaney, 77 m. S. Dublin, vil, and ry. Sta. S. Co., Cork, on R. Bandon. P. 376. , vil. Irel.., N. co, Wicklow, 3 m. SW. Bray. P. 324. , grp. of isls. Irel., W. CŞt. co Clare. . [R. Erne. P. 5712. Co. th of Fermanagh, Irel., 117 m. by rail NW. Dublin on tn. Irel., W. Co. Clare, 14 m. NW. Ennis. P. 1331. isl, N. co. Donegal, 7 m. NE. Malin Head; lighthouse. or Ens, r. Austria, enters Danube on r., II m. SSE. Lintz. 112 m. tn. Up. Austria, on the Enns, Io m. by rail SE. Lintz. P. 4438. tn. Turkey, at mouth of the Maritza, 75 m. S. by W. Adrianople. . 7OOO. Engala, th Soudan, in Tuat country, 35 days from Timbuctoo. Ensay, isl. Scot., in Sound of Harris, Inverness, 2 m. long. Ensay, th: Victoria, on Howitts or Little River, 223 m. NE. Melbourne. Enschede, th Netherlands, in Overyssel, 5 m. SE. Delden. P. 5801. Ensenada, Spt. yil. Argentina, on La Plata, 35 m. SE, Buenos Ayres. Ensisheim, tin. Alsace, on the Ill, 15 m. S. Cóſmar. P. 29.10. Ensival, vil. Belgium, in Liége, suburb of Verviers. P. 6066. Entelbuch, vil, Switz., cant, and 13 m, WSW. Lucerne. P. 2941. Entre Douro et Minho, See Minio. Entre Ríºs, prov. Argentina, between the Uruguay and Parana, Area, about 32,000 sq. m. P. 300,000. Cap. Bajada. Entry, ºw Zealand, E. side Cook's Strait. Lat. 40°54' S.; lon. I74° 55' E. Envigado, th: Colombia, prov. Antioquia. P. 5735. [long. Enz or Entz, r. Würtemberg and Baden, aff, of Neckar on the 1., 55 m. Enzelli, spt. Persia, on the Caspian, 18 m. NW. Reshd. Epanomeria, the on Santorini Isl., Grecian Archipelago. Epe or Eep, vil. Netherlands, in Gelderland, 26 m. N. Arnhem. P. 7803. Eperies, th: Hungary, on the Tarcza, 143 m. by rail NE. Pesth. P. Io,822; has linen manufactures. [P. 16,388. , th: France, cap. of dep. Marne, on 1...b. of the Marne. ruins of city, Asia Minor, 35 m. by rail SSE. Smyrna. vil. Pennsylvania, Lancaster co., 20 m. SW. Reading. tn. Spain, 22 m. W., of Saragossa, on the Jalon. P. 3 vil. France, in Saône-et-Loire, 11 m. ENE. Autun. P. 4398. France, cap. of dep. Vosges, on 1. b. Moselle. , P. 16,445. vil. in the ter. and 3 m. N. Hamburg. P. 6206. tn, Engl., W. Essex, 16 m. NE. London. P. 2343. Forest, was secured for the public in 1882. Victoria, co. IBourke, 12% m. N. Melbourne. P. 884. tn. England, West Surrey, 163 miles SW, of London, famous racecourse on Epsom Downs. P. 6916. ſpottery. Epsom, the Victoria, co. Bendigo, IoS$ m. NW. Melbourne ; has a Epworth, mkt. th and par. Engl., N. Lincolnsh., 9 m. N. Gains- borough. P. 2178; birthplace of John Wesley. Erandol, th India, Khandesh Dist., Bengal, 40 m. E. Daulia. P. r1,501, Erbach, th: Hessen, 22 m. by rail SE. Darmstadt. P. 2907. Ercsi, vil. Hungary, co. Stulhweissenburg, on R. Danube. P. 5623. Erdholm.8, grp. islets, Denmark, Baltic Sea, 6% m. NE. Bornholin. Erding, tr. Upper Bavaria, 20 m. by rail NE. Munich. P. 2998. Erdington, eccl., dist. Engl., NE. Birmingham. P. 7153. [P. 5000. Eregli, th: Asia Minor, on Black Sea, 128 m. ENE. Constantinople. Erembodegem, vil. Belgium, E. Flanders, 24 m. SE. Ghent. P. 4270. Erift, r. Prussia, from the Eifel Mts. to the Rhine, 66 m. long. Erfurt, th: Prussian Saxony, on the Gera, 14 mi, W. Weimar by rail. Erfurt, gov. Prussian Saxony. Area, 1363 sq. m. P. 411,379. [P. 58,385. Brgasteria, th: Greece, on SE. cst. of Attica. , P. 3Coo. E’Riād, chief tin. of the Wahabites, Cent. Arabia. P. 28,000. Ericht, r. Scot., E. Perth, flows SE. to the Isla near Coupar-Angus. Ericht, Loch, loch, Scot., on N. border of Perth and Inverness, 14% m. Erie, Lake, one of the five great lakes drained by the St. Lawrence, having Ontario §on the N., and Ohio, Pennsylv. and New York on the S. It is 240 m. long. Area, 9000 sq. m. 565 ft. above the sea. , Discharges by the Niagara to Lake ()ntario. Erie Canal, between Buffalo on Lake Erie and Albany on Hudson R. ; joins the Canadian lakes with the Atlantic Ocean. Erie, city and port of entry, Pennsylvania, cap. of Erie Co., on Lake E., 88 m. SW. Buffalo. P. 27,737. Erin, Celtic name of Ireland. Eriskay, isl. Scot., Hebrides, off S. cst. of S. Uist. P. 466. Landing- lace of Prince Charles Stuart. [P. 9812. Erith, tin, and par. Engl., on R. Thames, Kent, 4 m. E. Woolwich. Erivan, ft. tr. Russia, cap. of gov. of Erivan, Transcaucasia, 110 m. SW. Tiflis. P. 12,449. . Area of gov. Io,705 sq. m. P. 583,957. Erivan, Lake. See Göktche Denghis. P. 4312. Erkelenz, th: Rhenish Prussia, 23 m. by rail NNE, Aix-la-Chapelle. Erlangen, th: Bavaria, Mid. Franconia, on the Regnitz. P. 15,828. Erlau, the Hungary, co. Heves, 67 m. NE. Pesth. P. 20,669. Ermelo, thin É, dist of S. African Republic. Ermäleben, th: Prussian Saxony, 6 m. by rail E. Ballenstädt. P. 2668. Ernakolam, th: India, Madras Pres., state and 2 m. E. Cochin. Erne, r. Irel., from Lough Gowna, co. Longford, flows N. and NW. through Cavan, Fermanagh, and Donegal to Donegal Bay, 72 ºl., and forms Lough Qughter and Up, and Ir, Lough Erne. #2 Ernfold, ry. Sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 461 m. W. Winnipeg. Ernial, th: India, Madras Pres., Travancore State. P. 18,420, Ernsdorf, vil. Prussian Silesia, gov. of Breslau. P. 6030. Ernsthal, th Saxony, 12 m. NE. Zwickau. P. 4409. rode, th India, Coimbatore Dist., Madras, on R. Kaveri. P. 9864. Er Rass, th Arabia, in Nedjed, 225 m. ENE. Medina. P. 18,000. Erriboll, Loch, arm of Sea, Scot., N. cst. Sutherland, Io; m. long. £rris Head, Irel.., N.W. point of co. Mayo. rrol, par. and vil. Scot, 193 m. E. Perth. P. 2421; vil. 890. rromanga, isl, New Hebrides. P. 2000 (?). [R. Neutra. P. ro,584. Ersek-Ujvar or Neuhäusel, th Hungary, 17 m. by rail SE. Sellye, on Erstein, th: Alsace, on R. Ill, 12 m. SSW. Strasburg. P. 4378. Eruvadi, the India, Tinnevelli Dist., Madras Pres. P. 5171. Erwash, r. and canal, England, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, aff. of Trent, near Attenboro. Izroll III. Erzengan, th: Asiatic Turkey, on the Euphrates, 75 m. WSW. Erzgebirge, mtn. chain, between Bohemia and Saxony, Erzroum, city, Turkish Armenia, on the W. branch of Euphrates, 120 m. SE. Trebizond... P. 60,000. Cap. of vilayet of E. P. 250,000. Esashi, th: Japan, isl. Yeso, prov. Oshima. P. 3188. Escanaba, th;. Michigan, cap. of Delta co., on Green Bay. P. 3026. Escaudain, vil. France, in Nord, 8 m. S.W. Valenciennes. P. 3633. Esch, th: Grand Duchy and 10 m. by rail S.W. Luxembourg. P. ſooo. Escholzmatt, vil. Switz., cant. Lucerne. P. 3074. Altitude 3163 ft. Eschwege,th Prussia, prov. Hessen-Nassau, 28 m. SE. Cassel. P. 9492. Eschweiler, th Rhenish Prussia, 8m. NNE. Aix-la-Chapelle. P. 16,889. Escurial or Escorial de Abajo, tm. Spain, 26 m. NW. Madrid. P. 1554; beside the famous royal pálace and monastery of El Escurial. Esdraelon, plain, Palestine, §: Carmel and Hermon and Gilboa. Esens, tr. Prussia, in Hanover, 26 m. NE. Emden. P. 2090. [Mts. Esh, tshp. Engl., 5 m. NW. Durham. P. 6305; near is a R.C. college. Esher, par, and vil. Engl., W. Surrey, 14% m. ŠW. London. P. 1993. Fish Šham, Arabic name for Syria and Damascus. Esk, r. Engl.,N. R. Yorkshire, from Cleveland Hills to Whitby. 24 m. Esk, post tim, and ry. sta. Queensland, on Sandy Creek, 67 m. from Brisbane. ſing part of border of England and Scotland. Esk, r. Scot., Dumfries, flows S. 28 m. to head of Šolway Firth, form- Esk, r. Scot., Mid-Lothian, formed by N. and S. Esk below Dalkeith, thence 3% m. to Firth of Forth; N. Esk, 17 m. long; S. Esk, 19 m. Esk, North, r, Scot., Forfarsh., flows 29 m. to N. Sea, NE. Montrôse. i Ernée, th France, in Mayenne, 17 m. NNW. Laval. 4 P. 5262. * . . 26 ESK r. Scot., Forfarsh., flows to N. Sea at Montrose, 48% m. r. Cumberland, flows 13 m. to Irish Sea at Ravenglass. tn. E. Roumelia, 50 m. NE. Philippopolis. P. 20,000. Asia Minor, 27 m. ENE. of Kutaieh. P. I2,000. tn. Sweden, 57 m.W. of Stockholm, on the Hjelmar. P. 7692. aff. of the Doura, below Zamora. Length, 152 m. r. Ecuador, from near Quito to the Pacific, IIom. tn. at mth. of above r., cap. of prov. of E. Area,7439 sq. m. th. Egypt, on l.b. Nile. Lat. 25°19' 39" N. P. 12,000. tn. New York, Ulster co., 80 m. N. New York. P. 4736. [P. 3832. tn. France, dep. Aveyron, on R. Lot, 16 m. NE. Rodez. tn. Spain, 14 m. NW. Barcelona. P. 3395. 25 m. SE, Cordova. P. 5127. Moorish cas. ruins. col. Argentina, prov. Santa Fé, on R. Salado. tn. Colombia, prov. Tolima, dep. del Centro. P. 8625. do, mtn. chain, Brazil, from Bahia to Uruguay. W. Cst. Portugal, 21 m. S. by W. Lisbon. maritime prov. Brazil. Area, 17,312 sq. m. Capital . IOO,717. most W. isl. New Hebrides, 65 m. long by 20 m. tn. Cuba, 202 m. ESE. Havannah. P. 32,608. spt. Brit. Columbia, on Vancouver Isl., 3 m. SW. Victoria. ‘Eaters of raw flesh,” name given to the inhabitants of and Greenland. They are of Mongolian stock. Essen, th: Rhenish Prussia, 20 m. by rail NE. Düsseldorf. P. 65,064. ... is the seat of the famous iron-works of Krupp. [P. 594. Essendon, par. and vil. Engl., S. Herts, on R. Lea, 3 m. NE. Hatfield. Essendon, suburban th: Victoria, 6 m. NW. Melbourne. P. 5560. Essequibo, r. Brit. Guiana, S. America, enters the Atlantic, 450 m. long. Pssex, maritime co. Engl., bounded E. by North Sea, N. by Suffolk and Cambridgesh., W. by Herts and Middlesex, and S. by R. Thames. Area, 1542 sq. m. P. 576,434. It is watered by the Stour, Colne, Chelmer, and Crouch, flowing to the N. Sea, and the Roding and Lea to the Thames. Industries chiefly agricul- tural. Chief ths., Colchester (co. thi), West Ham, Harwich, Maldon, and Saffron Waldon. The co. returns 8 M.P.s. Es Siwah, oasis, in Libyan Desert, Egypt, 3rom. WSW. Cairo. Esslingen, walled tn. Würtemberg, 9 m. ESE. Stuttgart. P. 20,865. Essonnes, tr. France, dep. Seine-et-Oise, 1 m. S.W. Corbeil. P. 6c8r. Estagel, th: France, Pyrenées-Orientales, 13 m. W. Perpignan. P. 2979. Estaires, th: France, dep. Nord, 13 m. W. Lille, on R. Lys. P. 673r. Estavayer (Ger. Stäffis), tr. Switz., on E. shore L. Neufchâtel. P. 1438. Este, th: Italy, 17 m. SSW. Padua. P. 10,543. [P. 6749. £gteila, city, Spain, prov. Navarre, on R. Ega, 27 m. SW. Pamplona. Estepa, th Spain, prov. and 60 m. ESE. Seville. P. 81.90. Estepona, th Spain, prov. Malaga, 23 m. NNE. Gibraltar. P. 9994. Esterhazy, vil. Hungary, 41 m. SE. Préssburg, with magnificent palace. Esthonia or Revel (Ger. Esth/azed), gov. Russia, one of the Baltic Provs., bounded N. by G. of Finland. Area, 7817 sq. m. P. 379,875. Cap. Revel. Estimate Water, lake, Engl., N. Lancash., near Hawkshead, 2 m. OIl • - - Estrella, Serra da, mtn. range, Portugal, in Beira; highest pt. 7524ft. Estremadura, old prov. in SW. Spain, now forming provs. of Badajos and Caceres. [Lisbon. P. 946,472. Estremadura, maritime prov. Portugal, traversed by R. Tagus. Cap. Estremoz, th: Portugal, prov. Alemtejo, 23 m. NE. Evora. P. 7575. Eszek, strongly ft. th: Hungary, cap. of Slavonia, on R. Drave. P.18,201. Etables, th: France, in Côtes-du-Nord, on the English Channel. Etah, dist. India, NW. Proys., most N. in Agra Div. Area, 1738 sq. m. P. 756,523. Etah, the cap., 50 m. NE. Agra. P. 8054. 15tain, tm. France, dep. Meuse, on R. Orne. P. 2824. [P. 77ro. Etampes, the France, dep, Seine-et-Oise, 31 m. SSW. Paris by rail. Etang de Berre, an extensive lagoon, France, E. mth of Rhône. Etang de Thau, lagoon, France, in Hérault, on cst., 13 m. long. #; de Valcares, a salt lagoon, France, in the Rhône Delti. [328o. Etaples, spt. France, in Pas-de-Calais, 15 m. S. Boulogne by rail. P. Etawah, dist. India, N.W. Proys., Agra Div. Area, 1693 sq. m. P. 722,371. Cap. Etawah, on 1. b. Jumna, 710 m. NW. Calcutta. P. Etchingham, par. and vil. Sussex, on R. Rother, 7% m. N. Battle. [34,721. Eten, th: Peru, prov. Chiclayo, near the cSt. P. 3660. Ethiopia, name anciently applied to the countries S. of 'Egypt. Etive, Loch, sea arm, Scot., Argyll, 3 m. N. of Oban, 19 m. long. Etna, Mt., vol. Sicily, in N.E., near Catania, Io,874ft. above the sea. Etna, bor. Pennsylvania, on r. and in co. Alleghany, 2 m. N. Pittsburg. Eton, th; and par. Engl., on S; border of Bucks, on R. Thames, oppo- site Windsor, in the parl. limits of which it is included. P. of tin. 3664. E. College is a famous public school. $Eton, small tm. Queensland, 24 m. by rail from Mackay. P. 150. Etowah, r. Georgia, joins the Oostenaula at Rome to form the Coosa. Etruria, anc. country of Europe, now Tuscany and part of Unibria. Etruria vil. Engl., Stoke-upon-Trent par., N. Staffordsh. Etsch, German name of R. Adige. Ettelbrück, vil. Luxembourg, 3 m. SW. Diekirch. P. 365r. Etten, vil. Holland, prov. N. Brabant, 8 m. WSW. Breda. P. 5896. Ettenheim, th: Baden, 18 m. by rail N. of Freiburg. P. 2961. Etterbeeck, vil. Belgium, prov. Brabant, E. from Brussels. P. 13,829. Ettlingen, th: Baden, 4% m. by rail S. Carlsruhe. P. 6199. Ettrick, pastoral par. Scot., S. Selkirksh. . P. 397. Birthpl. of James Ettrick Forest, pastoral dist. Scot., Selkirksh. Ogg, poet. Ettrick Water, r. Scot., joins the Tweed 2% m. NE. Selkirk, 32 iii. Et Tyh, desert of Arabia, N. of Sinai Peninsula. Eu, th: France, dep. Seine-Inférieure, 20 m. ENE. Dieppe. P. 5105. fübºa or Negropont (Turk. Egripo), largest isl. of Greece, lying along the E. cst. in the AEgean Sea, II5 m. long. P. 95,136. Chalcis and Karysto are the chief tims. §. Adelaide. Eudunda, ry. sta. S. Australia, on Kapunda and Morgan line, 69 m. Eufaula, city, Alabama, Barbour co., on Chattahoochee R. P. 8162. Eugene City, vil. Oregon, cap. Lane co., on Willametta_R._P. III.7. Eugowra, post th: New S. Wales, dist. Forbes, 247 m. W. Sydney. Eulau, th: Bohemia, 12 m. N. of Aussegg, on a railway... P. 2542. Eupatoria, th: Russia, on W. cst. of Crimea, 38 m. WNW. Simferopol. P. 13,416. Manufs. Soap, leather, locks, etc. Eupen, tm. Rhenish Prussia, 9 m. S. of Aix-la-Chapelle. P. 15,441. . Euphrates (Turk. El Frat or Murad), r. Asiatic Turkey, rises in the mts. of Armenia, and flows 1680 m., and joins the Tigris. The united streams, called Shatt-el-Arab, enter the head of Persian G. Total length, 1780 m. Anc. Babylon was on its banks. Eure, dep. France, in Normandy. Area, 2300 sq. m. Cap. Evreux - P. 358,829. The R. Bure, II2 m. long, here joins the Seine. Eure-et-Loir, dep. France, S. of the above. Area, 2268 sq. m. P 283,719. Cap. Chartres. Chief rs. are the Eure and Loir. Eureka, city, California, cap. of Humboldt co., on Humboldt Bay, 215 m. NW. Sacramento. P. 2639. amilton. P. 4207 Eureka, mining tin. Nevada, U.S., cap. of E. co., 35 m. WNW. Eureka City, S.African Republic, in the Shebaberg. Euroa, the Victoria, co., Delâtite, 102 m. NE. Melbourne. P. 32r. Europe, one of the principal divisions of the earth, forms the NW. portion of the Old World, separated from Asia on the E. by the Ural Mts. and R. and the Caspian Sea, and on the S. by the Caucasus Mts., the Black Sea, and Sea of Marmora. It is also bounded on the S. by the Mediterranean, separating it from N. Africa, on the W. by the Atlantic, and on the N. by the Arctic Ocean. It lies between N. lat. 35° 59' 57” and 71° 11' 40", and between 9° 30' W. and 65° E. lon. Greatest léngth, 3400 m. ; from N. to S. 2400 m. Area, 3,900,000 sq. m. P. 341,247,000. The principal mountain ranges are, the Alps from France to Austria, rising in Mont Blanc to 15,732 ft. ; the Apennines of Italy, Pyrenées between France and Spain, the Sierra Nevada and other ranges of the Spanish Penin, the Carpathian Mts. in Hungary; the Balkan, etc., in Turkey and Greece; the mts. Of France and Germany, Norway, British Isles, and Iceland. On the confines are the chains of the Ural and Caucasus, the latter reaching 18,526 ft. The most important rivers are, the Volga, falling to the Caspian Sea; the Don, Dnieper, Bug, Dniester, and Danube, to the Black Sea; the I’o, Tiber, Arno, Rhône, and Ebro, to the Mediterranean; to the Atlantic, the Guadalquivir, Guadiana, Tagus, Douro, Garonne, Loire, Seine, Thames, Rhine, Weser, Elbe, and Glommen; to the Baltic, the Oder, Vistula, Düna, Neva, Dal, etc.; and to the Arctic Ocean, the Dwina, Mezen, and Petchora. The chief lakes are, Ladoga, Onega, Saima, Peipus, in Russia; Wener and Wetter in Sweden; Constance and Geneva in Switz. ; Maggiore, Garda, etc., in the Alps. The most important isls. are, the British Isles, Iceland, Faroe, Danish Isls., Nova Zembla, in the N., and in the S. the Balearic, Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily, Crete, Ionian, and the Archipelago. The climate of Europe varies according to the latitude, but is eminently Salubrious. All the nations of Europe profess the Christian religion ex- cept Turkey, where the Mohamedans number 6% millions. The Catholics number 138 millions; Protestants, 66 millions; Greek Church, 74% millions. The principal countries of E. are, Great Britain and , Irel.., France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switz., Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Russia, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, Greece, RCumania, Bulgaria, Servia, Netherlands, and Belgium. See the Separate articles. ICurotas, now called Vasili Potamo, r. Greece, in Morea, G. of olokythia. Buskirchen, tin. Rhenish Prussia, 20 m. SW, of Cologne. P. 8087. THE CENTURY GAZETTEER Euston, tshp. New S. Wales, co. Taila, 646 m. S.W. Sydney, on . . Murray R. P. 150. Important crossing. Eutin, the Germany, 18 m. N. Lübeck, in Öldenburg. P. 4668. Euxine Sea. See Black Sea. Evandale, tshp. Tasmania, 120 m. N. of Hobart. P. 2473. - Evansford, tshp. Victoria, 123 m. NW. Melbourne, on Stony Creek. Evanston, th: Illinois, on Lake Michigan, 12 m. N. Chicago. P. 4820. Evansville, city and port of entry, Indiana, U.S., cap. of Vanderburg Co., on Ohio R., 190 m. below Louisville. P. 40,000. Evanton, vil. Scot., Ross, 6% m. NE. Dingwall. P. 436. Everest Mount, loftiest known peak in the world, Himalayas. Lat. 27° 59' 12" N. ; lon. 86° 58' 6' E. Alt. 29,002 feet. - tn. Massachusetts, 3 m. N., of Boston, Middlesex co. P. 4159. vil. Belgium, prov. E. Flanders, 4 m. N. Ghent. P. 6708. Florida, U.S., extensive marshes or lake in S. of penin. forming NE. dist. of Liverpool. P. 109,812. [level. tshp. Victoria, 172 m. NE. Melbourne, 780 ft. above sea- mun. bor. Engl. on R. Avon, 15 m. SE. Worcester. P. 5112. tn. Portugal, cap. of Alemtejo, 73 m. by rail E. Lisbon. P. 13,461. city, France, cap. of dep. Eure, 67 m. WNW. Paris. P. 15,847. France, in Mayenne, 17 m. ENE. Laval. P. 3433. and vil. Engl., W. Surrey, 2% m. N. of Epsom. P. 3389. Alabama, U.S., co. Montgomery. P. 7462. from Exmoor, SE. and S. through Devon, 55 m. long. , parl, and mun, bor. Engl., Co. tin. of Devon, on R. Exe, 171 m. by rail SW. London. P. 47,154. It returns I mem. to Parl., and has a Norman-Gothic cathedral, and remains of anc. castle. Exeter or Francistown, vil. Ontario, Huron co., 22 m. S. Clinton. Exin, th: Prussia, prov. Posen, 24 m. WSW. Bromberg. P. 2790. Exminster, par. and vil. Engl., E. Devon, 33 m. SE. Exeter. P. 21.69. Exmoor Forest, moorland tract, in Somerset and NE. Devon, Engl. Exmouth, watering-place, spt., and mkt. th Engl., E. Devon, at E. side of mouth of R. Exe, Iom. SE. Exeter. P. 6245. Exmouth, Gulf, on W. Cst. Australia. Lat. 22° S. 65 m. long. Exploits, r. Newfoundland, flows 155 m. to Exploits Bay. Exumas, grp. isls. Bahamas, Gr. and Lit. Ex. and Ex. Keys. P. 2290. Lyam, par. and vil. Engl., N. Derbysh., 5 m. N. Bakewell. P. 1498. ‘Eye, mùn. bor, Engl., W. Suffolk, 19 m. N. Ipswich. P. 2296. Eye Water, Scot., Berwicksh., flows 20 m. to the sea at Eyemouth. £yemouth, fishing th: Scot., NE. Berwicksh. P. 2825. Eyguières, th: France, in Bouches-du-Rhône, 22 m. E. Arles. P. 259r. Eymoutier8, th France, in Haute Vienne, 23 m. ESE. Limoges. Eynsford, par. and vil. Engl., W. Rent, on R. Darent. P. 1700. [P. 2065. Eyrecourt, th: Ireland, SE. co. Galway, 12 m. SE. Ballinasloe. P. 668. Eyre, large lake, S. Australia. Lat. 28° S., 137° E. lon. Area, 4000 sq. m. Ezcaray, th Spain, prov. and 31 m. WSW. Logroño. P. 2016. Faaborg, th: Denmark, S. cst, of Funen Isl. P. 3481. Fabriano, city, Italy, prov. and 45 m. by rail SW. Ancona. P. 17,865. Fabrizia, th Italy, in Catanzaro, 16 m. SE. Monteleone. P. 5096. Facatativa, th: Colombia, State Cundinamarca. P. 6282. Falcone, a sacred lake, Japan, 57 m. WSW. Tokio, 9% m. long. Factory Isl., one of the Losgrp., 75 m. NW. Sierra Leone, W. Africa. Fadd, vil. Hungary, 2 m, from Tolna, on R. Danube. P. 5064. Fadievskoi, isl. Russia, gov. Yakutsk, in Arctic Oc. Ar., 3861 sq. m. Faemund, lake, Norway,85 m. SE. Trondhjem, 37 m. long. [33,111. I. Faenza, city, Italy, prov. and 31 m. by rail SW. Ravenna. P. of com. un or Falun, th Sweden, cap. of laºn of Kopparberg, 54 III. by rail WSW. Gefle. P. 6926. fley, vil. Scot., Dumbartonsh., near Duntocher. P. 687. -Fo, th: Annam, prov. Quang-Nan, 15 m. S. Tooran. P. 15,000. rburg, vil. Illinois, Livingston Co., 34 m. NE. Bloomington. P. 21.40. rfield, mtn. Engl., 23 m. SE. Helvellyn. Akt. 2863 ft. rfield, vil. Connecticut, F. Co. on Long Isl. Sound. P. 3748. rfield, city, Iowa, cap. of Jefferson co., on Big Cedar R., 28 m. SSW. Washington. P. 3095. [P. 2172. irfield, vil. Vermont, U.S., Franklin co., 28 m. NE. Burlingtön. rford, municipality, Fairfield co., Manitoba, Canada. ir Haven, vil. Vermont, U.S., co. and 20 m. W. Rutland. P. 2211. ir Head or Benmore, prom. on N. cst, co. Antrim, Irel. Alt. 636 ft. r Isle, Scot., midway between Orkney and Shetland. P. 214. Fairlie, vil. Scot., N. Ayrsh., on Firth of Clyde, 2 m. N. Largs. P. 7II. Fair Play, mining vil. Colorado, U.S., Park co. Alt, 9764 ft. Fair View, gold-field, S. Aſrican Rep., in the Shebaberg. Fairweather, Mount, mtn. Alaska. Elev. 14,782 ft. Faizabad, div. of Oudh, India... lat. 26°9′ and 28°24' N. ; lon. 81° 5' and 83° 9’ E. Comprising dists. Faizabad, Gonda, and Balhraich. Area, 73.05 sq. m. P. 3,230,393. F. Dist. has R. Gogra on the N. Area, 1689 sq. m. P. 1,081,419. Cap. F. on 1. b. Gogra R., 78 m. E. Lucknow. P. 38,828. - Faizpur, tm. Khandesh Dist., Bombay, 72 m. NE. Dhulia. P. 9640. Fajardo or Faxardo, th Porto Rico, on E. CŞt. . . 4000. [P. 2756. Fakenham, mkt. th and par. Engl., W. Norfolk, on R. Wensum. Fal, r. Engl., E. Cornwall, ſlows 23 m. to English Chan. at Falmouth. Falaise, th: France, in Calvados, 35 m. SSE. Caen by rail. P. 8486. Falcon, state, Venezuela, on Carribbean Sea. Area, 36,222 sq. m. P. 187,051. Cap. Coro. ry. sta. Cañada, on C. P. Ry., 145 m. W. Port Arthur. r. Senegambia, aff. of Senegal, 2C0 m. long. tn. Bohemia, 5 m. WSW. Elbogen, on R. Eger. P. 4144. tn. Prussia, in Pomerania, 47 m. S. Cöslin. P. 4200. tn. Saxony, 11 m. E. Plauen, at a rail. junc. P. 6174. par. and vil. Engl., S. Lincoln, Iom. E. Grantham. £ 576. parl, bur. and mkt. tin. Scot., E. Stirlingsh., 213 m. NE. Glasgow by rail. P. parl. bur. 13,170; tın. 15,599. The Fałęizº: Burghs return I mem. to Parliamónt, and consist of Falkirk, Lanark, Hamilton, Airdrie and Linlithgow. P. 53,873. Falkland, royal bur. Scot., Fife, at foot of E. Lomond. P. 972; tın, 1068. F. Palace an anc. royal residence, the remains now renovated. Falkland Isls. (Fr. Malouizzes), isl. group, British Crown colony in S. Atlantic Oc., 250 m. NE. Tierra del Fuego. They consist of E. and W. Falkland, and numerous small isls. Area, 6500 sq. m. P. 1553. Cap. Stanley. Principal industry, rearing of cattle. Falköping, th: Sweden, in Skaraborg, at a rail. junc. P. 2494. Falloch, r. Scot., flows 10 m. through Glen F. to head of L. Lomond. Fall River, city and port of entry, Massachusetts, Bristol Co., on Taunton R., 49 m. by rail S. Boston, P, 48,961. Fallsburg, vil. N.Y., on Neversink R., 97 m. NNW. New York. P. 2945. Falmouth, spt. and mun, bor. Engl., W. Cornwall, 312 m. SW. London by rail. P. 5973. F. forms part of the parl. bor. of Penryn and Falmouth. [sugar and rum. Falmouth, port of entry, Jamaica, on N. cºt. P. 4900; exports, False Bay, inlet of Atlantic, Cape Col., on E. of Cape of Good Hope, False Point, cape and harb. Cuttack Dist., Bengal, on Delta of Mahanadi R. [P. 24,000. Cap. Nykjöbing. P. 3645. Falster, isl. Denmark, in the Baltic, 2% m. S. Zealand, 30 m. long. Falsterbo, spt. Sweden, on the Baltic, 16 m. SSW. Malmö. Falticeni, tin. Roumania, Moldavia, cap. of Suciava Dist. P. I5,029. Faltsi or Falshi, tin. Roumania, on R. Pruth, 70 m. SSE. Yassy. P. 2300. Famagusta, spt. th: Cyprus, on E. CSt. There is no harbour. Fanano, vil. N. Italy, 36 m. S.W. Modena, near Mt. Cimone. P. 6119. Fannich, Loch, loch, Scot., ROSS, G# m. long, drains to gºy Firth. Fanning, isl. (Brit.) N. Pacific. Lät. 3°53' N. ; lon. 158° 23' W. Fano, spt. Italy, Urbino e Pesaro, 30 m. NW. Ancona. P. of com. Fanáe, isl. Denmark, off W. Cst. of Jutland, 8 m. long. P. 3000. [21,737. Fareham, spt. and mkt. th: Engl., S. Hants, at NW. extremity of Portsmouth Harbour. P. 7183; shipbuilding, brick-making, etc. Farewell, Cape, S. extremity of Greenland, 59° 49' N., 77°57' W. Fargo, vil. Dakota, U.S., cap. of Cass co., on N. Pacific Ry. P. 2693. Faribault, th: Minnesota, U.S., cap. of Rice co., on Cannon R. P. 5415- Faridabad, th: Delhi Dist., Punjab, 163 m. S. Deilii. I’. 7427. Faridkot, th and state, India, in Punjab. Lat. 30°40' N. ; lon. 74° 59' E. Area, 612 sq. m. P. of state, 97,034; tın. 6593. Faridpur (Fitzreedźore) dist. in Dacca Div., Bengal, bounded N. and E. by the Ganges. Area, 2267 sq. m. P. I,631,734. Cap. F., 115 m. NE. Calcutta. P. ro,263. i : : . * - 3 Faringdon, mkt. th: Engl., Berks, 70 m. NW. London. Farnborough, par., vil., and ry. sta. Engl., on E. border of N. IIants, 33 m. SW. London. P. 6266 (28.40 military). - Farnborough, par. and vil. Engl., W. Kent, 4 m. SE. Bromley. P. I451. Farne Isls., Engl. See Fern Isls. Farnell, par. Scot., E. Forfarsh. P. 613. F. Cas. is now an almshouse. Farnham, mkt. th: Engl., W. Surrey, on R. Wey, 35 m. SW. London, and 3 m. SW. Aldershot. P. 4488. [Rochester. P. 892. Farningham, par. and vil. Engl., W. Kent, on R. Darent, 12 m. W. Farnsfield, par. and vil. Engl., N. Notts, 4 m. NW. Southwell. P. Ioa4- Farnworth, tshp. Engl., S.E. Lancash., 3 m. SE. Bolton. P. 20,708. Farø, Spt. Portugal, near S. cst. Algarve, 20 m. SW. Tavira. . P. 8097- Fåröe or Faerû (Dan. Fåröerate, Ger. *śP. of 22 isls. (17 in- habited) in N. Atlantic, 185 m. NW. Shetland. Lat. 61° 20'-62°23’ : ; lon. 6°-8° W. Area, 514 sq. m. P. 11,220. On Stroměe is Thorshavn, the cap. Slattaretind, mt. in Osteröe, is 2800 ft. in elev. They belong to Denmark. [Gothland, Io m. long. P.I.I.O.O. Faroe or Farö, isl. in Baltic, belongs to Sweden, off N. extrem, of Farquhar's Isls., grp. Indian Ocean, NE. Madagascar. Area, 42 SQ- m. ; also grp. in South Pacific Ocean. [the Beauly. Farrar R., Scot., Ross and Inverness, unites with the Glass to form Farrell's Flat, post tim, S. Australia, co. Stanley, 87% in. NE. Adc- laide. P. I48. [Gulf. , P. r,700,000. Cap. Shiraz. Fars or Faristan (anc, Persis), prov, Persia, having SW, the Persian. E € FIFE £arsän Isls., in Red Sea, on E. side. Lat. 16°30' N. Two in number Farsley, th: Engl., W. R. York, 4 m. NE. Bradford. P. 4434. Fartash, Fartak, or Saif, Spt. W. cst. Arabia. Farukhabad, the SE. dist. of Agra Div., india, NW. Provs. Area, I719 sq. m., P. 907,6c8. Cap. Fatehgarh. Farº,city in above dist., near W. b. Ganges,83 m. NW. Cawn- pur. f. 62,437. Farukhnagar, tr. Gurgaon Dist., Punjab. Lat. 28° 25' N., 76° 517 E. Fasano, city, Italy, prov. Bari, 8m. SE. Monopoli. P. 18,583. [300,000. Fashoda, dist, and th: Africa, on White Nile, in Shillook country. P. Faskine and Palace Craig, vil. Scot, 13 m. S. Airdrie. P. 475. Fastnet, rocks off CSt. Co. Cork, 4 m. SW. Cape Clear ; lighthouse. Faštov, th: Russia, gov. Kiev. P. 7537. Fatehgarh, th: India, cap. of fari&d Dist., NW. Provs. P. 12,435. Fatehjang, th India, Pünjab, Rawal Pindi Dist. P. 4895. Fatehpur, dist. India, in Allahabad Div. NW, Provs, bºunded N. by the Ganges. Area, 1639 sq. m. P. 683,745. Cap. F., 70 m. NW. Allahabad. R. 21,328. [Anglo-Indian school. Fatehpur, th: India, Bura Banki Dist., Oudh. Lät. 27° ſº N.; has Fatehpur, th India, Shaikhawati Dist., state and 145 m. NW, Jaipur, Rajputana. P. I4,731. £afiko, ft. sta...in Emin Pasha's Prov., Iduat. Africa. Fatwa, th India, dist, and 8 m. from Patna. P. rogrg. [Foyle. Faughan, F. Irel, co. Londonderry, ſlows 16 m. to head of Lough Fauglia, vil. Italy, I 1 m. E. Leghorn. P. of commune 7445. £auldhouse, th Scot., Linlithgowsh... in extreme SW, ofCo. P. 3000. Paulhorn, Intn. Alps of Switz., 32 m. SE. Bern, between Grindelwald and Brienzer See, 8802 ft. in elevation. Fauresmith, yil. Orange Free State, near Bloemfontein. - £avarā; tın. Sicily, 5 m. SE. Girgenti. P. 16,842. Has sulphur-mines. Favºrsham, spt, Engl. E. Kent, 8 m. NW. Canterbury. P. 8743. Favignana, isl. Mediterranean, off W. cst. Sicily. P. 5846. - Fayal, isl...one of the Azores, in Atlantic Oc. P. 26,264. Cap. Horta. Fayetteville, city, N. Carolina, cap. of Cumberland co., on Cape Fear R., 100 m. above Wilmingtön. P. 3485. Fayetteville, vil. Tennessee, cap. of Lincoln co., on Elk R. P. 2roſ. Fayoum, prov. of Middle Egypt, 40 m. SW. Cairo, on W. Nile. P. 234,591. Medinat-el-Fayoum, the cap. on E. shore of L Moeris. Fazeley, tshp. Engl., E. Staffordsh., S. Tamworth. P. I793. Fazilka, th India, Punjab, Sirsa Dist., on I. b. R. Sutlej. P. 685r. £aZ9kleh, country, Africa, on the Blue Nile. P. 500,000. Cap. Adassé. Feale or Cashen, r. Cork, Kerry, and Limerick, aff, of Shannon. 37 m. £ear, Sape, N. Carolina, U.S., on Smith Isl., 33° 50' N.; 77° 37' W. £ear R., Cape, N. Carolina, enters Atlantic near C. Fear. 256 m. ɺl, par. and vil. Scot., NE. Ross. P. 2135, Vil, is 43 m. ŠE. Tain. Feather R.,California, from the Sierra Nevada, 250 m, to Sacramento R. Featherston, tn. New Zealand, 44 m. NE. Wellington. P. 800. £ecamp, spt. France, Seine-Inférieure, on Engl. Chan. P. 12,299. # eckenham, par. and vil. E. Worcestersh., 7 m. ŠE. Droitwich. P. 4532. £edala. Spt. Morocco, on W. CSt., 40 m. SSW. Sale. Fehmara or Femern, isl. Prussia, Holstein, in the Baltic. Area, 71 ..sq. m. P. 9800. Cap. Burg. [Wellington. P. 1405. ilding, the and ry, Stå, New Zealand, co, Manawatu, 107 m. from anićhe...tn. Spain, in Majorca, 28 m. ESE. Palma. P. II, or8. - bach, vil. Würtemberg, 6 m, by rail ENE. Stuttgart. P.3706. dberg, mtn. highest peak of Black Forest, S. Baden. Alt. 4675 ft. dkirch, tn, Tyrol, in Vorarlberg, 20 m. SSW. Bregenz. P. 356.4. dsberg or Veltspurg, tm. Lr. Austria, 40 in. NNE, Vienna. P.2837. Felegyhaza, th: Hungary, 66 m. by rail SE. of Pesth. P. 23,912. Felixstowe, CŞt, par. and vil. E. Suffolk, 12% m, SE. Ipswich. P. 864. Felletin, the France, on R. Creuse, 5 m. S. Aubusson. P. 3375. Fellin, th: Russia, prov. Livonia, 110 m. NNE. Riga. P. 3460. Felling, the Engl., Durham, 1% m. SE. Gateshead. P. 16,376. Fellingsbro, vil. Sweden, Orebro Laen. P. 94.40; many iron-workshere. Felsö Banya, tin. Hungary, co. Szathmar, 7 m. E. of Nagy Banya. É : F F vº Feltre, th: Italy, prov. and 17 m. SW. of Belluno. P. 12,566. [P. 5738. Fenelon Falls, vil. Ontario, Victoria co., 14 m. N. Lindsay. P. 1155. Fenny Stratford, mkt. th: Bucks, 47% m. NW. London. P. 21.47. Fenny Compton, par. and ry. sta. Engl., 12 m. SE, Warwick. P. 587. Fenton, loc.gov. dist. Stoke-upon-Trent par., Stafford. P. 13,830. Fenwick, par. and vil. Scot., Ayr, 3% m. NE. Kilmarnock. P. i.152; Feodosia. See Kaffa. [vil, 365. Ferbane, vil. Irel., NW. King's Co., on R. Brosna. P. 388 Fère, La., tm. France, dep. Aisne, on the Oise. P. 5109. [P. 23.22. Fère-en-Tardenois, th: France, Aisne, 12 m. NNW. Château-Thierry. Ferentino, th Italy, 6 m. NW. Frosinone, with cathedral. P. 10,474. Ferghana, gov. Asiatic Russia, in Turkestan. Area, 28,229 sq. m. P. 720,000. Cap. Khokan. It is traversed by the Jaxartes. Fergus, vil. Ontario, Wellington co., on Grand R. P. 1733. Fergus, r. Irel.., co. Clare, flows 25 m. S. to the Shannon. Fergushill, mining vil. Scot., Ayr, 13 m. E. of Kilwinning. P. 537. Fermanagh, inland co. Ireland, iii Ulster, enclosed by cos. Doñégal, Tyrone, Monaghan, Cavan, and Leitrim. Area, 714 sq. m. P. 84,879, of whom 55.8 per cent. are Roman Catholic. Its most striking feature is the R. Erne, and its great lakes. Enniskillen is the co. th: The co. returns 2 M.P.s. Fermeuse, vil. Newfoundland, on cst. 51 m. S. of St. John. P. 578. Fermo, city, Italy, in the Marches, 34 m. SE. Ancona. P. 18,726. Termoselle, tin. Spain, 26 m. SW. Zamora, near Douro R. P. 4956. Fermoy, mkt, tin. and ry. sta. Irel., NE. co. Cork, on R. Blackwater. FeTInandez, th: Mexico, State of Potosi. P. 3000. [P. 6454. Fernandina, th: and port of entry, Florida, cap. of Nassau Co., oil Amelia Isl. P. 2562; cotton-ginning, and manuf. Cottonseed-oil. Fernando de Noronha, isi. S. Atlantic Ocean, 125 m. from Brazil. . Fernando Po, isl. Africa, in Bight of Biafra, a Spanish place of exile. Area, 1185 sq. m. P. 35,006. Clarence Peak is ro, 190 ſt. high. Fernan Nuñez, th: Spain, ºr m. SSE. of Cordova. P. 5133. Ferney, vil. France, dep. Ain, 4 m. NW. Geneva. P. 1274. Fern Isls, or Staples, Éngl., 17 islets off cst. Northumberland. Ferniegair, mining vil. Scot., flanark, 1 m. SE. Hamilton. P. 551. Fernmount, vil. and dist. New S. Wales, co. Raleigh, on Bellinger R. Ferns, par. and vil. co. Wexford, on R. Bann. P. 1666; vil. 495. - Fern-Tree Gully, postal sta. and holiday resort, Victoria, 21 m. SE. Ferozabad, th: Persia, prov. Fars, 63 m. S. of Shiraz. [Melbourne. Ferrandina, tr. Italy, prov. and 36 m. ESE. of Potenza. P. 7788. , Ferrara, ft. city, Italy, in Emilia, cap. of F. Prov., 26 m. by rail NNE. Bologna. P. 76,421. Cathedral of St. Paolo, a public § of paintings, and a university. The prov. is bounded N. y the Po., and E. by the Adriatic. Area, 1610 sq. m. P. 237,073. Ferreira, tin. Portugal, in Alemtejo, 16 m. W. of Beja. P. 4157. Ferreira-de-Aves, th: Portugal, in Beira, 15 m. NE. Viseu. P. 4014. Ferriñafe, tin. Peru, Io m. by rail N. of Lambayeque. P. 8000. Ferro (Span. Hierro, Fr. I?e de Fé”), the most S.W. of the Canary Isls. Area, 46 sq. m. P. 5421. Chief th: Valverde. , Lat. of NW. point 27° 45' 8" N.; lon, 18°7' 5” W. of Greenwich. Many geogra- phers have reckoned their lon. from this point. The conventional meridian of Ferro is 17° 40′ W. of Greenwich. P. 23,811. Ferrol, spt, and naval arsenal, Spain, prov, and 12 m. NE. Corunna. Ferryden, fishing village, Scotland, Forfarshire, on South Esk River, opposite Montrose. P. I520. [S. St. John. P. 680. Ferryland, th; and port of entry, Newfoundland, cap. of dist., 40 m. Ferté-Bernard, La., tm. France, dep. Sarthe, on the Huisne. P. 2621. Ferté-Macé, La., tm. France, dep. Orne, 13 m. E. Domfront. P. 9398. Ferté-sous-Jouárre, La, th: Fränce, dep. Seine-et-Marne. P. 4859. Fertit or Dar fertiſt, country, Africa, S. of Darfur and Kordofan. Ferzah, th Afghanistan, 30 m. NW. Kabul. P. 5000. - Fesa, th Persia, prov. Fars, 78 m. SE. Shiraz. P. I8,000. [Alvie. Feshie, r. and glén, Scot., Inverness, ſlows N. 23 m. to the Spey, near Festiniog, th Merionethsh., 16 m. SW. Llanrwst, P. II,274. Fethard, tin. and ry. sta. Tipperary, 8 m. N. Clonmel. P. 1926. Fethard, par. and vil. Irel, S. Co. Wexford, on F. Bay. P. 1291; Fetlar, isl. Shetlands (6% by 23 m.). P. 43r. - Fettercairn, vil. Kincardine, 4% m. NW. Laurencekirk. P. 398. Fettan, vil. Switz., cant. Grisons, 34 m. ESE. Chur; alt. nearly 5000 ft. Feuerbach, mkt. vil. Würtemberg, 23 m. NW. Stuttgart. P. 5285. Feugh, Water of, flows NE. 19 m. to R. Dee, at Banchory. Feurs, th France, 14 m. NE. Montbrison, on the Loire. .P. 3249..... Fez, city, cap, of Morocco, 100 m., E. of the Atlantic, and 245 m, N.E. of the city of Morocco. P. about 100,000. Manufs. fezes, slippers, carpets, silk handkerchiefs, etc. Alt. II55 ft. Fezarah, lake, Algeria, 30 m. SSW. of Bona, 30 m. long by 24 m. Fezzan, kingdom of N. Africa, bounded N. by Tripoli, and on other sides by the Sahara. The country is a desert, enclºsing many oases. Cap. Murzuk. Length, about 469 m. ; breadth,300 m. P. about 160,000. It is tributary to Tripoli. [P. 2523. Fiambala, th: Argentina, in Catamarcă, 50 m. NW. Tugumºn. Ficcarolo, vii. Italy, prov. and 191m. WSW. Rovigo, on R. Po. P.378r. Fichtel Gebirge, int. range in NE. extrem. of Bavaria, Schneeberg. Alt. 3450 ft.; and Ochsenkopf. Alt; 3289 ft. Fida or Hida, prov. Japan, in cent. of Hondo (Nippon) Isl.P. 98,378. Fiddich, r. and glen, Scot, aff.of the Spey at Craigellachie, 18% ºn. long. Fiddichow, th: Pomerania, on R. Oder, 21 m. SW. Stettin. P. 2740. . Fiego or Fijugo, spt. Japan, on Hondo, 24 m: SSW of Osaca. Field, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 972 m. W. Winnipeg. Field'ofiviars,th New S. Wales, co. Cumberland; 13 m. W. Sydney. Fiesole or Fesole, th Italy, 3 m. from Florence: P.I.4,105. Fife or Fifeshire, peninsular co, in E. of Scot. bounded N. by º Tay, E. by N. Sea, S. by Firth of Forth, and W. by cos. Perth, Kinross, and Clackmannan, Area, 492 sq. m. P, 171,931. The 27 FIGEAC THE CENTURY GAZETTE E R FRAUSTADT — Eden and Leven are the main rivers. W. Lomond rises to 1713 ft. . Chief tus. are, Cupar (co, thi), St. Andrews, Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy, Dysart, Burntisland, Anstruther, and Crail. The Co. return.S 2 #d ºNess **...* P. 7205 Figeac, th France, dep. Lot, 40 m. . Cahors, P. 7295. #. Figig, th #: S. of Mt. Atlas, 165 m. ESE. of Fez. Eigline, th: Italy, 25 m. by rail SE. of Florence. P. 9959. [P. 935,037. Figo or Higo, prov. Japan, on isl, of Kiu-Siu. Cap. Kumamotu. Figueras, ſt.tn. Spain, 21 m. by rail NNE. Gerona. , P. II,739. gueira, th: Portugal, in Beira, at mth. of the Mondego. ºueiro-dos-Vinhos, th: Portugal, 97 m. NE. Lisbon. P. 3618. . . ji, Feejee, or Viti Islg., a grp. in S. Pacific Ocean, forming a Brit. col. Lat. 15°-22°S. ; lon. 177°-178° E. Area, 8334 sq. m. Two are of large size—Viti Levu and Vanu Leyu. ...The climate is agree- able and healthful. P. about 127,276, all professed Christians. The cap. is Levuka, on the small isl. of Ovalau. º Kone, tm. Japan, prov. Oumy, on Hondo Isl., on Lake Oitz, adelfia, th Italy, prov. Catanzaro, 13 m. S. of Nicastro. P. 6545. lehne, th Prussia, prov. and 45 m. . of Posen. P. 4318. ley, watering-place, Engl., on F. Bay. E. R. York. P. 2337. ilipštad, th Sweden, Vermlands Laem, 35m. NE. Carlstad. P. 3011. Fille Fjeld, mtn. range, Norway, part of the Dofrines, 6043 feet. Finale, th: Italy, II m. NNE. Albenga, on G. of Genoa. P. 3222. Finale, th Italy, near the Po, 22 m; NE. of Modena. P. 12,979. Fiñana, th Spain, 28 m. NW. of Almeria. P. 3238, r:--- Finchley, par., vil, and ry. sta. Engl., 7% m. NW. of King's Cross sta., London. P. II,191. - [Moray Firth. ndhorn, picturesque r. Scot, Inverness, Nairn, and Elgin, 62 m, to ndhorn or Invererne, spt. vil. Elginsh., at mth. of F. River. P. 605. ndlay, th: Ohio, Hancock Co., 37 m. SW. Fremont. P. 4636. ndochty, fishing vil. Banffsh., 33 m. NE. of Buckie. P. 936. - indöe, isl. Norway, in Bukke Fiord, 15 m. NE. Stavanger. P., 1150. Indon, par. and vil. Engl., W. Sussex, 4 m. SW, of Steyning. P. 708. on or Finnan, fish. vil. I(incardine, 6 in. S. Aberdeen. P. 156. ngal's Cave. See Staffa. [P. 500. gal, vil. Ontario, Canada, Elgin co., 7 m. S.W. of St. Thomas. Ingal, tshp. Tasmania, 120 m. NE. of Hobart. P. of dist. 4483. goland, region in NE, part of Cape Colony, in Transkei. P. 43,971. Finistère, Cape, most W. point of France, gives name to department. Finistère, dep. France, in extr. NW. part of Brittany. Area, 2595 sq. # ; IIlſ P. 797,820. Cap. Quimper. Contains also Brest and Morlaix. TIl. Finisterre, Cape, most W. point of Spain, on CŞt. of Galicia. Finkenwärder, isl. and ſree tin. Germany, in Elbe River. P. 2919. Finland, Grand Duchy of, country, Russia, bounded N. by Norway, W. by Sweden and Gulf of Bothnia, S. by Gulf of Finland. Length, 650 m. Area, 144,249 sq. m. P. 2,203,358. The interior of the S. portion of F. is a labyrinth of lakes. Lake Ladoga, in the SE., partly in F.; is the largest lake of Europe. The chief tns. are Helsingfors (the cap.), Abo, Viborg, Tammersfors, Björne- borg, and Uleaborg. t * Finland, Gulf of, great E. arm of the Baltic S. of Finland, and N. of Esthonia. Finmark, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 37 m. W. Port Arthur. Finmarken, amt or prov. Norway, the most N. land of Europe. Area, 18,257 sq. m. P. 24,075. Cap. Hammerfest. Finn, r. Irel. co. Donegal, flows 25 m. E. to R. Foyle. [3 M.P.S. Finsbury, parl. bor. Engl., in N. of London. P. 198,694. It returns Finster-Aarhorn, mtn. Switz., highest of Bernese Alps. Alt. 14,026 ft. Finsterwalde, th: Prussia, in Brandenburg, 40 m. N. Dresden. P. 7564. Finstown, spt. vil. Scot., Orkney, 6% m. NW. Kirkwall. Fintona, th: and ry. sta. Irel., S. co. Tyrone, 7 m. S. Omagh. P. 1468. ntray, par. and vil, Scot, Aberdeensh., near R. Don. P. 3032. Intry, par. and vil. Scot., Stirlingsh., on Endrick Water. P. 414. onn Löch, loch, Scot., in NW. Ross-shire. lorenzuola, th: N. Italy, 18 m. by rail WNW. Parma. , P. 6653. ran, isl. Red Sea. Lat., 17° 13' N., 18 m, from Arabian Cst. ; has renze, city, Italy. See Florence. [pearl fisheries. renzuola, vil. Tuscany, on R. Santerno, NNE, Florence P. ro,905. rminy, vil. France, dep. Loire, 6 m. SW. St. Etienne. P. 13,707. rozabad, th: India, dist. and 24 m. E. Agra. P. 16,023. rozpur, S. dist. of Lahore Div., º Area, 2752 sq. m. P. 650,519. Cap. F., 33 m. from the Sutlej R. P. 39,576. Firozpur, th Punjab, in extreme S. of Gurgaon Dist. P. 6878. , Fischhausen, spt._tn. Prussia, on Frische Haff, 20 m. by rail W. Königsberg., P. 2765. isciano, vil. Italy, prov. and 7 m. NNE. Salerno. P. 7473. ishcross and Sauchie, vil. Scot., 2 m. N. Alloa. P. 320. Fisherrow, W. part of thof Musselburgh, Scot. P. 3370. Fishguard or Abergwaen, parl, bor., spt., and mkt, th Wales, N. Pembrokesh., 13 m. N. Haverſon dwest. P. 1595. F. is one of the Pembroke bors. ſco., 58 m. above New York. P. ro,732. ishkill on the Hudson or Fishkill Landing, th: New York, Dutchess sh River, Great, Cape Colony, enters Indian Oc. near lat. 33° 25' S. Fish River, Great, Cañada, enters Arctic Ocean, in lat. 67° 7' N. Fismes, th France, dep. Marne, 17 m. WNW. Reims. P. 3275. Fitchburg, city, Massachusetts, Worcester co., 50 m. WNW. Boston. P. 12,429; manufs. tools, steam-engines, chairs, boots and shoes, etc. Fitful Head, Scot, in S. Shetland, 6 m. NW. Sumburgh Head, 929 ft. Fittre or Fiddri, lake, Africa, 200 m. E. Lake Tchad. Fitzroy, sub. tin. of Melbourne, Victoria. P. 27,829. Zroy, r. Queensland, enters Keppel B. at 23° 30' S. [P. 300. itzroy Harbour, vil. Ontario, on R. Ottawa, 12 m. E. Arnprior. iume, the only spt, th of Hungary, Croatia, on G. of Quarnero, NIE. extrem, of the Adriatic. P. 20,981. Fiume, yil, N, Italy, 26 m. WSW. Udine. P. 3575. Fiume di Nisi, spt vil. Sicily, on Strait of Messina. P. 34to. Fiume-Freddo, fin. Italy, prov. and 11 m WSW. Cosenza, near the Fiumicello, vil. N. Italy, 1 m. W. Brescia. P. 3344. [cst. I’. 4335. umicino, spt. Italy, 15 m. SW. Rome, at mouth of Tiber. Five Dock, ti, New S. Wales, co, Cumberland, 8 m. W. Sidney. P. 800. ve Isls., vil. Nova Scotia, on Minas Basin, 18 m. E. Parrsboro. P. 600. ::: # # r ; Five Mile Town, vil, Irel, S., co. Tyrone, 9 m. E. Fintona. P. 597. Fives, vil. France, dep, Nord, now part of Lille. P. 598o. [I5,819. Fivizzano, th: Italy, in Tuscany, 34 m. NW. Lucca. P. of com. izen, or Hizen, prov. Japan, W. part of Kiu-Siu Isl. P. r,074,461. 'laach, vil. Switz, at confl. of Thur and Rhine, 15 m. NNE. Zurich. adbury, vil, and ry. Sta. Worcester, on R. Avon. P. 454. Fadda, isl., Scot., in Quter Hebrides, S. Uist par., near Rona. P. 87. Flamborough, par., fishing vil, and ry, sta. Engl., East Riding, York, 4 m. NE. Bridlington. P. 1390. º: Flamborough Head, on E. cst. Yorksh., ling!., with lighthouse. Flamstead, par. and vil. Engl., Herts, 7 m. NW. St. Albans. P. 1846. Flanders (Fr. Flandre, Ger. Flandern, Dut. Vlaazıderent), a former country of Europe, now included in Netherlands, Belgium, and France. See East Flanders, and West Flanders, Flandre or French Flanders, an old prov. of France, now in deps. of Nord and Ardennes. Cap. was Lille. Fiannºn Isleá or Seven Hunters, 7 uninhabited isls. Scot., x5 m. W. of Gallon Head, Lewis. [of the Bitter Root or Clarke's R. afthead Lake, Montana, U.S., 30 m. long, whence issues F. R., aſt. latow, tr. W. Prussia, 25 m. by rail NE. §. P. 3949. attery, Cape, NE. extremity, Washington, U.S., at Juan de Fuca. aWyl, the Switz., cant. and 15 m. by rail W. of St. Gáll. P. 3IO5. êche, La., tm. France, dep, Sãrthe, on R. Loire. P. 9494. 88ſ, r. Scot. Sutherland, flows 165 m. to Moray Firth, 3 m.'s. Golspic. leet, §. and yil, Engl., S. Lincolnsh., 2 m. ŠE. Hoibeach. P. I331. leet, Water of, r. Scot., Kirkcudbrightsh., flows to Wigtown Bay. betwood, spt. th: and watering-place, Engl., N. Lancash., at Imth. 9f R. Wyre, 18 m. N.W. Preston. P. 6733. Ton of vessels cleared . (1885),376,239. Has barracks and schóði of musketry. #eim8ºf Thal, val, Tyrol, 33 m. long, drained by the Åvisio. [P. 1651. Flekkefjord, tin. Norway, 55 m. W. Christiansand, on inlet of N. Sea. Fleming, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 211 m. W. Winnipeg. Flemington, sub. of Melbourne, Victoria, with a fine racecourse. Hensburg, tr. Schleswig, at W. end of Flensburg Fă î. 33,313. ers, th: France, dep. Orne, 13 m. NNE. Domfrºnt." P. I2,304. lesk, r. Irel.., co. Kerry, flows 20 m. to lower fake of Killarney. ºrance, th;, France, dep. Gers, 15 m. by rail N. Auch." P. 4443- eurier, vil. Switz., cant. and 18 m. SW. Neufchâtel, p. 3346. §ºus, yil. Belgium, prov. Hainaut, 7 m. NE. Charleroi. “B. 4969. inder; R. Queensland, flows into G. of Carpentaria. ºnes-les-Raches, vil. France, dep. N ord, 3 m. NE Douai. P. 4020. int, parl. and mun. bor., spt., and mkt.'t. Wales, cap. of Flintsh., on SW. shore of Dee. P. 5320. The Pºint Boroighs return ſhember to Parliament, and consist of Flint, Caergwrle, Caerwys, Holywell, Mold, Overton, Rhuddlan, and St. Asaph. P. 24,154. t, city, Michigan, cap. of Genesee co., on Flint R. P. 84ro. nº R., Georgia, flows 400 m. and unites with the Chatahoochee. Flintshire, maritime co. N. Wales, bounded N. by Irish Sea, NE, by estuary of R. Dee, E. by Cheshire, and S. ānā SW. by Denbigh. Shire, a detached portion 8 m. to the SÉ is surrounded by Qhesh., Shropsh., and Denbighsh. Area, 253 sq. m. P. 80 587. Fl # t ºI i. to º; Co., tm, is Flint, J. 22999, ºil, Belgium, in Hainaut, 22 m. NE. Tournay. P. Flodden Field, gn R. Till, Northumberiá, 3 m. Sº. %2.É. *Here - James IV. of Scot. was defeated and slain by Earl of Surrey in 1513 Florence (Ital, Firenze, or Fiorenza), city, Italy, cap. of prov. F. and à..". º fº * II]. º º; with beautiful IronS. F. Io9,000. F. is rich in graceful and imposi * * * * Area of prov. 2267 sq. m. P. §. posing buildings. ; # | #: orence, vil. Massachusetts, Hampshire co., on Mill R. P. 2566. orence, vil. S. Carolina, Darlington co., 102 m. N. Charleston, P.3282. orensac, th France, in Hérault, 26 m.S.W. Montpellier. P. 3698. Orentin, ft. th Bulgaria, district of Widdin, near Danube R. ores, isl, of Malay Arch. Lat. 8°-9° S.; lon. 129-123° E. P. 302,000. Ores, isl. the most W. of the Azores. P. 9662. Contains Santa Cruz and Lagens. Flores, isl, off W. cst. Vancouver Isl., 15 m. long. Flores, th: Guatemala, on an isl., in Lake Peten. P. 60co. Flores Sea, part of S. Pacific Ocean, N. of Flores, and S. of Celebes. Florian, th: Up. Austria, 7 m. WSW. Ens, near the Danube. Florida, the S.E. state of the U.S. of É. peninsular, partly enclosing the Gulf of Mexico. It is bounded N. by Alabama and Georgia, E. by Atlantic, and W. by G. of Mexico and Alabama. Surface low but diversified, and with innumerable lakes. The Everglades is a swamp covering two million acres. Chief rs, are the St. John, Ocklawaha and Appalachicola, and St. Mary's. The climate is very salubrious in the drier parts, and it is much resorted to by consumptive patients. Area, 58,680 sq. m., P. (1860) 140,424, (1880) 269,493. (1885) 342,551. Chief ths. Tallahassee, the cap., Jacksonville, Key West, Pensacola, Fernandina, and St. Augustine. Florida Channel or Strait, between F. and Bahama Isls., whence issues the Gulf Stream from Gulf of Mexico. Floridia, th: Sicily, prov. and 7 m. W. Syracuse. P. ro,807. [P. 5131. Floridsdorf or Florisdorf, vil. Lr. Austria, 4 m. by rail N. Vienna. Flotta, isl. Scot., Orkney, between Hoy and S. Ronaldshay. P. 425. Flüelen or Flühlen, vil. Switz., on L. of Ur, 2 m. N. Altorf. P. 1425. Flums, vil, Switz., cant. and 23 m. S. St. Gall, on R. Seez. P. 3133. 'lushing (Dutch Plissingen), ſt. spt. Netherlands, prov. Zealand, on isl. of Walcheren, at mth. of W. Scheldt. , P. ro,056. Flushing, spt. vil. Engl., W. Cornwall, on Falmouth Harbour. P. 965. Flushing, vil. New York, Queen's co., on F. Bay, 9 m. E. N. Y. P. 6683. Fly River, a large river of New Guinea. Fochabers, vil. and ry. sta. Scot., Elginsh., on r. b. R. Spey. P. 1189. Fogaras, th Transylvania, on Aluta R., 55m. E. Hermannstadt. P. 5307. Foggia, city, Italy, cap, of F. Prov., 80 m. ENE. Naples..., P. 36,852. Foggia, formerly Capitaziała, prov. in Apulia, Italy, on the Adriatic. Area, 2953 sq. m. P. 370,947. - e Fogo or Fuego, isl. Cape Verd Isls., W. Santiago, with a vol. P. 15,000. Fogo, th and port of entry, Newfoundland, on F. Isl., in the NE. P. 749. Föhr, isl. Prussia, off W. CŞt. of Schleswig, in N. Sea. P. 4200; th: Wyk. Foix, th: France, dep. Ariège, 52 m. by rail S. Toulouse. P. 7076. Fojano or Foiano, th Italy, in Tuscany, 15 m. SSW. Arezzo. P. 7962. Fo-Kien, maritime prov. China. Lat. 24°-28° N. P. 22,769,556. The Min is the chief r. Cap. Foo-choo-foo. . It produces much tea, camphor, tobacco, sugar, indigo, iron, and alum. Formosa forms part of the prov., and contains the th, of Amoy. [P. 20,323. Fokichany, tr. Roumania, on R. Milkova, 45 m. WNW. Galacz. Földvar of Duna. Foldvar, th: Hungary, on r. b. of Danube. P. 12,720. Foldvar Tisza, vil. Hungary, on R. Theiss, 8 m, from Szolnok. P. 5341. Foleshill, par. and vil., and ry. sta. Engl., 2 m. NE. Coventry. P. 7727. Folgefonden-Fjeld, plateau and mtn, range, Norway, near W.cst,5790 ft. Foligno, th Italy, in Umbria, 20 m. SE. Perugia. P. of com. 23,202. Folkestone or Folkstone, mun, bor., spt, and mkt. Engl., co. Rent, 6 m. SW. Dover, 71 m. SE. London by rail. P. 18,986; a summer Folkingham, Engl. Šee Falkingham. - [resort. Fond des Négres, th; Hayti, 55 m. WSW. Port-au-Prince. Fond-du-Lac, city, Wisconsin, cap. of co. of same name, at S. end of Winnebago Lake, 60 m. N. by W. from Milwaukee. P. 13,094. Fond-du-Lac, hamlet, Minnesota, co. and on St. Louis R., at head of navigation of Lake Superior, 14 m. S.W. of Duluth. Fondi, th: Italy, prov. Caserta, 14 m. NW. Gaeta. P. 773r. : Fondo, CŞt.tn. Japan, prov. Figo, on N. cst. of Amakusa. Fondon, yil, Spain, in Andalusia, 28 m. NW. Almería, P. 2569. Fonni, vil. Sardinia, 34 m. NNE. Cagliari. P. 3391. #: tn. Spain, I2 m. S. Toledo. P. 4162. ontainebleau, th: France, dep. Seine-et-Marne, in a fine forest, 37 m. E. Paris, with a magnificent château. P. 12,483. [P. 5348. Fontaine-l'Evêque,...th. Belgium, in Hainaut, 6 m. W. Chariéroi. ontana Fredda, vil. N. Italy, 32 m. WSW. Udine. P. 4084. ontanellato, vil. Italy, 7 m, WNW. Parma. P. of com. 5377. [P. 3510. FontanetQ di Novara, vil. Italy, in Piedmont, 15 m. NNW. Novara. Onţarabia, ſt.tn. Spain, Biscay, at Inth, of R. Bidassoa. P. 2035. Fontenay-le-Comte,tn. France, in Vendée, on R. Vendée. P. g33. ontenay-sous-Bois, th: France, 6 m. from Paris. P. 4365. ontenoy, vil. Belgium, prov., Hainaut, 5 m. SE. of Töurnay. Here the French, under Marshal Saxe defeated the Brit., Dutch, and Austrian Allies, May 11, 1745. Fontevivo, Yil, Italy, proy, and 9 m. WNW. Parma. P. 30co. Fonteyrault, th: France, in Maine-et-Loire, 35 m. SE. Angers, P. 253I. Fontvieille, vil. France, Bouches du Rhôné, Ém. NE. Añes. P. 2596. Fonzáš0, vil, N. Italy, 22 m. WSW. Belluno. P. 4667. Foo Choo, Foo Chow Foo or Fu-Chau-Fu, city, China, treaty port and cap.9f prov. Fo-Kien, on Min R., 25 in. from its mth. ſ.af. 26.2, 24" N. ; lon. II9° 30' E. P. (?) 630,000. Foo:Choo-F00, city, China, prov. Kiang-Si, 240 m. NW. of the fore- Fookabori, th; Japan, prov. of Hizen. P. II,463. [going. Fookaye, th Japan, isl. of Kiu-Siu, ESE. Nagasaki. P. 17,837. Foo:Keu, th: China, prov. Ho-Nan, 45 m. S. Kai-Fong. £90kui, th: Japan, isi. Nippon, prov. Echigen. P. 43.863. 'ookºyama, th: Japan, isl. Nippon, prov. Bingo. #. I7,72.I. Foo-Ming, th: China, prov. and 18 m. NW. Yun-Nan. Fookuyama. Matsumāye, th: Japan, Yeso Isl., prov. Öshima. P. I6,092. £oonaj, the Japan, near N. cst. of Kiu-Siu Isl. Chow Foo. £90-Ning or Fu Ning, city, China, Fo-Kien Prov., 7o ni. Niš. Foo '00-Ning or Fu-Ning, city, China, Pe Chi Li, near Yéliow Sea. Foo-Pim or Fu-Pim, th China, prov. Pe Chiii, 63 m. W. Pao-Ting. £90-Pin or Fu-Pin, th: China, in Quang-Tang Broº. £90ricaria, large th: Africa, 75 m. NNE. Siérra Leone. Foogee or Fusi or Fuji-Yama, loftiest mtn. Japan, an extinct vol. iii. Hondo Isl., Soorooga Prov., 35° 15' N., 138°35′E. Áit. 12,440 ft. Foo-Shan or Fu-Shan, city, China, prov, Quang-Tong, 21 m. ÉNE. - Canton, on the isl. of Si-Kiang. P. 200,000. Foota, ter. W. Africa, in Senegambia, S. of the Senegal. [and Grande. Foota-Jallon, ter. W. Africa, at head waters of the Senegal, Gambia £90tscray, mun, thVictoria, sub. to Melbourne, 4 m. distañº.” I. 90I6. i. orbach, tin. German Lorraine, 38 m. E. Metz. P. 7839. .. orbes, th. New S. Wales, on Lachlan R., 240 m. W. Sydney. P. 2500. P. 2843. - : Forcalquier, tn; France, Basses-Alpes, 24 m. SW. Digne. Forcett, post tshp. Tasmania, co. Pembroke, 22 m. NE. Hobart. Forchheim, ft. tr. Bavaria, on the Regnitz, with port on the Ludwigs Canal; 16 m. by rail SSE. Bamberg. P. 5041. [P. 4148. Forchies-la-Marche, vil. Belgium, dist. Hennegau, near Charleroi. Fordel, mining vil. Scot: Fife, #m. SE. Crossgates sta. P. 433 Fordham, par, and vil. Cambridge, 5 m. N. Newmarket. p. II9I. Fordingbridge, mkt., tm. and ry. Stå. S. Hants, on R. Avon. P. 2962. Fordyce, vil. Scot., Banff, 23 m. SW, Portsoy... P. 33r. ɺland, North, headland ºn NE. cst. Kent, S.Forêland, on SE. cst. Forenza, city, Italy, in the Apennines, 15 m. NE. Potenzá. P. 7766. Forest Cantóns, Switz, are Lucerne, Schwytz, Uri, and Unterwāſden. Forest Reefs, mining tshp. New S. Wales, 184 m. W. Sydney. £orêt, or Forêst, vil. Belgium, prov. and 7 m. SE. Liége. P. 3439. Forfar, parl, and royal bur. Scot, co. tº. of Forfarshire, 14 m. NE. Pºindee. P. of par. bur. 12,817; royal bur. 13,579. F. is one of the Mozitrose Buzgºńs. Forfarshire or Angus, co. on E. cst. Scot., bounded N. by Kincardine and Aberdeen, E. by the North Sea, S. by the Tay, and W. by Perthsh. Area, 875 sq. m. P. 266,360. %. N. is occupied by Spurs of the Grampians, “the Braes of Angus'; in the S. the Sidlaw Hills, separated from the N. Hills by the Val. of Strath- more, or Howe of Angus. Chief rs., the Isla, and S. and N. Esk. Shief ºths, Dundee, Arbroath, Forfar (co. th:), Brechin and Broughty Ferry and Kirriemuir. It returns I mem. to Parliament. Forgandénny, vil. Scot., co, and 3% m. SW. Perth. P. of par. 627. Forio, tm. Italy, on W. cst. of Ischia." P. 6382. Forli, walled tri. Italy, cap. of F. Prov., 49 m. by rail SE. Bologna. P. 40,934. F. Prov. on the Adriatic. Area, 719 sq. m. P. 258,162. Forlimpopoli, th: Italy, prov, and 5 m. by rail ESE. Forli. P. 5634. Formby, post tn. Tasmania, Devon Co., 82 m. NW. Launceston. É. 247. Formentéra, isl. Balearic Isls., 6 m. S. Ivica, 13 m. long. P. 905. Formigime, tn. Italy, 6 m; SSW. Modena. P. 6847. Formosa, ter. in NE. of Argentina, bounded by Rio Teuco. Formosa (Qhin, Tai-Pan), isl. China Sea, 245 m. long, opposite to and belonging to prov. Fo-Kien. Area, 14,982 sq. m. F. 3,000,000. Cap. Tai Wan Foo. Only the W. side occupied by the Chinese. Formosa, Cape, W. Africa, nearmth. of River N iger. Fornovo, th: N. Italy, º m. SW. Parma. P. 3712. Forres, parl. and royal bur. Scot., NW. Elginsh., on R. Findhorn, 12 º: W. Elgin. P. of parl. bur. 4030. F is one of the ſº. Biºghº. New Forrès vil. is 13 m. distant. £orsº, th: Prussia, 20 m. by rail E. Cottbus, on R. Neisse, p. 18,641. Forster, tshp. N. S. Wales, at entrance of Wallis L., 198 m. N. Sydney. Fortaleza, city, Brazil, cap. of prov. Ceara, on the Atlântic. P. 18,000. Fort.Augustus, vil. Scot, at fiead of ºil Ness, 31% m. NW. Fort William. P. 530. R. C. College here. [2-3000. £or: Beaufort, div, and vil. Cape Colony; vil. on Kat R. P. (white) Fort de France or Chasseloupe-Laubat, tr. on Martinique. P. 15,529. Fort, Pºdge, th: Iowa, cap. Webster co., on jes Mijn. R. P. 3586. Fort Edward, vil, New York, Washington co., on E. b. of Hudson R. Forteviot, par., vil., and ry. sta. Scot., 7 m. SW. Perth. P. 618. Fort Garry. See Winnipeg. - Fort George, ft. and ry. sta. Scot., NE. Inverness, on Moray Firth. Forth, mining vil. Scot., Lanarksh., 13 m. SW. Wilsontown sta. P. 757. Forth ; ry. viaduct, spanning the Firth of Forth at Queensferry, 13 m. long. Forth, Carse of, Scot., dist. on R. Forth, Gartmore to Bo'ness. Forth, River, Scot, from Ben Lomond, Stirlingsh., eastward to Alloa 6 m., whence it gradually expands into the Firth of Forth, 51 m. ong, and 15 m. in greatest width. £ort. Howard, th: Wisconsin, Brown co., on l.b. of Fox R. P. 3083. £ortingall, par. and vil. Scot., N.W. Perth, on R. Lyon. P. of par. 1690. Fort Jackson, ry, sta. Cape Colony, on the Eastern Line. £or; Madison, city, Iowa, cap. of Lee co., on Mississippi R. P. 4679. £or: Plain, vil. New York, Montgomery co., on Mohawk R. P.3443. Fortrose, parl, and rºyal bur. Scot.; Ross, on W. side of Inner Morāy Firth, P. of royal bur, 986; parl. bur. 869. It is one of the Invex. 7tess Burghs. [city. , P. 7877. Fort Scott, city, Kansas, cap. of Bourbon co., 98 m. S. of Kānāās Fort Smith, vil. Arkansas, Sébastian cq., on S. b. Ārkansas R. P. 3099. Fortuna, tr. Spain, 16 m. NNE. Murcia. P. 5605. Fortune Bay, port of entry, Newfoundland, at entrance to bay of the Same name. P. 805. [ESE. Chicago. P. 30,000. Fort Wayne, city, Indiana, cap. of Allen Co., on Maumee R., 148 m. Fort William, small tm. Scot., Inverness, on E. side of Loch Eij, at foot of Ben Nevis. P. 1594. Fort William or Prince Arthur's Landing, vil. Ontario, on Thunder Bay, I: Superior, a landing of the lake steamers. P. 503. Fort Worth, vil. Texas, cap. of Tarrant co., on Trinity R. P. 6663. Fosmaes, vil. Norway, 90 m. NNE. Trondhjém. P. 3360. Fossanº, th: Italy, prov. Cuneo, 32 m. S. Turin. P. of com. 18,585. Fossombrone, th Italy, in the Märches, rom. ENE. Urbino. F. 9365. Foster, th Victoria, 180 m. SE. Melb. P. 277. Auriferous dist. Foštoria, vil. Ohio, Seneca Co., 21 m. S.W. Fremont. P. 3509. Fotcha, tm. Herzegovina, 39 m. E. Mostar. P. 2968. Fotheringhay, par, and vil. Engl., N. Northamptonsh., on R. Nen. In F.Cas., now in ruins, Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded (1587). Fougèray, th France, Ille-et-Vilaine, 19 m. ENE, Redon. P. 376. Fougères, th France, Ille-et-Vilaine, 27 m. NE. Rennes. P. I4,325. Fougerolles, vil. France, in Haute-Saône, 16 m. NNW. Lure. P. 3685. Foula, isl. Scot. (3 m; by 1%), Shetland, 16 m. SW. Mainland. P.367. gulden, par. and vil. Scot, Berwicksh., 5 m. NW. Berwick. P. 353. Foulness, isl, Engl, S. Essex, at mth. of R. Crouch. P. 706. Foulsham, vil, Engl., Norfolk, 8 m. NE. Dereham. P. 943. [Ripon. £ountain's Abbey, ruins, Yorksh, in Studley Royal Park, 3 m. ŠW. £ourchambault, vil. France, in Nièvre, on R. Loire. P. 5939. Foveaux Strait, New Zealand, irº S. Isl. from Stewart Isl. 'owey, Spt. th: Engl., E. Cornwall, near mth. of R. Fowey. , P. 1656. 'owler's Bay, post th:.S. Australia, on the cst., 565 m. NW. Adelaide. Rowlis or F. Wester, vil. Scot., Perth, 44 m. NE. Crieff. P. of par. III2. Foxborough, vil. Massachusetts, Norfolk co., 22 m, SSW. Boston. Fox Isls. See Aleutian Isls. [P. 2951. Fox River, vil, Quebec, Gaspé co., on G. of St. Lawrence, p. goº. Pox or Neenah R., Wisconsin, flows tortuously to i. Winnebago, and ... thenge to Green Bay on L. Michigan, 250 m. Fox.or Pishtaka R., Wisconsin and Illinois, aff, of Illinois, 220 m. Foxton, th: New Zealand, prov. Wellington, on Manawatu R. P. 7oo. Foyers, Falls of, Scot., Inverness, on R. Foyers, near Loch Ness. Foyle, r. Irel, flows NE. to head of Lough Foyle, 16m. [m. long. ºyle, Lough, inlet, N. Irel, between Donegaſ and Londonderry, I5 Foynes, vil, and ry. Sta. Ireland, co. Limerick, on R. Shannon, tºº. £93, spt. Spain, Galicia, 45 m. NE. Ludo, on Masma R. P. 543r. Praga, the Spain, 55 m. SE. Huesca, on the Cinca. P. 676r. £raisans, vil. France, dep. Jura, on R. Doubs. P. 2804; iron-works. ºrt. - Belgium, prov. Hainaut, 3 m. SW. Mons. P. IO, I39. £ramingham, tin, Massachusetts, Middlesex co. P. 827. [P. 2518. Framlingham, mkt.tn. and ry. sta. E. Suffolk, 21 m."NE. Ipswich. 'ramlingham, tm. Victoria, on R. Hopkins, I55 m. from Melbourne. Framlington, Long, tshp. N. Northumberland, on R. Coquet. P. 413. Frampton, par, and vil. Engl., Lincolnsh., 3 m. S. Boston. P. 386. Frampton Cotterell, par, and vil. Gloucester, on R. Frome. P. 1983. Fl upon-Sévèrn, par. and vil. Gloucester, 7 m. NW. Ströſö. £ramsden, par. and vil. Engl., E. Suffolk, 3 m. SE. Ijebenham. P. 785. £rancavillº, th Italy, prov. Lecce, 20 m. ENE. Taranto. f. 18,836. Francavilla, th S. Italy, prov. Potenza, 25 m. E. Lagonegro. P. 3066. £rangavilla, th: Italy, prov. and 7 m. NE. Chieti, on the Adriàº. £rancavilla, fin. Sicily, ſo m. WNW of Taormina. P. 45:3. [P. 4840. france (Fr. La France ; Lat. Gallia), a republic and country of W. Europe, lying between 42° 20' and 51° 5' N. lat., and 4° 5o' W. and 7° 40' E. lon. ; bounded N. by the Engl. Channel, Strait of Dover, and Belgium; W. by Bay of Biscay and the Atlantic; S. by the Pyrenées and the Mediterranean; É, by Germany, Switz., and N. Italy. Length from N. to S. 600 m., bréadth 5oom. Area. 204,082 $q. m. P. (1881)37,672,048; (1886) 38,218,903. The prevailing re- ligion is Roman Catholic; Protestants, 553,648. F. is divided into 87 departments, including. Corsica or Čorse, of an average area 9f 2346 sq. m. The most important towns are, Paris (the cap.), Iyons, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Lille, Toulouse, , Nantes, St. Étienne, Le Havre, Rouen. Besides, there are zoºcities of a Op. between 50,000 and 100,000. The climate of F, is one of the finest in Europe. The general appearance of the Country is level. In the S.E. begin the chain of the Alps, and include Mönt Blanc, the highest point of Europe; the Jura Mts. W. of Switz. ; the £yrenées on the Spanish frontier; W. of the Rhône are the Çevennes and Mts. of Auvergne; the Vosges on the German frontier. One-Seventh of the surface is forest-clad. The vine # 9ne of its characteristic products. The minerals include coal, iron, and lead. The principal rivers are, the Seine, Loire, Rhône, Moselle, and Meuse, with their important tributaries. The most iñportant manufs. are, silk, cotton, wool, Carpets, linen, lace, etc., porcelain and glass, kid gloves, etc., winé and brandy. The foreign possessions of F. comprise Algéria, French India, Cochin China, Cambodia, Tonquin, Senegal, Reunion, Guiana, Martin. igue,. Guadaloupe, St. Pierre , and Miquelon, New Caledonia, Tahiti, and the protectorates of Tunis, Annam, and Madagascar. France, Isle of Sée Mauritius and Ile de Francé. Franceville, sta. French Ter, in Congo, on Upper Ogowe R. I autºlitº, tn. —Franche-Comté, old prov. France, now Doubs, Haute-Saône, and Francis Joseph Land. See Franz-Josef Land. [Jura. Francofonte, thSicily, 25 m. WNW. Syracuse. P. 6427. Franconia (Ger. Franéent), former country of Europe, gives name to three circles of Bavaria. Chief tins., Nürnberg, Würzburg, Baireuth, and Bamberg. rail. P. 6819. Franeker, th Netherlands, in Friesland, Io m. W. Leeuwarden by Frankenberg, th: Saxony, 7 m. by rail NNE, Chemnitz. P. ro,898. Frankenberg, th in Hessen-Nassau, 32 m. SW. Cassel. P. 2666. Frankenhausen, th: Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, on R. Wipper. P. 4932. Frankenstein, th: Prussian Silesia, 45 m. by rail S. Breslau. P. 8017. £rankenthal, th:, Rhenish. Bavaria, 20 m...N. by W. of Speyer. £rankford, thº, Irel, mid, King's Co., on R. Silver. P. 559. [P. IO,907. Frankfort-on-the-Main (Ger. Franåſåert am Main), an old free city of Germany, now in Hessen-Nassau Prov., Prussia, on r. b. of R. Main, 18 m. from its junction with the Rhine. P. (with environs) x54,513. . F. was the seat of the German Diet from 1816 till 1866. It has beautiful environs and many fine buildings, libraries, museums, and galleries. Frankfort-on-the-Oder (Ger. Fraz:#furt au der Oder), city, Prussia, in Brandenburg, and cap. of gov. of the same name, 5om. SE. Berlin. . P. 54,085. . Area of gov. 7411 sq. m. P. 1,105,493. Frankfort, th: Kentucky, cap. of state and of Franklin Co., on r. b. of Kentucky R., 70 m. S. by W. Cincinnati. P. 9937. Franklin, municipality, Manitoba, in Manchester co. [P. 5895. Franklin, .th. Indiana, cap. of Johnson co., 20 m. S. Indianapolis. Franklin, isl. in Antarctic Ocean. I-at. 76°8' S.; lon. 1639 ºf E. " £ranklin, tº Massachusetts, Norfolk co., 27 m. ŠW. Boston. P. 4051. Franklin, vil. New Hampshire, in co. and on Merrimac R. P. 3265. Franklin, vil. Ohio, Warren co., 16 m. SW. Dayton. P.2385. Franklin, city, Pennsylv., cap. Venango co., on Alleghany R. P. 5OIo. Franklin, tship. Tasmania, có. Kent, 33 m. W. Hobart. P. of dist. 3852. Franklinford, the Victoria, 85 m. NW. Melbourne. P. of dist. 203. Frankstadt, th Moravia, 35 m, ENE. Prerau. P. 6107. Frankston, the and ry. sta.Victoria, co. Mornington, 27 m. SSE. Melbourne, on Port Phillip Bay. Franzensbrunnen, yil. Bohemia, 17 m. WSW. Elbogen. P. 2389. Franz-Josef Land, isls. in Arctic Gc. Lat. 80°.83° N.; lon. 50° 73, E. Frascati, th Italy, 12 m. by rail SE. Rome. P. 7719. Fraserburg, div. and th: Cape Colony, Middle Prov. P. 9ooo. Fraserburgh, spt.tn. andry.sta. Scot., NE, extremity of Aberdeensh. P. 6583. F. is one of the chief seats of the herring fishery. Fraser River, largest r. of Brit. Columbia, enters G. of Georgia near at. #. Length, 1000 m. Fraserville, tm. Québec, co. Temiscouata. P. 2291. Frasnes-les-Buissenal, th: Belgium, 12 m. NE. Tournai. Fraššo, ºn. Italy, prov. and 12 m. ENE. Caserta. P. 4137. Fratta Maggiore, th Italy, 6 m. N. Naples. P. II,313. Eratte, vil. Italy, prov. Caserta, 13 m. NE. Gaeta, P. 338r. Frauenburg, tri. Prussia, 42 m. SW. Königsberg, on #rische Haff. Frauenfeld, th: Switz., in Thurgau, on the Murg.” P, sgr. [P. 2617. Traustadt, th Prussia, prov, and 50 m, by rail ŠSW, Fosen, p. 7381. P. 4130. 28 FRAY BEN TOS THE CENTURY GAZETTEER Fray Bentos, th: Uruguay, on Uruguay R., som. from its mth. P. 2500. Frechen, vil. Rhenish Prussia, 22 m. SSW. Düsseldorf. P. 3400. Fredericia, spt. th: Denmark, in Jutland, at N. entrance to Little ... Belt., P. 8275; shipbuilding, brewing, etc. (more. P. 12,000. Frederick, city, Maryland, cap. of F. Co., 61 m. by rail W. by N. Balti- Frederiction, th: N. S. Wales, co. Dudley, 301 m. N. Sydney. , P. 350. Frederiction, city and port of entry, and cap. of New Brunswick and Co. of York, on W. side R. St. John. P. 6218. Fredericksburg, city, Virginia, Spottsylvania co., on r. b. Rappahan- nock R., 61 m. N. Richmond. P. 5oro. Fredericksburgh, th: Cape Colony, Báthurst Div., on Golana R. Frederiksborg or Hilleröd, vil. Denmark, in Zealand, 21 m. NNW. with a royal palace. port on W. CŞt. Greenland. Lat. 62° N. or Frederikshall, cst, th: Norway, near N.E. angle of Rack. P. 9792. [P. 298r. Spt. and ry. terminus, Denmark, NE. cst. Jutland. ft. th Norway, at mth. of the Glommen, with arsenal. ; exports, wood; manuf. nails. - or Friedrichstadt, tin. Russia, in Courland, on the . 5966. or West End, th: Santa Cruz, W. Indies, on W. cºt. or Hamina, ſt. Spt. th: Finland, 53 m. WSW. Viborg. ft. th: Norway, amt Jarlsberg og Laurvik. P. 114t. ºk, Špt. tu, Denmark, on Ise Fð., 30 m. NW. Copenhagen. vil. New York, Chautauqua co., 3 m. S. Dunkirk. P. 3692. tn. Victoria, 205 m. NE. Melbourne, on Ovens R. P. 269. vil. New Jersey, Monmouth co., 25 m. E. Trenton. P. 4302. tn. S. Australia, Co. Light, 363 m. N. Adelaide. P. 137. city, Illinois, Stephenson co., 70 m. ESE. Dubuque. P. 8516. vil. Maine, Cumberland co., 18 m. NE. Portland. P. 2279. or St. George, th; W. Africa, cap. of Sierra Leone. P. 20,000. de la Sierra, th Spain, 39 m. Sii. Badajos. P. 7707. mining th Saxony, 20 m. SW. Dresden. P. 27,642. or Freyburg, city, Baden, 75 m. SSW. Carlsruhe. P. 41,340. tn. Prussian Silesia, 36 m. by rail WSW. Breslau. P. g615. vil. Prussia, in Hanover, 18 m. NNW. Stade. P. 228r. der Unstrut, th: Pr. Saxony, 13m. S.W. Merseburg. P.317o. tn. Prussia, Brandenburg, 40 m. NE. Berlin. P. 6818. Neu, th: Pomerania, 32 m. E. Stettin. P. 2188. Rhenish Bavaria, 22 m. NE. Landshut. P. 2414. Spt. Chili, prov. Atacama, on R. Huasco. P. Io,000. [P. 91.25. tn. Up. Bavaria, on R. Isar, 20 m. NE. Munich by rail. or Freystadt, th: Lr. Silesia, 23 m. WNW. Glogau. P. 4105. tn. W. Prussia, 16 m. SE. Marienwerder. P. 2180. [P. 5859. tn. Austrian Silesia, 40 m. by rail WNW. Troppau. France, in Var, 18 m. SE. Draguignan. P. 3135. mun, and spt. W. Australia, at mth. Swan R. P. 3641. tn. Nebraska, cap. of Dodge co., on 1. b. Platte R. P.3013. city, Ohio, cap. of Sandusky co., on Sandusky R. P. 8446. Peak, mtn. Wyoming, U.S., in Wind River Mts., 13,576 ft. Broad R., from Blue Ridge, N. Carolina, 250 m., to Holston R., 3 m. above Knoxville, Tennessee. º French Guiana (Fr. Guyane Française), a French Col. S. America, E. of Dutch G., and bounded E. and S. by Brazil. Area, 46,877 sq. m. P. 25,157. Cap. Cayenne. Frenchman's Cap, mth. Tasmania, co. Franklin. Alt. 4756 ft. Frenchpark, vil. Irel., co. Roscommon, 8 m. SW. Boyle ry. Sta. P. 419. French R., Ontario, flows W. from L. Nipissing to Georgian Bay. Frensham, par. and vil. Engl., W. Surrey, 3% m. S. Farnham. P. 2079. Freshford, par., vil., and ry. sta. E. Somerset, 4% m. SE. Bath. P. 615. Freshwater, par. and vil. SW. cat. Isle of Wight, on R. Yar. P. 2809. Freshwater, cst. vil. Newfoundland, N. side of Conception B. P. 390. Freshwater Creek, post th: Victoria, 55 m. SW. Melbourne. P. 500. Fresnay, th: France, in Sarthe, 20 m. WSW. Mamers. P. 2988. Fresnes, th: France, in Nord, 53 m. N. Valenciennes... P. 6342. Fresnillo, th: Mexico, State and 25 m. NW. Zacatecas, silver and copper. : £esnoy-le-Grand, vil. France, in Aisne, Iom. NE. St. Quentin. P. 3903. Freuchie, vil. Scot. Fife, 1 m. N. Falkland Road Sta. P. IoS9. Freudenstadt, th: Würtemberg, 40 m. SW. Stuttgart. P. 6204. Freudenthal, th Austrian Silesia, 12 m. SW. Jägerndorf. P. 7595. Frevent, th: France, in Pas-de-Calais, 21 m. W. Arras. P. 4312. Freyberg, th: Moravia, 42 m. ENE. Olmütz. P. 4710. Freyberg. See Freiberg. Freyburg or Fribourg, th Switz., cap. of cant. of F., on R. Saane, 17 m. by rail SW, Bern. P. 11,840. The cant. is bounded N. and E. by Bern. Area, 644 sq. m. , P. 115,409, mostly Rolm. Cath. Freystadt, the Up. Austria, 18 m. by rail NNE. Lintz. P. 3170. Freystadt, th: Austrian Silesia, II m. NW. Teschen. P. 2960. sistadtl Galgocz, th: Hungary, on R. Waga, 15 m. NW. Neutra. edberg, th: Bavaria, 4 m. ESE. Augsburg. P. 2606. [P. 64Io. edberg, th Hessen, 21 m. N. Frankfort by rail. P. 4998. edeberg, th Prussia, in Brandenburg, 56 m. NE. Frankfort, P. 6306. edeberg-am-Queiss, th: Silesia, 46 m. WSW. Liegnitz. P. 2700. edeck, th Austrian Silesia, 14 m. WSW. Teschen. P. 5912. edland, th: Bohemia, 68 m. NNE. Prague. P. 4817. . ; edland, th: Germany, 30 m. NE. Neu Strelitz. P. 5486. , th: E. Prussia, 27 m. SE. Königsberg. P. 3182. edland, Markisch, th: Prussia, 120m. WSW. Marienwerder. P. 2498. P. f. I ºl, I I I FrIFr.i Friedland, Preussisch, th: Prussia, 7om. WSW. Marienwerder. P. 3599. Friedrichroda, th: Germany, 9 m. SW. Gotha. P. 3372. [P. 3037. Friedrichshafen or Buchhorn, the Würtemberg, on L. Constance. Frieſ hagen, th: Prussia, in Brandenburg, goy. Potsdam. P. 3700. Friedrichstadt, th: Prussia, Schleswig, on R. Eider. P. 2512. Friedrichstadt, th Russia, gov. Courland, on Düna R. P. 5906. 3riedr thal, th: Rhenish Prussia, Iom. NE. Saarbrück. P. 5870. Fi iswalde, post tu. S. Australia, 75 m, N. Adelaide. P. 350. iendly Islg. See Tonga Islg. - iesack, th, Prussia, 33 m. NW. Potsdam by rail. P. 3556. iesenheim, vil. Rhenish Bavaria, 3 m. SW. Mannheim. P. 3668. iegland or Vriesland, prov. Netherlands. Area, 1282 sq. m. P. 333,435. Cap. Leeuwarden. o igento, th: Italy, prov, and 17 m. ENE. Ayellino. P. 4016. o, Cape, E.cst. Brazil, 80 m. E. Rio Janeiro. Eley. I570 ft. ockheim, vil. Scot., Forfarsh., 6% m. NW. Arbroath. . P. Io98 ol, tr. Spain, in Galicia, dist, and near Lugo. P. 8486. sche Haff, extensive lagoon, E. Prussia, off the Baltic, 57 m. long. tzlar, th: Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, 16 m. S.W. Cassel. P. 3239. Frobischer Bay, inlet, Canada, N. of Hudson Str., 240 m. long. Frodsham, mkt. th and port, Cheshire, Iom. NE. Chester. P. 2489 Fröen, vil. Norway, 115 m. NW. Christiania, on the Lougail. P. 4100. Frohburg, th: Saxony, 21 m. SSE. Leipsic. P. 2852. [P. 9377. Frome, mist, th and ry. sta. Somerset, on R. Frome, 11 m. S. Bath. Frome, r. Somerset, flows 20 m. to the Avon at Freshford. Frome, r. Herefordsh., flows 20 m. to the Lugg near º Bishop. Frontignan, cst. tin. France, in Hérault, 14 m. SW. Montpellier. P. 3164. Frosinone, th: Italy, on the Cosa, 48 m. ESE. Rome. P. Io, 185. Frosolone, vil. Italy, prov. Campobasso, II m. E. Isernia. P. 5915. Frostburg, vil. Maryland, Alleghany co., 9m. W. Cumberland. P. 4057. Frouard, vil. France, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, 5 m. NW. Nancy. P. 3391. Fruges, tin. France, in Pas-de-Calais, 35 m. WNW. Arras. P. 2968. Frutigen, vil. Switz., cant. and 27 m. SSE. Bern. P. 4042. Fryerstown, th; Victoria, co. Talbot, 86 m. N. by W. Melb. P. 2000. Fucecchio, th Italy, on the Arno, 23 m. W. Florence. P. II,195. Fuengirola, th: Spain, 20 m. SW. Malaga, on Mediterranean. I’. 4329. Fuente-Alamo, tin. Spain, 18 m. S. Murcia. P. 7901. Fuente-Cantos, th Spain, 48 m. SE. Badajos., P. 7066. Fuente-del-Maestre, th Spain, 30 m.SE. Badajos. P. 6055. Fuente-Ovejuna, th Spain, 36 m. NW. Cordova. P. 7937. Fuentes-de-Andalucia, tin. Spain, 32 m. ENE. Seville. P. 6797. Fuerteventura, isl. Canary Isls. Area, 663 sq. m. P. II,000. Fulda, r. Germany, joins the Werra to form the Weser. Length 90 m. Fulda, th: Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, 54 m. SE. Cassel. P. 12,284. Fulham, parl. bor. and par. in W. of London. P. 42,900. F. returns r M.P. Fulham Palace residence of Bishop of L. . [from sea-cst. Fulham, post tim. S. Australia, co., and suburb of Adelaide, I m. Fulton, vil. Missouri, Callaway co., 26 m. NNE. Jefferson city. P. 2409. Fulton, vil. New York, Oswego Co., on Oswego R. P. 3941. Fulton, vil. Wisconsin, in co. and on Rock R. P. 2244. 3Pumay, tm. France, in Ardennes, on R. Meuse. P. 5231. £umel, th: France, in Lot-et-Garonne, on R. Lot. P. 3884. Funchal, th and port of Madeira, on S. CSt. P. 20,606. [Brunswick. Fundy, Bay of, inlet of Atlantic between Nova Scotia and New Füneñor Fühnen (Dan. Fyen), large isl. of Denmark, in Baltic Sea, between Zealand and the mainland. Area, 1320 sq. m. P. 246,454. Fünfkirchen, city, Hungary, Ios m. SSW. Buda. P. 28,8or. Fured or Tisza-Füred, the Hungary, on R. Theiss. P. of com. 6622. Furneaux Islg., a grp. in Bass Strait, belongs to Tasmania. Furmes (Flemish, Weitrate), th: Belgium, W. Flanders. P. 5256. Furness, dist. NW. Lancashire, part of the Lake District. [P. 2425. --- stenberg, tn. Germany, in Mecklenburg-Strelitz, on R. Havel. irstenberg, th: Prussia, in Brandenburg, 63 m. ESE. Berlin. P. 3640. Fürstenfeld, th: Styria, 30 m. E. Gratz. P. 3878. Fürstenfelde, th: Prussia, in Brandenburg, 26m. N. Frankfort. P. 2129. rstenwalde, tm. Prussia, in Brandenburg, on R. Spree. P. 10,781. Fürth, th: Bavaria, in Mid Franconia, on R. Rednitz. . P. 35,455. Fürth, frontier th: Bayaria, on R. Chan, 40 m. NE. Ratisbon. P. 4926. Furtwangen, th Baden, 1 m. ENE. Freiburg. , P. 3850. [Bothnia. Fury and Hecla Strait, N. America, in lat, 70° N., leads W. into G. of # ºr.Fr : Fuscaldo, tn., Italy, in Naples, 16 m. NW. Cosenza. P. 8427. Fusignano, vil. Itály, in Emilia, 30 m. SE. Ferrara, on R. Senio. P. 5193. Fusi Yama. See Foosee. - Füssen, th: Bavaria, on R. Lech, near Tyrol border. P. 2768. Futa Jalom, native state, in Senegambia, French protectorate. Futtak, th; Hungary, on R. Danube, 8 m. W. Peterwardein. P. 5720 Fuveau, vil. France, in Bouches-du-Rhône, 7 m. SE. Aix. P. 2684. Fizes Gyarmath, th; Hungary, on the Berettyo. P. 6473. Fyansford, post the Victoria, 48 m. S.W. Melbourne. P. oG. Fyne, Loch, arm of Sea off Firth of Clyde, Scot., Argyll, 40 m. long. £yyie, par...and ry. Sta. Scot., Aberdeen, on R. Ythan. P. 403. Gabes, th Africa. See Cabes. Gable, Great, mt. W. Cumberland, head of Ennerdale, 2949 ft. Gablonz, th: Bohemia, on R. Neisse, 8 m. SE. Reichenberg. P. 9032. Gaboon (Fr. Le Gabon), r. W. Africa, enters Atlantic near the Equator. G., the chief tin., a French settlement. P. 20,000. :abrova, th: Bulgaria, on R. Jantra, 20 m. SW. Tirnova. P. 7850. ada Wara, th: India, in Narsinghpur Dist., Cent. Provs. P. 8109. addesden, Gt., par. and vil. Herts, NW, Heniel Hempstead. P. 933. adebusch, th; Germany, 13 m. WNW. Schwerin. P. 2555. adjatch or Gaditch, th: Russia, gov, and 60 m. NW. Poltava. P. 9253. ads Hill, Kent, 3 m. SE. Gravesend, immortalised by Shakespeãré. aeta, ft. Spt. Italy, prov. Caserta, 40 m. NW. Naples. P. 16,848. affney's Creek, post th: Victoria, 122 m. ENE. Melbourne. agetown, th: New Brunswick, on W. b. R. St. John. P. 1282. agliano, vil, Sicily, prov. and 40 m. WNW. Catania. P. 4705. ahmar, th: Ghazipur Dist., N.W. Provs., 1 m. S. Ganges. P. 10,443. aillac, tr. France, in Tarn, 13 m. W. Alby, on R. Tarn. P. 8308. aillon, vil. France, in Eure, 8 m. ESE. Louviers. P. 3488. ainesville, vil. Texas, cap. of Cook co., 6 m. S. of Red R. P. 2667. :ainford, par., tshp., and vil. S. Durham, on R. Tees. P. 6048. :ainsborough, mkt. th: and port, N. Lincoln, on R. Trent. P. IO,873. airdner, Lake, large lake, S. Australia, 130 m. by 25. air Loch, inlet Scot., W. CŞt. Ross, 6 m. long; par. and vil. airn, r. Scot, S.W. Aberdeen, flows 20 m. to R. Dee, near Ballater. airsay, isl. Orkney, 3 m. E. of Mainland. P. 37. ais, vil. Switz., cant, and 4 m. NE. Appenzell." P. 2505. ajar, mkt; th; Hungary, Co. and 24 m. NNW. Presburg. P. 3694. ajššin or Hajšim, th: Russia, in Podolia, 20 m. E. Bratslav. p. 3765. alam or Fort St. Joseph, th W. Africa, on the Senegal. alapagos, grp. of isls. Pacific Oc., on the Equator, belonging to and 739 m. W. of Ecuador. They are frequented by turtles, etc. Galashiels, parl. bur. and manuf. th: Scot., on Gala Water, Selkirk and Roxburgh, 5 m. from the Tweed, 333 m. SE. Edinburgh. P. 15,330. G. is one of the Hazvicº Buerghs. P. 37,604. Galata, large sub. of Constantinople, on N. side of the Golden Horn. It is the chief seat of the foreign trade. Galatina, th: S. Italy, prov. Lecce, 12 m. NW. Otranto. P. of com. Galatone, th: Italy, dist, and 9 m. NE. Gallipoli. P. 6410. [14,620. Galatz or Galacz, th: Roumania, in Moldavia, on N. b. of Danube, between the Sereth and Pruth. P. 80,000. Gala Water, r. Scot., aff, of the Tweed, from Mid-Lothian, 21 in. Galaxidi, Spt, Greece, in Phocis, on Gulf of Salona, P. 4226. Galbally, par. and vil. Irel, SE. Linerick co., 9 m. SW. Tipperary, Galeata, th: Italy, in Tuscany, 30 m. SW, of Ravenna. P. 4094. (P. 318;. alena, city, Illinois, cap. of Jo Davies's co., on Fevre R. P. 645r. 2 : esburg, city, Illinois, Knox co., 53 m. WNW. Peoria. P. 11,446. icia, old prov. Spain, in the NE., now forms provs. Corunna, Lugo, Orense, and Pontevedra. Area, Io,876 sq. m. Galicia (Polish, Halicz, Ger. Galicien), prov. Austrian Poland. Area, 30,308 sq. m. ... P. 5,958,907. Principal ths. Lemberg (cap.), Cracow, Tarnopol. Chief rs., Dniester, Vistula, Bug, and Pruth. alilee, the most N. proy. of anc. Palestine, on W. side of Jordan. alilee, Sea of. See Lake of Tabariyah. alion, city, Ohio, Crawford co., 53 m. N. by E. Columbus. a 2. à. P. 563:. teh, th: Russia, gov. and 60 m. NE. Kostroma. P. 5739. 5035 arate, tm. Italy, 23 m. NW. Milan. P. 5459; com. 8442. lla Country, E. Africa, S. of Shoa, inhabited by savage tribes allied to the Kabyles. [170 m. long. Gallatin R., Montana, unites with Jefferson Fork to form the Missouri, Galle or Point de Galle, spt. 1n. on SW. CŞt. of Ceylon, 2150 m. from Aden. P. 48,500. Callenstock, mtn. Switz., cant. Valais and Uri. Alt. Ir,000 ft. Galliate, vil. Italy, prov. and 4% m. ENE. Novara. P. of com. 7612. Gallico, the Italy, in Calabria, 5 m. W. Reggio. P. 4854. Gallipoli, spt. in. Turkey, at entrance to Sea of Marmora, 132 m. WSW. of Constantinople. I’. 20,000. Gallipoli, ft. spt. Italy, prov. Lecce, 29 m. WSW. Otranto. P. 12,687. Gallipolis, city, Ohio, cap. of Gallia co., on Ohio R. P. 4400. Galloway, anc. dist. Scot., comprising cos. of Kirkcudbright and Wig- town; was divided into Upper and Lower G. and Rhinns of G. , Mull of, headland, Wigtownsh., the most S. part of Scot. , New, tin. and royal bur. Scot., Kirkcudbright, on R. Ken. , Rhinns of, penin. W. Loch Ryan and Luce Bay. [P. 422. tn. Italy, prov. and 3 m. SSW. Florence. P.64I4; com. I4,995. (anc. Charybdis), famous whirlpool, outside Mesina Harb. Strait of Mesina, opposite the rock of Scylla, on cst, of Italy. Galston, th Scot., Ayr, on R. Irvine, 5 m. SE. Kilmarnock. P. 4085, Galt, th: Ontario, Waterloo co., 25 m. NNW., Hamilton. P. 5187. Galtee Mts., Irel., cos. Tipperary and Limerick, rising to 3008 ft. Galveston, city, port of entry, Texas, cap. of G. Co., on Gulf of Mexico. P. (1880) 22,253, (1885) estimated 30,000. Galway, maritime co. of Connaught, Irel., bounded N. by Mayo, N.E. by Roscommon, E. by R. Shannon, separating it from King's Co. and Tipperary, S. by Clare, and W. by Atlantic Oc. Area, 2452 sq. m. P. 242,005, of whom 96.7 per cent. are R. Catholic. Galway, parl. bor., spt., and co. th of Galway, at mouth of R. Corrib, on G. Bay, 130 m. by rail W. of Dublin. P. 19,171. It returns r M.P. The seat of one of the Queen's Colleges. Galway Bay, inlet of Atlantic between cos. Galway and Clare, 30 m. Gambia, r. W. Africa, Senegambia, enters Atlantic at Bathurst, 110 m. SE. Cape Verd, after a WNW, course of 1000 m. P. 14,150. Gambia, Brit. Col. at mouth of G. R. Area, 69 sq. m. Cap. Bathurst. Gambier Isls., group in Pacific Ocean under Trench protection, 23° 8. S., 134° 55' W. Gambolo, vil, Italy, 18 m. SE, Novara. P. 7386. Gamla Karleby (i.e. Ola K.), th: Finland, 63 m. NE. Vasa, 1 m. from Gulf of Bothnia. P. 2:00. Nykarleby (New K.), maritime tin. 45 m. NE. Vasa. P. Ior S. [P. 2871. ananoque, th port of entry Ontario, Leeds co., on St. Lawrence. Gandava, th: Baluchistan, cap. of Kachhi Prov., 40 m. S.W. Bagh. Gandersheim, th: Germany, 36 m. by rail SW. of Brunswick. P. 2610. Gandia, th: Spain, prov. and 40 m. by rail SSE. Valencia. P. 7604. Gandya, th: Russia, gov. and SH. Tiflis. P. 12,000. Gando, kingdom, Soudan, traversed by the Niger. Area, 82,000 sq. m. P. 5,800,000. G., the cap., is in the NE. P. 30-40, oro. Ganges, large and famous r. N. India, from Garhwal State in the Himalayas, falls into B. of Bengal after a course of 1557 m. Its up. water is called the Bhagirathi, from a source 13,800 ft. above sea-level. The basin of the G. embraces 391,100 sq. m. anges, th France, in Hérault, 28 m. WNW. Montpellier. P. 420r. angi, tr. Sicily, prov. Palermo, 19 m. SSE. of Cefalu. P. 12,686. Hangoh, India, 23 m. SW. Saharanpur, NW. Provs. P. 12,089. angotri, mtn. temple, India, Garhwal on R. Ganges, 8m. from source. angpur, trib. state, India, Bengal. Area, 2484 sq. m. P. 107,965. anjam, dist. India, in NE. of Madras Pres. Area, 831.1 sq. m. P. 1,749,604. Cap. Derhampur. Ganjam, tin. in foregoing, former cap., 315 m. SW. Calcutta. P. 5037. Gannat, th France, in Allier, 34 m. SSW. Moulins. P. 5723. Gao or Gayu, th: W. Soudan, in Gondo kingdom, on I. b. Niger R. Gap, the France, cap. of Hautes-Alpes, 46m. SSE. Grenoble. P. Io,765. Garag, th: India, dist. Dharwar, and 43m. IE. of Bombay Pres. P. 17,001. Gard, r. France, aſt. of the Rhône, 5 m. NE. Tarascon, 55 m. long. Gard, dep. France, on the Mediterranean and Rhône. Area, 2253 sq. m. P. 417,099. Cap. Nimes. It is watered by R. Gard. Garda, Lago di, lake, in Lombardy and Venetia, discharges by the Mincio to the Po, 32 m. long. - . I2, OCO- Gardaïa or Ghardeia, th: Algerian Sahara, 300 m. S. of Algiers, Gardelegen, tin. Prussian Saxony, on the Milde, 25 m. by rail W. by S. of Stendal. P. 7258; ironfounding; manuf. pearl buttons. [P. 400. Garden River, vil. Ontario, Algoma Dist., 12 m. ENE. Sault Ste. Marie. Gardenstown, fishing vil. Scot., co. and 8 m. E. of Banff. P. 871. Gardiner, th: Maine, on Kennebec R., 7 m. S. Augusta. P. 4439. i : Gardner, vil. Massachusetts, Worcester co., 70 m. WNW. Boston. Gare Loch, arm of IFirth of Clyde, Scot. ; Garelochhead vil. P. 75r- Garessio, tin. Italy, 16 m. SSE. Mondovi, on the Tanaro. P. 7473. Gargnano, vil. Italy, 23 m. ENE. of Brescia, on L. di Garda. P. 3975. Gargunnock, par. and vil. Scot., co. and 5% m. W. of Stirling. P. 698. Garhakota, th: India, Cent. Provs., 27 m. E. of Sagar. P. II,414. Garhmukhtegar, th India, dist. and 26 m. SE. Meerut, NW. Provs., on J. b. of Ganges. P. 7355. Its fair attracts 200,000 pilgrims. Garhwal, India, the NW. dist. of Kumaun Div., in the Himalayas. rea, 5500 sq. m. P. 345,629. Cap. Pauri; chief th: Srinagar. Garhwal, native state, NW. Provs, adjoining the foregoing. Area, 4180 sq. m. P. 199,836. Cap. Tehri. It pays no tribute. Gariep, r. S. Africa. See Orange. Garioch, dist. Scot., mid. Aberdeensh., 150 sq. m., 15 parishes. Garlasco, th Italy, 23 m. SE. of Novara, P. 7402. [P. 699. Garlieston, spt. and ry. sta. Scot., on G. Bay, 94 m. SE. of Wigtown. GEORGIA §pt, and vil. Scot, near mouth of Spey, co. Tigin. p. 62 vil, and ry, sta. Lanarksh., 53 m. N jp à...” P. 782. 6. r: Ayrsh., flows S. 21 m. to Firth of Clyde at ſºvine. vil. Izanarksh, 23 m. NW. Coatbridge. P. 934. Hills, the S.W. dist. of Assam, Iñdia. Area, 3146 sq. m. P. 199,548. Cap. Tura. Highest peak, 4650 ft. J. Garonme, r. France, from the Pyrenées in Väi d'Aran, in N. of Spain thence into Haute-Garonne, and N.W. to Bay of Biscay below: Bordeaux. It receives the Ariège, Tarn, Lot, and Dordogne on the r., below which it is called the Gironde, 384 m. arry, r. S.W., Inverness, enters Loch Oich in Cáledonian Canal. arry, r. N. Perthsh., enters the Tummel below Killiecrankie. arry, lake, Canada, on Gt. Fish R. 66° N., rcoº W. arscadden, vil, and iron-works, Scot., Dumbartonsh. P. 649. arsgube, vil. Scot.; 1 m. W. of Maryhill sta, Dumbartonsh. Harstang, mkt, th N. Lancash., on R. Wyre, Io; m. S. Lancaster. t • 2769. Large cotton factories in neighbourhood. [P. Io,271. Harston, cst...tn. S.W. Lancash., on R. Mersey, 4 m. SE. Liverpool. arāmore, vil, and ry. sta. Scot., Perthsh., 24 m.s. Aberfoyle. artsherrie, th: Scot., part of Coatbridge. T. 9070; iron-works. *:::::: th. Co. Londonderry, 123 m. S. Coleraine.' P. 708. &rvald, par. and yil. Scot, Co. and 53 m. SE, Haddington. P. 758. arvoc, post tu, Victoria, co. Hampden, II5 m. W. Melbourne. arwa, thºlindia, Lohardaga Dist., Bengal, on Dauro R. P. 6043. tall?, th: Prussia, 16 m. SSW. Stettin, on the Oder. P. 5182. arz, th: Prussia, on Rugen Isl., 10 m. E. of Stralsund. P. 1970 āržWeiler, vil. Rhenish Prussia, 18 m. SW. Düsseldorf. p. 4600 Gascoigne, r. W. Australia, enters Indian Ocean at Shark Bay, 300 In. Gascony (Fr. Gascoigne), old prov. France, in the SW., now deps. of Landes, Gers, Hautes-Pyrenées, and part of Basses-Pyrénées Cap. Auch. - Gaspé, peninsular dist. Quebec, between R. and Gulf of St. Law. ... ºnº. P. 34,652. #aspé, Cape, Quebec, on Gulf of St. Lawrence. i C g * [P. 760. Gaspé, th. &nd pºrt of entry, Quebec, Gaspé co., 450 m. from Quebec. Gastein, Yalley, Austria, proy. Salzburg,3om. İoºg from N. tº S. Gastel, New and Old, vils. Netherlands, in N. Braiant P. 3893. Gasteren, valley, Switz., cant. Bern, W. of Blümlisalp. çaía, Cape (Span. Cabo de Gata), S. cst. Spain, 25 m. SE. Almería. Gatehouse-of-Fleet, tn. on R. Fleet, 9 m. N.W. Kirkcudbr. P. 1286. Gateshead, parl, and mun. bor. and spt. N. Durham, on R. Tyne, 9Pposite Newcastle. . P. 65,803. Éxport, coal; other industries, iron-works, making of engines, boilers, cables, etc., Shipbuilding, and chemical works, etc. It returns 1 M.P. I’. Quebec, enters the Ottawa 1 m, below Ottawa, 400 m. th. Russia, gov. and 30 m. SSW. St. Petersburg. P. Io,063. tn, Italy, 17 m. NW. Novara, on the Sesia. P. Boro. tn. Queensland, co. Stanley, 60 m. W. Brisbane, P. I43- th. Hessen, 3 m. W. of Öber-Ingelheim, P. 2488. Spain, prov...and 49 m. WSW. Malaga. P. 4329. vil. Austria, sub. of Vienna, on the Wien." 5. 12,377. cap. of Kamrup Dist., Assam, on Brahmaputra. P. 11,695. port of entry, Newfoundland, 13 m. SW. Harb. Britain. Gautlan, spt, Mexico, State of Jalisco. - %ave, le Pâu, r. France, aff, of Adour, 15 m. ENE. Bayonne, Iro m. Gavello, vil. Italy, 8 m. ESE. Rovigo, on site of an and, tin. P. 2691. Gavi, ft. the Italy, prov. Alessandria, 5 m. S. of Novi P. 6945. Gawler, nun ship. S. Aiºi. 8. §. R. N.E.”.elaide. Gaya, tr. Moravia, 17 m. SW, of Hradisch. P. 3013. [P. 1811. Gaya, dist. India, Bengal, E. of R. Son. Arcă, 4712 sq. m. P. 2,124,682. Cap. Gaya, with Sahibganj, 55 m. S. of Pátna. P. 76,415, Gayndah, mun. tshp. Queensland, on Burnºtt R., 200m. NW. Brisbané. Gaza, city, Palestine, 48 m. SW. Jerusalem. P. 16,000. Géant or Aiguille du Géant, mtn. of Savoy, of 13,156 ft. elev. gº. Prus. Saxony, II m. NNW, of Érfurt, on R. Gera. • 2164. ebweiler, th; Germany, in Alsace, 15 m. SSW. Kolmar. P. 12,388. Heddes, th: New York, Onondaga co., 3 m. W. of Syracuse. P. 4283. eddington, vil. Northamptonsh., 3 m. NE. Kettering. P. 862. Heelong, spt, the Victoria, Grant co., 45 m. SW, of Melbourne by rail, on Coria Bay, Port Phillip. , P. 21, 157. Export, wool. eelvink Chan., W. Australia, between mainland and Abrolhos Isls. eelvink Bay, large inlet, on NW. cat. of New Guinea. [P. 2075. eertruidenberg, ft. th: Holland, N. Brabant, 9 m. NNW. Breda. Heestemünde, spt. th: Hanover, on the Weser, a sub. of Bremerhaven. P. of G. Hafen, 4796; Geestendorf, 9403. Geeves Town, post tri. Tasmania, co. Ként, 40 m. SW. Hobart. I’. 6oo. Gefle, ft. Spt. Sweden, room. NNW. Stockholm. P. 18,910. Geºg, maritime prov. Sweden, on Gulf of Bothnia. Cap. Gefle. . I91,223. 3eilenkirchen, the Rhenish Prussia, 13 m. N. Aix-la-Chapelle. P. 3880. Geisenheim, th: Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, on the Rhine. P. 31.35. eislingen, tin. Würtemberg, 17 m. by rail NNW, Ulm. P. 47%. eißpolzheim or Geispitzeň, vii. Alsace, 7 m. SW. Strasburg. 1' 2230. eithain of Geißen, thi, Saxony, 24 m. by rail SSE. Leipsic. P. 4115. elderland or Guelderland, prov. Netherlands, between Zuyder Zee and Westphalia. Area, 1962 sq. m. P. 490,905. Cap. Arnhem. eldermalsem, vil, Netherlands, in Gelderland, 6 m. W. Thiel, P. 2734. eldern, the Rhenish Prussia, 17 m. SW. Wesel, on the Niers. P. 5631. eldrop, vil. Netherlands, N. Brabant, 23m. SSE. Bois-le-Duc. I’. 2567. elenau, vil. Saxony, 3 m. NE. Thum. P. 5572. ellivare, vil. Sweden, in Norrbotten, Ico m. NNW. Pitea; has iron-works. P. 3234. . 3694. tn. Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, 14 m. ENE. Hanau. in, th: Prussia, in Westphalia,6m. NW. Bochum. P. 20,289. vil. Belgium, prov, and Io m. by rail NW. Namur. P. 3612. Netherlands, in N. Brabant, 18 m. SE. Bois-le-Duc. P. 4954. pass over Alps, Switz., between Bern and Valais. Alt. 7593 ft. tn. Italy, 15 m. NNW. Udine, near the Tagliamento. P. 7&65. tn. Prussia, 23 m. SW. Aix-la-Chapelle. P. 1473. § G C. G r G tn. Bavaria, at confluence of Saale and Main Rs. P. 2049. Monte, mtn. 21 m. NE. Rome, 418.5 ft. high. tn. Belgium, S. Brabant, 17 m. SE. Brussels. P. 1687. tn. Italy, 24 m. ESE. Rome, . P. 4025. Pennsylvania, enters L. Ontario 7 m. N. Rochester, 200 m. Illinois, IIenry Co., 23 m. E., Rock Island. P. 457r. Gezy, Fr. Genève), largest city of Switz., cap. ; cant. of same name, at W. extrem. of Lake of G., whence issues the Rhône. P. 51,537; with environs 71,453. G. is the seat of a university (1368), and has important manufs. of watches, musical boxes, and jewellery. Area of cant. Io9 sq. m. P. IoI,595. Geneva, Lake of (Ger. Gent/ersee, Fr. Lac Lemaît), Switz., bounded by the cants. Valais, Vaud, and Geneva, and by France, and traversed by the Rhône R.; possesses an active shipping trade. Heneva, tin. New York, Ontario Co., at N. end Seneca L. P. 4090. º tn. Baden, on the Kinzig, 5 m. NNW. Zell. P. 2540. enil, Jemil or Xenil, r. Andalusia, aff. of Guadalquivir, 120 m. ennaro, mtn. of the Apennines, Italy, 9 m. N. Tivoli. Height 4289 ft. Hennesareth, Lake of. See Tabariyah. enoa. (Ital. Genova, Fr. Géºtes), ft. Špt. city, N. Italy, on G. of Genoa (Méditerranean), 75 m. SE. Turin. P. 139,366; with environs 379,515. G. has many palaces rich in works of art, and splendid churches and hospitals. Its manufs. are important, especially those of velvet and silk, also its gold, silver and marble works. . in Liguria, N. Italy, lies along the G. of Genoa. sq. m. P. 777,4II. Cap. Genoa. Gulf of, Mediterranean, S. Liguria, N. Italy. Netherlands, in Gelderland, 7 m. EN E. Nimeguen. P. 2633. tn. Prussian Saxony, 30 m. NE. Magdeburg. P. 4042. , th France, in Seine, a S. Suburb of Paris. P. 12,396. or Gensano, tin. Italy, 18 m. SE. Rome. P. 5850. tn. Italy, prov. and 18 m. NE. Potenza. P. with environs ay, SW. Australia, co. Sussex, is 35 m. wide. [816o. a salt lake, New S. Wales, cos. Argyle and Murray, ; III. OIn : Area, Horicon, New York, SW. Lake Champlain. [long. tn. Bohemia, 25 m. W. Leitmcritz. _P. 2509. mining th: Colorado, Clear co., 54 m. W. Denyer. P.3294- city and port of entry, Dist. of Columbia, U.S., on the 2 m. above Washington. P. 14,322. [P. 5216. vil. Kentucky, cap. of Scott co., 20 m. E. Frankfort, of entry, S. Carolina, cap. of G. Co., on W. shore of , 50 m. NE. Charleston. P. 4233. Öntario, Halton co., 29 m. NW. Toronto. P. I.47 I. spt. tin. on SE. side of Prince Edward Isl. P. IIoo. or Demerara, spt. city, cap. of Brit. Guiana. ...P. 47,999. or Huddlestone, ry. sta. and dist. S. Australia, co. Vic- 202 m. N. Adelaide. P. 74f. tn. Cape Colony, 125 m. E. Zwellendam. P. 2240. post tii. Queensland, 11com. NW. Brisbane. ..., P. r154. Špt. cap. of Penang Isl., in Malacca Strait. ...P. 30.oOo. watering-place, Tasmania, co. Dorset, at mth. 9f Tamar 35 m. NW. Launceston. P. of dist. 4983. e [of Tiflis. or Grusia, country of Russian Transcaucasia, now the gov. a S. state of the U.S. of America, on the Atlantic, is bounded by S. Carolina, N. by N. Carolina and Tennessee, W. by Alabama, and S. by Florida. Area, 59,475 sq. m. P. (1899) 162,686; (1860) 1,057,286; (1880) 1,542,180. The Appalachian Mts. enter the N. portion. The state is watered by the Savannah on the NW, frontier; the Ogeechee, Altamaha, Suwanee and Flint Rivers, 29 GEORGIA. THE CENTURY GAZETTE E R GOSHEN tahoochee, on the E. frontier. The chief towns are, and the Chat the cap., Augusta, Macon, Columbus, Athens, etc. Cotton . maize are the leading productions, ar-cane, and sweet potatoes. º: Columbia, tº: mainland and Vancouver , Canada, is the NE, part of L. Huron. [Isl. Russia, gov. Terek, 99 m. SE. Stavropol. P. 4248. tn. Bohemia, 64 m. N. Prague. P. 828ſ. Germany, joins the Unstrut, I2 m. N. Erfurt. , cap. of Reuss-Schleitz, on the White Fift § #. e P. 34,152. . . . . . . . . [* tn. Italy, pº ; 60 m. by rail NE. Reggio di Calabria. tn. New Zealand, co. G., & m. SW. Christchurch. P. 800. port in NW. of W. Australia, 299 m. N.W. Perth. P. rooo. §: Géromé, vii. France, in Vosges, 18 m, S. St. Pie...P.9775. th. Prussian Saxony, 25 m. NW. Merseburg. , 4944: Prussia, 30 m. by rail SW. Insterburg. P. 2885. prov. and 18 m. N. of Almeria, P. 5506. tn. Saxony. 30 m. SE. Leipsic. P. 2735. jään, in Sºkótá, 53 m. NE. Kano. P. about 15,000. German Ocean. See North Sea. [SW. Sydney. P. 600. *:::::::::ton or Ten Mile Creek, post tshp. New S. Wales, 354 m. ( ( T. tn. tn. ſermantown, Pennsylvania, a N. suburb o Philadelphia. ermantown, post th: Victoria, Co. Grant, 49 m. SW. Melbourne. . Germany or Gërman Empire (Ger. Deutschland Latin, Gerºtatº, F: Allemagne), important country of Cent, Europe, between 49°7 and gºgº N. lat, and between 6 and 23°40' E. lon. bounded N. by North Sea, Denmark, and Baltic Sea, W. by Netherlands, Belgium, and France, S. by Switz. and the Tyrol, S.E. by Austria, fohemia, and Austrian Silesia, E. by Russia and Russian Poland. ILength, 740 m. E. to W. and 580 m. N. to S. Area, 208,724 Sq; m."ºf..." (Dec. 1885), 46,855,704. In 1880 Protestants numbered 23,330,967, Roman Catholics, #6,232,606. The Empire comprises the kingdoms of Prussia, Bavaria, Würtemberg, and Saxony; the c. and ºuchies of Baden, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and M:Strelitº, ifessen, Ödenburg, Sachsen-Weimar; besidiºs five Duchies, seven Principalities, three Free.Towns: and the Reichsland of Elsass- £othringen (Alsace-Lorraine). The most important cities are Ber- Iin (the metropolis), Hamburg, Breslau, Munich. Dresden; Leipsic, Cologne, Frankfort-on-the-Main, Königsberg, Hanover, Stuttgart, #remen, Düsseldorf, Nuremberg, Panzic, Magdeburg, Strasburg, Chemnitz, Elberfeld, Altona, and º: Th; are besides 23 op. between 50,000 and IOO,OOO. ere are 2I lllll- :::::: al £; main rS. .# G. are the Rhine, Weser, Elbe, Oder, Vistula, and Danube. The N. of G. consists of a great Sandy plain frºm Russia to the Netherlands. In the S. the Alps form the foundary of Bavaria. Other ranges are, the Vosges, Black Forest, Śwabian Alps, and the Böhmerwald... Further N., arº the Erz Gebirge, Riesen Geb., Thüringer Wald, Fichtel Geb., Harz, etc. *The fimate is temperate and healthy. The trađº,and ºf ºf G. are very extensive. The foreign possessign; of G. are of recent acquisition, and comprise a portion of New Guinea, named Kaiser Wilhelm's Land, and the adjoining Bismarck Archipelago. There are also extensive protectorates in Africa, (1) at the Cameroons, and inland therefrom, (2) between L. Tanganyika and the Zanzibar coast, (3) Damara Land. º Germersheim, ſt.th, Bavaria, on the Rhine, 8 m. SSW. Speyer. P. 6:28. . Gernrode, th’Germany, in Anhalt, 13 m.SSE. Halberstadt; B, 2550. Gernsbach, th Baden, on the Murg, 17 m. S. Carlsruhe. P.36% Gernsheim, th Germany, in Hessen, on the Rhine, 11 m. S.W. Darm- Gerolzhofen,tn. Bavaria, 20 m. NE.Würzburg. P.2364. [stadt, P. 3409. Gerona, fortified city, Spain, cap. of Gerona Province, on River Ter, 52 m. NE. of Barcelona. . P. I5,015. * [m. P. 309,008. Gerona, prov. Spain, Catalonia, on the Mediterranean. Area, 2264 sq. Gerogery, post th New S. Wales, 368 m. S. Sydney, P.,209. Gerreshëim, tin. Rhenish Prussia, A. m. by rail E. Düsseldorf. P. 5292. Gers, dep. in SW. France, in Gascony. Area, 2425 sq. m., P. 274,391. Watered by the Gers (75 m.), Save, Gimone, and Baise, affs. of the Garonné. Cap. Auch. Wine is extensively produced. Gersau, vil. Switz., cant. and 6 m. WSW. Schwytz, on L. 9ſ Lucerne. Geseke, th Prussia, in Westphalia, 26 m. NE. Arnberg. P.3686. . Gettysburg, bor. Pennsylvania, cap. of Adams co., 45 m. S.W. Harris- burg. There the Union forces obtained an impº victory over the Confederates under General Lee (1863). P. 2814. - Gex, th France, in Ain, 11 m. W. of Geneva. P. 2720. * Geyer, th Saxony, 20 m. ESE. Zwickau. . P.,4859. [San Francisco Geyser Springs, summer resort, California, Sonoma Co., 90 m. NW. Ghadamis, th and oasis, in the Sahara, S.W. Tripoli. P. 3000. Ghatal, th: Bengal, Midnapur Dist., 35 m. W. Calcutta. P. 12,638. Ghats, The, two mtn. ranges which support the triangular table-land of S. India. The Eastern G. commence in Balasor Dist., Orissa, and pass S. to Tinnevelli, from § to 150 m. from the cSt. ; average height 1500 ft. The Western G. start K. of the Tapti, and run S. to Travancore, giving rise to the chicfrS. of S. India. The chief summits range from 47go to 70co ft. [P. 12,059. Ghaziabad, th India, N.W. Provs., , dist, and 28 m. SW. Meerut- Ghazipur, dist. India, in Benares Div., NW. Proys. Area, 1473 sq. m. P. I, ox4,cog. Cap. G. city on N. b. of the Ganges, 44 m. NE- Benares. P. 32,885. P. Io, ooo- Ghazni, thand ſt. Afghanistan, on 1. b. of G. R., 85 m. S.W. Kabul. Gheel or Geel, th Belgium, prov. and 26 m. LSE. of AntwerP- P. of com. To,803. It possesses an asylum for the insane. Ghent (Fr. Gand, Flem. Gend), ft. city, Belgium, cap. of E. Flanders, 31 m. NW. Brussels, at confluence of Lys and Scheldt. P. I45,424. Ghent, vil. New York, Columbia co., Iom. NE. Hudson. ... P. 2963 Gheringhap, post th Victoria, co. Grant, 55% m. SW. Melbourne. ilan, prov. Persia, on S.W. cat. of Caspian Sea, . Area, 4673 sq. m- P. about 1.co,ooo; Resht and Lahijan are the chief thS. Ghio or Ghemlek, spt. Asia Minor, on Sea of Marmgra. º Ghistelles, th Belgium, in W. Flanders, II SSW. of Bruges. P. 3300- Ghiutendil or Kostendil, th: Bulgaria, 65 m. ENE. Uskup. P. 8ooo- Ghizeh, th Egypt, on W. b. of Nile, 3 m. SW. Cairo. P. II,410. In its vicinity are three of the largest pyramids and the great Ghlin, vil. Belgium, in Hainaut, 3 m. W. Mons. P. 4I41. [Sphinx. Ghorka, th: India, former cap. of Nepal. P. 20,000. * Giant's Causeway, basaltic formation on N. cst. Irel, co. Antrim. Giant's Kop, peak of the Drakenberge, Natal. Alt. 9656 ft. Giarre, th: Sicily, on E. slope of Mount Etna. P. 21,433. Giarre Riposto, spt. 1 m. E. Giarre, on rail from Catania. P. 6530. Giaveno, th N. Italy, prov. and 17 m. WSW. Turin. P. Io,281. Gibellina, vil. Sicily, 30 m. ESE. Trapani. P. 6348. Gibraleon, th: Spain, prov. and 8 m. N. Huelva. . P. 4308 Gibraltar (anc. Calpe, Arab. Sebel-Tarik), th: and ft. rock in J. extrem. of Spain, belonging to Britain. P. exclusive of the military, 18,38r. The rock is 1467 ft. high, and the tri. lies on the W. side on Gibraltar Bay. The ſortress is considered impregnable. Gibraltar, Strait of, connects the Atlantic and Mediterranean, be- tween the csts. of Spain and Morocco, 36 m. long by 14 to 25. Gieboldehausen, th_Hanover, 14 m. ENE. Göttingen. . P. 2315. Gien, th: France, in Loiret, on R. Loire, 37 m. ESE. Orléans. P. 8267. Giengen, the Würtemberg, 24 m. SSE. Ellwangen. P. 3022. Giessen, th: Germany, in IHessen, cap. of Ober Hessen, on the Lahn, 33 m. NNW. Frankfort. P. 18,962. . It is seat of a university. Gifford, vil. Scot., co. and 4 m.SE. Haddington. P. 382. |P. 2879. Gifhorn, th, Prussia, 36 m. ENE. Hanover, at junc. of Ise and Aller. Giggleswick, vil. W. R. York, on R. Ribble, 8 m. SE, Ingleton. P. 976. Gigha, isl. Scot., Argyll, 3 m. W. Kintyre cst., 6 m. by 2. P. 378. Gignac, th: France, dep. Herault, on R. Herault. P. 2582. [P. 30,59r. Gijon, ft.spt. Spain, prov. and 11 m. NNE, Oviedo, on Bay of Biscay. Gila, R., New Mexico and Arizona, aff. of Rio Colorado, 650 m. long. Gilbert, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry, 250 m. W. Port Arthur. Gilbert Islg., a low coral grp. in Pacific Oc., 1* S., 2° 30' N., and 172°- ... 174° 30' E. P. 35,000, mostly Protestant Christians. Gilberton, bor. Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. P. 3098. Gilberton, post tu. Queensland, 270 m. W. from Townsville, on G. R. Gilead (Arab. ?ebel Pelad), mtn. Syria, 25 m. NNE. of the Dead Sea. Gilford, th and ry. sta. Irel., N.W. co. Down, on R. Bann. P. 1324. Gilgandra, post th: New S. Wales, 290 m. NW, Sydney...P. 300. Gilghit, val. and dist. in Kashmir State, Punjab, in the Himalayas. Gillingham, Inkt. th N. Dorset, 4 m. NW. Shaftesbury. P. 3293. gillingham, tshp. ICent, NE. side of Chatham. P. 20,644. Gilmerton, vil. and ry. sta. Scot., 4 m. SE. Edinburgh. P. ro82. Gilolo or Jilolo or Hälmahera, isl. Malay Arch., on the Equator, in lon. 128 E., between Celebes and New Guinea. Area, 6500 sq. m. It is under Dutch supremacy. - [P. 332. Gilgland, vil. spt. and ry. Sta. E. Cumberland, 7 m, NE. Brampton. |Gimignano, th Italy, 20 m. SSW. Florence. . P. 8636. - Gimli, th: Canada, prov. Manitoba, on W. shore of Lake Winnipeg, ..} an Icelandic colony., P. 5co. Gimont, tm. France, in Gers, on the Gimone, 16 m. E. Auch., P. 2998. Gin Gin, post th- and º: sta. Queensland, 28 m. from Bundaberg. Gin Gin, post. th: W. Australia, 54 m. N. Perth. Ginosa, th Italy, prov. Lecce, 25 m. NW. Taranto. P. 3125. Gioja, city, Italy, prov. Bari, 38 m. N. by W. Taranto. P. 8,078. Giojosa, tm. Italy, prov. Reggio di Calabria, 7 m. NE. Gerace. Giojosa, th: Sicily, on N. cst., 5 m. NW. Patti. P. 5493. [P. ro, 145. Giovenazzo, ft. spt. Italy, 12 m. by rail N.W. Bari. P. ro,377. Gippsland, dist, forming SE, portion of Victoria, 250 in, W. to E., and 80 m, broad, P. 30,856. Girardville, vil Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co., 3 m. E. Ashland. P. 2730. Girdleness, headland, Scot., Kincardinesh., at mouth of R. Dee. Girgeh or jirjeh, th: Egypt, on Nile, 60 m. NW. Thebes. P. 2000. Girgenti, city, Sicily, cap. of G. Prov., 96 m. by rail SSE. Palermo, 4m. from the sea. P. 22,244. Area of prov. 1491 sq. m. P. 313,105. Giromagny, th France, in Häut Rhin, 8 m. NNW. Belfort. P. 3356. Gironde, dep, in SW. of France, intersected by RS. Garonne and Dordogne, which unite to form the estuary or R. Gironde, 50 m. long. Area, 3761 sq. m. P. 775,845. Cap. Bordeaux. Girvan, spt. Scot., co. and 21% m. SW. Ayr, at mth.G. Water. P. 4505. Gisborne, th, Victoria, co. Bourke, 40 m. NW. Melbourne, P. 2617. Gisborne, th N. Zealand, 80 m. NE. Napier, on Poverty B.P. 2194. Gisburn, par. and vil. W. R. York, on R. Ribble, 7 m. NE. Clitheroe. Gisors, tr. France, dep. Eure. 19 m. SW. Beauvais. P. 4362. (P. 1536. Gits, vil. Belgium, prov. W. Flanders, 15 m. NE.Ypres. L.P. 3214. Gitschin or Giczin, th: Bohemia, 50 m. NE. Prague. P. 6579. Giudecca, isl. Italy, in the lagunes, and 1 m. from Venice. P. 3000. Giugliano, th: #. 6 m. NNW. Naples. P. 12,82r. Giulia, or Čiulianuova, tn. Italy, prov. Teramo, 25 m. NE. Pescara. P. 4948. Giuliana, th, Sicily, prov. and 33m. S. by W. Palermo. P. 3654. Giurgevo, th and river port, Roumania, in Wallachia, on l, b, of Danube, opposite Rustchuk, 40 m. S. Bucharest by rail. P. 20,886. Giussano, vil. Italy, prov, and 18 m. N. Milan. P. of commune 4991. Givet, ft. th: France, in Ardennes, on the Meuse. P. 6972.. [P. II,470. Givors, th France, in Rhône, 17 m. S. of Lyons, on the Rhône. Givry, th France, in Saône-et-Loire, 6 m. W. of Châlons-S.-Saône. Glacier House, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry. 35 m. W. Donald. [P.2979. Gladbach, th: Rhenish Prussia, 15 m. E. Düsseldorf. P. 44,239. Gladbach, Bergisch-, th: Prussia, circle of Cologne. P. 8557... [house. Gladesville or Tarban, vil. New S. Wales, 7 m. W. Sydney; has inad- Gladova, th: Servia, on the Danube, just below the “iron gate.' Gladsmuir, par. and vil. Scot., 4 m. W. Haddington. P. 1747. Gladstone, posttn. New S. Wales, co. Macquarie, 277 m. NNE. Sydney. Gladstone, th: S. Australia, 134 m. N. Adelaide. P. 729. P. r2O. Gladstone, ry, sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry::35 m. from Portagela Prairie. tone, tshp. Queensland, 354m. NW. Brisbane, P. 1764. Gladstone, gold-mining tshp. Tasmania, 60 m. NE. Launceston. P. 500. Glaishammer, th: Bavaria, suburb of Nürnberg. P. 4713. Glamis, par., vil., and cas. Scot., co. and 5% m. S.W. Forfar. P. 1631. Glamorgan, maritime co. S. Wales, bounded N. by Brecknock, E. by Monmouth, S. by Bristol Chan., and W. by Carmarthen. Area, 808 sq. m. P. 511,433. G. has great mineral wealth and mining, the principal industry. Here are the largest coalfields in Britain, while the supply of ironstone and limestone is said to be inexhaust- ible. Some of the largest iron-works in the world are in this co., which contains also important copper, tin, and lead works. The soil yields abundant crops. Chieftns. are Cardiff (co. th:), Swansea, Merthyr-Tydfil, Aberavon, Neath, etc. The Co. returns 5 M.P.s. Glanmire, post th: New S. Wales, co, Roxburgh, 7 m. NE. Bathurst. Glandore, vil. Irel., S. co. Cork, 8 m. E. Skibbereen. P. 295. Glanford Brigg, tshp. N. Lincolnsh. P. I457, contains part of Brigg. Glanmire, mining tshp. New S. Wales, II.7 m. W. Sydney. P. 606. Glanworth, par. and vil. E. co. Cork, 4 m. NW. Fermoy. P., 1900 ; Glärnisch, mtn. Switz., 5 m. S.W. Glarus, 9584 ft. [vil. 577. Glarus, th Switz., cap. of cant. G., on the Linth, 7 m. S.Wesen. P. 5330. Glarus, cant. Switz., E. of Schwytz. Area, 267 sq. m. P. 34,213. Gl 3,0 $ - 3 Glasgow, city, parl, and royal bur. Lanarksh., and partly in Renfrew- shire, on R. Clyde, 14 m. from its mth. at Dumbarton, 47% m. by rail W. Edinburgh, and 49.1% NW. London. , P: of parl. and mun. bur. 5x1,415; th and suburban, 674,095; including the contiguous burghs, 755,000. It return 7 M.P.s. The Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen return 1 member. Has 13 newspapers. G. is the commercial and industrial metropolis of Scot., the third city of the Brit. Empire, and the third spt. of the United Kingdom. It has very extensive shipbuilding yards, iron foundries, cotton, woollen, and carpet manuf., bleaching, printing, dyeing and chemical works, etc. There are four public parks. The Cathedral of St. Mungo (1179). In 1885 vessels of 2,817,586 ton. Cleared the port, - Glasnevin, vil. Irel., 2 m. N. Dublin, with botanic garden. P. 1741. Glassborough, th: New Jersey, U.S., 19 m. S. Philadelphia. P. 2088. Glastonbury, mun. bor. Somerset, on R. Brue, 5 m. S. Wells. P. 3719. Glatz, ft. tr. Prussian Silesia, 52 m. SSW. Breslau, , P: 13,588. Glauchau, tm. Saxony, 8 m. NE. Zwickau, on R. Mulde. P. 21,715. Glebe, bor. a NW. sub. of Sydney, New S. Wales. P. 5714. Glehn, vil. Rhenish Prussia, Io m. S.W. Düsseldorf. P. 2420. [elev. Gleichen, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry. , 785 in. W. Winnipeg, 2961 ft. Gleiwitz, tim, Prussian Silesia, 43 m. SE. Oppeln. P. 17,660. Glen, r. S. Lincolnsh., flows 36 in... to the Welland, 2 m. NE. Surfleet- Glen Affric, Scot., val. of R. Affric, N. Inverness, flows to R. Beauly. Glenalmond, val, on R. Almond, aff, of Tay, 2 m. above Perth. Glenarm, spt. and bay, Irel., co. Antrim, II m. NW. Larne. P. 1276. Glen Artney, val. Perth, on Ruchill Water, aſt. Of R. Earn at Comrie. Glen Avon, val. of the Avon, in S. Banffsh., Scot. Glenboro’, ry. Sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., Ios m. from Winnipeg. Glenbuck, vil. and ry. sta. Scot., Ayrsh., 3% m. NE. Muirkirk. P. 858. Glenburnie, agricult. dist. S. Australia, co. Grey, 290 m. SE. Adelaide. Glen Cannich, val. of R. Cannich, N. Inverness. Glen Coe, val. N. Argyll, on R. Coe, flows to Loch Leven. Glencoe, vil. Ontario, Middlesex co., 30 m. WSW. London. P. Sor. Glencorse, par. and ry. sta. 14 m. S. Edinburgh by rail. P, 1500. G. Glen Croe, val. E. Argyll, descends SE. to Loch Long. | Barracks. Glendalough and ‘Seven Churches,” val. Irel.., co. Wicklow, 8 m. NW. Rathdrum; contains ecclesiastical ruins. Glendaruel, post th: Victoria, co. Talbot, 114 m. NW. Melbourne. Glen Dochart, val. Perthsh., falls NE. to Loch Tay. len Esk, val. on R. South Esk, Forfarshire. enelg, r. NW. Australia, flows 60 or 70 m. to Doubtful Bay. enelg, par...and vil, Scot., on G. Bay, Inverness, 7 m. SW. Lochalsh. enelg, r. Victoria, flows 200 m. to the SW. angle of the colony. enelg, th S. Australia, on Holdfast Bay, 6 m. by rail S. Adelaide. lengariff, vil. Irel., co. Cork, near head of Bantry Bay. [P. 2724. Glengarnock, vil. Scot., N. Ayrsh., 23 m. NE. Dalry; steel-works. Glen Garry, val, of R. Garry, N. Perthsh., with Loch G., aff. of Tummel. Glen Garry, val, and loch, Inverness, descends from the W. to L. Oich. Glengower or Campbelltown, vil. Victoria, 93% in. NNV i - W. Melbourne. Glennifer, Braes of, hills in Renfrewsh., 3 m. S.W. Paisley. Alt. 749 ft. Glen Isla, val. of R. Isla, Forfarsh., falling to Tay basin. [dist. 8900, Glen Innes, th: New S. Wales, co. Gough, 373 m. NNW. Sydney. P. of Glenluce, vil. Scot., Wigtownsh., 83 m. SE. Stranraer. P. 9or. Glen Lyon, val. Perthsh., 30 m. long, falls to R. Tay, below L. Tay. Glenlyon, the Victoria, co. Talbot, on Loddon R. P. with shire 2632. Glenmaggie, post th: Victoria, co. Tanjil, 117 m. E. Melbourne. Glen More man Albin or Gt. Glen of Scot., extends 60% m. NE. and W. from Inverness to Loch Eil at Fort William, contains Lochs Ness, Oich, and Lochy, and is traversed by the Caledonian Canal. Glen Moriston, val. Ross and Inverness, falls E. to Loch Ness. Glen Muick, val. Aberdeen, falls NE. to R. Dee at Ballater. Glen Nevis, val. S. Inverness, falls to Loch Eil, below Ben Nevis. Glen Ogle, rocky pass, Perthsh., at head of Loch Earn. Glen Orchy, Argyll, falls SW. to lower Loch Awe. - Glenorchy, tin. Tasmania, co. Buckingham, É. NW. Hobart. P. rs39. Glenorchy, tshp. Victoria, 189 m. NW. Melbourne, on Wimmera R. Glenore, post tim, Tasmania, co. Westmoreland, 28% m. SW. Launceston. Glen Osmond, vil. S. Australia, 4 m. SE. Adelaide. P. 399. Glenpark, post tshp. Victoria, co. Grenville, 116 m. NW. Melbourne. Glen Prosen, val. N. Forfarsh., falls to R. South Esk. Glen Roy, val. Inverness, E. L. Lochy; the ‘Parallel Roads' are famous. Glenrowan, tshp. Victoria, co. Moira, 136 m. NE. Melbourne. P. I37. Glen Sannox, picturesque val. in isl. of Arran, below Goat Fell. - Glens Falls, th New York, on Hudson R., 60 m. N. Albany. P. 4900 Glen Shee, val. NE. Perthsh., falls to Ericht Water. [Melbourne. Glenthompson, ry. and post tshp. Victoria, co. Villiers, 1893 m. W Glenties, vil. Irel., W. co. Donegal, on R. Owenea. P. 487, Glen Tilt, val. N. Perthsh., falls to R. Garry at Blair *::::: Glenvale, tshp. Victoria, on Plenty R., 28 m. NE. Melbourne. - Glenwood, th: Iowa, cap. of Mills co., 20 m. S. Council Bluffs. P. 2376. Glin, spt. vil. Irel, W.co., Limerick, 8 m. SW, Foynes. P. 842. Gliniany, th: Austria, in Galicia, 25 m. E. Lemberg. P. 4300. * Glogau or Gross Glogau, ft. th: Prussian Silesia, 35 m. NNW. Lieg- nitz, on l.b. Oder. P. 20,027. It has a cathedral. Glogau, Ober, th: Prussian Silesia, 23 m. S. Oppeln. P. 5408. [3653. Glogovatz, th: Hungary, co. and 4 m. from Arad, on the Maros. P. Glommen, r. Norway, from the Dovrefield, flows 280 m. S. to the Skager Rack at Frederikstadt, 50 m. SE. Christiania. . Gloppen, vil. Norway, on G. Fiord, too m. NNE. Bergen. P. 4900. Glossop, mun. bor. Engl., N. Derbysh., 13m.SE. Manchester. P. 19,574. Gloucester, parl. and mun. bor., city, and river port, Engl., co. th of Gloucestersh., on E. b. R. Severn, 114 m. NW, London. P. 36,521. It returns 1 M.P. G. has important foreign trade. In 1885 vessels of 452,266 ton. cleared the port. It has a beautiful cathedral. Gloucester, city and port of entry, Massachusetts, Essex co., 28 m. NNE. Boston. P. 21,713. The fisheries are extensive. Gloucester, post tim. New S. Wales, 154 m. N. Sydney. P. 150. Gloucester City, th: New Jersey, U.S., on R. Delaware. P. 5347. Gloucestershire, inland co. Engl., watered by the Lower Severn, en- closed by Monmouth, Hereford, Worcester, Warwick, Oxford, Wilts, and Somerset. Area, 1225 sq. m. P. 572,433. The Cots- wold Hills traverse the co. NE. and SW., E. of the Severn. The Thames has its source in this co., and the Wye and Lower Avon are on the W. and S. frontier. Principal ths., Gloucester (co. tr.), Bristol, Cheltenham, Tewkesbury, Stroud, and Cirencester. The co. returns 5 M.P.S. - Gloversville, tin. New York, Fulton co., 53 m. NW. Albany. P. 7133. Gluchow, tm. Russia, gov. and 130 m. ENE. Tchernigov, P.I6,440-4 Glückstadt, th Prussia, in Holstein, on R. Elbe, 29 m. NW, Ham- Glyntaf, hamlet, S. Wales, Glamorgan, on R. Taf. [burg. P. 5483. Gmünd or Gmünden, th: Würtemberg, 29 m. E. Stuttgart. P. 15,321. Gmünden, th: Up. Austria, on L. of Traun or Gmünden See. P. 6631. Gnesen, th Prussia, *::: and 30 m. ENE. of Posen. P. #; - Gnosall, par., vil., andry.sta. Engl., co. and 6m. SW. Stafford. P.2379. Goa, Portuguese settlement, on W. cst. India, 250 m. SSE. of Bom- ay. rea, Ioč2 sq. m. P. 445,449. Cap. New Goa. P. 8440. Goalanda, th Bengal, Faridpur Dist., at confl. of Ganges and Brah- maputra. G. is a ry, terminus and a place of great trade. P. 8652. Goalpara, most W. dist. of Assam, on the Brahmaputra. Area, 897 sq. m. P. 446,232. Cap. Dhubri Town. Goalpara,tn and former cap. of dist., on S. b. of Brahmaputra. P. 6697. Goat Fell, mtn. Scotland, near E. CŞt. of Arran. Alt. 2874 ft. Goave, Gt, and Lit., 2 tns, of Hayti, on Bay of Gonaiyes. Gobardanga, th Bengal, dist. of 24 Parganas, on R. Jamuna. P. 6154. Gobi (i.e. seat of santa Chinese, Shamo), a desert, E. Turkestan, and Mongolia, length 1500 m. E. to W., breadth 5oo to 700 m. Gobur or Godfrey's Creek, post tshp. Victoria, 112m. NE. Melbourne. Goch, th Rhenish Prussia, 8 m. S. of Cleves, on R. Niers. P. 5612. first aiming, mun. bor. W. Surrey, on R. Wey, 34 m. SW. London. Godano, th N. Italy, 13 m. NW. Spezzia. P. 3986. [P. 2505. Godavari, maritime dist. Madras Pres., traversed by the lower God- avari R. Area, 7345 sq. m. P. 1,791,512. Cap. Cocanada. Göāavari (Godavery), great river, Cent. India, from the W. Ghats to Bay of Bengal, 898 m. Area of basin, 112,200. Goderich, port of entry, Ontario, cap. of Co. and on L. Huron. P. 4564. Godesberg, vil. Rhenish Prussia, on the Rhine, 4 m. S. of Bonn. P. 2820. Godhavn, Danish col, on SW. Cst, of Disco Isl., Greenland. P. 250, Godhra, th Bombay Pres., 52 m. NE. Baroda. P. 13,342. Godmanchester, mun. bor. Engl., Sub. of Huntingdon, on R. Ouse. Godna or Revelganj, India, th Bengal, Saran Dist., at junction of Ganges and Gogra. P. 12,493. Gödöllö, th: Hungary, 16 m. NE. Pesth. P. 3940. Has a fine castle, Godstone, par., vil., and ry, sta. E. Surrey, 6% m. NE. Reigate, P. 2548. Godthaab, vil. Greenland, on Davis Str. Lat. 63°50' N. Goeree, isi. Netherlands, S. Holland, on the delta of the Meuse. Goes or Ter Goes, ft. the Netherlands, Zealand, on isl. of S. Beveland. Goes, th Portugal, in Beira, 19 m. E. of Coimbra. P. 3842. [P. 6394. Gogmagog Hills, Engl., 4 m. SE. Cambridge. . . . Gogo or Gogha, spt. Bombay Pres., on Gulf of Cambay. P. 9572. Gogra (Ghagra), r. India, aff. of the Ganges at Chapra, from the Himalayas, Nepal, through Oudh and NW. Provs. 600 m. Goghlis, vil. Saxony, suburb of Leipsic. , P. 12,996. Gohana, th: Punjab, in Rohtak Dist., 29°8' N., 76° 45' E. P. 7124. Goil, Loch, sea arm, Scot., Argyll, l. arm of L. Long, 6 m. long. Goito, th, Italy, prov. and 15 m. NW. Mantua, on R. Mincio. § 5589. Gojam, dist. Abyssinia, in Amhara. Lat. Io9-11° N.: lon. 37°-38° E. Gokak, th: Bombay Pres., dist, and 42 m. NE. of Belgaum. .P.32,612, Göktsche-Denghis or Sevan, lake, Russia, in Transcaucasia, NE. of Erivan, 47 m, long, 12 m. broad; 5300 ft. above sea-level. Gola, th: India, NW. Provs., Gorakhpur Dist., on Gogra R. P. 71.93. Golborne, par. and vil. Engl., Lancash., 5% m. SE. Wigan. P. 4502. Golcar, tshp. and vil. W. R. Yorksh., 3 m. S.W. Huddersfield. P.7653. Golconda, ft. and ruined city, Nizam's Dominions, 7 m. W. of Goldap, th: E. Prussia, 21 m. SE. Gumbinnen. P. 6247. [Haidarabad. Goldberg, tin. Germany, 28 m. E. Schwerin. P. 2991. Goldberg, th: Prussian Silesia, 50 m. W. Dreslau. P. 6736. Cold Coast, Brit. maritime col. W. Africa, lon. 1° 10'-3° W., on N. cst. of G. of Guinea, having the Ivory Cst. on the W., Ashantee on the TN., and Dahomey and the Slave Cst. on the E. Chief ths. Cape Coast Castle, Elmina, and Accra (the cap.). The col. includes the settlements on the Slave Cst., Lagos, Badagry, Whydah, etc. Area, 18,784 sq. m., P. 651,000. olden, vil. Irel., co. Tipperary, on R. Suir, 5 m. W. Cashel. P. 380. olden, ta. Colorado, Jefferson co., 16 m. W. Denver. ...P. 2730. oldenville or Sherbrooke Gold Mines, vil. Nova Scotia. P. 900. old Hill, tin, and ry. sta. Nevada, 1 m. S. Virginia city. P. 4531. : | dingen, th: Russia, in Courland, 72 m. WNW. Mittau. P. 9151. Holdsborough, vil. N. Carolina, Wayne co., on Neuse R. P. 3286. Holdsborough, mining tship. Queensland, 26 m. from Cairns. holdsboro' Reef, post th: Victoria, 1293 m. NW. Melbourne. Olega, tim, Portugal, Estremadura, on Tagus, 70 m. NNE. Lisbon. oletta, spt, Tunis, II m. by rail N. Tunis city. P. 3000. oli, th Africa, in §§ on the Jeba, 5 m. NE. Bissao. P. 4ooo. ollinow, th: Prussia, in Pomerania, 1 r m. NE. Stettin. P. 8426. ºllubincze, yil. in Slavonia, 22 m. SE: Peterwardein.., P. 3340. . Gölnitz, th: Hungary, co. Zips, 18 m. SW. Eperies. P. 4353. Golspie, spt., and ry. sta. Scot., Sutherland, 844 m. NE. Inverness. Gomar, tri. Algiers, in the Sahara Dist., P. 4000. P. 3Coo. Gombin, th: Russian Poland, prov. and 55 m. W. by N. of Warsaw. Gombroon or Bunder Abbas (formerly Hormuz), spt. Persia, on a bay of the Strait of Ormuz. P. 8000. It has considerable trade. Gomera, one of the Canary Isls., W. Teneriſſe, 23 m. by 9. P. 12,000. Gomersal, tshp. W. R. York, 5 m. SE. Bradford. P., 13,453. Gometra, yil, and fishing sta. Scot., Argyll, on W. side Ulva. P. 30. Gommegnies, th: France, in Nord, 14 m. NW. Avesnes. P. 3517. Gommern, th: Prus. Sax., 9 m. E. Magdeburg, on the Ehle. TP. 3560 Gomul, pass on route from India to Afghanistan, along Gomul R. Gomul R., E. Aſghanistan, rises 50 m. SSW. Ghuzni and flows to Indus. Gonaïves, Les, spt. th: Hayti, 65 m. NW, Port-au-Prince. P. 3000. Gonda, dist. India, in Faizabad Div. of Oude. Area, 2875 sq. m. P. 1,270,826. Cap. Gonda, 28 m. NNW. Faizabad. P. 13,743. Gondal, tin. India, cap. of G. State, Gujarat Prov. P. 13,523. Gondar, cap. of Abyssinia, 30 m. N. L. Dembea. P. 5ooo. Alt. 7cooft. Gondokoro or Ismailia, former trading-place on the Nile, 200 in. N. Albert Nyanza; now in ruins. - Gonesse, th: France, Seine-et-Oise, rom. N. Paris. P. 2935. [P. roo. Gongolgon, tslip. New S. Wales, on Bogan R., 60 m. SE. Bourke. Gonor, ry, sta, Manitoba, on C. P. Ry, 15 m. E. Winnipeg. ºw. or Gundischweil, vil. Switz., 14 m. SSE. Aarau. . 1904. { 3onzaga, th: Italy, prov. and 15 m. S. Mantua. P. of dist. 17,759. Gooburrum, settlement, Queensland, 4% m. from N. Bundaberg. Goodna, ry, sta. gº 14 m. W. Brisbane. P. of dist. 509. Goodooga, tshp. New S. Wales, on Bokhara R., 548 m. N. Sydney. Goodwin Sands, a dangerous shoal 5 m. off E. CSt. Kent, Iom. long from N. to S., 14 to 3 m. broad. It shields the roadstead of the Downs. Goodwood, seat and racecourse, co. Sussex, 3 m. NNE. Chichester. Goodwood, suburb and 2% m. from Adelaide, S. Australia. P. 3400. Goolagong, tshp. New S. Wales, on Lachlan R., 223 m. W. Sydney. Goole, mkt. and manuf. th: and port, W. R. York, on R. Ouse, at the confluence of the Don, 23 m. SW. Hull. P. Io,418. Goolwa, spt. S. Australia, 60 m. S. Adelaide, on R. Murray. P. 688. Gooma walled tin. E. Turkestan, 40 m. NW. Kholen. P. 30,000. Goomish-Khaneh, th: Asiat. Turkey, Ioom. W. Erzroum. P. Io,000. Goondiwinch, tshp. Queensland, 200 m. S.W. Brisbane. P. II29. Goormong, post tim. Victoria, 118 m. N. Melbourne. P.1509. Goose Lake, ry. sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 528% m. W. Winnipeg. Gooty, ft. the Madras, dist, and 32 m. from Anantapur. P. 5373. Gopalpur (Gopau/zºore), spt. Madras Pres., in Ganjan Dist. P. 2675. Göppingen, th: Würtemberg, between Stuttgart and Ulm. P. 12,102. Gorakpur, dist. India, NW. Provs., in Benares Div., S. of Nepal. Area, 4598 sq. m. P. 2,617,120. Cap. G. on R. Rapti. . P. 57,922. Gordon, post vil, and ry. sta. S. Australia, 236 m. N. Adelaide. Gordons, mining tshp. Victoria, 17 m. from Ballarat, on Moorabool R. Gore, th and ry. sta. New Zealand, 40 m. NW. Invercargill. Gorebridge, vil. Scot., co. and 12 m. by rail S.E. Edinburgh. P. II48. Gorée, French col. th: W. Africa, 1 m. SE. Cape Verd. P. 5000. Goresbridge, vil. and ry. sta. co. Kilkenny, on R. Barrow. P. 5or. Gorey, mkt. th: Irel.., NE. co. Wexford, rom. SW. Arklow. P. 3248. Gorgonzola, vil. Italy, 12 m. ENE. Milan. P. 4774. Trade in cheese. Goring, vil, and ry. Sta. Qxford, on R. Thames, iom. NW. Reading: Göritz and Gradiska, dist. Austria, in Küstenland, E. . of Venetia. Area, 1127 sq. m. P. 211,084. Cap. Göritz. See Küstenland. Göritz or Görz, city, cap. of foregoing, 22 m. NNW. Trieste. P. 20,929. Göritz, th: Prussia, in Brandenburg, 12 m. NNE. Frankfort. P. 2616. Gorki, th: Russia, gov. Mohilev, 30 m. SE. Orsha. P. 4686. Gorkum or Gorinchem, ft. tin. S. Holland, on R. Meuse. P. ro,396. Gorleston, cst. par. E. Suffolk, a S. sub. of Gt Yarmouth. P. 9oo8. Gorlice, th Austria, in Galicia, 20 m. ENE. Neu Sandec. P. 4550. Görlitz, th Prus. Silesia, 52 m. W. Liegnitz, on R. Neisse. P. 55,703- Horodok, th Russia, gov. and 20 m. NNW. Vitebsk. P. 5618. orrie or Howick, vil. Ontario, Huron co., on Maitland R. P. 400. ort, th and ry. sta. Irel., S. co. Galway, 17% m. S. Athenry. P. 1719. ortin, vil. Irel., mid. co. Tyrone, on R. Nagle. P. 338. orton, tshp. SE. Lancashire, a SE. Sub. of Manchester. P. 33,096. ôrz, th Austria. See Göritz. [P. 2104. sberton, par., vil., and ry. sta. S. Lincolnsh., 4 m. NE. Spalding. }sford, post tshp. N. S. W., on Brisbane W., 48 m. N. Sydney. P. Looo. osforth, par. S.Northumberland, 2 m. N. Newcastle. P. 5557. shen, city, Indiana, on Elkhart R., III m. E. by S. Chicago. P. 4123. Goshen, vil, New York, Orange co., 60 m. NNW. New York. P. 4387. : 3O THE CENTURY GAZETTEER GUHIRAU Goslar, th: Prussia, in Hanover, 27 m. SE. Hildesheim. P. II,736. Gosport, ft. spt. and mkt. th: S. Hants, on W. side Portsmouth Harb. naval depot and royal victualling yard. P. 12,343. Gossau, vil. Switz., cant, and 6 m. WSW. St. Gall. P. of coin. 4800. Gosselies, the Belgium, prov. Hainaut, 4 m. NW. Charleroi. P. 8453. Össnitz, vil. Germany, in Saxe-Altenburg, 31 m. S. Leipsic. P. 4560. ostyn, th: Prussia, prov. and 38 m. . Posen. P. 3375. ostynin, th: Russian Poland, gov. and 65 m. WNW. Warsaw. P. 5907. otha, th Germany, cap. of Duchy of Gotha, 14 m. WSW. Erfurt. P. 27,802. Area of duchy 543 sq. m. P. I41,446. Götha, or Göta, r. Sweden, from L. Wener to the Cattegat. 'Gotha Canal, connects Lakes Wener and Wetter with the Baltic and the Cattegat at Gothenburg. Gothenburg (Swedish, Göteborg), spt. city, SW. Sweden, cap, of a lan of same name at mth. of Götha R., on the Cattegat. P. (1885) 91,033. Area of prov. 1969 sq. m. P. 281,001. Gothland (Göta-Rºe), former div. of Śweden, comprising all the country S. of 59° 20' N., Area,28,126 sq. m. Gothland (Gottland), isl. Baltic Sea, belonging to Sweden. Area, - 1217 sq. m. P. 52,570. ... Cap. Wisby. Gottesberg, tm. Prussian Silesia, 46 m. S.W. Breslau. P. 6897. Göttingen, city, Prussia, 21 in. JNE. Cassel, on Leine R., Seat of a university and observatory. P. 21,561. Gouda or Tergouw, th Netherlands, in S. Holland, on R. Yssel, II m. E. Rotterdam. P. 18,844. Goudine, tract in Cape Colony, Worcester Div., on Breede R. Goulburn, th: New S. Wales, 134 m. by rail S.W. Sydney. P. 8000. Goulburn, r. Victoria, flows N. 230 m. to the Murray near Echuca. Gourdon, th France, in Lot, 28 m. N. Cahors. P. 5087. Gourdon, spt, and fishing vil. Scot., Kincardinesh., 1 m. S. Bervie. Gournay-en-Bray, th: France, 34 m. E. Rouen. P. 3631. [P. 919. Gourock, tin. Scot., Renfrewsh., on S. b. Clyde, 2 m. below Greenock. Gousta, mtn, Norway, lat. 60° N., in Langfjeld Range. Alt. 6354 ft. Gouy-le-Piéton, yil, Belgium, in Hainaut, 9 m, NW, Charleroi. P. 3353. Gouzeaucourt, vil. France, in Nord, 9 m. SSW. Cambrai. P. 2409. Govan, par. and tin. Renfrew and Lanark. P. of par. 232,896; th (a W. sub. Glasgow, on S. b. Clyde), 50,506. Extensive shipbuilding. Government Road, ry, sta. Canada, C. P. Ry., 99 m. W. Ottawa. Governor's Isl., ft. isl. in New York Harb. ; also fort in Boston Harb. Gower or Gwyr, penin. S. Wales, forming W. part of Glamorgan. Gowrie, Carse of, tract, Scot., on N. b. Tay R., Kinnoul to Dundee. Gowhatty, th: India. See Gauhati. oya, th Argentina, prov. Corrientes, on 1. b. of Parana. P. 4000. oyamma, city, Brazil, prov. Pernambuco, on G. R. P. 15,000. Hoyaz, cent, prov. Brazil. Area, 288,537 sq. m. P. 191,77f. oyaz (Villa Boa), city, cap. of foregoing, on R. Vermelho. P. 7ooo. ozo or Gozzo, isl. belonging to Britain, 4 m. NW. Malta. raaf-Reynet, th: Cape Colony, 200 m. N. Port Elizabeth. P. 6000. rabow, th: Prussia, dist. of Stettin, on the Oder. P. 14,541. rabow, the Germany, on the Elde, 24 m. SSE. of Schwerin. P. 4468. race, vil. S. Australia, co. Gawler, 40 m. N. Adelaide. ºracehill or Ballykennedy, vil. co. Antrim, 2 m. NW. Ballymena. racias-a-Dios, Cape, between Honduras and Nicaragua. raciosa, one of the Azores, NW. of Terceira, 20 m. long. P. 8900. radachatz, th: Bosnia, 42 m. NW. Zvornik. P. 2800. [Göritz. ºradiska, th Austria, 6 m. by rail SW. of Göritz. P. 320I. See rado, th Austria, on isl. in the Adriatic, 22 m. SSW. Göritz. P. 3015. raemsay, isl. Orkney Isls., Hoy Sd., I m. S. Stromness. P. 236. ºrāfenhainchen, th: Prussian Saxony, 9 m. NE. Bitterfeld. P. 2998. räfenthal, th; Germany, in Saxe-Meiningen, 9 m. SSW. Saalfeld. ºrāfrath, tm. Rhenish Prussia, 14 m. E. of Düsseldorf. P. 6296. [P. 22.45. Grafton, tr. Mass., Worcester co., 36 m. SW. Boston. P. 4030. Grafton, vil. W. Virginia, Taylor co., 280 m. W. Baltimore. P. 3030. Grafton, tm. N. S. Wales, on. R. Clarence, 301 m, N. Sydney. P. 3901. Hragnano, th: Italy, prov. Naples, 2 m. SE. of Castellamare. P. 14,411. raham Land, Antarctic Ocean. Lat. 63°-68° S.; lon. 61°-68° W. raham's, ry. Sta. Canada, on Ont. div. C. P. Ry., 95 m. W. Ottawa. Tahamston, th and ry. Sta. Scot, Stirling, part of Falkirk. P. 4563, irahamstown, tshp. New Zealand, 50 m. SE. Auckland. P. 5300. raham's Town, tin. Cape Col., 116 m. from Port Elizabeth. P. 9000. raigue or Graiguena managh, the Kilkenny, on R. Barrow. P. r172. rain Coast, W. Africa, extends from C. Palmas to Sierra Leone. £aissessac, vil. France, in Hérault, 107 m. SW, of Nimes. P. 3089. raivoron, th: Russia, gov. Kursk, 40 m. W. of Bielgorod. P. 510ſ. ºramat, th: France, in Lot, on Alzon R., 16 m. E. by N. Gourdon. rammichele, tn. Sicily, 30 m. S.W. of Catania. P. 12,243. [P. 4032. rammont or Geertsbergen, th: Belgium, 21% m. SSE. Ghent. P. 9746. Tampians, The, the great mtn. System of Scot, stretches across the country from SW, to NE. Grampians, mtn., range Victoria. Lat. 37° S., Mt. William is 3825 ft. Grampound, th: Cornwall, on R. Fal, 7 m. SW. St. Austell. P. 482. Gran, city, Hungary, on R. Danube, 24 m. NW. Buda. P. 8932. Granada, city, Spain, in Andalusia, cap. of G. Prov. and of former kingdom of same name, on R. Genil. P. 71,370. Granada, prov, bounded S. by the Mediterranean, and traversed by the Sierra Nevada. Area, 4929 sq. m. P. 488,558. Granada, city, Nicaragua, on N.W. shore of the lake. P. Io,000. Granada, New. . See Colombia. Granard, th Irel, co, Longford, 3 m. W. Bally willan ry. sta. P. 1828. Granby, vil. Quebec, Shefford Co., on Yamaska R. P. of dist. 2879. Gran Canaria, isl. Canaries. Area, 644 sq. m. P. 90,000. Cap. Las Gran Chaco. See El Gran Chaco. [Palmas. Grand Aunce, vii. New Brunswick, on B. of Chaleurs. , P. 700. Grand Bahama, isl. Bahama Grp., 57 m. from Florida, 70 m. long. Grand Bank, port of entry, Newfoundld., on S. Fortune Bay. ... P. 740. Grand Bank of Newfoundland, submarine plateau, extending 35o m, E. from the isl. It is much visited by cod-fishers. [mth. P. 3oo. rand Bay or Ha-Ha Bay, vil. Quebec, on Saguenay R., 60 m. from its Grand Bourg, th:..W. Indies, on French isl. of Marie-Galante. P. 6992. Grand Calumet, isl. Canada, Ottawa R., 7 m. above Portage du Fort. ! rand Cayman, largest of the Caymans, Brit. W. Indies, 17 m. long. ( : § { : rand-Combe, La., tm. France, dep, and on R. Gard. P. 12,138. rand Coulee, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 366 in. W. Winnipeg. rande Ligne or Colebrook, vil. Quebec, 33 m. SSE. Montreaſ. Grande Terre, part of Guadaloupe Isl., Fr. W. Indies, 30 m. by 12. Grand Falls or Colebrooke, the New Brunswick on St. John R. P. 700. Grand Haven, city, Michigan, cap. of Ottawa co. P. 4862. Grand Island, yil. Nebraska, U.S., on Platte R., cap. of Hall co. Grand Isle, isl. in Lake Ontario, Canada. [P. 3549. Grand Maman, isl. New Brunswick, off cºt. Maine, 20 m. by 5. § Pré or Ir. Horton, vil. Nova Scotia, on Minas Basiń. G G 3rand Rapids, city, Michigan, Kent co., on Grand R. P. 32,016. rand Rapids, th: Wisconsin, Wood co., on Wisconsin R. P. 1367. rand R., from Rocky Mts., in Colorado, U.S., unites with Green R. ... in Utah to form the Colorado. Length, 350 m. [Haven. Grand R. or Washtenong, r. Michigan, enters L. Mich. at Grand Grane, Spt. Arabia, in Lahsa, near N. extrem. of Persian G. P. 8ooo. Grangemouth, spt. Scot., E. Stirlingsh., on Firth of Forth, at entrance to Forth and Clyde Canal. P. 4560. Granite Creek, tin-mining dist. Queensland, in the Palmer District. Granja de Torrehermosa, La., th; Spain, 35 m. S. Badajos. P. 3496. Granollers de Valls, th: Spain, 16 m. NNE. Barcelona. P. 5746. Grangee, th: Prussia, in Brandenburg, 43 m. NNE, Potsdam." P. 3754. Grant, post tim, Victoria, Co. Dargo, 220 m. NE. Melbourne. P. 4OO. Grantchester, par. and vil. in Co. and 2% m. SW. Cambridge, on R. Cam. P. II47. [P. I7,345. It returns 1 M.P. Grantham, parl. and mun. bor. Engl., co. and 25 m. S. Lincoln. Grant Land, part of Arctic America, reaching 83° N. lat. Granton, Spt., ry, sta., and ferry, Mid-Lothian, on Firth of Forth. P. 927. In 1885 vessels of 175,693 tons cleared the port. Grantown, mkt, the and ry. Sta. Scot., S.W. Elginsh., 1414 m. NW. Edinburgh. P.1374. [P. of dist. 800. Grantville, tshp. Victoria, co. Mornington, 614 m. SE. Melbourne. Granville, ft. Spt, th: Trance, in Manche, 30 m. ŠW. St. Lo. P. r1,040. Granville, ry. Sta. New South Wales, I in from Parramatta. ! ranya, th: Victoria, 204 m. NE. Melbourne, on Cotton Tree Creek- ( ( rao de Valencia, spt. th Spain, at nth. of the Guadalaviar. P. 4500 raslitz, th: Bohemia, 19 m. NNE. Eger. P. 7850. [P. 736. Tasmere, lake and vil. NW. Westmorland, 23 m. NW. Amblesiáe. grassano, tin. Italy, prov. and 25 m. E. Potenza. P. 6335. Grasse, th: France, in Alpes Maritimes, 25 m. W. Nice. P. I2,087. 3raššeň, ry, sta. Canada, on Q. P. Ry., 590 m. W. Qttawa. [P. 7063. Grass Valley, th: California, Nevadā co., 48 m. NNE. Sacraméntò. Grätz or Graz, city, Austria, cap. of Styria, on R. Mur. P. 97,791. It a university, and the Johanneum Institution. Prussia, prov. and 22 m. SW. Posen. P. 3906. cant. Switz. See Grisons. [der. P. 17,336. ft. th: W. Prussia, on the Vistula, 20 m. SSW. Marieńwer- tn. France, dep. Tarn, Irm. NE. Lavaur. P. 6965. Tyrol, 30 m. SSW. Imst, P. 628. Alt. 4500 ft. or Kraupen, tin-mining th: Bohemia, 6 m. NE. Teplitz. . 2904. Graus, th; Spain, proy, and 37 m. E. Huesca, on the Sera. P. 312x. grave 9r Graaf, tri. Netherlands, N. Brabant, on the Meuse. #.2537. Gravelines, ft. spt. France, in Nord, rom. SW. Dunkirk. P. 84.16. Gravelotte, vil. Lorraine, 7 m. W. Metz. French defeated 1876. Gravel River, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry. 776 m. W. Ottawa. Gravendeel, vil...Netherlands, S. Holland, 3 m. S. Dort. P. 3767. Gravenhurst, vil. Ontario, Victoria co., on L. Muskoka. P. 403. i ; Gravesend, parl. and mun. bor. and spt. mid Kent, on S. b. of Thames, 24 m. by rail E. London. P. 31,283. It returns I M.P. ‘ravezande, vil. Netherlands, 8 m. SW. of the Hague. P. 5003. raville, vil. France, in Seine-Inférieure, 3 m. EN É. Havre. P. 2274. Hravină, city, Italy, prov. and 35 m. S.W. of Bari. P. I7,743. ray, tin. France, in Haute-Saône, on 1. b. of R. Saône. P. 7254. ray's Thurrock, mkt. tin. S. Essex, on R. Thames, 19% in. SE. London. P. 5327. raytown, th Victoria, co. Rodney, 80 m. N. Melbourne. razalemá, th: Spain, prov. and 60 m. ENE: Cadiz. P. 8048. ‘reasbrough, th: Engl., W. R., Yorks, 2 m. NW. Rotherham. P. 2914. ‘reasley, par., and vil. Engl., Co. and 7 m. NW. Nottingham. P. 8867. Great Australian Bight, the curve of S. CŞt. line of Australia, 850 m. Great Barrington, vil. Mass., Berkshire Co., on Housatonic R. P. 4653. Great Basin, plateau of N. America between Sierra Nevada on the W., and the Wahsatsch Mts. on the E., comprising Utah and most of Nevada, 450 m. and Inearly as much from N. to S. Great Bear Lake, Dom. of Canada, on the Arctic Circle. It dis- charges by Bear R. into Mackenzie R. Area, 14,000 sq. m. Great Bedwin, par. and th: S. Wilts, 5 m, SW. Hungerford. P. 1834. Great Britain or Britain. See England, Scotland, Ireland, Channel Isls., Man, Isle of. Great Grimsby. See Grimsby. Great Malvern, ry. Sta. See Malvern. [Placentia Bay. Great St. Lawrence, port of entry, Newfoundland, on W. side Great Salt Lake, Utah, U.S., in NE. part of Great Basin, 90 m. long by 20 to 35 m., 4200 ft. above sea-level. The lake has no outlet, and receives the Bear, Jordan and Weber Rivers. Great Slave Lake, Dom. of Canada, in lat. 60° 40′-63° N., is 300 m. long by 50 m. It receives the Slave R., and discharges by Mackenzie River. Great Western, th: Queensland, 8 m. N. IIerberton. Great Western, vil. Victoria, co. Borung, 168 m. WNW. Mclbourne. Grebenstein, th: Germany, in Hessen Nassau, 11 m. NNW. Cassel. Grecian Archipelago. . See AEgean Sea. [P. 2449. Greece (Greek, Heddas), intnous. kingdom of SE. Europe, extending from lat. 36°19', to 39° 50' N., and from lon. 19° 30' to 26° 30' E. including the isls. It consists (1) of the N. or continental portion, including the new territories ceded in 1881, (2) the peninsula of Morea, (3) the Ionian Isls., (4) the Grecian Archipelago. Area, 24,976 sq. m. P. 1,979,561. Greece, th: New York, Monroe co., 6 m. NW. Rochester. P. 4860. Øreeley, th: Colorado, Weld co., 52 m. N. by E. Denver, p. 1297. Green Bay, a W. arm of L. Michigan, room. long, receives Fox R. Green Bay, city, Wisconsin, cap of Brown co., at head of Green Bay; P: 7464. Trade in lumber, grain and flour. [Albany. P. 3295. §. Rºh or E. Albany, th New York, on Îudson R., opposité Greencastle, til, Indiana,38 m, W, by S. Indianapolis," p. 552.É. greençaşile, vil, and ry. Sta. Irel, co. Antrim, 3 m. N. Belfast."p. 825. Greenfield, vil. Indianā, Hancock co., 21 m. É. Indianapolis. P. 2013. º, tº Mass., cap. ºf Franklin co., on Connecticut R. P.3333. greenfield, vil:, Ohio, 74 in. by rail ENE. Cincinnati. P. 2104. Greenhithe, vil. W. c6, Kent, on R. Thames, 2% m. NE. Dartford. Green Island, th: New York, Albany co., on isl. in Hudson R. 3 m. above Albany. P. 41.60. [Dunedin. P. 636. Green, Island, th and ry. Sta. New Zealand, co. Tairi, 5 m. iron Greenland (Dan. Groenland or Grötland), extensive isl, NE. of N. America, belonging to Denmark, bounded W. by Davis Str., Baffin Bay and the N.Channels, E. by N. Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, and extending from Cape Farewell, lat. 59° 46' to about 853° on the E. CSt., and 77° on the W. cºt. The area is estimated at 859,000 sq. m. , Area free of ice, 34,015 sq. m. The p. 10,000. Greenlaw, th and ry. Sta. Scot, Bérwicksh., on Blackadder Water, 7% m. S.W. Duns. P. 744; par. 1245. Green Mountains, range, extending from Canada through Vermont to Massachusetts. Chief summit Mt. Mansfield (4430 ft.). Greenock, Spt, and manuf. th: and parl. bur. Scot., Renfrewsh., on S. side of Clyde, 22% m. NW. Glasgow. P. 65,884. It returns I M.P. In 1885, vessels of 738,967 tons cleared the port. reenock, post tshp. S. Australia, co. Light, 45 m. N. Adelaide. P. 269. ‘reenough, post sta. W. Australia, 251 m. N. of Perth. P. 1557. reenport, port of entry, New York, Suffolk co., on Long Isl. Sound. ‘reen R., from Wind R. MtS., in W. Wyoming, flows S. 750 m. and joins the Grand R. in Utah to form the Colorado. aff of the Ohio, in Kentucky, 9 m. above Evansville. 350 m. ew Brunswick, Victoria co., on St. John R. P. 700. tn, N. Carolina, 48 m. SSW. Danville. P. 2105. vil. Pennsylvania, on Monongahela. P. 2500. yil. Indiana, Decatur co., 68 m. WNW. Cincinnati. P. 3133. port of entry, Newfoundld., on Bonavista B. P. 1673. tn. Alabama, Butler Co., 44 m. S. Montgomery. P. 2471. vil. Michigan, Montcalm Co., on Flat R. P.3144. [P. 2191. vil. Mississippi, cap. of Washington co., on Miss. R. vil. Ohio, cap. of Darke co., 21 m. W. of Piqua. P. 3535. bor, Pennsylvania, Mercer co., on Shenango R. P. 3007. tn. S. Carolina, G. co., 14 m. NW. Columbia. P. 6160. parl, bor. Kent, on S. b. R. Thames, 4 m. SE. of London . 65,4II. It returns I, M.P. The Royal Observatory is on account of its being the meridian from which calculate longitude. tn. Connecticut, on Long Isl. Sound. P. 7892. Lake, a summer resort, 42 m. NNW. New York. th. Engl. W. R. York, 3 m, S.W. Halifax. P. 4166. vil. Prussia, gov., Düsseldorf, 5 m, SW. Kempen. P. 44co. Venezuela, cap. of Barcelona State. P. 19,958. S., inland and pastoral dist., Queensland, in the west. S. Australia, receives a branch of Cooper Creek. walled tn. Prussia, 4om. NE. Stettin, on R. Rega. P. 5634. tn. Prus. Silesia, 12 m. SE. Löbau, on Queiss. P. 3307. tn. Prussia, 12 m, by rail S. Stettin. P. 6605. tn. Prussia, 18 m. by rail SE. Stralsund, on R. Ryck. ( . ( P. 20,345. Grein, th: Arabia, in Hadramaut, near Makallah. . Grein or Gregna, th: Austria, on R. Danube, 27 m. ESE. Lintz. Greitz or Greiz, th: Cent. Germany, in Reuss-Greitz, on the White Elster, 49 m. S. of Leipsic. P. 17,288. The resid. of the prince. Grenada, a Brit. W. India Isl. in the Windward Grp. Area, including the Grenadines, 166 sq. m. P. 46,245. Cap. St. George. Grenade, vil. France, in Garonne, 15 m. NNW. Toulouse. P. 3906. Grenadines, grp. of isls. in W. Indiës, in the Windward Grp., belong- to Britain, a dependency of Grenada. Area, 33 sq. m. P. 2500. yil. Switz., cant. and 7 m. WSW. of Soleure. P. 3787. vil. France, within ft. of Paris, with an artesian well. ry. sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 279 m. W. Winnipeg. tn. New S. Wales, co. Monteagle, 233 m.W. Sydney. P. 5535. ft. city, France, cap. of Isère, 75 m. SE. I.yons. P. 51,371. Quebec, in Argenteuil co., on R. Ottawa. I?, 568. Victoria, in Č. co., 70 m. W. Melbourne. P. 150. tn. New S. Wales, co. Durham, 121 m. N. Sydney. P.350. yil. Prussia, in Aix-la-Chapelle gov. P. 4215. vil. S. Wales, in a coal dist., Io'ſ m. N. Sydney. P. rooo- ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 70 m. from Winnipeg. [Firth. and Gretna, Green, vil. and ry. sta. Dumfriessh., on Solway tn. Germany, Io m. SSE. Sondershausen. P. 3499. , 11 m. SSE. Florence, on R. Greve. P. of com. Ir,611. , th Netherlands, 15 m. ENIE. Luxembourg, on P. 2400. [Wismar. I?. 4534. tn. Germany, in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 11 m. WSW. , par. and vil. Irel., NE. co. Down, 7 m. SE. Newtonards. tn. New Zealand, co. and on Grey R., on W. CSt. P. 3133. fishing vil. Irel.., NE. co. Wicklow, 4 m. SE. º: P. 405. New Zealand, 53 m. NNE. Dunedin. P. of bor. IIoš. tn. Natal, in the Umvoti Valley. [Juan. P. 1200. or San Juan, spt. on E. cst. Nicaragua, at Inth. of San vil. N. Italy, 6 m. NE. Verona. P. 4451. vil. Hessen, 6 m. by rail W. Darmstadt. P. 3928. , Georgia, cap. of Spalding Co., 43 m. S. Atlanta. P. 3620. . sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 96 m. W. Donald. posttn.Victoria, co. Mornington, 60 m. SE. Melbourne. ft. th: Russia, gov. Kherson, on l.b. Dniester. P. 8469. the NW. extremity of Tasmania. Saxony, on R. Mulde, 17 m. SE. Leipsic. P. 8292. tn. Prussia, 15 m. S. Stralsund, on R. Trebel, P. 3450. or Gt, Grimsby, parl. and mun. bor. and spt. N. Lincoln, mth. of the Humber, 15 m. SE. Hull. P. 45,351. It returns In 1885 vessels of 699,451 ton. cleared the port. - pass, Switz., 71.03 ft. high, between Aar and Rhône Vals. Norway, on Skager Rack, 28 m. NE. Christiansand. Norway, 33 m. NNW. Christiania. P. 3000. and vil. Switz., cant. Bern, 7 m. SSE. Thun. P. 3089. in G. of St. Lawrence, in Magdalen Grp. P. ros2. yil. Iowa, in Poweshiek co., 55 m. E. by N. Des Moines. P.3297. Land, in Arctic America, lies W. of Kennedy and Robeson Channels. Lat. 82° N. ; lon. 63° W. Griqualand East, dist. Cape Colony, S. of Natal. Area 7480 sq. m. P. (1885) 96,180. Griqualand West (S. African Diamond Field), lies N. of Cape Col. and W. of Orange Free State, bordered on the S. by Orange R., and traversed by the Vaal R. Area, 17,801 sq. m. P. 49, IoI. th. ; Griqua Town or Klaarwater, cap. of foregoing, 175 m. W. Bloem- Grislehamn, spt. and fishing vil. Sweden, 60 m. N. Stockholm. [fontein. .Gris-Nez, Cape, France, Pas-de-Calais, being nearest point to Engl. Grisons (Ger. Graubitzident), cant, in SE. Switz., among the Rhaetian Alps, and drained by the Rhine and Inn. Area, 2774 sq. m. P. 94,991, of whom three-fifths are Protestants. Grisseå, large th, Java, prov. Soerabaya, on Strait of Madura. 'riswold, ry. Sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 158 m. W. Winnipeg. rivegnée, th: Belgium, on the Ourthe, 2 m. SE. Liége. P. 7935. roby, vil. Engl., 4% m. NW. Leicester. röbzig, the Germany, Duchy of Anhalt, 19 m. SW. Dessau. P. 2150. irodno, gov.in W. Russia. Lat. 52°30'. Area, 14,930sq. m. P. 1,226,946. rodno, city, cap. of foregoing, 90 in. SSW. Vijñā by rail. P. 40,124. Foede, vil. Netherlands, Iom. SSW. Middelburg. I’. 2537. - roenlo or Grol, th: Netherlands, 19 m. ESE. Zütphen. Tº. 248r. roesbeek, vil, Netherlands, 9 m. §: Nymwegen. P. 4637. Froitzsch, th Saxony, I m. SE. Pegau. P. 4914. Manuf, shoes. roix or Groais, isl, off W. Cst. France, dep. Morbihan. P. 4660. rondines, vil. Quebec, on St. Lawrence, 48 m. above Quebec. P. 4co. roningen, the NE. prov. Netherlands. Area, 887 sq. m. P. 268,198. Hroningen, ſt.tn., cap. of foregoing, 92 m. NE. Amsterdam. P. 51,825. #Föningen,tn. Prussia, 6 m. NE. Halberstadt, on the Bode. P.3150. roomsport, fishing vil. Irel.., N, co. Down, 23 m. E. Bangor. P. 346. roote Eylandt, large isl, in G. of Carpentaria, off its W. Cst. 40 m by...o. roSmont, par. and vil. in co. and Io m. NW. Monmouth. P. 7oo. rossalmerode, tin. in Hessen-Nassau, 12 m. ESE. Cassel. P. 2442. ro58 Biteśch, ft. th: Morayia, 31 m. N. Znaym. P. 2200. :rossbottwar, th Würtemberg, 5 m. from Marbach. P. 2275. Grosse Isle, isl. in the St. Lawrence, 29 m. below Quebec. Grossenhain, tin. Saxony, on Roder, 25 m. NW. Dresden. T’. 11,544. Grosseto, ft. th: Italy, cap. of prov. G., 65 m. S. of Florence by rail. P. 7211. Area of prov. 1707 sq. m. P. 118,108. Grosses Haif, bay in Pomerania, at the mouth of the Oder. Gross Gerau, th: Germany, in Hessen, 9 m. NW. Darmstadt. P. 32.44. Gross Glockner, mtn. Noric Alps, on borders of Tyrol, Sakzburg, and Carinthia, 13,100 ft. Grossröhrsdorf, vil. Saxony, 4 m. S. of Pulsnitz. P. 5543. Gross Salze, the Prussia, 10 m. SE, of Magdeburg. P. 3476. Grosswardein (Hung. Wagy-Várád), ft. city, Hungary, on the Körös, 137 m. ESE. of Buda. P. 31,324. [P. 5128. Groton, tshp. Connecticut, New London co., on Long Isl. Sound. rotta, del ane (Dogs' Grotto), a mephitic cave, 2 m. W. of Naples. rottaglie, th S. Italy, prov. Lecce, 12 m. NE. Taranto. P. 96.95. rottamare, cSt. th Italy, 14 m. SSÉ. of Fermo. P. 3866. rottaminarda, th: Italy, prov. Avellino, 6 m. SSW. of Ariano. rotte, yil. Sicily, 11 m. NE. of Girgenti. P. 944r. [P. 5074. rotte del Castro, th: Italy, prov. Rome, near Viterbo. P. 3816. __ ( ( ( ! - t Totteria, vil. Italy, prov. Catanzaro, 8 m. NNE. of Gerace." P. 5611. ( ( ( G i ( rottkau, th: Prussian Silesia, 25 m. W. of Oppeln. P. 4426. rötzingen, tin. Germany, in Baden, 4 m. E. of Carlsruhe. P. 2524. iroyeland, vil. Massachusetts, Essex co., on Merrimac R. P. 2227. 'rubeschow, th; Russian Poland, gov. and 60 m. SE. Lublin. P. 8444. . Gruissan, Spt. vil. France, in Aude, 7 m. SSE. of Narbonne. P. 2342. A tn, in E. of Bohemia, 42 m. ESE. Königgrätz. P. 2950. tn. N. Italy, 9 m. N.W. of Cremona. P. 3607. th. S. Italy, prov. and 13 m. S.W. of Bari. P. 9957. tn. º: prov. and 6 m. N. of Naples. . P. 4612. tn. Germany, in Hessen, 14 m. E. of Giessen. P. 2149. tn. Prussian Silesia, 54 m. SE. Frankfort. P. I4,395. tn. Rhenish Bavaria, 25 m. NNE. Landau. P. 3668. ry. Sta. S. Australia, Żółºń. E. Adelaide. vil. Bohemia, circle of Bunzlau. P. 2708. tn. Austria, in Moravia, 16 m. ESE. Znaim. P. 2274. meadow, in Switz., cant. Uri, on W. Shore of L. of Lucerne. , Scot., in Lewis, 16 m. S. of §º: P. 368. tn. Switz., cant, and 15 m. SSW. of Freyburg. P. Io'ſ 5. , th Austria, in Galicia, 22 m. WSW. of Tarnopol. P. 4329. tn. Colombia, State of Santander. P. 4551. tn. Venezuela, State Carabobo, 6 m. ENE. Valencia. P. 9365. tn. Colombia, State of Cundinamarca, dep. Ubaté. P. 5495. prov. Spain, drained by the Upper Tagus. Area, 4677 .205,495. Cap. G., on 1. b. of the Henares, 35 m. NE. by rail. P. 8503. • e city, Mexico, cap, of State Jalisco, on 1. b. of Rio de 275 m. WNW. of Mexico. P. 80,000. state, Mexico. See Jalisco. r. Spain, flows 130 m. to the sea, near Valencia. tn. Spain, prov. and 48 m. NNW. of Seville. P. 5742. , th Mexico, 55 m. NE. of San Luis Potosí. P. 75,000. r. S. of Spain, drains Andalusia, N. of Sierra Nevada, enters the Atlantic at San Lucar de Barrameda, 260 m. long. tn. Spain, prov. and 56 m. E. of Caceres. P. 2766. y Calvo, th: Mexico, 173 m. SSW. of Chihuahua. P. 3000. isl. W. Indies, in the Leeward Group, belonging to France, consisting of two distinct parts, Grande-Terre and Basse- Terre. Area, 618 sq. m. P. 131, Ioo. Cap. Basse-Terre, Guadiana, r. of Spain and Portugal, flows W. and S. between the Tagus and Guadalquivir, rising in La Mancha. It enters the Atlantic at the frontier. Length, 380 m. * Guadix, city, Spain, prov. and 42 m. ENE. Granda, on the Guadix. Guaduas, tin. Colombia, 45 m. NW. Bogota. P. 8527. [P. 11,787. Gualatieri, peak of the Andes. Lat. 20° 13' S.; elev. 21,960 ft. Gualdo, th Italy, prov. and 23 m. NE. Perugia. P. 3561. .. * Gualdo Tadino, the Italy, prov. Perugia, 22 m. by rail N. Foligno. . 8808. - Guelº, th. Argentina, on R G., 9 m. from its mth. in the Uru- . I’. I5,OOO. - , th Argentina, Entre Rios, 9 m. by rail W. Porto Ruiz, Gualeguay. P. ro, ooo. vil. Italy, prov. Reggio, in Emilia, on R. Po. P. 6933. isl. of the Ladrones, in the Pacific Oc. (to Spain). tn. Peru. See Ayacucho. Colombia, State Tolima. P. 91.93. tn. Cuba, 5 m. by rail E. Hayana. P. 29,789. tn. Cuba, 45 m. by rail WSW. Havana. P. 30co. state, Mexico. Area, 12,548 sq. m. P. 968,113. - city, Mexico, Cap. of State of G., 160 m. NW. Mexico. P. 52,000. Alt. 6017 ft.; gold and silver mines. #uanare, tin. Venezuela, 50 m. SE. Trujillo. P. 5000. - łuantanamo, th: Cuba, 15 m. by rail from the spt. Caimanera. P. I7,199. juanzate, vil. N. Italy, 9 m. SSW. Como. P. 2358. uapai, r. Bolivia, aff, of the Mamore. Length, 550 m. uapi, th: Colombia, State of Cauca. P. 4933; * - uapore, r. aff, of the Mamore between Brâzil and Bolivia. uarda, ſt.tn. Portugal, in Beira, 70 m. ENE. Coimbra. P. 5284. uardafui, Cape, most E. point £ºic. 11° 50' N., 51° 20' E. uardamar, th: Spain, 21 m. S.W. Alicante, on the Seguro. P. 264r. uardavallé, th: Italy, prov. Catanzaro, 20 m. S. Squillace..., P. 3614. lia, La., tm. Spain, prov. Alava, 18 m. SSE. Vittoria. P. 3180. uardia, La., tm. Spain, 28 m. ESE. Toledo, P.,5927 uardia-Grele, tr. Italy, prov. and 12 m. S. of Chieti. P. 919. e uardia-Lombarda, tii. Italy, 3 m. NE. St. Angelo dei Lombardi. P. 4215. [m. P. 191,000. Çap. Calabozo. Guarico, state, Venezuela, traversed by the Qrinoco. Area, 25,482 sq. Guarne, th: Colombia, State of Antioquia. P. 5193. Guastalla, city, N. Italy, on R. Po, 19 m. NE. Parma. P. Io,599. Guataque, th: Colombia, State of Boyaca. P. 7032. Guatemala, the most N. rep. of Cent. America, bounded on E. and N. by Mexico, W. by Balize, G. and rep. of Honduras, and rep. of Sálvador, and S. by the Pacific Oc. Area,46,772 sq. m. P. 1,357,900. Guatemala, New (G. La Nueva), a handsome city, cap, of above state, on a plain 106 m. WNW. San Salvador. Iley. 4961 ft. P. 59,000. Guatemala, Old (G. La Azttigua), city, 24 m. WSW. of the above, at the foot of Vol. de Agua. P. 6ooo. - Huaviare, r. Colombia, flows 450 m. to the Orinoco, near San Fernando. uayacan, vil. Chili, 13 m. S. Coquimbo; exports, copper. P. 1330. uayama, th: Porto Rico, 4 m. from S. GSt. P. Io, ooo. uayana, the most E. state of Venezuela. Area, 149,035.5%: m. P. 35,000. Cap. Angostura. [P. 40,000. uayaquii, city and chief spt. of Ecuador, cap. of provº, Guºyºs. uayaquil, Gulf of, W. cst. Ecuador. ... Lat: 2°-4° S. [P. 95,640. auayas, prov. Ecuador, on the Pacific Slope. Area, 11,534 sq. m. uaymas, spt. th: Mexico, State Sonora, on G. of Mexico. P. Io, ooo- uayra, Íia, spt. th: Venezuela, Iom. N. Caracas. P. I4,000. ubăt, vil. Soudan, on R. Nile, 98 m, below Khartoum. ſegm. 28,592, ubbio or Gubio, city, Italy, in the Marches, 27 m. §. Urbino. P. of ušen, walled tº. Frussia, on R. Neisse, 79 m. SE. Berlin. P. 27,997. ubuluwayo, cap. of Matabele Land, Africa, a Jesuit statiº: uden-Aa, r. Denmark, in Jutland, flows 82 m. to the Catºgat. udera, tri. W. Abyssinia, near lat. 10° 52' N. ; º; 36°57' E. Huelma, th: Algeria, dep. Constantine, 50 m: SSW. Bona. P. 6056. uelph, th: Ontario, cap. of co. Wellington, 48 m. W. Toronto. P. 9890. Huerande, tin. France, in Loire-Inférieure; near the cst. P. §912. uerara, walled mkt. th: Algeria; 42 m. ENE. of Gardaia, P. 55%. uéret, th France, cap. of dep. Creuse, 37 m. N.E. Limoges. P. 6479. uernsey, isl. Channel Isles, 42 m. SW. herburg; P. 32,607. uerrero, state, Mexico, cap. Tixtla. Area, 22,868 sq. m. P. 353,193. uglionisi, tº Italy, prov. Campobassø; 8 ºn, N. Lariº.o. P. 6388, uàrau, tri. Prussian Silesia, 44 m, NNW, Breslau, I’. 4335. Sq. m. of {. 3 I GlüIA THE CENTURY GAZETTEER HARWICH Guia, tr. isl. of Canary, on NYV.C.St. . P. 5164. ind tl Guiafia or Guayana, region, S. America, between the Amazon and t le Orinoco, and comprising the cols, of Brit., French, and I?utch G., also the Venezuelan state of G., and a large pºrt of Brazil. . Guienne or Guyenna, old French prºv. On Lr. Garonne, comprises deps. Gironde, Lot, Dordogne, Aveyron, and parts of Tarn-ct- Garonne, and Lot-et-Garoline.... . TY Guignem, th France, dep. Ille-et-Vilaine, 16m. S3W, Rennes. P. 3.39. Guildford, mun. bor. and co, th Surrey, on R. Wey, 30 m. SW. London by rail. P. 10,858. Guildford, łºtoria, co, ſalbot, on R. Loddon. ...P. 700. Guildford, th: W. Australia, 9 m. SE. Perth. P. of dist. 1674. [P. 2783. Guilford, bor. Coinecticut, New Haven.co; 9. Long Isl, Sound. Guimaraens, th Portugal, Minho.37 m. NE. Oporto. P. 8205. Guimaraens, th Brazil, 45 m. N.W. Maranhão, on CSt. P. 2000. Guinea, marítime region of W. Africa from C. Negro, lat. 15° 45' S. to C. Verga, zoº. 20' N., and is ºliviºled into Üp. or N. G. on N. cºt. of Č of Guinea, and Lr. or S. G., S. of the Equatº; º Gulf of, extensive inlet of Atlantic Ocean, W. CŞt. Africa. vil. France, 7 m. S. Calais. P. 4290. tn. Cuba, 45 m. by rail SW. Havana, P. 3899. g tn. France, in Côtes-du-Nord, 20 m. WNW, St. TSri.Cuc. mºm of Greece in the N. div. Alt. 8240 ft. [P. 8494. tn. France, Finistère, 6 m. ENE. Brest. P. 7977. one of the Basque Provs, Spain, on B. of Biscay, and ºn france. Area, 723 sq. m. P. 178,878. Cap. Tolosa. Venezuela, state and 135 m. E. Culhana- - ºilºt tº N.R. Yorksh., 9 m SE. Middlesbrough. P. 6616. tn. ºrance, dep, Aisne, on l.b. of Qise. P. 713t. , tshp. W.R. Yorksh;3.2 m., S. Otley. P. 37c6. §t ºil. France, dep. Gironde, 30 m. SW. Bordeaux. P. 3392. (Guzera!), N. maritime prºv; of Bombay Pres. Lat. 20° to 2. A. N.; lon, 69° to 74° 22' E. It includes the penin. of i`athiawar, and is boundél N. by Rajputana, E. by Malya, and S. by the Konkan. It comprises the Brit, dists of Surat, Broach, Itaira, Panch Mahals, and Ahmadabad, and the ters, of the Caekwar of Baroda, States of Cutch, Cambay, etc. Total area, 70,038 sq. m. P. 9,779,730. º Gujáñº. dist. Pujá5, in NW. Lahore, Div. Area,3587 sq. m. p. 66,392. Cap. G. on rail, 42 m, N. Lahore. _P. 22,884. Gujrat, E. §t. of Rawal Pindi Div., Punjab, S. of Kashmir. Area, 1973 sº ºn. P. 689,115. Cap. G., 5 m. N. of the Chenab., H. 14,905. Gulāśrandsdal,val. Norwiy, on R. Lougan, agº; Migsºn. Guiedgarh(Guled gud), th Bombay Prešºn. SE. Kaladgi. P. Io,649. Gulf of Ægina, E. cºt. Greece, between Attica and Morea. Gulf of Arcadia or Kyparissia, on V. side Morea, Greece. &uif of Arta, on W. side Greece. Lat: 39° N. ; nearly landlocked. Gulf Stream, an Atlantic Ocean current, issues ſrom G. of Mexico by Strait of Florida, and ſlows NE... Gulgong, tshp. New S. Wales, co. Philip, 198 m. W. Sydney. . P. 1600. &uiſ fake, ry, sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry: 546 m..W.; Wipipeg. Gullane, vil. Scot., IIaddingtºnsh.; 4 m. SW. North Berwick. Gulleghem, vil. Belgium, W. I'landers, 2 m. W. Courtrai. I’. 3723. Gulpen, vil. Netherlands, 9 m. ESE. of Maestricht. P. 3615. Čurnal Pass, crosses Sulaiman Mts., from Punjab, to Afghanistan. Čumbinnen, thº. Prussia, 68 m. ESE. Königsberg, J., 19,453. gov. bounded E. by Russia. Area, 6128 sq.m. P. 783,359. Gumeracha, tshp. S. Australia, co. and 23 m. NE; Adelaide. P. 321. (fumishkhana, th: Turkey, 32 m. §. Trebizond. P. 8000; Silver-nines. ſummersbach, th Rhenish Prussia, 24 in. E.,Colºgne. P. 7748. umurjina, th Turkey, 82 m. SWV. Adrianople. P. 9000. umri, th Russia. See Alexandropol. fumti (Gomati), r. India, NW. Prövs. and Oudh, aff. of the Canges below Benares, 500 m. long. It passes Lucknow. [P. Iooo. undagai, post tim, New S. Wales, co: Clarenºlºn, #51 m. SW. Sydney. ºut 11C º vil. Afghanistan, 28 m. W. Jellalabad. §. I2O. undaroo, post.tn. New S. Wales, co. Murray, 171 m. SW, Sydney. undava, th: Baluchistan, cap. of Cutch Gundaya, 115 m. SE. Kelat. undelfingen, th: Bavaria, on the Brenz, 27 m. NW. Augsburg. P. 2698. unnedah...tship. N. S. W., on Namoi R.,365 m. NW, Sydney. P.,7492. unning, posttshp. New S. Wales, co. King, 24 m. NE, Yass. P. 409. fins, ºn. Hungary, on R. Güns, 57 m. SSE. Vienna. P. 730ſ. ſuntawang, post th New S. Wales, 184 m. W. Sydney. P. 39. Huntersblum, th Germany, in IIessen, 12 m. N. Worms. P. 2034- untur, the Madras Pres., 46 m. from Masulipatam. P. 19,646. untramsdorf, th Austria, 18 m. by rail.S. of Vienna. P. 3776. inzburg, th Bavaria, on the Danube, WNW. Augsburg., P. 4r14. junzenhäusen, th Bavaria, 37 m. SSW. Nuremberg. P. 3897. º Furdaspur, dist. Punjab, in NE. of Amritsar Div., S. of Kashmir. Area, 1822 sq. m. P. 823,695. Cap. G. Chief tin. Batala. Gurgaon, dist. Punjab, in S. of Delhi Div. Area, 1938 sq. m. P. ãº,818. Chief in. Rewari. Cap. Gurgaon, 21 m. S. of Delhi on Ry. P. 3539. v w s - Šardinia, 34 m. NW. Cagiari. P. 6351; lead-mines. vil. Italy, 5 m. NNW. Brescia. P. 4629. ermany, in Anhalt, 5 m. W. Bernburg. P. 3982. tn. Germany, on R. Nebil, 34 m. ENE. Schwerin. P. 13,117. strait, between Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Isl. tn. Prussia, 39 m. S. Minden. P. 5355. tn. Oklahoma, Indian Ter, U.S.A., on Cimarron R. tn. E. Prussia, on the Alle, 51 m. S. of Königsberg. P. 461o. tn. Hungary, 48 m. ESE. Presburg, on R. Waag. P. CoQ7. Prussia, 28 m. SE. of Stralsund. P. 2098. spt. Nova Scotia, cap. of co. G., near head of Cheda- P. 1703. Guzerat. See Gujarat. Guzman, Blanco, state, Venezuela, on L. Maracaybo. Area, 72,518 sq. m. P. 503,756. Cap. Merida. Gwalior, native state, Cent. India, dominion of the house of Sindhia, ies SWV. of the Chambal R. and of NW. Provs. Area, 29,046 sq. m. P. 3,115,857. Cap. Gwalior, 65 m. S. of Agra. P. 88,066.j Gweedore Bay, Irel., in NW. Co. Donegal. Kwennap, par. and vil. Engl., 3 m., S.E. of Redruth. P. 6209. Awydir R., New S. Wales, aff, of the Darling, in lat. 29°30' S.; 445 m. !y, th France, in Haute-Saône, 22 m., S.W. Vesoul. P. 2117. yaing, Attaran, tm. Lr. Burma, in Tenasserim. P. 27,790. Gyalu, th; Transylvania, Tom. W. Klausenburg, on R. Szamos. Gympie, bor. Queensland, co. March, on R. Mary, P. 7659. Gyoma, yil. Hungary, co. Bekes, on the Körös, P., of com. 9907. yöngyös, th: Hungary, on rail 44 m. NE. Pešth. P. 16,061. Gyula., tm. Hungary, 35 m. NNW. Arad, on White Körös, P., 18,046. Gzhatsk, tm. Russia, göv. and 123 m. by rail NE. Smolensk. P. 8261. Haaksbergen, vil. Netherlands, in Overyssel, 25 m. E. Deventer. Haan, vil. Prussia, 9 m, by rail E. of Düsseldorf. P. 6200. [P. 4797. #aarlem or Haerlém, city, Netherlands, in N. Holland, 14 m. W. of : º : : G msterdam. P. 48,159. IIaarlem Meer, formerly inlct of Zuyder Zee, 33 m. in Circum. ; was drained in 1849-53. Haase, r. Germany, in Hanover, aſſ. of the Ems at Meppen. Habab, region on W. cat. Red Sea, NE. of Abyssinia. [P. 5598. Iſabelschwert, th: Prussian Silesia, on R. Neise, Io m. S. Glatz. Habsburg or Hapsburg, vil. and castle, Switz., dist, and 4 m. SW. Habesh. See Abyssinia. [Brugg. Habiganj Bazar, India, Sylhet Dist., Assam. P. 4061. Hacha, spt. Colombia, Magdalena State, at mth. of H. R. P. 3054. Hackensack, vil. New Jersey, cap. of Bergen co., on H. R. P. 4248. Hacketstown, vil. Irel.., co. Carlow, on R. Derreen. P. 721. Hackettstown, bor. New Jersey, 52 m. W. Newark. P.2502. JHackney, parl. bor. Middlesex, in NE, London, P., 186,462. It returns 3 M.P.s. . In 1885 its parl. limits were reduced by the ſor- mation of Bethnal Green and Shoreditch parl. bors. [P. 3000. Haddam, vil. Connecticut, U.S., cap. of Middlesex co., on Conn. R. Haddington, royal bur. Scot., co. th of H.shire, on R. Tyne. P. 4043. fiaddingtonshire or E. Lothian, maritime co. in SE. Scotland, on Firth of Forth and N. Sea. Area, 280 sq. m. P. 38,502. In the S. are the Lammermuir Hills. It returns I M.P. Haddon, post tshp. Victoria, co. Grenville, roº; m. W. Melbourne. adersleben, th Prussia, in N. Schleswig, on a fiord. P. 7637. [P. 428. Hadham, Gréat, or Much H., vil. Herts, 1 m. N. H. sta. º. 1298. adham, Little, par. and vil. Ingl., Herts, 33 m. NE. H. sta. T. 853. (adhaz, tin. Hungary, Io m. by ra.] N. of Debreczin. P. 741.4. Hadleigh, mkt. tr. W. Suffolk, on R. Bret, 93 m. SW. Ipswich." P. 3237. Hadley, vil. Engl., Middlesex, 1 m. NE. of Barnet. Hadley, vil. Massachusetts, on Connecticut R., IIampshire co. P. 1938. Hadol, vil. France, in Vosges, 6 in. S. of Epinal. P. 2743. Iſadramaut, maritime region of S. Arabia, from Oman to Yenich, with which it constituted the anc. Arabia Pelix. Hadspen, tshp. Tasmania, co. Cornwall, 8 m. S. Launceston. Haeght, vil. Belgium, N. Brabant, 16 m. NE. Iłrussels. , P. 2337. Haeltert, vil. Belgium, E. Flanders, 19 m. E. Audenarde. P. 3522. Haerlebeke, th: Belgium, in W. Flanders, on R. Lys. P. 6258. Hafslöe, vil. Norway, 88 m. NE. Bergen. ...P. 2960. [P. 29,614. agen, th Prussia, in Westphalia, on R. Volme, 26 m. W. Arnsberg. !enow, th: Germany, on Hamburg and I3erlin ry. P. 4069. Hagerstown, city, Maryland, cap. of Washington co. P. 10,000. Hagetmau, th: France, Landes, 7 m.S. St. Sever. P. 3127. Haggs, vil. Scot, Stirlingsh., 3 mi. SW. Denny. P. 524. Hagley, par. and vil. Worcester, 23 m. SE. Stourbridge. [P. 200. Hagley, post tshp. Tasmania, co. Westmoreland, 31; SW. Launceston. H at Hag's Head, promontory, Hague, Thé (Dutch, S. Graveztºtage Holland, 14 m. NW. Rotterdam, 4 m. residence of royalty and seat of gov. 40' E. P. 143,626. It contains the Tich collection of Dutch pictures, Trince of Orange, the Binnenhof appropriated the States Assembly; and the Royal Library. e, th Colombia, Tolima State, Haguenau, ſt.tn. Germany, in Alsace, ty, Netherlands, cap. of S. from the North Sea, is the Lat. 52° 4' 20" N. ; lon. National Museum with on R. Moder, 16 m, N. Stras- 3,469. f, tin. §. ºstralia, co. and 17 m. E. Adelaide. abad) or the Nizam's Dominion India, named from its cap. I ſaid - P. 9,845,594. The chief rs, are Godavari, and Kistna, with large tributaries. Haidarabad, chief city and cap. of H. State, Haidarabad (Hyder on R. Musi, aſſ. of the Haidarabad Assigned Districts or Bèrar, prºv. administered by Brit. Resident at Akola, Buldana, Basim, Amraoti, between Cent. Þrovs. and Nizam's Dom. Amraoti is the largest th: derabad), dist. in Sindh, Bombay Pres, Area, 9030 It is a vast alluvial plain. cap. of H. Dist., Sindh, 3% m. hills of the Ganjo range. Haidhausen, vil. Up, Bavaria, on R. Hai Dzuong, ft. th Annam, in Tonquin. P. 30, Haifa or Käiffa, til Palestine, on Bay of Acre. P. 4000. -Fong, spt. tin. Tonquin, nº -Khiou Şo, th on N. c.st. Hainan Isl. lsham, mkt. th and ry, sta. E. Sussex, nam, large isl. China, prov. Quang-Tung, off S. CŞt. Cap. Kiong-Chu ºn the N. CŞt. iselgium, bounded SW. by F 27 m. ESE. Vienna. P. 4857. E. of the Lower Indus, on I53. - • . Isar, opposite Munich. P. 3700. armth. of arm of Tonquin R. , 3 m. N. Kiong-Chu. 64 m. SE. London. P. 2964. 1437 sq. m. P. 1,029,835. Chief time. 437 Sq Lr. Äuß. on Danube, t flows 40 m. to the Scheldt in France. newalde, vil. Saxony, near Zittau. nichen, th Saxony, 40 m. by rail SE. Leipsig, inspach, tr. Bohemia. 37 m. N. Leitmeritz. P. 2839. y º Hajipur, th India, Muzaffarpur Dist., on the Lit. Gandak near Patna, ,5 9. Hakodadi or Hakodate, open port, Japan, on S. CŞt. Yesso, on Str. 57I. m, in S, Brabant, on R. Senne. P. 9580. as, in Hungary, 75 m. SSE. Pesth, on L. Halasto. . P. 5,939. theath, mining vil. Scot., 2% m. NE. Dunfermline. . P. 918 berstädt, th: Prussian Saxony, 29 m. S.W. Magdeburg. lcombe, th New Zealand, 114 m. NE. Wellington. P. 574. densleben, Hew and Old, adjacent thS. Prussian Saxony, I5 m. le, tshp. and vil. Éngl., Lancas'mire, Iom.SE. Liverpool. esowen, mkt. th: Worcestersh., lesworth, mkt. th Engl., E. Suffolk, on R. Blyth. ley's, ry, sta. Canada, C. P. Ry., 78 m. W.Ottawa. i., tm. Nubia on E. b. of Nile, 15 m. N. Khartum. cz, th: Austria, in Galicia, on R. Dniester. ºkººl e don Hill, Engl., near Berwick, Scene of battle, A.D. 1333. fax, parl. and mun., bor. W. R. York, on R. Hebble, 7 of Bradford, 25 m. NE. Manchester. seats of woollen manuf. It returns 2 M.P.S. d spt. cap. of Nova Scotia, on SE. CSt. Lat. 45° N P. 36,160. It is the chief naval sta. of Canada, and is the SE, terminus of the Intercolonial ry. Scot., Caithness, on R. Thurso. Hall, th: Tyrol, on R. Inn, 6 m. by rail E. of Innsbruck. P. 5456. Hall or Schwäbisch Hall, tm. Würtemberg, on R. Kocher, 35 m. NE. P. 91.26. Nieder Hall; p. 1401. Halladale, r. Scot., Sutherland, flows 22 m. to the N. CŞt. IHallamshire, dist. in S. div. W. R. York, comprises Sheffield and # m. SW. Birmingham. Halkirk, vil. and ry. Sta. T am, West, vil, and ry. sta. and, Sweden. See Ha JEngl., Co. and 7 in. NIE. Derby. P. 590. tad. ; ; : i le, city, Prussian Saxony, on R. Saale, 23 m. NW. Leipsic. H. is the seat of a university. eim, th: Up. Austria, 9 m. SSE. Salsburg, on R. Salza. ett, post th S. Australia, Co. 13urra, 120 m. N. Adelaide. P. 433. ingdal, val. Norway, 80 m. N.W. of Christiania. iwell, tshp. and vil. Lancashire, 2 m. NW. Bolton. owell, city, Maine, U.S., Co. and on R. Kennebec. side, vil. Scot., Lanarksh., 6 m. SE. Glasgow. P. 9 statt, th: Up. Austria, on L. of Hallstadt, with salt-mines. uin, th France, in Nord, on R. Lys. mstad or Halland, laºn, Sweden, on the Cattegat. Ar., 1897 sq. m. mstad, spt. Sweden, cap. of lacn, 76 m. SSE. Gothenburg. P. 8512. stead, mkt. th and ry. Sta. Engl., E. Essex, on R. Colne. P. 5804. steren, vil. Neth, N. Brabant, 2 m. NW. Bergen-op-Zoom. P. 2960. term, th: Westphalin, 25 m. SW. Münster, on R. Li ltwhistle, mkt. th Northumberland, on R. S. Tyne. ſam, th: France, dep. and on R. Somme, 70 m, NNE. Paris...P. 3043. Hamadan, city, Persia, in Irak Ajemi, 165 m. SW. Telleran. P. 35,000, IHamah or Hämmah (anc. Ezº/ia7ita, and Hamtat/t), walled city, Syria, on R. Orontes, Irom. NE. Damascus. Hamamatsu, CŞt, th Japan, Hon Has important industrics. r º i ſ . ſ *. do Isl., 140 m. SW. Tokio. P. 34,676. Hamar, stift, Norway. Area, 19,706 sq. m. P.236,216. Cap. Ilamar, Hamar, th Norway, 59 m. by rail N. Christiania. Hambach, vil. Rhenish Bavaria, 2 m. SW Hambie, tm. France, dep. Manche, 11 m. SE. Coutances. P. 2555 IIamburg, free city, Germany, the greatest spt. of the continent of lies on N. b. of R. Elbe, 75 m. from its mth., 170 m. N Berlin by rail. Its chief industries are shipbuilding, sugar-refining, steam-engines manuf., cigars, etc. In 1830, the port possessed 456 ships of 345,709 ton, ; 6058 vessels of 2,761,233 ton, cleared. Y of exports (1884) £90,144,962; imports (1885) :6105,240,196. ... has an area of 158 sq. m., and a p. of 518, 20. P. of city (1885) 305,690; with Suburbs, 471,427. .S., Fremont co., near Missouri R. Hamburg, bor. Pennsylvania, Berks co., on Schuylkill R. P. 2010. Hameln or Hamelin, th: 25 m. SW. Hanover, on R. Woser. P. II,830. Hamilton, parl. bur. and mkt, the Scot, Lanarksh., ºn R. Clyde, 9; Coal, iron, lime, and sandstone are H. is one of the Fa/Kirk Buzg/ts. Hamburg, vil. Iowa, U worked in neighbourhood. Adjoining is H. Palace, seat of the Duke of Hamilton. mining th: Nevada, cap. of White Pine Co., 90 m. IE. Austin. post th New S. Wales, 78 m. N. Sydney. city, Ohio, cap. of Butler co., on Miami R. *. city and port of entry, Ontario, cap, of Wentworth Co., at extremity of L. Ontario, 70 m. NW. tn. Victoria, cos. Dundas and Normanby, 220 in. W. Mel- It is metropolis of the W. dist. sub. of Newcastle, New S. Wales, 78 m. N. tshp. S. Australia, in Co. and on R. Light, 59% m, N. cap. of Bermuda Isles, on cst. of largest isl. E ... tshp. New Zealand, co. and on R. W tshp. Tasmania, co. Monmouth, 159 m. S. post th: Tasmania, 85 m. N New Zealand, co. Manitoto, 93 m. NW. Dunedin. NW. Provs., in SW. Allahabad Div., having R. Area, 2288 sq. m. P. 507,337. at confluence of Betwa and Jumna. post th: S. Australia, co. Gawler, 44% m. N. Adelaide. at confluence of Lippe and Ahse. Iamburg. P. with Hammerbaum, 9275. p 42 m. SE. Tunis, on Gulf of H. tn, Belgium, 19 m. ENE. Ghent. tn. Bavaria, on R. Saale, 23 m. N. Würzburg. Norway, 7 m. NE. Bergen. . tin. of Europe, Norway, on parl. bor. in W. London, on R. Thames. tn. W. Prussia, 18 m. W. Schlochau. ry. Sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 434 m. W. D e tn., and ry. sta. S. Australia, 214 m. N. Adelaide. vil. New York, at S. end of Crooked Lake. salt lake or morass, on borders of Persia, Afghan- Baluchistan, 70 m. long by 15-20 m. It receives the Hel- mund, and Furrah Rud Rivers. Hampden, vil. Maine, co. and on W. b. Penobscot R. Hampden, vil. New Zealand, co. Waitaki, 57 m. N. Dunedin. Hampshire, Hants or Southamptonshire, maritime and agricultural Co. in S. of Engl., includes the Isle of Wight, bounded N. by Berks, E. by Surrey and Sussex, S. by Engl, Chan., and W. l Area, 1622 sq.m. P. 503,472. His ſº *...a fertile. ãºf rivers are, Avon, Exe, Test: Itch- ing and Hamble. It contains the ºns: of Portsmouth, Southamp- tºº, Winchester (co. tº.), Christchurch, Andover, Bºº. iyºmington, Newport, Rºmsey, and Ryde. It º 5 Mºs It Hampstead, parl, bor. Middleś. N.W. London. P. 45,452. ºrns M.P. Here is the famous H. Heath. • Hampton, vil. and ry. sta. Middlesex, ºn R. Thames, 12 m. SW. IIyde Park Čorner, London. P. 4776. There are many fine residences. one m. distant is H. Court Palaçë.., , , d [P. : Hampton, th:Virginia, cap, of Élizabeth City co., at mth, ºf Jame; K. Hampton Wick, hamlet and ry. sta. on R. Thames, #5 in. SW. London. # 64. It has many fine houses. ..[Cassels. P. 24.3%. anau. Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, on R. Tº 86 m. SSW. ...hishaim, vil. Baden, on the Main;39. 3. Mannheim. P.2890. i. i. Bºlgium, 15 m, by rail SW, Rºgº.”.7% Tsi fang-Chow Fu, city, Chinº, CàP: of prov. Chi-Kiang, §§ jºi ºfang, 150 m. SE. Nankin, at S. terminus of the Grand Canal. It has much trade in raw silk and tea. P. 600,000, * - Tianjiāo or Hangoud, free port andry,tºm:9. SW, cst. Finland. Hanićow or Han-Kau, great commercial city, China, Căp. of prov. Hu-Pe, at conflu. of Yang-tse-kiang and Han-kiang. 600 m. from mth. of the former. It stands opposite Wu-chang and Han-yang. Their united p. estimated at 1,999,999; Open to foreign cºmmerce. Hanjiang, r. China, provs. Shen-Se and Hu-Pe, aff, of the Yang-tSe- kiang at Han-yang and Han-kow, 699 º: Hankin, th: on E. CŞt. Corea. Lat. 39°35' N. t - Hanley, parl. and mun. bor. Staffordsh., in the Potteries dist., 147 m. NW." London by rail. P. 48,361; parl, bor. (includes Burslem) 75,912. It returns I M.P. Manufs. china, tiles, and earthenware. Hannibal, city, Missouri, Marion co., on Mississippi R., 148 m. above St. Lºuis. P. 18,000. , Contains H. College. Hanover (Ger. Hanitower), city, Prussia, Cap. of prov. of H., on R. Leine, 83 m, SW. Hamburg. P. 139,731 ; Linden, 22,384. . Hanover, prov. Prussia, bounded N. by North Sea, Holstein, and Lauenburg. It is of very irregular shape. Area, 14,856 Sq. m. P. 2,172.254. It comprises the gov; and tris. of Hanover (the cap.), Íñildesheim, Lüneburg, Stade, Osnabruck, and Aurich. The chief rs, are the Elbe, Weser, Aller, Leine, and Ems. In the S. are the Harz Mts. The kingdom of H. was incorporated by Prussia as a prov. in 1866, as a result of the Austro-Prussian War. IIanover, vii. Něw Hampsh., xm. I. Connecticut R, P, .49. Fanover, bor. Pennsylvania, York co., 17 m. ISE. Gettysburg. P. 2317. Hanover, vil. Ontario, Grey co., on Saugeen R. P. 700. Hanover, vil. Cape Colony, 40 m. SW. Colesberg. P. 545. Hanse Towns, name given to the three free German cities, Hamburg. Lübeck, and Bremen. 4. Hansi, th Punjab, in dist, and 16 m. E. Hissar. P. 12,656. Han-Tchong, city, China, prov. Shen-Se, on Han-kiang. Hanthawadi, maritime dist. Lt. Burma, in Pegu Div. Area, 4236 Sq. m. P. 437,720. Cap. Rangoon. Hants, co. Engl. See Hampshire. ſtent. P.730. Hants'Éarbour, port of entry, Newfoundland, 12m. from Heart's Con- Hantsport, vil, Nova Scotia, Hants co., 7 m. N. Windsor. P. 700. Hanweli, par, and ry, sta. Middlesex, 7 m. W. London, on R. Brent. 316. Here is H. asylum for the insºle... . Hanworth, par, and vil. Middlesex, 2 m. SW. Twickenham, P. 1949; Hanyang, City, China, prov. IIu-Pe, at conflu. of Yang-tse-kiang and Han-kiang, opposite Han-kow. P. ſco,999. . . Haparamda, th: Syeden; on N. shore G. of Bothnia. P. IcSo. Happisburgh or Hasbro', fishing vil. N. Norfolk, 6 m. E. of N. Wals- ham. P. 556. - - [P. 563. Happy Valley, post th Victoria, co, Grenvillº 114 m. WV. Melbourne. Hapgal, spt. Russia, in Esthonia, 58 m. SW. Revel. P. 2200. Hapsburg. See Habsburg. • Hapur, tº India, Meerut, and 18 m. S. of dist. P. 13,212. Harar, til. Africa. See Hurrur. Harblédown, par. and yil. E. Kent, 1 m.W. Canterbury. P.725. (P.700. Harbour-au-Bouche, vil. Nova Scotia, Co. and 30 m. N. Antigonish. Harbour Briton, port of entry, Newfoundland, cap. of Fortune Bay. Harbour Buffet, vii. Newfoundland, on Long Isl., in Placentia Bay. Harbour Grace, port of entry, Newfoundland, on W. side ºf Con- ception Bay. P. 7c00, [P.,670. Harbour Main, vil. Newfoundland, cap. of dist., on Conception Bay. Harburg, th Hanover, 23 m. NW. Lüneburg. ...P. 22,341. Harcourt, post tin. Victoria, co. Talbot, 83 m. N.W. Melbourne. P. 200. #arda, tr. India, Cent. Provs., Hoshangabad Dist. . P. r1,203. Hardanger-Field, mtn. range, Norway. Lat. 69° 19 N. Hardanger-Fiord, sea-arm, W. CŞt. Norway, 33 m. SE. Bergen. * Harden, ry. sta. New S. Wales, 228 m.ſrom Sydney, on Murray's Creek. IHard ; tn. Netherlands, 30 m. NE. Déventer. P. 8225. . [P. 300. Tiarderwick or Harderwijk, spt. Netherlands, prov. Gelderland, on Zuyder Zee, 31 m. E. Amsterdam. P. 7156 Hardheim, tin. Bäden, 44 m. ENE. Mannheim. P. 2145. #ardinxveld, vil. Netherlands, S. Holland, on R. Maas. P. 4562. Hardoi, dist. Oudh, between Ganges and Gumti. Area, 2311 sq. m. P. 387,630. Cap. H. Town, 63 m. from Lucknow....', ºccº. Harduáganj, th India, dist. and 6 m. E. of Aligarh, NW. Provs. . Hardwar, inc. tin. and place of pilgrim. India, Saharanpur Dist., NW. Provs., 39 m. NE. Saharanpur. P. 3614. Hardt, vil. Rhenish Prussia, gov. Düsseldorf. P. 25C0. Hardwick, vil. Massachusetts, Worcester Co. P.2233. Tarfleur, Śpt. France, Seine-Inférieure, 3 m. ENE.. Hayre. P. 2210. Fargrave, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry, 1883 m. Winnipeg. Hargraves, post th: N. S. W., co. Wellington, 199 m. NW. Sydney. Hariana, th India, Punjab, dist. and 8 m, from IIoshiarpur. P. 0472. Harihar, th India, Mysore State, on Tungabhadra R., P. 4679. Haringvliet, a mth, of the Rhine in S. IIolland, 23 m. broad. IIaripur, th: Punjab, Hazara Dist. P. 4884. iíari Rud, r. Afghanistan, from Koh-i-Baba Mts., ſlows W. past Shaharek, Obeh, and Herat, to Persia. arlech, anc. cst, th and ry, sta. Wales, Merionethshire. arlem, city, Netherlands. See Haarlem. arleston, inkt. th and ry. sta. Engl., S. Norfolk, C#m. SW. Dungay. #arlingen, spt. Netherlands, proy. Friesland, on Zuyder Zee, 12 m. ... W. of Leeuwarden by rail. P. 19,223. Harlow, mkt. ta. W. Essex, 24 m. NE. London. P. 2482. Harmar, vil. Ohio, Washington co., on Ohio R. P. 1572, Harnai, spt. Bombay Pres, dist. and 56 m. N.W. Ratnagiri. P. 5746. Harnes, vil. France, in Pas-de-Calais, 15 m. ESE. Bethune. P. 2992. Iſaro, th: Spain, 21 m. by rail WNW. Logroño., P. 6447. Harpanahalli, th: Madras Pres., 66 m. SYW. Bellary. P. 6536. Harper; tn. Liberia, co. Maryland, near Cape Palmas. Harper's Ferry, vil. W. Virginia, Jefferson co., on Potomac R., 81 m. W. of Baltimore. P. 1219. , r. Canada, flows 270 m. NW. to James Bay. post tim. Victoria, co. I)elatite, 216 m. NE. Melbourne. .cst...tn. W. Cumberland, 4% m. N. Whitehaven. P. 3019. peninsular par. Scot., S. part of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, ... The par. includes several small isls. P. 4814. city, cap. of Pennsylvania and of IDauphin Co., on E. b. R., 106 m. W. by N. of l'hiladelphia. P. 32,000. tn. in E. of Orange Free State. ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry. 397 m. W. Donald. or E. Newark, th: New Jersey, Hudson co., on Passaic R. vil. Virginia, cap. of Rockingham co. P. 2831. [P. 6898. Ontario, Wellington Co., on Maitland R. P. 1772. ry, sta. Queensland, co. Churchill, 42 m. from Brisbane. vil. Išentucky, cap. of Mercer co. P. 4156. mun, bor, and watering-place, W. R. Yorksh., 16 m. N. near R. Nidd. P. 9482. It has excellent mineral springs. #:#; post tin. S. Australia, co. Sturt, 32 m. E. Adelaide, P. 117. Harrold, vil. Engl., on R. Ouse, co. and 9 m. NW. Bedford. P. 1024. Harrow or H. on the Hill, par., tm., and ry. sta. Middlesex, Iom. NW. London. P. Io,277; th 5558. It has a famous School. Harrow, post tshp. Victoria on N. bank Glendy R., 60 m. from annilton. P., 237. Harta or Kis-Harta, vil. IIungary, on the Danube, S. of Pesth. P. 3794. Harta or Hartha, th Saxony, 31 m. SE. Leipsic. P. 3793. Hartenstein, th Saxony, near R. Mulde. , P. 2629. Hart Fell, mtn. Scot., 6 m. NE. Moffat. Alt. 2651 feet. Hartford, city, cap. of Connecticut and of Hartford co., on Connecti- cut R., 50 m. from its mth. P. 47,000. ford, vil. Vermont, Windsor co., on White R. P. 2054. and, par. and vil. N. Devon, on Barnstaple B. P. 1884. and Point, N. Devon, at entrance to Bristol Channel. epool, parl, and mun, bor. and spt. Engl., co. and 18 m. SE. of Durham, 250 m. NW. London by rail. P. of parl. bor. 46,990, in- luding th of W. IIartlepool (p. 28,523). It returns 1 M.P. In 885, 3216 vessels of 913,130 ton. cleared the port. ey, tshp. New S. Wales, 83 m. NW. Sydney. , P. of dist. 8718. ey, Little, small tshp. New S. Wales, co. Cook, 2 m. from H. ey, cst. vii. and ry, sta. S. Northumberland, 3 m. SE. Blyth. artley Wale, tshp. N. S. W., 81 m. from Sydney, among Blue Mts. artmannsdorf, vil. Saxony, 36 m. SE. Leipsic. P. 4112. artshill, tshp. and vil. N. Warwicksh., on R. Anker. P. 1264. artz Mts. See Harz. arwich, mun. bor, watering-place, and spt. I. Essex, on S. side R. Stour, 21 m. NIE. Colchester, 70 m. NE. London. P. 7842. i * -* - Jºlºw H tººl. : cºw JIar 1. J. : : **.i. arl º l. : 32 HARWOOD THE CENTURY GAZETTEER HIMALAYA Harwood, Great, th NE. Lancash., 4 m. NE. Blackburn. P. 6287. Harz, mts. Germany, Hanover and Brunswick, 70 m. long, between Saale and Leine r. basins. Highest summit, the Brocken, 3740 ft. Harzburg, vil. Germany, 27 m. by rail S. Brunswick. P. 2430. Harzgerode, tr. Germány, in Anhalt, 18 m. S. Halberstadt. P. 3237. Hašānpur, th: India, in N.W. Provs, 33 m. W. Moradabad. P. 9143. Hasenpoth, th: Russia, in Courland, 27 m. NE. Libau. P. 3400. - Haslemere, Inkt. th; and ry. sta. W. Surrey, 12 m. SW. Guildford. Hasli, bailiwick, Switz., upper part of Aar Valley. P. 6700. [P. Irrr. Haslingden, mkt: tn. NE. Lancash., 19 m. NW. Manchester. P. 14,333. Hasparren, th: France, Basses-Pyrenées, 12 m, SE. Bayonne. P. 5716. Haspe, the Prussia, Westphalia, dist. of Hagen. P. 8962; iron-works. Haspres, tin. France, in Nord, 8 m. SW, Valenciennes. P. 2763. Hassan, dist. Mysore, in Ashtagram Div. P. 668,417. Cap. Hassan, II.4 m.W. of Bangalore. P. 5950. tn, Brunswick, 8 m, SSW. Blankenburg. P. 2453. tn. Belgium, cap. of Limbourg, on R. Demer. P. 12,828. tn. Netherlands, in Overyssel, 53 m. N. Zwolle. P. 2529. tn: Bayaria, Lr. Franconia, on R. Main. P. 2560. vil. Rhenish Bavaria, 15 m. NNE. Landau. P. 5666. and mun. bor, and watering-place, E. Sussex, 34 m. E. Of 62 m. SE. London. P. of parl. bor 47,619. It returns 1 M.P. Battle of H. 14th Oct. Io96. - Hastings, city, Michigan, cap. of Barry co., 40 m. W. Lansing. P.253r. Hastings, city, Minnesota, Dakota Co., on r. b. Mississippi. P. 3869. Hastings, vil. Nebraska, cap. of Adams co., 7 m. E. Juniata. P. 2817. Hastings, post th: New Zealand, Hawke's Bay Dist., 12 m. from - Napier. P. 1700. Hastings or Crook's Rapids, vil. Ontario, on R.Trent. P. 700. Hastings, post tim, Tasmania, co. Kent, 56 m. SW. Hobart. Hastings, th New Zealand, 12 m. by rail from Napier. P. 617. Hastings, post tim. Victoria, co. Mornington, 41 m. SE. Melböurnc. Hastings-upon-Hudson, vil. 20 m. N. New York, Westchester co. HašWell, tshp. and ry, sta. Durham, Io; m. S. Sunderland. P. 6156. atfield or Bishop's H., mkt; tın, Engl., 6 m. SW. Hertford. P. 4059. _. H. House is the seat of Marquis of Salisbury. fatherleigh, par., and vil. S. Devon, 26 m. NW. Exeter. P. rāgz. Hathras, th India, NW. Provs., Aligarh Dist., 29 m. N. Agra. Hatia, isl. India, Bengal, in estuary of Meghna R. P. 40,295. [P. 25,656. Hatta, the India, Cent. Provs., dist, and 24 m. N. Damoli. P. 6325. Hattem, th: Netherlands, in Gelderland, 3 m. SSW. Zwolle. P.2843. Hatteras, Cape, N. Carolina, U.S. Lat. 35° 15' N.; lon. 75°31' W. Hattingen, th: Westphalia, 38 m. W. of Arnsberg, on R. Ruhr. Hatvan, tm. Hungary, 30 m. ÉNE. Pesth. P. 4877. [P. 6730. Hatzfeld, th Hungary, 22 m. WNW. Temesvar. P. 8620. Haubourdin, th: France, in Nord, 4 m. SW. Lille. P. 6409. Haugesund, th Norway, amt Stavanger. P. 4200. Haugsdorf, tin. Lr. Auštria, on the Polkau. P. 2005. Haunsdorf, Ober and Nieder, vils. Prussian Silesia, 50 m. S. Breslau. Hauran, dist. of Syria, S. of Damascus, E. of the Jordan. Haussy, vil. France, in Nord, 10 m. ENE. Cambrai. P. 3333. Haute Garonne, dep. S. France, drained by the Upper Garonne. Area, 2429 sq. m. P. 481,169. Cap. Toulouse. Haušša. See Houssa. Haute Loire, dep, SE, France, drained by the upper waters of R. Loire and Allier, having E. the Cevennes Mts. Area, 1916 sq. m. P. 320,063. Cap. Le Puy. Mt. Mezin 5794 ft. Haute Marne, dep, NE. France, drained by the Upper Marne, Meuse, and Aube. Area, 2402 sq. m. P. 247,781. Cap. Chaumont. Hautes Alpes, dep, SE. France, S. of Savoie, on Italian frontier, occupied entirely by the Alps, of which Mt. Pelvoux is 13,442 ft. aboye Sea-level. Area, 2158 sq. m. P. 122,924...Cap. Gap. IIaºute Saône, dep. E. France, SW. Alsace, drained by Upper Saône. Area, 2062 sq. m. P. 290,954. Cap. Vesoul. Haute Savoie, dep. E. France, S. of L. of Geneva, and on Swiss and Italian frontier. An Alpine region, containing Mont Blanc, etc. Area, 1667 sq. m. P. 275,018. Cap. Annecy. Hautes Pyrenées. See Pyrénées, Haütes. Haute Vienne, dep. France. Lat. 46°N. ; lon. I*E.; drained by the Upper Vienne. Area, 2130 sq. m. P. 363,182. Cap. Limoges. Hautmont, vil. France, in Nord, 3 m. SW. Maubeuge. P. 9204. Haut, Rhin, dep. E. France, Upper Alsace, ceded for the most part to Germany. Present area, 232 sq. m., P. 74,244. Cap. Belfort. Havana, or Thé Havannah (Span. La Habana), spt, and cap. city of Cuba, on N. CSt. P. 198,721. H. has beautiful public parks; manufs. cigars, etc. Exports, sugar, tobacco, cigars, molasses, honey. In 1877 theyalue of exports was £13,367,240; imports, £11,624,0go. vil. Illinois, cap. of Mason co., on E. b. Illinois R. P. 2118. vil, New York, Schuyler co., on Catherine Creek. P. 1274. mkt, th: Engl., S. Hants, 6 m. NE. Portsmouth. P. 3032. r. N. Germany, flows 180 m. to the Elbe at Havelberg. tn. Prussia, in Brandenburg, on R. Havel. P. 6936. post tim. Victoria, 118 m. NW. Maryborough. P. 265. port of entry, New Zealand, 38 m. from Nelson. P. 324. tshp. New Zealand, Hawke's Bay, 14 m. SE. Napier. N. Zealand, co. Tuapeka, 50 m. W. Dunedin. P. 428. (Welsh, Hzºza'd), parl. and mun. bor, and spt. co. th: of Pembrokeshire, on R. West Cleddaw. P. 6398. is one of the Pembrože Boroughs. Iſlaverhill, mkt. tin. Engl., Suffolk and Essex. P. 3685. Haverhill, city, Massachusetts, Essex Co., on N. b. Merrimac. P. 2r,795. Haverstraw, vil. New York, Rockland co., on Hudson R. P. 6973. Havre or Leº Havre, ft. city and spt. France, in Seine-Infér., on N. side of mth. of Seine, 143 m. WNW. Paris. P. 112,074. It ranks next to Marseilles in extent of foreign commerce. Industries, shipbuilding, sail and chain making; sugar-works. In 1879, 6169 ships of 2,158,966 ton. cleared the port. [R. P. 2816. IIavre de Grace, vil. Maryland, Harford co., on W. b. Susquehanna Hawaii Kingdom, N. Pacific Ocean, consisting of the Hawaiian Arch. or Sandwich Isls. The principal are Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, etc. Area, 6543 sq. m. P. 80,578. Cap. Honolulu. Hawaii or Owyhee, largest and most S. of above grp. Area, 4385 sq. m. P. 24,991. It is mtnous. ; Mauna Kca rises to 13,953 ſt. Hawarden, mkt, th Wales, Flintsh., 8 m. S.W. Chester. P. 7087. H. Cas. is the seat of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. Hawash, r. Abyssinia, flows NE. by E. front. of Shoa, 500 m. Hawera, tshp. New Zealand, co. Patea, 48 m. from New Plymouth. Hawiza, th, Persia, Khuzistan, 60 m. N. Bassora. P. 12, oco. [P. 1026. Hawera, cst. tshp. New Zealand, 48 m. from New Plymouth. Hawes, Inkt. th: and ry, sta. N. R. York, 16 m. SW. Leyburn. P. 1890. Hawes Water, lake, Westmorland, 23 m. long. Alt. 443 ft. Hawick, parl. burgh and manuf. th: Scot., Roxburghsh., on R. Teviot, 53 m. SE. Edinburgh by rail. P. 16,184. H. is one of the chief seats of woollen manuf. in Scot. The H. or Border Brazghs return r M.P., and consist of H., Sclkirk, and Galashiels. I’. 37,604. Hawke's Bay, provincial dist. New Zealand, on E. cst. of N. Island. . I7,367. Cap. Napier. Hawkesbury, vil. Ontario, Prescott co., on R. Ottawa. P. 2000. [son. Hawkesbury R., N. S. Wales, flows 330 m. to sea, 14 m. N. Port Jack- Hawkhurst, par. and vil. Sussex and Rent, 4 m. SW. Cranbrook. Hawk Lake, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 273 m. W. Port Arthur. Hawkshead, tin. N. Lancash., 5 m. SW. Ambleside. P. 2204. Haworth, tin. and ry. sta. W. R. York, 3% m. SW. Keighley. P. 38.16. Hawthorn, sub. and 33 m. E. Melbourne, Australia. , P. 881 I. Hawthornden, glen, on R. Esk, 11 m. SE. Edinburgh by rail. Haxey, par. and vil. Engl., N. Lincoln, in Axholme Isl. P. 1982. Hay, th Griqualand West, South Africa. Hay, tm. New S. Wales, co. Waradgery, on Murrumbidgee. P. 3000. Hay, mkt. the and ry. sta. Wales, E. Brecknock, on R. Wye. P. 1916. Hayange or Hayingen, vil. German Lorraine, 5 1:1. WSW. Dieden- hofen. P. 5893. It has extensive iron-works. Haydock, tshp. and vil. SW. Lancash., 33 m. NE. St. Helens. P. 5863. Hay-duong, th: in French Tonquin, Hayel, th Cent. Arabia, cap. of Jebel Shomer. P. 12,000. Hayes, par. and vil. Middlesex, Io; m. W. London. P. 9572. Hayes Peninsula, NW. Greenland. Lat. 76°-79° N. Hayfield, tshp. and vil. N. Derbysh., 9 m. SE. Stockport. P. 28or. Hayle or Heyl, spt. and ry. sta. Cornwall, 4 m. SE. St. Ives... P. 1989. IIayling, isl, and ry. sta. off S. cst. of Hants, 4 m. long. N and S. Hayling, vils. P. 268 and 1066. Haynau, th: Prussia, 9 m. WNW. I_iegnitz. P. 6433. Hayti or Haiti (French Haitt, Span. Sawtºo Dom iſºtºro, formerly Española or Hispaztioſa), next to Cuba, the largest of the W. India Isls., and Greater Antilles, lies S.E. of Cuba and of the Bahamas. Area, 29.343 sq. m. ; 450 m. long, 165 broad. It is traversed by the Cibao Mſts. (Mt. Yaque, goog, ft.). The isl, is divided into the independent republics of Haiti, in the W. and I}ominica, in the E. Haiti, Republique de. Arca, 9232 sq. m. P. about 800,023, Of whom 90 per cent. are negroes, and the rest mulattoes, and 6 o Europeans. Cap. Port-au-Prince. See Dominica. - Haywards Heath, mkt. th: E. Sussex, 12 m. N. Brighton. P. (814. Haywood, min. vil. Scot., Ilanarksh., 1% m. E. Wilsontown. P. II21. Hazara, dist. Punjāb, in Njå. Peshawat Div., on E. b. of R. Indus. Area, 3039 sq. m. P. 407,075. Cap. Abbottabad. Hazaribagh, dist. Bengal, in NF. Chutia Nagpur Div. Area. 702 sq. m: P. 1,104,742. Hazaribagh, cap. of dist, Lat. 23° 59 N. ; lon. 85°24' E. P. 15,306. Hazebrouck, th: France, in Nord, 32 m. WNW. Lille. P. ro,595. | Hazerswoude, vil. Netherlands, 13 m. E. of the Hague. P. 3228. Hazleton, bor. Pennsylv, Luzerne co., 40 m. E. Danville. i. 6 > * > *- : ...? 15:... º...” • I’. 6935. Hazro, th: Punjab, Rawal Pindi Dist. P. 6533. Headgorn, par, and vil. mid Kent, on R. Betiſt. P. I493. Headford, vil. Irel., 20 m. N. Galway. P. 779. J Hºum-Burley, tShp. Ingl., NW. Leeds, on R. Aire. : 19, I38. Headingly, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry. e **** - ? #ºi IZngl., 2% in. NE. oº." I4 m. from Winnipeg. Healdtown, miss. Stå. Cape Coi., 8 m., E. Fort Beaufort. P. 3OOO. Healesville, post tshp. Victoria, co. Evelyn, 37 m. ENE. Melbourne. Hean, th: Tonquin, on Sang-koi R., at head.öf delta. [P. 207. Heanor, th: Engl., S. Derbysh., 53 m. SE. Belper. P. 6822. Heard's Isl., in S. Indian Ocean, 280 m. SE. Kerguelen isi. Heart's Content, spt. Newſoundla., SE. Trinity Bay. P. S80. Heańggiº, bor. Victoria, 70 m, N. Melbourne. P. of dist.º.o. Heathfield, par. and vil. E. Sussex, 8 m. N. Hailsham. P. I995. Heath Town, dist. Engl., NE. Sub. of Wolverhampton. p. 3; Heaton Norris, th: Engl., on Mersey, 6 in. SE. Manchester. sy Hebburn, th; and ry:Sta. N. Durham, on R. Tyne. P. II,802. Hebden Bridge, th W. R. York, 8 m. NW. Halifax, P. 5007. Hebrides, The, or Western Isles, extensive series off W. 'est. Scot P. 82,335. They are politically distributed to the cos. of Roş. Inverness, Argyll, and Bute, and consist of two great grps. thé Quter Hebrides or “Long Isl.," 130 m. in length (Lewis, Harris, N. Uist, Benbecula, S. Uist, Barra, cte.); the Inner Hebrides (Skye, Rum, Canna, Eigg, Mull, Coll, Tiree, Jura, Islay, Arran Bute, and many smaller isls.). Chief ths., Stornoway, in Lewis Portree, in Skye; Tobermory, in Mull ; Bowmore, in Islay. Hebron (anc, Kºjath-Arba ; Arab, El Khaleel), th Palestine, 16 m. SSW. Jerusalem. P. 5-10,000. [P.2383. Hebron, tshp. New York, Washington co., 50 m. NNE. Albany. Hechingen, the Prussia, in Hohenzollern, 3rm. SW. Stuttgart. P.3626. Hech9, th. Spain, Huesca, in the Pyrenées. P. 2022. Heckington, par. and vil. Lincoln, 5 m. SE. Sleaford. P. 1766. Heckmondwike, mkt, th; W.R. York, 8 m. NE. Huddersfield. P. g282. Hecla or Hekla, vol. Iceland, near SW, cst. Alt. 5110 ft. ector, ry. Sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 964 m. W. Winnipeg. ector, th: New York, co. Schuyler. P. 5025. eddernheim, tin. Prussia, Hessen-Nassau, on R. Nidda, P. 2847. Heddesdorf, vil. Rhenish Prussia, 8 m. NW. Coblentz. P. 34oo. Hedemarkon, dist. Norway, stiſt Hamar. Area, Io, 160 sq. m. P. 120,618. Heddon-on-tho-Wall, vil. Northumberland, 7 m. NW. Newcastle-on- Hedjaz, Arabia. See El Hejaz. [Tyne. Hednesford, dist, and vil. W. Staffordshire, 2 m. NE. Cannock. Hedon, muſi. bor. E. R. York, 53 m. E. Hull. P. 966. [P. 9020. eeley, tshp. and ry. sta. W. R. Yorkshire, S. Sheffield. P. 8747. eemskirk, mtn. and dist. Tasmania, on W. cst., and in co, Montagu ; eemstede, vil. N. Holland, 3 m. S. Haarlem. P. 3532. [tin-mining. ecpen, vil. Westphalia, 23 m. SW. Minden. P. 2458. ... [P.,2852. eer Arendskerkö, vil. Netherlands, in Zealand, o m. E. Middleburg. ſeerde, vil. Netherlands, in Gelderland, 30 m. NE. Arnhem. P. 5345. ſeerenveen, the Holland, prov. Friesland, 18 m. SE. Leeuwarden. eerhugowaard, vil. N. Holland, near Alkmaar. P. c.978. [P. 5499. eerlen, th Netherlands, in Limburg, 13 m. ENE. Maestricht. Heestert, tm. Belgium, W. Flanders, 5 m, E. Courtrai. P. 2199. Hegyallya, mtn. Spur of Carpathians, in Hungary, co. Zemplin; on its southern slopes the finest Tokay grapes are grown. Hegyes, vil. Hungary, 30 m. NE. Bacs. P. 4767. Heibuck, vil. Afghan Turkestan, in Khulm Dist. [P. 7354. Heide or Heyde, th Prussia, Holstein, 31 m. NNW. Glückstadt. Heidelberg, city, Germany, in Baden, picturesquely situated on 1. b. of Neckar, 32 m. NNE. Carlsruhe. P. 26,928. It has a famous university, and ruins of a splendid castle. Beidelberg, tin. in S. of South African Republic. [from Hobart. Heidelberg or Green's Creek, post th: Tasmania, co. Devon, 193 m. Heidelberg, vii. Victoria, on Yarra R., 8 m. ENE. Melbourne. P. 457. Heidelsheim, tin. Baden, 13 m. ENE. Carlsruhe. P. 2233. P. 6652. C P. 5797. - > # # enheim, th: Würtemberg, on the Brenz, 35 m. ENE. Ulm. ingsfeld, th Bavaria, on R. Main, 2 m. S. Würzburg. P. 3678. Heilbron, th: in N. of Orange Free State. - Heilbronn, tin. Würtemberg, 26 m. N. Stuttgart, on the Neckar. Heiligenbeil, tin. Prussia, 29 m. SW. Königsberg. P. 3554. [P. 27,758. Heiligenhafen, spt, tin. Holstein, on the Baltic. P. 2320. Heiligenstadt, tri. Prussian Saxony, on R. Leine. P. 5861. Heiligenstadt, tn. Lr. Austria, a N. sub. of Vienna. P. 4431. Heilsberg, th: E. Prussia, 41 m. SE. Königsberg. P. 57.05. Heilsbronn, tin. Bavaria, ſo m. ENE. Anspach. P. 1226. Heinsberg, th Rhenish Prussia, 20 m. W. Aachen. P. 2122. Heisker Isl., Scot., in Outer Hebrides, 7% m. W. of N. Uist. P. Trr. Helder, ft. cat. th: N. Holland, 41 m. NW. Amsterdam. P. 21,545. Helder, vil. Netherlands, Limburg, 9 m. N. Roermond. P. 3728. Heldrungen, the Prussian Saxony, 34 m. WSW. Merseburg. P. 26c8. Helena, th Arkansas, cap. of Phillips co., cm Mississippi R. P. 3652. Helena, city, cap. of Montana, U.S., near Rocky Mountains, 14 m. W. Missouri R. P. 9ooo; gold-mines. Helensburgh, cSt. th: Scot., Dumbarton, on Clyde, opposite Greenock, 23 m. NW. Glasgow. P. 7693. [land. P. 619. Helensville, post th New Zealand, co. Waitemata, 38 m. NW, Auck- Helgoland or Heligoland, is!. N. Sea, belonging to Great Britain, 46 m. N.W. of the mouth of R. Elbe. Area, # sq. m. P. 2001. Helicon, Palaeovouni or Zagora, famous mtn. Greece, between Gulf of Corinth and Lake Copais. Alt. 4963. See Greece. - vil, and par. Netherlands, 17 m. SE. Zwolle. P. 5837. See Dardanelles. 35 m. SSE. Albacete. P. 13,655. , par. and vil. E. Sussex, on R. Cuckmere. P. 1646. vil. Bavaria, Upper Franconia. P. 338r. r, Prussian Saxony, aff, of the Unstrut, 3 m. SE. Artern. tn. Netherlds., N. Brabant, 25 m. SSE. Bois-le-Duc. P. 7844. spt. and ry. sta. Scot., E. Sutherld.,60 m. SW.Wick. P.1334. N. R. York, on R. Rye, 31 m. N. York. P. 1550. tn. Germany, 21 m. E. Brunswick. P. 97.94. r. Afghanistan, enters L. Hamun from NE., 650 m. [P. 11,507. ft, spt. S, Sweden, on the Sound, opposite Elsinore. city, cap. of Finland, 190 m. W. St. Petersburg. P. has a university, and library of 150,000 vols. tn. Denmark. P. 8978. See Elsinore. - y . . 49,146. {A Slngor [elston, ſhun. bor. Cornwall, on R. Hel, Tom. SW. Falmouth. P.3432 ſeltau or Nagy Diznod, vil. Transylvania, 6 m. S. Hermannstadt. ſelvetia. See Switzerland. - - - P. 3136. ſelvoetsluis, ft. spt. tu. S. Holland, on the IIaringvliet, 17 m. SW. Rotterdam. P. 4343. Hemel Hempstead, nikt. tin. Engl., in Herts, 12 m. SW. Luton. P. 9064. Hemixheim, vil. Belgium, 5 m. S. Antwerp. P. 2834. Hemmingford, vil. Quebec, Huntingdon Co., 36 m. S. Montreal. P. 600. Hempstead, vil. New York, on Long Isl., 20 m. E. Brooklyn. P. 2316. Hemsworth, par. and vil. W. R. York, 84 m. SE. Wakefield. P. I665. Henares, r. Spain, aff. of the Tagus, Iom. ESE. Madrid, 75 m. Henderson, th: Kentucky, on Qhio.R., cap. of H. c9. P. Io, IQo. Hendon, par., vil., andry sta. Middlesex, 7 m. NW. London. P. ro,484. Hendon, ry. Šta. Queensland, 154 m. from Brisbane, on Southern line. Henfield, par., vil, and ry. sta. W. Sussex, 4m. NE. Steyning. P. 1890, Heng-Chu-Fu, city, China, prov. Hu-Nan, on the Heng-Kiang. Hengelo, vii. Netherlds., in Overyssel, 34 m. SE. Zwolle. P. 8018. Hengelo, vil. Netherlds., in Gelderland, 19 m. ENE. Arnhem. P. 3460 Hengoed, vil. Wales, Glamorgan, 53 m. N. Caerphilly. P. 882. - Henin-Liétard, th France, Pas-de-Calais, 16 m. ESE. Bethunc. P. 6546; coal-mining ; manufs, chemicals and soap. Henham-on-the-Hill, vil. W. Essex, 6 m. NE. Bishop-Stortford. Henley-in-Arden, tri. Co. and 10 m. W. Warwick. P. III9. [4604. Henley-on-Thames, mun. bor. SE. Oxfordsh., 35 m., W. London. P. Hemlopen, Cape, Delaware, U.S., at entrance to Delaware Bay. Hennebont, th: France, in Morbihan, on R. Blavet. P. 5988. Hennersdorf-in-Seifen, tin. Saxony, I m. NW. Grosz H. P. 6689. Henrichemont, tin. France, dep. Cher, 17 m. NE. Bourges. P. 3599. Henry, Cape, Virginia, U.S., at S., entrance to Chesapeake Bay. Henzada, dist. Lr. Burma, Irawadi Div. Area, 1943 sq. m. P. 318,077. Cap. H. town, on r. b. Irawadi. P. 16,724. Heong Sham, tin. China, on branch of Canton R., 22 m. NW. Macao. Hepburn, tin. Victoria, co. Talbot, 84 m. NW. Melbourne. P. 3co. Heppenheim, tin. Hessen, 16 m. S. Darmstadt. P. 5250. - Herät, the W. prov. of Afghanistan, forms a separate governorship, and is able to raise 70,000 to 80,000 men-at-arms. Herat, the cap., is on r. b. of Hari Rud, in a very fertile plain, 369 m. frºm Kanda- har, 83r from Peshawar, 7co from Khiva. P. is very fluctuating. Number of houses, 1505. It is strongly fortified. Hérault, maritime dep. S. France, in Lazigzacdoc. Area, 3393 sq. m. P. 439,044. Chief rs. Herault and Orb, Cap. Montpellier. Herberà, tin. in Griqualand West, South Africa. a • Herbert, ry. sta, Canada, on the C. P. Ry., 4803 m. W. Winnipeg. Herberton, th: Queensland, co. Cardwell, on Wild R. P. of dist. 2346. Herbignac, tin. France, in Loire-Infér., 18 m.WNW. Savenay. P. 4152. Herborn, th: Prussia, on R. Dille, gov. Wiesbaden. P. 3104. Herbsleben, th: Germany, on R. Unstrut, 12 m. NE. Gotha. P. 2253, Herculaneum, anc. and buried city, Italy, 7 m. ESE. Naples. Herdeke, tri. Prussia, Westphalia, on R. Ruhr. P. 4124. Hereford, parl. and mun, bor, and city, IEngl., Co. th: of Herefordsh., : on N. b. R. Wye, 144 m. NW. London by rail. P. 19,821. H. has a yely beautiful cathedral (1115), restored, 1863. It returns MP. Herefordshire, inland co. Engl., on SE. border of Wales, traversed y R.S. Wye and Lugg. . Area, 833 sq. m. P. 121,062. I’rincipal tns. Hereford and Leominster. Chief products, wheat and barley, ... apples, pears, hops, oak bark. The co. returns 2 M.Ps. Herençia,tnº, Spain, prov, and 42 m. NE. Ciudad Real. P. 5866. Herent, vil. Belgium, S. Brabant, 2 m. NW. Louvain. P. 3430. Herenſhal; tın, Belgium, prov. Antwerp, 12 m. SW. Turnhöut. P.4454. Heremthout, th: Belgium, 15 m. SW. Turnhout. P. 25.1. Herford, in: Prussia, in Westphalia, on R. Werra. Pº,902. Her ſº Springs, ry, sta. S. Australia, 4404 m. N. Adelaidé. Heric, vil; France, in Loire-Inférieure, 14 m. NNW. Nantes. P. 4244. Héricourt, th: France, in Haute-Saône, 15 m. SE. Lure. P. 3646. erinnes, vil, Belgium, 17 m, SW. Brussels. P. 3718. #: Rud, r. Asia. Sce Hari Rud. erisau, the Switzerland, cant. and 7 m. NW. Appenzell. P. ra - Herkimer, vil. New York, cap. of #7. on S. §. IR. #3. Herm, isl. Channel Isls., off N.E. cst. Guernsey. P. 20. J Hermanmiestec or Hermanstadt, Bohemia, 5 m.W. Chrudim. P. 46or. Hermannstadt (Hung, Nagy Szelen), th Hungary, in Transylvania, _ on R, Zibin, near Roumanian frontier. P. 19,446. Hermon (Arab. 32be/-esh-Sheikh), mtn. Palestine, in the chain of Anti- Libanus. Elev.9384 ft. Hermosilo, the Mexico, on Sonora R., IIom. N. Guaymas. P. 12,000. Hermupolis, Spt, and cap. Syra Isl., Greece, on E. cst. P. 21,540; possesses an arsenal, custom-house, and large shipping trade, Hernad, r. Hungary, flows E. and S. 120 m. to the Theiss. Hernals, th: Lºr. Austria, in vicinity of Vienna. P. 60,307. Hernani, th Spain, in Guipuzcoa, 8 m. SE. St. Sebastian. P. 3538. Herne Bay, thº, watering-place, E. Kent, 11 m. SW. Margate. iść16. Herne Hill, S. sub. of London, in Surrey. P. Io,489. Hernösand or Westernorrland, laen, N. Sweden, having E. the C. of Bothnia. Area, 9670 sq. m. P. i.84,884. Cap. H. P. 5134. Heron Bay, ry. sta, Ontario, on C. P. Ry.,.682 m. W. Ottawa. Herrenberg, th: Würtemberg, 18 m. S.W. Stuttgart. P. 2661. Herrera, yil. Spain, 54 m. E. Seville. P. 4508. Herrera del Duque, in. Spain, 70 m. E. by N. Badajos. P. Soog. Herrnhut, th: Saxony, 18 m. SE. Bautzen. P. 1125. ſº. 22.18. Herrnstadt, the Prussian Silesia, 34 m. NNW. Breslau, on Bartsch R. Hersbruck, th: Bavaria, 17 m. by rail ENE. Nuremberg. P. 4039. Hersfeld or Hirschfeld, th Prussia, on R. Fulda. P.;62. [F. 3656. Hersin-Goupigny, vil. France, in Pas-de-Calais, 6 m. from Bethune. Hersfielt, vil. Belgium, 24 m. ESE. Antwerp, on Gt. Nethe. P.3733. Herštal or Héristal, vil. Belgium, 33 m. NE. Liége. P. 11,726. Hertford, mun, bor. Engl., co. tri. of Herts, on R. Lea, 24% m. N. of London by rail. P.7747. It has a great corn markét, Hertfordshire or Herts, inland co. England, lying N. of Middlesex. Arca, 727 sq. m. P. 203,069. Principal rivers, Lea, Colne, and Ivel, affs, of the Thames. It returns 4 M.Ps. Hertzog, vil. Cape Colony, 32 m. N. Fort Beaufort. Hervas, the Spain, prov. and 63 m. NNE. Caceres. P. 4207. Herve, tr. Belgium, prov, and rom. E. Liége. P. 4566. - Hervey Archipelagó. See Cook Isls. - HerWen, vil. Netherlands, in Gelderland, 12 m. SE. Arnhem. P. 3525. Herxheim, vil. Rhenish Bavaria, 5 m. SE. Landau. P. 3687. Herzberg, th: Hanoyer, 39 m. SSÉ. Hildesheim. P. 3453. Herzberg, tin. Prussian Saxony, on the Black Elster. P. 4500. Herzegovina or Hertsek, prov. forming part of Bosnia, and traversed by the Dinaric Alps. Chief ths., Mostar (the cap.), Stolatz, Trebigne, and Nikish. Area, 3529 sq. m. P. 187,574. Herzogenaurach, th: 13avaria, 12 m. NW. Nuremberg. P. 2533. Herzogenbosch, th: Netherlands. See Bois-le-Duc. Hesarab, tin. Cent. Asia, 50 m. ESE. Khiva, near the Oxus. Hesdin, ft. th; France, Pas-de-Calais, 14 m. SE. Montreuil. P. 3520. Hesket, post tim, Victoria, co. Bourke, 57 m. NW. Melbourne. Hesm-Keisa, ft. til. Asiatic Turkey, on the Tigris, SE, of Diarbekir. Hespeler, vil., Ontario, Waterloo Co., 19 In. N. Harrisburg. P. 797. Hesse, English and French form for Aſessent. Hessen (formerly H.-Darmstadt), state and grand duchy of Germany, consisting of two principal portions N. of Baden, and separated by Prussian ter., part of Hessen-Nassau. Total area, 2966 sq. m. P. (1885) 956,611. The main rivers are the Rhine and Åſain. In the S. are the Odenwald Mts., and in the N. the Vogel Gebirge. Chief th9, Darmstadt (the cap.), Worms, Mayence, Aschaffenburg, Offenbach, and Giessen. Hessen-Cassel or Kurhessen, a German principality till 1866. Area, 943 sq. m. Since then united to Prussia, and forms gov. of Cassc/, and with the former duchy of Nassau forms the prov. of Hessen- Nassau. . It is drained by the Weser and Fulda. Hessen-Homburg, formerly a small state of Germany, Io m. NW. Frankfort-on-the-Main, now forms part of Prussian gov. of Wies- baden, prov. Hessen-Nassau. - Hessen-Nassau, prov. Prussia, between the Rhine at lat. 50° N., and the Werra at 51° 40', consists of the govs. Wiesbaden and Cassel. Area, 6056 sq. m. P. 1,592,454. Heston, par. and vil. Middlesex, Irm. SW. London. I’. 9754. Heteren, vil. Netherlands, in Gelderland, 7 m. WSW. Arnhem. P. 3048. Hethersett, par. and vil. S., Norfolk, 63 m. SW. Norwich. P. 1123. Hetton le Hole, tshp. and vil. N. Durham, 7 m. S. Sunderland. Hettstädt, th: Pruss. Saxony, on the Wipper. P. 8678. [P. Io,945. Heule, vil. Belgium, 2 m. NW. Courtrai, on R. Heule. P. 4033. Heusden, ft. th Netherlands, on the Old Maas. I’. 1999. Heves, th: Hungary, 55 m. ENE. Pesth. P. 6698. Hexham, mkt, th: S. Northumberland, on R. Tyne, 233 m. W. of P. 5919. - [bourne. P. I50. post th: Victoria, on Hopkins R., 130 m. W. by S. Mel- post tim. New S. Wales, on Hunter R., 85 m. N. Syd. P. roo. post th: Victoria, co. Tanjil, 120 m. SE. Melbourne. P. 23r. par. and vil. N. Elancash., on Morecambe Bay. P. 632. Berg, th: Belgium, I7 m. SE. Antwerp. P. 5174. , vil. and anc. bor. S. Wilts, 4 m. SE. Warminster. mun. bor. SE. Lancash., 9 m. N. Manchester. P. 22,979. post th: Victoria, 258 m. W. by S. Melbourne. P. 153. state, Mexico. Area, 7737 sq. m. P. 434,096. Cap. Pacuca. vil. Afghanistan, 5 m. S. of Jelalabad. or Hjelmar, lake, Sweden, discharges into L. Maelar, 40 m. II]. (Pa.271&12), anc. ruined city, 121 m. E. by S. Smyrna. France. See Hyères. [elegant villas. vil. Lt. Austria, 3 m. SW. Vienna. P. 3005; has many par., vil., and ry. sta. mid Kent, 5 m. E. Gravesend. P. 1344. Ferrers, mkt. th: Engl., 15 m. NE. Northampton. P. 1468. ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 483 m. W. Winnipeg. , a N. suburb of London. P. 14,248. a NW. suburb of London, with ry. sta. P. 9457. - vil. Vermont, U.S., Franklin co., on Missisquoi R. P. 2083. tn. Jamaica, Iom. W. of Annotto Bay. P. 2846. Creek, vil. Ontario, 14 m. NE. Toronto. P. 500. Falls, vil. N. Y., 47 m. above New York, on Hudson R. Park, th: Illinois, on L. Michigan, 23 m. NW. Chicago. a natural division of Scotland, the Celtic or Gaelic speak- ing portion, including the Hebrides, viz. the cos. of Sutherland, Ross, Inverness, Argyll, Arran, and the mtnous, parts of Dumbar- Stirling, Perth, Forfar, Aberdeen, Banff, Elgin, and Nairn. vil. Victoria, co. Grant, 3 m. from Geelong. P. 250. tn. and par. lºngl., N. Wilts, 6 m. NE. Swindon. P. 3302. 33 m. NE. Coquimbo. P. 2322; silver and copper. Spain, 41 m. SSE, Badajos. P. 5586. - prov. and 62 m. NNE. Teruel. P. 3190. [P. 5473. tn. Germany, 17 m. SE. Meiningen, on R. Werra. Rhenish Prussia, 9 m. ESE. Düsseldorf. P. 7947. tn. Prussia, prov. and 18 m. SE. Hanover. P. 29,386. tn. Asiatic Turkey, on the Euphrates, 60 m. S. of Bagdad, near the site of Babylon. P. about Io,000. - Hillcrest, ry. sta. Canada, on Qnt. div. C. P. Ry., 3c2 m. W. Ottawa. Hille, vil. Prussia, in Westphalia, 8 m. NW. Minden. P. 2336. Hillegersberg, vil. S. Holland, 6 m. S.W. Haarlem. P. 3091. Hillegom, vil. Netherlands, 23 m. N. Rotterdam. P. 33.15. Hill End, mining tshp. New S. Wales, 180 m. NW. Sydney. Tº T300. Hilleröd, th Denmark, Seeland, 22 m, NNW. Copenhagen. P. 3059. $Hillhead, burgh, Scot., a NW. Sub. of Glasgow. P. 6684. Hillsborough, mkt. th Irel., N. co. Down, on Lagan Canal. P. 797. Hillsborough, th: Ohio, cap. of Highland co. P.3234. R. P. 9oo. Hillsborough, spt. th: New Brunswick, co. of Albert, on PetitCodiac Hillsborough, post th: Victoria, co. Bogong, 186 m. NE. Melb. P. I31. Hillsdale, city, Michigan, cap. of H. co., on St. Joseph R. P. 344t- Hillside, vil. Scot., Forfarsh., 2 m. NW. Montrosc. P. 34. Hillston, post th N. S. Wales, co. Nicholson, Ioom. NE. Hºy., P. 503. Hill Tippérah, native state, India, adjoining Brit: dist of T., Bengal, having Aššam on the N. . Area, 4086 sq. m. P. 95,637. Hilo, th Hawaii, the second th of the kingdom, on E. CŞt. P. 4220. ston, tn. New S. Wales, co. Nicholson, on Lachlan R. P. 500. lton Head, cst. tshp. S. Carolina, Beaufort co. P. 2513. * lversum, linkt. th: Netherlands, 15 m. ESE. Amsterdam. P. II,195. Himalaya, Mts. or The Himalayas, i.e. The adoge Q/ sºv, a vast Intn. chain, extending 1590 m. on N. border of India. Mt. Everest or Gaurisankar (29,002 ft.), Kanchinjinga (28,156), Dhawalaghiri (28,000), Nanda Devi (25,661). - # 33 HIMEJI THE CENTURY GAZETTEER HUNTLY imeji, th: Japan, prov. Harima. P. 23:427. #. ..}; #. NNE of Port au Prince, P.5000. Ba inchinbrook Isl., on E. cst. Queensland, in Rockingham Bay. inckley, mkt. th: Warwicksh. and S. Leicester. P. 7673. P 6r ndaun, thirajputana, in Jaipur State, 7% m: W. Agra. P. ſº 1. delang, th Bavaria, in Swabia, 15 m. S. Kempten...E. 2988. [P. ãº. loopen, spt. Netherlands,on Zuyder Zee, SW, º : º #inderwèii, Čst par. and vil. N. R. York, rom: NW. Whitby. £2053. Hindi yali in Persia, 120 m. NW. Bushire, near thº,CŞt, P. 3500. : indièy tshp. SW. Lancash., 23 m. SE. Wigan, P. I4,715. †inimärsh, a NE. sub. of Adelaide, S. Australia. P. 6800. * jºri. s. Australia, &m.'s. Adelaide, near mth of Murray Hindöen, largest isl, of Loffodens, Norway, 45.” by 40. P. 8.193. indoi trib. state, Orissa, India. Area, 312 SQ. º. P. 33,802. d #. Kush or indian Caucasus,’mtn, range, Asia, º Xº. i "tinuation of the Himalayas, º tºasinº of the Indus an mu Daria. Highest point about 20,000 ft. . . mº tn. ind:#; Pres, Anantapur Dist. P. 6694. l Hindustan, i.e. Coltzitzy ºf the Hindus, name given indefiniteà ; l ºn india between the Himalayas and the Vin #º. Assam and Punjab. The name has been yed loosely to the whole of Iztºº. th. India, Cent. Provs., dist, and 21 m. SE, Wardha. Belgium, 12 m. SSW. Antwº P. 3918. [P. 9000. par, and yil. S. Norfolk; 6 m. NW. Wymondham..., P. 554. &st, th Mass., Plymouth Co., 17 ſº S.E. Boston. P. 4485. India, Nizam's Dom., 185 m, N.W. Haidarabad. P. I4,894. E. Asia, on up. Usuri R., between Manchuria and Pri- rsk, go m. long by 35 m. - nº. ää #: Špain, 40 m. NW. Cordova. P. 9448. Hintom. tin. New S. Wales, co. Rºy 84 i. \; syºney. P. 475. - ii. vil. Switzerland, 15 m. SSE. Zurich....! 277*. - & H : Fiogo, spt., tm. jää. 22 m. by rail W. Osaka. P. with Kobi, Hipperholme, th W. R. York, 2 m. NE. Halifax. P. 2934. [41,047. Hoshima, or Firosima, city, Japan, S.W. CŞt. Hºndº. P. 78,629. rgchberg, tr. Bohemia, 36 m. NNE. Prague. P. 2439. - - º; # in Prussian Silesia, on R. Bober, 27 m, SW Liegº. rson, tr. France, in Aisne, on R. Qise. P. 4309. [P. I5,622. * sova, tn. Roumania, 6o º: .# istria. P. 4000. i - Little Spain). See Haiti. . . - Fº; 4. Xº, Bokhara. Chieftm. Hissar. • issar, div. Punjab, comprising dists; Hissar, Rohtak, and Širº, Area, 8355 sq. m. P. F.3%},067. H. Dist. area; 3549 SQ.. ... 504,183. Hissar, Cap. of div, and dist., on W. Jumna Canal, 102 in. W. Delhi. P. I4,167. illah. P. 5000 Iłit,th. Asiatic Turkey, on R. Euphrates, 140 m. NW, Hillah. P. 5000. itchen, mkt. the Engl., Herts, 32 ſº N. London. P. 8434. P itterem, isl. Cst, of Norway, 47. m.W.Trondhjem, 28 m. long. P. 4500. iwarkher, th India, Akola Dist., Beſar. P. 7300. Hjelmar, lake, Sweden, discharges to L. Maelar, 40 by 15 m. Hjöring, th Denmark, in Jutland, 29 m. N. Aalborg P. 4308. Hóai-Khing, city, China, ºš. sº 35°6' N. -Hai, Chinese name Of the Yellow º º ###. city, China, prov. Hu-Pe, on the Yºgº; N Hoang-Ho, i.e. Yellow. Rºle?', great r, China, from the Ko i. . cºuntry. Lat. 34° N. ; lon. 96° E. Flows through S. Mongolia anſ N. China, with very abrupt bendings, to the Gulf of Pe-chi-li. Length, about 2610 m. Are: of basin, 401,385 Sq. m. i i l # Hoang-yan,tn. China, prov.Che-Kiang, 90m.S.SY. Ning-Po. P. #º formerly Hobart Town), cap. city of Tasmºniº, 9, W. b. O Hoºtº: m. from geÅ. Inear S; : P. 28,648. vil. Belgium, 3 m. S. Antwerp. . 4805. #3; city . # of entry, New Jersey, Hudson co., on R. Hudson, opposite New York City, above Jersey city. P. 37,721. Hobºče in Denmark, in Jutland, 8 m. W. Mariage. P. 26oo. [P. 4III. Hochelaga, th: Quebec, Qn R. St. Lawrence, 2 m. NE. Montreal. Hochfeldſen, th: Germany, in Alsace.I.3 m. NNW. Strasburg. P. 2619. #ºheim, vii. Prussia, near the Main, 7.m. Sº: Wiesbaden. P. 2815. Hochkirch, post vil. Victoria, 5 m. from Hamilton. P. of dist. 750. Höchst, th Prussia, Hessen-Nassau, on R. Main. P. 65.17. Höchstadt, th Bavaria, in Swabia, on l.b. Danube. P. 2484. Hockenheim, vil. Baden, Iom, by rail S.W. Heidelberg. P. 4621. Hockley, ry, sta, and NW. sub. of Birmingham. Hodal, th Punjab, Gurgaon Dist. P.6453. t Hodder, r. W. R. York, flows 20 m. SE, to the Ribble. Hoddesdon, dist. and vil. Engl., co. Herts, 4 m. SE. Hertford. P. 2951. Hoddie's Creek, post tim. Victoria, co. Evelyn, 42% m. NE. Melbourne. Hodeida, spt, tr. Arabia, on Red Sea, 100 m. NNW. Mocha. P. 20,000. Hodimont, vil. Belgium, 13 m. E. Liége. P. 4894. - Hodsag, tri. Hungary, co. Bacs, IA. m. from Zombor. P. 4ogg. Hoei féhu, th: Chinā, in Quang-Tung, 85 m. E. Canton, ſº 4% º Hoei Ho, r. China, chief affluent of Hoang Ho, at 34°45' N, ; Fro” 30 Hoei-Ngan, city, China, in Kiang Su, on Imperial Canal. Hoei-Tung, city, China, on E. cºt. of Hainan Isl. P. 50,000. Hoeksche-Waard, isl. Netherlands, S. Holland... P. 22,000. Hoen Ho, r. China, joins the Pei Ho, at Tien Tsin, 300 m. long- Hoeylaert, vil. Belgium, 7 m. SE. Brussels. P. 244 I. Hofor Dworec, th: Moravia, 30 m. NE. Olmütz. P. 2925. Hof, the Bavaria, on R. Saale, 30 m. by rail NE. Bayreuth. . P. 22,257. #ofgeismar, th Prussia, Hessen-Nassau, 15 m. N.W. Cassel. P. 4341. Hofheim, tr. Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, 9 m. E. Wiesbaden. P. 2309; Hofhuf, el Hofhoof, el Fouf or Fif, th: Arabia, cap. of Lahsa, 25 30' N. lat. P. 24,000. * - vil. Sweden, iaen Skaraborg, 18 m. NE. Mariestad. P. 4090. isl. Norway, 20 m. SSW. Bergen, 12 m. long. º , vil. S. Australia, on Kangaroo Isl., 68 m. SSW. Adelaide, Swed., Malmöhus Læn, at entrance to Sound. .P. 2585. vii. and loch, 24 m. NE. Glasgow. See Millerston: Russia, gov. Viborg, in Gulf of Finland, with twº light- tn. Bohemia, 7 m. É. Königgrätz. P. 3064. [houses. Bohemia, on R. Elbe, 16m. NE. Gitschin. P. 3794. tn. Tyrol, Tom. NE. Feldkirch. P. 4428. tn. Germany, 7 m. NW. Greitz. . P. 1957. - vil. Up. Bavaria, 20 m. E. Munich. P, 1025. Victory of the French and Bavarians over the Austrians, Dec. 3, 1800. ohenlohe, anc. principality, Germany, in Franconia. Hohenmauth, th: Bohemia, 16 m. E. Chrudim. P. 7019. Hohenstaufen, vil. Würtemberg, 24 m. NNW. Ulm. P. 125r. Hohenstein or Olslyneb, th: E. Prussia, 78 m. SSW. Königsberg. Hohenstein, th: Saxony, 12 m. NE. Zwickau. P. 6827. [P. 2348. Hohenzollerm, detached prov. Prussia, in the Black Forest, and enclosed by Baden and Würtemberg. Area, 441 sq. m. P. 66,720. Cap. Sigmaringen. [260 m. above Hankow. Ho-Heu or Ho-Hia, large th, China, prov. Hu-Pe, on Yang-tse-Kiang, Hohokus, vil. New Jersey, Bergen co., 23 m. N. Jersey city. P. 2920. Höhscheid, manuf. in. Rhenish Prussia, 17 m. SE, Düsseldorf. P. r1,631. Hokendauqua, vil. Pennsylv., Lehigh co., on Lehigh R.; blast furnaces. Hokianga Bay and tshp. New Zealand, near N. extrem. of N. Isl. P. of dist. 2796. [Isl., at mth. of H. R. P. 2800. Hokitika, spt. th: New Zealand, cap. of Westland, on W. CSt. of S. Holbeach, mkt. th: S. Lincolnsh., 7% m. NE. Spalding. P. 5190. Holbeck, a SW. sub. of Leeds, Engl. P. 19,150. P. 3265. Holbek, spt, th Denmark, isl., of Zealand, 35 m., W. Copenhagen. Holbrook, vil. and tshp. Mass., Norfolk Co., 15 m. S. Boston. P. 2132. Holcombé, dist, and vil. SE. Lancash., 4% m. NW. Bury. P. 4453. Holden, vil. Massachusetts, Worcester co., 52 m. W. Boston. P 2499. Holderness, dist. E. R. York, between N. Sea and Humber. Holguin, tr. Cuba, 63 m. NNW.Santiago de Cuba. P. 34,767. #olics, th Hungary, 46 m. N. of Presburg, near R. March. P. 5292. Holitz, th: Bohemià, in m. NE. Chrudim. P 4995. Holkar's Dominions. See Indore. . . Holland, name sometimes given to kingdom of the Wetherlands. See also North Holland and South Holland. * & Holland, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 86 m. from Winnipeg. Holland or Preussisch Holland, th E. Prussia, 58 m. SW. Königs- berg. P. 4773. Holland, § Michigan, Ottawa co., on S. b. Black R. P. 2620. Hollandbush and Häggs, vil. Stirlingsh., 3 m. S.W. Denny... P. 524. Holland Fen, dist. and vil. S. Lincolnsh. P. Io99; vil. 8 m. NW. Boston. Holland Landing, vil. Ontario, York Co., on Holland R. P. 700. Holland, New, spt. and ry. sta. Lincolnsh., on R. Humber, opp. Hull. Holland, New, the former name of Australia. e - * Holland, Parts of, the low fen country, Lincolnsh., adjoining the Wash, containing Boston and Spalding. P. 80,151. Hollani; Diep, principal arm of the Waaſ R., Netherlands. Holleschau, th Moravia, 18 m. N. Hradisch, on the Russawa. P. 4274. Hollidaysburg, bor. Pennsylv., cap. of Blair co.,8m.S. Altoona. P.3150. ollin, vil. Ontario, Wellington Co., on Conestogo R. P. 400. Hollingbourn, par. and vil. mid Kent, 5% m. E. Maidstone. P. II5r. Hollinwood, dist. and vil. Lancashire, 1% m. WSW. Oldham. P. 7149. Hollingworth, tshp. E. Cheshire, 3% m. E. Staleybridge. P. 2658. Holliston, vil. Massachusetts, Middlesex co., 26m. SW. Boston. P. 3099. Holloway, ry. sta. and N. dist. of London, in Islington. P. 47 924. Hollymount, vil. Irel., S. co. Mayo, on R. Robe. P. 300. Holly Springs, vil. Mississippi, cap. of Marshall co., 187 m. N. by E. Jackson. P. 2370. Noted for educational institutions. Holmestrand, spt, th Norway, on Drammen Fiord. P. 2200. Holmfeld, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 155 m. from Winnipeg. Ho th., tm. and ry. sta. W. R. York, 6 m. S. Huddersfield. P. 5763. tebröe, th Denmark, in Jutland, 24 m. NE. Ringkiöbing. P. 2559. #: former duchy of J. and state of Germanic Con- federation, now part of Schleswig-Holsteize Prov., Prussia. stenborg, vil. in Greenland, on W. CŞt., inhabited by Esquimaux. ston R., Virginia and Tennessee, a branch of Tennessee R. sworthy, mkt. the S. Devon, 15 m. W. Hatherleigh. P. 1716. it, parl. bor. N. Wales, Pºigash, on R. Dee. P. IO23. It is one of the Denbigh Borozºghs. Holt, mkt. th: §§§ Io m. NW. Aylsham. P. 1535. Hoſten, vii. Netherlands, in Overyssel, 21 m. SSE. Zwolle. F.2919, - Holycross, par. and hamlet, mid go. Tipperary; on R. Suir. P. 1216. Holy Cross, mtn. Colorado, 39°28' N. Hoč.28. W.; alt. 14,176 ft. Holyhead, spt. th: N. Wales, on N. side Holyhead Isl., Angelº, 24 m. NW. Bangor, 60 m. from Dublin, 261 from London. P. 8680. Holyheadlsl., c6, and on W. side of Anglesey. P. Io, 131. Holy Isl.or Lindisfarne, Engl., off Northumberld. CSt., 93 m. SE. Berwick. P. 686. Scot, Firth of Clyde, at mth. Lamlash B., Arran Isl. P. I5. anc. royal palace of Scot., in Edinburgh, A.D. #50:1679. tn, and ry, sta. Lanarksh., 11 m. SE. Glasgow. P. (with 2480. - - bor." and mkt, th: N. Wales, Flintsh., 16 m. NW. P. 7862. It is one of the Flint Boroughs. [P. 2231. tshp. and vil. S. Northumberld.: 4% m. NW. N. Shields. par. and vil, co. and 33 m. NW. Dumfries. P. 1078. Špt. co. Down, on Belfast Lough. . P. 3293. tn.prov. and 56m. SW. Brunswick, on Rºweser, P. 8044. tn. Prussia, 20 m. SW. Cassel, on r. b. R. Efze: P. 3469. Rhen. Prus., on the Rhine, 16 m. N. Düsseldorf. P. 4200. vil. Switz., cant. Zurich, dist. Meilen. P. 2678. tn. Rhenish Bavaria, 6 m. N. Zweibrücken. P. 3926. .der-Höhe, th: Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, former cap. of Hessen-Homburg, 9 m. NNW. Frankfort. P. 8863. Homebush, suburb, 8 m. from sº on Parramatta R. P. 600. [P. 450. Homebush, post th Victoria, co. Gladstone, 124 m. N.W. Melbourne. Homel or Gómel, th Russia, gov. and 120m. SSE. Mohilev. P. 22,000. Homer, vil. New York, Cortland co., 33 m. S. Syracuse. P. 2331. Home Rule, tshp. New S.Wales, co. Philip, 195 m.W. Sydney. P. 400. Homerton, dist and ry. sta, in E. Sub. of London. E. 20,534. . . Homestead, ry, sta. Qūeensland, 44 m. from Charters Towers; mining Homildon, Northumberland. See Humbleton, [dist. Homolicz, vil. Hungary, on R. Danube, 6 m. SSE. PancSova. P. 3958. Homonna, th: Hungary, 30 m. E. Eperies. P. 3717. • 35,000. H H H H E H : O oms or Hums, thSyria, 86 m. NNE. Damascus, near the Orontes. o-Nam,i.e.S. of the River, inland and very fertile prov. China, traversed in the N. by the Hoang-Ho. Area, 66,930sq.m. P. 22,115,827. Cap. Ho-Nan, city in above prov., on an aff, of the Hoang-Ho. [Kai-Fong. Honawar (Honore), spt. N. Kanara Dist. Bombay Pres. P. 6658. Honda, th: Colombia, State Tolima, on R. Magdalena. P. 3800. Hondo (Wººhoºt), the largestisl.of Japan. Area,86,768 sq.m. P.27,836,067. Hondschoote, th: France, dep. Nord, rom. ESE. Dunkirk. P. 3472. Honduras, rep. Cent: America. Area, 46,517 sq. m. P. 323,274. Cap. Tegucigalpa; other tins. Comayagua, Trujillo, and Omoa, Honduras, British. See Balize. [P. 2320. Homea Path, vil. S. Carolina, Anderson co., 33 m. S. Greenyille. Honesdale, bor. Pennsylv., Wayne Co., on Lackawaxen R. P. 2620. Honey Lake, California, Lassen co., 14 m. W. Pyramid Lake. Honfleur, spt, th France, in Calvados, on S. b. of Seine. P. 9601. Hongal, th India, Belgaum Dist., Bombay Pres... P. 7896. Höngen, th: Rhenish Prussia, 5 m., NW. Eschweiler. P. 4100. Hong-Kiang or Si Kiang, r. S. China, enters S. China Sea, 800 m. Hong-Kong, isl. belonging to Britain, off SE. CSt. China, prov. Quang- Tung, at mth. of Canton R., 75 m. SE. Canton. Lat. 22° 16' 30" N. lon. Ir4° 14' 45° E. . It is ten m. long by 7% m. Area, 32 sq. m. P. 190,954, mostly Chinese. Victoria is the cap. Honiton, inun, bor. E. Devon, 16% m. NE., Exeter. P. 3358. Honley, tshp, and vil. W. R. York, 3% m. S. Huddersfield. P. 5070. Honnef, vil. Rhenish Prussia, on R. Rhine, in Cologne gov. P.,4501. Honolulu, spt. city, cap. of Kingdom of Hawaii, on SW, of Oahu Isl. Lat. 21° 18′ 12” N.; lon, 157° 50' 36" W. P.20,487. Hoo-chou, th: China, prov. Che Kiang, 70 m. NW. Ning Po. P. 100,000. Hood, Mount, highest peak of Cascade Range, Qregon, II,225 ft. Hoogeveen, th Netherlands, in Drenthe, 19 m. S. Assen. P. II,544. Hoogezand, vil. Holland, prov. and 8 m. ESE.Sroningen. P. 8086. Hooglede, tin. Belgium, W. Flanders, 17 m. SSW. Bruges. P. 4558, Hoogly, r. See Hugli. Hoogstraeten, th: Belgium, 20 m. NE. Antwerp. P. 2126. Hooker, mtn. Rocky Mts., British Columbia. Alt. I5,700 ft. Hoo-Nan, China. See Hu-Nan. Hoo-Pe, Čhina. See Hu-Pe. Hoopstad, th: Orange Free State, on R. Vet. Hoormara, spt. Baluchistan, prov. Mekran. P. about 2000. [P. ro,811. Hoorn, spt. th N. Holland, on Zuyder Zee, 20 m. NNE. Amsterdam. Hoosac Mts., range, Massachusetts, a portion of Green Mts. Hoosic, th: New York, Renselaer co., on Hoosic R. P. 4530. [H. Junc. | Hope, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 370 m. W. Donald. Hope, vil. Flintsh., on Allen R., 9 m. SW. Chester. Name of ry. sta. Hopedale, Moravian miss. Sta. Labrador. Lat. 55°30' N. P. 283. Hopeman, fishing vil. Scot., co. and 6% m. NW. Elgin. P. 1323. Hope Valley, post th: S. Australia, on H. W. Creek, 11 m. NE. by E. Adelaide. P. 157. Hopetown, th: Cape Colony, on Orange R. P. 800; of div. 7000. Hopetown, th: British Guiana, S. America, P. 2000. Hopewell...th. New Brunswick, Albert co., on Petitcodiac R. P. 2047. Hopkinsville, city, Kentucky, Christian co., on Little R. P. 4229. Hopkinton, th: Mass., Middlesex co., 28 m. WSW. Boston. P. 4601. Hopkinton, vil. Rhode Isl., U.S., Washington co. P. 2952. Hor, Mount, mtn. Arabia, part of Mt. Seir, between Dead Sea and Akaba, on E. side of Wadi el Arabah. - Horazdiowitz, th: Bohemia, 63 m. SSW. Prague. P. 3173. Horb, th: Würtemberg, on the Neckar, 3rm. SW. Stuttgart. P. 2173. Horbury, tshp. and vii. W. R. York, 4 m. SW. Wakefield. P. 5050. Horcajo de Santiago, th Spain, 43 m, S.W. Cuenca, P. 2886. Hörde, th: Prussia, Westphalia, 33 m. S. Münster. P. I4,598. Horeb, mtn. Arabia. See Sinai. Horgen, vil. Switz., cant. and on W. shore Lake of Zurich. P. 5258. Horicon Lake. See George, Lake. Horitz or Horice, th: Bohemia, Tom. NE. Bidschow. P. 6017. Horley, par. and vil. mid Surrey, on R. Mole. P. 2835. Horn, Cape, most S. point of S. America, 55° 58' 40" S. ; 67° 16' W. Horn, th: Ln. Austria, 46 m. NW. Vienna. P. 3214. Hornachos, th: Spain, 46 m. SE, Badajos. P. 3800. Horn-Afyan, lake, Swedish Lapland. Lat. 66° N.; 50 m. long. Hornberg, th: Baden, Black Forest, 23 m. NE. Freiburg. P. 2094. Hornburg, th Prussian Saxony, 45 m. WSW. Magdeburg. P. 2516 Hornby, tshp. and vil. On R. Lune, co. and 8% m. NE. Lancaster. Horncastle, mkt. th: Co. and 21 m. E. Lincoln. P. 4818. [P. 358. Hornchurch, par. and vil. S. Essex, 2 m. SE. Romford. P. 2824. Hornellsville, th: New York, Steuben co., on Canistoe R. P. 81.95. Hornhausen, vil, Prussian Saxony, 21 m. WSW. Magdeburg. P.3250. Hornsea, th E. R. York, on North Sea, 15% m. NE. Hull. P. 1836. Hornsey, dist. and ry, sta, in N. vicinity of London. P. 37,078. Hornu, vil. Belgium, 6 m. by rail W. Mons. P. 8293. Horodenka, th: Austria, in Galicia, 24 m. NE. Kolomea. P. ro, or 4. Horovics, th Bohemia, 12 m. SW. Beraum. P. 3418; iron-works. Horrock's Creek, vil. S. Australia, co. Frome, 200 m. N. Adelaide. Horrues, vil. Belgium, in Hainaut, 11 m. NNE. Mons. P. 242r. Horsens, th: Denmark, in Jutland, 25 m. SW. Aarhuus. P. i2,652. Horsforth, tshp. W. R. York, on R. Aire, 5 m. NW. Leeds. P. 6346. Horsham, mkt. th: Sussex, 22 m. NW. Brighton. P. 6874. [P. 2000. Horsham, bor. Victoria, co. Borung, 225% m. WNW. Melbourne. Horst, vil. Netherlands, in Limburg, 18 m. N. Roermond. P. 3816. Horta, spt. Azores, cap. of Fayal Isl., on SE. cst. P. 7572. Horten, th: chief naval port of Norway, on the Fiord, 32 m. S, Christiania, opposite Moss. P. 5400. Horton, par. and vil. S.E. Bucks, on R. Colne, 3% m. SE. Eton. P. 861. There are many vils. in Engl. of this name. Horton, par. and vil. N. Staffordsh., 33 m. NW. Leek. P. 120r. Horwich, the Engl., S.E. Lancash., # m. NW. Manchester. P. 376r. Hoshangabad, dist. India, Narbada Div., Cent. Provs., on S. of Nar- bada R. Area, 4437 sq. m. P. 488,787. Cap. Hoshangabad town, on S. b. of Narbada R. P. 15,863. - Hoshiarpur, dist. Punjab, Jalandhar Div., N. of the Sutlej. Area, 2180 sq. m. P. 9or,381. ...Cap. H. P. 21,363. Hospet, tr. Madras Pres., dist. and 39 m. NW. Bellary. P. ro,219. Hoste Isl., Tierra del Fuego, 90 m. long by 50 m. broad. Hötensleben, yil. Prussian Saxony, 26 m..W. Magdeburg. P. 3605. Hotham, th Victoria, a NW. Sub. of Melbourne. P. 18,883. [P. 3554. Hot Springs, vil. Arkansas, cap. of Garland co., 5 m. E. Ouachità R. Hotspur, posttm. Victoria, Co. Normanby, 32 m. from Hamilton. P. roo. Hottentots, aboriginal inhabitants of S. end of Africa. Hötting, vil. Austria, Tyrol, on the Inn, near Innsbruck. P. 4204. Hotzenplotz, th Austrian Silesia, 26 m. NNW. Troppau. P. 3768. Houat, small isl. off W. CSt. France, in Morbihan. P. 300. Houdeng-Aimeries, vil. Belgium, Iom. W. Mons. P. 6206. Haudeng-Goegnies, vil. near the above. P. 5519. Hougaerde, vil. Belgium, S. Brabant, 23 m. SW. Tirlemont. P. 3453. Houghsund, th Norway, 30 m. WSW. Christiania. P.3221. Houghton, post the S, Australia, co, and 14 m. NE. Adelaide. P. r15. Houghton-le-Spring, mkt, th; co, and 6% m. NE. Durnam. P. 6041. Houlton, th: Maine, cap. of Aroostook co. P. 3228. Hounslow, th Middlesex, 9 m. SW. of Hyde Park Corner, London. P. ro,459. Adjoining is Hounslow Heath. Houon, Loch, sea arm, Scot., W. CŞt. Inverness, 14 m. long. - Housatomic R., Massachusetts and Connecticut, 150 m. long. [died." House Isl., Northumbrld., in Fern Isls.; the place where St. Cuthbert Houssa or Haussa, ter. and former empire, Soudan. Lat. 12° to 13°, N. ; lon. 5° to roº E., comprising Gando and Sokoto. vil. Scot., Renfrewsh., 6 m. NE. Paisley. P. 553. city, Texas, cap. of Harris Co., 47 m. NW. Galveston. rüling race in the N. of Madagascar. [P. 20,000. tshp. and vil. N. R. York, 28% m. N. York. P. 600. tn. Queensland, co. Cook, 18 m. N.W.Maryborough. P. 400. mkt. th: E. R. York, 21 m. N. of Hull by rail., P. 2198. Pans (H,-on-Tyne), local gov. dist. Northumberland, 2% m. . N. Shields. P. Io99. Cape, S.E. extremity of Australia, Victoria and New S. Wales. vil. Michigan, Livingston co., 52 m. W. Detroit. P. 2071. cst. par. and vil. Northumberland, 5 m. NE. Alnwick. P. 31.I. commercial til. China, on S. Cst. of Hainan Is. Pacific Ocean. Lat. oº 49° N.; lon. 176°40' W.; guano. post tin, New S. Wales, 389 m. SW. Sydney. P. of dist. 430. India, on r. b. of Hugli, opposite Calcutta. P. 81,547. and spt. vil. Ireland, co. and 9 m. NE. Dublin. P. 909. at foot of Hill of Howth, 563 ft. high. * tn. Prussia, in Westphalia, on the Weser. P. 5186. dist. of London, 2 m. NE. St. Paul's. P. 47,489. Orkneys, 4 m. SW. Stromness. P. 1380; 13 by 6 m. tn. Prussia, in IHanover, on R. Weser. P. 1985. tn. Prussia, Silesia, 84 m. WNW. Liegnitz. P. 2716. CSt. vii. W. Cheshire, 6 m. W. Birkenhead. Swaine, tshp. W. R. York, 5% m. SW. Barnsley. P. 750. tn. S. Australia, co. Stanley, 79 m. N. Adelaide. P. 102. tn. Germany, in Anhalt, I4 m. NE. Halberstadt. P. 3033. or Wünschelberg, th: Prussian Silesia, II m. WNW. Glatz. tn. Moravia, on R. March, 42 m. ESE. Brünn. P.3659. Peru, º: and N. of Lima. P. 4oco. r. Peru, aff, of the Amazon from the Andes, 500 m. tn. Mexico, State of Jalisco. P. 4000. de Leon, th: and dist. Mexico, State of Oajaca. mining th: Peru, cap. of Dep. and Prov., 80 m. . Ayacucho. Elev. II,000 ft. P. 4000. tIl. dep. Junin. P. 4100. tn. Mexico, State of Michoacan. P. 9158. (P. 3793. tl]. cap. of H. Prov., dep. Junin, 25 m. SE. Juapa. tn. Peru, cap. of H. Dep., in the Andes, 180 m. NNE. Lima. P. 5300 ; of dep. 78,858. Huaranda, th: Ecuador, in the vicinity of Mt. Chimborazo. Huaraz, th: Peru, cap. of dep. Ancachs, 130 m. SE. Trujillo. P. 4898. ari, th: Peru, cap. of H. Prov., 160 m. ESE. Trujillo. P. 2000. Huasca, spt. th Mexico, State Hidalgo, dist. Atotonilco. P. 9000. Huasco, th Chili, dep, and 119 m.N. Coquimbo, at mth. of r. P. 1000. Huauchimango, th: and dist. Mexico, State Puebla. P. of th: 8934. Huaura, spt. tin. Peru, dep. Lima, 50 m. NW. Chancay. Huautla, th: Mexico, State Hidalgo, dist. Huejutla. P. 6808. Hubli, th Bombay Pres., dist. and 13 m. SE. Dharwar. . P. 36,677. Hückeswagen, the Rhenish Prussia, 25 m. ESE. Düsseldorf. P. 4320. Hucknall Torkard, th in Co. and 8 m. NW. Nottingham. P. ro,023. Huddersfield, parl. and mun, bor. W. R. York., 163 m. SW. Leeds. P. 87,157. It returns 1 M.P. [Bothnia. P. 4439. Hudiksvāń. spt, th: Sweden, 70 m. N. of Gefle, on inlet of G. of Hudson R., r. New York, rises in Adirondack Mts., and flows S. to New York Harbour, 350 m. The Mohawk is its chief aff. Hudson, city, New York, cap. of Columbia co., on E. b. Hudson R., m. N. New York. P. 8670. vil. Massachusetts, Middlesex co., 28 m. W. Boston. P. 3739. vil. Michigan, Lenawee co., 17 m. W. by S. Adrian. P. 2254. Wisconsin, cap: St. Croix Co., on St. Croix R. P. 2298. , inland Sea, N. America, nearly enclosed by the land of of Canada, and communicating by Hudson Strait (400 m. long) with Davis Strait. . It is 900 m. long, and 6oo m. wide. Hudson's Bay Territory, See North West Territories. Hué or Thua. Thien, cap. city of Anam, on Huê R., Io m. from its mth. in China Sea. Lat. 16°30' N. P. 80,000. Huejuquilla, the Mexico, state of Jalisco. P. 6ooo. Huelma, the Spain, prov. and 27 m.SE. Jaen. P. 4424. Huelva, spt tº. S. Spain, cap. of Huelvã Prov., on inlet of Atlantic, 49 m. WSW. Seville. P. 13,517. P. of prov. 22r,162. ' Huercal Overa, tr. Spain, prov, and 40 m. NE. Almería. P.15,219. Huesca, city, Spain, in Aragon, cap. of H. Prov., on R. Isuela, 36 m. y rail NE. Saragossa. P. ro,477 : prov. 261,003. Huescar, tr. Spain, prov. and 68 m. NE. Granada. P. 7767. Huete, th: Spain, prov. and 34 m. NW. Cuenca. P. 2844. #. tn. Mexico, State Guerrero. P. 8000. Hugglescote and Donnington, tshp. and vil. Leicestersh., 6 m. SE. Ashby-de-la-Zouch... P. 4750. Rughenden, par. and vil. S. Bücks, 1 m. N. Wycombe. P. 1803. H. Manor was the seat of the Earl of º: [Towers. P. 700. Hughenden, post th: Queensland, on R. Flinders, 90 m. SW. Charters Hugh Town (called Scilly), cap. of Scilly Isls., St. Mary's Isl. Hugli R., the most W. arm of the Ganges Delta, India. It takes its name at Santepur, 64 m. above Calcutta, which is on its banks, and is formed by the union of the Dhagirathi and Matabhanga. Hugli, dist. Bengal, in Bardwan Div., W. from H. R. Area, 1223 sq. .m. P., 1,912,768. Cap. Hugli, on W. b. of the r. P. 31,177. Huizen, vil. Netherlds., N. Holland, 16 m. ESE. Amsterdam. P. 4055. Hukeri, th: Bombay Pres... dist. and 30 m. NNE. Belgaum. P. 5519. Hull or Kingston-upon-Hull, parl. and mun. bor. and spt. E. R. Yorksh., on N. b. of Humber, 173 m. from London. P. 165,690. # returns 3 M.Ps. In 1885, 4583 vessels of 2,012,387 ton. cleared he port. Hull, th: Quebec, cap. of Ottawa co., on r. opposite Ottawa. P. 6900. Hullet, tshp. Ontario, Huron co. P. 3875. Hull, r. E. R. York, flows 23 m. S. to the Humber at Hull. Hüls, vil. Rhenish Prussia, 17 m. NW. Düsseldorf. P. 7235. Hulst., tm. Netherlands, prov. Zealand, 15 m.WNW. Antwerp. P. 2429. Hultschin, th Prussian Silesia, on the Oppa, 13 m. E.Troppau. P. 2854. Humansdorp, th: Cape Colony, about 56 m.W. Port Elizabeth. P. 1860. umber, estuary of Rs. Ouse and Trent, on E. cst. Engl., separating CoS. of Lincoln and York, 38 m. long, I to 7 m. broad. Humbleton or Homildon, tshp. N. Northumberland, 1 m. NE. Wooler, Humboldt Bay, Californian cst. 270 m. N. San Francisco. Humboldt Lake, in W. Cent. Nevada, receives H. R., 350 m. Humbug Scrub, vil. S. Australia, 25m. NE. Adelaide; gold and copper Humpoletz, the Bohemia, 25 m. S. Czaslau. P. 54.12. [mines. Hun-Chun, trading th: Manchuria, 9 m. N. Corean frontier. P. ro, ooo. Hundsrück, mtn. range, Germany, in S. of Rhenish Prussia. Hungary (Hung. Magyar Orszagº; Ger. Ungarºt), kingdom of Cent. Europe, forming part of Austria-Hungarian monarchy, consisting of Hungary proper, with Transylvania, ter. of Fiume, Croatia, and Slavonia, and the military frontier. . Its great river is the Danube, with its large tributaries the Raab, Drave, and Save, on the r. b., and the March, Waag, and Theiss, on 1. b. Area, 124,382 sq. m. P. (1880) 15,738,468, of whom are Roman Catholics, 7,849,692, Greek, Armenian, etc., 3,935,381, other Christians, 3,215,088, Jews, 638,314. The cap. is Buda-Pesth, on the Danube. See Austria. Hungerford, mkt, tr. in Berks and Wilts, on R. Kennet, 61 m. W. London by rail. P. 2965. Hungund, th Bombay Pres., Kaladgi Dist. . P. 5416. Hüningen, th: Germany, Upper Alsace, on 1. b. Rhine. P. 1695. Hunmanby, tshp. and vil. E. R. York, 12#m. SE. Scarborough. P.135r. Hu-Nam, i.e. S. of the Lake, inland proy. China, lying S. of the Yang-tse-Kiang. All its rs, flow N. to its great lake, Tong-Ting- Hu: hence its name. Area, 83,226 sq. m. P. 21,002,604. Cap. Chang-Sha. Hu-Pe, i.e. N. of the Lake, cent, prov. China, N. df above, and tra- versed by the Yang-tse-Kiang, and its aff. Han-Kiang. Area, 69,477 sq. m. P. 33,365,005. Cap. Ham-Kau. Hunslet, sub. of Leeds, on S. b. of R. Aire. P. 46,942. unstanton, vil, and watering-place, W. Norfolk, on R. Wash. Hunterfield and Arniston, yil, Edinburghsh., near Gorebridge. P. 766. Hunter R. New S. Wales, flows 300 m. to Pacific, at Newcastle. Hunter's Hill, municipality, New S. Wales, 4 m. N. Sydney. P. 1200. Huntingdon, mun. bor. and co. th of Huntingdonshire, on 1. b. of R. Quse, 59 m. N. London. P. 4228. Huntingdom, bor. Pennsylvania, cap. of H. co., on Juniata R. P. 4125. Huntingdon, the Quebec, 38 m. SW. Caughnawaga. P. 856. Huntingdonshire, Huntingdom or Hunts, inland Co. Engl., W. of Cam- bridgeshire, and watered by Rs. Nen and Ouse. Area, 359 sq. m. P. 59,491. The co, returns, 2 M.P.s., and contains the tins, of Huntingdon (co. th:), Godmanchester, St. Ives, and part of Peter- 29rough. It is agricultural and pastoral. Huntington, th: Indiana, cap. of H. Co., on Little R. P. 3863. unfington, vil. New York, Suffolk co., 38 m. E. New York. P. 8098. t ſ b Hun ington, th W. Virginia, on Ohio R., Cabell co. P. 3174. Huntingtower and Ruthvenfield, vil. Scot., 23 m. NW. Perth. P. 458. Huntley, th: New Zealand, 60 m. by rail from Auckland. P. 240. Huntly, the Scot., NW. Aberdeenshire, on R. Deveron, P. 3519. 34 HUNTLY THE CENTURY GAZETTEER IRTHINGTON Huntly, tshp. Victoria, co. Bendigo, 113 m. NW. Melbourne. P. 670. Hunts, co. Engl. See Huntingdon. [phis. P. 4977. Huntsville, city, Alabama, cap. of Madison co., 212 m. E. by S. Mem- Hunwick, vil. and ry. sta. Durham, 23 m. NW. Bishop-Auckland. Hurdwar, th: India. See Hardwar. [P. 2690. Hurin, tm. Persia, in Irak Ajemi, 30 m. NW. Zohab. Hurlet, vil. Scot., 3 m. SE. Paisley, on Levern Water. P. 341. Hurley,dº and vil. E. Berks, on R. Thanies. P. II32. Hurlford, tr. Scot., on R. Irvine, 2 m. SE. Kilmarnock. P. 4385. Huron, Lake, one of the five great lakes of St. Lawrence basin, N. America, below Lakes Superior and Michigan, and discharging by St. Clair R. I.ength, 280 m. Area, 23,610 Sq. m. Elev. 578 ft. above the sea, 19 ft. above L. Erie. Hurrur or Harar, walled th E. Africa, cap. of dist, of same name. Lat. 9°37' N. ; lon. 41° 35' E. P. 35,000. P. of dist. 1,900,000. Hurunui, post th New Zealand, Canterbury, 52 m. N. Christchurch. Hush, th Roumania, 47 m. SE. Yassy. P. Io,000. Hush-Eon, tm. China, in Quang Tung, on S. side of Hainan. P. 200,000. Husiatyn, tm. Austria, in Galicia, 29 m. E. Czortkow. P. 5214. Husum, spt. Prussia, 22 m. by rail W. by S. Schleswig. P. 6267. Huszth or Khuszt, th Hungary, on R. Theiss. P. 6467. Hutt, tshp. New Zealand, 8 m. by rail NE. Wellington. P. 3633. Hu-Tchu, th: China, prov, Che Kiang, 70 m. NW. Ning Po. P. 60,000. Huttweil, tn. Switzerland, cant. and 22 m. NE. Bern. P. #. Huy, ft. th: Belgium, prov. and 17 m. SW. Liége by rail. P. I2,829. Huysse, vil. Belgium, E. Flanders, II m. SW. Ghent. P. 2950. Huyton, par, and vil. 53 m. E. Liverpool. P. 5937. #uzarehand Eimak Country, region of Afghanistan. Lat. 31°30'-37° N. ; lon. 62-68° E. Area, 80,000 sq. m. , P. 350,000. Hvalòe or Kvalóe, isl. Norway. Lat. 69°35' N. Hven, isl. Denmark, in the Sound, 8 m. S. Elsinore. P. 81r. Hwangguyen, tn. China, prov. Che-kiang. P. 120,000. Hyannis, spt. vil. Massachusetts, 79 m. SSE. Boston. P. 1260. Hyde, mun. bor. and mkt. th E. Cheshire, on R. Tame. P. 28,630. Hyde, post, tm. New Zealand, Otago, 75 m. NW. Dunedin. Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, Westminster, London, 1% m. by # In. Contains Rotten Row, Serpentine, etc. Hyde Park, tm. Illinois, Cook co., on L. Michigan, 7 m. S. Chicago. P. 15,716. Has many fine villas. Hyde Park, th Massachusetts, Norfolk co., 8 m. S. Boston. P. 7090. Hyderabad, India. See Haidarabad. [P. 17,137. Hydra or Idra, isl. Greece, off E. penin. Morea. Area, 26 sq. m. Hydra, city...on above isl. P. 7342. Hyères or Hières, th S. France, dep. var, 12m. E. Toulon. P. 13,849. Hyères Islg., S. France, in Mediterranean, off Hyères. Hykulzie, large th, Afghanistan, 35 m. N. of Shawl. Hylton, tshp. and vil. N. Durham. on R. Wear. P. 1533. Hymettus, intn. range, Greece, SE. of Athens. Hythe, parl, and mun. bor. and watering-place, E. Kent, 68 m. SE. London. P. of parl, bor. (including Fólkestone, 5 m. E.) 28,239; mun., bor. 4173. It returns I M.P. Iba or Yba, th; Philippine Isls., Luzon, 80 m. NW. Manilla. P. 3552. Ibadan, city, Africa, in Yarribä, 70 m. NNE, Lagos. P. 150,000. Ibague or Ibaque, th: Colombia, State Cundinamarca. P. 7200. Ibarra, th: Ecuador, 50 m. NNE. Quito. P. 12,000. Ibbenbüren, tm. Prussia, in Westphalia, 14 m. W. Osnaburg. P. Aro3. Ibera or Ybera, marshy lakes, Argentina, between the Parana and ... Uruguay, prov. Corrientes. Iberia, anc. name of Spain, Iberian Peninsula. Iberville, th Quebec, in Iberville co. P. 1847. Ibicui, r, Brazil and Uruguay, flows 400 m. to the Uruguay. Ibi Gamin or Kamet, mth. Himalayas, lon. 79°38' E. Alt 25,373 ft. Ibo, th: W., Africa, in Guinea, at the head of the Niger Delta. #. §: Brahilov. N Ibros, th: Spain, 19 m. NNE, Jaen. P. & 60,548; of th: 7ooo. Ica, maritime dep, and th: Peru. źsso º ; 'P of 4. Iceland (native, Island), large isl. belonging to Denmark, in N. Atlantic - Ocean, 130 m. E. of Greenland, and 850 m. W. of Norway. Lat. 63°24'-66°33' N. ; lon. 13° 31'-24° 17' W. Greatest length E. to W. 300 m: ; breadth 200 m. Area, 40,219 sq. m. P. 72,445. Cap. Reykjavik. The surface is very mtnous, and barren, and the climate severe. Volcanic eruptions are frequent. Oeräfa. Jökull, ..., near the SE. cst, is the highest point, elev. 6409 ft. Hecla 5IIo ft. chak, th: Bengal, dist. and 8 m. N. Hazaribagh. P. 7346. chapur, th: Madras Pres., Ganjam Dist. P. 5528. Ic henhausen, th: Bavaria, on the Günz, 6 m. SE. Günzburg. P. 2630. Ichteghem, vil. Belgium, W. Flanders, 12 m. SW, Bruges. P. 4852. Ichtershausen, th: Germany, on R. Gera, 12 m. LSE. Gotha. P. 2415. Icod, tr. on W. cst. Teneriffe. P. 5555. Icolmkill or I-Columb-Kill. See Iona. Icy Cape, Alaska, on N.cst. Lon. 161° 46' W. Ida, famous mtn. Asia Minor. Lat. 36°12' N. ; lon. 26°54' E. Ida, post: tn. Queensland, 2 m. NE. Maytown; mining centre. Idaho, a NW, ter. of the United States of America, W. of the Rocky MtS., and bounded N. by Brit. Columbia, W. by Washington and Oregon, S. by Nevada and Utah, E. by Wyoming and Montana. Area, 84,800 sq. m. P. (1880) 32,610. Cap. Boisé. It is drained by the affs. of Columbia R., of which Snake R. is the principal. Idar, vil. Germany, in Birkenfeld, 3 m. NW. Oberstein... P. 3943. Idie, r. Nottinghamsh, aff. of the Trent, at W. Stockwith, 30 m. Idle, th W. R. Yorksh., 54 m. NE. Bradford. P. 6643. Indooroopilly, suburban vil. 4 m. from Brisbane. Queensland. P. 4714. dria, tm. Carniola, 23 m. WSW. Laybach, P. 3960; quicksilver mines. Idro Lake, N. Italy, between Lakes Garda and Iseo, 7 m. long. Idstein, th: Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, Tom. N. Wiesbaden. P. 2357. Ielsi, tr. Italy, prov. and 9 m. ESE. Campobasso. P. 3332. Iesi or Jesi, walled tn. Italy, 17 m. by rail SW. Ancona. P. 19,984. Iga, spt., tm. Japan, on W. cat of Hondo, Ioom. ESE. Kioto. Igatpuri, th Bombay Pres., Nasik Dist. P. 6306. Iglau, th Moravia, on the Iglawa, 49 m. WNW. Brünn. P. 22,378. Iglawa or Igla, r. Moravia, aff, of the Schwarzà, 70 m. - Iglesias, th Sardinia, near W. cst. P. 7885. Iglo, tm. Hungary, on R. Hernad, 7 m. S. Leutschau. P. 7521. Ignace, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 152 m. W. Port Arthur. Iguaçu, th: Brazil, 21 m. NW. Rio Janeiro. P. 5000. Igualada, th Spain, 33 m. by rail NW. Barcelona. P. II,882. Igualapa, th: Mexico, state and 180 m. SSW. La Puebla. P. 3000. Iguape, spt. th: Brazil, prov. São Paulo, 85 m. S.W. Santos. Iguaraçu, th: Brazil, prov. and 20 m, NNW. Pernambuco. P. 5500. Ihna, r. Prussia, enters Stettiner Haff, 9 m. N. Stettin. Ihringen, vil. Baden, circle Upper Rhine, near Breisach. P. 271o. Ik, r. Russia, aff. of the Kama, gov. Orenburg, 200 m. Ikelembo or Uriki, aff, of the Congo, near the Equator, 20° E. Ike-Aral-Nor, lake, Mongolia, Khalkas Territory. Lat. 47°-48° N.; lon. 90° E. ; 40 m. long. It has no outlet. [weolo, S. Africa. Ilala, where Dr. Livingstone died (1873), near S. shore of L. Bang- Ilchester, par. and vil. mid Somerset, on R. Yeo. P. (83. Ilchi, th: Turkestan. See Khotem. Ile de France (Isle of France), former prov. France, now the deps. Seine, Seine-et-Oise, and parts of Aisne, Seine-et-Marne, and _ _ Eure-et-Loir. Paris was the cap. Ilekskoi-Gorodek or Iletski, th: Russia, gov. Orenburg, on the Ilek. P. 5769. Near are great gov. Salt-works. [P. 4397. Ilford or Great Ilford, tm. S. Essex, on R. Roding, 7 m. NE. London. Ilford, Little, par. and vil. S. Essex, 3 m. NE. Stratford... P. 993. Ilfracombe, watering-place, spt. and mkt. th: N. Devonsh. P. 6255. Ilhavo, fishing th: Portugal, 38 m. S. Oporto. P. 8623. - Ili, r. Russian Asia, flows W. and N. to L. Balkash. Ili, th: on above. See Kuldja. . . . Iliamna, active yol. Alaska, on the penin. of Aliaska. Elev. 12,066. Ilion, vil. New York, Herkimer co., on S. b. Mohawk R. P. 37.11. Ilisch, tm. Asiatic Turkey, 53 m. NE. Diarbekir. P. 3372. Ilkal, tm. Bombay Pres., Kaladgi Dist., 8 m. SE. Hungund. P. 9574. Ilkeston, mun. bor. S. Derbysh., 8 m. NE. Derby. P. I.4,122. Ilkley, tm. W. R. York, on R. Wharf, 9 m. SE. Skipton. P. 4736. In vicinity are hydropathic establishments. . l, r. Alsace, flows N. room. to the Rhine, N. of Strasburg. - abarook, posttn. Victoria, co. Grenville, 95%m. W. Melbourne. P.130. Illapel, th Chili, State Coquimbo, 110 m. E. by N. Valparaiso. P. 7000. awarra, fertile dist. New S. Wales, extends 60 m. along the cSt. - e, th: France, Pyrenées-Orientales, on the Tet. P. 3222. ecillewast, ry. Sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 51 m. W. Donald. Ille-et-Vilaine, dep. N. France, on E. Chan., in Normandy. Area, 2597 sq. m. P. 621,382. Cap. Rennes. - Ille, r. France, in Ille-et-Vilaine, flows 18 m. to the Vilaine. - Iller, r. Germany, from Tyrol, flows N. through Bavaria and frontier of Würtemberg to the Danube, 85 m. long. Illiers, th: France, in Eure-et-Loir, on the Loir. P. 2795. Illimani, mtn. Bolivian Andes, 25 m. ESE. La Paz; alt. 21,181 ft. nois, a N. cent. state of the U.S. of America, in the Up. Mississippi basin, bounded on the W. by the Mississippi R., separating Iowa and Missouri; on the S. by the Ohio, separating Kentucky; E. by Wabash R., Indiana, and L. Michigan; N. by Wisconsin. It is sometimes called the Prazzie State. Area, 56,650 sq. m., P. (1840) 476,183; (1880) 3,077,871. The principal rS. are the Illinois and Raskaskia. The coalfields of the state are of 37,000 sq. m. area. . Chief tims. Chicago, Springfield (the cap.), Peoria, Quincy, Bloom- ington, Aurora, Galesburg, Galena, Rockford, Jacksonville, Joliet, ; . I : i ** Alton, Cairo, and many others. Illinois R., a large aff. of the Mississippi, in above state, formed by Des Plaines and Kankakee RS. Length of main stream 360 m. On its banks are Peoria, Qttawa, La Salle, and Pekin. Illkirch-Grafenstaden, th: Alsace, 3 m. S. of Strasburg. P. 5017. IIlok, tin. Slavonia, near the Danube, 26 m. W. Peterwardein. P. 8209. Illora, tm, Spain, 22 m. WNW. Granada. P. 8083. Illorin, city, Africa, in Yarriba, 50 m. SSW. Rabba. P. abt. Too,000. Illyria (anc. IZ/yricuzz; Ger. IZZy”zent), div. and titular kingdom of Austria. Area, 10,937 sq. m. It is now divided into the provs. of Carniola, Carinthia, and Küstenland. Ilm, r. Saxony, aff, of the Saale, 13 m. N. Jena, 55 m. long. [P. 31.20. Ilm or Ilmstadt, th Germany, on Ilm, 12 m. WNW. Rudolstadt. Ilmen, lake, Russia, gov. Novgorod, 30 m. long by 24 m. Area, 355 sq. m. ; Ioom. to the S. lies Lake Ladoga, to which it discharges. Ilmenau, the Germany, on the Ilm, 27 m. S.W. Weimar. . P. 5483. Ilmenau, r. Hanover, flows 60 m. to the Elbe, SE. Hamburg. Ilminster, mkt. th: N. Somerset, on. R. Isle. P. 3281. Ilo or Ylo, Spt. Peru, 63 m. by rail S.W. Moquegua, r Iloilo or Yloilo, spt., tm. Philippine Isls., SE. CSt. Panay. P. 8000. Ilsenberg, th: Prussian Saxony, I6 in. W. Halberstadt. P. 3649. Imbros, isl. Turkey, off entrance to Dardanelles. P. 4000. Imeritia, former country, Transcaucasia, part of anc. Colchis, now embraced in Russian gov. of Kutais. Immenstadt, th: Bavaria, 13 m. SW. Kempten. P. 292 Imola, th: Italy, prov. and 22 m. by rail ESE. Bologna. Imst, or Umbieta, tm. Tyrol, on R. Inn. P. 2413. Inaba, cSt. prov. Japan, in W. Hondo. P. 162,842. Inagua, largest and most S. of Bahama Isls. P. 994. Inca, th: Majorca Isl., NE. from Palmas. P. 6823. Ince-in-Makerfield, tshp. SW. Lancash., 13 m. SW. Wigan. P. 16,007. Inch, isl. Irel, in Lough Swilly, co. Donegal. Inehalkaranji, cap. of state of same name, India, in S. Maratha Inch Cape, North Sea. See Bell Rock. [country. P. 91.07. Inchcolm, isl. Scot., Fife, in Firth of Forth, 13 m. S. Aberdour. Inchgarvie, isl. Scot., Fife, central support of Forth Bridge. Inchkeith, ft. isl. Fife, in Firth of Forth, 4 m. N. of Leith. Thohiman nock, isl. in Firth of Clyde, W. of Bute. P. 18. inchture, par. and vil. Perthsh., in Carse of Gowrie. P. 650. Indals-Elf, r. Sweden, flows 60 m. to G. of Bothnia. Indapur, the India, dist. and 84 m, SE. Poona, Bombay. P. 5588. Independence, city, Iowa, cap. of Buchanan co. P. 3128. Independence, th Kansas, cap. of Montgomery co. P. 2914. Independence, th: Missouri, Cap., of Jackson co. P. 31.46. India, an extensive region of S. Asia, and one of the most populous of the globe, forms an Empire of the British Crown, extending from the N. of Kashmir, lat. 37°, to Cape Comorin, in the extreme S., lat. 8° 4' N., a distance of over 2000 m., and from 66° 44' to Ior” E. lon., or about 2670 m. It is bounded on the N. by the inde- pendent states of Nepal and Bhutan, and by the Himalaya mountain chain, which separates it from Eastern Turkestan and Tibet, W. by Afghanistan, Baluchistan, and Arabian Sea, S. by the Indian Ocean, E. by the Bay of Bengal, and by Siam and China. Area, including Burma, 1,572,624 sq. m. P. 257,891,821. The region designated comprises India_proper and parts of Farther India, viz. Upper and Lower Burma. . The former consists of (1) the continental portion (Hindustan), whose vast plains are watered by the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra, with their many great affluents; (2) the peninsular portion called the Deccan, zwhich see, bounded on the N. by the Vindhya Mts. and skirted toward the coasts by the E. and W. Ghats, with the Nilgiri Hills in the S. Its main rivers are the Narbada and Tapti, flowing to the E., and the Mahanadi, Godavari, Kistna, Pennar, and Kavari, to the Bay of Bengal. For political and administra: tive purposes I. is divided into presidencies and provinces, (1) atzider the Governor-General, Ajmir, Berar, Kurg; (2) admder governors, Madras Pres., Bombay Pres. ; (3) &nder lieutenazit- governors, Bengal, Assam, North-West Provinces and Oudh, funjab ; (4) unider chief commissioners, Upper and Lower Burma, Central Provinces; (5) French and Portuguese£:á. sions.—These have an area off, Ior,075 sq. m. of territory, directly under British rule, with a p. of 205,888,897. There are also numerous native states, feudatory or protected, some tributary, with a united area of 471,549 sq.m., and a p. of 52,902,924. The most important of these are Kashmir, the States of Rajputana; the States of Cent. India (Gwalior, Indore, Bhopal, Rewa, etc.), Baroda, Kutch, etc., in Bombay Pres., Haidarabad or Nizam's Dominions, Mysore, Travancore, Cochin, etc. The chief thS. of I. are Calcutta, the chief seat of government, p. 789,864; Bom- bay, 773,196; Madras, 405,848; Haidarabad, 354,962; Lucknow, 261,303; besides seventeen smaller cities exceeding Ioo,ooo, and forty that exceed 50,000 inhabitants. The chief products are rice wheat, and other cereals, cotton, sugar, indigo, opium, hemp, flax, tea, jute, timber (especially teak), etc. The climate of I. varies extremely, according to elevation and latitude. Indiana, state of the U.S. of America, extending from the Ohio R: in the S. which separates Kentucky, to Lake Michigan and State in the N., and having Illinois on the W., and Ohio on the E. Area, 36,350 sq. m. P. (1800) 5641, (1840) 685,866, (1880) 1,978,391. The state is watered by the Wabash and White Rs. In the SW. and W. are important coalfields. ... In agriculture the state takes a leading position. Chief tins., Indianapolis (the cap.), Iºvansville, Fort Wayne, Logansport, Madison, New Albany, La Porte, Terre Haute, Richmond, Jeffersonville, South Bend. Indianapolis, city, cap. of Indiana and of Marion Co., on W. Fork of White R., 109 m. NW. Cincinnati. P. (1850) 8090, (1880) 75,056, Indian Archipelago. See Malay Archipelago. [(1887) abt. Ioo,000. Indian Caucasus. See Hindu Kush. Indian Head, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 312m. W. Winnipeg. Indian Ocean, extends E. from Africa, and S. ſtom Asia, and is separated from the Pacific by the Malay Archipelago and by Australia. It extends S. to the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Leeuwin in SW. Auctralia, but by many, ignoring the Southern Ceean, is understood to cxtend to the Antarctic Circle, from 20° to 147° E. lon. Indianola, vil. Iowa, cap. of Warren co., 21 m. S. Des Moines. P. 2146. Indian Orchard, vil. Mass., 6 m. NE. Springfield. P. 2243. Indian Territory or The Indian Country, an unorganised tract of the United States, set apart as an abode for tribal Indians. It lies N. of Texas, W. of Arkansas, and S. of Kansas, and is traversed by Arkansas R. and its affs., Canadian R., Rabbit Ear, and Cimarron. The Red R. skirts the S. frontier. Area (including public lands), 70,430 sq. m. P. 76,895. Tahlequah is the principal town. Indiantown, th: New Brunswick, sub. of St. John. P. 2500. Indie, vil. Hungary, in Slavonia, 18 m. SSE. Peterwardein. P. 3459. Indies. See East Indies, India, and West Indies. Indighirka, r. E. Siberia, from Yablonoi MtS., flows N. to Arctic Ocean, 750 m., at lat. 71° N., lon. I50° E. Indigo, i.º.º. co. Bogong, 187 m. NE. Melbourne. . P. rooo. Indo-China, Eastern Peninsula, Farther India, or India beyond the Ganges, the SE. penin. of Asia, comprising Anam, Cochin-China, Cambodia, Siam, Burma, and the Malay Peninsula. Indore (Indor), large native state in Malwā, Cent. India, composing the ter. of the iIolkar dynasty. It is named from its cap. Indore city. Area, 8400 sq. m. P. (1881) 1,054,237. Indore, chief th of above state, and cap. of the Maharaja Holkar's territories. Lat. 22°42' N. ; lon. 75°54' E. P. 75,40I. Indore Agency, collective name given to three native states of Cent. India, Indore, Dewas, and Bagli, under the Gov. of India, through the “Gov.-General's Agent for Cent. India.” 7700 sq. m. Indragiri, kingdom, on E. cst. Sumatra, under the Dutch. Area, Indre, dep. cent. France. Lat. 46° 45' N. ; lon. I’30' E. Area, 2624 sq. m. P. 296,147. Cap. Chateauroux. The main rivers are the Indré and Creuse, affs. of the Loire. [flows NW. 115 m. Indre, r. France, aff. of the Loire, deps. Indre and Indre-et-Loire, Indre, vil. France, in Loire Inſérieure, 53 m. from Nantes, P. 3304. Indre-et-Loire, dep. France, NW. Indre Dep., traversed by R. Loire, and lower parts of R. Indre, and Creuse. Area, 2361 sq. m. P.340,921. Cap. Tours. Indus, large r. N.W. India, rises in Tibet on the N. slopes of the Himalayas. , Lat. 32° N. ; lon. 81° E., at an elev. of 16,099 ft., flows - NW, through Kashmir, enters the Punjab, and flows S.W. through Sindh to the Arabian Sea, by several deltaic mths. The drainage area is about 372,700 sq. m., and its total length over 1800 m... On the r. b. it receives the Shyook, Cabul, and Gomal, and on the 1. b. the Sutlej, which contributes the united streams of the Punjab. , vil. Canada. See Joliette. - or Aïnabol, cst. th: Asia Minor, on Black Sea. P. 3000. tn. Rhenish Bavaria, Iom. W. Zweibrücken. P. ro,32I. . Nieder and Ober, two contiguous mkt. tins. Germany, in on R. Selz. P. 2693 and 3093. * tn. Delgium, W. Flanders, 7 m. N. Courtrai. P. 5913. tn. Germany, in Alsace, 3 m. NW. Colmar. P. 2423. tn. Ontario, on R. Thames, Oxford co. P. 4318. Queensland, co. and 42 m. S. Cardwell. P. of dist. 2000. and vil. W. R. York, 14 m. SE. Sedberg. P. I625. post tri- S. Australia, 15 m. NE. Adelaide. P. I2O. mining th: Victoria, 130 m. NW. Melbourne. P. 1359. post tri. Queensland, co, Clive, 180 m. SW, Brisbane. post tin. N. Zeal., 17 m. SE. New Plymouth. P. 395. 3. P. I3,997. ºngolf, ry, sta, Canada, on C. P. Ry., 323 m. W. Port Arthur. Ingolstadt, ft. city, Bavaria, on the Danube, 45 m. N. Munich. P. 16,388. Has manufs. of powder and shot. Ingrow and Hainworth, ry, sta. and eccl. dist. W. R. York. P. 6351. Inishannon, vil, Irel., S.co. Cork, on R. Bandon. P. 32. Inishtūrk, isl; Irel, co. Mayo, 6 m. W. of mainland. P. ººz. Ingweiler or Hengwiller, th Alsace, on R. Moder, P.23g2. £nhambane, Portuguese th:...E. Africa, 200 m. NE. Delagoa Bay. Initioge, vil. Irel., E. co. Kilkenny, on R. Nore. P. 570. [P. 7000. #berrow, par. and vil. W. Worcestersh. P. 1541. Inkerman, vil. Crimea, 5 m. E. Sebastopol. Brit.-French victory ... over the Russians, 5 Nov. 1854. Inkerman, vil. Scot, 13 m, N.W. Paisley. P. 948. Inkpen, par. and vil. SW. Berks. P. 692. I. Beacon ror. ft. Inman Valley, post th: S. Australia, 563 m. S. Adelaide. P. 200. Inn, r. of the Danube, from Switz., Tyrol, Bavaria, and Upper ...to Passau, 309 m. long. Glasgow. P. 859. vil, and steamboat pier, Argyll, on Firth of Clyde, 3om.from tn. Scot. Peeblessh., on Leithen Water. P. 33.13. Cst par, andvil. E. Haddington, 4% m. SE. Dunbar. P. 777. or Innsbruck, (i.e. Bridge of the Irizi), cap. city of Tyroi, at of the Inn and Sill. P. 20,537. Has a university. " Immy, r. Irel, falls to Lough Ree, on R. Shannon, 4om. - Inowrazlaw (Ger. 33.47.g. Breslau), th: Prussia, in Posen, 26 m. ESE. Insalah, the in the SE. of Morocco. [Bromberg. P. 13,548. Insara, the Russia, gov. and 57 m, NNW. Penza. P. 3606. Insch, vil. Scot., Aberdeensh., 13% m, SE. Huntly. P. 579. Insfer; r. E. Prussia, unites with the Angerapto form the Pregel, 45 m. Insterburg, th E. Prussia, on R. Inster. P. 20,914. Instow, par. and vil. N. Devon, on Rs. Taw and Torridge, P. 657. Interlachen or Interlaken, vil. Switz., cant, and 26 m. by rail SE. Bern, on R. Aar. P. 212r. Intra..th, Italy, prov. Novara, on W. side of L. Maggiore. P. 4258. Introdacqua, tº Italy, prov. Aquila, 4 m. SSW. Sulmona. I’. 591 r. Inver, fishing vil. Scot, on S. side Dornoch Firth. P. 396. Inver, Loch, Sea arm, Sutherland, W. CŞt. Assynt. [P. 7.<. Inverallochy, fishing vil. Scot., NE. Aberdeen, 3 m. SE, Fraserburgh. Inverary, parl, and royal burgh, Scot., co. th: of Argyllsh., on Löch Fyne, 67% m. NW. Glasgow. P. of parl, burgh 864, royal burgh 940. It is one of the Ayr Baerghs, which return r M.P. Inverary or Storrington, vil. Ontario, 12 m. N. Kingston. P. 281 r. Inverbervie, parl. and rôyal burgh, Scot., Kincardinesh. It is one. of the Mozièrose Buzghs, which return I M.P. See Bervie. P. of parl, bur. Io95; royal bur, 2114. Invercargill, tr. New Zealand, co. Southland, Otago, dist., and 139 m. from Dunedin, on an estuary, near the S. cst. P. 8939. Inverell, tshp. New S. Wales, 383 m, NW, Sydney. P. of dist. 7189. Inveresk, cst, par, and vil, on R. Esk, 63 m. E. Edinburgh, P. 303. Invergordon, spt, the Scot., E. Ross and Cromarty, on N. side or Cromarty Firth. P. 1119. Inverkeithing, parl. and royal burgh and ry. sta. Scot., Fife, 33 m. SE. Dunfermline, on Firth of Forth. P. of parl, bur. 1646, royal bur. I366. It is one of the Stirling Burghs. Inverkeithing, vil. Scotland, Banffsh., 7 m. SW. Turriff. P. 929. Inverkip or Innerkip, vil. Scot., Renfrewsh., on Firth of Clyde, 6 m. SW. Greenock. P. 580. [P. 364. Inverleigh, tshp. Victoria, co. Grenville, 61 m. W. by S. Melbourne. Inverness, parl, and royal burgh, Scot., co, th Inverness-shire, and cap. of the N. Highlands, at NE. end of Caledonian Canal, on R. Ness, near its confluence with Inner Moray Firth, 108 m, from Aberdeen by rail. P. 17,385. The Invertiess District of parl. burghs consists of Inverness, Nairn, Forres, Fortrose, and Cromarty, and returns 1 M.P. P. 26,425. Inverness-shire, maritime and partly insular co. in N. Scot, in- cludes the isls. of Skye, Eigg, Muck, and part of Outer Hebrides, viz. Harris, N. Uist, Benbecula, S. Uist, Barra, etc., and St. Kilda. Area, 4324 sq. m. , P: 90,454. Surface mtnous. ; Ben Nevis, 4406 ft., Cairn Gorm, 4084 ft. It is crossed by the Ct. Glen of Scot. from SW. to NE., which is traversed by the Caledonian Canal. It has numerous large lakes. Chief rivers are the Spey, Findhorn, Nairn, Ness, Beauly, and Lochy; Co. th: Inverness. It returns I M.P. Inveroran, place with inn, Scot, Argyllshire, 9 m. NW. Tyndrum. Inversnaid, hamlet, Scot., Stirlingsh., on E. side L. Lomond. Inverurie, parl. and royal burgh, Scot., Co. and 16 m. NW. Aberdeen, on R. Don. P. of parl. bur. 2931; tın. 3048. Inverurie is one of the Elgin Burghs, which return 1 M.P. Inyaté, th: in Matabeleland, S. Africa. Iona or Icolmkill, isl: Scot, Argyll, off SW, cst. of Mull, is 33 by 13 m. P. 243. It is famous for its ecclesiastical remains. Ionia, th: Michigan, cap. of Ionia co., on Grand R. P. 4190. Ionian Isls., a grp. in the Mediterranean, off W. cst. Greece, forming 3 nomarchies of the kingdom of Greece, viz. Corfu, Cephalonia, and Zante. Area, 905 sq. m. P. about 250,000. They consist of the isls. of Corfu, Cephalonia, Zante, Santa Maura, Ithaca, Paxo, and Cerigo, with many smaller islands. They were under British protection from 1814 to 1864. [Italy and Sicily on the W. Ionian Sea, part of the Mediterranean between Greece on the E. and Iowa, r. of Iowa, aff, of the Mississippi, 375 m. long. Iowa, state of the U.S. of America, between the Missouri and the Mississippi, bounded N. by Minnesota, E. by Wisconsin and Illinois, S. by Missouri, W. by Nebraska and Dakota. Area, 56,025 sq. m. P. (1840) 43,112, (1880) 1,624,615. The rs. flow to the Mississippi or Missouri, the chief being Red Cedar, Iowa, Des Moines, and Lit. Sioux. Principal tris. Des Moines (the cap.), Davenport, Dubuque, Burlington, Keokuk, Council Bluſſs, Muscatine, Clinton, Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, Ottumwa, and Fort Madison. City, Iowa, cap. of Johnson co., on Iowa R. P. 7123. Colombia, State Cauca. P. Io,600. ...tn. Austria, at confluence of Ips and Danube. P. 3782. vil. Nubia, on W. b. Nile, 48 m. SW. Derr. parl. and mun. bor., spt., 2nd co. th: Suffolk, on Orwell estuary, 12 m. from sea, 68 m. NE. London. P. to,546. It returns 2 M.Ps. In 1885, 3653 vessels of 257,909 ton, cleared the port. Ipswich, th: Queensland, on R. Bremer, 23 m. W. Brisbane. P. 9562. Iquique, spt. th: Chili, dep. Arequipa, 40 m. W. Tarapaca. P. I6,000. Iduitos, th: Peru, on Upper Amazon, 60 m. above thé Napo. \rak Ajemi (anc. Meaia), prov, Cent. Persia. --Area, 138,224 sq. m. P. rooo, ooo. It contains Teheran, Kazbin, Kashan, and Ispahan. Iran, plateau, Asia, embracing Persia, Afghanistan, and Baluchistan. irawadi, principal r. of Burma, flows S. and traverses the diy, of Pegu and Írawadi, Lr. Burma, and enters the B. of Bengal, with a delta of 18,000 sq. m. Area of basin, 158,000 sq. m. Total length, 900 m- Irbit, th Siberia, gov. Perm, on R. Neiya: , P. 4300. Irchester, par. and vil. Co. and 13% m. NE. Northampton. P. 1699. Iregh or Uregh, th: Hungary, in Slavonia, 12 m. S. Peterwardein. Irek, tin. Asia Minor, 47 m. SE. Samsun. P. 6000. P. 86.II. Ireland (Latin, Hibergiia, Celtic, Erize), the most W. of the two prin- cipal of the British Isles, an integral part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, lies between 51° 25' and 55° 23' N. lat., and 6° 20' and Io’20 W. lon. It has the Atlantic Qcean on the N., W., and S., and is separated from the sister isl. by the Irish Sea, and by the North and St. George's Chan. Length (from Fair Head to Mizzen Head), 3Com., Sreatest breadth, 17o im. Area, 32,393 sq. m. P. (1801) ś,395,456, (1841) 8,175,124 (.853) 6:52,385, (1881) 5,174,836, (iâ85) estimated 4,918,338... Of these (išši) the Roman Catholics numbered 3,960,891; Episcopalians, 639,574; Presbyterians, 470,734; other denominations, Io9,637. I. rétºns rog mémbers to the House of Commons, and 32 to the House offords. It is divided into four provs., Ulster, Leinster, Connaught, and Munster, which are further divided into 32 counties. The chieftns. are Dublin (the cap.), Belfast, Qork, and Limerick. The highest summit is in Kerry; Carntuohill, 3414 ft. The principal rs. are the Shannon, Erne, and Moy, on the W. CŞtº: the Foyle and Bann on N., and the Laggan, Boyne, Liſſey, and Śīāney'to the E., and to the s, the Barrow, Suir, Blackwater, and Lee. The lakes are many and large. - Ireland's Eye, rocky islet, Irish Sea, i n). N. of Howth Harbour. irghiz, r. Turkestan, from L.Chalkar. Hat. 5; 23. N. ; lon. 61°25' E. fºss, and SE. to the Kara-Targhai, and falls into I. Aksakal. Total length, 300 m. º & [Brockville. P. 750- Trish Creek or Jasper, vil. Ontario, Grenville Co., 21 m. NY; fish Sea, part of Atlantic Qc., S. of Scotland, and between Ireland and Éngl. and Wales. It communicates with the Ocean on the S. by St. George's Chan., and on the N: by North Channel. Irkut, r. Siberia, aff. of the Angara at Irkutsk, 220 m: ... . Irkutsk, city, Siberia, cap, of gov: of I. and of E. Siberia, on R. TT Angara, 30 m. from L. Baikal. P. 36,117. [Irkutsk. Irkutsk, gov. E. Siberia. Area, 339,577 sq.m.,,, P.328373. Cap. Iron Acton, par. and vil. Gloucestersh., 53 m. SE. Thornbury. P. II56. iºs, mining tshp. New S. Wales, 227 m. W:Sydney. P. ººg. ironbridge, ecci dist. Shropsh., part of th; ºf Madeley; 15 º' SE. Iron Gates. See Demirkapu. º [Shrewsbury. P. 3154. ††ountain, vii. Missouri, St. François co., 8: mº S. by W. St. Louis- fronton, city, Ohio, Lawrence co., QR R. Ohio. P. 8857. [P. I243. #jº'Maida, vii. §ntario, Dundas co., 99 m. W. Mºtººl. Irrawaddy, r. See Irawadi. - [P. IOOI. Iºthing. r. Northumberid, and Cumberld, aff, of the Eden, 30 m. irthington, par, and vil, Cumberld., en R. Irthing. P. 853, Or 35 IRTH.LING|BOROUGH THE CENTURY GAZETTE E R JOHNSTOWN Irthlingborough, par. and vil. Northamptonsh;, on R. Nen. P. 2736. frtish or Irtysh, r. Siberia, aff, of Obi, 180 m, N. Tºbols; I900 In. Trun, th N. Spain, in Guipuzcoa, near French frontier. P. 7349. irviſie, parl. and royal bur, and spt. Scot., Ayrsh, near intº: of R. Irviñe. P. of parl, bur,8498; th:85:17.3 exports, coal, iron, and chemicals. I. is one of the Ay? Blºgiſts, w Irvine, r. Ayrsh., flows 29 m. to Firth of Clyde at Irvine. Irvine, ry, sta. Cànada, on C. P. Ry, $33 m. W: Winnipeg. * Irvinestown or Lowtherstown, th Irel, co. Fermanagh, 8 m. N. Enniskillen. P. 795. g ſcentre. Irving flank, tshp.’ Queensland, 15 m, from Watsonville; mining Trºſeii, r. ſancashire, flows to the Mersey, 32 m., passing Manchester. Isaacs Harbour or Stormont, vil. Nova Scotia,. Guysborough CO. sabella, port on N. c.st, Hayti, 36 m. WN.W., Santiagº. LP, 420. išakhel, tºn. Punjab, in Bannu Dist., on r. b. Indus. P. 6692. far origer, r. Bavaria, aff, of the Danube from Tyrol, 105 m. Igchia, vil. Italy, 21 m. WNW, of Viterbo. P.2478. Ischia, tin. Italy, on NE. CŞt. of Ischia Isl. P.9532. e ischia, isl. of Italy, in Mediterranean, 8 m, SW, of Cape Miseno, 7 m. long by 4 m. Area, 26 sq. m. P. 22,496. Tschitella, tri. Italy, prov. Foggia, near the Adriatic. P. 4984. . . ischi, tin, and watering-place, Upper Austria, in Salzkammergut Dist. 50 m. SSW. Linz. P. 2024; with surroundings, 7678. Ige #iord, inlet, Denmark, on N. side Zealand, 23 m. by IQ. iseghem, th: Bélgium, W. Flanders, 24 m. SW, Bruges. P. 9474, Iseo, th: İtaly, prov. Brescia, on SE. extrem. of Lake Iseo. P. 2615. Iser, r. Bohemia, aff. of the Elbe, above Brandeis, 60 m. Isère, r. France, aff, of the Rhône, 4 m. N N.W. Valence, 150 m. Isère, dep. St. France, between the Rhön: and Savoy. Area, 320r sq. m. P. 581,630. Cap. Grenoble. The main rs, are Rhône, Isère, Drac, and Romanche. x Tseriohn, th Prussia, in Westphalia, 18 m. W. Arnsberg. , P: 20,102. Isernia, th Italy, prov, and 23 m. W. Campobasso. P. of dist. 9226. Tset, r. Siberia, gov. Perm, aſ of the Tobol, 250 m. - Ishevski, th: Russia, goy. Viatka. P. 21,590, Ishim, r. Siberia, joins the Irtish 120 m. SE. Tobolsk, 700 m; long. Ishim, th Siberia, on the Ishim, 160 m. ESE. Tobolsk. P. 6000. hpeming, th: Michigan, co, and 15 m.W.S.W. Marquettº: P. 6039. Isigny, tr."France, in Calvados, 20 m. WNW. Bayeux. P. 2104. Isili, th Sardinia, 37 m. N. Cagliari. P. 2.195. e Isis, name of Upper Thames to its confl. With the Thame. [Antioch. känderun, Séânderun or Alexandretta, Spt. N. Syria, 23 m. N. kardo, th: India, Kashmir, cap. of Balti, on Upper Indus. Relib or Eskilup, th: Asia Minor, near the Kizil:Irmak. . P. 9000. sla, r. Scot., aff, of the Tay, 4% m, SW. Coupar:Angus, 46 m. long. isia, r. Scot, Banffsh., aff, of the Deveron, 18 miles long. . Tsia de Teon, isi. S. Spain, prov. Cadiz, Io m. by 2. On it are the citics of Cadiz and Isla de Leon. - Isla de Leon, ft. th: Spain, 7 m. SE. Cadiz. P. 26,836. Islamabad, th: Kashmir, on the Jhylum. ... [P. 830. Island Cove, fishing vil. Newfoundld., on N. CŞt. Conception, Bay. Island Cove, fishing vil. Newfoundld., 9 m. from Harbor Grace. P. 979. Islay, spt. iii. Peru, Iom. NW. Mollendo. Lat: 17° S. * * Islay, isl. Scot., Argyll, one of the Inner Hebrides, 13 m. W. Kintyre, I'm. SW. Jura, 25 m. long by 19 m. Area, 235 sq. m. P. 7559. Islay, Sound of, strait, separates Islay and Jura. . . isle, r. France, flows ſoom. to the Dordogne at Libourne. isleaux Coudres, vil, Quebec, Charlevoix co., on the St. Lawrence. Isle aux Grues, vil. Quebec, Montmagny co., on the St. Lawrence. Isle Bizard, isl. Quebec, in Lake of Two Mts. P. $35. Isle-Dieu, tin. and ft. isl. France, 10 m. from CŞt. of Vendée. P. 3132. †sle-en-Jöurdain, the France, in Gers, on R. Save. I’. 4479. isle, L., tm. France, in Vaucluse, 14 m. E. Avignon. P. 62or. isle of France. See Mauritius, also Ile de France. Isle of Man. See Man, Isle of. Isle of Wight. See Wight, Isle of. Isle Ornsay, isl. and vil. Scot., Skye, 9 m. SE. Broadford. Isle Royale, isl. in Lake Superior, 40 m. long, forms a co. of Michigan. Isle Verte, th: Quebec, Co..tn. of Temicouata, on S. shore of R. St. Lawrence, 16 m. by rail below Rivière du Loup. P. 3:31. Isleworth, par. and vil. Middlesex, on R. Thames, #2 m. SW. London. P. 12,973. Islingtºn. bor. Middlesex, in N. of London, 23 m. N. St. Paul's. P. 282,865. It returns 4 M.Ps. - Islip, par. and vil. Engl., on R. Ray, 6 m. N. Oxford. P. 6oo. Islip, par. and vil. Northamptonsh. P. 571. Islip, vil. and summer resort, New York, 44 m. E. Brooklyn. P. 6453. Ismail, ft. th: Bessarabia, on the Kilia arm of the Danube. P. 30,202. Ismailia, th: Egypt, on Lake Timsah (Suez Canal). P. 2000. Ismailia, name given to Gondokoro, on the Nile. Ismid, cst. th: Asia Minor, 56 m. ESE. Constantinople by rail. P. Isnello, th: Sicily, 6 m. SW. Cefalu. P. 3639. [I5,000. Isnik cr Nice (anc. Wicaa), vil. and ruined city, Asia Minor, on E. extrem. of Lake Isnik, 40 m. ENE. Brusa. P. 4000. Isny, th: Würtemberg, on the Danube, 48 m. S. Ulm. P. 2584. Igola., tm. Austria, on SE. shore of G. of Trieste. P. of dist. 5580. Isola, th: Italy, prov. Caserta, 5 m. SW. Sora, on R. Lira. P. 6791. Isola, th Italy, prov. and I3 m. S. Teramo. P. 40II. isola della Scala, th: Italy, 11 nº. S. Verona. P. 6057. Isola Grossa or Isola Lunga (i.e. great or long isl.), in the Adriatic, off cSt. of Dalmatia, 27 m. long by 3. P. 12,400. Ispahan (anc. Aspadazza), city and former cap. of Persia, in Irak Ajemi, 210 m. S. Teheran, on R. Zendarud. Lat. 32° 39' N. ; lon. 51° 45' E. P. 9o,Coo. Issoire, th: France, in Puy-de-Dôme, on R. Couze. P. 6303. Issoudun, th: France, in Indre, on the Théols. P. 14,928. Issy, vil. France, near R. Seine, 5 m. S.W. Paris. P. II, III. Issyk Kui, lake, Asiatic Russia, gov. Semiretchinsk. Plat. 42°30' N. ; lon. 77°30' E. Area, 2466 sq. m. It overſlows to R. Chui. Istalif, th: Afghanistan, 22 m. NW. Cabul. P. 15,000. Istamboul. See Constantinople. Istapa, th: Mexico, near the Pacific, 85 m. ESE. Zacatula. Isthmus of Corinth, Greece, unites the Morea and Attica, between the Gulfs of Corinth and AEgina, 20 m. long by 4 to 8 m. broad. Istip, th Turkey, in Roumelia, on the Bagranitza. P. 20,000. Istres, tin. France, in Bouches-du-Rhône, 25 m. N.W.Marseilles. P.370r. Istria, penin. in N. of Adriatic, forming part of Austrian Küstenland, and including several islands of the Adriatic. Rovigno, Pola, and Pisino are the chief thS. Area, 1913 sq. m. P. (1885). 299,911. Itabira, th: Brazil, prov. Minas Geraes, on R. Velhas. P. 4000. Itacolumi, Intn. Brazil, prov. Minas Geraes, S. of Ouro Preto, 5800 ſt. Itagua.hi, th: Brazil, prov. and 40 m. W. Rio de Janeiro. P. 4200. Itagui, th: Colombia, State Antioquia. P. 5772. Italy (anc. and Italian, Italia), country and kingdom of S. Europe, consisting of an extensive peninsula, a continental portion, and many isls.; of which the most important are Sardinia, and Sicily. It is bounded on the N. by the Alps, separating it from Switz, and the Tyrol; on the W. the Alps divide it from France. The penin, and isls. are washed by the Mediterranean, on the E. being the Adriatic Sea. Its greatest length is 750 m. Area, 3.14.4 to sq. m. P. (1836), 29,943,607. Religion, Roman Catholic; I’rotestants, 62, ooo; Jews, 38, ooo. I. is divided into 69 provs., which are distributed into 16 cozyiğaz-timent. . The most import. ant tims. are Naples, Miilan, Rome (the cap.), Turin, Palermo, Genoa, Florence, Venice, Bologna, and Catania, all exceeding 300,ooo of p. There are 22 universities. The mtn. range of the Apennines, in junction with the Alps on the W. frontier, extends throughout the country, and the range is continued in Sicily. Monte Corno, in Abruzzo, attains 9590 ft. In the Alps the chief summits are Monte Rosa, Matterhorn, Monte Viso, Mont Cenis. There are also the isolated volcanoes of Vesuvius near Naples, and Etna in Sicily. The principal rs. are the Po, Adige, and Piave, in the N., into G. of Venice, and the Arno and Tiber, fall- ing to the E., cSt. The most remarkable lakes are among the Alps, on the N. frontier. _Exports, silk, velvet, olive-oil, sulphur, fruits, , anchovies, , etc. I. Ilas foreign possessions on Red Sea. littoral, viz. Dahlak Isl., Assab, Massowah, and Raheita. [P. 8000. or Marca, isl. Brazil, in Atlantic, 20 m. N. of Pernambuco. tn. Brazil, prov. and 120 m. W. of São Paulo. P. 6000. flows 350 m. to the Atlantic, NE. Bahia. r. Brazil, prov. Maranhão, 4:om. ft. th: Paraguay, on R. Parana. Source of Mississippi, in Minnesota, elev. 1575 ft. flows 25 m. to Southampton Water. tn. Sardinia, 10 m. S. of Sassari. P. 4r15. Or one of the Ionian Isles, 2 m. E. of Čephalonia, 14 m. long. Area, 37 sq. m. P. 12,222. Chieftm. Vathi. . £haea, tu, N.Y., Tompkins co., S. end of Cayuga L. F. 9IO5. Iihon, r. S. Wales, Radnorsh., flows 30 m. to the Wye. #ri, tn. S. .# prov. Caserta, between Gaeta and Fondi. P. 6487. ău or Ytu, th, Brazil, 70 m. WNW. São Paulo, near R. Tiete. P. Io,óoo. Itzehoe, til. Prussia, in Holstein, on the Stör. P. Io,772. Ivanhoe, post th New S. Wales, 507 m. S. Sydney. P. roo. Ivanhoe, post th: Victoria, co. É. Bourke, 6% m. ENE. Melbourne. Ivel, r. Hèrts and Bedfordsh., flows 30 m. to the Ouse at Tempsford. ºver, par, and vil. Bucks, on R. Colne. P. 2309. Viçá. Ivizā or Ibisa, one of the Balearic islés, in the Mediterranean, ... belonging to Spain, 54 m. SW. Majorca, 22 by 12 m. P. 22,800. Iwiga or La Ciudad, it, ti, cap, of above, on SE, cst." P. 7393. 43 Is i. r. Or I. Ivinghoe, mkt, th Bucks, on E. border of co. P. 1380. [Coast. Ivory Coast, region of Upper Guinea, E. of Liberiá, and W. of Gold Ivrea, th Italy,38 m, by rail NNE. Turin, on the Dora Baltea, P.5883. Yvry-sur-Seine, vil. France, on the Seine, 4% m. SSE. Paris. P. 18,442. ivybridge, th Devon, 10 m. NE. Plymouth, on R. Erme. P. 1587. Iwuy, tº france, dep. Nord, 6 m., NE. Cambrai. , P. 3853. Hxcāquixtla, the Mexico, state and 50 m. SE, Puebla, P. 3516. Ixellés, th: Belgium, S. Brabant, I m. S. Brussels. P. 39,067. * Ixmiquilpan, th Mexico, State Hidalgo, 8om. N. of Mexico. P. of dist. Ixtapalapa, th: Mexico, Iom. SE. Mexico City. [I2,000. Ixtláhuaca, th: Mexico, 60 m. NW. of Mexico. P. 13,135. Ixtlan, th Mexico, state and 49.m. NE. Qajaca, P. 26,000. Ixworth, par. and vil. Suffolk, 63 m. NE. Bury St. Edmunds. P. Ioo4. Izalco, tú. in the rep, and 40 m. W. by S. of San Salvador. P. 4000. Izieux, vil. France, dep. Loire, I m. ENE, St. Etienne. P. 6012. Izium, ft. th Russia, gov., and 70 m. SE Kharkov, on the Donets. Izsak, vil. Hungary, 40 in. SSE. Pesth. P. 3454. P. 18,550. Izucar, th: Mexico, State Puebla, near Popocatepetl mtn. P. 12,000. Jabalpur, div. India, in Cent, Provs., includes the dists, of Jabalpur, Sagar, Damoh, Seoni, and Mandla. Area, 18,688 sq.m. P. 2,201,633. Jabalpur, dist. in above div. Area, 39.18 sq. m. P. 687,233. Jabalpur, cap. of above dist., 165 m. NE. Nagpur. P. 75,795. . Jabary, Xabary or Yavary, r. S. America, on frontier of Brazil and Peru, flows 450 m. to the Marañon at Tabatinga. Jabea, Javea or Xabea, cSt. th: Spain, 45 m. NE. Alicante. P. 6331. Jablonoi Mts. See Yablonoi. Jablunkau, th Austrian Silesia, on R. Olsa. P. 2425. [Dead Sea. Jabokor Zeska, r. Syria, flows W. 45 m. to the Jordan, 30 m. N. of Jabugo, th Spain, prov. and 47 m. NE. Huelva. P. 2263. Jaca, frontier tin. Spain, prov. and 30 m. NNW. Huelva. P. 4155. Jacarchi, tin. Brazil, 50 m. I.N.E. São Paulo, on R. Parahyba. Jack Fish, ry, sta. Canada, C. P. Ry., 726 m. W. Ottawa. Jackson, city, cap. of J. Co., Michigan, on Grand R. P. 16,105. Jackson, city, cap. of Mississippi and of Hinds Co., on W. b. of Pear R., 183 m. N. New Orleans. P. 5204. Exports cotton. Jackson, vil. Ohio, cap. of J. Co., 44 m. NE. Portsmouth. P. 302r. Jackson, city, Tennessee, cap. of Madison co., 90 m. ENE. of Mem- Forked Deer R. P. 5377. Exports cotton. [P. 7650. city, Florida, cap. of Duval co., on l. b. St John's R. city, Illinois, cap. of Morgan co., 34 m. ... by S. P. Io,927. Seat of Illinois College (Congregational). or Jacquemel, spt, th: S. cst. Hayti. P.6cco. tn. India, in Up. Sindh, 37 m. by rail from Ruk. P. 11,352. Brazil, 210 m. WNW. Bahia, on the Itapicuru. P. 10,000. tn. Orange Free State, on Riet R. P. of dist. 2200. tn. Russia, in Courland, on R. Diina. P. 4567. r. Quebec, flows SSW. 50 m. to St. Lawrence. Or city, Spain, cap. of J. Prov., 37 m. N. Granada. P. 22,654. Area of province 5204 sq. m. P. 434,824. Jafarabad, cap. of State of J., India, in Kathiawar. P. 4746. Jaffa or Yaffa (anc. 9 of ga), th: Palestine, on Mediterranean, 31 m. N.W. Jerusalem. P. Io,000. Jaffnapatam or Jaffna, tin. N. Ceylon, on W. CSt. J. Isl. P. 34,713. Jagadhri, th: Punjab, in Amballa Dist., near R. Jumna. P. 12,300. Jagannath (9.24%ger?ta ut). See Puri. Jagispur, th Bengal, Shahabad Dist. P. 12,568. Jägerndorf or Karnow, tin. Austrian Silesia, 14 m. NW. Troppau. , II,792. Jaggayyapet, th: Madras. Lat. 16° 52' N.; lon. 80° 9’ E. P. ro,072. graon, th: Punjab, dist, and 29 m. SW. Ludhiana. P., 16,873. Jagsdin, th: Servia, near R. Morava, 63 m. SSE. Semendria. P. 4385, Jagst. See Jaxt. Jaguaribe, r. Brazil, prov. Ceara, ſlows 460 m. to the Atlantic. Jahanabad, th: Bengal, dist, and 31 m. N. of Gaya. P. 5286. Jahangirabad, th India, N.W. Provs., dist. and 15 m. I. Buland. Shahr. P. Io,319. Jahde Basin, estuary, N. Germany, Oldenburg, on N. Sea cst. Jahde, small detached ter. on above. See Wilhelmshafen. Jaicza or Jaitze, ft. th: Bosnia, on R. Verbas. P. 4000. Jainagar, th Bengal, in the 24 Parganas. P. 7685. Jaipur (jºypore), native state, Rajputana. Lat. 25° 43' to 28° 27' N.; lon. 74° 50' to 77° 15' Area, 14,465 sq. m. P. 2,534,357. The Banas is the chief r. Cap. Jaipur, 149 m. NE. Ajmir, p. 42,578, is the largest city of Rajputana, and chief commercial centre. Jaipur (3aya ºu?'am), th, Madras Pres., in Vizagapatam Dist. P. Jais, th India, in Oudh, Rai Bareli Dist. P. r1,044. 432 I. Jaisalmer (Şeystalmere), native state, Rajputana, India. Lat. 26° 5' to 28°23' N. ; lon. 62°29' to 77° 15' E. Area, 16,447 sq. m. P. 108,143. The cap. ºr. Jaitpur, the India, NW. Provs., Hamirpur Dist. P. 5440. Jajpur, the Bengal, Cuttack Dist., on Baitarani R. P. II,233. Jakhall, spt. Bombay Pres., in Cutch State, 64 m. S.W. Bhuj. P. 4930. Jalalabad, th: Afghanistan, S. of Kabul R., 91 m. from Peshawar. Jalalabad, th India, N.W. Provs., dist. and 21 m. NW. Muzaffarnagar. 6: J 3. . O592. [P. 8025. Jalalabad, th: India, N.W. Provs., dist. and 19 m. S. Shahjahanpur. Jalalpur, th: Punjab, dist. and 8 m. NE. Gujrát. P. 12,839. Jalandhar (Şullum dur), div. Punjab, comprises dists. Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur, and Kangra. Area, 12,571 sq. m. P. 2,421,781. Jalandhar, dist. in above, having the Sutlej on the S. Area, 1322 sq. II]. #### Cap. Jalandhar. P. 52,119. Jalapa or Xalapa, city, Mexico, state and 44 m. by rail WNW. Vera Cruz. P. Io,000. Elev. 4340 ft. Jalaun, dist. India, N.W. Provs, in N. of Jhansi Div. Area, 1469 sq. In. P. 418, 142. Cap. Urai ; Kalpi is the largest tim, Jalalun, th in above dist., 26°8' N., 79° 22' E. P. ro,057. Jalesar, th India, NW. Provs., Etah Dist., 38 m. E. Müttra. P. 15,6cg. Jalgaon, th: Bombay Pres., Khandesh Dist., 261 m. NE. Bombay. Jalgaon-Jambod, th: India, Akola Dist., Berar. P. ro,392. [P. 99.18. Jalisco or Xalisco or Guadalajara, maritime state, Mexico, on the Pacific. Area, 38,851 sq. m. P. 983,484. Cap. Guadalajara. tn. N. Baluchistan. Lat. 28° 20' N. ; lon. 66° E. vil. France, in Isère, near La Tour-du-Pin. P. 4085. India, Nizam's Dom., 210 m. NE. Bombay. P. 6258. r. Wallachia, joins the IDanube opposite Hirschöva. r...Spain, flows 120 m. to the Ebro, abové Saragossa. vil...Spain, 45 m. NE. Alicante. P. 3285. dist. Bengal, in NE. of Rajshahi £uch Behar Div. Area, 84 sq. m. P. 581,562. Cap. Jalpaiguri. P. 7936. Jamaica, the principal Brit. Isl. of W. Indies, in §§ Greater Antilles, 90 m. S. of Cuba, in the Caribbean Sea. Area, 4424 sq. m. P. 595,383. J. is mtnous, well watered, and fertile; excellent harbours: Kingston H., Old H., and Morant Bay. Climate comparativel temperate. Cap. Kingston. Other tus., Port Royal, and § Town. Exports, sugar, coffee, rum, spices, etc. For administrative purposes, the Turk's and Caicos Isls. belong to Jamaica. Jamaica, the New York, cap. of Queen's Co. on Long Isl.P. including Jamalpur, th Bengal, in Monghyr Dist. P. 13,213. [J. vil. Io,088. Jamberoo, post tshp. New S. Wales, dist. and 5 m. W. of Kiama. P. Jambusar, th: Bombay Pres., Broach Dist. P. Ir,479. 6oo. James R. or Powhattan, Virginia, from Blue Ridge, flows 450 m, to |_ Chesapeake Bay, passing Richmond oſty. James Bay, the S. part of Hudson Bay, 300 m. long by 175 m. Jamestown, the Scot, Dumbartonsh., 1 m. S. Balloch. P. 2171. Jamestown, cap. of St. Helena, on N.W. cºt. P. rooo. Jamestown, th S. Australia, 141 m. by rail N. Adelaide. P, xoco. Jamestown, tin. New York, Chatauqua co., on outlet of Chatauqua Lake, 69 m. S. by W. Buffalo. P. 9357. P. 228. Jamieson, tshp. Victoria, co. Wonnangatta, 138 m. ENE. Melbourne. Jamkhandi, th: Bombay Pres, 70 m. NE. Belgaum. P. of tin. Io,409. Jammu (9ttºrtºnoe), prov, and th: Kashmir, on R. Tavi. P. 41,817. Jandiala, the Punjab, dist, and 12 m. S. Amritsar. P. 6535. Janeśville, city, Wisconsin, cap. of Rock co., on Rock R. P. 9018. Jangipur, th: Bengal, Murshidabad Dist., on Bhagirathi R. P.10,187. Janjira, native state, Bombay Pres, on the Konkan. P. 76,361. Janina or Yanina, th: Albania, on lake of same name...P. 30.ooo (?). Jan Juc, post th: Victoria, on Spring Creek, 61 m. SW. Melbourne. Jankovacz, th: Hungary, 40 m. NNE. Zombor. P. 8625. [P. 200. Jan-Mayen, isl. Arctic Ocean, between Iceland and Spitzbergen. Jansath, th India, NW. Provs., Muzaffarnagar Dist. P. 628. Jansenville, vil. Cape Colony, on Sunday R., room. N. Port Elizabeth. §aora, th and state, Cent. India, 23° 37' N, 75°8' E. P. oftn. ºogoź. Japan (natiye, Ayiºton or Dai-yºon), insular empire of É. Asia, SQmprising Hondo, Kiu-Siu, Shikoku, and Yesso, and many smaller isls. Pºiº Kurile, Lu-Tchu and Bonin Isls. Area, 147,661 sq. m. P. (1882) 36,700,118, now (1887) 38% millions. It is bounded 9n the E. by the Pacific Ocean; on tié W., Corea Strait and Sea of Japan separate it from the continent. Chief products are cotton, rice, potatoes, silk, hemp, tobacco, tea, and timbers. . Manufs. Inetallic goods, silks and cottons, porcelain, paper, and japanned wares...The metropolis is Tokio, formerly called Yedo, which, with other six ports, is open to foreign commerce,—Kanagawa with Yokohama, Hiogo, Osaka, Nagasaki, Hakodadi and Nee-e- gata. The country is intersected by mountain ranges, with many volcanic peaks; the chief of these is Fusi-Yama, 14,177 ft. high. Japan, Sea of, that portion of the Pacific between Japan and Čorea and Russian Manchuria. Japara, ſt.th. cap. of prov. of same name, N. cst. Java. Japura or Yupura, r. S. America, called Caqueta in its upper parts. It rises in the Andes of Colombia, and flows E. through Ecuador and Brazil to the Amazon, 13Com. Jaquemel. See Jacmel. : Jaragua, spt. Brazil, prov. Alagoas, near Macayo. [sq. m. P. 87,506. §: and Laurvik, amt Norway, S.W. Christiania. Area, 9}r Jarnac, th France, dep. Charente, 7 m. by rail E. Cognac. P. 4356. . Jaroczyn, tm. Prussia, in Posen, 40 m. SE: Posen. P. 2505. Jaroměritz, vil. Moravia, 17 m. NW. Znaim. ... P. 1875. Jaromira or Jaromer, th: Bohemia, on the Elbe, 68 m. ENE. Prague. Jaroslavl, Russia. See Yaroslav. * * * [P. 6555. Jaroslaw, tin. Austria, in Galicia, 17 m. NNW. Przemysl. P.32,422. Jarrow, mun. bor. and spt. Durham, on R. Tyne, 3 m. S.W. South Shields by rail. P. 25,469. * * * * Jarun, th Persia, prov. Fars, room. SSE. Shiraz. P. 4000. Jassy, th Roumania, in Moldavia, on Baihlui R. P. 90,000; seat o? university and other seminaries. Jastrow, th; W. Prussia, 90 m. WSW. Marienwerder. P. 5046. Jasz-Apathi, the Hungary, II m. E. Jasz-Berény. P. 9752. Jagz-Berény, th: Hungary, on R. Jazygia, 38 m. E. Pesth. P. 21,507. Jaszenovacz, th Croatia, at confluence of the Unna and Save. P. 2358. Jaszko or Josz, tin. Hungary, on R. Bodva, 30 m. SE. Leutschau. Jasz-Ladany, vil. Hungary, 9 m. from Jasz-Berény. P. 7060. [P. 1880. Jath, th: Bombay Pres, cap. of Jath State, 95 m. NE. Belgaum. P. 5036. Jauer, th: Prussian Silesia, on R. Neisse. P. II,178. Jauja, r. Peru, aff, of the Apurimac. Length, 400 m. Jauja or Atanjauja, th: Peru, dep. Junin, on Jauja R. P. 3000. Jaunpur, dist. India, NW. Provs., in NE. of Allahabad Div. Area 1554 sq. m. P. I,209,663. Cap. Jaunpur, on R. Gumti. P. 44,845. Java, isl. Malay Arch., principal seat of the Dutch power in the E., and the third in size of the Sunda Isls., lies S.E. of Suinatra, 630 m. long by 35 to 120 m. Area, 51,240 sq. m. P. (1885) including Madura, 21,467,445. Lat. 5° 52' to 8° 5' S.; lon. Ios” I5' to II.4° 30' I. The isl. is traversed by mtn. Chains and many volcanoes. Chief products, rice, coffee, sugar, cotton. Chief spts, are, Batavia (the cap.), Samarang and Soerabaya. Javana, th N. CŞt. Java, 28 m. ESE. Japara. P. ro,000. [Java. Java Sea, part of Pacific between SW. Sumatra, S. Borneo, and N. Jawad, tm. Cent. India, in Gwalior, 12 m. N. Neemuch. P. 7692. Jawadi, mtn. range, Madras Pres., Salem Dist. [P. 15,196. Jawalapur, tr. India, NW. Provs., Saharanpur Dist., on the Ganges. Jaworow, th Austria, in Galicia, 30 m. ENE. Przemysl. P. gº g Jaxartes, Sihon, Sir Daria or Syr Darya, large river of Asiatic Russia, from Thian Shan Mts. to Aral Sca. 1450 m. - Jaxt or Jagst, r. Würtemberg, flows 80 m. to the Neckar. It gives name to a circle of Würtemberg. P. 405,085. Jayanca, th Peru, prov. and 37 m. N. Lambayeque. P. 5000. Jaypoor, India. ... See Jaipur. Jaysulmeer, India. See Jaisalmer. Jazygia, dist. Hungary, watered by the Kraszna, Zagyva, and Tarna. Jeantown or Lochcarron, fishing vil. Scot., S.W. Ross, 5 m. NE. of Strome Ferry. P. 417. Jebel-Akhdar, Intn. Arabia, S.W. of Muscat. Elev. 6ooo ft. Jebel Shomer, prov. Arabia, in Nedjed. Cap. Hayel. P. 162,000. Jebel Serbal, mtn. Sinai Peninsula, near Horeb. Elev. 6760 ft. Jed, r. Scot., Roxburgh, flows 21 m. to the Teviot. Jedburgh, royal bur. Scot, co. th: Roxburgh, on Jed Water. P. 3402. Jeddo, city, Japan. See Tokio. [P. 2073. Jeddore, fishing vil. on SE., cst. Nova Scotia, 42 m. ENE. Halifax. Jeezak or Dshizak, th Asiatic Russia, gov. Syr Darya. P. 8701. Jefferson, city, Texas, Marion Co., on Big Cypress Bayou. P. 3260. Jefferson, tmshp. Wisconsin, cap. of J. Co., on Rock R. P. including J. city, 3783. [R., 150 m. from its mth. P. 5270. Jefferson City, cap. of Missouri and of Cole co., on S. b. of Missouri Jefferson, Mount, Oregon, peak of Cascade Mts. . Alt. Io,200 ft. Jefferson River, one of the headwaters of Missouri R., 140 m. Jeffersonville, city, Indiana, Clarke Co., on Ohio R. P. 9357. Jehanabad. See Jahanabad. [Mt. of Olives. Jehoshaphat, Walley of, ravine, N. of Jerusalem, separates from Jehlam (§ahlamt, Sheltem), most W. of the five rivers of the Punjab, from Kashmir to R. Chenab, 450 m. Jehlam, dist. Punjab, in Rawal Pindi Div., on W. of R. Jhelam. Area, 3910 sq. m. P. 589,373. ‘...P. Jehlam. P. 21, Ioy. Jelalabad, th: Afghanistan, at head of Khyber Pass. P. 3cco. Jelalabad (formerly Dooshak), city, Afghanistan, cap. of Seistan, near R. Helmund. P. Io,000. Jeletz, th: Russia. See Yelets. [P. 11,170. Jemmapes or Gemappe, th: Belgium, prov. Hainaut, on R. Haine. Jemtland or Ostersund, prov. Sweden, bounded W. by Norway. Area, 20,123 sq. m. P. 93.cgr. Cap. Ostersund. Jena, th: Germany, in Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, on R. Saale. P. II,680. Jenikau, tin. Bohemia, 8 m. SSE. Czaslau. P. 2708. P. Io, ooo- Jenneh, tin. Africa, in Soudan, on R. Niger, 285 m. SW. Timbuctoo. Jerba or Gerba, isl. Tunis, in Gulf of Cabes, 22 m. long. P. 5000. Jeremie, spt. Hayti, on SW. of peninsula. P. ro,000. Jerez de la Frontera or Xerez, th: Spain, in Andalusia, 16 m. by rail NNE. Cadiz. P. 64,533. Noted for its wines (sherry). Jerez de los Caballeros, city, Spain, 40 m. S. Badajos. P. 8463. Jericho, tshp. Queensland, 305 m. W. from Rockhampton. P. 600. Jericho, anc. city (now vil. of Richa), Palestine, on W. b. Jordan. Jerilderie, th: New S. Wales, 412 m. SW. Sydney. P. 5oo. Jerry's Plains, post tm. New S. Wales, 144 m. N. Sydney. P. 300. Jersey, largest and most important of the Channel Isls. (belonging to England), 13 m. W. of French cst., 123 m. SSW. Southampton. Area, 45 sq. m. ; 12 m. long by 5 m. P. 52,445. Cap. St. Helier. Jersey City, spt. th: cap. of Hudson co., New Jersey, on W. b. of Hudson R., opposite New York. P. (1850) 6856; (1880) 120,722; (1886) 153,513. Manufs. varied and extensive. P. 2894. Jerseyville, th: Illinois, cap. of Jersey co., 20 m. NNW. Alton. Jerusalem (Arab. El Kiads), celebrated city, Palestine, situate among the mts. (elev. 2660 ft. above sea-level) between the Mediterranean and Dead Sea, 33 m. SE. Jaffa. P. 33,851. Jervis Bay, New S. Wales, 85 m. SSW. Sydney. Jesi, th: Italy, Marches Compart., Ancona Dist. P. of com. 19,984. Jesmond, N. suburb of Newcastle-on-Tyne. P. 61.co. P. 2551. Jessen, tin. Prussian Saxony, 50 m. NE. Mcrseburg, on Black Elster. JeaSmitz, the Germany, Anhalt, on R Mulde. P. 4115. Jessor, dist. Bengal. Area, 2925 sq. m. P. 1,577,249. Cap. Jessor tn. (Kasba), on Bhairab R. P. 8495. Jesus, isl. Quebec, 8 m. NW. Montreal, on Ottawa R., where it joins the St. Lawrence, 23 m. long. P. 9472. Cap. Ste. Rose. Jetpur, ft. th: Bombay Pres., Kathiawar, 40 m. S. Rajkot. P. II,813. Jever, th: Germany, 33 m. by rail NNW. Oldenburg. P. 5189. Jewar, th: India, NW. Provs., Bulandshar Dist. P. 6219. Jeypore, India. See Jaipur. Jeysulmere, state, India. See Jaisalmir. Jezierna, the Austria, in Galicia, NW. Tarnopol. P. 4773. Jhabua, th: Cent. India, cap. of J. State, 82 m. SW. šíàu. Arca of state, 1336 sq. m. P. 92,938. Jhajhar, tin. India, NW. Provs, Bulandshar Dist. P. 4151. Jhajjar, th: Punjab, Rohtak Dist. P. 11,650. Jhalawam, prov. Baluchistan. Lat. 26°-29° N.; lon. 65°-67° E. Jhalawar, native state, Rajputana. Area, 2694 sq. m. P. 346,488. Tns. Jhalra, Patan (the Cap., p. 11,469), and Shahabad. Jhang, dist. Punjab, in N. of Multan Div. Area, 5702 sq. m. P. 395,296. Cap. Jhang. P. (with Maghiana) 21,629. Jhansi, div. India, N.W. Provs., comprises dists. Jhamisº, and Lalitpur. Area, 4984 sq. m. P. 1,000,457. [-Naobad (vil). Jhansi, dist. in above. Area, 1567 sq. m. P. 333,227. Cap. Jhansi Jhow, th: Baluchistan, prov. Mekran, 40 m. NW. Bela Jiddah or Djiddah, spt, th: Arabia, in el Hejaz, 37 m. W. Mecca, of which it is the port. P. 18,000. iga-Gounggar, large tri, Tibet, 45 m. SW. Lassa. [P. 2122. jeli, Gigelli or Djigelli, ft. spt. Algeria, 54 m. NW. Constantine. eginsk or Gijiginsk, ft. th: Siberia, on Sea of Okhotsk. jona, th: Spain, 18 m. NW. Alicante. P. 6287. imena de la Frontera, th: Spain, 46 m. E. Cadiz., P. 8485. ind (9 hºtd), native state, Punjab, E. of the Sutlej R. Area, r232 sq. m. P. 249,862. Cap. Jind. P. 7136. 336. º i º§ : ; ; Joachimsthal, th Bohemia, 14 m. NNE. Elbogen, in the Erºğ. Joachimsthal, th: Prussia, 35 m. NE. Berlin. P. 1907. [ney, P. Aoo. Joãdja Creek, post tshp. New S. Wales, co. Camden, £3 m. S. Syd- Jock's Lodge, vil. 13 m. E. Edinburgh. P. 1266. Jodhia or Joriya, spt. India, Kathiawar. P. 6842. Jodhpur, native state, in S. of Rajputana, having Rann of Cutch on the S. Area, 37,002 sq. m. ... P. 1,750,403. The Luni R. is the chief physical feature. Cap. Jodhpur. Lat. 26° 17' N. ; lon. 73° 4' E. Jodoigne, th Belgium, S. Brabant, 6 m. SSW. Tirlemont. P. 4328. Johanna, one of the Comoro Isls., in Mozambique Channel, 26 m. by 18 m. P. 12, ooo. [Schwarzwasser. P. 4815. Johann-Georgenstadt, tr. Saxony, 29 in. S.W. Chemnitz, on the Johannesburg, th: S. Africa, about 30 m. from Pretoria. P. 32.71. Johannisburg, th: E. Prussia, 70 m. SSW. Gumbinnen. John o' Groat's House, site of house formerly existing, Scot., co. Caith- ness; the name is used to denote the N. extrem. of Scottish mainland. ſohnshaven, fishing vil. Scot., Kincardine, 8 m. NE. Montrose. P. roA 1- Johnsonville, post th: New Zealand, prov. and 6 m. W. Wellington. ſohnston, th: Rhode Island, co. Providence. P. 5765. Johnstone, manuf. th: Scot., Renfrewsh., 3 m. W. Paisley, on R. Black Cart, 9% m. W. Glasgow. P. 9267. [Townsville. P. 800. Johnstone River, tshp. Queensland, Kennedy Dist., 80 m. N.W. Johnstown, vii. Irel., NW, co. Kilkenny. P. 456. : 36 JOHNSTOWN Johnstown, th New York, cap. of Fulton co., 48 m. WNW. Albany. - - 5013; iron and steel works; manufs. gloves and Inittens. Johnstown, bor. Pennsylvania, Cambria co., 78 m. E. by S. Pittsburg, on Conemaugh R. P. 8380. Johore, state, S. part of Malay Penin. Johore th is opposite Singa- Joigny, th: France, in Yonne, on R. Yonne. P. 6468. [pore. Joinville, th: France, in Haute Marne, on R. Marne. P. 3909. Joinville-le-Pont, vil. France, 6 m. E. Paris. P. 3364. Joliba River... See Niger. Joliet, city, Illinois, cap. of Will co., on Des Plaines R. P. r1,637. Joliette or Industry Village, th Quebec, in Joliette Co., on R. L'Assomption. P. 3268. - Jølsyā or Eltsch, th: Hüngary, 46 m. W. Kaschau. P. 2730. Jönköping or Jönkjöping, laºn, S. Sweden. Area, 4469. P. I97,392. Cap. Jönköping, at S. extremity of Lake Wetter. P. 19,344. Jonzac, in. France, in Charente-Inférieure, on R. Seugne. "3. 32IO. Joplin City, th: Missouri, Jasper co., 14 m. SW. Carthage. P. 7038. Joppa, anc. name of Jaffa. Joppa, ry. Sta. and E. suburb of Portobello, 33 m. E. Edinburgh. Jordan, post, th: Victoria, co. Tanjil, 112 m. NE. Melbourne. "P. 200. Jordan (Arab. Sheria/t-el-Kehir), famous r. Palestinc, flows S. from Anti-Lebanon, through Bahr-el-Huleh (Merom) and Tiberias, to the Dead Sea, 120 m. long. Jorullo, vol. Mexico, State Michoacan, 75 m. SSW. Valladolid. 4265 ſt. Jordanstown, vil. Irel., S. co. Antrim, 6 m. N. Belſast. P. 350. Josephstadt, ft. the Bohemia, on the Elbe. P. 5963. JoãSelin, th: France, in Morbihan, 30 m. NNE. Vannes. P. 2651. Josse-Ten-Noode, th Belgium, E. Brussels. P. 17,500. Joux, lake, Switz., canton Vaud, near the Jura. Jowf, oasis, Arabia, S. of Syria, a dependency of Jebel Shomer. Joyce's Country, mtnous. dist. Irel., N.W. co. Galway. [P. roo Joyce's Creek, post th: Victoria, co. Talbot, 95% m. NW. Melbourne. Juan de Fuca Strait, between Vancouver Isſ, and Washington Ter. Juan Fernandez or Mas-a-Tierra, rocky isl. in Pacific Ocean, 400 m. off cst. of Chili, 18 m. by 6. Juba or Rogues River, E. Africa, to Indian Ocean. Lat. o' 1: S. Juba, walled tn. E. Africa, near mth. of Juba R. Jubilee River, a large river of New Guinea. Jublains, vil. France, 7 m. SE. Mayenne: Roman remains. Jubrique la Nueva, th Spain, 55 m. from Malaga. P. 2672. Jucar, r. Spain, flows 200 m. to Mediterranean, S. of Valencia. Juchitam, tin. Mexico, State Oajaca, on R. Juchitan. P. 5ooo. Judea, anc. country or kingdom of Judah, forming S. part of Palestine; tns. Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem, and Jericho. Judenburg, th: Austria, in Styria, on R. Mur. P. 403). Jugduluk, vil. Afghanistan, between Jelalabad and Kabul. Juggernaut (3 agaztztath). See Puri. [P. rºo. Jugiong, post tshp. New S. Wales, co. Harden, 226 m. SW. Sydney. Jujuy, tin. Argentina, cap. of J. Prov., 49 m. N. Salta. P. 5000. Jujuy, prov. Argentina, near Bolivia. , Area, 27,000 sq. m. P. 66,ooo. Jujuy K., N. Argentina, flows 300 m. S. and E. to the Vermejo. Juſſianshaab, sta. Greenland, from. NW. Cape Farewell. P. 2600. Jülich, th: Rhenish Prussia, on R. Ruhr, 15 m. NE. Aachen. P. 5234. Julier, high pass, Switz., cant. Grisons, leading into Upper Engadine. Jumet, th: Belgium, in Hainaut, 3 m.N..Qharleroi. P. 22,455. Jumilla, th: Spain, prov. and 37 m. NNW. Murcia. P. 13,886. Jumna (9 amitzta), r. India, rises in the Himalayas, and flows S. and SE. to the Ganges 860 m. at Allahabad. On it are the cities Delhi and Agra. Tribs., Tons, Chambal, Sindh, Betwa, Cane, and Rinde. Junagarh (3 unagadh), native maritime state, India, Kathiawar. Lat. 20° 48' º: f N.; lº. § #. 71°35' E. Area, 3283 sq. m. P. 387,499. Cap. Junagarh. P. 24,679. Juniº &. #. cap. of Davis Co., on Kansas R. P. 2684. Jundiahi, th: Brazil, 23 m. NW. São Paulo. P. 50Co. Juneau City, Alaska, in lat. 58° 20' N. ; lon. 134° 25' W. - Junee, post centre and ry. Sta. N. S.W., 290 m..SW. Sydney. P.'530. Junee junction, tshp. and ry. Sta. New S. Wales, 287 m. S. Sydney. Jung-Buntzlau, th Bohemia, on the Iser. P. 9684. [P. 1500. Jungfrau (i.e. The Virgin), mtn. Switz, in the Bernese Alps, 13,671 ft. Jung Jung, post th and ry, sta. Victoria, 218 m. NW. Melbourne. Juniata, picturesquer. Pennsylvania, flows 140 m. to the Susquehanna, 1 m. above Petersburg. Jumin, dep. Peru, traversed by the Andes. Area, 37,745 sq. m. Juminor Reyes, th: in above, 108 m. ENE. Lima. .. P. 208,852. Juniper Green, vil, on Water of Leith, 5 m. SW. Edinburgh. P. IoI8. Jumnar, th: Bombay Pres., Poona Dist. P. Io,373. - Jupiter Creek, gold-field, S. Australia, co. and 15 m. SE. Adelaide. Jura, mtn. chain, France and Switzerland, 180 m. long by 30 m. Mt. Molleson, 6588 ft. ; Reculet-de-Toiry, 5643; Mt. Tendre, 5538. Jura, dep. E. France, named from the Jura Mts. Area, 1928 sq. m. P. 281,292. It yields much wine. Cap. Lons-le-Saulnier. Jura, isl. Scot., Argyll, off W. CŞt. S. from Islay, 27 m. long by 8% in. Årea, 146 sq. m. P. 773. The Paps of Jura rise to 257+ ft. Jura, Sound of, separates Jura and Islay, 13 m, long. Jurjura, mtn. Chain, Algeria, 50 m, SE. Algeria. - jus;ay, 'tm. France, in IIaute-Saône, 22 in., by rail NW. Yesoul. justedalà-Brae, glacier, Norway, 50 m. NE. Bergen. [P. 2916. Jutay, r. S. America, from NE. Peru to the Amazon, 700 m. Jüterbogk, th: Prussia, 27 m. by rail S. Potsdam, P. 6797 Jutland (Dan.9 ydlazid), extensive, low and flat penin, forming the continental part of Denmark, adjoins Schleswig on the S., and is washed by the N. Sea, Skager Rack and Cattegat. Area, 9755 sq. m. P. 863,5II. Jutecalpa, til. Honduras, Olancho Dep. P. Jo,092. Jyhoon, r. Asia Minor, from Mt. Taurus to G. of Iskanderun. Raaden, tm. Bohemia, on the Eger. P. 6332. Raagöe, isl. Norway, in Arctic Ocean, lat. 70° N. Kaai, vil. Hungary, on the Tarna, 12 m. from Erlau. P. 3883. Raarimba, agricultural tin. Victoria, 143 m.N. Melbourne. [R. Senegal. Yaarta, N. prov. of Segu, in the W. Soudan, between the Sahara and Raba, vil. Hungary, 6 m. by rail S.W. Szobozlo. P. 6073, Eabah, ruined city, Yucatan, 2 m. SE. Uxmal. Rabinda, tin. W. Africa, in Portuguese dist of the Congo. P. Io,000. Yabra, th Africa, on 1. b. Niger, Iom. SSE. Timbuctoo. P. 2000. Kabul'or Cabool, prov. NE. Afghanistan, S. of Hindu Kush. Kabul R., chief r. of the above, flows E. 300 m. to the Inçº, -- Rabul, city, cap. of Aſghanistan, near the K. R. Lat. 34° 30 N. ; lon. 69° 18′E., 175 m. from Peshawar. P. (1876) 140,000. Fachchh, state, India. See Cutch. £adi, th India, in Baroda State, 23° 17' N., 72° 21' E. P. 16,689. Kadiak or Kodiak, isl. Pacific, 40 m. S. Alaska Cst. Radina, th: S. Australia, 10 m. E. Wallaroo. P. 1521. Radirabad, th: India, in Nizam's Dom., Aurangabad Dist. T. 9876. Radlack, fort, in French Senegambia. , P.,500. Radom, tin. Russia, gov. Tambov, on the Moksha. P. 7492. Radur, dist. India, Mysore State. P. 323,327. Cap. Chikmagalur. Rafar, tm. Arabia, in Jebel Shomer, 15 m. SW. Hayel. P. 8500. £äferthal, vil. Baden, 3 m. NE. Mannheim. P. 4928. . Raffa or Feodosia, maritime and ft. th: Russia, in S.E.Crimea. P. ro,796. £affa or Gomara, country, E. Africa, S. of Abyssinia. Cap. Bonga. £affraria, Caffraria or Kafirland or Transkei, region of Cape Colony, S. of Natal, and N. of Kei R., and between the sea and the Kathlamba Mts. Area, about 20,000 sq. m. The inhabitants, called Kaffres, belong to a branch of the negro race, and are estimated at 220, ooo; under direct British sway, 58,623. Rafiristan, tract of country between N.W. India and the Hindu Kush Mts, bounded W. by Afghanistan. Inhabitants, Siahposh Išafirs, 600,000. _{P. 47,583. Ragoshima or Cangozima, spt. th Japan, at S. end ºf Kiu Siu Isl. Fagul or Formosa,th. Russia, Bessarabia, 32 m. N. Galatz. P. 4916. Fahlenberg, hill, Austria, on the Danube, NW. Vienna. Rahun, ft. th Afghanistan, near Suffusk Pass. * Raiapoi, cst. th New Zealand, 14 m. by rail N. Christchurch. P.1514. Kai ſchou, city, Chinese Manchuria, 8in. from G. of Leao-Tong. Raieteur, magnificent cataract on R. Potaro, British Guiana. Lat. 5° 8' Ni. ; lon. 59°19'W. Falls 822 ft. £aifong, City, China, cap. of Ho-Nan, on r. b. Hoang-Ho. aikora, post tim. New Zealand, 35 m. from Napier. P. 302. aikoura, tshp. New Zealand, 106 m. NE. Christchurch. P. 592. , . £ailas, sacred mtn. of the Hindus, near source of Indus and Sutlej, beyond British territory. Elev. 20,226 ft. Raimganj, th India, Furukhabad Dist., NY. Provs. P. ro,443. Rain, vil. Belgium, in Hainaut, on R. Scheldt. P. 2675. £ainsk, tin. Asiatic Russia, gov. Tomsk, on the Om. P. 8170. Raipara, harb. New Zealand, on W.cst. N. Isl. Lat. 36°30' S. Raira, dist. Bombay Pres., in N. div. Gujarat. Area, 1609 Sq. m. P. 804,800. Kaira tin., 20 m. S. Ahmadabad. P. 12,649. Rairana, tm. India, dist. and 31 m. S.W. Muzaffarnagar. J. 18,374: . £airwan, holy city of the Mohammedans, N. Africa, 80 m. SSE.Tunis. Lat. 35° 37' N. ; lon, 10° 15' E. , P. 19,000. . [P. 60,000. Kaisariyêh (ánc. Casarea), city, Asia Minor, 160 m. ENE, Konieh. Faiserberg, th: Germany, in Alsace, 8 m. WNW. Calmar. P. 2588. Raiserslauterm, tin. Rhenish Bavaria, on the Lauter. P. 33,449. Raiserswerth, tm. Prussia, on the Rhine, 6 m. below Düsseldorf. Kaitangata, tin New Zealand, 54 m. SW. Ijunedin. P. 394. LP. 2388. Faithai, th Punjab, dist. and 38 m. from Karnal. P. 14,754. 3Xakanui, spt. New Zealand, 74m. N. Dunedin. P. 300. Rakebonga, large lake, Canada, near source of Ottawa. £akori, tin. Oudh, dist. and 9 m. W. Lucknow. P. 7462. Ul THE CENTURY GAZETTEER Kalabagh, tu. Punjab, Bannu Dist., on r. b. Indus. P. 6056. Kaladgi (now Bijapur), dist. Bombay Pres., in S. Div. Area, 5757 Sq. m. P. 638,493. Cap. Bijapur. Kaladgi, tm. in above, on Ghatprabha R. P. 7024. Ralafat, th: Roumania, on the Danube, opposite Widin. P. 4000. £alahari Desert, S. Cent. Africa, between Zambesi and Orange RS. Area, 200,000 sq. m. Alt. 3700ft. Inhabited by Bushmen, etc. IXalahasti, th: Madras Pres., in N. Arcot Dist. P. 9935. £alah-Jik, th Asia Minor, 35 m. NE. Angora. P. 9000. TCalah-Sefid, th: Persia, prov. Fars, 55 m. W NW. Shiraz. Išalamata, spt. Greece, cap. of Messenia, on Gulf of Koron. P. 7609. I(alamazoo, tshp. Michigan, cap. of K. Co., and on K. R. P. 13,552. I(alamazoo River, Michigan, flows 200 m. to Lake Michigan. £alamita Bay, Black Sea, on W. CSt. Crimca. £alantan, state, E. CSt. Malay Penin. P. 50,000. P. Kalantan. £alau, th Prussia, Brandenburg, 55 m. SSW. Frankfort. P. 2936, Falavritra, th Morea, 28 m. SE. Patras. P. 2272. Kalbe, th Prussian Saxony, on R. Saale. P. 8850. Kaldenkirchen, vil. Rhenish Prussia, 10 m. WSW. Kempen. P. 2240. IZale Water, r. Roxburghsh., flows 20 m. to the Teviot. "[Great Wall. Ralgan, ft. th: China, prov. Pe-Chi-Li, 125 m. NW. Pekin, near the Ralguev, isl. Russia, in Arctic Ocean. Lat. 69°; lon. 49°. Area, 1390 Ralimno, isl. off SW. Cst. Asia Minor; sponge fishery. [sq. m. £alingapatam, spt...tn. Madras Pres., 16 m. N. of Chicacole. P. 4465. alinjar, the and hill fort, India, dist. and 33 m. from Banda, NW. £alisz or Kalisch, city, Poland, on R. Prosna. P. 16,404. [Provs. Ralisz, gov. Russian Poland, bounded W. by Prussia. Area, 4391 sq. m. P. 784,939. Talk Bay, watering-place, Cape Colony, 18 m. ſrom Cape Town. £alkandere, tin. Turkey, in Albania, 17 m. ESE. Prisrend. : Fe P. 20,000. Fallatakurichi, tm. Madras, Tinnevelli Dist. Lat. 8° 40' 30" N. £allo, mkt. tin. Hungary, 23 m. NNE. Debreczin. P. 4837. (P. Io,936. Fallundborg, tin. IDenmark, 58 m. W. Copenhagen. P. 31.67. Halmar, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 320 m. W. of Port Arthur. Halmar, laen of Sweden, on Baltic cst. Arca, including isl. of Oland, 4438 sq. m. P. (1886) 239,309. Cap. 1Salmar. Ralmar, ft. city, cap. of above, on cSt., opposite Oland. P. Ir,819. Ralna, tin. Bengal, Bardwan Dist., on Bhagirathi R. P. 10,463. £alocsa, th: Hungary, 68 m. S. Pesth, on R. Danube. P. 15,789. £alpi, th: India, Jalaun Dist., N.W. Provs., on r. b. Jumna. P. I4,306. Kaluga, gov. Russia, bounded N. by Moscow. Area, 11,940 sq. m. P. 1,156,617. Cap. Kaluga. IXaluga, tin., cap. of above, on R. Oka, 95 m. S.W. Moscow. P. 40,037. Kaluszyn, th: Poland, 33 m. by rail E. Warsaw. P. 8000. Ralusz, tu, Austria, in Galicia, 28 m. SE. Stry. P. 7210. Kalwarya tin. Poland, 24 m. NE. Suwalki. P. 10,606. Kalyan, spt. Bombay Pres., Thana Dist., 33 m. NE. Bombay. Kama, r. Russia, flows 1400 m. to the Volga, S. Kazan. [P. 12,910. Kamalondo, r. Cent. Africa, aff, of the Lualaba, from SW. Kaman, tm. Rajputana, Bhartpur State, 39 m. NW. Muttra. P. 13,199. Kamaran, isl., (British) off W. Cst. Arabia, on Red Sea, 20 m. S. Çambar, th: Sindh. Lat. 27°35' N. ; lon. 68°3' E. P. 6133. [Loheia. Kamberg, th: Prussia, 22 m. I. Nassau. P. 2373. Kamburg, th: Germany on the Saale, 17 m. ENE. Weimar. P. 2534. Kaministiquia, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 28 m. W. of Port Arthur. Kamir, tin. Persia, on Persian Gulf, opposite Kishm Isl. Fºamenetz-Podolsk. See Kamieniec. Kamenitz, th: Bohemia, 20 m. ESE. Tabor. P. 2897. [P. 3000. Kamenskoi, vil. Asiatic Russia, gov. Perm, 40 m. S. Kamishlov. Kamenz, th Saxony, on the Schwarz Elster, 18 m. NE. Dresden. P. 7211; manufs. cloth, earthenware, etc. Earmesburgh, vil. Bute. See Port Bannatyne. {P. 35,841. Ramieniec, tin. Russia, cap. of gov. Podolia, near Galician front. Camionka, Strzumilowa, th: Austria, Galicia, on R. Bug. P. 6107. Camishin, th: Russia, gov. Saratov, on the Volga. P. 14,462. Camloops, trading port, Brit. Columbia, 233 m. from New Westminster. £amnitz, tin. Bohemia, 27 m. NNE. Leitmcritz. P. 4480. 3Kamo, post th: New Zealand, 100 m. from Auckland. P. 300. Kamouraska, vil. Quebec, cap. of K. Co., on the St. Lawrence, 90 m. NE. Quebec. P. 1386. Rampen, th: Netherlands, in Overyssel, on R. Yssel. P. 18,276. Rampot, spt. thi, in SW. of Cambodia. Ramrup, dist. Assam, in cent. Brahmaputra val. Area, 3857 sq. m. P. 644,960. Cap. Gauhati. Kamtchatka, penin. NE. Asia, part of Russian gov. Primorsk. Length, 850 m. Breadth, 80 to 280 m. Area, 465,637 sq. m. P. 5000. Cap. Petropaulovski, on E. cst. K. is mountainousand has several volcanoes; Kluchevskaia volcano, 16,512 ft. Ramthi (Kampti), tin. India, dist. and 9 m. NE. Nagpur. P. 50,987. Kanagawa, th Japan, on W. side Tokio Bay. It is nominally one of the treaty ports, but Yokohama, 3 m. S., is the real port. P. 1500. Rananaskis, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 893 m. W. Winnipeg. Kanara (Captara), North, dist. Bombay Pres., in the W. Karnatic, S. of Goa. Area, 3911 sq. m. P. 421,840. Cap. Karwar. Ranara, South, dist. S. of the above. Area, 3902 sq. m. P. 959,514. Cap. Mangalore. [19 m. NW. Puri. Kanarak (Black Pagoda), ruined temple on shore of Bay of Bengal, Kanauj, anc. city, India, Iºarukhabad Dist., near the Gangés. P. 16,646 Kanawha River, Great, aff. of Ohio, at Point Pleasant, W. Virginia. Kanazava, th: Japan, Nipon Isl., prov. Kaga. P. 104,320. £an-Tchou, city, China, prov. Kan-Su, near the Great Wall. Kan-Tchou, ft. city, China, prov, Kiang-Si, on Kan Kiang. Kandahar (dàmàihar), prov. Afghanistan, in the S. The chief river is the Helmund. P. I,600,000. Principal tims. K., Farah, Khelat-i- Ghilzai, and Maruf. ſandahar, city, cap. of above. Lat. 31° 37' N. ; lon. 65° 30' E., 38o m. SE. Herat, 318 m. SW. Kabul. P. very variable. [P. 3677. Kandel or Langen K., tm. Rhenish Bavaria, Io m. SE. Landau. Kandi or Jamu Kandi, th: Bengal, Murshidabad Dist. P. Io,661. Kandy or Candy, th: Ceylon, former cap., 75 m. by rail NE. Colombo. P. 22,215. Alt. 1676 ft. Kanev, th: Russia, 64 m. SE. Kiev, on Dnieper. P. 8324. Kangaroo Flat, th: Victoria, 93 m. NW. Mclbourne Kangaroo Isl., S. Australia. Area, 1970 sq. m. P. 4400. Kangaroo Valley, th: New S. Wales, 98 m. S. Sydney. P. rooo. Kangra, dist. Punjab, in NE. Jalandhar Div. Area, 9069 sq. m. P 730,845. Cap. Dharmsala (sanitarium). angra, th: in above. P. 5387. Kanisa, tin. Hungary, on R. Theiss, 14 m. S. Szegedin. P. 3997. Ranisa or 0.-K., tm. Hungary, co. Bacs, on R. Theiss. P. 13,069. Kanisa or Nagy-Kamiga, th Hungary, 130 m. by rail S. by E. Vienna. Raniva, post tim. Victoria, 298 m. NW. Melbourne. P. 18,398. Rankakee, th: Illinois, cap. of K. Co., on K. R. P. 5650. Rankakee, r. Indiana and Illinois, joins Des Plaines R., 230 m. long. Rankan, th: Senegambia, in Sangara country. P. 6000. £ankaree or Kankiri, tin. Asiatic Turkey, 40°56'N., 34°5' E. P. 18,000. Kan-Kiang, r. China, flows 350 m. to the Yang-tse-Kiang. Kano, tin. Soudan, in Sokoto. P. 30,000, cloth-dyeing. Kansas, onc of the United States of America, W. of the Missouri R., has Nebraska on the N., Colorado W., Indian Ter. S., and Missouri on the E. Length, 400 m. by 200 m. Area, 82,080 sq. Im. P. (1855) 8601 ; (1880) 996,096. Chief rs. Missouri on NE. front., Kansas, Republican, Solomon, and Smoky Hill Forks, Arkansas, and Cimarron. Principal tims. are, Leavenworth, Atchi- son, Lawrence, Topeka (the cap.), Wyandotte, and Fort Scott. Ransas City, second city of Missouri, Jackson co., on r. b. Missouri ., 1 m. below Kansas R. P. 55,785, Pork-packing is the chief industry. Kansas City, in state of Kansas, is a suburb. IRansas or Kaw R., U.S., formed by union of Smoky Hill Fork and Solomon R. from W. Kansas, and enters the Missouri 1 m. above Kansas City, 300 m. long, or, including Smoky Hill Fork, 900 m. Ransk, th: Siberia, gov. Yeniscisk, on R. Kana. P. 4046. Kan-Su, the most NW. prov. China. Principal r. Hoang IIo. Area, 260,588 sq. m. P. 4,368,872. Cap. Lan-Tchou. Kanth, tin, Prussian Silesia, 13 m. by rail S.W. Breslau. P. 2365. Ranturk, mkt. tin. Irel., co. and 24 m. NW. Cork. P. 1859. Ranum, large city, Little Tibet, on the Upper Sutlej. Alt. 9000 ft. Ramyaka, tshp. S. Australia, 234 m. by rail N. Adelaide. Kao-Tchou, walled city, China, 168 m. SW. Canton. Kao-ning, th: China, 40 m. W, by S. Canton. Kao-yeou, tin. China, prov. Kiang Su, on Im;perial Canal. Rapadwanj, ft. th: Bombay Pres., Kaira Dist. P. 14,442. Kapfenberg, th Styria, 3 m. NNE. Brück. P. 3294. £aplitz or Wolanka, th: Bohemia, 17 m. S. Budweis. P. 2314. Kapnik-Banya, th IIungary, 8 m. E. Nagy Banya. P. 2609. Kaposwar, th: Hungary, on the Kapos, 97 m. S.W. Pesth. P. 95II. Kapunda, th: S. Australia, 48 m. by rail NE. Adelaide. P. 2290. Eaburthala, native state, Punjab. Lat. 31°9' to 31° 39' N. ; lon. 75°3' to 75° 38' E. Area, 620 sq. m. P. 252,617. Kapurthala, chief th of above, 8 m. from 1. É. R. Beas. P. 15,237. Kapuvar, th: Hungary, 40 m. S. Pressburg. P. 5617. Kara, r. between European and Asiatic Russia, flows N. to Kara Kara Sea, Arctic Oceal., lies E. of Novaia Zemlia. [Sea, 125 m. Kara-Bagh, th: and ft. Afghanistan, 20 m. SW. Ghuzni. Kara-Boghaz, gulf, Russia, on E. shore Caspian Sea. 1478,688. Karachi (K terrachee), maritime dist. Sindh. Area, 14,115 sq. m. P. Karachi, Spt. city, cap. of above, at N. extrem. Indus 1)elta. P.73,560. Karagola, vil. Bengal, Purniah Dist., on R. Ganges; great fair. KEITH Karak, isl. Persian Gulf, lat. 29°12' N., 15 m. in circumference. Karakal, tin. Roumania, 30 m. SE. Krajowa. P. 8630. Karakash, r. E. Turkestān, aff. of the Yarkand, 596 m. Karakash, city, E. Turkestan, 240 m. ESE. Yarkand. P. 6000. Karakul, th: Bokhara, 38 m. SSW. Bokhara. P. 30,000. Rarakorum Mts, separate Kashmir from E. Türkistan. Dapsang (28.278 ft.) is the highest peak. K. Pass has an elev, of 18,5;oft.” Kara-Kum (black sand), desert region, Cent. Asia, N. of the Siri)aria. Caraman; tın. Asia Minor,.63 m. SSE. Konieh. P. 5ooo. [Irmak. Caramania, region of Asia Minor, watered by the Sihun and Kizil Caranja or Uran, isl. Bombay, Thana Dist. Caranja; tın. India, Amraoti Dist., Berar. P. 10,923. Karansebeş, th: Hungary, on R. Temes, 50 m. SE. Temesvar. Kara-Su, r. the W. headwater of R. Euphrates. [P. 4764. Kara-Su, r. Turkey, flows 130 m. to the AEgean Sea. Rara-Su-Bazar, tr. S. Russia, in Crimea. P. II,877. Karatchev, th; Russia, gov, and 47 m. WNW. Orél. P. 15,53r. Karategin, r. Cent. Asia, aff, of Upper Amu Daria. [P. 100,000. Karategin, country, Asia, in Pamir Plateau. Area, 8500 sq. m. Karatoya, th: Turkey, in Roumelia, on R. Braunista. P. Šooo. Karauli (Kerowlee), native state, Rājputana, with R. Chambal on the SE. Area, 1208 sq. m. P. 148,670. Karauli, cap, of above, 75 m, from Agra. P. 25,607. Karbitz, th: Bohemia, 12 m. NW. Leitmeritz. P. 4O3O. - Kardzag or Karczag, th: Hungary, 35 m, SW. Debréczin. P. 15,825. Karema, sta. Aſrica, on E. shore Lake Tanganyika. Karghalik, th: E. Turkestan, 36 m. SSE. Yarkand. Alt. 4570 ft. Karhal, th India, Mainpuri Dist., N.W. Provs. P. 7885 Karikal, French th, and settlement, India, on Coroman Io° 55' N. P. (1883) 93,055. Spt. New Zealand, 27 m. by rail N. Dunedin, P. 450. tn. Bombay Pres., Sholapur Dist. P. 6421. cave temple, Bombay Pres., in Puna Dist. tn. Hungary, 11 m. SW. Nagy ICikinda. P. 4051. See Carlowitz. th. Moravia, 37 m. ESE. Prerau. P. 3410, .See Carlsbad. - tn. Transylvania, on the Maros., P. 7338. tn. Prussia, circle of Cassel, on 1. b. Weser R. P. rs99. tn. Croatia, 33 m. by rail SW. Agram, on R. Kulpa. P.5824. tn., Bavaria, on R. Main. P. 2330. Egypt, on E. b. Nile, near Luxor ; old temples. tn. Cap. of Logone Dist., Bornu, W. Africa. P. 15,000. dist. Punjab, in N. of Delhi Div. P. 622,62r. cap. of above, on W. Jumna Canal. P. 23,123. or Carnatic, name erroneously applied to a tract of SE. from Cape Comorin to N. Circars, between the sea and the E. Ghats. ICarnul, dist. Madras Pres., S. of Tungabhadra and Kistna Rivers. P. 709,305. Cap. K. on Tungabhadra R. P. 20,329. Karonga, sta. Cent. Africa at NW. end of Lake Nyassa. Karpfen, tºl. Hungary, 60 m. N. Pesth. P. 3480. Karputh, th: Turkish Armenia, 69 m. WNW. Diarbekir. Raroos, extensive plains, Cape Colony, between the mtn. ranges; desert in, dry seasons, but affording rich pasturage after rains. Kars, ft. city, Asiatic Russia, on the Árpa-Chai, 110 m. SW. Tiflis, taken from the Turks in 1878. P. 7342. Now cap. of dist. of Kars. Area, 717.6 sq. m. P. 175,000. Karshi, the Cent. Asia, 90 m. SE. Bokhara. P. 25,000. Karşum, tin. Russia, gov. and 65 m. WSW. Simbirsk. P. 3736. Karturpur, tin. Punjab, dist. and 9 m. N. of Jalandhar. P. 3260. Karur, th: Madras Pres, Coimbatore Dist. P. 9205. [P. 13,761. Karwar, spt. Bombay Pres, cap. of N. Kanara Dist., lat. 14° 50' N. Karysto, spt. Greece, near S. extrem, of Euboea. P. 4119. Kasai, r. Cent. Africa, in Congo Free State, aff, of the Côngo. #:: tn. Angola, Portuguese W. Africa, the last station eastward. Kasamlik, th: E. Roumelia, 88 m. NW. Adrianople. P. 20,000. Kasbek, mtn. Caucasus Range. Elev. 16,546 ft. Kašbin, ft. th: Persia, in Irak-Ajemi, 90 m. NW. Teheran. P. 56,ooo. Kaschau or Kositze, city, Hungary, on the Hernad, 133 m. by rail NE. Pesth. P. 26,097. Kasganj, th: India, Etah Dist., NW. Provs., 19 m. N. Etah. P. 16,535. Kashan, th: Persia, dist. Irak-Ajemi, 90 m. N. Ispahan. P. ro,ooo. i del Cst. Lat. Kashgar or Kizil-Darya, r. E. Turkestan, flows E. 500 m. to the Yarkand. [m. NW. Yarkand. P. 80,000. Kashgar or Cashgar, commercial city, E, or Chinese Turkestan, 140 Kashin, th Russia, gov. and 73 m. NE. Tver. , P. 5730. Kashira, th: Russia, gov. and 46 m. NNE. Tula. P. 4610. Kashmir and Jamu (Casſiºnere and 9 um moo), native state, sub- ordinate to the gov. of India. I.at. 32° 17' to 36° 58' N.; lon. 73° 26 to 89° 30' E. Area, 80,900 sq. m. P. (1873) 1,534,972. It is bounded N. by Karakoram Mts., E. by §, S. and W. by Punjab and the Hazara country. Cap. Srinagar. The principal are the Indus and tributaries. itsiziagara), vil. India, dist. and 37 m. E. of Gorakhpur. Here died B.C. 550. There are Buddhistic remains. tn, Madras Pres., 23 m. W. Vizagapatam. P.7078. , tin. Russia, gov. and 67 m. ENE. Riazan. P. 15,350. tn. India, Tarai Dist., 31 m. from Moradabad. P. 14,667. r. Illinois, flows 300 m. to the Mississippi. tn. Soudan, E. from R. Atbara. P. 7000. or Kikonia, lake, Congo Territory, 8°-9° S., 25°-26° E.; drains by the Kamorondo to the Congo. Kastamuni, th: Asia Minor, on the Kara-Su, 114 m. NNE. Angora. Kasur, th: Punjab, 34 m. SE. Lahore. P. 17,336. P. 40,000. Kastoria, th: Turkey, in Macedonia, on K. Lake. P. 8000. Katagum, th: Soudan, 135 m. ENE. I&ano. P. 8000. Katahdin, highest mtn. of Maine, 130 m. NNE. Augusta, 5385 ſt. Ratanga, metalliferous dist. Africa, between Luapula and Kama- londo Rivers. [Chakwal. Ratas, fount. and place of pilgrim., Punjab, Jehlam Dist., 18 m. from Rathiawar or Surashtra, penin. India, W. part of Gujarat Prov. ength 229 m. ; breadth 165. Area, 23,300 sq. m. Kathirur, th: Madras Pres., Malabar Dist. P. 8177. Kathlamba or Quathlamba, Mts., lofty range of Cape Col. and Natal. Katoomba, mining th: New S. Wales, 66 m. W. Sydney. P. 600. Kaffragam, place of pilgrimage, Ceylon, 118 m. ESE. Colombo. Katrine, Loch, lake, Scot., S.W. Perthsh., on R. Teith, 8 m. long. Katscher, th: Prussian Silesia, 42 m. SSE. Oppeln. P. 3996. Katºena, tin. Soudan, in Sokoto, 80 m. NW. Kano. P. 7c00. Kattowitz, th: Prussian Silesia, 10 m. SE. Beuthen. P. 12,623. Ratunga, th: Africa,’ cap. of Yarriba, 81 m. S. of Boosa. RatWa, th Bengal, Bardwan Dist. P. 6820. Katwyk-aan-Zee, vil. Netherlands, at mth. of the Rhine. P. 6377. £auai, one of the Sandwich Isls. rea, 543 sq. m. P. 5634. Kaufbeuren, th: Bavaria, in Swabia, on the Wertach. P. 6495. Raukapakapa, th: New Zealand, 4% m. from Auckland. Kavala, spt, th: Turkey, on AEgean Sea, opposite Thasos. P. 30co. Kavaya, th: Turkey, in Albania, 8 m. SSW. Durazzo. P. 3000. Rawakawa, mining tshp. New Zealand, 142 m. from Auckland. Rawarau, th: New Zealand, 140 m. NW. Dunedin. [P. Ir,806. Rayalpatnam (Cot/#atazzi), th: Madras Pres., 18 m. S. Tuticorin. ICayuga, post th: New S. Wales, 164 m. NW. by N. of Sydney. P. 200. Fazalinsk, tin. Russian Turkistan, on N. b. Sir Daria. P. 2944. Fazamin, th: Asiatic Turkey, on the Tigris, 8 m. NW. Bagdad. P. 12, coo. [sq. m. P. 1,992,985- Eazan, gov. Russia, traversed by the Volga and Kanna, Area, 24,639 Razan, ft. city, cap. of above, 430 m. E. of Moscow. P. 140,726. K. is the seat of a university, and has extensive trade and manufs. tn. Persia, prov. Fars, 55 m. W. of Shiraz. , th: Irel., co. and 8 m. SW. Armagh. P. 1598. mtn. New Hampshire, U.S., 22 m. NW. Concord, 2943 ft. § of same name, NE. of N. Conway, is 3251 ft. SE. Lancashire, 4 m. SE. Bolton. *::::: tn. Hungary, 50 m. by rail S.E. Pesth. P. 44,887. Hungary, 35 m. W. Pesth. P. 5063. .. º temple and place of pilgrimage, India, Garhwal Dist. prov. on S. cºt. Java. P. 942,082. Cap. K. P. 6ooo. tn. Baluchistan, cap. of Mekran, on Doosti R. P. 3000. ry. sta. Brit. Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 318 m. W. Donald. and vil. Staffordsh., 3% m. SW. Newcastle. P. IoA8. or Cocos Isls., Indian Ocean, belong to Great Britain. Lat. 12° 5' S.; lon. 96° 53' E. Area, 8 sq. m. P. 400. 3Keels, spt. Newfoundland, on Bonavista Bay. [3077 ft. Žeen, Mount, mtn. Scot., Aberdeen, and Forfar, 6% m. SE. Ballater, £eene, city, New Hampshire, cap. of Cheshire co. P. of tshp. 6784. £eepawa, r. Quebec, flows 120 m. to Lake Temiscamingue. Feeper, intn. Irel., W. co. Tipperary, 7 m. NE. Newport, 2265 ſt. £eeseville, vil. New York, Clinton Co., on Au Sable R. P. 218.1. £eewatin, dist. Canada, N. of Manitoba, and E. of Hudson Bay. Area, 395,306 sq. m. Principal r. the Nelson. Reff, ft. th Africa, 88 m. SW. Tunis. [borough. P. 2142. gworth, tm. Leicestersh., on 1. b. R. Soar, 5% m. N.W. Lough- Rehl, th: Baden, on R. Rhine, opposite Strasburg. P. 2559. Keighley, mun, bor. W. R. York, 9 m, NW. Bradford. P. 25,247. Reilor, shp. Victoria, rom. NW. Melbourne. P. of dist. 615. Reiss, fishing vil. Caithness, 8 m. N. Wick. ... P. 313. Reith, ry. sta. Alberta, on C. P. Ry. Io m. W_Calgary. Reith, tà, Scot., Banffsh., on R. Isla, 12; m, N.W.IIuntly. P. 4339, – y IK e 37 KELAT THE CENTURY GAZETTEER IKIRKSVILLE --- l -- istan. Lat. 28° 52' N. ; lon. 66° 33' #: #. § ºw. Čič. [E. P. 12,000. Kelheim, tin. Bavaria, on the Danube, 12 m. SW. : . 3. Rellinghusen, vil. Prussia, in Holstein, 24 ſº. S. Ren º jp ta à fºlios ry, sta. Manitoba, on Man: & N.W. Ry. , 123 Tº : #. ge 1: Eells hºt. in Irel, co. Meath, oh, R. Blackwater. P. 2 º # rall 16, Re go, mkt, th: Scot. Roxburghshire, on N. b. R. Tweed. P. É Ke so. tshp. New S. Wales, go. §º 143 m, W. Sydney. P. 550. FCe so, post tu, New Zealand, 98 m..W. unedin. ingd P, Ioz8 Keigo'or Elgin, vil. Quebec, C9. and 84 m. SSW. Huntingdon. P. 1948. Kelton, vil. Utah, Box Elder co., on Cent. Pacific Ry. Keity, mining vil. Scot, Cº. and 5 m. SE. Kinross. P. sº ICel tº ind treaty port, China, on N. ; Formosa. P. 5000, Réveion, par. and vil. NE. ºfte: 9. R. Blackwater. P. I537. elvin, r. Scot., flows 24 m. Św, to the Clyde, at Partick: Kemberg, th Prussian Saxony. #9 º' NE. Nº. remnay, ry, sta. Manitoba, Qº C. P. Ry, 141 m. Y. yºupe. Rémpen, tº Prussia, in Posº. 33..." S. Kalisz. P. 5786, ... jen, tn. Rhenish Prussia, 29 º' N.W. Düsseldorf. P. 5953. Tº ami ey tshp. N. S. W., co. judley, 280 m. NE. Sydney. P. 2000. Rempt £ake, Quebec, near source of the R. du Lièvre. di 8 ºffen, ºn.' Bavaria, in Swabia, on R. Iller. P. 14,368. [dist. I2 § Kemptom or Green Ponds, tshp. Tasmania, 29.m. N. Hobart. P. O Fen. Water of, r. Scot." i.irkcudbright, flows 28 m. S. to the Dec. £on'or Kayam, r. India, N.W. Provg., flows 230 m. to the Jumna. Kendal or Kirkby Kendal, mun, boſſ, Westmorland, on R. #ºnt. 2O ... N. Lancaster, 46.5. Carlisle. P. 13,696. T \\y [. 2373. £endallville, city, Indiana, Noble, co.º.º. N.W. Fort Wayne. Renderes, vil. Hungary, 39.” from St. Miklos Török. P. 5092, Kendrapara, th India, Cuttack Dist., Qrissa, P. 15,696. Reneh, city, Upper Egypt...hº. b. Nile. P. #4% 8 ſt Kenia, mth. Africa. Lat. 19 20 S.; lon. 37°35'E. t. I & wick Renilworth, mkt, th: with ruined cas. Engl., 4 m. N. arwig - Renmare, th: S. Co. Kerry, on R. Blackwater. P. 1279. |P. 4150. †ºmare'River or Bay, Śed inlet, SW, Irel.., co. Kerry, 28 m. long. Kenmore, vil. Scot., Perthsh, 9” R. Tay, at efflux from L. Tay. Kennebec, r. Maine, from Môosehead Lake, 200 m. to the Sea. Rennedy, lake, Arctic Almerºº.” Fox Land, 70 m. by 32. Kennet, r. Wilts and Berks, flows 44 m. P. to the Thames. Fennoway, vil. Fife, 3% m. E. Markinch. P. 770. rennington, a S. Suburb of London, co. Surrey. . l Renogami or Long Iºke, Canada, N. of L. Superior,543 m, 12.É. Renoſha, city port, Wisconsin, cap: of K. Co., on L. Michigan. P. 5039. †ensai &reen, ecci. dist, and ry. Sta: Middlesex. P. ro, II.3. Kengai Town, eccl, dist, in W. of London. P. 9377. Rensington, parl, bor. Middlesex, ſº W. of London. P. 163,151. Trent, r. Westmorland, flows, 20 m: S. past Kendal to Morecambº B. £ent, maritime co. SE. fingland, bounded N. by the Thames and N. §e. St. by Strait of Dover, S. by Sussex, and W. by Surrey, 65 m. long by 35. Area, 1555 Sq; º; P. 977,706. r The North Downs, a chalk range, traverse, the Co. from É. to W. The main, S. ºe the Thames, Medway, Stour, and Darent. The co. returns 8 M.I.'s. Eent, vil. Ohio, Portage Co., 9m. Cuyahoga R. P. 3309. Kentish Town, dist. and ry. sta: in N. Ilondon. P. 44,184. Kenton, vil. Ohio, cap. of Hardin Co., 9. Scioto R. P. 3940. Kent's Cavern, bone cave, Devon, ºr Torquay, $50 ft. long. . £entucky, one of E. cent. States of the U.S. of N. America, in the Mississippi basin, bound N. by Ohio R., which separates it from iſlinois, Indiana, and Ohio, E. by W. Virginia and Virginia, S. by Tennessee, and W. by the Mississippi R., which separates it ſron Missouri. 'Area, 40,400 sq. m. É. (18Co) $29,955, (1880) 1,648,690. in the SE are the Cumberland Mts. The chief rs. are the ićentucky, Green, Licking, and Big Sandy, and parts of the Cum- berland and Tennessee., Chief tºº. §§ Louisville, Covingtºn, Newport, Lexington, Paducah, Frankfort (the cap.), Maysville, owling Green, etc. º rºy #. from Čumberland Mts., 350 m. to the Ohio.... [. 3:25. †entvillé, th: Nova Scotia, cap. of King's Co., 79 m. N.W. Halifax. Renty, th: Austria, on the $ola, 35 m. WSW. Cracow; P. 3434. †enzingen, th: Baden, on the Eltz, #5 m; NNW. Freiburg. P. 2468. £eokuk, city, Iowa, cap. of Lee Co., on Mississippi R. P. I3,157. Keppel Bay, E. cst. Australia, in lat. 23° 28′ S. Refäh, r. Pérsia, flows 350 m. to the Shat-el-Arab: £erang, th Victoria, on Loddon R., 195 m. NNW. Melbournç. P. 387. fºrbei, or Meshed-Hossein, th 28 m. NY: Babylon ruins. P. 25,000. Rerensk, tin. Russia, goy, and 91 m. WNW. Penza. P. 13,353. Reresun, spt. on Black Sea, 70 m. W. Trebizºnd., P.3289. - Kerguelén Land, in Indian Qcean. Lat., 50° S.; lon, 79° E. Area, †erinia, spt. th: Cyprus, on N. cSt., 12 º' from Lefkosia. [1428 sq. ill. fºerkuk, th; Turkish Kurdistan; 355 m. N. Bagdad. P. 15.coo. *ērāraāe, tr. Netherlands, in Limburg, 1% ºf Maestricht. P.6255. Kermadec Isis, in Pacific Ocean. Lºt. 33°3% S. ; lon. 178° 32' W. *erman or Kirman, prov. Persia, on Persian Gulf. Area, 9652 Sq. m. . 600,000. [lon. 56°30' E. P. 30,000. Rerman Ghirdjan or Serjan, city: căP. of above. Lat:29.48 N. ; fermanshah, ºn. Persia, prov. Irak Ajemi, 280 m. WSW. Teheran, on r. b. of Kerall R. P. 30,000. * Rerns, vil. Switz., cant. Unterwalden, J.Th; NE. Sarnen. P. 25Co. Fernuk, th Cent. Africa, on S. side of Lake Chad, P. 15,000. £erpen, th: Rhenish Prussia, 13 m, SW. Cologne. P. 3160. Ferrerá, isl. Scot, Argyll, opposite Oban, P. 193. ICerry, imaritime co. SW. Irel, Munster Prov., Length, 67 m. by 55 in." Area, 1852 sq. m. P. 201,039, of whom 9%. Pº cent, are R. Čáth. The surface is mtnous., and contains the famous Lakes of Killarney. The chief Intn, is Carrantuohill (3414 ft.); the lofties: in Irel. The coast is indented by Tralee Bay, Dingle Bay, and ićenmare River. The tims. are Tralee (c.9. tn.), Killarney, Lis- towel, Cahersiveen, and Dingle. The co. returns 4 M.P.S. [P. 2103. Rersall Moor, dist, and vil, with racecourse, 3 ºr NWV. Manchester, Fertch, ſt.tn. Russia, in Crimea, ºn Stſ. of Yenikale, P. 22,449. teshan, thºſurkey, 26 m. N. Gallipoli. P. 4500. Yesho, city, Tonquin. See Ketcho. tesmark, thºſungary, 125 m. NE. Pesth. P.4475. - ressel Bashi-Nor, lake, E. Turkestan, nºr Šoštice of Irtºsh. £estenkatz, tr. Cerrºnv., Alsace, 3 m. W. Schletts:aut. P. 3224. #jarts of, div. of incoličnº in Sy... P. #%. Reswick," mkt, th Cumberland, , on R., Greta, at lower end of i\erwent Water, 13 m. SE. Cockermouth. P. 3220. Reswick Lake. See Derwent Water. Keszthely, th Hungary, 96 m. S. Presburg. P. 5387: Ket, F. Siberia, flow; 560 m. to the Qbi, 18 m. above Naryºl. retar. Siberia, flows 3oom. to the Khatanga. [from its mth. P. 50,000. retcho or Kesho, city, cap. of Tonquin, on the Tonquin R., 95 m. Retegyhaza, vil. Hungary, 12 m.SE. Csaba. P. 3324. Keti, spt. India, Karachi Dist., Sindh. P. 2741. Keşkemet, th: Hungary. See Kecskemet. Kettering, mkt. th Northamptonsh., 8 m. N. Wellingboro. P. II,095. Fettle, vil. Fife, 1 m. S. of Ladybank. P. 598. . Fetton, par, and vil. Engl., co. Rutland, Qū R. Chater. ...P. III6. Rettwig, th Rhenish Prussia, 13 m. NE. Düsseldorf. P.42Or. Keuka or Crooked Lake, New York, 20 m. long. Alt. 718 ft. Reunjhar, native state, Orissa. Area, 3996 sq. m. P. 215,632. Reveiàr, th Rhenish Prussia, 31 m. NW. Düsseldorf. P. 3661. Kew, par, and vil. Surrey, on r. b. Thames, opposite Brentford, P. 1670. Royal Botanic Gardens and Arboretum. Rew, tshp. Victoria, 4% m. E. Melbourne. ...P.,5942. Rewanee, vil. Illinois, Henry co., 132 m. WSW. Chicago. P. 2704. Fewaunee Bay, Michigan, inlet of Lake Superior. Key, Kei or Ke, isls. Malay Arch., 50 m. W. of Aru Isls. P. 18,000. Reyel Aby, Lake, Congo Ter., 3’-4° N.; 25 F. [growing dist. Keyneton, post tshp. S. Australia, 60 m. N., of Adelaide ; grape- Feynsham, mkt. th: Somerset, on R. Avon. P. 2482. Eeyport, tin. New Jersey, Monmouth Co., on Raritan Bay. P. 2513. Žey West, th and port of entry, Florida, cap., of Monroe, co., on Thompson Isl., in Strait of Florida. P. (1889) 9890; (1886) 13,200. azdi-Wasarhely, th: Transylvania, 35 m. NE. Kronstadt, P. 5183. habur, r. Turkey, flows 190 m. to the Euphrates. nagaul, tr. Bengal, Patna Dist., near Dinapur. P. I4,975. naibar, Jewish tin. Arabia, Ioo m. NNE, Medina. [Afghanistan. naibar’ (Khyber), mtm. pass from Peshawar Dist., Punjab, into ai-Hoa, city, China, prov. Yun-Nan, near Tonquin frontier. airabad, the Oudh, in dist. and 5 m. SE. Sitapur. P. I4,217. rpur, th: Sindh, cap. of K. State, 15 m. I. of the Indus. laikas Country, in N. Mongolia, S. of the Altai Mts. Lat. 47°-53° N.; lon. 90°-112° E. Cap. Qurga. hamgaon, fin. and ry. sta, India, Akola Dist., Berar. P. 12,390. hamil or Hami, city, E. Turkestan, 42° N.; 93° E hamti Hills, tract in extreme E. of Assam. handala, sanatarium, Bombay Pres., iii dist. and 41 m, N.W. Poona ; near is a fine waterfall. Rhandesh, dist. Bombay Pres., S. of Narbada R. Area, 9944 sq. m. P. ,231. Cap. Dhulia. hill, Orissa, in Puri Dist., with cave dwellings. tn. India, Cent. Provs. Lat. 21° 50' N.; lon. 76° 23' E. or Canea, ft. spt. Crete, on N. cst. P. 8ooo. , th and ry. sta. Punjab, Bahawalpur State. P. 7189, tn. India, Cent. Provs., in Nagpur Dist. P. 8465. , gov. S. Russia, watered by the Donets and Öskoi. Area, 21,049 sq. m. P. 2,224,7co, . . . € ; ; # Kharkov, city, cap. of above, on the Donets, 439 m. º.º. p. 63.32.' Has a university, a cathedral, and a grºñº fair. Rhartum, tr. Africa, at the junction of the Nile and Bahr e. Azrek, 1500 m. S. of Cairo, 1525 ft. above the Mediterranean. P. 50,000. General Gordon killed here Jan. 1885. Rhagh, thandft, Afghanistan, 31°36' N, 62.45 E. Khash Rud, r. Afghanistan, flows, 180 m. to Hamun Lake. O -- * tº and 'jāinia Hills, dist. Assam, 25.36° N., 90° 47'-9° 52 E. Area, 6157 sq. m. P. 169,360. , Qap: Shillong. . atak Hills and salt-mines, Punjab, Peshawar Dist. atauli, th India, N.W. Provs., 13 II, S. Muzaffarnagar. P. 7574. latangă, r. Siberia, flows 700 m., to K. Gulf, Argic 98°an; atmandu, cap. of Nepal, 27°42' N., 85° 12' E. P. 50,000.[P. 14,000. helat, ft. th cap. of Baluchistan, 28° 53. N., 66° 28′E. Alt. 6783 ft. heri, dist. NW. Oudh, in Sitapur Div. P. 831,922. Cap. Lakhimpur- herson, gov. Russia, on the Black Sea. Area,27,522 sq.m. P. 1,902,169. Main rs. Dnieper and Dniester, [P. 62,783. Has a cathedral. Rherson, ft. th: cap. of above, on r, b. of Dnieper, 92 m. ENE. Odessa. Khilok r. Siberia, flows 430 m. to the Selengå. g s Rhim-Gan, extensive mth. chain, between Mongolia and Manchuria. †hiva ºr Kharesm, country of W. Turkistan, S. of the Sea of Aral, and W. of the Amu Daria. Area, 23,216 sq. m. P. 750,000. Rhiva, city, cap. of above, in a plain near Amu Paki. 29.999; Khodavendeghiar, vilayet of Turkey, in Asia Minor, on Sea of Marmora. P. 500,000. .Cap., Brusa: Rhoi, th N. Persia, prov. Azerbijan. P. 30,000. [P. 28,000. Khojend, th Russian Turkistan, prov, Sir Daria, on the Sir Daria. Khokan. See Ferghana. [P. 35,000. Rhokan, th: Russian Turkestan, cap. of Ferghana, on the Sir išârâ. Kholapur, th: India, dist, and 18 m. W., Amraoti. P. 6452. £hong, th Siam, on an isl., in Mekong R.,...}9,999. £honsar, th: Persia, in Irak-Ajemi, 83 m. WNW. Ispahan. P. ro,000. £hoper, r. Russia, gov. Penza, flows 250 m, to the Don. horassan, prov. Persia, having Khiva on the N., and Afghanistan on the É, Area, 105,236 sq. m. P. about 1,000,000....Sap. Meshed. Rhorramabad, tri. Persia, prov. Irak-Ajemi, 98 m. SW. Hamadan. Khotan, prov. Chinese Turkistan, N., of Kuen Lun Mts., to Aksu. P. 250,000. [of Karakash and Khotan RS. Alt. 4300 ft. Iſhotan or Ilchi, th: cap. of above, 37°8' N., 80°30' E. at Gonfluence †huim or Tashkurgan, th: Afghan Türkistan, cap, of K. Dist., on 1&. K., 40 m. W. Balkh. P. I5,000. Rhuna, dist. Bengal, N. of the Sundarbans. , P: 1,079,948. Enuina, cap. of above, on R. Bhairab, 22° 49' N., 89°37' E. (hunduz, dist. Afghan Turkistan, cap. K. P. 3590. hurja, th India, NW. Provs, Bulandshahr Dist. P. 27,190. ushab, th Punjab, in dist, and 8 m. from Shahpur. ...P. 8989. huzistan, prov. Persia, at head of Persian Gulf, well watered and fertie.’ ‘Area, 30,000 sq. m. Chief tims. Shuster, Dizful, and hyber Pass....See Khaibar. [Mohammerall. akhta, in Siberia, 180 m. SE. Irkutsk, on Chinese front., F. 4236. ama, spt., tm. New S. Wales, 92 m. S. Sydney. P. of dist. 8000. ama, th W. Africa, Bornu Kingdom. P. 30,000, andra, tshp. New S. Wales, co. Wallace, 3.3 m. S.W. Sydney, ang-ji, inland prov. China, S. of the Yang-tse-Kiang. . Area, 63,393 sq. m. P. 24,541,406. Cap. Nan-Chang. It is drained by the Kan-Kiang. Riang-Su, maritime prov, China, traversed by the Yang-tse-Kiang. P. 21,259,989. Cap. Nan-King. Exports much silk. Riata, post tim, Victoria, 269 m. NW. Melbourne. Hiburi, place in Rua, Congo Free State on Upper Lualaba R. Kibworth-Beauchamp, vil. Leicestersh., 6 m. NW. Market Harboro. Kidderminster, parl. and mun. bor. Worcestersh., on R. Stour, 18 m. SW. Birmingham. , P. 25,633. It returns I M.P. Manuf. carpets. Kidsgrove, th Staffordsh., 7 in. N.W. Stoke-upon-Trent. P. 3994. Kidwelly, spt. and mkt., tm. Wales, Caermarthensh., 9 m. NE. Llanelly, on R. Gwendraeth. P. 2231. Kiel, ft. spt, th Prussia, in Schleswig-Holstein, on a fine bay of the Baltic, 53 m. NNE. Hamburg. . P. 51,706. has a university, shipbuilding, navy-yard, arsenals. It forms a German Imperial station for war vessels. [3896 sq. In. P. 643,629. Kielce or Kjeletz, gov. Russian Poland, on Austrian frontier. Area, Rielce, city, cap. of above, 64 m. NNE. Cracow. P. IQ,656. Yiev, gº; SW. Russia, on E. bank of the Dnieper. Area, 19,690 Sq. Im. P. 2,492, II2. Kiev, ft. th cap. of above, on r. b. Dnieper, 290 m. by rail N. Odessa. F. 127,251. Its trade is extensive, and it is the seat of a university. It consists of fourtns., with separate fortifications. hikihi, tshp. New Zealand, co. Waipa, 106 m. from Auckland. keu, ft. tin. Tonguin, 89 m. E. Ketcho. [P. 19,845. inda or Nagy-Kikinda, th: Hungary, 35 m. W. by N. Temesvar. at-i-Ghilji, hill ft. Afghanistan, between Kabul and Kandahar. auea, active vol. Hawaii, 30 m. SW. Hilo. barchan, th: Scot., Renfrewsh., 12 m. W. Glasgow. P. 2548. beggan, th Irel., S. co. Westmeath, on R. Brosna. ...P. ro33. birnie, th Scot., N. Ayrsh., 20 m. S.W. Glasgow. P. 34C5. Čilbourné, tshp. and vil. Engl., 73 m. NE. Derby. P. 1457. Kilbrannan Sound, Scot., between Arran and Kintyre. Kilbride, East, th Scot., Lanarksh., x2 m. S. Glasgow by rail. P. III8. bride, West, tin. Scot., Ayrsh., 44 m. NW. Ardrossan. P. 1363. burn, dist. and ry. sta. Middlesex, a N. Sub. of London. P. 33,494. chattan Bay, vil. Scot., Bute Isl., 6% m. S. Rothesay. P. 343. cock, mkt. tin. N. co. Kildare, 18 m. NW, Dublin. . P. 721. conquhar, vil. and ry. sta. Fife, 4 m. E. Largo. . P. 350. creggan, watering-place, Dumbarton, on Firth of Clyde. Sce Cove. culien, th: Irel., Co. Kildare, on R. Liffey. P. 783. ildare, inland co. Irel., Leinster Prov. £enºtſ. N. to S., 42 m. Area, 654 sq. m. P. 75,804, of whom 87 per cent. are Roman Cathólics. The main rs, are the Liffey, Boyne, and Barrow. Surface mostly flat; in the NW. is the Bog of Allen. Ths. Athy, Naas, Newbridge, Maynooth, and Kildare (the co, th). The co returns 2 M.P.S. Kildare, mkt. and co. th: of above, 30 m. SW. Dublin by rail. P. 1174. The Curragh of Kildare, 3 m. E., has a famous racecourse and military camp. ldare, vil. Québec, in co. and 4 m. NW. Joliette. P. 400. onan, ry, sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 6 m. from Winnipeg. enora, vil. Irel., co. Clare, 15 m. NW. Ennis. P. 307. innane, th: Irel., S. co. Limerick. P. 1398. ia, name of the N. arm of the Danube Delta. a, ft. th: Russia, in Bessarabia, on Kilia R. P. 7ooo. ma-Njaro, min. E. Africa, 3° 40' S., 37° E. Alt. 18,715 ft. kee, watering place, Irel.., co. Clare, 61 m. W. Limerick. P. 1652. ilkeel, spt. and fishing the Irel., S. Co. Down. P. I452. Rilkenny, inland co. Irel., Leinster Prov., is bounded N. by Queen's 99., E. by Carlow and Wexford, S. by Waterford, and W. by Tipperary. Length, N. to S., 45 m, ; breadth, 24 m. Area,796 sq. m. , 99,531: of whom 94 per cent. are Roman Catholics. Main rs. Barrow, Nore, and Suir. Surface hilly, but fertile. Tms. Kilkenny, New Ross, and Callan. The Co. returns 2 M.Ps. Kilkenny, parl. and mun. bor. cap. of above, on R. Nore, 81 m. SW. ... Dublin by rail. , P: 15,278. It returns I M.P. Kilkieran Bay, Irel, W., co. Galway; large and intricate. Kilkivam, mining tshp. Queensland, 135 m., NW. Brisbane. P. 400. Killadysert, vil. Irel., S. Co. Clare, on R. Shannon. P. 560. Killala, spt, tim, Irel.., N. Co. Mayo, on K. Bay. P. 700. Killaloe, tin. Irel., E. co. Clare, on R. Shannon. P. III2. Killarney, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 164 m. SW. Winnipeg. Killarney, th: Irel., co. Kerry, 185 m, SW, Dublin by rail. P. 6651. Killarney, tshp. Queensland, 195 m. by rail NE. Brisbane. Killarney, Lakes of, co. Kerry, consist of Lower, Middle, and Upper ..., Lakes. They are celebrated for their beauty. : Cillar Harbour, narrow inlet, Irel., between Galway and Mayo. : Sillas andra, th: Irel, co. Cavan, on L. Qughter. P. 709. : §learn, vil. SW. Stirlingsh., 11 m. NW. Lennoxtown. P. 356. Killemaule, th Irel., E. Co. Tipperary, 11 m. SE. Thurles. . P. 829. : illiecrankie, Pass of, Perthsh., on R. Garry, 3 m. SE. Blair Athole. : illin, vil. Perthsh., near head of Loch Tay. P. 473. - illiney, par, and ry. Sta. SE. Co. Dublin, 2 m. SE. Kingstown. P. illingly, vil. Connecticut, Windham co, P. of tshp. 6926. [1586. ington Peak, Vermont, Green Mts., Rutland co., 4221 ft. [P. 4822. ingworth, dist, and vil. Northumberland, 6 m. NE. Newcastle. orglin, th W. Co. Kerry, near mth. of R. Laune. P. 1028. ough, spt. S. co, Down.6 m. SE, Downpatrick. P. 748. uçan, vil. Irel., E. co. Westmeath, on Royal Canal. P. 5488. lybegs, spt. tin. SW. of co., and 17 m. W. Donegal. P. 764. lyleagh, spt; tın. E. co. Down, on...W. shore of L. Strängford. Imaganny, vil. in co. and 13 m. S. Kilkenny. P. 326. 1835. lmainham, New, tshp. on W. side Dublin city. P. 5391. Contains ... gaol, Royal Hospital, and court-house. [P. 1170. Kilmalcolm, vil, with hydropathic estab. Renfrewsh., on Gryſé Water. Kilmallock, mkt; tın. in co, and 17 m. S. Limerick. P. roz7. i #. I : I : . ; :- : y- - : : Kilmarnock, parl, bur. and manuf. th Scot., N. Ayrsh., on K. Water, . 23% m. SW. Glasgow. . P. 25,844. The staple trade is in connection ... with iron ; also manuf. carpets, etc. Kilmarnock, dist, of parliamentary burghs includes K., Dumbarton, ... Rutherglen, Renfrew, and Port-Glasgow, returning_1 . P. Kilmaurs, th: N. Ayrsh. 24 m. N.W. Kilmarnock. P. 1203. [P. 69,618. Kilmore, th: Victoria, 89% in. N. Melbourne. P. of dist. 2500. Kilmun, vil. Scot., Argyll, on N. shore Holy Loch. P. 331. Kilnhurst, dist, and vil. W. R. York, 4 m. NE. Rotherham. P. 2562. Kilpatrick, New or East, par. Dumbartonsh., with vil. of Bearsden or New K. 54 m. NW. Glasgow. P. of vil. 764. Kilpatrick, Öld or West, vil. Dumbarton, ºn R; Clyde, 113 m. NW. Glasgow. P. 911. The birthplace of St. Patrick. Rilrea, in. E. co. Londonderry, on R. Bann: P. 935. Firenny, pari. and royal bur. Fife, on Firth of Forth. P. 2759. It is one of the St. Andrews Biérg/t3. Kilrush, spt. th SW. Clare, on R. Shannon. P. 3805. Filsyth, th Stirlingsh., 123 m. NE. Glasgow. P. 5405: Kiltamāgh, vil. mid co. Mayo, 8 m. SW. Swineford... P. 935. ityclogher, vil. N. co., Leitrim, 7 m. NE. Manor Hamilton, P. 371. lwinning, th N. Ayrsh., on R. Garnock. P. 3469. lworth, th NE. co. Cork, 3 m. N. of Fermoy. P. 598. imberley, th in co, and 5 m. N. Nottingham. P. 4978. imberley, tr. S. Africa, cap. of Griqualand West, on Vaal K. It is the centre of valuable diamond fields. P. 16,000. [Derby. mberley, gold-field, in N. . of W. Australia, 359 m. inland from imbolton, mkt, th in co. and 12 m. SW. Huntingdon. P. r220. immeridge, vil. Dorset, 6% m. S. Wareham. impolung, th Roumania, 80 m., NW. Bucharest. P. 4000. nburn, fortress, Russia, Taurida, at mth. of Dnieper. ncardine-on-Forth, spt. Perthsh., 3 in. E. Alloa. P. 1985. Cincardine, vil. Ontario, Bruce co., on Lake Huron. P. 2876. Kincardineshire or Mearns, maritime co. E. Scot., bounded NW. by Aberdeensh., SW. by Forfarsh., and E. by the North Sea. ILength, 25 m. Area, 383 sq. m. P. 34,464. The Grampian Mts. occupy the NW. Main rs. Dee and N. Esk. . Ths. are, Inver- bervie and Stonehaven (the co.tn.). The co. returns I.M.P. Kincarth, ry, sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 6.05% m. W: Winnipeg. Rinder Scout or The Peak, mtn. N. Derbysh. Alt. 2080 ft. Kineshma, th Russia, gov. and 55 m. ESE: Kostroma, P. 4039. netom or Kington, mkt., tm. Warwicksh., 11 m. SE. Stratford. ×ing Charles' South Land, largest isl, of Tierra del Fuego. [P. 1053. King-Tchou-Fou, city, China, prov. Hu-Pe, on 1. b. Yang-tse-Kiang. King George Sound, West. Australia, 36.6° S., 118. E. inghorn, parl, and royal bur. Fife, on Firth of Forth. P. 1790. It is of the Kirkcaldy B1t?‘ghts. Han-Tching or Han-Yang, cap. city of Corea. vil. Fife, 6 m. NW. Kirkcaldy. ... P. 351. Victoria, 129 m. NNW. Melbourne. . P. 500. mining tshp. Queensland, 66% W. Cairns. P. 272. mk. th and Špt. Devon, 34 m. SW. Exeter. P. 1527 par. and vil. Warwick, on R. Tame. P. I574. imkt. th Hants, 9 m. NW. Basingstoke. P.2770, tshp. S. Australià, Kangaroo Isl., 120 m. SW. Adelaide. County, inland co. Irel., Leinster Prov., bounded N. by W. by the Shannon and Roscommon and, Galway. S. by Tipperary and Queen's Co., E. by Kildare and Meath. Length, É. to W. 58 m.; breadth, 20 m. Area, 772 sq. m. P. 22,833, of whom 89 per cent. are Rom. Catholics. The Bog of Allen occupies much of its surface. Slieve Bloom Mts, lie on S. border. Main Rs., Shannon and Brosna. . Ths...are, Tullamore (the co, th], Parsonstown, and Portarlington, The co, returns ; 2 Y1. It’S. King's Cove, fish, port, Newfoundld, Bonavista Dist, P. 550 55O. Kingscourt, th E. co. Cavan, 47 m. NW. Dublin. P.933. [P. 1464. King's Langley, par. and vii. Herts, 7 m. SE: Berkhampstead. Fº ing's L , L Regis or Lynn, parl, and inun. bor, and spt. Nor- º: 2 m. from the Wash, 48% m. NW. Norwich, P. 18,539. It returns 1 M.P. Norton, tin. Worcestersh., 54 m. S. Birmingham, P. 34,071. 9% m. NE. Elgin. P. 326. See Hull. [P. 20,648, mun. bor. Surrey, 5 m. S. Richmond. cap. of Ulster Co., 54 m. S. Albany. P.18,344. at outlet of Lake Ontario, 172 ill. W. of Y city, P. I4,091. ngston, vil. New Brunswick, on Richibucto R. P. 600. igston, vil. New Brunswick, 19 m. W. St. John. P. 21.84. Kingston, tm. Victoria, 115 m. by rail NW. Melbourne. P. 2700. Kingston or Port Caroline, spt. S. Australia, 169 m. SE. Adelaide- ngston, tshp. Tasmania, Iom. S. Hobart. P. of dist. 4157. ngston, th New Zealand, 87 m. by rail N. Invercargill, ngston, cap. city and spt. Jamaica, on S. cst. Lat. 17° 58' N. ; lon. 79° 47' 30" W. P. 38,500. Kingston, th St. Vincent, Brit. W. Indies. P.,6000. Kingstown, spt., tm. Irel., 6 m. SE. Dublin, and 64 m. from Holyhead, on S. side of Dublin Bay. P. 18,586. It is a royal mail packet sta. and fashionable watering-place. ngsville, port, Ontario, co. Essex, on Lake Erie. . P. 863. ngswood, dist, and vil. Gloucester, 3% m. NE. Bristol. P. 5952. ng-Te-Ching, city, China, prov, Kiang-Si. P. 500,000; porcelain ngton, mkt., tm. Herefordsh., on R. Arrow. P. 2075. [manufs. ngussie, vil. Scot., Inverness., on R. Spey, 72n: $. Inverness. P. 645. ng William's Town, th: Cape Col., 28 m. N.W. of East London. nibalu, mtn. and lake, N. Borneo. [P. 6000, ninvie, ry. sta. Alberta, on C. P. Ry., 704 m. W. of Winnipeg, nlochrannoch, vil. Scot, at head of Loch Rannoch. innoull Hill, Scot., E. of Perth, by R. Tay. Alt. 729 ft. inross, mkt. and Co. th: #. Scot, on W. side Loch Leveil, 15 m. N. Dunfermline. , P. 1960. ~ Finross-shire, small inland co. Scot., bounded E,-añú S. by Fife, N. and W. by Perthsh., 12 m. by Io m, Area, 73 sq. m. P. 6697. Contains Loch Leven. It unites with Clackmannanshire in re- turning 1 M.P. - Kinsale, spt., Irel.; S. co, Cork, at mth, of R. Bandon,...}. 5386. Kintore, parl. and royal bur. Scot., on R. Don, 13 m. NW. Aberdeen. . P. 661. It is one of the Elgin Burghs. [40 m. long by 7 m. Rintyre, penin. Scot., S. Argyll, between Atlantic and Firth of Clyde, Rinvarra, vil. S. co. Galway, 8 m. NW. Gort. P. 498. Rinver or Kinfare, th: S.W. Staffordsh., on R. Stour. P. 2842. . Kinzig, r. Würtemberg and Baden, joins the Rhine at Kehl. Riólen or Kjölen, mtn., chain, Scandinavia, from 63° northwards. Mt. Sulitelma, is 5956 ft. in elev. Riong Tchou, city, China, cap. of Hainan Isl., on N.cst. P., 100,000 Kioto (formerly Āfāqāo), now Saikio, th Japan, in Hondo Isl., 250 m. SW. Tokio, on L. Biwako. P. 255,403 or with environs 567,334. ppax, tshp. and vil. W. R. York, 33 m. NW. Pontefract. P. 2533. ppen, vil. Stirling, on S. side of R. Forth. P. 332. ippure, mtn. Irel.., cos. Dublin and Wicklow, 2478 ft. ratpur, th India, N.W. Provs., 10 from Bijnaur. P. 12,728. iberg, th Saxony, 23 m. S.W. Chemnitz. P. 6949. rchdorf, th Hungary, 23 m. W. Eperies. P. 3317. rchhain, tim, Prussia, 66 m. by rail S.W. Frankfurt-on-Oder. P. 3524. irchheim, tin. Würtemberg, 16 m. SE. Stuttgart, P. 6606. rchheim. Bolanden, th: Rhen. Bavaria, 18 m. NNE. Kaiserslautern. Kirchwarder, vil. and dist. 9 m. SE. Hamburg. P. 3728. [P. 3432. Firghiz Steppes, extensive plains N. of the Caspian and Aral Seas, inhabited by the Kirghiz Hordes. Kiria, th: Chinese Turkistan, 130 m. ESE. Khotan. Kirilów, th Russia, gov. and 265 m, ENE, Novgorod. P. 3092. Eirin, prov. Manchuria, bounded N. by Sungari R., and S. # Corca and Leao-Tong. Area, II6,900 sq. m. P. 2,000,000. Kirin-Oula, cap. of above, on R. Sungari. Lat. 43° 46' N. P. I50,000. rkburton, manuf. th: W. R. York, 6 m. SE. Huddersfield. P. 3407. rkby Lonsdale, mkt. th: Westmorland, on R. Lune. _P. 1733. irkby Moorside, nikt, th: N. R. York, on R. Dove. P. 1843. irkby Stephen, mkt, th: Westmorland, on R. Eden. P. 1664. rkby in Ashfield, par. and vil. I2 m. NW. Nottingham. P.4212. rkcaldy, parl. and royal bur, manuf. th:, and spt. Fife, on Firth of Forth, 15 m, N. Edinburgh. P. 23,315. Manuf, floor.cloth and linoleum. The K. dist. of parliamentary burghs are K., Burnt- island, Dysart, and Kinghorn, which return 1 M.P. P. 31,822. Xirkcowan, vil. Scot., Wigtownsh., 6 m. SW. Newton-Stewart. P. 671. Rirkcudbright, parl, and royal bur. Scot., co, th: of K.Shire, on the Dee, near its mth., 30 m. SW, Dumfries. P. 2571. K. is one of the Dumfrics Burghs. -- - - Fº i : : r C IK. i ICirkcudbrightshire or the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, maritime co, S. Scot., washed on the S. by Solway Firth and Irish Sea. Length, 46 by 31 m. , Area, 898 sq. m. P. 42,127. Merrick (2722 ft.) is the highest intn. in S. of Scot. Main rs. are Nith, Dee, and Cree, Tns. K., New Galloway, Castle Douglas, Dalbeattie, Gatehouse, and Maxwelltown. The co, returns I. M.P. rkfieldbank (or Kirkland), vil. Scot, 1 m. W. Lanark, on R. Clyde. rkgunzeon, par. and vil. Kirkcudbrightsh., 4 m. NE. Dalbeattie. rkham, mkt, th N. Lancash., 9 m. NW. Preston. P. 13,805. rkheaton, th:...W. R. York, 33 in. NE. Huddersfield. P. 2747. rkhill, vil, Edinburghsh, on N. Esk, near Penicuik. P. 755, rkintilloch, tin. Scot., Dumbartonsh., 8 m. NE. Glasgow. P. 8029. irk-Kilissia, th: Turkey, 32 m. ENE. Adrianople. P. I6,000. I’ T T- r r : P &liston, vil. Scot., Linlithgowsh., on R. Almond. P. 747. Kmaiden, most S. par. Scot., Wigtownsh. P. 2446. Kmuirhill, mining vil. Lanarksh., 5% m. SE. Larkhall. P. 547. ld, tshp. Cumberland, 8 m. NE. Penrith. ... P. 595. kpatrick-Durham, vil. NE. Kirkcudbright, on Urr. P. 484. kštall, dist. and ruined abbey, York, in NW. Leeds. P. 3430. Kstone Pass, W. Westmorland, 3% m. NE. Ambleside. ksville, vil. Missouri, cap. of Adair co., 34 m. N. Macon. P. 2314. .: ye i 38 KIRKWALL THE CENTURY GAZETTEER Kirkwall, parl, and royal bur., spt., and co, th, of Orkney, 51 m. N. of ... Wick. P. 3947. Contains St. Magnus Cathedral. JPicæ Bitzghs. Kirn, watering-place, Argyll, on W. side Firth of Clyde. P. 791. irn, the Rhenish Prussia, 40 m. S. Coblentz. P. 4852. rriemuir, mkt. th: Forfarsh., 5 m. NW. Forfar. P. 4390. irsanov, th: Russia, 44 m. by rail ENE. Tambov. P. 7772. rton in Lindsey, Inkt. th: NW. Lincoln, 6 m. S.W. Brigg. P. 1851. Samos, ft. tin. Crete, on N. cst., 18 m. W. Khania. Shangarh, ry. Sta. and cap. of K. State, Rajputana, 21 m. NE. Nasirabad. P. 14,824. shenev, tin. Russia, cap. of Bessarabia, 85 m. by rail NW. Odessa. shm, isl. Persian Gulf, near its entrance, 70 m. long. [P. 130,000. 8-Körös, tm. Hungary, 25 m. W. by S. Felegyhaza. I’. 6834. Soriganj, th: Bengal, Maimansingh Dist. P. 12,898. 8simmee R., Florida, flows 90 m. to Lake Okeechobee. [P. 4024. 88ingen, watering-place, Bavaria, 30 m. NNE. Würzburg by rail. stna (Krishzia), dist., Madras Pres., on Bay of Bengal, at Inth. of R. Kistna. P. 1,548,480. Cap. Masulipatam. 3.35tna (Krishtna, Krishna), r. S. India from the W. Ghats in Bombay Pres, through Nizam's Dom. and Madras Pres, to Bay of Bengal 800 m. Area of basin 97,050 sq. m. It receives the Bhima and Tungabhadra. ghany R. P. 2624. ttaning, bor. Pennsylvania, cap. of Armstrong co., on E. b. Alle- ittatinny or Blue Mts., intn. ridge, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. ttery, vil. Maine, York co., on Piscataqua R. Has a navy yard. tts Cotty House, cromlech, Kent, 33 m. N.W. Maidstone. tzingen, th: Bavaria, on R. Main, frºm. ESE. Würzburg, P. 7177. u-Kiang or Kew Kiang, city and treaty port, China, in Kiang-Si, on Yang-tse-Kiang, near Poyang Lake. P. 53,000. u-Siu or Ximo, most S. of the large isls. of Japan. P. 5,868,319. -Yuen, th: Chinese Manchuria, 75 m, NNE. Mukden. P. 35,000. z-Hissar or Kilisa. Hissar, vil. Asia Minor, 38 m. NE. Eregli. zil-Arvad, th: Russian Turkistan, 130 m. E. Caspian Sea. zil-Irmak (anc. Hays), r. Asia Minor, enters Black Sea at Sinope. zil-Kum, sandy desert, E. of Sea of Aral. [Length, 520 m. zliar, ft. tin. Russia, Caucasus, on the Terek. P. 8778. Fjerteminde, tin. Denmark, NE. cst. Funen. P. 2488, £jöbenhavn. See Copenhagen. #. tn. Denmark, on E. cst. Zealand. P. 3097. Eladno, th; Bohemia, 15 m. by rail WNW. Prague. P. 14,085. Ylagenfurth, tr. Austria, cap. of Carinthia, on the Glan, 41 m. N. Laybach. P. 18,747. Flamath Lake, Oregon and California, discharges by K. R., 275 m. to Ylar, r. Norway, flows 200 m. to Lake Wener. [the Pacific. Flarentza, spt. and fort, Greece, at W. extremity of Morea. £lattau, th: Bohemia, 68 m. S.W. Prague. P. 8986. Flausenburg or Kolosvar, city, cap. of K. co., Transylvania, on R. Szamos, 72 m. V. Hermannstadt. P. 29,923. i I #1 Elin, the Russia, 40 m. by rail NNW. Moscow. P.7org. £lingenthal, vil. Saxony, 13 m. ESE. Plauen. P. 4431. Flip, r. Natal, rises in the Draken Berge. Flock, ry. sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 187 m. W. Ottawa. Klosterneuburg,tn, Lower Austria, 6 m. from Vienna. P. 7365. Knapdale, dist. Argyll, S. Crinan Canal. [18 m. N. Leeds." P 5000. Knaresborough, mkt., tm. W. R. York, on R. Nidd, 17 m. NW. York, Enighton, mkt, tin. Radnorsh., on R. Teme, 160 m. NW. London. P. 1720. | Kensington Gore. P. 16,077. (nightsbridge, dist. in W. of London, from Hyde Park Corner to £nockmeledown, mtn. range, Irel., Tipperary and Waterford, 2609 ſt. Emottingley, tshp. York, on R. Aire, 23 m. NE. Pontefract. P. 5069. Rnowlton, th: Quebec, cap. of Brome co. P. 500. [P. 2577. £noxville, vil. Iowa, cap. of Marion co., 36 m. SE. Des Moines. Enoxville, city, Tennessee, cap. of Knox co., with a university, on Holston R. P. II,000. - Ynoydart, dist. Inverness, between Lochs Hourn and Nevis. Enutsford, Inkt. th: Cheshire, 15 m. SW. Manchester. I’. 4290. £nysna, cst, vil. Cape Colony, W. of Plettenberg Bay. Kobé, th: Japan, near Hiogo. P. 9000. Railway to Osaka. FCobrin, tm. Russia, Ioom. SE, Grodno. P. 8120. Robylanka, vil. Austria, Galicia, on R. Rappa. P. 1087. Robyliaki, th; Russia, gov. and 37 m. SW. Poltava. P. 13,292. £ocher, r. Würtemberg, flows 70 m. to the Neckar. Kochstedt, th Prussian Saxony, 21 m. SW. Magdeburg. P. 2103. Rodaikanal, Sanitarium, Madras Pres., on Palni Hills, Madura Dist. Alt. 7209 ft. above sea-level. [NW. Cochin th: P. 9475. Kodungalur (Cranga more), th: Cochin State, Madras Pres., 18 in. Koei-Tchou, prov. China. See Quei-Tchou. Koetong, post tshp. Victoria, 230 m. NE. Melbourne; tin-mining dist. £ogarah, tshp. New S. Wales, 9 m. from Sydney. P. & Rohat, dist. Punjab, Peshawar Div., W. of Indus. P. 181,540. Kohat, tin. Cap. of above, 37 m. S. Peshawar. P. 18,179. [17,640 ft. Rohi-Baba, mtn. range, Afghanistan, off SW. of II indu Kush. Elev. Tºohistan (i.e. land of 27tts.), name given to N. Afghanistan, and to parts of Persia and Baluchistan. ojetein, th Austria, in Moravia, ſo m. SW. Prerau. P. 3552. £ojuk Pass, Afghanistan, from Pisheen to Kandahar, 7449 ft. Fokel, r. Transylvania, aft. of the Maros, near Karlsburg. [P. 4040. £okomo, city, Indiana, cap. of Howard co., 54 m. N. Indianapolis. ICoko-Nor or Tsing-Hai, salt lake, Mongolia, roo° E., 37° N. Area, 2040 sq. m. 70 m. by 40. It has no outlet. cst._tn. Japan, in Kiu-Siu, Ioom. NNE, Nagasaki. P. 17,765. ft. th: Russian Lapland, 335 m. NW. Archangel. large penin N. Europe, E. extension of Lapland. dist. Bombay Pres...in the Konkan. P. 381,649. Cap. Alibagh. spt. Travancore State, in S. most corner of India. l’. 4768. Mysore, in E. of Nandidrug Div. P. 461,129. . cap. of above, 6 m. from r. b. of Palar R. P. 11,172. . . Col/air), lake, Madras Pres., dists. Kistna and Godavari. tn. Denmark, in Jutland, on inlet of Little Belt. P. 714r. tn. Algeria, 18 m. WSW. Algiers. P. 2364. tn. Russia, 80 m. ENE. Tver, on R. Volga. P. 7167. tn. Bohemia, on the Elbe, 35 m. E. Prague. P. 9473. or Karavira, native state, Bombay Pres., S.W. of R. Kistna. '( Area, 28.16 sq. m. P. 800,189. Cap. K. P. 38,599. Kollum, vil. Netherlands, Friesland, 8 m, SE. Dokkum, P. 7339. Köln, city, Prussia. See Cologne. - Kolo, th: Russia, proy. and 40 m. NE. Kalisz, on R. Warta. P. 97.12. Yolobeng, miss. Sta. in N.E. Bechuanaland, S. Africa. Rolomea, tin. Austria, Galicia, on R. Pruth. P. 23,109. Eolomna, th: Russia, gov. and 63 m. SSE. Moscow. P. 28,323. Folos or Salzgrub, th: Transylvania, 12 m. E. Klausenburg. P. 31.40. Rolva, r. Nussia, gov. Perm, flows 170 m. to the Vishera. Kolyma, r. E. Sibreria, flows N., 700 m. to Arctic Ocean. Kolyvan, th Siberia, on R. Obi, 110 m. SW, Tomsk. P. 3418. Komarno, th: Austria, Galicia, 25 m. ENE. Sombor. P. 5079. Comatie, gold-fields, S. African Republic, E. of Barberton. Comgha, tim, in S.E. of Cape Colony, near the Great Kei R. Comlos, th: Hungary, 30 m. WNW. Temesvar. P. 5073. Commotau, th: Bohemia, Iom. NNW. Saaz. P. 9975. Comoka, vil. Ontario, Middlesex co., Iom. W. London. P. 500. Conda, r. Siberia, gov. Tobolsk, aff. of the Irtish. 360 m. Condapalli, tin. and fortress, Madras Pres., Kistna Dist. P. 4289. ong Mts., range Africa, between the Soudan and Upper Guinea, from near Sierra Leone to Dahomey, 2500 ft. elev. £ongsberg, th: Norway, 45 m. by ry. WSW. Christiania. P. 4357. £ongsvinger, mtn. fortress, Norway, beside the Glommen. [P. 40,000. Ionieh, city, Asia Minor, cap. of vilayet of K., 37° 51° N., 32° 40' E. £öniggrätz, ft. th: Bolhemia, 64 m. by ry. BNE. Prague. P. 8166. £öniginhof, th: Bohemia, on the Elbe. P. 6813. sberg, th: Bohemia, on R. Eger. P. 4093. sberg or Uj-Banya, th: Hungary, on the Gran. P. 4490. £önigsberg, ft. and commercial city, E. Prussia, cap. of gov. of K. 338 m. NE. Berlin, on R. Pregel, 5 m. from its mth, in the Frische- Haff. P. 151,151. University, observatory, etc. Area of K. Gov. im. P. 1,155,545. [P. 5958. tn. Prussia, Brandenburg, 41 N. Frankfort-on-the-Oder. Germany, in Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. P. 2827. or Kumzak, th: Bohemia, 31 m. SE. Tabor. P. 2415. vil. Moravia, 2 m. N. Brünn. P. 4427. tn. Prussian Silesia, 54 m. ESE. Oppeln. P. 32,072. tn. Brunswick, 9 m. WNW. Helmstedt. P. 2861. tn. Saxony, on R. Elbe, 17 m. SE. Dresden. . P. 3865. tn. Rhen. Prus., 21 m. SSE. Köln, on Rhine. P. 3060. tn. Russ. Poland, prov. Kalisz, on the Warta. P. 8008. tn. Moravia, 18 m. WSW. Olmütz. P. 2291. tn. Prussia, 58 m. WSW. Marienwerder. P. Io,002. vil. Switz., 2 m. S. of Bern. P. of par. 6552. name applied to the lowland strip along S. portion of Pres., between the sea and W. Ghats. Area, 12,504 sq. m. P. 3,805,282. Ronstop, tin. Russia, gov. and 96 m. E. Chernigov. P. 16,418. Ronstadt, th: Prussian Silesia, 25 m. NNE. Oppeln. P. 2584. Roolunga, post tim, S. Australia, 112 m. N. of Adelaide. P. Ioo. Roonunga, post tim. S. Australia, 56 m. N. of Adelaide. P. 150. FCooringa, th: S. Australia, Ioo m. by rail NE. Adelaide. P. 2700. FCooroocheang, vil. Victoria, on K. Creek, 98 m. NW. Melbourne. P. roo. Rootenay or Flat Bow River, British Columbia and Montana, aff. of the Columbia, 450 m, long, f º t : : = LAHARPUR Ropal, tm. Russian Turkistan, gov. Semiretchensk, E. of L. Balkash, ... 125 m. NW. Kulja. P. 5426. Köpenick or Kopnik, th Prussia, on R. Spree. P. 11,357. Kopparberg, Sweden. See Falun. - Kopreinitz, th Hungary, Croatia, 27 m. ESE. Warasdin. P. 6027. Koprili, th: Turkey, in Macedonia, 23 m. S. Uskup. P. gooo. Kopua, ry, sta, New Zealand, 63 m. SW. Napier; sawmills in dist. Korangamite, Lake, Victoria, co. Grenville, 18 m. long. JCordofan, country, E. Soudan, between Darfur and the White Nile. Lat. 12°-15° N. P. 300,000. Cap. El Obeid. - - Forenicsa, Qber and Unter, 2 vils. Croatia, 60 m. SSE. Cari Kārlin, th: Prussia, in Pomerania, 17 m. SW. Köslin. P. 3roo. Körmend, the Hungary, at confl. of Pinka and Raab. P. 4713. Kornegal, th: Ceylon, 48 m. NE. Colombo. P. 3682. [P. 5268. Korneuburg, th: Lower. Austria, on the Danube, above Vienna. Koroit, mun, tshp. Victoria, 176 m. SW. Melbourne. P. 1643. - Koron, ft. Špt. Greece, on G. of Koron, 7 m. NW. Cape Gallo. P. 4310. Korong Vale, post th: Victoria, 151 m. NW. Melbourne; 460 ft. above Korºp, th: Russia, gov. and 80 m. E. Chernigov. P. 5473. [sea-level. 8oor. stadt. Körös, r. Hungary, from Transylv., flows W. 200 m. to the Theiss. Korotayak, th: Russia, gov. and 48 m. S. Voronezh, on R. Don. P. Koroţcha, th: Russia, gov. and 68 m. SE. Kursk. P. 9569. [862o. JKorsør. See Corsoer. Korti, vil. Nubia, on R. Nile, lat. 18° N. Kosciusko, mtn. in Australian Alps. Alt. 7308 ft. £ose, it th: Prussian Silesia, on R. Qder, 26 m. SE. Oppeln. P. 546r. Koselets, the Russia, gov. and 40 m. SSW. Chernigov. P. 4430. Kösfeld, th Westphalia, 20 m. W. Münster. [L. Baikal. Kosgol, lake, N., Mongolia, 150 m. by 40, discharges by the Selenga to Kosi, th: India, Mutra Dist... Iom. W. of the Junina. "I’. 11,231. Kosiki Isls., Japan, 31° 40' N., 129°42' E. Koslov.th. Russia, gov. and 52 m. WNW. Tambov. P. 27,892. Kośmodemiansk, th Russia, io9 m. WNW. Kazan, on Volga. P. 8235. Koššeir or Cosseir, spt. Egypt, on Red Sea, 26°8' N. P. ișoo. - Kosteletz, th: Bohemia, on the Adler. P. 3238. £osten, th Prussia, 26 m. SW. Posen. P. 4712. Kostroma, r. Russia, flows 130 m. to the Volga at Kostroma. Rostroma, a cent. gov. Russia traversed by the Volga. Area, 32,900 sq. m. P. 1,290,399. [the Kostroma and Volga. P. 28,143. Kostroma, city, cap. of above, 200 m. NE. Moscow, at confluence of Kośva, r. Russia, gov. Perm, aff, of the Kama, 180 m. long. Kotah, native state, Rºpºtº, lying S. and SE. of the R. Chambal. rea, 3797 Sq. m. P. 5:7,275. Cap. K. P. 40,270. fºota Raja, th: Sumatra, ăţ. 6# Aś Prov. 40,27 Kotar, $pt. India, Travancore State, lat. 8°9' N. P. 7338. Kotayam, th: India, Travancore State, lat. 9° 36' N. i. 11,293. Kot Kamalia, th: Punjab, Montgomery Dist., near the Ravi. P. 7594. Kot Putli, tin. Rajputana, in Jaipur State. P. 8082. Kotrang, the Bengal, on r, and in Hugli Dist. P. 5747. Kotri, tin. and ry. Sta. India, Karachi Dist., on r. b. Indus. P. 8922. Rottur, th: Madras Pres., Coimbatore Dist. P. 7406. Rotzebue Sound, Alaska, inlet of Behring Strait. Kouchibouguac, vil, New Brunswick, on Kouchibouguac R. P. 660. Rovdo, lake, Russia, in W. of Archangel Gov., 30 by 24 m. Kovel, the Russia, in Volhynia, 97 m. NW. Ostrog. P. 4919. Rovno, gov. Russia, on German front. Area, 15,691 sq. m. P.I.,461,461. Yovno, th Russia, cap. of above, 58 m. WNW. Vilna. P. 49,896. Hovrov, tin. Russia, gov. and 75 m. NE. Vladimir by rail. P. 8052. I(ozelsk, th: Russia, 35 m. SSW. of Kaluga. P. 5862. Kozmin, th: Prussia, 47 m. SSE. Posen. P. 4259. Krageröe, tin. Norway, on the Skager Rack, 70 m. NE. Christiansand. IKraguyevatz, th: Servia, 15 m. W. Jagodin. P. 9083. [P. 4669. Tºrah, Isthmus of, connects Siam with Malay Peninsula. £railsheim, th: Würtemberg, 13 m. N. Ellwangen. P. 4710. Rrain, prov. Austria. See Carniola. [Bucharest. P. 22,764. £rajowa, th: Roumania, near l. b. of the Schyl, 160 m. by rail W. I(rakatoa, isl. and vol. in Str. of Sunda. Terrible eruption in 1883. Kralingen, vil. Netherlands, 3 m. NE. Rotterdam. P. of par. 12,427. £ramidi, tin. Greece, 23 m. Šá. Nauplia. P. 5628. Krappitz, th: Prussian Silesia, on R. Oder. 15 m. S. Oppeln. P. 2651. £rasnik, th: Poland, gov. and 28 m. SW. Lublin. P. 5218. - ICrasnistaw, tin. Russian Poland, 34 m. SE. Lublin. P. 4870. Krasnoe-Szelo, vil. Russia, 18 m. SSE. St. Petersburg. Erasnoiyar, th Russia, 35 m. ENE. Astrakhan. P. 5969. FCrasnokutsk, tm. Russia, 41 m. W. Kharkov. P. 6006. Krasno-Ufimsk, th: Russia, 110 m. from Perm, on R. Ufa. P. 4305. Erasmolobodsk, th: Russia, Ios m. NNW. Penza. P. 7380. Krasnovodsk, cape, and fort, and ry. sta. on E. shore Caspian Sea. Krasnogarsk, the Siberia, on the Yenesei. P. 17,154. Krasso or Krassova, th: Hungary, 33 m. S. Lugos. P. 3486. Iſratzau, th: Bohemia, 29 m. N. Buntzlau. P. 31.18. ſrauchthal, vil. Switz., 9 m. NE. Bern. P. 2465. ICremenets, th: Russia, in Volhynia, 36 m. WSW. Ostrog. P. ro,579. Krementchug, th: Russia, gov. and 64 m. by rail SW. Poltava, on the Kremlin. See Moscow. [Dnieper. P. 47,473. Kremmen, th: Prussia, Brandenburg, 25 m. N. Potsdam. P. 2836. Kremnitz, mining tin. Hungary, 8 m. W. of Neusohl. P. 8550. Frems, th Austria, on 1. b. Danube, 88 m. NW. Vienna. P. II,042 Kremsir, th: Moravia, on the March. P. II,816. Hºremsmünster, vil. Upper Austria, on the Krems. P. 3268. Freutzburg, Silesia. See Creuzburg. Ereuznach, til and watering-place, Rhenish Prussia, on the Nahe, 8 m. S. Bingen. P. 16,414. Kreuzburg, ft. th: Russia, gov. Vitebsk, on the Duna. I’. I228. Switz., 2 m. SW. Lucerne. P. 3900. r. India. See Kistna. , th: Bengal, cap. of Nadiya Dist., on Jalangi R. P. 27,477. tn. Madras Pres., Salem Dist. P. 8856. tn. Russia, gov. and 57 m. ESE. Mohilev. P. 3749. tn. Germany, Iom. ESE. Schwerin. P. 3057. tn. Prussia, 86 m. WSW. Marienwerder. P. 3273. tn. Russia, gov. and 100 m. ESE. Chernigov P. 9100. tn. Bavaria, 22 m. NW. Baireuth. P. 4137. Prussia, 13 m. NNW. Bromberg. P. 3967. tn. Rhenish Prussia, 15 m. E. Düsseldorf. P. 8371. Orange Free State, on the Valsche R. or Krünen, th: Hungary, Transylvania, cap. of co. of K., 70 m. ESE. Hermannstadt, near Roumanian frontier. P. 29,585. Eronstadt, Russia. See Cronstadt. Krossmo, th Austria, in Galicia, 13 m. ESE. Jaslo. P. 2810. Krotoszyn, th: Prussia, 54 m. SSE. Posen. P. 9844. Kroya, tin. Albania, 45 m. SSE. Scutari. P. 10,000. Irumau, th: Bohemia, on the Moldau, 14 m. SSW. Budweis. P. 7659. Ktima, tin. Cyprus, near Baffa. Kuba, ft. th: Caucasus, prov. Baku, 55 m. SSE. Derbend. P. 13,249. Kuban, ter. S. Russia, in Ciscaucasia, on Blick Sea, and S. of Azov. Area, 36,495 sq. m. P. I, Ioy,922. Cap. Yekaterinodar. Euban, r. S. Russia, flows 380 m. to Black Sea, 20 m. N. Anapa. Kubbes or Khebis, tin. Persia, in Khorassan, 135 m. ESE. Yezd. Kubin, vil. Hungary, in Banat, 65 m. SSW. Temeşvar. P. 4782. [long. Rubina, r. Russia, gov. Volegda, flows 170 m. to L. Kubinskoe, 45 m. Ruch Behar, native state, Bengal, N. Rangpur Dist. Area, 1307 sq. m. P. 602,624. Cap. Kuch Behar. P. 9535. Kuczura, vil. Hungary, in co, of Bacs. . P. 4099. Kuen-Lun, mtn. range, Cent. Asia, forms N. boundary of Tibet, separating it from Chinese Turkistan. It rises to 21-22,000 ft. Kufa, ruined city, 88 m. S. Bagdad, on aff, of Euphrates. Kufo, th Soudan, 52 m. S. by W. Kano., P.,20,000. [P. 6873. Ruilénburg, ft. tu. Netherlands, in Gelderland, ſo m. NW. Thiel. Ruka or Koukawa, th Africa, in Bornu, near L. Chad. P. 60,000. Kuku-Kota or Khoton, the Mongolia, 50 m. NW. of the Great Wall. Kula, vil. Hungary, 29 m. NY. Neusatz. __P. 8102. Kulachi, tin. Punjab, cap. of Dera Ismail Khan Dist. P. 7834. Kulasekharapatnam, spt. Madras Pres., Tinneyelli Dist. P. 14,972. Kulbarga, th and ry, sta. Haidarabad, cap. of K. Dist. P. 22,834. Hulm, tin. W. Prussia, 34 m. SW. Marienwerder. P. 9975. Kulmbach, th: Bavaria, 48 m. NE. Nuremberg. P. 5815. Kulm See, th; W. Prussia, 15 m. SE. Kulm. P. 3429. e Kuldja or Guldja, dist. Russian Turkistan, the formerly belonging to China, and forming a SW. portion of Sungaria. , Cap. Kuldja. Ruldja or Ili, cap. of above, on R. Ili, 43° 46' N., 82° 30' E. P. 4000. Rulfü, th Africa, 220 m. SW. Kano. P. I5,oco. ulpa, r. Croatia, flows 120 m. to the Saye. g Kulu, val. Punjab, Kangra Dist., in the Beas basin. Rum, city, Persia, prov. Irak Ajemi, 89 m. SW, Teheran. , P. 15,000. Kuma, r. S. Russia, Caucasus, enters Caspian Sea, 300 m. long. Kumamotu, large city, Japan, in Kiu-Siu, 50 m. E. Nagasaki. P. 47,317. Rumara, th: New Zealand, co. Westland, 191m. from Hokitika. P. Ro'79. Rumaun, div. of NW. Provs, India, comprising dists. Kumaon, Garh- wal, and Tarai. Area, 12,438 sq. m. P. I,046,263. . Tºumaun, Dist. in above, W. Nepal. 6000 sq.m. P. 493,641. Cap. Al- Kumi or Kymi, th: Greece, near E. CŞt. Euboea. P. 3016. [mora. Rumpta, cst. th: Bombay Pres, Kanara Dist. P. ro,629. Kunashir, one of the Kurile Isls., next to Yesso, Japan, 70 m. long. Kunawar, div. of Bashahr State, Punjab, inval. of the Sutlej, bounded E. by Tibet. P., 14,315. Runch, tin. India, Jalaun Dist., NW. Provs. P. 13,739. Rungur, th: Russia, gov. and 50 m. SSE. Perm. ... P. II,882. Run-Hegyes, the Hungary, on R. Theiss, 72 m. E. Pesth. P. 766. Kun-Szent-Martony, tr. Hungary, on the Körös, P. 11,155. - Kun-Szent- Q3, the Hungary, on arm of Danube. P. 7447. [P. 291 r. Künzelsau, th: Würtemberg, on the Kocher, 24 m. NE." Heilbronn. Kuopio, th: Finland, on Lake Kalavesi, 180 m. É. Vasa. P. 6062. Kuopio, prov. E. Finland. Area, 16,498 sq.m. P. 273,276. Cap. IC. Kupiansk, th: Russia, gov. and 61 m. ÉSE. Kharkov. "F. 4300. Kur, r. Transcaucasia, flows ESE. 520 m. to the Caspian. Kuram, dist. Afghanistan, the val. of R. Kuram. P. 77,680. Kuram R., Afghanistan and Punjab to the Indus. Kurauli, th: India, Mainpuri Dist, NW. Provs. P. 6776. IXurdistan, (country of the Kurds) ill defined region mostly comprised in Turk, vilayet Bagdad, and Persian prov. Irak Ajémi. Area, about 500,000 sq. m. P. 3,000,000, Tns. Arbil, Altum-Kupri, ' Kerkuk....A large proportion of the people are nomadic. Kurgan, tn. W. Siberia, on the Tobol, 200 m. above Tobolsk. P. 612o. Kuria Muria Igls, grp. off SE. cst. of Arabia; British. P. 34. Ruril Islä, in N. Pacific, extend 700 m. from Kamtchatka to japan, of the latter of which they form part. Area, 3700 sq. m. P. small. Eurla, th: Bombay Pres. Thana Dist., on Salsette Isl. P. 9715. Kursanda, th: NW. Provs. Muttra Dist. 8 m. N. Jumna. P. 6618. Kursat, the Qudh, Undo Dist., 10 m. N. Safipur. P. 5755. Kursk, gov. S. Russia, 52° N., 37° E. Area, #7,936 sq. m. P. 2,120,250. Kursk, city, cap. of above, on the Seim, 290m. SW. Moscow. P. (1833) Kurrachee, India. See Karachi. [45,307. Kurrajong Heights, vil. New S.W., 50 m. W. by N. Sydney, co. Cook. Kurukshetra, tract, Punjab, dists. Ambala and Karnaſ, the Holy Land of Hinduism. [P. 7138. Kuruman, th: in Crown Colony of Bechuanaland, on K. River. * Kurundwad, cap. of K. State, Bombay Pres. in S. Maratha country. Kusel,..th. Rhenish Bavaria, 17 m. NW. Kaiserslautern. P. 3004. Kushtia, th: Bengal, Nadiya Dist., on R. Ganges. P. 97.17. Kush-Adasi, th: Turkey, vilayet Aidin, on AEgean Sea. P. 10,000. Kusi (Kooxy), r. N. Bengal from Nepal to the Ganges, 325 m. Kusnetsk, th: Siberia, gov. Tomsk, 150 m. ENE. Barnaul. P. 7309. Kusnetsk, th: Russia, gov. Saratov. P. 17,932. - Kuskokwim, r, Alaska, flows 550 m. to K. Bay, 60°N. Rüssnacht, vil. Switz. cant. and 11 m. WNW. Schwytz, at N. extrem. ... of Lake of Lucerne. P. of par. 3203. It is associated with W. Tell. Küssnacht, vil. Switz., on Lake of Zurich. P. of dist. 275o. ºustendji, ft.spt, tº and ry, term. Roumania, in the Dobrudja. P. 5000. ICistenland or the Littoråle, former Crown land Austria, now known as Göritz, Gradiska, Istria, and Trieste, is bounded on the SW. by the Adriatic and includes several isls. The mainland portion ... lies N. between N. Italy and Carniola. Area, 3074 sq. m. Küstrin, ft. 1n. Prussia, in Brandenburg, 17 m. NE. Frankfurt. Kuta, r. Siberia, goy. Irkutsk, aff. of the Lena, 220 m. [P. 15,105. Kułajeh, the Asia Minor, on a tributary of the Sakaria. P. 30,000. Kutais, gov. Transcaucasia, on Black Sea, 7977 sq. m. P. 703,551. Kutais, cap. of above, 65 m. by rail E. Poti, on R. Rion. P. (3,600. Kutno, th: Russia, gov. Warsaw. P. 13,209. Kutshan, th: Persia, prov. Khorasan, on the Atrek. P. 10,000. [P.13,154. Kuttenberg or. Kutnhora, th: Bohemia, 6 m. by rail N. Czăslău. £uty, the Austria, in Galiciº.20 m. SE. Kolomea. P. 6333. Kvalóe, Norway. See Hvalóe. KWa or Kwango, larger. Cent. Africa, aff, of the Congo, 3° S. [roo. Kyambu, post th New S. Wales, 350 m. SW. Sydney, on K. Creek. P. Kyan-kin, th: Lower Burma, Henzada Dist., on r. 5. Irawadi. P.7565. Kyauk-pyu, dist, Lower Burma, Arakan Div. Area 4209 sq. m. P.149,303. Cap. Kyauk-pyu. P. 3747. Kyle Akin, strait, Scot., between Skye and the mainland. Kyle of Tongue, sea loch, N. Sunderland. Kyles of Bute, str. in Firth of Clyde, between Bute and Argyll. Kym, r. Engl., aff, of the Ouse, near St. Neots, Bedfordshire, 16 m. Kyneton, the Victoria, 57 m. by rail NW. Melbourne. P. 3500. Kyparissia, Cyparissia, or Arkadia, tin. Greece, Morea, on Gulf of Arkadia, 24 m. N. Navarino. P. 3754. Kyrenia, th: Cyprus, II m. N, Nicosia. Kyritz, th Prussia, 53 m. NW. Berlin. P. 5056. Isaa.or Laha, th: LI, Austria, 35 m. N. Vienna, on R. Thaya. P.27ro. Laaland or Lolland, fertile isl. Denmark, in the Baltic, S. of Zealand. Area, 462 sq. m. P. 66,000. Laanecoorie, tshp. Victoria, co. Bendigo, on R. Loddon. P. 5oo. La Baie (Sé. Azttoizté de Za Baie du Febiere), vil. Quebec, Yamaska co., on S. shore L. St. Peter. P. 2576. - Iabarre, vil. Quebec, Chicoutimi Co., near Saguenay R. P. 500. Isa Bassée, ta. France, in Nord, 13 m. SE, Lille. P. 3545. L3 Beauce (Sée. Marie de la Bea rece), vil. Canada, Beauce co., on S. b. R. Chaudière, 30 m. by rail S. Quebec. P. 1200. [P. Io, ooo Labe, th: Africa, 230 m. NE. Sierra Leone; closed to Europeans. Isabes, tin. Pomerania, 42 m. by rail ENE. Stettin. P. 5225. Labiau, trl. E. Prussia, 25 m. NE. Königsberg. P. 4750. Labiszin, th: Prussia, 13 m. SSW. Bromberg. P. 2642. Labrador, large peninsula, British N. America, washed by Hudson and James Bays, Hudson Strait, Atlantic Ocean, and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Iroom. in length, by 470 m. Area, 450,000 sq. m. The land is sterile, and the climate very severe. P. 4500. Labuan Isl., Brit. col. Inear N.W. cat. Borneo. Area, 30 sq. m. P. 6298. L'Acadie, vil. Quebec, St. John's co., 20 m. SE. Montreal. P. 1472. Lacantum, r. Guatemala, 430 m. to Gulf of Mexico. Laccadive Isls., a grp. of 14 low coral isls. in Arabian Sea, 200 m. from Malabar cst. of Madras Pres. P. 14,473. They are attached partly to S. Kanara, and to Raja of Cannore. Lacchiarella, vil. Italy, 2 m. ESE. Binasco. P. 3970. Lachen, tin. Switz., on S. Shore of L. Zürich. P. 1636. Lachine, tin. Quebec, Jacques Cartier Co., on Lake St. Louis, 8 m. SW Montreal. P. 2406. Lachine Rapids, R. St. Lawrence, between L. and Montreal. Lachlan, r. New S. Wales, flows W. to the Murrumbidgee, 700 m. Lachute, cap. of Argenteuil, co. Quebec, 45 m. N. Montreal. I’. 500. La Ciotat. See Ciotat. Lackawanna, vil. Pennsylvania, L. co., on L. R. P. of tshp. 5133. Lackawanna, r. Pennsylvania, aff. of Susquehanna, at Pittston. Lackawannock, mtn. Pennsylvania, on N.W. side of L. R., 25 m. Lac Masson, vil. Quebec, 57 m. N. Montreal. P. 650. Lacolle, vil, and pºst ºf cºrv, Quebec, St. John's co., on Richelieu R., 44 m. SE. Montreal. P. 2879. Lacon, th Illinois, cap. of Marshall co., on Illinois R. P. 1814. Laconia, nomarchy, Greece, in S. Morea. P. 121,116. - Lac qui parie (i.e. talking lake), on Minnesota R., U.S., 8 m. long. La Crosse, city, Wisconsin, cap. of La C. Co., on Mississippi, just below La C. R. P. 14,505; (1885) 21,740, [30,000 sq. m. P. 20,621. Ladakh (Proper), prov. of Kashmir State, in val. of the Indus. Area, Ladany Koros, vil. Hungary, 25 m. NW. Gyula. P. 6266. Tadismith, vil. C. Col., Riversdale div., 250 m, NE. Cape Town. Iado, ſt. sta. on Upper Nile, in Emin Pasha's Prov. Ladoga, largest lake of Europe, in Russia, NE. of St. Petersburg- Area, 6190 sq. m. Drains by the Neva to Gulf of Finland. Ladoga or New Ladoga, th: on S. shore of above. P. 3850. Ladrones or Marianne Isls., grp. of 20 isls. belonging to Spain, in the Pacific, 13°-20° N., 154°-146° E. Guahan is the principal. Area, 440 sq. m. P. 8665. [P. Io'ſ 2. Ladybank, th and ry. junction, Scot... Fife, 53 m. SW. Cupar. Ladysmith, th: in NF. of Natal, near Buffalo R. Ladysmith, vil. Natal, 90 m. by rail N.W. Pietermauritzburg. Laerne, vil, Belgium, E. Flanders, 6 m. E. Ghent. P. 4128. Lafayette, city, Indiana, cap. of Tippecanoe co., oil Wabash R. P. (1880) 14,860 ; now 25,000. La Fourche, a bayou, Louisiana, an outlet of Mississippi. Lagan, r. Ulster, enters Belfast Lough at Belfast, 35 miles long. Lagan or Glyde, r. Ulster, 25 m. to IDundalk Bay. Lage, tin. Germany, in Lippe, on R. Werra. P. 3722. [P. 2345. Lage or Laage, th: Germany, on the Recknitz, 12 m. NE. Güstrow. Laggan, vil. Ontario, Glengårry Co., 19 m. NW. Lancaster. P. 4oo. Laggan, ry. sta. Brit. Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 955 m. W. Winnipeg. Laggan, hamlet, Inverness, on R. Spey, II m. SW. Kingussie. Laggan, loch in above dist., 7 m. long, discharges by the Speam. Laghouat or El Aghouat, tin. and oasis 285 m. SW. Algiers. P. 17,174. Lagnieu, th: France, in Ain, near the Rhone. P. 2638. Lagny, tin. France, in Seine-et-Marne, on 1. b. Marne. P. 462I. Lago, vil. Italy, prov. and Io m. SW. Cosenza. . P. 3712. Lagoa, th: Brazil, on E. cºt. Santa Catharina Isl. P. 3000. Lagoa, tin. Azores Isls., dist. Ponta Delgada, San Miguel Isl. P. 7362- Lago de los Patos, lake, Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. Length, 140 m. Lagonegro, th: Italy, in Basilicata, 76 m. SSE. Salerno. P. 41c3. Lagos, ft. spt. Portugal, in Algarve, IIo m. S. Lisbon. P. 788.I. Lagos, tin. Mexico, state Jalisco, Ioo m. ENE. Guadalajara. P. 29, ooo. Lagos, Brit. col. W. Africa, on cst, of Bight of Benin, 120 m. Area, 107.1 sq. m. P. (1883) 87,165. Lagosta, most S. isl. of Dálmatia, in the Adriatic, 6 m. by 4. La Grange, vil. Georgia, cap. of Troup co. P. 2295. La Grange, vil. Indiana, cap. of La G. co., 46 m. NW. Fort Wayne. Laguna dei Madre, lagoon, in S. Texas, E. of Rio Grande, righy 14 m. Laguna de Terminos, spt. th: Mexico, State Campeachy. P. 2009. Laguna de Terminos, inlet of G, of Campeachy, 70 by 40 m. Lahadi, tin. Arabia, 18 m. NW. Aden. P. 5000. Lahaina, spt, vil. Hawaii, on Maui Isl. ...P. 3Coo. Lahajan, th Persia, prov. Ghilan, near the Caspian. . P. 7000. Tahar, ſt.tn. Cent. India, Gwalior State, 85 m. SE. Agra. Laharpur, th: Oudh, 17 m. N. Sitapur. P. ro,437. LA HAVE THE CENTURY GAZETTEER LEICHHARDT . Nova Scotia, flows 60 m. to the $ºa. Fº Čáriº, flows 'W. 100 m. to the Rhine, above Coblentz. †hnstein, ober, th Prussia, on the Rhinº. 8. W. Nassau. P. 5833. Tahnstein, Unter, th on the Lahn, nºt the above. P. 295:..., Lahore, div. Punjab, º; dists. Lahore, Firozpur, and Gujran- wala. Area, 8987 sq. in. ...?,194,547. * Lahore, cent. dist of abºve, N.W. of the Sutlej. P. 924,106. e Iahore, city and cap. of Punjab Prov., and of Lahore Div. and Dist., m. S. of R. Ravi. . P. (1881) 149,369. - Tahr, th: Baden, 53 in. by rail SSW. Carlsruhe. P. 3937. te Tahsa, El-Ahsa or Hasa, fertile dist. E. Arabia, on W. Side of Persian Gºlf P, 160,000. Cap. Hofhuf. It is tributary to Turkey. Lahul, sub-div. of Kangra Dist., Punjab, a Himalayan valley. P. 5860. L ſºheu, spt. th: China, prov; Shan-Tung, on G. of Pe-chi-Li. fºigle, tri. France, in Onº ºn. NE. Mortagne. P. 5393. Iainate, th: Italy, 11 m, N W. Milan, with magnificent palace. P. 4708. Lairg, vil. and ry. Sta. Šutherlandsh., on R. Shin. P. of par. 1355. Taishev, th, Russia, gov. and 30 m. SE. Kazan...P. 5202. Taºister Dyke, dist. W. R. York, 2 m. NE. Bradford. P. 13:33% Taiyang, thchina, prov. Shaº-Tulé.59. SSW. Che-Fu. P. 50,000. Take Baringo, Cent. Africa, NE. of Victoria Nyanza. g Lake City, vil. Florida, Cap. of Columbia co., 60 m. W. Jacksonville; a winter resort. P. I379. * * Lake City, Minnesota, Wabasha Cº., 9. L. Pepin. P. 2596. d i. iiºtrict, tourist dist, of Engl., comprises Parts of Cumberland, Westmorland, and N. Lancashire. Lakhimpur, dist, in E. Assam, 9n both banks of the Drahmaputra, Area, 11,500 sq. m. P. I79.833. ..Qāp. Dibrugarh. Lakhimpur, th: Oudh, cap. of Kheri Dist. P. 7526. Iak-Nagy, th: Hungary, on R. Maros. P. Io,646. ºfteha. vii. SW. Middlesex, on R. Thames. e Taiganj, trading th Bengal, on E. b. Gandak, Muzaffarpur Dist., 12 ºm. N. Hajipur. P. I6,431. e ‘gº & Lalitpur, § #ia, NW. Provs, in N. of Jhansi Diy. P. 249,088. Lalitpur, cap. of above, on Jhansi and Sagar road. P. Io,684. Tai-ial, th Victoria, 87 m. by rail W. Melbourne. ... * Ia Mancha, old prov. Spain, in S. part New Castile, now in proV. Ciudad Real; the country of Don Quixote. La Manche, French name for English Channel. I. Manche, mining vil. Newfoundland, Placentia: P. 328. - †mbai.e., tm. France, Côtes-du-Nord, 12 m. ESE. St. Brieuc. P. 4515. ſ ºn wºn eque, th Peru, dep, of L., 6 m. from the Sea. . P. 6300. yedge, dep, in ŠW. Peru. P. 85,984, Cap, Chişlayo. amºerºville, tr. New Jersey, on Delaware R. P. 4783. Tºmbesc, tin. France, in dep. Bouches-du-Rhône, P.37%5. iambeth, parl. bor. Surrey, on R. Thames, in SW. of London. P. It returns 4 M.Ps. I. Palace, for centuries the resi- of Archbishops of Canterbury. tn. France, in Finistère, 3 m. N. Brest. tn. Berks, 8 m. NW. Hungerford. P. 1576. th. Rhenish Bavaria, 5 m. WSW. Frankenthal, P. 3326. or Port Lambton, vil. Ontario, on R. St. Clair. P. 400. or Št, Vital de L., vil, Quebec, Beauce cº, P. 1624. tshp. New S. Wales, 76m. N. Sydney. P. 2500. city, Portugal, 46 m. E. Oporto. P. 82.4. and vil. Durham, 4 m. S. Gateshead. P. 4670. tn. Greece, at head of Gulf of Volo. . P. 5506. Arran, Firth of Clyde, 4 m, SE: Brodick. Hiiis, Scot, Haddington and Berwick. Alt 1733 ft. tn. Russia, in Penza, on I.amov R. R. 4526. tn. Russia, in Penza, on Zamov R. . P. 844. tn. Cermany, in Hessen, on the Rhine. P. 6 tn. Cardigansh., on R. Teifi. P. 1443. vil. Cumberland, 9 m. NE. Whitehaven. and tim, S. extrem, of Sumatra. , P: 120,000. tn, Italy, prov. Florence, 8 m. S. Pistoja. P. 9926. circle of Botzen. P. 2908. Belgium, in Limbourg, on R. Meuse. P. 266r. and royal bur. Scot, Co. th of L-shire, on R. Slyde, 23 IIl. Glasgow. P. of tim, 4910; of royal bur, 5874. It is one of the Falkirk Burghs. Tanark, New, vil. in Co. and 1 m. S. Lanark...P. 706. Ianark, th: Ontario, in Lanark Co., 12 m. N.W. Perth. P. 2029. Ianarkshire, inland co. in SW. and the most populous of Scot, often called Clydesdale, occupying the val. of the Clyde. It is enclosed By Dumbarton, Stirling, Édinburgh, Peebles, Dumfries, Ayr, and ićenfrew. Length, gºn. ; breadth, 34 m. Area, 881 sq. m., P. 994,412. It is mountainous in the S. Coal and iron ar: wrought to an immense extent, and lead in the Upper Ward. , The Co. Con- tains Glasgow, Airdrie, Hamliºn. Lanark (G3. tn.), Rutherglen, Iłiggar, Govan, Govanhill, Hillheag, Maryhill, Motherwell, Par- tick, and Wishaw, and returns 6 M.P.S. . . . e Lancashire or Lancaster, co. palatine and maritime in NW. Eng., bounded N. by Cumberland and Westmorland, E. by Yorksh;, Ş. by Chesh., and W. by the Irish Sea. Length, 76 lis; breadth, 45 m. Area, 1888 sq. m. P. 3,454,441. A detached pass... cº- N. known as Furness is separated from the main portion by Morecambe Bay. It is the most populous co. of Engl. next to Middlesex, and is pre-eminentin manufacture, especially of cotton. The Mersey, Ribble, and Lune are the chief Rs. The tins. are numerous and large, and include the parl. bors. of Barrow-in-Fur- ness, Blackburn, Bolton, Burnley, Büry, Liverpool. Manchester, Salford, Oldham, Preston, Rochdale, St. Helen's, Wigan, Ashton- under-Lyne, and Warrington, Lancaster is the co, town. The co. returns 23 M.Ps. * Iancaster, mun. bor., spt., and Co. th: of Lancashire, on S. b. of R. Lune, 5% m. NW. Manchester. P. 20,663. Lancaster, iruchy of, is nearly identical with the co The Chancellor is a Cabinet Minister of the Brit. Government. Lancaster, vil. Massachusetts, Worcester co., on Nashua R. Lancaster, city, Ohio, cap. of Fairfield co., on Hocking R. P. 6800. Iancaster, city, Pennsylvania, cap. of L. Co., on Comestoga Creek 68 miles W. of Philadelphia. P. 25,769. Lancaster or South Bay, th: New Brunswick, St. John co. P. 4333. Lancaster, th: Ontario, in Glengarry co., on R. St. Lawrence, 54 m. W. Montreal. P. 485t * Lancaster Sound connects Baffin Bay on the NW, with Barrow Strait, lat. 74° N.; 50 m. wide. Lanchester, tshp. and vil., 9 m. NW. Durham. P. 4038. Tan Tcheu, city, China, cap. of Kan-Su Prov., on the Hoang Ho. £anciano, tr. Italy, prov. Chieti, 6 m. from the Sea. P. 17,755. fancing, par. and vils. Sussex, 58 m. from London. P. 1347. Iancut or Landshut, th Austria, Galicia, 12 m. E. Rzeszow. P. 3483. Tandak, tin. Borneo, W. CŞt., lat. 20° N. . Under the Dutch. Landana, cst, tm. Loango, W. Africa, with Engl., French, and Dutch - au, ft. th: Rhen. Bavaria, 18m. NW. Carlsruhe. P. 9395. [factories. Landau, the Lower Bavaria, on the Iser. P. 3165. Tandeck, th: Prussian Silesia, gov. Breslau, on R. Biala. P. 27.15. Tanderneau, spt. th: France, in Finistère, 12 m. ENE. Brest. P. 9078. Ilandaur, hill, cantonment, and sanitarium, India, N.W. Provs., Dehra. Dun Dist. P. 4428. Alt. 7459 ft. It is part of Mussooree th: Landes, dep. S.W. France, on B. of Biscay,. part of Old Gascony; Area, 3599 sq. m. P. 302,266. Much of its surface is, occupied with heaths (Zaztales), with imany lagoons on the cSt. The Adour is the chief river. Cap. Mont-de-Marsan. Tandewednack, cst, par. and vil. Cornwall, 11 m.SE. Helston. P. 585. Tandivisiau, tri. France, in Finistère, 12 m. WSW. Morlaix. P. 3706. Landport, sub. of Portsmouth, Engl. P. ro,614. - Ilandquart, r. Switz., cant. Grisons, flows 45 m. to the Rhine. Landrecies, ft. th: France, dep. Nord, on R. Sambre. P. 4203. Landsberg, th Bavaria, on R. Lech, 22 m. S. Augsburg. P. 5125. Landsberg, tin. Prussia, in Brandenburg, on R. Warta, 40 m. NE. Frankfort, on the Oder. P. 24,893. Landsberg, th E. Prussia, 28 m. S. Königsberg. P. 2640. Ilandsberg (Alt), th Prussia, gov. Potsdam, 12 m. ENE. Berlin. P. 2536. Tandsborough, th: Victoria, 150 m. NW. Melbourne. , P: 4oo. Tand d, cape, Cornwall, extreme S.W. of Engl., 50°6' N. ; 5° 45' W. Ilandshut, manuf. and picturesque tin. Lower Bavaria, on R. Iser, with a famous church and steeple 462 ft. high. P. I7,8 Ilandshut, ft. th: Prussian Silesia, 29 m. SSW. Liegni Landshut, tm. Moravia, 37 m. SSE. Brünn. ...P. 2700. Ilandskron, th Bohemia, 37 m. ESE. Chrudim. P. 5284. roma, ft. spt. S. Sweden, on the Sound. P. (1886) 11,639. Landstuhl, th: Rhenish Bavaria, 16 m. NE. Zweibrücken. P.3704. Lane End, eccl. dist. Staffordsh., in the “Potteries." P. 6899. Lane End, vil. Bucks, 5 m. S.W. Wycombe, Janesborough, vil. Irel, on R. Shannon, 9 m. SW. Longford. P. 272. Langabhat, Loch, lake, Scot: in Lewis, 7% m. long. Langbank, yil. Scot.; on R. Clyde, opposite Dumbarton. P. 322. angdale, Great and Little, two vals. Engl, co. Westmorland. Langdale Pikes, two mts. on N.W., Westmorland, 2491 and 2323 ft. Hangdon, ry, sta. Alberta, on C. P. Ry., 819 m.W. Winnipeg. Iangeac, th: France, in Haute Loire, on R. Allier. P. 4228. Lange Berge, Ints. Cape Colony, between Breede and Groote Rs. Iangefjeld, mtu, grp. Norway, in Romsdal. Lat. 62° 15' N. Iangeland, isl. Denmark, in Gt. Belt, 33 m. long by 3 m. Area, III sq. m., P.19,700. Chieftm. Rudkiöbing. [P. 2564. Langelsheim, min., tm. Brunswick, in the Harz, 5 m. NW. Goslar. Langemarch, vil, Belgium, 5 m, NNE, Ypres. P. 7056, 3. P. 12,502. y 418. T º ºn f y : 73. tz. P. 7106. tºº stºr . . . . . $º º * Langen, tm. Hessen, 9 m. NE. Parmstadt. F. 4673. Iangenau, th Bohemia, 28 m. NE. I.eitheritz. P. 2798. Tangenau, th Würtemberg, Iom. NE. Ulm, P. 3785. Langenberg, th Rhenish Prussia, 6 m. N. Elberfeld. P. § 8 & Iangenburg, ry, sta. Manitoba, 198 m; NW. from Portage la Prairie. Langendreer, fin, Prussia, in Westphalia, 5 m. E. Bochum. P. 5102. Langenlois, th Austria, 6 m. NE. Krems: P. 3622. Langenöls, vil, Prussian Silesia, gov. Liegnit: P. 3770. [P. ro,924. Langensalza, th: Prussian Saxony, 25 m. NW. Erfurt on the Salza. Iangenschwalbach, th and watering-place.8 m. NW. Wiesbaden. Langenselbold, vil. Hessen-Nassau, 6 m. ENE. Hanau. P. 3I49. Iangenthal, yil. Switz., cant...and 24 m. NE. Bern. P. 3846. Langenweddingen, vil. Prussia, 9 m. SSY. Magdeburg....P. 3140. . on the Skager Rack, Io m. WSW. Laurvig. Langesund, th: Norway, - Tangevinor Šte. Justine, vil. Quebec, Dorchester co., P.,571..[P, 1060. Langevin, ry, sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., $95 m. W: Winºpº. Tangheim, two vils, Bavaria, in Lr. Franconia, 16 m. from Würzburg. Langhirano, vil. Italy, on R. Parma, 13 m, S. Parma. P. 62,121. Tan:holm. ºn. Scot. E. Dumfriessh., on R. Esk. P.4209. iān;ie., ºil. Brit. Columbia, on Fraser R., 15 m. from New West- minster. P. 500. sº Langley, dist, and vil. Worcestersh, 2 m,SW. Smethwick. P. 7384. Langley Marish, par. and vil. in SE, Bucks. P. 2162. Langnau, vil. Switz., cant. Bern, in the Emmenthal. P. 719:. Langogne, th: France, in Lozère, on the Allier. P. 3696. Langon, th: and port, France, in Gironde, on the Garonne, P. 4704. Langonnet, th France, in Mörbihan, 25 m, W., Pontivy. P. 3673. Iangport, mkt. th: Somerset, on R. Parret, P. 897. Langres, ft. th; France, in Haute Marne, near source of Marne, #. If,790. Alt. 1460 ſt. One of the highest tims, in France. Langside, S. sub. of Glasgow. P. 6023. Battle of L. 1568. Iang-Son, ft. th: Tonquin, on R. Song-ki. Langston, fish, vil. Hants, 1 m. S. Havant, on I. Harbour. & Languedoc, old prov. France, now deps. Aude, Tarn, Hérault, Čozère, Ardèche, and Gard, and parts of Haute Garonne and Haute Loire. The canal off. unités the Mediterranean with the Garonne at Toulouse. e & Languidic, th; France, in Morbihan, Iom. NE. Lorient. Lanjaron, mkt. th Spain, 26 m. SF. Granada. P. 4181. Tankeran, th Transcaucasia, on 9 aspian Sea, P.,5329. Tannion, thand port, France, Côtes-du-Nord: P. 5998. Łanoraié, vil. Québec, Berthier co., on R. St. Lawrence. P. 2240. Lansdown, elevated tract, Somersetsh., NW. Bath. †Anse à, Giles, vil. Quebec, in L'Islet co., on St. Lawrence. P. 509. Tansford, bor. Pennsylvania, Carbon co., 6 m. NE. Tamaqua, P. 2206. Hansing, city, Iowa, Allamakee Co., on Mississippi R. P. I825. Lansing, city, cap. of Michigan, Ingham Co., on Grand R., at mth. of Cedar R., 85 m. WNW, Detroit. . P. 8319. Lansingburg, th New York, Rensselaer Cº., E. b. Hudson. P. 7432. Iantwit, tshp. Glamorgan, near Neath. P. 2890. Tanzarote, isi. most NE. of the Canaries. Area, 311 sq. m. P. 15,000. Laoag, tin. Luzon Isl., in the Philippines...P. 36,639. Laon, city, France, cap, of Aisne, 86 m. NE. Paris, P., 12,623. Iaos, country of Indo-China, surrounded by Burma, Siam, Tonquin, and Yun. Nan. Its limits are unknown to Europeans, and it is tribu- tary to the neighbouring states. The main r. is the Mekong. P. I, ooo, ooo (?). [Alt. 12,226 ft. P. 26, ooo. La Paz, th: Bolivia, cap. of dep, La P., in the Andes, near L. Titicaca. La Paz, dep. Bolivia, E. of L. Titicaca. Area, 42,471 sq. m., P. 568,000. It is traversed by the Andes, containing Illimani and Sorata. La Paz, th Mexico, cap. of Lt. California, on Bay of La Paz, lat. 24° to N. P. 4000. Pearl-fishing and silver-mining. Tapeer, th Michigan, on Flint R., cap. of I. Co. P. 29II. Laphum Xai, th Siam, Laos, on R. Menam... P. 12,000. La Pigeonnière or St. Michel Archange, vil. Quebec, in Napierville co., 25 m. S. Montreal...P. 1660. Tapio, th Italy, prov. Avellino, 13 m. WNW. St. Angelo. P. 2378. Lapland (Swed. Laßmark), extensive ter. of N. Europe, in Russia, Sweden, and Nº. from White Sea to the Norwegian cst. Area, 130,000 sq. m. Lat. 64°-71° N. L. consists partly of desolate mtns. or vast moorlands, interspersed with lakes. Ila Plata. See Argentina. La Plata, th Argentina. P. (1887) 30,008; below Buenos Ayres. La Porte, city, Indiana, cap of La P, co., 59 m. ESE. Chicago. P. 6195. Laprairie, tr. Quebec, cap. of I. Co., on S. b. St. Lawrence. P. 1841. La Présentation, vil. Quebec, Co. and 6 m. N. St. Hyacinthe. P. 1318. Ilar or Laar, th: Persia, cap. of Laristan, 180 m. SE. Shiraz. P. 12,000. Larache, Morocco. See El-Araish. Laramie City, Wyoming, U.S., cap. of Albany co., on Union Pacific Ry., 57 m. WNW. Cheyenne. P. 2696. Alt. 7123 ſt. Taramie Peak, nntn. Wyoming, in Black Hills. Io, ooo ft. high. Laramie Plains, fertile plateau, Wyoming, traversed by the Union Pacific Ry., and partly watered by N. Fork Platte R. Larax, r. France, dep. Gers, aſſ. of Garonne, 70 m. Larbert, vil. and ry. junc. Stirlingsh., 23 m. NW. Falkirk. P. 831. 8 P. 6745. - L'Arbresle, vil. France, 18 m. by rail WNW. Lyons. P. -- 3448. Iärchwood, ry, sta. Canada, Ont. Div., C. P. Ry., 341 m. W. Ottawa. L'Ardoise, vil. Nova Scotic.; ºn SE. CŞt.–Cape Breton Isl. Laredo, spt...tn. Spain, in Santander, 34 m. Wł:W. Bilbaº. P. 4384. Laredo, yil. Texas, cap. of Webb co., on Rio Grande. P. 352,... . Largentière, th France, in Ardèche, 21 m. SW. Privas. P. 2783. Largie, yil. Ontario. Elgin co., 7 m. W. Iona. P. 400. Largo, fishing vil. Fife, on Largo Bay, Firth of Forth. I’. 562. Larſ joward, vil. Fiſe, 4% m. NE. Largo sta. P. 338. Largs, mkt, th: Scot., N. Ayr, on Firth of Clyde. P. 3079. Lari, ft. tin. Italy, prov. and 14 m. SE. Pisa. P. of com. Ir,280. Ilarino, th: Italy, prov. and 22 m. NE. Campobasso. P. 5878. fºr SS3, tin. Turkey, on R. Salembria, 20 m. from G. of Salonica. Laristan, prov. Persia, on Persian G. Cap. Lar. [P. I3,619. Lark, r. flows 26 m. to the Ouse, Cambridgesh. Parkhall, tn. Lanarksh., 3% m. SE. Hamilton. P. 6503. Larkhana, th Bombay Pres., Shikarpur Dist. P. ſº, i28. Larne, Spt, th Irel.., co. Antrim, on L. Lough, 24 m. N. Belfast. Iarne, Lough, Sea inlet, E. cºt. Antrim, 6 m. long. [P. 4coo. #. tn, $º. . # CSt. P. 12,000. - la Salle, city. Illinois, La S. co., on N. b. Illinois. P. 7847. La #eº. on. See Roche-sur-Yon. inois. P. 7847 Lask or Lasko, th: Poland, prov. and 48 m. ESE. Kalisz. P. 5298. Lasóe, isl. Denmark, in the Cattegat, 13 m. long. P. 26oo. Lassa or H'Lassa, cap. city of Tibet, the residence of the Grand Lama, on an aff, of Brahmaputra. P. 25,000. Tassan, th: Prussia, in Pomerania, 40 m. SE. Stralsund. P. 2372. Lasseube, th: France, Basses-Pyrenées, 6 m. E. Oleron. P. 2468. I'Assomption, th:... Quebec, Cap., of L'A. Co., 24 m. N. Montreal. Lassodie, mining vil. Fife, 4 m. NE. Dunfermline. P. 808. [P. 1350. Lasswade, th: 6 m. SE. Edinburgh, on the R. N. Esk, P. 1232. Lastra a Sigma, yil. Italy, 5 m..W. Florence. P. of dist, Io,965. Las Vegas, vil, New Mexico, U.S., on S. Ry., 48 m. ESE. Santa Fé. LašWari, vil. Rajputana, in Alwar State, 20 m. E. Alwar city. Gatakia, §pt. Syria, on Mediterranean, 35°30' N. P. 8000. º d, tshp. Cheshire, on R. Mersey, adjoins Warrington. P. 4282. Laterza, vil. N. Italy, prov. Lecce, 25 m. NW. Taranto. P. 672r. ilwºuvivu, fish. vil. Scot., Caithness, 18 m. SW. Wick. lom, ry, sta. Alberta, on C. P. Ry, 750 m. W. Winnipeg. nom, tshp. N. Lancashire, 4 m. NE. Ormskirk. P. 416+. Latisana, tm, Italy, 23 m, SSW. of Udine. P. 5035. La Trappe, Benedictine Convent, France, in Orne, 6 m. N. Mortagne. Latronico, th: Italy, prov, and 40 m. SE. Potenza. P. 3817. Lattakoo, th: Africa, Bechuana country, 27° 10'.S., 24°30' E. Lauban or Liiban, th: Pruss. Silesia, 49 m. W.S.W. Liegnitz. P. r1,336. Laucha, th: Prus. Saxony, 17 m, SW. Merseburg, on Unstrut. P. 23.5. Lauder, royal bur. W. Berwicksh.; near the Leader, 25 m. SE. Edin. Lauderdale, val. of the Leader, W. Berwicksh., Scot. [P. IoI4. Lauenburg, dist. Prussia, in Schleswig, ...Area, 457 sq. m. P. 49,861. Lauenburg, chief th of above, on the Elbe. P. 4867. Hauenburg, the Prussia, in Pomerania, 68 m. ENE. Cöslin. P. 7214. Hauf, th: Bavaria, on the Pegnitz, ENE. Nuremberg. P. 3559. Haufen, th: SE, Bavaria, on the Salzach. P. 2363. Haufen or Laufen, th: Würtemberg, on R. Neckar, S.W. Heilbronn. Laufen, walled th: Switz., 33 m, NNW. Bern. P. 1264. [P. 3607. auffenburg or Klein Laufenburg, vil. SE. Baden, on R. Rhiné, g §: Lauffenburg in Switz. cant. Aargau. [P. II.79. Laugharne, mkt, tin. Wales, in co, and 12 m. SW. Carmarthém. Iauingen, th: Bavaria, on the Danube, 26 m. NW. Augsburg. P. 386r. Laujar, th: Spain, 18 m. NW. Almeira, on the Sierra Nevada. P. 386r. ſaun, th; Bohemia, on R. Eger, IQ. m. NE. Saltz. P. 5561. [ruins. Launceston, mun; bor. E. Cornwall, near the Tamar. P. 3217. Castle Haunceston, tn. Tasmania, Cornwall Co., 28 m. SE. George Town. La Union, spt. th San Salvador, on Fonseca Bay. P. 6000. [P. 17,715. Haupersweil, vil, Switz, 14 m. from Bern, near the Emmen. P. 2863. Laupheim, th: Würtemberg, 12 m, NNW. Biberach. P. 4541. Laura, th; S. Australia, co., Victoria, 141 m. N. Adelaide. Iaurahütte, vil. Prussia, dist. Oppeln, near Königshütte. P. 9640. Laureana..th...Italy, prov. Reggio di Calabria. P. 5938. Laurel Hill, yil. New York, Queen's Co., on Newton Creek. Laurengekirk, mkt, the Scot., S. Kincardinesh, P. 1454. Laurentide MtS., Canada, range forming N. limit of Št. Lawrence basin, from Labrador to Lake Superior, average height x600 ft. Laurenzana, th: Italy, 15 m. SSE. Potenza. P. 6362. *. tn. , in Basilicata, 7 m, SSE., Lagonegro. P. Io,696. in S. Glasgow. P. ro,040. m. E. Falkirk. P. 1452. silver and lead-mines. Spt. on Skager Rack. P. 7905. g Cap. Vaud, near N. shore Lake Geneva, 32 m. NE. Geneva. P. 30,179; cathedral. Tausigk, tin, Saxony, 18 m. SSE, Leipsic. P. 4196. - Lautenburg, tin. W. Prussia, 50 m. SE. Marienwerder. P. 3560. Lautenthaſ, tm. Prussia, in Hanover, in the Harz. P. 2759 Tauter, r. Rhenish Bavaria, flows 44 m. to the Rhine. - Hauter, vil. Saxony, 4 m. NW. Schwarzenberg. P. 3022. Hauterbach, th Germany, in Hessen, 14 m. WNW. Fulda. P. 3266. Lauterberg, min. th: Hanover, 14 m. SE. Clausthal. P. 4186. Lauterbrunnen, vil, and val. Switz., 33 m. SE. Bern. P. 2097. Lauven, r. Norway, flows 200 m. to the fiord at Laurvig, Ilauwer Zee, inlet of N. Sea, in N. Netherlands, 8 m. inland. Iauzon or St. Joseph de Levis, vil. Quebec, Lewis co., on S. b. St Lawrence. P. 3556. Lavagna, th Italy, on Gulf of Genoa. P. 71.92; slate quarries. Ilaval, the France, cap. of Mayenne, on R. Mayenne, P. 30,627 Laval, vil. Canada, in Montmorency co., 19 m. from Quebec. P. 690. Lavaltrie, vil. Canada, Berthier co., 35 m. NE. Montreal. P. 1314. Ilavaur, tin. France, dep. Tarn, on the Agout., P. 6929. Lavelanet, th France, in Ariège, I2 m. E. Foix. P. 3205. Lavello, th: Italy, in Basilicata, 8 m. NE. Melfi. P. 6574. Lavenham, par. and vil. Suffolk, Io in. SE. Bury. P., 1838. Lavenir, vil. Quebec, Drummond co., II m. NW. Melbourne. P. 1440. La Weta, º sta. Colorado, U.S., on Denver and Rio Grande Ry. Tavis, th Austria, in Tyrol, 5 m. N. Trent. P. 2985. [Alt. 9500 ft. Lavington, Market, vil. Wilts, 5% m. S. Devizes. P. 6564. Lavos, th: Portugal, 24 m. SW. Coimbra, near mth. of R. Mondego. Ilavras de Funil, th Brazil, prov. Minas-Geraes, 170 m. WSW. Ouro Tawa, th: Punjab, Jehlam Dist. P. 6236. [Preto. P. 9ooo. Lawar, th India, NW. Provs., 12 m. N. Meerut. P. 5258. Lawrence, city, Kansas, U.S., Douglas Co., on Kansas R. P. Io,625. Lawrence, city, Massachusetts, Essex co., on Merrimac. P. 39,151. Lawrence, th: New Zealand, 60 m. by rail S.W. Dunedin. P. Iroo. Lawrenceburg, city, Indiana, on Ohio R., Dearborn co. P. 4670. Eawrencetown, vil. Nova Scotia, in Co. and on Annapolis R. P. 850. Lawrencetown, vil. Nova Scotia, 14 m. NE. Halifax. P. 520. Laxey, vil. Isle of Man, E. cst., 7% m. NE. Douglas. Lead-mines. Laxford, Loch, sea arm, N.W. Sutherland, 3% m. long. Laybach or Laibach, th: Austria, cap. of Carniola, 35 m. NE. Trieste, on R. Laybach. ... P.25,284. [is Laycock Abbey, seat. Laycock, par. and vil. Wilts, on Avon, 3 m. SW. Chippenham. Here Lazise, th Italy, 13 m, WNW. Verona, on L. Garda. P. 3048. Ilea, r. Engl., Bedford to Middlesex, 46 m. to the Thames. Leach, r. Engl., flows 15 m. to the Thames, in Oxfordsh. Leadenham, par, and vil. Lincolnsh., 12 m. S. Lincoln. P. 646. Leader Water, Scot., flows S. 21 m. to the Tweed, near Melrose. Leadgate, tin. Durham, 7 m. NW. Lanchester. , P. 4271. Leadhills, min. vil. S.W. Lanarksh. P. Io&I. Alt. 1360 ft. Leadville, min. tin. Colorado, Lake co., 88 m. SW. Pine Grove sta. Leam, r. aff, of the Avon, Warwicksh., 25 m. long. P. I4,820. Leamington, L. Priors or L. Spa, mun, bor. and watering-place, War- wicksh., on R. Leam, 2 m. E. Warwick, 98 N.W. London. P. 22,979. Leanchode, ry. sta. Brit. Columbia, on C. P. Ry.,985 m. W.Winnipeg. vil. Or Leao-Tong, Mukden or Shing King, maritime prov. Chinese Empire, *. in S. Manchuria. Area, 37,269 sq. m. P. 2,187,286. Cap. Mukden. Leao-Tong, Gulf of, arm of Yellow Sea, 150 m. long by 70-120 m. Leao-Yang, city, Manchuria, prov. Leao-Tong. P. 8o, ooo. Leatherhead, tim, Surrey, on R. Mole, 18 m. S.W. London. P. 3533. Leavenworth, city, Kansas, cap. of L. Co., on W. b. Missouri R., 38 in. above Kansas city. P. 29,268. Lebanon, mtn, chain, Syria and N. of Palestine, 90 m. long, rising in Dahr el Khadeb to 10,424 ft. P. 2625. vil. Indiana, cap. of Boone co., 28 m. NW. Indianapolis. vil. Kentucky, cap. of Marion co., 58 m. SW. Lexington. vil. New Hampsh., in Grafton co. P. 3354. [P. 2054. bor. Pennsyl., cap. of I. Co., 28 m. W: Reading... P. 8778. vil. Tennessee, cap. Wilson co., 30 m. E. Nashville. P. 2296. vil. Belgium, in E. Flanders, 18 m. E. Ghent. P. 6157. tn. Russia, gov. and IIom.WNW. Tambor. P. 6248. Russia, gov. and 77 m. WNW. Kharkov. P. 14,788. vil. Hungary, near Lake Neusiedl. P. 2860. vil. France, dep. Indre, on R. Creuse. P. 6558. Flats, sub. of Qttawa, Canada, on Ottawa R. tn, Spain, 29 m. SSW. Seville. , P. 12,864. tn. Chili, State Arauco, at mth. of Arauco R. P. 7000. mtn. Savoy, N. of Mont Blanc. Eley. 10,128 ft. tn. Prussia, prov. Brandenburg, 5 m. N. Frankfort. P. 2715. formerly Terra di Otranto, prov. S. Italy, in Apulia. Area, . . .3293 sq. m. P. 574,612. Cap; Lecce. Lecce, city, cap. of above, 25 m. NW. Qtranto. P. of com. 25,934. Lecco, th: Italy, in Lombardy, 16 m. ENE. Como. P. 8148. Lech, r. Tyrol and Bavaria, flows 140 m. N. to the Danube. Lechhausen, vil, Bavaria, on the Lech, NE. Augsburg. P. 8250. Lechlade: mkt.,tn. Gloucestersh, on R. Thames. P. II.76. Leck, r. Netherlands, an arm of the old Rhine, at the Delta. :ackhampton, Yil. Gloucestersh; 2 m. S. Cheltenham. . Letºscºe or Ste Emilie, vil. Canada, 51 m. above Quebec. P. 1269. Lectoure, tr. T. ance, in Gers, 20 m. N. of Auch. P. 5542. Ledbury, mkt. th in co. an” 13 m. SE. Hereford. P. 4376. -- - - Leddon, r. aff. of the Severn, hºar Gloucester.c. m. long. Lede, vil. Belgium, E. Flanders, bāºry. Sº, a gendermonde. Ledeberg, vil. Belgium, E. Flanders, Bºm. SE. Ghent. Ledesma, th Spain, 20 m. NW, Salamanca. P. 4508. P. II,102. g P. 3070. Legeñma, th Argentina, prov. Jujuy. P. 4000. - Ledetsch, tin. Bohemia, 17 m. SSW. Czaslau, on the Sasawa. P. 2349. i.ee, r. Kent, flows Iom. N.W. to the Thames, at Greenwich. Tee, r. co, Cork, flows 50 m. E. past Cork city to Cork Harbour. Lee par. and ry. Sta. Kent, Sub, and 6 m. ESE. London. P.I.4,435. Lee, vil. Massachusetts, Berkshire co., 38 m. SE: Albany (N.Y.). Leeds, parl, and mun. bor. E. Div. W. Riding, Yorksh., on R. Aire, 25 m. SW. York, 1863 m. NW. London by rail. P.309,119. The chief seat of the woollen manuf. of Engl. Other industries numerous. , Has a splendid town hall. Returns 5 M.Ps. Leeds, par., and vil. Kent, 5 m. SE. Maidstone. P. 727. Leeds, vil, Quebec, in Megantic Co., 18 m. E. Becancour. P. 1748. Leek, mkt: tn: Staffordsh., 13% m, SE. Macclesfield. P. 12,863. Leek, vil. Netherlands, prov, and 9 m. WSW. Groningen. P. 5129. Leenane, fishing hamlet Irel, on Killery Harbour, NW. Co. Galway Leer, th Haneyer, 17 m. S. 9ſ Aurich, on R. Leda. P. ro,399. Leerdam, tin. Retherlands, in S. Holländ, 19 m, ENE. Dort. P. 3615. Teetonia, vil. Ohio, Columbiana co., 20 m. E. Alliance. P. 2550. Ieeuwarden, fin. Netherlands, cap. of Friesland Province, 76 m. NE. Amsterdam, &n the Ee. * P. 29,472. Teeuwin, Cape, Sº. extremity of Australia. i.eeward Isls, federal Col. in Brit. W, India Isls., comprising Virgin Isls., St. Christopher S, Nevis, and Redonda; Antigua and Bar- buda, Montserrat and . Dominica. Area, 706 sq. m. P. 123,765. Cap. St. John's, ºn Antigua. The contains also the French isls., Guadeloupe and Marie Galante, St. Martin (Fr. and Dutch), St. Bartholomew (Swed.), Santa Cruz, St. John, and St. Thomás (Dan.). The name is sometimes applied to the whole series E. of Haiti, and also to the grp. off the cSt. of Venezuela, not including Trinidad. - P. 20,000. Lefkosia or Nicosia, cap. city of Cyprus, near the centre of the island. Lefroy, vil. Ontario, in Simcoe Co., 52 m. N. Toronto. P.5Co. - Lefroy, th Tasmania, 27 m, from Launceston. . P. 1200. Leganes, th Spain, prov. and 7 if: SW. Madrid. P. 3822. Ileghorn (Ital. Livozzio), spt. th: Italy, cap. of I. Prov., on the Medi- terranean, 50 m. WSW. Florence. P. 78,998; corn. 97,615. . Ex- ports, olive oil, straw hats, rags, hemp, marble and coral articles, _ etc. Area of prov. 126 sq. m. P. #23:575-, .. . Legnago, the Italy, 22 in. SE. Verona, oº he Adige. P. 14,383. Legnaja, Borgo di, a W. sub. of Florenč. P. 12,269. Legnano, th: Italy, 16 m. by rail N.W. Miñº, on the Qlona. , P. 8184. Leñ, tm. Punjab, Čap. of Ladakh, Kashmir State, on the Indus. Elev. II,538 ft. P. 4000. ~ Lehe, fū. Hanover, on the Weser, near Bremèrhaven. P. II,011. Hehesten, th in Sãxe-Meiningen, 7 m. SE. Gräßenthal. P. 2078. Lehigh, r. Pennsylvania, flows 126 m. to the Delaware, at Easton. ehighton, bor. Pennsylvania, Carbon co., on Lehigh R.P. 1937. ah, th: Punjab, in Dera Ishmail Khan Dist. P. 5899 } with environs, Leibitz, th: Hungary, co. Zips, near Kesmark. P. 3084. [18,449. Leibnitz or Lindenstadt, tin. Styria, 20 m. S. by E. Grätz.-. P. 3624. Ileicester, parl. and mun. bor. and co. th: of Leicestershire, §ngl., on R. Soar, 99 m. NW. London by rail. P, 122,376. It is the chief , seat of the worsted hosiery trade. The bor. returns two M.P., Teicestershire, inland.co. Engl, bounded N. by Notts, E. by Lincoil, and S. by Northampton, and W. by Warwick and Derby. Length, 44 m. by 40. Area, 800 sq. m. P. 321,258. Low undulating hills cover the surface, and the chief rs. are affs. of the Trent.” The go. returns 4 M.P.S. Chief tims. Leicester, Loughborough, Hinck- ley, Melton-Mowbray, and Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Leichlingen, the Rhenish Prussia, 13 m. SE. Düsseldorf. P. 5813. Leichhardt, r, Queensland, flows N. to G. of Carpentaria. 4O LEICHHARDT Leichhardt, sub. 3 m. W. Sydney, New S. Wales. P. 1800. Leigh, mkt. th: SW. Lancash., 21 m. NE. Liverpool. P. 21,734. Leigh, spt. and par. SE. Essex, on R. Thames. P. 1761. Leighlin, Old, par. and vil, with a cath., Irel., W., co. Carlow. P. 1815. Leighlinbridgé, th Irel.., 8 m. S. Carlow, on R. Barrow. P. 835. Leighton Buzzard, mkt, th Bedfordsh., on R, Ouse. P. 5991. Leimbach, th: Prussian Saxony, 29 m. NW. Merseburg. P. 3340. Leine, r. N.W. Germany, flows N. 130 m. to the Aller. Leinster, the SE, prov. of Irel, bounded N. by Ulster, E. by Irish Sea and St. George's Chan., S. by the Atlantic, W. by Munster and Connaught, comprising 12 cos., Louth, Meath, W. Meath, Longford, King's Co., Queen's Co., Kildare, Dublin, Wicklow, Wexford, Kilkenny, and Carlow. Length N. and S. 140 m.; breadth, 80 m. Area, 7620 sq. m. P. 1,278,989, of whom 85.6 per cent. are Roman Catholic. Leinster, Mount, highest of Blackstairs range, Carlow, 2610 ft. Leintwardine, vil. Herefordsh., on Rs. Teme and Clun. P. Iócg. Leipa, th: Bohemia, 41 m. N. by E. Prague. P. 9090. Leipnik, th Moravia, 52 m, by rail NE. Brünn. P. 5256. Teipsic (Germ. Leipzig), flourishing commercial city, Saxony, 64 m. ENE. Dresden, on R. Elster. The seat of a famous university; music conservatory, numerous schools, etc. Its extensive coni- merce is carried on specially through its noted fairs; the sale of books being a distinguishing feature. P. (1885) 170,340. Leiria, city, Portugal, 75 m. NE. Lisbon. P. 3705. Leisnig, th Saxony, 25 m. SE. Leipsic, on the Mulde. P. 7315. Leiston, par. and vil. Suffolk, 4 m. E. Saxmundham Junc., P. 2439. Leith, parl. bur. and spt. Scot., Edinburghsh., on Firth of Forth, adjoining Edinburgh. P. 59,485; exports, linen and jute goods, iron, Sugar, machinery, etc., imports, grain, etc., wool, wine, flax, raw sugar, timber, etc. In 1885, 3275 vessels entered of 1,061,237 ton. The Leith Dist. of parl. burghs includes L., Portobello, andl and returns I M.P. r. flows 23 m. to Firth of Forth, at Leith. Surrey, 4 m. SW. Dorking. Alt. 993 ft. tn. Bohemia, on R. Elbe, 34 m. NNW. Prague. P. ro,854. tn. Bohemia, 24 m. SE. Chrudim. . P. 7538. NE, co. of Connaught, bounded N. ; Donegal and , E. by Fermanagh, Cavan, and Longford, W, by and Sligo. Length N. and S. 52 m. by 20 m. Area, P. 90,372, of whom 90 per cent. are Rom. Cath. Lough 613 Sq. in. Allen is in the co., and the Shannon divides it from Roscommon. The tris. are Carrick-on-Shannon (co. thi), Manor Hamilton, and Mohill. The co. returns 2 M.Ps. Leixlip, the Irel., N.co. Kildare, on R. Liſſey. P. 741. Lekkerk, vil. S. Holland, 9 m. E. Rotterdam. P. 31.94. Ile Maire, strait, between Tierra del Fuego and Staten Island. Leman, Lake. See Geneva. Lembecq, vil. Belgium, 11 m. SSW. Brussels. P. 3592. Lemberg or Leopold, city, Austria, cap. of Galicia,365 m. ENE.Vienna. P. 109,746. Seat of a university, has manufs., and extensive trade. Lemgo, th; Germany, in Lippe, 6 m. N. Detmold. P. 6460. Lemmer, th: Netherlands, in Friesland, on Zuyder Zee. P. 5723, Lemnos or Stalimine, isl. Turkey, 40 m. SE, of entrance to firdan. elles. P. I5,000 (mostly Greeks). Lemont or Athens, vil. Illinois, Cook co., on Des Plaines R. Lemvig, th: Denmark, in Jutland, on Lym-Fiord. P. 1711. Lena, one of the largest rivs. of Asia, in Siberia, rises in the mtns.W. of L. Baikal, and enters the Arctic Ocean with an extensive delta 2°-73° N., 125°-130° E. Length of course 2400 m. Chief tributaries, Vitihi, Olekma, and Aldan on r. b., and the Viliui on 1. b. Jenczy, th: Poland, 80 m. WSW. Warsaw. P. 15,546. Lendinara, ft. th: Italy, 9 m. W. of Rovigo. P. 7393. Lengefeld, th: Saxony, 14 m. SE. Chemnitz. P. 3617. Lengenfeld, th: Saxony, 26 m. S.W. Chemnitz. P. 5294. Lenham, par. and vil. Kent, 8% m. SE. Maidstone. P. 1987. Lenk, vil. Switz. cant. Bern, in Simmenthal. P. 2186. Lennep, th: Rhen. Prussia, 22 m. E. by S. Düsseldorf. P. 8844. Lennik St. Quentin, tin. Belgium, 9 m. SW. Brussels. P. 2885. Lennox, anc. co, Scot., comprised Dumbartonsh., much of Stirlingsh., and parts of Perthsh. and Renfrewshire. Lennox Hills, from near Dumbarton NE. to near Stirling. Lennoxtown, th Stirlingsh., II+ m. N. Glasgow. P. 3249. Lennoxville, vil. Quebec, Sherbrooke co., on St. Francis R. P. 788. Leno, tm. Italy, in Lombardy, 12 m. S. Brescia. P. 4427. Lenox, tshp. New York, Madison co., on Oneida L. P. Io,249. Lens, th: France, in Pas-de-Calais, 9 m. NE. Aras. P. Io,515. Lens, vil. Switz., cant. Valais, 5 m. NE. Sion. P. 2185. Lentini or Leontini, th Sicily, 18 m. SSW. Catania. P. 14,015. Leny, pass and r. SW. Perthsh., joins the Teith. Lenzburg, tr. Switz. cant. Aargau, 7 m. E. Aarau. P. 273r. Ienzen, th: Prussia, in Brandenburg, 83 m. NW. Potsdań. P. 2840. Lenzie, a S. sub. and ry. sta. Kirkintilloch, Scot. P. 1316. Ileobschütz, th: Pruss. Silesia, 33 m. SW. Oppeln. P. 12,239. Leominster, mun. bor. Herefordsh., on R. Lugg. P. 6044. Ileominster, vil. Massachusetts, Worcester co. P. 1800. Leon, old prov. and former kingdom, NW. Spain, now the provs. Leon, Salamanca, and Zamora. Area, 14,865 Sq. m. P. 952,895. Area of new prov. 5976 sq. m. P. 373,354. [a fine Gothic cathedral. Ileon, city, cap. of above, 174 m. NNW. Madrid. P. 11,240. L. has Ileon, th Nicaragua, between L. Leon and the Pacific. P. 30,000. Leon or Leon de los Aldamas, city, Mexico, state and 40 *. Wis W. Guanajuato. P. 121,720. - - . i.e. - ploy. Ecuador. Area, 7379 sq. m. ... P. 80,028. Leon, or Managua, Iaº Nićaragua. 35 m. long, discharges to L. Teonberg,th. Würtemberg, o.º. iN W. Stuttgart. P. 2240. [Nicaragua. Leonessa, th: Italy, prov. Aquíla, on the Corno. P. 5599. Leonforte, tin. Sicily, 49 m. WNW. Catania, by ry. P. 16,8 P, 2108. ,öI9. Leopold II., lake, Cent. Africa, lat. 2° S.; drains by the Mfini R. to the Congo. Area about 800 sq. m. Leopoldstadt, sub. of Vienna, on isl. in Danube. P. 120,000. Ileopoldville, sta. of International Association, on the Congo, imine- diately ai)ove the cataracts. Tepanto or Epacto, spt. tin. Greece, in AEtolia, on N. cst. of Gulf of epanto. P. 5925. See Corinth, Gulf of. - Tepe, th: Spain, prov. and 11 m. W. Huelva. P. 4874. Lepel, th Russia, gov, and 62 m. WSW. Vitebsk. P. 6003. L'Epiphanie, vil. Quebec, L'Assomption co. P. I500. Iepreaux, vil. New Brunswick, on Bay of Fundy. P. 500. Lequettio, cSt. th: Spain, prov. Biscay, 17 m. ENE. Bilbao. Lercara di Freddi, tin. Sicily, 48 m. SE. Palermo. P. 14,269. Lerchenfeld, suburb of Vienna. P. 25,657. Ar’ I.erici, th: Italy, prov. Genoa, on Bay of Spezia. P. 6678. Lerida, ft. city, Spain, Catalonia, cap. of L. prov. ºn R. P. 17,672. Area of prov. 4691 sq. m. P. 290,803. 2. Lerins, isls. France, dep. Var, in Mediterranean. - Lerma, tin. Spain, prov, and 23 m. S. Burgos. P. 2406. Lerwick, spt, th: Scot:, cap. 9f Shetland Islands, on F. c.st of Main- º ICO §§º P. *}. Ila Poi - Iles Abimes, th: Guadeloupe Isl., 3 m. from I-a Pointe-à-Pitre. P. - Les Andelys, th France, dº Eure, 20 m. NE. §º 5 .* Les Arcs, tin. France, dep, Va., 8 ºn. S. Draguigian. P. 2825. Lesbos, in AEgean Sea. See Mitylene. -- Les Brenets, vil. Switz., 12 m. WNW. Neufchâtel, on R. Doubs. Lesina, isl. Dalmatia, 23 m. SE. Spalato. 22,911. [P. I478. Leskovatz, th in S. of Servia, dist. of Nish pº 807. Leslie. mkt. th Fife, on R. Leven; 12 m. Sv. Cupar." P. 3353. Lesmahagow or Abbey Green, vil. Lanºrksh, on R. Nethân, 1.2 m. . Hamilton. P. 1386. . . Lesneven, the France, dep. Finistère, #6 m. NNE. Brest. P. 2950. Lesparre, th: France, dep. Gironde, 37 m. NW. Bordeaux. P. 4145. Lesse, r. Belgium, aft. of the Meuse {{ove Dinant, 50 m. Lessen, th: W. Prussia, 17 m. ; Marienwerder. P. 2186. Lesser Slave Lake, Canada, , NY. Ter., drains to Athabasca R., 5° 30' N., 115° W., 100 m. long by 30 m. Lessines, th: Bºlgium in Haiºuſ, on R. Dender. P.7672. Lessudden or St. Boswell's, vi. Scot, NW. Roxburghsh. P. 555. Letham, vil. Scot. Forfarsh; 5 m. E. Forfar. P. 883. Lethbridge, th; Victoria, 19 m. by il from Geelong. Letitchev, th: Russia, in Podolia, 6 m. NNE. Kamieniec. P. 5649. Leºnathe, th: Prussia, in Westphalia, 22 m. W. Arnsberg. P. 4355. Letterê, th: Italy, prov, Napoli, 33 m. E. Castel-a-Mare. P. 6374. Leñerkenny; tım. Irel, co. Donegal, on R. Swilly. P. 2188. Lettermore Isl...Irel. W. co. Galway, Kilkieran Bay. P. 890. Lettermullan Isl, Irél., W. co. Galway. P. 626. Leuca,9ape, Qºşanta Maria di Leucá, SE. extremity of Italy. Leucadia. Sée Santa Maura. [P. 588. Ieugharā, Yii, and ry, junct. Scot., Fife, 54 m. NW. St. Andrews. Heuk Yi, Switz, cant. Valais, on r. b. Rhône. P. 1411. Alt. 5000 ſt. £eºbjst, vil. Scot, Lewis Isi., 8 m. Sy. Stornoway. P. 654. Leutensdorf, tin. Böhemia, 24 in. WNW. Leitmeritz. P. 5727. £utkirch, th: Würtemberg, 40 m...S. Ulm. P. 2959. Leutschau, tri. Hungary, 123 m. NE. Pesth., P. 6603. Leuze, tin. Belgium, in Hainaut, on R. Dender. P. 623r. Ieva or Lewenz, th: Hungary, 54 m. NNW. Pesth., 6491. Levanger, th Norway, on NE. shore Trondhjem Fiord. P. 817. Levant, a French name applied to E. csts. of Mediterranean, inclu- sive of Greece and Egypt. Levantine, val. Switz., cant. Ticino, S. from St. Gotthard. .* * P. 2783. Segre. Levanto, cSt. th: Italy, prov. Genoa, 18 m. NNW. La Spezia. P. 4562. Levanzo, one of AEgådes Isls., off W. cat. Sicily. P. 5500. [P. 2808. Levard or Gross Schützen, th: Hungary, 26 m. NNW. Presburg. ſeven, ry, sta, Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry, 9 m. W. Swift Current. Leven, th: Fife, on Largo Bay, Firth of Forth. P. 3067. Leven, Loch, sea arm, Scot., W. CŞt, Argyll and Inverſiess, Irm. I even, Loch, Scot., Kinross, discharges by R. Leven, Fife; trout fish- Leven, r. N. Lancashire, exits from Lake Windermere. ſing. Leven, r. Argyll and Inverness, 16 m. to Loch Leven. I even, r. Dumbartonsh., aff, of the Clyde, from Loch Lomond. ſeven, r. Fife, from Loch Leyen, flows 16 m. E. to Largo pay. Levenshulme, thº, 3 m. SE. Manchester. P. 3557. Leverano, the Italy, prov, and 10 m. WSW. Légéc. P. 3425. Levico, th: Tyrol, 19 m. SE. Trent. P. 6106. [P. 7600. £evis or Point-Levis, try Canada, cap. of I, co., opposite Quebec. Levroux, til. France, in Indre, 13 m. N. Châteauroux. p. 4c86. Lewes, mun., bor, and Co. th of Sussex, on R. Ouse. P. II, I99. Hewes, vil. Delaware, U.S., Sussex co., on Delaware Bay."f 3IO3. Lewis or Lews (with Harris), largest and most N. is of the Otter Hebrides. Its S. peninsular portion is called Harris (to Inverness). Total area, 876 sq. m. P. 28,339. Lewis without Harris (to Ross-sh.); area, 683 sq. m. P. 24,876; 28 m. by 42. Chief place Stornoway. Surface mostly moor or mtm. [P. 31.20. Lewisburg, bor. Pennsyly, cap. of Union co., on Susquehanná R. Lewisham, par, bor. and SE. Sub. of London, 4 m. SE. of St. Paul's, co, Kent. P. 67,5co. It returns I M.P. Lewis Fork, U.S. See Snake R. [Portland. P. 19,100. Lewiston, city, Maine, in Co. and on 1... b. Androscoggin R., 35 in N. Lewiston, vil. New York, on Niagara R., 7 m. below the Fail. P.7oo. Lewistown, bor. Pennsylv., cap. of Mifflin co., on Juniata R., P.3%go. Lexington, city, Kentucky, cap. of Fayette Co., 77 m. S. Cincinnati. The seat of Kentucky University. P. 16,656. Lexington, vil, Massachusetts, Middlesex co., II m. WNW. Boston. Battle with British here in 1775. [l’. 1000. port of entry, Michigan, on L. Huron, cap. of Sanilac co. th. Missouri, cap. of Lafayette Co., on Missouri R. P. 4ooo. yil. Virginia, cap. of Rockbridge co., on North R. P. 3771. Courthouse, vil. S. Carolina, cap. of L. co., 14 m. WSW. P. 3222. Leyburn, mkt, th: N. R. Yorkshire, 18 m.W. Northallerton. P. 972. Leyburn, th: Queensland, 150 m. SW. Brisbane. Leyden or Leiden, city, in S. Holland, 22 m. SW. Amsterdam, on the Old Rhine. The seat of a celebrated university. P. 45,511. Leydenberg, vil. S. Aſrican Rep., 180 m. NE. Pretoria. Leyderdorp, vil. S. Holland, on the Rhine, 1% m. E. Leyden. P. 3280. Leyland, th N. Lancash., 4% m. S. Preston. P. 4961. Leyte, isl, one of the Philippines, SSW, of Samar, 130 m. long by 35. Area, 3590 sq. m. P. 220,515. Leytha or Leitha, r. part of the boundary between Austria and Hungary, flows 90 m. NE. to the Danube, below Vienna. Leyton, th: Essex, I m. N. Stratford. P. 27,068. Leytonstone, eccl., dist. Essex, I m. NE. Leyton. P. 8212. Lezaysk, th: Austria, in Galicia, 25 m. NE. Rzeszow. P. 4945. tn. France, in Aude, 13 m. W. Narbonne. P. & th. France, in Puy-de-Dôme, 15 m. ENE. Clermont. P. 3551. Tibet. See Lassa. large isl. New Siberia Isls., N. of Asia, in Arctic Ocean. mtn. Greece. See Parnassus. tn. France, in Oise, 5 m. SSE. Clermont. P. 4652. city, China, in Kan Su, 140 m. NNW. Lian-Tcheu. city, China, in 3. * 240 m. S.W. Canton. Syria. See Lebanon. spt. tin. Russia, in Courland, on the Baltic. P. 27,418. independent negro rep. W. Cst. Africa, on the Grain Cst., Guinea. From Sherboro R. On N.W. to Pedro R. on SE. 600 m. ; breadth inland 100 m. Area, 14,300 sq. m. P. civilised 18,000; native, 1,050,000. Cap. Monrovia. Exports, palm oil, palm nuts, redwood, ivory, arrowroot, Sugar, etc. maritime dep. N.W. Peru. Area, 15,649 Sq. m. P. 147,541. vil. Scot., I m. SE. Edinburgh. P. of par. 6026. (Cap. Trujillo. tn. and port, France, in Gironde, on the Dordogne. P. 15,980. ancient Greek name of Africa. Desert, part of the Sahara, E. of Fezzan and Waday. spt. th Sicily, at mth. of R. Salso, 24 m. SE. Girgenti. P. 18,510. tn. Hessen, on R. Wetter, 8 m. SE. Giessen. P. 2499. city, Staffordsh., 17 m. SE. Stafford. P. 8439. Cathedral. tn. South African Republic, in the W. Bavaria, on R. Main, 20 m. NNE. Bamberg. P. 2712. tn. Switz., cant. and 16 m. WSW. St. Gall. P. I.477. tn. Saxony, 14 m. WSW. Chemnitz. P. 5395. vil. Netherlands, 5 m, SW. Groenlo. P. 4116. th. Belgium. 13 m. WSW. Bruges. P. 6483. or Oelk, tin. E. Prussia, 55 m. S. Gumbinnen. P. 8624. r. Kentucky, flows 220 m. to the Ohio. tn. Sicily, prov. Catania, 7 m. SE. Caltagirone. , P. 6343. r. S. Scot., aff. of the Esk, Roxburgh and Dumfries... -- vil. Switz., between Marigny and Great St. Bernard. val. Dumfries. On English boºzi, Liddel Water. par. and yil. Devon, on R. Lid. P. 2708. tn. Sweden, 30 m. SW. Mariestadt, on L. Wener. P. 4593. tn. Moravia, 18 m. NE. Prerau. P. 4019. Prussian Silesia, 34 m. SSW. Liegnitz. P. 4990. tn. E. Prussia, 72 m. SSW. Königsberg. P. 2198. Bohemia, 19 m. NE. Buntzlau. P. 3057. or Sauerbrunn, watering-place, Germany, in Saxe- 18 m. WSW. Gotha. P. 1158. . 25 IO. tn. Prussia, in Brandenburg, 37 m. NNE. Potsdam. tn. Prussian Saxony, 60 m. ENE. Merseburg. P. 2966. tn. Saxony, 5 m. SE. Leipsic. P. 2440. tn. E. Prussia, on the Muhl, 54 m. SSW. Könisberg. P. 243r. small principality between the Upper Rhine and orarlberg, Tyrol. Area, 68 sq. m. P. 9124. Cap. Vaduz. Liedekerke, vil. Belgium, 12 m. W. Brusscle. P. 3066. Liége (Dutch Lzzyż, Ger. Littéich), city, Belgium, cap. of prov, L., 54 In. E. by S. Brussels, on R. Meuse. P. 137,559. Has a cathedral, university, etc. •. Liége, prov. Belgium, traversed by the Meuse. Area, 1118 sq. m. P. 718,656. Chief tins. Li, Seraing, Herstal, Verviers. egnitz, tr. Prussian Silesia, 40 m. WNW. Breslau. P. 43,347. emba, lake, Cent. Africa, at S. end of Tanganyika. empden, yil, Netherlands, 9 m. S. of Bois-le-Duc. enden, vil. Netherlands, in Gelderland, 12 m. NW. Nymwegen. entz, th Tyrol, on R. Drave. P. 2823. Iron-works. [P. 4082. epvre or Lêberau, vil, in Alsace, 14 m. NW. Colmar. P. 2571 ermeux, vil. Belgium, prov. and 25 m., SSE. Liége. P. 2280 erre or Lier, tin. Belgium, Io m. SE. Antwerp. P. I7,943. esthal, tin. Switz., 8 m. by rail SE. Basle. P. 4679. etor, th: Spain, 63 m. NW. Murcia. P. 2466. evin, th: France, in Pas-de-Calais, 14 m. SE. Bethune. P. 8300. ffey, r. Irel., flows from N. co. Wicklow, through cos. Kildare and Dublin, and enters Dublin Bay at Dublin, 50 m. long. ifford, co. th Donegal, on R. Foyle, opposite Strabane. P. 5II. fu, the largest of the Loyalty Isls., in the Pacific, belongs to France. gnières, tin. France, dep. Cher, 25 m. SW. Bourges. P. 31.52. gny, vil. Belgium, 14 m. WNW. Namur. P. 1488. gny, tm. France, dep. Meuse, Iom. SE. Bar-le-Duc. P. 4512. { gonier, vil. Indiana, Noble co., on Elkhart R. . P 2010. gor, th Lower Siam, on E. side Malay Peninsula. - guria, compartimento, N. Italy, surrounding G. of Genoa, comprises provs. Genoa and Porto Maurizio. . P. 924,934. igurian Sea, part of Mediterranean, N. of Corsica. im Fiord. See Lym Fiord. ka, r. Croatia, Military Frontier, flows 30 m. NW., and sinks under- -Kiang, city, China, prov. Yun-Nan, 26° 45' N., 100° 20' E. [ground. kuba, r. Congo Ter., enters the Congo at Bossi station. - lle or Lisle, ft. th France, cap. of Nord, on R. Deule, 155 m. by rail N. by E. Paris. . P. 188,272. Seat of a university (1875), and a chief seat of linen and cotton manuf. Lillebonne, th: France, dep. Seine-Inférieure, 22 m. E. Havre. P. 6108. Lillehammer, th Norway, 80 m. NNW. Christiania. P. I600. Lillers, th France, in Pas-de-Calais, 7 in: NW. Bethune. P. 7353. Lillesand, small spt. th: Norway, 15 m. ENE. Christiansand. P. r325. Lilleshall, par. and vil. Shropsh., 3 m. SW. Newport. P. 3844. Lilliesleaf, vil. Scot., Roxburghsh., on Ale Water. Lillimur, North, post tim, Victoria, 303 m. NW. Melbourne. Lillington, tin. Warwicksh., adjoining Leamington. P. 938. Lillo, th: Spain, prov. and 37 m. ESE. Toledo... P. 2609. -- Tilloet, vil. Brit. Columbia, 283 m. N. by W. of New Westminster. Lilydale, vil. Victoria, co. Evelyn, 24 m. NE. Melbourne. P. 363. Lily Fontein, miss. sta. at top of Kamiesbergen, Namaqualand. . ima, city, cap. of Peru, and of dep. and prov. of Lima, 7 m. from its port on the Pacific, Callao. Lat. 12°3' S. P. IoI,488. The seat of a university. P. of dep. 260,815. Ilima, tin. Ohio, cap. of Allen co., 71 m. N. Dayton. P. 7567. Limari, r. Chili, prov. Coquimbo, 100 m. long. Ilimasol, spt. th: Cyprus, on S. cst., 38 m. SW. Larnica. P. 4000. Limavady or Newtown Limavady or Rathbrady Beg, mkt, tin. Irel., 16 m. NE. Londonderry, on R. Roe. P. 2954. Limbach, th: Saxony, 7 m. NW. Chemnitz. P. Io,494. P. 150. THE CENTURY GAZETTEER = LITHUANIA intº *iº front, Prº. . *º bounded E. by the f s IC3, 93E SC. 111. . 220,658. Contain l o . St. Trond, and #nº. J S Hasselt (cap.), Limburg, front, prov. of SE, Netherlands, adjoining the above. Area, §53 sq. m. P. 254,846. Contains Maestricht and Roermond, Limburg, th: Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, on R. Lahn, Limburg or Hohen I., tm. Westphalia, on R. Leine." P. 5836. Ijmehouse, par, and ry, sta. London, in Tower Hamlets. i. 32,04I. Himekilns, vii. Fife, on Firth of Forth, 3 m. S. Dunfermline.’ ‘i. 698. Limerick, co. Irel, Munster Prov., bounded N. by R. Shannon and co. Clare, E. by Tipperary, S. by Cork, W. by Kerry. Length, 53 m. E. to W. Area, 1664 sq. m. P. 180,632, of whom 95 per £ent, are R. Cath. The principal streams flow to the Shānnon. Surface undulating. Chieftns, are Limerick, the Cap., Newcastle, and Rathkeale. The co. returns 2 M.Ps. Limerick, spt._city, parl. and mun, bor, co. in itself, and co. th: of above, on R. Shannon, 50 m. from the sea, 129 m. SW. Dublin. P. of parl...bor. 48,670 ; mun, bor. 38,562. L. has extensive trade; bacon curing, lace imanuf., etc. In 1885, 452 vessels of 159,514 ton. cleared the port. . It returns 1 M.P. vil. Stirlingsh., I m. S. Slamannan. P. 1204 (includes Loch- r. Switz., joins the Aar, 2 m. E. of Brugg. [side). th. Brazil, prov. and 70 m. NW. Pernambuco. city, Trance, cap. of dep. Haute-Vienne, on R. Vienne, 88 ... m. W. Clermont. P. 68,477. Iimon, spt, tr. Costa Rica, on E. cst. P. 1200. Iimone, yil. Italy, prov. and 16 m. S. Coni. P. 2015. Iimosani, th: Italy, 7 m. NNW. Campobasso. F. 373r. Iimousin, old prov. France, now Corrèze and part &f Haute-Vienne. Iimoux, th France, in Aude, on R. Aude. P. 6283. Limpopo or Crocodile R., large r. Africa, forms N.W. and N. limits of S. African Rep. reaches Indian Ocean, 25° 15' S. Iimpsfield, vil. Surrey, 12 m. NE. Reigate. Émri, cap. of L. State, Bombay Pres, in Kathiawar. P. 12,873. Linares, th: Spain, prov, and 23 m. NE. Jaen. P. 36,627. Linares, prov. and the Chili, cap. of L. Próv., 1om. Sä. Talca. Area, of ... prov. 3488 sq. m. P. 133,365; tın. 8ooo. [Monterey. P. 6ooo. Linares of San Felipe, de î...th. Mexico, in Nuevo Leon, 55 m. SE. I-incoln, city, parl. and mun. bor., co. in itself, and co.tn. of Lincoln. Shire, 9n R. Witham, 132 m. NW. London. P. 39,436. Has a cath. . Returns 1 M.P. [P. 5700. th. Illinois, cap. of Logan co., 28 m. NNE. Springfield. city, cap. of Nebraska and of Lancaster co., 66 m. SW. of city, Rhode Island, U.S. P. 13,765. [Omaha. P. 20,004. maritime, co., in E. of Engl., bounded N. by the Humber, W. by York, Notts, and Leicestersh., S. by Rutlandsh., Northampton, Cambridge, and Norfolk, and E. by the N. Seá and the Wash. Length, 75 by 45m. Area, 2761 sq. m. P. 469,919. It is divided in three 'parts,’ viz. the Parts of Lindsey, Kesteven, and Holland. Surface generally flat and low, and intersected by canals and dykes. The Wolds (chalk hills) in the NE., extend 47 m. Main rS. Trent, Witham, Ancholme, Welland, and Nen. The Co. returns 7 M.P.S., and contains the parl. bors, of Boston, Grantham, Great Grimsby, and Lincoln, and the mun. bors, of Louth and Stamford. indau, ft. the Bavaria, on isl. in Lake of Constance, mde or Lindesberg, th Sweden, 20 m. N. Örebro. mden, a sub. of Hanover, Prussia. P. 25,570. ndenau, vil. Saxony, 3 m. W. Leipsic. T. 15,342. indesnaes, Cape of Norway. See Naze. indfield, vil. Sussex, 3% m. NE. Cuckfield. P. 866, | ſii See Holy Island. mja, th: Persia, on Persian Gulf. P. 7ooo. ndores, vil., loch, and abbey, Fife, 2 m. SE. Newburgh, ndsay, th: Ontario, cap...of co. Victoria, 43 m. NW. Port Hope. ndsey, Parts of, the N. div. of Lincolnsh. #. 80,151. [P. 5080. ingan, CSt. vil. Nova Scotia, in Cape Breton co. P. of dist. 4125. ngayen, Špt. Philippine Isls., on W. cSt. Luzon. P. 20,996. ng Chui, th: China, on Hainan Isl., prov. Quangtung. É. 60,000. ingen, til. Hanover, 36 m. WNW. Osnabrück. P. 60 to. " ngen or Linga, is, off E. Cst. Sumatra, Ico m. SE. Singapore. inguaglossa, tin, Sicily, 23 m. N. Catania. P. ro,788. [P. 13,000. n:Kiang, city, China, prov. Kiang-si, 28° N., 115° 30' E. inköping or Ostergötland, a lach of Swedeli, on the Baltic. Area, 4238 sq. m. P.267,560. - Linköping, cap. of above, near L. Roxen. P. Ir,675. Iink9ping, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 65 m. W. Port Arthur. Linlithgow, parl. and royal bur. Scot., co. tin. of L.shire, 17 m. W. of Edinburgh by rail. P. 3913. . It is one of the Jºirá šurghs. Linlithgowshire or West fºothiºn, Inaritime co. Scot., on S. side of Firth of Forth, W. of Edinburghsh.; 19 m. long. Area, 120 sq. m. P. 43,510. The Co. returns 1 M.P., and contains Linlithgow, gº Armadale, Bathgate, Borrowstounness, and Whit. ... burn. It is very rich in minerals. Iinlithgow; Bridge, vil. in above, on R. Avon. P. 479. Ziº, Loch, sºn arm, Scot., Argyll and Inverness, extends from P. 5329. P. 1226, ; ..º A U lºgical Ll tº # -444-4------, Sound of Mull 30 m. to Upper Loch Eil. Linthwaite, tshp. W. R. York, on SW, of Huddersfield. P. 6668. Linton, par. and vil. Cambridgesh., on R. Granta. P. 1753. Linton, East, or Prestonkirk, vil. (police burgh) Haddington, on R. Tyne. P. of vil. Ioa2; bur. 923. Linton, West, vil. N.W. Peeblesshire, on Lyne Water. P. 434. Lintons, mining tshp. Victoria, Irg m. NW. Melbourne. P. 923. n-Tsing, city, China, prov. Shan-Tung, on Yu Ho Canal. intthal, vil. Switz., 9 m. SSW. Glarus, on R. Linth. P. 230r. ntz, ft. city, cap. of Upper Austria, on the Danube. P. 41,687. Lintz, th: Prussia, 18 m. NNW. Coblenz, on R. Rhine. P. 3415. Ilinwood, vil. Renfrew, 2% m. W. Paisley. P. 1393. Linyanti, th: cent. S. Africa. . Lat. 18°9′ S.; lon. 23° 50' E. Lions, Gulf of, a wide bay of the Mediterranean, on S. cst. France, receives the R. Rhône. It is erroneously called G. of Lyons. Lipari Isls., volcanic grp. N. of Sicily. Stromboli and Vulcano have active volcanoes. Area, II6 sq.m. Total p. 16,927. Lipari, the largest isl., has a p. of 13,235. On its E. cst. is Lipari. P. 12,265. [P. 15,680. Lipetsk, th: Russia, gov. and 84 m. W. Tambov, on the Voronezh. Iipno, th: Poland, 32 m. NW. Plock, on the Niemen. P. 5652. Hipovetz, th: Russia, ro2 m. SW. Kiev. P. 6710. Lippa, the Hungary, on R. Maros, 30 m. NE. Temesvar. P. 6869. Lippe, r. Germany, joins the Rhine at Wesel, IIo miles long. Lippe (Lippe-Detmold), principality, NW. Germany, enclosed by Westphalia, and Hanover. Area, 469 sq. m. P. 123,212. Cap. Tippe-Schaumburg. See Schaumburg-Lippe. [Detmold. P. 8916. Lippehne, th: in Brandenburg, 48 m. NNE. Frankfort-on-the-Oder. Lippspring, tr. Westphalia, 35 m. SSW. Minden. P. 2337. [P. 3865. Lippstadt, th: Westphalia, on R. Lippe. , P. ro,504. Liria, th: Spain, prov. and 18 m. NW. Valencia. P. 9443. Lisaine or Lusine, stream, France, in Haute-Saône. 335- Lisbellaw, vil. Irel., mid. co. Fermanagh, 6 m. SE. Enniskillen. P. Lisbon (Port. and Span. Lisboa), cap. of Portugal, prov. Estremadura, on N. b. of the Tagus estuary, 9 m. from the Atlantic, 38° 42’ 4” N.; 9°8'2" W. . The harbour is one of the finest in the world, and the commerce is extensive ; exports, wine, oil, fruit, and salt. P. 243, of O. Lisbon, vil. Maine, Androscoggin co., 32 m. NNE. Portland. P. 2640. Lisburn, tin. Irel.., cos. Antrim and Down, on R. Lagan. P. Io,755. Liscannor, fishing vil. W. Co. Clare, on Liscannor Bay. P. 331. schau, th: Bohemia, 7 m. ENE. Budweis. P. 2778. sdillon, post th: Tasmania, co. Glamorgan, 10 m. from Launceston. # ſ ; - varna, vil. Irel.., co. Clare, 20 m. NW. Ennis. Lisieux, tin. France, in Calvados, 34 m. E. Caen. P. 16,039. Liskeard, mun. bor. Cornwall, 15 m. SW. Launceston. P. 4536. Lisko, th: Austria, in Galicia, 8 m. SE. Sanok. P. 3415. Lisle, gold-field, Tasmania, 27 m. NE. I.aunceston. P. of dist. 423. I'Islet, vil. Quebec, in L'Islet co. 63 m. below Quebec. Lismore, isl. Argyll, in Loch Linnhe, 9% m. long. P. 621. Lismore, mkt. th: cos. Cork and Waterford, on R. Blackwater. P. 1860. Lismore, tshp. New S. Wales, on Richmond R., 520 m. N. Sydney. Lisnaskea, mkt. tin. mid. co. Fermanagh, II in. SE. Enniskillen P. 793. Liss, par, and vil. Hants, 4m. NE. Peterhead. P. I215. [P.65oo; tın. 43.17. Lissa, isl. and tn. Dalmatia, in the Adriatic, 33 m. S.W. Spalato. Lissa, tin, Prussia, prov. and 42 m. SSW. Posen by rail. P. I2, Io9. Lisse, vil. Netherlands, 16 m. SW, Amsterdam. P. 2379. ssone, vil. Italy, in Lombardy, NW. Monza. P. 5154. ster og Mandal, amt, Norway. Area, 2470 sq. m. P. 75,121. Listowel, tin. N. co. Kerry, on R. Feale, 20 m. N. Tralee. P. 2965. stowell, vil. Ontario, Perth co. 9 m. SW. Palmerston. 88. Liszka-Olaszi, th: Hungary, 22 m. SW. Zemplin. P. 1886. Litany, r. Palestine, enters Mediterranean, 6 m. N. Tyre. Litcham, par. and vil. Norfolk, 8 m. NE. Swaffham. P. 801." Iitchfield, tin. Engl. See Lichfield. Titchfield, in Connecticut, cap. of L. co., 30 m. W. Hartford. P. 3410. Litchfield, city, Illinois, Montgomery co., 60 m. SW. Decatur. P. 4330. thang, th: Tibet, 30°2' N., 99° 50' E. therland or Waterloo, cst. tshp. SW. Lancashire. P. 7204. Lithgow, tshp. New S. Wales, 96 m. W. Sydney. P. 3500. ithuania, anc. ter. Europe, formerly bounded N. by Courland, E. by Russia, S. by Poland, and W. by Prussia. Now mostly com- prised in Russ. govs. of Mohilev, Vitebsk, Vilna, Grodno, and Minsk, and Prus, gov, Guinbinnen, . : 41 ... LITTAU. . . - • --- ... th: Moravia, rom. NW. Olmütz. – P. 495: ... '" . . . ºAºi. est.’tm. Nova Scotia, on Isle Madame. FºrSoo. 6 iftleborough, th SE. Lancash, 3% m. NE, Rochdale. P. Io,406. #iébourn, par. and vil. Kent, 4 m, E. Canterbury. P. 757. tºtlebury, par. and vil. Essex, on R. Cam. P. 795. title Fails, th: New York, Herkimer Co., ºn Mohawk R. P. 6910. T.;# i #leham, vil. Devon, 2 m. E. Exmouth.' ...P. ºf par 4969. t shampton, cst, th Sussex, 18 m. W. Brighton. P. 3926. #iehampton, ry, sta. Tasmania, 223 m. S. Lancestº: £ieport vil. Cámbridge, 5 m. NE. Ely. , P. ºf Pº. 353% - ††höölüery, vii. Fife, 2m. SE. Lochgelly: P.329. [Melbouſº. Little River (formerly Rothwell), post tshp. Victoria, 293 m. §'. Little Rock, city, cap. of Arkansas and of Pulaski Co., on S. b. Arkansas R., 280 m. from its mth. .P. 13,138. * Little Russia, part of Russia; comprisºg gºs. of Kharkov, Kiev, Poltava, .# Chernigov. Area, 80,226 sq. m. P. 9,233,947. tfieśioux R, Iowa, flows 300 m: t2.Éhe Missouri. storal, prov. Siberia. Sée primorsk. £oraie, Austria. See Küstenland. ..., 4 * y Litynsk, th: Russia, gov: Podolia, 65 m. NE. Kamieniec. I’. 8823. Liu Khiu. See Lu-tchu Isis. º e - wadia, div. Greece, N. of Morea, and including Euboea. Livadia, imperial palace, on S. CŞt. of Crimea. Livadia, th: Greece, in Boeotia, 52 m. NW. Athens. P. 4524. liverpool, city, spt., parl. and'mun. bor. S.W. Lancashire, on N. b. of the 'Mersey estuary, 31 m, W. Mancheste, 2% ºn. N.W. London by rail. P. of mun, bor. 532,508 (estimated, 1886, 586,339); parl. bºr. Gorogo, One of the greatest Seapºrt; of the world. The jºid 6 m. along shore, and at Lirkenhead, on opposite . side, 2 m. , Area of docks at L. 333; ac., with 23 m. of quay : on Cheshire side, 164% ac., with 93 m. Quay. Total, 498 ac.; 30% m. There are 22 graving-docks. In 1885.36,273 vessels of 7,591,484 tons cleared the port. The city is celebrated for its fine build- ings. Returns 9 M.Ps. Manuf. Inot extensive. Liverpool, th: N. S. Wales.co. Cumberland, 22 m. S. Sydney, P.;770. fiverpool, port of entry, Nova Scotia, ºp. 3.9meen's 39. Pºº. Tiverpool Plains, pastoral dist. in New S. Wales, in NE. of colony. Area, 16,638 sq. m. P-5186 # Li j tºp. W. R. Yörk, 64 m. SE. Bradford. P. 12,757. #::::::::::: Éd vil. N. R. York, 6% m. E. Guisbrough, P. 669. Livingstone, vil. Linlithgow, on R; Almond; oil-wks. Pºoſpar. . Tivingstone, post tim. New Zealand, co. Waitaki, 116 m. N. Dunedin. Livingstone Falls, cataracts on R. Congo. Tivingstonia, mission stations, Africa, W., shºre Ilake Nyassa. Livny, th: Russia, gov, and 82 m, SI: Orel. P. 25,026. Iivno, ft. th Bosnia, 54 m. NW. Mostar. P. 4ooo. Tivonia (Čer. Zºilº), gov. Russia, one of the Baltig ProVS, and ...ſº is.” foºl.” Area, Igºgg sq. m. P. 1,186,607. Chief tns. Riga (the cap.), Dorpat, and Pernau. Iivonia, Gulf of. See Riga, Gulf of ſº Iivorno, th Italy, in Piedmont, prov. Novara, 17 m. WSWW. Vercelli. Iivorno, Italy. See Leghorn. . [P. 6436. Livry, vil. France, Iom. E. Paris. R. 2825. - d Tivuma, r. E. Africa, enters Indian Ocean near Cape Delgado. xuri, spt. Cephalonia, 5 m. N. Argostoli. P. 583. zamelló, tn. Italy, prov, and 5 m. SE. Lecce. P. 3°73. zano, tú. Italy, prov. Lecce, 14 m. ESE. Tºrºnto. P. 3023. Żard'Point of The Lizard, cape, Engl, SW. Cornwall. Ijusne, r. Sweden, flows 220 m. to Sea, 33 m. N. Gefle. agostera, the Spain, prov, and Io in SºHº. Gerona. P. 4232. aillai,th Chili, prov. Valparaiso. P. 2832. . & anafan, par, and vil. in N. Cardigansh., on R; Yºtwith: Ilanarthney, vil. Carmarthen, on R. Towy. P. of par. 1856. Ilamasa, vii. Flint, near mth. of Dee estuary. , Tianbadarnfawr, vii. Cardigan, 1 m. E. Rheidol. P. of par. I4,399. Tianbedr, th Wales. See Lampeter. . ſº is, th: N. Wales, 10 m. SE: Carnarvon. P. 3033. Ilanbister, vil. N. of Rádnorsh. P. of pat: 85. Ilanboidy, vil. Carmarthensh., 9 m. NE. Narberth; Tº a ºn tº a PF city and mixt, th SE. Glamorgan, on R. Taff. P. 1796. †and deimiolen, vil. Wales, 4 m. NE. Carnarvon. P., of par. 6886. * derfel, vii. Merioneth, on R. Dee, 4 m. NE. Bala. andebie, vil. Carmarthenshire, 5 m.S. Llandilº. andilo, mkt. tu E. of Carmarthenshº on R. Toy. P. I533. andovery, mun, bor. Wales, 27 m. NE. Carmarthensh. P. 2035. Tiandrilio, vii. Merioneth, near R. Dee, 5 m, S.W. Corwen. . . Tiandrindod, vii. Radnorsh., 63 m. NE. Builth Road; min. Springs. Llandudno, Čst. th N. Wales, NE. Carnarvonsh., P. 4839. Ilanſ §il. par, and vil. Cardigan, on R. Teifi. P. 297% Llanelly, parl. bor. and spt. Carmarthensh., II m. NW. Swansea. P. 20.132. It is one of the Carºzzaz theft Bozozágºs. Llanerchymedd, th Anglesey, 6% m. S. Amlwch. E. Jºjo. - Tianfair Čaerinion, mkt. th Montgomery, on R. Einion. P. 2286. . Tianfair fechan, th: Carnarvonsh., 73 m. S.W. Conway. P. 204r. Tianfechell, par. and vil. Anglesey, 5 m. SW, Amlwch. 1.923. iianfyllin, pāri, bor. Montgomery, 14 m. SW. Oswestry. P. robo. It is one of the Montgomery Boroughs. - g Llanfihangel, par. and vil. Montgomery, 5 m. SW. Llanfyllin. P. 83. iiangadock," par., vil, and ry, sta. Carmarthensh., 73 m. N.W. Llandilo. P. of par. I911. Llangefni, mkt. th Anglesey, 13% m. S. Amlwch. P. 7563. Llangollen, mkt. th: Denbighsh., on R. Dee. P. 3:23; - Ilanidloes, parl, and mun, bor. Montgomerysh., on R. Severn. P. 3421. It is one of the Montgomery Boroughs. Ilanllyfni, par. and vil. Wales, 7 m. S. Carnarvon. P. 5520. e Ilano Estácado or Staked Plain, in NW. Texas and New Mexico. Area, 40,000 sq. m. Eley. 5000 ft. on the N. g Ilamos (i.e. plains), name given to the plains of the Orinoco. Llanquihue, prov. Chili, on Gulf of Ancud, 7822 sq. m. P. 62,809. - Cap. Puerto Montt. Ilanrwst, mkt. th: Denbighsh., on R. Conway. P. 3688. - Ilanstephan, vil. Carmarthensh., at mth. of R. Towy. .. Llantrisaint, parl. bor. Glamorgansh., II; m. NW. Cardiff. P. 1872. It is one of the Cardiff Boroughs. Llantwit Major, par. and vil. Glamorgan, near the cSt. P. 992. Ilanvrechva, the Monmouth, 3% m, N. Newport. 552. Wells, watering-place, Brecknock, on R. Irvon. P. of par. Spain, 62 m. SE. Badajos. P. 5592. -- [848. m. S. Gerona, on Mediterranean. P. 359r. See Loughor. Majorca, 17 m. ESE. Palma. P. 8558. and ry, sta. Wales, in Glamorganshire, 5% m. * unction. P. I2,037. Loanda, prov. of Portuguese colony of Angola, W. Africa. P. 14,500. - Cap. St. Paul de Loanda. - Loangó, cst. country, W. Africa, from Equator to R. Congo, partly under French rule. Chief th: Loango. P. of th IO-I5,000. Ioangwa, r. Africa, flows SW. to the Zambesi at Zumbo. Ioanhead, police burgh, 5 m. SE. Edinburgh. P. 2493, Loamo, vil. Italy, on Gulf of Genoa. P. 4005. I.6bau, th: Saxony, 12 m. ESE. Bautzen. P. 6977. I.6bau, th: W. Prussia, 38 m. ESE. Marienwerder. P. 4724. Löbejün, th: Prussian Saxony, 20 m. NW. Merseburg. P. 3244. Iobethal, tshp. S. Australia, 27% m. W. Adelaide. P. 220 (chiefly Iobenstein, tri. Germany, in Reuss-Schleitz. P. 2747. [Germans). Lob. Nor or Lop Nor, lake, E. Turkistan, in Gobi Desert, receives Yarkand R. from the W. ; room. by 50. Alt. 2200 ft. - Tobositz, tin. Bohemia, oil the Elbe. P. 4273. - [24Io. Iobsens, th Prussia, 34 m. WNW. Bromberg, on the Lobsonka. P. Toburg, th: Pruss. Saxony, 18 m. E. Magdeburg, on the Ehle. P. 2155. Tocana, th: Italy, prov. Turin, 25 m. W. Ivrea, P. 6075. Locarno, th: Switz., cant. Ticino, on L. Maggiore. 45- Lochaber, mtnous. dist. S. Inverness; contains Ben Nevis; 33 by 21 m. Tochalsh, par. Scot., S.W. of Ross-shire, 8 m. S.W. Stromeferry. Tochar Moss, S. Dumfriessh., extends Iom. SE, from Locharbriggs. flocharbriggs, vil. Scot., on Lochar W., 2% m. NE. Dumfries. P. 306, Tochcarron, fishing vil. Scotland, S.W. Ross-shire. P. of par. I456. Iloch-an-Eilein, lake, Inverness, 2% m. S. Aviemore sta. . - Lochawe, ry, sta. and pier, Argyllshire, 2% m. W. of Dalmally. Loch-in-Daal, sea arm, Scot., in S. of Islay; 12 m. long. Loch of the Lowes, in Selkirksh., at head of St. Mary's Loch. º nhead, vil. and ry. sta. Perthsh., at head of Loch Earn. Lochee, Scot., a NW. sub. of Dundee. P. I2,370. - Lochem, th Netherlands, in Gelderland, 9 m. E. Zutphen. P. 3131. Loches, the France, in Indre-et-Loire, on the Indre. P. 5096. - Lochgelly, th; Fife, 7% m. NE. Dunfermline. P. 2601. Lochgilphead, police bur. Argyllsh., at head of Loch Gilp. P. 1489. ºochgoilhead, vil. Argyll, at head of Loch Goil, P. of par. 870. Lochindorb, lake, Scot, in SW. Elginshire, drains to R. Findhorn. Lochinvar, lake, Kirkcudbrightsh. NE, New Galloway. 1] ; l j º ** * : : Or y º Lochinvar, post vil, and ry, sta. New S. Wales, 102 m. N. Sydney, Lochinver, vil. W. Sutherlandsh., on Loch Inver. Iochmaben, parl, and royal bur. Scot., in co, and 19 mr. NE. Dum- fries, near R. Annan. P. of parl. bur. I216; royal bur. I539. It is one of the Dumfries Bazz ghs. . flochmaddy, vil. Scot, , E. cst, of N. Uist Isl. t Lochnagar, mtn, Aberdeensh, in Braemar, SW. Ballater, 3786 ft. Lochranza, vil. Scot., in Arran, 13 m. NW. Brodick. . Lochwinnoch, vil. Renfrewsh., on R. Calder. -- - - - - [with vineyards. P. 1192; THE CENTURY GAZETTEER | . . . - ... • * : * * - - Lochy, Loch, lake, Inverness, Io m. long, forms part of the navigation of Caledonian Canal. R. Lochy, flows from S. end to Fort , William, 8 m, s º º ſº Yochy, r. Pérthsh., flows 15 m. to the Dochart, near Killin. Iocke Port, port of entry, Nova Scotia, 37 m. ESE. Shelburne. Tockerbie, mkt. th: Scot., in co. and 14% in. N. Dumfries. P. 2029. Lock Havén, city, Pennsylv., cap, of Clinton Co., on Susquehannā, R. Lock-Hoi, spt, ti, China, on E. Cst. Hainan, P. 90,000. [P. 5845. Lockport, city, New York, cap. of Niagara Co. P. 13,522. Nº. • Viel- Iockwood, post th Victoria, on Bullock Creek. IC3 m. Lockwood, tshp. W. R. York, in SW. Huddersfield. P. Io,446. Iocle, th Switz., cant, and 10 m., WNW, Neufchâtel, P. ro,464. Locorotondo, th Italy, prov, and 38 m, SSE. Bari, P. 7673. Loddon, mkt, th Norfolk, 10% m, SE, Norwich. ... P. II45. Toddon, r. Hants and Berks, flows 30 m. to the Thames. Loddon, r. Victoria, flows 150 m. N. to the Murray R. Loddon, dist. in N. cent. Victoria, contains Sandhurst, etc. Hodelingart, vil, Belgium, in Hainaut, 22 m. E. Mons. ...P. 7100. Todève, th France, dep, Hérault, 33 m, WNW. Montpellier. P. IO,185. Lodi, city, Italy, in Lombardy, 21 m. SE. Milan. P. 25,804. Iodi Vecchio, vil. Italy, 4 m. W. of Lodi. P. 3460. Iodosa, th: Spain, in Navarre, on R. Ebro...P. 3094. [113,146. Lodz, th Poland, gov, and 75 m. by rail WSW. Warsaw. P. (1884) Toffoden, grp. of isis, off N.W.cst. Norway, Stretching 175 m. ofthouse, dist. W. R. York, N. of Wakefield. P. 3599. Hoftus or flofthouse, th N. R. York, 9 m. SE. Saltburn. P. 6699. Iogan, vil. Ohio, cap, of Hocking co., 50 m. SE:.Columbus. ...P. 2666. Logansport, city, Indiana, cap. of Cass Co...On Wabash R. . P. 11,200. Logan Willage, tshp. Queensland, co. Ward, 27 m, from Brisbane. Logo, dist. W. Africa, NE. of Sierra Leone; cap. Porto Logo. Iogroño, prov. Old Castile, in basin of Ebro. P. #91; Logroño, th Spain, cap. of above prov., on R. Ebro. P. 2,298. Togrosan, th Spain, prov, and 48 m, ESE. Cagefes. P. 3620. Iogstor, spt. Denmark, on S. cst. Limfiord. P. 660. . Ioñardagā, dist. Bengal, in Chutia Nagpur Div., S. of Son R. Area, 12,045 sq. m. P. f.609,244. Cap. Ranchi. Lohburg, tr. Prussian Saxony, 18 m. E., Magdeburg. P. 2255. Loheia, spt, the Arabia, Yemen, on Red Sea. Iohr, thºavaria, on R. Maine, 22 m. NW. Würtemberg. P. 4316. Io-Hwuy, th: China, on E. cst, of Hainan Isl. Loir, r. France, in Eure-et-Loir, flows 150 m. to the Sarthe, . Ioire, largest r. of France, rises among the Ceyennes, Mts., in dep. Ardèche, and flows NNW, and W. to the Atlantic, below Nantes, in dep. Loire-Inférieure. Length 645 m. Iloire, dep. SE. France, part of old prov. Lyonnais, traversed by the Upper Loire, and enclosed by mts. Area, 1838 sq. m. P. 603,384. Chief tims. Montbrison (the cap.), Roanne, and St. Etienne. Toire, Haute, dep. France. See Haute-Loire. * Iloire-Inférieure (Lower Loire), dep. NW. France, part of Brittany. Area, 2654 sq. m. P. 643,884. Cap., Nantes. Loiret, small r. France, in Loiret, aft. of the Izoire, roºm. Loiret, dep. in N. cent, France, at bend of the Loire. Area, 2614 sq. m. P. 374,875. Cap. Orléans. . e Loir-et-Chér, dep. W. of the above, traversed by the Loire, Cher, and Loir. Area, 2452 sq. m. P. 279,214. Cap. Blois. Loitz, th: Pomerania, on the Peene, 23 m. S. Stralsund, P.,4013. Loja or Loxa, city, Spain, 25 m. WSW. Granada by rail. P. 18,249. Loja or Loxa, th: Ecuador, cap. of prov. of L. P. Io,000; prov. 60,880. Lojano, th: Italy, 16 m...S. Bologna. P. 5619. Lokeren, th: Belgium, E. Flanders, 12 m. ENE. Ghent. P. 18,471. Ilokhvitsa, th Russia, gov, and 80 m. N.W. Poltava. P. 7903. Lo-Kiang, r. China, prov. Hu-Nan, flows 300 m. to Lake Tong Ting. Tom, th Bulgaria, on the Danube, 22 m. SE Widdin. P. 3000. Lomazzo, vil. Italy, prov. Como, on the Jura. P. 2838. Lombardy (Ital. Lombardia), compartimento, Italy, between the Alps and the Po, having on the W. Piedmont, and E. Venetia: com- prising provs. Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Mantua, Milan, favia, and Sondrio. Area, 8689 sq. m. P. 3,872,792. [2098 sq. m. 3.ombok, isl. in Dutch E. Indies, between Bali and Sumbawa. Area, Homellina, dist. Italy, prov, Pavia, by the R. Po. P. I55,200. Cap. Homello, th Italy, prov. Pavia, 25 m. SSE. Novara. P. 3338. [Mortava. Iommatsch, th: Saxony, 21 m. WNW. Dresden. P. 2817. Iommel, vil. Belgium, prov. Limbourg, 20 m. N. Hasselt. P. 3162. Iommitz, th Bohemia, 20 m. N. Bidschov. ... P. § Lomond, Loch, largest lake of Scot., Stirling and Dumbartonsh., 21 m. long, drains by the Leven to the Clyde at Dumbarton. Lomond Hills, Fife and Kinross. Alt. 1713 and 1471 ft. Tom Palanka, th: Bulgaria, on R. Danube, 30 m. E. Widdin. P. 6959. Iomza or Lomsha, frontier gov. Russian Poland. P. 563,586. Cap. L. Tomza or Lomsha, cap. of above, on the Narev. P. I5,000. Ionaconing, vil. Maryland, Alleghany co. P. of dist. 2808. Ionate-Pozzuolo, vil, Lombardy, 23 m. WNW. Milan, P. 5052. Lonato, th: Lombardy, 2 m. S.W. Lago di Gardi. P. 6536. Londerzeel, th Belgium, II m. NW. Brussels. P. 4608. London, cap. city of Engl., metropolis of the Brit. Empire, and the largest, wealthiest, and most populous city of the world. Situated on both sides of R. Thames, 60 m. from the Sea, chiefly in Middle- sex, but also in Surrey, and portions in Kent and Essex. Lat. of St. Paul's 50° 30' 48" N. ; lon. o° 5' 48" W. London returns, 61. members to Parliament from the 27 parl. bors. within its limits, with a population of 3,963,307. The “Greater London' of the Registrar-General has a p. of 4,766,661. Among the greatest of its many imposing buildings are the Houses of Parl., Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, St. James's Palace, Lambeth Palace, Tower of London, Guildhall, Mansion House, Royal Exchange, Bank of Engl., Gen. Post_Office, Brit. Museum, National Gallery, and the offices of the Gov. depart- ments. There are also many large and fine public parks. In 1885, 21,208 vessels cleared the port of L., with ton. of 6,916,060. The exports exceed one-fourth of the entire exports of the United Kingdom. co., on R. Thames. P. 19,746. Iondon, city and port of entry, Canada, in Ontario, cap. of Middlesex Iondon, vil. Ohio, cap. of Madison co., 20 m. E. Springfield. P. 3067. Iondonderry, maritime co, in N. Irel., prov. Ulster, bounded N. by Lough Foyle and Atlantic Oc., E. by Antrim and L. Neagh, SW. by Tyrone, and W. by Donegal; 40 by 35 m. , Area, 816 sq. m. T. 164,99r, of whom 44'4 per cent. are Rom. Cath. RS. Bann and Foyle are the main streams. Ths. L. (the Co. th:), Coleraine, and Limavady. The co. returns 2 M.Ps. Iondonderry or Derry, city, spt., parl. bor., and co. th of above, in W., on R. Foyle, 163 m. NW. Dublin, P. 29,162. The borough returns I M.P. Tondonderry, spt. Nova Scotia, co. Colchester, on Cobequid Bay. London, East, spt. Cape Col., at mth. of Buffalo R. Ilonga, uninhabited isl., Scot., Hebrides, 1% m. NE. Scalpa. Ilong Beach, watering-place, New Jersey, on an isl. in the sea. [19,136. Hongbenton, par. and vil. Northumberld., 3% m. NE. Newcastle. P. Long Branch, watering-place, New Jersey, 32 m. S. New York. P. 3833. Long Buckby, par., vil., and ry. Sta. S. Northamptonsh. P. 2543. Long Eaton, the Engl., in Co. and 7 m. SE. Derby. P. 6217. Longford, inland co. Irel., in NW. Leinster Prov., bounded NW. and W. § Leitrim and Roscommon, NE. by Cavan, and SE. by West Meath, 32 by 18 m. Area, 421 sq. m. P. 61,009, of whom 91 per cent, are Rom. Cath. The Shannon and Lough Ree form the W. border. º; (co. th:), Granard, and Edgeworthstown. The 2 Yl, Hº S. co. tr. of above, on R. Camlin, 76 m. NW, Dublin. P. 4380; tn. Tasmania, co. Westmoreland. P. of dist. 5182. vil. Perthsh., 5% m, SW. Dundee. P. 366, New York, in Atlantic Ocean, extends Trom. E. from Harb. Brooklyn is on its W. extrem. Area, IoI5 sq. m. See Hebrides. . Ilong Island City, New York, cap. ofgº Co., on Long Isl., oppo- site New York city, on East R. P., 17,129. Long Island Sound, separates Long Isl. from Connecticut. Longjumeau, th France, in Seine-et-Oise, 12 m. S.W. Paris. P. 2585. Ilong, Loch, sea arm, Argyll and Dumbarton, 17 m. Ilong Meg and Daughters, Druid, stones, 6 m. NE. Penrith. Ilong Melford, tin. Suffolk, 3 m. NW. Sudbury. P. 3293. Longobuco, th Italy, 21 m. NE. Cosenza, P. 3767. Hong Preston, th: W. R. York, 4 m. SE. Settle. P. 706. Tongport, tin. Staffordsh., 3 m. NW. Stoke-upon-Trent. P. 9357. Longridge, th N. Lancashire, 6% m. NE. Preston. P.3705. Hongside, vil. Aberdeensh., 6 m. W. Peterhead. , P. 474. 3.ong Sutton, th: Lincolnsh., 4% m. SE. Holbeach. P. 2694. Tongton, mun. bor. Staffordsh., in S. of Potteries. P. 18,620. Longtown, mkt, the Cumberland, on R. Esk. P. 1946. Longueuil, the Canada, cap. of Chambly Co., 3 m. E. Montreal. P. 2355. Longuyon, th: France, Meurthe-et-Moselle, 20 m. NW. Briey, P, 2618, Longwood, tshp. W. R. York, S.W. of Huddersfield. P. 4661. Longwood, vil. Irel.., co. Meath, on R. Blackwater. P. 368. Longwood, tshp. Victoria, 843 m. NNE. Melbourne. P. 208. Longwy, ft. th: France, 40 m. NNW, Metz. P. 5064. Lonigo, vil. Italy, prov, and 13 m. SW. Vicenza. P. 9880. Lonlay l’Abbaye, the France, in Orne, 5 in. N.W. Domfront. P. 2840. Ionsdale, val; of R. Lune, Westmorland and Lancashire. - Lons-le-Saunier, th: France, cap. of dep. Jura, 50 m. SE. Dijon, P. Loo Choo. See Lu-Tch [12,373. : Loochristy, tin, Belgium, 6 in, NE, Ghent. P. 3820, LÜBENHAM Loodianah. See Ludhiana, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilooe, East, fishing port, Cornwall, on R. Looe, 16 m. W. Plymouth. Looe, West, cst. tin. Cornwall, on Looe Bay. P. 868. • I353- Lookout, Căpe, N. Carolina, U.S., 85 m., S.W. Cape Hatteras. Loon-op-Zand, th: Netherlands, 19 m. ENE. Bois-le-Duc. P. 6886. Loop Head, S.W. co. Clare, N. side of R. Shannon. . Loos, th: France, in Nord, 3 m. W. Lille. P. 6617. - Loosdrecht, Neuw, vil. Holland, 17 m. S. Amsterdam. P. 31.95. Loosduinen, vil. S. Holland, 4 m. SW. of Hague. P. 3070. #::::::::: and vil. Kent, 2% m. S. Maidstone. P. 1465. Lootenhulle, vil. Belgium, 12 m. W. by N. Ghent. P. 3035. Lopatka, Cape, the S. extrem. Kamtchatka, 50°2' N., 156° 46' 13. Lopera, th; Spain, on R. Guadalquivir, N.W. Jaen: , P: 4:78. Lopez, Cape, W. Cst, Africa, the S. boundary Bight of Biafra. Lop Nor. See Lob Nor. - Loppersum, vil. Netherlands, 11 m. NW. Groningen. Lora, r. Afghanistan, 50 m. NE. Shawl, flows SW. 8o Lora del Rio, th; Spain, 32 m. ENE. Seville. .P. 7936. Lorca, city, Spain, prov, and 42 m. SW. Murcia. . P. 52,934. Lord Howe Isl., Pacific Ocean. Lat. 31°30' S. ; lon. 159° 10' E. Lorenzo Marquez, Portuguese tin, Africa, on Delagoa Bay. P. 2600. Lorient, ft. th and spt. France, dep. Morbihan, at mth. of R. Scorff into the Atlantic. P. 37,812; shipbuilding and iron manufs. Tormes, th France, dep. Nièvre, 38 m. NE. Nevers. P. 3169. Lorne, dist. Argyll, between Lochs Awe and Leven. Lorne, Firth of, arm of sea, SW. of Loch Linnhe Scot. Lorne, municipality, Manitoba, co. Rock Lake. Torne, the Victoria, 96 m. SW, Melbourne. Lörrach, th: Baden, 28 m. SSW. Freiburg, on R. Wiesen. P.6795. Lorraine (Ger. Lothringen), old prov. France, comprising (till 1871) deps. Vosges, Meurthe, Moselle, and Meuse. part now forms a dist. of the German prov. Alsace-Lorraine, with 2402 sq. m. area, and p. 489,729. Cap. Metz. LOrsh or Laurisheim, th: Hessen, 16 m. S. Darmstadt. P. 3724. Los Alamos, th: Mexico, State Sonora, 140 m. NW. Cinaloa. P. 6ooo. Los Angeles, city, S., California, cap. of Los A. co., 9 m. from Pacific. P. (1880) II, 183; (1885) 25,000. Los Angeles, th Chili, prov. Biobio, 88 m. E. Concepcion. P. 8000. Lösch, th: Moravia, 4 m. ENE, Brünn. P. 3938. Loschwitz, vil. Saxony, on R. Elbe, near Dresden. P. 3852. Loslau, th: Prussian Silesia, 53 m. SSE. Oppeln. P. 2345. Iosoncz, th: Hungary, 63 m. NNE, Pesth. P. 5027. Los Santos, th: Spain, 36 m. SE. Badajos. P. 6106. Losser, vil. Netherlands, in Overyssel, 22 m. ESE. Almelo. P. 4727. Iossie, r. Elginshire, flows 31 m. to the Moray Firth. Lossiemouth and Branderburgh, spt. tin. at mth. of above r., 5% m. NE. Elgin. P.3497. Lossini or Osero (Ger. Lussia), isl, Austria, in Adriatic. Lössnitz, th: Saxony. 17 m, SSW. Chemnitz, P. 5766. Lostwithiel, mkt, th: Cornwall, 21 m. NE. Truro. P. 93r. Iot, r. S. France, aff, of the Garonne, at Aiguillon, 272 m. Lot, dep, SW. France, part of old Guyenne, 44° 30' N., 1* 30' E. Area, 2012 sq. m. P. 271,514. Cap. Cahors. It is traversed by - Rs. Lot and Dordogne. ..... Lota or Lota Baja, cst, th: Chili, 3 m. S. Concepcion. P. 48oo. Lotbinière, Canada, cap. of L. Co., 47 m. WSW. Quebec. P. 2010. Lot-et-Garonne, dep, SW. France, part of old Guyenne Prov., gº. by the Garonne and Lot. Area, 2067 sq. m. P. 307,437. ap. Agen. Iothians, The, dist. Scot., S. side of Firth of Forth, embracing cos. of Linlithgow, Edinburgh, and Haddington, called respectively West, Mid, and East Lothian, Lötzen, tr. E. Prussia, 42 m. SSW. Gumbinnen. P. 51.17. Loudéac, th: France, in Côtes-du-Nord, 15 m. from St. Brieuc. P. 5893. Loudoun, par. Ayrshire, on R. Irvine, contains L. Castle. P. 5239. Loudun, th: France, in Vienne, 33 m. NNW. Poitiers. P. 4525, Joué, tri. France, in Sarthe, 16 m. W. Le Mans. P. 1976. Lougan, r. Norway, flows through L. Miðsen, and joins the Glommen under name of Vermen. [P. I4,803. Ioughborough,. mkt...tn. Engl., in co. and 10% m. NW, Leicester. Loughbrickland, vil. W. Co. Down, 3 m. S. Banbridge. P. 336. Loughor or Llwchwr, parl. bor. Wales, in NW. Glamorgansh., 8 m. N.W. Swansea. P. 1513. , See Swansea Boroughs. Toughrea, mkt. th: S. Co. Galway, on Lough Rea. P. 31.59. Toughton, th: Essex, 5 m. S.W. Epping. P. 2851. Louhans, th France, in Saône-et-Loire, 35 m. NE. Macon. P. 4284. Iouisburgh, fishing vil. Scot., part of Wick. P. 940. Iouisburgh, fishing vil. S.W. Co. Mayo, on Clew Bay. P. 546. Louisburg, spt. Nova Scotia, on S. CSt. Cape Breton Isl. Iouiseville, th: Quebec, co. Maskinonge. P. 138r. Louisiade Archipelago, at SE. extremity of New Guinea. Louisiana, one of the Gulf states of the U.S. of America, bounded W. by Texas, N. by Arkansas, E. by the Mississippi State and R. The latter debouches in this state, where also the Red R. joins it. Area, 48,720 sq. m. P. (1810) 76,556; (1880) 939,946, one-half of whom are coloured. Chief tims. are, New Orleans (the cap.), Baton Rouge, Natchitoches, Donaldsonville, etc. Touisiana, city, Missouri, on Mississippi, Pike co. P. 4325. Louisville, principal city of Kentucky, port of entry and cap. of Jefferson co., on Ohio R., 130 m. below Cincinnati. P. (1830) ro,341; (1880) 123,758. Exports, tobacco, pork, and flour. Toule, th: Portugal, prov. Algarve, Iom. NW. Faro. P. I4,862. Loup Fork, r. Nebraska, affluent of Platte R. ; 300 m. . Lourches, tm. France, in Nord, 17 m. NNE. Cambrai. P. 4025. Lourdes, tm. and place of pilgrimage, France, in Hautes-Pyrenées, on ave de Pau. P. 5864. Lourical, th: Portugal, in Beira, 18 m. SSW. Coimbra. P. 5183. [4262. ‘Lourinha, th Portugal, in Estremadura, Iom. N. Torres Vedras. P. Louth, maritime co, Irel, in NE. Leinster Prov., washed on the E. by Irish Sea, and enclosed by Armagh, Monaghan, and Meath. Carlingford Lough on the NE. separates it from Down. Area, 316 sq. m. P. 77,684, of whom 91-6 were Rom. Cath. Ths. Drog- heda, Dundalk (co, thi), and Ardee. The Co. returns 2 M. PS. Louth, mun. bor. in co. and 27 m. NE. Lincoln. P. Io,691. Louvain, city, Belgium, in Brabant, 15 m. E. by N. Brussels. P. 37,385. Louven, r. Norway, flows room. SSE. to Skager Rack. [ro,753. Louviers, the France, dep, Eure, on R, Eure, 17 m. S. Rouen, P. Louza, tm. Portugal, in Beira, 12 m. ESE. Coimbra. P. 4945. Lovat, r. Russia, enters L. Ilmen S. of Novgorod. Løvendeghem, vil. Belgium, 5 m. NW. Ghent. P.3705. Iövenich, vil. Rhen. Prussia, 21 m. NNE. Aachen. P. 2767. Lovere, vil. N. Italy, on L. Iseo. P. 3004. Lovett, tshp. Tasmania, 33 m. SW. of Hobart. P. of dist. 1300. Lovisa, tu. Finland. See Lowisa, Low Archipelago or Tuamotu, extensive grp. of small isls., Pacific Ocean, S. of the Marquesas, 13°-25° S., 125°-148° W. P. 9ooo. Low Countries. See Netherlands. Under French protection. Lowdham, tshp. Notts, 53 m. SW. Southwell. P. 740. IoWell, city, Massachusetts, on Merrimac R., one of the caps. of ... Middlesex co. P. 59,475. Manufs. cotton and woollen goods. Löwen, the Pruss. Silesia, 36 m. SE. Breslau, on R. Neisse. IP. 2330. Löwenberg or Lemberg, th: Pruss. Silesia, on the Bober. P. 4721. Iower Austria (Ger. AWieder Oesterreich), prov. or crown-länd of Austria, bounded N. by Moravia, E. by Hungary, S. by Styria, and W. by Up. Austria and Bohemia. It is traversed by the Danube. Area, 7655 sq. m. P. 2,330,621. Cap. Vienna. Tower Fort Garry, ry. sta. Manitoba, cm C. P. Ry., 19 m. from Ilow Moor, vil. W. R. York, 3 m. SE. Bradford; iron-wks. [Winnipeg. Jower Mitcham, tshp. S. Australia, suburb and S. of Adelaide. Lowestoft, mun. bor, spt., and watering-place, Suffolk, Io m. S. Yar- mouth. P. 19,696. - - - Lowick, vil. Northumberland, 7 m. NW. Belford. P. of par. 1513. Lowicz, th: Poland, 44 m. WSW. Warsaw. P. 8723. Lowisa, ft. th and spt. Finland, 55 m. NE. Helsingfors. P. 2220. lowlands, the popular name of the Scottish mainland, whether low or mtnous., not included in the Highlands. - Lowther, r. Westmorland, from Hawes Water to the Eamont. Lowthers, The, or Leadhills, mts. Lanark and Dumfries, 2403 ft. Lowtherstown, co. Fermanagh. See Irvinestown. Loyalty Isls., grp. E. of New Caledonia, belongs to France. P. 14, ooo. Lozère, dep. S. France, in old prov. Languedoc, 44° 30' N., named from Mt. Lozère in the Cevennes, 4884 ft. Area, 1996 sq. m. P. 141,264. Cap. Mende. Lu, th: Italy, in Piedmont, 9 m. NW. Alessandria. P. 4318. Lualaba, r. Congo Free State, name for the upper part of the Congo, Luanco, Spt, Spain, on Bay of Biscay, 15 m. N. Oviedo. P. 2700. Luang Prabang, city, Laos States, on Mekong R. P. 16,000. [Moero. Iuapula, r. Congo Free State, outlet of L. Bangweolo, falls into L. Iubaczow, th Austria, Galicia, 40 m. WNW. Zolkiew. P. 4425. Lubar; tın. Russia, in Volhynia, 47 m. WSW. Zhitomir. P. 3500. Iubartow, the Poland, 15 in. NNE, Lublin. P. 38ro. Libbecke, th: Prussia, in Westphalia, 13 m. W. Minden. P. 2871. Iibben, th: Prussia, Brandenburg, on R. Spree. P. 6071. Iübbenau, the Prussia, 4 m. from Lübben, on R. Spree. P. 3665. Iubec, spt. Maine, Washington co., 30 m. SSE. Calais. P. 2:09. Tiibeck, free city of Germany, one of the Hanse ths., on R. Trave, 37 m. NE. Hamburg by rail. P. 55,399. With its district it forms a state of the German Empire. Area, 115 sq. m. P. 67,658. Itiben, th: Prussian Silesia, #4 m. NNE. Liegnitz. P. Lubenham, par, and vil. Leicestersh., on R. Welland. P. 2738. II]. 5. P. 590. LUBLAU THE CENTURY GAZETTEER Lublau, th N. Hungary, 15 m. NE. Kesmark. P. 2056. Lublin, gov. S.E. Russian Poland, between the Bug and Vistula. Area, 6498 sq. m. , P. 882,616. Lublin, city, cap. of above, on the Bistritza. P. 38,816. Lublinitz, tm. Prussian Silesia, 34 m. ENE. Oppeln. P. 2675. Lubnaig, Loch, Perthsh., drains by the Leny to the Teith. Lubny, th: Russia, gov. and 80 m. WNW. Poltava. P. 98.84. Luboml, th: Russia, gov. Volhynia, 38 m. NNW. Vladimir. P. 2860. Lubrin, th: Spain, prov. and 29 m. NE. Almeria. P. 7027. Lübtheen, tin. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Iom. SSW. Hagenow. P. 2282 Lübs, tin. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, on R. Elde. P. 2640. Luc, th France, dep, Var, 13 m. S.W. Draguignan. P. 3IIo, Lucan, til. Irel, 9 m. W. Dublin, on R. Liffey. P. 691. Lucan, vil. Ontario, 14 m. W. London. P. 976. Iucayag. See Bahama Isls. Lucca, city, Italy, in Tuscany, cap. of prov. L., 10 m. NE. Pisa. P. 22,735. Area of prov. 577 sq. m. P. 292,435. Tucca, vil. Sicily, prov. Girgenti. P. 2820. Luce, New, vil. Scot., Wigtownsh., 5 m. NW. Glenluce. P. 320. Luce Bay, in S. of Wigtownsh., off Irish Sea, 16 m. long. Lucena, city, Spain, 30 m...SSE. Cordova. P. 19,540. Lucena, th Spain, 15 m. NW. Castellon de la Plana. P. 3518. Lucera, th: Italy, prov. and 12 m. WNW. Foggia. P. 15,772. Lucerne (Ger. Liezerzt), §: Switz., cap. of canton L., on R. Reuss, at W. extremity of the Lake of L. P. 17,850. Iucerne, a cent. cant. Switz. Area, 580 sq. m. P. 134,806. Lucerne, Lake of (Ger. Vierzwaldstätter See), Switz., surrounded by the four forest cants., Schweitz, Uri, Unterwalden, and Lucerne. It discharges by the Reuss to the Aar. tn. Prussia, in Hanover, 37 m. SE, Lüneburg. P. 2638. tn. Italy, prov. Florence, 7 m. NE. Siena, P. 4186. post tshp. S. Australia, 190 m. E. Adelaide. P. of dist. 399. tn. Italy, prov. Campobasso, 11 m. WSW. Larino. P. 2779. Prussia, in Brandenburg, 50 m. SW. Frankfort. P. 4695. tn. Brandenburg, 23 m. SE. Potsdam. P. 16,109. See Lakhimpur. (Lakhſtau), div. India, in SE. Oudh, comprises dists. L., and Bara Banki. Area, 4504 sq. m. P. 2,622,681. Lucknow, dist. Area, 989 sq. m. P. 696,824. Cap. L. Lucknow (Lakhztale), cap. city of prov. of Oudh, on R. Gumti, 42 m. from Cawnpur, 610 from Calcutta. P. 261,303. Alt. 403 ft. It is noted for its defence against the Sepoys in 1857. Lucknow, vil. Ontario, in Bruce co., 16 m. SE. Kincardine. P. 800. Luco, vil. Italy, prov. Aquila, 5 m. S. Avezzano. P. 3842. Lucoli, vil. Italy, prov. and 6 m. WSW. Aquila. P. 2333. Luçon, th: France, dep. Vendée, 8 m, from the sea. P. 6339. Iudamar, country, Africa, E. of Senegambia, cap. Benown. Luddenfoot, th: W. R. York, on R. Calder, 6 m. W. Halifax, P. 2891, Iude, tm: France, dep. Sarthe, on the Loir. P. 3909. Lüdenscheid, th Westphalia, 23 m. SW. Arnsberg. P. 15,067. Lüderitz Bay, newly adopted name for Angra Pequeña, SW, Africa. Iudgerähall, vil. Wilts, 6% m. NW. Andover. P. of par. 491. Ludgvan or Ludjan, th: Cornwall, 3 m. NE. Penzance. P. 2632. Tudhiana, dist. Punjab, in W. of Ambala Div., on S. of Sutlej R. Area, 1375 sq. m. P. 618,835. Cap. L. Ludhiana, cap. of above, 8 m, S. of the Sutlej. P. 44,163. Lüdinghausen, th: Pruss., in Westphalia, 16m. S.W. Münster. P. 232r. Ludington, th: Michigan, cap. of Mason co., on L. Michigan. P. 4190. Ludlow, mun. bor. Salop, on R. Teme, 26 in. S. Shrewsbury. P. 5035. Ludwigsburg, city and chief military depot of Würtemberg, 9 m, N. Stuttgart. P. 16,187. Ludwigshafen, ft. th: Bavaria, on the Rhine, P. 21,042. Ludwigslust, th: Germany, 21 m. E. Schwerin. P. 6216. Lugagnano, tin. Italy, 19 m. SE. Piacenza, P. of com, 4800. Lugansk, the Russia, gov. Yekaterinoslav, P. 14,931. Lugano, th Switz., cant. Ticino, on L. of Lugano. P. 6129. Lugano, Lago di, lake, Switz., and N. Italy, between Lago Maggiore and Lago di Como, 16 m. long. Iugar, vil. Ayrsh., on L. Water, 13 m. NE. Cumnock. P. 1353. Lugau, th: Saxony, 6 m. E. Lichtenstein. P. 5064. Lugde, th: Prussia, in Westphalia, 27 m. SSE. Minden. P. 24II. Lugg, r. Radnor and Hereford, flows 50 m. to the Wye. Lugnaquilla, mtn. Irel., mid co. Wicklow, 3039 ft. Lugo, til. Italy, 14 m. by rail W. Ravenna. , P. 25,659. Lugo, maritime prov, N.W. Spain, in Galicia, 3815 sq. m. P. 427,030, Lugo, cap. of above, on R. Minho. P. 19,757. Lugos, tri. IIungary, 35 m. ESE. Temesvar. P. 78rr. Lugrin, vil. Prance, Savoy, on S. shore of L. of Geneva. P. 1610. Lujan or Lužan, th: Argentina, 45 m. W. Buenos Ayres. P. 3500. Lukov, thfoland, 17 m. S. of Siedlec. P. 11,028. Iukuga, r. intermittent outlet of L. Tanganyika, on W. shore, falls Luleå, r. N. Sweden, flows 200 m. to G. of Bothnia. [into Congo. Luleå, spt. Sweden, laen of Norbotten, at mth. of Luleå. P. 3079. Lumley, Great, tshp. and vil. Durham, 2 m. SE, Chester-le-Street, Lumphanan, hamlet and ry. Sta. Aberdeensh., 53 m. E. Aboyne. Lumphinams, vil. Fife, I m. W. of Lochgelly. P. 440. Lumsden, vil. Aberdeensh., 8 m. SW. Gartly sta. P. 519. Iumsden, tshp. New Zealańd, 50 m. NW. Invercargill. P. 3or. Iuman Bay and Stream, E. cst. Forfarshire. Lunawara, ft. th cap. of L. State, Bombay Pres., Rewa Kantha. P. Hungarty, vil. and ry, sta, Perthsh., 4 m. NW. Perth. [9059. Iund, city, Sweden, laen Malmö, 24 m. E. Copenhagen, with a uni- versity. P. 14,918. Iundenburg or Bredslawa, tin. Moravia, on the Taja. P. 5257. Lundin Mill and Drumochie, vil. Fife, W. of Largo. P. 477. Lundy Isl., in. mth. of Bristol Channel, 2% by 1 m. P. 177. Illne, r. Westmorland and Lancash., flows 45 m. to Irish Sea. Itineburg, th: Prussia, in Hanover, 68 m. NNE. Hanover, on R. Ilmenau. P. 19,758. P. of dist. 400,264. Iunel, th France, dep. Herault, 14 m. ENE. Montpellier. P. 6487. Lünen, the Westphalia, on R. Lippe, NW. Arnsberg. , P. 3903. Lunenburg or Malaguash, spt. Nova Scotia, cap of L. Co., 68 m. - WSW. Halifax. P. 4007. Lunéville, th France, dep. Meurthe-et-Moselle. P. 18,136, Lunga, isl. Scot, Argyll, off N. cst. Scarba. P. 17, Lunga, isl. Adriatic. See Isola Grossa, Lungwitz, Upper, vil. Saxony, Iom. WSW. Chemnitz. P. 6021. Lunzenau, til. Saxony, on R. Mulde. P. 3581. Lupata. Mtns., Africa, NW. of Sofala, 18° S., 33° I. I upsa, th: Transylvania, 27 m. NW. Karlsburg. P. 2515. Luque, tin, Spain, prov. and 30 m. SE. Cordova. P. 4646. Iurate-Abate, vil. N. Italy, 9 m. E. of Como. P. of coin. 3585. Iurcy Lévy, the France, §§ Allier, on R. Anduise. P. 4040. Lure, th France, in Haute Saône, 16 m. ENE. Vesoul. P. 4360. Lurgan, tin. Irel.., co. Armagh, 20 m. SW. Belfast. P. Io, 135. Luristan, Intnous, dist. Persia, in Irak Ajemi, 32°-34° N. Lus, prov. Baluchistan, on Arabian Sea. P. 60,000. Iuserna, vil. Ital .8 m. SW. Pinerolo. P. 3843. Lushai or Kuki 3, on S. border of Cachar Dist., Assam. Iugitania, anc. name of Portugal. Lusk, vil. Irel., 14 m. N. Dublin. P. 357. Tugs, vil. Dumbartonsh., on W. shore ; Loch Lomond. Hussac, the France, dep. Gironde, 24 m. ENE. Bordeaux. P. 1832. Tºussac les Châteaux, th: France, in Vienne, 7 m. W. Montmorillon. Iustenau, vil, Tyrol, on the Rhine. _P. 4164. [P. I737. Luâtleigh, vil. Devonsh., 4 m. SE. Moreton-Hampstead. Lu-Tchu (Chinese) or Liu-Khiu (§apaziere) Isls., a chain of 52 isls. belonging to Japan, and stretching SW. to Formosa. Area, 1853 sq. m. P. 311,000, Chief port, Napa, on Okinawa Isl. Cap. Shuri, on same isl. Lütenburg, th Holstein, 58 m. NE. Glückstadt. P. 2400. Lutomierz, th Russ. Poland, gov. Kalice, on the Ner. P. 2310. Luton, mun. bor. Bedfordsh., 9 m. SW. Hitchin. P. 23,960, Iutry, th: Switz., in Vaud, on L. of Geneva. P. 2246. Tütschine, r. Switz., cant. Dern, falls into L. of Brienz. Iutsk, th: Russia, in Volhynia, 40 m. E. Vladimir. P. 13,37:. 3 utsch, vil. Moravia, circle Olmütz, near Trübau. P. 3938, Hutterbach, vil. Alsace, 15 m. N. Altkirch, on the Dolleren. P. 2071 Hutterworth, mkt. th: Leicestersh., 73 m. NE. Rugby. P. 1965. iºu Stich. See Liége. Iuffon Bourne, vil. Lincoln, 5 m. IE. Holbeach. P. 779. ſittringhausen, th Rhenish Prussia, 17 m. SE, Düsseldorf. P. ro,230. Hitzen, th Prussia, prov. Saxony, 9 m. SE. Merseburg. P. 3423. Iuvino, th: Italy, 24 m. NW. Como, on L. Maggiore. P. 3023. Iuxembourg, prov. S.E. Belgium, bordering on France. Area, 1706 Sq. m. P. 216,289. Cap. Arlon. It is hilly and woody. Luxembourg, grand-duchy, E. of the above, and bordering on Rhenish Prussia and Lorraine, united personally with the throne of the Netherlands. Area, 999 sq. m. P. (1885) 213,283, mostly Rom. Cath. : language German. Cap. L. Luxembourg or Luxemburg, cap. of the grand-duchy, 117 m. SE. Brussels. Some time one of the strongest fortresses in Europe; dismantled in 1870. P. 18,200. Luxeuil, th: France, dep. Haute Saône, 15 m. NW. Lure. P. 4376. Luxor (Arab. E! Kierr), vil. Up. Egypt, 1% m. S. of Karnak, on site of anc. Thebes, with magnificent ancient temple. - Luxulyan, par, and yil. Cornwall, 6 m. SW. Bodmin; granite quarries, Luz, th: France, in Hautes-Pyrenées, 32 m. S. Tarbes. P. 1554, Luzech, th: France, in Lot, 8 m, WNW. Cahors. P. 1969. Luzern, Switz. See Lucerne. Luzon or Luçon, the largest of the Philippine Isls, 550 by 130 m. Area, 43,243 sq. m. P. 3,500,000. Cap. Manilla. Luzy, tr. France, dep. Nièvre, 19 m. S: Château-Chinon. P. 3199. Luzzara, th Italy, prov. Parma, near the Po. P. 7865. Luzzi, tri. Italy, prov, and II m. N. Cosenza. P. 4227. Lybster, fishing vil, Caithness, 13 m, SW. Wick. P.,831. Lychen, th Brandenburg Proy., 48 m. N. Berlin., P. 2273. Lydbrook or Lidbrook, vil. Gloucestersh., 43 m. S. Ross. Tydd, mkt. tr. Kent, 3% m. $W. New Romney. P. 2129. Lydenberg, vil. S. African Rep. See Leydenberg. Lydgate, vil. W. R. Yorkshire, 3 m., E. of Oldham. Lydney, par, and tshp. Gloucester, in Dean Fºrest. P. 3194 and 2545. Iye, tsiip. Worcestersh., NE. Stourbridge. }. 6323. Lyell, tri. New Zealand, 38 m. S. Westport. , P. about 200. Lykens, vil, Pennsylvania, 35 m. NNE, Harrisburg. P. 2154. Lyme Regis or Lyme, mun, bor. and Špt. Dorset, 23 m. W. Dor chester, at mouth of the R. Lyme. P. 2047. Lym Fiord or Liimfiord, Denmark, a shallow passage in Jutland, from . Sea to Cattegat, Ioo m. by I-15 m. Lymington, mun, bor, and spt. Hants, 20 m. SW, Southampton. Lymm, th Cheshire, 5 m. SE. Warrington. P. 4665. [P. 2410. Lympne or Lymne, par. and vil. Kent, 2 m. W. Hythe. P. 549. Lympston, pār, and vil. Devon, on Exe estuary. P. Ioyo. Lyn, vil. Ontario, Leeds co., 129 m. WSW. Montreal, Lynchburg, vil. S. Carolina, Sumter Co., 60 m. l. Columbia. P. 2780. Lynchburg, city, Virginia, Campbell Co., on James R. P. 15,959, Lynden Glén, wal. Cape Colony, 18 m. NW. Bedford. Lyndhurst, vil. Hants, in centre of New Forest. [dist. 448. Lyndoch, post tshp. S. Australia, co, and 36 m. N. Adelaide. P. of Lyndon, vil. Vermont, U.S., Caledonia Co., on Passumpsig R. P. 2433. Lynher, r. Cornwall, 26 m. to the Hamoaze, below Saltash. Lyne Water, Peeblesshire, aff, of the Tyeed, 18 m. long. T. outh, ºil. N. cst. Devon, 18 m. NW. Barnstaple. Iynton, watering-place, N. Devon, 12 m. NE. Ilfracombe, Lynn, city and spt, Massachusetts, ESSex Co., 10 m. NE. Boston. Tynn Regis. See King's Lynn. [P. 38,274. Lyon, r. Perthsh., aff. of the Tay, below Loch Tay, 38 m. long. iyº. prov. France, now deps. Rhône, Loire, Saône-et-Loire. ap, Lyoll. Lyons (Fr. Lyon), second city of France. Cap, of dep. Rhône, 259 m. SSE. Paris, at junction of Rhône and Saône. Its silk manuf. is the most important in the world... P. (1886) 4Q1,930. yons, city, Iowa, Clinton co., on Mississippi R. R. 4095. yons, vil. New York, cap. of Wayne Co., on Erie Canal. P. 3820, Lyonville, post tu, and ry. sta. Victoria, 68 m. NW. Melbourne. Lytham, tr. N. Lancash., on the Ribble, 14 m. W. Preston. P. 4122. Lyubim, th: Russia, gov. and 54 m NH. Yaroslav. P. 3182. Lyutsin, tin. Russia, gov. and 130 m. NW. Vitebsk. P. 5460. Lys, r. France and Belgium, flows 100 m. to the Scheldt. Lyttelton, spt, th New Zealand, 8 m. E. Christchurch. P. 5000. Lytton, th: Brit. Columbia, 162 m. up the Fraser R. P. 4725. Lytton, small tshp. Queensland, near mouth of Brisbane R. P. 138. Maabdeh, E1, the Up. Egypt, 15 m, NNW, Siout, near r. b. Nile. Maad, th: Hungary, 5 m. NW. Tokay. P. 3779. Vineyards, Maamtrašna, dist, Irel., on W. side Lough Mask. Ma'an, tin. Arabia, 84 m. SE. Jerusalem, on road to Mecca. Maas (Fr. Meuse), aff. of the Rhine, from lep. Haute Marne, in France, through Belgium and Netherlands, and joins the Waal, opposite Gorkum. Length 580 m. [Maestricht. P. 4379. Maaseyck, tú. Belgium, prov. Limburg, on R. Meuse, 17 m. NNE. Maasland, vil. Netherlands, 7 m. W. Rotterdam. P. 2620. Maagsluig or Maaslandsluis, fishing th S. Holland, 10 m. W. Rot- Maastricht, Netherlands. See Maestricht. [terdam. P. 5175. Mabani, tm. Africa, in Bornu, 70 m. SSW. Kuka. P. 9000. Mablethorpe, par. and cst. vil. Lincolnsh., 13 m. SE. Louth. P. 640. Mabrook, tin. Sahara, 200 m. NE. Timbuctu. [John. P. 400. MacAdam Junction, port of entry, New Brunswick, 8; m. N.W. St. Macahé, spt, til. Brazil, prov. Rio Janeiro, 40 E. NNE. Cape Frio. Macao, th Portugal, 85 m. NE. Lisbon. P. 30.88. Macao, Portuguese isl. and spt. th: China, at SW. entrance to Canton R., 70 m. SSE. Canton. P. 68,086; tın. 59,939. Macapa, th: Brazil, on 1. b. Amazon, 200 m. NW. Para. P. 3000. Macarasca, spt, tin. Dalmatia, 34 m. SE. Spalato, P. of dist, 8803. MacArthur, ſm. Victoria, co. Normanby, 200 m. SW. Melb. P. 600. Macassar, chief tin. and free port of Celebes, on the S.W. penin. Macassar, 8trait of, separates Borneo and Celebes. [P. 20,000. Macayo or Maceio, th: Brazil, cap. of Alagoas, 38° 4' S. P. 5Co0. Macclesfield, mun, bor. Cheshire, on R. Bollin, 17 m. S. Manchester. P. 37,514. Staple manuf silk. TMacclesfield, post tshp. S. Australia, 27 m. SE. Adelaide. P. 227. Macdonald, ry. sta. Manitoba, on the C. P. Ry., Io m, from Portage Macdonald Town, 3 m. S. Sydney, New S. Wales. P. 2800. [la Prairie. Macduff, spt. Scot., Banff, at mth. of River Deveron. P. 3650. Macedon, post tim, Victoria, 433 m. NNW. Melbourne. P. 596. Macedonia, anc. region in Turkey, now W. part of Roumelia. Macerata, prov. Italy, in the Marches. Area, 1957 sq. m. P. 250,365. Macerata, th: Italy, cap. of prov. M., 21 m. S. Ancona. P. 20,768. Macgillycuddy's £es; mtn. grp. Kerry, S.W. Killarney, contains Carrantuohill (3414 ft.), loftiest in Irel. McGregor, ry, sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 77% m. W. Winnipeg. Machen, Up. and Ir., tshps. Monmouth, 8 ni. W. Newport. Machhlishahr, th: India, jiàº. Dist., NW. Provs. P. 9200. Machias, port of entry, Maine, 70 m. E. by S. Bangor. P. 2203. Machine, La., tm. France, dep. Nièvre, 18 m. ESE. Nevers. P. 4729. Machynlleth, parl. bor. Montgomery, on R. Dovey : one of the Montgomery Boroughs. P.F.2045. [P. of dist. II,082. Mackay, spt. Queensland, on Pioneer R., C25 m. NW. Brisbane. Mackeesport, bor. Pennsylv, Alleghany co., on Monongahela R. Mackenzie, ry, sta. Canada, C. P. Ry., 859 m. W. Ottawa. [P. 8212. Mackenzie, r. Queensland, unites with the Dawson to form the Fitz- roy, 300 m. Mackenzie R., Canada, NW. Ter., rises as the Athabasca R., in the Rocky Mts., flows to the Arctic Ocean through Lakes Athabasca, and Ct. Slave, 2300 m. Basin, 443,000. sq. m. Mackey, ry, sta, Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 150 m. W. Ottawa. Mackinac or Mackinaw, th: Michigan, cap. of M. Co., at NW, extrem. Lake Huron. P. 720. Maclean, tshp. New S. Wales, co. Clarence 350 m. N. Sydney. P. 700. McLean, ry. Sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 66 m. E. Moose Jaw. Macleay, pastoral dist. in NE. of New S. Wales. Area, 5000 sq. m. #. r. New S. Wales, flows room. to the Pacific. Macomb, city, Illinois, cap. of M'Donough co. P.3143. Macon, tin. France, dep. Saône-et-Loire, on R. Saône. P. 19,567. Macon, city, Georgia, cap. of Bibb co., on Ocmulgee R. P. 12,749. Macon, vil. Missouri, cap. of Noxubee co. P. 2 Macon City, Missouri, cap. of M. co., 70 m. W. O74. Hannibal. P. 3046. Macquarie or Wambool, r. New S. Wales, flows 750 m. to the Darling. Macquarie Harbour, port of entry, Tasmania, on W. C.St. Macquarie Isl., S. Pacific, 54° 50' S., 159° E., 25 by 4 m. Macroom, mkt. th: W. Co. Cork, on R. Sullane. P. 3099. Madagascar (native Madegasse or Malagass), large isl. in Indian Ocean, separated from SE. Africa by Channel of Mozambique. Ilength, Io90 m. ; breadth, 360. Area, 228,558 sq. m. P. 3,500,000. Cap. Antananarivo, in the centre. Tamatave is the principal port. The inhabitants are of the Malay race. Gov. a hereditary monar- chical despotism. France regulates the foreign relations of the Madame, Isle, Nova Scotia, S. of Cape Breton Island. [country. Madaras, vil. Hungary, 41 m. SW. Szegedin. P. 5026. Madaragz, th: Hungary, 12 m. WSW. Szegedin. Madaria, tm. India, Gorakhpur Dist., NW. Provs. P. 7.193. Madawaska R., Ontario, flows N. 250 m. to Ottawa R. [of M. P. 1957. Maddalena, isl. Italy, at entrance to Strait of Bonifacio ; contains th: Maddaloni, city, Italy, prov. Caserta, 15 m. NNE. Naples. P. 19,945. IMad % Loch, Outer Hebrides. See Lochmaddy. Madeira, isl. in Atlantic Ocean, belonging to Portugal, 440 m. off W. cst. Morocco, 35 m. by 12. Area, 315 sq. m. P. 134,600. Cap. Funchal. Climate, very salubrious. • - Madeira or Cayari, r. Brăzil, formed by junction of the Beni and Mamore, in Bolivia, whence it ſlows 780 m. to the Amazon; length, including the Mamore, 2000 m. Madeleine, vil. France, dep. Nord, 1 m. N. Lille. P. 8504. Madeley, mkt. tin. Shropshire, on R. Seyern, P. 9212, Madeley, par. and vil. Staffordsh., 8 in. SE. Crewe. P. 2457. Maden, thi. Turkey, on 1. b. Tigris, 20 m. SE. Bagdad. P. Io,000. #. tn. Madras Pres., Vizagapatam Dist. P. 7612. optir, th: Rajputana, state and 43 m. N. Jaipur. P. 14,075. , Madhubani, th: Bengal, dist. and 16 m. NE. Darbhanga,, P. II,911, Madison, city, Indiana, cap. of Jefferson co., on Ohio. P. 8945. - Madison, city, cap. of Wisconsin and of Dane Co., 80 m. W. of Mil- waukee, between two lakes. P. ro,324. Elev. 788 ft. Madison R., Montana, from Rocky MtS., is a headstream of the Missouri, 230 m. long. Madjicosima Islg., a group of the Lu-Tchu Isls., near Formosa. Madoc, vil. Ontario, in N. Hastings co. P. Ioë5. Madras Presidency (officially, Pres, of Fort St. George) occupies with Mysore the entire S. of the penin. of India. NE. to S.W. 950 m. ; breadth, 450 m. Area, 149,092 sq. m. P. 34,172,067, of whom 29,875,343 are in the 22 Brit, dists. Five native states have an area MALADETTA 9ſ 9611 sq. m. .P. 3,344,849. The Agen º Vizagapatam, and Čšave a p. §s T; ... Im. The three main rs, are Godavari, Kistna, Aid Kaveri y º Madras City, cap. of M. Presidency, on E. CŞt. India, on Bay of Bengal. Lat, of observatory 13° 4' 6' N. ; lon, 80° ſº 22° E., 885 m, SW, Calcutta. The th, and suburbs run 9 m. along shore, and #'...,...;;.jº ritime trade, º Madre de Dios, Archipelago, W. Patagonia, ...; gº great harbour Madrid, cap. city of Spain, New Castile, on the Manzanares 2450 ſt above sea-level, 40° 25' N., 13° 45' W, P. 389,569. Area of prox. 3984 sq.m. P. 597.698. M. contains a university, Royal Museum of Art, National Library, etc. Madridejos, tin. Spain, prov. and 40 m. SE. Toledo, P. 6263, Madrigal, the Spain, 35 m. NNW. Avila, P, 2871. Madrigueras, the Spain, 24 m. S. Albacete, P. 2556. Madron, th Cornwall, 1% m. NW. Penzance. p. 2737. Hadroñera, th: Spain, 32 m. E. Caceres, P. 3260. *Tadura, isl, and fesidency, Malay Arch, adjoins Java on NE, Area 2038 sq. m. , P.I.,373,948. [P, 2,168,689. Cap. Madura. Madura, Brit, dist. Madras Pres., on Str. of Manaar.” Area. 840 sq. m. Madura, cap. of above, 38 m. SSE, Dindigal. P. 73,867. Hâs", famous pagoda and palace, and other erections. Maeander, f...Asia Minor. See Mender, Mälär or Mälar, lake, SE. Sweden, 70 m. long. Area, 477 Sq. m. With 1269 isls. Stockholm is at the E. extremity, * * * * * * Maella, the Spain, 68 m. SE. Saragossa. P. 3173. Maelstrom, or Målstrom, a whirlpool, off N.W. cst. Norway, imme- diately SW. of the S. extremity of Loffodens. Maentwrog, par. and vil. Merioneth, 3 m. SW. Testiniog. P. 852 Maesteg..tn. Glamorgan, 8 m. NW. Bridgend. P. 83ro, • *-* Thº. v. Maestricht (Dut. Maastricht), ft. tu Netherlands, cap. of prov. Lim- # on 1. b. Meuse, 50 m. E. Brussels. P. 31,031. Maesyck, Belgium. See Maaseyck. vil. Belgium, E. Flanders, 15 m. S. Ghent. P. 2776. tn. Victoria, in Gippsland, 126 m. ESE. Melbourné. tn. Portugal, near the sea, 18 m. NW. Lisbon. P. 323.I. or Mukdeesha, cSt. tr. E. Africa, subject to Zanzibar Strait of. See Magellan. [2°2' N. P. Zoo, fort, Abyssinia, 11°20' N., 39° 10' E. Alt. 9troft. ;: Colombia, flows N. to Caribbean Sea, 90o m, ſm. long Branco or San Miguel, r. Bolivia, aff. of the Guapore gº. tn. Mexico, State Sonora, on branch of Sonora R. P. 2ãº. Stºº, Cºlombia, on Caribbean Sea. Area, 24,440 Sq m. Cap. Santa Marta. y ſºju-bº. Islä., grp. in Gulf of St. Lawrence, belonging to Gaspéco º ft. tin. Prussia, cap. of gov. of M. and of prov. Saxony o: 76 m. WSW. Berlin. P. 114,291; with Neustadt ānā 143,471. M. has a fine Gothic Cathedral, and extensive trade and manufactures. Magelang, tr. Java, 40 m. S.W. Samarang. P. 34, OOO. Magellan or Magalhaens, Strait of, between the S. of South Ameri- call continent and Tierra del Fuego, Magellan Arch, N. Pacific, 24°-29° N., 139°-147° E. Magenia, th: N. Italy, 20 m, E. Milan. F. 6332. Mageröe, isl. Arctic Ocean, in extreme N. of Norway. Maggiore or Locarno, Lago di, lake, enclosed by Piedmont, Lom- bardy, and Switz., an expansion of R. Ticino, 40 m. long. Maghera, Inkt. th: Londonderry, 44 m, N.W. Belfast. P. rizá, Magherafelt, mkt. th: Londonderry, on R. Moyola. P. 1514. Magheralin, vil. Co. Down, 2 m. S.W. Moira. P. 373. Maghiana, tr. Punjab, dist. and 2 m. S. of Jhang. P. 12,574. Magill, post tin, South Australia, 5 m. E. Adelaide. I', 436, Magione, th: Italy, 8 m. WNW, Perugia. P. 7234. Maglie, city, Italy, prov. Lecce, 19 m. ENE. Gällipoli. P. 7048. Magnac-Laval, th France, dep, Haute-Vienne, 27 m. N. Limoges. Magog, th: Quebec, in co. Stanstead. P. of dist. 1248. [P. 4018. Maguire's Bridge, vil. Fermanagh, 8 m. SE. Enniskillen. P. 513. Magurele, th: Roumania, in Wallachia, and on the Danube. P. soco. Mahabaleshwar, sanitarium, Bombay Pres, Satara Dist., in the Western Ghats. Elev. 4500 ft. P. 3248. Mahabalipur, yil. India, 35 m. S. Madras. Cave-temples, etc. Mahaban, the India, on Jumna R., 6 m. below Muttra. P. 6182, Mahad, tº. Bombay, Kölaba Dist. P. 6804. Buddhist caves. Mahamadi, r, India, flows 520 m. to Bay of Bengal. Malianoy City, bor. Pennsylvania, Schuylkill co. P. 718I. [13,196. Maharajnagar, th:...Cent: India, in native state of Charakhāri, P. MahºtWar, th India, NW. Provs, dist, and 12 m. from Ballia. P. Mahé, largest of the Seychelle Isls., 17 m. long. [11,024. é, French settlement, India, Málabar Dist., 11° 42° N. P. 828o. Mahi, r, India, flows 35o im, SW, to Gulf of Cambay. Mahi Kantha, The, grp. of native states, India, under Bombay, S. of Udaipur. Area, 13,049 Sq. m. P. 517,485. Mahim, spt, th: 56 m. N. Bombay, Thanà Dist. P. 7122. Mahoba, th: India, Hamirpur Dist., N.W. Provs. P. 7577. Mahopac, vil. on L. Mahopac, 50 m. N. by IE, New York. Mähren. See Moravia. Mährisch-Neustadt, th; Moravia, 14 m. NNW. Olmütz. P. 5oor, Mährisch-Ostrau, th Moravia, 4 m. l. Schönbrunn. P. 13,448, Mährisch-Tribau, th Moravia, 27 m. NW. Olmütz. P. 6056. Mahudha, th Bombay, Kaira Dist., in Nariad Subdivision. Lat, 22°48' N. ; lon, 73° 1' E. P. 94.49. Mahuli, hill fortress, Bombay, in W. Ghats, Thana Dist., 2815 ſt. Mahuwa, spt. Bombay Pres., in Kathiawar, 21° 5' N. P. 13,704. Maia, r. Siberia, flows 500 m. to the Aldan. Maia, th: Azores Isls., dist. Ponta Delgada, San Miguel Isl. P. 3565, Maidenhead, mun. bor. Berks, near R. Thames. P. 8220. Maidens, The, grp. of rocks off cºst. Co. Antrim, 7 m. NE. Larne. Maidstone, parl. and mun. bor. Kent, on R. Äſſäº. 39 m. SE. London. P. 29,623. The centre of the hop dist., with paper mills, It returns I M.P. tn. Victoria, co. Bourke, 6% m. NW. Melbourne. r. Co. Limerick, ſlows 28 m. N. to the Shannon. cap. of M. State, Cent. India, 24° 16' N., 80° 48' E. P. 6487. Russia, dist. Terek, in Ciscaucasia. P. 25,471. tn. Mongolia, on front. of Trans-Baikal Gov. P. 2000. ğist. iśengål, tacca fiv., #. R. jamuna. Area. Č87 sq. m. P. 3,051,966. Cap. M. or Nasirabad, zwhich see. . [Mainz, Main, Mayn or Maine, r. N. Bavaria, flows 304 m. to the Rhine at Main, r. co. Antrim, flows 25 m. W. and S. to Lough Neagh. Maina, mtnous. dist. Greece, on S. of Morea. - Maine, r. co. Kerry, flows W. 24 m. to Dingle Bay. Maine, old prov, France, now deps. Sarthe and Mayenne. Maine, r. France, formed by union of the Sarthe and Mayenne, joins the Loire on its l, b, near Angers, in dep. Maine-et-Loire, 7 m. Maine, state of the U.S. of America, the , most NE. of the New England States, bounded NW. by Quebec, N., and E. by New Brunswick, S. by Atlantic Ocean, and W. by New Hampshire. Area, 33,040 sq. m. P. (1790), 96,540; (1880), 648,936. The surface is mtnous., and two-thirds forest-clad. Main rs. Penobscot, Kennebec, and Androscoggin. Chief tins. Portland spt., Bangor, Augusta (the cap.), Bath, Belfast, Eastport, etc. Maine-et-Loire, dep. France, traversed E. to W. by the Loire, with the Mayenne, Sarthe, Loir and Maine. Area, 2749 sq. m. P. 527,680. Cap. Angers. Mainland. See Orkneys and Shetlands. - Mainpuri, dist. India, NW. Provs, in Agra Dix., on Jumna R., Area, 1697 sq. m. P. 801,216. Cap. Mainpuri. P. 20,236. [P. 1887. Maintenon, tri. France, in Eure-et-Loir, . 19 m., NNE. Chartres. Mainz (Fr. Aſayevice), ſt. city, Hessen on 1. b. Rhine, opposite the mth. of the Main. P. 65,852. Maisons-Alfort, vil. France, 4 m. SE. Paris. P.9174. Maisons-sur-Seine, vil. France, Io m. N. Versailles. P. 3725. Maitland, th: New S. Wales, co. Northumberland, 93 m. N. Sydney, on Hunter R. East M. p. 2000; West M.5300. [Adelaide. Maitland, corporate th, S. Australia, Co., Fergusson, .III ºl. W. Maixent,’tn. France, dep. Deux Sèvres, on Sèvre-Niortaise, P. 4799. Majorca, isl. Mediterranean, largest of the Balearic Isls., belonging to Spain. Area, 1309 sq.m., P. 230,000...Qap. Kahnā: Majorca, tsiip. Victoria, co. Talbot, 189 m. N.W. Melbourne. P. 994- ajori, Čst, th Italy, 6 m. WSW. Salerno. P. 5:23. Majsa, vil. Hungary, in Lit. Cumania, 18 m. from Felegyhaza. P. Io, I63. akallah, th Arabia, on S. CŞt., 300 m: ENE. Aden. P. 7000. Makariev, th: Russia, gov. and from: E. Kostroma. P. 5499. Maker, par. and vil. Cornwall, 23 m. SY. Devonport... 3252. Makkum, th: Netherlands, on Zuyder Zee, 9 m. S. Harlingen. Mako or Makovia, th Hungary, on R. Maroš. P:39,363. Makov, tr. Russ. Poland, in Lâmza, 63 m. ENE, Plöck, P. 6527. Makri, spt. Asia Minor, 52 m. ENE. Rhodes; , . makri th Turkey, in Roumelia, 75 m. SW. Adrianople. P. 3000. Makung, ft. th: China, in Pheng Hu Isls. P. 32,000. Malabaï Dist., Madras Pres., on Arabian Sea. Area, 5765 sq. ft. P. 2,365,035. Cap. Calicut. - Malacca and Nanning, one of the Strait Settlements, belongs to Brit., on W. Est. of Malay Penin. Area, rcoo sq. m. P. io9,400. Cap. M., 130 m. NW. Singapore... P. 22,000. - Malacca Strait, separates Sumatra from Malay Penin. Malacuri, ft. tr. W. Africa, 65 m. ENE. Sierra Leone. Maladetta, highest peak of the Pyrenées, it, 168 ft. 43 MALAGA THE CENTURY GAZETTEER MASSOW , spt. city, Spain, cap. of M. Prov., on Mediteranean, 3. Malº P. *1,308. Exports, , wine, olive-oil, fruits, esparto, lead, and iron. Has a fine cathedral. ... Malaga, a maritime prov. Spain, between Cadiz and Granada. Malaide, vil. in co. and 9 m. N., Dublin. P. 670. [P. 518, II.4. Malamsac, vil. France, dep. Morbihan. P. 2397. italay Archipelago, Eastern or, Indian Archipelago, the most ex- tºnsive series of isls. on the globe, and entirely within the tºpics, extend through 70 degrees of longitude from the Nicobar Isls. in The B. of Bengal to the Solomon Isl. in the Pacific, 4800 m., and from ºs.lat (Timor) to 19° N. 2100 m. It includes thus Sumatra, Java, etc., Borneº, Célebes, Philippines,. New Guinea, Bismarck Arch., etc., and the numerous interlying isls. Sce Malaysia. Malay Peninsula or Malaya, the mºsº, Pºiº of Asia and of fºrther India, having É. the G. of Siam, and S. China Sea, W. the Bay of Bengal and Str., of Malacca. It includes Lower Siam, in the N., with the Brit. col. of Wellesley, and in the S. the native states of Perak, Jehore, I’ahang, and Salangore, and the Brit. Col. of Malacca and Nanning. - Malaysia, name given to that part of the Eastern Arch., lying W. of the Moluccas, and of Timor, the inhabitants being of the Malay race. To the east g that . º: ºnesian races inhabit. Mal Bay, inlet of Gaspé Peninsula,.9uebec. © . #; tn. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 24 m. ESF: Güstrow. P. 7037. iºnow, ºn. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, II ºn WSW, Waren. P. 3639. Maldah, dist. Bengal, in E. Bhagalpur Div., on R. Ganges. Area, 1897 sq. m. P.710,448. Cap. English Bazar. TMaldah or Old M., tm. in above, on R. Mahananda. P. 4694. Maldeghem, vil. Belgium, 17 m, NW. Ghºt. _P. 8522. [P. 2538 Malden, New, mkt. th: Surrey, 2 m. E. Kingston-upon-Thames 4...alden, th Massachusetts, Middlesex co.2.5 m. N. Boston. P. 12,OI7 Maiden'or old M., vil. Surrey, 3 m. SE. Kingstºn Pºº. Thames. Maldive Islands, grp. of coral isls., inhabited, in Indian Ocean, SW India, under protection of Ceylon. P. 293,000 (?). Maldon, mun, bor, and port, Essex, on Rs. Chelmcrand Blackwater 17 m. SW. Colchester. P.,5468. * * * Maldon, bor. Victoria, co. Talbot.89 m. NNW. Melbourne. P. 2500 Taidonado, dep, and ft. spt. Uruguay, 60 m. E. Montevideo. P. 27,000; tın. Io99. -- * * Malegaon, tº. Bombay Pres., Nasik Dist. . 19322. Maiemba, spt. W. Africa, on Loango CŞt., 5°20 S. Maleo, th: N. Italy, 17 m. SE. Lodi. P. 4217. [P. 20,621. †ier'Rotia, "tn. Punjab, cap. of M. K. State, 39.T. S. Ludhiana, Tºtalesherbes, tr. France, in Loiret, 11 m. NE. Pithiviers. P. 1883. TMaigrat, spt. Spain, 37 m. NE. Parcelona, . P. 3430. Malihabad, thindia, in Oudh, Lucknow Dist. P. 7276. Malimba, tin. W. Africa, on a bay on the Loango coast. 1Malines. See Mechlin. - Malkapur, th W. of Berar, in Buldana Dist. P. 81.52. Tſalianwan, th Oudh, dist. and 21 m. S. Hardoi. P. ro,970. Mallicollo, isl. New Hebrides, 60 m. by 28. e Malling, West, or Town M., mkt: tn. Kent, 53 m. NW. Maidstone. Tſallow, mkt, thºn, co. Cork, on R. Blackwater:. P. 4439; [P. 2242. Malmani, gold-field, in W. of S. African Republic, near Zeerust. Aſalmedy,’tn. Rhenish Prussia, 25 m.S. Aachen. P. 6078. Tºtalmesbury, mkt. th: Wilts, on R. Axon; P. 3133. - Malmesbury, vil. Cape Colony, 45 m. N. Cape Town by rail. P. 1840. Malmö, spi. S. Sweden, on the Sound, cap: of a laen. P. 45,346. Maimãhus or Malmö, láen, S.W. Sweden., P.,392,573. jºy, in Victória, cos. Talbot and Dalhousie. P. 1329. Malo, thºſtály, ſom. NW. Vicenza. P.,5379. iſsio'Archangelsk, th Russia, 85 m. SEQrel. P.,3954. ºloi-Yaroslåvitz, th Russia, 38 m. N. Kaluga, P. 455. Malone, th; New York, cap. of Franklin Co., on Salmon R. P. 4193 *Malpas, mkt. th: S.W. Cheshire. , P. 939, Malplaquet, vil. France, in Nord, arr, Avesnes. Battle, 1709. Tſalºch, th: Baden, 6 m. ENE. Rastadt, P.,3622; [14,950. Maistaātīšurbach, thºrussia, dist.of Saarbrücken, on R. Šâa. P. Malta, isl. in Mediterranean, belonging to Brit: 62 in. SSW. Sicily, 17 m.'long by 9. Area, 124 sq. m. Cap. Valetta, strongly. ft. ; a mili- tary sta., arsenal, and dockyard. P. with Gozo and Comino, I57,134. Maltby, vil. W. R. York, 6 m. E. of Rotherham, P. 795. [3028. Malters, tm. Switz., cant. and II m. W. Lucerne, on the Emmen. P. Tºtalton, mkt. tr. E. and N. R. York, on R. Derwent. P. 8754. Tſalunger Fiord, on N.W. cst. Norway, 62° 25' N. Maluti Mts., lofty chain in Basutoland, S. Africa. ... - - Malverm, residential suburb, 53 m. SE. Melbourne, Victoria. P. 3339. Malvernor Great M., tm. and watering-place, Worcestersh., 9m. SW. Worcester. P. 5846. A popular and attractive health resort. 1Malvern Hills, on border of Worcester and Hereford, 1395 ft., Tſalvern Link, th: Worcestersh., 1 m. N. Malvern. P. 1809. [P. 1112. Tſalvern Wells, th and watering-place, 2 m. S. of Great Malyern. iſſalwa, political prov; Cent. India, includes the states of Indore, hopal, Dhar, Ratlam, Jaora, Rajgarh, etc. . . Malwan, tr. Bombay, dist. and 79 m. S. Ratnagiri, P. 35,565. Malzeville, vil. France, in Meurthe-et-Moselle... P. 2756. Mamadish, th Russia, 87 m. E. Kasan, on R. Viatka. P. 4123. iMambucaba, th: Brazil, 78 m. W. Rio Janeiro. P. 4000. Mamers, th: France, in Šarthe, 28 m. NNE. Le Mans. P. 6070. infammola, tn. Italy, prov. Reggio di Calabria. P. 8007: Mammoth Cave, California, Calaveras co., 12 m. from San Andreas, Mammoth Caves, Kentucky, 80 m. SSW. Louisville. - Mamore or Rio Grande, r. Bolivia, flows 500 m. to the Beni. Mamre, miss. sta. Cape Colony, 40 m. N. Cape Town. IMam Soul, mtn. Scot., Ross and Inverness, 3862 ft. TMan, Isle of, isl. in Irish Sea, 16m. S. of Wigtownsh., 27 m. SW.Cumber- land, 33 m. long, 123 m. broad. Area, 227 sq. m. P. 54,989. The interior is mthous. ; highest peak, Snaefell, 2034 ft. Chief tims. Douglas, the cap., Castletown, the ancient cap., Ramsey, an Peel. The people of Man are of Celtic origin, and speak the Manx language. It is governed by its own laws, the governor being nominated by the British Crown. Manabi, prov. Ecuador, on W. slope of Andes. P. 64,284. Cap. Fuerto TManacor, th Spain, in Majorca, 30 m. E. Palma. P. 14,929. [Viejo. Managua, th: Nicaragua, on L. Leon. P. I5,000. Manaos, tr. Brazil, on R. Negro, cap. of Amazonas. P. 4ooo. Manar Gulf, between Ceylon and SE. part of India. Manasarowar, sacred lake, Tibet, S. of Mt. Kailas, 30°8' N. ; 81°53' E. Alt. 15,200 ft. [m. P. 1,058,228. Cap. Purulia. Manbhum, dist. Bengal, in E. of Chutia Nagpur Div. Area, 41.47 sq. Mancazana, th Cape Colony, Bedford Div., 28 m. W. Ft. Beaufort. Mancha Real, tin. Spain, 7 m. E. Jaen. 749. Manche, maritime dep, N.W. France, on the Mazuche or English Channel, part of old Normandy. Area, 2289 sq. m. P. 520,865. Cap. St. Lô. . Contains Cherbourg. Manchester, parl. and mun. bor, and city, SE. Lancash., on R. Irwell, 31 m. E. Liverpool, 186 m. NW. London by rail. P. Qf parl. bor. 424,224; muli. bor. 341,414. . It returns 6 M.Ps. M. is ihe centre of the greatest manuf. in the world, chiefly cotton, but also woollen and silk fabrics, engineering, chemical works, etc. possesses magnificent public buildings. The adjoining bor. of Salford is separated by the R. Irwell. See Salford. Manchester, tin. Connecticut, Hartford co., on Hockanum R. P.6462. IManchester, city, New Hampshire, cap. of Hillsborough co., on Mer- rimac R., 16m. S. Concord. P. 32,630. Manchester, th Virginia, Chesterfield co., on James R. P. 5729. Manchester, vil. Iowa, Delaware co., on Maquoketa R. P. 2275. Manchuria, ‘Country of the Manchus,’ an extensive region of IE. Asia, a div. of the Chinese Empire, bounded S. by Corea and Yellow Sea, W. by Mongolia, N. and N.E. by the R. Amur, which divides it from the Russian prov. Amur, and E. by the Usuri, which separates it from the Russian Maritime Prov., Previous to 1360 it extended to 58° N. and E. to the sea. The Chinese div. is divided into provs, Liao-Tong or Shin-King, Kirin or Girhin, and Tsi-tsi-har or Helung-Tsian. Area, 379,150 sq. m. P. 12,000,000. The Manchus are of the Tungusian family of Mongols. Chief Mukden, Kirin-Ula, Saghalin-Ula, Tsitsihar, and Niu Chwang. most S. tin. Norway, 23 m. WSW. Christiansand. P. 3885. , cap. of Upper Burma, 2 m. from l.b. of R. Irawadi, 21° 59' tn. Cutch. See Mandvi. - . P. 70,000. anc. th: India, N.W. Provs., Bijnaur Dist. P. 7125. isl. in Narbada R., . India, Cent. I’rovs., Niinar Dist., for its numerous temples. tn. Italy, prov. Lecce, 54 m. NNW. Otranto. P. ro,291. of M. State, Punjab, on R. Beas. P. 5030. negro tribe, W. Africa, widely spread over Senegambia pper Guinea. [M., on Narbada R. P. 4732. dist. India, Cent. Provs. Area, 47.19 sq. m. P. 301,760. Cap. tn. Cent. India, Gwalior, 80 m. NW. Ujjain. P. 22,596. tn. Italy, prov. Lecce, dist, and 22 Im. ESE. Taranto. spt. Cutch, on Gulf of Cutch. P. 35,980. [P. Io,747. tn. Italy, 13 m. SSW. Brescia. P. 4988. on the border of Upper Egypt, on 1. b. Nile. ft. spt. Italy, prov. Foggia, 41°38' N. P. 960 tn. Philippine Isls., in Luzon Isl. P. 20,546. cSt. th: Roumania, in the Dobrudja. - tn. Madras Pres., cap. of S. Kanara Dist. P. 32,099. tn. Bombay, native state Sangli. Lat. 17°30' N. P.9156. ...tn. India, N.W. Provs., Saharanpur Dist, P. 9999. al P. I3,232. 6. Mangrol, spt. Bombay Pres...SW. CŞt. of Kathiawar. P. I2,123. Manhattan, vil. Kansas, on Kansas R., 52 m. W. Topeka. P. 2105. iranhattan Beach, watering-place, New York, on Coney Isl. Manhattan Isl., New York, at mth, of Hudson R., 14 m. by 2%. The city of New York is situated upon it. Manicougan, r., lake, and bay, Qanada, estuary of St. Lawrence. Manihiki Isls., Tacific Ocean, W. of Marquesas Isls. Manikganj, tr. India, in Dacca Dist, P., 13.289. . Manilia (Span. Manila), spt. cap. city of Philippine Isls., on Luzon Isl. One of the great emporiums of the East, P. with environS 182,242. Manuf, cigars and cheroots. Manilla, post tim. New S. Wales, Co. Darling, 281 m. N. Sydney. P. 150. Manipur, native state, NE. India, between Assam and Up. Burma, under control of the former. Area, 8000 sq. m. P. 221,070. Manissa, th: Asia Minor, 28 m. NE. Smyrna. P. 50,000. Manistee, city, Michigan, cap. of M. Co., on I: Michigan. P.6930. Manitoba, prov. Canada, bounded S., by Minnesota and Dakota (U.S.), W. by Assiniboia, N. by Saskatchewan and Keewatin, E. by Ontario. Area, 73,720 sq.m. P. in 1881, 66,000; (1886) 108,640. It is traversed by the Canadian Pacific Ry. Main rs., Red R., Winnipeg, Assineboine, and Souris. Contains most of Lakes Winnipeg and Winnipegošiš, and L. Manitoba (110 m. long). Cap. Manitou, r. Canada, falls to N.b. Gulf of St. Lawrence, [Winnipeg. Manitou, summer resort, Colorado, El Paso co., 80 m. S. Denver. iſſanitou, ry, sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 102 m. from Winnipeg. Manitoulin, isl. Canada, in L. Huron, 80 m. long by 20: . Manitowoc, city, Wisconsin, cap. of M. co., on L. Michigan. P. 6367. Mankato, city, Minnesota, Blue Earth co., on Minne;9tà R. P. 5550. Manly, tr. Néw S. Wales, co. Cumberland, 9 ºn. NE. Sydney. P. 1500. iſſannargudi, thindia, dist, and 20 m. SE. Tanjore. E. 19,409. Männedorf, vil. Switz., on L. of Zurich, cant. Zurich, P. 259r. Mannersdorf, th Austria, 20 m. SSE. Vienna, P. 2533, iTannheim, thfaden, on r. b. Rhine, at confluence of the Neckar. P. 61,273. Trade and manuf. extensive. Manningtrée, mkt, th: Essex, on R. Stour. P. 932. e Mannum, th S. Australia, on Murray R., 52 m. NE. Adelaide, P. 192. Manopelio, th Italy, prov. and 12 m. SW. Chieti. P. 4600. Manorbier, cst. par, and vil. Pembroke. I. - Manorhamilton, mkt. th: NW. co, Leitrim, 23 m. E. Sligo. P. r125. Manosque, th lirance, in Basses-Alpes. 39 m. SW. Dignº; P. 5775. Manresa, ft. th Spain, 30 m. by rail NNW. Barcelona..., P. 16,526. Mans, i.e., tm. France, cap. of Sarthe Dep., on Sarthe R.: 130 m. SW, Pāris. P. 57,594. Manufs, linen; dyeing and tanning. Mansa, th: Bombay, prov. Gujarat, cap. of M. native state. P. 7898. Mansfeld, th: Pruss. Saxony, 30 m. NW. Merseburg. P.2516. Mansfield, mkt. th: Notts, ió ſm. N. Nottingham. P. 13,653. Mansfield, city, Ohio, cap. Richland co., 54 m. S. Sandusky. P. 9859. Mansfield, th: Victoria, Co. Delatite, 137 m. NE. Melbourne, - Mansfield'Woodhouse, th Notts, 13 m. N. Mansfield. P. 2618. Mansurah, th: Egypt, on Damietta branch of Nile. P. 26,942. Mantes-sur-Seine, in. Trance, in Seine-et-Oise. P. 6956. Mantua, ſt. city, Italy, on R. Mincio, cap. of prov. M., 22 m. SSW. Verona, P. 28,048; prov. 300,3] I. - - Manuel, ry. sta. Stirlingsh., 2 m. W. Linlithgow; in vicinity is M. iianytch, r. Russia, flows 300 m. to the Don. riory. Manzanares, r. Spain, joins the Henares passing Madrid. Manzanares, th Spain, 27 m. E. Ciudad Real. P. 8357. Manzanillo, spt. Cuba, on SE: Cst. P.23,298. Mapimi, th; Mexico, state and 130 m, NNE, Durango. P. 3000. Maple Creek, ry, sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 596; in...W. Winnipeg. Mapledurham, vil. Oxfordsh., on R. Thames, 33 m. NW. Reading. Mapusa, th India, in Goa, 8 m, N. Panjim. P. 19,286. - Maquoketa, th: Iowa, cap. of Jackson Co., near M. R. P. 2467. Mar, anc. dist: Aberdeensh., Éetween the Dee and Don. Maracay, th: Venezuela, State Guzman Blanco. P. 8500. IMaracaybo, city, Venezuela, cap. of State Zulia, on W. Cst, entrance to Lake M. P. 31,921. Maracaybo, Gulf of, or G, of Venezuela, inlet of the Caribbean Sea, between Venezuela and Colombia. [the Gulf by a short channel. IMaracaybo, Lake, Venezuela, 137 m. by 75 m., communicates with Maragha, city, Persia, in Azerbijan, 50 m. S. Tabriz. P. 25,000. Marahra, th: India, N.W. Provs., 12 m. N. Etah. P. 9271. Marajo or Joannes, large isl. at the mths, of the Amazon and Para. Area, 173 sq. m. P. 25,000. TTaranhão, Maranham or São Luiz, spt. city, Brazil, cap. of prov. of same name, on isl. of M., 2° 31' S., 44° 18' W. P. 35,000. Its trade is of great importance. Maranhão, maritime prov. in N. Brazil. Area, 177,562 sq. m. Marano, th: Italy, 5 m. NW. Naples... P. 8531. ... = LP. 430,059. Maramoa, pastoral dist. Queensland, W. of Darling Downs. . [P. 4736, IMarans, tº France, dep, Charente-Inférieure, on the Sèvre Niortaise. Marash or Kermania, th: Turkey, 90 m. NNW. Aleppo. I’. Io,006. Maratea, cSt. tu. S. Italy, in Basilicata. P. 5450. Marathon, Plaim of, Greece, 20 m. NE. Athens. arazion or Market Jew, spt. Cornwall, on Mounts Bay, 3 m. E. IMarbach, th: Würtemberg, on the Neckar. P. 2407. [Penzance. P. 1294. Marbella, cst. th: Spain, 29 m. SW. Malaga. P. 7947. Marblehead, port of entry, Massachusetts, Essex co. P. 7467. Marboz, th: France, in Ain, Iom. N. Bourg. P. 2550. Marburg, th: Austria, in Styria, on the Drave. P. 17,628. Marburg, th: Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, on R. Lahfi. It is the seat of a university (1527). P. 12,688. IMarcaria, tin. Italy, 13 m. WSW. Mantua, on R. Oglio. I’. 8841. arch or Morava, r. Moravia, flows S. to the Danube. March, mkt, tm. Cambridgesh., on R. Nen. P. 6190. Marche, the Belgium, prov. Luxemburg, 26 m.SE. Dinant... P. 3233. Marchena, th Spain, prov. and 29 m. by rail ESE, Seville, on the Guadalquivir. P. 13,768. Marches (Ital, Marce), a compartimento, Italy, on the Adriatic, con: tains provs. Ancona, Ascoli-Piceno, Macerata and I'esaro, and Sº, Urbino. Area, 3746 sq. m. - Marchiennes, vil. France, in Nord, 19 m. SSE. Lille. I’. 3338. Marchiennes-au-Pont, th: Belgium, prov. Hainaut. P. 13,574. Marciana, th: Brazil, prov. Minas Čéraes. F. 7COO. Marcianisi, tin, Italy, 3.1m. S.W. Caserta. P. II,364. IMarcigny, th: Iºrance, in Saône-et-Loire, on the Loire. T. 2834. Marcinelle, vil. Delgium, in Hainaut, 2.4 m. E. Mons. P. 99.40. Marcq-en-Bareuil, vil. France, in Nord, 3 m. N. Lille. , P. 9266. Marcy, mtn. New York, highest peak of the Adirondacks, 5467 ft. Mar del Plata, tm. Argentina, in the prov. of Buenos Ayres. Marden, vil. Herefordsh., on R. Lugg, 5 m. N. Hereford. Mareb, r. Abyssinia, flows 250 m. to the Atbara. Marden, vil. Kent, 9% in. E. Tunbridge. - Mardin, ſt. th: Asiat. Turkey, pashalik and 335 m. NW. Bagdad. Maremma, marshy dist. Italy, S. part of Tuscany. [P. 15,000. iſſarengo, vil. Italy, prov. and 2 m. SE. Alessandria. Marengo, th: New S. Wales, co. Monteagle, on Marengo Creek. Marennēs, spt, France, in Charente-Inférieure. P. 4945. [P. IOoo. Maree, Loch, Scot., W. Ross, is 12% m. long by 23 broad. Mareotis or Birket-el-Mariut, lake, in NE. Egypt, S.E. of Alexandria, 50 m. long by 20 m. IMargar, the India, in Goa, 16 m. SE. Panjim. P. II,794. Margaretsville, port of entry, Nova Scotia, on Bay of Fundy, Margarita, isl. Caribbean Sea, belongs to Venezuela. P. 32,000. Margate, mum. bor. and seaside resort, Kent, in Isle of Thanet, 7.4 m. E. London. P. 16,030. Marggrabowa, th: Prussia, dist. Gumbinnen, circle of Oletzko. P. 4500. IMarghilan, th: Russian Asia, in Perghana. P. 26,000. Marhan, vil. Norfolk, 7 m. W. Swaffham. P. 752. Maria, the Quebec, in Bonaventure co, P. 2298. Mariana, city, Brazil, prov. Minas Geraes, 45 m. NE. Ouro Preto. Marianne Isls. See Ladrones. [P. 7000. Mariano, tin, N. Italy, 9 m. SSE. Como. P. 5068. Maribo, th Denmark, in Laaland Isl. P. 2463. Marico, the extreme W. dist. of the S. African Republic. Marie-Galante, one of the French W. Indies. P. rš,000. Mariel, spt. Cuba, on N.W. cst., 20 m. W. IIavana. IMarienbad, spa, Bohemia, 35 m. NW. Pilsen by rail. P. 2009. IMarienberg, tin. Saxony, 17 m. SSE. Chemnitz. P. 6139. IMarienbourg, ft. tin. Belgium, 30 m. SW. Namur. Mar: enburg, tn. W. Prussia, 27 m. SE: Dantzic. P. ro, 136. IMarienwerder, city, cap. of W. Prussia, 45 m. SSE. I.)antzic. P. 8079. IMariestad, th; Sweden, cap. of a laen, on Lake Wener. P. 2697. Mariestad or Skaraborg, laen, Sweden. P. 253,529. Marietta, vil. Georgia, cap. of Cobb co., 20 m. NW. Atlanta, P. 2227. Marietta, city, Ohio, cap. of Washington co., on Ohio R. P. 5444. Marietta, bor. Pennsylv., Lancaster Co., on Susquehanna. P.2503. IMarieville, th: Canada, prov. Quebec, co. Rouville. IMar IMar IMar Mar TMar IMal IMar IMār; air Mar IMari P. º igliano, th Italy, prov. Caserta, 3% m. W. Nola. P. #39. iguana, one of the Bahama Isls., 25 m. long; uninhabited. iinsk, tin. Siberia, gov. and room. E. Tomsk. P. 3089. inella, spt. Sicily, 14 m. ESE. Mazzara. - neo, th Sicily, 11 m. SE. Palermo. P. 10,065. . nette, vil. Wisconsin, on Green Bay. P. 2756. , ingues, tin. France, in Puy-de-Dôme, 15 m. WNW. Thiers. no, tº, Italy, 11 m. SE. Rome. P. 6509. [P. 3685. on, vil. Alabama, cap. Perry co., 28 in. NW. Selma. P. 2074. ion, vil. Indiana, cap. of Grant co., 40 m. ESE. Logansport. P. 3182. on, city, Iowa, cap. of Linn co., 6 m. NE. Cedar Rapids. P, 1939. Marion, vil. Ohio, cap. of M. co., 35 m. WSW. Mansfield. , P. 3899. Mariopol, spt, in Russia, gov. and 140 m. SE. Yekaterinoslav, on Sea of Azov. P. 14,980. 4- Maritime Alps, extend from Gulf of Genoa to Monte Viso. e Maritza, r. Roumelia, flows 260 m. to the AEgean Sea, passing Philip- Markallah, tm. S. Cst. Arabia, 49° II' E. [popolis and Adrianople. TMarkelo, vil. Netherlands, in Overyssel, 15 m. E. Deventer. P. 4398. Marken, isl. Netherlands, in Zuyder Zee. P. II96. Market Bosworth, mkt, th Leicestersh, 8 m. NE. Nuneaton. P. 881. Market Deeping, th: Lincolnsh., on R. Welland... P. 1212. Market Drayton, mkt. th Salop, on R. Terne. ... P. 5188. Market Harborough, mkt. th Leicestersh., on R. Welland. P. 5351. Markethill, mkt. th: co. Armagh, 13 mi. N.W., Newry. P. 874. Market Lavington, par., tshp., and vil. Wiltshire, 5% m. S. Devizes. Market Rasen, mkt. th 13% in. NE. Lincoln. P.2612. Market Weighton, mkt. til. E. R. York, 17 m. NE. Selby. P. 2309. Markinch, th Fife, 11% m. SW. Cupar. P. 1273. Markirch, tm. Alsace, 12 m. W. Schlettstadt. P. II,407. Markneukirchen, th Saxony, 28 m. SSW. Zwickau. P. 5922. Markranstädt, til. Saxony, circle and 6 m. WSW. Leipsic. P. 4005. Markstay, ry, sta. Ontarió, on C. P. Ry., 299 m...W. Ottawa. Marktbreit, th Bavaria, on the Main, 45 m. WNW. Nürnberg. P. 455. Marlborough, mun. bor. NE. Wilts, on R. Kennet. P. 3343. #: borough, th: Massachusetts, 32 m. W. Boston. P. Io, 127 - borough, provincial dist. New Zealand, in NE. portion of South Isl. Ths., Blenheim, Havelock, and Picton. P. 9300. Marlborough Downs, hill range, Wilts; Milk Hill, 967 ft. Marle, th France, in Aisne, 14 m. NE. Laon... P. 24O4. IMarlow or Great M., mkt. tin. Ducks, on R. Thames. P. 4763. Marmande, th France, in Lot-et-Garonne. P. 9857. IMarmaras, th: Asia Minor, 27 m. N. Rhodes. Marmolejo, vil. Spain, 23 m. NW. Jaen. P. 4537. Marmora, Sea of, between Europe and Asia, communicates with the Black Sea by the Bosphorus, and with the AEgean , by the Marmoutier or Mauermünster, th: Alsace. P. 1961. [Dardanelles. Marne, dep. NE. France, in old prov. of Champagne. Area,3159 sq. m. P. 429,494. Maine rs. Marne and Scine. Cap. Chalons-sur- Marne, r. France, ſlows 210 m. to the Seine, above Paris. [Marne. IMarocco. See Morocco. Maromme, vil, France, in Seine-Inférieure, 3 m. NW. Rouen. P. 3092, Marong, tshp. Victoria, co. Bendigo, 112 m. NW. Melbourne. Maros, r. Hungary, from Transylvania, flows 400 m. to the Theiss, Marostica, th Italy, 15 m. NE. Vicenza. P. 4309. [near Szegedin. Maros Vasarhely, th: Transylvania, on the Maros. P. I2,678. Marple, tm. Cheshire, on R. Goyt. P. 4421. Marquésas or Mendana Isls. (Fr. Les Mazguises), grp. in Pacific Ocean, 8°-11° S., 14° W. P. 6011. Marquette, vil. France, in Nord, 3 m. from Lille. P. 3770. - Marquette, ry. Sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 29 m. from *innipe • Marquette, city, Michigan, cap. of M. Co., on the S. shore of fake Superior. P. 4689. - Marquise, vil. France, in Pas-de-Calais, 7 m. NNE. Boulogne, P. 4333. Marradi, yil. Italy, 28 m. NE. Florence. P. 8500. Marrickville, suburban bor. 33 m. SW. Sydney, New S. Wales, Marsala, ft. spt. city, Sicily, on W. CSt. P. 42,849. Exports wine. Marsciano, tin. Italy, 14 m. SW. Perugia. P. 12,155. Marsden, th W. R. York, on R. Colne. P. 33.19. Marseillan, th France, in IHerault, on Etang de Thau. P. 4065. Marseilles (Fr. Marseille), city and chief spt. of France, cap. of Bouches-du-Rhône, on the Mediterranean, .535 m. by rail SSE, I’aris. P. (1886), 376,143. In 1879, 9445 vessels entered the port, of 3,313,469 ton. Exports, wine, fruit, Cork, anchovies, silk, cottons, and woollens. Marshall, city, Michigan, cap. of Calhoun co., on Kalamazoo. P. 3795. Marshall, th Texas, cap. IHarrison Co., 42 m. W. Shreveport, P. 5624. Marshall Archipelago, grp. in Pacific Ocean, 10° N., 67° E. P. 12,000. Marshalltown, city, Iowa, cap. of Marshall co., 50 m. NE. Des oines by rail. P. 6240. Marshfield, mkt, thqloucester, on the Cotswolds. P. 1527. Marsico Nuovo, city, Italy, prov, and 18 m. S. Potenza. P. 7842. Marsillargues, .th. France, in Hérault, 15 m. ENE. Montpellier. Marsivam, vil. Asia Minor, 24 m. WNW. Amasia. , P. 5000. [P. 3227. Marske by the Sea, th N. R. York, 3 m. SE. Redcar. P. 5113, Marstal, vil. Denmark, on E. cst. Aeróe. , P. 2745. Marston, Long, vil. Herts, 33 m. NW. Tring. P. 494. - Marston, Long, shp..W. R. York, 6 m. W. York. P. 363; 13 m. W. is Marston Moor, field of battle, 1644. Marstrand, spt. Sweden, 29 m. NW. Gothenburg. P. 1306. Mariaban, th Lr. Burma, in Amherst Dist., on R. Salwin. Martha's Vineyard, isl. 4 m. off cst, of Massachusetts, 21 m. long. Martigues, th: France, in Bouches-du-Rhône, 21 m. SW, Aix. P. 6483. Martin, ry, sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 124 m. W. Port Arthur. Martina, tm. Italy, 19 m. NNE. Taranto. P. 19,355. Martinengo, th: Italy, Iom. SSE. Bergamo. P. 5:12. Martinique or Madiana, one of the French W. ind. Isls., 14° 48' N., 61°19'W. P. 169,232. Martinsburg, th: W. Virginia, cap. of Berkeley co., room. W. Balti- more. P. 6335. Martins Ferry, vil. Ohio, Belmont co., on Ohio R. P. 3819. - Marton, th: New Zealand, co. Rangitikei, 125 m. NNE. Wellington. Martorel, th: Spain, 12 m. y rail N.W. Barcelona. I’. 4331. Martos, th: Spain, prov. and 9 m. WSW. Jaen. P. 14,654. M Marulan, post tshp. New S. Wales, 114 m. S.W. Sydney. P. 25o. Marutse-Mambunda, kingdom, Cent. Africa, ë. § zºś P. about 1,000,000. Marvejols, th. France, dep. Lozère, roºm. WNW, Mende. P. 5650. Marybor Qugh, Inkt; and co. th Queen's Co., 51 in SW, Dublin. P. 2872. Mary 20rough, th Victoria, co. Talbot, 112 m., NW. Melb.,. P. 3305. Mar Qorough, the Queensland, 180 m. N. Brisbane. P. of dist. 12,106. Maryburgh, former name of Fort William, Inverness. * - Maryburgh, yil. Ross and Cromarty, on R. Conon. P. 420. Maryhill, police burgh and NW. suburb of Glasgow. , P. 12,884. Maryland, one of the middle states of U.S. of Åmerica, bounded N. by Pennsylv., W. by W. Virginia, S. by Potomac R., which divides it from Virginia and W. Virginia, E. by Delaware. It is crossed by the Alleghany, Mts, and indented by Chesapeake Bay. Area, I2,201 sq.m, P. (1660) 12,000, (1820) 407,350, (1880) 934,943. Tris., Baltimore, Annapolis, the cap., Frederick, etc. Maryland, ry. Sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 48 m. from Winnipeg. Marylands, post tim, and ry. Sta. New S. Wales, 468 m. N. Sydney. P. of dist. 504. - [returns 2 M.Ps. Marylebone, parl, bor. Middlesex, in NW. London. P. 154,910. It Maryport, mkt; tın. and spt. Cumberland, 28 m. S.W. Carlisle. "P. 8126. Marysville, th: California, cap. Yuba co., 52 m. N. Sacramento. P. 4321. Marysville, vil. Ohio, cap. of Union co., 28m. NW. Columbus. P. 3361. Maryvale, ry, sta, New S. Wales, 257 m. W. Sydney, on Macquarie R. Maryville, city, Missouri, cap. of Nodaway co, P. 3485. Marzano,tn. Italy, prov. Caserta, 24 m. ENE. Gaeta. P. 4576. Masai, tribe. E. Equat. Africa, in the dist. of Mt. Kilima-njaro. Masaya, th: in State and 40 m. NW. Nicaragua. P. Io,000. Masbat, one of the Philippine Isls., S. of Lüzon, 70 by 20 m. Masborough, a suburb of Rotherham, W. R. York. P. 8474. Mascali, th Sicily, 18 m. NNE, Catania. P. 5218. Mascalucia, tº Sicily, 3 m. N. Catania, on S. slope Etna. P. 3277. Mascara or Victoria, thi, Algeria, 45 m. SE. Oran. P. 13, roo. Mascarene Isls., collective name of Bourbon, Mauritius, and Rodri- gues, in Indian Ocean. Mascoutah, th: Illinois, St. Clair co., 26 m. ESE. St. Louis. P. 2558. Masefia, th: Africa, cap. of Baghirmi, room. SE. Lake Chad. Masham, mkt, th; N. R. York, on R. Ure. P. 2174. Mashina, tin. Africa, in Bornu, 132 m. NE. Kano. P. roooo. Masina, kingdom, Soudan, SW. of Timbuctoo, on the Niger. P. 43 mil. Maš, Lough, Cos. Galway and Mayo, 12 m. by 2 to 4 m. Maskinonge, r. Quebec, flows SSE. to the St. Lawrence. . . Massachusetts, one of the New England States of the U.S.A. bounded N. by Vermont and New Hampshire, W. by New York, S., by, Connecticut, Rhode Isl., and the Atlantic, E. by the Atlantic and M. Bay. Area, 8315 sq. m. P. (1775) 250,000; (1810) 472,940; (1880) 1,783,085. It is traversed by Connecticut R. It has flourishing manufs., commerce, and fisheries, and its educa- tional institutions are of the highest order. Cities, Boston, the cap., Concord, Salem, Lowell, Worcester, Springfield, North- ampton, Plymouth, New Bedford, etc. Massa di Carrara, city, N. Italy, 30 m. NW. Pisa. P. 20,458. Massa o Carrara, prov. N.W. part of Tuscany. P. 174,411. IMassafra, th Italy, prov. Lecce, 12 m. NW. Taranto." P. ro,197. Mašša Lombarda, the Italy, 30 m. SSE. Ferrara. P. 5731. Massa Iubrenze, the Italy, 19 m. S. Naples, on the Gulf. P. 8.185. Massa Maritima, tin. Italy, 33 m. S.W. Siena. P. 13,840. Massamartana, th Italy, in Umbria, 12 m. W. Spöleto. P. 4529. Massangano, Portuguese factory and fort, in Angola, W. Africa. Massarosa, th: Italy, 8 m. W., by N. Lucca. P. 3987. Massat, th: France, dep, Ariégé, arrond. of St. ğis. P. 4088. Masse, yil. N. Italy, on the Dora Baltea. P. 4127. Masse di Siena, th: Italy, in prov. of Siena. P. of com. 8877. Massévaux, th Alsace, Ir, m. NNE, Belfort. P. 3373. Massillon, city, Ohio, Stark co., on Tuscarawas R. P. 6836. Massingham, &reat, par, and vil, Norfolk. P. 885. Massow, th Prussia, in Pomerania, 22 m, ENE, Stettin. P. 2610. 44 MASSOWAH THE CENTURY GAZETTEER Massowah, th and isl. and Ital. settlement, on W. shore of Red Sea. I-at. 15° 36' N. P. 20,000; tın. 5026. It forms the port for Abys- sinia. [2000. Masterton, th: and ry. sta. New Zealand, 71 m. NE. Wellington. P. Masulipatam (Machli-patatazzi), spt. Madras Pres., cap. of Kistna Dist., 215 m. N. Madras. P. 35,056. Matabeleland, country, S. Africa, in the basins of the Limpopo and Matagalpa, th: Nicaragua, Cent. America. P. 9000. [Zambesi. Matale, tm. Ceylon, 15 m. N. of Kandy. P. 4032. - Matamoras, th Mexico, State Tamaulipas, on Rio Grande, 40 m. from G. of Mexico. P. 13,740. - Matam, magnificent ruined temple, Kashmir, overlooks the valley. Matanzas, ft. Spt. Cuba, 52 m. E. Havana. P. 87,760. Matapediac or Musical R., Quebec, enters the Restigouche from Lake Matapediac (16 m. long). Matariyeh (anc. Heliopolis), vil. Egypt, 6 m. NNE. Cairo. Matariyeh, vil. Egypt, on E. shore L. Menzaleh. P. 3000. Mataro, cSt. city, Spain, 15 m. NE. Barcelona. P. 17,405. Mataura, post tim. New Zealand, on M. River, 107 m. from Dunedin. Matelica, the Italy, Marches, 23 m. WSW. Macerata. P. 7ooo. Matera, th: Italy, 43 m. E. Potenza. P. 16,129. [2460 ft. P. 220r. Matheran, Sanitarium, India, in Thana Dist., 30 m. E. Bombay. Alt. Mathoura, post tim. and ry, sta. New S. Wales, co. Cadell, 51.2 m. S. Matlock, tin. Derbysh., on R. Derwent. P. 4395. [Sydney. Matlock Bath, the and watering-place, 1 m. S. of Matlock. P. 1698; celebrated for its medicinal waters and romantic scenery. Matsmai or Matsumae, city, Japan, cap. of isl, of Yesso, on its S. CSt. P. 50,000. tn. Japan, Niphon Isl., prov. Iyo. P. 31,265. tn. Japan, in the prov. of Izoumo. P. 36,164. ry. sta. Ontario div. C. P. Ry., 198 m. W. Ottawa. tn. New York, Dutchess co., on Fishkill Creek. P. 4411. the German name for Mont Cervant. tn. Hungary, Iom. WNW. Oedenburg. P. 3464. extensive prov. Brazil, borders on Bolivia. Area, 532,683 sq. m. P. 60,417. Cap. Cuyaba. Matto Grosso or Willa Bella, city, Brazil, in the above prov., near the Guapore, 300 m. W. Cuyaba. P. Iooo. Mattoon, th: Illinois, Coles co., 172 m. S. Chicago. P. 5737. Matura, Spt. th: Ceylon, on S. cst. P. 18,636. Maturin, th: Venezuela, 90 m. SE. Cumana. P. 14,473. 3Mau, the Cent. India. See Mhow. Mau, th: India, N.W. Provs, dist. and 40 m. SE. Jhansi. T. 15,981. Mau Aima, th NW. Provs., 21 m. N. Allahabad. P. 8423. Maubeuge, ft. th: France, in Nord, on R. Sambre. P. 17,22r. Maubourguet, tm. France, in Hautes-Pyrenées, on R. Adour. P. 26rr. Mauch-Chunk, bor. Pennsylv., cap. of Carbon co., on the Lehigh R., 89 m. NNW. Philadelphia. P. 3752. Mauchline, tm. Ayrsh., 93 m. SE. Kilmarnock. P. 1616. Maud or New M., vil. Aberdeen, 1.3 m. W. Peterhead. Maughold or Kirk M., vil. Isle of Man, S.E. Ramsey. Maui, one of the Sandwich Isls. Area, 489 sq. m. P. 12,200. Maule, r. and prov. Chili, cap. Constitucion. "I’. 124,084. Maulmain or Moulmein, spt. th: Lower Burma, cap. of Amherst Dist., on l, b. of R. Salwin. P. 53,107. Maumee R., Indiana, enters Lake Erie in Ohio, 180 m. Mauna Kea, vol. of Hawaii Island, 13,840 ft. Mauna Loa, vol. of Hawaii Island, 13,650 ft. Mau Natbhanjan, th: India, Azamgarh Dist., on Tons R. P. 14,945. Mauriac, th: France, in Cantal, 36 m, WNW. St. Flour. P. 320r. Mauritius or Isle of France, Brit. isl. col. in Indian Ocean, 550 m. E. of Madagascar, in lat. 20° 30' S. Area, 713 sq. m. P. (with de- pendencies) 377,121. Cap. Port Louis. Language, French. Mauvaises Terres, barren tract in SW. Dakota. Mawddach, r. and estuary, Merioneth, 19 m. Mawo, walled th: Africa, cap., of Kanem, NE. L. Chad. P. 4cco. Maxwelltown, th: Kirkcudbright, on R. Nith, within the parl. burgh of Dumfries. P. 4576. - May, Isle of, co. Fife, in Firth of Fortli. P. 22. Lighthouse. Mayaguez, spt. of Porto Rico, 70 m. S.W. of San Juan. P. 26,446. Mayari, spt. Cuba, on N. cst., 75°30' W. P. 3000. Mayavaram,tn. India, Tanjore IDist., on the Kaveri. P. 23,044. Maybole, mkt. tu. in co. and 9 m. SW. Ayr. P. 4474. Maybury, Royal Dramatic College, Surrey, N. of Woking. Mayen, th: Rhenish Prussia, 15 m. W. Coblentz. P. 8440. Mayence, th: Germany. Sée Mainz. Mayenne, r. France, flows S. from Orne through Mayenne and Maine- et-Loire, and joins the Sarthe, 125 m. Mayenne, dep. N.W. France. Lat. 48° N.; lon. 30' W. Area, 1966 sq. m. P. 340,063. Maine r. Mayenne. Cap. Laval. Mayenne, th: in above dep., 17 m. NNE. Laval, on R. M. P. 11,188. Mayfield, par. and vil. Sussex, 7% m. S. Tunbridge Wells. P. 2912. Maynard vil. Massachusetts, Middlesex co., 7 m. WSW. Concord. Maynooth, tu. Irel., co. Kildare, 15 m. W. Dúblin. P. 1278. M. has the Royal College of St. Patrick (Rom. Cath.). Mayo, maritime co., Irel., in N.W. of prov. Connaught, bounded W. and N. by the Atlantic, E. by Sligo and Roscommon, S. by Gal- way. Area, 2126 sq. m. P. 245,212, of whom 97.1 per cent. are Rom. Cath. It returns 4 M.Ps. The main r. is the Moy. It con- tains the large lakes of Conn, Carra, and part of Mašk. Coast much broken. Tns., Ballina, Westport, Castlebar (co. tin.), Ballin- robe, Swineford, and Claremorris. Mayomba, spt. tu. W. Africa, 120 m. NW. Loango, on M. Bay. Mayo Mines, extensive salt-mines, Punjab, Jehlam Dist. Mayotte, isl. Comoro Grp., in Mozambique Channel. P. 9400. Maypu, r. Chili, enters the Pacific S. of Valparaiso. Maysville, city, Kentucky, cap. of Mason co., on Ohio. P. 5220. Maytown or Edwardstown, tin. Queensland, 70 m. W. of Côoktown, on Palmer R. P. of gold-field 1305. Mazagan, spt. Morocco, 120 m. S. Cape Spartel. P. 11,000. Mazaltenango, th: Guatemala, 190 m. W. of the city. P. 5000. Mazamet, th France, dep. Tarn, 12 m. SE. Castres. P. 14,429. Mazanderan, prov. N. Pérsia, on S. shore of the Caspian, 200 m. long E. to W. by 60 m. Cap. Sari. . l’. I5,OOO. Mazatlan, spt. Mexico, in Cinaloa, on the Gulf of California, 23°12' Mazé, th: France, in Maine-et-Loire, 9 m, SW. Baugé. P. 3170. Mazères, th: France, in Ariège, on R. Lez. P. 3286. Mazokama, ry. sta. Canada, Ont. div. C. P. Ry.,792 m. W. Ottawa. Mazzara, th: Sicily, 26 m. S. of Trapani. P. 13,500. Mazzarino, tm. Sicily, 14 m. SE. Căltanisetta. P. 13,759. Mbossi, r. Congo Free State, aff. of Congo on its r. b. Mburu, r. Congo Free State, aff. of Congo on its r. b. Meadows, post th: South Australia, 28} m. SE. Adelaide. Meadows, ry. Sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 22 m. from Winnipeg. Meadowside, ry, sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 258 m. W. Ottawa. Meadville, city, Pennsylvania, cap. of Crawford co., room. N. Pitts- burg, on French Creek. P. 8860. Meaford, th: Ontario, co. Grey, on Georgian Bay. P. 1866. Mealfourvounie, mtn. Scot., W., side of Loch Ness, 2284 ft. Mearns, The, ancient name of Kincardineshire. Meath, maritime Co. Irel., in N. of prov. Leinster, on Irish Sea, 45 by 40 m. Area, 996 sq. m. P. 87,469, of whom 93.4 per cent. are Rom. Cath. . Main rs. Boyne and Blackwater. Tms., Navan, Kells, and Trim (co. tr.). The co. returns 2 M.Ps. Meaux, tin. France, in Seine-et-Marne, on R. Marne. P. 12,525. Mebarrez, El, th: Arabia, Lahsa Dist. P. ro,ooo. Mecca or Mekka, city, Arabia, metropolis of Islamism, birthplace of Mohammed, 65 m. E. Jeddah. P. 45,000. Visited during the pilgrimage by Ioo, ooo to 200,ooo strangers. Mecha, th: in S. of Abyssinia, tributary to Gojam. [P. 3018. Mechanicsburg, bor. Pennsylv., Cumberland Co., 8 m. W. Harrisburg. Mechlin (Ger. Mechelot, Fr. Maliates), city, Belgium, prov. and 14 m. SSE. Antwerp, on R. Dyle. P. 48,460. It has an ancient cathedral, and is noted for its manuf. of lace, etc. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, grand duchy of German Empire, bounded N. by the Baltic, SE. by Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and on the other sides mostly by Prussian provs. Area, 5136 sq. m. P. 575,152, mostly Protestants. Cap. Schwerin. Mecklenburg-Strelitz, grand duchy of German Empire, SE. of the above. Area, 1131 sq. m. P. 98,371, mostly Protestants. Cap. Neu Strelitz. P. 9407. Mede, th: Italy, prov. Pavia, 26 m. S. Novara. P. 6789. Medeah, th: Algeria, 40 m. SSW. Algiers. P. 8391. Medebach, th: Westphalia, 32 m. SE of Arnsberg. P. 2068. Medellin.city, Colombia, cap. of State Antioquia. P. 20,000. Medemblik, tin. N. Holland, on Zuyder Zee. P. 2165. Medford, th: Massachus., Middlesex co., 5 m. NW. Boston. P. 7573. Medgyes or Mediash, th: Transylvania, on the Gt. Kokel. I’. 6489. Medicine Bow Mts., range in Wyoming and Colorado, U.S. Medicine Hat, ry, sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 660 m. W. Winnipeg. Medina, r. Isle of Wight, flows N. to the Solent. Medina (Arab. Medºtat-el-Nebt), city, Arabia, 248 m. N. by W. Mecca, contains the tomb of Mohammed. P. 20,000. Medina, vil. New York, Orleans co., 41 m. W. Rochester. P. 3632. Medina del Campo, th: Spain, in Leon, 26 m. SSW. Valladolid. . 5296. It contains two hospitals. Medina de Rio Seco, th: Spain, 25 m. NW. Valladolid. P. 4776. Medina-Sidonia, city, Spain, 22 m. SE. Cadiz. P, 12,397. Médine et Haut-Fleuve, the in French Senegambia. ſ. 3000. MEZö TUR Medinet-el-Fayoum, tr. Egypt, 52 m. SSW. Cairo. p. 26,000. Mediterranean, great inland sea between Europe and Africa, 2200 m. long ; breadth, 1200 m. It communicates with the Atlantic by Strait of Gibraltar. It has very little tide. - Medjidje, tu. and ry. sta. Roumania, in the Dobrudja. P. ro,000. Medjma'a, ft. tu. Arabia, in Nedjed, 160 m. NE. El Rass. P. ºooo. Medlock, r. SE. Lancash., joins the Irwell at Manchester. Medmenham, vil. Bucks, near R. Thames, SW. Marlow. Medoc, old dist. France, in NW. Guienne, along the Garonne, now part of Gironde. Noted for its wines. Medomte,th. Ontario, in Simcoe co. P. 3632. Medvieditzè, r. Russia, aff, of the Don, below the Khoper, 330 m. Medway, r. Kent, from Sussex and Surrey, flows NE. past Maidstone and Rochester to the Thames, 70 m. Medway, vil. Massachusetts, Norfolk co., on Charles R. P. 39 Medynsk, th: Russia, gov. and 40 m. NNV. Kaluga. P. 8066. Meean Meer, cantonment, Punjab, 3 m. E. Lahore. P. 18,409. Meerane, th: Saxony, 21 m. W. Chemnitz. P. 22,013. Meerhout, vil. Belgium, 15 m. SE. Turnhout. P. 4103. Meerßen...th. Netherids, in Limburg, 4 m. NE. Maestricht. P. 3423. Meerut (Merath), div. of NW. Provs., India, comprising dists, of Dehra. Dun, Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut, Bulandshahr and Aligarh. Area, 11,320 sq. m. P. 5,141,204. Meerut, dist. in above, between Ganges and Jumna. P. 1,313,137. city, cap. of div. and dist., 35 m. NE. Delhi. P. 66,948, of the Waters, co. Wicklow. See Ovoca. See Candia. tn. Greece, in Attica, 21 m. W. Athens. P. 5348. Convent, Greece, in Morea, 5 m. N. Kalavrita. estuary of the Ganges and Brahmaputra. el Kebir, th: Lower Egypt, 69 m. N. Cairo. P. 10,000. spt. Africa, 115 m. SSE. Tunis. 3, 52 PARIS THE CENTURY GAZETTEER PETTIGOE Paris, metropolis of France, dep, Seine, on both banks of R. Seine, IIo m. from its mth. Lat. 48° 50' N. ; lon. 2°20'E. P. (1886)2,344,550. Next to London, it ranks second of the cities of the world for popu- lation, wealth, and industrial importance, and is prominent for its beauty, splendour of its buildings, and for its artistic, literary, and scientific collections. It is defended by the most extensive system of fortifications in existence. It was taken by the Germans in 1871 after a 4% months' siege. Paris, city, Kentucky, cap. of Bourbon co., 19 m. NE. Lexington by rail. P. 3204. [land by rail. P. 29.30. Paris or Paris Hill, Maine, cap. of Oxford co., 50 m. N. by E. of Port- Paris, tin. Texas, cap. of Lamar co., 64 m. E. Sherman. P. 3980. Paris, th: and port of entry, Ontario, co. Brant, on Grand R. P. 3173. Parkersburg, city, W. Virginia, cap. of Wood co., on Ohio. P. 6582. Parkes, mining tshp. New S. Wales, in Billabong gold-field. Parkgate, vil. Cheshire, on Dee Estuary. See Neston and Parkgate. Park Gate, vil. W. R. York, 2 m. NE. Rotherham. Parkfoot and Longcroft, vil. Stirlingsh., 2 m. SW. Denny. P. 606. Parkhead, ry, sta. and E. suburb of Glasgow, Scotland. P. 8572. Parla Kimedi, th Madras Pres. Lat. 18° 46' N, ; lon. 84° E. P. 10,812. Parma, cap. of prov. Italy, and formerly of duchy, on R. Parma, 12 m. S. R. Po. P. 45,217. Area of prov. 2268 sq. m. P. 272,942. Parnassus or Liakhura, famous Intn. Greece, Io m. N. G. of Corinth. Parola, th: Bombay Pres., Khandesh Dist. P., 12,354. [Elev. 8068 ft. Paropa mesan Mts., Afghanistan and E. Persia, connected with the Hindu Kush and Elburz. faros, isl. Grecian Arch., 5 m. W. Naxos, 63 sq. m. P. 9000. Parral, tn. Chili, 30 m. S. Linares. P. 5448. Parramatta, tin. N. S. Wales, on P. Creek, 14 m. W. Sydney. P. 8433. Parras, th: Mexico, State Durango, 32 m. E. Mapimí. P. 12,609. Barret, r. Dorset and Somerset, 35 m. to Bristol Channel. Parrsborough, port of entry, Nova Scotia, co. Cumberland. Parry Isls., Arctic America, include Prince Patrick Isl., Melville Isl., Bathurst, etc., N. Melville Sound. Parry Sound, th: Ontario, on Georgian Bay, P. 1300. Parsons, th: Kansas, Labette co., 48 m. SW. Fort Scott. P. 41.96. Parsonstown, th: King's Co. See Birr. Partabgarh, dist. Oudh, in Rai Bareli Div. P. 847,047. Cap. Bela. Partabgarh, cap. of P. State, Rajputana. P. 12,755. Partanna, th Sicily, prov. and 19 m. SE. Trapani. P. 13,676. Parthenay, th: France, in Deux-Sèvres, 24 m. NNE, Niort. P. 63.05. Partick, tin. NW. Lanarksh., on N. b. R. Clyde and on R. Kelvin, in W. sub. of Glasgow. P. 27,394. - Partinico, city, Sicily, 14 m. WSW. Palermo. P. 21,524. Parton, spt. Cumberland, 13 m. N. Whitehaven. , P. 1479. Parvatipur, th: Madras Pres., in Vizagapatam Dist. P. 9933. Parys Mtn., hill in E. Anglesey, with copper-mines. Pascani, tin. Roumania, in Moldavia, (iist. Suciava. P. 8000. Pasco, th Peru. See Cerro de Pasco. Pascuaro, th: Mexico, State Michoacan, 28 m. S.W. Morelia. P. 6000. Pas-de-Calais, French name for Strait of Dozer. Pas-de-Calais, dep. in NE. France, on the Strait of Dover. Area. 2551 Sq. m. P. 853,526. Cap. Arras. - Pasewalk, th: Prussia, in Pomerania, 25 m, WNW, Stettin. P. 9534. Pasig, th: Philippines, in Luzon, E. Manilla. P. 16,959. Pagitano, cst. tr. Italy, 15 m. WSW. Salerno. P. 5200. Pasman, isl. Dalmatia, 6 m. S. Zara. Passage, fishing vil. Irel, 6 m. SE. Waterford. P. 688. Passage West, spt. th Irel.., 7 m. SE. Cork, on Cork Harb. P. 2440. Passaic, r. New Jersey, flows 100 m. to Newark Bay. Passaic, city, New Jersey, in co, and on Passaic R. P. 6532. Passamaquoddy Bäy, between Maine and New Brunswick. Passaruan, th: Java, in P. Residency. P. 30,000; residency, 826,924. Passarowitz, ti. Servia, 7 m. S. of the Danube. P. 9394. Passau, ft. tri. Bavaria, at confluence of the Inn, Ilz, and Danube, IOS m. ENE. Munich. P. 15,583. Passignano, vil. Italy, 14 m. NW. Perugia, on L. of P. P. 3566. Passir, th: Borneo, on E. cºt., 1°57' S., on Passir R. Passy, th: France, a W. Sub. of Paris. P. 17,594. Pasto, th Colombia, in State of Cauca. P. Io,000. Pasto, tin. Ecuador, dep. Cauca, 148 m. NNE. Quito. P. 7000. Paszto, tin. Hungary, on the Zagyva, 41 m. NE. Pesth., P. 4718. Patagonia, the inošt S. portion of the mainland of S. America, forms a territory of Argentina, between the Andes and the Atlantic, and from the Rio Nigro in the N. to the Strait of Magellan. Length, 1000 m. by 480. Area, 285,706 sq. m. Population very scant. The narrow strip W. of the Andes belongs to Chili..., Climate Severe. Patak, Saros, or Rettel, th: Hungary, 20 m. NE. Tokay. P. 3782. Patan, th: Gujarat, in Baroda State. P. 32,712. Patapsco, r. Maryland, flows 82 m. to Chesapeake Bay. Patan, th: Nepal, 27° 38' N., 85° 13' E. P. 30,000. Patchogue, vii. New York, in Suffolk Co., 56 m. E. Brooklyn. P. 2200. Patani, state and th Malay Penin., trib, to Siam. P. loo,000; tın. Pateley Bridge, mkt, th; W. R. York, on R. Nidd. , P. 31.97. [Io,000. Pater or Pembroke Dock, S. Wales, in bor. of Pembroke. Paterno, city, Sicily, Iom. NW. Catania, at foot of Etna. , P., 17,792. Paterson, city, New Jersey, cap. of Passaic Co., on Passaic R., 17 m. NW. New York. P. 51,031. Manuf. silk. [P. 2418. Paterson, th: New S. Wales, co. Durham, Io; m. NE. Sydney. Pathhead, vil. Scot., on R. Tyne, II m. SE. Edinburgh. P. 583. Patiala, native state, Punjab, S. of the Sutlej. Area, 5887 sq. m. P. 1,467,433. Cap. P., 30° ao' N., 76° 25' E. P. 53,629. Patmos, isſ, off W. cat. Asia Minor, 20 In. S. of Samos. Patna, div. Bengal, comprises dists. Patna, Gaya, Shahabad, Darb- hangah, Muzaffarpur, Saran, and Champaran. Area, 23,726 sq. m. P. 15,003,944. g Patna, dist. in above, S. of the Ganges. P. 1,756,856. Cap. Bankipur, Patna, city, in above dist., on S. b. of Ganges, 331 m. N.W. by rail of Calcutta. It is the great emporium of the river between Cawnpur and Calcutta. P. I70,654. g Patna, native state, Cent. Provs., Sambalpur Dist. P. 257,959. Patna, vil. Ayrsh., on R. Doon, 10 m. SE. Ayr. P. 603. Patos, Lake. See Lago de los Patos. [Patras. P. 25,494. Patras, ft. spt. th Greece, in Morea, cap. of Achaïa, on Gulf of Patricroft, tin. SE. Lancashire, 5 m. W. Manchester. P. 8887. Patrington, tin. E. R. York, 15 m. SE. Hull. P. 1360. Patschkau, th Prussian Silesia, on the Neisse, 44 m. WSW. Qppeln Patta, spt. E. Africa, in Zanzibar, 2° 9' S. [P. 5861 Pattada, vil. Sardinia, 21 m. SE. Sassari. P. 4125. [Ambleside. patterdale, vil. Westmorland, at head of Ullswater, 8% m. N. Patti, city, Sicily, on N. cst., 17 m, SW. Milazzo. P. 9722. Paturage, th: Belgium, 4 m. S.W. Mons. P. Io,371. Patzau or Paczow, th: Bohemia, 16 m. ENE. Tabor. P. 2886. Patzizia, th: Guatemala, dep. Chimaltenango. P. 4317. Patzum, th: Cent. America, 40 m. WNW. Guatemala. P. 3427. Pau, th France, cap. of Basses-Pyrénees, on the Gave de Pau, 56 m. ESE. Bayonne. P. 30,626. A favourite resort for invalids. Pauillac, th: France, in dep. and on the Gironde, 30 m. below Bordeaux. P. 4735. Paulton, par. and vil. Engl., Somerset, 10 m. SW. Bath. , P. 2122. Pauni, th India, Cent. Provs., in dist. and 32 m. S. Bhandara. Pausa, th: Saxony, 24 m. WSW. Zwickau. P. 3415. [P. 29,941. Pavia, city, N. Italy, cap. of prov. P., 19 m. S. Milan, on R. Ticino. Pavia, prov. Lombardy, on the Po and Ticino. P. 485,683. Pavilly, th: France, in Seine-Inférieure, 12 m. NW. Rouen. P. 2739. Pavlograd, th: Russia, gov. and 36 m. ENE. Yekaterinoslav Pavlov, th: Russia, gov. and 38 m. E. Moscow. . P. 6931. . . [P.34,442. Pavlovo-Selo, tin. Russia, gov. Nizhni-Novgorod, on the Oka, P. 8596. Pavlovsk, tin. Russia, 20 m. SSE. St. Petersburg. P. 3482. Pavlovsk, th: Russia, gov. Voronezh, on R. Don. P. 7183. Pavlovskie, th: Siberia, gov. Tomsk. P. 5000. Pavoa de Varzim. See Povou de Varzim. Pawtucket, th: Rhode Isl., U.S., 43 m. NNE. Providence. P. 19,030. Paxo, one of the Ionian Isls., Greece, Io m. S. Corfu. P. 5002. Payerne (Ger. Peterlingen), tin. , Switz., 25 m. NNE. Lausanne. . 3599. [Area of dep. 8386 sq. m. P. 39,000. Paysandu, th Uruguay, dep. P., on E. b. Uruguay R. P. I2,000. Pays Bas, i.e. Low Countries. French for Aether/a2td's. Payta, spt. Peru, dep. Trujillo, 5° 5' 30" S . 2400. Peabody, vil. Massachusetts, Essex co., 16 m. NE. Boston. P. 9028. Peabody Bay, between Greenland and Washington Land, 86° N. Peace R., large r. Canada, from the Rocky Mts. of Brit. Columbia, flows N.E. to the Slave R. Length, 875 m. Peak of Derby, mtn. dist. N. Derbyshire. See Kinder Scout. Pearl Isls., in Bay of Panama, 60 m. SE. Panama. Pearl R., Mississippi, flows Aoo m. to the G. of Mexico. Peasenhall, par. and vil. Sufiolk, 4 m. NW. Saxmundham. P. 863. Peccioli, tin. Italy, in Tuscany, 20 m. SE. Pisa. P. 6939. Pe-Chi-Li, most N. prov. of China proper, bounded N. by Mongolia, and E. by Gulf of Pe-Chi-Li, 58,949 sq. m. P. 27,990,871. Cap. Pekin. It is the least productive of the provs. Peckham, a S. sub. of London, 3 m. SSE. St. Paul's. Pecog or Rio Pecos, large r. New Mexico and Texas, 8oo m. to the Peddapur, th: Madras Pres., Godavari Dist. P. II,278. [R. Grande. Pedee R. or Gt. Pedee, r. N. and S. Carolina, flows SSE. to Winyaw Peddie, div. and th: Cape Colony. P. of div. 20, ooo. [Bay. Pedras Negras, (Portuguese) dist. Angola, W. Africa. Cap. Pungo Adongo. Pedro Alexandrovsk, fortress, Asiat. Russia, on Lower Amu Daria. Pedro Bernardo, th: Spain, 30 m. SSW. Avila. P. 3165. Pedrogă0, th: Portugal, in Estremadura, on R. Zezere. P. 3430 Pedro Muñoz, th Spain, prov. and 36 m. NE. Ciudad Real. P. 3063. Pedroñeras, Las, 53 m. SSW. Cuença. P. 31.95. Pedroso, El, tu. Spain, 32 m. NE. Séville, P.3382. Pedrotallagalla, intm. in S. of Ceylon, . Alt. 8235 ft. Peebles, royal bur, and co, tin. of Peeblesshire, on N. b. of Tweed, at confluence of the Eddlestone, 27 m. S. Edin. by rail. P. 3495. Peeblesshire or Tweeddale, inland Co. of Scotland, Ś. of Edinburghsh., 29 by 21 m. Area 354 Sq. m. P. 13,822. It is drained by the Upper Tweed, and is very mtnous. ; Broad Law, 2723 ft. It limites with Selkirkshire in returning 1 M.P. [P. 68 Peekskill, tin. New York, Westchester co., on E. b. of Hudson Peel, fish. tin. Isle of Man, on W. cat., 11 m. N.W. of Douglas. P. 4360. Peel, cst, the W. Australia, 30 m. S. of Swan R. Peel R., New S. Wales, enters the Darling under name of Namoi, after a course N N.W. of 600 m. Peel R., Canada, flows N, to the delta of Mackenzie R. Peene, navig. r. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, flows N. to the Baltic, 90 m. Regalajar, th Spain, prov, and 9 m. SE. Jaen. P. 3909. Pogau, the Saxony, 14 m., SSW. of Leipsic, on the White Elster. Pegli, vil. Italy, on G. of Genoa, 3 m. from Voltri. P. 4898. [P. 4886. Pegnitz, r. Bavaria, flows S. 60 m. to the Rednitz at Fürth to form the Pegnitz, walled tn. Inear source of the above. P. 1673. [Regnitz. Pego, th Spain, prov. and 38 m. NE. Alicante. P. 6669. Pegswood, mining vil. Northumberland, 2 m. NE. Morpeth. Pegu, div. of Lower Burma, traversed by the Lower Irawadi. Area, 9159 sq. m. P. I, 162,393. Cap. Rangoon. Pegu, tin. in above, on Pegu R., 46 m; NE., Rangoon. P. 5891. Pei-Ho or North R., China, in Pe-Chi-Li Prov. to the Gulf. Peil, isl. Lancashire. See Piel. Peilau, vil. Prussian Silesia, 33 m. SSW. Breslau. P. 7200. Peine, th: Hanoyer, 17 m. NE. Hildesheim. P. 7868. Peipus, Lake, in Russia, discharges to the G. of Finland by the . Narova. Length, 80 m. by 32. [P. 3877. Peiskretscham or Piscowice, th: Prussian Silesia, 38 m. SE. Oppeln. Peitz, tin. Prussia, in Bradenburg, 35 m. S. Frankfort. P. 3690. Pekel-Aa, New and Old, 2 vils. Netherlands, 21 In. SE. Groningen. P. of Nieuwe-Pekel-Aa, 5118; of Oude-Pekel-Aa, 4885. Pekin or Peking, metropolis of the Chinese Empire, and cap. of prov Pe-Chi-Li, Ioom. N.W. of the mth. of the Pei-IIo, 39° 54° 13' N., 116°28' 54" E. P. estimated at from # to 1% millions. The city is 25 m. in circuit, and consists of two parts: the Tartar city on the N., and the Chinese city on the S., but now without distinction of nationality. Pekin, city, Illinois, cap. of Tazewell co., on Illinois R. P. 5993. Pelagian Isls., grp. in Mediterranean, between Tunis and Malta. Pelago, tm. Italy, in Tuscany, 13 m. l. Florence. P. of Com. Io,386. Pelestrina, isl. and tin. Italy, Iom. S. of Venice. P. 4000. Pelew Isls., grp. in W. of the Carolines, in N. Pacific. P. Io,000. Peling, isl. off E. cst. Celebes, 50 m. by 20. Peling, isl. in Yellow Sea, off W. cºt. Corea, 13° 5' N. Peling Mts., range in NW. China, S. of the Hoang-Ho Valley. Pelion, Mount, or Zagora, famous mtn. Thessaly, S. of Mt. Ossa. Pella, miss. sta. Cape Colony, on Orange R., at N. extremity of Bushmanland. Pella, th: Iowa, in Marion co., 15 m. WNW. Oskaloosa. P. 2430. Pellegrino, th Italy, 22 m. S.W. Parma. P. of com. 5449. Peloponnesus, anc. name of Morea, Greece. Pelorus Sound, New Zealand, extends 25 m. inland from Cook Str. Pelvoux, mtn. France, between Hautes-Alpes and Isère, 13,442 ft. Pelworm, isl. Prussia, off W. cst. Schleswig. P. 2080. Pemba, missionary sta. Brit. E. Africa, Iom. W. Mombasa. Pemba, or Huthera, isl. E. Africa, 30 m. N. Zanzibar. Pemba, th: in Dutch New Guinea. Pemba, th: Equatorial Africa, Kasembe, on Lake Moeru. Pemberton, tin. SW. Lancashire, 2% m. W. Wigan. P. 13,762. Pembina, vil. Dakota, cap. of P. co., on Red R., at P. R. Pembina, R., Canada and Dakota, flows E. to Red R. Pembrey or Burry Port, spt. tu Carmarthenshire, on R. Burry. Pembridge, par. and vil. Herefordshire, 7 m. W. Leominster. P. rs13. Pembroke, parl. and mun. bor. and co. th: Pembrokeshire, on a creek of Milford Haven, 93 m. W. Tenby. P. I4,156. P. has a gov. dockyard strongly fortified. Pembroke, dist. of parliamentary boroughs comprises Pembroke, Milford, Tenby, Wiston, Haverfordwest, Fishguard, and Narberth, returning 1 M.P. P. 34,795. Pembroke, vil. Maine, Washington co., Io m. NW. Eastport. P.2324. Pembroke, vii. New Hampshire, co. and on Merrimac. P. 2787. Pembroke, th: Ontario, cap. of Renfrew Co., on Allumette Lake, an extension of Ottawa R. P. 2820. Pembroke Dock, See Pater. Pembrokeshire, maritime co. S. Wales, bounded E. by Cardigan and Carmarthen, and by the sea on all other sides, 30 by 25 m. Area, 6II Sq. m. , P. 91,824. The coast is indented by St. Bride's Bay and Milford Haven. Surface hilly ; Preseley Hills, 1764 ft. Cap. Pembroke. The co. returns I M.P. Pen, th: Bombay Pres., Kolaba Dist., 16 m. E. Alibagh. P. 8082. Pen or Peno, lake, Russia, gov. Tver, forms source of Volga. Penafiel, th: Portugal, prov. Minho, 19 m. ENE, Oporto. P. 4595. Peñafiel, th: Spain, prov. and 29 m. ESE. Valladolid. , P.,4023. Peñaflor, th: Spain, 42. In. ENE. Seville, on the Guadalquivir. P. 2572. Penang or Prince of Wales Isl., British possession in Strait of Malacca, off W. cat. Malay Penin., is one of the Strait Settlements. Area, Io'ſ sq. m. Cap. George Town. P. including Wellesley, 93. R. ..I90,657. Peñaranda de Bracamonte, til Spain, 27 m. SE. Salamanca. P. 4228. Penarth, spt. tu Glamorgan, 3 in. S. Cardiff. P. 6228. Peñas de Sam Pedro, tin. Spain, 12 m. SSW. Albacete, P. 3400. Pencaitland, par. and vil. Haddington, on R. Tyne. P. 1107. Pendennis Castle, Cornwall, at Falmouth Harbour entrance. Pendle Hill, NE. Lancashire, 3 m. E. Clitheroe, 1831 ſt. Pend Oreille or Kulluspelm, lake, Idaho, on Clarke's R. Penedo, th: Brazil, prov. Alagoas, above mth. of R. San Francisco. P. Penella., tm. Portugal, in Beira, 15 m. SE. Coimbra. P. 4315. [11,500. Ponetanguishene, vil. Ontario, co. Simcoe, on Lake Huron. P. 1089. Penge, S. sub. of London, in Surrey. P. 18,650. Peniche, ft. th: Portugal, on Atlantic cst., 47 m. NW. Lisbon. P. 2969. Penicuik, tin. Scot., on N. Esk, Iom. S. Edinburgh. P. 3793. Penig, th: Saxony, 33 m. SSE. Leipsic, on R. Mulde. P. 6946. Peñiscola, ft. th: Spain, 38 m. NE. Castellon de la Plana. P. 2842. ?enistone, mkt. th W. R. York, on R. Don. P. 2254. Penj-deh, dist. since 1885 of Russian Cent. Asia, on N. of Afghanistan, on E. of Heri Rud, and W. of the Murghab. Penjinsk, small tm. E. Siberia, on Gulf of Penjinsk. Penkhull, dist. Staffordsh., Stoke-upon-Trent par. P. 2788. Penkridge, th: Staffordsh., 6 m. S. Stafford, on R. Penk. P. 3134. Penmaen, vil. Monmouthsh., 12 m. NW. Newport. Penmaenmawr, vil. Carnarvonsh., on N. Cst., 4 m. SW. Conway. Penne, tm. France, dep. Tarn, on J. b. Aveyron. P. 1754. Penner or Pennair, Mysore and Madras Pres., flows E. 355 m. to the sea, 19 m. below Nellore. [of Cuddalore. Penner or Pennair, r. S. of the above, flows E. to the sea, 245 m. N. Penns Grove, vil. New Jersey, Salem co., on Delaware R. P. 749. Pennsylvania, state of the U.S. of America, bounded N. by Lake Erie and New York; W. by Ohio and W. Virginia; S. by W. Virginia, Maryland, N. Delaware, and E. by New Jersey, 315 by 158 m, Area, 45,215 sq. m. P. (1799) 434,373; (1840) 1,724,933; (1880) 4,282,891. It abounds in coal and iron, and is traversed by the Alleghany Mts. Its trade and manuf. are very extensive. The main rs. are the Ohio, Susquehanna, and Delaware, with their tributaries. The principal cities are Philadelphia, Harrisburg (cap.), Pittsburg, etc. etc. Penn Yan, vil. New York, cap. of Yates co., 45 m. NW. Elmira. Penobscot, r. Maine, flows S. 300 m. to the P. Bay. [P. 3475. Penola, tshp. S. Australia, 254 m. SE. Adelaide. P. 763. Peñon de Valez, fortress of Spain, in Morocco, 75 m. SE. Ceuta Penpont, vil. Dumfries, 2 m. SW. Thornhill. P. 437. Penrhyn Slate Quarries, Carnarvonshire, S. Bethesda. Penrith, mkt. th Cumberland, on R. Eamont. , P. 9268. [P. 1500. Penrith, th: New S. Wales, co. Cumberland, 34 m., W. Sydney. Penryn, spt. and mun. bor. Cornwall, on creek of Falmouth Harb. P. 3466. [Falmouth, etc. P. 18,072. I M.P. Penryn and Falmouth, parl. bor. Cornwall, comprises Penryn and Pensacola, port of entry, Florida, on Pensacola Bay, 50 m. SE. Mobile. Penshaw, tshp. Durham, Houghton-le-Spring par. P.26C5, [P. 6845. Penshurst, tshp. Victoria, 169 m. W. Melbourne. P. 600. Pensnett, th: Staffordsh., 2 m. SW. Dudley. . P. 4722. Pentland, Old and New, 2 vils. 4% m. S. Edinburgh. Pentland Firth, strait, between Caithness and Orkney. Pentland Hills, range, in Edinburghsh., Peebles, and Lanark, 16 m. by 4 to 6. Scald Law, 1898 ft. Pentland Skerries, grp. of islands, in P. Firth; 2 lighthouses. Pentonville, eccl. dist. in N. of London. P. 85II. Penza or Pensa, gov. Russia, 53° 30' N., 44° E. Area, 14,996 sq. m. P. 1,402,867. Cap. Penza. P. 42,153. Penzance, Inun. bor. and spt. Cornwall, 26 m. SW. Truro. P 12,409. Exports, tin, copper, China clay, pilchards, etc. Penzing, vil. Ln. Austria, 3 in. W. Vienna. P. 12,855. Penzlin, tim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 43 m. ESE. Güstrow. P. 2812. Peoria, city, Illinois, cap. of P. co., on Illinois R. P. 29,259. P. Lake, 30 m. long...is an extension of Illinois R. [28 m. long by 3 m. Pepin Lake, Wisconsin and Minnesota, an extension of the Mississippi, £epperell vil, Massachusetts, Middlesex co., Ism.w. Loveli. P. 23.3. Pera, a suburb of Constantinople, N. of the Göiden Horn. J Perak, state, Malay Penin., under Brit, administration. P. 35,000. Percé, vil. Quebec, cap. of Gaspé co., on G. of St. Lawrence.”f. 1805. Percydale, mining til. Victoria, Kara Kara co. P. 5OO. Percy Main or Percy, eccl. dist. Northumbrld., on R. Tyne. P. 6818. Perekop, th: Russia, gov. Taurida, on the isthmus. P. 4276. Perekop, Isthmus of connects Crimea with S. Russia, and separates P º: §§ from Sea of Azov. erello, th: Spain, in Catalonia, 30 m. SW. Tarragona. P. * Pereslavl-Zalieski, tin. Russia, ; Im. WNW. §. P. ; Pereyaslavl, th: Russia, gov. and 150 m. WNW. Poltava, p. 3 534. Fergamino, th: Argentina, 155 m. NW. Buenos Ayres. P. 62-o. 2 Pergamos, ancient name of Bergama. Perge, ruined city, 50 m. ESE. Šmyrna, Asia Minor. Pergine, th Tyrol, 7 m. E. Trent. P. 3691. Pergola, tu. Italy, in the Marches, 16 m. SE. Urbino. P. 9037. Periakulam, th: Madras Pres., 45 m. W. of Madura. P i - - - 45 º º I6,446. Periana, vil. Spain, 30 m. from Malaga. P. 3963. Periers, th: France, dep. Manche, 9 m. N. Coutances. P. 2652. Perigueux, th: France, cap. of Dordogne, on R. Isle. P. 25,969. Perim, Brit. isl. in Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, with lighthouse. Perleberg, th: Prussia, 75 m. NW. Berlin by rail. P. 7693. Perm, gov. Russia, traversed by Ural Mts. Area, 138,206 Sq. m. P. 2,593,420. It is very rich in minerals. Perm, cap. of above, on the Kama. P. 33,078. Pernagua, th: Brazil, prov. Piauhy, 260 in. SW. Oeiras. P. 4OOO. Pernambuco, maritime prov. Brazil, in NE. Area, 49,573 sq. m. P. .., I, of 4,700. See Olinda and Recife. Pernau, ft. Špt. th: Russia, in Livonia, 99 m. NE. Riga. P. 12,918. Pernes, th France, dep. Vaucluse, 4 m. S. Carpentras. P. 4162. Péronne, th: France, dep. Somme, on R. Somme. P. 4696. Perote, th: Mexico, 88 m. WNW. vera Cruz," p. 5897. Pérouse or Santa Cruz Isls., group in Melanesia, 10° S., 165°-170° E. Perouse, La., strait between Yesso and Saghalin. Perovsk, ft. Asiatic Russia, on the Sir Daria. Perpignan, th: France, cap. of Pyrenées-Orientales. P. 34,183. Perrot, Isle, isl. Canada, in R. St. Lawrence, SW. of Montreal. P. 935. Persepolis, anc. cap. of Persia, with anc. remains, 30 m. N. Shiraz. Perranarworthal, mining vil. Cornwall, 3 m. N.W. Penryn. Perranzabuloe, par. and vil. Cornwall, 5% m. NW. Truro. Pershore, mkt. th; Worcestershire, on R. Avon. P. 2885. Persia or Iran, kingdom of S. Central Asia, bounded N. by West Turkistan, Caspian Sea, and Transcaucasia; W. by Turkey in Asia; S, by Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman; E. by Balūchistan and Afghanistan. Area, 636,330 sq. m. P. about 7,000,000, of whom 2% millions are nomadic. Religion, Mohammedan, of the Shiite Sect. Cap. Teheran. The largest city is Tauris; Ispahan, Meshed, etc. The country consists of a great tableland, with extensive and lofty mtn. chains and arid sandy deserts. Some parts are of great beauty and fertility. Persian Gulf, arm of the Indian Ocean of Arabian Sea, between Persia and Arabia, 55om. long. Perth, city, parl. and royal bur., co. th of Perthshire, on R. Tay, 21 Im. W. Dundee, 47 m. N. Edinburgh. P. 28,949. Perth, cap. of W. Australia, on the Swan R. P. 5822. Perth, tm. Ontario, cap. of Lanark co., 40 m. NW. Brockville. P. 2467. Perº º: º port of entry, New Jersey, Middlesex co., on &aritan Bay. P. 4808. Perthshire, E. midland co. Scotland, bounded N. by Inverness and Aberdeen, W. by Argyll, S. Stirling, SE. Ochil Hills, and E. by Forfar, 72 by 60 m. Area, 2528 sq. m. P. 129,007. It returns 2 M.Ps. The ; º 3 re º ºy and Forth, with their affluents, and many lochs. O. tin. Perth. Pertuis, tri. France, dep. Vaucluse, 44 m. ESE. Avignon. P. 5612. Peru, rep. in NW. of S. America, bounded W. by the S. Pacific, N. by Ecuador, E. by Brazil and Bolivia, S. by Chili. Lat. 1° to 19° S.; lon. 68°12' to 81°32' W. Length of cat. line 1323 m. Area (exclusive of territories of Tarapaca and Tacna), 405,123 sq. m. P. 2,621,924 (and 350,000 uncivilised Indians), of whom are whites, 371, 197; Indians, 1,554,678; negroes, 52,583; Metis, 669,457; Asiatics, 51,000. Religion, Rom. Cath. Language, Spanish. Tns., Lima, the cap. ; Callao, chief port; Arequipa, Cuzco, Chiclayo. The exports are, guano, nitrate of soda, sugar, metals, Salt, alpaca, cotton, etc. The Cordilleras of the Andes traverse the whole country from N. to S., dividing the territory into three distinct regions: the arid coastlant; the populated , and , productive Fº and the forest plains of the E. watered by the Amazon, Ucayale, etc. Peru, city, Illinois, La Salle co., on Illinois R. P. 4632. Peru, city, Indiana, cap. of Miami co., on Wabash R. P. 5280. Perugia, city, Italy, in Umbria, cap. of prov. P., 48 m. SE. Arezzo by rail. P. of com. 51,951 ; tın. 25,256. The seat of a university., . Perugia, prov. Central Italy, forms the compartimento of Umbria, traversed by the Apennines. Area, 3719 sq. m. P.581,450. It contains the beautiful Lake of Perugia, 30 m. in circuit. Peruwels, th: Belgium, 16 m. WNW. Mons. P. 8117. Pesaro, ft. th: Italy, cap. of prov., 19 in. NE. Urbino. P. of com. Pesaro e Urbino, cst. prov. Italy, in the Marches. P. 228,461. [29,854. Pescara, ft. tin. Italy, prov. Chieti, on the Adriatic. P. of com. 6355. 2eschiera, ſt.tn. N. Italy, 21 m. NNW. Mantua, on Lake Garda. , P. Pescia, th: Tuscany, prov. Florence. P. of commune, 13,318. [2899. Pescina, th: Italy, prov. Aquila, 11 m. E. Avezzano. P. of com. 7298. Peshawar, div. in NW. of Punjab, comprises dists. Peshawar, Hazara, and Kohat. Area, 8381 sq. m. P. I;181,289. Peshawar, dist. Punjab, in extreme N.W. of India. Area, 2524 sq. m. P. 592,674. Cap. P. city, near entrance of Khaibar Pass. P. 59,292. Two m. W. is P. cantonment. P. 20,690. $ Pesth, city, Hungary, on 1. b. of Danube, 171 m. ESE. Vienna by rail, forming with Buda, on opposite side of the r., the cap. of the kingdom. P. 360,551. It is finely built, and has many palagºs and splendid erections. Manuf. brandy, flour, silks, etc. See Buda. Pestö, ancient spt. of Lucania, S. Italy, 26 m. SSE. Salerno. . [3305- ?otaluma, city, California, Sonoma co., 42 m. NW. San Francisco. P. Petcheneg, tr. Russia, gov. Kharkov, on Sievernoi Donetz. P. 7000. Petchora, r. N. Russia, from the Ural Mts., 1400 m. to Arctic Ocean. Peten, lake, Cent. America, in Guatemala, near Yucatan frontier. Peterborough, parl. and mun. bor. and city, Northamptonshire, and partly in Huntingdonshire, on R. Neil, 76 m. N. London. P. 22,394, returning I M.P. ; has a noble cathedral. ſcord. Peterborough, vil. New Hampsh., Hillsborough co., 33 m. S.W. Con- Peterborough, tin. Ontario, cap. of P. Co., 94 m. NE. Toronto. P. 38.12. Peter Botte Mtn., remarkable rock, Mauritius, 2600 ft. high. [1908. Peterculter, par. Scot., 7% m. S.W. Aberdeen, near Culter ry. Sta: P. Peterhead, parl, bur. and fishing spt. E. Aberdeenshire, 443 m. NE. Aberdéen. P. ro,922. It is one of the Elgºt Blºgh. ... exports, herring and granite, etc.; a chief seat of the Greenland fisheries. Peterhof, tin. Russia, on S. side G. of Finland, 16 m. W. St. ###. burg. P. 7954. 33 IN- Petºnn iáñá in Arctic Circle, lies N. of Franz Josef Land, in lat- Petermann Peak, mtn. in the interior of Greenland. Alt. 19,827 ft. Petersburg, vil. Illinois, cap. of Menard.co., on Sangāmon R. P. 2332. Petersburg, tshp. and ry. Sta. S. Australia, 73% ſm. SW. Adelaide. Petersburg, city, port of entry, Virginia, Dinwiddie Co., 81 m. WNW. Norfolk. P. 21,656. mkt. th Hants, 20 m. NE. Portsmouth. P. 1646. municipal suburb, 3 m. W. Sydney, New S. Wales. vil. Bohemia, in the Erzgebirge. P. 2885. tn. Prussian Silesia, 32 m. S.W. Breslau. . P. 8000. the Bay, cst. of Russian Manchuria, 42° 30' N. or Varadin, strongly ſt. th: Austria, on the Danube, 42 m. NW. Belgrade (Servia). P. 3603. Petherton, South, th: Somerset, on R. Parret. P. 2424. [John. R.432. Petit, Codiac, vil. New Brunswick, Westmorland co., 66 m. N. St. Petitiquevilly, Le, vil. France, dep. Seine-Inf., on the Seine. P. 7680. Petlad, thin dia, in Baroda State, 22°29' Nº. 72° 50' E. P. I4,418. Petra, ruined city, Arabia Petraea, in Wadi Musa. Petralia, Sotana, th Sicily, prov. Palermo, 18 m. S. Cefalu. P. 9035. Soprana Petralia adjoining. P. 7689. Petrikau, th Poland, 76 m. ESE. Kališz, on the Strada, P. 24,840. Petrikau, gov. Fº iºd. on Prussian frontier. Area, 4729 Sq. m. P. 865,777. ap. P. Petrinia, tm. čia, on the Kulpa, 29 m. SE. Agram. P. 4478. Pétroleum Centre, tin. Pennsylv., in Venango.co., 8 m. N. Oil City. Petrolia, vii. Ontario, co. Lambton, 50 m. SW. I-9m lon. P. 3465. Petrolia, bor. Pennsylv., Butler co., 40 m. NE. Pittsburg. I. 1186. Petropaulovsk, tin. Siberia, gov. Akmolinsk, on the Ishim. P. II,406. Petrópaulovski, tn. Siberia, E. Cst. Kamtchatka, P. 9oo. petropolis, th Hrazil, 25 m. N. Rio Janeiro. P. 8209. Petrovacz, vil. Hungary, 17 m. ESE. Bacs. P. 7493. Petrovoszelo, vil. Hungary, 4 m. from Q Becse. P. 723; Petrovsk, th: Russia, gov. and 68 m. NNW. Saratov. P. ºor?. Petrovsk, tin. Russia, in Daghestan, on W. Cst. Caspian. P. 4263. Petrozăvodsk, thrussia, cap. of Olonets, on I.Qnega. P. ºo?7. Petsh or Ipek, th: Turkey, in Albania, 73 m. ENE. Scutari. P. 12,000. Pettau, thi. Styria, 14 m. SE. Marburg, on the Drave. P. 4257. Pettigoe, mkt, tin. Donegal and Fermanagh, near L. Erne. P. 458. 53 PETTORANO THE CENTURY GAZETTEER PORT DENISON - P. 3022. y rano, th Italy, prov. Aquila, 5 m. SSE. Sulmona. 39 £: tll. § near R. Sungari: , P. 30,000. Petworth, mkt. th: Sussex, 4 ſºlº NE. gºes; Setzka, tr. Hungary, 51 m. ESE. Szegedin. # P. 36 Pevensey, mkt., tm}Sussex, ºn stºº. SW. º: &: 5. Peveragno, th: N. Italy, in Piedmont, 5 m. SE. Coni. . P. ſº & * Şewsey, mkt: th Wilts, in the E., 7 m. S. Marºº .#95. #3;ánáš, thFrance, dep, Hérault. 30.º. SW. Montpellier. P. 7364, †enhofen, th Up. Bavaria, Qn R. Ilm, 28 m. N. Munich. P. 3436. sfäffers, Switzerland. See Pfeffers. - Pfäffikon, vil. Switz., #. * : m, E. Zurich, P. 2888. [P 3635, pfalz. Germany. See Palatinate. º - - # Or #aijurº, ft. tr. German Lorraine, 8 m. NW. zabern. pfalzdorf, thºrhenish Prussia, 44 m. NW, Düsseldorf. P. 245; #farrkirchen, mkt. th: Lower Bavaria, 23 m, WSW. Passau. P. 247. ifeffers or Pfäffers, vil. Switz.: cant. St. Gall, 5 m. SSE. Sargans. .P. 1623. It has hot medicinal baths. t - Pforzheim, tin. Baden, 55 m. SSE. Mannheim by rail. P. 27,2OI. pfullendorf, th Baden, 20 m. NE. Constanº P. 2455. ifulfingen, th Würtemberg, 3 m. §E. Reutlingen. P. 5247. Pfungstadt, Inkt. tº: #: 5 m. S. Darmstadt. P. 5534. ‘p? rg. See Pfalzburg. #####, of P. State, Bombay Pres, 37 m. N.E. Satara. P. Io,842. phaphund, in. India, NW. Provs, dist, and 36 m. E. Etawah. P. º: Philadelphia, port of entry, second city of the U.S., cap. of Pennsyl- vania, co-extensive with P. Cº., 9, W. b. of Delaware Å; and 9; the Schuylkill, 87 m. by rail SW. New York; 39°57' N., 75 12 W. Area, 129 sq. m...P. (1700) 4500; (1800) 70,287; (1880) iº. Its educational and literary institutions are mºnerº and O f: high order, and include a flourishing university; The manufs. jiຠthe chief business interest. There is an important coasting and an increasing foreigº trade. phila, isi. #gypt, in the Nile, above the first cataract. Philates, th Turkey, in Epirus, 25 m.SE: Delvino... P. 4200. Philippeville, spt. th: Algeria, 40 m. NNE. Constantine. P. 18,329. Philippi, ruined th: Macedonia, IQ m. SE. Drama. Battle, B.C. 42. Philippine Islands (Span.,234&s Filipinas), large grp. of the Malay Archipelago, a valuable possession of Spain, having E. the pacific Ocean, and W. the S., China Sea. There are about I2OO isls., of which 408 are inhabited. The principal are, Luzon, Panay, Mindanao, Samar, Mindoro, Leyte, Zebu, Negros, Bohol, and jºb :Fººt P. # ºf Šiš.Mºila: ilippolis, vil. Orange Free State, I5 in. N. 91 S s — -> * - #####, (Turk. Filibi), cap. of E. Roumelia, on the Maritza, 86 m. WNW. Adrianople. P. 33,442. Philipstown, mkt, th: King's Co., 8 ºn. E. Tullamore. P. 829. l Tol äck, tin. Cornwall, on St. Ives Bay. P. 3642. illaur, the Punjab, on the Sutlej, 27 m. SE. Jalandhar. P. 7107. Philipsburg, th New Jersey, Warren Co., on Delawar: R. P. 718I. Phºenixviiić, bor. Pennsylv., in Chester co., on Schuylkill. P. 668r. Photikok, a French isi, in Gulf of Siam, 10° N., 104° E. P.,2352. > : Bhthiotis and Phocis, nom. Greece. Area, 2349 sq. º P. 128,440. jºhu-yen, th Cochin China, 60 m. S. Quinhon, 13°33' N. . f facenza, ft. city, N, Italy, cap. of prov. P., near the P9. P. Of com. 2ia.cenza prov. in Emilia. Area, 965 sq. m. P. 33.729. [37,512. alaba, watering-place, Queensland, on Harvey Bay. ana de' Greci, tr. Sicily, 12 m. S. by W. Palermo. P. 9391. amelia, tr. Italy, in Terámo, 6 m. WNW. Chieti. P. 666. anello Citerioré, vil. Italy, 15 m. SW. Piacenza: P. 3735. ano dišorrento, commune, Italy, on S. shore B, of Naples. P. 8326. anoro, thºſtaly, prov. and 12 m. S. Bologna. P. 6372; ..., [250 m. asina, lake and r. Siberia, gov. Yeniseisk, enters Arctic Ocean, iatigorsk, th: Russia, gov. Stavropol, 25 m. SW. Georgievsk. P, 11,114. Contains hot Springs. Piatra, tº Roumania, in Moldavia, 45 m. W. Roman. P. 20, IOO. Piauhy, r. Brazil, prov. P., flows N. 300 m. to the Caninde, Fíauhy' or Piauhi, maritime prov. Brazil, 2°42'-H. 29 S. Area, 116,524 sq. m. P. 239,691. Chief tins., Oeiras and Paranahiba. # Italy, flows 125 m. to Adriatic, 52 m. ENE. Venice. lake, Russia, in W. of Archangel, 50 by 15 m. , Sićily, prov, and 17 m. ESE. Caltanisetta. P. 20,570. mkt. th Italy, 11 m. NNW. Padua. P. 5809. º (Fr. La Picardie), old prov. N. France, now deps. Aisne, Oise, Pas-de-Calais, and Yonne. tn. Italy, prov. and 8 m. W. Potenza. P.4594. . . .[15,924 ft. vol. Écuador, in W. of Andes, 11 m. WNW, Quito. Elev. prov. in N.W. Ecuador. P. 120,280. Çap. Quito. sub. dist. Canada, prov. Ontario. P. 6883. mkt, thºn. R. York, 323 m. NE. York. P. 3959. [11,168 ft. or Maladetta, highest of the Pyrenées, 45° E. Eley. and vol. of the Azores. Area, 254 sq. m. P. 27,904. Exports Altitude of vol. 8376 ft. iSt. 3500. tn. New S. Wales, có. Camden, 53 m. SW. Sydney. P. of port of entry, Ontario, cap. of Prince Edward co., on Bay of 40 m. SSW. of Kingston. P. 2975. 3883. spt. New Zealand, Marlborough Prov., 41° 6'.S. P.9f dist. tn. Nova Scotia, cap. of P. Co., II3 m. NNE. Halifax. P. tn. Sicily, in Catania, Iom. SW. Taormina. P.5588. [3403. d’Alife, th S. Italy, 20 m. N. by E. Caserta. P. 7434. (Ital, Piemojite), compartimento of NW, Italy, having the to the N. and W. Area, 11,331 sq. m. . P. 3,204,390. It embraces the upper basin of the Po. Cap. Turin. - * edra Blanca, tr. Argentina, prov. Catamarca, 170 m. NNE. Rioja. Piekar, 2 vils. Prussian Silesia, 3 m. N. Beuthen. P. 4080. [P. ro,000. Piel, isl. with ry. sta. N. Lancashire, 5 m. SE. Barrow-in-Furness. *ienza, tm. Tuscany, prov. Sienna, 5 m. SW. Montepulciano. º. 3255. Fierre, th: France, dép. Saône-et-Loire, 20 m. N. Louhans. .P. 2004. Fierreiate, tin. France, dep. Drôme, 13 m. S. Montelimar. ...P. 329. Fierreville, vii. Quebec, in Yamaska co., on R. St. Francis...[E. 1423. Pietermaritzburg or Maritzburg, cap. of Natal, 54 m. NW. Durban. >ietra di Fusi, th Italy, in Avellino, near Montefusco. P. 5410. *ietra Galla, th Italy, prov. and 8 m. NNE. Potenza. P. 6802. Pietraperzia, tm. Sicily, 6 m. SE. Caltanisetta. . P. II,370. - *ietrašanta, th Italy, 20 m. NW. Lucca. P. of Comº 4,347. Sieve de Cairo, thitaly, prov. Novara, 14 m. SSE. Mortara. P. 3796. Pieve Porto Morone, ti, italy, prov, Pavia, on the PQ: P. 3736. Figeonnière, La., vil. Quebec, 25 m. S. of Montreal. P. 600. Piggoreet, mining th: Victoria, 124 m. NW. Melbourne. Piggs Peak, gold-field, in N.W. Swazieland, SE. Africa. Pilar, th: Brazil, prov. Parahiba, on the Parahiba. P. 3400. Pilas, th: Spain, 18 m. WSW. Seville. P. 3480. Pilcomayo or Araguai, r. Bolivia, Argentina, and Paraguay, flows ... S.E. 1000 m. to the Paraguay opposite Asuncion. Pilgram, th: Bohemia, 25 m. ENE. Tabor. P. 4202. Pilibhit, dist. India, in NW. Provs, Rohilkhand Div., W. of Nepal. Area, I37.1 sq. m. P. 451,601. Cap. P. P. 29,721. Pilkallen, tin. E. Prussia, 18 m. NE. Gumbinnen. P. 2750. Pilkington, tshp. England, SE. Lancashire. P. 13,144. Pillau, ft. Špt. E. Prussia, 24 m. WSW. Königsberg. P. 3434. Pilltown, vil. Kilkenny, 3 m. E. Carrick-on-Suir. P. 396. Pilsen, th Bohemia, 53 m. by rail WSW. Prague. P. 38,883. *imentel, spt. Peru, prov. Chiclayo, Iom. N. Eten. mlico, dist. London, in Westminster, S. of Green Park. P. 22,327. Inchbeck, vil. Lincolnshire, 23 m. N. Spalding. nçzow, th: Poland, prov. and 24 m. SSW. Kielce. P. 6500. ind Dadam Khan, tr. Punjab, dist, and near R. Jehlam. P. 16,724. indigheb, th: Punjab, Rawal Pindi Dist. P. 8583. Indus, mtn. Chain, N. Greece, between Albania and Thessaly, 8950 ft. ne Bluff, th: Arkansas, cap. of Jefferson co., on Arkansas R. P. *inegal, r. Russia, aſſ. of the Dwina, 50 m. SE. Archangel. ſ3203. ‘inerolo, th: N. Italy, prov. Turin, 23% m. SW. Turin. P. 17,145. *ines, Isle of, or Kunie, a French isl. of the Pacific, SE. of New Caledonia; convict settlement. Area, 293 sq. m. P. 2500. Pines, Isle of (Span. Isla de Pinos), isl. W. Indian Archipelago, 50 m. S. Cuba. Area, 600 sq. m. P. 2000. Ping Yang, city, China, prov. Shan-Si, on the Fuen-Ho. *ing Yang, tin. China, prov. Chi-Kiang, near the coast. Ping Yuen, city, China, prov. Quei Choo, 26°37' N., ros” 41' E. Pinja Tra., tm. W. Australia. I_at. 32° 37' S. ; lon. 115° 55' E. inne, th: Prussia, 29 m. WNW. Posen. P. 2223. inneberg, th: Prussia, in Holstein, 11 m. NW. Hamburg. P. 3285. mner, vil. Middlesex, 13% m, NW. London. P. of par. 2519. noso, vil. Spain, in Andalusia, 29 m, W. Alicante. P. 5703. noš Puente,_th. Spain, II m. NW. Granada. P. 4273. nsk, tin. W. Russia, gov. Minsk, 210 m. from Warsaw. P. 25,499. nxton, vil. Derbyshire, 3 m. E. Alfreton. P. of par. 2317. - inzgau, intn. dist. Austria, prov. Salzburg, drained by the Salzach. iombino, CŞt. th: Italy, opposite isl. of Elba. P. 4076. ošSasco, vil. Italy, prov. and 13 m. SW. Turin. P. 4053. otrkow, Poland. See Petrikau. ove di Sacco, th; Italy, in Padua, 17 m. SW, Venice. P. 8674. perno, th S. Italy, 15 m. SW. Frosinone. _P. 5677. [P. 603r. igua, city, Qhio, in co, and on Miami, R., 28 in. NW. Dayton, Piquetberg, vil. Cape Colony, in P. Div. of Western Prov. P. 353. Piraeus, th: Greece, the port of Athens, and 5 m. SW. P. 2I,055. Éraino, th: Sicily, on N.cst., 40 m. WSW. Messina. P. 357. ºirano.spt. Istria, 8 m. SW. Trieste. , P. of com. Ir,466. .. Piratinim, th: Brazil, prov. Rio Grande do Sul. P. 38o3. Firemedi, ft, th; Turkey, Albania, vilayet Janina, P. ºoooo. P; .: j 2 : i i d ſ i . Piriatin, tr. Russia, gov. Poltava, 26 m. NW. Lubny. P. 5544: Piritu, cst. tu Venézuela, opposite Piritu Isls., . rmasens, tr. Rhenish Bavaria, 13 m. E. Zweibrücken, P. 14,938. rna, th Saxony, on l.b. Elbe, 1.1 m, SE. Dresden, P. II,899. irmitz or Brtnićé, th Moravia, 8 m. SE, Iglau. P. 3491. irot, thServia, on R. Nishana. P. 8183. - P Pisa, city, Italy, cap. of prov. Pisa, on R. Arno, 6 m. from its Imth. P. Öfcom. 54,348. It has a celebrated university, cathedral, and leaning tower. Area of prov. 1180 sq. m. ...P. 292,748. sagua, Špt. Chili, in the ter. of Tarapagº; P. 2131. sco, spt.'tm. Peru, dep. Ica, on Paçific Ocean. P. 2648. pisek of Piseca, th: Bohemia, 24 m. WSW. Tabor. P. 19,596: Pishin, plain or val. Afghanistan, surrounded on three sides by mts., and watered by the Lora. Area, 3600 sq. m...P. 60,990. It has teen under Brit. administration since 1878. Alt. 5000 ft. cap. of Istria, 34 m. SE. Trieste. P. 3346. Wii. Italy, 23 m. ENE. Bergamo, on L. Iseo. P. 4093. waterfall, Switz., cant. Valais, 4 m. N. Martigny. tn. Italy, in Basilicata, 19 m, S. Matera. P. §§85. tn. Italy, in Tuscany, 21 m. NW. Florence. P. 30,951. r. Späin, Old Castile, joins the Douro, #42*. solitary isl. Pacific Qcéan, 25°3' S., 130.8 W. r. N. Sweden, enters G. of Bothnia near Piteå, 180 m. long. spt. on above r., 110 m, NNE, Umea. P. 2277. tn. Roumania, 65 m. NW. Bucharest. P. 15,000. tshp. Victoria, IoA m., W. of Melbourne. th. Madras Pres., Godavari Dist. P. II,593. tn. France, dep. Loiret, 25 m. NE.Orleans. P. 5181. tn. Mexico, State Sönoro, 95 m. SW, Arispe. P. 5000. tn. Italy, prov. Sienna, 29 m. ESE. Grosseto. P. 4500. vil. Fife, 2 m. E. Ladybank. P. 356. vil. Perthsh., on R. Tummel, 28 m. NW. Perth. P. 777. Prussian Silesia, 33 m. NNE. Oppeln. P. 2183. , th N. Aberdeensh., 11 m. SW. Fraserburgh. P. 2056. pari. and royal bur. Špt. Fife, on Firth of Forth, 3% m. Élie." P. 2116. Šee St Andrews Burghs. tn. Belgium, W. Flanders, 15 m. SE. Bruges. , P. 46:8. city, Pennsylv., cap. of Alleghany, Co., at junction Of and Monongahela, 354m. W. by N. Philadelphia. P. ; (1860) 49,217; (1880) is 6,389. It is the seat of a univer- , and has very extensive iron-works, etc. - Pittsfield, vil. Illinois, cap. of Pike co., 40 m. SE. Quincy..., P.,2104. Pittsfield, city, Mass., cap. of Berkshire Co., on Housatonic R. P. 3,367. Pittston, bor. Pennsylv., in Luzerne Co., on Susquehanna R. P. 7472. Piura, th Peru, cap. of dep. Piura, 120 m. NNW. Lambayeque. P. 681r ; dep. I35,502. Izºgiº. ; #, on R. Adda, 12m. WNW. Cremona, P.4280. Pizzo, city, Italy, in Catanzaro, on Gulf of Santa Euphemia. P. 7932. zzoli, th Italy, 6 m. NNW. Aquila. P. 3684. - a centia, port of entry, Newfndld., on W.cst. Avalon Penin. P. 7000. acentia Bay, inlet on SE. CŞt. Newfoundland. |ainfield, vil. Connecticut, 16 m. NNE, Norwich. P. 492I. a.infield, city, New Jersey, Union co.º.24m. WSW. N.York, P. 8125. aistow, dist of London, in bor, of West Ham. P. 16,928. am, tin. Bohemia, 31 m. WNW. Pilsen.... P. 359r. ... . . . Plaquemine, vil. Louisiana, cap. of Ibervillepatiºn Mississippi. I’.2O6r. Biagencia, city, Spain, proy. Caceres, 44 m., NW. Alºlaraž;... 7990. assey, battléfield, Bengal, on Bhagirathi R., 83 m. N. Calcutta. Plata, La. See Argentina. º º Platté or Lit. Platte, r. Iowa,300 m. to Missouri R. Platten, th Bohemia, in the Erzgebirge. P. 2340. Platten See, lake, Hungary, 55 mi. S.W. of Peşth. Area, 266 sq. m. ; #. Pi : I o ] Platte or Nebraska, R., great aff, of the Missouri from Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska, I250 m. Platº, Śā. Wisconsin, Grant co., on Lit. Platte R. P. 2687. Plattling, th Lr. Bavaria, on the Išar. P. 2645. Plattsburg, port of entry, New York, cap. of Clinton co., on L. Cham- plain, at mouth of Saranac R. P. 5245. Plattsburg, municipal tshp. New S. Wales, 85 m. N. Sydney. flattsmouth, vil. Nebraska, Cass co., on Missouri R. P. 475. Flau, th Mečklenburg-Schwerin, 37 m. ESE: Schwerin. P.,4318. Plauen, th Saxony, 61 m. SW. Leipsic, on White Elster, P. 42,848. Pleasant Hill, th Missouri, Cass co., 35 m. SE. Kansas City. P. 2372. encia, spt. Spain, in Biscay, 14 m. NW. Bilbao. P. 1359. estcheiévo or Saieski, lake, Russia, 72 m. NW. Vladimir. Pieschem or Pleszew, th: Prussia, 54 m. SE. Posen. P. 6336. Pless, th Prussian Silesia, 68 m. SE. Qppeln. P. 3985. Flettenberg, th Westphalia, 16 m, SSW. Arnsberg; P. 3239. Piettenberg’Bay, on Cst. of Cape Colony, 34. S., 33° E. Plevna, ft. th: Bulgaria, 25 m. SSW. Nicopolis. P. II,474. infºmmon, mtn. Cardiganshire and Montgomery;.2469 ft. ock, city, Poland, on the Vistula, 58 m. WNW. Warsaw: , P. 22,092. ock or Éiotsk, gov. Russian Poland. P. 556,979. Cap. P. ockton, fishing vil. Ross and Cromarty, on L. Carron. P. 440. oëmeur, cst, vil. France, dep. Morbihan, arr, Lorient. P. Io,840. oen or Plön, th Holstein, 17 m. SE. Kiel. P. 3025. loermel, th: France, dep. Morbihan, 25 m. NE. Vannes. P. 5761. oesti, th: Roumania, 33 m. NNE, Bucharest by rail., P. 33,039. Ioeuc tn. France, dep. Côtes-du-Nord, 13 m. S. St. Brieuc. P. 4798. Plombières, th Francé, dep. Vosges, 14 m. S. Epinal. P. 1966. Plonsk, th Poland, 30 m. ENE. Plock. P. 6319. . . ouagat, th Francé, Côtes-du-Nord, 8 m. E. Guingamp. P. 2136. lumstead, part of Woolwich, in Kent. P. 33,250. º luvigner, tin. France, dep. Morbihan, 18 m. ENE. Lorient. . P. 5005. lymouth, parl, and mun, bor., spt., and the second naval sta. of Engl., Devon, on Plymouth Sound, 53 m. SW. Exeter. P. 76,080. It includes the “Three Towns' of P. proper, Devonport, and Stonehouse. The breakwater is nearly I m. long. Plymouth, vil. Indiana, cap. of Marshall co., on Yellow R. P. 2571. Plymouth, port of entry, Massachusetts, cap. of P. Co., 37 m. SSE. Boston. P. 7094. ‘Pilgrim Fathers’ landed here in 1629. Plymouth, port of entry, N. Carolina, 100 m. E. Raleigh. P. 836. Plymouth, bor. Pennsylv., Luzerne Co., on Susquehanna. P. Goð5. Plympton or Plympton Earls or Maurice, mkt, th: Devon, 4% m. E. of Plymouth, near R. Plym. P. II.46. Pniel, mission sta. Griqualand W., on 1. b. Vaal R., 470 m. from Natal. Pnom Penh, th: Cambodia, near Udong. P. about 35,000. Po, largest r. Italy, in Piedmont and Lombardy, flows 340 m. E. to the Adriatic, from Monte Viso. Pocklington, mkt. th E. R. York, 163 m. SE. York. P. 2733. Poczinka, tin. Russia. See Potchinki. Podgoritza, th: Montenegro, 38 m. N. Scutari. P. 4000. Podgorze or Josephstadt, th: Galicia, on the Vistula. P. 7672. 200ölia, or Podolsk, gov. S. Russia, N. of Bessarabia, W. of Galicia. Area, 16,223 sq. m. P. 2,302,489. odolsk, tm. Russia, 20 m. SSW. Moscow. P. II,208. ggibonsi, tin. Italy, 19 m. S. Florence. P. 8476. Point de Galle. See Galle. Pointe-à-Pitre, th: Guadaloupe Isl. P. 17,000. Point Edward (Port Sarnia), vil. Ontario, on St. Clair Lake. P. 1293. Point Levis, th: Canada. See Levis. Point Pedro, th: Ceylon, at the N. point. Poirino, th Italy, prov. and 14 m. SE. Turin. P. 7307. Poissy, the France, dep. Seine-et-Oise, on the Seine. P. 5600. Poitiers or Poictiers, tin. France, cap. of Vienne, 60 m. SSW. of Tours. P. 36,878. It has a fine cathedral. Poitou, old prov. France: its cap. was Poitiers: Pokrovsk, th: Russia, gov. Samara. P. 20,000. [25,173. Pola, chief naval sta. of Austria, in Istria, 75 m. S. of Trieste. P. Poland (Pol. Polska, anc. Sarmatia), extensive country of E. cent. Europe, long independent. P. II-15,000,000. Area, 284,000 sq. m. Partitioned in 1772 and 1795, and incorporated by Austria, Prussia. and Russia. The portion still retaining the name forms the most W. div. of Russia, divided into Io govs. Area, 49,153 sq. m. P. 7,884,100. It is traversed by the Vistula. Cap. Warsaw. Polaun, vil. Bohemia, 60 m. NE. Prague. P. 4566. Polcemigo, th: Italy, prov. Udine, 7 m. N. Sacile. P. 4370. Polch, th: Rhenish Prussia, 13 m. WSW. Coblentz. P. 2650. Polesworth, vil. Warwicksh., on R. Anker. P. of par. 3472. Policastro, th Italy, in Catanzaro, 18 m. WNW. Cotrone. P. 5500. Policzka, tin. Bohemia, 28 m. SE. Chrudim. P. 4632. Polignac, th: France, dep. Haute-Loire, 2 m. NW. Puy. P. 2709. Polignano, th: Italy, 26 m. ESE. Bari. P. 81.13. Poligny, th: France, dep. Jura, 14 m. NE. Lons le Saulnier. P. 4669. Polillo, one of the Philippines, E. of Luzon, 30 by 20 m. Polistena, th: Italy, prov. Reggio di Calabria. P. 8678. itz, th Pomerania, on the Oder, 9 m. N. Stettin. P. 3909. izzi, th: Sicily, prov. Palermo, 17 m. S.W. Cefalu. P.7605. Polla, th Italy, prov. Salerno, 10 m. NNW. Sala. P. 6236. Rollenza, the Italy, prov, and 4 m. W. Macerata. P. 5457. Pollenza, th: Majorca, 28 m. NE. Palma. P. 8547. Pollnow or Pollno, th; Pomerania, 20 m. ESE. Cöslin. P. 2437. Pollokshaws, police burgh, Renfrewshire, forms a SW. suburb of ... ...Glasgow, on White Cărt. P. 9363. [Glasgow. P. 2104. °ollokshields, police bur. Renfrewsh., mostly villas, in SW. sub. of Polmont, vil. Stirling, 3 m. E. Falkirk. P. 519. Polna, th: Bohemia, 33 m. SSE. Craslau. . P. 5309. *olotsk or Polok, th Russia, gov. Vitebsk, on the Düna. P. 19,134. Polperro, fishing th: Cornwall, 6 m. E. Fowey. J ; p f’ O Poltava, gov. S. Russia, 50° N., 34° E., N. of the Dnieper, Area, 19,264 sq. m. P. 2,520,887. P. 41,250. Poltava," cap. of above, on the Vorskla, 70 m. WSW. Kharkov. Polton, vil. and ry. sta. on N. Esk, Edinburghsh. Poltonhall, and Ijalhousie Colliery, vil. Edinburghsh., 13 m. S. LaSS- Wade. P. 595. t - e Polynesia (i.e. #y Isis.), a subdiv. of Oceania, comprises the innu. merable isls. and groups of the Pacific, in a belt chiefly within 30° N. and S. of the Équator, and from 135° E. to 135°W. Ion. Those N. of the line form “Micronesia’ except the Hawaiian Group. S. of the Equator are the Fiji, Friendly, Samoan, Saloinon, Society, Marquesas, Low Arch., Austral, Cook, and other groups. Polzin, th Pomerania, 31 m. SW. Köslin... P. 4550. Pomarance, th: Italy, prov, Pisa, 7 m. S. Volterra. P. of com. 7876. Pomarico, the Italy, in Basilicata, II m. SE. Matera. . P. 5411. Pombal, th Portugal, in Estremadura; 29 m. NE. Leiria. P. 4478. Pombal, th Brazil, prov. and 250 m. W. Parahiba. , P. 4000. - Pomerania (Ger. Pommern), prov. of N. Prussia, bounded. N. by the Baltic, E. and SE. by W. Prussia, 200 m. by 30 to 80, divided into govs. Stettin, Stralsund and Köslin. Area, II,527 sq. m. P. 1,505,575. Pomeroy, vil. Tyrone, 8 m. NW. Dungannon. P., 438. Pomeroy, city, Michigan, cap. of Meigs co., on Ohio. P. 5560. Pomfret. See Pontefract. Pomigliano d'Arco, th Italy, 8 m. NE. Naples. P. of com: 9926. Pomona or Mainland, the largest of the Orkney Isls., 24 by 16% m. P. 17,165. . Contains Kirkwall. Pompeii, celebrated ruined city, Italy, 15 m. SE. Naples. Ponani, th: Madras Pres., Malabar Dist. P. I2,42I. Ponce, th: Porto Rico, near the S. coast. P. 37,545. Ponce de Leon Bay, on W. CSt. Florida, Monroe Co. - Pondicherri or Puducheri, chief settlement of the French in India, on Coromandel Coast, S. Arcot Dist., II° 55' 57" N. P. I40,945. Area, 115 sq. m. Cap. P. P. 49,900. [protection since 1885. Pondoland, ter. S. Africa, SW. Natal, S. to Gt. Kei R. Under Brit. Poneviezh, th: Russia, gov. Kovno, 84 m. NNW. Vilna. P. I7,532. ponferrada, th Spain, prov. and 47 m. W. Leon. P. 6647. Pon-pissay, th Siam, in the NE., on R. Mekong. . . [4895. Pons, th France, dep. Charente-Inférieure, 12 m. SSE. Saintes, P. Pons, th France, dep. Herault, 58 m. WSW. Montpelier. P. 5687. Ponsacce, th Italy, 16 m. SE." Pisa. P. 4297. Ponta, tm. Italy, 25 m. N. Turin. P. 4560. Pontac, th: France, dep. Basses-Pyrenées, 15 m. SE. Pau. T. 2621. Ponta, Delgada, largest th of Azores, on São Miguel. P. I7,940. Pont-à-Moussen, th France, dep. Meurthe, on the Moselle. P. II,293. Pontarlier, th: France, dep. Doubs, 36 m. SE. Besançon. P. 6II8. Pontassieve, th: Italy, 12 m. E. Florence. P. of Com. II,4IO. Pont Audemer, th France, dep. Eure, 42 m. NW. Evreux. P. 6168. Pontchartrain, Lake, Louisiana, 6 m, N. New Orleans. Pont-de-Roide, vil. France, dep. Doubs, on R. Doubs. P. 3063. Pont-de-Vaux, th France, dep. Ain, 20 m. NW. Bourg. P. 2853. Pont-du-Château, th: France, dep. Puy-de-Dôme. P. 3157. Pontecorvo, the S. Italy, prov. Caserta, 28 m. S. Sora. , P. Io,645. Pontedera, tm. Italy, prov, and 13 m. ESE. Pisa. P. of Com. 12,013. Pontefract or Pomfret, parl. and mun. bor. W. R. York, Io m. E. Wakefield, near the Aire and Calder. P. parl. bor. I5,332, mun. bor. 8798. It returns I M.P. Ponte Lagoscura, th Italy, 2% m. N. Ferrara. P. 6000. Ponte Landolfo, th: Italy, 19 m. S. Campobasso. P. 4910. Pontesbury, par. and vil. Shropsh., 8 m. SW. Shrewsbury. P. 3060. Pontevedra, tin. Spain, cap. of prov. P., 13 m. NNE. Vigo. P. 20,812. Area of prov. I696 sq. m. P. 463,564. [mune, 6845. Pontevico, the Italy, 19 m. SSW. Brescia, on the Oglio. P. of com- Pontiac, city, Illinois, Livingston co., on Vermillion R. P. 2242. Pontiac, city, Michigan, Oakland Co., on Clinton R. P. 4509. Pontianak, th: Borneo, on W. C.St., lat. 3' S. P. 5000. Ponticelli, vil. Italy, 4 m. E. Naples. P. 7601. Pontifical States or States of the Church, previous to the unification of the kingdom of Italy, comprised the present compartmenti, Latium, Umbria, and the Marches, and more recently the Latium alCIle, Pontine Marshes (Ital. Palud. Pozièizte), marshy and pestilential tº Italy, in S. of the Campagna di Roma, extending 25 m. along the COaSt. Pontivy, th: France, dep. Morbihan, 30 m. NNW. Vannes. P. 8164. Pont-l'Abbé, cst.tn. France, dep. Finistère, Iom. SSW.Quimper. P. 511o. Pont-l'Evêque, th: France, dep. Calvados, 25 m. ENE. Caen. P. 2933- Pontlieue, vil. France, dep. Sarthe, on the Huisne. P. 3903. ?ontlottyn, vil. Glamorgan, I m. SE. Rhymney. Pontnewynydd, th: Monmouth, on NW. of Pontypool. P. 2919. Pontoise, tin. France, dep. Seine-et-Oise, 19 m. NW. Paris. P. 6675. Pontorson, tm. France, dep. Manche, at mth. of Quesnon R. P. 2563. Pontremoli, th: Italy, prov. Massa e Carrara. P. 12,601. Pont St. Esprit, tin. France, dep. Gard, on the Rhône. P. 4726. Pont St. Maxence, th France, dep. Oise, on R. Oise. P. 2326. Pontypool, mkt, th: Monmouth, 8% m. N. Newport, P. 5244. Pontypridd or Newbridge, th: Glamorgan, 12 m. NW. Cardim. P. Ponza, chief of grp. of small isls. S. Italy, off CSt. of Campania. [I2,317. Ponzone, th: Italy, prov. Alessandria, 9 m. SE. Acqui. L. P. 3972. Poo-Ching-Hien, the China, in Fo-Kien, on aff, of the Min. P. Io,000. Poole, mun. bor. and spt. Dorset, 30 m. E. Dorchester. P. I2,310. Poolewe, vil. Ross and Cromarty, 2 m. NW. of Loch Maree. Poona or Puma, Brit. dist. Bombay Pres., in the Deccan. Area, 5348 Sq. Im... P. 900,621. Cap. Poona. Poona, military cap. of the Deccan, 119 m. SE. Bombay by rail. P. 99,622, of Cantonment 30,129 ; total, 129,751. It is the seat of the gov. of Bombay from July to November. Popayan, th: Colombia, State of Cauca. P. 8485. Poperinghe, tin. Belgium, W. Flanders, 32 m. SW. Bruges. P. ro,867. Poplar, par. and dist. Middlesex, on R. Thames, in E. of London. Popo, th Guinea, 15 m. W. Whydah. P. 5000. [P. 55,077. Popocatepetl, active vol. Mexico, 35 m. SW. Puebla, 17,784 ft. Popoli, tin. Italy, prov. Aquila, 8 m. NNW. Sulmona. P. 7472. Poppelsdorf, vil. Rhenish Prussia, I m. SW. Bonn. P. 27Io. Poppi, th Italy, on the Arno, 26 m. E. Florence. P. of com. 6711. Pora, two isls, off W. CŞt. Sumatra, 1°-2°30' S. Porbander, cap. of P. State, Kathiawar, on Arabian Sea. P. 14,569. Porchester or Portchester, par. and vil. Hants, 4 m. NW. Portsmouth. Porcia, th Italy, prov. Udine, 2 in. SW. Pordenone. P. 3867. Porco, mth, knot, Bolivian Andes, 19.45'.S. Elev. 16,000 ft. Porcuna, th: Spain, prov. and 21 m. WNW. Jaen. P. 7579. [10,116. Pordenone, th N. Italy, prov. Udine, 50 m. NNE. Venice. P. of com. Poretchie, tin. Russia, gov. and 40 m. NNW. Smolensk. P. 4651. Porlock, picturesque vil. Somerset, 6 m. W. Minehead. P. 1809. Pornic, spt. France, dep. Loire-Inférieure, 30 m. WSW. Nantes. Porrentruy, tin. Switz., cant. and 38 m. NW. Bern. P. 5676. Porreras, th: Majorca, 21 m. ESE. Palma. P. 4934. Porsgrund, cst. tin. Norway, 91 m. NE. Christiansand. P. 3453. Port Adelaide, spt. th: S. Australia, on G. St. Vincent, 7% m. by rail from Adelaide. P. 3013. - Portadown, mkt. th: co. Armagh, on R. Bann. P. 7850. Portaferry, mkt.tn. and spt. Co. Down, on L. Strangford. P. ro47. Portage City, Wisconsin, cap. of Columbia Co., on Wisconsin R., at head of navigation. P. 4346. Portage Isl., New Brunswick, at entrance to Miramichi Bay. Portage la Prairie, th: Manitoba, 56 m. by rail W. of Winnipeg. Portage Lake, Michigan, 25 m. long, connects with Keeweenaw Bay. Port Albert, spt. th: Victoria, 173 m. SE. Melbourne. P. of dist. 30óo. Portalegre, th Portugal, in Alemtejo, 49 m. NE. Evora. P. 7207. Port Alexander, harbour, in Mossamedes, S.W. Africa. [P. 2357. ortarlington, mkt. tin. Queen's and King's Co., on R. Barrow- Portarlington, th: Victoria, co. Grant, 25 m. S. Mclbourne. Port Arthur, vil. and ry. sta. Ontario, at NW. end of L. Superior. Port Augusta, spt. S. Australia, at head of Spencer's Gulf. Port Augusta, spt. W. Australia, 190 m. SW. Perth. Port-au-Prince or Port Republican, cap. of and principal spt. Hayti, on Bay of Gonaïves. P. 40,000. Port Bannatyne or Kamesburgh, vil. Scot. N. Bute, 23 m. NW. Rothesay. P. 651. , Has a hydropathic establishment. Burt Blair, cap. of Andaman Isl. ; Indian convict settlement. Port Bowen, harbour, on NE. cst. Queensland, 22° 30' S. Port Broughton, post tri. S. Australia, 152 m. NE. Adelaide. Port Burwell, port of entry, Ontario, co. Elgin, 137 m. SW. Toronto. Portbury, vil. Somerset, 6 m. WNW. Bristol. P. 791. [P. 1300. Port Canning, decayed tn. and spt. Bengal. Lat. 22°19' 15” N. Port Carbon, bor. Pennsylvania, in co. and on Schuylkill R. P. 2346. Port Chalmers, th: New Zealand, at Otago Harbour. P. 218r. Port Charlotte, vil. Argyll, in Islay, on Loch-in-Daal. P. 502. Port Chester, cst. vil. New York, 26 m. NE. New York. P. 3254. Port Clarence, spt. Durham, 9 m. S. Hartlepool. Exports, coal. Port Colborne, port of entry, Ontario, co. Welland, on N. shore of Lake Erie, at outlet of Welland Canal. P. 1716. Port Curtis, harbour, on E. shore Queensland, 24° S. Port Dalhousie, vil. Ontario, Co. Lincoln, on S. shore Lake Ontario, at entrance to Welland Canal. P. II29. Port Dalrymple, forms the estuary of the Tamar, Tasmania. Port Daniel, sub. dist. Quebec Prov, Bonaventure co. P. 1670. Port Darwin, chief harbour, of N. Australia, 130° 50' 45° E. Port de France or Noumea, spt. tr. and cap. French New Caledonia. Port Denison, harbour, on E. cst. Queensland, 20° S. • IO,OOO. 54 |PORT DE PAIX THE CENTURY GAZETTEER = PUTTEN Port de Paix, spt. th Hayti Island, on N. c.st. P. 2000. Port Deposit, tin. Maryland, on Susquehanna R., 5 m. N. Havre de Port Desire, harbour, and r. on E. cst. Patagonia, 47° 45' S. [Grace. Port Demorwic, spt. vil. and ry. sta. Carnarvon, on Menai Str. Port Douglas, spt. ãº. on Trinity Bay, 40 m. NW. Cairns Port Dover, vil. port of entry, Ontario, on N. shore L. Erie. P. II.46. Port Dundas, part of Glasgow, in N. sub., at junction of Forth and Clyde and Monkland Canals. P. 4717. Port Durnford, harbour, on cst. of Zululand, SE. Africa. Port Egmont, th: Falkland Isls., S. Atlantic Ocean. P. 500. Portel, Le, vil. France, dep. Pas-de-Calais, on the cSt. P. 5110. Port Elgin, th: Ontario, Bruce co., on Lake Huron. P. 1400. Fort Elizabeth, spt. th: Cape Colony on Algoa Bay. It is the chief commercial tri. of S. Africa. Exports, wool, skins, and ostrich feathers. P. 15,000. Port Ellen, spt. Argyll, Islay isl., 12 m. SE. Bowmore. P. 989. Port Elliot, seasideth. S. Australia, on Encounter B. 59 m. S. Adelaide. Port Elphinstone, part of Inverurie, Aberdeen, on R. Don. P. 473. Portentruo, th Switz., cant., and 38 m. NW. Bern. P. 5676. Port Erin, cst. vil. Isle of Man, 5% m. W. Castletown. Port Errol, fishing vil. Aberdeen, 8% m. S.W. Peterhead. P. 493. Portessie, fishing vil. Banffsh. 13 m. NE. Buckie. P. 1961. Port Essington, harbour, in N. Territory of S. Australia. Port Essington, bay, N. Australia, on Coburg Peninsula. Port Essington, vil. Brit. Columbia, at mth. of R. Skeena. Forteynon, vil. Glamorgan, 15 m. SW. Swansea. Port Gavorn, spt. vil. Cornwall, on NW. CŞt. Port Glasgow, parl. and police bur. and spt. Renfrewsh., on S. b. R. Clyde, 23 m. SE. Greenock. . P. 13,224. It is one of the Ki/??tar- ztocá Burghs. Leading industries, shipbuilding, iron founding, Portglenone, mkt. th: Londonderry, on R. Bann... P. 686. [etc. Port Gordon, fishing vil. and ry. sta. Banff, 2 m. SW. Buckie. P. 737. Port Hamilton, formerly a Brit. naval sta. 38 m. S. Corea, now be- ... longing to China. Port Hastings or Plaister Cove, spt. Nova Scotia, on Gut of Canso. Port Hawkesbury, spt. tr. Nova Scotia, on Gut of Canso, Porthcawl, spt. vil. and bathing-place, Glamorgan, 9m. S.W. Bridgend by rail. Exports, coal and iron. Porthleven, spt. th: Cornwall, on Mounts Bay. P., 1873. Porthllongdu, spt. Anglesey, 7 m. NW. Beaumaris. Port Hood or Jestico, spt. Nova Scotia, on G. of St. Lawrence. P. 700. Port Hope, port of entry, Ontario, cap. of Durham Co., on Lake Ontario, 63 m. by rail E. Toronto. P. 5585. Port Huron, city, port of entry, Michigan, cap. of St. Clair co., on St. Port Isaac, vil. Cornwall, 6% m. NE. Padstow. [Clair R. P. 8883. Portici, th Italy, on Bay and 4 m. SE. of Naples. P. 12,822. Portisham, vil. Dorset, 6 m. SW. Dorchester. P. of par. 705. Fortishead, cst. th: Somerset, Iom. W. of Bristol. P. 2730. ” Port Jackson, inlet on cst. of New South Wales, co. Cumberland, one of the finest harbours in the world, 33° 51° S., 18 m. long. On the S. shore is the city of Sydney. Port Jervis, th: New York, in Orange co., on Delaware R. P. 8678. Portknockie, fishing vil. Banff, 5 m. NE. Buckie. P. IIQ2. Portland, Isle of, penin. in S. Dorset, 4 m. S. Weymouth. P. Io,061. Its S. extremity is the Bill of Portland. Portland, vil. Connecticut, 14 m. S. Hartford. P. of tshp. 4156. Portland, port of entry and commercial metropolis, Maine, cap. of Cumberland co., on Casco Bay, Ios m. NE. Boston. P. 33,810. It has extensive foreign and coast trade. Portland, th: Canada, prov. New Brunswick, N. of St. John. P. I5,226. Portland, city, most populous of Oregon, port of entry, and cap. of Multnomah co., on Willamette R. P. I7,577. tn. Victoria, 277 m. by rail S.W. Melbourne. _P. 2263. dist. Middlesex, St. Marylebone parish. P. 9052. th. Irel., in co. and 11 m. W. Waterford. P. 1891. tshp. Tasmania, 35 m. NW. Launceston. fishing vil. Kincardinesh., 8 m., S.W.Aberdeen. P. 315. spt. S. Australia, 210 m. W. Adelaide. P. 530. spt. France, dep. Morbihan, 2% m. S. Lorient. P. 3269. of Mauritius, on N.W. cat. P. 70,000. spt. S. Australia, in the SE. P. 797. tn. and inlet of New S. Wales, at Hastings R., 31° S., 240 m. N. Sydney. P. 900. [and copper. Portmadoc, spt. Carnarvonsh., on Tremadoc Bay. Exports...slate Port Mahomack, fishing vil. Ross and Cromarty, on Dornoch Firth. Port Mahon, ft. th Spain, cap. of Minorca. P. 15,842. Port Medina, port of entry, cap. of Bay Isls., Honduras. Port Medway, spt. th: Nova Scotia, 96 m. SW. Halifax. P. 600. Port Moody, British Columbia, the terminus of Canadian Pacific Rail- way, 2850 m. by rail from Montreal. Port Moresby, British th, and seat of gov. New Guinea, on SE. cst. Port Mulgrave, spt. th: Nova Scotia, co. Guysborough. [P. 900. Portnahaven, vil. Argyll, in Islay. I?, 361. Port Natal. See Durban. Portneuf, vil. Canada, co. P., 36 m. above Quebec. P. 1872. Port Nicholson, harbour, New Zealand, at S. extremity of N. Isl. Port Nolloth, spt. th: Cape Colony, 50 m. SE. of Orange R. Porto Alegre, city, Brazil, cap. of Rio Grande do Sul. P. 40,000. Porto Alegre, tm. Brazil, 190 m. W. Natal. P. 4000. Portobello, parl, burgh and watering-place, on Firth of Forth, 3 m. E. of Edinburgh. , P. 6794; tın. 6926. It is one of the Leith Biºghs. Portobello, Cent. America. See Puerto Cabello. Porto Calvo, th: Brazil, prov. Alagoas. P. 6ooo. Porto Empedocle, spt. Sicily, prov. Girgenti. P. 8754. Porto Feliz, th: Brazil, prov. São Paulo, on R. Tite. P. 9000. Porto Ferrajo, chief tin. of Elba Isl., Italy. , P. 5633. Port of Spain, th: W. Indies, cap. of Trinidad. P. 31,900. Portogruaro, tin. Italy, prov. Venice, 27 m. SW. Udine. P. of com.9386 Portole, th Austria, 20 m. SSE. Trieste. P. 2988. [tn. 5475. Porto Maggiore, vil. Italy, 22 m. W. of the Adriatic, at Comacchio. Porto Maurizio, spt. th: N. Italy, prov, P. M., 2 m. WSW. Qneglia. Porto Maurizio, prov. in Liguria, E. of France. P. 139,937. [P. 6868. Porto Novo (Fering/tipet or Parazzgripetaz), spt. th: Madras Pres., in S. Arcot Dist., 11°29' N. P. 7823. Porto Novo, French th, on Slave Coast, W. Africa. P. 20,000. Porto Praya, th: Cape Verd Isls., on Santiago. P. 12,000. Porto Rico (Span. Puerto Rico), a Spanish W. India isl., E. of Hayti. Area, 3596 sq. m. P. 754,313. Cap. San Juan de Porto Rico. Porto Santo Stefano, spt. in S. of Tuscany. P. 4543. [P. 23,414. Porto Santo, one of the Madeira Isls., 26 m. NE. Madeira. Porto Seguro, German th on Slave Coast, W. Africa. Porto Tolle, ta. Italy, prov. Rovigo, on the Po. P. of com. 69.18. Porto Torres, spt. Sardinia, 13 m. by rail NW. Sassari. P. 3780. Porto Vecchio, ft. th: Corsica, on E. cst. P. 2665. Porto Venere, spt. Italy, 44 m. SE. Genoa. P. 3994. [P. 59r. Port Patrick, spt. Wigtownsh., 21% m. NE. Donaghadee, in Ireland. Port Phillip, bay, on S. cst. Victoria, 40 m. long and broad. It receives the Yarra Yarra R., on which is Melbourne. Port Pirie, spt. S. Australia, 154 m. N. Adelaide. P. 900. Portreath, spt. vil. Cornwall, 4 m. NW. Redruth. Portree, spt, vil. Inverness, on W. cst. Skye. P. 893. Port Republican. See Port-au-Prince. Port Richmond, vil. New York, on N. shore Staten Isl. P. 356r. Port Royal, ft. th: Jamaica, 3 m. SW. Kingston, with a royal naval dockyard, hospital, and barracks. P. 15,000. Portrush, spt. th N. co. Antrim, 6 m. N. Coleraine. P. 1322. Port Said, gov. and th: Egypt, at Mediterranean entrance to Suez anal. P. of gov. 21,296; th: 7000. Portsea, post tim, Victoria, 37 m. by water S. Melbourne. Portsea Island, strongly ft. isl. on cst. of Hants, between Portsmouth and Langston Harbours. P. 128,022. See Portsmouth. Port St. Mary, cst. yil. Isle of Man, 43 m. W. Castletown. [3719. Portslade or P. by Sea, par, and vil. Sussex, 4 m. W. Brighton. P. Portsmouth, parl. and mun. bor., naval sta., and spt. Hants, on Portsea Island, opposite Isle of Wight, 18 m. SE. Southampton, 74 SW. London by rail. P. 127,989. It is divided into four districts: Portsmouth, the garrison town; Portsea, the seat of the naval dockyards; Landport, the artisans' quarter; and Southsea, a modern watering-place. P. is the largest naval establishment in the world, and the strongest fortified place in the kingdom. It 2 M.Ps. See Gosport. city, port of entry, New Hampshire, semi-cap. of Rock- co., 54 m. N. by E. of Boston. P. 96.90. city, Ohio, cap. of Scioto co., on Ohio R. P. II,321. city, spt.Virginia, Norfolk co., on Elizabeth R. P. II,390. vil. Ontario, co. Frontenac, 2 m. from Kingston. P. 1734. tn. Banffshire, 83 m. W. Banff. P. 2091. , port of entry, Ontario, on Lake Erie. , P. 674. , tin. cap. of Falkland Isls., in S. Atlantic Ocean. P. 500. harbour, New S. Wales, co. Gloucester, 32°42' S. vil. Londonderry, near mth. of the Bann. P. 556. harbour, and factory, Senegambia, W. Africa. spt. Glamorgan, on E. side Swansea Bay. mkt. th SE. co. Galway, on R. Shannon. P. 1252. spt. Wigtownsh., 11 m. SW. Wigtown. P. 755. Lusitazzia), kingdom forming the W. portion of the Peninsula, bounded N. and E. by Spain, and W. and S Atlantic, 345 m., from N. to S., and 140 m. in breadth. 35,550 sq. In. P. (1881) 4,708,178. The Azores and Madeira form part of the kingdom, and are included in the above figures. Surface mtnous...with wide and fertile valleys along the lower courses of the Minho, Douro, Tagus, and Guadiana. Climate, *; . Products, vine, orange, lemon, olive, mulberry, cereals, etc. P. is divided into provs. Minho, Trazos Montes, Beira, Tºstremadura, Alemtejo, Algarve, and the Azores, which are sub. divided into districts. Cap. Lisbon ; Oporto is the chief spt. The foreign possessions of P. have an area of 704,718 sq. m., and p. of 4,985,202. These include—in Asia, Goa, Daman, and Diu Isi.; in India, Timor (part of) and Macao; in Africa, Cape Verd Isls., Senegambia Settlements, Prince's Isl., St. Thomas, and Ajuda, Angola, Mozambique, and Sofala. , Gov. a hereditary constitu- monarchy. Religion R. Cath. Language allied to the Oººr. tn. and port, Spain, prov. Biscay, 7 m. NW. Buğ 3. State, Venezuela, in NW. Area, 68.15 sq. m. P. 79,934. Cap. r. Venezuela, flows 200 m. SSE. to the Apure. [Guanare. - Spt. France, dep. Pyrenées-Orientales, 19 m. SE. Per- pignan by rail. P. 33.11. Port Victor, spt. S. Australia, on Encounter Bay. P. Io97. Port Victoria, Şpt. S. Australia, on E. shore of Spencer Gulf. Port Wakefield, spt. S. Australia, on St. Vincent's Gulf. P. 506. Posadas, the Spain, 19 m. WSW. Cordova, on Guadalquivir. P. 4598. ?oscharevatz, th: Servia, in circle of same name. P. • 208chegon, th: Russia, gov. and 69 m. NW. Yaroslav. T. 5990. 208chiavo (Ger. Pitschlaw), th: Switz., cant. Grisons. P. 2931. Posen, prov. Prussia, part of Prussian Poland, having E. Russian Poland, and N. Prussia. , Area, 11.180 sq. m. P. (mostly Poles) 1,715,618, of whom two-thirds are Rom. Cath. It is divided into the govs. of Posen and Bromberg, and is drained by the Warthe. Posen, gov. in S. of above. Area, 6759 sq. m. P. 1,106,959. Posen or Poznan, ft. city, cap. of above, on R. Wartha, Ioom. E. of Frankfort-on-the-Oder. P. 68,315. Poggam, tr. Chinese Turkistan, 16 m. SSE. Yarkand. P. 8000. Posnania, forms the Prussian prov. Posen. Possiet Bay, Asiatic Russia, on W. cºt. of Sea of Japan. [762o. Pössneck, tm. Germany, in Saxe-Meiningen, 11 m. E. Saalfield. P. Possolski, Russia in Asia, on Lake Baikal, to be a station on New Siberian Railway. Fotchefstroom, vil. S. African Rep., 960 m. N. Cape Town. P. 2000. Potchinki or Poczinka, tin. Russia, on River Rudina, 120 m. SSE. Nizhni Novgorod. P. 7761. Potenza, ft., tm. S. Italy, cap. of Basilicata, and in P. Prov., 57 m. ESE. Salerno. P. of com. 20,780; tın. 17,978. It has a fine Doric cathedral. P. of prov. 545,242. ſcom. 7390. Potenza Picena, th Italy, prov. Macerata, on the Adriatic. P. of Poti or Pothi, ft. spt. Russia, in Transcaucasia, on R. Rion. P. 3112. Potomac, large r. divides Maryland from Virginia, and enters Chesa- peake Bay, passing Washington. , Length, 400 m. Potosi, dep. Bolivia, E. of S. Peru. Area, 31,800 sq. m. P. 136,000. Potosi, city, cap. of above, 70 m. SW. Chuquisaca, on slope of Cerro Gordo de Potosi. P. II,000. Elev. 13,330 ft. ; gold and silver mines. Potsdam, city, Prussia, in Brandenburg, cap. of gov. P., on the Havel, 16 m, SW. Berlin. P. 50,877. It contains a royal palace and Rathhaus. P. of gov. 1,226,120. Potsdam, vil. New York, in St. Lawrence co., on Racket R. P. 2762. Potteries, The, dist. in N. Staffordsh., 8 m. by 3, is the chief seat of the earthenware manuf. of England. It comprises Burslem, Han- § Longton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stoke-upon-Trent, Tun- Stall, etc. Potton, mkt. th: Bedfordsh., 11 m. E. of Bedford. P. 2006. Pottstown, bor. Pennsylv., Montgomery co., on Schuylkill. P. 5305. Pottsville, city, Pennsylv., cap. of co, and on the Schuylkill. P. 13,253. Pouancé, th: France, dep. Maine-et-Loire, 33 m. NW. Angers. P.3446. Pouch Cove, vil. Newfoundland, 19 m. from St. John's. P. 830. (20,207. Poughkeepsie, city, New York, cap. of Duchess co., on Hudson. Poullaouen, th: France, dep. Finistère, 5 m. NW. Carhaix. P. 2966. Poulton le Fylde, mkt. th: N. Lancashire, near R. Wyre. P. 1225. Poulton or P. le Sands, tshp. Lancashire, on Morecambe Bay. P. 3931. Pouzin, Le, vil. France, dep. Ardèche, on the Rhône. P. 2635. Poverty Bay, New Zealand, on E. cst. of N. Island. Poviglio, th: Italy, 13 m. ENE. Parma. P. 5487. Povoa de Varzim, tin. Portugal, 18 m. from Braga. P. 11,004. Powder R., r. Wyoming and Montana, 350 m. to Yellow Stone. Powick, vil. England, 3 m. W. Worcester, on Teme and Severn. Pownal, vil. Vermont, Bennington co., on Hoosac R. P. 2015., Po-Yang, large lake, China, prov. Kiang-Si, 80 by 40 m. Poynings, vil. Sussex, 6 m. NW. Bristol. Pozoblanco, th Spain, prov. and 32 m. NE. Cordova. P. Io,026. Pozzolo Formigaro, th Italy, 28 m. NW. Genoa. P. 3666. Pozzolo Maggiore, vil. Sardinia, 21 m. ESE. Alghero. P. 3983. Pozzuoli, th: Italy, 6 m. W. Naples. P. of com. 17,845; tın. I4,703. Prachelitz, th: Bohemia, 22 m. SSV. Pisek. P. 3617. Prades, th: France, dep. Pyrenées-Orientales, on R. Tet. P. 3856. Prado del Rey, th Spain, in prov. of Cadiz. P. 3594. Praga, th: Poland, on the Vistula, opposite Warsaw. P. 4000. Prague (Ger. Prag), ft. and highly picturesque city, cap. of Bohemia, on the Moldau, 160 m. NNW, Vienna. Its university is the oldest in Germany... P. 162,323. Manufs. and trade extensive. Tºrahran, city, Victoria, 33 m. SE. Melbourne. P. 28,637. Prairie du Chien, city, Wisconsin, cap. of Crawford co., on Missis- sippi R., 70 m. above Dubuque. P. 2777. Trato, th Italy, prov. and 10 m. NW. Florence. P. 13,251. Prato Vecchio, vil. Italy, 24 m. E. Florence, on the Arno. P. 5452. Preez or Poretz, th: Prussia, in Holstein, 8 m. SE. Kiel. P. 4670. Pregel, r. E. Prussia, enters Frische Haff near Königsberg. Prelautsch, th: Bohemia, 14 m. WNW. Chrudim, on the Elbe. P. Prenzlau, th Prussia, 71 m. NNE. Potsdam. P. 17,281. [3437. Preparis, isl. grp. in Bay of Bengal. Lat. I4°50' N. ; lon. 93°25' E. Prerau, th: Moravia, 15 m. SE. Olmütz. P. ro,985. Presburg or Pressburg (Hung. Pozsony), former cap. of Hungary, on the Danube, 34 m. below Vienna. P. 48,006. Prescot, manuf. th: § Lancashire, 8 m. E. Liverpool. P. 6419. Prescott, port of entry, Ontario, co. Grenville, on R. St. Lawrence, 114 m. by rail W. Montreal. P. 2999. Preseley Mts., in NE. Pembrokeshire, rise to 1754 ft. Prestatyn, mkt. th Flintshire, 4 m. E. Rhyl. P. 654. Presteigne, mkt, th: Radnorshire, on R. Lugg. P. 2214. Preston, parl. and mun., bor. and port, N. Lancashire, on R. Ribble, 28 m. NE. Liverpool. P. of parl. bor. Ioo,262 ; it returns 2 M.Ps. of the chief seats of the cotton manufacture. vil. Ontario, co. Waterloo, on Grand R. P. I419. Victoria, co. Bourke, 7 m. NE. Melbourne. P. of dist. 772. tn. W. R. York, on R. Ribble. P. 706. vil. Cheshire, 6 m. SW. Warrington. See East Linton. cst. tin. Haddingtonshire, 8 m. E. Edinburgh. P. 2265. tn. SE. Lancashire, 4 m. NW. Manchester. P. 8627. cst. vil. Scotland, 2% m. N. of Ayr. P. 1064. New, vil. Scotland, 1% m. N. of Ayr. P. 734. cap. of South African Republic, 300 m. W. of Delagoa Bay. P. 4440. Prevesa, ſt.tn. Turkey, in Epirus, 18 m. SW. Arta. P. 9000. Pribylov Islands, grp. of Alaska, in Behring Sea. P. 350. Pridor, th Bosnia, circle of Bihacs, on R. Sara. P. 4681. Priluki, tm. Russia, gov, and 123 m. NW. Poltava. P. 13,139. ?rimorsk or Littoral Province, in Asiatic Russia, extends from Corea. N. to the Arctic Ocean, including Kamtchatka. Area, 730,000 sq. m. P. 81,000. Cap. Nikolaefsk. [of div. 8ooo. Prince Albert, div. and th: Cape Colony, N. of Gt. Zwarte Berge. P. Prince Albert Land, lies in Arctic Ocean, British N. America. Prince Edward Island, prov. of Canada, in G. of St. Lawrence, 150 m. long by 4 to 34 m. broad. It is separated from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick by the Strait of Northumberland, and is deeply indented by large bays and inlets. Area, 2133 sq. m. P. 108,891. The surface is gently undulating, and a large area is forest-clad. Cap. Charlottetown. . It is divided into 3 counties. Prince of Wales Isls., group, Queensland, in Torres Strait. Prince Patrick Island, Arctic America, one of the Parry Islands. Prince of Wales Archipelago, now Alexander Isls., W, cst. Alaska. Prince Regent Inlet, in Arctic America, 72°-74° N. ; communicates with Boothia Gulf and Lancaster Sound. º º Island (Ilha do Printcipe), a Portuguese isl. in Bight of Biafra. Island, Sea of Marmora, 13 m. S. Constantinople. Risborough, mkt. th Bucks, 73 m. S. Aylesbury. P. 2418. Charlotte Bay, inlet, on NE. coast of New S. Wales. tn. Illinois, Bureau co., 105 m. WSW. Chicago. P 3439. vil. Indiana, Gibson co., 27 m. N. Evansville. P. 2566. bor. New Jersey, Mercer co., 50 m. SW. New York. P. 3209. It is the seat of the College of New Jersey. Princetown, th: Prince Edward Island, cap. of Prince co. P 1500. Princetown, vil. Devon, in Dartmoor Forest. Prince William Sound, bay, on S. cst. Alaska, 61° 20' N. Prinzen, isl. (Portuguese) in Gulf of Guinea. . P. 3000. Cap. San Pripets, r. Russia, gov. Minsk, 350 m. to the Dnieper. [Antonio, Prisrend, th: Turkey, in Albania, 80 m. E. Scutari. P. 35,000. Pristina, th: Turkey, in Roumelia, 42 m. NW. Uskup. P. II,000. Pritzwalk, tin. Prussia, 65 m. NW. Potsdam. P. 6089. Privas, tin, France, cap, of Ardèche, 26 m, SW, Valence. P. 7921. Privitz or Priyidia, th: Hungary, 40 m. NE. Neutra. P. 2858. Prizzi, th: Sicily, prov. and 28 ni. SSE. Palermo. P. Io,762. Procida, isl. Italy, at NW. extremity of Bay of Naples. P. 13,446. Procida, ſt.tn. and spt. on above island. P. 3996. £roença Nova, th: Portugal, in Beira Baixa, 25 m. W. Castello Branco. Progréso, spt. Mexico, State Yucatan, 20 m. W. Merida. Prome, dist. Lower Burma, in Pegu Div., in Irawadi Vai. P. 322,342. Prome, cap. of above, on l.b. of Irawadi. P. 28,813. [P. 16:33. Proskurov, thi Russia, in Podolia, on R. Bug, 53 m. N. Kamieniec. Prosna, r. aff, of the Warta, 38 m, SE. Posen, ſočm. long. £rossnitz, tr. Moravia, 13 m. SW. Olm tz. P. 1675. Provence, old maritime prov. SE. France, now deps. Bouches-du- Rhône, Var, Basses-Alpes, and part of Vaucluse.” Cap. Aix. Providence, city and port of entry, of New England, the second in P. and wealth, one of the caps. of the State Rhôde Island and of P. Co., on Providence R., near the head of Narragansett Bay, 44 m, SSW. Boston. P. 194,857. It is the seat of Brown Univer. sity (Baptist) and many educational and literary establishments : manuf, very important. [Cape Cod. P. A345. Provincetown, vil. Massachusetts, Barnstaple co., at extremity of Province Wellesley, British colony, on W. cst. of Malay Penin., opposite Penang. , Area, 236 sq. m. P. 71,433. £rovins...tn. France, dep: Seine-et-Marne, 29 m. E. Melun. P. 7728. Provo, city, Utah, cap. of P. co., on Provo R. 2. Prussia (Ger. Preussen), the principal kingdom of the German Empire, is bounded N. by the N. Sea, Denmark, and Baltic E. by Russia; S. by the Austrian provs. Silesia and Bohemia, by Saxony, Thuringia, Bavaria, Hessen, and Lorraine; W. by the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. It is 720 m. in iéngth from N.E. to SW., and from 180 to 470 m. broad. Area, I34,497 sq. m. P. (1885) 28,318,470, of whom are, Protestants, 18,243,599; Satholics, 9,621,624; Jews, 366,543. P. comprises the provinces, E. Prussia, W. Prussia, Brändenburg, Pomerania, Posén, Silesia, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Hanover, Westphalia, Hessen. Nassau, Rhenish Prussia, and Hohenzollern, which are sub- divided into governments. The largest tims. are, Berlin (the Sap.), Breslau, Colognes, Königsberg, Frankfort-on-themſain, Hanover, Dantzig, Magdeburg, Barmen, Düsseldorf, Elberfeld, Stettin, Altona, etc. etc. The main rivers are, Rhine, Ems, Weser, Elbe, Oder, Vistula, and Memel. The surface is mostly level, but mtnous, in the SE. and centre. Soil not generally fertile; one-fourth forest-clad. Education very general. Uni- yersities at Berlin, Halle, Bonn, Breslau, Königsberg, Greifswalde, Göttingen, Kiel, and Marburg. Government a constitutional here. § monarchy, the King being also Emperor of Germany. See East Prussia, West Prussia, Hiei, Prussia, and Germany. Pruszany, th: Russia, gov. and 79 m. SSE, of Grodno. P. 4970. Pruth, r. between Roumania and Bessarabia, from Carpathian Mts., flows SSE. 360 m. to the Black Sea. Przemyśl, th: Austria, in Galicia, 51 m. W. Lemberg. P. 22,040. Przeworsk, tin. Austria, in Galicia, 22 m. E. Rzeszów. P. 2926. Przhedborz, tr. Poland, 55 m. WSW. Radom. P. 4350. Przibram, th; Bohemia, 2 m. SSW. I eraun, , P. II, ozo. Psilorati (lft. Ida), loſtiest mtn. of Crete. Elev. 7674 ft. Psiol, r. Russia, flows 300 m, to the Dnieper, below £ºmentehug. Pskov, gov. Russia, S. of St. Petersburg. Area, 17,069 sq. m. 917,321. In the NW. is the Lake of Pskov, 22 by 12 m. Pskov or Pleskov, cap. of above, 162 m. SW. St. Petersburg. P. 21,170. Pubna, th India. See Pabna. Puddletown or Piddletown, vil. Dorset, 5 m. NE. Dorchester. Pudsey,th. W. R. York, 3 m. E. Bradford. P. 15,459. Pudukattai (Pood'oocottah), native state, in S. of Madras Pres. Area, IIot sq. m. P. 302,127. Cap. P. P. 15,384. Puebla, La., tm. Spain, in Majorca Isl., 27 m. NE. Palma. P. 4861. Puebla, state, Mexico, Sii. of Mexico, 12,741 Sq. m. P. 784,466. Puebla or La Puebla de los Angeles, cap. of above, 76 m. ESE. Mexico, 7137 ft. above the sea. P. 112,000. Puebla de Alcocer, th: Spain, 87 m. E. Badajos. P. 2807. Puebla de Almoradiel, th: Spain, 50 m. SE. Toledo. P. 2878. Puebla de Cazaba, th: Spain, 35 m. SE. Seville. P. 4181. Puebla de Don Fadrique, th: Spain, 77 m. NE. Granada. P. 6765. Puebla de Guzman, tin. Spain, 30 m. N. Huelva. P. 3868. Puebla de la Calzuda, tm. Spain, 16 m. E. Badajos. P. 31.71. Puebla de los Infantos, the Spain, NW of Ecija. P. 3090. Puebla de Montalvan, th: Spain, W. of Toledo. P. 5443. Puebla de Sancho Perez, th Spain, 36 m. SE. Badajos. P. 2295. Pueblo, th: Colorado, cap. of P. co., on Arkansas R. 217. Pueblo Nuevo del Mar, th: Spain, 2 m. E. Valencia, on R. Tarca. Puente de Eume, th Spain, 13 m. E. Corunna. P. 850r. [P. Io,495. Puente de Genil, tin. Spain, 27 m. S. Cordova. P. Io,994. Puentes de Garcia Rodriguez, th: Spain, 24 m. ENE. Corunna. Puers, th: Belgium, 12 m. SSW. Antwerp. , P. 37II. [P. 4350. Puerto Angel, spt. Mexico, on Gulf of Mexico. [P. 1300. Puerto Bello, spt. th: Colombia, 40 m. NNW. Panama, on N. CŞt. Puerto Cabello, spt. city, Venezuela, State Carabobo, 20 m. NW. Valencia. P. 10,000. Its import and export trade is large. Puerto de Orotava, spt. Canary Isk, on Teneriffe. P. 8293; e Puerto de Santa Maria or El Puerto, spt. Spain, on Bay of Cadiz, at mth. of the Guadalete. P. 22, 122. Exports sherry wine. [P. 4000. Puerto Montt, the Chili, cap. of Llanquihue, 60 m. ENE. Ancud. Puerto Principe, inland city, Cuba, 44 m. by rail SSW. of its port, Nuevitas, on N. cst. P. 30,000. - fuerto Real, spt. Spain, 6 m. by rail E. Cadiz. P. 9632. Puerto Rica. See Porto Rico. & Puffin Isi, or Priestholm or Ynys-Seiriol, off E. Point of Anglesey. Puget Sound, extensive and ramified inlet, Washington, U.S. Puglia, La., in Italy. See Apulia. - [trict, 2279. *ugwash, spt. Nóva Scotia, on Northumberland Strait. P. of dis- Puigcerda, ft. th N. Spain, 52 m. NW. Gerona. P. 2396. *ukekoke, post th: New Zealand, 30 m. from Auckland city. retapu, post tim. New Zealand, 12 m. from Napier. , P. 460. aski, vil. Tennessee, cap. of Giles co., 33 m. S. Columbia. P. 2089. awy, th: Poland, 30 m. NW. Lublin, on the Vistula...P. 3000. borough, mkt. th: Sussex, on R. Arun. [NW. Harleston. ham St. Mary Magdalene or Pulham Market, vil. Norfolk, 3% m. licat, th India, 23 m. N. Madras, on Pulikat Lake. P. #: -i-Khishti (Brick Bridge), in N. of Afghanistan, on R, M urghab. kova, vil. 9 m. S. St. Petersburg. Has the Imperial Observatory. teney Town, Caithness, part of th: of Wick. , P. 5253. Pulo (Malay for Island), a frequent prefix in Malay Archipelago. ºulsnitz, thi. Saxony, 16 m. NE. Dresden. P. 31.18. Pultusk or £iº. tn. Poland, on R. Narev. P. 7689. Puna, India. See Poonah. g Puna, isl. off W. cst. Ecuador, 40 m. SW. Guayaquil. & P Puna, name of the unpeopled and bleak plateaux of Peru and Bolivia. Elev. 12-18, ooo ft. Punganur, tin. Madras Pres., in Arcot Dist. P. 7672: .. - Punjab (77te Five Rivers), extensive prov. of N.W., India, embracing the area drained by the Upper Indus, S. of Cashmiere and it; five confluent affluents, the Sutlej, Beas, Rayi. Chenāb, and jehlam, extending also É. to the Jumna and the Tibetan, fººtier. Area of the 32 Brit. Dists. 106,632 sq. m. P. 18,850,437. Of the 34 native states, of which Patiala and Bahawalpur, are the principal: the area is 35,817 sq. m., and the population 3,864,683. Total of Funjab 142,446 sq. m. P. 22,712,120. The principal,tušºe, Delhi, Amritsar, Lahore the cap., Peshawar, Multan, Ambala, Rawal Findi, and Jalandhar. All above 50,000 inhabitants. Mºº than half the population are Mohammedan, and the rest chiefly Hindus. Puno, dep. E. Area, 30,365 sq. m. P. 261,288. ...... [Alt. 12,870 ft. Puno, city, cap. of above, on W. Shore of IL. Titicaca. fººt Punta Arénas, cap. ofthe Chilian col. of Magallanes, on Str. of Magel- lan. It is a convict settlement. Punta Arenas, spt. Costa Rica, on Pacific Ocean. P. 3999. Furace, peak of the Andes of Colombia, 2°20' N., elevation 17,034 ft. Purandhar, sanatarium, Bombay Pres. 20 m. SE: Poona. Purbeck, Isle of, peninsula, in SE. of Dorset, 12 by 7 m: ..., Purfleet, vil. Essex, 13 m. É. London. Gov. powder magazines here. Puri, dist. Bengal, in S. of Orissa. P. 888,487. . Cap. Puri. ilka. It Puri or Jagannath, cap. of above on cst: of Örissa, near L. Chilka. contains the famous temple and car of the god Jagannath (3 tº ger- 7tazat) the “ #:º ºn *: tll. ; P. 5401 urmerend, th N. Holland, Iom. N. Amsterdam. nº. - #; dist. Bengal, in NE. of Bhagalpur Div., P. 1,848,687. Purniah, cap. of above, on E. b. of R: Salira. P. 15,016. Pursat, a province of Cambodia, Farther India. Purulia, cap. of Manbhum Dist.; Bengal. P. 98.05. o furus, r. Peru, flows 1400 m. to the Amazºn, in lon. 61° W. Purwā, thoudh, in dist. and 20 m. SE. Unao. ...P.979:... ; Ai - Pushkär, thi, lake, and place of pilgrimage, Rajputana, in Ajmere Merwara. Has a temple to Brahma. Püspok-Ladany, th Hungary, 7 m. ‘’W. Nadudvar., P. 8399. Puteaux, vil. France, 7 m. W. Paris, on R. Seine. P. 15,586. Putignano, th Italy, prov, and 23 m. SE. Bari. P. 12,668. Putivl, tr. Russia, gov. Kursk, on the Sem, P. ro,436. Putiam, dist, and tri. Ceylon, on the W. coasts, P. 5085. Putnam, vil. Connecticut, Windham co., on Quinebaug R. Putney, th: Surrey, on R. Thames, 7 m. from London Bridge. P. 13,235. Pułrid Sea, or Gulf of Siwash, an inlet of Sea of Azof . Putten, vil. Netherlands, in Gelderland, 6 m. S. Harderwick. P. 5059. i Ul 55 PUTUMAYO THE CENTURY GAZETTEER REICHENBACH tumavo or Ica, r. Ecuador, 700 m. to the Aºazon.9% Iça. #. ; France, of the Auvergne Mts., 4806 ft. Puy-de-Dôme, dep. France, traversed by R. Allier. Area, 3069 sq. m. P. 576,964. Surface mtnouš. ..Cap. Clermont-Ferrand. b Puy, Le, th: France, cap. of Haute Loire, near 1. b. of Loire, 68 m. by il SW. Lyons. P. 18,825. Fusiºns, . France, dep. Tarn, 15 m. S.E., Layaur. P. *; pºliheli, spt. and mun, bor. in co. and 2.5m. SW. Carnarvon. P. 32.42. Pyalong, post th Victoria, 52% in, N. Melbourne. #ie, vi čiamorgan, 7 m. SE, Aberavon, ºf Parº. wramid Lake, Nevada, Roop Co., at base of Sierra Nevada. - Pyramids, The, famous º º of Egypt, about 60 in º r. The principal are near Ghizeh. g s tº rººms §. Span. Pirineos), lofty mtn: chain, divid- ing France from #. m. long. The culminating peak, Pic thou is 11,168 ft. in elevation: ryū mºn range, Victoria, N.W. of Melbourne. [Cap. Pau. Pyrénées, Basses, dep, in SW, France. Area, 2943 sq. m. º. 433,999. Pyrénées, Hautes, dép. in S. France. Area, 1749 sq. m. P. 234,825. . Tarbes. - f rºles. dep. in S.of France, at E.extrem.9fth: Pyrénées, ână on G. of Lions. Area, 1592 sq. m. P. 211,187. Qap: Perpignan. Pyrgo, vil. Greece, in the Morea, 17 m. SSE. Gastouni. P. 87 8. Fyritz, th Pomerania, 25 m; S: by E. of Stettin. P. 8062. º Byrmont, th; Germany, in Waldeck, 32 m. SW. Hanover. P. Hø5. Pyrmont, suburb of Sydney, New S. Wales; with stone quarries. Quackenbrück, th: Hänover, 26 m. NW. Qsnabrück, .P. 2665. Öuakerton, bor. Pennsylvania, 35 m., N: of Philadelphia. º 1769. (juang-Ping, city, China, proV. Pe-Chi-Li, 240 m. SSW. Pekin, Öuang-Ping, city, China, prov. Koei-Choo, 80 m. ENE. Koei-Yang. l Čuang-Si or Kwang-Si, proy, S. China, bordering on Yunnan and Tonquin. P. 5,121,327. Cap. Khing-Yuan. Quang-Si or Kwang-Si, city, China, 75*. SE. Yºn Nan, T- Öuang-Sin-Fu, th: China, prov: Kiang-Si, 28°30 N., 118° E. . o (juang-Tong or Kwang-Tung, maritime Pºy, in S. of China, including Hainan isl. P, 29.740,055.9ap: Canton.- ... § tn. Japan, on Î, cst. of Hondo, 56 m. E. Rioto. ntampē, tu. in Gyam, Upper. Guinea, 89 m. S. of Coomassie. *...*śī. sº S. of Bridgewater Bay, 1262 ft. [P. I;,000. uanza. See Coanza. º g . . . [long. u’appelle R., Canada, aff of the Assineboine, in Assinibºia, 3CO ill. uaregnon, vii. Belgium, in Hainaut, 4 m. WSW. Mons. P. 2,737. juarndon or Quarn, vil. Engl. 3 m. N.W. Derby, has a famous Inedi- cinal spring. “Malvern of Derbyshire.' . - * * * luarnero, Gulf of, between Illyria and Hungarian CŞt...in Adriatic Sea. ſnaroublé, tin. France, dep, Nord, 5 m. ENE, Valençiennes. P. 2644. uarrior kwarri, th: Soudan, 96 m. E. Sokoto., P. Gºo, uarry Bank, the Staffordshire, on W. Šide Dudley. P. 6238. uarterfronworks and Darngaber, vii. Scot, 3 m. S. Hamilton. P. uarto, r. Argentina, prov. Cordova, 280 m. long: [886. uarto, th Sardinia, 4 m. ENE. Cagliari. P. 6681. * rathiamba, Kathlamba or Drakenberg, mth, range, S. Africa, on W, frontier of Natal, and E. of Basuto Land, 8-10,000 ft. elev. Quatré Bras, farm, Belgium, prov. S. Brabant, Iom. SSE. Waterloo; battle, French and British, June 16, 1815. r Queanbeyam, tshp. New S. Wales, co. Murray, 199 m. SW. Sydney. Quebec §: £ozoe, Canada or Canada. Tºast), prov. 2; the idominion of Canada, bounded N. by Labrador Penin, W.; by prov. Öntario, SW. by R. Ottawa, S. by New York, New England Štates, and New Brunswick, E. by Gulf of St. Lawrence. Length from the Ottawa to Strait of Bellé Isle, 1000 m., or to Cape Gaspé, 7.com. ; breadth, about 300 m. Area, I93,355 SSI. º. P. I,359,027. The R. Cath. religion greatly prevails. It is a land of great rivers and lakes, with immense forests and prairies, and in the settled parts well cultivated ; rich, also in minerals. Cap. Quebec. Montreal is the largest city of Canada. Quebec, city, cap. of above, port, on N. p. of St. Lawrence R., 400 m. from its mth. 180 m. below Montreal, is the third city in Canada for population. 46°49'6" N., 71° 13'45" W. P. 62,446. It is very strongly fortified, and has an extensive trade. - Queda or Kedah, state of Malay Penin, on W. CŞt. Area, 4500 sq. m. P. 21,000. Cap. Quedah. Quedlinburg, th frussian Saxony, 31 m. S.W. Magdeburg. P. 19,323. Queenborough, tin. Kent, in Sheppey, on R. Swale. P. 982. - Čueen Charlotte Isls., grp. belonging to and off cst, of Brit. Colombia, N. of Vancouver Isl. land the mainland. Queen Charlotte Sound, N. part of Strait between Vancouver Isl. Queenscliff, watering-place, Victoria, at entrance to Port Philip. P. I39Q- Çueen's County, inland co. Irel., prov. Leinster, bounded by King's Co., Kildare, Carlow, Kilkémny, and Tipperary, 34 by 30 m- Area, 664 sq. m. P. 73,124, of whom 83 per cent. are Roman Catho- lics. The co. returns 5 M.Ps. Tns. Maryborough (the cap.), Mountmellick, and Portarlington. º Queensbury or Queenshead, th: W.R. York, 4 m. N. Halifax., P. 6824. Queensferry or South Q., parl. and royal bur. and spt. Linlithgowsh., on the Forth, 13 m. N.W. of Edinburgh by rail. P. 1966. ltstands at S. end of the Forth Bridge. See Stirling Burghs. [P. 360. Queensferry, North, vil. Fife, on the Forth, opposite the above. Queensland, Brit. col. of N.E., Australia, bounded N., by Gulf of Carpentaria and Torres Strait, W. by the N. ter. of S. Australia, S. by New S. Wales, and E. by the S. Pacific. N. to S. 1300 m., E. to W. 900 m. Area, 668,224 sq. m. P. (1886) 343,768, besides 11,253 Chinese, and 20,585 aborigines. Extensive grassy plains, coast highlands. Cap. Brisbane. Products, gold, tin, copper, sugar, and animal products. Queenstown, spt. Co. Cork, on Great Isl., in Cork Harbour, 13 m. SE. Cork by rail, 284 m. SW. Liverpool by sea. P. 9755. Queenstown, div. and th; in E. Prov. of Cape Colony. P. of div. 45,000; tn. Ioco. The town is 640 m. E. of Cape Town. . 735. Queenstown, tin. New Zealand, on L. Wakatipu, 224 m. NW. Dunedin. Quei-Chow or Koei-Choo, a S.W. prov. China, 27° N., Ioy° E. P. ,669,181. Cap. Quei Yang. Quelpart, isl. Yellow Sea, 60 m. S. Corea, 40 by 17 m. Queretaro, state, Mexico, 3205 sq. m. P. 203,250. - ueretaro, cap. of above, riom. WNW. Mexico. P. 30,000. Alt. 6364 ft. uerfurt, tin. Prussian Saxony, 18 m. W. Merseburg. P. 5255. uerimba Isls., E. cst. Africa, off Portuguese ter., Io" 30'-II°30' S. uesada, th: Spain, 40 m. E. of Jaen. P. 6879. [P. 4030. ſuesnoy, Le, ft. tin. Ifrance, dep. Nord, 9 m, SE. Valenciennes. luesnoy-sur-Deule, tin. France, dep, Nord, 6 m, NW. Lille. P. 5051. ºuetta or Shal, most N. dist. Baluchistan, a valley 20 m. long by 5 m., on road from Bolan Pass to Pishin and Kandahar. Under British administration since 1877. Cap. %. or Shalkot. city, in state and 115 m. WNW. Guatemala. P. 28,000. r. W. Africa, on Sierra Leone coast. tn. Venezuela, state and 40 m. SSW. Barquesimeto. P. 7727. vil. France, dep. Morbihan, on Quiberon Bay. P. 2537. tn. Brazil, prov. Rio de Janeiro, 21 m. S. Campos. tn. W. R. York, 3% m. E. Oldham. P. 3660. tn. Belgium, in Hainaut, 12 m. WSW. Mons. P. 3134. France, dep. Nord, 11 m. E. Cambrai. P. 3210. tn. Madras Pres., in Malabar Dist. I’. Io,259. vil. Italy, prov. Genoa, near Savona. P. of com. 41.54. or Kilimane, spt. tin. and dist. SE. Africa, in Mozambique, a Portuguese penal settlement, 70 m. N. of the Zambesi. Quilleboeuf, th: France, dep. Eure, on R. Seine, P. 1414. uillota, tin. Chili, prov, Valparaiso, 50 m. NW. Santiago. P. 12,000. uiloa or Kilwah, tim, E. Africa, on an isl. belonging to Zanzibar. ..P. 3000. [State, 8°53' N. P. 13,588. Quilon (Coilam or Kollazz), th and spt. Madras Pres., in Travancore Quimperor Q. Corentin, ft. th: France, cap. I’inistère, 36 m. SSE, P. 15,283. Exports pilchards. tn. France, dep. Finistère, 34 m. ESE. Quimper. P. 682r. , the Illinois, cap. of Adams co., on Mississippi. P. 27,268. , th: Massachusetts, Norfolk co., 8 m. S. Boston. I’. Io,529. tn. Anam, in Indo-Chinese Peninsula. P. 8000. tn. Spain, 45 m. ESE. Badajos. P. 4265. [P. 7299. de la Orden, th: Spain, prov. Toledo, 17 m. W. Bélmönté. tn, France, dep. Côtes-du-Nord, 12m. SW. St. Brieuc. P. 3218. r. Argentina, flows 250 m. SE., and becomes lost in a marsh. tn. Italy, 19 m. SSW. Brescia. P. 462o. post th: New South Wales, 217 m. N. Sydney. cst. th: E. Africa, N. of Zanzibar. vil. Italy, 14 m. SE. Mantua. P. of com. Io,492; vil. 2968. cap. city of Ecuador, 9492 ft. above the sea, 15 m. S. of the Equator, 150 m. NNE. Guayaquil. In the Andes. P. 80,000. Quitta, Keta or Prince's Town, British th, (formerly Danish) N. Guinea, on the Gold Cst., 59° 45' E. P. 5000. Quorndon or Quorn, th: Leicestersh., 23 m. SE. Loughboro. P. 1816. Quorra, r. Africa, name of Wiger below Timbuctoo. Raab, r. Styria and Hungary, flows 180 m. to the Danube, near Raab. Raab or Nagy-Györ, the Hungary, on the Danube, 70 m. SE, Vienna - by rail. P. 20,983. Raalte,th., Netherlands, in Qveryssel, 11 m. SSE. Zwolle. P. 5584. Raamsdonk, vil. Netherlands, in N. Brabant, 1o in. NE. Brečá." P. Raasay, isl. Inverness, E. of Skye, 13 by 33 m. P. 478. - ye, I3 Dy3 47 [4650. Rabašfens; tın. France, dep. Tarn, on R. Tarn. P.5093. Rabatt or Rabat, Spt, th: Morocco, 20 m. SSW. Mehediah. P. 40,000. Rabba, the Africa, in Gando, on l, b. of Niger, 9° 15' N. P. 40,003, : : ; | Rabenau, th Saxony, 7 m, SW. Dresden. P.23% Rabinal, 'th. Guatemalá, 50 m. E. of Solola. P. 3184: facamuto, thSicily, prov, and 15 m. NE. Girgenti. P. 13,434. Racconigi, th Italy, 19 m. S. of Turin by rail. P. 9.185. 6 Racine, city, Wisconsin, cap. ºf R.Co., ºn L. Michigan. P. 16,031. H. Kevej th Hungary, on isl. in Danube, belºw Pºsth. P. 5463. Hºda nei'chianti, vil. Italy, 16 m. N. Siena, P. 3986. Radautz, tr. Austria, in Bukowina, to ºn. SW. Sereth. P. 11,162. ††. manuftn. Lancash., on R. Irwell. P. 16,267. - i.º. in Saxony, 9 m. NE. Dresden, on R. Röder. P. 7387. rºadéburg, th: Saxony, 12 m, N. Dresden, on R. Röder. P. 2752, Radevormwald, tm. Prussia, 9 m. SE. Barmen. P. 9258. Radhanpur, cap. of R. State, Bombay Pres. P. I4,722. radiatsfi, th Russia, gov: Poltava. P: 93%; . Radicema, th Italy, in Calabria, II m. E. Palmi. P. 5591. Radicondoli, vil. Italy, prov. Sienna, 13 m; SE. Volterra. P. 3946. Radipole, par. and vil. Dorset, 2 m. NW. Weymouth. P. 1322. Radkersburg, th Styria, 37 m.SE: Gratz, ºn R. Mur. P. 2255. adnitz, vii. Bohemia, 14 in. NE. Pilsen. P. 28:8. • * adnor, ry, sta. Alberta, on C. P. Ry., 872 m; W. of Winnipeg, adnor, New, bor. Wales, Radnorsh., 60 m. NW. Bristol. P. 472. . Radnorshire, inland co. S. Wales, enclosed by Montgomery, Cardi- gan, Brecknock, Hereford, and Shropshire. Area, 432 sq. m. P. 33,528. It returns 1 M.P. Co., tm. New Radnor. Radoffszell, th Baden, 17 m. NW. Constance, on the Unter See. P. Radom, gov. Russian Poland. Area, 4768 sq. m. P. 657,888. [2333. Radom, cap. of above, 57 m, from Warsaw; P.12,06r. Radomir, th Bulgaria, on the Kara Su, P.2372, Radomsk, th Poland, prov. and 18 m. SE. Kalisz. P. 9790. Radomysl, th: Austria, in Galicia, 18 m.N.F. Tarnow. ... P. 31.41. Radomysl., tm. Russia, gov, and 59 m. WN W. Kiev. P. 5905. . Radstock, tr. Somerset, 16 m.SE. Bristol. P. 3074; has coal-mines. Radsyn, th Russia, gov. Lublin. P.2394. - Rafaéla, th Argentina, prov. Santa Fé. - Radym, th Poland, prov...and 39 m. SSE. Siedlec. P. 4351. Raffadali, tm. Sicily, in dist. of Girgenti. P. 8239. Ragatz, th Switz., cant. and 30 m. SE. St. Gall. Alt. 1639 ft. Ragendorf, th Hungary, 11 m, NNW. Wieselburg, on the Danube. Raglan, vil. Engl., 7 m. ŠW. Monmouth, with ruined castle. [P. 2733. Ragnit, tm. E. Prussia, on the Niemen. P. 3740. Ragusa, th; Sicily, 31 m. WSW. Syracuse. P. of commune, 25,735. Ragusa or Raugia, ft. spt, Austria, in Dalmatia, 42° 38' N. P. 19,936. Ragusa Vecchia, wil. on the Adriatic, 7 m. SE. of the above. P. 9304. Rafiad, r, Abyssinia and Nubia, flows 260 m. to the Blue Nile. Rahmaniah, fin. Egypt, 25 m. SSE. Rosetta, on the Nile. Rahon, th Punjab, jalandhar Dist., on the Sutlej. P. II,736. Rahway, city, New Jersey, Union co., 19 m. SW. New York, P. 6455. Raiateå'or Iſaiatea, one of the Society Isls., 130 m. NW. Tahiti. Rai Bareii, div. of Óudh, in the S., comprises dists. Rai Bareli, Sul- tanpur, and Partabgarh. Area, 4882 sq. m. P. 2,753,864. Rai Bareli, dist. of above, 1738 sq. m. P. 951,905. Cap. of same name, 48 m. SE. Lucknow, P. II,781. - Raichur, th India, in Haidarabad State, in the SW, ...P., 15,387. Raidah, spt. Arabia, on SE, cst., 15° N., 50° 30' E. P. 700. Raidrug, th: Madras Pres., in Bellary Dist. P. ‘g: - Raigarh, native state, India, in Cent. Provs., to Sambalpur Dist. P. 128,943. Cap, R., 21°54' N, 83°25' E. P. 4860. Raikot, th Punjab, in dist, and 30 m. S.W. Ludhiana. P. 9219. Rainford, th SW. Lancashire, 4 m. NW. St. Helens. P. 3745. º ham, vil. and ry. sta. Kent, on R. Medway, 4 m. SE. Chatham. Fainhill, dist. SW. Lancashire, 9 m. E. Liverpool. P. 2974. Rainier, mtn. Washington, in Cascade range, 14,444 ft. - Rainton, E. dist. England, 5 m. NE. Durham. P. 1680; coal-mines. Rainton, W. dist. 4 m. NE. Durham. P. 2888; coal-mines. Rainy Lake, N. America, 160 m. W. of Lake Superior. Raipur, dist. India, in Cent. Provs. Area, 11,885 sq. m. P. 1,405,171. Raipur, cap. of above, 180 m. E. Nagpur. P. 24,948. Raismes, tin. France, dep. Nord, 3 m. NW. Valenciennes. P. 4896. IRajamahendri, the Madras Pres., in dist. and on Godavari R., 30 m. from the Sea. P. 24,555. Italy, prov. Aquila, 6 m. NW. Salmona. P. 3840. tn. Madras Pres., m Tinnevelli Dist. P., 12,02r. Bombay Pres., dist. and 30 m. SE. Ratnagiri. I’. 7448. tn. NW. Provs., in Banda Dist., on the Jumna. P. 7329. of R. State, in Kathiawar. P. 15,139. tn. Bengal, on the Ganges, in Santal Parganas. P. 3839. , th: Bengal, in dist. of 24 Parganas. P. Io,576. great territorial circle of Indian Empire, comprising 20 and the Brit. dist. of Ajmere-Merwara. Area, 132,461 sq. II]. . . Io,562,771. Bounded on the W. by Sindh; N.W. by Bahawalpur; N. and NE. by Punjab and NW. Provs. : S.E. by Sindhia's country; S. by the State of Cent. India. The larger states of R. are Alwar, Bikaner, Jaipur, J. Marwar or Jodhpur, and Mewar or Udaipur. The soil is sandy, ill-watered, and generally unproductive, varying from desert in W., and N.W. to comparatively fertile lands in the NE. To the SE. of the Aravalli Mts., the lands are more fertile. Rajshahi, div. Bengal, comprises dists. Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Bográ, Patna, Darjiling, and Jalpaiguri. Area, 17,423 sq. m. P. 7,733,775. Rajshahi, dist. in S.W. of above, on N. b. of the Ganges. P.1,338,638. Cap. Rampur Beauleah, on the Ganges. Rakka, th: Asiatic Turkey, vilayet Haleb, on Euphrates. P. 8000. Rakka, ft. th: W. Africa, on the Lower Niger R. Rakonitz, th: Bohemia, 30 m. W. Prague. P. 5245. ſton. P. 9265. Raleigh, city, N. Carolina, cap. of Wake co., 133 m. NNW. Wilming- Raleigh, ry, sta. in Canada, on C. P. †. 170 m. W. Port Arthur. Ralick Cháin, series of isls., in Marshall Archipelago. Rama or Ramala, tm. Palestine, 26 m. NNW. Jerusalem, Rambervillers, th France, dep. Vosges, 16 m. NE. Epinal. P. 5153. Rambla, La., tm. Spain, prov. and 14 m. S. Cordova. P. 6160. Rambouillet, th: France, Seine-et-Oise, 19 m. SW. Versailles. P. 5186. Ramelton, th: Ireland. See Rathmelton. - Rameswaram, isl. and th: S. India, Madura Dist. , P. 17,854; tın. 6119. Ramganga, Western, r. aff. of the Ganges, opposite Kanauj. Ramgarh, th: Rajputana, in state and room. NW. Jaipur. P. II,313. Rammad, tin. S. India, Madura Dist., 9° 22' N. P. Io,519. Ramnagar, th N.W. Provs., on the Ganges, 2 m, above Benares. Rampside, vil. N. Lincolnshire, on the cst., near Piel Pier. [P. II,859. Rampur, native state, in Rohilkhand. Area, 899 Sq. m. P. 541,914. Cap. R., 18 m. E. Moradabad. P. 74,250. Rampur, th NW. Prows., in dist. and 14 m. S. Saharanpur. P. 7951. Rampur Beauleah, cap. of Rajshahi Dist., Bengal, on N. ſ: of Ganges. P. 19,228. Ramri, isl. and tim, off cst, of Lr, Burma, in Arakan. P. of tn. 3461. Ramsbottom, manuf. tin. SW. Lancash., on R. Irwell. P. 5242. Ramsbury, par. and vil. Wilts, on R. Kennet. P. 2329. Ramsey, mkt, the Engl., Iom. NE. Huntingdon. P. 4617. Ramsey, spt. tin. Isle of Man, on NE. cst. TP. 4025. Ramsey Isl., Pembrokesh., on N. side St. Brides Bay. Ramsey, ry. Sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 429 m. W. Ottawa. Ramsgate, watering-place and spt., tm. Kent, on E. cst. Isle of Thanet, 74 in. ŠE. off Snåon by rail. P. 22,683. Ramtek, th: Cent. Provs., in dist. and 24 m. N. Nagpur. P. 7814. Ranaghat, th: and ry. Sta. Bengal, Nadiya Dist. P. 8683. Rancagua, th: Chili, 45 m. by rail S. Santiago. P. 7000. Ranchi, th: Bengal, cap. of Lohardaga Dist. P. 18,443. Rand, gold dist, in S. of S. African Republic. Randalstown, mkt. tin. Irel., 5 m. NW. Antrim. Randazzo, th; Sicily, 11 m. N. by W. Etna. P. 10,576. Randers, th: Denmark, in Jutland, 22 m, NNW. Aarhuus, P. rº,457. Randolph, vil. Massachusetts, 15 m. S. Boston. P. 4027. Rand; Fiord, lake, Norway, between Christiania and Bergen. Rameå, th and r. Sweden, 130 m. to G. of Bothnia, 18 m. N. Luleå. Ranenburg, th: Russia, gov.and 85 m.S. Riazan. P. 4267. [P. 705. Rangiora, bor. New Zealand, 21 m. NW. Christchurch. P. 1579. Rangi-Toto, isl. New Zealand, off Auckland. Rangoon (Kazu-kºzzi, now called Hazlthazwadi), dist. Lower Burma, in Pegu Div. Area, 4236 sq. m. P. 427,720. Rangoon, city, cap. of Lower Burma, on i. b. Hlaing R., in the delta of the Irawadi, 21 m, from the Sea. P. 134,176. Rangpur, dist. Bengal, in Rajshahi Div. P. 2,097,964. angpur, cap. of above dist: on Ghaghat R. P. 13,320, IRanibennur, the Bombay Pres., in dist, and 86 in. SE. Dharwar. ta. n tn. Bengal, in Bardwan Dist., on Damodar R. P. ro,792. Sanitarium, N.W. Proys, in Kumaon Dist. P. 5984. rock cave, Qrissa, in Khandgiri Hill, Puri Dist. tn. Tyrol, in Vorarlberg, 3 m. NE. Feldkirch. P. 2686. Isogh, Perthsh. 9 by 1 m., gives out the Tummel. vil. Belgium; in Hainaut, 3 m. NNE. Charleroi, P. 5928, #): New S. Wales, 3 m. S. Sydney. P. 1500. (Frezech) in E. Pacific, 740 m. SE. Tahiti. Špt; tın, Italy, 15 m. ESE. Genoa. P. ro,509. mkt; tın. E. co. Donegal, 15 m, SW, iščetry. P. 986. , Manitoba, 15 m. by rail SW. of Minnedosa. th. Italy, in Basilicata, 13 m. SE. Melfi. P. 3394. r. Virginia, 125 m. to Chesapeake Bay. - th. Switz., cant, St. Gall, on L. of Zuricn. P. 2637. Rappolsweiler or Rabschwer (Fr. Ribeauville), the Germany, in Alsace, 53 m. SSW. Schlettstadt. ...P. 5904. Rapsiane, th Turkey, 18 m. from Larissa. P. 4099. taratonga, one of the Cook Isls., 21° 13' S., 160 6'33" W. Raritan, vil. New Jersey, Somerset co., on Raritan R. P. 2046. Raritan Bay, New Jersey, at S.W. part of Staten Isl. Ras-al-Had, cape at E. extremity of Arabia. Rasay or Blackwater, r. Ross and Cromarty, 19 m, to the Conon. Raschau, vil. Saxony, circle of Zwickau, 18 m. SE. Grünhain. P. 2698. Ras el Khyma, ft. th Arabia, on Persian Gulf, 25°48' N. Rasen Market. See Market Rasen. Fasgrad, th: Bulgaria, 33 m. SE: Rustchuk. P. II,034. Ras Mohammed, the S. point of Sinai Peninsula., ... Rasra, th NW. Provs, in dist, and 21 m. NW. Ballia. P. II,224. Rass, El, th Arabia, in Nedjed, ENE. Medina. Rassein, lake, Roumania, in the Dobrudja, 25 m. long. Rasselwitz, Deutsch, vil. Prussia, in Silesia, gov. Oppeln. P. 2839. Rassova, th: Bulgaria, dist. Silistria, on the Danube. Rastadt, ft. th Baden, 14 m. SSW. Carlsruhe. P. II,743. . Rastenburg, th E. Prussia, 54 m. SE. Königsberg. P. 7189. Rastrick, tr. W. R. York, on R. Calder, 5 m. SE. Halifax. P. 8039. Ratcliffe-upon-Trent, vil. Engl., 43 m. E. Nottingham. Rath, th NW. Provs, in dist, and 59 m. from Hamirpur. P. 14,479. Rathangan, mkt., tm. Irel., 6 m. NW, Kildare. P. §83. Rathcormack, vil. Irel., 17 m. NE. Cork, on R. Bride. P. 372. èathdowney, th Irel., in S.W. of Queen's Co. P. IIo9. Rathdrum, nikt, th Irel., 9 m. SW. Wicklow, on R. Avonmore. P. 733. Raïhenow or Rathenau, th: Prussia, on R. Hayel...P. 13972. w8, hfarnham, vil. Irel., 3 m. S. Dublin, on R. Dodder. P. 746. fryland, mkt. th W. co. Down, 9 m. SE. Newry. P. 1572, !athgar, v.1, Irel., 2 m. S. Dublin... See Rathmines. Rathkeale, mkt, th Irel., 19 m, SW. Limerick. P. 2549. athlin, Raghlin or Rahery, isl. N. co. Antrim, off Fair Head, 5 m. by 1 m. P. 361. - Rathmelton or Ramelton, mkt. th co. Donegal, on L. Swilly. P. 1406. Tra.fhminos: and Rathga, 3. S. sub. of Dublin. p. 24,379. Rathmullan, vil, in N. of co. Donegal, on Lough Swilly, P. 515. Rathnew, vil. Irel., 2 m. W. of Wicklow. P. 630. ho, vil. Scot., 84 m. W. Edinburgh. P. 713. Bhvilly, vil. NE. co. Carlow, on R. Slaney. P. 302. Ratibor, th Prussian Silesia, 44 m. SSE. Oppeln, on the Oder. P. Ratingen, th: Rhen. Prussia, 6 m. NE. Düsseldorf. P. 5586. . . [19,524. Ratisbon (German, Regensburg), th Bavaria, cap. of prov. Oberpfa und Regensburg, on S. b. of Danube. P. 36,093. - Rat Islands, group, in the Aleutian Arch., 180° 41' W. [P. 31,066. Ratlam, cap of R. State, Malwa, Cent. India, 23° 21' N, 75° 7' E. Ratnagiri, dist. Bombay Pres., in the Konkan. P. 995,090. . . Ratnagiri, cap. of above, 126 m. S. by E. Bombay. P. 12,616. Ratoath, vil. SE. co. Meath, 4 m. NE. Batterstown....P. 301. Rat Portage, vil, Ontario, on C. P. Ry, 133 m. E. Winnipeg. Rattray, police bur. Perth, on R. Ericht, opp, Blairgowrie, P. 2533. Ratzebuhr, tin. Pomerania, 51 m. SSE. Cöslin, P. 2327. Ratzeburg, th: Prussia, in Lauenburg, 12 m, SE, Lübeck. P. 4280. Raudnitz, th: Bohemia, on the Elbe., P. 2981. Raumo, spt. Finland, 55 m. NW. Abó. P. 35oo. - Ravaná-Hrada, or Rakas-Tal, sacred lake of Tibet, at source of the Ravanusa, th Sicily, 21 m. ESE. Girgenti. P. 9946. [Sutlej. Ravenglass, spt. Cumberland, 16% m. SE. Whitehaven. - Ravenhead, th: Lancashire, on SW. of St. Helens. P. 5997: . Ravenna, city, Italy, in Emilia, cap. of prov. R., 16 m. NE. Forli. P. 34,270 ; commune, 60,573. P. of prov. 226,667. Favenna, vil. Ohio, cap. of Portage Co., 38 m. SE. Cleveland. P. 2134. Ravensburg, th: Würtemberg, 22 m. ENE. Constance. P. II,483. Ravenspur, former spt. E. R. York, at mouth of Humber. favensthorpe, th W. R. York, near Dewsbury. P. 4364. Ravenswood, tshp. Queensland, co. Gladstone. P. 2521. Raver, th: Bombay Pres., in Khandesh District,, P. 7482. Ravi, r. one of the five great streams of the Punjab, 450 m. to the Chenab, in lat. 30°31' N., 71° 51' E. Rawa, th Austria, in Galicia, 32 m. NNW. Lemberg. P. 6578. Rawa, th: Russian Poland, 45 m. SW. Warsaw. P. 6000. Rawal Pindi, div. Punjab. Area, 15,435 sq. m. P. 2,520,508. It includes districts Rawal Pindi, Jehlam, Gujrat, and Shahpur. - Rawal Pindi, dist. W. of R. Jehlam. Area, 48.61 sq. m. P. 820,512. Rawal Pindi, th and cantonment, cap. of above, on R. Leh. P. 26,785. Fawdom or Rawden, th W. R. York, 6 m. NW. Leeds. P. 3407. Rawdon, vil. Quebec, 48 m. N. Montreal. P. 1431. Fawitsch or Rawicz, th: Prussia, 55 m. S. Posen. P. 12,919. Rawmarsh, tin. W. R. York, 2 m. NE. Rotherham. P. Io, 179. Rawtenstall, th N.E. Lancashire, 4 m. W. Bacup. P. 12,571. Tayleigh or Raleigh, vii. Essex, #1 in w. Rochford. Raymond Terrace, th: New S. Wales, co. Gloucester, on Hunter R. Razgrad, dist. and th: Bulgaria. P. of th 11,034. P. 700. Fé or Rhe, isl. France, off W. CSt. Charente-Inf, 18 by 4 m. P. 17,000. Rea, r. Shropshire, flows 20 m. to the Teme at Rochford. Reaburn, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 35 m. W. of Winnipeg. - Reading, parl. and mun. bor. co, th: of Berks, on R. Kennet, 36 m. W. London by rail. P. 46,054. ... Returns I M.P. [P.3181. Reading, vil. Massachusetts, in Middlesex co., 12 m. NW. Boston. Reading, vil. Ohio, Hamilton co., Iom. NE. Cincinnati... P. 2680. . . Reading, city, Pennsylv., cap. of Berks, on the Schuylkill. P. 43,278. Realejo, spt. th: Nicaragua, on the Pacific. P. 5000. Realmont, th: France, dep. Tarn, Iom. S. Alby. P. 30II. Reay, vil. Sutherland, Io; m, W. Thurso. Rebecq-Rognon, vil. Belgium, on the Senne, S.W. Brussels. P. 3586. Recanati, th: Italy, in Macerata, 4 m. SW. Loreto. P. of com. 19,995. Recco, th: Italy, II m. ESE. Genoa, on the coast. P. of com. 5154. Rechnitz or Rohoncz, th: Hungary, 8 m. SW. Güns. ... P. 3989. Recife, or Arrecife, or Pernambuco, spt. city, Brazil, cap. of prov. Pernambuco, on the coast, 8° 3’ 6” N. P. Igo,oco. Recklinghausen, th: Prussia, in Westphalia, 31 m. SW. Münster. P. Recoara, vil. Italy, 19 m. NW. Vicenza. P. of com. 5848. 19199. Redbank, th New Jersey, Monmouth co., 28 m. S. New York. P. 2684. Red Bluff, cap. of Tehama co., California, on Sacramento. P. 2106. Redcar, the and bathing-place, N. R. York, 7% m. NE. Midaiº, • 2458, ish, tshp. Lancashire, 2 m. N. Stockport. P. 5557. Redding, vil. Stirling, 23 m. SE. Falkirk. P. 520. . itch, manuf. the Worcester, on R. Arrow. P. 9961. bedfern, sub. of Sydney, on SSW. side. P. 23,599. Rede, r. Northumberland, 21 m. to N. Tyne, at Reedsmouth. &edhill, dist. Surrey, E. part of Reigate. P. 11,206. Red Jacket, ry. sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 226% m.W. of Winnipeg. Redon, th: France, dep. Ille-et-Vilaine, on the Vilaine. P. 6537. Redonda, isl. in Leeward Group, between Nevis and Montserrat. Redondela, th: Spain, prov. Pontevedra, on Bay of Vigo. P. r1,073. fed River, aff, of the Mississippi, in Louisiana, flows 1600. m. from New Mexico and the Staked Plain. Red River of the North, separates Minnesota and Dakota, flowing N. 650 m. to the Assiniboine, in Manitoba. Redruth, mkt, the Cornwall, 9 m. SW. Truro. P. 9335. Ted Sea or Arabian Gulf, great sea arm, separating Arabia from the African continent, communicates by the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb with the Indian Ocean, and with the Mediterranean by the Suez Canal. Length, I400 m. ; greatest breadth, 230 m. Red Wing, city, Minnesota, cap. of Goodhucco., on L. Pepin. P. 5876. Ree, Lough, lake, Irel., an expansion of the Shannon, 17 m. long, be- tween Roscommon on the W., and Longford and Westmeath. Reefton, mining it. New Zealand, 48 m. S.W. Greymouth. P. 963. Reepham with Kerdistone, par. and vil. Norfolk, SW. Aylsham. P. 527. Rees, th: Rhen. Prussia, on the Rhine, 41 m. NW. Düsseldorf. P.3705. Reeth, th: N. R. York, on R. Swale, 8 m. W. Richmond. P. 988. Reetz, th: Brandenburg, on R. Ihna, 42 m. SE. Stettin. P. 33.15. Regalbuto, th: Sicily, 25 m. WNW. Catania. P. Io,621. Regello, vil, Italy, 18 m. ESE. Florence, in Val d’Arno. P. of com. IO,999. Regen, r. Bavaria, enters the Danube opposite Ratisbon, 68 m. O11. Regensburg, th: Bavaria. See Ratisb Regenstauf, th: Bavaria, on the Regen. P. 3137. Regenwaldé, tn. Prussia, 42 m. NE. Stettin. P. 3400. Reggio or R. di Calabria, th S. Italy, cap. of Prov. R. di C., on Strait of Messina. P. of com, 40,312; tın. 23,853. Reggio or R. nell Emilia, ft. city, N. Italy, IA. m. WNW. Modena. P. of com. 50,953; th 18,634. ap. of prov. of R. nell E. Reggio di Calabria (formerly Calabria. U/teriore 1.), prov. S. Italy, ... in extreme S. Area, 1515 sq. m. P. 373,758. Reggiolo, yil, Italy, 6 m. E. Guastalla. P. of Com. 63ro. Reggio nell Emilia, prov, N. Italy. Area, 884 sq. m. P. 251,068. Regina, ry. Sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 3563 m. W. Winnipeg. Regla, ft. Sub. of Havana, in Cuba. P. 8600. Regnitz, r. Bavaria, joins the Main 3 m. NW. Bamberg. Rehau, th: Bavaria, 17 m. NW. Eger. P. 3463. - tehna, th Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 17 m. SE. Lübeck. P. *; henau, isl. Baden, in the Unter See, NW. Constance. P. 1487. henau, th Bohemia, 19 m. ESE. Königgrätz. P. 4702. henau, th: Saxony, 7 m. E. Zittau. P. 5561. henau, Alt, vil, Prussian Silesia, 22 m. S. Liegnitz, , P. 256r. henbach, r. and fall, Switz., aff, of the Aar, at Meiringen. Reichenbach, the Prussian Silesia, 39 m, SE. Liegnitz. P. 7368. Reichenbach, the Saxony, 11 m, NNE, Plauen, P, 18,320, º : i 56 REICHENBERG THE CENTURY GAZETTEER ROSENFELD Reichenberg or Liberk, important manuf. th Bohemia, on the Neisse, rail NNE, Prague, , P. 28,090. - tn. and watering-place, S. Bohemia, 13 m. by rail SW. P. 3436. Has Salt springs. tn, in Alsace, 14 m. SW. Wissembourg. P. 3014. tn. Bohemia, 45 m. NNE. Prague. P. 2044. mun. bor. Surrey, 22 m. S. London. P. 18,662. of Iceland, on SW. cat., 64°8'40' N. P. 1360. or tn. France, dep. Marne, on the Wesle, Ioom. ENE. Paris. P. 97,903. Has a famous Gothic cathedral. vil. Switz., in Aargau, 12 m. SE. Aarau. P. 2980. or Dussnick, th: Prussia, 58 m. SSW. Breslau. P. 3307. vil. Saxony, in circle of Zwickau. P. 3394. tn. Java, on N. CSt., III° 17' E. P. IIoo. Spt. th: Cuba, 180 m. E. Havana. P. 13,930. . tn. in Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, on the Moselle. P. 2200. tn. France, dep. Vosges, on the Moselle. P. 8126. tn. Rhenish Prussia, 18 m. ESE. Düsseldorf. P. 33,986. tn. Belgium, 21 m. by rail SSW. Ghent. P. 14,986. tn. Baden, 9 m. NNE. Offenburg. P. 2202. tn. Italy, prov. and 6 m. NW. Cosenza. P. 5239. tn. Prussia, in Holstein, on R. Eider. P. 12,154. , parl. and royal bur. Co. th of Renfrewshire, on S. b. of 5 m. W. Glasgow. P. 5505. . It is one of the Kilmarnock , vil. Ontario, in R. Co., 69 m. by rail W. Ottawa. [Burghs. Renfrewshire, maritime co, in W. of Scot., bounded N. by R. Clyde and Dumbartonsh.; W. by Firth of Clyde; S. by Ayrsh. ; E. by Lanarksh. ; 31 by 14 m. Area, 245 sq. m. P. 263,374, returning 2 M.Ps. It has very extensive manuf. and commerce. Co. th; Renfrew. Chief tins. Paisley, Greenock, Port-Glasgow, and subur- ban Glasgow. Rengo, th: Chili, prov. Colchagua, 15 m. S. Rancagua. P. 7000. Reni, th: Russia, in Bessarabia, on Pruth and Danube. P. 4II6. Rennes, city, France, cap. of Ille-et-Vilaine, 60 m. N. Nantes. P. 66,139. Rennie, ry. sta. Canada, on C. P. Ry., 349 m. W. Port Arthur. Renovo, bor. Pennsylv., Clinton co., on the Susquehanna. P. 3708. Renton, th Dumbartonshire, on R. Leven. P. 4319. Réole, La., tm. France, dep. Gironde, on the Garonne. P. 4156. Reoti, th NW. Provs., in Ballia Dist., 12 m. from Bansdih. P. 9933. Reotipur, th: NW. Provs., dist. and 8 m. SE. Ghazipur. P. 10,297. Reppen, th: Brandenburg, 12 In. E. Frankfort. P. 4320. Repton, vil. Derbyshire, 4 m. NE. Burton-on-Trent. Republican Fork or Pawnee R., aff. of the Kansas from Colorado, Nebraska, to Kansas. Area, 550 m. Repulse Bay, N. Canada, on S. side of Melville Peninsula. Requeña, the Spain, prov. and 53 m. W. Valencia. P. 13,527. esort; Loch, sea arm, Scot., on W. side of Lewis Isl. Resht, th: Persia, cap. of Ghilan Prov., near the Caspian. P. 35,000. Resina, th S. Italy, prov. and 6 m. SE. Naples. P. of com. 16,132. Resinar or Rossinar, the Transylvania, 8 m. SW. Hermannstadt. P. Resolution Isl., Canada, at entrance to Hudson Strait. [5232. Resolution Isl., in Low Archipelago, 17° 25' S., 143° 24′ W. Restigouche, r. Canada, divides New Brunswick from Quebec. Reston, vil. Berwickshire, 83 m. NE. Duns. P. 321. Resuttano, th: Sicily, 14 m. N. Caltanisetta. P. 4885. Retchitsa, th Russia, on R. Dnieper, 158 m, SE. Minsk. P. 4300. Retford or East Retford, mum. bor. Notts, on R. Idle. P. 9748. Rethel, th: France, dep. Ardennes, on R. Aisne. _P. 7403. Rethy-Warbeeck, vil. Belgium, prov. Antwerp. P. 2555. Retimo, spt. Crete, 38 m. W. Candia, on N. CŞt. P. 8000. Retreat, th: Jamaica, on N. cst., Iom. E. Richmond. P. 4014. Réunion (formerly Bourbon), French isl., col. Indian Ocean, in the Mascarene Grp., 90 m. WSW. Mauritius, Area, 950 sq. m. P. 179,639. Cap. St. Denis. Reus, manuf. th Spain, 9 m. W. Tarragona. P. 27,595. euss, r. Switz., cant. Uri, 30 m. to Lake of Lucerne. Reuss, 2 principalities, Germany, in Thuringia, SW. of Saxony: I. Reuss-Greiz. Area, 121 sq. m. P. 55,904. Cap. Greiz. II. Reuss- Gera or Reuss-Schleiz. Area, 318 sq. m. P. IIo,598. Cap. Gera. Reussendorf, vil. Prussia, gov. and SW. of Breslau. P. 3585. Beutlingen, th: Würtemberg, 9 m. WNW. Tübingen. P. 17,176. Revel, tin. France, dep, Haute-Garonne, 31 m. ESE. Toulouse. P. 3782. Revel (Russ. Kolyvan), ft. spt. the Russia, cap. of Esthonia, on S. side Gulf of Finland. P. 50,488. Revello, th N. Italy, 20 m. NNW. Coni. P. of com. 5452. Revere, th: Lombardy, on the Po, 17 m. ESE. Mantua. P. 3808. Revere, vil. Massachusetts, 4 m. NE. Boston, on the CŞt. P. 2263. Revilla-Gigedo, isl. grp. Pacific, to Colima State, Mexico. Revin, th, France, dep. Ardennes, on R. Meuse... P. 4136. Rewa, principal state of Baghelkhand, Cent, India. . Area, ro,000 sq. m. P. 1,305,124. Cap. R., 131 m, SW. Allahabad, and 182 in. NE. Sagar. P. 22,016. Rewadanda, spt. Bombay Pres., in Kolaba Dist., 18° 32' N. P. 6908. Rewa Kantha, grp. of 61 states, Bombay Pres., on both banks of the Nerbada. Area, 4792 sq. m. P. 543,452. Bewari, th: Punjab, in dist, and 32 m, SE, Gurgaon. P. 23,972. Reykjavik. See Reikiavik. Fezé, tin. France, dep. Loire-Inférieure, I m. SW. Nantes. P. 7377. Rezende, vil. Portugal, in Beira Alta, 11 m. WSW. Lanugo. P. 3100. Rezhitsa, th: Russia, gov. and I45 m. NW. Vitebsk. P. 895.I. Rhayader, mkt. th: Radnorshire, on R. Wye. P. 890. Rheda, the Westphalia, 40 m. SW. Minden, on the Elms. P. 2845. heidt, th: Rhenish Prussia, gov. and 26 m. NW. Cologne. P. 22,658. Rheims, city, France. See Reims. Rhein, German name for R. Rhine. Rhein, tin. E. Prussia, 51 m. SSW. Gumbinnen. ſº 2287. Rheinau, vil. Switz., on the Rhine, 4 m. S. Schaffhausen. P. 1280. Rheinberg, th: Rhen. Prussia, on the Rhine, below Düsseldorf. P. 2647. Rheine, th: Westphalia, 23 m. NW. Münster, on the Ems. P. 5684. Rheineck, th Switz., on the Rhine, near Lake of Constance. Kheinfelden, tin. Switz., Iom. E. Basle. P. 2243. Theingau, a wine-growing dist. Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, on r. b. of R. Rhine, 15 m. long. Rhein-Hessen, W. prov. of Hessen, W. of R. Rhine. . P. 291,189. *heinmagen or Remagen, th: on R. Rhine, NW. Coblentz. I&hein Provinz. See Rhenish Prussia. heinsberg, th Brandenburg, 48 m. N. Potsdam. P. 22.45. Has a royal castle and park. heinthal (Rhine l’alley), dist. Switz., cant. Schwytz. henen, th Netherlands, in Utrecht, on the Rhine. P. 4751. henish Bavaria. See Palatinate and Bavaria. hemish Prussia (Rhein Preussent or Rheini Provinz), most W. prov. Trussia, borders on Netherlands and Belgium, traversed SE. to N.W. by the Rhine. Area, Io,421 sq. m. P. 4,344,527. Rheydt. See Rheidt. Rhin, Bas, and Rhin, Haut, former deps, of France. See Alsace. Rhine (Ger. Rhein, Fr. Rhizz, Dutch, Rhyzi), large and famous river, Europe, rises in Switz., passes through Lake of Constance, skirts the S. and W. boundariés of Baden, traverses Hessen, Rhenish Prussia, and the Netherlands to the N. Sea, which it enters by two arms, the Waal and the Rijn. Length, 800 m. Rhine Province. See Rhenish Prussia. - - Rhinns or Rinns of Galloway, peninsula, in W. of Wigtownshire. Rhodda, isl, Egypt, in the Nile, opposite Cairo. Rhode Island, one of the New England States, the smallest of the TJ.S., bounded W. by Connecticut, N. and E. by Massachusetts, and S. by the Atlantic. Area, 1250 sq. m. P. 276,531. Providence and Newport are the state caps. Rhodes, isl. Asia Minor, off SW. C.St. Area, 563 sq. m. P. 30,000. Rhodes or Kastro, cap. of above, on NE. point. P. Io,000. Rhode Valley, Cape Colony, was formerly a part of Pondoland. Rhodope Mts. See Despoto Dagh.. - «» Rhön Gebirge, mtn, grp. Germany, in SW. Thuringia., Aſt. 3100 ft. Rhondda, r. Glamorgan, aff. of the Taff, at Pontypridd. Rhone (Fr. Rhône), large r. Switzerland and France, passes through the Lake of Geneva, and enters the Gulf of Lions. Length, 640 *i- Rhône, dep. France, 46° N., 4° 30' E., has the Rhône and Saône on the E. limit. Area, 1677 sq. m. P. 772,912. Cap., Lyops. Rhuddlam or Rhyddlam, parl, bor. Flintshire, on R. Clwyd. P. 1242. It is one of the F/??tt Bozºolºgiſts. hyl, watering-place, Flintshire, nearmth. of R. Clwyd. P. 6029. hymney, th’Monmouthshire, on R. Rhymney: P. 8663. hymney or Rumney, r. Brecknock, Monmouth, and Glamorgan. hynie, vil. Aberdeen, on Water of Bogie. , P: 442. adh, city, Arabia, cap. of Nedjed, 450 m. NE. Mecca. anjo, tr. Spain, prov. Corumna. P. 7419. - azān, gov. Cent. Russia, on the Oka, 16,254 sq. m. P. I,737,459. zan, cap. of above, 116 m. by rail SE. Moscow. P. 39,375. adavia, th Spain, 15 m. SW. Orense. P. 4247. adesella, vil. Spain, prov. Oviedo. P. 7078. bble, r. York and Lancashire, past Preston: Ribchester, th NE. Lancashire, on R. Ribble. P. I282. be, th: Denmark, 29 m. WNW. Hadersleben. P. 3933. eauvillé. See Rappoisweiler. bera, th: Sicily, 22 mi. WNW. Girgenti. P. 850r. nitz, th: Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 34 m. NNE. Güstrow. P. 4717. camarie, La., vil. France, dep, Loire, 4 m. from St. Etienne. P. 6773. Riccarton, vil, and ry. sta, Scót., 133 m. S. Hawick. Riccia, th: Italy, prov, and 13 m. SE, Campobasso, P. 8739. * i Richelieu, tm. France, in Indre-et-Loire, 11 m. SE. Chinon. P. 2423. Richelieu or Chambly, r. Quebec, from L. Champlain, 80 m. N. to St. Lawrence at L. St. Peter. [R. R. P. 4079. port of entry, New Brunswick, cap. of Kent, at mth. of and ry. Sta. in Co. and 5 m. NE. Armagh. P. 595. tn. Surrey, on R. Thames, 93 m. SW. London. P. 19,066. mun. bor. N. R. York, on R. Swale P. 4502. city, Indiana, cap. of Wayne co., 68 m. E. of Indianapolis, on E. Fork of Whitewater R. P. 12,743. [P. 2900. Richmond, vil. Kentucky, cap. of Madison co., 25 m. SE, Lexington. Richmond, city, port of entry, cap. of Virginia and of Henrico co., on James R. P. 63,600. Richmond, th: Jamaica, on N. c.st. P. 65.17. [P. 1239. Richmond, th New S. Wales, co, Cumberland, 38 m. NW. Sidney. Richmond, th: Victoria, 3 m. SE. Melbourne. P. 28,541. [9000. Richmond, div. and th: of E. Province of Cape Colony. P. of div. Richmond, r. New S. Wales, 120 m. to the Pacific, 60 m. S. of Richmond, th Tasmania, 15 m. NE. Hobart. P. 5oo. [Moreton B. Richtersweil, vil. Switz., 13 m. SE. Zurich, on S. b. of the L. P. 3826. Rickmansworth, th: Herts, on R. Chess and Colne. P. 5511. Riddings, mkt, th Derbysh., 3 m. SE. Alfreton. P. 5730. Rideau R. and Canal, Ontario, to Ottawa R. Ridgetown, th: Ontario, co. Bothwell, 11 m. from Thamesville. P. 1538 Fidgeway, vil. Devon, 4% m. NE. Plymouth. Riebeck's Casteel, mtn, in SW. of Cape Colony, Malmesbury Div., Ried, th: Upper Austria, 25 m. S. Passau. P. 4534. [3109 ft. Riesa, th: Saxony, on the Elbe, 12 m. NW. Meissen. P. 7390. Riesenburg, tin, W. Prussia, 11 m. E. Marienwerder. P. 4285. Riesen Geširgé, mtn. range, Separates Bohemia and Prussian Silesia Schnee Koppe is 5275 ft. Riesi, th: Sicily, prov. Caltanisetta, 16 m. NW. Terranova. P. 12,452. eti, th: Italy, proy. Perugia, 42 m. NNE, Rome. P. of com. 17,320. ſetshiza, th: Russia, gov. Vitebsk, on R. River. P. Io, 149. etshiza, the Russia, gov. Minsk. P. 6875. ez, th: France, dep. Basses-Alpes, 20 m, S.W. Digne. P. 238r. ga, Spt; tın, Russia, cap. of Livonia, on the Düna, 6 m. from its mth. in Gulf of Riga, 309 m. SW. St. Petersburg. P. 169,329. Righi, mtn. Switz., between Lakes Lucerne, Zug, and Löwerz, 5905 ſt. Rignano, vil. Italy, II m. ESE. Florence, on the Arno. P. 5229. Rima Szombath, th: Hungary, 72 m. NE. Pesth., P. 4844. Rimini, fishing th: Italy, prov. Forli, on the Adriatic. P. of com. 37,916. Rimnik, th Roumania, on the R., 65 m. NE. Bucharest. P. 8000. timnik, th; Roumania, on the Aluta, 100 m. NW. Bucharest. P. 7cco. mouski, tm. Quebec, cap, of R, co., on the St. Lawrence. P. 1417. Ringkiöbing, spt. Denmark, on W. cat. Jutland, on R. Fiord. P. 2035. Ringsend, sub. of Dublin, on R. Dodder. - Ringwood, mkt. tin. Hants, on R. Avon, 8 m. N. Christchurch. Ringwould, fishing vil. Kent, 3 m. SW. Deal. [P. 3830. Rinteln, ft. th Prussia, on the Weser, 10 m. SE. Minden. P. 4151. Rio, short name for Rio de 3a7teiro. Riobamba, th: Ecuador, 84 in. NE. Guayaquil. P. 20,000. Rio Bonito, th: Brazil, prov. Rio de Janeiro. P. 81co. o Branco or Parima, r. Brazil, flows SSW. to the Rio Negro, 70 m. tio Bravo del Norte. See Rio Grande. [SE. Barcellos. Length, 700 m. Rio Chico, spt. Venezuela, State Bolivar, 65 m. ESE. Caracas. P. 4940. Rio Colorado. See Colorado R. [tn. I4,000. Rio Guarto, dep. and th: Argentina, prov. Cordoba. P. dep. 26, ooo; Rio das Mortes, r. Brazil, flows N. and E., 500 m. to the Araguay. Rio de Janeiro, maritime prov. Brazil, 21° 15'-22° 23' S. Area, 26,634 sq. m. P. 938,831. Cap. Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro or Rio, cap. of Brazil, and of the prov. of Rio de Jan- eiro, largest city of S. America, on bay of same name, 22°54' 7” S., 43°9'W. P. 357,332. Exports, cotton, Sugar, rum, leather, gold, and precious Stones. Rio de la Plata or the Plate R., a great estuary, S. America, formed by the junction of the Parana and Uruguay Rivers. Lat. 36° S. 200 m. long. Rio de San Juan, r. Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, 350 m. Rio Dulce, r, Argentina, in state of Santiago, 400 m. long. Rio Grande, r. Senegambia, 11° 20' N., flows 400 m. to Atlantic Ocean. Rio Grande del Norte or del Bravo, large r. flows S. from Colorado through New Mexico, separates Texas from Mexico, and enters the Gulf of Mexico, 26° N., 1800 m. long. Rio Grande, r. Brazil, joins the Paranahiba to form Parana. Rio Grande de Santiago, Mexico, 400 m. to the Pacific. Rio Grande City, vil, Texas, cap. of Staro Co., on R. Grande. P. 2109. Rio Grande do Norte, prov. Brazil, 4° 32'-7° 18' S. Area, 22,156 sq. m. P. 269,051. Cap. Natal. Rio Grande do Sul or São Pedro, th: Brazil, in prov. of same name, at S. extremity of Lago de los Patos. P. 20,000. Rio Grande do Sul or São Pedro do R. Grande do Sul, prov. Brazil, in extreme S. Area, IIo,216 sq. m. P. 434,813. Cap. Porto Alegre. Rio Hacha, th: Colombia, 200 m. ENE. Cartagena. P. 3054, Rioja, La., prov. Argentina, next the Andes, rich in 1metals. Area, 31,500 sq. m. P. 100,000. Cap. La Rioja. P. 8000. Rioja, La., dist. Spain, provs. Logroño and Soria. Riom, th France, dep. Puy-de-Dôme, 8 m. NNE. Clermont. P. 10,304. Rio Maggiore, cst, vil. Italy, 5 m. W. La Spezzia. P. 31.18. Tio Negro or Sauces, r. between Argentina proper and Patagonia, flows E. 700 m. to the Atlantic. Rio Negro, Parama, or Guainia, r. Colombia and Brazil, aff, of the mazon, 1200 m. long. See Cassiquiare. Rio Negro, r. Uruguay, 250 m. to Rio Uruguay. Rionero, the S. Italy, prov. Potenza, 7% m. S. Melfi. P. 12,093. Riouw or Rhio, residency and spt. Dutch E. Indies, in R. Lingga Archipelago. P. of residency, 95,000. Rio Primero, Secundo, Tercero, Quarto, and Quinto five rivers of Argentina, with inland drainage. Rios, vil. Spain, prov. Orense. P. 5204. Rio Salado, r. Argentina, 400 m. to the Plata. Rio Salado, r. Argentina, rises in the Andes, flows SE, Iooom. to the Parana, 210 m. NW. Buenos Ayres. Rio Tinto, r. Spain, prov. Huelva, 60 m. to Mediterranean. Rio Tinto, Las Minas de, th Spain, 36 m. NE. Huelva. P. 1800. In vicinity are copper, lead, and iron mines. Rio Vermejo. See Vermejo R. ... Rio Vermelho, th: Brazil, prov. Minas Geraes., P. 400g. Rio Virgen, r. Utah and Nevada, 200 m. to Colorado. R. Ripa. Bottoni, th Italy, 12 m. NNE. Campobasso. P. 5210. Ripa Candida, th S. ſtaly, in Basilicata, 6 m. SSE. Melfi. P. 5382. atransome, th Italy, 12 m. SSE. Fermo. P. 9925. pen, th Denmark. See Ribe. bley, th: Derbyshire, Iom. NE. Derby. P. 6087. pley, mkt. tin. X. R. York, on R. Nidd. P. 29I. pley, vil. Surrey, 5% m. NE. Guildford. bley, vil. Ohio, in Brown co., on Ohio R. P. 2546. . [a fine cathedral. yon, city, W. R. York, on R. Ure, 293 m. N. Leeds. P. 7390. Has pon, th Wisconsin, in Fond-du-Lac Co., on Green Lake. P. 31.17. posto, th Sicily, on E. cºt., Iom. S.W. Taormina. P. of com, 9981. pponden, vil. W. R. York, 5% m. S.W. Halifax. P. 4385. sca, th Monmouthshire, on R. Ebbw. P. 5556. shton, tshp. NE. Lancashire, 3 m. NE. Blackburn. P. 4055. shworth, th W. R. York, 7 m. SW. Halifax. P. III va, or Reif, th Tyrol, on N. extrem. Lago di Garda. vadeo, spt. Spain, on E. cSt. Galicia... P. 8990. varolo, th: Italy, in Piedmont, 19 m. N. Turin. P. of coin. 72.II. varolo, tin. N. Italy, 3 m. NNW. Genoa. P. of com: 9066. was del Sil, spt. tr. Cent. America, in Nicaragua, , P. I5,900. vaulx, tshp. N. R. York, on R. Rye. Has fine abbey ruins. ve de Gier, th France, dep, Loir, on the Gier. P. I6,816. Riveira, spt. Spain, 67 m., SSW. Corunna. P. 9489. Rivello, tú. Italy, in Basilicata. P. of com. 4342. River Ijesert or Maniwaki, vil. Canada, 60 m. N.Ottawa. P. roog. Riverina, pastoral dist, N. S. Wales, between Darling and Lachlan R5. Riversdalé, div. and vil. in Western Prov., Cape Colony. Area, 2462 sq. m. P. 13,000 : vil. I300. * Riverstone, post tin. New S. Wales, 28 m. N.W. Sydney. Riverton, tshp. S. Australia, 624 m. N. Adelaide. P. 588. rivesaltés, mkt. th: France, dep. Pyrenées-Orientales. R. 6980. Riverton, cst, th New Zealand, 26 m. W. Invercargill. P. 926. Riviera, the strip of shore from Nice to La Spezzia, N. Italy: • rivière du Loup-en-Bas or Fraserville, vil. Canada, co. of Temis- couata, on S. b. St. Lawrence, 127 m. below Quebec. P. 2291. rivoli, th’Italy, 8 m. W. Turin. P. 6433. Has a palace. Rivoli, vil. Italy, prov. and 12 m. N. Verona. P. II96. fixheim or Rexen, vil. Alsace, 3% m. E. Mülhausen. P. 31.8. - Rizah or Rizeh, tr. Asiat. Turkey, on Black Sea, 35 m. E. Trebizond. Roadtown, spt. Tortola Isl., Virgin Islä., W. Indies. • 30,000- Roag, Loch, sea arm, Ross-shire, on W.side Lewis, Ion. Roanne, th France, dep. Loire, 49 m. NNW, St. Etienne. P. 25,425. Roanoke Isl., off cst. of N. Carolina, 13 m. long. Roanoke River, Virginia and N. Carolina, 230 ºn. Roapoa, one of the Marquesas Isls., in the Pacific. P. 900. Robbio, th Italy, 11 m. SW. Novara. P. 5330. Robe, r. co. Mayo, 22 m. to Lough Mask. Robe, spt. S. Australia, 195 m. SE. Adelaide. P. 474. Röbel, tin. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 34 m. SE. Güstrow. , P. 3532. Robertsbridge, vil. and ry. sta. Sussex, on R. Rother, 53 m. N. Battle. Robiae, th: France, dep. Gard, 12 m. N. Alais. P. 4779. j : & O. P. 6046. Robin Hood's Bay, fishing th N. R. York, 54 m. SE. Whitby. Roby, dist. SW. Lancash., 4% m. E. Lime Street station. Pro22. Rocca, Bianca; tn, Italy, 16 m, NNW. Parma, P. of com. 5132. Rocca d'Aspide, the Italy, in Salerno, 16m. S. Campagna. ſ. 5893. Rocca Monfini, th Italy, 23 m. NW. Caserta. P. of com. 5188. Rocca Secca, thi º 12 m. S. Sora. P. of com. 5806. Rocca Strada, walled th: Italy, 17 m. NNE. Grosseto. P. of com, 8571. Rocella, La., tm. Italy, 9 m. NE. Gerace, on the cst. P. 6723. Rocester, par... and vil. Staffordsh., 4 m. N. Uttoxeter. P. ººzo. Rochdale, parl, and mun. bor. SE. Lancash., 10 m. NE. Manchester, on R. Roch. P. 68,866. Manuf woollen and cotton. It returns; Roche, vil. Cornwall, 5 m. NW. St. Austell. P. 1681. [M.P. Rocheford, th: Essex, on R. Roche, 163 m. SE. Chelmsford. . P. 1675. Rochefort, ft. Spt, and arsenal, France, dep. Charente-Inférieure, on the Charente, 7 m. from its mouth. P. 27,854. [P. 2802. Rochefoucauld, La., tm. France, dep. Charente, on the Tardoire. Rochelle, La., ft. Spt...th. France, cap. of Charente-Inférieure, on B. of Biscay, 295 m. S.W. Paris. P. 22,464. Rochester, city, parl. and mun, bor., river-port, Kent, on R. Medway, W. Side Chatham, 30 m. SE. London. P. 21,307. It returns 1 M.P. Rochester, city, Minnesota, cap, of Olmsted co. P. 5103. [P. 4683. Rochester, vil. New Hampshire, Strafford co., Io im. NW. Dover. Rochester, city, and port of entry, New York, cap. of Monroe co., on Genesee R., 7 m. from L. Qutario. P. 89,366. Seat of a university. Its manufs., especially of flour, are extensive. Rochester, bor. Pennsylvania, in Beaver co., on Ohio R. P. 1398. Rochester, th: Victoria, co. Bendigo, 138 m. N. Melbourne. P. 599. Roche-sur-Yon, La (formerly Bozłrbozi, Pezugee, and Napoleozz Wezz- dée), tin. France, cap. of dep. Vendée, on R. Yon. P. 10,634. Rochlitz, th: Saxony, on the Mulde, 16 m. NW. Chemnitz. P. 5769. Rochlitz, th: Bohemia, 34 m. N. Bidschow. P. 2067. Rockall, rock, in Atlantic, 300 m. W. of N. Uist. Rockaway, watering-place, in Long Isl., U.S., 18 m. from Brooklyn. Rock Ferry, vil. Cheshire, on the Mersey, suburb of Birkenhead. Rockford, city, Illinois, cap. of Winnebago co., on Rock R. P. 13,129. Rockhampton, spt. th: Queensland, on R. Fitzroy, 420 m. NW. Brisbane. P. (1886) Io,793. Exports, wool, tallow, gold, etc. Rockingham, vil. Northampton, on R. Welland, in R. Forest. Rockingham Bay, Queensland. Lat. 18° 5' S. Rock Island, city, Illinois, cap. of R. I. Co., on Mississippi R., opposite Davenport. P. II,659. Rock Island, vil. Quebec, in Stanstead co. P. 8Co. Rockland, city, Maine, Knox Co., on Penobscot B. P. 75.99. Rockland, vil. Massachusetts, in Plymouth co., 19 m. SIE. Boston. Rockley, posttshp. N. S. Wales, on Pepper's Creek, 147 m. W. Sydney. Rockport, vil. Indiana, cap. of Spencer co., on Ohio R. P. 2382. Rockport, vil. Mass., U.S., in Essex co., 36 m. NE. Boston. P. 3912. Rock R., Wisconsin, flows 375 m. to Mississippi. Rockingham, post, th: W. Australia, 25 m.S. Perth. Rockville, vil. Connecticut, Tolland co., ENE. Hartford... P. 5900. Rocky Mountains or Chippewyan Mts., extensive chain of N. America, extending through W. portions of Canada and U.S., from Alaska, to Mexico, rising in Mt. Brown to 15,590 ft. Rocky * or Maclean, tm. New S. Wales, on the Clarence, 350 m. . SyClney. Rocky Point, summer resort, Rhode Isl., on Narragansett Bay. Rocroy, ft. th: France, dep. Ardennes, near Belgium. P. 2977. Roda, th: Saxe-Altenburg, 8 m. ESE. Jena. P. 3449. Roda, La., tm. Spain, 24 m. N.W. of Albacete. P. 6028. Rodah, th Arabia, in Yemen, 8 m. NW. Sana. Rodborough, par. and vil. Gloucester, I m. SW. Stroud. P. 2759. Rodeiro o Barbeitos de Rio, vil. Spain, in Pontevedra. P. 6158. Rödelheim, tin. Prussia, Hessen-Nassau, NW. Frankfort. P. 4264. Rodez or Rhodez, cap. of Aveyron, France, on the Aveyron. P. 15,333. Rodi, th Italy, on Garganian Promontory, on Adriatic. P. 5954. Roding, r. Essex, flows 30 m. to the Thames. Rodosto, ft. c.st, th: Roumelia, on Sea of Marmora. P. 25,000. [P. 1400. Rodrigues, isl. (British) in Indian Ocean, 330 m. E. by N. of Mauritius. Roebourne, th W. Australia, 1200 m. N. Perth; pearl fisheries. Roer, r. Germany. See Ruhr. Roermond, th: Netherlands, in Limburg, on the MaaS. P. Io,983, Roeskilde, tin. Denmark, 19 m. WSW. Copenhagen. P. 5895. Roeulx, th: Belgium, in Hainaut, 8 m. NE. Mons. P. 2758. Rogasen, th: Prussia, 24 m. N. Posen. P. 4975. Rogatchev, tm, Russia, gov. and 60 m. SSW. Mohilev. P. 4437. Rogerstone, tshp. Monmouthsh., 2% m. W. Newport. P. 1302. Roggeveld, mtn. range, Cape Colony, 5000 ft. high. Rogliano, th: Italy, in Calabria, 9 m. S. Cosenza. P. of com. 51.48. Rohatyn, tin. Austria, in Galicia, 15 m. WSW. Brzezany. P. 5100. Rohelkhand, div. N.W. Provs. Area, Io,883 sq. m. P. 5,123,557, comprises dists. Bijnaur, Moradabad, Budaon, Bareilly, Pilibhit, and Shahjahanpur. ohri, th: Bombay Pres., Shikarpur Dist., on Indus. P. Io,224. Rohtak, dist. Punjab, in SE. of Hissar Div. P. 553,609 Rohtak, cap. of above, 42 m. NW. Delhi. P. 15,699. Rokeby, par. N. R. York, on the Tees, at junction of Greta. JRokelle, r. Senegambia, 250 m. to sea at Sierra Leone. Rokitzan, tin Bohemia, Iom. E. Pilsen. P. 41.87. Rolandswerth or Nonnenwerth, isl. in the Rhine, near Königswinter. Roma, tshp. Queensland, 317 m. NW. Brisbane. P. I727. Roman, tr. Roumania, on Moldava and Sereth. P. I5,920. Romano, th: Italy, 13 m. SSE. Bergamo. P. 4963. Romanov, tin. Russia, 24 m. NW. Yaroslav, on the Volga. P. 557r. Romans, th: France, dep. Drôme, on the Isère. P. 13,806. [314I. Romanshorn, vil. Switz., cant. Thurgau, 11 m. SE. Constance. P. Rome (Latin, Ital., Spanish, and Portuguese, Roma), city, cap. Ol Italy, called the ‘ Pâternal City.’ It lies in the Campagna, on the . Tiber, 14 m. from its mouth. P. 273,268 ; commune, 300,467. Contains St. Peter's, the Vatican, Castle of St. Angelo, a univer- sity, and numerous churches, palaces, and monuments. Rome, prov. and compartimento of Italy, the SW. portion of the former States of the Church. Area, 4600 sq. m. P.864,851. Rome is Rome, city, Georgia, cap. of Floyd co., on Coosa R. P. 3877. [the cap. Rome, city, New York, Oneida Co., on Mohawk R. P. 12,194. Romen or Romny, th: Russia, gov. and 90 m. NW. Poltava. P. 12,46r. Romerstadt, the Moravia, 24 m. N. Olmütz. P. 5105. Romford, mkt, th: Essex, 12 m. NE. London. P. 7176. Romily or Chadkirk, vil. Cheshire, 4 m., E. Stockport. Romilly-sur-Seine, th: France, dep. Aube, 10 m. E. Nogent. R. 5283. Romney, New, th: and cinque port, Kent, 8 m. SW. Hythe. . .92%. Romorāntin, ta. France, dép. Loir-et-Cher, 25 m. SE. Blois. P. 801.o. fºomsdal, amt, Norway, in stift Trondhjem. Area, 5679 sq. m. P. 125,000. Cap. Molde. Romsey, mun. bor. Hants, 8 m. NY. Southampton; on R. Test. P. Romsey, post. th: Victoria, 4.3 m. N. Melbourne. P. 313. [42O4- Rona, isi. Scotland, 44 m. NW, of Cape Wrath. Rona, isi. Inverness, 11% m. NE. of Portree, in Skye. Romaidshay, North, is most N. of the Qrkneys. P. 547. Ronaldshay, South, isl. most S. of the Orkneys. P. 695. Ronceavalies or Roncevaux, vil, and pass, Spain, in the Pyrénées, 22 m. NE. Pamplona. Ronciglione, th Italy, prov, Viterbo, 34 m. NW. Rome. P. 6069. Ronco, vil. Italy, on the Adige, 14 m, SE. Verona... P. of com. 4509. Ronda, ancient Moorish th, Spain, 44 m. N. Gibraltar. P. 19,181. Rondout, th: New York, 90 m. N. Ne York city. , P. Joyri 4. Romne, spt. th: Denmark, cap. of Bor...holm Island. , P. 9470. Ronneburg, th Saxe-Altenburg, 4 m. ESE. Gera, P.,5602. Ronsdorf, tin. Rhenish Prussia, 3 m. SE. Elberfeld. P. rº:542. Rookwood, post tim, New S. Wales, Iom. SW. Sydney; P. 300. Roosendaal, th Netherlands, N. Brabant, 14 m. WSW. Breda. P. Ropley, vil. Hants, 4 m. E. Alresford. P. of par. 875. 194 Roquefort, commune, France, dep. Aveyron, 6 m., E. St. Affrique. Roquemaure, th France, dep, Gård, near the Rhône. P. 286O. Roques, Los, 100 small islands in Caribbean Sea: Foraas, mining th: Norway, 67 in. SE. Trondhjem. P. 3600. Roraima, min British Guiana, 5°30' N.: 61° 10' W.; 9000 ft. Rorke's prift, mission of Zululand, on border of Natal. Rorschach, th Switzerland, on Lake of Constance, 7 m. NE, St. Gall. Rosa, Morada, th: Mexico, State Cínaloa, Sl. of Culiacan: [P. 4368. Rosario, th Argentina, prov. Santa Fé, Qū R. Parana. P. 45,839. Rosario de Cucuta, th: º: intº on R. Zulia. P. 5000. Fosas, spt. Spain, 27 m. NE. Gerona, P. 329. #;iº. Ireland, in Connaught Prov, on WV. b. of the Shannon, enclosed by Sligo, Leitrim, Longford, W. Meath, ićing's Co., Galway, and May6, 62 by 35 m. Årgå,949.5%:...º. 132,490, of whom 96.5 per cent. are Roman Catholics. It returns 2 H. P.S. Co. tin. Roscommon. • M mºt, and co, thof above, 96 m. from Dublin., P. **7; nºt in. Tipperary and King's Co., on R. little Bros. P. cap. of Dominica, in British West Indies...P. 5.99. (2801. post, the Victoria, ; ; ; m: ESE. Melbourne. P. 505. flanarkshire. See Whifflet. , fishing vil. Aberdeen, 4% m. W. F. raserburgh. P. I494. dº Rožňava, tr. Hungary, 11.2 m. NNW. Pestli. P. 4738. tn. Transylvania, 7 m. S. Kronstadt, P. 4023: tn. Prussian Silésia, 25 m. ENE. Oppeln. P. 3561. tn. W. Prussia, 17 m. E. Marienwerder. P. 3059. par. and vil. Dunbartonsh, between H.S. Long and Gare. ry sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 56 m. S. of Winnipeg. 57 ROSENTHAL THE CENTURY GAZETTEER ST. GERMANS ali: m. NNE, Adelaide. P.33°. Rusera, th: Bengal, Darbhangah Dist., on Lit. Gandak. P. II,578. average breadth of 900 m. Area, about 2% million sq. m. It is the ; ºpiº. '...i. 32 m. SE. Munich. P. 9257. Rushden, par, and vil. Northampton, Lºn. S. Higham Ferrers. most extensive barren tract of the globe, and §s of expanses Roseto ºn. 'Italy, prov. Foggia, iſ ºl. W. Troja. P. 5651. Y:l a 4 ºn Rush Laké, ry, sta. Assiniboia, 489 m. W. of Winnipeg. of sand and gravel, or barren rock, with numerous oases or fertile Rosettà (Arab. Er Rashiº), th; Egypt, on W. branchi of the Nile, 43 Rusholme, th: SE. Lancashire, on S. side Manchester... P. II,238. Spots, The E. partis known as the Libyan Desert, and E. of the “”. NE. Alexandria. P. 16,666. - Rushville, vil. Indiana, Rush co., 84 m. N.W. Cincinnati. P. 2515. Nile the Nubian Desert. The inhabitants are Moors, Berbers, and Rosewell, vii. Edinburghshirº, nº Hawthornden station. P. 1394. Rushworth, tshp. Victoria, 105 m. N. Melbourne, P; 653. Tibbus, profess Mahommedanism, and number about I million. #osheim, tº. Alsage, … m. SW. Strasburg. P. 34.8% Ruska Poyana, summit of Carpathians, in the SE. Alt. 9909 ft. Saharanpur, dist. NW. Provs., in Meerut Div., on W. b. of Ganges. IROSj gnano, viºuscany, 17 m. from Leghorn. P. 7646. Russa Staroi. See Staraia-Russa, [dist. 4730. Area, 2221 sq. m. P. 979,544. Gap, Ş. *:::::iiie penmark. See Roeskilde. Russell or Kororareka, Spf. New Zealand, on Bay of Islands. P. of Saharanpur, city, cap. of above, 29° 58' N.,77° 35' E. P. 59,194. ºštautn. Anhalt, on R. Elbe, 4 m. N. Dessau. P. 6567. Russia (Russ. Rossiya), formerly called Mºscozy, a vast Empire, Sahet Mahet or Sravasti, ruined city, Oudh, in Gonda Dist., on S. b. Roslavior Roslovl, th: Russia, gov. and 69 m.SE. Smolensk. p. 6638. second only to the British in extent, embracing more than one- of Rapti R., 27° 31' N, 82° 5' E. Roslin or Rosslyn, Yil. Scot, 6; m. S. of Edinburgh, 9. R. N. Esk. half of Europe and one-third of Asia, and forming one of the five Sahibganj, th: Bengal, in Santal Parganas, on the Ganges. P.6512. 6. "The ancient castle and Gothic chapel are celebrated. great powers of Europe.. Area.3,667,436 SQ; ºn. P, 104,785,761. Sahibganj, civil sta. Bengal, Gaya Dist., adjoins Gaya town. United rosolini, th Sicily, 8 m, SW, of Not?. P. 68 II. it extends from Poland in the W. tº the Behring Strait in the anº of Gaya and Sahibganj, 76,415. FOSS mêt. tn. in Co. and 12 m. SE. Hereford, on R. Wye. P. 3724. E., a distance of about 5700 miles. The metropolis is St. Peters- S hiswan, th; NW. Provs., dist. and 20 m. from Budaun. P. 14,605. Ross, New, Ireland. See New Ross. burg. The great divisions of the Empire are: (1) Russia proper Said, name of Upper Egypt, from Cairo to Nubia. Ross, tshp. Tasmania, co. Somersº: 48 m. SE. Launceston. I’. 353. and kingdom of Poland; (2) Grand Duchy of Finland; (3), Cau- Saida, cst, th: Syria, on Mediterranean, 20 m. S. Beyrout. P. 5365. #. ii. New Zealand, 29 m. S. of Hokitº...?. casia; (3) Transcaspian Territory; (5) Central Asia; (6) Siberia. Saigon, city, cap, of French Cºchi, China, on R. Saigon, 35 m, from †º and Burnmouth, fishing vil, 6,º, NY: Berwick-on-Tweed. See the separate articles, º e China Sea, 10° 47' N., 106° 45' E. P. 90,000. It has a citadel, #j and Cromarty, maritime and Highland.º.º. N. of Scotland, Russia in Europe is bounded on the N. by the Arctic Qcean and White Anaval yard, and arsenal, cathedral, etc. consisting of a mainland portion, and the Lewis in Outer Hebrides. Sea; on the W. by Norway and Sweden, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Saima, largest lake of Finland, 30 m. NW. Viborg. Shape very irregu- Cromarty consists of 14 separate portions throughout, the mºn Sea, Prussia, Austria, Hungary and Roumania; S. by the Black Sea, lar. y Area, I50 Sq. m. - portion of Ross, which is bºunded ‘N. by Sutherland; W by the Šea of Azof, and the Caucasus, Mts.: E. by Caspianº, Sºtal St. Abb's Head, rocky cape, Berwickshire, 310 ft. high. Atlantic, s. by Inverness; E. by Mºray, Cromarty, and Dornogh Asia,and Siberia. It comprises R. proper and Poland. Withitsºggy; St. Affrique, th France, dep. Aveyron, 50 m. SE. Rodez. P. 7598. Firths. Total area, 3129 sq. m. P. 78,547. Returns I M.P. Chief or provs, Finland with 8 govs., and N. Caucasia with I gov, and St. Agnes, spt. tr. Cornwall, 6 m. NW. Truro. P. 4630. ºns are, Dingwall, Cromarty, Tain, and Stornoway. 2 territories...Area, 2,167,509 sq. m. P. 99.782,497. It consists of St. Aignan, th: France, dep, Loir-et-Cher, on the Cher. P. 3337. Rossano, city, Italy, prov. Cosenza, near Gulf of Taranto. P. I.4,688; vast plains of little elevation and of remarkable monotony, drained St. Albans, city, Herts, 20 m. NW. London by rail. P. ro,931. Has ºn 13,666. by great rivers united by canals in many places. The Volga.(the a large and beautiful cathedral. Fosscarbery, vil. S. Co. Cork, 22% SW. Bandon. P. 693. largest in Europe), Ural, Dºn, Dnieper, Dniester, Vistula, St. Albans, tshp. New S. Wales, on Macdonald R., 60 m. NW. Sydney. Rössel, th E. Prussia, 52 m. SE. Königsberg. P. 3572. . Niemen, Dvina, Neva, Qnega, N. Dvina, and Petchora are the P. 800. plain. P. 7.193. Rosser ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry, 15 in...W. Yinnipeg. principal, with their great tributaries. The Ural Mts, separate it St. Albans, tin. Vermont, cap. of Franklin co., 3 m. E. Lake Cham- †ojeña tin. Russia, gov. Kovno, Roºm. WNW. Vilna. I’. Io,595. from Siberia in the E., and in the S, is the lofty range of the St. Albans or St. Aldhelms Head, promontory, on S. cst. Dorset, 4% rosstrevor, spt. S. co. Down, Sn Carlingford Lough. P. 706. Caucasus, and Tchatyr Dagh in S. Crimea. Of its may cities m. S. of Corfe Castle. Alt. 440 ft. Fosswein, th Saxony, on the Mulde. P. 6443. º the following exceed 100,000 inhabitants, St. Petersburg, Moscow, St. Albert, th: Canada, NW. Territory, 40 m. NNW. Edmonton- Rostock, important spt. Germany, in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 44 m. Warsaw, Qdessa (spt.), Riga (spt.), Kasan, Kharkhov, Kishenev, St. Amand, th: France, dep. Cher, on R. Cher. P. 8815. §§. i. it is the seat of a university. Exports, Ičiev, Lódz, and Saratov. The gov. is an absolute and hereditar St. Amand-les-Eaux, th France, dep. Nord, on the Scarpe. P. II,184. rain, horses, cattle, flax...Sººº. monarchy. Religion: the great bulk are of the Orthodºx Greek §t. Amarin, vil. Alsace, 18 m. NE. Belfort. P. 2145. y Rosłak, th: S. Arabia, 68 ºn: WSWV. Muscat. Church, over 8 millions Rom. Cath., and nearly 3 millions Pro- , St. Andrews, parl. and royal burgh and watering-place, Fife, on St. Rostov, th: Russia, gov. Yekaterinoslav, on the Don. P. 72,576. . . . testants; Jews, 3 millions; Mohammedans, 2% millions. - Andrews Bay, 15 m. SE. Dundee. P. 6452. The seat of a rºostov, th Russia, 37 m. SYW- Yaroslav, on Lake Nero. P. I2,454. Russweil, vii. Switz., cant, and 9 m. NW. Lucerne. P. 4106. university (1411). St. Andrews district of parliamentary burghs Rota, th: Spain, prov. and 6 m. NNW. Cadiz. P. 8000. Rustchuk, th Bulgaria, on Danube, opposite Giurgevo, 40 m. S. includes St. Andrews, Crail, Cupar, Anstruther Easter, Anstruther Rothbury, in. Nörthumberland, on R. Coquet: P., 1247. Bucharest. P. 26,123. Wester, Kilremny, and Pittenweem, and returns r M.P. P. 19,396. rothenburg, in. Prussia, on the Fulda, 24 ºn: SE. Cassel...P.,3026. Rute, th; Spain, prov. Cordova, 7 m. SSE, Lucena. P. 9657. St. Andrews, spt. 'th. New Brunswick, cap. of Charlotte co., on †othenburg-an-der-Tauber, tm. Bavaria, 33 m. SSE. Würzburg by Rutherglen, parl. royal and police burgh, Lanarkshire, on R. Clyde, 2 Passamaquoddy Bay, 3 m. from the U.S. P. 2128. rail. I’. 6504. m. SE. Glasgow. P. 11,265. It is one of the Kilmarnºck Burghs. St. Andrews, spt. Prince Edward's Isl., in King's Co. Rother, r. Derbyshire and York, 21 m, to the Don at Rotherham. post th: Victoria, 1683 m. NE. Melbourne. , P. 484. St. Andrews, vil. Quebec, co. Argenteuil, 45 m.S.W. Montreal. P.2387. Rother, r. Sussex and Kent, 31 m. tº English Channel. and mun. bor. Denbighshire, on R. Clwyd. P. 3033. It St. Anicet, vil. Quebec, Huntingdon co., 56 m. below Quebec. P. 31.20. Rother, r. Hants and Sussex, 24 ºn to the ºl. of the Dextbigh Boroughs. Ste. Anne, r. ſlows SW, 120 m. to St. Lawrence, 50 m. above guébec. Rotherfield, vil. Sussex.8% in. Św. Tunbridge Wells. .. - tn. Italy, prov. Bari, 7 m. WNW. Conversano., P. 7979. Ste. Anne de Beaupré, vil. Montmorency, on N. b. of St. Lawrence †otherham, mun. bor. W. R. York, on R. Röther, 6 m. NE. Sheffield or Rutlandshire, inland and smallest co., of Engl., enclosed 22 m. below Quebec, at mth. of the Ste. Anne. P. 1245. [P. 3:30. by rail. P. 34,782; iron and chemical works, by Lincolnsh., Leicestersh., and Northamptonsh., from which Ste. Anne de la Perade, vil. 55 m. W. by N. Quebec, on Ste. Anne. Rothérhitheliºiſº), a SE. sub. of London, P. 36,924: it is separated by R. Welland. Length, 18 by 17 m. Area, 147% Ste. Anne de la Pocatière, vil. on St. Lawrence, 86 m. below Quebec Rothes, police pur. Elgin and Banff, near the Spey. P. 1382. . sq. m. P. 21,434, Returns I M.P., Co, the Qakham. St. Anne, cap. of Alderney, Channel Isls. - Q fºssay, royal and police bur., co. th; of Buteshire, oil E. side of Rutland, th: Vermönt, cap. of R. co., 68 m. S. of Burlington, P. 7592. St. Anne's on the Sea, watering-place, N. Lancashire, 4 m. S. Black- Bute Isl., 19 m. SE. Greenock. P. 8329. Ruvigado, th: Colombia, State Cundinamarca. º. 9580. ... Alt. 8901 ft. St. Anselme, vii. Quebec, in Dorćhester co. P. 2200. 'ſpool. P. 1179 Rothiemay, viſ, and ry. sta. Scot., on R. I.2everQº. Ruvo di Puglia, thº. S. Italy, prov, and 23 m. W. Bari, P. 18,926. St. Anthony, former city, Minnesota, Hennepin Co., on E. b. ðf Rottenburg, tin. Würtemberg, on the Neckar. P. 7091, Ruysselede, th; Belgium, 14 m. SSE. Bruges. P. 6760. Mississippi, opposite Minneapolis. P. 5013. [P. 2629. Rotterdam, great spt. Netherlands, gap. of prov. S. Holland, on r. Ryān, Loch, sea arm in NW. Wigtownshire, 8 by 2 m, St. Arnaud, th: Victoria, co. Kara Kara, 158 m. NW. Melbourne. is of the Maas, 36 m. S. by W. of Amsterdam. P. (1887) 199,545. Rybinsk or Rubinsk, the Russia, gov. and 52 in. NW. Yaroslav, on St. Asaph, parl. bor. and mkt. tin. Flint and Denbigh. P. 1901. It It has immense trade. r. b. of Volga, 416 m. SSE. St. Petersburg. P. 19,896. is one of the Flint Boroughs. Rotti, isi. Malay Arch., off SW, extrem, of Timor. Area, 50 by 20 m. Rybnik, Prussian Silesia, goy. and 44 m. $SE. Oppeln. , P.,4081. St. Aubin, small tm. Channel Isls., on S. cst. Jersey Rottnest, isl. W. Australia. Lat. 3. 59'45" S.; lon. 115° 33' 21" E. Rydal Water, a small lake, Westmorland, 13 m. NW. Ambleside. St. Augustine, city, port of entry, Florida, cap. of st John's co Rottweil, tin, Würtemberg, on the Neckar, P. 5000. Ryde, mun, bor. Isle of Wight, on NE. CŞt. P. II,461. St. Austell, mkt, th Cornwall, 14 #. NE. Truro. F. 3:32 [P 229. Rotuma, or Grenville Isl., 300 m. NNW, of the l'iji Isls. Ryde, vil. New S. Wales, co. Cumberland, on Paramatta R. P. 1673. St. Barthélemi, vil. Quebec, in Berthier co., 56 m. NE $fontréal. 23#. Roubaix, thFrance, dep. Nord, 6 m. N. Lille. P. 199,299. - Rye, mun. bor. and cinque port, Sussex, on R. Rother, it m. N.E. St. Bartholomew (Fr. St. Bart/te/exity), a Frènchisi. W. indies, 30 m. Rouen, city, France, caps of Seine-Inférieure, on r. b. of the Seine, Hastings by rail. , P. of bor. 4224; of cinque port and Tenterden, W. of St. Christopher, 17°53' N.; 35 sq. m. P. 2374. ſpunédin. 34 m. NW. Paris. P. 107,163. Its ecclesiastical architecture is Rye, cst, vii. New York, Westchester co., 24 m. NE. New York. [7844. St. Bathans, mining centre, New Zealand, Otago Prov., 117 m. NW, uñrivalled. Its cotton and woollen manuſs. are very extensive. cst, vil. Victoria, on Port Phillip Bay, 35 m. S. Melbourne. St. Bees, cst. th: Cumberland, 4 m. S. Whitehaven. P. II42. Roughrigg, vil. Lanarkshire, 2% m. SW. Slamannan. P. 689. dist, and vil. Durham, 2 m. S. Sunderland. P. 6128. St. Bees Head, promontory, 2% m. N.W. of St. B - Roulers (Flemish, Rousselaer), th: Belgium, in W. Flanders, on the of Rülsk, tin. Russia, gov. and 62 m. WSW. Kursk. ... P. II,421. St. Bénoit, th: § i. on N.E. ić #ºn. Lys, r3 m, NW. Courtrai. P. 18,252. 3% post tshp. New S. Wales, 32 m. SE. Mudgee. P.,333. St. Bernard, mtn. pass, Alps, between Piedmont and Valais. Its tº Nº. in º º £wº P. 4218. t; #: hospice, on summit of the pass, 8150 ft. vil. Netherlands, 2 m. SE. of the Hague. P. 2772. ' . Bernard, Little, Imtn. Graian Alps, S. of Mt. -- - tn. Durham, on R. Tyne, 6 m. W. Newcastle, P. ºs. vent, 7076 ft. g ps, S. of Mt. Blanc. Elev. of con , th; Austria, in Galicia, 43 m. E. Tarnov, P.11,166. St. Blazey, th: Cornwall, 4% m. NE. St. Austell. P. 1797. , th Russia, gov. and 74 m. SW. Tver, on the Volga. P. 26,482. St. Boswells or Lessudden, vil. Roxburghsh., on R. Tweed. P. 555. Roumania or Rumania, since 1873 an independent kingdom, consist- ing of the Danubian principalities Moldavia and Wallachia, also the Dobrudja and delta of the Danube. This river separates it on the S. from Bulgaria, on the N. the Carpathians separate it from § IIungary, and the Pruth on the E. forms, the ;"b. 5 Area 53,172 sq. m. P. 5,376,000. Religion, chiefly Orthodox tn. on Zanzibar coast, B. Africa. Lat. 6° S. St. Boniface, tin. and ry. sta. Mani > X) : * ~ * Greek. Ilanguage, Romášić. Cap. Bucharest, r. Upper Austria and Bavaria, 70 m. NW. to the Salzach, 4 m. St. Brides Bay §. sº# #: Winnipeg. Roumelia (Razzii!?), former prov. Turkey, bounded N. by Servia, . of Salzburg. St. Brieuc. tº France. §§§. Bav of §§ P 8 Bulgaria, and E. Roumelia; W. by Albania; E. by Black Sea; and r. Bavaria, flows 70 m. SW, to the Main at Gemünden. Ste. Brigide, vil. Öuebec, Iberville Co. IO III. #'s. john's. £º: S. by the AEgean and Sea of Marmora. r Thuringia and Prussian Şaxgy, etc., 225 m, to the Elbe. St. Catherines, th: Ontario, cap. of Lincoln co., on Welland Čanal. Roº. Hºl º º ãº: of the º, tn. E. Prussia, 71 m. SW. of Königsberg. P. 2676. P. 9630. mpire, created by Treaty of Berlin 1878, but defactº a prov.9 tn. Germany, in Sachsen-Meiningen, on the Saale, 6% m. St. Chamond, th: F º -4 † 4: the principality of Bulgaria, lies S. of the Balkans. Area, 13,861 - Rudolstadt by rail. P. 8371. g , 6% St. Charles § §:::::::::::::/3, º ki. *::::::: sq.m. º. 975,939. Cap. Philippopolis. Saane, r. Switzerland, aff, of the Aar, Iom. WNW. Bern, 65 m. St. Čhristophe d'Arthabasta vil Quebec 3 m. from źbjá 4. Rouphia, r. Greece, in Morea, flows room. to the W. Cst. Saanen, th: Switzerland, 32 m. SW. Bern, on the Saane, . P. 3786. St. Christopher or St. Kitts a Brit. W. india is... in the Leeward Rousay, isl. Orkney, Iom. N. of Kirkwall. P. 873. Saar (French, Sarre), r. from the Vosges Mts., joins the Moselle above Grp., 17° 17' N., 60°42' W.63 Sq m. P 29, I37 Čab. Rasse-Terre Rovato, th Lombardy, II m. WNW. Brescia. P. of com. 7956. Treves or Trier, 120 m. long. St. Clair, bor. Pennsylv. Schuylkill Co. 3 m. § Écºſſ F.2.1.” Roveredo, th Tyrol, on the Leno, 14 m. S. Trient, P. 8864. Saar or Zdiar, th Moravia, 18 m. NE. Iglau. P. 2795. St. Clair, Lake, between Michigan and Öntario. 3 by 12 i. ‘īs Rovezzano, ºupe, Italy, 3 m. E. Florence... P. 6583. Saaralben or Sarralbe, tin. German Lorraine, on the Saar and Albe, charges by Detroit R. to L Éric. It recºve; the § Clair'R - Rovigno or Trevigno, spt. Austria, 42 m. SW. Trieste. P. 9522. 9 m. S.W. Saargemünd. P. 3298. IO,453. St. Claire, vil. Quebec forchester Co., 13 m. Šiš. st. Henri. P. 2:32 Rovigo, cap. of R. Prov., N. Italy, 27 m. SSW. Padua, P. ºf com. Saarbrück, th: Rhenish Prussia, Ón the Saar, 44 m. ENE. Metz. P. š Číair'R. tie outlet of fake Huron separates Michigan, Ü § - tovigo, prov. Venetia, on the Po and Adige. P. 224,819. [II,4II. Saarburg (Fr. Sarreboldºg), th: Lorraine, 40 m. E. Nancy. P. 3869. from Ontario (Canada), runs S. 44 m to I. St. Clair gaſ), U. S. , Rovuma, r. E. Africa, enters the sea near Cape Delgado. Saardam, Netherlands. See Zaandam. [of Saarbrück. P. Io,719. St. Claude, tin. France deº. Jura 25 in sì iſomºlºsaulnier P. 8216 Row, vil. Dumbartonshire, on E. side of Gare Loch. P. 928, Saargemünd (French, Sarrºgatem: ites), th German Lorraine, 9 m. S. St. Čiears,’spt. th. Wales. 3 m. NW. Carmarthen. Fºgg. - #Qwanbºrn, vil. Dumfries, on Liddel Water. P. 407. Saar-Louis or Sarre-Louis, ft. th Rhenish Prussia, on R. Saar, 16 m. St. Cleer, vil. Cornwall 2. IIl N Liskeard • I’. 988. Rowandiz, ſt; tı. Turkish Kurdistan, 75 m; NE. Mºſul. P. ro,000. WNW. Saarbrucken. P. 6789. St. Cloud, th France, dep" Ščincetoise, on the Seine. 6 SW : §§ i.e. tn. sº ãº. I iº, § vil. §. Prussia, on the Ruhr. P. 3000. paris.’ i. 4126. it has a splendid château and park y §. 2462. # , th Kussia, in Volhynia, II5 m. y . Zhitomir. P. 7295. aar-Union Bonquenom, th: Alsace, on the Saar. P. 5. º - A : *...*** ^ - e - Rowsley, vil. Derbyshire, on R. järvent, near Chatsworth. 5 Saatz, th: Bohemia, on the Eger, 43 m, N.W. Prague. *śoºg. # § #jº.cº.i. º sº sº Paul. Roxburgh, par. and vil. Roxburghshire, 3 m. SW. Kelso. P. ro12. Sabadell, tin. Spain, prov. and Iom. N. Barcelona. P. 18, 12I. St. Croix Passamaquoddy Or śi. r. separates § $º #; t º i. º: in S. §§ º: § Northumber- §º tn. and lake, Asia Minor, 20 m. E. Ismid. - New Brunswick flows SSE. 75 m , r. Sepā 111G II OIIl and and Cumberland, traversed by the Tweed and Teviot, 42 by | Sabàº'à, city, Brazil, in Minas Geraes, 40 m. NNW. Ouro Preto. St. Croi Wi -, * r;....." * - e s - i. j º jº, sq. #. * §. Returns I M.P. Ths., Jed- § º: tſl. lº F. and 18 m. S.W. Mantua. , P. of com. 6951. Št. §: Wii. 6. º . º Mºise º gº (Co. th:), Hawick, ançl Kelso. abine, r. Texas and Louisiana, 500 m. to Sabine Lake, it. '...; º:- kr.: “...º. s º - Roxton Falls, vil, Quebec, in Shefford co. P. 1173. Sābioncello, peninsula, of i. 43 m. long. Šte. Croix, vil. Switz., cant. Vaud; on Fºchfrºnt. P. 5186. [P.2377. r º * * * 3 g St. Cuthbert,”vil. Quebec, 7 m. NW. Berthier, in Haut. P. of par. 33 #QYaº, tº France, dep, ghagent infér., at mth of the Gironde. Sablé, th France, dep. Sarthe, on R. Sarthe. P. 6085. š Čyr, ii. #rancº dep.'scine et dise, in the Park of vé # • 3325. Roy Bareilly, India. Šće Rai Bareli. [P. 5445. Sable Island, Nova Scotia, 90 m. SE. of Cape Canso. military school É. 27.27 - * e Park of Versailles, with : §:º. ..º.º. ** NE. Hiian P. sº §º Les, spt. France, dep. Vendée, 21 m. S.W. La t;. vii. Québec, of Yamaska R 7 m. S. St Hyacinthé"#. $ , th: SE. Lancashire, 3 m. N. la IIl. II, 433. I7 I2. Koche-sur-Yon. P. Io,420. - & , - . • 3 :... • * “ . . . * - - : 㺺: #tº: *. ighshi SW w #. #. al ...” º Upper Guinea, on Gold Coast. : º: #º.9 # 3. yº P. II.70. - - - - , tin. Len Dignshire, 4 m. . Wrexham. P. of t, th: Persia, prov. Khorassan, 65 m. W Nishapur. - - - ~~1- ? • ? • *. ; is co- Ruatan, isl. in Bay of Honduras, 30 by 9 m. P. 2009. ... Guatemala. See Zacapa. J p t º:iºn ;: º ay. P. 2053. , #; th ‘....";ºdriatic 9 m. NW. Rimini. º: San sº Pacific coast. P. 5789. t. tll. France, dep. Seine, 3 m. N Paris. º : -, ---- :----. * - - tn. Guatemala, W. of Guatemala city. P. 300. t. - :* --12- !, 3 tº ..." • * * ***, vºys - #:§§ º: gº; P. #394. Egypt, near J. b. of Nile, 19 m., S. Cairo. t. ºp dº."jº, séñºnue P. 2286 #:::::::::::::::::::::#;"º...” gº, cumberland.co. P. *. ######"...º.º.º.º.º.º.º. *C. §§ - - - >--- º - • - - -- 2 Rüdesheim, th: Prussia, in Hessen-Nassau, on r. b. Rhine. P. 4040. tn. Spain, 27 m. SE. Guadalajara. P. 1903. t. #º...". Haute-Marne, on R. Marne. P. 12,773. Rudgwick, par. and vil. Sussex, 7 m. NW. Horsham. P. 1122 Germany. See Saxe and Sa vil. Wales, on R. Teifi, opposite Cardigan. Rudkiöbing, th Denmark, on w! Cº. of Langqiani. I 3.79 e tn. Italy §m NNE ... *: Com. F260. - ; See Santo Domingo. . Fudolstadt, tin. Germany, cap, of Schwartzburg-Rudolstadt, on the arbour, vii. N ëw York, jefferson ...; fake Ontario. P #. .#3. ‘...º. P. #493; Radiº 18 m, S. Weimar. P. 10,562. tn. Bääen, on Rhine, ºm. Sī, Freiburg. F. 3:36, igg, #. º:78-9 ft. i. §º ..". ... sº SE. º P. 3843. , port of entry, Maine, in York co., on Saco R., 14 in. WSW. t. Čornwaii, 3 m. SE. St. i.e. 'íºoks fufach, th Alsace, 3 m. Š. ë. P - ſº 5 m. W. Paris. P. 8208. S . 6396. - º t. d’Upton, vil. Quebec, in Bagot co., 48 m. E. Montreal Ruffee.'th. F '? ... I’. 3b9.I. A. aco R., New Hampshire and Maine, to Atlantic, 175 m. t. tn. France, dep. Loire, 32 m. b il SWV. L - ec, tr. France, dep, Charente, 26 m. N. Angoulême... P. 3155. Sacramento, largest r. of California, flows generally Š. to San Joaquin Tºgº, 'Mianuſs. Velvet, silks, iro 32 m. by rail SW, Lyons. P. Ruſſº; E. Africa, falls into Indian Ocean in 8° S. lat. The territory | R. near its mth., thence to Suisun Bay. Length, 500 m. ;', #uatiº. iºt. silks, ironwares, etc. It is in the centre R.uſ; i. ºwº % º Protectºr tº: [P. I2Oo. Sacramento City, port of entry, cap. of California and of s. CO., OIl St. Etienne de ãºis vil. Quebec f IBeauh e #; iniſt tº §. ; E. of Cape Verd, belongs to France. S. R., 120 m. by water NE. San Francisco. P. 21,420. Št. Eustache, vii. Quebec. in co. of Two Kä † rom § *. £3. - Iº &S 㺠j *: º 15 m. NE. Warwick, ada, the Spain,Å; and i. . E. Corunna, on a bay. P. 5754. Št. Eustatius, a ditch W. india island ſº *ś"s: Šiš. * - * adagoora, th: Austria, in Bukovina. 6. y 3. * -- “... * * * * * - Rugeley, mkt, th; co, and 9 m. SE. Stafford, on R. Trent, P. 4249. addieback, mtn. Cumberland, 4 m. NE. kºwick 2847 ft St. #: 19853; º; 3464, Capºt. Eustagius of Orange, Rügen, large isl. Prussia, off cst. of Pomerania, in the Baltic. Area addleworth, tshp. S. Australia, 67% m. N Ädelaid 4. f dist . Flavie, vil. Quebec, in Rimouski Co., on S. b. St. Lawrence. P. Fij 373 sq. m. , P. 45,039. Ths., Bergen and Potbus. 3. 3.C dieworth, tshp. and vii. W. Rººk, 12 m. SW “Hajíº. # #. * iº at E. end of Loch Earn. [of parish, 1968. #º tn. Pomerania, on the Wipper, near its mth. P. 5331, adhaura, th: Punjab, dist, and 26 m. E. Ambala. P. ro,794. (22.299. š. Fiour, th #. *...*:: *W.; º º Ruhrºr R. º on the Suhlbach, 7 m. SE. Eisenach. P. 2.f46. ado, isl. Japan, W. of Hondo. Area, 77.2 sq. m. P. 103,098. -* šte. Fo 'th. Fram .. ; :. 33 m. ENE. Aurillac. P. 5745. #3: tº. ſº : ; flows 142 m. to the Rhine, near Duisburg, adowa, vil. Bohemia, 8 m. NW. Königgrätz; battle, July 3, 1866. šte. #. i. Fran ge, 3. T É. e, on 1. b. Dordogne. P. 3466. . -- , th: on the Rhine, at mth, of the Ruhr. P. 9866. afed (anc. 9a/t/ta), th: Palestine, 12 m. N. Tiberi £ºn...anºe.dº?', ºne;2 in. SSW. Lyons. P. 5732. Rülsk, th Russia. See Rylsk. afed Koh. Imtn #: Āfghanistan º ë. P. 5000. §. Francis, lake, formed by the St. Lawrence, S.W. of Montreal. Rum, isl. Argyll, in Inner Hebrides, 8% by 8 m. , P. 89. affi or Azañ. ft. §t. 'Mº'ay N. P. I2 gºal. St. Francis R., Missouri, flows S. 450 m. to the Mississippi. Ruma, th: Hungary, 35 m. NW. Belgrade. P. 8541. affron waidén, mºn, bor. fisséx. 44 m. NE London. P. 666 # #. Quebec, room. NE. to St. Lawrence, at L. St. Peter. Rumbeke, vil. Belgium, 16 m. S. Bruges. P. 6089. aga, important commercial th: apan in Kiu Siu is." º º: . François de la Beauce, vil. 54 m. S. Quebec, on R. Chaudière, Rumburg, th: Bohem N.W. B > - ...Japan, sl. P. 25,022. cap. Öf Beauce co. P. of par, 418 : burg, th Bohemia, 42 m. NW. Buntzlau. P. ro,142. agan or Zegan, tin. Prussian Silesia, 48 m. NW. Liegnitz. P - - e Co. ...P. or par. 4181. ". .3 Rumili or Rumelia. See Roumelia. Šagar, dist india, in NW of Čent. Provs, jabalpur’īy." Aſ I2, OIO. St. François du Lac, vil. Quebec, on Lake St Peter. P. 2330. #ºbº th. Prussia, 35 m. ESE. Cöslin. P. 5152. sq. m. P. 56.9%. Čap. Sagar, 23° gy N., ; 49' #" A. †: St. Gall º: Gaćeº), cant. in NE. Switz. Area, 786 sq. m. P. jº §: #Włº, on R. Merse SIE #. § Sagišić 1. off • I94O it. 㺚 ëi. r fºliº 38 per cent. Protestant, * * y • * * * * º:-- ~. - y, I2 m. SIE. Liverpool. alin, long narrow isl. off E. cºt. of Asia, i • i- e - tº-- * Šºšººl. e §ºymede, post th; Victoria, 1283 m, N. Melbourne. P. 612. p morsk, separated from mainland by §: .# #...". Pri # Gall, cap. of above, on R. Steinach, 45 m. ENE. Zurich. P.24,574. Hºney Mead, meadow, Surrey, on R. Thames, 2 m. W. staines. m. ; breadth, 17 to 78 m. P. 12,006. y, Lellgth, 514 St. º tn. France, dep. Haute-Garonne, on the Pyrénées. º i ``myup, post th Victoria, 224 m. NW. Melbourne. P. 131. Sag Harbour, port of entry, on Longisl., Suffolk co., room. E. N §g eneviève, vil. Quebec, 20 m. W. Montreal. P. rooo... [P. 6312. :*P*...tn. Punjab, Ambala Dist., on the Sutlej. P. ro,326. §iº.fs...hº..." ...” “fy. . George or Georgetown, th: W., Indies, cap. of Grenada. P. 4570. - §º tn, Belgium, on the Scheldt, SW. Äntwerp. P. 3272. [Bay. Sagua la' Grände, th. Čuba, º F. of sº p. :. [York. St. George, spt. of Bermudas, on isl. of St. G. P. 3000. [John. P. 3412. £uperºr; Canada, rises in Lake Mistassini, and flows 3oom. to Saguenay, large and pi - rerº º' I4. St. George, port of entry, New Brunswick, co. Charlotte, 45 m. W. St. - 3 James gu y, larg picturesque r. Quebec, ent the St. Law , 45 e Júll § Land, in Dominion of Canada, former name of part of the Hººgºvº enters the t. LaWrence §: §: Bay, Newfoundland, on W. cst., 54 m. long. • 47I. Ruppi º; whose streams fall to Hudson and James Bays. Sahama, min. of the Andes, in Peru, 18° 7' S.; 22,350 ft. hig #. eorge; tı, Queensland, on Balonne R., 280 m. WSW. Brisbane. #ºppin, Šahar. Zahara, the great Bºei, 4 º'º. Afica St. º.º.º.º.º.ºish jºirelyid from s a l\ - VS., - lº - - s c > !N. p , I e ar z- - - Rush, Spt, and ry, Sta, 16 . # É ū #. ºper P. II,000. :*§ the º; §º to the Red Sea, 34com., and St. &####### § É ºp sº §: & w $ º º * w t d l * * - - wº s 4. 3. e - - º º I I} } e S, to the Barbary States in the N., an St. Germans, mkt, th, Cornwall, 9% in, N.W. Plymouth, P, 2307. ; I 3 58 ST. GILES THE CENTURY GAZETTEER SAN MAURO CASTELVERDE St. Giles, dist. of London, in bor. of Finsbury. P. 45,382. St. Gilles, th Belgium, 21 m. NE. Ghent. P. 4877. St. Gilles, th France, dep. Gard, 11 m. SSE. Nimes. P. 5268. St. Girons, th: France, dép. Ariège, 26 m..W. of Foix. P. 510r. St. Gothard, mtn. grp. Switz., in Lepontine Alps. The pass, much frequented (6867 ft.), from L. of Lucerne to Val. of the Ticino. The tunnel 9% m. long connects the Swiss and Italian Railways. St. Gowan's Head, promontory, S. extremity of Pembrokeshire. St. Helena, isl. in S. Atlantic, belongs to Britain, 15°57' S., 5°42' W., 60 m. SE. of Ascension Island. Area, 47 sq. m. P. 5085. St. Helena, isl. and penal settlement, Queensland, 17 m. NE. Brisbanc. St. Helena, isl. S. Carolina, off Beaufort co, P. 6644. - St. Helens, parl, and mun, bor. and manuf. tri. S.W. Lancashire, 12 m. N. Liverpool. P. 57,403. Manufactures, glass, chemicals, etc. St. Helens, th Isle of Wight, 4 m. SE. Ryde. P. 4210. St. Helen's, isl. Canada, in the St. Lawrence, at Montreal. St. Helens, watering-place, Tasmania, 80 m. E. Launceston. P. 257. St. Helens, Mount, Washington, in Cascade range, 12,000 ft. St. Helier, spt. th: Channel Isls., chief tin. of Jersey, 133 m. from Southampton. P. 28,021. [P. 3835. St. Hilaire-du-Harcouet, th: France, dep. Manche, 9 m.SW. Mortain. $$. Hippolyte, tr. France, dep. Gard, 13 m. ESE. Le Vigan. . P. 4145. St. Hyacinthe, city, Quebec, cap. of St. H. Co., on R. Yamaska, 35 m. by rail ENE. Montreal. P. 5321. §t. Imier, vil; Switz, canton Bern, 12 m. W. Brienne. St. Isidore de Quebec, vil. 20 m. SE. Quebec, in Dorchester co. St. Ives, spt. tr. Cornwall, 8 m. NE. Penzance. P. 6445. [P. 3139. t. Ives, mun. bor. Huntingdonsh., on R. Ouse. P. 3038. t. James, post th: Victoria, 1413 m. NE. Melbourne. P. rao. #, James, ry, sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 4 m. from Winnipeg. t. Jean Baptiste, th: Quebec, dist. Hochelaga. P. 5874. f. Jean, th: Quebec, in St. Jean Dist. P. 43.14. [Remi. P. 4078. t. Jean Chrysostome de Châteauguay, vil. Quebec, 13 m. SW. St. t. Jean d'Acre. See Acre. [Saintes. P. 7279. t. Jean d'Angély, th France, dep. Charente-Inférieure, 15 m. NNE. t. Jean de Luz, cSt. th France, dep. Basses-Pyrénées. P. 445r. t. Jean de Maurienne, th: Savoy, on the Arc. P. 2987. [P. 2032 t. Jérome, vil, Quebec, cap. of Terrebonne, 33 m. N. Montreal t. John or St. Jān, a Danish W. Indian isl., ENE. of St. Thomas, 42 Sq. m. P. 944. Cap. Crux Bay. - St. John, Lake, large lake, Canada, N. of Quebec, on Saguenay R. St. John, city and spt. of New Brunswick, and of co. St. John, at inth. of St. John R., 190 m. NW. Halifax. P. 26,127. St. John R., New Brunswick, 450 m. to Bay of Fundy. St. John's, vil. Michigan, cap. of Clinton co., 22 m. N. Lansing. P. 2370, St. John's, ft. Spt. city, cap. of Newfoundland, on SE. cst., 47° 33' 6" N. P. 24,000. Its trade is in connection with fisheries. St. John's, th: Quebec, cap. of St. John's co., on R. Richelieu. P. 4314. St. John's, city, cap. of Antigua, on NE. cSt. P. 9000. St. John's Wood, dist. London, 3 m. NW. St. Paul's. P. 3660. St. Johnsbury, vil. Vermont, cap. of Caledonia co., 34 m. ENE. Montpelier. P. 5800. St. Johnstown, yil. E. co. Donegal, on R. Foyle. P. 348. St. John's R., Florida, flows N. 350 m. to the Atlantic. St. Joseph, vil. Michigan, on L. Michigan, at mth. of St. Joseph R., 60 m. ENE. Chicago. P. 2603. • - - 3 & St. Joseph, city, Missouri, cap. of Buchanan co., on Missouri R., 11o m. above Kansas City. P. 32,431. St. Joseph R., Michigan, 250 m. W. to L. Michigan. St. Joseph's Bay, off G. of Mexico, on S. cst. Florida. [P. 3832. St. Julien-de-Concelles, th: in Loire-Inférieure, 8 m. ENE. Nantés. St. Julien-en-Jarret, th France, dep. Loire, on R. Gier. P. 6462. Ste. Julienne, vil. Quebec, cap. of Montcalm co. P. 1132. St. Junien, the France, dep. Haute Vienne, on R. Vienne. P. 5736. St. Just in Penwith, th Cornwall, 7 m. W. Penzance. P. 6409. St. Kilda, rocky isl, most W. of the Hebrides, Inverness, 40 m. W. of N. Uist; 7 m. in circumference. P. 77. St. Kilda, watering-place, Victoria, 33 m. S. of Melbourne. St. Kitts, W. Indies. See St. Christopher. St. Lawrence, one of the largest rivers of N. America, issues from Lake Ontario, forms boundary between New York and Ontario, flows NE... through Quebec Próv. to Gulf of St. Lawrence, 750 m. It forms the outlet of the “great lakes’ of Canada and the U.S., rising in the St. Louis, beyond the head of L. Superior. Total length, 2200 m. IXrainage area, 335,515 sq. m., of which 90,000 are of the “great lakes.’ St. Lawrence, Gulf of, at the mth. of the R. St. L., partly enclosed by Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. St. Leonard's, vil. Tasmania, 4 m. from Launceston. St. Leonards on Sea, th Sussex, on W. side Hastings. . P. 7165. St. Lim, vil, Quebec, 30 m. NW. Montreal by rail. P. of par. 2722. St. Lô, tm. France, cap. of Manche, on the Vire...P., 10,121. St. Louis, city, Missouri, cap. of St. L. co., on W. b. Mississippi, 20 m. below the Missouri. P. (1830) 6694; (1880) 350,518. The com- mercial metropolis of the Missouri valley, its manuſs. are very yaried and extensive. It contains two universities. St. Louis or Andar, cap. of French possessions in Senegambia, at mth. of R. Senegal. P. 19,000. St. Louis de Gonzague, vil, Quebec, in Beauharnois co. P. of par. 2674. St. Louis R., Minnesota,226 m. to head of Lake Superior. St. Lucia, a Brit. W. Indian isl. in Windward Grp., between St. Vin- cent and Martinique. Area, 237 sq. m. P. 41,381. Cap. Castries. St. Maixent, th: France, dep. Deux-Sèvres, 13 m. ENE. Niort. P. St. Malo, ft. spt. France, dep. Ille-et-Vilaine. P. 11,212. [4790. St. Mandé, vil. France, 4 m. ESE. Paris, near the walls. P. 9398. St. Marcellin, tm. France, dep. Isère, near the R. Isère. P. 2839. St. Margaret's Hope, vil. Orkney, in S. Ronaldshay. P. 412. St. Martin, one of the W. Indian isls., the N. part belonging to France, and the S. to the Dutch, 18° 4' N., 53° 10' W. Area, 30 sq. Im. P. of N. div. 3365; S. div. 3391. St. Martin de Ré, thfrance, Charente-Infér., on isl. of Ré. P. 2645 St. Martin in the Fields, par. in bor. of Westminster. P. 17,508. Ste. Martine, vil. Quebec, cap, of co, and on R. Chateauguay, P.2278. Ste. Marie (AVossi Ibrahim), isl. on E. cst. Madagascar, 17° S. Area, 67 sq. m. P. 6948. It is a French possession. St. Mary's, post tshp, New S. Wales, 28 m. W. of Sydney. P. 800. St. Mary’s, tshp. Täsmania, 135 m. NE. Hobart. P. 200. St. Mary's, th: Ontario, co. Perth, 22 m. N. London. P. 3415. St. Mary's Loch, Peebles and Selkirk, on Upper Yarrow, 3 m. long. St. Mary's R., outlet of Lake Superior, 60 m. long. [P. II75. St. Mathieu, vil. Quebec, Rimouski co., 42 m. below Rivière du Loup. St. Maurice, th: France, on the Marne, 4 m. from Paris... P. 5576. St. Maurice, r. Quebec, 400 m. to the St. Lawrence, at Three Rivers. St. Mawes, mkt, th Cornwall, 3 m, E. Falmouth. P. IOOO. Ste. Menehould, th: France, dep. Marne, on the Aisne. P. 4644. St. Michael, principal isl. of the Azores. Area, 297 sq. m. P. 81,0co. St. Michael, ſaen, Finland, in the S.E. P. 172,117. Cap. St. TT. St. Michael's Mount, rock and castle, off S. CSt. Cornwall. St. Michel, vil. on S. b. St. Lawrence, 16 m. below Quebec. P. 700. St. Mihiel, th: France, dep. Meuse, on R. Meuse. P. 5915. St. Momance, St. Monans or Abercrombie, fishing vil. Fife, on Firth of Forth, 2 m. NE. Elie. P. 1918. . . St. Moritz, vil. Switz., in Upper Engadine, 28 m. SE. Chur. St. Nazaire, spt. France, dep.j Loire-Infér., at nith. of Loire. P. St. Neots, mkt...tn. Huntingdon, on R. Ouse. P.4261. [19,626. St. Nicholas (São Wicolao), one of the Cape Verd Isls. P. 6ooo. icholas or Nicolaas, tin. Belgium, 12 m. SE. Antwerp. I’. 27,215. icolas-du-Port, th France, dep. Meurthe-et-Moselle, 7 m. SE. Nancy, on R. Meurthe. P. 5117. St. Ninians or St. Ringans, th: Stirling, on R. Forth. P. 1647. St. Norbert, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 12 m. S. Winnipeg. St. Ola. See Kirkwall. St. Omer, ft. th: France, dep. Pas-de-Calais. P. 21,556. St. Ouen-sur-Seine, th: France, 4 m. N. Paris. P. 17,718. St. Ours, tri. Quebec, in co, and on R. Richelicu. P. 800. St. Pancras, parl. bor. Middlesex, in N. of London. P. 236,258. It returns 4 M.Ps. St. Paul, r. Liberia, 300 m. S.W. to the Atlantic, N. of Monrovia. St. Paul, city, Brazil. See São Paulo. St. Paul, isl. in Indian Ocean, 38° 43' S., 77° 38' E. St. Paul, isl. in Reunion, 19 m. SW. St. Denis. P. 27,000. St. Paul, city, port of entry, cap. of Minnesota and of Ramsey Co., on Mississippi R., 409 m. WNW. Chicago., P. (1886) 140,000. St. Paul de Loanda (São Paulo de Loantaa), city, cap. of Portuguese W. Africa, in Angola Prov., 8° 48' S. P. I4,500. St. Paul's Bay, in Malta, 6 m. NW. Valetta, on NE.cst. [3974. St. Paul's Bay, th on N. b. St. Lawrence, 60 m. below Quebec. P. St. Peter, lake, Canada, extension of St. Lawrence R., 35 m. long. St. Peter, vil. Minnesota, cap. of Nicollet co., on Minnesota R. P. 3436. St. Peter and Paul. See Petropaulovski. St. Peter Port, th: Guernsey, Channel Isls., on E. cst. P. 16,658. St. Peters or Bathurst Willage, New Brunswick, Gloucester co. St. Peters, mun. suburb, 4% m. S. of Sydney, New S. Wales. [P. 600. St. Petersburg (Russ. Peterburg), gov. Russia, S.E., of Gulf of Fin- land and of Lake Ladoga. Area, 20,759 sq. m. (including lakes). P, 1,618,614. Cap. St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, metropolitan city of the Russian Empire, and cap. of St. P. Gov., on R. Neva, at its mth. in the Gulf of Finland; 59°56' N., 30° 18' E, It covers 42% sq. m., and is one of the most imposing S t. i cities of Europe. P. 929,093. It has a university, several colleges and academies. St. Peters R. . See Minnesota. R. St. Pierre, isl, off. S. cºt. Newfoundland, forming with Miquelon a colony of France. P.3473; of Col. 4748. St. Pierre, principal th; of French W. Indies, on Martinique. P. 28,000. St. Pierre, isl. Indian Ocean, dependent of Mauritius. St. Pierre-les-Calais, th: France, I m. from Calais. P. 33,290. St. Pol, th: France, in Pas-de-Calais, 19 m. WNW. Arras. P. 7295. St. Pol-de-Léon, th: France, in Finistère, 13 m. NW. Morlaix. P.3797. St. Pölten, th: Lower Austria, 35 m. W. Vienna. P. ro,015. St. Quentin,tn. France, dep, Aisne, on the Somme. P. 47,353. St. Regis, vil. Quebec, co. Huntingdon, on R. St. Lawrence. P. 14oo. St. Remy, th: France, dep. Bouches-du-Rhône, 13m. NE. Arles. P. 5315. St. Remy, tr. France, dep, Puy-de-Dôme, 35 m. NE. Clermont. F. St. Roch de Richelieu, vil. Quebec, in co. and on R. Richelieu. [5561. Ste. Rose, vil. Quebec, cap. of Laval co., 16 m. NW. Montreal. P. ió74. St. Sampson, th: Guernsey Isl. P. 3780. St. Servan, spt. France, dep. Ille-et-Vilaine. P. 12,867. §§. Stephen, spt. New Brunswick, co. Charlotte. P. 2333. . [P. 1314. St. Thérèse de Blainville, vil. Quebec, 20 m. NNW. Montréai. St. Thomas or São Thome, isl. in Gulf of Guinea, belongs to Portugal, 6°3' E., near the Equator. Area, 1000 sq. m. P. 18,300. St. Thomas, isl. W. Indies, belonging to Denmark. P. f.1,389. St. Thomas' Mount, th: Madras Pres., in Chengalpat Dist., 8 m. SSW. Madras. P. 15,013. A military station. [martyrdom. St. Thome (Little Moidztt), suburb of Madras. Scene of St. Thomas's St. Thomas, th: Ontario, co. Elgin, 15 m. S. London. P. 8367. St. Trond, th Belgium, , in Limbourg, 12 m. WNW. Tongres. St. Ubes, Portugal. See Setubal. [P. 13,745. St. Vaast, vil. Belgium, 9 m. E. Mons. P. 1408. St. Valery-en-Caux, th N. cst. France, 17 m. WSW. Dieppe. P. 4496. St. Valery-sur-Somme, th: France, dep. Somme, near cst. P. 3566. St. Vincent, a British W. India isl., W. of Barbadoes. Area, 133 sq. m, P. 43,939. Cap. Kingston. t. Vincent (São Vicenſe), one of the Cape Verd Isls. P. 1700. f. Vincent de Paul, vil. Quebec, co., Laval, on Isle Jésus. P. 2492. t. Vincent Gulf, S. Australia, 85 m. long by 35 m. mtes, th: France, dep. Charente-Inférieure, on the Charente. P. ntfield, mkt. th co. Down, 15 m. SE. Belfast. P. 769. [15,763. ntonge, old prov. in W. of France. Its cap. was Saintes. Kai, the Japan, in Hondo, 40 m. SW. Miako. P. 44,743. ariyah, r. Asia Minor, 230 m. to the Black Sea. - ata, th: Japan, on Nipon Isl. and in Ugo Prov. P. 18,833. at?!, dist. Transcaucasia. Area, 1609 sq. m. P. 74,283. Cap. S. Khalin-Ula-Khoton, Hei-Lun-Tsian or Aigun, th: Manchuria, on r. b. of º not far from Blagovestchensk, P. 5000. Has con- trade. tn. Abyssinia, cap. of Enarea, 8° N., 37° E. r. Russia, 350 m. to the R. Ural, from Ural Mts. r. Russia, 250 m. W. to the Don, at Novo Tcherkask. tn. Italy, prov. Salerno, To m. SW. Potenza. P. of com, 6396. Sweden, laen Westmanland, 21 m. W. Westerås. P. 4812. dep. and th: Argentina, prov. Santiago. P. of dep. i2,000; , cSt. of Chili, S. of Copiapo. {tn. 8500. th. Africa, Upper Guinea, on the Gold Coast. P. Io,000. tn. Lower Egypt, 37 m. NE. Bolbeys. P. 6oco. tn. Spain, cap. of prov. S., 83 m. SW. Valladolid by rail, on the Tormes. P. 17,614. amanca, prov. Spain, in Leon, on R. Douro. P. 308,298. amanca, tin. Mexico, state and 20 m. S. Guanajuato. P. 15,500. amanca, isl. Colombia, off mouth of the Magdalena. amis (Kolouri), isl. Greece, Io in. W. Athens. P. 3507. anga, isl. of Siam, on the cSt. of Malacca. P. I2,Coo. angore, state of Malay Penin., on W. side. P. 12,000. Cap. S. ayer, grp. of islands (to Dutch), off S. coast Celebes. P. 60,000. combe, th: Devon, 4 m. S. Kingsbridge. P. 1826. danha Bay, on W. coast Cape Colony, 80 m. N. Cape Town. e, th: Cheshire, on R. Mersey, 5 m. SW. Manchester. P. 7915. e di Tortona, th: Italy, prov. Alessandria. P. 6338. e, tm. Victoria, in Gippsland, 118 m. by rail from Melbourne. P. 5000. eh, spt. th: Morocco, in Tez, at mth. of R. Buragreb. P. Io,000. lem, vil, and miss. sta. Cape Colony, 18 m. S.W. Grahamstown. P. 690. em, dist. Madras Presidency, S. of Mysore. Area, 7653 sq. m. P. 1,599,595. Cap. Salem. P. 50,667. Salem, city, port of entry, Massachusetts, Essex co., 14 m. N. Bos- ton. , P. 27,563. Salem, city, ...]; cap. of S. co., on S. Creek. P. 5056. Salem, th Ohio, Columbiana co., 13 m. E. Alliance. . P. 4041. - Salem, city, cap. of Oregon, U.S., and Marion Co., on Willamette R., 700 m. N. of San Francisco. P. 2538. Salembria, r. Thessaly, Ixo m. to G. of Salonika. Salemi, tin. Sicily, prov. Trapani, 48 m. S.W. Palermo. P. 16,215. Salerno, spt. city, Italy, cap. of prov. S., 33 m. SE. Naples. P. of com. 32,965. Area of prov. 2126 sq. m. P. 567,073. Salford, parl. and mun. bor. S.E. Lancashire, on W. side of R: Irwell, in Manchester par. P. 176,235. Returns 3 M.P.S. See Manchester. Şalghir, r. Crimea, 100 m. N. to Putrid Sea. Salian, th Transcaucasia, gov. Baku, on R. Kur. P. Io, 168. Salibabo or Tulour Islands, in Malay Archipelago, 4° N., 126°-127° E. Salina, one of the Lipari Islands. P. 5492. Salina, city, Kansas, cap. of Saline co., on Smoky Hill R. P. 31II. Saline, vil. Fife, 5% m. NW. Dunfermline. P. 369. Salins, tin. France, dep. Jura, 21 m. SSW. Besançon. P. 6419. Salisbury, tshp. South Australia, 12% m. NE. Adelaide. P. 500. Salisbury or New Sarum, city and co. th: of Wilts, on the Upper Avon, 83 m. SW. London by rail. . P. 16,435. The cathedral (1220) is one of the finest in the kingdom. Salisbury Plain, N. of the city, contains Stonehenge. jalmon R., Idaho, U.S., 450 m. to Snake R., 40 m. S. of Lewiston: ;almon Arm, ry. sta. Brit. Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 142 m. W. Donald. falo, th: Italy, on W. side of Lago di Garda. P. of com. 4555. e ;alomon Islands, chain of large islands, in the Pacific, SE, from Bis- marck Archipelago, 4° 30' irº 30 S. Area, 16,949 sq. m. P. 750,000. Salon, tm. France, dép. Bouches-du-Rhône. P. 7503. Salona, th: Greece, 84 m. WNW. Athens. P. 4667. Šaloniča or saloniki, cap. of Turkish vilayet of same name, on NE. Şalop, co. Engl. See Shropshire. [shore of AEgean Sea. P. Šo-83,992. Şalgette, isi, N. of Bombay, in Thana Dist. Area, 241 sq. m. P. roë,149. Salta, a N. prov. Argentina. Area, 45,000 sq. m., P. 200,000. Salta, city, cap. of above, 180 m. N. Tucuman. I’. 29,000. Saltaire, tin. W. R. York, on R. Aire, 4 m. NW. Bradford. [2563. Saltash, mkt, th: Cornwall, on R. Tamar, 3 m. NW. Devonport. . P. Šaltburn by the Sea, watering-place, N. R. York, 4 m. SE. Redcar. Saltcoats, spt. Ayrshire, 13 m. SE. Ardrossan. P. 5096. [P. 1646. Saltee Islands, Wexford, ſo m. SW. Carnsore Point. Saltfleet, cst. vil. Ilincolnshire, a sub-port to Boston. Saltillo, cap. of Coahuila State, Mexico, on R. Tigre. P. 20,000. Salt Lake, Great, Utah, in the ‘Great Basin' W. of Rocky Mts., . It receives the R. Jordan, and has no outlet. Area, 1900 sq. m. Alt., 250 ft. above sea-level. Salt Lake City, cap. of Utah, U.S., and of S. L. Co., near E. bank of jordan R., 4200 ft. above sea-level. P. 20,768. It is the head- quarters of Mormonism. Saltley, tm. Warwickshire, on NE. side of Birmingham. P. 6422. Saltney, vil. Flintshire, on R. Dee, 2 m. SW. Chester. Şalto, tr. Uruguay, on the R. Uruguay, 60 m. N. Paysandu. P. 12,000. Salt Range, hills, Punjab, in Jehlam, Shahpur, and Bannu. Salt Sea, Palestine. See Dead Sea. - §alur, tri. Madras Presidency, in Vizagapatam District. P. Ir,856. Saluzzo, city, N. Italy, prov, and 17 m. NW. Coni. P. of com. 15,641. Šalwin (Salween or Šalue”), r. Burma, flows S. to Gulf of Martaban, 800 m. long. Area of basin, 62,700 sq. m. Salwin Hill Tracts, dist. Lr. Burma, in N. of Tenasserim, 4646 sq. m. P. 30,009. Cap. Pa-Pun. Salzach or Salza, r. Austria, flows E. and N. to the Inn, 130 m. Salzbrunn, vil. Prussian Silesia, 5 m. SE. Friburg, on R. Salzbach. It has much frequented mineral Springs. P. 3714. Salzburg, crown-land and duchy of Austria, 27.61 sq. m. P. 166,925. The Salzach is the main river. - g Salzburg, cap. of above, on R. Salzach, 70 m. ESE. Munich. It is romantically situated. P. 24,952. - Salzkammergut, dist. Up. Austria, between Styria and the Lake of Traun. It has valuable salt-mines. Salzwedel, tm. Prussian sº 54 m. NNW, Magdeburg. P. 8883. Samakov, th Bulgaria, 30 m. SSE. Sophia. P. 9970. . - Samana, peninsula, bay, and cape, on N.E. CŞt; Dóminica (Hayti). Šamar, "one of the Philippine Isls., S. of Luzon, 147 by 59 m. P. 178,890. ...Cap. Catbalogan. Samara, à fertile gov. Russia, on E. of the Volga. Area, 58,318 sq. m. P. 2,305,461. Cap. S. on the Volga. P. 75,392: - Samarang, ft. spt. Java, on W. CŞt., 219 m. ESE: Batayid: P. 69,894. Šamarcand, th: Russia, gov. of Turkistan, in Cent...Asia, 130 in 1. Bokhara. P. 36,000. Taken in 1868 by the Russians..., anc. cap. of kingdom of Israel, now.vil. gf Sebustieh. tn. Turkey, on R. Tigris, 65 m. NW. Bagdad, dist. India, Cent. Proys. Area, 4521 sq. m. P. 693,499. cap. of above, on R. Mahanadi, P. 13,939. tn. Borneo, on W. Cst., 1* 15' N. P. ro,000. i th...W. Africa, in the Mandingo countr th. N.W. Provs., dist. and 23 m. §§ Rºad P. 21 great salt lake, Rajputana, in Jaipur and jodhpur • 21,373. th. Italy, prov. Catanzaro, 6 m. W. Nicastro." p. 84 O ft. th: Philippine Isls., on SW, cst. Mindanäj i. P Austria, in Galicia, on the Dniester. F. I3,586. [3274 r. Aisne and Belgium, II.5 m., to the Maas at Namur. tº #: º ‘; P. 9682. [5078 QJeše, Vil, in Tuscany, 27 m, NNW. & :*::::::::::::::::::::::"...º.º.º. § Area, 3076 sq.m. P. 35,800. Cap. 'Aſſia. •, Ioks -173° W. amºº: *Aºi. isl, off. W. cat. Asia Minor, 42 m. SW, Smyrna, Cap. ºi. • 41,146. It is a tributary principality of Turkey. Samothraki, isl. of the AEg 2a. i -: Bahri Sefid. Area, 71 gºlsº º e Turkish tn. Piedmont, 15 m. WSW. Saluzzo. P. 5998. or Šams, is, Denmark. W. Zealand, 43 sq. m.”f 6350 Spt; Asia Minor, on Black Sea,36°2'' E. p. 12.o.” , th: Prussia, gov. and 20 m. N.W. Posen. P. 4:3. " r. Austria, in Galicia, 250 m. NNW, to the Vistula. of Yemen, SW. Arabia, 162 m. N. Aden, is 40,000 de Palomer, the Spain, 5 m. NNE. Barcelon.” p. 14 6I : city, Texas, on S. A. R., 80 m. SW, Austin. p. 23:33. to.del Tronto, the Italy, in Ascoli Piceno district I3 in San B iš. P. º º: 7279. y • an Benedetto Po, th Italy, on S. b. Po, 12 m. SE. - San Biase or San Biagio, tú. Italy, in &; *:::: P. i. º San Blas, spt. Mexico, State Jalisco, on Pacific. P. 33% te ,700. šan Bonifacio, the Italy, prov. and £4m. E. Verona, p. 6:36 an Carlos, th: Chili, prov. Nuble, 15 m. NE. Chian. p. §ºo jan Qarlos, th: Venezuela, 70 m. ŠSÉ. Valencia. P. ro 74I. - jan §: º: #. Chili. See Ancud. y jan Carlos de Ancud, th: Philippine Isls., prov. º San Gasciano, th: Italy, 8 m. § F i.º.º.º.º. 24,753. §an Cataldo, th Sicily, prov. and 5 m. WSW. Caitanisetta.” p. 16.4s.2. §anghi, vil, Cent. India, 20 m. NE. Bhopal; Buddhist remains ,353. an Colombano, the Italy, 9m. S. Lodi, on the Lambro. P. of ºn 708o an Cristobal, th: Mexico, cap. of Čhiapa, 285 m. SE. Vera Gruž. an Crisflobal, th: Argentina, in prov. Santa Fé. [P. I2 856. an Gristoval, th: Venezuela, cap. Tachira. P. II,903. • * * * *-ſ ºve an Gristoval de la Laguna, th Teneriffe, near Nºs. p. 11 O34 anct Georgen, th: Croatia, 18 m. NE. Belovar. P. ſ. 53r * ~~}*** Sanct; Jºhann, th: Rhenish Prussia, on R. Saar. P. 13:33 §ºn. • 23 J:y^** anct Tönys, th: Rhenish Prussia, 15 m. NW. Düs anct Veit, tin. Carinthia, II m. N. #º P. 6085. tn. on E:ºst, Brit. N. Borneo, on a bay. - tn. W. § . 2 m. SE, Wakefield. P. 4264. in Malay Archipelago, S. of Flore Aºi...º.º.º.” #. º º th. Italy, 13 m. NW. Udine, on Tagliamento. P. º, one of the Orkneys; very flat. P. 2382. • 56I5. mkt.,tn. Cheshire, 4% m. NE. Crewe. P. 5493. vil. Argyllshire, on S. shore Holy Loch. P. 570. tn. Austria, in Galicia, 49 m. SE. Cracow. P. II,185. post tshp. Victoria, 2643 m. W. of Melbourne. P. 300. tn. Kent, 1% m. SW. Folkestone. P. 1669. post tim, Queensland, 123 m. N. Brisbane. P. 1598. - par...and vil. Berks, in SE. P. 4195; vil. on R. Black- water, near Wellington College sta. [bourne. P. 28,662. Sandhurst, city, Victoria, on Bendigo Creek, roo m. NNW. Mel- San Diego, port of entry, California, cap. of S. D. co., on a bay of Pacific, 482 m. SSE. San Francisco. P. 2637. Oudh, in Hardoi Dist., 32 m. NW. Lucknow. P. 14,865. See Santo Domingo, Italy, 18 m. NE. Venice, on R. Piave. P. of com. 8502. tn. Italy, prov. Caserta, 11 m. E. Sora. P. 5C26. , dist. Lower Burma, in Arakan. P. 64, oro. Cap. S. tn. Isle of Wight, on S. Bay, 6 m. S. of Ryde. P. 31.20. . Sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 57 m. W. Ottawa. seat of Prince of Wales, Norfolk, 6 m. NE. King's Lynn. , city, port of entry, Ohio, cap. of Erie Co., on S. Bay, Lake IIom. N. by E. Columbus. P. 15,838. S. R. 150 m. Sandwich, mun. bor. and cinque port, Kent, on R. Stour, 13 m. N. Dover, 78 m. E. London. P. 2846. Sandwich Isls. See Hawaii. Sandwich, th: Canada, prov. Ontario, co. Essex. P. r143. andy Creek, mining tshp. Victoria, 218 m. NE. Melbourne. andy Hook, narrow peninsula, New Jersey, 16 m. S. New York an Fele, tm, Italy, prov. Potenza, 3 m. from Melfi. P. 9662. an Felice, vil. Italy, 4 m. ESE. Mirandola. P. of dist. 8685. an Felice a Cancello, tin. Italy, 6 m. SE. Caserta. P. 7516. an Felipe, th: Venezuela, 60 m. WNW. Valencia. P. 6000. an Felipe de Aconcagua, tin. Chili, cap. of Aconcagua. P. r1,500. an Felipe de Jativa, city, Spain, 43 m. SSW. Valencia. P. 14,534. an Feliu de Guixols, tin. Spain, 18 m. NNE. Gerona. P. 7773. an Fernando, th: Chili, cap. of Colchagua, 80 m. S. Santiagó. P. 7000. an Fernando, Spain. See Isla de Leon. an Fernando de Apure, th: Venezuela, on R. Apure. P. 3053. ian Filippo d'Argiro, Sicily. See Agira. jan Francisco, spt. city and commercial metropolis of California, on W. shore of S. F. Bay, 37° 47' N, ; 122° 24′ W. P. (1860) 56,802; (1880) 233,956; (1885) 280,000. It is the W. terminus of the Pacific Railway, and has lines of ocean steamers across the Pacific. Its trade and manuf. are very extensive. [is called the Golden Gate. an Francisco Bay, on W. cºst. California, 55 by 3-12 m. Its entrance an Francisco R., Brazil. See São Francisco. an Francisco de la Montana, th: Colombia, on Isthmus of Panama. Sanfront, vil. Italy, prov. Coni, 8 m. W. Saluzzo., P of com. 50C8. anga, th Japan, isl. Kiu-Siu, 55 m. NE. Nagasaki. Sangamon R., Illinois, 240 m. W. to Illinois R. angar or Tsugar, strait, between Hondo and Yesso, Japan. angara, dist. in Mandingoland W. Aſrica; cap. Kankan. angay, vol. Andes of Ecuador, 2° 7' S. ; 17,120 ft. angerhausen , the Prussian Saxony, at foot of the Harz. P. Io, 188. an German, th: Porto Rico, in SW. part. P. 30,146. an Germano, th: Italy, prov, Casertà, 11 m. W. Venafro P. 12,248. an Gil, th: Colombia, 64 m. SW. Pamplona. P. 6200. an Gimignano, th Italy, 24 m. S.W. Siena. P. of com. 8636. an Ginesio, tm. Italy, 15 m. SSW. Macerata. P. of Com. 6567. an Giorgio Morgeto, tin. Italy, prov. Reggio di Calabria. P. 5137. an Giovannia. Teduccio, th: Italy, 3 m. E. Naples. P. of com. I4,972. an Giovanni in Fiore, th S. Italy, 25 m. E. Cosenza. P. 11,067. an Giovanni in Persiceto, tm. Italy, xo m. NNE. Bologna. P. of COIſl. I5,394. - San Giovanni Rotondo, th: S., Italy, prov, Foggia, near cst. P. 83.12. Sangir, isl. grp. between Celebes and Philippines. P. 59,000. San Giuseppe Jato, th: Sicily, 18 m. S.W. Palermo. P.,6579. San Giustino, th Italy, in Umbria, 26m. SW. Urbino. P. of com. 4888. Sang-Koi or Tonquin R., 600 m. from Yunnan to G. of Tonquin. Sangli, cap. of S. State, Bombay Pres, on R. Kistna. P. 3,272. §anguinetto, rivulet, Italy, enters L. of Perugio ; scene of the battle of Thrasymene. - San Ildefonso or La Granja, th Spain, 6 m. SE. Segovia., P. 2727- San Joaquin, r. California, 4oom. NNW, to Sacramento R. ..., San José, city, California, cap. of Santa Clara co., 48 in. SE. San Francisco, on Guadalupe R. P. I2,567. San Jose del Interior, cap. of Costa Rica. ...P. 13,484. San Jose, tin. Uruguay, 45 m. NW. Monte Video. P.Sooo. šan Jose de Buenavista, th: Philippines, on Panay. P. 7990. San Jose del Parral, th Mexico, 260 m. N.W. Durango. P. 5000. San Juan, r. Bolivia, 300 m. NE. to the Pilcomayo. San Juan, r. Mexico, 150 m. to Rio Grande. • San Juan, r. Nicaragua, the outlet of L. Nicaragua, 99 m. to Caribbean San Juan, Nicaragua. See Greytown. .. Sea at Greytown. §an Juan de la Frontera, prov. Argentina, next the Andes, 29,700 sq.- m. P. 125,000. Cap. San Juan. P. 15,090. Sanjuanfautista (Villa. Hermosa), th: Mexico, cap. of State Tabasco, on R. Tabasco, 70 m. from mouth: San Juan del Rio, th Mexico, 30 m. SE. Queretaro. P. 8000. §an Juan de Puerto Rico, ft. spt. cap. of Porto Rico, on N. cst. Śankuru, larger. Central Africa, aff, of the Kassai R. [P. 23,4I4. San Lazzaro, th: Italy, 1 m. NE. Placentia. Has a college. A- §aniuca de Barrañeda, spt. city, Spain, 18 m. N. Cadiz, on 1. b. of Guadalquivir, at its mouth. P. 22,770. San Luis, a central state, Argentina, 23,427 sq. m. P. 108,000. Cap. Śān fluis de la Punta, 428 m. WNW. Buenos Ayres...P. 7003. Sam Luis Obispo, the California, cap. of co. 90 m. N.W. Sta. Barbara. §aniuis Fotoşi, state Mexico, 23° N., roo"W., 25,994 sq. m. º. 516,486- šan Luis Potosi, cap. of above, 79 ml. NNE. Guanajuato. P. 35,000. §an Marco, thitaly, 17 m. NNW. Cosenza, P. of coºl. 4863, šan Marco in Catoſa, th: Italy, prov. Foggia. P. 478. [P. 16,378. San Marco in Lamis, th Italy, in Foggia; 12 m. ENE. San Severo- šan Marino or Sammarino, republic and th: of Italy, enclosed by Émilia and the Marches, 43° 58' N., 12° 21' E., 22 sq. m. P. 7816, of whom 1460 are in the town. San Martino di Lupari, th Italy, prov. Padua, P. of çºm. 6124. §aniſauro Castelverde, th; Sicily, 19 m. SE. Cefalu, P. 5789. vilayet Djezairi 3. tn. 59 SAN MIGUEL THE CENTURY GAZETTE E R SEATON CAREW iguel, th: San Salvador, 80 m. ESE. San Salvador. P. 8109. #. #: ei Grande, th Mexico, 40 m. E. Guanajuato; P. º: §an Miguel Rio, See Rio San Migliel. § X ¥3; San Miniato, th Italy, 21 m. WSW. Florence, on R. Arno. P. O San Nicandro, th Italy, in peninsula of Gargano. P. 8710. šan Nicamdro, th Italy, proy. and ºr m. S. Bari. P. 6202. San Nicolo, th Greece, in Tinos Isl., on SE. coast. P. 4000. §anok, tin. Galicia, on San R. 86.m. SW. Lemberg, P. 5121. §an Paulo, Brazil. See São Paulo. §an Pier d'Arena, th Italy, 2 m. W. Genoa. P. of com. 22,690. . . San Pu, large r. Tibet, flows E. at least,850, º, beyond which it is believed to join the Brahmaputra by the Dih2ng. Sanquhar, parl, and royal burgh, Dumfries, on R. Nith. P. 1339. It is one of the Dumfries Bitzghs. [14,902: comi, I6,055. San Remo, th N. Italy, on Mediterranean, 31 m. NE. Nice. P. of tin. šan Roque, city, Spain, in Andalusia,.7 m. NW. Gibraltar. P. 8724. §an Salvador, rep. of Central America, having S. the Pacific, and Cºatemala and Honduras on the N, ; 7228 sq. m. P. (1885) 634,129. Products indigo, maize, sugar, coffee, tobacco. > Sansalvador, city, cap. of above, ro5 m.SE. Guatemala. P. 33.374. šan Salvador (now Watling Isl.), one of the Bahama Isls., named by Columbus, the first land seen by him in W. Hemisphere. san salvador, Banza or Congo Grande, th: Africa. 160, ºn. Sº San Salvador, Brazil. : Loango. P. 24,000. am Salvador, Cuba. See Bayang, g §: galvatore, tr. Italy, 7 m. NNW. Alessandria; , P. 7507: §ansanding, th Soudan, State Bambarra, on the Joliba. P. 30,000. San Sebastian, ft. Spt. city, Spain, prov. Guipuzcoa. P. #355, §an Sebastian de los Réyes, th: Venezuela, 50 m. SSW. Caracas. §ºn secondo Parmese, th Italy, 10 m. NW. Parma. P. 5306, LP. 7799. §an severo, tr. Italy, 17 m. NW. Foggia. ...P.9f com. 20,960. Šanson, post th New Zealand, 97 m. from Wellington. §an stéfano, CŞt. vii. Turkey, on Bosphorus, where treaty of peace between Russia and Turkey was signed, 1878. P. 4000. Santa Ana, th Central America, 40 m. WNY. San Salvador. P. Io, ooo- Santa Barbara, spt. California, 90 m. WNW, I-95 Angeles. P. 3460. Šanta Barbara Isls., 8 in number, off cºt, of California. §anta Caterina, th Sicily, 7 m. NW. Caltanisetta. P. 7572. Šanta Catharina, ft. isl. Brazil, 27° 30' Sº, 39 m; Pyº Santa Catharina, maritime prov. Brazil, 26°-28° 40' S.; 28,632 sq. m. P. 201,043. Cap. Desterro, on above isl: Santa Clara, vil. California, on S. Pacific Ry., 43 m. S. of San Fran- Santa Clara, th in isl. of Cuba. P. 22,781. [cisco. P. 2416. Santa Coloma de Farnes, the Spain, 13 m. SW. Gerona, P. 5165. Santa Croce, th: Sicily, 13 m. S.W. Modica, near Çst. P. 5348. §anta Croce di Magliano, th: Italy, prov. Campobasso. P. 4872, Šanta Croce di Morcone, th Italy, prov. Benevento. P. 4369. [6805. §anța, Čroce sull' Arno, th on R. Arno, prov. Florence, P. of com: §anta Cruz or St. Croix, one of the Virgin Isls. in W. Indies, forms with St. Thomas and St. John a Danish colony, 29 m. by 5 m., 110 sq. m. P. 33,763. ... [Monterey Bay.,, P. 3890. Santa Cruz, th and seaside resort, California, gap. of S. C. Co., on §anta Cruz, th Luzon, 110 m. NNW. Manilla. P. 18,479. Santa Cruz de la Palma, cap. of Palma, Canaries. . P. 6617. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, eastmost dep. Bolivia, 144,083, sq. m. P. 182,000. Cap. th: of same name. P. 9780. [Teneriffº, P. 16,6ro. Santa Cruz de Teneriffe, spt. and cap. of Canaries, on NE. CŞt. of Santa, Eufemia, th: Italy, 5 m. W. Nicastro. P. 5960. Santa, Eulalia, th: Ivica, Balearic Isls. P. 5241. Šanta Fe, thºndalusia, prov. and 7 m. W. Granada. . P. 5108. Šanta Fe, cap. of New Mexico, U.S., 20 m. E. of the R. Grande. P. 6635. Elev. 6840 ft. ... & Q & [P. I3,000. Santa Fe, city, Argentina, cap. of prov., on isl., in R. Šalado: $anta Fe, prov. Argentina, on Rio Parāna and Salado, N. gf Buenos §anta Fe de Bogotá. See Bogota. [Ayres, 38,500 sq. m. P. 215,000. Santa Fiora, th: Italy, 50 m. E. by N. Grosseto. 616. Sant'Agata dei Goti, th: Italy, prov. Benevento, P. 845r. Sant'Agata di Puglia, th; S. Italy, in Foggia. P. 5993. Šant'Agostino, tú. Italy, in Ferrara, 7 m, NE. Cento, P. Qf com. 8702. §antal Farganäs, The, dist. Bengal, in S. of Bhagalpur Div. Area, 5456 sq. m. P.1,568,093. Cap. Dumka. Santa Lucia, th: Sicily, 15 m. WSW. Messina. P. of com. 7318. Santa Margherita, tri. Sicily, 42 m. NW. Girgenti. P. 7926. ;Santa Margherita Ligure, fin. Italy, prov. Genoa, on cst. P. of com. Santa Maria, one of the Azores. P. 7000. [7415. Santa Maria, a Monte, th: Tuscany, near the Arno. P. of com: 6576. Santa Maria a Vico, vil. Italy, prov. Caserta, near Nola. P. of com. 5971 ; tın. 5029. [20,058; tın. 18,721. Santa Maria di Capua, th Italy, 5 m. WNW. Caserta. P. of com. Santa Marta, spt. Colombia, cap. of State Magdalena. P. 5472. Santa Maura or Leucadia, one of the Ionian Isls., 22 by 9 m. Area, 180 sq. m. P. 20,892. Cap. Amaxichi. ... [Angeles. Santa Mônica, watering-place, California, 16 m. by rail from Los Sant'Anastasia, th Italy, 5 m. E. Naples. P. of con: 7235. , 42,019. Santander, spt. city, Spain, cap. of prov., 207 m. N. Madrid. P. Santander, maritimé prov. N. Spain. Area, 2018 sq. m. P. 246,996. Santander, state, Colombia, E. of the Magdalena. Area, 16,409 Sq. m. P. 425,427. Cap. Socorro. * g Sant'Angélò dei Lombardi, city, Italy, 20 m. ENE. Avellino. P. Sant'Angelo di Brolo, th: Sicily, prov, Messina. P. 5523. [4853. Sant'Angelo Lodigiano, th N. Italy, 8 m. SW. Lodi. P. 869.I. Santa Ninfa, th: Sicily, Iom. SE. Salemi. P. 7789. Sant'Antimo, th Italy, 7 m. N. Naples. P. of com. 9635; th: 4343. Santa Pola, cSt. th: Spain, 12 m. SW. Alicante. P. 42.19. [8634. Sant' Arcangelo, th Italy, prov. Forli, 7 m. W. Rimini. P. ºf dist. Santarem, ti). Portugal, on the Tagus, 56 m. NNE, Lisbon. P. 9414. Santarem, tin. Brazil, on Amazon and Tapajos. P. ro,000. Santa Rita., tm. Brazil, prov. Minas Geraes. P. 5800. . . Santa Rosa, th: California, cap. of Sonoma Co., 57 m. NW. San Fran- cisco by rail. P. 3616. Santee, r. S. Carolina, formed by Congaree and Wateree. Sant'Eramo in Colle, th S. Italy, in Bari. P. II,669. [See Santa E. Sant'. Eufemia, vil. Italy, in Calabria, 17 m. NW. Reggio. P. 6252. Santiago, r. Ecuador, 180 m. E. to the Amazon. [Cap. Porto Praya. Santiago, most S. of Cape Verd Isls. Area, 500 sq. m. P. 37,000. Santiago, prov. Chili. Area, 5223 sq. m. P. 326,210. Santiago Atitlam, th: Guatemala, near Lake Atitlan. P. 20,000. . Santiago de Chili, cap. of above, and of Chili, 90 m. E. Valparaíso, at foot of the Andes. P. 200,000. It is noted for its splendid scenery, and has a university, academy of Science, etc. Santiago de Compostela, city, Spain, prov. and 33 m. SSW. Corunna, on the Sar. P. 24, 192. Has a university and celebrated cathedral, with tomb of St. James (Jago). Santiago de Cuba, spt, city, Cuba, on S. CŞt., 75° 50' W. P. 71,307. Santiago de la Espada, tin. Spain, 73 m. NE. Jaen. P. 5731. Santiago de las Vegas, th: Cuba, 15 m. S. Havana. P. II,219. Santiago del Estero, cent. prov. Argentina. Area, 31,500 sq. m. P. 100,000. Cap. of Same name, on Rio Dulce. P. 18,000. Santiago de los Caballeros, th: Santo Domingo, on Yaque R. P. Santipur, th Bengal, on R. Hugli, in Nadiya Dist. P. 29,687. [I9,000. Santisteban del Puerto, vil. Spain, 32 m. from Jaen. P. 51.98. Santo Antonio, most N. of Cape Verd Isls. P. 29,000. Santo Antonio de Sa, or Macalcu, th Brazil, 30 m. NE. Rio de Janeiro. P. 7ooo. [Parahiba. P. 6ooo. Santo Antonio dos Guarulhos, th: Brazil, prov. Rio de Janeiro, on Santo Domingo or San Domingo, rep. See Dominica. Santo Domingo, cap. city of rep. of Dominica on S. cat. P. 16,000. Sant Oedenrode, vil. Netherlands, II m, SE. Bois-le-Duc. P. 4553. Santoña, ft. tin. Spain, 16 m. E. Santander. P. 4428. Santorini, isl. of Grecian Archipelago, 13 m. N. Nio, Io m. long. P. I4,783. Cap. Thera. A new volcano broke out 1866-70. Santos, spt. th: Brazil, prov. and 34 m. SSE. São Paulo by rail. P. Io, ooo. Exports, sugar, rum, Cotton, coffee, etc. Santo Štefano di Camastra, th: Sicily, prov. Messina. P. 5372. Santo Stefano Quisquino, th: Sicily, proy. Girgenti. , P. 6665. an Vicente, tm. San Salvador, 25 m. ESE. of San Salvador. P. 9957. San Vicente, tr. Spain, 33 m. N. Badajos. P. 7066. San Vito dei Normanni, th Italy, 12 m, from Brindisi. P. 7217. São Bernardo, city, Brazil, 70 m. SSE. Ceara. P. 6000. São Francisco, large r. Drazil, from Minas Geraes, flows N., NE., and E., 1600 m. to the Atlantic, Io" 24’ S. São João del Rei, city, Brazil, 80 m. SW. Ouro Preto... P. 6000, São João do Principe or Marcos, th: Brazil, 60 m. WNW. Rio. P. São Jorge or St. George, one of the Azores. P. 18,000. 6ooo- São Leopoldo, Dutch colony and th: Brazil, 30 m. N. Porto Alegre. P. of dist. 20,000 ; tın. Adoo. Saône, r. France, chief aff, of the Rhône, from the Vosges SSW. 282 , m. to the Rhône at Lyons. Saône-et-Loire, dep. in W. of France, 46°30' N. Area, 3302 sq. m. _ P. 625,885. Cap. Macon. Traversed by Côte-d'Or Mts. São Paulº. city, Brazil, cap. of prov., 220 m. WSW Rio de Janeiro. _ f. 25,000. São Paulo, maritime prov. Brazil, between Rio Parana and the - Atlantic, 20°-26° S., 44° 30'-55°W. Area, 112,306 sq. m. P. 1,058,950. São Pedro do Sul. See Rio Grande do Sul. São Rogue, Cape, Brazil, prov. Rio Grande do Norte. São Sebastião, cSt. th: Brazil, prov. São Paulo, 23° 48' S. P. 6000. Sapucahi, r. Brazil, 200 m. NW. to the Parana. Sarabat or Kedus, r, Asia Minor, 180 m. to Gulf of Smyrna, Saragossa (Span. Zaragoza), city, Spain, cap. of prov, Š and of †† R. £º: m. NE. Madrid. P. 84,575. Seat of a university and two cathedrals. P. of prov. 400,266. Saraisk, th Russia, 35 m. WNW. Riazan, on the Oster. P. 59:3. Saran, dist. Bengal, in NW. of Patna Div. P.2,280,382. Cap. Chapra. Sarangpur, th: Cent. India, in Dewas State. P. I3,543. Saransk, th: Russia, 70 m. N. Penza. P. I3,751. Sarapul, th Russia, 195 m. SE.Viatka, on the Kama. P. II,957. Saraswati, sacred r. Punjab, joins the Ghaggar in Patiala. §aratoga. $prings, summer résort, New York, in S. co., 38 m. N. of Albany. P. 8421. It has numerous hotels. Saratov, gov. Russia, on W. side of Volga. . Area, 32,583 sq. m. P. 2,134,872. Cap. S., on r. b. Volga, 51°30' N. P. II2,428. Sarawak, country of W. Borneo, 380 m. long. P. 250,000. Cap. S. P. 18,000. Exports sago, mercury, gutta-percha, rubber, etc. Sarawan, prov. Baluchistān, in the N. Area, 15,000 sq. m. P. 50,000. Cap. S., 98 m. W. Kelat; 500 houses. Sardhāna, tr. NW. Provs., in dist, and 12 m. NW. Meerut. P. 13,313. Sardinia (Ital. Sardegna), large isl. of the Meliterrºnean, a coºk partimento of Italy, lies S. of Corsica, 140 m. from Italy, Length N. to S., 152 m. ; breadth, 66 m. , Area, 9399 sq. m. P. 680,450. It forms the provs. of Sassari and Cagliari. Surface very moun- tainous, and soil generally fertile. ... Sardis, ruined city, Asia Minor, 50 m. NE. Smyrna. Sarguja, native State, Bengal, in Chutia Nagpur, S. of Rewa, 6055 sq. m. P. 270,311. e Sari, th: º cap. of Mazanderan Prov., 15 m. S. of Caspian. P. 8000. §ark or Serg, one of the Channel Isls., 85 m. NE. Guernsey. P. 571. Fishing is the chief occupation. g Sark, smalir. Scot., co. Dumfries, Iom. to Solway Firth. Sarkad, th: Hungary, 35 m. S.W. Grosswardein... P. 7600. arlat, th France, dep, Dordogne, 44 m. SE. Périgueux. P. 6457. Sarmaño, tm. Italy, prov. and Iom. SSW. Macerta. P. 4459. Šarnen, th Switz., cap. of cant. Unterwalden, at Lake of S., P. 4039. arnia, th Ontarió, cap. of Lambton co., on R. St. Clair. P. 3874. arno,'tm. Italy, prov. and 13 m. N.W. Salerno. P. of com. I7,277. Saronno, th Lómbardy, 14 m. NW. Milan. P. 6123; com, 6784. arpa, r. Russia, 200 m. to the Volga, S. of Tsaritsin. Šarpsborg, th: Norway, amt Smaalenene, on the Glommen. P. 3300 arre, r. Germany. See Saar. * jarsfield, post thi Victoria, 193 m. E. of Melbourne. P. of dist. 500. Sarsina, tri. Italy, in Forli, 4 m. SW. Mercato Sarraceno.P. ofcom. 3400. Sarteano, th Italy, prov. Siena, 5 m. WSW. Chiusi. P. of coin. 4741. Sartène, tm. Corsica, 30 m. SSE. Ajaccio. P. 5748. arthe, r. France, from Orne, 845 m, to the Mayenne. arthe, dep. in N.W. France, 43° N., o' lon. Area, 2396 sq. m. P. 436,111. Cap. Le Mans. Main rivers, Sarthe and Loir. Sartar-Oe, isl. Norway, 5 m. W. Bergen ; 20 by 7 m: * Sarum, Old, or Old Castle, site of ancient city, Wilts, 2 m. N. Salis- bury. P. 21. It returned 2 M.P.s. till 1832. Sarzana, tin. Italy, prov. Genoa, 8 m. E. La Spezia. P. of com. Io,047. Saskatchewan, larger. Canada, rises in Rocky Mts. in two heads, the N. and S. Saskatchewan, uniting at lon. Ios” W., and flows E. to Lake Winnipeg, from which it issues as the Nelson to Hudson Bay. Total length, 1730 m. Saskatchewan, dist, or ter. Dominion of Canada, in the NW. Ter.; bounded W. by Alberta, S. by Assiniboia, E. by Manitoba and Kewatin, N. by the 55th parallel of lat. Area, II.4,000 sq. m. Sassafras, post tim, Tasmania, 76 m. NW. Launceston. §assari, city, Sardinia, cap. of prov. on NW, side, P. of com. 37,368. a large cathedral and a university. prov. the N. half of Sardinia. Area, 4141 sq. m. P. 260,478. Poland. See Zaslav. [com, 8180. Italy, in the Marches, 7 m. NW. Fabbriano, P. of , Iom. S.W. Modena. P. of coin. 6300. tn. most E. branch of Indus delta. tn. , 20 m. S. of Larissa. dist. Pres., in Deccan Div. P. r,062,350. Cap. Satara, [56 m. S. of Poona. P. 28,601. of native states, Bombay Pres., under Satara [and Sholapur. Area, 3821 sq. m. P. 376,727. tn. Hungary, 8 m. WSW. Zemplin. P. II,264. in S. of Kiu-Siu Island. Cap. Satsuma. at E. side of Lake Huron. m. to Lake Huron, at Saugeen vil. port of entry, at mth. of above. P. 2090. York, Ulster co., on W. b. Hudson R. P. See Sagar. [Io,375. Marie, vil. Michigan, cap. of Chippewa co., on 14 m. from Lake Superior. P. 1947. IIcre the by a ship canal. port of entry, Ontario, opposite the above. P. rooo. dep. Maine-et-Loire, on the R. Loire. I’. I4,186. spt. vil. Pembrokeshire, 2% m. NE. Tonby. France, dep. Gironde, 8 m. NW. Bazas. Noted for its , in Lecce, 5 m. W. Mandura. P. 5878. ſwines. in Hondo, 50 m. NE. Kioto. or Niue, in Pacific, between Tonga and Samoan Isls. of Samoan Islands, 50 by 30 m. P. I2,530. [P. 5124. spt. Dominica, on Bay of Samana. r. between S. Carolina and Georgia, 450 m. , port of entry, Georgia, cap. of Chatham co., on r. b. of m. from its mouth. . 30,700. Exports cotton. Savanne, ry. Sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 76 m. W. Port Arthur. Save, r. France, joins the Garonne 15 m. NNW. Toulouse, 65 m. Save (German, Salé º Hungarian, Szczza), large r. Carniola and Croatia, flows E., separating the military frontier of Hungary from Bosnia and Servia,and joins the Danube at Belgrade. Length 550 m. Savigliano, th: Italy, in Piedmont, 9 m. E. Saluzzo. P. of com. I?,411. Savignano, the Italy, 8 m. by rail SE. Cesena. P. of com. 4579. Savona, th: Italy, on the coast, 25 m. S.W. Genoa. P. of com. 30,634. Savonas, ry. sta. British Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 233 m. W. Donald. Savoy or Savoie, dep. France, on W. slope of the Graian Alps, and the S. portion of the former Italian duchy of Savoy. , Aréa, 2224 Sq. m. P. 267,428. Cap. Chambery. The main r. is the Isère. See Haute Savoie. Savu, isl. Malay Archipelago, between Timor and Sandalwood. P. I5, COO. goo sq. In. P. 174.433. See Wari. Sawantwari, native state, Bombay Pres., 200 m. S. of Bombay. Area, Sawbridgeworth, th IIerts, in the E., on R. Stort. I’. 2173. Sawel, mtn. Ireland, Londonderry and Tyrone, 2236 ft. Sawley, vil. Derbyshire, on R. Trent, 7 m. SE. Derby. Sawley, vil. and ruined abbey, W. R. York, on R. Ribble. Saxe-Altenburg (German, Sachsen-Altenblazºg), duchy of Central Germany, in Thuringia. Area, 511 Sq. m. P. 161,460, mostly Protestants. Cap. Altenburg. Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (German, Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha), duchy of Germany, in Thuringia, in two principal parts separated by the Thiringer Wald. Area, 760 sq. m. P. 198,829. Caps, are Gotha and Coburg. Saxe-Meiningen. (German, Sachsen-Meiningen), duchy, consists chiefly of a long tract in W. Thuringia, between Gotha and Coburg, 90 m. long. . Area, 953 sq. m. P. 214,884, mostly Pro- testants. Cap. Meiningen. §axe-Weimar-Eisenach (German, , Sachsen-Iſeimar-Eisentach), grand duchy of Germany, in Thuringia, consists of three larger and twelve Smaller portions. Area, 1388 sq. m. , P. 313,946, mostly Protestants. Chief towns, Weimar, Eisenach, Jena, and Neustadt. Saxmundham, mkt. th: Suffolk, 20 m. NE. Ipswich. P. 1318. Saxonland or Sachsen, tract, in S. of Transylvania. Aréa, 3243 sq. m. P. 381,573. Chief towns, Hermannstadt and Kronstadt. Saxon Switzerland (Die Sachsische Schweiz), mtnous, part of Saxony, S.E. of Dresden, on both sides of the Elbe. Saxony, Kingdom of (German, Köztzgreich Sachsent), a state of the German Empire, traversed by the Elbe and Mulde, bounded N. by Prussia, S. by the Erzgebirge, which separates Bohemia, and W. by Thuringia, Length, 144 m. ; breadth, 15 to 88 m. Area, 5788 sq. m. P. 3,182,003, of whom 97 per cent. are Protestants. Chief towns, Dresden (the cap.), Leipsic, Chemnitz, Zwickau, Freiburg, Plauen, and Glauchau. Saxony (Sachsen), prov. of Prussia, adjoins the above on the N., tra- versed S.E. to N.W. by the Elbe, with its affs. the Mulde, Saale, and Havel. Area, 9749 sq. m. P. 2,428,367. It is divided intó the govs. Magdeburg, Merseburg, and Erfurt. Cap. Magdeburg. Šay, th: W. Africa, on R. Niger. Lat. 15° N.; lon. 2°30' E. Scafati, th Italy, prov. Salerno, 6 m. W. Nocera. P. of com. II,454. Scafell Pike, in Cumberland, Iom. SW. Keswick, highest summit of England, 3210 ft. Scala Nova, cSt. th Asia Minor, 40 m. S. Smyrna. P. 18,000. Scalloway, $pt. vil. Shetland, 6 m. SW. Lerwick. P. 648. §galpa, isl. Outer Hebrides, Inverness, in E. Lake Tarbert. P. 540. Scalpay, isl. Inner Hebrides, off E. cst. Skye. P. 37. Scanderoon, Iskanderun or Alexandretta, spt. tri. Asiatic Turkey in the vilayet of Aleppo. P. 3000. s Scandiano, th; Italy, 12 m. S.W. Modena. P. of com. 8r93. Scandinavia, the great penin, of N. Europe, consisting of Sweden and Norway. Scarba, isl, Argyll, off N, end of Jura, 33 by 33 m. y Mary's Ste. tn. Scarborough, parl. and mun, bor., Spt., and watering-place, N. R. Yorkshire, 39 m. NE. York by rail. P. 30,504. Returns 1 M.P. Scarborough, cap. of Tobago Isl., in W. Indies. P. 1200. Scardoma or Scradin, th: Dalmatia, on the Kerka. P. 8200. Scarriff, vil. E. co. Clare, on R. Scarriff. P. 785. Scarp, isl. Hebrides, Inverness, 3 m. W. Harris. Scarpanto, Turkish isl. of the Mediterranean, 28 m. SW. Rhodes, 30 Scarpe, r. France, dep. Pas-de-Calais, 25 m. to the Scheldt. [by 8 m. Scarsdale, th: Victoria, on Smythe's Creek, 113 m. W. Melbourne. Sceaux, th: France, dep. Seine, 6 m. by rail S. Paris. P. 2460. Schaerbeek, th Belgium, sub. of Brussels, on R. Senne. P. 45,531. Schaffhausen (French, Schaffhouse), most N. cant. of Switz., on r. b. of Rhine, next to Baden. Area, II.4 sq. m. P. 38,348. Schaff- hausen, the cap., on r. b. Of Rhine, 23 m. NE. Zurich. P. II,795. Schässburg or Segesvar, th: Transylvania, on Great Kökel. P. 8788. Schaumburg-Lippe, principality, Germany, enclosed by Prussian provs. of Hanover, Westphalia, and Hessen-Nassau. Area, 132 sq. m. P. 37,204. Cap. Bückeburg. Scheibenberg, vil. Saxony, 6 m. E. Schwarzenberg. P. 2346. Scheldt (Dutch, Schelºe; Fr. Escaut), r. N. France and Belgium, enters the sea in Zeeland (Netherlands). Length, 248 m. Schélestadt, th: Alsace. ...See Schlettstadt. Schelling. See Terschelling. [mining school and famous mines. Schemnitz, tm. NW. Hungary, 45 m. N. Gran. P. 15,265. It has a Schenectady, city, New York, cap. of S. co., on Mohawk. P. 13,675. Scheveningen, watering-place, S. Holland, 2 m. NW. The Hague, with which it is connected by tramway. P. 7713. Schiedam, th S. Holland, on the Schié, 5 m. W. Rotterdam. P. (1887) 24,806. Manuf. gin, etc. Schiehallion, intn. Perthshire, 11 m. NW. Aberfeldy, 3547 ft Schievelbein, the Pomerania, 36 m. SW. Cöslin. P. 5784. Schefferstadt, vil. Bavaria, 6 m. NNW. Speyer. P. 4865. Schiltigheim, vil. Germany, 1 m. N. Strasburg. P. 7140. Schintznach, vil. Switz., cant. Aargau, on the Aar, 4 m. SW. Brugg. P. 1157. Its baths much frequented. o, tº Italy, 15 m. NW. Vicenza. P. of com. 11,641; th: 7997 Keuditz, tin. Prussian Saxony, on the Elster. P. 4592. an, tin. Bohemia, 20 m. NW. Prague. P. 8070. angenbad, watering-place, Prussia, 6 m. W. Wiesbaden. awe, th: Pomerania, on the Wipper, 23 m. E. Cöslin. P. 5533. ei, Sley, or Schleswiger Fiord, on E. cst. Schleswig, 21 m. . eitz, tin. Germany, cap. of Reuss-Schleitz, 24 m. SW. Gera. P. lesien, German for Szlesia. [4966. Schleswig, spt. th: in Schleswig-Holstein, at W. end of the Schlei, 70 m. NW. Hamburg. P. 15,187. Schleswig-Holstein, prov. Prussia, bounded N. by Denmark; W. by the N. Sea ; E. by the Baltic ; and S. by the Elbe and Hanover. Area, 7275 sq. m. P.1,159,326. Cap. Kiel. The N. part (Schles- wig) and the S. part (IIolstein) were duchies of Denmark previous S -: to 1866. Schlettstadt (Fr. Schélestadt), ft. th: Lower Alsace, 26.m. by rail SW. Strasburg. P. 9172. It has two cathedrals. ichleusingen, the lºrussian Saxony, 35 m. WSW. Erfurt. P. 3615. chlüsselburg, th: Russia, 21 m. E. St. Petersburg. P. rojć chmalkalden (Sºmalcald), th: Prussia, 11 m. N. Meiningen. P. 6729. chmiedeberg, th: Prussian Silesia, 31 m. SW. Liegnitz. P. 4584. chmölln, th: Germany, 7 m. SW. Altenburg. P. 7104. ichneeberg, th: Saxony, on the Mulde. P. 7949. chneekoppe, highest of the Riesen Gebirgé, 5253 ft. Schneidemühl, th: Prussia, 54 m, W. Bromberg. P. 12,406. chönberg, th: Moravia, 28 m. NW. Olmütz. š. 8562. chönau, Gross, th: Saxony, dist. of Zittau. P. 5934. chönbrunn, imperial palace, Ił m. SW. Vienna. chönebeck, th: Prussian Saxony, Iom. SSE. Magdeburg. P. 13,319. chöneberg, a SW. suburb of Berlin. , P. 15,905. chönheide, vil. Saxony, 12 m. W. Schwarzenberg. P. 5882. chöningen, th: Germany, 20 m. SE. Brunswick. P. 692r. chonlinde, th: Bohemia, 33 m. NE. Leitmeritz. P. 4982. Choodic Lakes, between Maine and New Brunswick. choppinitz, the Prussia, in circle of Kattowitz. P. 5200. chorndorf, th: Würtemberg, 16 m. E. Stuttgart. P. 4496. Schouten or Mysory, isl. off N. c.st, Papua, 136° E. chouwen, northmost island of Zeeland, Netherlands. chreckhorn, one of the Bernese Alps. Elevation, 13,386 ft. chrieber, ry. Sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 745 m. W. Ottawa. Chrimm, tin. Prussia, 22 m. SSE. Posen. P. 6333. chuya, th Russia, 70 m. by rail ENE. Vladimir P. 21,432. chumla. See Shumla. [of Vienna. chütt, Great and Little, large islands in the Danube, Hungary, se. chiittenhofen, tm. Bohemia, 15 m. SE. Klattau. P. 6647. chuylkill R., Pennsylv., enters the Delaware R. below Philadelphia. Schwabach, tm. Bavaria, 9m. SW. Nuremberg. P. 7670. [Length, 130m. Schwabing, tr. Bavaria, district and near Munich. P. 8744. chwarzburg-Rudolstadt, principality, between Prussian Saxony, the Saxon duchies and Reuss. Area, 363 sq. m. P. 83,836. Cap. Rudolstadt. Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, principality, between Prussian Saxony and the Saxon duchies. Area, 333 sq. m. P. 73,606. Germany. See Black Forest. yrol, on the Inn, 16 m. ENE. Innsprück. P. 5124. Brandenburg, on the Oder, S.W. Stettin. P. 9756. tn. Prussian Silesia, 31 m. SW. Breslau. P. 23,669. tn. N. Bavaria, on the Main. P. 12,502. tn. Westphalia, 35 m. WSW. Arnsberg. P. r2, org. tn. Germany, Cap. of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. P. 31,528. tn. Prussia, 69 m. WNW. Posen, on the Warta. P. 6814. tn. Westphalia, 22 nu. W. Arnsberg. P. 6496. tn. W. Prussia, 31 m. S.W. Marienwerder. P. 6348. tn. Baden, 6 m. WSW. Heidelberg. P. 4944. tn. Brandenburg, 41 m. ESE. Frankfort. P. 8400. or Schweitz, one of the 4 forest cantons of Switz., on L. of Area, 351 sq. m. P. 51,235. Schwytz, cap. of above, 17 m. E. Lucerne. P. 6534. byl, r. Transylvania and Roumania, 150 m. to Danube. agca, spt, th: Sicily, on S. Cst. . P. of com. 23,287; tın. 20,709. icli, th: Sicily, prov. Syracuse, 6 m. SW. Modica. P. of com.12,082, glio or Scilla, celebrated promontory on Strait of Messina. lla or Sciglio, th Italy, on Strait of Messina. P. of com. 7460. lly Islands, grp. Cornwall, 25 m. S.W. of Land's End. Area, 3560 nde, India. See Sind. ſacres. P. 2320. ndia's Dominion. See Gwalior. o, Khio or Skio, Turkish isi. off W. cst. Asia Minor. Area, 508 sq. o or Castro, cap. of above, on E. cst. P. 14,500. [m. P. 5000. oto, r. Ohio, aff, of Ohio, at Portsmouth. Length, 280 m. lavonia. See Slavonia. cone, post. tr. New S. Wales, 167 m. N. Sydney. P. 600; dist. 1483. cone, par., vil, and palace, Perthshire, on R. Tay, 2 m. NE. Perth. Scordia, th: Sicily, 17 m. SW. Catania. P. 8151. [P. I483. cotch, th: Nova Scotia, in Hants co. P. 2611. Scotland. (Latin Caledozzia), the N. div. of isl. of Great Britain, 54°33' to 58° 40′ 24° N.; 1° 46' to 6° 8'30ſ W. From Cape Wrath to Mull of Galloway, 274 m. Greatest length, 280 m.; greatest breadth, 150 m. It is bounded N. and W. by the Atlantic, E. by the North Sea, and S. by Irish Sea and by England, from which it is separated by R. Tweed, Cheviot Hills, Rs. Lidd, Sark, and Solway Firth. Area, including the islands, 30,463 sq. m. P. (1801), 1,698,420; (1881) 3,735,573; (1887, estimated) 3.991,499. It is divided into 32 counties. It is also roughly divided hto Highland's and Lowlantas, the former occupying the N. and NW., and having a Celtic p., is very mtnous, and highly picturesque, with numerous lakes. It includes the Hebrides, or Western Isls. The Grampians reach, in Ben Nevis, 4406 ft.; Ben Macdhui, 4295 ft. The Lowlands are partly mtnous, but include extensive tracts of fertile country, rich in coal and iron, and densely populated, and with immense commerce and manufs. The fisheries, also, are of great importance. The most famous rivers are the Clyde, Tweed, Forth, Tay, Dee, and Spey. Chief tins, Edinburgh (the cap.), Glasgow, the second. city of the British Isles in p., Dundee, Åberdeen, Leith, Greenock, Paisley, etc. S. returns 72 members to the House of Commons, and 16 to the House of Lords, in London There arc 4 universities: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and St. Andrews, and a university college at Dundee. The climate of Scot. re- sembles that of Engl., but is of rather lower summer temperature. icotstown, vil, and ry, sta. Scot, 1 m. E. of Renfrew. P. 757. Scotswood, vil. and ry. Sta. Northumberland, 3 m. W. Newcastle. Scrabster, Spt. vil. Scot., 13 m. N. Thurso, Caithness. [P. Ioo,000. Scutari, tin. Turkey, on the Bosphorus, opposite Constantinople. Scutari, th: Turkey, in Albania, at foot of S. Lake. P. 20,000. Scranton, city, Pennsylv., cap. Lackawanna co., 162 m. N. Phila- §dunska Volya, th: Russia, gov. Kalisz. P. 8640. [delphia. P. 45,850. Seagombe, eccl. dist, Cheshire, on N.W. side Birkenhead. P. 6563, Seaford, th Engl., Sussex, 23 m. SE. Newhaven. P. 1674. eaforth, th: Qanada, prov. Ontario, dist, of Huron. P. 2480. [long. eaforth, Logh, sea-loch, on E. side Lewis Isl., Outer Hebrides, 14 m. eaham Harbour, spt; tın. Durham, 5% m. S. Sunderland. P. 7714. eaton, tshp. Cumberland, 2 m. NE. Workington. P. 2904. [P. 122r. tn. eaton, tin, and watering-place, Devonsh., 7% m. SW, Axminster. eaton Carew, the Engl., Durhanish., 2 m, S, of W. Hartlepool, P, 925. 6o SEATON DELAVAL THE CENTURY GAZETTEER SILKSTONE Delaval, tshp. and vil. Northumberland, 3 m. SW. Blyth. P. Washington Ter., U.S., on Admiralty Inlet. P. 3533. [38or. bor. Victoria, co. Grenville, 99 in. N.W. Melbourne. See Sevastopol. [P. 2498. tn. Dalmatia, 42 m. SE. Zara, on the cSt. Saxony, 24 m. ESE. Dresden. P. 7108. vil. Palestine, 6 m. NW. Nablus. See Samaria. vil. Austria, near Vienna. P. II,650. or Se Tchuen, prov, in W. of China, adjoining Tibet, and traversed by the Yang-tsi-Kiang. Area, 185,045 sq. m. P. 71,073,730. Cap. Ching-Tu-Fu. Seclin, th: France, dep. Nord, 6 m. SW. Lille. , P. 5379. Secondigliano, th: Italy, 3 m. N. Naples. P. of com. 7889. Secretan, ry. sta. Canada, in Assiniboia, 443 m. W. Winnipeg. Secunderabad, Brit. military cantonment, India, in the Nizam's Dom., 6 m. NE. Haidarabad. P. 74,124. See Sikandarabad. [P. 956r. Sedalia, city, Missouri, cap. of Pettis Co., 189 m. W. St. Louis. Sedan, th France, in Ardennes, on R. Meuse, 13 m. ESE. Mézières. P. 19,556. German victory, I Sep. 1870. Sedan, post tri. S. Australia, co. Eyre, 32 m. S. Adelaide. Sedbergh, mkt, th: W. R. York, 14 m. NW. Ingleton. P. 2268. Sedgefield, mkt. th Durham, 9 m. NW. Stockton. P. 2601. Sedgeley, Upper, th: Staffordsh., 3 m. S. Wolverhampton. P. 14,784. edlitz or Seidlitz, vil. Bohemia, I4 m. NE. Saatz. Seeland (Zealand), large isl. Denmark, between the Baltic Sea and the Cattegat. Area (including surrounding isls.) 2840 sq. m. P. 722,083. Chief ths, are Copenhagen, Fredericksborg, and Holbek. Seez, th France, dep. Orne, on the River Orne. P. 3760. Sefid Rud, r. Persia, enters the Caspian 30 m. E. of Reshd. efton, post tim, New Zealand, co. Ashley, 26 m. from Christchurch. Segeberg, th: Holstein, 28 m. NE. Hamburg. P. 4700. Seghill, th: Northumberland, 8 m. NE. Newcastle. P. 213r. Segni, the Italy, in Roma, 13 m. E. Velletri. P. of com. 5789. ego, lake, Russia, 30 m. N.W. of Lake Onega, 20 by 20 m. ego, th: Soudan, cap. of Bambarra, on the Joliba. P. 30,000. Segorbe, city, Spain, 25 m. WSW. Castellon de la Plana. P. 8095. egovia, city, Spain, cap. of prov., 45 m. NW. Madrid. P. II,465. Segovia, prov. in Old Castile. Area, 2714 Sq. m. P. 158,235. egre, r. Spain, 150 m. to the Ebro. egura, r. Spain, 180 m. to the Mediterranean at Guardamar. Seifhennersdorf, vil. Saxony, 9 m. NW. Zittau. P. 6841. Seil, isl. Scotland, Argyllshire, 4 m. SE. Mull. P. 661. Seim, r. Russia, 300 m. to the Desna, in Tchernigov. Seine, r. France, from jep. Côte-d'Or, flows NNW. 473 m. to the English Channel, passing Paris and Rouen. [2,961,089. Seine, smallest dep. France, containing Paris. Area, 184 sq. m. P. Seine-et-Marne, dep. France, E. of Paris. Area, 2215 sq. m. ... P. 55,136. Cap. Melun. [m. P. 618,089. Cap. Versailles. Seine-et-Oise, dep. France, surrounding dep. Seine. Area, 2164 Sq. Seine-Inférieure, dep. N. of France, on English Channel and on Lower Seine. Area, 2330 sq. m. P. 833,386. Cap. Rouen. Seistan, former prov. Afghanistan, now to Persia. Selby, Inkt. th: W. R. York, on R. Ouse, 14 m. S. York. P. 6046. Selenga, r. Mongolia and Trans Baikal, 500 m. to L. Baikal. [15,000. Selimno or Selimnia, th: E. Roumelia, 65 m. NW. Adrianople. P. Selkirk, parl, and royal bur. co, th: of Selkirkshire, on Ettrick Water, 63 m. S. Galashiels. P. 6090. It is one of the Hazvicæ Buzghs. Selkirkshire, inland co. SE, Scotland, E. of Peeblesshire, with which it unites in returning 1 M.P. Area, 257 sq. m. P. 25,564. Con- tains Selkirk (co, th) and Galashiels. Selkirk, vil. and ry. Sta. Manitoba, on Red R. and on C. P. Ry., 21 in. E. Winnipeg. Good farming land in district. Selma, city, Alabama, cap. of Dallas Co., on Alabama R. P. 7800. Selsey or Selsea, vil. Sussex, 7 m. S. Chichester. Selston, vil. Notts, 7 m. SW. Mansfield. P. of par. 4373. Selters, vil. Germany. See Nieder Selters. Semendria, ft. th: Servia, on the Danube. P. 6578. Semaphore, th: and watering-place, S. Australia, 9% m. from Adelaide. Semipalatinsk, ft. th: Russian Turkistan, cap. of gov. of same name, on the Irtish. P. 17,817 ; gov. 546,539. emiretchinsk, gov. Russian Cent. Asia. P. 815,000. Cap. Vernoye. Semliamsk, th: Russia, gov. and 25 m. NW. Voronezh. P. 6270. Semlin, ft. th: Slavonia, on the Danube, 3 m. N. Belgrade. P. II,636. Semmering Pass (3066 ft.), on rail between Vienna and Trieste. Sempach, th Switzerland, 8 m. NW. Lucerne, on S. Lake. P. II83. Sempst, vil. Belgium, on the Senne, Io m. NE. Brussels. emur-en-Auxois, th: France, dep. Côte-d'Or. P. 4307. ena, or Senna, th in Portuguese E. Africa, on the Zambesi. Se-Nam-Fu, city, China, prov. Quei Chow, on U-Kiang. eneca Falls, vil. New York, in co. and on Seneca R. P. 5880. Seneca Lake, New York, 36 m. by 2, from Watkins to Geneva. Seneca, R., New York, receives the waters of Cayuga, Seneca, and Canandaigua, and other lakes. Seneffe, vil. Belgium, 18 m. NE. Mons. P. 3349. [at 16° N. Senegal, large r. W. Africa, flows NW. and W. 1000 m. to the Atlantic, Senegal or Senegambia, French colonial dependency, W. Africa, consists of the isl. and th of St. Louis, at mouth of the S. R., and other stations on that r. and on the Gambia, etc. Area, about II2,000 sq. m. P. (1885). 183,237. Senegambia, a region of W. Africa, between Sahara, Soudan, and Upper Guinea, watered by the Senegal, Gambia, and other rivers. Area, about 290,000 sq. m. P. I2,000,000. Še Ngam Fu, city, China, prov. Quang-Si, 45 m. N. Nan Ning. Senise, th: Italy, in Basilicata, 29 m. E. Lagonegro. P. 3895. Semjen, isl. off NW. cst. Norway, 69° 20' N., 45 by 30 m. P. 3510. Senkov, th: Russia, 42 m. NNW. Poltava... P. ro,589. Senlis, th: France, dep. Oise, 33 m. by rail NE. Paris. P. 5647. Senna, tin. Africa. See Sena. Senna, th Persia, prov. Irak Ajemi, N.W. of Hamadan. Sennaar, dist. Soudan, N.W., of Abyssinia, recently under Egyptian rule, on the Blue Nile. Area, 60,000 sq. m. city of above, on the Blue Nile. P. 7000. tn. Alsace, 8 m. N. of Mühlhausen. P. 4493. city, France, dep. Yonne, on r. b. of Yonne. P. 13,515. Urgel, city, Spain, 67 m. NE. Lerida. P. 2392. dist. Central Provs. of India. Area, 3247 sq. m. P. 334,733. cap. of above, between Nagpur and Jabalpur. P. ro,203. or Hanyang, chief town of Corea. P. 200,000 tn. Italy, 9 m. SW. Campobasso. P. 5305. mtm. pass, Swiss Alps, 25 m. SE. Chur, alt. 7611 ft. Belgium, prov. Liége, on R. Meuse. P. 30,212. tn. Bosnia. See Bosna, Serai. tn. Turkomania, 80 m. S.W. Merv. tn. Bengal, in dist. and on R. Hugli. P. 25,559. Islands, group, Malay Archipelago, E. of Timor. tn. Russia, gov. Saratov. P. Io,364. tn. Russia, gov. and IoT m. NW. Saratov. P. 12,202. tn. Italy, 13 m. by rail N. Milan. P. 8079 tn. Chili. See Coquimbo. tn. Turkey, in Roumelia, E. of R. Struma. P. 25,000. r. Bukowina and Moldavia, 270 m. to the Danube. tn. Bukowina, on the S., 24 m. SE. Czernowitz. P. 7240. del Rey, cst, prov. Brazil, S. of the São Francisco. Area, 15,092 sq. m. P. 211,173. .Cap. Aracaju. Sergipe or São Christovão, city, in above prov. P. 20,000. Seringapatam, th India, old cap. of Mysore, on the Kaveri R., 75 m. SE. Bangalore, Iom. NE. Mysore. P. II,734. erino, th: Italy, in Avellino, on the Sabato. P. of com. 6481. erq, Channel Islands. See Sark. Sermaize, tin. France, dep. Marne, 17 m. E. Vitry-le-François. P.2582. Sermide, vil. Italy, in Mantua, on the Po. P. of com. 6884. eron, tin. Spain, 28 m. N. Almeria. P. 7586. erpa, th Portugal, in Alemtejo, near the Guadiana. P. 5905. Serpentine Creek, post tim. Victoria, 134 m. N.W. of Melbourne. erpukhov, tm. Russia, gov. and 56 m. S.W. Moscow... P. 22,418. erra Capriola, th: Italy, prov. Foggia, 13 m. NW. San Severo. erra da Estrella, mtn. range, Portugal, in Beira, 6000 ft. . . [P. 5798. erra de Gerez, mtn. chain, Portugal, between Douro and Minho. erra de Monchique, mtn. chain, Portugal, N. of Algarve, 4079 ft. erra di Falco, tr. Sicily, 19 m. NE. Girgenti. P. 7988. erra San Bruno, th Italy, prov. Catanzaro. P. of com. 5386. [3638. Serrastretta, th Italy, prov. Catanzaro, 5 m. N. Nicastro. P. of coin. Serravalle, th: Italy, prov. and 23 m. N. Treviso. P. of Com. 6022 erravezza, tm. Italy, 22 m. W. of Lucca. , P. of Com. 97.01. erres or Sères, th: Turkey, 45 m. NE. Salonica. P. 30,000. ert or Iserd, th: Turkish Armenia, 90 m. E. Diarbekir. P. 3000. ervia, (Serbia), independent principality of the Balkan Peninsula, separated by the Save and Danube from Hungary, having Bosnia on the W. and SW., Turkey on the S., and Bulgaria and Rou- mania on the E. Area, 18,757 sq. m. P. 1,970,032. Cap. Belgrade, Religion, Orthodox Greek ; language, Servian or Illyrian. Servia, th: Turkey, on N. border of Thessaly. Sesheke, th: S. Africa, on Sesheke R., 17° 28′S., 26°50' E. Sessa, th S. Italy, prov. Caserta, 16 m. NW. Capua. P. of com. 20,445; tın. 5864. Sesto, vil. Tuscany, 5 m. NW. Florence. P. 4583. Sesto San Giovanni, vil. Lombardy, 5 m. NE. Milan. P. 5700. Sesto Fiorentino, tr. Italy, 20 m. SW. Florence. P. of com. I4,270. Sestri Levante, cSt, th Italy, 25 m, SE, Genoa, P. of com. Io, 194. Sestri Ponente, spt. Italy, 5 m. SE. Genoa. P. r1,286. Setif, th: Algeria, 79 m. WSW. Constantine. . P. 4074. Setlagoli, vil. in W. of Bechuanaland, about lat. 26°30' S. Setta, tin. Dahomey, 30 m. NE. Abomey. P. 9000. Settle, mkt: tn. W. R. York, on R. Ribble. P. 2213. Setubal or St. Ubes, spt. city, Portugal, 18 m. SE. Lisbon. P. 15,598. Sevastopol or Sebastopol, strongly ft. spt. Russia, in the Criméa, near S. extremity, on a landlocked bay. P. 26,133. Exports grain. Stormed by British and French in 1855. Sevenhills, post th: New S. Wales, 20 m, W. of Sydney. P. of dist. 400. Seven Hills, post tim, with Jesuit college, S. Australia,85 m. N. Adelaide. Sevenoaks, mkt, th; Kent, 22 m. SE. London by rail. P. 6296. Severin or Turnu-Severin, th: Roumania, on the Danube. P. 5000. Severn, r. N. Wales and W. Engl., from Montgomerysh., flows NE., SE., S., and, S.W. 180 m., to Bristol Channel. Severn railway tunnel, 4% m. long, at Portskemet, cost £2,000,000. Severn, r. Ontario, from Lake Simcoe to Georgian Bay, 20 m. Severn, r. Canada, 350 m. NE. to Hudson Bay. Sevier Lake, Utah, 125 m. S.W. Salt Lake City. Area, 150 sq. m. Seville (Span. Sevilla), city, Spain, cap. of prov., on i. b. of Guadal- quivir, 80 m. from its mth. It has a Superb Gothic cathedral. P. 131,209. P. of prov. 523,227. Sèvre-Nantaise, r. France, 70 m. to the Loire, opposite Nantes. Sèvre-Niortaise, r. France, dep. Deux-Sèvres, 65 m. to the sea. Sèvres, th: France, dep. Seine-et-Oise, on the Seine, 6 m. SW. Paris by rail. P. 6834. Celebrated porcelain works. Sèvres, Deux. See Deux-Sèvres. Sewell, ry. Sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 1143 m. W. Winnipeg. Sewestan, prov. Afghanistan, W. of Suleiman Mts. Seychelles, grp. of isls. belonging to Britain, in Indian Ocean, a dependency of Mauritius. P. 13,344. Seymour, city, Indiana, Jackson co., 87 m. W. Cincinnati. P. 4250. Seymour, tshp. Victoria, on R. Goulburn, 65 m. N. Melbourne. P. 840. Seyne, Spt, th: France, dep. Var, 3 m. S.W. of Toulon. P. 12,072. Seyny, th; Russian Poland, 36 m. NW. Grodno. P. 4035. Sézanne, th France, dep, Marne, 25 m. SW. Epernay. P. 4933. Sezza or Sezze, th: Italy, 20 m. SE. Velletri. P. of com. 9146. Sfax or Sfakus, spt. tin. Tunis, 70 m. NNE. Cabes. P. 6600. Shabats, ft. th: Servia, on the Save, 56 m. W. Belgrade. P. 9206. Shabin-Karahissar, th: Turkey, 95 m. ENE. Sivas. P. 4ooo. Shadrinsk, th: Russia, gov. Perm, on R. Iset. P. 14,754. Shadwell, par. and ry. Sta. Middlesex, in Tower Hamlets, 2% m. St. Paul's. P. 8170. [P. 2312. or Shaston, mum. bor. Torset, 28 m. NE. Dorchester. dist. Bengal, in SWV. Patna Div. P. 1,964,909. Cap. Arrah. tn. Oudh, in Hardoi Dist. P. 18,5ro. tn. Punjab, in dist. and 16 m. S. Ambala. P. Io,218. tn. NW. Provs., in Rampur State. P. 8200. , th Bombay Pres., in Sangli State. P. Io,732. , dist. NW. Provs., in E. Rohilkhand Div. Area, 1745 Sq. m. P. 856,946. [P. 77,936. Shahjahanpur, cap. of above, on 1. b. Deoha, Ioz m. NW. flucknow. Shahjahanpur, th: India, in Gwalior, 60 m. from Indore, P. 9247. Shahpur, dist. Punjab, in S. Rawal Pindi Div. P. 421,508. Cap. S., 2 m. from the Jehlam. P. 5424. Shahpura, cap. of S. State, Rajputana. P. ro,652. Shah Rud, r. Persia, in Irak Ajemi, joins the Kizil-Uzen. Shah Rud, populous th: Persia, 45 m. SE. Astrabad. Shaikhpura, th: Bengal, in Monghyr Dist. P. 12,517. Shaldon, vil. Devon, at mouth of R. Teign, opposite Teignmouth. Shamaka, Old, vil. Transcaucasia, 60 m. W. Baku. P. 28,812. Shamokin, bor. Pennsylv., Northumberland co., 14 m. E. Danville. P. Shandon, hamlet and hydropathic, on Gare Loch, Dumbarton. [8184. Shang-Hai, Spt, city, China, prov. Kiang-Su, on Wu-sung R., 160 m. ESE. Nankin. P. 355,000. It is open to foreign commerce. [100,000, Shang-i-Yuen, th: Chinā, prov. Che-Kiang, 68 m. WSW. Ning Po. P. Shanklin, cSt. th: in SE. Isle of Wight, 33 m. NE. Ventnor. P. 2740. Shannon, largest r. Irel., rises in Co. Cavan, and flows S.W. to Atlântic Ocean, at Loophead, separating Connaught from Leinster and Munster. It forms Loughs Allen, Boderg, Ree, and Derg. Length, 254 m. Shan-Si, inland and mtmous. prov. China, in the N., bounded W. and S. by the Hoang Ho; 65,966 sq. m. P. 10,791,341. Cap. Tai-Yuen. Shan States, native states in Farther India (1) the Siamese S. States in N. Siam. rea over Ioo,000 sq. m. P. about 2,000,000. (2) Burmese S. States, N.W. and independent of Burma, and S. of Yun-Nan (China). Area, 70-80,000 sq. m. ... P. about 500,000. Shan-Tung, maritime prov. China, on the Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pe- chi-li. Area, 53,777 sq. m. P. 36,545,704. Cap. Tsi-Nan. [50,000. Shao-Chow, city, China, prov. Quang-Tong, 115 m. N. Canton. P. Shao-Hing, city, China, prov. Che-Kiang, 73 m. W. Ning PO. P. 500,000. Shao-King, ft. city, China, in Quang-Tong, 50 m. W. Canton. Shao-Nam, Spt. China, 90 m. SW. Amoy. Shao-Wu, city, China, prov. Fo-Kien, 145 m. NW. Fu-Chow. Shap, Inkt. th: Westmorland, 12 m. SE. Penrith. P. I416. Shapinshay, isl. Orkney, 1 m. N. Pomona. P. 974. Shari, larger. Soudan, flows NW. to Lake Chad. Sha-si, river-port, China, prov. Hu-Pe, on Yang-tsi-Kiang. Shasta, Intm. peak, California, 41° 25' N., 14,440 ft. Shat-el-Arab, r. Asia, formed by junction of Euphrates and Tigris, enters the head of Persian Gulf, 120 m. long. Shatista, th: Roumelia, 65 m. WSW. Salonica. P. 7500. Shatsk, th: Russia, gov. Tambor, 38 m. N. Morshansk. P. 7261. Shavli, tin. Russia, gov. Kovno, 50 m. SW. Mittau. P. 13,343. Shawl. See Quetta. Shebaberg, mtn. S.African Rep. with gold-mines. Sheboygan, city, Wisconsin, cap. of S. Co., on L. Michigan. P. 7314. Sheepshed, par. and vil. Leicestersh., 4 m. W. Loughboro. P. 4337. Sheerness, ft. Spt., dockyard, and garrison th: Kent, on NW. Isle of Sheppey, on R. Medway, 47 m. E. London. P. I4,286. Sheffield, parl. and mun, bor. and manuf. th W. R. Yorksh., on R. Don, 157 m. NW. London by rail. P. 284,508; manuf. cutlery and every department of iron, steel, and brass. Returns 5 M.Ps. Shefford, mkt. th: in co. and Iom. SE. Bedford. P. Iozo. Shegaon, th and ry. sta. India, in Akola Dist., Berar. P. II,079. Shehr, tin. Arabia, on SE. cst., 32 m. ENE. Makallah. P. 6000. Shehr-i-Subz, tr. Asiatic Russia, 40 m. SW. Samarcand...P. 35,000. Shelburne, spt. Nova Scotia, cap. of S. Co., 16om. SW. Halifax. P. 2055. Shelbyville, city, Illinois, cap. of S. Co., on Kaskaskia R. P. 2939. Shelbyville, city, Indiana, cap. of S. Co., on Blue K.P. 3745. Shelly, ry. Šta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 55 m. E. of Winnipeg. Shelf, th: W. R. York, 3 m. NE. Halifax. ...P. 2754. Shelford, th: Victoria, 68 m. WSW. of Melbourne. _P. 176. . Shelley, th W. R. York, 4 m. SE. Huddersfield. P. 1687... [P. 1300. Shellharbour, bor. New S. Wales, co. Camden, 56 m. SSW. Sydney. Shelliff or Chélif, r. Algeria, 250 m. N. and NW, to Mediterranean. Shemaka, th: Russia. See Shamaka, Old. - Shenandoah, bor. Pennsylvania, in Schuylkill co., 12 m. N. Pottsville. Shenandoah R., Virginia, 200 m. to the Potomac. [P. Io, I48. Shendamangalam, tin. Madras Pres, in Salem Dist. P. 12,575. Shendy, th: Nubia, on E. b. Nile, 90 m. NE. Khartum. Shen-Ši, prov. in NW. China, bounded E. by the Hoang Ho. Area, 81,212 sq. m. P. 8,276,967. Cap. Si-ngan. s e Shepard, ry, sta. Alberta, on C. P. Ry, 830 m.W. Winnipeg..., Shepherd's Bush, suburb of London, 5% m. W. by S. St. Paul's. P. Shepley, th W. R. York, 7 m. SE. Huddersfield. P. 1593. [4000. Shepparton, tshp. Victoria, 118 m. NNE, Melbourne. P. I500. Shepperton, vil. on R. Thames, 19 m. SW. London. Sheppey, Isle of, isl. off N. cst. Kent, at mth. of the Thames. Area, 22,451 acres, 9 by 5 m. P. 18,204. Shepton Mallet (Sheplent), mkt. til. Somerset, 5 m. SE. Wells. P. Sherborne, mkt. th: Dorset, 18 m. N. Dorchester. P.,5053. [5322. Sherboro, isl. W. Africa, at mth. of S. R., 40 m. SE. Sierra Leone. Sher 3rooke, tn. Quebec, cap. of S. co., 191 m. E. Montreal.., P. 7227. Sherburn, Inkt. tr. W. R. York, Tož m. SW. York by rail. P. I67I. Sherburn, tshp. and colliery, 2% m. E. Durham. P. 2649. Sheringham, par. and vil. Norfolk, 4 m. W. Cromer. P. II59. Sherkot, tin. N.W. Provs., in Bijnaur Dist. P. 15,087. Sherman, th Texas, cap. of Grayson co., 64 m. N. Dallas...P. 6093. Sherwood Forest, anc. royal forest, Notts; remains near Mansfield. Shetland or Zetland, insular co. Scot., 59 m. NE. Orkney, 59° 30'-60. 517 N. Area, 551 sq. m. P. 29,705. It consists of Ioo, islands, of which 29 are inhabited. The largest are Mainland, Yell, Unst, Fetlar, and Whalsay. Cap. Lerwick. It unites with Orkney in returning I M.P. - Shettleston, th Lanarksh., 3 m. E. Glasgow by rail. P. 3608. Sheyenne, r. Dakota, flows 325 m. to Red R. Shiel, Loch, Inverness and N. Argyll, 17 m. long. Shields, North, spt. mkt. th part of the bor. of Tynemouth, co. Northumberland, on N. b. R. Tyne, opposite S. Shields. It is one of the Tynte Ports. P. 7250. Shields, South, parl. and mun. bor. spt. Durham, atmth. 9f R. Tyne, opposite N. Shields, 8 m. E. Newcastle. P. 56,875. It is one of the Tynte Ports. It returns I M.P. Shifnal, mkt, th: Shropshire, 17 m. E. Shrewsbury. P. 353. - Shikarpur, dist. Sindh, on R. indus. Area, 10,061 sq. m. P. 852,986. Cap. Sukkur. Shikarpur, th in above, 18 m. E. of the Indus. P. 42,496. Shikarpur, th NW. Próws, dist, and 13 m, SE, Bulandshar. P. 10,708. §.; tº: º See Teshu-Lumbu. 9:393%, tº N.W. Provs, dist, and 34 m. W. Mainpuri. P. r1.82 Shikoku, isl. of Japan, S. of Hondo. Ağ. O31 Sq. ºp P. 2:30 º Shildon, tn. Durham, 3 m. SE. Biopºijää. P. 8704. " j Shilka, r. E. Siberia, flows 760 m. NE. to the Amur. §hillong, th: Assam, cap. of Jaintia Hills jist." p. 3640. Shimiyu, a head stream of the Nile, flows about 303 In to S. side of Victoria Nyanza. - [foreign commerce. P. 7000. §himoda, Špt tº. Japan, isl. Hondo, 80 m. SW, Toki. open to imoga, dist. Mysore, in Nagar Div. P. 499,723. Cap. S. f. 2 O40 Shimonoseki, th: Japan, on SW. point of #6 do. p. I9,532. y vºws §hing-King, Chinā. See Leao-Tong. [Öykeſ, 7% m. long §hin, Loch, Sutherland, 165 m. long, discharges by R. Šhin to the Shipka Pass, over the Balkans, 14 m. S. Gabrºa. Shipley, th: W. R. York, on R. Aire, 3 m. NW. Bradford. P. 15,093. Shipley, tshp. Derby, 13 m. NW, Ilkeston. p. 724; collieries. * Yºj §hippegan, Špt. New Brunswick, 70 m. Niš. Cháthan. Shipston on Stour, mkt. th Worcestershire, on R. Stour. P. 1735 Shiraz, city, Persia, cap. of prov. Fars, 115 m. ENE. Bushire. P. 32 &o Shiré or Shira, r. África, from S. end of £ake Nyassa,356 m. to the , Zambesi. On it are the Murchison Falls, §hirehampton, dist. and vil. On R. Avon, 5 m. NW. Bristol. P. 1868. Shirley, tr. Hants, on N.W. side of Southampton. P. 7I43. Shirwa or Tamandua, lake, Africa, 40 m. Sé, N yaSSa. #. tn. Russia. See Zhisdra. i-Tsien, city, China, prov. Quei-Chow, 430 m. NW. #. g Japan. §. #. 43 W. Canton. Oa; most S. State of Abyssinia, 9°-12° S., 389-40° E. - re śn...” shºes, vil. BSSex, 45 m. # º a station for artillery - m. by rail from Poona. P. 59,890. Sho π, Bombay Pres., in the łºś. P. 582,487. cºš. ; Shooter's Hill, dist. Kent. P. 649; hiji I# m. S. Woolwich (446 ft.). Shoreditch, pårl. bor. and par. Middlesex, in E. of London. Pºzó, 59r. shoº §. k ºn O. NeWS., spt. mkt. th: Sussex, 6 m. W. Bri . E.'. 3505. Shorncliffe Camp, ić. 13 m. S.W. F ...Y Brighton. P. 3505 Short Heath, th: Staffordsh., 5 m. W. Wolverhampton. P. 2394. Shortland, th: New Zealand. incorporated with Grahayastozyń. Shoshonee Falls, on Snake R., Idaho, 200 ft. high. Shoshong, th: in British Protectorate of Bechuānāland. Lat. 20° S. : §hotley Bridge, vil. Durham, 2 m. SW. Ebchester. [lon. 25° #. §hoffs, par, and vil. Lanarksh., 164 m. SE. Glasgow. P. Ir,214 e Shotts Ironworks, vil. Lanark, 3 m. E. Shotts ry. sta. P. % º Shreveport, city, Louisiana, cap. Caddo par., on Red Rivér. P. gooo Shrewsbury, parl. and mun. bor. co, th Shropshire, on R. Severn. 42 m. N.W. Birmingham. P. 26,478. Returns M.P. p §hrigley, vil. E. co. Down, 1 m. Niš. Killyleagh. P. 949. hropshire or Salop, W. midland co. of Engl., bounded N. by Cheshire and detached part of Flint, E. by Stafford, S. by Worcester and Hereford, and W., by Wales. Area, 1319 Sq. m. P. 248,014. The 99, returns 4 M.P.S. R. Severn intersects it from NW, to SE CQ. th Shrewsbury. º e §hugshut, th: Asia Minor, 30 m. SE. Ixnik. P. 7000. Shumla, ft. th: Bulgaria, 60 m. SE, Rustchuk. £. 23,993. §hun-King, city, China, prov. Se-Chuen, II5 m. E. Ching-tu-Fu. Shun-Ning, city, China, 170 m. W. Yun-nan. Šhun-ſe, city, China, prov. Pe-chi-Li, 220 m. sw. Pekin. Shurukhs, Turkoman ft. 90 m. SW. Merv, ENE. Meshed. Shusha, ft. th: Transcaucasia, gov. Baku, Aom. from Persia. P. SO,OCO. Shuster, city, Persia, in Khuzistan, 32 m. ESE. Dezful. P. 20,000. Shuswap, ry. Sta; Brit. Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 174 m. W. Donald. Shuttleworth, vil. Lancash, 4 m. N. Bury. Shwe-Daung, cap. tshp. S., flower Burma Pegu Div., on 1. b. of Irawadi, 8 m. below Prome. P. I2,37 3. —t S h - w 373. §hWe-gyim, dist. Tenasserim, in the Sit-taung valley. P. 171.1 Sialkot (Seal/ºote), dist. Punjab, in NW. Éf Aisa. #. "Area, 1958 sq. m. P. 1,012,148. Cap. S. 72 m. NE. Lahore. P. 33,850 ; , Cantonment, II,912. Total, 45,762. Siam (native, Thai or Muang Thái, Burmese, Yudra), country of the Indo-Chinese Peninsula, bounded N. by the Shan States; W. by Lower Burma and Indian Ocean ; S. by the states of Malay Penin- Sula, Gulf of Siam and Cambodia; E. by Anam and S. China Sea. Area, about 289,637 sq. m. P. 5,750,000. The main rivers are the ... Me:Kong and Mé-Nam. Bangkok is the Cap. §an, city, China. See Si-Ngan, Siangyang, city, China, prov. Hu-Pe, on the Han-Kiang. Siberia, a vast territory of the Russian Émpire, occupying the entire N. of Asia, from the Ural Mits, in the W. to Beñring Strait and Sea, Seas of Okhotsk and Japan on the E. On the N. it is washed by the Arctic Ocean. On the S, it is bounded by Mongolia and by the Russian gov.-general of Turkistan and of Central Asia. Its extreme length E. to W. is about 4000 m.; breadth, 2000 m. Area, 4,822,822 sq. m. P. 4,013,369. S. is divided into 6 govs. and 2 proVS. Chief ths. are, Tobolsk, Tomsk (with a university), Irkutsk and Omsk. The main rivers are the Obi, Yenisei, Lena, ... and Amur...The climate is proverbial for its severity. Sibonga, th: Philippine Isls., in Zebu. P.10,522. Bibi, dist, iºnisian, ceded to the British in 1881, 29°20'-29°45' N. , 97.45-68° 15' E. Šibsagar, dist. in Upper Assam. P. 370,274. Cap. S. P. 5868. Sicainous, ry. Sta. Brit. Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 123 m. W. Donald. Sicily. (Ital, Sicilia), largest is, of the Mediterranéan Sea, part of the ingdom of Italy, separated from the peninsula by Strait of Messina. Length, 215 m. ; breadth, 120 m. Area, 11,289 sq. m. P. 3,148,958. Palermo, Messina, Catania, Syracuse, Girgenti, are . Chief towns. Mt. Etna volcano is in the E. Climate delightful. Siguliana, th: Sicily, 8 m. WNW. Girgenti. P. 6761. Sidcup, vil. Kent, 13 m. SE. London. P. of dist. 2739. Siderno, th: Italy, prov. Reggio di Calabria. P. of commune, 97.12. Sidewood, ry. Sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 565 m. W. Winnipeg. Šidi-Bel-Abbes, ft. th: Algeria, 50 m. S. Gran. P. 8654. Sidlaw Hills, range, from Perthshire NE. to the North Sea. Sidmouth, nikt, ti, watering-place, Devon, 15 in. SE, Exeter. P. 34.75. Sidney, ry, sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 93 m. W. Winnipeg. Šidney...vil, Ohio, cap. of Shelby co., on Miami R. P. 3823. Sidra, Gulf of, on cst. of Tripoli and Barca. Siebenbürgen. See Transylvania. Siebengebirge, mtm. grp. Rhenish Prussia, on r. b. of Rhine. Siedlec, th: cap. of gov. S., in Russian Poland, 40 m. E. Warsaw. P. 14,334. Area of gov. 5534 sq. m. P. 630,238. Sieg, r. Prussia, 80 m. W. to the Rhine, 2 m. N. Bonne. Siegburg, th: Prussia, dist. of Bonn, on the Sieg. P. 7514. Siegen, th: Westphalia, on the Sieg, 63 m. E. Cologne. P. 16,776. Siena, or Sienna, city, Italy, in Tuscany, cap. of prov. S., 31 m. SE. Florence. P. 23,445; Com. 25,204. P. of prov. 210,999. Sieradz, th: Poland, 32 m. E. Kalisz, on the Warta. P. 60co. Siero, th: Spain, prov. and Io m. E. Oviedo. P. 21,494. Sierpec, th: Poland, 21 m. N. of Plock. P. 5800. Sierra de Gata, mtn. range, between Tagus and Douro Rs. Sierra de Grados, mtn. range, Spain, 36 m., S.W. Avila. Alt. Io,552 ft. Sierra Leone, a British colonial settlement in Senegambia, 7° 40'-8° 50' N. Area, 3000 sq. m. P. 60,546. Sierra Madre, mtn. chain, Mexico, extends from near the city of Mexico N. into New Mexico. Angeles. Sierra, Madre Willa, health resort, California, 13 m. from Los Sierra Morena, mtn. range, Spain, between basins of the Guadiana and Guadalquivir. Alt. 5500 ft. Sierra Nevada, mtn. range, S. Spain, in prov. Granada, 60 m. long, reaching in Mulahacen II,658 ft. [Mount Whitney 14,898 ft. Sierra Nevada, long intn. chain, California, 500 m. long, reaching in Sievsk, th: Russia, 73 m. SW. Orel, on the Sievsk. P. 8698. Sigmaringen, th: Prussia, in Hohenzollern, on the Danube. P. 4I46. Signa, vil. Italy, 8 m. W. Florence, on R. Arno. P. of Com. 7669. Signak, ft. tin. Transcaucasia, 60 m. ESE. Tiflis. P. 5490. Sigrisweil, vil, and par. Switz., 20 m. SE. Bern. P. 3922. Siguenza, th Spain, 60 m. by rail NE. Guadalajara. P. 4567. Sihon, r. Asia. See Syhun and Jaxartes. Sikandarabad, th N.W. Provs., 10 m. E. Bulandshar. P. I6,479. Sikandra Rao, th NW. Provs., Aligarh Dist., 23 m. SE. Koil. P. Io, 193. Sikino, isl. Grecian Archipelago, 20 m. NW. Santorin. P. 300. Sikkim, native state, India, in the E. Himalayas, between Nepal and Bhutan, N. of British dist. Darjiling. Area, 1550 Sq. m. P. 7000. Cap. Tumlong. - Siklos, tm. W. Hungary, 16 m. SE. Tünfkirchen. P. 4345. Sikok, isl. Japan. See Shikoku, Silchair, tri. Assam, cap. of Cachar Dist., on Barak R. P. 6567. Silchester, vil. Hants, 7 m. N. Basingstoke. P. of par. 472. Silesia (Ger. ...; prov. Prussia, in extreme S.E., bounded N. by Brandenburg and Posen, E. by Russian Poland, S. by Austrian Silesia, SW. by Bohemia and Saxony. It is drained from S.E. to NW. by the Oder, and is divided into gov.s., Oppeln, Breslau, and Liegnitz. Area, 15,560 sq. m. P. 4,112,219. Cap. Breslau. Silesia, crown-land of Austria, S. of the above, having on the S. Moravia and Hungary, and on the E. Galicia. Length, IIo m- Area, 1987 sq. m. P. 565,475. Cap. Troppau. . Io,642. Silistria, ff.: tn. Bulgaria, on the Danube, 70 m. below, Rustchuk. Silivri or Selivri, cst, th: Turkey, on the N. cst, of Sea of Marmora. Silkstone, vil. W. R. York, 4 m. W. Barnsley. [P. 8000. 6 I SILKSWORTH THE CENTURY GAZETTEER SPAIN :* h. vil. Durham, 3% m. S. Sunderland. e #: tll. wº, Cumberland, on sgway Firth. P. 2116. §iloah, miss. sta. in W., of Basūtoland. . lºt: 30 S. §ilsden, th: W. R. York, 4 ſº NW. Keighley. P. 3329. * §ilt or Šylt, isl. Prussia, 9ff W. cst. Schleswig, 22 by 6 m. P. 3000. §ilva's or Selvas, name of the vast forest plains of the Amazºn. §ilver City, ry. sta. Alberta, on C. P. Ry., 938 m. W. Winnipeg. §ilverdale, dist. Staffordshire, 3 m. W. Newcastle. P. 5920. fr Silverton, th: New ; Wies, 822 m. W. Sydney, and 15 m. from outh Australian frontier. o giliº (victoria Dock), dist. Essex, in West Ham. P. 4481. Silves, th Portugal, in Algarº, #9 º E. Lagos., P. 7022. 81.8 §imabara, gulf of Japan, on...W. of Riu-Siu. [sq. in. P. 1,481,811. £imbirsk, gov. Russia, on W. b. 9ſ. Volga, S. of Kazan. Area, ...? §imbirsk, &ap. of above, onl. b. of Volga, tº SW. Kazan. P. 36, i. Simcoe, lake, 9. N. Of #º % y 18 m., discharges by the Severn to Georgian Bay (Lake lººk o Simcoe, th: Ontario, cap. of co. Norfolk, 8 m. N. Lake Erie. P. i. §imferópol, th Russia, in the Crimºa, CAP: of gov. Taurida, on is: Salghir, 37 m. NE. Ševastopol. (P. 29,028. (8 sq. m. P. 42,945. Simla, dist. Punjab, among the hills'of the lower Himalayas. º; §imla, cap. of above, the summºr ºp- of the Indian Government, 7 m from Ambala, 31°6' N., 77°11′E. Elev., 7084 ft.; winter º 13,258. Simia. Hiii States, a collection of 23 native, tº surrounding the sanitarium of §: ń. 6569 *E. P. 502,853. nthal, val. Switzerland, canton Hºrn. #; vil. L. Austria, 2 m. SE. Vienna. P., 19,600. gimnitza, th: Roumania, on Danube, QPP9āº Sistova. P. 4745. §imon's Bay, Cape Colony, on W. Side Öfcape of Good Hope. Has Government dockyards and arsenals. , Simon's Town, th: Cape Colony, on Šimºn's Bay. P. 2447. ºf §implon, mtn. Switzerland (eley. 11,695 ft.). The road over the S. from'Brieg in the Rhône Val. to Dºmº d'Ossola, Italy, constructed Simpson R., Canada. See Skeena. [by Napoleon I., rises to $594 ft. šinai, penin. at head of Red Sea, between Gulfs of Suez and Akabah. Area, ºr,055 sq. m. Surface mostly desert. º Sinai (Arab. §ebel Musa or Moºt of Moses), mtn. in the abº 7303 It. §inaloa, state, Mexico. See Cina!92. - - Sinclairtown, vil. Fife, within parliamentary limits of Dysart. Sind, prov. India, under Bombay Pres, consists of the lower val. and delta of the Indus. It contains 5 British dists. (area, 48,014 Sq. m. ; p. 2,413,823) and, the native state of Khaipur (area, 6109 Sq, nº . 123,153). Total area, 54,123.5G. m. P. 2,542,976. Cap. Karáchi. Sinder, tr. W. Africa, in Bornu. P. Io,000. [Former cap. Haidarabad. Šines, th Portugal, in 'Alemtejo, 40 m. SW. Alcacer, P. 3374. [1,900,000. §i-Ngan, large city, China, prov. Shen Si, on an aſſ of Hoei-HQ. P. Singapore, isl. British colony, at S. extremity of Malay Peninsula. Area, 206 sq. m. P. 155,030. Singapore, the cap., spt. on S. side of island, is seat of gov. of the Straits Settlements. P. 139,200. Singhbhum dist. Bengal, in SE. of Chutia Nagpur Div. Area, 3753 sq. m. P. 453,775. Cap. Shaibºsa. [racecourse. P. 555; Singleton, vil. Šussex.5% m.S. Midhurst. Par. contains Goodwood singlefon, til. N. S.W., on. Hunter.R. 3.23. NW. Sydney; • 2000, §ing Sing; tın. New York, Westchester gºº IIudson. P. 6578. #, tn. Italy, prov. and 18% m. WNY. Ancºa, P. of com. §inope (Türk. Sinib), th: Asia Minor, oil Black Sea. Łº [22,761. §intāluta, ry. sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ky., 393 º W. Winnipeg. §ion (German, Sittent), cap. of Valais, Switz., on R. Rhône. P. 487I. §ioot or Siout, Egypt. See Siut. • - §ioux City, city, Iowa, cap. of Woodbury co., ºn Missouri R. P. Sioux Falls, th Dakota, on Big Sioux R., room. N. of above; [7366. šiphanto, isl. Grecian Arch, SW, of Syra. Area, 84 sq. m. P. 5762. Sirajganj, th Bengal, in Pabna Dist., near the Jamuna. P. 21,037. Sir jaria. See Syr Darya. - s §hind tract in Punjab, the NE. portion of plain, between the jumna and Sutlej. It includes district. Ambala, Ludhiana, and firozpur, and the native states Patiala, Jind, and Nabha. Sirhowy, vil. Brecknockshire, on R. Sirhowy large iron-works. §irikui, ſake, on the Pamir Plateau, source of Amu Dária; elev. I5,600 §iri Pui, tin, Afghan Turkistan, 45 m. SW. Balkh. P. 15,000. [ft. §irmur, native hill state, Punjab, W. of the Jumna. Area, IO/7 Sq. m. P. 112,371. Cap. Nahan. - Sirohi, natiº state, Rajputana, S. of Marwar cr Jodhpur, on Aravalli Mts. P. 142,903. Area, 3020 sq. m. ...Cap. Sirohi: Sirsa, dist. Punjab, in Hissar Div., E. of IR, Sutlej. P. 253,275.. Cap. 1rS3. I’. I2,292. Sirwan, ruined city, Persia, 65 m. SW. Kermanshah. . Sisal, spt. Mexico, in State of Yucatan, 30 m. NW. Mcrida. Siseboli, th E. Roumelia, on Black Sea. I’. IQ 999. Sisteron, tr. France, dep. Basses-Alpes, 24 m. WNY. Digne: P. 3974. Šištova or Shistab, tin. Bulgaria, on Danube, opp. Simnitza. P. II,549; Sitapur, div. in NW. of Oudh, comprising dists. Sitapur, Hardoi, and #heri. Area, 7555 sq. m. P. 2,777,803. Sitapur Dist. Area, 2251 sq. m. P. 385,251. Cap. S. 18,544. of Alaska, U.S., on Baranoff Isl., 57° N. P. 500. Netherlands, 13 m. NE. Maestricht. P. 5452. See Sion. [Canterbury. P. 7857. mkt. tin. spt. Kent, on Milton Creek, 16 m. NW. city, China, prov. Pe-Chi-Li, 90 m. N W. Pekin. tn. Egypt, on 1. b. Nile, 227 m. by rail S. Cairo. P. 31,575. tn. Madras Pres., in Tinnevelli Dist. P. Io,833. Turkey, near the Kizil-Irmak, 69 m. S. Tokat. P. Sea, lagoon, on E. side of the Crimea. [50,000. vil. S. co. Clare, 13 m. NW. Limerick. P. 446. ry. sta. Brit. Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 17 m. W. Donald. Denmark, near Cape Scaw or Skagen. P. 1954. arm of the N. Sea, between Norway on the N. and Jut- on the S.; communicates with the Cattegat. Tind, min. Norway, 61° 20' N. Alt. 8399 ft. tn. Hungary, on the March, 54 m. NW. Neutra. P. 5115. Jökull, active vol. in SE. of Iceland. tn. Sweden, 27 m. SW, Mariestad. P. 3059. IIas a cºstle and laen. See Mariestad. ſcollege. Thé, or Cape Skagen, in extreme N. of Denmark. or Skien, th: Norway, cap. of Dratsberg, on the Skeenelf. P. R., Brit. Columbia, ćnters the Tagiſig at 54° 10' N; [5362. Lincolnsh., on cst., 5 m. NW. Wainflect...P.1338. rocks, S.W. co. Kerry, 10 m. S.W. Valentia Isl. tn. W. R. York, 6 m. SE. Huddersfield. P. 3120. th. SW. Lancashire, 4% in. SE, Ormskirk. P. 5707. CŞt. Vi. Ayrsh., 13 m. S. of Wemyss Bay, has a hydro- institution. P. 757. * - in Cievedale, mkt. th: N. R. York, 3 m. NE. Guisbrough. I?. Dumfrićs, 11 m. NE. Moffat. Alt. 1680 ft. [9374. spt.co. Dublin, 18 m. N. Dublin. P. 2227. Off the cSt. ar isls. called ZVee JA ez-z-zcs. Skerryvore Lighthouse, in the Atlantic, Io m. SW. Tyree. Skerton, tshp. N. Lancashire, a N. sub. of Lancaster. P. 2838. Skiatho, one of the N. Sporades, in Grecian Arch. Cap. S. P. 3084. Skibbereen, mkt. spt. th SW. Co. Cork, 54 m. SW. Cork. . P. 3631. Skiddaw, mitn. Cumberland, E. of Bassenthwaite Water. Alt. 3054 ft. Skien, tr. Norway. See Skeen. Skierniwice, th: Poland, 42 m. by rail WSW. Warsaw. P. 5038. Skinburness, cst. vil. Cumberland, 1% m. NE. Silloth, Skipton in Čraven, mkt. th; W. R. York, near R. Aire, 26 m. NW. Leeds. P. 9091. Manuf. cotton and woollen goods. Skipton, post. th: Victoria, 116 m. W: by N. of Melbourne. P. Io9. Skircoat, tshp. W. R. York, on S. side of Halifax. P. II,405. Skive, th Denmark, in Jutland, 17 m. NW. Viborg. P. 2521. Skopelo, one of the Sporades, Grécian Archipelago. P. Io, 147. Sköfde, tm. Sweden, laen and 22 m. SSW. Mariestad. P. 3308. Skopia, tm. Turkey. See Uskup. Skopin, the Russia, gov. and 52 m. S. Riazan. P. Io,312. Skunk R., Iowa, 275 m. to the Mississippi. Skvra or Skivra, tin. Russia, 60 m. SW. Kiev. P. Io,061. Skye, isl. Inverness, largest of the Inner IIebrides, 48 m. long by 3 to 25 m. Area, 547 sq. m. P. 16,889. Surface very mtnous., rising in the Cuillin Hills to 3234 ft. Portree is the only town. Skyros, isl. Grecian Arch., 24 m. NE. Buboea, 17 by 7 m. P. 3247. Slagelse, th Denmark, isl. of Zealand, 10 m. NE. Corsoer. P. 6076. Slaithwaite, mkt. tr. W. R. York, 4 m. S.W. Huddersfield. P. 3882. Slamannan, vil. Stirling, 5% m. S.W. Falkirk. P. 1225. Slane, vil. N. co. Meath, on R. Boyne. P. 393. [Wexford IIarb. Slaney, r. Leinster, from mid. Co. Wicklow, 69 m. SW. and S. to Slateford, vil. Scot., on Water of Leith, 2 m. SW. Edinburgh. P. 621. Slatina, th Roumania, on R. Aluta, Ioom. W. Bucharest. P. 5600. Slatoust, th: Russia, in Astrakhan, gov. Uſa. P. 18,994. Slave Coast, portion of the Guinea Coast, between Lagos and Volta. Slave Lake, Great. See Great Slave Lake. - Slaviansk, tr. Russia, gov. Kharkov, on R. Toré. P. 15,354. Slavonia or Sclavonia (native Slavoziska, Ger. Slazonient, Hung. Toſorzag), forms with Croatia a crown-land of Hungary, bounded N.by R. Drave, and S. by the Military Frontier,290 m. in total length from E. to W. Area, 8987 sq. m. P. 1,194,415. Cap. of Slavonia, Eszek ; of Croatia, Agram. See Military Frontier. Sleaford, Inkt. th Lincolnsh., 17 m. SE. Lincoln. P. 4965. Sleswick. See Schleswig. §ley, The. See Schlei. Sleydinge, vil. Belgium, 7 m. N. by W. Chent, P. 4602. Or tn. k Sliedrecht, vil. S. Holland, on the Meuse, 4 m. E. Port. P. 9404. §lieve Bloom, hill range, Irel., King's and Queen's CoS., 3733 ft. §lieve Donard, mth. Irei., co. Down, highest of Mourne Mts., 2796 ft. Sligo, maritime co. Irel, in Connaught Provº.40 y 37 m. Area, 737 sq. m. Bounded N., by the Atlantic, W. and SW. by Mayo, šš. by Roscommon, and E. by Leitrim. P. III,578, * whom 90'9 per cent. are Roman Catholic. The $9. returns.” M.Ps. - Sligo, spt, and co, th; of above, on Sligo Bay, 134 m. NW, Dublin by ráil. P. ro,868. Exports, live stock and provisions. Slobodskoi, th: Russia, gov. on R. and 23 m. E. Vidºka. P. 9183. §lonim, th Russia, gov. Grodno, II; m: S. Vilna. P. 21,108. §ſough, mkt. th Bucks, 2 m., NE. Windsºr. P. 5.95. Sluijoſ Sluys, th Netherlands, in Zealand, Iom. NE. Bruges. P. 1633. §lutsk, thfussia, gov. and 63 m. S.W. Minsk. ...P. 9922: Ślyne Head, the most W. point of Connaught, W. Co. Galway. Šmaalenené, amt or prov. Norway, on SE. Christiania Fiord. Area, 1587 sq. m. P. 167,800. Cap. Frederickshald. smāī eath, the Warwicksh., on SE. side Birmingham., P. 9123; §mailisies, par. Argyll and Inverness, comprises Canna, Muck, Rum, , and Eigg, P. 550. tn. Staffordsh., 2 m. NE. Burslem. P. 4615. Victoria, 114 m. NW. Melbourne, P. 245. tn. Staffordsh., NW. Birmingham. P. 25,084. Bohemia, near Prague. P. 24,984. tn. New S. Wales, 20 m. S. Sydney. P. 5co. at head of Baffin Bay, leads N. to Arctic Ocean. Dumbartonsh., 2% m. S.W. Cumbernauld. P. 420. posttn. New S. Wales, on Macleay R., 306 m. N. Sydney. R., Colorado and Kansas, 400 m. to Kansas R. gov. Russia, 55° N., 33° E. Area, 21,638 sq. m. P. 1,218, IOI. Čity, cap. of above, on R. Dnieper. P.35,830. - urk. Izmir), city spt. Asia Minor, chief commercial em- porium of W. Asia, cap. of vilayet of Aidin, on Gulf of Smyrna. P. 150,000. Smyśbor. Victoria, co. Grenville, 12m. SW. Ballarat. P. 14,000. §mäe Fell, highest mtn. of Isle of Man, 2034 ft. §naith, mºttn. W. R. York, on R. Aire, 7 m. SW. Goole. P. riod. §nake River, ry, sta, Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 91 m. W. Ottawa, , §nake R. or flewis Fork (Shoshoºte), largest aff, of the Columbia R., from Wyoming to Idaho and Washington, 1950 m. Sneddens, ry. sta, Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 38 m. W. Ottawa. §meehaetten, mtn. highest of the Dovrefield, Norway, 7565 ft. §neek, th Netherlands, Friesland, 13. Im...SW. Leeuwarden. P. Śneem, fishing vil. S. co, Kerry, 26 m, SW. Killarney., P. 427. [rºo. Śneeuwbergen, mtn. grp. Cape Colony, reaching in Compassberg Śniatyn, tr. Austria, in Galicã, on R. Pruth. P. Io,832. [8500 ft. Snizort, Loch, sea arm, on N.W. of Skye, 14 m. long. Snodland, vil. Kent, on R. Medway, 6 m. W. Rochester, - §nowdon, mtn. in co, and 9 m. SE. Carnarvon, 3571 ft., is the highest in England or Wales. - Snowy R. New S. Wales and Victoria, flows 200 m. S. to the Sca. §oar, r. aff. of the Trent, 12 m. SE. Derby, 40 m. long. §obat, r. Soudan, large aff, of the White Nile. Sobra on, vil. fúnjaš, in Lahore District, on R. Sutlej. P. 4104. Opposite is the site of battle 1846, victory over the Sikhs. Sochaczew, tm. Poland, 28 m. W. Warsaw. P. 5128. Society Islands, grp. of S. Pacific, between the Friendly Islands, and Low Archipelago. The chief are Tahiti, Raiatea, Eimeo. They form a French protectorate or possession. P. 22,934. f;ocorro, th: Colombia, State Boyaca, 65 m. S.W. Pamplona. P. 16,000. Socotra, isl. (British), Indian Qcean, 120 m. E. Cape Guardafui, 70 by 20 m. Area, 1000 sq. m. P. 4-5Co0. vil. Sweden, 37 m. NW. Upsal, on Dal-elf. P. Ioj6. spt. th: Sweden, 42 m. N. Gefle. P. 8084. tn. Sweden, 25 m. ENE. Linköping. P. 1786. laen, Sweden, in E. of Svealand. P. 150,876. ft. spt. Java, cap. of a prov., on N. CSt., opposite Madura P. 127,403. Has a naval arsenal, etc. Soerakarta, or Solo, tin. Java, near the centre. P. T.40,000. §oest or Söst, th: Westphalia, 13 m. NNE. Arnsberg. P. I4,846. Sofala, region, E. Africa, district of Portuguese possession of Mozam- bique, N, of Inhambane. Climate, pestiferous. Cap. Sofala. Sofala, tshp. New S. Wales, 30 m. N. Bathurst. P. of dist. 2009. Sofia or Sophia, ft. th cap. of Bulgaria, on the Isker, 75 m. by rail N.W. Philippopolis. P. 20,501. tn. Morocco, 18 m. SSE. Fez. Near are salt-mines. Soudan, in Bornu Kingdom. P. 20,000. part of the Doſrines Mts., Norway. a very long sea arm, Norway, W. cºt. Dergen. mkt. th: Cambridge, 5 m. SE. Ely. P. 3980. tn. Belgium, on the Senne, 22 m. SW. Brussels. P. 8488. ft. tin. France, dep. Aisne, 20 m. SW. Laon. P. II, II2. tn. Austria, in Galicia, on R. Bug. P. 6725. Manuf silk. kingdom, Soudan, between Ganda and Bornu. Area (with about 173,750 sq. m. P. 8 to 10,000,000. Sokoto, th: cap. of above, on aſt. of the Niger. P. 20 to 25,000. Solana, th: Spain, 27 m. E. Ciudad Real. P. 6020. Soldin, tin. Brandenburg, 25 m. NE. Küstrin. P. 6167. Soledad, tin. Argentina, in prov. Santa Fé. Solent, The, channel, separating the NW. shore of Isle of Wight from Hants, from the Needles to W. Cowes. Solesmes, th: France, dep. Nord, 12 m. IE. Cambrai. P. 6390. Soleure (Ger. Soloth larſ), cant. N. Switz., traversed by the Aar Area, 303 sq. m. P. 80,424, mostly Roman Catholics. Soleure, cap. of above, on R. Aar, 19 m. NE. Bern. P.7668. Solferino, vil. N. Italy, 20 m. NW. Mantua; site of battles. Solihull, inkt. tin. Warwickshire, 6% m. SE. Birmingham. P. 3034. Solimoens, a name of the Amazon. Solingen, tm. Rhen. Prussia, 19 m. N. Cologne. P. 18,641. Solipäca, th Italy, prov. and 15 m. NE. Caserta. P. 5175. §olo, th Java. , See Soerakarta. Solofra, tin. Italy, prov. and 7 m. SE. Avellino. P. of com. 6046. Solola, tin. Central America, 85 m. NW. Guatemala. P. 14,000. 'Solomon Islands. See Salomon Islands. §olor Islands, grp. of 4 islands, Malay Arch., E. of Flores, viz. Solcr Adanara, ILomblem, and Pantar. P. I5,000. Solothurn. See Soleure. Solsgirth, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 130 m. NW. Portage la Solt, tin. Hungary, 48 m. S. Pesth. P. 5696. [Prairie. Solta, isl. of Dalmatia, W. of Brazza, Io by 2 m. Solva, or Solfach, spt. vil. Pembroke, 3 m. B. St. David's. Solway Firth, arm of Irish Sea, 40 m. long, between Cumberland and Dumfries and Kirkcudbright. Somain, th: France, dep. Nord, 3% m. SE. Douai. P. 5590. Somali (or more correctly, Somal) Land, maritime region, E. Aſrica, between Abyssinia and Cape Guardaſui, and S. to the Equator. Sombrerete, th Mexico, 65 m. NW. Zacatecas. P. 18,062. Somergem, th: Belgium, 8 m. NW. Ghent. P. 5569. Somerset, or Somersetshire, maritime co. in SW. of Engl., S. of Bristol Channel. Area, 1640 sq. m. P. 469,109. The Avon and Parret are the main rs. The co. returns 7 M.Ps. It contains the parl. bors. of Bath (co, th:) and Taunton, and the tins. of Bridge- water, Chard, Glastonbury, Wells, and Yeovil. vil. Canada, 51 m. SW. Quebec. P. I200. settlemt., Queensland, at N. extrem. Cape York Peninsula. East, th: Cape Colony, 80 m. W. Graham's Town. I’. 2231. North. See North Somerset. mkt, th: Huntingdonsh., 5% m. NE. St. Ives. P. I409. See Bermuda Islands. w post th: New S. Wales, on Peel R., 273 m. N. Sydney. P. mkt, th: Somerset, 5 in. NE. Langport. P. 1917. [5Io. city, Massachusetts, U.S., a sub. of Boston. P. 24,933. vil. New Jersey, Somerset co., on Raritan R. P. 3100. tn. Victoria, 35 m. SE. Melbourne. P. 160. tn. Italy, 4 m. SE. Lago Maggiore. P. of com. 5506. , 9 m. E. Naples. , P. 8963. [of com. 5783. Bosco, th: Italy, in Coni, 8 m. SE. Carmagnola. P. • deps. Aisne and Somme, II6 m. to Engl. Channel. dep. N.W. France, on Engl. Channel. Area, 2379 Sq. m. P. 548,982. Cap. Amiens. Sommen, lake, Sweden, 15 m. E. Lake Wetter, 25 by 8 m. Sömmerda, th: Prussian Saxony, on the Unstrut. P. 4795. Sommerfeld, th: Brandenburg, 44 m. SSE. Frankfort. P. II,362. Šommières, th: France, dep. Gard, 17 m. SW, Nimes. P. 3771. Son (Some or Soazte), r. Cent. India, a large aff, of the Ganges, on r. b., 19 m. above Dinapur, 465 m. [7534; th: 5680. Soncing, th Italy, 20 m. NNW. Cremona, on the Oglio. P. of com. Sonderburg, ft; th:. Prussia, prov. Schleswig-Holstein, on Alsten Isl. P. 5266. Chief industries, shipbuilding, spinning, and weaving. Sondershausen, th: Germany, cap. of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, at ... confluence of Wipper and Bébra. P. 6336. Söndre Bergenhuus, amt, Norway. P. (exclusive of Bergen) ITQ,303. songs Fººdhem, amt, Norway. P. II6,800. Cap. Trondhjem ..IIo,804. I72. Sondrio, th: Italy, cap. of Sondrio, 34 m. NE. Bergamo. P. of ğ. Sondrio, prov. Lombardy, on frontiers of Switz. and Tyrol. Area, I359 sq. m. P. II, 24r. Cap. Sondrio. [border of Sahara. Songhay, region of the Soudan, crossed by the Niger, and on the S. Song-Kiang, city, China, prov. Kiang-Su, 30 m. SW, Su-Chow Fu. Or til, Sonmiami, spt. tr. Baluchistan, 52 m. NW. Karachi. Śonneberg, th Germany, 12 m. NE. Coburg. P. 19,323. Sonnenburg, tr. Prussia, 19 m. NNE. Frankfort-on-Oder. P. 6226. Śonora, vil. California, 90 m. SE. Sacramento. P. 1492; gold:ſmines. šonora, r, Mexico, State S., 300 m. to a lake, 29° 30' N., III.W. šonora, state, Mexico, in extreme NW. Area, 77,546 sq. m. P. 143,924. Cap. Ures; chief port, Guaymas. Sonora, th México, State Sonora, on R. Sonora. P. 8000. Sompat, th Punjab, 28 m. NW. Delhi., P. 13,977. - Sonpur, native state, India, Cent. Provs., S. of Sambalpur Dist. Area, 906 Sq. m. P. I78,70ſ. - th. Spain, 8 m. S. Toledo...P. 4926. [5127. tn. San Salvador, 50 m. WSW. of city of San Salvador. P. , prov. Tonquin, NW, of Hanoi; cap. Son-tay. tshp. W. R. York, on N. side of Dewsbury. P. 10,395. Jee Sofia. , Italy, prov. Caserta, on the Carigliano. P. of com. 13,553. tn, Italy, 18 m. NW. Parma, with a palace. P. 5505. foliviá, 57 m. NW. La Paz; near are two peaks of the Andes, called Sörata, 21,043 and 21,286 ft. Sorau or Zorowe, th: Brändenburg, 56 SSE. Frankfort. ...P. 13,665. Śorel or William Henry, til. Quebec, cap. of co. Richelieu, on r. b. of Richelieu R., at its mth. P. 5791. Sorell, th Tasmania, 15 m. NE. Hobart, near the cSt. P. 267. Soresina, th Italy, 14 m. NW. Cremona. P. of com. 9166. Soria, prov, Spain, in Old Castile. Area, 5700 sq. m. P. 360,684. Soria, city, cap. of above, on the Douro, 5; in. SE. Logroño. P. 5867. Soriano, tin. Italy, 7 m. E. Viterbo. P. 5088. Sorn, vii. Ayrshire, on R. Ayr, 4% m. E. Mauchline. P. 354. Soroka, th Russia, gov. Bessarabia, on the Dniester. P. 5000. Soroksar, th: Hungary, 18 m. from Pesth...P. 7541. Soron, tin. N.W. Provs., in dist. and 27 m. NE. Etah. P.12,745. Śorrento, cst, th S. Italy, near S. extremity of Gulf of Naples. P. of Sorrento, watering-placé, Victoria, on Port Phillip Bay. [com. 8284. orso, th Sardinia, 6 m. N. Sassari. P. 6115. Sortino, tin. Sicily, 19 m. NW. Syracuse... P. 9421. Sosnitsa, th Russia, gov. and 64 m. E. Chernigov. P. 5657. Öst, th: Prussia. See Soest. osva, r. Siberia, 350 m. to the Obi at Berezov. [P. 13,092. jotteville-les-Rouen, vil. France, dep. Seine-Inférieure, 41m. S. Rouen. Soudan or Nigritia, extensive but undefined region of Africa, ex- tending from Senegambia and the Atlantic in the W., to Red Sea and Abyssinia in the E., having N. the Sahara and Nubia, and Qn the S., Guinea and the plateau N. of the Congo. . It is densely peopled and occupied by many Negro kingdoms, where the native civilisation has reached its highest development. Souillac, th France, dep. Lot, on the Dordogne. P. 3586. º Söul, cap, of Corea, on R. Ham. P. 200,000. [Baltic. Sound, The (Dan. #' the channel connecting the Cattegat and Soungaria or Dzoungaria (Chin. Thiazi-Shant-Pe-21), diy. of Chinese Empire, on N.W. frontier. Area, 148,000 sq. m. P. 600,000 Bour, spt. Syria, 28 m. NE. Acre, on the site of Tyre. Soure, tm. Portugal, in Estremadura, 13 m. NW. Pombal. P. 6219. Souris or Colville Bay, spt. Prince Edward Isl., 52 m. ſrom Charlotte- Souris, r. Canada. See Mouse R. [town. South Abington, vil. Massachusetts, 21 m. S. by E. Boston. ... P. 3024. South African Republic (formerly named the Transvaal), under limited British suzerainty, is bounded N. by the Limpopo R., 22°-30° S.; S. by the Vaal R., separating it from Orange Free State, and by Natal and Zulu Land; W. by Bechuanaland; E. by the Lobompo Mts. and Portuguese Possessions. lºgº 500 m.; breadth 375 m. Area, 119,000 sq. m. P.374,848, of whºm abóut 50,000 aré whites. Pretoria is the cap. The mineral wealth is very great. Exports, wool, cattle, grain, hides, fruit, brandy, butter, ostrich feathers, and ivory. Climate Salubrious; in the N., tropical. Southall, Inkt. th: Middlesex, 93 m. W. London. , P. 3784. Southam, mkt. th: Warwickshire, 9 m. SE. Warwick. P. I784. Southampton, parl. and mun. bor, spt., and co. in itself, Hants, at head of Southampton Water, 79 m. S.W. London by rail. P. of mun, bor. 60,051'; of parl. bor. 84,384. Returns 2 M.Ps. It is the mail packet sta. for E. and W. indies and Brit. colonies. In of 1,523,759 tonnage, cleared the port. large isi. Canada, at N. side of Hudson Bay. a name of Iſamuffshºre or Haztts. ater, sea inlet, Hants, from mth. of R. Test at m. SE. to the Solent. R. York, at the mth. of the River Tees. agricultural dist. Victoria, near Geelong. P. 1952. , Indiana, cap. of co, and on St. Joseph R. P. 13,2}9. vil. Maine, York co., 45 m. SW. Portland. P. 2677. Northumberland, 9 m. SE. Morpeth. P. 2831, tn. Kent, 2 m. N. Tunbridge Wells. P. 3870. . [4926. bor, Pennsylv., Northampton co., on Lehigh R. P. prov. Delgium. P. (1886) 1,074,765. Cap. Brussels. Mass., Worcester co., 32 m. E. Springfield. P. 6465. post. th: New Zealand, 32 m. SW. Christchurch. P. 634. in. New Zealand, prov. Canterbury, 19 m. N. one of the S. Atlantic States of the American Union, N. by N. Carolina, SW. by Georgia, and S.E. by the Sea. Area, 30,570 sq. m. P. (1800) 345,591; (1880) 995,577. Its main rivers are the Gt. Pedee, Santee, and Savannah. i'roducts, cotton, rice, etc. Columbia is the state cap.; Charleston is the chief Spt. South Cave, th E. R. York, Iom. NW. Hull. P. 2C65. South Downs, range of chalk hills, in S. Sussex, 500 ft. [4534. South Easton, bor. Pennsylvania, Northampton Co., on Lehigh R. P. Southend or S. on Sea, spt, and watering-place, Essex, on estuary of Thames, opposite. Sheerness, 42 m. E. London. P. 7979. Alps, the central part of the great dividing range of S. New Zealand; Mount Cook, 12,349 ft. cst. vil. Glamorgan, 3 m. SW. Bridgend. Kent, 3 m. SW. Gravesend. New, vil. Middlesex, 3 m. SE. New Barnet. a conveniént name for that part of the ocean the Antarctic Circle on the S. ānd on the .Ns the points of Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and South - and their corresponding latitudes. The name is fre- quently discarded, and its parts considered as of the Indian, South Pacific, and South Atlantic Oceans. Southesk, ry, sta. Alberta, on C. P. Ry., 740 m. W. Winnipeg. South Georgia, isl. of S. Atlantic, 550 m. liSE. of Falkland Islands, 1570 sq. m. ; barren and uninhabited ; claimed by Britain. South Gosforth, th: Northumberland, 2 m. N. Newcastle. P. 4126. South Hackney, dist. Middlesex, in Iłackney parish. P. 40,902. South Hadley Falls, vil. Massachusetts, on Connecticut R. South Hayling. Sce Hayling. South Hetton, dist. Durham, 8 m. SW. Sunderland. P. 2295. South Holland, prov. Netherlands, bounded W. by North Sea. Area, 1162 Sq. m. P. 911,534. Towns. The Hague (cap.), Rotterdam, Leyden, Gouda, Dordrecht, and Delft. South Hornsey, dist. in N. suburb of London. P. 14,593. §outhington, vil. Connecticut, 22 m. N. New Haven. P. 541r. South Kensington, dist. Middlesex, W. of Victoria station. P. 9xo?. Southland, former prov. of New Zealand, now included in Otago. South Maratha, Jagirs, The, group of ten native states in Bombay Pres., under the Kolhapur Agency. Tot, ar., 2734 sq. m. P. 523,753. South Molton, mun. bor. Devon, roºm. SE. Barnstaple. P. 3340. South Norwalk, city, Connecticut, Fairfield co. P. 3726. Southowram, th: W. R. Yºrk, partly in Halifax. P. 3036. Southport, th: in N. Ter. of S. Australia, 24 m. by water S. Palmerston. Southport, water.-pl. and mun. bor. S.W. Lancash., 184 m. N. Liver- Southport, water.-pl. Queensland, 46 m, SE. Brisbane. [pool. P. 32,206. South Petherton, th: Somerset, on R. Parret., P. 2424. South Quebec, th: Canada, on S. side of St. Lawrence, 2 m. S. Quebec. P. 3000. South Rakaia, post th New Zealand, 36m. SW. Christchurch. P. 400. Southsea, dist. Hants, on S. side of Portsmouth. P. 45,247. South Shetland, archipelago, in S. Atlantic, 600 m. S. of Cape Horn. South Stockbgn; tın. N. R. York, on R. Tees. P. ro,665. Southwark, parl. bor. Surrey, on R. Thames, opposite London city. P. 221,946. Returns 3 M.Ps. Southwell, mkt, th; Notts, 17 m. NE. Nottingham. P. 2866. South-West Frontier Agency, India, former name of Chutia Nagpur Tributary States, Bengal. [8178. Southwick, th: Durham, on R. Wear, on NW. side Sunderland. P. Southwold, mun. bor. and spt. Suffolk, 14 m. S. Lowestoft. P. 2107. South Yarra, a SE. and residential sub. of Melbourne Sow, r. Staffordshire, 18 m. SE. to the Trent. Sow, r. Warwickshire, 15 m. SE. and S. to the Avon. Sowerby, th; W. R. York, 4 m. SW. Halifax. P. 6179. Sowerby Bridge, manuf. th; W. R. York, on R. Calder. P. 8724. Soyland, th W. R. York, 43 m, SW. Halifax. P. 3667. Sozh, r. Russia, 249 m. to the Dnieper, 40 m. NW. Chernigov. §pa, th; and watering-place, Belgium, 17 m. by railSE. Liége. P. 6745. §paçcaforno, th: Sicily, 11 m, SW. Noto, near cst., P. 8864. Spain (Span. España, Lat., Hispania and Iberia), kingdom of SW. Europe, consisting of the greater part of the Iberian Peninsula; the W. part being chiefly occupied by the kingdom of Portugal. 62 SPALATO THE CENTURY GAZETTEER SUNART, LOCH Its shores are washed by the Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean, Strait of Gibraltar, and Mediterranean Sea. On the NE, it is separ. ated from France by the Pyrenees. It includes the Balearic and Canary Islands, with some points on the N. cst. of Morocco. Area, 194,808 sq. m. P. (1885) 17,228,776, almost entirely Rom. Cath. ... Gov. a limited monarchy. It is still popularly known as in I4 divisions, which were in 1833 divided into 47 provš., or 49 with the islands. These divisions are, New Castile, Old Castile, Galicia, Asturias, Basque Provs, or Vascongadas, Navarre, Aragon, Cata. lonia, Valencia, Murcia, Andalusia, Granada, Estremadura, and eon. It is a very mountainous country, comprising extensive table-lands, traversed by lofty mtn. ranges. The main rivers are the Ebro, Guadiana, Guadalquivir, Tagus, and Douro. Climatc varies according to the altitude. Of the chief towns, the following exceed 100,000 inhabitants, Madrid (the cap.), Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, and Malaga. Exports, wines, fruits, cattle, wool, cork, iron and copper pyrites, etc. The foreign possessions of S. are Cuba and Porto Rico in America; in Asia, the Philippine, Sulu, Caroline and Marianne Islands; in Africa, Fernando Po, Annabon, etc. Area, 165,683 sq. m. P. 8,023,300. [com. 20,860. Spalato or Spalatro, spt. th Dalmatia, on the Adriatic. P. 5771; of Spalding, mkt, th: Lincolnshire, on R. Welland. P. 9260. ſ32,009. Spandau, th; Brandenburg, on Spree and Havel, 9 m. W. Berlin. P. Spanish Main, name given in 16th and 17th centuries to the continent of S. America, from Darien to the Orinoco. Spanish Town or Santiago de la Vega, th: Jamaica, Io m. W. of Kingston by rail. P. 70co. Sparta, anc. city, Morea, 3 m. NW. Mistra. [P. 3253 Spartanburg, vil. S. Carolina, cap. of S. co., room. NNW. Columbia. Spartel, Cape, the NW. extremity of Africa, at Strait of Gibraltar. Spask, tin. Russia, gov. and 108 m. NNE. Tambov. P. 5018. Spatsum, ry. Sta. British Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 268 m. W. Donald. Spean, r. Inverness, from L. Laggan, 20 m. to the Lochy. Speicher, vil. Switzerland, canton and 6 m. NIE. Appenzell. P. 32Or Spello, th: Italy, prov. Perugia, 3 m. NW. Foligno. P. of com. 5076. Spencer, th: Massachusetts, in co. and 12 m. W. Worcester. P. 7466. Spencer Gulf, spacious bay of S. Australia, 185 by 47 m. [Donald. Spencer's Bridge, ry. sta. British Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 280 m. W. Spennymoor, th: Durham, 4 m. NE. Bishop-Auckland. P. 5917. Sperrin Mts., Ireland, in Tyrone and Londonderry, 2236 ft. Spessart, a forest of Germany, in N.W. Bavaria. Spey, r. Inverness, Elgin, and Banff, flows E. and NE. Io'ſ m. to Moray Firth. The most rapid river of Scotland. Speyer, Speier, Spire or Spires, city, cap. of Rhenish Bavaria, on the hine, 16% m. NE. Landau. P. 16,238. Spezia or Specia, cst, th: Italy, in Liguria, on Bay of Spezia, 50 m. ESE. Geneva. P. of com. 31,066; tın. 23,354. Naval station. Spezzano-Albaneze, th: Calabria, Iom. SE. Castrovillari. P. 3853. Spezzia, isl. Greece, off S. cst. of Argolis. P. 8443. The tri. of Spezzia Spice Islands. See Moluccas. [on its N. side. P. 6495. Spichern, vil. Alsace-Lorraine, 2% m. S. Saarbrück. P. Iooo. Spike Island, S. co. Cork, I m. S. of Queenstown. Contains a fort. Spilimbergo, th: Italy, 15 m. WNY. Udine. I’, of com. 5917. Spilsby, tin. Lincolnshire, 19 m. NE. Boston. P. 1482. Spinazzola, the Italy, prov. Bari, 7 m. S. Minervino. P. 11,089. Spitalfields, par. Middlesex, in Tower Hamlets. P. 21,340. Spithead, roadstead, at entrance to Portsmouth Harbour, Hants; applied also to channel separating NE. cst. Isle of Wight. Spiti, r. Punjab, in Kangra District and Bashahr State. [P. 1926. Spittal, tin. and watering-place, Northumberland, at mouth of Tweed. Spitzbergen, grp. of islands, in Arctic Ocean, between Greenland and Nova Zembla. Lat. 76° 10'-81° N.; uninhabited. They are claimed by Russia. Area, 27,027 sq. m. * Splügen Pass, across the Rhaetian Alps, between the Grisons (Switz.) and Lombardy. Alt. 6939 ft. Spokan, r. Idaho, 120 m. to the Columbia, in Washington. Spoleto, tin. Italy, 41 m. SE. Perugia. P. II,885; com. 32,246. Sporades, isls. of Grecian Archipelago, belong to Turkey and Greece. Spree, r. Saxony and Brandenburg, 220 m. to the Havel. [P. 13,394. Spremberg, tin. Brandenburg, on the Spree. P. Io,999. Springburn, th: in NE. suburbs of Glasgow. P. 5911. Springfield, vil. Fife, on R. Eden, 3 m. S.W. Cupar. P. 93r. Springfield, city, cap. of Illinois, U.S., and of Sangamon Co., on San- gamon R., 185 m. SW. Chicago. P. 19,743. [necticut. P. 33,340. Springfield, city, Massachusetts, cap. of Hampden co., on Con- Springfield, city, Missouri, cap. of Greene Co., 60 m. I. Carthage. . 20,730. city, Ohio, cap. of Clark co., 80 m. NE. Cincinnati. post. th New S. Wales, on Brown's Creek, 179 m. N.W. Colliery, vil. Ayrshire, Dreghorn par. P. 1266, [Sydney. ry. sta. New S. Wales, on G. W. Ry., 47 m. W. Sydney. Prussian Silesia, 38 m. NW. Liegnitz. , P. 7552. cape, E. R. York, at mth. of R. Humber. - ry. sta. British Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 344 m. W. Donald. tn. Italy, in Calabria, 10 m. SW. Catanzaro. P. 2945. cap. of Kashmir State, India, in the W. Himalayas, on R. Alt. 5276 ft. P. I50,000. tn. Madras Pres., in Trichinopoli. P. 19,773. cap. of Tinnevelli Dist., Madras Pres. P. 18,256. Hanover, 22 m. W. by N. Hamburg. P. 9957. ry. sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 668 in. W. Winnipeg. vil. Switz., 13 m. SE. Zurich, on N. of lake. P. 3874. isl. Inner Hebrides, 6 m. N. Iona, is famous for its basaltic caves. Fingal's Cave, 227 ft. long. Stafford, th: Connecticut, 25 m. NE. Hartford. P. 4455. Stafford, parl. and mun. bor. and co. th: of Staffordshire, on R. Low, 27 m. NW. Birmingham. P. 19,977. Staffordshire, co. in W. midlands of Engl., enclosed by Cheshire, Berbyshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, and Salop, 50 by 34 In. Area, 1169 sq. m. P. 981,013. Returns 7 M.Ps. Its main river is the Trent, the Dove on E. border. It is very rich in coal and iron, and is the chief seat of the earthenware manufactures. Chief tus, the parl, bors. of Hanley, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stafford (co. tu.), Stoke-upon-Trent, Walsall, W. Bromwich, Wolverhampton, and Wednesbury, and the bors., Burslem, Lichfield, and Longton, tº gmo Grande or Stol, th: Dalmatia, on Sabioncello Peninsula. indrop, tshp. and vil. Durham, 5 m. SW. Bishop Auckland. P. I318. ines, mkt. tin. SW. Middlesex, on R. Thames. P. 4628. Bainland, tm. W. R. York, 3% m. SW. Halifax. P. 4933. faithes, mkt. th: N. R. York, on c5t., Tom. NW. Whitby. Balbridge, th: in NE. Dorset, 7 m. S. Wincanton. P. 1816. jaleybridge. See Stalybridge. Balham, the Norfolk, 16 m., N.W. Yarmouth. P. 852. jalimni or Limni, isl. Turkey, in the AEgean Sea. P. 8000. jallupòhnen, th: E. Prussia, 16 m. ENE. Gumbinnen. P. 4175. jalybridge or Staleybridge, parl. and mun. bor. manuf. th: Cheshire and Lancashire, on R. Tame, 7% m. E. Manchester. P. (parl. bor.) 42,863. It returns I M.P. amboul. See Constantinople. [Welland. P. 8773. Stamford, mun. bor. Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire, on 18. Stamford, cst. th: Connecticut, in Fairfield co. P. Ir,200. Stamford Bridge, mkt. th: E. R. York, on R. Derwent. Stamford Hill, dist. in N. of London, in Hackney. P. 6726. Stampalia, isl. Grecian Archipelago, 50 sq. m. P. 2000. tanderton, tin. S. African Republic, in S. Div., and on Vaal R. tandish, vil. Lancash., 3% m. NW. Wigan. P. of par. 13,526. tane, vil. Lanarkshire, near Shotts Ironworks. P. 911. Stanhope, mkt. tin. Durham, on R. Wear. P. 1840. tanislaus, r. California, 200 m. S.W. to the San Joaquin. ... [P. 18,626. Stanislawow or Stanislau, th: Austria, in Galicia, on R. Bistritza. tanley, vil. W. R. York, 2 m. NE. Wakefield. P. of tshp. 13,431. tanley, vil. Perthshire, on R. Tay, 7 m. N. Perth. P. Iogo. tanley, spt. tin. Tasmania, I41 Im. NW. Launceston. P. 332. tanley, post th: Victoria, co. Bogong, 180 m. NE. Melbourne. P.236. tanley or Port Stanley, spt. th: cap. of Falkland Isls. P. 350. tanley Falls and sta. on the Upper Congo. The falls extend 56 m. tanley Pool, an expansion of the Lower Congo, 25 by 16 m. tanley Range, chain of Ints. in New Guinea. Alt. I3,200 ft. Stannifer, post th- New S. Wales, 352 m. N. of Sydney. Stanningley, dist. and ry. sta. York, on W. side Leeds. P. 405r. Stanovoi or Yablonoi Mts., long range in E. Siberia, 50°-67° N. Stanstead, th: Quebec, cap. of S. co., 76 m. ESE. Montreal. P. 1500. Stanthorpe, tshp. Queensland, 184 m. SW. Brisbane. P. 4co. tanz, tim, Switz., cant. Unterwalden, 7 m. SE. Lucerne. P. 22Io. Stapleford, inkt, tin. Notts, on R. Erwash. P. 31.96. Stapleton, vil. New York, on NE. cst. Staten Isl. P. 4016. Staraia-Russa, th: Russia, 36 m. S. Novgorod. P. 13,078. Starbuck, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 27 m. SW. Winnipeg. Starbuck Isl., in Pacific Ocean. Lat. 5° 37' S. ; lon. 155° 56' W. Barcross, watering-place, Devon, on estuary of the Exe. P. 899. jargard, th: Pomerania, on the Ihna, 25 m. E. Stettin. P. 22, III. jargard, th: W. Prussia, 27 m. S.W. Dantzig. P. 6634. taro Constantinov. See Constantinov. Starodub, th: Russia, gov. and Ioom. NE. Chernigov. P. 23,889. taroi Bykhof, th: Russia, 26 m. S. Mohiley, on Dnieper. P. 5683. taroi Oskol, th: Russia, gov. and 70 m. ESE. Kursk. P. ro,879. tart Point, cape, in S. Devon, 8% m. S. Dartmouth. Stassfurt, til, Prussian Saxony, 20 m. SSW. Magdeburg, . P 16,459. # ; Sł§ l Šíaszow, the Poland, gov. Radom, 30 m. WSW. Sandomier. P. 6242. Štaten Isl., isl. of Tierra del Fuego, in extreme S., 45 m. long. Staten Isl., the most S. part of New York State, constitutes čo. Rich- mond, 14 m. long, 5 m. SW. New York city. Staubbach (Dust Brooz.), waterfall, Switz., I m. S. Lauterbrunnen, cant. Bern; a sheer descent of 980 ft. . 6664. Staunton, the Virginia, cap. of Augusta co., 60 m. N. Lynchburg. Stavanger, spt. Norway, stift Christiansand, on the Bukkéfiord, röö m. S. Bergen, 58° 58' N. . P. 23,911. Stavanger, amt, Norway. Area, 3582 sq. m. P. I 10,965. Šíaveley,tshp. Derby, 4 m. NE. Chesterfield. P. 8164. Šíavropol, gov. Russia, in Caucasia. Area, 26,523 sq.m. P. 637,893 Stavropol, cap. of above, on the Atchla. P. 35.463. *. itaWell, bor. Victoria, co. Dorung, 18 m. W. Ararat. P. 7348. tayley, th; Cheshire, on NE. side Stalybridge. P. 2674. fayner, vil. Ontario, in Simcoe Co., 85 in. from Toronto, P. rooo. teckborn, th: Switz., cant. Thurgau, on the Unter See. P. 1839. feele, the Rhenish Prussia, 21 m. NE. Düsseldorf. P. 8237. Steenbergen, th: Holland, N. Brabant, 20 m. W. Breda. É, 6802. Steenwyk, th: Netherlands, in Overyssel, 9 m. NE. Blokzyl. P. 5059. Steeple, mtn. Cumberland, between Wäst Water and Ennerdalé, Steiglitz, th: Victoria, 71 m. W. Melbourne. P. ros3. [2746 ft. Steiermark, German för Styria. tein, th: Lower Austria, on the Danube, 4om.WNW.Vienna. P. 4209. tein-am-Anger, th: Hungary, 12 m. ESE. Güns. P. Logºo, fekine, th: Belgium, 18 m. NE. Ghent. , P. 7272, Stellaland, dist. in SE. of Bechuanaland Crown Col., lately a Boer Republic. Area, 5000 sq. m. Chief th Vrijburg. [P. 4000. §tellenbosch, th: Cape Colony, cap of div. S., 25 m. E. Capé Tºwn. Stelvio Pass (Ger. Sººyoch), in Tyrolese Alps, on road from Milan to Innsprück. Alt. 9045 ft. Stendal, th Prussian Saxony, 40 m. NNE. Magde Jurg. P. 16,184. Stenhousemuir, th: Stirlingshire, 3 in. N.W. Falkirk. 2617. Stennes, Loch, and ‘standing Stones,’ Orkney, rom. W. Kirkwall. Štephen, ry. Sta. Alberta, on C.P. Ry., 962 m. W. Winnipeg. Stepney, par, and ry. Sta. Middlesex, in E. London, in Tower Hamlets bor. P. 132,393. Steppes, distinctive name of the vast plains of Russia and Cent. Asia, Correspond to the prairies of N. America, and to the Ilanos and pampas of S.America. Sterling, city, Illinois, co. Whitesides, on Rock R. P. 5089. Sterlitamak, th: Russia, gov. and 72 m. S. Ufa. P. 89.40. Sternberg, the Moravia, 9 m. NNE. Olmütz. P. of dist. 14,243. Stettin, important Spt. Prussia, cap. of Pomerania, on the Öder, at its mth, in Stettiner-Haſ, 79 m. NNE. Berlin. P. 99,543. Manufs. extensive. Ilarge vessels discharge at Swinemünde. Stettiner-Haff, lagoon or expansion of the Oder, N. of Stettin; is of 200 sq. m. in extent; 12 to 18 ft. deep. city, Ohio, cap. of Jefferson Co., on Ohio R. P. 12,093. tn. Herts, 4 m. SE. Hitchin. P. 3116. vil. Wisconsin, cap. of Portage co., on Wisconsin R. tn. Ayr, I In. NE. Saltcoats. P. 3556, [P. 4449. vil. Derks, 4 m. SW, Abington. vil. Bedfordsh., in NE., on R. ()use. vil. Aberdeen, 113 m. W. Peterhead. I’. 675. New Zealand, S. of South Island. tn. Ayrsh., 5 m. N. Kilmarnock. P. 3130. mkit. th:. E. co. Tyrone, 7 m. NE. Dúngannon. P. 823. tn. Upper Austria, at confluence of linns and Steyer. P. 17,195 tn., Sussex, 5 m. NW. Shoreham. P. 1672. tn. SE. African Republic, cap. Komatie, gold-fields. Italy, in Basilicata, 27 m. S.W. Matera. # 674I. r. Brit. Columbia and Alaska, 275 m., 56° 41' N. r. Norfolk, 20 m. to N. Sea, 43 in. E. Wells. vil. Irel., 5 m. SE. Dublin. P. 551. [P. 9054. tn. Minnesota, Cap. of Washington co., on St. Croix R. Huntingdon, 6 m. SW. Peterborough. Noted for cheese. r. Ayrsh., 30 m. SW. to Sea at Ballantrae. parl, and royal burgh and Co. tin. Stirlingshire, on R. Forth, 36 m. NW. Edinburgh. ... P. I6,oor. Its old castle stands upon a precipitous rock. Stirling Dist. of Pazº. Bréz'ghs, includes S., Dunfermline, CulroSS, Inverkeithing, and Queensferry, and returns I M.P., P. 36,780. Stirlingshire, a midland co. of Scot., bounded N. by Perth and Clack- mannan, W. by Loch Lomond and Dumbarton, S. by Lanark and Tumbarton, E. by Linlithgow and the Forth, 46 m. by 22. Area, 446% sq. m. P. II2,443, returning I M.P. The R. Forth skirts its N. border. Surface varied. Ben Lomond in the NW. rises to 3192ft. Co. th: Stirling. Stockbridge, mkt. tin. Hants, on R. Test. P. 873. Stockenstroem, div. Cape Colony, in the SE., at the foot of the Katbergen. Area, 240 sq. m. P. 6000. Stockerau,th. Lr. Austria, on Danube, 61m. N.W. Korneuburg. P. 6555. Stockholm, cap. of Sweden, on the outlet of Lake Maelar, built partly upon isls. Beautifully built and situated, called the Queen of the Baltic. Lat. 59° 20' 36° N. P. (1886) 223,063. [150,726. Stockholm, metropolitan laen of Sweden, 2951 sq. m. P. (without city) Stockport, parl. and mun. bor. and manuf. tin. Cheshire and Lancash., on R. Mersey. P. 59,553. It returns 2 M.Ps. Stocksbridge, tr. W. R. York, 7% m. NW. Sheffield. P. 4660. Stockton or S. on Tees, parl. and mun. bor., manuf.tn. and port, Durham and Yorksh., on R. Tees, 4 m. from its mth. P. 55,460. Returns I M.P. ; manufs. linen and sailcloth, iron, shipbuilding, etc. Stockton, city, California, cap. of San Joaquin co., on Cent. P. Ry. P. Io,282. Has an extensive trade in grain. Stockton, th: New S. Wales, co. Gloucester, I m. from Newcastle. Stockton, South, th: Durham and York, on R. Tees, opposite Stockton Tees, and within its parl. limits. P. Io,665. and St Green, 2 dists. Surrey, in S. London. West, Notts, near the Trent and Idle. P. 662. mkt. th: Somerset, 14 m. NW. Taunton. P. 1242. par. and ry. sta. in NE. London, in Hackney bor. tn. N. R. York, 9 m. SE. Stockton. P. 1802. [P. 22,781. Trent, parl. and mun. bor. Staffordsh., on R. Trent, 14 m. by rail. P. of parl. bor. 64,091 ; mun., bor. 19,261. It seat of the china and earthenware manuf. The parl, limits those of Burslem and Longton with other parts of the District. tn. Rhenish Prussia, 7 m. I. of Aachen. P. Ir,835. Saxony, II m. SSW. Chemnitz. P. 6651. [P. 22,442. tn. Pomerania, on the R. Stolpe, 75 m. W. Dantzig. tn. Pomerania, on the Baltic, at mouth of the Stolpe. tn. Staffordshire, on R. Trent, 7 m. S. Stoke. P. 5669. tn. ILanarkshire, 8 m. SE. Glasgow. P. 45II. [3957. spt. Co. tr. of Kincardineshire, 16 m. SW. Aberdeen. P. grp. of gigantic standing stones on Salisbury Plain. or E. Stonehouse, th: Devon, within parl, limits of Devonport. P. I5,041. Stonehouse, th: Lanarksh., on the Avon, 7 m. SE. Hamilton. P. 2615. stonehouse, par, and vil. Gloucester, 3 m. W. Stroud. P. 3247. Stoneleigh, vil. Warwickshire, on R. Avon, 2 m. E. Kenilworth. Bonewall, ry. Sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 20 m. NW. Winnipeg. onington, port of entry, Connecticut, 12 m. E. New London. P. toney Middleton, vil. Derbyshire, 4% m. N. Bakewell. [7355. tony Creek, ry. sta. Manitoba, 66 m. NW. Portage la Prairie. jonyhurst, Rom. Cath. College, N.E. Lancash., 4 m. SW. Clitheroe. tony Mountain, ry, sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 13 in. NW.Winnipeg. tony Stratford, mkt. th:8 m. NE. Buckingham, on R. Ouse. P. 1943. Hornoway, spt. police bur. on E. CSt. Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Ross. toróe, isl. Norway, 30 m. S. Bergen, 15 by 7 m. [P. 2627. jorrington, par. and vil. Sussex, 6% m. NE. Arundel. P. I35I. jorsjön, lake, Sweden, 63° 10' N., 14° 30' E., 25 m. long. tort, r. Essex and Herts, 22 m. to the Lea, near Hoddesdon. İoughton, vil. Massachusetts, 18% m. S. Boston. P. 4875. tour, r. Suffolk and Essex, 47 m. E. to Harwich. tour, r. Kent, 40 m. past Canterbury, to Pegwell Bay. tour, r. aff. of the Avon, near Stratford, 20 m. long. tour, r. Somerset, Dorset, and Hants, 55 m. to the Avon, at Christ itour, r. Worcester and Staffordshire, 20 m. to the Severn. [church. Stourbridge, Inkt. the Worcestershire, on R. Stour, 11 m. W. Birming- ham. P. 9757. P. 3358. Stourport, mkt. th Worcestershire, at confluence of Stour and Severn. tow, vil. Norfolk, 2% m. N. Downham Market. Has cattle fair. tow, vil. Edinburghshire and Selkirkshire, on Gala Water. P. 440. tow on the Wold, mkt. th: Gloucester, on the Fosse Way. P. 1636. towe, vil. Lincolnshire, 7 m. SE. Gainsborough. jowey, Nether, par. and vil. Somerset, 8% m. W. Bridgwater. P. 731. Stowmarket, mkt. th: Suffolk, on R. Gipping. P. 4052. trabane, mkt. th: Tyrone, 15 m. SW. Ilondonderry, on R. Foyle. tradbally, mkt. tr. Queen's Co., 7 m. NW. Athy. P. 1254. [P. 41.96. tradbroke, mkt. tin. Suffolk, 5% m. E. of Eye station. P. I2O2. tradbroke Island, E. cat. Queensland, E. of Moreton Bay, 33 by 6 m. Stradella, tin. Italy, near the Po, 15 m. ENE.Voghera. P. of com. 8639. Straight Lake, ry, sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 369 m. W. Ottawa. Straits Settlements, British Colony, on or in proximity to the Strait of Malacca, comprise Singapore (the cap.), Malacca, Penang, and Wellesley, each separately noticed. Area, 1472 sq. m. P. 598,000. The neighbouring native states are bound to above by treaties. Straiton, vil. with oil-works, Scotland, 5 m. S. of Edinburgh G.P.O. g Štrakonitz, tn. Bohemia, 27 m. ESE. Klattau. P. 5835. §§rålen, vil. Prussia, 27 m. NW, Düsseldorf. p. sº Stralsund, ft. Špt. th Pomerania, on the strait which Separates the º Island of Rügen, 145 m. N. by W. Berlin by rail. P. 28 #ralsund, gov., of Pomerania, in the W. Area, 1543 Sq. Im. §§rambino, th: Italy, in Piedmont, 6 m. S. ivrea.’"P. 2734. #rangford, spt. tº co. Down, on W. of entrance to Lough S. * Lough, Sea arm, co. Down, 18 m. long, with an entrance m. long. erry. Stranorlar, mkt. th S. co. Donegal, on R. Finn, 29 m. § Lää. Stranraer, royal and police burgh, Spt. Wigtownshire, at head of Loch Ryan, 87 m. SW. Glasgow by rail. T. 64I5. Strasburg (French, Strasbourg. German, Strassózºg), ft. city, Gor- many, cap, of Alsace-Lorraine, on R, ill, 2 m. from the Rhine p *1987. It has a famous and magnificent cathedral and a univer. It belonged to France before 1870. or Brodnitzo, th: W. Prussia, 41 m. SE. Marienwerder. P tn. Moravia, on the March, S.W. Hradish, p. 47II. (3462. tn. Brandenburg, 28 m. NNE. Templin. P. 5894. º dist, and ruined abbey, Cardiganshire, 5 m. NE. Tre- yil. Hants, 7 m. NE. Basingstoke. [garon. º Fairfield co., on Housatonic R. 3. 425ſ. Of entr Intario, cap. of Per - St. #a . Toronto. %. 8239. , Cap th, and on River Avon, Tºſord, th; Essex, in bor. of West Ham, on R. Lea, P. Stratford, tshp. Victoria, on R. Avon, co. Tanjii, º :*::se. Melbourne. P. 424; pastoral district. [Paul's. Šírafford le Bow or Bow, par, and ry. Sta. London, 3 m. E. of St. Stratford, ºn Avon, mun, bor. Warwicksh. On R. Avôň, 3 m. §w. Warwick. P. 8954. The birthplace of Shakespeare. Strath Afric, val. Inverness, SW of Inverness. Érafthalbyn, mun. th: S. Australia, 35 m. SE, Adelaide. P. 772. trath Allan, val. of R, Allan, Perthshire and Stirlingshire. ,984 P. 210,165. trathaven, th Lanarkshire, 7 m. S. Hamilton. P. 3812. trathblane, par. and vil. Stirlingsh., 4 m. W. Lennºxtown. P. I343. Éraſh, Bogie, vale of Bogie Water, N.W.Aberdeenshire. traßbungo, par. and ry, sta. in S. suburbs of Glasgow. P. 3I72. itrathconom, vale of R. Conon, Ross-shire, in the SE. & fraßh Earn, vale of the Earn, Perthshire, 32 m. long. Šírathfieldsåye or Emu Creek, tshp. Victoria, 108 m. NW. Melbourne. #rafth Eillan, val. of Fillan Water, Perthshire, in killin par. #rafth Glass, val...of R. Glass, in NW. Inverness-shire. §ººkinness, yil. Fife, 3 m. W. St. Andrews. P. 584. #ºmiglo, vil. Fife, on R. Eden, 6 m. W. Ladybink. P. r2g2. Strºhmore, greatyal. of Scot., from Dumbartonshire to the sea. at Stonehaven, in Kincardineshire. y Strathpeffer, vil. Ross, 5 m. W. Dingwall; with mineral springs. Strathroy, th: Canada, prov. Ontariº, co, Middlesex. p. 3817. Strathyre, val, and vil. Perth, N. of Loch Lubnaig. §§rathspey, val. of the Spey, N. Scot, 70 m. long. Štratton, mkt, th Cornwall, 16 m. NW." Launceston. P. 902. [13,2ro traubing, the Bavaria, near the Danube, 25 m. SE. Ratisbon. P. §rausberg, th Brandenburg, on L. Strauss, ºom. E. Eºin. p. 6565. freaky Bay, post th: S. Australia, 406 m. NW. Adelaide." P. i. Streatham, par. Surrey, Wandsworth, 7 m. SW. Ludgate Hill. P. treet, th: Sºmerset, 13 m. SW. Glastonbury. P. 25I4. [21,611. trehersk, vil. Russia, in Asia, on R. Chilka, to be a station on new Siberian Railway. fre hlen, tn. Prussian Silesia, 28 m. S. Breslau, on R. Ohlau. P. 8854. ºreliſz, Gross, th: Prussian Silesia, 2 m. SE. Oppeln. P. Arro. tre itz, Neu. See Neu Strelitz. tº ºur d, th S.E. Lancash., 4 m. SW. Manchester. P. 19, or 8. Tºtton, tshp, and vil. Derbysh., 6 m. S. Chesterfield. É630. ºrichen, vil. Aberdeenshire, 10 m. SW. Fraserburgh. P. 1204. ºğalı, tº. Prušian Silesia, 34 m. W. Breslau. P. 11,784. brielinskaia or Strelna, imperial palace, 12 m. SW. St. Petersburg. roëmen Fiorden, Sea arm, Norway, 68° N., 24 m. long. irokestown, mkt. th: in co. and 12 m. NE. Röscommon. P. 837. troma, isl. Caithness, in Pentland Firth. P. 34I. tromboli, one of the Lipari Isls., off N. c.st. Sicily, has an active volcano. P. 1200. itrome Ferry, place and ry. terminus, W. Ross, on Loch Carron. Stromness, mkt, tin. spt. Orkney, 14 m. W. Kirkwall. I’. 1705, frone, watering-place, Argyll, on Firth of Clyde. P. 295. Stronsay, isl. Orkney, 12 m. NE. Kirkwall, fº. 1274. troud, mkt. til. Gloucester, 9 m. S. Gloucester. P. 7848. troud, tshp. New S. Wales, 124 m. N. of Sydney. P. 344. try, r. Austria, in Galicia, aff, of the Dniester, iro m. £ry, ſt.tn. on the above r., 42 m. SSW. Lemberg. P. 12,625. tuart Mill, post th: 159 m. SE. Melbourne. . P. 245. ſubbekiöbing, th: Denmark, on NE. cst. Falster isl. P. ISO9. tudley, vil. Warwickshire, on R. Arrow. P. of par. 2477. šuhlweißsenburg, th: Hungary, 34 m. by rail SW, Pesth. P. 25,612 §urminster Newton, Inkt.'tn. N. Dorset, on R. Stour. P. Igº. Stuttgart, cap. city of Würtemberg, near the Neckar. P. I25,90I. tyr, r. Galicia, Volhynia, and Minsk, 200 m. to the Pripet. Styria (Ger. Steyermark), duchy and crownland, Austria, bounded N., by Upper and Lower Austria; W. by Salzburg and Carinthia; S. by Carniola; and E. by Croatia and Hungary. Area, 8659 sq. Im. P. (1880) 1,213,597; (1885) 1,241,651. The Enns, Mur, and Drave are the main rs. It is crossed by chains of the Noric Alps. of which Thorstein rises to ro,649 ft. Cap. Gratz. Styx, cascade, Greece, in N. of Arcadia, falls to the Crathis. Suakin or Suakim, spt. Nubia, on Red Sea, 19° 7' N. P. ro,000. Subathu, hill Sanatarium, Punjab, in Simla Dist. Alt. 4500 ft. Subiaco, th: Italy, 31 m. E. Rome, on the Teverone. P. of com. 7215. Subtiava, tin. Nicaragua, 40 m. SSE. Leon. P. 5000. Subzawar, th: W. Afghanistan, IIom. S. Herat. Succadana, th: W. cst Borneo, 1° 20' S., on Simpang R. Su-Chow-Fu, th China, prov. Kiang-Su, 125 m. SE. Nankin, on a lake in line of Imperial Canal. P. 1,000,000. Şüchteln, vil. Rhenish Prussia, 19 m. WNW. Düsseldorf. P. 9465. Suck, r. Connaught, 60 m. SE. to the Shannon. Sucre, city, Bolivia. See Chuquisaca. Suczava, th: Austria, in Bukowina, on frontier of Roumania. P. ro, roſ. Sudbury, mun, bor. Suffolk and Essex, on R. Stour. P. 6584. Sudbury Junction, ry. sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 323 m. W. Ottawa. Sudetic Mts. (Ger. Sudeten Gebirge), range, separating Silesia from Bohemia and Moravia, rising, in Altvater, to 4880 ft. In an ex- tended sense it embraces the Riesen Gebirge, Adler Gebirge, Sueca, th: Spain, 20 m. SE. Valencia, on the Jucar. P. 13,386. [etc. Suez, Spt, the Egypt, at head of Gulf of Suez (arm of the Red Sea), 76 m. E. Cairo. P. Ir,327. It is at the S. entrance to the Suez Canal, which crosses the Isthmus of Suez, to the Mediterranean at Port Said, 99 m. long. Suez, Isthmus of, connects Asia and Africa, having on the N. the Mediterranean, and on the S. the Gulf of Suez. Sufeid Koh, mtn. range, Afghanistan, room. S. of the Hindu Kush, on S. of the Kabul valley. Rises to 14,200 ft. Suffolk, maritime co. E. Engl., bounded N. by Norfolk, W. by Cam- bridgesh., S. by Essex, and E. by North Sea. Area, 1475 sq. m. P. 356,893. Main rivers, Waveney, Deben, Orwell, and Gipping, Stour, and Lark. The co. returns 5 M.Ps. It contains the parl. bors. of Ipswich (co. th) and Bury St. Edmunds. [P. Io,602. Suhl, th: in a detached portion of Prussian Saxony, 30 m. SW. Erfurt. Suir, r. Munster Prov., flows 85 m. tº the Barrow, in Waterford Harb. Suk-el-Shuyukh, th: Turkey, on River Euphrates, 66 miles west of Bassorah. P. Io,000. w Sukhona, r. Russia, in Vologda, 250 m. to the Zug to form the Dwina Sukhum, dist. Transcaucasia, on Black Sea. P. 70,700. |P. 27,389. Sukkur, th: Sind, in Shikarpur Dist., on W. b. Indus, opposite Rohri. Sulaimān Mts., range, forming boundary between Afghanistan and the Punjab. Takht-i-Sulaiman, rises to 11,295 ft. Sulimama, state, Africa, in Senegambia. Cap. Falaba. Sulina, the principal mth. of the Danube, in Roumania. P. 4000. Sulmona, th Italy, prov. Aquila, in the Abruzzi. P. 17,615. Sultaniyah, city, Persia, prov. Irak Ajemi, II5 m. NE. Hamadan Sultanpur, dist. Oudh, Rai Bareli Div. P. 957,912. Cap., S: , P. 9374 Sulu Isls., group 200 m. long, between NE. Borneo and Mindanao (Philippines). Area, 946 sq. m. P. 2Co,000. They nominally belong to Spain. Sulu § or Sea of Mindoro, extends between the Plrilippines, N. Borneo, Sulus, and Palawan. Sulz, th: Alsace, 15 m. SSW. Colmar. P. 45II. Sulzbach, tin. Bavaria, in Ober Pfalz, on R. Vils. P. 4668. Sumatra, most W, of the Sunda Isls., Malay Archipelago, a Dutch possession, one of the largest isls., in the world. It lies S. of the Malay Peninsula, separated by the Strait of Malacca. Length, 1025 m. by 60 to 240 m. Area, 172,000 sq. m. P. estimated, 2-3,000,000, mostly Malays. It is traversed throughout its length Sumba. See Sandalwood Isl. [on the W. side by a mtn. Chain. Sumbawa, one of the Sunda Isls., SSW. Celebes, 160 by 20-60 in- Area, 51.93 sq. m. P. 150,000. It contains Tomboro volcano. Sumburgh Head, the S. extremity of Shetland. Sümegh, tin. Hungary, 17 m. NNE. Iſeszthely, P. 5029. Sumiswald, th Switz., cant. and 15 m. ENE. Bern. P. 5889. Summerside, spt. Prince Edward Isl., cap, of Prince co. P. 2853. Sumy, th: Russia, gov. and 83 m. NW. Kharkov. P. 14,125. šumart, Loch, sea-arm, Argyll, at N. end of Sound of Mull. If I º D S S ll. 63 SUNBURY THE CENTURY GAZETTEER TAY bury, mkt, th Middlesex, on R. Thames. P. 4297. § bor. Pennsylv., on Susquehannº,54 N. Harrisburg. P. 4077. Sunbury, post th: Victoria, 24 m. NW. of Melbourne. P. 459. §mcook, vil. New Hampshire, on . Mºnac, P. 3487. chalès, th Argentina, in prov. Santa FS. š. Islands, § Archipelago, comprise Sumatra, Java, and the isis, of the same chain as far as Timor. Sunda Strait is between S. end of Sumatra and Java. - c šundarbans, The, a vast tract of forest and swamp, forming the S. portion of the Gangetic Delta, Bengal, 165 m. long by 81.Th., . Sunday or Raoul Island, one of the Kermadec Islands, in Pacific Ocean, 4oom. N. New Zealand. Annexed to Britain in 1886. Sunderland, parl, and mun, bor. Spt. Dºrº at mouth of the Wear, º, in St. Newcastle. P. 124,841. Return: 2 M.Ps. In 1885,9419 2,824,128 tons cleared the port. Exports coal. North, fishing village, Northumberland, 7 m. SE. Bel- par. and yil. Kent, 3.1, W. Sevenoaks. P. 1627. [ford. spt. Sweden, 28 m. SW. Hernåsand. P. 8714. Manchuria, 800 m. N. to the Amºſ. 0 - A-C State, Malay Peninsula, 3°-4° N., 102°-103 E.; feudatory since 1876. e tn. Lr. § on Gulf of Siam, 90 m. SE, Ligor. vii. Berks, 73 m. S.W. Staines by rail. > * vil. Berks, ſo m. SW. Staines, ... [Kikopſ, sea, Japan, separates Hondº from Kiu-Siu and fake, largést body of fresh water in the world and highest of the five 'great lakes of the St. Lawrence Basin, separates Canada from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, U.S. Length, Aoom.; 160 m. wide. Area, 32,000 sq. m. Surface, 635 ft. above sea-level. • - - Sura, r. Russia, govs. Penza and Simbirsk, 400 m. to the Volga. Surat, dist. Bombay Pres., in Gujarat. Area, 1662 sq. m. P. 614,198. Surat, city and port, cap. of above, on Tapti R., 14 m. from the sea. P.109,844. Its exports still considerable; trade mostly transferred Surat, póst th: Queensland, 346 m. W. Brisbane, P. 290. [to Bombay. šurbitón, thºsurrey, on S. side of Kingstoº: P. 94.06. šure or Sauer, r. Beigium, 90 m. E.to the Moselle. Suresmes, vil. France, dep. Seine, W. of Paris. P. 6477. Šurgut, th Siberia, on the Obi, 269 m. NE, Tobolsk. P. 1460. Šurinam, r. Dutch Guiana, 300 m. to the Sea, near Paramaribo. Surinam. See Dutch Guiana. - Šurrey, co. in SE. England, bounded N. by R. Thames, which separates it from Middlesex, W. by Berks and Hants, S. by Sussex, and E. by Kent, 40 by 26 m. Area, 755 §§: º, P. I,436,899. Tººs & M. ps. "It is traversed E, to W. by the N. Dowºls range. It contains the metropolitan parl. bors. of Wandsworth; Battersea and Clapham, Lambeth, Newington, Southwark, and Camberwell ; also the parl. bor. of Croydon, and the bors. of Guildford (co. th), Kingston-upon-Thº, and Reigate. Surgee, th: Switzerland, cant, and 12 m; NNW. Lucerne. P., 1994 šuruga, populous cst, th: Japan, 9% º SW. Tokio. , P. 33.798. šus, E. Morocco, 130 m. W. to the Atlantic,5 ºl S. Agadir. Susa, tm. Italy, in Piedmont 37 ill. by rail W. Turin. ... P. of Gon. 4106. šuša (S/.7/s/.3%t), ruined city, Persia, 250 m. SE. Bagdad, on 1. b. of R. Šusa, ft. th: Tulis, 33 m. S. of Hammamet. I. 10,000... [Kerkha. Suspension Bridge or Niagara City, port of entry, New York, on Niagara R., 2 m. below the fall. P. 2476. Susqueñamma, bor. Pennsylvania, in cº, and on S. R. P. 3467. Susquehanna R., Pennsylvania and Maryland, to N. end of Chesa- peake Bay, passing Harrisburg. Length, 500 m. Sussex, maritime co. S. England, bounded W. by Hants, N. by Surrey and Kent, S. by the English Channel, 7% by 27 m. , Area, 1458 sq. m. P. 490,565. Returns 6 M.Ps. It is traversed E. to w by the South Í)owns range. It contains the parl. bors. of Drighton and Hastings, and the bors. of Arundel, Chichester (co. tn.), Eastbourne, Lewes and Rye. 5utera, tr. Sicily, 21 m. N. of Caltānisetta. P. of com. 47%. - §utherland or Šutherlandshire, maritime Highland Co., Scotland, i. ...tºne N. bounded N. and W. by the Atlantic, S. by Ross, and Cromarty, E. by Caithness and Moray Firth, 63 by 69 m. Area, 2027 sq. m. P. 23,370. . It returns I M.P. Co. tin. Dornoch. The surface is very mountainous, with numerous lochs and glens. On the SE. are valuable fishcrics. * - º - Sutlej, one of the ‘five rivers’ of the Punjab, rises in the Himalayas ^ in 'Tibet from Manasarowar Lake; elev., 15,200 ft., and flows Św, to the Indus. It receives the Beas on the l; b.; and lower down the Trimab, thence it bears the name of Panjnad. Sutna, tin. and British cantonment and ry. Sta. India, in Rewa State, 110 m. from Allahabad. P. 5385. Sutton, par, and vil. Surrey, 4% in. SW. Croydon. , P. 3,334. §utton, Îlong, th Lincolnshire, 4% m. SE. Holbeach. P. 2694; - - Šutton Bridge, th and river-port, Lincoln, on R. Nen, 7 m. N. Wis- bech by rail. P. 2207. * - 1330r. utton Coldfield, mkt. tº Warwickshire, 7 m. NE. Birmingham. P. utton Forest, tshp. New S. Wales, 89 m. SSW. Sydney. E. 500. ution in Ashfield, manuf. tin. Notts, 3 m. SW. Mansfield. P. 8523. utton-upon-Trent, vil. Notts, 4 m. NW. Alford. uva, cap. of Fiji Isls., on S. CSt. Viti Levu. uvaiki, th: Poland, cap. gov. S., 65 m. SW. Kovno. . P. 18,640. Suwanee R., Georgia and Florida, to the Gulf of Mexico. Suwarrow Isls., grp. in Pacific Ocean, 13° 20'.S., 163° 30' W uzdal, tm. Russia, gov. and 22 m. N. Vladimir. P. 3769. Suzzara, vil. Lombardy, Irm. SSW. Mantua. P. of Com. 9652. wart Eif, r. Sweden, from Stora Kopparberg, 102 m. to L. Skagern. veaborg, ft. th: Finland, SE. Helsingfors. . P.5000. vir, r. Russia, 130 from Lake Onega to Lake Ladoga. vendborg, spt. in. Denmark, on S. Cst. Fünen. P. 7184. Švenigorodka, th: Russia, gov. Kiev, 19 m. S. Boguslay... P. II,375. İwabia or Suábia (Ger. Schwaben), former prov. Qf SW. Germany, bounded W. and S. by the Rhine. Its territory belongs to Baden, "Würtemberg, and Bavaria. Swabian Alps, mts. of Würtemberg. Swadlincoté, Én, Derbysh., 4 m. SE. Burton-on-Trent. P. 2982. Swaffham, mkt. th Norfolk, 15 m. SE. King's Lynn. P. 3643. Swaheli, a race on E. cst. Africa, between Cape Delgado and Somal Land. They are related in language to the Kaffirs and Bechuanas. Swale, r. N. R. York, 60 m. E. j SE. to the Ure. Swale, The, chan. between Isle of Sheppey and mainland, 16 m. long. Swaledale, val. N. R. York, from Westmorland to Richmond. Swampscott, cst. vil. Mass., U.S., Essex co., 13 m. NE. Boston. T. 2500. Swamage or Swanwich, mkt. th: Dorset, on Isle of Purbeck. P. 2357. Swan Hill, post tim, Victoria, 224 m. NNW. Melbourne. P. 288. Swan R., r. West Australia, enters the Sea at 32° S. Swanlinbar, vil. co. Cavan, on R. Cladagh, 8 m. NW. Ballyconnell. Swansea, parl, and mun. bor, and spt. Glamorgan, at mth. of R. Tawe, on S. Bay, 213 in. W. London by rail. P. of mun. bor. 65,597; parl. bor. 73,971. S. is the principal seat of the copper trade of jingl. Mantifs. also tin-platé, iron, steel, etc. Expórts, coal and patent fuel. In 1885, 7051 vessels of 1,366,117 ton, cleared the port. Szwansea Boroughs, return 2 M.Ps, and include (1), Swansea Town. P. 50,043; (2) Swansea Dist. P. 50,547; viz, Aberavon, Renfig, Loughor, Neath, and part of Swansea. Swatow, treaty port, China, prov. Quang-Tong, on estuary of the Hang-Kiang, 225 m. ENE. Canton. P. 30,000. Swazieland, country on SE. of S. African Rep., inhabited by Swazies. Sweder, (Swed. Sverige), country of N. Europe, forming the E. and larger portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, bounded W. by Norway, Skager Rack, Cattegat, and the Sound, and E. by Baltic Sea, G. of Bothnia, and Russia, 55°20'-69° N., II° 15'-24° E. Length, Iogom. Greatest breadth, 300 m. Area, 173,966 sq. m. P. 4,717,189. It is one of the kingdoms composing the monarchy of Sweden and Norway. The country consists of three great divs. Swealand or Sweden proper, Gothland, and Norrland, which are subdivided into 24 laens or provs. It is mtmous. in the W., otherwise flat, with many lakes and rivers, and one-fourth forest-clad. Cap. Stockholm ; universities at Upsala and Lund. Sweden Proper or Svealand, large cent. div. Sweden, comprises, the lºns Stockholm, Upsala, Södermanland, Westmanland, Orebro, \V kopparberg, and Lakes Maelar and Hjelmar. Wyoming, 175 m. E to the Platte R. (N. Fork). Cape Colony, on the cSt. Area, 2954 Sq. m. P. II,000. I40 m. E. Cape Town. P. 2000. ry. Sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 5 roºm. W. Winnipeg. Sea-arm, NE. Co. Donegal, 25 m. long. tn. Wilts, Io; m. N. Marlborough. P. 22,374. tn. E. co. Mayo, on R. Moy. P. 1657. or Swienemünde, ft, spt, Pomerania, 36 m. NNW. on isl. of Usedoin. P. 8626. tn. Lincoln, 6 m. SW. Boston. P. 1622. tn. SE. Lancash., 4 m. NW. Manchester. P. 18, ro7. W. R. York, Io; m. NE. Sheffield. P. 7612. ld (Ger. Schweitz; Fr. La Sicisse; Ital. Svizzera: ; Latin A ſe!ºetia), federal rep. cent. Europe, bounded W. by France, N. by Baden and L. of Constance, E. by Tyrol, and S. by Italy. |-ength, 216 by 140 m. Area, 15,964 sq. m. P. (1880) 2,846,102. It is divided into 22 cantons, regulated by a Federal Assembly of two chambers, which meet in Bern. Three-fourths of the people Speak German' in the W. cants, French is spoken; in the Ticino, Italian; and in Grisons, Romanch. Of the inhabitants 1,667,000 are Protestants and 1,160,78o R. Caths. S. is the most mtnous. Cºuntry of Europe; the greater part of its surface being occupied by the Alps and their valleys, and by the Jura chain on the NW. The Rhine and the Rhône with their tributaries are the main rivers. Switzers, tshp. New Zealand, 132 m. SW. Dunedin. P. 208. Śwords, th in co, and 8 m. N. Dublin. P. 1088. Syambazar, th, Bengal, in Hugli Dist. . P. 12,462. Sydenham, sub., dist. Kent, in Lewisham borº, 5 m. S.E. London Bridge. , P. 6937. The Crystal Palace is at Sydenham. Sydenham, bor. New Zealand, adjoining Christchurch. P, 10,000. Sydney, city, cap. of New S. Wales, beautifully situated on S. Shore of Port Jackson, 33°51'41" S. ; 151°11' 40" E. P. with suburbs (1886) 280,060. It is the seat of a university. Its commerce is very ex- tensive and increasing. - - [P. 55oo. Sydney of South S., spt., Nova Scotia, in E. of Cape Breton Isl. Sydney Mines, spt. Nova Scotia, on N. shore of S. Harb. P. 3667. Syene, th; Egypt. See Assouan, §ylhet, dist. Assam, N. Tipperah, 543 Sq; m: P. 1,969,009. Sylhet, th; cap. of above, on Surina, R. P. 14,407. Sylt or Syltöé, isl. Prussia: ...See Silt. Symi, isi off W. cst. Asia Minor, 15 m, N.W. Rhodes. P. 7000. Symington, par. and vil. Ayrsh., 6 m; S.W. Kilmarnock. Syra, is of Greece, Cyclades, 20 m. NW. Paros, 55 sq. m., P., 37,412. Syra, or Hermopolis, spt. cap. of above, on E. Shore. P. 4398. * Syracuse, city, Sicily, cap. of prov., on E. CSt., 30 m. SSE. Catania. P. of com. 24,541; th 21,739; of prov. 340,972. Syracuse, city, New York, cap. of Onondaga Co., on Onondaga Lake, 143m. W. by N. Albany. P. 51,792. . Manuf...and export salt. Syriarya or Šir Daria, gov. of Russian Turkistan, in val of the Jaxartes or Syr Darya. Area, 165,996 sq. m. P. 1,200,000. Cap. Tashkend. See Jaxartes. * * * Syria (Turk. Shant; Arab. Esh Shawn), vilayet of Asiatic Turkey, along E. shore Mediterranean, and E. to the Euphrates. The prov. exclides Palestine and the Lebanon. Area of S. proper, 146,000 sq. m. P. about 2,000,000. Cap., Damascus; Spt. Beyrout. Syston, par, and vil. in co, and 5 m. NE. Leicester. P.2470. Syzran, th: Russia, gov. and 70 m. S. Simbirsk. P. 24,500. Szabadszallas, vil. Hungary, 23 m. SW. Kecskemet. ...P.6295. . Szalonta, Nagy, th Hungary, co. Bihar, 50 m. SSW. Margitta. Szamos, r. Transylvania and Hungary, 200 m. to the Theiss. [F. Io,403. Szarvaš, th: Hungary, on the Köros, 22 m. NE, CSongrad. R. 22,504. Šzas-Regen, th: Transylvania, on the Maros. P. 4771. [P. 19,708. §zathmār-Nemeth, th: Hungary, on the Szamos, 60 m. NE. Debreczin. Szegedin, th Hungary, on the Theiss, at confluence of the Maros. P. 73,675. ... Large export trade. Szeghalom, vil. Hungary, 80 m. SE. Pesth., P. 7537. Szegvar, vil. Hungary, 80 m. SE. Pesth. P. 5952. Székely Keresztur, th Transylvania, on the Great Kökel. P. 7212. Szekszárd, th: Hungary, 30 m. NE. Fünfkirchen. P. II,948. Szentes, th: Hungary, 36 m. N. Szegedin, near the Theiss. P. 28,712. zent Mihaly, vil. Hungary, 12 m. from Tokay. P. 5955. zent Mikloš, th: Hungary, on R. Waag. P. 5500. Zent, Miklos, Nagy, tin. Hungary, on R. Marós. P. 9750. zent Miklos Török, th: Hungary, 58 m. S.W. Debreczin. P., 16,046. Szigeth, the Hungary, on the Theiss, 90 m. N. Klausenburg. P. 10,852. zivacz, vil. Hungary, 14 m. ESE. Zombor. . P. 6539. §zoboszlo, th Hungáry, 12 m. SW. Debreczin. P. 13,938. Szolnok, th: Hungary, on the Theiss, 54 m. ESE. Pesth. P. 18,247. Sztanicsics, tm. Hungary, 11 m. NNE. Zombor. P. 5731. Taal, th: *..."; Isls., on Luzon Isl. P. 23,211. Talasinge or orsenge, isl. Denmark, S. of Fünen. P. 4360. Tabariyeh (anc. Tiberias), th: Palestine, on W. shore of L. of Tiberias. Tabasco, r. Mexico, States Chiapas and Tabasco. Tabasco, state, Mexico, on S. shore Gulf of Mexico. Area, 9845 Sq. m. P. Iod,747. Chief tin., San Juan Bautista. Tabatinga, th Brazil, on Amazon R., near Peruvian frontier. Tabernas, th Spain, prov. and 15 m. NE. Almería. P. 6318. Table Bay, inlet of Atlantic, Cape Colony, on S.W. CŞt. Cape Town. Table Mountain, in SW. of Cape Colony, near Cape Town, 3600 ft. r Taboga, islet, Colombia, in Gulf of Panama, Iom. S. Panama. labor, th Bohemia, 49 m. SSE. Prague. P. 7413. labor, Mount (Arab. §ebel et Tier), mtn. Palestine, 8 m. SE. Nazareth; reputed scene of the Transfiguration. Tabriz or Tauris, city, Persia, cap. of prov. Azerbijan, 320 m. SSE. Tiflis. Alt. 4500 ft. P. 170,000. .* Tabulam, post tship. New S. Wales, on Clarence R., 40 m. W. Casino. Tacazze or Takatsy, r. Abyssinia, State Tigre, joins the Atbara. Tache, ry. sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 180 m. W. Port Arthur. Tachira, state, Venezuela, on W. frontier. P. 68,619. Cap. San Tacna, tin. Chili, dep. Tacna and Arica. . P. 13,000. [Cristoval. Tacna, th Peru, on R. Tacna, 40 m. N. Arica. P. 8000. ºniº, mtn, range, Massachusetts and Vermont, 3872 ft r r r r lacunga, tin. Ecuador, 55 m. S. Quito, in the Andes. P. I6,000. *adcaster, mkt, th: W. R. York, on R. Wharfe. P. 2965. laddington, mining vil. Derbyshire, 5% m. NW. Bakewell. "adjurah or Tayura, French spt. NE. Africa, on Gulf of Aden. P. Tadmor. See Palmyra. [5000. Tadousac, th Quebec, cap. of co., and on the Saguenay R., 130 m. from uebec. P. 1542. Taf or Tave, r. Pembroke and Carmarthen, 25 m. Tafulla, th Spain, in Navarre, 22 m. S. Pamplona. P. 6040. . [Tydfil. Taff, r. Brecon and Glamorgan, 40 m. to Cardiff, passing Merthyr- Tafilet, div. of Morocco, E. of Atlas. Chief tiſs., Abuam and T. "aft, th Persia, 55 m. WNW. Yezd. P. 6000. Tagal, spt. th: Java, cap. of prov. of T., 168 m. E. Batavia. P. 7000. aganrog, spt. Russia, gov. Yekaterinoslav, on Sea of Azov. P. 63,025. "agavost, spt. tum. Morocco, prov. Susa. P. 18,000. gbilaran, tm. Philippine Isls., on Bohol Isl., P. 91.03. laggia, th: Italy, prov. Porto Maurizio, 4 m. NE. San Remo. P. 4477. aghmon, mkt. tr. in co. and 9 m. W. Wexford. P. 618. "agil, r. Russia, from the Urals, 200 m. E. to the Tura. Cagliacozzo , th Italy, prov. and 20 m. S.W. Aquila. P. of com. 8327 Tagliamento, r. Italy, Ioom. to the Adriatic, at Port Tagliamento Tagodost, th: Morocco, 98 m. NP. Morocco. P. 7000. Taguayabon, tin. Cuba, prov. Santa Clara. P. I4,195. Tagus (Span. Tojo º Port. Tejo), principal r. of Iberian Peninsula, be: tween basins of Douro and Guadiana, flows W. through Spain and Portugal to the Atlantic at Lisbon, 540 m. Tahiti (formerly Otahette), principal of the Society Isls. Area, 403 sq. m. P. 10,767. It belongs to France. Tahleqālah, tin. Indian Territory, U.S., cap. of Cherokee Nation. Tahoe, lake, California, at E. base of Sierra Nevada. Alt. 6709 ſt. Ta-Hu, large lake, China, between provs. Kiang-Su and Che-Kiang. Tai-Chow-Fu, city, China, prov. Che-Kiang, on r. of same name. Taieri, agricultural dist. New Zealand, 6 m. S. Dunedin. Taimyr Peninsula, N. cst, Siberia, terminates in Cape Chelyuskin. Tain, spt. parl, and royal bur. ROSS and Cromarty, on S. shore of Dornoch Firth. P. of parl. bur. 1742; royal bur. 2221. It is one of the JVicæ Burghs. Tain, th France, dep. Drôme, on the Rhône, opposite Tournon. P. Phing, th: Anam, in Tonquin, on the Li-Kiang. [2900. -Ping, city, China, prov. Ngan-Whi, on Yang-tse-Kiang. -Ping, city, China, prov. Quang-Si, 22°25' Nº. 107° E. Tai-Ting, city, China, prov. Quei-Chow, 80 m. WNW. Quei-Yang. ai-Tong, city, China, prov. Shan-Si, 175 m. W. Pekin. - ai-Wan Fu, treaty port and cap. of Formosa, on W. side. P. 235,000. 'ai-Yuan, large city, China, Cap. of Shan-Si, on Fuen-Ho. P. 230,000. 3, 3. º"a, n # : ura. See Tadjurah. kamatsu, thjäpan, in prov. Sanuki. P. 34,676. Takao, open port, China, in SW. of Formosa Isl. P. 10,000. akapau, post tim, New Zealand, co. and 18 m. from Waipawa. Takata, tr. Japan, in prov. Echigo. P. 26,919. Takhtapul. ft. th: Afghanistan, cap, of prov. and 8 m. E. Balkh. Takht-i-Sulaiman, highest peak of Sulaiman Mts., 11,317 ft. Takht-Suliman or Och, th: Tartary, 195 m. ESE. Kokan. Takow, treaty port, China, prov. Fo-Kien. - Talacre, spt. vil. Flintshire, 7% m. NW. Holywell. Talavera de la Reyna, city, Spain, on the Tagus, WNW. Toledo. ..º., 10,029. ... . . Talbot, tshp. Victoria, 121 m, NW. Melbourne, on Back Creek. P. Talca, th: Chili, cap. of prov. T., 40 m. N. Chillan. P. 19,000. [2315. Talgarth, mkt. th: Brecknockshire, 7 m. SW. Hay. P. 1352. Talisay, tin. Philippine Isls., on Cebu Isl: , P. 15,367. [P. 4550. Talke or Talk-o'-the-Hill, dist. Staffordshire, 5 mi. NW. Newcastle. Tallahassee, city, cap. of Florida and of Leon co., 26 m. N. of Gulf of Mexico. P. 2494. Yazoo. Tallahatchee, r. Mississippi, 240 m. S. to the Yalabusha to form the Tallangatta, post th: Victoria, 205 m. NE. Melbourne. P. 200. Tallapoosa, r. Georgia and Alabama,250 m. to the Coosa. Tallarook, vil. Victoria, 56 m. N. Melbourne. P..151. Ta-Li-Fu, large city, China, prov. Yun-Nan, on W. b. of L. Erk-Hai. Tallow, mkt., tm. W. Co. Waterford, on R. Bride. P. 1232. Tallu, th: Celebes, 21 m. from Macassar. Taman, ft. th: Russia, on an isl. in Black Sea, 13 m. SSE. Yenikale. Tamandua, th: Brazil, prov. Minas-Geraes, roo m. W. Ouro Preto. Tamaqua, bor. Pennsylv., Schuylkill Co., on T. R. P. 5730. [P. 8ooo. Tamar, r. Devon and Cornwall, 45 m. to Plymouth Sound. Tamatave, spt, the Madagascar, on E. coast. P. 3000. º Tamaulipas, state, N. Mexico, S. Rio Grande, 400 m: by 130 m. Area, 29.343 sq. m. P. 140,137....Cap. Nuevo Santander. Tambaroora, mining tshp. New S. Wales, 168 m. N.W. Sydney. P. 300. Rambar Springs, post tri. New S. Wales, 312 m. N. Sydney. .. ºambo, post tim, Queensld., 330 m. SW. Rockhampton. P. of dist. IoS7. Samboiong, th Philippine isls., on Luzon Isl. P. 24,447. ambournie, post th Queensland, 9 m. from Logan River: ambov, gov. Russia, 52°30' N. ; 42° E. Ar. 25,799 sq. m. P. 2,519,656. Tambov, cap. of above, on the Zná, 125 m. NE, Voronezh. P. 34,000. ſame, r. Warwick and Stafford, 25 m. NE. to the Trent. ſame, r. York, Lancashire, and Cheshire, 18 m. S.W. to the Mersey. famiše (Flemish, Temsche), th: Belgium, on the Scheldt. P. ro,323. ammersfors, tr. S. Finland, 92 m. NW. Abo. P. 5600. Tampa Bay, on W. side of Florida, 40 m. long. - Tampico, r. Mexico, State Vera Cruz, 200 m, to Gulf of Mexico. £ampico Pueblo Nuevo, spt. Mexico, State Tamaulipas, 215m. NN W. Vera Cruz. P. 5000. Tamsui, ft. treaty port, China, cn NW. Formosa. P. 95,000. Tamworth, mun, bor. Staffordshire and Warwickshire, on the Tame, 63 m. SE. Lichfield. P. 489T. Tamworth, th New S. Wales, 251 m. N. Sydney, on Peel R. P. 3620. Tama-Elf, most N. r. of Europe, room. to Tana Fiord. Tananarivu or Antananarivo, cap. of Madagascar, near the centre, 190 m. SW. Tamatave. Elev. 4320 ft. P. 80,000. Tamaro, r. N. Italy, 125 m. NE. to the PQ. Tanauan, th: Philippine Isls., on Luzon Isl. P. 13,844. Tanauan, th: Philippine Isls., on Leyte Isl. P. 9253. Tanda, til Oudh, in Faizabad Dist., 3 m. S. Gogra R. P. 16,594. Tanderagee, mkt. tin. E. co. Armagh, 14 m. NW. Newry. P. 1592. Tangail, th: Bengal, in Maimansingh Dist. P. 18,124. Tanganyika, great lake of Central Africa, 400 m. long by 15-50 m. Alt. 2800 ft. It discharges intermittently by the Lukuga R., on its W. side, to the Congo. - P. 58:2. Tangermünde, th Prussian Saxony, on the Elbe, NE. of Magdeburg, Tangier or Tandyeh, spt, th Morocco, near W. entrance to Strait of Gibraltar. P. 20,000. Trade very limited. Tanjil, post tshp. Victoria, 96 m. SSE. Melbourne. , P: 150. Tanjore, dist. Madras Pres., in S. Karnatik, 90° 49'-II° 25' N. Area, 3654 sq. m. P. 2,130,383. - - [P. 54,745. Tanjore, city, cap. of above, on S. Indian Railway, 215 m. S. Madras. Tantah, th: Egypt, in the Delta, 54 m. NNW. Cairo. P. 33,750. Tantalem, isl. Gulf of Siam, near the W. shore, 65 m. long. 'antum, ft. tin. on Gold Coast, E. Cape Coast Castle. P. 2000. Tanunda, th S. Australia, 42 m. N. Adelaide. P. 495. Taormina, th Sicily, on E. CŞt., 30 m. S. Messina. P. 31.97. Tapajos, r. Brazil, floom. NNE. to the Amazon, 55° W. Tapanui, post th: New Zealand, 98 m. SW. Dunedin. P. 458. Tappahannock, port of entry, Virginia, on Rappahannock R. Tappan, ry, sta. Brit. Columbia, 149 m. W. Donald, on C. P. Railway. Tappan Bay, expansion of the Hudson, N. of New York, 12 m. long. Tapti, great r. of W. India, from Betul Dist., in Cent Provs., flows W. to Gulf of Cambay at Surat, 450 m. [SW. to the Paraguay. Taquari or Tacoary, r. Drazil, prov. Matto-Grosso, 490. Im, NW, and Taquari or Tebicuári, r. Brazil, from Rio Grande do Sul, flows S. 140 Tara, r. Siberia, flows 200 m. W. to the Irtish. ſm. to the Jacuhy. º, tn. Siberia, gov. Tobolsk, on the Irtish. P. 86 r r : a r r r º ; * r r ; r ; r r º : 37. Faradale, tshp. Victoria, 673 m. NNW. Melbourne. P. of dist. 1466. 'aradale, post th: New Zealand, 73 m. from Napier. P. 585. Tara Hill (507 ft.), mid co. Meath, 6 m. SE. Navan. Tarai, dist. N.W. Provs., in Kumaun Div. P. 206,993. Contains Kasi- pur, the chief tim, and Naini Tal. Tarālga, tshp. New S. Wales, 156 m. SW. Sydney. P. 450. Tarana, dist. and ry. sta. New S. Wales, 120 m. W. Sydney. P. 5oo. Taranaki (formerly Wezu Plymouth), prov.-dist. New Zealand, N. Isl., on W. side. Area, 3183 sq. m. I’. 14,858. Cap. New Plymouth. Taranto, th Italy, in prov. Terra d'Otranto, on Gulf of Taranto, P. of Com. 33,942; tın. 25,246. Tarapaca, ter. in N. of Chili. Area, 19,300 sq. m. P. 45,086. Cap. Tarapoto, th: Peru, 70 m. SSE. Moyobamba. P. 4740. [Iquique. Tarare, th France, in Rhône, 27 m. by rail WNW. Lyons. P. 13,352. Tarascón, th France, in Bouches-du-Rhône, on l.b. Rhône. P. 9833. Tarashtcha., tm. Russia, gov. and 60 m. S. Kiev. P. I2,678. Tarawera, lake and mtm. New Zealand, in Hawke's Bay. Tarazona, the Spain, 52 m. WNW. Saragossa. P. 8270. Tarazona de la Mancha, th: Spain, 25 m. N. Albacete. ... P. 4443. Tarbagatai, th: Chinese Turkistan, 170 m. E. Lake Balkash. Tarbat Ness, prom. Scotland, between Dornoch and Moray Firths. Tarbert, spt. vii. Argyll, IE. Loch Tarbert (Loch Fyne). P. 1629. Tarbert, spt, tr. Kerry, on estuary of the Shannon. P. 712. Tarbert, Loch, E. and W., 2 sea-arms, Argyll, on Kyntire Peninsula. £aſ bert, Loch, E. and W., 2 sea-arms, Outer Hebrides, Harris. ; s : r ; Tarbes, th France, cap. of Hautes-Pyrénées, on R. Adour. P. 23,273. 'arbolton, vil. Ayrshire, 7 m. NE. Ayr. P. 922. Tarcutta, post tshp. New S. Wales, 288 m. S.W. Sydney. P. 6co. Tarifa, spt. most S. th of Spain, prov. Seville, on Strait of Gibraltar. Tarija, th: Bolivia, cap. of T. dep., 80 m. SE. Cinti. P. 6000. [P. 12,334. 'arim, r. Chinese Turkistan, flows E. to the Lop-Nor. Tarkhu, th: Russia, prov. Daghestan, near Caspian Sea. P. 9000. 'arlac, th: Philippine Islands, in Tarlac prov. P. 10,000. Tarma, th: Peru, dep. and 25 m. S. Junin. P. 3834. [to Garonne. Tarn, r. Trance, deps. Aveyron, Tarn, and Tarn-et-Garonne, 220 m. Tarn, dep. S. France, 43°45' S., 2° E., traversed by Rivers Tarn and Agout. Area, 2217 sq. m. P. 353,757. Cap. Alby. [P. 886. Tarnaguala, tshp. Victoria, on R. Loddon, 125 m. NW. Melbourne. Tarn-et-Garonne, dep. S. France, NW. of above, traversed by the and by Tarn and Aveyron. Area, 1436 sq. m. P. 214,046. Montauban. tn. Austria, in Galicia, 87 m. SE. Lemberg. P.25,819. Austria, in Galicia, 48 m. E. Cracow. P. of dist. 24,627. tn. Prussian Silesia, 45 m. SE. Oppeln. P. 8618. Morocco. See Terodant. , mkt. th: Cheshire, Io m. SE. Chester. P. 2669. [23,046. ft. spt. Spain, cap. of prov. T., 63 m. SW. Barcelona. P. maritime prov. Spain, in Catalonia, Area, 2506 sq. m. P. tn, Spain, prov. and 15 m. NNW. Barcelona. P. II,199. [342,769. tn. Victoria, 168 m, N.W. Melbourne, P. 273. post th: Victoria, on Ovens R., 1633 m. NE. Melbourne. - I5OO. Tarrytown, vil. New York, in Westchester co., on the Tappan See (Hudson R.), 26 m. above New York. P. 3025. Tarsus, city, Asia Minor, 18 m. WSW. Adana. P. 12,000. 'i'artary, vast region of Asia, comprising Manchuria, Mongolia, Soungaria, Turkistan, and Russian Central Asia. The name is now restricted to Turkistan, E. and W. Inhabitants, Tartars or Tartary, Gulf of, a N. extension of Sea of Japan. [Tatars. Tasgaon, tr. Bombay Pres., in dist. 60 m. SE, of Satara. P. Io,206. Tashkend, chief th: and military headquarters of Russian Central Asia, on an aff, of r. and in gov. Syr Darya, . P. Ioo,000. Tasmania (formerly Paº Diement's Lazid), isl. British colony, lying S. of Victoria, Australia, separated by Bass Strait. Length, 210 by m. Area, 26,215 sq. m. P. (1886) 137,211. Surface mountainous, plains and valleys, and immense forests. Climate, delightful. Cap. Hobart. or Blind Bay, on. N. of S. Island, New Zealand. tn. Transylvania, 15 m. SE. Nagy-Karoly. P. 3375. of Bhutan, in the Himalayas, 89° 40' E. tn. in Eastern Roumelia. P. 10,000. tn. China, prov. Se-Chuen, 125 m. WSW. Ching-tu-Fu. in Karachi Dist., 50 m. E. P. 8830. [P. 500,000. caravan sta. Morocco, 200 m. S. Morocco. P. ro,000. mkt. th: in Co. and 7% m. SE. Chester. P. II50. mkt. tin. Lincolnshire, 11 m. NW. Boston. P. 782. post th: Victoria, IIo m. N. Melbourne. P. 196. tn. Brazil, prov. and 80 m. N. São Paulo. dist. Lower Burma, in Tenasserim Div. P. 128,848. cap. of above, and rail. ter., on Sittaung R. P. 17,199. and mun. bor. Somerset, on R. Tone, 44% m. SW. P. rô,614. It returns I M.P. - • 2I,213. Taunton, city, Massachusetts, cap. of Bristol co., 34 m. S. Boston. Taunus, mtn. range, W. Germany, near the Rhine, in Wiesbaden. Taupo Lake, large lake, New Zealand, in N. Island, 22 by 13 m. Tauranga, th: New Zealand, co. Auckland, on Bay of Plenty. Taurida or Krim, gov. S. Russia, includes the Crimea. Area, 24,538 sq. m. P. 940,527. Cap. Simferopol. Tauris, th: Persia. See Tabriz. [Alt. Io,000 ft. Taurus, mtn. range, Asia Minor, on S. border of plateau, 400 m. long. Tauss or Fusta, th: Bohemia, 17 m. W. Klattau. P. 7364. Tavastehuus, tin. Finland, cap. of laen of T., 78 m. NE. Abo. P. 3600. £avāstehuus, gov. Or laen, Finland. Area, 8333 sq. m. P. 236,797 £aviano, tn. Italy, prov. Lecce, 7 m. SE. Gallipoli. P. 4755. £º ºpt: S. Portugal, prov. Algarve, 20 m. from Faro. P. 11,636. Tavistock, mkt. th: Devon, on R. Tavy, 16 m. N. Plymouth. P. 6914. Tavoy, dist. Lower Burma, in Tenasserim, 7150 sq. m. P. 84,988 f Tavoy, cap. of above, on Tavoy R., 14° - I - I3,372. Tavrov, the Russia, gov. and 13 m. S. Voronezh, at confluence of Don Tavy, r. Devon, 20 m. SW. to the Tamar. [and Voronezh. Taw, r. Devon, from Dartmoor, 50 m. to Bideford Bay. Tay, largest r. of Scot., from Loch Tay (14% m. long), in Perthshire, flows to Firth of T. It receives on l, b, the Lyon, Tummel, and 64 TAY BRIDGE THE CENTURY GAZETTEER Isla, and on r. b. the Bran, Almond, and Earn. The Firth of T. extends NE.ward between Fife on the S. and Perthshire and Forfarshire on the N., passing Dundee. Total length of r. from source of Tummel to mth. of the Firth, 120 m. Tay Bridge, railway viaduct, across Firth of Tay, just above Dundee. ength, over 2 m. Cost £750,000. Tayport or Ferry-Port-on-Craig, spt. th: Fife, at mth. of Firth of Tay, opposite Broughty Ferry. P. 2630. Raz, r. Siberia, flows 300 m. to Bay of Tazovsk, a branch of the Gulf Tchad, lake. See Chad. [of Obi. 'chany, lake, Asiatic Russia, between govs. Tomsk and Tobolsk. Tchemkend or Chemkend, th: Russian Central Asia, gov. Syr Darya, 75 m. N. by E. of Tashkend... P. 8033. ſchenstokhov, tr. Russia, gov. Piotrkoy, on the Warthe. P. 18,567. 'cherkask, Novo. See Novo Tcherkask. 'chernigov. See Chernigov. chistopol, tr. Russia, gov. Kazan, on R. Kama. P. 18,193. ºchita, th Siberia, in Transbaikal Ter:, on T. R. P. 12,558. leano, th; Italy, prov. Caserta, 13 m. NW. Capua. P. of com. 13,433. Teatree Gully or Steventon, post vil. S. Australia, 12 m. NE. Ádel- Seba, the Spain, 39 m. NW. Malaga. P. 4653. [aide. P. 907. Sebay, vil, and railway junction, Westmorland, 73 m. SE. Shap. Rebbes, th: Persia, prov. Kuhistan, 285 m. WSW. Herat. P. ro,ooo. febriz, tin. Persia. See Tabriz. !eddington, tm. Middlesex, on R. Thames, 133 m. SW. London. P. Redsi, th: Morocco, prov. Sus, 25 m. ENE. Terodant. P. 14,000. [6599. 'ees, r, Engl., flows 70 m. E. to N. Sea, between Durham and Yorksh. Teesdale, post th: Victoria, co. Grant, 40 m. SW. Melbourne. P. 181. effe, r. Brazil, 500 m. NE. to the Amazon, 64° 45' W. !efsa, tm. Morocco, on N. face of Atlas Mts. P. Ir,000. 'eglio, vil. Italy, on R. Addo, prov. Sondrio. P. 6530. 'egucigalpa, th: Honduras, on Rio Grande. P. 12,000. !ehama, plain, on E. shore of Red Sea, 550 m. long by 20 to 40 m. Teheran or Tehran, cap. of Persia, prov. Trak Ajemi, 70 m. S. of the Caspian. Alt. 3447 ft. P. 210,000. Manufs., ironwares, tapestry, silks, and cottons. Tehri, cap. of T. State, Central India, in Bundelkhand. P. 18,344. Tehuacan, the Mexico, state and 65 m. SE. Puebla. P. 97.12. Tehuantepec, tm. Mexico, near Pacific cst., on T. R., on the isthmus of the same name. P. 14,000. Tehuantepec, Isthmus of, separates the Gulf of Mexico ſrom the Pacific Ocean at the narrowest part (130 m.) of Mexico. Teifi or Teivy, r. S. Wales, 50 m. to Cardigan Bay. Teign, r. Devon, from Dartmoor, 30 m. S. to Teignmouth. Teignmouth, spt. and watering-place, Devon, 15 m. S. Exeter. P. 712o. Teith, r. Perthshire, aff. of the Forth, 23 m. NW. Stirling. Tekutshim, the Roumania, in Moldavia. P. 8200. . Telav, th Russia, in Transcaucasia, 35 m. NE. Tiflis. P. 7022. £e de, th: Canaries, in Gran Canaria. P. 9266. r r r ; : le ſºlºebir (The Great Mouzid), Egypt, 80 m. from Ismailia. ellicherri, spt, th: Madras Pres., in Malabar Dist. P. 26,410. elsh, th; Russia, gov. Kovno, 150 m. NW, Vilna. P. 10,861. eltsch. th: Moravia, 17 m. SSW. Iglau. P. 5116. 'emascaltepec, th: Mexico, state and 68 m. ŠW. Mexico. P. ro,267. !eme, r. N. Wales and Worcestershire, 60 m. to the Severn. emerin, the Hungary, 34 m. E. of Bacs. P. 7865. Temes, r. Hungary, 180 m. to the Danube, 6 m. E. Belgrade. Temeşvar, ft. city, Hungary, 187 m. by rail S.E. Pesth. P. 33,694. Temir-Khān-Shura, th Russia, in Daghestan. P. 3664. Temiscamingue, lake, Canada, an extension of the Upper Ottawa. Temiscouata, lake, Quebec, in co. T., discharges by the Madawaska R. to R. St. John, of New Brunswick. Temissa, th: Tripoli, in Fezzan ; date-growing district. Temnikov, tr. Russia, §. and 150 m. NNE. Tambov. P. rº,696. £emora, tshp. New S. Wales, co. Bland, 33 m. NW. Cootamundra, r tempe, vale of NE. Thessaly, between Ossa and Olympus. [P. 2500. fempelburg, tm. Prussia, in Pomerania, 44 m. S. Cöslin. P. 4430. fempio, th Sardinia, 27 m. N. Ozieri. P. of com. Ir,247. lemore, mkt. th NE. co. Tipperary, on R. Suir. P. 2800. º \lers, post vil. S. Australia, co. Light, 34% m. N. Adelaide. Templestowe, post th: Victoria, 11 m. E. Melbourne. P. of dist. 500. Templin, th: Brandenburg, 24 m. SE. Neu Strelitz. P. 4030. Tempo, vil. NE. co. Fermanagh, 7 m. NE. Enniskillen. P. 417. Temruk, ft. tin. Russia, on S. side of Sea of Azof. P. Io,868. Tenasserim, div. of Lower Burma, extends along cst. of Bay of Bengal, S. of Pegu. Area, 46,730 sq. m., P. 825,741. Tenasserim, th cap. of above, in Mergui Dist., 12° 5' 40" N. P. 577. Tenbury, mkt. th: Worcestershire, on R. Teme. P. 2083. Tenby, parl, and mun. bor., spt., watering-place, Pembrokeshire, 9 m. E. Pembroke. P. 4750. Tenderbar, tm. W. Africa, in Senegambia. Tenedos, isl. off W. CSt. Asia Minor, 5 m. long. P. 8000. Teneriffe, largest of the Canary Isls., 60 m. by 35 m. Area, 782 sq. m. P. IoS,000. , Cap. Santa Cruz de Teneriffe. The isl. contains the famous Peak of T. or Pico de Teyde, 12,182 ft. Temes, spt. Algeria, room..W. Algiers. P. 3256. Tengri-Nor, large lake, Tibet, 120 m. NW. Lassa, 80 by 40 m. £engºhow, city, China, prov. Shan-Tung, on the cst. r r º tº º º: it iſ Teng-Chow, city, China, prov. Fo-Kien, 140 m. NW. Amoy. Tenkasi, tm. Madras Pres, in dist. 25 m. NW. Tinnevelli. P. r1,987. Tennessee, a SE. cent. state of the U.S. of America, bounded N. by Kentucky and Virginia; , E. by N. Carolina; S. by Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi ; and W. by Missouri and Arkansas, which are separated from T. by the Mississippi. The Tennessee and Cumberland are its main rivers. Area, 42,050 sq. m. P. (1790) 35,691; (1860) 1,109,801 ; (1880) 1,542,359. Indian corn and cottom are the staple products. Nashville is the state cap., and Memphis the chief port. Tennessee R., formed of the Clinch and Holston Rs. from Virginia, traverses Tennessee State, Alabama, recrosses Tennessee, and joins the Ohio in Kentucky, 800 m. long. Tenterden, mun. bor. and cinque port, Kent, roºm. N. Rye. P. 362o. Tenterfield, th New S. Wales, co. Clive, 314 m. N. Sydney. P. of dist. Tepic, tm. Mexico, State Jalisco, 25 m. an Blas. P. Io,000. [48oo. Teplitz, Bohemia. See Töplitz. [Aquila. P. 13,988; com. 20,096. Teramo, city, Italy, cap. of prov. T., on Tordino R., 27 m. NE. Teramo (formerly Abruzzo U/teriore I.). Area, 1284 sq. m. P. 265,448. Terang, tr. Victoria, 134 m. SW. Melbourne. P. 727. Terceira, one of the Azores, 20 by 13 m. P. 45,391. Terek, r. Caucasia, flows N. and E. 350 m. to Caspian Sea. Terek or Ter, territory, Caucasia. Area, 23,161 sq. m. P. 678, IIo. Cap. Vladikavkas. erglou, mtn. of the Carnic Alps, in NW. Carniola, 9380 ft. Tergnier, vil. France, in Aisne, 19 m. WNW. Laon. P. 3536. Tergovist, tm. Roumania, 48 m. NW. Bucharest. P. 81.90. Terim, th S. Arabia, in Hadramaut. P. 25,000. Terling, par. and vil. Essex, 63 m. NE. Chelmsford. P. 856. Terlizzi, th Italy, in Apulia, 8 m. SW. Molfesta. P. 21,096. Termini Imerese, spt. Sicily, 23 m. ESE. Palermo. P. 22,830. Termonde, Belgium. See Dendermonde. Tern, r. Shropshire, 30 m. S.W. to the Severn at Atcham. Ternate, isl. and th: Malay Arch., off W. CSt. Gilolo. P. of th: 9000. Terneuse, th Netherlands, in Zealand on the Scheldt. P. 4694. Terni, th cent. Italy, prov. Perugia, 50 m. NNE. Rome. P. of com. Four m. E. are the famous cascades, 750 ft. high. tn. Morocco, cap. of Sus, 125 m. S.W. Morocco. P. rs,ooo. cst, th Italy, prov. Rome, 58 m. SE. P. 8589. See #. del Fuego. tn. Italy, 46 m. NE. Florence. P. of com. 4302. Italy. See Caserta, Italy. See Lecce. tn. Sardinia, 26 m. SE. Longo Sardo. P. 3268. [18,142. spt. th: Sicily, on S. cst., 18 m. E. Alicata. P. of com. tn. Italy, prov. Florence, 7 m. SE. Figline. P. 8354. tn, Quebec, 16 m. N. Montreal, on R. Jesus. P. 1398. city, Indiana, cap. of Vigo co., on Wabash R. P. 26,042. vil. France, dep. Loire, 2 m. from St. Etienne. P. 6415. vil. Italy, prov. and 19 m. SE. Pisa. P. of com. 4205. isl. Netherlands, the third of the chain stretching N. over entrance to Zuyder Zee. Area, 45 sq. m. P. 3607. Teruel, th Spain, cap. of prov. T., 72 m. NW. Valencia. P. 9359. Teruel, prov. Spain, in S. Aragon. Area, 5721 sq. m. P. 248,373. Teschen, th, Austrian Silesia, 18 m. by rail SE. Oderburg. P. 13,004. Teshu-Lumbu, th: Tibet, 160 m. W. by S. Lassa. Tessin, th: Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 20 m. NE. Güstrow. P. 2462. Tessin, Switz. See Ticino. Test or Anton, r. Hants, flows S. to head of Southampton Water. Teste-de-Buch, La., tm. France, dep. Gironde, on Bassin d'Arcachon. . 6083. Tetbury, th, Gloucester, 11 m. SW. Cirencester. P. 2419. Tete or Tette, a Portuguese th: E. Africa, on the Zambesi. Teterow, tm. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 16 m. E. Güstrow. P. 599r. Tetney Haven, Lincolnshire, at outfall of Louth navigation. ºchºn, tn. Bohemia, on R. Elbe, 30 m. SE. Dresden. P. 5330. ; ſº r : lettenhall, par. and vil. Staffordshire, 2 m. NW. Wolverhampton. P. Retuan, walled spt. Morocco, 18 m. S. of Ceuta. P. 25,000. [5474. Teuffen, vil. Switz., cant. and 4 m. N. Appenzell., P. 4740. - Teuk-Sham, city, Formosa, 45 m. SW. of Tamsui. P. 56,ooo. Reviot, tshp, New Zealand, prov, Otago, 98 m. W. Dunedin. P. 328. Teviot, r. Roxburghshire, 37 m. NE. to the Tweed at Kelso. Tewkesbury, mun, bor. Gloucester, on R. Avon. P. SIOO. ſ3223. Texarkama, 'th. Arkansas, and partly Texas, cap. of Miller co. P. Texas, the most SW, of the Gulf States, and largest of the U.S. of America, is separated on the SW. from Mexico by the Rio Grande, washed on the 'SE. by the Gulf of Mexico, and on other sides enclosed by New Mexico, Indian Ter., Arkansas, and Louisiana. Area, 265,780 sq. m. , P. (1850).212,592; (1880) I,591,749. In the E. Texas is fertile, but the W. and N., including the Staked Plain or Llano Estacado, is sterile, and deficient of water. The climate is healthful, and invigorating. Main rs. Red R. on N. frontier; Sabine, Trinity, Brazos, Colorado, Antonio, and Neuces. Products, cotton, Sugar, wheat, rice. Cattléandswine extensively raised. Cap. Austin City; Galveston, chief Spt. Texel, isl. N. Holland, first of the chain, leading NE, ward, Area, 83 sq. m. P. 6306. Teynham, par, and vil. Kent, near a creek of the Swale. P. I790. Teza or Teja, tin. Morocco, 65 m. E. Fez. P. I2,000. Tercuco, lake, 23 m. E. of Mexico. Area, 77 sq. m. On its banks 16m. ENE. of Mexico is the tin. of Tezctićco. P. 5000. Te2Zute, magnificent ruins, Algeria, in S. of prov. Constantine. Thame, mkt, th: Oxfordsh., on R. Thame, 15 m. E. Oxford." P. 3267 Thame, r. Bucks and Oxford, 30 m. SW, to the Thames, Thames, most important r. of Great Britain, from Cottswold Hills in Gloucestersh, flows E. to the North Sea, passing Oxford, Reading, Windsor, Kingston, London, Woolwich, and Gravesend, to the Nore. Length, 250 m. On the 1. b. it receives the Windrush. Evenlode, Cherwell, Thame, Colne, Brent, Lea, and Roding; on the r. b.. the Kennet, Loddon, Wey, Mole, Wandle, and Darent, Above the confluence of the Thame it bears the name of the ſº. Thames, r. Ontario, flows 160 m. to Lake St. Clair. Thames or Wai Ho, r. New Zealand, 86 m. to Gulf of Hauraki. Thames Ditton, par. and vil. Surrey, on R. Thames, opposite Hampton Court. Thana, maritime dist. Bombay, S. of Daman and Surat. P. 908,548. Thana, cap. of above and ry. sta., 21 m. NE. Bombay. P. I4,456. Thanet, Isle of, in NE, extremity of Kent. P. 50,82i; contains Mar. gate, Ramsgate, and Broadstairs. Thann, th: Alsace, 22 m. SSW. Colmar. P. 7464. Tharandt, th Saxony, 9 m. SW. Dresden. % 25II; agricult. school. Thar and Parker, dist. Sind, S. of Khairpur State. Área, 12,729 Sq. m. P.203,344. Cap. Umarkot. Tharawadi, dist. Lower Burma, in Pegu Div. P. 278,155. Cap. is Tharawadi, vil. 68 m. N. Rangoon. ſm. P. 5213. Thaso or Thasos, isl. Turkey, 30 m. NNE. Mt. Athos. Area, 133 sq. Thaumako, tr. Greece, in Thessaly, 35 m. SSW. Larissa. P. 8500. Thaxted, the Essex, on R. Chelmer, 6 m. N. Dunmow. P. I9I4. Thaya, r. Lower Austria and Morayia, 130 m. to the March. Thayet-myo, dist. Lower Burmah, in Pegu. P. 169,560. Cap. of same name on R. Irawadi. P. 16,097. †heale, vil. Berks, on R. Kennét, 5 m. SW. Reading. Thebes, ruins of anc. cap. of Upper Egypt, on both sides of the Nile, 25° 41' N. Its site is partly occupied by vils. Karnakand Luxor, Thebes, anc. city of Boeotia, Greece, between Corinthian Gulf and Euboean Sea. , P. of present vil. 3509. The Gap, ry. Sta. Alberta, on C. P. Ry, 901 m. W. Winnipeg. Theiss, largest r. of Hungary, principal aff. of the Danube, 840 m. he Nook, post th: Tasmania, 4 m. N. of Sheffield. Shéodule Pass, between Piedmont and Valais. Alt. Io,oco ft. Thera, tm. Greece, cap. of isl. of Santorin. P. 41.46. heresienstadt, th; Bohemia, at junction of Eger and Elbe Rs. P. 7014. Theresienstadt or Theresienopol, tm. Hungary, 30 m. SW. Szegédin. P. of com. 61,307. - Thermia, isl. Grecian Archipelago, in the Cyclades. P. 2923. Thermopylae or Pylae, famous pass in NE. of Greece, between Mt. Eta and the sea. Scene of struggle between Spartans and Per- sians, B.C. 480. Thessaly, Thessalia, or Trikhala, a nomarchy of Greece, on Gulf of Salonica, ceded from Turkey in 1882, according to recommenda- :ion of the Treaty of Berlin. Cap. Larissa; spt. Volo. Area, 2478 sq. m. P. 145,706. Thetford, mun, bor. Norfolk and Suffolk, on Little Ouse. P. 4032. Thian Shan (Celestial Mrs.), lofty chain on N. frontier of Chinese Turkistan, attaining 24,000 ft. in elevation. Thian-Shan-Nan-Lu (Country S. of the Thian-Sham), is the Chinese name for E. or Chinese Turkistan. Thian-Sham-Pe:Lu (Country M. of the Thiazi-Shavu). See Songaria. Thibet. Sce Tibet. Thiel or Tiel, th: Netherlands, in Gelderland, on R. Waal. P. 9286. Thiele or Zihl, r. Switz., cants. Vaud and Bern, 65 m. to the Aar. Thielt, th: Belgium, 15 m. SE. Bruges. P. 966r. Thiers, th: France, dep. Puy-de-Dôme, 35 in. E. Clermont; manuf. Thionville, th: See Diedenhoven. [cutlery. P. 15,333. Thirlmere, lake, Cumberland, 5 m. SE. Keswick, 3 m. long. Alt. 533 Thirsk, mkt. th: N. R. York, 22 m. NW. York. P. 3337. [ſt. isted, spt. Denmark, 12 m. NW. Nykjöbing. P. A184. Tholen, isl. Netherlands, in prov. Zealand. P. r1,600. Thomar, th: Portugal, prov. Beira-Baixa, 43 m. S. Coimbre. P. 5136. Thomas' Plains, post tim, Tasmania, Ios m. ENE. Launceston. P. of dist. 878. [P. 3225. vil. Connecticut, in Litchfield co., on Naugatuck R. vil. Maine, in Knox co., 4 m. WSW. Rockland. P. 3017. mkt. tin. Kilkenny, on R. Nore. P. IcG7. Connecticut, Windham co., 38 m. N. Norwich. P. 5051. vil. Connecticut, Hartford co., on Conn. R. P. 3794. Lower Burma, in Irawadi Div. P. * Cap. • 5444. Thonon, th: France, dep. Haute Savoie, on S. b. Lake of Geneva. Chorda, th: Transylvania, 17 m. SE. Klausenburg. P. 9434. Thorn, ft. tr. W. Prussia, on R.Vistula, 115 m. NW. Warsaw. P. 23,906. Thornbury, mkt. th: Gloucester, 12 m. N. Bristol. P. 5917. Thornbury, post tim, New Zealand, 20 m. NW. Invercargill. Thorncliff, ry. sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 238 m. W. Ottawa. Thorne, mkt. th: W. R. York, on R. Ijon, 9 m. NE. Doncaster. P. Thornhill, tin. W. R. York, 13 m. SW. Dewsbury. P. 8843. [3484. hill, vil. Dumfries, on R. Nith, 14 m. N. Dumfries. P. 1289. hornhill, vil. Perthsh., 93 m. NW. Stirling. P. 474. hornhill, vil. Ontario, 14 m. N. Toronto. P. 600. rºl : ºº T h ... Ll Lº ºl lornley, tshp. in co. and 6 m. SE. Durham. ... P. 3132. hornliebank, tin. Renfrewsh., 13 m, SW. Pollokshaws. P. 2156. lornton, th: W. R. York, 4 m. W. Bradford. P. 6084. lornton, vil. Fife, 5 m. N. Kirkcaldy. P. 552. • horold, th, Qntario, co. Welland, on Welland Canal. P. 2456. morpe ie Soken, mkt. th: Essex, 12 m. SE. Colchester. P. Io92. horpe next Norwich, vil. Norfolk, 2% m. E. Norwich. P. 1887. horshaven, cap. of Fåröe Isls., on SE. Cst. of Strömöe. P. 930. louars, th France, dep. Deux-Sèvres, 22 m. NE. Parthenay. P. hourout, tm. Belgium, II m. SW. Bruges. P. 8873. [3768. housand Isles, Lake of the, part of the St. Lawrence R., at outfall of Lake Ontario. Thrace or Thracia, anc. name of S.E. portions of Turkey in Europe. ırapston, mkt, th: Northampton, on R. Nen. P. 1366 º ; : Shree Hut Point, vil. Tasmania, co. Buckingham, 30 m. S. Hobart. Shree Rivers, vil. Michigan, in co, and on St. Joseph R. P. 2525. Three Rivers or Trois Rivières, city, Canada, cap. of St. Maurice co., at confluence of St. Lawrence and St. Maurice. P. 8670. Throston, th: Durham, on W. side Hartlepool. P. 3442. Thuin, th Belgium, in Hainaut, on R. Sambre. P. 54.12. Thule, classical name for the furthest known land in the N. Atlantic, believed to be Shetland. Thum, tin. Saxony, 20 m. SE. of Zwickau. P. 4214. Thun, th Switz, cant. Bern, on R. Aar, 3 m. below Lake of Thun. P. 5124. The lake is Io m. long by 2. Thur, r. Switz., 70 m. N. and W. to the Rhine, below Schaffhausen. Thurgau or Thurgovia, cant. Switz., on the Rhine and Lake of Con- stance... Area, 382 sq. m. P. 99,552. Cap. Frauenfeld. Thuringia (Ger. Thiiringent), a region of cent. Germany, occupied by the Saxon duchies between Bavaria and Prussian Saxony. Thuringian Forest (Ger. Thiiringer Wald), mtn. range, traversing the above, 60 m. long. Schneekopf rises to 3400 ft. ıurles, mkt. th: mid co. Tipperary, on R. Suir. P. 4850. Thurlstone, tshp. W. R. York, 8 m. SW. Barnsley. P. 2851. Shurmaston, tin. in co. and 3% m. NE. Leicester, on R. Soar. P. 1545. Thurr or Indian Desert, vast sandy tract, in Rajputana. Thursday Island, Queensland, in the Torres Strait; pearl fishing. Thurso, spt. police burgh, Caithness, most N. tin. of Scot. mainland, on Thurso Bay, 21 m. NW. Wick. P. 4026. Thurzofalva, vil. Hungary, on frontier of Galicia. P. 6952. Tiaro, th: Queensland, 22 m. S. Maryborough. P. of dist. Iooo. Tiber (anc. Tibert's ; Ital. Tevere), celebrated r. Italy, from the Apen- nines S. and SW. to the Mediterranean, passing Rome, 220 m. long. Tiberias, Lake of, Tabariyeh or Genesaret (Sea of Galilee), lake of Palestine, on R. Jordan, 14 m. by 8. Surface 755 ft. below sea-level. Tibet (Chin. Tsang; Hindu, Bhot; native, Puekoachin), country of Chinese Emp., separated on the S. and W. by the Himalayas from India, and by the Kuen-lun on the N. from E. Turkistan, and hav- ing China proper on the E. Area, , 651,700 sq. m. P. about 4 to 6,000,000. It is the loftiest country of the globe, its lowest valleys being 12 ooo ft. above sea-level. Lassa is the cap. ſ º : TOMELLOSO Ticehurst, par. and vil. Sussex, 94 m. SE. Tunbridge Wells. P. 3007 flighborne, par. and vil. Hants, 3 m. SW, Alresford. P. j. Ticino, r. Switz, and Piedmont, joins the Poºm. ŠE. Pā’īā. Ticino (Fr. Tessin), most S. cant. of Switz., and on Italian side of the . . Alps. Area, 1687 sq. m. P. 130,777. Tickhill, tm. W. R. York, ſo m. E. Rotherham. P. 1684. Tigul, th: Yucatan, 44 m. S. Merida. Tideswell, th: Derbysh., 63 m. E. Buxton. P. I985. Tidor, one of the Spice islands, Malay Archipel go, W. Gilolo. Tiene, th: Italy, 12 m. NNW. Vicenza. P. 4856. Tien-Tsin, city, and riv-port, China, prov. Chi-Li, on the Pei-Ho, 68 m, from its mth., 80 m. SE. Pekin. P. 950,000. It is open to ... foreign trade. Exports camel's wool and straw-braid. Tierra delfuego, archipelago, in extreme S. of S. America, separated from Patagonia by Strait of Magellan, consists of Ix large and 20 . Small isls. Area, 28,185 sq. m. P. 15,000. Tieteor Anhembi, r. Brazil, prov. São Paulo, 50 m. W. to the Parana. Tiffin, city, Ohio, cap. of Seneca co., on Sandusky R. P. 7879. Tiflis, city, Transcaucasia, cap. of gov. T., on R. Kur, ‘F. IO4,740. . Area of gov. 15,577 sq. m. P. 726,685. ignabruaich, watering-place, Argyll, on Kyles of Bute. P. 77r. ignish, fishing, vil. Pr. Edward Isl., Prince Co., 12 m. from Aſberton. ſigré, state of Abyssinia, in the NW., in basin of the Mareb. Tigre or Pegueña, r. Ecuador, flows 350 m. to the Amazon. Tigris (Arab. Didile; Armen. Dečlath), great r. of Asiatic Turkey. flows II.50 m. SE. to the Euphrates to form the Shat-el-Arab. Kari, th: Bengal, dist. and 15m. NW. Gaya. P. 12,187. §hvin, th Russia, gov. and 398 m. NE. Novgorod. P. 6391. [32,016. burg, th: Netherlands, in N. Brabant, 14 m. E. Breda. P. (1887) Silbury, ry. Sta. at Tilbury Docks, Essex, on R. Thames, 22 m. É. London, opposite Gravesend. The docks are among the finest in the world, Tilbury Fort is the main defence of the Thames above Sheerness. lehurst, par. and vil. Berks, 23 m. W. Reading. P. 4408. ſhar, th NW. Provs, dist. and 12 m. W. Shahjahanpur. P. 15,35r. ll, r. N. Northumberland, flows E. and N., 32 m. to Tweed. Iley, ry. Sta. Alberta, 713 m. W. Winnipeg, on C. P. Ry. Iligoultry, police bur. Scot., in Clackmannansh., on R. Devon. lsit, th E. Prussia, on the Memel or Niemen. P. 22,422. [P. 3732. It, stream, Perthsh, 15 m. S.W. to R. Garry, through Glen Tilt. It Cove, vil, port of entry, Newfoundland, 230 m. from St. John. maru, th: New Zealand, 100 m. by rail S. Christchurch. P. 3917. bo, th W. Africa, Senegambia, in Futa Jalon. P. 3000. buctu, th; in the Soudan, 8 m. N. of the N. bend of the Niger on border of the Sahara. P. 13,000. It is the entrepôt for the trade between N. and S. Sahara. Timimoun, th: Sahara, in oasis of Tuat. P. 20,000. Timok, aff, of the Danube, between Servia and Bulgaria. Timor, isl. of the Malay Arch. most easterly of the Sunda Isls., ro" S. Area 12,581 sq. m. P. 500,000. The N. portion belongs to Portu- gal, with its port Dilli. The S. portion with the port Coepang is a Dutch possession. Timor, mining vil. Victoria, 120 m. NW. Melbourne. P. 2000. Timor-Laut, or Tenimber, isl. grp. in Arafura Sea, lying 260 m. NE. of Timor Isl. Timor Sea, part of Indian Ocean lying NW. of Australia. Timperley, eccl. dist. Çheshire, 1 m. NE. Altrincham. P. 2836. Timaço; tın. Venezuela, State Cojedes, 20 m. E. San Carlos. P. 6257. Tinchebrai, th: France, dep. Orne, 13 m. NW. Domfront. P. 43&#. Ting-Chow, city China, in Shan-Tung, on Yellow Sea. Ting-Chow, city China, in Fo-Kien, i40 m. NW. Amoy. Tingha, tshp. N.S Wales, 105 m. N. Tamworth; has fin-mines. Ting-Hai, cap, city of Chusan Isl, off E. cst. China. . Tinkers, Fº tn. New Zealand, prov. Otago, 145 m. from Dunedin. innevelli, dist. Madras Pres., in extreme SE. Area, 538; Sq. m. innevelli, cap. of above and ry. term. P. 23,221. [P. 1,699,747. no or Tinos, isl. Greece, one of the Cyclades, 81 sq. m. P. #2,565." Infagel Castle, ruins, Cornwall, 5 m. NW. Camelford. ntern Abbey, ruins, Monmouth, on R. Wye, 4 m. N. Chepstow. o, r. Spain, rises in prov. Huelva, and flows SE. and SW. to 50, hill, Lanarksh., 7 m. SE. Lanark. 2335 ft. [Atlantic, 65 m. ntwistle, dist. Cheshire, 5 m. E. Stalybridge. P. 4245. pperah, dist. Bengal, in Chittagong Div., E. of the Maghna, and W. of Hill Tipperah, 2491 sq. m. P. 1,519,338. Cap. Comillah. Tipperary, inland co. Irel... in prov. Munster, has Lough Derg and R. Shannon, on the N.W., and the R. Suir as its main stream, and on the S. Enclosed by Waterford, Kilkenny, Queen's and King's Cos., Galway, Clare, Limerick, and Cork, 70 by 40 m. Area, 1659 sq. m, P. I99,612, of whom 94 per cent. are R. Cath. Returns 4 M.Ps. Much of the surface is level. The Galtee Mts. rise to 3018 ft. Clonmel is the co, tr. pperary, mkt: tn, in above co., 29 m. SE. Limerick. P. 7274. pton, th Staffordsh., within parl. limits of Wednesbury. P. 30,013. rana, th Albania, 12 m. SSW. Kroya. P. ro,ooo. rano, th: N., Italy, 16 m. E. by N. Sondrio. P. of com. 6199. raspol, the Russia, gov. Kherson, on the l.b. of Dniester. F. 22,747. reboli, the Asiatic Turkey, 50 m. W. Trebizond. P. 5000. ree, Argyll. See Tyree. [14,377. rlemont (Flemish, Thienen), th: Belgium, 25 m. E. Brussels. P. nova, ft., tm. former cap. of Bulgaria, on the Jantra, 35 m. SSE. Sistova by rail. P. II,247. lirupati, tin. Madras Pres., in N. Arcot District. P. 13,232. Tirupatur, th: Madras Pres., in Salem District. P. 14.278, iruvannamalai, the Madras Pres, in S. Arcot District. P. 9592. lisbury, th; Wilts, 13 m. W. Salisbury. P. 2445. Tishyt, th: Sahara, 18° 15' N., 8° 40' W. Tištå, large r. N. Bengal, enters the Brahmaputra, in Rangpur Dist. Titchfield, par. and vil. Hants, 2 m. W. Fareham. P. 457. Titicaca, Lake, in the Andes of Peru and Bolivia, 12,598 ft. above sea- level, 170 by 70 m. Area, 3204 sq. m. Titlis, Intn. Switzerland, cants. Bern, Uri, and Unterwalden, 10,627 ft. litusville, city, Pennsylv., Crawford co., 18 m. N. Oil City. P. 9046. umen, th: W. Siberia, at confl. of Tura and Tiumenka. P. 14,294. verton, mun. bor. Devon, 12 m. N. Exeter. P. Io,462. Tividale, dist. Staffordshire, I m. N. of Tipton. P. 4692. Tivoli, th: Italy, 17 m. ENE. Rome, on the Teverone. P. ro,658. Tixtla, the Mexico, cap. of Guerero, 70 m. NE. Acapulco. P. 7ooo. Tizzana, th Italy, prov. Florence, on N. side of Mt. Albano. P. of Com. Io,364. Tlalpan or San Augustin de las Cuevas, tm. 12 m. from Mexico. Tlascala, th: Mexico, State and Iom. N. Puebla. P. 6ooo. Tlaxcala, state of Mexico, adjoining Puebla. Area, 1507 sq. m. P. Tlemcen, th: Algeria, 88 m. SW. Oran. P. 19,745. [I38,478. Tobago, isl. Brit. W. Indies, in Windward Grp., 24 m. NE. Trinidad. Area, II.4 sq. m. P. 19,075. Chief town, Scarborough. Tobarra, th: Spain, prov. and 33 m. SSE. Albacete. P.7218. Tobercurry, mkt. tr. Sligo, 9 m. SW. Ballymote ry. sta. P. ro81. Tobermory, spt. police bur. Mull, Argyllshire. P. 1131. Tobol, r. W. Siberia, 500 m. NE. to the Irtish, near Tobolsk. Tobolsk, the westmost gov. of Siberia, from “Central Asia' to the Arctic Ocean. Area, 531,959 sq. m. P. 1,283,371. Tobolsk, city, cap. of W. Siberia and of T. Gov., at confi. of Tobol and Irtish, 58° 12' N. P. 20,132. tn. Spain, in La Mancha, 60 m. SE. Toledo. P. 1798. larger. Brazil, provs. Goyaz and Para, Iooo m. to the Para. tn. Italy, prov. and 17 m. S.W. of Chieti. P. 520I. tn. Venezuela, State Barquesimeto, on the T. P. 15,000. tn. Bedfordshire, 5 m. N. Dunstable. P. 21.59. 24 m. S. Perugia. P. 4706; com. I5,847. [23,862. mkt. and manuf. th: W. R. York, on R. Calder. P. a German protectorate, W. Africa, on Slave Cst., bounded ... by British Gold Cst. Area, 500 sq. m. P. 40,000. Tokat, city, Asia Minor, on the Yeshil Irmak. P. 50 to 100,000. Tokay, tin. Hungary, on r. b. of the Theiss. P. 4479. Tokio (formerly Yedo), city, spt. and metropolis of Japanese Empire, on isl. of Hondo, E. side, at head of Bay of Yedo, 35° 40' N., 139° 40' E. P. (1881) 823,557; (1884) 902,837. The city covers 60 sq. m., partly occupied by gardens and many moats and canals. . It con- tains the Imperial palace and gov. buildings, the Imperial univer- sity, several churches, and numerous Buddhistand Shinto temples. Toledo, city, Spain, cap. of prov. T., on the Tagus, 41 m. SSW. Mad- rid. P. 19,927. Area of prov. 5883 sq. m. P. 353,285. Toledo, city, port of entry, Ohio, Lucas co., on Maumee R. P. 50,137. The chief trade is in grain and flour. vol. of the Andes, in Colombia, 4° 46' N., 18,143 ft. state of Colombia, on Upper Magdalena. P. 230,891. tn. Ilanarkshire, S.E. of Glasgow. , P. 3533. tn. Italy, 26 m. NNW. Udine, in the Alps. P. 4312. tn. Hungary, on the Danube, II m. SW. Kalocsa. F. 7723. tn. Spain, cap. of Guipuzcoa. P. 7488. or Santiago de Tolu, spt. Colombia, 65 m. S. Cartagena. tn. 40 m. SW. Mexico; exports hams. P. 12,000. vil. Ross, in Lewis, 13 m. NE. Stornoway. P. 597. tn. Italy, prov. and 12 m. ENE. Potenza. P. 4789. r. Siberia, 400 m. N.W. to the Obi, N.W. of Tomsk. , the Poland, gov. and 66 m. SE. Lublin. P. 5758. tn Poland, gov. Petrikau, on the Pilica. P. I5,632. R., Mississippi, 500 m. S. to form the Mobile. tn. Spain, 50 m. ENE. to Ciudad Real. P. 9154. r r r ; r & : º r º l ;i # : † º # º * i*H * ::º º : º * n tn. TOMINTOUL THE CENTURY GAZETTEER TVER s il. Banffshire, near R., Avon: - $º. §eria, formed of basin o SCI. Iſl. 8. * e TOm8 ºftove, on the Tom, has a university. P. 31,382. Töne? $3 merget, 29 m. S. and NE tº the Parret. Napai, and ñonga or friendly isls., consist of º #.(ºne lº, in Pacific Ocean, II20 m. • :-- . Ji , 44; 9.5 / " rº. ...iº. S.E. £ancashire, partly in Bolton. P. 673. 5 * , º king. See Tonquin. g e º #Fiji T#), tn. Belgium, in Limbourg, 13 m. SE. fiasselt. P. 8379. & _Ting- largé lake, China, prov. Hu-Pe: Fº §. Sutherland, on E: side Kyle of Tongue. A Tonk native state, Rajputana, consists of 6 separated portions. Area, 2% Sq. m. p. 338,029. Cap. T onk, near the Banas R. between g and Bundi. P. 40,726. wº i. France, in Fºº, OIl i. º 8073. º s in Yonne, on the Armº • * : ***** ######"; ..º.sºjº, on the Eider. P.3250, ; ſongking, or Tonkin, the º: Nº. : ; º ; º $ France in 1884. rea, 34,7 e & A i.e & à . *.*. river is the Song Ka of Red R., from Yun $. 'with an extensive delta, on the N. arm of which stands #. fhong the French military and commercial port. Hanoi, on the g , is the largest town. * * * * wº º, A7 m. SW. Christiania. P.,5108; 8 iºnºvara, vil. N.co. Tipperary, 7 m., E. Nenagh. P. 49. Toorak, tin. Victoria, co. Bourke, 3% ºn: E. Melbourne. P. 1500. [10,013. g s P. 478. sº f #étipper Obi. Ar. 328,252 : tn. Oueensland, co. Aubigny, Io? ºn- W. Brisbane. P. :::::::::: ...ºf ſºn as and of Shawnee co., on both banks of Kansas R., 45 m. WSW. Leavenworth. P. I5,451. NE. of Galat Tophane, suburb of constantinople, with arsenal, etc., ... O 8 ald #: Töplitz or Teplitz, ti). Bohemià, on the Erzgebirge. P. I4,84I. is one of the most famous SpaS ſº Europe. Topolya, vil. Hungary, 80 m. N. of Hegyes. P. #:s $opozero, large lake, Russian Lapland, W. of White ea. P. 286 łopsham, mºſt tim, Devon, on R. Exe, 53 m. N.W. Exeter. P. 2867. ãor, smalitn. Arabia º: on E. shore Gulf of Suez. n º . DevOn In, a CrOSS. º; on E. #. Newfoundland, 7 m. N. St. John's. P. 1270. łorceflo is and in. Italy, 6 m. NE. Venice, in the lagoon. lin. P łorgau 't. Prussian Saxony, on the Elbe, 70 m: SW. Berlin. 88. ; . Itäijin Băi, ºn NNE. Altamura, F.63% (19.9% formes, r. Spain, 150 m. to the Douro, passing Salamanca. Gulf of formeå, r. Lapland, between Sweden and Russia, 230 m. to Gulf O IBothnia at Torneå. * Torneå, in Finland, on above r., opposite Hapºlº. P. 750. Toro, th: Spain, prov. Zamora, on the Douro. P. 7754. .. P. 63.48 Török. Becse, th: Hanover, on the Theiss, 47 ºr S. ; * #.e Toronto, cap. of prov. Ontario, Canada, on a bay on NW. shore * & Ontario, in York co., 161 m. from Kingstºn. P. (1881) sº t e seat of a university (1843). It has a spacious harbour, an . €11- sive trade and manufs. Exports, lumber, wheat, flour, cattle, etc. Toropetz, th Russia,.gov. Pskov, 59 m. E. Kholm. P. 4900. Torphichen, vil. Linlithgowshire, 24 m. N. Bathgate. . P. 358. IB Torquay, spt. and watering-place, Ijevonshire, on N. side of Tor Bay, £20 m. from London by fail. P. 24,767. P Torquay, tshp. Tasmania, co- Devon, 70 m. NW. of Launceston. P.370. forquay by the Sea, tshp. Queensland, 23% m, from Maryborough. . Kordueimada,th Späin, i.2 m. NE. Palencia. P. 2723. gorie del Campo, in. Spain, prov, and 4 m. W. Jaen. P. 5363. orre del Greco, th: Italy, 7 m. SE. Naples, on the Bay. P. 28,847. §orre dell’Annunziata, ft. th: Italy, 12 m. SE. Naples. P. 22,666. Forre Don Jimeno, the Spain, 12 m, SW. Jaen, near the Guadalquivir §orre Maggiore, th Italy, proy. Foggia;. P. 8293. [P. 8623. Forrens, Lake, large Salt lake, S. Australia, 90 m. N. Spencer Gulf. †rente, tr. Spain, prov. and 6 m. NW. Valencia. P.79;7. Sorres Novas, th: Portugal, 15 m. NE. Santareſ}_P,3298. jorres Strait, between New Guinea and Cape York (Queensland). fores vedraš, th Portugal, 27 m. NW. Lisbon. ... P. 4926. orrevieja, spt. Spain, 23 m. SSW. Alicante, 0. the cSt. P. 8165. Forridge, r. Devon, 37 m. SE. and NW. to the Taw. orridon, Loch, largé sea-arm, Ross and Cromarty. orriglia, ºn. Italy, 15 m. NE. Genoa, in the Apennines..., P. 573. orrington, Great, mun., bor. Devon, on R. Torridge. P. 3445. orrington, vil. Connecticut, on Naugatuck R. P.3327. for roºtn. Spain, 25 m. E. Malaga, near the cSt. P. 7774. Forry, fishing vil. Kincardineshire, near mth, of the Dee. ...P. 1117. Torryburn, Vil. Fife, on Firth of Forth, 4 m. SW, Dunfermline. P. 427. orshok, th Russia. See Torzhok. e oriola, one of the Virgin Isls, Brit: West Indies, 12 by 4 m. P. 6050. ortona, tr. N. Italy, 14 m. ESE. Alessandria. P. 9048; Com. I4,44r. jorici, th: Sicily, 12 m. S.W. Patti. P. 91.97; Com. Io,371. ortosa, ft. th: Spain, on the Ebro, 43 m. SW. Tarragona. P 24,057. łórtswar, vii. Transylvania, 20 m. S.W. Kronstadt, P. 8932, fortuga, isl. (to Venezuela), 55 m. W. of Margarita. Fortuga, isl. off NW. cst. Hayti, 22 by 5 m. Fortugas, isl. off NE. cSt. of Cuba, 26 by 6 m. 'ory isl., N.W. co. Donegal, 2% m. long. P. 332. Torzhok or Torjok, the Russia.gov, and 36 m. W. Tver. P. I2,910. Foscanella, th Italy, 23 m. NNE. Civita Vecchia. P. 4370. otana, th: Spain, in Murcia, Iom. NE. Lorga. P. 9648. flotines, mun. bor. Devon, on R. Dart, 22 m. SW. Exeter. P. 4089. Rotoničapan, tm. Yoo m. NW. Guatemala. P. 21,900. Rottenham, th: Middlesex, in N. Sub. London. P. 46,456. Soul, ft. th: France, dep. Meurthe, on the Moselle. P. Io,012. oulinguet, Newfoundland. See Twillingate. Toulon, spt, city, naval sta. France, in dep, Var, on the Mediter- ranean, 30 m. SE. Marseilles. P. 79,122. * , Toulouse, city, France, cap. of Haute-Garonne, on the Garonne, 169 m. SE. Bordeaux. P. 147,617. It has extensive trade and manuf. Touraine, former prov. France, now deps. Indre-et-Loire and part of Vienne. * tn. France, dep. Nord, 7%. m. NE. Lille. P. 58,008. La., vil. France, dep. Isère, 31 m. ESE. Lyons. P. 357I. , th Belgium, in Hainaut, on the Scheldt., P. 34,580. tn. France, dep. Ardèche, on R. Rhône, 9 m. NW. rn O l : : ... tº OQ2. Tournus, th: France, dep. Saône-et-Loire, on the Saône. P. 5556. Tours, city, France, dep. Indre-et-Loire, on the Loire and Cher. P. 59,585. It has a fine Gothic cathedral. Manufs., silks, broad- cloths, carpets, pottery, etc. [P. 3814. Towanda, bor. Pennsylvania, cap. of Bradford co., on Susquehanna. Towcester, mkt. th Northamptonshire, on R. Tove. P. 2834. Tower Hamlets, parl. bor. Middlesex, in E. of London. P. 439,137. It returns 7 M.Ps. Contains the Tower of London. Tow Law, th Durham, 8 m. NW. Bishop-Auckland. P. 5005. Townhill, colliery vil. Fife, 1% m. NE. Dunfermline. P. 1862. Townsville, spt. Queensland, co. Elphinstone, 870 m, N.W. Brisbane, on Cleveland Bay, 19° Io' S. P. 3032. Towy, r. S. Wales, 65 m. SW. to Carmarthen Bay. Towyn, mkt., tm. watering-place, Merioneth, on cst. P. 3365. Toxteth Park, th: Lancashire, within parl. bor. Liverpool. P. ro,368. ºrabia, th: Sicily, 20 m. by rail ESE. Palermo... P. of com. 56II. Tracadie, spt. th: Nova Scotia, 164 m. NE. Halifax. P. 1200. rade Town, the W. Africa, in rep. of Liberia. Trafalgar, Cape, prom. on S.W. cst. Andalusia, near Str. of Gibraltar. ºralee, mkt. thº, spt., Co. th: of Kerry, on Tralee Bay. P. 99ro. 'ramonti, th Italy, prov. and 7 m. W. Salerno. P. 5305. Tramore, mkt. th: in co. and 7 m. S. Waterford. P. 2035. ºranent, police bur. Haddingtonsh., 9% m. E. Edinburgh. P. 2235. 'rani, spt. th S. Italy, prov. and 25 m. WNW. Bari. P. 29,844. Tranquebar, spt. th: Madras Pres., in Tanjore Dist., 11° 1' 37" N. P. 6189. It is an important Protestant mission station. Tranquille, ry. sta. British Columbia, 216 m. W. Donald. Transbaikalia (Russ. Zabaikalskaiya), gov. of E. Siberia, E. of Lake Baikal, and bounded S. by Chinese Mongolia. Area, 240,770 Sq. m. P. 509,633. Cap. Troitzkossavsk. Transcaspian Territories, Russian territory, E. of the Caspian Sea, N. of Persia and Afghanistan. Comprises Turcomania, Merv, etc. P. 430,000. Transcaucasia, that part of the Russian lieutenancy of Caucasia lying S. of the Caucasus. Cap. Tiflis. Transkei. See Kaffraria. Transleithania, name applied to the countries of the Hungarian Crown, as lying beyond the R. Leytha, which forms the E. boundary of Lower Austria. Transvaal. . See South African Republic. Transylvania (Ger. Siebezzbiºgen), formerly a separate Crown-land 9f Hungary, in the SE., bounded E. and S. by the Carpathians, fully merged into Hungary proper in 1878. Area, 21,159 sq. m. Trapani, ft. spt. Sicily, 46 m. W. Palermo, cap. of prov. P. of Com., 40,796. Tras-os-Montes (Beyond the Mountaints), prov. Portugal, in NE. Area, 4292 sq. m. P. 396,676. Cap. Bragança. [com. 13,967. Trau, spt, th: Dalmatia, in the Adriatic, ſo m. W. Spalato. # 6f Traun, r. Upper Austria, Icom. N.W. to the Danube, expands into Traun or Gmünden See; 8 m. long by 2. Traunstein, the Upper Bavaria, 19 m. WNW. Salzburg. P. 4909. r Trautenau, th: Bohemia, 25 m. NNE, Königgrätz. P. 9536. Travancore, native state, in extreme S.E. of India, 174 by 75 m. Area, 6730 sq. m. P. 2,401,158. Cap. Triyandrum Trave, r. N. Germany, 50 m. E. to Gulf of fibeck (Baltic). r Travemünde, ft. th: Germany, at mth. of the Trave, Ilübeck. P. I666. Travers, vii. Switz., 13 m. W. Neufchâtel, in Val de T. P. 2063. Traverse Lake, 20 m. long, between Dakota and Minnesota. Traverse Lake, Minnesota, on Mississippi, 12 by 4 m. Travnik, th Bosnia, 45 m. NW. Bosna-Serai. . P. 5933. Trawden, tshp. NE. Lancashire, 2 m. SE. Colne. P. 2164. Trebia, r. N. Italy, 55 m. NW. Piacenza. . [P. ro,000. Trebigne or Trébinje, ft. th: Herzegovina, 17 m, from Ragusa. Trebitsch, th Moravia, 18 m. SE., Iglau on Iglawa. ...P. 808r. Trebizond, spt. Asia Minor, on Black Sea, cap. of vilayet; Hºm, NW. Erzeroum. P. 32,000. It is the second commercial city of the Empire. vilayet, Asia Minor, along cst...of Black Sea. Prussian Silesia, 15 m. NNE. Breslau. P. 4920. tn, Italy, 6m. ESE. Novara, near R. Ticino., P. 8014. tn. Itály, prov. and 15 m. WSW. Rovigo., P. of com: 4945. mkt, and mining th Monmouthshire and Brecknockshire, Sirhowy, 73 m. E. Merthyr Tydfil. P. 18,773. OIl Tregaron, th Cardiganshire, 10 m; NE. Lampeter: P. 1731. Treja, ºn. Central Italy, 8 m. W. Macerata...P. of com:9616. Tremadoc, small tm. Carnarvonshire, 4% m. NE. Criccieth. Trembowia, the Austria, in Galicia, 18 m. SSE. Tarnopol. P. 6432. Tremiti Isis., Italy, grp. in the Adriatic, off cst. of Foggia. Trent, the third river of Engl. in length, from N. Staffordshire, unites with Ouse to form the Humber, 15 m. W. Hull. Length, Trent or Piddle, r. Dorset, 20 m.SE. to Poole Harbour. [150 m. Trent, r. Ontario, room, S. and SE. to Bay of Quinte. [P. 19,585. Trent (Ital. Trento, Ger. Trient), city, Tyrol, on the Adige. Trentham, par. and vil. Staffordshire, on R. Trent, P. 8383. Trentham, mining tshp. Victoria, 63 m. N. by W. Melbourne, P. 600. Trenton, city, cap. of New Jersey and of co, Mercer, on Delaware R., 57 m. from New York. . P. 29,910. Manufs, very extensive, crockery, etc., iron and steel, etc. .. oféntry, Ontario, co. Hastings, on the Trent. P. 3042. vil. New York, Oneida co., 17 m. N. Utica. tn. Hungary, on the Waag, 40 m. N. Neutra. P. 4402. , port of entry, Newfoundland, 81 m, S.W. St. John's, Špt. France, dep. Seine-Inférieure, ENE. Dieppe, P. 4215. , tri. Prussia. See Neu Treptow. tn. S. Italy, NW. of Lecce. P. 4367. tn. Argentina, in Buenos Ayres Prov. the Scilly Islands, 2 m. N.W. of Hugh Town. ‘Saxony, 9 m. ENE. Plauen. P. 5878. tn. Prussia, 22 m. SSW. Potsdam. P. 4880. Trier), city, Rhenish Prussia, cap, of gov. T., on 57 m. SW. Coblentz. P. 26,126. [of com. 13,715. tn. N. İtaly, prov. Bergamo, 18 m. ENE. Milan. P. 9854; city, , 16 m. by rail N. Venice, cap. of prov. T., on R. P. 18,600; com. 31,049. Manuf silk, cotton, paper, cutlery. in Vénetia, Area, 94I sq. m. P. 392,014. tn. Italy, in Umbria, Iom. N. Spoleto. P. 5300. [4776. Lombardy, 19 m. NE. Milan, on R. Adda. P. of com. tshp. Tasmania, 150 m. SE. Launceston. P. of dist. 3327. Italy, prov. and 17 m. E. Potenza. P. * Italy, prov. Lecce, 23 m. E. Gallipoli. P., of com.5820, dist. Madras Pres., on the R. Kaveri. Area, 3561 sq. m. P. 1,215,033. Cap. Trichinopoli. * Trichinopoli, city, cap. of above, on r, b. Kaveri. P. 84,449. Trichur, th: Madras Pres., in Cochin State. P. Io,094. Trier, German name for Trezes. Triesch, th Moravia, 9 m. SSW. Iglau. ... P. 4374. Triest, principal spt. of Austria and territory of 36 sq. m., at head of the Adriatic, enclosed by the Küstenland, 90 m. S.W. Laibach by rail. P. 153,159 ; of th: proper, 74,544. It has an interesting cathe- dral; extensive commerce and shipbuilding. tn. S. Italy, 5 m. SSE. of Bari. P. 8875. tn. Spain, prov. and 10 m. NE. Huelva. P. 4930, tn. Greece, in nom. Trikhala, at entrance to Gulf of Volo. div. See Thessaly. e [P. 8000. tn. Turkey, in Thessaly, 37 m. WNW. Larissa. P. II,000. of Meath, on the Boyne, 30 m. NW. Dublin. P. 1586. spt. Ceylon, on NE. coast. P. Io, 189. tn. Herts, 5 m. NW. Berkhampstead. P. 4354. [15,000. state of Malay Penin., on Gulf of Siam. P. 30,000 ; p. of th: a British West India island, a Crown colony, second to in size, off NE. coast of Venezuela, 59 by 30 m. Area, sq. m. P. 171,914. . Cap. Port of Spain. Soil fertile; exports sugar, cotton, Imolasses, rum; climate not unhealthy. tn. Bolivia, on Rio Mamore. P. 4170. spt. th: Cuba, on the S. coast. P. 27,654. tn. Martinique, on E. Coast. P. 5650. , port of entry, Newfoundland, 63 m. NW. St. John's. P. 1434. R., Texas, 500 m. SSE. to Galveston Bay. tn. 8774. tn. Italy, in Piedmont, II m. SW. Vercelli. P. of com. 11,325; vil. Italy, r3 m. N. by W. San Remo. P. of com. 5037. or Tarablus, country of N., Africa, one of the Barbary States, constitutes a vilăyet of the Turkish Empire. It is bounded N. by the Mediterranean, W. by Tunis, S. by Fezzan and the Libyan Desert, and E. by Barca. Area, IoS,000 sq. m., or with its de- pendencies, Fezzan and Barca, I44,500 sq. m. P. I,000,000. Tripoli, spt. cap. of above, on Mediterranean, 300 m. S. of Sicily. P. 30,000. Manuf. carpets, morocco leather, etc. [Beyrout. P. 25,000. Tripoli or Tarablus, spt. tr. Syria, on the Mediterranean, 50 m. NE. Tripolitza, th: Greece, on the Morea, 22 m. SW. Argos. P. 19,957. Tristan d'Acunha, isl. S. Atlantic, midway between Cape of Good Hope and S. America, 37°6' S., 1300 m. from St. Helena. It is nominally under Cape Colony. Area, 45 sq. m. P. 94. Trivandrum, th: S. India, cap. of Travancore State. P. 37,652. Trivento, th: Italy, prov. and 15 m. NW. Campobasso. P. 4922. Trivero, th: Piedmont, 9 m. NE. Biella. P. of com. 4853; tım. 2116. Trogen, th: Switzerland, cant, and 6 m. NE. Appenzell. P. 2630. Troia or Troja, th, Italy, prov. and 15 m. S.W. Foggia. P. 7554. Troima, th: Sicily, prov. Catania, dist. of Nicosia. . P. Io,394. Trois Pistoles, vil. Quebec, in Temiscouata co., 148 m. below Quebec, on S. b. St. Lawrence. . P. of parish, 2872. Trois Rivières, city, Canada. See Three Rivers. Troitsk, th: Russia, gov. and 87 m. NW. Penza. P. 6061. Troitsk or Zemminki, tin. W. Siberia, gov. Orenburg. P. 13,022. Troitzkoi, th: Russia, 42 m. NNE. Moscow. Troitzkossavsk, th: Siberia, cap. of Transbaikalia. P. 474o. Tromsöe, spt.tn. Norway, cap. of T amt, in Finmark, on isl. of T., opposite Hvalóe Isl. P. 5469. - Trondhjem, ft. spt. tr. Norway, cap. of Söndre Trondhjem, on S. side of Trondjem Fiord, 63° 25' N. P. 23,753. The kings of Nor- way are crowned in its ancient cathedral. Troon, spt. Ayrshire, 6% m. N. Ayr. P.2383. [5929. Tropea, th: Italy, in Calabria, 12 m. WSW. Monteleone. P. of com. Troppau, ft. tin. Cap. of Austrian Silesia, on the Oppa. P. 20,562; inner tim, 81 II. isl. tll. CO. § H Trossachs, romantic mtn. defile, Perthshire, 8 m. W. Callander. Trouville, spt. th: France, dep. Calvados, 7 m. NE. Pont-l'Evêque. P. Trowbridge, mkt, th Wilts, 97 m. from London. P. II,394. ...[6263. Troy, anc. city, immortalised in the Iliad, most probable site the hill of Hissarlik, 2 m. from the Hellespont. Troy, city, New York, cap. of Rensselaer co., on E. b. of Hudson R., 6 m. above Albany. P. 56,747. Has important steel and iron- works, bellfoundries, etc. On opposite side of the Hudson is West Troy, with a U.S. arsenal. Troyes, th: France, cap. of Aube, and former cap. of Champagne, on R. Seine, Io:3 m. from Paris. P. 46,972. It has a splendid cathedral. Trübau, th: Moravia, 28 m. NW. Olmütz. P. 6056. Trubtchevsk, tin. Russia, 88 m. WSW. Orel, on the Desna. P. 5182. Trudeau, ry, sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 656 m. W. Ottawa. [Truxillo. Trujillo or Truxillo, spt. Peru, dep. łº, 8° S. lat. , P. 7538. See Trujillo, th: Venezuela, cap. of State T., 60 m. NE. Merida. P. 7500. Trunkey Creek, dist. and goldfield, N. S. W., 159 m. W. Sydney. P. 5oo. Truro, city, spt. Cornwall, 8% m. N. Falmouth. P. Io,619. Truro, th Nova Scotia, cap. of Colchester co., 61 m. N. Halifax. P. Truro, th S. Australia, 573 m. NE. Adelaide. [3461. £ruxillo, tn. Spain, prov. Caceres. P. 9428 r 9428. Truxillo, spt., tm. Honduras, on Caribbean Sea. P. 4ooo. See Trujillo. Isadda, r. Africa. See Benué. 'san-Pu (Sang-Pic), r. Tibet, N. of the Himalayan range, forms the upper waters of the Brahmaputra. It rises near the source of the Sutlej, and flows E. and enters Assam as the Dihang. Tsaritsin, ft. th: Russia, gov. Saratov, on the Volga. P. 12,000. Tsarskoe-Selo, th: Russia, gov. and 18 m. S. St. Petersburg; contains two magnificent imperial palaces. P. 15,000. Tsi-Nan, city, China, cap. of prov. Shan-Tung, on Ta-Tsin R. Tsitsikhar,th. Manchuria, on Nonni R., 240 m. S.W. Saghalin-Ula. Tsong-Gan-Hien, th: China, prov. Fo-Kien, on an aff, of the Min. P. Io,000. Staple trade, black tea. Tsong Ming...isl. China, prov. Kiang Su, at mth. of Yang-tse-Kiang. Tsugar Strait. See Sangar. Tsuruga, tin, Japan, on W. side Hondo, 200 m. W. Tokio. P. 20,000. Tuam, mkt, th and cathedral, Galway, on R. Clare, 27 m. NE. Galway. P. 3567. e Tuamarina, tshp. N. Zealand, co. Marlborough, 5 m. from Blenheim. Tuat, Tawat or Twait, an oasis of the Sahara, S.E. of and tributary to Morocco. P. about 30,000. Cap. Agably. Tubbus, th: Persia, prov. Khorassan, in the Salt Desert. Tübingen, th: Würtemberg, on the Neckar, 18 m. SSW. Stuttgart. P. ăţ. The seat of a Catholic university. Tubuai or Austral Isls., grp. in S. Pacific Ocean, S. of the Society Isls. and Low Archipelago. 3 OCTIO, Tucacas, spt. Venezuela, on. Caribbean Sea, 25 m. NW. Puerto Tucson, th: Arizona, cap. of Pima Co., on S. Pacific Ry. P. 6994. Tucumán, prov. of Argentina, W. of the Gran Chaco.. Area, 12,226 sq. m. P. 210,000. It is one of the richest parts of the republic. Tucuman, tin, cap. of above, 94 m. NW. Santiago. P. 40,000. Tudela, city, Spain, prov. Navarre, on r. b. of the Ebro. P. IQ,086. Tuena, mining and agricultural dist. N. S. W., 200 m. SW. Sydney. Tugela, r. Natal and Zululand, 200 m. SE. to the Sea. Tukum, th: Russia, in Courland, 38 m. W. Riga. P. 375r. Tula, gov. Russia, near the centre. Area, II,753 sq. m. P. 1,360,000. Tula, cap. of above, on the Upa, Ios m. S. Moscow. . P. 63,510, Tula, r. Mongolia, in Khalkas country, aff, of the Orkhon. Tula, tm. Mexico, state and 40 m. NNW. Mexico. P. 5834. Tulare Lake, California, in Tulare co., 33 by 22 m. Tulbagh, div. of W. Prov. Cape Colony, in valley of Breede R. Area, 4976 sq. m. P. I2,000. Cap. Ceres. Tuldjä, th Roumania, in the Dobrudja, on the Danube. P. 12,000. Tullā, mkt. th, E. co. Clare, rom. E. Ennis. P. 758. Tullamore, mkt. and co. th: King's Co., on Grand Canal, 16 m. NW. Portarlington, 58 m. W. Dublin. P. 5098. Tulle, tin. France, dep. Corrèze, on the River Corrèze, 20 m. NE Brive. P. 16, 169. Manuf. Tulle lace, arms, etc. Tullibody, vil. Clackmannan, 23 m. NW. Alloa. P. 694. Tullins, mkt. th: France, dep. Isère, 18 m. NW. Grenoble. P. 4740. Tullow, mkt. th: in co. and 9 m. SE. Carlow. P. 1977. Tultcha, Roumania. See Tuldja. Tultchin, the Russia, gov. Podolia. P. r1,270. Tumat, r. in S. Nubia, aff. of the Ballr-el-Azrek, Tumberumba, tin. New S. Wales, co. Selwyn, 90 m. NE. Albury. P. Tumbez, tm. Peru, 70 m. NW. Loja, on R. Tumbez. [2500. Tumkur, th: Mysore, cap. of T. Dist., 43 m. NW. Bangalore. P. 9909. Summel, r. Perthshire, 29 m. to the Tay through Loch Tummel. Tumut, tin. New S. Wales, on T. R., 80 m. SW. Yass. P. of dist. 6600. unbridge, til Kent, on R. Medway, 29% m. SE. London. P. 93.17. Tunbridge, post tim, Tasmania, 59 m. SE. Launceston. unbridge Wells, mkt. tin. and watering-place, Kent and Sussex, 5 m. S. Tunbridge, 34% m. SE. London by rail. P. 24,308 Tundja, r. Roumelia, aff. of the Maritza, 150 m. Tungabhadra. (Zoomboodra), r. S. India, formed of the junction of the Tunga and Bhadra, forms N. boundary of Madras Pres., and joins the Kistna. Length, 400 m. Tungamah, post th- Victoria, 149 m. N. Melbourne. Tung-Chang, city, China, prov. Shan-Tung, on R. Ta-Tein. Tung-Kiang, r. &#. 250 m. to bay 21 m. E. Canton. Tunguska, Stony and Lower, two rs. Siberia, affs. of the Yenesel, on its right bank below the Angara. Tunis (Fr. Tunisie), one of the Barbary States of N. Africa, a pro- tectorate of France, is bounded N. and E. by the Mediterranean; W. by Algeria; and S. by Tripoli; 440 by room. Area, 44,8oo sq. m. P. about 1% millions, mostly Mahommedans. The S. parts are in the Sahara; the N. parts are mountainous and fertile. Climate salubrious. Cap. Tunis. Tunis, spt. city, cap. of above, on a bay off Gulf of Tunis, on N. cst., 400 m. E. Algiers. P. 150,000. Tunja, th: Colombia, cap. of State Boyaca, 79 m. N. Bogota. P. 5471. Tunstall, th: Staffordshire, 2% m. NE. Newcastle. P. 14,244. Tupangata, peak of the Andes, 45 m, E. Santiago de Chili, 15,000 ft. Tupisa, th: Bolivia, dep. and 140 m. S. Chuquisaca. P. 5000. Tura, r. W. Siberia, govs. Perm and Tobolsk, 300 m. to the Tobol. Turakina, tshp. New Zealand, in prov. Wellington, co. Rangitikei. Turan, a name applied vaguely to the parts of Turkistan between Persia and the Syr Darya, and between the Caspian and the Pamir Plateau, as distinguished from Iran of Persia. Turek, th: Russian Poland, gov. and 28 m. NE. Kalisz. P. II,497. Turfan, tm. and vol. Chinese Turkistan, 180 m. W. Khamil. Turgad, gov. Russian Central Asia, N. and N.E. from Aral Sea. Area, 202,183 sq. m. P. 333,190. Turgai, cap. of the above, 280 m. W. of Akmolinsk. Turin (Ital. Torino), city of N. Italy, cap. of Piedmont and of prov. of T., at confluence of the Dora Ripaira and the Po. P. 230,183 ; of commune, 252,832. Seat of a university. Manuf silk. Turin, prov. in N.W. of Piedmont. Area, 4067 sq. m. P. 1,064,233. Turinsk, th: Siberia, gov. and 140 m. W. Tobolsk. P. 4651. urka, th Austria, in Galicia, 28 m. SW. Sambor. P. 4634. urkestan. See Turkistan. urkevi, vil. Hungary, 15 m. S.W. Kardzag, on the Berettyo. P. 12,042. urkey or the Ottoman Empire (Turk. Osmanli Vilaieti), one of the largest states of the Eastern Hemisphere, occupying a central and important position, embracing contiguous regions of the three con- tinents. It consists of Turkey proper, in Europe and Asia, immediately under the rule of the Sultan, with dependencies or tributary states in Europe and Africa. The total area is I,649,035 sq. m. P. 32,978,100. Constantinople is the metropolis. Turkey in Europe consists of (1) the immediate provs. bounded S- by the Sea of Marmora, AEgean Sea, and Greece; E. by Black Sea; W. by the Adriatic; and N. by Bulgaria (including Eastern Roumelia), Servia, Montenegro, and Novi Bazar. Area, 63,856 sq. m. P. 4,500,000. Cap. Constantinople. (2) Bulgaria, a tributary principality, including the lately autonomous prov. of Eastern Roumelia. (3) Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the sanjak of Novi Bazar, occupied by Austria-Hungary. Total area, 126,013 sq. m. P. 8,987,000. See separate articles. Turkey in Asia consists of the peninsula of Asia Minor, parts of Armenia and Kurdistan, eastward to the Persian frontier, the plains of the Euphrates and Tigris, Syria and Palestine, El Hasa, on W. shore of Persian Gulf, and the vilayets or provs. of Hedjaš and Yemen, in the W. of Arabia. It includes also the small principality of Samos, in the Grecian Archipelago (of 2ro sq; m.; p. 49513). It thus extends from the Strait of Bab-el-Mandéb, iii 12° 30', to the shores of the Black Sea, 42° 15' N., and from the isls. of the AEgean Sea, 25°, to Bahrein Isls. in Persian Gulf, 51° E. lon. Total area, 729,910 sq. m. P. 16,174,100. The Fº thS. are Damascus (each about 150,000 inhabitants), Aleppo, Bagdad, Erzeroum, Kaisarieh, Jerusalem, Mecca, etc. g ſand Barca, zwhich see. Africa, consists of the dependencies of Egypt, Tripoli, tn. Asia Minor, on Yeshil-Irmak, 35 m. SE. Amasia. tn. Alsace, 3 m. W. Colmar ; trade in wine. , P. 2469. region of Cent. Asia, partly in Chinese Empire, and partly separated by the Pamir Plateau. See Tartary. a government, general of Russian Asia, comprising the govs. of Semiretchensk, Fergana, Sarefshan, Syr-Darya, Amu- Daria, and part of the ter. of Ili. Area, 419,219 sq. m. P. 3,349,446. It lies between 39° and 49° N. lat., and from the Sea of Aral eastward to frontier of Chinese Empire. Turk's Isls., grp. of isls. in the S. of the Bahamas, subject, with the Caicos, to Jamaica. P. 4778. Turmero, tr. Venezuela, State Aragua, 15 m. W. Victoria: P. 8000. Turna, th: Roumelia, near the Danube, opposite Nicopolis. P. 4958. Turnau, til. Bohemia, on the Iser. P. 4948. Turneff, isl. grp. Caribbean Sea, near cst. of Balize. Turner, vil. Maine, Androscoggin R., on Twenty Mile R. P. 2285. Turnham Green, a sub. of SW, London, Middlesex. P. 4797. Turnhout, th: Belgium, 24 m. NE. Antwerp. P. 17,oro. Turon, spt, th: Anam, 16°7'3” N. Turriff, police burgh, Aberdeenshire, near R. Deveron. P. 2304. Tursi, city, Italy, in Basilicata, 39 m. ENE. Lagonegro. P. of 'com. Turukhansk, tr. Siberia, on the Yenisei, 61° N. [4375. Turshiz, th: Persia, prov. Khorassan, 76 m. SW. Meshed. ºurton, th: SE. Lancashire, 4 m. N. Bolton by rail. P. 5653. ºusa, th: Sicily, 6 m. WNW. Mistretta, near N. coast. P. of com. 518r. Tuscaloosa, th: Alabama, cap. of T. co., on Black Warrior R. P. 2418. Tuscany (Ital. Toscanta anc. Etruria), former grand-duchy of Italy, now, a compartimento of the kingdom. It is bounded NE. by Emilia, E. the Marches and Umbria, S. by Rome, W. by the Mediterranean. Area, 9.287 sq. m. P. 2,316,304. Cap. Florence. Tuskar Rocks and Lighthouse, off SE. coast of Wexford. [P. 2370. Tuskeegee, th: Alabama, cap. of Macon co., 45 m. E. Montgomery. Tuspan or Tuxpan, cst. th: Mexico, 145 m. NW. Vera Cruz. P. 5ooo. Tutbury, mkt. th: Staffordshire, on R. Dove. P. 2306. Tuficorin (Tuttléâzedi), th: spt. Madras Pres., in Tinnevelli Dist. P. Tuttlingen, th: Würtemberg, on the Danube. P. 8369. [16,281. Tuxford, mkt. tr. Notts, 7 m. S. of E. Retford. P. 962. Tuxtla, th: Mexico, State Chiapa, 37 m. W. Ciudad Real. P. 5000. Tuy, in Spain, on the Minho, 27 m. SE. Pontevedra. P. r1,716. Tuz-Go!, saltlake. Russian Turkistan, room. S. of Lake Balkash, 90 £uz Goli or Tuz-Ghieul, salt lake, Asia Minor, 45 by 16 m. [by 30 m. g : -º º : º Tuzla, Dolnia, th: Bosnia, cap. of Dolnia Tuzla Dist. P. 7189. ºver, gov. Russia, 52° N., 35° E. Area, 25,223 sq. m. P. 1,646,683. 66 TVER THE CENTURY GAZETTEER = VERA POLI Tver, city, cap. of above, on the Volga. P. 39, ror. Tweed, r. SE. Scotland, and in its lower part separating Berwickshire from Northumberland, rises in S. of Peeblesshire, and reaches the sea at Berwick, 97 m. long. Tweeddale, old name of Peeblesshire, Scotland. Tweedmouth, spt. Northumberland, at mouth of R. Tweed. P. 4819. Twenty-Four Parganas, The, metropolitan dist. of Bengal, E. of R. Hugli, and N. of the Sundarbans. Area, 2128 sq. m. P. 1,618,420. Twer, Russia. See Tver. [Cap. Alipur, a S. suburb of Calcutta. Twickenham, tin. Middlesex, on R. Thames, 11% m. SW. London. P. 12,479. [St. John's. P. 3000. Twillingate or Toulinguet, 8. of entry, Newfoundland, 190 m. from Twin Butte, ry. sta. British Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 68 m. W. Donald. Twofold Bay, New S. Wales, 30 m. N. of Cape Howe. Tylden, tshp. Victoria, co. Bourke, 563 m. NW. Melbourne. Tyldesley, tn. SW. Lancashire, 5 m. S. Bolton. P. 9954. Tyler, vil. Texas, cap. of Smith co., 19 m. NW. Troupe. P. 2423. Tyndal, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry., 401 m. W. Port Arthur. Tyndrum, vil. Perthshire, 343 m. NW. Callander. Tyne, r. Northumberland and Durham, formed by the confluence of N. and S. Tyne, near Hexham, 30 m. from the sea at Tynemouth and South Shields; total length, 80 m. From Newcastle to its mouth it forms one continuous harbour. [bar. Tyne, r. Edinburghshire and Haddingtonshire, 28 m., 3 m. NW. Dun- Tynemouth, parl. and mun. bor. and watering-place, Northumber- land, at mouth of R. Tyne, opposite South Shields, 8 m. NE. Newcastle. P. 44,118. It includes the port of North Shields, and the whole borough usually bears that name. It returns r M.P. Tyne Ports, The, consist of Newcastle, North Shields, and South Shields. In 1885, 16,433 vessels of 6,878,136 tons cleared the river. Coal is the chief export. Tyre, ancient º of Phoenicia, site 47 m. SW. Beyrout. Tyree, isl. Argyll, of Inner Hebrides. P. 2733. [burg by rail. P. ro,824. Tyrnau or Ternava, th: Hungary, on the Trnava, 28 m. NE. Press- Tyrol (German, Tirol) and Vorarlberg, a Crown-land or proy. of Austria, enclosed by Carinthia, Salzburg, Bavaria, Switzerland, and Italy. Area, 13,309 sq. m. P. 912,549. . It is entirely occu- pied by the Alps and their valleys; Ortler Spitz rises to 12,814 ft., and Gross Glockner to 12,405 ft. The main rivers are the Inn, Etsch or Adige, and Rhine. Cap. Innspruck. Tyrone, inland co. Ireland, prov. Ulster, bounded NW. by Donegal, NE, by Londonderry, SW. by Fermanagh, S. by Monaghan, SE. by Armagh, E. by Lough Neagh. It is drained by the Mourne and Blackwater. Length, 38 by 28 m. Area, 1260 sq. m. P. 197,719, of whom 55°5 per cent. are Roman Catholics. Returns 4 M.Ps. Omagh is the county town. Tyrone, bor. Pennsylvania, in Blair co., on Lit. Juniata R. P. 2678. Tyrrellspass, vil. Westmeath, rom. S. Mullingar. P. 384. Tyrrhenian Sea, part of Mediterranean, between Italy, Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily. Tysmienica,th. Austria, in Galicia, 6 m. E. Stanislawow. P. 6953. Tysoe, vil. Warwickshire, on R. Stour, 9 m. NW. Banbury. Tzana, lake. See Dembea. & Tzaritzin, tm. Russia. See Tsaritsin. Tzernogora, native name of Montenegro. - Tzintzoutzan, th: Mexico, State Michoacan, 20 m. SW. Valladolid. TJanapu or Anapu, r. Brazil, 400 m. N. to the Para. [P. 4943. Ubeda, tin. S. Spain, prov. and 26 m. NE. Jaen. P. 18,149. TJbrique, th Spain, prov. and 46 m. ENE. Cadiz. P. 4897. TJbsa Nor, lake of Mongolia, in Khalkas country, 75 by 25 m. Ucayale, great r. Peru, a main aff. of the Amazon, 1200 m. TJCcle, vil. Belgium, in S. Brabant, 2 m. S. Brussels. P. 11,683. TJckermünde, th: Prussia, 32 m. NW. Stettin. P. 5458. (Jokfield, mkt. th Sussex, on R. Ouse, 50 m. S. London. P. 2746. TJdaipur or Mewar, native state in S. of Rajputana, under Mewar Agency. Area, 12,671 sq. m. P. 1,494,220. Udaipur (Oodeypore), cap. of above state, 24° 35' N., 73° 43' E. P. 38,214. The Royal palace is an imposing pile. Uddevalla, th: S. Sweden, 45 m. N. Gothenburg. P. 6753. Uddingston, th: Lanarksh., 7 m. SE. Glasgow. P. 3542. Uden, vil. Netherlands, 14 m. SE. Bois-le-Duc. P. 5744. {Jdiné, tin. Italy, cap. of prov. U., 60 m. NE. Venice. P. 23,254; com- müne, 32,020. Area of prov. 2527 sq. m. P. 558,559. Udong, city, former cap. of Cambodia. P. 12,000. Udvarhely, th: Transylvania, on the Great Kokel. P. 4500. Jeberlingen, th: Baden, on an arm of Lake of Constance. P. 4006. Jelzen, tin. Hanover, 20 m. SSE. Lüneburg. P.,7412. . Jerdingen, tin. Rhenish Prussia, gov. and Iom. NW. Düsseldorf. P. Jetersen, th: Holstein, 16 m. NW. Hamburg. P. 5056. 3925. Jfa, r. Russia, from Ural Mts. 400 m. to the Belaia. Jfa, gov. Russia, next the Ural Mts. Area, 47, IIo Sq. m. P. I,793,256. Jfa, cap. of above, on the Ufa and Belaia. P. 25,657. [Cap. Ufa. Jffculme, par. and vii. Devon, on R. Cuim. P. &#. Jffington, par. and vil. Berks, 4 m. S. Faringdon. . P. 936. TJganda, kingdom on N. and W. shores of Victoria Nyanza, 300 m. long by 60 m. P. estimated at 2,775,000. Cap. Ulagalla. Ugie, r. Aberdeensh., flows 2x m. to sea NW. Peterhead. Uglitch, th: Russia, 60 m. WSW. Yaroslav, on the Volga. P. II,933. Uhricksville, vil. Ohio, in Tuscarawas co., on R. Stillwater. P. 2790. Jig, vil. Scot., in Skye Isl., 14 m. NW. Portree. Jintah Mountains, range in Utah and Wyoming, 13,300 ft. Jist, North, isl. of Outer Hebrides, Inverness, 17 m. long by 3 to 13 Jist, South, isl. in above grp., 22 m. long by 73. P. 3810. [m. P. 337I. Jitenhage, th: Cape Colony, cap. of U. Div., 18 m. NW. Port Eliza- eth. P. 3:00. Area of div. 6233 sq. m. P. 25,000. Tjhely-Satoralja, th N. Hungary, 40 m. SE. Kaschau. P. 11,264. TJjiji, small terrritory on E. shore of Lake Tanganyika. Area, 920 sq. m. P. 36,000. {Jjjain, th of Malwa, Central India, in Gwalior, ry. term. P. 32,952. TJkerewe, large isl. in Victoria Nyanza, 40 m. long. U-kiang, r. China, 500 m. N. to the Yang-tse-Kiang, in Se-Chuen. . TJkraine or Little Russia, comprises govs. Kiev, Kharkov, Tcherni- gov, and Poltava. Ulan-Kkoton, tin. Mongolia, 120 m. NNW, Pekin. [II,057. eåborg, spt. Finland, cap. of gov. of U., on Gulf of Bothnia. P. #bººst S. gº ºf Finland, Aigai,63,954 sºn...', 226,198. assutāi, large tri. Mongolia, on the U. R., 47°35' N., 96° E. adulla, spt. tshp. N. S. Wales, 159 m. S. Sydney. P. of dist. 1800. a pool, fishing vil. W. Ross-shire, on Loch Broom. P. 897. ldecona, tin. Spain, prov. Tarragona, 15 m. SW. Tortosa. P. 6oco. lswater, lake, Cumberland and Westmorland, 8 m. long. lm, fortress and th: Würtemberg, on 1. b. of Danube, below the con- fluence of the Iller. P. 33,610. Manuf. linens, cutlery, clocks, confectionery. It has the largest Protestant Church in Germany. Ulmarra, post tim, N. S. Wales, on Clarence R., 9 m. NE. Grafton. TJister, the N. prov. of Irel., bounded on three sides by the sea, and on the SW. by Connaught, and on S. by Leinster, IIo by 130 m. Area, 8568 sq. m. P. 1,743,075, of whom 478 per cent. are Rom. Cath., 259 Presbyterians, and 21.8 Episcopalians. It comprises nine cos.: Antrim, Armagh, Cavan, Donegal, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, Monaghan, and Tyrone. Ulundi, chief kraal in Zululand, in the SE. lva, isl. Argyll, off W. Cst. Mull, 5 by 2 m. P. 53. TJIverston (Oostoni), spt. N. Lancashire, in Furness. P. ro,008. Ulverstone, Spt. th: Tasmania, co. Devon, 70 m. NW. Launceston. Ulzen, th: Hanover. See Uelzen. Dman, th: Russia, gov. and 110 m. SSE. Kiev. P. 15,393. TJmballah, th: Punjab. See Amballa. TJmbria, compartimento, Italy, bounded W. by Tuscany and Rome; E. by the Marches and Abruzzo; formed of the upper basin of the Tiber, and embraces the prov. of Perugia. r. Sweden, enters Gulf of Bothnia at Umea, 250 m. spt. Sweden, cap. of laen of Westerbotten. P. 2767. tn. India, in dist. and 28 m. SE. Nagpur. P. I4,247. tn. Bombay Pres., in Kaira Dist. P. 14,643. See Amritsir. tn. and gold-field, in NE. of Natal, S.E. of Ladysmith. tn. Hessen, in the Odenwald. P. 2906. , Natal, flows SE. to Indian Ocean. gold-field, in SE. of Natal, S.W. of Durban. r. Natal, 120 m. to the Sea, at 30°43’ S. post vil. New S. Wales, 70 m. S. of Sydney. Oudh, in Lucknow Div. Area, 1747 sq. m. P. 899,069. of above, 9 m. NE. Cawnpur. P. 9509. range of cliffs on S. side of Isle of Wight. Bay, in N. part of Lābrador, from Hudson Strait. tn. Hungary, 195 m. ENE. Pesth. P. II,373. [5849. New Jersey, in co. and on R. Hudson, N. of Hoboken. P. , bor. Pennsylvania, Erie Co., 26 m. SE. Erie. P. 2171. , vil. Indiana, in Randolph co. P. 2478. spt. tin. San Salvador, on Conchagua Bay. dist. and th: Cape Colony, in SW. Province. [P. 3265. bor: Pennsylvania, gap. of Fayette Co., 70 m. S. Pittsburg. of America (Fr. Etats-Unis; Ger. Pereinigte Staaten. Span. Estados Uitzdos), a federal republic, the greatest of the world, occupies the central portions of the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; bounded N. by the Dominion of Canada, partly separated by the Great Lakes and R. St. Lawrence; and S. by Mexico and the Rio Bravo. It includes also the J i Jf U detached territory of Alaska, lying N.W. of Canada. Lat. of the U.S., 24°30' to 49° N.; lon. 67° to 129°45′ W. Length, E. to W., 2800 m.; from N, to S. 1600 m. Area, inclusive of Alaska, 3,557,006 sq. m. P. (1880) 59,445,336, of whom 6,580,793 are of colour, and §.” Indians. . Number of immigrants in 1886, 392,887. The nion consists of 38 states, the Federal Dist. of Colümbiá, and 9 territories not yet erected into states. See the separate articles. The dist. of Columbia contains the metropolis, Washington, the seat of government and Houses of Legislature. The President of the U.S., is the head of the executive, and is elected for four years. The legislative power is in the Congress, composed of the Senate and House of Representatives. The Supreme Court is the head of the judicature. Each state has its separate legislature, and is independent of the others. The country contained in 1883 20 cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants. Physical Features: The lofty and gigantic system of the Rocky Mts. traverses the country from N. to S. In the E. is the Alleghany chain, parallel to the coast. These bound the vast basin of the Mississippi-Miš. souri, with its mighty affluents and great network of water high- ways, with its extensive and fertile plains; E. of the Alleghanies are the populous Atlantic plains, watered by numerous and large rivers; W. of the Rockies the main rivers are the Columbia, Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Rio Colorado. The Cascade and Coast ranges, the Sierra Nevada, and many inferior chains, traverse the Pacific slope from N. to S. The U.S. is very rich in minerals of every kind; the coal-fields are about equal to the area of France. Chief vegetable products are, wheat, maize, rice, Sugar, cotton, tobacco. The forests are a great source of wealth. Immense numbers of cattle, sheep, and swine are reared. United States of Colombia. See Colombia. [P. Io,454. §. tn. Bombay Pres, in Baroda State, 56 m. N. Ahmadabad, Unley, a suburb of Adelaide, S. Australia, 2 m. S. P. 5493. Unna, the Westphalia, 14 m. by rail E. Dortmund. P. 8964. Unst, most N. isl. of Shetland, 123 m. long. P. 2173. TJnstrut, r. Prussian Saxony, IIom. E. to the Saale. Unter See, the W. part of Lake of Constance, 10 m. long. Unterseen, the Switz, between Lakes Thun and Brienz. P. 1995. Tnterwalden, one of the original Swiss cantons, S. of the Lake of Lucerne. Area, 295sq. m. P. 27,348. Unyamwezi, country of E. Africa, E. of Tanganyika. Unyanyembé, th: in above country, 400 m. from the cst, P. 5000. Unyoro, kingdom, Africa, between Albert Nyanza and the Nile. Cap. Mrooli. Upernavik, most N. Danish settlement in W. Greenland, 72° 40' N. Uphall, vil. Linlithgowsh., 15 m. SW. Edinburgh. P. 591; paraffin- Upholland, th: ŞW. Lancash., 4 m. W. Wigan. P. 4435. [works. Upolu or Oatuak, principal of the Samoan isls. P. F.;68. Upper Dargo or Louisville, tshp. Victoria, 255 m. NE. Melbourne. Upper Mill; tın, W. R. York, 43 m. E. Oldhain. P. 1384. Upper Sandusky, vil. Ohio, on Sandusky R. P. 3540. [Jacobabad. Upper, Sind Frontier, dist. of Sind, 2139 sq. m. p. 12.81. Cap. gpºrthong, tr. W. R. York, 6 m. S.W. Huddersfield. P.236. ppinghºm, mkt.,tn. Rutland, 6 m. S. Oakham, P.2549. psal or Upsala, laºn, Sweden, N. of Lake Mälar, P."#8,694. psala, city, Sweden, cap. of above, on R. Sala, 45 m. NW. Stock- h9m. P. 20,955. Hās a cathedral and celebrated university. Upsala, ry. Sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 86 m. W. Port Arthur. Upton on Severn, mkt, th: Worcestersh., 6 m. SE. Malvern. P. 2485. Uragh, th: Würtemberg, 22 m. SE. Stuttgart. P. 3962. Ural or Qural, r. Russia, from Ural Mts., in Orenburg, 1000 m. SW. and S. to the Caspian Sea. Ural or Oural, MtS., great mountain system of Russia, separates Europe and Asia....Lon. 60° E. . 2050 m. long. Highest, 5286 ft. Uralla, tshp. New S. Wales, on Rocky R., 300 m. N. Sydney. Uralsk, gov., of Russian Central Asia, bounded W. by the Ural and Caspian Sea. Area, 141,313 sq. m. P. 506,347. Uralsk, cap. of above, on R. Ural. P. 20,677. Jran, th Bombay Pres, in Thana Dist., 8 m. SE. Bombay. P. ro, 149. Urana, post sta. N. S. Wales, on U. Creek, 76 m. SW. Wagga-Waggå. Uratepe, th: Russian Turkistan, gov. Syr-Daria, 90 m. NE. Samar- kand. P. 9820. Urbana, th: Illinois, cap. of Champaign co. P. 2943. [P. 6252. Urbana, city, Qhio, cap. of Champaign co., 47 m. W. Columbus. Urbania, th Italy, in the Marches, 7 m. SW. Urbino. P. of com. 5162. TVrbino, city, Italy, in the Marches, cap. Pesaro e Urbino. P. of com. 17,011. Has a university, cathedral, and ducal palace. Urda, th: Spain, prov. and 32 m. SE. Toledo. P. 3234. Ure, r. N. R. York, 50 m. E. and S.E. to the Swale, to form the Ouse. Ureg, th: Mexico, cap. of Sonora, on R. Sonora. P. 7500. Urſa or Orfa, ft. th: Turkey, 78 m. SW. Diarbekr. P. 30,000. Urfahr, the Upper Austria, on the Danube. P. 6994. Urga, city, Mongolia, cap. of Khalkas country, 48° N., 108°E. Uri, one of the original Swiss cantons, S.E. of Lake of Lucerne, 415 sq. m. P.23,694, Catholic and German. Cap. Altorf. Uri, Lake of, in the SE. extremity of the Lake of Lucerne. Urlingford, mkt., tm. Kilkenny, 13 m. NE. Thurles. P. 847. Urr Water, r. ICirkcudbrightshire, 27 m. SE. to Solway. Ursel, Ober, th: Prussia, 8 m. NW. Frankfort-on-Main. P. 4ooo. TJrua, kingdom, Central Africa, bounded W. by the Lomami, and E. by Lake Tanganyika. Cap. Kilemba. Urubamba, th: Peru, 40 m. NW. Cuzco, on R. Urubamba. P. 4ooo. Uruguay, r. S. America, rises in S. of Brazil, and flows W. and S.W., forming frontier between Argentina on the W. and Brazil al.d Uruguay on the E., 850 m. to the Rio Plata. Urugº or Banda. Oriental del Uruguay, rep. of S. America, ounded NE. by Brazil, W. by Argentina, S. by the Rio Plata and Atlantic Ocean; 350 by 320 m. Area, 72,176 sq. m. P. (1885) 582,858. Cap. Montevideo. Rearing of cattle and sheep is the chief industry. Language Spanish. Religion Roman Catholic. Urumiyah, ft. th N. Persia, 64 m. SW. Tabriz. P. 25,000. Urumiyah, Lake of, Persia, 30 m. SW. Tabriz, 85 by 30 m. Urumptsi (Tihoa), city, Soungaria, in the Thian Shan Range. Urup, one of the Kurile Isls., 149° 34' E., 50 by 12 m. Usa, r. Russia, from the Urals, 200 m. to the Petchora. Usambara, country of E. Africa, lies N.W. of Zanzibar. Usedom, isl. Pomerania, 9 m. SE. of Rügen, 30 by 1.4 m. Ushak, tri. Asia Minor, 138 m. E. of Smyrna. Ushant (Fr. Ouessazit), isl. off French cst., 26 m. W. Brest. P. 2400. Ushitza, th: Servia, 87 m. SW. Belgrade. P. 4000. Usk, parl. bor. Monmouthshire, on R. Usk, 157 m. W. London. P. 1495. It is one of the Mozzzzzolet/t Bozrozegh.3. Usk, r. S. Wales and Monmouthshire, 57 m. to Bristol Channel. Uskup or Skopia, th: Turkey, Ioo m. NW. Salonica. P. 30,000. Usman, th: Russia, 85 m. SW. Tambov, on R. Usman. P. 8110. Tsogo, country, Africa, on N. shore of Victoria Nyanza. Ussel, th: France, dep. Corrèze, on the Sarsonne. P. 4534. Ustiug Veliki, tin. Russia, gov. Vologda. P. 7792. TJStiuzhna, th: Russia, gov. and 200 m. NE. Novgorod. P. 6900. Ust Kamenogorsk, th: Asiatic Russia, on the Irtish. P. 3489. TJSumasinta, r. Guatemala and Mexico, 400 m. to the Tabasco Tſsuri, r. Manchuria, 340 m. N. to the Amur. Usworth, tshp. Durham, 4 m. SE. Gateshead. P. 4606. Utah, ter. of the U.S., bounded N. by Idaho and Wyoming, W. by Nevada, S. by Arizona, and E. by Colorado. It is traversed by the Wahsatch and Uintah Mts., and contains the Great Salt Lake. Main river, the Rio Colorado. Area, 84,970 sq. m. P. (1850) II,380 ; (1880), I43,963. Cap. Salt Lake City. Utah Lake, in above, 24 m. long, discharges by the Jordan. TJtakamand, th: Madras Pres., cap. of Nilgiri Hills. P. 12,335. Dtica, city, New York, in Oneida Co., on Mohawk R. l’. 33,914. IJtiel, th: Spain, prov. Valencia, 9 in. N.W. Requeña. P. 8198. Tſtrecht, prov. Netherlands, S. of the Zuyder Zee, 532 sq. m. P. 212,454. Chief tins., U., Amersfoort, and Montfoort. TJtrecht, city, cap. of above, 33 m. SE. Amsterdam, on the Old Rhine. P. 79,166. The seat of a celebrated university. Tſtrecht, th South African Rep., in extreme SE., cap. of U. District. Iſtrera, th: Spain, prov. and 16 m. SSE. Seville. P. 15,093. TJttoxeter, mkt, tri. Staffordsh., 13 m. NE. Stafford. P. 498r. TJxbridge, mkt. th: Middlesex, on R. Colne, 16 m. NW. Lond. P. 7669. TJxbridge, vil. Massachusetts, co. and 19 m. SSE. Worcester. P. 31 f. LIXbridge, vil. Ontario, in Ontario Co., 43 m. from Toronto. P. 1500, Uxmal, ruined city, Yucatan, 45 m. SSW. Merida. Uzes, th: France, dep. Gard, 15 m. NNE. Nimes. P. 5293. Uzen, G#. and Lit., 2 rs. Russia, flow 250 m. towards the Caspian. Waal or Ky Gariep, r. S. Africa, from Quathlamba Mts. 500 m. to the Orange R. It forms the S. boundary of the S. African Republic. Vaigats or Waigatz, isl. Russia, between the mainland and Nova Zembla, 60 m. by 35. Valais, cant. Switz., in the SE., forming the upper valley of the Khône, 2026 sq. m. P. 100,216; all Rom. Cath. Cap. Sión. Waldagno, th: Italy, prov. and 14 m. NW. Vicenza. P. of com. 7496. Valdai Hills, Russia, gov. Novgorod, give rise to the Volga. Valdepeñas, the Spain, 30 m. SE. Ciudad Real, on the Jabalon. P. Valdepeñas, th: Spain, prov. and 15 m. S.W. Jaen. P. 4721. [13,867. Valdivia, prov. S. Chili, Io,715 sq. m. Cap. Valdivia. Valdivia Port or Corral, spt. cap. of above, 39° 49' S. P. 3872. Waldobbiadene, vil. Italy, proy, and 20 m. N. Treviso. P. of com. 5179. Valeggio, vil. Italy, on the Mincio, at Lago di Garda. P. 5509. Valençay, th: France, dep, Indre, 25 in, N. Châteauroux. P. 3554. ; T--—- Valence, th: France, cap. of Drôme, on the Rhône, p Valence d'Agen, tn. France, dep. Taº. sº Valencia, old maritime prov. in E. of S ain, now formiń. provs of Valencia, Alicante, and Castellon de la Pana. - Valencia, prov. of above, 4151 sq. m. P. 687,286. València, śpt, city, cap. of above, on the Guadalaviar. P. I40,282. It has a famous cathedral and university. Manufs. silk, sackcloth tobacco, etc...etc. Exports, wine, oranges, grapes, saffron, etc.” Valencia, city, Venezuela, cap. of Carabobo, 30 m. S. of Puerto Ca- bello, 2 m., W. of the Lake of V. P. 36,145. Valencia di Alcantara, ft. th: Spain, prov Cáceres. P. 7795. Valençiennes, ft, the France, dep, Nord, on R. Escaut, 31 m. SE Lille. . P. 27,607. Its lace is celebrated. - e Vale, East, th: Staffordsh., 5 m. SE. Stoke. P. I4I9. Valentia Isl., S.W. co. Kerry, 6 m. by 2. P. 2240, [tn. 9228 Valenza, th: N. Italy, proy. Alessandria, on r. b. Po. P. of com. Valetta,...spt, city, cap...of Malta, on NE, cst. It has a fine harbour. and is strongly fortified. P. 8ooo. s Walgrana, vil. Italy, 8 m. W. Coni. P. 2287. Walki, the Russia, gov. and 27 m. W. Kharkov. P. 5246. Walladolid, city, Spain, cap. of prov. V., on the Pisuerga, 27 m. SSW. Valencia. P. 49,827. Manuſs. silk, cotton, and woºl.' ºf he seat of a celebrated university. P. of prov. 247,458. Valladolid, city, Yucatan, 90 m. ESE. Merida. P. 4ooo. Valle de Ujo, th; Spain, 15 m, S.W. Castellon de la Flana. P. 8565. Valledolmo, th: Sicily, 40 m. SE. Palermo. P. 3505. S Vallejo, spt. California, Solano co., 27 m. N. San Francisco. P. 5987 Here is a U.S. navy-yard. s Vallelunga, th Sicily, 18 m. NW. Caltanisetta. P. 6366. Vallendar, vil. Rhenish Prussia, 3 m. N. Coblentz, on the Rhine. P. Valleraugue, th: France, dep. Gärd, on the Hérault. F. 3124. [3614. Valleyfield, vil. Quebec, co. Beauharnois, 6 m. SE. Coteau fan ing. Vallievo, th Servia, 55 m. SW. Belgrade. P. Modo, [P.3906 Valls, the Spain, Iom. N. Tarragona. P. I3,250. • g Valognes, th: France, dep. Manche, 11 m. ŠE. Cherbourg. P. 5782. Valuiki, th: Russia, gov. and 1.15 m. S. Voronezh, P. 66%. Valparaíso, ft. Špt, city, Chili, cap, of prov. V., 90 m. WNW. Sant- iago,33° 1.56”.S. P. 100,000. P. of prov. 2O3,320. [4461. Valparaíso, city, Indiana, cap. of Porter CQ., 44 m. SE. Chicago. P. Valreas, tin. France, dep, Vaucluse, 22 m. NE. Orange. P. 4808. Waltos, vil. Lewis, on Lake Roag, 34 m. W. Stornoway. P. 332. Valverde, cap...tn. of Ferro, Canary Isls. P. 5422. Valverde del Camino, the Spain, in Huelva, 38 m. W. Seville. P. 7OI4. Van, ft. city, Turkish Armenia, on E, shoré of Lake Van, 145 m. SE. Erzeroum. P. 12-40,000. Vancouver, spt, city, British Columbia, terminus of C. P. Ry. Vancouver Isl., off W. cst. British Columbia, 278 m. long by 50 to 65 iſk. Area, 5:937, §§; m. At the S. extremity is Victoria, cap. of Van Diemen's Gulf, NW. Australia, roo by 50 m. [British Columbia. Van Diemen's Land, former name of 7asºa. Vanikoro, isl. Pacific Ocean, in Santa Cruz Grp. P. 10,000. Wankleek Hill, vil. Qntario, in Prescott co. P. 700. Vaniyambadi, tr. Madras Pres, Salem Dist., on R. Palar. P. I5,426 Vannes, spt. tn. France, cap. of Morbihan, on S. cst, of Brittany 6: V II]. § Nº. P. 19,284. º anua, Balevu, isl. Fiji Islands. Area, 25 sq. m. Th. Vanua Levu, isl. Fiji Islands. 5 Sq Loma Loma. Vanyes or Vanvres, yil. France, 1 m. S. Paris, with a detached fort. P.7926. Linen bleaching carried on. Van Wert, th: Ohio, cap. of W. W. co., 32 m. E. Fort Wayne. P. 4079. War, r. SE. France, in dep. Alpes Maritimes, 60 m. S. to the sea. War, dep. S. France, on the Mediterranean, 6° E. Area, 2323 sq. m. P. 283,889. .Cap. Draguignan. It contains Toulon. Varanger Fiord, in N. of Norway, 70° N., 28°46'-31° E. Varazze or Varaggio, th N. Italy, on Gulf of Genoa. P. 845o. Wardar, r. Turkey, 170 m. S. to &# of Salonica. Wardöe, isl, and ft. Norway, 70°30'36° N. P. 1322. Wi. tn. º * mth. of Jahde. P. 4812. arese, th: N, Italy, 37% m. NNW. Milan. P. of com. I4,362 - th e Wi. tn. Yº: See Barinas. 4,362 th, 8877 arna, ft. Spt. Bulgaria, on Black Sea. P. 24,555. stadt. V383, gov. Finland, on Gulf, of Bothnia. #ºss. Cap. Nº. Vásárhely or Hodmezo Vásárhely, th: Hungary, on Lake Hodos, , 14 m. NE. Szegedin., P.50,966; wine and tº. Vásárhely or Somlyo Vásárhely, th Hungary, 25 m. W. of Veszprim, on the Torna. P. 4189. Vasilkov, th; Russia, gov. and 18 m. SW. Kiev. P. 16,597. Vaskut, vil. Hungary, co. Bacs, 4 m. from Baja. P. 5160. Vasy, th France, dep. Haute Marne, on the Blaise. P. 2655. Waito, tn; Italy, prov, and 31 m. SE. Chieti. P. of com. 14,532. Waternish, peninsular dist. in the N. of Skye, Inverness. Vatskir, vil. Lewis Isl., 7 m. NE. Stornoway. P. 396. Vathi, cap. of Samos, on NE. shore. P. 3380. Vattila-gundu, vil. Madras Pres., in Madura Dist. P. Ir,563. Vauclim, Le, th: Martinique, French W. Indies. P. 5863. Vaucluse, dep. SE. France, bounded W. by the Rhône, Area 1370 sq. m. P. 241,787. Cap. Avignon. x + o Vaucluse, Fontaine de, vil. in above, 15 m. I. Avignon. Yºugoulețrs, the Fºnce, dep. Meuse, it m. S. Coimmercy. P. 2726. Vaud or Pays de Vaud (Ger. Hºtadt), cant. W. Switz. N. of the Lake.9f Geneva. Area, 1244 sq. m. P. 238,730. Cap. Lausanne, Vaudreuil, vil. Quebec, cap. of co. W., on R. Št. Lawrence, P. 1857. Vaughan, the Victoria, co. Talbot, on R. Loddon. P. 744. Vauvert, tin. France, dep. Gard, 11 m, S.W. Nimes. P. 4400. Vauxhall, sub. of London, 23 m. SSW. St. Paul's. P. ro,447. Vecchiano, th; Italy, prov. and 12 m. N. Pisa. P. of com.'é925. Wecht, arm of the Rhine, in Netherlands, prov. Utrecht, branches from the Old Rhine, flowing 18 m. N. to Zuyder Zee at Muiden. Wechta, tm. Germany, 28 m. S. Oldenburg. , P. 3040. Wechte, r. Westphalia, Hanover and Netherlands to Zuyder Zee, Wedelago, vil. Italy, 14 m. W. Treviso. P. of com. 6988. [90 m. Veendam, vil. Netherlands, 15 m. SE. Groningen. P. ro,582. Weemendaal, vil. Netherlands, 19 m. E. Utrecht. P. 4177. Vegesack, spt. Germany, on the Weser, 10 m. N.W. Bremen. P. 3817. Vegetable Creek or Emmaville, post th: N. S.W., 403 m. N. Sydney. Veglia, Austrian isl. Adriatic, E. of Istria, *śby 12 m. P. 18,089. Veile, th: Denmark, Jutland, on the Veile. P. 7145. §. (or Bejer) de la Frontera, th, Spain, 27 m. SE. Cadiz. P. 11,137. Vela de Coro, La., spt. th Venezuela, NE. of Coro. Velbert, th: Prussia, gov. Düsseldorf, 8 m. NW. Barmen. P. Io,588. Velez, th: Colombia, 60 m. N. Tunja. P. 8ooo. Velez Blanco, th, Spain, prov. and 60 m. NNE. Almeria. P. 6594. Velez de Benaudalla, th Spain, 30 m. SE. Granada. P. 3984. Velez Malaga, th: S. Spain, 14 m. E. Malaga, on R. Velez. P. 24,332. Velez Rubio, th: Spain, prov. and 54 m. NNE. Almeria. P. 9439. Veliki-Luki, th: Russia, gov. and 132 m. SE. Pskov. P. 6598. Velino, r. and falls, Italy, joins the Nera, in Umbria, 54 m. [16,372. Velizh, th: Russia, gov. and 47 m. NE. Vitebsk, on R. Diina. Tº. Welleia, buried city, N. Italy, prov, Parma, 18 m. S. Piacenza. Welletri, th: Italy, 21 m. SE. Rome. P. of com. 16,861 ; tın. 13,532. Vellore, th: Madras Pres., in N. Arcot Dist., on R. Palar. P. 37,491. Venado, th Mexico, 45 m. San Luis Potosi. P. 8000. Venafro, th Italy, prov. Caserta, 27 m. NW. Capua. P. of com. 4966. Venaria. Reale, th: Italy, prov. and 6 m. NW. Turin. P. of com. 5871. Wence, th: France, dep. Alpes Maritimes, 14 m. NE. Grasse. P. 2761. Vendôme, tin. France, dep, Loir-et-Cher, on the Loir. P. 9420. Vendrell, tm. Spain, prov. and 17 m. NE. Tarragona. P. 5291. Vendée or La Vendée, dep. W. France, on Bay of Biscay. Area, 2588 sq. m. P. 434,808. There are several isls. Cap. La Roche-sur- Vendée or La Vendée, r. in above, 46 m. to Sèvre-Niortaise. [Yon. Venetia, a compartimento of NE. Italy, embracing 8 provs. It lies between the Alps and the Adriatic, Cap. Venice. Venev, the Russia, gov. and 28 m. E. Tula. P. 3433. Venezia, Italian for Veztzce. Venezuela, republic of S. America, bounded N. by the Caribbean Sea, W. by Columbia, S. by Brazil, E. by Brit. Guiana. Area, 632,972 sq. m. P. 2, 198,320. Cap. Caracas. It is divided into 8 states, 8 territories, 2. ‘ settlements,’ and a Federal dist. It is traversed by 2 mtn. chains, one of which is an offshoot of the Andes, between which are the plains or LZaztos, intersected by the Orinoco. Wengurla, spt. Bombay Pres., in Ratnagiri Dist. P. 8947. Venice (Ital. Peztecta, Ger. Pentedig.), ft. city, Italy, cap. of prov. W., situated on 8o isls. in the Lagoons of Venice, off the head of the Adriatic. One of the finest cities of Europe, and unique as regards its situation, construction, architecture, and historic fame. Rich in art treasures. P. of com. 132,826; city, 129,445. P. of prov. 352,455. Venloo, th: Netherlands, prov. Limburg, on the Maas. P. 96.15. Vennachar, Loch, Perthshire, expansion of the Teith, 33 m. long. Venosa, th: Italy, prov. and 23 m. N. Potenza. P. 8465. Ventimiglia, th Italy, 18 m. E. Nice, on the cºt. P. 5444. Ventnor, º Isle of Wight, on SE. cst. P. 5504. Vera, th: Spain, prov. and 39 m. NE. Almeria, near CŞt. P. 8665. Vera Cruz, state, Mexico, on SW. of the Gulf of Mexico, 500 m. long. P. 582,441. Orizaba volcano rises to 17,380 ft. Vera Cruz or Villa Rica de Vera Cruz, city, spt. cap. of above, 185 Im. E. Mexico, 19° 11' 54" N. P. 16,848. Veragua, th: Columbia, 125 m. WSW. Panama. P. 6258. - e. Verapoli, tin. Madras Pres., in Travancore State, 9 m. NE. Cochin, is the seat of a Roman Catholic archbishop and cathedral. 67 -T VERAWAL THE CENTURY GAZETTEER WALTON _-TT * - łavºr o 33, N., 72° 26' E. P. I2, III. Verawal, spt. Indiº º: º . § . Paola, P. §8. verbicaro, th: Ş. Italy, Pº-º: ... on the Sesia. P. 20,165. Vercelli, º º rº,º S. b. St i.awrence. P. 900. * , vil. Quebec, Cap, a *-*-** * • *-* * : - Yº: Hanover, on the Aller, 2., n. SE, Bremen. P. 8553. 3. to the Durance. [P. 16,053, verdon, r. S. France, flows 90m tº D R. Meuse Verdun, th: France, dep. Meuse, 28 m. N. Bar-le- .. tri t * Veresdale, post th: Co. Ward, Queensland: agricultural district. Vereya, td. Russia, gov. and 62 m. *WSW. Moscow. , P. 5606. vergärä, tn. Spain, prov. Guipuzºgă, 29. SW. º: #. ; vergennes, city, Vermont.cº. Addison, on Otter Creek. P. I782. veria, tº Turkey, 35 m; W. Salonica. P. 8000. Verkhni Uralsk, ft. tin. Russia, in Orenburg. P. 4957. Wºrkhoturie, th: Russia, goy. Perm, on the Tura. P. 8900. vermejo or Rio Grande, r. Argentinº. 73°º: to the Palaśīlay. vermiilion Bay, ry. Sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry.; 242 m. W. Port Arthur. vermont, one of the New England states of the U.S.A., bounded N. by Quebec Prov., W. by New York and L; Champlain, S. by Massa. Čhusetts, and E. by New IIampshire, |ſhe Connecticut R. forms its E. boundary. The Green Mts, traverse the state from N. to S. Length, 150 m. by 35 to 85 m. Area, 9565 sq. m. P. (1790), 85,435; (1880), 332,286. Montpelier is the State Cap. Ottaw Verner, ry. sta, Ontario, on C. P. Railway, 277 m. W. from Ottawa. verneuii,'tm. France, dép. Eure, on R; Avre. P. 3988. Vernon, tin. France, dep. Eure, on R. Seine. . P. 7889. vernoye, th; Russian Turkistan, ºp. of Semiretchinsk. P. I7,000. 6 verocz, th: Hungary, in Slavonia, 65 ºn: wn W. Eszek. P. 5586. [52]. véroia Nuova, ºn. Italy, in Lombardy,761. SW. Brescia. P. of com. véroïa vecchia, th: Italy, I m. W. of the above. P. of com. 3615. verolengo, th: Piedmont, I7 m. NE. Turin. P. of com. 65.89. veroli, tri. Italy, prov. Rome, 5 m. NE. Frosinone. P. 4521 ; Com. 33; Verona, ft. city, N. Italy, cap. of prov. W., on the Adige, 22 m. NNE. Mantua. P. 60,763; com. 68,741. It has remains of a famous Roman amphitheatré. P. of prov. 394,868. r - Versailles, city, France, cap. of Seiſe-et-Oise, 10 m. S.W. Paris. P. TNoted for its famous palace. P. 2126. tn. Kentucky, cap. of Woodford Co., 34 m. S.E. Frankfort. o: Verschitz, ft.'tm. Hungary, 41 m, S. Ternº: P. 22,329. site of Roman city, Herts, on R.Ver, opposite St. Albans. tn, Belgium, in W. Flanders, on the Lys. P. 7249. th. Belgium, 14 m. E. Liége. P. 46,329. tn. Russia, gov.and 134 m. NE. Tver. P. 552O. tn. France, cap. of Haute-Saône, 37 m. N. Besançon. P. 9553. celebrated active volcano, S. Italy, on E. sid: of Bay of Naples. Alt. 3948 ft. Its eruption, in A.D. 79 overwhelmed the cities of Pompéii, Herculaneum, and Stabiaº. Veszprim, th: W. Hungary, 69 m. SW. Buda. P. 12,575. Vetluga, r. Russia, govs. Kostrona and Nizhni-Novgorod, 300 m. to veuve, ry. sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry.; 288 ºn, W. Ottawa. [the Volga. veway, th Switzerland, canton Vaud, on Lake of Geneva. P. 7820. vézère, r. France, 100 m. to the Dordogne, 39 nº E. Bergerac. Viadana, th: Italy, prov. Mantua, on R. Po. P. of com. 16,083; tın. 6000. Via Malá, deep defile, Switz., along Upper Rhine, cant: GrisonS. Viana do"Castello, spt. Portugal, prov, Minhº.49 m. N. Oporto. P. iareggio, spt. Italy, 13 m. W. Lucca, on Mediter. P. I2,519. [9249. viatkä r. Rüssia, gov.V., flows 500 m. to the Kama. x Viatka, gov. Russia, 58° N., 50° E. Area, 59,314 sq. m. P. 2,774,138. viatka, City, cap. of above, on the Viatkā, P. 24.25. viazma, th: Russia, gov. and room. ENE: Smolensk. P. II,637. Viborg, th Denmark, on Lake V., 36 m. NW, Aarhuus. , P. 7353. Viborg, spt. Finland, cap. of gov. W., on Gulf of Finland. P. 15,554. Area of gov. 16,623 sq. m. P. 321,932. Vicari, tin. Sicily, prov, and 49 m. SSE: Palermo. P. 5096. Vicenza, city, Italy, cap. of prov, V.,. 49 m: W. Venice, on R. facóhiglione. P. 27,694. . Manufs, include silk, woollen, and linen goods. Contains some fine example: of Palladio's architectural designs. Area of prov. IoI6 sq. m. P. 413,371. Vic Fezensac, th France, dep. Gers, 16 m, N.W. Auch. P. 3000. vich or Viqué, city, Spain, 37 m. by rail N. Barcelona. P. 12,478. Vichy or Moutiers-les-Bains, watering-place, France, dep. Allier, on É. Allier, 35 m., S. Moulins. P. 8536. Mineral Springs.. . Vicksburg, city, Mississippi, cap. of Warren Co., on Mississippi R., 45 m. by rail W. Jackson. P. II,814. Exports Cotton. Vico,th Italy, prov. Foggia, 14 m. W. Viesti. P. 8662. Vico Equensé, th; Italy, ióm, SE. Naples. P. of com. II,251 ; tın, 3285. Vico Pisano, th Italy, prov. Pisa. P. of Com. 8497; th: 2562. Victoria, Brit. col. Australia, in the SE., having New S. Wales ºn the N., from which it is separated by the R. Murray; on the W- S. Australia; and on the S. the Southern Ocean and Bass Strait. It terminate; in the E. at Cape II owe. It lies between 34° and 39° S., and 141°-150° E.; 480 m. long by 250 m. . Area, 87,8845g. In- § (1881) 862,346; (1886) 1,033,052. Ainth. chain, known in the E. as the Australian Alps, and as the Pyrenees on the W., traverses the colony which, oxcept in the plains of the NW., is well watered and fertiſe, with fine forests. . Climate temperate and healthy. The commerce of the colony is very extensive. Exports, wool, gold, grain, and flour. Melbourne is the cap. Victoria, vil, Texas, cap. of Victoria co., on Guadalupe R. P. 2010. victoria, th: Canada, cap. of British Columbia, at SE. cxtremity of Vancouver Island, 3600 m. from Montreal. P. 5925. Victoria, spt. and chief th of Hong-Kong. P. J39,000. Victoria, th: Argentina, in Entre Ríos, on R. Uruguay. P. 4526. Wictoria, spt. Brazil, cap. of Espírito Santo, 279 m. NE. Ric P 5000. 7ictoria, vil. Tasmania, on Huon R., 24 m. SW. Hobart. Victoria, th: Venezuela, cap. of Guzman-Blanco, 35 m. SW. Caracas. P. 7500. . 16,821. ctoria. Docks, dist. Ilondon, on R. Thames, opposite Woolwich. Victoria East, div. SE. Cape Col. Area, 576 sq.m. P. 8894. Chieftn. 7ictoria Falls or Mosioatunya, on R. Zambesi, 100 ft.,high. [Alice. Victoria or Alexandrina, Lake, S. Australia, near and communicat- ing with the sea; receives the Murray R. Victoria Land, in Antarctic Regions, 70° to 79° S., 168°E. Victoria Land, in Arctic America, 70° N.,193-IIQ. W. Victoria, Nyanza, largest known lake of Africa, lies on the Equator, and discharges to the N. by the Nile. Area, 26,500 Sq. in. ; 3705 - ft. above sea-level. Victoria, Park, dist. and ry. sta. in NE. of London. P.,9839. , Victoria Park, ry, sta. Mānitoba, on C. P. Ry:, 16 m. N. Winnipeg. Victoria Plains, post tim, W. Australia, 82 m. N. Perth. Victoria Strait, Arctic America, E. of Victoria Land, 100° W. Victoria, West, th Cape Colony, cap. of V. W. Div., 410 m. NE. Cape Town. P. 753, Area of div. 15815.5G, i. .P., 13,247. Viennä (German, iſºl), city, metropolis, of Austria-Hungary and cap. of Lower Austria, on a branch of the Danube, 48° 12' 32° N., 16° 23' E., 340 m. SSE. Berlin, 480 ft. above sea-level. P. 1,103,857. It is the seat of a university with a famous medical school, and is the chief manufacturing centre of the Empire. Vienna, vil. Ontario, in Elgin co., on Big Qtter Creek. P. 600. vienne, r. France, flows 220 m. N. and NW. to the Loire; Vienne, dep. France, traversed by the above r., 46°30' N., o' 30" E. Area, 2691 sq. m. P. 342,785. Cap. Poitiers. 7ienne, tin. France, dep. Isèré, on the Rhône. P. 20,060. fieque, Bieque or Crab Island, in Spanish W. Indies, 9 m. E. Pºrto fieńaſide, small dist. N. Germány, SE. of Hamburg. P. 8278. [Rico. fiernheim, vil. Hessen, 8 m. SSW. Iſeppenheim. ... P. 5245. fiersen, tr. Rhenish Prussia, 18 m. W. Düsseldorf. P. 22,228. Tierwaldstätter See, German for Lake of Lucerne. f f ſ V f * * \ l erzon, tm. France, dep. Cher, 20 m. NW. Bourges. P. 9969. iesti, tin. Italy. prov. Foggia, on Adriatic. P. 7385. etri, tin. Italy, prov. and 1% m. W. Salerno. P. of com. 8815. eux Condé, tri. France, dep. Nord, 9 m. N. Valenciennes. P. 6296. figan, th: France, dep. Gard, 50 m. WNW. Nimes. P. 5268. rigan, spt. Philippines, on NW. CSt. Luzon. . P. I7,196. [15,065. gevano, tin. Italy, prov. Pavia, near R. Ticino, 15 m. S. Novara. P. £gianello, tm. Italy. in Basilicata, 20 m. SE. Lagonegro. P. of com. fgiano, tin. Italy, in Basilicata, 24 ni. S. Potenza, P. 5477... [4954. gma.court, vil. France, dep. Somme, II m. from Amiens. P. 31.14. gnola, th: Italy, prov. and 5 m. SW. Potenza. P. of com. 3676. go, ft. spt. Spain, prov. Galicia, on Ria de Vigo. P. I3,416. go Lake, Russia, gov. Olonets, 45 m-N. of Lake Onega. gone, tri. Italy, prov. Turin, 9 m. ESE. Pinerolo. P. 6147. Wigten Islands, off coast of Norway, 64° 46' N. Tilafames, th Spain, 7 m. NNE. Castellon de la Plana. P. 4918. filagos, th: in Sî. Hungary, 15 m. NE. Arad. P. 5000. Tilaine, r. France, from dep. Mayenne, 139 m. to the Atlantic. Tilbel, tu. in Hessen, on the Nidda, 5 m. NE. Frankfort. P. 3822. ſiliuisk, tin. E. Siberia, 180 m. NNW. Yakutsk. P. 387. Wilkomir, th: Russia, gov. Kovno, 50 m, NW, Vilna. P 15,039. Villa Cañas, the Spain, 43 m. SE. Toledo. P. 4958. Willa Carillo, th S. Spain, 42 m. NE. Jaen. P. 8696. Villach, tin. Austria, in Carinthia, on the Drave. P. 6104. Villa Cidro, tin. Sardinia, 26 m. NW. Cagliari. P. 5191. Villa Clara, or Santa Clara, tin. Cuba, 45 m. NW. Trinidad. P. 22,781. Villa de Fuerte, tin. Mexico, 75 m. N. of Cinaloa, P. 5000. la do Conde, spt. tin. Portugal, prov. Minho, P. 4963. la Faletto, tm. Italy, Iom. N. Coni, on the Maria. P. 4296. lafranca, th: Italy, 9 m. SW, Verona, on Tartaro. P. of com. 8729. la Franca, th: Brazil, prov. Para, near the Amazon. P. 4000. Villafranca de la Marisma, th: Spain, 15 m. S. Seville. P. 4000. 7; de los Barros, th Spain, prov. Badajoš. T. 8524. del Panades, th: Spain, prov: Barcelona. P. 698.I. del Vierzo, th Spain, prov. Leon. P. 4440.- . di Xira, tin. Portugal, on Tagus.20 m. NE, Lisbon, P. di Piemonte, th italy, 20 m, SW. Túriº, P. 4625. [4204. tn. Spain, prov. Pontevedra, 20 m: N. Vigo. P. 5716. spt. Špain, 20 m. N.E., Alicante. ...P.932” tn. Spain, 32 m. NW. Valladolid. P. 3645. àe fortimão, cst, th Portugal, prov. Algarye. P. 6425. de Souza, th: Brazil, 280 m. W. Parahiba. P. 6cco. de Gordova, thispain, 40 m. NNE, Cordova; P. 5781. del Arzobispo, th: Spain, 50 m. NE. Jaen. E. 5395. de la Serena, th Spain, 58 m. E. Badajos P. Io,710. de losinfantes, th’Spain, 51 m. E. Ciudad Real. P. 6813. y la Geltra, spt. Spain, 25 m. §W. Barcelona. P. 13,613. Antonio, tú. Portugal, at mth. of Guadiana. tn. Portugal, in Tras-os-Montes, on the Corgo. P. 5525. tn. Spain, 5 m. SSW. Castellon de la Plana. P. 12,887. de Concepcion, th: Paraguay, on R. Paraguay. P. 4CCo. tn. Sicily, 12 m. NE. Caltanisetta; P. 8970; com. Io,449. tn. Spain, 65 m. ENE, Ciudad Real. P. 93.20. • losójos de Guadiana, th: Spain, prov. and 20 m. ENE. Real. P. 5374. - Villa Viçosa, th Portugal, prov. Alemtejo, 15 m. SW. Elvas. P. 3445. via vičosa, the Brazil, prov. and 150 m. W. Ceará. P. 5000. viii.fraîche de Rouergue, th France dep. Aveyron, on Rºveyrº- 76; m. NE. Toulouse. P. 19,366. A P. 12,485. villéfianche sur Saône, th France, dep, Rhône, on the Saône. villena, th Spain, prov, and 32 m. NW. Alicante. P. II,424. villeneuve-sur-Lot, th France, dep: Lot-et-Garonne. P. 14,560. Willeneuve-sur-Yonne, th France, dep. Yonne. P. 5010. villers-Bretonneux, tri. France, dep. Somme, Iom. E. Amiens. P. 5911. villers Cotterets, tri. France, dep, Aisne, 14 m. SW. Soissons. P. 3811. Vilette, La., vil. France, in NE. of Paris. villeurbanne, vil. France, dep: Isère, 4 m. from Lyons. T. II,176. Willingen, th: Baden, 42 m. NW. Constance. P. 6140. Vilna, gov. W. Russia. Area, 16,422 sq. m. P. 1,223,262. Vilna, city, cap. of above, on the Vilia; 90 m: NE. Grodno. P. 93,763. V V Wi Vi Wi shöfen, th: Lower Bavaria, on the Danube. P. 3148. yoordén, the Belgium, 6 m. NNE. Brussels, P. 8825. meira, th: Portugal, in Estremadura, 7 m.N. Fºres Vedras. P. 2027. mercate, th N. Itály, prov. and 14 m. NE. Milan. P. 4643. inaroz, spt. th: Spain, 46 m. NE. Castellon de la Plana, near mth. of the Ébro. P. 9528; shipbuilding. [du Tron, Paris, P., 17:364. incennes, th: France, with castle and “bois,” 4 m. E. of the Barrière incennes, city, Indiana, cap. of Knox Co., on Wabash. P. 7680. inchiaturo, tr. Italy, prov. and 6 m. S. Campobasso. P. 5062. ncovcze, th Slavonia, 20 m. SE. ESzeks...}. 5377. ndau, Sºt. Russia, in Courland, room. NW. Mittau. P. 5720. ndhya, mtn. system, India, separates the basin of the Ganges from the Ijeccan, N. of the Narbada R. Elev. from 1509 to 4500 ſt. Hill, mid, co. Wexford, near Enniscortly : battle 1798. tr. in Cochin China, cap. of W. Prov. P. 5000; prov. 103,933. Russia, in Podolia, on the Bug. P.18,581. post tshp. Victoria, Ios m. NE. Melbourne; P. 284. tn. Bombay Pres., 40 m. W. Ahmadabad. P. 18,990. tn. India, in Tinnevelli Dist. P. I2,318. ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry.; 180 m. W. Winnipeg. tn. france, dep. Calvados, on R, Vire. ...P. 6597. Gorda, one of the Virgin Isls., British W. Indies. mkt, th in S. Co. Cavan, on Lough Ramor. P. 663. an Atlantic state of the U.S. of America, one of the original 13 states, bounded N. by Maryland, W. by W. Virginia and Kentucky, S. by N. Carolina, E. by the Atlantic. The Chesapeake Bay intersects it in the E., and the W. parts are occupied by the Alleghany Mrs. The , chief rivers are, the Potomac, Râppahannock, and James. Area, 42,450 sq. m. P. (1880) 1,512,565. The soil is various, but generally productive. *Tobacco is the staple crop. Richmond is the capital, and Norfolk the chief seaport. See West Virginia. Virginia City, tri. Nevada, U.S., in Storey co, 15 m. NNE. of Carsoll City, 620; ft. above the sea. P. 10,917; silver-mines. Virginia. Water, dist., ry. Sta., and lake, 23 m. SW. London, P. IIoo. virgin Islg., grp. in the W. Indies, E. of Porto Rico. The isls. belonging to Britain have an area of 57 sq. m. P. 5287. Vishera, r. Russia, gov. Perm, 260 m. to the Kama. Vishnii Volotchok, th: Russia, gov. and 70 m. NW. Tyer. P. II,589. Visnagar, th Bombay Pres., in Baroda. P.19,602. Viso del Alcor, th: Spain, 14 m. ENE. Seville. P. 5080. Vistrorio, vil. Italy, prov. Turin, ſo m. W. Ivrea. P. 6166. Vistula (Ger. Iſºeichsel, Polish, JP isla), large r. of Europe, rises. Austrian Silesia, flows NE, past Cracow, N. and N.W. through Russian Poland and Prussia to the Baltic, 694 m. ; 3 m. N. of Vita, th: Sicily, 45 m. SW. Palermo. P. 5574. [Dantzic. Witchegda, r. Russia, gov. Vologda, 380 m. to the Dvina. Vitebsk, gov. Russia, 57° N., 28° E. Area, 17,439 sq. m. P. J., cor,224, mostly Roman Catholics. Vitebsk, tin. cap. of above, on R. Diina. P. 57,079. Viterbo, city, central Italy, 42 m. NNW. Rome. P. of com, 19,749. Viti Levu, largest of the Fiji Isls., 90 by 50 m. P. 70,500. [to the Lena. Vitim, r. E. Siberia, rises S.E. of Lake Baikal, flows NE. and N. 900 m. Vitoria, tm. Spain, cap. of Alava, 29 m. S. Bilbao. P. 25,039. Vitré, tin. France, dep. Ille-et-Vilaine, on the Vilaine. P., Io,314. Vitry, th: France, dep. Pas-de-Calais, 19 m. E. Arras... P. 2837. itry.le-François, ft. th France, dep. Marne, on R. Marne. P. 7760. try-sur-Seine, th: France, 5 m. SE. Paris...P., 3758. ittoria, th Sicily, prov. Syracuse, 14 m. W. Modica. P. of com. vero, th Spain, prov, and 45 m. N. of Lugo. P. II,345. [25,735. vi, station, on the Congo, IIom. from the Sea. izagapatam (Visha Aſia-Żattazzi), dist. Madras Pres., on Bay of Bengal. Area, 17,380 sq. m. P. 2,485,741. Vizagapatam, spt, th cap. of above, 17° 41' 50' N. P. 30,291. Vizeu, fin. Portugal, prov. Beira, 50 m. N. Coimbra. P. 7242. iziamagram, tr. India, in Vizagapatam Dist., 17 m, N.W. Bimli- patam. P. 22,577. Wizzini, th: Sicily, 29 m. SW. Catania, P. 14,324. Vlaºlingº, fishing th: in S. Holland, on R. Maas, 6 m. W. Rotter- dam. P. Io,526. Vladi-Kavkas, th Russia, cap. of Terek Dist. P. 32,337. Vladimir, gov. in centre of Russia. Area, 18,863 sq. m. P. i.,359,327. Vladimir, cap. of above, on the Kliasma, 120 m. E. Moscow. P. 18,424. Vladimir, th Russia, in Volhynia, 27 m. S. Kovel. P. 8042. Vladivostock, spt. Asiatic Russia, on Sea of Japan. P. 8800 Vlieland, isl. in N. Holland, offentrance to Zuyder Zee, Io by 1% m. Vlotho, th: Westphalia, on R. Weser, 9 m. SW. Minden. P. 3439. Vodina, th: Turkey, in Roumelia, 46 m. NW. Salonica. P. 12,000. Voil, Loch, Perthshire, 33 m. W. of Lochearnhead, 3% m. long. Voghera, th: Italy, prov. Pavia, 19 m. E. Alessandria. P. of .com. 16,376; tın. I2,794. - Voiron, th: France, dep, Isère, 15 m., NW. Grenoble, P. 11,955. Volcan de Agua, intn. Central America, 30 m. S.W. Guatemala. Volga, r. Russia, the largest of Europe, rises in goy. Tyer, and flows circuitously 2290 m. , through 22 govs. to the Caspian Sea, near Astrakhan, with a delta. The area of its basin, 517,120 sq. m. Volhynia, gov. W. Russia, next Galicia and Poland. Area, 27,741 sq. m. P. 2,096,475. Cap. Zhitomir. Volkhov, r. Russia, from Lake Ilmen, 130 m. N. to Lake Ladoga. Wºmarãen. tn. Prussia, 18 m. NNW. Cassel. P. 2246. W V. ; W i Wolkovisk, th Russia, gov. and 42 m. S. Grodno. P. 688r. Volo, th NE. Greece, in Thessaly, at head of Gulf of Volo. P. 3000. Vologda, gov. NE. Russia, S. of Archangel Gov., 155,492 sq. m. P. Main rivers, Dwina, Sukhona, Vytchegda, Petchora. cap. of above, in the SW., on R. Sukhona. P. 17,255. tn. Austria, on Gulf and 7 m. NNW. of Fiume. tn. Italy, prov. and II m. N. Turin. P. 5099. tn. Russia, gov. and 70 m. NE. Saratov, on the Volga. P. 34,927. r. Guinea, from Kong Mts. and Ashantee, 360 m. tn. Russia, gov. and 42 m. NE. Kharkov. P. 14,164. tn. Italy, prov. Pisa, 48 m. SE. Leghorn. P. 7349; com. CSt. th: N. Italy, Io m. by rail W. Genoa. P. I.4,119. [14,225. r. Italy, 90 m. to Mediterranean, 20 m. SE. Gaeta. th. France, dep. Puy-de-Dôme, 4 m. W. Riom. P. 3780. isl. Netherlands, between the Maas and Haringvliet. most W. dist. of Austria, in W. of Tyrol. Area, roos sq. m. P. 109,883. Cap. Bregenz. [25,441 Sq. m. P. 2,465,966. Voronezh, gov. Russia, 51° N., 40° E., watered by the Don. Area, Voronezh, city, cap. of above, on the Vorona, near confluence with the Don. P. 56,179. * Vosges (Ger. Pogeseſi), mtn. chain of E. France and of Alsace-Lor- raine, about 120 m. long, rising in Ballon de Guebwiller to 4690 ft.; Ballon d'Alsace, 4688 ft. [Epinal. Vosges, dep. France, W. of above. Area, 2266 sq. m. P. 413,707. Cap. Voskresensk, th: Russia, gov. and 34 m. W. Moscow. P. 5959. Vosnesensk, th: S. Russia, gov. Kherson, on the Bug. P. ro,545. Vostizza, th: Greece, in Morea, on Corinthian Gulf. P. 5311, §: tn. Russia, gov. Viatka, on R. Izh or Ij. P. 6ooo. V Y Touziers, th: Irance, dep. Ardennes, on the Aisne. P. 3453. Tracene, vil. Belgium, 25 m. NE. Ghent. P. 3810. Tryburg, th: and gold-field, in S.E. of Bechuanaland, S. Africa. Vukovar, th: Slavonia, on r. b. Danube, 24 m. SE. Eszek. P. 7139. Vulcano, the most S. of the Lipari Isls., 12 ºn: N. Sicily. : Nºr Vung-Lam., tm. Anam, com. Centre of Xuan-Dai B., 283 m. S. Qui-Nhon. Vuoxen, r. Finland, 350 m. to Lake Ladoga. Vurno, th: W. Soudan, residence of Sultan of Sokoto. P. 15,000. Wu-Tchang, city, China, cap. of Hu Pe, on Yang-tse-Kiang. Wyrmwy, r. Montgomerysh, 35 m. E. to the Severn. Vytegra, th: Russia, gov. Olonets, 12 m. from Lake Onega. P. 3000. Waag, r. W. Hungary, 200 m. to the Danube: "Wa, # r. Netherlands, a principal arm of the Rhine. Wabash, city, Indiana, cap. of W. Co., 30 m. E. Logansport. P. 3800. wabash, r. Öhio and Indiana, 550 m. to the Qhio. Wabasha,tn. Minnesota, cap. of W. Co., on Mississippi. P. 2988. Wabigoom, ry, sta. Ontario, on C. P. Ry., 203 m. W. Port Arthur. Waco, city, Texas, cap. of M'Lennan Co., on Brazos R. P. 7295. waday, far Suley of Borgu (Fr. Ouaday), country of the Soudan, E. of Dar Fur. P. 2% millions. Cap. Abesher. Wadebridge, spt. and mkt, th: Cornwall, on R. Camel. Wadelai, station, Central Africa, on Upper Nile. Wädensweil, vil. Switz., on Lake of Zürich: P. 6206. Wadhurst, par. and vil. Sussex, 6 m. SE. Tunbridge Wells. P. 3216. Wadhwan, cap. of W. State, on Bombay and Baroda Ry. P. 16,949. Wad-Medina, th Nubia, on Blue Nile, 80 m. SE. Khartum. Wadnagar, th India, in Baroda, 9 m. NE.Visnagar. P. I5,424. Wadowice, th Austria, in Galicia, 23 m. W. Cracow. P. 4990. Wadsley, dist. W. R. York, on R. Don, 3 m. NW. Sheffield. P. 7248. Wadsworth, tshp. W. R. York, next Hebden Bridge. P. 4707. Wady Halfa, place on the Nile, 720 m. S. Alexandria. Wady Mousā, the great depression between Dead Sea and Red Sea. Waereghem, vil. Belgium, 9 m. NE. Courtrai. P. 7316. Waerschoot, vil. Belgium, 9 m. NNW. Ghent. P. 5237. Walesmunster, th: Belgium, 16m. E. Ghent... P. 593t. wageningen, th Netherlands, in Gelderland, on the Rhine: P. 7971. Wagga-Wagga, th New S. Wales, co. Wynyard, on S. b. of the Mur- rumbidgee, 309 m. SW. Sydney. P. 4000. Wagram, vil. Lower Austria, 11 m. NE. Vienna; battle, 1809. Wagstadt, th Austrian Silesia, on the Waag. P. 4III. Wahabite Empire. See Nedjed. Wahleren, vil. Switz., 9 m. SW. Bern. P. 5154. Wahlstatt, vil. Prussian Silesia, 4 m. SE. Liegnitz. P. 960, Währing, vil. Austria, on W. of Vienna. P. 16,023. [11,500 ft. Wahsatch Mts., Utah, on W. boundary of the Great Basin, rises to Wai, th: Bombay Pres, dist. and 20 m. N. of Satara. P. II,676. Waiau, post tshp. New Zealand, 83 m, from Christchurch. Waiblingen, th Würtemberg, 7 m. NE. Stuttgart. P. 4326. Waidhofen, tin. Austria, 43 m. W. St. Pölhen. P. 3525. Waigia, isl. in Pacific Ocean, N. of New Guinea. Waikato, r. New Zealand, N. Isl., 250 m. to Waikato Harbour. Waikouaiti, th: New Zealand, 32 m. NE. Dunedin. P. 600. Waimate, tin. New Zealand, co. W., 130 m. S. Christchurch. P. I600. Wainfleet, mkt. th Lincolnsh., on R. Steeping. P. 1349. Waimad, Wayanad or Wynaad, highland div. of Malabar Dist.: India. Area, 999 sq. m. . P. 88,091. It consists of a tableland among the Nº. Ghats, about 3000 ft. eley. Several gold-mines Started. r. India, flows 350 m. to the Wardha to form the Pran- an aff. of the Godavari. tn. New Zealand, co. W., 41 m. SW. Napier. P. 390. tn. China, prov. Che-Kiang, SW. of Hang Chow. P. 150,000. tn. New Zealand, prov. and 102 m. N. Auckland. ry. sta. New Zealand, co, Waipawa, 44 m. SW. Napier. tshp. New Zealand, on N. shore of Lake Taupo. vil. New Zealand, on W. side of Lake Tarawera. Or º post th New Zealand, co. and on W. R., 70 m. from . I 20. post tin. New Zealand, 28 m. from Auckland, on W. R. tship. New Zealand, 52 m. SW. Dunedin. P. Io90. post tri. New Zealand, 138 m. S. Christchurch. tn. New Zealand, II m. from New Plymouth. post th: New Zealand, 78 m. from New Plymouth. P. II.5. tn. Hungary, on Danube, 20 m. N. Pesth. P. 13,199. post th: New Zealand, prov. and 38 m. from Auckland. tshp. New Zealand, 35 m. N. Auckland. city, parl. and mum. bor. W. R. York, on R. Calder, 9 m). S. - P. 34,566. Returns 1 M.P. Manuf. woollens, worsted, hosiery, etc. Coal-mines in vicinity. See of a Bishop. Wakefield, vil. Massachusetts, 10 m. N. Boston. P. 5548. [Vaal R. Wakkerstroom, dist. S. African Rep., in the SE., bounded N. by Walº. tn. Madras Pres., N. Arcot Dist., 3 m. from Arat. P. IO,387. Walcha, vil. New S. Wales, 40 m. S. of Armidale. P. 300. Walcheren, isl. Netherlands, between E. and W. Scheldt. P. 40,000. Wald, th: Rhenish Prussia, 7 m. SW. Elberfeld. P. 9882. Wald, vil. Switz., 19 m. E. of Zürich. P. 6048. Waldec, ry. sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 496% m. W. Winnipeg. Waldeck, principality of Germany, between liessen-Nassau and Westphalia, with a small detachéd portion near lat. 52° N. at Pyr- mont. Total area, 433 sq. m. P. 56,575, mostly Protestants. Cap. Arolsen. P. 2442. Waldenburg, th: Prussian Silesia, 43 m. SW. Breslau. P. 13,000. Waldenburg, tin. Saxony, on the Mulde. P. 2961. Waldenses, dist. inhabited by the, in Piedmont, 30 m. WNW. of Saluzzo. It is called the Four Valleys, 29 by 10 m. Waldheim, th: Saxony, 33 m. SE. Leipsic. P. 8443. Waldsee, the Würtemberg, 32 m. S. Ulm. P. 28.12. Waldshut, walled th: Baden, on the Rhine. P. 2610. Walldúrn, th: Baden, 30 m. W. Würzburg. P. 3229. Wales (Latin, Çambria), titular principality in the S.W. of the isl., of Great Britain, bounded N. and W. by the Irish Sea; SW. by St. George's Channel; S. by Bristol Channel; and E. by the English cos. of Cheshire, Salop, Hereford, and Monmouth. Length, 135 In-3. breadth, 95 m. Area, 7362 sq. m. P. 1,360,513. It is usually divided into N. and S. Wales, each containing 6 cos. The surface is mostly mtmous., and in the S. is rich in minerals, especially coal and iron. Snowdon in the N. rises to 3571 ft. Walfisch (i.e. 7P/tale) Bay, harbour of SW. Africa, 22° 52' S. It belongs, with a small strip of land, to Britain, but is surrounded by a Ger- man protectorate. Walford, par. and vil. Herefordsh., on R. Wye. P. II.79. [400. Walgett, vil. New S. Wales, co. Baradine, 45om. NNW. Sydney. P. Walhalla, th Victoria, co. Tanjil, 120 m. E. Melbourne. P. Ióco. Walkden, dist. SE. Lancash., 4 m. NW. Eccles. P. 4958. Walker, th: Northumberland, on R. Tyne, 3 m. E. Newcastle. P. 9527. Walkerburn, vil. Peebles, on N. b. of Tweed, 8 m. E. Peebles. P.1026. Walkerston, post, th: Queensland, 9 m. WSW. Mackay. Walkerton, vil, Ontario, on Saugeen R., 65 m. NW. Guelph. P. 2604. Wallace, spt. Nova Scotia, co. Cumberland, 16 m. from Wentworth. Wallacetown, on r. b. of Ayr, within burgh of Ayr. P. 5923. Wallachia, part of Roumania between the Danube and the Car- pathians, and from Black Sea to Servia. P. 4,000,000. Wallam-Wallan, post tim. Victoria, co. Bourke, 29 m. N. Melbourne. Wallasey, vil. Cheshire, 3% m. NW. Birkenhead. Walla-Walla, city, Washington, cap. of Walla-Walla co., P. 3588. Wallenstadt (Ger., JPallenstädter See), lake, Switz., cant. St. Gall, II m, long, 9 m. SE. of Lake of Zürich. At E. end is the ta. of W. Wallers, vil. France, dep: Nord, 1 m. from Valenciennes. P. 3776. Wallingford, mun. bor. Berks, on R. Thames. P. 2803. Wallingford, vil. Connecticut, 12 m. N. of New Haven. P. 3017. Wallis Islands, grp. in S. Pacific Ocean, lat. 13° 24′ S. Uvea is the only inhabited one. P. 3Cop. Wallsend, th: Northumberland, on R. Tyne, at end of the Roman Wall, 4 m. below Newcastle. P. 6351. Walmer, th: Kent, on E. cst., 2 m. SW. Deal. P. 4309. Walmersley, vil. SE, Lancashire, 23 m. N. of Bury, Walney, Isle of, isl. N. Lancashire, near Barrow-in-Furness. P. 529. Walpole, vil. Massachusetts, 19 m. SSW. Boston. P. 2494. Walpole, vil. New Hampshire, on Connecticut R. P. 2018. Walsall, parl. and mun. bor. Staffordshire, 8 m. NW. Birmingham. . 59,402. It returns I M.P. Manuf. Saddles and leather goods. Walsdén, dist. SE. Lancash., 7 m. NE. Rochdale. P. 4350. Walsh, ry. sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 628 m. W. Winnipeg. Walsham, North, mkt. th Norfolk, 14 m. N. Norwich. P. 3234. Walsham, South, yil. Norfolk, 9 m. NE., Norwich. Walsingham, Little, or New, mkt. th: Norfolk, 31 m. NE. of King's Lynn, on R. Stiff key. P. roſó. soken, th Norfolk, on N. border, 1 m. NE. Wisbech. P. 2697. Waltham, mkt, th: Lincoln, 4% m. SW. Great Grimsby. P. 743. Waltershausen, tm. Germany, 7 m. W. Gotha, P. 4862. - Waltham, vil. Massachusetts, ſo m. by rail W. Boston. P. 11,711. Waltham Abbey or Waltham Holy Cross, mkt. th: Essex, in the W., on R. Lea. P. 5368. [Mowbray. P. 595. Waltham on the Wölds, par. and vil. Leicester, 5 m. NE. Melton Walthamstow, par. and ry, sta. Essex, in the S.W., P. 21,715. Walton in le Dale, tshp. NE. Lancash., on R. Ribble. P. 9286. Walton on Thames, vil. Surrey, on R. Thames. P. 6572. Walton on the Hill, S.W. Lancash., sub. of Liverpool. . P., 18,536. Walton on the Hill, par. and vil. Surrey, 4 m. NW. Reigate. P. 616. Walton on the Nazë or Walton le Söken, watering-place and the Essex, 7 m. S. of Harwich. P. 1371, 3. W W º 68 WALWORTH THE CENTURY GAZETTEER Walworth, dist. in S. of London, Newington bor. P. 59,555. Wanchow or Wen Tcheou Fou, th and treaty port, China, prov. Kiang, 150 m. S. of Ning Po. P. 200,000. Wandsbeck, tin. Holstein, 3 m. NE. Hamburg. P. 17,760. Wandsworth, parl, bor. Surrey, on R. Wandle, at its confluence with ºames. P. 66,792 ; 5 m, SW. of Waterloo station, London. I W1. Hº. Wanganui, r. New Zealand, N. Isl., 60 m. SE. New Plymouth. Wanganui, th: New Zealand, co. and on W. R. P. 4646. Tangaretta, vil. Victoria, co. Bogong, 145 m. E. Melbourne. P. 1329. Tanlockhead, lead-mining vil. Dumfries, 8% m. NE. Sanquhar. P. 788. fansbeck, r. Northumberland, flows 23 m. E., past Morpeth. ſanstead, th: Essex, 7 m. NE. London. P. 5362. Wantage, mkt. th: Berks, in White Horse Vale. P. 3488. Vanzleben, th: Prussian Saxony, Iom. SW. Magdeburg. P. 4252. Wapakoneta, vil. Ohio, cap. of Auglaize co., 31 m. N. Piqua. P. 2765. Wapella, ry, sta. Assiniboia, on C. P. Ry., 235% m. W. Winnipeg. Wapping, dist. in E. of London, on R. Thames. P. 3560. appingers Falls, vil. New York, in Dutchess co, P. 4200. Warasdin, ft. th: Austrian Croatia, on the Drave. P. Io,623. Waratah, th New S. Wales, co. Northumberland, 80 m. N. Sydney. Warberg, spt. Sweden, on the Cattegat, 36 m, N.W. Halmstad. P. Warburg, th Westphalia, 37 m. SSE. Minden. P. 4883. [2500- Wardha, dist. India, Central Provs. Area, 2401 sq. m. P. 387,221. Wardha, cap. of above, 20° 45' N., 78° 40' E. P. 5816. Wardha, r. India, flows 254 m. to the Wainganga to form the Pran- hita, an aff. of the Godavari. mkt. th Herts, on R. Ilea, 2 m. NE. Hertford. P. 5277. vil. Massachusetts, in Hampshire co., 27 m. E. Springfield. P. mkt, tr. Dorset, 15 m. E. Dorchester. P. 2112. [2053. tn. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 54 m, E. Schwerin. P. 685I. tn. Westphalia, 16 m. E. Münster. P. 5111. vil. N.W. co, Down, 3 m. SE. Lurgan. P. 482. spt. Northumberland, near mouth of R. Coquet. P. 6917. § M . * p l 8to. P. 146. Warkworth, post th New Zealand, prov. and 35 m. N. Auckland. Iarmbrunn, tin. Prussian Silesia, 31 m. SW. Liegnitz. P. 3406. [arminster, mkt, th: Wilts, 20 m. NW. Salisbury. P. 5640. Warnemünde, spt. N. Germany, 7 m. NNW. Rostock. P. 2403. [4428. Warren, city, Ohio, cap. of Trumbull co., 52 m. SE. Cleveland. Warren, bor. Pennsylvania, cap. of W. Co., on Alleghany R. P. 2810- Warren, vil. Rhode Island, U.S., on Narragansett Bay. P. 4007, Narrenpoint, spt. SW. co. Down, at head of §d L. P. 1887. Warrensburg, tn, Missouri, cap. of Johnson co., on Black R. P. 4C49. Warrington, parl. and mun. bor. S.W. Lancashire and Cheshire, on R. Mersey, 182 m, from London. P. 45,253. It returns I M.P. Manufs. wire, files, edgetools, pins, etc. (5300. TWarrnambool, spt. Victoria, co. Villiers, 170 m. SW. Melbourne. P. Warsaw (Polish, Warszawa, German, Hºarschart, French, Var- sovie), city of Russia, cap. of gov. W., and former cap. of the kingdom of Poland, on 1. b. of the Vistula. Lat. of observ. 52° 13' 5° N., 21° 1' 52” E. P. 431,864. It has very extensive manufs, and trade; imports £14,000,000 per annum. Its university was Sup- pressed in 1834, but is replaced by two colleges. Warsaw, gov. in Russian Poland. Area, 5622 sq. m., P. 1,345,887. Warsaw, tin. Illinois, Hancock co., on Mississippi. P. 3III. [3123. Warsaw, city, Indiana, cap. of Kościusko go., on Tippecanoe R. P. Warshekh, ta. on Somal cºt. E. Africa, belonging to Zanzibar. Warsop, tri. Notts, on R. Meden, 5 m. NE. Mansfield. P. 1329. Warta or Wartha, r. Russian Poland, Posen, and Brandenburg, 450 m. to the Oder at Küstrin. Warta, th Russian Poland, gov. Kalisz, on the Warta. P. 4490. Wartenburg, th: E. Prussia, 60 m. S. Königsberg. P. 4890. Warton, vil. N. Lancashire, on Ribble estiary, 3 m. SW. Kirkham. Warwick, parl. and mun, bor.co. th: of Warwickshire, on R. Avon, 108 m. from London. P. of mun. bor. 11,800; of parl. bor. 37,879. It returns I M.P. [SW, Brisbane, P. 5500. Warwick, th: Queensland, co. Merivale, on Condamine R., 100 m. Warwickshire, co. in West Midlands of England, bounded N. by Staffordshire, Derbyshire, and Leicestershire; E. by Northamp- tonshire; S. by Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire; and W. by Worcestershire; 52 m. by 32. Area, 884 sq. m. P. 737,339. It returns 4 M.Ps. Chief rivers are the Avon, Leam, and Tame. Chief towns, the parl, boroughs of Birmingham, Coventry, Aston Manor, and Warwick (co. th:) and Leamington, and the mun. bor of Stratford-on-Avon. The co, contains much coal, iron, and limestone. Waseca, vil. Minnesota, cap. of W. Co., 15 m. W. Owatonna. Wash, r. from Rutland, 20 m. to the Welland, in Lincolnshire. Wash, The, estuary of the rivers Ouse, Nen, Welland, and Witham, E. coast England, counties Lincoln and Norfolk. Washington, par. and vil. Durham, 6 m. SE. Gateshead. P. 3022. Washington, ter. of the U.S., in the extreme N.W., bounded N. by British Columbia, E. by Idaho, S. by Oregon, and W. by the Pacific Ocean. Area, 69,180 sq. m. P. (1860) 11,594; (1880), 75,116. The Cascade Mts. from N. to S. divide the ter. into two dissimilar regions: the E. dry and slightly timbered; the W. densely tim- bered and containing some very fertile prairies. Qlimate re- sembles that of England. Cap. Olympia, Walla Walla is the largest town. Washington is the name of many cos., tms., and vils. in the U.S. Washington, city, metropolis of the U.S. of Nº America, is in the Dist. of Columbia, on the 1. b. of Potomac R., lat. 38°53' 39" N., lon. 77°2' 48" W. The principal buildings are the Capitol.cover- ing 3% acres, containing the Sénate Chamber and House of Repre- the Supreme Court, Library, etc.; the Treasury Build- House, General P.O., Patent Office, Smithsonian etc. P. 147,293. vil. Georgia, cap. of Wilkes co., 76 m. W. Augusta. P. vil. Indiana, cap. of Davies Co. P. 4323. [2199. city, Iowa, cap. of W, co., 38 m, W. Muscatine. P. 2950. vil. Missouri, Franklin co., on Missouri. P. 2421. bor. New Jersey, Warren co., 60 m. W. Newark. P. 2142. vil. N. Carolina, cap. of Beaufort co. P. 2463. vil. Ohio, cap. of Fayette Co., on Sugar Creek...P. 3798. bor. Pennsylvania, cap. of W. Co., 31 m...S. Pittsburg. P. 4392. The seat of Washington and Jefferson Cºllege. Washita, r, Arkansas and Louisiana, 400 m. S. to Red R. Waslui or Vaslui, th Roumania, in Moldavia, 40 m. S. Jassy. P. 8000. Wasmes, vil. Belgium, in Hainaut, 6 m. W. Mons. P. 12,513. Wasselnheim or Wasselonne, th: Alsace, 14 m. W. Strasburg. P. 383r. Wasserburg, th: Upper Bavaria, on the Inn, 31 m. E. Munich. P. 3364. Wassulu, state, on Upper Niger, W. Africa, under French protection. Wast, Water, lake, Cumberland, 14 m. SW. Keswick.3 m. long; Watchet, spt. Somerset, on Bristol Channel, I6% m. N.W. Taunton. Waterberg, largest dist. S. African Rep., bounded N. by Limpopo R. Waterbury, city, Connecticut, New Haven co. P. 22,269. Wateree, tri. S. Carolina, Richmond co., on W. R. P. 5ooo. Waterfoot, dist. NE. Lancashire, 2% m. S.W. Bacup. P. 3822. Waterford, maritime co. Ireland, in Munster Prov., bounded N. by Tipperáry and Kilkenny, W. by Cork, E. by Wexford, and S. by thé Atlantic, 52 by 23 m. Area, 721 sq. m. P. 112,768, ºf whom 95 per cent. are Roman Catholics. The Cummeragh and Knock- meledown Mts. are along the N. Border; dairy-farming is the chief industry; the Suir and Blackwater are the main rivers. The county returns 2 M.Ps. Co. tr. Waterford. Waterford, city, parl. bor., spt., co. in itself, and co..tn. of above, on R. Suir, 116 m. SW. Dúblin by rail. P. 22,457. It returns I M.P. vil. Belgium, prov. S. Brabant, 9 m. SSE. Brussels. Defeat by Wellington, 18th June 1815. * ! T i city, Iowa, cap. of Black Hawk co., on Cedar R. P. 5630. vil. New York, Seneca co., on Seneca Lake. , P. 3893. vil. S. Carolina, Laurens co., 66 m. W. Columbia. P. 4018. vil. Lanarkshire, 1 m. SE. Wishaw. P. 855: with Seaforth, cst, th SW. Lancashire, N. of Liverpool. vil. Ayrsh., ori R. Doon, 113 m. SW. Ayr. P. 1473. [P, 91.18. vil. Dumbárton, 2 m. SE. Kirkintilloch. P. 429. [P. 5425. vil. Massachusetts, on Charles R., 8 m. W. Boston. city, New York, Jefferson Co., on Black R. P.10,697. city, Wisconsin, oil Rock R., 44 m. W. of Milwaukee. . 7883. Seat of a university. Water Valley, vil. Mississippi, Yalabusha co, P.,2229. waterviſie, ºil. Maine, in Co. and on Kennebec R. P. 1917. Seat of a university (Baptist). Watervliet, tshp. New York, Albany co. P. 22,220. Watford, mkt. th: Herts, on R. Colne, 18 m. NW. London. ...P. ro,073. Wath upon Dearne, tr. W. R. York, 8 m. SE. Barnsley. ... P. 5491. Watkins, vil. New York, cap. of Schuyler co., on Seneca L. P. 2716. Watling Isl., one of the Bahamas, 18 m. long. P. 2009. Watling Street, famous Roman highway, extends, from Dover to London, and thence to Chester and Carnarvon. A branch extends from Wroxeter to the Moray Firth. Watlington, mkt. th: in co, and 15 m. SE. Oxford. P., 1815. Watseka, tr. Illinois, cap. of co. and on Iroquois R. I. 2400. Wattenscheidt, th Westphalia, 41 m. W. Arnsberg. P. II,673 Watton, mkt. tin. Norfolk, on R. Wissey. P. I497. Wattrelos, vil. France, dep. Nord, 9 m. NE. Lille, P., 15,725. Wattwyl, vil, Switz., cant, and 17 m. SW. St. Gall. P. 5283. M vil. Ontario, 15 m. N. Colborne, Northumberland co. P. . WHITWICK gold-fields, S. Australia, 225 m. NNE. of Adelaide. city, Illinois, on shore of Lake Michigan. P. 4012. vil. Wisconsin, cap. of W. Co., on Fox R. P. 2969. vil. Wisconsin, 19 m. S.W. Fond du Lac. P. 2353. vil. Wisconsin, cap. of Marathon co., on Wisconsin R. vil. Ohio, cap. of Fulton co. P. 19,000. [P. 4277. , r. Norfolk and Suffolk, 50 m. to the sea near Yarmouth. , post tim. New Zealand, 36 m. from Wanganui. P. 380. , tin. Iowa, cap. of Bremer co., on Cedar R. P. 2345. , vil. Maryland, 2 m. N. Baltimore. P. 3790. , vil. New York, Tioga co., 4 m. N. Athens. P. 2767. tn, SW. Lancashire, SE. suburbs of Liverpool. P. II,097 tn. Belgium, in Brabant, 15 m. NW. Louvain. P. 6984. ft. tin. Sweden, 15 m. E. Stockholm. P. 2000. vil. Mass., 16 in. W. Boston, on Sudbury R. P. 1962. tn. France, a SW. suburb of Lille. P. 18,000. tn. Punjab, dist. and 21 m. N. Gujranwala. P. 16,462. wooded tract, in SW. Kent and E. Sussex. r. Durham, flows E. 67 m. past Durham, to the sea. St. John, vil. Durham, on R. Wear, 7 m. W. Stanhope. , bor. Pennsylvania, Carbon co., 14 m. NW. Mauch Chunk. , r. Cheshire, NE. and NW. 45 m. to the Mersey. [P. 1977. Hills, Staffordshire, near E. border. Alt. 1300 ft. larger. E. Aſrica, enters Indian Ocean at Magadoxo. , vil. Massachusetts, Worcester co., on French R. P. 5696. par. and vil. Somerset, 4% m. S. Axbridge. P. 3060. , parl. bor. and mkt. th Staffordsh., 8 m. NW. Birming- ham. P. 68,142; tın. 24,566. Returns 1 M.P. It is one of the great iron towns of the “Black Country.” Wednesfield, th: Staffordshire, 2 m. NE. Wolverhampton. Manuf. locks and keys. ſeedon Beck, par. and vil. Northampton, 4 m. SE. Daventry. P. 1957. ſeenen, vil. Natal, on Bushman R., 70 m. NE. Pietermaritzburg. ſeemer, spt. vil. Hanover, 21 m. S. Aurich, on the Ems. P. 3724. Teerdt, th: Netherlands, in Limburg, 12 m. W. Roermond. P. 7727. ſeerselo, th Netherlas., prov. Overyssel, 7 m. E. Almelo. P. 5067. Tegeleben, th: Prussian Saxony, 27 m. SW. Magdeburg. P. 3440. Wehlau, tin. E. Prussia, 27 m. E. Königsberg. P. 5270. Wehlheiden, vil. Hessen-Nassau, gov. Cassel. P. 536r. ſei or Wei-Hsien, city, China, prov. Shang-Fung, 36°40' N. P. Ioo,000. Teichsel or Wisla, vil, Austrian Silesia, on the Vistula. P. 4261. See Weichselburg, th: Carniola, 16 m. SE. Laybach. P. 4260, [Vistula. Weichselmünde, tin. and ft. W. Prussia, at mth. of the W. arm of the Vistula in the Baltic. Weida or Weyda, th: Saxe-Weimar, 14 m. E. of Neustadt an der Orla. Weiden, th: Bavaria, 32 m. SE. Baireuth. P. 5459. [P. 5404. Weighton Market. See Market Weighton. Ieilbach, watering-place, Nassau, E, of Wiesbaden. Weimar, cap. city of Saxe-Weimar, Germany, on 1. b. of the Ilm, 13 m. E. of Erfurt. P. 21,565. Weingarten, vil. Baden, 7 m. E. Carlsruhe. P. 3570. Weinheim, til. Baden, Iom. NE. Mannheim. P. 7505. Weipert or Weypert, tin. Dollemia, near Saxony. P. 6308. Weissenburg, ft. tr. Bavaria, 27 m. SE. Anspach. P. 6025. Weissenburg (Fr. JP'issembottº), ft. tin. Alsace, on r. b. of the Lauter, 4 m. N. Strasburg. P. 5968. [P. 21,782. Weissenfels, tin. Prussian Saxony, on the Saale, 11 m. S. Merseburg. Weisskirchen, th IIungary, 53 m. SSE. Temesvar. P. 9845. Weisskirchen, th: Moravia, 22 m. E. Olmütz. P. 7083. Welland, r. Northampton and Lincoln, 70 m. to the Wash. [35 m. long. Welland Canal, connects Lakes Ontario and Erie, W. of the Niagara, Welle-Makua, large r. cent. Africa, trib. of Congo on its r. b., which the Mobangi. in Gulf of Carpentaria, N. Australia. See Province Wellesley. tn. Northamptonshire, on R. Nen. P. I3,794, tn. Shropshire, Iom. E. Shrewsbury. P. 6217. mkt, tin. Somerset, 8 m. SW. Taunton. P. 6360. eccl. dist. Stafford, in Stoke-upon-Trent par. P. 914r. tn. Kansas, cap. of Sumner Co., 30 m. W. Wichita. P. 2694. vil. port, Ohio, Lorain co., 36 m. SW. Cleveland. P. 1811. a cent, pastoral dist. New S. Wales. Area, 16,695 sq. mi. tn. New S. Wales, co. W., on Macquarie R. P. 1340. provincial dist. New Zealand, in S. of N. Isl., 200 by 80 m. P. 70,000. Cap. Wellington. Wellington, cap. city of New Zealand, near S. extremity of N. Isl., cm Port Nicholson, 41° 16' 25" S., 174° 47' 25" E., 1200 m. SE. of Sydney. P. 20,563. Wellington, isl. W. cst. of Patagonia, 47° 30' S., 138 m. long. Wellington, vil. Cape Colony, Paarl Div., 45 m. from the Cape. P. Wellington College, military school, Berks, in the SE. [21:92. Wellington Lake, Victoria, co. Bruce, in Gippsland. Wells or Wells next the Sea, spt. tin. Norfolk, near Holkham Bay, 31 m. NE. King's Lynn., P. 2645. [m. SW. Bath. P., 4634. elis, mun. bor. and anc. city, Somerset, at foot of Mendip Hills, 19 Wells, vil. Maine, York co., 30 m. SW. Portland. P. 2450. Wellsville, vil. New York, Alleghany co., on Genesee R. P. 2049. Wellsville, vil. Ohio, Columbiana co., on the Ohio. P. 3377. Wellwood Colliery, vil. Fife, in Dunfermline par. P. 617. Wels, th: Upper Austria, 16 m. SW. Lintz. P. 8859. Welsh Frankton, vil. Shropshire, 3 m. SW. Ellesmere. Welshpool, parl, and mun. bor. Montgomery, on R. Severn. P. of mun. bor. 7107; parl. bor. 5211. It is one of the Aſoº’onteyy Welwyn, par, and vil. Herts, 4 m. N. Hatfield. P. 1742. . [Boroughs. Wem, mkt. th: Shropshire, Toš m. N. Shrewsbury. P., 26co. Wemyss, East, vil. Fife, 1 m. S.W. Buckhaven. P. 846, Wemyss, West, tin. Fife, 2 m. NE. Dysart, on CSt. P. 1206. Wemyss Bay, Šteamboat pier and hydropathic, Renfrewshire, 8 m. W. Greenock. Wendel, th: Rhenish Prussia, 29 m. SE. Treves, on the Blies. P. 5068. Wendovar, mkt. tin. Bucks, 5 m. SE. Aylesbury. P. 1992. Wener or Wenner, one of the largest lakes of Europe, Sweden, 94 by 15-20 m. Area, 2150 sq. m. Alt. I47 ft. Wenersborg, th: Sweden, cap. of lacn Elfsborg, at SW. extremity of Lake Wener, at efflux of the Götha. P. 5482. Wenham, vil. Massachusetts, 22 m. IN. Boston. P. 889. remlock, mun, bor. Shropsh., 14 m. SE. Shrewsbury. P. 18,442. ſensum, r. Norfolk, 30 m. to the Yare at Norwich. rentworth, tin. New S. Wales, co. W., on Darling R. Teobly, th: Herefordshire, 7 m. SW. Leominster. P. 832. Terdau, th Saxony, 5 m. W. Zwickau, on the Pleisse. ...P. 14,661. ſerden, th: Rhenišh Prussia, 16 m. NE. Düsseldorf. P. 7970. rerder, th Prussia, 5 m. W. Potsdam, on the Havel. P. 5277. ſerl, tr. Westphalia, gov. Arnsberg, 9 m. W. Soest, P. 5923. Termelskirchén, vil. Rhenish Prussia, E. of Düsseldorf. P. Io,523. Termland, Sweden. See Carlstad. Ternigerode, tin. Prussian Saxony, on the Harz Mts. P. 9085. rerra. r. cent. Germany, 150 m. to the Fulda to form the Weser. fertach, r. Bavaria, 70 m. to the Lech, near Augsburg. Wertheim, tu. N. Baden, 20 m. W. Würzburg. P. 3656. Wesel, th See Nieder Wesel and Oberwesel. Weser, r. W. Germany, enters the N. Sea E. of the Elbe, 270 m. long. ſessei Isls., off N. Australia, N.W. of Gulf of Carpentaria. West Australia. See Australia, Western. West Barns, vil. Haddingtonshire, 2 m. W. Dunbar. - rest Bay City, vil. Michigan, on Saginaw R., opp. Bay City. P. 6397. restborough, vil. Massachusetts, Worcester, co., 32 m. W. Bostoll, restbourné, ry. sta. Manitoba, 17 m. NW. Portage la Prairie. [P. 52I4. restbourne, par. and vil. Sussex, 7 m. NW. Arundel. P.,2459. rest Boylston, vil. Massachusetts, 8% m. N. Worcester..., P. 2994. rest Brompton, dist, London, 1 m. SE. Kensingtºn. P.Lo, 167. . Test Bromwich, parl, and mun. bor. Staffordsh, 4% m. NW. Birming- ham. P. 56,295. Returns ºr M.P. It has important mineral in and is one of the ‘Black Country' tims. tn. Maine, 4 m. NW. Portland. . P. 3981. , mkt. th Wilts, 4% m. S. Trowbridge. P. 6014. on Severn, par. and vil. 8 m.S.W. Gloucester. P. 2262. , tshp. Tasmania, 35 m. by rail S.W. Launºstol; P. II56. tn. 153 m. SW. Edinburgh. P. 2291. [delphia. P. 7046. bor. Pennsylvania, cap. of Chester co., 37 m): W. Phila- tn. Sweden, cap. of Westmanland, 60 m. W. Stockholm. P. 6225. [m. P. 114,937. Cap. Umeå. Westerbotten, laen of Sweden, on Gulf of Bothnić, Area, 22,818 Sq. westerham, nikt, th: Kent, 25 m. SW, Londº. P. 2331, westerly vii. Rhode Isl., U.S., 44 m. S. Providence. P. 6100. western Australia. See Australia, Western. Western Isls. See Hebrides and Azores. westernorrland, Sweden. See Hermösand. westervik, spt th: Sweden, 75 m. N., of Kalmar. P.,689. westfield, th: Massachusetts, Hampden Co., 10 m. W. Springfield. P. Westfield'vil. New York, Châtauqua co., 1 m. from Lake Erie; 17587. West Flanders, prov. Belgium, next N. Sea and French border. Area, 1249 sq. m. P. 726,242. Cap. Bruges: [mainland of Norway. West Fiord, great channel separating the I-9ſpoºn Isls. from the Westgate on Šea, watering-place, Kent, 2 m. SW. Margate. P. 1679. West Ham, parl, bor. Londón, co., Essex, on N: b. Of Thames, oppo- site Greenwich. P. 128,953. Returns 2 M.P.S. West Hartlepool, th: Durham, within park, limits of Hartlepool. P. Westhoughtón, tº SE, Lancashire, 5 in. W. Wigan. P. 979. [28,523. P. 4556. i W *s ÅM i : ; T W Å r west isºla #:::::::::::::::::::: m. E. of Fenchurch Street - “. . 3oo acres. wº º Islands, an extensive - ----- le - - the csts. of Florida and Venezuela. ñº º;§º º }º: the Bahainas, Greater Artifies (Čuba ºff. Å iš' Qrto Rico, and Caymans Isis.), Virgin Isls. 'i ºf #. es (including the Leeward and Windward Groups) 'and the eeward Isls. (of the Spanish) off the cst. of Venezuela. 'With the exception of Hayti, which is independent, the various and Illllller- à ë; to tº: pºwers, especially to Spain - dill, also - * See separate atotices. O Netherlands, Denmark, and Venezuela. Westland, prov, New Zealand, in S. Isl., on W. cst. Qanterbury by the Southern Alps. Length y Chieftas. Greymouth and Hočička. "“” §:::::::::::: l See gºggyshire. *illºnº, lºch, Sweden, N. of L. Maelar, 263rs W::::::: Isls., grp. off CŞt of Iceland, 63° 20. §. ić. *::::::: gº inland co. Irel, in Leinster Prov., bounded E. by Meath. I. § Šing's Co., W. by Longford and Roscommon, separated by - †º and Lough Ree, N. by Meath and Cavan; 45 by 26 #, rea, 708 sq. m. P. 71,798, of whom 92°2 per Cent. are R. Cath. Sl & Co. returns 2 M.Ps. ' The Brosna and the Inny, aff. of the West nannon, are the chief rivers. Tns. Athlone and Mullingar (co.tn.) €S minister, parl; bor. city, Middlesex, in W. of iondo. on N. §. § Thames. P. 229,238. It returns 3 M.Ps. The city contains "Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Pärl., the royal palaces of St James and Buckingham, and the government offices. . º Westminster, th: Maryland, cap. of Čarroll Co., 36 m. NW Baltimore Westminster, New. See New Westminster. [P 3:30. Wesºłºrland, Co. in N. of Engi. bounded NW, and w, by Šum. land, NE, by Durham, E. by Yorksh., and S. and ŠW. by Lan- cash. and Morecambe Bay; 40 m. E. and W. Area, 783 sq. m P. 64,191. The co. returns 2 M.Ps. Appleby is the coſti. The Surface is mtnous. and picturesque; the W. portion forming part of the Lake Dist. ſ: 2276 West New Brighton, vil. New York, on the N. shore of Staten ſºi. Wes; Newbury, vil. Massachusetts, 32 m. N. Boston. P. I989. Westoe, vil. Durham, near South Shields. W. Point, $pt. vil. Cheshire, 2 m, S.W. Runcorn. eston-Super-Mare, spt. Watering-place, Somerset, at mth. of the weiß § º: Bristol. P. 12,884. 9. e *śr. & eºſºčevi), prov. Prussia, bounded W. by Nether. #. SWV. by Rhen. Pruss., S.E. by Hessen-Nassau and %. p. y Brunswick, and N. by Hanover and Lippe. Area, 7800 sq. m. ,2,294,580, divided nearly equally by Catholics and protestänts. The prov, is divided .*3 govs.: Münster, Minden, and Arnsberg West Point, vil. New York, Örange co, on the r. b. of jūji 52 i. N. of the city. P. 1131. Site of the U.S. Military Academy. e. W; º 3. º t]]. § É Mayo, on Westport Bay. P 4469 , Vil. Connecticut, Fair - - 3. "... e §; vil. Mass., U.S airfield co., on Saugatuck. P. 3477 Separated from 200 by 30 m. P. I6,413. .S., Bristol Co., 7 m, W. New Bedford iſ 2808 estport, spt, th: New Af ‘. . . ºff- W jº P; IOI 3. Zealand, on W. cst. of S. Island, ºs m. §. est Prussia, prov. Prussia, bounded N. by the Baltic Sea Pantzic), W. by Pomerania, E. by E. Pruša. and S. by jºi Russian Poland. Ar. 9848 sq. m. P. 1,408,229. It is divided into weiß, sº - , Vil. Lanarksh., 2 m. NE. Strathaven. P. 380. 2 West Randolph, vil. Vermont, Orange co., 32 m. S. *ś 9; Westray, isl. Qrkney, 23 m. by sea N. Kirkwall. P. 2200 ; Io m. long. West Rutland, vil. Vermont, in co. and 4 m. W. Rutland. B. 2373 West Selkirk, ry, sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry, 23 m. N. Winnipeg. • "West §pringfield, vil...Massachusetts, on Connecticut R. P. 4:49. es; Stockbridge, vil. Massachusetts, Berkshire co., I4 m. S. Pitts- weißtraffºil c e º ; Vil. Connecticut, 2 m. NE. Bridgeport. P. 2 West Troy, tn. New York, Albany co., on #. P. gº.7. West Virginia, an E. central state of the U.S. of America, bounded NW, by the Qhiº, Separating, Ohio State, SW, by Kentucky, S. and S.E. by Virginia, N. by Maryland and Pennsylvania. Area, 24,780 sq. m. P. (1880) 618,457, of whom 25,929 were coloured. The Alleghany Mts. skirt the W. frontier. The coal-fields are yery extensive. Petroleum and salt are important products. Wheeling, on the Qhio, is the state cap. Westward Ho, vil. and watering-place, Devon, on Bideford Bay. Has a military college (1873). [P. 3320. Wetheral, par. and vil. Cúmberland, on R. Eden, 4 m. SE. Carlisle. Wetherby, mkt. tu W. R. York, on R. Wharfe. P. 1886. Wetlin, th: Prussian Saxony, 20 m. N. Schwarzburg, on R. Saale. Weſter, large lake, Sweden, 25 m. SE. Lake Wener, 125 by 31 m. [efferen, th: Belgium, E. Flanders, 11 m, W. Dendermond. P.11,roz. eſterhorn, peak of Bernese Oberland, Switz., 12,165 ft. [P. 7844. Wetzlar, th: Rhenish Prussia, on the Lahn, 95 m. SE. Cologne. Wexford, maritime Co. SE. Irel, in Leinster Prov., bounded N. by Wicklow, W. by Carlow, Kilkenny, and Waterford; S. and E. by the Sea; 54 by 30 m. Area, 901 sq. m. P. 123,854, of whom 91 ºr per cent. were Rom. Cath. The surface is mostly level. The main river is the Slaney. The co. returns 2 M.Ps. Wexford, spt., mun., bor., and co. th of above, at mth. of R. Slaney, on. Wexford Harbour, 92 m. S. Dublin. P. I2,163. Wexió, th: Sweden, cap. of Kronsberg, on Lake Sodre, 60 m. W. W:#; Hants and Surrey, 35 m. to the Thames. . [Kalmar. P. 5354. Weybridge, par. and vil. Surrey, on Thames and Wey, P. 3027. Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, mun. bor., spt., watering-place, Dorset, on Weymouth Bay, 73 m. S. Dorchester. P. 13,715. Weymouth, th: Massachusetts, Norfolk co., 12 m. S. Boston. P. ro,57r. MWeymouth, port of entry, Nova Scotia, co. Digby, St. Mary's Bay. P. Whakatane, post tu, New Zealand, 186 m. by sea S. Auckland. [1784. Whalley, vil. NE. Lancashire, 3% m. S. Clitieroe. Whalsay, isl. Shetland, 14 m. NE. Lerwick. P. 870. Whangaroa, th: New Zealand, 150 m. NW. Auckland. angarei, tin. New Zealand, 80 m. N. Auckland, at mth. of W. R. Whang Ho, r. China... See Hoang-Ho. Whang Hai. Sce Yellow Sea. Wharfe, r. W. R. York, flows 60 m. to the Ouse, near Cawood. Wharncliffe, vil. W. R. York, 6 m. NW. Sheffield. Wharnock, ry. sta. British Columbia, on C. P. Ry., 426 m. W. Donald. Wharton, tshp. Cheshire, near R. Weaver. P. 3507; salt-works. Wheeling, city and port of entry, cap. of W. Virginia and of Ohio co., on E. b. of Ohio R., 92 m. below Pittsburg. P. 30,737. Wheelock, vil. Cheshire, on R. W., 4 m. NE. Crewe. Whernside, mtn. W. R. York, 7 m. NE. Ingleton, 2414 ft. Whickham, tin. Durham, 3% m. SW. Gateshead. P. 3609. Lanarkshire, ºr m. SE. Coatbridge. P. 3829 ; coal and vil. Isle of Wight, NE. of Newport. [iron. par. and vil. Durham, 3 m. N. Sunderland. . P. 2024. police burgh, Linlithgowsh., oil R. Almond. P. I2Oo. , spt, th: N. R. York, at mth. of R. Esk, 563 m. NE. York by P. 14,086; shipbuilding and cst, trade. [Ontario. P. 3140. (formerly IP'izidsor), tri. Ontario, cap. of co. and on Lake Inkt. th: Hants, 11 m. SW. Basingstoke. P. 1866. mkt. th: Shropshire, 20 m. N. Shrewsbury. P.3756. vil. Glamorgan, on R. Taſſ, 1 m. NW. Llandaff. r. Berwickshire, 34 m. to the Tweed. par. London, mostly in Tower Hamlets. P. 30,709. vil. New York, 27 m. NE. Troy., P. 2742. tn. Gloucestershire, 3 m. SW. Tewkesbury. P. 9516. fishing vil. Ircl., on E. side of Cork Harbour. P. 782. tn. New York, Washington co., at head of Lake Cham- plain. P. 5347. - - Whitehaven, pari. bor. spt. Cumberland, 38 m. SW. Carlisle by rail. P. 19,295. It returns 1 M.P. Coal-mines and iron-works, ship- building, etc., and extensive trade. Whitehills, fishing vil. Banffshire, 3 m. NW. Danff. P. 920. whitehouse, Lower and Upper, 2 adjacent vils. Co. Antrim, on Bel- fast Lough, 3 m. N. Belfast. P. 472 and 975. White Mts. New Hampshire, rise in Mt. Washington to 6288 ſt; (238 - White Plains, vil. New York, Westchester co., 22 m. N. New York. P. ite R., r. Indiana, 330 m. past Indianapolis, to the Wabash. White R., r. Arkansas, 350 m. to the Mississippi. • whitemouth, ry. sta. Manitoba, on C. P. Ry, 369 m. W. Port Arthur. White Sea (Russ. Bieloe More) or Gulf of Archangel, a branch of the Arctic Ocean, N. Russia. Area, 47,346 sq. m. Whitewater, vil. Wisconsin, 51 m. W. Milwaukee. P. 3617..... lithorn, royal and police burgh, Wigtownshire, 12 ºn. S. Wigtown- tinsville, vii. Massachusetts, 40 m. S.W. Boston. P. 2340. (P. 7643. Whitkirk, vii. W. R. York, 4 m. E. Leeds. Whitley, vil. Northumberland, 23 m. N. North Shields. Whitney Mt., peak of Sierra Nevada, California. Alt. 14,898 ft. Whitstable, spt. Kent, 6 m. NW. Canterbury. , P. 4882. whittington or whittington Moor, par. Derby, 2% m, N. Chester- Whittle ie Woods, vil. N. Lancash., 6 m. SE. Preston. [field. P. 7271. Whittlesea, vil. Cape Col., Queenstown Div.; near Shiloh mişS. sta. whittiesey'or whittlesea, mkt. th Cambridgeshire, 5 m. E. Peter- borough. P. 3682. - Whittlesford, vil. Cambridgeshire, 8 m. S. Cambridge. Whitwick, tin, Leicestershire, 7 m. SW. Loughborough. P. 388t. −. 69 WHITWOOD THE CENTURY GAZETTEER YARROW Whitwood, tm. W. R. York, 44 m. N.W. Pontefract. P. 4102. Whitworth, tin. SE. Lancashire, 3 m. N. Rochdale. P. II,892. Whydah, cSt. th: W. Africa, Dahomey, 2° 5' E. P. 15,000. Wichita R., Texas, 225 m. to the Red R., in Clay co. sy Wick, spt., parl, and royal bur., co. th: of Caithness, 261'; m. NE. Inverness by rail. P. 8053; herring fishing. IP?ck Brazghs, com- prising Wick, Kirkwall, i)ornoch, Dingwall, Tain, and Cromarty, return 1 M.P. P. 17,461. Wickersley, vil. W. R. York, 3% m. E. Rotherham. Wickham Market, th: Suffolk, on R. Deben. P. 1469. - Wicklow, maritime co. Irel, in Leinster, Prov, bounded N. by Dublin, E. by Irish Sea, S. by Wexford, W. by Carlow and Kil- dare; 40 by 33 m. Area, 781 sq.m. P. 70,386, of whom 79.9 per cent. were Roman Catholics. The surface is hilly, rising in Lug- naquilla to 3039 ft. The Slaney and Liſſey rise in this county. Returns 2 M.Ps. Ths., Arklow, Bray, and Wicklow. Wicklow, spt. co. tu, of above, 28 m. S. Dublin by rail. P. 3391. Wickwar, inkt, th: Gloucester, 14% m. NE. Bristol... P.,917. Widder Station or Thetford, vil. Ontario, 137 m. W. Toronto. P. 500. Widin or Widdin, ft. th Bulgaria, on the Danube. P. 13,714. Widnes, manuf. th SW. Lancashire, on R. Mersey. P. 24,935. Wieliczka, mining th Austria, in Galicia, 18 m. W. Bochnia, P. 5973. It is famous for its salt-mines. & Wielun, th: Russian Poland, 44 m. SE. Kalisza. P. 5900. Wien, German for Piezz7ta. "Wiener Neustadt. See Neustadt. e Wiener Wald, mtn. range of Lower Austria, near Vienna. Wieringen, isl. Netherlands, prov, N. Holland, in Zuyder Zec. T. 2469. Wiesbaden, th: watering-place, Prussia, prov. Hessen-Nassau, cap. of gov. of W., 6 m. W. of Mainz. P. 55,454. [burg. P. 4903. Wieselburg, th Hungary, on a branch of the Danube, 21 m. S. Press- Wigan, parl, and mun. bor. S.W. Lancashire, 21% m. NE. Liverpool. P. 48,194. Cotton manufs. It returns I M.P. Wight, Isle of, part of Hants, Engl., in Engl. Channel, 23 m. long by 33. . Area, 146 sq. m. P.,73,633, returning 1 M.P. The climate and scenery have made the island a favourite place of residence. Newport, chieftm.; Cowes, chief port. ... * Wigston Magna, vil. Leicestersh, I m. E. Wigston Junction. Wigton, mkt, the Cumberland, 113 m, SW. Carlisle. , P. 3750. Wigtown, spt., royal bor, co. th: Wigtownsh., on Wigtown Bay. P.1789. Wigtownshire or W. Galloway, maritime co, in SW, extremity of Scot, bounded N. by Ayrsh., E. by Kirkcudbrightsh., S. by the Irish Sea, and W. by the North Channel, 39 by 28 m. Area, 485 sq. m. P. 38,611. It returns 1 M.P. Co., tm. Wigtown. P. 1500. Wilcania, tshp. New S. Wales, on Darling R., 583 m. W. Sydney. Wildbad, th Würtemberg, 20 m. W. Stuttgart. P. 3514. Hot baths. Tildenschwert, th: Bohemia, on the Adler. P. 4127. ... [P. 8486. Tildervauk, vil. Netherlands, in Groningen, 9 m. SW. Winschoten. Wilhelmshafen, ft. spt, a naval sta. of the N. Sea, Germany, in Jahde Ter. 33 m. NW. Bremen. P. 13,972. Wilkesbarre, city, Pennsylvania, cap, of Luzerne co., on N. branch of Susquehanna R., 144 m. N. Philadelphia. P. 23,339. Land, coasts on the Antarctic Circle, S. of Australia. tn. Russian Poland, 37 m. N. Suvalki. P. 5400. r. Oregon, U.S., 300 m. N. to the Columbia. cap. of Curacoa, Íutch W. Indies. P. 10,089. tn. Staffordshire, 3 m. E. Wolverhampton. P. 16,067. vil. Massachusetts, U.S., Hampshire Co. P. 2234. city, Pennsylvania, cap. of Lycoming Co., on Susque- R., 200 m. NW. Philadelphia. P. I8,934. [P. 2546. vil. S. Carolina, Anderson co., 18 m. S. Greenville. bor. spt. Victoria, Co. º º: SW. Melbourne. P. oozá. shipbuilding yards and slip docks. wińic, bor. #. Windham co., 86 m. SW. Boston. P. 6600. Has manufs. of thread, linen and Cotton goods, etc. Willington, eccl. dist. and º P. 5 m. N. Bishop Auckland. P. 7099 ; tshp. 5006. Has large collieries. * wiliš. dº.” Northumberld., on R. Tyne, 2 m, SW. N. Shields. P. 4974. vil. S. Carolina, 38 m. E. Augusta. P. 2669. small tm. Somerset, 14 m. NW. Taunton. on the Wolds, vil. Leicester, 7 m. NE. Loughborough. dist. and th Cape Col., in E. part of Prince Albert Dist. S. Australia, 30 m. S. Adelaide. P. IoS3. * , port of entry, Delaware, on Delaware R., New- co., 28 m. SW. Philadelphia. P. 42,478. city, port of entry, N. Carolina, cap. of Hanover Co., on R. P. I7,350. ; Cape "Wilmington, vil. Ohio, cap. of Clinton co., 55 m. E. Cincinnati. I. 2745. Wilmslow, tin. Cheshire, on R. Bollen, 5 m. S.W. Stockport. I’. 5664. Wilsden, th: W. R. York, 5 m. NW. Bradford. P. 2966. Wilson's Beach, vil. New Brunswick, on Campo Bello Isl. P. 500. Wilson's Promontory, most S. part of Australia, Victoria. Wilsontown, mining vil. Lanarkshire, 8% m. N. Carstairs. P. 808. Wilton, mkt. th Wilts, 2% m. NW. Salisbury. P. 1826. Manuf. Carpets. TWiltshire or Wilts, inland co. in S. of Engl., bounded N. and NW. by Gloucester, W. by Somerset, S. by Dorset and Hants, E. by Hants and Berks; 53 by 37 m. Area, 1354 sq.m. P., 258,965. Returns 5 M.Ps. Marlborough Downs are in the N., and Salisbury Plain in S. of the co. The chief tins. are Salisbury (co, tin.), Calne, Chippenham, Devizes, and Marlborough. TWimbledon, th: Surrey, 74 m. S.W. Waterloo Sta., London. P. I5,950 is Wimbledon Common. [P. 5390. or Wimborne Minster, mkt. tr. Dorset, 7 m. N. Poole. dist. and r. Victoria, in the NW. Area, 25,000 sq. m. tn. Germany, in Hessen, 7 m. N. Heilbronn. P. 2373. a central th Orange Free State, on Vet R. mkt. th Somerset, 18 m. SE. Glastonbury. P. 2410. Inkt. th Gloucester, 7 m. NE. Cheltenham. P, 2834 ancient tim, Sussex, 8 m. NE. Hastings. P. ro76. tshp. Victoria, 70 m. SW. Melbourne. [P. 1927. vil. Massachusetts, in co. and 36 m. N. Worcester. , city, parl. and mun. bor. Hants, on R. Itchen, 12 m. NE. Southampton. P. 17,780. It was the cap. of England under the Saxons. It returns I M.P. Its cathedral is magnificent. Winchester, vil, Indiana, cap. of Randolph.co., on White R, P, 1958. Winchester, vil. Kentucky, cap. of Clark co., in Blue Ball and Winchester tshps., 18 m. E. Lexington. P. 2510. Winchester, vil. Massachusetts, 8 m. N. Boston. P. 38oo. g Winchester, th: Virginia, cap. of Frederick co., 113 m. W. Baltimore. Winchfield, par. and vil. Hants, in NE. of co. P. 366. [P. 4958. Windermere or Winandermere, largest of English lakes, Westmor- land and N. Lancashire, Io; m. N. to S. Windermere, th: Westmorland, on E. shore of Lake. P. 1269. Windham, vil. Connecticut, W. co., 14 m. N. Norwich. P. 8265. Windhill, th: W. R. York, 3 m. NE. Bradford. P. 6732. Wind River Mts., Wyoming, U.S., in Rocky Mts., rising in Fremont's Peak to 13,576 ft. Windrush, r. Gloucester and Oxford, 30 m. to the Thames. Windsor or New W., parl. and mun. bor. Berks, on R. Thames, 21% m. W. London by rail. P. of mun. bor. 12,273; parl. bor. 19,082. It returns I M.P. Windsor Castle stands to the É., with extensive Windsor, Old, vil. Berks, on R. Thames, 2 m. SE, of above. [parks. Windsor, vil. Connecticut, Hartford co., on Connecticut R. P. 3056. Windsor, th: port of entry, Ontario, Essex co., on Detroit R. P. 656r. Windsor, spt; tın, Nova Scotia, cap. of Hants co., on Minas Bay. . 3919. Contains King's College. [P. 2000. Windsor, bor. New S. Wales, 34 m. N.W. Sydney, on Hawkesbury R. Windsor Locks, vil. Connecticut, on W. b. Connecticut R. P. 2332. Windward Isls., a crown col. of Great Britain, comprising the SE.- most portion of the Lesser Antilles, in W. Indies. Area, 664 sq. m. . P. 150,297. It comprises St. Vincent, Grenada, Grenadines, Tobago, and St. Lucia. nfield, vil. Kansas, cap. of Cowley co., 42 m. S. Wichita. P. 2844. ngate, tshp. Durham, 10 m. NW. Hartlepool. P. 5949. ingfield, South, par. and vil. Derby, 2 m. W. Alfreton. I’. 1226. nkfield, vil. Berks, 5 m. SW. Windsor. inlaton, par., and tship. Durham, on R. Tyne, in Blaydon. innebago Lake, 220 sq. m. Wisconsin, on Fox R. innebah or Simpah, fin. Upper Guinea, on Gold Coast. P. 4OCO. ºnnepiscogee, lake, New Hampshire, 25 m. NE. Concord. *g (formerly Fort Garry), city, Canada, cap, of Manitoba ºnd Selkirk co., at junction of Red and Assinibóine, 40 m. S. of Lake Winnipeg, 1180 m. from Montreal. P. (1887) 30,000. Winnipeg, lake, fominion of Canada, chiefly in Maiºtă, 280 m. long. Area, 9000 sq. m. Alt. 710 ft. It receives the Saskatchewan, Red, and Winnipeg Rs., and discharges at the N. extremity by the Nelson. The W. R. from Minnesota, 520 m. long, enters the lake on the SE. innipegosis, lake of Canada, 50 m. W. of Lake Winnipeg, 125 m. innsborough, vil. S. Carolina, cap. of Fairfield co. P. 2 #56. nona, city. Minnesota, cap. of W. co., on Mississippi. P. ro,200. nooski Falls, vil. Vermont, Chittenden co., on W. R. P. 2883, inschoten, th Netherlands, 20 m. E. Groningen. P. 7208. insen, the Hanover, 12 m. NW. Lüneburg. P. 2973. nslow, mkt. th: Bucks, in N. of co., 64 m. SE. Buckingham. insted, bor. Connecticut, Litchfield có. P. 1805. Winster, th; Derbyshire, 4 m. NW. Matlock. P. 836. Winston, vil. Durham, on R. Tees, 6 m. E. Barnard Castle. i Å : :T Winston, vil. N. Carolina, cap. of Forsyth co., near Salem. P. 2854. Winterberg, tin. Bohemia, 27 m. S.W. Pisek. P. 3662. ſinterbergen, mtn. range, Cape Colony, in the E.7806 ft. .. Winterhoek Mts., range in Cape Colony, 30 m. NW. Port Elizabeth, Winteringham, vil. Lincolnshire, on R. Humber. [8coo ft. ſinterport, vil. Maine, Waldo co., on Penobscot R. ... [2583. Winterset, th: Iowa, cap. of Madison co., 42 m. SW. Des Moines. P. Winterswyk, vil. Netherlands, in Gelderland, 35 m. E. Arnhem. P. Winterthur, th Switz., cant. Zurich, on R. Eulach. P. I5,516. [8335. Winterton, mkt. tu. Lincolnshire, 73 m. SW. Barton on Humber. P. Winton, post th: New Zealand, 19 m. NW. Invercargill. [16or. Wintzenheim, mkt, tr. Alsace, 3 m. W. Colmar. P. 3773. Wipper, r. Prussian Saxony, 50 m. to the Unstrut. Tipper, r. I’russian Saxony, 40 m. to the Saale. 19 per, r. Westphalia, 50 m. to the Rhine, 8 m. N. Cologne. Wipperfürth, th: Rhenish Prussia, 23 m. NE. Cologne. P. 5619. Wiresworth, mkt, th: Derbyshire, 13 m. NW. Derby. P. 3678; lead- Wirtemberg. See Würtemberg. [mining. Wisbech or Wisbeach, mun. bor. and river-port, Cambridge, on R. Wisby, Spt. th: Sweden, cap, of isl. of Gottiand. P. 7062. [Nen. P. 9249. Tiscasset, port of entry, Maine, cap. of Lincoln co. P. 1832. e Schau, th Moravia, 19 m. E. Brünn. P. 522I. [Mississippi. isconsin, r. intersecting Wisconsin State, N. to SW., 600 m. to the Wisconsin, a N. state of the U.S. of America, bounded N. by Lake Superior and Michigan State ; E. by Lake Michigan; S. by Illinois; W. by Iowa and Minnesota, from which it is separated by the Mississippi. Area, 56,040 sq. m. .P. (1840) 30,945; (1860) 775,881.; (1880), 1,315,497. The country is a rolling prairie and forest land, without mts. The state ranks high in point of agri- Chief tins. Milwaukee, Madison (the cap.), Oshkosh, Lac, cto. burgh, ILanarkshire, 15 m. SE. Glasgow. P. 13,112. tn. Bukowina, 38 m. W. Czernowitz. P. 4323. spt, th: Mecklenburg-Schwerin, on Baltic. P. 15,797. N. R. York, 24 m. to the Swale. See Weissenburg. parl. Pembrokesh, 5% m. NE. Haverfordwest. P. 717. mkt. th: Tissex, 8 m. NE. Chelmsford. P. 2966. r. Rutland and Lincolnshire, 80 m. to the Wash. par.,and vil. Devon, 8 m. E. Chulmleigh. P. ro25. sea-bathing vil. E. R. York, 4 m. NE. Patrington. tn. SE. Lancash.,in parl. limits of Manchester. P. 17, rog. , fishing settlement, Newfoundland, 22 m. S. St. Jóhn's. , mkt...tn. Qxfordshire, 12 m. W. Oxford. P. 3017. ... [P. 928. tn. Westphalia, 32 m. W. Arnsberg, on the Ruhr. P. 23,879. ft. th: Prussian Saxony, on the Elbe. P. 13,865, tn., Prussia, prov. Brändenburg, 65m. NW. Potsdam. P. vil. Saxony, near Chemnitz. P. 4463. [ro,931. tn. Bohemia, 15 m. E. Budweis. P. 5819. tn. Brandenburg, 60 m. N.W. Berlin, P. 6838. German ter., on E. Cst. Africa, in lat. 2° S. Area about 300 sq. m. [Chief th: Johannesburg. Witwatersrand, gold-mining region, S. African Rep., S. of Pretoria. Witzenhausen, th: Prussia, on the Werra, 15 m. E. Cassel. P. 3132. Wiveliscombe, mkt. th Somerset, 93 m. NW. Taunton. P. ré24. Livenhoe, th: and river-port, Essex, on R. Colne. P. 228o. Wladislawow (Ger. Rosterschütz), th: Russian Poland, gov. Suvalki, 25 m. NW. Mariampol. , P. 9300. [Vistula. P. 20,662. Iloclawek or Wlozlawsk, tr. Russian Poland, gov. Warsaw, on the Ilodawa, th: Russian Poland, gov. Lublin, 72 m. SE. Siedlec. P. 61.co. Toburn, mkt. th Bedfordshire, in W. of co. P. 1316. ſoburn Centre, vil. Massachusetts, Tom. N. Boston. P. of tshp, ro,938. Wodehouse, dist. Cape Col., forms E. part of Aliwal N. Area, 3849 sq. m. , P. 25,948. Chief tin. Dordrecht. Wodnian, ft. th Bohemia, 12 m. S. Pisek. P. Zoro. Qerden,th. Netherlands, S. Holland, on the Old Rhine. P. 4350. Woerth, Alsace. See Wörth. ſoking, mkt, th; Surrey, on R. Wey, 6 m. N. Guildford. P. 3554. Iokingham or Qakingham, mkt. fin. Berks, 7 m. SE, Reading. P. y M Å * * i | : WO Wolborough with Newton Abbot, local gov. dist. Devon. P.7662. [3099. Wolcottville, vil. Connecticut, Litchfield co., on Naugatuék. P. 22.45. Woldenberg, th: Brandenburg, 66 m. NE. Frankfort-on-the-Oder. iATT . P. 4550. Wolds, The, a chalk range in Lincolnshire, 45 m. long. [Head, 35 m. Wolds, The, chalk hills E. R. York, from the Humber to Flamborough Olſborough, vil. New Hampshire, on Lake Winnepesaukee. P. 2232. Wolfe Isl., Canada, in the St. Lawrence, in Lake of the Thousand Wolfenbüttel, th Germany, 8 m. S. Brunswick. P. r2,453. [Isles. Wolfville (Corzºzoad/zs), spt. Nova Scotia, on Minas Bay. P. 900, olgast, spt...tn. Pomerania, 40 m. SE. Stralsund. P. 7485. Wollaston, vil. Northampton, on R. Nen. Wollin, Şpt. Pomerania, 29 m. N. Stettin. P. 5097. Wollin, isl. Pomerania, on N. side of Grosse Haft, ºom. long. P. 13,000. Wollongong, spt. New S. Wales, co. Camden, 64 m. S. Sydney. P. Wolsingham, fin. Durham, on R. Wear. P. 2304. |I650. \ * T Wolseley, ry, sta. Assiniboia, 294 m. W. Winnipeg. Wolstanton, manuf. dist. Stafford, N.W. side Stoke. P. 5538. Wolverhampton, parl. and mun."bor. Staffordsh., zºº iſ Nw. Bir- mingham. P. of inun. bor. 75,766; parl. bor. 164,332. It returns 3 M. PS. Iron and steel works, locks and keys, etc. It is known as the metropolis of the ‘Black Country.” Wolverley, vil. Worcester, on R. Stour, 2 m. N. Kidderminster. Wolverton, th: Bucks, 2 m. NE. Stony Stratford. P. 36:I. Manuf. railway carriages. - Wombwell; tın, W. R. York, 4% m. SE. Barnsley. P. 845r. ongrowitz, th: Prussia, 32 m. NE. Posen. P. 4335. Wooburn or Woburn, th Bucks, 4 m. SE. Wycombe. P. 243 I. Wood Green, dist. Middlesex, Tottenham par. P. 9381. Woodborough, par. and vil. Notts, 73 m. NE. Nottingham. P. 899. Woodbridge, mkt, th river-port, Suffolk, on R. Deben, p. 4544. Woodbridge or Durwick, vil. Ontario, York co., 16m. NW. Tºonto. P. Tooo. ' [P. 2148. , vil. Connecticut, Litchfield co., 25 m. NW. New Haven. , th: New Jersey, 9 m. S. Philadelphia. P. 2298. tn. Victoria, 49 m. NW. Melbourne. P. 800. vil. Aberdeenshire, on R. Don. P. 529. post tim, N. Zeald., N. Canterbury, 16 m. from Christchurch. vil. Galway, 12 m. S.W. Portumna. P. 346. P. 5452. police bur. Aberdeen, on R. Don, 2 m. NW. Aberdeen. vil, and ry. Sta. Perthsh., 23 m, S.W. Coupar-Angus. mining th: Victoria, 120 m. NE. Melbourne. P. Goo. bor. Oxfordsh., on R. Glyme, 8 m. NW. Oxford. P. II33. vil. Connecticut, 41 m. E. Hartford. P. 2639. *- port of entry, Ontario, cap. of co, Oxford, on R. Thames. . • 5373. * e [R. St. John. P. 2487. [00dstºck, port of entry, New Brunswick, cap. of Carleton Co. 6. Woodyille, bush tshp. N. Zealand, co. Waipawa, room. from Napier. Wooldale, tshp. W. R. York, Kirkburton par. P. A.337. Wooler, mkt. the Northumberland, under the Cheviðts. P. I529. Woolton or Much Woolton, tm. SW. Lancash., 5 m. SE. Liverpool. * | P. 454r. Woolwich, parl, bor. ICent, on R. Thames, 8 m. E. London. P. 74,963. Returns I M.P. Its chief feature is the extensive arsenal. 90lwich, North, th Essex, on Thames, opposite Woolwich, P. 4098. oonsocket, tn, Rhode Isl., U.S., Providence, P. 16,053. 99;ſº gity, Qhio, cap. of Wayne Co., 40 m. E. Mansfield. P. 5840. Wootton Dassett, mkt.'tn. Wilts, 6 m. W. Swindon. P. 2237. orcester, parl, and mun, bor., city, co. th of Worcestershire, and Co. of itself, 22 m. S.W. Birmingham, Ir4 m. NW. London by rail. P. 40,354; on 1. b. of the Severn. Returns 1 M.F. The Cathedral à fine Gothic structure. Large hop market; considerable trade by the river. Worgester, city, Massachusetts, one of the caps. of W. co., 44 m. SW. Boston. P. 53,291. Manuf, tools and shoes, etc. [P. 3788. Worcester, tn. Cape Colony, cap. of W. Div., 86 m. NE. Cape Town. Worcestershire, W. midland có. Engl., bounded N. by Staffordsh.; [...by Warwicksh.; S. by Gloucestersh.; W. by Herefordsh. and Şalop; 45 by 36 m. Areá, 738 sq. m. P. 380,283. Returns 5 M.Ps. It is traversed by the Severn, which régéive; here the Stour, Teme, and Avon. The soil is very fertile. The co, contains the parl...bors, of Kidderminster, Worcester (co. tn.) and Dudley; &nd the bors. of Bewdley, Droitwich, and Evesham. Workington, mkt. th spt. Cumberiană, at mth ºff. Derwent, 6% m. ...N. Whitehaven. P. 14,371. Iron and steel works. Worksop, mkt., tm. Notts, 18 m. SE. Sheffield. P. Io,588. Orkum, tin. Netherlands, in Friesland, near Zuyder Zee. P. 4151. Worradith, th; E. Prussia, 43 m. S. Königsberg. P. 5169. Worms, city, Germany, in Hessen, 3 m. from the Rhine. P. 21,903. IIas a noble Românesque-àthédral. Worms IIead, promontory, S. Wales, CŞ. Glamorgan. Worringen, yil. Rhen. Prussia, on i. i. Rhine, below Cologne. P. 248o. Worsborough, th W. R. York, 2% m. S. Barnsley. P. 8443. [21,207. Wors ey...tshp. and vil. SE. Lancash., 6 m. Nºw. Manchester." [. Wörth, vil. Alsace, on the Sauer, 12 m, 'SW. Weissenburg. P. ro54. Site of battle, Aug. 6, 1870. orthing, watering-place and mkt. th Sussex, on English Channel, IQ3 m. W. Brighton. P. Io,976. Wortley, tshp. and vil. W. R. Yörk, 4 m. SE. Penistone. P. 1131. Wotton, vii. Quebec, Wolfe co., 11 m. ii. Danville, i. 1993. t sº Wotton under Edge, mkt. tr. Gloucester, 12 m, SW. Stroud. P. 3349. Wragby, tra. Lincolnsh., 11 m. NE. Lincoln. P. 508. e Wrangell Land, uninhabited isl. in Arctic Ocean, N.W. of Behring Strait, 70° 40' N., 178° 51" W. º - Wrath, Cape, headland at NW, extremity Sutherlandsh. Alt. 370 ft. Wrekin, craggy hill, Shropsh., 2% m. SW. Wellington, 1320 ft. Wreschen, th Prussia, 40 m. E. Posen, P. 4960. e Wrexham, parl. and mun. bor. N. Wales, Denbigh and Flint, on R. Clywedog, 12 m. S.W. Chester. P. I2,333. It is one of the ZXezz- bigh Boroughs. Wrietzen, th: Prussia, on the Oder, 33 m. E. Berlin. P. 7241. IrockWardine, par. and vil. Shropsh., 2 m. W. Wellington. P. 5471. Irockwardine Wood, dist, Shropsh., 3% m. E. Wellington. P. 3207. Wrotham, tr. Kent, 6 m. NE. Sevenoaks. P. 3296. Iroxeter, vil, Ontario, Huron co., Io9 m. W. Toronto. P. 590. WSetin, th: Moravia, 33 m. NE. Hradisch. P. 4585. Wu-Chang, th: China, prov. Hu Pe, on Yang-tse-Kiang. P. 1,000,000. It is a great emporium for tea, cotton, and rice. Wu-Chu, th: China, prov. Quang-Si, on R. Hong Kiang. Wu-Hu, treaty port, China, prov. Ngan-whi, on the Yang-tse-Kiang, 50 m. above Nanking. P. Co,000. - Wülfrath, th; Rhenish Prussia, 6 m. W. Elberfeld. P. 6975. TWümme, r. NW. Germany, 75 m. to the Weser, Iom. NW. Bremen. Wun, dist. India, in Berar, in the E. Arcs, 3907 sq. m. P. 392,102. Wun is the cap. on road to Nagpur. P. 4207. unsiedel, tm. Bavaria, 24 m. E. Bayreuth. P. 3699. ſunzen, active vol. Japan, in isl. Kiu-Siu, 411o ſº. ſupper, r. Germany. See Wippor. Wurno, th: Soudan, 18 m. NE. of Soloto. P. 12,cco, Würfenberg, kingdom of SW. Germany, bounded W. by Baden, D. by Bavaria, and S. by Baden and Lake of Constancé. Area, 7530 Sq. m. P. I,995,185. Two-thirds Protestant. It ranks as thé third state of the German Empire. The Danube and Neckar are the main rivers. The W. frontier is occupied by the mts. of the Black Forest; Salt is the chief mineral product; the forests are extensive and valuable; gov. a limited monarchy. Stuttgart is the cap. Würzburg, ft. th: Bavaria, r.ſo m. NW. Munich, on the Main. P. 55, oro. Principal buildings are the royal palace and cathedral; the university founded 1582. ſurzen, th: Saxony, on the Mulde, 16 m. E. Leipsic. P. 12,006. [u-Sung, cSt. th: China, prov. Kiang-Su, Iom. N. Shanghai. Tyandof Cave, Indiana, Crawford Co., near Leavenworth. Iyandoffe, city, Kansas, cap. of W. Co., on Missouri. P. 6149. Iyandotte, city, Michigan, Wayne co., on Detroit R. P. 363f. Wycliffe, par. N. R. York, on R. Tees, 5 m. E. Barnard Castle. Wycombe, Chipping Wycombe or High Wycombe, mun. bor. Bucks, on R. Wye, 15 m. NW. Windsor. P. ro,618. Wycombe, West, par. and vil. Bucks, 23 m. NW. Wycombe. P. 2390. Wye, r. Bucks, aff of the Thames, 9 m. long. Wye, r. Derbyshire, 20 m. E. to the Derwent at Rowsley. Wye or Gwy, r. Wales and England, rises in Montgoméry and flows S. and SW, to the Severn, between Monmouth and Gloucester, 130 m. long. Wye, mkt, th; Kent, II m. S.W. Canterbury. P. 1543. Wyhe or Wijhe, vil. Netherlands, prov. Overysseſ, 9 m. N. Deventer. Wyk, spt. Schleswig, on SE. cst. of Föhr. P. 4023. Wylam, tshp. and vil. Northumberland, on R. Tyne, 8 m. W. New- * | T i • 959. mkt, th: Norfolk, Io; m. SW. Norwich. P. 4566. par, and vil. Leicester, 6 m. E. Melton Mowbray. See Waina.d. vil. Cape Colony, 8 m. from Cape Town. P.2500. Post tim. New Zealand, 27 m. from Invercargill. vil. Belgium, 8% m. S. Bruges. P. 662o. port of entry, Tasmania, on Inglis River, 104 m. NW. Launceston. P. of dist. 9oo. Wyoming, ter. of the U.S., bounded N. by Montana, w, by Idaho and Utah, S. by Utah and Colorado, and É. by Dakota. and Nebraska. Area, 97,890 sq. m. P. (1880). 20,789. It is crossed by the main chain of the Rocky Mts. Cap. Cheyenne. Wyoming, vil. Ontario, Lambton co., 45 m. W. Londón. P. 886. Wyre, r. N. Lancashire, 28 m. to the Irish Sea at Fleetwood. WyśZgorod, the Russian Poland, goy, and 27 m. E. Plock. P. 4395. Wytheville, vil, Virginia, cap. of Wythe co., 56 m. E. Abingdon. Calapa, city, Mexico. See Jalapa. [P. 1885. Calisco, state, Mexico. See Jalisco Camiltepog or Jamiltopec, th: Mexico, 70 m. S. Oajaca, P. 4ooo. Xanten or Sancten, th: Rhenish Prussia, gov. Düsseldorf, 15 m. SE. Cleves, near the Rhine. P. 3660. [of Makri. Xanthus, ruined city of Lycia, Ásia Minor, near vil. of Kounik, SE- Xarayes, extensive periodical lake, Drazil, on R. Paraguay. Xenia, city, Qhio, cap. of Greene co. on Little Miami R. P. 7026. Xeres. See Jerez. Xertigny, th France, dep. Vosges, 9 m. S. Epinal. P. 2025. Xilo Castron, vil. Greece, 24 m. W. Corinth. Ximena. See Jimena. [Para. Xingu or Chingu, r. Brazil, 1300 m. N. to the Amazon, 240 m. W. of Xochimilco, vil. Mexico, 8 in. S. Mexico, on L. Xochimilco, P. I2,725. Y or Ij (Dutch, Het Y), a branch of the Zuyder Zee; on its S. śide stands Amsterdam. Yablonoi Mts., chain in E. Asia, between Siberia and Manchuria. Yackandandah, th: Victoria, 195 m. NE. Melbourne. P. Goo. Yadkin R., N. and S. Carolina,300 m. SSE. It is called the Pedee in S. Carolina. Yakoba, city, Soudan, in Sokoto, 200 m. E. Egga, P. 150,000. Yakova, tm. Albania, 67 m. NE. Skutari. P. 25,000. Yakutsk, a vast gov. 6f Siberia, occupying most of the Lena basin, the Yana, Indigirka, and Kolima, bounded S. by the Yablonoi and Stanovoi ranges. Area, 1,517,063 sq. m. P. 248,009. The climate is excessively severe, [Its trade is of great importance. Yakutsk, th: cap, of above, on the Lena, 62° N., 123° 44' E. P. 4778. Yalding, par. and vil. Kent, on the Medway, 5 m. S.W. Maidstone. P. 25.14. [minster. Yale, th: British Columbia, on Fraser R., go m. above New West- ſalu-Kiang, r. on W. front. of Corea, flows 3oom. SW. to Yellow Sea. ſalutrovsk, th: Siberia, 120 m. S. Tobolsk, on Tobol R, P, 4505. , ſalta, spt, th: Crimea, 32 m. W. Sevastopol. P. 30c.6. [2740. ſamachiche, vil. Quebec, St. Maurice co., on the Yamachiche. P. Zamaska, vil. Quebec, in Co. and on Y. R., 31 m. N. St. Hyacinthe. ſamboli, th: E. Roumelia, 56 m. N. Adrianople, on Tunja. amburg, th: Russia, gov. and 68 m. SW. St. Petersburg. P. 3243. Zambunga, th: on R. Congo, 1270 m. from its mouth. 8ooo. Zambuya, Rapids, on Aruwimi R., Congo Free State. amina, tin. Africa, State Bambarra, on the Niger. P. ro, coo. Yampol, th: Russia. gov. Podolia, 75 m. E. Kamieniec, on the Yamsk, cSt. tr. E. Siberia, 38o m. E. Okhotsk. LDniester. P. 3416. Yana, r. Siberia, 600 m. to Arctic Ocean, 137° E. Yamaon, French settlement, on R. Godavari, surrounded by Madras Pres, 16° 44' Io' N., 82° 15' E. P. 4473. [NE. Nanking. Yang-Tchu, city, China, prov. Kiang-Su, on Imperial Canal, 50 Ill. Yangtse-Kiang or Ta-Kiang, a great r. of China, S. of the Hóang. Ho, rises in Tibet under the name of Murussu, flows eastward by a winding course to the JEast China Sea in the prov. of Kiang- Su; length, 3000 m. Area of basin, 1,137,675 sq. m. Yanina. See Janina. Yanitza; tın. Turkey, 30 m. W. Salonica. P. geoo. Yankalilla, tshp. S. Australia, 46% m. S. Adelaide. P. 400. Yankton, cap. of S. Dakota Ter., U.S., and of Y. Co., on N. b. of Missouri R., 42°50' N. P. 343r. Yao-Nain, city, China, prov. Yun-Nan, 95 m. W. Yun-Nan. Yao-Tchu, city, China, prov. Kiang-Si, near Lake Po-Yang. Yap, one of the Caroline Islands, 9 m. long. P. ºcco. Yaqui, r. Mexico, State Sonora, 400 m. S. and SW, to Gulf of Cali- Yaracuy, state, Venezuela. P. 71,689. Cap. San Felipe. [fornia. Yarçowie, post tri. S. Australia, 1333 m. N. of Adelaide, P. 153. Yardley Hastings, par. and vil. 8m. SE. Northampton. P. II79. Xare or Yar, r. Norfolk, 50 m. past Norwich to the sea at Yariſouth. Yarkand, city, Chinese Turkistan, on Y. R., room. SE. Kashgar. P. $29,990. It yās cap. 9ſ a Mohammedan kingdom from 1863 to 1878. Yarkand, r. of Chinese Turkistan, an aff, of Tarim R., which enters ob Nor, 500 m. long. Yarker, vil. Ontario, Addington co., on R. Nepanee. P. 4OO. Yarm, mkt. th N. R. York, on R. Tees, 4 m. ŠW. Stockton. P. 1485. Yarmouth, ºpt. Isle of Wight, Iom. W. Newport. P. 787. Yarmouth, Great, parl, and mun. bor., spt., fishing the watering-place, Norfolk and Suffolk, at mouth of R. Yare. The chiefseat of the English herring fishery. P. 46,159. It returns r M.P. Yarmouth, vil. Maine, Cumberland co., 11 m. N. Portland. P. 202r. Yarmouth, spt. Nova Scotia, cap. of Y, co., 205 m. Sw, Halifax. p. 6280. e º [13,752 sq. m. P. 1,095,836. Yaroslav, gov. Russia, near its centre, traversed by the Volga. Area, Yaroslav, city, cap. of above, on R. Volga, 160 m. NE. Moscow. P. : 6 O Y i 23,032. - - Yarrãwonga, post tim. Victoria, 152 m. NE. Melbourne. P. 366. Yarra-Yarra, r. Victoria, enters Port Phillip from the E., passing Melbourne; length, room. Yarriba or Yoruba, state of Upper Guinea, NE. of Dahomey: P. about 3,903,909. Chief towns. Abeokuta, Illori, Oya, and İbadan. Yarrow, r, Selkirkshire, 14% m. NE, to the Ettrick, jo YASS THE CENTURY GAZETTEER ZWYNDRACHT Yass, th: New S. Wales, 187 m. SW. Sydney, on R. Yass. P. 2000. Yassy. See Jassy. Yatala, tshp. Queensland, co. Ward, 24% m. from Brisbane. Yatina, post tii. S. Australia, 169 m. N. Adelaide. [65 m. N. Boussa. Yauri or Yaouri, large tri. Soudan, on 1. b. of the Quorra or Niger, Yaxley, par. and vil. Huntingdon, 4% m. S. Peterboro. P. 1355. Yazoo, r. Mississippi, 280 m. S. and SE. to the Mississippi. Yazoo City, city, Mississippi, on Y. R. 48 m. NE. Vicksburg. P. 2542. Yberg, vil. Switz., 7 m. NE. Schwytz. P. 1955. Medicinal springs. Ye, tin. Lower Burma, in Amherst Dist., on Ye R. P. 2694. Yea, post tim. Victoria, on Y. River, 80 m. ENE. Melbourne, Yeadon, th: W. R. York, 6 m. NW. Leeds. P. 6534. Yealm, r. Devon, 12 m. to the English Channel. Yealmpton, par. and vil. Devon, 6% m. SE. Plymouth. P. 932. Yebenes, th Spain, 21 m. S. Toledo. . P. 4728. Yecla, til, Spain, prov. and 44 m. N. Murcia. P. 15,276. Yeddo, Yedo or Jeddo. See Tokio. Yefremov, th: Russia, gov. and 78 m. SE. Tula... P. 7769. Yegoryevsk, th: Russia, gov. Riazan, 57 m., E. Moscow. P. 6126. Yeisk, spt. Russia, gov. Kuban, on Sea of Azof. P. 23,725. Yekaterinburg or Ekaterinburg, th: Russia, gov. Perm, E. of the ... Ural Mts., on R. Isset. P. 31,917. [Azof. P. 27,347. Yekaterinodar, tin. Russia, cap. of Kuban, on Kuban R., 125 m. S. Yekaterinograd, ft. and th: Russia, gov. Stavropol, on the Terek. . 2500. Yekaterinoslav, gov. S. Russia, traversed by the Dnieper. Area, 26,147 sq. m. P. I,696,387. [SSE. St. Petersburg. P. 41,098. Yekaterinoslav, ft. th: cap. of above, near r. b. of Dnieper, 820 m. Yelabuga, tin. Russia, gov. and 21om. S. Viatka, on the Kama. P. 9752. Yelatom, tm. Russia, gov. and 158 m. N. Tambov, on the Oka. P. 7100. Yeletz, th Russia, gov. and Ioz m. E. Orel, on the Sosna. P. 36,678. Yelisavetgrad, th Russia, gov. and 130 m. N. Kherson. P. 51,774. Yelisavetpol, gov. Transcaucasia, in the SE., 17,947 sq. m. P. 640,237. Yelisavetpol, ft. the cap. of above, 90 m. SE. Tiflis. P. 18,977. Yell, second largest of the Shetland Isls., 17 m. long. P. 2529. Yellala Falls, the lowest of the Livingstone Cataracts, on the R. Con- Yellow R., China. See Hoang-Ho. [go, 120 m. from the sea. Yellow Sea (Chin. JWhang Hai or Hoang Hai), a part of the Pacific Ocean, having Corea on the E., and N. China on the W. and N. Length, 620 m. by 400. Yellowstone R., Wyoming and Montana, Iroom. to the Missouri. It is renowned for its wonderful scenery and marvellous natural phe- nomena, particularly in its upper parts, where in the NW, of Wyo- ming it expands into Y. Lake, 7788 ft. above the sea. A tract in this part 65 m. long by 55 has been set apart as a Ngãoºg! Park. Yembo or Yambo, spt, tin. Arabia, in Hedjaz, 130 m. SW. Medina, of which it is the port. P. 5Co0. Yemen, dist. in SW. of Arabia, forming a vilayet of Turkey, bounded N. by Hedjaz, W. by Red Sea, S. by Gulf of Aden ; 400 m. long; P. 266,000. It produces much coffee, tobacco, dates, gums, and spices. Sana is the cap. Mocha chief port. Yenangyoung, th Upper Burma, on Irawadi, 60 m. SW. Ava, P. 8ooo. Yenchuán, spt. Corea, open to foreign trade. Yengarie, tshp. 3. 120 m. NW. Brisbane. Yeni-Bazár, th: Bulgaria, 14 m. NE. Shumla. P. 8000. Yenikale, ft. tin. S. Russia, Crimea, 65 m. E. Kaffa. P. 700. Yenikale, Strait of, entrance from Black Sea to Sea of Azof, Yenisei, great r. Siberia, rises in Mongolia, crosses the Altai Mts., flows º joining the Angara, to the Arctic Ocean, after a course of 3400 m. Its basin lies between that of the Obi and Lena. Yeniseisk, gov. Siberia, occupies most of the Yenisei basin. . Area; 992,829 sq. m. P. .429,592. . Cap. Krasnoyarsk. Its principal wealth is in the precious metals. Yeniseisk, th in above, on the Yenisei, 58° 27' N. P. 7045. Yenne, th France, dep. Savoy, on the Rhône. _P. 2739. Yen-Ngan-Fu, tm. China, prov. Shen-Se, on the Yan Ho. Yen-Ping-Fu, th: China, prov. Fo Kien, on the Min Ho. Yeo or Ivel, r. Dorset and Somerset, 24 m. to the Parret. ... [P.17,685. Yeola, th: with ry. sta. Bombay Pres, dist, and 44 m. NE, Nasik. Yeovil, mun. bor. Somerset, on R. Yeo, 22 m. SE. Bridgwater. Yepes, th: Spain, 22 m. E. Toledo. P. 2470. gº º żº . 8479. Yerkad, sanitarium, Madras Pres., in Salem Dist., in the Shevaroy Hills, 4828 ft. above the Sea. P.1338. Yerma, tin. Asia Minor, 66 m. SW. Angora. Yeshil Irmak, r. Asia Minor, 200 m. to the Black Sea. Yeshil Kul, lake, Chinese Turkistan, 20 m, NE. Keria. Yesso, Jesso or Yezo, one of the largest of the Japanese Isls., lies N. - of Hondo, from which it is separated by the Strait of Sangar or Tsugar, 350 by 250 m. Area, 35,739 sq. m. P. 163,355. Hakodate is a treaty port. Matsmai City is the cap. Yeste, th Spain, prov. and 50 m. SW. Albacete, P. 6917. Yes Tor, mth. Devon, highest of Dartmoor, 2050 ft. Yester, vil. Scot. See Gifford. yetholm, vil. Roxburghsh., on Bowmont Water, 7% m. SE. Kelso. Yetman, post th New South Wales, 433 m. N. of Sydney. Yeulba, post th Queensland, 281 m. W. Brisbane. P. 350. Yezd, prov. Persia, S. Khorassan. Cap. Yezd, on a large oasis 230 m. E. Ispahan. P. 40,000. y Garnedd Goch, mtn. Carnarvonshire, 6% m. SW. Snowdon, 2315 ft. Ying-Tszu, th Chinese Manchuria, near G. of Lead Tong. P. Io,000. Ynys-Cynhaiarn, local gov. dist. Carnarvon, on cst. ... P. 5506. Yoker, vil. Renfrewshire, on R. Clyde, 1 m. N. Renfrey. ... P. 1256. Yokohama, spt. Japan, on the bay, 18 m. by rail SW. Tokio, near Kanagãwa. Exports, silk, tea, rice, copper. P. 79,019. [Benue. R- Yola, large city, Soudan, cap. of kingdom of Adamawa, near the Yongala, post tim, S. Australia, 159 m. N. of Adelaide. P. 353. Yonkers, city, New York, Westchester co., on Hudson R., 15 m. N. ew York. P. 18,892. * Yonne, r. France, deps. Nièvre and Yonne, 169 m. to tlle Seine. Yonne, dep. France, watered by the Yonne, 48° N., 3° 30' E. Area, 2868 sq. m. P. 355,364. Cap. Auxerre. gº York, pari. and mun, bor., archiepiscopal city, co. tim, Yorkshire, and co, in itself, 188 m. NW. London, on R. Ouse. P. 61,166. , Re- turns 2 MPs. The cathedral is the largest and finest in England. The castle is occupied as assize courts and prison. York, vil. Maine, York co., 8 m. E. Portsmouth. P.,2463. York, bor, Pennsylv., cap. of Y, co.28 m. S. Harrisburg, P. 13,940. York’ or y. Factory; tın Canada, dist. Keewatin, at mth. of Nelson R., on Hudson Bay. P. 910. York, tin. W. Australia, 60 m. E. Perth. . P. 800. 6 York, Cape, the N. extremity of Queensland, and Y. Peninsula. York Isls., grp. in Torres Strait, S.E. of New Guinea, g York Peninsula, Queensland, lies E. of the Gulf of Carpentaria, ter- minating in Cape York. Yorke Peninsula, in S. Australia, between St. Vincent and Spencer Gulfs, 100 m. long by 30 m. Yorke Town, th: S. Australia, 171 m. W. of Adelaide. P. 349. Yorkshire, maritime co. Engl., the largest of the Brit. Isles, bounded N. by the Tees, separating Durham, W., by Westmorland and Lancash., SW, by Cheshire and Derbysh., SE, by Nottinghamsh, Lincolnshire, and R. Humber, and E. by the North Sea; 96 by go in. . Area, 6067 sq. m. P. 2,886,564. It is mostly occupied by the basin of the Ouse, and its tributaries, the Swale, Ure, Nidd Wharfe, Aire, and Don from the W., and the Derwent from the . The basin is skirted in the W., by the heights of the Pennine chain, and on the E. by the Wolds and N. York Moors. The great central valley stretches S.E. to the Humber. Y. ranks high as an agricultural, manuf, and mining co. It is divided into 3. Ridings, viz., B., M., and H., besides the Airtsºy, or Liberty of the city of Y. Each Riding is treated almost as a distinct co. Éast Riding in the SE. returns 3. M.P.s., and contains the spt, parl. bor, of Hull. P. .315,460. North Riding returns 4 M.P.s., and contains the parl, bors, of York, Middlesborough, and Scar. borough, Valuable beds of ironstone are worked in the Cleveland Hills. P. 346,260. West Riding, in the W. and S.W., returns I9 M.P.S., and contains the parl. bors, of Bradford, Dewsbury, Halifax, Huddersfield, Leeds, Pontefract, Sheffield, and Wake. field. In the W.R. is the great York coalfield, and the seat of _ Yorkshire industrial enterprise. P. 2,175,314. [Norfolk. Yorktown, vil. Virginia, cap. of York co., on York R., 35 m. N. Yorkville, vil. Ontario, York co 2 m. N. Toronto. P. 4825. Yoruba. See Yarriba. Yosemite Valley, California, in Mareposa co., 140 m. E. San Fran- cisco, in the Sierra Nevada, watered by Merced R., an aff, of which falls here 2550 ſt. of cataract. Youghal, spt, th: E. co. Cork, at mth. of R. Blackwater, 25 m. E. Cork, 192 m. SW. Dublin. P. 5396. [I2,000. Young, th and tshp. New S. Wales, 245 m. SW. Sydney. P. of dist. Youngstown, th: Ohio, in co. and on Mahoning R. P. 15,435. Yperlée, r. Belgium, prov. W. Flanders, enters N. Sea at Nieuwport. 7pres (Y?erm), th: Belgium, on R. Yperlée, 55 m. SW. Brüges. P. 15,711. Contains a military school. Ypsilanti, city, Michigan, Washtenaw co., on Huron R. P. 6377. Yrfon, r. Brecknockshire, 20 m. SE, and N.E. to the Wye. ſåsel or Ijssel, r, Netherlands, arm of the Rhine, to Zuyder Zee. (ssel, r. arm of the Leck, in Utrecht and S. Holland. [sselmonde, isl. S. Holland, opposite Rotterdam, 15 m. by 5. ſssingeaux, th: France, dep. Haute Loire, 13 m. NE. Le Puy. P. 8232. (stad, spt. S. Sweden, 36 m. E. Malmö. P. 7078. [stradyfodwg, dist. Glamorgan, on R. Rhondda. P. 55,632. ºstwith, r. Cardiganshire, 25 m. S.W. and N.W. to Aberystwith. (than, r. Aberdeenshire, 35 m. SE. to N. Sea. Yucatan, state, Mexico, the N. and E. parts of Yucatan Peninsula. Area, 28,185 sq. m. P. 302,315. Cap. Merida. [Adelaide. Yudanamutana, copper-mining district, S. Australia, 460 m. NW. Yuen-Hwa,tn. China, prov. Che Kiang, N. of Hang-Chow-Fu. P. 100,000. Yuen-Kiang, r. China, prov. Hu-Nan, 400 m. of Lake Tong Ting Hu. Yuensan, spt. Corea, open to foreign commerce. Yukon, larger. Canada and Alaska, 2000 m. to the Pacific. Yuk-Shan, th: China, prov. Kiang-Si, near source of Kan-Kiang. Yule, Mount, mtn. Brit. New Guinea. Elev. Io,040 ft. Yuma, vil. Arizona, cap. of Y. Co., on Colorado R., at mth. of R. Gila, and on South Pacific Railway. P. 1200. Yun Nan, most SW. prov. China, bordering on Burma. Area, 122,456 sq. m. P. II,721,576. It is very mtnous. Chief ths. Yun Nan and Yunquera, tr. Spain, prov. and 33 m. W. Malaga. P. 4627. [Ta-li. Yuriev-Polskoi, tin. Russia, gov. and 25 m. NW. Vladimir. P. 5398. Yuthia, Siam. See Ayuthia. Yuzgab, th Asia Minor, vilayet of Sivas, 55 m. S. of Khurum. Yverdun, th: Switz., cant. Vaud, 18 m. N. Lausanne. P. 5968. Yvetot, tr. France, dep. Seine-Inférieure, 20 m. N.W. Rouen. P. 8937. Yvré-l'Evêque, vil. France, dep. Sarthe, 3 m. E. Le Mans. P. 2269. Ywe, one of the mouths of the Irawadi, 60 m. long. Yzeure, th France, dep. Allier, 2 m. from Moulins. P. 4164. Zaandam, tm. N. Holland, 4 m. NW. Amsterdam. P. 13,621. Zab or Zaab, r. Turkish Kurdistan, 200 m. to the Tigris. abakano, th: W. Africa, 250 m. N. Abomey. P. 9000. abern (Fr. Saverzte), th: Alsace, 27 m. NW. Strasburg. P. 6936. aborze, th: Prussian Silesia, gov. and 45 m. SE. Oppeln. P. 12,552. Zacapa, the Central America, 70 m. NE. Guatemala. P. 8000. Zacatecas, a cent. state, Mexico, on Tropic of Cancer. Area, 22,998. sq. m. P. 442,506. It is a rich mining state, especially of silver. Chief ths. Zacatecas, Sombrerete, Fresnillo. Zacatecas, cap. of above, 150 m. N. Guanajuato. P. 30,000. Zacatula, th Mexico, State Guerrero, on Bolsas R., near the mth. Zadonsk or Sadomsk, th Russia, gov. and 53 m. N.Voronezh, on 1. b. of the Don. P. 9073. ſafaran-Boli, th: Asia Minor, 90 m. N. Angora. P. I5.oOo. affarano, th: Sicily, 12 m. N. Catania, on Mt. Etna. P. 3294. affarin Islg., in Mediterranean, off cst. of Morocco, belong to Spain. Zafra, th: Spain, 37 m. SE. Badajos. P. 5595. Zagarolo, th Italy, prov. and 19 m. E. Rome. . P. 5731. gazig, th: Egypt, on the Sweet-water Canal, 75 m. NW. Suez. P. gora, Mt., modern name of Mts. Pelion and Helicon. [19,815. re, Portuguese name of the R. Congo. san, lake in Soungaria, 47° 30' N., 83°-84° E., 80 m. long. amea, th: Spain, prov. and 74 m. E. Badajos. P. 4659. amea la Real, th Spain, 45 m. W. Seville. P. 7753. athma, mining th Transylvania, 18 m. W. Karlsburg. lesczyky, th Austria, in Galicia, on the Dniester. P. 5588. osze, the Austria, in Galicia, on the Sered. P. 6100. Zambesi, great r. S. Africa, formed by the junction of the Liba from ake Dilolo and Liambye, flows SE. and E. to Mozambique Channel, 1400 m. On its 1... b. it receives the Kafue, Loangwa, and Shire from Lake Nyassa, and on the r. b. the Chobe. Zamboanga. See Samboanga. Zamora, th Spain, cap. of prov., on r. b. of Douro. P. 14,137. Area of prov., which is in Leon, 4098 sq. m. P. 271,243. Zamora, a S.W. cent. State, Venezuela. , P. 245,457. Cap. Barinas. Zamosz, ft. tin. Russian Poland, gov. and 50 m. SE. Lublin. P. 7000. Zana, lake, Abyssinia. See Dembea. Zandveld, sandy region, Cape Colony, on cst. W. of Breede R. Zanesville, city, Ohio, cap. of co. and on Muskingum R., at mth. of Licking R. P. 18,113. Zanguebar, a name now little used of the E. African coast lands, from the R. Juba to Cape Delgado. See Zanzibar. Zante or Zācynthus, one of the Ionian Isls., 10 m. S. of Cephalonia, 24 Zante, cap. of the above, on E. cst. P. 16,250. [m. by 12. P. 44,522. Zanzibar, a sultanate of E. Africa, consisting of a strip of CSt. land, from 2° 30' N. to 10° 45′ S., and including the islands of Zanzibar. Monfia, Pemba, etc. Total area, 9251 sq. m. Chief tins... Zanzibar, Mombas, Quiloa, Bagamoyo. Exports, cloves, gum, ivory, skins, red pepper, etc. Zanzibar Isl., lat. 5° 43' to 6°28. S., has an area of 650 sq. m. P. 1,200,000, chiefly negroes; the dominant race is the Arab. The tin. of Z. is on the W. shore. P. 80,000. Zapotla, tin. Mexico, state Jalisco, 100 m. NE. Colima. P. 20,000. Zara, Austrian spt. cap. of Dalmatia, 129 m. S. Trieste. P. II,861. Leading industries, glass-making and fishing. Zarabad, fortress, in NE. of Persia, near Afghan frontier. Zara.phan. See Zerapham. # :i Zarev, th Russia, in gov. of Astrakhan. P. 7996. Zaria, the Central Africa, cap. of Zeg-Zeg, 12° N., 80° I. P. 50,000. Zaruma, th: Ecuador, 25 m. N.W. of Loja, on R. Tumbez. P. 6ooo. Zaslay, the Russia, in Volhynia, 20 m. SE. Ostrog. P. 10,117. Zawoja, th: Austria, in Galicia, near Wadowice. P. 4928. Zayi, ruined city, Mexico, in Yucatan, 70 m. S. Meridã. Zbarasz, th: Austria, in Galicia, 12 m. NE. Tarnopol. P. 8662. Zea or Zia, isl. and th: Greece, in the Cyclades, 13m. E.Cape Colonna. Zealand (Dutch, Zeeland), most SW. prov. of Netherlands, on the North Area, 689 sq. m. P. 198,567. It consists of the isls. at the mth. of isl. of Denmark, See Seeland...[R. Scheldt. Cap. Middelburg. grp. of isls. in Red Sea, 15° N., 42° E. tn. Yemen, in Arabia, IIo m. S.W. Sana. P. 7000. or Cebu, isl, of the Philippines, E. of Negros. P.326,000. On its E. See Zealand and Seeland. [side is Zebu the cap. P. 14,725. vil. Michigan, Ottawa co., 20 m, SW. Grand Rapids. P. 2576. gold-field, in W. of S. African Rep., 36 m. SSW. Mafeking. kingdom of the Soudan, 12° N., 16° E. Cap. Zaria. Baluchistan, cap. of prov. Jhalawan, 35 m. E. Kelat. P. See Zeyla. ſto,000. Zeyst or Zeijst, vil. Netherlands, 5 m. E. of Utrecht. P. 6234. (anc. Cișica), th Asia Minor. P. 20.com, Armenian Christians. tn. Prussian Saxony, on White Eister, 23 m. SW. Leipsic. P. 19,797. [Io,000. Zelaya or Celaya, th Mexico, state and 35 m. SE. Cuanjuato. P. Zele, th: Belgium, E. Flanders, 4 m. NW. Dendermonde. P. I2,719. Zell, tm. Hanover. See Celle. Zell, Lake of, or Unter See, the lower part of Lake of Constance, 12 m. Zellerfeld or Gellerfeld, tu. Hanover, opp, Clausthal. P. 4407. [long. Zembra, isl. N. Africa, at entrance to Gulf of Tunis. Zempelburg or Zemplem, tin. W. Prussia, 61 m. W. Marienwerder. P. Zeng or Szeny, ft. spt. Croatia, 48 m. SW. Karlstadt. P. 3069. [3620. Zenjan, th: Persia, prov. Irak-Ajemi, 133 m. N. Hamadan. P. 15,000. Zenta, or Szenta, tri. Hungary, on the Theiss. P. 21,2co. Zerafshan, gov. Russian Turkistan, I. of Bokhara, S. of the Syr Darya. Arca, 19,664 sq. m. P. 394,446. Cap. Samarcand. tn. Germany, in Anhalt, 26 m. SE. Magdeburg. P. 15,069. hamlet, Switz., 9 m. NE. of the Matterhorn. or Tzernagora, (Black Mt.), native name of Montenegro. name of S/tet/azza. . tn. Germany, in Reuss Greitz, 9 m. SW. Greiz. P. 7087. vil. Netherlands, in N. Brabant, 9 m. NW. Breda. P. th. Italy, on the Adige, 7 m. SE. Verona. P. 6138. [6586. or Zeila, spt. Somal Länd, Co m. SW. Aden. P. 4ooo. It is ... part of the British Protectorate on this coast. [54,827. Zhitomir or Jitomir, tr., Russia, cap. of Volhynia, 80 m, SW. Kiev. P. Zhizdra or Jizdra, th: Russia, gov. and 80 m. SW. Kaluga. P. 10,572. Ziegenhals, th: Prussian Silesia, 34 m. SW. Oppeln. P. 6557. Zielenzig, th: Prussia, in Brandenburg, on the Oder. P. 5769. Zierikzee, tim. Netheriands, prov. Zealand, chief tin. of isl. of Schou- wen, 21 m. E. Flushing. P. 7139. Zilgia, th: Chinese Turkistan, 45 m. W. Khoten. P. 7500. Zilleh, tin. Asia Minor, 36 m. W. Tokat. P. 20co. It has a great annual fair. [Inn, 50 m. long. P. 15,000. Zillerthal, a val. of the Tyrol, watered by the Ziller, an aff. of the Zimmé or Changmai, important commercial tin. Siam, 20° N., 99° E. Zinder, tin. Soudan, in Dornu, 300 m. W. Kuka. P. ro,000. Zingst, isl. Pommerania, in the Baltic, Iom. NW. Stralsund. Zittau, tm. Saxony, 26 m. SIE. Dautzcm, on the Mandau. P.23,215. Zitzikamma, forest region, Cape Colony, in Humansdorp Dist., on the Zjechanow, city, Russian Poland, gov. Plock. P. 5300. ſcSt. P. 800. Zlatusk, th Russia, gov. Uſa, among the Urals. P. 18,994. Zloczow, th Austria, in Calicia, 45 :n. E. Lemberg. P. 8347. Znaim or Znaym, th: Moravia, 50 m. N. Vienna. , P. I2,254. Zofingen, th Switz., 9 m. S. Aarau, on the Wiggher. P. 4463. Zola, th: Italy, near city of Bologna. P. 5417. olkiew, th: Austria, in Galicia, 16 m. N. Lemberg. P. 6794. Zolotchew, th: Russia, gov. and 25 m. N. Kharkov. P. 5995. Zolotonosha, tin. Russia, gov. and Ios m. W. Poltava. P. 7896. tº . . . . jor or Sombor, th: Hungary, 65m. SW. Szegedin. P. 24,693. Zondereinde Mts., range, Cape Colony, in Caledon Div. Average ossen, th: Prussia, 22 m. S. Berlin. P. 3525. [height 4ooo ft. Zouga or Botletle, r. S. Africa, issues from Lake Ngami. Igold-fields. Zoutpansberg, mtnous. dist. in NE. of S. African Rep.: containing Zschöppau, tr. Saxony, on R. Z., 26 m., E. of Zwickau. P. 7869. Zuai, lake, E. Africa, contains several isls., and receives Catara and Maki Rivers. Alt. 6040 ft. Zuckmantel, th: Austrian Silesia, 32 m. NW. Troppau. P. 4574. Zug, a cent. cant. of Switzerland, 92 sq. m. P. 22,994. Zug, cap. of above, on Lake of Z., which is 9 m. long. P. 4924. Zujar, th Spain, 58 m. NE. Granada. P. 3683. Zulia, state, Venezuela, on Caribbean Sea. P. 59,235. Züchow, tn. Prussia, near Stettin. P. 4780. Züllichau, th: Brandenburg, 50 m. E. Frankfort. P. 7875. Zululand, a maritime country and British Crown colony since 1887 of S. Africa, adjoining Natal on the NE, and separated from the S. African Republic by the New Republic, 125 by 112 m. Area, 822O SQ.. II). Zumbo, Port, outpost, E. Africa, on Zambesi R., 500 m. from the Sea. Zumpango, th: Mexico, 30 m. N. of Mexico. P. 4oco. Zungaria. See Soungaria. Zürich, cant. in N. of Switzerland, bounded N. lºy the Rhine. Area, 687 sq. m. P. 317,576, mostly Protestant; language German. Zürich, cap. of above, at NW. cind of Lake of Zürich, on the Limmat. P. 27,671, or with suburbs, 89,804. e Zürichér Šee or Lake of Zürich, mostly in above cant, and partly in Schwytz; is 25% m. long, 2% broad. Zuruma, tin. Ecuador, on W. slope of the Andes. P. 6coo. Zutphen, th: and ft. Netherlands, prov. Gelderland, on the Yssel, 17 m. N. Arnhem. P. 15,656. Zuyder (or Zuider) Zee, gulf of the North Sea, in the Netherlands, 8o by 40 m. Area, 1365 sq. m. Zvornik, tin. Bosnia, on the Dvina. P. Jo, Coo. Zwart Berg, two mtn. ranges, Cape Colony. e Zwartland, fertile region, Cape Colony, in Malmesbury Div., and ex- tending N. to Berg River. Zwartsluis, th: Netherlands, in Overyssel, o m. N. Zwolle. P. 4322. Zweibrücken (French, Deux-Ponts), in. Rhenish Bavaria, 50 m. by rail W. of Speyer. P. 10,665. * zweilendam, tº Cape Colony, cap. of div. of Z., 104 m. E. Cape Town. P. 2675. Zwenkau, th: Saxony, 9 m. S. Leipsic, on the Elster. P. 3390. Zwickau, th: Bohemia, 19 m. W. Reichenberg. P. 5.24. Żwickau, tºm. Saxony, on the Mulde, 60 m., S.W. Dresden. P. 39,243. Zwittau, th Moravia, 40 m. N. Brünn, P. 6351. * Zwolle, city, Netherlands, cap. of Overyssel, 25 m. by rail N. of Zutphen. P. 25,005. Zwyndrecht, tr., Belgium, E. Flanders, on the Scheidt. P. 358o. Zwyndracht, vil. S. Holland, Iom. SE, Rotterdam, on the Meuse. 71 THE CENTURY GAZETTEER THE BRITISH EMPIRE. South Georgia SOUTH AMERICA Date of COUNTRY. Acquisition. Great Britain and Ireland s & & Helgoland 1807 Gibraltar I7O4 Malta and Gozo I8oo EUROPE Cyprus. 1878 |British India (including Native States) 1625-1856 Ceylon , t § n 1796 Andaman and Nicobar Is. tº º tº Straits Settlements 1785-1819 Burma (Upper) 1885 North Borneo tº e e Hong-Kong . 1843 Labuan I. . . e 1846 Aden, Kuria Muria Is. . 1838 Perim and Mosha . 1855 Kamaran I. . 9 e. Keeling I. * @ tº Socotra I. I886 ASIA New South Wales 1787 Norfolk I. is e tº Victoria 1787 Queensland . 1859 South Australia 1836 Western Australia . 1829 Tasmania g 1803 New Zealand 1841 Fiji Islands . 1874 Rotumah I. . I88I Auckland I. . * ſº tº dº e Lord Howe I. e g Starbuck and Caroline Is. Fanning and Malden Is. e ſº º New Guinea . e g 1884 Ellice and Kermadec Is. I886 OCEANIA Cape Colony and Depend. 1806-1877 Natal . te e * 1838 Bechuana Land 1885 Walfisch Bay © º º Sierra Leone 1787 Gambia River I631 Gold Coast I66I Lagos . I86.I Niger Districts 1884 St. Helena . I65I Ascension º I815 Tristan d’Acunha . º tº tº gº Mauritius and Depends. & I8 Io N. Amsterdam and S. Paul . tº e AFRICA Dominion of Canada 1623-1760 Newfoundland I583 Bermudas I609 Bahamas 1670 Jamaica & e tº º ſe Turk and Caicos Is. Cayman Is. . g e is e British Honduras . 1783-86 West Indies— Leeward Is. 1626-1763 Barbadoes tº º & Windward Is. . I605-1803 NORTH AMERICA Trinidad 1797 British Guiana 1803 Falkland Is. . 1833 TOTAL OF BRITISH EMPIRE . sº. Population. I21,483 35,241,482 # 2,OOI I# 18,381 I 24 I57, I.34 I21,610 35,418,998 3,584 186,173 1,382,624 253,891,821 24,702 2,781,618 3, I92 20, 128 I,472 598,000 I90,000 4,000, OOO 22,OO9 I 50,000 32 I90,594 3O 6,298 86 34,894 5 I6O 64 B º º 8 4OO IOOO 5,000 1,628,808 || 261,865,086 3II,098 I,030,762 17 662 87,884 I,033,052 | 668,224 343,768 903,690 3I7,O43 975,920 32,958 26,215 I37,2II IO4,403 622,705 8,034 I4 ! 128,4I4 I97 tº º º 3 65 4. * 6 & 5O 23O 88,460 I37,500 3, I/4, 2I3 3,784,370 242,734 I,267,652 18,750 443,639 184,500 33, OOO 480 8oo 3,OOO 60,546 69 I4, ISO 18,784 651,000 I, O7I 87, I65 47 5,085 34 3OO 45 94 7 I 3 377, I2 I 28 * * * 47O, 255 2,940, 552 3,406,542 4,324,810 40,2OO I93, I2 I I9 I5,036 5,390 45,521 4,424 596,383 222 4,778 225 2,400 7,562 27,452 706 I23,765 I66 171,860 664 I5O,2O7 3,466, I2O 5,655,333 I,754 I7I,914 85,422 269,330 6,500 I,553 I,570 * * * 95,246 442,797 8,956,252 3IO, IO7, 136 PRINCIPAL STATEs witH THEIR col_ONIES & PROTECTORATES. Area i * Persons t STATE. sº Miles. Population. Sq. j I. British Empire. 8,956,252 310, IO7, 136 34.6 2. Russian Empire 8,667,436 IO4,785,761 I2. I 3. Chinese Empire 4,468,863 4O2,735, OOO 90.5 4. United States, . 3,557,000 50,445,336 I4. I 5. Brazil tº 3,219,003 I2,333,375 3.9 6. Ottoman Empire I,649,035 32,978, ICO I9.9 7. France I,378,831 66,534,303 48.3 8. Argentina I,094,97O 3,805,OOO 3.4 9. Congo Free State I,056,2OO 4O,OOO,OOO tº tº º IO. Netherlands 777,29I 33,841,377 43.5 II. Mexico 751,464 IO,447,974 I3.9 * I2. Portugal . 740,268 9,693,378 I3.O I3. Persia 636,330 7, OOO,OOO II. O I4. Venezuela 632,972 2, 198,320 3.4 I5. Bolivia 576,600 2,300,000 3.9 I6. Peru 405, I23 2,621,924 6.7 17. Spain 360,491 25,252,076 7O.O I8. Colombia. 32O,733 3,000, OOO 9.3 I9. Morocco . 313,630 6, I40,000 I9.5 20. German Empire” . 306,624 47,242,704 I54. O 2I. Sweden and Norway 299,612 6,524,089 2I.7 22. Chili ę 290,817 2,526,969 8.7 23. Siam 280,637 5,750,000 2O. 4 24. Ecuador . e 251,327 I, OO4,651 3.9 25. Austria-Hungary 24O,274 41,056,206 170.8 26. C. America (5 states) I72, 162 2,788,873 I6.2 27. Japan e I47,661 38,500,000 260.7 28. Abyssinia. ſº & I29, OOO 4,000, OOO 3I.O 29. S. African Republic. II9, OOO 374,848 3. I 30. Italy (excl. For. Poss.) II.4,4IO 29,943,6O7 261.7 3I. Paraguay. e 92, OO3 3OO,OOO 3.2 32. Denmark. 89,914 2,096,467 23.3 33. Roumania * 50, 172 5,376,000 IO7. I 34. Orange Free State 41,484 I33,518 3. I 35. Greece & 24,976 I,979,56I 79.2 36. Bulgaria . 24,7OO 2,007,919 81.3 37. Servia 18,757 I,970,032 IO5. O 38. Switzerland I5,964 2,846, IO2 I77. I 39. Belgium . II, 373 5,909,975 510.8 * Exclusive of Possessions in Africa, but including Possessions in the Pacific. ARM IES AND NAVIES OF PRINCIPAL STATES. A NAVY. STATE. RMY. * Y - * Lºs a rºw. on Jº, Austria-Hungary. I,605,976 IO6 44, I 3O 295 I 2 China . g º 979,459 I24. tº tº º Hº & º I8 France . . 2,500, OOO 393 I58,239 ë e & 4 I Germany 2,650,000 IO5 I89,605 605 27 Greece ſº & IOO,OOO 62 tº e G tº ſº º 2 India (Nat. Army) I25,957 & © º e tº e Q & & tº e G Italy . e . 2,590, I 72 I4O I40,569 308 I4 Russia. . . 2,308,396 39 I 48,851 942 39 Spain . 4IO, IQO I35 64,698 492 5 | Turkey e 800,000 73 tº ſº tº § tº e I5 British Empire 623,960 4OO 6I United States 27,816+ 66 32 * Included in total number of vessels. f 6% million citizens might be enrolled in case of war. COMMERCE OF PRINCIPAL STATES. STATE. Value of Imports | Value of Exports Merchant Fleet. for year 1886. for year 1886. Vessels. Tonnage. Aust.-Hung. . . 453,922,341 || 469,863,227 9,368 3II,987 Aust. & N. Z. . 57,598,603 42,721,876 ë e º tº e e Belgium. & 53,401,960 47,278,960 67 86,837 Canada . 2O,884,912 I7,050,263 7,294 I,217,766 China . 2I,915,393 I9,341,854 7,852 5,374,821 Denmark e I3,845,761 9,0I4,52O 3,327 278,738 France . I69, 140,673 I31,476, 198 I5,OSI 993,29I Germany . . I47,248,300 I52,568,500 4, O2 I I,284,703 Greece . * 4,230,615 4,738,432 3,213 26I,496 India 69,744,393 90, I23,999 gº tº º tº º º Italy . 57,608,612 40,433,644 7,229 945,677 Japan . e 6,532,078 8, 145,982 814 94, 22I Netherlands . 91,891,666 82,850,000 692 286,218 Norway. 7,509, OOO 5,714, OOO 7,664 I,563,020 Russia . 41,634,286 77,524,819 4,790 600,554 Spain e 34,208,276 29,093,992 I,826 508,879 Sweden . g I8,890,552 I3,681,729 3,968 517,061 Turkey . . . II,500,000 7,059,600 4OI 72,762 Un. Kingd. 361,935,OO6 280,505,038 22,815 7,927,818 Un. States I42,452,627 I44,654,922 23,534 4, I31, 136 * This represents sea-going vessels only. 72 DISTRIBUTION OF LAND AND WATER. DIVISION INTO RACEs. THE GLOBE. Land, . se 52,OOO,OOO Square miles, º — Water, e I45, 500, OOO 3 2 a. }In the ratio of I : 2.8 RACE. Location. Number. * CONTINENTAI, OR LAND HEMISPHERE. - f Land.", OOO,OCO Square miles, \ . e º º water #: Q 2 }In the ratio of I : I.2 Indo-Germanic or Aryan Race | Europe, Persia, &c. 545, 500,000 5 - 2 > < * , 5 5 Mongolian or Turanian . . Greater part of Asia 630,000,000 OCEANIC OR WATER HEMISPHERE. Semitic or Hamitic N. Africa, Arabia 65,000,000 Land, . & 8,000,000 square miles, \ In the ratio of I : II. 3 Negro and Bantu Central Africa I5O,OOO,OOO Water, 90,500,000 2 3 j in the ratio of II. 3 Hottentot and Bushmen. South Africa º 6 I 50, OOO Malay and Polynesian Australasia and Polynesia 35,000,000 THE OCEANS American Indian . N. & S. America I5,OOO,OOO Area in Area of Land Total Area of * Square Miles. Draining into Basin. in Fths. DIVISION INTO RELIGIONS. | » º Atlantic 35, I60, OOO I9,050,000 54, 2 IO, OOO 2O IO sº Catholics I75,000,000 Jews. e - 7, OOO, OCO Pacific 67,800,000 | 8,660,000 76,460, OOO 2I 30 §. º l IIo,000,000 || Mohammedans. I6O,OOO,OOO Indian 25,000, OOO 5,590, OCO 30,590, OOO I830 ë. Church . 90,000,000 | Buddhists. 4OO,OOO,OOO Arctic º 5,000, OOO 7,4I5, OOO I2, 4 I 5, OOO 850 ther Christian Sects 2O,OOO,OOO Brahmins. . . . 22O,OOO,OOO Antarctic . 4,575,600 3,600, OOO 8, 175,500 IOOO istians ºoooooo Fetish Worshippers. 150,000,000 Christians 395,000,000 | Various and unknown 160,000,000 THE CONTIN ENTS. - - TIME. e º Square Mls of Average A + or Q. º “s º - & º e sºMiles. gº." º º i. º Ziagram showing Zºme of Day in the Colonies when Noon of coastline. In rest at Greenwich. Europe 3,756,970 I9,500 I92 985 Asia I7,212,680 35, OOO 49 I I6OO MALTA Africa . e II, 5 I4, 77O I6, OOO 719 I6OO º: y North America 7,900, 350 24, 500 322 I 350 * * * * * * * * * South America 6,854, IOO I4, 500 472 I2OO Australia 2,964,OOO IO,OOO 296 822 North Frigid Zone, North Temperate Zone, Tropical Zone, South Temperate Zone, South Frigid Zone, . * This does not include the smaller indentations. CLI MATE. CLIMATE ZONES OF THE WORLD. 2 5 3 5 * 3 * 2 5 * 2 3 2 3 5 x 2 3 50° 2 3 80° - . 50° ; : 20° AVERAGE RAIN FALL AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. 2 3 : 3 : 5 : 3 Mean Annual Temperature of 20° Fahrenheit. Latitude. Inches of Rain. Latitude. Inches of Rain. O° Equator IOO 50° 3O 2O” 8O 60° 2O 30° 6O 70° IO 40° 80° 5 4O TABLE SHOWING TEMPERATURE AND RAIN FALL DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD. OF CITIES IN Mean Mean Mean Cities. Latitude. Annual Summer | Winter Temp.” Temp. Temp. London 51° 32' N. 5O. I 63.8 37.3 Edinburgh 55°57' N. 47.2 57.6 37.9 Dublin 53° 21' N. 5O. I 59.8 41.9 Paris 48° 50' N. 5.I. 5 64.9 38.2 Madrid 40° 25' N. 57. 9 74.5 42. O Rome . s 41°54' N. 59.5 74. 2 45.2 St. Petersburg 59° 58' N. 38.7 6O.8 I7.2 Pekin 39°53' N. 54.8 8I. I 26.7 Singapore 1° 15' N. 8O.8 9 I. 4. 79.4 Calcutta 22° 36' N. 79.5 86.7 7.2.2 Bombay 18° 57' N. 81.2 82.8 77.4 Cape Town . 34° 56' S. 64.7 70.of 58.3: New York . 41° 6' N. 5.I. 7 72.3 3-. 4 New Orleans 29° 57' N. 69.8 82.O 55.83. San Francisco 37° 47' N. 55. O 57. O 52.O Melbourne 37° 49' S. 57.6 65.2t | 49. Of Sydney 33°54′ S. 62.7 69.6f 54. Of Mean Annual Rainfall. 24 24 3O 2 I IO 39 I6 28 97 7o 8O 24. 36 6O 2O 3 I 52 * Tegrees Fahrenheit. f December, January, and February. # June, July, and August. PO PU LAT I O N OF T H E W O R L D. POPULATION AND AREA IN CONTINENTS. Persons CoNTINENT. Population. Area. to - Sq. Mile. Europe º 33 I,972,OOO 3,756,970 88.3 Asia 795,591, OOO 17,212,680 46.2 Africa . 205,825,000 II, 514,770 | I7.8 North America 72,500,000 7,900, 350 9. I South America 28,400,000 6,854, IOO 4. I Oceania . º 4,31 O,OOO 3,456,700 I. 2 Polar Regions. 82, OOO I,73O,OOO O.6 - - | | 1,438,680,000 || 52,425,570 27.4 victor 1A (Brºc. Columbia) 3 4.7. A.M. 11. 32, P.M. SYDNEY |O, 4, P. M., AD E. L.Al D E 9, 14. P. M. º SEASONS. [ . P E R TH (#4, stralia) 7. 4-3. P. M. B O M 8 AY 4,51. P. M. IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE (ENGLAND). Spring commences, Sun's entrance into Aries, . Summer 2 : 3 * 2 3 ,, Cancer Autumn 2 3 * 5 * , Libra, . Winter 5 y : 3 > * ., Capricornus, IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE (AUSTRALIA). Spring commences, Sun's entrance into Libra, Summer , , 32 5 5 ,, Capricornus, Autumn 2 3 2 3 2 3 ,, Aries, . Winter Cancer. 3 2 The following list gives the root and meaning of some important words or syllables often 3 3 5 5 2 3 * Longest day. # Shortest day. GEOGRAPHICAL ETY MOLOGY. occurring in the composition of Geographical Names :- Abad (Pers.) to Wn Fu (Chin.) town Aber (Celt.) at the confluence | Gawa (%.) rıyer or mouth of a river Giri (Ind.) hill Aïn (A raó.) well Gol (Mong.) lake Akaba (Arab.) pass Grad (Serg.) town Ard (Celt.) high Hacienda (Sãan.) village Bab (A7 ab.) gate Hoang (Chin.) yellow Bahia (Port.) bay Innis, ennis (Celt.) island Bahr (A7:ab.) river Inver (Gael.) at the mouth of Balkan (Turk.) mountain 2. I'l Ver e Bally (Irish) village Irmak (Turk.) river . Ban (Gael.) white Jebel (Arab.) In Ollntall] Batang (Malay.) river Kami (¥aft.) above Beck, bach (Teut.) brook Kara (Turk.) black Ben, pen (Gael.) mountain | Kebir (Arg&) great Caster, cester, chester (Lat. Kesr (42%) castle castra) camp Kiang (Chin.) r1Ver Chow (Chin.) to WIT Kizil (Turk.) red Ciudad (Sãam.) to Wll Ko (%až.) little . Col (French) pass Kuh (Pers.) In Ollntaill Cordillera (Sãan.) mtn. range | Kuro Çağ.) black . Dagh (Turk.) mountain | Ling (Chin.) In Oulltain Dar (Arač.) land Llan (Welsh) church Darja (Pers.) Water Llano (Sãaze.) plain Deccan (Ind.) south land] Maremma (Iza!.) marsh Dorf (Germ.) village Me (Siam.) 11 Wer Dun (Gael.) fortified hill Medina (Arač.) town Elf (Swed.) river Mhor (Gael.) great Eski (Turk.) old Nada (%až.) bay Fjord (Dam. and Worw.) bay | Nagy (Magyar) great Nan (Chin.) Negro (Span. Nor (Mongo/.) lake Norte (SAEazz. Oé (Swed.) Patam (Sazis.) city Pe (Chin.) Planina (Sezzº.) mtn. range Polis (Greek.) city Poor, pore, pur (ſºld.) town Puebla (Szazz.) village Punta (//a/.) Ras (Arač.) Sahara (Arab.) desert Selva (Sºan.) Semlia (Zºzess. Serra (Port.) Shan (Chize.) Shima (%aft.) island Shin (%aft.) white Sierra (SAEazı.) serrated mts. Slievh (Irish) mountain Stan (Pers.) land Thian (Chin.) celestial Timor (Mal.) east Varos (Magy.) town Wick (Scand.) bay or creek Yama (%až.) Yeni (Turk.) Mar. June Sept. Dec. 2O 2 I 23 2 I Sept. Dec. Mar. June 23 2 I ?” 2If South ) black ) north island north Cape Cape wood ) land mtn. range mtn. range mountain new’ ·<<** **** ¿ $-º.-.--> §§ - º ? §§§ · · ·:----& ∞!-- ،*;…* * * * gº: & ******~*~~~~ ~~~~ -…-... & OF MICHIGAN ||| ! iſi iii * Ili 3 9015 058465 º-s, º-º-º : << • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .la --• • • • • •§ → º ; s.∞ √∞ • • • • • • • • • • ،■ • • •r~~~~* * * ſº *§ ' ';،|º •---- → • • •æ*** ģº, º § † 7. ſae, º º.º · · · · · · · · · · ·-* · * * ** * * * * ***“V” ,( , , ، ، ، ،' .8 , ' ' +…. . * * · * ** :→şºv,g) ºſºrº.* ::!→:******)- :-r.t.-----)- :!• 43;* * *><--… ** ſ;∞ √°. 。 §§ §§ §3 - *§:· §§