H615.1 G93n P B 478063 درد TAA. שעש ARTES 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUČUJNUM 711-QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMDENAM CIRCUMSPICE HOMOEOPATHIC LIBRARY 675,1 G93m Acetic acid. U.S. med. Juves. V.17.p. 121 abies niger 11 + 17-458 NOTES OF LECTURES ON Materia Medica. DELIVERED IN THE HAHNEMANN MEDICAL COLLEGE Of Philadelphia, $ BY HN. GUERNSEY, M. D., (Prof of Materia Medics.: Reported by Jos. C. Guernsey, M. D., Quiz-Master. PHILADELPHIA : WILIJAM P. KILDARE, PRINTER, 7:4 AND 786 SANSOM STREET. } 1878. og Eac. пона PREFACE. When it was proposed that my lectures on Materia Medica be published, I consented, on condition that they should be reported as delivered, (for they were not written out), including all my comparisons, exhortations, explanations, actual cases in practice, in point, &c. The profession at large would then have had an oppor- tunity of judging of their value; and the Student a living re- minder of the manner of using the Materia Medica. This would have made a much larger book, and to my mind a far more useful one. Some of my colleagues, be it said to their credit, strove hard that my plan might be fulfilled; others. objected, saying, that the remedies and their dead symptoms only, were most important. My son, Jos. C. Guernsey, M. D., (who has from the first reported and attended to the pub- lishing of the lectures), has had the great labor of assorting and arranging these symptoms as best he could, to keep the whole from appearing in a confused and unintelligible mass of words. It must be remembered, that in a Medical School, where all classes of students congregate, we cannot give such lectures as would interest the old and skillful practitioner. To give anything like an exhaustive course of lectures on the Materia Medica, would require at least from three to four sessions of five months each, to complete even one. course. The book will be found to contain, only the more characteristic symptoms, and generally, only those peculiar to each remedy. It is hoped the work may prove of value, both to the practitioner and student. Philadelphia, August, 1873. H. N. GUERNSEY, M.D. 132937 INDEX. Aneurism, Anus, Abdomen, external, Abdomen, inner, Aggravations, Amelioration, · 207 Head, internal, 207 Hearing, 228 Heat. 232 Hernia, 213 Hunger. 209 204 205 226 207 207 Apoplexy, 21: Itching. 221 Arms, 212 Legs, 213 Aversion to, 207 Leucorrhoea, 210 Back, 212 Louging for, 207 Bones, 219) Memory, . 203 Breath, 211 Menstruation, 210 Milk, 212 Catalepsy, 214 Mind, in general, 203 Catarrh, 211 Mouth, 206 Chest, 212 Chilblains, Chlorosis, 220 Nausea, 207 214 Neck, 212 Chorea, 214 Nipples. 212 Coldness, 226 Nose 205 Condylomata, 221 Corns, 220 Perspiration, 227 Cough, 211 Polypus, 217 Rectum, 209 Diarrhea, 208 Dizziness, 203 Sensations, 213 Dreams, 225, Sexual desire, 210 Shuddering, 227 Ears, 205 Sight, 204 · Eructations, 207 Skin, 220 Evacuations, alvine, 208 Sleep, 224 Exanthema, 220 Smell, 205 Excresences, 221 Spasms, 218 Expectoration, 211 Sprains, 218 External parts, 218 Eyes, 204 Taste. 207 Teeth, 206 Face, 206. Tetters, 223 Fevers, 226 Thirst, 207 Fevers, compound, Fingers, 227 Toes, 213 212 Tumor, 219 Flatulency, 208 Ulcers, 228 Genitals, female, Genitals, male, 210 Urine, 209 209 Vertigo, 203 Glands, 219 Vomiting, 207 Head, external, 204 Windpipe. 212 * LECTURES ON MATERIA MEDICA. i BY H. N. GUERNSEY, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica. [Reported by J. C. GUERNSEY. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Wolf's bane; Monk's hood. Sext. Syst. Polyandria Trigynia. Nat. Ord. Ranunculaceæ. This plant abounds in the mountain forests of France, Switzerland, and Germany. It is found with two roots; one, the elder, being of a dark brown hue, supporting the stem; the younger, of a light yellow- ish brown, is to furnish the stem of the following year. The root is of a finger's thickness, three or four inches in length, and sends forth long, thick, fleshy fibres. The stem is erect, smooth, leafy, and cylin- drical, attaining the height of several feet. The leaves, which are divided almost to the base, are petiolate, from two to four inches in diameter, are of a light green color below, and a dark green above. Those on the upper part of the stem have short foot-stalks with three to five divisions, and on the lower part long foot-stalks with five to seven divisions. The large and beautiful flowers, of a dark violet blue, are borne at the summit of the stem. The medicinal properties of this plant are procured from the leaves and root. ACONITE has a specific and singularly marked action on the serous membranes and on the muscular tissues. The pure and fully developed blood globule, in its most perfect type, when diseased, has a great affinity for it. Hence, in typhus or any other conditions of illness, where the blood globules are disorganized, or the blood is impov- erished, Aconite is seldom indicated-such conditions are far removed from this perfection of the blood globule. We think of Aconite, therefore, when sudden inflamma- tion, very violent in character arises, and especially if it is * Delivered before the class of The Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. A 4 Aconitum Napellus. caused by exposure to dry cold air, either in a dry cold. room or by a draught of air, whereby perspiration or the insensible exhalations of the body are suddenly suppressed, and a violent chill is the conséquence. In chronic cases, when the cause of the disease can be distinctly traced to such a source, even if years have inter- vened, Aconite will claim your attention. Among chronic affections arising from this cause, I may mention coughs, catarrhs, spitting of blood, pain in the chest, heart disease, &c., &c. MENTAL SYMPTOMS.-It is always important to consider the mental symptoms. Great and uncontrollable anguish, and great fear, are characteristic of the leonite disease. In nervous states with much fear, accompanied by weak- ness and want of appetite; great fear; afraid to go out of the house; fear of a crowd; fear that he will not recover, and predicts the expected day of his death,—it is surely indicated. It has much sensitive irritability, and sadness with fear. Fitful moods; now very cheerful and happy, singing, laugh- ing, and talking in great glee; then sadness and fear, de- spondency and gloom. The delirium is of an unhappy and fearful character, with expression of fear upon the countenance; but there is rarely unconsciousness. HEAD.-Vertigo on assuming an upright position, whether rising from the bed or a chair. (Opium has this symptom, and Nux Vomica has it on rising from a chair; but neither of these have the mental symptoms.) Headache as though the brain was moved by boiling water. Terrible pain at the root of the nose, with much disturbance of the mind; he is afraid to go out of the house; is afraid something is going to happen. Sensation as if the hair was standing on end all over the head. Vertigo increased by shaking the head, with inclination to fall to the right side. A Aconitum Napellus. 5 EYES.-Great aversion to light, or a strong desire for it. Where there is a great deal of pain in the eyes, resulting from a foreign body or speck of dust; the eye feels very sore, is painful and inflamed. Red and hard swelling of the eyelids, the edges looking red and sore; are very sensitive and painful. This state of his eyes worries and troubles him exceedingly; cannot at- tend to his business because of it. Attention must be paid to these mental symptoms, for they are of great service. Cannot bear the reflection of the sun from the snow; on going out after a fresh fall of snow, the reflection from the sun shining thereon causes specks, sparks, and scintillations to dance before the eyes. Eyes very dry, and the pressure of the lids hurts them. Purulent ophthalmia if there is redness, inflammation, and great sensitiveness. EARS.-Hearing very sensitive, and here again the mental symptoms are prominent; the noise troubles and worries the patient. NOSE.-Bleeding of the nose, especially in young, ple- thoric persons, where the flow is very abundant, and the patient is afraid of bleeding to death. FACE very red, and feels as if it had grown much larger; red while lying down, but after rising up, pale; redness of one cheek, paleness of the other; red and pale cheeks alter- nately. Tingling sensation of the face, it is so red it tingles. Tingling sensations are exceedingly characteristic. TEETH.-Toothache of a throbbing character, more es- pecially in persons of a full and plethoric habit, particularly if it results from an exposure to dry cold air, and if it causes the patient to be very restless and uneasy. MOUTH dry; tongue and fauces dry, with a peculiar 1 6 Aconitum Napellus. tingling on the tip of the tongue and edges of the lips. Tingling of the oesophagus and fauces, and on looking into the throat we find it very red. Tingling when coughing and swallowing. TASTE.-Everything tastes bitter except water; and there is a desire to take a great deal of this because it tastes good; everything else seems bitter. Burning, unquench- able thirst. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Vomiting, with nausea and thirst; heat and profuse perspiration, often accompanied by in- creased micturition. Here, again, we find the disturbed condition of the mind. He drinks, vomits, and declares he cannot live; he knows he is going to die, and is in great anguish. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if a large stone was there. Much bitter vomit- Burning sensation in the stomach, extending from the pit of the stomach up to the tip of the tongue, with ting- ling of the tongue, lips, fingers, and along the spine, and tingling in various parts of the body. ing; vomiting of bile, with great fear; there may be a cold sweat, which is more the result of fear than anything else. The substance that is vomited seems to pour out as from a pump, in great profusion, deluging everything. ABDOMEN.-Inflammation of the peritoneum, accompa- nied by restlessness, sleeplessness, thirst, and sharp shoot- ing pains, and the abdomen is tender to the touch. Inflam- mation of the bowels, with tearing and burning pains, restlessness, thirst, fever, dry hot skin, and diarrhoea. These conditions may arise suddenly, in which case. Aconite will be more strongly indicated. Great fear and dread will also characterize the case. Pure inflammatory dysentery, with the peculiar mental and physical symptoms, is rapidly relieved by Aconite. , 1 Aconitum Napellus. 7. STOOL.-Watery, brown, and bilious stools, accompanied by dry hot skin, thirst, restlessness, and fear. For example: If a child is suffering from a watery diar- rhoea, is crying and complaining very much, biting his fists, and is sleepless, Aconite will usually settle this trouble in a short time. The disturbed condition of the mind will cease, and quiet sleep will follow. The mother will now remark: "Doctor, he is all right except his bowels, and they are as bad as ever." Now, do not give another remedy, but wait and see if Aconite will not complete the cure by itself. URINARY ORGANS.-Scanty, red, and hot urine, arising from taking cold, especially in children. The child screams and appears to be in great pain because it cannot urinate. Aconite will ease the pain, quiet the child, and the urine will flow some time after. In adults, incontinence of urine will sometimes be relieved by Aconite. SEXUAL SYSTEM.-In males, bruised pain in the testicles, arising from exposure to dry cold air. In females, after pains are very severe, with great fear and restlessness. In milk fever, when the milk does not flow, and the breasts are hard and swollen, accompanied by the same mental conditions. Puerperal peritonitis, where there are darting, shooting pains, restlessness, fever, great fear and anguish of the mind Suppressed menses, resulting from fright, fear, or vexation, particularly in young and plethoric females. We may prescribe Aconite as almost a specific for suppres- sion of the catamenia in young, active, and plethoric females, resulting from almost any cause. LARYNX AND CHEST.-Croupy sounding cough, particu- larly after falling to sleep. The patient is disturbed in his sleep by the cough, which almost awakens him; he turns over, and as soon as he is fairly settled down to sleep again, the cough recommences, and so continually repeats itself. Croupy cough, resulting from an exposure to dry 8 Aconitum Napellus. cold air, with restlessness and an uncomfortable state of the mind. Short, dry, titillating cough, and every inspi- ration seems to increase the cough. The latter is a very characteristic symptom of this remedy. Expectoration of bloody mucus with the cough. There is almost always a tingling sensation in the chest after coughing. There may be stitches in the chest and side, which are often so severe as to interfere considerably with respiration; can only get "half-inch" respirations. We sometimes find this in the worst cases of Pleurisy; also the restlessness, fever, thirst, and fear. Sometimes there is an oppression of the chest without pain, which keeps one from taking a deep breath; something seems to catch the breath and stop it. Palpitation of the heart, with great anguish. In hemorrhage the blood comes with great case by hemming and hawking; it comes in great quantity, and of a pure, bright, red quality; the hemorrhage is often brought on by a little exercise, or by being in the cold dry air, or in a cold dry room; hemorrhage is attended by a great fear of death. Aconite cures some cases of heart disease, chiefly when the cause can be traced to an exposure to dry cold air. Constant pressure in the left chest; oppressed breathing on the least motion; frequent stitches at the heart, and ten- dency to congestion of the head. BACK AND UPPER EXTREMITIES.-Much tingling in the back and in the fingers, particularly while writing, is very characteristic. Numbness of the left arm, so that the hand can hardly be moved, which may result from exposure to dry cold air. FEVER.-Think of this remedy in fevers, where there is a hard, full, and frequent pulse, sometimes intermitting; sometimes slow and thread-like, with heat, restlessness thirst for great quantities of water, &c., &c. It is some- f Aconitum Napellus. 9 times useful when there is a sensation of coldness in the blood vessels, and a peculiar shuddering sensation running from the feet to the chest in paroxysms. Sensation of great heat, with a cold clammy sweat; cannot bear to be covered. Great thirst, and though cannot retain fluids in the stomach, yet will always drink; then up it comes as from a pump, all up and out in a very short time, even before a basin or any- thing can be procured. In the heat of Aconite there is much agony and tossing; feels very hot and wants a great amount of cold drink. SKIN.-Young, bright and active children are sometimes affected with a red fine rash, which is very thick and causes great restlessness; this rash reappears every night. GENERAL REMARKS.-This remedy is frequently indicated where there is a great and sudden sinking of the strength, but here we must look to the state of the mind. If we find cheerfulness and content with no alarm, Aconite is not the remedy. But if we find great alarm at this sudden sinking, study Aconite. Burning of the internal parts, with the concomitant symptoms. Tingling of the fingers, esophagus, cheeks, back, tongue and lips. Painful sensitiveness of any part of the body; does not wish to be touched on account of this sensitiveness; of course he will be irritable, and fearful of any one approach- ing him. Great sleeplessness, restlessness, and constant tossing. Sometimes a patient is suddenly attacked with great op- pression of breathing, accompanied by great agony, so that he must sit straight up in bed; his pulse thread-like, and he is very sad; these attacks usually occur in the night. Aconite, then, is the medicine indicated. Active hemorrhage from any part of the body, uterine or any other, when accompanied with great fear of death, and nervous excitability. Children have great fear of music; they cannot go to 10 Actea Spicata. church for fear of the music; music anywhere makes them afraid. Bad effects from dry cold air, suppressed perspiration from fright, with fear and anguish. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening, and more particularly in the night; cannot lie on the left side in affections of the chest; worse when rising and when in a warm room. AMELIORATION.-In the open air and sometimes when sitting still. When Aconite has done some good, and the effect has apparently passed off, and no more good results from repetition, think of the following remedies as acting well after Aconite: Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, Carb. ACTEA SPICATA. Baneberry, Herb Christopher. Nat. Ord. Ranunculaceae. A perennial, herbaceous, European plant, growing in the woods of mountainous regions, and attaining a height of two feet or more. The root, the medicinal part, is dark colored, and resembles that of Helle- borus niger. It has a bitterish acrid taste, and a nauseous odor in the recent state, which is in a measure lost when dried. The tincture may be made from the fresh root or, when the plant is in full bloom, from the stalk, leaves and flowers. The indications for this remedy are few, but important. Future experience, we believe, will develop many valuable symptoms. We find it particularly indicated in rheumatic pains in the small joints, e. g., wrist, finger, ankle, and toe joints; the pains are of a violent tearing and drawing char- acter, and are aggravated by contact or movement. Similar pains in the upper jaw, running from the teeth, up through the malar bones, to the temples. Pains are of a violent tearing and drawing character. 1 ÆTHUSA CYNAPIUM. Syn. Garden Hemlock. Fool's Parsley. Nat. Ord. Umbelliferæ. This is an annual plant which grows in cultivated places, old gar- dens, &c. It is often mistaken for Parsley, and unpleasant accidents have thus occurred which has given it the common name of Fool's Parsley. The leaves when rubbed exhale a sickening smell. The seeds are globular and striated. The fresh herb part of the plant is prepared by expressing the juice, which is mixed with equal parts of alcohol; this gives the mother tincture. THIS remedy is one of the most important in the Materia Medica, and is not so well known as it should be. The mental symptoms peculiar to children, and frequently of adults, are, great anguish and crying. As the disease progresses, the patient becomes more and more retired in his disposition, and more inclined to weep. An expression of the Ethusa disease often met with is, uneasiness and discontent, even to grief. In the delirium of adults, it is fancied that cats and dogs are seen. There is a disposition to jump out of bed; if they are out of bed, will try to jump out of the window; or if they are in bed, will jump out, and start for the window. Patient will lie stretched out in an unconscious state; we often see children in this condition. HEAD.-Stupefaction; unable to remain in an upright position; vertigo when seated, which is increased by mo- tion; the vertigo is felt while sitting still, and when an at- tempt is made to leave the seat, the vertigo is increased— i. e., motion aggravates. The head symptoms are relieved by expelling flatus. EYES.-Ethusa cures scrofulous ophthalmia; swelling of the meibomian glands; chronic inflammation of the edges of the lids-during the night the eyelids become so closely B 11- 12 Ethusa Cynapium. adhered to each other, that they must be washed open in the morning; pustules on the cornca; pupils dilated, but sensitive to light; objects seem much larger than they really are; chronic photophobia; staring dilated pupils. EARS.-Yellowish discharge from the right ear; trouble- some hissing in the ears. In the troubles of the ears, hiss- ing, &c., there is great alleviation by inserting the finger, and drawing the parts asunder. NOSE. Herpetic eruption on the end of the nose. Often stopped up with a very thick mucus; frequent desire to sneeze, but all attempts to do so fail. FACE. These symptoms are very important, and are more particularly applicable to children. On first glancing at a child, we see an expression of great anxiety, with linca nasalis, which is a surface of pearly whiteness on the upper lip, bounded by a distinct line from the outer nasal orifices to the angles of the mouth. This symptom is more char- acteristic of thusa than of any other medicine. The features express great anguish; the face is puffed, and speckled with red spots. The buccal cavity is usually very dry. Aphthæ all over the mouth, and pustules in the throat, rendering the state of the patient almost desperate. In many cases there is a great deal of salivation; in persons able to describe it, a sensation is mentioned as if the tongue were too long, and pressing against the teeth; it is so long they cannot use it well. TASTE. The taste is usually bitter; though at times there is a taste of cheese or of onions. STOMACH.—For adults who complain of regurgitation of food an hour after it has been taken, this remedy is invalu- able. Violent vomiting of a frothy matter, white as milk. This Ethusa Cynapium. 13 We we may find in men, children, or pregnant women. may put down the following as a positive symptom occur- ring under this remedy: Very often in the summer a sick child cannot retain milk, either its mother's, or that of the COW. The child may take a good supply of it, but imme- diately it will all be vomited, and the little sufferer will fall over exhausted. It may take more milk shortly, when there will be the same result. Now for this trouble, there is no remedy like thusa. The fault is not in the milk, but there is something wrong with the child which this remedy will speedily correct. A diarrhoea of curdled milk often accompanies the vomit- ing of milk, or an obstinate constipation with much worry- ing, fretting, &c. We sometimes find these symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting in cholera infantum and summer complaints. This remedy is most frequently indicated in the summer. It often comes in very nicely where the child is much run down, and nothing seems to do any good—Arsenicum, Cal- carca carb., Silicea-everything seems to fail; and then comes in Ethusa. Copious vomiting in adults, with a great feeling of dis- tress; can't tell what the distress is about, but still it exists. Vomiting and diarrhoea of greenish mucus, and of bloody · mucus; vomiting with perspiration and great weakness, ac- companied by anguish and distress. Cold perspiration; very violent pains in the stomach. Adults complain of a peculiar sensation, as though the stomach was turned upside down, accompanied by a burning feeling up to the chest. Tearing pains in the stomach, extending into the œsopha- gus; abdomen tense, inflated, and sensitive, more especially in the region of the liver; colicky pains, with diarrhoea, also with constipation; bubbling sensation in the umbilical region, similar to the bubbling of boiling water, or water bubbling up in a spring. Bleeding hæmorrhoids, with a raw excoriated feeling. Undigested stools. 14 Ethusa Cynapium. URINARY ORGANS.-We know of but few remedies that have cutting pains in the bladder with frequent calls to urinate, but Ethusa has this condition strongly marked. Urine is often red; sometimes we find in it very white de- posits. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Lancinating pains in the female sexual organs; eruption of pimples on the external parts, which itch exceedingly if she gets a little warm; catamenia are very watery. Swelling of the mammary glands, with lancinating pains. Lancinating pains are the characteristic pains for this remedy. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Sufferings of the patient render him almost speechless; the disease has a tendency to en- tirely deprive him of speech. Respiration often becomes hoarse and hissing; very diffi- cult, painful, and anxious respiration. Cough, with stunning pain in the head, the cough pro- ducing the pain. Sensation as if the chest were encircled by a band, which appears to cause an oppressed and difficult breathing. Swelling of the lymphatic glands around the neck, like a string of beads. Swelling of the axillary glands, particularly if accom- panied by the lancinating thrusts. JOINTS.-Eruption around the joints, particularly the knee, elbow, and ankle. All eruptions of Æthusa itch in- tolerably when exposed to the heat, or when they become warm. Tettery eruptions, which bleed easily; black and blue spots, sometimes like ecchymosis, all over the body, showing a very low state of the system. This remedy also cures anasarca. SLEEP. Child can't sleep on account of frequent start- ings; it gets almost asleep when it awakens with a sudden ļ Ethusa Cynapium. 15 start, the patient falls asleep for a short time, then awakes and keeps awake for a long time. FEVER.-Complete absence of thirst, though there is great heat, which condition is very characteristic of Æthu- Cannot bear to be uncovered during the sweat. sa. Pulse, rapid, hard, and small; sometimes irregular; often in a very low state of the system the pulse is imperceptible, the patient still lives but no beating of the pulse can be perceived. GENERALITIES.-Agitation and very painful distress; great general weakness, particularly in children; also con- siderable emaciation in children. Want of power to hold the head up; also to stand up. We find this condition in children, where there is no particular sickness, but the child can't stand up; can't bear its weight on its limbs. Epileptic form of convulsions when the thumbs are bent inwards, face red, eyes turned down (which is peculiar, as in epilepsy they are usually turned up), pupils dilated and im- movable, white milky froth before the mouth, teeth set, pulse usually small, temperature of the skin natural. The convulsions are very violent, violence seeming to be char- acteristic. Unusual liability to excoriation of the thighs in walking. Great disposition to perspire on the slightest physical effort. Trismus in a very violent form. Ethusa is a great liver and stomach remedy, other sym- ptoms agreeing. RECAPITULATION.-Intolerance of milk, particularly in children, also in grown people; linea nasalis; black tongue and bilious diarrhoea in typhus fevers, most characteristic pains are, violent lancinating pains in any part, or in differ- ent parts of the body; disturbance of the sleep caused by the violent startings; profuse cold perspiration; cholera in- fantum; after much purging and vomiting the child becomes 1 16 Esculus Hippocastanum. cold, clammy, stupid, loses consciousness, and will often lie with staring eyes, and dilated pupils. ESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. Syn. IIorsechestnut. Buckeye. Nal. Ord. Sapindacea. This is an ornamental tree, and it is extensively cultivated in this country and in Europe. It is a native of Asia, and was introduced into Europe about the middle of the sixteenth century. The bark and fruit are used in medicine. THE Esculus disease is distinguished for remarkable. symptoms in the sacro-iliac symphysis. The pain in this region is not severe, more a sensation of painful weakness, and is brought on by exercise and relieved by rest. When attempting to walk about or attend to usual occu- pations the back “gives out," and the patient is obliged to rest. The weakness in the back, from exertion, is extreme, and unfits one for business. SEXUAL SYSTEM.-In males at every stool and at mictu- ration, there is discharge of prostatic fluid, and during sleep, loss of spermatic fluid. In females, leucorrhea and uterine displacements with the weakness of the back peculiar to this medicine. BACK.-Great weakness and pain in the back, with ina- bility to walk, and accompanied by either blind or bleeding hæmorrhoids. BOWELS.-Chronic diarrhoea of very long standing, ac- companied by the characteristic symptoms of the back. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Abundant raising of mucus in the morning. Cough, with sensation of stiffness in the throat and suffocation in the chest, upper part. ¡ AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. Syn. Bug Agaric. Mushroom. A cryptogamous Fungus. This is a fungus with a bomb-shaped cap, when old, flattened; color red scarlet, having lamella of a yellowish white, disposed in rays from the centre to the circumference. The stalk is tuberous, and hollow when old. Odor is disagrecable, and taste acrid and caustic. Tincture is prepared from the stalk and cap. After depriving them of their epidermis, cut them into small pieces, and pour an equal quantity of alcohol. THIS is a very valuable medicine for the treatment of chillblains, which are red, and which itch and burn intoler- ably, and is to be thought of in all complaints where chill- blains crop out as a concomitant symptom. Sometimes they arise from exposure to cold, and sometimes they result from constitutional causes. HEAD. Vertigo in a bright, strong light; drawing head- ache extending into the root of the nose. EARS, face, nose, checks, toes, and the skin in general, are affected with a redness, itching, and burning, as if from being frozen. EYES.-The angles of the eyes, particularly the inner angles, are very red, with much itching and burning. This condition of the eye may almost amount to a fungus growth. LOWER EXTREMITIES.-On the shin bone, redness, with itching and burning, accompanied by a dull pain. Frozen limbs and burned places, with the concomitant symptoms. SKIN. Miliary eruptions on the skin, with intolerable burning and itching. 17 1 1 } t 18 Agnus Castus. AGGRAVATIONS.-Complaints arising from coition, i. e., not venereal troubles, but the production of subjective symptoms after coition. Worse after moving, and by pres- sure from without. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Clonic spasms. Symptoms appear diagonally, e. g., a pain in the right arm and left leg, or vice versa. When this medicine has been beneficial, but its action has ceased, the following act well, viz. :-Bell., Calc. carb.. Merc., Opium, Puls., Rhus tox., and Silicea. AGNUS CASTUS. Syn. Vitex Agnus Castus-Chaste Tree. Nat. ord. Verbenaceæ. This is a bush having beautiful leaves, and it grows naturally along the basin of the Mediterranean, in Greece, on sandy spots and at the foot of rocks. The flowers are violet-blue, berries dry, and resemble the pepper in grain. Tincture may be made by expressing the juice of the fresh leaves, flowers and berries, and adding an equal part of alcohol. SENSATIONS. Gnawing, itching or corrosive itching on the eyebrows, over the eyes, on the eyelids, on the cheeks and chin, on the perineum, or on all parts of the body. This itching is relieved by scratching, but soon returns. Prom- inent remedy for sprains; worse from a strain, as in lifting a little too much. MIND. Melancholy; low spirited; fear of approaching death (the difference between this fear of death, and that of Aconite, is, in Agnus there is no fear of an immediate death, but the patient thinks it is certainly coming after a while; that there no use of doing anything. Ailanthus Glandulosa. 19 NOSE. An odor of herrings or of musk, is constantly before the nose, which cannot be dissipated. STOMACH. Nausea, with a sensation as if the intestines. were pressed downwards. This is so prominent that there is a constant inclination to support the bowels with the hands. Swelling and induration of the spleen, particularly after intermittent fevers. STOOL.-Difficulty of passing soft stools; discharge of prostatic fluid while bearing down at stool. WOMEN.-Deficient secretion of milk in lying-in women, where this mental symptom is present, viz.: "There is no use of doing anything, as I shall die after a while." GENERATIVE ORGANS.-The Agnus Castus disease de- velops itself most profoundly in the generative organs. In impotence; emission of prostatic fluid; weakness of the sexual power; penis small and flaccid; testicles cold: gon- orrhea, with absence of sexual desire (this latter is rarely found in gonorrhea). FEET. The feet turn under easily when walking. Re- medies to be thought of as following Agnus well, are, Ars., Bry., Ignatia, Lyc., Puls., Sulph. Best antidote, Camphor. trec. AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA. Syn. Ailanthus Tree-Tree of Heaven. Nat. ord. Rutaceæ. This tree is extensively cultivated in the United States as a shade It has a very rapid growth and abundant foliage. It resembles in appearance a gigantic sumac. During the period of flowering it emits an offensive nauseous odor. Homœopathic tincture may be prepared from the bark, treated with alcohol, or from the matured twigs which support the leaves, treated in the same way. The bark should be used when fresh. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS.—This medicine acts finely in desperate cases of scarlet fever, when there is a purplish C 20 Allium Cepa. rash, or a purple miliary rash, and the skin is also purple. It is also valuable when the attack is very sudden, in cases of sudden vomiting, stupor, or complete insensibility and great prostration. HEAD.-Some forms of sick headache. Stupor; insensi- bility. FEVER.-Rapid and feeble pulse, with prostration at the outset of the disease. STOMACH.-Vomiting, with stupor or insensibility, and a purple rash covering the skin, or in patches. SKIN.-Purplish rash; purple miliary rash; purple rash in patches, with intervening purple skin. ALLIUM CEPA. Syn. Common Onion. Nat. ord. Liliacea. ALLIUM CEPA is cultivated in kitchen gardens almost throughout Europe and America. It is so common an article of food and is so well known, that I need not further describe it. For Homeopathic tincture gather the whole plant from July to August, and treat it like all fresh plants. The action of this remedy is manifested on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and sometimes of the rectum. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS.—The patient has watery eyes and great desire to rub them; an acrid coryza excoriates the nose and lip; much sneezing-the patient makes a full inflation of the lungs, raises himself on his toes, then gives a hearty sneeze. MENTAL SYMPTOMS.-Melancholy. HEAD.-Dull headache, which is generally better in the open air. EYES.-Redness of the eyes, with constant watery dis- Aloe Socotrine. 21 charge from the eyes and nose, which excoriates the upper lip. NOSE. Constant watery discharge from the nose, which excoriates the lip. THROAT.-Sensation as if a lump were in the throat. STOOL AND URINE.-Morning diarrhoea. Increased se- cretion of urine when the characteristic coryza is present. GENERAL REMARKS.—In inflammation of the mucous membranes generally, with increased secretion of mucus, it is very useful. The symptoms of this medicine sometimes occur after getting the feet wet. In epidemic catarrhs, its characteristic symptoms are quite often present. It is therefore frequently indicated in such epidemics. ALOE SOCOTRINE. Syn. Aloes. Nat. ord. Liliacere. The stem of this plant is erect, about a foot and a half in height, woody and leafless below. Green, sword shaped, ascending leaves, their upper surface somewhat concave, and convex beneath, curved inward at the point, with numerous small white serratures at their edges. It has cylindrical flowers, scarlet near the base, pale in the centre, and greenish at the summit. The stamens are unequal in length-three of them being longer than the corolla. Homœopathic preparations are made from the dried juice of the plant. It has a peculiar aromatic odor and tastes intensely bitter. It is deep brown, shining, softens in the hand and becomes sticky. The powder is of a golden yellow color. The best preparation is made by triturating the three first attenuations. CHIEF CHARACTERISTICS.—The Alocs disease is manifested chiefly upon the rectum. The patient has frequent calls to stool, which pass away in "gobs," either large or small, in consistence like the 22 Aloe Socotrine. jelly fish, usually dark in color, but sometimes quite colorless. MENTAL SYMPTOMS.-Fear and anxiety; timid fear of persons in general. EYES.-Congestion to the eyes; pressure on the orbits. MOUTH.-Lips dry, peeling, cracked and bleeding. Tongue and mouth dry, with increased thirst; redness of the lips and dry red tongue. THROAT.-Rough, scraped and hot feeling throat, as if it had been burned; it is very hot all the time. Sore throat, which is aggravated by yawning and masticating; worse in the evening, or early in the morning. Thick lumps of tough mucus from the throat, in appearance like the characteristic stool. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.—Great aversion to meat. After eating, pulsations in the rectum. HYPOCHONDRIA.-Sense of tightness in the region of the liver. Stitches in the liver. ABDOMEN.-Bloated state of the abdomen, more on the left side along the descending colon; discharge of much flatus, with relief to the abdominal sufferings. Stool and anus.-Sudden or continual desire to go to stool; desire renewed after each meal; a hard stool may be passed involuntarily, and fall unnoticed by the patient-prominent symptom; involuntary soft stool while passing wind; stools are often very hot as they pass away; very bright yellow stool; blood and mucus in the feces. Fissures of the anus; itching, burning pulsations after stool. Hæmorrhoids, which protrude like bunches of grapes, relieved by the ap- plication of cold water. Jelly fish stools as above. FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS.-Fullness and heaviness in ! Alumina. 23 the region of the uterus; pain like labor pains drawing into the limbs; pressing down in the rectum during the catamenia. Sense of heaviness and pressing downwards in the pelvis. Cures prolapsus uteri with the above symptoms. AGGRAVATIONS.-From yawning or masticating; in the evening or early in the morning, after eating; from seden- tary habits. AMELIORATION.-From using cold water in headache, and from applying cold water in hæmorrhoids; from dis- charge of flatus. ALUMINA. Syn. Aluminum Oxydatum. Alumice. ALUMINA is classed among the earths, and is sometimes procured by treating a slightly concentrated solution with an excess of Am- monia. The precipitate thus formed being carefully washed and dried, is pure Âlumine. It is a white, very fine powder, soft to the touch, tasteless, infusible, adheres to the tongue, forms a paste with water without dissolving it, and in general absorbs water with avidity. To make a homeopathic preparation, triturate one grain with sugar of milk to the third trituration, after which the succeeding attenua- tions are made with alcohol. ALUMINA is a great antipsoric. It has great power in suppressing the peristaltic action of the bowels. Great dif- ficulty in passing a soft stool is characteristic; constipation, with only one stool per week, and that stool may be soft. One of the first remedies where complaints appear only on the left side of the abdomen, whatever the complaint may be. Much straining required to effect the stool. MENTAL. Most remarkable variablenesss of the mind; alternating from vivacity to thoughtfulness. HEAD.-Semi-lateral affections of the head; old rheu- matic affections always appearing on the same side. ¡ 24 Alumina. EARS.-Affects the external ears. NOSE.-Acrid nasal secretions; soreness and scabs in the nose. Ozona where the other symptoms harmonize. THROAT.-Sensation of constriction when swallowing food, which is felt all the way down to the stomach. Can swallow but small morsels at a time. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.-Obstruction of the bowels from their inactivity. "Painter's colic," accompanied by the peculiar condition of the bowels. STOOL.-Difficulty of evacuation, owing to a want of peristaltic movement, and even small, soft stools are passed with great difficulty. Pregnant women, children and painters are liable to this form of constipation. Discharge of blood from the bowels in typhus fever, particularly where the patient voids urine only while straining at stool. A very prominent characteristic of this drug is that a person must strain at stool, in order to urinate. Then think of this remedy even in dysentery. FEMALE SEXUAL SYSTEM.-This is a valuable remedy for leucorrhoea in general, but the characteristic symptoms must be obtained. Acrid and profuse albuminous leucor- rhoea. It may run down the limbs to the feet. Fluor albus, accompanied by an excoriating transparent mucus occurring before and after menstruation, and during the intervals. LOWER EXTREMITIES.-Affections of the calves of the legs. SKIN. Chapped skin or rhagades; boils on the peri- neum; itching exanthema on the perineum. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Great general weakness, especially when talking; spasms or convulsions, with laughing and Ambra Grisea. 25 talking between the paroxysms; on seeing a pair of scis- sors or a knife, a desire to cut the throat to commit suicide. Sensations of throbbings and pulsations in inner parts. Brittle exfoliating nails. AGGRAVATIONS.-On alternate days; in the afternoon in a warm room; from eating potatoes; periodically-patient gets along nicely for a time, then, from no apparent cause, gets worse for a time, then better, and soon a relapse may be worse than the original illness, another relapse not so bad, and so on with longer intervals between. AMELIORATION.-In the open air. REMEDIES following a favorable action of Alumina, are Calc. c., Graph., Merc., Nux v., Puls., Sep., Sul. Antidote, Bry. AMBRA GRISEA, Syn. Ambergris. This substance is supposed to be the product of the intestines of the spermaceti whale, and is found floating on the sea, particularly of the southern hemisphere. It is usually found in masses, sometimes of considerable size. It is opaque, formed of concentric layers, spongy, greyish brown on the surface, and traversed within by black or yel- lowish red veins, and full of whitish specks. It has a consistence like that of wax, and softens by the warmth of the hands. Its odor is aromatic and pleasant, but almost tasteless. It is insoluble in water, almost completely volatilized by heat, and takes fire when heated in the open air. It may be completely dissolved in ether. Homœopathic preparations are made by triturating the three first attenuations, the fourth by equal parts of water and alcohol, and the rest with alcohol, CHIEF CHARACTERISTICS.-Lean, delicate, sickly looking persons remind us of this medicine. Great remedy for one sided complaints. MORAL SYMPTOMS.-Loathing of life; despair; desire to 26 Amber Grisea. be quiet; aversion to talking or laughing-this even ex- tends to an aversion to the talking or laughing of others; aversion to music. NOSE.-Grey nasal secretion. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Sensation of itching, scratching, and soreness. The itching and tickling induce a desire to scratch the part. Cough, with eructations intermingled. Asthma in lean, delicate old people, or children. Grey expectoration. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.—Acts prominently on these organs. STOMACH.-Sour eructations. FEVER.-Entire thirstlessness. URINE.-Sour smelling urine. UPPER EXTREMITIES.—The arms go to sleep" easily, particularly when resting on them. When carrying anything, danger of dropping it because of the tingling and numbness. LOWER EXTREMITIES.-It affects principally the left leg. Aggravations.-When awaking; in the evening; on awaking in the evening at any time; while lying in bed. AMELIORATION.-When rising from bed. Remedies which follow well are Lyc., Puls., Sep., Sulph. ANTIDOTES.-Nux vom. and Pulsatilla. AMMONIUM CARB. Syn. Carbonate of Ammonia. This salt is obtained pure by the distillation of a mixture of Muriate of Ammonia, of Sub-carbonate of Lime, of Potash or of Soda. It is a mild volatile alkali, white and fibrous in appearance, and has the same taste and smell as liquid Ammonia. It is very soluble in cold water, and volatile at the ordinary temperature. Three triturations are made before the liquid attenuations can be made. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS.-This remedy is especially suited to weak and nervous persons of a lymphatic or venous temperament. Very applicable to the female or- ganism generally. Also, to complaints arising from a sedentary life-the remedy is, of course, not confined to these. SKIN.-Desquamation of the skin, it peels off very easily; exanthema, or an eruption of a scarlet color, like the rash in scarlet fever; exanthema continually peeling off and leaving raw skin, which sticks to the clothes and bed clothes; itching pain as if ulcerated; red spots on the skin, not a rash or eruption, but simply red spots. MORAL SYMPTOMS.—Great aversion to water, cannot bear to touch it. SENSORIUM.-Makes mistakes in writing and speaking. HEAD.-Pulsations, beating and pressing in the forehead shocks through the head when gnashing the teeth. EYES.-Shocks through the eyes when gnashing the teeth. EARS.-Shocks through the ears when gnashing the teeth. NOSE.-Shocks through the nose when gnashing the teeth. JAWS AND TEETH.-It affects, particularly, the teeth of the upper jaw. D 27 28 Ammonium Carb. Pressing the teeth firmly together, sends shocks through the head, eyes, nose and ears. STOMACH.-Nausea and vomiting after each meal; sore- ness at the stomach after eating. RECTUM. Bleeding hemorrhoids, and itching of the anus are both worse when the menstrual flow comes on. Discharge of blood from the rectum before and during menstruation. REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS.-The menses are too short and too scanty; many complaints arise during the menstrual flow, at other times she feels pretty well. During the catamenia, she must lie down, because of extreme debility. Hemorrhoids are worse during menstruation. UPPER EXTREMITIES.-The hands look blue, and the veins distended after washing in cold water. GENERAL REMARKS.-In practice, we frequently meet women who are always delicate, and "must have" their "smelling bottle" continually at hand. This medicine is particularly suited to such. It acts well on those who, while the reaction is short and feeble, are easily affected. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening, while chewing, (in some forms of deafness, the patient cannot hear while chewing); in cold and wet weather; during menstruation; from wet poultices; after scarlet fever (swollen glands); from wash- ing; after eating; from pressing or gnashing the teeth. AMELIORATIONS.-When lying on the stomach, on the right side, on the painful side. Better in dry weather. The following medicines follow well, viz. :-Bell., Calc. c., Lyc., Puls., Phos., Rhus tox., Sep., Sulph. Antidote, Camphor. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. Syn.: Hydrochlorate of Ammonia, Muriate of Ammonia. Sal. Ammoniac. This salt is found near Volcanoes, in mineral waters, plants, etc., etc. It is also manufactured for the trade. In order to prepare the Sal ammoniac of trade for homeopathic use it is necessary to purify and crystalize it for trituration. This is accomplished by boiling filtered water in a porcelain vessel and introducing sublimed and pul- verized Sal ammoniac until saturation takes place. While boiling, this solution is filtered into another porcelain vessel, and is then set in a cool place to crystalize. At the end of 24 hours the liquid is de- canted, is immediately made to boil, and the process goes on as be- fore. The crystals obtained are dried on blotting paper, in heated air. The three first triturations are made with sugar of milk; the subse- quent attenuations are made in the usual liquid way. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS.—This medicine is especially- adapted to fat, bloated and lax individuals, who are indo- lent and sluggish. The body is often large and fat, while the legs are too thin. Amm. mur. affects particularly the left side generally, and also the forehead. EYES.-Spotted vision; yellow spots before the eyes; cloud before the eyes. MOUTH. Burning blister on the tip of the tongue. DIGESTIVE FUNCTION.-Vomiting and diarrhea during menses; sensation as if a morsel of food had lodged in the chest or œsophagus. STOOL-Stools hard and crumbling. SEXUAL ORGANS OF WOMEN.-In menstruation the flow is more profuse after going to bed; in the morning and day time it is better. During menses vomiting and diarrhoea RESPIRITORY ORGANS.-Sobbing or hiccoughing; con- tinued hiccough. ABDOMEN.-Inguinal ring is weak, painful and sore, so 29 30 Anacardium Orientale. that the patient must press the hand on it when walking. Inguinal hernia. SLEEP.—Anxious dreams, with feeling of embarrassment; anxious dreams of fire, of water, of going over deep water, of bad bridges, of danger of being drowned, &c. UPPER EXTREMITIES.-The skin peels off of the fingers; blisters on the fingers, especially on the tips of the fingers. LOWER EXTREMITIES.-The muscles of the legs feel short- ened; this is a real contraction and an interference to walking. Pinching pain, with sensation of tearing. Pain in the left hip, as if the muscles were too short, or as if the hip were dislocated. Hamstrings feel contracted and sometimes they are so. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the morning; often after rising from bed; from sobbing or hiccoughing; in the night in bed, menstruation; during menses-vomiting and diarrhoea. Medicines which follow well are: Merc., Phos., Puls., Rhus., Antim. c., Coff., Nux vom. Antidotes: Coff., Nux vom. ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE. Syn. Mallacca Bean. Nat. ord. Terebinthin acea. This tree is found in the West Indies. It has a grey bark and bears a fruit which is said to resemble the heart of a bird; from this supposed resemblance it derives its name. Between the envelopes covering the fruit there is an acrid, caustic, black fluid; it is from this fluid that homeopathic preparations should be made. Make the three first attenuations by trituration with sugar of milk. PECULIAR CHARACTERISTICS.-Great weakness of the mind; also hypochondriasis; some forms of insanity. We find provings of this drug to manifest themselves in the left upper extremity; on the left car. 1 Anacardium Orientale. 31 MENTAL. The patient is malicious, and seems bent on some wickedness or cruelty; imbecility; weak memory. HEAD.-Inner semi-lateral; acts on both the inner tem- ples at the same time, or on either one singly. SIGHT.-Weakness of sight, the vision being indistinct. HANDS.—Affections of the palms of the hands. EXTREMITIES.-Anterior surface of the thigh; achilles. JOINTS.-Sensation of contraction of joints. MUSCLES.-Cramped pain in the muscles; restlessness of the body; the patient cannot keep still, but must be in motion. STOOL.-Difficulty in passing a soft stool; discharge of prostatic fluid while passing a hard or a soft stool. URINARY ORGANS.-Discharge of prostatic fluid during micturition. SENSATIONS.-Sensation of a hoop around the affected parts; pressing from without inwards; itching, worse by scratching; internal chilliness. Want of action in the skin. WORSE. From lying on either side; the patient must. lie on the back; from rubbing; from scratching; from taking hold of anything; from talking. BETTER.-While eating. Remedies following best: Lyc., Puls. Remedy following next best: Plat. Antidote: Coffee. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Syn. Crude Antimony, Sulphuret of Antimony. This mineral is very common in France; it is found in compact masses, formed of needle shaped crystals. It has a dark bluish grey color. When pure and pulverized it gives a reddish brown powder. It is not volatile, has no taste nor smell, and it is insoluble in water, but it oxydizes partially when in the powdered state. The three first attenuations are made by trituration. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The digestive organs. are most particularly affected by this medicine We may say that the "Key Note" to the action of Antim crud. is found in the symptoms of the stomach and bowels, such as great vomiting and diarrhoea, with white coated tongue. It does good service in rheumatism when the characteristic symptoms of the stomach and bowels are present. MENTAL SYMPTOMS.-Aversion to washing. NOSE.-Affections of the internal nose. Epistaxis. FACE.-Eruptions on the face generally; on the cheeks or forehead, or lips, and nowhere else. MOUTH.-Tongue coated white. DIGESTIVE ORGANS.-Vomiting and diarrhoea, with white coated tongue. Diarrhoea with hard lumps mixed with the watery discharge. Blood, with hard lumps. EXTREMITIES.-Fungous formations in the joints; hard bony corns; hard corns on the soles of the feet. SLEEP. Very sleepy during the day, particularly in the forenoon, notwithstanding the patient sleeps well at night. SKIN.-Eruptions on any part of the body; sub-cutane- ous dropsy; hard corns and horn like excrescences on the 32 Angustura. 33 skin, especially on the ends of the fingers and toes, on the toes and on the soles of the feet. Aggravations. In the evening; from getting heated; from the heat of the sun; from sour things—vinegar in particular; from sour wine; from wet poultices; from water and from washing. Medicines which follow well are: Calc. c., Lach., Puls., Sep., Sulph. Antidote: Hepar sulph. ANGUSTURA. Syn. Angustura cortex. Angustura bark. Nat. ord. Rutacea. This bark is taken from a tree of equatorial America. The bark has a yellowish grey color, brilliant fracture, is porous, has a disa- greeable aromatic odor; bitter penetrating taste. When colored it resembles rhubarb. The three first attenuations should be prepared by trituration. SPECIAL SYMPTOMS.-This medicine is very generally adapted to spasmodic affections, such as trismus, spasms in the back, cramps in the back, tonic spasms, opisthotonic spasms. HEAD. The temples are affected in a very marked manner. FACE.-Blueness of the cheeks and lips after attacks of lockjaw. Trismus, with the lips drawn back showing the teeth. DIGESTIVE ORGANS.-Very great longing for coffee and aversion to solid food. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Unequal and irregular respira- tion. Very low voice, which cannot be accounted for by the apparent condition of the patient. 34 Apis Mellifica. BACK.-Spasms and cramps in the back. Cramped pain of the muscles of the back. Painful stiffness of the nape of the neck, and between the shoulder blades. Twitching and jerking across or along the back like electricity. AGGRAVATIONS.-From touching the parts. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Wasting of soft parts; catalepsy, with the body bent backwards. Medicines which follow well: Bell., Lyc., Sep., and sometimes Ignatia. Antidote, Coffee, is peculiarly charcteristic. APIS MELLIFICA. Syn. Common Honey Bee. Hymenoptera. This is a four winged insect, very common in this country, lives in swarms, and each swarm has its Queen bee and numerous drones, as well as its workers. It is so commonly known that it needs no fur- ther description. Our provings have been made from different preparations. In some cases the virus of the bee has been collected by allowing the insect to sting a lump of sugar and thus deposit its virus, which is then tri- turated. This preparation is called Apium virus, and some provings have been made from it. Still another preparation is made by confining large numbers of bees in a bottle, and, after shaking the bottle until they are quite angry, fill the bottle with alcohol. Provings have been made from this tincture. Another preparation is made by triturating bees with sugar of milk. Homœopathic attenuations may be made either by dilutions or triturations. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-The Apis disease is manifested, particularly, upon the left side of the neck and fauces. One of its greatest characteristics is scanty secretion of urine. Another equally characteristic symptom is a sensa- tion like the sting of a bee accompanied with burning. There is sometimes a very copious secretion of urine. Complete absence of thirst, and sometimes the reverse. Very sick patients sometimes have labored breathing, with a sensation as though every breath would be the last; fear Apis Mellifica. 35 that they will not be able to breathe again, with great fever and restlessness; there is usually no thirst. It is indicated in peritonitis when the sensation is like a bee sting, or plunging pain in the abdomen, accompanied by great prostration, rapid sinking, rapid pulse and fever. For children who have sudden screaming spells at night; they waken suddenly from a quiet sleep, and utter a pierc- ing shrill scream. Restlessness, particularly at night, with continual change of position, without relief. It has a characteristic eruption like musquito bites, hard and ele- vated, with sensation like a bee sting, which is worse at night. Giddiness, caused by the scanty secretion of urine. HEAD. The brain feels very tired. Giddiness; sudden screaming spells in brain affections. Cerebro-spinal men- ingitis. Bruised sore feeling and stiffness at the back of the neck. EYES.-Affections of the eyelids; the under lids are swollen. Styes, particularly on the left eye lid. Opacity of the cornea; smoky darkness before the eyes, with almost complete loss of sight. Inflammation of the cornea. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Buccal cavity, red and swollen, with bee-sting pains. Apis is very useful in all throat af fections, such as diphtheria, &c. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Plunging pain in the abdo- men; pains like a bee sting in peritontis, with great pros- tration; rapid pulse and fever. STOOL and AnUS.-Frequent bloody stools without pain; large bleeding hemorrhoids with dark blood; stinging pains; great constipation. URINARY ORGANS.-Scanty urine in all complaints, with, exceptionally, profuse discharge of urine. Urine often burns and smarts as it passes. 36 Argentum Metallicum. SEXUAL ORGANS.-Left ovary affected with stinging pains. Dismenorrhoea; amenorrhoea, with sensation as if the patient would menstruate, but the flow does not come. Metorrhagia. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Asthma, with Apis dyspnea; worse in cold weather. Diseases of the heart when accom- panied by restlessness and dropsical swellings, especially of the lower extremities, which look white. EXTREMITIES.-Felons, with stinging pains. SLEEP.-Sudden waking from sleep, with shrill, piercing screams. FEVER.-Scarlet fever, with repercussed eruption; rest- lessness; screaming; scanty urine; there may be red points here and there on the skin. Perspiration frequently breaks out, dries up, breaks out and dries up again, etc.; this is a very characteristic symptom. Pulse sometimes becomes almost imperceptible at the wrist. SKIN.-Sphacelated erysipelas; scarlet rash; red points here and there upon the skin. AGGRAVATIONS.-Worse in cold weather; through the night, especially latter part of the night; stinging of crup- tions worse at night; restlessness at night. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Complete anasarca, with no thirst; dropsy, with the characteristic conditions; very pale, clear, waxlike, almost transparent dropsical swellings. Medicines which follow best are, first: Arsenicum; sec- ond: Pulsatilla. ARGENTUM METALLICUM. Syn. Argentum foliatum. Silver leaf. Silver is found in nearly every country on the globe. like gold, as a legal currency by nearly every nation. It is used, Silver as Argentum Nitricum. 37 found in commerce is generally alloyed with other metals; for ho- mœopathic use the impure or alloyed silver is dissolved in muriatic acid, and the product is then strongly heated with carbonate of soda. Pure silver alone is used in homœopathy as a medicine. Make three triturations with sugar of milk, and the rest of the attenuations in the liquid way. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS.-This drug has a specific action upon the kidneys in producing a copious secretion of urine. HEAD.-Sensations in the inner temples; painful sensa- tion of emptiness in the head. SKIN.-Sore exanthema, which the patient cannot bear to have touched; it is so exceedingly sore that even the motion of the skin is almost unbearable. DIGESTIVE ORGANS.-Appetite much increased; hungry after eating a full meal. SEXUAL ORGANS OF WOMEN.-Prolapsus uteri, with pains in the left ovary. BONES AND JOINTS.-Arthritic and bruised pains in the joints; darting pains from within outwards; drawing pains in the bones; often with pressure; sometimes tearing and drawing pains in the bones. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Injuries to the organism from the abuse of mercury, and also from the practice of onanism. Medicines which follow best are: Calc. c., Puls, and Sepia. Next best: Lyc., Sil., Kali c., Merc. Antidote: Mercury. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. Syn. Argenti Nitras. Nitrate of Silver. The salt which we indicate by this name is not that known as lunar caustic, but the crystalized nitrate of silver. 38 Arnica Montana. When pure, this salt is in colorless, thin transparent plates, varying in form. It has a caustic, styptic and metallic taste. It partially de- composes by exposure to light, and dissolves in equal parts of cold water, and in two parts of boiling alcohol. The best homoeopathic preparation is made by diluting the first at- tenuation in boiling alcohol and subsequent ones by cold alcohol in the usual manner. We think of this remedy on seeing a withered and dried up person, made so by disease. Under this remedy the head symptoms are particularly strong, so also are the abdominal symptoms. Disturbed intellect; the head symptoms come out all the time. The patient can't walk, can't talk, can't think, &c., the head gets so giddy. EYES.-The sight and eyes seem to suffer as the abdom- inal sufferings increase. It seems as if others were hours in doing what it takes but a few minutes to accomplish, and this worries the patient, it really seems so long a time. Time seems too short, person is in a great hurry to do things. ARNICA MONTANA. Syn. Mountain Arnica. Leopard's bano. Nat. ord. Corymbiferæ. This plant grows naturally in the high mountains of middle Europe, and it is also found in America; gathered on a locality covered with moss it is not proper for homeopathic use. Its roots are black, slender and fibrous, stems simple, Ïeaves oval and marked with en- tire lines, sessile, flowers are large, radiated, of a beautiful yellow, and fruit is a hairy pappus, cnclosed in a double-like calix. Before making use of this plant it is necessary to clean the flowers, because they are often covered with the eggs of the musca arnica. The root of Arnica soon loses its virtue if exposed to the air, but the powder may be preserved in well corked bottles. We prepare the powder of the root in making the first three attenu- ations, by trituration, or else we digest it in 20 parts of alcohol to make the tincture. When able to gather the fresh plant we gather it when in flower, and prepare the tincture by mingling the expressed juice of the whole plant with equal parts of alcohol. Arnica Montana. 39 SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS.-In all bad effects resulting from mechanical injuries. Head hot; body cool; thirst during the chill; none during the fever or perspiration; bruised sensation in any part of the body; left upper ex- tremity; right chest, as in pneumonia in the right side of the chest, with a bruised sore feeling and bloody expec- toration. Belching eructations; vomiting of blood; in- sufficient stool; retention of urine; the bladder feels full and is apt to feel sore, as if the presence of the urine hurt him. The remedy is useful in affections of the penis, testes and scrotum, as eruptions, &c., &c. After-pains affections on the external chest; on the back of the foot; on the toes, particularly the big toe.. Pain as if bruised, particularly of external parts; sensation: of concussion, as from a fall. Dragging pain; pressing pain in inner parts; pain in the joints, as if sprained; this pain may occur in other parts of the body also. Black and blue spots on the body, which may be produced from bruises, or from internal derangements. Varicose veins.. which feel bruised and sore; weakness of joints, as the ankle joints for instance, which turn easily in walking Painful glands; colic; small boils, which feel sore and bruised; painful eruptions; tingling itching, which moves from place to place over the body, and as soon as the pa- tient scratches in one place the itching is off somewhere else. Bed sores; blue mortification; yellow spots. HEAD.-Head hot and body cool; head is hot when he wakens at night. STOMACH.-Belching cructations; vomiting of blood. ABDOMEN.-Colic. URINARY ORGANS.-Retention of urine; the bladder feels. full and sore; the presence of the urine hurts him. SEXUAL ORGANS OF MEN.-Eruptions on the penis and' scrotum; bruised feeling in the testicles. • E 40 Arsenicum Album. OF WOMEN.-After-pains. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Pneumonia of the right lung, with bruised sore feeling and bloody expectoration; affec- tions of the external chest. UPPER EXTREMITIES.-It acts prominently on the left upper extremity. Lower EXTREMITIES.-On the toes, particularly the big toe; the back of the foot; pain in the joints, as if sprained; weakness of the ankle joints; they turn easily while walking. SLEEP.-Wakens at night, with a hot head, and is afraid to sleep for fear of its recurrence. Anxious dreams about animals. FEVER.-Thirst during the chill, but not during the heat or perspiration. During fever head is hot and body is cool. SKIN.-Black and blue spots on the body, caused either by a bruise or by disease. Varicose veins, which feel bruised and sore. Small boils; painful eruptions; tingling and itching of the skin, which moves from place to place over the body; when the patient scratches in one place the skin begins to itch somewhere else. Bed sorcs; yellow spots; mortification. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night, from concussion; from physical exertion; traveling; working, &c.; after surgical operations; from bruises; from abuse of Peruvian bark. Medicines which follow well are, Puls., Bell., Bry., Calc. c., China, Conium, Nux vom., Phos., Rhus tox., Sulph. Antidotes Camphor., Ipecac. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Syn. Whito Arsenic. Arsenious acid. The substance known as Arsenic in homeopathy is Arsenious acid, and not the so-called Arsenic of commerce, which is derived from Arsenicum Album. 41 arsenical cobalt by sublimation. Arsenious acid is found in nature in compact, heavy, white or yellowish masses, opaque at the surface, transparent and vitreous internally. Exposed to the atmosphere, it becomes more opaque, lighter and more soluble. Its taste is insipid and slightly sweetish. Homœopathic attenuations are made by triturating one grain of Arsenic with one hundred grains of sugar of milk. Three successive triturations are made, and the remaining attenuations by the usual liquid way. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.-We find a great amount of anguish in the patient, and the greater the suffering the greater the anguish. Very great restlessness, which is ex- hibited in an anxious tossing and jerking about, every movement being followed by exhaustion. Exhaustion is not felt by the patient while lying still, but as soon as he moves he is surprised to find himself so weak. Intense burning sensation, as if from coals of fire, which sensation is usually found in the abdominal cavity. Fear of death. This is not the Aconite fear, but it is an anxiety, and a feel- ing that it is useless to take medicine, as they are surely going to die. Deficiency of blood; dropsy of outer and inner parts; inflammation of mucous membranes; strong disposition to lie down; sensations of pressing in the inner parts; burning in the glands; ulcers in the glands. MENTAL SYMPTOMS.-Great anguish; extreme restless- ness and exhaustion; fear of death; desponds of a cure. HEAD.-Acts prominently on the scalp; destitute of hair; rough and dirty looking spots. EYES.-Internal surface of the eyelids. Aversion to light in ophthalmia. Blue color around the eyes. NOSE.-Fluent catarrhal discharges, often acrid. FACE. Blue color around the eyes. Forehead. Exan- thema around the mouth. Puffiness of the face. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Tongue. Saltish taste. 42 Arsenicum Album. STOMACH.-Qualmishness. Vomiting of black water, of what has been drunk, it comes up immediately, of food. ABDOMEN.—Intense burning sensation like coals of fire; right side. Stool and anus; painless diarrhoea; stool ac- rid, stinking, undigested; vomiting and movements from the bowels at the same time—a strong indication for Ar- senic inflamed varices. URINARY ORGANS.-Burning urine. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Oppressed respiration; cough, with expectoration, only during the day; taste salty. BACK.-Affections of the back. LOWER EXTREMITIES.-Right side; affections of the shin bones and calves of the legs. SLEEP.-Yawning with stretching of the limbs (chills and fever often come on in this way). Complaints preventing sleep; complaints concomitant to waking; sleep anxious and restless; sleeplessness in general, particularly after midnight; anxious dreams about dead persons; anxious dreams with feeling of embarrassment. FEVER.-Pulse changed in general; imperceptible; very feeble. Chilliness without thirst (if there be thirst during the chill, except for hot drinks, do not give Ars.) Wants to be warm, and to be surrounded by warmth; wants to be near a warm stove. Complaints concomitant to chilli- ness. External and internal heat at the same time; heat of single parts; heat with anxiousness; complaints con- comitant to heat. Shuddering in general. Complaints concomitant to perspiration. Compound fevers in general; chilliness with heat at the same time; heat and shudder- ing alternately; concomitant complaints during fever, before fever, and after fever. SKIN.-Exanthema around the mouth, especially the Arsenicum Album. 43 upper lip; acute or chronic burns; burning of the skin; dry skin with sensation of heat. Exanthema in general, blackish, burning, gangrenous, pustulous, whitish, jet black, white miliary, petechiæ, fungus hæmatodes; skin like parchment. External swelling in general, swelling blue. black (Arsenic will change this to a greenish hue, then it will clean up nicely), burning swelling, dropsical, spongy. Tetters in general, burning, furfuraceous, prickling. Ul- cers in general, turning black, black at the bottom; bleeding, bleeding at edges, with fire like burning, with sensation as if burnt, destitute of feeling, gangrenous, hard, on the edges, with red halo around, painful edges, spongy; spongy edges, high hard ulcers, with proud flesh in them, with bloody pus, corroding pus, inflamed. AGGRAVATION.-In the night; after midnight; from anger with anxiety; before falling asleep; on awakening; on en- tering a cold place; in cold air, or getting cold; after drinking; from exertion of the body; during, before, and after the fever; while lying down with the head low; on ascending; after moving (movement followed by exhaustion); from cold food; from fruits, milk, wine; during perspira- tion; from running or walking fast; from a scald or burn; during sleep; during the first hours of sleep; Ars. always wants to be wrapped up warm; warm things, drinks, &c. &c., during stool (as vomiting may come on, pains, &c.); from change of temperature; after undressing; in vaulted places, as milk house, cellar, &c.; from vomiting. Amelioration.-On going down; lying with the head high; on rising; from warm or hot things; warmth in gen- eral; near a warm stove. Remedies following: Apis, Cham., China, Ferrum, Hep., Iod., Ips., Lyc., Merc., Nux v., Sul. Antidotes: Ipc., Hep., Nux v ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. Syn. Indian Turnip. Nat. Ord. Araceæ. This plant grows in damp places in all parts of North and South America. I has a solid bulbous root, which in its green state is ex- tremely acrid, but in its dried state this acridity is lost. When chewed there is an insupportable burning and biting sensa- tion in the mouth and throat, with profuse salivation. An unpleasant soreness is often left behind. CHARACTERISTIC PECULIARITIES.-One of the first indi- cations for this drug, is the appearance of raw, bloody surfaces, which may be on the lips, buccal cavity, nose, &c. There is great itching with this rawness, so that children will often pick and bore into these surfaces, though so doing causes great pain, and they will scream with the pain mean- time; but they will keep up this boring and screaming. Very scanty secretion of urine, sometimes passing none for a day. Great delirium. Headache. Rawness at lips, and corners of the mouth. Clergymen's sore throat, or sore throat of one who speaks a great deal. Children also pick their fingers, their skin, their lips; lose their appetite; don't want to play; lose flesh; have headaches; scanty urine. ASAFOETIDA. Syn. Stink asand. Forula asa-fatida. Nat. Ord. Umbelliferæ. This is a perennial plant found principally in Persia, Media and Syria. The part used in homœopathy is the gum-resin of the plant. This gum is of a rusty color, in irregular pieces, mixed with pieces of a white color. It has a very strong fetid odor and an acrid taste. The tincture is prepared by infusing fifty grains of the powder in one thou- sand drops of alcohol. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.-A very great sensitiveness, hyper-sensitiveness, particularly of those in whom the venous system preponderates over the arterial; very weakly and delicate persons; mothers who have a deficiency of milk, 44 Į Asarum Europæum. 45 with symptoms concomitant to this drug. Nipples; ozæna with a very unpleasant odor. It affects the left hypochon- driac region; left side of the abdomen; left side of the neck, and nape of the neck; left upper extremity and left lower extremity; left ear; general symptoms left side. HEAD.—Inner semi-lateral, the affection may be on either side, but is generally on the left. Bones of the arm; big toe. Jerking pain, in outer parts particularly; pressing pain from within outwards; darting in the outer parts; darting in the inner parts; darting from within outwards; darting in the muscles; burning darting in the muscles; quivering in the external parts; tension in inner parts; sensation as if bones were bending; darting pain in the bones; caries in the bones; caries of the periosteum; painfulness in the bones; painfulness of the periosteum, accompanied with great sensitiveness; enlargement of the bones; softening or swelling of the bones; swelling of the periosteum. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Fatty taste. Rising in the throat. Inner region of the spleen. STOOL AND ANUS.-Stinking stool. Fetid flatus. URINE. Urine smells like Ammonia. SKIN.-Itching better by scratching; pricking burning skin. Ulcers in general; hard on circumference; with bloody pus; with thin pus; painful ulcers; painful on the edges; sensitive on the circumference, with high hard edges; prickings on circumference. Better, from scratching; from being touched. Remedies to follow: China, Merc., Puls. Antidotes, China, Merc. ASARUM EUROPÆUM. Syn. Asarabacca, Nat. ord. Aristolochia. A perennial plant found all over Europe. It has two uniform, ob- tuse entire leaves supported on a small stem. The whole plant is used; gathered during the flowering in April. 46 Aurum Foliatum. We express the juice of the fresh plant and mix it with cqual parts of Alcohol, which gives the mother tincture. For attenuations dilute in the usual way. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.-For chilly persons who are always shrinking from the cold; for example, literary men who are addicted to a sedentary life, and are sick and chilly. Surgeons often give this drug after operations on the eye, for a darting pain which remains. Mucous stool. Sensation as though all the body, or a part of the body, was being pressed together. Symptoms are generally on the left side. Vexatious dreams. Worse in cold and dry weather; in clear fine weather; in dry weather. Better from washing; in damp and wet weather; on wetting the affected parts. Remedies following: Caus., Sil., Puls. Antidote: Camph. AURUM FOLIATUM. Syn Fure gold. Gold leaf. This metal is found nearly in all parts of the world. This substance is so well known that I need not further describe it. If perfectly pure gold can be found in leaves, it is in the most convenient form to make the three usual triturations; the other attenuations are made in the liquid way. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.-Strongest symptom is a great desire to commit suicide. This idea is uppermost in the mind all the time, and every opportunity will be sought for self-destruction. Sleeplessness; anguish of the mind and great grief; seems to have no friends. There may be an irregularity in the labor pains, and when she rises up for anything, instead of lying down again quietly, she thrashes herself down hard; will have fits of anger, with great rashness. Hopelessness and despondency; mental irritability; affections of the external nose, as a knob on the nose, &c.; bones of the nose; stench from the nose; Baryta Carbonica. 47 smelling too sensitive; hearing too sensitive; hunger too strong; inguinal hernia; inguinal ring; affections of the prepuce; joints of the toes; desire for the open air; ere- thism; sudden rush of blood to any part; pain in the joints as if bruised; sensation of contraction of the joints. Very violent hysterics, accompanied with desperate actions, and thrashing one's self about; dry exanthema. Worse in the morning; when blowing the nose; in cold air; in getting cold; while lying down; after lying down and rising up; from abuse of Mercury, as may have frightful bone pains, swelling of the bones, &c.; while resting; from strong smells; in the winter; as for instance, some complaints that come on only in the winter. air. Better from moving; walking; getting warm; in warm Remedies following: Acon., Bell., Calc c., Chen., Merc., Lyc., Puls., Rhus., Sep., Sul. Antidote: Coff., Merc. BARYTA CARBONICA. Syn. Carbonate of Barytes. Barytæ Carbonas. This mineral is rarely found native. It has been found in the north of England, Sweden, Siberia and in Styria. It differs from Sulphate of Barytes in dissolving completely in either Nitric or Mu- riatic acid. Homœopathic preparations are made from pure Baryta Carb., and like other minerals, the three first attenuations are made by trituration. One is reminded of this drug by seeing a dwarfish and delicate person, a person that is mentally and physically so, i. e., a man dwarfish in size, and the mind seems dwarfish, cannot grasp ordinary ideas; also for backward children. Great aversion to strangers; the sight of them makes the symptoms worse, or causes a recurrence of symptoms. Sore throat occurs from the least cold that is taken; throat often 48 Belladonna. suppurates; swollen glands after scarlet fever. Right hy- pochondriac region; external head, particularly behind the ears; lobe of the ear, or lobes of the ears; upper lip; nape of the neck. Micturition too frequent. Tension in outer. parts. Cystic tumors, particularly occurring on the wrist. Losing hair from the crown of the head. Pricking after scratching; itching after scratching; pricking in the skin. Sleep unquiet. Perspiration on one side, as on one hand, one foot, one side of the face or body, &c. Perspiration stinking, particularly on the feet. Worse, lying on the painful side; from pressure from without. The following medicines often follow: Calc. c., Con., Puls., Phos., Rhus., Sep., Sil., Sul. Antidote, Cam- phor. BELLADONNA. Syn. Atropa Belladonna. Deadly Nightshade. Nat. Ord. Solanacea", This is a perennial plant. It grows in all parts of Europe, to the height of about three feet. The flowers are large, bell-shaped, and of a dull reddish color. In homœopathy the whole plant is used. It should be gathered in the month of June, at the beginning of its flowering. The juice is ex- pressed and mixed with equal parts of alcohol in the form of tincture. Manifested under this drug is a remarkable quickness of sensation, or of motion; the eyes snap and move quickly; pains come and go with great celerity; a pain may have lasted for some time, then in a second it is gone; pains may commence suddenly, and slowly increase in severity till the height is reached, and then in a second it is gone. Much twitching and jerking of the muscles. Dull and sleepy, half awake and half asleep. All affections of the internal head, right side; right eye; right ear; facc, right side; teeth, right side; mouth and fauces, left side; right hypo- chondria; right chest; right upper extremity; right lower extremity; general symptoms right side. Belladonna. 49 Concomitant complaints to cough. Neck: glands of the neck, and lower jaw. Milk increased. Complaints per- taining to the back; foot; hollow of the knee; patella. Apoplexy. Bleeding from inner parts. Plethora. Boring sensation. Burning in inner parts. Pain as if the parts would burst, or as if they were pushed or pressed asunder. Chlorosis. Distension of the blood vessels. Sensation of contraction of the inner parts. Cramp pains in the muscles. Dropsy of the inner parts; dryness of inner parts, as of the throat, &c. Epilepsy. Sensation as though the inner parts were falling. Heaviness of the outer parts. Hydrophobia. Jerking pain of the outer parts. Indurations after inflam- mations. Inflammation of the mucous membrane wherever occurring. Motion rendered difficult; sensation of motion; convulsive motion. Paralyzed inner parts. Pricking or darting in outer parts; darting from below upwards; darting in the bones. Spasms in general; clonic; tonic. Staggering when walking. Starting of the body. Swel- ling in general and of the parts affected. Drawing from below upwards. Vibration like dull tingling in the body. Inflammation of the glands; induration of the glands; glands painful, prickling, swelling, hot swelling of the glands. Pricking in the bones. Swelling of blood vessels. INTELLECT.-Affections of the mind in general; of the intellect; delirium; fantastic illusions of the intellect (brimful of fancies); imbecility of the intellect; insensibilli- ty of the intellect; madness; memory quick; weak; lost. HEAD.-Affections in the forchead. Movements of the head (as the patient may be continually boring into the pillow with his head; may be constantly moving it from side to side, &c). Affections of the hair which may be split, or coming out, or hard and dry, &c. Apoplexy. EYES.-Eyeballs, sclerotic coat; pupils dilated; eyes water; eye brows; eye lids; inner angles of the eye; 50 Belladonna. occular illusions, in strange things particularly, objects look fiery, &c. Photophobia; paralyzed optic nerve; amaurosis; look is fixed; momentary loss of sight. EARS.-Paralyzed auditory nerve; hard hearing. Affec- tions of the locality below the ears; noise in the ears in general, particularly humming in the ears. NOSE.-Bleeding of the nose; pale blood from the nose; smelling too sensitive; smelling too feeble; imaginary smells; foul imaginary smells. FACE.—Bluish red face; face changing color frequently; face colored like erysipelas; red color. Face distorted with the pain and suffering; puffiness of the lips. MOUTH.-Gaping mouth; sensations under the jaw; affections of the articulations of the jaws (sometimes while chewing); lips; corners of the lips. Lower teeth. Palate. Gullet. Tongue; tongue not clean (furred); increase of saliva; diminution of saliva. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Sour taste. gagging with inclination to vomit. Eructations. Empty ABDOMEN.-Inner lower belly (troubles in this situation. are very characteristic). Cramp pain in the abdomen as if a hand had clutched some part, and was griping (squeez- ing) it with great force, causing great pain, or a feeling as if the nails (of the hand) were dug into the part; this sensa- tion generally comes and goes very suddenly. Cutting pain, as if a knife was actually cutting the parts. Sensa- tion as though the inner parts were distended. Dragging pain. URINARY ORGANS.-Urine dark; incontinence of urine in bed at night. SEXUAL ORGANS.-Uterus; pain like labor pains; labor Belladonna. 51 pains cease; pains in labor coming and going very suddenly ; labor pains too weak. Abortion. Metrorrhagia; painful menstruation; menstrual blood of light color; bad smell of the menstrual blood. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Oppressed; quick; slow; un- equal. EXPECTORATION.-Bloody; blood pale. EXTREMITIES.-Creeping on the limbs as of a mouse. Arthritic pains in the joints. SLEEP. Pulsations of the blood vessels; as, one may hear the pulsations of the blood vessels so loud when trying to sleep, as to be kept awake by it. concomitant complaints to morbid with drowsiness very characteristic. to single parts. Stupor like sleep; sleep; sleeplessness, Congestion of blood PULSE. Changed in general; full; hard. Sensation of external and internal heat; heat of single parts; heat of outer or of inner parts. Shuddering in general. Perspira- tion in general; want of perspiration. Compound fevers in general; heat, with shuddering. SKIN.-Burning of the skin, particularly when the hand continues to burn after touching the skin, as though a hot stove had been touched. This is very characteristic. Cutting of the skin as though "sliced" with a sharp knife. Desquamation of skin; pale; dry; red. Boils red, with sensation of heat, and feels hot to the hand. Exanthema; erysipelatous; flat; painful; peeling off; of scarlet color; smooth scarlatina, with swelling; phlegmonous erysipelas, swollen thick; red spots; swelling of the parts affected; sensation as if a part were swollen. Ulcers; cutting, hard, swollen, red and angry looking. Warts, with red streaks. Aggravations.—Worse, from the least jar of the bed or F 52 Benzoic Acid. chair which aggravates the patient exceedingly; in the after- noon; in the evening; after taking cold; after having the hair cut; from draught of air; while drinking, often times the fluid will escape through the nose; applicable to the com- plaints of children; from looking at shining objects (puerperal convulsions will sometimes come on from look- ing at a shining object); looking at running water; after moving; after taking narcotics; after taking sausages; from suppressed perspiration; during pregnancy; on ris- ing; after scarlet fever; during sleep; from strong smells; from sun burning; from touching the parts; during walk- ing; walking in the wind particularly; with women, especially in confinement; when shaking the head; from the head getting wet. AMELIORATION.-Better on bending or turning the af- fected part; while reposing; while standing; while sitting up. Remedies following well: Acon., Calc. c., Hyos., Lach., Moschus., Nux v., Puls., Sep. Sometimes Sul. Antidotes: Hyos., Coff. BENZOIC ACID. This acid is prepared from the gum Benzoin. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.-These are generally found in the urine, which is scanty, of a dark brown color, and the urinous odor being highly intensified. In relation to the strong smell of the urine, care must be taken not to fall into error by a strong smell emanating from urine which has been kept covered for some time, (or over night), or which has remained on sheets which have not been changed recently. The urine must have this characteristic smell when freshly voided. The color of the urine is not of so much importance as the smell; for the color may be different. Berberis Vulgaris. 53 Nocturnal eneuresis, with the above characteristic odor; sheets usually stained brown. Rheumatism, Quinsy, Dropsy, Diarrhoea, Headache, all when accompanied by this highly intensified odor of the urine. Menstrual difficulties, when accompanied by the character- istic smell of the urine. SIDES.-Most of the symptoms appear on the left side, but may subsequently come on the right side. JOINTS.-Cracking of the joints when moving. AGGRAVATIONS.—Headache worse when at rest; toothache worse when lying down; eye and ear symptoms worse in the open air; on uncovering the head. AMELIORATION.-From heat. BERBERIS VULGARIS. Barberry. This is a bush met with quite frequently in all Europe. The leaves are alternate; flowers come out in bunches. We use in homœopathy the small branches of the roots, or the bark of the medium sized roots, from which we prepare a tincture. THIS remedy affects particularly the lumbar region; kid- neys; uterus. The patient is sometimes unable to tell the exact locality, but the pain is somewhere in the back, and shoots up the back; or into the spermatic cord, or testes, bladder, buttocks, or legs. The pain may shoot up or down, or both ways. Pains may be felt all over the body, emanating from the region of the back; the pains are of a sticking, pricking, lancinating or jerking character, flying about, now here and now there. There is often a bubbling sensation in the region of the kidneys; this sensation may occur elsewhere, but it is usually found here. 54 Bismuth. Borax. URINARY ORGANS.-Frequently urging to micturate; urine is dark yellow, or red, with a sediment which is easily crushed and dissolved between the fingers. EYES.-Ophthalmia; with the flying pains from the back. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Dysmenorrhoea, with blood looking like grey serum. AGGRAVATIONS.-By motion; walking; riding; from fa- tigue. BISMUTH. This metal occurs in nature in different states; either native, or as an oxide, or combined with Sulphur. It is a yellowish-white, brittle metal, very fusible, and casily pulverized. The three first pre- parations are prepared by trituration. THIS remedy has a great affinity for affections of the right upper extremity, or forehead. Boring pains. Sensa- tion of heaviness in inner parts. Gastralgia with the sensation, of a great pressing heaviness. Gastric affections; vomiting and purging with prostration, and the surface of the patient is warm. Very useful in complaints of children. Flatus with a cadaverous smell; same smell to the stools. Desire for company; a child will hold on to the mother's hand to keep her company. Remedy following: Calc. c. BORAX. Borax is a neutral salt, composed of boracic acid and soda. When purified, this salt is in white hexahedral or octahedral prisms, its surface becoming covered with a powdery substance, like flour. The first three attenuations are made by trituration. THE strongest characteristic of this drug is the great Borax. 55 fear of a downward motion of any kind. Children will spring up suddenly on being laid down on the bed; patient is afraid to go down stairs; can't swing, ride horseback, or use a rocking-chair so great is the dread of downward motion. Also, the patient is easily startled by any sudden noise, as the snap of a match, fall of a door latch, the rustling of a dress. Pleurisy-like pain in the right pectoral region, so the patient can't move or breathe without a stitching pain. Children may be sleeping quietly, when they awaken very suddenly, screaming and holding on to the sides of the cradle, without any apparent cause for their so doing. EARS.-Affections of the left ear particularly. HEAD. The hair is rough and frowsy, can't be combed smooth; gets into all kinds of snarls; the hair may split; the hair sticks together. EYES.-Affections of the margins of the eye-lids and eye- lashes; the lashes become loaded with a dry gummy substance, so that they stick together in the morning; granular eyelids. The eye-lids turn in upon the eye. MOUTH.-Affections of the gums. Tender apthæ, so tender as to prevent the child from nursing. NOSE.-Mucous nasal secretion. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Complaints after menstrua- tion. Mucous leucorrhœa. STOOL.-Mucous stool. Stool before making water. GENERALITIES.-Parts which are usually white, turn red. Dingy, unhealthy looking skin, which ulcerates easily on being injured. AGGRAVATIONS.-In warm weather; after menstruation; from laughing; before urinating; on descending; from 56 Bovista. sudden noises even though slight; smoking, (which may bring on a diarrhea), damp cold weather. Medicines which follow are: Sul., Merc., Sul. ac. BOVISTA. Lycoperdon Bovista. Puff-balls. This is a fungus, found almost everywhere in Europe, on pasture grounds, and dry meadows. We prepare from it a tincturc. We may always think of this remedy when we see a very "tettery person," one who has tetters here and there all over the body. These tetters may be either moist or dry. HEAD.-Vertigo in the morning; particularly where the patient falls over to one side, early in the morning, and seems to lose his senses for a time. Pains in the head pressing inwards; pains from side to side, pressing out- wards. LIPS.-Lips ulcerated or chapped, with sensation of a splinter, or of something sticking there. NOSE.-Blood flows from, when blowing it. APPETITE.-No appetite for breakfast. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Nausea in the morning, generally vomiting a watery fluid, and relieved by eating breakfast. Sensation as of a lump of ice in the stomach. ABDOMEN.-Colic, which causes the patient to double over, and accompanied by the voiding of red urine, relieved by eating. (In Coloc. the pain is aggravated by eating, and their is no red urine.) Bromine. Bufo. 57 STOOL. The first portion of the stool is hard, and the lat- ter part, thin and watery. Diarrhoea before menstruation. Generalities.—Cough, with so viscid an expectoration that it can scarcely be discharged. Affections of the wrist joints. Stammering. Intollerable itching of the соссух. Chill after going to bed at night. Remedies following: Calc. c., Rhus t., Sepia.; Antidote: Camphor. BROMINE. We obtain this from sea-water. When prepared it is a liquid of a dark brown-red color. We make the attenuations with strong alcohol. THIS remedy affects particularly the internal head, left side. It is a capital remedy for diphtheria and croup, es- pecially in children having thin, white, delicate skins, and very light hair and eye-brows. Diphtheria.—When the diphtheria begins in the larynx and runs up. CROUP. When with all the croupy sound, there is a good deal loose rattling in the larynx with the breathing and coughing, but no choking in the cough, as there is in Hepar. In females escape of flatus from the vagina. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the first part of the night. BUFO. WE prepare this from the common toad. IN Panaritium, where the pain runs in streaks, all the way up the arm. Also when the fingers have been injured and look black, with pains running in streaks up the arm. In some cases of epilepsy. BRYONIA ALBA. White Bryony. Whito Hops. THIS plant, found abundantly in France and Germany, has a very large root, and a climbing stalk which attains the height of many fect; its leaves are alternate; flowers are in bunches supported on long peduncles; berries are round and black. We prepare a tincture. THE great characteristic of this drug is aggravation produced by any motion. The patient cannot bear a dis- turbance of any kind, either mental or physical. Can't sit up in bed, as it makes the patient so sick and faint, even when rising up to take a drink of water. Moving from one side of the bed to the other is not so bad, but the patient cannot sit up. GENERALITIES.--Affections of right upper extremity; right lower extremity; right chest; inner chest; cough in gene- .ral; if the patient is in bed when the cough comes on, he must immediately rise up into a sitting posture; cough with expectoration in the morning and daytime, without expec- toration in the evening. Expectoration grayish, bloody, brownish; concomitant complaints to cough, as there may be vomiting, or micturition, or pain in the chest with every coughing spell; disposition to catch cold. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening; from warmth; before falling asleep; on stooping down; while drawing breath; on taking a deep breath; from suppressed catarrh; after taking cold; while coughing; after the suppression of cuta- neous eruptions; after eating; from exertion of the body; from shutting the eyes (may make the pain in the head worse); from getting heated; from lying on the side; lying on the painless side; on ascending; on moving the eyes; moving the parts affected; from cabbage; fruits; sour krout; from vegetables with husks; from warm food; sometimes, during perspiration; on rising; from running; walking; during the first hours of sleep; during sleep; stepping 58 Bryonia Alba. 59 heavily on the ground; when swallowing; getting warm in the open air; when walking quickly. AMELIORATIONS-Exhaling; after eructation; on going down, (descending); while lying down; lying on the back; lying on the painful side; when quiet; while sitting; from cold things; cold food, &c. FACE.—Bluish-red face; red face; exanthema on the un- der lip; parched, dry, and cracked lips are very character- istic. TONGUE.-Tongue is furred, usually dry and hard with deep cracks. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Vomiting in general; of bile; of what has been eaten, which comes up very soon after eat- ing, (vomiting very often excited by motion); vomiting of a watery fluid; bitter and flat taste; belching or eructations; collection of water in the mouth. STOOL.-Obstruction from induration of the feces; dry, hard, burnt looking stool; fæces too thick, i.e., too large to get through the anus. URINE. Urine is dark; becomes turbid; often casts a pinkish stain all over the bottom of the chamber. FEMALE GENITALS-Menstrual blood is of a dark color and has a bad smell. NOSE-Dry catarrh of the nose. Epistaxis especially just before the beginning of the menses, or in pregnant women, just before the time for the menses to appear. RESPIRATION. Respiration oppressed; obstruction of the breath as follows: the patient wishes to take a long breath, but cannot, as there is a feeling as though the lungs will not expand sufficiently; respiration deep; sighing. G T 60 Bryonia Alba. MAMME.-Feel hard and heavy, and are generally pale; increased secretion of the milk. JOINTS.-Affections of the shoulder joint; hip joint; ar- thritic pains in the joints; joints swollen, presenting a pale reddish appearance. Sensation of tension in the joints. SENSATIONS.-Burning pains in the internal and external parts; pain as if the parts were pushed or pressed asunder; pain as if the parts would burst. Pricking dartings in the outer parts, also in the inner parts, as the patient may com- plain that he can't walk on account of a sensation of pins and needles in the feet; darting in the muscles; swellings in general; drawing in outer and inner parts; corns prick- ing; dryness of the skin with heat (especially after perspi- ration); burning itching; pricking itching; pricking in the skin, (this pricking sensation is very characteristic of Bry.) Stinging pains. Chilliness in general; with thirst; with shivering. Heat in general; external heat; heat of single parts; internal heat; heat on one side only; dry heat. FEVER.-Compound fevers in general; chilliness and heat alternately; heat and shuddering alternately; want of perspiration. SENSORIUM-Patients "want to go home"; intolerance of noise. AFFECTIONS of the right hypochondrium; inner lower belly; inner region of the liver; inner navel region. Dis- position to catch cold; inflammation of the inner parts; sudden startings of the body; miliary eruptions, which may look scarlet or pale; petechia; rubeola. External swelling in general; burning swelling; dropsical, hard, in- flamed, pale swellings. Ulcers with sensation of coldness; pulse hard, usually quick. SLEEP.-Falling asleep late; sleep not refreshing; sleep- lessness in general, especially before midnight; complaints causing sleeplessness; lying on the back during sleep. Cactus Grandiflorus. Caladium Seguinam. 61 Remedies following: Bell., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sepia, Sul., (after Sul., very often Psorinum). Antidotes: Acon, Camph, Cham., Coff. Rhus. CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. Night Blooming Cerens. This plant is indigenous to Mexico and the West India Islands. The stems are cylindrical, rooting, and very large, and have little thorns. The flowers are very large, opening at night, but become withered before morning. The fruit is shaped like an egg, and filled with many small seeds. We use the flowers, also the most tender stems to make a tincture. THIS remedy is marked by a great sense of constriction or contraction about the heart, or in the chest, as if a hand, a vicc, or something had clutched the part and was holding on very tightly. The same sensation is found about the neck of the bladder, and about the œsophagus. Constipation. CALADIUM SEGUINUM. Poisonous pediveau. This very poisonous plant grows in the neighborhood of Parami- rabo. It forms a bush, rising to the height of five or six feet, with a round, naked stem; leaves are smooth, ovoid, pointed. From its leaves we prepare a tincture. SEXUAL ORGANS.-Impotence of the male; weakness of sexual power; coldness of the sexual parts; affections of the prepuce. Sighing respiration; dryness of parts which are usually moist; inclination to lie down; aversion to motion; cold- ness of single parts; worse lying on painful side. Rem- edies following: Acon., Caust., Sepia, Puls. Antidote: Caps. CALCAREA CARBONICA. Carbonate of Lime, We prepare this chiefly from the oyster shell. The shell must be made perfectly clean, reduced to a powder, and then triturated. WE find this remedy to be particularly adapted to the REAL *LEUCOPHLEGMATIC CONSTITUTION. Where we find a large head, large features, pale skin with a chalky look, and (in infants) open fontanelles, we may think strongly of Calc. carb. Profuse perspiration of the head, particularly where the perspiration stands out in large, bead-like drops, and in such profusion, as to soak the pillow thoroughly. The per- spiration may run down upon the face and neck. This remedy affects particularly, the external head, right side; right eye; face, right side; right abdominal ring; sexual organs, right side. Inguinal glands often become swollen; left side of the neck and nape of the neck; left chest; left lower extremity. Right side of the back; right upper extremity. General symptoms, right. Light-haired people; forearm. MENTAL SYMPTOMS.-Peevishness; dizziness of mind; feels as if she will go crazy. HEAD. External, right side; scalp; milk crust. EYES.-Eyeballs; cornea, as little white ulcers on the cornea, &c.; eyes water; eyelids, particularly lower eyelids; external angles of the eyes; constant mist before the eyes; dim sightedness; pupils dilated. EARS.-Affections of the internal cars; noises in the cars in general; hard hearing. *Leucos=white; phlegma=phlegm. A tendency to a dropsical state known by paleness, flabbiness, or redundancy of serum in the blood. Leucophlegmatic,-having a dropsical habit of body, with a white bloated skin. 62 Calcarea Carbonica. 63 NOSE. Internal nose; bleeding of the nose; smelling is feeble; imaginary smells; polypus; nasal secreti on with bad smell; purulent nasal secretion MOUTH.-Upper gums; thirst; sour taste. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-The region over the stomach is swollen and looks like a saucer turned bottom up; hunger; extreme hunger; vomiting of sour matter; affections of inner region of the stomach; heartburn. HEART. Pains in heart and region of the heart; palpi- tation of the heart; palpitation of the heart with anguish; trembling pulsation of the heart. STOOL AND RECTUM.-Obstructed evacuation; stool with ascarides; stool with tape worm. Affections of the rectum, as fissures, which are very painful, bleeding after every stool, followed by extreme exhaustion. SEXUAL ORGANS.-In the male, complaints from coition. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS.-Affections of the vagina; women discharge blood before the proper period; metror- rhagia; menstruation too early; menses profuse; com- plaints before menstruation; leucorrhoea in general; burn- ing leucorrhoea; itching leucorrhoea; milk-like leucorrhoea. COUGH.-Cough in general; cough with expectoration; expectoration, mucus, purulent, yellow, having a sour taste, having offensive smell. JOINTS.-Hand joints in general; shoulder joint; wrist; finger joints; joints of the leg in general, especially hip joint; cramp pain in joints; darting in joints; weakness of joints. BONES.-Shin bone; darting in bones; bones bending; bones softening; bones swelling; pricking in the bones. SKIN.-Bloatedness of the skin; paleness of; dryness 64 Calcarea Carbonica. of; exanthema in general, dry, in blotches, like milk crust, like nettle rash, scurfy. Flaccidity of the skin; chapping; chapping after washing; sensibility of the skin in general; tetters in general, furfuraceous, scurfy; deep ulcers; fistu- lous ulcers; ulcers with too little pus. SENSATIONS.—Pain as if the parts would burst, were pressed asunder, were pushed asunder; sensation of cold- ness in inner parts. SENSATION AS IF COLD, DAMP STOCKINGS WERE ON THE FEET. Complaints pre- vailing in inner parts; sensation of crepitation; cramp pain in the muscles; creeping on the limbs like a mouse; cut- ting pain, and pain as if sprained in outer parts; same in inner parts; sensation of dust in inner parts, as in the eyes, bronchial tubes, &c.; griping with sense of tearing away; of heaviness, of pulsations and of jerks in inner parts; jerk- ing pain in outer parts; knocking in outer parts; same in inner parts; parching, pinching and pressing in inner parts; pricking (darting) in outer parts; darting and drawing in the muscles; dartings with jerkings; puffiness; sensations of trembling of inner parts; itching, better by scratching; sensation of coldness in inner parts. SLEEP.-Falling asleep late; complaints preventing sleep; waking too late; concomitant complaints of waking, (as a patient may always awaken with a headache, or with some other trouble, or may always feel worse when awakening); waking frequently during the night; sleeps in the carly morning; sleepiness in the morning; sleepiness in the even- ing; sleeplessness in general; before midnight; complaints causing sleeplessness; dreams pleasant; fantastical dreams. FEVER.-Pulse tremulous; internal chilliness; sense of cold in inner parts; heat with thirst; perspiration in gen- eral, of single parts, of forepart of the body; want of perspiration with anxiety; chilliness with heat at the same time; internal chilliness with external heat; heat followed by chilliness. Calcarea Carbonica. 65 GENERALITIES.-Affections of the legs; calves; aversion to open air; arthritic nodes; attacks of sick feeling; bleed- ing from inner parts; erethism of blood (flush); chlorosis; complaints prevailing in inner parts; limbs drawn together crooked; dryness of inner parts that are usually moist; epilepsy; epilepsy without consciousness; tendency to get fat; disposition to strain a part by lifting heavy things; secretion of mucous increased; laxness of muscles; sprains; imflammatory swelling; debility; pricking corns; cystic tumors; polypus (nose, car, vagina, uterus). These complaints occurring in a leucophlegmatic constitu- tion particularly furnish us with the strongest characteristic. Where a cold wind strikes the body, and it immediately runs to the teeth, causing them to ache; ranula; flatulen- cy or gurgling in the right hypochondrium; nocturnal pollutions in males of the leucophlegmatic constitution; nursing females with very scanty flow of milk; ulceration of the nipples, which are very tender to the touch; cramps in the legs coming on at three o'clock A. M.; bunions on the large toe joint, or on adjoining joint; chills commenc- ing at two o'clock in the afternoon; hands chap from lime water; children can't learn to walk, they won't put their feet on the ground. It must not be forgotten that where these symptoms ap- pear in a leucophlegmatic constitution, we have the strongest indications for the administration of Cale, carb. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the morning (frequently awakens at three or four o'clock in the morning, and can't get to sleep afterwards); before falling asleep; on washing; on stooping down; from suppressed catarrh; worse in children; after coition; in cold, wet weather; after eating; from exertion of the mind (after reading, writing, thinking, &c.); fasting before breakfast; affecting females particulary; when giddy; on ascending (apt to produce giddiness); from loss of fluids; when letting the limbs hang down; from spraining the parts; worse from lights in general; from light of the sun; from lamp light; looking fixedly at one object; look- 66 Calcarea Phosphorica. ing upwards; from masturbation; before menstruation; dry food; from milk; from wet poultices; from reading; after sexual excess; while suckling the child; on stretch- ing the affected part; from washing, and water; in wet weather; from getting wet; from tape worm; when writ- ing; when turning the head; from lying on the side; from suppressed perspiration; from lifting; for stone cutters; by pressure of the clothes; from talking; from worms; from ascarides. AMELIORATIONS.-After breakfast; in the dark; from drawing up the limbs; while lying on the back; after lying down; from loosening the garments; from raising the limbs; on rising; from rubbing; from scratching; in dry weather; wiping or soothing with the hands; from being touched. Remedies following well; Agar., Bell., Bismuth, Ipcc., Lycopod., Nat. c., Nit. ac., Nux v., Puls., Sass., Sep., Sul.; Antidotes; Bry., Nit. ac., Nux v. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. Phosphate of Lime. This is prepared by mixing watery solutions of acetate of lime and phosphate of soda. It is a white, loose powder, having a chalky taste. We make triturations. A subject for this remedy does not present so clear and white a complexion as is called for by Calc. carb. The appearance of the patient is more of a dirty white or brownish color. MENTAL SYMPTOMS.-There is a mental anxiety present. with all the troubles. Desire to change the position often. Is often useful in cases of dissappointed love. CHILDREN'S SYMPTOMS.-Troubles occurring during teeth- ing. Fontanelles which remain open a long time. Very Calcarea Phosphorica. 67 soft thin skulls, so that they almost crack like paper when pressed with the hand. Cant hold the head up, nurse is obliged to support it. Slow dentition with cold tumors and emaciation. Oozing from the bloody navel of infants. Diarrhoea with much flatulency; cough and much rattling in the chest during difficult dentition. Children don't learn to walk; flabby, emaciated children, great desire to nurse all the time. HEAD.-Burning heat on top of the head, which runs down to the toes. Headache of school-girls, with diar- rhoea. Black itching scurfs on top of the head. Scrofulous ulcers on top of the head. EYES.-Can't use the eyes by gas-light; cataract; amau- rosis; ulcers on the cornea. STOOL AND ANUS.-Hæmorrhoids oozing a watery fluid all the time. Fistula ani alternating with chest symptoms,- as the fistula is worse at one time, the chest troubles grow better, and vice versa. GENITAL ORGANS, MALE.-Swelling of the testicles. Itching of the scrotum with swelling and soreness. FEMALE.-Uterine displacements aggravated by the pass- age of urine or stool; worse during the catamenia. As the menstrual flux becomes less and less, the leuchorrhoea increases more and more, looking like the white of an egg. Generalities.—Large pedunculated polypi; copper colored face, full of pimples; tongue swollen; sore, aching throat, worse when swallowing; burning in the epigastrium after belching; diabetes where the lungs are implicated; rheumatism which gets well in summer, and becomes bad again in cold weather; spoiled milk of the mother (is salt and bluish), and the child wont take it; curvature of the spine to the left; lumbar vertabræ bend to the left; spina bifuda; hard bluish lumps in the axillary space; coxalgia, 68 Calendula Officinalis. Camphora. the bone may be partially destroyed; fistulous ulcers on the foot joint; ulcers on the maleolus; swelling of the condy- les. In any broken bones, where they fail to heal. CALENDULA OFFICINALIS. Marigold. A very common garden plant. The stem is short, dividing into numerous bushy branches, a foot or two high, is of a pale green color, as are also the leaves. The flowers are radiated and of a golden color. We use the flowers and young leaves to make a tincture. THIS is particulary useful in the dressing of torn or cut wounds, the parts being kept wet constantly with a weak. solution. For concomitant complaints administer Calen- dula internally. A useful prophylactic for sphacelus in torn. or cut wounds. CAMPHORA. This is a stately forest tree, found in the Eastern Archipelago. The camphor is found in masses in cavities of the wood of the trunk and branches. We prepare a solution with strong alcohol. VERY strong characteristics of this drug are: coldness of the surface of the body to the touch, and in spite of this coldness, the patient throws off all covering, and will not remain covered; the face presents a bluish and pinched ap- pearance. In the autumn we frequently find patients suffering from the abuse of camphor during the summer for diarrhoea, &c. The stools smells of camphor, and other signs may be observed. The administration of Camphor, in a high potency, will very often effect a perfect cure in these cases. Cannabis Sativa. 69 Influenza; headache with catarrhal affections, brought on by change of the weather; diarrhoea with colic-like pains; sun-stroke, where there is restlessness and depres- sion of spirits; lock-jaw, with this cold surface of the body; cramps in the calves of the legs; affections of the patella; back of the foot; pain in inner parts as if bruised. Sleep- lessness; anxiety. AGGRAVATION.-From cold air in general. AMELIORATION.-From warm air in general. Remedies following well: Ars., Bell., Cocc. Ind., Nux v.; Rhus t., and Veratrum. Antidotes: Opium, Dulcamara. CANNABIS SATIVA. Hemp. The stem is angular, rising to the height of several feet; leaves are petiolate and opposite; leaflets are lanceolate. The male Howers are in small racemes at the end of the branches, and the fem & flowers are axillary and solitary. We make a tincture from the female flowers chiefly. Tus remedy is very useful in gonorrhoea. When a patient comes into the office walking very slowly, with his legs stretched apart and says he has the gonorrhoea, think strongly of Can. He cannot walk with his legs close together as it hurts his urethra; he is worse on motion. SEXUAL ORGANS.-Complaints while passing water. Tear- ing pain along the urethra, in a zigzag direction. Affec- tions of the male genitals in general, particularly of the penis. Over sexual excitement in either sex. Impotence from sexual abuse, FEMALES.-Threatened abortion, complicated with go- norrhoea. Threatened abortion on account of too frequent sexual intercourse. EYES.-Right eye; cornea; dim sightedness. 70 Cantharis. SENSATIONS.-Sensation as of dropping-as though cold. water was dropping over the heart, or over the head, &c. Sensation of fatigue; of warmth; jerks or pushes in the abdomen, as though a living being was there. GENERALITIES.-Affections of the ball of the foot or under part of the toes. Typhoid fevers where strangury exists. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the forenoon; after moving; from talking; while urinating. Remedies following: Bell., Nux v., Opium, Lyc., Puls., Rhus, Verat. Antidote: Camphor. CANTHARIS. Spanish Fly. This fly is about one half-inch in length, and is of a golden green color. Triturations and tinctures are prepared from it. THE chief key-notes to the use of this drug are found in the urinary functions. URINARY ORGANS.-There is a peculiar cutting, burning pain in passing water; scanty secretion of urine; micturition too seldom; micturition too frequent; urine dribbles away very slowly. Urine flaky; like pus; reddish; bloody; with sediment; retention of; complaints during and after voiding. Affections of the bladder. SEXUAL ORGANS.-Penis; erections. Urethra; ovaries; female sexual desire too strong. STOOL.-Constipation with retention of urine. In dysen- ery, stools look like scrapings of the mucous membrane. INNER PARTS.-Bleeding from inner parts; complaints Capsicum Annuum. 71 in; burning in; cutting in; darting in; inflammation of; sensitiveness of Generalities.—Complaints prevailing on the right side of the head; face, right side generally; behind the ears; under jaw; lower teeth; inner region of the kidneys; in the loins; low voice; epilepsy without consciousness; constipation with retention of urine; pains in the kidneys, extending into the abdomen. Violent cutting and burning pains in the bladder before, during, and after micturition. Cantharis expels moles, dead fœtus, placentæ; promotes fecundity. Hydrophobia, when attended with moaning and violent cries, interspersed with barking, as of a dog. Constantly attempting to do something, but accomplish- ing nothing. Aggravations.—-While drinking; from coffee; from drinking cold water; while urinating; after having urinated. AMELIORATION.-From rubbing. Remedies following: Bell., Phos., Merc., Puls., Sep., Sul. Antidotes: Puls., Camphor. CAPSICUM ANNUUM. Cayenne Pepper. The This plant can be cultivated abundantly almost anywhere. stem is smooth, thick, and branching, rising to the height of two or three feet; leaves are ovate and pointed; flowers are solitary and white, standing on long peduncles; the fruit is a pendulous pod-like berry, of a bright scarlet or yellow color, containing many flat, kid- ney-shaped seeds. We take the capsules of the native plant, and prepare a tincture. This remedy affects the mucous tissues in a very prom- incnt degree. BONES.—Affections of the bones in general; pains in the bones of the face; inflammation of the petrous bone. H 72 Capsicum Annuum. SENSATIONS.-Cramp pain in the muscles. Pain as if paralyzed in the joints, drawing from above downward; in- creased activity of all the senses; biting, burning, or sting- ing itch on the head, as if the part had been rubbed with Cayenne pepper; elongation of the uvula, with a sensa- tion as though it was pressing on something hard; heart- burn with eructations of red pepper feel and taste; sensation of cold water in the stomach; colic about the umbilicus with mucous stools; stitches in the neck of the bladder when coughing. SLEEP. Sleeplessness after midnight; sensation as if falling from a height during sleep. GENITAL ORGANS.-Affections of the urethra; frequent but unsuccessful attempts to urinate; impotence with cold. and shrivelled scrotum, testicles, and spermatic cord; vio- lent erections only subdued by cold water. Disordered menstruation, with a pushing or sticking sensation in the left ovarian region. GENERALITIES.—Symptoms generally appear on left side; for light-haired people; forehead; mucous stools; respira- tion deep; tendency to get fat; laxness of the muscles; bloatedness of the skin; otalgia of various kinds, often followed by deafness; rhagades of the lips, often very pain- ful to the touch. Diphtheria, where there is a sensation of contraction in. the throat, even during swallowing; diphtheria with pain- ful sensations in the throat when coughing. Colic about the umbilicus with mucous stools. In inter- mittent fever, chill begins in the back and gradually spreads all over the body. After Capsicum has been of service but seems to be doing no further good, we may think of Bell., Lyc., Puls., Sil. Antidote, Cina. 1 CARBO ANIMALIS. Animal Charcoal. This is a fine, dry, black powder, and is prepared from charred ox hide. Triturate. WE think of this remedy for all complaints occurring in scrofulous or venous constitutions; in hypertrophy; in glandular enlargements. FACE.-Red spotted face; tip of the nose; (it may be bluish or purplish, or there may be a small tumor on the tip, &c.). MENTAL.-Sadness and melancholy; not disposed to say much. EARS.-Ichorous discharge from the ears, often accom- panied by swelling of the parotid gland; hard hearing, es- pecially where sounds appear to come from some direction,. but the patient can't tell exactly where; ringing in the ears when blowing the nose. PERINEUM.—Affections of the perineum; viscid humor from; oozing from the perineum, often accompanied with oozing from the rectum. SKIN.-Spongy ulcers; copper colored exanthema; fun- gus hæmatodes; spongy excrescences; copper colored spots. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Repugnance to greasy food; diges- tion is weak and the food causes distress; act of taking food tires the patient exceedingly, and often causes perspira- tion. FEMALES.-Nausea of pregnant females, coming on prin- cipally at night. Nursing women often have a faint and empty sensation in the pit of the stomach which is pro- duced by nursing. Lochia become too thin and very offen- sive. (This remedy is especially adapted to these symptoms 73 74 Carbo Vegetabilis. when occurring in a scrofulous or venous constitution). Menses are followed by great exhaustion. Uterine hæmor- rhages where there is much affection of the glands. GENERALITIES.-Right chest; mammæ; axillæ. Sensation as if single parts were gone to sleep. Constipation where the patient thinks the bowels will be moved, but only wind comes away. Cough with expectoration like greenish pus. Varices of the rectum that burn when walking. In pleur- 'isy where everything is cured but the stitch, and that re- mains, particularly in scrofulous and venous constitutions. REMEDIES following: Ars., Bell., Bry., Carb. v., Puls., Phos., Sil., Sep., Sul. Antidotes, Nur. v., Ars. CARBO VEGETABILIS. Vegetable Charcoal. We prepare this from powdered beech, or birch charcoal. This powder is blacker than the animal charcoal, and in a bright light has a scintillating appearance. Triturate. THIS remedy very often proves of great use at a late stage of typhus fever, or cholera, where the patient is in a state of collapse, and is almost gone; he wants to be fanned, wants the windows open, his head is hot, &c. Also troubles resulting from some other disease, as in complaints caused from the checking of chills by Quinine, &c. For example, the patient may have been on a drunken debauch, or may have had the measles, and years after say that he has been troubled ever since with the asthma, or something else; or he may have been strained in some way by lifting, and never fully recovered. HEAD.—Internal head, right side; occiput internal and external; tip of the nose; nose, left side; angles of the eye; sensations in the upper jaw; affections of the upper teeth; Carbo Vegetabilis. 75 headache from over indulgence (of any kind); falling off of the hair after a severe illness; takes cold in the head easily. SENSATIONS.-Biting pain (pungent); burning pain of external parts; pressing, and sensation of roughness, (or scraping), in the inner parts; darting from above. downwards; drawing, and drawing with pressure, in the muscles; creeping in the nose; sensation as of constric- tion of œsophagus; of downward pressure in the lower stomach, and wants a bandage; unable to sit down, owing to a sensation of a plug in the back. SKIN.-Itch in general; moist exanthema; humid skin; ulcers with ichorous pus; senile gangrene which begins in the toes and works all the way up the limb; gangrenous spots from lying in bed; old wounds having healed, break out again; punctured wounds which won't heal. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Bad smell from the mouth; complaints from obstructed flatulency (may be pain in the head, around the heart or anywhere, which is relieved by the discharge of flatus); flatus has a putrid and very stink- ing smell; flatulency in general; flatulent colic; rich food, butter, or milk causing flatulency; colic brought on by riding in the cars or in a carriage (usually relieved by passing flatus). Troubles of the inner lower belly; sides of the inner belly. STOOL AND ANUS.-Affections of the anus, as itching hæmorrhoids, &c.; perineum; stinking stools. CHEST AND LUNGS.-Respiration oppressed; having some kind of bad smell; quick; cough with expectoration in the morning, with no expectoration in the evening; neg- lected pneumonia, with expectoration of a dirty yellow color, and smelling badly. SLEEP.-Falling asleep late; complaints preventing sleep; sleeplessness before midnight. PULSE.-Pulse imperceptible; small; soft. 76 Causticum. GENERALITIES.-Menstruates too carly. Aphonia; hoarse voice; scurvy; anxiety; desperation; roaring in the ears. Rose-cold and hay-asthma, where there is frequent sneczing, creeping in the nose, much coryza, &c. Epistaxis, when producing great paleness of the face. Aphthous sore throat. Aggravations. In the morning; before midnight; be- fore falling asleep; during eating; from butter, fat food, pork; from abuse of Peruvian bark, and mercury; from reading aloud; on rising from the bed; from singing. AMELIORATION.-From eructation. REMEDIES following: Acon., Nux. v., Lyc., Puls., Sep., Sul. Antidotes, Spirits of Nitre, Camph., Dulc. CAUSTICUM. A product of the distillation of equal parts of freshly slaked lime, bi-sulphate of potassa and water. We are led to think of this remedy particularly on sce- WE ing a patient with a tendency to scrofula, or having a weak- ened and emaciated appearance. This weakness may result from grief of long standing, or from some discased con- dition. The skin of the patient often has a dirty white look. MENTAL CONDITION.-Sadness; whining mood; fear in general; very suspicious and mistrustful; absent-minded. EARS.-Affections behind the ears; lobe of the ear. Noises in the ears in general; humming in; tinkling in. NOSE.-Affects tip of the nose; exanthema on; puffiness of. EYES.-Eyebrows; eyelids; upper cyelids (upper eyelids will drop, patient can't keep them up); mist before the eyes; dimness of vision, and generally the upper cyelids will drop; Causticum. 77 dimsightedness; ophthalmia where there is opacity of the cornea which has spread over the pupil. SENSATIONS.-Sensations in the cheeks, in the under jaw, in the chin, in the lower teeth (particularly on the left side). In rheumatism, where there is a burning pain in the joints, especially in a scrofulous constitution. Burning pain in the exterior parts; pain as if the parts were pushed or pressed asunder, or as if they would burst (the difference between this remedy, Bry., and Calc. c., which have the same symptoms, may be found in the constitutions), gnaw- ing in the inner parts (e. g. stomach); jerking pain in the outer parts; pressing in outer parts; darting in the bones. Sensation as if lime was being slaked in the stomach. SKIN.-Burning ulcer, with yellowish looking skin. Ex- anthema in general; burning, in itching blotches, like net- tle rash. Pimples in general. Itch; itch suppressed by mercury or sulphur; burning itch. Tingling (or stinging) swelling, (sometimes called "buzzing" swelling). Burning tetters. Ulcers burning, with corroding pus, with thin or watery pus, suppurating; jerking pains running through the ulcers; warts. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Fatty taste; qualmishness, vomit- ing of watery matter. Urinary OrganS.—Discharge of urine too frequent; in- voluntary discharge of urine, as in cases of children who wet the bed at night; in women, when urine spouts from them in walking, coughing, &c., particularly in scrofulous and weakly constitutions. FEMALES. Menstruation too late; female sexual desire too weak; delay of the first menses. Menses cease at night, and flow only during the day; leucorrhoea flows at night, and not during the day. FEVER.-Coldness of single parts; complaints concomit- 78 Causticum. ant to perspiration, (¿. e. appearing simultaneously with the perspiration); chilliness followed by perspiration. COUGH.-Cough, and being obliged to swallow what is raised; the expectoration comes up far enough apparently, but it can not be spit out; greasy taste of the expectoration. The inability to expectorate what is raised, is found in every species of cough, whooping-cough, &c. GENERALITIES.-This remedy affects particularly the teeth, left side; sexual organs, right side; right side of, and nape of the neck; right upper extremity; hypogas- trium; back, small of the back; forearm; joints, and arm in general; elbow joint; back or top of the foot, toes, big toe; joints of the leg in general; hip, knee, and ankle joints, and joints of the tocs. Rumbling and rolling in the bowels; complaints after stool; convulsions with jerking; spasms in inner parts, epilepsy. Motion rendered difficult, muscles being shortened. Burns, acute or chronic; old burns don't get well. Concomitant complaints on waking. Old neuralgic headaches. Paralysis of one side of the face, generally right side. Feels badly after breakfast. Tery drowsy and sleepy, can hardly keep awake. Children slow in learning to walk. AGGRAVATIONS.—In the evening; on waking; from cold in general; in cold air; in cold and dry weather; after eat- ing; from coffee; during perspiration; from scalding or being burnt, i. e. "have never been well since that burn." After stools; from walking (as piles, fissures, fistulæ, &c.; can't walk without great suffering; also suffer very much after stools); from taking hold of anything; in clear, fine weather. AMELIORATION.-From cold water; from warmth in gen- eral; the air being warm; in damp and wet weather. REMEDIES following: Calc. c., Lyc., Puls., Rhus t., Sep., Sul. Antidotes, Spirits of Nitre; Dulcamara. CHAMOMILLA. Common Chamomile. This plant grows in uncultivated fields; among wheat and corn, most all over Europe. It has a fibrous root, from which spring sev- eral erect, branched, and naked stems; lower leaves are double, upper leaves are single; there are numerous flowers, which have a yellow disk. We use the whole plant in flower. THERE is in Chamomilla a little thread of symptoms, and nearly always found running through it. This is a spiteful, sudden, or uncivil irritability. We may often discover this in 'labor cases; and though it may not be brought out by ques- tions, we will often find the patient feels in an irritable mood,—feels as if she "can't be civil," "can't give a civil answer," is very snappish and short spoken, &c. The patient may be suffering from a fit of anger,—may have a severe headache in consequence, or may be in con- vulsions, &c. MENTAL CONDITION.-Mental irritability (snappish, very cross); absent-mindedness. Children cry until they are walked about, and nothing else will quiet them. Patient thinks the pain is “ too severe to be borne," (severity of the pain makes her cross, as we sometimes find in labor cases). Desire to lie down; desire to be in motion. STOOL.-Diarrhoea which smells like rotten eggs, and looks like chopped eggs and greens; insufficient stools; complaints coming on during stool. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Vomiting in general; of bile. Hypogastrium. Obstructed flatus. FEMALES.-Uterus; pains like labor pains; after pains; labor pains, where the pain is of a very severe and aggra- vating nature; labor spasmodic, (pains may occur where the fœtus is forced up instead of down); threatened abor- tion, particularly when she passes colorless water with every " 79 80 Chamomilla. pain. Discharge of blood before the proper time; menstrua- tion too early; menstrual blood coagulated, and generally dark; complaints during menstruation. Milk spoiled so the baby won't suck. Affections of the mammæ, particularly where they are inflamed, and very sensitive to the touch. COUGH.-Cough with expectoration in the day time, without expectoration in the night; cough with expectora- tion of coagulated blood; same blood being dark; taste of expectoration bitter. SKIN.-Dryness of; exanthema corroding and spreading;, skin difficult to heal; disposition of skin to inflame; inflam- mation of; soreness of skin in children. NOSE. Coagulated blood from the nose; viscid nasal secretion; concomitant nasal complaints. SLEEP.-Yawning with stretching of the limbs; concom- itant complaints of morbid sleep; sleeplessness of children in general; drowsiness with sleeplessness; complaints pre- venting sleep. FEVER.-Thirst; chilliness with thirst; perspiration in general; want of perspiration; concomitant complaints to perspiration; chilliness followed by heat with perspiration. GERERALITIES.-Cham. affects teeth on left lower side; glands of the ear. Cheeks very red; having a circum- scribed redness of one cheek, the other being pale. Sen- sations in the under jaw; bitter taste; urine becoming tur- bid; respiration loud, without any mucous rattle; aversion to open air; sensation of anxiousness in the body (restless- ness); disposition to catch cold; fainting; motion convul- sive; clonic spasms. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night; from warmth; from an- ger; before breakfast; during a catarrh; with children, particularly after taking cold; eructations; affecting females, Chelidonium Majus. 81 especially during menstruation; from moving the affected parts; while lying down; lying on painless side; from narcotic medicines; from coffee; during perspiration; from suppressed perspiration; during pregnancy; during or after scarlet fever; during sleep; during stool; from touching the parts, or touching anything; on getting warm in bed; in the wind; with women, in confinement especially. AMELIORATION.—While fasting (e.g., before breakfast); from coffee. Remedies following: Acon., Bell., Bry., Merc., Nux v., Puls., Sep., Sil., Sulphur. Antidotes.-Acon., Coff., Ign., Nux v.. Pulsatilla. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. Greater Celandine. This plant grows wild all over Germany, also in France, in waste places. The root is of a finger's thickness, stem is hairy, leaves thin and winged, flowers yellow. All parts of the plant and the root contain a yellow juice. Prepare a tincture. THE strongest characteristic calling for this drug, is a very severe pain in the inner lower angle of the right shoulder blade, running into the chest. This indication furnishes a key-note for the cure of an almost endless variety of com- plaints. Chel, has a very specific action on the liver. EYES.-Orbital neuralgia of the right eye, with profuse lachrymation; pupils of the eye are contracted. GENERALITIES.-Pneumonia on the right side, where there is a great deal of mucous. Hoarse at five o'clock 82 China. in the afternoon. Sensation of pinching in the inner parts; of darting in the inner parts. Pulse is generally hard. AGGRAVATIONS.-Worse very early in the morning. Remedies following: Acon., Lyc., Nux v., Sep., Spig., Sulphur. Antidotes.-Chamomilla, Coffca. CHINA. Cortex Chine. Cinchona Officinalis. Peruvian Bark. This is a tree growing in Peru, and is of great beauty in foliage and flower. In consequence of the excessive demand for the bark, the tree or shrub rarely attains its full height. THE chief key-note calling for the use of China, is found in the sufferings caused by the loss of fluids, such as hæmorrhage, seminal emissions, diarrhea, &c. There is a great debility of the system, whether much fluid has been lost, or only a little. After any loss of fluids where complaints result; also for any disease or troubles. occurring periodically, or at certain definite periods. HEAD AND FACE.-Temples; has headache from one temple to the other; ringing in ears, such as often occurs after the loss of seminal fluid, or after a hæmorrhage. Lobe of the ear. Blue color around the eyes; sallow complexion; pale color of the face; red color of the face; red spots on the cheeks; hollow eyes. Toothache in the upper teeth particularly, and especially where relief is obtained from pressing the teeth firmly together. FEMALES.-After flooding in women, where she is pale, the skin is cold, she is pulscless (or almost), ringing in the cars, &c. Female sexual desire too strong; metrorrhagia ; blood colored leucorrhoea. China. 83 Appetite and TaSTE.-Want of appetite; hunger, (where the patient may be hungry without any appetite to eat), extreme hunger; great thirst. Taste unnatural; flat; deli- cate. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Vomiting of sour matter; troubles in the region of the spleen; darting, shooting pain generally from right to left, crosswise in the hypogastric region; flatulence in general; flatulent colic; rumbling and rolling in the bowels. • STOOL AND ANUS.-Diarrhoea, particularly when very debilitating, Stools acrid; undigested; with ascarides. LARYNX, TRACHEA, CHEST.-Respiration loud, without rattling in the throat; expectoration bloody, blood streaked, mucous, purulent; troubles occurring in lower part of the chest; palpitation of the heart; pulsation of the heart in- termittent. SLEEP-Sleep unquiet; sleepiness in the afternoon; sleeplessness in general; complaints causing sleeplessness; many dreams. FEVER.-Concomitant complaints of fever; concomitant complaints before, during, and after fever. Pulse irregular, intermittent. Chilliness, with shivering. Perspiration in general, on back part of the body only, with thirst; want of perspiration. SKIN.-Dryness of skin; general sensibility of; withered; wrinkling of; soreness of skin from lying in bed. Humid gangrene. SENSATIONS.-Pain as if bruised in outer parts; in inner. parts; in joints. Sensation of fullness in the abdomen, (in China, after eating a full meal; in Lyc., after eating or drink- ing a very little). Jerking or throbbing pains in inner I ! 84 China. parts; pressing or darting in inner parts; darting from within outwards; darting in the muscles. Sensation of scraping on or over the bones, over the periosteum; draw- ing, jerking in bones; drawing in the glands; tearing, jerking sensation. Generalities.--Spermatorrhoea. Nasal secretion bloody, mucous. Affections of the shoulder blades; bones of the arm; thighs; knee-joints. Bleeding from inner parts; China may have bleeding from every internal part of the body; the mucous membrane looks very bloody if there is only a slight bleeding going on; deficiency of blood; con- gestion of; congestion of to single parts; distension of blood vessels. Contraction of inner parts; also dropsy of. General emaciation. Fainting, especially if resulting from loss of animal fluids. Induration after inflammation. Lassi- tude of the body; inclination to sit down. motion; Nervous debility; general debility. swelling. Shuddering of single parts. Desire for Dropsical AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night; periodically; after drink- ing; before, during, and after the fever; from masturbation; loss of fluids; from fruits, milk; after perspiration; from suppressed perspiration; from talking; from touching the parts softly; from ascarides. When new born infants lose much blood during partu- rition, give China. Where there has been great loss of blood, it is often well to lower the patient's head and shoulders. Remedies following: Arn., Ars., Asafæt., Bell., Carbo v., Ferr., Lachesis, Merc., Puls., Veratrum. Antidotes: (Best), Ars., Carbo v., Ipcc., Puls., Veratrum. (Next), Arn., Bell., Ferr., Sul., also China, very high. CICUTA VIROSA. Water-hemlock; Cow-bane. The root of this is tuberous and hollow; stem is from two to four feet high, is hollow and leafy and often of a reddish cast; the leaves arc on long petioles; flowers are white; fruit is roundish, ribbed, and almost black. The plant grows in ditches, and along the margins of rivers. We use the fresh roots to prepare a tincture. We may think of this remedy when we see convulsions which are excessively violent,-whether they be epileptic, cataleptic, clonic, or tonic. MENTAL SYMPTOMS.-Excessive moaning and howling; he does rash and absurd things; is very violent in all his actions; strange desires, as desire to eat coal, &c. GENERALITIES.—Affections of the right side of the back. Repeated movements of the head, as twitching, jerking, throwing the head back, &c. Momentary loss of sight. Epilepsy and Catalepsy, where the attacks are very violent. Pain as if from contusion. Violent jerkings of the muscles. Motion is convulsive. Spasms in general; clonic; tonic; spasms during parturition; children that have convulsions. from worms. Strictures after inflammation, sometimes after gonorrhoea. Contraction of the pupils of the eye. Burning suppurating itch on the head. Discharge of blood from either ear. AGGRAVATIONS.-From concussion; from turning the head. Remedies following: Bell., Hep., Rhus., Opium, Sep., Puls. Antidotes: Arnica, Opium. CINA. Worm-seed. This is a hardy shrub. The plant grows in meadows, has a very green color, large flowers, and a very aromatic odor. Is found in Asia Minor, Africa, Europe, &c. We prepare a tincture from the whole plant. 85 86 Cina. TROUBLES of the nose, causing a constant desire to rub, pick, or bore into that organ. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Hunger; extreme hunger, (some- times hunger may come on in the middle of the night, as in children, or one may feel hungry a few minutes after a hearty meal); vomiting during the fever, with a clean tongue. STOOL AND ANUS.-Stool with ascarides; with maw worms, (short thick worms); vomiting and diarrhea im- mediately after eating or drinking, particularly after drinking. FEVER.-Chilliness with thirst; cold perspiration; one red cheek and one pale at the same time. Vomiting dur- ing the fever, with a clean tongue. CHILDREN.-Extreme i humor and naughtiness in children; nothing pleasing them, or not for any length of time; gritting the teeth during sleep; wetting the bed, (when accompanied by picking of the nose, great hunger, restless sleep, &c.); tossing all about the bed when asleep; crying out, as if in delirium. WOMEN.-Metrorrhagia; womb troubles in general. SENSATIONS.-Pain as if beaten; cramp pain in the mus- cles; pain as if paralyzed; shocks as from pain; the patient will jump suddenly, as though he felt pain. GENERALITIES.-Affections of the left side; left lower extremity. Pale color of the face, with bluish color around the mouth. Urine milky and turbid. Epilepsy; epilepsy with consciousness. Simple stretching of the limbs; yawn- ing in general; concomitant complaints to yawning,—i. c., troubles that occur whenever one yawns. Weak sight, resulting from masturbation. Audible gurgling from the throat to the stomach after coughing. Rigidity of the body. Cinnabaris.-Clematis Erecta. 87 AGGRAVATIONS.—From looking fixedly at an object; from outside pressure; from worms, ascarides or lumbrici; when yawning. Remedies following: Calc. c., China., Ignat., Plat., Nux v., Rhus, Puls. CINNABARIS. Red sulphuret of Mercury. We make of this a trituration. WE are led to use this for very red, and very fiery look- ing ulcers, which may occur in the throat or in any other part of the body, in the mouth, on the legs; particularly if there be nodes on the shin bones. For very angry looking chancres. CLEMATIS ERECTA. Virgin's bower. This grows on uncultivated hills and along hedges. The stem is about three feet high, is leafy, and greenish or reddish; leaves are large and opposite each other; flowers are white, in upright, stiff um- bels. The seeds are dark brown, orbicular, and much compressed. We use the juice expressed from the leaves and stem, mixed with equal parts of alcohol. THIS remedy is effective in troubles of the genital organs particularly. Affections of teeth of the left side; external head, left side. URINARY ORGANS.-Urine like pus; discharge of urine interrupted, i. e., it flows and stops, or only flows in a very slight stream. Affections of the urethra; penis in general; prepuce in particular. SKIN.-Scaly exanthema; tetters in general, itching, pricking, scaly. ! 88 Coccionella.-Cocculus. GENERALITIES,-Inguinal glands are often affected with the genitals. Indurations after inflammations; induration of glands. Aversion to washing. AGGRAVATIONS.-From wet poultices; from water; from washing. Remedies following: Calc.c., Sep., Sil., Rhus, Sul. An- tidotes; Bryonia., Cham. COCCIONELLA. Lady bird; Lady cow. This is a small, black insect, about the size of a pea, living in the hedges, on wheat, in meadows, &c. They must be crushed while living, then pour on twenty parts of alcohol and decant in eight days. We are led to the use of this remedy in whooping cough, (or in any other kind of cough), when at the end of a par- oxysm of coughing there is a quantity of albuminous, ropy expectoration, which pours forth. Sensation in the throat as though the uvula was too long. (Nux has this same sensation, when the uvula is bluish and inflamed.) COCCULUS. This is a climbing plant, found on the coast of Malabar, and in the Indian Archipelago. We prepare a tincture from the seeds. We may always think of this remedy for light haired. females, particularly those suffering from uterine complaints or menstrual difficulties, or troubles during pregnancy,-e.g., nausea; pain in the back, &c. In some bilious fevers, vomiting of bile in males. (Other remedies suitable for complaints of light haired people: Calc. c., Caps., Hyos., Sil.) Cocculus. 89 SENSATIONS.-Sensation of hollowness. in the outer parts; same in the bones. Pain as if bruised Numb feeling of outer parts. Pricking, knocking or throbbing in inner parts. Pain as if paralyzed; pressing together; burning, darting in the muscles. Sensation as if single parts had gone to sleep. GENERALITIES.—Affections of the right hypochondrium, (particularly of the liver); inner hypogastrium, inner fore- head, back, upper arm, bones of the arm. Contraction of pupils of the eye. Eructation. Obstructed evacuation. Blood colored leucorrhoea. Aversion to the open air; apo- plexy; chlorosis; hysterics. Immovability of parts affec- ted; motion convulsive; laxness of muscles; palsy of limbs, or paralyzed limbs which may be painful or not; spasms in inner parts; paleness of the skin, red spots; shuddering in general. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the open air; after drinking; in fe- males particularly; during pregnancy; from riding in a carriage; on board ship (sea-sickness); on rising from the bed; when swallowing the spittle; from talking; from walking in the night; when walking in the open air. (Other remedies worse in open air, i. e., complaints are aggravated: Guaj., Nux m., Nux v., Sil.) AMELIORATION.-In the room. (Other remedies better in warm room: Guaj., Nux m., Nux v., Sil.) Remedies following: Ars., Bell., Hep., Ignat., Nux v., Puls., Lyc., Rhus, Sul. Antidotes: Camph., Nux v. COFFEA. We prepare a tincture from the raw seeds. THIS is one of the best remedies for irritability. Five remedies have irritability in a marked degree. Acon., irritability, fearful and anxious; dreads things. Aurum, Cham., Coff., "( "( Nux V., suicidal, will thrash around in bed (as females in confinement) as if wishing to injure or kill themselves. spiteful and uncivil. wakeful, on the constant move. sullen, keeps the eyes shut, doesn't wish to speak or have anything to do with any one. Great gaiety; mental irritability; casy comprehension; excitement of the intellect; nervous excitement; excessive irritability of the body. Hearing sensitive; acute hearing. Delicate taste. Aver- sion to the open air. Pain as if from rending; tight pain. Sensation of warmth. SLEEP.-Sleeplessness in general; after midnight; com- plaints causing sleeplessness. AGGRAVATIONS.-From excessive joy; from narcotic. medicines; from noise; from strong smells. Remedies following: Aurum, Bell., Opium, Nux v., Lyc. Antidote, Nux vomica. COLCHICUM. Meadow saffron; Tubor root. The root is a solid bulb, furrowed on one side; leaves long and spear- shaped; flowers are pale purple, or white; fruit is oval, formed of three inflated, many seeded capsules. It is found growing in moist, rich meadows. We prepare a tincture from the bulb. THIS remedy is to be thought of when we see a patient suffering from the effects of night watching; from the effects of hard study. 90 Colchicum.-Colocynthis. 91 Rheumatism; rheumatic gout; dysentery occurring in the fall of the year. URINE. Urine dark, scanty. Arthritic pains in the joints, especially when knocking the joints, makes the patient scream with pain, or when stubbing the toes hurts. exceedingly. Dropsy of outer parts. Tingling in outer and inner parts. Dryness of the skin, particularly when accom- panied by dark and scanty urine. Tingling itching. Want of perspiration. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening; in the night; while drawing breath; during expiration; on moving; from touching the parts; during walking. AMELIORATIONS.-After evacuation, as in dysentery, there is generally relief, (but in typhus fever, e. g., sometimes a terrific spasmodic pain of the sphincter ani comes on after stool. This may occur in common diarrhea); while taking an inspiration; while reposing; when sitting; stooping. Remedies following: Nux v., Merc., Puls., Rhus., Sepia. Antidotes: Nux v., Puls. COLOCYNTHIS. Bitter cucumber. Bitter apple. This is a trailing plant, having a hairy stem; flowers are yellow with greenish stems; fruit about the size of an orange. We prepare a tincture from the fruit. THE strongest characteristic, calling for the use of this remedy, is an agonizing pain in the abdomen, causing the patient to bend over double. Relief is obtained by motion, such as twisting, turning, and wriggling around, and the motion is kept up steadily while the pain lasts; the pain is made worse after eating or drinking the least amount. This pain may occur alone, or in the dysentery, cholera, &c. The 92 Conium. doubling over of the patient is the chief characteristic. In morbus coxalgia, where there is a sensation as of being en- circled with an iron band, screwed up tightly, this remedy is indicated. URINE.- Urine viscid; looks like and has the consistency of thin glue; sediment in the urine; complaints before passing water, also after. GENERALITIES.-Affections of the right upper extremity, also right lower extremity; right eye, right side of the chest; general symptoms on right side; inner abdomen in general. Sensation as though stones were being ground together in the abdomen, working upon the soft parts. Muscles being shortened. Sensation of tightness in outer parts. AGGRAVATIONS.-From mental troubles; anger with in- dignation; mortification caused by offence; lying on the painless side; before urinating, and aſter. AMELIORATION.-Lying with the head bent forwards. Remedies following: Puls., Bell, Bry., Nux v., Merc., Cham., Spi. Antidote: Staph. CONIUM. Spotted hemlock. This is very commonly met with in hedges, waste grounds, &c. The stem is from three to six feet high, much branched and copiously spotted with a reddish purple. The leaves are large; flowers are numerous and of a whitish cast; fruit is egg-shaped and furrowed. We prepare a tincture from the leaves and flowering stem. THIS remedy is characterized by a great dizziness brought on when lying down, and moving the head ever so slightly, or even the eyes-all the contents of the room appcaring to whirl around; patient wishes to keep the head perfectly still. In urinating, the water flows at first in a full stream, then stops, flows again, stops, &c. Conium. 93 EYES.-Affects the cornea; blindness; paralysis of the optic nerve, amaurosis; dimsightedness. GLANDS.-Pain in as from contusion; wasting away of; itching of; induration of; sensibility of; hard swelling of; tingling in; wounds with injured glands. SKIN. Yellow skin as in jaundice. Ulcers cancerous; scabby, destitute of feeling; with tight, tense feeling; speckled. Scurfy exanthema. Polypus. Greenish mor- tification. Tetters in general; scurfy. Want of action of the skin. FEMALES.—Menses suppressed; too late; too scanty. Affections of the mammæ, where they are very hard es- pecially if they have been bruised a long time ago, or re- cently. MALES.-Impotence; weakness of the sexual powers. SENSATIONS.-Heartburn; e.g., in pregnant women where an excessive heartburn comes on, when going to bed at night Attacks of sick feeling. Sensation as if a hoop, band, or something tight was around the parts; deficiency of irri- tability of the body, i. e., the body has very little sensation. Darting from within outwards, in the bones; tension in inner parts, also in outer parts; pricking in the bones. GENERALITIES.-Obstruction of the ears. Face bluish; reddish yellow. Eructations. Discharge of the urine inter- rupted; nasal secretion purulent; expectoration purulent; hysterics, hysteric spasms; jaundice; painless paralysis inclination to sit down; yellow nails. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night; stupor-like sleep in the morning; sleep in the morning not refreshing; stupor-like sleep generally. Worse during and after eating; in the night, (as cough coming on at night, or a pain, and lasting all night, 94 Corralium Rubrum. disappearing during the day); from injuries of the glands; lifting the arm; lifting the parts affected; from light of lamp; light of day; sunlight; looking around, (vertigo); on beginning to move; from milk; on rising from the bed, or from a seat; from rubbing; in snow air; while standing; from stepping heavily on the ground or floor; on beginning to walk; from surgical injuries in general; from suppressed menstruation; while lying down; from masturbation ; while resting. AMELIORATIONS.-From moving; in the dark; while fasting before breakfast; from letting the limb hang down; from continued moving; from pressure from without; on sitting down; walking with the body bent forward; when walking. Remedies following: Bell., Lyc., Phos., Puls., Nux v., Rhus., Str., Sul. Antidotes: Spirits of Nitre, Dulcamara. CORRALLIUM RUBRUM. Red Coral. This is a calcareous substance, found on the coast of Africa and in the Grecian Archipelago. We prepare a trituration. THIS remedy may be used in whooping cough or any other kind of cough, when the attack comes on with a very rapid cough, and the attacks follow so closely as to almost run into each other. Red, flat ulcers on the glands and inner surface of the prepuce, with secretion of a quantity of yellow ichor. CREASOTUM. Pure and perfectly anhydrous Creasote is a colorless fluid, slightly" oleaginous, of a permeating smell, with a sweetish taste. Creasote is obtained mainly from the tar of beech-trees. We prepare a dilution. THIS remedy acts especially on the inner temples, ex- ternal ears, lobe of the ear. FEMALES.-Leucorrhea putrid, with accompanying com- plaints; leucorrhoea in general, especially if very fetid and exhausting. Female genitals in general. Complaints after menstruation; of females at change of life. SENSATIONS.-Very severe old neuralgic affections, with tearing pains; sensations in the upper jaw; upper teeth; in inner navel region; in the shoulder-blades. GENERALITIES.-Putrid ulcers of any kind; putrid diar- rhoea. Glossitis. Exanthema on the face; on cheeks; around the mouth; on upper lip; on forehead; burning urine; erethism of blood; yawning in general; com- plaints accompanying yawning. Pulse changed in general. AGGRAVATIONS.-After menstruation; during leucor- rhoea; when yawning. Child suffering from very painful dentition,-won't sleep at night unless caressed and fondled all the time; may have constipation or diarrhoea. Remedies following: Ars., Bell., Calc. c., Kali. c., Lyc., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Rhus, Sep., Sul. Antidote: Nux vomica. CROCUS SATIVUS. Common Saffron Crocus. This is a native of Asia Minor, but is naturalized in other countries. Its leaves are green, with a white central stripe; flowers are of a light purple. We prepare a tincture from the dried stigmata of the flowers. J 95 96 Crocus Sativus. ALWAYS think of this remedy on seeing dark, stringy blood; e. g., in epistaxis, where there are strings of dark "blood hanging down from the nose; also in uterine hæmor- rhage or hæmoptysis, where the blood is dark and string like, or on raising a clot of the blood long strings droop from it. FEMALES.-Greatly used in female complaints. Sensa- tion of something living and moving in the abdomen; ab- domen swollen. (The two last symptoms are common to either sex; but when occurring in females, as they often do at the change of life and at other times, they may lead to the erroneous idea of pregnancy). Threatened abortion, especially where there is a hæmorrhage of dark stringy blood. Menstrual blood dark; viscid. SENSATIONS.-Heartburn. Sensation of fatigue; as of something living (large in size) in inner parts; of motion in inner parts; as if single parts were gone to sleep; of qualmishness. GENERALITIES.-Symptoms generally appear on the left side. Mist before the eyes. Epistaxis; dark stringy blood from the nose; mucous blood from the same. Cough with bloody (dark) expectoration. Desire for open air. Yawning in general; drowsiness; somnolency; sleepiness in day time generally. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the morning; fasting; before break- fast; affections of females particularly; looking fixedly at an object (can't even thread a needle); during pregnancy; the house. AMELIORATIONS.-In the open air; after breakfast. Remedies following: Nux v., Puls., Sul. Opium. Antidote: CROTON TIGLIUM. Croton Oil. The seeds of this plant, sent from India, are oval-oblong, obtuse at both ends. They have a thin, brownish yellow, dark spotted shell, beneath which is a yellowish white kernel. We prepare a tincture from the latter. SKIN. In any skin disease which itches very much, but the patient can't bear to scratch very hard as it hurts; a very slight scratch, a mere rub suffices to allay the itching. Erysipelas that itches exceedingly. STOOL.-In diarrhoea when the bowels are moved with a spasmodic jerk or burst, and it is all out, coming out like a shot. SENSATIONS.-Otorrhoea when there is great itching. Drawing pain through the left pectoral region into the back; asthma with cough, which produces this pain; this pain is often felt (on either side) by nursing women, and every suck the child gives, causes this terrible pain, running: through from nipple to back. Inflamed breasts, or breasts that threaten to gather, accompanied with this pain. (Om giving Croton, the pain may at first shift from one side to the other, but do not change the remedy.) Sensation as if hide bound. GENERALITIES.—Feeling as though one cannot think: outside of himself, "feels all pent up" inside, and no chance. for the thoughts to flow out. Remedy following: Rhus. CUPRUM. Metallio Copper. Acetate of Copper. We prepare triturations of these substances. Cuprum accticum, and Cupr. met., are generally con- ceded to have the same sets of symptoms. One of the 97 98 Cuprum. strongest indications for the use of this remedy is a strong metallic taste in the mouth. Rhus is the only other remedy that has this symptom in as marked a form. SPASMS.-Spasmodic affections generally; whooping cough where the attacks run into catalepsy; movements of the head; epilepsy; spasms, particularly which begin in the fingers and toes, then spreading all over the body; spasms clonic. FEMALES.-Menstruation too late; protracted; complaints before. RESPIRATION.-Respiration oppressed; quick; with mu- cous rattle; unequal; complaints attending. PULSE. Changed in general; imperceptible; small; soft. GENERALITIES.-Outward appearance of the face bluish; bluish red. Vomiting in general which is very severe. Affections of soles of the feet; attacks of sick feeling; black- ness of outer parts; cyanosis or morbus cœruleus; motions convulsive; bloated skin. AGGRAVATIONS.-Before menstruation; from vomiting. AMELIORATIONS.-From being mesmerized; during per- spiration. Where eruptions strike in, as in scarlet fever, &c., complaints may result such as excessive vomiting, great stupor, convulsions, etc. Cuprum takes high rank to cause. the rash to reappear, &c. Convulsions during pregnancy, and puerperal convulsions which begin in the fingers or toes and spread all over the body; or where there is great restlessness between the attacks, either filling up the entire interval or only a part of the time. Remedies following: Bell., Hyos., Puls., Stram., Veratr. Antidotes: Camph., Hep. CYCLAMEN. Sow bread. This plant is found in many parts of Europe, in shady places and moist ground. We prepare a tincture from the fresh root. EYES.-Patient sees stars all the time, with dimness of vision. GENERALITIES.-Affections of the inner temples; of the perineum; pain as if paralyzed. Want of appetite; nausea in the throat; hiccough. Simple pressure in the muscles; tearing with drawing and pressure in the bones; itching better by scratching. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening; from fat food; while resting; when sitting; when standing. AMELIORATIONS.-From moving; from stroking with the hand; after rising from a seat; from scratching; from being touched; while walking. Remedies following: Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sep., Sulphur. Antidote: Coffea. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Purple Fox Glove. This plant is found in pastures, woods, in a sandy soil, and is sometimes cultivated. It has an upright leafy stem, which is from three to six feet high; large flowers which are in pendulous clusters. We prepare a tincture from the fresh leaves. A very slow pulse is one of the chief characteristics of this remedy; never think of it where there is a rapid pulse, say over 8o. Bluish appearance of the face. Stools gray or ash colored; discharge of urine too scanty (with slow DorM 99 100 Dolichos. Drosera. pulse); pulsations of the heart intermit; cyanosis; dropsy of inner parts; fainting. PULSE.-Pulse full; irregular; slow, very slow. AGGRAVATIONS.-When sitting, especially when sitting erect. Remedies following: Bell., China, Lyc., Puls., Nux v., Sul., Veratr. Antidote: Camphor. DOLICHOS. Cowhage. This is a climbing plant, with a branching stem. It twines around the trees in its vicinity and attains a considerable height. Flowers are large and reddish; the fruit is a pod about four inches long covered with bristly hairs. Intense itching of the skin with no appearance of swelling or rash. Constipation with this interse itch, but no rash. Jaundice, yellow in spots or all over, and itching exces- sively at night. DROSERA. Moor-grass. This plant is found in mossy, turfy bogs. The root is fibrous; stem is wanting; leaves are circular, numerous and of a purplish red; flowers are white. We prepare a tincture from the whole plant. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Very deep and very hoarse cough, especially if it gets worse after 12 at night; seems as if the patient would choke with the cough; cough of this character following or attending measles; concomitant complaints to cough. Affections of the larynx generally; deep, hoarse voice; voice without resonance. Dulcamara. 101 SENSATIONS.-Pain as from a contusion; cutting in the outer parts. GENERALITIES.-Affections of left side of the back; ex- ternal forehead. Vomiting of slimy matter. Contraction of inner parts. Rigors or shuddering spells. AGGRAVATIONS.—After midnight; from coughing; lying down; from light of a lamp; after undressing; on getting warm in bed. Remedies following: Calc. c., Puls., Sul. Antidote : Camphor. DULCAMARA. Bitter-Sweet. This is commonly met with in moist places, in ditches on the bor- ders of rivers, &c. It is a climbing shrub, with a slender branching stem, from six to eight feet high; flowers are in clusters; berries are oval, of a bright scarlet, and hang in bunches. Prepare a tincture from the green stems. WE think of this remedy especially for disease brought on, or particularly aggravated by exposure to damp, cold weather or air, such as being in a damp, cold cellar, or in a milk dairy, etc. FEMALES.-Menstruation too late; too scanty; suppressed; blood pale; milk decreased. SKIN.-Dryness of; blotches on, which may be brought on by the least and every exposure to damp, cold air, which itch exceedingly, and are very troublesome; exan- thema like nettle rash; tetters in general; warts. GENERALITIES.-In epistaxis, uterine hæmorrhage, etc., blood is always very pale; affections of left side of abdo- men; fœtid urine; expectoration bloody, blood pale; 1 102 • Elaterium. Eupatorium Perfoliatum. disposition to catch cold; paralyzed organs caused by sitting on damp, cold ground; paralysis of the inner parts; digging up or rooting pain; want of perspira- tion; stinking perspiration. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night; from cold in general; in cold air; in cold, wet weather; from suppressed men- struation; after lying down and rising again; while rest- ing; when sitting; in wet weather. AMELIORATIONS.-From moving; from moving the af- fected part; on rising from bed; after rising from a seat; when walking; from warmth in general; in warm air; in dry weather. Remedies following: Bell., Calc. c., Lyc., Rhus, Sep. Antidote: Camphora. ELATERIUM. Wild, or squirting Cucumber. We prepare a tincture from the juice of the fruit, which flows spontaneously from it. CHILLS and fever, when the chill comes on with exces- sive yawning and stretching; the yawning and stretching lasting all through the chill. Squirting diarrhoea; some forms of dropsy. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. Boneset. Crosswort. This is found in meadows and low grounds, along small streams, and is from two to four feet high; divided at the top into branches, and has white flowers. We prepare a tincture from the leaves and flowers. IN chills and fever, when chill comes on in the morning, Euphorbium. Euphrasia. 103 with great pain in the bones, as though the bones would break; long bones particularly; then comes thirst, then chill with thirst, and as chill subsides, comes copious vomit- ing of bile. EUPHORBIUM. This is a gum-resin which comes in perforate pieces of the size and shape of a pea, yellowish in color, and has no odor. Prepare a tincture. AFFECTIONS of the teeth, left side; left abdominal ring; sensation in the lumbar region or joints, as if paralyzed; biting and stinging on the skin; biting exanthema; red inflammatory swelling; sensation of burning heat on either cheek, generally left side. Cough almost constant, day and night, accompanied by stitches which seem to proceed from the pit of the stomach to both sides of the chest. AGGRAVATIONS.-From changing the position; on be- ginning to move; while lying down; while resting; sit- ting; beginning to walk. AMELIORATIONS.-From moving; from continued mov- ing; when walking. Remedies following: Ferr., Lach., Puls., Sep., Sul. Antidote: Camphor. EUPHRASIA. Eye-Bright. This little plant grows in meadows and on the borders of forests. The root is small and hairy; stem is from five to twelve inches high; leaves are alternate and sharp toothed. We prepare a tincture from the whole plant while in flower. EYES. The eyes water all the time, as in Whooping 104 Ferrum. cough; when there is a constant mild, watery exudation whether the eyes are inflamed or not. This watery exuda- tion is worse during a paroxysm; affections of the eyeballs in general; of the sclerotic coat; cornea; aversion to light; cataract when the eyes water a great deal; dim- sightedness with this exudation. GENERALITIES.-Pulse unchanged; cancer on the nose, with watery eyes. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening; from light in general; from day-light. AMELIORATIONS.-In the dark. Remedies following: Con., Nux. v., Puls., Phos., Sulphur. Antidote: Camphor. FERRUM. Iron. We prepare a trituration of the metallic iron. WE may think of this remedy on seeing a very weak and very much debiltated person. FACE.-Face fiery red; sallow colored; reddish yellow; red spots on the cheeks. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Vomiting in general; of blood; of what has been eaten; in whooping cough where the child vomits food with every coughing spell. STOOL.-Painless diarrhoea, particularly if it be with un- digested food; undigested feces; stool with ascarides. FEMALES.-Metrorrhagia, especially when accompanied by a very red face; menses profuse; acrid leucorrhoea. GENERALITIES.—Great variability of the mind; expec- toration bloody, and blood streaked. Plethora; bleeding Fluoric Acid. Gelseminum. 105 from inner parts; congestion of blood to single parts; swelling and distension of blood vessels. Affections of the left lower extremity; of the upper arm; of the shoulder joint; in young weakly persons; bloatedness and paleness of the skin; chlorosis. Tendency to get fat; inclination to motion; pain like labor pains; darting from above downwards; debility. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night, particularly after mid- night; from changing the position; on beginning to move; lying down; from fat food; abuse of Peruvian bark; while resting; on beginning to walk; from ascarides. AMELIORATIONS.-On leaning against anything; from moving; from continued motion; from moving affected part; when walking. Remedies following: Acon., Chi., Con., Lyc., Phos., Puls., Sul. Antidotes: China, Puls., Thea. FLUORIC ACID. Hydrofluoric acid. Fluoride of Hydrogen. We prepare a dilution. THIS remedy affects the right ear; teeth of the left side; left hypochondrium; left side of the abdomen; right side, and nape of the neck; right side of the back. Fistula lachrymalis. Remedies following: Graph., Nitr. ac. GELSEMINUM. Yellow, or field Jessamine. Woodblue. This plant has a twisting glabrous stem, with opposite, perennial, lanceolate, entire leaves, standing on short petioles; flowers are yellow. EYES.-Loss of sight; eyes feel bruised; double vision; sensation of double vision controllable by the will, during 106 Glonoine. pregnancy; appearance of smoke before the eyes, cannot see anything; pupils dilated. FRIGHT.—Bad affects from great fright or fear; threat- ened abortion from fright. (This Gels. fright is an awe- stricken feeling, a deep-seated fright or fear, that has made a deep impression). SENSATIONS.-Dull pain in back part of the head; head- ache with giddiness and faintness; pain in the neck, also in the limbs; drowsiness; sensation as though the skin at the middle of the forehead and about the face, was con- tracted; also of contraction of the muscles of the face, particularly about the mouth, making it difficult to talk ; spasmodic pains; bruised sensation all over the body, as if resulting from severe bodily exertion. GENERALITIES.--Doesn't wish to be spoken to; all ex- citing news causes diarrhoea; pulsations of the carotid. arteries; sneezing; powerless condition of the lower ex- tremities. Heat of the face with fullness of the head, and cold feet; putrid breath and fetid taste; frequent discharge of flatus with constipation. During parturition, when at every pain, with rigidity of the neck of the uterus, the pain strikes into the abdomen, above or below the navel, running from before, backward and upward. Respiration frequent and very unequal; coldness of the wrists and hands; hands dry and hot, especially the palms; delirium occurring soon as sleep comes on; waking from sleep with headache or colic; fevers, where muscular power is affected, patient feels so utterly without power. GLONOINE. Nitro-Glycerino. This substance is composed of Sulphuric acid, Nitric acid and Glycerine, forming a whitish, honey-like mixture. It is to be thoroughly washed with water, so that no trace of the acid remains. We pre- pare a dilution. Graphites. 107 TROUBLES of the head in type setters, and in men who work under a gaslight steadily, so that heat falls on the head; bad results from sun-stroke; can't bear any heat about the head; can't walk in the sun, must walk in the shade or carry an umbrella; can't bear heat from a stove; great vertigo on assuming an upright posture from rising up in bed; rising from a seat, &c. Heat in the head; throbbing headache. GRAPHITES. Plumbago. This is a shining blackish substance, consisting essentially of pure carbon. We make a trituration. EARS.-Affections of left ear particularly,-if the right ear is affected it is generally from spreading from the left ear to the right. Noise in the ears in general, with hard- ness of hearing; can scarcely hear in the house at all, as the noises in the ear seem so loud; but when rolling along in the cars or carriage, hears distinctly ordinary tones of voices. SKIN AND NAILS.-A very characteristic symptom of this remedy, is the exudation of a thin, sticky, glutinous, trans- parent, watery fluid from any raw place or sore. Exanthe- ma, corroding and spreading with the characteristic exu- dation. Erysipelatous, moist, scurfy, sores: Skin red. Callous, which may appear in breasts that have been. in- flamed; humid; pain in as if ulcerated. Nails brittle and crumbling; deformity of; troubles of the toe-nails; (in this "nail trouble," look out that no “toe doctor" is at work, whose manipulations, applications, drugs, &c., are interfering with the action of your medicines); complaints of the nails in general; painful as if sore, or as if ulcerated; thickening 108 Graphites. of. Tetters in general; corroding and spreading; scurfy; humid. FEMALES.-Menses too late, (particularly if the char- acteristic exudation appears anywhere); too scanty; sup- pressed; delay of first menses; complaints during and after. Watery leucorrhoea; nipples very sore during nursing, especially if there are little bluish blisters on the nipple, which discharge the characteristic fluid. SLEEP.-Waking too late; stupor like sleep in the morn- ing; anxious dreams; anxious dreams about fatal accidents. SENSATIONS.-Sensation of contraction in outer parts; same of joints; as if single parts were gone to sleep; sore pain in outer parts; prickling itching. Generalities.-This remedy affects the right upper ex- tremity and right lower extremity; left ear; hair of the head (which the patient may be losing); external head be- hind the ears; external crown of the head; internal nose. Affections of the anus (such as itching hæmorrhoids, &c.); sacrum and buttocks; calves; hcels; toes; between the fin- gers, where there is itching exanthema with the exudation. Glittering before the eyes; face covered as if with erysipelas. (especially when discharging the mentioned exudation); bad smell from the mouth. Constipation; hunger; flatulence in general; flatus obstructed; hæmorrhoids worse after the bowels have been moved. Stool very large and very hard; with tape worm. Discharge of urine too scanty; weakness of sexual power in the male. Limbs drawn together, crooked, from the bones being bent. Emaciation in gene- ral; muscles being shortened; inclination to sit down; sore- ness from lying in bed; flushes of heat; yellow perspiration. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night; during menstruation, and after, and from suppressed; from light in general, particu- larly day-light; from having a tape worm. Guaiacum. Helleborus Niger. AMELIORATIONS.-In the dark; from eructation. 109 This remedy is very applicable for females with a ten- dency to unhealthy corpulence, with perhaps deformed nails, characteristic exudation, menstrual troubles, &c. Also for troubles of cicatrized mammæ, resulting from gatherings; as there may be a deficiency in the flow of milk, or troubles of any kind when large and many cicatrices are seen on the breasts. GUAIACUM. Guaiac. 'This tree is a native of the West India Islands, and warmer parts of America. A gum resin is obtained from the tree, of a deep brown or green color outside, and a bluish-green color, full of white spots inside. We prepare a tincture. AFFECTIONS OF THE THIGHS.-Heavy, dragging pains, in and about the left ear; dragging, drawing pain in the muscles. Great aversion to motion; small pulse. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the open air. AMELIORATIONS.-In the room. Remedies following: Calc. c., Merc. HELLEBORUS NIGER. Black bellebore. This plant grows in the mountain forests of Middle and Southern Europe. Prepare a tincture from the root. IN dropsical affections; dropsy of outer parts and of inner parts; parts which are usually white turn red. Ab- 110 Hepar Sul. Calc. sence of thirst in all complaints; chilliness, heat, perspira- tion, without thirst. Discharge of urine too scanty; urine with dark sediment like coffee grounds,-top part is clear, but having this sediment. Nausea at the stomach; rum- bling and rolling in the bowels; darting in the joints, also in the bones; prickling in the bones; heat with shuddering. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening; in cold air. AMELIORATIONS.-In the warm air. Remedies following: Bell., Bry., Chi., Lyc., Puls., Nux v., Phos., Sul. Antidote: China. HEPAR SUL. CALC. Sulphuret of Lime. This is produced by a direct combination of oyster shells with sul- phur, and brought to a white heat in a closed crucible. Triturations are made for the low potencies. SKIN. Any trouble occurring on the skin, when there is a great sensitiveness to the slightest touch; patient can't bear to have even the clothes touch the part, or have it touched in any way. Exanthema, like nettle rash, sore to the slightest touch. Skin hard to heal; inflammation of; sensitive soreness of. Ulcers with bloody pus; with sour smelling pus; stinking pus; putrid (ulcers); with redness around; with little pimples around,-10, 12, or even as many as 50 may surround the large ulcer, and the ulcer sometimes spread by the little pimples joining in. Painful; painful at the edge; suppurating; with pain as if sore; diffi- cult to heal; inflamed; itching; looking like a lump of lard with a hole in it; cancerous ulcers. SLEEP.--Complaints concomitant to waking; sleep not refreshing; sleeplessness in general; anxious dreams of fire. Hepar Sul. Calc. 111 RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Suffocative attacks of breathing, (in croup where the child chokes in its coughing spells, and there is much rattling); respiration with mucous rattle; expectoration in the morning, none in the evening; cough, with expectoration during the day, no expectoration at night, (in croup where there is no expectoration at night, but only in the daytime,-with the suffocative coughing spells); low, weak voice. URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS.- Urine very acrid; com- plaints while passing water, and after; nocturnal emissions; escape of prostatic fluid at any time, and at stool, &c.; affections of sexual organs occurring on the right side. GENERALITIES.-Affections of the left eye; abdomen, left side; left lower extremity; hair of the head; internal and external forehead; eyeball; inguinal glands; sacrum and buttocks, (may have tetters, &c.); axilla; point of the elbow, (olecranon). Dimsightedness; erysipelatous color of the face; obstruction of the bowels from inactivity of the per- istaltic motion; pain as if bruised in outer parts, also in bones; festering glands. Heat with thirst; perspiration in general; cold perspiration. The great sensitiveness under this remedy must not be overlooked. It is not confined to touch merely, but the same exists in reference to a draft of air,-patient can't bear the slightest draft of air on him; nor the slightest noise. Great sensitiveness in everything. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night; on wakening; when blow- ing the nose; from cold in general; in cold air; in cold and dry weather; on single parts of the body getting cold; from getting the skin rubbed off; on uncovering the head ; from surgical injuries in general; from lying on the pain- ful side; from daylight; from pressure from without; from abuse of Mercury; during sleep; when swallowing, partic- ularly when swallowing food, (parts are so tender); while 112 Hydrophobine. Hyoscyamus. urinating; in clear fine weather; in dry weather; in the east wind. AMELIORATIONS.-From wrapping the head up; from warmth in general; the air being warm; in damp and wet weather; from wrapping up the body warmly. Remedies following: Bell., Bry., Merc., Sul., Nux vom., Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sil., Sul. Antidote: Bell. HYDROPHOBINE. THE running of water aggravates the symptoms; may cause a diarrhoea. 1 HYOSCYAMUS. Henbane. This is found in gravelly places, waste lands, along highways, &c. The stem is erect and branching, about three feet high, and is thickly covered with leaves. The flowers form long, one sided leafy spikes, the ends of the branches hanging down, are of a dark yellow color variegated with purple veins. We prepare a tincture from the leaves. and flowering stems. THE general sphere of action of this remedy is found in spasmodic affections. MENTAL.-Amativeness; affections of the intellect; de- lirium, in which the patient may jump out of bed, throw off the bed clothes, or take off the clothes and go naked,- hence Nymphomania. Patients with fevers will often throw the bed clothes entirely off, not because they are too warm but they will not remain covered; madness; imbecility of the intellect; memory weak or lost. Hypericum Perfoliatum. 113 EYES. Pupils dilated; blindness; amaurosis; occular illusions; diplopia; momentary loss of sight. FEMALES.—Menstrual blood pale; spasmodic labor pains, (particularly when accompanied by spasmodic affections of other parts of the body); complaints at beginning of men- struation, also during. SPASMS.-Epilepsy without consciousness; great restless- ness of the body; all convulsive motions where every muscle in the body twitches, from the eyes to the toes; spasms in general; spasms clonic. GENERALITIES.—Light haired people; hardness of hear- ing from paralyzed auditor nerves; bleeding of the nose, blood pale; sensation of smell too feeble; bluish color of face; painless diarrhoea; troubles of the bladder; expecto- ration mixed with pale blood; hydrophobia; hard, full pulse; inflammation of blood vessels. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening; from mental affections; from jealousy; unhappy love; sufferings of children; from taking cold; from cold air; from approaching menstruation, and at beginning of, also during menstruation. AMELIORATIONS.-On stooping. Remedies following: Bell., Puls., Stram., Veratr. Anti- dotes: Bell, Stram. HYPERICUM PERFOLIATUM, (or Perforatum). St. John's Wort. This is a common plant in fields, along hedges, roads, &c. Stem is erect, two-edged, a foot or two high; leaves oval, lanceolate, and with many transparent points that look like perforations; flowers are yellow, with black dots on the edges. We prepare a tincture from the whole plant. 114 Ignatia. BAD results from treading on nails, from rat bites, or any punctured wounds; very sore and sensitive to the touch. IGNATIA. Bean of St. Ignatius. These beans are the size of a large almond, irregular, hard and stone-like, and semi-transparent; they have the odor of musk and an excessively bitter taste. Prepare a tincture. MENTAL.-Any one suffering from suppressed or deep grief, with long-drawn sighs, much sobbing, &c.; also, much unhappiness, can't sleep, entirely absorbed in grief; for re- cent grief, as at the loss of a friend; affections of the mind in general; particularly if actuated by grief; sadness; hopelessness; hysterical variableness; fantastic illusions. SENSATIONS.-As of a ball in the inner parts; pain as if parts would burst, were pushed or pressed asunder; sensa- tion as if inner parts were distended; of hollowness. "Faint, all gone" feeling, especially in the pit of the stomach; griping with feeling of tearing away; of a nail or of darting in the inner parts; burning darting in the Epigastrium. GENERALITIES.-Affecting particularly the left ear; right side; internal head; left hypochondriac region; joints of the jaws,—as lame, cracking when chewing, &c.; inner region of the stomach; region of the spleen; rectum; heel. Cat- alepsy with bending backwards; opisthotonos; hysterical spasms, especially if accompanied with sighing; corns painful as if sore; dreams continuing a long time, are exci- ting, and cause patient to feel a good deal troubled; chilliness of single parts. Patient's face changes color very often when at rest; flat taste; obstructed flatus; flatus in general; stools acrid. Ipecacuanha. 115 AGGRAVATIONS.-From mental affections; from anger; anger with fright; anger with silent grief; from anxiety; anxiety with sorrow; unhappy love; mortification caused. by offence; from exertion of the mind; sweets; coffee; tobacco; from pressure on painless side, can lie better on painful side; from strong smells; between swallowing; from ascarides; when yawning. AMELIORATIONS.-From changing the position; while eating; from eructation; when taking an inspiration; from swallowing, (as in some sore throats), near a warm stove. Remedies following: Ars., Bell., Calc. c., Chi., Lyc., Nux v., Puls., Rhus, Sep., Sul. Antidotes: Coff., Nux v., Puls. IPECACUANHA. There are in commerce three kinds of this drug: the black or striated, the white or undulating, and the gray. We use the last, which comes from Brazil. Prepare a tincture from the root. ONE of the best guides to the use of this remedy, is a constant but unavailable desire to vomit; or immediately after vomiting they wish to do so again; constant nausea. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Disgust at the stomach (for food); empty vomiturition; vomiting in general; also of bile, and blood. No relief obtained by vomiting, the desire still re- maining. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Suffocative attacks of breathing. Respiration oppressed; anxious; deep; quick; sighing; with concomitant complaints. Cough without expectora- tion; with bloody expectoration; without waking the patient. FEMALES.-Threatened abortion; often with a sharp pain around the umbilicus which runs downward to the uterus, 116 Iris Versicolor. with constant nausea and discharge of bright, red blood; discharge of blood before the proper period; metrorhagia, often after confinement, which is heralded by low pulse, nausea, &c.; there is a steady flow of bright, red blood which. may soak through the bed to the floor, or may run over the foot of the bed. (Where there is this steady flow of bright, red blood, give Ipec., and don't resort to applications, ma- nipulations, &c.) Menstruation too early and too profuse; deficient labor pains, and with the pains there is a great deal of suffering, but no good is accomplished, the suffering is caused by the above pain about the umbilicus, running to the uterus. GENERALITIES.-Blue color around the eyes. Stools bloody; fermented (like yeast); bleeding from inner parts, flowing all over the body; epilepsy with convulsive motion; external coldness of the skin; also of single parts; cold perspiration. AGGRAVATIONS.-Periodically; from vomiting; from coughing; from the suppression of cutaneous eruptions; from taking veal; from abuse of Peruvian bark; from de- rangements of the stomach. Remedies following: Bell., Bry., Cham., Ignat., Nux v., Puls., Veratr. Antidotes: Ars., China. IRIS VERSICOLOR. Blue Flag. This plant is found in wet places, flowering in May and June. Flowers variegated, leaves sword-shaped. We make a tincture of the root. VERY sick headaches, with vomiting of a sweetish sub- stance; in some fevers where there is great stomach de- rangement and great prostration. JATROPHA CURCAS. Purging nuts; Barbadoes nuts; Infernal fig. We obtain the seeds of this nut from Cuba and South America. They are of a dark brown color, dotted with light brown stripes and points. We prepare a tincture. IN diarrhoea, cholera, &c., when a loud noise is heard in the abdomen, like the gurgling of water coming out of the bung hole of a barrel, during the focal discharge. JODIUM. Iodine. This substance is found in a variety of marine plants. It is of a dark red, or brown color, scarcely transparent. It must be used in a perfectly pure state only. We prepare triturations. GLANDS. For glandular affections; thyroid gland. GENERALITIES.-Affections of right ear and the right chest; extreme hunger, the patient may still feel very hun- gry after eating a great deal; affections of the larynx, especially in croup where a great deal of phlegm is expec- torated, which sometimes is streaked with blood; palpitation of the heart; consumption; emaciation, even of single parts, as e.g., the mammary glands may shrivel up, &c.; itching or tickling, or sense of trembling in the inner parts; sub- sultus tendinum. Goitre. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night; before eating; fasting before breakfast; from wrapping up the head,—can't bear even a hat on; lying in bed; lying on the painful side; from food difficult of digestion; from outward pressure, as pres- sure of the clothes, &c.; in a warm room; when walking quickly; from warmth in general; in warm air; when getting warm in the open air. 117 118 Kali Bichromicum. AMELIORATIONS.-After breakfast; in a cold place; in the cold air; after eating (especially after eating bountiful- ly); from uncovering the head; after rising from the bed. Remedies following: Acon., Lyc., Merc. s., Phos., Puls. Antidotes: Ars., Bell., Hep., Phos. KALI BICHROMICUM. Bichromate of Potash. This substance, formed by the action of chromic acid with potash, is found in beautiful yellow crystals. We prepare a trituration. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.-Stinging pain; aching pain as from bruises. Pulsations felt in all the arteries. Liability to take cold in the open air; drowsy in the open air. SKIN.-Dryness of the skin with itching of the whole body. Yellow, scaly itching spots. Herpes. EYES.-Smarting, burning pain in the eyes. 1 Inflamma- tion of the lids; agglutination of, in the morning. Dryness. and feeling of sand in the eyes. Various colors and bright sparks before the eyes. EARS.-Violent tickling and itching in the cars. Red- ness; heat and itching of external cars. Discharges from ear. Hard, painful swelling of the parotid gland. THROAT AND CHEST.-Throat dry and rough, with great hoarseness or aphonia. Expectoration is very glutinous and sticky; adhering to the fauces, teeth, tongue, and lips, finally leaving the mouth in a long, stringy and very tena- cious mass. This expectoration sticks in the chest so as to almost cause strangulation; it is found in croup, whooping-cough, catarrhs, discharges from ulcers, and even in leucorrhoea. Sniffles of infants, particularly in fat, chubby, little babes. Kali Carbonicum. 119 where there is a tough, stringy discharge from the nose, &c. Stitching pains. KALI CARBONICUM. Carbonate of Potash. This is found in the ashes of all vegetables, with the exception of those growing upon the sea shore. THE most characteristic indication for this remedy is a stitching pain, or a series of sharp-stitching pains, which may be felt in any part of the body, as in colics, during labor, or in any kind of troubles, which are accompanied by these sharp, stitching pains,—called also jerking pains. One of the best of remedies following child-birth, and its consequences. HEAD.-Violent headaches about the inner temples; violent stitching or jerking pains, on one side of the head or both. Affections of the hair of the head; eye-brows. Dazzling of the sight preventing clear vision; spotted vision, i. e., there appears to be a spot, or spots between the eyes and the object looked at. STOOL AND Anus.—Obstruction from inactivity of the bowels, as a want of proper peristaltic motion; affections of the anus; stools too large in size; hæmorrhoids. COUGH.-Cough with expectoration bloody, acrid, or purulent. FEMALES.-Prominent remedy for vaginal troubles; also for the uterus. Pain like labor pains; false pains, which usually come in the back, and pass down over the buttocks, through the gluteal muscles; labor pains ceasing, or too weak. Menstruation too late, a long interval elapsing be- 120 Kali Carbonicum. tween the periods; menses too scanty; menses suppressed; menstrual blood acrid. SLEEP. Waking too early, particularly at three or four in the morning; sleepiness in the evening; sleeplessness after midnight; sleeplessness in general. SENSATIONS.-Sharp stitching or jerking pains; cutting or jerking in inner parts, or sometimes both; sensations of knocking, or throbbing, or jumping in outer parts; great weakness of the joints. GENERALITIES.-Affections in general, occurring in the right hypochondriac region; right abdominal ring; left chest; left upper extremity; external and internal ears; of the inner surface of the liver; inner region of the kidneys; lower part of the chest; shoulder; shoulder-joint; elbow and elbow-joint; hollow of the elbow; wrist-joint; big toe; tips of the toes; joints of the legs in general; joints of the toes. (This remedy has a great affinity for all affections of the joints). Disgust of food in general. Obstructed flatus. Com- plaints in the male from coition; complaints from involun- tary seminal emissions. Aversion to the open air. Sub- sultus tendinum. Inflammatory swelling of the part, with the characteristic (stitching or jerking) pains. Dryness of the skin. AGGRAVATIONS.--Worse after midnight; after sexual in- tercourse; in cold air; on getting cold; during eating; after eating; from getting heated; during menstruation; from suppressed menstruation; lying on the side (either); look- ing at an object fixedly; from involuntary pollutions; when writing. AMELIORATIONS.-From eructation; while sitting in a bent position; on getting warm; from warmth in general; in warm air. Kali Hydriodicum. Lachesis. 121 Remedies following: Ars., Lyc., Puls., Phos., Sep., Sul. Antidotes: Spirits of Nitre; Dulcamara. KALI HYDRIODICUM. Hydriodate of Potassa. This substance results from the action of iodine upon caustic potash. It is formed of white cubic crystals, of an acrid and pun- gent taste, like salt, and is soluble in water and alcohol. Triturate for three first attenuations. We use this remedy for severe pains in the bones, where the bones swell. In violent headaches where the cranium swells up in hard lumps,-pain being very intense. LACHESIS. Lance-headed Viper. Trigonochephalus. This snake is found in the hot countries of South America. It may attain the length of seven feet, with poison fangs nearly an inch in length. We procure the drug from the poison-fangs which are found in the upper jaw of this reptile. The poison (one drop) is put into sugar of milk, and the three first attenuations are triturated. A strong indication for this remedy is, any trouble beginning on the left side of any part of the body, particu larly in the throat, whether going over to the right side subsequently, or remaining on the left side. In Diphtheria, or any sore throat, where the trouble begins on the left side of the throat or tonsils; if we find the soreness, swel- ling, or diphtheritic patches on both sides of the throat, ascertain which side was attacked first; or if it is almost entirely on the right side, ascertain whether it started on the left side. (Lycopodium is just the reverse of the above; Lyc. troubles begin on the right side). The patient will 122 Lachesis. probably be restless, sleepless, with very high pulse, great fever, &c. Another characteristic of Lachesis is: where the patient sleeps into an aggravation, as e. g., in croup; the patient is very well while awake, but as soon as he goes to sleep, the croup symptoms appear in great violence; child almost suffocates, and the mother or nurse is really afraid to let the child go to sleep, so very bad does it then become. Also in convulsions; patient has none while awake, but as soon as he is asleep they appear. And so with any trouble that is brought on by going to sleep at any time, in day or night. In all hæmorrhages from the bowels in the typhoid or typhus fever, when in the bottom of the vessel are seen black particles of blood like charred straw; there may be epistaxis, with bleeding from the mouth and bowels at · the same time. MENTAL. Amativeness; affections of the intellect in general. Sadness when awakening in the morning or night (particularly in the morning); no desire at all to mix with the world. Restless and uneasy; does not wish to attend to business, but wants to be off somewhere all the time. FEMALES.-In females who never get well from the change of life,-"have never felt well since that time;" may have unnatural unwell periods. During change of life where she has flashes of heat all day, and cold flashes on retiring at night. SKIN.-Burning of the skin; blueness of. Flat exanthema which don't fill up. Blotches on the skin; boils; blue-black swellings; pustulous exanthema; spongy cxcrescences; wounds bleed profusely and a great while; skin very hard to heal; itching blisters. Itching ulcers, and ulcers in gen- eral; with dark blisters around; bluish (ulcers); flat; hard on the circumference; very sensitive on the circumference ; with white spots in them; with black base or bottom; dis- Lachnantes. 123 charging too little pus; bleeding,—especially if they bleed a great deal. GENERALITIES.-Affections in general of the right chest; left side of the throat; right lower extremity; right abdomi- nal ring; symptoms generally appear on right side; symp- toms beginning on left side with great tendency to spread to the right side. Apoplexy. Cyanosis. In old chronic sore throats,-throat may not be very sore, but a great quantity of mucous will stick there, and occasions much hawking and spitting to no purpose, the mucous will stick and can't be forced up or down. Constipation where the anus feels tight, and as if nothing could go through it. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening; on sleeping (they sleep directly into the trouble and awaken in anguish and great distress), suitable for sufferings of drunkards; from violent bleeding; from narcotic medicines; from spirituous liquors; from abuse of mercury; on rising from the bed; after rising from the bed. AMELIORATION.-While eating. Remedies following: Acon., Ars., Hyos., Lyc., Merc., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Sil., Sulphur. Antidotes: Bell., Merc. LACHNANTES. Red Root. This plant is found in the sandy swamps of Rhode Island and New Jersey. It has a red fibrous root, sword shaped leaves, and a dense compound cyme of dingy yellow, woolly flowers. We think of this remedy where the neck is drawn over to one side from diphtheria; sore throat; rheumatism in the neck, &c. 124 Laurocerasus. Ledum Palustre. LAUROCERASUS. Cherry Laurel. This is an evergreen bush, growing from fifteen to twenty feet high. The flowers are white, and slightly tinged with yellow, long and clus- tering; berries are black and larger than the common cherry; leaves are oblong, from four to eight inches long, stiff and leathery. Very commonly found in gardens. We use the leaves to prepare a tinc- ture. GASPING FOR BREATH.-The patient puts his hand to the heart, as if there was some trouble there; this may result from running a short distance which puts him completely out of breath; going up stairs, walking, any exercise may bring this trouble on. SENSATIONS.-Painful sensations in the under jaw and lower teeth; pinching with sensation of tearing, sensation of coldness in the inner parts; heat of single parts; internal chilliness and external heat. Generalities.-Pulse small. Skin turns blue; toe and finger nails become knobby. In pulmonic affections where the patient coughs and spits a great amount of phlegm, which is sprinkled over and through with distinct dots of blood; these dots may be close together, or considerably scattered, frequently is seen following typhoid pneumonia. Affections of the left chest. AGGRAVATIONS.-Before eating. Remedies following: Bell., Phos., Puls., Veratrum a. Antidoes: Cuff., Opium. LEDUM PALUSTRE. Wild Rosemary. March Tea. This shrub has its stems erect, with many branches, from one to three feet high; leaves are scattered, strap-shaped, and chanelled; flowers are numerous. It is found in marshy places, and in spongy bogs. We use the whole plant. Tincture. Lobelia Inflata. 125 We are led to think of this remedy particularly for punc- tured wounds, produced by sharp pointed instruments, as awls, rat-bites, nails, &c.; particularly if the wounded parts are cold; or e. g. "Ten years ago I stepped on a nail, and ever since then, have had a pain running up to the thigh." Bad effects in general from recent or chronic injuries, especially from punctured wounds. JOINTS.-Affections of the joints in general; joints of the leg in general; knee-joint; hip-joints; toe-joints; gouty pain in the joints; when striking the toes, there is a cold- ness in the parts, and a gouty pain shoots all through the foot and limb; cracking of the joints, i. e., on moving them. SKIN.-Large rough exanthema on the face. Stinging, biting of the skin; dryness of; dry exanthema; boils; whitlows or felons on fingers of a seamstress often caused by needle pricks; itching worse by scratching. GENERALITIES.-Sufferings are worse, or come on, after getting warm in bed, compelling the patient to get out of bed, which affords them relief. Leucorrhoea. For com- plaints of people who are cold all the time,-in bed, in the house, &c.; they always feel cold and chilly. Pale, delicate persons. Affections of external forehead; heel; under part of heel; ball under the toes. Stupid sleep, i. c., heavy. AGGRAVATIONS.--From moving; on moving, particularly the joints; while walking; on getting warm in bed. AMELIORATIONS.-While reposing. Remedies following: Acon., Bell, Bry., Nux v., Puls., Rhus, Sulphur. Antidote: Camphor. LOBELIA INFLATA. Indian Tobacco. This plant is from one to two feet high; root is fibrous and yellowish white; stem is upright, leafy, and much branched about midway; leaves are irregularly scattered, with indented margins; flowers are numerous; seeds are numerous and very small. Prepare a tincture. 126 Lycopodium. URINE has a deep-red color, and deposits a copious red sediment. Where we find the above symptom very pro- minently displayed, we may think strongly of Lob. infl. LYCOPODIUM. Club Moss. Wolf's Claw. Roots are of several strong scattered fibres; stems trailing, leafy, branching, several feet in length; leaves crowded, curved upwards, flat, tipped with a point. Found very generally in pastures and in woods. A fine yellow powder is prepared from the seeds. Triturate. MENTAL.-Disposition to be very haughty when sick; mistrustful; peevish; comprehension difficult,—don't seem to understand anything one says to them; memory weak. Anxious dreams of fatal accidents. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Great deal of noisy flatus in the abdomen, or particularly in the right hypochondriac region; there seems to be a constant fermentation in the abdomen which produces a loud croaking sound. This remedy is much used for troubles of the liver; there may be great pain, or some other trouble in this organ, with much rumbling of wind in the left hypochondriac region, Vomiting of sour matter; dyspepsia with loud croaking in the abdomen. Affections of the inner lower belly; inguinal ring; inguinal hernia; obstructed flatus. Extreme hunger. URINARY ORGANS.-Clear, transparent urine having a heavy, red, crystallized sediment in the bottom of the chamber. In typhus fever, for example, where the patient is in a very low state, and can't retain the urine, we may see this sediment on the sheets; also in colic of babies, with much sediment of this kind on the diaper. A very severe pain is felt in the back every time before urinating, causing the patient to cry out; retention of urine; patients will get Lycopodium. 127 into position to urinate, but wait a great while before the water comes, accompanied by the characteristic pain in the back which ceases when the urine flows; children often cry out with pain before urinating; complaints while pass- ing water; affections of the urethra. Male impotency; as when in health otherwise, sexual desire is felt, but there is no erectile power. RESPIRATORY ORGANS.-Affections of the right side of the throat; for all troubles commencing there, though they may spread to the left side; (ascertain on which side the trouble began; Right side Lyc., Left side Lach.). Respira- tion with mucus rattle. Expectoration gray; purulent, i. e., pus like; taste of expectoration salty (Ars., Lyc., Phos., Puls., Sep., have this symptom in a very marked degree); very white; profuse secretion of mucous. FEMALES.-Menstruation too late; lasts too long; some- times suppression of, or may be too scanty; complaints. before. May find females at change of life with one side of the body greatly hypertrophied. Sore nipples of nursing females. SKIN. Corns which are very sensitive, or with tearing pains. Exanthema in general, particularly with biting sensation; moist; scurfy; tearing and painful. Boils; which bleed a great deal all the time. Want of action of the skin. Itch, burning; creeping; gnawing. Skin scurfy; sticky; clammy. Brown mortification. Pale swelling. Ulcers in general; bleeding; burning; burning on the edge; scabby; fistulous; hard; hard on edge; itching; painless; tearing. Salt rheum. Varices suppurating. FEVER.-Chilliness FEVER. Chilliness in general. Dry heat; heat with want of perspiration; perspiration stinking; perspiration viscid. SENSATIONS.-Sensation of coldness in inner parts; numb- 128 Lycopodium. ness or insensibility; pinching pains, particularly in inner parts; sensation as if single parts had gone to sleep; draw- ing pains in outer parts, drawing from above downwards, or pains running from above downwards. GENERALITIES.-Affections in general of right eye; right side of the face; right hypochondrium; right abdominal ring; left chest; left lower extremity; general symptoms right side (though they may spread to the left); hair of the head rectum; bladder; hands; fingers; finger-joints; back part in the lumbar region; feet; ankles; legs, and lower extremities in general. Hard hearing; smell too sensitive. Deep furrows on the face; same on forchead; sensations in the temples. Collection of water in the mouth, i. c., "mouth waters." Obstructed evacuation; painless diarrhoea. Anything run- ning from right to left. Palpitation of the heart, with or without anguish, with flapping of the wings of the nose; enlargement of the heart; hypertrophy in general. Apo- plexia; crethism of blood, accompanied with flashes of heat; chlorosis. Consumption resulting from badly treated pneumonia. Crooked legs; ankles weak; emaciation in general; painless paralysis; old sprains; tension, tightness, or stiffness of the joints; weakness of the joints. Great debility. Swelling of the glands; enlargement of the bones; caries of the bones; arthritic nodes. AGGRAVATIONS.—In the afternoon from four to eight; in the evening; before midnight; after eating, if only a very little (this may be a sensation of great fullness, perhaps extending clear up to the throat; China, fullness is felt after eating a full, regular meal; Lyc., fullness after eating or drinking a little,-can't eat any more, though would like to, as they "feel so very full "); wrapping up the head, or even from wearing the hat or bonnet; before menstruation; from sup- pressed menstruation; while lying down,-must change the place every little while; lying on either side; on lying down and rising; from lamp light or gas light; from look- Magnesia Carbonica. 129 ing fixedly at any point; from eating cabbage; from cold food generally,—-must have everything warm; from eating vegetables with husks; from drinking wine; pressure from without, even of the clothes, (must loosen them, especially with the "full" feeling); after rising from a seat; from strong smells; while urinating; on getting warm in the open air; in the wind; from wrapping up one's self. AMELIORATIONS.-On getting cool; in company; from eructation, up or down; from uncovering the head; from loosening the garments; from moving; after rising from a seat; after uncovering the body; generally from warm or hot things, and from getting warm in bed. Remedies following: Bell., Bry., Calc. c., Hyos., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Sep., Stram., Sul., Veratrum a. Antidote: Puls. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Carbonate of Magnesia. This salt is white, soft to the touch, and inodorous. Sometimes occurs native; may be prepared artificially. Take 10 parts of the whitest and lightest, and triturate with go parts of sugar of milk. WE often use this with great advantage for complaints. arising in people who have been taking this drug to "sweeten the stomach." FEMALES.--Menses too late; too scanty; mucous leucor- rhea; toothache of pregnant females; females who get sore-throat before menstruating. DREAMS. Dreams anxious; of dead persons; of fire; of thieves. GENERALITIES.-Affections of the left abdominal ring; great amount of flatus which is sour when eructated. Pains in the top of the shoulder-joints, generally left side, which 1 130 Magnesia Muriatica. Manganum. prevent raising the arm; much pain in the malar bones, particularly at night, preventing sleep, or they may appear swollen. Expectoration of soft tubercles big as a pea, and very offensive in smell. Diarrhoea (especially in children) which looks like the green on a frog pond. Remedies following: Caust., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sul. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. • Muriate of Magnesia. This salt is found in many mineral waters, and in the sea water. It has a very bitter taste, and is decomposed by heat. Triturate. STOOL.-Very costive, only passing a very small quantity of feces; obstructions of the bowels from induration of the feces; stools knotty. GENERALITIES.-Affections of the right hypochondrium; inner region of the liver. Poor appetite; bad taste in the mouth; eructations; Indurations after inflammations; hysteria, which may occur several times in a day or night. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night. AMELIORATIONS.-From pressure from without. Remedies following: Bell., Lyc., Nat. m., Puls., Sepia. Antidote: Camphora. MANGANUM. Manganese. The pure metal is of a silver gray, without taste or smell; has a slight metallic lustre, with a granular fracture. It is easily filed and reduced to a powder. Triturate. THE bones are very sensitive; red spots on the skin, which are elevated, owing to the affections of the bones. Marum Verum Teucrium. Menyanthes Trifoliata. 131 Ankles are particularly affected; children may have this trouble, and be unable to walk. Typhus fever, where the parotid gland is swollen, and the bones are very sensitive to the touch. Affections of the internal ear; upper part of the chest. Hoarse voice; drawing sensation of the muscles. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night; on stooping; lying on a feather bed, (asthmatic patients can't lie on a feather bed); from talking. Remedies following: Puls., Rhus, Sulphur. Antidote: Camphor. MARUM VERUM TEUCRIUM. Cat-thyme. This is a shrub with an erect stem; leaves opposite and petiolate; flowers rosy, and at the ends of the branches. The plant has an aromatic camphor odor, which is very pleasing to cats. We use the. plant without the root. Tincture. ONE of the strongest characteristics of this remedy is, patients can't sleep at night on account of an intense itching at the anus, which may be produced by ascarides, causing him to toss and roll about all night-the itching lasts all night. Hiccough; flatus in general. Very dry skin; entire absence of perspiration. Affections in general of the finger tips; joints of the toes. Remedies following: Chin., Puls., Sil. Antidote: Cam- phor. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA.. Buck-Bean. This plant is a native of North America, and is found in flowing water, in ditches, swamps, &c. The root is long, thick and jointed; 132 Mephitis Putorius. Mercurius Vivus. the stem is creeping first, then erect; flower stalk is erect, terminating in a conical raceme of whitish flowers; fruit is a two-valved, one- celled capsule, having many seeds. We use the dried plant to prepare a tincture. No thirst at any time. Jerking pain in outer parts, also pinching pain in outer parts. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening; while chewing; lying down. AMELIORATION.-From pressure from without. Remedies following: Caps., Lyc., Puls., Rhus. MEPHITIS PUTORIUS. Skunk. We use the liquor, and make the three first preparations by tritura- ting. WHOOPING, or any kind of cough, which is very violent, coming on spasmodically, and seeming as though cach spell would terminate life. MERCURIUS VIVUS. Quicksilver. This must be reduced to a state of purity. When so prepared, it is of a brilliant tin white, fluid at ordinary temperature, and evapo- rates in the air. Triturate. GENERAL AFFECTIONS.-This remedy covers in general, affections of the mouth and fauces; right side of the fauces; right side of the neck; nape of the neck; (i. c., affections appearing in any of the mentioned places). Mercurius Vivus. 133 Margin of the eyelids; forehead; scalp; bones of the head; external top of the head; external nose, (as the bridge of the nose may swell up very large on both sides and on the top); glands of the neck; glands about the ear; joints of the jaws, which are often stiff and sore; corners of the lips; inner region of the liver; external belly, which may be hard and sensitive to the touch; inguinal ring, either one; inguinal glands, they may swell every time the patient gets his feet wet, or takes cold,-gets stiff and can't walk; glands of the neck and lower jaw; shoulder blades ; shin bones; bones of the leg; joints in general, particularly arthritic pain in the joints. MOUTH AND THROAT.-Gums are spongy and bleed easily; affections generally of the inner mouth: uvula; tongue; under the tongue; tongue covered with a very heavy, thick, yellow, moist covering. Rarely give Merc., if the tongue is dry. Increase of saliva; thirst, although there is so much saliva; bad smell from the mouth. Taste bitter; sometimes salt. Sensation as of something rising in the throat with desire to swallow it down; throat gets sore whenever a cold is taken. Respiration having a bad smell. Cough and expectoration in the day, and none at night. GLANDS.-Glands of the neck; of the lower jaw; about the ears; inguinal (see “general affections "); inflammation of; painful; pricking; having pulsations in; swelling of; hot swelling of; inflammatory swelling of BONES. Softening of the bones, so they will bend; en- largement of; caries of; inflammation of; prickling of; tearing in. SKIN. Exanthema burning; pock-shaped, (hence think of this remedy in small pox); of scarlet color; with swelling; miliary eruptions; purulent exanthema, i. c., ulcerating; ecchymosis, forming of black and blue spots, without receiving any external injury. Erysipelas. Spha- celus; brown mortification. Tetters in general; burning; 134 Mercurius Vivus. suppurating. Ulcers in general; with burning on the edges; hard on the edges; with indented edges; with bloody pus; with corroding pus; with ichorous pus; having too little pus; too thin pus; thin, tenacious, sticky pus; swollen, inflamed; looking like lard; prickling; pulsating; painful on the edges; swollen on the edges. FEVER.-Perspiration in general; perspiration yellow, leaving a yellow stain on the linen; perspiration on the lower extremities, cold and clammy, (especially at night); with concomitant complaints. Chilliness and heat alter- nately; heat and shuddering at the same time; heat with thirst; heat and shuddering alternately. SLEEP.-Falling asleep late; complaints preventing sleep. (as toothache, or any severe pain or trouble, &c.); sleepless- ness in general; before midnight. STOOL.-Stool acrid; bloody; knotty; containing pus; viscid; complaints before, as a sick, painful, faint feeling comes on just before stool; complaints during; tenesmus; tenesmus without stool; diarrhoea with slime, (Merc. is rarely indicated in these troubles where there is no slime). URINARY ORGANS.-Urine acrid; dark; turbid; too fre- quent; complaints while passing, and after. Affections of the urethra. Male genital organs; penis; glans penis; prepuce; erections,-little boys may have this, lasting all night, causing emaciation; boys often pull and tear at the prepuce all the time, which may cause great emaciation, and result in death; adults often have this pulling, a kind of itching being the cause, and a feeling as if he "must do so"; collection of smegma, i. e., of a whitish substance, behind the glans penis. FEMALES.-Leucorrhoea in general; complaints concom- itant to leucorrhoea. Itching and burning, &c., of the female genital organs, relieved by washing with cold water. Mezereum. 135 NOSE.-Acrid nasal secretion, the nose sometimes being red and excoriated all the time; "dirty-nosed children." SENSATIONS.-Sensation of coldness in outer parts; burn- ing pain of inner parts; cutting in inner parts; darting pains in outer parts; darting in the bones. GENERALITIES.-Momentary loss of sight; black spots before the eyes; discharges from the ears; bleeding of the nose; sallow colored face. Eructations; vomiting of bile. Blackness of outer parts; bleeding from inner parts; restlessness of the body; inflammation of inner parts, also of the mucous membranes; secretion of mucous increased from any of the mucous membranes. Scurvy, particularly where there is much salivation; wasting away of soft parts; strictures after inflammation; inflammatory swellings; weakness of joints; parts which are usually white turn red; zona or shingles. AGGRAVATIONS.-At night; before falling asleep; when blowing the nose; during a catarrh; in children; from cold air; after taking cold; from lamp light; during per- spiration; during the small pox; before stool; while uri- nating; on getting warm in bed; while lying on the right side; during stool; after having urinated. Remedies following: Ars., Assafat., Bell., Calc. c., Lyc., Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sep., Sil., Sulphur. Antidotes Bell., Carb. v., China, Hepar, Nit. ac., Sul- phur; and where there has been an overdosing, all symptoms agreeing, give Merc., high. MEZEREUM. Daphne Mezereum. This shrub is from three to four feet high. The leaves are smooth and about two inches long; the flowers appear before the leaves, 136 Moschus. carly in Spring, and sometimes will even bloom in the snow. The fruit is oval and of a bright red color, containing a single seed. We prepare a tincture. THIS remedy is often useful in cases of very violent neu- ralgic pains about the teeth or face, particularly if the pain be in the left bone, running towards the ear; also neuralgic pains at night in the teeth. Affections of any kind ap- pearing on the external head, principally right side; teeth in left side; forehead; shin bone. Collection of water in the mouth, i. e., "mouth waters." Urine with real flakes, which float about on top of the urine. Subsultus ten- dinum, as in typhoid fever, etc., when by putting the fingers on the wrist or on other parts of the body, the tendons are felt to jump and jerk. Burning, darting sensation in the muscles, like fire darting through them. SKIN.-Desquamation of the skin; blotches on the skin. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening, or through the night. Remedies following: Calc. c., Caust., Ignat., Lyc., Phos., Nux. v., Mer., Puls. Antidote: Merc. MOSCHUS. Musk. This is taken from a certain deer, which inhabits the mountains of Siberia, China, Thibet, etc. The substance is contained in a hairy bag under the belly of the old male, near the sexual parts. Of musk there are two kinds, the Tonquin and Siberian. We use the Ton- quin as being the best. It comes to us in very small bags, looking like coagulated blood. Triturate. WE may think strongly of this remedy in nervous or spasmodic complaints where the patient feels very cold: in epileptic fits, for instance, where there is rigor or chilliness, or shuddering, as though the patient was very cold. In Muriatic Acid. 137 complaints where the smell of musk affords great relief. Where there is a sense of fullness in the inner parts. SENSATIONS.-Sensation of coldness in the skin; great sensation of coldness in outer single parts; external chilli- ness with internal heat. Pain, where there is a sensation of oppression, or a very severe oppressive pain. Aggravations.-From cold in general; in cold air; on getting cold. AMELIORATIONS.-On getting warm; from warmth in general. When pure, this acid taste. MURIATIC ACID. Hydrochloric Acid. this acid is colorless, of a pungent smell, and very acrid We make a tincture by using distilled water for the first dilu- tion; equal parts of water and Alcohol for the second; alcohol alone for the third, &c. THIS remedy is often very serviceable in cases where the patient can't pass water without having the bowels moved at the same time; in typhus or low grades of fever where we find this condition of things with great prostration. Patient may think he is going to pass a little wind, when urine will come away also. Hæmorrhoids very tender to the touch, so much so, that he can scarcely bear to use paper after an evacuation; after confinement, hæmorrhoids. protrude so that the pressure of a sheet can scarcely be borne. In low types of fever the patient often slips down toward the foot of the bed, and must be lifted up every little while. Can't bear the sight or thought of meat, it is so distasteful. Urine too copious both night and day. GENERAL AFFECTIONS.-Affections in general, of any 138 Natrum Carbonicum. kind, appearing in the tendo achillis; the soles of the feet; scurvy, particularly if the parts affected are very sore and tender to the touch. Itching of the skin relieved by scratch- ing. Putrid ulcers. Remedies following: Calc. c., Kali. c., Puls., Nux. v., Sil., Sul., Sep. Antidote: Bry. NATRUM CARBONICUM. Carbonate of Soda. This salt abounds in Egypt, and in some plants growing along the maritime shores of France, &c. When purified for Homœopathic purposes it has a cooling and slightly alkaline taste. Triturate. MENTAL.-There is a very marked degree of gayety manifested by the patient; he is difficult of comprehension, which is unnatural to him when in health; imbecility, or weakness of the intellect. STOOLS.-Diarrhoea which is marked by a sudden and obligatory call to stool, which escapes with great haste, noise and rushing, often producing considerable commotion in the abdomen; yellow fluid; discharge almost involun- tary; may frequently find a yellow substance like the pulp of an orange in the discharge, which may often be observed in women at change of life. NOSE. All troubles of the external nose, which may attain a morbid size; may have pimples on it, etc.; puffi- ness of the nose. SLEEP. Waking too early in the morning. Dreams many; pleasant; amorous. GENERAL AFFECTIONS.-Toothache in the lower jaw. Mucous in the urine. Nocturnal erections; nocturnal pol- Natrum Muriaticum. 139 lutions. Bad smell of the nasal secretion; bad smell of the expectoration. Troubles appearing in the back part of the head; also heel. Aversion to the open air. Cutting pain in the outer parts. Hysterics. Old sprains; one who is easily sprained,—i. e., a disposition to be sprained by any exertion. Exanthema purulent, or filled with pus. Falling out of the hair. Inclination to perspire, which may be. caused by any exertion. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the forenoon; before eating; from spraining the parts; from music; in the sun; from talking. AMELIORATIONS.-From boring with the fingers into the nose or ears (differing from Cina. in this respect, that under Nat. carb., relief is afforded); after eating; pressure from without; rubbing; scratching; wiping with the hand. Remedies following: Calc. c., Puls., Nux v., Sep., Sul. Antidote: Camphor. NATRUM MURIATICUM. Chloride of Sodium. Common Salt. HEAD AND FACE.-Affections of the inner head; head- ache as though a thousand little hammers were knocking upon the brain; this pain may be felt in the forehead also; head- ache on awakening in the morning, whether it be early or late, lasting for two or three hours. Falling off of the hair; losing hair from the temples. Affections of the right eye; angles of the eyes; momentary loss of sight; dimness of vision where the letters appear to run together. Left side of the nose. Exanthema on the mouth; lips; in intermit- tent fever where there are large exanthematous spots, look- ing like large peas, on the lips (sore spots); lips look puffy. MENTAL.-Anxious dreams; dreams of thieves in the : 140 Natrum Muriaticum. house, making so strong an impression that the patient wakes up and can't get to sleep again, until the room or house has been searched; fantastic dreams. Great sadness. FEVER. The most characteristic and reliable symptoms are: intermittent fever with the mentioned sores on the lips, the approach of the fever being heralded by an excessive thirst before the chill and during the chill, no thirst during the fever; during the fever, or at its close, the above ham- mering headache begins, which lasts for a long time after the fever and perspiration have passed away; the attack comes on in the fore part of the day; after it passes off, the patient wishes to retain a recumbent position, does not "feel able" to get up, or go about anything; pulse inter- mitting, or irregular; chilliness with thirst. GASTRIC.-Can't bear to cat or even think of bread; hunger without appetite, as may be very hungry, but no appetite to eat; frequent eructations. FEMALES.-Menstruation too late, particularly if accom- panied with great sadness. Menses last too long. Con- comitant complaints to leucorrhoea. HEART.-Affections of the heart and region of the heart; palpitation of; enlargement of, &c., pulsations of heart. intermittent. JOINTS.-Joints of the leg in general; popliteal space or hollow of the knee; ankle; contraction of the joints; tension, tightness, or stiffness of the joints. SENSATIONS.-Jerking pain in outer parts; pain as if sprained, especially in outer parts. GENERALITIES.-Obstruction from inactivity of the bow- els; insufficient feces. Affections of the pit of the stomach; rectum; external belly. Reddish urine; complaints after making water. Convulsions with jerkings. Muscles being Nitrum. Nitric Acid. 141 shortened, Old sprains; fungus hæmatodes; polypus; hang-nails. Where the muscles or tendons are shortened, and the legs or arms are drawn up. AGGRAVATIONS.—In the morning; periodically; from mortification caused by offence; after eating; from work- ing with the hands,-which may cause pain in the chest, &c., from spraining the parts; from looking fixedly at an object; from abuse of Peruvian bark; from reading; from talking; after urinating; having leucorrhoea; from writing. AMELIORATIONS.-While fasting before breakfast; after lying down. Remedies following: Bry., Calc. c., Puls., Rhus., Scp., Sul. Antidote: Camphor. NITRU M. Nitre. Saltpetre. This is a well-known salt. When purified for Homeopathic pur- poscs, it forms an entirely dry powder, of dazzling whiteness. Tritu- rate. Urine very pale, frequent and profuse. Full pulse. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the morning; afternoon; evening; after midnight; from eating veal. Remedies following: Bell., Calc. c., Puls., Rhus., Sep. Antidote: Dulc. NITRIC ACID. Aqua-fortis. This acid is not found in a free state, but it exists in all Nitrates combined with a base. When pure, it is colorless, has an acrid and 142 Nitric Acid. caustic taste, with a disagreeable smell. It destroys organic matters and turns them yellow; the first dilution is made with water, the second with alcohol diluted with twice its volume of water, third, etc., with pure alcohol. THIS remedy so closely resembles Merc., in many points, that it is often very difficult to distinguish between the two; Nit. ac. usually is applicable in dark haired people, and Merc. in light haired people. SKIN.-Pimples, or exanthema, in general; stinging ex- anthema; brown sphacelus; red, brownish spots scattered over the body, especially if in dark haired people; tightness of the skin; warts. Ulcers; with ichorous pus; having a pricking or sticking sensation as if a sharp stick or fish- bone was present; sensation as if a sharp splinter was being run into the ulcer at the slightest touch,—even of the sheet. EARS.-Hardness of hearing, especially when relieved by riding in a carriage or in the cars,-i. c., hear better (like Graph.) SENSATIONS.-As though a sharp splinter was being stuck into the affected part on the slightest contact with any- thing; same in the throat on swallowing (Hep., Sul.); as if a band was around the affected part or parts; as though a band was around the bones; jerking pain in in- ner parts. GENERALITIES.-Affections in general, of any kind, ap- pearing in the right eye, (e. g. as if a grain of sand was there); right side of the neck; nape of the neck; left hypo- chondriac region; left chest; inguinal glands; left lower extremity; bones of the head. Bleeding of the nose; bleed- ing from inner parts. Obstructed flatus. Urine reddish; ; usually offensive. Male genital organs in general; glans penis; erections. Much discharge of blood after stool. Chlorosis. Disposition to catch cold. Contraction of the joints; cracking of the joints; frozen limbs; swelling of Nux Moschata. 143 the glands. In-growing of the toe-nails; where the nail seems to have grown into the flesh, but in reality has not,— very sore, with more or less ulceration, and a feeling as if a sharp splinter was being stuck into the affected part on any contact. Complaints concomitant to waking; too much perspiration, which smells badly. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening; in the night; particu- larly after-part of the night; on wakening; while eating; from punctured wounds; from milk; abuse of Mercury. AMELIORATION.-While riding in a carriage. Remedies following: Calc. c., Carb. v., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sul., Merc. Antidote: Hepar. NUX MOSCHATA. Nutmeg. From This is a tall tree, growing in the tropical climes. The fruit is the size of a hen's egg, containing the kernel, or nutmeg proper. this we prepare a tincture. SLEEP.-Drowsiness; very sleepy; stupor-like sleep; complaints causing sleepiness. FEVER.-Chilliness without thirst; heat without thirst; want of perspiration; no thirst. GENERALITIES.—Very dry mouth, so dry that the tongue may adhere to the roof of the mouth, but no desire for water, rather an aversion to it. (On the contrary, Merc., where the tongue is very moist, perhaps dripping with saliva, and there is great thirst). Affections of the tem- ples, e. g., headaches with very dry mouth and no desire for water; sensation of dryness in the inner parts; buzzing, humming, or "funny feeling" in the body; dryness of the skin. 144 Nux Vomica. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the open air; in cold air; in cold. and wet weather; when the weather changes, whether from dry and pleasant to wet, or vice versa, until it becomes settled; in wet weather; in windy weather; lying on painful side. AMELIORATIONS.-In the room; air being warm; in dry weather. Remedies following: Lyc., Nux v., Puls., Rhus, Stram., Tart. em. Antidote: Camphor. NUX VOMICA. Vomit Nut. This is a tree of moderate size, bearing as fruit a large round berry, which contains many seeds. From the latter we prepare a tincture, MENTAL.-Irritability of a sullen cast; no desire to hold any communication with any one; gives surly answers; doesn't wish to be touched; disinclination to do or say anything; wants to be alone, is quiet and sullen; will scold severely, and abuse when talked to; malicious. Dizziness of the mind, i. e., an unsteady, wavering condition. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Extreme hunger; sour taste; belching of wind, which is difficult, they want to belch, but a kind of œsophageal constriction seems to prevent it; hic-coughing; heartburn. Nausea, particularly where the patient feels very sick at the stomach, feels "If I could only vomit, I would be so much better." Vomiting in general; of bile; of food; of sour matter. Flatus in general; · flatulent colic; rumbling and rolling in the bowels; pressing as of a heavy load in the stomach or abdomen, sometime after eating. Affections in the inner belly generally; also upper belly, inner part; sense of stricture or tightness around the hypochondriac region. Nux Vomica. 145 STOOL AND ANUS.-Obstructed evacuation from inactivity of the bowels; i. e., constipation; constant urging sensation in the rectum for a stool, which never comes; or a small portion of fecal matter may be passed with this urging, leaving the sensation as though a little lump was left behind in the rectum, which was yet to come away; stool bloody; mucous stool, having little lumps of feces with the mu- cous; in dysentery, particularly where there is blood and slime with little lumps of feces in the slime; insufficient feces, particularly where there is a sensation as if more feces were yet to come; complaints after stool; tenesmus without stool. FEMALES. Female genital organs in general; female sexual desire too strong; metrorrhagia, especially when accompanied by sensation as though bowels wanted to be moved; menses too early; lasting too long; profuse; blood too dark; complaints after menstruation. Fainting away after every labor-pain; in labor where, with every pain, there is a sensation as though the bowels ought to be moved; in threatened abortion, or retained placenta, after abortion or parturition, with a constant feeling of uneasiness in the rectum, as though the bowels ought to be moved; hæmorrhage from the uterus with the same symptom. MALES.-Male genital organs in general; any affec- tions, particularly of the prepuce; erections; complaints from involuntary seminal emissions. NOSE.-Troublesome dry catarrh of the nose, which usually comes on very early in the morning. Epistaxis with dark blood; smelling too sensitive. COUGH.-Tight, dry, hacking cough; with bloody ex- pectoration; blood dark; sour taste of expectoration. SLEEP.-Yawning in general; yawning with stretching of the limbs; awaking too early, between three and four 146 Nux Vomica. A. M., feel pretty well at that time, lie awake two or three hours, fall asleep again, and on reawakening, feel miserably, bad taste in the mouth, etc.; stupor-like sleep in the morning; sleepy in the day time; sleepiness in the morn- ing at usual hour of rising; sleepiness in the afternoon; also in the evening; sleeplessness after midnight; anxious dreams, "pursued by cats and dogs," etc.; anxious dreams about fatal accidents, of quarreling, etc.; about exerting the mind; amorous. FEVER. Chilliness, external or internal; chill with FEVER.-Chilliness, thirst; heat in general; heat with anxiety, with restlessness; aversion to undress or uncover; external heat with internal chilliness; compound fevers in general; perspiration in general; on one side only; when perspiring, wants to throw off the covers. SENSATIONS.-Red colored face, and patient feeling as though he was sitting before a hot fire. Heartburn. Con- stant urging to stool, and after stool a feeling as though more was yet to come. Sensation of anxiousness in the body; biting or pungent pain; pain as if bruised in the outer parts, especially where the patient is cross about it, doesn't wish to see any one, o talk about it, etc.; feels uneasy and encumbered by the clothes; dragging pain in the liver, abdomen, etc., as though something was being dragged down; sensation of heaviness in the outer or inner parts; jerking pain in outer parts; "feels unwell," is a little cross, inclined to taciturnity, etc.; itching or tickling in inner parts, there may be a tickling sensation in the throat, for example, with a desire to scratch; sensation of roughness in the inner parts; of tightness or tension in inner parts. GENERALITIES.-Dark hair. Affections in general of the knee joint; anus; rectum; larynx; trachea; nape of the neck; right ear; gums; inner mouth; palate; gullet; Nux Vomica. 147 right side of the face; forehead; angles of the eyes; right hypochondrium; right abdominal ring; right side of sex- ual organs; right side generally; left side of the chest. Right abdominal ring where there is a protruding inguinal hernia. Humming in the ears; reddish yellow face. In- crease of saliva; aversion to coffee; obstructed flatus; complaints before making water; affections of the bladder in general. Respiration oppressed, particularly if from a tightness around the hypochondria. Complaints in the back; small of the back; lumbago, rheumatism, &c., where the patient cannot turn over,-to do so he must rise up, then turn over; something seeming to be in the back which pre- vents turning over; strong aversion to the open air, can't turn over if air is let in under the bed clothes, also makes him chilly. Bleeding from inner parts, especially if the blood be dark; disposition to catch cold; emaciation in general. Fainting fits; may faint after every labor pain; or patient may have vomiting spells, and faint away after each attack; in diarrhoea may faint after every stool. Jaundice; yellow skin; inflammation of the mucous mem- branes; inclination to lie down and be alone; increased secretion of mucous; nervous debility; scurvy; spasms in the inner parts; staggering when walking; strictures after inflammation. AGGRAVATIONS.-Waking at four A. M., with an aggrava- tion; in the morning; after midnight; from mental affections; from anger; anger with anxiety; with vehemence; in the open air; before breakfast; suppressed catarrh; in cold. air; dry weather; while coughing, (sometimes shocks are felt in the pit of the stomach with every cough); from drinking; in drunkards; after eating (too much); from exertion of the mind; from shaking the head; also from uncovering it; after intoxication; lying on the back; after menstruation; from narcotic medicine; from noise; brandy; coffee; cold food; cold water; wine; involuntary pollu- tions; pressure of the clothes; derangement of the stom- 148 1 Oleander. ach; after stool; before urinating; while walking in the open air; in clear fine weather; in the wind; when yawning. On waking in the night. AMELIORATIONS.-Head symptoms better from having the head wrapped up or covered; lying down; lying on side; from loosening the garments; in the room; from warmth in general or hot things; on getting warm, and on getting warm in bed; in damp and wet weather; after dis- charging wind; while lying in bed. Remedies following: Ars., Bell., Bry., Lyc., Puls., Rhus., Sep., Sul. Antidotes: Coffea, Ignat. OLEANDER. Nerium Oleander. We may find this tree almost anywhere, as it is extensively cultiva- ted. The stems are branchy; leaves on short petioles; flowers are in clusters, and are either red or white. We use the leaves of the flow- ering plant. Tincture. SENSATIONS.-Buzzing or humming in the body; numb feeling, or painless paralyzed feeling, as if inner parts were distended; pulsations in outer parts; gnawing itching; bit- ing or pungent pain after scratching; numbness of the skin, or itching numbness. GENERALITIES.-Symptoms generally on left side; left ear; affections of the scalp. Momentary loss of sight; blue color about the eyes; undigested feces. Dropsy of outer parts. One of the best remedies for paralysis. Chap- ping of the skin; want of perspiration. Remedies following: Con., Lyc., Natr. m., Puls., Rhus., Sep., Spig. Antidote: Camph. OPIUM. White Poppy. This is an annual plant, with a round, smooth stem; leaves are large and toothed; flowers very large and light colored. Opium comes to us in black cakes of a greasy, shining appearance, of bitter taste and strong odor. We use the black Opium from Smyrna. Tincture. MENTAL.-Daring state of the mind; gayety; affections of the intellect; very easy of comprehension; delirium. RESPIRATION. Where there is continued and steady ster- torous breathing; (there may be occasional stertorous breath- ing, as for instance coming on and lasting a little while after a convulsion,-but wait and see whether that does not presently die away; if there is continued stertorous breathing, give Opium.) Respiration deep; unequal. FACE.-Bluish appearance of the face; very red; bloated; distorted. STOOL.-Obstructed evacuation; stools resemble hard, round, black balls, and are voided in succession; evacua- tion obstructed from indurated feces. SLEEP.-Drowsiness; sleep not refreshing; deep and heavy sleep with stertorous respiration; sleep with open eyes; concomitant complaints to morbid sleep. Dreams very pleasant; amorous; fantastic. FEVER.-Absence of perspiration; heat without perspi- ration; very hot, sweltering perspiration; complaints con- comitant to perspiration,-i. e., those which may appear with perspiration. Intermittent fever where the chilliness. is followed by heat, with perspiration which may be hot and sweltering; where there is no chill, but the fever is accompanied by this perspiration; patient may not feel cold 149 1 150 Paris Quadrifolia. all day, or may have only a little chill, and at night when in bed complain that, "the sheets feel so very hot." SENSATIONS.-Feeling of numbness in the outer parts; of some kind of an obstruction in the inner parts; pains like labor pains. Generalities.—Pupils dilated,—may see this after chol- era infantum where the brain is threatened; hardness of hearing; hunger without desire to eat. Discharge of urine too scanty. Labor pains ceasing; labor too weak. Apoplexy with stertorous breathing; blackness of outer parts; blueness of the whole skin or Cyanosis. Motion. convulsive; clonic spasms, especially when the stertorous. breathing lasts all the time between the spells; blue black swelling here and there over the body. AGGRAVATIONS.-From anxiety or fear; from reproaches; with drunkards; after brandy; from spirituous liquors in general; during respiration; on rising; during sleep; after sleep; in pregnancy where the mother complains of the violent motions of the foetus. (Sensation as though a living fœtus was moving in the abdomen, when there is nothing there, Croc. sat.). Remedies following: Acon., Bell., Bry., Hyos., Nux. m., Nux. v., Tart. m. Antidote: Ipec. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. True Love. This plant abounds in wet woods, thickets, &c. The root is creep- ing, rounded and jointed; stem is crect, round, about a foot high; leaves are at the top of the stem, pointed and arranged like a cross; flowers are of a yellowish green; berry is dark blue. We use the plant. Tincture. GREAT sensitiveness to offensive odors; imaginary foul Petroleum. 151 smells. Cough with expectoration in the morning, without expectoration in the evening. Sensation of extension in size, i. e., patient feels very large. Collection of water in the mouth. Urine with greasy cuticle on the surface. Affections of any kind on the eyebrows; inner temples. Remedies following: Calc. c., Puls., Phos., Nux v., Rhus t., Sul., Scp. Antidote; Coff. PETROLEUM. This substance exudes from the earth, in certain localities, through fissures of rocks, etc. There are different species of this article, but the kind we use is the White Petroleum, or Mountain Naptha. Trit- urate. AFFECTIONS in general, of any kind, appearing on the right eye; internal or external occiput; behind the ears; inner surface of the thighs; ball or under part of the toes; knee joint. When a person complains of eruption or itching at night, (affecting the scrotum particularly), the eruption being either dry or moist; chillblains, particularly where they itch a good deal and are moist. Exanthema corrod- ing and spreading; very difficult to heal; sensibility of the skin in general; sores produced by lying in bed. Strong aversion to fat food; also to meat; also to the open air; made worse by eating cabbage. Catalepsy; cracking of the joints; inflexibility of the joints. Tonic spasms; sprains, chronic sprains. Remedies following: Calc. c., Lyc., Bry., Nux. v., Puls., Sep., Sik, Sul. Antidote: Nux v. PHOSPHORUS. We prepare this remedy by triturating. THIS remedy is particularly adapted for complaints exist ing in tall thin persons, having dark hair; especially in women. STOOL. A very characteristic symptom of this drug is found in the stool, which is long, slim, hard and dry, and is evacuated with a great deal of difficulty; it may be com- pared to a dog's stool in appearance and in manner of evacuation, is often occompanied with the same straining, trembling of the limbs, etc. Diarrhoea, which pours out in great quantity, like water from a hydrant, and is very exhausting to the patient, (often accompanied with a very weak, empty or gone feeling in the abdomen); painless; stools large; involuntary; mucous. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-A most characteristic feature is a very WEAK, EMPTY, or GONE SENSATION, felt in the whole abdominal cavity; this is a very indicative point of Phos., whether found existing among a complication of troubles or occurring alone, and especially when accompanied by a sen- sation of heat in the back between the shoulder blades. Vom- iting as soon as any substance taken (whether it be food or drink) becomes warm in the stomach; vomiting of blood; of sour matter. Sharp pains through the abdomen; belching of large quantities of wind, also of sour substances; rumbling and rolling in the bowels. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Hard, tight, dry cough which racks the patient and is very exhausting, usually aggrava- ted by going into the open air; with or without expectora- tion; saltish expectoration; with expectoration in the morning, without any in the evening; of a bloody, puru- lent matter; of yellow matter; of sour taste. Growing hoarse toward evening; complete aphonia; voice very 152 } Phosphorus. 153 hoarse. Respiration oppressed; anxious; complaints at- tending respiration, as e. g., stitches, &c. MENTAL.-Affections of the mind in general; amative- ness; indifference; dizziness of the mind; Nymphomania. EYES.-Colors appear black before the eyes; weak-eyed people who see a halo around the lamp light; short-sight- edness; dim-sightedness when things appear of a dim gray; momentary loss of sight. NASAL. Blood comes every time the nose is blown; smelling too sensitive; foul imaginary smells. FEMALES.-Female sexual desire too strong; Nymphoma- nia; menstruation too early; discharge of blood before the proper time; acrid leucorrhoea. Mammary glands, especially when there are stitching pains in them and are threatened with abscess, (especially in tall, thin, dark-haired females.) SKIN.-Exanthema which comes out in pustules; is scaly. Ulcers in general. Summer freckles; hard swell- ings here and there on the body; wounds that bleed very much, even if very small; wounds which appear to have healed, break out again and bleed; wounds that continually heal and break out again. SLEEP.-Falling asleep late; complaints preventing sleep; general sleepiness in the day-time; overpowering sleep coming on after dinner, if only a moderate dinner has been eaten; sleepless before midnight; sleeplessness with drowsiness. Dreams anxious, vivid. FEVER.-Pulse changed in general; very quick. Inter- nal or external heat of single parts; flushes of heat; per- spiration viscid. SENSATIONS.—OF EMPTINESS IN THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY; OF HEAT OR BURNING IN THE BACK BETWEEN THE SHOULDER BLADES. Neuralgia of the head, when the head must be kept warmly wrapped up night and day. Burning pain of 1 154 Phosphorus. external parts, or of internal parts; inner parts with sen- sation of dryness; of fullness; of itching or tickling; of knocking, beating, or throbbing; of darting; darting pain; of roughness;-all occurring in inner parts. Stitching pains. GENERALITIES.-Affections of the inner chest; of the shin bones; of the bones of the legs; of the right upper or right lower extremity; right upper or right lower side; of the anus; rectum; dartings and shootings in the rectum. (This may occur in children, causing them to cry out, is usually worse in the evening or night; they appear to have worms; they will put their hands to the seat, and show by various signs where and what the matter is.) Flatus in general; profuse secretion of mucus; palpitation of the heart with anguish. Affections of the axillary glands; in- flammation of the glands in general; glands painful, par- ticularly stitching pains; hot swelling of the glands. Bleed- ing from the inner parts; threatened phthisis pulmonalis, particularly in tall, slim persons; sprains. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the morning; in the evening; before. falling asleep; on waking; before breakfast; after taking cold; while coughing; before or after eating; from violent bleeding; from spraining parts; while lying on the back; lying on left side; from laughing (often producing cough); from light in general; light of the lamp; warm food. Very thirsty, takes water, likes it, feels better, water gets warm in the stomach and is vomited. Reading aloud; from strong smells; after stool (exhausted, &c.); while swallowing drink; in the wind; when singing; when the weather changes. either way. AMELIORATIONS.-In the dark; lying on right side; from being mesmerized; from rubbing; from scratching; after sleep; from cold things; cold food; cold water (till it gets warm.) Remedies following: Bell., Bry., Calc. c., Nux v., Puls., Sep., Sul. Antidote: Nux v. PHOSPHORIC ACID. This may be obtained from well powdered and calcined bones with concentrated Sulphuric Acid, or by treating Phosphorous with Nitric Acid. The first attenuation is made with distilled water, the second with a mixture of equal parts of water and alcohol, the third with pure alcohol. MENTAL.-A most marked characteristic of Phos, ac. is found in the mental condition. This is a complete indifference to everything; it is not a soporous, nor a delirious, nor irritable condition, but simply an indifferent state of the mind to all things; patient not wanting anything, not wanting to speak, shows no interest in the outside world, &c. This in- difference may occur in any disease, in fevers of very low type, &c. Difficulty of comprehension,-patient will think a little while about a question, perhaps answer it, then forget all about it; dizziness of the mind. STOOL.-Diarrhoea, particularly painless diarrhoea, which may be very fetid; diarrhæa lasting a long time, apparently without any weakening effect; involuntary stools. URINE.-Milk-colored, or very pale urine; with sediment; bloody; complaints while passing water; becoming turbid. GENERALITIES.-Affections of any kind in the inner navel region; lower part of the chest, buttocks, thighs, external side. On left hip joint and left thigh, a neuralgic or rheu- matic pain, from gluteal muscles or hip joint running down the leg to the knee, and often to the calf of the leg or ankle, which gets a little easier after walking, but is still very bad. One sees variegated colors when there may be only one color; very pale face; nausea in the throat. Spermatorrhea, especially where the patient is much affected by the flow, feels so weak and exhausted after it. Squeezing or contracting pain; las- situde of the body; feeling very weak; painfulness in gen- eral in the bones or periosteum; swelling of the bones or 155 156 Platina. periosteum; burning sphacelus. Ulcers with stinking pus; painless. Pulse irregular, with irregular beating of the heart; pulse intermitting. AGGRAVATIONS.-From mental affections; after suppres- sion of cutaneous eruptions, i. e., any bad result that ensues from such suppression; from loss of fluids, particu- larly seminel; sunlight; masturbation; after perspiration; sexual excesses; talking, especially when it causes a weak- ness in the chest; while urinating. When children pass a great deal of water in the bed at night; persons getting up in the night to urinate, and pas- sing a great deal. Remedies following. Ars., Bell., Caust., China., Lyc., Nux v., Puls., Sep., Sul. Antidote; Coffea. } PLATINA. We prepare a trituration of the metal. FEMALES.-Nymphomania, which may occur even during the lying-in period. Menstruation, when the discharge is very abundant, thick and black like tar, and is very exhausting; spasms and screaming at every menstrual period; menses too seldom and profuse; blood dark and coagulated; affections of the uterus. MENTAL.-Mental symptoms in general; amativeness; state of madness; hysteria. The patient is very haughty, looks with disdain upon everyone and everything. STOOL. The stool is discharged with difficulty, seeming to stick to the anus and rectum like putty. SENSATIONS.-Pains like labor-pains; cramping pains in inner parts, muscles, joints, &c.; gnawing pains in outer Plumbum. 157 parts; sensation as of a hoop around parts; violent shocks as if from pain; sensation of prickling in the outer parts. Itch- ing, with gnawing; with soreness; tingling. Sensation of coldness in outer parts. GENERALITIES.-Dark haired females. General affections of the right eye; right ear; toes. Epistaxis with dark coagulated blood; changing color of the face frequently; rising in the throat. Tape-worm, other symptoms agreeing; chlorosis; contortions of the limbs; contraction of inner parts. Catalepsy; epilepsy with rigor; tonic spasms. Very great paleness of the skin; spasmodic yawning. AGGRAVATIONS.—In the evening; from anger; more in females than males; when lying down; after lying down and rising again; when sitting; after rising. Remedies following: Bell., Ignat., Lyc., Veratr., Puls., Rhus., Sep. Antidote, Puls. PLUMBUM. We prepare a trituration of the metal. STOMACH AND ABDOMEN.-Drawing pain from before backwards, as though the abdomen was drawn in and through towards the back bone, sometimes making the ab- domen concave; sensation as though a string was inside the abdomen drawing it in, generally there is great despondency with this pain. Painters' colic with this sensation, as though the abdomen was drawn in and was touching the spine; pulse may be down very low, 50 or even 40; gastralgia where there is a sensation as though the abdomen and back bone met. Great liver remedy; inner belly in general; inner region of the navel, sometimes umbilical hernia, and is an excellent remedy for this. Left side of the abdomen generally. 158 Podophyllum Peltatum. STOOLS.-Constipation with stools like sheep-dung; balls in conglomerate masses, discharged with difficulty; ob- structed evacuation by the induration of fæces. GENERALITIES.-Jaundice, where the sclerotica of the eye is yellow, face is yellow, urine is yellow; vomiting in bed after retiring for the night, restless, sleepless, &c. Loss of smell; reddish yellow face. Affections in the lower teeth; tongue; sweetish taste, as in expectoration of cough with sweetish taste. Obstructed flatus with terrible colic. Retraction of soft parts in general; convulsions with jerk- ing; epilepsy without consciousness; pinching pain with sensation of tearing; sphacelus; gray ulcers; paralysis of the limbs of those who work in lead. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night; from rubbing. Remedies following: Bell., Merc., Phos., Puls., Lyc., Sil., Sul., (sometimes Ars.) Antidote, Platina. PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. May Apple; Duck's Foot. This is found extensively in rich woodlands, low grounds, &c. It has white flowers and fruit about the size of a plum. We use the root and leaves from which we make a tincture. In many troubles of pregnant females; weak, bearing down sensation, in the abdomen after parturition, with sensation as if the intestines were falling down; prolaspsus uteri with pain in the sacrum. Teething children, with green diar- rhoea, in the morning; also rolling of the head in difficult dentition. Diarrhoea after eating or drinking; prolapsus of the rectum after stool; whooping cough with costiveness and loss of appetite. PSORINUM. THE symptoms of this drug are very closely allied to those of Sulphur; if Sul. appears to be indicated but fails to cure, study up Psor. Dry, lustreless, rough head of hair. Eructations tasting like rotten eggs; stools (diarrhoeic) smelling like rotten eggs. Debility remaining after acute diseases. PULSATILLA. Pulsatilla Nigricans; Wind-Flower. This is a perennial flower, blossoming twice a year; the first time in May, and the second time in August and September. Its root is short and thick; the flower stalk is smooth, covered with soft hairs, and from 6 to 8 inches high. We prepare a tincture from the whole plant, excepting the root. WE We may draw many important symptoms from the action of this wind-flower. For, as the flower bobs about with every breath of wind, and changes its position constantly, so do the symptoms which are characteristic of the drug. The pains of Puls. constantly change their position, fly- ing from one part to another; sometimes existing with intense severity, then suddenly becoming very mild, and vice versa; the diarrhoeic stools change their character constantly, no two being alike, &c. MENTAL.—This remedy is particularly applicable for com- plaints which are found to occur in patients of a mild, yielding, or good natured disposition; also in those who by the sickness, or naturally, are very easily excited to tears, —they are very apt to burst into tears whenever spoken to, or when they attempt to speak, as in giving their symptoms, &c. Affections of the mind in general; covetous; mis- trustful absent minded low spirited. 159 160 Pulsatilla. EYES.-Affections in general appearing on the cornea; margins of the eye-lids; dimsightedness, with a sensation as though there was something over the eye, which the patient wishes to rub away; amaurosis; cataract. EARS.-Tinkling in the ears; hard hearing; otalgia which comes and goes, the pain is sometimes better and sometimes worse, may be accompanied by high fever, &c.; discharge. from the ears, one or both, which may come on after measles or any other disease, or may occur spontaneously; hardness. of hearing as though the ears were stopped up. NOSE.-Epistaxis; imaginary smells; old catarrh ; often find a profuse discharge of greenish mucous every morning, in mild, pleasant persons; catarrh of the nose, accompa- nied by especial discomfort in the house, can't breathe well in a warm room, and experiences great relief by going out into the open air. GASTRIC.-Taste bitter; fatty; offensive; putrid; saltish; sour; sweetish; lost; in colds where there is entire loss of taste. Vomiting in general; of bile; of slimy matter. STOOL AND ANUS.-Diarrhoea, particularly when it is very changeable, and no stools are alike; flatus very fetid, some- times obstructed causing much pain. Stools acrid ; bloody; green; composed of mucous; may contain tape-worm; hæmorrhoids; diarrhoea during menses, particularly if it comes on at night. URINARY ORGANS. Urine very scanty; bloody; with mucous; reddish; involuntary discharge of; incontinence. of urine in bed at night, especially in mild tempered, tear- ful people, and in children; complaints before making water, and during; when going to urinate there is a sensa- tion as if it would gush away, and they can scarcely wait. FEMALES.-Affections in general of the female genital organs; of the uterus. Pain like labor-pain. After-pains, Pulsatilla. 161 in females of a mild disposition. Menstruation too late; too short; too scanty; suppressed, especially if pro- duced by getting the feet wet; delay of first menses, in mild, gentle girls, low spirited, &c. ; complaints before men- struation and during; menstrual colic; diarrhoea during menses, &c. Leucorrhoea in general; thick; burning; looking like milk, especially frequent in lochial discharges where the flow looks like milk. Scanty supply of milk. Affections of the nipples. COUGH.-Cough in general; loose; with expectoration in the morning, without expectoration in the evening; with expectoration in the day, without expectoration at night. Expectoration bloody; green; yellow; with bitter taste; with greasy taste; offensive taste; salty taste. SKIN.-Chillblains, particularly when they turn blue. Exanthema chapped; like measles; rubeola. Blue-black swellings. Ulcers with burning or biting in circumference; deep or fistulous; with redness extending far around; where there is much swelling around. SLEEP.-Falling asleep very late; complaints preventing sleep; waking frequently at night; sleeplessness before. midnight; when sleeping with the arms over the head exists as a symptom; anxious dreams of fatal accidents. FEVER.-Chilliness of one side only; chilliness without thirst, often followed by fever without thirst; heat on one side; perspiration on one side only; want of thirst; febrile. symptoms right side. SENSATIONS.-Region over the bladder very sensitive to pressure. Rheumatic pains flying from one part to another; is now in one portion of the body, and suddenly flying off to another. Pain, as if bruised in the inner parts; same in the joints. Sensation of hollowness; of pulsations, knocking or throbbing in inner parts; of extension in size, as if one part, 162 Pulsatilla. or every part was, growing too large; of a band around the parts; of buzzing or humming in any part of the body. Jerking or darting pains in outer or inner parts; pain as if sprained in the joints; tension or tightness in the outer parts or joints. Biting or stinging in the skin; itching of the skin unaltered (i. e., not better or worse), by scratching; finger or toe nails painful as if ulcerated. GENERALITIES.—Affections in general, and of any kind, appearing in the right abdominal ring; right chest; right upper and lower extremity; tongue; increase of saliva; larynx; trachea; nape of the neck; heart and region of the heart; palpitation of the heart, also with anguish; small of the back; shoulder-joints; fingers; legs; shin bones; calves, particularly when they are swollen, red, and hot; heel; sole of the foot; ball or under part of the toes; knee- joint; bones of the lower extremities; inflammation of the bones in general. Strong desire for open air, making the patient feel better in every way,-headache, toothache, ear- ache, cold in the head, &c., all better in the open air, can breathe better, &c. Bleeding from inner parts; congestion of blood to single parts; apparent deficiency of blood. Chlorosis, (in mild, quiet, &c., dispositions). Secretion of mucous increased; nervous debility. Varicose veins, even when inflamed, especially when blue, particularly in preg- nant females, which feel more comfortable when walking about. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the afternoon; in the evening before midnight; from mental affections; on waking; when blow- ing the nose, produces pain in the chest, nose, head, or some- where else, or a cracking in the ears; before falling asleep; during expiration; after taking cold; from coughing; from change of position; particularly applicable to the female organism; from loss of fluids; from being frost-bitten; while lying down; lying on the left side; on the painless side; lying with the head low; having the measles; after • Ranunculus Bulbosus. 163 the measles; before and during menstruation; from sup- pressed menstruation; on beginning to move; from taking bread; butter; buckwheat; fat food; fruits; ice; pancakes; warm food; abuse of Peruvian bark; can't bear pressure on the well side, if it be made toward the diseased side; in the room, particularly a warm room; from derangement of the stomach; during stool, particularly in dysentery if it gives great pain in the small of the back; while suckling the child; in the sun; in the twilight or evening; before, or during, or after urinating; women in confinement; from having a tape-worm; from surgical injuries in general; from tobacco; during pregnancy. AMELIORATIONS.-In the open air; in a cold place; from cold air; lying on right side; with head high; from moving; on rising from bed; from cold things; when walking in the open air; from washing; on wetting the affected parts; after discharge of flatus. Remedies following: Ars., Bell., Bry., Ignat., Lyc., Nux v., Phos., Rhus, Sep., Sul. Antidotes: Coffea. Sometimes Cham., Igant., Nux v. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Butter Cup. This very well-known plant, with its little bright yellow flower is met with everywhere. We prepare a tincture from the plant and root combined. BITING or pungent pain; pain as if parts would burst, were pressed or pushed asunder. Pustulous exanthema, blue colored. Waking too early in the morning. Affec- tions of any kind of the external angles of the eyes; hypo- chondrium, particularly about the spleen; lower region of the abdomen; palms of the hands. 164 Ranunculus Sceleratus. Rheum. AGGRAVATIONS.-On entering a cold place; from spiritu- ous liquors; with drunkards; when stretching the limbs; at changes of the temperature whether from hot to cold, or vice versa. Remedies following: Bry., Ignat., Kali c., Nux v., Rhus, Sepia. Antidotes: Camph., Staph. RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. Marsh Crow-foot; Celery Leaved Butter Cup. This plant grows in ditches, in swampy places, in low wet grounds, &c. The root is composed of many long fibres; stem is erect; flowers are small and of a pale-yellow; fruits are numerous and small. Pre- pare a tincture. UNDER this drug the symptoms usually appear on the right side; on the crown of the head; toes. Ulcers or large sores on right side of the nose. Boring sensation; gnawing pains in inner or outer parts; prickling in outer parts. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening; before midnight. Remedies following: Bell., Phos., Rhus, Sil., Pul. Anti- dote: Cam. RHEUM. Rhubarb. This is a root, native to Middle and Northern Asia. We select the heaviest pieces and prepare from them a tincture. We use this remedy most particularly for children with sour smelling stool; before or during stool there are colicky pains about the umbilicus; straining before stool, and finally Rhododendron Chrysanthum. 165 voided with ease; infants that cry a great deal with colic, in the night, with sour stools; tenesmus without stool. Affections of the left side of the body. Sensation of crepitation in any part of the body. Perspiration on upper part of the body. Remedies following: Bell., Puls., Rhus, Sul. Antidote: Camphor. RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. This plant is a native of the high mountains of Siberia, Kamschatka, &c. It is an evergreen shrub, about a foot high; large yellow flowers; seeds very small. We prepare a tincture from the leaves. We think of this remedy chiefly for sufferings that are made worse in windy weather, even if the patient be not exposed to it, he may be in bed or in a warm comfortable room, but the blowing of the wind aggravates the symptoms. GENERALITIES.—Affections in general of the right up- per extremities; right abdominal ring; left side of the nose; testes; right lower extremity; inner surface of the thigh. Serous cysts in the vagina. Induration or swelling of the testicles, particulary of the right one. Diarrhoea after eating fruit, or from wet cold weather; flatulent colic, especially if it comes on in windy stormy weather. Arthritic nodes. SENSATIONS.-Dragging up or rooting sensation; crawl- ing of the skin or over the skin like ants; toothache which ceases suddenly, beginning again in two or three hours; feeling of heaviness in the stomach after drinking cold water. AMELIORATION, on beginning to move. Remedies following: Arn., Ars., Calc. c., Con., Lyc., Merc., Nux v., Puls., Sep., Sil., Sul. Antidotes: Clem., Rhus. Uor M RHUS TOX. Poison Ivy. This plant is met with very commonly; the flowers are small and yellowish-green; the leaves are dark and veined. We prepare a tincture from the leaves. WE are led to think of this remedy where we find an irresistable desire to move, or change the position every little while, followed by great relief for a short time, when they must again move, and again experience the same. relief for a short time; this condition is usually worse at night. After resting for a time, or on getting up from sleep, when first moving about, a painful stiffness is felt which wears off from continued motion; the patient is made worse generally when beginning to move, but relief is experienced from continued motion,-c. g., a nursing. mother may have sore nipples, and when the child begins to nurse, the nipple hurts exceedingly, but on continued nursing it becomes much easier. EYES.-Affections of the internal surface of the eyelids; strong aversion to light; blue color about the eyes. Rheu- matic ophthalmia particularly of the right eye. SKIN. Vesicular erysipelas where the vesicles are large. Exanthema on the face in general,-on the chin, face, cheeks, mouth, nose, forehead, and causes much burning itching. Pustulous chillblains. Exanthema in general; burn- ing; burning itching; pustulous; with swelling; blotches; like milk crust; moist; like nettle rash; blue with erysi- pelas; scurfy; tensive or tight fecling in ; pock shaped; black; purulent; zona or shingles; petechiæ; prickling; tickling; blisters which will sometimes spread up the limb, and are sometimes in a circular form, spreading with a red edge in the advance which gradually turns to a blister, the red border still keeping in advance; (if the edges be black, Ars.); itching worse after scratching. Tetters in general. Ulcers burn- ing; with corroding pus; with ichorous pus. M 166 Rhus Tox. 167 SLEEP.-Yawning in general; with violent stretching of the limbs; falling asleep late; unquiet sleep; sleeplessness before midnight; lying on the back during sleep. FEVER AND CHILL.-External coldness along the skin; coldness with aversion to coldness in general; chilliness and coldness in general; coldness of single parts; of one side only. Heat in general; internal; external; with thirst; of one side only. Perspiration in general; with heat; offensive. STOOL.-Diarrhoea with tearing pains running down the posterior part of the leg with every stool; painful tenesmus without stool. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Want of appetite; hunger without appetite; metallic taste. URINARY ORGANS.-Discharge of urine too copious; too frequent; involuntary. FEMALES.-After-pains, especially where they come on one after another, lasting all night, accompanied by the characteristic restlessness. Menstrual blood coagulated. SENSATIONS.-Pain in the chest (often rheumatic), made worse by using the arms,—as in making a bed, sweeping, &c.; stiffness of the nape of the neck; sensation as if the flesh was beaten off the bones, or as if a dog was gnawing it off; as if any part was contracted; as if a part was increased in size; as if certain parts were grown together; of heaviness in outer or inner parts; jerking pains in outer parts; dart- ing and rending pains; of tension of tightness in outer or inner parts; arthritic pain in the joints; trembling sensation in inner parts; dyspeptics often complain of trembling in the stomach; of scraping along the periosteum. GENERALITIES.-For any troubles, or complaints, whether acute or chronic, resulting from a sudden and a thorough 168 Rhus Tox. drenching by a shower of rain, by getting wet in any way; there may be troubles of very long standing, which were so caused. Troubles in general affecting the right abdominal ring; left chest; left arm; left lower extremity; left side of the body; of the scalp, as in erysipelas when it runs up to the scalp; glands about the neck, particularly if they are swollen or inflamed with red streaks, is often so in scarlet. fever; joints of the jaws, particularly when they are worse on the beginning of motion, and yet better from continued motion; of the abdominal cavity in general; mons veneris, there may be a great deal of itching, sometimes a hard blue boil is found there; shoulder blades; small of the back, as e. g., when one stoops, his back hurts so that he cannot straighten up without help,-this may result from an old sprain, or from a sudden "crick" in the back; sacrum; but- tocks; fore-arm; shoulder; back of the hand; fingers; joints in general; shoulder joint; elbow, wrist; bones of the arm; calves; joint of the leg; hip joint, knee and ankle; weak- ness of the joints. Ina- Rash itches a great deal, in scarlet fever, small-pox, &c., with the peculiar restlessness. Coagulated blood from the nose; cough bloody, blood being coagulated; face covered like erysipelas; increase of saliva; difficulty in swallowing, as it hurts so in the back; fluent catarrh of the nose. bility at first to move the parts affected. One is very easily sprained by lifting; palsy of the limbs; staggering when walking. Strictures after inflammation, and hence may sometimes be used for strictures resulting after gonorrhoea; swelling in general with inflammation and without; de- bility; aversion to washing; wounds with sprained muscles. AGGRAVATIONS.-Before a storm of rain; after midnight; in the morning; before falling asleep; from bathing; can't bear cold water; complaints coming on in autumn; on taking a deep breath; on inspiration; from cold in general; in cold air; in cold and wet weather; from coughing; while chewing; from drawing up the limbs; from exertion of the body; after drinking; after fatigue; on uncovering } Rhus Radicans. Rumex Crispus. 169 the head; from surgical injuries; from sprains; while lying down; from lifting; from cold food; cold water; anything cold; during perspiration; from wet poultices; while rest- ing; on first rising; while sitting; while talking; after undressing; in foggy, or foggy and wet weather; from getting wet; in winter; FROM GETTING WET WHILE PER- SPIRING; women in confinement; small-pox. AMELIORATIONS.-While exhaling; after evacuation; from wrapping up the head or parts; from moving; from moving affected parts (i. e., gets better after continued motion, or a change of position while at rest, ameliorates for a short time); from warm or hot things; while walking; in dry weather; in clear weather; from stretching out the limbs. Remedies following: Bell., Graph., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Merc., Sep., Sul., Ars., Bry. Antidotes; Bry., Bell. Cam., Sul. RHUS RADICANS. Poison Vine. A climbing vine, found upon trees, rocks, etc. Leaves ternate, smooth and shining; flowers, greenish-white; fruit, pale-green berries. We prepare a tincture. Rhus tox affections appear more on the surface of the body, skin, &c., and are more superficial; Rhus rad. affects the deeper tissues of the body, and has a deeper seated action. Phlegminous erysipelas, especially where the erysipelas begins in the ankle, and moves gradually up the leg, run- ning up in the deeper tissues, no fever. Axillary glands where the swelling is very deep and hard. RUMEX CRISPUS. Yellow Dock. An herbaceous plant, with perennial roots, smooth, wavy-margined lanceolate leaves; common in fields and road-sides. We prepare a tincture of the root. 170 Ruta Graveolens. Sabadilla. COUGH caused by an incessant tickling in the throat pit,. which tickling runs down to the bifurcation of the bron- chial tubes; touching the throat pit brings on the cough; by covering up all the body and head with the bed-clothes there is no cough. RUTA GRAVEOLENS. Rue. This is a plant from two to three feet high; root is branching and vertical, stems round; flowers yellow; odor is very strong and dis- agreeable. We prepare a tincture from the leaves and buds. We are led to use this remedy for injuries of the perios- teum, as when one has a fall or an accident which injures the periosteum, making it very sore and causing a bruised sensation. When the rectum protrudes from the anus after confine- ment; prolapsus ani, which may come down every time. the bowels are moved. Pain as if bruised in the outer parts and in the bones; painfulness of the bones in general; wounds where the bones are injured; gnawing in the inner parts. Affections in general of the left side of the head; of the bladder; wrist joints; lumbar region; bones of the lower extremity. Aggravations.—While lying on the painful side; look- ing fixedly at an object, as in cases of those who have looked closely at watch-making, fine sewing, &c.; from tak- ing uncooked food. Remedies following; Calc. carb., Caust., Lyc., Phos. ac., Puls., Sep., Sul. Antidote, Camph. SABADILLA. This is a bulb furnished with numerous fibres; cluster of flowers at end of the stem; capsules oblong, three-celled, each having two seeds. Prepare a tincture from the seed and capsule. Sabina. 171 INTERMITTENT complaints which come every week, or two weeks, or four weeks apart. Especially for children who are disposed to worms; worms discharged with stool, whether lumbricai or tape worms. Sweetish taste. No thirst during chill; heat often internal. Troubles appearing on the right side; on the toe nails. Sensation of knocking, throbbing, or pulsation in the outer parts; great sleepiness in the forenoon. AGGRAVATIONS.--In the forenoon; before midnight; from cold in general; while resting. AMELIORATIONS.-From moving; while swallowing some- thing; while getting warm; from warmth in general. Remedies following: Ars., Bell., Merc., Puls., Nux. An- tidote: Con., Puls. SABINA. This shrub grows on the dry mountains of Middle Europe, and is also cultivated in gardens. It is an evergreen rising from three or four to fifteen feet high. We prepare a tincture from the tops of the younger branches. A marked characteristic of this remedy is a pain which is felt all the way between the sacrum and pubis, from one bone to the other,—not particularly in front or behind, but right along from the sacrum to the pubis. This pain may be found in labor-pains, after-pains, occurring in dysmenor- rhoea, &c. In hæmorrhage (particularly uterine), where the blood is in fluid and clots together,-as, the liquid blood will flow then will come a clot, and the blood may be flowing rapidly; bleeding from the nose, blood being pale; bleeding from inner parts in general. Menstruation too early; too pro- fuse; blood of light color; bright-red color; discharge of blood before the proper period. 172 Sambucus Nigra. Affects particularly the uterus; lower part of the chest; wrist; heel; toes; joints of the toes; arthritic pain in the joints. Cough with expectoration of pale blood. In threatened abortion. AGGRAVATIONS.-On inspiration; taking a deep breath; affections in general of females during pregnancy; in a room; in a warm room; on getting warm in bed; women in child-bed; after parturition. AMELIORATIONS.-In the open air; while breathing out, exhaling. Remedies following: Bell., Puls., Rhus., Sul. Sometimes. Ars., Spongia. Antidotes: Camph., Puls. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. Black-elder. The stem of this is branchy toward the top, and is filled with a whitish pith; fruit is black and berry shaped. We prepare a tinc- ture from the second or interior bark of the young branches. WE are often led to the choice of this remedy, when we find a great deal of perspiration, occurring with any other trouble. This perspiration may last all the time, or it may come and go in paroxysms; it is sometimes found in phthisis; perspiration with disinclination to undress or be uncovered; heat with inclination to be covered. Asthma with suffocative attacks of breathing; patient may be well enough while awake, but sleeps into the trouble; loud respiration with no mucous rattle. Babies with sniffles and can't breathe well through the nose. Asthma miliari. AGGRAVATIONS.-From uncovering; while lying down; while resting. Sanguinaria Canadensis. Sarsaparilla. 173 AMELIORATIONS.-From moving; on rising; while walk- ing; from wrapping up warmly. Remedies following: Bell., Phos., Nux v., Sep., Rhus., Ars., Con. Antidotes, Ars., Cam. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. Blood Root. This is abundant in hilly countries, where there is rich soil. The root is about a finger's size in length and thickness; flowers are white. The leaves, stem, and root contain a yellowish-red looking juice. We prepare a tincture from the root only. WE find this very useful where there is a pain rising from the back of the neck over the top of the head, running down into the forehead; this symptom may occur alone, or in connection with some other trouble. This remedy is also often useful for troubles occurring in females at the cli- macteric period of life,—such as flashes of heat, &c. SARSAPARILLA. This root should be mealy within, of a yellowish color, and not worm eaten; it is inodorous, and has a rather bitter taste. Prepare a tincture. WHERE the patient says he has gravel, and there is con- siderable deposit in the urine which looks like gray sand. Great pain just as the urine ceases to flow; excessive pain in the urethra which may run back into the abdomen. Belching of wind. Darting, pricking sensations in the bones; exanthema like milk crust; complaints concomitant to yawning. Affections of any kind in general, appearing in the right lower extremity; right lower side; inner semi- lateral head, either side; old neuralgic headaches. AGGRAVATIONS.-When yawning. 174 Scilla Maritima. Remedies following: Merc. Sometimes, Phos., Sul., Bell., Sep. Antidotes, Bell., Merc. SCILLA MARITIMA. Sea Onion, Squills. This grows near the sandy beach of the Mediterranean. We use only the bulb of this plant, which weighs several pounds. The dried bulb comes to us in pieces, which are yellowish-white, pliable and tenacious, they are inodorous and have an offensive, bitter taste. Prepare a tincture. WHOOPING Cough, when accompanied with sneezing, watering of the eyes and nose, and the child rubs the eyes with the hands; in all catarrhal affections, and coughs, with the above symptoms; also troubles of the lungs with these. symptoms; profuse mucous nasal secretion. Cough with expectoration in the morning and none in the evening. Deficiency of blood. Heat with aversion to undress or uncover. Respiration anxious. Sweetish taste. Copious discharge of urine; too frequent micturition; (these latter may occur separately or together); dropsy with profuse discharge of urine; dropsy of outer parts with profuse urination; dropsy of chest the same. Symptoms generally appearing in the left upper extremity; on left side generally; in lower belly; lower part of the chest. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the morning; during inspiration ; from undressing. AMELIORATIONS.-While lying in bed; after lying down; from wrapping up warmly. Remedies following: Ignat., Nux v., Rhus. t., Silicea. Sometimes, Ars. Antidote, Camph. Secale Cornatum. Selenium. 175 SECALE CORNATUM. Ergot; spurred rye. We prepare a tincture from the fresh grains, before the rye is ripe. FOR female complaints chiefly, and especially when occurring in thin, scrawny, wrinkled females or children. Skin is cold, but the patient does not wish to be covered up. Copious vomiting of a mixture of thick, black, pitchy, bilious and slimy matter. Dry gangrene, particularly on the right side, beginning in the toes and running up the limb. Amaurosis occurring in patients characteristic of this drug; hard hearing; blue color around the eyes. FEMALES. Female genital organs in general; pains like labor pains, which are protracted for a long time, skin cold and no wish to be covered, &c.; labor pains ceasing; labor pains too weak; abortion in the characteristic patients. Menses last too long; too profuse. SKIN. Blackness of outer parts; crawling on the skin. as of insects; ulcers that turn black; skin withered and gangrenous. Heat with thirst and want of perspiration. Affections in general of the right side; painless hæmorrhage; crooked limbs; paralysis; sensation of deadness in any part. AGGRAVATIONS.-From drawing up the limbs; especially for troubles in child bed. AMELIORATIONS.-From stretching out the limbs. Remedies following: Acon., Ars., Bell., Merc.. Puls. Antidotes, Camph., Opium. SELENIUM. A very rare metal, resembling sulphur in its chemical relations, and found in combination with lead and other metals. Preparations are made from this metal by triturating. " 176 Senega. ESCAPE of seminal fluids, particularly when straining at stool, which condition may be accompanied with headache, sleeplessness, weakness and troubles in general; complaints after stool; impotence of the male; spermatorrhoea; weak- ness of the sexual powers; nocturnal pollutions. Deep respiration. Itch, where the pustule comes between the fingers; foul exanthema. Perspires too easily; on single parts; on fore part of the body. AGGRAVATIONS.—While drinking tea; after stool; while, or after talking; can't bear to have the hair touched; walk- ing in the open air. Remedies following: Calc. c., Merc., Nux v., Sepia. Antidotes, Ignat., Puls. 售 ​SENEGA. snake-root. This plant is a native of North America, growing in Virginia, Penn- sylvania, Maryland and Canada. The root, which we use, is about the size of a goose-quill; externally it is of a gray-brownish yellow color, and internally of a yellowish white color; it has an extremely nause- ous taste, and leaves a scraping sensation in the throat. Prepare a tincture. WHERE there is a great burning in the chest, either before or after coughing; profuse secretion of mucous. Dryness of inner parts which are usually moist; dry skin. Gene- ral affections in the windpipe; left side of the chest par- ticularly; right eye; lower eyelids. AGGRAVATION from looking fixedly at an object a long time. Remedies following: Calc. c., Phos., Lyc., Sulphur. Anti- dotes, Bry. Sometimes, Arn., Bell., Camph. Senna. Sepia. SENNA. 177 This plant, of which there are several varieties, is a native of Asia and Africa. A tincture is prepared from the leaves. THIS is of much use in infantile colics, where the little patient seems to be full of wind. SEPIA. Inky juice of the Cuttle Fish. This liquor is contained in a bag in the abdomen of the Sepia Octopoda, and is known as cuttle fish ink. It is used by these ani- mals to darken the water when they wish to catch their prey, or to escape from their pursuers. Triturate. MENTAL. Great indifference to all surroundings; com- prehension difficult; affections of the intellect. SKIN.-Skin yellow, like jaundice; chapping of the skin, or cracks may extend deeply into the tissues, and this is aggravated by washing in water; corns with jerking or darting pains; exanthema in general, particularly when it is disposed to crack; dry itch, often finding bad effects where the itch has been suppressed by Merc. or Sul.; erup- tion peeling off; ulceration of the exanthema: bed sores; brown sphacelus. Tetters in general, especially if they chap; tetters circular in form. Ulcers suppurating; pus too copious; swollen; with proud-flesh. Salt rheum. SLEEP.—Falling asleep late; complaints preventing sleep; sleeping late in the morning; waking frequently during the night; very sleepy in the morning; sleeplessness before midnight; sleepiness without sleep. FEVER.-Coldness of single parts; perspiration in gene- ral; perspires too easily; single parts perspire profusely ; 178 Sepia. perspiration with anxiety; with restlessness; sour-smelling. Internal chilliness with external heat. NASAL. Smelling too sensitive; too feeble, yellow saddle. across the bridge of the nose. GASTRIC SYMPTOMS.-Sensation of emptiness in the pit of the stomach, just below the ensiform cartilage; this is a very weak, "gone" feeling, which nothing can satisfy,— this symptom may appear in any complication of troubles, in disordered menstruation, &c. Want of appetite. Taste bitter, saltish; eructations. Vomiting of bile. COUGH.-Cough with expectoration in the morning, not expectoration in the evening; or with expectoration at night, none in the day; very severe cough in morning on rising, and expectoration of a great quantity of a badly tasting substance; expectoration purulent; with saltish taste. FEMALES.-Complaints generally of the female organs of generation, internally and externally; labor like pains which are felt chiefly in the back, accompanied with a feel- ing as though she must cross the legs and "sit close" to keep something from coming out through the vagina; threatened. abortion; menses too late; complaints before menstruation; yellow leucorrhoea, which stings and burns. STOOL AND ANUS.-Great difficulty in discharging stool, which seems to stick in the anus or rectum as if a ball or a "potato" was there; bloody stool; affections of the anus ; rectum, particularly where there are sharp, shooting, or lancinating pains running up into the abdomen; hæmor- rhoids with the same pain; difficult stool with sensation of weight in the abdomen. URINARY ORGANS.-Sediment to the urine like clay, as if clay was burnt on the bottom of the vessel; urine very offensive,—can't endure to have it in the room; urine red- Sepia. 179 dish; bloody. In the male, efflux of prostatic juice; noc- turnal pollutions. In either sex, complaints from coition. SENSATIONS. Of emptiness in the pit of the stomach, &c. (see Gastric); of a ball in inner parts; pain as if parts would burst, were pressed or pushed asunder; cramping, or draw- ing pains in inner or outer parts; sensation of emptiness or hollowness in any part, especially when accompanied by a fainting sensation; jerking in the muscles, or elsewhere, as they may be felt in the head when talking, &c.; knocking, throbbing, or pulsation in inner parts; pressing as of a heavy load; vibration like dull tingling or buzzing in the body. GENERALITIES.—Affections in general appearing in the left side; right upper and right lower extremities; eyelids; internal ear; hearing very sensitive; region of the liver; inner lower belly; left shoulder-blade; back and small of the back; axilla; axillary glands, especially where there. are darting pains through them; upper and lower extremi- ties, and joints; lumbar region, with a violent pressing or bearing-down pain; nails turn yellow. Dark hair; pale face; exanthema on the face, lips, nose, forehead. Bleeding from inner parts. Spasms clonic; tonic; cataleptic; great restlessness of the body, can't keep still; great aversion to washing. Debility in general, or of particular parts. AGGRAVATIONS.-In early morning; in forenoon; in even- ing; particularly before falling asleep; on waking; stoop- ing; during inspiration; while in company; while coughing; after cohabitation; after eating; from exertion of the mind during fever; female complaints generally; from loss of fluids; from masturbation; from music; from milk; fat pork; during and after perspiration; during pregnancy; riding in a car; from riding horseback, in a swing, &c.; from sexual excesses; during first hours of sleep; in snow air; from stretching the affected part; while nursing a child; • > 180 Silicea. from water and washing; from getting wet; female having eucorrhoea; during confinement especially. AMELIORATIONS.-From drawing up the limb; from mov- ing; from exertion of the body; in solitude; from drinking cold water; when walking quickly. Remedies following: Bell., Calc. c., Con., Lyc., Nux. v Puls., Rhus., Sil., Sul. Antidotes: Sweet spirits of nitr Dulc. SILICEA. This earth is found in nature in considerable quantities, either pure as in rock crystal, cr combined with various oxides. When prepared for Homœopathic use it is a fine white powder, gritting between the teeth, and has neither taste or smell. Triturate. EYES.-Dazzling of the eyesight; blindness, and mo- mentary attacks of blindness; spotted vision, i.c., on look- ing at an object, spots appear before the eyes; eyes water very much; dimsightedness; amaurosis. Affections ap- pearing in the angles of the cyc, in the region of the tear- duct. EARS.-Hardness of hearing; paralyzed auditory nerves; discharge of pus from the ears. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Cough and sore throat, with expectoration of little granules like shot, which when broken open, smell very offensively, (like Phos., excepting the latter remedy has a hot feeling in the throat, and is of the Phos. constitution); cough with expectoration in the day, without expectoration at night; expectoration bloody, or purulent. GASTRIC.-Want of appetite; extreme hunger; aversion to meat; taste is lost; nausea and vomiting in general, particularly of what has been caten. Silicea. 181 STOOL AND ANUS.-Constipation where the stool comes down with great difficulty, comes a little way through the ‘anus, and then slips back before it can be voided; obstructed evacuation of the bowels; fetid flatus. Stool like pus; with maw worms; with tape worms. FEMALES.-Discharge of blood before proper period. Menses too late; protracted; suppressed; blood acrid. SKIN.-Abscesses which do not break, but burrow under the skin. Exanthema in general which corrode and spread; old and difficult to heal; which itch; fungus articularis; hæmatodes; spongy excresences. Tetters in general; cor- roding and spreading. Ulcers in general, wherever pus is discharged from any part of the body, or when appearing in the urine; ulcers burning; scabby; hard; fistulous; indo- lent; putrid; spongy; when circumscribed with redness; very high, hard ulcers; with itching around; with proud flesh; with corroding pus. BONES.-Bones of the leg. Bending and caries of the bones; inflammation of the bones; bones very sensitive and tender to the touch. SLEEP. Not being able to sleep again after waking; sleeplessness in general-especially after midnight. SENSATIONS.—Griping pains with a tearing away feeling, of twisting or of writhing; or as if something was being torn away; sensation of heaviness in inner parts; jerking pains; debility; weakness of the joints, especially of the ankle-joints. GENERALITIES.-Affections in general of any kind ap- pearing chiefly in light-haired people; in right side; left side; back; left lower extremity; scalp; external head behind the ears; external surface of the inguinal ring; inguinal ring and hernia of long standing; finger nails, especially if there are white spots on the nails. Feet perspire very much, and smell very offensively; feet 182 Spigelia Anthelmintica. t become sore and blistered between the toes. Head per- spires very much in the evening on going to sleep, (this looks like Calc. c., but in Sil. the perspiration extends lower. down on the neck, and is apt to have an offensive smell). Incontinence of urine in bed at night. Imperceptible pulse. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the night, chiefly in latter part; in the open air; in children of Silicea temperament where they are sickly, have worms, etc.; when single parts are cold; from taking cold in the feet; with profuse salivation; on uncovering; from a draft of air; after eating; after drinking; lying on the painful side; looking fixedly at an object; from wine; from outward pressure; from reading; step- ping heavily on the ground or floor; in stone-cutters; when the weather changes; from getting the feet wet; from worm troubles of any kind; when writing; from uncover- ing the head; from wrapping the head up; in the room. Remedies following: Ars., Asafot., Bell., Calc. c., Hep., Lyc., Puls., Rhus., Sul., Nux v. Andidote: Hepar., some- times Camphor. SPIGELIA ANTHELMINTICA. Pink Root. This plant grows in South America. Root is blackish and hairy on the outside; stem is between one and two feet high; flowers are white; seeds are small and black; the plant has a fetid odor, and a nauseous taste. Tincture. EYES.-Neuralgia of the eyes, especially where there is great soreness and can scarcely bear a touch; affections of the eye-ball; eye-lids; optic nerve; dilated pupils; ocular illusions—sees strange things, fiery, &c. (Cyclamen, when with any trouble, as headache, sick stomach, &c., one always sees countless stars). EARS.-Earache with an ichorous, scalding. discharge; Spongia Tosta 183 hearing very sensitive; noise in the ear as of something fluttering. HEART. In affections of the heart, particularly if the whole left side is sore from the affection, and may be the eyes also from sympathy; purring of the heart as of a cat; palpitation of the heart with anguish; trembling pulsation of the heart; sympathy of the chest with heart troubles. SENSATIONS.-Very violent neuralgia, followed by an extreme soreness; boring pains; pain as if parts were pushed or pressed asunder, or as if they would burst; sensa- tion of extension in size; feeling as of a lump in the inner parts; darting pains in inner and outer parts; darting pain from within outwards; in the joints; pains of a dragging or rooting character. FEVER.-Chilliness without thirst; heat and perspiration. without thirst. GENERALITIES.-Affections in general of the right side of the face and nose; stool with maw worms; (Oxyuris vermicularis), discharge of urine too copious; sensitiveness of outer parts; aversion to washing; trembling pulse that can scarcely be counted. AGGRAVATIONS.-On stooping; when blowing the nose; during expiration; after rising from a seat; from touching the parts affected; when walking in the open air; from having worms. AMELIORATIONS.-While taking an inspiration. Remedies following: Calc. c., Bell., Puls., Nux v., Sep., Sul., Rhus t. Antidote: Puls. SPONGIA TOSTA. Burnt Sponge. We use the ordinary sponge, free from all stony concretions. Cut it into pieces and place these in a roaster; then turn this over burn- 184 Stannum. ing charcoal until the pieces become brown and can be pulverized. Prepare a tincture from the pulverized sponge. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Affections in general of the larynx and trachea-particularly in all such affections, as croup, asthma, &c., where everything is perfectly tight and dry, no loose rattling sound appearing in the breathing, or cough. Burning sensation is felt in the throat after cough- ing; suffocative attacks of breathing, (as in asthma), with- out any mucous rattle; respiration loud; very hollow voice, all without any rattling sound, or any looseness. SENSATIONS.-Uncomfortable feeling of the clothes, they being an oppression and annoyance to the wearer; growing pains; darting pains from within outwards; itching no better from scratching. GENERALITIES.-Troubles in general of any kind appear- ing in the sexual organs, especially right side; testicles and spermatic cord; anterior surface of the thigh. Phthisis pulmonalis, cough, breathing, &c., being very tight and dry. AGGRAVATIONS.-From turning the head; on ascending (going up stairs, up a hill, rising from a chair, &c.,) from tobacco; wind; from the west wind. AMELIORATIONS.-On descending. Remedies following: Bry., Con., Hep., Nux. v., Phos., Puls. Antidote: Camphor. STANNUM. Tin. We prepare triturations from this metal. THROAT AND CHEST.-In chest affections, when talking, reading aloud, singing, &c., causes a very weak feeling in Staphysagria. 185 the throat and chest-causes an exhausted, "given out" sensation, and produces hoarseness; using the voice pro- duces weakness in the arms between the elbow and shoulder, then the weakness extends all over the body. The above symptoms are very often found in operatic singers, in play actors, auctioneers-all who use the voice a great deal. Nausea in the throat. Expectoration, yellow; green; offen- sive; after coughing and expectorating the patient feels very hollow and empty. SENSATIONS.-Headache, usually neuralgic, which comes on gradually and grows steadily worse till it reaches its height or severest point, when it begins to grow easier and goes away just as gradually as it comes on-e. g., if it was twelve hours in coming on, it will be twelve hours in going off. Severe pain causing the patient to lay over the sharp corner of a table or sofa, or something hard, and to press the abdomen firmly against it, as in this way relief is afforded. Sensation of hollowness; griping as of something being torn away. GENERALITIES.-Affections in general of the left chest; left side; trachea and inner chest; upper part of the chest ; inner surface of the thighs. Consumption. AGGRAVATIONS.-After moving; lying on the side; using the voice. Remedies following: Calc. c., Phos., Puls., Rhus t., Sul., Nux v. Antidote: Puls. STAPHYSAGRIA. Stavesacre. This plant grows in the southern part of Europe. It is a foot or two high, with an erect stem; flowers are of a purplish hue; seeds are in oblong capsules, and are large, wrinkled, and full of little holes. We prepare a tincture from the pulverized seeds. 186 Staphysagria. MENTAL.-Patients are so sensitive that the least action or word, troubles or annoys his feelings; anger and indig- nation. Amorous dreams. TEETH.-Toothache so sensitive that one can't bear to move the tongue; black streaks running through the teeth. Affections of teeth on right side chiefly; decayed teeth very often are excessively tender on being filled-can't bear the operation. SKIN.-Scald head with yellow scab, smells badly, itches very much, &c. Exanthema on the cheeks, face or head, particularly if it is yellow; with a creeping itching; ulcers with gnawing pains. Incised wounds with great pain. SENSATIONS.-Flatulent colic, where the flatus is incarcer- ated; gnawing pains; darting pains; sensation of tremb- ling in the inner parts. GENERALTIES.-Pains in the zygoma; in the cheeks; in the under jaw. Affections of the angles of the eye, particu- larly the inner; glands about the neck and lower jaw; diseased ovaries, particularly the right one. Yellow scabs behind the ear. Flat taste; obstructed evacuation of the bowels. Micturition too frequent; too sparing. Polypus; arthritic nodes; restlessness of the body; scurvy. AGGRAVATIONS.-From mental affections; from anger with indignation; from grief; from mortification, especially if caused by offence; from loss of fluids; from tobacco; from mercury; sexual excesses; sleeping in the afternoon; touching the parts, (as in toothache, can't bear to have the tongue, drink or anything touch the teeth;) from the least touch on affected parts. AMELIORATIONS.-After breakfast; from breaking wind. Remedies following: Calc. c., Ignat., Lyc., Puls., Rhus., Nux v., Sul. Antidote: Camphor. STRAMONIUM. Thorn Apple. This plant runs from three to six feet high, with an erect stem; leaves are five to six inches long; flowers are large and solitary; it has a large four-celled capsule which contains many seeds. This is found on dung-heaps, by road-sides, on commons, &c. We make a tincture from the seeds. MENTAL.-The principal range of this remedy is found in the mental affections. In young people who are some- times hysterical, showing the following condition: pray- ing and singing devoutly, beseeching, entreating, &c. Young women with suppressed menses may be affected in this manner. In some kinds of fevers, where the patient can't bear solitude or darkness, if they are left alone, or are in a dark room the mental affections are very much aggra- vated; also in unconscious delirium when the patient will every now and then jerk the head up from the pillow, then let it fall again-this being kept up without intermission for a long time; women in puerperal fever or convulsions have. many absurd notions—that they are double, that some one is in bed with them, and other strange and unmeaning fancies. Affections of the intellect in general; madness. EYES.-Dilated pupils; blindness; amaurosis; momen- tary loss of sight. PULSE.-Pulse full; irregular; hard; slow; small. GENERALITIES.-Face red and bloated. Cannot walk or keep on the feet in a darkened room, is sure to fall. Saliva decreased; painless diarrhoea having a cadaverous odor; retention of urine in any fever; menses profuse; sighing respiration; restlessness of the body; staggering when walking; pithy, numb feeling of outer parts. Complaints concomitant to morbid sleep. Epilepsy; spasms in general, especially clonic; puerperal convulsions; involuntary motions; Hydrophobia. 187 188 Strontiana Carb. Sulphur. AGGRAVATIONS.-During perspiration; after sleep, when first awakens from sleep will shrink away as if in fear; in the dark; in solitude. AMELIORATIONS.-In company. Remedies following: Bell., Hyos., Bry., Nux. v., some- times Acon. Antidotes: Bell., Nux v., sometimes Hyos., Tabacum. STRONTIANA CARB. Carbonate of Strontian This salt is prepared by artificial means for our use. Triturate. VIOLENT involuntary starts of the body; tension in inner or outer parts; heat with aversion to undress or uncover one's self. Affections of the joints of the legs. AGGRAVATIONS.—In the night; in the evening; from cold in general; from undressing; after lying down and rising again; from rubbing; in darkness. AMELIORATIONS.-From light; from a very bright light; from warmth in general; from wrapping up warmly. Remedies following: Bell., Caust., Kali c., Rhus t., Sep., Sul., Puls. Antidote: Camphor. SULPHUR. This article is met with in two forms; first, in rolls; second, in a fine powder, known as flowers of sulphur, or sublimed sulphur. In our practice we use the latter form only. Purify and then triturate. Sometimes a solution is made. MENTAL.-Peevishness; childish peevishness in grown people. Fantastic illusions of the intellect, especially if Sulphur. 189 one turns everything into beauty, as an old rag or stick looks to be a beautiful piece of workmanship-everything looks pretty which the patient takes a fancy to. Happy dreams where one wakes up singing. EARS.-Bad effects from suppression of otorrhea; hard hearing, especially if the ears are very dry; noise in the ears in general, particularly a humming. EYES.-Affections in general of the cornea; eye-ball; sclerotica; pupils contracted; eyes water, itch and feel hot; halo around a lamp-light; aversion to light; cataract. NOSE. Blood comes from the nose on blowing it; imagi- nary foul smells all around. STOOL AND ANUS.-Looseness of the bowels; redness about the anus; looseness in grown people with soreness about the anus; obstructed evacuation, particularly if hard stools are retained. Diarrhoea, particularly where there is the red line about the anus, and the patient can't wait, must go immediately the desire is felt; also waking carly in the morning with a diarrhea, which drives one out of bed in a great hurry; tenesmus in same way, drives one in a great hurry; rumbling and rolling in the bowels. Stool bloody; knotty; green mucous; stinking; insufficient; with maw worms; with tape worm; complaints during stool. Much itching about the anus; bleeding hæmorrhoids; itching runs back along the perineum and adjacent parts. URINARY ORGANS.—Urine discharged by drops; inconti- nence of urine; itching about the genitals on going to bed at night; lie awake for sometime, then fall into a deep sleep in which they wet the bed. Affections of the male genitals in general. FEMALES. Menses too late; too short; too scanty; suppressed, particularly in psoric individuals; delay of first menses; nipples, particularly if they are cracked 190 Sulphur. around the base, and may often bleed; the nipple smarts and burns very much as soon as the infant lets go of it. GASTRIC.--Strong aversion to meat; sour taste; eructa- tions, tasting of eggs; nausea and vomiting; vomiting of sour matter. LARYNX, TRACHEA, AND CHEST.-Oppressed respiration, particularly if from congestion to the lungs; if with a sense of heat all through the chest. Cough in general with bloody expectoration, especially with heat in the chest, and hæmorrhage with the same sensation. Affections in general of the heart and region of the heart; palpitation of the heart; also external chest; red spots all over the chest; also brownish or butternut colored spots. SKIN. The greatest general psoric remedy for almost. every kind of itch, sore, ulcer, &c. ; very colicky babies with pimples, itch or eruption on skin, or roughness of the skin. Troubles of very long standing resulting from suppressed. eruptions-Sul., will very often bring these out and cause their cure. Exanthema in general on any part of the body which is made worse by any heat, from getting warm at work, in bed, &c.; freckles; cancerous ulcers. Skin dry; rough; scaly; voluptuous itching,-" feels so good to scratch;" ecchymosis; chapping of the skin, especially when it ulcerates; chapping of the skin after being wet; soreness of the skin in children; brown sphacelus. Tetters in general; chapped; scurfy; painful; tearing; pulsating, etc. FEVER.-Perspiration in general of single parts; on back part of the body; great disposition to perspire; perspiration with anxiety; compound or intermittent fevers. Thirst. SLEEP.-One wants to sleep late in the morning; sleepy all day; sleep not refreshing; sleepiness in the afternoon. Waking frequently during the night when one becomes. wide awake suddenly. Dreams many; vivid; beautiful; pleasant. Singing during sleep. Sulphur. 191 SENSATIONS. Of heat in the chest; of heat anywhere, with any trouble; of sudden and frequent flushes of heat all over the body; of contraction of inner parts; creeping on the skin as of a mouse running over it; cutting pain in the inner parts; of fullness, or of heaviness in the inner parts, chiefly in the abdomen, with feeling as if it should be band- aged up or supported; of a hoop or band around the parts; buzzing or vibration in the body; of knocking or throbbing in the outer parts; as of a lump in the inner parts; of motion, as though something was moving in the inner parts; of roughness in inner parts; of tightness or stiffness in outer parts. GENERALITIES.—Affections in general, of any kind ap- pearing in the left side; hair of the head; external front of the head; inner belly, especially on left side; back; small of the back; axilla; lumbar region; upper extremities in general; posterior and inner surface of the thigh; lower extremity in general; of the nails. Inflammation of the mucous membranes in general; swelling of the glands. Affections of the brain from sup- pressed cutaneous eruptions. Very often when the rash in scarlet fever won't come out; can't bear to wash and be clean; face pale, or reddish yellow; diminution of saliva; back is so stiff that one can't rise from a stooping posture, and is always worse before a storm; bleeding from inner parts in general; dropsy of inner parts, particularly in psoric persons, or resulting from a suppressed eruption; dryness of inner parts which are usually moist; emaciation in general. Aggravations.—-On waking; after eating; from exer- tion of the body, unable to stand much exercise; from leaning against anything; after menstruation; from taking milk; during perspiration; from suppressed perspiration ; from wet poultices; from abuse of mercury; on rising; from any quick motion, as running; during sleep; after a 192 Sulphuric Acid. long sleep; during stool; in children whose bowels are regular but who suffer great pain at every passage; (when bowels are moved causing much pain, stools hard and lumpy, Nitric ac.); on stretching the limbs, especially the affected limb; when swallowing food; from talking; from water and washing; ascarides; worms in general; from suppressed menstruation; from vomiting; on getting warm in bed. AMELIORATION.-From drawing up the affected limb- can't bear to have it extended. Remedies following: Bell., Calc c., Bry., Merc., Lyc., Puls., Rhus. t., Sepia.; sometimes, Phos. Antidotes: China, Merc., Puls., Sepia. SULPHURIC ACID. Oil of Vitriol. In our practice we use the sulphuric acid of Nordhausen. This must be purified, and the first attenuation made with distilled water; the second with aqueous alcohol; the third, &c., with pure alcohol. For any affections arising from general debility, as pro- lapsus uteri, retroversion, any uterine trouble whatever. the patient having a sense of tremulousness all over. One feels in a very great hurry to do everything, feels that everything must be done in a hurry. Sour and acrid belching; cough with expectoration in the morning with- out expectoration in the evening. Burning darting pains. in the muscles; shocks as from pain; black and blue spots on the body; in a bruise, (especially if an old person) when the injured part gets black and blue, and seems as if it would mortify. Affections in general occurring in the right abdominal Sympyhytum-Officinalis. Tabaccum. Taraxacum. 193 ring; sexual organs right side; right upper side; left lower side; inguinal hernia. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the afternoon and evening; from surgical injuries in general. Remedies following: Sepia, best; next Arn., Calc. c., Con., Lyc., Plat., Sul. Antidote: Puls. SYMPYHYTUM-OFFICINALIS. Comfrey. A coarse perennial plant with mucilaginous roots, growing in moist places. We prepare a tincture. Where there is excessive pain from broken or injured bones; when they do not heal readily. TABACCUM. Tobacco. THE patient suddenly breaks out with a cold, clammy perspiration; much nausea; mental faculties much im- paired; sufferings from abuse of tobacco; can't read or study. TARAXACUM. Dandelion. This little plant is so well known that it requires no description. We use the entire plant with the root before it begins to flower. Tinc- ture. ' 194 Tartarus Emeticus. THIS remedy acts well in all affections of the liver; sour taste; darting pains in the outer parts. Affections in the left upper side; right lower side; back of the foot; sole of the foot. AGGRAVATIONS.-While lying down; from fat food; while resting. AMELIORATIONS.—From moving; when walking. Remedies following: Rhus. t., Asaf., Bell., China, Lyc., Stap., Sul. Antidote: Camph. TARTARUS EMETICUS. Antimonium Tartaricum; Tartar Emetic. This salt is to be purified, and then triturated. CROUP, where there is a very loose rattling of mucous in the throat pit with every inspiration, or with every cough, which sounds as if there was a "cupful of mucous" which was about to run over; in catarrhal affections with this rattle; in pneumonia, or any trouble, whatever, where this peculiar rattle is heard. Thirst for water, a little and often; affections from de- cayed teeth; colic where flatus is obstructed; urine dark; sensations of pulsations, knocking, throbbing, &c. Exan- thema pock-shaped; small-pox. SLEEP.-Drowsiness; deep sleep; sleepiness in the day time in general; sleepiness caused by some complaint. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening; from being crooked. } Terebinthina. Thea Sinensis. Thuja Occidentalis. 195 AMELIORATIONS.-From sitting erect; from eructation. Remedies following: Puls., Phos., Nux. v. Antidotes: Ipec., Cocc., Apis., Puls., Sepia. TEREBINTHINE Turpentine HÆMORRHAGE from the urethra. Worms, particularly lumbrical. Some forms of gonorrhoea. THEA SINENSIS. Tea. NERVOUS sleeplessness; heart troubles, &c., of old tea- drinkers; palpitation of the heart, can't lie down. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. Tree of Life. This is an evergreen rising to the height of about thirty feet; is very well known. We use the youngest branches and blossoms. Tincture. SKIN.-Warts on any part of the body with little necks, called fig warts; tubular wart-i. e., long wart, same size all the way out; "mother's mark." Condolymata. 196 Uritica Urens. URINARY ORGANS.-Complaints while and after passing water; sensation as if water was trickling down the urethra; dribbling urine. SEXUAL ORGANS.-Venereal diseases. Affections in gen- eral appearing in male or female genital organs, particu- larly on the external organs; affections on left side par- ticularly. Ovaries. Nocturnal erections. SENSATIONS.-Darting pain in outer parts, also in joints; burning darting pain; drawing in the blood-vessels. GENERALITIES.-Affections of the right abdominal ring; wings of the nose; loins; inguinal glands; fingers; tips of fingers; toes. Aneurisms by anastomosis; swelling of the blood-vessels. Dreams anxious, especially of dead persons; of falling; of accidents. Flushes of heat. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the afternoon; after midnight; while chewing; stretching the affected limb; while urinating. AMELIORATIONS.-While drawing up the limb. Remedies following: Merc., Sul., are best. Then come Calc. c., Ignat., Lyc., Kali. c., Puls., Sil. Antidotes: Merc., Camph. URITICA URENS. Common Sting-nettle. Leaves are small, oval, indented, five-nerved on the under side, of a light green color. These characteristics distinguish it from the Urtica Adioica, (large nettle). It flowers from July to October. We prepare a tincture from the ripe seeds. Nettle rash with intolerable itching and burning, with white spots. Diarrhoea with the same spots. UVA URSI. Bear Berry. This is a shrub inhabiting the northern latitudes of Europe, Asia, and America; is found usually on a barren soil, gravelly hills, &c. The shrub is low and evergreen, with trailing stems; the fruit is a small, round, depressed, smooth, glossy, red berry, containing an insipid mealy pulp, and five seeds. Slimy urine; slime passes with blood. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. This plant grows almost anywhere, in marshy low grounds as well as on dry grounds. The stem, which is erect and hairy, is from two to six feet high. Flowers are reddish or whitish. The root from the Alpine regions is the best, and we prepare from it a tincture. Tuis remedy is much like Puls., in many of its aggrava- tions, &c., but it has a different temperament,—patients get "raving, tearing, swearing," mad; get worse towards even- ing, from being still, great sleeplessness in the early part of the night,—all like Puls., but the temper decides. Affections in general of the orbit of the eye; margins of the eyelids; calves of the legs. Fatty taste; sediment in the urine; reddish urine; hysterical condition; pains darting from within outwards. AGGRAVATIONS.-On stooping; after moving and being at rest; while resting; standing. AMELIORATIONS.-From moving; from walking. 197 198 Veratrum Album. Remedies following: Puls., Phos. Antidotes: Coff., Camph., Puls. VERATRUM ALBUM. White Hellebore. This grows to great extent in pasture lands, &c. The stem is from one to four feet high; lower leaves are oval; upper leaves are oblong and lance-shaped; flowers are pale green. We make a tincture from the dry root. WE We may think of this remedy where there is a marked debility or exhaustion from functional or physical distur- bance, as e. g., in whooping cough, patient will cough. until completely exhausted, and then have a cold perspira- tion on the forehead; or there may be a great exhaustion obliging one to lie down after the passage of stool, even though it be soft, with cold sweat on the forehead. MENTAL.-Affections of the mind in general; tired of life, but fear to die; amativeness; haughtiness; delirium; mad- ness; sensitiveness; memory weak, or entirely lost. LARYNX AND TRACHEA.-Respiration oppressed; voice hollow; weak. GASTRIC.—Extreme hunger; longing for acids; craving for refreshing things, as juicy fruits, &c., and very cold water; bitter taste; extreme nausea, causing one to retch and strain with great violence, sometimes with vomiting, sometimes not; vomiting of bile; of bitter substances; greenish. STOOL AND ANUS.-Diarrhoea watery, particularly with exhaustion after every stool, worse from motion, cold Verbascum Thapsus. 199 sweat on the forehead, desire for very cold drinks; stool involuntary; complaints before stool, during, and after. FEMALES.-Sexual desire too strong, particularly in child- bed; worse at night; nymphomania; complaints during menstruation, as e. g., vomiting and diarrhoea which may occur at those times. FEVER.-External coldness of the skin even when covered up warmly; chilliness and coldness in general; coldness of single parts. Perspiration in general; complaints con- comitant with. GENERALITIES.—Affections in general of the sexual organs, principally on right side; on crown of the head, especially for sensations felt there; appearing in the rear of the navel; small of the back. Countenance is almost always changed, presenting an unnatural appearance. Dry mouth. Inguinal hernia. Flatus in general; flatulent colic. Urine very dark; pulse very weak or imperceptible; blackness of outer parts; stagger- ing when walking from debility; drowsiness; dry exanthema. AGGRAVATIONS.-After drinking; before and during men- struation; before and during stool (feel very weak and turn pale during stool); often after stool; during perspiration. Remedies following: Puls., Acon., Bell., Cham., Rhus t., Sep., Sul. Antidotes: Camph., best; Acon., China, Coff. VERBASCUM THAPSUS. Mullein. This plant grows along road-sides, in waste fields, &c. Stem is from three to six feet high, having oval, pointed leaves; flowers are yellow. From the leaves and blossoms we prepare a tincture. 200 Viola Odorata. Viola Tricolor. HÆMORRHOIDS; affections of the inner navel region; obstruction from induration of stool. Darting pains in inner parts; want of perspiration. AGGRAVATIONS.-When sitting; from change of tempera- ture. AMELIORATION.-On rising from a sitting posture. Remedies following: Puls., Bell., China, Lyc., Sep., Str., Rhus t. Antidote: Camph. VIOLA ODORATA. Sweet Violet. This little plant is met with, and known, everywhere. We prepare a tincture from the entire plant. CONGESTION of blood to single parts. Troubles of, or on left ear. Remedies following: Nux v., Puls., Bell. Antidote: Camph. VIOLA TRICOLOR. Heart's Ease. This form, the three-colored violet, is too well known to require a description. Tincture. THE principal use for this remedy is for nocturnal emissions accompanied by very vivid dreams. They are not very Zincum Metallicum. 201 exhausting, but cause an uneasiness of mind; also loss of seminal fluid at stool and in the urine; trembling, poor appetite, feels dull, sleepless, &c. Amorous dreams. Prick- ing in the skin; pricking itching. AGGRAVATION.-When sitting. AMELIORATION.-After rising from a seat. Remedies following: Puls., Rhus t., Sep., Staph. Anti- dotes: Camph., Rhus. ZINCUM METALLICUM. To prepare this metal for our use, we rub a piece of pure metallic zinc, under water, on a fine hone; dry the powder thus procured and triturate. AFFECTIONS in general appearing in the left inguinal ring; left side of the back; upper jaw and troubles of the teeth in the lower jaw; loins; posterior surface of the thigh; tendo Achillis; big toe; joints of the toes. FEMALES.-Complaints coming on while the menses are absent, but feels perfectly well during the flux; suffers much pain, particularly in ovaries, will lie so as to press on the affected side, and dangling the limb will swing it about,- patient can't keep still. GENERALITIES.-Patient can't keep still, must be in mo- tion all the time. Catarrh of the hand, much swollen, very painful. In fevers or nervous complaints one keeps the feet in continual motion. Variable mood; clay-like sediment in 202 Zincum Metallicum. the urine; biting pungent pain; lancinating pains; exan- thema of long standing, especially with a biting sensation. AGGRAVATIONS.-In the evening, sometimes lasting all night; after swallowing food. AMELIORATION.-While eating. Remedies following: Sep., Sul., best; Puls., Ignat. Anti- dotes: Ignat., sometimes Camph., Hepar. REPERTORY. Part First. MIND AND SOUL. I. MORAL. Affections of the mind in general. -Acon.. Aur., Bell., Cham.. Ignat., Lyc.. Natrum-c., Nux vom.. Phos., Plat., Puls., Stram., Veratr. { Delirium.-Bell., Hyos., Op. Stram Veratr. Ecstacy.—Acon., Phos. Excitement.—Coff., Lach.. Op. Fantastic illusions.-Bell, Coce., Ignat.. Ph. ac.. Sabad., Sulph. Amativeness.—Canth., Hyos., Lach. · Imbecility.—Anac., Bell.. Hyos., Phos., Plat., Veratr. Anxiety.-Aloes. Ars.. Puls. Covetousness.—Puls. Daring.-Ignat.. Op. Gayety.—Coit.. Croc., Natr-e., Op. Haughtiness.-Lye., Plat.. Veratr. Hopelessness.—Anr., Iguat. Indifference.-Phos., Ph. ae. Puls.. Sep. Irritability.-Acon.. Aur., Cham., Coff., Nux vom. Maliciousness.—Anac.. Nux vom. 1 Mildness.-Puls. Mistrust.-Bar.. Caust., Cie., Lye,, ! Puls. Natr-c., Phos, ac. Insensibilty.—Bell., Ph. ac. Madness.-Bell., Hyos,, Lye.. Stram. Veratr. HI. MEMORY, Quick memory.-Bell.. Hyos. Weak.-Anac., Bell., Hyos., Lye., Veratr. Lost -Bell., Hyos., Verair. IV. CLOUDINESS, | Cloudiness.-Bell.. Bry., Laur., Op. Peevishness.—Cale. e., Cina,, Lyc., | Dizziness.-Bell.. Cale. c., Nux vom., Sulph. Sadness. —Acon., Allium cepa. Caust. Iguat., Natr. mur, Variableness.-Alum, Ferr., Ignat., Plat., Sul. ac., Zine. U. INTELLIGENCE. Affections in general.-Bell., Hyos. Phos., Rhus. Dullness.-(as is experienced in cold in the head, or after latoxica- tion. } Cale. c., Mere.. Natr. mur., Nux vomi., Op., Petr., Rhus., Sep., Sil., Sul. Stupefaction.-Bell., Hyos., Op.. P'u. ac.. Rhus.. Stram., Veratr., Lach., Lye., Op., Ph. ac., Sep.. | Concomitant complaints.-Acon., Stram., Veratr. Absence of mind.—Caust., Cham., Puls.. Sep. Comprehension, difficult. Lye., Natr-e., Op.. Ph. ac.. Sep. Comprehension, easy.-Coff., Op. Cale. e.. Nux vom.. Phos., Puls., Stram. Vertigo,-Acon.. .Ethus. ey.. Agar.. Arn.. Bell.. Cale. e., China. Con., Hepar, Lach., Lye., Nux v., Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sang, Sil., Sul. 203 Part Second. PARTS OF THE BODY AND ORGANS. I. INNER HEAD. In general.-Gels., Ignat., Merc., Nat. mur., Nux vom., Petr., Phos., Sabad., Sabin., Sil., Verb. Sinciput.-Acon., Amm. c., Amm. m., Ars., Bell, Bism., Caps., Cocc., Dros., Hepar., Hyos.. Ignat., Laur., Merc.. Mezer., Natr. c., Nat. m., Nux vom., Phos., Sil., Spig., Stann., Temples.-Anac., Arg. fol., China., Creos., Cycl,, Kali c., Nux mosch., Par., Plat., Puls., Sabin., Thuj., Verbascum. Sides of the head.-Phos. ac., Zinc. Vertex.-Ran. scel., Veratr. Occiput.-Carb. veg., Petr. Half of the head.-Alum., Anac., Asaf.. Kali c., Phos. ac., Plat., Sassap., Sulph. ac., Verb. II. EXTERNAL READ. Movements of the head.-Bell., Cic., Cupr. m., Sensations. Arn., Bar., Bell., Cale. c., Nux vom., Rhus., Ruta, Staph Hair.-Bell., Bov., Graphi., Hep., Kali c., Lyc., Natr. m., Sulph. Hair, dark.-Acon., Nitr ac., Nux vom., Thos, Plat., Sep. Hair, light.-Calc c., Caps., Cocc., Hyos., Sil. Skin.-Ars., Calc c., Merc., Olcand., Rhus., Sil., Staph. Bones.-Aur., Merc., Nitr. ac., Ruta. Occiput.-Carb. veg., Petr., Sil. Behind the ears.-Bar., Caust., Graph., Petr., Sil., Staph. Temples.-Natr. m. Sides of the head.-Zinc. Forehead. Hep., Led., Phos. ac., Sep., Sulph. Sinciput.-Ars., Merc. Crown of the head.-Graph. III. EYES. Eyeball in general.-Acon., Bell., Calc. c., Calc. ph., Euphr., Hepar., Spig., Sulph. Conjunctiva.—Acon., Bell., Euphr, Sulph. C., Tunica cornea. Apis, Calc Cann., Con., Euphr., Puls., Sulph. Pupils dilated.-Bell., Calc. c., Hep., Hyos., Op., Spig. Stram. Pupils contracted.-Chel., Coce., Sep.. Sil., Sulph., Veratr. Running of the eyes.—Allium cepa. Bell., Calc c., Creos., Euphr., Puls., Ruta., Sil., Staph., Sulph. Eyebrows.-Bell., Caust., Kali c., Par., Selen Orbit. Spig, Valer. Eyelids.-Ethus cy., Apis, Bell., Borax, Cale. c., Caust., Rhus., Sep., Spig., Sulph. lower.-Apis, Calc. c., l'hos., ac., Ruta., Seneg. upper.—Apis, Caust., Sep., Spig. margin of.-Bor, Merc., Puls., Sulph., Valer. internal surface of.-Ars., Rhus. Angles of the eye.-Agar., Calc c., Carb. veg., Natr. mur., Nux vom., Phos, Puls., Sil., Staph., Sul. External angle of the eye.-Calc. e., Ran bulb., Sul, Inner angle of the eye.-Agar., Bell., Staph. IV. SIGHT. Amaurosis. (Sce paralysis of optic nerves.) Aversion to light (photophobia). -Acon., Ars.. Bell., Euphr., Nux vom., Rhus., Sulph. Black color.-Phos. Blindness.-Con, Hyos., Puls., Sil., Stram. Too bright.-Hyos. 204 Ears, Nose. Cataracta.-Euphr., Puls., Sil., Sec. corn., Sil, Stram., Sulph. Dazzling of the eyes.—Kali c., Sil. Dim-sightedness.-Calc. c., Cann., Caust.. Con., Euphr., Hep., Phos., Puls., Sil., Sulph. Diplopia, Illusions ocular in form. -Hyos. Halo round the candle (lamp- light).-Phos., Sulph. Letters running together, while reading. Natr. m. Longsightedness.—Sep., Sil. Mistiness, (gauze before the eyes) -Calc. c., Caust., Croc., Phos. Momentary loss of sight as from fainting (vanishing of sight.)— Bell., Cic., Hyos., Merc., Natr. m., Oleand., Phos., Puls., Stram. Ocular illusions, in strange things: fiery.-Bell., Kali carb., Spig. Paralysis of the optic nerves.— Bell., Con., Hyos., Phos., Puls., Shortsightedness.-Phos., Puls. Spotted, (vision).-Amm. m., Kali c., Phos., Sil. Staring look.-Bell., Cic., Stram. Vibrations of light before the eyes. -Graph. Weakness of sight (indistinct vis- ion.)-Anac. V. EARS. External ear.-Ethus cy., Alum., Creos., Kali c., Phos. ac., Spig. Internal ear.-Calc. c., Caust., Kali c., Lyc.. Mang., Puls., Sep., Spig. Behind the ears.-Bar.. Canth., Caust., Graph., Oleand., Petr., Staph. Below the cars.-Bell. On the lobes.-Bar., Caust., Chin., Creos. In the parotid glands.-Bell,, Cham., Con., Merc., Rhus. Discharge from the ears.-Ethus ey., Con., Lye.. Merc., Puls. of pus.-Puls., Sil. of mucous.-Merc., Puls. VI. HEARING. Sensibility of hearing.—Aur., Coff. Lyc., Sep.. Spig. Fine hearing.—Coff. 205 Noise in the ears in general.— Bell, Calc. c., Caust., Graph., Puls., Spig., Sulph. Humming in the ears.-Bell., Caust., Graph., Nux vom., Puls., Spig., Sulph. Noise as from fluttering.—Spig. Tingling in the ears.-Calc., Caust. Puls. C., Paralysis of the auditory nerves. -Bell., Hyos., Puls., Sil. Hard hearing.-Bell., Calc. Hyos., Lyc, Nitr. ac., Op, Petr.. Puls., Sec. corn.. Sil., Sulph. Obstruction of the ears.-Con. Lyc., Puls., Sil. VII. NOSE. External nose.-Ethus ey., Aur. m., Caust., Kali. c., Merc., Natr. c., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhus., Spig. Internal nose.--Ethus cy. Ant. crud., Aur. m. Calc. c.. Graph., Sil., Spig.. Root of the Nose.-Hyosc., Nasal bones.-Aur. m., Merc. Bridge.-Phos. ac. Tip of the nose.-Carb. an., Carb. reg., Caust.. Sep. Wings of the nose.-Thuja. Bleeding of the nose.-Ant. crud., Bell., Calc. c., Croc., Hyos., Merc., Nitr. ac., Puls.. Rhus., Sabina. Coagulated blood.-Cham., Plat., Rhus. Dark blood.—Croc., Nux vom. Pale blood.-Bell., Dule., Hyos., Sabin. Viscid blood.-Croc. Blood coming from the nose while blowing it.—Phos., Sulph. Smell, fetid, from the nose.-Aur. m., Puls. VIII. SMELLING. Too sensitive.-Aur. m., Bell, Lyc., Nux vom.. Phos., Sep. feeble (diminished or lost.)— Bell., Cale. c., Hyos., Plumb., Puls., Sep., Sil. Imaginary smells.-Bell., Calc. c., Par. Smells like inveterate catarrh.— Puls., Sulph. Smells foul.-Bell., Par., Phos. 206 Teeth, Mouth. IX. FACE.-a. Outward appearance. Color bluish.-Camph, Con., Cupr., Dig., Hyos., Op., Veratr. About the eyes.-Chin., Ipec., Ole- and., Rhus., Sec. corn. bluish-red.-Bell., Bry., Cupr. changing.-Bell., Ignat, Phos., Plat. earthy.-China., Ferr., Merc. erysipelatous. Acon., Bell., Graph., Hep., Rhus. ― - pale.-Ars., China., Cina., Ph. ac., Sep., Sul. Color, red.-Acon., Bell., Bry., Cham., Chin., Hyos., Nux vom., Op. circumscribed red spot on the cheeks.― China., Ferr., Lyc, Phos., Sulph. - spotted.-Carb. an., Rhus., Sil. yellow. Conium., Ferr., Nux vom., Plumb., Sep., Sul. Countenance altered.-Ethus. cy., Stram., Veratr. Distortion of the face.-Bell, Lyc., Op., Stram. Exanthema.-Ant. c, Creos., Led., Rhus., Sep. on the cheeks.-Ant. c., Creos., Rhus., Staph. on the chin.-Rhus. around the mouth.-Ars, Bry., Creos., Natr. m., Rhus., Sep., Staph. on the upper lip.-Ars., Creos., Kali. c., Staph., Sul. on the under lip.-Bry., Sep. on the nose.-Caust., Ph. ac., Sep., Sil. around the nose. Rhus. on the forehead.-Ant. c., Cre- os., Led, Rhus., Sep., Sulph. Hollow eyes.-China. Freckles.-Phos, Sulph. Deep furrows in the face.-Lyc, on the forehead.-Lyc. Gaping mouth.—Bell. Puffiness.-Ars., Bell., Cham., Kali c. under the eyes.-Phos. of the cheeks.-Arn., Cham., Puls. of the lips.-Bell., Natr. m. of the nose.-Bell., Caust., Kali c., Merc., Nat. m., Ph. ac., Puls., Rhus., Sep. b. Sensations, Forehead.-Hepar., Led., Ph. ac., Rhus., Sep., Sul. Temples.-Ang., Lyc., Zygomatic and malar bone.-Ole- and., Stann., Staph,, Verb. Cheeks.-Caust., Rhus., Staph. Upper jaw. Ant. c., Carb. veg., China., Creos., Zinc Lower jaw.-Bell., Canth., Caust., Cham., Laur., Natr. c., Plumb., Staph., Zinc, Articulation of the jaws.-Bell., Ignat., Merc., Rhus. Lips.-Bell., Nat. m., Rhus., Sep., Sul. Upper lip.-Bar., Kali c., Sulph. Lower lip.-Bry., Ignat., Puls., Sep. Corners of the lip.-Ant. crud., Bell., Merc., Phos. Chin.-Caust., Plat., Sil. X. TEETU Toothache in general.-Bry., Cham Chin., Natr. c., Sep., Staph., Zinc. Incisors.—Colch. Molars.-Bry., Chin., Creos., Zinc. Decayed teeth.-Bell., Bor., Mezer., Natr. c., Plumb., Sep., Staph., Tar. Upper teeth.-Amum. c., Cale. ph., Carb. veg. Chin., Creos., Zinc. Lower teeth. Bell., Cale. ph., Canth., Caust., Cham., Laur., Natr. c., Plumb., Staph., Zinc. Gums.-Borax, Merc., Nux vom., Stapli. Upper gum.-Calc. c., Lower gum.-Sassap. Inner gum.-Staph. XI. MOUTH. Ruta. Buccal cavity in general.-Apis, Bell., Merc., Nux v., Phos. Hard palate.-Bell., Nux v. Soft palate.--Merc. Fauces.-Bell., N. vom., Phos., Puls. Tongue.-Aloe, Ars., Bell., Merc., Phos., Plumb., Puls., Sulph. Tongue coated.-Bell., Bry., Merc., Puls. Increase of saliva.-Bell., Merc., Nux vom, Phos., Puls, Rhus. A Taste, Vomiting, etc. Diminution of saliva.-Bell., Nux mosch., Phos., Stram., Sulph, Ve- rat. Bad smell from the mouth.-Carb. veg., Merc. XII. HUNGER AND THIRST, Want of appetite.-Chin, Cycl., Nux vom., Rhus., Sep., Sil. Hunger.-Calc. c., Chin., Cina., Graph., Puls. Hunger without appetite.-Natr. mur., Op., Rhus. Canine hunger.-Calc. c., Chin., Cina., Iod., Lyc., Nux vom., Sil., Veratr. Thirst.-Acon., Ars., Bry., Calc. c., Cham., Chin., Merc., Sul. Want of thirst.-Hell., Menyan., Nux mos., Puls. Aversion to. Bread.-Natr. m. Coffee.-Nux vom. Fat food.-Petr. Meat.-Mur. ac., Petr., Sil., Sul. Longing for. Acids.-Vermir. Brandy.-Op. Coffee.-Ang. Fruit.-Veratr. XIII. TASTE. Taste changed in genéral.—Chin., Puls.. Rhus. bitter. Ethus., Bry., Cham., Merc., Nux v., Puls., Sep., Veratr. delicate.-Chin., Coff. diminished.-Puls. fatty.-Asaf., Caust., Puls., Valer. flat.-Bry., Chin.; Ignat., Staph. herby.-Nux vom. - lost.-Puls.. Sil. metallic.-Cupr., Rhus. offensive.—Merc., Puls. putrid.-Arn., Puls. saltish.-Ars., Merc., Phos., Puls. Sep. sour.-Bell., Cale. c., Chin, Nux vom., Phos., Puls., Sul., Tarax. - sweetish.-Phos., Plumb., Puls.. Sabad., Scill. XIV. ERUCTATIONS. 207 Belching.-Ethus.cy., Ant t., Arn., Bry., Aux v, Phos., Sass., Sul. ac. Confluence of water in the mouth. -Bry., Lyc., Mezer., Par., Sabad., Sil, Staph., Sulph. Eructations.-Arn., Bell., Cocc., Con, Merc., Nat. m, Nux rom Phos, Puls., Rhus., Sep, Sul., Veratr. Hicconghing.—Amm. m.. Cycl., Hy- os., Ignat, Mar., Nux vom. Heartburn.-Calc. c., Con., Croc, Nux vom. Rising in the throat.-Asaf, Merc, Plat. XV. NAUSEA AND VOMITING. Qualmishness.-Ars., Caust, Natr. e., Sulph Disgust.-Ipec., Kali c. Nausea in general.-Ipec. Nux vom., Puls, Rhus., Sil, Sul., Ve- ratr at the stomach.-Hell, Verat. in the throat.-Cycl.. Phos. ac Stann Nausea with inclination to vomit. -Cham. Puls., Rhus. Veratr. Empty retching (gagging).-Bell., Ipec. Vomiting in general.-Ethus,Ars. Bry, Cham., Cupr, Ferr., Ipec., Nux vua., Puls . Sil. Sul., Veratr. Vomiting of bile (bitter).-Ars., Bry., Cham., Ipec. Merc., Nux vom, Puls, Sep. Veratr. ་ · of black matter.-Ars., Nux rom. of blood.-Arn., Ferr., Ipec., Phos. of what has been drank.-Ars., Phos. of what has been eaten.-Ars., Bry, Ferr, Nux rom., Phos., Sil. of excrementitious matter.-Op. fetid.-Sep. of slimy matter.-Dros., Puls. Vomiting sour. Cale. c., Chin., Lye., Nux vom., Phos., Sul. watery.—Bry., Caust. XVI. INNER ABDOMEN, Stomach.-Ars., Bry.. Calc.c., Ignat., Nux vom., Phos., Puls., Sul., Veratr. 208 Flatulence, Evacuation. Hypochondria.-Acon., Chin., Ran. bulb. Liver.-Acon., Bry., Kali c, Magn. mur., Merc., Nux vom., Sep. Spleen. Asaf., Chin., Ignat., Ran. bulb. Kidneys. Canth., Kali c. Abdomen in general. Chin., Coloc, Nux vom., Plumb., Puls., Phos., Sulph. Upper abdomen (epigastrium). Caust, Cham., Chin., Cocc., Nux vom., Puls. Umbilicus.-Bry., Creos., Phos. ac., Plumb., Rhus., Veratr., Verb. Sides of the abdomen. Asaf., Carb. veg., Chin., Ignat., Tarax. Loins. Canth., Rheum., Thuj., Zinc. Lower abdomen (hypogastrium). -Bell., Bry., Carb. veg., Lyc., Ran. bulb., Scill., Sep. Inguinal ring.—Amm. m., Aur., Nux vom., Sulph. ac. Inguinal hernia.-Amm. m., Aur., Lyc., Nux vom., Sulph. ac., Zinc. XVII. EXTERNAL ABDOMEN. Pit of the stomach.-Bry., Natr. mur. Abdomen.-Bry., Merc., Nux vom., Puls., Selen. Inguinal ring.-Ars.. Merc., Mons veneris.-Rhus. Ingunial glands.-Calc. c., Clem., Hep., Merc., Nitr. ac., Thuj. XVIII. FLATULENCY. Flatulency in general. Arn” Carb. veg., Cham.. Chin., Graph., Ignat., Lyc., Mar., Nux vom., Phos., Plumb., Puls., Staph., Veratr. Colica fatulenta. Carb. veg., Chin., Lyc., Nux vom., Puls., Rhodod., Staph., Veratr. Loud rumbling and rolling in the bowels. Caust., Chin., Hell., Lyc., Nux vom., Phos., Phos. ac., Puls., Sulph. Incarcerated flatulency. Ant. tart., Carb. veg, Cham., Cocc, Graph., Ignat., Kali c., Lyc., Nit. ac., Nux vom., Plumb, Puls., Staph. Flatus of a putrid smell.-Ars., Carb. veg., Stinking. Ars., Asaf, Carb. veg., Puls., Sil., Sulph. XIX. ALVINE EVACUATION. Obstruction.-Bry., Calc c., Cocc., Lyc., Nux vom, Op., Plumb, Sil., Staph., Sulph. Obstruction from inactivity of the bowels Alum., Hep., Kali c., Natr mur., Nux vom. Mt. from induration of the stools.- Bry, Magn. mur. Op., Plumb., Verb. Diarrhea. Ethus., Ant crud., Cham., Chin, Merc., Phos., Phos. ac., Puls., Rhus., Sulph., Veratr. Diarrhea painful.—Merc., Rheum., Rhus. painless.-Ars., Ferr, Hyos., Lyc., Phos., Phos. ac., Stram. Stools acrid.--Ars., Chin., Ignat., Merc., Puls. - bilious. Cham., Puls bloody. Apis, Canth, Ipec., Merc, Nux vom., Puls., Sep., Sul. green. Cham., Phos., Puls., Sulph. gray, (ash-colored, whitish).- Dig. - involuntary.-Aloe, Phos., Phos. ac., Veratr. - knotty like sheep's dung.- Magn. mur., Merc., Op., Plumb., Sul. Verb. mucous. Asar., Bor., Caps, Cham., Nux vom., Phos., Puls., Sul, purulent.-Merc., Sil stinking. Ars, Asaf., Carb. veg., Puls, Sil., Sul. Sudden.-Crot. tig. feces being too large in size.— Bry, Kali č. undigested.-Ethus. cy., Chin., Ferr, Oleand. insufficient.--Arn, Magn. mur., Natr. c., Nux vom., Sul., Cham. tenacious.—Merc. with ascarides.-Calc c., Chin., Cina, Ferr, Ignat, Mar., Sulph. - with lumbrici. Cina., Sabad, Sil, Spig., Sulphi • with tape worm. Calc, C., Graph., Plat., Puls., Sabad, Sil., Sul. Complaints attending the stool. Before evacuation.-Merc., Veratr. Durling evcauation.-Ars., Cham., Merc., Puls., Sul., Veratr. After evacuation. Anus, Genitals. Caust.. Nux vom., Phos., Selen. Urging.-Merc, Sulph. Urging ineffectual.-Caps, Merc., Nux vom., Rheum., Rhus., Sulph. XX. ANUS, RECTUM, ETC. Anus.-Carb. veg., Graph., Kali carb., Nux vom., Phos., Sep., Sulph. Haemorrhoids.Graph., Kali c., Mur. ac., Puls. Perineum.-Agnus. c., Alum, Carb., an., Carb. veg., Cycl., Sulph. Rectum.-Cale c., Ignat., Lyc, Nair. mur., Nux vom., Phos., Sep., Sul. XXI. URINE.—a. Quality of the urine. Acrid.-Hep., Merc, Smelling like ammoniac.-Asaf, Ardent.-Ars., Canth., Hep. Bloody.-Canth., Puls. Dark.-Acon., Bell., Bry., Colch, Merc., Sep., Tart. em., Veratr. Flaky.-Canth., Mezer. Greenish.-Camph., Milk colored.--Phos. ac Mucous.-Natr. mur., Puls. Pale. Con., Nitr., Phos. ac, Purulent.-Canth., Clem. Stinking. Dulc. Turbid.—Cina., Con, Merc., Sabad. Becoming turbid.-Bry., Cham, Phos. ac. Viscous (sticky).—Coloc. b. Sediment. In general.—Canth, Coloc., Lyc., Phos. ac, Puls., Sep., Valer., Zinc. Bloody.-Canth., Phos. ac., Puls.. Sep. Clayish.-Zinc. Flaky.-Canth., Mezer. Mucous.-Puls. Pus-like.-Canthi., Clem. Reddish.-Canth., Natr. mur., Puls., Sep., Valer. Sandy.-Sassap. Whitish.-Phos., Rhus. 209 c. Discharge of Urine. Desire to urinate in general.— Bry., Caust., Nux vom., Phos. ac., Puls., Sabin., Sassap., Scill., Staph., Sul. - ineffectual.-Canth., Dig, Sas- sap. Discharge too copious.—Apis, Arg., Mur. ac., Rhus., Scill., Spig., Verb. Discharge too scanty. Apis, Canth. Colch., Dig., Graph., Hell., Op., Ruta., Staph. too frequent.-Ethus. cy., Arg., Bar., Caust., Merc., Nitrum., Rhus, Scill, Staph. too seldom.-Acon, Canth. by drops.-Canth., Sulph. involuntary.-Caust., Puls., Rhus. involuntary at night (incontin- ence of urine in bed). Bell., Caust Puls, Rhus, Sil, Sul. - interrupted.-Clem, Con. Retention of urine.-Arn., Canth., Lye., Stram. - strongly smelling.-Benz. ac. d. Comcomitant Complaints. Before making water.-Bor., Coloc. Nux vom., Puls. While passing water. Cann., Canth., Con, Hep., Lyc., Merc., Phos ac., Puls., Thuja. After having made water.-Canth., Coloc., Hep., Merc., Natr. m., Thuj. XXII, URINARY PASSAGES. Bladder. Canth., Hyos., Lyc., Nux rom., Puls., Ruta. Urethra Cann., Canth., Caps., Clem., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Thuj. XXIII. GENITALS. Genitals in general.-Arn., Merc., Nitr. ac, Nux vom., Puls., Sep., Sulph., Thuj. a. Male Genitals. In general.-Ethus..Agnus c., Arn., Cann.. Merc,Nitr, ac., Nux vom,, Puls., Sul., Thuj. Penis.-Arn., Cann., Canth.. Caps., Clem., Con., Merc., Sul., Thuj. 210 Menstruation, Leucorrhea. Glans. Merc., Nitr. ac., Thuj. Prepuce.-Calad.. Merc., Scrotum.-Arn., Calc. ph., Petr., Spermatic cords.-Puls., Spong.. Testicles.-Arn, Aur., Calc. ph, Clem., Nux vom., Puls., Rhodod., Spong, b. Female Genitals. In general.-Ambr., Creos., Nux vom., Puls., Sec., Corn. Sep., Sul., Thuj., External parts.-Sep, Thuj. Vagina. Calc. c., Kali c., Sep., Uterus. Bell., Cham., Kali c., Plat., Puls., Sabin., Sep. Ovaria.-Apis, Canth., Staph.. Thuj. Labor-like pains.-Bell.. Cham., Kali c., Plat., Puls., Sec. corn., Sep. After-pains.—Arn., Cham, Puls., Rhus., Sabin. Pains ceasing.-Bell., Kali c., Op., Puls., Sec. corn. distressing.-Cham.. Sep. spasmodic.-Cham.. Hyos., Puls. too weak.-Bell., Kali c, Op., Puls., Sec. corn. too strong.-(see distressing). XXIV. SEXUAL DESIRE. Sexual desire too weak.-Caust. too strong.—Canth., Chin.. Nux vom., Phos. Plat., Puls.. Veratr. Impotence.--Agnus. c., Calad., Con., Lyc.. Selen. Erections.-Canth., Merc., Natr c.. Nitr. ac., Nux vom., Phos., Puls. Thuj. Seminal emission.-Chin., Phos. ac., Selen. Weakness of the sexual powers, Agnus. c., Calad., Con., Graph, Lyc., Selen Emission of prostatic juice.— Agnus. c., Hep., Natr. c., Selen., Sep. Complaints arising from coition. -Agar., Calc. c., Kali e, Sep. from involuntary seminal emis- sion. Kali c., Nux vom. ་ XXV. MENSTRUATION. Abortus.-. Bell, Cham, Croc, Ipec, Sabin., Sec. corn., Sep. Discharge of blood before the proper period.-Calc. c., Cham., Ipec., Phos, Rhus., Sabin., Sil. Metrorrhagia. Bell, Calc. C. Chin, Ferr., Ipec., Nux vom., Sabin. Delaying (delaying of the first menses) Caust., Graph., Kali c., Puls.. Sul. Menstruation too early.-Ambr., Calc., c., Carb. veg, Cham., Ipec., Nux vom., Phos, Rhus, Sabin too late.-Caust, Con., Cupr., Dule.. Graph., Kali c., Lyc, Magn. c.. Natr. m., Puls., Sep. Sil. Sul. too short.-Amm. c., Puls, Sul. protracted.—Cupr.. Lyc., Natr. m., Nux vom., Plat,Sec corn, Sil.. too scanty.-Amm. c., Apis, Con. Dulc., Graph., Kali c, Magn. c., Puls. Sulph. Menstruation profuse.-Bell, Calc. c.. Ferr., Ipec, Nux vom, Plat., Sabin., Sec. corn, Strami. suppressed.--Con., Dule.. Graph., Kali c., Lyc, Puls, Sil, Sul. Blood acrid.-Kali c., Sil, brown color.-Bry. dark.-Cham., Croc, Nux vom. of a bad smell.-Bell. Bry. watery.—Ethus Coagulated.-Cham., Plat., Rhus. - of light color.--Bell., Dule., Hyos.. Sabin viscous.-Croc. Concomitant Complaints. Before menstruation. Cale. Cupr m., Lye, Puls., Sep., Sul., Veratr. > At the begnining of menstruation. -Hyosc. During menstruation.-Amm c., Apis, Cham., Graph., Hyos, Kali c. Puls. After menstruation.-Bor., Calc. ph., Creos., Graph., Nux vom. XXVI. LEUCORRHŒA. Leucorrhoea in general.-Alum., Calc. c., Creos., Merc,, Puls., Sep. acrid. — Alum. Ferr., Merc., Phos - burning.-Calc. c., Puls. blood-colored.-Chin., Coce, ་ yellow.-Sep. itching. Cale e Catarrh, Cough. milk-like. Cale, c.. Puls. mucous.—Bor., Magn. c. thick.-Pals viseid, or tough.-Kali b. watery.―raph. Concomitant complaints.-Creos, Merc.. Nair. m., Sep. XXVII. CATARRH. Fluent catarrh.--Ars., Puls, Rhus . Selen Dry catarrh.—Bry., Xux vom.. Sil, Secretion of the nose, acrid.- Alum.. Ars.. Mere. burning.—Ars., Puls. of bad smell.—Cale. c., Nate e., bloody.-Chin. greenish.-l'uls. Con. gray. - Ambr. Lye. purulent.—Cale e slimy,-Ars.. Bor, Chin., Phos Seill, Sep Zine. Secretion thick.-Puls. Viseid.-Cham, Stann watery.-Cham. Graph. yellow.-Puls, Sep. Sneezing.—Carb, veg, Cina, Rhus, Sabad Sneezing ineffectual.-Carb. veg Concomitant complaints. — Ars, Cham, Mere., Nux vom., Puls. ANVIH BREATH. Suffocating attacks.-Aut.. tart.. Hep, Jod. Iper, Lach, Samh, Spong. Sul. ´ Respiration oppressed. — Acòn., Ars. Bell.. Bry.. Carb. veg. Cupr., Ignat, pee, Nux von.. Phos. Puls, Sep. Sul, Veratr. Arrest of breathing.-Bry Respiration anxious.-Acom., Ipee.. Phos. Puls., Seill. Stum. deep. -Bry.. Caps., Ipec.. Op.. Selen. Sil, having a smell some kind of smell. )—farb, veg., Mere. loud (with mucous rattle.)- Cham, Chin., Samb., Spong.. Tart. em. quick.-Acon., Bell., Carb, veg.. Cupr.. pec., Lye., Phos., Sep.. Sul. 211 rattling (with mucous rattle.) -Aut. Part., Cupr., Hep.. Lye. - sighing. Bry.. Calal., Ipec., Stram. slow.-Bell.. subdued.-Phos. unequal.-Ang.. Bell., Cupr., Op. Concomitant complaints. Ars., Cupr., Ipec., Phos.. Puls., Sep.. XXIX. COUGH. Congh in general.-Ars.. Bry.. !~ ·Cale, c., Phos., Pul-., Sep., Stan.. Sulph. Ars., with expectoration. Cale. c., Lye., Phos., Puls.. Sep.. Stann. without expectoration.-Acon.. Ipec.. Phos., Spong. with expectoratiou in the morn- ing, without expectoration in the evening.--Bry.. Carl. veg.. Hep.. Par.. Phos. Puls.. Scill., Sep.. Sulph. ar. with expectoration at night, without expectoration in the day.--Sey. with expectoration in the day, without expectoration at night. --Ars,, Cham., Hep.. Merc., Puls., Sil. being chliged to swallow what has been raised.--Caust Expectoration bloody. Ipec.. Nitr. Sulph. Ferr., ac.. Phos.. Puls.. blood aerid.-Kali e., Sil. blood brownish.-Bry. blood coagulated. Cham., Rhus. — blood dark.-Cham.. Croc., Yux vom. blood pale.-Bell., Dule.. Hyose.. Sabin. blood streaked.--Bry., Chin.. Ferr. blood vicous.--froc. greenish.--Puls, gray.—Ambr.. Lyc. mucous.—Ars., Cale. c., Chin., Lyc., Par.. Phos. purulent.— Cale. c., Chin., Con.. Kali e., Lye., Phos., Sep.. Sil. viscous.-Bov. Kali b., Stann. whitish.-Lye., Sep. 212 Windpipe, Arms, yellow.-Calc c., Phos., Puls., Stann. Taste of the expectoration bitter. -Cham., Puls. - like the discharge in a chronic catarrh.-Puls. greasy.-Caust., Puls. offensive.-Puls. salty.-Ars., Lyc., Phos., Puls., Sep. sour.-Calc. c., Nux vom., Phos. Expectoration of an offensive smell.-Calc. c., Natr. c. Concomitant complaints.-thus. cy., Bell.. Bry., Dros., Ipec., Nux vom., Phos., Puls, Sep. XXX. WINDPIPE. Larynx.-Dros., Jod., Nux vom., Phos., Puls., Spong. Trachea.-Nux vom, Phos., Puls., Spong., Stann. Profuse secretion of mucous.- Lyc.. Phos., Seneg Aphony (loss of voice.)-Bell., Carb. veg., Phos. Voice not clear.-Merc. deep.-Dros. hoarse. Carb. veg., A Phos.. Spong. Mang., Voice hollow.-Spong.. Veratr. low. -Ang., Canth., Hep., Veratr. cough.-Phos. without resonance.-Dros. XXXI. NECK. Neck.-Bell., Lyc. Nape.-Bar., Calc. c., Nux Vom., Puls., Rhus., Staph. Glands of the neck (and lower jaw.)-Bell, Merc., Rhus., Staph. Glandula thyroidca (struma.) Jod., Spong. XXXII, CHEST. Inner chest.-Bry., Phos., Puls. Seneg., Spig., Stann., Sulph. Chest, upper part.—Mang., Staph. lower part.-Chin., Kali. c, Ph. ac., Sabin., Scill. Heart and region of the heart. Calc. c., Natr. m., Puls, Spig., Sulph. Palpitation of the heart.-Acon., Calc. c., Chin., Jod., Lyc.. Merc., Natr. mur., Phos., Puls., Sep., Spig. Sulph. with anguish.-Acon., Calc. c., Lyc, Phos, Puls., Spig. Pulsation of the heart, intermit- tent.-Chin., Dig, Natr. m, Ph. ac. trembling.-Calc. c, Spig. External chest.-Arn., Phos., Ran. bulb.. Spig, Sulph Mammæ.--Bry., Carb. an, Cham, Con., Phos., Sil. Nipples.-Graph., Lyc,Puls., Sulph. Milk increased.-Bell., Bry., Puls. decreased.--Dulc., Graph. - spoiled.-Cham. XXXIII. BACK. Shoulder-blades. Chin, Creos., Merc., Rhus., Sep. Back.-Arn., Ars, Bell., Calc. c., Caust., Cocc., Lye, Natr. m., Nux Small of the back. Caust. Nux vom., Puls, Sep, Sil., Sul. vom., Puls., Rhus., Sep, Sulph., Veratr. Sacrum and buttocks. Graph., Hep., Rhus. XXXIV. ARMS. Shoulder.-Acon. Bry., Kali Magn., Puls.. Rhus. C., Axillæ. Carb. an., Hep, Phos., Sep., Sulph. Upper arm.-Cocc., Ferr. Forearm.-Calc. c., Caust., Merc., Rhus, Staph. Hand.-Calc. c., Lyc., Nux vom., Sep., Sul. Back of the hand.-Natr. c, Rhus., Sep. Palm of the hand.-Anac., Ran. bulb, Selen., Spig. Fingers.--Amm. mur.. Lyc, Puls., Rhus., Sil., Sulph, Thuj. Tips of the fingers.-Amm. mur., Mar., Thuj. Between the fingers. Graph. Selen. Finger-nails. Sil. Joints in general.-Calc. c., Caust., Kali e, Led., Lyc,, Merc., Rhus., Sep., Sulph. Sensations of Internal and External Parts. 213 Shoulder joint.-Calc. c., Ferr.. Foot.-Arn.. Bell., Lyc., Puls., Sep., Ignat., Kali c., Puls., Rhus., Sep, Staph., Sulph. Caust., Kali Elbow joint. Rhus, Sep., Sulph, C., Hollow of the elbow.-Kali c. Point of the elbow.-Hep Wrist.-Bov., Calc. c., Caust., Kali c., Rhus., Ruta., Sabin., Sep., Sulph. Joints of the fingers.-Calc. c., Lyc., Sep., Spig., Sul. Bones. Asaf., Chin., Cocc., Rhus., Staph. XXV. LEGS, Lumbar region.-Caust., Euphorb., Lyc.. Ruta., Sep., Sulph. Buttocks.-Graph., Ph. ac.. Staph. Thighs.-Chin., Gunj., Merc. Sil. Heel.-Caust., Graph., Ignat., Led., Natr. c., Puls., Sabin., Sep. Back of the foot.-Camph., Caust., Spig., Tarax. Sole. Cupr., Mur. ac., Ph. ac., Puls., Sulph., Tarax. Toes.-Arn., Caust., Graph., Plat., Ran. scel., Sabin, Sulph., Thuj. Big toe.—Arn., Asaf., Caust., Kali c., Plat., Sil., Zinc. Tips of the toes.-Kali c., Sep. Ball, under part of the toes.- Caun., Led., Petr., Puls., Spig. Toe nails.-Graph., Sabad. Corns.-Ant. crud, Lyc., Sep., Sil. Joints in general.-Calc. c, Caust., Kali c., Led., Lyc., Nair. m., Rhus., Sep., Stront., Sulph. Thigh, anterior surface.-Anac., | Hip joint.-Bry., Calc. c., Caust., Spong. Thigh, posterior surface.-Sulph., Zinc. external side.-Ph. ac. inner side. Stann., Sulph. Petr, Rhodod., Legs.-Calc. c.. Lyc., Puls., Sep, Šil, Staph. Shin bone.-Agar., Asaf., Calc. c., Merc, Mezer., Phos., Puls. Calves. Alum, Ars; Calc C.. Graph., Nitr. ac., Puls, Rhus.. Sep., Stann., Staph., Sul. Valer. Tendo Achillis.-Anac., Mur. ac., Sep., Zinc. Led., Rhus. Knee joint.-Caust., Chin., Led., Natr. m., Nux vom., Petr, Puls., Rhus., Sep., Sulph. Hollow of the knee.-Bell., Natr. in. Patella.-Bell., Camph. Ankle.-Caust Rhus., Sep., Sul. Lyc., Natr. m., Joints of the toes.-Aur., Caust., Kali c., Led., Marum., Sabin., Sep., Sulph., Zinc. Bones.-Merc., Phos., Puls., Ruta., Sil., Staph. I. Part Third. SENSATIONS AND COMPLAINTS. EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL PARTS Anxiousness, sensation of in the OF THE BODY IN GENERAL. Air, open, aversion to.-Cale. c., Cham., Cocc., Coff., Ignat., Kali c., Natr. c., Nux vom., Petr., Sil. Air, open, desire for.-Aur., Croc., Puls. Aneurisms by anastomosis.—Thuj. body.-Ars., Cham., Nux vom., Ph. ac., Puls. Apoplexia. - Acon., Bell., Cocc., Lach., Lye.. Op. Arthritic pain (in the joints).- Agnus. c., Arg., Bell., Bry., Colch., Kali C.. Led., Merc., Rhus., Sabin., Spong., Staph. 214 Sensations of Internal and External Parts. flying from one part to another: -Puls. Arthritici nodi.-Calc. c., Rhodod., Staph. Attacks of sick feeling.-Calc. c., Con., Cupr., Sil. Ball in inner parts, sensation as of a.-Ignat. Sep. Band (see Hoop). Beaten, pain as if.-Arn., Cina.. Plat. Beaten off the bones, flesh as if. Rhus. ་ Bee sting, pains like. -Apis. Biting pain (pungent).-Carb. veg., Nux vom.. Ran, scel., Sul., Zinc. Blackness of outer parts.-Cupr., Merc., Op., Sec. corn., Veratr. Bleeding from inner parts.--Bell., Calc. e, Canth., Chin., Ferr., Ipec.. Merc., Nitr. ac., Nux vom., Phos.. Puls., Sabin., Sep., Sul. Blood, abundance of (plethora).- Bell., Ferr., Hyosc., Puls. congestion of, to single parts. -Acon.. Bell., Chin., Ferr., Nax vom., Puls., Sul. - erethism of (flush, rush, etc.)- Acon., Aur., Calc. c., Creos., Lyc. deficiency of.-Ars., Chin., Puls., Scill., Staph. Blood vessels, pulsations of the. -Bell. -distension of the.-Bell., Chin., Ferr., Hyosc., Thuj. Boring.-Bell., Bism., Ran. scel., Spig. Bruised in outer parts. pain as if. −Arn., Chin.. Coce., Hep., Natr m., Nux vom., Ruta., Sul., Veratr. in the joints.—Arg., Aur., Chin., Puls. in the bones.-Cocc., Hep., Ruta. in inner parts.-Camph., Chin., Puls. Bubbling (see Clucking). Bubbling spring, sensation of - thus. cy. Burns.-Ars. Burning pain, of exterior parts. — Bry., Carb. veg., Caust., Nux vom., Phos., Ph. ac., Rhus., Stann., Sulph. -of inner parts.-Acon., Bell., Bry., Canthi., Merc., Nux vom., Phos., Sabad., Sep., Sulph. | Pain, as if the parts would burst, were pressed asunder, pushed asunder.-Bell., Bry., Calc. c., Caust., Ignat., Ran. bulb., Sep.. Spig. Buzzing (see Humming). Carried, want to be. (children).- Cham. Catalepsy.--Cic., Petr., Plat., Sep. with bending backwards.--Ang. Bell., Ignat. Chlorosis.-Bell., Calc. c., Cocc.. Ferr., Lyc., Nitr. ac., Plat., Puls., Sul. Chorea, St. Vitus', (see Spasms clouic). Clothes, feeling uneasy and en- cumbered by the.--Lyc., Nax vom., Spong. Clucking.--Rheum., Scill. Cæruleus morbus.-- Cupr., Dig., Lach., Op. Catch cold, disposition to.-Acon., Bry.. Cham., Dule., Nitr. ac., Nnx Von. Colduess in inner parts sensation of.-Calc. c., Laur. Complaints prevailing in inner parts.-Cale. c., Cauchi, Nux vom., Phos. Complaints prevailing in outer parts.--Plat., Rhnus. Concussion.--Arn., Led. Constriction (see Contraction). Constriction of the orifices.--Bell. Consumption in general. — Jod., Kali c., Lye.. Phos., Puls., Stanu. Contortions of the limbs.-Bell., Plat., Stram. Contraction in outer parts, sen- sation of.--Graph., Nux vom., Rhus., Sep. Contraction of the joints.-Anae., Aur., Graph., Natř. m., Nitr. ac., of inner parts.-Bell., Chin,, Dros., Ignat., Nux vom.. Plat., Plumb., Puls., Sulph. Contusions.--Arn., Ruta. Contusion, pain as from.--Arn., Cic.. Dros., Ruta. Convulsions (see Motions, convul- sive). Convulsions, with jerking of the convulsed part.--Ambr., Caust., Natr. m., Plumb. 響 ​Sensations of Internal and External Parts. Corrosion of the part.--Mere. Cracking of the joints.--Caps., Led., Nitr. ac., Petr. Crackling, sensation as of (Crepi- tation).--Acon., Calc. c., Rheum. Cramp, pain in the muscles.-- Anac., Ang., Bell., Calc. c., Cina., Lyc., Merc., Plat., Sep. in the joints.--Ang. Calc., c., Plat. in the inner parts.--Ang.. Plat. Creeping in the limbs like a mouse.-Bell., Calc. c., Sulph. Crepitation (see Crackling). Curbing (see Contraction). Cutting in outer parts. Calc. c., Dros., Natr. c. Bell.. in inner parts.—Calc. c., Canth.. Kali. c., Mere., Sulph. Cyanosis (see Morbus Cæruleus). Deadness of single parts (see Insensibility). Deadness, in single parts, sense of. -Sec. c. Debility (see Weakness). Digging up (see Rooting). Distended, sensation as if inner parts were, (enlarged). — Bell., Ignat., Oleand. Dragging pain.-Arn., Bell., Nux vom. Drawing (see Tearing). Drawing in of soft parts (retrac- tion.-Plumb. Drawn together, limbs, crooked. -Cale. c., Graph., Lyc., Sec. corn. Dropping, sensation as of.-Cann. Dropsy of outer parts.—Ant. crud., Ars., Chin., Colch.. Dig., Hel., Oleand., Scill. of inner parts. Apis.. Ars., Bell., Chin., Coleh.. Dig., Hell.. Sul. Dryness of inner parts (usually moist.) Bell.. Calad., Cale. c., Phos., Seneg., Sulph. Dryness in inner parts, sensation of.-Nux mosch, Rhus. Dryness in the joints, sensation of. -Nux vom., Puls Dull pain.-Agar.. Hyose. Dust in inner parts, sensation as of.-Cale, e Emaciation, general. Chin., Graph., Jod, Lye.. Natr. m, Nux vom.. Stann., Sulph. Emptiness, sensation as of (hol- lowness.)—Coce., Ignat., Puls.. Sep., Stann. 215 Epilepsy.-Bell., Calc. c., Caust., Cic., Cina., Cupr., Hyos., Stram., Sul. Epilepsy with rigor. Mosch., Plat. with consciousness. Stram. Ipec., Cina., - Calc. J without consciousness. c.. Canth., Cic.. Hyosc., Plumb. Excitement, nervous.-Bell., Coff., Nux vom. Extension, sensation of (swelling, distension, increase of size. )— Rhus.. Spig., Par.. Puls. Fainting. Acon. Cham., Chin., Dig.. Nux vom.. Sep.. Stram. Fat, tendency to get. Calc. c., Caps., Ferr. Fatigue, sensation of. Cann., Croc.. Puls. Festering, inward, sensation as of.-Phos.. Puls., Ran. bulb. Fidgety disposition (restlessness of the body. Anac., Bell., Hyos., Merc., Rhus., Sep., Staph., Stram. Floccilegium (grasping at flocks.) Hyose. Frailty (see Weakness.) Frozen limbs.--Agar., Nitr. ac. Fullness sensation of, in inner parts.--A con..Chin. Lyc., Mosch., Phos.. Rhus., Sulph. Gnawing in outer parts.-Agnus (., Plat., Ran. scel.. Spong., Staph. "Given out”\\sensation (in the back.- Esculus. hip. Gnawing in the joints.-Ran. scel. on inner parts.-Caust., Ruta. Griping (with sense as of tearing away.) Cale. c. Ignat., Sil., Stann. Grown together, sensation as if inner parts were.—Rhus. Hanging loose, skin as if.-Phos. Heaviness in, sensation as of, outer parts. Bell., N. Bell., N. rom., Phos., Puls.. Rhus., Spig., Stann. in inner parts.-Acon., Bism., Calc. c., N. vom., Rhus., Sil., Sulph. Hoop, sensation as of a, or band, being around parts. Anac., Con., Nitr. ac.. Plat., Puls., Sulph. Humming (buzzing) in the body.. -N. mosch., Oleand., Puls., Spig., Sul. 4 216 Sensations of Internal and External Parts. Hydrophobia. Bell., Hyosc., Stram. Hypochondria and hysterics. Aur., Con., Natr. c., Nux vom., Plat.. Valer. Hysteric fits.-Cocc., Con., Magn. mur. Ill sensation as of being, (feeling unwell, indisposed.) Nux vom. Acon., Illusions of the sense of tact.-- Rhus. Immovability of the parts affec- ted.-Cocc., Rhus. Indurations after inflammations. -Bell., Chin., Clem.. Magn. m. Inflammation of external parts.-- Ars.. Puls., Sil.. Staph. of inner parts.-Acon., Bell., Bry.. Canth., Merc., Nux vom., Phos., Puls. Inflammation of the mucous mem- brane.-Acon., Ars.. Bell., Merc., Nux vom.. Sul. Inflexibility of the joints of the limbs.--Petr., Sep. Insensiblity of outer parts (pain- lessness, pithy, numb-feeling.) --Cocc.. Hyos.. Lyc.. Oleand., Op.. Ph. ac., Stram. of inner parts.-Plat. Insensibility of the parts affected. -Plat. Irritability of the body, deficiency of.—Con., Oleand., Op., Ph. ac. Irritability of the body, excessive. -Canth.. Coff. Merc.. Nux vom. Itching (tickling) of inner parts. --Ambr., Jod., Nux vom., Phos. Jaundice.—Con.. N. vom.. Sep. Jerks convulsive sensations) in inner parts. Calc. c., Plat., Puls., Spig., Stann. in the muscles.-Cic., Sep., Sul., Sulph. ac. Jerking pain in outer parts.- Asaf., Bell., Calc. c., Caust., Men., Natr. m. N. vom. Puls.. Rhus. - pain in inner parts. Chin., Ignat., Kali C., Nitr. ac., Puls.. Sil. Knocking in outer parts.-Calc. c., Kali c., Sabad.. Sulph. in inner parts.--Acon., Calc. c., Cocc., Phos., Sep. Lassitude of the body. Ph. ac. Chin., Lie down, inclination to.--Acon., Ars., Calad., Cham., Nux vom. Lifting heavy things. disposition to strain a part by. Calc. c., Rhus. Living in inner parts, sensation as of something.-Croc. Lump in inner parts, sensation as of a.-Spig., Sulph. Motion rendered difficult.--Bell., Caust., Lyc.. Petr., Rhus., Sep. Motion convulsive.-Bell., Cham., Cic., Cocc., Cupr., Hyos., Ignat., Ipec., Op., Sec. corn., Stram. - involuntary.-Hyos., Stram. Moving, aversion to.-Acon., Calad., Guaj.. Nux vom. inclination to.-Cham., Chin., Ferr., Rhus. - sensation of.-Bell., Croc., Sul. Moving quickly from one part to another, pains (see Arthritic Pain.) Mucous, secretion of, increased.— Calc. c., Merc., Nux vom., Phos., Puls., Sulph. Muscles, convulsive motions of the (subsultns tendinum).-Jod., Kali c., Mezer. - laxness of the.-Calc. c.. Caps., Coce. - shortness of the (muscles being shortened.) Amm. m., Caust., Coloc., Graph.. Natr. m. - tightness of the.-Acon., Nitr. ac.. Phos.. Sep. Nervous debility. Chin., Nux vom.. Puls., Sil. Numb feeling (see Insensibility.) Obstructed, sensation as if inner parts were.-Op. Opistotonus.-Ang.. Bell.. Ignat. Oppressive pain.—Moschus. Pains like labor pains.-Acon., Bell., Cham., Ferr., Op., Puls., Sabin. Palsy (see Paralysis.) Paralysis of the limbs. Cocc., Rhus.. Sil. - left side of face.-Caust. Paralysis painless.-Cocc., Con., Lye. Oleand.. Rhus. of the organs.-Bell., Dulc., Hyose.. Op.. Puls., Sec. corn.. Sil. of the inner parts.-Bell., Dulc., Hyosc. Paralyzed, pain as if.-Cina., Cocc., Cycl., Nux vom., Sabin. Sensations of Internal and External Parts. Paralyzed in the joints, pain as if. --Aur., Caps., Euphorb., Staph., Valer. Pecking.— Chin. Peg, plug, sensation as of a (nail) in inner parts.-Ignat. Pinching, with sense as of tearing. --Anim. m., Laur., Mosch., Plumb. Piuching in outer parts.-Men., Rhodod., Sabad. Stann. in inner parts.--Calc. c., Chel., Cocc., Ignat., Lyc., Ran. scel. Polypus.-Calc. c.. Staph. Pressed or pushed asunder, pain as if.--(see below) Bell.. Bry., Calc. c., Caust., Ignat., Ran. bulb., Sep., Spig. Pressing (simple) in outer parts. Caust.. Stann., Staph. P in inner parts.-Arn., Ars., Bell., Calc. c., Carb. veg., Chin., Lyc., Zinc. from without inwards. below) Anac., Plat. — (see from within outwards.--Asaf. Pressing as of a heavy load.-- Acon., Nux vom., Sep. - together (compressive.) Alum.. Asar., Cocc., Plat. Pressure (simple) in the muscles. Cycl.. N. mosch., Ruta., Verb. Pricking (darting) in outer parts. -Asaf., Bell.. Bry., Cal. c., Merc. Puls.. Rhus., Spig., Staph., Sulph., Tarax., Thuj. Pricking in inner parts.--Asaf.. Bry., Canth., Chel., Chin.. Ignat., Phos., Puls.. Sep.. Spig.. Verh. from without inwards.--Arn.. Canth. from within outwards.--Arg., Asaf.. Chin., Con.. Spig.. Spong.. Stann.. Sulph., Valer., from below upwards.-Bell. from above downwards.--Carb. veg. Ferr. Pricking in muscles.--Asaf., Bell., Bry., Calc. c., Chin., Merc., Puls., Rhus, Spig., Staph., Sulph., Tarax. Thuj. in the joints.-Calc. c., Hell.. Kali. c., Mang., Merc., Rhus., Sil.. Spig.. Tar., Thuj. - in the boues.-Bell., Cale. c., Caust.. Con.. Hell., Mere., Puls., Sassap., Sep. : 217 - burning in the muscles.-Asaf., Cocc., Mezer., Nux vom., Staph., Sulph. ac.. Thuj. Pricking burning in the inner epigastric regions.--Ignat. drawing (see Tearing.) Pricking with jerking.-Cina., Nux rom. with pressing in the muscles.- Sassap. tearing (drawing) in the mus- cles. Anac., Calc. c., Guaj., Mang., Puls., Thuj. in the joints.-Staph. tensive. Spig. Pricking in outer parts.- Plat., Ran. scel. Puffiness. Ant. crud., Calc. c., Caps., Cupr., Ferr. Pulling (see Tugging ) Pulsation in outer parts.-Oleand. - in inner parts.-Alum., Ant. tart., Calc. c., Puls. Pushing.-Cocc., Mosch., Nux vom., Puls. Qualmishness, sensation of.-Ars., Caust., Croc., Ignat., Lye., Natr. c., Phos., Sulph.. Veratr. Quivering in external parts.— Asaf., Kali e., Mezer., Natr. e. Rending, pain as from.-Coff., Nux vom. Restlessness (see Fidgety disposi- tion.) Rigor.-Dros., Led. Rigor. sense of.—Asaf. Rooting (digging up.) Dule., Rhodod., Spig. Roughness in inner parts, sense of. -Carb. reg., Nux Nux rom., Phos. Sul. scraping over bones.-China. Scurry. Scurvy.—Carb. veg., Mere., Mur. ac., Nux rom., Staph. Sensitiveness of outer parts.- Arn., Bell., Chin., Nux vom., Puls., Spig. of inner parts.-Canth., Hep., Phos. to pain.-Aur., Cham., Coff., Lyc., Phos.. Sep. Shaking (see Trembling.) Shocks, pain as if from.-Arn, Cina., Plat., Ruta.. Sulph. ae. Shrinking (wasting) of soft parts. —Ang., Jod., Merc, 218 Sensations of Internal and External Parts. Complaints on one side only.- Alum., Anac., Asaf., Kali c., Ph. ac., Plat., Sassap., Sulph. ac., Verb. Sit down, inclination to.-Chin., Con., Graph., Nux vom., Phos., Scill. Sleep, sensation as if gone to, in single parts.-Carb. an., Cocc., Croc.. Graph., Kali c., Lyc., Sil. Sore pain in outer parts.-Graph., Hep., Ignat., Nux vom., Plat., Sep., Zinc. inner parts.-Ignat., Sep., Zinc. Spasms in general.-Bell., Cic., Cupr., Hyosc., Stram. Spasms, clonic. Agar., Bell., Cham., Cic., Cupr., Hyosc., Op., Sep., Stram. J tonic.-Ang., Bell., Cic., Petr., Plat., Sep. -hysteric. Con., Ignat. in inner parts.-Caust., Coce., Hyosc., Ignat., Nux vom., Puls., Stann. Sprains. Agnus. e., Calc. c., Lyc., Natr. c., Natr. m., Petr., Phos., Rhus. Spraining, disposition to.-Natr. c., Rhus. Sprained in outer parts, pain as if. -Arn, Calc. c., Natr. m., Petr., Rhus., Sul. as if sprained in the joints.— -Arn., Ignat., Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sul. Squeezing pain in outer parts.- Ang., Plat. in inner parts.-Ambr., Ignat., Ph. ac., Plat. Staggering when walking.-Bell., Bry., Nux vom., Rhus., Stram., Veratr. Starting of the body.-Bell., Bry., Nux vom., Stront. Stilling pain.—Puls. Stretching, simple, of the limbs.— Alum., Bell., Cina. Stretching of the limbs, as from drowsiness.—Alum, Strictures (after inflammation).- Cic., Merc., Nux vom., Rhus. Stunning pain.-Oleand., Sabad,, Verb. Stupefying pain (see Stunning). Subsultus tendinum (see Muscles). Sugillation,—Arn. Supporting the body, difficulty in. -Cocc., Veratr. Swelling in general.—Ars., Bell., Bry., Merc., Nux vom., Puls., Rhus. Swelling, inflammatory. - Acon., Calc. c., Canth., Kali c., Merc., Rhus., Sep., Sulph. Bell., of the parts affected. Kali c., Merc., Puls., Rhus., Sep., Sulph. Swelling, sensation of (see sensa- tion of Extension), Tearing (drawing) in outer parts. -Acon..Actaea (as in rheumatism of the smaller joints,) Arn., Bry., Chin., Kali c., Lyc., Sil., Sul., Zinc. - in inner parts. Bell.,. Bry., Con., Lyc., Merc., Nux vom., Puls., Sil. from below upwards.-Bell. Tearing (drawing) from above downwards.-Caps., Lye. in the muscles.-Calc c., Carb. veg., Caust., Kali e., Lyc., Merc., Nitr. ac., Rhodod.. Sep. Sil., Staph., Stront., Sulph., Zinc. in the joints.-Arg.. Caust., Kali c., Lyc., Mere., Rhus., Stront., Sul., Zinc. in the bones.-Chin., Kali c., Merc.. Rhodod. crampy in the muscles.-Anac., Natr. c., Plat. in the joints.-Oleand. jerking in the muscles.-Chin., Puls. in the joints.-Chin. in the bones.-Chin. paralytic in the muscles.-- Kali c. in the joints.-Staph. with pressure, in the muscles. Carb. veg., Stann. in the bones.-Arg., Cycl., sticking (lancinations) in the muscles.-Zine. in the joints.-Led. Tension in the outer parts.-Bar., Caust., Coloc., Con., Phos., Plat., Puls., Rlius., Stront., Sulph. in the joints.-Bry., Caust., Lyc., Natr. m., Puls., Seneg., Sep., Sulph. in the inner parts.-Asaf., Bell., Lyc., Nux vom., Puls., Stront. Glands, Bones. Tetanus (see Catalepsy and Tonic Hardness (Induration.) spasms). Tickling (see Itching). Tightness (see Tension). Plat. Tingling in outer parts.-Acon., Arn., Colch., Nux vom., Rhus., Sec. corn.. Sep., Spig. - in inner parts.-Colch., Plat., Rhus. Trembling (shaking) of outer parts.-Cic., Merc.. Op., Plat., P'uls., Rhus., Stram., Sul. Trembling shaking of inner parts (sensation of trembling of iuner parts.)-Calc. c., Jod., Rhus., Staph. Tugging.-Puls. Tumor (see Swelling). 219 Heat (see Burning and Swelling.) Induration (hardness, knots.) - Bell., Clem., Con. Inflammation.-Bell., Merc., Phos. Itching.-Con. Knots (see Induration.) Painfulness in general. Bell. Lyc., Merc.. Phos. Prickling.-Bell., Merc., Puls- Pulsation. Merc. Redness (see Swelling.) Sensibility.—Con., Phos. Swelling (tumor.) Turning (twisting, writhing).-— Sil. Ulcerated in outer parts, pain as if.-Amm. mur., P'uls., Rhus. in inuer parts.-Lach., Puls, Varices.-Arn., Puls. Vibration, like dull tingling, in the body.-Bell., Sep., Sul. Sensation of rigor.-Op. Warmth, sensation of.-Cann., Coff., Sulph. ac. Washing, aversion to.-Amm. c., Ant. crud., Clem, Rhus., Sep., Spig.. Sulph. Weakness (debility.)-Ars., Cale. c., Chin., Ferr., Jod., Kali c., Lyc.. Nux vom., Rhus., Sep., Stan., Veratr. of the joints.-Acon., Arn.. Calc. c., Kali c., Lyc., Merc., Rhus., Sep., Sulph. White, parts which are usually red, turn.-Bor., Hell.. Merc. Whizzing (see Humming.) Writhing (see Turning.) II. GLANDS. Boring (see Piercing.) Burning.-Ars. Chapping (see Soreness.) Contusion, pain as from.-Con. Darting pain (see Jerking.) Digging (see Rooting.) Distension, sensation of (see Sensa- tion of Swelling.) Drawing (see Tearing.) Festering. Hep.. Sil. -Con., Jod. Arn., Bell., Lyc., Merc., Nitr. ac., Phos., Rhus., Sul. cold.-Con. hard.-Con. - hot.-Bell., Merc.. Phos. inflammatory.-Merc. Sensation of swelling (of disten- sion.)-Puls. Tearing (drawing).—Chin. Tension.-Phos. Tingling.-Con. Tumor (see Swelling..) Ulcers. Ars., Phos., Sil. cancerous.—Ars., Con., Sul.. Ulcers, spongy.-Carb. an., Sil.. Ulcerated, pain as if.-Phos. Wasting aud withering (see Flac- cidity.) III. BONES. Band around, sensation as of a- Nitr. ac., Puls., Sul. Bending.-Asaf., Calc. Sil. c., Merc., Boring (see Piercing.) Bruised, pain as if.-Cocc., Hep., Ruta. Caries (see Festering.) Contractive, constrictive sensa- tion.—Nitr. ac., Puls., Sulph. Darting pain.—Asaf. Distension, interstitial. of the boues. Asaf.. Lyc., Merc. Festering caries. Asaf., Lye, Merc., Sil. - of the periosteum.-Asaf., Ph.. ac. Flesh were beaten off the bones, sensation as of the.-Rhus. Inflammation.-Mere., Puls., Sil., Staph. Mortification (necrosis.)—Ars. Flaccidity (wasting, withering.) | Painfuluess in general. — Asaf., Ph. ac., Puls., Ruta. 220 Skin and External Parts. Painfulness of the periosteum.- Contraction of the skin.-Rhus. Asaf., Ph. ac. Pricking. Calc. c., Con., Hell., Merc., Puls., Sassap., Sep. Scraping along the periosteum.- Chin., Rhus. Sensibility of the periosteum.— Ph. ac. Softening.-Asaf., Calc. c., Merc., Sil. Swelling.-Asaf., Calc. c., Ph. ac., Puls.. Sil., Staph., Sulph. - of the periosteum.-Asaf., Ph. ac. Tearing (drawing.)-Chin., Kali c., Merc., Rhodod. -jerking. Chin. Ulcerated (see Festering). IV. SKIN AND EXTERNAL PARTS. Biting (stinging) in the skin.- Euphorb., Led., Puls. Blackness of the skin (see color.) Bloatedness.-Ant. crud., Calc. c., Caps.. Cupr., Ferr. Blood-vessels, swelling of the. Bell., Chin., Ferr., Hyosc. Burning in the skin.-Acon., Ars., Bell., Lach., Lyc., Phos., Sil. Burus.-Ars.. Caust. Cancer (see Ulcers.) Chicken pox (see Exanthema.) Chilblains.-Agar., Petr., Puls. blue.-Puls. inflamed.—Puls. pustulous.- Chapping of the skin (see Rha- godes.) Coldness, external.-Ipec., Rhus., Sep., Sulph., Veratr. Rhus., Sensation of coldness on the skin. Merc., Mosch., Plat., Sec. corn., Veratr. Color of the Skin. Color of the Skin. bluish (blueness of the skin.- Dig., Lach., Op., Veratr. pale, (paleness of the skin.)— Bell., Calc. c., Chin, Cocc., Ferr., Lyc., Nitr. ac., Plat., Puls., Sul. -purplish.-Ailanth. red.-Bell., Graph., Merc., Rhus. yellow. Con., Nux vom., Sep. Comedones. (see Exanthema.) Condylomata, (see Excrescences.) Corns. Ant. crud., Lyc., Sil. inflamed.-Sil. with pressure.—Lyc, Corns pricking.-Bry., Calc. c., Sul. sensitive. Lyc., Sil. - sore, painful as if.-Ignat., Sep. tearing. Lyc., Sil. Crawling in the skin, as of insects. (see Formication. Cutaneous eruptions.-(see Exan- thema.) Cutting in the skin.-Bell. Desquamation of the skin.-Amm.c., Bell., Mezer. Dropsy, (see Swelling.) Dryness of the skin. (want of exhalation, want of sweat.)— Bell., Calc. c., Cham., Chin., Colch., Dulc., Kali c., Led., Lyc., Mar., N. mosch., Phos., Sec.corn., Seneg., Sil., Sul., Verb. Dryness with heat, (dry burning of the skin.)-Acon., Ars., Bry., Lach., Lyc., N. vom., Phos., Puls., Sil. Eruptions, cutaneous, (see Exan- thema.) Erysipelas. (see Exanthema.) Exanthema.-Ars., Calc. c., Caust., Crot. tig., Lyc., Rhus., Sep., Sil., Sul., Zinc. abscess.-Sil. authrax.—Ars., Bell. blackish.-Ars. biting, (stinging).- Euphorb., Led., Lyc., Puls. blisters, (see pocks.) —burning. — Ars., Caust., Merc., Rhus. chapped.--Puls., Sep., Sul. copper-colored.-Carb. an. - corroding and spreading, (phagedenic blisters.) Cham., Graph., Petr., Sil. on parts covered with hair, (except the head.)—Rhus. drawing. (see Tearing.) dry.-Bar., Calc. c., Led., Sep., Sil.. Verat. - erysipelatous. Acon., Bell., Graph., Merc., Rhus. flat.-Bell., Lach. gangrenous.—Ars. pustulous.-Rhus. of a scarlet color (scarlet fever).-Amm. c., Bell., Merc. Skin and External Parts. Exanthema, smooth, (genuine scarlet fever).-Bell. - with swelling.-Bell., Merc., Rhus. fungus, (see Excrescences.) furuncles.-Arn., Bell., Lach., Led., Lvc. small.-Arn. difficult to heal. -Cham.. Graph.. Petr., Sil. itch.-Carb veg., Caust., Crot. tig., Selen., Sep., Sul. dry.-Sep., Sil. greasy. Merc. suppressed with Mercury and Sulphur.-Caust., Sep. itching-Caust., Crot.tig., Rhus., Sep., Staph. Exanthema, knots, (blotches. nodes).-Cale. c., Caust., Dule.. Lach.. Mezer., Rhus. maggots.-Selen. like measles.-Acon., Puls. miliary eruption.-Acon., Bry., 1pec.. Merc., purpura milioris.-Acon. scarlet.-Acon., Bry. white.-Ars. - milk-crust.-Calc. Sassap. C., Rhus., -moist.-Carb. veg., Graph., Lyc.. Rhus. - like nettle-rash. Cale. c.. Caust., Dulc., Hep., Rhus. – painful —Arn., Bell. painless.-Lyc. - peeling off.-Amm. c., Bell.,! Sep. petechiæ.-Ars., Bry., Rhus. pimples in general.—Ant. Crud., Caust., Nitr. ac., Sep., Zine. - pock-shaped.-Ant. tart., Merc.. Khus. black.—Ars., Rhus. - purulent.-Merc., Natr. c,, Rhus., Sep. -pustules.-Aut. Tart., Rhus. pustulous. (vesicular.)—Ars., Lach., Phos., Ran. bulb., Rhus. blue.-Kan., Bulb. with erysipelas.-Rhus. rubeolæ.-Acon., Bry., Puls. scaly.--Clem., Phos. - scurfy, (crusty).-Calc. c., Con. Graph., Lyc., Rhus. sore.-Arg, Graph., Hep., Sep. - stinging.-Nitr. ac., Puls. with swelling.-Merc., Rhus. f | 221 Exanthema, tearing, (drawing`, and painful.--Lyc. tensive-Caust, Rhus. with pain as if ulcerated-Sil. whitish.-Ars. zona.-Merc., Rhus. Excrescences. Excrescences, condylomata -Nitr. ac., Thuj. -fungus articularis.-Ant. crud., Sil -hæmatodes.-Ars., Carb. an., Phos., Sil. hangnails.-Natr. mur., Sulph. maggots.--Selen. -nodi arthritici.-Calc. c.. Lye. -polypus.-Cale. c., Con., Phos., Staph. -spongy.-Carb. an.. Lach.. Sil. -tumor cysticus.-Bar., Cale. e. Fistulæ, (see Ulcers.) Flaccidity of the skin.-Cale. e. Formication, (crawling in the skin. as of insects).--Rhodod., Sec. corn. Gangræna humida.--Chin. Hair, loosing one`s.—Graph., Kali c.. Natr. m., l'hos, Sul. on the temples.-Natr. mur. of the eyebrows.—Kali e. Hangnails.-Natr. m., Sul. Hardness of the skin.-Rhus.. Sep. callons.-Graph., Sep. Hardness of the skin with thick- ening.—Rhus. Sep. -like parchment.—Ars. Skin difficult to heal.-Cham., Hep., Lach., Petr., Sil. Humidity of the skin.-Carb. veg., Graph., Lye., Rhus. Jaundice, (see Color.) Inactivity, (want of action). of the skin.—Anac., Con., Kali c., Lye., Ph. ae. Inflammation, disposition to, of the skiu -Cham., Sil. Inflammation of the skin.—Cham, Hep.. Merc., Puls., Sil. Insensibility, (numbness) of the skin.—Anac., Sec. corn. Itching. Itching in general.—Crot. tig., Lyc., Merc., Puls., Rhus., Sil., Spong., Staph., Sul. 222 Skin and External Parts. Itching, biting, (stinging),—Led., | Itching, pain as of subcutaneous Puls, Zinc. burning.-Bry, Lach., Lyc., Sil. itching crawling, (creeping).- Lyc., Staph. gnawing.-Agnus c., Lyc., Ole and., Plat, Staph. prickling, (stinging). -Bry., Graph., Puls., Rhus., Spong., Viol. tr. with soreness.-Plat. tingling.-Arn., Colch, Plat., Puls., Rhus.. Sep., Spig., Søl. with titillation.-Sabad., Sil. voluptuous -Sul. abating by seratching-Asaf., Calc c, Cycl., Mur. ac., Phos. unaltered by scratching.-Puls., Spong. worse by scratching.—Anac., Led., Puls. ulceration.--Sil. Leather, skin like, (see hard- ness.). Nails, complaints of the, in general.-Graph., Sil., Sul. deformed.-Graph. sore, painful as if.-Graph. thickening.-Graph. ulcerated.--Sil.. Sul. ulcerated, painful as Graph., Puls. -yellow.-Con., Sep. if. Pricking in the skin.-Bar., Bry., Graph, Puls., Khus., Spong., Viol. tr. burning-Asaf., Staph., Thuj. pr.ckling.--Plat. Rhagades, (chapping) of the skin.- Calc. c.. Puls., Sep., Sul. -after washing.-Calc. c., Sep., Sul. Salt-rheum, (see Ulcers.) - after scratching, biting, (sting. ing) in the skin.-Lach., Ole-Sensibility of the skin in general- and. blisters. Rhus. (vesicula). — Lach., - blotches.-Dulc., Lach., Mezer., Rhus. burning. Caust., Lach., Rhus., Sil., Sul. - chapping, (see soreness.) corrosion, (gnawing).—Óleand. - ecchymosis.-Merc., Sul. - erysipelas -Merc., Rhus. - after scratching; excoriated surface.-Graph., Petr. eruptions in general.-Amm. c., Caust., Lyc., Rhus., Sul. - humidity of the Skin, (damp. ness).-Graph., Lach., Lyc., Rhus. -numbness of the skin.—Oleand. pimples.-Sep pricking.-Bar., Rhus. after scratching; pustules.- Rhus. -redness of the Skin.-Rhus. scurf.-Lyc., Rhus., Sulph. simple (indefinite) pain.-Bar. soreness (chapping).—Oleand., Sep, Sul. tearing, (drawing).—Sul. tickling. Sabad. swelling.-Lach. after scratching; thickening of the skin.—Rhus. ulcers.--Lach., Sul. ulcerated, pain as if.-Amm. mur., Rhus. ་ Calc. c., Chin., Petr., Ph. ac., Sil. Soreness from lying in hed.—Arn., Chin., Graph., Petr., Sep. of children-Cham., Sul. sensation of.-Hep., Sep., Zinc. Sphacelus.-Plumb. Sec. corn.. Spots, blue —Arn. burning.-Ph. ac. greenish.-Con. liver-colored, (brown).- Lyc., Merc., Nitr. ac., Sep. Sul. Spots, petechim Ars. Bry., Rhus. red. Amm. c., Bell., Cocc., Phos. red, brownish.-Nitr. ac. copper-colored.-Carb. an. scarlet-Amn. c., Bell., Merc. summer-freckles.-Phos., Sul. white.Ars. Sil. yellow.--Arn., Sul. Stickiness of the skin.-Lyc., Phos. Stiffness of the skin (see want of elasticity and hardness). Suggillation.-Arn.. Sulph., ac. Suppuratiou, (see Ulcers.) Swelling, external, in general.— Ars., Bry., Merc., Puls., Rhus., Sul. Swelling of the parts affected.- Bell., Merc., Puls., Rhus., Sep., Sul. blue, black.-Ars., Lach., Op., Puls. - burning-Ars., Bry., Lyc., Phos., Sul. Skin and External Parts. Swelling, dropsical. Ant. crud, Ars., Bry., Chin., Hell., Puls., Sil., Sul. - hard, (tensive).- Bry., Phos., Puls., Rhus. - inflamed.-Bry., Merc., Puls. pale.-Bry., Lyc. Swelling, pricking, (stinging)-— Bry. Caust., Puls. - tingling.-Rhus. shining. Bry. spongy.-Ars., Lach., Sil. white.-Bry., Lyc sensation as of. — Bell., Puls., Rhus. Tenseness (tightness) of the skin Nitr ac. Phos. Tension.--Caust.. Stront. Tetters, (herpes) in general.—Ars., Bov. Calc. c., Clem., Con., Dulc., Graph. Lyc., Merc., Rhus., Sep., Sil. Sul. - burning.—Ars., Caust., Merc., Rhus. -chapped, (with chaps, rha- godes). Sep., Sul. circular.-Sep corroding and spreading. Graph., Sil. dry.-Sep., Sil. furfuraceous. Ars., Calc. C., Sil. 223 Ulcers bleeding in the edges.— Lyc., Ars., Merc., Sil. in the circumference.-Puls as if burnt.-Ars. -cancerous.-Árs., Sulph. Hep., Sil., cold, with a sensation of.-Bry. with corroding (gnawing) pains.-Staph. -crusty, (scabby).—Con., Lyc., Sil., Sul. -cutting.-Bell. - deep.-Calc. c., Puls., Sil. even, flat.-Lach. feeling, destitute of.—Ars., Con., Lve fistulous.-Cale c., Lyc., Puls, Sil. - gangrenous.-Ars., Plumb., Sec. corn. gnawing pains with, (see Cor- roding.) hard.-Ars.. Bell., Lyc., Puls. on the edges.-Ars., Lyc., Merc., Sil. in the circumference.-Asaf., Lach., Puls. with high, hard edges.-Ars., Asaf., Sil. difficult to heal.-Hep., Sil. - hot, (see burning and in- flamed.) - Tetters, humid.—Graph., Lyc., | — jerking.—Caust, Puls., Sil. Rhus -jerking.-Rhus. itehing.-Clem., Rhus., Sep. - pricking.-Ars., Clem., Sep. ring-worms, (see circular.) scaly -Clem. seurfy.-Calc. c., Con., Graph., Lyc.. Rhus., Sul. - suppurating. Sep Merc., Rhus, tearing, (drawing).—Lye. Ulcers in general.—Ars, Asaf.. Lach., Lye., Merc., Puls., Sil, Sul. bruised, with pain as if.-Hep. biting, (smarting. )—Puls. black, turning.-Ars., See., corn. on the bottom.—Ars. bleeding.-Ars., Lyc. on the edges.-Ars. with blisters around.-Lach. bluish.-Lach. burning.—Ars., Caust.. Lyc., Merc., Rhus., Sil. inflamed. Acon., Ars., Hep., Merc.. Sil. itching.—Hep., Lyc., Sil. itching round about.-Hep., Puls.. Sil. - looking like lard.-Hep., Merc. painful, (see sensitive.) painless.-Lye, Ph. with pressure.-Sil. pricking.—Ars., Merc., Nitr. ae., Puls., Sil, Sul. Sil. in the edges-Ars., Merc, in the circumference.-Asaf, Puls., with tingling. Arn., Rhus, Sep. with flesh in the aleer.—Ars.. Sep., Sil. pulsating. Merc., Sul. with pustules around, (spread- ingand including them).--ilepai. putrid.-Hep., Mur. ac., Sil. with redness round.—Ars., Hep., Puls, Sil. 224 " salt-rheum.-Ars., Lyc., Sep. Sleep. - scabby, (see Crusty.) sensitive (painful).-Arn., Asaf., Hep. on the edges.-Ars., Asaf., Hep., Merc., Sil. sensitiveness in the circum- ference. Asaf., Lach., Puls. suppurating. --Asaf., Caust., Hep. Merc., Puls., Rhus, Sil with pain as of soreness.-Ilep., Puls. Sil. spongy.-Ars., Carb au., Lach., on the edges -Ars., Sil. with white spots.-Lach. - speckled.-Con. Ulcers, suppuruting. Pus being bloody.-Ars., Asaf., Hep., Merc. too copious.-Puls., Sep. corroding (acrid). Caust, Merc., Rhus., Sil. fetid. (see stinking). gray-Caust. Ars., ichorons. Ars., Carb. veg., Merc., Nitr. ac., Rhus., Sil. too little.-Calc. c., Lach., Merc, Sil. of a sour smell.-Hep. stinking.-Ilep. Pb. ac. Sul. thin.-Asaf., Caust., Merc. tenacious.-Kali. b., Mere. | watery.-Caust., Merc. yellow.-Puls. Ulcers, swollen. - Bell., Puls., Sep., Sul. Merc., - swollen round about.-Puls. on the edges.-Merc., Sil. tearing, (drawing).-Lyc., Sul. tensive.-Con., Puls., Stront., Sul. tensive, in the circumference.- Puls. with indented edges.-Merc. with pain as of subcutaneous ulceration.-Phos.. Puls., Sil. Pain in the skin, as if ulcerated.- Alm. mur., Graph., Puls., Khus. Varices.-Arn, l'uls. -suppurating.-Lyc. inflamed.-Ars., Puls. Warts.-Bell., Calc. C.. Dulc., Nitr. ac., Sulph., Thuj. Withered Skin.-Chin., Sec. corn. Wounds in general.-Arn., Calend., Hyper. perf., Ledan. Caust., bleeding very much.-Lach., Phos. bruises, (contusions).~Arn. eut-wounds.-Staph. with injured bones.-Ruta. with injured glands.-Con. with sprained muscles.-Rhus. From sticking stab wounds ac. Nitr. healed. (opening again.) Phos. Part Fourth. SLEEP AND DREAMS. I. SLEEP. Yawning in general. Caust., Cina., Creos. Croc., Ignat., Nux. vom., Rhus. spasmodic.-Plat., Rhus. -without inclination to sleep.- Plat., Rhus. with stretching of the limbs. Ars, Cham., Nux. vom., Rhus. Concomitant complaints.-Cina., Creos, Ignat., Nux. voma., Rhus., Sassap. Falling asleep, later.-Ars.. Bry. Cale, c., Carb. veg., Merc., Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sep. Not being able to sleep again after waking.—Nat. mur., Sil, Complaints preventing sleep. Ars., Bry, Cale. c., Carb. veg., Merc., Phos., Puls., Rhus, Sep. Waking frequently during the night.-Calc. c., Hep. Phos., Puls., Sep., Sul. Waking too early-Kali c., Natr. c., Nux vom., Ran. bulb. Sleep, Dreams. too late.-Calc. c., Graph., Nux vom., Sep. Concomitant complaints.-Ambr., Ars., Calc. c., Caust. Hep., Nitr. ac., Petr., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sul. Drowsiness.-Ant. tart., Croc., N. mosch., Op., Veratr. Somnolency.-Croc., N. mosch. Sleep in the early morning.-Calc. c., Graph., N. vom., Sep. like stupor.-Con., Graph., N. vom. - anxious.-Ars. - not refreshing.—Bry., Hep., Op., Sul. Con. - stupor-like.-Bell., Con.. Led., N. mos., Op. 225 with drowsiness.-Bell., Cham., Phos., Puls., Sep. Complaints causing sleeplessness.- Ars., Bry., Calc. c., Chiam., Chin., Coff., Merc., Phos., Puls., Khus., Sep. Positions During Sleep. With the arms above the head.— Puls. Lying on the back.-Bry., Puls., Rhus. II. DREAMS. Dreams in general, many.)—Bry., Chin., Magn. c., N. vom., Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sil., Sul. - sound, (deep).—-Ant. tart., N. Dreams, anxious.-Arn., Graph., mos., Op. nnquiet.-Ars., Bar., Chin., Rhus., Sil., Sul. ་ waking.-Acon., Op. Concomitant complaints. Ars., Bell., Bry., Cham., Hep., Úp., Puls., Sil., Stram., Sul. Sleepiness in the day-time in general.-Ant. crud.. Ant. tart.. Croc., N. vom., Phos., Ph. ac. Puls. —in the morning.-Calc. c., Graph., N. vom., Sep. -- in the forenoon.-Ant. cr., Sabad., in the afternoon.-Chin., N. vom., Rhus., Sul. - in the evening.-Ars, Calc. c. Kali c., N. rom. Concomitant complaints. - Ant., tart., N. Mosch., Puls. Complaints causing sleepiness.- Ant. tart., N. mosch., Rhus. Sleeplessness in general.-Ars., Bry., Calc. c.. Cham., Chin., Coff., Hep., Kali c., Merc., Puls., Sep., Sil. - before midnight.—Bry., Cale. c. Carb. veg., Merc., Phos., Puls., Rhus., Sep. Sleeplessness after midnight.-Ars., Caps., Coff., Kali c., N. vom. Sil. Magn c., N. vom., Phos. Puls. Thuj. about fatal accidents. Graph., Lyc., N. rom., Puls., Thuj. about animals.-Arn. about dead persons. — Ars., Magn. c., Thuj. with feeling of embarrass- ment.-Amm., m., Ars. about falling.—Thuj. about fire.-Hep., Magn. c., Magn. mur. illness.-N. rom. about quarrelling.-N. vom. about thieves.-Magn. c. about water.-Amm. mur. Dreams continning a long while.- Ignat. - exerting the mind.-Ignat., N. vom. pleasant.-Calc. c., Natr. c., Op., Puls., Sep., Staph. Viol. tr. amorous.-Natr. c.. N. vom., Op., Staph., Viol. tr. · merry.—Op. fantastical.-Calo. c., Natr.mur., Op. vexatious.-Asaf. - vivid.-Phos., Rhus., Sil., Sul. Part Fifth. FEVERS. 1. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. conjestion of, to single parts.- Acon., Bell., Chin., Ferr., N. vom., Puls., Sul., Viol. o. erethism of.-Acon., Aur., Calc. c., Creas., Lyc. - plethora.-Bell., Ferr., Iyos., Puls. want of blood. Ars., Chin., Puls., Sil., Staph. Blood vessels, inflation of the.- Bell.. Chin., Ferr., Hyos., Thuj. - net work of.—Thuj. pulsation of the.-Bell. Varices.-Arn., Puls, Ham. Pulse changed in general.-Acon., Ars., Bell., Creos., Cupr, Hyos.. Jod, Op., Phos., Ph. ac., Rhus., Sil., Stram., Veratr. - unchanged. Magn. c., Natr. c. Dros., Euphr. full.-Acon., Bell., Dig, Hyos., Natrum., Stram. hard.-Acon, Bell., Bry., Chel., Hyosc., Stram. imperceptible.-Acon., Carb. v., Cuprum Sil., Veratr. Chilliness internal.-Anac., Calc c.. Nux vom. of single parts.-Ignat., N.vom., Puls., Sep, Spig. of one side only.-Puls. with thirst.-Acon., Bry., Cham., Cina,, Natr. m., N vom. - without thirst.-Ars., Hell., N. mos., Puls., Sabad., Spig. with shivering.—Bry., Chin. Concomitant complaints.-Ars., Bry., N. vom., Puls., Rhus. 111. COLDNESS. Coldness in general.-Ars., Puls., Ran bulb., Rhus., Veratr. - of single parts.-Calad., Caust., Ipec., Rhus., Sep., Sul., Ver. - of one side only.-Puls., Rhus. Sensation of cold in outer parts.- Merc., Mosch., Plat., Rhus., Sec. corn., Veratr. in inner parts.-Calc. c., Laur. IV. HEAT. intermitting.—Chin., Dig., Natr. | Heat in general.-Bry., Merc., N. m., Ph. ac. -irregular.-Chin., Dig., Natr. m., Ph ac., Stram. Bry., Jod., - quickly.-Acon., Merc., Phos., Ph. ac., Sil., Stann., Stram. - slow.-Dig., Stram. small. Acon, Carb. v., Cuprum. Guaj, Laur., Sil., Stram., Veratr. soft.-Carb. v., Cuprum, Veratr. - tremulous.-Calc. c., Spig. II. COLD STAGE. Chilliness.-Ars., Bry., Chin., Natr. m., Nux vom., Phos., Puls., Sil., Spig. in general.-Ars., Bry., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Puls., Rhus., Spig., Veratr. vom., Phos., Puls., Rhus. external. Acon., Ars., Bell., Bry., Ignat., Rhus., Sil. internal.-Acon., Ars, Bell., Bry., N vom., Ph.ac., Rhus., Sabad. of single parts.-Ars., Bell., Bry., Merc., Phos., Phos.ac., Sulph. of single outer parts -Ars., Bell, Merc., Phos., Phos ac., Sul. of single inuer parts.—Acon., Bell., Bry., Canth., Laur., Merc., Phos., Sul. on one side only.-Bry, Puls. with anxiousness.-Acon., Ars., Merc., N. vom., Phos., Puls. - dry.-Acon., Ars., Bry., Lach., Lye.. N vom., Phos., Puls. flushes of.-Graph., Lyc, Phos., Sulph., Thuj. with thirst. Acon, Calc. c., Hep., Merc., Rhus., Sec. corn., Sul. 226 Shuddering, Perspiration. 227 Heat without thirst.-Hell., Merc., Perspiration, smelling.-Lyc.,Nitr. N. mos., Spig. with inclination to uncover or undress one's self.-Acon. - with aversion to uncover or un- dress one's self.-N.vom., Samb., Scill., Stront. Concomitant complaints.-Acon., Ars., Bell., Nat. mur., N.vom., Op., Puls. V. SHUDDERING. Shuddering in general.—Ars., Bel., Cocc., Merc., Puls., Rhus. of single parts.-Bell., Chin., Puls., Staph. — of one side only.-Puls., Rhus- VI. PERSPIRATION. Perspiration in general.-Bell., Calc. c., Cham., Chin., Hep., Merc., N. vom., Rhus., Selen., Sep., Sul.. Veratr ac., Rhus., Sep., sour.-Sep. stinking.-Bar., Dulc. - viscid.-Lyc., Phos. with thirst.-Cham., Chin. without thirst.-Hell., Samb., Spig. with inclination to uncover or undress one's self.-Acon. - with aversion to uncover or un- dress one's self.-N. vom., Samb., Scill., Stront. — Ars., Concomitant complaints. Bry., Caust., Cham., N. vom., Op., Rhus., Sep., Stram., Sul., Veratr. VII. COMPOUND FEVERS. Compound fevers in general.— Ars., Bell, Bry., N. vom., Rhus., Sul. of single parts.-Calc. c., Selen., Chilliness followed by heat.-Acon. Sep., Sul. on one side only.-Bar., N. vom., Puls. on the fore part of the body.— Calc. C., Selen. on the back part of the body.- Chin., Scel. on the upper part of the body.— Cham., Rheum. Perspiring easily, (great inclina- tion to perspire.-Natr. c., Sep., Sul. Want of perspiration, (dryness of Puls. - followed by perspiration.— Caust. - with heat at the same time.- Acon., Ars., Calc. c., Ignat. - external with internal heat.- Mosch. internal with external heat.- Cale. c., Laur., N. rom., Sep. followed by heat with perspira tion.-Cham., Op. and heat alternately. -Bry… Merc. the skin.-Bell., Bry., Cale. c. Heat followed by chilliness.-Calc. Cham., Chin, Colch., Dule., Kali c., Led.. Lye., Mar., N. mos., Ole- and., Op., Phos., Sec. corn., Seneg., Sil., Sul., Verb. Want of perspiration, with heat (dry, burning of the skin \.- Acon., Arn., Bell., Bry., Lach., Lyc., N. vom., Op., Phos., Puls.. Rhus. Perspiration with anxiety.-Cale. c.. Puls, Sep., Sul. cold.-Cina, Iep., Ipec.,Veratr. -yellow.-Graph., Merc. - hot.-Op. C. with shuddering.-Hell., Bell. with perspiration.—Op. and shuddering alternately.- Ars., Bry., Merc. Concomitant complaints. Before the fever.-Ars., Chin., Puls During the fever.-Ars., Chin., N. rom., Puls., Sep. After the fever.-Ars., Chin. Part Sixth. ALTERATIONS OF THE STATE OF HEALTH. I. AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO TIME. In the morning.-Amm. m., Aur., Calc. c., Carb. v., Chel., Croc., Natr. m., Nitr., N. vom., Phos., Rhodod., Rhus., Scill. In the forenoon.-Cann., Natr. c., Sabad., Sep., Sul. ac, In the afternoon.-Alum., Bell., Lyc., Nitr., Puls., Thuj. In the evening.-Ambr., Amm. c., Ant. crud., Ant. tart., Arn., Bell, Bry., Caps., Caust., Colch., Cycl., Euphr., Hell., Hyos., Lach., Lyc., Magn c., Merc., Meyer, Nitr. Nitr. ac., Phos.. Plat., Puls., Ran., Scel., Sep.. Stront., Sul. ac., Zinc. In the night.-Acon., Ara., Ars., Chạm., Chin., Colch., Con., Dulc., Ferr., Graph., Hep, Jod., Magn. c., Magn. m., Mang., Merc., Nitr. ac., Plumb., Sil.. Stront. Before midnight.-Carb. v., Led., Lyc., Puls., Ran., Scel., Sabad. After midnight.-Ars., Dros, Ferr., Kali. c., Nitr, N. vom., Rhus., Thuj. Periodical. —Alum, Ars., Ars., Chin., Ipec., Natr. m. – joy excessive.—Coff. - love unhappy.-Hyos. c., Ignat. mortification caused by offence. Coloc., Ignat., Natr. m., Staph. reproaches.-Op. wrath.-Bry., Cham., N. vom. Air, from the cold (see cold.) from damp (see cold and warmth, wet.) - from dry (see cold and warmth dry.) Cocc., Guaj., N. in the open. mos., N. vom., Sil. Alone, when left.-Lyc., Stram. Anthrax, from the poison of.-Ars. Asleep, before falling.-Ars., Bry., Calc. c., Carb. v., Merc., Phos., Puls. Rhus., Sep. Ascending, from (see mounting.) Autumn, in.—Rhus. Bathing, from.—Rhus. in cold water.-Rhus. Bending down, on.-Amm.c., Bor., Bry., Calc. c., Mang., Sep., Spig., Valer. Blowing the nose, when.-Aur., Hep., Merc., Puls., Spig. Breakfast, after.-Cham., N. vom., Phos. II. AGGRAVATION ACCORDING TO SIT- Breath, while UATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. From affections of the mind.- Coloc., Hyos., Ignat., N. vom., Ph. ac., Puls., Staph. From anger.-Acon., Cham., Coloc., Ignat., N. vom., Plat., Staph. with anxiety.-Acon., Ars., Ignat., N. vom. with fright.-Acon., Ignat. with silent grief and sorrow. -Ignat. with indignation.-Coloc., Staph. with vehemence.-Acon., -Cham., N. vom. affections, fright, (anxiety, fear). Acon., Ignat., Op., Puls. grief and sorrow.-Ignat., Staph. jealousy.—Hyos. c. drawing.-Bry., on taking a deep.-Acon., Bry., Rhus., Sabin. Puls., Spig. During an inspiration. — Acon., Bry., Rhus., Sabin., Scill. Colch., Sep., Spig. Expiration, during an. Colch., Catarrh, during a.-Ars., Cham., Merc., N. vom…, Puls. Catarrh, from a suppressed.-Bry., Calc. c., N. N. vom. Changing the position, from.— Caps., Euphorb., Ferr., Puls. Chewing, while.-Amm. c., Hep., Merc., Rhus., Thuj. Children in (particularly).-Bell., Cale. c., Caps., Cham., Hyos., Merc., Sil. Cohabitation, after.-Agar., Calc. c., Kali c., Sep. 228 Aggravation according to Circumstances. Cold in general, from. -Ars., | Eructations, from.-Cham. Camph., Caust., Dulc., Hep., Kali c., Mosch., N. vom., Rhus., Sabad., Stront. Cold place, on entering a.-Ars., Ran. bulb. Cold things, from eating or drink- ing. (See kinds of nourishment. Cold air, in.-Ars., Aur., Caniph., Caust., Dulc., Hell., Hep., Kali c., Mosch., N. mosch., N. vom., Rhus., Sabad.. Stront. and dry weather.-Asaf., Caust., Hep., N. vom. and wet weather. - Amm. c., Calc. c.. Dule., N. Mosch. Cold, on getting.-Ars., Aur., Kali c., Mosch., N. vom., Rhus., Sabad. Cold, upon single parts getting.— Hep.. Sil. After taking cold.-Bell., Bry.. Cham., Hyosc., Merc., N. vom., Phos., Puls., Rhus.. Sil., Spig. After taking cold in the head.- Bell., Sep. by the feet.-Sil. In company.-Sep. From concussion.-Arn., Cic. While coughing. Bry., Dros., 1pec., N. vom., Phos., Puls., Rhus.. Sep. Cutaneous eruptions, after sup- pression of.-Bry., Ipec., Ph. ae. Denudation, from.—lep., Rhus., Samb., Scill., Sil.. Stront. Draught of air,from a.-Bell., Пep.. Sil. cold air.-Ars.. Caust., Hyosc.. Merc.. N. vom, Sabad. Drawing up the limbs. -Rhus., Sec. corn. Drinking, while.-Bell., Canth, after.-Ars., Chin., Cocc., N. vom., Rhus., Sil., Veratr. quickly, after. Sil. Nitr. ac., Drunkards, for.-Lach., N. vom.. Op., Ran. bulb Eating, before --Jod., Laur., Natr. c., l'hos. - during.-Amm. c., Carb. an.. Carb. veg., Con., Kali c., Nitr. ac. - after. Bry., Cale.c.. Caust. Con., Kali c., Lye., Natr. m., N. vom.. Phos., Sep., Sil., Sul. - and having satisfied one's ap- petite, after.-Lye, ! : 229 Exertion of the body, from.—Arn., Ars., Bry., Rhus., Sul. of the mind.-Calc. c., Ignat., N. vom., Sep., Tabac. Eyes, from shutting one's.-Bry. Fasting, from, (before breakfast). -Cale. c., Croc., Jod., Staph. Fatigue, from.-Rhus. Feather bed, in a.-Mang. Fever, before the.-Ars., Chin., Puls. during the.-Ars., Chin., Nux vom., Sep. after the.-Ars.. Chin. Female sex, with the (princi- pally).—Bell., Calc. c., Caps., Cocc., Croc., Plat., Puls.. Sabin., Sep. Fluids, from loss of animal.— Calc. c., Chin., Ph. ac., Puls., Sep.. Staph. Freezing, from (see frost-bitten). Frost-bitten, from being.-Nitr. ac., Puls. Giddy, when.-Acon., Calc. c., N. vom., Phos., Puls. Stram. Grief, from. (See affections of the mind. Hair, after cutting the.-Bell. Hands, from working with the. Natr. m. Hang down, from letting the limb.--Calc. e. Head, from shaking the.-Bell., X. N. vom. from turning the.-Calc. c., Cic., Spong. from uncovering the.-Hep., N. vom., Khus., Sil. from wrapping up the.-Jod, Lye. Heated, from getting.-Ant. c., Bry., Kali e. Injuries, from (falling, knocking, bruises, etc., in general.-Arn., Con., Hep., Puls., Rhus., Sulph, ac. From violent bleeding.-Lach., Phos. - bruises.-Arn. - cuts.-Staph. ecchymosis.—see sugillation.) stabs.-Nit. ac. with sugillation.-Arn., Sul, ac. of soft parts.—Arn. of the glands.—Con. - of the bones, (and periosteum.) -Ruta. 1 230 Aggravation according to Circumstances. From spraining parts.-Agnus. c., | Menstruation, after.-Bor., Creos., Calc. c. Lyc., Natr. c., Natr. m., Phos.. Rhus. After intoxication.-N. vom., Op. While lying down.-Ars., Aur, Caps., Cham, Con., Dros, Euphorb. Ferr, Lyc., Mer, Plat., Puls., Rhus.. Samb., Tarax. in bed. Ambr., Jod., Lyc., Puls. on the back.-N. vom., Phos. on the side.-Acon., Anac, Bry., Calc. c., Carb. an., Kali. c., Lyc., Stann. - lying on the right side.-Merc. on the left side.-Phos., Puls. on the painful side.-Bar., Cal- ad., Hep..Jod, N. mosch., Ruta., Sil. on the painless side.-Bry., Cham., Coloc., Puls. head low.-Ars., Puls. After lying down and having risen agaiù.—Ambr, Ars., Aur., Dulc., Lyc., Plat., Puls., Rhus., Samb., Stront. From laughing.-Bar., Phos. leaning against anything.—Sul. lifting too heavy a weight. (injuries trom lifting).-Calc. c., Rhus. the arm.-Con. the part affected.—Con. light in general. Euphr., Graph., Phos. Calc. C., the light of a candle or a lamp.-Calc. c., Con., Dros, Lyc., Phos. Merc, of the day.-Con., Euphr., Graph. Hep., N. vom., Phos., Sil. - of the sun.-Calc. c., Con., Eu- phr., Graph.. Ph. ac. at an object fixedly.-Calc. c., Cina. Croc., Kali. c., Lyc., Natr. m., Rhodod., Ruta., Seneg., Sil. - at shining objects.—Bell. upwards.-Calc. c. at (running) water.—Bell. Whilst looking around.-Con. Masturbation, from.-Calc. c., Chin. Con., Ph. ac., Sep., Staph. Measles, having the.—Acon., Puls. after the.-Puls. Menstruation, before.-Calc. c., Cupr., Lyc, Puls., Sul., Veratr. – from approaching.—Hyos. Hyos., Kali. c., Puls. | Graph., N. vom. - from suppressed.-Con., Dulc., Graph., Kali. c., Lyc., Puls.. Sul. Mounting an eminence, (ascend. ing).-Ars., Bry., Spong. Mouth, on opening one's.—Merc. Move, upon beginning to.-Caps., Con., Euphorb., Ferr., Lyc., Puls. Moving, on.-Bell., Bry., Colch., Led.. N. vom. the eyes.-Bry. the part affected.-Bry., Cham., Led. after.-Agar., Ars., Cann., Puls., Rhus., Stann., Valer. Music, from.-Natr. c., Sep. Narcotic medicines, from.-Bell., Cham.. Coff., Lach., N. vom. Noise, from a.-Bell., Coff., N. vom. On waking.-Ambr., Ars., Calc c., Caust., Hep., Nitr. ac, Phos., Puls., Sep., Sul. From different kinds of nourishment food and drink. Brandy.-N. vom., Op. Bread.-Puls. and butter.-Puls. Puls. Buckwheat.-Puls Butter.-Carb. v., Cabbage.-Bry., Lyc., Petr. Coffee.-Canth., Caust., Cham., Ig- nat., N. vom. Food cold.-Ars., Lyc., N. vom., Rhus. - of difficult digestion.-Jod. dry.-Cale. c. fat. Carb. Puls., Tarax. v., Cycl., Ferr., uncooked.-Ruta. Fruits.-Ars., Bry., Chin, Puls. Ice.-Puls. Milk.-Ars., Calc. c., Chin., Con., Nit. ac.. Sep., Sul. Pancakes.-Puls. Pork (fat).-Carb. v., Puls., Sep. Sausage, (poison).—Bell. Sour things.—Ant. crud. Sour-krout.-Bry., Petr. Spirituous liquors in general.— Lach., Op., Ran. bulb. Sweets.-Ignat. Tea.-Selen. daring.-Amm c., Cham., Graph., Tobacco.-Ignat., Staph. Puls., Spong., Aggravation according to Circumstances Veal.-Ipec., Nitr. Vegetables with husks.—Bry., Lyc. Vinegar.-Ant. crud. Warm food.-Bry., Phos., Puls. Water, cold.-Canth., N.vom.,Rhus. Wine. Ars., Lyc., N. vom., Op., Ran. bulb., Sil. sour.-Ant. c. sulphuretted.-Puls. Perspiration, during.-Ars., Bry., Caust., Cham., Merc., Op., Rhus., Sep., Stram., Sul., Verat. after.-Chin., Ph.ac., Sep. from suppressed. Bell., Calc. c., Cham, Chin., Sul. Peruvian bark, from abuse of.- Arn., Carb. veg., Ferr., Ipec., Natr. m, Puls. Pollutions, after involuntary.— Kale. c, Nux v. 231 Room, in the.-Alum., Croc., Magn., c., Puls., Sabin. Warm room, in a.-Croc., Jod., Puls., Sabin. Rubbing, from.-Anac., Con., Puls., Stront. Running, from.-Ars., Bry., SuL Scalding, from, (burning).—Ars-, Caust. Scarlet fever, after.-Amm.c., Bell, Cham. Seratching, from.- Anac., Caps., Puls. Sexual excesses, after.-Calc. c., Ph ac., Sep., Staph. Singing, when.-Carb. v., Phos. Sitting, when.-Caps., Con., Cycl., Dulc., Euphorb., Lyc., Plat., Rbus. Sep., Verb., Viol. tr. Sitting crooked, when.-Ant. tart., Dig. Poultices, from wet.-Amm. c. Ant. c., Cale. c., Clem., Rhus., Sul.-erect.—Kali. c. Small-pox, having the.-Ant tart. Merc., Khus Pregnancy, during.-Bell., Cham., Coce, Croc., Puls, Sabin, Sep. Pressure from, from without.- Agar., Bar., Cina., Hep, Jod., Lyc., Sil. -on the opposite (painless) side.- Bry., Ignat., Puls -of the clothes. Calc., Lyc., Nux vom. Quicksilver, from the abuse of. Aur., Carb. v., Hep., Lach., Nit. ac., Staph., Sul. Reading, from.-Calc. c., Natr. m., Sil. aloud, from.—Carb. v., Phos. Reposing, while (resting).-Aur., Caps., Con., Cycl., Dule., Euphorb., Ferr., Lyc., Puls., Rhus, Sabad., Samb., Tarax., Valer. Riding in a carriage, from.—Cocc., Sep. -on horseback.-Bor., Sep. -on board a ship.-Cocc., Petr. Sleep, during the first hours of.— Ars.. Bry., Puls., Sep. during the.- Ars., Bell., Bry., Cham., Hep., Op., Puls.,Sil., Sul. after the.-Op., Stram., Sul. after a long.-Sul. Sleeping in the afternoon, from.- Staph. Smells, from strong.-Aur.. Bell., Coff, Ignat., Lyc.. Nux v., Phos. Smoke, from.-Spig. Snow-air, in.-Con, Sep. Sobbing, from (hiecuping).-Amm m. Standing, while.-Con., Cycl., Valer. Stepping heavily upon the ground or floor, from.—Bry., Con., Rhus, Sil. Stomach, from derangement of the. -1pec.. Nux vom.. Puls. Stone-cutters, for (masons).—Calc. c.. Sil. Stool, before. Merc., Veratr. Ars.. Cham., Merc., -duriog. Puls.. Sul., Veratr. -after. -Caust., Nux vom., Phos., Selen. Rising, on. Acon., Bell., Bry., Stretching the limbs, from.—Ran. Nux vom., Op., Rhus., Sul, - from the bed, on.-Bry., Carb. v., Cocc., Con., Lach. bulb. -the affected limb.—Calc. c., Sep., Sul., Thuj. - from the bed, after. Amm. Suckling the child, while.-Calc.c., m., Lach., Rhus. from a seat, on.-Caps., Con., Lyc., Phos., l'uls., Rhus., Spig. Puls., Sep. Sun, in the.-Ant. crud., Glon., Natr. c., Puls. ! 232 Amelioration by Position and Circumstances. Sun burning, from the. Glon. M Bell., Warmth in general, from.—Jod., Puls. Swallowing, when.-Bry., Hep. - drinks, when.-Bell., Phos. - food.-Bry., Hep., Sul. -the spittle.-Cocc. Swallowed the food, after having. -Nux vom., Zinc. Swallowing, between the acts of -Ignat. Taking hold of anything, from.- Anac., Caust. c. Talking, from.-Avac., Calc. c., Cann., Chin., Cocc., Manganum, Natr. c., Natr. m., Ph. ac., Rhus, Selen., Stann., Sulph. Teeth,from pressing together one's (gnashing).-Amm. č. Temperature, from a change of. Ars., Ran. bulb., Verb. Touching the parts, from.-Arg, Bell., Cham.. Colch., Hep., Hyos., Lyc., Nux vom., Ran. bulb., Sabin., Sep., Spig.. Staph., Sulph. Touching softly,from.-Bell., Chin., Nux vom. Touching anything, on.-Cham. Touching the hair, from.-Selen. Turning or twisting the part effected, whilst.-Calc. c., Ignat. -backwards.--Sep. -in bed.-Puls. Uncleanliness, from.-Caps. Undressing, after.-Ars., Dros., N. vom, Rhus. Urinating, before.-Bor., Coloc., N. vom., Puls. - while.-Alum., Cann., Canth, Hep., Lyc., Merc., Ph. ac., Puls., Thuj. Urinated, after having.-Canth., Coloc., Hep., Merc., Natr. m., Thuj Vaulted places, in (churches, cel- lars). Ars Puls. Vomiting, from.-Ars., Cupr., Ipec., Puls., Sul. Waking in the night, from.-Cocc., N. voin. Walk, on beginning to.-Caps., Con., Euphorb., Ferr., Lyc., Puls. Walking, during.—Bell., Colch., Led., N. vom., Bry., in the open air, when.-Cocc., N. vom., Selen., Spig. - quickly.-Ars., Bry., Jod., Sul. - in the wind.-Bell., N. vom. Warm air, in.-Jod., Puls. Warm, in the bed, on getting.- Cham., Dros., Led., Merc., Sabin., Sul - in the open air.-Bry., Jod., Lyc., Puls. Water, from (and washing).— Amm. c., Ant. c., Calc. c., Cham., Rhus., Sep., Sul. Weather changes, when the.-N. mos., Phos., Rhus., Sil. Weather, in clear (fine).-Asar., Caust., Hep., N. vom. in dry. Asar., Caust., Hep., N. in foggy.-Rhus. - in wet.-Amm. c., Calc. c., Dulc., N. mos, Rhus. in windy (stormy).--N. mos., Rhodod. Wet, from getting.-Calc. c.,.Rhus., Sep. while perspiring.-Rhus. from getting the feet,—Sil. from getting the head.-Bell. Whites (leucorrhea), having the. -Creos., Merc., Natr. m., Sep. Wind, in the.--Cham., Lyc., N.vom., Phos. in the east.-Hep., N. vom., Spong. in the north.-Spong. Winter, in.-Arn., Rhus. Women in confinement (particu larly).—Bell., Cham., Puls., Rhus., Sabin., Sec. corn., Sep. Worms, from.-Calc. c, Cina., Sil., Sul. ascarides.—Cale. c., Chin., Cina, Ferr., Ignat., Mar., Sul. - lumbrici. Cina, Sabad., Sil., Spig., Sul. Tape-worm, from the.-Calc. c., Graph., Plat., Puls., Sabad., Sil., Sul. Wrapping one's self up warmly, from.-Lyc. Writing, when.-Calc. c., Kali c., Natr. m, Sil, Yawning, when.-Cina., Creos., Ig- nat., N. vom., Rhus., Sassap. III. AMELIORATION BY POSITION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. Air, in the open.-Alum., Croc., Magn., Puls., Sabin. Amelioration by Position and Circumstances. Ascending (see going up.) Awaking, on.-Phos., Sep. 233 Leaning against anything, on.— Ferr. Affected part, on bending (or turn-Light, from.-Stront. ing, the.-Bell. Boring with the finger, from (into the ear or nose.)-Natr. c. Breakfast, before (see fasting). after. Calc. c., Croc., Jod., Staph. Changing one's position, from.— Ignat. Cold, in the (in a cold place).— Jod., Puls. Cold air, from the.-Jod., Puls. Cold, on getting.-Jod., Lyc., Puls. Company, in.-Lyc., Stram. Dancing, from.-Sep. Dark, in the.-Calc. c., Con., Euph., Graph.. Phos. Descending, in (see going down).— Drawing up the limb, from.-Calc. c., Sep, Sul., Thuj. Eating, while.-Anac., Ignat., Lach., Zinc. after.-Jod., Natr. c. Eructation, from.-Ant. tart., Carb. v., Graph., Ignat., Kali c., Lyc. Expiration, while taking an (ex• haling).-Bry., Rhus, Sabin. Evacuation, after.—Bry., Colch., Rhus., Spig. Exertion of the body, from.-Sep., Eyes, from opening one's.-Bry. Flatulency (see wind). Fasting, while (before breakfast). Cham., Con., Natr. m. Going down (descending). Bry., Spong. Ars., Hang down, from letting the limb. -Con. Head, from uncovering the.-Jod., Lyc. Head up, from wrapping the.-- Hep., N. vom., Rhus., Sil. Inspiration, while taking an. Colch., Ignat.. Spig. Lying down, while.-Bry., N. vom. Lying in bed, while.--Bry., N. vom., Seill. on the back.-Bry., Calc. c. on the side.-N. vom. on the painful side.—Bry. ou the right side.-Phos, Puls, on the stomach.-Aloe, Amm. t. with the head high.—Ars., Puls. - bent forward.—Coloc. Lying down, after.—Bry., Calc. c., Natr. m., N. vom., Scill. | Light, in the (bright).-Stront. Loosening the garments, from.— Calc. c., Lyc., N. vom. Mesmerized, from being.-Cupr., Phos. Moving, from.--Aur.. Caps., Con., Cycl., Dule., Euphorb., Ferr.. Lyc., Puls., Rhus., Sabad., Samb., Tarax., Valer. - from, continued.-Caps., Con., Euphorb., Ferr., Puls., Samb. the affected part, from.-Caps., Dulc., Ferr., P'uls, Rhus. Perspiration, during.—Cupr. after.-Rhus. ་ Pressure from without, from.— Con., Magn. m., Mer., Natr. c. Raising the limb, from.-Calc. c. Reposing, while.-Bell., Bry. Colch. Led., N. vom. Riding in a carriage, while.-Nitr. ac. Rising, on.-Amm. c., Ars., Calc. c., Samb., Sep. from bed, on. - Dulc., Puls., Sep. from bed, after.-Ambr., Jod., Puls.. Sep. - from a seat, after. Caps., Cycl., Dule.. Lyc., Plat., Puls.. Rhus, Sep., Verb., Viol. tr. Room, in the.-Cocc., Guaj..N.mos, N. vom., Sil. Rubbing, from.-Calc. c., Canth., Natr. c, Phos., Plumb. Running, from. Sep. Scratching, from.-Asaf., Calc. c., Cyel., Mur., ac.. Natr. c., Phos. Sitting, while.--Bry., Colch., N. Yom. sitting bent.-Kali. c. erect.—Ant. tart., Dig. down, on. Caps., Con. Sleep, after. Phos. Solitude, in. Sep. Standing, while. Bell. Stooping, when. Colch., Hyos. Stretching out the limb, from. Rhus, Sec. corn. Sunshine, in.-Stront. Swallowing, from.-Ignat. Touched, from being.—Asaf., Calc. c., Cycl., Mur. ac. Uncovering one's self, from.-Lyc. 234 Amelioration by Position and Circumstances. From different kinds of Nourishment. | Warm, the air being.--Ars., Aur., Coffee.-Cham. Cold things.-Bry., Phos., Puls. Warm, (hot) things.--Ars., Lyc., Nux vom., Rhus. Water, cold.-Caust., Phos., Sep. Walking, when.-Aur., Caps, Con.. Cycl., Dulc., Euphorb., Ferr., Puls., Rhus,, Sabad., Samb., Valer. Camph., Caust., Dulc., Hell., Hep., Kali. c., Mosch., Nux mosch., Nux vom., Rhus., Sabad., Stront. Warm stove, near the. Ignat. Ars., Washing, from.-Asar., Puls. Weather, in damp (wet).—Asar., Caust., Hep., Nux vom. Tarax.,-indry.-Calc. c., Dulc.,Nux mosch., Rbus. When walking, with the body bent. Wetting the affected part.-Asar., -Con. -quickly.-Sep Warm, on getting.-Ars., Aur., Kali. c., Mosch., Nux vom., Rhus., Sabad. Warm in bed, on getting.-Bry., Lyc., Nux vom.. Warm in general, from. Ars., Camph., Caust., Dulc., Hep., Kali. c., Mosch., Nux vom., Rhus, Sabad., Stront. Puls. Wind, after breaking--Lyc., Nux vom., Puls., Staph. Wiping with the hand, from. Calc. c., Cycl., Natr. c. Wrapping one's self up warmly, from.-Ilep., Rhus, Samb., Scill., Sil., Stront. FINIS. > } - UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 05968 9680 AUG 26 1908 UNIV. OF MICH. 1 い ​J