1.OURRIS. PENINSULAM.ANONAM CIRCUMSPICE 1872 VILL SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN QA 5 S88 OK 1743 HERITAHINMAINI IIIIIII muuhun HUMOkulttuun umid NON CIRCULATING به مسی ASE SHELF l[ NI.al, SOIT HON SE ..؟ Im وتی لمزرد / LA 5 .5 88 1743 A NEW MATHEMATICAL Wherein is contain'd, not only the DICTIONARY: EXPLANATION OF THE BARE TERMS, But likewiſe an H H I STORY OF THE Rife, Progreſs, State, Properties, &c. . T H I N GS, OF BOTH IN PURE MATHEMATICS, AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, So far as theſe laſt come under a Mathematical Confideration. The SECOND EDITION, with Large Additions. By E. STONE, F. R. S. Καθαρμοί ψυχής λογικής εισιν αι μαθηματικαι επισήμαι. Matheſis mentis expurgatio. HIEROCL, L O N D ON: Printed for W. INNYS, T. WOODWARD, T. LONGMAN, and M. SENEX. M. DCC. XLIII. Wir emera Lianat - 8-do-43 48359 ( iii ) ! TO THE R E A D E R. T 8. 42.BHP 1 HE firſt Impreſſion of my Mathematical Dic- tionary being long ſince ſold off, and the Books fellers having been from time to time frequent- ly applied to, for the ſame, and that to no pur- W poſe; and conſidering the Uſefulneſs of ſuch a Work, not I only to thoſe, who may be fomewhat ſtopt in their 07 Reading of Authors for want of being acquainted with O the Significations of ſome Words they may poſſibly meet with in theſe Arts and Sciences, or delight in the Hi- ſtorical Knowledge of Mathematicks, or elſe want a Guide to direct them to ſuch as treat upon theſe Subjects : But likewiſe to thoſe who are learned herein, by furniſhing them with a convenient and neceſſary Repoſitory of Rules, Propoſitions, and Properties, of the moſt notable and eminent Terms defin'd, to which they may have imme- diate Recourſe, as often as occaſion offers, either through Forgetfulneļš , or Want of Books ready at band : Theſe Inducements ſet me upon publiſhing this ſecond Impref- fion, with Corrections, Alterations, conſiderable Improve- ments, and Additions; the whole either itſelf fufficiently anſwering the Reader's preſent Expectations and Pur- poles, or at leaſt pointing out ſuch Authors as will . Particularly amongſt the many Words berein ranged and orderly A 2 iv PREFACE. orderly explained, are to be found the following ſelect ones, and their relative Appendages, viz. Acceſlible Altitude, How to meaſure the ſame, and how to meaſure the inacceſſible Depth of a Well.–Addi- tion Algebraical, How to perform it.—Addition of whole Numbers, How to perform and prove it.--Addition of vulgar and decimal Fractions, How to perform it Ædipile, It's Uſe, and ſome Authors that mention it, seith an extreordinary Accident that happened upon ſet- ting one of them upon too great a Fire. Æther, Sir Ifaac Newton's Queries, relating to the Effects thereof, &c.-Age of the Moon, How to find it.----Air, Its: Gravity, Denfty, Elaſticity, Expanſión, Height, &c.-- Air-Pump.--Adjutage, The Laws of the Motion of Water through them.Alternations of Quantities, The Rules to find them.- Altitude Inacceſſible, The beſt and moft uſual Ways of meaſuring ſuch.----Altitude of the Cone of the Earth's Shadow._Amplitude, How to find that of the Sun or Stars.--Analemma, Its firſt In- ventor, and ſome Writers concerning it.-- Angle of Contact, Some Properties thereof. Angle refracted, How to find the Law of Refraction out of Air into Glaſs. Apparent Diameter and Magnitude, How to find them.----Annuities, Theorems relating to the fame. Aſtrolabe. —Aſtronomy, Its Antiquity, and ſome of the chief Writers concerning it.- Afymptotes, some Properties of them, and how to find them for geome- trical Curves.-Axis in Peritrochio, The Proportion of the Power to the Weight raiſed by it.- -Azimuth Compaſs. Back-Staff, or Sea-Quadrant.–Balance, Its Proper- ties.Barometer, Rules to judge of the Weather by it. Binomial Theorem of. Sir Iſaac Newton, its Uje in the V PRE FA C E. the Extraction of Binomial Roots, &C. Bi quadratic Equation, Its Formation, Reduction to a Cubic, Solution, and Conſtruction.am-Biquadratic Parabola, Several Sper cies thereof, with ſome new Ovals expreſſed by its Equa- tion...-Bombs, The firſt Uſe of them, &c. -Burning- Glaſſes, or Speculums. Calculus Differentialis, or Fluxions, Sir Iſaac Newton's own Account of bis Invention thereof. Catacauſtic Curves.- Catenaria, Its Nature and the Manner of find ing Points throwbich it paſſes.- Centre of Gravity, How to find the ſame by Fluxions, and where that of ſeveral Magnitudes falls; alſo a Way how to find the Areas of Surfaces, and Solidity of Solids by means thereof Centre of Oſcillation and Percuffion, How to find it, and where that of ſome Magnitudes fall. Centripetal and Centrifugal Force, Somé Properties thereof, and ſome Writers upon the ſame.- Characters, The ſeveral Characters uſed in Algebra, Aſtronomy, and Muſic.Circle, Many of the principal Properties of the Circle ; amongſt which are ſome rare and uncommon ones, with Vieta's very elegant Solutions of the Pro- blems of Tactions, viz. the Deſcription of a Circle to paſs through one or more Points to touch one or more right Lines given in Poſition, and one or more Circles ; alſo how to cut a given Circle into two Segments, that Mall have a given Ratio. ---Ciffoid, Its Generation and Equation.-Clock, The firſt Inventor, and ſeveral Wri- ters upon the ſame.-Colours , Some Account tbereof from Sir Iſaac Newton.--- Combinations of Quantities, The different Ways they may be varied.---Comets, Some Ac- count of them, and Writers upon them.--- Sea-Compats, A Dejiription, and the firſt invention thereof.--- Com- pound Intereſt, How to find the ſame.---Concave-Glaſs, 3 Tbe vi PREF A C E. ; The Quantity of the Diminution of an Object ſeen through one of them.---Conchoid, Its Equation, and three Species thereof.---Cone, Its Generation, fome Properties, and the Fluxion of the Surface of an oblique one.--- Conic Sections, Some Writings upon the ſame.--- Conſtruction of Equations, How to perform the ſame by the Interfec- tion of two Loci.---Convex-Glaſs, How to find its Fo- čus, and the Magnitude of an Image ſeen through it.--- Cubic Equation, Some Properties of it, and how to ex- tract the ſame, or find its Roots.---Cubic Parabola, Its Equation and Deſcription, and ſome Properties of it.--- Curves, Some Writers concerning them. — Cycloid, Its Deſcription, Equation and Hiſtory.--- Cylinder, Some Properties of it. Decimal Fractions, The firſt Inventors of them.---- Declination of the Sun, How to find it.--- Departure, How to find it.--- Deſcent of heavy Bodies, The Laws thereof.--- Dioptrics, Some Account thereof, and Writers thereupon.--- Direct Erect Eaſt and Weſt Dials, How to draw them.--- Diacauſtic Curve.--- Dials, Some Writers concerning them.--- Direct Erect South or North Dials, Their Manner of Deſcription.--- Diviſion of Numbers and Fractions, How to perform the ſame.--- Duplication of the Cube, How to perform the ſame. . Earth, Its Magnitude, Figure, and various Opinions about its Figure, &c.- Eclipſes, Of the Sun and Moon, various Theorems relating to them, the Data neceſſary to compute them, and ſome Writings concerning them. Elaſticity, The Rules of the Congreſs, of perfectly Elaf- tick Spherical Bodies. Ellipſis, Its Generation (vaa rious ways) and Properties. Equation, Its Nature, and Generation. Equilateral Hyperbola, Its Equa- tion. 1 * ) PRE FACE vii tion. Erect declining Dials , How to draw them. Evolute Cůrvės Their Defcriptions, and ſome Properties of them.-Exponential Curve.--Extermination, of the unknown Quantity from an Equation, with Rules how to perform the ſame. Extraction of Roots, Söme Rules to perform the fame, and the Writers upon it. Fibres, Some Properties of Elaſtick Fibres, Figure of the Secants.-- Figure of the Sines. Figure of the Tangents, Some Account of them. Fix'd Stárs; Some Account of them, and thoſe who have made Catalogues of them.-Fluents , How to find them in various Caſes.--- Fluids, Several Laws of their Gravitation and Motion. Fluxion, How to find the fame. Fortification, The Maxims thereof, and ſome of the Writings upon the Jame. Fractions, The Properties of them. Fruſtum of a Pyramid or Cone, How to find the Solidity 'therea, of. Gauging, How to find the Contents of a Caſk in Ale or Wine - Gauging-Rod, A Deſcription thereof.- Geo- metrical Curves, Some Account of their ſeveral Orders, Species, and Equations, and particularly thoſe of the re- cond, wherein you have two new Curves of this Order, not taken' notice of before ; as alſo the ſeveral particu-- lar Equations, that the general one of all Curves of the third Order is divided into. Geometry, Some Ac- count of its origin, and the Writings upon it.- Gra- vitation, An Account thereof, and its probable Cauſe. Gunter's Quadrant and Scale, their Defcription.. Heat, Some Properties thereof.—Helécoid Parabo. . la; or Parabolic Spiral. Heterogeneal Surds, How to, reduce them to one common radical Sign. Homoge-, neal Surds. Horizon, Its Ulos.----- Horizontal Dial, How Vint P R E FACE. How to deferibe the fame - Hydraulics, Some of the Writings thereon.--Hygroſcope, Its Deſcription. Hyperbola, Various Ways of deſcribing the fame, and fome of its general Properties. Imaginary Roots, How to find them, according to Sir Ifaac Newton. Inclination of the Orbits of the Pia- nets. -- Inclin'd Plane, The Proportion of the Weight fuſtain’d by it, to the Power.- Indetermind Problems, Some Account of them, and the Way to reſolve them. miten Index of a Quantity, The Nature and Doctrine of Exponents. Inflection Point of a Curve, How to find it in any Curve. Ionic Order in Architecture, The Proportions of its Pillar.--Iſoperimetrical Figures, Some Properties of them. – Jupiter, bis periodic Time, Magnitude, comparative Diſtance from the Sun, and Earth, &c. Level, With a Table for the Correction of the Sta- țions taken in Leveling. Levér, Its Properties. Libration of the Moon. Light, Some of its Pro- perties.com Locus, How to find which of the Conic, Sections is the Locus of a given Equation of tw Di- menhons, with ſome of the Writings upon this Subject. Logarithms, Their firſt Invention, Nature, and Conſtruction. Logarithmic Curve, Its Deſcription, Nature, and Properties, and ſome Writings upon it. Logarithmic Spiral. Longitude in Navigation, The ſeveral ways how to find it. Magnet, or Load-ſtone, Several Properties of its attračtive Force or Virtue, and the firſt Invention of it. Maps, The firſt Inventors and Conſtructors from time to time afterwards. Mars, His Periodic Time, Magnitude, Comparation, Diſtance, &c. Mathe- matics, ix PREFACE. matics, A ſhort Hiſtory of it.--Maximis & Minimis, or Methodus de Maximis & Minimis, How to find the fame. Mean Motion, Of the Sun, and Moon. Meaſure, Uſeful Tables of different Meaſures. Mechanics, Several of the Writings thereon.- Mere cator's Chart, or Projection, Its Nature and Deſcription, with the ſeveral Caſes, and their Proportions, in Mer- cator's Sailing -- Mercury, His Periodic Time, Com- parative Magnitude and Diſtance, &c. -— Meridian Line, How to draw the ſame upon an Horizontal Plane. Micrometer, Some Writings thereon. Microſcope, Aphort Account thereof. Middle Lati- tude Sailing, Its Uſe in Navigation. Moon, Her Periodic Time, and Diſtance from the Earth, Magni- tude, Motion, Attraction, &c. Motion, Several Properties thereof. Multiplication, How to perform the ſame in Numbers and Fractions, Vulgar, Decimal , and Algebraical. Mufick, Afoort Account thereof, with ſome Writings upon it.. Nocturnal, The Deſcription and Uſe thereof.- Opticks, Some Writings concerning them. Order of Curve Lines, The general Properties of thoſe of the ſecond Kind. Organical Deſcription of Curve Lines, How to deſcribe thoſe of the firſt Order, by a continued Motion, and by means of Points. Ortho- graphic Projection of the Sphere, Its LawOſcil- lation, The Proportion of the Time of Performance of the fame in the Archs of Cycloids and Circles, with the Length a Pendulum muſt have, that performs its finall Vibrations in one Second of Time.- Oval, How to deſcribe what the Workmen call by this Name, and an Account of twelve remarkable Species of Ovals ex- preljed, a PREF A CE. preſſed by the Equation py + dx te.. ax* + bx: fo.cx* Parabola, Its Generation, and some of its principal Properties.- Parabolic Conoid, Its Solidity and Sur- face. --- Parabola Carteſian, its moſt fimple Equation, Deſcription, and Uſe. Parabola Diverging, The ſe- veral Species, moſt fimple Equations, and Ways of find- ing Points, through wbich they muſt paſs, and how the ſeveral Sections of a Solid, generated by the Rotation of a Semicubic Parabola, exhibits them all.-- Parabolic Space, A Hint at its Quadrature, from a Pyramid's being į of a Parallelepipedon of the ſame Baſe, and Altitude, &c. Parallel Ruler, the Uſe thereof in reducing any Multangular Figure to a Triangle. Parallelogram, Some Properties thereof... Pendulum, the firſt Inventor, and the Uſe of them. Perfect Numbers, How to find them, by common Algebra.-- Perpetual Motion, the Impoſſibility of it. Perſpec- tive, Some Writers thereupon. Plain Angle, tbe ſe- veral Equations for dividing it into two, three, four, &c. equal Parts.-- Polar Dial, its Nature, and ſome Theorems, by means of which it may be deſcribed. Polygon, Some Properties thereof, with a Table of E- quations, for deſcribing them in a Circle. Polygonal Numbers, The Rules for dumming them up. Pofi- tion, or Rule of Fallé, How to perform the fame.- Priſm, Some of its Properties.- Progreſſion Geome- triçal, Sqmie of the Properties thereof: Projectiles, The Lines of Motion that they deſcribe, in Vacuo, and Air, Projection of the Sphere, Some Writings co cerning the ſame.- Projection Monſtrous, How to deſcribe fuch. Proportion, The Nature, and ſome Properties of proportional Quantities, &c. Protractor, its Deſcription and Uje.- Ptolemaic Syſtem, A Mort Account 3 PREFACE. xi Account thereof.-Pully, the Ratio of the Weight to be raiſed by it, to the Power raiſing it. Pyramid, Some Properties thereof, with an Algebraic Inveſtiga- tion of the Rules of finding the Solidity and Surface of a Fruſtum thereof, as alſo an eaſy Way of finding the Area of a Parabola, by the Method of Indiviſibles. Quadratic Equation, The feveral Forms thereof. Quadratrix, Its Generation, and ſome Properties of it. Radius of the Curvature of a Curve, The way of find- ing the fame. Rainbow, Some Account, with an Ex- planation of the Cauſe thereof. Ratio, Some Account thereof, with the Inveſtigation of the Rule of finding a Numerical Ratio in ſmaller Numbers, the neareſt ap- proaching a given Ratio in greater Numbers, whoſe Terms are Prime to each other. Regular Poly- gon, a Trigonometrical Examination of the Truth of the general Rule, which fome have given to inſcribe them in Circles.-- Reſiſtance of a Medium, The Propor- tions thereof to different Figures moving in it:- Rhombs, Some Propofitions of Uſe in the Theory of Navigation, with their Demonſtrations. Right-angled Tri- angle, How to find Series's of whole or mixed Numbers, accurately expreſſing the three sides of a Right-angleá Triangle.- Rule of Three, How to perform the fame. Satellites of Saturn, and Jupiter, Their Comparative Diſtances, Periodic Times,' &c. Sector, Age- neral Account thercof. Segment of a Circle, An Approximating Rule to find the Area of it. Segment of a Sphere, How How to find its Solidity. Semicubical Parabola, Its moſt fimple Equation, Series, The Doctrine of Increments. Solid of the leaſt Reſiſtance, Its Nature. Sound, The Caule, and xii ( PREF A CE. * and fome Properties thereof. Spheroid, Its Satin dity, and Surface with the Solidity of its ſecond "Ség- ment, expreſſed in an Approximating Series. - Spiral Line of Archimedes, Its Generation, and ſome Proper- ties thereof. Stentoreophonic Tube, or Speaking Trumpet, The firſt Inventor, and thefe Writers who have mentioned the fame. Stereographic Projection of the Sphere, Its general Properties. Subtangent of a Curve, A general Rule to determine it, in Geome- trical Curves. Subtraction, How to perform the ſame in whole Numbers and Fractions. -- Sun, Several Par- ticulars relating to its Comparative Magnitude, Denſity, Motion, &C... Surd Roots, Some Account of them. Teleſcope Reflecting, A Mort Deſcription there- of: A very large one of Mr. Jackſon's the Mathe- matical Inſtrument-Maker. Tide, Several Par ticulars relating to it. -- Trapezium, Several Properties thereof, amongſt which are five new ones, or at leaft, ſuch as are not mentioned in any Writings which I have ſeen. Triangle, Many curious and uſeful Properties thereof, among which is Hono- ratus Fabri's Propoſition about the three ſhorteſt Lines drawn from a Point within a Triangle to the three Angles, with a Geometrical Demonſtration thereof. Trigonometry Plane, The Canons, or Properties for the Solution of the ſeveral Caſes thereof - Trigonometry Spherical, The ſeveral Affections of Spherical Triangles, with the Canons or Properties, by help of which all their Cafes may.be folved. Venus, Her Periodick Time, Comparative Diſtance, Diameter, &c. I mm A MATHEMATICAL DICTIONARY. A E T I11 A BACUS, in Architec- circular Arches, ab, bc, cd, ad, be ture, the upper Part or drawn from Centres that are the Ver- Member of the Capital tex's of Equilateral Triangles, whoſe of a Column In the Tuſcan, Dorick, be and Iunick Orders, it is moſt commonly C ſquare, (ſpeaking in the Workman's Phraſe) that is, every Section of it, parallel to the Horizon, is a Square. Some make it round, others make the Sides quite plain, without any Ogee, and ſome make it have a Fillet in- B ſtead of an Ogee. The Height of it, in the Tuſcan and Dorick Orders, a is of that of the Capital; in the Sides are each equal to the side of the Jonick of that of the Capital. Square; and if the Ends of the Ar- In the Corinthian and Compoſite ches be cut off by the equal Lines Orders, the figure of the Abacus AB, CD, EF, GH, at right Angles differs from that of the other Orders, to che Diagonals of the Square, each the four Faces being circular, and Line being to of the Side of the hollow'd inwards, having a Roſe on Square, any Section of the Abacus, the Middle of each, and the four parallel to the Horizontal Plane of Corners cut off. the Baſe, will be alike to the mixted If the Square a b c d be equal to Line Figure ABCDEFGH. the Plinth of the Baſe, and four equal In the Corinthian Order, the B Heighs 1 A 1 4 an } A B A A BS Height of the Abacus is generally Digits; and thereby to aſſiſt thoſe of that of the whole Capital: who are about to learn Multiplica- Vitruvius makes it ; ſome make it tion, to fix theſe Products in their leſs, others greater, as or Memory. The thing is done by In the Compoſite Order, its Height ſeeking one of the Digits at the is z of that of the lower Part of the Head, and the other in the firſt up- Column. right Column; then the Number un- Thoſe who have a mind to have der that Digit at the Head, falling in a more particular Account of this the fame Horizontal Row as that o- Member, may conſult the Writings ther Number is in, will be the Pro- upon the five Orders of Architecture ; duct of the Multiplication of thoſe amongſt which Mr.Perrault's is a ve- two Digits, ry good one. In ſome Books of Arithmetick, I ABACUS, of Pythagoras, in Arith- have ſeen a Table of Multiplication metick, is the common Table of a good deal more compendious than Multiplication, conſiſting of 81 Num- this of Pythagoras, having no Num- bers, within a Square or Oblong, dif- ber above a Digit twice, wherein tributed into nine upright Columns, ore of the Rows of the Digits runs and nine Lateral or Horizontal ones; diagonally. The Table is this which the nine Digits 1, 2, 3, &c. orderly is here annex’d. proceeding in the firit Horizontal Column, and the firſt upright one; the Numbers in each of the Horizon- tal Columns in order being the Pro- 2 413 ducts of the Multiplication of each Digit of the upper Horizontal Co- 3161914 lumn, firſt by 2, then by 3, and ſo on till the laſt is multiplied by 9. 4812116 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 10 15 20 25 6 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 612 18 24 30 367 36 9 12 15 18. 2124 27 7 14 21 28 351421498 4 18 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 8 16 24132 40 481561649 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 911827136|45|5463172 81 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 ABSCISS, ſtrictly ſpeaking, is a Part AP of the Diameter of a 7 14 21 28 35 42 495663 Curve Line, intercepted between the 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 Vertex A of that Diameter, and the M 911827 36' 45154163172181 I 2 I 2 1 - 1 6 2 1 I 1 4 101 1 1 1 The Uſe of this Table is to ſhew by Inſpection, the Product of the Multiplication of any of the nine -3 А P 1 Point f 1 A B S A BS Point P, where any Ordinate or Se- and ſuch Curves ; except this Word mi-Ordinate MP to that Diameter be taken in a larger Sanſe, or ſome falls other Word be uſed, we ſhall be at a M lofs to expreſs compendiouſly the Na- ture of ſuch Curves which have no Diameter, or even of thoſe that have, when we would mention their Na. ture by the Relation of Lines drawn A P B parallel from Points of the Curve M (viz. Ordinates) to Points of a Itreight Line given in Pofition, with- in or without, or partly within or B A А partly without, to the Part or Parts P of this Line, intercepted between a given Point in it, and the Points where the ſaid Parallels do cut it. There- fore; in my Opinion, it may not be 1. Hence there are an infinite amiſs to define an Abſciſs more gene- Number of variable Abfciſes in the ral, in ſaying it is the Part AP of fame Curve, as well as an infinite a right Line given in Poſition, taken Number of Ordinates. M 2. If the Curve be the common Parabola, one Ordinate P M has but one Abſciſs AP: if an Ellipfis, it has A B P, two Abſciſes, AP,PB, falling contra- ry ways. And if an Hyperbola, con- M fiſting of two parts or Curves, one Ordinate PM'has alſo two Abſciſes AP, BP, both falling the ſame B/ way. 3. If a Curve be one of the fe- A P cond kind, one Ordinate may have three Abſciſſes: If the Curve be one from a given Point A in that Line to of the third kind, one Ordinate the Point P, where a right Line PM may have four Abfciffés, and ſo on; the drawn from any Point M in a Curve greateſt Number of Abſciſes being al- Line BM C, in a given Angle MPC, ways one inore than the Order of the cuts it. Curve. 4. For Method's fake, an Abſciſs M in a Curve is uſually mark'd with the B Capital Letters A and P, Band P, C and P, &c. the Point P being where A P the Ordinate falls, or elſe with the : ſmall Letters, x or z. 6. In Mechanical Curves there are 5. As this Name was invented for no Abfciffes, properly ſpeaking, unleſs more eaſily ſpeaking and convey- you will have iurv'd-lined ones; to ing an Idea of the Nature of a be ſuch as in the common Cycloid are Curve, by the Relation of an Abſciſs the Arches of the generating Circle to its correſpondent Ordinate or taken from the Vertex of the Figure, fhewing Properties of them in ſuch when the generating Cirele is in ſuch C С В 2 А СА A CC a Situation, as to have the Abſciſs pitals of this Order. But moſt com- coincide with the Diameter. monly in the antique Buildings, they ABSOLỤTE, that which is inde- are Olive Leaves raffled into five. pendent upon, or has no relation to Some divide them only into four, any thing elſe. and others into three : They are ABSOLUTE Equation, Number, ſometimes unequal in Height, the Motion, Quantity, Space, and Time. undermoſt being talleft: Sometimes See reſpectively Equation, Number, the ſecond Range are higheſt, and Motion, Quantity, Space, and Time. ſometimes they are equal. The Ribs ABSTRACT Mathematicks, Num- in the middle are very often raffled ber, and Quantity. See reſpectively on both ſides ; ſometimes they are Mathematicks, Number, and Quan. not cut at all: And the firſt Row tity. commonly ſwell out towards the bot- ABUNDANT Number. See Num- tom, but more in ſome Buildings ber. than others. ACANTHUS. The Herb Bear's. AcceLERATION. Swiftneſs in- foot, whoſe Leaves are repreſented creaſing perpetually. in the Capital of the Corinthian Or ACCELERATION of Motion or der of Architecture. There are two Velocity. The ſame with accelera- forts of them; the one wild, and ar ted Motion, or Velocity; which med with Prickles; the other ſmooth, ſee. and cultivated in Gardens. The for ACCESSIBLE Altitude, or Height, mer of which is repreſented in Go- in Practical Geometry, ſignifies the thick Buildings, and the latter in Altitude or Height of any Object; as thoſe of the ancient Greeks and Ro- of a Tower, Steeple, Tree, &c. mans. Vitruvius, Book 4. Chap. I. which may be either mechanically fays, The Leaves of this Herb are meaſured, by applying a Meaſure to ſaid to have been the firſt Occaſion it, or elſe, whoſe Baſe or Foot may of this Ornament being invented by be approached to, from a remote Callimachus, a famous Statuary at A- Station (uſually on the Ground) with- thens, upon ſeeing this Plant ſpread out any Obſtacle in the Way; as a ing itſelf around a Baſket that had River, Wood, Houſe, &c. to hinder been placed upon the Tomb of a thë ſpeedy Menſuration from this young Corinthian Lady, and cover'd Station to the Foot of the Altitude. 1. THe molt uſual way of meaſu- Vitruvius, Serlio, Barbaro, and ring anacceſſible Altitude or Height, Cataneo, uſe theſe Leaves on the Ca- AB, when its Baſe or Foot A can be . up with a Tile. B В 663 33°36 A 100 only 1 A CC only approached, is by meaſuring which may be either performed by the Diſtance from fome Station C, Scale and Compaſs, or arithmetical- on the Ground to the Foot A of the ly, by ſaying, as the Cofine of C: Altitude ; and then at the Station C, Sine of C:: AC: A B. taking, with a Quadrant, or fome 2. Another way of doing this, is, ſuch like Inftrument, the Number of by placing a Bowl or Pail of Water, Degrees and Minutes contained in the or a Looking-glaſs horizontally, at angle C, formed by the Horizontal fome convenient meaſured Diſtance Line CA, and the Viſual Ray CB, C from the Foot A of the Altitude, going from C to the Top B of the and moving backwards or forwards, Altitude : For when this is done, in till the Top B of the Altitude is per- the imaginary Triangle ACB,right- ceived by Reflexion in the middle of angled at A, you have the Baſe CA the Surface of the Water or Look- given, and the Angle C, to find the ing-glaſs. Then if a be the Place of Length of the Perpendicular AB; Station when this happens, and the B 300ANTIITINTIIKID, 48 1 bi Waidrint a 50 40 A ! 3. Prob. Diſtance from a to C, as alſo the of Inſtances in Treatiſes of Practical Height ab of the Eye be given, and Geometry, under the Title of Alti- you ſay as a C=5 Feet): CA metry. The good old Clavius, in his (40 Feet) :: ab 6 Feet): BA Practical Geometry, Lib. 3. 39. 48 Feet) ; this will be the Mlea publiſhed in the Year 1606, was the fure of the Altitude A B: firſt who ſhewed how to find an ac- The Reaſon of this follows from ceſſible Altitude by means of a re- the Similarity of the right-angled flecting Surface, in the manner as de- Triangles a b C, ABC; which are livered above. fuch from the Equality of the Angles ACCESSIBLE Depth. A Depth 6 Ca of Inſidence and Reflexion the Perpendicular of which may be ACB. come at, and mechanically meaſu- Note, The Height of the Eye a- red. . bove the place whereon you ſtand, Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Univer- muſt be added to the Perpendicular fal Arithmetick, propoſes a very in- found, in order to have the true genious Way of meaſuring the Depth Height above the horizontal Plane. of a Well, from the Sound of a Stone Thoſe who have a mind to be ſtriking againſt the Bottom of it, and more fully informed how to find an meaſuring the Time elapſed from the acceſſible Altitude, will have plenty Moment the Stone is let fall until its B 3 Sound i C C ACH Sound be heard : For if + be that bed by the Fall of Bodies are to ono Time, a a given Space that a Body another, as the Squares of the Times freely deſcending fallsfrom the Begin- of Deſcent; and the Spaces deſcri- ning of its Motion, and b the Time bed by Sound are as the T'imes. This in which it falls : Alſo, if d be the Depth may be more eaſily compu- Time in which the Sound moves that ted, after the Manner of the excel- given Space: then the Depth of the lent Hugh de Merick, in his Analyſis adt tabb ab Well will be Geometrica, than after Sir Iſaac's Me- dd add thod; as you may thus fee. Let AX be the Depth, let A B bea, BC=b, and BD=d; and icon- Which Equation is gained from theſe ceive ACY to be part of a Parabola woTheorems, viz.the Spaces deſcri- deſcribed through the Vertex A, and A i vb6+407 D B Y X Z the Point C: Alſo ſuppoſe the right Becauſe the Space moved by Sound Line A DZ drawn through A and D; in one Second of Time is about 1140 then, from the Nature of the Para- Feet, and a Body falls in that Time bola, any Ordinate, YX, repreſents but about 161 Feet ; the Quantity the Time of the Fall from A to X; BD (d) will be very ſmall in regard and if A D be continued down to Z, to CB, b. And ſo in finding the XZ will repreſent the correſpondent Depth of a Well, both B D d, and Time in which the Sound moves that XZ, may be rejected without any Space : Therefore Y Z, the Sum of great Error ; and the Depth will be the Times, will be =t, viz. given. had, by making AX: AB (a) :; Make LBC:: BC:AB. Then YX (+2): CB? (62). LxAX=XY? Wherefore L: In the Supplement of the A Et a XY::XY:AX. Alfo DB:AB:: Eruditorum for the Year 1713, pag. XZ: AX. Make L:M::DB: 317, 317, and 339, an anonymous Author A B. Then L:M::X2: AX, and has largely explained and comment- L:XY:: XY: AX. Therefore ed upon this ingenious Problem . LXAX-MXXZ=XY; confe- ACHRONICAL, a Word of very little uſe now-a-days ; in vogue a- quently M: XY::XY:YZ-XY; that is (calling XY, Z) M:z:: the Time of the riſing and ſetting mongſt the ancient Poets, regarding Therefore of the Stars with reſpect to thoſe of x=V Mxt+IMM-M=XY, the Sun : As a Star is ſaid to riſe or and when you have this, it is eaſy ſet achronically, when it riſes or ſets, when the Sun fets. But Ptolemy, to get AX, fince YX is=AX. Kepler, and other Aftronomers, will L have it, chat a Star or Planet is ſaid zitz, 10 1 ļ 1 A CR A CU to be achronical when it is oppoſite ACCIDENTAL Point in Perſpec- to the Sun, and ſhines all Night. tive, is that Point C wherein a right And fo a Star or Planet is ſaid to riſe Line OC, drawn from the Eye 0, achronically, when it riſes when the parallel to one (Line A B) or more Sun ſets ; and ſets achronically, when given parallel right Lines, meets the it fets while the Sun is riſing. perſpective Plane DE. D 0 c А B 1. The Repreſentations of all pa. Anno Dom. 1306. wherein it is de- rallel Lines will, if continued, all termined how many Perches in meet upon the perſpectivePlane, in Length and Breadth ſhall make an the accidental Point; and all Paral- Acre, that they had in thoſe Days lels to the geometrical Plane, when very indifferent Geometricians; when not ſo to the perſpective Plane, have it is there ſaid, That when an Acre their accidental Point in the hori of Land contains 10 Perches in zontal Plane. The manner of find. Length, it ſhall contain 16 in ing this point is ſhewn in moſt Books Breadth; when 11 in Length, its of Perſpective. Breadth ſhall be 14 Perches one half, Accord, a Term in Muſick, to and of a Foot; when 12 in Length, be found in Ozanam's Mathematical its Breadth ſhall be 13 Perches si Diftionary, fignifying either a Con- Feet, &c. and ſo on to a Length cord or a Diſcord. of 40 Perches, and the reſpective ACHERNER, a Star of the firſt Breadths. For all theſe Lengths and Magnitude in the Conſtellation E. Breadths, except the firſt, might ridanus, whoſe Longitude is 10°. 31'. have been very well omitted. of Piſces, and Latitude 59º. 18/. ACUBENE, a Name given by ACRE, a ſuperficial Meaſure for ſome to a Star on the Southern Claw Land, containing 160 ſquare Per- of Cancer. ches: So that the Side of a ſquare ACUTE- Angle. See Angle. Acre will be nearly equal to 12.4691 ACUTE-ANGLED CONE, is ſuch Perches. a right Cone, whoſe Axis makes an One would imagine, from the Or- acute Angle with its Side. Pappus, dinance for meaſuring of Land, made in his Mathematical Colle&tions, ſays, anno 33 and 34 of Edward I. and this Name was given to ſuch a B 4 Cone : AD, D A DD called, ang'! Act 2; of bi Cone by Euclid, and ithe Ancients = 1; of io.and + 8 will be before Apolontis, & Time; and they - Sam and + Scars will be o. CUTE-ANGLED Seation of a ADDITION of whole Numbers, or Cone, an Ellipſis, made by a Plane's Integers, is an expeditious Way of cutting an acute-angled Cone; they finding one Number equal to two not knowing that ſuch a Section or more Numbers taken all together, could be generated from any Cone or finding the moſt fimpleExpreſſion whatſoever, till Apollonius did. of a Number, according to the eſta- ACUTE-ANGLED Triangle, ſuch bliſhed Notation, containing as ma- a one whoſe three Angles are acute. ny Units as are in all the given ADDITION, the uniting or put- Numbers taken together, the Num- ting of two or more things toge- ber found being called their Sum. ther. 1. The Rule for Addition is to ADDITION, Algebraical, or of place all the Numbers of like kind Algebra, is the Connexion or put- under one another, that is, the U-' ting together of all the Letters or nits under Units, Tens under Tens, Numbers to be added, with their and Hundreds under Hundreds, &c. proper Signs + and, and uniting and adding up the Units; and if their into one Sum thoſe that can be fo Sum be under ten, ſetting that Sum united; as the Sum of a and b, is atb; that of a and —b, isa-b; under the Units : But if a good to that of a and -- b, is that of za and Sa'is = 3a + så ten or tens, ſetting the Excers, 8; that of.ba and com 296a underneath, and for every ten, car- za is =40; that of a, b, c, rying a Unit to the next Place to the a+b+cmd; and fo of others. left hand, and foon ; as if I ſhould add The Order in which they are ſet down being of no great conſequence, 343 } that is { 300I 401 to 513 500 +3 though it may not be amiſs to ſet them down according to the Order Sun 855 800 + 50+5 of the Letters, writing a before b, 2. The Demonſtration of the Rule b before c; and ſo on. of Addition is very eaſy, and depends 1. When a negative Number or entirely upon the Notation in uſe, Quantity is to be added to an affir- and Euclid's Axiom, to wit, that the mative one, the Sun is the Diffe- whole is equal to all the Parts taken rence remaining, by taking away together. the negative Number or Quantity 3. The addition of Numbers may from the affirmative one; as i and be performed, by beginning to add i is o; 4. and 3 is 1 ; 7ac and up the firſt Column to the left hand, - 3ac is 4ac; and ſo of others But and then the other Columns in Or- when the negative Number or Quan- der from the left to the right, accord- tity is greater than the affirmative ing to the Rule above; and when ore, the Sum will be equal to what all the Columns are gone through, remains, by taking away the atir their Sums will give the Sum of the mative Number or Quantity from Numbers to be added. And this may the negacive one : But will be reg?- be a very good way of proving Ad- tive ; as the Sum of — 2 and to iis dition. 96057 -d, is ! } A D D 96057 Example 7025 Sum II 2168 9086 ADD This is obſerved (whether firft I know not by. One Defaguliers, formerly a Profeſſor of Mathema ticks at Amſterdam, in a Treatiſe of his de Scientia Numerorum: "As alſo by Dr. Wallis in his Aritb- metick. 9 22 O 15 18 112168 1 1 t cauſe a wrong 4. Addition may be proved ſeve- Exceſs or Number leſs than 9, laft ral ways; firſt, by adding all the marked ; if not, your Work has Numbers together, and afterwards been wrong. For example, diſtributing the Numbers into Par- cels of 10 or 12 in a Parcel, (I ſpeak 274317 of a great many Numbers to be ad-- 4678167 ded together;) and then adding to- 53651 gether each Part by itſelf, and after- 127861 6 wards their Sums into one total Sum, and ſeeing whether the ſame total Though this Proof of Addition Sum comes to be the ſame in each be not quite to be relied upon, be- Sum way. Secondly, by cafting away of may ſometimes 9's, (which I believe was firſt done appear true from it; yet the Pro- by Dr. Wallis in his Arithmetick, bability of its being true, to that of publiſhed anno 1657) which is thus: And Take each of the given Numbers Truth of any Sum proved this way. ſo we may be pretty ſecure of the ſeparately, and add all their Figures together as ſimple Units, and in do- mentioned, was the firft who ſhewed Dr. Wallis, in the Treatiſe above ing ſo, when you have made a Sum equal to 9, or greater than this laſt way of proving Addition, but 9, leſs than 18, neglect the 9, taking will alſo find it in Mr, Malcolm's A- with the Reaſon of the ſame. You what is over, and add to the next rithmetick, Figure ; and go on fo till you have i gone through them all, and mark ADDITION of Frations, is find. what is over or under', at the laſt ing a Fraction equal to two or more Figure : But if the Sum of all the given Fractions. Figures be leſs than 9, fet down that This is done by reducing all the Sum. Do the ſame with each of the given Fractions (to fimple Fractions Numbers, ſetting all theſe Exceſſes of one Unit, if they be numerical of 9 together in a Column; then fum Fractions) to one Denomination, if them up the fame way, making the they be not fo already : Then the Exceſs of 9, as before, or what the sum of the Numerators being made Sum is leſs than 9. Laſtly, Do the a Numerator to the common Deno- ſame with the total Sum, and what minator, makes the fractional Sum is under 9, or over any Number of ſought; which may be further re- 9's in this, muſt be equal to the duced as the Caſe requires. 1 EX. Æ o OL + Æ OL EXAMPLES ato; ab ad abe. alco + abe-fracd. 6 + is=2743 acd 1S ce to e ce ce 3 14 15 is ng 7 35 35 35 62 6 s = m. 8 som 7 t ADDITION of Decimal Fraktions, der Pipe opening into the Ball is finding a Decimal Fraction equal which, if fcrewed on, is the beſt to two or more given Decimal Frac- way, becauſe then the Cavity may tions. be more eaſily filled with Water. The Rule to do it is; Whether the This Inſtrument, of more Curio- Numbers given be pure or mixed fity than real Uſe, is for repreſent- Decimals, or ſome of them whole ing a kind of artificial Wind; and Numbers, write them down under that after the following manner : one another, in ſuch Order that the Fill it almoſt full of Water, which Decimal Points on the left ſtand all you may eafily do if the Neck un- in a Line, or under one another; ſcrews ; if not, you may heat the and the Figures all in diſtinct Co- Ball red-hot, and throw it into a Vef- lumns, in order as they are removed fel of Water, which will be fucked from the Point either on the right or in through the ſmall Hole, if it be left: Then, beginning at the Column kept immerged. This done, if the on the right hand, add the Figures Æolipile be put upon, or before the in every Column together, as in Fire, ſo that the Water and it be whole Numbers, placing a Point in very much heated, a vapourous Air the Sum, under the Points of the will fly out through the Pipe, with given Numbers. great Noiſe and Violence ; but by EXAMPLE S. Fits, and not with a conſtant and .24 .004 36.24 -uniform Blaſt. -378 015 450.058 This Inſtrument is ancient, being .057 .367,8 378.72 mentioned by Vitruvius, Lib. 1. .9356 .291 42.005 Cap. 6. Deſcartes too ſpeaks of it .6827 .6778 in his Meteor. Cap. 4. It is alſo mentioned in ſeveral other Authors, 2.2933 amongſt whom Father Merſennus, ADDITION of Ratio's, the ſame Prop. 29. Phænom. pneumat. uſes it to with ſome of the modern Writers, as weigh the Air, by firſt weighing the Compoſition of Ratio's. Which ſee. Inſtrument when red-hot, and having ADERAIMIN, or ALDERAMIN, no Water in it; and afterwards is a Star upon the left Shoulder of weighing the fame when it becomes Cepheus. cold. But the Conclufion gained Adhil, is a ſmall Star of the ſixth from this Operation cannot be very Magnitude, upon the Garment of accurate, fince there is ſuppoſed to be Andromeda, under the laſt Star in her no Air in the Ball when it is red-hot. Foot. Varenius alſo, in his Geogr. cap. 19. ADJACENT ANGLE. See Angle . Sect. 6. paragr. 10. uſes it to ſhew the ÆOLIPILE, a round hollow Ball Air's Rarefačtion by Fire. of Iron, Braſs, or Copper, having a There is one thing I would have Neck in, which there is a very ſlen. obſerved $ Æ T H • Ε Τ Η obſerved in the Uſe of this Inſtru- them; and fo exceedingly thin, as ment; and that is, that you take not to cauſe any ſenſible Reſiſtance care it be not ſet upon too violent a in the Motions of the Planets in ena- Fire, with too little Water in it, for ny thouſand Years. fear left it ſhould burſt and do mil- All this is from Sir Iſaac Newton's chief; which may ſometimes be the Queries, at the latter part of his Op- Caſe, as once happened to my know- ticks. It is pity we have not Expe- ledge.' A Perſon ſetting one of theſe riments fufficient to thew there is ſuch Copper Inſtruments upon too great a a Fluid, and ſomewhat ſurpriſing Fire in a Tavern Drinking-room, it this great Man himſelf, who was the burſt with a Noiſe like a Cannon, in- moſt likely of any Mortal to diſco- to ſeveral pieces ; which flew about ver any ſuch Fluid, ſhould make the Room, and cauſed ſuch a vio- Queries about the Effects of it, be- lent Concuſſion of the Air, as not fore he was aſſured of its real Exi- only put out the Candles upon a ſtence; eſpecially if he had no other. Table, and threw down the Bottles Proof than the Experiment we find and Glaſſes, but broke moſt of the at the latter end of the Scholium, at Panes of Glaſs, in Number 12 or 14, Sect. 6. Lib. 2. Princip. Mathem. of a Sky-light, being the only Win- Philoſoph. Natur. The Subſtance of dow in the Room. which is, That he made a Pendulum ÆRA, the ſame as Epocha; which of a deal Box, of about 11 Foot long; ſee. and having raiſed up the Box to a ÆTher, a very thin elaſtick and noted Place, fix Foot from the Per- active Fluid, readily pervading the pendicular, and then having let it Pores of all Bodies, and by its elaf- go, he marked three other places to tick Force expanded thro' all the which it returned, at the end of the Heavens. Much rarer within the firſt, ſecond and third Oſcillations. Pores of denſe Bodies, as thoſe of After which he filled the Box with the Sun, Stars, Planets and Comets, Lead, and other heavy Metal, having than at Diftances from them,growing firſt weighed the empty Box, the part denſer and denſer perpetually, as the of the Thread the Box was hung to, Diſtance increaſes ; cauſing the Gra- which was wrapt about it, one half vity of thoſe Bodies towards one an the Thread, and as much Air as the other, and of their Parts towards the Capacity of the Box took up; and the Bodies; the Reflexion and Refracti- whole Weightwas about partofthe on of the Rays of Light; the Du Box of Metal. Then having ſome- ration of the Heat of hot Bodies ; what ſhortened the Thread, by rea- the Communication of their Heat to ſon of the Box of Metal's ſtretching cold Bodies ; performing Viſion by it, ſo that the Pendulum had the its Vibrations, excited in the Bot- fame Length as at firſt; he drew up tom of the Eye by the Rays of Light, the Box to the Place firſt obſerved, and propagated through the folid, and letting it fall, numbered about pellucid and uniform Capillamenta of 77 Swings before the Box returned the Optick Nerves into the Place of to the ſecond place marked, and as Senſation ; and animal Motion ex- many afterwards before it returned cited in the Brain by the Power of to the third Place, and ſo alſo before the Will, and propagated from thence it returned to the fourth Place. through the ſolid pellucid Capilla- From whence he concluded, that the menta of the Nerves into the Muf- whole Reſiſtance of the Box when cles, for contracting and dilating full, to that when empty, had not a greater 1 t 1 1 A FR A FR t greater Ratio than 78 to 77: For if tempted to cut thro', to open a Paffage the Reſiſtance of both of them were from the Red Sea tothe Mediterranean, equal, the full Box, by reaſon of the but in vain : And Cleopatra thought inactive Force of its Matter, being to have hoiſted her Fleet over it 78 times greater than that of the from the Mediterranean to the Red empty Box, ought to have preſerved Sea, to get clear of the Romans. Be- its ſwinging Motion ſo much the tween the Channel of the River Nile, longer; and ſo it muſt have return and the Red Sea, that Iſthmus is but ed to the four marked Places always nine Miles. This Country is ſome- when 78 Swings had been perform- what of a triangular Figure. The ed: But it returned to the fame when Baſe may be reckoned at Tangier, 77 Swings had been compleated. from whence to the Iſthmus, it is about Therefore, ſays he, if A be the Re- 1920 Miles broad; but from the fiftance of the external Surface of the Vertex of the Triangle,to the north- Box, and B the Refiftance of the ermoft Part of the Baſe, 4155 Miles'; empty Box in the internal Parts ; and being much leſs than Aſia, and about if the Reſiſtances of equally ſwift three times as big as Europe. A great Bodies in the internal Parts, be as the part of it is ſituate under the Torrid Matter or Number of Particles which Zone, and croſſed by the Equator. is refifted, 78 B will be the Refi- The furthermoſt ſouthern Bound be- itance of the full Box in its internal ing the Cape of Good Hope, in about Parts : And ſo the whole Reſiſtance 34 Deg. of South Latitude; and the A+B of the empty Box, will be to moſt northern Extreme is about Bar- the whole Reſiſtance A+77B of the bary, in the Lat. of 37 Deg. North. full Box, as 77 to 78. And there A great Part of this Country was fore A is to B as 5928 to 1 ; that is, unknown to the Ancients; and even the Reſiſtance of the empty Box in now the Inland Parts thereof are the internal Parts, is about five thou- not well diſcovered. The general fand times leſs than its Reſiſtance in Hiſtorians thereof are, Leo, Mar- its external Superficies. And all this mol, Metellus, Gramaye, M. Li- could not happen but from the Actic vio Sanuto, Le Croix, and Dapper ; on of ſome ſubtle Fluid included which laſt is reckoned the beft ex- within the Metal, or elſe by ſome tant, and abridged by Mr. Ogilby other unknown Cauſe. in an Engliſh Folio Edition. There AFRICA, one of the four great are alſo many Travellers to parti- Continents, or general Parts of the cular Parts : as Paul Lucas up the Earth, containing Egypt, Barbary, Nile, as far as the Cataraits ; Don Bildulgerid, Zaara, Negroe-Land, John de Caſtro's Voyage up the Red- Guinea, Nubia, and Æthiopia ; and ſea to Sues, in the Year 1540,; and the moſt remarkable Iſlands thereof Chardin, Le Brun, and Vanfleb to are the Canaries, Maderas, Mada. Egypt. For the Defarts of Arabia gaſcar, and Cape Verde Iſlands. It is and Meſopotomia, we have De la bounded on the Eaſt with the Red Valle, Teixira, Thevenot, Vertoman, Sea and Arabia, on the Weſt by the and Sir Henry Middleton. But in Atlantick, on the North by the Me. all theſe we have ſcarcely any Ac- diterranean, and on the South by counts of the Inland Parts of Ara- the Æthiopick Oceans. It is joined to bia Fælix ; nor has any body de- Aſia by an Iſthmus, of 40 German ſcribed the Inland Parts of Barba- Miles broad, which ſome Kings of E- ry, Zaara, Bildulgerid, and the gypt, and Sultans, had a Deſign and at- lower Æthiopia. The A 1 or two. the Moon's Age. A.GE A IR The Travellers to the upper Æ 1. By taking the mean Place of thiopia, are Bermuda, Almeida, Pe- the Moon from that of the Sun at the ter Pais, Ludolphus, the Jeſuits Let- given Time (a whole Circle being ters, Poncet,&c. but the beſt Account added when neceffary) which Dife of áll is, the Hiſtoria del Æthiopia ference will be the Moon's mean per Telles; being a Collection of all Elongation from the Sun ; and di- the Authors aforeſaid, except one viding this by the mean Diurnal Elongation, being the Difference To Morocco, there are Moquet, between the Sun and Moon's Diur- Movett, St. Olon, L' Eſtat de "Roy- nal mean Motions ; and the Quo- aumes de Barbary, Frejus to' Mauri- tient is the mean Age of the Moon, tania, Janiquin to Libia, &c. Job- that is, the Time elapſed from the ſen's Voyage to the River Gambia. laft new Moon. Bofman's Deſcription of Guinea, is 2. Or more eaſy ; by adding to the beſt I am told for that Country, the Radix of the mean new Moons and likewiſe Tenrhyne's for the Cape (ſuppoſe that of the Year 1700, of Good Hope. There are many being 21d. 135.5m. 34.)the Epacts other Authors who have deſcribed of the given Years, Months, Days, particular Parts of Africa, which I Hours and Minutes ; and from the cannot mention, becauſe I have not Sam taking compleat fynodical feen them. Months, one of which is 29d. 12h, AFFIRMATIVE Quantity. See 44m. 3.8. and the Remainder will be Quantity. AFFIRMATIVE Sign, in Alge The Moon's Age may alſo be bra, is this, + found, by turning the Difference This Sign before and between two between the Time given, and the or more Numbers, or literal Expref- known Time of any paft Conjunc- fions of them, or Quantities, implies tion, or of an Eclipſe of the Sun, their Sum, Addition, or putting to into Days, Hours, &c. and after- gether, being an elegant Mark to uſe wards multiplying the ſame by 10d. inſtead of the Words plus, more, or 15h. iim. 388. and then dividing added to, and of more Aſſiſtance to the Product by 29d. 12h. 44m. the Imagination; as +5, +7, or 3./. and the Remainder, after the plus 5, plus 7, or more 5, more 7, Diviſion, will be the Moon's Age. or 5 added to 7, fignifies the Sum of Note. At the End of every !9 5 and 7, viz. 12; ſo alſo toa, tb, Years, the Moon's Age will return or plus a, plus b, or more a, more b, upon the ſame Day of the Month, or added to b, is the Sum of a and but will fall ſhort of the preciſe b. So alſo in Geometry, the Lines' Time by a ſmall quantity. + AB + CD + EF, fignifies the I have ſeen in ſome Books of Na. Sum or Aggregate of the Lines AB, vigation, under what is called the CD, and EF; that is, theſe Lines Julian Calendar, (ſuch as Atkin- put together. ſon's Epitome, &c.) a very eaſy Age, of the Moon, is the Time way to find the Moon's Age: But it elapſed, or the Number of Days (al- is not exact enough, and ſo ſhall ſay ways leſs than 30) from any propo- nothing of it. ſed mean Conjunction, or new Moon, Air, or ATMOSPHERE, an in- to the next, and is to be had from mott viſible, compreſſible, dilatable, ela- of our common Almanacks. But ſtick fluid Body, in which we breathe yet, without theſe, may be found, and live, encompaſſing the whole Earth AIR AIR Earth to a great Height, being hard a Glaſs Ball of about 283 Inches ly perceivable by our Senſes ; but Capacity, weighed 100 Grains. that manifeſts itſelf by its Reſiſtance But it is found that no two equal to Bodies moved in it, and by its Quantities taken at the ſame time, ftrong Motion againſt other Bodies, but at different Heights, were ever at which time it is called Wind, be- found of equal weight, the lower ing abſolutely neceſſary for the Vi- Air always outweighing the upper. tality of Animals and vegetables, Even in the ſame place, an equal the Collection, Preſervation, Direc. Quantity of Air will ſcarcely ever tion and Augmentation of Fire. be found to be of the ſame Weight. Some of the moſt noted Proper 3. The common Air near the ties of the Air are as follow: Surface of the Earth, as well as the 1. It contains various kinds of Surface and all Bodies upon it, are Corpuſcles ſwimming in it; neither continually preſſed by the Weight can it be deprived of its Fluidity by of the Atmoſphere, or of the up- the utmoſt Cold or Compreſſion, per Parts upon the lower; and this nor made viſible to the Eye by the Weight is greateſt , the nearer Bo- beſt Microſcopes; and all Bodies dies are to the Center of the Earth, have more or leſs Air contained and leſſer the higher you go : which within them : And tho' the Particles Weight, upon every ſquare Inch of this Fluid are exceeding ſmall, near the Surface of the Earth, is a- yet they cannot make their way bout 15 Pounds Avoirdupois. Mr. through Metals, Glaſs, Wood, or Boyle ſays, he found it to be 181 good Paper, which even thoſe of Pounds Troy. But it may be ob- Wine, Water, sc. will do. ſerved, that the Weight of the At- 2. Galileus, in his Mechanical moſphere in our Climate is conſtant- Dialogues, was the firſt who diſco. ly changing, which Change is ob- vered that the Air was heavy; for, fervable upon the Alteration of by thruſting it into a hollow Ball Weather. And by repeated Expe- by means of a Syringe, he found riments of about 86 Years, we come the Weight of the Ball augmented; at length to know, that in Europe and, upon opening the Ball, found it the greateſt Weight of the Atmo- to have the ſame Weight as at firſt. ſphere is ballanced by a Column of Torricellius, the Florentine Geo- Mercury of 31 Inches in Height, metrician, Anno 1643, firſt attempt- and the leaſt by one of 28. Alſo ed to weigh the Air; and after him the Atmoſphere's Preſſure upon the Otto Guerick, a German, and then fame Bodies in the ſame Places is Burcher de Volder, (inQuæftionibus A- variable, which Variation notwith- cademicis de Aeris gravitate) whollanding is never found in the ſame fays, that the weight of a Cubick Place to exceed of the whole. Foot of Air is one Ounce and 27 Moreover, Air preſſes upon every Grains; and this by ſuch nice Scales, Side of Bodies with an equal Force. that if 25 or 30 Pounds was put into 4. The Air has an elaſtick Pro- each,amanifelt Preponderation would perty, that is, all known Air oc- enſue, upon' putting in, or taking a- cupying any certain Space, and be- way one or two Grains from one ing confind there ſo that it cannot ſide or other, Mr. Boyle fays, a- eſcape, will, when preffed by a de- bout of a Pint of Air weighs terminate Weight, reduce itſelf into one Grain and í Part; and Mr. a leſs Space, which will be always S'Graveſande found, that the Air in reciprocally proportional to the com- 2 1 1 1 A IR AIR compreſſed Force, and the Denſity on the contrary, by Cold it is con- proportional to it ; and when that tracted into a ſmaller Space, and be- Weight is removed, the Air will of comes denſer, as appears by the itſelf be reſtored to the Space it had Thermometer ; conſequently the loſt. Height of the Atmoſphere perpe- Mr. Boyle ſays, that two poliſh'd tually varies, being greateſt at Noon, Marbles, which would in open Air and leaſt at Midnight. Its Denſity ſuſtain a weight of 80 Pounds, be- is alſo greater in Winter than Sum- fore they would fall afunder, would mer, being always in a Ratio com- do ſo in the exhauſted Receiver with pounded of the direct Ratio of the a Pound, and ſometimes half a Heights of the Mercury in the Ba- Pound weight. And the ſame Phi- rometer, and the reciprocal Ratio of loſopher ſays alſo, that the Weight the Diviſions made to the Degrees of a Cylindrical Column of one of the Thermometer. Inch in Diameter, is 14 Pounds, 8. Mr. Krukius, in his Meteoro- 2 Ounces, and 3 Drams Troy. And logical Tables, has ſhewn, that there · Mr. S'Graveſande fays, when the falls upon, and exhales from, the Air. was drawn out of two equal Earth in one Year's time, about the Braſs Hemiſpheres well joined toge height of 30 Inches of Water ; fo ther, of 3 Inches in Diameter, it that it follows from hence, that there would require a weight of 140 is a great Quantity of Water always Pounds to pull them aſunder. ſuſpended in the Air, under the 5. Air may be condenſed by Art, Form of Fog, Rain, Dew, Hoar- ſo as to take up but the both part of froſt, Snow, &C. the Space it did before, as has been 9. If Altitudes of the Air be ta- done by ſeveral, and which may be ken in the ſame arithmetical Pro- feen in the Philofoph. Tranfaat. N° greffion increaſing, the Denſities 182. It is very hard to reduce the thereof will be in a geometrical common Air into a Space 64 times Progreſſion decreaſing. But this is leſs than it naturally takes up; and on the Suppoſition that the Den- fince it is probable, that the doo ſity of the Air condenſed by Com- part of the common Air at leaſt con preſſion is as the compreſſive Force, fifts of aqueous, ſpirituous,oily, faline, or,which is the fame thing, the Space and other Particles ſcattered thro' taken up by the Air reciprocally as it, it is likely that common Air can that Force. Dr. Halley, I believe, is never be reduced into a ſpace 1000 the firſt who publiſhed a Demonftra- times leſs than it uſually takes up, tion of this in Philos. Tranfa&t. Nº without becoming folid. 181. by means of an aſymptotical 6. The elaſtick Power of any hyperbolical Space. Dr. Gregory Portion of Air, can by the Air's too, in his Aftronom. Prop. 3: Lib. 5. Expanſion repel the 'Bodies that has fhewn the Truth thereof by the compreſs it, with the ſame Force as Logarithmick Carve. that which is exerted by the whole Dr. Jurin, in his Append, ad Geogr. Body of the Air. Vareni, has compendiouſly de 7. When Air is condenſed in a inonſtrated the fame, by a Method certain determinate Degree by the not at all different from that of Application of Heat, it acquires a Sir Iſaac Newton, in Lib. 2. Princip. greater Power of Expanſion every Mathem. prop. 2. way than it had before ; that is, it From this Theorem, it is eaſy to is rariſied, or becomes thinner: and find the Denfity of the Air at any Moreover, given A IR AIR 1 1 & given Height above the Earth's it muſt be at the Diſtance of the Superficies ; for let the right Line Earth's Semi-diameter from the AB be 33 Feet, Earth, will fill all the planetary Re- viz, the Alti- gions as far as, and much beyond, tude of a Co- ЕНЕ the Sphere of Saturn. lumn of Wa- 9. Theſe Theorems are founded ter of the ſame upon the Suppofition, that the Air, Weight with a as you go higher and higher, is of Column of Air the ſame Nature with that near the quite up to the Earth. But Experiments ſhew it to Top of the At- to be otherwiſe ; for Mr. Caſini, moſphere; and C and Picart, when meaſuring the let BDF be D. Heights of ſeveral Mountains, dili. perpendicular gently obſerved the ſeveral Altitudes to AB; aſſume of the Mercury of the Barometer, BD equal to and by that means found, that the 850 Feet, be Proportion of the Rarity of the Air ing the Num- was not according to Dr. Halley's ber of times Theorem, but much greater than that the weight what ought to ariſe from the faid of a Quantity A B Proportion. See Hift. de l'Acad. of Water ex- Roy. Anno 1703 1705. Moreover ceeds that of the fame Quantity of Dr. Halley, and the Academy del Air: that is, a Column of Air 850 Cimento, affert, that the Reduction Feet high, of the ſame Weight with of Air into Spaces proportional to a Column of Water one Foot high: the compreſſive Weights, does not Then if DC be drawn perpendicular hold good beyond that Space, which to BD, and made equal to 32 Feet, is 850 times leſs than that which is it will repreſent the Denfity of the taken up by the common Air. Air at the Height of 850 Feet. This 10. It is likely that the Height of done, if a Logarithmic Curve ACE, the Atmoſphere is indefinitely ex- be ſuppoſed to paſs thro' the Points tended many (perhaps thouſand) A,C; the right Line BDF will be its Miles above the Surface of the Earth. Afymptote, and any Ordinate EF Tho' ſeveral Authors will have it to will be as the Denſity of the Air at be of a ſmall limited Height : But the correſpondent Altitude BF: fo about this Height they differ very that if the Denſity EF of the Air at much. Poſidonius makes the Height a given Height BF be wanted, fay 12 German Miles; Alhazen and vi. as BD is to BF, ſo is the Difference tellio, 13 ; Clavius and Nonius, 11 ; between the Logarithms of AB and Tycho Brahe, 12; Gaſſendus, 10; CD, to a fourth number, which will Ricciolus, 191 when loweſt, and 16 be the Difference of the Logarithms when higheit ; Varenius makes it of AB and EF; and ſince the Loga- of a German Mile, from two obſer- rithm of AB is given, you will have ved Altitudes of a Star at two Alti- that of EF, and ſo EFitſelf. Sir Iſaac tudes, at Prop. 30. Sect. 6. Cap. 19. Newton, towards the End of Lib. 3. Geogr and in Prop. 38. he makes it Princip, Mathem. concludes from a I German Mile. Mr. Boyle makes Computation of this kind, that a it 7 Engliſh Miles; but, upon a Sup- Globe of our Air of the Diameter poſition it is every where of the ſame of one Inch, if rarefied ſo much as Denſity. Denſity. Harris and ſome others will . 8 or 9. A IR A IR will have it to be about 41 Engliſh according to Mr. Haukſbee, in the ſaid Miles. But all theſe, in my opinion, Tranſ. N. 305, as I to 885, (which is are little better than mere Suggeſti- eſteemed the neareſt to the Truth). ons, computed from uncertain, erro 14. Sir Iſaac Newton (in Schol. fub neous Principles, chiefly grounded fin. Sect. 9. lib. 2. Princip.) fays, If upon the Obſervations of the Twin the Particles of the Air be ſuppoſed light, which is obſerved commonly nearly of the ſame Denfity with Par- to begin and end when the Sun is 18 ticles of Water or Salt, and the Ra- Deg. below the Horizon ; as appears rity of the Air ariſes from the Di- from what Varenius ſays at Prop. 37, ſtance of the Particles, the Diameter 38. Sect. 6. Cap. 19. of his Geogr. of a Particle of Air will be to the Di- II. The Preſſure of the Air, near ſtance between the Centre of the Par- the Surface of the Earth, upon any ticles, as about 1 to 9 or 10; and the Baſe, is ballanced by a Column of Diſtance between the Particles as I to Water of the fame Baſe, of about 33 Feet in Height when that Preffure is Moreover, in the Schola gener. greateſt, and of about 30 Feet when Sect. 6. lib. 2. of the ſame Book, he that Preſſure is at a Mean. From fays, he found by Experiments with whence, and by the Theorem at N. 8. Pendulums, that the Reſiſtance of the it follows, that the Expanſion of the Air is as the Square of the Velocity Air will be 4096 times more than at of a Projectile moving in it. the Surface of the Earth; and at that Thoſe who have a mind to be Height, the Altitude of the Mercury more fully informed of the nature of in the Torricellian Tube, will be but the Air, may conſult the ſeveral about one hundredth part of an Inch. Writings of Mr. Boyle, Marriotte, Paf- 12. The firſt who obſerved the Bal- chal, our Philoſophical Tranſactions, lance of the Air with Water, was a the Hiſtory and Memoirs of the Gardener of Florence, who, wonder- : Royal Academy of Paris, Wolfius's ing that he could not raiſe Water in Aerometry, the ingenious Dr. Hales's a Pump, higher than to 18 Cubits, Vegetable Staticks, Boerhaave's Che- communicated the unexpected Phæ- miftry, and others. nomenon to Gallileo, who himſelf Air Pump, a Machine by means did not then know any thing of it; of which the Air contained in any as you find in his Mechanical Dia- proper Veſſel may be drawn out. logue's, i p. m. 15, 16. firſt publiſhed There have been ſeveral ſorts of about the Year 1638. After him ſe- Air Pumps contrived and conſtruct. veral others experienced the ſame ed from time to time from the firſt thing, amongſt whom was Mr. Mar- Invention, moſt of thoſe firſt made riotte, a Frenchman, who found that confiſting of but one Barrel, or hol. Water would not riſe higher than low Cylinder of Metal, uſually Braſs, 32 Paris Feet. And Torricellius, a with a Valye at the Bottom opening Scholar of Gallileo, uſing Mercury inwards, and a Pifton (with a Valve inſtead of Water, found it would be at the Top opening upwards) ſo ex. fufpended at about 30 Inches. actly fitted to the Cavity of that Bar- 13. The Weight of any Quantity rel, and moving therein, that when of Air, to the fame Quantity of Was it is drawn up from the Bottoin of ter, near the Earth's Surface, acord- the Barrel (by means of an indented ing to Merſennus, is as I to 1356; Iron Rod or Rack affixed to it, and according to Mr. Boyle, as i to 1000; an Handle turning a ſmall indented according to Dr. Halley, in the Phi- Wheel, playing in the Teeth of that lofoph. Tranſ. N. 181. as i to 800 ; Rod) all the Air will be excluded с from AIR A IR t i 1 from the Cavity thereof; and having great, that the Power required to alſo a ſmall Pipe at its Bottom, by raiſe the other is not much more means of which the Barrel may have than what exceeds the Friction of a Communication with any proper the Parts in motion; whereas in o- Veſſel to be exhauſted of Air, the thers, the nearer the Cavity of the whole being affixed to a convenient Receiver approaches a Vacuum, the Frame of Wood-Work, where the greater is the Labour of working End of the Pipe turns up into an ho- them: And the ſecond, That it per- rizontal Plate or Diſh, upon which forms its Buſineſs in half of the time. ſuch a Veſſel is placed. The Air's Elaſticity is the Foun- Mr. Boyle's Air-Pump, deſcribed dation of this Machine : For when in his New Phyſico-Mechanical Ex a Piſton is thruſt down to the Bot- periments about the Gravity and Spring tom of its Barrel, and then it be of the Air, publiſhed anno 1660, has raiſed up, the Air in the Receiver but one Barrel ; fo alſo has that will expand itſelf, and part of it which was firſt uſed by Mr. Papin, will enter into the Barrel; ſo that as likewiſe that deſcribed by Wole the Air in the Receiver and the fius, in Elem. Aerom. But Mr. Boyle Barrel will have the fame Denſity, was the firſt who contrived and ap- which will be to the first Denſity, plied a mercurial Gage or Index for as the Capacity of the Receiver is to meaſuring the Degrees of the Air's the Capacity of the Barrel and Re- Rarefaction or Quantity of Exhau- ceiver together. And by thruſting ftion out of a given Veſſel ; whoſe down the Piſton a ſecond time, and Deſcription he gives at the Begin- drawing it up, the Denſity of the ning of his firſt and ſecond Phy,aco- Air in the Receiver and Barrel will Mechanical Continuations. The a. again be leſſened in the Ratio afore- foreſaid Mr. Papin moreover was the ſaid; and repeating the Motion of firſt who contrived an Air Pump the Pifton, the Air in the Recei- with two Barrels; as you may ſee in ver will be reduced to the leaſt Mr. Boyle's Contin. ſecond. Experim. Denſity, but can never be drawn all Nov. Phyſico-Mechan. in Pref. & out: And if m be the Capacity of Iconiſ. 2. the Receiver, and n that of the But the double Barrel Air Pump Barrel, d the Denſity of the Air in of Mr. Haukſee's, publiſhed in his the Receiver, before the Pump be- Phyfico-Mechan. Exper. anno 1709, gins to work: Then n tmin::d: which is now commonly uſed in England, far exceeds any that were = Denſity of the Air in the ever made before, and is equal to, n+m and, I believe, may exceed thoſe of Receiver at the End of the firſt draw- {ome Foreigners, ſuch as Leopold, ing up of the Piſton. And n-tom:n:: s'Graveſande, Muſchenbroeg, &c. dn dn2 that have come after him, and had = to its Denſity at each a mind to be Sharers in the Im- ntom the End of the ſecond Lifting up. provement of this Machine. This double Barrel Pump is pre- dn² d n3 ferable to any other made before, in And n tm: n:: ntm two things; the firſt is, That when the Receiver comes to be nearly ex its Denſity at the End of the haufted of its contained Air, the third Lifting up of the Pifton; and Preſſure of the outward Air upon ſo on. Wherefore if s be the the deſcending Piſton is nearly fo Number of Strokes of the Pifton, the dn : not m² 2 3 + nt m3 1 nt mis A IR A JU the Denfity of the Air in the Re- of them obliged the world with ceiver at the End of thoſe Number their Labours herein. By this In- dns ſtrument moſt of the Concluſions, of Strokes will be that is, but now mentioned under the Word Air, they have verified and con- in Words, The Denfity of the natural firmed, as well as a great multitude Air in the Receiver is to its Denſity of others, which are really very after any Number of Railings up of curious, and wonderfully ſurpriſing. the Pifton, as the capacity of the Re- Too many to relate in this place. ceiver and the Cavity of the Barrel AIR-GUN. See Wind-Gun. together, raiſed to a Power having AIR, in Mufick, is a Name given the Number of Liftings up of the Pi- by fome to any ſhort Piece of Muſick. Hon for it's Index, is to the like Power of theſe there are Sets compoſed by of the Capacity of the Receiver alone. Mr. Handel, Dr. Pepufch, &c. Which is the Theorem given by AJUTAGE, a French Word for Mr. Varignon, in the Memoirs de the Spout of the Stream of Water in Mathemat. & Phyſ. for Dec. 1703. any Fountain. Here follow. fome Wolfus, in his Aerometry, fays, Obſervations and Concluſions rela- that the firft Inventor of the Air ting to Ajutages, and the Spouts of Pump was Otto de Guericke, a Bur- Water moving through them. gomaſter of Magdeburg, who per 1. A Fluid Spouting upwards formed ſeveral Experiments with it through any Adjutage, would aſcend at Ratisbon, in the Year 1654. be- to the fame Altitude as the upper fore the Emperor, and ſeveral other Surface of the Fluid in the Veſſel, illuſtrious Perfons. Be this as it were it not for the Reſiſtance of the will, Mr. Boyle ſoon after having Air, the Friction near the sides of taken the Hint from Schottus's Trea- the Adjutage, and ſome other Cau- tife, entitled, Mechan. Hydraulica- fes in the notion of the Fluid itſelf, Pneumatica, publiſhed in the Year whereby Defects from that Altitude 1657..(tho he himſelf, in his Phy- do always arife; which are nearly fico-Mechan. Exper. fays he did not in the ratio of the Square of the Al- fee the Book) directed Dr. Hook, citude of the Fluid above the Adju- and another Perſon, to contrive à tage, and is to be underſtood of newer and better Air-Pump than ſmall Heights only. Otto de Guericke's, which he heard 2. It is found by experience, that was defective, it requiring the. La if the Direction of the Adjutage be bour of two ſtrong Men for more ſomewhat inclined, the Fluid will than two Hours to get the Air out aſcend higher than when it is exact- of glaſs Veſſels, plunged under Wa- ly' upright ; and an even poliſhed round Hole at the End of the Pipe, The Air-Pump is a very uſeful or Tube, will give an higher ſpout Inſtrument, which from time to time of Fluid than when the Adjutage is has employed the Thoughts and cylindrical or conical : Which laft Pains of ſeveral very ingenious and is the uſual Figure, and indeed beta diligent Philoſophers, (ſuch as Mr. ter than the cylindrical one. Boyle, Mr. Papin, Mr. Haukefbee, Dr. 3. It is found by experience, that Hales, Father Merſennus, Mr. Mar- the Bignefs of the Adjutage muſt be riotte, &c.) in making Experiments inlarged where the Height of the Ci- concerning the Nature and Proper- ftern is, and that the Pipes convey- ties of Air, and its Effects upon na ing the Water muſt be wide with re- túral Bodies, who have every one gard to the Adjutage; and amongſt ter. C 2 the A JU A JU 1 ! the ſeveral Diameters of Ajutages, by experience, that the Air's Refift- there is a ſtated Length in order to ance, and the Friction of the Water give the greateſt Height of the Spout againſt the sides of the Ajutage, do poffible, which muſt not exceed id fomewhat. difturb this Ratio, the Inch. Likewiſe the Height of the Quantity of Water being always leſs Spout of Water has its Limits, which than what ſhould ariſe from it: But is not much above 100 Feet. in Altitudes under go Feet, the De- 4. If AG be a Ciſtern of Water, viation is not very great, and the Side A B be biſfected in C, 6. The times in which cylindri- and about the Centre C, with any cal Veſſels of Water of the ſame Diameter and Height are emptied through Holes or Ajutages, are in- verſely as thoſe Ajutages. And when theſe Veſſels are unequal, but the A Heights and Ajutages equal, the times of emptying will be as the Ba- D E ſes of the Cylinders: Therefore, in any cylindrical Veffels, the times of emptying are in the Ratio com pounded of the Baſes, the inverſe Ratio of the Diameters of the Ajuta- е e ges, and the ſquare Roots of the Heights. 7. If the Side of a cylindrical FA B Veſſel, beginning from the Baſe, be divided into Lengths, which are as 1, 2, 4, 9, 16, &c. viz. the Squares Radius CE, a Semi-circle be deſcrib- of the natural Numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, ed; and if E be an Hole or Ajutage &c. the Surface of the Water (run- in the Side of the Ciſtern, and ED ning out through an Hole at the be drawn perpendicular to AB, the Bottom) will deſcend from every of Water will run out from E to F in thoſe Diviſions to the next in the the horizontal Plane, the Diſtance fame time. BF, which will be = ? the Perpen 8. If the Heights of two Veſſels dicular E D: So that the Water run- continually, full of Water be une- ning at the Centre C will go to the qual, and the Ajutages alſo unequal, greateſt horizontal Diſtance poſſible. the Quantities of Water running out And if Ce be=CE, the Water in the fame time, are in the Ratio running out at e will go to the ſame compounded of the ſimple Ratio of Diſtance BF, as when running out the Ajutages, and the ſub-duplicate at E. This Theorem is demonftra- Ratio of the Heights. ted by ſeveral hydroftatical Writers, 9. If the Heights of two Veſſels amongſt which ſee Mr.s'Graveſande's continually full of Water be equal, Inftit. Philof. Newton, cap. 7. the Water will run out through A- 5. The Squares of the Quantities jutages any-how unequal, with the of Water running through Ajuta- fame Velocity. ges in any Directions whatſoever, in 10. If the Height of Veſſels con- Ciſterns kept conſtantly full, are in tinually full of Water, and their A- the ratio of the Heights of the Sur- jutages be unequal, the Velocities of face of the Water in the Ciftern a the Water ſpouting out are in the bove the Ajutage i tho it is found ſub-duplicate Ratio of the Heights. Moit A LG A L G Moſt of theſe Concluſions are de- any other Symbols would do, but monſtrated by Mr. Marriotte, in his not fo conveniently) with Marks fig- Traitè du Mouvement des Eaux; as nifying Sums, Differences, Products, alſo in the aboveſaid Book of Mr. Quotients, Rectangles, &c. deduced s'Graveſande's. from ſtated Rules; which (from ſome Alcove, a Term in Architec- fort of Analogy they have to thoſe of ture, fignifying a part in ſome Cham- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplica- bers, higher than the others, having tion, and Diviſion in common Arith- an arch-like or other Figure, and ſe- metick) are therefore called Alge- parated by Pilaſters, and other Or. braick Addition, Subtraction, Mul- naments ; in which is placed a Bed tiplication and Diviſion, and chiefly of State, or elſe Seats for Entertain- founded upon Euclid's Axioms about ment. I have heard, that there are the Addition or Subtraction of equal ſeveral Alcoves at the Seats of the Numbers or Quantities, to or from Nobility in Spain, Italy, France, and equal or unequal ones ; as alſo upon ſome very good ones in our own the like Axioms of the Equalities or Country, contrived and made by our Inequalities of the Rroducts or Quo- celebrated Architects, ſuch as Gibbs, tients of Numbers. Campbell, &c. But do not find in the This Art is ſurpriſingly uſeful in Treatiſes of Architecture that I have Arithmetick and Geometry, being ſeen any thing ſaid about then, ex one of the moſt general, extenſive, cept in that of Daviler's Cours d' Ar- ſhort and eaſy Helps of diſcovering chiteft. Tab. 16. p. 177. and proving mathematical Truths ALDERAIMIN, a Star of the that has been hitherto invented, or third Magnitude on the right Shoul- perhaps ever will. By this the So- der of Cepheus. lution of innumerable arithmetical ALDĦAPHR A, a Star of the third Queſtions, which one of ever ſo Magnitude. much Skill in common Arithmetick ALDEBARAN, a Star of the firſt would never be able to effect, with- Magnitude on the Head of Taurus, out the utmoſt Pains and Trouble, and uſually called the Bull's Eye. and perhaps not at all, is but a mere Its Longitude for the Year 1700 was Play; and the Reaſons of all the 5° 49' 30", of Gemini, and Lati- Rules of common Arithmetick, ſuch tude 56. 27. 30". South, according as Addition, Subtraction, Multipli- to Mr. Flamſtead's Catalogue. cation, Diviſion, Extraction of Roots, ALEGRO, a Term in Mufick, fig. Fractions, &c. do fo evidently ap- nifying that that part over which it pear, and naturally flow from it, that is placed muſt be ſung or play'd whoever ſhould go about to ſeek for ſwiftly. others, would be ſaid to do little elſe ALGEBRA, an univerſal Arith- than abuſe Time. This is the gene- metick, or certain kind of Logick ral Analyſis that alone does allilt us or way of Reaſoning in the Soluti. in finding the different Species, Fi- on, Invention, and Proof of Propo- gures and Properties of geometrical fitions, regarding the Equality or Curve lines, eſpecially thoſe that ex- Inequality of Numbers, or any kinds ceed the firſt Order, which by any of Quantity in pure or mixed Ma- other known Means would be plain- thematicks; and that by means of ly impoſſible to come at (and that artful Diſpoſitions, Connections and for want of other fufficient Elements; Combinations of Numbers, or the which I believe we ſhall never have, Letters of the Alphabet, (repreſents becauſe of our Shortneſs of Life, ing Numbers or Quantities, though ſmall Extent of Knowledge, Nar- rowneſs C3 A LG ALG 1 rowneſs of Conception, and the Di Diophantus was the firſt Greek minution of Inclination, uſually hap- Writer of Algebra. About the Year pening when our Advances in theſe 800 he wrote thirteen Books, only Studies become great enough to make fix of which were publiſhed in Latin us capable of making ſuch, and by Xylander in the Year 1575; and rightly applying them.) In a word, afterwards, viz, anno 1621, in Greek by this numberleſs Problems may be and Latin by Monſieur Bachet and ſolved, which could not any other. Fermat, with Additions of their own. ways be effected ; and often times This Algebra of Diophantus's only more Theorems are expreſſed in one extends to the Solution of arithme Page than could be expounded and tical indeterminate Problems. demonſtrated in whole Volumes, af Before Diophantus's came out, Lu- ter any other Method. cas Paciolus, or Lucas de Burgo, a The Word Algebra is derived from minorite Friar, publiſhed a Treatiſe the Arabick, to which the firſt Euro- of Algebra in Italian, printed at Ve- pean Writers have aſcribed various nice anno 1494. He may be ſaid to Names, as Reſtorationis & oppofiti be the moſt ancient European Writer onis Regula ; that is, the Method of on this Art. Reſtoration and Oppoſition. Regula The Title of the Book is Summa Rei & Zenſus; that is, the Doctrine Arithmeticæ & Geometriæ; and he of the Root, and of the Square ( Rei ſays he explains it ſuch as he recei- in Italian fignifying a Root, and ved it from the Arabians, but goes Zenſus its Square;) the Cofick Art, no further than ſimple and quadra- from the Italian Word Cofa, a Root; tick Equations : Nor does Stifelius, 1 Arte Maggiore, or the Great Art; in his Arithmetica Integra, publiſhed others, more modern, Arithmetica anno 1544; Hemiſchius, in his Arith- Speciofa, or Specious Arithmetick; metica Perfecta, and others, make Logiſtica Specioſa; Elementa Mathe- any farther Advances. But Scipio feos univerſa, univerſal Elements of Ferreus added Rules for reſolving Mathematicks; the Art of ſolving cubick Equations, (though indeed Queſtions by Equation. not general ones) firſt publiſhed anne, It is highly probable, that the In- 1545, by Cardan, in Arte Magna. dians or Arabians firſt invented this Ludovicus Ferrarienſis, or Lewis of Art, for it may reaſonably be con- Ferrara, ſhews a way how to reduce jectured, that the ancient Greeks biquadratick Equations, which Ra, knew nothing of it, becauſe Pappus, phael Bombelli publiſhed anno 1579. in his Mathematical Colle£tions, in his in his Algebra : But this is imper- Enumeration of their Analyſis, makes feet. no mention of any thing like it; and Tartalia was alſo another ancient beſides, ſpeaks of a local Problem Italian Writer upon Algebra. About begun by Euclid, and continued by the Year 1590, Franciſcus Vieta, a Apollonius, which none of them could Frenchman, found out the Literary fully reſolve, which doubtleſs they Arithmetick, and applied it to Al- might eaſily have done, had they gebra ; and has given a very inge- known any thing of Algebra. Nei- nious way of extracting the Roots of ther does the Greek way of numerical any Equation by Approximation, Notation ſeem at all adapted to the and explaining their Nature from Purpoſes of ſuch an Art, nor their Proportions. ſmall Knowledge in Arithmetick and Mr. Ougbtred, in his Clavis Ma- the Properties of Numbers, imply thematica, firſt publiſhed anno 163?, they had any ſuch thing. followed and improved the ſpecious Alge 1 0 1 A LG AL G Algebra of Vieta ; and invented fe- lineal Conſtructions of cubick, bi- veral compendious Characters to ex- quadratick, and ſome higher Equa- preſs Sums, Differences, Rectangles, tions, by means of the Conick Sec- Squares, &c. But goes no further tions, &c. which Deſcartes firſt than quadratick Equations. fhews how to do, may be ſaid to be Before Vieta, fome algebraick fuch. Writers uſed the four Letters R, Q, Dr. Pell reviſed and altered a C, S, ſignifying the Root, (or un Piece of Algebra, firſt publiſhed in known Number) Square, Cube, Sur- high Dutch at Zurick, anno 1659; de-ſolid ; or alſo for R they put N, and afterwards tranſlated into Eng- that is, a Number. Others uſed the life by Mr. Branker, under the Ti- Characters 2, 3, regro,which ariſe title of An Introduction to Algebra, from the Letters r, Z, C, s, fignifying and publiſhed anno 1668. In this (the Root, or unknown Quantity) Dr. Pell gives us a particular Me- Rem, Zenfum, (its Square) its Cube, thod of his own for applying Alge- and its Surde-folią. But Vieta, Ough bra to Problems of various kinds, tred, and others, put the Letter A at and introduced the way of keeping pleaſure for any Root, or unknown a Regiſter of the whole Proceſs in Quantity; and for the ſeveral Pow- the Margin, that fo you may fee ers thereof they join the Letter 9 how any Quantity or Equation in and c as Aq, the Square of A, Ac the large Column towards the right its Cube, A99 the ſquared Square, Hand is produced ; as alſo invented or fourth Power of A, and ſo on. ſeveral other uſeful Things. About this Time, or ſome few Dr. Wallis, anno 1664, publiſhed a Years before, there were ſeveral o Treatiſe of Algebra, both Hiſtorical ther algebraick Writers; as Nonnius, and Practical, containing ſeveral Ramus, Clavius, Girard, &c. All good Things ; but not many Im- of which, together with thoſe al- provements, unleſs it be the finding ready mentioned, are very deficient, the Roots of a Cubick Equation uni- when compared with the Treatiſe of verſally, and ſome other things a- Algebra wrote by Mr. Harriotte, who bout Combinations, Alterations, and died at London anno 1621, and pub- aliquot Parts. liſhed by Mr. Warner anno 1631 ; Mr. Kerſey, anno 1671, publiſhed wherein he uſes the ſmall Letters in- a Folio Treatiſe of Algebra, ex- ſtead of the capital ones of Vieta and plaining the Nature of Equations, Oughtred, ſhews the true Nature and and illuſtrating his Precepts with Conſtitution of Equations; and gives plenty of Examples. He explains many uſeful Theorems relating to Diophantus throughout, and gives them and their Roots, not taken no many things out of Marinus Ge- tice of by any before him, moſt of thaldus de Refolutione & Compofitione which are contained in the Geome- Mathematica. Monſieur Preſlet, a try of Deſcartes, firſt publiſhed in Frenciman, publiſhed much ſuch an- French, anno 1637, which was af- other Treatiſe anno 1694. Alſo terwards tranſlated into Latin by Monſieur Ozanam, publiſhed Ele- Van Schooten, a mathematical Pro- ments of Algebra anno 1703, in French, feſſor at Leyden, and publiſhed anno wherein, beſides the literal Calculus, 1659, with a prolix Commentary and the Doctrine of Equations, upon it, and ſome other algebraical he wonderfully illuſtrates the Dio- Pieces of other Perſons annexed ; the phantean Doctrine of reſolving nu- whole affording none, or very little merical Problems, in which this Improvement to the Art, except the Author has chiefly excelled. And a Com A L G A LG Compendium of Mr. Preſet was Synopſis, publiſhed anno 1706, does printed anno 1704, by Mr. Lamy, likewiſe neatly treat of Algebra. with the Title, Elemens de Mathe. There is alſo Ward's Algebra, well matique ; which, by reaſon of its enough for ſome to learn from.- Perfpicuity, may be eſteemed a fit But amongſt all the pieces on this Piece for Learners, though he does Subject, the Univerſal Arithmetick not touch upon the Diophantean of Sir Iſaac Newton, which were Doctrine. Lectures formerly read by him at Monſieur Ozanam, in his French Cambridge, when he was Lucaſian Treatiſe of Geometrick Loci, as alſo Profeffor, and publiſhed by Mr. Monſieur De la Hire and Guiſnee, have Whifton, anno 1707, is by far the applied Algebra to Geometry, as beſt ; and would be a complete well as the Marquis de l'Hospital, in thing, if to the ſame were added his Conick Sections, and ſeveral o Sir Iſaac's Method of extracting the ther Authors, too many to mention. Roots of Equations by infinite Se- But we muſt not paſs by a neat Piece ries, which we have in the Commer- of Algebra, publiſhed in Dutch, anno cium Epiftolicum, and the Fragmenta 1661, by Mr. Kinckhuyſen, wherein Epiſtolarum, publiſhed by Mr. Jones, the Rules of Algebra are perſpicu- anno 1711 ; and alſo the Artifice ouſly explained, but without Ex- of managing unlimited Problems, amples; the chief Properties of the which no doubt he would have done, Conick Sestions algebraically inveſti- had he ever deſigned it for the Pub- gated, and many elegant Conſtruc- lick.– What is eminent in this Trea- tions of geometrical Problems found tiſe, and no where elſe to be met out by Algebra are laid down. The with before, are his excellent Choice worth of this Tract will pretty evi- of Problems, uncommon Skill in dently appear, if we conſider that their Solution, and great Dexterity Sir Iſaac Newton, formerly, when in ſome of their Conftructions : Al- he was Profeſſor of Mathematicks fo his Rules for finding Diviſors to at Cambridge, thought it not be compound Quantities ; - for redu- neath his Pains to complete and a- cing radical Expreſſions to more fim- dorn it, and add to the fame his ple ones, by the Extraction of Roots ; Method of Infinite Series and Fluxi- --for exterminating unknown Quan- ons, which he had almoſt prepared tities from two or more compound for the Preſs; as we learn from Mr. Equations ; – for making Choice of Collins's Letters to Mr. Borellus and ſuch and ſuch Lines, rather than Mr. Vernon, to be found in the Com- others, in the Solution of geometri. mercium Epiftolicum de varia re Ma cal Problems, to get the moſt ſimple thematica, publiſhed by order of the Equation ; --- for finding the imagi- Royal Society. nary Roots of an Equation; - for In Degraave's Courſe of Mathema- finding the Limits of the Roots ;- ticks in Dutch, there is a pretty Piece for finding whether an Equation of of Algebra. There is alſo Baker's four, fix, or more Dimenſions, may Geometrical Key, containing the Con not be reduced : And his Method ſtructions of cubick and biquadra- of applying Algebra to the Deſcrip- tick Equations. - Mr. Ralphſon's U- tion of the Conick Sections through niverſal Analyſis of Equations. - Rey- given Points, and to touch given nau's Algebră, publiſhed anno 1707, Lines, are all what no one elſe contained in his Analyſe demontré, a could ever give, and are perfectly heavy, tedious Piece, though con. correſpondent to the Genius of that raining ſome good Things.--7ones's wonderful Perſon. There + i A LI ALL There are many other Treatiſes ALIQUOT Part of a Number, of Algebra, ſuch as Rohnane's, con- is ſuch an one as will exactly mea- taining many good Things, all mere ſure it without any Remainder, as Collections. Wolfius's, in his Ele. 2 is an aliquot Part of 4, 3 of 9, ments of Mathematicks, s'Grave- 4 of 16, &c. fande's, and others, too numerous to All the aliquot Parts of any Num- mention, as well as unneceſſary. ber may be found by the following You have alſo ſeveral little Diſcour- Rules: Divide the given Number ſes here and there diſperſed in the by its leaſt Diviſor, and the Quo- Philoſ. Tranſ. of London, Paris, Ber- tient by its leaſt Divifor, until you lin, Peterſburgh, as ſo many At- get a Quotient that cannot be fur- tempts to improve and bring Alge- ther divifible, and you will have all bra to its utmoſt Perfection. the prime Divifors, or aliquot Parts ALGEBRA Numeral, is that which of that Number; then, if every two, gives the Solution of arithmetical three, four, &c. of theſe Diviſors be Problems, in Numbers only ; ſuch as multiplied into themſelves, the Pro- that of Diophantus, Lucas de Burgo, ducts will be the ſeveral conjoined Steifel, and others of the Ancients. Diviſors, or aliquot Parts of that ÁLGEBR A. Specious, is that which Number. As ſuppoſe you want all formed by the Letters of the Al- the aliquot Parts of 60, divide it by phabet, firſt introduced by Vieta and 2, and the Quotient 30 by 2, and Harriot ; and is far more general the Quotient is by 3, and there re- than numerical Algebra, being no mains the indiviſible Quotient 5: ways limited to any certain fort of Therefore all the prime aliquot Problems: And no leſs uſeful in find- Parts are 1, 2, 2, 3, 5; and the com- ing out any kind of Theorems, than pound ones from the Multiplication in diſcovering the Solutions and De- of every 2, are 4, 6, 10, 15, and monftrations of Problems; as may from that of every three, 12, 20, 30. be ſeen in Treatiſes upon this Subject. In like manner, the aliquot Parts of ALGEBRAICK Curve. See Curve. 360 will be found to be 1, 2, 3, 4, ALGENE B, a fixed Star of the ſe- 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, cond Magnitude, on the right Side 30, 36, 40, 45, 60, 72, and 180 ; of Perſeus. for all the prime aliquot Parts are ALGOL, a fixed Star of the third 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5; and thoſe from Magnitude, alſo called Meduſa's the Multiplication of every 2 of Head, in the Conſtellation Perſeus. theſe are 4, 6, 9, 10, 15 i thoſe ACCORITHM, the four chief from every 3 are 8, 12, 18, 20, Rules of Arithmetick, viz. Addi. 30, 45; thoſe from every 4; 24, , tion, Subtraction; Multiplication, 36, 40, 60, 90; and thoſe ftom e- and Diviſion. very 5; 72, 120, 180. ALIDADA, an Arabick Name for ALLIGATION, one of the Rules the Label or Ruler which is move- move- in Arithmetick, being ſo called from able about the Centre of an Aſtro- the Numbers being bound or con- labe, Quadrant, &*c, and carries the nected together by circular Lines, Sights of a Teleſcope. relating to the Mixture of Corn, ALIQUANT PART, is that Num- Wine, Sugar, Metals, or any other ber which cannot meaſure any Num- Things of different Prices; ſhewing ber exactly without ſome Remain- how to find ſuch Quantities of given der, as my is an aliquant Part of 16; Prices, that when mixed, any given for twice 7 wants 2 of 16, and three Quantity of the Mixture ſhall have times 7 exceeds 16 by 5., a given intermediate Price. As ſup- poſe A L L A L T poſe a Mixture of 100 Pounds of Thoſe who have a mind to ſee more Sugar, was required, which ſhould of the Rule of Alligation, with its be worth 12 Pence a Pound, and Demonſtrations, may conſult Dr. that Mixture was made up of four Wallis, Taquet in his Arithmetick, forts of Sugar, at 6, 10, 15, and and particularly the ingenious Mr. 17 Pence per Pound; to find how Malcolm's Syſtem of Arithmetick. much of each kind of Sugar is necef ALMAGEST, an Arabick Name fary to that Compoſition. of a Treatiſe of Aſtronomy written The Rule is, place all the Prices by Ptolemy : As alſo of another (except the main one) one under Piece upon the fame Subject by another, and let every Number leſs Ricciolus. than the mean one, be linked to ALMACANTOR, is a Circle one greater, then take the Dife of the Sphere paſſing thro' the ference of each Number from the Centre of the Sun or a Star parallel mean Price, and place this Dif- to the Horizon, being the fame as ference againſt the Number it is a Parallel of Altitude. , Which fee. linked to alternately : But every The Word is Arabick. Some call it Number linked to more than one, Almicanter, and others Almucanter. muſt have all the Differences of the ALMICANTER's Staff, an In- Numbers it is linked to, ſet againſt ſtrument (of no great Account) for- it. This done, as the Sum of all merly uſed by fome at Sea, being the Differences is to the whole given made of Pear-Tree or Box, con- Mixture, fo is any Difference to a taining an Arch of 15 Degrees, fourth Number ; being the required ſerving to obſerve the Degrees of Quantity of that Thing which Itands the Sun's Amplitude at Sea. againſt that Difference. Thus in the ALMANACK, an Arabick Word Cafe above. for ſeveral annual Books, or Sheets 1 of Paper, publiſh'd under various 27 Names, with various Matters con- 6 54 tain'd. In moſt of which you have the Days of the Month, the E- 5 45 18 clipſes, the Age of the Moon, Times of high Water, riſing and 16 144Pounds. ſetting of the Sun, Feſtivals, &c. that is, 27 Pound of that of 6 Pence, ALTERNATB Ratio,is the Ratio of that of 15 Pence, 45 of that of Antecedent to Antecedent, as of 10 Pence, and 18 of that of 17 Conſequent to Conſequent, in any Pence. Proportion. As if it be as A:B:: Note, as there may be ſeveral C:D, then will the Ratio of A to Varieties of Linkings to the ſame C, equal to the Ratio of B to D be given Prices, there will ariſe from alternate; ſo that this Sort of Ratio the Rule ſo many ſeveral Anſwers only takes place when the Quan- to the fame Queſtion. But in Re- tities in a Proportion are of the ſame ality all the Queſtions within the kind. Bounds of this Rule, are unlimited, ALTERNATE ANGLE. See being capable of an Infinite Number ANGLE. of Anſwers ; and the eaſieſt and ALTERNATION, of Quantities, plaineſt way of reſolving all ſuch is the Number of ways that they is by common Algebra, which any may be varied, changed,or differently one of but a very ſlender Skill in the placed. As ſuppoſe the Quantities fans, will eaſily know how to do. were a, b, c, &c. then will all their Varictics, و/ی 1 2 Pounds of each 10V 19) 2 54 ! 2 A L T A LT Varieties of Order be a b c, acb, Number of Quantities, the Num. bac, bca, cabecba, viz. 6:-And ber of Alternations will be if n be the Number of Quantities, nx71 X-2*1*3&c. as above. the Number of Alterations will be in like manner is deduced the ge- nx n–1*1–2 x 1-3, &c.to nulla, neral Rule when the ſame Quantity that is, it will be had by the conti-' is more than once repeated. nual Multiplication of the Number ALTIMETRY, à Name given of Things by the ſeveral natural by ſome to that Part of practical Numbers gradually decreaſing from Geometry which thews how to it to unity. As ſuppoſe it be re- meaſure the Heights of Objects ; quired to find the Changes of 12 ſuch as Towers, Steeples, Hills, Bells, the ſame will be 12 x 11X10 Clouds, &c. both acceſſible and in- *9*8*7*6* 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 X I acceſſible, 479001600. But if the faine ALTITUDE or HEIGHT, of any Quantity occurs feveral Times Point of a terreſtrial Object, is a ſuppoſe it be repreſented by n, then Perpendicular let fall from that Point will the Number of Variations be to the Plane of the Horizon. 11—1XN-2 X 13 x 14, &c. ALTITUDE INACCESSIBLE, of an Object, is ſuch an one as cannot Mo I XM-2Xm-3Xm-4, &c. that is, continuing on the series, be approach'd by reaſon of fome Impediment. until the continual Subtraction of ! from n and m leaves o. This may be found ſeveral ways; the beſt and moſt uſual of which This Rule is given by many Writers are from two Stations on the hori. in Algebra or Arithmetick; as Dr. zontal Plane,and by means of the Ba- Wallis, Wolfius, Jones, Malcolm, &c. and the Invention is inferred from and uſeful. rometer : Both of which are pleaſant an Induction of the ſubordinate par- ticular Cafes, as when there are 2 Suppoſe it were required to meaſure the Altitude or Height AB Quantities a and b, they may of a ruinated Tower. To do this, either be wrote ab or ba; ſo that I make choice of two Stations the Number of Variations will be When there are three B Quantities a, b, and c, it is evident that one as c, may be combin'd firſt with ab, and then with ba; ſo that the Number of Variations or Alternations will be 3 x 2x1=6. Okolice for the If there be four Quantities, every one of them may be combined with any Order of three of them, ſo that the Number of the Alternations will be 6*4=4 3 * 2 X=24. So alſo if there be five Quantities, every one of them join' with any D А. Order of four of thoſe Quantities, D and C, in the ſame right Line produces 5 Variations ; wherefore with A, and whoſe Diſtance DC the Number of all the Alternations is ſuch, that the Angle CB A be will be 24 * 55* 4 X 3 X 2 X 1 not too ſmall, nor the Station C too 5120: And ſo generally if n be the near to AB; then I meaſure the ftationary 22 XI. lei THE METEPE À LT AL T } AM Aationary Diſtance DC, and the Angles BDA, BCA. This done in the Triangle B DC, there are given the Side DC, and the adjacent Angles at D and C, to find the Side CB ; and then in the right angled Triangle CBA, the Hypotheneuſe CB is given, and the Angle B A C to find the perpendicular AB ; to which, if the Height of the Eye be added, you will have the true Height of the Tower. A little otherwiſe. When the fta- tionary Diſtance CD is not in the C С E B B D Quadrants or other proper Inftru- ments the Meaſures of the Angles ABE, ADE, ACE. This done, from the three given Angles, and the given Stationary Diſtances BC, CD, BD, the deſir'd Altitude E A may be thus found. If A E be the Radius, BE, CE, DE, will be the D А I c 1 S H C fame Plane with the Altitude A B, let the Angles ADC, ACD, be not very acute and nearly equal. Take the Quantity of the Angles BDC, BCD, as alſo of the Angle ACB; then as before in the Trianglé CDB, there are given T the ſtationary Diſtance DC, and the Angles at D and C, to find the Side E CB, and ſo in the right angled Tri- angle ACB you have given the B F D Angle ACB and the Hypotheneufe CB, to find the perpendicular Co-Tangents of the given Angles of AB. Obſervation A BE, ACE, ADE, The Altitude EA of an Object and ſo theſe Co-Tangents are given, any how moving in the Air; as and the Ratios of BE, E C, ED, are ſuppoſe of the Cloud A, may be given. Divide BD in the Point F found from three Stations, B, C, D, in the given Ratio of the Co-Tan- apon the horizontal Plane, after the gent of the Angle A B E, to the Co- following Manner. Tangent of A DE, and continuing Let three Perſons at the Stations out BD, make as FG:FD::BF: B, C, D, take at the ſame time with BF-FD, and from G deſcribe the circulas A L T. A LT, circular Arch FES: Alfo divide DC Proportion to the Semidiameter iof in the Point H, in the given Ratio of the Earth, ſuch as, for Inſtance, is the Co-Tangent of the Angle A DE that of the Moon, the Methods to the Co-Tangent of the Angle aforeſaid will be ineffectual, becauſe ACE, and continuing out DC, make the ſtationary Diſtance here being ſo HI:HC::HD:HD-HC, and great to cauſe a due Difference in from I deſcribe the Arch HET, the ſtationary Angles, (I ſpeak of interſecting the former Arch in the the firſt Method) becomes the Arch Point E. Then if right Lines B E, of a Circle of the Earth, inſtead of a CE, DE be drawn, and with either right Line, as indeed is any ſtation- of them as a Baſe, and with the cor- ary Diſtance ; but then when it is. reſpondent Angle of Obſervation, you hort, the circular Arch, of which make a right angled Triangle, the it is a Part, may be taken for a perpendicular of that Triangle will right Line. be the Altitude required. The way of taking conſiderable The Meaſures of the Lines CE, terreſtrial Altitudes, of which thoſe or E D, may be computed thus, of Mountains are the greateſt, by Draw the Lines EI, IG. In the means of the Barometer, is very Triangle DIG, there are given two pretty and expeditious. This is Sides DG, DI, and the included done by obſerving on the Top of Angle IDG, viz. the Complement the Mountain, how many Inches of the given Angle B DC to two and Parts of an Inch the Mercury right Angles. Therefore find the has fell below what it was at the third -Side GI, and the Angle Foot of the Mountain. When this DIG; then in the Triangle GEI, is done, you will have its Altitude in there are given the three Sides Engliſh Feet, by means of the GE, EI, IG, to find the Angle Table of Mr. Cafini. (See Hift . de EIG. When you have the Meaſure l'Acad. Roy. 1703, and 1705,) which of this Angle, take it from that of he founded upon very accurate Men- the Angle DIG, and you will get furations of the Altitudes of ſeveral the Angle EIC. This done in the Mountains. Triangle EIC, there are given two There are other ways of mea- Sides, EI, CI, and the included furing Altitudes by having given the Angle EIC, to find the third Side Degrees Degrees of Diſtance, that the ſame E Č; after which in the right ang firſt becomes in fight (uſually at led Triangle ACE, (Fig. 1.) right Sea,) and the Semidiameter of the angled at E, you have given the Earth, of which, if you pleaſe, you Baſe CE, and the Angle A CE, to may have an Account in Books of find the perpendicular A E. Geography, ſuch as Varenius at Note, If B F be greater than FD, Chap. il. Part 1. You have alſo or D H than HI; the Centres G, I, a pretty Diſcourſe in the Philofo- muft be taken towards the Points phical Tranſactions, N. 405, by B and D, and if BF be-FD, and Mr. Schutzer upon the Altitudes of DH-HC; inſtead of the circular Mountains, and the Ways of find- Arches FES, HET, you muſt ing them by the Barometer, where draw right Lines from the Points you have Tables of three different F, H, perpendicular to BD, CD, Perſons, viz. Mr. Marriotte, Caſini, and their Interſection will give the and himſelf, for that purpoſe. Point E, as before. ALTITUDE, of a Cylinder or Note, When the Height of an Ob- Priſm, is a perpendicular Line ject is ſo great as to have a ſenſible drawn from one Bife to the other. ALTITUDE 1 1 1 A LT AL T ALTITUDE of a Figurt, is the The finding the Meridian Alti- Perpendicular, drawn from the tude of the Sun or Stars, is the Bafis Vertex of the Baſe, as the right of all aſtronomical Obſervations, and cannot be made with tão much B Care and Exactneſs. It is uſually done with large Quadrants, Sex- tants, &c. Some of the Ancients, and Moderns too, have uſed high Poles for this purpoſe. Ricciolus, in A D his Aſtron. Reform. fays, that Ulugh Line BD, drawn from the Vertex about the Year 1437, uſed a Pole Beigh, a King of Parthia and India, B, of the Triangle ABC, perpen- above 180 Roman Feet high, and dicular to the Baſe AC, is the Al- Mr. Caffini, in the Church of St. titude of the Triangle. Petronius at Bononia (in the Year The heights of Figures muſt be 1655) another of 20 Feet. known, in order to have their Areas ALTITUDE Apparent, of any and Solidities. Point in the Heavens, is the Arch ALTITUDE of the Sun, Star, Pla- of a vertical Circle contain'd be- net, or any Point in the Heavens, tween the ſenſible Horizon, and the is an Arch of a vertical Circle, paf- vertical Circle, in which that Point ſing thro' the Centres of the Sun, is. As let CD be the true Horizon, Star, Planet or Point, contained be- tween the Horizon and their ୧ Centres. Theſe are found by large Qua- drants, Sextants, or Gnomons. See Hevelius Machin. Cæleft. Tom. 1. De la Hire's Tab. Aftron. Bion on H Mathem. Inftruments. Wolfius's Elem. 0 M Aftron. and other Authors. ALTITUDE Meridian of the с .D Sun, Star or a Planet, is an Arch of the Meridian, intercepted between the Horizon and the Centre of the and the ſenſible Horizon HO, a Sun, Star, or Planet. As let H ZRN vertical Circle DR, whoſe Centre is C, the Centre of the Earth ; and let L Z be any point in the Heavens ; let H be the Place of Obſervation, and *S LM an Arch of a Circle, drawn thro' L about the Centre H; then is LM the apparent Altitude of the Н R Point L, which is always leſs than the TRUE Altitude, which is the Arch QD of a vertical Circle, whoſe Centre is the Centre C of the N Earth. be the Meridian, HR the Horizon, The True Altitudes of the Sun, and let there be a Star at S; then is fixed Stars and Planets, do differ but RS the Meridian Altitude of that a very ſmall Matter from their ap- Star. parent Altitudes, by reaſon of their great 1 1 ALT A MB great Diſtances from the Centre of may be found in Books of Afro- the Earth, and the ſmallneſs of the nomy, amongſt which, fee Wolfius's Semidiameter of the Earth, when Elem. Affron. N. 211, 212. compared thereto. But the true and ALTITUDE of the Eye, in Per- apparent Altitudes of the Moon do fpective, is a right Line let fall differ, and that about 52 Minutes. from the Eye, perpendicular to the ALTITUDE of the Cone of the geometrical Plane, being the Point Earth's Shadow, is found when the from whence the principal Ray pro- Sun is at a mean Diſtance, by ſaying ceeds. as the apparent Semidiameter of AMBIENT, encompaſſing round the Sun, viz. about 16 is to Radius, about. As the Bodies that are placed ſo is the Semidiameter of the Earth, about any other Body, are called to a fourth Proportional 214.8 Se- Ambient Bodies, and fometimes Cir- midiameters of the Earth, which cum-ambient Bodies; and the whole will be the Altitude fought for. Body of the Air, becauſe it encom- But when the Earth is moft diftant paſſes all things on the face of the from the Sun, its apparent Semi- Earth, is call'd the Ambient Air. diameter will be 15' 50", and then AMBIGENAL HYPERBOLA, a the Altitude of the Cone will be 217 Name given by Sir Iſaac Newton, Semidiameters of the Earth. in his Enumeratio Linearum Tertii The Altitude of the Cone of the Ordinis, to one of the Triple Hy- Earth's Shadow, is to that of the Sha- dow of the Moon, as 10 to 28, which A is the Ratio of the Diameter of the Earth to that of the Moon. E ALTITUDE, or Elevation of the Pole, is an Arch of the Meridian in- tercepted between the Horizon and either of the Poles of the World. G This is equal to the Latitude of the Place, and may be found from D the Meridian Altitudes of the Pole- Star, it being the Diſtance of theſe F Altitudes added to the leſſer Altir perbola's of the ſecond Order, hav- tude, or elſe by Means of the Sun's ing one of it's infinite Legs falling Altitude, and Declination. within an Angle form’d by the A- ALTITUDE OF Elevation of the ſymptotes, and the other falling Equator, is the Arch of a Meri- without that Angle ; as let A C, dian intercepted between the Ho- CD be two Aſymptotes, and EGF rizon and the Equator, being always one of theſe Hyperbola's ; then if equal to the Complement of the La- the infinite Leg GE falls within titude. the Angle A CD, and the Infinite ALTITUDE of the nonagefimal De- Leg GF without that Angle, the gree, is the Altitude of the nonage- ſaid Hyperbola is calld Ambigenal. ſimal Degree, reckon'd from the AMBIT of any Figure in Geome- Point at which it riſes : or it is the try, is the Line or Lines by which Complement to a Quadrant of the the fame is bounded. Diſtance of the nonagefimal Degree AMBLIGONAL, among the an- from the Vertex of any Place. cient Geometricians, fignifies Obtul- The manner of finding this at a angular ; as a Triangle or other given Time, in a given Latitude, plain Figure, that has one obtuſe Angle, A M E A M E Angle, is ſaid to be Obtuf-angular. Iſland ; to whom they had given an AMERICA, one of the four Parts, Account of their Voyage, and the of the Earth, greater than the other country they had diſcovered. Go- three. It lies in Length from South lumbus applied for Afiftance to-dir- to North, under the Shape of two cover this Country to Alphonfus the vaft Peninſulas, join'd together by 5th, King of Portugal, and Henry the Streights of Panama, where the the 7th, King of England, who re- Land is not above 17 Leagues from jected his Propofal, thinking, it a Sea to Sea. It is bounded on the mere Dream. In the Year 1486, Weſt by the Pacifick Ocean, on the he communicated his Deſign to fe- Eaſt by the Atlantick Ocean, and veral Perſons of the Spaniſ Court, on the South by the Streights of Ma- they too thought his Requeſt to be gellan. But its northern Bounds are vain and extravagant; till at laft not yet diſcovered, at leaſt beyond Alphonſus De Quintavile, Great Davis's Streights, nor is it known Treaſurer of Spain, and Cardinal whether it joins to the North Parts Gonzales de Mendofa, Archbiſhop of Europe, or is feparated from them. of Toledo, making a favourable Re- It's utmoſt ſouthern Bound is Capelation of his Affair to the King and Horn, in the Latitude 57° 30: Queen of Spain, promiſed to aſſiſt It's leaſt Diſtance from Afia is about him in it ſo ſoon as the War which the Streight of Anian; from Groene the Spaniards had with the Moors Land about Davis's Streight; and was ended. And accordingly he be- from the ſouthern Land, about the gan his Voyage the third Day of Streight of Magellan. And its neareſt Auguft, in the Year 1492, and on Diſtance from the weſtern Part of the uth of Otober he diſcovered the England, is about 950 Leagues ; the Iſland of Jamina, one of the Sugar- ſouthern Parts thereof are Panta- Iſlands, afterwards called Cuba, and gonia, and Brazil, belonging to the landed in the Iſland called the Spa- Portugueze ; Peru, Mexico, Chili, &c. miſh Iſland.' Returning into Spain, and many Iſlands to the Spaniards ; he was very well received, and made and the more northerly Parts, as Ca- Admiral of all thoſe Seas. In the rolina, New England, &c. belong to Year 1493, he went a ſecond time the Engliſh. There are alſo innu- from Spain with 18 Sail, and found merable Ilands belonging to it. out the Iſland of Deſire, all the America was unknown to the An- northern Coaſt of the Iſland of Cuba, tients ; the following ſhort Account the Iſlands of Jamaica, and Bori- of the Diſcoveries of it, and its Parts, guen, and other ſmall neighbouring tho' a little foreign to our Deſign, Illands. In the Year 1497, he made take as follows. another Voyage, in which he dif- A Portugueze Veſſel, going to the covered the Gulph of Paria, about Eaf-Indies, was by ſtreſs of Weather 450 Leagues off the Coaſt to Cape drove upon the Coaſt of Ponant, and de Vela, and the Iſland of Cubaga, the found her ſelf near this Country, famous for the great Quantities of All the Crew periſhed through Hun- Pearls found therein. In the ſame ger and Want, except one Pilot and Year Sebaſtian Cabot diſcovered four Sailors, who being return'd New-England. In the Year 1499, to a Port of the Iſland of Madeira, Pierre Alphonſo Nigno, a Spaniard, full of Fatigue and Miſery, died in diſcovered the Countries of Cumana a little tine after, at the Houſe of and Curiana. The ſame Year Diego one Chriſtopher Columbus, a Genoeſe Lopez a Spaniard, diſcovered the by Birth, who was a Sailor in that Coaft from the Mouth of the Ama. Zons, 1 In 1534 and I A ME A MÊ brons, to Cape St. Auguſtine. In the New Granada ; and Francis Pizarra, Year 1500, Vincent Yanes Pinſen, a found out the Coaſt of Peru. In Spaniard, diſcovered the ſeveral In- 1528, Ambroſe Dolphinger, diſco- lets of the great River of the Ama- vered the coaſt of Venefæcla, in the zons ; and Gafper Cortel Real, a Name of the Emperor Charles the Portugueze, the Gulph of St. Lat. V. In 1531 Ferdinand Cortez, found rence, and the Iſland of Terra Nova. out Chiametlan, Xaliſco, Cineloa, In the Year 1522, Columbus diſco- and Culiacan. 15359 vered the Coaſt from the River James Quartier of St. Malo, diſco- Hiquras to Nombre de Dios, and the vered all the Coaſt of Canada, Coaſt of Veragua. Alſo the ſame reaching from the Mouth of the Year Roderic de Battidas a Spa- northern Inlet of the great River niard, diſcovered 200 Leagues of the of Canada, to the River of Iroquois, Coaſt from Cape de Vola to the and from the eaſtern Coaſt to the Gulph of Uraba. In the Year Gulph de Chateaux, In 1535, Pierrà 1508, Diego Niqueſa, a Spaniard, de Mendoza, a Spaniard, found out diſcovered about 90 Leagues of the a great part of the Inlets into Rio Coaſt, from Nombre de Dios, to the de Plata : And Almagro found out Rocks of Darien. In 1512, John the Coaſt of Chili. In the Year Dias de Solis, a Portugueze, found 1538 Marké de Niza, a Spaniard, out the Coaſt of Brazile, from Cape diſcovered the Coaſt of Cirola, and St. Auguſtine, to the River De Plata. California. In 1541, Francis Val- In the ſame Year, John Ponce de ques found out the Province of Leon, found out the Coaſt of Florida. Quirini. In 1513, the 25th of September, Vaſco The Hiſtorians of this Country Nugnes de Vaſcoa, a Spaniard, diſ are very numerous, ſome of them covered the South Sea, and after- are, Acojta, Hrrero, De Laet, Diaz, wards the weſtern Coaſt of Golden Gage's Survey, Antonio de Solis's Ac- Caftile. In 1517, Francis Har. count of the Conqueſt of Mexico, mandies de Corduba, a Spaniard, Alexander Vrſina, Caſas, Conqueſta found out the Coaſt of Jutican, and del Peru by Aguſtine de Zorata ; John de Grailva the Coaſt of Ta- Vega's, Cieza's, and Acarete's De- baſco, to St. John de Ulna ; alſo fcription of that Country, Seppe's, Francis Garay, a Spaniard, diſco- and del Techo's Voyage to Paraguay, vered the Coaſt from Florida to Pa Alonſo de Ovale's Hiſtory of Chili,' In 1519, Francis Magellan, Ogilby's America, all relating to the a Portugueze; diſcovered the Streight Spanish Poffeffions. And for the of that Name. In 1520, Lucas Vafo French Settlements in North Ame- ques a Spaniard diſcovered the Coaſt rica, you have Clamplain, Geuxius, between Cape St. Helen and the Ri- and Mont, to Canada ; Fernand, ver of Jourdan. In 1521, Ferdi- Soto, and Navraez, to Florida ; nand Magellan found out the Iſlands de la Salle, de la Hotein, and Fa- of Ladrones. In 1523 and 1524, ther Henepin's Travels into North John Verazan, a Florentine, diſco- America. Alſo Newho's Deſcrip- vered the Coaſt from Florida to the tion of Brazil, is well enough for 40th Degree of Latitude, in the the Dutch and Protugueze Acquifi- Name of the King of France : The tions there. For the Britiſh Part, fame Year Roderic de Battidas, a fee the Britiſh Empire in Ame- Spaniard, found out the Country of rica, Smith's Account of the firſt St. Martha. In 1525, Gonzales Engliſh Plantations in Virginia, Le- Ximenes, a Spaniard, diſcovered derer's Diſcovery from Virginia to D nuco, tre A MI A M P 1 ។ I 1 the weſt of Carolina, the preſent Theorem relating to theſe Numbers. State of Virginia, Accounts of the If you take the Number 2, or any Diſcovery, and firſt Settlements in other produced from the Multipli- New-England, New-York, Mary- cation of 2; provided itbe fuch, that land, Penſilvania, Newfoundland, if i be taken from the Triple Voyage to Darien, Dampier's thereof, the remainder be a prime Voyages, Ligon's Hiſtory of Bar. Number, and alſo if i be taken bados, Sloane's Hiſtory of Jamaica, from 6 times the ſame, the re- Columbus's, Frobilher's, Sir Walter mainder be a prime Number ; I Raleigh's, Cavendiſh's, Hudſon's, Da- ſay, that if that Number be ſuch, vis's, Sparrey's, Monk's Voyages. and this prime Number be multi- There are alſo many Voyages to plied by thrice the ſame, the Pro- the South Sea, as Magellan's, Sebald duct will be one of the Amicable de Weert's, Spilbergen's Corneilſon's, Numbers, and the other will be Frezier's, Cook's, Wood's, &c. the Product of the firſt and ſecond AMICABLE Numbers, are ſuch prime Numbers aforeſaid, multi- that are mutually equal to the Sumplied by the Square of the Number of one another's aliquot Parts, as are firſt taken. theſe Numbers 284, and 220. For It is eaſy to apprehend from the all the aliquot Parts 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, nature of theſe Numbers that there II, 20, 22, 44, 55, 110 of 220, are but a very few of them, at are equal to all the aliquot Parts leaſt to be ſet down and manageable 1, 2, 4, 71, 142 of the Number by us ; for 284, and 220, are the 284. Theſe two Numbers are alſo two leaft; and the two next greater Amicable Numbers viz. 18416, are 18416, and 17296. Thoſe who For the aliquot Parts are curious may find out the next 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 23, 46, 47, 92, 94, Pair, for I neither know what they 184, 188, 368, 376, 752, 1081, are, or have any Inclination to do 2162, 4324, 8648 of 18416, are it. equal to the aliquot Parts 1, 2, 4, AMMUNITION. A Name for 8, 16, 1151, 2302, 4604, 9208 of Powder and Ball, and other Im- 17296. plements of War. Cannon, Mortars, Van Schouten was the firſt who (I &c. are ſometimes alſo called by believe) gave this Name to ſuch this Name. The Quantity of Am- Numbers at Sect. 11. Miſcellan. at munition neceſſary for the Siege of the end of his Exercitationes Geometr. a Place is ſhewn in the Chevalier de where he ſhews how to find them Saint Julien's Treatiſe de la Forge by common Algebra, bringing, out de Vulcain, p. 126, & feqq. where the firſt Pair above mentioned, by he brings three Examples of his fuppofing one of the Numbers to be own, ſpecifying particularly how 4%, and the other 4 yz, and making much Ammunition was brought to an Equality between them and their the Sieges, and how much ſpent. ſeveral aliquot Parts, and bringing But the Quantity neceſſary to de- out the ſecond Pair above men fend a Place, you will find in Suirey tion'd, by ſuppoſing one of the de Saint Remy's Memoires d'Artil- Numbers to be 16x, and the other lerie, Part 4. p. 292, & feqq, 16yz, and making an Equality Tom. 1. between them and their aliquot AMPHISCII, Are the Inhabi- Parts. tants of the Torrid Zone, which In the fame Section he tells us, are thus called, becauſe the Shadow that Deſcartes gives the following of the Sun at Noon, falls at one time of 1 > ATM'P AN A' of the Year towards the North, and Eaſt or Weſt Point thereof, and the at 'the other, towards the South., Centre of the Sun, or a Planet or And when the Parallel that the Sun Star at its riſing or ſetting. As let moves in, is'equal to the Latitude of HR be the Horizon, AĞ the E- the Place, and on the ſame fide the quinoctial, Of the true Eaſt or Weft Equator, the Moon's Shadow falls Point of the Horizon, and S the neither North nor South. See Va- Centre of the Sun or a Star at its renius's Geogr. gener. Chap. 27. riſing or ſetting; then the Archos Prop. 3. of the Horizon is the Amplirade, AMPHİPROSTILE, in Architec- which is either ortive er occafive, ture, is à fort of a Temple of the northern or fouthern.. Ancients, having four Columns in As the Cofine of Latitude : Ra- the Front, and the fame Number in dius : : Sine of the Sun's or Star's the hinder Face. Vitruvius gives Declination : Sine of Amplitude. the Deſcription, C. 1. Lib. 3. It is of uſe in Navigation,' to find AmphitheatreA very large the Variation of the Compaſs. See Building of the Ancients either more in Wolfius's Elemen.' Aftron. §. round or ovalar, having a Pit, and 196. and his Geogr. §. 299. in the a great number of riſing Seats fournal des Obſervations Phifiques, within it, whereon the People uſed Mathematiques & Botaniques, made to fit to fee barbarous Shews, as the in America from the Year 1707 to Combats of Gladiators, of wild 1712, by Father Feuillée, at the Beaſts, &c. There were ſeveral of Command of the King of France. them, as the Amphitheatre of Ver See alſo Dechales's Mundus Mathe. pafian, vulgarly called the Coliſeum maticus, Lib. 7. de Navigatione. at Rome, the Amphitheatre of Tom. 3. Fol. 335. & feqq. Flavius, the Amphitheatre of Sta AMPLITUDE MAGNETICAL, tilus Taurus, a Friend of Auguſtus's is an Arch of the Horizon contain'd at Rome, the Soldiers Amphitheatre between the Centre of the Sun at at Rome, the Amphitheatre at Ve his riſing or ſetting, and the Eaft rona, and the Amphitheatre at Niſmes or Weſt Point of the Compaſs. It in Languedoc in France ; the Re- is found by an Amplitude or azi- mains of all which are ſtill to be much Compaſs, by obſerving the feen. See Deſgodetz in his Edifices Sun at his riſing or ſetting, and is Antiques de Rome. Overbeke's Re- always equal to the Difference be- fi quia antiquæ urbis Romæ. Mont tween the true Amplitude, and the faucon's Antiquities. Trattato degli Variation of the Compaſs. Amfiteatri del Marchefe Scipione ANABI BA 2ON. The northern Maffei . Fontana del Amfiteatri Node of the Moon is ſometimes fo Flavio. called. AMPLITUDE, is an Arch of the ANACAMPTICKS. A Name given by the Ancients to that part of Opticks which treats of Reflexion, being the ſame which we now call H Н Catoptricks. ANACHRONISM. SR A Miftake in Chronology. ANACLATICKS. An ancient G Name for that Part of Opticks which treats of Refraction, being Horizon, intercepted between the the ſame we now-a-days call Diop- cricks. A D2 1 Α Ν Α 1 A NA tricks. See the Compendium of Am- until at length we come to ſome broſius Rhodius, a mathematical Pro- known or evident Truths, or ſome feffor at Wittenburg, in Lib. 3. Op Impoſſibility, of which the firſt Pro- ticæ, p. 384. & feqq. poſition is a neceſſary Conſequence, ANALEMMA. An aſtronomical thereby to conclude the Truth or. Inſtrument, being a circular Plate Impoſſibility of that Propoſition, either of Braſs or Wood, containing which may afterwards be demon- a Projection of the Circles of the ſtrated by Compofition, from the Re Sphere, from an Eye placed at an aſſumption of the Reaſonings where infinite Diſtance in that Diameter by it was performed and finiſhed. of the Sphere which paſſes thro' the The Analyſis of the ancient Geo- Eaſt and Weſt Points of the Ho- metricians, which may be called rizon, wherein the Solftitial Colure, Geometrical Analyſis, .conſiſted in a and all Circles parallel to it, will judicious Application of the Propo- be concentrick Circles. All Circles ſitions of ſeveral Books, (ſuch as oblique to the Eye will be Ellipſes, Euclid's Data, Apollonius de séati- and all Circles whoſe Planes paſs one Rationis, de Sectione Spatii, de thro' the Eye, will be right Lines. Tactionibus, de Inclinationibus, de The uſe of this Inſtrument is to fhew Locis Planis, de Sectionibus Conicis. the common aſtronomical Problems, Ariſleus de Locis Solidis. Euclid de whịch it will do very eaſily, but not Locis ad Superficiem, Eratoſthenes de over and above exact, unleſs it be Medietatibus ; Euclid's Poriſms ; and very large. other Books, to the Number of 31, The Inſtrument is very ancient, as we learn from Lib. 7. of Pappus's being handled ſo long ago as by Pta Collectiones Mathematica) proceed- lemy himſelf in a peculier Treatiſe, ing Step by Step from one known which was afterwards publiſhed Truth to another, till they arrived with a Commentary upon it by at laſt to that required. Examples Frederick Commandine. The beſt of which may be ſeen at Prop. 107, Treatiſe (at leaſt of the Conſtruc- 117, 155, 204, 205, of the faid 7th tion) of this Inſtrument, is in Agu- Book of 'Pappus. The Ingenious lonius's Opticks, Lib. 6. See alſo Hugo d'Omerique too, in his Analyſis Taquet's Optic. Lib. 3. c. 7 f. 208 Geometrica, has endeavoured to‘re- Witty, in his Treatiſe of the Sphere, ſtore this Analyſis of the Ancients ; Harris's Lexicon, under the where he has ſet an Example wor- Word Analemma, and Dechales, Lib. thy the Imitation of all thoſe who 2. de Aſtrolabiis f. 127, & feqq. have at heart the true and genuine Tom. 4. Mundi Mathem. Way of ſolving Geometrical Pro- ANALOGY.. The ſame as Pro- blems, tho' it muſt be confeſs'd, that portion ; which fee. Algebra, which may be called an ANALYSIS. This properly is a Arithmetical Analyſis, is the moſt Reſolution of any thing into its ready, and general Method, (but not component Principles, or taking always the ſhorteſt and moſt elegant) its Parts all to pieces, in order to that has been hitherto found out, or diſcover the thing. And in Mathe- perhaps ever will, for this purpoſe. inaticks it is the Art of diſcovering ANALYSIS of Infinites, the ſame the Truth or Falfhood of a Propo- with Fluxions ; which ſee. ſition, or its Poſibility and Impoſſi ANALYSIS of Powers. The ex- bility, by ſuppofing the Propoſition traction of Roots, or Refolution of ſuch as it is, that is, true ; and ex- Powers. mining what follows from thence, ANALYSIS of Situation. A Bra. gadocia C. I. 1 1 She is 100. A NE ANG çadocio Term of Wolfius in his Elem. Houſe, St. James's, my Lord Go- Mathem. attributed to Mr. Leibnitz, dolphin's, &c. See a more parti. where he ſays that this latter would cular Deſcription by Vitruvius, Ca- give the Solutions of Problems by fatus in his Mechanicks, Lib. 5. Cap. it after a manner quite different' 9. and Ozanam in his Mathem. from what has been hitherto known Diktionary. or thought of. But alas ! the Dream Wolfius, in his Mathem. Lexicon, has not been yet diſcovered to the ſpeaks of an Anemoſcope, conſiſting Publick, of a little wooden Man, which by ANDROMEDA. A ſmall northern its riſing and falling in a Glaſs Conſtellation, conſiſting of 27 Stars Tube, Thews the Change of the viſible to the naked Eye, behind Weather, and the Alteration in Pegaſus, Caſiopeia, and Perſeus. the Gravity of the Air, which was She repreſents a Woman chained the Invention of Otto Guerick, who to a Rock. The Poets have many mentions it in Lib. 3. Experimene Fictions concerning her. torum Magdeburg. c. 20. f. called Mulier: Catenata, Perfea, Vir. But makes a Secret of it, which he go Devota, and by fome Vitulus Ma- would not diſcover. But at length rinüs Catenatus. Shiller makes her Mr. Comiers Profeſſor of Mathem. the holy Sepulchre. Harſdorff, will at Ambrun, has diſcovered it in the have her to be Abigail, 1.Sam. XXX. AEta Eruditorum, Anno. 1684.p. 26, 5. and Weigel changes her into the & feqq. where he would have the Arms of Heidelburgh. Homunculus to be moved up and ANEMOMETER. An Inſtrument down by the riſing and falling of the to meaſure the force of the Wind, Mercury in the Barometer. invented by Wolfius in the Year ANGLE, is the Inclination of 1708, and firſt publiſhed by him, two Lines meeting one another. As Anno 1709, in his Areometry. As let the Line A B, meet the Line alſo in the Aeta Eruditorum for 1709, and in the Areometry belong- A ing to his Elem. Matheſeos : And in his Mathematical Diktionary. He fays, he tried the goodneſs thereof; and tells you that the inward Struc- ture thereof may be preſerved, even B В C to meaſure the Force of running Water, or that of Men and Horſes CB in the Point B : Then is their when they draw. Inclination or bending towards each ANEMOSCOPE. An Inſtrument other, an Angle. ſhewing at any time which way the Angles are of vaft uſe, not only Wind blows, that is, from which in Geometry, but almoſt in all of the 32 Points of the Compaſs it other parts of Mathematicks. The comes, by means of an Hand or In- nature of Figures cannot be ex- dex moving about an upright Cir- plained without them. They are cular Plate; which Index is turn'd half the Subject of Trigonometry, about by an Horizontal Axis, which and have much to do in Geography Horizontal Axis is turned about by and Aſtronomy. an upright Staff, at the top of ANGLE ACUTE, is the Angle which is the Fane, moved about by ABC, being leſs than a right Angle. the Wind. Theſe are very common ANGLES ADJACENT, are ſuch about London, as at Buckingham- that have the ſame Vertex, and one coninon : D 3 ANG ANG true common Side continued out, as the Line to a Superficies, or a Superficics, Angles ABC, CBD are Adjacent to a Solid ; and that becauſe if it be never ſo often multiplied, it will never be equal to, or exceed any. the leaſt right-lin'd Angle. But Dr. Wallis, in a Diſcourſe of the B D Angle of Contact, pabliſhed in A his Arithmetick of Infinites, does Angles, and both taken together, wrongly (as I think) with Pele- are always equal to two right tarius, ſay it is no Angle at all, Angles, (13. 1. Eucl.) And if the one Taquet, in hi. Euclid too, at Schol. be acute, the other will be obtuſe, Prop. 16. Lib. 3 (where he gives and contrariwiſe. us Paradoxes about the Angle of ANGLE of Contact, is the Angle Contact) will not have any Angle which a right Line that touches a whatſoever to be a Quantity. But Curve Line makes with it. As let a Mode or Quality only, and ſo ac- the right Line A B, touch the Circle cording to him the Compariſon of X in the Point D: Then is the Angles is not as to Equality and In- equality, but Likeneſs and Unlike- А. B neſs. But alas this is a mere Fetch D to anſwer his purpoſe : A falſe Strain to account for his Difficulties. Angles of Contact are X Angles, and may be compared to one another, tho' they cannot to right-lin'd Angles; they being in. finitely ſmaller than theſe ; for the circular Angles ADF, AD G, of Angle ADX which the right Line Contact, are to each other in the A Ķ makes at the Point D of Con- reciprocal fub-duplicate Ratio of the Diameters DC, DE. And if in- tact, an Angle of Contact. Euclid, in Prop. 16. Lib. 3. has А B demonſtrated an admirable thing regarding a circular Angle of Con- tact, viz. That it is leſs than any given right-lin'd Angle. And this has given riſe to many Diſputes a- E mongſt the Geometricians about how it ſhould happen, and to many fur- prizing Paradoxes. To account for C which, they have involved them- felves into much Abſurdity and ſtead of Circles, the Curves had been Error. The good old Clavius, and Parabolas, and the Point of Contact Peletarius, a Profeſſor of Mathe- D, the "Vertex of their Axes ; the maticks in France, had a long Dif- Angles of Contact would have been pute about it, as you may fee in Lib. then reciprocally in the ſub-dupli- 3. of his Euclid, where the former cate Ratio of their Parameters. afferts, and indeed rightly too, that But in ſuch elliptical and hyper- an Angle of Contaci, is of a different bolical Angles of Contact, theſe kind from a right lind Angle, will be reciprocally in the ſub-du- having the fame regard to it, as a plicate Ratio of the Ratio com- pounded 1 + 3 A 3, B P A ANG A N G pounded of the Ratios of the Para- thefemi-cubical meters, and tranſverſe Axes. Parabola MA Hence a circular Angle of Con- Q_expreffed by tact may be divided into any Num- the Equation M ber of equal Parts by circular yy33, is, in- Arches, or into any given Ratio. finitely greater IF GBD be a common Parabola, Р than any cir- and EF a Tangent to the Vertex cular Angle of at B, and ABC be a cubical Para- Contact which bola, which E F touches in B, that is of the fame Q is, if the Abſciſs B P be called and kind with a pa- the rectangular Ordinates PQ, PR, rabolical one. be called y; if I x y be=xx, in the This wonderful and almoſt in- comprehenſible Doctrine, was firſt G advanced by Sir Iſaac Newton, in D Schol. Lem. 2. at the beginning of Lib. 1. Princip. Mathem. as alſo in his Treatiſe of Fluxions ; but without any ſort of Proof or Demonſtration, R The whole I believe depends upon Q. F theſe two things, that thoſe Angles of Contact are infinitely greater than others, when any one evaneſ- cent or infinitely ſmall Subſtance of common Parabola, and 1 xy=x3 the former, is infinitely greater than in the cubick one, and if other pa- any one of the latter. And when rabolical Curves were deſcribed to * the Abſciſs of any Curve becomes the Abfcifs or Tangent EF, being infinitely ſmall, x, **, **, **, &c. ' ſuch that y=x+, y=x5, y=, &c. and x1, xả, x, &c. will be a then will the parabolical Angle of Series of Quantities decreaſing, Contact RBP be infinitely greater whereof any one of the former, will than the cubical parabolical Angle of be infinitely greater than that next Contact QBP, and this here Angle following it. And x, x1, xs, xi, of Contact infinitely greater than that of the Curve, whole Equation is &c. **, **, xả, &c. will be a Series y=x4, and that of this latter Curve increaſing in the ſame manner. infinitely greater than that of the ANGLE CURV'D LINE, is the Curve, whoſe Equation is y=xS, mutual Inclination of two Curve and ſo on ad infinitum. And more- Lines, meeting in one Point, in the over, between the Angles of fame Plane, as the Angle ACB contain'd under the two Curves Contact of any two of this kind, contain'd under may other Angles of Contact be BC, AC in the fame Plane meeting found ad infinitum, that will infi- B in the Point nitely exceed each other, and yet the C, is a Curve- greateſt of them are infinitely leſs Under this than any the leaſt right-lin'd Angle ; ſo alſo y2=X3,33 =*4,34x5,&c. Denomination denote a Series of Curves, of which are contain'd the Curv'd- every ſucceeding one makes an Angle with its Abſcils, infinitely greater D line Angles, than the preceding one, where it Plane from the may be obſerved that the Angle of Contact MAP, at the Cuſp A itereographi- D 4 ol ! lind Angle. made upon a E A N G A N G cal Projection of the Circles of the Angles CONTIGUOUS, Sec Sphere, which may all be meaſured Angles adjacent. by Rules laid down in Treatiſes of ANGLES EQUAL are ſuch that Projection. (right-lin'd ones) where the Arches If AC, BC, be circular Arches of Circles deſcribed from the an-, whoſe Radius's are the equal right gular Points, and intercepted be- Lines DC, EC ; the right-lin'd tween the Sides, are proportional Angle DCE will be equal to the to their reſpective Radius's : As let cury'd Line Angle ACB; for ſince the Arches AC, FD of Circles the Angle DCB is =E CA. If deſcribed from the Centres or an- from each be taken the common Angle DCE, there will remain the A D right Line Angle DCE, equal to the curv'd Line Angle A CB. E "ANGLE OF ELEVATION, in Me- B chanicks, is the Angle which the C F Line of Direction of a Body (uſually gular Points BE, be proportional a Ball) projected with any force, to the Radii BC, DF ; then are makes with an Horizontal Line, the Angles ABC, D E F, equal. Gallileus, in his Dialogues of Motion, ANGLES EQUAL (SOLID,) are was the firſt who has ſhewn that this ſuch as are contained under equal Angle muſt be 45 Degrees, to cauſe Numbers of equal Plane Angles. the projected Body to go to the ANGLE OF EMERGENCE. That greateſt Diſtance or Range poſſible, which any Body (moſt commonly with the fame force, and that at E a Ray of Light) projected from one levations as much above 45 De Fluid or Medium (as Air) into ano- grees, as under it, will fly to the ther, makes at its going out of the fame Diſtance. And on the con- latter Fluid or Medium (as Water trary, when the Line of Direction or Glaſs, whoſe Surfaces are parallel is parallel to the Horizon, the Planes, with a Perpendicular to Range will be the ſhorteſt poſible. thoſe Planes ; as let AB, CB be This is demonſtrated by Dr. Keil, parallel Planes bounding Water or in his Introduction to true Philoſophy : Glaſs, and ſuppoſing a Body pro- by Mr. Cotes, in his Harmon. Men- jected in the Direction F E, entering Jirarum; by Wolfius, in his Me- into theſe at E, and goes out at G, chanicks, and many other Authors. K, H But it is grounded upon a Suppoſiti- F on, that the Projectile ſuffers no Re- ſiſtance from the Air it moves thro', А G B which it really does; and this cauſes E the fartheſt horizontal Range not -B to happen from an Angle of Eleva- C G H tion of 45 Degrees, but from an K K Angle ſoinewhat leſs, (See Euler's in the Direction GH. Let G K be Book de Motu) and that all the perpendicular to A B, CD, then is Ranges under 45 Degrees of Eleva- the Angle KG H an Angle of E- tion, are a little greater than when mergence. the Elevation are equally diflant The Sine of the Angle of Emer- from the 45th Degree above it. gence, when the projected Body paſſes GB VG A N G ANG paſſes quite thro’ the Medium, is to reflected at the Point of Incidence, that of Incidence, in a conſtant Ra- without entering at all into the tio. But when the projected Body Medium. fies back or out of the Medium, The two Propoſitions aforeſaid, the ſame way it came in, without are inveſtigated or proved after other paſſing quite thro'; the Angle of ways by Authors ; particularly Emergence, will always be equal to Dr. Barrow, in his Lectiones Optice, the Angle of Incidence, which is deduces them from a very remote the caſe of Cannon Balls, ſhot ob. Conſideration, where he would liquely into the Water, or even have a Ray of Light to be of a light Earth, or flattiſh Stones that cylindrical-Figure, or rather right- Boys throw into the Water to make angled Parallelogram,and to revolve Ducks and Drakes, as they fay : about upon its coming to touch All of which will come out again, the Surface ſeparating the Me- and perhaps ſeveral times, according diums. See Le£t. 2. Others, as Mr. to their Velocity, Figure, and the Jones in his Synopſis Palmariorum, Obliquity of the Incidence. and Wolfius, in his Dioptricks and Sir Tjaac Newton, Seet 14. Lib. 1. Catoptricks, ſhew how this happens Princip. Mathem. Philos. Natur. has by inquiring after a point in the Sur- given moft ingenious Demonftra- face ſeparating the Mediums, ſuch, tions of theſe two uſeful and funda- that the time a Ray paſſes from one mental Propoſitions, by conſidering given Point in one Medium to the immerging Mediums to conſiſt another given one in the other Me- of Particles that uniformly attract dium, ſhall be a Minimum (to ſhew the immerged Body in its Paſſage, the conſtant Ratio of the Sines of the and from thence concludes the Line Angles of Emergence and Incidence) EG, thro' which it paſſes, to be a and that the Aggregate of the Parabola ; and then ſhews how Lines drawn from one given Point the firſt Propoſition follows from in the upper Medium to another in the Nature of the Parabola. And the ſame, ſhall be a Minimum (to as to the ſecond, he gathers that ſhew the equality of the Angles of from a Propofition founded upon Reflexion and Incidence.) See in the firſt, viz. That the Velocity of Wolfius $. 35. Diop. and 24 Catop. the Body before the Incidence, is to See alſo Dr. Gregory's Opticks, &c. that after it is emerged, as the Sine Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Opticks, of the Angle of Emergence is to Prop. 6. Part 1. has ſhewn the truth that of Incidence; and from this he of the conſtant Ratio of the Sines deduces the ſaid Propofition, to of the Angles of Incidence and gether with the following one; that Emergence ; and Dr. Keil, in his the Motion before the Emergen- Vera Phyfica the truth of the Equa- cy, muſt be greater than that af- lity of the Angles of Incidence and ter it, to cauſe the Body to be re- Reflexion ; both after a different flected. manner than thoſe hinted at before, Hence the famous catoptrical by the Reſolution of the Motion Propoſition, that the Angle of In- of the Body into two, the one pa- cidence is equal to the Angle of rallel, and the other perpendicular Reflexion, follows as a Corollary, to the Surface of the Fluid or Me- viz. by ſuppoſing the Depth or dium, &c. See Mr. Graveſande Way of the Emergence to become alfo, in his Infiitutiones Philos. infinitely ſmall, or the Body to be Newtonian. Lib. z. Part 2. C. 6. ANGLE ANG A N G ANGLE OF INCIDENCE; is that that Ray refracted. Alſo let N H be which the Line of Direction of a the Continuation of the Ray of In- ftriking Body (as a Ray of Light, cidence, then is 'FNH the Angle &c.) makes at the 'Point where it of Refraction. firſt touches or comes at the Body ANGLB REFRACTED, is the it ſtrikes againſt, with the Perpendi- Angle which a refracted Ray makes cular to the Surface of the Body it with a Perpendicular to the refract- ftrikes againſt. ing Surface ; as let GN be perpen- ANGLE OF REFLEXION, is that dicular to the reſracting Surface which is made by the Line of di- DE, then is GNF the refracted rection of a Body rebounding after it Angle. has ſtruck againft another Body, at 1. The Ratio of the Sine of the the Point of contact, from whence Angle of Incidence to the Sine of with a Perpendicular at that point the refracted Angle, is found to be of Contact it rebounded : as let a invariable. invariable. If the Refraction be Body moving in the Direction AB, from Air into Glaſs, it will be ftrike againſt the Surface D E in the greater than 114 to 76, but leſs than 115 to 76 ; that is, nearly as C 3 to 2, as Mr. Huygens has ſhewn in his Dioptricks, p. 5. Sir Iſaac Newton too, in his Opticks, Part 3. Lib. 2. agrees with Mr. Huygens, viz. That the Ratio of the Sine of the Angle of Incidence, is to that D B of the refracted Angle as 31 to 20, Point B, and by that means be that is, nearly as 3 to 2, which is a reflected or driven back again in very proper Ratio to explain the the Direction 'BC, and let 'BF be Refraction in Glaſs Lens's. perpendicular to DE; then is ABF 2. Deſcartes in Trat. de Meteoris, the Angle of Incidence, and FBC C. 8. $. 10. p. m. 222. found that in Rain Water the Ratio the Angle of Reflexion; and upon the Equality of theſe two Angles, boveſaid was as 250 to 187, or the whole Science of Catoptricks is nearly, as 4 to 3; to whom Sir entirely founded. Ifaac Newton, in his Opticks, agrees ; ANGLE of RefracȚION, in where he ſays, it is as 529 to 396, Dioptricks, is the Angle which a but in Spirit of Wine he makes it as 100 to 73 Ray of Light refracted makes with a Ray of Incidence, continued out be- 3. If one Angle of Incidence be yond the refracting Superficies. As given, and the correſpondent re- let D E be the refracting Superficies, fracted Angles be obſervd by Ex- MN a Ray of Incidence, and NF periment, it will be eaſy to compute the refracted Angles anſwering to M every Angle of Incidence. Kircher (in Arte Magna Lucis et Umbre, D E Lib. 8. Part 1. c. 2) and Zahan (in Oculo Artific. Fund. 2. Syn, 1. c. 2. f. 228, & ſeq.) ſay, when the Angle of Incidence is 70°, they found G. the refracted Angle to be 38° 50'. H When a Ray moves out of Air into Glaſs, or out of a rarc Medium info a- A NG A NG into a denſer one, the refracted not arrive at the preciſe Truth. Angle is always leſs than the 6. There are feveral ways of ob- Angle of Incidence'; and when the ſerving the Quantity or Law of Re- Angle of Incidence is nothing, the fraction (to be found here and there refracted Angle will be fo too. in Authors) whereof the following 5. If the Angle of Incidence be one is eaſy ;, ſuppoſe it be from teſs than 20°, and a Ray moves out Air to Glafs, being that which is of Air into Glaſs, the refracted moſtly wanted in Dioptricks. Let Angle will be nearly one third Part FGBC be a well poliſhed Glaſs of the Angle of Incidence, and this Cube, ſtanding upon a Plane Board is the Principle that Kepler, and NIPO ; at the end of which after him moſt other Writers of Op- there is another NABI fix'd at ticks have uſed to explain the Re- right Angles, having the ſame fractions in Glaſs ; for imitating height CH with the ſide of the Alhazen, , and Vitellio, they fought Cube, and ſuppoſe their common after the Law of Refraction in the breadth I N, to be greater than the Ratio of the Angles, and ſo could fide I H of the Cube, and the length B C 12 *** A D * P G I K L 1 TAIDI! M: 2017! kann! N O M ON, to be much longer than either; uſe a little Voffel of Water or other then when theſe Boards and the Liquors, you may obſerve the Cube upon them cloſe to the up- Law of Refraction in Water or right one, be turned to the Sun at other Liquors. different Latitudes above the Ho- 7. The firſt Invention of this fa- rizon, note the end of the Shadow mous Dioptrick Theorem of the con- of the fide A B, both within the ſtant Ratio of the Sines of the Angles Cube at K and without it at L ; then of Incidence and refracted Angles, fince CK is the refracted Ray, and . upon which the whole Science de- CL the unrefracted one, HCK will pends, is commonly attributed to be the refracted Angle,and H CL the Deſcartes, (ſee his Dioptr. c. 2.9. 2. P. Angle of Incidence ; ſo that if m. 57.) tho' it was well known to CL be the Radius, HL will Willebrord Snell. (See Huygens's be the Sine of the Angle of Dioptr. p. 2, and 3.) And Vofius de Incidence, and HK that of the Natura & Propri, Lucis, p. 36. pub- refracted Angle ; ſo that if HK liſhed anno 1642, wherein this laſt and HL be carefully meaſured by ſays it appears from Snell's Papers, an exact Scale of equal Parts, you which he himſelf had ſeen, that will have in Numbers the Ratio of Snell had found out that the Pro- the Sine of the Angle of Incidence, portion between the Seçants of the to that of the refracted Angle, and Angles, which are the Comple- if inſtead of a Cube of Glaſs, you ments of the Angle of Incidence, and t A N G A N G 1 and the refracted Angle to right ones ftances,appears equal,bigger or leffer is conſtantly the ſame. Kepler alſo than others, as may be ſeen in optical was very near finding out this Writers ; among which, ſợe Wol- Theorem, who at Prop. 5, 6. in his fius Cap. 5. Elem. Optic. The an- Tra&t. called Paralipom. in Vitel. cient Opticians, as Euclid, Ptolemy, lionem, lays down theſe Secants for Alhazen and Vitellio, formerly uſed the reſpective Meaſure of Refrac- theſe Angles to , explain how one tions. Thing or Object appears great or ANĠLE MIXT-LIN'D, is that con- ſmall. tain'd under a right Line and a ANGLE OF COMMUNICATION, curve Line, as the Angle A BC. in Aftronomy, is the difference between the true Place of the Sun, A ſeen from the Earth, and the Place of the Planet, when reduced to the Ecliptick ; as let TF be the Orbit of the Earth, TAPG the Orbit B. of a Planet P, and S the Sun; let B C C ANGLE OBLIQUE, is one leſs or P greater than a right Angle. ANGLE OBTUSE, is one that is B T greater than a right Angle, as the Angle A. S G JA A be the Place of the Planet reduced ANGLE OPTICKOR OF VISION, is the Angle ABC, which two TS B the Angle of Commutation. to the Ecliptick ; then is the Angle Rays A B, CB, iſſuing from the ex- treme Points A, C of an Object , mutation, to the Sine of the Angle of As the Sine of the Angle of Com- form at the Centre of the Eye. Elongation, ſo is the Tangent of the heliocentrick Latitude of a Planet to A that of its geocentrick Latitude. B ANGLE RIGHT, is that which is made by two right Lines perpendicu- C lar to each other, as the Angle A. The apparent Magnitude of an A This always is e- Object is meaſured by this Angle. qual to that con- Thoſe things which are ſeen under tiguous to it, and the meaſure thereof a greater Angle, appear to be is 90 Degrees. greater, and thoſe under a leffer, ANGLE PLANE, is the mutual to be leſs ; and thoſe under an equal Inclination of two Lines in a Plane, one, to be equal. This fame Angle meeting in one Point. is alſo uſed in Opticks, to fhew how ANGLE RIGHT-LINE, is that one Object under given Circum- made by two right Lincs meeting in OB 1 4 ) { ܪ A N G A N G in one Point, viz. whoſe Sides are 4. The Sum of all the internat right Lines, as the Angle B. or inward Angles of any right-lin'd Figure, is equal to twice as many right Angles, excepting 4, as the Figure has fides ; this follows from Prop. 32. Lib. 1. Euclid. and the Sum of all the external Angles, B which are the Angles without the Figure, when all the sides are le- verally produced, make 4 right 1. The Quantity of a right-lin'd Angles; this follows alſo from Prop. Angle, is not meaſured by the 13. and 32. Lib. 1. Euclid. See length of its Sides, it being no ways Clavius, Barrow, and other Ex- proportional to them, but by the pounders of Euclid. Arch of a Circle deſcribed within But here we ought to obſerve, the Angle, intercepted between the that when a right-lin'd Figure has Legs of the Angle, whoſe Centre is one or more Angles which open the angular Point ; that is, if there outwardly, as the Angle BCD of be an Angle given, and you want the Trapezium ABCĎ; what is to meaſure it, you need only find meant by this Angle in the Propo- the number of Degrees contained in B the Arch of any Circle deſcribed within the Angle, from the an- gular Point, intercepted between C the ſides of the Angle ; and that number of Degrees is the meaſure of the Angle. This follows from Prop. 33. Lib. 6. and Prop. 1. Lib. 12. Euclid. (ſuppoſing a Circle to А. D be a Polygon of an infinite number fition, is the ſum of the Angles of Sides.) ACB, ACD made by drawing the The Doctrine of right-lin'd Line AC from the oppoſite Angle Angles, is of great uſe, as weil BAD: for if otherwiſe, you would in the Theory as Practice of Geo- underſtand the Angle BCD, which metry, becauſe they are principal according to the Definition of an parts of all right-lind Figures. Angie, muſt be one Angle of the 2. No Angle can have for its Figure, the Propoſition is falſe. Meaſure quite 180 Degrees, for in 5. Angles in practical Geome- this Caſe one ſide will fall into the try, meaſured upon Paper fame right Line with the other, with a Line of Chords, or Protractor, that is, they will be both one right and upon Ground or at Sea with a Line, and ſo cannot form an Angle, Theodolite, Circumferenter, Qua- they having no Inclination. And drant, Croſs Staff, &c. as may be ſeen from hence there ſeems to arile an in the uſes of the ſeveral Inſtruments, odd Paradox, viz. That the Ag 6. A given Angle may be mul- gregate or Sum of ſeveral Angles tiplied any number of times geo- ſhall be no Angle at all. metrically ; but on the contrary, 3. The Sum of all the Angles you cannot divide one geometrically that can be made at the fame Point, into any number of equal Parts. conſiſts of 4 right Angles, whole But the Cycolid will aſſiſt us in doing Meaſure is 360 Degrees. this thing univerſally. ANGLES are ANG A N G ! 1 each other in the Point E ; then grees, which Magnitude they will are the Angles A EC, DEB, and not exceed, as may be ſeen in Frey. CEB, AED vertical Angles. tag's Fortification all the Moderns When two right Lines or two make it above 100 Degrees. Seo great Circles of the Sphere cut each Wolfius's Elem, Architect. Milit. cap. other, the vertical Angles are equal. 2. Nouvelle Maniere de Fortifier les The firft is ſhewn by Euclid, Prop. Places, p. : 25. Sturmy too, in his 15. Lib. i. and the other in moſt Keritable Vauban, P: 150, 151. Treatiſes of pherical Trigonome- makes it obtufe ; and all Ingeniers try ; amongſt which fee Wolfius S. agree, that this Angle muſt not be 33. Elem. Spheric. leſs than 60 Degrees, tho' Mr. de ANGLE OF A BASTION, in For- Ville, in his Fortification, ſays 90 tification, is the Angle BCD which Degrees is the beſt bigneſs for the two Faces B C, CD of a Baſtion this Angle. See his Reaſons. Some ABCDE make at the Point of call this Angle a Flank'd Angle. the Baſtion. Angle of or at the Centre, (in In the Dutch Fortification they Fortification) is the Angle CKH, make this Angle of that of the drawn from two Angles C, H, Polygon, until it comes to 90 De- (neareſt to each other) to the Centre C H Η JIALISI.... I D G B A E T 41LIWICKAUK. K K of a regular Figure. Theſe are fence CF and the Flank FG of a found by dividing 360 Degrees by Baſtion. the number of Sides that the Figure In the ancient Fortification, this has. Angle is acute, as may be ſeen in ANGLE of a Polygon, is the Angle Freytag's Book, and then the Angle which one Side of a Polygon makes EF G was a right Angle. Blondell with the other. In regular Figures makes it obtuſe ; but on the con- the Quantity of this Angle is 180° trary De Grave from Pagan, with 360° moſt of the Moderns, a right Angle; if n be the number of Sides. which is look'd upon ANGLE of the Tenaille, is the reaſonable. See Wolfius's Elem. Ar- Angle CIĦ made before the Cour-chit. Milit. §. 64. Becauſe in this tain by the two Lines of Defence caſe the Face GH of the Baltion CF, and EH. has a ſtronger and better Defence. ANGLE FLANKING, is the Angle ANGLE re-entring or re-entrant, CFG made by the Line of De- by the French, is any Angle in For- tification as more I Xa" XI 1 L Xm a xn- I ) m ma ANN Α' Ν Ν tification whoſe Point turns inwards So that when any three of theſe towards the Place; that is, thoſe Legs four Quantities m,n,a r,are given; it open outwards towards the field. is very eaſy to find the Value of the It is not eaſy to be fortified, as may fourth. fourth. But if it be compound be ſeen in the Writers of irregular Intereſt, and x =1+r) be equal Fortification, where it is particularly to the Principal and Intereſt of 1 handled ; amongſt which, ſee Wol. Pound, at any given rate; then will fius's Archit. Milit. S. 187. ANGLE SORTANT, or SALIANT, ora m be = by the French (in Fortification,) is. any Angle whoſe Point turns out- wards, (ſuch as thoſe of Baſtions, & C.) that is, whoſe Legs open in- wards towards the Place. n = L, X ixmta L, ANGUINEAL. HYPERBOLA, A L, X Name given by Sir Iſaac Newton to four of his Curves of the ſecond Order, viz. Species 33, 34, 35, * * * ta and 36. exprefled by the Equation L being the Logarithm of $-T xyy. eyş-ax 3.6x2.c x. d. being and of a. Hyperbola's of a ſerpentine Figure. 2. If the Diſcount, &c. in buy- ÁNGULAR. , Any thing belong- ing and ſelling of Annuities, &c. at ing to, or which has Angles. fimple Intereſt be wanted, let ANGULAR MOTION, in Afro- nomy, is the increafing or decreaſing natnu 12 xar bes, then 1+nr Angle made by two Lines drawn from a central Body, (as the Sun or 2+2 nr xs Earth) to the apparent places of two will a be Planets in motion. 2nr-r*72 The angular Motions of a Planet and the Earth at the Sun made in the fame time, are reciprocally pro- fuppaling 2 sitra--2a=%. 25--an taxn portional to their periodical Times, ANIMATED NEEDLE. Some call a Needle touched with a Load- z tzzt8sar. n will be ſtone by this name. See Compaſs. ANNUAL EQUATION. See E. But when it is compound Intereft quation. s will be sa ANNUITY A name for any yearly Income, ariſing from Money lcnt, Houſes, Lands, Salaries, Pen- fions, &c. being divided into two forts, viz. for a Term of Years, or na 5 X 2 ; and 2 r a ** ; xпxx I XS; a 771 - 1 upon a Life, m a 1. If the Amount of Annuities La L, at sms * in Arrear at fimple Intereſt be L, wanted, and a be the Annuity, r the rate of 1 Pound per annum, m the And if r2 be ſuppoſed Amount thereof, and n the number of years ; then if a, 1, 1, arc given, to become infinite ; a being the will be 11 a to annual Rent, it follows that sa E a. 22 22 22 X01*, 2 A N N Α Ν Ο : I nI and X XI n D --- a, ſo that from hence you ANOMALY, mean or ſimple, in may have Rules for buying and the old Aftronomy, is the diſtance. ſelling Eſtates in Fee-fimple at com- of a Planet from the Line of the 1 pound Intereſt. Apfes according to its mean Motion : So that if it be required to find. As let ESD be the Sun's Orbit, how may. Years Purchaſe at com AMNB the Ecliptick, the Earth pound Intereſt any Annuity is worth m will be in x= B N 3. All this is from Mr. Jones's S Synop. Palmar. Matbefeos, p. 208,&c. M T where the Inveſtigation is ſhewn. As to the Doctrine of Annuities upon Lives, which is founded upon Bills of Mortality, fee Dr. Halley's Diſcourſe in the Philofoph. Trans. N. 196, and Mr. De Moivre's Treatiſe of Annuities. at T, the Sun at S, and AB the ANNULET. In Architecture, is Line of the Nodes ; then is the a narrow flat Moulding belonging Angle ATM or the Arch AM to the Capital or Eaſe of a Column, the Sun's mcan Anomaly. Ptolemy being ſometimes called a Fillet or calls it the Angle of ihe mean Motion. Lift. Harris from Ozanam calls it But in the new Aftronomy, where a ſmall ſquare Part, turn'd about a Planet as P deſcribes an Ellipſis into the Corinthian Capital, under APBA about the Sun, ſituate in the Echinus, or Quarter Round. the Focus S, it is the Arch, or E A H 11111 «RTII Zi former F S B Angle or Trilineal Area ASP con- and drawing SF perpendicular to tain'd under the line of the Apſes AB, the Radius QC continued ; the (viz. the tranſverſe Axis,) and the mean Anomaly may be repreſented Line SP drawn to P the Planet's by the trilineal circular Area AQS, Place, which is proportional to the or by the Arch AQSF, as is de- Time Drawing the Perpendicular montirated by Dr. Keil in his Leet. QP HI thio' P the Planet's place, Aſtron, and others. The Ancients call, } EXCENTRICK OR OF has alſo given ANO Α Ν Ο. call this the mean Anomaly excentrick. trical Solution thereof by means of It is eaſy to find the mean Ano- the protracted Cycloid. So has Sir maly ; as may be ſeen in aſtrono- Iſaac Newton too in Prop. 31. Lib. mical Writers. See Kepler Epitom. 1. Princip: Mathem. Philof. Nat. Afron, Copernic. Lib. 5. p. 686. and Theſe are ingenious indeed, but not Wolfius Elem. Aftron. 6.622. fit for the purpoſe of an Aſtronomer, ANOMALY and therefore Sir Iſaac Newton gave 2°HE Centre, is the Arch other Solutions by Series's, one of AQ of the excentrick Circle A QB, which may be feen in Dr. Wallis's and the right Line Q H drawn from Works, Vol. 3. p. 625. and in the Centre of the Planet P, perpen- (Newton's) Fragmenta Epiſtolarum, dicular to the Line AB of the p. 26. And the other in the Schol. Apſes. This muſt be given in order to the Prop. above mentioned ; to find the mean Anomaly, as may which which laſt is much the beſt, be ſeen, amongſt others, in Wol being not only fit for the Planets, but even the Comets whoſe «Orbits fius's Elem. Affron. . 622. ANOMALY CO E QUATE OR are very excentrick. Dr. Gregory True, is the diſtance of the Sun in his Aftron. Lib. 3. from his Apogæum, or of a Planet a Solution by a Series, and Reyneau from its Aphelium, where it is ſeen in his Analyſe Demontre, Lib. 8. p. from the Sun ; that is, it is the 713, 714. But Dr. Keil, in his Angle A S P at the Sun, which the Prelection. Apron. p. 375. is much Planet's diſtance from the Aphelium better than theirs, it converging very A appears under. Ptolemy calls this faft. He ſays, if the Arch Å N be the Angle of the true Motion, and the mean Anomaly, and its Sine be fome the Angle of the Sun. e, and Cofine f, and the Excentricity It is not an eaſy Problem to find FC be g, and g e be called , then directly the true Anomaly from the will A bea & C. mean one given ; or, which is the ſame thing, to find the Poſition of (luppofing r= 57°. 29578.) = a right Line SP paſſing thro' one of Degrees in that Arch ; and the firſt the Focus's S of a given Ellipfis, Term" will be enough in all the which ſhall cut off an, Area PSA by its Motion, being to the Area of Planets, even Mars it felf, where the the whole Elipfis in a given Ratio, Error will not be more than the viz, in the Ratio of the periodick 200th part of a Degree; and from time of a Planet deſcribing the thence it will be eaſy to find the Ellipfis to another given time ; Angle ASR, and afterwards the which being found, the Point P Angle AS P. See his Inveſtigation, or Place of the Planet at that together with the Reaſon of what time will be had. Kepler, who firſt Sir Iſaac ſays in the Scholium above propoſed this Problem, expreſly inentioned ; as alſo an Example of owns that there is no direct way of the Rule. ſolving it, that is, of finding the The Difficulty of this Problem Angle PSA from the Area A P $. made Kepler fly to other Suppofi- But he did it indirectly by the Rule tions about the Motion of the of Falſe, as may be ſeen in his Book Planets, where he imagin'd ſome before mentioned, p. 695. So alſo Point about which the Motion has Wolfius Elem. Aftron. §. 6:3. would be equable, when in reality Dr. Wallis firſt gave the geome- there is no ſuch Point. Seth Ward too, g 23 za3 E 2 1 Α Ν Τ A N T too, in his Aftron. Geometr. takes viz. from Taurus to Aries, &c. the Angle at the Focus, where the ANTECEDENT, is the firſt of Sun is not for the mean Anomaly, two Terms of a Ratio, or that which which indeed will nearly repreſent it is compared with the other ; as in when the Orbit is not very excen- the Ratio of 2 to 3, or a to b; 2 trick, and then gives a very elegant and a are each Antecedents. Solution of the Problem. But if Antes. In Architecture, are the Planet's Orbit be pretty excen- ſquare Pilaſters placed at the Cor- trick, as is that of Mars ; the So ners of Buildings. See Vitruvius, lution will not give the true Ano. Lib. 3. C. 1. The French call theſe maly exact enough, as is ſhewn ſometimes angular Pilaſters, as may by Bulialdus in the Defence of the be ſeen in Daviler, p. 35. See Philolaick Aftron. againſt Seth Ward; alſo Goldman's Treatiſe of Archi- where he fhews from four Places of tecture, Lib. 1. p. 10. and Wolfius's Mars obſerved by Tycho Brahe, that Elem. Architect. . 75. As likewiſe in the firſt and third Quadrants of Perrault upon Vitruvius, p. 22, 23, the Anomaly, the Place of Mars is and 26. m. 62, and 64. forwarder than it ſhould be, and in ANTEPAGMENTS. Vitruvius in the ſecond and fourth Quadrants, Lib. 4. C. 6. calls by this Name the the true Anomaly is too little, and Ornaments of Doors and Windows, gives a Correction ; but this Cor- from whom Mr. Perrault has tran- rection is not ſo good as that of Sir flated it in French by the Word Iſaac Newton at the end of the Chambrantes, and the French fome- Scholium above mentioned times uſe it in the fame Senſe with ANSER. A ſmall Star of the fifth or Tablette, and the Italians, with il pi- fixth Magnitude in the Milkey-Way, anazzo, as may be ſeen in Scamozzi. between the Swan and Eagle, firit ANTICKS, in Architecture, are brought into order by Hevelius, the Figures of Men, Beaſts, &c. See his Prodrom. Affron. p. 117. placed for Ornaments to Buildings. 308.and Firmamen. Sobieſcan. Fig. L. ANTÆCI, ' in Geography, are Anses, or Anfæ, Handles'; the the Inhabitants of the Earth, which parts of Saturn's Ring, which are live in the fame Semicircle of the to be ſeen on each ſide the Planet fame Meridian, but on different when viewed through a Teleſcope, Sides of the Equator, viz. the one and the Ring appears ſomewhat North and the other South. But open. See Ring of Saturn. equally diſtant from the Equator. ANTARES. A Star of the firſt Theſe have Noon and Midnight, Magnitude in Scorpio. It is call?d and all Hours at the ſame time. the Scorpion's Heart. Hevelius in his But contrary Seaſons of the Year, Prodrom. Aſtron. p. 300. makes its that is, when it is Spring to one, Longitude for the Year 1700 in un it is Autumn to the other ; when 5º. 32.43". and ſouthern Latitude Summer to the one, Winter to the 4º. 271. 1911. other. The Days of the one are ANTARCTICK POLE, is the the equal to the Nights of the other, ſouthern Pole, or ſouthern End of and vice verſa. See other Affections the Earth's Axis. of the Antæci in Varen. Geogr. c. 8. ANTARCTICK CIRCLE, the Prop. 4 Sect. 6. ſame with Polar Circk. Which fce. ANTILOGARITHM, is the Lo- ANTECEDENTIA, or in Antece- garithm of the Co. fine or Co.tangent dentia. A Planet, Comet or Point or Co-ſecant of any Sine, Tangent, of the Heavens, is ſaid to be or Secant; which how to find, feu in in Antecedntia, when it moves Books of Trigonometry. contrary to the Order of the Sign., ANTI- f D 1 mans, Α Ν Τ. A PE ANTIPARALLELs, are thoſeLines, and Winter when we have Summer, as F E, BG, that make the ſame Day when we have Night, and Angles AFE, ACB, with the two Night when we have Day. See the Affections of theſe in Varen. Geogr. A E Cap. 28. Prop. 9. Sect. 6. In former times it was taken for a great Fable for any one to ſay F 1 there were People that walked with their Feet to ours, and the ancient B Fathers, St. Auguflin lib. 16.de Civi- E/ ZG tate Dei, c. 9. and Lactantius Iaftit, A I K B divin. lib. 3. c. 24. ftrenuouſly denied it as well as others. C 2 ANTIQUE. A Building or Statue made when Building and Satuary F H were at the utmoſt Perfection a- mongſt the ancient Greeks and Ros Lines A B, AC, cutting them, but contrary ways, as parallel Lines ANTISCU, in Geography, are that cut them. But Mr. Leibnitz, thoſe Inhabitants of the Earth in the Aeta Erudit. An. 1691. p. which live in two Places on the 279. calls Antiparallels thoſe Lines fame Meridian equally diſtant from (ſee Fig. 2.) as E F, GH, which cut the Equator, the one on the North, two Parallels AB, CD; ſo that the and the other on the South Side outward Angle AIF, together with thereof; the one having Summer the inward one A KH, is equal to a when the other has Winter, and right Angle. contrary wiſe ; and when the Days When the Sides A B, AC of a of the one are longeſt, thoſe of the Triangle, as ABC (Fig. 1.) are cut other are ſhorteſt. See more of the by a Line EF antiparallel to the Affections of theſe in Varon. Geogr. Raſe BC, the ſaid Sides are cut re- general. as alſo Wolfius's Geogr. ciprocally proportional by the faid Cap. 6. Line EF ; that is, AF:BF: APERTURE, in Opticks, is a EC : AE, the Triangles AFE, round Hole (whoſe Diameter is a ABC being ſimilar or equiangular. little leſs than that of the Object- ANTIPODES, in Geography, are Glaſs) in a turn'd bit of Wood or the Inhabitants of two Places that Plate of Tin, placed within fide of live diametrically oppoſite to one a Teleſcope or Microſcope near to another, or that walk Feet to Feet, the Object-Glaſs, by means of being 180 Degrees diſtant from one which you get an Admittance of another ; that is, if a Line was con more Rays, and a more diſtinct tinued down from our Feet quite Appearance of the Object. thro' the Centre of the Earth till Mr. Huygens, (in his Syſtem of Sa-, it arrived at the Surface on the turn, p. 82. and Dioptr. Prop. 53. other Side, it would fall upon the p. 195.) firſt found the uſe of Feet of our Antipodes, and vice pertures to conduce much to the verfa. If one was continued in perfection of Teleſcopes ; and in like manner from their Feet, it his Dioptr. Prop. 56, p. 205.89 would fall upon ours, who are their ſeg. he found, by Experience that Antipodes. The Antipodes have the beſt Aperture for an Object Summer when we have Winter, Glaſs of 30 Feet is as 30 to 3, or 10 13 A PH A PO 48 o 51 IES 8 25 n о to 1 ; that is, as ļo to i, fo is the Saturn upon them, move a ſmall ſquare Root of the focal Diſtance of matter in Conſequentia with reſpect any Lens multiplied by 30 to its pro to the fixed Stars, and that in the per Aperture ; and that the focal Di. fefquiplicate Ratio of the Diftance of ſtance of the Eye Glaſſes are propor- theſe Planets from the Sun. tional to the Aperture. It has alſo Kepler places the Aphelia for the been found by Experience, that Year 1700, as in this Table. Object Glaſſes will admit of greater Apertures, if the Tubes be blackened within fide, and their Paſſage be h 28 furniſhed with wooden Rings. 3 8 10 40 Mr. Auzout fays, that he found by 51 29 Experience that the proper Aper- 3 .24 27 tures of Teleſcopes ought to be V 30 nearly in the ſub-duplicate Ratio of their Length. Whether this be true, I know not. But De la Hire, in his Tab. Aſtron. APHELIUM, or ApheLion, is will have them to be for the ſame that Point of any Planet's Orbit , in Year as in this other Table. which it is at the fartheſt Diſtance from the Sun; being, in the Coper. nican Aftronomy, that end of the 29 14 41 17 greater Axis of the elliptical Orbit 14 of the Planet, molt remote from the 35 25 Focus wherein the Sun is. 6 56 10 The times of the Aphelia of the Yo 1 13 3 40 primary Planets, may be known by their apparent Diameters appearing And makes the yearly Motions of leaſt, as alſo by their moving flowelt them to be thus, in a given time. You will ſee how 1 to find them by Computation in Wolfius's Elem. Afirox.9.659,667. In h Ricciolus's Almag. Nov. lib. 7. Seet. 4 2.f. 543. and foll. and Sect 3. Cap. 7 8. and foll. f. 586. and foll. See 26 allo Street's Aftron.Carolin.p. m. 25. 39 and foll. Dr. Halley too has given a way to find them in the Philofoph. APOGÆUM. That Point of the Tranſ. n. 128.and ſo has Dr. Gregory Orbit of the Moon or Sun, (in the in his Affron. lib. 3. prop. 14. and Dr. old Aftronomy) which is fartheſt Keil in his Aſtronomical Lectures. from the Earth. Theſe laſt being the beſt of any. The manner of finding the Apo. Sir Iſaac Newton, in prop. 14. lib. gæum of the Sun or Moon, is ſhewn 3. of his Princip.as alſo Dr. Gregory by Wolfius in Elem. Aſtron. §. 618. in his Afronomy prove the Aphelia and by Ricciolus in Almag. Now. lib. of the primary Planets to be at reſt; 3 cap. 24. alſo by Street in Aſtron. tho'at the ſame time, in the Scholium Carolin. p. m. 7. You have alſo a to the ſaid Propoſition, he ſays the Geometrical way of finding the Planets neareſt to the Sun, viz, Mer- fame by Mr. Caſſini. See Tranſ. cury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars, Philofoph. n. 57. Žela Hire in Tab. from the Actions of Jupiter and Apron, p. 15. makes the Apogæum of ! 1 1 22 I 34 I I 1 1 i goes forward APO APO of the Sun to be in 80 71 3011 of $ AB=1 of a Square, and its Diago- and its annual Motion 1 211 and nal AC-V 2; will be an Apotome, the Apogæum of the Moon in 6e viz. equal to 1-VZ; fo alſo will 53' 401 of #, and its annual Mo- the Difference between the Side A tion i fi. 10° 39' 5211. The Moon's Apogæum moves un- B equally ; when ſhe is in the Syzy gy with the Sun, it goes forwards, and in the Quadratures, backwards; and theſe Progreſſions and Regreſſions, are not equable, but it flower when the Moon is in the А D o Quadratures , or perhaps goes back- C=2 of an equilateral Triangle wards; and when the Moon is in the ABC, and the perpendicular B Syzygy, it goes forwards faſteſt of all. See more of the Apogæum D=V3, be an Apotome, viz. of the Sun and Moon, in Sir Iſaac. 52V3: And generally if A C be Newton's Theory of the Moon. a Semi-parabola, whoſe Axis is A B, APOPHY GE, in Architecture, and Latus Rectum be=1, and if AD is a concave Part or Ring of a be a Tangent to the Vertex at A, Column, lying above or below the and this be divided into the Parts fat Member. "The French call it Le A a 2, Ab=3, A c=5, Ad=6. Conge d'en Bas,or d'en Haut; the Ita- & c. and Perpendiculars a 1, b 2, lians, Cavo da Bafo, or di Supra, as <3, d4, 6c, be drawn, there will alſo Il vivo da Bajo. Amongſt the be (from the nature of the Curve) ſeveral Authors that tell how to V2, VV5 V6, &c. reſpec- deſcribe it, ſee Wolfius's Elem. C 4 낙 APOTOMÉ. Euclid in his tenth Book at Prop. 74. calls an Apotome a B 3 Line BC which is the Difference be- tween a rational Line AC,and a Line A B only commenſurable in power to the whole Line A C, and may be 2 A B C 1 Arch. S. 115 a b cd I 1 D A D A tively ; and fo Aa (=1)- 21, G will be 1-2; A amb 2 will be 2-V3; Ab- 3 will be 3–15; Ac-d4 will be 5-V6, &c. . B С Wherefore by this means you will have an infinite Series of different expreſſed thus ; ſuppoſing (AC-a Apotomes. and A B5,) viz. a-Vb or in Euclid in lib. 10. (ſee his third Numbers 24V 3. Hence the dif- Definition after Prop. 85 ) diſtin- ference GC between the side guiſhes Apotomes into firit, fecond, third, do E 4 AP P A P. P. NA third, fourth, fifth, and fixth ; and in the Squares 16 and 3 is 13, and Vi the Propofitions immediately follow- has not a Ratio in Numbers to 4. ing, ſhews how to find each of them, A fifth Apotome, is when the leaſt being indeed no othes than the Sub- Number is Rational, and the ſquare ductions of the leſſer Names or Parts Root of the Difference of the Squares of Binomials from the greater. As in of the two Numbers has not a Ratio Numbers, if 6+1 20 be a firſt in Numbers to the greateſt. Such is Binomial, then ſhall 6-V zo be V6-2 where the Difference of a firſt Apotome, and ſo will 3-V5; the Squares 6 and 4 is 2, and V2 that is, when there are two Num- tovő has not a Ratio in Numbers. bers ſuch, that the greateſt is a A fixth Apotome, is when both the rational one, and the Difference Numbers are irrational, and the between their Squares is a ſquare ſquare Root of the Difference of Number, their Squares has not a Ratio in A fecond Apotome, is when the Numbers to the greateſt. Such is leaf Number is rational, and the V7-V 2, where the ſquare Root ſquare Root of the Difference of the Squares of the two Numbers, has a 4 =2 of the Difference (4) of Ratio in Numbers to the greateſt the Squares of 6 and 2 has not a Ratio in Numbers to vā. Number. Such is V 18–4, for the The Doctrine of Apotomes in Difference between the Square 18; Lines, as handled by Euclid, in his and 16 the Square of 4, is 2, and tenth' Book, is a very curious Sub- V Z has a numerical Ratio to V18, ject, and worthy to be peruſed and viz. as I to 3; for VT8 is=3 VZ; improved by all thoſe who would in like manner 48–6 is a ſecond lay down geometrical Elements, Apotome ; for the Difference be- from whence might be deduced the tween 48 and 36, is 12, and V12 Quadratures, of Curve-lineal Figures, has a numerical Ratio to V 48, viz. and perhaps lineal Solutions of Dio- as 2 to i, for v T2 is =2V 3, and phantus's Problems, and others of v2 48= 4V 3. the like kind, tho' all'the uſe, (one would think) Euclid himſelf made A third Apotome, is when the two Numbers are both irrational, and the of this Book, was only to ſhew the ſquare Root of the Difference of nature of the five regular Bodies, their Squares has a Ratio in Numbers which by Plato and his Sett (of to the greateſt Number. Such for which Euclid's was one)were held in Example is, V 24,4V 18 for the Kepler (in his Myſteria Coſmogra- great Efteen. And in the laſt Age Difference of their Squares 24 and phica) would have the Number of 8, is 6, and V6 has a numerical the Planets, and the Magnitudes of Ratio to v viz, as that of i to the Syſtems of the World to ariſe 24 2, for V 24 is=2 V5. from theſe Bodies, and (in pref: ad A fourth Apotome, is when the lib. 1. Harmonices Mundi. j. 3.) greateſt Number is rational, and ſharply reprimands Peter Ramus the ſquare Root of the Difference of for undervaluing Euclid's tenth the Sqr.res of the two Numbers: maticarum, p. 252.) Kepler ſays: Book (in lib. 21. Scholarum Mathe- has not a Ratio to that. Such is Veftrum eft carpere, quæ non intelli- 4-V3, where the Difference of gitis , mihi qui rerum Caufas indago, præter- } APP APP -præterquam in decimo Euclidis fe have much greater apparent Dia- mite ad illas nulla patuerunt. And meters than the reſt of the Planets ; Ramus ſays, Materies decimo Libro the ways to obſerve the Quantity propoſito eo modo eft tradita, ut in of theſe are different from thoſe, humanis literis atque artibus fimi- whereby thoſe of the reſt of the lem obſcuritatem nufquam deprehen- Planets are had. Ricciolus (in Al- derimi obfcuritatem dico non ad in- mag. nov. lib. 3. C. 10. f. 16. and fol.) telligendum, quid præcipiat Euclides, gives five different ways to obſerve -fed ad perſpiciendum penitus et the apparent Diameter of the Sun, explorandum quis firis & ufus fit and eight ways for thoſe of the operi propofitus, que genera, ſpecies, Planets and fix'd Stars, (in lib. 6.c. differentiæ fint rerum ſubječiarum : 9. f. 422. and fol.) The beſt way nihil enim unquam tam confufum vel of doing this in general, is by a Mi- involutum legi vel audivi. crometer fix'd in the focus of a Old Oughtred in his mathematical Teleſcope. See Micrometer. Key has a Declaration of the tenth 1. One way of finding the ap- Book of Euclid, demonſtrated by parent Diameter of the Sun, is by Symbols. Dr. Barrow too in his taking the meridian Altitudes of Xuclid has done the ſame. You his upper and lower Limbs, with have alſo in Michael Stifel his Arith- a good Quadrant and Teleſcope metica Integra, lib. 2. c. 13. and fitted to it, and afterwards taking fol. p. 143. and fol. The aforeſaid their Difference, which will be his Book of Euclid, and alſo the Doc- apparent Diameter ſeen from the trine of Apotomes clearly explain'd Earth. and fully handled at Cap. 23. p. 2. Another way is, by erecting two perpendicular Threads over the Apotomes are alſo called reſidual, Meridian Line, and while the Eye and reſidual Binomials. is at reſt obſerving the Sun's Paſſage Apotome, by ſome Writers on over the Meridian, and noteing the the Theory of Muſick, is the Dif. Inſtant that the Limb of the Sun ference between a greater and leſſer comes to the Threads, by an ac- Semi-tone, being expreſſed by the curate Time-Keeper or Clock, and Ratio 128 : 125. the Inſtant that its oppoſite Limb APPARENT DIAMETER, in leaves them; and the Difference is Aſtronomy, is the Angle under the Time wherein the Diameter of which . we ſee the Sun, Moon and the Sun is paſſing over the Meridian: Stars: As when we ſee the Sun S which if the Sun be in the Equator, under the Angle DOE; this Time turn'd into Minutes, &c. S this Angle is the Ap- of a Degree, will be the Angle under parent Diameter. The which the Sun appears. But if the apparent Diameters of Sun be out of the Equator, the DE the Sun, Moon, and Arch found is one in that parallel Planets muſt be known, Circle the Sun moves in, which in order to compare. muſt be turn'd into Minutes, &c. of the Bigneſſes of them the Equator. with each other, to 3. "The Diameter of the Sun, know how much one is Moon and Planets is not found to bigger or leſs than be thë fane at all times ; but in another, and to com each of tliem it increaſes to a cer- pute the true Magnitude of either tain Liinit ; and then again de- of chem. Becauſe the Sun and Moon creaſes. And particularly it is found that 187. and fol. 1 1 APP APP that the ſuperior Planets appear much greater when in oppoſition to the greater when they are in oppoſition Sun, than when it is near a Con- to the Sun, than when near a.Con- junction ; ſo that in July and Auguſt, junction ; and the inferior Planets in the Year 1529, it was taken for appear greater, when their Light a new Star, by reaſon of its pro- is lefſen'd, than when they ſhine digious. Magnitude. See Kepler. more bright; and particularly Ric- in Aftronom. Optic. c. ciolus ſays (in Almageft. Nov. lib.7. 333. feet.. 6. c. 10. f. 713.) that the Dia 4. The apparent Diameter of the meter of Mars is almoſt nine times Sun was obſerved by 10. P. mean. 1 // - 20 O 0 } O IO 1 IO -- greateſ. leat. Ptolemy (in his Almag. lib. 5. c. 14.}- f. m. 117.) -33 32 18 3r. 20 Tycho Brahe (in his Progymnafin. lib. 1. c. 1. p. m. 135.) - .32 31 30 Kepler (in his Tab. Rudolph. f. 92.) -31 4 30 30 30 Ricciolus (Afron. Reform. lib. 1. c. 12. f. 38. -32 8 31 40 30 Callini (ſee in Ricciolus above)- 32 31 40 31 8 De la Hire (in Tab. Aſtron.)- -32 431 32 31 38 And now-a-days it is obferv'd ons and Oppoſitions, and the other that the Sun's apparent Diameter in the Quadratures; for the appa- is leaft when he is in o, and greateſt rent Diameter in thoſe is leſs, when in 4. and in theſe greateſt ; and the 5. There is a two-fold Increaſe l'eaſt in thoſe is leſs than the leaſt in and Decreaſe of the Moon's apparent theſe. In the firſt Caſe we have by Diameter, the one in the Conjuncti- greateft. leaſt. 1 Ptolemy (in the Place as above.) -31 20 35 20 -25 36 28 48 Oppoſition. -32 36 O Kepler. -30 32 44 De la Hire, - 29 30 1 33 30 Tycho (in the Conjunet . } • I B 1 O -42 1 Tycho Brahe. In the latter Caſe by leaft. greateft. I / Ptolemy. 8 155 -32 32 i 36 6. Hevelius ( in Tractatu de Mer- perior. Planets by different Authors curio in Sole viſo, f. 101.) exhibits as follows. the apparent Diameter of the lu- 1 Albategnius Α Ρ Ρ A PP ol: 읽 0. 18, 24 49.. 46 46 24. 22 leaft. mean. greatefi. 1 // / / 1. 29. 13 1. 44. 13 2. 5. 59 1. 34. O 1. 50. O . 12. 0 0. 21. O 0, 25. O O 38. 0. 46. 0 0. 57 O I. 12. 0 o. 14. 10 16. 2 0. 19. 40 2. 9. 25 2. 36. 40 3. 2. 4. 0 2. 45. O 3. 59. . 30. 0 O. 38. O. 50, O 0. 38. 18 0. 1. 8 14. 36o. 18. 2 0. 0. 54 I. 34. 6. IO, 0 o. 57: I. 40. 0 O. 54. 0 34. O . 10. O 22. I. 32. o. 2. 46 . 5. 2 0. 20. 50 I. 49. O 3. 8. O 1. 52. O 3. 15. 0 4. 40. 2. O 1. O 7 6. O. 33. 30 1. 4 4- 8. O 9. 34 0. 16. 46 5 I. 2. 5. 20 3. 41. 45 1. 29. o 2. 10. O, 3. 57. 0. 9. 20 0. 13. 48 | o. 0. 4.. '4. O. 6. 3. 0. II. 48 Albategnius B Tycho Keplerus Ricciolus Hevelius Albategnius # Tycho Keplerus Ricciolus Hevelius Albategnius 1o Tycho Keplerus Ricciolus Hevelius Albategnius ? Tycho Keplerus Ricciolus Hevelius Albategnius 18 Tycho Ricciolus Hevelius 이 6. 46. I. 6. 30. 1 16. 42. 48. I 2 1 58 27. 21 le 25. 12 7. Mr. Huygens, (in Syſtem. Satur. accurately performed. As to the nino, p. 77. and fol.) has obſerved, apparent Diameters of the fix'd by the moſt exact Method, the leaſt Stars, by the beſt Infruments that Diameter of ħ to be 30"; of its have been yet invented, they have Ring 1'8"; of H, to be 1'. 4"; of , hitherto appeared but as ſo many to be 30'; of p, to be 1'. 25". He- Points. Even Mr. Huygens ſays, he velius found the apparent Diameter found the apparent Diamcter of the of Mercury, when ſeen in the Sun, Dog-ſtar not to be more than 4". to be not more than 11" 4". APPARENT DISTANCE, is that 8. The great Difference between Diſtance which we judge an Object the apparent Diameter, as given to be from us when ſeen afar off, by the Ancients, from what the being moſt commonly very different Moderns obſerve them to be, is, from the true Diſtance; becaule we that (thoſe, ſuch as Albategnius and are apt to think that all very re- Tycho,) they took them by the mote Objects, whoſe Parts cannot naked Eyes only; but the Moderns well be diſlinguiſhed, and which uſe Teleſcopes, by which the falſe have no other Object in vicw near Light cauſing them to appear bigger them, to be at the ſame Diſtance then really they are, is removed from us, tho' perhaps they may be Indeed Ricciolus uſed Teleſcopes ; thouſands of Miles, as in the Caſe but then he wanted a Micrometer : of the Sun and Moon. without which the thing cannot be APPARENT Figure, is that Figure A PP APP no more Figure or Shape which an Object 1. All things appear the leſs, the appears under when view'd át a more remote they are; and it is Diſtance, being often very different found by Experience when their from the true Figure. For a ſtreight Diítance becomes ſo great that the Line, view'd at a Diſtance, may ap- apparent Magnitude is pear but as a Point ; a Surface, as a than an Angle of one ſecond, they Line ; and a Solid, as a Surface; and will become ſo fmall as to appear each of theſe of different Magni- but like a Point, and be no more tudes, and the two laft of different ſeen. Figures, according to their Situa 2. Thofe things G F and CH tions with regard to the Eye. Thus which appear under the ſame Angle an Arch of a Circle may appear a G ſtraight Line, a Square or Oblong C a Trapezium, or even a Triangle, a Circle, an Ellipfis ; ang ular Mag- E B В nitudes, round ; a Sphere, a Circle, &c. A Alſo any ſmall Light (as a Candle, Link, &c.) ſeen at a diſtance in the D Dark, will appear magnified, and farther off than really it is. CAH, have their Magnitudes pro- Add to this, that ſeveral Ob- portional to their Diſtances A E, jects ſeen at a diſtance under Angles AB, that are ſo ſmall as that each of 3. If the Eye O be placed be- them is inſenſible, as well as each tween two Parallels AB, CD, theſe of the Angles ſubtended by any one Parallels will appear to converge of them, and that next to it ; I ſay all theſe Objects will appear to be A E contiguous, to conſtitute, and feem but one continued Magnitude. APPARENT MAGNITUDE of an 0 Object, is the Magnitude of an Ob- ject as it appears to the Eye, and its Meaſure is the Quantity of the C F D Optick Angle; as let DC be an Object view'd by an Eye at A and or come nearer and nearer to each other, the further they are conti- nued out, and at laſt will appear to C coincide in that point where the Sight terminates, which will happen when the optick Angle BOD be- E comes equal to about one Second. А 4. The apparent Magnitudes of the fame Object DC, (ſee Fig.above) ſeen at the Places A and B, that is, the Angles CAD, and CBD, are B, then the Angle CAD is the op- in a Ratio leſs than the reciprocal parent Magnitude of that Object Ratio of the Diſtances AE and BE; ſeen at A, and the Angle CBD, its but when the Object is very remote, apparent Magnitude, when view'd or the optick Angles CAB, CBD not above one Degree or there E abouts, B B ) D at B. A A PP APP bouts, they are nearly as the Difu appear of the fame bigneſs. This tances reciprocally. is done by defcribing two fimilar of upon each of will appear of the fame Magnitude the Lines , and their points de from any Point, as C of the Peri- terſection will be the Point fought; phery; ſo that the beſt Figure for a and indeed the Curve in which all ſuch Points D do fall, will be one of the fifth order, as it is eaſy to find by Computation. 8. If three Situations F, D and E, of the Eye be wanted, fuch, that any given Parts A B, BC, of an } F D А B Theatre is the Segment of a Circle, where the Actors are in a Chord, F and the Spectators in the Periphery. E .6. The equal Parts of the ſame Line appear unequal, alſo equal Objects at the ſame Diſtance, but А. B ſome more oblique to the Eye than others ; thoſe will appear to be Object AC, as alſo the whole Ob- biggeſt that are more direct to the ject ſhall all appear of the fame Eye. Magnitude ; it is. but deſcribing 7. To find the Poſition D of the three Semi-circles, or three ſimilar Eye being ſuch, that viewing the Segments of Circles upon the ſaid Parts, and the whole 'Object; and the ſaid Parts and Whole will appear of the ſame Magnitude from any Points F, D and E, in the re- D ſpective Peripheries of thoſe Circles. 9. And if it were required to find А. thé Locus of the Point M, being B ſuch that an Eye placed at it ſhall unequal Objects A B, BC, they ſhall always fee unequal Parts, A B, BC M . 1 1 А B C of the ſame Ohject, of the ſame M of this Semi-circle, the right Lines Magnitude, it is but continuing out MA, MB, MC be drawn ; the B C the leſſer Part to D, ſo that CD Angles A MB, BMC will be e- be a fourth Proportional to BC, qual. AC, and deſcribing a Semi circle 10. Altho' the optick Angle be the upon BD; for if from any Point uſual Meaſure of the apparent Mag- nitude APP Α Ρ Ρ nitude of an object, yet Cuſtom and nitude ; ſo that the apparent Mag- the frequent Experience of looking nitude of an Object will be judged at diftant Objects, by which we to be more than in the Ratio of the know they are bigger than they optick Angle ; and perhaps this appear, has ſo far prevail'd upon may be the whole (or at leaft Part the Imagination, as to cauſe this of the Cauſe) why two Rows of too, to have ſome ſhare in our Ef- Trees A B, C D placed in two right timation of the apparent Mag- Lines AB, CD, meeting in the B 1 A . 0 1 C + D Point O, will not appearto be parallel or leſs; and ſince in the ſame to an Eye placed at 0,but too much Perſon the more Light there comes diverging ; when nevertheleſs,if the from an Object, the leſs will the optick Angle be the ſole meaſure Pupil of his Eye, looking at that of the apparent Magnitude, they Object, be ; the optick Angle will muft appear parallel; and I doubt be leſs too, and ſo will the apparent not but would do ſo, to one that Magnitude of the Object. I have fhould look at them juſt after he often experienced the truth of this, was recover'd from a Blindneſs `by looking at a Perſon with me in which he always had before. This a Room, (not having ſo much Light too may be part of the Reaſon why as out of doors) at Noon Day, and an Object at a confiderable Diſtance afterwards looking at him at the horizontally appears_bigger, than fame Diſtance when we have been when at the ſame Diſtance verti- both out of doors in the Sun Shine, cally ; as the Sun and Moon near for he always to me appear'd bigger the Horizon appear bigger than in the Room than out of Doors. So when in the Meridian, and the Ball alſo Objects up in the Air, having (for Inſtance) of St. Paul's Croſs, more Light coming from them than which is fix Feet in Diameter, when they are upon or near the appears leſs when ſeen from the Ground, may appear leſs in the for- Ground, than if it was placed at the mer than in the latter Caſe. ſame Diſtance on the Ground. 12. It is ſomewhat extraordinary 11. The apparent Magnitude of the that Epicurus and his Followers (Men fame Object at the ſame Diſtance, of tolerable Judgmentin many thing) will be different to different Perſons, ſhould be ſo ſtupid and enormouſly and different Animals, and even to miſtaken, when they ſay the Sun, the ſame Perſon, when view'd in Moon, and Stars are no bigger than different Lights ; all which may be they appear to be. We find Epi- occaſion’d by the different Mag- curus himſelf afferting this in his nitudes of the Eye, caufing the op. Epifle to Pythocles, to be fcen in tick Angle to differ as that is bigger Epicurusas > APP APP Epicurus's Life given by Diogenes, lib. 5: de Natura Rerum fings the Laertius, lib. 1o. Lucretius too in fame in theſe Words, Nec nimio folis major rota nec minor Ardor Ele poteft, noftris quam fenfibus effe videtur. And again, Lunaque five Notho fertur loco Lumine luftrans, Sive ſuam proprio jactat de Corpore Lucem, Quicquid id eft nihilo fertur majore Figura, Quam noftris oculis quam cernimus effe videtur. Thus rendered into Engliſh by Creech, But farther on : The Sun and Moon de bear No greater Heats, nor Figures than appear. And thus the Moon, Whether with borrow'd Rays or with her own, $he views the World, carries no larger Size, No fiercer Flames, than thoſe that ſtrike our Eyes. Our blundering Hobbes too affirms." o off, that its Diſtance took away the ſame thing " any of its Magnitude. The chief Reaſon they give is, 13. If the Eye be placed in a rare " That as we retire from any Fire, Medium, and views an Object thro' “ ſo long as we are within ſuch a a denſer, as Glaſs or Water, « Diſtance from it, that we can having plane Surfaces ; that Ob- perceive its Light and Heat, the ject will appear bigger than it is, « Fire ſeems no leſs than it does and contrarywiſe. And in each 56 when we are near it ; but we Caſe the apparent Magnitude QH “ feel the Heat, and perceive the will be to the true Magnitude AB, “ Light of the Sun ; therefore the in a. Ratio compounded of FL the “ Sun is of the ſame Magnitude as Diſtance of the Point F, to which “ it appears to be ; and as to the the Rays from B and A go unrea “ Moon, we ſee the utmoſt Verge fracted from the refracting Surface, or and Face of it diſtinctly, which to the Diſtance GL of the Eye we ſhould not do, if it were ſo far from the fame, and of the Diſtance D A L G M F E Б H GM of the Eye from the Object, the Object A B be very remote ; it to FM the Diſtance of the Object will be AB : MH:: GL :FL ; from the fame : that is QH: AB :: for in this Cale FM will be nearly FLXGM : GLX FM. And if =GM, and the nearer the Object is . APP A PP 1 is to the Surface (of the Medium tances AB, A E from the Eye, they next to it) the bigger it will appear will ſeem to move with the fame to be, even till it touches that Sur- Velocity. 3. But if the molt remote face where it is ſeen at its greateſt E, move flower than the neareſt, Bigneſs; and coming within the the Motion of the neareſt will ap- Medium, it will again become leſs, pear to be much ſwifter than it (tho' it will ſtill appear greater than is. And if they both move the ſame it really is) the nearer it approaches . way, the apparent Velocities are in the Surface next to the Eye. And a Ratio compounded of the direct hence it is that Fiſhes or any thing Ratio of the true Velocities, and elſe, ſeen in the Water from one in the inverſe Ratio of the Diſtances the Air, appear bigger than when AB, AE from the Eye. 5. The in the Air. Object E moving with any Velocity 14. The apparent Magnitude of whatever, will ſeem to be at reſt, an Object will alſo be augmented, if the Ratio of the Space it really by looking at it thro' a Globe of deſcribes in one Second of Time, be Glaſs, or Water, or any convex to the Diſtance thereof from the Eye, ſpherical Segments of theſe; and as i to 1400, or as even i to 1300. on the contrary, it will be dimi- For ſince the Motion of the Hour- niſhed, when view'd thro' a Concave Hand of a Clock, and the Motion of Glaſs, or Water. See more under of the Stars about the Earth, are not the Word Lens. viſible to the Eye, and in one Se- APPARENT CONJUNCTION. cond of Time, an Arch of 15 Se- See Conjunction apparent. conds is paſs’d over, it is evident APPARENT HORIZON. See the the way moved thro' by a moveable Horizon. Body is imperceptible, if it be ſeen APPARENT MOTION, is either under an Angle of 15 Seconds, and that Motion which we perceive a much more fo, when it appears under diftant Body really moving to have a leſs Angle. 6. It is poſſible (when we perceive it move, or know for the Motion of a Body to be ſo it does by its change of Place) ſwift, as that throughout the whole while the Eye is at reſt or in mo Space it deſcribes there ſhall con- tion, or that Motion which an Ob- ſtantly appear a Solid, as it were ject at reft ſeems to have, while the generated by the Motion of the Eye is in motion. greateſt Section thereof, (which Sec- . The Motions of Bodies at a great tion is perpendicular to the way Diſtance, tho' really movirg very moved thro’j ſo that if the Body be equally, and deſcribing equal Spaces a Sphere, and it moves in a right in equal Times, may appear to be Line, (not in the Direction of the very unequal and irregular to the Eye) inſtead of ſeeing the ſaid Sphere, Eye, which can only judge (as a Sphere,) you will ſee a Cy- Ee of them by the Mutation of linder, having the Diameter of its the Angle at the Eye; as Baſe for the Section of the greateſt particularly, i. If two Ob- Circle of that Sphere ; and if that jects B and Eat unequal Dif- Sphere revolves in a Circle, inſtead tance from the Eye A, at reſt, of viewing a Sphere, you will ſee move with the fame Velocity; a cylindrical or elliptical Ring; the moſt remote. E will ap- and whether this may not be che, pear to move the floweſt ; caſe of Saturn's Ring, I leave to and, 2. If their Velocities others to judge. A ſmall Inſtance Al be proportional to their Dil- of the Truth of this, will appear from 1 APP Α Ρ Ρ from the boyiſh Performance of Object at reſt at H, will appear trundling a crooked Stick, one End to move the contrary way, v.Z. of which is on fire, between your from H to I with the ſame Velo- Fingers, in a dark Place. For while city the Eye moves. But if that this is ſwiftly done, you will per- Object moves the ſame way in the ceive an agreeable Curve of Fire. 7. fame Direction with the fame Ve- The more oblique the Eye is to the locity that the Eye has, that Object Line or Plane which a diſtant will ſeem to ſtand ſtill. If the Object Body moves in, the more will the has lefs Velocity than the Eye, the apparent Motion differ from the true Motion. 8. So that if a Body I H revolves equably in the Circumfe- rence of the Circle ABFCED, de- ſcribing equal. Arches in equal times, and the Eye be at 0 in the 0 Plane of that Circle ; it will, when G k А : B Object will appear to go backwards, with a Velocity equal to the Dif- ference of their Velocities. But if the Object has a greater, it will C appear to go forwards with that Difference. D If an Object and the Eye move E contrary ways in the ſame Direction with any Velocities, the Object will appear to go backward with the Sum of the Velocities of both, The truth of all this appears to any one fitting in a Boat moving in a River, as alſo in any Wheel- Carriage that is running faſt ; and viewing Houſes or Trees, & c. on the Shoar or Road Side, or other Boats or Wheel Carriages in Mo- at the Point A, ſeem for ſome tion. time to ſtand ſtill, and conſtantly APPARENT PLACE of an Ob. afterwards to move faſter, till it jest, in Opticks, is that in which gets to the Point F, where the it appears when ſeen thro' or in Motion appears to become greateſt; Glaſs, Water, or other refracting after which it appears to decreaſe, Subſtances, being moſt commonly till the Body comes to C, where it different from the true Place. will again ſeem to ſtand ſtill; and Thus, 1. The apparent Place of then again, its apparent Motion an Object ſeen thro” (or in) Glaſs will increaſe backwards, till the or Water, terminated by parallel Body arrives at E, where it will Planes, will be brought nearer to ſeem again to move faſteſt ; after the Eye than its real Place. which while it is going from E to an Object be ſeen thro' a convex A, it will appear to decreaſe. Claſs, its apparent Place will be If the Eye moves directly for- more remote from the Eye than its wards from G to O, &c. any remote true place. 3. If an Object be ſeen F thros 2. If APP A PP ! thro' à concave Glaſs, its appa- Parts of the fame Pupil, be in dif rent Place will be brought nearer ferent Planes of Reflexion, the to the Eye than its true Place. Image of the Object will moſtly APPARENT PLAC# of the Image appear in the Concurrence of the of an Object, in Catoptricks, is that reflected Rays, with the Perpendi- where the Image of an Object made cular drawn from the Object to by the Reflexion of 'a Speculum ap- the Plane of the Speculuin ; yet pears to be in. The Ancients (as ſomecimes it will appear without Euclid, in his Catoptricks; Albazen that Perpendicular, viz. when the and Vitellio, in their Opticks ;) give Eye is very near to the Speculum, it for a general Rule, that the ap- and the Object be removed from parent Place of the image of an Ob- it beyond the Centre. Add to this, jećt ſeen by Reflexion, is where the that if an Object be placed in the Teflected Rays meet the Perpendicu- Focus, it cannot be ſeen at all. (See lar drawn from the Object to the Wolfius's Gatoptr. ſ. 51. 188.233, Plane of the Speculum, (ſo that iſ 234.) the Speculum be a Plane, the appa The Doctrine of the apparent rent Place of the image will be at Places of the Images of Objects in the fame Diſtance behind the Specu- ſpherical Speculums, as well convex lum as the Eye is before it; if con as concave, is not quite perfect ; for : vex, it will appear behind the Glaſs becauſe different Planes of Reflexion nearer to the fame ; but if con- cannot be conveniently delineated cavé, it will appear before the Spe- in the fame Plane ; neither can it culum :) Tho they lay down this be eaſily demonſtrated which of the Rule as general, and indeed is uni- Rays proceeding from the ſame verſally true in plain and convex Point in the Speculum, and reflect- ſpherical Speculums, and moſt ed to different Parts of the Pupil, commonly too in ſpherical concave meet; it has been hitherto thought fit Speculums ; yet, there are a few to lay it down as a Maxim, ſatisfying Cafes in which the true Rule fails, moft Phenomena, that the apparent as has been ſhewn long ſince by Place of the Image, is where the re- Kepler (in his Paralipomena in Vi- flected Rays meet with the Perpen- tellionem. prop. 18. p. 70. and fol.) dicular drawn from the Object to One of them is this, that if two Eyes the Plane of the Speculum. In D and E, be in the fame Plane cylindrical and conical Speculums, with the Perpendicular AF, drawn it is found, by Experience, that the from the Object, to the Plane of Image is not far from the Surface ; but what Lines, are there interſect- D ed, where the Image appears, is not E yet determined ; no more than in Speculums of other Shapes, where the Loci of the images have not yet been geometrically determined. H APPAREN'T Place of a Planet, in Aftronomy, is that point upon the Surface of the Sphere of the F World, whereat we ſee the Centre of the Sun, 'Moon or Stars, from the the Speculum, the Place of the Surface of the Earth. Image will appear to be at Hon APPLICATE, i a Right-Line, Ordinate or this Side the ſaid Perpendicular. otherwiſe called Moreover, if both Eyes or different Scori-Ordinair. Which fce. AP- an 1 A QU I ab ab A PP APPLICATION, is ſometimes the actly. There are ſeveral Methods geometrical Term for Diviſion ; of Approximation laid down by but Application alſo ſignifies the Dr. Wallis, Mr. Ralphſon, Dr. fitting or applying one Quantity Halley, Ward, &c. and they are to another, whoſe Areas, but not all nothing but a Series infinitely Figures, are the ſame. Thus Eu- converging or approaching ſtill clid, lib. 6. prop. 28. ſhews how to nearer to the Quantity ſought, ac- apply a Parallelogram to a Right- cording to the Nature of the Series. Line given, that ſhall be equal to a If there be any Non-Quadrat or Right-lin'd Figure given. Non-Cubick. Number, the former Apöly. This Word is uſed being expreſs'd by aat-b, and the three Ways. latter by aaa tb, where aa andaaa 1. It fignifies to transfer a Line are the greatelt Square and Cube in given into à Circle, (moſt uſually,) the propoſed Numbers, then will or into any other Figure ; ſo that its Ends ſhall be in the Perimeter Vaath = at and of the Figure. 2aat 16. 2. It is alſo uſed to expreſs, Dia Vai tb=a+ viſion in Geometry, eſpecially by 3 aaa+b. the Latin Writers, who as they fay duc A B in CB, (draw A B into žatvlaaf b nearly. C B) when they would have AB 3а multiply'd by CB, or (rather) Theſe will be eaſy and expeditious have a Right-angled Parallelogram Approximations to the Square and made of thoſe Lines. So they ſay Cube Root. applica AB ad CB, (apply AB to Arron, is a piece of Lead that CB,) when they would have CB wraps over, or covers the Vent or divided by AB ; which is thus Touch-Hole of a piece of Ord- CB exprefs?d Ав" APSIS, is uſed as well for the 3. It fignifies alſo to fit Quan- higheſt Part of an Orbit, to which tities, whoſe Area's are equal, but when a Planet comes, it is at the Figures different ; as, when Euclid, greateſt Diſtance from the Sun, as in his fixth Book, ſhews how on a the loweſt Part of that Orbit, when Line given to apply a Parallelo- the Planet is in its neareſt Diſtance gram, equal to a Right-lind Fi. to the Sun. gure given. . . The Line of the Apfis or Apfides, APPROAChes, in Fortification, is a Line drawn from the Apheli- are Works caſt up on both sides ; un to the Perihelium, ſo call'd, becauſe the Befiegers, by AQUARIUS, a Conſtellation in that means, may draw ncar a For- the Heavens, being the eleventh treſs, without fear of being dif- Sign in the Zodiack, and is com- covered by the Enemy. Or Ap- monly mark'd with this Character proaches are all Sorts of Advan- en ons and conſiſts of thirty three tages, by the Help of which an Scars. Advancement may be made to AQUEDUCT, is a Conduit of wards a Place beſieg’d. Water, and ſignifies an artificial APPROXIMATION, in Arith- Canal. either running under ground, metick, or Algebra, is a continual or rais'd above it, and ſerving to Coming ſtill nearer and nearer to convey Water from one place to the Root or Quantity fought, another according to their Level, without expecting to have is ex- F2 cance. } not- + A RC ARC B C IX3 ? + 2 x 4x6x7 u9&c. notwithſtanding the Unevenneſs of dius AD, as the Arc B C is to the the intermediate Ground. The Rois Arc DE, then the Arcs BC and mans built ſeveral very conſider- DE are ſimilar. If the Radius able ones in their City : And Ju- lius Frontinus, who had the Di- rection of them, tells us of nine which diſcharg'd themſelves thro' 1314 Pipes of an Inch Diameter ; and Blaſius upon Livy obſerves, that AS theſe Aqueducts brought into Rome above ſooooo Hogſheads of Wa- ter, in the Space of twenty-four Hours. E E AQUEOUS HUMOUR, or the AD of any Arch D E be ſuppos'd watry Humour of the Eye, is the I, and the Sine DF thereof be utmoſt, being tranſparent, and of callid y, then the Length of the no Colour; it fills up the Space that Arch D E will be expreſsd by this lies between the Cornea Tunica infinite Series; and the Cryſtalline Humour. IX3X5 AQUILA, or VULTUR VOLANS, 37+3+ a Conſtellation in the - Northern 2x3 2X445 * Hemiſphere, conſiſting of thirty 1X3X5X79 two Stars. 5+2x4x6x8x9 Ara, the Altar, a Southern Con- And if the firſt Term of this Series ſtellation containing eight Stars. be called A, the ſecond B, the ARACHNOIDES, is the Cryſtal- third C, the fourth D, Qc. and the line Tunic of the Eye ; by ſome fecond be multiply'd by }, the third called alſo Aranea. Tunica, or Cry by }, the fourth by si &c. then Pallina, and is that which fur- that'Series will become this: rounds and contains the Cryſtal reaſon _3 thin Contexture, like that of the Web of a Spider, it has the 5 Name of Aranea. This Coat, by 6x7 +Cy2+%26+%Dy+ 8x9 means of the Ciliary Proceſſes, helps to move the Cryſtalline &c. Humours of the Eye nearer to, or further from, the Retina, and per ARCHES, in Architecture, are haps alſo to render its Figure more Parts of the inward Support of any or leſs Convex. Superſtructure, and they are either ARCH, or Arc, in general is circular, elliptical, or ſtreight, (as the any part of a Curve Line; but it Work-men improperly call them.) is more uſually taken for any Part ARCHES (ELLIPTICK,) were for- of the Circumference of a Circle. mcrly much uſed inſtead of Mantle- Arcs (EQUAL) of the ſame trees in Chimneys : They had a Circle, are ſuch that contain the Key Stone, and Chaptrels, or Im- fame Number of Degrees. posts, and confiſted of two Haunſes ARCS (SIMILAR ;) if the Arc and a Scheme. BC does contain the ſame Num ARCHES (GOTHICK,) are ſuch ber of Degrees as the Arc DE; as are uſed in Gothick Buildings, or if the Radius A B is to the Ra- call’d by the Italians Diterzo & di 9 IOXII 1 or A Ř C ARC di quarto acuto, or of third and. chitecture are numerous. Some of fourth Point, becauſe they confift them are, Philander, Barbarus, of two Arches of a Circle, meeting Salmafius, Baldus, Leo Baptiſta Alber- in an Angle at the Top, and drawn tus, Gauricus, Demoniofus, Perrault, from the Diviſion of a Chord into Di P’Orme, Rivius, Sir Henry Wotton, three, four or more Parts, at plea-' Serlio, Palladio, Strada, Vignola, ſure. Scamozzi, Dieul'art, Catanei, Fre- Arch'd (SKENE, SCHEME,) is a ard, Dé Chambray, Blondel,' Gold- fiat Arch, leſs than a ſemicircular one. man, Sturmy, Dominicus de Roſi, Arches (STREIGHT,) as the Defgodetz, Baratteri, Mayer, Gu- Workmen improperly call them, lielmus. Theſe three laſt treating which are uſed over Windows and of Water-Architecture. To which Doors, &c. have plain ſtreight may be added an anonymous French Edges both upper and under, which Treatiſe concerning the making are parallel, but both the Ends of Rivers Navigable. and Joints do all point towards a ARCHITECTURE (Milita- certain Centre. They are now uſual. RY) inſtructs us in the beſt Ways ly about a Brick and a half thick; of fortifying Cities, Camps, Sea- which, when rubb’d, is about Ports, any other places of twelve Inches. The levelling End Strength. And, of this Arch is called the Skew Architecture (NAVAL,) is Back; and the ſeveral Joints be- the building of Ships. tween the Courſes of Bricks in the ARCHITRAVE is the princi- Arch, the Workmen call the Som- pal Beam, or Poitrail in any Build- mering ing, and the firſt Member of the ARCHIPELAGUS, in Geogra- Entablement, being that which phy, is a part of the Sea, con bears upon the Column, and is taining many ſmall Iſands one near made ſometimes of a ſingle Sum- another, and conſequently manymer, as appears in moſt of the an- little Seas denominated from thoſe cient Buildings, and ſometimes of Iſlands ; as, the Grecian Archipe- ſeveral Hauntes, as is uſual in the laro, or Ægean Sea. Works of the Moderns. It is call'd ARCHITECT, is one that under- the Reaſon-Piece or Maſter-Beam, ſtands Architecture, which is the in Timber Buildings; but in Chin- Art or Science of well Building, neys it is called the Mantlepiece; that is, of conceiving an Idea of and over the Jaumbs of Doors, and an Edifice in the Mind, and build- Lintels of Windows, Hyperthyron. ing it according to the fame, ſo as ARCTICK CIRCLE, is a leſler to anſwer the End of the Builder ; Circle of the Sphere, or Globe, and is divided into Civil, Military, parallel to the Equator, and 23 and Naval. 30'. from the North Pole of the ARCHITECTURE ( Civil,) World, from whence it takes its teaches how to make any kinds of Name. This, and the Antarctick Buildings ; as Palaces, Churches, Circle, which is one parallel to the or private Houſes. Equator, and at the ſame Diſtance The molt ancient Writer of Ar- from the South Pole, are call'd chitecture extant, is Vitruvius, who the tivo Polar Circles. lived in the Reign of Augufius the ARCTOPHYLAX. See Brötis. Roman Emperor, to whom he dedi ARCTURUS: A fix'd Star of cated his ten Books on that Subject ; the firſt Magnitude, placed in the and lince him the Writers on Ar. Skirt of Arčophylax. ARBU, 1 E 3 A RI ARI 1 $ Area, of any ſuperficial Figure, Homberg of Paris in the Memoirs of n Geometry, is the internal Capa- the French Academy for the Year city or Space containd within the 1699. Lines or Line bounding it in the AREOSTYLE, in Architecture, is ſquare Parts of any Meaſure; as, a fort of Edifice where the Pillars D are ſet at a great diſtance from one another. Argo Navis, a Southern Con- ſtellation, conſiſting of forty-two Stars, ARGUMENT of Inclination, is an Arc of an Orbit, intercepted be- tween the Node aſcending, and the Place of the Planet from the Sun, being number'd according to the Succeſſion of Signs. ARGUMENT of the Moon's Lati- А B tude, is her Diſtance from the Node. ARIES, a Conſtellation of Stars ſuppoſe the Side A B of the Paralle- drawn on the Globe in the Figure logram ABCD to be three Inches, of a Ram. It is the firſt of the or three Foot, or three Yards, &c. twelve Signs of the Zodiack, and and the Side A C to be four Inches, mark'd thus r, and conſiſts of nine- or four Foot, or four Yards, &c. teen Stars. then the Area or ſuperficial Capaci ARITHMETICK, is the Art or ty of the ſaid Parallelogram will be Science of Numbers. twelve Inches, or twelve Foot, or Proclus, in his Commentary, upon twelve Yards, or will contain twelve the firſt Book of Euclid, ſays, that the little equal Squares, each of whoſe Phænicians, by reaſon of their Traf- Sides is one Inch, or one Foot, or fick and Commerce, were thought to be the firſt Inventors of Arith- For the Areas of Figures, ſee un metick. Which Pythagoras and his der their reſpective Names. Followers, as alſo the Egyptians, AREOMETER, is an Inſtrument Greeks, and Arabians afterwards to meaſure the Gravity of Liquors ; much improved; as Clavius and o- and it is uſually made of a tlün fine thers tell us. But if we are to judge glaſs Ball, with a long taper Neck, of the Knowledge of thoſe Antients feald at the top, there being firit as in Arithmetick from their Writings much running Mercury put into it upon the Subject, which have been as will ſerve to keep it ſwimming in tranſmitted to us, we may ſafely an exact Poliure. The Stem, or conclude, that their Advances here- Neck, is divided into Parts, which in were but very ſhort and ſcanty: are number'd, that ſo by the depth For ſetting aſide Euclid, who indeed of its Deſcent into any Liquor, its has given ſeveral very plain and Lightneſs may be known by thoſe pretty Properties of Numbers in his Diviſions : for that Flaid or Liquor Elements, and Archimedes in his Ä- in which it finka lealt, mult be hea. renar, they moſtly confift in dry vieft ; and that in which it finks diſagreeable Diſtinctions and Divi- molt, will be lighteſt fions of Numbers : as may be ſeen, There is another rewer Inliru- in ſome ſort, in Nichomachus's and ment of this kind deſcribed by Mr. Boetius's Arithmetick. Nor is the 3 Greck one Yard. now. ARI A RI Greek Manner of Numeration, by gicourt, in the Hiſtory of the Royal the Letters of the Alphabet, at all Academy of Sciences for the Year1703, fit for the Performance of the prac- p. 105. gives us a Specimen thereof tical Parts of Multiplication, Divi- about Arithmetical Progreſſionals; fion, &c. with the Eaſe and Expe- where he fhews, that becauſe in Bi- dition that they are now-a-days per- nary Arithmetick only two Cha- formed by the Indian Figures, or racters are uſed, therefore the Laws nine Digits. of Progreſion may be the eaſieft of Dr. Wallis, in his Hiſtory of Alge- all diſcover'd by it. bra, ſays, that there are at Oxford ARITHMETIck (COMMON.) two Arithmetical Manuſcripts of This fignifies the practical Rules of Johannes de Sacro Bofco, who died Addition, Subtraction, Multiplica- about the Year 1250, wherein the tion, Diviſion, &c. of Numbers, Operations of Addition, Subtraction, and Decimal Fractions. Multiplication, Diviſion, and Ex ARITHMETICK (DECADAL,) is traction of the ſquare and cube Roots the Arithmetick which we uſe by are performed much the ſame as the nine. Figures and a Cypher, which is commonly attributed to be Boetius's Arithmetick was wrote the Invention of the Arabians, and in the ſixth Century. And in the was, no doubt, taken from the ninth Century, Pjellius wrote a Number of our Fingers, which is Compendium of the ancient Arith- ten ; becauſe, in Computations, we metick in Greek, tranſlated into La- uſe the Fingers before we underftand tin by Xylander, and publiſhed anng Arithmetick. 1556, at Bafil. Such a Compen ARITHMETICK (DECIMAL) is dium too was publiſhed by Willi- the Doctrine of decimal Fractions. chius, an. 1540. Other Writers are ARITHMETICK (INSTRUMEN- Jordan, (whoſe Arithmetick was TAL,) is the Performance of the publiſhed an. 1480) Barlaam the Rules of Common Arithmetick by Monk, Frater Lucas de Burgo, Sti- Inſtruments. fel, Nicholas Tartaglia, Maurolycus, ARITHMETICK (LOGARITH- Heniſchius, Andrea Tacquet, Clavius, METICA L.,) is the Doctrine of Lo- Leotaude, Wells, Metius, Gemma Fri- garithms. fius, Wingate, Kerſey, Bayer, Hat ARITHMETICK (POLITICAL,) ton, Cunn (of Fractions,) Weſton, is the Application of Arithmetick to with a Multitude of others, too ma- Politicks. ny to ſet down here. But the beſt ARITHMETICK (SEXA G E S 1- and moſt abſolute Work of this kind, MAL) is the Doctrine of Sexageſi- both as to Matter, Order, Clearneſs mal Fractions. of Expreſſion, and even Language, ARITHMETICK (Specious) is is the Syſtem of Arithmetick, pub- the ſame as Algebra, liſhed in Language a few ARITHMETICK (TETRACTY- Years ago, at London, by the very CAL,) is that wherein only 1, 2, 3, ingenious Mr. Malcolm. and o are uſed. ARITHMETICK (BINARY,) is There is a Treatiſe of this Arith- that wherein only Unity, or i and metick written by Mr. Echard W'ci- o are uſed. This was deviſed by gel, a German. But borh Bisary A- Mr. Leibnitz, (ſee Miſcellanea Ben rithmetick and this are uleleis' Co- rolin. p. 336, og feq.) who thews it rioſities, eſpecially with regard to to be ape for diſcovering the Pro- the practical Part, ſince the Decadal perties of Numbers; and Mr. Dan. Arithmetick is received by a! Na- 1 our F 4 tions 1 ARI ARI 1 tions, and ingrafted in us while Sum of the Extremes is equal to Children, and ſince the Trouble of the Double of the Mean ; as 2, learning a new Numeration will 4, 6, are ſo ; whence 2+6=2X4. not be ballanç'd by the Advantage 2. If there be four Quantities in gain'd from it ; and laſtly, becauſe continual Arithmetical Proportion, Numbers may be vaſtly more com the Sum of the Extremes is equal pendiouſly expreſs’d by Decadal to the Sum of the Means ; as 2, 4, Arithmetick,than by either of theſe. 6, 8, are fo; whence 2+8=4+6. ARITHMETICK ( THEORETI 3. If never fo many Quantities CAL) is the Knowledge or Science are in an Arithmetical Progreſſion, of the Properties of Numbers, the Sum of the Extremes is always ARITHMETICK of Infinites, is equal to the Sum of any two Means the Method of ſumming up a Series, equally diſtant from the Extremes, or Row of Numbers, conſiſting of or to the Double of the middle infinite Terms, or of finding the Term, if the Number of Terms be Ratio's of them. odd; as ſuppoſe 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, This Method was firſt invented be an even Number of Terms, by Dr. Wallis, as may be ſeen in then 2+12=4+10=6+8 ; and if bis Opera Mathematica, vol. I. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, be an odd Number, where he ſhews the Uſe of it in then 2+10=2x6. Geometry, in finding the Area's of 4. The Sum of any Number of Superficies, and the Contents of So- Terms of an Arithmetical Progreſ- lids, and their Proportions. But the fìon, is equal to the Sum of the Method of Fluxions, which is a Extremes multiplied by half the univerſal Arithmetick of Infinites, Number of Terms, or half that performs theſe things much eaſier, Suin multiplied by the whole Num- and a Multitude of Things can be ber of Terms ; as the Sum of all perform'd by the latter, that the the Terms in the laſt Progreſſion former will not touch. ARITHMETICAL Co M PLE is=2+10 xz] or=5*2+10 30. MENT of a Logarithm, is what that 5. The Ratio of the Sum of an Logarithm wants of 10000000; as Arithmetical Progreffion, whether the Arithmetical Complement of the finite or infinite, whoſe firſt Term is Logarithm 8.15 4032 is 1.845968 ; 0, is to the Sum of as many Terms where every Figure, but the latt 8, equal to the greateſt ; as i to 2. is taken from 9, and that from 10. 6. The Ratio of the Sum of the ARITHMETICAL PROPORTI: Squares of every Term of an A- on, or PROGRESSION, is when rithmetical Progreſſion, beginning Numbers, or other Quantities, do at o, and continued to Infinity, is proceed by equal Differences, either as I to 3 increaſing or decreaſing ; 7. The Ratio of the Sum of the 6, 8, 10, &c. or a, 2a, 4a, 6a, Cubes of ſuch a Progreſſion, is to &c. or 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 56, 4a, the Sum of as many Terms, equal 3a, 2a, a ; where the two former to the greateſt ; as i to 4. Series are increaſing, and the two 8. And univerſally, if m be the latter decreaſing, the common Dif- Power that every Term of ſuch a ference in thoſe being. 2, and in theſe Progreſſion is raiſed to, the Sum of Here follows fome Properties all thoſe Powers will be to as many of Arithmetical Progreſſionals. Terms equal to the greateſt ; as I 1. If there are three Quantities to mtr. in Arithmetical Progrefion, the All thefe Theorems, but the laſt, 2 as 2, 4, I. are 1 6 ARM A SC are demonſtrated by Sturmy, in his ftone confiſis of two Steel Shells Matheſis Enucleata. faften'd to one another by a Joint, ARITHMETICAL INSTRU and muſt cover a good Part of the MENTs, are Inſtruments to per- Convexity of the Stone. This muſt form Arithmetical Operations with; be alſo filed away by degrees, until ſuch as Napier's-Bones, and Sli- the Effect of the Loadſtone is found ding Rules, &c. to be the greateſt poſſible. ARITHMETICAL MEAN, is the. It is very wonderful that the Ar- middle Term of three Quantities in mour of a Loadſtone will ſo much Arithmetical Progreſſion. augment its Effect, that good Stones Ark,the ſame as Arch. Which ſee. after they are arm’d, will lift up ARK of Direction or Progreſſion, above 150 Times more than before. in Aſtronomy, is that Arch of the There are indifferent good Load- Zodiack that a Planet appears to ſtones,which when unarmed weigh a- deſcribe, when its Motion is pro- bout three Ounces; but when armid, greſſive according to the Order of will lift up more than ſeven Pounds. the Signs. ARMILLARY SPHERE, is when In the Ptolemaick Syſtem, it is the greater and leffer Circles of the the Ark of the Epicycle, which a Sphere, being made of Braſs, Wood, Planet :deſcribes when it is progreſ- Palboard, & c. are put together in five according to the Order of the their natural Order, and plac'd in a Signs. Frame, ſo as to repreſent the true Ark of Retrogradation, is that Poſition and Motion of thoſe Circles. which a Planet deſcribes when it is ARTIFICIAL DAY, being the retrograde, or moves contrary to fame as the Natural Day, is that the Order of the Signs. Space of Time elapſed from the Ark of the firſt and ſecond Station, Riſing of the Sun to the Setting is the Ark that a Planet deſcribes thereof; whence the Length of the in the former or latter Semi-circum- Artificial Day, of thoſe inhabiting ference of its Epicycle, when it ap- under the Equinoctial will always pears ſtationary. be twelve Hours ; and to thoſe that Armin. A Loadſtone is ſaid to are nearer the Poles, the Artificial be armed, when it is capp'd, cafed, Day is ſo much the longer; ſo that or ſet in Iron or Steel, in order to the length of the Artificial Day to make it take up a greater Weight, and thoſe under the Poles, (if there be alſo to diſtinguiſh its Poles readily. any People there,) will be half Year. The Armour of a Loadſtone, in ARTIFICIAL Numbers, Sines, figure of a Right-angled Parallelo- and Tangents, are the Logarithms pipedon, confifts of two thin Pieces of the Natural Numbers, Sines, and of Steel or Iron, in figure of a Tangents. Square, having a Thickneſs propor ASCENDING Node, is that Point tional to the Goodneſs of the Stone; from whence a Planet runs North- for if a weak Stone has a ttrong Ar- ward beyond the Ecliptick. mour, it will produce no Effect ; and ASCENSIONAL DIFFERENCE, if the Armour of a ſtrong Load- is the Difference between the Right ftone be too thin, it will not pro- and Oblique Aſcenſion of any Point duce ſuch an Efect as when thick- in the Heavens ; or it is the Space er : A convenient Thickneſs for of Time the Sun riſes or ſets before or the Armour is found by filing it after fix o'Clock; as Co-T. Lat : thinner and thinner, until you find T. O Decl. ::R:S. of Aſcen- its Effect to be the greateſt poſſible. fional Difference, The' Armour of a Spherical Load- ASCENSION A S T AST ASCENSION (OBLIQUE,) is that nets, cut the Ecliptick in two Points, Degree and Minute of the Equi- that are fixty Degrees diſtant from noctial, reckoning from the Begin- one another, then thoſe Planets are ning of Aries, which riſes with the ſaid to be in a Sextile Aſpect. Un- Centre of the Sun, or a Star, or derſtand the ſame in others. which coines to the Horizon at the ASTERISM ; the ſame with Con- ſame time as the Sun, op a Star, in ftellation, or a Collection of many an Oblique Sphere. Stars into one Claſs, or Syſtem, ASCENSION (RIGHT) of the which is uſually on the Globe re- Sun, or a Star, is that Degree of preſented by ſome one particular the Equinoctial, accounted from Image, or Figure, to diſtinguiſh the the Beginning of Aries, which Stars that compoſe this Conſtella- riſes with it in a Right Sphere. tion from thoſe of others. R: Co-s, O's greateſt Decl. : : T. ASTRAGAL, from Aſtragalos in Dift. from r or a : T. Right Af- Greek, the Bone of the Heel, is a cenfion. little round Moulding, which en- Ascul are the Inhabitants of the compaſſes the Top of the firſt, Torrid Zone, which twice a Year or Shaft of a Column, and differs have the Sun (at Noon) in their only from the Torus in Bigneſs, Zenith, and conſequently then its Height being 1 Module, and their bodies caſt no Shadow. 3 Min. Whence comes the Name of Aſcii. ASTROLABE. The Name of a ASPECT, is the Situation of the plain Sphere, or Stereographick Planets and Stars, in reſpect of one' Projection of the Sphere, either up- another. Of theſe they commonly on the Plane of the Equinoctial, reckon five different Sorts. the Eye being ſuppoſed in the Pole 1. SEXTILE, is when two Pla- of the World, or upon the Plane of nets, or Stars, are fixty Degrees the Meridian, when the Eye is fup- from one another. poſed in the Point of Interſection 2. QUARTILE, when they are of the Equinoctial and Horizon. ninety Degrees diſtant from one Stofler, Gemma Frifius, and Clavius another. bave treated of this Projection. 3 TRINE, when they are diſtant ASTROLABE (SEA) is an In- 120 Degrees. ftrument for taking the Altitude of 4. OPPOSITION, when they are the Sun or Stars,at Sea ; being a large 18o diftant. braſsRing of about 15 Inches in Dia- 5.. CONJUNCTION, when they meter, whoſe Limb, or a convenient are both in the fame Degree. Part thereof, is divided into De- Kepler added eight new Aſpects grees and Minutes, with a move- to theſe, viz. the Demi-ſextile of able Index or Label, which turns 30°, the Decile of 36°, the Octile upon the Centre, and carries two of 45°, the Quintile of 72°, the Sights. At the Zenith is a Ring, Tredecile of 108°, the Seſquatile of to hang it by in time of Obſerva- 1359, the Biquintile of 144°, and tion, when you need only turn it the Quincunx of 150. to the Sun, that the Rays may paſs All theſe different Poſitions of the freely thro’ both the Sights, and Planets are reckond in the Eclip- the Edge of the Label cuts the Al- tick by the ſecondary Circles drawn titude in the Limb. This Inſtru- thro' the Centres of the Planets; ment, if well niade, (tho' not now that is, if the ſecondary Circles, much in uſe,) is as good, if not drawn throʻ the Centres of two Pla- better than any of the other Inftru- ments A S T AST ments that are uſed for taking the the Contrivance well known to our Altitude at Sea ; eſpecially for Inſtrument-Makers, of moving the taking of Altitudes between the Index, by help of a Screw on the Tropicks, when the Sun comes Edge of the Limb, and of readily near to the Zenith. and eaſily directing it, and the Qua- AsTROLOGY, is an Art that pre. drant upon its Pedeſtal, to any tends to foretel future Things from deſir'd Phänomena by means of the Motion of the heavenly Bodies, Screws and dentated Wheels, is a and their Afpects to one another, ſtill greater Improvement of this and from imaginary Qualities that Inſtrument. are ſuppoſed to be in the Planets and Tycho Brahe was the firſt that uſed Stars affecting Mortals here below. a tolerable Apparatus of Aftronomi- But as there is nothing of Truth in cal Inſtruments, which are deſcrib'd this Art, as all diſcerning People in in his Aſtronomia Inſtaurat. Me- this Age are very well ſatisfy'd of; chanica, printed in the Year 1602. therefore it will be to little or no But Hevelius's Apparatus defcribd purpoſe to explain the Terms of it. in his Machina Cæleftis, A. D. 1673. ASTRONOMICAL KALENDER, are abundantly more ſumptuous, is an Inſtrument engraved upon and better contriv'd than Tycho Copper-plates, printed on Paper, Brahe's. Yet theſe, one ſhould think, and paſted on Board, with a Braſs could not perform Obſervations fo Slider, which carries a Hair, and exact, as if he had uſed Teleſco- ſhews, by Inſpection, the Sun's Me- pick Sights ; for he would not uſe ridian Altitude, Right Afcenfion, them. And that occaſion'd Dr. Declination, Rifing, Setting, Am- Hooke to write Animadverſions upox plitude, &c. to a greater Exactneſs Hevelius's Inſtruments, printed in than our common Globes will ſhew. the Year 1674, wherein he deſpiſes ASTRONOMICAL HOURS, are them on account of their Inaccu- the equal Hours : Whereof there racy. But Dr. Halley, at the Deſire are 24 accounted from the Noon of the Royal Society, went over to of one natural Day, (or, as ſome Dantzick in the Year 1679, to in- will have it, from Midnight) to the ſpect his Inſtruments, and did ap- Noon or Midnight of the next na prove of the Accuracy of tltem, and of his Obſervations with them. ASTRONOMICAL QUADRANT, ASTRONOMY. The Knowledge is a large Quadrant made all of of the Motions, Times, and Cauſes Braſs, or of Wooden Bars, uſually of the Motions, Diſtances, Magni- faced with Plates of Iron, having tudes, Gravities, Light, &c. of the its Limb divided into Degrees and Celeſtial Bodies, viz.the Sun, Mcon Minutes, and even Seconds if pof- and Stars ; explaining the Cauſes fible, with plain Sights fix'd to one and Nature of the Eclipſes of the Side of it, or inſtead thereof a Te- Sun, and Moon; the Conjunctions leſcope, and an Index moving a and Oppoſitions of the Planets, and bout the Centre, carrying either any other of their mutual Aſpects, plain Sights, or a Teleſcope. with the time when any of them did T'heſe Quadrants are uſed in tak or will happen. ing Obſervations of the Sun, Planets, ASTRONOMY (SPHERICAL,) is or fix'd Stars. The Ancients uſed the Conſideration of the Univerſe, only plain Sights; but the Moderns as it offers it felf to our Sight. have found it of vaſt Benefit to uſe AsTRONOMY (THEORETICA I.) Teleſcopes inttead of them. And is the Conſideration of the crue Structure tural Day 1 AST AS Y 1 Structure of the Univerſe ; and from their Want of the Knowledge of the thence the Determination of the Ap. Teleſcope, and the Uſe of the Mi- pearances thereof. crometer, and the falſe Syſtem of ASTRONOMY is very ancient, the World that they ſo ſtrenuouſly. as we may learn from Porphyry, and adhered to, till Copernicus having Simplicius in his Comment upon revived the true Pyihagorean Syſtem Ariſtotle's 2d Book de Coelo, who about the Year 1556, in Libro de ſay, that when Alexander the Great Revolutione Cæleftium, and after- took Babylon, Calliſthenes, one of wards Kepler, from the Obſervati. Ariſtotle's Scholars, by the Deſire of ons of Tycho Brahe, (in' his Com- Ariſtotle, carried from thence to ment on the Motions of Mars, printed Greece, Celeſtial Obſervations made in the Year 1609,) having found by the ancient Chaldeans and Ba out the Laws of the Motions of the bylonians, of two thouſand Years Planets, Aftronomy then began to ftanding. And Sir Henry Savil to- gain ground, and ſhine in its true wards the latter Part of his ad Luſtre ; and at length, by the La- Lecture upon Euclid, ſpeaking of bours of ſeveral ingenious Perſons, this, ſays that altho' the common (most our own Countrymen) eſpe- printed Edition of Simplicius men- cially Sir Iſaac Newton, it is now tions but two thouſand Years; yet arrived, perhaps, to the greateſt in his Manuſcript it is thirty-one 'Perfection that Mortals will be ever thouſand Years ; and Cicero, in lib. able to bring it. 1. de Divinatione, forty-ſeven thou ASYMPTOTES, are properly ſand Years. ſtraight Lines, that approach near- Some of the aſtronomical Writers, er and nearer to the Curve they are Ptolemy, who has preſerved the are ſaid to be the Afymptotes of ; Obſervations of the Ancients, a but if they, and their Curve, are in- 'mongſt which are thoſe chiefly of definitely continued, they will never Hipparchus, in his Almageſt.--- Alba- meet : Or Aſymptotes are Tan- tegnius, who has given the Obſer- gents to their Curves at an infinite vations of the Saracens, -Sacro Bof- Diſtance. And two Curves are faid co, - Regio Montanus, -Purbachius, alſo to be Afymptotical, when they -Copernicus, -Tycho de Brahe, - continually approach to one ano- Lansbergius,-Longomontanus,—-Cla. ther; and if indefinitely continu’d, vius, - Kepler, -Gallilæo, --Bayer, do not meet : As two Parabola's, -Hevelius,-Dr. Hook ---Ricciolus, that have their Axes placed in the - Horrocs, — Sir Jonas Moor, - fame ſtraight Line, are Aſympto- Mr.Huygens, -Tacquet,-Flamſtead, tical to one another. -Bullialdus,-Seth Ward, Count Of Curves of the firſt kind, that Pagan,--Wing, -Street, -Mr. De is, the Conick Sections, only the la Hire,-Newton-Gregory,--Mer- Hyperbola has Aſymptotes, being cator,-Whijion,-Dr. Halley, - Du two in Number. Hamel - Dr. Keil, - the two Cal All Curves of the ſecond kind fini's, both Father and Son.-Mr. have at leaſt one Aſymptote; but Leadbetter. - Mr. Brent, &c. they may have three: And all Curves We learn from Ptolemy, that of the fourth kind may have four A- Tymocarls, and Aryftillus left fe- fymptotes. The Conchoid, Cifroid, veral Obſervations of the fix'd and Logarithmick Curve have each Stars about. I 20 Years before Chrift. one Afymptote. But the Altronomy of the An The Nature of an Afymptote will cients was very defective upon ac be very eaſily conceiv'd fiom that count of their bad Inſtruments, and of the Conchoid: For if CDE be а. AS Y AS Y a Part of the Curve of the Conchoid, equal, and LlÝMI=AE? And and A its Pole, and the right Line moreover, any Annulus, or Ring, MN be ſo drawn, that the Parts made by Mm, or Ll, when the BC, GD, FE, &c. of right Lines, whole Figure revolves about the C Diameter AP, will always be e- D qual to a Circle, whoſe Diameter E is AE. M FAN 3. Again, in the ſecond Figure, if one of the Aſymptotes be con- BIG/P /P tinu'd out to T, and the Line T SR be drawn parallel to the Dia- AT Р А el C D drawn from the Pole A, be equal to each other, then the Line MN P will be the Afymptote of the Curve, M R becauſe the perpendicular Dis ſhorter than BC, and EP than DP, and ſo on; and the Points E, &C. B. and p can never coincide. 1. If CP be a Diameter of the G G Hyperbola R AS, and CD be the Semi-conjugate to it; and if the meter CO, then TRXSR=A C2; Line F E be a Tangent in the Point and if the Line PM be any where A, and A E=FA=CD; then, if drawn parallel to the Aſymptote the Lines CG, CG, be drawn from CS, then CPxPM will be always the Centre C thro' the Points Eand of the fame Magnitude, that is, al- ways a ſtanding Quantity. 4. If the Hyperbola GMR be of any kind, whoſe Nature, with regard to the Curve and its Aſymp- tote, is expreſs'd by this general Ê- quation im ja am?", and the M Right Line PM be drawn any where parallel to the Afymptote CS, and the Parallelogram PCOM G/R be compleated, then this Paralle- P lograin is to the hyperbolick Space PMGB, contain'd under the de- F, theſe Lines CG, CG, will be terminate Line PM, the Curve of the Afymptotes of the Hyperbola the Hyperbola GM indefinitely RAS. And, continued towards G, and the Part 2. If any right Line LM be P B of the Afymptote indefinitely diawn parallel to the Tangent FE, continu'd the fame way, as mon is (or even not parallel) to cut the ton; and ſo if m be greater than n, Curve and the Aſymptotes, then the ſaid Space i ſyuarable ; but will the Parts L by Mm be when 71, as it will be in the E F I mi I T G S Coinon AS T AS T or common Hyperbola, the Ratio of the Abſciſs x is; that is, find the the foregoing Parallelogram to that Value of y when x is infinite, which Space is as o to i, that is, the ſaid cannot be generally done without a Space is infinitely greater than the Series, then will the Ordinate z of Parallelogram, and ſo cannot be the Afymptote be equal to all the had ; and when m is leſs than n, firſt Terms of chat Series, which do then that Parallelogram will be to not decreaſe upon augmenting x; that Space, as a negative Number to and conſequently the Equation of a poſitive one, and the ſaid Space is the aſymptotical right Line ſquarable ; and the Solid, genera- Curve will be had : And if the firſt ted by revolving the indeterminate Term of the Series, which, upon Space GMOL about the Aſymp- augmenting x, does grow leſs, be tote CE, is the Double of the Cy- affirmative, the Alymptote lies linder, generated by the Motion of between the Curve and the Ab- the Parallelogram PCOM about ſciſs; but if not, the Curve lies the Axis CO. between the Afymptote and the 5. If MS be the Logarithmick Abſciſs : for no Term of the Se- Curve, and PR an Afymptote, ries becomes equal to that Part of and PT the Subtangent, and MP the Ordinate intercepted between an Ordinate, then will the inde- the Leg and its Aſymptote, when x terminate Space RPMS = PM is infinitely great ; and if ſeveral x PT; and the Solid, generated by Values of the initial Terms of the the Rotation of this Curve about Series coincide, ſeveral Afymptotes the Aſymptote VP, will be of a coincide : But when a Curve has Cylinder, whoſe Altitude is equal right-lin'd Afymptotes, which are to the Length of the Sub-tangent, parallel to the Ordinates of that and Semidiameter of the Baſe equal Curve, theſe cannot be determind to the Ordinate a V. by reducing the Value of y into a IR Series ; but they may be found by reducing the Value of the Abſciſs T into a Series, confilling of the de- ſcending Powers of the Ordinate ; or elſe by ſuppoſing the Ordinate M P to be infinitely great, and taking as many Values of x as correſpond to them; and right Lines drawn from V the Extremities of thoſe Values, pa- All Curves that have infinite rallel to the Ordinates, will be A. Legs, have one or more Afymptotes, fymptotes. being either right Lines or Curves ; The Inveſtigation of right-lin'd and to find generally the Nature of Afymptotes may be found for the right Line or Curve, which is Curves of any Order, without ha- the Aſymptote of a given Curve, by ving recourſe to Series's, by means having the Equation of the Curve of the general Equation of that given : Let z be the Ordinate of Order, thus : Let the Equation be the Aſymptote, whether a right A y2 + Bxy + C x2 + Dy+E Line or Curve, then reduce the Va a + FO. Suppoſe y = axt lue of the Ordinate y of the given 5 + 5*, &c. then will A az ut Curve into an infinite Series, las Bato che =0; and by extract- to converge the ſooner, thgrcatering th 2.cots of this lail Equation, ९ WE 1 A TM A T M we ſhall have a, and b will be about the Moon, parallel to her Data Limb, which he could very well and content 2a A +B' perceive not to be a lucid Part of the Sun ; for the Sun's Splendor not A 62 +Db+ F ; and if the Equa- only by far exceeded the Silver 2 A at B Splendor of the Ring, but likewiſe tion be A 33 + B x y2 + C x2 y-t the lucid ſmall Part of the Sun did D x3 + E y2 + Fxy +Gx? +H not terminate in the ſame Periphe- y + Kx +L=0, the Roots of this ry as the Ring; and the Ring ap- Equation A a3 + Ba? + CatD pear'd more denſe on the obverſe =o. will give e, and b will be = Side of the Moon, than on the con- A a? +Ba+c trary Side, yet notwithſtanding it and c = 3 Ea? + 2Fato terminated in the ſame Periphery. --3862 +Bb? Eab +F6 +HatK veral others, as may be ſeen in the And this Ring was obſerved by ſe- 3 A a2 + 2 B a to C. Hiſtory of the Academy Royal of Sciences, for the Year 1706. Where a is the Inclination of the 2. Mr. De Tſchirnhauſe, at Dref- Afymptote to the Abſciſs, b is the den, with a Teleſcope of 16 Foot Diſtance between the Beginning of long, a little before the Beginning the Abſciſs ; and the point in which of the aforeſaid Eclipſe, did obſerve the Aſymptote cuts the ſame, and a Trembling in that Limb of the Thews on which ſides of the Aſymp- Sun that the Moon firſt obſcurd ; totes the Legs of the Curve lie. as he did likewiſe in the laſt Digit, Right-lind Afymptotes may be at the Inſtant of the Obſcuration . confider'd as Tangents to Points of Moreover, Kepler, in his Book De the Curve infinitely diftant; fo that Nova Stella Serpentarii, fays, the the Doctrine of Afymptotes may be fame Thing was obſerved in the reduced to that of Tangents. Year 1605, at Antwerp and Naples, ATMOSPHERE, is all the Air, in October, when the sun was to- that the Earth is encompaſs’d with, tally hid. And Scheiner, in his Roja conſider'd together. Urſina, ſays, That in an Eclipſe of A very ſenſible Effect of the Preſ- the Sun, in December 1628, there ſure of the Atmoſphere is ſhewn, was obſerv'd a Trembling about the by drawing the Air out of two Limb of the Moon : And Hevelius, equal Braſs Segments of a Sphere, in his Cometography, ſays, in ſome whoſe Brims are well poliſhed, of Eclipſes the ſame Phænonena pre- about three Inches in Diameter; for ſented it felf to him. when the Air is drawn out of them 3. Mr. Caffini, in the Memoirs de after they are apply'd to each other, l'Acad. Royal des Sciences, Àn. 1706. it will require a Weight of about p. 327. ſays, he has often obſerved 140 Pounds to pull them aſunder. in the Occultations of Saturn, Ju- That the Moon has an Atmo- piter, and the Fix'd Stars by the ſphere, may be gather'd from feve- Moon, that when they come near ral Obſervations made by Aſtrono- either the enlighten'd'or darken'd Limb of her, their Figures, from 1. Mr. Wolf, in the Acta Erudi- being Circular, appear Oval, juſt as torum, for the Year 1706, p. 385. the Sun and Moon, riſing or ſetting fays, That at the Time of the great in a vaporous Horizon, appear not Echiple of the Sun, May the ift, Circular, but Elliptical. 17011, he obſerved a lucid Ring Атом, , mers. AT T A T T ment. ATOM, is ſuch a very ſmall Centre of the Sphere, but without Particle of Matter, that it cannot the Surface of the Sphere; by a Force phyſically be cut or divided into lef- proportional to the Square of its ſer Parts Epicurus and his Fol- Diſtance from the Centre. lowers firſt called the component 4. And in his Opticks he fhews, Principals of all Bodies, which they That of thoſe Bodies th it are of the ſuppoſed to be infinitely ſmall and fame Nature, Kind, and Virtue, by hard, by this Name of Aloms. how much leſs any Body is than ATTICK ORDER, is a little Or- another, the greater is its attracting der, conſiſting of Pilaſters, with a Force, in proportion to its Magni- Cornice architrav'd for an Entable- tude; as the Magnetical Attraction is ſtronger in a ſmall Load-ſtone, in ATTRACTION, is the Drawing proportion to its Weight, than in of one Thing to another. Whether a larger one : And ſo, ſince the among the Operations of natural Rays of Light are the ſmalleſt Bo- Bodies upon one another, there is dies that we know of, they muſt any ſuch Thing as Attraction, it is needs have the greateſt and ſtrongeſt hard to determine ; and perhaps attractive Force. Now, the Attra- moſt of thoſe Effects, that the An- ction of a Ray of Light, with re- cients not knowing ſo well the gard to its Quantity of Matter, is Cauſes of, may be ſolved by Pulſion. to the Gravity that any projected Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Principia, Body has, in proportion to the Quan- applies every where this Word to tity of Matter in that Body ; in the Centripetal Forces; and ſays, Seet. Ratio, compounded of the Velocity 11. Lib. 1. That Centripetal Forces of a Ray of Light, to the Velocity are perhaps rather Impulſes, if we of that projected Body; and of the Speak phyſically : But he uſes the Flexure or Curvature of the Line, Word, as being familiar, and eaſier which the Ray deſcribes in the Place to be underſtood by Mathematicians. of its Refraction, to the Curvature He demonſtrates, Prop. 58. Cor. 1. or Flexure of the Line that the pro- 1. That if two Bodies mutually jected Body deſcribes. And from attract cach other, by Forces pro- hence he calculates, that the Attra- portional to their Diftances, they ction of the Rays of Light is above will deſcribe both about the com 1,000,000,000,co0,000 Millions of mon Centre of Gravity, and alſo Millions of Times greater than the about one another Concentrical El- Force of Gravity on the Earth's lipfes ; and Cor. 2. Prop. the ſame. Surface, according to the Quantity 2. That if two Bodies attract one of Matter in each, and ſuppoſing another with Forces proportional to Light to come from the Sun in about the Squares of their Diſtances, they ſeven or eight Minutes : And in the will deſcribe both about the com very Point of Contact of the Rays, mon Centre of Gravity, and alſo a their attracting Force may be much bout one another Conick Sections, greater. having their Foci in the Centre, ATTRACTIVE, the ſame with about which the Figures are deſcri- Attracting. bed. And in Prop. 73, 74. Lib. 1. ATTRU10N, in Phyficks, is the 3. He demonſtrates, that any rubbing of one thing againſt ano- Particle of Matter within the Sun ther; as when Ember and other E- perficies of any Sphere or Globe, is lectrick Bodies are rubbed, to make attracted by a Force proportional to them attract or emit their Electrick the Dillance of a Particle from the Force. AVANT A X I A XI AVANT Foss, or Ditch of the Axis of a Cone, is the ſtraight Counterſcarpe is a Moat, or Ditch, Line, or Side, about which the full of Water, 'running round the Right-angled Triangle, forming the Counterſcarp, on the Out-lide, next Cone, moves ; and ſo only a Right to the Country, at the Foot of the Cone can properly have an Axis, Glacis. It is not proper to have becauſe an Oblique Cone cannot be ſuch a Water-Ditch, where it can generated by the Motion of a plain be drained dry; becauſe it is a Figure about a ſtraight Line at reft. Trench ready made for the Beſieg- But becauſe it is plain from the De- ers to defend themſelves againſt the finition, that the Axis of a Right Sallies of the Beſieged. Beſides, it Cone is a ſtraight Line, drawn from hinders putting Succours into the the Centre of its Baſe to the Ver- Place, or at leaſt makes it difficult tex, therefore the Writers of Conick ſo to do. Sections call likewiſe that Line, AUGE, the ſame as Apogæum. drawn from the Centre of the Baſe AURIGA, a Conſtellation, con of an Oblique Cone to the Vertex, fiſting of 23 Stars in the Northern the Axis of the Cone. Hemiſphere. Axis of a Conick Section, is a AUSTRAL, the ſame as Southern. ſtraight Line dividing it into two As, equal Parts, and cutting all its Or- AUSTRAL SIGNs, are the ſix dinates at Right Angles : As, if laſt Signs of the Zodiack, being A P be drawn fo as to cut the Or- called thus, becauſe they are on the dinate M N at Right Angles, and South Side of the Equinoctial. dividing the Section into two equal AUTOMATA, are Mechanical or Parts, then is the Line AP the Mathematical Inſtruments, that, Inſtruments, that, Axis of the Section. going by Springs, Weights, &c. ſeem to move themſelves, as a Watch, A Clock, & C. Aux, the ſame with Apogæum. Ax, or Axe, the ſame with Axis. N Which ſee. Axiom, is ſuch a common, plain, ſelf-evident, and receiv'd Notion, PI that it cannot be made more plain and evident by Demonſtration, be- Axis (CONJUGATE, or Second) cauſe it is itſelf better known than of an Ellipfis, is the Line E F drawn any thing that can be brought to through the Centre, C, parallel to prove it; as, That nothing can act A where it is not; That a Thing cannot be, and not be, at the ſame time ; M that the Whole is greater than a Part thereof; that no Bodies can naturally F F go into nothing Axis. This properly ſignifies that ſtraight Line in a plain Figure at P reſt, about which the Figure re- volves, in order to produce or ge- the Ordinate M N to the Ax nerate a Solid. AP, being terminated by the Curve, Axis of a Balance, is that Line and is the ſhorter of the two Axes. about which it moves, or rather furns about G AXIS 1 M N or rather And the Α A XI A X I 1 Ar 8 Axis (CONJUGATE or SECOND) the Point of Incidence to the refract- of an Hyperbola, is the Right Line ing Superficies, drawn in the ſame F F drawn thro' the Centre C, pa- Medium that the Ray of Incidence rallel to the Ordinates MN, MN, comes from. to the Axis AP, which cuts the Axis in Opticks, is that Ray, among all thoſe that are ſent to the Eye, which falls perpendicularly M N upon it, and which by conſequence paſſes through the Centre of the Eye. A Axis of Oſcillation, is a Right TEL Line parallel to the Horizon, pal- P ſing thro' the Centre, about which a Pendulum vibrates. N The Axis of the Parabola is of an M indeterminate Length, that is, it is infinite. The Axis of the El- lipſis is determinate : And the Axis Curve in the Points A and P. This of the Hyperbola is of a determinate Axis (tho' more than infinite) is of a Length, (tho' it is more than infi- determinate Length, which may be nite.) In the Ellipſis or Hyperbola there are two Axes, and no more ; found by this Proportion, as A M X and in the Parabola one. And the PM: A Pż:: MN2: FF AXIS in Peritrochio, is a Ma- Axis (TRANSVERSE, or FIRST, chine for the Raiſing of Weights, or PRINCIPAL) of an Ellipſis, or conſiſting of a cylindrical Beam, Hyperbola, is the Axis AP, which which is the Axis lying horizon- in the Ellipſis is the longeſt, and in tally, and ſupported at each end by the Hyperbola cuts the Curve in a piece of Timber, and ſomewhere the Points A and P. about it has a kind of Tympa- Axis of a Cylinder, is properly num, or Wheel, which is called the that Quieſcent Right Line, about Peritrochium, in whoſe Circumfe. which the Parallelogram, forming rence are Holes made to put in the Cylinder, revolves. But in both Staves, (like thoſe of a Windlaſs Right and Oblique Cylinders, that or Capſtan,) in order to turn the Right Line, joining the Centres of Axis round more eaſily, and thereby the oppoſite Baſes, is called the Axis to raiſe the Weight requir'd by of the Cylinder. means of a Rope, which winds Axis of the Earth, is a Right round the Axis. Line, about which the Earth re In this Inſtrument, and all ſuch volves in the Space of 23 ho. 56 like, as all Crane-Wheels, Mill- min. and 4 ſec. The Axis of the Wheels, &c. if the Power that is to Earth always remains parallel to it liſt up any Weight, be to the ſelf, and is at Right Angles with Weight as the Cicumference of the the Equator. Axis, about which the Rope is Axis of a Glaſs, in Opticks, is a winded, is to the Circumference of Right Line, joining the iniddle the Tympanum or Peritrochium, Points of the two oppoſite Surfaces then the Power will ſuitain the of the Glaſs. Weight ; and if it be a little aug- Axis of Incidence, in Dioptricks, mented it, will raiſe it. is a Right Line perpendicular in Axis of any Planet, is that Line drawia A ZI ВА С drawn through the Centre, about Index, is faften'd a Thread, to thew which the Planet revolves. the Shadow of the Sun upon a Line All the Planets, and the Sun itſelf, that is on the Middle of the Index. except Mercury and Saturn, are ob- This Compaſs being thus fitted, is ſerved to move about their Axes. hung in ſtrong Brafs Rings, and Axis of Refraction, is a right the Rings are hung in a Wainſcot Line drawn from the Refracting Square Box. Medium, from the Point of Refrac AZIMUTH MAGNETICAL, is tion, perpendicular to the Refract an Arch of the Horizon contained ing Superficies. between the Azimuth Circle the Axis of a Sphere, is a ſtreight Sun is in and the Magnetical Meri- Line drawn thro’ the Centre thereof dian ; or it is the apparent Diſtance from one ſide to another, being of the Sun from the North or South terminated by the Surface, and is Point of the Compaſs; and is found | the fame as the Diameter of a by obſerving the Sun by the Azi- Sphere. muth Compaſs, either in the Fore- Axis of the World, is an imagi- noon or Afternoon, when he is a- nary right Line, conceived to paſs bout five or ten Degrees above the thro' the Centre of the Earth, from Horizon. one Pole to the other, about which the Sphere of the World, in the Ptolemaick Syſtem, revolves in its Diurnal Motion. B. AZIMUTH of the Sun, or any , , ABYLONISH HOUR. A Ba. intercepted between the Meridian byloniſh and the Vertical Circle the Sun is the Time from the Sun-riſing of in ; or it is the Complement to a one Day, to Sun-ſetting of the next, Quadrant of the Ortive and Occa- being reckoned from the Sun-riſing. five Amplitude. As R: T. Lat. BACK-STAFF, the ſame with the ::T.O's Altit. : Co-S. of the Azi- Sea-Quadrant, Davis's, or the Eng- muth from the South at the Time liſh Quadrant, as the French call it. of the Equinox. It was invented by Captain Davis, AZIMUTH COMPASS, is a Com a Welchman; and is of good Uſe paſs that takes its Name from its for taking the Sun's Altitude at Sea, Ufe, which is principally to find and confits of two concentrick Ar- the Sun's Magnetical Azimuth at ches of Box-Wood; the Arch of Sea, and does not much differ from the greater Circle being divided the common Sea-Compaſſes. into 30 Degrees, and every Degree It conſiſts of a round Box, ha- into five Minutes, by means of Dia- ving a Fly and Needle in it; gonals ; and the Arch of the leſſer and upon that Box is a broad Braſs into 60 Degrees. There are like- Circle, having one half of the Limb wiſe three Vanes belonging to it ; thereof divided into:90 Degrees, and that upon the Arch of 30 De. diagonally divided into Minutes. grees being called the Sight-Vane ; Upon this Limb there moves an that upon the Arch of 60, the Shade- Index ; and upon this Index there Vane; and the other Vane, being is erected a Sight, which for Con- in chc Centre of the Arches, the Ho- veniency is to fall down with an rizon- Vane. Hinge; and from the Top of this BACULE, in Fortification, is a Sight, down to the Middle of the kind of Port-Cullis, or Gate, made like Port-C G% B A L B A L } Tike a Pitfall, with a Counter poiſe, Equality or Difference of Weights and fupported by two great Stakes. in heavy Bodies. It is uſually made before the Corpse The Action of a Weight to move de-Gard, advanced near the Gates. a Ballance is by ſo much greater, BACULOMETRY, according to as the point preſſed by the Weight fome, is the Art of meaſuring ac is more diſtant from the Centre ceſlible or inacceſſible Lines, by the of the Ballance ; and that Action help of one or more Staves. follows the Proportion of the Di- BAKER'S CENTRAL RULE, for ftance of the ſaid Point from the the Conſtruction of Equations, is a Centre. Method of conſtructing all Equati A Ballance is ſaid to be in E- ons, not exceeding four Dimenſions, quilibrio, when the Action of the without any previous Reduction of Weights upon each Brachium, to them, or firſt taking away their fe- move the Ballance, are equal, fo cond Term by means of a given that they mùtually deſtroy one ano- Parabola and a Circle, See his ther. Clavis Geometrica Catholica. Unequal Weights can equiponde. BALDACHIN, in Architecture, is rate; for if the Diſtances from the a Building in form of a Canopy, or Centre be reciprocally as the Crown, ſupported by Pillars, often Weights, the Ballances will be in ſerving for the Covering of an Al- Equilibrio ; as one Ounce, at nine tar. Some alſo call the Shell over Inches diſtance from the Centre, a Door by this Name, and pro- will equiponderate with three nounce it Baldaquinin. Ounces at three Inches diſtance BÀLL and Socket, is an Inftru- from the Centre: And upon this ment made of Braſs, with a per- Principle is made thé petual Screw, to hold a Teleſcope, Roman Ballance, or Steel.rard, Quadrant, or furveying Inſtrument which weighs every Thing with on a Staff, for Surveying, Aftrono one Weight, and is a mical or other Uſes. of unequal Arms, one of which CA BALLANCE, or Scales, is one of is extended in length from the Axis the fix fample Powers in Mecha- of Motion C, (and which ought to be nicks, and ſerves to find out the the Axis of Equilibrium) ſuppoſe one Leaver 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A B D P Inch or leſs; the other Arm CB put farther from the Centre C, being of a greater length, divided the Number whereat it hangs, will into Parts, each equal to A C, and ſhew how much it weighs. For ex- numbered by the Figures 1, 2, 3, ample, if the Weight P, at the 4, 5, 6c. then, if a Body whole Diflance 8, equiponderates the W Veight e we want to diſcover, Weight Q at A, it muſt follow, be hang’d on at A, and the given by reaſon the Weights are recipro- Weight P, moveable on the con- cally to their Diſtances from C, that trary Arm, be moved towards, or the weight is eight times the 3 weight ! + 2 P B: A L BAL weight P; that is, if P, be one upon the Arm BC, be divided into Pound; Q, will be eight Pounds. four equal Parts, theſe, without any Altho' this be the uſual Deſcription great Êrror may be taken for. Di- of the Roman Steel-Yard, yet it muſt viſions, for Quarters, halfPounds, and be falſe; when the Arms, being of one three Quarters ;. provided the Arms continued Thickneſs, are divided into be throughout of the fame Thick- the Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, & c. each equal neſs, and uniform Matter. But how- to AC, unleſs the Arms have no ever convenient the Uſe of this In- weight, and ſo much the more falſe, ftrument may be, by reaſon of its the heavier the Matter of which not requiring ſeveral Weights ; yet they confift, is. For, ſuppoſe the the Uſe of it is not to be too much in- weight of the Arm CA, to be w, dulged amongſtTrades-People; who, and that of CB to be W, and biſa thereby may deal out falſe Weight, ſect CB in D, and C A in E, then that cannot be readily diſcovered by will D, E, be the Centers of Gra. thoſe who buy their Goods. vity of the Arms CB, CA. Con Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Univerſal fequently the Weights P, W, and Arithmetic, Prop. 49. hints at a Bal- low, will be in Equilibrio a- lance or Steel-Yard, conſiſting of bout the Center C; it muſt be Strings only, whereby the Weight {BCⓇW +PxPC=ACxwt of any Body E, may be known by OXCA.. Wherefore B C will be only one Weight F. What he ſays is 2 Qtwx!AC-WXBC contained in the following Problem. that A String ACD B, being divided into is, ſince 2 P is given ; PC will be al. given Parts AĆ, CD, DB, and its ways as 2 QtwxAC-BCXW. B Or, ſuppofing AC to be =1, P to be 1, and w to be i then will W be=CB, and so P will be always A a's 2 Qti CB. And ſince this 1) laſt Expreſſion is not as Q; and therefore P not as Q; the Diviſions с of the Arm CB will not be as the Weights Q. Much after the fame way, it will appear that the Divi. fions will be more unequal, if the Р two Arms confifted of a Cone or Fruſtum of one, or priſmatical Py- ramid or Fruftum of one. So that the only true Way of making a Bal- lance of this fort, is to do it mecha Ends being faſtened to two Pins A, B, nically, viz. by firſt hanging at a given in Poſition, and if to the Point's various different Weights, and then of Diviſion C, D, be hung the two moving the given Weight P back- Weights E and F: To find the weight wards or forwards along the Arm E, from the given weight F, and the CB till there be an Equilibrium : Situation of the Point C, D. Con- and marking down that Number tinue out the Lines A C, DB, until expreſſing the Weight Q. upon the they meet the Lines DF, CE, in Place where P hangs: And if the the Points Q, P; then will the ſeveral Weights Qbe Pounds; and weight E be to the weight F, as each of the Diſtances thus mark'd DQ to CP. BAL- 2 1 G 3 B AL BAR BALLANCE of a Clock or Watch, BAND, in Architecture, is any is that part of it which by its Mo- flat. Member that is broad, and not tion regulates and determines the very deep; and the Word Face is Beats : The Circular Part of it is ſometimes made to fignify the ſame called the Rim, and its Spindle, the thing. Verge. There belongs alſo two BANQUETTe, in Fortification, Pallets, or Nuts, that play in the is a little Foot-pace or Elevation of Fangs of the Crown-Wheel. In Earth, in figure of a Step, at the Pocket-Watches that ſtrong Stud in bottom of a Parapet, or that which which the lower Pevet of the Verge' the Soldiers get upon to diſcover the lies, and in the middle of which Counterſcarp, or to fire upon the one Pevet of the Crown-Wheel runs, Enemy in the Moat, or in the Co- is called the Potans, or rather the vert-Way. Theſe Banquettes are Potence; the wrought Piece, which generally a Foot and an half high, covers the Ballance, and in which the and almoſt three Feet broad. upper Pevet of the Ballance plays, BAROMETER, or Baroſcope, is an is the Cock ; and the ſmall Spring Inſtrument for eſtimating the ſmall in Watches is called the Regulator. Variations of the Weight or Preſ- BALLANCE (HYDROSTATICAL) ſure of the incumbent Air. From is a very exact Pair of Scales, for whence we can give a tolerable making Hydroſtatical Experiments, Judgment of the Weather; and con- relating to the Gravity of Fluids ; Gifts of a Tube of Glaſs of above and they differ from coinmon Scales thirty Inches long, hermetically ſeal- only in having an Hook under each ed at one End, and being filled with Scale, for ſuſpending ſuch Bodies Quickſilver, according to the Tor- that are to be immerſed in Liquids. ricellian Experiment is inverted, ſo BALLANCE, or Lifra, is the as to have the open End of it m- Name of one of the Twelve Signs merſed in ſtagnant Quickſilver, con- of the Zodiack; the Character of tain'd in a larger Glaſs under it; which is w; into the firſt Degree out of which open End, after ſuch of which when the Sun comes, the Immerſion, the Quickſilver in the Autumnal Equinox happens, and is Tube being ſufferd to run as much about the i2th Day of September. as it will into the ſtagnant Quick- BALLON, in Architecture, is filver, there remains a Cylinder of taken for a round Globe, or Top Quickſilver ſuſpended in the Tube, of a Pillar. that will be always between 28 and BALLUSTER, is a little Column, 30 Inches in height, above the Sur-. or Pilaſter, either round or ſquare, face of the ſtagnant Mercury, ac- adorned with Mouldings, and ſery- cording as the Preſſure of the Air is ing to form a Reft or Support to more or leſs; and the upper Part the Arm, and, in ſome meaſure, to of the Tube will be left void of anſwer the Ends of a Balcony. common Air. This is the common BALLUSTRADE, in Architecture, Barometer ; but there are others, is the Continuity of one or more Rows of Balluſters, made of Marble, BAROMETER, (DIAGONAL, ) Iron, Wood, or Stone, ſerving either where the Mercury, inſtead of riſing for an Elbow-Rest, as in Windows, three Inches, as in the common one, Balconies, and Terraſſes, or as a riſes obliquely near thirty Inches, Ferce, to keep off Things from which is made by bending a Torri- without. And thus we ſee them celian Tube of more than 58 Inches around ſome Altars, Fonts, donc. long, at the 2t8h inch above the Sur- } as the 1 BAR BAR Surface of the ſtagnant Mercury; above the Surface of the Earth, the ſo that the encloſed End thereof, lower will the Mercury in the Tube when the lower part of the Tube fink. This was obſerved firſt by ſtands upright in the ſtagnant Mer- Mr. Pafchal, in his Treatiſe De É- cury, is more than thirty Inches quilibrio Liquorum. above the Surface of the ſtagnant 2. The Motion of the Mercury Mercury. This Barometer, of all does not exceed three Inches in its others, is the beſt, Riſing or Falling in the Barometer BAROMETER (MARINE,) is an of the common Form. Inſtrument ſerving for the ſame Uſes 3. The Riſing of the Mercury at Sea, as the common Barometer preſages, in general, fair Weather, at Land, and conſiſts of an Air- and its Falling, foul; as Rain, Snow, Thermometer, and a Spirit-Thermo- high Winds, and Storms. meter ; for the Mercurial Barometer, 4. In very hot Weather, the eſpecially the common ones, cannot Falling of the Mercury foreſhews be uſed at Sea, becauſe it always Thunder. requires a perpendicular Poſture, 5. In Winter, the Riſing pre- and the Quickſilver vibrates therein fages Froſt; and in froſty Weather, with a great Violence, upon any if the Mercury falls three or four Agitation. See the Deſcription and Diviſions, there will certainly fol- Uſes of this Inftrument, by Dr. low a Thaw: but in a continued Halley, in the Philoſophical Tranſ Froſt, if the Mercury riſes, it will actions, Nº 269. who carried one of certainly ſnow. them along with him in his laſt 6. When foul Weather happens Southern Voyage; and he ſaid, that ſoon after the Falling of the Mer- it never failed to give him early cury, there will be but a little of it; Notice of a Storm, and of all the and the ſame will happen when the bad Weather they had. Weather proves fair, ſhortly after BAROMETER (PORTABLE,) is the Mercury has riſen. one that can be conveniently and 7. In foul Weather, when the ſafely carried about from Place to Mercury riſes much and high, and Place, without the danger of ſpil- fo continues for two or three Days ling the Mercury out of the Ciſtern, before the foul Weather is over, or Vefſel, or letting the Air get in then a Continuance of fair Weather at the bottom of the Tube; or the follows. Mercury, included in the Tube, 8. In fair Weather, when the breaking the Top of it off. Mercury falls much and low, and BAROMETER (WHELL,) is a thus continues for two or three Days common Barometer with an Index, before the Rain comes, then a great that ſhews the Variation of the Al. deal of Wet, and probably high titude of the Mercurial Cylinder, Winds follow. which at moft does not exceed three 9. The unſettled Motion of the Inches; tho' by this Index it may Mercury denotes uncertain and be made as diſtinguiſhable as if it changeable Weather. were three Foot, or three Yards. 10. More Northerly Places have The Manner of making one of theſe a greater Alteration of the Riſe or Barometers is ſhewn us by Dr. Hook, Fall of the Mercury than the more in the Philoſophical Tranſactions, Nº Southerly. 185. 11. Within the Tropics, and neač 1. The higher the Barometer is them, there is little or no Variation 1 G4 of B A R BAR of the Height of the Mercury in all cury of the Barometer, to be open, Weathers. as Mr. Wolfe has ſhewn in the Aet a 12. The Words that are graved Eruditorum of Leipfick : For he ſays near the Diviſions of the Inſtrument, he found by Experience, when it is are not ſo ſtrictly to be minded, al- every way ſo well encloſed as to though, for the moſt part, it will admit ſcarcely the leaſt Quantity of agree with them, as the Riſing and external Air to fall upon the Surface Falling of the Mercury; for if it of the Mercury, that, notwithſtand- ſtands at much Rain, and then riſes ing, the Changes in the Height of up to Changeable, it preſages fair the Mercury, were not in the leaſt Weather, altho' not to continue ſo altered or diſturbed. long as it would have done, if the 16. In England, and theſe Parts of Mercury were higher : and ſo on the World, it has been long ob- the contrary ſerved, that the Riſing of the Mer- 13. It is confirmed from Barome- cury foretels_fair Weather after trical Tables, and the Remarks of foul, and an Eaſterly or Northerly ſeveral curious Obſervers of this In Wind; and that on the contrary, Atrument, that the greateſt Rifings the Falling thereof, fignifies Souther- and Fallings of the Mercury in ly or Weiterly Winds, with Rain, Places at a good Diſtance from each and ſtormy Winds, or both; and other, happen commonly on the in a Storm, when the Mercury be- fame Day, and the Barometers have gins to riſe, it is a certain ſign that been found to agree in their Mo- it begins to abate : and this has moſt tion to an Hour, ſo far aſunder as commonly been found to be true - Townley in Lancaſhire, and Green- in high Latitudes both to the North wich near London ; fo that it might and South of the Equator. More- be expected that the Weather would over, in Foggy Weather the Mer- be the ſame at thoſe diſtant Places. cury is uſually high. But it is often otherwiſe: And the 17. The moſt rational Account of Barometrical Alterations of the Air, all theſe Alterations of the Riſing extend farther than their Effects, as and Falling of the Mercury, is chat to the Production of Rains, of Dr. Halley in the Philoſophical 14. The mean Height of the Tranſactions, Nº-187. which, he Barometer may be apply'd to find ſays, are cauſed by the variable the reſpective Heights of Places, as Winds, blowing in the temperate well as their abſolute Height above Zones, and the uncertain Exhala- the Surface of the Sea. See Dr. tions and Precipitations of Vapours Scheuchzer's Tables, in the Philo. lodging in the Air, whereby it Sophical Tranſactions, Nº 405, 406, comes to be at one time, much where he ſuppoſes the mean Height more crouded than at another, and at the Surface of the Sea to be conſequently heavier : But theſe lat- 29.993 Inches, and allowing about ter depend upon the former. He 90 Feet for each oth of an Inch ſays, the Lowneſs of the Mercury in in the Height of the Mercury in rainy Weather, is cauſed by the Air's ſmaller Altitudes, or in greater, becoming lighter, ſo as not to be according to the Tables of Dr. able to ſupport the Vapours ſwiin- Scheuchzer and Dr.Nettleton, N°388. ming in the Air.--That the Mercury's of the ſaid Tranſactions, you will have being lower at one Time than another, the Height of each Place pretty near. is cauſed by two contrary Winds 15. It is not neceſſary, for the blowing from the place where the wooden Veſſel which holds the Mer- Barometer ſtands. --That the great, en no BAR BAR er Height of the Mercury in Fair when it has been very low, ſeems to Weather, is cauſed by two contrary be occaſioned by the ſudden Ac- Winds blowing towards the Place ceſſion of new Air to ſupply the whereat the Barometer ſtands, where great Evacuation, which continued by the Air of other Places is brought Storms make thereof, in thoſe Pla- there and accumulated, and the Mer- ces, where they happen ; and, by 'cury preſſed up higher in its Tube. the Recoil of the Air, after the Force That the extraordinary Sinking of the ceaſes that impell'd it. — That the Mercury in great Storms, is cauſed Variations of the Barometer in the by the rapid Motion of the Air in more Northerly Places, ſeem to ariſe theſe Storms; becauſe the Tract or from the greater Storms, happening Region of the Earth’s Surface, where in thoſe Places, than in thoſe more in theſe Winds rage, not extending Southerly, whereby the Mercury all round the Globe; that ſtagnant ſhould ſink lower in that extreme; Air which is left behind, as alſo and then the Northerly Winds on the Sides, cannot come in ſo faſt bringing the condenſed and pon- to ſupply the Evacuation, made by derous Air from the Neighbourhood ſo ſwift' a Current, ſo that the Air of the Pole, and that again being muft neceſſarily be attenuated, when check'd by a Southerly Wind, at and where the ſaid Winds continue a ſmall diſtance, and ſo heaped, to blow, more or leſs, according to muft neceſſarily make the Mercury their Violence .-That the Mercury in ſuch a Caſe ftand higher on the ſtands higheſt, cæteris paribus, upon other Extreme. That near the E. Eaſterly or North-Eaſterly Winds, hap- quator, as at Barbadoes, and St. pens, becauſe that in the Atlan:ic- Helena there is very little or Ocean, on this ſide the 35th Degree Variation of the Height of the Mer- of North Latitude; the Weſterly cury, is, becauſe of the ſteady Winds and South-Weſterly Winds, are al- conftantly blowing in thoſe Parts, ways Trade-Winds; ſo that, when- nearly upon the ſame Point, viz. ever the Wind here comes up at E. N.E. at Barbadoes, and E. S. E. Eaſt, or North-Eaſt, it is check'd at St. Helena, ſo that there being by a contrary Gale, as ſoon as it no contrary Current of the Air to reaches the Ocean, and ſo the Air exhauſt or accumulate it; the At- muſt be accumulated over this Iſland, moſphere continues much in the and cauſe the Mercury to ſtand fame State : Altho', indeed ſome- high. But tho' this be true for our times upon Hurricanes, it has been Country, it is not a general Rule obſerved to have been very low. for others, where the Winds are This is the Subſtance of what the under different Circumſtances.--That Doctor ſays, about the Cauſes of the the Mercury generally ſtands high in Rifing and Falling of the Mercury Froſty Weather: is, becauſe it fel- of the Barometer ; which, altho' dom freezes, but when the Wind not ſatisfactory, perhaps, in ſeveral is Eaſterly or North, and ſo the Air things, yet we may very well ac- brought here from the Northern or quieſce therein, till ſomebody gives North-Eaſterly Countries, which are us better. ſubject to almoſt continual Froſt in There are ſeveral Writings about Winter, is very much condenſed, Barometers,as Deſcartes's, Mr. Boyle's, and accumulated by the Oppoſition Mr. Huygens's, Mr. Pafchal's, Mr. of the Weſterly Wind blowing in Dalence's Traittez des Barometres, the Ocean.--That the faſt Riſing of Thermometres, & Notiomeires, Mr. the Mercury after very great Storms, De la Hire's, in the Freych Memoirs, Dr. BAS i BAS Dr. Hook's in our Tranſactions, Nº imaginary Line, which is drawn ' 185, Mr. Saul's, Mr. Amonton's in from the flank'd Angle of a Baltion Memoirs of the French Academy, for to the Angle oppoſite to it. the Year 1705, and many others. BASE LINE, in Perſpective, is BAROSCOPE, the ſame with Ba- the common Section of the Picture, rometer. Which fee. and the Geometrical Plane. BARREL, an Engliſh Veffel for BASE, the lealt Sort of Ordnance ; Beer, containing 36 Gallons. the Diameter of whoſe Bore is in BARREL, in Clock-Work, is the Inch, Weight 200 Pound, Length Cylinder about which the Spring is four Foot, Load five Pound, Shot wrapped. 1 Pound Weight, and 1 Inch BARRIERS, in Fortification, are in Fortification, are Diameter. great Stakes, about four or five Foot BASE RING of a Cannon, is the high, placed at the Diſtance of eight great Ring next behind the Touch- or ten Foot from one another, with Hole. their Tranſoms, or Overthwart-Raf Base of a Triangle. Any one Side ters, to ſtop either Horſe or Foot, ofa Triangle may be call'd the Baſe; . that would enter or ruſh in with but uſually and more properly, that Violence. Theſe Barriers are com Side that lies the loweit, or is parallel monly ſet up in the void Space, be to the Horizon, is taken for the Baſe. tween the Citadel and the Town, And the ſame is to be underſtood of in Half-Moons. the Baſe of any other plain Figure. BARS, in Muſic, are the Spaces BASILIC, a large Piece of Ord- quite through any Compoſition, ſe- nance, being a forty-eight Pounder, parated by upright Lines drawn a thoſe of the French being ten Feet croſs the five horizontal Lines, each long, and thoſe of the Dutch fifteen of which, either contains the ſame Feet. Number of Notes, of the ſame kind, BASILIC. This, among the An- as two Minims, two Crochets; three tients, was a large Hall, with Por- Minims, three Crochets, &c. or tico's, Iſles, Tribunes, and Tribu- elſe contains ſo many of various nal; where the Kings themſelves Kinds, that are in Length of Time, adminiſter'd Juſtice. But the Name equivalent to the fame Number of is ſomewhat differently applied now- one Kind. a-days, being given to Churches and Base, in Architecture, is the Foot Temples, as alſo to certain ſpacious of a Pillar, that ſuſtains it, or that Halls in Princes Courts, where the Part that is under the Body, or lies People hold their Aſſemblies, and upon the Pedeſtal, or Zocle, when the Merchants meet, and converſe there is any ; and therefore is not together; as that, for Inſtance, of uſed for the loweſt Part of a Column, the Palace at Paris. but for all the ſeveral Ornaments or BASILICUS, Cor Leonis, a fixed Mouldings that reach from the Apo- Star of the firſt Magnitude in the Cone pbyges, or Rifing of the Shafts of ftellation Leo. Its Longitude is 145 Pillars to the Plinth. deg. 21 min. Latitude 26 min. and BASE of any ſolid Figure, is its Right Aſcenſion 147 deg. 47 min. lowermoſt plain Side, or that on Ba s, in Muſic, is the loweſt and which it ſtands; and if the Solid has the fundamental Part thereof, without two oppoſite, parallel, plain Sides, which any Piece of Muſic is im- and one of them is the Baſe, then perfect. the other is alſo called its Baſe. BASSOON, a Wind- Inſtrument be- BASE, in Fortification, is the ex- ing a Baſs to the Haut Boy. terior Side of the Polygon, viz. the BASS 1 1 BAS BAT Bass-Viol, a Baſs to the Violin. Diſtance between the Angles of the BASTIon, in Fortification, is Interior Polygon be double the uſual now what was antiently called a Length, then a Baſtion is made in Bulwark; and conſiſts of two Faces, the Middle, before the Curtain. But and as many Flanks, formerly called it generally has this Diſadvantage, a Gorge. It is uſually made, at the That unleſs there be an extraordi- Angles of Forts, of a large Heap of nary Breadth allowed to the Moat, Earth ; ſometimes lined with Stone, the turning Angle of the Counter- or Brick, but uſually faced with ſcarp, runs back too far into the Sods, or Turfs. The Lines ter- Ditch, and hinders the Sight and minating it are two Faces, two Defence of the two oppoſite Flanks. Flanks and two Demi-Gorges. The BASTION (REGULAR,) is that Union of the two Faces makes the which has its due Proportion of utmoſt Angle, called the Angle of Faces, Flanks, and Gorges. the Baſtion ; and the Union of the BASTIONS (SOLID,) are thoſe two Faces to the two Flanks, makes that have their Earth equal to the the Side-Angles, called the Shoul- Height of the Rampart, without ders, or Epaules; and the Union of any void Space towards the Centre. the two other Ends of the Flanks, BASTIONS (VOID or HOLLOW,) to the two Curtains, forms the An are thoſe that have a Rampart and gles of the Flanks: Parapet ranging only round about Bastion (Compos'D,) is when their Flanks and Faces, ſo that a the two Sides of the Interior Poly- void Space is left towards the Cen- gon are very unequal, which makes tre, and the Ground is there fo low, the Gorges alſo unequal, that if the Rampart be taken, no BASTION (Cut,) is that which Retrenchment can be made in the makes a Re-entering Angle at the Centre, but what will lie under the Point, and is ſometimes called Fire of the Beſieged. BASTION with a Tenaille, whoſe BASTON, a French Word in Ar- Point is cut off, and makes an An- chitecture, the ſame with Torus. gle inwards, and two Points out Batten,is theWorkmen's Name wards. This is done when Water, for a Scantling of Wooden Stuff, &c. hinders carrying the Baſtion to from two to four Inches broad, and its full Extent, or when it would about an Inch thick, and of a con- be too ſharp. fiderable Length. BASTION (DEFORMED,) is that BATTERY, in Fortification, is a which wants one of its Demi-Gor- Place raiſed on purpoſe, where Can- ges, becauſe one side of the Interior non are planted, from thence to Polygon is ſo very ſhort. play upon the Enemy; the Platform BASTION (DEMI,) has but one on which they are fixed being made Face and Flank, and is uſually be- of Planks that ſupport the Wheels fore a Horn-work, or Crown-work of the Carriages, ſo as to hinder the This is alſo called an Epaulment. Weight of the Cannon from fink- BASTION (DOUBLE) is that ing them into the Ground; and which, on the Plane of the great incline a little to the Parapet ſo Baſtion, hath another Baſtion built as to check the Recoiling of the higher, leaving 12 or 18 Feet be. Pieces. tween the Parapet of the lower, and In all Batteries, the open Spaces, Foot of the higher. left to put the Muzzles of the BASTION (FLAT,) is that which Guns out, are call's Embrazines is built on a Right Line. If the and the Diſtances beiween co- lm- great biazuies, BE A BEA or PAR brazures, Merlons ; the Guns are BEAD, in Architecture, is a Mould- generally about 12 Foot diftant one ing, which in the Corinthian and from another, that the Parapet may Roman Orders, is cut and carved into be ſtrong, and the Gunners have ſhort Emboſſments, which look like room to work. Beads worn in Necklaces ; and fome- BATTERIES (Cross) are two times an Aſtragal is thus carved. Batteries, which play athwart one A Bead Plain is ſometimes ſet alſo another, upon the ſame Thing, form- on the Edge of each Faſcia of an ing there an Angle, and beating Architrave. Its Convexity is uſually with more Violence and Deſtructi- about a Quarter of a Circle, and on, becauſe, what one Battery differs from a Boultine, only in not thakes, the other beats down. being ſo large. A Bead is often BATTERY (DE ENTILADE,) is placed on the Lining-Board of a one that ſcours or ſweeps the whole Door-Caſe, and on the upper Edges Length of a ſtraight Line. of Skirting-Boards. BATTERY (EN ESCHARP,) is BEAM, in any Building, is a Piece, that which plays obliquely. of Timber lying acroſs it, and into BATTERY (JOINT or which the Feet of the principal CAMERADE,) is when ſeveral Guns Rafters are framed. No Building play at the ſame time upon any has leſs than two of theſe Beams, Place. viz. one at each Head; and into BATTERY (DE REVERSE,) or theſe Beams the Girders of the Murdering Battery, is one that bears Garret-Floor are framed; and if it upon the Back of any Place, be a Timber Building, into them BATTERY (Sunk or BURIED,) the Teazle-Tennons of the Pofts are is when its Platform is ſunk, or let alſo framed. down into the Ground, ſo that there Beam COMPASS, is an Inftru. muſt be Trenches cut in the Earth ment conſiſting of a ſquare Woo- againſt the Muzzles of the Guns, den or Braſs-Beam, having ſliding for them to fire out at, and to ſerve Sockets, that carry Steel or Pencil for Embrazures. This ſort of Bat- Points; and they are uſed for de- tery, which the French call en Terre, ſcribing large Circles, where the and Ruinate, is generally uſed on common Compaſſes are uſeleſs. the firſt making of Approaches, to Bear. There are two Conſtel- beat down the Parapet of any Place. lations of Stars called by this Name, BATTLEMENTS, are the Tops the Greater and Leſer Bear, or of the Walls of Buildings, made in Urſa Major and Minor ; and the the Form of Embrazures and Mer- Pole-Star is in the Tail of the Leſſer, lons, in fortify'd Places. which is never diſtant from the BAY, a Term in Geography, is North-Pole of the World above two an Arm of the Sea, coming up into Degrees. the Land, and terminated in a Nook. BEARER, in Architecture, is a Iais a kind of leſſer Gulph, bigger Poſt, or Brick-Wall, which is trim- than a Creek; and is larger in the med up, between the two Ends of a Middle within, than it is at the En- Piece of Timber, to ſhorten its Bear- trance into it ; which Entrance is ing, or to prevent its Bearing with called the Mouth of the Bay. the whole Weight at the Ends only. BEACONS, are Fires maintained BEARING, in Navigation, figni- on the Sea Coaſt, to prevent Ship- fies the point of the Compaſs that wrecks, and to give notice of In one Place bears or Itands off from vaſions, &c. another: Or if there are two Places, 1 3 2"ce 2 2n 4n m 3 + B I M BIM A and B, propoſed, then B is ſaid to bear from Ā, by the Quantity of A B 0 an Angle contained under an infi- nitely (mall Part of a Rhumb-Line, drawn thro' both the places at the and is called a Firſt Bimedial Line Place A, and an infinitely finall See Euclid, Lib. 10. Prop. 38. Part of the Meridian of the Place A. BINOMIAL Room, is a Root come BEATS, in a Watch or Clock, pos’d of two Parts or Members, and are the Strokes made by the Fangs or no more, connected together by the Pallets of the Spindle of the Ballance Sign Plus +. Thus atb, or 2 or of the Pads in a royal Pendulum. + 3 is a Binomial Root, conſiſting of As the Beats of the Ballance the Sum of thoſe two Quantities. If it has three Parts, as a+b+, in one Hour are to the Beats in one Turn of the Fufy, fo is the Number it is called a Trinomial Root; if it of the Turns of the Fufy to the Con. has four, a Quadrinomial. tinuance of a Watch’s going. Any Root m of the Binomial 2. As the Number of turns of a + b may be extracted, or it may the Fufy is to the Continuance of a the following Series in Form of a be raiſed to any given Power mby Watch's Going in Hours, ſo are the Beats in one Hour to the Beats of the Ballance in one Turn of the Fuſy. Theorem, viz. P+PQn=pat Bed of the Carriage of a great Gun, m is that thick Plank which lies im- AQ+""B2+m-2nd mediately under the Piece, being as it were, the Body of the Carriage. * DQ+c. where P 41 BBD-MOULDING, is a Term uſed + p'e fignifies the Quantity by Workmen for thoſe Members in whoſe Root, or any Dimenſion, a Cornice which are placed below or Root of the Dimenſion, is to the Coronet, or Crown. And now- be found. P is the firſt Term of a-days, a Bed-Moulding uſually con that Quantity ; Q the next of the fifts of theſe four Members : 1. An Ogee. 2. A Lift. 3. A large Boul- Terms divided by the firſt and *** tinee. 4. Under the Coronet ano- is the numerical Index of the Di- ther Lift. Berme in Fortification, is a little menſions ofP+PQ; whether that Berme in Fortification, is a little Dimenſion be Integral or Fractional, Space of Ground, three, four, or ; five Foot wide, left without,' be that is, repreſents a Power or Root or whether it be affirmative or ne- tween the foot of the Rampart, and the side of the Moat, to receive the gative; as ſuppoſe, in the Binomial Earth that rolls down from thence, a3 + bxx and to prevent its falling into the 23 Moat. Sometimes, for more Secu- a3 + bxx1 – ž, will be (in the The- rity, the Berme is palliſado'd. BEVEL, an Inſtrument uſed by Carpenters and Bricklayers for ad orem), +PQ7; P will be =a3.; jufting of Angles. Q= BIMEDIAL. If two Medial Lines, as A B and BC, commenſurable Letters A, B, C,D,&c. ſtand for the only in Power, containing a rational Terms already found in the Quo- Rectangle, are compounded, the whole Line AC will be irracional, tient. A for the firſt Term P B n 3 ( 76 xxl 2 bbx, 2, 2 3; the BIM BIM 1426 a a 72 x4 + уу 2 Z 20 863 -I, 578 + 7x9 256c", m 2 aa a a th уу. 2 ee 4.63 5 B for the ſecond AQ; and ſo on. + 8197, &c. For P=y3.Q=- For Example V 10+ ** = - 1.1 = 3. A (P" = =c+ cet ** 9:*-->) will be= y that is 6 &c. For 16 c5 128c7 5 BC(= AQ==x =- in this Cafe P= 66, Q=*, EG°C. 21, n=2, A(=P=0(1) 3y$ Moreover the Cube Root of the Ec; BE Bf="AQ) = TE ;C fourth Point of d+, (that is, ="27" BQ= ) is d + on. + &c. For P=de In like manner 9 de 3 Side Vs- xs m= 4, n= 3, A(=P ņ) (that is cst ctx-mx by will be =d4, &c. Alſo fimple Powers may =c+ after the ſame Manner be found. as if the fourth Power of d te were 2 4 g 268 xx + 464x6 - 2 410 wanted ; that is dte or d tel *: +86c. for in this caſe m (in the Theorem) then will P=d, Quý, m= 5, is = 1, n=5, P=0s, and Q= c4 x-focs and n=1. And fo A(=P ) orallo - 45 may be put 64 x tcs = ds. B= AQI=5 d* e. and for P, and for Q, then C= 10d3 ee. D=10dde3. E = 5de4. Fes and G. will V75 +(4xx5 + c4 x tcs 2c*xx+40°x+2010 (=5" FQ)=0. that is, + 2539 t&c. The former Caſe being to dt d7ef = =ds +5d4 et 10d3 ec be taken when x is very little, and t 10 dde3 + 5 den tes. thelatter when it is very great. Again, Even Diviſion, whether it be N N |- fimple or repeated, may be perform’d by this Theorem, as if dte will be = N* gys (that is, tel er dtel c4 xX xs 5 c4 5 . 259 x5 5 5 5x4 ( - اردو - Nx93 ✓ 103 1 a azy I 294 + 3y3 telt be m n and A (ponad :) ( ate=3-áa team , 1 2 e 3 14, 7 BIM BIM be to be expanded into a Series, we “ Arithmetick of Infinites, ſee Prop. 118, 121, of his Algebra, Chap. th Q “ 8.) and confidering the Series of es univerſal Roots, by the Interpo- “ lation of which, he exhibits the -1. n=1. and A (Pmd “ Area of the Circle and Hyper- “ bola; for inſtance, in this Series d AQ “ of Curves, whoſe common Baſe or Axis is x, and the reſpective EIX and ſo dd « Ordinates 1 - x x - *x[?, 1-xx]}, Eg c. that is, -- x x17, 1 ** - *|*, 1—***, 24 1 xx}, &c. I obferved that dd “ if the Areas of the alternate Curves 66 which are x, X X3, X &*c. 6 * + *?, &c. could be interpo- From theſe few Examples the “ lated, we ſhould, by this means, “ obtain the Areas of the interme- great Uſe of this wonderful Theo- “ diate ones; the first of which rem may, in ſome meafure, appear. But indeed its Uſes are almoſt infi 1-xx17, is the Area of the nite ; comprehending the Method " Circle: in order to this; firſt it of Indiviſibles, the Arithmetick of Infinites, the Doctrine of Series's ; was evident, that in each of theſe “ Series's the firſt Term was x, chat and many other Concluſions, where- " the ſecond Terms x3, x3, in Diviſion and the Extraction of Roots are neceſſary. « 73, 73, &c. were in an Arith- Our great Sir Iſaac Newton firſt “ metical Progreſſion, and conſe- found out this Theorem, and ſent it quently the two firſt Terms of the in a Letter, in the Year 1676, to “ Series to be interpolated muſt be Mr. Oldenburgh, the (then) Secretary of the Royal Society, for him to 3 3 communicate to Mr. Leibnitz, as may be ſeen in a little Book, called &c. Commercium Epiſtolicum de varia re 3 mathematica inter celeberrimos pre- “ Now for the Interpolation of fentis fæculi mathematicos: But no “ the reſt, I conſidered that the De- where tells us his manner of inveſti “ nominators 1, 3, 5, 7, &c. were gating it, nor gives any ſort of proof (in all of them) in an arithmetical thereof. He ſays, indeed, in his " Progreffion, and conſequently the next Letter to the above-named Mr. " whole Difficulty conſiſted in find- Oldenburgh, (to be found in the Book ing out the numerical Coefficients. but now mention'd) chat the Occa " But theſe in the alternare Areas, ſion of its Diſcovery was this: " which are given, I obſerved were “ Not long (ſays he) after I had or the ſame with theFigures of which “ ventured upon the Study of the “ the ſeveral aſcending Powers of the “ Mathematicks, whilft I was per s Number u do confift, viz. 11°, uſing the Words of the celebrated 11', 112, 113, 114, ETC. that is, “ Dr. Wallis, (viz. the Doctor's “ firſt 1; the ſecond 1,1; the third *** 2 x3 1 73 t 1 B I M BI M 6 6 1 m I O Х 2 X 1 2 X m be M 66 riſe 4* 6 1 6 6 ter. 1, 2, 1; the fourth 1, 3, 3, 1; • In the ſame manner, the Areas “ the fifth 1, 4, 6, 4, 8, &c. to be interpolated of the other “ I apply'd myſelf therefore (ſays Curves might be produced, as he) to find out a method by which might alſo the Area of the Hy- " the two firſt Figures of this Series perbola, and the reſt of the alter- might be derived from the reſt ; nate Curves in this Series " and I found, that if for the ſecond it**]i, i+xx]{, 17x2]}, Figure or numerical Term I put m, " the reſt of the Terms will be pro 1 + x x?, &C. By the ſame way “ duced by the continual Multipli- · likewiſe other Series's might be cation of the Terms of this Series interpolated, and that too if they -3 • ſhould be taken at the diſtance of X 3 4 two or more Intervals. 4 · This was the way by which I &c. ' firſt opened an Entrance into theſe 5 “ For inſtance, if the ſecond Term Speculations, which I ſhould not put for have remember'd, but that in turn- and there will a- 42 ing over my Papers a few weeks that is 6; which ago, I, by chance, caft my Eyes upon thoſe relating to this Mat- " is the third Term. The fourth • After I had ſo far proceeded, it "6 Term will be 6 x that is immediately occurr'd to me, that 3 m 3 « the Terms 1-**7], 1**]}, 4. 4 X I, is the fifth 4 14, 1 - 4 si - x x?, Sg c. that v Term; and the fixth is 4 X is, 1, 1- * *, I - 2 x * + 44, So; which ſhews the ſeries is 3. * x + 3 ** *&c. " here terminated in this Caſe. might be interpolated in the ſame · This being found, I apply'd it • manner as I had done the Areas as a Rule to interpolate the above generated by them; and for this, ( mention'd Series ; and ſince in the o there needed nothing elſe but to • Series, which will expreſs the Cir leave out the Denominators 1, 3, • cle, the ſecond Term was found to “ 5, 7, &c. in the Terms that ex- « preſs the Areas, that is, the Co- o be Therefore I put m =Ž, o efficients of the Terms of the 3 « Quantity to be interpolated • and there was produced the Terms (T- 1 / 017, or ra 3 2 niverſally T— **1") will be had // 3 * by the continual Multiplication of or + i + o the Terms of this Series, m x 4 Tżs and ſo on ad infinitum. Hence m-1 • I found that the Area ſought of 3 4. • the Segment of the Circle is x - x3 1 / 2 x 5 * Thus for example, 1 -- * * 1 / 2 x² & *4 to *, Ec. 3 7 5 6 and 1 X X I- { *2 9 6 m I * * 쪽 I 2 I I XX ; Or U- 1 2 *** Oro 8 X 2 1 / I ti Х or 2 х m 3 , &c. Х 2 2 747 mange 1 Tigene 1 3 I 1 * *2 5 &c. ett XX. BIN BIN - the Terms after theſe in infinitum *4 + 18x6, &c. and 1- xx1 vaniſhing; and ſo I - *xx 1- ** - **, X', &c. twice multiplied • into itſelf produced 1 --- As « Thus I diſcover'd a general Me " this was a certain Proof of the thod of reducing radical Quantities Truth of theſe Concluſions, ſo I into infinite Series by the binomial was thereby naturally led to try Theorem, which I fent in my laſt " the Converſe of it, viz. whether · Letter, before I obſerved that the " theſe Series's that now were known ' fame thing might be obtain'd by to be the Roots of the Quantity • the Extraction of Roots. - X X, might not be extracted < But after I had found out that . thence, by the Rule for Extraction • Method, this other way could not • of Roots in Arithmetick; and upon long remain unknown; for, in or ( trial I found it to ſucceed accord. . der to prove the truth of theſe O- ing to my Defire. perations, I multiplied 1 - *2 I ſhall here ſet down the form of •=*+- 15*0,&c. by itſelf, the Proceſs in Quadratics : • and the Product is 1 -% x, all I . 1-*c (1-{** *** Tax, &c. I xx + 4 x4 *++* +48 * 74 **, &c. This being found, I laid afide viz. when the Exponent of the Bi- the Method of Interpolation, and nomial is an whole Number, and • aſſumed theſe Operations as a more that either by a kind of Induction, genuine Foundation to proceed deduced from the Obſervation of the upon. In the mean time I was not Series's of the Co-efficients of the fe- ignorant of the way of Reduction veral Powers of a Binomial, ſuppoſe by Diviſion, which was ſo much a tot, and the Doctrine of figurate • eaſier.' Thus far the Great New- Numbers; or elſe by the Method of ton: who alſo ſays, in the ſame Let Increments or Fluxions; or ſome ter, that the diſmal Plague in the other the like obſcure, ſtrained, un- Year 1665 made him remove from fatisfactory, and unnatural way. See Cambridge, and think of other Ralphſon's Hiſtory of Fluxions, Jones's things. This admirable Theorem, Synopſis, Sterling's Enumeration of the which is put upon his Monument in Lines of the third Order, Wolfius's Weſtminſter-Abbey, has never been Algebra, Brook Taylor's Methodus In- yet demonſtrated, although many crementorum, Cunn's Method of In- able Mathematicians have made va crements, in this Dictionary under rious Attempts to come at the Rea- the word Series. fon thereof. But in my Opinion, The Perſon aforeſaid has alſo they have all faild; for all that ever given two Theorems as Rules for I ſaw done, on this Subject, amounts reducing Binomials, conſiſting of ra- to no more than finding the Truth tional and ſurd Quantities, or both of the Theorem in one Caſe only, furd Quantities, to more ſimple H Terms A · BIN BIN in 2 ! 2 n2 gt r or > 2 S 2 2 2c 6 is i. 4 / 24 2. Terms where poffible. And this greater than 56; its cube Root 1:2 you will find at the Beginning of his the neareſt Number 4; and ſo r = 4. Algebra. They are theſe: 1. Īf A ex- Moreover by extracting all that is presſes the greater part of a Quantity, rational from AVR or V968, and B the le fer part: then will it will be 22 v 2: Therefore v A+VAA BB the radical Part of it will be s, be the Square of the greater part of the Roots and 5 A VAABB the Square of in the neareſt ✓ the lefer part, to be added to the greater with the Sign of B. So that integral Numbers is 23 therefore : if the Binomial be 3 +78; (A = 2. Laſtly, is is 2 V 2. being = 3, and B ✓ 8) we ſhall have the ſquare Root of 3 +18 ttss~~ n is 1. and Vē or VT I+In like manner 32 Sir Iſaac Newton has not thought fit to lay down a Demonſtration of 18 Se- theſe two Theorems, or Rules; which condly, If A+B be a Binomial, are much more elegant and general whoſe greater Part is A, and the In- than thoſe given us for extracting dex of the Root to be extraeted f, and the Roots of Binomials, in Van- n be found to be the leaſt Number, Schouten's Commentary upon Des Carr whoſe Power n can be divided by tes's Geometry. But Mr. :'Grave- AA B B, without a Remainder, ſande, at the latter part of his Alge- and l be the Quotient: And if bra, has been at the pains to give us a Demonſtration of the latter of VA+B x Vē be computed in the the ſaid Theorems, judging (I fup- A + B x V Q be computed in the poſe) the former to be ſo eaſy, as alareſt integral Numbers, and the not to ſpend time about evincing its ſame be called r, and if Avē be Truth." In order to which, he pre- divided by the greateſt rational Di- miſes eight Lemma's; which are vifor, and the Quotient bes, and if theſe : 1. If to any Power whoſe Index rt is c, be elevated the Binomial a tb, in the neareſt integral Num- and the Terms of this Power alter- nately taken, (that is, the ift, 3d, 5th, bers be t, then will 7th, &c. and the zd, 4th, 6th, 8th, ts + Vitas &c.) be united into one Sụm, and ſo be the Root whoſe the whole Power be divided into two Parts; the Difference of the Squares va of the Parts will be äa -bble. Index is c, provided the Root can be extracted. So that the cube Root of whereof a is the greater, and the 2. If a and b repreſent Numbers, 968 + 25 will from hence be 2 Binomial Vātnē be elevated 2+1. AA-- BB being = 343, to the Power c, and this Number be its Diviſors 7, 77; n = 7, and odd, this Power will be a Binomial = 1. alſo the Root of the firſt part one of whoſe Members is multiplied of A + B x V , or V968 +25 by Va, and the other by VT being extracted, will be a little and theſe Members will be the Parts, (Lemma C 2. $ n 7 BIR BIO x-d a 0. ✓7. (Lemma 1.) of which the greater is be conceiv'd to be generated or pro- that which is multiplied by va. duced from the continual Multipli. 3. If the ſame things being ſup- cation of four fimple Equations, (as poſed, the Number o be even, the if x be = a, x=b, x=1,x=d, O, -b=0, x Power forms a Binomial, one of or x mom af whofe Members is rational, and there, do; then will x other multiplied by vab, the xx — bxx .6 x x - c x x dobe. Members will be alſo the Parts men- get a biquadratic Equation) or, from tion'd in Lem, I. the Multiplication of one ſimple E- 4. Any Power of a numerical Bi- quation, and a cubic Equation, (as nomial va tv7 has both its & a XX3 + 6x2 to date=0) Members pofitive; the Power of a or laſtly, from the Multiplication Binomial or Apotome va-vī of two quadratic Equations, as has one Member negative; and the x2 + bx to 22 oto d x + ? Members themſelves do not differ, whether it be tonī or 2. Any biquadratic Equation may 5. If a Binomial VatVb be firſt reducing it to another, wanting be reduced to a cubic Equation ; by raited to a Power whoſe Index is c, the fecond Term. If the propoſed the Difference of the Squares of the one does not want its ſecond Term, Members of the Power is a bl: and fuppofing this laſt to be pro- 6. The Root of a Binomial whoſe duced by the Multiplication of two affumed quadratic Equations, and Index is c, that is v, cannot be then finding the Values of the ſeve- extracted, unleſs the Difference of ral Co-efficients of theſe laft Equa- the Squares of the Parts of the given tions, expreſs'd in the known Co. efficients of the Terms of the bi- Binomial has vam rational. quadratic Equation; whereby a new 7. If two continual decreaſing Équation will be had, conſiſting of geometrical Progreſſions have the four Terms, containing only the middle Term common, the Diffe- fixth, fourth, and ſecond Powers of rence between the firſt Terms of the the unknown Quantity, and a known Progreſſion will be greater than the Quantity, which in reality is but Difference between the laſt. a cubic Equation, being reducible thereto by ſubftituting ſome un- 8. The vof a Binomial can- known Quantity for the Square of not be extracted, if c be an even that in the Equation, wherein the Number, unleſs the greater Mem- unknown Quantity has six Dimen- ber of the given Binomial be ratio- fions. But it mult be confeſs'd that nal. this Operation is long and trouble- BIQUADRATIC EQUATION, in ſome in moſt Cafes. Algebra, is any Equation conſiſting Take the following Example from of not more than four Terms, and Sir Iſaac Newton's Algebra: Let 24 where the unknown Quantity of one to a x3 + 6*2 focx+d=o be of the Terms has four Dimenſions : a biquadratic Equation, having all As *4 to a x3 + 6*2 to cxt its Terms : tranſmute the ſame into d=, is a biquadratic Equation, another wanting the ſecond; which becauſe the Term x4 is of four Di- let be 44 fo q * * to po* ts menſions. Now let us ſuppoſe this Equation to 1. Any biquadratic Equation may be generated by the Multiplication 1 H 2 of BIĆ BIĆ $4 A to toeg *} f .ee 2 e 2 rr e e of two quadratic Equations xx + = o above given, will be always * + f = 0, and x x - ext of poſſible. =o; that is, let it be the ſame as 3. In Deſcartes's Geometry there tg g * + fg finding the Roots of a biquadratic ef Equation: and another in Sir Iſaac = 0; then by comparing the Terms Newron's Algebra much more ele- ogether, we ſhall have f+g ee gant and general, extending to E- =q, ég-ef=r, and f g=s. quations of fix, eight, and ten Di- menſions, which is to find a ſurd Di- Wherefore g tec=f+8 = = viſor, whereby to try to divide the Equation into two equal Parts, and then to get the Roots of the Parts. + 4. Mr. Deſcartes was the first who has fewn how to find the lineal Roots of cubic, and conſequently of steer biquadratic Equations, (ſince theſe - fi laſt can be always reduced to cubics) by the Interſection of a Circle and Parabola ; and after him ſeveral 99 +2eegtet others have made Improvements in =fg) this Buſineſs: Amongſt others, ſee 4 Baker's Geometrical Key, Sluſius's =s; and by Reduction e' + 2qe+ Meſolabium, the Philoſophical Tranſ- actions, Nº 188, 190. the Marquis de eerr = 0, put y for e e, l'Hospital's Conic Sections, Wolfius's For it and then it will be go3 + 2q9y would be foreign to my Deſign to Elementa Matheſeos, &c. +4y=-==-. Find the Root -gr=. Find the Root extenſive Subje&t here; but the Con- be ſufficiently particular upon this 45 or Roots of this Equation, and put- ftruction of the following biquadratic Equations x4 + px? ate x 4 p x² at q =o being ſhort, ting Vj = , and perhaps uſeful, may not be dif- plealing to ſuch who delight in theſe things. The former of theſe Equa- ateetan tions has always two real equal = 8, and extracting Roots, one affirmative, and the the Roots of the aſſumed quadratic other two being imaginary: and the other negative, and no more; the Equation sxx + ex+f=0, xx latter has two Pair of equal real ex + g = 0; their Roots will give the four Roots of the given bi- IP Roots, when is leſs thang. quadratic Equation *4 + 9xx + 4 x +so, viz. x = 1. Let it be x4 + D x2 9 Vee-5, and x = {e IV extract the Root, and then will ** And if the four Roots of be= 1p+vatipp; and ma- 8. the given biquadratic Equation be poffible, the three Roots of the cubic king : 1p :: 10:V9, we ſhall Equation y3 + 29yy 450 have x x Vatrex +49 45 ? = 0, and ee -f; 2 > 2 1 e +1 -1 O, ce 4 +99 4 4 . BIR BIR ✓ ý tre; and fox= ctv Nato x ~ ✓ 9. Now draw the two right Lines A E, CF, interſecting each other at right to get the leſſer affirmative or nega- tive Root, every thing elſe as before, only make (fig. 3.) BE (= AH) E ! B. o А B D E 1 F H D D F A G • px xv 4 و upon the nary Roots. Angles at B, make AB= 92 and BC=-6, join AC, make B & the Difference between AB and DC, AB + BC, and upon A E de- and BG = AC, and then will be fcribe a Semicircle cutting C F in x be the leſſer affirmative or the Point F, then will BF be = negative Root of the Equation. #x, being the only real Roots of 5. In all biquadratic Equations, the Equation. if the Sign of the laſt Term be ne- 2. Let the Equation be x4 gative, it can have but two imagi- +9=0; then in like manner, as nary Roots.In any biquadratic above, x will be = Equation wanting the ſecond and fourth Terms, if the Signs of the cVT other three be. all affirmative, its 9 IS four Roots will be all imaginary. So alſo will a biquadratic Equation, draw ACE and fame deſcribe a Semicircle A B C; (when affirmative) have four imagi- having only the firſt and laff Terms E 6. In any biquadratic Equation having all its Terms, if of the B Square of the Co-efficient of the fe. cond Term be greater than the Pro- U C duct of the Co-efficients of the firſt А. and third Terms, or of the Square F of the Co-efficient of the fourth G Term be greater than the Product of the Co-efficients of the third and fifth Terms, or of the Square of in which apply A B=C, and draw the Co-efficient of the third Term the right Line EBCG thro' B and greater than the Product of the Co- C; make ÇG=AC and B E efficient of the ſecond and fourth A B biſfect £ G in the Point D, and Terms; all the Roots of that Equa. with the Diſtance D E deſcribe a tion will be real and unequal: and Semicircle cutting B A (continued) if either of the ſaid Parts of thoſe in the Point F; then will BF = Squares be leſs than either of thoſe + x be the greater affirmative or Products, that Equation will have. negative Root of the Equation. But imaginary Roots. za HS BIR BI 7. Being much pleaſed with the following elegant Conſtruction of a DF= biquadratic Equation 24 - p%3 2V I join A F, and upon tazz go z fu s = 0. (whoſe Af deſcribe a Semi-circle ADF, Roots are all affirmative, by means of a'Circle and equilateral Hyper- and about the Centre F deſcribe'a and in the fame apply AG=V9, bola, which is Van Hadden’s a Dutch Circle paſſing thro' the Point G, man, as we find in Schouten's Com- which · Circle will cut or touch the mentary upon Deſcartes's Geome- try) I cannot omit laying down his Hyperbola in the fame Number of Operation, which is thus. Points' as the Equation has different Roots; from which, if the Perpendicu- at right Angles, to one another, and lars H I, hi, hi, be drawn to the Line at right Angles, to one another, and À C, theſe will be the Roots fought. in A B, take the Line AD=P Where it muſt be obſerved, that if and from D draw DF parallel to A C, and in this find the Point E A G ſhould be too great to be in- ſuch, that the Rectangle ADXDE fcribed in the Semicircle deſcribed upon A F, or the Circle G H h fo be equal v and thro' E deſcribe ſmall as not to cut or touch the Hy- an equilateral Hyperbola HE habout perbola, it is a Sign that all the Roets the Afymptotes A B, A C. také of the Equation are imaginary. S, TO and leasinsvavassador i 1 E H I R А D B Novo %, met or - 2V The Demonſtration is eaſy : for fuppofing IH=%, and ſince A D XDE = AIXIH = V, it will ✓ be AI=DK and KF 2 N رد 2 and ſo KF andalen + 1* 22 4 $ But BIO ΒΙΟ. But KH=-ip, or -x; Quantity drawn into the Abfcifs A P, equal to the Square of the and fo KH=z %%+ pp. Fig.3 2 Wherefore FH= .to B M 2 s 23 1 21 +%%--*+*pp; and ſince A P -2 2 this is = AF- AGPpt IM 9, by ordering the Equation 45 we fhall have 34 medio p 23 +9 N 32' go z for so. correſpondent Ordinate AP, plus the BIQUADRATICAL PARABOLA, Rectangle, under the Difference of is a Curve Line of the third Order, two invariable, unequal right Lines having two infinite Legs AM, AN AB, AC, and the faid Abſciſs, to- tending the ſame way; being of ſuch gether with the Difference of the a Nature, that the Cube of ſome in. Rectangle under theſe variable Lines, variable Quantity, drawn into the all drawn into the Square of the ſaid Abfcifs AP (ſee fig. 1.) is equal to correſpondent Ordinate, (ſee fig. 3.) the ſquar'd Square, or fourth Power That is, fuppoſing AP, *, Þ M,, of the correſpondent Ordinate PM; AB, b, AC, c, and the invariable Quantity (whoſe Cube is drawn Fig. into the Abſciſs) a; the Equations of the Curves will be a 3x=yt,a3 x - 24 a 2 x4,23 x ** *4-at-b X x3 ab * x. A P It is very eaſy to find Points thro' which one of theſe Parabola's is to paſs, by common Geometry alone, N by firſt reſolving the Equation of the or elſe the Cube of an invariable Curves into Analogies, and then Quantity drawn into the Abfcifs aſſuming fourth Proportionals. But A P equal to the Difference of the more eaſy ftill, by means of two common Parabola's. The Way of doing which for the Curve of fig. 1. (expreſſed by the Equation a3 x=94) B being very ſhort, take as follows: Let AN be a common Parabola, Р B Fig. 2 M N MI Q N R Squares of the correſpondent Ordi- nate PM, and the invariable Line AB, or AC, drawn into the Square of the ſaid Ordinate (ſee fig. 2.) Or laſtly, the Cube of an invariable S A H 4 P whoſe BIQ. BIR Fight n 2 2 whoſe Axis is A Q.land AR another, be taken in the infinite Abſciſs AS whoſe Axis is AS, at right Angles whether on this fide A, between to A 0. Take any Point P in SA, A, B ; B, C;C, D; or beyond D; ſo continued out, and draw PN parallel that it is an eſſential Property of the to A Q, cutting the Parabola AN Curve. in the Point N, and from N draw If the Curve has no ſerpentine N R cutting the Parabola A R in R. Part (as that of (fig. 6.) the Equation Then, if in PN you take P Mequal to QR, the Point M will be one Point thro' which the biquadràtical Parabola will paſs. And after the ſame manner may any Number of рів Points be found. A S IfAS ( fig.4.) be an Abſciſs to this will then be more fimple; for in Fig.4 this caſe, it will be pmxa =Apx T* M M BP p B. whether the Paint p be taken А on this ſide A or beyond B. EP S CPD This Curve is of much uſe in con- m т 172 Curve, and the right Lines pm, PM, the third Order, determining their Curves of at right Angles to them be Ordi- the third Order, determining their Numbers, different Species and Fi- nates, and Ap, or AP be called x, and p m, PM, -y, ty, Y, + y, and a, gures. For Example, Let it be b, c, d, e, f, are invariable Quan- of the different Species and Figures required to conſtruct and find one tities; then will the Equationa y = of the Curves expreſſed by the E- Nature of that Curve, or the Re- quation zx = ax4.6*3.6*2.dx.e. lation of each correſpondent Ab where % is an Ordinate, x the Ab- fcifs A p; A P, and Ordinate p m, Quantities . Let MB MC DM ſciſs, and a, b, c, d, e, invariable , tion of the Curve poffißle ; and the E M (fig. 7.) be a biquadratical four Lines AB, AC, AD, AE, are the four Roots of the Equation M ob x4. cx3. d x2.ex. f. If the Beginning of the Abſciſs M M M A (ſee fig. 5.) be taken in the Curve, A DPE PN PS M Fig.5 T CP / D M S A B a S in then will any Ordinate Pm drawn M Fig. 8 m K into the invariable Quantity a of a G proper Magnitude be equal to the Parabola, whoſe Abſciſs AS, cats Product of Ap, into BP, into CP, the Curve in four Points B, C, D, E, and into Df, wherever the Point and the Relation of any Value of A Fig 7 BPC per M in m. Canduan LOL If CPU e m т. P BIO BIO AP (*) to the correſpondentValue of 633.682. d x. 6, has its two mid. PM (y) be expreſſed by theEquation dle Roots equal, the Curve will be = ax4.693.cx. dx e. p being that of Fig. 9. having a conjugate a given Quantity; this done, draw any abſciſtal Line a s parallel to AS, Fig. at a convenient Diſtance from it, and from the Points A, B, C, D, E, let fall the perpendiculars A a, Bb, CC, D d, Ee to as, and taking any Abſciſs AP (in fig. 7.) and corre- fpondent Ordinate PM; continue down PM to cut the Abſciſs a s (of Point P between the oppofite para- fig. 8.) in p, and make p m both a- bove and below as, equal to v py, its two letter or greater Roots equal, bolic Legs. 2. If that Equation has or as PM (fig. 7.) Then will the and the other two unequal, the Points m, m, be thoſe of the Curve Curve will be that of fig. 10. con- required; and thus may an infinite number of other Points be found. But becauſe PM (9) between B and C, and D, E, are negative, and fince Fig. 10 the ſquare Root of a negative Quan- tity cannot be taken; it follows that no Part of the Curve wanted, will fall between the Points b, c; and d, é; ſo that the Curve conſiſts of two oppoſite infinite Parts FBG, IeK, fiſting of a pure Parabola, and a no- with an Oval c m d m between them, date Parabola. 3. If the two mid- having the Line a s for a Diameter, dle Roots be imaginary, the Curve and theſe Parts will be Bell-form or will be that of fig. 11. conſiſting of diverging Parabola's. And this wi always be the caſe when the Equa- tion 0 a x4. b 33. C x2. d x. l, Fig.11 has four real and unequal Roots, AB, ĄC, AD, AE, or ab, a c, ad, 1 Sant ae. There are five more different pa- rabolic Curves expreſs’d by the E- quation aforeſaid, where the greateſt Term a x4 is Affirmative ; all of two pure Parabola's. 4. If three which may be conſtructed from a of the Roots be equal, the Curve biquadratical Parabola, after the will have a Cuſpe or triple Point, as ſame way as has been ſhewn already that of fig. 12. for that of kg. 8. The Difference being only, in the abfcifſal Line AS Fig.12 cutting the Curve only in two Points ; touching it in two Points, or cut- ting it in two ; touching it in one Point, and cutting it in two; touch- ing it in three Points, and cutting it in one; or not touching it at all: that is, 1. If the Equation on a **, So I BIR BLO Fig.13 С Fig.16 So likewiſe by inverting the bi- Number, as 16 is the biquadratic quadratical Parabola, (of fig. 7.) or Power of 2; for 2 x 2 is = 4, and turning the Concavity downwards, 4 x 4 is = 16. the five Ovals ( fig. 13, 14, 15, 16, BIQUADRATIC Root of a Nume and 17.) may be had, when the ber, is the ſquare Root of the ſquare Root of a Number, as the biqua- dratic Root of 81 is 3; for the ſquare Root of 81 is 9, and the ſquare Root of 9 (again) is 3. BIQUINTILĒ, an Aſpect of the Planets, when they are 144 Degrees diſtant from each other. Fig.14 BISSEXTILE, in Chronology, is the ſame as our Leap-rear. And the Reaſon of the Name is, becauſe in every 4th Year they accounted the 6th Day of the Kalends of March twice; for once in four Years the Fig.15 odd Hours, above 365 Days, made up just a whole Day, which was in- ſerted into the Calendar to the 24th of February BLACKNESS. The Colour fo called, ſeems to ariſe from ſuch a peculiar Texture and Situation of the ſuperficial Parts of any black Body, that it does, as it were, deaden the Light falling upon it, and reflect Fig. Z none, or very little of it outwards to the Eye. Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Optics, Book 2. Obj. 4. 17, and 18, thews, That for the Production of Black greateſt Term à x4 is negative. For Colours, the Corpufcles muſt be leſs when all the Roots of the Equation than any of thoſe that exhibit other are real and unequal, there will be Colours. a Pair of Ovals; as at fig. 13. when BLACK SUBSTANCES, of all o- the two greater or leffer Roots are thers, do fooneſt become hot, and equal, there will be one Oval, and burn. á conjugate Point, as at fig. 14. BLINDS, in Fortification, are cer- when the two middle Roots are tain Pieces of Wood, or Branches equal, there will be two Ovals join'd of Trees, laid a-croſs, from one together, in ſhape of a Figure of fide of a Trench to the other, to Eight, as at fig. 15. when two Roots ſuſtain the Bavins or Hurdles laden are imaginary, there will be but with Earth; and ſerve to cover the one Oval, as at fig. 16. and when Pioneers from above; and are com- three Roots are equal, there will be monly uſed when the Works are but one Oval, in ſhape of a Pear, as carry'd on towards the Glacis, and that of fig. 17. when the Trench is extended in BIQUADRATIC POWER, is the Front towards the Place. fourth Power, or ſquared Square of a BLOCKADE, is encompaſſing any Town, 1 dies : BO'M BÓM Town, or Place, ſo all round with The Uſe of Bombs is not very arm'd Troops, that it is impoſſible ancient; for altho' we have ſome for any Supplies to be brought to it; mention in Hiſtory made of certain and ſo it muſt be ſtarved, or ſurren. Fire-Pots, thrown with Engines into der: But there is no deſign of ta- the Towns of the Enemy, yet theſe king it by Attack, &c. And when were quite different from Bombs any Place is in this Condition, it is filld with Gunpowder, of which faid to be block'd up, or blockaded. they had not the leaſt Knowledge. BODY, in Geometry; is that which The firſt which we know of, were has three Dimenfions, Length, thrown into the City of Watchen- Breadth, and Thickneſs. As a Line donck in Guelderland, which was is formed by the Motion of a Point, beſieged by Count Mansfield, under and a Superficies by the Motion of the Command of the Prince of Par. a Line; fo a Body is generated by ma, in the year 1588; where the , the Motion of a Superficies. But, Bombs in a ſhort time, having ruin'd Body, in Natural Philoſophy, is all the Lodgments, fo aftonith'd the uſually definid to be a Subſtance Beſieged, that they were obliged impenetrably extended, or which to ſurrender. to ſurrender. Some ſay that an In: having Partes extra Partes, cannot habitant of Venlo, in the fame Pro- be in the ſame place with, or pene- or pene- vince, invented them fome time be- trate the Dimenſions of other Bo- fore, having uſed them only as Fire- Which Property Sir Iſaac Balls of Pleaſure to divert the Duke Newton expreffes by the word so- of Cleves, then at Venlo: and having tidity; and fo the idea we have of thrown ſeveral in his preſence, one a Body proceeds from its being ex- by Misfortune fell into a Houſe, tended, folid, and moveable. which it fired with fo violent and Bomb-Chest, is a kind of Cheſt, horrible a Blaze, that the greateſt which, being filled with Gunpowder Part of the City was confum'd be- and Bombs, (according to the in- fore any Help could be gotten. tended Execution) is placed under There are ſome Datch Hiſtorians Ground, to blow it up into the Air, who relate, that a few Months be. together with thoſe that ſtand upon fore this Misfortune happen'd, an it. Italian Engineer made ſome ſuch Thefe Bomb-Cheſts are frequently like Experiments at Bergenopzoom, uſed to drive the Enemy from a Poſt trying to make theſe Bombs eaſy they lately poffefſed, or whereof they and uſeful in War. But in doing ſo are about to take Poffeſfion; and are he was miſerably burnt, by the ac- fet on fire by means of a Sauſage cidental firing off of the Compofition faften'd at one End. which he had deſign'd for that pur- BOMBS, are hollow Balls of Caft- poſe. Be this as it will, it is very Iron, which are fill'd with whole certain that Bombs were not then to Powder, and ſometimes Nails, Pieces be found; altho' the Uſe of Mortars of Iron, &c. along with it. Their may perhaps be as ancient as that of Ufe is to be ſhot out of Mortar- Cannon themſelves: becauſe there Pieces into beſieged Towns, to an are to be found Iron ones of a very noy the Garriſon, fire Magazines, ancient Make; and it is known that ſeveral of them were uſed in the I- The largeſt are about ſeventeen talian War of the laſt Age, to fing Inches in Diameter, two Inches in Stones and red-hot Balls co fet Towns Thickneſs, carry 48 Pounds of Pow- on fire. Nay, there is even a De. der, and weigh about 490 Pounds. fign of a Mortar caſting forth a Fire- E c. Ball, BOM BOM Ball, amongſt divers other Pieces upon the Parapet of the Redoubt: of Artillery, mark'd upon the Fron. every body try'd to do the ſame ; tiſpiece of a Book of Nicolas Tarta- but the Confuſion and Diſorder was glia the Mathematician, printed in ſo great, that the Bomb burſt with- the year 1538. in the Mortar, and broke it into a The Spaniards and Dutch, in the thouſand Pieces, killing and wound- long Wars between them, uſed Bombs ing many people. and Granado's. And they were firſt But at length, this Engineer him- to be found in uſe amongſt the ſelf was killed at the laſt Siege of French, in the year 1634, at the Gravelin, by a very extraordinary Siege of La Motte. Nor is it Truth, Misfortune; he having pitch'd upon as Caſimir ſays in his Book of the a Poft very near the Counterſcarp great Art of Artillery, that they of the Enemy, where he deſign'd to were in uſe at the Siege of Rochelle. puſh his Work as ſoon as it was Lewis the XIVth of France having dark, and having a deſire to ſhew it ſent for, from Holland, one Maltus to the General officer, he jump'd an Engliſh Engineer, who had the up in the Trench to thew him its Si- chief Direction in uſing them, with tuation ; the Officer himſelf did the much Succeſs, at ſeveral Sieges; fame after him, but being not ſuffi- particularly at Cohoure, in the year ciently inform'd of it, he deſired 1642, he threw one which pierced that Maltus would jump up once thro' the Ciſtern, and obliged the more, that ſo he might have a bet- Beſieged to ſurrender much fooner ter Knowledge of it: Maltus did fo, than they would have done, were it and at that Inſtant was ſhot thro' the not for that Accident. At firſt he Head with a Muſquet-Ball. . had not all the Experience that he All this perſon's Knowledge con- acquired afterwards: for at the Siege fifted in pure Experience, being quite of Landrecy, in the year 1637, his deftitute of Mathematical Helps, or Battery was in a Redoubt of the any ſort of Science that could inform Cardinal de la Vallet; where they him of the Nature of the Motion of were conſtantly coming to him and Bombs, and the Curve Line which complaining that the Bombs which they deſcribe in their Paſſage thro' he deſign'd to throw into the Place, the Air, or the Difference of their flew over, and fell beyond the Town, Ranges according to the different E- killing a great many people in the levations of the Mortar; ever direct- Trenches at Mr. De Candale's and ing his Mortar by accident and gueſs, Meilleray's Attack, on the other ſide or rather by the Eſtimation that he of the Town Eye at this very made of the Diſtance of the Place Siege a great Mist. ä e happend to which he had a mind to throw from him: For once wuen a great the Bomb, according to which he many General Officers had come gave it a greater or leſs Elevation ; out of Curioſity to his Battery, he obſerving whether the firſt ſhots fired off ſeveral Bombs in their pre were juſt or not; and lowering his ſence. But at length, having ſet Mortar, if its range was too ſhort ; fire to the Fuzee of a charged Bomb, or raiſing it, when it fell beyond the and then going to ſet fire to the Mark; uſing a ſort of a Square for Touch-hole of the Mortar, he found that purpoſe. his Match gone out; and imme Nicholas Tartaglia the Mathema- diately giving the alarm, crying tician, in his Treatiſe Concerning a out for every one to take care of New Science, ſays that a Bomb de- himſelf that could, he jump'd firſt ſcribes a Curve in its Paffage with ។ BOM BOM a Motion partly violent, whoſe Force or falſely related to him, or elſe the conſtantly decreaſes, and by a na Piece for the ſecond Diſcharge was tural Motion conſtantly increaſing. loaded with more or better Powder which is falſe in the Line deſcribed than at the firſt ; becauſe, ſays he, by Projectiles; becauſe their Velocity Reaſon ſhews that the Range of the continually decreaſes.-He thought fecond Diſcharge muſt not be ſo a good deal upon this Subject, and great in proportion to the firſt. And promiſed to give us the Order and in this, indeed, Tartaglia is in the Proportion of the Shots of Cannon right: for if the firſt Range made or Mortars, whereby they increaſe from the Elevation of 45° is 1972 or diminiſh, according to the Ele. Perches, the other from the Elevation vation of the Piece ; and how to cal- of 30muſt be but 1710 Perches. culate all the different Diſtances made Don Diego Ufano, a Spanif Cap- with the ſame Charge of Powder, tain of Artillery (who long ſerved by knowing and meaſuring only one in the Wars in Flanders, and par- Diſtance. But he ſays afterwards, ticularly at the Siege of Offend, in that as the ſaid Science might contri- the year 1611, in a Book of Gunne- bute to the Ruin and Deltruction of ry publiſhed by him) is the firſt who Mankind, he was reſolved to ſup- obſerved that the Ranges of Balls or preſs it; with this Reſerve neverthe- Bombs, ſhot with equal Charges of leſs, to communicate the ſame viva Powder from Cannon or Mortars, at voce to thoſe who were deſirous of Elevations equally above or below Serving it againſt the Infidels.--He 45 Degrees, are equal.--He alſo was the first who obſerved that it was makes the path of a Ball or Bomb impoſſible for any part of the Path in its flight to conſiſt of two right of a Projectile to be a right Line.. Lines and a Curve: for he makes its That the greateſt Range was at the Motion to be threefold, the firſt of Elevation of 45 Degrees, and the which he calls violent, is along a Gunners of his Time thinking that right Line; the ſecond, which he the greateſt Range was at 30 De- calls mixt, is along a Curve; and grees, he undeceived them both by the third, which he calls a pure and his Doctrine and Experience; and a natural Motion, is alſo along a right Wager was laid about it at Vero- Line; that is, he ſuppoſes the Force na, in the year 1532, where a 24 of the Powder communicates a Mo- Pound Culverin, loaded equally with tion to the Bomb, carrying it along Powder and Ball, was diſcharged at a right Line in the Direction of the an Elevation of 45 Degrees, and an Mortar, as long as that Force con- Elevation of 30 Degrees, affirming tinues conſiderable; but when it be that he was not indeed preſent at the gins to abate, it is ballanced by the Experiment, but what he ſays of Weight of the Bomb, its Direction the Length of each Range, was only is alter'd, and becomes a Curve, by by the Report of others, who told the Mixture of the two Impreſſes. him that the Range at the Elevation And this Curve deviates into an up- of 45° was 1972 Perches of Verona, right ſtreight Line, when the Weight and that at the Elevation of 30° was being overcome, and the Force im 1872 of thoſe Perches ; and makes the preſs'd by the Powder quite loft, it following Reflection upon it, that in is at liberty to carry the Bomb in a the Computation of thoſe cwo Num- right Line directly towards the bers, one of theſe three things muſt Centre of the Earth, and upon this happen, viz. that the Meaſures of Sentiment he has calculated a Table the Ranges were not exactly taken, of the Ranges of Bombs to every Degree BOW BRA } Degree of Elevation. But they are Bow, alſo is a Beam of Wood, not exactly true. or Braſs, with three long Screws, Bonnet, in Fortification, is a that govern or bend a Lath of certain Work raiſed beyond the Wood or Steel to any Arch ; Counterſcarp, having two Faces, and is of great Uſe for drawing which form a Saliant-Angle, and, Arches, that have large Radii, &c. as it were, a ſmall Ravelin, without which cannot be ſtručk with Com. any Trench. The Height of this paſſes. Fortification is three Foot; and it is BOULTINE, in Architecture, is environ'd with a double Row of Pa- the Workmen's Term for a Convex liſadoes, ten or twelve Paces diſtant Moulding, whoſe Convexity is juft I from each other. It has a Parapet It has a Parapet of a Circle. This is placed next three Foot high, and is like a little below the Plinth in the Tuſcan and advanced Corps de Gard. Dorick Capital. BONNET A PRESTRE, or the Box AND NEEDLE, is the ſmall Prief's-Cap, in Fortification, is an Compaſs of a Theodolite, Circum- Outwork, having at the Head three ferentor, or Plain-Table. Saliant-Angles, and two inwards; BOYAU, or Branch of the Trenches, and differs from the double Tenaille in Fortification, is a particular Ditch only in this, that its Sides, inſtead ſeparated from the main Trench, , of being parallel, are made like a which in winding about encloſes Swallow's Tail, that is, narrowing, different Spaces of Ground, and runs or drawing cloſe at the Gorge, and parallel with the Works and Fences opening at the Head. of the Body of the Place; ſo that BOOT ES, the Name of a Northern when two Attacks are made near Conſtellation of the Fixed Stars; of one to another, the Boyau ſometimes which one, in the Skirt of his Coat, makes a Communication between is called Artturus, and is of the firſt the Trenches, and ſerves as a Line Magnitude. This Conſtellation is of Contravallation, not only to hin- called Aretophylax, and conſiſts of der the Sallies of the Beſieged, but thirty-four Stars. alſo to ſecure the Miners. But when BOREAL SIGNS, are the fix firſt it is a particular Cut,, that runs from Signs of the Zodiac, or thoſe on the Trenches to cover ſome Spot of the Northern Side of the Equinoc- Ground, it is then drawn parallel tial. to the Works of the Place, that it BOSPHORUS, in Geography, is may not be enfiladed, that is, that a long narrow Sea, running in be- the Shot from the Town may not tween two Lands, by which two fcour it. Continents are ſeparated, and by BRACE, in Architecture, is a which way a Gulph and a Sea, or Piece of Timber framed in with two Seas, have a Communication Bevil-Joints, and is uſed to keep one with another, as the Thracian the Building from ſwerving either Boſphorus, now called the Streights way. When a Brace is fram'd into of Conſtantinop:e. the Kindleſſes, and principal Rafters, Bow, a Mathematical Inſtrument, it is called by ſome à Strut. made in Wood, formerly uſed by BRACKETS, in Gunnery, are the Seamen, to take the Altitude of the Cheeks of the Carriage of a Mor- Sun, but now is out of uſe; and tar. They are made of ſtrong Planks conſiſts of a large Arch of 90 De- of Wood of almoſt a ſemicircular grees, three Vanes, and a Shank or Figure, and bound round with thick Staff. Iron Plates. They are fixed to the Bed 3 1 1 BUR BU R: Bed by four Bolts, which are called The Breadth of one of theſe Bed-Bolts; they riſe up on each ſide Concaves, if it be the Segment of of the Mortar, and ſerve to keep a great Sphere, muſt not exceed an her at any Elevation, by means Arch of eighteen Degrees; and if a of fome ſtrong iron Bolts, called Segment of a ſmall Sphere, at moſt, Bracket-Bolis, which go thro' theſe an Arch of thirty Degrees., Cheeks or Brackets. Kircher, in Arte Magna Lucis & BRANCH of the Trenches. See Umbra, lib. 10. part 3. c. i. ſays, Boyau. That he found by Experience, that BREACH, in Fortification, is the the beſt Burning Concaves were ſuch Ruins that are made in any part of that did not exceed an Arch of the Works of a Town, &c. by eighteen Degrees in their Breadth. playing Cannon, or ſpringing of If the Segments of a greater and Mines, in order to form the Place, a leſſer Sphere lie each eighteen or take it by Affault. Degrees in Breadth, or even ſome- BREAK GROUND, in Fortifica- thing greater or leſs, the Number tion, fignifies to begin the Works of Degrees in both being the ſame, for carrying on the Siege about a the Effects of the greater Segments Town or Fort. will be greateſt. BreasT SOMMERS, in a Tim Burning Glaſſes, that are Segments ber Building, are the Pieces in the of a greater Sphere, do burn at a outward Parts of it, and in the greater Diſtance than thoſe that are Middle Floors, (not in the Garret Segments of a leſſer Sphere. and Ground-Floor,) into which the Schottus, in Magia Univerſ. part i. Girders are fram'd. lib. 7. ſect. 6. p. 1418. ſays, That BREAST-WORK, the ſame with one Manfredus Septala, at Milan, Parapet. made a parabolic Speculum of this BRIDGE of Communication, is a kind, that would burn Wood at the Bridge made over a River, by which Distance of fifteen or fixteen Paces. two Armies, or Forts, that are fe Mr. Villette, at Lyons in France, parated by that River, have a free made a metalline Burning Concave Communication one with another. of a round Figure, thirty Inches Broken Ray, or Ray of Re- in Diameter, and about a hundred fraction, in Dioptrics, is a right Pound Weight, the Focus, or burn- Line, whereby the Ray of Incidence ing Point, being diſtant from the changes its Rectitude, or is broken Concave about three Foot, and its in croſſing the ſecond Medium, whe- Bigneſs about half a Louis d'Or. ther it be thicker or thinner. This would melt Iron in forty Se- BURNING GLASSES are convex conds, Silver in twenty-four, Cop- concave Glaſſes, commonly per in forty-two; and turned Quarry Spherical, that being expoſed di- Stone into Glaſs in forty-five, and rectly to the Sun, do collect all the Mortar in fifty-three Seconds; and Rays of the Sun falling upon them melted a piece of Watch-Spring in into a very ſmall Space, called the nine Seconds. See the Philoſophical Focus, diſtant from the Glaſs in the Tranſact. N° 6. pag. 418. and the Axis thereof, where Wood, or any Diary of the Learned at Paris, Ann. other combuſtible Matter being put, 1679. will be ſet on fire. Metalline Con Mr. Villette afterwards made ano- caves, that produce this Effect by ther of thirty-four Inches in Dia- Reflection, are called Burning Cone meter, that would melc all ſorts of caves. Metals of the thickneſs of a Crown- or picce BUR BUT piece in leſs than a Minute, and vi Sir Iſaac Newton preſented a trify Brick in the ſame time. Phi- Barning-Glaſs to the Royal Society, lofoph. Tranfa&t. Nº. 49. conſiſting of ſeven Concave Glaſſes, In the Philoſoph. Tranf. Nº. 188. fo placed, as that all their Foci join and the Aeta Éruditorum Ann. 1687. in one phyſical Point. Each Glaſs P. 52. you have mention'd a Cop- is about eleven Inches and a half per Burning-Concave, made at Lu- in Diameter: Six of them are plac- face in Germany, of near three Leip- ed round the ſeventh ; to which fick Ells in Diameter, and its Focus they are all contiguous, and they two Ells off, being ſcarce twice ſo compoſe a kind of Segment of a thick as the back of a common Sphere, whoſe Subtenſe is about Knife, and whoſe force is incredible; thirty-four Inches and a half; and for a piece of Wood put in the Fo. the Central-Glaſs lies about an cus, flames in a moment ſo as it can Inch further in than the reſt. The hardly be put out by a freſh Wind. common Focus is about twenty-two A piece of Lead or Tin three Inches Inches and a half diftant, and of thick, will be melted quite through about half an Inch in Diameter. in three Minutes time. A piece of This Glaſs'vitrifies Brick or Tile in Iron or Steel is preſently red hot, a Moment, and in about half a and ſoon after hath a Hole burnt Minute melts Goid. through it. Copper, Silver, &c. A certain Artificer of Dreſden is applied to the Focus, melt, and the ſaid to have made very large Burn- Iron aforeſaid will melt in five or ing-Concaves of Wood, whoſe Ef- fix Minutes. Slate, in a few Mi- fects were little inferior to thoſe of nutes, will be turn'd into black Glaſs. the Burning-Speculums of Mr. Tiles and Earthen Potſheds, in a lit- Tſchirnhauſe. tle time, do melt into Glaís. Bones Zahn, in Oculo. Artific. Fundam. are turn'd into black Glaſs, and 3. Syntagm. 3. cap. 10. f. m. 634! a Clod of Earth into greeniſh Glaſs. ſays, T'hat one Neruman, in the Mr. Tſchirnhauſe is ſaid to have Year 1699, at Vienna, made a Burn- made Convex Burning-Glaſſes of ing-Speculum of tiff Paper and three or four Feet in Diameter, and Straw glued to it. whoſe Focus is twelve Feet diftant, And Zacharias Traberus, in Nervo and of an Inch and a half in Dia- Optic. lib. 2. C. 1 2. prop. 5. cor. 2. meter ; and to make this Focus yet ſays, That very large Burning-Spe- Itronger, he contraéts it by a ſe- culums may be made of thirty, for- cond Lens, placed parallel to, and at ty, or more Concave Speculums, or a due diſtance from the firſt, and ſo ſquare Pieces of Glaſs, conveniently makes the Focus but eight Lines in placed in a large turn'd wooden Diameter, This Glaſs vitrifies Concave, or Diſh, and that their Tiles, Slates Pumice-ſtones, &c. in effect will not be much leſs than if a moment. It melts Sulphur, Pitch, the Superficies were contiguous. and all Roſins, under Water. Any BURNING Zone. See Zone. Metal expoſed to it, in little Lumps BUTMENTS, in Architecture, are upon a Coal, melt in a moment, the Maſons and Bricklayers Term and Iron ſparkles as in a Smith's for thoſe Supports or Props, on or Forge. All Metals vitrify on a againſt which the Feet of Asches piece of China Plate, if it be not ſo reft : Alſo little Places taken out of thin as to melt itſelf; and Gold, in the Yard of the Ground-Plot of a vitrifying, receives a purple Colour. Houſe for a Buttery, Scullery, &c. See L'Hiſtoire de l'Academie des are ſometimes called Butments. Sciences, Ann. 1699. BUTTRESS, C 1 Ĉ A CAL BUTTRBSS, is an Arch, or Maſs might be the leſs, he invented dif- of Stone, ſerving to ſupport the ferent Words and Notes from thoſe șides of a Building, Wall, &c. on in Sir alfaac's Method, as for the the outfide, and are chieſty uſed in Fluxion of x, he pats dx ; and for ſuch Buildings as are of the Gothick yn dy; and thefę are uſed by almoſt kind. all the Foreigners. Yet even James BY'QUARTILE, the ſame with Bernoulli , in the Leipfick Aěts for Biquartile. I anuary 1691, owns," that our face mous Dr. Barrow (before Sir Iſaac, or Leibnitz either,) had given ſome Specimens of this Method, above C: ten Years before that Date, in his Geometrical Lectures, and of which ADENCE or Cloſe, in Mu- all his Apparatus of Propoſitions fic, is a concluſion of a Piece there contain'd, are ſo many Ex- of Muſic, in ſome Keys it is not amples. He alſo acknowledges, that fet in: and in long Pieces of Muſic Mr. Leibnitz's Method of the Cala there are ſeveral Cadences. The culus Differentialis is founded upon more there are, the pleaſanter is Dr. Barrow's, and differs from it the Muſic, provided they are art only in ſome Notes and compendi- fully diſpoſed. ous Abridgments. CAISSON, or Superficial Fourneau, But to give a full and more parti- is a wooden Caſe, or Cheſt, into cular account of the Origin of this which three, four, five, or fix Bombs great Invention, take what follows are put, according to the Execution from Sir Iſaac Newton himſelf, be- they are to do, or as the Ground is ing part of his Remarks upon Mr. firmer or looſer. Sometimes the · Leibnitz's Letter to the Abbé Conti; Cheſt is only filld with Powder : wherein this laſt endeavours to vin- When the Beſieg'd diſpute every dicate his own Conduct about the Foot of Ground, this Caiſſon is bu. Invention of the Calculus Differen- ried under ſome Work the Enemy tialis : which Remarks, together intends to poſſeſs himſelf of ; and with Letters of Mr. Leibnitz, Sir when he is Maſter of it, they fire it Iſaac Newton, Dr. Clarke, &c. are by a Train convey'd by a Pipe, and contain'd in a French Treatiſe en- fó blow them up. titled, Recueil de diverſes Pieces fur CALCULUS DIFFERENTIALIS, la Philoſophie, la Religion naturelle, is the Arithmetic of the infinitely l'Hiſtoire, les Mathematiques, &c. ſmall Differences between variable Sir Iſaac, ſpeaking of Mr. Leiba Quantities, and is by us in England nitz, mentions, that at his Arrival call'd Fluxions. at London from Paris, his firſt Leç- Mr. Leibnitz, about the Year ter turn'd chiefly upon other Sub- 1676, by moſt of the Foreigners, is jects than Geometry, which laſted allowd to have firſt invented this till Mr. Huygens had inſtructed him Doctrine of infinitely ſmall Quanti- in theſe matters ; that he found out ties, who called it the Calculus Dif the Arithmetical Quadrature of the ferentialis; but it is plain, from Circle, towards the end of the Year Sir Iſaac Newton's Papers, that Sir 1673 i that the following Year he Ifaac was the firſt Inventor of it, began to write thereof to Mr. who being too free in communicat- Oldenburgh; that a little while after, ing it to Mr. Leibnitz, he ſtole it he diſcovered the general Method from him; and that the Sufpicion of Series's from the Affumptions Ա of 1 CAL CAL O of an arbitrary one, and the Calcu- Problems relating to the Tangents lus Differentialis in the Year 1676. and Curvatures of Curves : That which he deduced from a Series of in another Paper, dated the 16th of Numbers by conſidering the Diffe- May 1666, there are ſeven Propo- rences; and that in his Letter of fitions, concerning a general Method the 27th of Auguſt, 1676, he meant of reſolving Problems relating to by the Words Certa Analyſ, the Motion, and that the laſt of theſe Differential Analyſis. But, ſays Sir Problems is the ſame as the Pro- Ifaac, have not I the ſame liberty blem abovementioned, dated the to affirm and certify, that I invent- 13th of November 1665. That in a ed the Method of Series's and Fluxi- little Treatiſe wrote in November, ons in the Year 1665 ; that I car 1666, the ſaid ſeven Propoſitions ried them farther in the Year 1666; are again repeated, with this Dif- that I have now in my hands ſeveral ference, that the ſeventh is carried Mathematical Papers, wrote in the fo far, as not to be limited by Frac- Years 1664, 1665, and 1666; fome tions or furd Quantities, or even of which are dated ? Amongft by what are now call's Tranſcendent which there is one, dated the 13th Quantities; that an eighth Propo- of November, 1665. containing the fition is added to this Treatiſe, con- direct Method of Fluxions, in theſe taining the inverſe Method of Flu- Words. Prob. There being given xions, as far as I had advanced it at an Equation, exprelling the Relation that time, viz. ſo far as it can de- of ſeveral Lines, x, y, z, &c. de- pend upon the Quadrature of curv'd- ſcribed at the ſame time by two or lin'd Spaces, and the three Rules more Moveables, A, B, C, &c. to upon which is founded my Analyſ13 find the Relation of their Velocities per Æquationes Numero Terminorum infinitas, and the moſt part of the The Solution. • Put all the Terms other Theorems, contained in the on one ſide of the Equation, ſo Scholium of the tenth Propoſition of . that they be equal to o; and mul- my Book of Quadratures; that in tiply each by ſo many times P the ſaid Treatiſe, when the Area a- xy riſing from fome one of the Terms as x has Dimenſions in that Term : of the Ordinate, cannot be expreſ- ' then multiply each Term by asſed by the common Analyſis, it is 9 9 오 repreſented by writing the Marko as y has Dimen- before that Term. For Example, у * fions in that Term : After this if the Abſciſs be x, and the Ordi. bi multiply each Term by as many nate ax - .bt the whole ata 6 times as x has Dimenſions in bb that Term, &c. and the Sum of Area is { ABC-bx+o atx thoſe Products will be =0; which that in the ſaid Treatife I fometimes Equation gives the Relation of uſe Letters mark'd with one Point only, to repreſent Quantities that I may add (ſays Sir Iſaac) that involve firit Fluxions ; and ſome- the ſaid Example is therein illuf- times the ſame Letters, mark'd with trated with ſeveral Examples; that two Points, repreſenting ſecond it is demonſtrated therein; that it is Fluxions; that a more compleat there applied to the Solution of Treatiſe, which I wrote in the Year 1671, P, q, r, &c. < many times at 6 Di q, r, &c. I CAL C A L 1671, and mention'd in my Letter Solid of the leaſt Reſiſtance. But of 'the 24th of Oktober 1676, is becauſe this Artifice ſuppoſes the founded upon that little Treatiſe, differential Method as known, and and begins with the Reduction of that its Extent is ſtill farther; that finite Quantities into infinite Series's, beſides, it is to this Artifice that and with the Solution of theſe two Mr. Leibnitz and his Scholars owe Problems ; 1. The Relation of flowing the Solution of the Problems, which Quantities to one another being given, he ſo much eſteems; finally, bes to find the Relation of the Fluxions. cauſe Mr. Leibnitz calls this Artis 2. And an Equation being given, in- fice a Method of the higheſt conſe- volving the Fluxions of Quantities, quence, and the greateſt extent; it to find the Relation of the Quantities iß fufficient for me, that he has between themſelves. own'd that I am the firſt Perſon, And when I had wrote that Trea- who, in a publick Work, has made tiſe, I made my Analyſis ſo general, it appear that I knew of the ſaid by means of the Method of Series's Artifice. and the Method of Fluxions con In the Year 1689. Mr. Leibnitz jointly, that it even extended to publiſh'd as his own, the principal almoſt all ſorts of Problems ; which Propoſitions of the Principia, in is what I mention'd in my Letter three different Writings, entitled, of the 13th of June, 1676. and it Epiftola de Lineis Opticis; Schediaſma is that very Method which I have de Reſiſtentia Medii & Motu Projecti- deſcribed in my Letter of the roth lium gravium in medio reſiſtente ; Ego of December, 1672. Tentamen de Motuum Cæleftium Cauis: In the Year 1684. Mr. Leibnitz. pretending that he had found out all publiſhed only the Elements of the thoſe Propofitions before the Prin- Calculus Differentialis, which he has cipia appear'd; and in order the applied to Tôme Queſtions concerns better to appropriate to himſelf the ing Tangents, and other things re- principal of thoſe Propofitions he lating to the Method of Maximums thought fit to ſubjoin a Demonſtra- and Minimums, as Mr. Farmat and tion thereto, which he had found Gregory had done before ; and has out; but as it was erroneous, he thewn how to proceed in theſe retracted it himſelf, and ſhewd that kinds of Queſtions, without taking he did not underſtand how to work away the irrational Quantities; but with fecond Fluxions. This here does not meddle with the Problems was the ſecond Effay given to the of the higher Geometůy. The publick, wherein the Method of Book of Mathematical Principles Fluxions is applied to the higher contains the firſt public Specimens Geometry. Hitherto this Method of the Solutions of the more ele- was but a little known, but in a vated Problems by this Calculus ; Year or two after it began to ſpread and it is in this ſenſe I underſtand abroad. what Mr. Leibnitz fays in the Leip Dr. Barrow publiſhed his Diffed fick Acts for the Month of May, rential Method for Tangents in the 1700, pag. 206. But Mr. Leibnitz Year 1670. Mr. Gregory, by means would have it obſerved, that what of this Method compared with he ſaid then muſt be underſtood of his own, deduced a general Me- a particular Artifice of Maximums thod for drawing Targents, which and Minimums, which he owns I was did not require any Calculation maſter of, by giving in my Prin- and of this he inform’d Mr. Colliäs cipia, the Figure of the Veffel or by a Letter, wrote the 5th of Sepo tember I 2 CAL CAL 4 tember 1670. and in November in pear'd, I did deduce Mr, Gregory's the Year 1672. Mr. Slufius inform'd and Slufius's Method of Tangents Mr. Oldenburgh of a Method of his from my general Méthod. At that of the ſame nature. In one of my time Mr. Leibnitz was not only ig- Letters of the roth of Deceínber, norant of the higher Geometry, 1672, I fent a like Method to Mr. but even Algebra itſelf. Collins, and added, that I men In his Letter of the z7th of Au- tion'd the ſame to Dr. Barrow, at guſt 1676, is contained this Paſſage: the time of his publiſhing his Geo- It does not appear to me, what we find 3metrical LeEtures; that I was of o is ſaid, that moſt Dificulties (except pinion that the Methods of Gregory the Diophantean Problems) may be and Stufius were the ſame as mine, reduced to infinite Series's ; for there and that the faid Method was only are many Problems fo very knotty and a Branch or Corollary of a much intangled, as not to depend upon either more general Method, which with- Equations or Quadratures, fome of out any troubleſome Calculation, which ( amongſt many others) are the extended not only to drawing Tan- Problems of the inverſe Method of gents, but likewiſe other more ab- Tangents. But when I made anſwer Itruſe Problems ; ſuch as thoſe re to him, that ſuch kind of Problems lating to the Curvatures, Areas, were in my power to folve, he re- Lengths, Centres of Gravity, of ply'd in his Letter of the 2rft of Curves, &c. and that without any June 1677, that I truly muſt mean neceffity of freeing Equations from by infinite Series's, but that he furd Quantities. I added'likewiſe, meant by common Equations ; to that I had ſubjoin'd the Method of which may be ſeen an Anſwer in Series's to the ſaid Method, mean- the Commercium Epiftolicum, pag. ing in the ſaid Treatiſe which I 92. wrote in 1672. He fays, that one might judge Mr. Oldenburgh, in June 3676. that when he wrote his Letter of nt Copies of theſe two Letters a the 27th of Auguſt 1676, he had mongſt the Extracts of Gregory's Let- made ſome entrance into the Dif ter to Mr. Leibnitz ; and Mr. Leib- ferential Calculus, fince in that Lét- nitz in his Letter of the 21ſt of ter he ſhews, how to ſolve Mr. June, 1677, fent nothing back in Beaune's Problem by a certain Ana- exchange, but what had been done lyfts ; but ſays he, how can it be before, and of which the ſaid Let ſuppoſed to ſolve the ſame by a cer. ters informed him : His Method tain Analyſes, without the help of of Tangents, which he ſent at that the Differential Calculus ? For all time, being only the Method of Dr. the Analyſis in doing this, is only to Barrow, which he diſguiſed under fuppoſe the Ordinate of the Curve, a. new Notation, and extended it to to increaſe or decreaſe in a Geo- Gregory's and Sluſus's Method of metrical Progreſſion, while the Ab- Tangents, to Equations involving ſciſs increaſes in an Arithmetical irrational Quantities, and to one one, and conſequently the Abfcifs of the moſt ſimple Caſes of my and Ordinate have the ſame relation Quadratures. But I cannot be re to one another, as the Logarithm proach'd of the ſame thing with to its Number. But, for Mr. Leib- regard to Dr. Barrow; he law my nitz to infer from hence, that he Treatiſe of Analyſis in 1669. and had made an entrance into the Cal- has teſtified that he read it; and be- culus Differentialis, is the very fame fore his Geometrical beatures ap- thing as to ſay Archimedes had made advances 1 1 : 1 1 CAL C AL advances that way, becauſe he knew yet ſee any valuable Uſes that have how to draw Tangents to the Spiral, hitherto been made of it. Square of the Parabola, and found CALCULUS INTEGRALIS, is the out the Proportion of the Sphere method of finding the proper flow- and Cylinder, or the ſame thing as ing Quantity of any given Fluxion, to ſay, that Cavallerius, Fermat, and is the reverſe of the Calculis and Wallis, had made an entry into Differentialis, which finds the Flu- it, becauſe theſe have done many xion from the flowing Quantities. things of the fame nature with thoſe ÇALENDAR, much the ſame as above-mentioned. Almanac ; which ſee. The Word Thus far 'the great Newton. Calendar ſeems to come from the Thoſe who have a mind to ſee more Calendæ, which, among the Romans, of the Hiſtory of this Invention, were the firſt Days of every Month, its various Improvements, and the There have been many Correc- Uſes thereof, may conſult the Com- tions and Alterations of the Calen- mercium Epiftolicum (publiſh'd by dar. The firſt was made by Nuna Order of the Royal Society). Pompilius ; and this afterwards was The Marquis de l'Hoſpital's Analyſe much improv'd by Julius Cæfar, des Infiniment Petits (in French or and was by him called the Julian Engliji). --Mr. Nieuwentiit's Analyſis Account, which, in our Nation, and Infinitorum, in Latin.- Mr. Craig's ſome other places, is ſtill retain'd, Calculus Fluentium, in Latin.--- Mr. and called the Old Style. Carré's Methode pour la Meſure des Pope Gregkry XIII. pretended to Surfaces, &c. in French.- Hayes's reform it again, and ordered his Fluxions, in Engliſh.-- Mr. Ditton's Account to be current, as it is itill Fluxions, in Exgliſh--Mr. Reyneau's in all the Roman Catholick Coun- Analyſe Demontrée, in French.-- Dr. tries, where it is called the Grega Cheyne's Methodus Inverſa Fluxionum, rian Calendar; and with us Now in Latin.-Sir Iſaac Newton's Flu- Style. It begins eleven Days before xions, in Engliſh; with, or without ours. Mr. Colfon's Commentaries. Dr. CALENDAR (ASTRONOMICAL) Harris's Fluxions, in Engliſh-Mr. See Aſtronomical Calendar. Muller's Mathematical Treatiſe, in CALENDS; fo the Romans callet Engliſh. Mr. Hudſon's Fluxions, in the firſt Days of every Month, Engliſh-Mr. anes's Synopfis, in from the Greek Word Calee, to call; Engliſh.-Mr. Simpſon's Fluxions, in becauſe anciently counting their Engliſh.-The Philofophical Tranf- Months by the Motion of the Moon, actions of London, Paris, Leipſick, there was a Prieſt appointed toob- Petersburgh, &c. and other Writings. ſerve the times of the New Moon;; CALCULUS EXPONENTIALIS, who, having ſeen it, gave nocice to is the manner of finding the Flu- the Preſident over the Sacrifices, xions; and of ſumming up of the and he called the People togethes, Fluxions of Exponential Quantities. and declared to them how they imut This Calculus was diſcovered by reckon the Days until the Norius Mr. John Bernoulli , and communi- pronouncing the Word Coiles five cáted to Mr. Leibnitz, who made it times.if the Nones did happer: on public in the Asta Eruditorum for the 5th Day, ** or ſeven tires if the Year 1697, pag. 125, & feq. they happened on the 7th Day of But notwithſtanding the great value the Month. ſome People may perhaps put upon CALIBER, or CA:LIDER is the this Invention, yet I could never Bigneſs, or rather Diameter of :2 1 A ) I Pi CAM CAN } Piece of Cannon, or any Fire-Arms The Repreſentations of Objects at the Mouth, in this Machine are wonderfully CALIPERS, is an Inſtrument pleaſant, not only becauſe they ap. made like a Sliding-Rule, to 'em- pear in the juft Proportions, and þrace the two Heads of any Cak are endued with all the natural Co- to find the Length of it. There lours of their Objects, but likewiſe are alſo Calipers, or Caliper-Com- ſhew their various Motions, which paſjes, which are uſed by Gunners, no Art can imitate; and a kilful with crooked or bowing Legs, to Painter, by means of one of theſe meaſure the Diameters of Bullets Machines, may obſerve many things and Cylinders of Guns, &c. from the Contemplation of the ap- CALLIPIC Per 10D, was an Im- pearing of Objects therein, that provement of the Cycle of Meton of will be an help to the Perfection of nineteen Years, which Callipus, a the Art of Painting; and even a famous Grecian Aſtronomer, finding Bungler may accurately enough de- in reality to contain nineteen of Na- lineate Objects by means of it. bonafjar's Years, four Days, and Mr. s'Graveſande, at the end of 331 his Perſpective, has given the De- he, to avoid Fractions, qua- ſcription and Uſe of two Machines 459 drupled the Golden Number, and by of this kind, being the beſt that that means made a new Cycle of have as yet been made, eſpecially ſeventy-fix Years; which time be the former. ing expired, he ſuppoſed the Luna CANCER, one of the twelve tions, or Changes of the Moon, Signs of the Zodiac, drawn on the would happen on the ſame Day of Globe in the figure of a Crab, the Month and Hour of the Day, and thus mark'd , and that Cira that they were on ſeventy-fix Years cle that is parallel to the Equinoc- before. tial, and paſſes through the Begin- CAMBER-Beam, in Architec- ning of this Sign, is called the Trą. ture, is a Beam or piece of Timber pic of Cancer, or the Northern Tra- cut hollow, or arching in the mid- pic; to which Circle when the Sun dle. They are uſed in Platforms, comes, it makes the Summer Solo Church-Leads, &c. and are very ftice, and is turning his Courſe proper where ever is occaſion for back again towards the Equinoctial. long Beams, being much ſtronger CANIS Major and Minor, the than Alat Beams of the fame fize ; greater and leſſer Dog, are two for being laid with the hollow fide Conſtellations of Stars drawn upon downwards, and having good But- the Globe in figure of this Animal, ments at the ends, they ſerve for a and the greater of them has in his kind of Arch. Mouth that vaſt Star called CAMERA OBSCURA, is the Name CANICULUS, or the Dog-Star, of an Optic Machine ; wherein (the which riſing and ſetting with the Light only coming through a dou- Sun from about the 24th of July ble Convex-Glaſs,) Objects expoſed to the 28th of Auguſt, gives occa- to broad Day-light, and oppoſite fion to that time, which is uſually to the Glaſs, are repreſented invert- very hot and dry, to be called the ed upon any white Matter, placed Canicular, or Dog-Days. within the Machine in the Focus of CANNON, a piece of Ordnance. the Glaſs. The firſt who obſerved See Ordnance. this Phänomena was Baptiſta Porta, CANNON-ROYAL, is a piece of lib. 4. c. 2. Magia Naturalis. Ordnance, eight Inches in Diame- ter 1 1 five paces. CAN САР ter in the Bore, t'velve Foot long, Theſe Bags are ſometimes, upon oc- weighs eight thouſand Pounds ; its caſion, fill's with Powder. Charge is thirty-two Pounds of CAP-SQUARES, are broad Pieces Powder ; its Ball is forty-eight of Iron on each ſide of the Carriage Pounds Weight, and ſeven Inches of a great Gun, and lock'd over and a half in Diameter, and ſhoots the Trunnions of the Piece with an point-blank one hundred and eighty- Iron Pin. Their Uſe is to keep the Piece from flying out of the Car- CANON, in Arithmetic, is a riage when it is ſhot off with its Rule to ſolve all things of the ſame Mouth lying very low, or, as they nature with the preſent Enquiry. call it, under Metal. Thus every laſt Step of an Equation CAPACITY, is the ſolid Content in Algebra, is ſuch a Canon, and of any Body ; alſo our hollow Mea- if turn'd into Words, is a Rule to fures for Wine, Beer, Carn, &c. are ſolve all Queſtions of the ſame na called Meaſures of Capacity. ture with that propoſed. The Ta CAPE, or Promontory, is any high bles of Logarithms, artificial Sines, Land, running out with a Point and Tangents, are called likewiſe into the Sea ; as Cape Verde, Cape by the Name of Canon. Horn, the Cape of Good Hope, &c. CANON, in Muſic, is a Line of CAPELLA, a bright fix'd Star in any length, ſhewing, by its Divi- the left Shoulder of Auriga, whoſe fions, how muſical Intervals are Longitude, according to Hevelius diſtinguiſh'd according to the Ratio's (in his Prodromus Aftronom. for the or Proportions that the Sounds ter- Year-1700,) is 170.40'. 4611, in II, minating the Intervals bear the one and Northern Latitude 229.52': 9". to another, when conſider'd accord CAPITAL of a Baſtion, is a Line ing to their degree of being acute drawn from the Angle of a Polygon or grave. As the Diapaſon conſiſts to the Point of the Baſtion, or from in a double Ratio, the Diapente in a the Point of the Baſtion to the Seſquialteral, the Diateſſaron in a middle of the Gorge. Theſe Capi- Seſquitertian, and the Tone itſelf, by tals are from thirty-five to forty which the Diapente and the Dlateffa- Fathom in length; that is, from the ron differ, in a Seſquioctave, &c. Point of the Baltion to the Place CANTALIVERS, in Architecture, where the two Demi-Gorges meet. are a kind of Modillions; only CAPITAL, or Chapital, or Cha- thoſe are plain, but theſe are carv'd. piter, fignifies the top of a Pillar ; They are much the ſame with Car- and this is different, according to the touzes, and are ſet as Modillions different Orders. are, under the Corona of the Cor CAPITAL-LINE. See Line. niſh of a Building. CAPONNIER E, is a cover'd Lodg- CANVAS-Bags, or Earth-Bags, ment of about four or five Foot are Bags holding about a Cubic broad, encompafied with a little Foot of Earth, and are uſed to Parapet of about two Foot high, raiſe a Parapet in haſte, or to repair which ferves to ſupport divers one that was beaten down. They Planks laden with Earth. are chiefly uſed when the Ground This Lodgment is large enough rocky, and affords no Earth to to contain fifteen or twenty Soldiers, carry, on the Approaches : Then and is uſually placed upon the Ex- are theſe Bags of Earth very necef- tremity of the Counterſcarp, having fary, which can be fill'd at another ſometimes ſeveral little Embraſures place, and remov'd at pleaſure. made therein, uſually called Mad- I 4 neſſes, o CAR CAS nelles. They are generally on the CARDINAL-SIGNs, are the Signs Glacis, or in dry Moats. of the Zodiac, Aries, Libra, Can- . CAPRICORN, the Goat, one of cer, and Capricorn. the Zodiacal Signs, mark'd thus Y. CARRIAGE of a great Gun, is The Tropic of Capricorn, or the the Frame of Timber, on which a Southern Tropic, paſſes through piece of Ordnance is laid, fix?d and the firſt Degree of this Sign, at mounted. The common Propor- twenty-three Degr. thirty Minutes tion is one and a half of the Length Diſtance from the Equinoctial. of the Gun for the Carriage; the : CARACT, is the Part of any Wheels half of the Length of the Quantity, or Weight ; being a piece in height, and four times the Word uſed by Minters and Gold Diameter of the Bore of the Gun, ſmiths, who divide it into four parts, gives the depth of the Planks at which they call Grains of a Caract; the fore-end, in the middle three and and one of theſe they ſubdivide into a half. Halves and Quarters. CARTOUCHE, the ſame as Car- CARAT. A Carat of Gold is pro- tridge. perly the Weight of twenty-four CARTRIDGES, or Cartriages, Grains, or one Scruple ; ſo that 24 are Caſes of Paper, or Parchment, Carats make an Ounce. fitted exactly to the Bore of a Piece And if an Ounce of Gold be ſo of Ordnance, or Mufquet, and cons pure, 'that in its Purification with taining its due Charge of Powder. Antimony, or otherwiſe, it loſes no CARTOUZEs, are Ornaments of thing at all, it is then ſaid to be carvid Work, of no determinate Fi- Gold of twenty-four Carats : If it gure, whoſe Uſe is to receive a Motto, Joſes one Carat, it is then Gold of or Inſcription. twenty-three Carats: If it loſes two CARYATIDES, from the Greek Carats, it is called Gold of twenty- Caryatides, a People of Caria. two Carats, & C. Theſe in Architecture ſignify certain A Carat of Diamonds, Pearls, or Figures of captive Women, with precious Stones, is the Weight of their Arms cut off, cloathed after four Grains only. the manner of that Nation, down CARCASS, is an Iron Cafe, or to their Feet, and ſerve inſtead of hollow Capacity, about the Bigneſs Columns to ſupport the Entable- of a Bomb; ſometimes made all of ments. Iron, except two or three Holes, CASCABELL, is the hindermoſt through which the Fire is to blaze; round Knob, or the utmoſt part of and ſometimes made only of Iron the Breech of a piece of Ordnance. Bars, or Hoops, and then cover'd CASCADE, an Italian Word, that over with pitch's Cloth, Hemp, &c. fignifies a Fall of Waters, either na- and fill'd with ſeveral kinds of Ma- tural or artificial. terials for firing of Houſes. They CASCAN, in Fortification, is a are thrown out of Mortar-pieces certain Hole, or hollow Place in into beſieg'd Places, &c. figure of a Well, from whence a CARD. See Chard. Gallery, dug in like manner under CARDINAL - WINDS, are the are the ground, is convey'd to give Air to South, Weſt, North, and Eaſt Points the Enemies Mine. Some of theſe of the Compaſs : Alſo the Equi- are more hollow than others, and noctial and Solftitial Points of the they are uſually made in the Re- Ecliptic, are called the Four Car- trenchment of the Platform near dinal-Points. the Wall. CASIO 1 + 1 1 1 CAS CAT CASEMATE, in Fortification. Cast a Point of Traverſe, in This ſometimes ſignifies a Well, Navigation, fignifies to prick down with its ſeveral ſubterraneous on the Chart the Point of the Com- Branches, or Paſſages, dug in the paſs any Land bears from you, or Paffage of the Baſtion, till the to find on what Point the Ship Miner is heard at work, and Air bears at any Inſtant, or what way given to the Mine. It fometimes the Ship has made. fignifies CASTOR, a fix'd Star of the A Vault of Stone-Work in that ſecond Magnitude in Gemini, whoſe part of the Flank of a Baſtion being Longitude is one hundred and five next to the Curtain, on purpoſe to Degrees, forty-one Minutes. Lați- fire upon the Enemy, and to defend tude ten Deg. two Min. the Face of the oppoſite Baſtion of Castor and POLLUX, are two the Moat. Meteors, that ſometimes, in a great It ſometimes conſiſts of three Plat- Storm at Sea, appear ſticking to forms, one above another ; the ſome part of the Ship, in the ſhape Terre-plan of the Baſtion being the of fiery Balls; and when but one higheſt. Behind the Parapet that of them is feen, it is called Helena ; fronts along the Line of the Flank, and both of them are by fome called there are Guns placed loaded with Tyndaride. Cartridges of ſmall Shot, to ſcour A Conſtellation of the fix'd Stars along the Ditch ; and theſe are co. being the ſame with Gemini, one of ver'd from the Enemies Batteries by the twelve Signs of the Zodiack, is Earth-Works, faced or lined with called by the Name of Caſtor and Walls, and are called Orillons, or Pollux. Epaulments. CATACAUSTIcs, or Cauſtics by CASERN, in Fortification, is a Reflection. Theſe Curves are ge- little Room, Lodgment, or a Build- nerated after the following manner : ing, erected between the Houſes of If there be an infinite Number of fortified Towns and the Rampart, Rays, as AB, AC, AD,&c. pro- ſerving as Apartments, or Lodg- ceeding from the radiating Point A, ings, for the Soldiers of the Garri- and reflected at any given Curve, fon, to eaſe the Garriſon. There BDH, ſo that the Angles of Inci- are commonly two Beds in each dence be ftill equal to thoſe of Re- Caſern for fix Soldiers to lie in, flection, then the Curve BEG, three and three in a bed; but the to which the reflected Rays BI, third part of them being always up- CE, DF, &c. are Tangents con- on the Guard, there are but four tinually; as in the Points 1, E, F, left in the Caſern, two in a bed. &c. is called the Cauflic by Re- CAS E-SHOT, are Muſket-Balls, flection. Or it is the fame thing, if Stones, old Iron, &c. put into we fay, that a Catacauſtic Curve Caſes, and ſo ſhot out of great is that form’d by joining the Points Guns; and they are principally of Concurrence of the ſeveral re- uſed at Sea, to clear the Enemies flected Rays. And if the reflected Decks, when they are full of Men. Ray IB be produced to K, ſo that CASSIOPEA, the Name of one AB BK, and the Curve KL of the Conſtellations of the fix'd be the Evolute of the Cauſtic BEG, Stars in the Northern Hemiſphere, beginning at the Point K, then conſiſting of twenty-five Stars, and the Portion of the Cauſtic BE= is placed oppoſite to the great Bear, AC - AB +cE - BI conti- on the other ſide the Pole-ftar, nually. Or if any two incident Rays, CAT 1 CAT A 80, &c. Rays, as A B, AC, be taken, that Pound weight, to the Diſtance of Portion of the Caultic that is about Half a Quarter of a Mile. See their Deſcription by Vitruvius, Lib. K M 10. cap. 15. See alſo Mr. Perrault N upon Vitruvius, fol. 335. as alſo Rivius, fol. 597. B CATARACT, is a Precipice in the I L Channel of a River, cauſed by Rocks, or other Obſtacles, hindering the Courſe of its Stream, from whence the Water falls with great Impe- E tuoſity; as, the River Nile has two; H Η the River Wologda in Muſcovy; the River Zaire in the Kingdom of Con- F G Catches, are thoſe parts of a evolved, while the Ray A B ap- Clock that hold by hooking, and proaches to a Co-incidence with catching hold of. AC, is equal to the Difference of CATENARIA, the Name of a thoſe incident Rays + the Diffe- Carve-Line, form’d by a Rope, rence of the reflected Rays. hanging freely from two Points of When the given Curve B D H is Suſpenſion, whether the Points be a Geometrical one, the Cauſtic will horizontal or not. be fo too, and the Cauſtic will al The Nature of this Curve was ways be rectifiable. ſought after in Galileo's Time; but The Cauſtic of the Circle is a little was done concerning it, till the Cycloid, form’d by the Revolution Year 1690 Mr. Bernoulli propoſed it of a Circle along a Circle. as a Problem to the Mathematicians The Cauſtic of the vulgar Semi- of Europe. Cycloid, when the Rays are parallel This Catenary is a Curve of the to the Axis thereof, is alſo a vulgar Mechanical kind, and cannot be Cycloid, deſcribed by the Revolu- expreſſed by a finite algebraic Equa- tion of a Circle upon the fame Baſe. tion. The Cauſtic of the Logarithmic If you ſuppoſe a Line heavy and Spiral is the ſame Curve. flexible, firmly fixed to the Points CATACAUSTICS, or Cataphonics, A, B, the Extremes thereof, then. is the Science of reflected Sounds; the Weight thereof will bend it into or that which treats of the Doctrine the Curve ACB, called the Cate- and Proportions of Echoes. nary, whoſe fundamental Property CATADIOPTRICAL TELE. (if DB, dc, be parallel to the Ho- SCOPE, or Reflecting Teleſcope. See Telefcope. d bo CATAPULTA. A warlike En A gine of the Ancients, which ſhot D B В Darts, Lances, and long Spears : and fometimes caſt both Darts and Stones. Some of theſe Inſtruments were of rizon, CD perpendicular to.A B, ſuch Force, as to throw Spears, or and B a parallel to CD, and the rather Beams of eighteen Feet long, Points D and d infinitely near to one with Iron Heads, and Stones of three another, and a be any given Quan- Talents, or three hundred and fixty tity) will be this, viz. bc:Bb :: C 2. ż. CA T CAT a : C B. The Demonſtration of Po, Pp, be to one another as a , j, this Property, as alſo of ſeveral o- thers, may be ſeen in what was Then becauſe the Arch A P is publiſhed by Dr. Gregory in the year ſuſtaind in Equilibrio, by the Force 1697, for the Month of Auguft: fee of its Weight, whoſe Direction is alſo its Conſtruction and Nature by parallel to the Line o p, by the Mr. John Bernoulli in the Alta E. Force of the contiguous Arch AC ruditorum, for the year 1691, p. drawing according to the Direction 277 of the Tangent at A, parallel to the But as Mr. Cotes, in his Harmony little Line Po, and by the Force of of Meaſures, has given a ſhort and the contiguous Arch PB, drawing neat Account, why may not I lay in the Direction of the Line pP: it down the ſame here? Let BAC be is evident from Mechanics, that there a very ſlender Chain, or rather ma- Forces are to one another as op, OP, thematical Line, flexible throughout pP, or as x, y, z. Therefore if the by any ſmall Force, which can be Weight of the Arch AP be expreſs'd neither extended or contracted. This by its Length z, and the given Force drawing the Arch AC, be expound- ed by a given Length a, it will be B ä :y :: Zia; and fox : Väjj •; 2: Vaat zz. C P Therefore a = Vaatzz fo a +x=Vaatzą: where- 1 ๕ % ; and 2 a a G fore z = Vat * A А E 2 a x + xx. Wherefore, if the D right Line Q A be continued down- wards to D, ſo that A D be fuſpended by its Ends B, C, hy the and in the Tangent A E be taken Force of its own Weight, equally AE to the Arch AP, and DE diffuſed through all its equal Parti- be join'd: this will be equal to DQ. cles, is ftretch'd into the Curve B P Wherefore if A E the Length of any RAC: it is required to find any Arch A P be given, as alſo A Q the Points of this Curve. If a Plane be Height of the ſaid Arch: there will ſuppoſed to paſs thro' its Ends B, C, be given AD= a, by joining QE, perpendicular to the Horizon; it is and biſſecting the ſame at right An- evident, that all the Points of the gles: for the Perpendicular will paſs propoſed Curve are ſituated in this thro' the Point D. And A D being Plane; and ſo, that each will de- once given; from thence will be ſcend as low as it can. thro' its low- given A E, the Length of any Arch eſt Point A draw AQ perpendicular AP, whoſe Altitude AQ is given, to the Horizon, and let P Q drawn by deſcribing a Circle from the from any Point P, be perpendicular Centre D with the Diſtance QA, to it, and thro' po being the neareſt which cuts A E in E; and theſe Point to P poffible, let po be drawn are the mutual Relations of the Pas parallel to AQ; call A Q, *; rameter AD, the Arch AP, and its PR, y; and the Arch A P, z; Altitude A Q. Let us now ſee a- then will the very ſmall Lines Po, bout its Breadth. From CA T САТ 2 From what has been already faid, Surfaces : and particularly, Plane, a Spherical, Cònical, and Cylindrical ỳ = And ones. až v za tx This is a very diverting and uſe- the Fluent of this laſt Expreſſion ful Part of Knowledge! The Pha- will be an hyperbolic Space: which nomena ariſing from the Effects of Space may be ineaſured by the Lo- the Inſtruments that have been in- garithms. So that P Q will be the vented in this Art, are ſurprizing, Logarithm of the Ratio between even to thoſe who know the Reaſons DĚ + EA and AD, or of AP + of the Phænomena they exhibit : But AQ to AP-AQ, (which Ratio many of thoſe, who are ignorant is equal to the former) when the thereof, have thought that thofe Length of the Line A D is 0.43429 wonderful Phænomena were pro- 4481903. So that A D being given duced by Divination. And thoſe or found, as above; if any Points crafty Knaves, called Conjurers, or be taken in the Axis Al, fo many Cunning Men, have often had re- correſpondent Points P of the Curve courſe to catoptric Inſtruments, to will be had. help on the Buſineſs of more pro- CATHETUS. The perpendicular foundly deceiving ignorant People Leg of a right-angled Triangle, is that came to them, to foretell things, often called by this Name. Alſo Euclid is ſaid by Proclus, in Lib. 2. Catbetus, in Catroptrics, is a Line and Marinus in his Preface to Eu- drawn from the Point of Reflection clid's Data, to have wrote a Trea- perpendicular to the Plane of the tiſe of Catoptrics, which was tranf- Glaſs. lated into Latin by John Pena, and CATHETUS, in Architecture, is publiſhed in the year 1604. But taken for a Line ſuppoſed to croſs according to the Opinion of Dr. Gre- the Middle of a cylindrical Body gory and Sir Henry Savile, it is good directly, as of a Balliſter, or Co- for little, which makes them believe lumn. In the Ionic Chapiter it is it to be ſpurious; or, if it was wrote alſo a Line falling perpendicularly, by him, it has been entirely cot- and paſſing thro' the Centre or Eye rupted by the Length of Time. of the Volute. You have it in Peter Herigon's Courſe CATHETUS of Incidence, is a right of Mathematics: as alſo in Dr. Gre- Line drawn from a Point of the Ob- gory's Edition of Euclid's Works. ject, perpendicular to the reflecting Alhazen an Arabian, compiled a Line, large Volume of Optics, wherein he CATHETUS of Reflektion, or Ca- treats of Catoptrics, about the year thetus of the Eye, is a right Line, 1100; and after him, Vitellio a Poo drawn from the Eye, perpendicular lander publiſhed another, in the to the reflecting Line. year 1270.-Andrew Tacquet, in his CATOPTRICs, is that part of Optics, has very well demonſtrated Optics that treats of reflex Viſion, the fundamental Propoſitions of plane and explains the Laws and Proper- and ſpherical Speculums.---So alſo ties of Reflexion; chiefly founded has Dr. Barrow, in his Optical Lec- úpon this Truth, that the Angle of turesimme -There is moreover Zachary Reflection is always equal to the An- Trabe's Catoptrics, David Gregory's gle of Incidence; and from thence Elements of Catoptrics, Wolfius's Éle- deducing the Magnitudes, Shapes and ments of Catoptrics, and the learned Situations of the Appearances of Oh- Dr. Smith's Catoptrics; with ſeveral jects, ſeen by the Reflexion of poliſh'd others that I do not here mention. CA I 1 1 CEL CEN CAVALIER, in Fortification, is to be an Affection of Motion, by á Heap of Earth raiſed in a Fortreſs, which any moveable Body runs thro to lodge the Cannon for fcouring the a given Space in a given Time. Field, or oppoſing a commanding CELESTIAL GLOBE. See Globe. Work. They are ſometimes of a CENTAUR, a Southern Conftel- round, and ſometimes of a fquare lation, conſiſting of forty Stars. Figure; and the Top is bordered CENTESM, is the hundredth Part with a Parapet, to cover the Can- of any Thing: non mounted in it. There muſt be CENTRAL RULE, is a Rule found twelve Foot between Cannon and out by Mr. Thomas Baker, and by Cannon; and if they are raiſed on him publiſh'd, in his Geometrical the Incloſure of any place, whether Key, in the year 1684; whereby he in the Middle of the Curtain, or in finds the Centre of a Circle, that is the Gorge or Baſtion, they are ge- to cut a given Parabola in as many nerally fifteen or eighteen Foot high Points as an Equation, to be con- above the Terre-Plane of the Ram- ſtructed, has real Roots : And by part. that means he conſtructs all Equae A Cavalier is ſometimes called a tions, not exceeding Biquadratics, Double Baſtion; and the Uſe thereof without any previous Reduction or is to overlook the Enemy's Batteries, Alteration whatſoever. and to ſcour their Trenches. Centre of a Circle, is a Point CAVAZION, in Architecture, is within the fame, from whence all the Digging or Hollowing away of right Lines, that are drawn to the the Earth from the Foundation of a Circumference of the Circle, are ea Building; and this may be one fixth qual to each other. Part of the Height of the whole CENTRE of a Dial, is that Point Building. where the Axis of the World inter- CAVETTO, is a round Concave feets the Plane of the Dial : And ſo, Moulding having a quite contrary in thoſe Dials that have Centres, it Effect to the Quarter-Round. The is that point wherein all the Hour- Workmen call it a Mouth, when it Lines meet. All Dials have Cen- is in its natural Situation; and tres, but ſuch as are parallel to the Throat, when it is turned upſide Axis of the World. down, CENTRE of an Ellipfis, is that CAUKING, in Architecture, is Point thereof, wherein the Diame- Dove-tailing acroſs. ters interſect each other; or it iş CAULICOLI, in Architecture, are that Point biſfecting any Diameter. the little carved Scrolls, which are The ſame may be ſaid of the Cens under the Abacus in the Corinthian tre of an Hyperbola. Order, CENTRE of the Equant, in the old CAUSTIC Curves. See Cata. Aftronomy, is a Point in the Linc cauſtics, and Diacauftics. of the Aphelion, being fo far diſtant CAZBRN. See Cafern. from the Centre of the Excentric, Cazemate. See Cafemate. towards the Aphelion, as the Sun is ÇEGINUS, a Fixed Star of the from the Centre of the Excentrica firſt Magnitude, in the left Shoulder towards the Perihelion. of Boötes; whoſe Longitude is 194 Centre of Gravity of any Body, deg. 5 min. Lat. 49 deg. 33 min. is ſuch a Point thereof, that if the and right Aſcenſion 2 15deg. 39 min. Body be ſupported on it, or fuſpend- CELERITY, is the Swiftneſs of ed from it, the Body, will reſt in any any Body, in motion; and is defined given Situation. CENTRE 1 CEN CEN ; CENTRE (COMMON) of Gravity 2 Syx ; whence the Diſtance of the of two Bodies, is a Point in a Right Centre of Gravity from the Vertex is Line, joining their Centres, lo po. S y xs fited, that their Diſtances from it are reciprocally proportional to the Sy* ; and ſo when you have the Weights of the Bodies. And if there flowing Quantities of theſe Fluxions be another Body in the ſame Right yxx and ys, the Centre of Gravity Line, fo placed, that its Diſtance will be determined. from fome Point in it be recipro- 3. Every Figure, whether ſuper- cally, as the Weight of both the ficial or ſolid, which is generated former Bodies taken together, that by the Motion of a Line or Figure, Point Thall be the common Centre is equal to the Rectangle under the of Gravity of all three of the Bo- generating Magnitude, and the Way dies. Underſtand the ſame of the of its Centre of Gravity, or the common Centre of Gravity of four, Line which the Centre of Gravity or more Bodies. deſcribes. 1. The common Centre of Gra- The Demonſtration of this moſt vity of two or more Bodies, does excellent Theorem may be thus: not change its State of Motion, or Let us conceive the Weight of the Reft, by the Actions of Bodies among whole generating Magnitude to be Reft, by the Actions of Bodies among collected into the Centre of Gravity themfelves. And ſo the common Centre of Gravity of all Bodies, then the whole Weight, produced mutually acting upon each other, by that Motion, will be equal to the (all external A&tions and Impedi- Product of the Weight moved into ments being excluded,) will either the way of the Centre of Gravity ; reſt, or move uniformly forwards in but ſince Lines and Figures may be a ſtraight Line. conſidered as homogeneous Weights, 2. If the Elements, or infinitely their Weights are to one another, ſmall Parts, as m M N n of any as their Balks: and ſo the Weight Figure SAH, be conceived as lo moved is the generating Magnitude, many Weights hung to the Axis and the Weight produced, the ge- AE, the Point of Suſpenſion being nerated Magnitude. Wherefore the in the Vertex A, the Centre of Gra- Figure generated, is equal to the vity K, in that Axis, will be deter- Product of the generating Magnia mind by dividing the sum of the tude, drawn into the way of its Moments of all thoſe ſmall Weights Centre of Gravity. by the Sum of them all, that is, which can be divided lengthwiſe into 4. In homogeneous Magnitudes, R- A -I fimilar and equal Parts, the Centre of Gravity is the ſame as the Centre of Magnitude. And ſo the Centre M of Gravity of any phyſical Right' Line is in the Middle thereof; as FK likewiſe is that of a Parallelogram, Cylinder, &c. Moreover the Centre S H of Gravity of any equilateral Trian- if AP=x, MP=y, Pp= x, then gle, regular Polygon, Circle, or El- is one of the ſmall Weights 2 yx, lipfis, is the ſame as the Centre of and the Sum of them all 2 S y x, the Magnitude; as is that of a regular Moment of one of the ſmall Weights Polyhedron, Sphere, and Spheroid, is 2 yxi, and the Sum of them all is 86, SH I PIN N an n E CEN CEN 5. In any Triangle ABC, if the mt I Bale BC be biffected by the Right Ordinate, then will X AD 2 muti А A 3 4 12 1 Pt E F P C D B C D B be = AP, the Diſtance of the Cen: tre of Gravity P from the Vertex A Line AD, the Centre of Gravity P of the Figure. So that when m=2, of that Triangle will be in that Line, as in the Apollonian Parabola, AP at a Diſtance from the Vertex A, will be =AD; if m be equal to of the biſfecting Line A D. in the cubical Parabola, we ſhall have And if the Right Line E F be drawn APS AD; if m= 4, as in the thro' P, parallel to the Baſe CB, biquadratical Parabola, we ſhall have dividing the Triangle into two Parts AP=AD; and ſo on. But if CEFB and EAF, the Part EAF m be , in which Caſe the Axis next to the Vertex will be leſs than AD of the Parabola becomes a Tan the Part CEFB next to the Baſe. gent to the Vertex, we ſhall have 6. If a Trapezium ABCD be di- A D for the Diſtance of the Centre vided into two Triangles DAB, of Gravity of a double external pa- rabolical Space from the Vertex; if B m be AP will be = t; if m C be=, AP will be ={ AD; and ſo on. G 8. The Diſtance of the Centre of Gravity of an Arch of a Circle, E from the Centre of the Circle, is to the Radius, as the Chord of that D A Arch is to the Arch itſelf; and in the Semi-circumference, as the Dia- DCB, by a Diagonal DB; and if E be the Centre of Gravity of the meter is to the Semi-circumference. Triangle DB A, and F that of the cle, and the Radius A D biſfects the 9. If ABC be a Sector of a Cir- Triangle DCB: and the Line E F joining the ſaid Centres, be divided D in G, in ſuch manner, that the whole Line EF be to the Diſtance FG, as the Trapezium is to the B C Triangle AD B; or the whole Line EF to the Line EG, as the Trape- zium is to the Triangle DCB, the Point G will be the Centre of Gra- vity of the ſaid Trapezium. 1. IF CAB be any Parabola, whoſe Arch BC, then the Distance AP of Nature is expreſs'd by the Equation the Centre of Gravity P of that Ixx = ym, and AD (x) be a Sector, will be to of the Radius Diameter, and CB=y) a double AD, as the Chord of the Arch BC مر to CEN } CEN 2 མ་ས 1 to the Arch BC itſelf: ſo that in a Liné parallel to its Axis, &c. Take Semicircle,as half the Circumference a few Examples.: 1, To find the Arta is to its Chord, fo is of the Radius of a Circle ADCE. This may be to the Diſtance of the Centre of Gra- genérated by the Rộtation of the yity of a Semi-circle from its Centre. Semidiameter A B above the Centre Conſequently, by knowing the Cen- tre of Gravity of the Sečtor ABC of a Circle, and the Centre of Gra- D vity of the Triangle ABC, we can find the Centre of Gravity of PS the Segment BDC of a Circle. 10. The Centre of Gravity of a B Pyramid, or Cone, is diſtant' from the Vertex 4 parts of the Axis. 1. The Centre of Gravity of a Parabolic Conoid is diſtant from the B. But ſince the Centre P of Gía- Vertex ſ Parts of the Axis. vity of A B is in the middle there- 12. In a Segment of a Sphere, of, and this deſcribes the Periphery it is as three times the Radius leſ- PFG of a Circle, Concentric to ſen'd by the Altitude, is twice the ADCE, whilft A B is defcribing Radius lefſen'd by 1 of the Altitude ADCE; therefore the Area of of the Segment ; fo is the Altitude the Circle A DCE, will be equal of the Segment to the Diſtance of to the Periphery PFG, (being the the Centre of Gravity from the way of the Centre of Gravity P) Vertex. and the Segments of Spheres drawn into IAB, that is, (ſince and Spheroids having a common the Circumferences of Circles are to Altitude, have the ſame Centre of each other as their Diameters) equal Gravity. to į the Periphery ADCE, drawn 13. In an Hyperbolic Conoid, as into the Radius. fix times the tranſverſe Axis added 2. To find the Surface of a right' to four times the Altitude of the Cone A BDE; this Solid may be Conoid, is to four times the tranſ- generated by the Rotation of the verſe Axis added to three times the right-angled Triangle ABC, about Altitude ; fo is the Altitude to the Diſtance of the Centre of Gravity A from the Vertex. The Theorem above-mentioned at 7. 3. is of excellent uſe in finding P F out the Areas of Surfaces, and the Solidity of Solids, generated by the G Rotation of Curve-lin'd Spaces, a- E bout Lines given in poſition, by hav B C ing their Centres of Gravity given; D as that of a Semi.Circle, Semi-El- lipfis or Semi-Parabola, or Hyper- its Perpendicular AC, and the Sur- bola, revolving about its Diameter, face thereof generated by the Ro- or any right Line parallel to it, the tation of the Hypotheneuſe A B. Segment of a Circle, Ellipfis, Para- Where fince P, the middle of A B, bola, or Hyperbola about its Baſe, is the Centre of Gravity of AB; or any right Line parallel to it, or the Rectangle under AB, and the a whole Ellipſis about any right Circumference of a Circle P. GF, being 5 . 8r onumu =*r* = C EN CEN being the way of the Centre of Rotation of a Semicircle BDC, Gravity, will be equal to the Sur- about the Diameter B C. Let the face of the Cone; that is, ſince the Circumference P GF, is of the > Circumference BDE; the Area of the Surface of the Cone will be one half the ſlant Height AB, P. drawn into the Periphery BDE of P c A the Baſe. 3. To find the Solidity of a Cone ABFD; ſuppoſe the Iſoſceles Tri- E angle ABC, whoſe Centre of Gra- vity is P, to revolve about its fide Periphery of the Circle BDCE, be AC; this will deſcribe a double be called p; its Radii AD, t; and then (by 9. of this) the Diſtance AP of the Centre of Gravity P B 8rr from A, will be and fo 3 the way of the Centre of Gravity P, or Circumference of the Circle deſcribed by AP, will be 3 And ſince the Semicircle BDC is G pr ; the Solidity of the Sphere 4 8r pr pr will be 3 4 pr D X2 rx Cone ABCD, the half of which will be the Cone ABF D, whoſe x Circle BDCE. Baſe is the Circle FBGD, and Al. 5. To find the surface of the faid titude the Line A E, being the half Sphere; the Diſtance AP of the Centre of the ſide AC of the Iſoſceles of Gravity of the Semicircumference Triangle A BC. Therefore the So- BDC, deſcribing the Surface of the lidity of this Cone will be equal to Sphere, in this caſe will be (by 8. the Area of the Triangle A BE, 4rr drawn into the Circumference of a of this) and the way of P p Circle, whoſe Radius is E P, this the ſaid Centre of Gravity will be being the way of the Centre of Gra- P rp vity P; but ſince EP is Š Therefore the Periphery deſcrib'd by P will be ſ of that deſcrib’d by B. Conſe- = 4* Area of the Circle BDCE, quently the Solidity of the ſaid will be the Surface of the Sphere. Cone, will be = of the Periphery 6. If the Plane of a Circle of the Bafe drawn into AEX EB ABGC, whose Centre is P, re- - Periphery of the Baſe x L EB x volves about the right Line EF, at: AE=Baſe x } AE. the Diſtance DP from its Centre, 4. To find the Solidity of a Sphere. thereby generating a Cylindrical A Sphere may be generated by the Ring 1 The Solidity of that Ring will K be fo MICRKT X 2 frx4 2 to e cs 4in x 4 * 2 2 CEN CEN be equal to a Cylinder, whoje Baſe FH,a; EA or AF,b. and the is the Circle ABGC, and Altitude Periphery of the Circle, whoſe { A B D P C G H PH G a; and ſo D P E A F Radius is E, G, or AD, p. and ſup- poſe P to be the Centre of Gravity of the ſaid Trilineal Space AGH, the Circle whoje Radius is the right then will AP be = 3 Line DP. Thisis evident, becauſe the Centre of Gravity of the Circle, is the Periphery deſcribed by P, will the ſame as the Centre of the Circle, be =%DBut ſince the Area of and the way of the Centre of Gra- the Space GAH is į ab; therefore vity is the Periphery, whoſe Radius the Solid generated as above will be is DP. =*pxab=lap xb, that is 7. And the surface of that Solid is it will be one half of a Cylinder, equal to the Surface of that Cylinder. whoſe Altitude is GH, and Radius 8. If the ſaid Ring be divided of the Baſe EG: And ſince this into two parts by a Cylindrical Sur. Solid is the Complement to a Cy- face paſſing thro' the Circumference linder of the two equal parabolical of the Circle, deſcribed by the Cen- Conoids generated by the equal Se- tre P of the generating Circle mi-parabola's AGE, AHF; there- ABGC, the outermoſt part of that fore it follows, that any parabolic Ring will be to the innermoſt, as Conoid is of a Cylinder of the * DPxp-tore is to DP pærr, ſame Baſe and Altitude. and the Surface of the one will be 10. If the Parabola BAC re- to that of the other, as DP p volves about its Baſe BC, or double ter is to I Dº xp-rr. Both Ordinate BC: to find the Solidity of theſe Propofitions evidently follow upon the Suppoſition that the Di- A ſtance of the Centre of Gravity of a Semicircle from the Centre of the Circle is and that of the 3 P P Semicircle B D c 9. If AG, AH, be two equal Parabola's touching one another in the Solid generated thereby. Let us their principal Vertex A, and the call the Axis AD, a; the Baſe Irilineal Space GAH revolves a CB, b, and the Circumference - bout tbe common Axis E AF of the (whoſe Radius is a,) p, then will PD Parabola's, and it be required to find bea; and the Circumference the Solidity of the Solid generatid by deſcribed by P,will be p. Therefore ſuch a Motion. Let us call EG or ab x pisiabpallo will be equal 8 rr 4 149 to 1 8 8 rr ар 8r OEN C CEN to the Solid generated as above, which will be to its circumſcribing PF will be = a - and 3 P Cylinder as 4 to į or as 8 to 15. n. To find the Solid generated the Periphery deſcribed by P, will by the Rotation of the Quadrilineal be Wherefore fince the Space ABFE (contain'd under 3 the Quadrantal Circular Arch AB, Area of the Quadrant AB is = the Tangent AE, the Perpendicu- rp lar EF, equal to the Radius AQ, the Area of the Solid generat- and the Continuation BF of the Radius QB) about the right Line ed as above, will be s ар FE. 3 It is plain from the Generation, pr. rr p that the Solid thus generated is one And ſo bea 8 3 hálf of the Solid produced from the Revolution of the whole Space cauſe is the Solidity of the Cy- ABSHE about the right Line EH. aap app arp S H linder aforeſaid ; t 8 3 8 , 8r X a PP аар 2 + 2 Fig3 Q PBF A E aco a PP + 2 11 BAE C H will be the Solidity of the Solid re- Fig.2 quired. (See the Solid at Fig. 2.) And as p: 4%:: D А. 8 E gege p G : 2 a à y Larpt 33 3 Square folid of Fig. 3. that may be And that this laſt Solid is the Com. inſcribed in the ſolid of Fig. 2. plement of a Cylinder (whoſe Ra- Much after the ſame manner the dius of the Baſe is AE, and Altitude Surfaces of theſe Solids may be EF) to the Solid produced by the found, which I leave to be done by Rotation of the Quadrant AQB thoſe who delight in theſe things. about the Line EF. Let QF, be Thus I have given a few Exam. called a; EF, r; and the Arch ples of the Excellence of our Theo- of the Circle - whoſe Radius is rem, in expeditiouſly and entily find- ing the Areas of Surfaces, and Soli- AQ, p. Then fince QP dities of Solids, by means of the 3p) Centre of Gravity. It is mention'd. 8 for K2 by CEN CEN by Pappus at the latter End of his ceived to be divided into three or Preface to his ſeventh Book of Ma- more equal Parts, it will.be cut into thematical Collections ; but Father equal and like Cylinders. Guldin the Jeſuit, in his ſecond and Centre of Motion of any Body, is third Book of the Centre of Gra- the Point about which any Body vity, has more exprefly demonftrat- moves, when faſten'd any ways to ed it, by an Induction of ſeveral it, or made to revolve round it. Examples Centre of Oſcillation, is a Point, The aforeſaid Father Guldin, in wherein, if all the Gravity of a his Centrobarica, has ſhewn how to compound Pendulum be collected, find the Centres of Gravity of Fi- every Oſcillation will ſtill be per- gures; and fo has Dr. Wallis, in formed in the ſame time as before. his Mechanics : But their manner Or it is that point of a Compound of Performance is both tedious; Pendulum, whoſe Diſtance from the troubleſome, and imperfect. Ca- Point of Suſpenſion is equal to the fatus too, in his Mechanics, has Length of a ſimple Pendulum, whoſe fhewn how to find them mechani- Oſcillations are performed in the cally, or by Trials. But the moſt ſame time as the Oſcillation of the ready, elegant, and general Help, that Compound ones. the Nature of the Buſineſs ſeems to If * be the Abſciſs of an oſcillat- admit of, is the inverſe Method of ing plain Figure, as. A SH, and 2 y Fluxions. See Carré, Hayes, Wol the correſpondent double Ordinate: fiús, &c. then will the Diftance of the Centre Mr. Borellus, in Lib. de Motu A- O of Oſcillation (from the Axis RI nimalium, Part 1. Prop. 134. ſays, of Oſcillation) be equal to the fluent That the Centre of Gravity of a hum of y x2 à divided by the Fluent man Body, when extended, is be- of yxå. And therefore, if from tween the Nates and Pubis; and ſo the particular Equation of any gi- the whole Gtavity of the Body cen ven Figure, the Value of tres in that place where Nature has preſſed in the Terms of x, and the allotted the Seat of the Genitals ; Fluents be duly found and divided which, no doubt, was for facilitating by each other, the Diſtance of the the Buſineſs of Coition. Centre of Oſcillation from the Axis Centre of an Hyperbola, is that will be had in common terms. Point wherein the Diameters meet; If ſeveral Weights D, H, B, TA or it is that Point biffecting any being ſuppoſed to gravitate in Diameter, and is without the Fi the Points D, H,B, do keep gure, and common to the oppoſite at the fame Diſtance, with D Sections. regard to one another, and CENTRE of Magnitude of any from the Point of Sufpenfion to Body, is that Point which is equally A, on the inflexible Rod AB, remote from its extreme Parts. In and, oſcillating about the Point Н Homogeneal Bodies, that can be A, do make a Compound cut into like and equal Parts, ac Pendulum : the Diſtance of O, cording to their Length, the Centre the Centre of Oſcillation from IB of Gravity is the ſame as the Con- the Point of Suſpenſion A, will be tre of Magnitude. had, by drawing each of the Such an Homogeneal Body is, for Weights into the Squares of their.. Example, a Leaden Cylinder, that Diſtances, and dividing the Aggre- can be cut lengthwiſe into like Parts; gate by the Sum of the Moments for if the Length thereof be con of the ſame Weights. The be ex- . . 1 AE. C EN CEN The Centre (O) of Oſcillation of had done the thing in a few of the a ſtraight Line AB will be diſtant moſt eaſy Cafes only, without any from A, the Point of Suſpenſion ſ ſufficient Demonftration ; and not of the whole Line. The Centre (O) ſolved Merſennus's Problems only, of Oſcillation of the Equicrural Tri- but found out many others much angle ASH, oſcillating about the more difficult, ſhewing a way of Axis RI, parallel to the Baſe SH finding this Centre in Lines, Super- will be diſtant from A, the Point of ficies, and Solids.-In the Aeta Ēru- Suſpenſion, of A E. ditorum for Leipfick, An. 1691. pag. 317. ad An, 1714. pag. 257. you А have this Doctrine handled by the R- I two Bernoulli's ; you have alſo the fame by Mr. Herman, in his Trea- tiſe de Motu Corporum Solidorum & Fluidorum. The fame is to be found in Treatiſes of the Inverſe Method of Fluxions: See Hayes, Carré, Wolfius, &c. CENTRE of Percuſion, is that -S E H Point of a Body in Motion, where- in all the Forces of that Body are And if SAH was the common united into one; or it is that Point Parabola, A being the Vertex, and wherein the Stroke of the Body AE the Axis, then the Diſtance AO will be greateſt ; and is much the ſame, with reſpect to the Forces, as Mr. Huygens, in his Horologium the Centre of Gravity to the Oſcillatorium, has firſt ſhewn how Weights. to find the Centre of Oſcillation, The Centre of Percuſſion is the He tells us at the Beginning of his ſame as the Centre of Oſcillation, if Diſcourſe on this Subject, that Mer- the ſtriking Body revolves about a ſennus firſt propoſed the Problem to fixed Point. Whence a Stick of a him, when he (Huygens) was very Cylindrical Figure, ſuppoſing the young, even a.Youth, requiring him Centre of Motion at the Hand, will to ſolve the ſame in Sectors of Cir- ſtrike the greateſt Blow at a diſtance, cles ſuſpended from their Angles, about of its Length from the and the Middles of their Baſes; as Hand. alſo when they oſcillate fide-ways : The Centre of Percuſſion is the In the Segment of Circles and Tri- fame as the Centre of Gravity, if all angles, hanging from their Vertex, the Parts of the ſtriking Body are and the Middles of their Baſes. But, carried by a parallel Motion, or ſays Huygens, I at firſt, not having move with the ſame Velocity. found out any thing that would Centre of a Regular Polygon, or open a Paffage into this Buſineſs, Regular Body, is the ſame as chat was repulſed at firſt ſetting out, and of the infcrib'd Circle or Sphere. ſtopt from a further Proſecution of CENTRE of a Sphere, is a Point the thing ; till at length being in- in the middle thereof, from whence cited thereto, by the Conſideration all Right Lines, drawn to the Su- of attempering the Motion of the perficies, are equal to one another. : Pendulums of my Clock, I conquer. CENTRIFUGAL Force, is that ed all Difficulties, going far beyond Force by which all Bodies that move Deſcartes, Fabry, and others, who round any other Body in a Curve, 1 K 3 do CE N CEN : do endeavour to fly off in every Point from the Body to that Centre) pro- of the Curve. portional to the time. And contra- CENTRIPETAL Force, is that rywife, by which a Body is every where im That Body which is moved in any pelled, or any how tends towards Curve in a Plane, and by a Radius fome Point, as a Centre. Among drawn to ſome Point at reft, or mo- which may be reckon'd Gravity, ving uniformly in a right Line, de- whereby Bodies tend towards the ſcribes Areas about that Point pro- Centre of the Earth; the magneti- portional to the time, is urged by a cal Attraction whereby it draw centripetal Force ten ling to that Iron; and that Force, whatever it Point. -Theſe are the two famous be, whereby the Planets are conti- Theorems of Sir Iſaac Newton, firſt nually drawn back from right-lin'd found out and demonſtrated by him, Motions, and made to move in as you may ſee at the Beginning of Curves. Lib. 1. Princip, Mathem. and upon The Centripetal and Centrifugal which all the phyſical Aſtronomy is Force of the ſame revolving. Body founded. in the fame Point of the Curve that The greater the Quantity of Mat- it deſcribes, are always equal and ter in any Body is, the greater is its contrary. centripetal Force; all things elſe a- If a Body laid upon a Plane, does like. at the ſaine time, and about the If a Solid with a Fluid be included fame Centre revolve with that Plane, in a determinate Space'; if it be and ſo delcribes a Circle : and if the lighter than the Fluid, it will come centripetal Force, by which the to the Centre; if heavier, it will Body is drawn or impelled every recede from that Centre: becauſe moment towards that Centre, ſhould the heavier Body has the greater cerſe to act, and the Plane ſhould centrifugal Force. continue to moye with the fame Ve- The centrifugal Forces of revol- locity; the Body will begin to re- ving Bodies, are in a Ratio com- cede from the Centre, with reſpect pounded of their Quantities of Mat- to the Plan?, in a Line which paſſes ter; Diſtances from the Centre; thro’the Piane. The truth of which and the inverſe duplicate Ratio of will eaſily appear, by faſtening a their periodical Times. Ball to a Packthread, one End of If a Body moves in an Ellipfis ; which is fixed to the Centre of a the Law of the centripetal Force, found Table, moving about that tending to the Centre of the Ellipfis, Centre, and laying the Ball upon will be directly as the Diſtance froni the Plane of the Table, ſo as to roll the Centre: but if to the Focus, round together with the Plane of reciprocally as the Square of the the Table at the ſame time. Diſtance. The ſame holds good in When a Body moves about a Çen- the Hyperbola and Parabola, when tre, if as it moves it comes nearer the centripetal Force tends to their to the Centre, its Motion is accele- Foci. rated; but on the contrary, retard If ſeveral Bodies revolve about a ed, if it recedes from the Centre. common Centre, and the centripetal A Body which is kept moving in Force be in the reciprocal duplicate à curve Line, by a Force tending Ratio of the Places from the Centre, towards a fixed Centre, deſcribes A- the principal Latus Re£tums of the reas (contained under Portions of Orbits are in the duplicate Rátio of that Cuve, and right Lines drawn the Area's, which the Bodies, by Radij CEN CEN Radii drawn to that Centre, do de. CG be drawn from the Centre C, ſcribe: alſo the Squares of the pe- parallel to the Ray RP, meeting riodical Times in Ellipſes are in the the Tangent to the Section at G, feſquiplicate Ratio of the greater the Law of the centripetal Force Axes, and drawing right Lines to; CG3 the Bodies, which there touch the will be as Orbits, and letting fall Perpendicu- RPZ lars from the common Focus to theſe The Doctrine of centrifugal Forces Tangents; the Velocities of the Bo was firſt mentioned by Mr. Huygens, dies are in a Ratio compounded of the in his Horologium Oſcillatorium, (at inverſe Ratio of the Perpendiculars, the end) which was publiſh'd anno and the direct fubduplicate Ratio of 1673, where he has given a few the principal Latus Reetums. ealy Caſes in Bodies revolving in the If a Body P, in revolving about Circumference of Circles, although the Centres deſcribes the Curve A without any Demonftration. But PQ, and the right Line P R touches Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Principia, was the firſt who has fully handled R this Matter; at leaſt as far as re- P gards the conic Sections. After him there have been ſeveral other Wri- T ters upon this Subject, as Mr. Leiba nitz, Mr. Varignon, in the Memoirs S A de l'Academie Royale des Sciences; Dr. Keil, in the Philofophical Tranſ- the Curve in P, and the Line QR actions ; Mr. Bernoulli, Mr. Herman, be drawn parallel, and infinitely Mr. Cotes, in his Harmonia Menſu- near to SP, and Q T be drawn per- rarum; Mr. Maclaurin, in his Geo- pendicular to SP: then will the cen- metria Organica; Mr. Euler, in his tripetal Force in any Point P of the Liber de Matu; wherein this laſt Curve be reciprocally proportional confiders the Curves deſcribed by a S P x @ T' Body acted upon by centripetal QR Forces tending to ſeveral fixed Points. CentrOBARYCAL, is what re- If the periodic Times of Bodies, lates to the Centre of Gravity: revolving in Circles, be as any Cepheus, a Conſtellation in the Power Rn of the Radii, then the Northern Hemiſphere, conſiſting of centripetal Force will be recipro- ſeventeen Stars, Cetus, the Whale, a Southern cally as the Power R2*-*. And Conſtellation, confifting of twenty. contrarywiſe, three Stars, If the Body P, tending to any CHAIN, an Inſtrument of hard given Point Ř, moves in the Peri- Wire, diſtinguiſhed into a hundred equal Parts, called Links, being uſed to meaſure Lengths in ſurveying of Land. They are of ſeveral ſorts; R 1. A Chain of a hundred Foot long, each Link being one Foot in Length, and at each tenth Foot there meter of any given conic Section, is a Plate of Brats, with a Figure whoſe Centre is C, and if the Line engraved upon it, ſhewing readily how to G P as C K 4 C Η Α CHA how many Links are from the Be- Hand from this laſt Product, the ginning of the Chain; and for more reſt will be Roods. eaſe in reckoning, there is, or ſhould Laſtly, if you multiply the five be a braſs Ring at every five Links, Figures cut off at the ſecond Mul- that is, one between every two tiplication by 40; and five Figures Plates. being cut off , the reſt will be ſquare This Chain is moſt convenient for Perches or Poles. meaſuring of large Diſtances. CHAIN-SHOT, is two Bullets, or 2. A Chain of fixteen Foot and rather Half-Bullets, faſten'd toge- a balf in Length, and made ſo as ther with a Chain, their Uſe being to contain a hundred Links, with chiefly to ſhoot down Mafts, or cut. Rings at every tenth Link. This the Rigging of a Ship, &c. Chain is moſt uſeful in meaſuring CHAMBER, is that part of the ſmall Gardens, or Orchards, by Cavity of a great Gun, where her Perch or Pole Meaſure. Carriage lies. 3. A Chain of four Poles, or CHAMBRANLE, an Ornament in. Perches in Length, (called Gunter's Maſonry and Joiners Work, bor- Chain) which is fixty-ſix Foot, ordering the three Sides of Doors, twenty-two Yards; for each Perch Windows, and Chimneys, and is contains fixteen Foot and a half. different according to the ſeveral This whole Chain is divided into a Orders, and conſiſts of three Parts, hundred Links; whereof twenty- viz. the Top, called the Traverſe, five is an exact Perch or Pole; and and the two Sides the Aſcendants. for readily accounting, there is uſual CHANDELIERS, in Fortification, ly a 'remarkable Diſtinction by ſome are wooden Parapets made of two Plate, or large Ring, at the end of upright Scakes, about fix Foot high, · twenty-five Links; alſo at the end ſupporting divers Planks laid a-croſs of every tenth Link it is uſual to one another, or Bavins filled with faften a Plate of Braſs with Notches Earth. They are made uſe of in in it, ſhewing how many Links are Approaches, Galleries, and Mines, from the Beginning of the Chain; to cover the Workmen, and to hin- and this Chain, of all others, is der the Beſieged from forcing them the moſt convenient for Land-Mea- to quit their Labours. Theſe differ fure. from Blinds only in this, viz. that If two Lengths for finding the. the former ſerve to cover the Pio- Area of any Parallelogram, Tri neers before, and the latter to cover angle, &c. in Acres, Roods, and them over Head. Perches, be given in Chains and CHANEL, in the lonic Capital, Links; and if the Links be above is a part fomewhat hollow under ten, you ſet the Chains and Links the Abacus after the Liſtel, and lies down with a Prick of the Pen be- upon the Echinus, having its Con- tween them; but if. under ten, a tours or Turnings on each side to.. Cipher be ſet before the Links, and make the Voluta's. you multiply the two Lengths like CHAPITERS, in Architecture, decimal Fractions. Then if five are the Crowns, or upper Parts of Figures towards the Right Hand be a Pillar. Thoſe that have no Or- cut off, the Figures to the Left Hand naments, are called Chapiters with will be Acres Mouldings, ſuch as the Tuſcan and If the five Figures cut off be mul. Doric; the firſt whereof is the moſt tiplied by 4, and five Figures be ſimple, having its Abacus ſquare, again cut off towards the Right without any Mouldings; but the Abacus 1 CH A CH A Abacus of the other is crowned with tity to be leſs than 'nothing, and an Aſtragal, and three Annulețs therefore ſuch Quantities are called under the Echinus. All thoſe that negative Quantities ; as 5 is a have Leaves and carv'd Ornaments, negative Quantity, or 5 leſs than are term'd Chapiters with Sculp- nothing. tures, and the firſt of them is the This negative Sign is alſo the Corinthian, which is adorned with Mark of Subtraction, and fignifies, two Rows of Leaves; as alſo eight that the Quantities on each ſide of greater, and as many leſs Voluta's, it, are ſubtracted from each other'; placed under a Body called the Tym- as when you ſee a -6, it is read i panum. Theſe are called uſually leſs b, or 6 ſubtracted from a. Capitals. cs, or 1, is the Character ex- CHAPTRELs, in Architecture, preſſing the Difference between two are the ſame with Impofts, and fig- Quantities when it is not yet known nify thoſe Parts on which the Feet which is the greater of the two; of Arches ftand, and their Height for here the Sign — cannot be uſed, or Thickneſs is commonly equal to becauſe it ſuppoſes the Quantity the Breadth of the lower part of the following to be always. leſs than Key-Stone. that going before it. CHARACTERISTICK of a Loga x is the sign of Multiplication; rithm. See Index, or Exponent. fhewing, that the Quantities on each CHARACTERS (MATHEMATI. fide the ſame are to be multiplied CAL,) are certain Marks invented by one another; as a xb, or AB x by Mathematicians, for avoiding CD, is to be read a multiplied by Prolixity, and more clearly convey- b, or 'A B multiplied by CD. ing their Thoughts to Learners, and = is the Mark of Diviſion, fig- are as follow: nifying, that the firſt of the two = is the Mark of Equality, (tho' Quantities between it is divided by Deſcartes, and ſome others uſe this the latter; as a-b, ſignifies that D,) and ſignifies that the Quantities a is divided by b. on each ſide of it are equal to one o is the Character of Involution, another; as, a=b, fignifies that a that is, of producing the Square of is equal to b. any Quantity, or of multiplying + in Algebra, is a sign of real any Quantity into itſelf. In ſome Exiſtence of the Quantity it ſtands Books of Algebra it is placed in the before, and is called an affirmative Margin, and thews, that the Step and poſitive Sign, becauſe it implies of the Equation, againſt which it the Quantity to be of a poſitive and ſtands, is to be multiplied into it- real Nature, and is directly contrary ſelf; or if it be a Square already, to the following Sign -- then to be raiſed to that Power that This affirmative Sign is alſo the the Index fet after the Character Mark of Addition, and ſignifies that expreſſes. the Quantities on each ſide of it are is the Character of Evolution, added together; as, if you ſee a t-b, that is, of extracting the Roots out or 3 +5, it implies that a is added of the ſeveral Powers, and is the to b, or 3 added to 5, and is uſually Reverſe of the laſt-mentioned Sign. read a more b. :: is the Mark of Geometrical - This is the Note of Negation, Proportion disjunct, and is uſually negative Exiſtence, or Non-entity; placed between two pair of cqual and whenever it ſtands alone before Ratio's; as 3:6 ::4:8 few's any Quantity, it ſhews that Quan- that 3 is to 6, as 4 to 8. CH A CH A 4 I Gemini. % Cancer. 2 Leo. THR Virgo. no Libra. ma Scorpio. Sagittarius. Yo Capricorn. more on Aquarius. * Piſces. The Characters of the Aſpects are, o Conjunction, A Trine. O Quartile. Sextile. Oppofition. The chief Characters in Muſick are, 3 Semibreve. Minim. is the Mark of Geometrical Proportion continued, and implies the Ratio to be ftill carried on without any Interruption ; as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, . ✓ is the Sign of Radicality, and Thews (according to the Index of the Power, that is ſet over or after it,) that the Square, Cube or other Root, is extracted, or is to be ſo out of any Quantity; as ✓ 16, or 16, orv (2) 16, fignifies the Square Root of 16, and 16 is the Cube Root of 16. C., or, is the Character of greater. And, And, the Mark of the leſler of two Quantities. 1. is the sign for Parallels, and fignifies that two Lines, or Planes, are equi-diftant. A Triangle. Square. Od Rectangle. O Circle, or the Sun. Ā Equiangular, or similar. Equilateral. < Angle. r Right-Angle. T Perpendicular. ::: is the Mark for Arithmetical Progreſſion. a. b=d. This, by Wolfius, fig. nifies, that a is to b, as c to d. The Characters of the ſeven Pla- nets are, ħ Saturn. 7 Jupiter. Mars. Sol. Vepus, . Mercury. ( Luna. The Characters of the Twelve Signs are, r Aries. 8 Taurus. Crochet. Quaver. Semi-Quaver. B Demi-Quaver. Baſe-Cliff. Treble-Cliff. Tenor-Clift Coun- The t CHA CHE CHARLES'S-WAIN, ſeven Stars Counter-Tenor-Cliff. in the Conſtellation, called Urfa Major. CHARTS, are Sea-Maps for the Uſe of Seamen, having the Sea- coafts, Sands, Rocks, &c. depicted Sharp upon them, and are principally of two kinds, viz. the plain Chart, and Mercator's or rather Wright's. Flat. Of theſe you will ſee more under the Words Plain Charts, and Mera // cator's Chart. CHASE of a Gun, is its whole Shake. Length. CHAUSE-TRAPPES, or Coltrops, in Fortification, are Iron Inftru- ments with four Spikes about four Beat. Inches long, made in ſuch a manner, that let them fall which way ſoever, one Point will always lie uppermoft, like a Nail. They are uſually ſcat- ter'd and thrown into Moats and Common Time Now. Breaches, to gall the Horſes Feet, and ſtop the hafty Approach of the Enemy. Common Time ſwifter. Chemin de Ronds, in Fortifica- tion, is the way of the Rounds, or a Space between the Rampart and the ' low Parapet under it, for the Rounds Minim, or Bar-Reft. to go about the ſame, with the Faufe Bray. CHEMISE in Fortification, is a Wall that lines a Baftion, or any o ther Bulwark of Earth, for its greater Crochet-Reſt. Support; or it is the Solidity of the Wall from the Talus to the Stone- Row. CHERSONESUS, in Geography, fignifies the ſame with Peninſula, and is a part of the Land encloſed all round with Water, except one Semi-Quaver-Reit. narrow Neck, by which it joins to the main Land, that being called an Iſthmus. Of theſe Cherſones there are reckon'd up fourteen by Varenius, Contradict. in his Geography, Chap. 8. Prop. 10. CHARGED CYLINDER, is that CHEVAUX DE Frise, or Friſe. Part of the Chaſe of a great Gun, land Horſe, is a large Joift , or Piece where the Powder and Ball are of Timber, about a foot in Diame- placed. ter, and ten or twelve in Length. There HI Quaver-Reft. lib. 1. C HR CIR There are driven a great Number which abounds in Semi-Tones, and of wooden Pins into the sides there. contains only the leaſt diatonical of, about fix Foot long, croſſing one Degrees. another, and having their Ends CHRONOLOGY, as it is common- arm'd with Iron Points, Their ly taken, is the Arithmetical Com- principal Uſe is to ſtop up Breaches, putation of Time for hiſtorical Uſes ; or to ſecure the Avenues of a Camp that thereby the Beginnings and from the Inroads both of Horſe and Endings of Princes Reigns, the Re- Foot. Theſe are much the ſame volutions of Empires and Kingdoms, with Turnpikes. Battles, Sieges, or any other me- CHILIADS, are the Tables of morable Actions, may be truly Logarithms; being ſo called, be- ftated. cauſe they were at firſt divided into CHRONOSCOPE, the ſame as a Thouſands. Thus, in the Year Pendulum, to meaſure Time with. 1624. Mr. Briggs publiſhed a Table CHRYSTALLINE HE AVENS, of Logarithms for twenty Chiliads of Theſe, in the Ptolemaic Syſtem, were abſolute Numbers, and afterwards two: Whereof one ſerved them to for ten Chiliads more, and then for explain the flow Motion of the fixed one more, that is, for thirty-one Stars, and cauſed them (as they Chiliads. thought) to move one Degree Eaſt- And, in the Year 1628, Adrian wards, in the ſame ſpace of ſeventy Vlacque publiſhed this again with a Years. Supplement of the Chiliads before And the other helped them out omitted by Mr. Briggs; in all mak- in ſolving a Motion, which they ing up an hundred and one Chi- called the Motion of Trepidation, or liads. Libration; by which they imagined CHILIOGEN, a regular plain Fi- they ſwag from Pole to Pole. gure, of a thouſand Sides and An ČIMA, or Cymaiſe, is what we gles. call, in Engliſh, an Ogee, Ogive, or CHORD, in general, is a Right-, barely OĞ; by which we mean a Line drawn from one Part of an Moulding waved on its Centre, con- Arch of a Circle to the other. But cave at the top, and convex at the the bottom, and which makes the up- CHORD of an Arch, is a Right- permoſt Member, and, as it were, Line joining the Extreams of that the Cime or Top of large Cornices. Arch. Of theſe there are two kinds : In 1. A Chord is biffected by a Per- the one, that Part which has the pendicular drawn to it from the greateſt Projecture, is concave, be- Centre of the Circle. ing term’d Doucine, or an Upright 2. Chords in the ſame Circle, Ogee. In the other, the convex whoſe Arches are equal, are like- Part has the greateſt Projecture. wiſe'themſelves equal. CINCTURE, in Architecture, is 3. Unequal Chords in the ſame the ſame with Apophygee. Circle, are not proportional to their CIRCLE, is a plain Figure, com- Arches. prehended under one Line only, to CHOROGRAPHY, is a particular which Bounding Line all Right Deſcription of ſome Country; as of Lines, that are drawn from a Point England, France, or any part of in the middle of it, are equal to one them, &c. another. And is may be suppoſed CHROMATIC, a Term in Muſic, to be generated thus : being the ſecond of the three Kinds, IF 1 1 1 5 1 CIR CIR If the Line AB be faſtened at then AC ⓇED +AEX CD = one End to the Point A, and the ADX CE. other Point or End B thereof be B В mov'd round in a Plane till it is re- turn'd to the Place from whence it went, that Line, in thus moving, will deſcribe a Circle ; and the Point D B 4 A ! 1 E А. 6. In a Circle the Sine of any Arch is equal to half the Chord of twice that Arch. The Square of or. End B, the Circumference there- the Chord of any Arch is equal to of: And the Point A will be the the Rectangle under the verſed Sine Centre. of that Arch, and the Diameter of 1. The Area of any Circle is e- the Circle. the Circle. - The Sine of an Arch qual to a Rectangle under the Dia- is to the Co-line of that Arch, as the meter, and one Quarter of the Cir. Radius is to the Tangent of that cumference. Arch.-- The Radius is a mean Pro- 2. The Diameter of a Circle is portional between the Sine of an proportional to the Circumference. Arch and the Co-fecant of thatArch. 3. If two Right Lines, AC, DE, - The Radius is, a mệan Propor- terminating in the Periphery of a tional between the Tangent of an Circle, do interſect each other in the Arch, and its Co-tangent.-- As the Point B, either within the Circle, Radius is to a mean Proportional or (being continued) without it, as between the Aggregate of the Ra- in the fecond Figure, then A BxBC dius and Sine of an Arch, and the BEXBD. Difference between the Radius and that Sine ; fo is twice that Şine to the I B Sine of double that Archi, D с C D 7. In a Semi-circle, if AB be C the Chord of an Arch, and FD the Chord of the Complement of that В. Arch to a Semi-circle; then will the Difference between the Diame- ter A D and the Chord A B, the A А B 1 1 4. The Angle BAC made by the F Tangent A B, and the Chord AC is equal to any Angle AEC, or ADC, in the Alternate Segment AEC of the Circle. С. A 5. Let ACDE be a Quadrila- E D teral Figure in the Circle, and the Chord FD, and the Radius AC, Lines ĀD, EC, the Diagonals, be continual Proportionals. 8. CIR CIR 7. In a Semi-circle, if A B be the be continual Proportionals. Confe- Chord of any Arch, and its Com- quently if the Radius be = 1; we plement BD to a Semi-circle be ſhall have in be drawn, and the Diameter AD V2-V2+ Vztrat be continued out to E; fo that DE 3. be =AB: then will the Line D E for the Side of a regular Polygon the Chord AF and the Radius AC of 96 Sides. B F ! A C G D E 8. The verſed Sine of an Arch upon the Circumference of a Circle drawn into the Radius, is equal be biffected by the right Line A D, to the Square of the Sine of that and AC be drawn to E, fo that Arch.--The Sine of an Arch drawn DE the Continuation of BD be into the Radius, is equal to twice equal to AD, then will CE = the Sine of that Arch drawn into A B. its Co-line.--- The Square of the Ra 10. Thrice the Square of the dius, the Square of the Chord of Radius drawn into the Chord of any Arch, the Difference of the the third Part of an Arch, lefſen'd Squares of the Diameter, and of by the Cube of this Chord, is equal that Chord and the Square of the to the Square of the Radius drawn Chord of twice that Arch, will be into the Chord of three times that proportional.--- As the Difference Arch.- If three Arches of a Circle between the Square of the Radius be equi-different, viz. Arithmetical and the Square of the Tangent of Progreſſionals, the Radius, twice an Arch leſs than 45 Deg, is to the Co-fine of the middle Arch, twice the Square of the Radius ; ſo the Sine of the common Difference is the ſame Tangent to the Tangent of the Arches and the Difference of of twice that Arch. the Sines of the extreme Arches 9. If an Angle CAB ftanding are Proportionals. 11. In a Circle, if AB, BC, be A two Arches, and AE the Sine of the Arch AB be continued out to F, and B D be made equal to CB, and B the Diameters BM, DL, be drawn, as alſo the Lines CHL, DI, perpen- dicular to F A. Moreover, if the D Chords FD, DA, AL, LF, be drawn, and the Lines HG, GA, GI, IK, KF, KH. I ſay 1. EI will be the Sine of CB, (BD) AH (FI) the Sine of the Arche AB to the Sine of the Arch BC. : 3. FH (AI) the Sine of the Arch E AB : 2. CI" R CIR AB the Sine of the Arch B C. 7. L G the co-verſed Sine of the Arch 4. DK the verſed. Sine of the Arch AB the Arch B C. 8. FD the AB + the Arch BC. 5. D G the Chord of the Arch AB + the Arch verſeà. Sine of the Arch AB - the CB, being equal to twice the Sine of Arch BC. 6. LK 'the co-verſed the Arch AB + the Arch C B. Sine of the Arch AB+ the Arch B. 9. AD the Chord of the Arcb AB B с D HO E F А. N K L 101 M - the Arch CB equal to twice the laſt, concerning the Similarity of Sine of the Arch AB - the Arch the Trapeziums, it follows, becauſe CB. 10. F N the Sine of the Arch each of them have two Angles at AB + the Arch BC. 11. AG the Circumference, viz. the one the Sine of the Arch AB -- the Arch LAB + B C, the other equal to 1 BC. 12. LH the Co-line of the the Complement of AB + BC; Arch AB+-the Co-fine of the Arch as alſo two right-angled Triangles BC. 13. DI the Co-ſine of the form'd by the reſpective Diagonals Arch AB the Co-fine of the Arch and Sides, which are reſpectively BC, equal to the verſed Sine fimilar : Therefore the sides about of the Arch AB - the verjed Sine the equal Angles will be propor- of the Arch BC. 14. Lf the Co- tional; confequently the Trapeziums Jine of the Arch AB + the Arch ALHG, FDIK, L FHK, and BC. 15. Į LA the Co-fine of AIG D, are ſimilar. AB the Arch BC. And, 16. 12. If the Arches AB, BC, CD, Laſtly, the Trapeziums ALHG, DE, EF, &c. be equal, and the FDIK, LFHK, and AIGD, will be fimilar. All the Articles, except the laſt, evi- C E dently enough follow from the Con- ſtruction and the Definition of Sines, Co-fines, verſed Sines, and Chords í B G and from 1. 6. of this, that the Chord of any Arch is twice the Sine A of double that Arch. As to the Chords } CIR CIR 1 Chords AB, AC, AD, AE, &c. perpendicular to the Diameter A B; be drawn; then it will be A B: then will ADX DB=CE XEF AC :: AC:AB+AD:: AD: AC+ AE :: AE: AD+AF :: + DE AF: AE + AG. F 17. If from a Point D in a Chord c AE, the Line D B be drawn, mak- E B ing the Angle ADB = ACE in AD B C E ED A B D 0 1 B 17. If one Side AD of a Trape. zium inſcribed in a Circle be con- tinued out, the external Angle EDC will be equal to the Angle DE A E D A С B > the Segment ACE, of which A E B, oppoſite to the Angle ADC is the Baſe ; and if the right Line its Complement to a Semi-circle. ACB be drawn; then will 'A'BX 18. If the two Diagonals of a AC be AE. Trapezium, inſcribed in a Circle, = cut one another at right Angles, 15. If the Chords A B, CD, be the Sums of the Squares of each at right Angles; the oppoſite Arches Pair of oppoſite Sides will be equal. AD +CB=AC+DB. and the Aggregate of the four D- Squares of the Segments of thoſe Diagonals will be equal to the А Square of the Diamecer of the B E Circle - If any Tangent meets the Diameter continued out, and from the Point of Contact a Perpendicu- lar be let fall upon the Diameter, C the Rectangle under the Diſtance of this Perpendicular from the Centre, 16. If the Point E be taken in and the point where the Tangent cuts the Chord CF, and ED be drawn the Continuation of the Diameter, will D 3 2 2 CIR CIR will be equal to the Square of the C in the Periphery, cutting B D in Radius: F,G; then will BG +FD be 19. If the Point B be taken in the Diameter CG of a Semicircle, BD. and the Point A in that Diameter 22. If ABC be an equilateral continued out ſuch, that making Triangle infcribed in a Circle, and AD, the Difference of A C, CB, any right Line be drawn from the it ſhall be AD:DC::CB:BE. Point C, cutting the Arch AB in the Point D, and the Chords AD, DB be drawn ; then will CD be F AD + D B. Continue out BD to F, ſo that DF be equal to AD, and join the Points A, F, then will F B be equal ADCB E G AD + DB. Now becauſe the Then any two Lines AF, FB, Angle A DB is į of two right drawn from A and B to the Circum- Angles, or 120 Degrees, fince ference, will be in a conſtant Ratio, DÅB + DBA = of one right viz. that of A C to CB. Angle or 60 ; for DAB= DCB, 20. If the Points A, C, be taken and DBA = DCA. Therefore in the Diameter DE of a Circle, equally diſtant from the Centre F, F D and any two right Lines A B, BC, B A B E DA F CE be drawn from them to the Cir- cumference of the Circle ; the Sum of the Squares of theſe Lines will be the Angle F D A= of one right equal to A E + CE. Angle or 60 Degrees. Conſequent- 21. In a Semicircle, if from AE ly the Triangle AFD will be equi- the Ends of the right Lines AB, lateral; and becauſe the Angles ED, each perpendicular to the ACD, A BD, ſtanding upon the Diameter BD, and equal to the Arch A D are equal, and the sides Side of an inſcribed Square or the AC, A B, as alſo AD, A F; there- Chord of 90 Degrees, be drawn the fore the Triangles C'AD, A FB, right Lines A C, EC, to any Point will be equal and ſimilar. Conſe quently the Side F B will be equal C to the Side DC, that is, the Lines AD, BD equal to the Line CD. : D 23. If two Circles touch one an- B FG other, any right Line drawn from the Point of Contact will cut off ſimilar Segments from the Circles, and it will be divided at the Point E of Contact in the Ratio of the Dia- L meters. A CIR CIR A. meters. If a right Line joining Join the given Points A, B, and the Centres of two Circles be di-. continue out the Lines A B, CD, vided in the Ratio of their Semi- to meet each other, as at D; make diameters, any right Line drawn thro' the Point of Diviſion will cut off fimilar Segments from thoſe B Circles. 24. If a right Line MA be drawn F D through the Centres L, K, of two Circles, and the Point M be ſuch, that any right Line MB drawn Df a mean Proportional between from it, and cutting the ſaid Circles A, D, BD; then a Circle deſcribed through the Points A,B,F, will touch A the right Line CD in the Point F, B В for FD=AD* B D. Prob. 2. To draw a Circle thro' K a given Point A, to touch two right Lines GH, IH, given in Poſition. Continue out the right Lines GH, JH, to meet in the Point H, and bil- Ject the Angle GHI by the right I Line KH from A draw the right F Line AKL perpendicular to KH. L G L I G H H K A I Then if a Circle be deſcribed by Prob. 1.) thro' the Points A, L, to M touch either of the Lines GH, IH, it will be the Circle required. does cut off ſimilar Segments GF, Prob. 3. To draw a Circle CBD, CB, from them; I ſay MAX to touch a given Circle K B, and MÁ = MG X MB. Note, the two right Lines EC, FD, given Point M may be taken between the in Poſition. Circles. Draw the right Lines IG, KH, 25. From the three laft Theorems parallel to E C, FD, and at a Di- may be ſolved the following elegant ftance from them equal to the Semi- and uſeful Theorems of Vieta's, re diameter AB of the given Circle ; lating to the Deſcription of a Circle. and (by the laſt Problem) thro? the The Problems are theſe : Point A, draw a Circle AGH, Prob. 1. To deſcribe a Circle to touch the two right Lines IG, KH, through two given Points A, B, that 'in G, H. This done, if a Perpendi- fhall touch a right Line CD given cular LC be let fall from L, the in Poſition. Centre of the Circle AGH to the Line CIR CIR Line E C, and a Circle BCD be drawn about the Centre L, with the E B D A А Amosas E I B H I K G the Line BC: I ſay, this will touch H Н the Circle DEF in E too. For draw the Line D B cutting the Circle DEF in the Point E, and join FE ; now becauſe the Angles DFE=FE B, and FCB are each Semi-diameter LC; this Circle will right Angles; a Circle will paſs thro' touch the given one KB in the Peint the four Points F, E, B, C. Confe- B, and the right Lines EC, FD, in quently DB DE=DFX DC=DA the Points C,D, for AL=LG=LH, X DH, whence A;H,E,B, are in a and AB=GC=DH, and to their Circle; but E is in a Circle : where- Differences BL, CL, LD, will be fore the Circle DEF either cuts or equal. touches the Circle A HEB, in E. Prob. 4. To draw a Circle AEB Draw the Diameter BI, then fince thro' a given Point A, to touch a this Circle is touch'd by B C in B, the given Circle DEF, and a right Angle CBI will be a right Angle ; Line BC given in Poſition. and ſo I В will be parallel to DC, Circle draw a right Line DC per Te, e'r, coincide ; and fo DÉF, Thro' the Centre G of the given and joining IE, the Angles I E B, DEF, are right Angles : Wherefore pendicular to the Line BC, meeting BEI, are two fimilar Triangles, and the given Circle in F, D, and draw the right Line D A, which divide in the Circles circumſcribing them touch H, ſo that DAX DH be=DCx DF, in the Point E. and thro' the Points A, H. deſcribe Prob. š. To deſcribe a Circle (by Prob. 1.) a Circle AEB to touch LCM to touch two given Circles DL, MP, and a right Line CZ given in Pofition. Let A,B be the Centres of the given Circles, draw BZ perpendicular 10 CZ, make ZX AL, and draw B HT HX parallel to CZ; then about the Centre B, with a Radius, equat to the Aggregate or Difference of the Radius's of the firſt and ſecond Circles D F. deſcribe a Circle MG, and thro' the Centre A draw a Circle (by Prob. 4.) to touch the Circle MG in G, and the Right Line HX in Hj. and ved 1 I a fi € IR CIR E be its Centre. Lally, if EC be Prob. 6. To deſcribe a:: Circ drawx perpendicular to cz, and a DGB thro' two given Points B, D to touch a given Circle EGF. D Let A be the Centre: of the given Circle, join the Points B, D, and di- vide B D in H, ſo that BD x BH be equal to the Difference of the Squares H of AB, and AF, and from H draw the Tangent HF to the Circle EGF, and jein BF cutting the Circle in G and F. Alſo join D G cutting the A I. C E X M P BR G W D E A I D $ D A Н. E MC B G NI Н PB . B A F L E i D HT 0 F THA A F 표 X B Z G M (B D H Circle LCM be deſcribed about the Gentre E, with the Radius E C, this Circle will touch the given ones DL, ME, and the Right Line C 2. The Reaſon is ſufficiently evident from the Conſtruction. Circle reme Yo**** H X MB CIR CIR given Circles; and in KL take the Point M fuch, that any Right Line A BM being drawn, fall cut off fimi. lar Segments GF, CB, from the Cir. F cles; then draw the Right Line MI, E and divide it fo in N, that MIX MN MHX MA; and throʻ I, N; draw a Circle B G I touching the B Circle ABCD, and let B be the D Point of contact. Join BM cutting the Circles in B, C, F, G; then MG - MH XMA MNx MI; wherefore the Points N,I,B,G are in the ſame Circle. But Gis alſo in the Circle EFGH; where- Circle in E, then if a Circle GBD fore the Circles. EFGH, IBGN, be deſcribed, about the three points de mutually cut one another, or touch G, B, D; the fame will be that in G. But BNI, BCD, touch in B; wherefore the Segments BG, BC, For becaufe BD XBH = AB are ſimilar. But FG, BC, are fimilar; wherefore F G, BG, are AF", it eaſily follows (37.3.) that fimilar: and ſo the Circles E F G, the Points D, G, F, H, are in a Cir- IBG, do touch in the Point G. cle: and to the Angle DGB; of the Prob. 8. To deſcribe a Circle MLH Quadrilateral Figure DGFH= to touch three given Circles whoſe Angle FHB; and the Angle G, DB Centres are A, B, D. or G-EF = (32. 3.) Angle HF B; About the Centre D defcribe a Cir- therefore EF, BB are parallel: and cle with a Radius equal to the Diffe- ſo the Triangles @ DB, GEF will be rence or Sun of the Radii of the firſt fimilar. Conſequently the Circle BGD and third Circles, and about the touches the given Circle EGF in G, Centre B with the Radius B G equak and paſſes through the given Points B, D. Prob. 7. To deſcribe a Circle GBI H thro' a given Point I, to touch two given Circles B A, FE. Join the Centres K, L, of the A quired. 2 E $320133 G T B A K D E L H G B E M M N M to the Sum or Difference of the Radii of the firſt and ſecond Circles; and through A deſcribe a Circle AG F, In 3 touching CIR CIR 22 G touching the Circles B, D, in the or any right-lined Figure be made Points G, F, then a Circle deſcribed equal to a given Circle. But it is about E, with a Radius equal to AE not ſo eaſy to fhew from Arithmeti- +AH, will touch the three given cal or Geometrical Principles, why Circles in the points HM,E. There this cannot be done. I believe our are more Caſes of thiş Problem, Want of knowing enough of the na- which it is eaſy to ſupply. ture of Incommenſurability is the 26. If it be required to divide à cauſe.Dr. Barrow, towards the given Circle into two Segments, end of his fifteenth Mathematical having a given Ratio of Ř to S; Lecture, ſays, that he is of opinion, ſuppoſe BM D. to be a Semi-cycloid, that the Circumference of a Circle, whoſe Baſe is AD, and Altitude and its Radius, are Lines of ſuch a nature, as to be not only incom- B menſurable in Length and Square, but alſo in Length, Square, Cube, M N Biquadrate, &c. ad infinitum: for H (continues he) the side of the in- fcribed Square is incommenſurable to the Radius, and the Square of the Side of the inſcribed Octagon is in- commenſurable to the Square of the D P А Radius; and conſequently the Square of the octagonal Perimeter is incom- AB. Divide AD in P in ſuch man- menſurable to the Square of the ner, that AP:AD :: S-R:S Radiųs: and thus the Ambits of all +R; and from P draw PM per- regular Polygons, inſcribed in a pendicular to AD, and M N paral- Circle, may have their ſuperior Jel to it, and draw the Right Line Powers incommenſurate with the AO; then will the Segments AGO, co-ordinate Powers of the Radius; AHO, be to one another as R to S. from whence the laſt Polygon, that 27. If two Semicircles be deſcribed is, the Circle itſelf, does ſeem to have upon the Diameter of a Semicircle, its Periphery incommenfurate with ſo as to touch one another; the trili- the Radius. Which, if true,"will nealSpace contain'd under thoſe three put a final ſtop to the Quadrature Semicircles, is equal to a Circle of the Circle, ſince the Ratio of the whoſe Diameter is a mean Propor- Circumference to the Radius, is al- tional between the Diameters of the together inexplicable from the na- leſſer Semicircles. ture of the thing, and conſequently 28. In a Semicircle the Ratio of the Problem requiring the Explica- a greater Arch to a leſs, is greater ţion of ſuch a Ratio is impoffible' to than that of the Chord of the greater he folved, or rather it requires that Arch to the Chord of the leſs, as is for its Solution which is impoſſible elegantly demonſtrated by Ptolemy, to be apprehended. But concludes in his Almageft. he, this great Myſtery cannot be 29 A'very indifferent Mathema- explain'd in a few Words: But tician does now know, that the Ra- if Time and Opportunity had per- tio of the Diameter of a Circle to its mitted, I would have endeavoured Circumference cannot be expreſſed to produce many things for the Ex- in Numbers exactly'; 'nor can two plication and Confirmation of this Right Lines be drawn expreſſing Conjecture.—Sir Iſaac Newton, in that Ratic: neither can a Square, Ļib.1. of his Principia, has attempted at . . 1 I 1 X 1 1 I CI-R CIR at a Demonftration,' to ſhow the Im- the neareſt to the Truth of any that poſſibility of the general Quadrature' have ever been publiſhed, as may of oval Figures, by the Deſcription be ſeen in Mr. Jones's Synopſis, being of a Spiral, and the Impoffibility of to 100 Places of Decimals. determining the Interſections of that 31. The Ratio of the Diameter Oval and Spiral (which muſt be the of a Circle to the Circumference caſe, if the Oval is ſquareable) by will be nearly as 7 to 22, or 106 a finite Equation. But I muſt con to 333, or 113 to 355, or 1702 to feſs this Method is not ſo clear and 5347, or i815 to 5702, or 100000 evident as might be wiſh'd. to 314159. The ſecond being more 30. There have been many Per- exact than the firſt, and the next ſons, even many Ages ago, as well foregoing one ftill more fo than the as in theſe later Times, who have next following. The Inveſtigation given themſelves much pain, and at of theſe Ratio's chiefly depends upon the ſame time greatly expoſed their the Theorem laid down under the own Ignorance, by publiſhing pre-. word Ratio tended Quadratures of the Circle; 32. If the Radius of a Circle be and among the Moderns, no one 1. the Length of an Arch of 309 has, been more eminent than our own Countryman Mr. Hobbs, who will be + notwithſtanding his Skill in ſome 3 3* 3 things, yet has ſhewn a moft obfti- I nate Ignorance in this. The Great + &*C. Archimedes, in Libro de Dimenſione 5*9 7 X 27 9*812 Circuli, has firſt given a near Ratio and twelve times this will be equal of the Diameter of a Circle to its to the whole Circumference. --- -If Circumference in ſmall Numbers, to fix times the Radius be added in being that of 7 to 22: but his De part of the fide of the inſcribed monſtration is long and tedious. Square, the Sum will be nearly Many Ages after him, Van Ceulen, the Circumference of the Circle; but a Dutchman, in Libro de Circulo & leſs, that is, the Diameter being 2, Adfcriptis, gave us a nearer Ratio the Semi-circumference will be 3 + in larger Numbers, expreffed by 36 v 2 nearly, Places of Figures; and was ſo fond 33. If to fix times the Radius be thereof, that he order'd it to be put added 1 part of the fide of the in- upon his Grave-Stone. After him, ſcribed Square, the Sum will be al- Willebrord Snell, another Dutchman, moſt equal to the whole Circumfe- in his Cyclometricus, gives the ſame rence of the Circle ; that is, the Ratio to 36 Places of Decimals,being Diameter being 2, the whole Cir- that of :1 to 3. 14. 15926, 53589, cumference will be 6+ to ✓ 2. 79323, 84626, 43383, 27950, 28958 nearly. nearly: which they effected by the continual Biffe&tion of an Arch of a Circle, and the Half Circumference 34. If BC be the Diameter of the Circle, after a manner moft ex- ceedingly troubleſome and laborious. D After theſe came the indefatigable Mr. Abraham Sharp, who gave that H HT Ratio to 72 Places of Decimals, in a B ſheet of Paper, publiſhed about the year 1706. But the very ingenious E F Mr. Macbin has carried this Ratio BC L 4 $ CIR CIR 1 1 939 - 53 3 16 be I 13 I IS BC be divided into three equal Parts BE, EF, FC, and from E F be to &c. or as 1 is to drawn the Right Lines ED,FD to the Point D, biſſecting the other 16 4. 16 4 Semi-periphery BDC; then will 5 239 t 2393 GD+ GH be nearly equal to a Quadrant of that Periphery : but .4 & c. ſo is the Dia. leſs, though the Difference does not 55 2395? exceed the Toso Part of the Diame: meter of a Circle to its Circumfe- ter; that is, if B C be 2, the whole rence. Circumference will be nearly = 38. If a be the Chord of an Arch of a Circle, and b the Chord 8 Vz+Vī 8bwa +8 of that Arch, then will 2 + V3 3 35. If the Chord of a Quadrant nearly equal to the Length of the be 1. the Length of the Arch of a Arch of the Circle, Quadrant will be=1+ -- 39 Let r be the Radius of a Cir- ++ c. This cle, a any Arch, c the Chord, s the Series was firſt taken notice of by Sine, v the verſed Sine, and t the Dr. Gregory and Mr. Leibnitz; but Tangent of that Arch; then (1.) Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Obſerva- will a be nearly = tions upon the ſame, ſays, it is of 4 2 rv 72 no uſe, by reaſon of the very ſmall Convergency thereof. For he ſays, 3 in order to get the Length of a qua- drantal Arch to 20 Places of Deci- (2.) a = 41 It mals, there will be occaſion for rtv nearly 5000000000 Terms of that Series : to compute which it would (3.) a = 2+ 3 require a thouſand Years. 22 36. If the Diameter of a Circle 3 rs and :, then will the * Ž. a (4.) a = whole Circumference be the Sum 2**V7? of theſe three Series's, 2r + V2 a3 (5.) a = ar + rut av 2 + 3 5 7 9 14 rs to N 72 (6.) a + 3 5 7 + & (7.) a = 3 m2 + 9 2 go2 هی 2 $ X 2 5 be 1, a 2 X s. a 225 a9 a 을 co EC. wl 1 8 a 25 all + + wels 1 I 9r+6V72 al4 al t3 15 98 ato t &c. t 1 II I 3 57 a²2 alo 2.8 مر 29 776 + 2 + + + E c. 5 7 9 37. If the Radius of a Circle be 1, and a be = 2V3. then will I the Circumference be a 3 1 / 3 9 3a + 3a tos 9 92 93 Ec. (8.) a =s 7 9 go I X I X 53 IXIX 33 xsS + 2 * 3 X 1 2 X 3 X 4x574 I XIX 3* 3 * 5 * 5 s7 + 2 X 3 X 4* 5 x 6x7 go I as (9.) and S = a- g. 2 + 120 74 a EQ C. 23 Bonustan IT 1 CIR I a9 362880 78 Esc, nitz's. 8 9 5040 g + xs S 03 - 3.0² 40 X 4d & I аа 20 720 rs a8 40320 q , &c. CIR i a7 Newton's, and the faţter Mr. Leibe. If the Radius AE of a Circle ber, and AB be a ; then will the Area ACDB be = ** V z grau x (10.) a= 270 x Ito 6x2r *3 *7 509 a бр. 4рға 5 112 1152r + fo I 12 x 8 d3 &c. &c. Or, if AE be, and BĒ,x; a4 the Area BD E will be = x x (11.) v= + 2453 *-* *-76435, & C. If the Cherd ED be drawn, twice the Segment BDĘ will be 40. As 14 is to u, fo is the nearly equal to ED + BD x4 BE. Square of the Diameter of a Circle or biſſecting RE in F,' and drawing to the Area thereof nearly. D.F; twice that Segment will be In Dr. Wallis's Arithmetic of Infinites, 4-DF +ED: X 4 BE nearly. we firſt find infinite Series's expreſ $95 ſing the Ratio of a Circle to the D Square of its Diameter ; there are C two of them. (1.) As, 3X3 X5 X 5.7. &c. 24* 4*6*6*8, is to i; fo Egc. is the Circle to the Square of its Diameter : This was found oật by A Him. 12 ) As i to je ! 41. If x be the Radius of a Cir. + + 28 cle and x the Distance of any given + 48 to stay D is to i, ſo is the Square of the Dia- meter' of a Circle to the Circle B E itſelf ; or, as It F A P 2+49-4. &c. K G is to i; fo is the Square of the Diameter of a Circle, to the Circle I H itſelf: this is the Lord Bronker's, as Wallis himſelf ſays. If the Dia. D meter of a Circle be i, the Area C E 3 e 81. &C. I ! 2.tzt 25 1 I I 1 F B I 12 0 G A will be = 1 40 5 7 & C. - If the 1152 2816 Diameter of a Circle be 1, the A- rea of the whole Circle will be 1- 3. to š 1 ts-t, &C. The former of theſe is Sir Iſaac H M T L K Pun CIR CIR OF THE HIGHER Point P, in the Diameter from the ColleEtiones Mathemat. (6.) Gregory Centre O, and m be any given Num- St. Vincent, in his Quadratura Cir. ber; and if the Circumference beculi. (7.) Vincent Leotaudus, in his divided into as many equal Parts Amenior Contemplatio Curvilineo- AB, BC, CD, &c. as there are (8.) Van Grafen von Herbera Units in 2 m, and from the Point P to ftein, in Diatome Circulorum. (9.) all the Points of Diviſion be drawn All Treatiſes of Conic Sections, (for the right Lines AP, BP, CP, DP, a Circle is a Conic Section.) (10.) +&c. then will ÁP.x¡CPXEP, Vieta, in his works. (11.) Mr. &c. be , *, according as Huygens, in his Inventa de Circuli P falls within or without the Cir. Magnitudine. cle; and the Product of BP DP CIRCLB x FP, &c. will be = guth + xm, KIND, an idle Word of Wolfius, This famous Theorem firſt appeared and ſome others, fignifying gene- in Mr. Cotes's Harmonia Menfura- rally a Curve expreſied by the E- rum; but without a Demonftra- tion. Dr. Pemberton, in a little quation pour quation gut = ax mull; which Piece entitled Epiftola ad Amicum, indeed will be an Oval when m is and Mr. De Moivre in his Miſcellan. an even Number ; but when m is Analytica, have each demonſtrated an odd Number, the Curve will it. have two infinite Legs; as ſuppoſe 42. Thus have I given a few of m= 3, then the Curve FAMG the moſt uſeful and elegant Proper- expreſſed by the Equation y3 = ties of the Circle, extracted out of, ax? *3, where AP, x, PM, 9, various Authors. Some of the Wri- and AB, a, will be one of Sir Iſaac ters upon the Circle expreſsly or Newton's defective Hyperbola's, be- occaſionally, are (1.) Euclid, in his ing according to him the 37th Elements, lib. 3. (2.) Apollonius, in Species, whoſe Afymptote is the his Conic Sections, and Tractatus de right Line DE at half right An- Locis planis. (4.) Archimedes, in gles with the Abſciſs HI; and to Libelle de Dimenfione Circuli, and his call ſuch a Curve a Circle, is mak, Liber Affumptorum. (5.) Pappus, in ing a wrong uſe of Words. D H 1 B I AC E 2 CIRCLES 1 C:IR CIS CIRCLES of Altitude. See Almi CIRCUM- POLAR STARS, are canters. fuch Stars, that being pretty near CIRCLES of Declination on the to our North-Pole, do move round Globe, by ſome Writers, are the it;, and in our Latitude never ſet, Meridians on which the Declina- or go below the Horizon. tion, or Diſtance from the Equator CIRCUMSCRIBED. A Figure, in of any Planet or Star is accounted. Geometry, is ſaid to be circumſcrib- CIRCLE EQUANT, in the old ed, when either the Angles, Sides, Aftronomy, is a Circle deſcribed on or Planes of the circumſcribed Fi. the Centre of the Equant; and the gure touch all the Angles of the principal Ufe thereof is to find the Figure that is inſcribed. Variation of the firft Inequality. CIRCUMSCRIBED HYPERBOLA, CIROLES of Longitude on the is one of Sir Iſaac Newton's Hy- Globe, are great Circles, pafling perbolas of the ſecond Order that thro' a Star, and the Poles of the cuts its Aſymptotes, and contains Ecliptic, where they determine the the Parts cut off within its own Star's Longitude, reckon'd from the Space. Beginning of Aries; and upon them CIRCUMVALLATIOə,'or the Line the Latitudes of the Stars are ac- of Circumvallation, in Fortification, counted. is a Trench, borderd with a Para- CIRCLES of Poſition, are Circles pet round about the Befieger's paſſing thro' the common Interſec- Camp, within Cannon-lhot of the tions of the Horizon and Meridian, Place, to hinder the Relief of the and thro' any Degree of the Eclip- Beſieged, and to ſtop Deſerters. At tic, or the Centre of any Star or the Diſtance of a Musket-fhot it is other Point in the Heavens ; and commonly flank'd with Redoubts, are uſed for finding out the Situa- and other ſmall Works, or with tion, or Poſition of anyStar, &c. Field. Forts raiſed upon the moſt CIRCULAR NUMBERS. Theſe, eminent Poſts. A Line of Circum- by fome, are ſuch, whoſe Powersvallation muſt never be drawn at terminate in their Roots themſelves ; the foot of a riſing Ground, for as 5 and 6, whoſe Powers do end fear left the Enemy, having ſeized in 5 and 6; the Square of 5 being on the Station, ſhould plant Cannon 25, and of 6, 36, &c. there, and ſo command the Line. CIRCULARVELOCity, a Term This Line is uſually about ſeven in Aftronomy; and fignifies, that Foot deep, and twelve broad. Velocity of any Planet or revolving CISSOID, is a Curve of the few Body, which is meaſured by the cond Order, as AM, Am, conſiſting Arch of a Circle. CIRCUMAMBIENT. See Ambient. CIRCUMFERENCE, is the outer- moft bounding Line, or Lines of M any plain Figure. CIRCUMFERENTOR, an Inftru- ment uſed in Surveying, being a Р P. B large Box and Needle, faſtend on to the middle of a Braſs Index, with Sights at each end of the Index. CIRCUMGYRATION, is the Mo- 7n2 ţion of any Body about a Centre. of CIS CIS of two infinite Hyperbolic Legs and at the ſame time ſhews how to AM, Am, having a right Line AB find two mean Proportionals,and the for a Diameter, and a right Line Roots of a Cubic Equation, with- CC its Afymptote, and of ſuch a out any previous Reduction by nature that calling AB, a, the Ab- means thereof. Let AG be the ſciſs AP, x, and the Correſpon- Diameter, and P the Centre of the dent Semi-Ordinate PM, or Pm, y, Circle belonging to the Cimaid; it will be yj xa-*=* This and from F draw FD, FP, at right Name was given to the Curve by Angles to each other, and let.FP be Diocles an ancient Greek Geometri = AG; then if the Square P.ED cian, being principally deviled for be ſo moved, that one side' EP finding two mean Proportionals be thereof always paſſes through the tween two given right Lines, but Point P, and the End D of the. o- Sir Ifaac Newton in his Enumera- ther Side E, D, ſlides along the right tio Linearum tertii Ordinis, neckons Line FD, the middle Point of the it amongſt one of the defective Hy- Side ED, will deſcribe one Leg perbola's, being according to him GC of the Ciſloid, and by capti the 42d Species. In his Appendix nuing out F D on the other. Side F. de Æquationum Confituftione Line- and turning the Square about by a ari, at the End of his Arithmetica like Operation, the other Leg may Univerfalis , he gives the following be deſcribed. elegant Defeription of this. Curve, A C K. D G There is another way, which I right Angles to the Afymptote FB. thought upon to deſcribe this Curve Take two Squares, a ſingle one by a continued Motion ; and it is NAM, and a double one or Tee thus : NPOPM, and faften the Angle Let ANF be the generating of the ſingle Square in the Point A, Circle, and AF the Diameter at ſo as to be moveable about the 1 no B M N Р fame. - CIS fame. Thus if the Leg PO of the how to find a right Line equat double Square bë moved along AF, one of the Legs of this Curve, by and the Interſection N of the Leg means of the Hyperbola ; bat fup- AN of the ſingle Square, with the preffed the Inveſtigation, which how- Leg NP of the double Square be ever may be ſeen in his Fluxións. moved along the Circumference 4. The Ciffoidal Space contained ANF of the Circle ; the Interſec under the Diameter A B, the A. tion M of the other Leg AM of. fymptote BC, and the Curve AOZ, the ſingle Square, with the other of tħe Ciffoid, is the Triple of the Leg PM of the double Square, will generating Circle AN B. deſcribe the Leg AM of the Cif Dr. Wallis treats of this Line ſoid ; and after the fame manner in his Mathematical Works, Vol. I. the other Leg may be deſcribed. pag: 545. and following. This Curve may be deſcribed by Civil Day. See Day. Points after the following manner : CIVIL YEAR, is the legal Year, Join the indefinite right Line BC or annual Account of Time, which at right Angles to AB, the Dia- every Government appoints to be meter of the Semi-circle AOB, uſed within its own Dominions ; and draw the right Lines AH, AF, and begins with us the 25th Day AC, &c. then if you take A M= of March. IH, AO=OF, ZCAN, &C. CLEPSYDRA, an Inſtrument of the Points M, 0, 2, &c. will{form. the Ancients, particularly the Egyp- the Curve A MOZ of the Cifroid. tians, to meaſure Time with, by р G K B the running of Water out of one Veffel into another. M There were many kinds of them: But in all, the Water ran gently thro' a narrow Paſſage from one Vefſel into another; and in the TH lower was a Piece of Cork, or light Wood, which, as the Veſſel fill'd, roſe up by Degrees, and ſo fhew'd the Hour. F But in theſe Inſtruments there were two Inconveniencies: The firſt whereof was that the Air, ac- cording to its different Tempera- ture, as to Heat, Cold, Denfity, c. had an influence upon the Running Z of the Water, ſo as to make it mea- fure Time unequally. And the fe- cond, which was yet greater, that the Water always ran flower out, 1. Draw the right Lines PM, according as its Quantity and Preſ- KI, perpendicular to AB, then fure in the Vefſel abated. AK PB and PNIK. Mr. Varignon, in the Memoirs de 2. The Lines AK, PN, AP, PM, l'Academie Royale des Sciences, for as alſo AP, PN, AK, KL, are con the Year 1699, lays down a gene- tinual Proportionals. ral geometrical Method of making 3. Sir Iſaac Newton, in his laft Clepſydra's, or Water-Clocks, with Letter to Mr. Leibnitz, has ſhewn any kind of Veſſels, and with any 5 gives CLI CLO 1 given Orifices for the Water to run probable, that Pythagoras had it out of. from them ; who uſed to talk very Vitruvius, in lib.9. of his Archi- much of the Efficacy of the Num- te&ure, treats of theſe Inſtruments s ber Seven, being a Number he was and Pliny, in chap. 60. lib. 7. ſays, extremely in love with. that Scipio Nafica was the firſt who CLIMATE, is a part of the Su- meaſured Time at Rome by Clepſy- perficies of the Earth, bounded by dra's, or Water-Clocks.- Geſnerus, two Circles, parallel to the Equator, in his PANDECTES, pag. 91. gives ſo that the longeſt Day in that Pa- ſeveral Contrivances of theſe Inſtru- rallels neareſt to the Pole, exceeds ments. There is Solomon de Caus, the longeſt Day in that Parallel who treats of this Subject in his Rea- neareſt to the Equator, ſome cer- fons of moving Forces, &c. So alſo tain definite Part of Time, viz. half does Mr. Ozanam, in his Mathemati an Hour, till you come to Places fi- cal Recreations, wherein is a Treatiſe tuate nearly under the Arctic Circle ; of Elementary Clocks, tranſlated and a whole Hour, or even ſeveral from the Italian of Dominique Mar- Days, when you go beyond it. Linelli. You have alſo a Treatiſe - The ancient Greek Geographers of Hour-Glaſſes, by Arcangelo Ma- reckoned only ſeven Climates from ria Radi, callid Nova Scienza di the Equator, towards the North Horologi Polvere.. See more, in Pole; and denominated them from the Technica Curiofa of Gaſper Schot- ſome noted Place, thro' which the tus; and Mr. Amonton's Remarques middle Parallel of the Climate pas- & Experiences Phyſiques ſur la Con- fed. But the Moderns reckon up ſtruction d'une nouvelle Clepſydre, twenty-four, as may be ſeen in Va- exempte des défauts des autres. renius, page 319, prop. 13. chap. CLIFF, or Cleff, a Term in Mu- 25 lib. 2. fic, fignifying a certain Mark, from Clock, a well-known Inftru- the Poſition whereof the proper ment, wherewith to meaſure Time, Places of all other Notes, in a Piece conſiſting of ſeveral Wheels of va- of Muſic, are known. And there rious Sizes moving one another, by are four of them. Teeth fitting into each other, which The firſt of theſe Cliffs is called Wheels are continued in Motion by Faut-Cliff, and belongs to the Baſs; the Force of a Weight, or Spring, the Cefaut-Cliff, or Tenor-Clif; the and fhewing the Hour by the Sound Counter-Tenor, or Beni-Clif : and of a Bell, and an Index moving a- and the Treble or Gamut-Cliff. bout a circular Plate. Some Clocks CLIMACTERICAL YEARS, are go but 24 Hours before they muſt certain obſervable Years, being ſup- be wound up: Others eight Days : poſed to be attended with ſome Others again, 32 Days; and ſome great Mutation of Life, or Fortune. have been made to go a whole Theſe are the ſeventh Year ; the Year, or longer. twenty-firſt, made up of three times In the Diſquiſitiones Monafticæ of ſeven the forty-ninth, made up of Benedictus Haeften, publiſhed in the ſeven times ſeven ; the ſixty-third. Year 1644, he ſays, that Clocks. being nine times ſeven ; and the were invented by Silveſter the IVth. eighty-firſt, which is nine times a Monk of his Order, about the nine ; which two laſt are called che Year 998, as Ditmarus and Bozius Grand Clymacterical Years. Aulus have ſhewn; for before that time, Gellius ſays, this Piece of Stuff came they had nothing but Sun-Dials, and from the Chaldeans first. And it is Clepſydra's to tell the Hour.---Con- rarde 1 Year 1372. CLO CO E rarde Gefner, in his Epitome, pag. .CLOSE, in Mufic. See Cadence: 604, ſays, that Richard Walling CLOUDs, are a Congeries of Wa- ford, an Engliſh Abbot of St. Albans, ters, drawn up from the Sea and who flouriſhed in the Year 1326, Land into Vapours; which when made a wonderful Clock by a moſt they are very nearly placed to one excellent Art, the like of which another, appear denſe and thick could not be produced by all Eu- but when they are more remote, rope.- Moreri under the Word H. are clear and bright, and ſometimes rologe du Palais, ſays, that Charles almoſt tranſparent. the Fifth, call'd the wife King of Clouds ſwim in the Air at but a France, order'd at Paris the firſt ſmall diſtance from the Surface of the great Clock to be made by Henry Earth: For thoſe, who have taken de Vic, which he ſent for from Ger. their Altitudes, do affirm, that they many, and ſet it up upon the Tower do not exceed one Mile in Height, of his Palace; and this was in the and many of them not above half a John Froiſſart, in Mile. chap. 28. vol. 2. of his Hiſtoire & CLOUTS, are thin Plates of Iron, Chronique, ſays, the Duke of Bour- nail'd on that part of the Axle-tree gogne had a Clock which founded of a Gun-Carriage which comes thro' the Hour, taken away from the the Nave, through which the Lins- City of Courtray, in the Year 1382. Pin goes. And William Paradin, in his An COACERVATE VACUUM. See nales de Bourgogne, ſays the ſame Vacuum. thing COALITION, is the gathering There are ſeveral Treatiſes upon together, and uniting into fenfible Clocks; the principal of which are, Maffes, the minute Corpuſcles that Hieronymi Cardani de Varietate Re- compoſe any concrete or natural rum Libri XVII.- Conrandi Dafy- Body; and a Coaleſcency is com- podii Defcriptio Horologii Aftronomici monly taken for the ſame. Argentinenfis in fummo Templi eretti. COASTING, is that Part of Na. -Guidonis Pancirolli antiqua deper- vigation where the places aſſigned dita & nova reperta. L'Uſage du are not far diftant, ſo that a Ship Cardan, ou de l'Horologe Phyſique uni- may fail in fight of Land, or with verſelle, parGalilée Mathematicien du in Soundings, between them. Duc de Florence. Mr. Oughtred's Co-EFFICIENT of any generating Opufcula Mathematica.- Mr. Huy- Term in Fluxions, is the Quantity a- gens's Horologium Oſcillatorium. riſing by the Diviſion of that Term Pendule Perpetuelle, par l'Abbe de by the generated Quantity. Hautefeuille.- 7. J. Becheri Theo CO-EFFICIENT'S, in Algebra, ria & Experientia de nova Tempo- are ſuch Numbers, or given Quan- ris dimentiendi Ratione & Horologio tities, that are put before Letters, rum Conſtructione. Clark's Ough. or unknown Quantities, into which tredus explicatus, ubi de Conſtructione Letters they are ſuppoſed to be mul- Horologiorum.--Horological Diſqui- tiplied, and ſo do make a Rectangle fitions.--Mr. Huygens's poſthumous or Product with the Letters ; as Works. Mr. Sully's Regle Artifici- here, 3 a, or bx, or Cxx ; where elle du Temps, &c.- Mr Serviere's 3 is the Co-Efficient of 3a; b, of Recueil d'Ouvrages Curieux.- Mr. Mr. bx, and C of Cx.x. Durham's Artificial Clock-Maker. In a Quadratic Equation the Co- Mr. Camus's Traite des Forces Efficient is, according to its Sign, Mouvantes -Mr. Alexandre's Traité either the Sum or Difference of its Général des Horologies. two Roots, In COL COL In any Equation the Co-Efficient ſtriking upon the Organ of Sight, of the ſecond Term is always equal ſo as to produce that Senſation we to the Sum of all the Roots, keep- call Colour. ing their proper Signs. Sir Iſaac Newton was the firſt that, The Co-Efficient of the third from Éxperiments on Priſms, found Term, is the Sum of all the Rect- there was a great Deformity in the angles ariſing by the Multiplication Rays of Light; and from thence of every two of the Roots, how found, that Colours are not Quali- many ways ſoever thoſe Combina- ficátions of Light, derived from Re- tions of two's can be had; as three fractions or Reflections of natural times in a Cubic, fix in a Biqua- Bodies, but original and connate dratic Equation, &c. Properties, which in divers Rays The Co-Efficient of the fourth are different ; fome Rays being diſ- Term, is the Aggregate of all the poſed to exhibit a red Colour, and Solids made by the continual Mul- no other ; fome a green, and no tiplication of every three of the other ; and ſo of the reft. Nor Roots, how often foever ſuch a are there only Rays proper and Ternary can be had ; and ſo on, ad particular to the more eminent Co. infinitum. lours, but even to all their inter- Coffer, in Fortification, is a mediate Gradations. hollow Lodgment a-croſs a dry The leaſt refrangible Rays are Moat, from fix to ſeven Foot deep, all diſpoſed to exhibit a red Colour; and from fixteen to eighteen broad, and the moſt refrangible ones, are the upper Part being made of Pie- thoſe that expreſs a Violet Co- ces of Timber, raiſed two Foot a lour. bove the Level of that Moat ; There are two ſorts of Colours which little Elevation has Hurdles the one original and fimple, and laden with Earth for its Covering, the other compounded of theſe. and ſerves as a Parapet with Em- The original and primary Colours braſures. are red, yellow, green, blue, and The Beſieged generally make uſe a violet purple, together with o- of thefe Coffers to repulſe the Be- range, indigo, and an indefinitive ſiegers, when they endeavour to Number of intermediate Grada- paſs the Ditch. And they differ tions. only in Length from the Caren The fame Colours in Specie, with niers, which are alſo ſomething leſs theſe primary ones, may be alſo in Breadth. produced by Compoſition ; for a COLD, is one of the primary Mixture of yellow and blue makes Qualities of Body, and is no more green ; of red and yellow makes than the arriving of the minute and orange; of orange and yellowiſh inſenſible Parts of any Body at ſuch green makes yellow. And general- a State, as that they are more ſlow- ly, if any two Colours be mixed, ly or faintly agitated than thoſe of which, in the Series of thoſe gene- our Fingers, or other Organs of rated by the Priſm, are not too far Feeling; for from this Effect we diſtant from one another, they, by ſay a Body is cold. their mutual Alloy, compound that COLLISION, is the ſtriking of Colour which in the ſaid Series ap- one 'hard Body againſt another. pears in the Midway between them : COLOUR, is that Quality of a But thoſe that are ſituated at too natural Body, whereby it is diſpoſed great a diſtance, do not do ſo. O- to modify Light falling upon it, and range and Indigo produce not the inters 3 COL COM intermediate green, nor ſcarlet and and moſt fimple, according to ſome, green the intermediate yellow. is feven Models long, comprehend- Whiteneſs is the uſual Colour of ing its Baſe and Capital, and di- Light, Light being a confuſed Ag- minifh'd a fourth Part of its Dia- gregate of Rays, endued with all merer. forts of Colours, as they are pro- The Dorick, ſeven and a half, or miſcuouſly darted from the various eight Diameters long, and its Baſe Parts of luminous Bodies ; and of and Capital are ſomewhat more ſuch a confuſed Aggregate is gene- beautified with Mouldings. rated Whiteneſs, if there be a due The lonick Column, nine Diame, Proportion of the Ingredients. ters long, and has its Capital ſet off The Colours of all natural Bodies with Völuta's, or curled Scrolls, dif- have no other Origin than this, viz. fering in that reſpect from others, That they are variouſly qualified as well as its Baſe, which is pecu- to reflect one fort of Light in greater liar to it. plenty than another ; as Sir Iſaac The Corinthian, the richeſt of all, Newton has ſhewn in the Philoſophi- being ten Diameters in Length, has cal Tranſactions. two Rows of Leaves for the Qrna- The Senſations of different Co ment of its Capitals, ' with Stalks, or lours ſeem to ariſe from hence, That Stems, from whence ſhoot forth ſeveral ſorts of Rays do make Vi- ſmall Voluta's. brations of ſeveral Bigneſſes, which, The Compoſite Column, is alfo according to their Magnitudes, do ten Diameters long, and its Capi- excite Senſations of different Co- tal is made like that of the Corin lours; much after the fame manner thian. that the Vibrations of the Air, ac COLURES, are two great Circles, cording to their ſeveral Bigneſſes, imagin'd to paſs through the Poles do excite Senſations of different of the World, one of them through Sounds. the Equinoctial Points Aries and And it is probable that the Har- Libra, and the other through the mony and Diſcord of Colours (for Solftitial Points, Cancer and Capri- fome Colours, as of Gold, Yellow, corn; they being called the Equi- and' Indigo, are agreeable to the noctial and Solftitial Colures. Eyes, and others not) ariſe from COMA-BERENICES, a Northern the Proportions of theſe Vibrations Conſtellation of fix'd Stars. propagated through the Fibres of COMBINATION of Quantities, is the Optic Nerves into the Brain, the manner of finding how many juſt as the Harmony and Diſcords different ways they may be varied, of Sounds ariſe from the Vibrations or taken one and one, two and of the Air. two, three and three, &C. as COLUMN, is a kind of a round the Number of Combinations of Pillar, compoſed of a Baſe, a Fuft, three Quantities abc, two and two or Shaft, and a Capital, and ſerves are three, viz. ab, ac, bc. If to ſupport the Entablement. three Quantities are to be combin'd, Columns are different, according and their Number is only three, as to the different Orders, being ca- abc, then the Number of Combi- pable of a great Number of Varia- nations will be only one, yiz. abc; tions, with regard to Matter, Con. and if there are four Quantities ſtruction, form, Difpofition, and abcd, and three to be taken, then Ule. the Combinations will be four, viz. The Tuſcane, being the ſhorteſt abs, abd, bod, acd; and if the M Number i COM COM X Х 1 2 x X Х I 2 were. Number of Quantities to be com- poſed that Comets were only Me- bin'd be called q, and u be the Num teors or Exhalations, ſet on fire in ber of them to be taken, then the the higheſt Region of the Air, be- Number of Combinations will be low the Moon. And this Opinion 9- -uti gemut2 had ſo far prevailed, that no body quu+3 * thought it worth while to write con- 3 cerning the uncertain Motions of a q-*+4x9-u+s, &c. For Vapour or Exhalation ; and ſo no- 4 S thing certain about the Motions of Example: Let the Number of the Comets can be found tranſmitted Quantities to be combin'd be 6, and from them to us. let 4 be the Number of them ta But Seneca, the Philoſopher, from ken; then the Number of the the Confideration of the Phænome- Combinations will be na of two remarkable Comets of 6-4+1 6+2 6-4+3 his Time, made no fcruple to place them among the Celeſtial Bodies, 3 and believed them to be Stars of 6~4++ = xxx=15. equal Duration with the World, 4 tho he could not tell the Laws of The Number of all the poſſible their Motion ; but propheſied that Combinations beginning from the After-Ages would find out in what Combinations of every two will be Parts of the Heavens the Comets wander'd, what and how great they 29-ml; as when the Number of Quantities be 5, then the Number of the poſſible Combinations will firiť obſerved a Comet, that then ap- Tycho Brahe, in the Year 1577, be 25.6=26. If u repreſents any Number of peared to have no Diurnal Paral. lax, and conſequently was not only no Aerial Vapour, but alſo much Quantities, then will higher than the Moon. And after- wards Kepler found that the Comets expreſs the poſlible Number of all moved freely thro' the Orbits of the the Variations ; as if u = 4, then Planets, with Motions very little 45_-4 different from right-lin'd ones. And Hevelius embracing the ſame right- 3 lin'd Motion of the Comets, ob- COMBUST, a Term in Aſtrono- ferv'd many of them ; but com- my. When a Planet is not above plain'd, that his Calculations did eight Degrees and thirty Minutes not agree to the Matters of Fact diftant from the Sun, either before in the Heavens; and found that the or after him, he is ſaid then to be Path of a Cornet was bent into a combuſt, or in Combuſtion. Curve-Line towards the Sun. COMETS, are Stars, moſt of But from the accurate Obſerva- which have Tails, ſuddenly ariſing tions of the great Comet of the in the Heavens, and appearing for Year 1680, Sir Iſaac Newton ſhews, , ſome time, do afterwards again dif- in his Principia, that Comets move appear; and all the time that they in Conic Sections, having their Foci are ſeen, they, like the Planets, in the Centre of the Sun, and by every Day ſome certain Rays drawn to the Sun, do deſcribe Length in their proper Orbits. Area's proportional to the Times; Ariſtotle, and his Followers, ſup- and ſo, if Comets return in their Orbits, 4+1 u 41 HI 1020 = 340. I move 6 ? } COM COM Orbits, the Orbits are Ellipſes, and lib. 3. Dr. Halley, his Synopſis the periodic Times are to the perio- Cometica, in the Philoſophical Tranſ- dic Times of the Planets in the ſer actions, n. 218. quiplicate Ratio of the principal COMMA, a Term in Muſic, bem Axes. But the Orbits of Comets ing the ninth Part of a Tone, or the are ſo near to Parabola's, that Pa- Interval whereby a Semi-Tone, or a rabola's may be taken inſtead of perfect one exceeds the imperfect. them, without any ſenſible Error. This is uſed only in the Theory of The Planes of the Orbits of Co- Muſic, to ſhew the exact Proportion mets are always inclined to the between Concords. Plane of the Ecliptic; and ſome COMMANDING GROUND, in move from Eaſt to Weft, ſome from Fortification, is ſuch as overlooks Weſt to Eaſt, ſome from North to any Poft, or ſtrong Place, and is South, and ſome from South to of three ſorts : Firſt, a Front com- North. manding Ground, which is an Height The Bodies of Comets, accord- oppofite to the Face of the Poſt, ing to Sir Iſaac Newton, are folid, which plays upon its Front. Second- compact, fíx'd, and durable, liké ly, a reverſe commanding Ground, the Planets, and ſhine by the Light which is an Eminence that can play of the Sun-Beams reflected from upon the back of any Place, or Poſt. them ; And the Tail of a Comet is Thirdly, an Enfilade Commanding only a long and very thin Smoak, Ground, which is an high Place, or Train of Vapours, which the that can, with its Shot, fcour all the Head of the Comet emits from it, Length of a ſtraight Line. by being vaſtly heated by the Sun ; COMMENSURABLE MAGNI- and always appears on that ſide of TUDEs, are ſuch as are meaſur'd by the Comet oppoſite to the Sun. one and the ſame common Mea. John Regiomontanus was the firſt fure; as, if the Magnitudes A, B, who has ſhewn how to find the Mag- nitude of Comets, their Diſtance Ar from the Earth, and their true Place Blo in the Heavens ; his 16 Problems de Cometæ Magnitudine, Longitudine, ac Loco, are to be found in an an the one 5, and the other 33 cient Book publiſhed in the Year ſur'd exactly by the Magnitude C, 1544, with the Title of Scripta ſuppoſed to be is then the Magni- Joannis Regiomontani. tudes A and B are called Commen- Writings about Comets, are Tycho Surable. Brahe, his Progymnaſmata Aftrono- COMMENSURABLE NUMBERS, miæ Inftauratæ.-- Kepler, of the whether Integers or Fractions, are Comet (in High-Dutch) in the Year ſuch as have ſome other Number 1607, and de Cometis Libelli tres, which will meaſure or divide them Hevelius's Prodromus Cometicus, without any Remainder: Thus, 4 containing an Hiſtory of the Comet and 6, or and are commenſu- of the Year 1664. Alſo his Come rable. tographia.- Dr. Hook, his poſthu COMMENSURABLE in Power. mous Works.-- Mr. Caſſini's little Right Lines, by Euclid, are ſaid to Tract of Comets Mr. Sturmius's be commenſurable in Power, when Diſertatio de Cometarum Natura.- their Squares are meaſured by Sir Iſaac Newton, his Principia one and the fame Space or Super- Philoſophie Naturalis Mathemat, ficies. Coma be mea. 8 IS M 2 COM COM COMMENSURABLE SURDS, are that during the Motion of the Ship, ſuch Surds, that being reduced to the Chards may be nearly Horizon- their leaſt Terms, become true fi- tal, and the Flower-de-Luce of the gurative Quantities of their Kind; upper Chard will always point to- and are therefore as a rational wards the North. Quantity to a rational one. This Inſtrument, tho' it be ſub- COMMON Axis, in Optics. Seeject to Accidents, is of great uſe in Axis. Navigation; and all the confidera- COMMON Divisor, is that that ble Diſcoveries of Countries are ow- Number that exactly divides any ing to the ſame. two other Numbers, without a Re The Invention of it, by ſome, is mainder. attributed to one John Goia, of A- COMMON MEASURE, is ſuch a malphi, in Campania, in the King- Number that exactly meaſures two dom of Naples; who made the or more Numbers without a Re- Chard thereof to conſiſt only of mainder, eight Points, viz. the four Cardinal, COMMON MEASURE (greateft,) and four Collateral ones. Others of two or more Numbers, is the fay it was the Invention of the Peo- greateſt Number that can meaſure ple of China. And Gilbert, in Li- them; as, 4 is the greateſt com bro de Magnete, affirms, That Pau- mon Meaſure of 8 and 12. lues Venetus brought it firſt into Italy COMMON Ray, in Optics, is a in the Year 1260, having learned Right Line drawn from the Point it from the Chineſe. And Ludi Ver- of Concurrence of the two optical tomanus affirms, That when he was Axes, thro' the Middle of the in the Eaſt-Indies, about the Year Right Line, paſſing thro' the Cen- 1500, he ſaw a Pilot of a Ship direct tre of the Pupil of the Eye. his Courſe by a Compaſs, faften'd COMPARTITION, in Architec- and framed as thoſe that now are ture, is the uſeful and graceful Di- commonly uſed. ftribution of the whole Ground-plat And Mr. Barlow, in his Navi- of an Edifice into Rooms of Office, gator's Supply, Anno 1597, ſays, That Reception, or Entertainment, &c. in a perlonal Conference with two COMPARTMENT, in Architec- Eaſt-Indians, they affirmed, that ture, is a peculiar Square or other inſtead of our Compaſs, they uſe a figur'd Space, (for an Infcription, Magnetical Needle of fix Inches, &c.) mark'd out in ſome orna and longer, upon a Pin in a Diſh mental Part of a Building. of white China Earth, filled with COMPASS, in Navigation, is a Water in the bottom whereof Circle, or Chard of Paſtboard, di- they have two Croſs-Lines for the vided into thirty-two equal Parts, principal Winds, the reſt of their called Rhumbs, or Points, repreſent- Diviſions being left to the Skill of ing the thirty-two Winds, with the their Pilots. Alſo, in the ſame initial Letters of their Names ſet to Book, he ſays, That the Portugueſe, them, having a touched Needle or in their firſt Diſcovery of the Eaſte Wire fix'd to it underneath, and in Indies, got a Pilot of Mahinde, thar its Centre a Braſs Cell, or Conical brought them from thence in thirty- Cavity, by means of which it three Days, within ſight of Ca. hangs on an erect Pin, ſet up in licut. the Centre of another ſuch Chard, COMPASS DIALs, are ſmall Ho- fitted in a Wooden or Braſs Box, rizontal Dials, fitted in Braſs or with Jambols, or Braſs Hoops-; fo Silver Boxes for the Pocket, and j are NUMBERS, are at COM COM are ſet North and South, by means grams AGE, FCE, made by of a Compaſs, or touched Needle drawing two right Lines GE, FÉ, belonging to them. through the Point E, in the Diago- COMPASS ES of Proportion, or Pro- nal; parallel to the Sides AB, BC, portional Compaſſes, are ſuch that of any Parallelogram ABCD. have two Legs, but four Points, In' every Parallelogram thefe which, when opened, are like a Complements are equal. Croſs, not having the Joint at the COMPOSITE End of the Legs, as common Com- ſuch, that ſome Number beſides paſſes : And ſome of theſe have Unity can meaſure; 'as 12, which fixed Joints, others moveable ones ; is meaſur'd by 2, 3, 4, and 6. upon the Legs of the latter of which COMPOSITE NUMBERS, be are drawn the Lines of Chords, tween themſelves, are ſuch that Sines, Tangents, & c. as on the have ſome common Meaſure beſides Sector. Unity; as 12 and 15, which may Their Uſe is to divide Right be both meaſur'd by 3. Lines, and Circles into equal Parts, COMPOSITE Order, is the fifth or to perform other Operations of Order of Architecture; and is ſo the Sector one opening of called, becauſe its Capital is com- them. poſed of two Rows of Leaves proper COMPLEMENT of any Arch or to the Corinthian Order, and the Angle, to any other Arch or Angle, Voluta's of the Ionic. This Or- (as of ninety Degrees, an hundred der is ſometimes called the Italic and eighty Degrees, &c.) is the or Roman, as having been firſt in- Arch or Angle, which, together vented by that people. Its Column with that Arch or Angle, makes up is ten Diameters in Height, and ninety Degrees, or a hundred and there are always Dentiles or ſimple eighty Degrees, &c. Modillions to its Cornice. COMPLEMENT of the Courſe in COMPOSITION, is the reverſe of Navigation, is the Number of Points the Analytic Method, or of Refo- the Courſe wants of ninety Degrees, lution. It proceeds upon Principles or eight Points, that is, of one ſelf-evident, on Definitions, Poftu- fourth of the Compaſs. latums, and Axioms, and a previ- COMPLEMENT of the Courtain, ouſly demonſtrated Series of Propo- in Fortification, is that Part of the fitions, ſtep by ſtep, till it gives a Courtain which (being wanted) is clear Knowledge of the Thing de- the Demi-Gorge. monſtrated, This is what they Complement of the Line of call the Synthetical Method, and is Defence, is the Remainder of the uſed by Euclid, Apollonius, and moſt Line of Defence after the Angle of of the Ancients. the Flank is taken away. COMPOSITION of Proportion. If COMPLEMENTS in a Parallelo- there be two Ratio's, and it ſhall be gram, are the two ſmall Parallelo is the Antecedent of the firſt Ra. tio to its Conſequent, ſo is the An- A B tecedent of another to its Conſe- G quent. Then, by Compofition of Proportion, as the Sum of the Antecedent and Conſequent of the firſt Ratio, to the Ante- cedent or Conſequent of the firſt, D ſo is the Sum of the Antece- dent E F C M 3 COM CON ) or z .4 dent and Conſequent of the ſecond, to the Product of their Confequents, to the Antecedent or Conſequent of is called a Compound Ratio : So 6 to the ſecond : As, if A:B :: C:D, 72 is in a Ratio compounded of then, by Compoſition, A+B: A 2 to 6, and 3 to 12. (B) :: C+D: C (D) The Exponent of a compound COMPOUND Intereſt, is that Part Ratio is equal to the Product that of it that treats of the Money pro- the Exponents of fimple Ratio's duced from any Principal, and its produce. Intereſt put together, as the Intereſt As if m be the Exponent of the of that Principal becomes due. A C That is, finding the new Principal Ratio B and n of j; then will that is ſtill created by the Increaſe of the growing Money at every Pay- AC mn be the Exponent of ment, or rather at the Times when BD the Payments become due, is called А Compound Intereſt, or Intereſ upon of the Ratio compounded of B Intereft. If R be the Amount for one С and D: Pound of one Year, then R will be If there are never fo the Amount for two Years, R for tities, A, B, C, D, E, F, Bc. the many Quan- three Years, R for four Years, &c. Ratio of the firſt A to the laſt F, As il. is to its Amount for any is compounded of the Ratio's of the given time, fo is any propoſed Prin- Quantities being between the Ex- cipal or Sum to its Amount for the А B с D ſame time. tremes, viz. B: T: D' E' COMPOUND MOTION, is that E which is produced by feyeral For- Egc. F . ces conſpiring together; and For- ces are ſaid to conſpire, when the COMPRESSION, is the ſqueezing Direction of the one is not contrary of a Maſs of Matter into a leffer to the Direction of the other; as Bulk. when the Radius of a Circle moves CONCAVE, or Concavity. This about the Centre, and at the ſame ſignifies the hollowneſs of any time a Point be conceived to go thing. forwards along it. CONCAVE-GLASS, or Lens, is Whence every curv'd-lin'd Mo one that is flat on one ſide, and tion is a Compound Motion. ground hollow on the other ; but COMPOUND QUANTITIES, in uſually ſpherical. This, by fome, Algebra, are ſuch as are connected is called a Plano-Concave, and if together by the Signs + and , the Glaſs be Concave on both and are expreſſed by the ſame Let- fides, it is called a Double - Con- ters more than once, or elſe by the ſame Letters unequally repeated; as, The Object AB, ſeen through atb-c, and bb-b, are Compound a Concave-Glaſs, will appear in Quantities. an erect Poſture, but diminish'd in COMPOUND RATIO. The Ra. a compounded Ratio of FL X tio that the Product of the Antece-, GM to GL X FM, ſuppofing dents of two or more Ratio's has F to be the Point to which the Ray cave. A CON A M B 1 CON Fig. 1. A M P M LC E QR N F F the Eye. 1 c Draw the right Line QQ, and AC perpendicular to it in the Point E, and from the Point C draw ma- ny right Lines, CM cutting the G right Line Re in Q, and make QN, AE = EF, viz. Ray BC tends unrefracted, and G equal to an invariable Line: Then the Curve, wherein are the Points The Rays of the Sun, in their M, is called the firſt Conchoid ; and Paſſage through a Concave-Glaſs, the other, wherein are the Points are weakened after the Refraction; N, the ſecond ; the right Line Qe and ſo the Effect of Concave. Glaffes being the Directrix, and the Point C is contrary to that of Convex ones. the Pole. And from hence it will The confuſed Appearance of a be very eaſy to make an Inſtrument Point through any Concave-Glaſs, to deſcribe the Conchoid. proceeds from the too great Diver- The Line QQ is an Afymptote gency of thoſe Rays that fall on to both the Curves, which have the Eye ; and ſo becauſe the more Points of contrary Flexion. remote the Eye is from the Glaſs, If OM= AE=a EC = b, the leſs will the Rays diverge í MR=EP=x, ER=PM=y; therefore, the further the Eye is then will a? b2 -- 2a² bx + a ** from a Concave-Glaſs, the more = 62 42 — 26x3 + + + *?y? diſtinct will the Appearance of any expreſs the Nature of the ſecond Object through it be, thọ it will Conchoid ; and x4 + 26x3 +92 m2 be more faint. 4.62*2=a? b2 + 2a2 bx tax, The apparent Place of Objects, the Nature of the firſt; and ſo both ſeen through Concave-Glaſſes, is al- theſe Curves are of the third kind. ways brought nearer to the Eye ; The firſt and ſecond Conchoid and this is the Reaſon why they do in reality make but one Curve help ſhort-fighted Perſons, or ſuch of the third Order, having four in- as can ſee nigh Objects only di. finite Legs and but onę Aſymptote ſtinctly. between them; and of theſe there CONCENTRIC FIGURES, arę are three different Species exprefled ſuch as have the ſame common by the Equation, x xyy = -@**. Centre. 6 x3. cx² . dx . where a, b, CONCHOID, is the Name of a c, d, e, are invariable Quantities, Curve given to it by its Inventor the Abſciſs AP is x, and the Cor- Nicomedes, and is thus generated ; refpondent Semi-ordinate PM, or M 4 Phi, ! CON CON जी PU In a Fig. 3• AF E P т. fourth has a contrary Sign, there Fig. 2. will be another Species expreſſed by that Equation, confifting of two M M Conchoids and an Oval next to the M Convex Sides of one of them; and P when two Roots of that Equation PE be equal (but not the middle ones) and the other two real and un- m equal ; there will be another Spe- cies expreſſed by that Equation, having a double Point next to the Q Convex Side of one of the Conchoids. And, laſtly, when that Equation has all its Roots real, unequal, and with the ſame Sign, what is expref- ſed by the Equation will be two M Ovals, ſo that the Equation xxyy M ax4. bx3, cx?. dx. e. ex- P preſſes fix different Species of Curves. The first three of which will be de- ſcribed by what has been ſaid a- im bove ; for if in the firſt Fig. the Line EF be taken greater than EC; the Conchoid of Fig. 2. will Q be had. If EF be If EF be = EC, that of Fig. 3. will be had ; and when EF is leſs than EC, that of Fig. 1. or Fig. Fig. 4. 4. will be had. M M Sir Iſaac Newton, in the latter Part of his Algebra, tells us, That PHY this Curve was uſed by Archimedes and other Ancients in the Conſtruc- E tion of ſolid Problems ; and he himſelf prefers it before other Curves, or even the Conic Sections in the Conſtruction of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations, on account of its Simplicity and eaſy Deſcrip- Pm, y! For when the Equation tion, ſhewing therein the manner of ax4. bx3.682. dx.e. has their Conſtruction by help of it. four real Roots, and the two middle CONCRETE NUMBERS, are thoſe ones be equal, the Curve will have that are applied to expreſs or de- a Node, as at Fig. 2. when three note any particular Subject; as 3 Roots of that Equation be equal, Men, 2 Pounds, &c. Whereas, if the Curve will have a triple Point, nothing be connected with the Nom- as F, in Fig. 3. and when two of ber, it is taken abſtractly or uni- the Roots are imaginary, the Curve verſally ; as 4 fignifies only an Ag- at Fig. 4. will have only four infi- gregate of four Units, he they Men, nite Legs. Moreover, when that Pounds, or what you pleaſe. Equation has three real unequal CONCURRING, or CONGRUENT Roots with the ſame Sign, and the FIGURES, in Geometry, are ſuch, M in as 1 N Z X CON CON as being exactly laid upon one ano Area of its Baſe, multiplied into one ther, will exactly meet, and cover third Part of its Altitude. one another; and therefore it is a 2. All Cones ftanding upon the received Axiom, that plane Figurès, fame Baſe, and being between the exactly covering one another, are fame Parallels, are equal to one an- equal among themſelves. other. CONDENSATION, is when any 3. The Superficies of a right Mafs of Matter is thruſt into a lefs Cone, not taking in the Baſe, is Bulk than it was before, by means equal to a Triangle, whoſe Baſe is of Cold. the Periphery, and Altitude the Cone. If the immoveable Point Side of the Cone. S be taken without the Plane, in 4. Of all Cones ftanding upon which the Circle VXY is deſcrib'd; the fame Bafe, and being between the fame Parallels, (that is, having the ſame Altitude,) the Superficies S S of that which is the moſt oblique, is the greateit, and ſo the Superfi- cies of the right Cone is the leaſt but the Proportion of the Superficies V of an oblique Cone to that of a DI D V Y right one, or which is all one, the Compariſon thereof to a Circle, or X the Conic Sections, has not yet been determined. and if the indefinite right Line SZ, Dr. Barrow, in his Geometrical drawn through that Point, moves Lectures, was the firſt who has quite round the Circumference of ſhewn how to find a plane Curve that Circle, then that Line will Superficies equal to the Surface of generate a Superficies, and the Solid an oblique Cone, which plane Su- contain'd under the Baſe, or Circle perficies will be bounded by a Curve VXY; and that part of the Sus of the third Order ; ſo that the Sur- perficies between the Baſe and the face of an oblique Cone cannot be Vertex, or Point S, is called a Cone; found, but by the Quadrature of a and if the Line SD, or Axis be at Space contained under a Curve of right Angles to the Plane of the the third Order, and right Lines : Baſe, the Cone is called a right one ; for if the Altitude of the Cone bec, but if it be oblique, as in the ſecond the Diſtance from the Centre of the Figure, the Cone is called an ob- Baſe to the Point in its Plane, upon lique or ſcalene one. which the Perpendicular falls be b, Euclid, in his Eleventh Book, and any Abſciſs of the Baſe begin gives a Definition of a Cone that is ning at the Centre be callid 6. and not general, it being only of a right at taacc be= d; the Fluxion angled Cone; for he ſays a Cone of the Part of the Surface of the is produced by the Revolution of about the perpendicular Leg remain- VObxx = znabx+d+ the Plane of a right-angled Triangle, oblique Cone will be = ing at reft. And 1. Every Cone is one third Part of the Cylinder, having the fame it is impoſſible to compare the Fluent Baſe and Altitude; and to the Solic of this with any of the Conic Sec- dity of any Cone is cqual to the tions. It may indecd be compar'd ܀ 20 аа I to CON CON 1 aa, Aa ag to Part of the Superficies of a right dorgius de Sectionibus Conicis.- Gre- Cylinder, (whoſe Baſe is the Baſe of gory St. Vincent's Quadratura Circuli the Cone) made by cutting the Cy- & Sectionum Coni 10 Libris compre. linder thro' by the Periphery of an henfa.--De la Hire's Opus de Sec- Hyperbola moving parallel to itſelf, tionibus Conicis. De Witt's Ele- and at a given Diſtance from the menta Curvarum Dr. Wallis's Baſe of the Cylinder ; the Semi-tranſ- Conic Sections. De l'Hospital's verſe Axis of which Hyperbola is = Analytical Treatiſe of Conic Sec- tions, and their Ure: Milnes's ✓24 and the Semi-conju- Methodo demonftrata.--Mr. Simpſon's Elementa Sectionum Conicarum nova b Conic Sections. Mr. Muller's Conic gate = Va++ d. Sections; and many others ſcarcely worth while to mention. 5. The Centre of Gravity of a Cone is three fourths of the Axis is the ſhorteſt of the two Axes ; and CONJUGATE Axis of an Ellipſis, diftant from the Vertex. in the Hyperbola it is a mean Pro- CONE of Rays, in Optics, are portional between the tranſverſe all the Rays that fall from any Axis and the Parameter. Point of an Object upon the Surface CONJUGATE DIAMETERS of an of any Glaſs, having its Vertex in Ellipſis, or Hyperbola, are two Dia- that Point, and the Glaſs for its meters ſo drawn, that one of them Baſe. is parallel to the Ordinates of the CONFUSED VISION. See Viſion. Other. Conge, a Term in Architecture. Co NJU G ATE HYPE R BO L, A 's. See Apophygee. If there betwo oppoſite Hyperbola's, CONGRUITY of Geometrical Fi- AM, am, whoſe principal Axis is gures. See Concurring: CONIC SECTIONS, are Curves la made by cutting a Cone by a Plane, and leaving out the Circle and Tri- angle ; are three in Number, viz. B 7 the Ellipſis, Hyperbola, and Para- bola. Theſe Curves being all thoſe of a the ſecond Kind, or Order, are of M. M vaft uſe in Mathematics. See more of them under the words Ellipſis, the Line Aa, and Conjugate Axis Hyperbola, and Parabola. the Line Bb; and if there be two The moſt ancient Treatiſe upon other Hyperbola’s, whoſe principal Conic Sestions, 'is, that of Apollonius Axis is the Line Bb, and conjugate Pergæus, containing, eight Books ; one the Line Aa, then theſe four the four firſt of which have been Hyperbola's are called Conjugate oftentimes publiſh’d. But Dr. Hal- Hyperbola's, the two former oppo- ley's Edition has the whole cight. fite ones, being Conjugates to the Pappus, in lib. 7. Collcet. Mathemat. latter. ſays Euclid wrote four Books of CONJUNCTION, in Aftronomy, Conics, which Apollonius afterwards is the Meeting of the Stars and ſtole and publiſhed as his own, with Planets in the ſame Degree of the four more Books added to them.- Zodiac, and is either apparent or Amongſt the Moderns, there is My- true. CON 1 as CON CON CONJUNCTION apparent, is when other Repetitions of the former. a right Line ſuppoſed to be drawn But there can be only ſeven or eight through the Centres of the two fimple Conſonances, the perfect ones Planets, does not paſs through the being the Uniſon, Eighth, and Fifth, Centre of the Earth, but through with their Compounds. the Eye. CONSTANT QUANTITIES, are CONJUNCTION true, is when ſuch that remain the ſame, while that right Line being produced, others increaſe, or decreaſe. So the paſſes through the Centre of the Semi-diameter of a Circle is a con- Earth. ſtant Quantity ; for while the Ab- CONOID, is a Solid produced by ſciſs and Semi-Ordinates increaſe, it the Circumvolution of a Section of remains the ſame. the Cone about its Axis, and may CONSTELLATION, or Aſteriſin, be either a is a Company of fixed Stars, ima- CONOID Elliptical. See Spheroid. gined (by the Ancients) to repre- CONOID Hyperbolical. See Hy- lent the Name of ſomething, and perbolical Conoid. commonly called by the Name of CONDID Parabolical. See Para- that thing. Of theſe there are bolical Conoid. forty-eight, twenty-three being The Sections of all Conoids, Northern, and twenty-five Southern made by Planes cutting them, will be ones. the ſame as the Sections of a Cone. Some Zealots have been ſo vain, CONSCRIBED, the ſame with to attempt the changing the Circumſcribed. Which ſee. Names of the Conſtellations, in CONSÈCTARY, is a Deduction, giving them Appellations taken or Conſequence, drawn from a pre- from the Scriptures, as venerable ceding Propofition; and is the Bede, and Julius Schillerius, who fame with Corollary called, for Example, Aries, Peter ; CONSEQUENT, in Mathematics, Taurus, Andrew; Andromeda, the is the latter of the two Terms of a Sepulchre of Chriſt; Hercules, the Ratio: As ſuppoſe the Ratio be of wiſe Men coming from the Eaſt; the A to B, then B is ſaid to be the great Dog, David, &c. Confequent. And Weigelius, a quondam Pro- Console, in Architecture, is an feſſor of Mathematics at Geneva, Ornament cut upon the Key of an in his Cælum Heraldicum, has tranſ- · Arch, which has a Projecture or ferred the chief Princes of Europe Jetting, and upon occaſion, ſerves into the Heavens; as the Great to ſupport little Cornices, Bufts, and Bear is changed into the Elephant Baſes. of the Kingdom of Denmark, &c. CONSONANCE, in Muſic, is the But this Boldneſs ought not to Agreement of two Sounds, the one be approved of; which, inſtead of grave, and the other acute, being being uſeful, will beget Confuſion compounded together by ſuch a in Aſtronomy: For the Names and Proportion of each, as proves a- Signs of the Ancients are to be re- greeable to the Ear. tained, not only becauſe there can. An Uniſon is the firſt Confonance, not be better ones put for then, an Eighth the ſecond, a Fifth the but that the Writings of Aftrono. third ; and then follows the fourth, mers, that have been as yet publiſid, and the Thirds and Sixths, Major may be underſtood, and the Obſer- and Minor. There are other Con- vations of the Ancients compared fonances, being the Doublets, or with thoſe of the Moderns. Cox CON CON 1 CONSTIPATION, is when the the fourth, will conſtruct the Equa- Parts of any Body acquire a cloſer tion. Moreover, to find the two maſt Texture than what they had be- fimple Loci, that will conſtruct an fore. Equation of 37. Dimenſions, having CONSTRICTION, is the crouding extracted the ſquare Root of 37, the Parts of any Body cloſe to- which is 6, the Remainder will be gether, in order to Condenſation. 1, being leſs than 6; therefore one CONSTRUCTION of Equations, of the Loci muſt be of the 6th, and in Algebra, is the finding the un- the other of the 7th Degree. And known Quantities or Roots of an theſe Loci will do for Equations of Equation, either by ſtraight Lines, 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42 Dimenſions. or Curves. Francis Vieta, in his Canonica 1. All fimple Equations, or thoſe Recenſione Effectionum Geometricarum, of one Dimenſion, may be conſtruct- and Marinus Ghetaldus, in his Opus ed, by reſolving the Fractions that pofthumum de Reſolutione & Compoſa- the unknown Quantity is equal to, tione Mathematica, as alſo Deſcartes, into proportional Terms. in his Geometria, have ſhewn how 2. All Quadratics may be con to conſtruct ſimple and quadratic ftructed by means of a right Line, Equations. Deſcartes too, has ſhewn and a Circle. how to construct cubic and biqua- 3. All cubic or biquadratic Equa- dratic Equations, by the Interſec- tions may be conſtructed by means tion of a Circle and a Parabola. So of a Circle, or a given Parabola, or alſo has Mr. Baker, in his Clavis Hyperbola. Geometrica. But the genuine Foun- 4. All Equations may be con dation of all theſe Conſtructions was ſtructed by the Interſection of two firſt laid and explained by Renatus Loci. And the moſt fimple Loci Sluſius, in his Mefolabium, part 2. that will conſtruct an Equation, inay This Doctrine is alſo pretty well be found thus : Extract the ſquare handled by De la Hire, in a little Root of the higheſt Power of the Treatiſe, entitled, La Conſtruction unknown Quantity, and if there be des Equations Analytiques, joined to no Reinainder, then each of the two his Conic Sections. Sir Iſaac New- Loci muſt be of the fame Number ton, at the End of his Algebra, has of Degrees as there are Units given the Conſtruction of cubic and contained in that ſquare Root. biquadratic Equations mechanically ; But if there be a Remainder, the and by the Conchoid and Cifroid, fame is equal, leſs, or greater than as well as the Conic Sections, See the ſquare Root: If it be equal, or alſo, Dr. Halley's Conſtruction of leſs, the Degree for one of the cubic and biquadratic Equations ; Loci will be the Root itſelf; and as alfo Mr. Colfon's, in the Philofo- for the other, that Root plus Unity. phical Tranſactions; and the Mar- If the Remainder be greater than quis De l'Hoſpitals Traite Analytique the Root, then the Degree of both des Sections Coniques. the Loci ſhall be the Root plus CONSTRUCTION, in Geometry, Unity. is the drawing ſuch Lines as are As, if it were required to find the previouſly neceſſary for the making moft fimple Loci that will conſtruct any Demonſtration appear more an Equation of 12 Dimenſions, the plain and undeniable. ſquare Root thereof is 3, and the CONTACT, is when one Line, Remainder is 3 ; whence, a Locus Plane, or Body, touches another of the third Degree, and another of and the Parts that do thus touch, ; are 1 - A D CON CON are called the Points, or Places of CONTINUED QUANTITY, is Contact. that whoſe Parts are inſeparably CONTIGUITY, is only the Sur- joined and united together, ſo that face of one Body's touching that of you cannot diſtinguiſh where one another. But Continuity is the im- begins and another ends. mediate Union of the Parts which CONTRA-Mure, in Fortification, compoſe any natural Body s ſo that is a little Wall built before another one cannot tell where one begins, Partition-Wall, to ſtrengthen it, ſo and another ends. that it may receive ng Damage from CONTIGUOUS ANGLES, in Geo- the adjacent Buildings. metry, are ſuch as have one Leg CONTRATE-WHEEL, is that common to each Angle; and are Wheel in Watches, which is next to ſometimes called adjoining Angles: the Crown, whoſe Teeth and Hoop As the Angles ABC, CB Di lie contrary to thoſe of the other CBD, DBĒ; DBE, EBA, are Wheels ; from whence it takes its contiguous Angles. Name. CONTRAVALLATION, or the Line of Contravallation, in Fortifi- cation, is a Trench guarded with a B Parapet, and uſually cut round a- bout a Place by the Beſiegers, to ſe- cure themſelves on that lide, and to ſtop the Sallies of the Gariſon. It E is without Muſket - ſhot of the The Sum of any two contiguous Town; ſo that the Army forming Angles is always equal to two right a Siege, lies between the Lines of Angles. , Circumvallation, and Contraval- CONTINENT, in Geography, is lation. a great Extent of Land, compre CONTRE-QUEUE D'YRONDE, a hending ſeveral Regions and King- Term in Fortification, the ſame as doms; and which is not interrupted Counter-Swallow's-Tail. or ſeparated by Seas. Of theſe CONVERGING, (or Convergent) there are reckoned four, viz. Europe, Rays, in Optics, are thoſe Rays Afia, Africa, and America. that, iſſuing from divers Points of CONTINGENT LINE, the ſame an Object, incline towards one ano- with Tangent Line. This Line, in ther, till at laſt they meet, and Dialling, is ſuppoſed to ariſe from crofs, and then become diverging the Interſection of the Plane of the Rays; as the Rays AB, CB, do Dial and Equinoctial; and is ſo converge till they come to the Point called, becauſe it is a Tangent to a B, and then they diverge, and run Circle, drawn upon the Plane of the Dial, and is at right Angles to the ſubſtilar Line. A D CONTINUAL PROPORTIONALS. If there be ſuch a Series of Quanti- B ties, that the firſt is in the fame Proportion to the ſecond, as the C ſecond to the third, and the third E to the fourth, and the fourth to the fifth, and ſo on, they are called con off from each other in the Lines tinual Proportionals. BD, BE. Con- CON CON CONVERSE, in Mathematics. One the former caſe is greater, or leſs, Propoſition is called the Converſe of according to the greater or leſs Di- another, when, after a Concluſion ſtance of the radiating Point. is drawn from ſomething ſuppoſed in 4. If an Object be in the Focus the converſe Propoſition, that con- of a convex Glaſs, and the Eye on clufion is ſuppoſed; and then that, the other ſide of the Glaſs, the which in the other was ſuppoſed, is Object will appear erect and di- now drawn as a Concluſion from it. As ftinct. thus; when two Sides of a Triangle 5. The Images of Objects, op- are equal, the Angles under their 'pofite to a Lens, any how convex, Sides are equal ; and on the con are diſtinctly painted and inverted verſe, if thoſe Angles are equal, in the Focus thereof. the two Sides are equal. 6. The Image ba of an Object CONVEX-GLASS, or Lens, is a AB, delineated in the Focus d, of Glaſs that has one of its Superficies a convex Glaſs, is to the Object it- plain, and the other ſpherically ſelf, as to Diameter, in the Ratio convex. This, by fome, is called of the Diſtance of the Image Cd, a Plano-Convex. to the Diſtance of the Object CD. 1. If AGB be a Convex Glaſs, 7. If the Eye O be in the Axis of and F the Focus of Parallel Rays, a convex Lens, but between the Focus d and the Lens, the Object will appear in an erect Pofition, but augmented, as to Diameter, in a Ratio compounded of the Diſtance E of the Point F, to which the Ray F to K F D A A B 1549 ct F A. D B G 1 T I CI E 0 ..... d and C the Centre of the Glaſs, then will FD= 2CG -GD. And fo if two thirds of the Thickneſs GD be ſo ſmall, as to be neglected, as often happens, then will Parallel Rays unite at the Diſtance of the Glaſs's Diameter, whether the flat or convex Side of the Glaſs be turned towards the luminous Body. 2. If KE be a Glaſs Convex both ways, or a double Convex, and C,0, be the Centres of the Con- vexities, and F the Focus of Paral- lel Rays falling upon the Glaſs, . then will KO + CE : 2 OE :: KO: FK. 3. The Focus of diverging Rays is farther diftant from the Glaſs than the focus of Parallel Rays; and the Diſtance of the Focus in F TY BE > 20 min. COR COR BE tends unrefracted from the Part of this End ſticking out is fome, Lens EL, to the Diſtance of the times cut into the Figure of a Boul- Eye OL, from the fame ; and of tin, Ogee, and ſometimes of a Face, OD, the Diſtance of the Object &c. the upper Side being fiat. AB, from the Eye to the Diſtance The Corbets are uſually placed, FD of the ſame Object, from the for Strength's fake, juſt under the Point to which the Rays tend unre. Semi-Girder of a Platform, and fracted, that is, FL:OD :;OL ſometimes under the Ends of Cam- :FD. ber-Beams. 8. And if the Eye O be beyond Cor CAROL1, an Extra-Conſtel- the focus, the Point F will fall be lated Star in the Northern Hemi- yond the Object; and then FL: ſphere, ſituated between Coma Be- FD :: OD: O L. renices and Urſa Major, ſo called in 9. If the Object AB be ſo far Honour of King Charles II. diftant from the Glaſs, that the COR HYDRÆ, a Fixed Star of Ray B E, refracted to the Eye O, the firſt Magnitude in the Conſtel- diverges from the Point F in the lation Hydra. Its Longitude is 142 Axis, between the Glaſs and the deg. 49 min. Latitude 22 deg. 23 Object, then it will appear inverted, min. and Right Aſcenſion 133 deg. and the apparent Magnitude will be to the true Magnitude, in the Cor Leonis. See Regulus, or Ratio compounded of FL to FD, Bafilicus. and of OD to OL. CORDON, in Fortification, is a COPERNICAN SYSTEM of the Row of Stones, made round on the World, is the ancient Pythagorean Outſide, and ſet between the Wall Syftem, which Nicholas Copernicus, a and the Fortreſs, which lies allope, German, in a Treatiſe publiſh'd in and the Parapet, which ſtands per- Latin about the Year 1566, revived, pendicular, after ſuch a manner, after it had been for many Years that this Difference may not be of- thrown out of doors ; and it ſup- fenſive to the Eye ; whence thoſe poſes, that the Earth and the Pla- Corders ſerve only as Ornaments, nets revolve about the Sun, which ranging round about the Place, being ſtands ſtill, as their Centre ; and only uſed in Fortifications of Stone- that the diurnal Motion of the Sun Work : For in thoſe made with and fixed Stars is not real, but Earth, the void Space is filled up imaginary, ariſing from the Motion with pointed Stakes. of the Earth about its Axis. CORDS, in Muſic, are the Sounds CORBEILS, in Fortification, are produced by an Inſtrument or Voice. little Baſkets about a Foot and an CORINTHIAN ORDER, of Ar- half high, eight Inches broad at chitexture, being the fourth Order, the bottom, and twelve at the top; is the richeſt and the moſt delicate which, being filled up with Earth, of them all, and was invented by are commonly ſet one againſt ano an Architect of Athens. Its Capital ther upon the Parapet, or elſewhere, is adorned with Rows of Leaves, leaving certain Port-Holes, from and of eight Voluta's, which ſup- whence to fire upon the Enemy port the Abacus. The Height of its under Covert. Column is ten Diameters, and its CORBET, in Architecture, is a Cornice is ſupported by Modillions. ſhort Piece of Timber, placed in a CORNEA, is the hinder external Wall, with its End ſticking out fix Tunic of the Eye, being like a pel- or eight Inches ; and the under lucid Horn, very firm, of a ſpheri- cal, COR COV ca cal, or rather ſpheroidical Figure, CORPUSCLES, in Natural Phin ſtanding out behind the remaining loſophy, fignify the minute or ſmall Part of the Ball of the Eye, and Parts of a Body. And conſolidating the Eye and Scleroti CORPUSCULAR PHILOSOPHY, is the Explanation of Things, and CORNICHE, or Cornice, is the giving an Account of the Phæno- third and higheſt Part of the Enta- mena of Nature by the Motions and blature, and commonly fignifies the Affections of the minute Parts of uppermoſt Ornament of any Wain- Matter. ſcot, &c. in regard to the Pillar; CORIDOR, in Fortification, is and is different, according to the the Covert-Way lying round about different Orders of Architecture, the whole Compaſs of the Fortifica- In the Tuſcan it is without Orna- tions of a Place, between the Out- ment; and this Pillar, of all others, side of the Moat and the Palliſadoes. has the leaft Mouldings. The Do Corvus, a Southern Conſtella- ric is adorn'd with Dentils, like the tion, conſiſting of ſeven Stars. Ionic, and which ſometimes has its Co-SECANT, is the Secant of an Mouldings cut into it. The Corin. Areh, which is the Complement of thian Pillar, of all others, has the another, to go Degrees, moſt Mouldings, and thoſe very often CO-SINE, is the Right Line of cut with Modillions, and ſometimes an Arch, which is the Complement Dextils. The Compoſite has its of another, to 90 Degrees. Dentils and Mouldings cut, with its COSMOGRAPHY, is a Deſcription Channels or Chamferings under its of all the ſeveral Parts of the viſible Platfond. World, according to their Numbers, CORNISH-RING of a Gun, is the Poſitions, Motions, Magnitudes, and next from the Muzzle-Ring back their other Properties. wards. CO-TANGENT, is the Tangent of COROLLARY, or Confe&ary, is a an Arch, which is the Complement Conſequence drawn from ſomething of another, to 90 Degrees. that has been already demonftrated; Co-VERSED SINE, is the re- as, when it is demonſtrated, That maining Part of the Diameter of a two Semi-circles can cut each other Circle, after the Verſed Sine is taken but in one Point, therefore it follows from it. from thence, That two whole Cir COVERT-WAY, in Fortification, cles can cut one another but in two is a Space of Ground level with the Points. Field, on the Edge of the Ditch, CORONA, in Architecture, is about twenty Foot broad, ranging properly the flat and moſt advanced quite round the Half-Moons, and Part of the Cornice, called by us the other Works, towards the Country. Drip, becauſe it defends the reſt of This is otherwiſe called Coridor, the Work from Wind and Water and has a Parapet raiſed on a Level, But by Vitruvius it is often taken together with its Banquets and Gla- for the whole Cornice. cis, which from the Height of the CORONA BOREALIS, the Parapet muſt follow the Parapet of Northern Garland, a Conſtellation in the Place, till it is inſenſibly loſt in the Northern Hemiſphere, conſiſting the field. It has alſo a Foot-Bank. of about twenty Stars. One of the greateſt Difficulties in CORONA MERIDIONALIS, a Siege, is to make a Lodgment on Southern Conſtellation, of thirteen the Covert-Way, becauſe the Be- Stars. fieged uſually palliſado it along the Middle, or 2 : COU COU Middle, and undermine it on all ſides. COUNTER-Mine, is a wbterrar This is called the Counterſcarp, be- neous Paſſage, made by the Belieged, cauſe it is on the Edge of it. in ſearch of the Enemy's Mine, to COVING-CORNICE, is ſuch a give air to it, to take away the Cornice, that has a great Caſemate, Powder; or by any other means to or Hollow in it, which is commonly fruſtrate the Effect of it. lathed and plaiſter'd upon Compaſs COUNTER · PART, a Term in Sprockets, or Brackets. Mufic, only denoting one Part to be COUNT-WHEEL, is a Wheel in oppoſite to another: As, the Baſe is the ſtriking Part of a Clock, moving ſaid to be the Counter-part to the round once in twelve or twenty-four Treble. Hours. This by ſome is called the COUNTER-POINT, is the old Locking-Wheel, becauſe it has com manner of compoſing Pieces of Mu- monly eleven Notches in it at un-' fic, before Notes of different Mea- equal Diſtances from one another, ſures were invented'; which was, to in order to make the Clock ſtrike, ſet Pricks or Points one againſt an- and it is driven round by the Pinion other, to denote the ſeveral Con: of Report. cords. The Length or Meaſure of COUNTER-APPROACHES, are which Points was ſung according to Works made by the Beſieged, to the Quantity of Words or Syllables hinder the Approach of the Enemy; whereto they were applied. and when they deſign to attack them COUNTERSCARP, is that Side of in Form. the Ditch that is next to the Coun- COUNTER - BATTERY, is one try; or properly the Talus that raiſed to play againſt another. ſupports the Earth of the Covert- : Counter-BREAST-Work, the Way; tho' by this Word is under- ſame with Falſe Bray. ſtood often the whole Covert-Way, COUNTER FORTS, are certain with its Parapet and Glacis. And Pillars and Parts of the Walls of a ſo it muſt be underſtood, when it is Place, diſtant from fifteen to twenty faid, The Enemy loaged themſelves on Foot one from another, which are the Counterſcarp. advanced as much as poſſible in the - COUNTER-SWALLOWS-TA11., Ground, and joined to the Height is an Outwork in Fortificacion, iis of the Cordon by Vaults, to ſupport the figure of a ſingle Tenaille, the Way of the Rounds, and part of wider towards the Place, that is, ac the Rampart; as alſo to fortify the the Gorge, than at the Head, or Wall, and ſtrengthen the Ground; next to the Country. but are not now of much Uſe, unleſs COUNTER-TENOR, one of the in large Fortifications. mean or middle Parts of Muſic, he- COUNTER-FUGUE, in Muſic, is ing called ſo, becauſe it is oppolite when the Fugues proceed contrary to the Tenor. to one another. COURSE, in Navigation, is that COUNTER-GUARDS, in Fortific Point of the Compais, or Coast of cation, are large Heaps of Earth, the Horizon, on which the Ship is in figure of a Parapet, raiſed above to be ſtcered from Place to Place; or the Moat, before the Faces, and it is more properly che Angle chat the Foint of the Baſtion, to preſerve is made by a Tangent to the Meri- them; and then they conſiſt of two dian, and an inhnitely ſmall Part of Faces, making an Angle-Saliant, a Rhumb-Line at the Point of Con- and are parallel to the Faces of the tact. Baſtion. Cour N CRO A CRY 1 COURTINE, or Courtain, in For- its Breadth by the Length of the tification, is the Front of the Wall Middle Periphery. between the Flanks of two Baſtions ; CROWNED Horn-WORK, is a or the longeſt Straight Line that Horn-Work with a Crown-Work be- runs round the Rampart, drawn fore it. from one Flank to the other, being Crown-Post, is a Poft which, border'd with a Parapet five Foot in ſome Buildings, ſtands upright in high, behind which the Soldiers the Middle, þetween two principal ſtand, to fire upon the Covert-Way, Rafters, and there goes Struts or and into the Moat. Braces from it to the Middle of each CRONICAL. See Acronical. Rafter. Cross-MULTIPLICATION, is CROWN-WHEEL of a Watch, is a Method; uſed by Workmen, of the upper Wheel next to the Bal- caſting up ſuperficial Dimenſions of lance, which by its Motion drives Feet, Inches, and Parts, by firſt it, and in Royal Pendulums is called ſetting down a Length taken in Feet the Swing-Wheel. and Inches, and ſetting the Feet CROWN-WORKS, in Fortification, and Inches of another Length, by are certain Bulwarks advanced to- which the former Length is to be wards the field to gain ſome Emi- multiplied, directly under the Feet nence, confifting of a large Gorge, and Inches of that Length ; and and two Wings that fall on the then multiplying the Feet by the Counterſcarp near the Faces of the Feet, and (croſs-wiſe) the Inches Baſtion; ſo that they are defended of one Length by the Inches of the by them, and next to the Field ſhew other, and dividing the Sum of the an entire Baſtion, being between two Product by 12, and multiplying the Demi-Baſtions, the Faces whereof Inches by the Inches, and dividing look towards one another. them by 144. CRYSTALLINE Humour of the Cross-STAFF, or Fore-Staff, is Eye. This Humour lies immediately & Mathematical Inſtrument of Box, ' next to the Aqueous within the or Pear-Tree, confiſting of a ſquare Opening of the Tunica Uvea, and, Starming of about three Foot long, like a Glaſs put over a Hole, col- having each of the Faces thereof lects and refracts the Rays of Light divided like a Line of Tangents, falling upon it, being very pellucid, and four Croſs-Pieces of unequal in figure of a Lens unequally Con- Lengths to fit on to the Staff, the Halves of which are as the Radius's Kepler, in Paralip. in Vitellionem, to the Tangent Lines on the Faces cap. 5. pag. 167. thinks, that the of the Staff. This Inſtrument is foremoſt side of the cryitalline Hu- uſed in taking the Altitudes of the mour is the Segment of a Spheroid, Celeſtial Bodies at Sea. generated by the Revolution of an CROSSIERS, are four Stars in fi- Elliptis about its Axis ; and the gure of a Croſs, ſerving thoſe that hinder Side, the Segment of an fail in the Southern Hemiſphere, to hyperbolic Conoid, made from the find the South Pole. Revolution of an Hyperbola about CROTCHET, a Term in · Muſic, its Axis. being the fifth Note of 'Time.. But Schottus, in Libro de Univers. Crown, in Geometry, is a plain Nat. Eg Art. part 1. lib. 2. Ring, included between two con- ſays, That the cryſtalline Humour centric Peripheries, and the Arca is not of the fame Figure in all thereof will be had by multiplying Men, and even in the ſame Perſon, it vex. pag. 68. 1 3 ſince u 3 u CU B CUB it varies according to his Age; for All cubic Equations have three it is more round in ſome chan others, Roots, either all real, or one real, and in a Perſon of full Age it is and two imaginary. turgid, but in old Age it is almoſt All cubic Equations may be re- flat. duced to this Form, x3 + 2x ter CUBATUR E of a Solid, is the = 0; wherein the fecond Term is Meaſuring the Space contained in wanting; and they may be extracted it, or the finding the folid Content if q be affirmative, or even negative; of it. 93 CUBE, is a ſolid Body, confifting provided that be not greater 27 of fix equal Sides, being all Squares, than I rr. The Solidity of any Cube is found If x3 + x by multiplying any one of its Sides, Equation, which has always two 4 = a be a cubic or Faces by the Height. Cubes are to one another, in the and the real Root be wanted ſup- imaginary Roots, ſince q is negative, triplicate Ratio of their Diagonals, poſe x = 4+ ż; then will u be = or of the Sides of their Faces. CUBE-Root of any Number or Quantity, is ſuch a Number or 19+ 199+ P3 And Quantity, which, if multiplied into 27 itſelf, and then again the Product thence ariſing by that Number or x; therefore if Quantity, (being the cube Root,) the fäid known Value of u be put this laft Product ſhall be equal to the Number or Quantity whereof it for the ſame in this Equation, we is the cube Root; as 2 is the cube shall have the value of x in known Root of 8, becauſe two times 2 is affirmative in the given cubic Equa- Terms. In like manner; when 9 19 4, and two times 4 is. 8; and a fb is the cube Root of a3 + 3abb + Roots, which is when 99 is greater tion, and it has two imaginary 3 baa 463. Every cube Number has three p3 than ; the Value of u will be Roots; one real Root, and two 27 imaginary ones: as the cube Num- ber 8 has one real Root 2, and two V 1 g+V499 and imaginary Roots, viz. V 27 and V-341. And, generally, fo there will be a real Value of *. if a be the real Root of any cube But when all the Roots of the given Number, one of the imaginary Roots cubic Equation are real, they cannot of that Number will be be found by this means; becauſe in and the other this Cafe 99– P3 will be a ne- 27 ✓ gative Quantity; and fo its ſquare Root is an impoſible Quantity. But CUBIC EQUATion, in Algebra, Tables of Sines or the Trifection of theſe Roots may be found by the is ſuch an one wherein the unknown an Arch of a Circle. Quantities ariſe to three Dimen- Firſt find the Sine which is to the fions; as x3 = a3 -63, or x3 + ***=p, or *+fxx-abx Radius;- as ?? to and mm n to per, &c. P having 3 3 P3 3-I a tv 3 a a 2 3 аа 2 N 2 CU B CUB V 999 Faving found the Degrees of the 3 multiplying 3, produces 9; and Arch anſwerable thereto, take again, 3 multiplying 9, produces. part of thoſe Degrees, and double 27. the Sine of them; then, if a fourth The Difference of two cube Num- Proportional be found to this double bers, whoſe Roots differ by Unity, Sine, VP, and the Radius ; that is equal to the Aggregate of the fourth Proportional will be one Va. Square of the Root of the greater, lue of x in the cubic Equation x3 double the Square of the leſs, and + Pax +q=0. the leſs Root. The real Root of a cubic Equa- CUBIC PARABOLA, a Curve as tion x3.px.q=0, whoſe two others BCD of the ſecond Order, having are imaginary, may be otherwiſe found thus : let the Sine of the third D. Term px bet, then the Difference between two mean Proportionals M 39 between + + PP 2p 4P А. 39 999 P and to + PD 2 4 PP will be the value of x. And if the Sine of px be --, the Sum of thoſe B mean Proportionals will be the Va- lue of x. Or ſuppofing a = Vit, two infinite Legs CD, CB, tending 39 and b = contrary ways. And if the Abſciſs the Difference or Sum AP, x, touches the Curve in C, the 2 P of two mean Proportionals between relation between AP (x) and PM (5) is expreſſed by the Equation y b + Vāatbb and b + a x3. 6x2. X. d. or when A falls Vaatbb will be the value of x. in C, by the Equation y = a x3. Cubic Foot of any Subſtance, is which is the moſt ſimple Equation ſo much of it as is contained in a of the Curve. Cube, whoſe side is one Foot. If it be required to deſcribe the CUBIC Hyperbola, is a Figure cubical Parabola by a continued expreffed by the Equation xy? = a, Motion, you may do it thus, by having two Afymptotes, and con- means of a Square and the equilate- fiſting of two Hypercola's, lying in ral Hyperbola : Thro' a given Point the adjoining Angles of the Aſymp- A, draw the Right Line CAB, and totes, and rot in the oppoſite An- DAE at right Angles to it, and gles, like the Apolionian Hyperbola; draw FAG at half right Angles to being otherwiſe called by Sir Iſaac CAE or D AB, and let DE, BC Newton in bis Enumeratió Lineárum be Afymptotes to the equilateral Tertii Ordinis, an Hyperboliſmus of Hyperbola's HFI, KGL; then a Parabola; and is the 65th Species take a ſingle Square MAN, and of his Lines, according to him. a double one DMPN. Faften the CUBIC NUMBER, is that Num. · Angle of the ſingle Square MAN in ber which is produced by multiply- the Centre A, lo as to be moveable ing any Number by itſelf , and then about the ſame. Then if the Leg again the Product by that Number; DP of the double Square be moved or as, 27 is a Cubic Number, ſince lid along the Afymptote DAE, and at 5 1 CU B C U. B at the fame time the Interſection of and draw the right Line AM; from the Leg AŅ of the fingle Square, M draw the Perpendiculars MN ad MP to B D and A C: Draw NO D parallel to AM. Then if P Q be made equal to NO, the Point & H m K will be one point thro' which the cubical Parabola muſt paſs. And after the ſame manner may any number of Points be found. There G are ſeveral other ways of finding F A Points of the cubical Parabola; as, by means of two Squares; by means N of the common Parabola, &c. But, let this be ſufficient. In the c bical Parabola, if A I M L be the Axis, and QN the Baſe, and E nmrin B A PR A and the Leg PN of the double Square moves along the Curve KL of the equilateral Hyperbola ; the M Interſection M of the other Leg AM of the ſingle Square, vith the Leg PM of the double Square, will N deſcribe the Part AM of the cubical Parabola. And if the Interſection of the sides of the fingle and RM be parallel to AQ; then will double Squares be moved along the other oppoſite Hyperbola HFI, RM be always as Qin -QR. the Interſection m of the other Sides Allo in the ſecond Figure, if the will deſcribe the other Part Am of Right Line A P cuts the cubical the cubic Parabola. Otherwiſe, by means of Points. Let ABC be an Ifoſceles Triangle, and M Fig2 B A А B P M N Parabola ABCM in three Points Q A, B, C, and from any Point P be A C drawn the Right Line or 0. dinate P PM, cutting the Curve in on Point M only : then will PM be always as the solid AP X B? x CP; which BD perpendicular to the Rife AC. is an effential Property of this Take awy Point M in the Side B CCurve. And N 3 CUL CUR And hence it is eaſy to conſtruct The Curve of this Parabola cage a cubic Equation x3 ta ax = 63 not be rectified, not even by means by the Interſection of this Curve, of the Conic Sections. But a and a right Line. See the Con- Circle may be found equal to the ftr: &tion of a cubic Equation by Curve Surface generated by the werns of the cubic Parabola, and Rotation of the Curve AM about a right Line by Dr. Wallis, in his the Tangent AP to the principal Algebra : As alſo the Conſtruction Vertex A. of Equations of ſix Dimenſions, by Let MN be an Ordinate, and means thereof and a Circle by Dr. MT a Tangent, at the Poine Mi Halley, in a Lecture formerly read and let PM be parallel to AN. at Oxford. M P 1 1 A I 'N A Divide MN in the Point , in fand eight hundred Pounds. Its fuca manner that MO be to ON Load is about twelve Pounds, and as TM is to MN. Then a mean it carries a Shot of five Inches and Proportional between TM +ON a half in Diameter, weighing twenty . and of AN will be the Semi- Pounds. Diameter of a Circle equal to the CULVERING Ordinary, weighs, Superficies deſcribed by that' Ro- four thouſand five hundred Pounds, tation. and twelve Foot long : The Weighd The Area of a cubic Parabola, of the Ball ſeventeen Pounds five is three fourths of its circumſcribing. Ounces. Parallelogram. CULVERING of the leaſt fize, CYBO-CUBE, the fixth Power. is five Inches in Bore, eleven Foot Ců.so-Cubo-CUBE, the ninth long, weighing about four thouſand Power: Pounds, carries a Shot three Inches CULMINATION of a Star, in and a half in Diameter, weighing Aſtronomy, is the Paſſage thereof fourteen Pounds niñé Ounces. over the Meridian: And ſo a Star CUNEUS. See Wedge. . is ſaid to culminate when it paſſes CURRENTS, are certain progreſo over the Meridian. ſive Motions of the Waters of the CULVERING, a Species of Ord- Sea in ſevera). Places, either quite nance; of which there are three forts, down to the bottora, or to a certain viz. the Extraordinary, the Ordi- determinate Depth; and theſe carry nary, and the leaft-fized Culvering: the Ships faſter, or elſe retard their CULVERING Extraordinary, is Motion, according as the Current five Inches and a half in Bore, thir- fpts with or againſt the Ship's ccc Foot long, weighs four thou- Motioa. CUR- 1 3 CYC CUR CURSOR, in Mathematical In- to folve Problems by their Inter- ſtruments, is any ſmall piece that ſections, and to conſtruct Equations : ſlides ; as, the Piece in an Equinoc- As if the Problem of Ward, in his tial Ring-Dial that ſlides to the Young Mathematician's Guide, about Day of the Month. Likewiſe the the May-pole upon a Hill, was to little Ruler or Label of Braſs, being be conſtructed geometrically ; the divided like a Line of Sines, and eaſieſt and moſt natural way of ſliding in a Groove along the mid- doing it, would either be by an dle of another Label, repreſenting Ellipfis, whoſe focal Diſtance is the Horizon in the Analemma, is the given Baſe, and tranſverſe Axis called a Curfor. the Sum of the sides of the Tric Curtated DistANCE, is the angle, and a Square whoſe angular Diſtance of the Place of a Planet Point is moveable about one Focus, from the Sun reduced to the E- and Ruler moveable about the other cliptic. Focus. Or elſe by deſcribing a Curve ÇURTATION, is the Difference form’d (by moving a Square about between the Diſtance of a Planet a given Point upon a Plane, and a from the Sun, and the curtated Di- Ruler about another given Point ſtance. upon that Plane, in fuch manner CURVATURE. This fignifies that the Ruler always paſſes through Crookedneſs. a given Point in one ſide of the CURVE, the ſame as Crooked. Square) with the interſection of the Curves, in Geometry, are ſuch Ruler and the other ſide of that Lines, which running on continually Square, and then taking a Tbread in all Directions, may be cut by one of the given Length, doubling it, right Line in more Points than one. and putting it about the given Points Or which include a Space with one upon the Plane, and moving it right Line, either returning into titely about till the Point ſtretch- themſelves or making infinite Ex- ing it falls in the faid Curve. curſions. Dr. Wallis, in chap. 70. of his Curves are divided into Algebrai- Hiſtory of Algebra, fays, that Equa- cal, or Geometrical, and Tranſcen- tions of 5 or 6 Diameters, may be dent. And Geometrical ones into conſtructed by two Conic Sections. thoſe of the firſt, ſecond, third, &c. And if higher Equations are to be Order : See the Word Geometrical conitructed, there muſt be more Co- Curve. Expreſs Writings upon nic Sections uſed to the Performance. Curve Lines, beſides the Conic Sec- But here the Doctor is miſtaken, as tions, are Archimedes's De Spiralibuse is now well known by a Geometri- Dr. Barrory's Lectiones Geometri- cian even of the ſecond Claſs ; Sir Iſaac Newton's 'Enumera- whence it is plain, the Doctor did tio Linearum tertii Ordinis. Ster- not well underland this Doctrine, ling's Illuſtratio tractatus Domini CUT-BASTION. See Baqiqsa, Newtoni de Lineis tertii Ordinis. Cuverte, in Fortification, is a Mr. Mac-Laurin's Geometria Orga- deep Trench about: four Batlom nica.-Mr.Brakonridge's little Trea- broad, which is commonly funk in tiſe of Curves.-- There are beſides, the middle of the great dry Ditch ſeveral ſmall Diſcourſes upon Curves, till you. come to Water, and ſerves in the Asta Eruditorum, the Me- both to, preysnt the Beſiegers Min- moires de l'Academie Reyale des ing, and alſo the better to keep off: Sciences, &c. the Enemy Two of theUſes of Curve Linęs, are CYCLE, is a perpetual Reroiu- t.cn N 4 сүс C Y C tion of certain Numbers, which ſuc Cycle of the Moon, is a Revolu- cefſively go on from the firſt to the tion of nineteen Years, which be-. laft, and then return again to the .gan one Year before Chriſt, in which firſt, and ſo circulate perpetually. fpace of time the new and full There are three principal Cycles, Moons return to the ſame Days of viz. the Cycle of Indiction, the Cy- the Julian Year they were on be- cle of the Moon, and the Cycle of the fore, and the begins again her Courſe Sun. with the Sun, Cycle of Indi&tion, is a Revo The Cycle of the Moon, after lution of fifteen Years, which firſt three hundred and twelve Years, will began the third Year before Chriſt. not reſtore the new and full Moons Chronologers diſagree about the to the fame Day of the Julian Time that the Cycle of Indiction Year, but there will be an Error of began; and alſo concerning the Uſe one whole Day. that the Romans invented it for : Cycle of the Sun, is a Reyolu- But, according to vulgar Computa- tion of twenty eight Years, in which tion, the Year of Chriſt's Nativity time the fame Dominical Letter was the third of this Cycle; and comes about again in the fame Or- thus we are certain, that it was e- der, and Leap-Years expire, and ſtabliſhed by Conſtantine in the Year the 29th Year the Cycle begins a- 312 gain. If you ſubtract 312 from the The Uſe of this Cycle is to find Year given, and divide the Remain- the Dominical Letter, which may der by 15, and what remains, omit- be had from the following Table, ting the Quotient, is the Year of when the Cycle of the Sun for a the Roman Indiction; or if 3 be ad- given Year is known ; but this is ded to the given Year, and the found by adding 9 to the given Sum be divided by 15, the Remain- Year, and dividing the Sum by 28 ; der, omitting the Quotient, will be for the Remainder is the Cycle the Year of the Indiction. fought. 1 A Table of the Cycle of the Sun, with the Dominical Letter an- fwering to it. 9DC) 9DC/ '13 FE IO B 17 AG 21 CB 22 A 25 ED 18 F IGP 2 E ; 3 1) 4. с BA G 7 F 8 E A II 14 D 15 C 16 B 19 E G 23 26 C 27 B 28 A 12 G 20 D 24 F Cycicip, or Trochoid, is a Curve; Point a in the Periphery of a Cir- as Ą B C deſcribed by the given cle, while the Circle rolls along a right Line, as AC from the Point B A, where the Curve begins, to the Point C, where it ends. L 1. The Cycloid is a Curve of the mechanical kind; for the Relation C of its Ordinates, (they being ſup. poſed 62 1) 1 1 terms. CY C CYC poſed, ſtraight Lines,) and Ab- fcribed Cylinder ; but does not give fciffi's cannot be expreſſed in finite it, no more than the Demonftration of the Ratio's aforeſaid, except that 2. If PL be drawn parallel to of the firſt. Honoratus Fabry, in AD, the Semi-Baſe of the Cycloid, Synopſis Geom. gives us a ſhort Trea- then will PM be equal to BM, tiſe of the Cycloid, wherein you the Arch of the generating Circle; have four ways of demonſtrating and ſo if the Arch BM be taken the firſt of the Theorems above; for an Abſciſs, and the right Line as alſo the Demonſtrations of all the PM for a Semi-Ordinate, and BM reft, with ſeveral other Theorems =x, PM=y, the Nature of the about the Centres of Gravity of Cycloid will be expreſſed by this the cycloidal Space, &c. which he Equation, x=y . himſelf ſays, he found out before the 3. The Cycloidal Space, or the Year 1658. Space ABCD contain'd under the We learn from the Preface of Dr. Curve of the Cycloid and the Baſe, Wallis's Treatiſe of the Cycloid, is the Triple of the generating that Mr. Paſcal, in the Year 1658, Circle. propoſed publickly at Paris, altho 4. The Length of any Arch AP, without any Name, the two fol- of a Cycloid, is equal to four times lowing Problems as a Challenge, to the verſed Sine of half the Arch be ſolved by the Mathematicians a H, of the generating Circle be- of Europe, with a Reward of twenty tween the deſcribing Point a and Piſtoles for fo doing ; which were the Bife of the Cycloid; whence to find the Dimenſion of any Seg- the Length of the whole Cycloid is ment of the Cycloid cut off by a equal to four times the Diameter of right Line parallel to the Baſe, and the generating Circle. the Solid generated by the Rotation Some of the French (amongſt whom of the fame about the Axis, and is Mr. Paſcal) will have this Curve about the Baſe of that Segment. to be firſt taken notice of, and pro- Which ſet the Doctor upon writing poſed to the Confideration of the the faíd Treatiſe upon that Curve, Geometricans of trofe times by being a much better and compleat Father Merſennus in the Year 1615. piece than any Authors who wrote up- But Torricellius, (in Lib de Motu on the Cycloid before him : fop he Gravium, publiſh'd Ann. 1644.) ſays gives the Surfaces of the Solids gene- Galilæo mention'd it 45 Years be- rated by the Rotation of the cycloidal fore, viz. Anno 1599. -Torricellius Space about its Axis, and about its firſt ſhew'd the cycloidal Spice to Biſe, and other Determinations of be three times the generating Cir- the Centres of Gravity, &c. Here cle (tho' Mr. Paſcal will have Mr. he ſays too, that Sir Chriſtopher Roberval to be the firſt) The Wren, Anno 1658, was the firſt who Solid generated by the Rotation of found out a right Line equal to the that Space about its Baſe to the Curve of the Cycloid ; and Ms. circumſcribing Cylinder to be as 5 Huygens in his Horolog. Oſcillar, to 8.- About the Tangent parallel mentions himſelf as the firft Inventor to the Baſe, as 7 to 8. --- About the of the Segment of a Cycloidal Tangent parallel to the Axis, as 3 Space, made by drawing a right to 4.- He alſo ſays, that he could line parallel to the Bale at the tell the Ratio of the Solid generated Diſtance of the Axis of the Curve by the Rotation of the cycloidal from the Centre, being equal to a Space about its Axis to the circum- right-lind Space, viz. to a regular. Hexagon C.Y L C Y L 1 6 Hexagon inſcribed in the generating Cylinder is called a right one ; but Circle, whoſe Demonſtration is to if not, an oblique or ſcalene one. be ſeen in Wallis's ſaid Treatiſe. 1. The Section of every Cylinder There are ſeveral other Authors by a Plane oblique to its Baſe, is an who ſpeak of the Cycloid, as Mr. Ellipfis. Farnat, Mr. Bernoulli, here and 2. The Superficies of a right Cy- there in the Asta Eruditorum, Mr. linder is equal to the Periphery of de la Hire, &c. too many to men- the Baſe, multiplied into the Length tion; and in the Memoirs of the of its side. Royal Academy of Sciences at 3. The Solidity of a Cylinder is Paris, Ann. 1706, you have the equal to the Area of its Baſe, mul- Doctrine of Cycloids, or rather tiplied into its Altitude Epicycloids, generated by Curves 4. Cylinders of the ſame Baſe, revolving upon themſelves.- This and ſtanding between the ſame Pa- is the Curve that the Centre of Of- rallels, are equal. cillation of a Pendulum moving in, 5. Every Cylinder is to a Sphe- will deſcribe any Arches of it all roid inſcrib'd in it, as 3 to 2. in the ſame time, and a Body falling 6. If the Altitudes of two right in it from any given Point above to Cylinders be equal to the Diame. another (not exactly) under it, will ters of their Baſes, thoſe Cylinders come to this point, in a leſs time are to one another as the Cubes of than in any other Curve, paſſing the Diameters of their Baſes. thro? thoſe two Points. CYLINDRICAL SPECULUM, is CYGNUS, the Swan, a Conſtel- a Cylinder of poliſh'd Metal ; be- lation in the Northern Hemiſphere. ing either convex or concave. CYLINDER. . If any indefinite The Images of formous Objects, right Line Sz, being without the ſeen by the Reflexion of the Sur- Plane of the Circle V XY, moves face of a convex cylindrick Specu. about the Circumference of that lum, are render'd deformed ; and Circle always parallel to itſelf, until vice verſa the Images of deformed Objects appear formous ; ſo that a S SI Figure altogether confuſed, ſeeming to be drawn without any manner of x Intent, being placed horizontally near one of theſe Cylinders, will appear in the Surface of the Cylin- der the Face of a Man, or any other formous Figure. But then the con- VOY Y fuſed Figure muſt be firſt drawn ac- ZX cording to Art. If parallel Rays fall after ſuch a it be returned to the ſame Place manner in the Superficies of a con- from whence it went, then the inde- cave Cylinder, as to cut its Axis at finite Solid contain'd under the right Angles, and their Inclination Bafe or Circle V XY, and the Sun to the Speculum be leſs than fixty perficies generated after this man- Degrees; after the Reflection, they ner by the right Line SZ, is cal- will be united in a right Line, pa- led a Cylinder, and the ſaid Super- rallel to the Axis, being at a Di- ficies is called the Superficies of it ; ftance lefs than one fourth Part of and if the Line SZ be perpendicu- the Diameter. lar to the Plane of the Baſe, the The Rays AB, AD, which, from the tu 2l x 1 vby Zix DAC DAY the fame Point A of the Axis, fall DADO, a Term in Architecture, in the ſame Periphery H I of a con- uſed by ſome Writers for a Dye, being the part in the middle of the Pedeſtal of a Column, between its F Baſe and the Cornice. DAILY MOTION of a Planet. H I See Diurnal Motion. DARKENBD Room. This is the fame as Camera Obſcura ; being a Room darkened all but in one licele Hole, having a Convex-glaſs in it А to tranſmit the Rays of outward Objects to a Piece of paper, or white Cloth in the Room. DARK TENT, by ſome Writers, is the Name of a ſmall portable Ca- cave Cylinder, after the Reflexion, mera Obſcura. are united in the Point F, fo far di- DATA, is the Term, in Mathe- ſtant from C, the Centre of the matics for ſuch Things or Quanti- Çircle, in the Periphery whereof the ties as are given or known, in order Reflection is made, as the radiating to find out other things thereby, Point A is diſtant from it. which are unknown. CYMATIUM, a Member of Ar- Davis's QUADRANT, the com- chitecture ; whereof there are two mon Sea-Quadrant, or Back-ftaf. forts, viz. the Doric and the Lesbic. Day, is either natural or artis; The Doric is a Member that has a ficial. Concavity leſs than a Semi-circular DAY (NATURAL,) is the Space one, and a Projecture equal to half of Time determind by the Motion the Altitude. The Lesbic is both of the Sun round the Earth in concave and convex, having the twenty-four Hours, and begins at Projecture equal to half the Alti- twelve at Night. DAY (ARTIFICIAL,) is the CYNOSURA, a Conſtellation con- Time between the Sun's Riſing and Gfting of ſeven Stars, being other. Setting. The Length of this varies wiſe called Urſa Minor. in different Places of the Earth ; Cypher, or nought, noted thus, for under the Equinoctial the Arti- (0); is that which being put beficial Days are but twelve Hours fore a Figure, fignifies nothing, (un- long, and under the Poles they are lefs in Decimals, where it augments, half a Year. þeing put before, in the ſame pro Civil, becauſe it is by divers Na- The Natural Day is alſo called portion, as when put after Integers.) But after a Figure, it increaſes it by tions reckon'd divers ways. The tens; and ſo on, ad infinitum. Babylonians began to account their Day from the Sun-riſing : The Jews and Athenians from the Sun- fetcing, whom the Italians now fol- D. low, beginning their firſt Hour at Sun-Set, The Egyptians began at ACTYLONOMY, the Midnight, as we account the Aſtro- Art of numbering on the nomiçal Day ; but the Umbri began Fingers. tude. D at Noon. DECAGON, D E C D E C 1 1 DECAGON, in Geometry, is a Value of them decimally, as 2, 20,,, plane Figure of ten Sides, and ten '30, & C. ſo when ſet on the left Angles ; and if all the Sides are Hand of Decimal Fractions, they equal, and all the Angles, it is cal-. decreaſe the Value decimally, as : 5 led a regular Decagon; and it may .05 .005 &c. But ſet on the left be inſcrib'd in a Circle. Hand of Integers, or on the right Hand of Decimal Fractions, they fignify nothing, but only to fill up void Places. Thus, . 5000 or 2005. is buts Units. B Arithmetical Operations may be perform'd vafly ſooner by Decimal А Fractions than by Vulgar Fractions, becauſe the Denominators being o- mitted, the Rules of Addition, Sub- traction, Multiplication, and Divi- of as Decagon inſcribd in a Circle, and Numbers, regård being had to the it be continued out to C, fo that Pointing, which is eaſy: Yet, by BC=AD, then will AB:BC :: theſe, Operations will not always come out exactly true ; but you BC:AC. If y be the Radius of a Circle, may, come as near the Truth as poſſible, by bringing out niore Fi- then will vag2 1r, cr gures. DECIMAL SCALES, are, in ge- is to be the side of a neral, any Scales upon a ſquare Rule, that are divided decimally, Decagon infcrib'd in that Cirele. being Scales of Money, Weights, If the Side of a regular Decagon Meaſures, made from Tables bear- be 1, the Area thereof will be nearly ing thoſe Names, and ſerve readily: 8 69 ; whence as 1 to 8.69, fo is by Inſpection only, to fhew you the pearly the Square of the side of any Decimal Fraction that proporly given Decagon to the Area of that belongs to any part of Money, Decagon. Weight, or Meaſure, &c. DECIMAL FRACTIONS, DECLINATION (APPARENT,) ſuch that have 19, 100, 1000, is the Diſtance of the apparent 10000,&c. for their Denominator ; Place of a Planet from the Equi- as, 146, 783, 8c, and noctial. the Numerators, for Brevíty and DECLINATION of the S117or Conveniency fake, are commonly any Star, or Point of the Heavens, expreſs'd by a Point, or Comma, is its Diftance from the Equator, fet on the left Hand thereof, thus, meaſar'd in the Arch of a great is is on - 34 is and · 346 is Circle, perpendicular to the Eqtza- So, the Denominators being tor. R:SO's Place :: S. greateſt amicred. Declination. S. of his preſent De- Regiomontanus was the first that clination. aſed Decimal Fractions in the Con The greateſt Declination of the firection of the Tables of Sines, it- Sun, or of the Feliptic, was brf, as bout A. D. 3464. we know of, obſerved by Pyrhsas, at As Cyphers' fet on the right Mafilia, about three hundred and Hand of Integers do increaſe the twnty-fow Years before Chrift;who obferring 2 are DEC D E F obſerving that the Height of a Line, like a fiducial Edge, to cut Gnomon was to the Shadow of it, the Degrees of the Limb: For'at when the Sun was in the Meridian, any time when the Sun ſhines, by ás, 3195!] to 90000, from thence having the Hour of the Day, you concluded the Sun's greateſt Decli- may, get the . Declination of any nation to be 23 deg. 52 min. 41 Wall or Plane by this Inſtrument. fec. And Gajendus found the Sol DECLINING Erect-DIALS, ftitial Shadow of the ſame Length, are thoſe whoſe Planes do ſtand as it had been obſerved by Pytheas, perpendicular to the Horizon, and near two thouſand Years before : decline, that is, do not face directly And ſo he concluded, that the Sun's the four Cardinal Points. See E- greateſt Declination, or that of the RECT Declining DIALS. Ecliptic, is conſtant. But from a DECLINING ERECT - PLANES. compariſon of the ſeveral Obſerva- See Ereet Declining Planes, tions concerning this matter, the 1. Becauſe the Diſtance of the Sun's greateſt Declination is com- Sun from the Centre of the Earth monly accounted 23 deg. 30 min. is ſo vaſtly remote, that all Points DECLINATION of the Sea-Com- of the Superficies of the Earth may paſs, or of the Needle, is its Varia- be taken as if they were in the Cen- tion from the true Meridian of any tre, the Styles of all Dials may be Place. See concerning this in Mr. conceived as Parts of the Axis of Lowthorp's Abridgment of the Phin the Earth paſſing thro’ the Centre loſophical Tranſaktions, Vol. 2. chap. of the Earth. 4. pag. 607. & feq. And in Fa. . 2. The Extremity of the Style of ther Noel's Obſervationes Mathem. all Dials may be taken for the Cen- & Phyfic. cap. 8. p. 108. & feqq. tre of the Earth. DECLINATION (TRUE,) is the 3. The Hour-Lines drawn upon Diſtance of the true Place of a all Dial-Planes, are the common Planet from the Equator. Sections of Hour-Circles of the DECLINATION of a Wall, or Sphere with the Dial-Planes. Plane for Dials, is an Arch of the The Equinoctial Circle upon all Horizon, contained either between Dial-Planes, will be a ſtraight Line, the Plane and the prime vertical and the Parallels of Declination will Circle, if you reckon it from che be the Conic Sections. Eaſt or Weſt; or elſe between the DecussATION, a Term in Op- Meridian and the Plane, if you ac tics, fignifying the croſſing of any count it from the North or South. two Lines, Rays, &c. when they DECLINATORIES, are Inſtru- meet in a Point, and then go on ments contriv'd for taking the De- ſeparately from one another. clinations, Inclinations, and Recli DEFENCES, in Fortification, are nations of Planes ; and are of ſeveral all ſorts of Works that cover and kinds. The best whereof, for tak- defend the oppoſite Poſts, as Flanks, ing the Declination, conſiſts of a Parapets, Caſemates, &c. No Mi-: {quare Piece of Braſs, or Wood, ner can be fixed to the Face of a with a Limb accurately divided into Baltion before the oppofite one be Degrees, and every fifth Minute, if ruin'd, or till the Parapet of its poſſible, having a horizontal Dial Flank be beaten down, and the moving on the Centre, made for the Cannon in all Parts that can fire Latitude of the Place it is to ſerve upon that place which is attack'd, in, and which has a ſmall bit of are diſmounted. fine Brass fixed on its Meridian DEFERENT, in the old Prole- 2 mais D E F D E G 1 A maic Syſtem, is an imaginary Circle, likewife 16, whoſe Parts 1, 2, 4, 8, which, as it were, carries about the make but 15. Body of a Planet, and is the ſame Defile, in Fortification, is a with the Excentric. ſtraight narrow Line, or Paſſage, Deficient HYPERBOLA, is a thro' which a Company of Horſe or Curve having but one Aſymptote, Foot can paſs only in File, by mak-- and two Hyperbolic Legs running ing a ſmall Front; ſo that the Ene- out infinitely next to the Afymptote my may take an opportunity to ſtop contrary ways. their March, and to charge them This Name is given to the Curves with ſo much the more Advantage, by Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Enu- in regard that thoſe in the Front meratio Linearum tertii Ordinis : and Rear cannot reciprocally come There are fix different Species of to the Relief of one another. them which have no Diameters, ex DEFINITIONS, are our firſt Con- prefled by the Equation xyy tey ceptions of things, by means where- a x3 + 6x2 +0x +d. a t3 of, they are diſtinguiſhed among being negative. When the Equa-themſelves, and from whence, what- tion ax+ = bx3 tcx? + dx tee foever things being conceived by has all its Roots real and unequal, them; the reſt are deduced. There the Curve will have an Oval joined, are two kinds of Definitions, viz. to it. If the two middle Roots are Nominal and Real. equal, the Oval will join to the DEFINITION (NOMINAL,) is Legs, and they will cut one another an Enumeration of ſuch known in ſhape of a Nooſe. If theſe Roots Things that are ſufficient for the are equal, the Nodus will be chang- diftinguiſhing of any propoſed Thing ed into a very acute Cuſp or Point. from others; as is that of a Square, If of three Roots, with the ſame if it be ſaid to be a Quadrilateral, Sign the two greateſt are equal, the Equilateral, and Rectangular Fi. Oval will vaniſh into a Point. If gure. any two Roots are imaginary, there DEFINITION (REAL,) is a dis will be only a pure Serpentine Hy- ftinct Notion of the Geneſis of a perbola, without any oval Decuf- Thing, that is, which expreſſes the ſation, Cuſp or conjugate Point ; manner how the thing can be done, and when the Terms 6 and d are or made; as is this Definition of a wanting, there will be the fixth Circle, viz. That it is deſcribed by Species. the Motion of a right Line about a There are alſo ſeven different fixed Point. Species of theſe Curves, each having DEFLECTION, is the Tendency one Diameter, expreſſed by the E of a Ship from her true Courſe, by quation aforeſaid when the Term ey reaſon of Currents, & c. which turn is wancing. According to the va- her out of her right way. But this rious Conditions of the Roots of the Word, by Dr. Hook is applied to Equation à x3 = 6*2 + 6x +d, as the Rays of Light; that is, Deflec- to their Reality, Equality, their tion of the Rays of Light is diffe- having the ſame Signs, or two of rent both from Reflexion and Re- them being imaginary. fraction, and is made towards the DEFICIENT NUMBERS, are Surface of the opacous Body per- fuch, whoſe Parts, added together, pendicularly; and this is the fame make leſs than the Integer whereof Property that Şir Iſaac Newton calls they are the Parts ; as 8, whoſe Inflection. Parts being 1, 2, 4, make but 7; DECREE, is the three hundred and A 1 D E M D EN and fixtieth Part of the Circumfe Ordnance. The common fort of rence of a Circle. It is ſubdivided them are four Inches and a quarter into fixty Parts, called Minutes, and Bore, two thouſand ſeven hundred each of them again into fixty more, Pounds Weight, ten Foot long, car- called Seconds, &c. ries a Shot of ten Pounds eleven DeLPHINUS, the Dolphin , a Ounces, is charged with ſeven Conſtellation in the Northern He- Pounds four Ounces of Powder, and miſphere, containing ten Stars. ſhoots point-blank an hundred and Dem 1-BASTION, is a Fortifica- ſeventy-five Paces. tion, having only one Face, and one Demi-CULVERING of the leaf Flank. fize, is four Inches and a quarter Demi-CANNON, Lowell, the Bore, ten Foot long, two thouſand Name of a great Gun. (The ordi- Pounds Weight. Its Charge is fix nary ones are about fix Inches Bore, Pounds four Ounces of Powder, it five thouſand four hundred Pound carries a Ball of four Inches Dia- Weight ; ſome ten; ſome eleven meter, and of nine Pounds Weight, Foot long; and carry a Shot of a- and its Level-range is an hundred bout thirty Pound Weight.) It and ſeventy-four Paces. carries point-blank an hundred and Demi-CULVERING, of the largeſt fifty-fix Paces. Its Charge of fort, is four Inches and three quar- Powder is fourteen Pound Weight. ters Bore, ten Foot and one third There are alſo two ſizes of Demi- long, three thouſand Pounds Weight. Cannon above this, which are ſome- Its Charge of Powder is eight thing larger : As the Pounds and eight Ounces, the Ball Demi-CANNON Ordinary, which is four Inches and a half Diameter, is fix Inches and a half Bore, twelve weighs twelve Pounds eleven Ounces, Foot long, weighs five thouſand fix and it ſhoots point-blank an hun- hundred Pound. Its Charge of dred and ſeventy-eight Paces. Powder is ſeventeen Pounds, eight DBMIDITION, a Note in Muſic, Ounces, carries a Shot of fix Inches being the ſame with Tierce Minor, one eighth in Diameter, whoſe See Monochord, Weight is thirty-two Pounds, and Demi-Gorge, in Fortification, the Piece ſhoots point-blank an hun- is half the Gorge or Entrance into dred and fixty-two Paces. the Baſtion, not taken directly from Demi-CANNON, of the longeſt Angle to Angle, where the Baſtion fize, is fix Inches three fourths Bore, joins to the Curtain, but from the twelve Foot long, fix thouſand Angle of the Flank to the Centre Pounds Weight Its Charge is of the Baſtion, or Angle, the two eighteen Pounds of Powder, and the Curtains would make, were they Piece ſhoots point-blank an hundred protracted to meet in the Baftion. and eighty Paces. Demi-QUAVER, the laſt Note Demi-Cross, is an Inſtrument of Time in Muſic. uſed by the Dutch to take the Al DEMONSTRATION, is the Rea. titudes of the Celeſtial Bodies at fons that are laid down for making Sea, and conſiſts of a Siaff divided the Mind aſſent to the Truth or into a Line of Tangents, and a Fallhood of a thing propoſed. Croſs-piece, or Tranſom, and has Denes, the fame with Cauda three Vanes. But we do not uſe Lucida, or Lion's Tail, a Star ſo cal- this Inſtrument, our Sea Quadrant led. Which ſee. being better. DENOMINATOR of a Fraction, is DEMI-CULVERING, A Piece of the Number or Letter below the Line: DE P DES rizon, Line. Thus 4 and b, are the De- repreſented by the Hypotheneuſe and nominators of the Fractions, and Perpendicular of a right-angled plain Triangle, the Departure will not be the Baſe of that Triangle. DENOMINATOR of any Ratio, DEPRESSION of the Pole. So is the Quotient ariſing from the Di- many Degrees as you fail or travel viſion of the Antecedent by the Con- from the Poles towards the Zenith, fequent, as, 6 is the Denominator you are ſaid to depreſs the Pole, be- of the Ratio of 30 to 5, fince 5) cauſe it comes the fame Number of 30 (6; and this is alſo called the Degrees lower, or nearer to the Ho. Exponent of the Ratio. DENSITIES of Bodies, is their DESCANT, in Muſic, ſignifies the Thickneſs; and a Body is ſaid to Art of compoſing in ſeveral Parts, be denſer, when it contains more and is threefold, viz. Plain, Figu- Matter under the ſame Bulk than rative, and Double. another Body. DESCANT (DOUBLE) is when The Denifities of any two Bodies the Parts are ſo contrivd, that the are in a Ratio. compounded of the Treble may be made the Baſs; and, direct Ratio of their Quantities of on the contrary, the Baſs the Treble. Matter, and the reciprocal Ratio of DESCANT (FIGURATIVE, or their Bulks. FLORID,) is 'that wherein Diſcords DENTICLES, are Ornaments in are concerned as well (tho' not fo a Cornice, cut after the manner of much) as Concords, and having all Teeth.' Theſe are particularly af. the Variety of Points, Figures, Syn- fected in the Doric Order : and the copes, Diverſities of Meaſures, and 'fquare Member whereon they are whatſoever elſe is capable of adorn- cut, is called the Denticule. ing the Compoſition. DEPARTURE, in Navigation, is DESCANT (PLAIN,) is the the Eaſting, or Weſting of a Ship, Ground-work or Foundation of the with regard to the Meridian it de- Mufical Compoſition, and wholly parted or failed from; or it is the conſiſts in the ordinary placing of Difference of Longitude between the many Chords. preſent Meridian the Ship is under, DESCENSION OBLIQUE. See and that where the laſt Reckoning Oblique Defcenfion. or Obſervation was made; and, in DESCENSION RIGHT. See all Places, except under the Equator, Right Defcenſion. it muſt be accounted according to DESCENTS, in Fortification, are the Number of Miles in a Degree the Holes, Vaults, and hollow Pla- of the Parallel the Ship is in. ces, made by undermining the The Departure, in Plain and Mer- Ground; as the Counterſcarp, or cator's Sailing, is always repreſented Covert-way; ſo that a Deſcent into by the Baſe of a Right-Angle Tri- the Moat or Ditch, is a deep dig- angle, where the Courſe is the An- ging into the Earth of the Covert- gle oppoſite to it, and the Diſtance way, in Figure of a Trench, of the Hypotheneufe. In the Plain which the upper Part is cover'd and Mercator's Chart, as Radius to with Madriers or Clays, againſt the Diſtance, fo is the Sine of the Fires, to ſecure the Paſſage into the Courſe to the Departure. Moat. But this is erroneous, except in Descent of heavy Bodies. 1. If very ſmall Diſtances; for if the Di. two Podies deſcend perpendicularly ftance and Difference of Latitude be from any unequal Heights near the Surface DES D ES Surface of the Earth, the Lengths is, as the very ſmall Arches ad, of the Lines that they deſcribe, are ae, which are equal to them. But in the duplicate Ratio of the Times theſe very ſmall Arches are in the or Velocities; and fo the Velocities ſubduplicate Ratio of their verled are as the Times. But if Bodies defcend pependi- ad cularly from any Heights whatſo- ever, then this Proportion will not hold. If AEF be a Semicircle, and F the Centre of the Earth, and a A А D B D E T ! t Sines ab, ac, that is, the Lines ab, ac, deſcribed by a deſcending Body, are in the duplicate Ratio of the Times, which is the Theorem F firſt laid down. 2. All Bodies near the Surface Body falls from any Height A above of the Earth do deſcend perpendicu- the Surface of the Earth to the larly at ſuch a rate, as that at the Places B, C, and the Lines BD, end of the firſt Second of Time CE, are drawn; as alſo the Lines they have deſcribed fixteen Fect one FD, FE, then the Times of its Inch. falling the Lengths AB, AC, will 3. The Velocity of a heavy Body be expreſs'd by the trilineal Spaces deſcending in an inclin'd Plane at FAD, FAE. the end of any given time, is to the The Lengths that a Body near Velocity that it would acquire by the Surface of the Earth deſcends in deſcending perpendicularly in the equal times, do increaſe according to ſame time, 'as the Altitude of the the odd Numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, inclin'd Plane is to its Length. &c. 4. The laſt Velocity acquired by Hence, by way of Corollary, if the direct Deſcent, is to the lait a Body falls from the Point a, the Velocity acquired in the ſame time ſmall Diſtances ab, a c, compar'd by the oblique Deſcent, as the ab- with a f the Semidiameter of the folute Gravity is to the relative Earth, the trilineal Figures Fad, Gravity of the deſcending Body. Fae, may be taken for right-angled 5. The Line deſcrib'd by the di- Triangles, whoſe Areas will bc, to rect Deſcent is to the Line defcribed one another, as the Lines bd, ce, in the ſame time by the oblique ſince the Baſe a F is common, that Deſcent, as the Length of the O Plane DES D EW ܠ Plane to the perpendicular Height In all theſe Theorems concerning of the Plane. the Deſcent of Bodies on inclined 6. If the Line deſcribed by the Planes, the Lengths of the Planes direct Deſcent be to the Line de muſt be inconſiderable, with regard. fcribed by the oblique Deſcent, as to the Semi-diameter of the Earth; the Height of the Plane to the for otherwiſe they are not true. Length of the Plane, then the 12. The Time of the Defcent Times of Deſcent ſhall alſo be in of a Body, through the Arch BC that Proportion. of a Semi-cycloid, is equal to the 7. If the Line deſcribed by the direct Deſcent be to the Line de- fcribed by the oblique Deſcent, as the Height of the Plane to the Length of the Plane, the laſt Velo BH cities ſhall be equal 8. The laſt Velocities acquir'd c upon ſeveral inclined Planes of the fame Heights, and however differ- ing in Length, are equal. Time of its Deſcent through any 9. The Time of an oblique De- other Arch A C. ſcent through any Chord of a Circle, 13. Alſo a Body will deſcend drawn from the loweſt Point of the from a given Point, as B, to a given Circle, is equal to the Time of a Point C, ſooner along the Arch BC direct Deſcent through the Diame- of a Cycloid, than along any other ter of that Circle. Curve, drawn through the Points 10. If a Body deſcends from the B,C. Point A through any Number of 14. If Water runs out through a ſmall Hole, made in the bottom of AN E a parabolic Conoid, the Surface of the Water will deſcend equal Spaces in equal Times. 15. If a Body be thrown down- B wards in a refifting Medium, with ſuch a Velocity as fhall make the Refiftance of the Medium equal to the Acceleration of Gravity, it will afterwards move on, or deſcend with an uniform Motion. 16. The Velocity of a Body de- fcending by its own Weight, in a inclin'd Planes, AB, BC, CD, it refifting Medium, is always leſs will acquire the ſame Velocity at than that Velocity that produces the Point D, in the End of its Fall, the uniform Motion ; but conti- as though it fell from the Point E nually approaches to it. of equal · Height with A, in one Dew, are little Globules of Wa- continued Plane ED. ter, raiſed up from the Earth by 11. The laſt acquir'd Velocities Heat, which, for a while, ſwim up of a Body, deſcending to the loweſt and down in the Air; and when Point of a given Circle, through ſeveral of them convene into Drops, different Chords, fhall be as thoſe by means of Cold, they then fall Chords. down again to the Earth. LIO 1 D DE- 3 DIA DIA DESCRIBENT, a Term in Geo DIA DROME. This is the ſame metry, fignifying a Line or Super- with Vibration, or the Swing of a ficies, that by means of the Motion Pendulum. of it, a Superficies or Solid is de DIAGONAL, is a ſtraight Line ſcribd. drawn a-croſs a Figure, from one DIACOUSTICS, or DIAPHO- DIAPHO. Angle to another, and is called a NICS, is the Confideration of the Diameter by fome. Theſe are Properties of refracted Sound, as it chiefly in quadrilateral Figures. paſſes through different Mediums. As the Lines AC, BD, are the But the Diagonals of the Parallelogram DIACOUSTIC Curve, or the ABCD. Couſtic by Refraction, is generated Every Diagonal, as A C, divides thus : If you imagine an infinite a Parallelogram into two equal Parts, Number of Rays, B A, BM, BD, or Triangles, ABC, ADC. I HI В A DIE A F E D N с Two Diagonals AC, BD, of e. very Parallelogram, do mutually bif- fect each other, as in the Point E. DIAGONAL SCALE, See Scales. DIAGRAM, is a Scheme for the M Deſignation, or Demonſtration of any Figure. t DIAL, or Sun-Dial, is the De- ſcription of Lines upon a given Plane, or on the given Superficies of any Body, after ſuch a manner, that the Shadow of a Gnomon, or the Rays of the Sun, tranſınitted through fome Hole, or reflected from a very little reflecting Sub- B ſtance, ſhall touch given Lines at a given Hour. And the manner of &c. iſſuing from the ſame luminous this Deſcription is called Dialing. Point B, to be refracted to or from The firſt Sun-Dial that was ſet up the Perpendicular MC, by the gi- at Rome, was by Papyrius Curſus, , ven Curve AMD; and ſo, that about the 447th Year of the City, CE, the Sines of the Angles of In on the Temple of Quirinus ; but it cidence CM E be always to OG, went not right. went not right. And about thirty the Sines of the refracted Angles Years afterwards, M. Valerius Meja OMG in a given Ratio, the Curve fala brought another out of Sicily, HFN, which touches all the re and ſet it up upon a Pillar near the fracted Rays AH, MF, DN, &c. Rofiram. But this went not righe is called the Diacouſtic, or Couftic neither, becauſe not made for the by Refraction. Latitude of Rome. But about eleven 02 Years DIA DIA Years after there was one ſet up, that DIALLING GLOBE, is an In- went more exact. ſtrument of Braſs, or Wood, with a The Invention of Sun-Dials are Plane fitted to the Horizon, and an by ſome attributed to Anaximenes ; Index particularly contrived, to and by fome to Thales. And Vi- give a clear Demonſtration of that truviuss among the various kinds of Art. Dials he mentions, ſays, That Be DIALLING LINEs, or Scales, rolus the Chaldean invented one are ſuch divided Lines; as being put upon a reclining Plane, nearly paral- on Rulers, or the Edges of Qua- lel to the Equinoctial. drants, and other ſuch like Inftru- There are a great many Authors ments, ſerve to ſhorten the Buſineſs who have wrote upon Dialling. of Dialling. Some of which are,-Vitruvias, in DIALLING SPHERE, is an In- his Architecture, cap. 4. 6° 7. lib.9. ſtrument made of Braſs, with feveral Sebaſtian Munfter, his Horologra- Semi-circles ſliding over one an- phia.- John Dryander de Horologio- other, upon a moveable Horizon, to rum varia Compoſitione.- Conrade demonſtrate the Nature of ſpherical Gefner's Pande&ta. Andrew Scho. Triangles, and to give the true Idea ner's Gnomonicæ. Fred. Comman- of drawing Dials on all ſorts of dine de Horologiorum Deſcriptione. - Planes. Joan. Bapt. Benedi&tus de Gnomonum Diameter of a Circle, is a right Umbrarumque Solarium Ufu.-- Cla- Line that paſſes through the Centre vius's Gnomonices de Horologiis-a of the Circle, and is both ways ter- Joannes Georgius Schomberg, Exegeſis minated by the Circumference, and Fundamentorum Gnomonicorum. does divide the Circle into two equal Traité des HorologesSolaires, by Solomon Parts. de Caus.-Joan.Bapt.Trolta's Praxis DIAMETER of a Curve, is a Horologiorum. Defargues's Maniere right Line, as AC, that biffects Univerſelle pour poſer l'Elieu & pla- the right Lines DE, DE, drawn cer les Heures & autres choſes aux Cadrans Solaires. Ath. Kircher's А Ars magna Lucis & Umbræ,- Ley- bourn's Art of Dialing,--Ozanam's B Dialing. Hallum's Explicatio Ho D E rologii in Horto Regio Londini.-Trac- tatus Horologiorum Joannis Mark.- D E La Gnomonique ou l'Art de Tracer les Cadrans, avec les Demonſtrations, by Mr. de la Hire.- Wells's Art of Shadows. parallel to one another ; and are DIAL (CYLINDRICAL,) is a either of a finite or infinite Length. Dial upon the Convex Superfi Altho' a right Line biffecting all cies of a Cylinder, where the parallel Lines drawn from one Point Hour-Lines are Curves, drawn by of a Curve to another, is taken in a means of the Sun's ſeveral Altitudes ſtrict ſenſe only for the Diameter of every Day that he enters into the a Curve Line, yet it may not be a- Beginnings of the Signs ; and the miſs more generally to define a Di- Hour of the Day is ſhewn by the ameter, in ſaying, that it is that Extremity of the Shadow of a Stile, Line, whether Right or Curve, ſtanding at right Angles to the Sur- which biſſects all the Parallets drawn face of theCylinder at the top thereof. from one Point to another of a Curve of D JA DI G Curve ; fo that according to this, are allow'd for the Intercolumna- every Curve will have a Diameter. tion. And thence Sir Iſaac Newton's DIATESSARON, a Term in Mu- Curves of the ſecond Order, have all fic, being otherwiſe called a perfeet either a right-lin'd Diameter, or Fourth, and fignifies an_Interval, elſe the Curves of ſome one of the conſiſting of one greater Tone, one Conic Sections for Diameters. And leſſer, and one greater Semi-Tone, many Geometrical Curves of the If the Tenfion of two Strings of higher Orders, may alſo have for equal bigneſs be as 3 to 4, they Diameters Curves of more inferiour will found a Diatefaron. ones, and that ad infinitum. DIATONIC, a Term ſignifying DIAMETER CONJUGATE in the the ordinary ſort of Muſic, which Ellipfis. See Conjugate Diameter. proceeds by different Tones, either DIAMETER of Gravity, in any in aſcending or deſcending. It con- Surface or Solid, is that Line in tains only the two greater and leſ- which the Centre of Gravity is fer Tones, and the greater Semi- placed. Tone. DIAMETER PRINCIPAL. See Diesis in Muſic, is the Diviſion Principal Diameter, of a Tone below a Semi-Tone, or DIAMETEĘ TRANSVERSE. See an Interval compoſed of a leſſer and Tranſverſe Diameter. imperfect Semi-Tone. So that when DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSITE, Semi-Tones are placed where there is when two things are the moſt ought to be Tones, or when a oppoqte to one another that they Tone is ſet where there ſhould can be ; as one End of the Diame be only a Semi-Tone, this is called ter of a Circle is to the other. Diefs. DIAPASON, a Term in Muſic, Diesis (ENHARMONICAL,) is being a Chord including all Tones, the difference between the greater and is the ſame with what we call and lefler Semi-Tones. an Eighth, or an Oitave, becauſe DIFFERENCE, is the Exceſs there are but feven Tones, or Notes, whereby one Magnitude exceeds an- and then the eighth is the fame other. again as the firſt. DifferENCE of Aſcenſion. See If the Tenfion of two equal Aſcenſional Difference. Strings be to each other, as, i to 2, DIFFERENCE of Longitude of two their Tones will produce an Oétave. Places of the Earth, is an Arch of DIAPENTĘ, or perfect Fifth, is the Equator contained betwcen the the ſecond of the Concords making Meridians of thoſe two Places. an Oétave with the Diate/aron. DIFFERENTIAL of any Quantity If the Tenſion of two equal amounts to the ſame as the Fluxion Strings be as 3 to 2, then they will of that Quantity. This Word is found a Diapente. not uſed by us. DIAPHANOUS BODY, or Medi DIFFUSION, commonly ſignifies um, is that through which the Rays the diſperſing of the ſubtle Exuvia of Light freely paſs; as is Glais, of Bodies into a kind of Atino- Air, Water, the Humours of the ſphere all round them. DIGIT, in Aſtronomv, is the D,1A STYLE, is a ſort of Edifice, twelfth Part of the Diameter of the where the Pillars ftand at ſuch a Sun or Moon, and is uſed to expreſs diſtance from one another, that the Quantity of an Eclipſe. three Diameters of their thickneſs Dicits, or Monades, a Term in Arth- Eye, &c. O 3 DIO DIO 1 / to- Arithmetic, which fignifies any In- (Curve or right-lin'd, Concave or teger under 10; as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Convex, Spherical, or otherwiſe, 7, 8, 9. and theſe greater or leſſer) of the DILATATION, ſignifies a thing Glaſs or Water ; by which means taking up more Space than it did the Objects ſeen thro' them, do, in before. appearance, alter their Magnitude, DIMENSION, in Geometry, is Diſtance and Situation. either Length, Breadth, or Thick The Ancients have treated of di- neſs ; as, a Line hath one Dimen- rect and reflected Viſion ; but what fion, viz. Length; a Superficies two, we have of reflected Viſion, is very viz. Length and Breadth ; and a lame and imperfect. Joannes Bap- Body or Solid has three, viz Length, tifla Porta, in a Treatiſe of Refrac- Breadth, and Thickneſs. This Word tion, in nine Books, has endeavoured is alſo uſed with regard to the Powers at rendring this Doctrine more per- of the Roots of an Equation, which fect; but without any tolerable are called the Dimenſions of that Root: Succeſs. The firſt who wrote As in a cubic Equation the higheſt lerably well upon Dioptrics, was Power has three Dimenſions. Kepler, who has demonſtrated the DIMETIENT. The ſame with Properties of ſpherical Lens's very Diameter. accurately, in a Treatiſe firſt pub- DIMINISHED ANGLE, a Term liſhed anno 1611.----After Kepler, in Fortification. See Angle. Gallilæo has given ſomething of this DIMINUTION, in Muſic, is no Doctrine in his Letters; as alſo the thing elle but the abating ſomething Examination of the Preface of Jo- of the full Value or Quantity of any hannes Pena upon Euclid's Optics, concerning the Uſe of Optics in DIOPTER, the ſame with the Aſtronomy. Deſcartes alſo pub- Index or Alhidada of an Aſtrolabe, liſhed a Treatiſe of Dioptrics, com- or ſuch-like inſtrument, monly annexed to his Principles of DIOPTRICS, is the Science of Philoſophy, wherein is the true Law refracted Viſion; or it is that Part of Refraction found out by Snell; of Cptics, which treats of the dif- but the Name of the Inventor ſup- ferent Refiactions of Light, in its preſs'd, and the true Manner of Paſage through different Nicdiums, Viſion more diſtinctly explain'd than 3.5 Air, Watci, Glaſs, E c. by any before him. Herein is laid Dioptrics is one of the moſt uſe- down the Properties of elliplical and ful and pleaſant Sciences thac Man hyperbolical Glaffes, and the Praxis ever had to do with, reſtoring of grinding Glaſſes.--Dr. Barrow the biind to Sight with very little has treated of Dioptrics in a moft e- eaſe, and at a very ſmall expence, legant manner, altho' ſomewhat too bringing vallly remote Objects, as briefly, in his Optical Lectures, read well as very ſmall oncs, witảin the formerly at Cambridge. There is reach of the Eye, affording, both Mr Huygens's Dioptrics, a perfect Pleaſure and Amazement, which on Work of its kind.. Molyneux's therwiſe would never have been ſo Dioptrics, a heavy dull Piece, altho' much as thought of; and all this by it may be uſeful to ſome. Mr. means of the wonderful attractive Hartſoeker's French Eſſay of Diop- Power in Glaſs and Water, cauſing trics.-Father Cherubin's Dioptrique 'the Rays of Light in their Paffage Oculaire, and La Vifion parfaite. - thro' them to alter their Courle, Dr. David Gregory's Elements of accordirg to the different Surfaces Dioptrics.- Traber's Nes vus Opti- note, er CILS ! DIR DIR, cus.-Zahr's Oculus Artificialis Tele- upon Planes, that directly face the dioptricus. Dr. Smith's Optics, a Eaſt and Weſt, or are parallel to compleat Work, of its kind. the Meridian of the Place. Wolfius's Dioptrics, contain'd in his Theſe Dials Mew the Hour but Elementa Matheſeos Univerſalis. from Sun-riſing to Noon, or from DIPPING NEEDLE. If a mag- Noon to the Sun-ſetting; and the netical Needle be duly poiſed about Hour-Lines are all parallel to one an horizontal Axis, it will have a another, and at Diſtances from the Direction of Altitude above the Ho- Hour-Line of fix, that are equal rizon, beſides its Direction towards to the natural Tangents of the De- the North, in an horizontal Pofi- grees in the ſeveral Hours. tion, always pointing to a determi In theſe Dials the Style is paral. nate Degree of Altitude or Eleva- lel to the Plane, ftands upon the tion, above the Horizon, in this or Hour-Line of Six, and its Height or that Place reſpectively. It is now Diſtance from the Plane is equal to called a Dipping Needle. And Mr. the Diſtance of the Hour-Line of Whiſton of late has endeavour'd to Nine, from the Hour-Line of Six, or diſcover the Longitude by it. to the Radius of the ſaid Line of DIPTERON, in Architecture, a Tangents, being the Diſtances of the Name which the Ancients attribu- Hour-Lines from the Hour-Line of ted to thoſe Temples, which were Six. encompaſſed with a double Row of It is very eaſy to draw one of Pillars, making two Porticos, which theſe Dials for a given Latitude: For they called Wings; but we com- having drawn the horizontal Line monly call them iples. AB, and the right Line AK from DIRÉCT, in Aftronomy. A any Point A thereof,, making the Planet is faid to be direct when it Angle BAK equal to the Comple- goes forward by its proper Motion ment of the Latitude, with the in the Zodiac, according to the Suc- Radius D E deſcribe a Circle, and ceſſion of the Signs ; or when it ap- thro' the Centre D draw EC per- pears ſo to do to an Obſerver ſtand- pendicular to AK; ſo that the ing upon the Earth. Circle may be divided into Quan DIRECT Erect EAST and drants, and divide each of the West DIALs, are Dials drawn Quadrants into fix equal Parts, and altet D riin! F 8 Hostel E I $ B Gi of from DIR DIR from the Centre D to the Points of 4, 4. 5;5. 6,6. &c. to E C; and Diviſion draw the right Lines D 4, theſe Parallels will be the Hour- D 52 D6, D7, D8, D 9, D 10, Lines. A Weſt Dial is drawn after Dú, and thro' the Points 4, 5, 6, the fame manner as appears in Fig. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; draw Parallels 2. repreſenting a Weſt Dial. L OOTD o K I 1 G A B DIRECT ERECT South, or makes an Angle with the ſame, e- NORTH DIALs, are Dials drawn qual to the Complement of the Ele- upon Planes that direetly face the vation of the Pole; that of the South or North, or are parallel to South Dial facing downwards, and the prime vertical Circle, or to the that of the North upwards. vertical Circle cutting the Horizon North Dials are but of little uſe ; in the Eaſt and Weſt Points. for from the time of the Autumnal The Sun ſhines upon the South Equinox to the Vernal one, the Dial of this kind, at the time of Sun does not ſhine upon them ; but the Equinox, juft twelve Hours, or at the Vernal Equinox it begins to from its Riſing to its Setting. For ſhine upon them, and as the Days which reaſon there are twelve Hour- increaſe, it ſhines longer and longer. Lines drawn upon it : But as the Some few Hours from its Riſing in Days increaſe in Summer, the Sun the Morning, to a certain time be- ſhines á leſs time upon them; that fore Noon, and from a certain time is, he comes on the Dial after Six after Noon to its Setting, and the in the Moming, and goes off it be- time after Six in the Morning of its fore Six in the Evening; and the going off, will be equal to the Proportion for finding the Time of time of its coming on after Six in its coming on after Six, or going off the South-Dial, or any given Day before Six, will be as Radius to the in Summer; and the time of its Tangent of the Latitude, ſo is the coming on again in the Afternoon Tangent of the Sun's Declination will be equal to the time of its go- to the Sine of a certain Number of ing off on the South-Dial. Degrees, which reduced into Time As the Radius is to thc Co-fine will be that fought. of the Latitude, ſo is the Tangent The Style of theſe Dials ftands of the Angle, that any Hour-Line upon the Hour-Line of twelve, and makes with the Hour-Line of twelve DIR DIR twelve, to the Tangent of the plane cal, AZPD the Meridian, PR Angle, that that Hour-Line makes the Hour-Line of Six, and Axis of the with the Hour-Line of twelve. World in a given Latitude BP, and If A B be the Horizon, EF the RSP be any Hour-Circle ; then in Equinoctial, DZ the prime Verti- the ſpherical Triangle QZ P right- angled at 2, the Side Ze will re- Z preſent the right-lin'd Angle made by that Hour-Line, with the up- E P right Meridian upon the Plane of a South or North Dial ; ſo that to find the ſeveral Hour-Angles, you have given in that ſpherical Tri- A Bangle, the Angle ZPV, and the V Side ZP, the Complement of the Latitude, to find the Side ZQ. South or North Dials may be drawn geometrically, thus : Draw R the upright Line A B for the Me- ridian or Hour-Line of 12, and D S F A high d H YA VITI 8 B F 1/0 11 12 1 2 3 H d h Ġ C B 16 A taking DIR DIS, taking any convenient Diſtance AC, If the Height of the Pole be raiſe the indefinite Perpendicular greater than the Angle of Inclina- CD, and make the Angle CAD tion, then the North Pole is ele- equal to the Complement of the vated, and the Centre is below. Latitude of the Place the Dial is If the Height of the Pole be lef- made for; and at D make the An- ſer than the Angle of Inclination, gle EDC equal to CAD, and then the South Pole is elevated, and thro' E draw the right Line GH the Centre is above. cutting the Line A 12 at right An In direct North Incliners the gles. Make EB=ED, and with Sum of the Angles of Inclination this as a Radius deſcribe a Quadrant and Elevation of the Pole, is the of a Circle, and divide the ſame Height of the Style above the Plane, into fix equal Parts, and thro' the or Angle that the Style makes with Points of Diviſion draw the right the Plane. Lines Ba, Bb, Bc, Bd, &c. to cut Inclining and Reclining Dials are the Line GH; then right Lines not of much uſe, being only made drawn from A thro' a, b, c, d, &c. for compleating a Body of Dials : will be the Hour-Lines of 1, 2, 3, And after the Styles are rightly 4, 5. And if Ee, Ef, Eg, Eh, fixed, the beſt way of drawing the be taken reſpectively equal to Ea, Hour-Lines upon them, if the Body Eb, Ec, &c. and from A right be moveable, will be to get a good Lines be drawn thro' e, f, g, h, &c. regular Dial firſt drawn upon the theſe will be the Hour-Lines of 11, Body, and when the Sun ſhines 10, 9, 8, 7, and the Hour-Line of move it ſo, that the Shadow of the 6 will be perpendicular to A 12. Style ſucceſſively falls upon the A North Dial is drawn exactly after Hour-Lines; for then if Lines are the ſame manner, it being in reality drawn upon the Inclining and Re- only a South Dial inverted, as ap- clining Planes of the Body, along pears in the ad Figure. the Shadows of their reſpective Direct SOUTHWEST,North, Styles, they will be the ſame Hour- or East RECLINERS, are thoſe Lines that the Shadow of the Style Dials drawn upon Planes, which of the regular Dial fell upon. But face any of the Cardinal Points of if the Body be not moveable, the the Horizon. Bufineſs muſt be done, by waiting DIRECT SOUTH or NORTH till the Shadow of the Style of the INCLINING DIALs,are ſuch whoſe Dial has gone over all the Hour- Planes incline to the Horizon, and lie Lines,which may be done in one Day. directly open to the South or North. DIRECT Ray, in Optics, is the DIRECT SOUTH or NORTH Re- Ray proceeding from a Point of a CLINING DI Als, are ſuch whoſe viſible Object, directly to the Eye, Planes recline from the Zenith, and through one and the fame Medium. lię directly open to the South or DIRECTION, a Term in Me- Norih. chanics, wherein, by the Line of Theſe Dials are deſcribed after Direction, Direction, is always meant the the ſame manner as direct South Line of Motion, that any Body Dials, the following Rule in placing goes in, according to the Force im- the Style being only obſerved : In preſſed upon it. South Incliners the Difference of DIRECTRIX, or Dirigent, a Term the Angle of Inclination, and the in Geometry, fignifying the Line Height of the Pole is the Height of Motion, along which the deſcri- of the Style above the Plane. bent Line, or Surface, is carried in the 1 DIS DIV the Geneſis of any Plane or ſolid nance, or thereabouts, fo that a Figure. Sight-line taken upon the top of DiscoNTINUAL PROPORTION. the Baſe-Rings, againft the Touch- See Diſcrete Proportion. hole, by the Mark ſet on or near DISCORDS, in Muſic, are certain the Muzzle, may be parallel to the Intervals of Sounds, which being Axis of the Concavity of the Piece. heard at the ſame time are unplea This is commonly done, by tak- fant to the Ear; and theſe are the ing the two Diameters of the Bafe- ſecond, fourth, and feventh, with Ring, and of the place where the their Otaves, that is, all Intervals, Diſpart is to ſtand, and dividing the but thoſe few that exactly terminate Difference between them into two the Concords, are Diſcords. equal Parts, one of which will be Notwithſtanding Diſcords found the Length of the Diſpart, which unpleaſant, when heard by them - is ſet on the Gun with Wax or Pitch, ſelves, yet being artfully mixed with DISSEMINATE VACUUM. See Concords, they make the beſt Mu- Vacuum. fic: And of all the Diſcords a fe DISSONANCE, in Muſic, is a dif- cond is the moſt unpleaſant. agreeable Interval between two Discrete (or Disjunct) PRO- Tones, which, being continued to- PORTION, is when the Ratio of gether, offend the Ear. two or more Pairs of Numbers or DISTANCE, in Navigation, is Quantities is the ſame, but not con the Number of Degrees or Leagues, tinual, that is, when the Ratio of &c. that a Ship has failed from any the Confequent of one Pair of Num- given Place or Point. bers, or Quantities, to the Antece DISTANCE of the Eye, in Per- dent of the next Pair, is not the ſpective, is a Line drawn from the fame, as of the Antecedent of one Foot of the Altitude of the Eye to Pair to its Conſequent ; as 3:6 :: the Point, where a Line drawn at 8:16. are diſcrete Proportionals; right Angles to it will interſect the becauſe the Ratio of 3 to 6 is equal Object. to the Ratio of 8 to 16. But the DISTANCE of the Baſtions, in Ratio of 3 to 6, or 8 to 16, is not Fortification, is the side of the exte- the ſame as of 6 to 8. rior Polygon. DISCRETE QUANTITY, is ſuch DISTINCT Base, in Optics, is as is not continuous, and joined to- that Diſtance from the Pole of a gether; as Numbers, whoſe Parts Convex Glaſs, in which Objects be- being diftinct Units cannot be unit- held through it appear diftinétly, ed into one Continuum ; for in a and well defined, and is what is 0- Continuum there are no actual de- therwiſe called the Focus. terminate Parts before Diviſion ; DistincT VISION. See Vifion. but they are potentially infinite. Dirone, a double Tone, or the DISDIAPASON, a Term in Muſic, greater Third, is an Interval in Mu- being a double eighth or fifteenth. fic, which comprehends two Tones. Disk of the Moon, or any Planet, If the Tenfion of two equal is the Circle made by cutting it Strings be as 4 to 5, or as 5 to 6, thro' the Centre by a Plane perpen. they will found a Ditone,' or a Se- dicular to a Line drawn from the mi-ditone. Earth or Sun. Divergent POINT. See Ver- Dispart, a Term in Gunnery, tical Focus. ſignifying the ſetting a Mark upon DIVERGENT (or Diverging) the Muzzle Ring of a Piece of Ord- RAYS, in Optics, are thoſe Rays, that, DI V DI V that, iſſuing from a Point of a vi- in a long time, and yet continually fible object, are diſperſed, and con- fill a very large Space with qdoria ţinually depart from one another, ferous Particles. according as they are removed from Dr. Keil in his Vera Phyfica, the Object. Ļect. 5. has been at the pains to DIVERGING PARABOLA. See calculate the Magnitude of a Par- Parabola Diverging: ticle of Afa Fætida, which will be Dividend, in Arithmetic, is the rooftog of a Cubic Number that is to be divided into Inch. And in the fame Lecture he equal Parts by another Number. ſhews, that the Particles of the DIVISIBILITY, is that Diſpo- Blood in the Animalculæ, that are ſition of a Body, whereby it is con- obſerved in Fluids by means of Mi- ceived to have Parts, into which it croſcopes, muſt be leſs than that may actually or mentally be di- Part of a Cubic Inch which is ex- vided. preſſed by a Fraction, whoſe Nume- Body is diviſible in infinitum ; rator is 8, and Denominator Unity that is, you cannot conceive any with thirty Cyphers after it. Part of its Extenſion, ever ſo ſmall, DIVISION, one of the four Rules but that ſtill there may be a ſmal- of Arithmetic, is the finding of a ler. Number or Quantity ſuch, from There are no ſuch Things as two given Numbers or Quantities, Parts infinitely ſmall; but yet the that it ſhall be to one of the Num- Subtility of the Parts of ſeveral Bo-bers or Quantities, as Unity is to dies is ſuch, that they very much the other. furpaſs our Conception. And there Division of Numbers, is only a are innumerable Inſtances in Nature compendious Subtraction; for ſince of ſuch Parts, that are actually ſe- the Diviſor is ſo many times con- parated one from another. tained in the Dividend as there are 1. Mr. Boyle mentions a filken Units in the Quotient, therefore con- Thread, that was three hundred tinually ſubtracting the Diviſor Yards long, which weighed but two from the Dividend, and accounting Grains and a half. an Unit for each Time, the Sum 2. He alſo ſaid, that fifty ſquare of theſe Units is the Quotient. Inches of Leaf Gold weighed but 1. One whole Number may be one Grain. Now, if an Inch in divided by another, by the follow- Length be divided into two hundred ing Rule: 1. Set a Point under the Parts, the Eye may diſtinguiſh them lait of the Left-hand Places in the all. Therefore, in one ſquare Inch Dividend, out of which the Diviſor there are forty thouſand viſible Parts; may be taken, and the Number of and in one Grain of Gold there are Places in the Dividend to the right two Millions of ſuch Parts; which of that point incluſive gives the may be yet further divided. Number of Places of the Quotient; 3. A whole Ounce of Silver may as if 1096 825 were to be di- of , which is afterwards drawn out into vided by 365. I ſet a Point under 6, and not 9; becauſe I cannot get a Wire of 1300 Foot long. 365 in 109 But in 1096, 1 4. In odoriferous Bodies we can still perceive a greater Subtility of may: And ſo the Quotient will con- Parts, which are ſeparated from one fiſt of four Figures. Hence there another, for ſeveral Bodies ſcarce loſe are three Figures 825 to the right any ſenſible Part of their Weight take the Diviſor 365 out of the 2. Try how often you can firſt D I V DI V firſt Part ( 1096 ) of the Dividend, which is always perform'd without which will be always leſs than ten the Cyphers prefix'd to the Diviſor times; and ſet the Number of times and Dividend. If the Dividend has 3 in the Quotient, then multiply the not fignificant Figures enough for Diviſor thereby and ſubtract the to be divided by the Diviſor, or if Product 1095 out of the ſaid Part after the Diviſion there be a Re- 1096 of the Dividend, and ſet down mainder, you may proceed to what Remainder. 3. To the right Degree of Exactneſs you pleaſe, by of the Remainder ſet down the annexing Cyphers to the Right-hand. next Figure of the Dividend, from - The Value of the Quotient after which take the Diviſor as often as the Diviſion is ended may be found you can, ſetting down the Number by this Rule, as well as that before of times in the Quotient, multiply laid down, Conſider how many the Diviſor thereby and ſubduct the Decimal Places there are in the Di- Product as before; and in this man- vidend, for ſo many muſt there be ner the Operation muſt be repeated in the Quotient as the Dividend to the end. 4. If the Divifor has has more than the Diviſor, and to Cyphers towards the Right-hand, cauſe this, a Cypher muſt oftentimes cut off ſo many of the Right-hand be prefix'd. Places of the Dividend as there are 3. Vulgar Fractions are divided Cyphers in the Diviſor, which an- by the following Rule. Multiply nex to the Remainder when the O. the Numerator of the Dividend by peration is finish'd. the Denominator of the Divifor, 2. Diviſion of Decimal Fractions and the Product is the Numerator is the ſame, as in whole Numbers ; of the fractional Quotient; and but in finding out the true value of then inultiply the Denominator of the Quotient, it is to be obſerved, the Dividend by the Numerator of that the Diviſor being placed under the Diviſor, and the Product is the the Dividual, the Figure anſwering Denominator of the fractional Quoc it in the Quotient, mut always be tient. in a like place with that Figure in To divide one Fraction by ano- the Dividend, which is over the ther, is by the Nature of Diviſion Unit's Place of the Diviſor ; as if to find how often the Diviſor, that .0006528 were to be divided by is, how often ſuch a part of its .032. If .032 be placed under the Numerator as is exprefled by the firit Dividual :00065, it appears Denominator, is contain'd in the .0006528 Dividend. In dividing any proper thus, And the ſecond .032 Fractions by one another, the Di- Decimal Place in the Dividend, ſtànds vidend being really the Product of over the Place of Units in the Di. the Diviſor, and Quotient multi- viſor; wherefore the firſt Figure 2 plied together, will be leſs than ei- in the Quotient, muſt be in the fe- ther of them, when the Quotient cond Decimal Place, and ſo the is a proper Fraction ; or when any firit Place is to be ſupply'd with Fraction or whole Number is divid- a Cypher. See the Operation ed by a proper Fraction, the Quo- .032) .0006528 1.0204 tient will always be greater than the Dividend. 64 4. Algebraic Diviſion is perform- ed by taking to pieces what has I 28 been compounded by Multiplica- O tion; as ab divided by a gives b for I 28 DIV DI V a for the Quotient; bab divided by at 4* But when the Divifor 3b, gives 2a for the Quotient ; 16a8c3 divided by 2 ac, gives alſo conſiſts of ſeveral Terms, the 8bcc for the Quotient. But if the Divifion is performed as in Num- Quantity to be divided cannot be bers , in order to rightly perform thus reſolved by Diviſion, it is er which, the Terms of the Quantity nough, when both the Quantities to be divided, as well as of the Di- are not Fractions, to ſet down the vidend, ought to be orderly diſpoſed Divifor underneath, with a fhórt Line between them; thus ab di- . Letter, which is thought moſt con- according to the Dimenfions of ſome. venient for this purpoſe; fo that' But when vided by c, will be an thoſe ſtand in the firſt Place in the Quantities are Fractions, they which that Letter is of the moſt are divided like vulgar Fractions, as Dimenfions; and thoſe in the fe- cond, in which the Dimenſions of e divided by , will be 60. it are neareſt to the greateſt ; and ſo on to thoſe Terms which are not If a Quantity to be divided be, at all multiplied by that Letter, compounded of ſeveral Terms, its and ſo are to be laſt of all; as if Divifion is performed by applying a3 to 2 aac - aab 3 abc to bbc, each of its Terms to the Diviſor; were to be divided by qob; it as aat-4axmxx divided by a gives would ſtand thus : t-zaac ab -6) aab --- 3 abc+-bbc ( au +2ac — be aab ad 1 al a3 O + zaac-3abc 2aac2abc O-abc-t-bbc --abc+bbc O O Or thus - 6+a) (66 = 2.20 3ac ta3 obtzar (-1 tomaac taa c bb ach 2acc + - aa , te b +zaac zac , tozaac 6 ta3 aa 1 Some begin Algebraic Diviſion Quotient will be an affirmative one : from the laſt Terms ; but it comes ſo alſo, when a negative Quantity to the ſame thing, if the Diviſion is divided by a negative one, the be performed ſucceſſively. Note Quotient will be an affirmative alſo, when an affirmative Quantity Quantity. And when an affirma- is divided by an affirmative one, the tive Quantity is divided by a nega- tive 1 1 DO D DOM tive one, or a negative Quantity by by J, of the Diſtance of that Face an affirmative Quantity, the Quo- from the Centre of the Dodecahedron, tient will be a negative Quantity. which is the ſame as the Centre of Division of Proportion. If four the circumſcribing Sphere. Quantities be proportional, as a : The Side of a Dodecahedron, in- b::c:d. then the Affumption of ſcribed in a Sphere, is the greater the Difference between the Antece- Part of the side of a Cube, inſcrib: dents (amb, or b–a) to either the ed in that Sphere, cut into extream Antecedent (an) or Conſequent (b) and mean Proportion. of the firſt Ratio (a to b;) and the If the Diameter of the Sphere be Difference between the Antecedents 10000, the side of a Dodecahedron, in (c-d, or dac) to either the Ante- ſcribed in it, will be .35682 nearly, cedent (6) or Conſequent (d) of the All Dodecahedrons are ſimilar, and ſecond Ratio c to d, is called Divi are to one another as the Cubes of fion of Proportion. their Sides; and their Surfaces are Divisor, in Arithmetic, is the alſo fimilar, and therefore they are Number that divides another, or as the Squares of their Sides ; that which ſhews into how many whence, as .509282 is to 10.51462, Parts the Dividend is to be di- ſo is the Square of the Side of any vided. Dodecahedron to the Superficies DIURNAL ARCH, is that Arch thereof; and as .3637 to 2.78516, that the Sun, Moon, or Stars de- fo is the Cube of the side of any ſcribe between their Rifing and Dodecahedron to the Solidity of it. Setting. DODECATEMORY. The twelve DIURNAL MOTION of a Planet, Signs of the Zodiac, Aries, Taurus, is ſo many Degrees and Minutes, &c. are ſo called, becauſe each of &c. as any Planet moves in twenty- them is the twelfth Part of the four Hours. And the Motion of Zodiac. the Earth about its Axis is called its Dome, is a round, vaulted, or Diurnal Motion. arched Roof of a Church, or any DIURNAL PARALLAX. See Pa- great Building. rallax. DOMINICAL LETTER, one of DODECAGON, a regular Polygon, the firſt ſeven Letters of the Alpha- confifting of twelve equal Sides and bet; wherewith the Sundays are Angles; and in Fortification it is mark'd through the Year in the a Place, with twelve Baftions. Almanack. If the Radius of a Circle, in which If any given Year be added to the Dodecagon is inſcribed, be=1, one fourth Part of it, omitting then the side of the Dodecagon will Fractions, and you add 4 to the be nearly .654. And as I is to the Sum, and divide the whole by 7, Square of the side of any given and then ſubtract 7 from the Re- Dodecagon, fo is 2.51956 to the A- mainder, this laſt Remainder ſhews rea of it nearly. the Order of the Dominical Letter DODECAHEDRON, is one of the for chaç Year in the Alphabet : For Platonic Bodies, or five regular So- Example į lids, and is contained under twelve In the Year 1725 equal and regular Pentagons, The fourth Part is omit- The Solidity of a Dodecahedron is ting Fractions, 431 found by multiplying the Area of To both which add 4 one of the Pentagonal Faces of it by 12; and then this latter Product The Sum is A *} 2106 Which DOU D UP 1 cant. Which divided by 7, leaves 4, and DOUCINE, in Architecture, is an 4 taken from 7, leaves 3 ;. where- Ornament of the higheſt Part of the fore the Dominical Letter is C for Cornice, or a Moulding cut in fi- that Year. gure of a Wave, half Convex, and DONJON, in Fortification, com- half Concave. monly ſignifies a large Tower, or DOVETAILING, in Architec- Redoubt of a Fortreſs ; from whence ture, is the way of faſtening of the Garriſon may retreat in caſe of Boards or Timber together, by lec- Neceflity, and capitulate with good ting of one Piece into another in- Advantage. dently, with a Dove-Tail Joint, or DORIC ORDER of Architecture, with a Joint in figure of a Dove's is the ſecond Order, and the moft Tail. agreeable to Nature, having no Or Draco, a Conſtellation in the naments on its Baſe, nor its Capi- Northern Hemiſphere; conſiſting tal. Its Column is eight Diameters of thirty-three Stars. high, and its Freeze is divided be DRAGON'S HEAD and TAIL, tween Triglyphs and Metopes. are the Nodes of the Moon. See This Order, which repreſents So- Nodes. lidity, ought not to be uſed but in DRAGON-BEAMS, in Architec- great and maſſy Buildings, as the ture, are two ſtrong Braces or Struts, Outſides of Churches and public which ſtand under a Breaſt-Summer, Places, and meet in an Angle on the Shoul- DOUBLE DESCANT. See Def- der of the Key-piece. DRAUGHT COMPASSES , are DOUBLÉ HORIZONTAL DIAL, Compaſſes with ſeveral moveable is a horizontal Dial of Mr. Ough. Points, to draw fine Draughts in tred's, with a double Gnomon; one Architecture, &c. to ſhew the Hour on the outward DRAUGHT Hooks, are large Circle, and the other to ſhew the Hooks fix'd on the Cheeks of a com- Hoor on the Stereographic Projec- mon Carriage, two on each ſide, tion drawn upon it. This finds the one near the Trunion-Hole, and the Meridian, Hour, the Sun's Place, other at the Train. Riſing, Setting, &c. and many other DRAW-BRIDGE, is a Bridge Propofitions of the Globe. made to draw up, or let down, as DOUBLING the Cape, or a Point occaſion ſeryes, before the Gate of of Land, in Navigation, is to come a Town or Caſtle: And they are up with it, paſs by it, and ſo to made after ſeveral Faſhions ; but leave it behind the Ship. the moſt common are made with DOUBLE, or FLANK'DTENAIL- Plyers, twice the Length of the See Tenaille. Gate, and a Foot in Diameter. The Double Point, in Geometry, is inner Square is travers'd with a one Point conſider'd as two infinitely Croſs, which ſerves for a Counter- near ones, belonging to Geometri- Poiſe; and the Chains that hang cal Curve Lines; or it is an infinite- from the other Extremities of the ly ſmall Oval, whoſe bounding Line Plyers, to lift up, or let down the is become ſo extremely ſmall, as to Bridge, are of Braſs or Iron. be taken for two Points, diſtant DRIP, in Architecture. See from each other every way by an Larmier. infinitely ſmall Space; and in the Dry Moat. See Moat. Ellipfis the following Equation will DUPLICATE PROPORTION, or expreſs a double Point, viz. yy= RATio, is a Ratio compounded of **+ 2ax two LE. ga. D UP E A R two Ratio's; as, the duplicate Ra DURABLE FORTIFICATION. tio of a to b is the Ratio of aa to See Fortification. bb, or of the Square of a to the DURATION, is the Idea we have Square of b of the Continuation of the Exiſtence If three Quantities are in conti- of any thing. nual Proportion, the firſt is to the DIALLING. See Dial. third in the duplicate Ratio of the Dye, or Die, in Architecture, firſt to the ſecond; or as the Square is any ſquare Body, as the Trunk, of the firſt to the Square of the ſe- or notch'd Part of a Pedeſtal, being cond. that Part included between the Baſe DUPLICATION; is the doubling and the Cornice. of any thing DYPTERE, or Diptere, in the DUPLICATION of a Cubic, is to antient Architecture, was a kind of find the Side of a Cube that ſhall be Temple, encompaſſed round with a double in Solidity to a given Cube, double Row of Columns; and the Several have attempted to do this Pſeudo-Diptere, or falſe Diptere, geometrically; but it is in vain to was the ſame, only this was encom- pretend to it, for it cannot be done paſſed with a ſingle Row of Columns, without the Solution of a cubic E. inftead of a double Row. quation; and fro a conic Section, or ſome higher Curve, muſt be uſed for determining the Problem. The Solution of this problem de- E. pends upon finding two mean Pro- portionals between two given Lines. ARTH. This Body of Land For if the side of a given Cube be and Water, whereon we dwell. a, and the Side of a double Cube be Various have been, and now are = y, then will 2 a3 =y3; or put the Opinions concerning the Shape = 2 a, it will be a ab=33; of the Earth, by ſuch who are igno- therefore it will be aa : yyo: y:b; rant of Geography. That of the common People is, that it is a vaſtly y y or making z= it will be a : % extended Plane, having a bottomleſs Foundation. And of this Opinion y:b. So that theſe four Quan- were Laftantius (in Lib. 3. C, 24) tities will be continual Proportionals: and St. Auguſtine (in Lib. 16. De conſequently ys the side of the Cube Civitate Dei,) and ſeveral other of fought, is the ſecond of two mean the antient Fathers, and leſs-know- Proportionals hetween a and b. ing Philoſophers. Concerning the This Problem of doubling the latter of which, ſee Ariſtocle's Book Cube, formerly was propoſed by De cælo, Lib. 2. cap. 13. It is nog the Oracle at Delphos, to the Inha- known who was the firſt that al- bitants of that Ifand, who went to ferted, that the figure of the Earth aſk what was to be done, to cauſe was ſpherical: but this we may be the Plague then raging amongſt them ſure, that the Doctrine is very an- to ceaſe? The Oracle made anſwer, tient, becauſe it the taking of Baby- that before this could happen they lon by Alexander the Great, Ecliples mult double the Altar, which was a were ſet down and computed for Cube. Sce Valerius Maximus , Lib. many Years bufore the Nativity of 8. alſo Eurocius's Commentary on Chrift, which without the Know- Lib. 2. Archimedes De Sphara & Cy. ledge of the ſpherical Figure of the lindre. Earth could not have been done: it P being ting b É AR E A R being evident that Thales the Gre- ſetting of the Sun and Stars in every cian was ſufficiently acquainted with Latitude, are agreeable to the Suppo- this, becauſe he predicted an Eclipſe fition of the Earth's being ſpherical: of the Sun. All which could not be ſo, if the 1. That the Figure of the Earth Earth were of any other Figure. is nearly ſpherical, is ſufficiently Moreover, when one ſtands upon the confirmed from Eclipſes; eſpecially Shore, and fees a Ship afar off under thoſe of the Moon, which are cauſed fail, making towards the Land; at by the Shadow of the Earth falling firſt we ſee only the Topfails or upon the Moon. And ſince this higheſt Parts, and at the ſame time Shadow always appears circular, do manifeſtly behold the Convex whether it falls to the Eaſt, Weft, Surface of the Sea interpoſed be- or South, and its Diameter greater tween our Sight and the Hull or or leſs, according as the Moon is lower Parts of the Ship, till ſhe more or leſs diſtant from the Earth; approaches nearer, and this uni- it is evident from Optics, that the formly every way alike, and pro- Figure of the Earth is, in Appear- portionably to the ſeveral Diſtances ; ance at leaſt, ſpherical. Alſo E- which is an evident Proof of the clipſes of the Sun, which are cauſed Roundneſs of the Sea.--Laſtly, the by the Interpoſition of the Moon Roundneſs of the Earth moſt mani- between the Sun and thoſe Places feſtly appears from the Voyages of where it appears eclipſed : I ſay it.. ſeveral Perſons of theſe latter Ages, could not be determind when, and who have fail'd quite about the in what Places ſuch Eclipſes ſhould ſame. For firſt of all Ferdinand appear, and where not, if the Earth's Magellan, anno 1519, in 1124 Days; Figure where unknown. And be- Francis Drake, an Engliſhman, anno cauſe the Places where ſuch Eclipſes 1577, in 1056 Days; Thomas Can- happen, and where not, are deter- diſh, another Engliſhman, anno 1586, mind upon the Suppoſition of the in 777 Days; Simon Cordes, a Dutch- Earth's Surface being ſpherical ; it man, anno 1590; Oliver Noort, an- is evident that the fanie is ſpherical. other Dutchman, anno 1598, in 1077 -The ſpherical Figure of the Earth Days; William-Cornelius Schouteen, is evinced alſo from the riſing and a third Dutchman, anno 1615, in ſetting of the Sun, Moon, and Stars; Days; James Heremetes and john which happen ſooner to thoſe who Huygens, anno 1623, in 802 Days, live to the Eaſt, and later to thoſe conſtantly continuing their Courſe living Weſtwardly: and that more or Wefterly, return'd again to Europe leſs fo, according to the Roundneſs Eaſterly, obſerving all the way every of the Earth.--So alſo going or fail. Phænomenon conſequent from the ing to the Northward, the North Roundneſs of the Earth. -Altho* Pole and northern Stars become the Surface of the Earth or Sea is more elevated, and the South Pole said to make but one continued and fouthern Stars more depreſs’d; Round, yet this, in reality, is not the Elevation Northerly increaſing to be ſo itrictly taken, as to have no equally with the Depreſſion Sou- Inequality in it; but as a Ball, tho* therly; and either of them propor- it has ſome Duft or ſmall Grains of tionably to the Diſtances.gone. The Sand upon it, may ſtill be ſaid to be ſame thing happens in going to the round; fo tho' the Land, Hills, and Southward. Beſides, the oblique Mountains be fomewhat raiſed above Afcenfions, Defcenfions, Emerſions, the ſpherical Surface of the Sea, and and Amplitudes of the riſing and fome Valleys depreſs'd below it, yet becaufe : and 1 É À Ř É A Ř becauſe the greateſt of theſe Inequa- De Caufa Gravitatis, p. 154 lities has ſcarcely any ſenſible Ratio foll. wherein he makes the Ratio of to the whole, the whole may well the polar Diameter to that of the be affirm'd to be round. Equator, as 571 to 835$ and Sit It is not many years ſince the Ifaac Newton's Princip. Phil. Nat. true Figure of the Earth has been Mathem. Lib. 3. where that Ratio diſcovered; for ever before it was in the firſt Edition is as 689 to 692. taken by Mathematicians and Geo-- See alſo a late Treatiſe, entitled graphers as perfectly Spherical, ex- The Meaſure of the Earth, by ſeveral cepting the ſmall Inequalities in its Frenchmen feñit to the North to mea- Surface of Mountains, Valleys, &c. ſure the Earth, by order of the But now it is evident, that the Fi- King of France, chiefly occaſioned gure of the Earth is an oblate Sphe- by the Opinion of Mr. Caffini, who roid, form'd by the Rotation of an would have the Figure of the Earth Ellipſis about its leffer Axis. So to be a prolate or egg-form Sphe- that thoſe Diameters are longeſt of roid, the Axis being longër than a all belonging to the Circle between Diameter of the Equator. the Middle of the Poles, or the E 2. On Suppoſition that the Sun's quator; and thoſe more remote from Parallax be thirty-two Seconds, the it, are ſhorter, till you come to the Earth's mean Diſtance from the Sun Axis, joining the Poles of the Earth, will be $4,000,000 Miles. But Sir which is the ſhorteſt of all. What Ifaac Newton takes the apparent gave the firſt Occafion to the Know- Diameter of the Earth from thë ledge of this, was the Obſervations Sun to be twenty-four Seconds; and of ſeveral Frenchmen in the Eaſt- In- ſo the Sun's Parallax twelve Seconds; dies, about 70 Years ago, (ſee the and if ſo, the Sun's Diſtance will be Hiſtory of the Royal Academy of Sci- much greater. ences, by Mr. Du Hamel, p. 110, 3. Since the Earth is of a prolate 156, 206. and L'Hiftoire de l'Acad. ſpheroidal Figure, ſwelling out to Roy. 1700, 1701.) who found that wards the Equator, and flatted or con- Pendulums, the nearer they came to tracted towards the Poles ; ſo as the the Equator, perform'd their Vibra- Diameter of it, at the Equator, is tions Tlower. From whence it fol- longer than the Axis by about thirty- lows, that the Velocity of the De- four Miles; upon this Account, there ſcent of Bodies, or Gravity, is leſs ariſes a ſmall Inequality in the Mag- in the Countries near the Equator nitude of a Degree of Latitude; for than thoſe near the Poles. And this they increaſe from the Equator to ſet Sir Iſaac Newton and Mr. Huy- the Poles by nearly the eight hun- gens to work, to find out the Cauſe; dredth Part. But this Difference which, they ſay, is the Revolution of Increaſe is ſo very ſmall, that in of the Earth about its Axis: for meaſuring Degrees by Inſtruments, ſince it moves much ſwifter at the it cannot be diſcover'd. Hence it Equator than at the Poles, the Di- alſo follows, that heavy Bodies do minution of the Weight of Bodies not tend directly to the Earth's there, muſt be found greater than Centre, unleſs at the Poles and E- near the Poles; and fo thoſe Parts quator, but every where perpendi- of the Sea, ſituate near the Equator, cularly to the Surface of the Sphe.. being by this Cauſe made lighter, roid. are chrown up to a greater height. 4. Diogenes Laertius fays, that See this curious Subject fully handled Anaximander a Scholar of Thales, by Mr. Huygens, in his Diſcourſe who lived about 550 Years before the P 2 E A R E AR + . the Birth of Chriſt, was the firſt who found out by thoſe who went before gave an account of the Circumference him.-Snell relates from the Ara- of the Sea and Land.--And his Mea- bian Geographer Abelfedea, who fure thereof ſeems to be uſed by the lived about the gooth Year of fucceeding Mathematicians, till the Chriſt, that about the 800th Year. time of Eratoſthenes. Ariſtotle, at the of Chriſt, Maimon, an Arabian King, end of Lib. 2. De cælo, ſays the having got together ſome ſkilful Mathematicians, who have attempted Mathematicians, conimanded them to meaſure the Circuit of the Earth, to find out the Circumference of the make it 40000 Stadiums; and this Earth. And theſe accordingly made is thought to be that of Anaximan- choiſe of the Fields of Meſopotamia, der.--The next after Anaximander, wherein they meaſured under the who undertook this Buſineſs, was fame Meridian from North to South, Eratoſthenes, who lived about 200 until the Pole became one Degree Years before Chriſt . He makes the depreſs’d. And that Meaſure they Circuitof the Earth to be 250000 found to be 56 or 56 Miles and a (ſome ſay 252000) Stadiums, which half: and ſo according to them the Pliny makes to be 31500 Roman Circumference of the Earth is 20160 Miles, each of which is reckon'd to or 20340 Miles.-It was a long time be 10.o Paffes. He perform’d the after before any body elſe try'd to thing by taking the Sun's Zenith perform this Buſineſs: but at length, Diſtance, and meaſuring the Diſtance Snell, a Profeſſor of Mathematics between two Places under the ſame at Leyden, in Holland, about 120 Meridian, as Cleomedes relates. But Years ago began again to ſet about This Dimenſion was taken by many this Work, who with a great deal of the ancient Mathematicians to be of Skill and Labour, by meaſuring falſe; and chiefly Hipparchus, who large Diſtances under the ſame Pa- lived 100 Years afterwards, and rallel, ſound one Degree to be 28500 added 25000 Stadiums to Eratoſthe. Perches, each of which is 12 Rhind- mes's Circuit: but for what reaſon is land Feet, or 19 Dutch Miles, and not known.--The next who mea- the whole Periphery 6840 Miles ; a ſured the Earth was Poſidonius, who Mile being, according to him, 1500 lived in the time of Cicero and Perches or 18000 Rbindland Feet. Pompey the Great; he makes the See more in his Treatiſe, called E- Circumference to be 240000, (ac- ratoſthenes Batavus. -The next cording to Cleomedes,) but 18coco Modern, who undertook this Mea- Stadiums (according to Strabo.) He ſurement, was our Countryman Ri- did it by the Altitudes of a Star, ckard Norwood, who in the Year and meaſuring a Diſtance under the 1635, by meaſuring the Diſtance ſame Meridian. Ptoleniy, in, his from London to York with a Chain, Geogr. {ays, that Marinus, a cele- and taking the Sun's Meridian Alti- brated Geographer, attempted ſome- tude, the 11th of June, with a Sex- thing of this kind ; and likewiſe in tant of above five Feet Radius, found .Lib. I. cap. 3. mentions himſelf as a Degree to contain 367205 Feet, having try'd to do the thing after a or 69 Miles and a half and 14 Poles ; different way from any body before and thence the Circumference of a him, which was from Places under great Circle of the Earth is a little different Meridians; but does not above 25036 Miles, and the Diame- ſay how much he found it to be: for ter a little more than 7966 Miles. hé till made uſe of the Number of And this Meaſure is allow'd by every 180000 Stadiums, which had been one to be as exact as any whatever. See E A R ECL See the Particulars of the whole Perihelium is in the Month of Dec Affair in his Seaman's Practice. cember, viz. about the third or The Meaſurement of the Earth fourth Day. by Snell, tho' very troubleſome and EARTH-BAGS, in Fortification ingenious, and much more accurate are the ſame with Canvaſs-Bags. than any of the Ancients, being Which fee. thought by ſome of the French, in EAVES-LATH, in Architecture, the Reign of Lewis XIV. to be ſub- is a thick feather-edged Board, nail'd ject to ſome ſmall Errors, the Affair round the Eaves of a Houſe for the was renew'd, after Snell's way, by lowermoſt Tiles, Slates, &c. to reit Mr. Picart and other Mathema- upon. ticians, by the French King's Com EBBING and FLOWING of the mand; they uſing for that Purpoſe Sea. See Tides. a Quadrant of 3 French Feet Ra ECHO, is a Repetition of Sound, dius, and found a Degree to contain cauſed by Reflection. 342360 French Feet. See Mr. Pi ECHINUS, from the Greek Echi cart's Treatiſe, entitled La Meſure nos, the Shell of a Cheſnut, com- de la Terre.-Mr. Caffini the younger, monly fignifies that Part of the in the year 1700, by the French Quarter-Round which includes the King's Command too, went about Ovum, or Egg, and ſometimes the this Buſineſs, with a Quadrant of Quarter-Round itſelf. io French Feet Radius for taking the ECLIPSE, is a Deprivation of the Latitude, and another of 3. Feet Light of the Sun, or ſome Heavenly for taking the Angles of the Trian- Body, by the Interpoſition of an- gle: And found a Degree, from his other Heavenly Body between our Calculation, to contain 2836. Toiſes, Sight and it. As an Eclipſe of the or 69172.o Engliſh Miles. And this Sun is the Deprivation of its Light, Meaſurement being perform'd with cauſed by the Interpoſition of the all the Care and Exactneſs poſſible, Body of the Moon, between our muſt be look'd upon as very near Sight and the Sun. An Eclipſe of the Truth; and differs from our the Moon is the Deprivation of her Norwood's only 8 Toiſes. See the Light, cauſed by the diametrical. Hiſt, de l'Acad. Roy. an. 1702. Interpofition of the Earth between 5. The Earth's Excentricity is a the Sun and Moon. hundred and fixty-nine of ſuch Parts A total Eclipſe of the Sun or as the Sun's Diſtance is a thouſand. Moon, is when their whole Bodies The periodic Time of the Earth, in are obſcured: And a central Eclipſe her Orbit, is three hundred and of the Moon, is when it is not only fixty-five Days, five Hours, fifty- total, but alſo the Centre of the one Minutes ; the Motion about its Moon paſſes through the Centre of Axis is performed in twenty-three that Circle which is made by a Hours, fifty-fix Minutes, four Se- Plane, cutting the Conę of the conds; and its Axis makes an Angle Earth's Shadow at Right Angles, with the Plane of the Ecliptic of with the Line joining the Centres fixty-fix. Degrees, thirty-one Mis of the Sun and Earth. A partial nutes. Eclipſe, is when Part of the Body 6. The Earth's Horizontal Paral- of the Sun and Moon are only dar- lax to an Eye at the Sun's Surface ken'd. will be fixteen Minutes ; and it is 1. The Moon can never be e- nearer the Sun in December than it clipſed, but when ſhe is in Oppo- is in June, and conſequently its fition to the Sun, or at: Ful! ; and likewiſe P 3 ECL ECL likewiſe in or near the Nodés: And ſays is two hundred and twenty- the Sun, but when he is in Con- three Synodical Months, or eighteen junction with the Moon, and the Julian Years, ten Days, (when the Moon is in or near the Nodes. Cycle, or Period contains five Leap 2. The Limit for Eclipſes of the Days,) and eleven Days (when four Moon is about 11 deg. 40 min. on Leap Days) feven Hours, forty- each ſide of the Node: And the three Minutes one Fourth; in which Limit for thoſe of the Sun about time all Correſpondent New Moons, 16 deg. 40 min. on each ſide it. Full Moons, and Eclipſes return Alſo the atmoft Latitude of the again. This Cycle is, by him, call- Moon, that can permịt any Eclipſe ed the Saros, and is mentioned by of the Moon, is about 1 deg. 2 min. Pliny in lib. 2. of his Natural Hi- And the ſame utmoſt Latitude that ſtory. can permit any Solar Eclipſe is 7. The principal Alteration of about dez. 32 min. the Time of the Day in all Eclipſes, 3. If you multiply the Number of depends upon the 'Exceſs of this Lunar Months, accompliſhed from Period above an even Nurnber of that which began the 8th of Ja. Days, which is ſeven Hours, and nyary, N. S. in 1701. to that Month forty-three Minutes one Fourth; fa in which any New Moon falls out, that the Cycle puts every Corre- and add to the Product 33890, and ſpondent Eclipſe later than the fore- divide the Sum by 43200; then if going almoft eight Hours: And fa The Remainder or the Difference be- if three of thole Cycles are joined tween the Diviſor and Remainder together, thoſe odd Hours and Mi- be leſs than 4960, there will be nutes will amount nearly to one Day, an Eclipſe of the Sun ţhat New and they will nearly bring the Moon. middle Point of the Correſpondent 4. Likewiſe if you multiply the Eclipſes to the fame Time in the Number of Lụnar Months, accom- fame Place, which a ſingle Cycle pliſhed from that which began the cannot do; and theſe three Cycleş 8th of January, N. S. 1701. to the together will be fifty-four Years, and New Moon preceding any Full thirty-two or thirty-three Days. Moon, and to the Product add 8. There will be elapfed nine 37326, and then divide the Sụm by hundred Years in the time that the 43200, if the Remainder or Diffe- Moon begins to enter the Ecliptic rence between the Diviſor and the Limit for Eclipſes of the Moon on Quocient be leſs than 2800, there one ſide, till it goes out of it on the will be an Eclipſe of the Moon at other; in all which time there will the faid Full. be fifty Periods, and Eclipſes of the 5. All Eclipſes of the Moon are Moon each Period: And there will of the ſame Magnitude all over the be elapſed twelve hundred and fixty Earth, and begin and end at the Years from the time that the Moon fame Times to all thoſe inhabiting begins to enter the Ecliptic Limit- under the ſame Meridian. But E. for Eclipſes of the Sun on one ſide clipſes of the Sun on various Parts the Node, till it goes out of it on of the Earth, are different: They the other: During which long time always begin on the Weſt Side the there will be ſeventy Periods, and Sun, and end on the Eaſt. fomewhere Eclipſes of the Sun each 6. Dr. Halley, in his Tables not Period. After which long Spaces 3.et publithed, takes notice of a Cy- of Time there will be no ſuch E- cle, or Period, which Mr. Whillon clipſes for a much longer time. 9. The 1 ECL E CL 9. The Motion of the Centre of equal; not only on account of the the Shadow of the Moon, in E. Difference of the Moon's Motion at clipſes of the Sun, is nearly right the beginning and ending of the lined. entire Eclipſe; which indeed is very 10. The Dimenſions of the Pen- inconſiderable, but chiefly by reaſon umbra, or entire Eclipſe, and the of the Difference of the Obliquity Extent of the total Shadow on the of the Horizon all the way of its Earth, are continually different, ac- Paſſage. cording to the different Elevations 15. The Duration of Solar E- of the Sun and Moon above any clipſes is different, according as their particular Horizon. Middle happens about Six in the II. The Figure of the entire Pen- Morning or Evening, or about umbra, or general Eclipſe, and of Noon, or about any intermediate the Umbra, or total Darkneſs, as Time. If that happens about Six they appear upon every Country, on o'Clock, Morning or Evening, the account of the different Obliquity diurnal Motion then neither much of every Horizon, is different, and conſpires with, nor oppoſes the pro- will make Ovals, or Ellipſes of per Motion of the Centre of the different Species perpetually; and Shadow: and the Duration is almoſt in the vaſt Penumbra it will be an the ſame as it would be if the Earch Oval, being the Interſection of a had no diurnal Motion at all. If conical and Tpherical Surface; but in that happens about Noon, the diur- the ſmaller Umbra, or total Dark- nal Motion, moſt of all, conſpires neſs, which is confind to a much with that proper Motion of the narrower Compaſs, it very nearly Centre, and makes the Duration of approaches to the Interſection of a the Eclipſe the longeſt poffible. If Conic Surface with a Plane, which it happens in the intermediate is a true Ellipſis. Times, the diurnal Motion, in a 12. The Species of that Ellipfis leſs degree, confpires with the other depends on the fame Altitude above Motion, and makes the Duration of the Horizon at the time of total a mean Quantity, between that of Darkneſs, as does the Poſition of other Caſes : But if it happens con- its longer Axis on the Azimuth of fiderably before Six o'Clock in the the Sun at the fame time. This Morning, or after Six in the Even: Oval, when the Sun is of a con- ing, the diurnal Motion is back- ſiderable Altitude, is almoſt an exact ward, and ſhortens that Duration one; but when the Sun is near the proportionably Horizon, it will be very long, and 16. The Computation or Calcu- so leſs exact, becauſe the ſpherical lation of Eclipſes of the Sun, is at Surface of the Earth is at a Diſtance beſt but a troubleſome Buſineſs ; more remote from a Plane. that of the Moon being eaſier than 13. The perpendicular Breadth of that of the Sun. The Moon's con- the Shadow is neither that of the fifts in having the following Data : longer, nor that of the ſhorter Axis 1. Her true Diſtance from the of the Cone of Shadow; but that Node, at the mean Conjunction. of the two longeſt Perpendiculars, 2. The true Time of the Oppo- drawn from the Tangents, parallel ſition, together with the true Place to the Diameter; along which the of the Sun and Moon, reduced to Direction of the Motion is. the Ecliptic. 3. The Moon's true 14 The Velocity of the Motion Latitude at the time of the true of the Centre of the Shadow is un- Conjuncțion, and the Diſtance of P 4 each ECL + ECL each of the Luminaries from the let CD be the Ecliptic, and A the Earth ; as alſo their horizontal Centre of the Shadow ; thro' which Parallaxes' and apparent Semi-dia- draw. Le perpendicular to DC. meters. 4. The true horary Mo Let D, H, CQ, be Weſt, North, tions of the Moon and of the Eaſt, and South. From A with the Sun; and the apparent Semi-dia- Diſtance equal to the Sum AN of meter of the Earth's Shadow. From the Semi-diameters of the Shadow theſe being given, the Duration, AP, and that of the Moon PN Beginning, Middle, End, and Quan- deſcribe a Circle DOC, and tity of the Eclipſe, may be obtain'd with AP the Semi-diameter of the from Addition, Subtraction, the Rule Shadow deſcribe another concen- of Proportion, and Trigonometry: tric Circle ELF, which will ex, A Type of an Eclipſe of the hibit the Section of the Earth's Moon may be deſcribed in plano, Shadow during the Moon's Paffage. when the Semi diameter of the Make AL equal to the Moon's Moon and Earth's Shadow, as alſo Latitude at the Beginning of the the Latitude at the Beginning and Eclipſe, and at L raiſe the Perpen- End of the Eclipſe, are given: For dicular LN meeting the greater H S. T N V INOX K . C DE A Q Periphery' towards the Weſt in the tion. From O and N, with the Point N; then will the Centre Diſtance of the Moon's Semi-dia- of the Moon be at N at the Begin meter, deſcribe the Circles PV,TX, ning of the Eclipſe. In like man which will expreſs the Moon at the ner make AS equal to the Moon's Beginning and End of the Eclipſe. Latitude at the End of the Eclipſe, Laitly, from and at S raiſe the Perpendicular os, cular to ON, then will the Centre which being parallel to DC, is at of the Moon in the middle of the the fame Diſtance from it, then Obfçuration be at I ; and ſo if a xvill the Centre of the Moon be in Circle HK be deſcribed from 1, O, at the End of the Eclipſe. Join with the Diſtance of the Moon's Se- the Points 0 and N by a right mi-diameter ; it will repreſent the Line ; then will ON be an Arch of Moon in her greateſt Obſcuration, tne Orbit, which the Moon's Cen- and will define the Quantity of the tre nroves thro' durįng her Obſcura- Eclipſe, The 1 ECL E CL The Calculation of an Eclipſe of the Moon, when fining with a full the Sun depends upon the following Face, to inſtantly loſe her Light Data: 1. The mean Conjunction, and Colour; and interpreted this to and from thence the true Conjunc- . be no other than a Token ſent by tion, together with the Place of the God of ſome impending Calamity Luminaries at the apparent Time that would happen to them. In of the true Conjunction. 2. The the ſame place Plutarch takes no. apparent Time of the viſible new tice, that Anaxagoras, who flouriſh'd Moon at the apparent Time of but a little before Nicias, was the the true Conjunction. 3. The ap- firſt who had the Boldneſs to com- parent Latitude at the apparent municate in Writing the Cauſe of Time of the viſible Conjunction. the lunar Light and Shadow. But When theſe are once had, the his Opinion was yet conceald from other Quæfita. may be obtained by the Public, who would not eaſily ad- Trigonometry, and other Helps. mit or approve of any Writings But to get the Data, the greateſt concerning the Cauſes of natural Part of the Trouble conſiſts in the Appearances ; but looked upon all Parallaxes of Longitude and Lati- ſuch who employed their Times tude, which if there were no ſuch this way, as Men buſying themſelves thing, it would make the Calcula- in vain Purſuits, and guilty of Im- tion of folar Eclipſes the ſame as piety to bound and limit the Deity. that of lunar ones. with certain Laws; and for this was 17. M. De la Hire, has given the Protagoras baniſh'd from Athens, and Deſcription of an Initrument to find Anaxagoras, when carried to Priſon, out Eclipſes by, as may be ſeen in was releaſed by Pericleswith much ado. Bion's Book of Mathematical In 19. Thales was the firſt who pre- ftruments: You have alſo a geome- dicted an Eclipſe of the Sun ; and trical way of projecting an Eclipſe Ptolemy in Lib. 6. of his Almageſt, of the Sun, by a Pair of Compaſſes has fewn how to find an Eclipſe of and a Sector, which may be ſeen the Sun by means of Parallaxes, in Vol. II. of Sir Jonas Moor's which Regiomontanus in his Epitome Mathematics: In Dr. Keil's Afro- Almageſti, Lib.6. has fully explain'd. nomical Lectures : At the End of See alſo, concerning Eclipſes my Tranſlation of Bion's Book of Hevelius's Machin. Cæleft. tom. 1. Mathematical Inſtruments; and in c. 18. f. 372. et ſeq.- De la Hire's a little Tract of the Uſe of the Sektor, Tabula Aſtronomicæ,- .-- W'ing's A- printed for Mr. Wright, a Mathe- ftronomia Britannica.-- Wideburg's matical Inſtrument-maker. Tractat, de Eclips. totali Solis et 18. Plutarch relates in his Life of Terre, anno 1715. d. 3. Maij. Nịcias, that when Soldiers were comi Gregory's Element. Aſtronom. Phyſ . & manded to embark upon an Expe. Geom.-Wolfius's Elem. Aſtron. § 841. dition, there happend that Nightan & $.913.- Leadbetter's Doétrine of Eclipſe of the Moon, which very Eclipſes. See alſo the Tranſactions much ſurprized their General, and of the Learned, publiſhed at Peterſ- all the Soldiers, and by reaſon of burgh, wherein is a Method of com, their Ignorance of the Cauſe there. puting Eclipſes by Series's. One of of, it poffefſed them with great Ap- the principal Uſes of Eclipſes is to prehenſions of ill Luck : For, ſays find the Longitude of Places. See he, many knew the Cauſe of Eclipſes under the Word Longitude. of the Sun, but they had not the ECLIPTIC, is a great Circle of leaf ſuſpicion what ſhould make the Sphere, ſuppoſed to be drain thro? 1 E L A E L A thro' the middle of the Zodiac, and rebounds back again in, will be e- making an Angle with the Equinoc- qual to the Angle AFC. tial (in the Points of Aries and Li- bra) of 23 deg. 30 min. which is А E the Sun's greateſt Declination. But in the new Aftronomy, it is that Path or Way among the fixed Stars that the Earth appears to deſcribe to an Eye placed in the Sun. This is, by fome, called Via Solis, с D F or the Way of the Sun, becauſe the Sun, in his annual Motion, never If a String be trained like thoſe deviates from this Line, as all other of a muſical Inſtrument, it ſhall be- Planets do, more or leſs; from come elaſtic ; for the ſmalleſt Force whence the Zodiac hath its Breadth. ſhall be ſufficient to bend it, tho EFFECTION, is a Word uſed by it be ſtrained never fo hard; and Geometers, in the ſame ſenſe with when that Force ceaſes, the Force the Geometrical Conſtruction of Pro- that ſtrains it, ſhall bring it back pofitions, and often of Problems and to its firſt Situation, and the String Practices; which, when they are being once mov?d, fhall oſcillate deducible from, or founded upon like a Pendulum, and perform them fome general Propoſition, are called all, both great and ſmall, in the the Geometrical Effections thereunto ſame time. belonging Moſt elaſtic Bodies, when ftruck, EFFLUVIUMS, are the very ſmall give a muſical Sound, and the Rea- Particles, or Corpuſcles that are ſon why fome do not, ſeems to be continually emitted from Bodies, either becauſe the Spring is too ELASTICITY, is the ſame as weak, and the Motion too ſlow, or Springineſs: And an elaſtic Body is becauſe the Elaſticity is too ſtrong, that which gives way for a time (or and the vibrating Parts ſo ſhort, leffens its Figure) to another Body, and the Sound ſo acute, and ſo foon Striking or preſing it, but preſently over, that it cannot be perceived recovers its former Figure by its by the Ear. own natural Power : And a Body If the Magnitudes and Motions of perfectly elaſtic, is one that recovers ſpherical Bodies perfectly elaſtic, its Figure with the ſame Force it moving in the ſame right Line, and loft it by. meeting one another, are given, their All Bodies in Nature, that we Motion after Reflection may be de- know of, are in fome degree or termin'd thus : Let the Velocities other, elaſtic, but none of them are of the Bodies A and B be called a perfectly elaſtic; and from this Ela- and b reſpectively, and if the Bo- fticity of Bodies proceeds that noted Ijaw of Nature, viz. That Action А B and Re-action are always equal and çontrary: For if there was no Ela- fticity, this Law would not hold good. If the elaſtic Ball A ſtrikes againſt the firm Bottom CD ob- dies tend the ſame way, and A liquely in the Direction A F, the moving ſwifter than B, follows it, Angle EFD, whoſe Side Fe it then the Velocity of the Body A after B S E L E E L E after the Reflection will be they attract, or repel all kinds of a AaB+26B very light Bodies at a ſenſible Dia and that of the Body ftance, when the attracting Body is A/B 2aA-A-+6B heated by being rubb'd. And this But if the Electrical Attraction is nothing elſe A+B but the Attraction of Coheſion, ex- Bodies meet, then changing the Sign cited by a ſtrong Attrition to act of b, the Velocites after Reflection with leſs Force in a larger Sphere. aAaB-26B It is evident from ſeveral Experi- will be and A+B ments, that in electrical Attraction, 2a4-46A-6B the Particles of Light and Æther ; either of which, if are forcibly repelled or driven away AB from the electrical Body, and that they happen to come out negative, this Force reaches to a conſiderable it follows that the Motion after Re- Diſtance, but is ſtrongeſt near the flection tends the contrary way to electrical Body. which A tended before the Reflection. If a Glaſs Tube fifteen or eighteen And this is alſo to be underſtood of Inches long, and one Inch in Dia- the Motion of the Body A in the ameter, he rubbed with a Cloth, it former Caſe. has a very ſenſible Electricity; for The Cauſe of Elaſticity, in moſt if light Bodies, ſuch as Pieces of Bodies, ſeems to be the repulſive Leaf-Gold and Soot be laid upon a Force of their Particles ; for when Plane, and the Tube be brought the elaſtic Body is compreſſed, its near them, they will be put in mo- Pores are thereby contracted, and tion, attracted, repelled, and driven made ſmaller ; ſo that many Par- ſeveral ways by the Tube. The ticles, which were at ſome diſtance Tube acts at different Diſtances, ac- before, are now brought nearer to- cording to the different State of the gether, within the Sphere of each Air ; ſometimes at the Diſtance of other's Repulſion; which Repulfion one Foot; but when the Air is full grows ſtronger as the Compreſſion of Vapours, the Effect is diminiſhed; increaſes, and the Particles are and the Tube muſt be rubbed all forced cloſer to each other: Where- one way from the End that your fore, if the Pores of a Body are Hand does not hold it with. very large, it may admit of Com ELEMENTS, by Geometricians preffion without much Elaſticity. and Natural Philoſophers, are uſual- And hence alſo, we ſee the. Reaſon ly taken for the ſame as Principles ; why the Elaſticity of Metals is in- and when they ſay the elementary creaſed by hammering, Principles of natural or mix'd Bodies, Sir Iſaac Newton, in Prop: 23. they mean the ſimple Particles out lib. 2. Princip. demonſtrates, That of which the mix'd Body is com- Particles which mutually avoid, or poſed, and into which it is ultimate- fly from one another by ſuch Forces iy reſolvable. The Word is alſo as are reciprocally proportional to uſed for the firſt Principles or Rudi- the Diſtances of their Centres, will ments of any Science ; as the Ele- compoſe an elaſtic Fluid, whoſe ments of Euclid. Denſity ſhall be proportional to its ELEVATION of a Mortar-piece, Compreſſion. fignifies the Angle which the Chace ELECTRICITY, is that Property of the Piece, or the Axis of the Ca- of ſome Bodies, as Amber, Jet, vity of the ſame makes with the Sealing wax, Glaſs, &c. whereby Horizon. ELE- ELL E L-L or ELEVATION of the Pole, is the PN will be equal to the Square of Number of Degrees that the Pole the Ordinate PM; and ſince (draw- is raiſed above the Horizon of any ing NO.parallel to AB) this Rect- Latitude. angle is leſs than that under AP, ELLIPSIS, in Geometry, is a and the Latus rectum AF, by the Curve Line as DE Freturning into Rectangle under AP and of, NO and O F, being ſimilar to that C С under A B and AF ; the ſaid De- ficiency made him call the Curve by the Name of an Ellipſis. The eaſieſt way of deſcribing this Curve by a continued Motion when the tranſverſe and conjugate. Axes D AB, ED, are given, is thus : Firſt F D 1 А. B G B A itſelf, and is the common Section of F C the Surface of a Cone ACB, gene- rated by a Plane, ſo cutting it as E when continued, it falls above the Baſe AGB of the Cone. The Reaſon of this Name which verfe Axis, ſuch that the Diſtances take the Points F, f, in the tranſ- Apollonius firſt gave to this Curve, CF,Cf, from the Centre C be each is this: Let BA, ED, be any two conjugate Diameters of an Ellipfis equal to V AC-CD, or ſuch that (they are the Axes in this Figure) FDfD be each equal to AC; and at the End A of the Diameter and having affix'd two Pins in the BA, raiſe the perpendicular Af Points F, f, (which are calld the Foci of the Ellipſis) take a Thread equal in Length to the tranſverſe F Axis A B, and put about them, and E N faften the two Ends of the Thread together at M; then if this Thread M be drawn tight by means of a Pin M, and the faid Pin be moved round А B till it returns to the Place from whence it firſt moved, and the Thread at the ſame time being al- ways kept tight, ſo as to form a D right-lin’d Triangle F Mf; the ſaid Pin M. will defcribe an Ellipſis, equal to the Latus rectum, being whoſe Axes are A B, D E. And by a third Proportional to AB, ED, this means may Points, thro' which and draw the right Line B F ; then the Curve is to paſs, be found ; if any Point P be taken in BA, and for if with any Diſtance leſs than an Ordinate PM be drawn, cutting the Axis A B you deſcribe an Arch BF in the Point N, the Rectangle of a Circle about the Centre F, and under the Abſciſs AP, and the Line with another Diſtance equal to what the an 의 . D E ELL E L L the ſaid Diſtance wants of being along a right Line, drawn in a equal to A B, you deſcribe another certain Poſition in that Plane ; for Arch about fi interſecting the for- then the Interſection of the other mer one; the ſaid Point of In- two of theſe Squares will deſcribe terſection will be one Point of the an Ellipfis ; or inſtead of two Ellipfis. Squares you may have only one, and If it be requir'd to find Points a Ruler, and an Ellipfis will ſtill be thro' which an Ellipſis of given con- deſcribed. jugate Diameters AB, ED, is to An excellent general way of find- pals, it may be done thus : Conti- ing Points, thro' which this Curve nue out CD to H, ſo that DH be and the other two conic Sections DC, thro' H draw FG paral.. paſs, may be ſeen under the Word lel to AB, and AF, BG parallel Geometrical Curve. See various ways of deſcribing an Ellipſis in Gregory H o G St. Vincent's Quadratura Circuli. 1. The Area of the Elliptic Space is a mean Proportional between the two Circles, having the tranſverſe M and conjugate Axes for their Dia- Р meters. c B 2. The Periphery of the Ellipfis may be obtained by the following Series. to CH, and draw the Diagonal For if CB, half of one of the AG. Take any Point P in AB, Axes of an Ellipſis be=r, and and draw PO parallel to AF, cut- CD, the half of the other, = 1, ting AG in N; then if P M be a and there be let fall a Perpendicular mean Proportional between PN, PO, the Point M will be a Point D G of the Ellipſis. And thus may any Number of Points be found for one half the Ellipſis; and to find them for the other half, it is but conti- A B F nuing out OP below AB, and making Pm equal to PM, then will m be a Point in the other half of the Ellipſis. GF to AB, which calla; then the There are many other ways of Length of the Curve of the El- deſcribing an Ellipfis by a continued ge2 a3 Motion, and by means of Points, lipfis GB will be at 604 it -As by moving the Angle of a 4 72 f? as - Square along a right Line, and at + the famie time letting the End of one ſide of the Square paſs along a 8c4f2 97 +26 a? --- 462 ,5 a? given Point without that Line ; for &c. then the Extremity of the other ſide of the Square will deſcribe an And if the Species of the Ellipfis Ellipſis.- By faſtening the Angles be determined, this Series will be of two Squares in two Points upon more ſimple; and if c = 2 r, then a Plane, and cauſing the Interſection Will BG=a+ + of two sides of the Squares to move G r as + 400$ II 2012 3 zas 96,3 2048 + + E L L E L L 113 a7 A 1 хаа N 2.2 3.3.5 d3 2.3.5-5-7 24 3419 29 thro' by the Curve of an Hyper- + + & C. 458752 7549747278 C. bola (whoſe ſemi-tranſverſe Axis is And if the ſaid Curve was an Hy- ab a, in ſuch perbola, the ſaid Series would ferve for it, by making the even Parts of manner that the Semi-tranſverſe all the Terms affirmative, and mak- moves in a Plane paſſing thro' the ing every third, fifth, and feventh Axis of the Cylinder, the Plane of Term negative. the Hyperbolic Space moving always 3. In the Ellipfis, (ſee Fig. of n.2.) parallel to itſelf, and the Centre of if á Semi-diameter C B be called a, the Hyperbola running along a Di- the Semi-conjugate CD, b, the Ab- ameter of the Baſe of the Cylinder. Iciſs CF, *, and the correſpondent In Mr. Simpſon's Book of Fluxions, Ordinate FG, y; then will the E- you have the following Series for the Rectification of the Curve of the quation yy 2-— **, be Ellipſis, which ſeems to be the moſt the moſt ſimple poffible, expreſſing elegant the nature of the thing will the Curve of the Ellipſis, m and n admit. being invariable Quantities. The Periphery of the Ellipfis is The Rectification of the Curve of to that of a Circle, whoſe Diameter the Ellipfis cannot be had from the is equal to the tranſverſe Axis of Quadrature of any Space belonging d 30 to the Conic Sections; for if DC, cĚ the Ellipſis, as 1— be the Semi-Axes, and dd=aa-bb, viz, equal to the focal Diſtance, Esc. and cidd be = 64, then will d is to 1, where d is equal to the j V«c + 99, be the Fluxion Difference of the Squares of the 6 Axes apply'd to the Square of the of the Arch DM of the Ellipſis, and tranſverſe Axis. the Fluent of this Fluxion is not 4. If any two parallel right Lines, to be exactly had but from the Qua- CD, HG, be drawn, terminating drature of a Space contain'd under in an Ellipfis in the Points C,H,D,G, a Curve of the third Order, whoſe and a third Line AB, terminating Equation ſuppoſing the Abſciſs to in the fame in the Points A,B; be and Ordinate y, will be uu yy then will СEXED:HFXFG:: +dd yy=bb uu But if z be a correſpondent Arch A of a Circle deſcribed about the Centre A with the Radius A C, the E Fluxion of the Arch of the Ellipſis H 1 D will be canvaabb+ddyy. So that B G the Rectification of the Curve of the Ellipſis alſo may be had from the AEX EB: A F x FB. And fo, Quadrature of the outward Curve when A B and C D happen to be Surface of a Cylinder (whoſe Baſe conjugate Diameters, HG will be is the Circle 'deſcribed upon the an Ordinate; and in this caſe A E tranſverſe Axis of the Ellipfis) re- E B, CE = ED, HF - F G. maining after the Cylinder is cut whence CE® : HF :: ĀĒ” : AF 66-73 Va dd cc. E L L E L Ľ AF X FB, which is a very noted drawn from the Foci, are equal to Property of the Ellipfis. one another 5. If any two right Lines, touch- ing an Ellipfis in the Points G, D, A c meet in the Point A, and from A E be drawn the right Line ALI, meeting the Curve in the Points L, I, and the Line GD joining F D G .PH non # iza G f C I 9. If the Line L K be the tranſ. A K verſe Axis of an Ellipfis, and Points H,1, the two Foci, and the Rulers, D HG, IF, be in Length equal to L K, and the Rule F G to HI; the Points of Contact in the Point and if the Ends of the Rules, HG, K; then will AL:AI :: KL: KI. And ſo fince, when the right G Line LI paſſes thro' the Centre C of the Ellipfis, it is biſſected ; there- fore CK, CI, CA, are continual T Proportionals. See more under Hy- perbola. 6. In every Ellipfis a Parallelo- gram, as EFGH, that circum- ſcribes it, ſo that its Sides be paral- lel to the two conjugate Diameters K2, MI, is equal to the Rectangle L H I. B А N M G. IF, be moveable about the Foci, E H, I, and the Rule F G be faften'd to them, fo as to be moveable about D the Points F, G; then will the In- terſection of the Rules HG, IF, deſcribe ao Ellipfis. A BCD, whoſe Sides are equal to That this Curve will be an Ellip- the two Axes NO, PQ: See more fis, will appear thus. Join FH; under Hyperbola. for becauſe the Triangles FGH, 7. In every Ellipfis the Sum of FIH, have two Sides, FG, the Squares of any two conjugate each equal to the two Sides HI, IF, Diameters is equal to the Sum of and the Baſe FH common, the the Squares of the two Axes. Angles FHG, HFI, will be equal ; 8. In every Ellipfis the Angles and ſo the Sides, FE, EH, are ACF, GCE, made by the Tan- equal : Whence FI = HE + EI; gent A E, and the Lines F C, CG, but FI is equal to LK; whence HE 12 : FI GH, + E L L E L O 1 of EI 2 = to the Axis ; and conſe. videndo) cc: zaat-ubb :: yy : zaak quently the Point E is in the Ellip 2bb-tyyxx. And again (di- fis, whoſe Foci are H, I, and Axis videndo) cc : yy :: zaa-t-2bbcc : LK; becauſe the Sum of the Lines zaat2bb-cc-xx. But ſince zaat HE, I E, in the Ellipfis, are always 2bb-cc is = 466+46c-4cc. for a= equal to L K. btc. Therefore cc : yy :: 466+ 10. If one End A of any two e- 4bctc : 466+4bcticxx. But qual Rulers A B, BD, which are moveable about the point B. like a 466+4bc+c=a+b. Conſequent- Carpenter's Joint-Rule, be falten'd ly cc : yy :: atb ; atb - xx. to the Rule LK, ſo as to be made which is a noted Property of the moveable about the Point A, and Ellipfis. the End D of the Rule DB 'be ELLIPTICAL COMPASS, is an drawn along the side of the Rule Inſtrument for drawing of Ellipfes at one Revolution of the Index, . B and confifts of a Croſs A BGH, with Grooves in it, and an Index CE, which is faften'd to the Croſs I K by means of Dove-tails at the Places .2 2 ultra D E G G P B AL ==B KS D A [ H 1 E G C, D, that ſlide in the Grooves ; ſo L K, any Point E, taken in the that when the Index is turned about, Side DB of the Rule, will deſcribe the End E thereof will deſcribe an an Ellipfis, whoſe Centre is A, con- Ellipfis. jugate Axis = 2 DE, and trans ELLIPTICAL DIAL, is ary In- verfe = 2AB + 2 BE. ftrument inade commonly of Braſs, The following Demonſtration of with a Joint, to fold together, and this Property being new, at leaſt to the Gnomons to fali flat, commo- me, is the reaſon I put it down. diouſly contrived to take a little Let us call BD, a; BE, b; DE,c; room in the Pocket. By it may be A e, x X; e E, y; he, u; h D, q; and found the true Meridian, Hour of e D, z. Then xx+'-y=299 + the Day, Rifing and Setting of the 2uu (by 9. 2. Euclid). But ſince aa Sun, with ſeveral other Propoſitions :99:: 66: uu. And (by compound of the Globe. ing) aa:99 :: 2aatabb : 299+2uu. ELONGATION of a Planet, or or cc:c--yy:: zaa+2bb: 2y+z1u; Angle of Elongation, in Aftronomy, becauſe aa : yy :: cc : zz. Therefore is the Difference between the Sun's .cc : 6cmyy :: zaart 2bbxxafcc- yy. true Place, and the Geocentric Place ſince xx7cc--yy=299+zuu. and (die of that Planet! The E M P EN G The utmoft Elongation of Venus ENCEINTE, a French Term, in can be but forty-five Degrees, and Fortification, fignifying the whole that of Mercury but thirty Degrees, Incloſure, Circumference, or Com- which is the reaſon this Planet is ſo paſs of a fortified Place, conſiſting rarely ſeen. either of Baltions, or not. EMBOLUS, is the Sucker of a ENDECAGON, a plain Figure, of Pump, or Syringe; which when the eleven Sides and Angles. Pipe of the Syringe is cloſe ſtopped, ENFILADE, in Fortification, fig- cannot be drawn up but with the nifies a Situation of Ground, which greateſt Difficulty ; and when for- diſcovers a Poſt according to the ced up by main Strength, will, on whole Length of a right Line, fo being let go, return again with great that it can be ſcoured with the Can- Violence. non, and render'd almoſt defenceleſs. EMBRASURE, in Architecture, is Whence, to the Enlargement made in the Walls, Enfile che Curtain or Rampart, is to give more Light and greater Con- to ſweep the whole Length of it venience to the Windows and Doors with the Cannon. of a Building ENGINe, in general, is any me- EMBRASUres, in Fortification, chanic Inſtrument, compoſed of are the Holes in a Parapet, through Wheels, Screws, Pullies, &c. by which the Cannons are pointed to the Help of which a Body is either fire into the Moat or Field. They moved or hinder'd from moving 1. When the Quantities of Mo- from one another, every one of them tion, in the Weight and Power, are being from fix to ſeven Foot wide equal, the Engine ſhall fand in E- without, and about three within. quilibrio ; but when they are un- Their Height above the Platform equal, the greater Quantity of Mo- is three Foot on that fide toward tion ſhall overcome and work the the Town, and a foot and a half Engine. on the other ſide toward the Field; 2. Of Forces in themſelves equal, that ſo the Muzzle may be funk on that which is nearelt to that Point occaſion, and the Piece brought to of the Engine, about which the Thoot low. Weight and Power move, or upon EMERs10n, in Aftronomy, is the which they ſuſtain each other, is Time when any Planet, that is e- relatively the weakeſt upun the En- clipſed, begins to emerge, or get gine ; for as the Engine works, the out of the Shadow of the eclipfing neareſt Force moves the floweſt, and Body. When any Body alſo, therefore has the leaſt Quantity of lighter in Specie than Water, being Motion. thruſt violently down into it, riſes 3. The Effect of any Force upon again, 'tis ſaid to emerge out of the the Engine will not be changed; if, Water. without changing the Line of Direc- EMINENTIAL EQUATION, a tion, it is only placed in ſome other Word of no great uſe, is an artificial Point of che faine Line. The Na- Equation, containing another Equa- ture of any Engine is explained, tion eminently, and is uſed in the when it is known in what Circum- Inveſtigation of the Area's of curv'd ſtances the Weight and Power will Spaces. be in Equilibrio upon that Engine. EMPATTEMENT, by ſome is 4 In all Engines whatſoever, the the ſame with Talus in Fortification. Weight and Power will be in Equi- Which fee. hbriy, when their Quantities are in Q the E PA EPI the reciprocal Proportion of the Ve If the Golden Number be given, locities, which the working of the and it be divided by 3, and the Re- Engine will give them. mainder be multiplied by 10, and 5. If an Engine be compoſed of added to the Golden Number, and ſeveral fimple Engines, the Power is from the Sum, 30 be taken away, to the Reſiſtance when it counter- the Remainder will be the Epact. ballances it, in a Ratio compounded EPAULE, in Fortification, is the of all the Ratio's, which the Powers Shoulder of the Baſtion, or the An- in each ſimple Engine would have gle of the Face and Flank; whence to the Reſiſtance, if they were ſe. that Angle is often called the Angle parately applied. of the Epaule. ENGONASIS HERCULES, the EPAULEMENT, in Fortification, Name given by Aſtronomers to one is a Side-work, made either of Earth of the Northern Conftellations, con thrown up, of Bags of Earth, Ga- taining about forty-eight Stars: - bions, or of Faſcines and Earth ; of ENGYSCOPE, the fame with a which latter they make the Epaule- Microſcope. Which ſee. ments of the Places of Arms for ENHARMONICAL, or ENHAR the Cavalry behind the Trenches. MONIC, in Muſic, is uſually applied Epaulement, is uſed for a Demi- to the laſt of the three Kinds, a- Baſtion, and ſometimes it fignifies a bounding in Dieſes, which are the ſquare Orillon, which is a Maſs of leaſt fenfible Diviſions of a Tone. Earth almoſt ſquare, faced and lined See Dieſis. with a Wall, and deſigned to cover ENNE A DECATERIDES, the ſame the Cannon of a Caſemate. with the Golden Number. Which EPICYCLE, is a ſmall Circle, fee ; or the Cycle of the Moon. whoſe Centre is in the Circumfe- ENNEAGON, is a Polygon of nine rence of a greater, or a ſmall Orb, equal Sides. which being fixed in the Deferent ENTABLATURE, or ENTABLE- of a Planet, is carried along with MENT, in Architecture, fignifies its Motion, and yet with its pecu- the Architrave, the Freeze, and the liar Motion, carries the Body of the Cornice together, and is different in Planet faſtend to it round about the different Orders. its proper. Centre; which ancient ENVELOPE, in Fortification, is a Aftronomers attribute to all the Pla- Mount of the Earth, ſometimes nets, for ſolving their Appearances, raiſed in the Ditch of a Place, and except the Sun. ſometimes beyond it, being either EPICYCLOID, is a Curve gene- in form of a ſimple Parapet, or of rated by a Point taken in the Peri- a ſmall Rampart, borderd with a phery of a Circle that rolls or re- Parapet. Theſe Envelopes are volves upon the Periphery of ano- made when one would only cover ther Circle, either within or with- the weak Places with ſingle Lines, out it. without any Deſign of advancing 'The Length of any part of the toward the Field, which cannot be Curve, that any given Point in the done but by Works that require a revolving Circle has deſcrib'd from great deal of Breadth, ſuch as Horn- the Time it touched the Circle it Works, Half-Moons, &c. revoly'd upon, ſhall be to double EPACT, is a Number expreſſing the versid Sine of half the Arch, the Exceſs of a Solar Year above a which all that time touched the Lunar one, and is only of uſe in Circle at reſt, as the Sum of the finding the Age of the Moon. Diameters of the Circles, to the Seni- EPI E QU $emi-Diameter of the reſting Cir- Centre in the other Focus, and the cle, if the revolving Circle moves Radius fhall be the principal Axis of the Hyperbola, and any other Point of the Hyperbola fall de- ſcribe a Line of the fourth Order. See concerning theſe Lines in Lib. 1. of Sir Iſaac Newton's Prin- cip. Mathem. Alſo Mr. De la Hire, in his Memoires de Mathematique & de Phyſique, wherein he ſhews the Na- ture of this Line, and its Uſe in Me- chanics. See alſo Mr. Mac-Laurin's Geometria Organica. EPISTYLE, in Architecture, is a Maſs of Stone, or Piece of Timber, laid upon the Capital of a Pillar, Epocha, or ÉPOCHE, in Chro- nology, ſignifies ſome remarkable Occurrence, from whence ſome Na- tions date and meaſure their Com- upon the Convex-fide of the reſting putation of Time. Circle: But if upon the Concave The Julian Epocha takes its fide, as the Difference of the Dia- Name from Julius Cæſar's Refor: meters, to the Semi-Diameter. mation of the Roman Calendar, If a Parabola moves upon ano which was done forty-five years be- ther equal to it, the focus of it fore Chriſt, in the ſeven hundred will deſcribe a right Line perpendi- and eighth Year from the Building cular to the Axis of the Parabola at of Rome, and in the ſeven hundred reſt, and at a Diſtance from it equal and thirty-firft Olympiad. to the Diſtance of the Vertex from The Ethiopic, Abyfinian, or as the Focus, and the Vertex of the ſome call it, the Diocletian Epocha, Parabola will deſcribe the Ciffoid or others, the Æra of the Martyrs, of Diocles, and any other Point becauſe it bore a Date with a very thereof will deſcribe fome one of ſevere Perſecution ; this Epocha be- the defective Hyperbola's of Sir gan Auguſt 29, A. D. 284. and in Iſaac Newton, having a double Point the third Year of the Emperor Dio- in the like Point of the Parabola at cletian. 'Tis uſed by the Egyptians reft. and Abiliyns. If in like manner an Ellipſis re The Turkiſh, or Arabic Epocha, volves upon another, equal and fi- which they call the Hegira, bears a milar to it, the Focus will deſcribe' Date from Mahomet's Flight from a Circle, whoſe Centre is in the Mecca, A. D. 622, July 16. other Focus, and the Radius ſhall The Perfic, or Jefdegerdic Epocha, be equal to the Axis of the Ellipſis; takes its Date either from the Coro- and any other Point of the Plane of nation of the laſt Perſian King Jef- the Ellipfis ſhall deſcribe a Line of degerdic, or Jeſdagerdis, as ſome ſay, the fourth Order. The ſame may or from his being conquer'd rather be ſaid alſo of an Hyperbola, re- by Ottoman the Saracen, which was volving upon another, equal and ſia June 16. A. D. 632. milar to it; for one of the foci EQUABLE MOTIONS, are fuch will deſcribe a Circle, having its as always continue the ſame Degree e2 of E QU EQU , x, v 2 01 c 3 of Velocity,and are neither accelerat- ther, accompanied with the proper ed nor retarded; but if there be an Signs +, & c. and Acceleration or Recardation of the known by this Mark =, amongſt Velocity of two or more Bödies, them, fignifying that Number or and it be exactly and uniformly literal Quantity, or all the Num- the ſame in them both, or all, they bers, or literal Quantities, or both, ſay, ſuch Bodies are before it, to be equal to the Number EQUABLY accelerated or retarded. or literal Quantity, or all the EQUALITY, is the exact Agree- Numbers or literal Quantities, or ment of two Things, in reſpect of both, which are after it. Thus 2 Quantity = 2, 5+ 3 28 4 + 2, A plainer Definition of Equality, 7=2 I+3+3, asa,b=1, is this; thoſe Things are equal to dd =gg + h), *x + ax = bb, one another, which poſſeſs the ſame bx3 ex Place, or may be conceived to pof- *3 t-ax+bx=13, + feſs the ſame Place by the Flexion f and Tranſpoſition of their Parts. Vao, &c. are all Equations, figni- See a learned Diſcourſe about this, fying reſpectively that 2 is equal to by Dr. Barrow, in his rith and 2, that 5 + 3 - 2 (viz. 6.) is e- 12th Mathematical Lectures qual to 8 4+2 (viz. 6.), y e- EQUATION, or the total Proſta- qual to 2 I + 3 + 3, (viz. 7.) ; phærefis, in the Ptolemaic Theory of a equal to a, b equal to c, dd equal the Planets, is the Difference be- to gg +bh, *x + ax equal to bb, tween the Planets mean and true 6x3 Motion, and the Angle made by *3 to axa-t-bx equal to c3, the Lines of the true and mean Mo. tion of the Centre. But the EQUATION, OF PHYSICAL PRO- equal to vão. You will alſo STAPHÆRESIS, is the Difference fee frequently Numbers or literal between the Motions of the Centre Expreſſions of Quantities, or a Mix- of the Epicycle in the Equant, and ture of both, before the Sign in the Eccentric. And the Equality, and a Cypher o after it, EQUATION, or Optical Pro- or elſe a Cypher before and thoſe STAPHÆRESIS, is the Angle made after, which by many is call'd an by two Lines drawn from the Cen- Equation. But I think very wrong- tre of the Epicycle to the Centre ly, for all that is really meant by of the World, and of the Eccen- ſuch an Expreſſion is, that the Quan- tric. tities before or after ſuch a Sign EQUATION of the Orbit, is the mutually, deſtroy each other: Or, fame with the Total Profiaphæreſis, wh:n ſome of them be taken from or liquation total. the others, there will be no Diffe- EQUATION, in Algebra, is an rece remaining. Equality between one Number or Perhaps the calling ſuch an Ex- Quantity, and one ; feveral, and priflion an Equation, might have one ; ſeveral and ſeveral, or between given occafion for the Author of the their Sums, Diffcrences, Products, Minute Philoſoplier, in his Diſcourſe Quotients, Powers and Rocts, either called Tire Anal;i, pag 86. qu.APIP 40. all expreffed particularly by the not only to talk Nonſenſe himſelf, common Numerical Characters, or but charge theMathematicians of the univerſally by the Letters of the preſint Āge to do ſo too. For, ſays Alphabet, or by both theſe toge- he, is it 1.0t a general Cafe, or Rule, that + с ex 2 of ܝܐ 1 1 E QU E QU that one and the ſame Co-efficient di- = 0, and x = b, or x- -b=0 viding equal Produkts, gives . equal then will traxx b=0, be a. Quotients? And yet, whether ſuch quadratic Equation, having two af- Co-efficient can be interpreted by o, or firmative Roots + a, and + b. nothing, or whether any one will ſay In like nianner, when xsa, x=b, that if the Equation 5*0 = 2 XO be divided by , the Quotient on both *=, or x-a=0, x-b=0, x-6 Sides will be equal? Whether there- =0; then will x---axa-bxare fore a Caſe may not be general, o be a cubic Equation, having with reſpect to all Quantities, and three affirmative Roots. See more yet not extend to Nothings, or include of this in Harriot's Praxis Artis the Caſe of nothing; and whether the Analyticæ, (who was the firſt that bringing nothing under the Notion of explained the Nature of Equations Quantity, may not have betray'd Mén after this way,) Deſcartes's Geometry, into falſe reaſoning? Now herein and other Writers of Algebra. he talks both ignorantly and unin- Vieta has explained their Nature telligibly, and falſely ; 'for in the from the Analogy of their Terms ; firſt place, a Co-efficient does not di- and Dr. Barrow, at the End of his vide Products, but multiplies them, Geometrical Lectures, has given a any one that is acquainted with Specimen of doing the ſame by its Definition very well knows. In curve Lines. the next place, whoever.calls o, or Every Equation has as many nothing, a Co-eficient? This would Roots as the unknown Quantity of be talking ſtark nonſenſe, ſaying the firſt Term has Dimenſions, or nothing is ſomething. Thirdly, as the Exponent thereof contains what Mathematician (except this Units. pretended one) ever called 2 X0 = All Equations have as many af- 5.*.0, an Equation ? Or, would ſay, firmative Roots as there are Permu- if it were divided by o, the Quo- tations of Signs ; and as many ne- tient on both ſides will be equal. gative Roots, as there are Succef- Fourthly, Does his aſking, whether ſons of them; as in the quadratic a Cafe may not be general and ex- Equation x2 +x-60, there is one tend to all Quantities, and yet not ex- Succeſſion of Signs tot, and one tend to Nothings, or include the Caſe Permutation + But the Equa- of nothing, ſignify any more than tion has two Roots; one being the ſaying a Caſe may be general, and affirmative one + A, and the other extend to all Quantities; but it is the negative one - 3 Alſo in the no caſe at all, when there is no- cubic Equation 33-3*-10x+24 thing to make it one. Laſtly, who- =o there are two Permutations of ever brought nothing under the No. Signs + - and and at, and one tion of Quantity ; this would be a Succeſſion But it has three Contradiction in Terms : What muſt Roots; two affirmative ones + 2, 'one take a Man to be, who aſſerts + 4, and one negative one -3. that nothing is ſomething ? For EQUATION (ANNUAL) of the Quantity is allowed by all to be mean Motion of the Sun, and ſomething; and of all people, I am Moon's Apogee and Nodes. very ſure, no Mathematician will The Annual Equation of the ever ſay this is nothing. mean Motion of the Sun, depends The Nature of Equations are upon the Eccentricity of the Earth's very well explained from their Ge- Orbit round him, and is fixieen neration ; as if x be =4, or x-a' ſuch Parts, of which the inean 13- a3 sta ce 1 I EQU E QU 1 or Atance between the Sun and Earth is EQUILATERAL HYPERBOLA, a thouſand; from whence, by ſome, is ſuch an one whoſe tranſverſe Dia- 'cis called the Equation of th: Centre ; ineter is equal to its Parameter; and and this, when greateſt, is i deg. ſo all the other Diameters equal to 56 min. 20 ſec. the greateſt An- their Parameters, and the Aſymp- nual. totes of it do cut one another at. EQUATION of the Moon's mean right Angles in the Centre. Motion, is 11 min. 40 ſec. of its Its molt fimple Equation, with re- Apogee 20 min. and of its Node 9 gard to the tranſverſe Axis , being min. 30 fec. and theſe four Annual yy=xx aa; and with regard Equations are always mutually pro- to the Conjugate yy. = x x + aa, portionable to one another ; ſo that when a is the Semi-tranſverſe, when any of them is at the greateſt, Semi-conjugate Axis. The Length of the three others alſo will be greateſt; the Curve cannot be found by means and when any one leſs, the reſt di. of the Quadrature of any. Space, of miniſh in the ſame Ratio: Where- which a Conic Section is any Part fore, the Annual Equation of the of the Perimeter ; altho' Mr. Leib- Centre (of the Sun) being given, the nitz, in one of his Letters to Sir other three correſponding Equa- Iſaac Newton, publiſhed in the Com- tions will be given; ſo that one mercium Epiftolicum, is of opinion it Table (i.e. of the Central Equa. could. See concerning the Deſcrip- tion) may ſerve all. tion of this Curve under the word EQUATION of a Curve, is an E- Hiperbola. quation Thewing the Nature of a EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE. See Curve by Expreſſion, the Relation Triangle. between an Abſciſs, and a Cor- EQUILIBRIUM, in Mechanics, reſpondent Ordinate, (which was is when the two Ends of a Ballance first done by Deſcartes in his Geo- hang ſo exactly even and level, that metry) or elſe expreſſing the Rela- neither-doth aſcend or deſcend, but tions of their Fluxions, &c. See Şir do both keep in a Poſition parallel Iſaac Newton's Fluxions, & c. to the Horizon, which is occafioned EQUATION of Time, is a Space by their being both charged with an of Time to be added to, or ſub- equal Weight. tracted from the Time ſhown by the EQUIMUL'TIPLES, are Num- Sun, that thereby it may become bers or Quantities multiplied by one equable, and is the Difference be- and the ſame Number or Quantity. tween the Sun's mean Motion, and See Proportion. its right Aſcenſion; and is greateſt EQUINOCTIAL, (in the Heavens) about the latter End of January or Equator on the Earth, is a great and October, it being then near Circle, whole Poles are the Poles fifteen Minutes; and about the Be- of the World. It divides the Globe ginning of April, June, and towards into two equal Parts, that is, the the latter End of Auguſt, it is leaft, Northern and Southern Hemi- being then leſs than a Minute. See ſpheres. It paſſes through the Eaſt the Xitronomical Writers upon this and Weſt Points of the Horizon ; Subject and at the Meridian is raiſed as much EQUATOR. See Equinoctial. above the Horizon as the Comple- EQUICRURAL. See I/oceles. ment of the Latitude of the Place. EQUICULUS,Or EQUUS MINOR, 1. Whenever the Sun cometh to a Conſtellation in the Northern He this Circle, it maketh equal Days miſphere, conhiting of four Scars, and Nights all sound the Globe, be- caure E Q_U É QU Cauſe he then always riſes due Eaſt, whoſe Plane is , parallel to the Equi- and fets due Weſt, which he doth noctial. at no other time of the Year : 1. The Hour-Lines on this Dial whence it hath it's Name. All are all equally diſtant from one an. Stars alſo which are under this other round the Periphery of a Cir- Circle, or which have no Declina- cle, and the Style thereof is a ſtraight tion do always riſe due Eaſt, and ſet Pin, or Wire, ſet up in the Centre full Weſt, &C. of the Circle, perpendicular to the 2. All People living under this Plane of the Dial. Circle (which, in Geography, is 2. The Sun ſhines upon the upper called the Line,) have their Days Part of this, Dial-Plane from the and Nights equal. At Noon the roth of March to the 12th of Sep- Sun is in the Zenith, or directly tember, and upon the under Part'the over their Heads, and cafts no Sha- other half of the Year. dow. 3. There are ſome of theſe Dials 3. From this Circle (on the made of Braſs, & c. and ſet up in Globe) is the Declination, or La- a Frame, to be elevated to any gi- titude accounted on the Meridian. ven Latitude. 4. And the Circles which run EQUINOCTIAL ORIENT. See through each Degree of Latitude or Orient. Declination, are called Parallels of EQUINOCTIAL OCCIDENT. Latitude, or Declination. See Occident. 5. Through this Equinoctial all EQUINOXES, are the preciſe the Hour-Circles are drawn'at right Times in which the Sun enters into Angles to it ; and through the Poles the firſt Points of Aries and Libra; of the World, at every fifteenth for the Sun moving exactly under Degree on the Celeſtial Globe. the Equinoctial, he makes our Days 6. And the Equator on the Ter- and Nights equal. This he doth reſtrial Globe is divided by the Me- twice a year, about the roth of ridians into thirty-fix equal Parts. March and 12th of September; 7. The natural Day is meaſured which therefore are called the Verg by the Revolution of the Equator, nal and Autumnal Equinoxes. and is ended when the fame Point 1. It is found by Aſtronomical of the Equator comes again to the Obſervation, that the Equinoctial ſame Meridian, which is in twenty- Points (which are the firſt Points of four Hours. the Signs Aries and Libra) go back- 8. Wherefore, ſince the Equator wards every Year 5 fec. (as all great Circles are) is divided 2. And our admirable Sir Iſaac into three hundred and ſixty De. Newton, taking the Matter into grees, each Hour muſt be i'w of that Conſideration, according to his Prin- Number, or fifteen Degrees; there- ciples, found, by Calculation, that fore one Degree of the Equator will they muſt recede 49 min. 58 ſec. contain four Minutes of an Hour, which is furpriſingly near the and fifteen Minutes of a Degree will Truth. make a Minute of an Hour, or fixiy 3. The Space from the Vernal Seconds; and conſequently four Se- to the Autumnal Equinox, is eight conds anſwer to one Minute of a or nine Days longer than from che Degree. Autumnal to the Vernal, by reaſon EQUINOCTIAL COLURE. See of the Poſition of the Perilielion of Colure. the Earth's Orbit near the Winter EQUINOCTIAL DIAL, is one Solſtice. EQUI Q4 E RE ER E EQUINUS BARBATUS, a kind of ing Dial is to be drawn. Let RSP. Comet. See Hippeus. be an. Hour-Circle, and RXP Erect DECLINING DIALS. another at right Angles to the A- See Declining Erect Dials. zimuth Circle ZGD. Then in In Dials of this kind, as the Ra- the right-angled ſpherical Triangle dius is to the Co-fine of the Plane's ZXP, ZX will be the Subſtyle's Declination, ſo is the Co-fine of the Diſtance from the Meridian, which Elevation of the Pole, to the Sine may be had by having given the of the Style's Height. And as the Hypotheneuſe ZP, being the Com- Radius is to the Sine of the Plane's plement of the Latitude, and the Declination, ſo is the Co-Tangent Angle XZP, being the Comple- of the Elevation of the Pole, to the ment of che Plane’s Declination, Tangent of the Subſtyle's Diſtance the Side PX will be the Style's from the Meridian; and as the Ra. Height, and the Angle ZPX the dius is to the Co-Tangent of the Inclination of the Meridians. Declination, ſo is the Sine of the Moreover, in the ſpherical Tri- Elevation of the Pole to the Co- angle ZP Q, the Side ZQ, will Tangent of the Inclination of the be the Angle that the given Hour-. Meridians ; and as the Radius ; is Line RSQP makes with the to the Sine of the Style's Height :: Meridian at the Centre of the Dial; ſo is the Tangent of any Hour An- and this may be had from the gi- gle : to the 'I'angent of the Hour- ven Angles Z, P, and the Side ŽP Arch. between them. All the Proportions above may Theſe Sort of Dials may be be obtain’d from the Doctrine of drawn geometrically too, the Height Spherical Triangles, and that after of the Style being firſt given. Sup- the following manner: Let A B pofe ABC to be an horizontal be the Horizon, EF the Equator, Line, and the Line BD at right making an Angle with the ſame e- Angles to it, to be the Meridian or qual to the Complement of the La- Hour-Line of 12. Make the An- gle EBD equal to the Comple- z ment of the Latitude, and the An- gle FBG equal to the Declina- E P tion of the Plane, and draw ED perpendicular to the Meridian. V Make FB equal to ED, and from F let fall FG perpendicularſ to the A B Meridian BD, and make DH G equal to FG; and thro' B draw BH, which will be the ſubſtylar Line. This done, draw the Line R F I K thro' H perpendicular to BH, and this will be the Tangent or D Contingent Line, as it is calied, and make the Angle HBL equal to titude. DZ the prime Vertical, the Height of the Style, and from AZPD the Meridian. PR the H let fall the right Line HM per- Axis of the World and Hour-Circle pendicular to the Style B L. Lait- of Six, in a given Latitude BP. Îy, make HN equal to HM, and Z&D är Azimuth Circle, upon about the Centre N deſcribe a Circle The Plane of which an eiect declin- HROP; which will be the Equi- noctial. S ESP E V E noctial. Continue down the Meri- N thro' them to cut the Tangent dian DB 'to cut the Tangent Line IK, in the Points 11, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, IK in the Point Q; and draw the &c. and if thro' theſe laſt Points right Line QN, cutting the Equi- be drawn the right Lines B 11, B1, noctial in R. Then if the Circum- B2, B3, B4, B5, &c. &c. there ference of this Circle be divided will be the Hour-Lines of 11, 1, into 24 equal Parts, beginning at 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. R, and right Lines be drawn from À 13 M K K L כ ; 12 12 쫭 11 R N P I ERECT DIRECT PLANES, ortadel, and the firſt Houſes of the DIALS, are thoſe that ſtand up- Town. right, and face the four Cardinal ESTIVAL Occident. See Oc- Points. cident. ERECT DIRECT, EAST, 'WEST, ESTIVAL ORIENT. See Orient. South, or NORTH DIALs. See ESTIVAL SOLSTICE. See Sol Ereft Dire? Planes. fice. ERIDANUS, or RADUS, a Sou Evection, or (being the ſame thern Conſtellation, conſiſting of as) LIBRATION of the Moon, is an twenty-eight Stars. Inequality in her Motion, by which, ESCALADE, or SCALADE, is a at or near the Quadratures, ſhe is furious Attack upon a Wall, or not in a Line drawn through the Rampart, carried on with Ladders Centre of the Earth to the Sun, as to mount up upon it, without going ſhe is at the Syzygies, or Conjunc- on in Form, breaking Ground, or tion and Oppoſition, but makes an carrying on of Works to ſecure the Angle with that Line of about two Men. Degrees fifty-one Minutes. ES PAULE, or EPAULB. See The Motion of the Moon about Epaule. its Axis is only equable, it perform- ES PAULEMENT! See Epaule- ing its Revolution exactly in the fame time as it rolls round the ESPLENADE, a Term in Forti. Earth ; and thence it is that it nearly fication, the ſame with the Glacis always turns the ſame Face towards of the Counterſcarp originally ; but But this Equality, and the un- now 'tis uſually taken for the empty equal Motion of the Moon in her Space between the Glacis of a Ci- Ellipfis, is the cauſe why the Moon, ment. US. E V O E X H one 5 Moon, ſeen from the Earth, ap 1. When the Point B falls in A, pears to librate a little upon its the Radius MC of the Evolute is Axis, ſometimes from Eaſt to Weſt, equal to the Arch BC; but if not, and ſometimes from Weſt to Eaſt ; to AB + the Arch BC. and ſome Parts in the Eaſtern Limb 2. The Radius of the Evolute of the Moon go backwards and CM is perpendicular to the Curve forwards a ſmall Space, and ſome · AM. that were conſpicuous, are hid, and 3. Becauſe the Radius MC of then again appear. the Evolute continually touches it, Even NUMBER, is that which it is evident, from the Generation can be divided into two equal Parts, of the Curve deſcribed from the E- as 4, 6, 8, &C. volution, that it may be deſcribed EVENLY EVEN NUMBER, is through innumerable Points, if the that which an even Number mea. Tangents in the Parts of the Evo- fures by an even one, as 16 is an lute are produc'd until they be- evenly even Number, becauſe 8, an come equal to their anſwerable even Number, meaſures it by two, Arches. an even Number. 4. The Evolute of the common EVENLY ODD NUMBER, is that Parabola, is a Parabola of the fe- which an even Number meaſures by cond kind, whoſe Parameter is 47 an odd one, as 20, which the even of the cominon Parabola. Number 4 meaſures by the odd 5. The Evolutè of a Cycloid, is another Cycloid equal and ſimilar EVOLUTE CURVES, Ifa Thread to it. FCM be wrapped, or winded 6. All the Arches of Evolute about the Curve BCF, and then Curves are rectifiable, if the Radii unwinded again, the Point M there- of the Evolute can be expreſſed of will deſcribe the Curve AMM, geometrically. This Doctrine of Evolute Curves M is very well explained and handled M by Mr. Huygens, in his Horologium Oſcillatorium. See alſo what Dr. James Gregory, Mr. Mac-Laurin, and Sir Iſaac Newton in his Flu- xions, have wrote upon this Sub- B ject. EVOLUTION, in Algebra, figni- fies the Extractions of the Roots of any Powers, EURI'T HMY, in Architecture, is the exact Proportion between all the Parts of any Building EUS'TYLE, is the beſt manner I of placing Columns, with regard to their Diſtance, which Vitruvius which Mr. Huygens, the Inventor, will have to be two Diameters and calls a Curve deſcribd from Evolis- a Quarter, or four Modules. tion; and the Curve BCF is the E EXAGON, the fame with Hexagon. volute, the Part MC of the Thread Which ſee. being called the Radius of the E EXHALATION, is any thing that volute. is raiſed up from the Earth by 3 . C Heat ; EXP E X T Heat; as Vapours, Miſts, Fogs, ties be proportional, the Ratio of the &c. firſt to the third is ſaid to be the EXHAUSTED RECEIVER, is the Duplicate of the Ratio of the firſt Veſſel of Glaſs, &c. that ſtands to the ſecond, and of the ſecond to upon the Body of the Air-Pump, the third ; therefore, according to in order to have the Air pump'd out this, ; muſt be the double of , of it. which is very falſe. But every one EXHAUSTIONS, or the Method of knows the Logarithm of the Ratio Exhauſtions, is the ancient Method of 1 to 9; that is, the Logarithm of Euclid, Archimedes, &c. that of 9, is the double of the Ratio of proves the Equality of two Magni- 1 to 3, or 3 to 9; that is, the tudes by a Deduction ad Abſurdum, Logarithm of 3. From whence it in ſuppoſing, that if one be greater appears, that Logarithms are more or leſs than the other, there would properly the Exponents of Ratios, follow an Abſurdity; and it is than numerical Quotients; and of founded upon the firſt Propoſition this opinion ſeem Dr. Halley, Mr. of the roth Book of Euclid. See Cotes, and others. more of this Method in Prop. 2, EXPONENTIAL CALCULUS. See 10, 8c. lib. 12. Euclid. Calculus Exponentialis. EXPONENT of a Ratio, is the EXPONENTIAL CURVE, is that Quotient ariſing from the Diviſion whoſe Nature is expreſſed by an of the Antecedent by the Conſe. exponential Equation. quent; as the Exponent of the Ra The Area of any exponential tio of 3 to 2 is i }, and of the Curve, whoſe Nature is expreſſed Ratio of 2 to 3 is Ž. And a Row by this exponential Equation, 2*= of Numbers in an Arithmetical Pro- yi (making I tv=x,) will be greſſion, beginning from o, being placed over a Rank of geometrical ²+ U3 Progreſſionals are called Exponents. 1. If the Conſequent be Unity, the Antecedent itſelf is the Expo- nent of the Ratio. 26 &c. 2. The Exponent of a Ratio is to Unity, as the Antecedent is to the EXPONENTIAL EQUATION, is Conſequent. Altho' the Quotient of the Divi. that wherein there is an exponen- fion of the Antecedent by the Con-' tial Quantity; as x*=y. ſequent, is uſually taken for the EXPONENTIAL QUANTITY, is. Exponent of a Ratio ; yet in rea a Quantity whoſe Power is a vari. lity, the Exponent of a Ratio ought able Quantity; as **, a*. to be a Logarithm. And this ſeems EXTERIOR POLYGON. See Por to be more agreeable to Euclid's De- bygon Exterior. finition of Duplicate and Triplicate EXTERIOR TALUs, See Talus. Ratio's in his sth Book,'than Quo EXTERMINATION Of the tients. For 1, 2, and 9, are conti- known Quantity from an Equation, is nual Proportionals ; now if be the the taking it away, or getting it Exponent of the Ratio of 1 to 3, out of the Equation. and or ş, the Exponent of the If there be two Equations, and an Ratio of 3 to 9, and ; the Expo- unknown Quantity in each of them; nent of the Ratio of 1 to 9; and has but one Dimenſion, it may be Since Euclid fays, If three Quanti- exterminated by making an Equa- I I O.1.2. I I rott سب کرد 1 Une lity E X T EX T ro byy- c c C lity between its different Values axy-ds Where- found in each of them; as if a tox be = bty, and cx + dy = 48. in x is reduced to one Dimenſion, then in the firſt Equation *=6+ 'and ſo may be taken away, from 4g-dy what has been already ſaid. In like y-a, and x = And manner, if 33 xyt-abx, and yu 48- dy xx-xyt-e; in order to take out then will bty-- a= the laſt Equation muſt be multi- 9 plied by y; then will y3 = y** wherein * is exterminated. If the Quantity to be extermina- fion in both ; and fo xyy + abx= xyyticy have the ſame Dimen- ted be of one Dimenſion in one of the Equations, and in the other it down to two Dimenſions. Then by y is has more, ſubſtitute its value in the means of this and the moſt fimple other Equation; as if x yy=as, of the given Equations yy=xx--XY and x3 + 43 = bby -- aax: Then tcc, we may get out y entirely by a3 what has been already ſaid. in the firſt Equation x = and If there be ſeveral Equations, and this Value being put for x in the as many unknown Quantities, the Buſineſs of exterminating an un- ſecond, and it will be jo + 93 = known Quantity muſt be performed gradualiy; as if ax=yz, x+y=, and bby ; wherein x is gotten 5x=y+3%. If the Quantity » уу be inade choice of, the Value aa as out. y z a j z 5.72 a When in neither of the two Equa- of one of the other Quantities tions the unknown Quantity to be exterminated does conſiſt of one Di. x or 2, ſuppoſe % (found by the menfion, the Value of the greateſt for it in the ſecond or third Equa- firit Equation) muſt be ſubſtituted Power of muſt be found in each Equation ; and if thoſe Powers be tion ; by which means we ſhall ob- not the fame, the Equation having tain +y=%, and the leait Power, muſt be multiplied -y + by the Quantity to be exterminated, 3%. From whence at laſt z may or by its Square, or Cube, &c. till be taken away, as above. it has the ſame Power with that in When the unknown Quantity, is the other Equation ; then an Equa- of ſeveral Dimenſions, it is ſome- lity muſt be made between the Va- times very troubleſome to get it out, lués of thoſe Powers, by which and the Labour will be very much means a new Equation will arife, ſhorten’d by the following Exam- wherein the greateſt Power of the ples, being as ſo many Rules. Quantity to be exterminated will 1. From a x x +bx+c= 0, be diminiſhed, and by a Repetition and f x x to g*th = 0, being of the Operation will at length be exterminated, there exterminated; as if xx taxi ab-bg20fx ab-tobog and axg (xxd3. And x be to be exterminated, in the firſt Equa- x bf tagg x bft aggoffxc=0. tion xx will be 2. From a x3 + 6 x x + cx for a x ge--13 doo, and f * x + gx + b in the latter xx 0, x being exterminated, there ccmes out :byg b уу? a a, and ; and c. comes 83 3 X X 45 * * xbdfh EXT E X T comes out ab-bg-20fx a bht Quantities] 1,-4, 6, 3 x ġ I, * XX, + 3, and y reſpectively, bh-og-2df x bf htch-dg and there comes out 3 -- ** * * * x aggtcft +3 agh+688 + dff x df=o. *9-6*** *4-3x+x3 + 6x x 3. From a x+ + 6*3 +4**+ -3x+x3: +3xx xxx +9x-3*3 dx tezo, and f x'x +g** h=0, * being exterminated , 3 % o. Then there comes out ab-bg-2cf * tities, and multiplying, you have blotting out the ſuperfluous Quan- a b3 + bb-cg-2df x bf hht 27–18 xx+3**, -9xx+x0,+ agstoff schb-dgb tegs- 3** -18**+2x+=0. And order- ing (duly) 46 + 18 x4 ze fb + 3 agh +688 - dff x + 27 =0. dfhtzabb +3bg bandfg teff Theſe Rules, to be found in Sir xeff-bg? 2abxef g8=o. Iſaac Newton's Algebra, may be 4. Froma x3 + 6** **+ carried higher at pleaſure ; but d=0, and fx3 + g *2+bx+ then their Inveſtigation becomes k o, * being exterminated, very troubleſome. However there have been ſome Perſons, who have there comes out ah -bg bg - 2cf been at the pains to compute a ge- x aabh-achktakt-bh-g2df neral Rule for the Extermination of the unknown Quantities from toak +66 +228 + 3d f Equations, wherein they have any x a a kk : +odb-ddg-cckt Dimenſions whatever. But the Ap- plication of the Rule to particular 2 bdk x agg + cff: + 3@gh Caſes, is oftentimes more tedious +688 + dff-3a fk xdd f - than their Inveſtigation by the com- mon way. 3 akabbt ogt dfx b c fkt bk Sir Iſaac has not ſhewn how he -2 dg xbbfk:-bbk-3adh-cdf found them out; becauſe that fol. xbbfk :-bbk – zadbcdf lows fo eaſily from what has been a g k =0, For Example, to exterminate x faid: For Example, in the firſt Rule, out of the Equations x x + 5 x we have xx + 3 y 30, and 3 * * - 2xy +40: = 0, i reſpectively ſubfticute in the firſt. g * b Rule for abs, fg, and h, [theſe and xx+ There- Quantities, viz] 1, 5, f 3 y y i bx 3, – 2y and 4; and duly obſerv- gx b fore ing the Signs + and --, -, there + f f f ariſes 4 + Toy + 18 yy x 4+ fo x = And if this by3 x 15 + 4yy bf 27yy ag 3yy=0, or 16+ 40 y +72yy Value of x be put in the Equation + 300 – 9033 + 69 94 = 0. a xx+b x ti=0; we ſhall have În like minner that y may be a3 bh 2 aacf, accff gotten out of the Equations ;3 + myy--3x=o, and yy + xy-*x+ bf - agx x bfas 3=0, ſubſtitute in the ſecond ahh Rule for a,b,c,d,fg,h, and x, [theſe bf-ag +=; which E- quation Х 1 bx C + a + O. C + ; and U a u 1 ah-cf 20 X 2 bcf E X T E X T XCO. sb а a quation being clear'd of Fractions, quation, and the numerical Quo- and then contracted as much as pof- tients be reſpectively affix'd to them ; and if the Powers to be reſolv'd be fible will become abbġ – 20f fubtracted from the Sum of the gi- xah+bb-cgxbf tagstoff ven Parts, and the Difference be After the ſame way, al- callid +b; and if, in the next tho' with increaſing Trouble, the Place, the Sum of all the Co-effi- other three Rules may be invefti- cients in the fecond Column be gated. If I remember right , Rho- made equal to s; and laſtly, if in the nane in his Algebra has done this. third Column there be put down EXTERNAL ANGLES. See An- the Sum of all the Co-efficients, gles External. which call t; then will the Root z EXTRA-MUNDANE SPACE, is the infinite void Space, which, by be nearly = at ſome, is ſuppoſed to be extended be sstth yond the Bounds of the Univerſe ; is tv Iss tb2. and conſequently, in which there is nearly a + really nothing at all. EXTRACTION of Roots, is the If azt bz² to 23 + d z4 t Method of finding the Root of a exs+fzº, &c. Egy + y2 + Number or the value of an un- i y3 + k + + lys + mjo, &C. known Quantity of an Equation. then will the Root of this infinite In moſt Books of common Arith- —БАА metic, you have the manner of ex- Equation be x = y + tracting the Square and Cube Root of a Number. The Analytical Wri - 2b AB - CA3 ters who fhew how to do this in 32+ y3 + Species or Algebra, as well for k-bB2- 26AC-3CAB? —d44 pure Powers, as adfected Equa- tions, are Oughtred, in his Key to Mathematics. Vieta, in his y?,&c. Where it muſt be obſerv'd, Tractatus de numerofa Poteßatum that every Capital Letter is equal to purarum atque affectarum Refolun the Co-efficient of each preceding tione. Sir Iſaac Newton, in the Term; as the Letter B is equal to Commercium Epiflolicum ; in his bm-b A2 Fragmenta Epiſtolarum, publiſhed by the Co-efficient of Mr. Jones. And in Dr. Wállis's Algebra. Ozanam's Nouveau E- 1. The Denominator of every lemens d’Algebre, lib. 2. p. 267.- Co-efficient is always a. Ralphſon, in his Analyſis Æquationum 2. The firſt Member of each Nu- Univerſalis. Monſieur de Lagney. merator is always a Co-efficient of Dr. Halley, in the Philoſophical the Series 8.3 + hy2 to i y3, &c. Tranſactions. Mr. Colfon, in his viz. the firſt Numerator begins with Commentary upon Sir Iſaac New. the Co-efficient g, the ſecond Nu- ton's Fluxions; and many others. merator with the ſecond Co-effi- If z, the Root of any adfected cient h, ETC. Equation, be ſuppoſed to be com 3. In every Member after the poſed of the Parts + a, or €, firſt, the Sum of the Exponents of and if from the Quantity ate, or the Capital Letters is always equal e, there he forni'd all the to the Index of the Power to which Powers of x found in the given E- this Member belongs: Thus, if you a F E X T F A C you conſider the Capital Letter, EXTREMES' (DISJUNCT,) are km B?—26 AC-36 A²B A4, the two circular Parts remote from the aſſumed middle Part. See more of this under Spherical Trigonometry. which belongs to the Power y4, in Eve, an Organ of the Body, re- every Member you will ſee that b Ba, 26 AC, 3¢ A? B, d A4 ; confifts of five Tunics, viz. the preſenting whatever is viſible, and the Sum of the Exponents of the Cornea, Sclerotica, Uvea, Choroide, Capital Letters is 4. Retina : And three Humours, the 4. The Exponents of the fame Letters which are written before the Aqueous, Cryſtalline, and Vitreous. Capitals, expreſs how many Capi- tals there are in each Member. 5. The Numerical Figures that F. happen in theſe Members, expreſs the Number of the Permutations, which the Capital Letters of each ACE, or FACADE, in Archi- Member are capable of. tecture, , is a flat Member EXTREME and MEAN PROPOR- which hath a great Breadth, and divided in C, that the Rectangle outward Part of a great Building, TION, is when a Line AB is to ſmall Projecture; as in Architraves, or which immediately preſents itſelf to A B view. FACE of a Baftion, or, of the Bul- under the whole Line A B and the wark, is the moſt advanced Part of lefſer Segment C B is equal to the a Baſtion toward the Field, or the Square of the greater Segment A C. Diſtance comprehended between the How to divide a right Line after Angle of the Shoulder, and the this manner is taught by Euclid, in flanked Angle. Lib. 2. of his Elements of Geometry, Face of a Place, is the Curtain, But no. Number can be fo divided together with the two Flanks raiſed into two parts; as is well demon- above it, and the two Faces of the ſtrated by Clavius, in his Commen- Baſtion that look towards one ano- tary upon Lib.9. of Euclid. This ther, and flank the Angle of the is alſo evident enough thus : Let a Tenail. be the Number, and x the greater FACE prolonged, in Fortification, Part, then the leſſer Part will be a is that part of the Line of Defence- *; and ſo a a - ax = xx; and Rafant, which lies between the a tavs Angle of the Shoulder and the Cur- thence x = And tain; or, 'tis the Line of Defence- Rafant diminiſhed by the Length of fince the ſquare Root of 5 cannot be a Face. had in Numbers exactly, it is plain FACIA, or FASCIA, ſignifies any that the Value of x, partly conſilting flat Member, as the Band of an of that ſquare Root, multiplied by Architrave, &c. There are ſome a, cannot be had exactly in Num- who write Faſcie, grounded upon bers neither. the Latin Word Faſcia, a large T'ur- Extremes (CONJUNCT,) in ban, which Vitruvius makes uſe of right-angled ſpherical Trigonome- on the like Occaſion. try, are the two circular Parts that FACTORS, in Multiplication, the are next to the middle Part. Part. And Multiplicand and Multiplicator are called 2 FAS F E L called Factors, becauſe they do make make up the Parapets of Trenches, or conſtitute the Product. &c. Some of them are dipped in Faint Vision. .See Vifion. melted Pitch or Tar, and being ſec FALCATED. The Moon, or any on fire, ſerve to burn the Enemy's Planet, is ſaid to appear falcated, Lodgments, or other Works. when the enlightened Part appears FAUCON, a ſort of a Cannon, in the Form of a Sickle, or Reap- whoſe Diameter at the Bore is five ing-Hook, which is when he is Inches and a quarter, Weight ſeven moving from the Conjunction to the hundred and fifty Pound, Length Oppoſition, or from New Moon to ſeven Foot, Load two Pound and a the Full; but from Full to a New half, Shot two Inches and a half again, the enlightened Part appears Diameter, and two Pounds and a gibbous, and the dark falcated. quarter Weight. FALCON. See Faucon. FAUCONET, a ſort of Ordnance, FALCONET. See Fauconet. whoſe Diameter at the Bore is four FALSE ATTACK. See Attack. Inches and a half, Weight four FALSE BRAYE, in Fortification, hundred Pounds, Length fix Feet, is a ſmall Mount of Earth four Fa- Load one Pound and a quarter, Shot thom wide, erected on the Level ſomething more than two Inches round the Foot of the Rampart, Diameter, and one Pound and a on the side of the Field, and ſepa- quarter Weight. rated by its Parapet from the Berme, FAUSSE BRAY E. See Falſe Braye. and the Side of the Moat. 'Tis FEATHER-EDGED, is a Term made uſe of to fire upon the Enemy, uſed by Workmen, for ſuch Boards when he is already ſo far advanced, as are thicker on one Edge, or Side, that you cannot force him back than on the other. from of the Parapet of the Body of Fellows, in Fortification, are the Place; and alſo to receive the fix Pieces of Wood, each of which Ruins which the Cannons make in form an Arch of a Circle ; and theſe the Body of the Place. joined all together by Duledges, FALSE POSITION. See Poft make the Wheel of a Gun-Carriage. tion. Their Thickneſs is uſually the Dia- FASCIA. See Facia. meter of the Bore of the Gun they FASCIÆ, from Bands, or Sevathes, ferve for, and their Breadth ſome- are certain Places in the Diſks of the thing more. Planets Mars and Jupiter, that ap FELLOWSHIP, or the Rule of pear lighter, or inore obſcure than Fellowſhip, in Arithmetic, is a Rule the reſt of their Bodies, being ter that teaches how, by having given minated by parallel Lines, and ſeem the ſeveral Stocks of Perſons that ſometimes broader, and ſometimes are Partners together in Trade ; narrower, and do not always poſſeſs to proportion to every one of them the fame Place of the Diſk. his due Share of Lors or Gain. A very broad, but di fkith Fafcia The Rule of Three, ſeveral ways was obſerved in the middle of the repeated, will fully anſwer any Planet Mars by Mr. Huygens, in the Quettion in chis Rule. For as the whole Stock (or ge- FASCINES, or FAGGOTS, in For- neral Antecedent) : is to the Total tification, are ſmall Branches of thereby gained or loft, (which is Trees, or B:vins, bound up in the general Conſequenc) :: ſo each Bundles, which being mixed with Man's particular Share : is to his Earth, ferve to fill up Ditches, to projer Share of Loſs or Gain. FIBRES, year 16;6. 1 FIG 1 FIB Fieres, are the ſmall Threads, pounded of the inverſe Ratio of the or Filaments, of which elaſtic Bo- ſquare Roots of the Weights, by dies are, or may be ſuppoſed to be which the Chords are ſtretched, of made. the Ratio of the Lengths of the 1. The Elaſticity of Fibres con- Chords, and of the Ratio of the fiſts in this, that they can, bé ex- Diameters. tended, and taking away the Force 9. Every Particle of a ſtretched by which they are lengthened, they String or Wire, any how fet in no- will return to the Length which they tion, and cauſing Sound, uniformly had at firſt. vibrating backwards and forwards, 2. Fibres have no Elaſticity, un- with a very ſmall Motion, is always leſs they are extended with à certain accelerated and retarded according Force. to the Law of the Vibration of a 3. When a Fibre is extended with Pendulum. The periodical Time of ſo inuch Force, it loges its Elaſticity. One Vibration, being to the Time of 4. The Weight by which a Fibre the Deſcent thro' half the Length of is increaſed a certaiu Length by its the String by the Force of Gravity, ſtretching, is, in the different De. in the fubduplicate Ratio of the grees of Tenſion, as the Tenſion Weight of the String to the Force itſelf. ſtretching it.. And from hence is 5. The leaſt Lengthenings of the is computed, that a Mufical String, ſame Fibres are, to one another, ſounding. De la Solre, performs 250 nearly as the Forces by which the Vibrations in a Second of Time. Fibres are lengthened. Therefore, FICHANT FLANK. See Flank. in all the leaſt Inflections of a FICHANT LINE of Defence. See Chord, Muſical String; or Wire, the Fixed Line of Defence. Sagitta is encreaſed and diminiſhed Field-FORt. See Fortine. in the fame Ratio as che Force with FIELD-Pieces, are ſmall Can- which thë Chord is inflected. non, which are uſually carried along 6. In Chords of the ſame Kind, with an Army in the Field; ſuch Thickneſs, and which are equally as Three Pounders, Minions, Sakers, ftretched, but of different Lengths, Six Pounders, Demi-Culverins, and the Lengthenings, which are pro- Twelve Pounders; and theſe being duced by ſuperadding equal Weighes, finall and light, are eaſily carried. are' to one another, as the Lengths FIELD-STAFF, is a Staff carried of the Chords. If the Forces by by the Gunners, being about the which the Fibres are ſtretched be Length of a Halbert, with a Spear equal, and they are infected by equal at the End, which to cach Side has Forccs, even in that Caſe allo che Ears ſcrew'd on like the Cock of a Sagittă will be equal, however dif- Matchlock; and the Gunners fcrew ferent the Thickncís be. lighted Matches in theſe when they 7. If there be two equal and fimi are on Duty, this being called Arm- tar Chords, but unequally ſtretched, ing the Field Staff the Squares of the Times of the Firth, a Term in Muſic, being Vibrations' are to one another in the ſame as Diaperte. Which fee. veifely as the Weights by which the FIGURA L' (or FIGURATE), Chords are' ſtretched. NUMBERS, are ſuch as do, or may 3. Any Chords of the ſame kind repreſent fome Geometrical Figure, being given, the Darations of the in relation to which they are always Vibrations may be compared toge confider'd; as triangular Numbers, ther; for they arë in a Ratio com- Pentagonal Numbers, Pyramidal R Numbers, 1 FIG F I G Numbers, &c. Of which ſee more and Tranſverſum in the Hyperbola under the reſpective Words. and Ellipfis. FIGURATIVE DISCANT. See FIGURE, in Geometry, is a Diſcant. Space encompaſſed round on all sides, FIGURE, in Phyſics, or Natural and is either Rectilineal, Curvili- Philoſophy, is the Surface or ter- neal, or Mixed. minating Extremes of any Body. FIGURE of the Secants, is a me- FIGURE, in Conic Sections, ac chanical Curve thus generated : Let cording to Apollonius, is the Rectan- PO be a Tangent to the Circle gle made under the Latus Rectum Q50, and let an infinite right Line E F L H P S d D 1 a G Ko І) А В d ch PL е e POR revolve about the Centre 0, Radius QO of the Circle. The cutting the Circle in S, and the reaſon of this is, becauſe the infinite Tangent in P: then if upon the in- Secant POR revolving perpetually finite Baſe, or abſciſſal Line A K, be about the Centre, round and round taken the Point A, and afterwards again, will be affirmative, and ne- the Abſciſs A B be taken upon the gative by turns, paſſing from the fame, always equal to the circular one to the other as often as goes Arch Qs, and the correſpondent through Infinity (ſpeaking in the Ordinate BC at right Angles to it, modern Style:) where it is to be be equal to the Secant O P of that obſerved, that ſo much of the Curve Arch, and moves along AK: By as appears in the Figure, is de- this Motion the Extremity C of that ſcribed during the Motion of the Ordinate will deſcribe the Curve Secant, from the Situation Qo, till EDC, called the Figure of the Se- it has moved once and a half about. The Quadrature of the Space This Curve, in reality, conſiſts of ADCB will give the meridional an infinite Number of ſuch Parts; Parts for a given Latitude in Mer. of which EDC is one, having an cator's Chart. And this may be ob- infinite Number of parallel Alym- tained by the Quadrature of an hy- ptotes FG, HI, LK, drawn at perbolic Space, or, which is the Diſtances from one another, each e- ſame thing, by the Logarithms : For qual to half the Circumference of the if the Circle ol$ be a Meridian, Circle QSO, which Parts do alter Ra Point of the Equator, and S a nately fall above and below the abs Point whoſe Latitude is es, it is ſciſſal Line AK: the leaſt Ordinates well known, that its meridional being a d or AD, each equal to the Parts, or Latitude, is to its true Magnitude cants. و ۶ نو 3 > Nrr و ور -- و و 1 rr F I G FIG Magnitude, as the Sum of the Se- ſeveral Sines; but in a given Ratid cants ſtanding upon this, is to the to them. Sum of ſo many times the Radius; Any Space ABC of this Curve that is, as the curvilinear Area A B is ſquareable: For ſuppoſing r to be CD, to the Rectangle D A B in. the Radius of the generating Circle, ſcribed in it. Now if ol or AD and the Sine or Ordinate BC to té be called r; A B or QS, X; and y, the Fluxion of that Area will be BC or OP, y; we ſhall Have x = and the Fluent of this rr and the Fluxion of ✓ rr - II у ✓ уу - rr Flužion will be rem , the Area ABCD will be that is, the Space ABC is equal to rry the Rectangle under the Radius, and : and the Fluent of this the verſed Sine of the Arch of thë generating Circle to which the Ab- Fluxion may be had from the Tables ſciſs A B is equal; fo that the Area of Mr. Cotes's Harmonia, viz. the of the whole Space ACG is equal 6th Form of Fluxions, it being the to twice the Square of the Radius. Logarithm of the Ratio of oto The Curve cannot be rectified OP - PR, or of Radius to the even by means of any Space belong- Tangent of half the Complementing to the conic Sections; for its of the Latitude, the Radius being the Module (as Mr. Cotes calls it) V Fluxion is j of the Canon of Logarithms; that уу is, the Number 0.434294481903, &c. in Brigg's or Ulacque's Loga- Subtangent will be ✓ rithms. Уу Figure of the Sines, is a me- This Curve (as generally defined chanical Curve ACG, generated above) is that, into which a ſtretch'd much after the ſame way as the Fi- String or Wire perpetually conforms gure of the Secants, the Difference itſelf, when it is fet a vibrating by being only, that here every Ordi- a Quill or other ſmall Force; as nate BC, anſwerable to the Abſciſs eaſily follows from what Dr. Taylor A B, is the Sine of the correſpon- has ſaid, concerning the Motion of dent Arch QS of the Circle," (ſee a ſtretch'd String, in the Philoſophia, the Figure of the Secants,) inſtead of cal Tranſaktions, Nº 337- being its Secant as OP: This Curve The firſt who I can find took noë confiiting of an infinite Number of tice of this Curve, was Father Fa- Parts, fuch as ACG, alternately bri, in his Synopſis Geometrica, pub- riſing above, and falling below the lithed about the year 1669, wherein abfciffal Line Al; which, in reality, he gives a Diſcourſe concerning the malse but one continued infinite fer- ſame; and this makes me wonder; pentine Line. why Wolfius, in his Elementa Ma- Note, Some define this Curve more thef. Univers, ſhould attribute the Invention to Mr. Leibnitz ? C A/ G FIGURE of the Tangent, is a me- I chanical Curve E A CD, generated B HT like the figure of the Secants, (ſee above under that Word) with this enerally, by making the ſeveral Difference, that the Ordinate BC Ordinates BC, not only equal to the is here equal to the Tangent QP jo y. r r म N R2 of FIR FIX 1 to of the Arch QS, to which the fixed Stars, or the Height of Hea Abſciſs A B is equal ; the Curve ven. But more properly 'tis that Space which is expanded or appears D arched over us above in the Hea- vens. С FIRST MOVER. See Primum Mobile. Fissures, are certain Interrup- А. tions, that horizontally or parallelly divide the ſeveral Strata, of which the Body of our terreſtrial Globe is compoſed. Fixed Line of Defence, in For- E tification, is a Line drawn along the Face of the Baſtion, and terminates confifting of an infinite Number of in the Courtin. ſuch Parts, of which EAD is one, Fixed Signs of the Zodiac, are, and having a like Number of paral- by fome, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and lel Aſymptotes at equal Diſtances Aquarius, being ſo called, becauſe from each other. the Sun paſſes them reſpectively in FIGURES, in Arithmetic, are the the middle of each Quarter, when nine Digits, or numerical Charac- that particular Seaſon is more ſettled ters, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and o. and fixed than under the Sign that FIGURES CURVILINEAL, are begins and ends in it. ſuch as have their Extremities crook FIXED STARS, are ſuch that ed; as Circles, Ellipfes, &c. conſtantly keep at the ſame Dif- FIGURES MIXED, are ſuch as tance, with reſpect to each other. are bounded partly by right Lines, 1. The firſt who compoſed a Ca- and partly by crooked ones; as a talogue of the fixed Stars was Hip- Semi-circle, Segment of a Circle, parchus of Rhodes, about a hundred &c. and twenty Years before Chriſt, who, FIGURES PLANE, (or Plane Sure from his own, and the Obſervations faces,) are ſuch as are terminated of ſome before him, collected a and bounded by right Lines only. thouſand and twenty. two Stars, ac- FIGURES RECTILINE AL., are cording to their proper Latitudes thoſe that have their Extremities all and Longitudes : And ſo, in Pliny's right Lines, as Triangles, Quadri- Judgment, dared to do a thing which laterals, &c. Polygons regular, ir- God himſelf did not approve of, in telling the Number of the Stars for Filler, is any little ſquare Poſterity, and reducing them to a Moulding, which accompanies or Standard. crowns a larger. 2. Ptolemy augmented Hipparchus's Finite, is what hath fixed and Catalogue with four Stars more. determined Bounds or Limits ſet to And Ulegbeigh, the Grandſon of its Power, Extent, or Duration. Tamerlane the Great, placed a thou- FINITOR, the ſame with the ſand and ſeventeen in his Catalogue, Horizon; and 'tis ſo called, becauſe who ſays in his Preface, That he the Horizon finiſhes or terminates obſerved all that could be obſerved, your Sight, View, or Proſpect. beſides twenty-ſeven in the South. FIRMAMENT, by ſome Aftronos 3. The next who made a Cata- mers, is taken for the Orb of the logue was Tycho Brahe, of ſeven 1 hundred tegular, &C. 1 ments. Year 1677 1 FIX FIX hundred and ſeventy-ſeven fixed Teleſcopes he ſtill found out more. Stars, from his own Obſervations ; 'And Anthony Maria de Rheita affirms, and would admit 'no Star into his that in the ſingle Conſtellation of Catalogue, but what he had found Orion, he number'd above two thou- out, and inveſtigated by his Inftru- fand Stars, by help of a Teleſcope. 9. Several fixed Stors, obſerved 4. Dr. Halley was the firſt who by the Ancients, vanith, or cannot obſerved rightly the ſouthern fixed now be ſeen ; and new ones appear Stárs at St. Helena, being three hun- for a time, and then vaniſh. The dred and ſeventy-three in Number; Light of ſome Stars alſo diſappear, and computed their Places for the and after a ſtated Period they ſhine again : Among which is that emi- 5. Hevelius of Dantzic likewiſe nent one in the Neck of the Whale, made a Catalogue of the fixed Stars, which for eight or nine Months is containing one thouſand eight hun- not ſeen; and the other four or dred and eighty-eight in all, viz. three Months it appears, varying its nine hundred and fifty known by Magnitude. the Antients, and fix hundred and 10. The fixed Stars, like the reſt three, which he calls his own, and of the Planets, appear every Day three hundred and thirty-five of Dr. to riſe and ſet, and to move with Halley's, which could not be ſeen in a circular Motion from Eaſt to the Horizon of Dantzic. Weſt in twenty four Hours, in Cir- 6. But Mr. Flamſtead's Catalogue cles whoſe Planes are parallel to of Stars, contain'd in his Hiftoria the Equator. Cæleſtis, is far more numerous and II. The fixed Stars, beſides their exact than any of the others; for it former apparent Motion round the contains three thouſand Stars ; but Earth, ſeem to have another quite inany of them cannot be obſerved contrary to that. By this they ap- without a Teleſcope; ſo that you pear to change their Longitude, or cannot obſerve above a thouſand Diſtance, from the Beginning of by the naked Eye in the viſible Aries forward, according to the Hemiſphere: And this ſeems won- Order of the Signs, or to move in derful to many, that in a ſerene conſequentia, by a ſlow Motion of Night, when the Moon does not about one Degree in ſeventy Years. ſhine, at firſt ſight the Stars appear So that thoſe Stars, that in Hippar- to be innumerable: But this pro- chus's time were in Aries, are now ceeds from the Fallaciouſneſs of in Taurus, &c. And the Proceſſion Viſion, proceeding from the ve- of the Terreſtrial Equinoxes is the hement Twinkling of the Stars, Cauſe of this apparent Motion. while the Eye obſerves them all to. 12. The Light of the fixed Stars gether confuſedly, and without is much more Itrong and vivid than Order. that of the Planets, altho' their ap- 7. Yet the Number of the fixed parent Diameters are much leſs ; Stars, obſervable by a Teleſcope, is becauſe the Stars, like the Sun, ſhine vaſtly great ; for direct a good Te- by their own Light, and the Planets leſcope to the Heavens, and there only by the Reflection of the Sun will appear great Multitudes, eſpe 13. The fixed Stars twinkle much cially in the Via Lactea. more than the Planets; becauſe 8. Dr. Hook, with a Teleſcope of their apparent Diameters being very twelve Feet, obſerved ſeventy eight ſmall, the leaſt Atom, or Particle Stars in the Pleiades; and with longer of Mattér, floating in our Atmo- ſphere, R 3 F L A F L O 1 are {phere, will hinder, for a Moment, ought to be made, to flank the q. the Stars being entirely viſible; as ther. Hence the Courtin is always the thick Smoke of a Chimney the ſtrongeſt Part of any Place, be- will do the Planets themſelves, cauſe 'tis flanked at each end. which will winkle in ſuch a FLANK (FICIANT,) is that from caſe. whence a Cannon playing, fireth its 14. The Diſtance of the fixed Bullets directly in the face of the Stars from us is vaſtly great; be- oppoſite Baſtion. cauſe they have no ſenſible Paral FLANK (RASANT,) is the Point lax ariſing from the annual Motion from whence the Linė of Defence of the Earth. Tho? Mr. Flamſtead begins, from the Conjunction of ſays, that the annual Parallax of the which, with the Courtin, the Shot Pole-Star is forty Seconda ; and Mr. only razeth the Face of the next Huygens tells us, that with Teleſcopes, Baſtion, which happens when the which would magnify the apparent Face cannot be diſcovered, but from Diameter above a hundred times, the Flank alone. he could never diſcover any ſenſible FLANK (RETIRED,) or the lower Magnitude in the fixed Stars. or covert Flank, is that exterior FLANK, in Fortification, is that Part thereof, whoſe advanced Part Part of the Baſtion which reaches if it be rounded, is called the Oril- from the Courtin to the Face, and lon; ſo that this Flank Retiré, as the defends the oppoſite Face, the Flank, French call it, is only the Píatform and the Courtin. of the Caſemate, which lies hid in There is alſo the oblique or fe- the Baſtion. cond Flank, which is that part of FLANKS SIMPLE, Lines the Courtin, where they can ſee to which go from the Angle of the fcour the Face of the oppoſite Ba- Shoulder to the Courtin, and whoſe fion; and is the Diſtance between principal Function is the Defence the Lines Raſant and Fichani. of the Moat and Place, The low, covered or retired Flank, FLANKED (or DOUBLE TE- is the Platform of the Caſemate, NAILLE.) See Tenaille. which lies hid in the Baſtion. FLANKED LINE of Defence. See FLANK, is alſo a Term of War, Rafant Line of Defence. fignifying one ſide of a Battalion FLANKING ANGLE. See Angle. of an Army; as to attack the Ene FLANKED ANGLE, is the An- my in Flank, is to diſcover and fire gle formed by the two Faces of the upon them on one ſide. Baſtion, and ſo forms the point of FLANK of the Courtin, or ſecond the Baltion. Flank, is that part of the Courtin FL'A'r BasȚION. See Baſtion. between the Flank and the Point, FĻAT-BOTTOM'D MOAT. See where the Fichant Line of Defence Moat. terminates. FLAT CROWN. See Corona, FLANK 4 Place, is to diſpoſe a Flie. That Part of the Ma. Baſtion, or other like Work, in ſuch riner's Compaſs on which the thirty manner, that there ſhall be no part two W.inds are drawn, and to which of it, but what is defended ; ſo as the Needle is faften'd underneath, you may from thence play upon they call the Flie. Front and Rear. For any Fortifi FLOATING BRIDGE, is a Bridge cation, that hath no Defence but made in form of a Redoubt, con- juſt right forwards, is faulty ; and fiſting of two Boats, covered with to render it compleąt, one Part Planks, which ought to be ſo ſolidly framed 1 1 goz Х S S2 е с Х Х gic ત sam 4 ^zni - e A х fza: F LU FL U framed, as to bear both Horſe and =Q, and on-n=p:) will be Cannon. «А FLUENT, or flowing Quantity of ex + a Fluxion, is that Quantity (whether fun Line, Surface, Solid, &c.) of which е В 9-4 eD it is the Fluxion; as the Fluent of X fan + fan * is x, and the Fluent of xy + yx is xy; and fo of others. the Letters A, B, C, D, &c. expref- It is eaſy to find the Fluxions, in fing the neareſt antecedent Terms, all caſes of given Fluents, and that P exactly ; but on the contrary, it is viz. A the Term ; B the Term very difficult to find the Fluents of given Fuxions. Indeed there are infinite Caſes where there cannot be c. This Series exactly had, unleſs by the Quadra- where r is a Fraction or negative ture of curve-lin'd Spaces ; and ſince the Areas of Curves in order above Number runs on infinitely; but when the Conic Sections cannot be ac- g is a whole affirmative Number, it curately expreſſed in Numbers, A. becomes finite, conſiſting of ſo many in r. nalyſts have been obliged to be The Fluents of the following content with Fluents, expreſſed near Forms of Fluxions may be had in the Truth by Series's. This Doc- trine was firſt invented by Sir Ifaac finite Terms, viz. of dż z 0 12 I Newton, and notwithſtanding the many Authors upon the Subject after Vetfx", when 6 is a poſitive him (except Mr. Cotes) he has whole Number, and n an whole handled the Buſineſs more profound- on + 1 ly, and carried it much farther than Number. Of dż z any of them, whether Englik of ve+fz", when e is a negative Foreigners. See his Fluxions, and Of Quadrature of Curves. See alſo Mr. whole Number, Cotes's Harmonia Menſurai um On 11. The Fluent of the Fluxion when e is ą poſia +mt vit f 2 ż will be tive whole Number. OF n ton - I 2. The Fluent of az when 8 is a & t f an +onton be #mt 3. The Fluent negative whole Number. But when o is a whole Number, and the Sign of d zºž x et f2mm (where d, e, cannot be had but by the Quadra- thereof is otherwiſe, the Fluents f, expreſs any given Quantities, and ture of the Hyperbola or Ellipſis, 0, n, and m, the Indexes of the or by the Logarithms or Tables of Powers of the Quantities to which Sines, or elfe by infinite Series's : 0+ It being an Hyperbola when the they are affix'd, by making Sign of f 21. is t, and an Ellipfis d when it is Fluents of the fol- muti lowing Terms of Fluxions may be R 4 obtained 2 dzz tim az #mti 0 d ž z niż, will an % n N Fremtr=un xe +fxen)* F LU F L U on I I. dizon dizonthn 3. dżiz d 1 72 ent 2 I dbtained by the Hyperbola and The Expreſſions of the Fluents of moft of theſe forms of Fluxions Ellipfis . may be ſeen in Sir Iſaac Newton's ët if Quadrature of Curves, and of all -1 of them in Mr. Cotes's Harmonia Menfurarum. From which Treatifę et fa? we learn, that Mr. Cutes could find the Fluent of any Fluxion whoſe d z zo? 0nI Vet fan Form might be compared with 8+b? or+r-1 dzzon + { ™-IV'et frem {where d, e, fi et fan & + bz? are any given Quantities, and d zz ” any Index of the variable $- Quantity; any affirmative or § + bz? Vetfz" pegative whole Number, and I di onth ni 6. any Fraction,) by means of the Hy: gth an Vetfan perbola and Elliptis. Moreover, he affirms, that he could find the Fluents' of Fluxions of this Form 17. dż0 1 - 1 Ve+f2" d gth + 1 or even 1-1 Vetf " 8. et fat g 222 ktlah of this diz I etfz+gz?n + h 3* $+$z* *6 247 without any Exception or Limita- tion, when is a poſitive or nega- 10. tive whole Number, and l the De- kt la et fa + gz² nominator of the Fraction 11. dż z e+fz" tozas" Number of this Series 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, &c. and ſeems to be of opinion 12. that the Fluent of any rational Vetf zu + 8 221 Fluxion depends upon the Meaſure of Ratio's and Angles, or upon Lo- ¿zz V.etfxn +9227 garithms and the Tables of Sines i thoſe being excepted, that may be kt la had otherwiſe in finite Terms. And Dr. Smith, the ingenious Editor of 84: this Work, ſays, he could have pute k – 16", Ve+f2" + gz2n down the Fluents of In all theſe Forms 8 is a whole Number, poſitive or negative, *7.12+*" +hx*+kz***!%$* and d zz dizon 8 + hz? 8 n + + n T di An- ! 9. on I d zz. 22 d ܐ is any I d zz · I - an 1 džezoni dż zno pa 5 1 dž z An . 1 FLU FLU pound radical or fractional Quan and x tity, will be had, (tho':not exactly et fan + g 224 th 232 in general) by first throwing thoſe d Exproſſions into infinite Series's of Ř * Iza ī, by means of the fimple Terms, and then finding the Fluents of thoſe fimple Terms. Meaſure of Ratio's and Angles ; Parts .yield to any Impreſſion ; and FLUID BODY, is that whole bụt that he began to be tired with by yielding are eaſily moved one the Calculation among another : And ſo it follows, When an Equation for a Fluent is that Fluidity ariſes from hence, viz. found, it is very often neceſſary to that the Parts do not ſtrongly co- add to or ſubtract from it ſome in- here, and that the Motion is not variable Quantity, in order to get hinder'd by any Inequality in the the trųe Fluent, which Quantity is Surface of the Parts. eaſily found by making the variable 1. Fluids agree. in this with ſolid Quantity in the Expreſſion to vaniſh, Bodies, that they confitt of heavy and putting what remains, with its Particles, and have their Gravity Sign changed, to the ſaid Expreffion, proportionable to their Quantity of as the Expreſſion b+*Vabfiax, Matter, in any Poſition of the which the common Rules give for Parts. the Fluent of x Vabtax, will tained in a Veffel, to keep it from 2. The Surface of a Fluid con- not be the true Fluent of this Flu. Powing out, if it be not preſſed from xion; it being too much by the above, or if it be equally preffed, Quantity tab obtained from will become plain, and parallel to the Horizon. *bti Vabtax by, making x 3: The lower parts of Fluids are 0; fo that the true Fluent will preſſed by the upper: This Preſ- be 6 +x V'ab tax ſure is in proportion to the incum- 3b Vab bent Matter, that is, to the Heigh The Fluent of a ſimple Fluxion of the Liquid above the Particle that is preſſed. is found by ſtriking out the fluxio- nary Letter, increafing the Index of Parts, which ariſes from the Gravity 4. The Preſſure upon the lower the variable Quantity by 1, and di- viding the last Expreſion by the In- of the Super-incumbent Liquid, exerts itſelf every way, and every dex thus increaſed; as the Fluent af way equally. mt! 5. In Tubes, whether equal or a * * mwill be and that mFI unequal, whether ſtraight or oblique, a Fluid rifes to the fame Height. -mtal 6. When Liquids of different will be AndGravities are contained in the ſame -- m to Vefſel, the heavieſt lies at the loweſt the Fluent of a Fluxion conſiſting Place, and is preſſed by the lighter, of any Number of fimple Terms and that in proportion to the Height joined together by the Signs to and of the lighter, will be equal to the ſeveral 7. The Bottom and Sides of a Fluents of thoſe fimple Terms Veſſel, which contains a Liquid, are joined in like manner by the Signs preſſed by the Parts of the Liquid, tand; and the Fluent of a Com- which immediately touch them. ex I am ai of mm This FLU F L U This Action increaſes in proportion moves through different Liquids to the Height of the Liquid. with the fame Velocity, is as the 8. When a Solid is immerſed in Denſity of the Liquid. a Liquid, it is preſſed by the Liquid 16. When the ſame Body moves on all ſides ; and that Preſſure in- through the fame Liquid with dif- creaſes in proportion to the Height ferent Velocities, this Reſiſtance in- of the Liquid above the Solid. Bo- creaſes as the Square of the Ve- dies very deeply immerſed are e- locity. qually preſſed on all ſides. 17. The Refiftance from the Co- 9. A Body ſpecifically heavier heſion of Parts in Liquids, except than a Liquid, being immerſed in a glutinous ones, is not very ſenſible. Liquid, will defcend. In ſwifter Motions the Reſiſtance 10. A Solid fpecifically lighter alone is to be confider'd, which is than a Liquid, aſcends to the high- as the Square of the Velocity. eft Surface of the Liquid. But ſup 18. When a Body is moved in poſe a Solid of the fame ſpecific any Liquid, the more blunt the Gravity with the Liquid at any Body is, by that means it is more Height; the Liquid will ſuſtain the retarded. If the Body be not im- whole Body. merſed deep, the Reſiſtance is to be 11. All equal Solids, but of diffe. diſtinguiſhed from the Retardation. rent ſpecific Gravities, when they are 19. When we ſpeak of the ſame. immerſed into the fame Liquid, they Body, the one may be taken for the lofe equal Parts of their Weight. other. From the Reſiſtance ariſes a 12. However the Denſities of e Motion contrary to the Motion of qual Bodies differ among themſelves, the Body ; the Retardation is the if they be immerſed in the fame Celerity, and the Reſiſtance itſelf Liquids, the Weights which they is the Quantity of Motion. loſe are in the Ratio of their Bulks. 20. The Retardations of any Mo- 13. The immerſed Parts of the . tions are, Firſt, as the Squares of Bodies ſwimming on the Surface of the Velocities : Secondly, as the the ſame Liquor, are to one ano- Denfities of the Liquids, through ther as the Weights of the Bodies. which the Bodies are moved And the Parts which deſcend into Thirdly, inverſly, as the Diameters the Liquid, by laying on of different of thoſe Bodies : Laſtly, inverſly, as Weights, are to one another as thoſe the Denſities of the Bodies them- Weights. ſelves. 14. If any Veſſel be filled with 21. The Reſiſtance of a Cylin- a Liquid, and that Liquid be weigh- der, which moves in the Direction ed, and if you make the ſame Ex- of its Axis, is equal to the Weight periment with other Liquids, their of a Cylinder made of that Liquid, Weights will be as their Denſities. through which the Body is moved, 15. All Bodies moved in Fluids having its Baſe equal to the Body's ſuffer a Reſiſtance, which ariſes Baſe, and its Height equal to half from two Cauſes : The firſt is the the Height, from which a Body Coheſion of the Parts of the Liquid: falling in vacuo, may require the The ſecond is the Inertia, or Inac- Velocity with which the ſaid Cylin- tivity of Matter ; the Retardation der is moved through the Liquid. from the Coheſion of Parts is as the 22. When a Body, ſpecifically Velocity itſelf. The Reſiſtance a heavier than a Liquid, is thrown up riſing from the Inertia, or Inactivity in it, a Body riſes to a leſs Height of Matter, when the fame Body than it would riſe in vacuo with the famo 2 i F L U FLU fame Celerity. But the Defects of even in Liquors that are not glas the Height in a Liquid from the tinous. Heights to which a Body would FLUTINGS, by the French called riſe in vacuo with the ſame Celeri- Cannelures, are certain perpendicu, ties, are nearly as the Squares of the lar Cavities cut length-ways around Heights in vacuo. the Shaft of a Column, and rounded 23 The Velocity of a Liquid, at at the two Extremes. Their Num- any Depth, is the ſame as that which ber was at firſt limited to twenty- a Body, falling from a Height equal four in the Ionic, and twenty in the to that Depth, would acquire. Doric Order ; but that Limitation, 24. A Liquid riſes higher, if its ſome of our modern Architects Direction be a little inclined, than have taken the liberty to diſpenſe if it ſpouts vertically. with. 25. The Reſiſtance of the Air has Flux and Reflux of the Sea. a ſenſible Effect upon the Motions See Tide. of Liquids; and in ſmall Heights, FLUXIONS, are the very ſmall, the Defects of the Heights from the or rather indefinitely ſmall Particles Heights in vacuo; are in the Ratio of Quantities, being called by this of the Square of the Height of the Name by Sir, Iſaac Newton, who Liquid above the Hole. conſiders them as the momentane- 26. In the greateſt Heights of ous Increments of Quantities. For {pouting Liquids, greater Holes are Example: Of a Line by the Flux required. In all Heights there is a of a Point, and of a Superficies, by certain Meaſure of the Hole, through the Flux of a Line, and of a Solid which the Liquid will riſe to the by the Flux of a Superficies, and greateſt Height poſſible. the Doctrine of theſe infinitely ſmall 27. Liquids which ſpout obliquely, Parts, is likewiſe called Fluxions. are not retarded from ſo many Fluxions are of valt uſe in the In- Cauſes, nor ſo much as thoſe that veſtigation of the Nature of Curves, ſpout vertically. and in the Diſcovery of the Qua- 28. A Liquid ſpouting from a dratures of curvi-lind Spaces, and Hole in the Centre, will go to the their Rectifications, and in perform- greateſt Diſtance poſſible. ing many other admirable Effections, 29. The Squares of the Quantities that can be done ſcarcely any other Aowing out, are in the Ratio of the way. Heights of the Liquids above the The Fluxion of any generated Holes. Quantity is equal to the Fluxions of 30. If through equal Holes a Lin all the ſeveral generating Terms, quid runs out of a Cylinder, and multiplied into the Indexes of their out of another Veffel of the fame Powers, and into their Co-Efficients Height, and in which the Liquid continually. is always ſupplied, ſo as to be kept If each Term of an Equation at the fame Height,) in the time in whoſe Fluxion is required, be mul- which the Cylinder is emptied, tiplied ſeparately by the ſeveral there runs out twice as much Wa- Indexes of the Powers of all the ter from the other Veffel as from Aowing Quantities contained in that the Cylinder. Term, and in every ſuch Multipli- 31. Beſides the Irregularities from cation, if one Root or Letter of the Friction, and the Reſiſtance of the Power be changed into its proper Air, there are ſeveral others arif. Fluxion, fo fhall the Aggregate of įng from the Coheſion of the Parts, all the Products, connected together by 1 F L U FOC in-32 XÀÄx 22 in ! . 1 2 12 by their proper Signs, be the Flu- the third Fluxion of xion of the Equation deſired. If the Fluxion of the Numerator of any Fraction be multiplied by the Denominator, and after it be * xon ; and ſo on. This was diſcover- placed with the Sign-, the Flu- ed by Sir Iſaac Newton, in the Year xion of the Denominator multiplied 1665. by the Numerator; then will this be Fly. See Flie. the Numerator, and the Square of the FLYING PINION, is a part of a Denominator will be the Denomina- Clock, having a Fly, or Fan, there- tor of the Fraction expreſſing the by to gather Air, and ſo to bridle Fluxion of the given Fraction. the Rapidity of the Clock's Mocion, FLUXIONS (SECOND, THIRD, when the Weight deſcends in the &c.) are the Fluxions of Fluxions, ſtriking Part. whichare conſidered as flowing Quan Focus of an Ellipſis, is a Point tities themſelves : The ſecond Fluxi- in the longeſt Axis on each ſide the ons being marked by two Points over Centre; from each of which if any them : Thus, j; the third by three'; two right Lines are drawn, meeting one another in the Periphery of the thus x; and fo on. Ellipfis ; their Sum will be always If i be the Fluxion of the Quan- equal to the longeſt Axis ; and to when an Ellipfis and its two Axes tity x, and be the Index of the are given, and the Foci are required, Power of the fame, and if for x be you need only take half the longeſt taken ***, and the Quantities Axis in your Compaſſes, and ſetting one Foot in the End of the ſhorter, the other Foot will cut the longer stil”, be expanded into a Series, in the Focus required. Focus of an Hyperbola, is a Point in the principal Axis within the we fhall have atxl" = oppoſite Hyperbola's; from whence, if any two right Lines are drawn meeting in either of the oppoſite m² - mn Hyperbola's, their Difference will À ² x : be equal to the principal Axis. Focus of a Parabola, is a Point m3n in the Axis within the Figure, di- 1922—3m’ntamn? + ftant from the Vertex one fourth 623 Part of the Latus Rectum. &c. wherein the ſecond Term Here I cannot help taking no- tice of what is ſaid by the Editors of the Aeta Eruditorum at Leipfic, x n is the firſt Fluxion of x for January 1705, who, upon the m2_mn M-coming out of Sir Iſaac Newton's the third Term *ňx n Curves of the ſecond Order, ſpeak thus concerning them, in the Style of Mr. Leibnitz : (Cæterum Autor is the ſecond Fluxion of x and non attingit Focos vel Umbilicos Cur- m?3mənt2mn? varum fecundi generis, & multa the fourth Term minus Generum altiorum, Cum ergo 6 73 e a mu an n n + m MM 12 22 cica + * * * 2 n2 1 xxkix m -n2 < 2 n² 22 ) 6. 1 FOC FOCO ea. Res abftrufioris fit Indaginis, & therwiſe, their Meaning ſhould have maximi tamen in hoc genere Ufus been explain'd. tum ad Deſcriptiones, tum ad alias Focus, in Optics, is, the Point Propertates Curvarum, & Doctrina of Convergence, or Concurrence of bæc Focorum ab illuſtriſſimo D. D.T. the Rays of Light made by the Re- (Tſchurnhaus) profundius fit verfata; fraction, or the Reflection of a re- Supplementum ejus pro his Curvis fracting or refle&ting Subſtance. expectamus. In Engliſh thus: “But 1. In a Plano-Convex Glaſs, pa- * ſince the Author has not meddled rallel Rays are united with the Axis, with the Foci of the Curves of that is, the Focus is diſtant from the • the ſecond Order, and much leſs Pole of the Glaſs a Diameter of with thoſe of the Curves of high- the Convexity, if the Segment be er Orders : Therefore, as theſe but thirty Degrees. are of a more abſtruſe Enquiry, 2. In double Convex-glaſſes of . and at the ſame time of the the fame Sphere, the focus is diſtant greateſt Uſe, as well in the De- from the Pole of the Glaſs about the • ſcription, as the Diſcovery of o- Radius of the Convexity, if the Seg- "ther Properties of the Curves; and ment be but thirty Degrees. whereas the moſt illuftrious 3. The Rays that fall nearer the. • D. D. T. (Tſchurnhaus) is very Axis of any Glafs, are not united deeply verſed in the Doctrine of with it ſo ſoon as thoſe that are 6. the Foci, we expect from him a farther off ; and the focal Diſtance • Supplement to thoſe Curves. in a Plano-Convex Glaſs will not be. Now, the Perſon who makes Ob, fo great when the Convex-fide is to ſervations upon this Paſſage of the wards the Object, as on the contrary. Compilers of the Leipfic Acts (in the 4. In viewing any Object or Body. Commercium Epiftolicum, publiſhed by a Plano-Convex Glaſs, the Con- by Order of the Royal Society at vex-lide muſt be turned outwards. London), and which, as I have been Focus VIRTUAL, See Virtual informed, was Sir Iſaac himſelf, Focus. ſays, Compilatores Aftorum in fcri 1. In Concave Glaffes, when a bendis Librorum breviariis a Cenfu- Ray falls from Air parallel to the ris temerariis abflinere debent. Ex Axis, the Virtual Focus, by its firſt hac Cenſura patet Animus Scripto- Refraction, is at the diltance of a Di- ris in D. Newtonium. In Engliſh, ameter and a half of the Concavity. * The Compilers of the Leipfic Acts 2. In Plano - Concave Glaſles, • in their Abſtracts of Books, ſhould when the Rays fall parallel to the * abſtain from raſh Cenſures ; but Axis, the. Virtual Focus is diſtant • here the opinion of the Writer, from the Glaſs by the Diameter of concerning Sir Iſaac Newton, the Concavity, . fully appears. And this is 3. In Plano-Concave Glaſſes, as very juftly ſaid; for it is well 107: 193 :: ſo is the Radius of the known, that the Curves of the fe- Concavity to the Diſtance of the cond Order have no Foci. If by Virtual Focus. Foci are meant ſuch Points that the 4. In double Concaves of the Sum of any Number of right Lines fame Sphere, parallel Rays have drawn from them to any point of their Virtua! Focus at the diſtance one of theſe Curves ſhall be of a of the Radius of the Concavity. given Length, which one muſt fup 5. But whether the Concavities poſe they mean, if they mean any be equal or unequal, the. Virtual thing by that Word, at leaf ; if o- Focus, or Point of Divergency of the parallel FOC FOR parallel Rays is determined by this · Heat at that time 9216 times; and Rule: As the Sum of the Radii of this will have an effect as great as both Concavities : is to the Radius the direct Rays of the Sun would of either Concavity :: ſo is the have on a Body placed at one nine- double Radius of t'other Concavity ty-ſixth Part of the Diſtance of the : to the Diſtance of the Virtual Earth from the Sun, or on a Planet Focus. that ſhould move round the Sun at 6. In Concave Glaſſes, if the but a very little more than a Dia- Point to which the incident Ray meter of the Sun's Diſtance from converges, be diſtant from the Glaſs him, or that would never appear farther than the Virtual Focus of farther from him than about thirty- parallel Kays, the Rule for finding fix Minutes. the Virtual Focus of this Ray, is Dr. Halley, in the Philoſophical this : As the Difference between Tranſactions, N° 205. ſhews a ge- the Diſtance of this point from the neral way of finding the Foci of Glaſs, and the Diſtance of the Vir- ſpherical' Glaffes by Computation. tual Focus from the Glaſs : is to So does Mr. Ditton, in his Fluxions. the Diſtance of the Virtual Focus :: See alſo Dr. Gregory's Elements of fo is the Diſtance of this point of Dioptrics.--Mr. Carré and Guiſnée Convergence from the Glaſs : to the in the Memoires de l'Acad. Royale Diſtance of the Virtual Focus of this des Sciences. And beſides theſe, ſe- converging Ray. veral others who have wrote upon 7. In Concave Glaſſes, if the this Subject : Amongſt which, Dr. Point to which the incident Ray Barrow's and Sir Iſaac Newton's converges be nigher to the Glaſs Ways of finding geometrically the than the Virtual Focus of parallel Foci of ſpherical Glaſſes, (to be Rays, the Rule to find where it ſeen in Dr. Barrow's Optical Leca croſſes the Axis, is this : As the tures) appear to me to be far more Exceſs of the Virtual Focus more neat and elegant than any I have than this point of Convergency elſewhere ſeen. from the Glaſs : is to the Virtual FOLIATE, a Name given by Focus :: fo is the Diſtance of this ſome (as the ingenious Mr. De Point of Convergency from the Moivre in the Phil . Tranfaét.) to Glaſs: to the Diſtance of the Point Curve Line of the ſecond Order, ex- where this Ray croſſes the Axis. preſſed by the Equation x3 + 3 = To find the Focus of a Meniſcus a x y, being one Species of defec- Glafs; ſee under the Word Me- tive Hyperbola's, with one Aſyinp- nifcus. tote, and conſiſting of two infinite If there be a Burning-Glaſs of a Legs croſſing one another, and Foot in Diameter, this will conſti- forming a ſort of Leaf. (See pate or croud together all the Rays Species 42. of Sir Iſaac Newton's of the Sun which fell before on the Lines of the third Order.) Area of a Circle twelve Inches in FOMAHANT, a Star of the firſt Diameter, into the Compaſs of one Magnitude in Aquarius, whoſe Lon- eighth Part of an Inch, the Area's gitude is 329 deg. 17 min. Lati- then of the two Circles will be as tude 21 deg. 3 min. 9216 to 1; and conſequently the FOOT-BRANK, or BANQUETTE, Heat of the leſſer to the Heat of in Fortification, is a ſmall Step of the greater, will be reciprocally as Earth, on which the Soldiers ftand 9216 to 1 : that is, the Heat in the to fire over the Parapet. Focus will exceed the Sun's common FOR E-STAFF. See Croſs-Staf FORT: FOR FOR FORT, is a Caſtle or Place of the other Parts ; ſo that there may ſmall Extent, fortified either by Art be no Place in which an Enemy can or Nature. lodge himſelf undiſcovered by thoſe Fort-ROYAL, is that which that are within, and that both from hath twenty-fix Fathoms for the the Front, the Sides, even from be- Line of Defence. hind, if poſſible. FORT-STAR, is a Redoubt, con 2. The Fortreſs ought to com- ftituted by re-entring and faliant mand all Places round about, and Angles, which commonly have therefore all the Out-Works muſt from five to eight Points. See more be lower than the Body of the under the Word Sconces. Place, FORTIFICATION, or MILITA 3. The Works that are moſt re- RY ARCHITECTURE, is the Art mote from the Centre of the Place, fhewing how to fortify a place with ought always to be open to thoſe Ramparts, Parapets, Moats, and that are more near. other Bulwarks ; to the end, that 4. The Angle-Flanquant, or the a ſmall Number of Men within, may Point of the Baſtion, ought to be, be able to defend themſelves for a at leaſt, of ſeventy Degrees, or as conſiderable time againſt the Af- fome ſay, (Mr. Vauban,) not more faults of a numerous Army without; than a hundred, or leſs than ſixty. ſo that the Enemy, in attacking 5. The Angle of the Courtin them, muft of neceſſity ſuffer great ought never to be leſs than ninety, Loſs. or greater than a hundred Degrees ; Fortification is either regular, or becauſe if it be larger, 'tis too much irregular, and with reſpect to time, ſubject to the View of the Enemy, may be diſtinguiſhed into durable 6. The greater the Flank and De- and temporary migorge is, in proportion to other FortiFICATION (DURABLE) Things, the better, becauſe there is is that which is raiſed to continue à both more room to retrench in, and long while, alſo becauſe there may be made re- FORTIFICATION (IRREGU - tiring Flanks, which add very much LAR,) is that where the sides and to the Strength of a Place. Angles are not all uniform, equi 7. The Line of Defence ought diſtant, nor equal one to another. never to exceed point-blank Muf- ForTIFICATION (REGULAR,) ket-ſhot, which is about an hundred is that which is built on a regular and twenty, or a hundred and twen. Polygon, the Sides and Angles ty-five Fathoms. whereof are all equal ; being com- 8 The Baltions that are not too monly about a Muſket-ſhot one little, nor yet too exceſſively big, from another. are to be preferred before others; FORTIFICATION (TEMPOR A- and the Angle of a Baſtion ſhould RY,) is that which is erected upon not exceed a hundred, nor be leſs an emergent occaſion for a little than fixty Degrees. time. Such are all ſorts of Works 9: The greater the Angle that is caft up for the ſeizing or maintain- made by the outward Polygon and ing of a Poſt or Paſſage; as alſo the Face ſhall be, the greater is the Circumvallations, Contravallations, Defence of the Face. Redoubts, Trenches, Batteries, &c. 10. Whatſoever incloſes a dura. 1. Every Place within the Forti- ble Fortification, muſt be either fication ought to be flanked, that Flank, Face, or Courtin, built fo is, ſeen lide-ways, or defenfible from well, that the firſt Diſcharge of the Cannon FOR FRA Cannon may not be able to pierce diſtant one from another 120 Fa- through it: tiom'; but their Extent'and' Figure 11.°"Tis impoffible to fortify a are different, according to the si- Triangle after the common way, tuation or Nature of the Ground, becauſe the Angle of the Gorge is ſome of them having whole Baftions, always leſs than ninety Degrees. and others only Dem'i-Battions. 12. The acuter the Angle at the They are made uſe of only for a Centre is, the Place is by fo much timme, either to defend the Lines of the ſtronger, becaufe it will' have Circumvallation, or to guard' ſome the more Sides. Paffage, or dangerous Poft: 13. In a regular Fortification the FRACTION, is a broken Num.. Face muld never be leſs than half ber, fignifying one or more Parts, the Courtin; and the Faces of the proportionally. of any Thing di- Baſtion ought to be defended by the vided : It confifts of two Numbers ſmall Shot of the oppoſite Flank. ſet 'one over another, with a Line 14. Any Trenches are preferable between them, ask. In all Fractions, to thoſe filled with Water, efpe- as the Numerator : is to the Deno- cially in great Places, where Sallies, minator :: fo is the Fraction itſelf ; Retreats, and Succours are frequently to that whole of which it is a Frac- neceſſary; but in ſmall Fortreſſes, tion. Hence there may be infinite Water-Trenches that cannot be Fractions of the fame Value' one drained are beſt, becauſe there is no with another ; for there may be need of Sallies, Succours, &c. infinite Numbers found, which ſhall There are many Writings upon have the ſame Proportion one to Fortification: Some of which are another. Melder's Praxis Fortificatoria.-- Les 1. When the Numerator is lefs Fortifications de Compte de Pagan.- than the Denominator, the Fraction L’Ingenieur parfait du Sieur de Ville. is leſs than the whole, and conſe- Sturmy's Architettura Militaris quently is what they call a proper Hypothetica.--Blondel's Nouvelle Ma- Fraction. niere de Fortifier les Places. The 2. But when the Numerator is Abbé de Fay's Veritable Maniere de either equal to, or greater than the bien Fortifier de M. Vauban.- L'In- Denominator, the Fraction is called genieur François. Coborn's Nouvelle improper, becauſe 'tis equal to, or Fortification tant pour un terrain bas greater than the whole. Thus is & humide, que fec & elevé. equal to 1, and is equal to 1, and Alexander de Grotte's & Donatus 3. Fractions are fingle or Roſelli's Fortification.-Medrano's pound. Ingenieur Francoiſe. The Chevalier 4. Single Fractions are ſuch as de Saint Julien's Architecture Mili- have but one Numerator,, and one taire. - Landsberg's Nouvelle Ma- Denominator, as, 1. niere de Fortifier les Places. An 5. Compound Fractions, or Frac- anonymous Treatiſe in French, called tions of Fractions, are ſuch as con- Nouvelle Maniere de Fortifier les fift of more than one Numerator, Places, tirée des Methodes du Cheva- and one Denominator, as of šof lier de Ville, &c Ozanam's Traité , and are always connected by the de Fortification.-- Memoires de l'Ar- Word of. tillerie de Surirey de St. Remy. 6. All Fractions, whoſe Numera- FORTINES, or FIELD-FORTS, tors and Denominators are proportio- are Sconces, or little Fortreſſes, nal, are equal to one another As the whoſe flanked Angles are generally Fractions , 38, ii, are all equal. Every 1 com- 5 4 4 IZ 1 3 nator. FIR FRU Every Fraction, ſuch as pity that this has not hitherto been Ec. put in practice. may etfz+8z + b 23 FRIGID Zones. See Zones. be reduced into as many ſingle ones, FRONT, in Perſpective, is the as there are Roots in its Denomi- Orthographical Projection of an Object upon a parallel Plane. FRAISES, in Fortification, are Front, in Fortification, is what pointed Stakes fixed in Bulwarks the French call Tenaille de Place, made of Earth, on the one fide of and the face of a Place. It is that the Rampart, a little below the Pa- which is comprehended between the rapet. Theſe Stakes, being from Points of any two neighbouring Ba- feven to eight foot long, are driven ftions, viz. the Courtin, and two in almoſt half way into the Earth, Flanks, which are raiſed upon the and preſent their Points ſomewhat Courtin, and the two Faces of the floping toward the field. They Baſtion, which look towards one ſerve to prevent Scalades and Deſer- another. tion. FRONT-LINE, in Perſpective. See FRAME, is the Out-Work of a Line of the Front. Clock or Watch, confifting of the FRONTISPIECE. See Portale. Plates and Pillars, and which con FRONTON, is a Part or Member tains in it the Wheels, and the reſt in Architecture, in Architecture, which ſerves to of the Work. compoſe an Ornament raiſed over Freese, a Term in Architec- Doors, Croſs-Works, Niches, &c. ture. See Freeze. ſometimes making Triangles, and FREEZE, a largé Flat-Member, ſometimes Parts of a Circle. It is which feparates the Architrave from alſo called Faſtigium by Vitruvius, the Cornice. The Word comes and Pediſment by the French. from Latin, Phrygio, an Embroi FROZEN ZONES. See Zones. derer ; the Freezes being frequent FRUSTUM, in Geometry, figni- ly adorned with Figures in Baſs- fies a Piece cut off, or ſeparated Relief, ſomewhat in imitation of from any Body ; as the Fruſtum of Embroidery. The Freeze is fome a Pyramid or Cone, is a part or times alſo expreſſed by the Word Piece of them cut off (uſually) by à Zophoros, from the Greek, Zoophoros ; Plane parallel to the Baſe. it being uſual for Animals to be re The Solidity of the Fruſtum of preſented upon it. a Pyramid with a ſquare Baſe will Fresco, in Architecture, is a be had, by adding the Area's of the Sort of Painting, which is made upper and under Baſes to a mean upon the Plaiſtring of an Edifice be: Proportional between them, and fore it be dry. multiplying that Sum by one Third Friction, is the Reſiſtance ari- Part of the Height of the Fruftum; fing from the Motion of one Super- and as 14 to it nearly, ſo is the ficies upon another, and is cauſed Solidity of the Frultum of a ſquare by their Defect of Slipperineſs. Pyramid, to the Solidity of the Mr. Romer and De la Hire have Fruftum of a Cone, whoſe Diame- ſhewn in the French Memoirs, that ters at Top and Bottom, are equal the Figures of the Teech of Wheels to the sides of the upper and lower ought to be Epicycloids, that ſo Baſe, and Height equal. their Reſiſtance may be the leaſt The following Demonſtration of poſlible. And it is a great deal of the Theorem above, being not to be S found" 3 FRU F US I х X EF. 2 2 bix. and Altitude Ef; conds ; ſo thaž che Fuſe must be found every where, may not be dif- whoſe common Altitude is BC, and pleaſing to fome. Let AD the Baſe Baſes equal right-angled 'Triangles, G T AD-BC each equal to FUGUE, in Muſick, is fome Part confilling of four, five, fix, or any B c Number of Notes begun by ſome F one fingle Part, and then ſeconded by a third, fourth, fifth, and fixth Part; if the Compoſition conſiſts of A E D ſo many, repeating the ſame, or of the Fruftum ABCD of a ſquare Parts follow, or come in one after ſuch-like Notes ; ſo that ſeveral Pyramid be called a, the upper Baſe another in the ſame manner, the B C, b; the Height EF, c; the Height EG of the whole Pyramid leading Parts Hill flying before thoſe y; and the Height FG of the Py- ramid BGC, X; then a : ý:: FUGU E-DOUBLE, is when two or more different Parts move toge- and a3 : a ay:: :a ay::b: x; alſo a : y :: b3 : bbx; therefore a3 : aay;;63 ly interchanged by ſeveral Parts. ther in a Fugue, and are alternate- :bbx; and a : 63 :: a ay:bb x; FULIGINOUS VAPOURS, by and (dividendo) a3-63: aay-bbc fome, are thick, impure, and footy ::a3 : a ay; and fo a3 ---b3:a ay Vapours. bbc:; a: y; that is, as ambic; FURNITURE of a Diál, are ſuch that is, ambxa atóbtab: a ay Lines as are drawn thereon for -6bx::a-b:c; that is, ab Ornament ; as the Parallels of De- xaa tbbt ab: aap-bbx : clination, Length of the Day, Azi- coxă=6:03 ; and amb xaat byloniſh and Jewiſh Hours, &c. muths, Points of Compaſs ob Fab:ccxa-::a ay FUSAROLE, is a ſmall round that is, a atbb-tab:cc:: Member in Architecture, cut in a a y-bó x : 03 ; that is, c xaat form of a Collar, with ſomewhat bb tab.c3 :: aav - 660:63; long Beads, under the Echinus, or Quarter-hound of Pillars of the Do- wherefore cxaa +66 + ab аар • bbx; and of the one will rick, Ionick, and Compoſite Orders. Fuse, or Fusil, of a Bomb or be equal to į of the other. But { Granado-Shell, is that which makes of a ay-bbx is equal to the Fru- the whole Powder, or Compoſition ftum ; therefore of cx aatbbtab in the Shell, take fire, to do the will be equal to the Fruftum. defigned Execution. 'Tis uſually a This may be demonſtrated other- wooden Pipe or Tube filled with wife, by fuppofing the Fiuftum of Wild-Fire, or lome fuch Compofi- the Pyramid to conſiſt of one right- tion, and is deſigned to burn to long, angled Parallelip pedon, whoſe Al- and no longer, as is the lime of the títude i. E F, and side of the ſquare Motion of the bomb from the Bire BC: of four Pyramids; the Mouth of the Mortar to the Place Sides of each of whoſe square Baſes where it is to fall, which Time Mr. AO-BC Anderſon makes to be about is Se- 27 end of four cqual criangular Priſms, contrived either from the Nature of che 6 bx :53 3 1 2 G G A L G A U the Wild-Fire, or the Length of the Firë of the Beſieged. Theſe Gal- Pipe which contains it, to burn juftleries are frequently made uſe of in that time. the Moat, already filled with Fag- Fust, in Architecture,' ſignifieś gots and Bavins, to the end that the Trunk or Shaft of a Column; the Miner may approach ſafe to being that Part comprehended be the face of the Baftion, when the tween the Baſe and the Capital. Vi- 'Artillery of the oppoſite Flank is truvius calls it Scapus.- diſmounted. Fusy, is that Part of a Watch GARDECAUT, or GAR D-DU. about which the Chain or String Cord, is that which ſtops the Fuſy is wrapped, and is that which the of a Watch, when wound up, and Spring draweth, being in form com for that end is driven up by the monly taper. In larger Works, String. Some call it Guard-Cock, going with Weights, it is cylindri- others Guard-du-Gut. cal, and is called the Barrel. GAUGE-Point of a ſolid Mea- fure, is the Diameter of a Circle, whoſe Area is equal to the ſolid G. Content of the fame Meaſure , as the Solidity of a Wine-Gallon be- ABIONS, a Term in Forti- ing 231 Cubic Inches, (according to fication, ſignifying Bakets Wincheſter Meaſure; ) if you con- made of Ofier-Twigs, equally wide ceive a Circle to contain ſo many at the top and bottom, about four Inches, the Diameter of it will be Foot in Diameter, and from five 17.15; and that will be the Gauge- to fix high; which being filled Point of Wine Meaſure: and an with Earth, are ſometimes uſed as Ale. Gallon containing 288 Cubic Merlons for the Batteries, and ſome- Inches, by the ſame Rule;, the times as a Parapet for the Lines of Gauge Point for Ale-Meafure will Approach, when it is requiſite to be 19.15. carry on the Attacks through a GAUGING, is finding the Capa- ftony or rocky Ground, and to ad- cities or Contents of all Sorts of vance them with extraordinary Vi. Veſſels which hold Liquids, Powders, gour. They ſerve alſo to make Meal, Corn, &c. Lodgments in fome. Pofts, and to The common Rule for finding the ſecure other Places from the Shot Contents of all Ale and Wine Caſks, of the Enemies, who nevertheleſs is to take the Diameters at the endeavour to ſet the Gabions on Bung, and at the Head ; by which fire with pitched Faggots, to render you may find the Areas of the Cir- them uſeleſs. cle there ; then you muſt take two GABLE-End of a Houſe, is the thirds of the Area of the Circle at upright Triangular-End from the the Bung, and one third of the Area Cornice, or Eaves, to the top of of the Circle at the Head, and add its Roof. them together into one Sum, which GAGE.Point. See Gauge-Point. Sum multiply'd by the internal GALLERY, in Fortification, is Length of the Caſk, gives the Content a cover'd Walk, the Sides whereof in ſolid Inches, which you may are Muſket-Proof, conſiſting of a into Gallons, by dividing by 282 double Row of Planks lined with for Ale, and 231 for Wine Gallons. Plates of Iron ; the top being ſome The Writers upon Gauging are, times covered with Earth or Turf, Hunt, Everard, Douharty, Shet- to hinder the Effect of the artificial tleworth, &c. GAUGH + turn S2 > G E O G AZ one End GAUGING - Rod. This Rod, GEMINI, one of the twelve Signs whoſe Uſe is to find the Quantities of the Zodiac, being the third in of Liquors contained in any kind order ; alſo a Conſtellation of that of Veſſels, is uſually made of Box- Name. Wood, and confifts of four Rules, GENERATING LINE, or Fi- each a Foot long, and about three GURE, in Geometry, is that which Eighths of an Inch ſquare, joined by its Motion or Revolution pro- together by three Braſs Joints ; by duces any other Plane or Solid Fi- which means the Rod is render'd gure. Thuş a Right Line moved four Foot long; when the four Rules any way parallel to itfelf, generates are quite open'd, and about one Foot a Parallelogram; round a Point in when they are folded together. the fame. Plane, with i. On the firſt Face of this Rod faften'd in that Point, it generates a are placed twe. Diagonal Lines, one Circle'; one entire Revolution of a for Beer, and the other for Wine; Circle in the ſame Plane, generates by means of which, the Content of the Cyeloid ; the Revolution of a any common Veſſel in Beer or Wine- Semicircle round its Diameter, gea Gallons may be readily found, in nerates à Sphere, &c. Sir Iſaac putting the Rod in at the Bung-Hole Newton uſes the word. of the Vefiel, until it meets the In GENERATED, or GENITED terſection of the Head of the Veſſel, QUANTITY, in a very large Senſe, with the oppoſite Staves to the is taken for whatever is produced Bung-hole. either in Arithmetic, by Multipli- 2. On the ſecond Face of this cation, Diviſion, or Extraction of Rod are a Line of Inches, and the Roots ; or in Geometry, by the In- Gauge-Line, which is a Line ex- vention of the Contents, Areas, and preſſing the Areas of Circles, whoſe sides of Figures. Diameters are the correſpondent GENESIS, in Geometry, is the Inches in Ale-Gallons. Formation of any Plane or Solid 3. On the third Face are three Figure by the Motion of ſome Line Scales of Lines. The firſt is for or Surface, which Line or Surface finding how many Gallons there is is always called the Deſcribent ; and in a Hogſhead, when it is not full, that Line, according to which the lying with its .Axis parallel to the Motion is made, is called the Di- Horizon. The ſecond Line is for rigent. the fame Uſe as that for the Hogf GEOCENTRIC, ſignifies any Pla- head. The third Line is to find to find net or Orb that has the Earth for how much Liquor is wanting to fill its Centre, or the fame Centre with up a Butt when it is ſtanding. the Earth. 4. Half way the fourth Face of Geocentric LATITUDE of a Gauging-Rod are three Scales of Planet, is the Angle, which a Line Lines, to find the Liquors wanting joining the Planet and the Earth, in a Firkin, Kilderkin, and Barrel, makes with the Line drawn perpen- lying with their Axes parallel to the dicular to the Plane of the E. Horizon. cliptic. GAZONS, in Fortification, are GeoceníRIC PLACE of a Pla- Pieces of freſh Earth cover' with net, is a Point of the Ecliptic, to Graſs, cut in form of a Wedge, which the Planet ſeen from the about a Foot long, and half a Foot Earth is referred. thick, toline Parapets, and the GEOD ÆSIA, Surveying, or the Tranſverſes of Galleries. Art of meaſuring Land. 2 GEODE- i 4 1 or > GEO GEO GeodeTICAL Numbers, are, tko. A Line of the fourth ſuch as are conſidered according to Order, is that whoſe Equation thoſe vulgar Names or Denomina- has four Dimenſions, or which tions, by which Money, Weights, may be cut in four Points by a Meaſures, &c. are generally known, right Line whoſe moſt general or particularly divided by the Laws Equation is g4 + ax + xy3+ and Cuſtoms of ſeveral Nations. GEOGRAPHICAL MILE, is the cx2 +-dxte x y2 +-f3x3 +8x? +-hxtk Sea-Mile, ör Minute; being one xy +1x4+m*3 + uxzit patq=o. fixtieth Part of a Degree of a great And ſo on ad infinitum. Circle on the Earth's Surface. And a Curve of the firft kind GEOGRAPHY, is the Science that (for a right Line is not, to be rec- teaches and explains the Properties kon'd amongſt Curves) is the ſame of the Earth, and the Parts thereof with a Line of the ſecond Order ; that depend upon Quantity. and a Curve of the ſecond Order Some of the Geographical Wri- the ſame as a Line of the third; ters amongſt the Ancients were Pto- and a Line of an infinite Order is lemy, Pliny, Strabo, and Jolin de Sa- that which a right Line can cut in croboſco. Amongſt the Moderns we an infinite Number of Points, ſuch have Cluverius, Heslin, Ricciolus, as a Spiral, Quadratrix, Cycloid, the Varenius, Morden, Boboun, Echard, Figures of the Sines, Tangents, Se. Gordon, &c. cants, and every Line which is ge- GEOMETRICAL ALGE- nerated by the infinite Revolutions BRAIC CURVES, are thoſe whoſe of a Circle or Wheel. Ordinates and Abſciſſes being right In each of the ſaid Equations x is Lines, the Nature thereof can be the Abſciſs, and y a correſpondent expreſſed by a finite Equation, hav- Ordinate, making any given Angle ing thoſe Ordinates and Abſciſſes with it; a, b,c,d, &c. given Quan- in it. tities, affected with their Signs + Geometrical Lines or Curves are and whereof one or more may divided into Orders, according to be wanting, provided by ſuch De- the Number of Diinenſions of the fect the Line does not become one Equation, expreſſing the Relation of an inferior Order. between the Ordinates and Abfciffa's, 1. The moſt complicated or ge- or according to the Number of neral Equation of geometrical Lines Points, by which they may be cut by a right Line. So that á Line of of all Orders is tax+b xy91 the firſt Order will be only a right f cx? + dx te x , hem Line expreſſed by the Equation x 3.4-ma2 + ytaxtb=0. A Line of the ſe- 883.thx? tkx+1 x Mootor-3 +- &c. cond or quadratic Order, will be + m *+ r * xn- the Conic Sections, and Circle, Its at t whoſe moſt gi neral Equation is px3 + &c. t q=o. where n 22 taxfb xy tex?+dxte=o. expreſſes the Order of the Line, and A Line of the third Order, is that a, b, c, d, e, g, h, k, l, &c. m, 1,'s, whofe Equation has three Dimen- P; &c. q conſtant Quantities, va fions, or may be cut by a right riouſly affected with the Signs + the Line in three points, whoſe most being the Sum of the natural Num- general Equation is y3 + axtb xy2 bers decreaſing from ntito o, + cxtdate xut fxstex?+hx and the Number of the Co-efficients S 3 L or GEO GEO } * 2 х уу 2 2 F 2 or invariable Quantities will be finitely diftant, that Ordinate in the 2² +3n Equation defining the Curve, will not afcend to ſo many Dimenſions 2. The general Equation ya + fes a right Line where the Ordinate as the Curve; ſo that x=a expref- ax+6 x y tex? + d x to * ta x of all Curves of the firſt kind may y is of no Dimenſion. be tranfmuted into a more ſimple of the Tecond Order which run on = bx? tcxtd, expreſſes all Lines one, ſtill expreſſing them all, viz. z-= f*+ gx+, where z is ad infinitum. xt a the ordinate , & the Abſciſs, and bx? tcxtd xy+ ex3 +fx?+gx+h f, g, h, conſtant Quantities. For by all Lines of the third Order that runs extracting the Root, y will be = out to Infinity, and generally ax+6 ++ và x + a + xếa x y = b**+-+-+da*-2, 2 abx+4dx+66+4€; that is, &c. * yote+ ſuppoſing, P=4c+a?, q=2ab+4d, exs+fx2 + gx3, &c. and r=b6 +4€, it will be y= ax+6 xos, &c. + b gry + k x1 + 1 px +qxtr; and +1x42, &c. +'q, expreſſes all Curves that run out infinitely. if again we ſuppoſe x = y 4. The general Equation of all axtb P fo Curves of the ſecond kind may be , f ig and 4 tranſmuted to the four following particular Equations ſtill expreſſing h we ſhall have %= them all, viz, xy? --- yax3 +6x? 4 txtd. xy=ax3 +6x² + xtd. Vfx2 +gx+h, and ſo z? = fx? yy=a x3 + bx? tcx + d. and *g*+h. y = ax+6*? +0x + d. The firſt Hence when the Term fx2 is af- of which Equations repreſents a Fi- firmative, the Curve expreſſed by gure, having ſix hyperbolical Legs the Equation z? = f*2 +8x+ with three Afymptotes, forming an will be an Hyperbola. When the Iſoſceles Triangle, if the Term ax3 fame is negative, an Ellipfis ; and be affirmative. "But if the Term ey when the fame is abſent, a Parabola ; be abſent, the three Afymptotes ſo that there are but three different meet in a Point, in the Abſciſs; and Species of Curves of the firſt kind. of theſe Curves, which Sir Iſaac When the Root of the Quantity Newton calls redundaint Hyperbo. in the Vinculum being Part of the la’s, there are nine different Species Value of y can be extracted, the without Diameters; twelve with but Locus of the given Equation will one Diameter ; two with three Dia- be a right Line.- When the Terms meters ; nine with three Afymptotes, j2 and cm? are wanting, the Curve converging to a common Point. But es preſſed by the Equation above when axi is negative, the Figure will be an Hyperbola, when the expreſſed by that Equation will be Abſciſs is either an Afymptote, or a defective Ilyperbola ; of which parallel to it, and the Ordinates are there are fix different Species, hav- parallel to the other Aiymptote. ing but one Aſymptote, and only 3. If the Ordinate of a Curve be two hypei bolical Legs, junning out parallel to a Tangent at a Point in-- contrary ways ad infinitum. the Afymptote 1 GEO G E O Afymptote being the firſt and prin- oppoſite Angles of the Aſymptotes, cipal Ordinate ; and when the Term but in the adjacent Angles; there ey is not abſent, the Figure will being two different Species of theſe have no Diameter ; but if abſent, it Curves, called by Sir Iſaac Newton, will have one Diameter. And of the Hiperbolifmæ of a Parabola. theſe latter, there are ſeven different The ſecond Caſe of Equations, Species. If the Termax3 be viz. xy=ax3 + bx? + cx tod, abfent, but bx? not, the Figure ex- expreſſes a Figure having two hy- preffed by the Equation remaining perbolical Legs to one Afymptote, will be a parabolical Hyperbola, being the principal Ordinate, and having two hyperbolical Legs to two parabolical Legs. one Afymptote, and two paraboli The third Caſe of Equations ye cal Legs converging one and the ax3 + 6*2 + cxt-d, expreffes a ſame way. And when the Term ey Figure having two parabolical Legs is abſent, the Figure will have but running out contrary ways; and of one Diameter ; but when not, it theſe there are five different Specics. will have no Diameter. And of this Sir Iſaac Newton calls them Di- latter there are four different Spe- verging or Bell-form Parabola's. cies, according to Sir Iſaac Newton. See more concerning them under the In the firſt Caſe of the Equation, Word Parabola Diverging. when the Terms a x3, bx2, are The fourth Caſe of Equations wanting, that is, when the Equa- yax3 +6*" text de expreſſes tion becomes xyz tey=(x+d, it a Parabola with contrary Legs, viz. expreſſes a Figure conſiſting of three the Cubical Parabola. Hyperbola's oppoſite to one ano 4. Thus, according to Sir Iſaac ther, one lying between the parallel Newton, there are but 72 Specie: of Aſymptotes, and the other two Lines of the third Order. But Mr. without, having three Afymptotes, Sterling afterwards found out four one of which is the firſt and princi- more Species of redundant Hyper- pal Ordinate, and the other two bola's ; and I myſelf two more of are parallel to the Abſciſs, and e the deficient Hyperbolas expreſſed qually diſtant from it; or elſe two by the Equation xyy=bx? * <* oppoſite Hyperbola's without the +d. When bx?+extodo has Afymptotes, and a Serpentine Hyn two unequ.il negative Roots, and perbola between them ; there being two equal negative Roots i ſo that four different Species of theſe Curves in reality there are 78 different Spe- called by Sir Iſaac Newton, the cies of Lines of the third Order. Hyperbolifmæ of an Hyperbola.. 5. How the ſeveral Equijors for When the Term c*? is negative, all Lines of the third Order when the Figure expreſſed by the Equa- the Ordinates are parallel to an t- tion xy2 tey - cx? +d, is a ſymptote, may be tranſmuted into Serpentine Hyperbola, having only the four particular Equations above one Aſymptote, being the principal mentioned, is elegantly enough Ordinate, or elſe a conchoidal Fi. ſhewn by Mr. Sterling in his lilu- gure ; there being three different pratio Tractatus D. Nentoni de E- Species of theſe Curves, called by numeratione Linearum tertii Oidinis. Sir Iſaac Newton the Hyperboliſmæ The ſame is done by Mr. Nichol of an Ellipfis. too, in the Memoires de l'Academie When the Term c *2 is abſent, Royale de Sciences, Anna 1728. Lut the Equation ey? tey=d expreſies trilingly long and tedions. Alho ' two Hyperbolas, not lying in the I have ſaid that the Lives of the S 4 third, G E O G E O y, or third Order confift either of hyper- ries's.' And this, no doubt, made bolical or parabolical Parts, yet Mr. Nichol, in the Memoires above ſome of them have beſides, Ovals related, give a Specimen of perform- belonging to them, either ſeparate ing the Buſineſs by finite Equations i from the infinite Legs, or joining and ſince him, I myſelf have wrote to them; they have alſo double a little Treatiſe, ſewing almoſt by Points, which make a part of the Inſpection not only how the ſeveral Curve, and other notable Diftinc- Species of 'thoſe Curves ariſe from tions, as may be ſeen in Sir Ifaac the previous Deſcription of other Newton's Enumeration of theſe Curves (whoſe Abſciſs is x, and Lines, where you have their Fi- Ordinate the whole Value of gures as well as the Qualifications Part of that Value) but alſo the of the ſeveral Equations expreſſing manner of finding any Number of each different Species, chiefly ariſing Points through which they muſt from the Equation, expreſſing the paſs, and that after a way the moſt Value of the Ordinate y in the fimple and natural the thing ſeems Terms of the Abſciſs x ; giving no to admit. Ordinate, as often as that Value is 6. Sir Iſaac Newton tells us, that the Square Root of a negative Curves may be generated by Sha- Quantity, or Part of thac Value ; an dows. He ſays, if upon an infinite infinitely ſmall Ordinate ; a finite Plane illuminated from a lucid Point one ; or an infinitely great one: for the Shadows of Figures be project- Example, in the firt Caſe of Equa- ed ; the Shadows of the Conic Sec- tions xy2 -ey=ax3 +6x? tcx tions will be always Conic Sections ; +d, it will be found by extract- thoſe of the Curves of the ſecond kind will be always Curves of the ing the Root that y = + ſecond kind; thoſe of the Curves of the third kind will be always Vaxt +bx3 toxi+dx+fee; Curves of the third kind; and ſo on ad infinitum, ſo that y will be poſſible as often as And, like as a Circle by projecting ax4 +683 +6**+ dx tee is its Shadow generates all the Conic affirmative, and impoſſible when the sections, ſo the five diverging Pa- fame is negative: And the Number rabola's by their Shadows will ge- of Times that this can happen will nerate, and exhibit all the reſt of appear from the Deſcription of a the Curves of the ſecond kind : and biquadratical Parabola, whoſe Ab ſo ſome of the moſt ſimple Curves ſciſs is x, and Ordinate ax446x3+ of the other kinds may be found, c*?+ dx+ce. which will form, by their Shadows Mr. Sterling in the Treatiſe afore- upon a Plane, projected from a lucid ſaid has ſhewn how to find the Fi- Point, all the reit of the Curves of gures and ſeveral Species of theſe that' fame kind. But as Sir Iſaac Curves by throwing the Value of Newton has neither demonſtrated the Ordinate y into an infinite Series, what he here fays, nor has parti- which certainly is a very ſhort and cularly ſhewn how his Curves of the general way of doing the thing ; ſecond Order may be derived from but at the ſame time is both difti- the Shadows of the diverging Para- cult, unnatural, and obſcure ; and bola's, you have in the French Me- more eſpecially 10 ſuch who are not moires à Demonſtration of ihir, and well verſed in the Doctrine of Se- of the ſecond Order, which may be a Specimen of a few of the Curves generated 1 e 2% G E O GEO generated by a Plane's cutting a Order, of which I imagine there Cone or Solid formed from the are ſome thouſands, not ſo much by Motion of an infinite right Line reaſon of the Difficulty of the along a diyerging Parabola (having thing, as the want of Inclination to an Oval) always paſſing thro' purſue it. Four or five Years ago given or fixed Point above the Plane I was very fond of this Buſineſs, and of that Parabola. have now by me ſome hundreds of Mr. Mac-Laurin, in his Orga- the Curves of the third Order ; nica Geometria, ſhews how to de- but finding the Number behind ſtill ſcribe ſeveral of the Species of very great, my Inclination began Curves of the fecond Order, eſpe- to abate, till at length I grew quite cially choſe having a double Point, tired of the Work, and laid it a- by the Motion of right Lines and fide. The Abbé Bragelonge in the Angles ; but a good commodious French Memoires of the Royal Aca- Deſcription by a continued Motion demy, has given a Diſcourſe upon of thoſe Curves which have no dou- ſome of the Curves of this Order, ble Point is (by Sir Iſaac Newton) which is both long and tedious, and ranked amongſt the moſt difficult very far ſhort of a compleat Trea- Problems. tiſe on this Subject; and at the End As nobody before Sir Iſaac New- he promiſes an Enumeration of the ton ever did, or I believe could, give ſeveral Species of theſe Curves. the Figures, various Species, and But ſince I have not yet feen any principal Properties of the Curves ſuch thing, he may perhaps have above the Conic Sections, (altho' in fallen into my Condition. the Preface to De Witts's Elementa The General Equation of all Linearum Curvarum a Treatiſe Curves of the 'third kind may be upon the Curves of the ſecond Or- reduced to the following ten parti- der was promiſed); ſo it is my firm cular Equations, which were com- belief, that no one after him will municated to me by my ingenious be able to enumerate the ſeveral Friend Mr. Duncomb Smith, who is different Species, and exhibit the very well ſkill'd in theſe things. Figures of the Curves of the third 1. y4+f*?y?. +gxy3 +hxpy+iy2 +kxytly 2. y4 +fxy3 +8x2; +hxyz +ixytky 3. x2y3 +fy3 78*?ythy3 +-ky 4. *?y? +fy toys fbxtiy sax+ +6x3 + x2 +dxte 5. 93 +fxyz +gx2y+hy 6. 33 +fxyz +gxythy 7. y+texy+xy3+gay* by°Fixy+ky 8. *3y +exy3-4-f*y+gy2 +bxy tiy 9. x3ytey3 +fxyz +gxy+hy =ax3 +63? tcxtd. 10. *3ytey3 +fy2 +gxy+hy If it be ſo difficult to underſtand again, what an infinite Increaſe of the Nature, Properties, and Num- Difficulty will ariſe in apprehending ber of the Curves of the ſecond and the Nature of the infinite-infinite third Kinds, how much more ſo Number of Curves which do not muſt it be to attain to a glimpſe lie in the ſame Plane? When one of that infinite Number and Variety duly conſiders this, it muſt be con- expreſſed by the Equations of the feffed that the moll ſkilful and pene- ſucceeding higher Dimenſions ? Apd trating Mathematician poſſible, may really GEO GEO 1 really be ſaid to know little or no- the Art of Meaſuring the Earth, thing at all concerning the Nature but it is now the Science of what- of Curve Lines, however he may ever is extended, ſo far as it is ſuch ; otherwiſe think. Thoſe who have that is, of Lines, Superficies, and a mind to ſee how far this Doctrine Solids. has been advanced, with regard to GEOMETRY, as related by Curves of the higher Orders, as Proclus, had its firſt riſe in Egypt, well as thoſe of the firſt and ſecond where the Nile annually overflow- Orders, may conſult Mr. Mac- ing the Country, and covering it Laurin's Organica Geometria, and with Mud, obliged Men to diſtin- Mr. Braikonridge's Exercitatio Geo- guiſh their Lands one from another metrica de Curvarum Deſcriptione. by the Confideration of their Fi- All geometrical Lines of the odd gure; and to be able alſo to mea- Order, viz. the third, fifth, feventh, fure the Quantity of them, and to &c. have at leaſt one Leg running know how to plot it, and lay them on infinitely ; becauſe all Equations out again in their juft Dimenſions, of the odd Dimenſions have at leaſt Figure, and Proportion; after which, one real Root. But vaft Numbers 'tis likely a 'farther Contemplation of the Lines of the even Orders are of thoſe Draughts and Figures only Ovals ; amongſt which there helped them to diſcover many ex- are ſeveral having very pretty Fl. cellent and wonderful t roperties be- gures, fome being like fingle Hearts, longing to them, which Speculation others double ones, others in figure continually was improving, and is of Fiddles, others again ſingle Knots, ſtill to this very day. But the Geo- double Knots, & C. metry of the Ancients was contain'd Two geometrical Lines of any within narrow Bounds, as well as Order will cut one another in as their other Mathematical Specula- many Points as the Number ex- tions, for it only extended to right preſſes, which is produced by the Lines and Curves of the firſt kind, Multiplication of the two Numbers or Order ; whereas now Lines of expreſſing thoſe Orders. And Mr. infinite Orders are received in Geo- Braikonridge, in the Preface to his metry. Treatiſe aforeſaid, fays, Mr. George Geometry is divided into Specu- Campbell, now Clerk of the Stores lative and Practical : The former at Woolwich, has got a neat Demon- treating of the Properties of Lines tration of the ſame, which he hopes and Figures ; ſuch as Euclid's Ele- he will publiſh. ments, Apollonius's Conics, &c. And GEOMETRICAL PLANE. See the latter ſhews how to apply theſe Plane. Speculations to Uſe in Life. GEOMETRICAL PROGRES Plato thought the word Geometry SION, or PROPORTION. See Pro a very ridiculous Name for this greſion. Science, and ſubſtituted in its place GEOMETRICAL SOLUTION of the more extenſive Name of Men- a Problem, is when the Thing is ſuration ; and after him, others folved according to the Rules of gave it the Title of Pantometry. Geometry, and by ſuch Lines as But this is too ſcanty; for it not are truly geometrical, and agreeable only enquires into, and demonſtrates to the Nature of the Problem. the Quantities of Magnitudes, but GEOMETRIC PLACE, or Locus. alſo their Qualities, ziz Species, See Locus. Figures, Ratio's, Pofitions, Tranſ- GEOMETRY, originally ſignifies formations, Deicriptions, Divifions, how GEO GI V how to find their Centres, Diame- Torricellius, in his Opera Geometrica. ters, Tangents, Aſymptotes, Curva- -Viviani, in his Divinationes Geo- tures, & c. ſome ſay it is the Science metricæ in quintum Librum Apol- of enquiring, inventing, and demon- lonii Pergei adhuc defideratum. - ſtrating all the Affections of Mag- Theodoſius, in his Spherics.--Serenius, nitude. And Proclus calls it the in his Section of the Cone and Cyline Knowledge of Magnitudes and fi- der. Gregory St. Vincent, in his gures, and their Limitations ; alſo Quadratura Circuli ; and many ou of their Ratio's, Affections, Pofitions, thers. Add to theſe Dr. Barrow's and Motions of every kind. Geometrical Lectures.-- Bullialdus's, The Writings upon Geometry Schooten's, and Dr. Gregory's Exer- are very numerous ; ſome ſpecula- citationes Geometricæ.- De Billy's tive, and others practical. A- Treatiſe de Proportione harmonica.- mongſt the former are the well- La Lovera's Geometria veterum pro- known Elements of Euclid, firſt mota. Viviani's Exercitatio Ma. wrote by him in Greek more than thematica.-- Herberftein's Diotome 2000 Years ago ; but in theſe later Circulorum. but in theſe later Circulorum.- Palma's Exercitatio- Ages tranſlated into various Lan nes in Geometriam. Apollonius de guages. Orontius Finæus, Anno Sestione Rationis. The Writers upon 1530, publiſhed a Commentary up- Practical Geometry, are Clavius, on the firſt fix Books ; and ſo did Mallet, de la Hire, Taquet, Ozanam, James Peletarius, Anno 1557. Ni. Wolfius, and many others, which I colas Tartaglia alſo publiſhed about hall omit to mention. the ſame time a Commentary upon GIBBOUS, is a Term uſed in re- all the 15 Books. After which ference to the enlighten'd Parts of Clavius did the like. the Moon, while ſhe is moving from There is a Greek Commentary Full to the firſt Quarter, and from upon Euclid's firſt Book by Proclus : the laſt Quarter to the Full again ; As alſo thoſe of Campanus and for all that time the dark Part ap- Theon, upon the whole Books. There pears horned and falcated, and the are alſo Commandine's, Dee's, Schu- light one bunched out, convex or belius's, Herlinus's, Daſypodius's, gibbous. Ramus's, Herigon's, Barrow's, Ta GIRDERS, in Architecture, are quet's, Dechales's, Furnier's, and the largeſt Pieces of Timber in a Scarborough's Euclid, with many o- Floor. Their Ends are uſually fa- thers too many to mention here. ſten'd into the Summer or Breaſt- There are many modern Writers Summers, and the Joiſts are framed of the Elements of Geometry, as in at one end to the Girders. No well as Euclid; ſuch as Borellus, Girder Mould lie leſs than ten Inches Pardies, Arnald, Sturmy, Lamy, Po into the Wall, and their Ends ſhould lynier, Marchetti, Wolfus, &c. A- be laid in Lome, &c. mongſt thoſe who have exceeded Given, is a Word often uſed in Euclid in the Elementary Geome- Mathematics, and fignifies fome- try, we have Archimedes in his thing which is ſuppoſed to be Treatiſes of the Sphere and Cylinder, known. Thus, if a Magnitude, of the Dimenſion of the Circle, of be known, or that we can find an- Conoids and Spheroids, of Spirals other equal to it, they ſay 'tis a and the Quadrature of the Parabola. given Magnitude If the Poſition Kepler, in his Nova Stereometria of any thing be ſuppoſed as known, Doliorum Vinariorum.- Cavalerius, they ſay, given in Pofition. Thus in his Geometria Indivifibilium. if a Circle be actually deſcribed up- on E L O GNO on any Plane, they fay, its Centré account, visi that the Diſtances is given in Poſition ; its Circumfe between Places upon the Rhumb rence is given in Magnitude ; and are all meaſured by the ſame the Circle both in Poſition and Mag- Scale of equal Parts, and the Di- nitude. But a Circle may be given ſtance of any two Places in the in Magnitude only; as, when only Arch of a great Circle, is nearly its Diametėr is given, but the Cira repreſented in this Chart by a cle not actually deſcribed. If the ſtraight Line ; and ſo, if Land-Maps Kind or Species of any Figure be were inade according to this Pro- given, they ſay, given in Species : jection, they would, in my opinion, be if the Ratio between any two better than thoſe that are made any Quantities is known, they are ſaid other ways whatſoever. But this to be given in Ratio. Chart will never be of fo excellent GLACIS, a floping Bank in For- Uſe to Seamen, as Mercator's ; be- tification. It ſignifies a very gentle cauſe the Meridians, Parallels, and Steepneſs; but is more eſpecially particularly the Rhumb-Lines, being taken for that which rangeth from all Curves in the Globular Chart, but the Parapet of the cover'd Way, to ſtraight Lines in that of Mercator ; the Level on the ſide of the Field. fraight Lines are vaſtly more eaſy GLOBE, the ſame as Sphere. to draw and manage than Curves, Which ſee. eſpecially ſuch as the Rhumb-Lines When a Globe has all the Parts on the Globular Chart are. of the Earth and Sea drawn or de This Projection is not new, but lineated on its Surface, like as on a on the contrary very ancient ; . for Map, and placed in their natural it is mentioned by Ptolemy in his Order and Situation, it is called an Geography; as alſo by Blundevill, in artificial terreftrial Globe. his Exerciſes. : But if upon the Superficies there GNOMON, in a Parallelogram, is of, be painted the Images of the a Figure made of the two Comple- Conſtellations, and the fixed Stars, menis, together with either of the with the Circles of the Sphere, it Parallelograms about the Diagonal ; is called an artificial cælefiial as in the Parallelogram Aổ, the Globe. Gnomon is M +xfoz+N, or Both theſe Globes, in order to M+N+*+%. fhew the Nature of the Sphere, and reſolve Aſtronomical and Geogra- B phical Problems, are fitted and M moveable in Braſs Meridians, and X theſe Meridians are ſet in Notches N made in broad wooden Circles re- Z preſenting the Horizon. GLOCULAR CHART, is a Name А given to a Repreſentation of the GNOMON, in Dialling, is the Surface, or fome Part of the Sur- Style, Pin or Cock of any Dial, face of the terraqueous Globe upon whoſe Shadow ſhews the Hour. a Plane, wherein the Parallels of La- The Gnomon of every Dial repre- titude are Circles nearly cor centric; ſents the Axis of the World. the Meridian's Curves bei ding to GNOMONIC PROJECTION of the wards the Poles, and the Raumb- Sphere, is the Repreſentation of the Lines alſo Curves. Circles of the Sphere, upon a Plane This Chart is valuable upon this that touches the Sphere, or elſe on 2 ! one GOR GRA on one that does not cut it, the Ėye elſe but the prolonging of the Cour- being ſuppoſed in the Centre of the tines from their Angle with Flanks, Sphere. to the Centre of the Baſtion whete In this Projection, (which all they meet; but when the Baſtion is Plane Sun-Dials may be faid to be flat, its Gorge is a right Line, of, from whence it derives its Name, which terminates the Diſtance com- viz. from Gnomonics, or Dialling,) prehended between two Flanks. all the great Circles of the Sphere GORGE of the Ravelin, or of 4 are repreſented by ſtraight Lines, of Half-Moon, is the Space contained an indeterminate Length. All leſſer between the Extremities of the two Circles, parallel to the Plane of Faces on the side of the Place. Projection, will be Circles ; and all Gothic (or MODERN). ARCHI- leſfer Circles, oblique to the Projec- TEGTURE, is that which is far re- tion-Plane, will be either Parabola's moved from the Manner and Pro- Ellipſes, or Hyperbola's, according portions of the Antique, having its to their different Obliquity. Ornaments wild and chimerical, and GNOMONICS. The ſame with its Profiles incorrect However, it Dialling. is oftentimes found very ſtrong, and Golden NUMBER. See Cycla appears very rich and pompous, as of the Moon. particularly in ſeveral Engliſ Ca- If i be added to the Year, and thedrals. This manner of Building the Sum be divided by 19, the Re- came originally from the North, mainder, after Diviſion, is the Gol whence it was brought by the Goths olen Number. into Germany, and has ſince been GOLDEN RULE. See Rule of introduced into other Countries. Three GRANADO, is a little hollow GORGE, GULLA, or Neck, in Globe, or Ball of Iron, or other Architecture, is the narroweſt Part Metal, about two Inches and a half of the Tuſcan or Doric Capitals, Doric Capitals, in Diameter, which being filled with lying between the Aſtragal, above fine Powder, is, fet on fire by the the Shaft of the Pillar, and the An-, means of a ſmall Fuſee, faſtened to nulets. It is alſo a kind of concave the Touch-Hole: As ſoon as it is Moulding, larger, but not ſo deep kindled, the Caſe flies into many as a Scotia, which ſerves for Com- Shatters, much to the Damage of partments, & c. all that ſtand near. Theſe Grana- GORGE, in Fortification, is the does ſerve to fire cloſe and narrow Entrance of the Platform of any Paſſages, and are often thrown with Work. the Hand among the Soldiers, to Gorge, in ail other Outworks, diſorder their Ranks; more eſpe- is the Interyal betwixt the Wings cially in thoſe Potts where they ſtand on the side of the great Ditch. But thickeſt, as in Trenches, Redoubts, it ought to be obſerved, that all the Lodgments, &c. Gorges are deftitute of Parapets ; GRAVITY, is that force by becauſe, if there were any, the Be- which Bodies are carried, or tend fiegers, having taken poffeffion of a towards the Centre of the Earth. Work, might make uſe thereof, to GRAVITY (4BSOLU'TE,) is the defend theinſelves from the Shot of whole Force by which any Body, the Place; ſo that they are only tends towards the Centre of the fortified with Palliſadoes, to prevent Earth. a Surprize. GRAVITY (ACCELERATE,) is GORGE of a Bajlion, is nothing the Force of Gravity conſider'd, as growing GRA GRA growing greater, the nearer it is to 7. In all Places equi-diſtant from the attracting Body or Point. the Centre of the Earth, the Force GRAVITY (RELATIVE,) is the of Gravity is nearly equal. Exceſs of the Gravity in any Body, 8. Gravity equally affects all Bo- above the ſpecific Gravity of a Fluid dies, without regard to their Bulk, it is in. Figure, or Matter; ſo that abftract- GRAVITATIon, is a Preſſure that ing from the Reſiſtance of the Me- a Body, by the Force of its Gravity, dium, the moſt compact and looſe, exerts on another Body under it. the greateſt and ſmalleſt Bodies 1. All Bodies are mutually heavy, would deſcend equal Spaces in equal or gravitate mutually towards each Times, as appears from the quick other; and this Gravity is propor- Deſcent of very light Bodies in the tional to the Quantity of Matter; exhauſted Receiver. and at unequal Diſtances it is in 9. There are various Opinions of verfly, as the Square of the Diſtance. Philoſophers concerning the Cauſe And ſo the Sun and Planets mutually of Gravity ; but the moſt probable gravitate towards each other; the is, that of a very ſubtle Fluid, Satellites of Jupiter and Jupiter; which encompaſſes the Earth and the Satellites of Saturn and Saturn; Air, that freely pervades the Pores and the Moon and the Earth. of all Bodies: For the Endeavours 2. On the Surfaces of Bodies that of ſuch a Fluid to detrude all earthly are Spherical and Homogeneous, Bodies from it, together with ſome the Gravities will be in the Ratio other Properties, may make all Bo- compounded of the Denſities and dies move towards the Centre of the the Diameters. Earth : And that there is ſuch a 3. If a Body be placed in a Fluid, is ſewn by Experiments. Sphere that is Homogeneous, Hol- 10. Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Op- low, and every where of the ſame tics, the laſt Edition, propoſes the Thickneſs, it has no Gravity, let it following Queries concerning that be placed where it will. ſubtle Medium, which is the Cauſe 4. In an homogeneous Sphere, of the Gravity and Attraction of Gravity decreaſes in coming towards Bodies. the Centre, in the direct Ratio of 1. If in two large tall Cylindrical the Diſtance from the Centre. Veſſels of Glaſs inverted, two little 5. By Gravity all Bodies deſcend Thermometers be ſuſpended, ſo as towards a Point, which either is, not to touch the Veſſels, and the or is very near to the Centre of Air be drawn out of one of theſe Magnitude of the Earth and Sea, Veſſels, and theſe Veſſels thus pre- about which the Sea forms itſelf into pared be carried out of a cold a ſpherical Surface; and the Pro. Place into a warm one, the Ther- minences of the Land, conſidering moineter in vacuo will grow warm the Bulk of the Whole, differ but as much, and almoſt as ſoon as the inſenſibly therefrom. Thermometer which is not in va- 6. This point or Centre is fixed cuo; and cuo ; and when the Veſſels are within the Earth, or at leaſt hath carried back into a cold Place, the been ſo ever ſince we have any au- Thermometer in vacuo will grow thentic History. For a Conſequence cold almoſt as ſoon as the other of its Shifting, tho' never ſo little, Thermometer. Is not the Heat of would be overflowing of the low the warm Room conveyed thrcugh Land on that Side of the Globe to the Vacuum by the Vibrations of wards which it approached. a much ſubtler Medium than Air, which, GR A GRA. which, after the Air was drawn Liness And doth not the gradual out, remained in the Vacuum ? Condenſation of this Medium ex- And is not this Medium the ſame tend to ſome Diſtance from the Bo- with that Medium by which Light dies, and thereby cauſe the Infle- is refracted and reflected ? and by xions of the Rays of Light, which whoſe Vibrations Light communi- paſs by the Edges of denſe Bodies, at cates Heat to Bodies, and is put into ſome diſtance from the Bodies. Fits of eaſy Reflexion and eaſy 4. Is not this Medium much rarer Tranſmiſſion ? And do not the Vi- within the denſe Bodies of the Sun, brations of this Medium in hot Bo- Stars, Planets, and Comets, than in dies contribute to the Intenſeneſs the empty Celeſtial Spaces between and Duration of their Heat? And them ? And in paſſing from them to do not hot Bodies communicate their great Diſtances, doth it not grow Heat to contiguous cold ones, by denſer and denſer perpetually, and the Vibrations of this Medium, pro- thereby cauſe the Gravity of thoſe pagated from them into cold ones great Bodies towards one another, And is not this Medium exceedingly and of their Parts towards the Bo- more rare and ſubtle than the Air, dies ; every Body endeavouring to and exceedingly more elaſtic and go from the denſer Parts of the active? And doth it not readily per- Medium towards the rarer? For if vade all Bodies ? And is it not (by this Medium be rarer within the its elaſtic Force) expanded through Sun's Body than at its Surface, and all the Heavens ? rarer there than at the hundredth Part 2. Doth not the Refraction of of an Inch from its Body, and Light proceed from the different rarer there than at the fiftieth Part Denſity of this Ætherial Medium of an Inch from its Body, and rarer in différent Places, the Light' re there than at the Orb of Saturn; I ceding always from the denſer fee no reaſon why the Increaſe of Parts of the Medium ? And is not Denſity ſhould ſtop any where, and the Denſity thereof greater in free not rather be continu'd through all and open Spaces, void of Air, and Diſtances from the Sun to Saturn, other groſſer Bodies, than within and beyond. And though this In- the Pores of Water, Glaſs, Cryſtal, creaſe of Denſity may at great Di- Gems, and other compact Bodies ? ſtances be exceeding flow, yet, if the For when Light paſſes through elaſtic Force of this Medium be ex- Glaſs, or Cryital, and falling very ceeding great, it may ſuffice to im- obliquely upon the farther Surface pel Bodies from the denler Parts of thereof, is totally reflected, the the Medium towards the rarer, with total Reflection ought to proceed all that Power which we call Gra- rather from the Denſity and Vigour vity. And that the elaſtic Force of of the Medium without, and be- that Medium is exceeding great, yond the Glaſs, than from the Ra- may be gathered from the Swiftneſs rity and Weakneſs thereof. of its Vibrations. Sounds move 3. Doth not this @cherial Me- about 1140 Engliſh Feet in a Second dium in paſſing thro' Water, Glaſs, of Time, and in ſeven or eight Cryttal, and other compact and Minutes of Time they move denſe Bodies inco empty Spaces, bout one hundred linoliſh Miles. grow deníer and denſer by degrees, Light moves from the Sun to and by that means refract the Rays about ſeven or eight Minutes of of Light nor in a Point, but by Tine, which Diltance is about bending them gradually in Curve- 70000coo Engliſh Miles ; fuppofing the us in } GR A GR A gether. the horizontal Parallax of the Sun and all groſs Bodies, perform their 80 be about 12 ſec. And the Vi- Mocions more freely, and with leſs bracions or Pulſes of this Mediam, Reſiſtance in this Æthereal Medi- that they may cauſe the alternate um, than in any Fluid, which fills Fits of eaſy Tranſmiſſion and eafy all Space adequately, without leav- Reflexion, muft ble ſwifter than ing any Pores, and by conſequence Light, and by conſequence above is much denſer than Quickſilver or 70oooo Times ſwifter than Sounds. Gold? And may not its Refiftance And therefore the elastic Force of be ſo ſmall, as to be inconſiderable ? this Medium, in proportion to its Den- For inſtance, if this Æther (for ſo I fity, muſt be above 700000 x 700000 will call it) ſhould be ſuppoſed (that is above 490000000000) Times 700000 Times more elaſtic than our greater than the elaſtic Force of the Air, and above 700000 Times more Air, is in proportion to its Denſity. rare, its Reſiſtance would be above For the Velocities of the Pulſes of 600000000 Times leſs than Water : elaſtic Mediums are in a ſubdupli- And ſo fmalla Reſiſtance would cate Ratio of the Elafticities and the ſcarce make any ſenſible Alteration Rarities of the Mediums taken to in the Motions of the Planets in ten thouſand Years. If any one would 5. As Attraction is ſtronger in aſk how a Medium can be ſo rare, ſmall Magnets than in great ones, in let him tell me how the Air, in the proportion to their Bulk; and upper Parts of the Atmoſphere, can be Gravity is greater in the Surfaces above an hundred thouſand thcuſand of ſmall Planets than in thoſe of Times rarer than Gold ? Let him great ones, in proportion to their alſo tell me how an electric Body Bulk; and fmall Bodies are agitated can, by Friction, emit an Exhala- much more by electric Attraction tion ſo rare and ſubtile, and yet ſo than great ones; ſo the Small- potent, as by its Emiſſion to cauſe neſs of the Rays of Light may con no ſenſible Diminution of the Weight tribute very much to the Power of of the ele&tric Body, and to be ex- the Agent, by which they are re- panded through a Sphere, whoſe fracted. · And ſo, if any one ſhould Diameter is above two Feet, and fuppoſe that Æther (like our Air) yet to be able to agitate and carry may contain Particles, which en- up Leaf Copper, or Leaf- Gold, at deavour to recede from one another, the Diſtance of above a Foot from (for I do not know what this A. the electric Body? And how the ther is,) and that its Particles are Efluvia of a Magnet can be ſo rare exceedingly ſmaller than thoſe of and fubtile, as to paſs through a Air, or even thoſe of Light: The Plate of Glaſs, without any Reſif- exceeding Smallneſs of its Particles tance, or Diminution of their Force, may contribute to the Greatneſs of and yet ſo potent, as to turn a the Force, by which thoſe Particles magnetic Needle beyond the may recede from one another, and Glaſs ? thereby make that Medium ex 7. Is not Viſion performed chief- ceedingly more rare and elaſtic than ly by the Vibrations of this Me- Air, and by conſequence exceedingly dium, excited in the bottom of the leſs able to reſiſt the Motions of Pro- Eye, by the Rays of Light, and jectiles, and exceedingly more able propagated through the folid, pel- to preſs upon groſs Bodies, by endea- lucid, and uniform Capillamenta of vcuring to expand itſelf. the optic Nerves into the Place of 6. May not Planets and Comets Senſation? And is not Hearing per- formed GRA GRA formed by the Vibrations either of ſmall Diſtances performs the Chy- this or ſome other Medium, excited mical Operations of Fermentation, in the auditory, Nerves by the Tre- & c. and reaches not far from mors of the Air, and propagated the Particles with any ſenſible through the folid, pellucid, and uni- Effect. form Capillamenta of thoſe Nerves 10. All Bodies feem to be com- into the Places of Senfátion; and ſo poſed of hard Particles ; for og of the other Senſes. therwiſe Fluids would not con- 8. Is not animal Motion perform- geal. ed by the Vibrations of this Me 11. Even the Rays of Light ſeem dium, excited in the Brain by the to be hard Bodies. Power of the Will, and propagated 1 2. Now if compound Bodies are from thence through the folid, pel fo very hard, as we find ſome of lucid, and uniform Capillamenta of them to be, and yet are very porous, the Nerves into the Muſcles, for. and conſiſt of Parts, which are on- contracting and dilating them! I ly laid together, the fimple Para fuppoſe that the Capillamenta of the ticles which are void of Pores, and Nerves are each of them folid and were never yet divided, muft be uniform, that the vibrating Motion harder ; for ſuch hard Particles bo- of the Æthereal Medium may be ing heaped up together, can fcarce propagated along them from one touch one another in more than a End to the other uniformly, and few Points, and therefore muſt be without Interruption; for Obſtruc- feparable by a much leſs Force than tions in the Nerves create Palfies. is requifite to break a folid Particle, And that they may be ſufficiently whoſe Parts touch in all the Space uniform, I ſuppoſe them to be pel- between them, without any Pores lucid, when viewed ſingle, tho' the or Interſtices to weaken their Co- Reflections in their Cylindrical Sur- heſion. And how ſuch very hard faces may make the whole Nerve Particles, which are only laid to- (compoſed of many Capillamenta) gether, and touch only in a few appear opake and white; for Opa- Points, can ſtick together, and that city ariſes from reflecting Surfaces, fo firmly as they do, without the ſuch as may diſturb and interrupt Affiſtance of ſomething which cauſes the Motions of this Medium. them to be attracted or preſs'd to- 9. The Parts of all homogeneal wards one another, is very difficult hard Bodies, which fully touch one to conceive. , another, ſtick together very ſtrong 13. The ſame thing I infer alſo ly: And for explaining how this from the cohering of two poliſhed may be, ſome have invented hooked Marbles in vacuo, and from the Atoms, which is begging the Que- ftanding of Quickſilver in the Baro ſtion; and others tell us, that Bo- meter at the Height of fifty, fixty, dies are glued together by reft, that or feventy Inches, or above, when- is, by an occult Quality, or rather ever it is well purged of Air, and by nothing; and others, that they carefully poured in, ſo that its Parts {tick together by conſpiring Motions, be every where contiguous, both to that is, by relative Reſt amongſt one another, and to the Glaſs. The themſelves. I had rather infer Atmoſphere by its Weight Breſles from their Coheſion, that their the Quickflver into the Glaſs, to Particles attract one another by the Height of twenty-nine or thirty fome Force, which, in immediate Inches : And ſome other Agent Contact, is exceeding ſtrong, and at raiſes it higher, not by preſſing is T T into GRA GRA into the Glaſs, but by making its open Air, (as hath been tried be- Parts ſtick to the Glaſs, and to one fore the Royal Society,) and there- another; for upon any Diſcontinua- fore are not influenced by the Weight tion of Parts, made either by Bubbles, or Preſſure of the Atmoſphere. . or by ſhaking the Glafs, the whole 15. If two plain poliſhed Plates Mercury falls down to the Height of of Glaſs, three or four Inches broad, twenty-nine or thirty Inches. and cwenty or twenty-five long, be 14. Moreover, if two plain po- laid, one of them parallel to the liſhed Plates of Glaſs (ſuppoſe two Horizon, the other upon the firſt, Pieces of a poliſhed Looking-Glaſs} ſo as at one of their Ends to touch be laid together, ſo that their Sides one another, and contain an Angle be parallel, and at a very ſmall of about ten or fifteen Minutes, and Diſtance from one another, and the fame be firſt moiſten'd on their then their lower Edges be dipped inward Sides, with a clean Cloth, into Water, the Water will riſe up dipped into Oil of Oranges, or Spi- between them ; and the leſs the Din sit of Turpentine, and a Drop or ſtance of the Glaſſes is, the greater two of the Oil or Spirit be ler will be the Height to which the fall upon the lower Glaſs at the o- Water will riſe. If the Diſtance be ther End; ſo ſoon as the upper about the hundredth Part of an Glaſs is laid down upon the lower, Inch, the Water will riſe to the ſo as to touch it at one end as a- Height of about an Inch; and if bove, and to touch the Drop at the the Diſtance be greater or leſs in other end, making with the lower any Proportion, the Height will be Glaſs an Angle of about ten or fif- reciprocally proportional to the Di- teen Minutes, the Drop will begin ftance, very nearly : For the attrac- to move toward the Concourſe of tive Force of the Glaſſes is the ſame the Glaſles, and will continue to whether the Diſtance between them move with an accelerated Motion be greater or leſs, and the Weight of till it arrives at that Concourſe of the Water drawn up is the ſame, if the Glaſſes ; for the two Glaſſes at- the Height of it be reciprocally pro- tract the Drop, and make it run portional to the Height of the that way towards which the Ato Glaſſes. And, in like manner, Wa traction inclines. And if, when the ter aſcends between two Marbles, Drop is in motion, you lift up that polithed plain, when their poliſhed End of the Glaſſes where they meet, Sides are parallel, and at a very and towards which the Drop moves, little Diſtance from one another : the Drop will aſcend between the And if ſlender Pipes of Glaſs be Glaſſes, and therefore is attracted. dipped at one End into ſtagnating And as you lift up the Glaffes more *Water, the Water will riſe up with- and more, the Drop will aſcend ſlow- in the Pipes, and the Height to which er and flower, and at length reft, be- it ariſes will be reciprocally propor- ing then carried downward by its tional to the Diameter of the Ca Weight, as much as upwards by the vity of the Pipe, and will be equal Attraction. And by this means you to the Height to which it riſes be- may know the Force by which the tween two Planes of Glaſs, if the Drop is attracted at all Diſtances Semi-Diameter of the Cavity of the from the Concourſe of the Glaſſes. Pipe be equal to the Diſtance be 16. There are therefore Agents in tween the Planes, or thereabouts. Nature able to make the Particles of And theſe Experiments ſucceed after Bodies ſtick together by very Atrong : the fame manner in vacuo, as in the Attractions. And it is the Buſineſs of expe- 1 out. GUL GUN experimentalPhiloſophy to find them Gulf, in Geography, is ſuch a Part of the Ocean, as runs up into Great Bear. See Urſa Major. the Land, thro' narrow Paſſages, or GREAT CIRCULAR SAILING, Streights ; as the Gulf of Florida, is the manner of conducting a Ship in America; the Arabian Gulf, or in, or rather pretty near the Arch Red-Sea in Africa; the Perſian Gulf of a great Circle, that paſſes through in Afia; the Gulf of Venice, or the the Zenith of the two Places froin Adriatic Sea in Europe. whence, and to which ſhe is bound. GUNTER'S-LINE, or the Line of GREAT Circles of the Globe or Numbers, is the common Line of Sphere, are thoſe whoſe Planes paffing Numbers, invented by Mr. Gunter, through the Centre of the Sphere, di- a Profeſſor of Geometry at Greſham- vide ic into two equal Parts or He- College. It is only the Logarithms niſpheres : of which there are ſix laid off upon ſtraight Lines ; and its drawn on the Globe, viz. the Me- Uſe is for performing Operations of ridian, Horizon, Equator, Ecliptic, Arithmetic, by means of a pair of and the two Colures. Which fee. Compaſſes, or even without, by GREGORIAN YEAR. The new fliding two of theſe Lines of Num. Account, or new Style, inſtituted bers by each other. upon the Reformation of the Kalen GUNTER'S QUADRANT, is a dar, by Pope Gregory XIII. (from Quadrant of Wood, Braſs, &c. being whom it takes the Name) in the partly a Stereographical Projection Year 1582. Whereby ten Days be- upon the Plane of the Equinoctial, ing taken out of the Month of Oc- the Eye being in one of the Poles, tober, the Days of their Months go where the Tropic, Ecliptic, and always ten Days before ours : As Horizon, are Arches of Circles; for inſtance, their eleventh is our but the Hour-Circles are all Curves Which« new Style or drawn by means of the ſeveral Al- Account, is uſed in moſt Parts be- titudes of the Sun for ſome particu- yond the Seas; and is called from lar Latitude every Day in the Year. Pope Gregory, the Gregorian Account. The Uſe of this Inftrument, is to GRENADO. See Grenado. Sheil. find the Hour of the Day, the Sun's GROUND-PLATES, in Archi- Azimuths, &c. and the other.com- tecture, are the outernioſt Pieces of mon Problems of the Globe; as Timber, lying on near the alſo to take the Altitude of an Ob Ground, and framed into one ano. ject in Degrees; Put theſe Quadrants, ther with Morteſſes, and Tennons as commonly fold by Initrument- of the Joiſts, the Summer and Gir- Makers, are but of very little uſe, ders; and ſometimes the Trimmers on account of their Inaccuracy, and for the Stair Care and Chimney-way, the ſmall Radius they are made to. and the Binding-Joifts. They may indeed ſerve Country- GUERITE, in Fortification, is a Fellows to tell what is a clock to ſmall Tower of Wood or Stone, half an Hour, or a Quarter perhaps ; placed uſually on the Point of a as likewiſe to amuſe their ignorant Baſtion, or on the Angles of the Neighbours. Shoulder, to hold a Centinel, who Note, This Quadrant is by no is to take care of the Ditch and to Means to good as Collins's, in find- watch out againſt a Surprize. ing the Hour of the Duy. GULA, or GULLET. See OEfa- GUNTER'S-SCALE, uſually called phagus. by Seamen the Gunter, is a large GULBE, in Architecture, the fame plain Scale, with the Lines of ar- as Gorge. tificial firſt Day. or T 2 HAL HE A tificial Sines, Tangents, and verſed tain Meteor, in figure of a bright Sines, laid off upon ſtraight Lines Circle, encompaſſing the Sun, Moon, on it, fo contrived to a Line of or a Star, eſpecially the Moon. Numbers upon it, that by means Theſe Halo's do ſometimes ap- of this Scale, and a pair of Com- pear colourd, like the Rainbow : paffes, all the Caſes of plain and And Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Op- ſpherical Trigonometry may be ticks, gives a Hint at their Solution ; ſolv'd tolerably exact, and conſe- where he ſhews that they ariſe quently, all Queſtions in Naviga- from the Sun, or Moon's ſhining tion, Dialling, &c. may be work'd through a thin Cloud, conſiſting of by it. Globules of Hail or Water, all of The Name of this Scale is from the ſame ſize. the firſt Inventer Mr. Gunter. It HARMONICAL, or MUSICAL is now commonly put upon Sec: PROPORTION. Three or four tors, being there call'd Artificial Quantities are ſaid to be in an Lines. Harmonical Proportion ; when in Gutte, or Drops, in Archi- the former Caſe, the Difference of tecture, are certain Parts in figure the firſt and ſecond ſhall be to the of little Bells, which being fix in Diffurence of the ſecond and third, Number, are placed below the Tri- as the firſt is to the third ; and in glyphs, in the Architrave of the the latter, the Difference of the firſt Doric Order. Theſe are thus named and ſecond to the Difference of the from their Shape, reſembling the third and fourth, as the firſt is to the Drops of Water, that having run fourth : For Example, 2, 3, and 6, along the Triglyphs, ftill hang un are harmonically proportional: For der the Cloſure between the Pil 1:3::2:6. If proportional Terms Jars. in the former Cafe are continu'd, there will ariſe an harmonical Pro- greffion. If there be three Quantities in an H. harmonical Progreſſion, the Diffe- rence between the ſecond and twice AL F-MOON, in Fortifica- the firſt, is to the firſt, as the fe- tion, is an Out-Work having cond is to the third. Alſo the Sum only two Faces, forming together a of the firſt and laſt is to twice the Saliant-Angle, which is flank'd by firſt, as the laſt is to the middle ſome part of the Place, and of the one. other Baſtions. If there be four Quantities in HALP-Moons are ſometimes an harmonical Proportion, the Dif- raiſed before the Courtains, when ference between the ſecond and the Ditch is a little wider than twice the firſt, is to the firſt, as the 'it ſhould be ; and they are much third to the fourth. the ſame as Ravelins, only the HARMONY, is an agreeable or Gorge of the Half-Moon is made pleaſant Union between two bending in, like a Bow, and moft more Sounds, continuing together commonly covers the Point of a at the ſame Time. Baſtion ; whereas Ravelins are placed HEAD-ANGLES. See Angles. before the Courtain ; but they are HEAT, in a hot Body, is the A- defective, as being not well flank'd. gitation of the Parts of the Body, HALF-TANgent. See Scale. and the Fire contained in it; by HALO, or HALLO, is a cer, which Agitation a Motion is pro- duced HA or HEA HE A duced in our Bodies, exciting the the Declinations are contrary, is e Idea of Heat in our Minds; and qual to a Circle into the Sine of Heat, in reſpect of us, is only that the Altitude at Six, in the Summer. Idea ; and in the hot Body is no- Parallel, and conſequently thoſe thing but Motion. Differences are as the Sines of La- Heat, in all Bodies, is a Motion titude into, or multiplied by thè, that may be infinitely diminiſh'd, Sines of the Declination. and there may be ſuch a Motion, 10. The Tropical Sun under the tho' it be not fenfible to us, becauſe Equinoctial has of all others the often we cannot diſcover any thing leaſt Force under the Pole : It is of Heat. greater than any other Day's Healt 1. No Heat is ſenſible to us, un- whatſoever, being to that of the E- leſs the Body that acts upon our quinoctial, as 5 to 4. Organs of Senſe has a greater De 11. The Heat of the Sun for any gree of Heat than that of our Or- ſmall Portion of Time, is always gans. as a Rectangle, contain'd under the 2. The Heat of a Body is not in Sine of the Angle of Incidence of proportion to the Quantity of Fire. the Ray, producing Heat at that 3. Several heated Bodies will be Time. come lucid, if their Heat be in 12. From the following Table, creaſed. and theſe Properties of the Sun's 4. Heat may be ſo increaſed, that Heat, we may have a general Idea, in ſome Bodies the Attracting Force of that part of Heat that ariſes fim- is overcome by the Repelling Force; ply from the Preſence of the Sun. and in this Caſe the Particles fly The Table foewing the Quantity of from each other, and acquire an E- The Table foewing the Quantity of laftick Force, ſuch as the Particles Heat to every oth Degree of La- titude, of Air have. 5. The Equinoctial Heat of the Sun in Sun in Sun in Sun, when he becomes Vertical, is Lat. ne yo. as twice the Square of the Radius. 6. Under the Equinoctial, the 18341 18341 Heat of the Sun is as the Sine of 19696 20290 15834 the Sun's Declination. 18797 21737 13166 30 7. In the Frigid Zones, when the 17321 22651 10124 40 Sun fets not, the Heat is as the Cir- 15321 230486944 cumference of a Circle into the 50 12855 22991 3798 Sine of the Altitude: Theſe Aggre 60 22773 1075 gates of Warmth are as the Sines of 70 6840 23543 the Sun's Declination; and at the 80 3473 24.675 fame Declination of the Sun, he 90 25055 are as the Sines of the Latitudes; and generally they are as the Sines But the different Degrees of Heat of the Latitudes into the Sines of and Cold in differing Places, de- the Declination. pend in a great meaſure upon the 8. The Equinoctial Day's Heat Accidents of the Neighbourhood of is every where as the Co-line of the high Mountains, whoſe Height ex- Latitude. ceedingly chills the Air brought by 9. In all Places where the Sun the Winds over them ; and of the ſets, the Difference between the Nature of the Soil, which variouſly Sanımer and Winter-Heats, when retains the Heat, particularly the Sands, O 20000 IO 20 inio 10000 000 000 0000 000 T 3 H EL HEL متك A Sand, which in Africa, Arabia, and в с generally where ſuch fandy Defarts are found, do make the Heat of the D Summer incredible to thoſe that have not felt it. HEGIRA, a Term in Chronolo- G gy, fignifying fthe Epocha, or AC- M count of Time uſed by the Arabians and Turks, who begin their Com- putation from the Day that Maho- N met was forced to make his Eſcape from the City of Mecca, which hap- pend on Friday July 16. A. D. 622. under the Reign of the Emperor towards the Centre A of the Circle, Heraclius. is what is call’d the Helicoid, or spi- HEIGHT of a Figure. See Alti- ral Parabola. tude of a Figure. 2. If the Arch BC, as an Ab. Height of the Pole. Şee Alți- ſciſſe,be called x; and the Part CÉ tude of the Pole. cf the Radius, as an Ordinate to it HELIACAL RISING, is when a be called y; then the Nature of Star, having 'been under the Sun- this Curve will be expreſs’d by ls Beams, gets out ſo as to be ſeen a- Fyy; ſuppoſing. I equal to thệ gain. Latus Reétam of the Parabola. HELIACAL-SETTING of a Star, AELICOSOPHY, is the Art of is when it, by the near Approach delineating all sorts of Spiral Lines of the Sun, firſt becomes inconſpi- in Plano. . cuous. This is reckon'd in the HELIOCENTRIC PLACE of a Moon, but at ſeventeen Degrees di- Planet, is that Point of the Ecliptic ſtance, or thereabouts ; but in other to which the Planet, ſeen from the Stars, 'tis as ſoon as they get di- Sun, is referred, and is the fame as ftant, or come near the Sun by the the Longitude of the Planet ſeen space of a whole Sign. from the Sun. HELICE MAJOR and Minor ; HELIOSCOPES, are a fort of the ſame with Urſa Major and Mi- Teloſcopes fitted ſo, as to look on the Body of the Sun without of. HELICOID PARABOLA, or the fence to the Eyes. PARABOLIC SPIRAL, is a Curve 1. Becauſe the Sun may be ſeen which ariſes from the Suppoſition through colour'd Glaſſes without of the Axis of the common Apollo- Hurt to the Eye i therefore, if the rian Parabola being bent round in- Object and Eye-Glaſſes of a Tele- to the Periphery of a Circle, and ſcope be made with colour'd Glaſs, is a Line then paſſing through the as Red and Green, and equally co- Extremnities of the Ordinates, which lour'd and pellucid, that Teleſcope do now converge towards the Cen- will become a Helioſcope. tre of the ſaid Circle. 2. But Mr. Huygens only uſed a 1. Suppoſe the Axis of the com- plain Glaſs blacked at the Flame of mon Parabola to be bent into the a Lamp or Candle on one side, and Periphery of the Circle BDM, then placed between the Eye-Glaſs and he Curve BFGNA which paſſes the Eye, and that will anſwer the through the Extremities of the Or. Deſign of an Helioſcope very well. dinates CF, DG, which converge HELISPHERICAL Line, is Rhumb nor. HÉP Η Ε ΤΑ Rhumb-Line in Navigation ; and is taken for a Place that hath ſever ſo called, becauſe on the Globe it Baſtions for its Defence. winds roạnd the Pole ſpirally, and HEPTANGULAR FIGURE, in ftill comes nearer and nearer to it. Geometry, is that which confifeth Şee more of this under Rhumb Line. of ſeven Angles. Helix, in Geometry, is the HER ISSON, in Fortification, is a ſame as Spiral. Which fee. Beam armed with a great Quanti- HEMISPHERE, is the Half of ty of ſmall Iron Spikes or Nails, the Globe or Sphere, when 'tis fup- having their Points outward, and is poſed to be cut through the Centre ſupported by a Pivot, upon which in the Plane of one of its greateſt it turns, and ſerves inſtead of a Bar- Circles. Thus the Equator divides rier to block up any Paflage. They the Terreſtrial Globe into the Nor- are frequently placed before the thern and Southern Hemiſphere; Gates, and more especially the Wic- and the Equinoctial, the Heavens af, ket-Doors of a Town or Fortreſs, ter the fame Manner. to ſecure thoſe Paſſages which muſt 1. The Centre of Gravity of a of neceſſity be often opened and Hemiſphere, is five Eighths of the ſhut. Radius diſtant from the Vertex. HERMETICAL SEALING, or 2. The Horizon alſo divides the Hermes's SeaL, or to seal or flop Earth into two Hemiſpheres, the up any Glaſs hermetically, is to head one light, and the other dark, ac the Neck of the Glaſs till it be juſt çording as the Sun is above or be ready to melt, and then with a low that Circle. Pair of hot Pinchers to pinch or 3. Alſo Maps or Prints of the cloſe it together. Heavens, Conſtellations, &c. paſted HERMITAN, is the Name of a on Boards, are ſometimes called dry North and North-Eaſterly Wind, Hemiſpheres, but uſually Plani- which uſually blows on the Coaſts Spheres. of Guinea in Africa ; but ſometimes 4. The Writers of Optics prove, it blows alſo from other Foints. That a Glaſs - Hemiſphere unites HERSE, in Fortification, is a the Parallel Rays at the Diſtance Lettice, or Portcullice, made in the of a Diameter and one Third of form of a Harrow, and beſet with a Diameter from the Pole of a many Iron Spikes. It is uſually Glafs. hung by a Cord faſten'd to a Mou. HEMITONE, in Muſic, was what linet, which is cut in caſe of a Sur- we now call an Half-Note. prize ; or when the firſt Gate is bro- HENDECAGON, in Geometry, is ken with a Petard, to the End that & Figure that hath eleven Sides, and the Herſe may fall, and top up as many Angles. the Paſſage of the Gate, or other HENDECAGON, in Fortification, Entrance of a Fortreſs. Theſe Her- is taken for a Place defended by ſes are alſo often laid in the Roads eleven Baſtions. to incommode the March, as well of HenIOCHUS, one of the Nor- the Horſe as of the Infantry. thern Conſtellations. See Auriga. HBRSILLON, in Forcification, HEPTAGON, in Geometry, is a is a Plank ſtuck with Iron Spikes, Figure of ſeveral Sides and Angles; for the ſame Uſe as the Herſe. and is called a Regular Hepta HETERODROMUS Vectis, or gon, if thoſe Sides and Angles be e- LEAVER, in Mechanics, is that qual. where the Hypomachlion is placed HEPTAGON, in Fortification, is between the Power and the Weight; and ' T 4 HET H I T and where the Weight is elevated Way; as thoſe who live between by the Deſcent of the Power, and the Tropicks and Polar Circles, contrariwiſe. whoſe Shadows at Noon in North HETEROGENEAL NUMBERS are Latitude, are always to the North- mix'd Numbers, confiſting of whole ward, and in South Latitude to the ones, (or Integers,) and of Frac- Southward. tions. HEXACHORD, a certain Inter- HETEROGENEAL SURDS, are val of Concord of Muſic, common- ſuch that haye different Radically called a Sixth; and is twofold, Signs ; as baa, bb, 19, 118, viz. the Greater and Leffer. &c. The greater Hexachord is com- If the Indexes of the Powers of poſed of two greater Tones, two the Heterogeneous Surds be divided lefſer Tones, and one greater Semi- Tone, which are five Intervals ; but by their greateſt common Diviſor, the leſſer Hexachord confifts only of and the Quotients be ſet under the Dividends, and thoſe Indexes be two greater Tones, one lefſer Tone, and two greater Semi-Tones. multiplied croſswiſe by each other's The Proportion of the former, in Quotients; and before the Products be fet, the common Radical Sign Numbers, is as 3 to 5; and that of the latter, as 5 to 8. ✓, with its proper Index; and if HEXAGON, în Geometry, is a Fi- the Powers of the given Roots be involved alternately according to gure of fix Sides and Angles ; and if the Index of each other's Quotient, called a Regular Hexagon. thoſe Sides and Angles be equal, 'tis and the common Radical Sign be The Side of every Regular Hexa, prefix'd before thoſe Products, then gon inſcribed in a Circle, is equal will thoſe two Surds be reduced to others, having but one common Ra- in Length to the Radius of that Circle. dical Sign: Ås to reduce As I is to 4.672, fo is the Square Vaa and 70. of the side of any Regular Hexa- gon to the Area thereof nearly. 2) vaa (2vbbe HexAHEDRON, one of the Pla. tonic Bodies, is the ſame as the Cube, being a regular Solid of fix equal Sides or Faces. HEXASTYLE, an'antient Build- bb ing, which had fix Columns in the HETEROGENEAL Light, by Face before, and fix alſo behind, Sir Iſaac Newton, is ſaid to be that and is the ſame with the Pſeudodip . which conſiſts of Rays of different teron. Degrees of Refrangibility : Thus, Hip-Roof, in Architecture, is the common Light of the Sun or ſuch a Roof as hath neither Gable- Clouds is heterogeneal, being a Mix- Heads, Shred-Heads, nor Jerkin- ture of all ſorts of Rays. Heads. Theſe Hip-Roofs, by fome, HeTEROGENEOUS PARTICLES, are called Italian Roofs. are ſuch as are of different Kinds, Hippeus, or EQUINUS, a Co- Natures, and Qualities, of which mer which ſome will needs have to generally all Bodies confift.. reſemble a Horſe. But the Shape Hete Roschi, in Geography, of this kind of Comet is not always are ſuch Inhabitants of the Earth as alike, as being ſometimes Oval, and have their Shadows falling but one ſometimes imitating a Rhomboides. Irs 4 I X 2 4 Waaaa, 1 1 ) H OM HOR Its Train, in like manner, is fome HOMOGENEAL NUMBERS, ard times . ſpread from the Front or thoſe of the ſame Nature and Kind. Fore-Part; and at other Times from HOMOGENEAL SUR Ds, are ſuch the Hinder-Part : Therefore they as have one common Radical Sign; are diſtinguiſhed into Equinus Bar- as , ja, tb, or 163, or , O. batus, Equinus Quadrangularis, and Equinus Ellipticus. HOMOGENEOUS PARTICLES,are Hips, in Architecture, are thoſe ſuch as are all of the fame Kind, Pieces of Timber which are at the Nature, and Properties ; as the Parts Corners of a Roof. They are a of pure Water, of meer Earth with- good deal longer than the Rafters, finer Metals; ſuch as Gold, Silver, out Salt in it, or the parts of the becauſe of their oblique Pofition, for &c. 'Tis uſed in oppoſition to He- they are level at every Angle. Hircus, a fixed Star, the fame terogeneous; which fee. with Capella. HOMOGENEAL Lighr, is that Hircus, a Name given by ſome whoſe Rays are all of one Colour, to a sort of a Comet encompafied and Degree of Refrangibility, with- out any Mixture of others. See by a kind of Mane, ſeeming to be Colours. rough and hairy, by reaſon of its HOMOGENEUM COMPARATIO- Rays appearing like Hair. It is al- ſo ſometimes without any Train or NIS, by Vieta, is the abſolute Num- Buſh. ber in a Quadratic, or Cubic, &c. HoBits, are a ſort of ſmall Mor- Equation ; and this Number always tars from ſix to eight Inches dia. poffefſeth one side of the Equation, meter : Their Carriages are like and is the Product of the Roots thoſe of Guns, only much ſhorter. multiplied into one another. HOMOLOGOUS Sides or An- They are very good for annoying the Enemy at a diſtance with GLES of two Figures, are thoſe that ſmall Bombs, which they will throw keep the fame Order from the Be- two or three Miles; or in keeping ginning in each Figure; as in the of a Paſs, being loaded with Car- two fimilar Triangles ABC, DEF, touches. E HOLLOW-Tower, in Fortifi- B cation, is a Rounding made of the Remainder of two Brizures, to join the Curtain to the Orillon, where the ſmall Shot are play'd, that they C may not be ſo much expoſed to the A View of the Enemy. D F HOMOCENTRIC. The ſame with the Sides AC, DF; AB, DE; Concentric. BC, EF; as alſo the Angles A, D; HOMODROMUS Vec't Isor LEA- B, E; C, F, are Homologous. VER, is one where the Weight is in Hoop-WHEEL. See Detenta the middle between the Power and Wheet. the Fulcrum, or the Power in the Hokezon, is that great Circle middle between the Weight and the which divides the Heavens and the Fulcrum. Earth into two parts, or Hemi- HOMOGENEAL, fignifies of the ſpheres, diſtinguiſhing the Upper ſame Kind or Sort, or that which from the Lower. It is either Sena differs not in Nature, &c. The ſame fible or Apparent, or the Racional with. Homogeneou. of True Horizon. ܗ ܐ 1 are H OR HOR 1. The Senſible or True Horizon firſt Letters of their Names annex'd is that Circle which limits our The Uſes of this Circle on the Light, and may be conceived to be Globe are, made by ſome great Plane, or the 1. To determine the Riſing and Surface of the Sea. Setting of the Sun, Moon, or Stars ; 2. It divides the Heavens and and to ſhew the Time thereof by the Earth into two parts; the one light, Hour-Circle and the Index. and the other dark; which 2. To limit the Increaſe and De- ſometimes greater or leſſer, accor- creaſe of Day and Night : For when ding to the Condition of the Place, the Sun riſes due Eaſt, and ſets &c. Weſt, the Days and Nights are e- 3. It determines the Riſing and qual; but when he riſes and ſets to Setting of the Sun, Moon, or Stars the North of the Eaſt and Weſt, the in any particular Latitude ; for Days are longer than the Nigḥts ; when any one of theſe appears jult but the Nights are longer than the at the Eaſtern Part of the Horizon, Days, when the Sun riſes and fets we ſay it riſes ; and when it doth to the Southward of the Eaſt and fo at the Weſtern Part, we ſay it Weſt Points of the Horizon. fets. And from hence alſo the Al- 3. To ſhew the Amplitude and titude of the Sun or Stars is ac- Point of the Compaſs the Sun riſes counted, which is their Height above and ſets upon. the Horizon. HORIZONTAL LINE, or BASE HORIZON Rational, Real, or of a Hill, is the Line AB drawn True, is a Circle which encompaſſes the Earth exactly in the Middle, and whoſe Poles are the Zenith and Nadir; that is, the two Points, one exactly over our Heads, and the other under our Feet. HORIZON on the Globe,or Sphere, B is a broad Wooden Circle encom- paffing it round, and repreſenting the rational Horizon, having two upon a Plane parallel to the Hori- Notches on the North and South zon whereon the Hill is ſuppoſed to Parts of it for the Brazen Meridian ſtand. to ſtand in. On this broad wooden HORIZONTAL Dial, is one Horizon ſeveral Circles are drawn, whoſe Plane is parallel to the Ho- , the innermoſt of which is the Num- rizon of any Place. ber of Degrees of the twelve Signs In all Horizontal Dials the Style of the Zodiac, viz. thirty Degrees makes an Angle equal to the Lati- to each Sign. tude of the Place, and the Angles : Next to this you have the Names that the Hour-Lines make with the of thoſe Signs : then the Däys of Meridian, may be found by this the Month, according to the Ju- Proportion : As the Radius. is to the lian Account, or Old Style, with the Sine of the Latitude, ſo is the Tan- Kalendar according to the Foreign gent of any Hour's Diſtance from Account, called New Style ; and 12 to the Tangent of the Angle without theſe is a Circle divided in that the Hour-Line of that Hour to thirty-two equal Parts, which makes with the Hour-Line of 12. make thirty-two Rhumbs, or Points The Reaſon of this proportion of the Mariner's Compaſs, with the for finding the ſeveral Hour-Anglés, will 1 А. 1 HOU upon a Plane. HOR will appear from what is ſaid under rallel one to another, are terminated the Word Direet Ereet South or at the Gorge of the Work, and ſo North Dials, for in the Figure there, preſent themſelves to the Enemy. in the right-angled Spherical Tri HOROLOGIOGRAPHY, is the Art angle AVR, we have given the of making Dials, Clocks, or other Angle ARV for the Hour, and the Inſtruments to ſhew the Time of the Side A R for the Latitude ; to find Day. the Side A V, being the Angle that HOROMETRY, is the Art of the Hour-Line of the given Hour meaſuring or dividing the Hours, makes with the Meridian upon the and keeping account of Time. Plane of the Dial. HOROPTER, in Optics, is a right Horizontal Dials may be drawn Line drawn through the Point of Gcometrically, aſter the very fame Concurrence, parallel to that which manner as direct or erect South or joins the Centre of the Eye. North Dials. See the Figures for HOROSCOPE, in Aftrology, fig- this purpoſe under theſe Words. _nifies the firſt Houſe, or Aſcendant, Only in this Caſe the Angle ADC and is that Part of the Zodiac which muſt be made equal to the Lati- is riſing at the time of the Calcula- tude, and not the Complement. tion of a Scheme. HORIZONTAL LINE, is any HORSE-SHOE, in Fortification, Line drawn parallel to the Horizon is a work of a round, and ſome- times oval Figure, raiſed in the HORIZONTAL LINE of a Dial, Ditch of a marſhy Place, or in low is a right Line drawn through the Ground, and bordered with a Para- Foot of the Style parallel to the pet. It is made to ſecure a Gate, Horizon, or to ſerve as a Lodgment for Sol- HORIZONTAL PARALLAX. See diers to prevent Surprizes, or to Parallax. relieve an over-tedious Defence. HORIZONTAL PROJECTION. HOUR, is the twenty-fourth Part Se Projection. of a natural Day, containing fixty HORIZONTAL Range, or LE. Minutes, and each Minute fixty Se- VEL RANGE of a piece of Ord- conds, & c. Theſe are aſtronomical nance, is the Line that a Ball de- Hours, which always begin at the ſcribes parallel to the Horizon or Meridian, and are reckoned from Horizontal Line when the Piece is one Noon to the next Noon. level 1. But fome Hours are begun to 1. The Horizontal Ranges are be accounted from the Horizon; the ſhorteſt . And ſome Pieces of which, when the Account begins at Cannon will make them fix hun- the Sun's Riſing, are called Babylo- dred Paces, and fome but a hun- niſh Hours, which begin with the dred and fifty ; and the Ball, with Sun's Riſing, and reckon on twenty- the Range of fix hundred Paces, four Hours to his Riſing again the will go from nine to thirteen Foot nexč Day. into the Earth. 2. Others are reckon'd after the HORN-WORK, in Fortification, fame manner, only they begin at is an Outwork, which advanceth the Sun's Setting inſtead of his Ri- toward the Field, carrying in the fing; and theſe are called Italian Forepart, or its Head, two Demi- Hours, becauſe the Italians account Baſtions, in Form of Horns: Theſe their Time after this faſhion. Horns, Epaulments, or Shoulder 3. There is yet another kind of ings being joined by a Curtain, ſhut Hours,' which are caMed prvih up on the side by two Wings, pa. Hours; becauſe of old the Jet accounted PWS H Y A. H Y D on both accounted their time this way. Humour of the 'Eye contain'd bea They are one twelfth Part of the twixt the Tunica-Retina and the Day or Night, reckoned from the Uvea. Sun-riſing to the Sun-ſetting, (if HY BERNAL OCCIDENT. Sec the Days or Nights belong or Occident. ſhort;) and theſe were called, as we HYBERNAL ORIENT. See O- find in the Holy Scripture, the rient. Firft, Second, and Third, &c. Hours HYDATOIDES, is the watery of the Day or Night. Humour of the Eye contained be- HOUR-CIRCLES, the ſame with twixt the Tunica-Retina and the Meridians, are great Circles, meeting Uvea. in the Poles of the World, and croſ HYDRA, a Southern Conftella- ſing the Equinoctial at right Angles. tion, confifting of twenty-fix Stars, They are drawn through every and imagined to repreſent a Water- fifteenth Degree of the Equinoc Serpent. tial and Equator, and HYDRAULICS, is the Science of Globes are ſupplied by the Meri- the Motion of Fluids, eſpecially dian, Hour-Circle, and Index. Water, under which is contain'd the The Planes of the Hour-Circles Structure of all Fountains, Engines are perpendicular to the Plane of the to carry or raiſe Water, or which Equinoctial, which they divide into are mov'd by Water, and ſome for twepty-four equal Parts other Uſes. HOUR-Lines on a Plane Dial, Some of the Writings upon Hy- are the Interſections of the Plane draulics and Hydroſtatics, are År- of the Dial, with the Planes of the chimedes, in his Libris de Infidentibus Hour-Circles of the Sphere. humido.--Marinus Ghetaldus, in his HOUR-SCALE, is a divided Line Archimedes promotus. Thoſe of on the Edge of Collins's Quadrant, Mr. Oughtred. Mr. Mariotte, in his being only two Lines of Tangents Treatiſe of the Motion of Water, and of forty-five Degrees each, fet to other Fluids.-- Mr. Boyle, in his Hy- gether in the middle ; and the Uſe droftatical Paradoxes. Franciſcus of it, together with the Lines of Tertius de Lanis, in his Magiſterium Latitudes, is to draw the Hour- Naturæ & Artis. Mr. Lamy, in Lines of Dials that have Centres, his Traité de l'Equilibre des Liqueurs. by means of an equilateral Triangle, -Thoſe of Mr. Rohault.-Dr. Wal- drawn on the Dial-Planes. lis, in his Mechanics- Thoſe of HURDLES, or CLAYS, in Forti- Mr. Dechales.- Sir Iſaac Newton, fication, are made of thick and in lib. 2. of his Princip. Philof. Nat. ſmall Twigs of Willow, or Ofiers, Johannes Ceva, in his Geometria being five or fix Foot high, and Motus.--Thoſe of Johannes Baptiſta from three to four Foot broad. Balianus. Mr. Gulielmeni, in his They are interwoven very cloſe Menſura Aquarum Fluentium. together, and uſually laden with Thoſe of Mr. Herman. Thoſe of Earth, that they may ſerve to ren- Mr. Wolfius. Mr. s'Grave fande. der Batteries firm, or to conſolidate Mr. Muſchenbroek.--Mr. Leopold, the Paſſage over muddy Ditches, or - Hero of Alexandria, his Liber to cover Traverſes and Lodgments Spiritalium, tranfated by Comman- for the Defence of the Workmen dine into Latin Salomon de Caus, againſt the artificial Fires or Stones in his French Book of Machines. that may be caſt upon them. Caſper Schottus, his Mechanica Hy- HYALOIDES, is the virtreous draulico-Pneumatica.- George An- drea H Y G H Y P drea Bockler in his Arthițe&tura Curi- bottom hang a Weight of about a ofaGermanica. Auguſtine Rammil- Pound ; let thereon, or unto the bot- leis.Lucas Antonius Portius.--Stur tom of the Weight, be faftened an my in his German Treatiſe of the Index of about a Foot long, and un- Conſtruction of Mills. --Switzer, &c. der it, on a Table, or on a piece of HYDRAULICO - PNEUMATICAL Board, place a Circle, divided into ENGINES, are thoſe that raiſe Water what Number of Degrees you pleaſe, by means of the Spring, or natural and fit it ſo that the Centre of the Force of the Air. Index may hang juſt over the Cen- HYDROGRAPHICA È CHARTS, are tre of the Circle. After it has hung certain Sea-Maps, delineated for the thus two or three Days, to ſtretch Uſe of Pilots and other Mariners ; the Cord, you may begin to mea- wherein are marked all the Rhumbs fure by it the Degrees of Moiſture or Points of the Compaſs, and Meri or Drought in the Air ; for the Cord dians parallel to one another, with will twiſt one way, and contract it- Shelves, Shallows, Rocks, Capes, & c. ſelf for wet, and untwiſt itſelf again HYDROGRAPHY, is an Art which on the contrary way for dry. teacheth how to deſcribe and mea- HYPERBOLA, is a Curve made fure the Sea; giving an Account of by cutting a Cone by a Plane that its Tides, Counter-Tides, Soundings, falls within the Circular Baſe of the Bays, Creeks, &c. as alſo Rocks, Cone, being neither parallel to the Shelves, Sands, Shallows Promonto- Side of the Cone, nor cuts it thro’the ries, Harbours, Diftance from one Vertex,and which Plane, if continued, place to another, and other Things will cut the oppoſite Cone. As the remarkable on the Coaſts. Curve CAG is an Hyperbola, if the HYDROSTATICS, is the Science of the Gravitation of Fluids, and of their Adion, when demerſed in So- lids. This is a part of Philofophy which F ought to be looked upon as the moſt ingenious of any, the Theorems and A Problems of this Art being handſome Productions of Reaſon, and afford- ing Diſcoveries not only pleafing, but B G G Н. alſo ſurpriſingly wonderful and uſeful. HYDROSTATICAL BALLANCE.See Plane AG, continu'd out, cuts the Ballance. oppoſite Cone in D, and is not pa- HYEMAL Solstrce. See Solſtice. rallel to the Side FH, nor does pafs HYGROMETER, is a Philoſophical through the Vertex E. Inſtrument, which meaſures the Dry 1. If one End of a long Rule neſs and Moiſture of the Air. fM O be faftened in the Point f, Hygroscope, is an Inſtrument taken on a Pláne, in fuch a manner, ſhewing the Increaſe and Decreaſe of that it may turn freely about that the Dryneſs of the Air. fixed Pointf, as a Centre ; and one The Hygroſcope of Mr. Moly- End of the Thread FMO (being in neux, being a very ſimple and good Length leſs than the ſaid Rule) be one, is made thus : fixed to O, the other End of the Faften a Piece of Whipcord, of a- Rule, and the other End of the bout four Foot long, to a Hook or Thread be fixed in the Point F, ta- Staple, in ſome convenient Place of ken on the Plane ; then if the Rule the Ceiling of a Room, and at the FMO be turned about the fixed Point : C ? 1 HY P H Y P Point f ; and at the ſame time you keep the Thread OMF always in an equal Tenſion, and its Part MO K C H E B ID Z X ů 1 E B A OF V G А L D 1 the other Side EC of the given Angle cloſe to the Side of the Rule, by CEB, will deſcribe an Hyperbola. means of the Pin M; the Curve Otherwiſe by means of Points. Let Line AX deſcrib'd by the Motion AB, DE, (Fig. 1.) be the Axes in- of the Pin M, is one Part of an Hy- perbola. Fig. 1. And if the Rule be turned about, and moves on the other Side of the M fixed Point F, the other Part AZ of D the ſame Hyperbola may be deſcrib'd after the fame Manner. A PB But if the End of the Rule be faftened in F, and that of the Thread in f, (the Rule and Thread keeping D M the ſame Lengths,) you may deſcribe another Curve Line za x after the fame Manner, which will be oppo- Fig. 2. ſite to X AZ, and is likewiſe an Hy- perbola. A The following Deſcription of an Hyperbola by a continued Motion, F being that of Mr. De Witt’s, in his G 'Elementa Linearum Curvarum, is pretty enough. Let KL, GH be D the Afymptotes, take the Point A be- tween them, and having faſtend a Ruler AB to the Point B in the С E lo Side E B of a given Angle CEB, terſecting one another in C; take a move the Side EB of that given ny Point P in AB, and from D or Angle along the Line KL, always draw the right Line DP, or EP; co-inciding with it ; then if the Rule then thro' p draw the right Line AB be at the ſame time carried about M m parallel to DE, and make PM, the fix'd Point A upon the Plane ; and Pm each equal to DP or EP; the. Interſection C of that Rule with then will the Points M, m be two Points - H Y P H Y P Points of the oppoſite Hyperbola's : fcribe the Portion Ee of an Hyper- and thus may an infinite Number of bola, Points be found. Or (Fig. 2.) let 3. Any Parallelogram defcrib'd aa AC, CB be the Afymptotes, and bout an Elliphs, or between the Con- D'a given Point. Draw any right Line jugate Hyperbola's, ſo that the four EF thro’ the Point D, terminating Points of Contact may be join'd by two in the Afymptotes, and make FG, Diameters GH, IF only, which equal to DE, then will the Point G therefore will be Conjugates, is equal to be one point thro' which an Hyper- the Parallelogram deſcribd about the bola is to paſs ; and thus may any two Axes Aa, Bb; and conſequently Number of Points be found ; and of all ſuch Parallelograms are equal to all Ways to deſcribe an Hyperbola by one another. means of Points, this is the eaſieſt. From F, the Extremity of one 2. If there be given the two Foci Diameter, draw the Line ÉD paral-. C, F, of an Hyperbola, and the Ver- lel to the other Diameter GH, (con- tex É, and it is requir’d to deſcribe tinued out in the oppoſite Hyperbo- an Hyperbola to theſe Foci and Ver- la's,) meeting the Axis (produced in the Ellipfis) in the Point T and from Let KF=CE, ſo that EK be G the Extremity of the Diameter the tranſverſe Axis, and take three GH draw the Line GD parallel to Rules CD, DG, and GF, ſo that the Diameter IF, meeting DF in CD=GFEK, and DG=CF. Let the Rules CD, GF, be of an D indefinite Length beyond C, D, and G D A tex, E F € T PA a H A F I С K к B G T: A А I 1 more H 1 1 have Slits in them the Breadth of B the Pin that is to deſcribe the Hyper- bola. Moreover, let theſe Rules have Holes made in them at C, F, in or D: And from the Point Flet fall der to faften them to the Foci C and the Perpendicular FP to the Axis F, by means of Points, and at the Aa; then GD, DF, will touch the Places. DG, they are to be joined Ellipfis, and the Hyperbola's bG, af by the Rule DG. This being done, in Ĝ, F, the Extremities of the Con- if a Pin be put in the Slits, viz. the jugate Diameters ; and ſo the Paral- -common Interſection of the Rules lelogram CGDF will be one Fourth CD, GF, and mov'd along, cauſing of that deſcribed about the Ellipſis, the two Rules GF, CD, to turn a or between the Conjugate Hyperbo- bout the Foci C, F, that Pin will de- la's, having the Condition mentioned 1 in . + CCXX + 7 tt 1 2 CCXX tt •c cx x tt ccx x tt ccx x HYP H Y P in the Theorem: Therefore, if CE be drawn perpendicular'to DF, Ellsp. or xx+ tt in Hyp. (produced in the Conjugate Hyperbo- la's,) we are to prove that CG (= and CE’ xDF (=DGʻ) is = DF) CE is =C6xCa=of the 71862 +44 c4 x2 770c? ** Rectangle under the two Axes. which 4. Call Ca, t, Cb, c, and Cp, %, + +*?*c?+++++ then ca” (tt) : APxPa (tt-**in is = Ca x C = 7 ttc; as it the Ellipfis , or xx~tt in the Hyper- evidently appears by multiplying the bola) :: Cb (cc): FP =CC Denominator by tttcc: And there- fore CaxC6=CGXCE, and ſo In the Ellipſis, or cc in Hyp. 4CEXEG=4CbxCa.W.W.D. 5. If from any Point Min an Equi- And CF=xxtosa in El- lateral Hyperbola there be drawn the Right Line MG parallel to the A- fymptote CN, and the Right Line OM lip.or xx_c1 + in Hyp. becauſe parallel to the other Afymptote CS; 1 FPCis a right-angled Triangle. Again lay the, Rectangle under OMⓇOC CP(x) : Ca (1): : Ca (4): CT = will always be equal to the Square of the Line RQ, which is drawn from And PT'=x 2ttt the Point A, wherein the Axis CP cuts the Curve, parallel to the Afymp- and FT* =*x+66-2717 + to CS, and terminating in tbe other Afymptote CN. in Ellip. or xx ( 62tt For draw the Ordinate MP, and raiſe the Perpendicular AQ, and let + in Hyp, becauſe FPT fall A R perpendicular to CN; now CR,RR,RA, are equal to one is a right-angled Triangle. Now, the another, becauſe the Axis CP does Triangles FPT, CET, are ſimilar, N becauſe the Angles at E and P are AM right ones, and the Angle ETC in the Ellip, common, (but in the Hy- Q perbola the Angle ETC=PTF,) 74 whence FT" (xxFre— 2+1+ R t 64 *** 4 XX CCXX #4 CCXX + 1 Р CCXX or G 7***): Ep* («c -cc): :: CT" (09): CE 2 CCXX t4 c² S Farther, the 24 - 2² x² + c²x² biſe& the Angle form'd by the A- Square of the Semi-Conjugate, viz. fymptotes, and AQ is perpendicular to CG (=Ca+C6 - TF in the Axis, and AR parallel to CS: Then call CN, s, CQ,m, the Se- Ellip. or = CF +Cb -Cain mi-Axis CA, a ; and the Line AQ, (which is equal to the Semi-conju- Hyp. ) is tt-**+ gate Axis) b." The Triangles CAQ, CPN, CCXX in } i 22 m 2 aa .): :PM mm MN M mm v boss b):OM or mm. H Y P H Y P CPN, are fimilar : Therefore CQ, Point of contact to the Diameter Aa : (m) : 'CN (s):: C A (a) : CP= I ſay, CP, CA, C T are in conti- nual Proportion. s. And CQ (m) : CN ():: QA Suppoſe the Arch MN to be in- finitely ſmall, and draw NQ_parallel (6): NP=bs. But by the Nature to PM, and M R parallel to A a; now the ſmall Triangle MNR will of the Hyperbola CA' (a a): All be ſimilar to the Triangle TPM, be- (66) :: CP+CAⓇ AP cauſe the very finall Arch M N may bbss 5 be looked upon as being the Pro- Canon longation of the Tangent TM. Now call A C, a, the Semi-Conju- bb. gate, CB, b, the Subtangent, TP, s, Whence, the Part, A P, x, the Semi-Ordináte, bs v boss bb. MP, y, and the ſmall Right Line PQMR, e: Then, becauſe the | Again, the Triangles RAQ, OMN, Triangles T PM,MRN, are fimi- are ſimilar, and both Iſoſceles, there lar TP (s): PM () :: MR (e) : fore, A Q(): AR R (2) :: M N RN=Then, if QN (7) + 2yye -66 : OM or ON + yen) be put for yy in z abbx-bbxx Vs5-mm the Equation yy= And fo-CO 4 expreſſing the Nature of the Ellipfis ; or GM-SH Vrs— mm and A Q(x te) for x, we ſhall And 2 y yie have jyt = + 4 4 4 zabbx -+-2abbe-bbxx2bbex-bbee, which is equal to RA or and if the former Equation be ſub- W. W. D. tracted from this, then will2 yye + 4 The Demonſtration of this property yyee 2 abbezbbex-bbee being eaſy and new, (at leaſt to me,) was the Cauſe of my laying it down and dividing by e; and afterwards here. ſtriking out all the Terms adfected 6. If A a be any Diameter of an Ellipſis, or Hyperbola, C the Centre, leſs than the others, and then will with c, becauſe they are infinitely and if the Right Line TM touches z abb- 2 bbx уу this Ellipfis in the Point M, and the lyy Ordinate MP be drawn from the a bbbbx and again ſubſtitus R A 2abbx-bbx* ting for yy, its Value and bb will be gotten out; and U then 2 aa 2 4 + Уyee ОСхом $s ss In m $ SS 1 M m 2 a a 2 ce SS a a = => $ Aa MN 1 а а E IQ aa La * Η Υ Ρ H Y P then s will be 2'a -*. ** gci Now, a TCxPC, (2.4.* - x. ta a * that is, amit xa- -*) I I x, that is, is =A * (a a) which was the thing to be demonſtrated. 8 Esc. The ambiguous Sign 7 being to in the Hyperbola, and in the Circle and Ellipſis. Whence if the Square circumſcribing the Circle be zi, the following Series will be had, viz. + + + It 3 15 24 + tat 63 80 99 Eʻc. 8. In theſe Series *** 3 35999 &c. expreſſes the Area of the Circle + 8 48 &c. the Area of the Equilateral 1 I 1 I . + + 35 N 48 I 20 1 M IB a T o I Q PA + I20 After the fame manner we prové this in the Hyperbola, only obſerving here that the Equation, expreſſing the Nature of the ſame, is yy = 2 abbx+bb xx А A D a a ܀ 1 : 7. If QF A be a Sector, contain'd under two Right Lines, meeting in B the Centre Q, and the Conic Curve T A F Hyperbola BCEF, when B C is the double of EF, and the inſcribed Square is=_. The Numbers 3, 4 8, 15, 24, being ſquare ones lef- fen'd by Unity. 9. All the Properties of Diame- F A, the Point A being the Extre- ters , Tangents, and Foci , &c. in the mity of the Axis : And if a Tangent Hyperbola, are the ſame as thoſe in in É meets the Tangent in A in the the Ellipfis, only uſing Differences Point T, and AT be call’d t ; and for Sums. As for Example, as the the Rectangle under half the Latus Square of the Semi-Conjugate, or ſe- Restum, and half Latus cond Axis B C, is to the Square of verſum, be fuppoſed = 1, then thall the Ordinate KI; fo is the Square the Sector of the Hyperbola, Circle of CP, half the principal Axis, to or Ellipſis, divided by the Semi-Latüs the Rectangle under Ñ I and PI. Again, the Difference of the two Tranſverſum be= the Foci to ++ + Lines drawn from 3 the Curve, is always equal to the prin +3 ES S ! 2 H Y P H N rea or Space contained between the Curve of the Hyperbola and the Blue whole Ordinate. If CL=b, and Le C x, and CF=a, and QP=y, P then a? =by+xy; and if a=b 1, the Space between the Afymp, totes will be expreſſed by x - Lx К. I +4x3+4x++LxS,&c. 3 4 5 Any Hyperbolic Space GEHG, principal Axis. Alſo the Difference of the fame Height g E bg; (whoſe is to any other Hyperbolick Figure of the Squares of any two conjugate Latus Roelum and Tranſverſum, as in Diameters are always equal to the the Circle, are equal, and alſo both Difference of the Squares of the equal to DE, the Latus Tranfver- conjugate Axes. 1o. Any two Lines drawn in the ſum of the former Space) :: as the Hyperbola, parallel to each other. Conjugate Axis AB: is to the La- and cut by a third, have the fame tus Tranfverfum DE. Property as is mention'd of two pa- D rallel Lines drawn in the Ellipſis. See Ellipfis. А B HYPERBOLICAL CYLINDROID, is a ſolid Figure, whoſe Generation is given by Sir Chriſtopher Wren, in Philof. Tranſact. Nº 48. There are two oppoſite Hyperbole, joined by the Tranſverſe Axis, and thro' the Centre there is a Right Line drawn G II at Right Angles to that Axis, then the Hyperbola are ſuppoſed to re- The Area of any aſymptotical hy. volve; by which Revolution a Body perbolic Space D E VB, may be will be generated, which he calls an thus found by means of the Loga- Hyperbolic Cylindroid; and whoſe rithms. Take the Differences of the Baſes, and all Sections parallel to them, will be Circles. And in Nº 53. of the Tranſactions, he applies it to the Grinding of hyperbolical Glaſ- ſes ; and he ſays, they muſt be ei- S D ther formed this way, or not at all. B HYPERBOLIC Space, is the A- c V Logarithms of the Numbers expreſſing the Ratio of D E to B V, and find the Logarithm of that Difference ; to which add the conſtant Loga- rithm 0.3622156887; and the Sum will be the Logarithm of a Num- ber expreſſing the Space E DBV, E th 1 11 :) 3 P U 2 in H Y P H Y P 10000000000. 2 2 in ſuch Parts as the Oblong CD is Conoid thro' the Axis : If A H be = {AG, and you make HF: AF HYPERBOLICUM ACUTUM, is a :: AF : FK Solid made hy the Revolution of the and with the Ver- infinite Area of the Space contained tex K, Centre F, and the fame Axis , between the Curve and the Afymp- another Hyperbola KLM be de- tote, in the Apollonian Hyperbola, fcribed, ſuch that the Latus Rec- tun's and tranſverſe Axes of the two turning round that Afymptote. This produces a Solid or Body infinitely Hyperbolas be reciprocally propor- long ; and yet, as Torricellius plainly tional , and let B C meet this Curve demonſtrates, who gave it this Name) in M, and draw A L parallel to it is equal to a finite Solid or Body. MB, then it will be as the Space HYPERBOLIC Conoid, is a Solid ALMB is to BC, fo is the Curve generated by the entire Rotation of Surface of the Hyperbolic Conoid to the hyperbolic Space FAG about its Circular Baſe. A Cylinder equal to the Solid ge- ст rated by the Rotation of the hyper- bolical Space AFGB about the Se- mi-Conjugate Axis AC, may be found thus : Let P be a third Proportional A .2 A i E F G the Part A F of the tranſverſe Axis. If AC be the ſemi-tranſverſe Axis, it will be, as 2 AC + AF B В is to 3 AC +AF, fo is the Cone whoſe Baſe is the Circle deſcribed by G D FG, and Altitude A F, to the Co- noid deſcribed as above. If F be the Centre, A E the to AC and AF; then a Cylinder Tranfverſe Axis, and A G the Latus the Radius of whoſe Baſe is FG, and Altitude a fourth Proportional to AC+P, AC+;P, and AF, will F be equal to the Solid deſcribed, as above ; and the curve Superficies of K the ſaid Solid may be had by the Quadrature of the hyperbolic Space. I HYPERBOLOIDEs, or HYPERBO- A LIFORM FIGURES, are Hyperbola's of the higher Kind, whoſe Nature is expreſſed by this Equation ay + bom MC B D and if m be greater than atn Re&tum of the Hyperbola CAD n, the Hyperboliform Space is ſquara- being the section of an Hyperbolic ble ; but otherwiſe not. Hy- 1 H I. JA H Y P I D E 'HYPERTHYRON, in Architecture, or Dorick Capital, which lies be- is a large Table, uſually placed over tween the Ethinus and the Aſtragal; Gates or Doors of the Dorick Or- and is otherwiſe called the Collar, der, above the Chambranle, in form Gorge, or Frize of the Chapiter. of a Frize. HypeThre, in ancient Architec- ture, was two Ranks of Pillars all about, and ten at each Face of any Temple, &c. with a Periſtyle within of fix Columns. ACOB'S-STAFF, a Mathe- HYPOMOCHLION, FULCRUM, or matical Inſtrument for taking Prop, in Mechanics, fignifies the Heights and Diſtances. The ſame Roller, which is uſually ſet under the with Croſs-Staff. Leaver, or under Stones or Pieces ICHNOGRAPHY, in Perſpec- of Timber, to the end that they tive, is the View of any thing cut may be more eaſily lifted up, or re off by a Plane parallel to the Ho- moved. rizon, juſt at the Bafe or Bottom HYPOTHENUSE in a right-angled of it. And in Architecture, is ta- Triangle, is that Side which lub- ken for the Geometrical Plane or tends the right Angle. Platform of an Edifice, or the Ground- In all right-angled Triangles, the Plot of a Houſe or Building deli- Figure deſcribed upon the Hypo- neated" upon Paper, deſcribing the thenuſe as a Side, is equal to the form of the ſeveral Apartments, Sum of the two Figures deſcribed Rooms, Windows, Chimneys, &c. upon the other two sides of that and this is properly the Work of Triangle, being all three ſimilar. the Maſter-Architect or Surveyor, HYPOTHESIS, is the ſame with being indeed the moſt abſtruſe and Suppoſition; or it is a Suppoſition difficult of any. of that which is not, for that which ICHNOGRAPHY, in Fortification, may be ; and it matters not whe- is ,in like manner, the Plane or Repre- ther what is ſuppoſed to be true, be ſentation of the Length and Breadth fo' or not; but it muſt be poſſible, of a Fortreſs; the diſtinct Parts of and ſhould always be probable. which are marked either upon the Dr. Barrow ſays, Hypotheſes, or Ground itſelf, or upon Paper. Poftulatums, are Propoſitions affu ICOSAHEDRON, is a regular Bo- ming or affirming fome evidently dy, conſiſting of twenty Triangular poffible Mode, Action, or Motion of Pyramids, whoſe Vertexes meet in a Thing, and that there is the ſame the Centre of a Sphere ſuppoſed to Affinity between Hypothefes and Pro- circumſcribe it, and ſo have their blemas, as between Axioms and The Height and Baſes equal : Therefore, orems. A Problem ſhewing the Man- the Solidity of one of thoſe Pyra- ner, and demonſtrating the Poffibi- mids being multiplied by 20, the lity of ſome Structure, and an Hy- Number of Baſes gives the folid potheſis affuming fome Conſtruction Content of the Icojahedron. which is manifeſtly poſſible. Ides of a Month, among the Ro- HYPOTRACHELION, in Architec- mans, were the Days after the Nones ture, is the Top or Neck of a Pillar, were out. They commonly fell out or the moſt ſender Part of it, which on the 13th of every Month, ex- toucheth the Capital. It is taken cept in March, May, July, and Octo- by ſome for that Part of the Tuſcan ber,( which they call the Full Months, U 3 as 1 I M A 1 M A . a 2 2 às all the others were called Holm the Object, and as far behind the low,) for then they were on the Speculum, as the Object is diſtant 15th, becauſe in thoſe Months the before it. Nones were on the 7th. In Convex Speculums, the Image JET D'EAU, is the French Word is farther diſtant from the Centre for a Pipe of a Fountain, which of the Convexity, than from the caſts up the Water into the Air. Point of Reflexion, and the Image M. Maristte, in his Treatiſe Du appears leſs than he Object. Mouvement des Eaux, &c. faith, That İMAGINARY Root of an Equa- a Jet d'Eau will never riſe fo high tion, are thoſe Roots or Values of as its Reſervatory, but always falls the unknown Quantity in an E- ſhort of it by a Space, which is in quation, which are wholly or part- a ſubduplicate Ratio of that Height; ly expreſs’d by the Square Root of and this he proves by ſeveral Expe- a negative Quantity, and of which siments. in every Equation their Number is He faith alſo, That if a greater As tvaa, and branches out in ſmaller always even. ones, diftri. buted to different Jets, the Square -V-aa are the Roots of the E. of the Diameter of the main Pipe quation xx'taa=0. So alſo muſt be proportioned' to the Sum of all the Expences of its Branches. -V-aa, and Vaa And particularly he ſaith, That if the Refervatory be 52 Foot high, are the two Imaginary Roots of the and the Adjutage half an Inch in Equation xx tax taa= Diameter, the Pipe ought to be The Imaginary Roots of Equa- three Inches in Diameter. tions may be found by the follow- IGNIS-FATUUS, is a certain Me- ing Rule : Conſtitute a Series of teor that appears chiefly in the Fractions, whoſe Denominators are Summer Nights, for the moſt part the Numbers in this Progreſſion 1, frequenting Church - Yards, Mea- 2, 3, 4, 5, &e. going on ſo far aş dows, and Bogs, as conſiſting of a the Number expreſſing the Dimen- somewhat viſcous Subſtance, or a ſion of the Equation, and Numera- fat Exhalation ; which being kin- tors the fame Series of Numbers in dled in the Air, reflects a kind of a contrary Order ; and divide each thin Flame in the Dark, yet with- of theſe Fractions by that next be- out any ſenſible Heat, often flying fore it, and place the Fractions a- about Rivers, Hedges, &c. becaule riſing over the intermediate Terms it meets with a Flux of Air in thoſe of the Equation ; then under each Places. This Meteor is well known of the intermediate Terms, if its among the common People under Square multiplied by the Fraction the Name of Will-of-the-Whiff, or over it, be greater than the Product Jack-with-a-Lanthorn. of the Terms on each ſide it, place ILLUMINATIVE MONTH, is the Sign +; but if not, the Sign ; that Space of the Time that the and under the firſt and laſt Term Moon is viſiblc, betwixt one Con- place the Sign + Then will that junction and another. Equation haye ſo many imaginary I'M'AGE, in Optics, is the Ąp. Roots, as there are Mutations of pearance of an Object, by Reflexion the under-written Signs from + to or Refraction. and “tot. And when there are In all Plane Speculums the Image two or more Terms wanting at the appears of the fame Magnitude as ſame time, the Sign is to be placed } 1 I M A IM A placed under the firſt of the deficient 3 to Terms, the Sign + under the le- duct of the 4th and 6th, as 4 cond, the Sign under the third, and ſo on, varying the Signs, ex- m-4; and ſo on : fo that from cepting that under the laft of the 5 deficient Terms, the Sign + muſt hence is gain'd the Fraction which be always put when the two neareſt he directs you to put over the ſer Terms on each ſide the deficient veral Terms of the Equation; and Terms have contrary Signs. the Reaſon of the following Part Sir Iſaac Newton was the firſt who of his Rule chiefly follows from gave a general Rule to find the ima. the Suppoſition that the Roots of ginary Roots of an Equation, which any Equation, when real and une- he has done in his Algebra, and in- qual, myft become equal before they deed is the very fame with this here. can be imaginary : or contrariwiſé, Jaid down. But as he himſelf ob- if imaginary, muſt become equal ſerves, it will fometimes fail of diſco. before they can be real, upon the vering all ſuch Roots, for fome Equa- augmenting the unknown Quantity. tions may have more imaginary Roots The very ingenious Mr. Mac-Lau- than can be found by this Rule, tho' rin in the Philofoph. Tranſactions, this ſeldom happens. He has not fub- has given a Demonftration of this joined the Demonſtration which very Rule of Sir Iſaac, together with eaſily follows from his Rule for find one of his own, that will never ing the Unciæ of the ſeveral Powers fail. So alſo has the learned of a binomial Root ; for when the Mr. Campbell; both froin very la- Roots of any Equation are all equal, borious and perplexing Compu- and m be the Dimenſion, the Unciæ(or tations : I had almolt ſaid too long Numbers prefix'd) to the firft Term and hard for one of a mode- rate Patience and Capacity ever to will be 1 ; to the ſecond examine and be convinced of their Truth, the third The real Roots of all Equations (having imaginary ones) may be fourth eaſily found from common Alge- i to bra ; that is, from the following Theorem, viz. the Sum of the 3 the fifth Squares of any Number n pf une- 3 4 qual Quantities, will be greater than and ſo on ; and the Square of the the Sun of all the poſſibie Varieties fecond Term will be to the Pro. of all the Products of the ſeveral Quantities taken two and two, mul- duct of the ift and 3d as to tiplied by ,,; whịch Theorem ; the Square of the third Term follows from this, that the Sum of to the Product of the ſecond and the Square of two unequal Quan- tities is greater than twice their Pro- · fourth, as i. the duct. And this laſt from this, That 3 if four Quantities are proportional, Square of the fourth to the Product the Sum of the greateſt and leaſt of the 3d and 5th, as is always greater than the Sum of 3 4; the two others. the Square of the 5th to the Pro- The m ; to I ml X ; to the 2 ma MI m2 Х 2 3 1 1 m-O m2 X 1 x m O 1 MI 2 INI m2 to 2 ni 2 712 3 to 3 V 4 I MP INC are The real and imaginary Roots of ftrument made of Braſs with a Box Equations may be found alſo from and Needle and Staff, uſed to mea- the Method of Fluxions, apply'd to ſure Land. the Doctrine of Maximums and Mi- IMPERVIOUS. Bodies are ſaid nimums; that is, to find ſuch a Va- to be impervious to others, when lue of * in an Equation, expreſſing they will neither admit the Rays of the Nature of a Curve, made equal Light, &c. nor the Effluvia of other to y, an Ordinate which correſponds Bodies do paſs thro' them. to the greateſt and leaſt Ordinate. IMPOST, in Architecture, is a But when the Equation is above Plinth, or little Cornice, that crowns three Dimenſions, the Computation a Piedroit or Pier, and ſupports the will be intolerably laborious. See Couſſinet, which is the firſt Stone Mr. Sterling's Treatiſe of the Lines that a Vault or Arch commences. of the Third Order. IMPROPER FRACTIONS, The chief Uſe (that I know) of ſuch as have their Numerators equal this Invention of imaginary Roots, to, or greater than their Denomi: is to diſcover the various Figures and nators, as %, 11) 18. &c. Which are Species of Curve-Lines. not Fractions properly ſpeaking, IMMENSE, is that whoſe Ampli- but either whole or mix'd Numbers ; tude or Extenſion no finite Meaſure and are only in the form of Frac: whatſoever, or how oft foever re- tions, in order to be added, ſub- peated, can equal. ſtracted, multiplied, or divided, IMMERSION, is the plunging of &c. any thing under Water.* 'Tis alſo INACCESSIBLE HEIGHT, or uſed by Aſtronomers, to ſignify that DISTANCE, is that which cannot be any Planet is beginning to come meaſured, by reaſon of ſome Impe- within the Shadow of another; as diment in the way; as Water, &c. in Eclipſes, whenever the Shadow INCEPTIVE of Magnitude, is a of the eclipſed Body begins to fall word ufed by Dr. Wallis, expreſſing on the Body eclipſed, we ſay, that ſuch Moments or firſt Principles, as is the Time of Inmerſion; and tho' of no Magnitude themſelves, when it goes out of the Shadow, is yet are capable of producing ſuch. the Time of Emerfion. Thus a Point hath no Magnitude IMPENETRABILITY, is the Di- itſelf, but is inceptive of it. A Line ftinction of one extended Subſtance conſider'd one way, hath no Magni, from another, by which the Exten- tude as to Breadth, but is capable fion of one Thing is different from by its Motion of producing a Sur- that of another; ſo that two Things face which hath Breadth, G C. extended, cannot be in the fame INCIDENCE POINT, in Optics, Place, but muſt of neceſſity exclude is that Point in which a Ray of each other. Light is ſuppoſed to fall on a Piece IMPERFECT CONCORD. See of Glaſs. Concords. INCIDENT RAY, in Catoptrics IMPERFECT NUMBERS, are and Dioptrics. are and Dioptrics. See Ray of Inci, ſuch whoſe aliquot Parts taken all dence. together, do either exceed, or fall INCLINATION, is a word fre. ſhort of that whole Number of quently uſed by Mathematicians, which they are Parts ; and theſe and fignifies the mutual Approach, are two ſorts, either abundant or de- Tendence, or Leaning of two Lines, ficient. Which ſee. or two Planes, towards each other, IMPERIAL TABLĘ, is an In. ſo as to make an Angle, The 1 1 het en j INC INC The Inclination of two Planes is right Line drawn in the Plane the acute Angle made by two Lines through the Point, where it is alſo drawn one in each Plane, and per- cút by a Perpendicular drawn from pendicular to their common Sec- any Point of the inclined Line. As tion. the Line CD inclines to the Plane INCLINATION of the Axis of the AB, and the Inclination thereof is Earth, is the Angle which it makes meaſur'd by the Angle EDC, with the Plane of the Ecliptic, or made by the inclin'd Line CD, and the Angle between the Planes of the Equator and Ecliptic. CV INCLINATION of Meridians, in Dialling, is the Angle that that B Hour-Line on the Globe, which is perpendicular to the Dial-Plane, E D makes with the Meridian, INCLINATION of a Plane, in Arm Toni FILTRATI GULTICUT Dialling, is the Arch of a vertical Circle, perpendicular to both the the Line ED drawn in the Plane Plane and the Horizon, and inter- from the Point D, through the cepted between them. Point E, where a Perpendicular let INCLINATION of the Planes of fall from any Point F, in the in- the Orbits of the Planets to the Plane clined Line to the Plane, cuts it. of the Ecliptic, are, thus : Saturn's INCLINING DECLINING DI. Orbit makes an Angle of two De- ALS. See Declining Inclining Dials. grees thirty Minutes, upiter's one INCLINING DIRECT SOUTH,or Degree and one Third, Mars's is a North DIALs. See Direct South little leſs than two Degrees, Venus's or North Inclining Dials. is three Degrees and one Third, and INCLINED PLANE, is chat which Mercury's is almoſt ſeven Degrees. makes an oblique Angle with the The Inclination of the Orbit of a Horizon, Any Body, as A, laid Planet may be found by having its upon an inclin'd Plane, loſes Part of Latitude and Diſtance from the its weight, and the Weight B re- Node'given ; for the Latitude is one quired to ſuſtain it is to the Weight Side of a right-angled ſpherical Triangle; the Diſtance from the Node, the other Side ; and the An. gle oppoſite to the Latitude, the In- AO B clination of the Orbit. INCLINATION of a Planet, is an Arch of the Circle of Inclination, comprehended between the Eclip D E çic and the Place of a Planet in his Orbit. of A, as the Height EC of the INCLINATION of a Ray, in Diop- Plane to the Length DC of it, trics, is the Angle which this Ray And from hence it follows that the makes with the Axis of Incidence, Inclination of the Plane may be ſo in the firſt Medium, at the Point little, that the greateſt Weight may where it meets the ſecond Medium. be fuſtain'd on it by the leaſt INCLINATION of a right Line Power. ta a Plane, is the acute Angle which INCOMMENSURABLENUMBERS, this right Line makes with another are fuch as have no cominon Divi. for, 2 + IN C INC 2 u Some of for, that will divide them both e- tifice conſiſts in this, that the Quân- qually, as 3 and 5. tity to be made equal to a Square be INCOMMENSURABLE QUANTI. algebraically expreſſed, and put es TIES, are thoſe which have no a- qual to a Square ; and in ſuch liquot Part, or any common Mea manner that the Equation thereby ſure that may meaſure them; as may be reduced to one Dimenſion the Diagonal, and Side of a Square : with reſpect to the unknown Quan: for altho' that each of thoſe Lines tity of the Problein. have infinite aliquot Parts, as the Half, the Third, &c. yet not any be ſolved by an univerſal way of Part of the one, be it ever ſo little, Solution, altho' different from that can posſibly meaſure the other, as of determinate Problems; and o- is demonſtrated in. Prop. 117. El. 10. thers again are to be come at par- Euclid. ticularly from a good Skill in the INCOMPOSITE NUMBERS, are Properties of Numbers. the ſame as Prime Numbers. See 1. If xx and yy be two Square Prime Numbers. Numbers to be found, whoſe Dif. INCREMENT, or DECREMENT, ference a is given, it will be a= is the Increaſe or Decreaſe of a - yy; and a tyy=xx; fo Quantity. There is a learned Latin that atyy muſt be a Square. Take Treatiſe of the Doctrine of Incre- 2 (at pleaſure) = xty; then will ments, publiſhed by Brooke Taylor, uuta F.R.S. See more of this under Series. INCURVATION of the Rays of 2. If xx and yy are two Square Liht. See Light and Refration. Numbers to be found, whoſe Sum INDETERMINED PROBLEM, is aa is given ; then muſt aa myy be that which is capable of an infinite a ſquare Number, and taking u at Number of Anſwers: As to find pleaſure, let xta be = uy; then two Numbers, whoſe Sum, together with their Product, ſhall be equal uuti to a given Number, or to make a 3. If aa,bb two given ſquare Num- Rhomboides ſuch, that the Rect- bers be to be reſolved into two other angle under the Sides be equal to ſquare Numbers xx and it will a given Square ; both of which bê aatbb = xx + yy ; and ſo Problems will have infinite Solu- a a tobbyy muſt be a Square tions. Number. Put y=2-b, and * In ſome indeterminate Arithme- 2b+2 au tical Problems there are more un 4%-a, then will =%, known Quantities than Equations, uuti and yet no one can be taken at 6 + 2au - buu pleaſure ; and of theſe fort are all y uuti Problems, in which the Quantities bu tauu — a are to be equal to Squares or Cubes. In theſe problems other Quantities uu+1. muſt be taken at pleaſure, and from 4. There are many other Pro- theſe are determined the Quantities blems of this fort; ſuch as to find of the indeterminate Problems; and two Numbers, whereof if to one you when a Quantity, whoſe Conditions add the Square of the other, the are determined, muſt be made equal Sum will be a ſquare Number, to a Square or Cube, the whole Ar To find three Numbers whoſe Sum a uz will x وزو and X 2 IS IND 4 y II 1 be = ng i ſo INC is a Square, and two added together Remainder ; and ſince it muſt alſo Thall make a Square. --To find three divide 2000- 21 y without a Re- ſquare Numbers in an Arithmetical mainder, it muſt alſo divide the Progreſſion, with an infinite Variety Difference of theſe two laſt Expreſ- of others, which any one of him- fions, viz. -17 y + 1989 and ſelf may eafier propoſe than ſolve. 2000 -21 y, which Difference is The following two Problems, viz. to find a Cube Number which ad- 4y - 11. Let ded to all its aliquot Parts ſhall 17 make a ſquare Number : And to then will y be = 171+1 fo find a ſquare Number, which added 4 to all its aliquot Parts ſhall make a 17 n tu Cube, were formerly propoſed by that muſt be a whole Monſieur Fermat, as a Challenge to 4 all the Mathematicians of Europe ; Number. But 161 +12 is divi- the former of which Dr. Wallis at ſible by 4; therefore the Difference firit very oddly anſwered, viz. by n~I 17ntnu 16 +12 of {aying that I was ſuch a Nuniberº; and 4 4 4 for, ſays the Doctor, I is a CubeNum- mult be a whole Number : So that ber, which added to all its aliquot n may be 1,5,9, 13, 17, &c. And Parts being none, makes the ſquare Number 1. But this was taken by accordingly y will be = 1X17+10 the French as a ſhuffling Anſwer un- 4 worthy ſuch a Man as the Doctor, 5*17+ and indeed I think fo too; for it is = 7, or 4 talking idlely, to ſpeak of adding a Number to its aliquot Parts, when 9x17 + 11 13 X 17+1 4, or it has no aliquot Parts. But after- wards the Doctor gave many An- 17 *.17 til ſyvers to thoſe Problems, as well as =58, or =7s, or ſome others of' a difficult Nature. See the Letters that paſſed between 21x17x11 Dr.'Wallis, the Lord Bronker, Sir =94; that is, if to 4 Kenelme Digby, &c. to be ſeen in 7 you add ſucceflively 17, you the Dödtor's Works. will have five of the Values of If it be required to find what for ot17 is =24. 24+i7.is =41. Number of Guineas and Piſtoles will 41717 is = 58. 58+17 is = 75. make one hundred Pounds : and 757-17 is =94; then the con Put x for the Piſtoles, and y for reſpondent Number of Piltoles will the Guineas ; then will 17x+219 .be 109, 88, 67, 46, 25, and 4. be = 2000, and ſo x = The Writers upon deterininate 2000–21 y Now this muſt be a Problems, are Diophantus, Kerſey, Preylet, Ozanam, Kirkby, &c. whole Number, in order to which INDEX, Charaltariſlic, or Exso- find the neareſt Number to 2000. nent of a Logarithan, is that which But leſs, that 17 will divide without News of how many Places the ab- a Remainder, which is eaſily done ſolute Number belonging to the Low by dividing 2000 by 17, and then garithm doth confift, and of ivhat multiplying the Quotient by 17, the nature it is, whether Integer or a Number will be 1989; then will Fraction. Thus, in this Logarithm 37 divide-1797-1989 without a -2.523421, the Number ſtanding on the 24, or 4 4 4 17 I ND IND 1 3 3 4 2 4 8. 6 3 3 S S the Left-hand of the Point is cal. I, becauſe as W x is a mean Propor- led the Index; and becauſe it is 2, tional between 1 and x, fo į is an Shews you that the abſolute Number Arithmetical Mean between ☺ anſwering to it, conſiſts of three and 1. Places; for 'tis always one more than the Index. If the abſolute And the Exponent of ✓ x will Number be a Fraction, then the be, becauſe as VF is the firſt of Index of the Logarithm hath a ne- the two mean Proportionals be- gative Sign, and is marked thus, tween i and x; ſo is the firſt of 2.523421. the two Arithmetical Means between INDEX of a Quantity, is that Quan- o and 1. tity fhewing to what Power it is to be involved ; as a3 fhews that a is For ſince 1. x. xx. xxx, are con- to be involved to the third Power ; tinually proportional, therefore their where 3 is the Index, and a +6*+1, Cubes, or any other Roots, will be alſo continually proportional ; that Mhews that at is to be raiſed to the Power nti, where nti is the is, v3:* (=1.) ŕ *. ✔ XXX Index. (=x) If a Series of Geometrical Pro So alſo, I. X. XX. x3.x4.45. : greſſionals be in this Order, 1. *. XX. Wherefore the Roots of the 5th *, &c. Their In- Power of thoſe Quantities will be dexes or Exponents will be in A- rithmetical Progreffion, and ſtand = : That is, 11. 3x. V x2 * x3. thus, 0, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. But ♡ x4. V 85. (=x.) if they are Fractions, as Alſo for the fame Reaſon, the then x3 x4 x5 xo x7 Exponent of VX4, will be their Exponents will be Negative, the Letter (or Power) over that of N. B. Always place the Index of and ſtand thus, the Radical Sign. 1.- -2.-3.-4.-5.-6.--7. Thus in Fractions, the Exponent For if you ſuppoſe x=2, then of will be — 1, of 785 will will be —-, of as will be =, &c. Or if you expreſs the Geometri- —- of a will be — , &c. calSeries by means of the Exponents, it will ſtand thus, x N. B. V x, and xt, or Yxandxf, And if it were expreſſed thus *°; then it will be xI; becauſe 2 is or o4, and X are only two dif- the Denominator of the Ratio, in ferent ways of Notation for one and which Unity is not affected. Thus the ſame thing; the former in the old, the latter in the new way. alſo and So likewiſe and 1=*°, x'=x, *2 = xx, *2 &c. Allo the Exponent of V * will be one; and most is *3,&c. The 1 I I X 1 1 I 5 1* 2 ; I I I I I, and U 1, and XX 1 1 3 * 2 &c. S 1 1 A I 44 2:3 and a 2 are all 1 ! 1 ! 3 I. NP I VJ I one two way, x X 3 1 XX 1 x², 11 3 and x - } 3 into x * Ñ 208, 1 wy I I I (=== * IN D INF The way of reading or expreſling and negative Power, at equal Di- Quantities ſo denoted, is thus, a ſtances from it : That is, NP. is Unity divided by the Cube of x, and if it were x it muſt be read, Wherefore 1=N x NP. Unity or One divided by the Cube- Root of the 7th Power of x. Note alſo, That the Sum of the And dividing all by NP, No Exponents of any two Numbers or Quantities, in any Geometric Np. So that is all NPP Progreſſion, makes the Exponent with N-2p. of the Product of thoſe Terms. And to add ſome Examples of Multiplication and Diviſion in this Thus, x2+}, or té, is the way 3 / 3 way, x of expreſſing the Produ£t of xf into √xs 1 $+ or *-*i is the ***** 들 Product of a . &c. Alſo x * or * is the And Toys divided by will Product of a 3 into itſelf, or the ſtand in this Notation ; thus, Square of x 3 15 /x5 And the Difference between the :-$=($=:,&c. Exponent of the Quotient ariſing by * Diviſion of the greater by the leſs. INDICTION. See Cycle of In- Thus x3, or x, is the Expo. di&tion. INDIVISIBLES, in Geometry, nent of the Quotient of *} by x3, are ſuch Elements or Principles as &c. any Body or Figure may ultimately Let p repreſent the Exponent of be reſolved into; and thefe Elé- N, any Number at pleaſure ; and ments or Indiviſibles are in each pe- let pr culiar Figure ſuppoſed to be infi- T'hen will NPN', Npty nitely ſmall. N’, and No+2=N3, Np+ 3 This Method of Indiviſibles, is N4, &C. only the ancient Method of Ex- hauſtions, a little diſguiſed and Or if p=3; then will NpN3, contracted. It was firſt introduced and Np+3 =NS, &c. by Cavallerius, in his Geometria In- And negatively, N= N3, divifibilium, Anno Dom 1635. Pur- and NP+3 =Nº, &c. ſued after by Torricellius in his Works, printed 1644. And again, Alfo, as o is an Arithmetical Mean by Cavallerius himſelf in another between a poſitive and a negative Treatiſe, pabliſhed in 1647 And is Quantity equally diſtant from it ; now allowed to be of excellent uſe in (i.e.) 6.0.6. are arithmetically the ſhortening of Mathematical In- proportional : So is 1 a Geometrie veſtigations and Demonſtrations. cal Mean between an affirmative INFINIT e, or INFINITELY. GREAT ! X llll 1 INF INF GREAT QUANTITY, is that which of the Rays of Light, and Mr. de la has no Bounds, Ends, or Limits. Hire faith, he found that the Beams INFINITELY SMALL QUANTI. of the Stars being obſerved in a TY, is that which is ſo very ſmail, deep Valley, to paſs near the Brow as to be incomparable to any finite of an Hill, are always more re- Quantity, or which is leſs than any fracted than if there were no ſuch aflignable Quantity. Hill, or the Obſervations were made 1. No infinite Quantity can be on the top thereof, as if the Rays augmented or leſſen'd, by adding or of Light were bent down into a taking from it a finite Quantity: Curve, by paſſing near the Surface Neither can a finite Quantity be of the Mountain. augmented or leſſen'd, by adding INFLECTION - Point of any or taking from it an infinitely {mali Curve, in Geometry, fignifies the Quantity Point or Place where the Curve be- 2. If there be four Proportionals, gins to bend back again a contrary and the firſt is infinitely greater way, When a Curve Line, as than the ſecond ; then the third AF K, is partly Concave and partly will be infinitely greater than the fourth. 3. If a finite Quantity be divided by an infinitely ſmall one, the Quo L tient will be an infinitely great one; and if a finite Quantity be multi- plied by an infinitely ſmall one, the T Product will be an infinitely ſmall A But if by an infinitely great one, the Product will be a finite Quan- P M tity. If an infinitely ſmall Quantity be F E. multiplied or drawn into an infi- nitely great one, the Product will be a finite one. INFINITE SERIES. See Series. INFLECTION, in Optics, is B multiplicate Refraction of the Rays of Light, cauſed by the unequal Denſity of any Medium, whereby Convex towards the right Line A B, the Motion or Progreſs of the Ray or towards a fix'd Point, then the is hinder'd from going on in a right Point F, that divides the Concave Line, and is inflected or deflected from the Convex Part, and fo is at by a Curve, faith the ingenious Dr. the Beginning of one, or the End of Hook, pag. 217. who firſt took no- the other, is called the Inflektion tice of this Property" in his Micro- Point, or Point of Inflection, as long graphy. And this, he faith, differs as the Curve being continu'd to- both from Reflection and Refraction, wards F, keeps its Courſe the fame. which are both made at the Super- But the Point K is called the Point ficies of the Body, but this in the of Retrogreſion, where it begins to middle of it within. reflect back again towards that Sir Iſaac Newton diſcovered alſo. Part or Side where it took its 0 by plain Experiments, this Inflection riginal. 1. If one. .. INF I N F 1. If thro' the Point F be drawn theſe Suppoſitions to find ſuch a the Ordinate EF, as alſo the Tan- Value of AE, as that the Ordinate gent FL, and from any Point, as M, EF fhall interſect the Curve A FK on the ſame fide as AF, be drawn in F, the Point of Inflection or Re- the Ordinate MP, as likewiſe the trogreſſion. Tangent MT; then in thoſe Curves But to determine the Inflection that have a Point of Inflection, the or Retrogreſſion in Curves, whoſe Abſciſs AP continually increaſes, Semi - Ordinates CM, Cm, are and the Part AT of the Diameter, drawn from the fixed Point C, draw intercepted between the Vertex of CM infinitely near to Cm, and the Diameter, and the Tangent make mH=Mm, let Tm touch MT, increaſes until the Point P the Curve in M; now the Angles falls' into E, after which it again CnT, CMm, are equal, and ſo begins to diminiſh; whence the the Angle Cm H, while the Semi- Line AT muſt become a Maximum Ordinates increaſe, does decreaſe, if AL, when the Point P falls in the the Curve is Concave towards the Point E. Centre C, and increaſes if the Con- 2. In thoſe Curves that have a vexity turns towards it. Whence Point of Retrogreſſion, the Part AT this Angle, or which is the ſame, increaſes continually, and the Ab- its Meaſure will be a Minimum or ſciſs increaſes ſo long, till the Point Maximum, if the Curve has a Point T falls in L; after which it again of Inflection or Retrogreſſion ; and diminiſhes. Whence AP muſt be- fo may be found, if the Arch TH, come a Maximum, when the Point or Fluxion of it; be made equal to T falls in L. 0, or Infinity. And in order to find 3. IF AE = x, EF=y, then will the Arch TH, draw mL, ſo that the Angle Tm L be equal to mCL; whoſe Fluxion then if C my, mr = x, j ta which is =i, we ſhall have y: 3 :: 3 : ſup- j? I Again draw the Arch HO to the poſing a conſtant, being divided by Radius CH; then the ſmall right s, the Fluxion of A L muſt become Lines mnr, OH, are parallel ; and fo the Triangles o LH, mLr, are nothing, that is, - O; ja T that multiplying by j”, and dividing I .by -- N, y=0; which is a gene M ral Form for finding F the Point of H Inflexion or Retrogreſſion in thoſe R Curves, whoſe Ordinates are paral- lel to one another. For the Na- ture of the Curve AFK being given, the Value of j may be found in s; and taking the Fluxion of this Value, and ſuppofing 'Å inva- riable, the Value of y will be found in , which being put equal to no- thing, or Infinity, ſerves in either of fimilar; AL مدل mT flip , توپ رو به نو jy = 0; fo m IN S I N T INSTANT, is an infinitely ſmall Part of Duration that takes up the time of only one Idea in our Minds, without the Succeſſion of another, wherein we perceive no Succeſſion M m AT IL O R at all. No natural Effect can be produced in an Inſtant. From whence, follows the Reaſon why a Burden ſeems lighter to the Perſon carrying it in the Air, the C fafter he moves; and why the faſter any one ſlides or ſcates upon Ice, the fimilar; but becauſe HI is alſo per- leſs liable the Ice is to break, or pendicular to mL, the Triangles even bend. LHI, mLr, are alſo fimilar : INTACTÆ, are right Lines to which Curves do continually ap- Whence :::::: : ; that is, proach, and yet never meet with them. Theſe are uſually called the Quantities mT, mL, are equal; Afymptotes: Which ſee. But HL is the Fluxion of Hr, which Integers, figniſies in Arithme. is the Diſtance of Cmy: But tic, whole Numbers, in contradi- HL is a negative Quantity, becauſe ſtinction to Fractions. while the Ordinate CM increaſes, INTENSION, in Natural Philo- their Difference rH decreaſes; fophy, ſignifies the Increaſe of the whence it to yy--- yy=0, which Power, or Energy of any Quality, is a general Equation for finding the ſuch as Heat, Cold,&c. for of all the Point of Inflection or Retrogreſſion. Qualities, they ſay, they are in- INFORMED STARS, are ſuch of the tended and remitted, that is capable • fixed Stars, as are not caſt into, or of Increaſe and Diminution. ranged under any Form. See Sporades. The Intenſion of all Qualities in- INGRESS, in Aftronomy, fignifies creaſes reciprocally, as the Squares the Sun's entring the firſt Scruple of the Diſtances from the Centre of one of the four Cardinal Signs, of the radiating Quality decreaſes. eſpecially Aries. INTERCALARY DAY, is the INHARMONICAL RELATION, a odd Day put in or inſerted in the Term in Muſic. See Relation In- Leap-Year. harmonical. INTERCEPTed Axis, a Term INSCRIBED, in Geometry, a Fi- in Conic Sections, fignifying the gure is ſaid to be inſcribed in another, fame with Abſciſa. Which ſee. when all the Angles of the Figure in INTERCOLUMNATION, in Ar- ſcribed touch either the Angles, Sides, chitecture, is the Space between two or Planes of the other Figure. Columns, which, in the Doric Oru INSCRIBED BODIES. See Re- der, is regulated according to the gular Bodies, Diſtribution of Ornaments in the INORDINATE PROPORTION, is Frieze ; but in other Orders, ac- where the Order of the Terms are cording to Vitruvius, is of five difu diſturbed. ferent kinds, viz. Picnojlyle, Syſtyle, INSCRIBED HYPERBOLA, is Euſłyle, Diaſtyle, and Arcoſtyle. ſuch an one as lies entirely within This the Latins expreſs by the the Angle of its Afymptotes, as the Word Intercolumnium. Conical Hyperbola doth. IN- I N T INV INTEREST, is the Sum reckoned ſeventh, with their Varieties. Com. for the Lot or Forbearance of ſome pound ones are all thoſe that are principal Sum lent for (or due at) a greater than an Octave, as the ninth, certait time, according to ſome tenth, eleventh, c. with their Van certain Rate; and therefore is cal- rieties. led Principal, becauſe it is the Sum An Interval is alſo divided into that procreates the Intereſt, or from Juſt or True, and into Falfe. All which the Intereſt is reckoned, and the above-mentioned Intervals, with is either Simple or Compound. their Varieties, whether Major or INTEREST SIMPLE, is counted Minor, are Juſt; but the Diminu- from the Principal only, and is eaſi- tive or Superfluous ones are all ly computed by the ſimple or com- Falſe. An Interval is alſo divided pound Golden Rule. into a Conſonance and Diſſonance. Interior POLYGON. See Po- Which fee. lygon Interior. INTERVAL of the Fits of eaſy INTERIOR TALUS. See Talus. Reflection, and of eaſy Tranſmiſion of INTERNAL ANGLES. See An- the Rays of Light, is the Spaces bea gles Internal. tween every Return of the Fit and INTERSECTION, in Mathema- the next Return. tics, ſignifies the cutting of one Line Theſe Intervals Sir Iſaac Newiort or Plane by another ; thus we ſay, ſhews how to collect, and thence to that the mutual Interfection of two determine whether the Rays ſhall- Planes is a right Line. be reflected or tranſmitted at their INTERSTELLAR, a Word uſed ſubſequent Incidence on any pellua' by ſome Authors to expreſs thoſe čid Medium. Parts of the Univerſe that are with INTESTINE Motion of the Parts out and beyond our ſolar Syſtem, Of Fluids. Where the attracting and which are ſuppoſed as Planetary Corpuſcles of any Fluid are elaſtic, Syſtems moving round each fixed they muſt neceſſarily produce an in- Star as the Centre of their Motion, teſtine Motion; and this, greater or as the Sun is of ours ; and if it be leſſer, according to the Degrees of true, as 'tis not improbable, that their Elaſticity and attractive Forces. each fixed Star may thus be a Sun For two elaſtic Particles, after to fome habitable Orbs that may meeting, will fly from one another move round it, the Interſtellar (abſtracting from the Reſiſtance of World will be infinitely the greater the Medium) with the ſame Degree Part of the Univerſe, of Velocity that they met together INTERTIES, in a Building, are with. thoſe ſmall Pieces of Timber that But when, in leaping back from lie horizontally between the Som- one another, they approach other mers, or between them and the Cell Particles, their Velocity will be ina or Reaſon. creaſed. INTERVAL, in Muſic, is the Di INVERSE Method of Fluxions, is ſtance between any two Sounds, the Method of finding the flowing whereof one is more grave, and the Quantity from the Fluxion given, other more acute. They make fe- and is the ſame with what the foo veral Diviſions of an Interval, as reign Mathematicians call the Cale firſt into Simple and Compound: culus Integralis. The Simple Intervals are the Octave, INVERSE Method of Tangents, is and all that are within it, as the ſe- the manner of finding an Equation cond, third, fourth, fifth, fixth, and of a Curve, or conſtructing a Curve, X by ION ISA ; by means of a given Tangent, or rilis at Rome, now the Church of any other Line, whoſe Determina- St. Mary the Ægyptian, are theſe : tion depends upon a Tangent ; as to 2. The entire Order from the find a Curve Line, whoſe Subtangent Superficies of the Area to the Cor- nice, are twenty-two Modules, or is 29), or whoſe Subtangent is a eleven Diameters. 2. The Column with its Baſe and third Proportional to pay and y; Capital, contains eighteen Modules. or whoſe Subnormal is a conſtant 4. The Entablature (i.e. the Ar- Quantity; or whoſe Subtangent is chitrave, Friſe, and Cornice) contains equal to the Semi-ordinate or to four Modules. find a curve-lin'd Space, whoſe in 5. The Voluta of the Capital is definite Area is expreſſed by Vx, of an oval Form. 6. The Columns in this Order or by a Vaat**, &c. And the are often hollowed, and furrowed. Solution of moſt of theſe problems with twenty four Gutters ; and depend upon the inverſe Method of ſometimes 'tis done only to the third Fluxions. Part of the Column, reckoning from : INVERSE PROPORTION, or Pro- the bottom, and then that third portion by Inverſion. See Proportion. Part hath its Gutters filled with INVERSE RATIO, is the Aſſump- little Rods or Battoons, all the Parts tion of the Conſequent to the Ante- of the hollow above being left empty. cedent, like as the Antecedent to Iris, is that fibrous Circle next the Conſequent; as if A: B: C: to the Pupil of the Eye, diſtinguiſh- D; then by Inverſion of Ratio's B : ed with Variety of Colours. See A:: D: C. Uvea Membrana. INVOLUTE FIGURES. The 'Tis ſo called from its Similitude Curve AMM (ſee Evolute Curves) to à Rainbow, (in Latin, Iris.) is what is called an Involuie Curved Alſo thoſe changeable Colours Figure. which ſometimes appear in the INVOLUTION, in Algebra, is the Glaſſes of Teleſcopes, Microſcopes, raiſing up any Quantity from its &c, are called Ires' for the ſame Root to any other affigned ; as fup- reaſon; as is that coloured Spectrum, poſe a +b were to be ſquared, or which a triangular priſmatic Glaſs raiſed up to its ſecond Power, they will project on a Wall, when placed ſay, involve a tob, that is, multiply (at a due Angle) in the Sun-Beams. it into itſelf, and it will produce See · Rain-Bow. aa+2 ab-tbb. IRRATIONAL NUMBERS. See INWARD FLANKING ANGLE, Surd Numbers. in Fortification, is made by the IRRATIONAL QUANTITIES. Courtin, and the Razant Flanking See Rational Quantities. Line of Defence. IRREGULAR BODIes, are So- Ionic ORDER, in Architecture, lids, which are not terminated by is the third Order, and is a kind equal and like Surfaces. of Mean between the ſtrong and de IRREGULAR FORTIFICATION, licate Orders. Its Capital is adorn- See Fortification. ed with Volutes, and its Cornice IRREGULAR LINEs, or CURVES, with Denticules. See Regular. 1. The Proportions of this Pillar, ISAGON, in Geometry, is fome- as they are taken from the famous times uſed for a Figure conſiſting of one in the Temple of Fortuna Vi- equal Angles. ISLES, a ISO I SO ISLES, in Architecture, are the and of the other unequal, that is Sidës; or Wings of a Building. the greater, whoſe two sides are ISOCHRONE Vibrations of a Pen- equal. dulum, are ſuch as are made nearly 3. Of Iſoperimetrical Figures, in the ſame Space of Time, as all the whole Sides are equal in Nümber, Vibrations or Swings of the ſame that is the greatest; which is Equi- Pendulum are; whether the Arks it lateral and Equiangular. From hence deſcribes be longer or ſhorter : for follows that common Problem of when it deſcribes a ſhorter Ark, it making the Hedging or Walling, moves ſo much the ſlower; and that will wall in one Acre, or even when a long one, proportionably any determinate Number of Acres, fafter. (which call a,) hedge or wall in any IsOCHRONA LINE, is that in greater given Number of Acres, be which a heavy Body is ſuppoſed to it what it will. Which let bie b, as deſcend without any 'Acceleration : likewiſe always a Square. In order And Mr. Leibnitz, in the Act. Erud. to which, call x one side of an Oba Lipl. for Feb. 1689. hath a Dif- long; (whoſe Area is the Number courſe on this Subject : In which he ſhews, That an heavy Body with a of Acres a) then will bè che os Degree of Velocity acquired by the Deſcent from any Height, may de- ther Side, and 2 +- 2 x, will be fcend from the ſame Point by an in- finite Number of Ifachronal Curves, the Ambit of the Oblong. Which and which are all of the ſame Spe- muſt be equal to four times the cies, differing from one another only in the Magnitude of their Parame- Square Root of b; that is; 2 + ters ; ſuch as are all the Quadrato- Cubical Paraboloids, and conſe- 2x=4b. Whence the value of quently ſimilar to one another. à will be eaſily had, and you may He ſhews alſo there, how to find make infinite Numbers of Squares a Line, in which a heavy Body de- and Oblongs that have the ſame ſcending, ſhall recede uniformly from Ambit, and yet ſhall have different ä given Point, or approach uniform: given Area's. See the Operation. Let vbd. ISOMERIA, in Algebra, is the ža +4.** ſame with Converſion of Equations, Then 4 d (ſee Equations, N°. 1.) or of clearing And a +2**= 2 dx. any Equation from Fractions. Iso P Ë R I METRICAL FIGURES, 2 dås in Geometry, are fuch as have equal Perimeters, or Circumferences. And * x di . 1. Of Iſoperimetrical Regular Fi- gures, that is the greateft that con- Ånd xx+di+dd=c+Idda or the morit Angles , and conſequent. And x==1 ly a Cirele is the greatelt of all Fi- to do gures that have the fame Ambit as it has. Whence 2. Of two Iſoperimetrical Tri- angles, having the ſame Baſe, x whereof two sides of one are equal, + Add tudi As ly to it.. bg Alo 2 * * a. 2 v 2 1 Ź 1 i P K E Y As if one side of the Square be all the Planets : It is diſtant from 10, and one Side of an Oblong be the Sun at a mean Rate 5201. If the 19, and the other 1, then will the Earth's mean Diſtance be 1000, its Ambits of that Square and Oblong Excentricity is 250. The Inclina- be equal, viz. each 40, and yet the tion of its Orbit is 1°. 20'. Its Area of the Square will be 100, and Periodical Time is 43332 Days, 12 of the Oblong but 1.9. Hours, and it revolves about its ISOSCEL&S TRIANGLE. See Axis in nine Hours 56 Minutes. Triangle. The Magnitude of Jupiter is about ISTHMUS, in Geography, is a 2460 Times greater than our Earth. little Neck, or Part of Land joining 1. In the Year 1664, Campani, a Peninſula to the Continent. by help of an excellent Teleſcope, JULIAN PERIOD, is a Cycle of obſerv'd certain Protuberances, and 7980 Conſecutive Years, produced Inequalities in the Surface of this by the continual Multiplication of Planet. As alſo the Shadow of his the three Cycles, viz. That of the Satellites, and kept his Eye upon Sun of 28 Years, that of the Moon them till they went off the Diſk. of 19 Years, and that of the In 2. In the ſame Year, May 9, two diction of 15 Years; ſo that this Hours, P. M. Mr. Hook, with a Te- Epocha, although but artificial or leſcope of twelve Foot, obſerved a feigned, (and which was the Inven- ſmall ſpot in the biggeſt of the tion of the famous Julius Scaliger) three obſcurer Belts of Jupiter; and is yet of very good uſe; in that within two Hours after, he found every Year within the Period is di- that the ſaid Spot had moved from ftinguiſhable by a certain peculiar Eaſt to Weft above half the Length Character; for the Year of the Sun, of the Diameter of Jupiter. Moon, and Indiction, will not be the 3. Mr. Caſini obſerved alſo, near ſame again, till the whole 7980 the ſame time, a permanent Spot in Years be revolved. Scaliger fixed the Dik of Jupiter ; by whoſe Help the Beginning of this period 764 he not only found that Jupiter turns Years before the Creation. about upon his own Axis, but alſo For the finding the Year of the the Time of ſuch Converſion, which Julian Period, you have this Rule : he eſtimates to be nine Hours, and Multiply the Solar Cycle by 4845, 56 Minutes : Which was alſo con- the Lunar by 4200, and the Indice firm'd by better Obſervations of a tion by 6916: Spot in the Year 1691. The Equato- Then divide the Sum of the Pro- rial Diameter of Jupiter to his Po- ducts by 7980, and the Remainder lar one, Sir Iſaac Newton computes of the Diviſion (without having re- to be as 40 to 395 . gard to the Quotient) ſhall be the Year enquired after. JULIAN YEAR, is the old Ac- count of the Year, inſtituted by Ju- K. lius Cæfar, which to this day we uſe in England, and call it the Old A L E NDA R. See Can Style, in contra-diſtinction to the lendar. New Account, framed by Pope Gre- KALENDS. See Calends. gory, which is eleven Days before Key, in Muſic, is a certain Tone, ours, and is called the New Style. whereto every Compoſition, whether JUPITER, the Name of one of it be long or fhort, ought to be fit- the Planets. This is the biggeſt of ted or deſigned; and this Key is ſaid to ! L'A D LAT to be either flat or ſharp, not in re- therefore their Breadth muſt be two ſpect of its own Nature, but with Diameters of the Shot, and their relation to the flat or ſharp Third, Length for double-fortified Cannon which is joined with it. 2 and of the Shot; før ordinary Keys of an Organ, Harpſicord, or Cannon it muſt not exceed 2; but Spinnet, are the horizontal Rows of for Culverins and Demi-Culverins, ſmall Pieces of Wood, or Ivory, it may be three Diameters of the or both; which the Fingers ſtrike Shot, and 3 and { for leffer Pieces, upon to play, or cauſe the Inftru. in order to load at twice : If you ment to found. will load at once, this Length of Knots. There are two Sorts of the Ladle muſt be double. And ob- Knots uſed at Sea: One they call ſerve this, that a Ladle nine Balls a Bowling-Knot, becauſe by this in Length, and two Balls in Breadth, Knot the Bowling-Bridles are fa- will hold juſt the Weight of the ftend to the Crenyles. This is very Iron Shot in Powder. faſt, and will not ſlip. LAMPADIAS, a kind of bearded The other is a Wall-Knot ; which Comet, reſembling a burning Lamp, is a round Knob, or Knot, made being of ſeveral Shapes; for ſome- with three Strands of a Rope. This times its Flame or Blaze runs taper- Knot ſerves for the Top-Sail, Sheet, ing upwards like 'unto a Sword, and Stoppers. and ſometimes it is double or treble The Diviſions of the Log-Line pointed. are thus called. Theſe are uſually LANGREL-Shot, is a ſort of ſeven Fathom, or forty-two Feet a- Shot uſed at Sea. It is made of funder, but they thould be fifty two Bars of Iron, with a Joint in Feet ; and then as many Knots as the middle, by which means it can the Log-Line runs out in half a be thorten'd, and ſo put the better Minute, ſo many Miles doth the into the Gun; and at each end there Ship fail in an Hour ; ſuppoſing her is an Half-Bullet, either of Lead or to keep going at any equal Rate, Iron. When 'tis diſcharged, it flies and allowing for Yaws, Lee-Way, out at length, and is of uſe to cut &c. the Enemy's Rigging, &c. LARBOARD, the Left-hand Side of a Ship, when you ſtand with your Face to the Head, L. LARMIER, a flat ſquare Member in Architecture, which is placed on ABEL, is a long thin Braſs the Cornice below the Cimalium, Ruler, with a ſmall Sight at and jets out fartheft; being ſo cal- one end, and a Centre-Hole at the led from its Uſe, which is to diſperſe other, commonly uſed with a Tan- the Water, and to cauſe it to fall aç gent-Line on the Edge of a Circum- a diſtance from the Wall, Drop by ferenter, to take Altitudes, &c. Drop, or, as it were, by Tears : LACUNAR, in Architecture,' is For Larme, in French, ſignifies a an arched Roof or Cieling, more e- Tear. See Corona. ſpecially the Planking or Flooring LATERAL EQUATION, in Alge- above the Porticoes. bra, is the ſame with ſimple Equa- LADLE, an Inſtrument to load tion, which has but one Root, and great Guns with Powder. It ought may be conſtructed by ſtraight Lines to be ſo proportioned, that two only, Ladles-full may charge the Piece ; LATION, is the Tranſlation or . Motion L X 3 , L AT A L ES Motion of a Body from one place Cone, as the Line ED, in the fol- to another in a right Line; and ſo lowing Figurë. is much the ſame as Local Motion. LATUS PRIMARIUM, is a right LATITUDE of a Place, is an . Line belonging to a Conic Section, Arch of the Meridian of that Place, drawn through the Vertex of the intercepted between its Zenith and Section of the Cone, and within it, the Equator; or 'țis an Arch of the as the Line É È or D D in the pre- Meridian intercepted between the ceding Figure. Pole and the Horizon; and there LEAP YEAR, or BISSEXTUE, · fore is called the Pole's Height. is every fourth Year; and is ſo calá LATITUDE, in Navigation, is led from its leaping a Day more the Diſtance of a Ship from the E- that Year ihan in a common Year. quinoctial, either North or South, For in the common Year any fixed and is counted on the Meridian; fo Day of a Month changeth ſucceſſive- that if a Ship fails towards the E- ly the Day of the Week. If the quino&ial, ſhe is ſaid to dépreſs the Year be divided by 4, and nothing Pole; but if ſhe fails from the E- remains, 'tis Leap Year; but if 1, quinoctial, ihe is ſaid to raiſe the 2, or "3, it is ſo many Years after Pole; and if the ſails from the Equi- Leap-Year. noctial, either North or South, her Leaver. See Lever. Way gained thus is called her Dif Leaves, are the Nötches of the ference af Latitude. Pinion of a Watch. See Pinion. LATITUDE of a Star, or Planeta Lee, a "Sea-Term, by which' is is its Diitance from the Ecliptic, generally meant the Part oppoſite to being an Arch of a Circle of Longi- the Wind. tude, reckoned from the Ecliptic to Legs of a Triangle. When one wards its Poles. Side of a Triangle is taken as a LATITUDE HELIOCENTRIC of Baſe, the other two are called Legs. a Plänet. See Heliocentric. LeMMA, is a Term uſed chiefly LATUS Recrum, a Term in by Mathematicians, and" fignifies a Conics, being the ſame with the Pa- Propofition, which ferves previouſly rameter. Which ſee. to prepare the way for the more LATUS TRANSVERSUM" of the eaſy Apprehenſion of the Demon- Hyperbola, is a right Line lying be- ftration of ſome Theorem; or for the tween the Vertexes of the two oppo: Conſtruction of ſome Problem. fite Sections ; or that part of the Lens, is a Term in Optics for a common Axis, which is between the ſmall Convex, or Plano-Convex, Vertexes of the upper and lower Concave, or Concavo-Convex Glaſs. Leo, is the fifth of the twelve Signs of the Zodiac, and is marked thus 2 D Lepus,the Hare, a Southern Con- ſtellation, containing thirteen Stars. LESSER Circles of the Sphere, are thoſe whoſe Planes do not paſs through the Centre of the Sphere; and which do not divide the Globe into two equal Parts, but are paral- lel to the greater Circles; as the Tropics and Polar Circles, and all Parallels of Declination and Alti- tudes; E 4 L E V 'LE V tude ; which latter being parallel to three Foot long, and about an Inch che Horizon, are called Almicanters. in Diameter, bent up ſquare at both LEVANT, in Geography, is pro- Ends to receive two Glaſs-Tubes of perly the Eaſtern-ſide of any Con- three or four Inches, faſtend to tinent or Country, or that on which them. In this Tube is pour'd com- the Sun riſes ; but now with our mon or colour'd Water through ore Seamen, it fignifies the Mediterra- of the Ends, until there is ſo much nean Sea, and eſpecially the Èaftern as to appear in the Glaſs-Tubes. Part of it; and our Trade thither This Initrument being ſet upon a is called the Levant Trade ; and a three-legged Staff, is fit for Uſe. Wind that blows from thence out of There are many more nice and the Streights-Mouth, is called a Le- compound Inſtruments of this kind; vant Wind. as may be ſeen in Mr. De la Hire's Level, is an Inſtrument where- and Picard's Treatiſes of Levelling; by we find an horizontal Line, and in Mr. Bion's Book of Mathematical continue it out at pleaſure, and by Inſtruments; and in the Tranſactions this means find the true Level for of the London and Paris Royal Societies. conveying Water to ſupply Towns, LEVELLING, is the Art of find- make Rivers navigable, drain Bogs, ing a true horizontal Line, or the &c. Of theſe Inſtruments there Difference of Aſcent or Deſcent be- are ſeveral kinds, of which a very , tween any two Places, in order to good one for ſhort Diſtances, is this drain Moats, Marſhes, and Mioraſſes, following; which conſiſts of a round &c. or to convey Water from Place Tube of Braſs or other Matter about to Place. If a Station be taken, more than fifty French Fathoms, it muſt be car- rected from the following Table of Corrections, Lines. Parts. Stations, Correétions. Fathoms. Inches. 0 > 50 100 I I O 3 5 O I 1 1 150 200 250 300 350. 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 4 9 3 2 O 2 O O 3 4 4 5 6. 7 7 8 To II 4 3 I 800 0 850 I Il II goo 950 O 1000 O 1 LEVER, X 4 L E V L I B 1 LEVER, the ſecond mechanical FR to FM, that is, FN to FP; Power, is an inflexible right Line, and as FP to FM, that is, as FN made uſe of to raiſe Weights, either * FP: FM XFP. And ſince FP weighing nothing itſelf, or of ſuch is in both; therefore as FŅ: Weight as may be balanced. The iM. Lever is threefold. The Action of a Power P, and the Refiftance of the Weight M, F F increaſe in proportion to their Di. MC ftance from the Fulcrum; and P therefore that a Power may be able to ſuſtain a Weight, it is required, T that the Diftance of the Point in theç Lever to which it is applied, be to M P the Diſtance of the Weight, as the Weight to the Intenſity of the Power ; which, if it be ever folita tle increaſed, will raiſe the weight. Levity, is the Diminution or PO Want of Weight in any Body, when M compared with another that is hea- vier; and in this ſenſe is oppoſed tą 1. Sometimes the Fulcrum F is Gravity. placed between the Weight P and LIBRA, one of the twelve Signs The Power M. of the Zodiar, being exactly oppo- 2. Sometimes the Weight is be- fite to Aries. tween the Fulcrum and the Power. LIBRATION of the Moon, (ſec 3. And often alſo the Power acts Evection) is of three kinds. between the Weight and the Ful- 1. Her Libration in Longitude ; crum F, which is a Motion ariſing from the Plane of that Meridian of the Moon, M (which is always, nearly, turned to- wards us,) being directed not to the Earth, but towards the other Focus of the Moon's Elliptical Orbit ; and fo to an Eye on the Earth ſhe ſeems to librate to and again in Longi- tude, or according to the Order of the Signs in the Zodiac. This Li- F R bration is of no Quantity twice in each Periodical Month, viz. when If FM be a Lever, and the the Moon is in her Apogæum, and in Weight P hangs any where there- her Perigæum; for the Plane of her on, and FR be the Horizon, then Meridian above-mention'd, is di- the Power M that will keep the rected alike to both the Foci. Weight P at any Elevation M FR, 2. Her Libration in Latitude ; acting in the Direction SM, per- which ariſes from hence, That her pendicular to FM, in which Di- Axis not being perpendicular to the rection the Action of the Power is Plane of her Orbit, but inclined to a Maximum, will be to the Weight it, ſometimes one of her Poles, and P, as FN to FM. For it is as ſometimes the other, will nod (as they P ObmWv 괴 Z 1 1 S 1 L I B L. I G they call it) or dip a little towards the former Libration in Latitude, the Earth, (as is the Caſe of the depending upon the Light of the Poles of the Earth towards the Sun,) Şun, will be compleated in her Sy- and conſequently ſhe will appear nodical Month. Greg. Aftron. Lib. to librate a little, and to ſhow fome- 4. Se&t. 10. times more of her Spots, and ſome LIFTING Pieces, are Parts of times leſs of them, towards each a Clock which do lift up and un- Pole ; which Libration depending lock the Detents in the Clock-part. on the Poſition of the Moon, in re Light, is Fire entring our Eyes ſpect of the Nodes of her Orbit with in ſtraight Lines ; and by the Mo.. the Ecliptic, (and her Axis being tion thereof that it communicates perpendicular nearly to the Plane to the Fibres in the bottom of the of the Ecliptic) is very properly ſaid Eye, it excites the Idea of Light. to be in Latitude. I. A rectilinear Motion is the 3. And this is compleated in the Motion of Light, as it appears Space of the 'Moon's Periodical from its being eaſily ſtopped by an Month, or rather, while the Moon Obſtacle. is returning again to the fame Po 2. And that an irregular Motion fition, in reſpect of her Nodes. is more proper for it, may be proved, 4. There is alſo a third kind of becauſe the Rays that come directly Libration ; by which it happens, from the Sun to the top of a Moun- that though another part of her is tain, produce no Heat ; whilſt in not really obverted to the Earth, the Valley, where the Rays are a. as in the former Libration, yet ano- gitated with an irregular Motion by ther is illuminated by the Sun: For ſeveral Reflexions, there is often ſince her Axis is perpendicular near- produced a very intenſe Heat. ly to the Plane of the Ecliptic, 3. That there is Light where when the Moon is moſt Southerly, there is not fire, is beyond all in reſpect of the Ecliptic North doubt ; for we daily fee hot Bodies Pole, ſome Parts nearly adjacent to that do not ſhine. it will be illuminated by the Sun ; 4. As to the Motion of Light, it while, on the contrary, the South is plain, that it is performed in Pole will be in Darkneſs. In this Right Lines; but whether it be Caſe therefore, if it happens that Succeſſive or Inſtantaneous, is dir- the Sun be in the ſame Line with puted ; that is, whether at the the Moon's Southern Limit, then ſame Moment that a Body begins will fhe, as the proceeds from Con- to ſhine, the Light is ſenſible at any junction with the Sun towards her Diſtance ; or whether the Light aſcending Node, appear to dip her goes on ſucceſſively to Places more Northern Polar Parts a little into and more diftant. he dark Hemiſphere, and to raiſe 5. It ſeems clearly to follow from her Southern Polar Parts as much ſeveral Aſtronomical Obſervations, into the Light. And the contrary that that Motion is ſucceſſive, and to this will happen the next Fort Philoſophers did not long doubt of night, while the New Moon is de- it; but by ſome later Obſervations, ſcending from her Northern Limit; the Concluſions drawn from the for then her Northern Polar Parts former are weakened, and we are will appear to emerge out of Dark, obliged to confeſs that the Motion neſs, and the Southern Polar Parts of Light has ſomething unknown to dip into it. And this ſeeming to us. Libration, or rather theſe Effects of Mr. > LIG L I G 1 Mr. Romer, from a great Num- Storm ; Quickſilver when ſhaken in ber of Aſtronomical Obſervations for vacuo ; a Cai's Back or a Horſe's the ſpace of 10 Years, inferr'd the Neck rubbed by the Hand in the vaft Swiftneſs of the Motion of the dark; Wood, Fleſh and Fiſh when Sun's Light, by means of the Eclip- putrefied. ſes of Jupiter's Satellites. · From 10. Every viſible Point of any whence Mr. Huygens in his Treatiſe Object emits Rays of Light into all de Luni. P. 8,9. computes the Mo- Parts, from whence that Point is tion of Light to be 1100000000 viſible. Feet in one Second. Notwithſtand- ing this, Mr Caffini and Miraldus, Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Optics, from a great Number of Aftronomi- cal Obſervations, will have Mr. Ro- propoſes the following Queries. mer and Huygens to be miſtaken. See the Mem. de l'Academ. Royal de 1. Do not, great Bodies conſerve Scien. anno 1707. their Heat the longeſt, their Parts 6 The Preſence of the Air is of- heating one anothers and may not ten neceffary for the Production of great denſe and fixed Bodies, when Light. heated beyond a certain Degree, e- 7. 'Tis probable, that the Rays mit Light ſp copiouſly, as by the of Light which fall upon Bodies, Emiſſion and Reaction of its Light, and by that means are reflected or and the Reflexions and Refractions refracted, begin to bend before they of its Rays within its Pores, to grow arrive at the Bodies ; and that Light ſtill hotter, till it comes to a cer- is reflected, refracted, and inflected tain Period of Heat, ſuch as is that by one and the ſame Principle, act. of the Sun And are not the ing variouſly in various Circum- Sun and fixed Stars, great Earths Itances. vehemently hot, whoſe Heat is 8. 'Tis probable alſo, that Bo- conſerved by the Greatneſs of the dies and Light act on each other : Bodies, and the mutual Action and Bodies in emitting, reflecting, re- Reaction between them, and the fracting, and inflecting it ; and Light, Light which they emit, and whoſe by heating them, and putting their Parts are kept from fuming away, Parts into a vibrating Motion, where- not only by their Fixity, but alſo in Heat conſiſts. by the vaſt Weight and Denſity of 9. All fixed Bodies, when heated the Atmoſpheres incumbent upon beyond a certain Degree, do emit them, and very ſtrongly compref- Light and ſhine ; and this Shining fing them, and condenſing the Va and Emiſſion of Light is probably pours and Exhalations which ariſe cauſed by the vibrating Motion of from them ? For if Water be made the Parts; and all other Bodies a warm in any pellucid Veſſel emptied bounding with earthy Particles, and of Air, that Water in the Vacuum eſpecially when they are ſulphu- will bubble and boil as vehemently reous, when their Parts are ſuffi- as it would in the open Air in a Vel- ciently agitated, do emit Light; ſel ſet upon the Fire, till it receives whether this Agitation be cauſed a much greater Heat. For the by Attrition, by Percuſſion, by Pu- weight of the incumbent Atmo- trefaction, or a vital Motion in an ſphere keeps down the Vapours, Animal Body, c. or any other and hinders the Water from boils way. Thus the Sea-water ſhines in a ing, until it grows much hotter than LS 3 LIG L IM is requifite to make it boil in vacuo. to make Senſations of the ſeveral in- Alſo a Mixture of Tin and Lead termediate Colours ? being put upon a red-hot Iron in 3. May not the Harmony and Vacuo, emits a Fume and Flame ; Diſcord of Colours ariſe from the but the ſame Mixture in the open Proportions of the Vibrations pro- Air, by reaſon of the incumbent pagated through the. Fibres of the Atmoſphere, does not ſo much as Optick Nerves into the Brain, as emit any Fome which can be per- the Harmony and Diſcord of Sounds ceiyeç by Sight. In like manner ariſe from the Proportions of the the great Weight of the Atmo- Vibrations of the Air ? For ſome, ſphere, which lies upon the Globe Colours, if they be viewed together, of the Sun, may hinder Bodies there are agreeable to one another, as from riſing up, and going away thoſe of Gold and Indigo,and others from the Sun in the form of Va- diſagree. pours and Fumes, unleſs by means See more of the Nature of Light of a far greater Heat than that in Dr. Boerhaave's Chemiſtry. which on the Surface of our Earth LIKE QUANTITIEs, in Algebra, would very eaſily turn them into are, ſuch as are expreſſed by the Vapours and Fumes. And the ſame Letters equally repeated in fame great Weight may condenſe each Quantity. Thus, 5 b and 4 b, thoſe Vapours and Exhalations as and off and 2! f, are like Quan- ſoon as they ſhall at any time he tities ; 5 b, and 4 b6, and 10 ff, and gin to aſcend from the Sun, and afff, are unlike ones ; becauſe the inake them preſently fall back 2- Quantities have not every where gain into him, and by that Action tha fame Dimenſions, nor are the increaſe his Heat much after the Letters equally repeated. manner that in our Earth the Air Like SIGNS, in Algebra, are increaſes the Heat of a Culinary when both are Affirmative, or both Fire. And the ſame Weight may Negative ; but if one be Affirma- hinder the Globe of the Suo from tive, and the other Negative, they being diminiſhed, unleſs by the E- are 'Unlike Signs. Thus, + 30 , miſſion of Light, and a very ſmall and + 2d, have Like Signs, but quantity of Vapours and Exhala- - 3ff, and +ff, have Unlike Sigos. 2. Do not ſeveral ſorts of Rays LIKI FIGURES, See Similar Fi- make Vibrations of ſeveral Bigneſ- gures. ſes, which, according to their Big- neſſes, excite Senſations of ſeveral LIKE FIGURES," are in the du- Colours, much after the ſame man- plicate Ratio of their Homologous Sides. ner that the Vibrations of the Air, according to their ſeveral Bigneſſes, LIKE ARCHES of a Circle, are excite Senſations of ſeveral Sounds ſuch as contain an equal Number And particularly, do not the moſt of Degrees. refrangible Rays excite the ſhorteſt Like SOLID FIGURES, are to Vibrations for making a Senſation one another in the duplicate Ratio of deep Violet the leaſt refrangible, of their Homologous Sides. the largeſt for making a Senſation LIMB, ſignifies the uttermoft of a deep Red, and the ſeveral in- Border or graduated Edge of an A- termediate forts of Rays, Vibrati- ſtrolable, Quadrant, or the like Ma- ons of feveral intermediate Bigneftes thematical Initrument; or the Cir- cumference tions. LIN L IN cumference of the Primitive Arch Plane of a great Circle perpendicu. in any Projection of the Sphere in lar to the Plane of the Projection, Plano : Alſo the outermoſt Border and that oblique Circle which is of the Sun's or Moon's Diſk, in an projected, interfects the Plane of the Eclipſe of either Luminary Projection : Or it is the common LIMBERS, in Gunnery, are a Section of a Plane paſſing thro' the kind of Train joined to the Carriage Eye's Point, and thro' the Centre of a Cannon upon a March ; it is of the Primitive, and at Right An- compoſed of two Shafts, wide e gles to any oblique Circle which is nough to receive a Horſe between to be projected, and in which the them, (which Horſe is called the Centre and Pole of ſuch a Circle Fillet-Horſe.) Theſe Shafts are will be found. joined by two Bars of Wood, and LINE of Direction of the Earth's a Bolt of Iron at the End, and have Axis, in the Pythagorean Syſtem of a Pair of ſmall Wheels. On the Aſtronomy, is the Line connecting Axel-Tree riſes a ſtrong Iron Spike, the two Poles of the Ecliptic, and on which the Train of the Carriage of the Equator, when they are is put upon a March : But when a pro jected on the Plane of the fore Gün is on Action, theſe Limbers mer. are run out behind her. Line of the Section, in Perſpec- LIMIT of a Planet, is the greateſt tive, is the Interſectionor Contact of Heliocentrick Latitude. Which fee. the plain to be projected with the LIMITED PROBLEM, fignifies a Glafs or Diaphanous Plane. Problem that hath but one, or a Line of Lines, on the Sector, is determined Number of Solutions ; a Scale of equal Parts on each Leg, as to make a Circle paſs thro' three and running from the Centre. This Points given, not lying in a Right is divided into 100 equal Parts, and Line, to deſcribe an Equilateral ſometimes into more, when the In- Triangle on a Líne given, &c. ſtrument is large. LINCH-Pins, are thoſe Pins that Line of Numbers. See Gunter's keep on the Carriage of a Piece of Line. Ordnance. LINE, in Fortification, is that LINE, a Line in Geometry, is a which is drawn from one point to Quantity extended in Length only, another, in delineating a Plane up- and is ſuppoſed to have no Breadth on Paper : But in the field it is or Thickneſs. It is made by the fometiines taken for a Ditch bounded Motion of a Point. with its Parapet, and ſometimes for Line is alſo the 12th Part of an a Row of Gabions, or Sacks of Inch. Earth, extended in length on the LINE of True 7 of a Planet, is a gainſt the Enemy's Fire . Thus they Ground, to ſerve as a Shelter a. Place Apparent right ſay, when the Trenches were car- LINE The Earth's Centre ried on within thro' 30 Paces of the Glacis, we drew two Lines, one the from on the Right Hand, and the o- Planet, and continued as far as the ther on the Left, for a Place of fixed Stars. Arms. LINE of Meaſures, in the Stereo Line CAPITAL, is that which graphic Projection of the Sphere in is drawn from the Angle of the Planı, is that Line in which the Gorge to the Angle of the Baſtion. LINB drawn Eye of the Spec-s the 1 t LIN LĨ N Line CentrAL, is that which tinued Trench, with which a Cir- is drawn from the Angle of the cumvallation or Contravallation is Centre, to that of the Baſtion. ſurrounded, and which maintains LINE of Defence, is that which a Communication with all its Forts, repreſents the Courſe of the Buliet Redoubts, and Tenables. of any ſort of Fire-Arms, more eſpe LINE of the Baſe, is a right cially of a Muſquet-Ball, according Line which joins the Points of the to the Situation which it ought to two neareſt Baſtions. have to defend the Face of the Ba-. To line a Work, is to ſtrengthen ftion. a Rampart with a firm Wall, or to Line of Defence Fixed or Fichant, encompaſs a Parapet or Moat with is that which is drawn from the a good Turff, &c. Angle of the Curtain, to the flank LINEA APSIDUM, or the Line of ed Angles of the oppoſite Baſtion; the Apfes, in the old Aftronomy, is nevertheleſs without touching the a Line paffing through the Center Face of the Baſtion. This muſt ne of the World, and of the Excen- ver exceed 800 Feet, which they tric; and whoſe two Ends are, one reckon the Diſtance a Muſquet-Ball, the Apogæum, the other the Peri- will do Execution. gæum of the Planet That Part of LINE of Defence Razant, is that this Line which lies between the which being drawn from a certain Center of the World and that of Point of its Curtain, razech the the Excentric, is called the Excen- Face of the oppoſite Baſtion. This tricity. is called alſo the Line of Defence Line of greateſt or leaſi Longitude Stringent or Flanking. of a Planet, is that part of the Linea LINE of Approach, or of Attack, Aplidum reaching from the Center fignifies the Work which the Ben of the World to the Apogæum, or ſiegers carry on under Covert, to Perigaum of the Planet. gain the Moat, and the Body of the LINE of mean Longitude, is one Place. drawn through the Centre of the LINE of Circumvallation, is a World at Right Angles, to the Linea Line or Trench cut by the Beſiegers Apſidum, and is there a new Dia- within Cannon-ſhot of the Place, meter of the Excentric, or Different; which rangeth round their Camp, and its extreme Points are called and ſecures its Quarters against the the mean Longitude. Relief of the Beſieged. Line of the mean Motion of the LINE of Contravallation, is a Sun, in the old Aftronomy, is a Ditch bordered with a Parapet, Right Line drawn from the Center which ſerves to cover the Beſiegers of the World as far as to the Zodiac on the Side of the Place, and to of the Primum Mobile ; and parallel ſtop the Salleys of the Garriſon. to a Right Line drawn from the LINES within fide, are the Moats Center of the Excentric, to the towards the Place, to prevent the Center of the Sun ; which latter like Salleys. Line they call alſo the Line of the LINES without fide, are the mean Motion of the Sun in the Ex- Moats towards the field, to hinder centric, to diſtinguiſh it from the Relief. former; which is the Line of mean Lines of Communication, are thoſe Motion in the Zodiac of the Pri- that run from one Work to another. mum Mobile. But the Line of Communication, LINE of the Sun's true Motion, is more eſpecially fo called, is a con a Line drawn from the Centre of the 1 7 L IN L IN 7 the World to the Center of the Sun, Excentric to the Center of the and produced as far as the Zodiac Planet. of the Primum Mobile, LINE of the Apogæum of a Pla- Line HORIZONTAL, is a right net, in the Old Aftronomy, is a right Line parallel to the Horizon. Line drawn from the Centre of the 1. In Dialling, it is the common World, through the Point of the Section of the Horizon and the Dial- Apogæum; as far as the Zodiac of Plane. the Primum Mobile, 2. In Perſpective, it is the com Line of the Nodes of a Planet, mon Section of the Horizontal in the New Aſtronomy, is a Right Plane, and that of the Draught.or Line drawn from the Planet to che Repreſentation, and which paffes Sun, being the common Interſec- thro' the principal Point. tion of the Plane of the Planei's Or- LINE GEOMETRICAL, in Per- bit with that of the Ecliptic. fpective, is a Right Line drawn any LINE EQUINOCTIAL, in Dial- how on the Geometrical Plane. ling, is the common Interſection of LINE TERRESTRIAL, in Per- the Equinoctial, and the Plane of fpective, is a Right Line, wherein the Dial. tbe Geometrical Plane and that of Lined Moaf, a Term in Forti- the Picture or Draught interſect one fication. See Moat. another. LINĖ AR Numbers, are ſuch LINE of the Front, in Perſpective, as have relation to Length only ; is the common Section of the verti as (v.gr.) ſuch as repreſent onė cal Plane and of the Draught. Side of a plain Figure ; and if the Line of Station, in Perſpective, plain Figure be a Square, the Linear according to fome Writers,' is the Number is called a Root. common Section of the Vertical and LINEAR PROBLEM, in Mathe- Geometrical Planes. Others, as matics, is ſuch an one as can be Lumy, mean by it the perpendicular folved geometrically by the Inter- Height of the Eye above the Geo- ſection of two Right Lines. This metrical Plane. Others, a Line on is called a Simple Problem, and is that Plane, and perpendicular to capable but of one Solution. the Line exprefling the Height of LINE.SUBSTYLAR, is that Line the Eye. on which the Style or Cock of a LINE OBJECTIVE, in Perſpec- Dial is erected, and is the Repre- tive, is the Line of an Object, from fentation of ſuch an Hour-Circle as whence the Appearance is ſought is perpendicular to the Plane of that for in the Draught or Picture. Dial. Line of Gravitation of any heavy Line SYNODICAL, in reference Body, is a Line drawn through its to fume Theories of the Moon, is a Center of Gravity, and according Right Line ſuppoſed to be drawn to which it tends downwards. through the Centres of the Earth LINE of Direction of any Body and the Sun ; and if it be produced in Motion, is that according to quite through the Orbits, 'tis called which it moves, or which directs the and determines its Motion. Line of the true Syzygies : But a Line of the ſwifteſt Deſcent of Right Line imagined to paſs through a heavy Body, is the Cycloid. the Earth's Centre, and the mean Line of the Anomaly of a Planet, Place of the Sun is called the in the Ptolemaic Syſtem, is a Right Line of the mean Syzygies. · Line drawn from the Center of the Lines of Chords, Sinés, Tangents, Secants, . 1 : one of them, viz. AP (which may LOC. LOC Secants, Verfed Sines, &c. See when the point fought is in the Scale. Circumference of a Circle ; 'Solid, LINSTOCK, is a ſhort Staff of when the Point required is in the Wood about three Foot long, hav- Circumference of a Conic Section ; ing at one End a Piece, of Iron di or laſtly Surſolid, when the point is vided into two Branches, .each of in the Perimeter of a Line of an which hath a Notch to hold a Piece higher kind. of Match, and a Screw to faften it LOCK-SPIT, a Term in Fortifica- there. The other End of the Staff tion, ſignifying the ſmall Cut or is thod alſo with Iron, and pointed Trench made with a Spade, to mark to stick into the Ground ; 'tis uſed out the firſt Lines of any Work that by the Gunners in firing Cannon. is to be made. LIQUIDS, are ſuch Bodies as LOCKING-WHEL. See Count- have all the Properties of Fluidity, Wheel, a Term in Watch-work. (ſee that Word ;) and withal, have Locus. If there be two un- their Particles ſo formed, figured, known and indeterminate Right or diſpoſed, that they do adhere to Lines AP, PM, making any An- the Surfaces of ſuch Bodies as are gle (APM) with each other at immerſed in them, which we call pleaſure ; and if the Beginning of Wetting ; and this Property of Li- quid Bodies is ſometimes called H4 be called x) be fixed in the Point A, midity or Moiſture. and the faid AP indefinitely ex- List, in Architecture, is a little tends itſelf along a right Line given ſquare Moulding, ſerving to crown in Poſition; and the other PM or accompany a larger, or on occa- which may be called y, continually fion to ſeparate the Flutings of a Columnn. It is ſometimes called Fillet, and ſometimes Square. M Lister, a ſmall Band, or a kind E of a Rule in the Mouldings of Ar- M chitecture : Alſo the Space between the Channellings of Pillars. DP А, B LITERAL Algebra. See All gebra. LIZIERE, a Term in Fortifica- tion, being the ſame with Berm. G M Which ſee. LOCAL PROBLEM, in Mathe- matics, is ſuch an one as is capable M. of an infinite Number of different M M Solutions : So that the point which is to reſolve the Problein, may be indifferently taken within a certain Extent. As ſuppoſe any where, in DUP PAPP P B ſuch a Line, within ſuch a plain Figure, &c. which is called a Geo- metric Lucus, and the Problem is ſaid to be a local or indetermined one, and this local Problem may be either fimple, when the Point fought is in a Right Line ; Plane, alters + e : M GM Ż OC LÔ C - alters its Pofition, and is always pa- cumference, then by the Nature of rallel to itfelf: (that is, if all the the Circle, we Thall have always PM's be parallel to one another.) PM (y) = DP X PB (aa-- *x,) Then if there be an Equation, ſuppoſing BD-the Diameter of the wherein are both the unknown Circle. Therefore the Locus of all Quantities x and , mix'd with the Points M is the Circumference known ones, which expreſſes the of a Circte. Relation of every AP (x) to its 3. If all the PM's be ſuppoſed to Correſpondent PM (y), the Curve tend from one fide of the Line A B, pafling thro' the Extremities of all as towards Q; and then they be the Values of y, that is, through ſuppoſed to tend from the other ſide all the Points M, is' called in ge- of the ſaid Line, as towards G; neral a Geometric Locus ; and in then it muſt be obſerved, that their particular the Locus of that Equa- Values from Poſitives (which they jion. are ſuppoſed to be when tending to- 1. For Example: Let us ſuppoſe, wards Q,) will become Negative, 6 x and fo ſhall we have PM - ya (Fig. 1.) that the Equation y = Moreover, if the Point P be ſup- expreſſes always the Relation of the poſed to fall from A towards B, and Line AP (*) to PM (v), which afterwards the contrary way, as make any Angle APM at pleafure from A towards D; then all the with one another : In the Line A P A P's on this ſide A will become affume AB=a, and from B draw negative, and conſequently we have AP X. BE=b, parallel to PM, and on And a geometric Lo- cus muſt paſs through the Extremi. the ſame fide; then the indefinite Line AM is called in general a ties of all the Values (as well poſi- Geométric Locus ; and in particular, tive as negative) of one of the un- known Quantities y, which anſwer bx the Locus of the Equation y= to the Values both poſitive and ne- gative of the other unknown Quan- For if the Right Line MP be drawn tity x. Therefore, if the Right from any one of its Points M pa- Line QAG be drawn parallel tó rallel to BE, the ſimilar Triangles PM, a geometric Locus may be ABE, A PM, will give always found in the four Angles B Ali this Proportion, viz. A B (a) : BE BAG, GAD, DAQ; as in the bx ſecond Example (Fig. 2.) or only in (b) :: AP (x) : PM (y) = ſome of the Angles, as in the firſt Cafe (Fig. 1.) For in the ſecond And therefore the Right Line AE Example, ſuppoſe that AP be = x, is the Locus of all the points M. and PM = y, the Point M being Moreover, (Fig. 2.) if yy= a a taken firſt in the Quadrant Q B; x x expreſſes the relation of AP then if the Point M be taken to PM, and the Angle APM be a afterwards in the Quadrant G B, we Right Angle, then the Circumfe. ſhall have AP=x, and PM = rence of a Circle, whoſe Radius is --y; if M be taken on DG, we the Right Line A B = a taken in ſhall have AP=x, and PM AP, is called in general a Geometric y : And finally, if M be taken Locus, and, in particular, the Locus on DQ, we ſhall have AP - X, of the Equation yy = aa and PM y. And in all theſe For if the Perpendicular MP (y) be Cafes (by the Nature of the Circle) drawn from any Point M of the Cir. there will come out the fame Equa- tion 1 > 6 x 1 ,لا a fore ya 2 BAQ 1 LOC toc tion yg=aa--** ; becauſe the when either of the unknown Quan- Squares of ty, and to x, are the tities x apd y, or both of them to- fame in all Caſes, viz. yy and **. gether, are found therein of diffe- Moreover, in the firſt Example, if rent Dimenfions : So in the firſt you maké AP=x, and PM=y, in Degree, if this Equation be pro- the firſt Point M taken (on the ſame fide as E) upon A E (produced to- poſed, y too, the Terms wards A) in the Angle GAD, we fhall have AP- bx *, and PM– y c will be different. y; and ſince the Triangles ABE, APM, are ſimilar, the following Moreover, in the ſecond Degree, if Proportion will be formed, viz. A B (a) : BE (6) :: AP (-x): you ſuppoſe yyt 2 bxy - 2cy bx PM (y) =- ; and there- fxx +8*+hx -- hh +11 b.x Which is the ſame 2b xy S0; then the Terms yy, Equation as was formed, by ſuppo. fing the Point M to fall in the Angle f x x - 2 cy's , g* to h * 4. The ancient Geometricians did call Plain Loci, ſuch that are hh + ll, ſhall be every one of them different. Right Lines or Circles; and Solid Loci, thoſe that are Parabola's, El- 6. When the unknown Quantities lipſes, or Hyperbola's ; and Surd- X and y, have but one Dimenſion Solid Loci, ſuch that are Curves of in a given Equation, and their Pro- a fuperior Gender than Conic Sec- duct x y is not in the ſame, then the tions. But the Moderns do difin- Locus of that Equation will be al- guiſh Geometric Loci into different ways a ſtraight Line ; and it may Kinds or Degrees. For under the be reduced to ſome one of the four firſt Degree are comprehended all following Formula's ; 1. y= bx **. the Loci, wherein the unknown Quantities x and y are found in E- bx 6x quations only of one Dimenſion; 2. y +. 3. y under the ſecond, all thoſe wherein bx thoſe unknown Quantities have two 4. C Dimenſions, and ſo on; where you may obſerve, that there muſt be no 6. When any Equation of two Rectangle or Product of the un Dimenſions is given, and it is re- known Quantities x and y in the quired to know which of the Conic Equations for the Loci of the firſt Sections will be the Locus of it : Kind or Degree ; and in the Equa Bring over all the Terms of the tions for the ſecond, thoſe Quanti- Equation to one ſide ; ſo that one ties muſt form a Product, as Xy of Member thereof be o, then there no more than two Dimenſions; and may happen two Caſes : in Equations for the third, a Pro Cafe 1. When the Plane xy is duct * *y, or tyy, of three Di not in the given Equation. 1. If menſions, &c. there be but one of the Squares yy 5. The Terms of the Equation or x * therein, then the Locus of a Locus are ſaid to be different, will be a Parabola. 2. If both the Y Squares a 1 1- a 1 LOC L O C A meters. LOCUS Squares yy and x x are found therein the Loci of Equations of three Di- with the ſame Signs, then the Lo- menſions. Euclid, Apollonius, Ari- cus will be an Ellipfis or a Circle. fæus, Fermat, Viviani, have alſo 3. If the ſaid two Squares are found wrote of the Loci. therein with different Signs, then LOCUS AD LINEAM, is when the the Locus thereof will be an Hy- Point that ſatisfies the Problem, is perbola, or the oppoſite Sections re- found in a Line, whether Right or garding their Diameters. Curve, and that by reaſon of the Cafe 2. When the Plane xy hap- Want of one Condition, only to pens to be in a given Equation. 1. render the Problem determinate al- İf neither of the Squares yy and together. xx, or but one of them, are found LOCUS AD SOLIDUM, is when in the Equation, then the Locus three Conditions are wanting to the will be an Hyperbola between its Determination of the Point fought, Afymptotes. 2. If the Squares yy and ſo it will be found in a Solid; and xx are found therein with dif- and this may be included either ferent Signs, then the Locus ſhall under a Plane, Curve, or mix'd Su- be an Hyperbola regarding its Dia- perficies, and thoſe either determi- 3. If the ſaid two Squares nate or indefinitely extended. have the fame Signs, the Square yy AD SÚPERFICIEM, is muſt be freed from Fractions, and when there being two Conditions then the Locus ſhall be a Parabola, wanting to determine any point that when the Square of half the Frac- fatisfies any Problem, that Point tion multiplying xo be equal to the may be taken throughout the Ex- Fraction multiplying x*; an El- tenſion of ſome Superficies, whether lipſis or Circle, when the ſame is Plane or Curve. lels; and finally, an Hyperbola, or As the Locus of an Equation, two oppoſite ones, regarding their wherein there are two, variable Diameters, when the fame is Quantities, is a Right Line or a greater. Curve Line ; fo the Locus of an E- The beſt way of finding the Loci quation containing three unknown of Equations of two Dimenſions, is Quantities, will Quantities, will be always by extracting the Root after the Superficies. As the Equation ** nianner of Des Cartes. See his tyytzz=aa, repreſents the Geometry; as alſo Sterling's Illuftra- Superficies of a Sphere, whoſe Ra- tio Linearum tertii Ordinis. The dius is a, wherein x flows along a Doctrine of theſe Loci is very well Diameter of a great Circle from the handled too by De Witt, in his Centre, Centre, y flows at right Angles upon Elementa Curvarum ; Mr. Craige, the Plane of the Circle from the in his Tractatus de Figurarum Cur Extremity of x, and z is a Perfen- vilinearum Quadraturis Eg Locis dicular from the Extremity of Geometricis; and the Marquis de the superficies of the Sphere. In l'Hoſpital; in his Analytic Treatiſe bbxx like minner of Conic Sections, have treated of this = yy + z z, Subject; and Bartholomæus Intieri, repreſents the Curve Superficies of in his Aditus ad nova Arcana Geo- a right Cone, where x Rows along metrica detegenda, has ſewn how the Axis from the Vertex, y to find the Loci of Equations of the pendicular to x, z to y, a equal to higher Orders : So alſo has Mr. the Axis, and b equal to the Radius Sterling, in his Treatiſe aforeſaid, of the Baſe. of the Baſe. See ſomething of this given an infance or two of finding in a French Treatiſe entitled Re- cherches a 3 y, to аа is per- : to L OG LOG cherches ſur les courbes a double broken) of a given Number, yet Courbure. ſuch Indexes or Exponents, that the LOdgment of an Attack, is a ſeveral Powers or Roots they expreſs Work caft up by the Beſiegers, dur- are the natural Numbers. 1, 2, 3, 4, ing their Approaches in a dange-5, &c. 10 or 100000, &c. rous Poſt, where it is abſolutely ne. (as if the given Number be 10, and ceſſary to ſecure themſelves againſt its Index be aſſumed 1,0000000, the Enemy's Fire ; as in a Cover'd- then the 0,0000000 Root of 10, Way, in a Breach, in the bottom of which is i, will be the Logarithni a Moat, or elſewhere. This Lodg- of 1; the 0,301036 Root of 10, ment conſiſts of all the Materials which is 2, will be the Logarithm that are capable to make Reſiſtance; of 2. the 0,477121 Root of 10, viz. Barrels and Gabions of Earth, which is 3, will be the Logarithm Paliſadoes, Woolpacks, Mantelets, of 3; the 0,61'2060 Root of 10, Faggots, &c. the Logarithm of 4. the 1,041393 LOG-Line, is one to which the Power of 10 the Logarithm of 11 ; Log is faſten'd, which is wound the 1,079181 Power of 10 the Low about a Reel for that purpoſe, fixed garithm of 12 ; and ſo on,) being in the Gallery of the ship. This chiefly contrived for the Eafe and Line, for about to Fathom from Expedition of performing Arithme- the Log, hath, or ought to have tical Operations in large Numbers, no Knots or Diviſions ; becauſe pointing out the Product of two ſo much ſhould be allowed for the Numbers by the Addition of their Log's being clear out of the Eddy Logarithms, the Quotient of their of the Ship’s Wake before they Diviſion by the Subitraction of their turn up the Glaſs; but then the Logarithms, and the Powers and Knots or Diviſions begin, and Roots by the Doubling, Tripling, ought to be at leaft 50 Foot from &c. Halving, Trifecting, &c. the one another ; tho' the common er: Logarithms; and founded upon this roneous Practice at Sea is to have conſideration, that if there be any them but ſeven Fathom, or 42 Foot Row of geometrical proportional diſtance. Numbers, as 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, Tho' this at beſt be but a preca- 128, 256, &c. or 1, 10, 100, 1000, rious way, 'tis however the moſt 10000, &*c. and as many Arithme- exact of any in uſe, and much bet- tical Progreſfional Numbers adapted ter than that of the Spaniards and to them, or ſet over them, begin- Portugueſe, who gueſſed at the Ship's 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Way by the running of the Froth ning with o, thus, 1,2,4,8, 16, 32, or Water by the Ship’s fide; or than that of the Dutch, who uſed to 6, 7, &c. 0, 1, 2, 32 1, 10, 100, 1000, heave over a Chip into the Sea, and ſo to number how many Paces they 4, Eoc. then will the Sum of could walk on the Deck, while the 10000, &c. Chip fwam or paſſed between any any two of thoſe Arithmetical Pro- two Marks or Bolt-Heads on the greſſionals added together be that fide. Arithmetical Progreffional, which LOGARITHMS, are the Indexes anſwers to, or ftuds over che Geo- or Exponents, (moſtly whole Num- metrical Progreílnai, being the bers and decimal Fractions, con- Product of the Multiplication of fiſting of 7 Places of Figures at thoſe two Geometrical Prozreiliunals leaft) of the Powers or Roots (chiefly under which the tivo aífum'd A- Y 2' fithmecical or 64, 128, c. LOG L OG rithmetical Progreſſionals ſtand ; of the Nature of a Ratio, and denies and if thoſe Arithinedical Progreſ- it to be any manner of Quantity.) fionals be ſubtracted from each o- thoſe Gentlemen's Definitions muſt ther, the Remainder will be the A- be either Nonſenſe, or very near it. rithmetical Progreſſional ſtanding The firſt Makers of the Loga- over that Geometrical Progreſſional rithms had a very laborious and which is the Quotient of the Divi- difficult Talk to perform ; they firſt fion of the two Geometrical Progreſ- made choice of their Scale or Sy- fionals belonging to the two firſt ſtem of Logarithms, that is, what aſſumed Arithmetical Progreſſionals, Sett of Arithmetical Progreſſionals and the Double, Triple, &c. of any ſhould anſwer to ſuch a set of Geo- one of the Arithmetical Progreſſio- metrical ones, for this is entirely nals, will be the Arithmetical Pro- arbitrary; and for ſome Reaſons greſſional ſtanding over the Square, the Decuple Geometrical Progreſ- Cube, c. of that Geometrical fionals, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, Progreſſional, which the aſſum'd A. &C. and the Arithmetical one, rithmetical Progreſional ſtands over ; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. or 0,000000; as well as the Ž, j, &c. of that A. 1,000000; 2,000000 ; 3,000000; rithmetical Progreſſional, will be the 4,000COO, &c. was thought moſt Geometrical Progreſſional anſwering convenient. After this they were to to the Square Root, Cube Root, get the Logarithms of all the inter- &c. of the Arithmetical Progreſ- mediate Numbers between 1 and fional over it ; and from hence a- 10, 10 and 100, 100 and 1000, riſes the following common, tho' 1000 and 10900, &c. Hic Labor lame and imperfect Definition of hoc Opus fuit. But firſt of all they Logarithms, viz. that they are ſo ma were to get the Logarithms of the ny Arithmetical Progreſionals an- prime Numbers 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, Jwering to the ſame Number of Geo. 19, 23, &c. and when theſe were metrical ones. Whereas if any one once had, it was eaſy to get thoſe looks into the Tables of Logarithms, of the Compound Numbers made he will find that theſe do not at all up of the prime ones, by the Ad. run on in an Arithmetical Progreſ- dition or Subtraction of their Lo- fion, nor the Numbers they anſwer garithms. to in a Geometrcial one. Theſe laft In order to this, they found a being themſelves Arithmetical Pro- mean Proportional between 1 and 10, and its Logarithm will be { that Dr. Wallis, in his Hiſtory of Al- of 10; and ſo given, then they a- gebra, calls Logarithms the Indexes gain found a mean Proportional be of the Ratio's of Numbers to one tween the Number firit found and another.- Dr. Halley, in the Phi- Unity, which Mean will be nearer loſophical Tranſactions, Nº 216. ſays, to i than that before, and its Loga- they are the Exponents of the Ra- rithm will be of the former Loga- tio's of Unity to Numbers.-- So rithm, or of that of 10 ; and alſo Mr. Cotes, in his Harmonia having in this manner continually Menſurarum, ſays, they are the found a mean Proportional between Numerical Meaſures of Ratio's; but i and the laſt mean, and biffected all theſe convey but a very confuſed the Logarithms, they at length, Notion of Logarithms. Nay, if what after finding 54 ſuch means, came the great Dr. Barrow ſays, in one to a Number 1,000000000000000 of his Mathematical Lectures, be 1278191493200323442 ſo near to admitted for Truth, (where he treats i as not to differ from it ſo much t greſſionals. as samantha 1 LOG LOG as totoo. 0.000006 Part, and garithm of 3. So alſo having found found its Logarithm to be 0,0000 the Logarithms of 13, 17, and 19, 0000000000005551115123125782 and alſo of 23 and 29, they did 702, and, 0000000000000001 278 eaſily get thoſe of all the Numbers 1914932003235 to be the Difference between 10 and 30, by Addition whereby i exceeds the Number of and Subtraction only ; and ſo hav. Roots or mean Proportionals found ing found the Logarithms of other by Extraction, and then by means prime Numbers, they got thoſe of of theſe Numbers they found the the Numbers compounded of them. Logarithms of any other Numbers But ſince the way above hinted whatſoever, and that after the fol- at, for finding the Logarithms of lowing manner: Between a given the prime Numbers is ſo intolerably Number whoſe Logarithm is want- laborious and troubleſome, the more ed and 1, they found a mean Pro- ſkilful Mathematicians that came portional as above, until at length after the firſt Inventors, employing a Number (mix'd) be found, ſuch a their Thoughts about abbreviating ſmall Matter above I, as to have i the thing, had a vaſtly more eaſy and 15 Cyphers after it, which are and ſhort way offer'd to them from followed by the ſame Number of the Contemplation and Menſura- fignificant Figures ; then they faid, tion of hyperbolic Spaces contained as the laſt Number mentioned above between the Portions of an A- is to the mean Proportional thus fymptote, Right Lines perpendicu- found, ſo is the Logarithm above, lar to it, and the Curve of the Hy- viz. 0, 0000000000000000555111 perbola : For if ECN be an 5123125782702 to the Logarithm Hyperbola, and AD, AQ the A- of the mean Proportional Number ſuch a ſmall Matter exceeding 1, as E D but now mentioned ; and this Lo- garithm being as often doubled as the Number of mean Proportionals (form'd to get that Number) will be the Logarithm of the given Number.. And this was the me- M N thod that Mr. Briggs took, to make the Logarithms. But if they are A B P to be made to only ſeven Places of Figures, which are enough for com- fymptotes, and 'AB, AP, AQ, &c. mon Uſe, they had only occaſion taken upon one of them be repre- for to find 25 mean Proportionals, ſented by Numbers, and the Ordinates or, which is the ſame thing, to ex BC, PM, QN, &c. be drawn from th Root of io. the ſeveral Points B, P, Q, ETC. to Now having the Logarithms of 3, the Curve, then will the Quadri- 5, and 7, they eaſily got thoſe of line Spaces BCMP, PMNO, &c. 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9; for ſince 2, viz. Their Numerical Meaſures, be the Logarithm of 2 will be the the Logarithms of the Quotients of Difference of the Logarithms of 10 the Diviſion of AB by AP; AP by and 5; the Logarithm of 4, will AQ,&c. Since when AB, AP,AQ, be two times the Logarithm of 2 ; &care continual Proportionals, the the Logarithm of 6, will be two ſaid Spaces are equal, as is demon- times the Logarithm of 3 ; and the ftrated by ſeveral Writers concerning Logarithm of 9, three times the Lo- Conic Sections. Amongit which, fee C . tract the 35557777 7 Y 3 2 L OG L OG ſee the Quadrature of the Circle, by N and C by a Right Line, which Gregory St. Vincent; and the Mar- continue out Book-ways quis de la Hoſpital's Conic Sections ; the Aſymptotes in R and S. Alſo which likewiſe may be briefly de- join NM, MC, draw the Tangent monſtrated thus : Join the Points TMV thro' M, and draw the to meet S V Z * M N R QT P B A the Right Line AMŽ cutting NS the Hyperbolic Segments NMN; in Z. Now fince (by Suppofition) MCM equal. Wherefore at length AP: AB :: AQ: AP; therefore the Trapezium Q NMP Seg- (dividendo) AP-AB:AQ – AP:: ment NMN is = Trapezium AB: AP. But ſince (by the Na- PMCB - Segment MCM; that ture of the Curve) AB : AP :: is, the Hyperbolic Spaces QNMP, PM : BC; therefore AP-AB: PMCB are equal. AQ-AP :: PM : BC. Again This may be demonſtrated without PM: ON :: BC :PM. and ſo conſidering any one Property of the (componendo) PM +ON: BC+ Hyperbola, except that of the Rect- P.M :: PM : BC. But lince (before) angles AB > BC, AP PM, AQ * APAB : AQAP :: PM : BC; QN,&c. being equal to one another; therefore AP-AB : AQ-AP :: for ſuppoſe BC to be a given Or- PM+NQ : BC + PM. And ſo dinate, and let an infinite Number PM+NQX QP= BCPM of Ordinates ab,. cd, PM, ef, gb, x PB, and the half of the one e- qual to the half of the other; that is, the right - lin'd Trapeziums QNMP, PMCB are equal. Again, ſince (by Nat. Curve) TP- AP and R Q = AB, and BC : PM :: PM : ON (by Sup.) and AP: AB :: BC PM; therefore TP (AP): PM :: RQ (AB) : QN. B Wherefore the Triangles RN, A ac Pry Q TMP are ſimilar ; and ſo the Right Line RS is parallel to the QN, &c. be drawn parallel to it Tangent TV. Conſequently NC from the Points a, c, P, e, g, h, 0. will be an Ordinate to the Diameter infinitely near to each other, and AZ, and NZ=ZC, and the right- all deſcending in a continual geo- lin'd Triangle NZM=ZCM, and metrical Progreflion; then will Ba, duith N ас, to 5 Den 2 X3 ita 1 2 + 3 1 TŐ I LOG L OG ac, cP, Pe, eg, &Q, & c. be con- +*5*, &c. and taking the Fluents, tinual Geometrical Progreſſionals ; we ſhall have the Area AFDB and ſo all the little Rectangles CB # 3 8:4 x Ba, ab x ac, cd xcP, PM X + + Pes efxeg, g h * g Q, &c. will &c. and the Area AFáb =*+ 3 4 5 be equal to one another; and any Number B M of them will be equal + to the ſame Number PN of them : + &c. and 3 4 that is, fince the hyperbolic Space 2x3 BN differs but by an infinitely ſmall the Sum bd DB = 2*+ Quantity from the Sum of all ſuch little Rectangles, the hyperbolic ***+ **?+ 5*9, Sc. Now if AB or Ab be Space B CMP will be equal to the being = 0.9. and CB=1.1. x Cb hyperbolic Space PMNQ: Having putting this Value x the E- by thus ſhewn that theſe hyperbolic quations above, we ſhall have the Spaces numerically expreſſed may Area bd DB=0.200670695462151 be taken for Logarithms, I think it for the Terms of the Series will may not be amiſs to fhew a ſhort Spe- ftand as you ſee in this Table. cimen from our great Sir Iſaac New- ton, of the Method how to meaſure 0.2000000000000000ift theſe Spaces, and conſequently how 6666666666666= 2d the Logarithms may be conftructed. 40000000000= 3d Term Let CA=AF be = 1, and ABS 285714286=4th Softhe 2222222=5th Series Ab=x; .then will tx be=BD, 181826th 1547th and 5=bd; and putting theſe I=8th j 0.2006706954621511. Expreſſions into Series's, it will be If the Parts Ad, and A D of this Area be added ſeparately, and the lefſer DA be taken from the greater dA, we ſhall have Ad-AD=x?t 28 E c. D 3 0. 0100503358535014. for the SI Terms reduced to Decimals will ſtand thus : С ВА В PGP 0.0100000000000000 5000000000CO 3333333333 itx=1-***-x3+x+~**, 25000000 Gc.and ==i+********** 1667 14 +*5, &c. and x x itx 0.0100503358535014 **?3-433-*5*, &c. and Now if this Difference of the Sit********** **** Areas be added to and ſubtracted Y 4 from 74 4 go +* F 1 2 4 HQ 1 200000 ܀ L OG L OG + 1 1.2 X 2 0.8 1.2 2X2 0.8 I 10 X 100 1000 : = 13, and from their Sum before found, half (that is, inſiſting upon the Parts of theAggregateo.105360515.6578263 the Abſciſs 1.2, 0.8, and 1.27 0.9) will be the greater Area Ad, and will be the Area A FHG when half the Remainder 0.09531017980 43248 will be the leſſer Area AD. CG is 2. Alſo ſince By the fame Tables theſe Areas AD and Ad will be obtain'd alſo =3. the Sum 1.0986122886681097 when AB= Ab are ſuppoſed to be Too or CB=1.01, and cb= of the Areas belonging to and 0.8 0.99. if the Numbers are but duely transferred to lower Places, as 2, will be the Area AFGH, when CG=3. Again fince 0.0200000000000000 5. 6666666666 and 2x5=10; by a due Addi- 400000 tion of Areas will be obtain'd 28 1.6093379124341004 = AFHG, Sum 0.0200006667066695=6D when CG=S. and 2.032585092 9940457 = AFHG, when C'G 0.0001000000000000 10; and ſince 10x10=100; and and 50000000 3333 V 5*10*0.98 =7, and 10 X 1.1 1000 X 1.091 0.00010000 50003333=Ad-AD ll, and 7 XII Half the Aggregate o 0100503358 1000 X 0 998 535014 = Ad, and half the Re- = 499; it is plain mainder 0.0099503308531681 = AD. that the Area AFHG may be And ſo putting AB=Abobo, found by the Compoſition of the or CB =1.001, and C 6 Areas found before when CG=100, there will be obtain'd Ad = 1000, or any other of the Numbers 0.00100050003335835, and AD= above mentioned ; and all theſe A- 0.00099950013330835. reas are the Hyperbolic Logarithms After the ſame manner, if AB= of thoſe ſeveral Numbers. Ab be 0.2, or 0.02, or 0.002 ; Having thus obtained the Hyper. theſe Areas will ariſe, bolic Logarithms of the Numbers Ad= 0.2231435513142097, and 10,0,98, 0.99, 1.01, 1.02, which AD = 0.1823215576939546, or may be done in about an Hour or Ad = 0.0202027073175194, and two's time. If the Logarithms of AD = 0 1098026272961797, or the four laſt of them be divided Ad= 0.002002, and AD0001. by the Hyperbolic Logarithm From theſe Areas thus found, o- 2.3025850929940457 of 1o, and the Index 2 be added, or which is thers may be eaſily had from Addi- the ſame thing, if it be multiplied by tion and Subtraction only. For its Reciprocal 0.4342944819032518, we ſhall have the true Tabular Lo- Gnce 08 = 2, the Sum of garithms of 89, 99, 100, 101, 102. the Areas 0.6931471805599453 be- Intervals, and then we ſhall have Theſe are to be interpolated by ten longing to the Ratio's and the Logarithms of all the Numbers 0.8 0.9 between 980 and 1020 ; and all be- tween 2 and Cb0.999, 1.2 1.2 Х 09 I 2 1.2 1 + I 2123, TO 4- + 2 100I 102 6-17; = 23 29; + 72 2n + + 3 x3 3 exs 5 = 43; + 21 n LOG L OG tween 980 and 1090, being again dx d x3 interpolated by ten Intervals, the 2 &c. to the Loga- Table will be as it were conſtructed; rithm of the leffer Number ; for if then from theſe we are to get the Logarithms of all the prime Num- CG, CP, and the Ordinates psy the Numbers are repreſented by Cp bers and their Multiples leſs than PQ be raiſed ; if n be wrote for 100, which may be done by Ad- CG, and x for GP or Gp, the dition and Subtraction only. For Area ps QP or ** + 84 X 1020 V8 x 9963 = 2; 272 9945 x3 984 EG c. will be to the Area =3;=5; V 98 98=7; P=N; =7;=uHG, as the Difference between the Logarithms of the extreme 988 Numbers, or 2 d, is to the Diffe- 13 ; 7X1T 6 4x13 rence between the Logarithms of 9936 986 the lefſer, and of the middle onet - 19; ; which therefore will be 16 X 27 2x17 dx dx² dx3 992 999 c. 31; 37 ; 32 27 3n 984 989 987 EC. 24 41 ; 23 32 5% 9911 9991 dx da3 = 53; =dx + + E°C. the 17 13X13 9882 9949 dx 59; =61; two firſt Terms d+ of this 2 X 81 3 * 49 994 9928 Series, being ſufficient for the Con- - 67 ; 71 ; 14 = 73 ; ftruction of a Canon of Logarithms, 8x17 even to 14 Places of Figures, pro- 9954 = 79 ; =83; vided the Number whoſe Logarithm is to be found be leſs than 1000, 9894 which cannot be very troubleſome, 98; 97 ; and thus 6x17 becauſe x is either 1 or 2, yet it is having the Logarithms of all the not neceſſary to interpolate all the Numbers leſs than 100, you Places by help of this Rule, ſince have nothing to do but interpolate them the Logarithms of Numbers which ſeveral times thro' ten Intervals, are produced by the Multiplication Now the void Places may be filled or Diviſion of the Number laſt up by the following Theorem. Let found, may be obtain'd by the n be a Number, whoſe Logarithm had before by the Addition or Sub- Numbers whoſe Logarithms were is wanted ; let x be the Difference between that and the two neareft traction of their Logarithms. More- over, by the Difference of their Lo. Numbers, equally diſtant on each fide, whoſe Logarithms are already garithms and by their ſecond and fide, whoſe Logarithms are already third Differences, if neceſſary, the void Places may be ſupplied more rence of their Logarithms; then the requird Logarithm of the Num- expeditiouſly; the Rule aforegoing ber n will be had by adding dt being to be applied only where the Con. = 47 i 2 12 I 2n II X 21 996 9968 7 x 18 I 2 7x16 LOG LOG i XX 2M 22 Zz Continuation of ſome full Places is of the Number %. If the Number wanted, in order to obtain theſe Dif. exceeds 1000, the firſt Term of ferences. 7 By the ſame Method Rules may the Series, viz. is ſufficient to 4* be found for the Intercalation of Logarithms, when of three Num- get the Logarithm to 13 or 14 Pla- bers the Logarithm of the leſſer and ces of Figures, and the ſecond Term of the middle Number are given, or will give the logarithm to 20 Pla- of the middle Number and the ces; and if x be greater than 10000, greater; and this altho' the Num- the firſt Term will exhibit the Los bers ſhould not be in Arithmetical garithm to 18 Places of Figures. Progreſſion. Alſo by purſuing the This Series is eaſily found out and Steps of this Method, Rules may be deduced from the Confideration of eaſily diſcovered for the Conſtruc- the Hyperbolic Spaces aforeſaid. tion of the Tables of artificial Sines Mr. Cotes, in his Harmon. Menſur. and Tangents, without the Help of at the Beginning ſays, if the Sum of the natural Tables. Thus far the two Numbers be į and their Dif. great Newton, who ſays, in one of ference x, and you ſuppoſe M= bis Letters to Mr. Leibnitz, that 0,434294481903,&c. viz. theValue he was ſo much delighted with the of the Subtangent of the Logarith- Conſtruction of Logarithms, at mic Curve, to which Briggs's Loga- his firſt ſetting out in thoſe Studies, rithms are adapted, and you take that be was aſhamed to tell to how many Places of Figures he had car -=A, A B, B =C ried them at that time; and this was before the Year 1666, becauſe, C ED, &c. then will the Lo- (ſays he) the Plague made him lay aſide thoſe Studies, and think of o- garithm of the Quotient of the Di- ther things. viſion of the grealer by the leſs be Dr. Keil, in his Little Traft of = A + B + C + D, &c. So Logarithms, at the end of his Como that to find the Logarithms of 'the mandine's Euclid, has given the fole prime Numbers 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, lowing uſeful Series for finding the &c. you need but find the Product Logarithms of great Numbers. Let of the two Numbers deficient from x be an odd Number, whoſe Loga- either of them by 1, and exceeding rithm is wanted ; the Numbers it by 1, which will always exceed tai and xti will be even, and that Product by 1; then to the Low ſo their Logarithms will be had, garithm of the Quotient of the Di. and the Difference of theſe Loga- viſion of that Square by the ſaid rithms which call y; alſo there is Product, found by the Rule but now given the Logarithm of a Number, expreſſed, add the Logarithm of which is a Geometrical Mean be that Product, which is always made tween x~I and xtı, viz. equal up of the given Logarithms of the to į the Sum of the Logarithms. prime Numbers, being leſs than the given prime Number, and the Sum. Then the Series y x will be the Logarithm of the pro- f 44 24x3 poſed given Number. Mr. Mercators Logarit notechnia, 7 13 + + ſet forth An. 1668, was the first public 2520039 Treatiſe of the Conſruction of Lo- &c. will be equal to the Logarithm garithms by the Hyper bola, that is, by 2% 1 1 +360xs 181 15120x7 1 L OG L OG by help of infinite Series's, nearly Doctor in his Logarithmical Do- expreſſing the Afymptotical Hyper- ctrine ; all which are entirely a- bolic Spaces in Number. And after voided, and the whole feems clear him Dr. Gregory, and others did to any Arithmetician and Geome- the ſame thing ; but no one has trician of the leaſt Capacity from ſhewn how to perform the Buſineſs the Confideration of the Hyperbola, ſo perſpicuous and elegant as Sir as above-mentioned. Ifaac, as will eaſily appear upon Mr. Cotes too, at the Beginning comparing his Way above mention- of his Harmon. Menfur. has done ed with any other extant. Dr. this Buſineſs in imitation of Dr. Halley too, (in Tranſ. Philos. Nº Halley, altho' more ſhort, yet with 216.) has given their Nature and the fame Obſcurity: for I appeal to Conitruction (after a fort) without any one, even of his greateſt Ad- any mention of the Hyperbola ; cho' mirers, if they know what he would it is evident, that all the while he be at in his firſt Problem, viz. to had the Hyperbola and the Menfu- find the Meaſure of a Ratio from ration of the aſymptotical Spaces the Terms of the Problem itſelf, under Conſideration; but rather than (which ſhould always be done) with- exprefly mention them, becauſe he out having firſt known ſomething of will not uſe Geometrical Figures in the matter from other Principles, as an Affair purely Arithmetical (as Mr. the Hyperbola, &c. Jones, in his Synopſis, ſays) he per The Lord Naper, a Scotch Baron, plexes and ſtrains his Reader's Ima was the firſt who found out Loga- gination with ſeveral almoſt unintel- rithms, having publiſh'a at Edin- ligible Ways of Expreſſion ; ſuch as burgh, Anno 1614. Tables of Lo- an infinite Number n of equal Ratio's garithmic Sines and Tangents for or Ratiunculæ, in a continued Scale of the Uſe of Trigonometry, in a Proportions between the two Terms. Treatiſe, entitled Canon Mirificum Logarithmorum, computing them to of any Ratio, as i and i+xor its". every Degree and Minute, and mak- Then it will be the firſt Mean or ing the Logarithm of the Radius o ; Root of the infinite Power it*"; fo that as the Logarithm of the and let x (ſays he) be a Ratiuncula șines increaſe, the Sines themſelves or Fluxion of the Ratio of 1 to itx. decreaſe, and thoſe of the Sines and -We may value Ratio's by the Num- Tangents greater than the Radius, ber of Ratiuncula contain'd in each. are defective or leſs than o. Ản infinite Number of Means may fally allow'd to be the firſt Inventor Altho' the Lord Naper is univer- be 'taken between the Terms of any of the Logarithms, yet Mr. Wolfe, Ratio, provided the ſame Proportion in his Lexicon Mathem. fays, that be every where obſervd. And thoſe Ratiunculæ being hitherto confider's Kepler in his Rudolphin Tables (chap as having the ſame Magnitude in all 3. p.!!.) mentions one Job Byrge, Ratio's, the Logarithms of Ratio's Years before their Publication by as having the Logarithms ſeveral are as the Number of Ratiunculæ con- tain'd between their Terms; and the Lord Naper, and complains of therefore the Logarithm of any Num- him that he was Hominem cunctato- ber is found by taking the Difference rem & fecretorum fuorum Cuftodem, between Unity and the infinite Root qui Fætum in Partu deßituit, non ad of that Number, &c. There and re- U ſus publicos educavit. But to ſeveral other are the unintelligible, turn to the Lord Naper ; afterwards or at least obſcure Expreſſions of the he thought of a more convenient Form LOG L OG Form of them; and having com- bers to which the Logarithms are municated his Deſign to Mr. Henry fitted, only run from 1 to 1000, Briggs, the Savilian Profeſſor of which may be ſufficient for many Geometry at Oxford ; theſe two Caſes.-But amongſt thoſe,Sherwin's jointly undertook the bringing of Tables of Logarithms, firſt publiſh- Logarithms into a more conveniented at London, Anno 1705, are much Form ; but the Lord Naper dying the beſt. In theſe you have the before they had done, the whole Logarithms of all Numbers from 1 Burthen remaining was laid upon to 101000, conſiſting of ſeven Places Mr. Briggs's Shoulders, who, with of Figures, with the Differences of prodigious Labour, and great Skill, the Logarithms and the proportio- made a Canon of Logarithms, ac- nal Parts ſet againſt them, by means cording to that new Form, for the of which may be eaſily found the Numbers from 1 to 20000, and Logarithm of any Number from I from 90000 to 101000, to 14 to 10000000 ; ſo far, to wit, as Places of Figures, which was pub- theſe Logarithms are expreſſed by liſhed at London, Anno 1624. only feven Places of Figures. You This Canon was again publiſhed have alſo the Logarithms of the in Holland, by Adrian Vlaque, Anno Sines, Tangents, Secants, &c. to 1628. but filled up with the Loga- every Minute, and other uſeful rithms of thoſe Numbers omitted Tables, by Mr. Briggs; but theſe Logarithms As the Hyperbolic Logarithm of are continued to but 10 Places of 10 is to Briggs's Logarithm of 10, Figures. Mr. Briggs alſo computed ſo is the Hyperbolic Logarithm of the Logarithms of the Sines and any Number to Briggs's Logarithm Tangents to every Degree, and too of that ſame Number ; and if I be Part of a Degree to 15 Places of the Hyperbolic Logarithm of any Figures, to which he ſubjoined the Number greater than 1, then will it natural 'Sines, Tangents, and Sccants, 12 13 14 'which he had before computed to + 6+24, &c. be that 15 Places of Figures. And theſe Tables, together with a Treatiſe of Number ; but if leſs, it will be I- their Conſtruction and Uſe, was pub- IL 13 14 + + 7 liſhed at London, Anno 1633. after Egc. Theſe 24' Mr. Briggs's Death by Henry Gele- Series's are Sir Iſaac Newton's, and brand, under the Title of Trigono- may be ſeen in his laſt Letter to metria Britannica.- Benjamin Ur- Mr. Leibnitz.-If an artificial Tan- finus, in his Trigonometry, has given gent of any Arch a be t, and the us a Canon of Logarithms to e- artificial Secant s, and the whole very 10 Seconds. And Mr. Wolfe, Quadrant 9, and r the Radius ; then in his Mathematical Lexicon, ſays, а? аб that one Van Lofer had computed will s be = them to every ſingle Second ; but 1273 his untimely Death prevented their 17a8 62a'o Publication. Within this 60 Years + Eg c. and 2520r? 28350rº there have been publiſh'd many com- pendious Tables of Logarithms of (ſuppoſe 2a-q=et=et 6r + Numbers, Sines and Tangents, par- es 61 e? ticularly at the Ends of Books of + Navigation, conſiſting of only ſeven 24m+ 504070 Places of Figures, where the Num- & c. And if the artificial Secant of 459 I 2 I 2 st at + + 4575 + 03 + 27709 72576 78, 413 322 724 3r3 14.15 374 452 26 45 rs , wo 13 67 + 2779 + 725768, c. But here it muſt LOG LOG 45° bes, and stl be any ar- 3. Whence there may be fuppo- tificial Secant, then will its Arch be fed infinite Kinds of Logarithmic 12 Curves, if ** : 2 :: ly : Izl; 19ti- + Since the Ordinates pm continually decreaſe, while the Ratio of A N to &c. and 2a9 pm continually increaſes with the Abfciffa, the Curve continually ac- t5 6177 cedes to the Axis AX; but will 2474 5040 76 never meet it, and fo AX is an A. fymptote to the Curve. From the Definition of the Lo- be obſerved that the artificial Radius to find Points thro’ which it is to be obſerved that the artificial Radius garithmetical Curve, it appears how is o, and when q is greater than 2a, paſs, which may be done too by or the artificial Secant of 24° is greater than the given Secant, the means of the Tables of Logarithms. Signs are to be changed. Theſe an invariable Right Line. The in- The Subtangent of the Curve is Series's are Dr. James Gregory's, finite Space contain'd under the A- fent Anno 1670 to Mr. Collins. fymptote AX, the Curve NM in- LOGARITHMIC CURVB. If the finitely continued towards M, and Right Line AX be divided into any the Ordinate AN is equal to the Number of equal Parts, and if in Rectangle under A N and the Sub. the Points of Diviſion A, P, R, SC tangent. Any Part NM of the be joined the Right Lines AN,PM, Curve is rectifiable by means of the pm, &c. continually proportional Subtangent ; for if PM be y, and and parallel ; the Points N, M, m, the Subtangent a, the Fluxion of Eg c. will be in the Curve called the Logarithmic Curve. an ithe Abfcilices A P, AJ, &c. the Part N M will be v staa, are the Logarithms of the Ordi. And the Fluent of this may be had nates PM, pm, &c. by means of the Curve and Sub, Whence if AP=x, Ap=v, tangent. See Mr. Cotes's Harmonia. PM=y, pm=%, and the Loga Sir Iſaac Newton, in the ſecond rithms of jy and z=ly, and l%; Book of his Princip. demonſtrates that a Projectile deſcribes this Curve A N when moving in a Medium, whoſe Reſiſtance is as the Velocity of a р M Body moving in it.- Concerning this Curve, ſee Mr. Huygens's Dif- cours ſur la cauſe de Pefanteur, pag. P 176. and Guido Grando's Demonſtra- tio Theorematum Huygenianorum circa In P Р Logiſticam feu Logarithmicam Line- am; as alſo Mr. Bernoulli's Diſcourſe in the A&ta Eruditorum, Anno 1696, then *ly and v=lzs, and ſo LOGARITHMIC SPIRAL. If the *: 0 :: 1yilz, that is, the Deno- Quadrant of a Circle ANB be di- minators of the Ratio's of AN to vided into any Number of equal PM, and AN to pm, are to one Parts in the Points N, n, n, &c. and other as the Abſciſſa's AP, AP, from the Radii CN, C1, Cn, &c. be 2. in X pag. 216. A 1 LOG L ON 772 be cut off CM, Cm, Cm, &c. con cation and Diviſion is ſaved, he tinual Proportionals, the Points M, calls Logiſtical Arithmetic. Though m, m, &c. will be in the Logarith- fome, by mic Spiral. "Whence the Arches LOGISTICS, will underſtand the AN, N n, nn, &c. are the Loga- firſt general Rules in Algebra, of sithms of the Ordinates CM, Cm, Addition, Subtractions, &c. &c. and there may be imagined an LOGISTIC SPIRAL. See Loga- rithmic Spiral. А N LOGISTICAL Line, is that which is otherwiſe called the Loo M P n garithmic Line, where the Ordinates apply'd at equal Parts of the Axis are in geometrical Proportion. 72 P in LONGIMETRY, the Art of mea- furing Lengths or Diſtances, or to p take the Diltance of Trees, Steeples, or Towers, &c. either one, or ma- C ny together; for which purpoſe the B Theodolite is reckoned to be the beſt infinite Number of different Curves Inſtrument. of this kind. LONGITUDE of a Place, is an Dr: Halley, in the Philoſophical Arch of the Equator intercepted Tranſactions, has happily apply'd between the Meridian of that Place, this Curve to the Diviſion of the and the firſt Meridian and the firſt Meridian ; or 'tis more Meridian Line in Mercator's Chart. truly the Difference, either Eaſt or See alſo Mr. Cotes's Harmonia, Welt, between the Meridians of any Guido Grando's Demonſtratio Theore two Places, counted on the E- matum Huygenianorum ; the Asta E. quator. ruditorum, An. 1691. p. 282, and LONGITUDE in the Heavens, is foll. an Arch of the Ecliptic, counted LOGISTICAL ARITHMETIC, from the Beginning of Aries, to the was formerly the Arithmetic of ſexa- Place where a Star's Circle of geſimal Fractions, and uſed by A- Longitude croffes. the Ecliptic ; fo Itronomers in their Calculations. I that "ris much the ſame as the Star's ſuppoſe it was ſo called from a Place in the Ecliptic, reckoned from Greek Treatiſe of one Barlaamus, a the Beginning of Aries. Monk, who wrote about Sexage LONGITUDE of the Sun or Star fimal Multiplication very accurate- from the next Equinoctial Point, is. ly, and entitled his Book Logiſtice. the Number of Degrees and Mi- This Author Volius, in his Books nutes they are from the Beginning de Scientiis Mathematicis, places a of fries or Libra, either before or bout the Year 1350, but miſtakes after them, which can never be it for a Treatiſe of Algebra. more than 180 Degrees. Thus alſo Shackerly, in his Ta LONGITUDE, in Dialling. The bula Britannicæ, hath a Table of Arch of the Equinoctial intercepted Logarithms adapted to Sexagefimal between the ſubſtilar Line of the Fractions, which therefore he calls Dial and the true Meridian,' is called Logiſtical Logarithms ; and the ex the Plane's Difference of Longitude. peditious Arithmetic of them, which LONGITUDE, in Navigation, is is by this means obtained, and by alſo the Diſtance of one Ship or which all the Trouble of Multipli- Place, Eaſt or Weſt from another, (counted LON LON (counted in proper Degrees;) but 2. Others being fully ſatisfied of of in Leagues or Miles, or Degrees the Impracticableneſs of the Method of the Meridian, and not in thoſe of Eclipſes for finding the Longi- proper to the Parallel of Latitude, tude at Sea, have thought of doing it is commonly called Departure. it by a Clock or Watch: Which 1. Several ways have been thought indeed, if it could be made to go of to find the Longitude at Sea; right all the time of a long Voyage, the great Deſideratum of the Art of would give the Longitude at any Navigation, for doing of which time, when the true Hour of the ample Rewards have been promiſed Day or Night could be had under by ſeveral Nations ; as by the E. any Meridian, or in any Place of clipſe of the Moon, her Tranſit o the Earth: For the Clock going ver, or Appulſe to any eminent true for the Meridian it was firſt fet fixed Star; the Eclipſes of Jupiter's at, will ſhew the true Hour of the Satellites, &c. which are all true Day or Night under any Meridian, in Theory, and may be practiſed a or in any Place of the Earth; and fhore with the greateſt exactneſs. then the true Hour being found by For the time of any one of theſe the Sun or Stars in the place where Phænomena being truly calculated the Ship is, the Difference between for the Meridian of London (ſuppoſe, that and the Clock's Hour will be or any other ;) and Tables may be the Difference of the Meridian in eaſily made of all of them, which Time, or Longitude in Degrees. the Navigator may carry to Sea 3. But it is not eaſy to make with him. If then he could but ſuch a Movement, as will keep go- obſerve the time of the Eclipſe or ing in, all Weathers, and all Cli- Tranſit at Sea with accurate exact mates truely, eſpecially in ſome of neſs, the Difference of Time of the the Southern ones, where the Dews Eclipſe happening to him ſooner or are ſo great as to ruft the Parts of later than at London, would give it ; and ſo retard, if not ſtop its him the exact Longitude of the Motion. Place of the Ship, either Eaſt or 4. Another Inconveniency is, that Weſt from the Meridian of London : in different Latitudes the Hours But the misfortune is, ſuch an Ob- ſhewn by the Clock, will be diffe- ſervation of an Eclipſe, and the rent from thoſe ſhewn by it for che exact Time of the Immerſion, or E- Latitude to which it is fitted merfion of the deficient Body into, a Clock at London made to thew or out of the Shadow, is not to be the Time there, when carried under made without Teleſcopes of ſuch a the Equinoctial, will go too flow by length, as the Motion of the Ship 2 or 3 Minutes, and the Law of will not permit to be uſed at Sea : the Retardation as you go South- Tho' by the by, if Ships were fent wards is not yet well known. with good Inſtruments, and Men 5. Notwithſtanding this, Mr. that know how to uſe them, to do Hluygens in his excellent Horolovium this at all the Capes and Head- Oſcillatorium, mentions two Clocks lands of the World, it would be a that were formerly made by his thing of the greateſt uſe; and by Directions there laid down, being fettling the Longitude of all thoſe carried to Sea in an Engliſh Ship, Places, would cut all long Voyages in company with three other Ships, into many ſhort ones, and afford which very much affifted the Cap- means of continually rectifying the tain to judge of the true Place of Dead reckoning at Sea. But to return the Ship For the Captain faid, when ; as LON 'L U N when they had failed from the has been approved of and recom- Coaſt of Guinea to the Iſland of St. mended by Mr. George Graham, Dr. Thomas, under the Equinoctial Cir- Smith, and Dr. Barker, as I have cle, and there ſet the Clocks to the been informed. Sun ; they failed Weſtwardly about LOWER FLANK, or RETIRED 70 Miles, and then directed their FLANK. See Flank, a Term in Courſe towards the African Shore; Fortification. and when they continued on upon LOXODROMIQUES, is the Art a Courſe for about 2 or 300 Miles, or Way of oblique Sailing by the the Captains of the reſt of the Ships Rhumb, which always makes an fearing they ſhould want Water be- equal Angle with every Meridian, fore they could arrive at the Coaſt je. when you fail neither directly of Africa, would häve them go to under the Equator, nor under one get Water at the American Iſlands, and the ſame Meridian, but oblique- called the Caribbes ; and a Conſul- ly or a-croſs them. Hence the tation being held thereupon, the Table of Rhumbs, or the Traverſe- Journals and Reckonings of each Table of Miles, with the Difference Ship were produced, all which dif- of Longitudes and Latitudes, by fer'd from the Captain's, who had which the 'Sailor may practically the Clocks aboard; one 120 Miles, find his Courſe, Diſtance, Latitude, another roo, and the third ſtill more. or Longitude, is by ſome called by But the Captain himſelf ſaid, he ga- this Name of Loxodromiques ; and thered from his Clocks, that they ſuch Tables as ſerve truly and ex- were not more than above 30 Miles peditiouſly to find the ſeveral Requi. from one of the African Iſlands, lites, or to reſolve the Caſes of call'd del Fuego, nigh to the Coaſt Sailing, are called Loxodromical of Africa, and might arrive at the Tables. fame the next day. And ordering LUCIDA CORONA, a fixed Star them to direct their Courſe accor of the ſecond Magnitude, in the Nor- dingly, they ſaw the faid Ifland the thern Garland, whofe Longitude is next day at Noon, and in a few 217 Deg. 38 Min. Latitude 44 Deg. Hours after arrived at the ſame. 23 Min. Right Aſcenſion 230 Deg. Mr. Huygens in the fame Book, fays, that afterwards by the Com LUCIDA HYDRA. See Cor Hy- mand of Lewis the XIVth, the dræ. French and Dutch made various Ex LUCIDA LYRA, a bright Star periments with his Clocks; but of the firſt Magnitude, in the Con- with various Events, which he attri- ftellation Lyra, whoſe Longitude is buted often more to the Negligence 10 Deg. 43 Min. Latitude 6. Deg. and Unfilfulneſs of the Perſons to 47 Min. Right Aſcenſion 276 Deg. whoſe Care they were committed, 27 Min. And Declination 38 Deg. than to the Faults in the Clocks themſelves. See more, pag. 17. LUMINARIES, the Sun and Moon Horol. Oſcillat. are ſo called by way of Eminence ; 6. But the moſt ingenious and beſt for their extraordinary Luftre, and Clock that ever was, or perhaps the great Quantity of Light that ever will be made for this purpoſe, they afford us. is that of Mr. Harriſon of "Leather LUNAR CYCLE. See Cycle of Lane, London, as I have been in the Moon. formed by Perſons, whom I take to LUNARY MONTHS, are either be very good Judges; and which Periodical, Synodical, or Illumina- 3 tive. 12 Min. 30 Min. L UN MAG tive. Which ſee in their proper Level of the Water, and hath a Pa- Places. rapet three Fathom thick. LUNATION of the Moon, is the LUPUS, a Southern Conſtellation, Time between one New Moon and conſiſting of two Stars. · another ; and this is greater than the LYRĂ, the Harp, a Conſtellation Periodical Month by two Days and in the Northern Hemiſphere, conſiſt- five Hours ; and is called the Synodi- ing of 13 Stars. cal Month, conſiſting of 29 Days, 12 Hours, and three Quarters of an Hour, LUNES, or LUNULÆ, in Geo- M. metry, are Spaces contain'd under a Quadrant of a Circle, and a Semi ACHINA BOYLEIANA, circle ; being called thus, becauſe Mr. Boyle's Air. Pump. they repreſent the Figure of the MACHINE, or ENGINE, in Me- Moon, when leſs than half full; as chanics, is whatſoever hath Force the Space ABGC is the Lune. ſufficient either to raiſe or atop the If the Line A B is drawn, as alſo Motion of a Body. Theſe Machines the Line AE, at Right Angles to are either Simple or Compound. BD; I ſay the Triangle ABE is Simple Machines are commonly equal to the Part A BQ of the Lune, reckoned to be fix in Number, viz. and ſo the whoſe Lune is equal to the Ballance; Leaver, Pulley, Wheel, the Triangle ADC. Wedge, and Screw. To theſe might be added the inclined Plane ; ſince 'tis certain that the heavieſt Bodies B may be lifted up by the means there- of, which otherwiſe could ſcarce be moved. Compound Machines or Engines E А. are innumerable, in regard that they C may be made out of the Simple, al- moſt after an infinite Manner. MADRIER, in Fortification; is a thick Plank, armed with Plates of fron, and having a Concavity ſuffi- cient to receive the Mouth of the s Petard when charged, with which is is apply'd againit a Gate, or any LUNETTES, in Fortification,are En- thing elſe that you deſign to break velopes, Counter-guards, or Mounts down. This Term is alſo appropri- of Earth caft up before the Curtain, ated to certain flat Beams, which are about five Fathom in breadth, where- fixed to the Bottom of a Moat, to of the Parapet takes up three. They ſupport a Wall. There are alſo Ma- are uſually made in Ditches full of driers lined with Tin, which are co- Water, and ſerve to the ſame pur- vered with Earth, to ſerve as a De- poſe as Falſebrayes. Theſe Lunettes fence againit artificial Fires. are compoſed of two Faces, which MAGIC SQUARE, is when Num- form a re-cntring Angle ; and their bers in Arithmetic Progreſſion are diſ- Platform being only twelve Foot poſed into ſuch parallel and equal wide, is a little raiſed above the ranks, as that the Sums of each Row, G Z 29 M A G M A G as well diagonally as laterally, ſhall both pointing itſelf, and alſo ena- be equal. bling a Needle touched upon it, and Thus theſe nine Numbers, 2, 3, then poiſed, to point towards the 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, being dif- Poles of the World. Sturmius, in his Epiſtola Invi- 511013 tatoria Dat. Altrof. 1682, obſerves, 4 68 that the attractive Quality of the 912 17 Magnet hath been taken Notice of beyond all Hiſtory ; but that it poſed into this ſquare Form, they do was our Countryman Roger Bacon, every way directly, and diagonally who firſt diſcovered the Verticity of make the fame Süm : As likewiſe it, or its Property of pointing towards thoſe the Pole ; and this about 400 Years 49 Numbers ; fince. The Italians firſt diſcovered, 3013914811110119/28 that it would communicate this Vir- 38/47 7911827 29 tue to Steel or Iron. The various 45 61 8117 26 35 37 Declination of the Needle, under different Meridians, was firſt diſco- 5 14 16 25134136/45 vered by Sebaſtian Cabott ; and its 13.15 24 3342 44 4 Inclination to the nearer Pole by 21123132141431 3 12 our Countryman Robert Noman. The 2213114014912 211/20 20 Variation of the Declination, ſo that ’tis not always the ſame in one and the Magic LanThorn, a little Op- fame Place, he oblerves, was taken tic Machine, by the means of which notice of but a few Years before, are repreſented on a Wall, in the by Hevelius, Auzout, Petit, Volcka- dark, many Phantaſms and terrible mer, and others. Apparitions, which are taken for the The Properties or Phænomena of Effect of Magic, by thoſe that are ig- this wonderful Stone, as they have norant of the Secret. been diſcovered by Gilbert, Kircher, This Machine is compoſed of a Cabeus, Des Cartes, and others, are concave Speculum from one Foot to there : four Inches Diameter, reflecting the 1. That in every Magnet there are Light of a Candle, which paffcth two Peles, one pointing North, the through a little Hole of a Tube, at other South ; and if a Stone be cut whole End there is faften'd another or broken into never ſo many Pie- double Convex-Glaſs of about three ces, there are theſe two Poles in each Inches Focus ; between theſe two are Piece. ſucceſſively placed many ſmall Glaſ 2. That theſe Poles in divers Parts fes, painted with different Figures, of the Globe, are diverſely inclined of which the moſt formidable arc al- towards the Earth's Centre. ways choſen, and ſuch as arc inoſt 3. That theſe Poles, tho' contra- capable of terrifying the Spectators ; ry to one another, do help mutually ſo that all theſe Figures may be re toward the Magnet's Attraction and preſented at large on the oppoſite Suſpenſion of Iron. Wall. 4. If two Magnets are ſpherical, Magnet, or LOAD-STONE, is a one will turn or conform itſelf to Foflile approaching to the Nature of the other, fo as cither of them would Iron-Ore, and endowed with the do to the Earth ; and that after they Property of attracting of Iron, and of have fo conformed or turned them- ſelves, 1 MAG M A G felves, they endeavour to approach capped, than it can alone ; and that to join each other ; but if placed in though an Iron Ring or Key be fuf- a contrary Poſition, they avoid each pended by the Loadſtone, yet the other. Magnetical Particles do not hinder 5. If a Magnet be cut through the that Ring or Key froin tutning Axis, the Parts or Segments of the round any way, either to the Right Stone, which before were joined, will or Left. now avoid and fly each other. - 14. That the Force of a Load- 6. If the Magnet he cut by a Sec- ſtone may be variouſly increaſed or tion perpendicular to its Axis, the leffened by the various Application of two Points which before were con Iron, or another Loadſtone to it. joined, will become contrary Poles, 15. That a ſtrong Magnet, at the one in one, the other in the other leaſt Diſtance from a leſſer or a wea- Segment. ker, cannot draw to it a piece of 7. Iron receives Virtue from the Iron adhering actually to ſuch leſſer Magnet by Application to it, or bare or weaker Stone ; but if it comes to ly from an Approach near it, though touch it, it can draw it from the it doth not touch it; and the Iron re other : But a weaker Magnet, or ceives this Virtue variouſly, accor even a little piece of Iron, can draw ding to the Parts of the Stone 'tis away or ſeparate a Piece of Iron, made to touch, or made to approach contiguous to a greater or ſtronger to. Loaditone. 8. If any oblong Piece of Iron 16. That in our North Parts of be any how applied to the Stone, the World, the South Pole of a it receives Virtue from it only as to Loadſtone will raiſe up more Iron its Length. than the North Pole. 9: The Magnet loſes none of its 17. That a Plate of Iron only, but own Virtue by communicating any no other Body interpoſed, can im- to the Iron, and this Virtue it can pede the Operation of the Loadſtone, communicate to Iron very ſpeedily; either as to its attractive or direc- though the longer the Iron touches tive Quality. Mr. Boyle found it true or joins the Stone, the longer will in Glaſſes ſealed hermetically ; and its communicated Virtue hold ; and Glaſs is a Body as impervious as a better Magnet will communicate molt are, to any Efluvia. more of it, and fooner than one not 18. That the Power or Virtue of fo good. a Loadſtoue may be impaired by 10. That Steel receives Virtue lying long in a wrong Pofture, as alſo from the Magnet better than Iron. by Ruſt, Wet, &c. and may be quite II. A Needle touched by a Mag- deſtroyed by Fire. net, will turn its Ends the ſame way The Orb of the Activity of Mag- towards the Poles of the World, as nets is larger or leſs at different the Magnet will do. times ; which is confirmed by what is 12. That neither Loadſtone nor found in fact to be true of our noa Needles touched by it, do conform ble Loadſtone, which is kept in the their Poles exactly to thoſe of the Repoſitory of the Royal Society ; for World ; but have uſually ſome Va- that will keep a Key, or other Piece riation from them; and this Varia- of Iron, ſuſpended to another, ſome- tion is different in divers Places, and times at the Diſtance of eight or ten at divers Times in the ſame Place. Foot from it ; but at other times, 13. That a Loadſtone will take not beyond the Diſtance of four up much more Iron when armed or Foot. MAG 2 2 Μ Α Ν Μ Α Ρ MAGNETICAL AMPLITUDE, is the Top, whereof the Miners make an Arch of the Horizon, contained uſe, to approach the Walls of a between the Sun at his riſing or ſet. Town or Caſtle. ting, and the Eaſt and Weſt Point MAP, is a Deſcription of the of the Compaſs ; or it is the diffe- Earth, or ſome particular Part there- rent riſing or ſetting of the Sun of, projected upon a plain Superfi- from the Eaſt and Weſt Points of cies; deſcribing the form of Coun- the Compaſs; and is found by ob- tries, Rivers, Situations of Cities, ſerving the Sun at his riſing or fet- Hills, Woods, and other Remarks. ting, by an amplitude Compaſs. Anaximander the Scholar of Thales, MAGNETISM, or MAGNETICAL about 400 Years before Chriſt, is ſaid ATTRACTION, is the Virtue or to have been the firſt Inventor of Power that the Loadſtone has of Geographical Tables, or Maps ; and drawing Iron to it. the Peutingerian Tables, publiſhed MAGNETICAL AZIMUTH, is an by Cornelius Peutinger of Aufburgh, , Arch of the Horizon, contained be- contain an Itinerary of the whole tween the Sun's Azimuth Circle, and Roman Empire ; all Places, except the Magnetical Meridian ; or it is Seas, Woods and Deſerts, being put the apparent Diſtance of the Sun down according to their mealured from the North or South Point of Diſtances, but without any mention the Compaſs ; and may be found by of Latitude, Longitude, or Bearing: obſerving the Sun with an Azimuth Ptolemy of Alexandria, who lived Compaſs, when he is about ten or about the 144th Year of Chriſt, in- fifteen Degrecs high, either in the vented Meridians and Parallels, the Forenoon or Afternoon. better to define and determine the Si- MAGNETICAL MERIDIAN. See tuations of Places, brought Maps to Meridian. a much greater Degree of Perfection MAGNETICAL NEEDLE, is the than before. But Ptolemy himſelf touched Needle of the Compaſs. owns, that thoſe Maps going by his MAGNIFY, is a Word uſed chieây Name, were copied from others that with regard to Microſcopes, being were made by Marinus Tyrus, &c. only the bringing the Object nearer with ſome Improvements of his own to the Eyes, and letting ſome Parts added. But from his Time till about of it be ſeen, which before were not the 14th Century, whilft Geography diſcoverable by the bare Eye. lay dead, no new Maps were pub- MAGNITUDE. The ſame as Big- lithed. Mercator was the firſt of neſs or Greatneſs. Note, and next to him Ortelius, who MANTELETS, in Fortification, are undertook to make a new Set of a kind of moveable Penthouſes, and Maps, with the modern Diviſions of are made of Pieces of Timber fawed Countries and Names of Places; for into Planks ; which being about three want of which, Ptolemy's were grown Inches thick, are nailed one over almoſt useleſs. After him many o- another to the height of almoſt fix thers publiſhed Maps, but for the moſt Foot. They are generally caſed with part were mere Copies of his.-To- Tin, and ſet upon little Wheels; wards the middle of the laſt Century, ſo that in a Siege they may be Mr. Bleau in Holland, and Mr. San- driven before the Pioneers, and ſerve ſon in France, publiſhed new Sets of as Blinds to ſhelter them from the Maps, with many Improvements from Enemy's Small-thot. There are alſo the Travellers of thoſe Times; which other Sorts of Mantelets, covered on were afterwards copied, with very little $ 1 MAR M A T little Variation, by the Engliſh, Tube, and ſaw its Body as large French and Dutch; the beſt of theſe very near as the Moon at Pull; and being thoſe of Mr. De Wit, and in it he obſerved ſeveral Spots, and Viſcher.-Maps being by ſo many particularly a triangular one ; which blind Copiers likely to fall into having a Motion, he concluded the much Obſcurity and Error, Mr. Planet to have a turbinated Mo- De Liſe, an ingenious French Geo- tion round its Centre. grapher, made a compleat Set of 4. In the Year 1666, February Maps, both of the old and new the 6th in the Morning, Mr. Caf. Geography, corrected and improv'd fini, with a 16 Foot Teleſcope, ob. from the Surveys ſeveral European ſerved two dark Spots in the firſt Nations had made of their reſpec- Face of Mars, moving fiom Eleven tive Countries, the Obſervations of at Night until Break of Day. the beſt Travellers in all Languages, 5. February the 24th, in the and the Journals of the Royal So- Evening, he ſaw two other Spots cieties of London and Paris-Con- in the other face of this Planet, cerning Maps, fee Varenius's Geogr. like thoſe of the firſt, but much Gener. hb. 3. cap. 3 Prop. 4. p. m. bigger; and continuing the Obſer- 445. and foll. Fournier's Hydrogr. vations, he found the Spots of thoſe lib. 4. c. 24. and foll. f. 667. Wol- two Faces to turn by a little and a fius's Elem. Hydrogr. c. 9. John little from Eaſt to Weſt, and fo re- Newton's Idea of Navigation, and turn at the Space of 24 Hours, 40 Mead's Conſtruction of Globes and Minutes to the ſame Situation, Maps. wherein they were ſeen at firſt. MARINE BAROMETER. See 6. Whence he concluded, that Barometer. the Revolution of this Planet round MARS, the Name of one of the its Axis, is performed in the Space Planets which moves round the Sun of 24 Hours, 40 Minutes, or there- in an Orbic between that of the abouts. Earth and Jupiter. 7. The Magnitude of Mars to the 1. The mean Diſtance of Mars Magnitude of the Earth, is as 216 o from the Sun is 1524 ſuch to 343, and its apparent Diame- Parts, of which the Earth's is 1000, ter, according to Mr. Flamſlead and its Excentricity 141, the Inclinaticn Caſini, is 35. of its Orbit i Deg. 52 Min. Its 8. That Mars hath an Atmo. Periodical Time 686 Days, 23 ſphere,like ours, is argued from the Hours. Its Revolution about its Phænomena of the fixed Stars ap- Axis is performed in 24 Hours, 40 pearing obſcured, and, as it were, Min. extinct, when they are ſeen juſt by 2. This Planet ( as well as the the Body of Mars ; and if ſo, a reſt) br:rows its Lighc from the Spectator in Mars will hardly ever Sun; und has its Increaſe and De- ſee Mercury, unleſs it may be ſeen creaſe of Light like the Moon ; and in the Sun, when that Planet palles it may be ſeen almoſt biſfected when over his Dilk like a Spoi, as he in his Quadratures with the Sun, or doth ſometimes to us. in his Perigæon, but never cornicu. MATHEMATICS, originally fig. lated or falcated, as the other In- nify any Diſcipline or Learning, feriors. (Mathefis :) But now, 'tis properly 3. March 10. 1665. Dr. Hook ob- that Science which teaches or con- fcrved this Planet, with a 36 Foot templates whatever is capable of being 2 3 M A T M A T being numbered or meaſured, as it Diviſion has been kept to by ma- is computable or meaſurable. ny of the more modern Mathema- And the Part of Mathematics ticians, altho' ſome baniſh from which relates to Number only, is hence Geodeſy and Logiſtics. called Arithmetic ; that which relates That the Romans, eſpecially in to Meaſure in general, whether the Times of their Emperors, were Length, Breadth, Motion, Force, not Lovers, or even had a juft No- E c. is called Geometry. tion and valuable Opinion of Mathe. MATHEMATICS may be rec- matics, abundantly appears from ſe- koned either, veral of their Writers, reckoning 1. Pure, fimple, or abſtracted, the Mathematicians amongſt Con- which conſiders abftracted Quanti- jurers and Soothſayers. Tacitus (in ty, without any relation to Matter, 1. Annal.) calls Mathematicians a or ſenſible Objects. Or, Brood of Fellows treacherous to 2. Mix'd Mathematics, which is thoſe above them, falſe to thoſe interwoven every where with phyfi. who put their truſt in them, which cal Conſiderations. (ſays he) will be always prohibited, MATHEMATICs alſo are divided and always retain'd in our City. into, Seneca (in his Play of Claudius) ſays, 1. Speculative, which propoſes it is manifeſt the Mathematicians only the ſimple Knowledge of the ſometimes ſpeak Truth ; alluding thing propoſed, and the bare Con- to the thouſand lying Predictions of templation of Truth or Falſhood. the Death of Claudius, concerning And, which at laſt they ſpoke true. Ju- 2. Practical, which teaches how lius Paulus lib. 5. cap. 21. Senten- to demonſtrate ſomething uſeful, or tiarum, ranks Mathematicians a. to perform ſomething that ſhall be mongſt cunning Men and Aſtrolo- propoſed for the Benefit and Ad- gers. Dio (in lib. 49. Hiftoriarum) vantage of Mankind. ſays, chat Agrippa cauſed the Aftro- Ariſtotle (in 1. Met. 5.) fays, the logers and Magi to be removed Pythagoreans were the firft amongſt from the City. Tacitus, that in the the Greeks that meddled with Ma- Reigns of Tiberius and Claudian, the thematics, and divided them into Senate paſs'd a Decree for baniſhing four Parts, two Pure and Primary, the Mathematicians and Conjurer viz, Arithmetic and Geometry ; out of Italy. In the Cod. Juſtinian. and the other two Mix'd and Se- (lib. 9. titule 18 ) it is ſaid, that the condary, as Muſic and Aſtronomy. Art of Geometry is neceſſary to be Plato (in 7. de Rep.) divides them learn'd and uſeful to the Public ; into five Parts, Arithmetic, Geo- but the mathematical Art is dam- metry, Stereometry, Muſick and nable, and ought to be forbid en- Aſtronomy; and Ariflotle himſelf tirely. Theſe and many other In- added to them, Optics Mechanics, ſtances of the vile abuſe of the word and Geodeſia ; and Proclus (in his Mathematics amongſt thoſe degene- Comment upon Euclid's firſt Book) rating Ages of the Romans, are to ſays, that Geminus, who liv'd about be found in Tacitus, Suetonius, & Co the Time of Pompey the Great, di- But during the Time of the Roman vided Mathematics into Arithmetic, Commonwealth,when learning flou- Geometry, Geodeſy, Logiſtics, Op- riſhed more amongſt them, the Ma- tics, Canonics, or Harmonics, Me- thematicians were in elteem, and di- chanics, and Aftrology. And this ftinguiſhed from Fortunetellers 3 for Cicero 6 М А Т M A T Cicero (in Lib. de Divin.) ſays, Do and produces wonderful Effects ; you imagine that Conjurers can re which is the fruitful Parent of, I folve whether the Sun be greater I had almoſt ſaid, all Arts, the un- than the Earth, or ſo great as it ap- • fhaken Foundation of Sciences, pears; or whether the Moon has ' and the plentiful Fountain of Ad- an inherent Light, or borrows it vantage to human Affairs. In from the Sun ? To tell theſe things, • which laſt reſpect, we may be ſays he, belongs to the Mathema + ſaid to receive from Mathematics, ticians, and not the Conjurers. • the principal Delights of Life, Se- No body (that I know has fo ' curities of Health, Increaſe of elegantly ſet forth and deſcrib'd the ( Fortune, and Conveniences of La- Uſes of Mathematics, as the great • bour. That we dwell elegantly Dr. Barrow, in his Prefatory Ora and commodiouſly, build decent tion upon his Admittance into the Houſes for our ſelves, erect ſtately Profefforſhip at Cambridge ; his Temples to God, and leave won- Words (tranſlated) are, · The Ma derful Monuments to Pofterity : • thematics (ſays he) effectually · That we are protected by thoſe • exerciſes, not vainly deludes, nor Rampires from the Incurſions of • vexaciouſly torinents ftudious the Enemy, rightly uſe Arms, and • Minds with obſcure Subtilties, artfully manage War ; fkillully perplex'd Difficulties, or conten range an Army, that we have fate ' tious Diſquiſitions ; which con Traffick through the deceitful quers without Oppoſition, tri “ Billows, paſs in a direct Road umphs without Pomp, compels 'thro' the trackleſs Ways of the 6 without Force, and rules abſo • Sea, and arrive at the deſign'd lutely without the Loſs of Liber • Ports, by the uncertain Impulſe ty ; which does not privately o- of the Winds : That we rightly ver-reach a weak Faith, but open • caft up our Accounts, do Buſineſs ly aſſaults an armed Reaſon, ob expeditiouſly, diſpoſe, tabulate, and tains a total Victory, and puts on o calculate ſcatter'd Ranks of Num- • inevitable Chains; whoſe Words bers, and eaſily compute them, ' are ſo many Oracles, and Works' tho'ugh expreſſive of huge Heaps as many Miracles ; which blabs • of Sand, nay immenſe Hills of A- • out nothing raſhly, nor deſigns toms : That we make pacifick Sepa- any thing from the purpoſe. But rations of the Bounds of Lands, exa- • plainly demonſtrates and readily • mine the Momentums of Weights performs all things within its . in an equal Balance, and diitrie compaſs; which obtrudes no falſe • bute every one his own by a juit • Science, but the very Science itſelf, Meaſure ; that with a light Touch • the Mind firmly adhering to it, as we thruit forwards Budies which • ſoon as poſſeſsid of it, and can way we will, and ſtop a huge Refil- never after of its own accord de ance with a very ſmall Force; that • ſert it, or be deprived of it by we accurately delineate the Face any Foice of ochess : Laſtly, ſays r of this earthly Orb, and lubject * he) the Mathematics which de " the Oeconomny of the Univerle to . pend upon Principles clear to the our Sight : That we aptly digelt • Mind, and agrceable to Expe- the flowing Series of Time, di- ' rience, which draws certain Con ſtinguiſh what is acted by due • clufions, inſtructs by profitable • Intei vals, rightly account and • Rules, unfolds pleaſant Queſtions, diſcern the various Returns of the z Seaſons, 6 6 6 6 4 1 M A T Μ Α Τ * Seaſons, the ſtated periods of the incredible Force and Sagacity of • Years and Months, the alternate our own Minds by certain Expe- * Increaſements of Days and Nights, 'riments, as to acknowledge the o the doubtful Limits of Light and Bleſſings of Heaven with a pious « Shadow, and the exact difference ( Affection. • of Hours and Minutes ; that we • I omit the advantageous Spur « derive the ſolar Virtue of the to our Reaſon, which accrues • Sun's Rays to our Uſes, infinitely from this mathematical Exerciſe, o extend the Sphere of Sight, en • both effcctually to turn aſide the large the near Appearances of • Strokes of true Arguments, and Things, bring remote Things near, warily decline the Blows of falſe diſcover hidden Things, trace ones; to difpute ftrenuouſly,as well · Nature out of her Concealments, as judge folidly, with a readineſs • and unfold her dark' Myſte • of Invention, a justneſs of Me- • sies: That we delight our Eyes “thod, and clearneſs of Expreſſion. • with beautiful Images, cunningly - In like manner, there Diſci- imitate the Devices and pourtray plines do inure and corroborate the Works of Nature. Imitate, the Mind to a conſtant Diligence, • did I ſay? nay excel; while we ' in Study, to undergo the Trouble • form to ourielves things not in • of an attentive Meditation, and • being, exhibit things abfent, and cheerfully contend with ſuch Dif- • repreſent things pait ; that we re « ficulties as lie in the way ; they. create our Minds, and delight our wholly deliver us from a credu- · Ears with melodious Sounds, at . lous Simplicity, moſt ítrongly for- temperate the unconftant Undula- tify us againit the Vanity of « tions of the Air to muſical Tunes, * Scepticiſm, effectually retrain us • add a pleaſant Voice to a fapleſs • from a raih Prefumption, moſt Log, and draw a ſweet Eloguence 'çafily incline us to a due Affent, • from a rigid Metal ; celebrate our pertedly ſubject us to the go- • Maker with a harmonious Praiſe, vernment of right Reaſon, and • and not unaptly imitate the bler. inſpire us to wreſtle againſt the 6 fed Choirs of Heaven: That' we 'unjult Tyranny of falſe Prejudices. " approach and examine the jnac . If the Fancy be unſtable and fluc- • ceſſible Seats of the Clouds, diſtant • tuating, it is as it were poiſed by • Tracts of Land, unfrequented Paths " this Ballaſt, and ſteadied by this • of the Sea; lofty Tops of Moun • Anchor ; if the Wit be blunt, it : tains, low Bottoms of Valleys, and is ſharpen'd upon this Whetſtone ; deep Galphs of the Ocean that • if luxuriant, it 'is pared by this we ſcale the etherjal Towers, Knife ; if headftrong, it is reftrain'd freely range through the celeſtial by this Bridle; and if dull, it is • Fields, meaſure the Magnitudes, rouſed by this Spur. The Steps « and determine the Interſtices of are guided by no Lamp more • the Stars, preſcribe inviolable clearly thro''the dark Mazes of • Laws to the Heavens themſelves, Nature, by no Thread more « and contain the wandering Cir- • furely thro the intricate Turn- • cuit of the Stars within ffrict ings of the Labyrinths of Philo- Bounds : Laſtly, that we compre- ' fophy; nor, laſtly, is the bottom • hend the huge Fabric of the Uni of Truth founded more happily • verſe, admiſe and contemplate the by any other Line. I will not • wonderful Beauty of the Divine mention with how plentiful a Stock • Workmanſhip, and ſo learn the of Knowledge the Mind is fur- niſhed C 6 6 6 6 6 Μ Α Τ M A T s niſhed from there, with what be twice as denſe aś another, and < wholeſome Food it is nouriſhed, takes up twice the Space, 'twilt bar 6 and what fincere Pleaſure it en four times as great. This Quantity joys. But if I ſpeak further, I of Matter is beſt diſcoverable by • Thall neither be the only Perſon, Weight, to which 'tis always pros nor the first who affirm it, that portionable ; as Sir Iſaac Newtonia & while the Mind is abſtracted and by most accurate Obſervations on • elevated from ſenſible Matter, Pendulums, found true by Expe- diſtinctly views pure Forms, con rience. ceives the Beauty of Ideas, and MAXIMIS and MINIMIS, The inveſtigates the Harmony of Pro- Mathematicians call that Method portions ; the Manners themſelves whereby a Problem is reſolved, are ſenſibly corrected and im- and im- which requires the greateſt or leaft proved, the Affection compoſed Quantity attainable in that cate, • and rectified, the Fancy calmed Methodus. de Maximis & Minimis. and ſettled, and the Underſtanding 1 If any flowing Quantity in aa • raiſed and excited to more Divine Equation propoſed be required to be . Contemplations All which I determined to any extrenie Value : * might defend by the Authority, 2. Having put the Equation into • and confirm by the Suffrages of Fluxions, let the Fluxion of that • the greatest Philoſophers, &c.' Quantity (whoſe Extreme Value is Thus far the great Dr. Barrow. fought) be ſuppoſed = 0; by which The firſt who publiſhed a Mathe means all thole Menibers of the I- matical Curſus, was Peter Herigor, quation in which it is found, will Anno 1644:- After him came out vaniſh, and the remaining ones will Caſpar Schottus's, chen Sir Jonas give the Determination of che Max Moore's New Syſtem of Mathematics. mum or Minimum desired. -Dechales's Curſus, or Mundum MEAN ANOMALY. See Anomaly, Mathematicum.-- Leybourn's Courſe MEAN CONJUNCTION, is when of Mathematics.-De Graaf's Cur- the Mean Place of the Sun is the jus, in Dutch.---Ozanam's Cours de fame with the Mean Place of the Mathematique.-Taylor's Treaſure of Moon in the Ecliptic. And a the Mathematics.-Wolfius's Elemen MEAN OPPOSITION, is when fa Matheſeos Univerſal. -Sturmy's the former is in Oppoſition to the Mathefis Juvenilis, ones's Synop. latter. fis, &c. MEAN MOTION, is that where- MATTER, or Body, is an im- with a Planet, or any Point or Line penetrable, diviſible, and paſſive is ſuppoſed to move equally in its Subſtance, extending into Length, Orbit, and is always proportional Breadth, and Thickneſs. This, when to the Time. conſidered in general, remains the Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Theoryan ſame in all the various Motions, the Mooil, fays, That the Sun and Configurations, and Changes of Na- Moon's mean Motions from the tural Bodies, being capable of put- vernal Equinox at the Meridian of ting on all manner of Forms, and of Greenwich, are as follows, vis, the moving according to all manner of lait Day of December 1680, Old Directions and Degrees of Velocity; Style, at Noon, the Sun's mean M:- the Quantity of Matter in any Body, tion 9 fig. 20 deg. 34 min. 45 fec. is its Meaſure ariſing from the joint That of the Sun's Apogæum 3 fig. Confideration of the Magnitude and 7. deg. 23 min. 30 ſec. The Moon's Denſity of that Body; as if any Body mean Motion 6 lig. 1 deg. 45 min. 45 "S 1 A 1 M E A M E A TION. 4 : 6:: 45 ſec. That of the Moon's Apo- drawn from the Sun $ to P, the Ex- gæum 8 fig. 4 deg. 28 min. 5 ſec. tremity of the conjugate Axis of the That of the aſcending Node of the Ellipfis the Planet moves in, and Moon's Orbit 5 fig. 24 deg, 14 min. this is equal to the Semi-Tranſverſe 35 ſec. And December the laſt Day, Axis DC, and is ſo called, becauſe 1700, Old Style, at Noon, the Sun's it is a Mean between the Planet's mean Motion was 9 fig. 20 deg. 43 greateſt and leaft Diſtance from the min. 50 ſec. That of the Sun's A- Sun. pogæum 3 fig. 7 deg. 44 min. 20 MEAN DIAMETER, in Gauging, fec. The mean Motion of the Moon is a Geometrical Mean between the 10 fig. 15 deg. 19 min. 50 ſec. Of Diameters at Head and Bung in any the Moon's Apogæum 11 fig. 8 deg. cloſe Caſk. 18 min. 20 ſec. And of the aſcend MEAN and ExTREAM PROPOR- ing Node 4 fig. 27 deg. 24 min. 20 See Extream and Mean Pro- ſec. For in twenty Julian Years, portion. or in 7305 Days, the Sun goes thro ' MEAN or MIDDLE PROPOR- 20 rev. 9 min. 4 fec. The Motion TIon between any two Lines or Num- of the Sun's Apogæum 21 min. The bers, is that which hath the ſame Moon's Motion 247 rev. 4 fig. 13. Proportion to a third Term, that the deg. 34 min. 5 ſec. The Motion of first bears to it. the Moon's Apogæum 2 rev. 3 ſig. 1. Thus 6 is a mean Proportional 3 deg. 50 min. 15 ſec. Ofthe Node, between 4. and 9, becauſe i rev. 26 deg. 50 min. 15 ſec. All 6:9. the aforeſaid Motions are from the 2. The Square of a mean Pro. Point of the vernal Equinox. And portional is equal to the Rectangle if from them be ſubtracted the under the Extremes. Proceffion, or Retrograde Motion of 3. Two mean Proportionals be- the Equinoctial Point itſelf, which tween two Extreams cannot be was moved in the mean Time in found by a ſtraight Line and a Cir- Antecedentia, viz. 16 min. 40 ſec. cle; but it may be done by the the Motions will remain in reſpect Conic Sections very eaſily, or by the of the fixed Stars in 20 Julian Conchoid, or Cifroid. Years ; the Motion of the Sun, 19 MEASURE, in Muſic, is a Quan- rev. u 1 fig. 29 deg. 52 min. 24 ſec. tity of the Length and Shortneſs of That of the Sun's Apogæum 4 min. Time, either with reſpect to natural 20 ſec. of the Moon, 247 rev. 4 fig. Sounds pronounced by the Voice, 13 deg. 17 min. 25 fec. Of the or artificial, drawn out of Muſical Moon's Apogæum, 2 rev. 3 fig. 3 Inſtruments; which Meaſure is ad- deg. 33 min. 35 ſec. Of the Moon's juſted in Variety of Notes, by a Node, i rev. 27 deg. 6 min. 55 ſec. conſtant Motion of the Hand' or MÉAN DISTANCE of a Planet Foot, down or up, ſucceſſively and from the Sun, is the Right Line SP, equally divided ; Down or Up, is called a Time or Meaſure, whereby the Length of a Semi-Breve is meaſured, which is therefore termed the Meaſure-Note, P or Time-Note, MEASURE of an Angle, is an Arch 5 of a Circle deſcribed about the An- gular Point Measure of a Number, is the 3 Number ſo that every M E A Number that meaſures it; as 2 is whoſe Side is one Inch, Foot, -Yards the Meaſure of 4. or other determinate Length. MEASURE of a Ratio, is a Loga MEASURE of a Superficies, or rithm. plain Figure, is a Square, whoſe Side MEASURE of a Solid, is a Cube, is one Inch, Foot, I ard, &c. Here follow feveral very uſeful TABLES of different Meaſures. A TABLE of the Foreign Meafures, carefully compared with 0 the ENGLISH. 1 008 0 1 2 OO o II O II O O II Suppoſe an Engliſh The Engliſh Foot di- Foot divided into vided into Inches, rooo equal Parts, and Decimal thofe bere men Parts of an Inch. tioned are in Pro- portion to it, as follows. London Foot 1.000 O I 2 Paris the Royal Foot 1,068 Amſterdam Foot .942 3 Brill Foot 1.103 ΟΙ 2 Antwerp Foot .946 11. 3 Dort Foot 1.184 @ 02 Rynland, or Leyden Foot 1.033 I 4 Lorrain Foot .958 4 Mechlin Foot .919 Middleburgh Foot .991 II 9 Straſburgh Foot .9.20 Bremen Foot .964 II 6 Cologn Foot .954 II 4 Frankfort ad Mænam Foot 4 Spanish 1.001 Toledo Foot .899 7 Romàn Foot .967 6 On the Monu Ceſtucicus O 11 ment of Stavilius, .972 Bononia Foot 1.204 OZ 4 Mantua Foot 1.569 06 8 Venice Foot 1.162 9 Dantzick Foot .944 3 Copenhagen Foot 965 6 Prague Foot 1.026 OO 3 Riga Foot 1.831 099 Turin 1.062 1 7 The Greek 1.007 00 Paris Foot, according to Dr. Bernard 2 .948 Foot 1 OO 0 10 O 11 { } 7 I I I OI II 1 I 00 Foor Foot Y I 1.056 Uni- ΜΕ Α 3.976 2.076 3 2.260 Univerſal Foot 1.089 Old Roman Foot 970 Bononian Fool of M. Auzout 1.140 Lyons Ell Bologn El Amiterdam ElL 2.269 „Antwerp EIL 2.273 Rynland, or Leyden Ell Frankfort El 1.826 Hamburgh EN 1.905 Leipfick EN 2.260 Lubeck Ell 1.908 Noremburgh EN 2.227 Bavaria Ell .954 Vienna Ell 1.053 Bononia EIL 2.147 Dantzick Ell 1.903 Florence Brace, or Ell 1.913 Spaniſh, or Caftile Palm •751 Spaniſh Vare, or Rod, which is four Palms Liſbon Vare Gibraltar Vare Toledo 2.685 Palm .861 Naples Brace 2.100 Canna 6.880 Genoa Palm .830 Milan Calamus Parma Cubit '1.866 China Cubit 1.016 Cairo Cubit 1.824 Babylonian Old Greek Cubit Roman Turkiſh Pike 2.200 Perlian Aral 3.197 2 oo 8 2 03 2 2 00 2 2 03 I 1 09 9 1 10 8 2 03 1 1 09 8 2 03 3 II 4 1 00 6 2 OI 7 1 10 8 1 O O 09 0 1 11 is} 3 001 I 00 O 2.750 2.760 Vare ) 09 6 2 09 2 09 I 2 08 2 009 2 01 2 6 10 O 09 o6 4 1 2 1 099 1 06 Teen 1 06 13 종 05 2 02 4 · 3 02 3 Ал оли моля не 6.544 10 00 { "} { Toto A TABLE MEA A TABLE of Engliſh Long Meaſure. Inches. r 3 Palm 3 Span. 9 Foot. 12 i 4 6 18 Cubit. 2 1 2 2 |Yard. 21 1 60 Pace. 20 1779 OM 2 I 36 4 3 45 Ell. 5 3 6 5 35 1 2 3 72 24 8 6 4 198 66 16 5 12 / 417 2 Pole. 660 440 176 132 100 40 Furl. 6336012112017040 15 280 13520 11760 11408 1056 1880 1320 8 M. Fatb. 22 II 2 220 79202640 880 . A TABLE of Square Meaſure. Inches Square. 144) Feet-17. 1296 9 Yards fq. 2 77 Paces so 39204 272.25 30.25 10.89 Poles fa. 1568162 10890 435.6 40 Rood Sq. 43560 4840 1742.4 4 Acres 19. 30976001115136102400 2560 640 Miles. 360 25 1210 1 160 A TABLE of Dry Meaſure. } Pints, 8 Gallons. 16 8 16 2-1 Pecks. 64 128 256 32 2 4. Bufbels. 8 2 Strikes. 16 Carnock, 4 or Coom Seem, or 32 8 4 Quarter. 48 24 6 320 80 40 12 Laft. 512 64 2 102 I 2 3072 5120 384 640 20 TO itt. 8tb. 16 | 101 64 128 | 256 | 512 3072 5120 llroy. 56 11c. 26. 4. C. 124 C. 40 C. Aver: 122 14. pz 7tb. 14 A 1 M E A A TABL'E of Wine-Meaſure, Honey, Oil , &c, Pints. 8 Gall. ! 18 144 1 Rundl. 13 35 I 3} 43 2 Barrels. Terces. 15 I ( 1 / 2 22 3 4 6 8 Hogſhead. Punch. 1 Batt, or Pipe 1 2 Tun, 12 3 4 ; 31 252 42 336 63 504 84 672 726 1008 252 2016 . 8 2 2 7 14 ATABLE for Beer-Meaſure. Pints. Gall. 8 Firk. 9 72 Kilderk. 22 18 144 Barrels. 2 4 / 36 288 Hogſhead. 2 4 8 72576 A TABLE for Ale-Meafure. Pints. Gall. 8 Firk. 9 64 Kilderk.) 128 Barrels. 2 4) 36256 Hoghead.) 2 8) 2 18 4 72 512 MECHANICS, MEC M E C MECHANICS, is the Geometry As to the Deſcriptions of Ma- of Motion, being that Science which chines, we have Strada, Zeifingius, ſhews the Effect of Powers or mov- Beſſon, Auguſtine de Ramellis, Boetler, ing Forces, ſo far as they are ap- Leopold, Sturmy, Perrault, Limbergh, plied to Engines, and demonſtrates &c. the Laws of Motion. MECHANIC Powers, as they Mechanics was very imperfect a are called) are fix, viz. the Ballance, mongſt the Ancients. All that is the Leaver, the Wheel, the Pulley, to be found of theirs upon this Sub- the Wedge, and the Screw; to ſome ject, are Archimedes , de Centro Gra or other of which, the Force of all vitatis Figurarum Planarum, and mechanical Inventions muft necef- Pappus in lib. 8. Colleet. Mathemat. ſarily be reduced. See thoſe Words. of the five mechanical Powers: nor MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY, is have ſome of che more modern Au- the ſame with the Corpuſcular, thors done much more ; ſuch as ſuch as which endeavours to explicate the Guido Ubaldus's Liber Mechanicorum. Phänomena of Nature from mecha- - Rohault's Tractatus de Mechanica. nical Principles, i.e. from the Mo- ---Lamy's Mechanics in French. tion, Reſt, Figure, Poſition, Magni- Oughtred's Mechanical Inſtitutions. tude, &c. of the minute Particles of -Cafatus's Mechanica. Matter. And theſe Principles are Further Improvements are to be frequently called found in Gallileo's Mechanical Dia. MECHANICAL CAUSES: And logues.- Torricellius's Libri de Motu alſo the Gravium naturaliter Deſcendentium MECHANICAL AFFECTIONS of & Projectorum—- Balianus's Tracta- Matter. tus de Motu naturali Gravium. MECHANICAL CURVE, is one Huygens's Horologium Oſcillatorium. whoſe Nature cannot be expreſs'd -Leibnitz's Reſijtentia Solidorum, in by an Algebraic Equation. Acta Eruditor. An. 1684. p. 319. and MECHANICAL SOLUTION of a Varignon's Papers in the Comment. Problem, in Mathematics, is either Academ. Reg. Scienc. An. 1702. p.87. when the thing is done by repeated -Borellus's Tractatus de Vi Percuſſion Trials, or when the Lines made ule nis; de Motionibus Naturalibus a of to ſolve it, are not truly geome- Gravitate pendentibus ; de Motu A- trical. Thus the Method of Nico- nimalium - Huygens's Tractatus de medes, Eratoſthenes, Pappus, and Motu Corporum ex Percuſione. Vieta, for finding two mean Pro- Wallis's Tractatus de Mechanica, portionals ; and that of Nicodemus seckon'd by ſome a very good Piece. and Dinoſtratus, for dividing an - Keil's Introduction to true Philo- Angle into any Parts affigned, by ſophy. - De la Hire's Mechanics. means of the Quadratrix, is mecha- Mariotte's Traité du Choc des Corps nical ; becauſe the former is done -Dechales's Treatiſe of Motion. by repeated Trials, and the latter Pardies's Diſcourſe of Local Motion, by means of a Curve that is not - Parent's French Elements of Me- truly geometrical. chanics and Phyſics.---Sir Iſaac New Medium,in Natural Philoſophy, ton's Principia.- Ditton's Laws of fignifies that peculiar Conftitution Motion.-- Herman's Pbronomia. of any Space or Region through s'Graveſande's Phyſics.-Euler's Tra- which Bodies move. Thus the Æ. Etatus de Motu.- Defaguliers's Me- ther is fuppofed by ſome to be the chanics. --Muſchenbroeck's Phyſics, Medium in which the Planets and heavenly Bodies move; and by the means &c. M E R M ER means of which it is, that all Ani- rately) the Diſtance of any Parallel mals, as Ibſects; Birds, Beaſts, and of Latitude from the Equator is to Mien, can breathe and live: But that Arch of Latitude (extended Water is the Medium in which into a right Line) as the Curve- Fiſhes live and move. Glaſs is alſo lin'd Space contain'd under the Ra- called a Medium. dius, ſo much of the Curve of the MEMBRESTO, in Architecture, Figure of the Secants (ſee that Word) is the Italian Term for a Pilarter, as is cut of by an Ordinate, raiſed that bears up an Arch. Theſe are at the Extremnity of the right.lin'd often Auted, but not with above Abſciſs or Arch of Latitude, that feven or nine Channels. They are Abſciſs and that Urdinate, is to the frequently uſed to adorn Door-Caſes, Rectangle under the Radius, and Gallery - Fronts, and Chimney- the ſaid Abſciſs. Pieces, and to bear up the Corniſhes 1. Though the plain Chart be and Freszes in Wainſcot. very eaſy and uſeful in ſhort Voy- MENISCUS GLASSES, are thoſe ages, if you fail home in or near which are Convex on one ſide, and the oppoſite Rhumb you went by, Concave on the other.. as the Ancients, who being Coaſters, As the Difference of the Seini- did before the Uſe of the Compaſs; Diameters of the Convexity and yet foraſmuch as few Places, or in- Concavity, to the Semi-Diameter of deed none, but ſuch as lie under the Concavity, ſo is the Diameter the Equinoctial, can therein be ex- of the Convexity to the Focal preſſed according to their true si- Length tuation and Diſtance one from ano- MENSUR ABILITY, is an Apti- ther; but if they, be laid down tude in a Body, whereby it may be true by the Courſe and Diſtance, applied or conformed to a certain the Difference of Longitude will be Meaſure | falſe; if they be laid down by the MENSURATION, or Measu- Courſe and Difference of Longitude, RING, is to find the ſuperficial then will che Diſtance and Difference Area, or ſolid Content of Surfaces of Latitude be more than it ſhould and Bodies. be; and if they be laid down by MERCATOR'S CHART, or PRO- the Diſtance and Difference of Lon- JECTION, is a Projection of the gitude, (which in many Cafes' is im- Face of the Earth in plano, wherein poffible,) then the Difference of La- the Meridians, Parallels, and Rhumb- titude will always be too little, and Lines, are all ſtraight Lines, and the Rhumb too wide from the Me- the Degrees of Longitude are all ridian; and if they be laid down equally diſtant from cne another; by their Latitude and Departure, but the Degrees of Latitude increaſe then the Courſe will be wide, and towards the Poles in the fame Pro- the Diſtance too much, &c portion, that the Parallel-Circles on 2. It was the great Study of our the Globe decreaſe, viz, in the Ra- Predeceſſors to contrive ſuch a Chart tio of the Radius to che Sine. Com- in plano, with ſtraight Lines, on plement of the Latitude ; or, the which all or any parts of the World Diſtance of any Parallel of Latitude might be truly ſet down, according from the Equator, is always as the their Longitudes, Latitudes, Sum of all the Secants anſwerable Bearings, or Diſtances. to every Point in that Arch of Lati- 3. A way was hinted for this near tude to the ſame Sum of ſo many two thouſand Years ſince by Ptolemy', times the Radius, or (more accu- and a general Map according there- to, to 1 1 / or returns. M ER M E R to, made in the preceding Age by ABC, the Line Ac repreſents the one Mercator, but the thing de- Diſtance: A b the Difference of La- monſtrated, and a ready way ſhewed titude, bc the Departure ; as in of deſcribing it, was not till Mr. Wright taught to enlarge the Meri- A dian-Line by the continual Addi- tion of Secants ; fo that all Degrees of Longitude might be proportional to thoſe of Latitude, as on the Globe: Which he has done after ſuch an excellent manner, that in many re- C ſpects it is far inore convenient for the Navigator's Uſe, than the Globe itſelf, and will truly ſhew the Courſe and Diſtance from Place to Place, B which way foever a Ship fails forth, , plain Sailing; AB the Meridional 4. The Meridian Line, in Merca. Difference of Latitude, according tor's Chart, is a Scale of Logarith- to the true Chart, commonly called mic Tangents of the Half-Comple- Mercator's Chart, and BC 'the Dif. ments of the Latitude. ference of Longitude. The Differences of Longitude on For the Departure as the Radius 'any Rhumb, are the Logarithms to the Diſtance Ac: ſo is the Sine of the ſame Tangents, but of a dif- of the Courſe b Ac, to bc the De- ferent Species; being proportioned parture. to one another, as are the Tangents For the Difference of Latitude : of the Angles made with the Me. As the Radius to the Diſtance Ac, ridian. fo is the Sine of Acb, the Comple- Hence any Scale of Logarithmic ment of the Courſe, to the Difference Tangents is a Table of the Diffe- of Latitude Ab. rences of Longitude, to ſeveral La- For the Difference of Longitude, titudes, upon ſome determinate As the Radius, to AB the Meridio- Rhumb or other ; and therefore, as nal Difference of Latitude, ſo is the the Tangent of the Angle of ſuch a Tangent of the Courſe B AC, to Rhumb, to the Tangent of any o BC the Difference of Longitude. ther Rhumb; fo is the Difference 2. Both Latitudes and Courſe gi- of the Logarithms of any two Tan venį to find the Diſtance, Departure, gents, to the Difference of Longi- and Difference of Longitude. tude on the propoſed Rhumb, inter For the Diſtance: As the Radius cepted between the two Latitudes, to Ab the Difference of Latitude ; of whoſe Half-Complements you ſo is the Secant of 6 A c the Courſe, took the Logarithmic Tangents. to Ac the Diſtance Here follow the ſeveral Cafes, and For the Departure: As the Ra- dius is to the Diſtance Ac; ſo is their Proportions, in Mercator's Sailing. the Sine of b Ac the Courſe, to bo the Departure. 1. One Latitude, Courſe, and For the Difference of Longitude : Diſtance given : to find the other As the Radius is to AB, the Meri- Latitude, Departure and Difference dional Difference of Latitude; ſo is of Longitude. the Tangent of BAC the Courſe, to In the Right-angled Triangle BC the Difference of Longitude. 3. Аа MER M ER 3. Both. Latitudes and Diſtance Sine of b Ac the Courſe, to the De- given : to_find the Courſe, Depar- parture bc. ture, and Difference of Longitude. 6. Both Latitudes and Departure For the Courſe: As the Diſtance given: to find the Courſe, Diſtance, Ac is to the Radius, ſo is Ab the and Difference of Longitude. Difference of Latitude, to the Sine For the Courſe: As the Diffe- of Acb the Complement of the rence of Latitude Ab, is to the Ra- Courſe, dius, ſo is the Departure bc, to the For the Departure : As the Ra. Tangent of b A c the Courſe. dius is to the Diſtance Ac, ſo is the For the Diſtance: As the Sine Sine of b Ac the Courſe, to bc the of Ach the Complement of the Departure. Courſe, to the Difference of Latitude For the Longitude: As the Ra- Ab; ſo is the Radius to the Diſtance dius is to the Meridional Difference Ac. of Latitude AB, fo is the Tangent For the Longitude: As the Ra- of BAC the Courſe, to BC, the dius is to the Meridional Difference Difference of Longitude. of Latitude AB; ſo is the Tangent 4. Both Latitudes and Difference of BAC the Courſe, to the Dif- of Longitude given: to find the ference of Longitude BC. Courſe, Diſtance, and Departure. MERCATOR'S SAILING, is the For the Courſe: As A B the Me Art of finding on a Plane the Mo- ridional Difference of Latitude, is tion of a Ship upon any aſſigned to the Radius ; fo is BC, the Diffe- Courſe, true in Longitude, Latitude, rence of Longitude, to the Tangent and Diſtance; the Meridians being of BAC, the Courſe. * all parallel, and the Parallels of La- For the Diſtance: As the Ra- titude ſtraight Lines. dius is to A B the Difference of La MERCURY, is the Name of one titude, fo is the Secant of BAC the of the Planets, revolving about the Courſe, to Ac the Diſtance. Sun. For the Departure: As the Ra MERCURY, is the leaſt diſtant dius is to Ac the Diſtance ; fo is from the Sun of any of the Planets; the Sine of b Ac the Courſe, to bc its mean Diſtance from the Sun is the Departure. Or, as the Radius 387 of ſuch Parts of which the is to Ab the Difference of Latitude; Earth's is 1000, its Excentricity 80, ſo is the Tangent of b Ac the Courſe, the Inclination of its Orbit is 6 deg. to bc the Departure. 52 min. It performs its Revolution 5. One Latitude, Courſe, and round the Sun in 87 Days, 23 Hours. Difference of Longitude given, to Its greatelt Elongation is about 28 find the other Latitude, Diſtance, Degrees. There has not yet been and Departure. obſerv’d any Spots in it; neither do For the Latitude: As the Tan we krowy whether it revolves about gent of BAC the Courſe, is to BC its Axis ; but it is probable it does. the Difference of Longitude ; fo is Its Magnitude to that of the Earth the Radius, to the Meridional Diffe- is as 216 to 3+3. rence of Latitude A B. In the Years 1736, 1743, 1756, For the Diſtance: As the Radius 1769, 1776, 1782, 1789, in October, is to Ab, the Difference of Latitude; this Planet will be ſeen in the Sun ſo is the Secant of bAc the Courſe, near the aſcending Node ; and in to Ac the Diſtance. the Years 1753, 1786, 1799, it For the Departure : As the Ra- will appear in the Sun, in the dius is to Ab the Diſtance, ſo is the Month of April, near the other Node. Meri- 1 1 a M E R M E R : MERIDIAN, is a great Circle And in the Centre C'E erect a Pin paffing through the Poles of the of about a Foot long, perpendicu- World, and both Zenith and Nadir, crofling the Equinoctial at Right Angles, and divides the Sphere into two equal Parts, one Eaſt, the other West, and hath its Poles in the Eaſt and Weſt Points of the Horizon. 'Tis called Meridian, becauſe when dl E the Sun comes to the South Part of D this, Circle, 'tis then Meridies, Mid- B Day, or High-Noon; and then the Sun hath his greateſt Altitude for that Day, which therefore is cal- B. led the Meridian Altitude. Theſe Meridians are various, and change according to the Longitude lar to the Plane. About the time of Places ; ſo that they may be ſaid of the Tropics before Noon, from to be infinite in Number : for that Nine to Eleven, and in the After- all Places from Eaſt to Weſt have noon, from about One to Three, their ſeveral Meridians ; but there mark the Points B, b, &c. A, a, is (or ſhould be) one fixed, which is &c. wherein the Shadow of the called the Firſt Meridian. Pin terminates, and bifect the Arches MERIDIAN on the Globe or Sphere, AB, ab, &c. in D, d, &c. Then is repreſented by the Brazen Circle, if the ſame ſtraight Line D E does in which the Globe hangs and biſect all the Arches AB, ab, &c. turns. 'Tis divided into four go's, that will be the Meridian Line or 360 Degrees, beginning at the fought. Equinoctial on it. Each This Method would be very exact, way the Equinoctial, on the Celeſtial if the Sun moved as the fixed Stars Globes, is counted the South and do; but becauſe the Sun hath a North Declination of the Sun proper Motion, as a Planet, there or Stars ; and on the Terreſtrial will be ſome inconſiderable Error, Globe, the Latitude of Places, North which yet may be corrected; for or South. ſince the Sun in one Minute of an Upon the Terreſtrial Globes there Hour moveth as much by his daily are uſually drawn 36 Meridians, Motion, as he loſeth in fix Hours thro' every 10th Degree of Longi- by his proper Motion, you ſhall tude. add as much in the Way which the MERIDIAN Line, is the com- Shadow goes in the laft Marks, as mon Section of the Meridians, and that Shadow moveth in one Minute, the Plane of the Horizon, and ſo which you may meaſure by a Pen- runs on North and South. dulum ; fo the laſt Points will not 1. To draw a Meridian Line, be taken juſt in the Circles, but a there are ſeveral ways, and many little without them. Inſtruments have been contriv'd for If A B, AC, and AD, be three that purpoſe ; but the following Shadows, made in one Day, upon Method is a very eaſy and good an Horizontal Plane, by the Pin In an horizontal Plane, which A E, perpendicular to that Plane, is eaſy to determine, deſcribe feve- the Meridian Line may be drawn ral Concentric Circles BA, ba, &c. thus : Аа 2 from one. If M E R M ER . If two of theſe Shadows are equal, MERIDIAN Line, on Gun. then the Line drawn from the Point Ter's SCALE, is divided unequally A, perpendicular to a Line joining towards 87 Degrees, (whereof 70 their Extremes, will be the Meri- Degrees are about one half) in ſuch dian; but if not, let AC be the manner as the Meridian in Merca- leaft . In the Point A you muſt tor's Chart is divided and number'd. raiſe the Lines AF, AG, and AH, Its Uſes are many. For, i. It perpendicular to AB, AC, and AD, ſerves to graduate a Sea-Chart ac- and equal to AE, and join FB, cording to the true Projection. 2. GC, HD. Now from FB, HD, Being joined with a Line of Chords, take FI, HK, equal to GC; and it ſerves for the Protraction and from the Points I and K draw the Reſolution of ſuch right-lined Tri- Right Lines IL, KM, perpendicu- angles as are concerned in Latitude, lar to AB, AD, and from the Longitude, Rhumb, and Diftance, Points L, M, you muſt let fall two in the Practice of Sailing; as alſo in pricking the Chart truly at Sea. IP MERIDIAN (MAGNETICAL) is a great Circle paſſing through or by the Magnetical Poles ; to which Me- ridians, the Compafs (if not other- wiſe hinder'd) hath reſpect. MERIDIONAL DISTANCE, in Navigation, is the ſame with the Departure, Eaſting or Weſting, or under which the Ship now is, and I B any other Meridian ſhe was before N under. MERIDIONAL PARTS, Miles, or MINUTES, in Navigation, are E the Parts by which the Meridians Q ୧ in Mercator's Chart do increafe, as the Parallels of Latitude decreaſe. H And the Co-fine of the Latitude of any Place being equal to the Ra- M dius or Semi-Diameter of that Pa- rallel, therefore in Mercator's Chart, K this Radius being the Radius of the Equinoctial, or whole Sine of 90°, D) the Meridional Parts at each of the Arches contained between that Lati- more Perpendiculars LN, MO, to tude and the Equinoctial do decreaſe. the Line joining L and M, which The Tables therefore of Meridio- let be equal to LI and M K. Now, nal Parts, which you have in Books Jet P be the Interſection of the Lines of Navigation, are made by the joining the Points M, L, and O.N.. continual Addition of Secants, and Then if a Right Line be drawn calculated in ſome Books (as in Sir thro P and C, a Perpendicular AQ Jonas Moore's Tables) for every from A to the Line CP, will be the Degree and Minute of Latitude; and Meridian. See the Demonſtration of there will ſerve either to make or this in Van Schouten's Exercitationes graduate a Mercator's Chart, or to Geometrica, work Mercator's Sailing. L F MERLON, MIC MIC Merion, in Fortification, is that a half, that are contained between Part of the Parapet which lies be- the two parallel Hairs of the Mi- twixt two Embraſures, being from crometer in the focus of the Object cight to nine Foot long on the fide , Glaſs of a Teleſcope, are proporcio- of the Cannon, and fix on the ſide nal to the Revolutions of the Index of the Field ; as alſo fix Foot high, required to ſeparate the Hairs, ſo and eighteen thick. as to catch thoſe Diameters or Di. MESOL ABIUM, is the Name Itances. of an Inſtrument for finding mean Concerning this Inſtrument, ſee Proportionals. what Mr. Auzout ſays in a little METAL. The Outſide or Sur. Treatiſe of it contain'd in divers face of a Piece of. Ordnance is called Ouvrages de Mathematique & de Phi- the Superficies of her Metal: When fique, par Meſſieurs de l'Academie the Mouth of a great Gun lies lower Royale des Sciences, Mr. de la Hire's than her Breech, they ſay, the lies Aſtronomicæ Tabula ; Mr. Townley, under Metal; but if ſhe lies truly in the Philof. Tranſact. N° 21. level, point blank, or right with Wolfius, in his Elem. Affron. §. 508. the Mark, they ſay, ſhe lies right Dr. Hook, in the Philofoph. Tranſait. with her Metal.. N° 29. Mr. Hevelius, in the Aeta i METOPs, is the ſquare Space be- Eruditorum, Anx. 1708. Mr. Bel- tween the Triglyphs of the Doric Maſer, in his Micrometria. But the Freeze, which among the Ancients Micrometers of the ingenious Mr. uſed to be adorned with the Heads George Graham, are far better than of Beaſts, Bafons, Vaſes, and other thoſe of any body elſe, both as to Inſtruments uſed in facrificing. A Structure and Workmanſhip. Demi-Metops is a Space ſomewhat MICROPHONES, are Inſtruments leſs than half a Metops, at the Cor-. contrived to magnify ſmall Sounds, ner of the Doric Freeze. as Microſcopes do ſmall Objects. MICROCOUSTICs, the ſame with Microscope, is a dioptric In- Microphones. ftrument, by which minute Objects MICROMETER, is an Inſtrument are very much augmented, and ſeen fitted to a large Teleſcope in the diſtinctly. Some of theſe are called Focus of the Object-Glaſs, for mea- fingle ones, being ſuch that have but furing the apparent Diameters of one ſmall Lens; others are com- the Celeſtial Bodies, and ſmall Di- pound ones, conſiſting of ſeveral ſtances that do not exceed a De. Lens's. gree, or a Degree and an half. 1. We are uncertain where and There are ſeveral ſorts of theſe by whom Microſcopes were invent- Inſtruments, whereof ſome are ed; but this we know, that they Movements conſiſting of a Plate or were unknown till the Year 1613, Face divided like a Clock or Watch, becauſe, Hieronymus Surturus, 'who with an Index or Hand, which being writ a Book that Year of the In- turn'd, moves two fliding Plates of vention and Fabrick of the Te- Braſs that carry two parallel Hairs, leſcope, makes no mention of them. and counts on the Plate the Revolu 2. Mr. Huygens, in his Dioptrics, tions of the Screws that move the will have one Drebbel, a Dutchman, Plates, whoſe Threads are extreme to be the inventor, of the Double or ly fine. Compound Microſcope in the Year The apparent Diameters for the , 1621; and Franciſcus Fontana, a Diſtances of any Objects that are Neapolitan, in a Book of Obſerzia- leſs than a Degree, or a Degree and tions, publiſhed by him in the Ver 16,6, Аа 3 MIC MIC 1 E 1646, fays, that he himſelf happen.' Lens's. If the Diameter of a Sphere ed upon the Invention of the Com- be is of an Inch, it will magnify pound Microſcope in the Year the Diameter of an Object in the 1621. Ratio of 1 to 170 nearly; the Su- 3. If an Object be placed in perficies in the Ratio of i to 2890o, the Focus of the Convex-Lens of a and the Solidity in the Ratio of i ſingle Microſcope, and the Eye be to 4913000. very near on the other ſide, the 6. The more an Object is ampli- Object will appear diſtinct in an e- fied by a Microſcope, the leſs Part rect Situation, and augmented in the thereof is comprehended' at one Ratio of the Focal Diſtance of the view. Lens, to ſuch a Diſtance, at which, 7. The Appearance of any given if the Object was placed, the naked Object, formed by any given Glaſs Eye would perceive it diſtinctly, or Combination of Glaſſes, becomes which is about eight Inches for obſcure in ſuch proportion as its good Eyes. Magnitude increaſes. 4. If the Object AB be placed 8 Equal Appearances of the fame in the Focus F, of a ſmall Glaſs Object, formed by different Combi- Sphere, and the Eye be put in the nations, become obſcure in ſuch Focus G, the Object will appear di- proportion, as the Number of Rays conitituting each Pencil decreaſes, F that is, in proportion to the Small- AH -IB neſs of the Object-Glaſs. 9. Wherefore, if the Diameter of the Object-Glaſs exceeds the Dia- meter of the Pupil, as many times as the Diameter of the Appearance exceeds the Diameter of the Object; the Appearance ſhall appear as clear and bright as the Object itſelf. 10. The Diameter of the Object- I Glaſs cannot be ſo much increaſed, without increaſing at the ſame time G the focal Diſtances of all the Glaſſes, and conſequently the Length of the Inſtrument: Otherwiſe the Rays ftinet, and in an erect Poſture aug- would fall too obliquely upon the mented, as to Diameter in the Ra- Eye-Glaſs, and the Appearance be- tio of 1 of the Diameter E I to the come confuſed and irregular. Diſtance of about eight Inches. If 11. Sir Iſaac Newton, in his Op- the Diameter of the ſmall Sphere tics, Book II. Part III. ſays, That be is of an Inch; then CE if Microſcopes are or can be ſo far and FEM to, and ſo FC = to improved as with ſufficient Diſtinct- Whence the true Diameter of the neſs to repreſent Objects five or fix Object to the Apparent, is as I to hundred times bigger than at a Foot 103 nearly. Diſtance they appear to the naked 3. Microſcopes made of ſmall Eye; he hoped that we might be Glaſs Spheres will magnify Objects able to diſcover ſome of the greateſt more than thoſe made of Lens's ; of the Corpuſcles of Bodies; and by becauſe ſmall Glas Spheres may be one which would magnify three made far more little than thoſe of or four thouſand times, perhaps, all 3, thoſe 232 1 3 M.ID M I L hoſe that produce Blackneſs might IG be drawn; then the Angle "be diſcovered. And if this could IGH is the Courſe, G I the Di. be attained to, (viz. by Glaſſes to diſcover the Conſtituent Particles of G Bodies) he fears it would be the ut- moſt Improvement of this Senſe of ſeeing; for it ſeems impoſſible to 1 H ſee the moſt ſecret and noble Works of Nature within the Corpuſcles, becauſe of the Tranſparency of the Corpuſcles. 12. The fame Gentleman in the Philofoph. Tranſ. N° 88, from the Dif- R ference he had found between com- pound and ſimple Colours, takes oc- cafion to communicate a way for ſtance, and IH the Departure in the Improvement of Microſcopes by middle Latitude Sailing. And Refraction, viz. by illuminating the As the Radius is to RI the Dif- Object in a darken'd Room with ference of Longitude, ſo is the Sine Light of any convenient Colour not of HRI the Complement of the too much compounded ; by which middle Latitude, to HI the Depar- means the Microſcopes will with ture ; and as GH the Difference Diſtinctneſs bear a deeper Charge, of Latitude is 'to the Radius, fo is and a larger Aperture. HI the Departure to the Tangent Some of the Writings about Mi- of HGI the Courſe. croſcopical Obſervations, are Fran And as the Sine of HGI. the cifcus Fontana's Obſervationes cæ- Courſe, to IH the Departure, leftium terreſtriumque Rerum. Hook's ſo is the Radius to IG the Di- Micrography . Malpighius's Anato- ftance. mia Plantarum; his Tractatus de MILKY-WAY, VIA LACTEA, Qvo incubato, de Bombyce, de Viſcerum or GALAXY, is a broad white Atructura. Leewenhoeck's Arcana Path or Track, encompaſſing the Naturiæ deteta, Bonanni's Micro- whole Heavens, and extending it. graphia curiofa. ſelf in ſome Places with a double MIDDLE LATITUDE, in Navi. Path ; but for the moſt part with gation, is half the Sum of two La- a ſingle one. Some of the Ancients, titudes. And as Ariſtotle, &c. imagined that this MIDDLE LATITUDE SAILING, Path confifted only of a certain is the manner of ſolving the ſeveral Exhalation hanging in the Air ; Cafes of Mercator's Sailing, without but by the Teleſcopical Obſervations the Meridional Parts, by taking the ic hath been diſcovered to conſiſt of middle Latitude ; and this nearly an innumerable Number of fixed agrees with Mercator's Sailing. Stars, different in Situation and If the Line GR be drawn, and Magnitude, from the confuſed Mix- the Angle GRI be made at R, e ture of whoſe Light, its whice Co- qual to the Coniplement of the mid- lour is ſuppoſed to be occafioned. dle Latitude : And the Difference of It paſſes chrough the Conitellations Longitude be ſet from R to I, and of Caffiopeia, Cygnus, Aquila, Perfens, the Perpendicular IH be let fall, Andromeda, Part of Ophiucus and and the Difference of Latitude be Gemini, in the Northern Hemi- ſet off from H to G, and the Line ſpheres ; and in the Southera, it takes 1 Aa 4 M IN M I T takes in Part of Scorpio, Sagittarius, 360 Degrees, with ſeveral Dials grá- Centaurus, the Argonavis, and the duated thereon, generally made for Ara. the Uſe of Miners. Metrodorus, and ſome Pythago MINIM, a Term in Muſic; being reans, thought the Sun had once the fourth Note of Time, and is gone in this Track inſtead of the mark'd thus q. Ecliptic; and conſequently, that its MINION, à fort of a Cannon, is Whiteneſs proceeds from the Re- either large or ordinary. The large mains of his Light. As the Galaxy Minion is one of the longeſt Size, is compoſed of an Infinity of ſmall and has its Bore three Inches and a Stars, ſo it hath uſually been the quarter Diameter, and is a thouſand Region in which new Stars'appear, Pound Weight. Its Load is three as the Star in Caliopæia, which was Quarters of a Pound of Powder : Its ſeen A.D. 1572, that in the Breaſt Shot three Inches Diameter, and of the Swan, and another in the three Pound three Quarters Weight: Knee of Serpentarius, and ſeveral Its Length eight Foot, and its Level- others, which have appeared for a Range an hundred and twenty-five while, and then become inviſible Paces. again. The ordinary Minion: Its Bore MILITARY ARCHITECTURE, is three Inches in Diameter, and the ſame with Fortification. weighs about eight hundred, or ſeven MINE, in Fortification, is a Hole hundred and fifty Pounds Weight: dug or made by a Pioneer under the It is ſeven Foot long : Its . Load two Rampart, or under the Face of the Pounds and a half of Powder: Its Baſtion, whereto there are ſeveral Shot near three Inches Diameter, oblique and winding Paſſages: When and weighs three Pounds and four it is finiſhed, divers Barrels of Pow- Ounces ; and it ſhoots point-blank der are placed therein, together with an hundred and twenty Paces. i a Train or Saucidge; and the Quan MINUTE, is the both Part of a tity of Powder is proportioned to Degree or Hour. the Height and Weight of the Body MINUTE, in Architecture, is which is to be blown up: fometimes taken for a part of a There are alſo Mines ſprung in Module. the Field, which are called Fougades. MITRE, in Architecture, is the The Alley or Paſſage of a Mire is Workmen's Term for an Angle, ufually about four Foot ſquare ; at that is juſt forty-five Degrees, or the End of which is the Chamber of half a Right one; and if it be a the Mine, as they call it. The far- Quarter of a Right Angle, they call ther it is carried on, the more it is it a Half Mitre. And they have an ſubject to be diſcovered by the Ene- Inftrument made to this Angle, my. Therefore, 'tis beſt not to aim which they call the Mitre Square; at mining too far, and to make a with which they ſtrike Mitre Lines new one where the former takes no on their Quarters or Battens; and Effect. Concerning theſe, fee Lam. for Diſpatch they have a Mitre-Box, bion, in his Praxis Architectonica; as they call it, which is made of two Sz: ire de St. Femy, in his Memoires Pieces of Wood, each about an Inch d'Artillerie, Tom. I. p.154, and thick, and one is nailed upright foll. Wolfus, in his Eiement. Pyro- upon the Edge of the other; the tech. § 147. & feq. ujiper Piece hach the Mitre-Lines MINE-DIAL, is a Box and Nee ftruck upon it on both sides, to dle, with a brats Ring divided into direcł the Saw in cutting the Mitre- Joints : do 7 . I :: : 4 M OD M OM Joints readily, by only applying the Soffit or Bottom of the Drip, in the Piece into this Box. the Ionic, Compoſite, and Corinthian Mix'D-LINED Figure, is one Cornices, and ought to correſpond conſiſting of ſtraight and crooked to the Middle of Columns. Theſe Lines. are particularly affected in the Co- MIXBD NUMBER, is one that is rinthian Order, where they are al- part integer, or a whole Number, ways enrich'd with carved Works. and part a Fraction; as 4%, 10, In the lonic and Compoſite they are Egc. 'more ſimple, having ſeldom any MIXED RATIO, or PROPOR- Ornaments, excepting ſometimes a TION, is when the Sum of the An- ſingle Leaf underneath. tecedent and Conſequent is com MODULE, in Architecture, is a pared with the Difference between little Meaſure, by which we mean Antecedent and Conſequent, as if any Bigneſs or Extent taken at plea- 4 : 3 :: 16:12 ſure, to meaſure the Parts of a Build- Then b ::cid ing by, and is uſually determined by the lower Diameter of the Co- 28 lumn and Pilaſters. Vignola's Mo- a to b:a-b :: ctdic-dº dule, which is equal to the Semi- · Moat, in Fortification, is a hol- Diameter of the Column, is divided low Space or Ditch dug round a into twelve Parts in the Tuſcan and Town or Fortreſs which is to be de- Doric, and into eighteen in the reſt fended; wherefore, the Length and of the Orders. The Module of Pal- Breadth often depends upon the Na- ladio, Scammozzi, M. De Cambray, ture of the Soil, according as it is and M. Deſgodetz, which is likewiſe marſhy or rocky: But Moats in ge- equal to the Semi-Diameter, is di. neral may be from fixteen to twenty- vided into thirty Parts. two Fathom broad, and from fiften MOINEAU, is a Name the French, to twenty-five Foot deep. and fome Modern Writers of Forti- Dry Moat, is that which is deſti. fication, give to a little Plat-Baſtion, tute of Water, and ought to be which is raiſed before a Curtain that deeper than one that is full of Water. is too long, and which hath two Lined Moat, is that whoſe Scarp other Baltions at the Ends of it; for and Counterſcarp are caſed with a they being out of Muſket-Shot, one Wall of Maſons-Work lying in Ta or the other muſt be defended by lus, or a Slope. ſome ſuch thing as this Moincau or Flat-bottom'd Moat, is that which Plat-Baſtion. hath no floping, its Corners being Sometimes the Moineau joins to ſomewhat rounded. All Moats muſt the Curtain, and ſometimes is dif- be well flanked, and in general ſo joined from it by a Moat. wide, as that no Ladder, Tree, &c. MOMENTS, are ſometimes taken can reach a-croſs them. If the for the least and moſt inſenſible Parts Ditch be dry, or has but little War of Time; as when we ſay, ſuch a ter, there is uſually another ſmall thing was done in a Moment. Trench cut quite along the Middle 1. In Mathematics, Moments are of it. ſuch indeterininate and inſtable Parts MODEL, in Architecture. See of Quantity, as are ſuppoſed to be Module. in a perpecual Flux, i. e. either con- Modes, in Muſic. See Mood. tinually decreaſing or increasing ; MODILLIONS, in Architecture, which latter are taken for affirma- are little inverted Conſoles undir tive and poſitive Moments, and the former MOM .: MOM ones. i former for negative or ſubtractible Moments of the Parts of that Body And theſe continually in- and therefore, where the Magni- creaſing or decreaſing Particles are tudes and Number of any Particles ſuppoſed to be infinitely ſmall; for are the ſame ; and where they are as foon as ever they come to be of moved with the fame Celerity, there any finite Magnitude, they ceaſe to will be the ſame Moments of the be Moments. Moments therefore Wholes. are to be looked upon not as the 6. M. - Leibnitz, Huygens, Ber- generative Principles of finite Mag- noulli, Wolfe, and ſome other Fo- nitude; but to be inceptive only of reigners, have all been drawn into them.. an horrid Error concerning the Mo- 2. And becauſe 'tis the ſame thing, menta, or Force of falling Bodies: if in the room of theſe moments, for they ſay, that the Forces of the Velocities of their Increaſes or falling Bodies, at the Ends of the Decreaſes be made uſe of, or the Fall, are not as the Velocities into finite Quantities proportionable to the Quantities of Matter ; but as ſuch Velocities; this Method of Pro- the Squares of the Velocities into ceeding, which conſiders the Mo- the Quantities of Matter. And all tions, Changings, or Fluxions of the Proof of this, by Experience, Quantities, hath come to be called is a fallacious one, of, ſuſpending Fluxions. Balls by Threads to the Ceiling over 3. Moments, or Momenta, alſo in Veſſels of congealed Tallow, Clay, a Phyſical Şenſe, as they are uſed Wax, or any other yielding Sub- in reference to the Laws of Motion, ſtance; and then letting the Balls fignify the Quantities of Motion in fall, and make Pits in the yielding any moving Bodies; and fometimes, Subſtance: for when the Balls were fimply the Motion itſelf : and they equal, and one weigh'd one Pound, define it to be the Vis infta, or and the other two, and the lighter Power by which any moving Bodies Ball hung twice the Height of the do continually change their Places. other from the Surface of the Tal-' 4. And in comparing the Motions low; yet they made Pits in the Tal- of Bodies, the Ratio of theſe Mo. low of the ſame Depth: And from ments is always compounded of the this Experiment they would have Quantity of Matter in, and the Ce- their Momenta to be equal, and con- lerity of the moving Body ; ſo that ſequently their proper Weights are the Moment of any moving Body in the reciprocal Ratio of the Spaces may be conſider'd as a Rectangle which the ſaid Bodies deſcribe by under the Quantity of Matter into their Fall; and becauſe theſe Spaces the Celerity. And fince 'tis certain, are in the ſame Ratio as the Square that all equal Rectangles have their of the Velocities; therefore, the Sides reciprocally proportionable, Force of a falling Body is as the (14 E. 6 Eucl.) therefore if the Body itſelf into the Square of the Moments of any moveable Bodies Velocity at the End of the Fall. are equal, the Quantity of Matter 7. M. s'Graveſande, in his Inſti- in one, to that of the other, will tutiones Philofophiæ Newtoniana, con- be reciprocally, as the Celerity of tradicts himſelf about this matter; the latter to the Celerity of the for- for he ſays, pag. 75. Dum preſſione mer, and vice verſa. corpus acceleratur, manente equali 5. The Moment of any moving preſſione in corpus agenti, non augetur Body may be conſidered alſo as celeritas æquabiliter. And therefore, the Aggregate or Sum of all the according to this, if I take him right, res MON MON right, the Motion of a Body that they called it a Demi-Diton, or a falls freely ſhort Spaces, is not ac Tierce-Minor ; and laſtly, if the celerated equally in equal Times : Terms were as 24 to 25, they called And ſo the Celerity which is acqui- it à Demiton, or Dieze. red in the Fall, is not as the Time The Monochord being thus divi- in which the Body has fallen ; and ded, was properly that which they conſequently the Spaces gone thro' called a Syſtem, of which there were from the beginning of the Fall, will many kinds, according to the dif- not be to one another, as the Squares ferent Diviſions of the Monochord. of the Times or Velocities in which MONOTRIGLYPH, a Term in the Body fell ; and yet in the Expe- Architecture, fignifying the Space riments, that he and Polenus has of one Triglyph between two Pila- made to prove, that the Forces of ſters, or two Columns. falling Bodies are as the Matter into Mood, in Muſick, ſignifies cer- the Square of the Velocity, this tain Proportions of the Time, or new Propoſition follows from the Meaſure of Notes. Theſe Moods or Spaces gone thro' by the Fall of Modes, of ineaſuring Notes, were Bodies, being as the Squares of the formerly four in Number, viz. Times. 1. The Perfect of the More, in 8. See concerning this in the Aeta which a Large contained three Eruditorum, An. 1686. p. 161. 'Hi- Longs, or a Long three Breves, a foire des Ouvrages des Scavans, An. Breve three Semi-Breves, and a Se- 1690. P. 451. Journal Literaire, mi-Breve three Minims. Tom. XII. p. 1, 190. Polenus, in 2. The Perfect of the Lefs, where- Libro de Caſtellis, &c. But Dr. in a Large comprehended two Longs, Defaguliers has ſhewn them all to a Long two Breves, a Breve three be falſe in this Point, in the Philofo- Semi-Breves, and a Semi-Breve two phịcal Tranſaktions, Nº 375, 376. Minims. MONADES. See Digits. 3. The Imperfect of the More, in MONOCHORD, a kind of Inftru- which a Large contained two Longs, ment'anciently of ſingular Uſe for a Long two Breves, a Breve two Se- the regulating of Sounds: But ſome mi-Breves, and a Semi-Breve three appropriate the Name of Mono- Minims. chord to an Inſtrument that hath 4. The Imperfe&t of the Lefs, is the only one ſingle String, as the 'Trum- fame with that which we call the Common Mood, the other three being The Ancients made uſe of the now altogether out of uſe; altho® Monochord to determine the Pro- the Meaſure of our coinmon Tri- portion of Sounds to one another; ple-Time is the ſame with the when the Chord was divided into Mood Imperfect of the Mare, except two equal Parts, ſo that when the that we reckon but two Minims to Terms were as i and 1, they call'd a Semi-Breve, which in that Mood them Unifons ; but if they were as 2 to comprehended three. In our coin- 1, they call’d them Oet aves, or Dia mon Mood, two Longs make one pafons; when they were as 3 to 2, Large, two Breves a Long, two Se- they called them Fifths, or Diapenmi-Breves a Breve, &c. proceeding tes; if they were as 4 to 3, they in the ſame Order to the laſt or call'd them Fourths, or .Diatellarons : ; ſhorteſt Note : So that a Large con- if the Terms were as 5 to 4, they tains two Longs, four Breves, eight call'd it Diton,or Tierce Major ; but Semi-Breves, fixteen Minims, thirty if the Terins were as 6 to 5, then two Crotchets, fixty-four Quavers, ១១ Be- pet-Marine. моо Μ Ο Ο 1 Beſides theſe Moods of Time, five the Time in which the Moon runs others relating to Tune, were in through the Zodiac, and therefore uſe among the ancient Grecians, is accounted by the Motion of the which were termed Tones or 7 dnes Moon : And ſo the Lunar Month by the Latins; the Deſign of either is either Periodical, which is the being to fhew in what Key a Song Time of the Moon's Motion from was ſet, and how the different Keys any one Point of the Zodiac to the had relation one to another. fame again, and is ſomething leſs Theſe Sorts of Moods were diſtin- than 27 Days and eight Hours; or guiſhed by the Names of the ſeveral elſe Synodical, which is the Time Provinces of Greece, where they between New Moon and New Moon, were firſt invented ; as the Doric, and is ſomething more than 29 Days Lydian, Ionic, Phrygian, and Æolic. and a half. Doric Mond confitted of ſlow-tuned 1. There is alſo a Solar Month, Notes, and was proper for the ex which is the Time that the Sun citing Perſons to Sobriety and Piety. takes up in running through one Lydian Mood was likewiſe uſed in of the Signs of the Zodiac, and is ſolemn grave Muſic ; and the De- almoſt 30 Days and a half. ſcant or Compoſition was of flow 2. And both theſe Solar and Ly- Time, adapted to ſacred Hymns or nar Months, are either Aſtronomi- Anthems. cal, like thoſe abovementioned; or Ionic Mood was for more light and Civil, which are various, according ſoft Muſick ; ſuch as pleaſant amo- to the Uſage of accounting in diffe- Tous Songs, Sarabands, Courants, rent Places, Cities, and Nations. Jigs, &c. 3. The Egyptians accounted by Phrygian Mood was a warlike kind. Solar Months, each of 30 Days ; of Mulick, fit for Trumpets, Haut- and to compleat their Year, after 12 boys, and other Inſtruments of the ſuch Months, they added five Days, like Nature, whereby the Minds of which the odd Hours made’up. Men were animated to undertake 4. But moſt of the ancient Na- Military Atchievements, or Martial tions accounted by the Lunar Syno- Exerciſes. dical Month ; as the Jews, Greeks, Æolic Mood, being of a more airy, and the Romans, till 7. Cæſar's ſoft, and delightful Sound, ſuch as Time; and as the Mahometans do to our Madrigals, ſerved to allay the this day. And becauſe theſe Months Paſſions by the means of its grate- did not contain an exact Number of ful Variety, and melodious Harmo- Days, to adapt them to Civil Com- ny. putation, they accounted alternately Theſe Moods or Tones were di one Month to have 30, and the next ſtinguiſhed into Authentic and Play- 31 Days ; and by this nieans they al, with reſpect to the dividing of made two ſuch Civil Months' to be the Oftave into its Fifth and Fourth. equal to two Lunar ones of 29 Days The former was when the Fifth and a half : and they brought it to poffeſſed the Lower Place, according paſs, that the New Month, for a to che harmonical Diviſion of an Run of many Years, did not much Ostave; and the other was when it deviate from the first Day of the stood in the Upper Place, according Civil Month. to the Arithmetical Diviſion of the Moon. The Periodical Revolu- faine. Ostave. tion of the Moon, in reference to MONTH, properly ſpeaking, is the fixed Stars, is 27 Days, ſeven Hours, ir 0 Μ Ο Ο M O O Hours, 43 Minutes : And in the from the Action of the Sun, di- ſame Space of Time, by a ſtrange ſturbing the Motion of the ſecon- Correſpondence and Harmony of dary Planets) ſhe moves ſwifter, and the two Motions, it revolves the deſcribes (by a Radius drawn from it fame Way about its own Axis ; to the Earth) a greater Area in pro- whereby (one Motion converting it portion to the Time, hath an Orbit to, as the other turns it from the leſs curved, and by that means comes Earth) the ſame side is always ex nearer to the Earth in her Syzy- poſed to our Sight. gies or Conjunctions, than in the 1. The Librations of the Moon's Quadratures, unleſs the Motion of Body, which occaſion that the ſame her Eccentricity hinders it : Which Hemiſphere exactly is not always Eccentricity is the greateſt, when expoſed to our Sight, ariſe from the the Apogæum of the Moon happens Eccentricity of the Moon's Orbit, in the Conjunction ; and is leaft, from the Perturbations by the Sun's when the Apogæum happens at the Attraction, and from the Obliquity Quadratures ; and her Motion is of the Axis of the Diurnal Rotation ſwifter alſo in the Earth's Aphelion, of the Moon's own Orbit, without than in its Peribelion. The Apogæum the Knowledge of which Circum- alſo goes forward ſwifter in the ſtances, her Phænomena would be in- Conjunction, and goes ſlower at the explicable ; but by the Confideration Quadratures ; but her Nodes are at of them are very demonftrable. reſt in the Conjunctions, and do 2. The mean horary Motion of recede moſt ſwiftly in the Quadra- the Moon, in reſpect of the fixed tures. Stars, is 32 Minutes, 56 Seconds, 8. The Moon alſo perpetually 27 Thirds, 12 Fourths and a half. changes the Figure of her Orbit, 3 The Moon is diſtant from the or the Species of the Ellipfis the Earth, according to moſt Aſtrono- moves in. mers, 59: According to Vindeline, 9. There are alſo ſome other In- 60; Copernicus 60}: Kircher, 601 equalities in the Motion of this pla- And according to Tycho, 564 Semi- net, which can hardly be reduced diameters of the Earth. Sir Ifaac to any certain Rule: As the Velo- Newton thinks the Diſtance ought cities or Horary Motions of the A- to be eſteem'd about 61. There- pogæum and Nodes, and their E- fore the mean Diſtance may be rec- quations, and the Difference be- kon'd 60. tween the greateſt Eccentricity in 4. She is nearer the Earth at her the Conjunctions, and the leaſt in Syzygy, than in the Quadrature by the Quadratures; and that Inequa- ofth Part of the Diſtance. lity which is called the Variation of 5. According to Mr. Callini, the the Moon: All theſe do increaſe and Moon's greateſt Diſtance from the decreaſe annually, in a Triplicate Earth is 61, the mean Diſtance 56, Ratio of the apparent Diameter of and the leaſt Diſtance.52 Semi-dia, the Sun: And this Variation is in- meters of che Earth. creaſed and diminiſhed in a dupli- 6 The Power of the Moon's In- cate Ratio of the Time between the fluence as to the Tides, is to that Quadratures ; as Sir Iſaac Newtox of the Sun as 6 to one. Sir Iſaac proves in many places of his Prin Newton. cipia. 7. As to the Inequality of the 10. That curious Perſon found Moon's Motion, (which proceeds the Apogæum in the Moon's Syzy- gies MOO 1 Μ Ο Ο gies to go forward 23 min. each or Quantity of Matter in the Moon Day, in reſpect of the fixed Stars ; to that of the Earth, is as I to 26 and to go backward 16 min. š nearly. . each Day in the Quadratures : And 16. The Plane of the Moon's Or. therefore the middle annual Mo- bit is inclin'd to that of the Eclip, tions he eſtimates at 40 Degrees. tic, and makes with it an Angle of 11. That the Cauſe of the ſecon about five Degrees ; and its Decli- dary Light of the Moon, as they nation varies, and is greateſt when call it, that is, the obſcure Part of the Moon is in the Quadratures, and her appearing like kindled Aſhes,juſt leaſt when ſhe is in her Syzygies. before and after the Change of the 17. By means of the Spots in the new Moon, is the Sun's Rays re. Moon, the Lunar Ellipſes are more flected from the bright Hemiſphere accurately obſerved than formerly, of the Earth to thoſe dark Parts of to the great Advancement of Geo- the Moon ; and thence again re graphy and Navigation in ſettling flected to the Earth deftitate of the the Longitudes of Places; for the Sun's Light. Immerſion and Emerſions of theſe 12. Sir Iſaac Newton makes it a Spots, from the Shadow of the Propoſition to enquire into the Fi- Earth, are moſt nicely determined. gure of the Moon ; and ſuppoſing 18. Although the Moon's Period it, at its firſt Original to have been round the Earth be in 27 Days, 7 a Fluid, like to our Sea, he calcu- Hours, and three Quarters, (which lates, that the Attraction of our is the Periodical Month) yet becauſe Earth would raiſe the Water there to in the Space of a Periodical Month, near go Foot high, as the Attraction the Earth alſo with its Satellite, of the Moon raiſeth our Water the Moon, is moved forward ala. to 12 Foot : Whence the Figure moſt an entire Sign ; therefore the of the Moon muſt be a Spheroid Point of the Moon's Orbit, in the whoſe greateft Diameter extended, laft Conjunction, or New Moon, will paſs through the Centre of our will be gotten too far to the Weſt- Earth ; and will be longer than the ward : and therefore the Moon can- other Diameter perpendicular to it, not come yet to a new Conjunction by 180 Foot ; and from hence it with the Sun, but wants of it two comes to paſs, that we ſee always Days and five Hours; which muſt the ſame Face of the Moon : For be paſs'd before the entire Lunation the cannot reft in any other Poſition, will be over, and before the Moon but will continually endeavour to hath exhibited all her Phaſes. Theſe conform herſelf to this Situation, two Days, and five Hours therefore Prop. 38. Lib. III. being added to the Periodical Month, 13. Mr. Azout ſays, that this pla make the Synodical one, which con- net's Diameter never appeard to fifts of 29 Days, 12 Hours, and him above 33 min. and never leſs three Quarters. than 24 min. 45 ſec. 19. The Moon diſturbs the Mo- 14. Sir Iſaac Newton reckons the tion of the Earth, and the common mean Diameter of the Moon to be Centre of Gravity of thoſe Bodies 32 min. 12 ſec. as the Sun's is 31 deſcribe that Orbit about the Sun, min. 27 ſec. which we have hitherto ſaid that 15. The Denſity of the Moon he the Earth deſcribed ; becauſe we concludes to be to that of the Earth, overlook'd the Action of the Moon; as 9 to 5 nearly ; and that the Maſs but the Earth really deſcribes an ir- regular Curve. 20. i MOO моо 20. The Gravity of the Moon tures, is to the Force which accele- towards the Earth, is increaſed by rates or retards the Moon in its the Action of the Sun, when the Orbit. Moon is in the Quadratures ; and 28. And the Radius is to the Sum it is an Augmentation or Addition or Difference of one and a half, the to the Gravity of the Earth towards Co-Sine of double the Diſtance of the Sun. the Moon from the Syzygy, and half 21. The Earth's Diſtance from the Radius ; as the Addition of the Sun remaining the ſame, the Gravity in the Quadratures, to the abovemention’d Addition of Gravity Diminution or Increaſe of Gravity increaſes and diminiſhes in the Rain that Situation of the Moon, con- tio of the Diſtance of the Moon cerning which the Computation is from the Earth. made. 22. The Diſtance of the Earth 29. The Moon is leſs diſtant from from the Sun remaining the ſame, the Earth at the Syzygies, and more the Gravity of the Moon towards at the Quadratures. the Earth decreaſes more ſlowly in 30. In the Quadratures and Syzy- the Quadratures, than according to gies, the Moon deſcribes Area's by the inverſe Ratio of the Square of Lines drawn to the Centre of the the Diſtance from the Centre of the Earth, proportional to the Times. Earth. 31. The Area's, by Lines drawn 23. The Force which diminiſhes to the Centre of the Earth, are not the Gravity of the Moon in the Sy- exactly proportional to the Times zygies, is double that which increaſes at all Times. it in the Quadratures. 32. 'The Apſides of the Moon go 24. In the Syzygies, the diſturb- forward, when the Moon is in the ing Force is directly as the Diſtance Syzygies : In the Quadratures, the of the Moon from the Earth, and Apfides go backwards, that is, move inverſly as the Cube of the Diſtance in Antecedentia. of the Earth from the Sun. 33. The Progreſs, conſidering one 25. At the Syzygies the Gravity entire Revolution of the Moon, ex- of the Moon towards the Earth, re ceeds the Regreſs, Cæteris Paribus. ceding from its Centre, is more di 34. The Apfides go forward faſteſt miniſhed, than according to the in- of all in a Revolution of the Moon, verſe Ratio of the Square of the Di- ſuppoſing the Line of the Aplides ſtance from that Centre. in the Nodes ; and in that very 26. In the Motion of the Moon Caſe they go back the Noweft of all from the Syzygies to the Quadrature, in the fame Revolution. the Gravity of the Moon towards 35. Suppoſing the Line of the the Earth is continually increaſed, Aplides to be in the Quadratures, and the Moon is continually re- the Apfides are carried in Conſe- tarded in its Motion : But in the quentia, the leaſt of all in the Syzy- Motion from the Quadrature to the gies; but they return the ſwifteſt in Syzygy, every Moment the Moon's the Quadratures ; and in this caſe, Gravity is diminiſhed, and its Mo- in one entire Revolution of the tion in its Orbit is accelerated. Moon, the Regreſs exceeds the Pro- 27. As the Radius is to the Sine, greſs. and an half of double the Diſtance 36. The Excentricity of the Ora of the Moon from the Syzygy; fo the bit, evefy Revolution undergoes va- Addition of Gravity in the Quadra- rious Changes. It is the greateſt of M OO моо 1 of all, when the Line of the Apſides tures, and in one whole Revolution is in the Syzygies ; but the Orbit is of the Moon, the Force which in- the leaſt Excentric of all, when the creaſes the Inclination exceeds that Line of the Apfides is in the Qua- which diminiſhes it; therefore the dratures. Inclination is increaſed, and it is 37. The Ratio between the Addi- the greateſt of all, when the Nodes tion of Gravity in the Quadratures, are in the Quadratures. and the Force, which renoves the 44. All the Errors in the Moon's oon out of its Orbit, is the Ratio Motion are ſomething greater in of the Cube of the Radius to three the Conjunction than in the Op- times the Product of the Sines of poſition. the Diftances of the Moon from the 45. All the diſturbing Forces are Quadrature, and of the Node from inverſly, as the Cube of the Diſtance the Syzygy; as alſo of the Inclination of the Sun from the Earth, which of the Plane, when it remains the ſame, they are 38. This Force is increaſed as ás the Diſtance of the Moon from the Moon advances towards the Sy- the Earth. Conſidering all the diſ- zygy, and as the Nodes recede from turbing Forces together, the Dimi- it. nution of Gravity prevails. 39. Conſidering one entire Revo- 46. The Motion of the Moon be- lution of the Moon, Cæteris Pari- ing conſidered in general. The Gra; bus, the Nodes move in Anteceden- vity of the Moon towards the Earth tia ſwifteſt of all, when the Moon is diminiſhed coming near the Sun, is in the Syzygies; then flower and and the Periodical Time is the grea- flower, till they are at reſt, when teft ; as alſo the Diſtance of the . the Moon is in the Quadratures. Moon (Cæteris Paribus) the greateſt, 40. The Line of Nodes does ſuc- when the Earth is in the Perihelion. ceſſively acquire all poffible Situa MORTAR-PIECE, is a kind of tions in reſpect of the Sun; and very ſhort Piece of Cannon, or Ord- every Year goes twice thro' the nance, thick and wide, proper for, Syzygies, and twice thro' the Qua- the diſcharging of Bombs, Carcaf- dratures. ſes, Stones, &c. It is uſually mount- 41. If we conſider ſeveral Revo- ed on a Carriage, the Wheels where- lutions of the Moon, the Nodes in of are very low. one whole Revolution go back very faſt, the Nodes being in the Qua- Mr. Anderſon's TABLE of the re- dratures ; then ſlower, till they come quifite Weight of Powder for all to reſt, when the Line of Nodes is Mortars, from 6 to 20 Inches dia- in the Syzygies. meter. 42. By the fame Force with which the Nodes are moyed, the Inch. Decin.! Pounds. Ounces. Inclination of the Orbit is alſo 6. 13 changed ; it is increaſed as the Moon recedes from the Node, and 7. 05 diminiſhed as it comes to the Node. 7 43. When the Nodes are come to 8 the Syzygies, the Inclination of the 8 ი6 Plane of the Orbit is the leaſt of 9. 14 all; for in the Motion of the Nodes 9. 5 3. 06 from the Syzygies to the Quadra 10, 3. 141 O, OI IO ini Na ол олол оло 00 2. 10, 10. II. II. 12. tinnonoo i 10 9. 10. I II. О, Ол ол оо олол Ол ол Ол ол upon it. M O T MOT Ounces. Inch. Decem. | Pounds. 4. If two Bodieş, moving uni. formly, go with unequal Velocities, 5 08 the Spaces which will be pafsd over 03 by them in unequal Times, will be 5 15, to one another in a Ratio com- 12 pounded of that of the Velocities, I 2. and that of the Times. 13. 09 5. The Motions of all Bodies are 13. 5 IO as the Rectangles under the Velo- 14 111 cities, and the Quantities of Mat- 14 5 14 ter. 15 13. 03 6. The Motions of Bodies inclu- 15.. 5 14 09 ded in a given Space, among them- 16. 16. 16 ſelves, will not be changed by the 16. 17. 09 Motion of that Space uniformly for- 17. 0 19. 03 wards in a ſtraight Line. 17. 20. 15 7. Every Body will continue in 18. 22. 12 its State, either of Reſt or Mo- 18. 24 II tion, uniformly forward in a Right 19. 26. 13 Line, unleſs it be made to change 19. 5 28. 14 that State by ſome Force impreſſed 20. o 31. 04 8. The Change of Motion is pro- See the Deſcription of Mortars portionable to the moving Force by Methins, in his Artiller. part 3. impreſſed, and is always according c. 18, and foll. And Buckner's Are to the Direction of that Right Line, till. part. 1. f. 78.& ſeq. As alſo Su- in which the Force is impreſſed. , rire de Saint Remy's Memoires d'Ar 9.' The Quantity of any Motion tillerie, Part 2. P. 352. & feq. is diſcoverable by the Joint-Confi- Motion, is a Continual and deration of the Quantity of Matter Succeſſive Mutation of Place, and is in; and the Velocity of the moving either Abſolute or Relative. Body : For the Motion of any 1. Abſolute Motion, is the Change Whole, is the Sum of the Motions of the Locus Abfolutus of any moving of all the Parts. Body, and therefore, its Celerity 10. The Quantity of Motion, will be meaſured by the Quantity which is found, by taking either of the abſolute Space, which the the Sum of Motions made the fame moveable Body has run through. Way, or the Difference of thoſe But, which are made contrary Ways, is 2. Relative Motion, is the Muta- not at all changed by the Action tion of the Relative or Vulgar Place of Bodies one upon another. of the moving Body, and ſo hath II. In all kind of Motions what- its Celerity accounted or meaſured ever, rolling, ſliding, uniform, ac- by the Quantity of relative Space, celerated, or retarded, in right Lines, which the moveable Body runs over. or in Curves, & c. the Sum of the 3. All Motion is of itſelf Rectic Forces which produce the Motion linear, or made according to of all Parts of its Duration, is al- ſtraight Lines, with the ſame con- ways proportionable to the Sum of ftant uniform Velocity ; if no exter- the Paths, or Lines, which all the nal Cauſe makes any Alteration in Points of the moving Body deſcribe. its Direction. Bb 1 2,9 Μ Ο Τ. MUL 12. The Product of the Duration Places, at the side of the Barriers, of all uniform Motions, multiplied through which People paſs on Foot. by the Force which began the Mo MOYENAU, (a French Term) in tion, is always proportionable to Fortification, is a ſmall flat Baftion, the Product made by the Path, or commonly placed in the middle of Line of Motion multiplied by the an over-long Curtain, by which the Maſs or Quantity of Matter in the Baſtions at the Extremities are not moving Body. well defended from the Small-Shot,, MOTION of the Apogeum, in the by reaſon of their Diſtance ; ſo that Ptolemaic Syſtem, is an Arch of the this work is proper for placing in Zodiac of the Primum Mobile, con it a Body of Muſqueteers to fire tained between the Line of the Apo- upon the Enemy from all Sides. geum, and the beginning of Aries. MULTANGULAR FIGURE, is MOTION COMPOUNDED, See one that has many Sides and Angles. Compound Motion. MULTILATERAL, in Geome- MOULDINGS. Under this Name try, are thoſe Figures that have are comprehended all thoſe Jettings more than four Sides. or Projectures beyond the naked MULTINOMIAL Root. See Po- Wall, à Column, &c. which only lynomial. ſerve for Ornament ; whether they MULTIPLE PROPORTION, is be ſquare, round, ſtraight or crook- when the Antecedent being divided ed. Of theſe there are ſeven kinds by the Confequent, the Quotient is more confiderable than the reſt, more than Unity; and the Reaſon viz. the Doucine, the Taton or Heel, of the Name is, becauſe the Con- the Ovolo or Quarter-Round, the ſequent muft be multiplied by the Plinth, the Afragal, the Denticle, Index, or Exponent of the Ratio, and the Cavetto. to make it equal to the Antecedent. Movement; the ſame with Thus 12 is multiple in proportion what many do call an Automaton, to 4, becauſe being divided by 4, and with us fignifies all thoſe Parts the Quotient is 3, which is the Dee of a Watch, Clock, or any ſuch cu- nominator of the Ratio; ar and the rious Engine, which are in Motion, Conſequent 4 being multiplied by carry on the Deſign, or anſwer the 3, makes the Antecedent 12; where- End of the Inſtrument. fore 3 is fub-multiple of 12. MOULINET, a French Term, ſig MULTIPLE SUPER-PARTICU- nifying a Turn-Stile ; 'tis uſed in LAR PROPORTION, is when one Mechanics, and fignifies a Roller, Number or Quantity contains ano- which being croſſed with two Le ther more than once, and ſuch an vers, is uſually applied to Cranes, aliquot Part. Capitans, and other Sort of Engines MULTIPLE SUPER-PARTIENT of the like Nature, to draw Cords, PROPORTION, is when one Num- and heave up Stones, Timber, &c. ber or Quantity contains another Alſo a kind of Turn-Stile, or woo- divers Times, and ſome Parts be- den Croſs, which turns horizontally fides. upon a Stake fixed in the Ground, MULTIPLICATION, is, in ge- and is uſually placed in Paffages, neral, the taking or repeating of to keep out Horſes, and to oblige one Number or Quantity as often · Paſſengers to go, or come one by as there are ſuppoſed Units in the other Number : The Number mul- Theſe Moulinets are often ſet up tiplied, is called the Multiplicand, near the Out-Works of fortified the Number multiplying, the Muka tiplicator; one. . M U L M U L tiplicator or Multiplier ; and that Examples, 9764 which is found or produced, is cal- 3 led the Product, MULTIPLICATION, is only a 31292 compendious Addition, effecting at once, what in the ordinary Way of 5326 Multiplicand Addition would require many Ope- 427 : Multiplier rations : For the Multiplicandis only added to itſelf, or repeated, as 37282 often as the Units of the Multi- 10652 plicator do expreſs it. Thus if 6 21304 were to be multiplied by 4, the Pro- duct is 24, which is the Sum ari- 2274202 Product. fing from the Addition of 6 four The Reaſon of theſe Rules depends times to itſelf. upon the following Propofition, viz. In all Multiplication, as I is to that the Product of any two Num the Multiplicator ; fo is the Multi-bers is equal to the ſeveral Products plicand to the Product. made by multiplying all the Parts . 1. Multiplication of whole Num of the one, by the other, or all the bers is perform'd by the following Parts of the other. Rules. "If the Multiplier be leſs 2. To multiply a Fraction by a than 10, ſet it under the firſt Figure Fraction, is to take the Multiplicand of the Multiplicand, and having ſo many ſuch Parts of a Time as is drawn a Line underneath, let each fignified by the Maltiplier ; to do Figure thereof, beginning at the which, multiply the Numerators of place of Units, be multiplied by the two Fractions together, for the the Multiplier, and fet each ſingle Numerator of the Fraction defired, Product (if leſs than 10) under its and their Denominators for the De- reſpective Figure of the Multipli- nominator of the Fraction, which cand ; but if it be 10, or any Num- is the Product of the two given ber of ro's with ſome Over-plus, Fractions ; as multiplied by is fubſcribe that Over-plus ; but if without, fet down a Cipher, and or 35; and the Product will 5 X7 always for every 10, reſerve i to be added to the next Product, and Fractions multiplying each other. the the Number ſubſcribed will be the 3. The Multiplication of Decima) Product of the whole. When the Multiplier conſiſts of Fractions, is the ſame with that of ſeveral Figures, let the Multipli- duct there muſt be always as many whole Numbers, only in the Pro- cand be multiplied by each Figure Decimal Places, as are both in of the Multiplier, as before, begin- the Multiplier and Multiplicand. ning with the firſt, and placing the Examples : ſeveral Products thereof underneath Multiplicand 759.2 each other in ſuch order, that the 5.037 firſt Figure or Cipher of each Pro- duct may be in the ſame place (of 53144 Units, Tens, &c.) with its reſpec- 22776 tive multiplying Figures ; then add 37960 theſe particular Products together, and the Sum of them will be the Product 3524.0904 Product of the whole Multiplica, tion. Bb 2 .0096 2 X 3 MUL MUR :: ) i ) .0096 MULTIPLICATOR, in Arithme- .072 tic, is the Number by which you multiply, or the Number multiply- 192 ing: 672 MULTIPLIER, the fame with Multiplicator. .0006912 MURDERERS, are ſmall pieces of Ordnance, either of Braſs or I- -45 ron, having Chambers (that is, .029 Charges made of Braſs or Iron) put in at their Breeches : They are moſt- .405 ly uſed at Sea, at the Bulk-Heads 90 of the Fore-caſtle, Half-Deck, or Steerage, in order to clear the Decks, ,01305 when any Enemy boards the Ship; 4. Multiplication in Algebra, is they are faſtend and travers’d by a performed when the Quantities are Pintle, which is put into a Stock. fimple, by an immediate joining of Music, is one of the ſeven Sci- the Letters, or if the fimple Quan- ences, commonly called Liberal, and tities have Numbers before them, comprehended alſo among the Ma- by ſetting the Product of the Mul- thematical, as having for its Object tiplication of thoſe prefixed Num- diſcrete Quantity or Number ; but bers, before the Letters thus joined; not conſidering it in the Abſtract as a multiplied by b is ab, aa like Arithmetic ; but with relation multiplied by cd, is aacd; 5€ to Time and Sound, in order to make multiplied by 7gc, is 35 ego; and a delightful Harmony. fo of others. But if the Quantities This Science is alſo Theoritical, to be multiplied be Compound, then which examineth the Nature and every ſimple Quantity in the Mul- Properties of Concords and Diſcords, tiplication is to be multiplied by explaining the Proportions between each, fimple Quantity of the Multi- them by Numbers : And Practical, plier, and the Signs t- and -- muft which teacheth not only Compofi- be ſet between the ſeveral Products, tion, that is, the manner of com- always obſerving to prefix the Sign poſing all Sorts of Tunes, or Airs ; fito that Product ariſing from the but alſo the Art of Singing with the Multiplication of two ſimple Quan- Voice, or Playing upon Muſical In- tities having both the Sign + pre- ftruments. fix'd;, or both the Sign-; and to Some of the Ancients who have prefix the Sign - to the Product, wrote of Harmony, are Ariſtoxenus, when the signs of the fimple Quan- Euclid, Plutarch, Ptolemy, Pfellus, tities are different; for Example, Porphyry, Briennius, Nichomachus, afe multiplied hy b, will produce Alipius, Gaudentius, Bacchius, Quin- abteb; a - e multiplied by b, tilian, Caffiodorus, Capella, Boetius, will be ab eb; a tetoc mul- Proclus, 56. And ſome of the Mo- tiplied by z will be azteztucz: derns are Mcibomius, Wallis, Del- Alſo ac-bdfef multiplied by cartes, Merſennus, Faber, Holder, 8-tho-k will give acg bdg Sauveur (in the French Memoires, +geftach-bdh i efh - An. 1901,1707, 1711,) Dechales (in ack + bdk - efk. his 4 tom. Mundi Mathematici,) M. MultIPLICAND, in Arithmetic, Perault, Mr. Malcolme, Mr. Remeau, is the Number to be multiplied. Mr. Euler, &c. It 1 1 M U S NA'T It is very eaſy to conclude, from cellent Mr, Handel himſelf, deferved. what we have upon Muſic from the ly named the Prince of Muſicians, Ancients, that it was very imper- both for his Compoſition and Exe- fect and deficient; and notwith- cution upon the Organ and Harpfi- ſtanding the fabulous Wonders, it cord, has abundantly and wonderfully is ſaid to produce upon Men's Paſ- performed his part. fions in thoſe times, yet now-a-days MUSKET-BASKETS, in Fortifi- I believe, the inoft ſkilful of their cation, are Bakets of about a Foot Muſicians would little or ſcarcely and a half high, and eight or ten move one at all: for it is moſtly Inches diameter at the bottom, and agreed, that the ancient Greeks had a full Foot at the top: They are not the Uſe of Concert Mufic, viz. filled with Earth, and are ſet on low of different Parts founding at once, Parapets, or Breaſt-Works, or on but only folitary, for one ſingle ſuch as are beaten down, that the Voice or Inſtrument ; or elſe the Muſqueteers may fire between them ſame Piece ſung or ſounded by fe at the Enemy, and yet be tolerably veral Voices or Inſtruments to- well fecured againſt their Fire. gether ; but ſome Octaves, or per MUTULE, in Architecture, is a haps Fifths above the others. Gui- kind of ſquare Modilion, fet under do Aretinus is ſaid to be the firſt the Cornice of the Doric Order, and who invented and brought Sym- ſo called from the Word Mutilus, phony or Concert into Mufic; but maimed or imperfect, becauſe they what Progreſs he made, and what repreſent the Ends of the Rafters, were his Compoſitions, we do not which are crooked or bent, in like know. In a word, one may ven manner, as the Beams or Joints are ture to affirm from the whole of repreſented by the Triglyphs in the 'what we find wrote on the Subject, Frize of the ſame Order. that Muſic did not begin to arrive at any tolerable Perfection, till to- wards the End of the laſt Century, when the great Purcel and prodi- gious Corelli oblig'd the World with their moſt agreeable and harmonical ADIR is that Point of the Compoſitions ; then it was that Mu Heavens under the Earth, fic began to advance apace, and re- which is diametrically oppoſite to ceive great Improvements from ma the Point directly over our Head, ny other ingenious Compoſers and viz. the Zenith; ſo that they are Performers of ſeveral European Na- both as it were the Poles of the Ho. tions, eſpecially the Italians and rizon, and diſtant from it on each Engliſh, and now ſeems to be brought fide ninety Degrees, and conſequent- near its utmoſt Perfection ; fince all ly fall upon the Meridian, one a- the agreeable Combinations of the bove the other under the Earth; various Continuance, Riſing, Falling, and whatever Diſtance one of them and Mixtures of Tones, mutt be has from the Equator, and one of contain'd within certain Limits, the Poles of the World, the ſame, whoſe Number may not be ſo great on the contrary, has the other from as is generally imagined; and be the oppoſite Pole and adverſe Part cauſe of the great Number of Per- of the Equator. ſons who have for more than thirty NAPIers, or NAPER'S-BONES, Years faft paſt, applied themſelves or Rods, are a kind of larger Mul- to this Art. Among whom the ex- tiplication-Table, contriv'd upon four- N. N Bb 3 NOC NAU four-ſquare Wooden or Ivory Rods · NAUTICAL PLANISPHERE, is by the Lord Napier, for the more a Deſcription of the Terreſtrial eaſy muịtiplying, dividing, and ex. Globe upon a Plane, for the Uſe of tracting the Roots of great. Num- Mariners ; and is either the Plane bers. Chart, as they call it, where the NATURAL DAY. See Day. Parallels of Latitude are all of the NATURAL HORIZON; the ſame fame Length with the Meridians ; with Senſible Horizon. and which therefore is very erro- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, is the neous, except in fhort Voyages, ſame with what is uſually called uſually called and near the Equator : Or Merca, Phyſics, viz. that Science which con- cator's Chart, where the Meridians templates the Power of Nature, the are increaſed in proportion, as the Properties of natural Bodies, and Parallels ſhorten, that is, as the their mutual Actions one upon an- Secants of the Arch contained be- other. tween the Point of Latitude, and the NAVIGATION, is the Art of Equator, Sailing, whereby the Mariner is in NEBULOUS STARs, are certain ſtructed how to guide a Ship from fixed Stars of a dull, pale, and ob- one Port to another, the ſhorteſt and ſcurith Light. Theſe ſeen through fafeſt way, and in the ſhorteſt time: good Teleſcopes, appear to be Clu- And this is two-fold, either Iters of ſmall Stars. Improper, which is called Coaſting, Niedle. See Box and Needle. in which the Places are at no great NEGATIVE QUANTITIES, in diſtance one from another, and the Algebra, are ſuch as have before Ship fails uſually in fight of Land, them the Negative Sign, and which and is within Soundings. Now, for are ſuppoſed to be leſs than no- the Performance of this, there is re- thing. quired a good Knowledge of the Neipe TIDES, written alfo Lands, the Uſe of the Compaſs, Nepe or Neep, are thoſe Tides the Lead, or Sounding Line, and (when the Moon is in the middle fuch Books as Rutter's, &c. of the ſecond and laſt Quarter) Proper, is where the Voyage is which are oppoſite to the Spring- performed in the vaſt Ocean, out Tides ; and as the higheſt of the of fight of all Land; and here is Spring. Tides is three Days after the neceffary not only the Knowledge Full or Change, ſo the loweſt of of the Lead, Compaſs, &c. But the the Neep is four Days before the Maſter muſt be a thorough Sailor Full or Change. or Artiſt, and underſtand well Mer NEW.EL, in Architecture, is the cator's Charts, Azimuth, and Ampli- upright Port that the Caſe of Wind- tude Compaſs, Log-Line, and all good ing-Stairs turns round about. Inſtruments for Celeſtial Obſerva Niche, in Architecture, is a Ca- tions that can be uſed at Sea. vity left deſignedly in the Wall of a Some of the Writers upon Navi- Building, to place a Statue in. gation, are Varenius, Wright, Nor NOCTURNAL, is an Inſtrument wond, Newhouſe, Seller, Ricciolus, made of Box, Ivory, or Braſs, to Hodgſon, Jones, Atkinſon, Harris, take the Altitude or Depreſſion of Patoun, &c. the Pole-Star, in reſpect to the Pole NAUTICAL CHART, the ſame itſelf, in order to find the Latitude, as Sea-Chart. and nearly the Hour of the Night. NAUTICAL COMPAss, the ſame 1. There are ſeveral Sorts of Noc- as Sea-Campaſs. turnals, of which ſome may be Pro- jections NOC N ON jections of the Sphere ; ſuch as the to move about the Centre of the. In- Hemiſpheres or Planiſpheres on the ſtrument. Plane of the Equinoctial; but the NocTuRNAL ARCH, 'is that Seamen uſe only two, and the man. Space in the Heavens which the ner of uſing either is the ſame. One - Sun, Moon, or Stars, runs thro' of them is fitted for the Pole-Star, parallel to the Equator, from their and firſt of the Gardes of the Little Setting to their Rifing. Bear; and the other for the Pole NOCTURNABLE, is an Inſtru- Star, and the Gardes or Pointers ment uſed to find how much the (as ſome call them) of the Great North Star is higher or lower than Bear. the Pole at all Hours of the Night. 2. The Inſtrument confifts of three NODATED HYPERBOLA. So Parts .or Pieces; the largeſt of Sir Iſaac Newton calls a peculiar which hath a Handle to hold it by, kind of Hyperbola, which by turning when you would obſerve ; and op- round decuſſates, or croſſes itſelf. poſite to the- Handle, there is a See Sir Iſaac Newton's Tractatus de ſmall Tooth or Point, which (if it Enumeratione Linearum tertii Or- be made for the Little Bear) ſtands dinis. againſt the 25th of April; but if NODEs, in Aſtronomy, are the for the Great Bear againſt the 17th Points of the Interſection of the Or- of February, which are the Times bit of the Sun, or any Planet, with of the Year when thoſe Stars come the Ecliptic; ſo that the Point where to the Meridian at Twelve at Night. a Planet paſſes over the Ecliptic, On this bigger Part or Piece there out of Southern into Northern La- are two Circles deſcribed; the outer- titude, is called the North or Af moſt hath the Months and their cending Node. And where it de- Days, and the innermoſt hath the ſcends from North to South, 'tis the Hours of a natural Day. On South or Deſcending Node. the backſide of this Piece alſo are Nodus, or Node, in Dialling, 32 Points of the Compaſs deſigned is a certain point in the Axis or and marked, and their intitial Let- Cock of a Dial, by the Shadow of ters. which, either the Hour of the Day 3. The ſecond Part of the Noc. in Dials without Furniture, or the turnal hath two Circles deſcribed on Parallels of the Sun's Declination, it ; of which the outermoſt is divided his place in the Ecliptic, the Ita- into 297, equal Parts for the Days lian or Babyloniſh Hours, &c. are of the Moon's Age, and the inner- ſhewn in ſuch Dials as have Furni- moſt into 24 Hours ; and at the Be- ture. ginning of the Days of the Moon's NONAGESIMAL DEGREE, is Age, and at Twelve there is a Tooth the higheſt Point, or goth Degree to be ſet to the Day of the Month of the Meridian. in the upper Part. Nones of a Month, are the next 4. The third Part is an Index Days after the Kalends, which is with a fiducial Edge, iſſuing from the firſt Day in March, May, June, the Centre ; and muſt be ſo long, and October ; the Romans accounted that a good Part of it may extend fix Days of the Nones; but in all beyond the outermoſt or biggeſt the reſt of the Months but four. Piece. Theſe chree , Parts are ſo They had this Name probably, be- order'd, that by means of a ſmall cauſe they were always nine Days hollow Braſs Socket they are made incluſively, from the firſt of the Nones 24 + Bb 4 to ។ f , , o Lindsok, gundargitekturede N U M OBL. to the Ides, i. e. reckoning inclu NUMERATION, in Arithmetic, fively both thole Days. is the true Diſtinction, Eſtimation, NORMAL, the ſame with Per- and Pronunciation of Numbers, or pendicular, or at Right Angles; and the Rule to read any Number, tho' 'tis uſually ſpoken of a Line, or a never ſo great, and to haỹe a diſtinct Plane that interſects another perpen- Idea of each Place or Figure of it. dicularly NUMERATOR of a Fraction, is NORTHERN SIGNS of the Eclip- that Part of it which ſhews or num- tic or Zodiac, are thoſe fix which bers how many of thoſe parts which conſtitute that Semi-circle of the E- any Integer is ſuppoſed to be divided cliptic, which inclines to the North- into, are expreſſed by the Fraction. ward from the Equator; as Aries, Thụs in , 6 is the Numerator, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Vir: (which ſtands always above the go. Line) and ſhews you, that if any Notes, in Muſic, are certain Whole be divided into 8 Parts, you Terms invented to diſtinguiſh the number and enumerate, or take 6 Degrees of Sound, and the Propor- of them, i.e: three Quarters. tion of Time belonging to it. 1. Theſe Notes relating to the Diſtinctions of Sound, are ſeven in O. number, viz. Gamut, Aire, Bemi, Cefaut, Geſolrate, Alamire, Befabe BELISKin Architecture, is mi, Cefolfaut. a kind of quadrangular Pyra- 2. And the Notes relating to mid, very tall and ſlender, raiſed in Time, are nine in Number, viz. a a public Place, to ſhew the Large- Large, Long, Breve, Semi-Breve, neſs of ſome enormous Stone, or to Minim, Crotchet, Quaver, Semi- ſerve as a Monument of ſome me. Quaver, and Demi-Semi-Quaver. morable Tranſaction. 3. But the Large and Long are OBJECT-GLASS, of a Teleſcope how of little Uſe, as being too long or Microſcope, is that Glaſs which for any Voice or Inſtrument (the is placed at that End of the Tube, Organ only excepted) to hold out which is next the Object. to their full Length; although their OBJECTIVE-LINE. See Line- Reſts are ſtill very often uſed, more Obje&tive. eſpecially in grave Muſic, and Songs OBLIQUE ANGLEs. See Angles of many Parts. Oblique. NUCLEUS, is by Hevelius and OBLIQUE ASCENSION, is that others uſed for the Head of a Co- Degree and Minute of the Equinoc- met, and by others for the central tial which riſeth with the Centre of Parts of any Planets. the Sun or Star, or with any Point NUCLEUS, in Architecture, is of the Heavens, in any oblique the middle Part of the Flooring of Sphere. the Antients, conſiſting of Cement, OBLIQUE CIRCLE,in the Stereo- which they put betwixt a Lay, or graphical Projection of the Sphere, Bed of Pebbles, cemented with Mor is any Circle that is Oblique to the tar made of Lime and Sand. Plane of Projection. NUMBER, is whatever is referr'd OBLIQUE DESCENSION, is that to Unity; or it is a Collection of Part of the Equinoctial which ſets Units, and is that which teacheth with the Sun or Star, or with any us to kno v how many any of the Point of the Heavens, in an oblique Objects of cur Knowledge are. Sphere. OBLIQUE i OBT OC.T OBLIQUE Force, is that whole Occidental, when it fets after the Line of Direction is not at Right Sun. Angles with the Body on which it OCCULTATION, in Aftronomy, is impreſt. The Ratio,which ſuch is the Time that a Star or Planet is an oblique Force, to move a Body, hid from our Sight, when eclipſed bears to a direct or perpendicular by the Interpofition of the Body of Force, will be as the Sing of the An- the Moon, or ſome other Planet gle of Incidence is to the Radius. between it and us. OBLIQUE PLAINS, in Dialling, OCEAN, is by Geographers taken are ſuch as recline from the Zenith, for that great Collection of Waters, or incline to the Horizon.' or large Sea, which compaffes in the OBLIQUE SAILING, is the Apó whole Earth, and into which the plication of the Method of calcuother leffer Seas do uſually run. lating the Parts of oblique Plane If, This great and univerſal 0- Triangles, in order to find the Dif- cean, is ſometimes by Geographers tance of a Ship from any Cape, divided into three Parts. As, 1. The Head-Land, &c. Atlantic and European Ocean, lying OBLIQUE SPHERE, is where between Part of Europe, Africa, and the Pole is elevated any Number of America. 2. The Indian Ocean, Degrees leſs than 90 Degrees, and lying between Africa, the Eaſt-In- conſequently the Axis of the World, dian Iſlands, and New-Holland. 3. the Equator, and Parallels of De- The great South-Sea, or the Pacific clination, will cut the Horizon ob- Ocean, which lies between the Phie liquely. lippine Iſlands, China, Japan, and OBLONG, in Geometry, is the New-Holland on the Weſt, and the ſame with a Rectangle - Parallelo- Coaſt of America on the Eaſt. gram, whoſe Sides are unequal. adly, The Surface of the whole OBSCURA CAMERA. See Ca- Ocean, or of all the Seas of the mera Obſcura. Globe, Mr. Keil computes, in his OBSERVATION. T'he Seamen Examination of Dr Burnet's Theory call an Obfervation the taking the of the Earth, to be 85490506 ſquare Sun or any Star's Meridian Altitude, Miles ; and therefore ſuppoſing the in order thereby to find their Latin Depth to be a Quarter of a Mile, tude; and how they do this, you the Quantity of Water in the whole will find under thật Word: And is 213726261 cubic Miles. they call finding the Latitude, by OCTAGON, in Geometry, is a the Name of Working an Obferva- Figure of eight Sides and Angles : tion, And this, when all the Sides and OBTUSE ANGLEs. See Angles. Angles are equal, is called a Regu- OBTUSE ANGULAR Section of a lar Octagon, or one which may be Cone. So the ancient Geometers inſcribed in a Circle. called that Conic Section, which If the Radius of a Circle circum- fince, by Apollonius, is called the ſcribing a Regular Octagon be ar, Hyperbola, becauſe they conſidered and the Side of the Octagon =y; it only in ſuch a Cone, whoſe Sec- tion through the Axis is a Triangle, then y= vi Lag V 27. obtuſe-angled at the Vertex. OCTAHEDRON, is one of the OBTUS E-ANGLED TRIANGLE, regular Solids, conſiſting of eight is one that has an obtuſe Angle. equal and equilateral Triangles. OCCIDENTAL, (i. e. Wef ward) The Square of the Side of the in Aftronomy, a Planet is ſaid to be Octahedron, is to the Square of the Diameter 2 2r OP.P OPP AD Diameter of the circumſcribing OPPOSITE SECTIONS, are the Sphere, as 1 to 2. Hyperbola's D, C, made by cutting If the Diameter of the Sphere be 2, the Solidity of the Ołtahedron inſcribed in it, will be 1,33333, nearly. Octave, or Eighth,in Muſic, is an Interval of eight Sounds.; eve- Ty Eighth Note in the Scale of the G Gamut being the ſame, as far as the Compaſs of Mufick requires. OCTOSTYLE,, in Architecture, is the face of an Edifice adorn'd B with eight Columns OGEE. See Cima. OPACOUS BODIES, are thoſe thro' which the Rays of Light have the Oppoſite Cones A, B, by the no Admiſſion. ſame Plane. Theſe Hyperbola's are Sir Iſaac Newton in his Optics, always, equal and ſimilar. Book II. ſhews, That the Opacity If the oppoſite Superficies be cut of all Bodies ariſeth from the Mule by a Plane making the oppoſite titude of Reflexions cauſed in their Hyperbola's (or Sections) ÖES, internal Parts : And he fhews alſo, o Ge: I ſay, both thoſe Hyperbo- that between the Parts of the O- la's will be perfectly alike and pake, and coloured Bodies, there equal. are many Spaces, either empty or Let AF D be the Triangle paſ- repleniſhed with Mediums of other fing thro' the Axis at Right An- Denfities ; and he ſhews the true or gles to the Plane of the Hyperbola principal Cauſe of Opacity to be oes, and ſuppoſe LFI 'to be a This Diſcontinuity of their Parts ; becauſe ſome Opake Bodies become -L КНИ tranſparent by filling their Pores with any Subitance of equal Den- fity with their Parts. Open FLANK, in Fortification, is that Part of the Flank which is covered by the Shoulder or Oril: lion. OPENING of the Trenches, is the firſt breaking Ground of the Beſieg- ers, in order to carry on their At- tacks againſt the Town. OPHIUCUS. One of the Northern Conſtellations, containing thirty E Stars. OPPOSITE ANGLES. See Angles. OPPOSITE CONes, are two Si- milar Canes, as A, B, having the D ſame common Vertex G, and alſo B the ſame Axis. 0 Tri- A אתם מעוניינינגפוטושוויווי• גריי A 2 O PT ORB Triangle, in the fame Plane as the may comprehend the whole Doc- Triangle AFD; this ſhall paſs trine of Light and Colours, and all thro' the Axis of the oppoſite Cone, the Phænomena of viſible Objects. and will cut the Hyperbola oG' e at Euclid long ago wrote of Optics, Right Angles. Let A D, and L1, but with no great Skill. See Dr. be parallel common Sections of thoſe Gregory's Euclid, and Herigon's Cur- Triangles, and the Baſes of the op- jus Mathemat. ſo did Ptolemy in 10 poſite Cones. Draw the Right Line Books, but his work is loft. After KF B thro' the Vertex F, in the theſe came out Alhazen the Aram Plane of the Triangles, parallel to bian's Optics, (who wrote about the the common Diameter GE of the Year 110o) a voluminous, tedious Oppoſite Sections. Now, our Buſi- Piece: then Vitellio's about the Year nes is to prove, that LHXHI 1270 ; and Peccam's, an Arch- (= H): ACCD=0C) :: Biſhop of Canterbury, about the Year H EXGH:GCX E C. 1279; alſo Roger Bacon, of Oxford, Becauſe the Triangles A BF, began to write of Optics about the ACG, and DBF, DCE, are fi ſame time. Amongthe moreModern, milar. We have A'B:BF: : AC: you have Agulonius and Scheiner CG, and BD:BF::CD:EC; the Jeſuit ; Taquet, Traber, Barrow, Zahan, Kircher, Newton, and not therefore A BxB D:BF :: AC long ago Dr. Smith, and Mr. Mar- XCD:CGxEC, by multiply- tin. ing the Antecedents and Conſe Optic PLACE of a Star or Pla- quents of both Proportions by each net, is that Point or Part of its Or- other. bit, which is determined by our Again, becauſe the Triangles Sight, when the Star is there ; and ABF, IHG, and BDF, HLE, this is either true, when the Ob. are ſimilar, therefore A B : BF :: ſerver's Eye is fuppoſed to be at the HI : HG; BD:BF::LH: Centre of the Earth or Planet he HE. And ſo multiplying the Ante- inhabits ; or apparent, when his cedents and Conſequents of both the Eye is at the Circumference of the Proportions by one another, and Earth. you will have AB X BD:BD:BF ORB, is only a hollow Sphere. :: HIxLH:HG * H E. But it of the Earth in its Annual Revolu- ORBIS MAGNUS, is the Orbit was prov'd before thatABxBD: BF tion round the Sun. A CXCD:CGXEC. There All the Ancients, and the Aftro- fore HIxL H:HG ⓇHE:: AC nomers before the great Kepler ſup- xCD:CGXE C, and fo H I x poſed this Orbit to be a perfect Cir- LH:AC XCD::HG X HE: cle ; but he proves it to be an El- C GⓇEC. lipfis ; the remoteſt End of whoſe Opposition, is that Poſition or longer or tranſverſe Diameter is Aſpect of the Stars or Planets, when eight Signs, and eight Degrees di- they are 6 Signs, or 180 Degrees ftant from the firſt Star in Aries, diſtant from one another, and is and having the Sun in one of its marked thus, bl. Focal Points. OPTICKS, taken properly and ORBIT of any Planet, is the Curve fimply, is that Science which teaches that it deſcribes, about the Sun. the Properties of a a direct Vi The Orbits of all the Planets are “fion ; but in a larger Senſe it Ellipſes, having the Sun in their 2 2 CO.n- ORD OR D 1 common Focus : But the Elliptic qual to the third Part terminated at Orbit of the Earth, by the Action the Curve on the other Side: This of the Moon, is ſenſibly disfigur'd; Line ſhall cut, after the fame man- as alſo the Orbit of Saturn, by the ner, all others parallel to theſe, and Action of Jupiter, when they are in . meeting the Curve in three Points ; Conjunction. that is, ſhall ſo cut them, that the ORDER, in Architecture, is a Sum of the two parts on one side particular Arrangement of Projec- of it, ſhall be equal to the third tures; or 'tis a certain Rule for the Part on the other. Proportions of Columns, and for And therefore, theſe three Parts, the Figures which ſome of the Parts one of which is thus every where ought to have on account of the equal to the Sum of the other two, Proportions that are given themmay be called Ordinate Applicates There are fix, viz the Tuſcan Order, alſo: And the interfccting Line, to Doric Order, Ionic Order, Corin- which the Ordinates are applied, thian Order, Compoſite Order, and the may be called the Diameter; the In- Attic Order. terfection of the Diameter and the ORDER of Curve Lines. See Curve may be called the Vertex; and Geometric Lines. the Point of Concourſe of any two 1. The chief Properties of the Diameters, the Centre. Conic Sections are everywhere And if the Diameter be Normal treated of by Geometers ; and of to the Ordinates, it may be called the ſame Nature are the Properties the Axis; and that point where all of the Curves of the ſecond Gender, the Diameters terminate, the gene- and of the reſt ; as from the follow- ral Centre. ing Enumeration of their principal Properties will appear. Afymptotes and their Properties. 2. For, if any Right and Paral 3. The Hyperbola cf the firſt lel Lines be drawn and terminated Gender has two Aſymptotes ; that on both sides by one and the ſame of the ſecond, three; that of the Conic Section ; a Right Line bif- third, four; and it can have no fecting any two of them, ſhall biſ- niore, and ſo of the reft. And as fect all the relt ; and therefore, the Parts of any right Line lying ſuch a Line is called the Diameter of between the conical Hyperbola, and the Figure ; and all the right Lines its two Aſymptotes are every where ſo biſfected, are called Ordinate Ap- equal ; ſo in the Hyperbola's of the plicates to that Diameter ; and the ſecond Gender, if any right Line be Point of Concourſe to all the Dia- drawn, cutting both the Curve and meters, is called the Centre of the its three Afymptotes, in three Points; Figure ; as the Interſection of the the Sum of the two parts of that Curve, and of the Diameter, is cal. Right Line being drawn the ſame led the Vertex, and that Diameter way from any two Aſymptotes to the Axis, to which the Ordinates are two Points of the Curve, will be normally applied: And ſo in Curves equal to the third Part drawn a of the ſecond Gender ; if any two contrary Way from the third Afymp- right and parallel Lines are drawn tote, to a third Point of the Curvę. meeting the Curve in three Points, a Latera Tranfverfa & Recta. right Line which ſhall cut thoſe Pa- rallels, ſo that the Sum of two Parts 4. And as in Non Parabolic Co- terminated at the Curve on one side nic Sections, the Square of the Or- of the interſecting Line ſhall be e- dinate Applicate, that is, the Rect- angle 1 ORD ORD angle under the Ordinates, drawn at cach Side by the Curve ; the firft contrary Sides of the Diameter, is being cut by the third, and the fem to the Rectangle of the Parts of the cond by the fourth ; as here the Diameter, which are terminated at Rectangle under the Parts of the the Vertexes of the Ellipfis or Hy: firſt, is to the Rectangle under perbola, as a certain given Line, the Parts of the third, as the which is called the Latus Rectum, Rectangle under the Parts of the le- is to that part of the Diameter that cond, is to that under the Parts of lies, between the Vertexes, and is the fourth : So when four ſuch right called the Latus Tranfverſum: So Lines meet a Curve of the Second in Non-Parabolic Curves of the Se- Gender, each one in three Points, cond Gender, a Parallelepipedon, un- then ſhall the Parallelopipedon under der the three Ordinate Applicates, is the Parts of the firſt right Line be to a Parallelopipedon under the Parts to that under the Parts of the third of a Diameter terminated at the as the Parallelopipedon under the Ordinates, and the three Vertexes Parts of the ſecond Line is to that of the Figure in a certain given under the Parts of the fourth. Ratio : If you take three right Lines to the three parts ofia Diameter fi Hyperbolic and Parabolic Legs. tuated between the Vertexes of the Figure, one anſwering to another; - All the Legs of Curves of the fe- then theſe three right Lines may be cond and higher Genders, as well called the Latera Recta, of the Fi as of the firſt, infinitely drawn out, gure, and the Parts of the Diame- will be of the Hyperbolic or Para-, ter between the Vertices, the Latera bolic Gender; and I call, that an Tranfverfa. And as in the Conic Hyperbolic Leg, which infinitely ap- Parabola, having to one and the ſame proaches to ſome Afymptote ; and Diameter but one only Vertex, the that a Parabolic one, which hath no Rectangle under the Ordinates is Aſymptote. And theſe Legs are equal to that under the part of the belt known from the Tangents : Diameter cut off between the Ordi- For, if the Point of Contact be at nates and the Vertex, and a certain an infinite Diſtance, the Tangent of Line called the Latus Rectum : So an Hyperbolic Leg will coincide in the Curves of the Second Gender, with the Afymptote; and the Tan- which have but two Vertexes to the gent of a parabolic Leg will recede fame Diameter, the Parallelopipe in infinitum, will vaniſh, and no don under the three Ordinates, is where be found. Wherefore, the equal to the Parallelopipedon under Aſymptote of any Leg is found, by the two Parts of the Diameter cut ſeeking the Tangent to that Leg at off between the Ordinates and thoſe a Point infinitely diſtant : And the two Vertexes, and a given Right Courfe, Place, or Way of an infi- Line ; which therefore may be cal- nite Leg, is found by ſeeking the led the. Latus Rectum. Poſition of any right Line, which is The Ratio of the Rettangles under parallel to the Tangent where the the Segments of Parallels. off infini, tum: For this right Line is directed Laſily, As in the Coric Sections, towards the ſame way with the in- when two Parallels, terminated on each Side at the Curve, are cut by or ORDINATE two other Parallels terminated on APPLICATES, are parallel Lines · finite Leg. ORDINATES, MM, ORG ORG P MM, terminating in a Curve, and that is, a Conic Section : And to biffected by a Diameter, as AP. find which of the Conic Sections will be deſcrib'd according to the A various Magnitude of the given Angles FCQ, and KSH, and Polition of the Line A E, deſcribe a P Segment of a Circle on the given M M Line CS; containing an Angle e- M M qual to the Complement of the gi- ven Angles FCO, and KSH to four Right Angles : If the given Right Line A E meets that Circle The half of which, as MP, is pro- twice, the Curve will be an Hyper- perly the Semi-Ordinate, but it is bola : If it touches it, a Parabola: uſually called the Ordinate. And if the Right Line A E falls ORDNANCE, are all ſorts of quite beſide the Circle, the Curve great Guns uſed in War. deſcribd will be an Ellipfis. ORDONNANCE , fignifies the 2. While the Right Line A E ſame thing in Architecture that it remains, and the Sum of the given does in Painting; to wit, the Com- Angles FCO, and KSH, the poſition of a Building, and the Dif- Species of the Curve will be the poſition of all its Parts; it being fame; and in no caſe will a Circle this that determines the Bigneſs of be deſcrib’d, but when the Right the ſeveral Members, whereof a Line A E goes out to Infinity. Building is compoſed. 3. If the given Angles above are ORGANICAL DESCRIPTION of mutually the Supplements of each Curves, is the Deſcription of them other to two Right ones, and the upon a Plane, by means of In- Line A E meets CS continu'd out; Itruments. there will be an Hyperbola deſcrib'd: 1. If the given Angles FCO, If A E be parallel to CS, a Para- and KSH move about two Points bola will be deſcrib'd. S and C given in any Plane, and 4. If the infinite Right Lines the Concurrence of the Legs CF, GH, DB cut one another at Right SK, be moved along the Right Angles, and the Angle B of a Square Line A E given in Poſition in that Plane; then will the Concurrence G K Pc F E D E A S B P Р F 7 oc H H P, if the other Legs.CO, SH, de- ABC be faſten'd to the Point B ir ſcribe a Curve of the firft kind, the Right Line DB, ſo as the Square may N G ORG ORT may be moveable about it; and This Term is alſo appropriated if FG be a Ruler moveable about to certain long, and thick Pieces of the Point E in the Right Line Timber, armed with Iron Plates at DB, then if the Interſection G the Ends, and ſeparated one from of the Ruler and one Side B B another. They are hung with of the Square be carried along the Cords over the Gates of a Town Right Line HG, the Interſection or Fortreſs, and in caſe of a Sur- F of that Ruler, and the other Side prize, let fall perpendicularly ; by CB (continued out upon occafion) which means the Paſſage is ſtopped, will deſcribe one of the Conic Sec- fo that the Enemy cannot eaſily tions; which will be an Ellipfis, remove or hoift up all the wooden when the Point-E is taken between Bars with a Leaver, or any other D and B; an Hyperbola, when D Machine fet under them : On which is between E and B; and a Para- account, theſe Orgues are to be bola, when E is at an infinite Di- preferred before Herſes or Port- ftance, that is, when the Ruler ale cullices, becauſe the Pieces whereof ways moves parallel to DB. the latter conſiſt are joined together; 5. If ECA be a Right-angled ſo that when any Part iš hung or Triangle, and the Sides AC, A E heaved up, the whole Machine is likewiſe removed. Theſe Orgues IZ therefore are much better than Port- cullices. ORIENTAL, in Aſtronomy: A Planet is ſaid to be Oriental, when E it riſes in the Morning before the Sun. ORILLON, in Fortification, is a ſmall Rounding of Earth lined with X C a Wall, which is raiſed on the A Shoulder of thoſe Baftions that have Caſemates to cover the Cannon in be continued out, and if any point the retired Flank, and to prevent X be taken in AC, and the Per- their being diſmounted by the E- pendicular XG be drawn; then if nemy. from the Point G be drawn the There are alſo other ſorts of O- Right Line CG, and XZ be made rillons, properly called Shoulderings, equal to CG, the Point Z will be which are almoſt of a ſquare Fi- in a Conic Section, which will be gure; they are called Epaulments. an Ellipfis, when AC is greater Orion, a Southern Conſtellation, than CĒ; an Hyperbola, when AC confifting of 39 Stars. is leſs; and a Parabola, when AC ORLE, a Term in Architecture ; is equal to CE. the ſame with Plinth, which fee. ORGUES, in' Fortification, are ORNAMENT, in Architecture, is many Harque-Buffes, linked toge- any Piece of carved Work, ſerving ther, or divers Muſket-Barrels laid as a Decoration in Architecture : in a Row, within one wooden Stock, But the Word in Vitruvius and Vig- ſo that they may be diſcharged nola, is uſed to ſignify the Entable- either all at once, or ſeparately. ment. They are made uſe of to defend Ortell, a Term in Fortifica- Breaches, and other Poſts that are tion; the ſame with Berme, which attacked. fee. ORTHO. ÖRT ORT 1 ! ; 1 ORTHODROMIQUES, is the Art Line, 'as EF, or GH; and is al of Sailing in the Arches of fome ways comprehended between the great Circle : For the Arch of every great Circle is Orthodromia, or the Thorteft Diſtance between any two с Points on the Surface of the Globe, ORTHOGRAPHY; in Mathema- A B. tics, is the true Delineation of the fore-right Plane of any Object. D I. In Architecture 'cis taken for the Model, Platform and Delinea tion of the Front of a Houſe that is PG HE to be built and contrived according to the Rules of Geometry ; accord- extreme Perpendiculars AP, and ing to which Pattern, the whole BE. Fabric is erected and finiſhed. 4. The Projection of the Right 2. In Perſpective, the Orthogra Line A B, is the greateſt when & B phy of any Body or Building is is parallel to the Plane of the Pro- the fore-right side of any Plane ; jection. that is, the side or Plane that lies 5. From hence' it is evident, that parallel to a ſtraight Line; that may a Line parallel to the Plain of the Þe imagined to paſs thro' the out- Projection, is projected into a right ward Convex-Points of the Eyes, Line equal to itſelf; but if it be ob- continued to a convenient Length. lique to the Plane of the Projec- The word Schenography is uſed tion, 'tis projected into one which by. Lamy, and others in the ſame is leſs. fenſe. 6. A plain Surface, as ABCD, In Fortification, it is the Pro at right Angles to the Plane of the file or Repreſentation of a Fortreſs, Projection, is projected into that made after ſuch a manner, that the right Line (as AB) in which it cuts Length, Breadth, and Height of its the Plane of the Projection. Hence ſeveral Parts may be diſcovered. it is evident, that the Circle BCAD ORTHOGRAPHICAL Projec- ftanding at right' Angles to the TION of the Sphere, is the drawing с the Superficies of the Sphere on a Plane which cutteth it in the mida dle, the Eye being placed at an infi- 하 nite Diſtance vertically to one of the Hemiſphere's. B A 1. The Rays by which the Eye, at an infinite diſtance, perceives any Object, are parallel. 2. A Right Line perpendicular to the Plane of the Projection, is D projected into a Point, where that right Line cuts the Plane of the Pro- Plane of the Projection, which paſſes jection. thro' its Centre, is projected into 3. A right Line, a: AB, or CD, that Diameter A. B, in which it cuts» not perpendicular, but either paral- the Plane of the Projection. lel or oblique to the Plane of the 7. It is likewiſe evident, that Projection, is projected into a right any Arch as cc is projected into o'o 3 equal 2 1 1 I. It OSC O VA equal to Ca, Cb, which is the 5. The Length of a Pendulum right Sine of that Arch; and the that will perform its Oſcillations in complemental Arch cA is projected a Second, is 39.125 Inches, or three into o A, the verſed Sine of the Feet 3.125. ſame Arch CC. 6. The ſhorter the Oſcillations in 8. A Circle parallel to the Plane the Arch of a Circle are, the truer of the Projection, is projected into will the Pendulum meaſure Time, a Circle equal to itſelf ; and a Cir or the more Iſochronal will the Of cle oblique to the Plane of the Pro- cillations be. jection, is projected into an Ellipfis. OSTENSIVE DEMONSTRA- OSCILLATION, is the reciprocal Tions, are ſuch as plainly and di- Aſcent and Deſcent of a Pendulum. rectly demonſtrate the Truth of any 1. If a ſingle Pendulum be fuſpend- Propofition ; in which they are di- ed between two Semi-Cycloids B C, ftinguiſhed from A pogogical ones, CD, that have the Diameter CF or Deductiones ad abfurdum, five ad impoſſibile, which prove the Truth propoſed, by demonſtrating the Ab- С ſurdity or Impoſſibility of aſſerting the contrary OSTENSIVE DEMONSTRA- B D TIONS, are of two forts ; ſome of which barely (but directly) prove E the Thing to be, which they call on; and others demonſtrate the Thing from its Cauſe, Nature, or А. eſſential Properties, and theſe are called in the Schools doth. of the generating Circle equal to OTACOUSTICS, are Inſtruments half the Length of the String, ſo which help or improve the Senſe that the String, as it'oſcillates, folds of Hearing. about them; all the Oſcillations, OVAL, in Architecture, the fame however unequal, will be Iſochro- with Echinus. Some write it Ova, nal in a non-reſiſting Medium. becauſe of its Figure, being like an 2. The Time of an whole Oſcil- Egg; it is placed in the Mouldings lation, thro' any Arch of a Cycloid, of the Cornices for Ornament; and is to the Time of the perpendicular in a Pillar it is placed next to the Deſcent thro' the Diameter of the Abacus. generating Circle, as the Periphery OVAL FIGURE, in Geometry, is of the Circle to the Diameter. a Figure bounded by a Curve Line .3: If two Pendulums deſcribe fi- returning into itſelf. milar Arches of Circles, che Times A Figure bounded by circular of the Oſcillations are in the fub. Arches, ſo meeting as to coincide at duplicate Ratio of their Lengths. the Points of meeting with the Tan- 4. The Number of Iſochronal gents to the Arches, and as to ap- Oſcillations made in the ſame time pearance not differing from an El- by two Pendulums, are reciprocally lipſis, is by Artificers call's an Oval, as the times wherein each of the and may be thus deſcribed, to any Oſcillations are made. The Times given Length and Breadth. Let of the Oſcillations in different Cy- the given Length AB and Breadth cloids, are in the ſubduplicate Ratio DE cut one another at right An- of the Length of the Pendulums. gles, and in half at the Point C, Cc aflume O V A O V A. K H affume the right Lines AF, LB in I. This done, about the Centres equal ; but leſs than the Breadth K I, with the Diſtance IN, deſcribe D two Arches NDO,ME A, and the Oval required will be deſcribed. Altho? it is uſual to call only a N G Curve, reſembling an Ellipfis, an O- val ; yet there are really in nature A B F an infinite Variety of Geometrical M A А Ovals, of very different and plea- fant Figures, expreſſed by Equa- I tions of all Dimenſions about the ſecond, and more eſpecially thoſe CD, and aboạt the Centres F, L, of the even Dimenſions ; as the E- with the Diſtances AF, LB, de- quation a ayy= 34 + ax3 repre- ſcribe two ſmall Arches MAN, ſents the Oval B, in ſhape of the ABO; take DG equal to AF, Section of a Pear thro' the middle, join FG, which divide into two and is eaſily deſcribed by means of equal Parts at H, and fron H draw Points ; for if a Circle be deſcribed the Right Line HI perpendicular whoſe Diameter AC=a, and AD to FG, meeting the Diameter CE at Right Angles to AC be =AC, D N B M M Α Ρ i and any Point P be taken in AC, Ovals, amongſt which the following and PM be drawn parallel to AD, twelve are, moſt obſervable; for if and DP be drawn, and then NO; the Equation axt=bx3 + x² + x and if PM be taken equal to NO, te has four real unequal Roots ; the Point M will be one Point of the three Species, as appears in the Oval fought. Fig. 1, 2, 3, will be expreffed by In like manner the Equation yt- the given Equation. When the two py?=~2x4+ bx3 c3? + da leſſer Roots are equal, the three *e, expreſſes ſeveral very pretty Species as appears in Fig. 4,5,6, Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. 88 ☆ o 87 e Fig. 4 Fig. 5: Fig. 6. will 7 } OUT PAL will be expreſſed. When the two 10. when two Roots are equal, and leffer Roots become imaginary ; two more ſo, the Species will be as the three Species, as appear in Fig.7, appears in Fig. 11, and when the 8,9, will be expreſſed. And when two middle Roots become imaginary, the two middle Roots are equal, the the Species will be as appears in Species will be as appears in Fig. Fig. 12. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. ਕੋਰ Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. 88 ∞ 8 8 1 OUTWARD Flanking Angle, or Works muſt always be plain, and the Angle of the Tenaille, is that com- without Parapets ; left, when taken, prehended by the two Flanking- they ſhould ſerve to ſecure the Be- Lines of Defence. fiegers againſt the Fire of the re- OUT-WORKS, in Fortification, tiring Beſieged; wherefore the are all ſorts of Works, which are Gorges of Out-Works are only pal- raiſed without the Incloſure of a liſadoed, to prevent a Surprize. Place, and ſerve for its better De Ovolo, in Architecture ; fee fence, and to cover it from the E- Quarter-round. nemy, in the Plain without; as OXYGONE, the ſame with an ao Ravelins, Half - Moons, Horn- cute-angled Triangle, and in ge- Works, Crown - Works, Counter- neral Guards, Tenailles, &c. OXYGONIAL, is acute-angular. 1. It is a general Rule in all Out-Works, that if there be ſeveral of them, one before another, to cover one and the ſelf-fame Tenaille P. of a Place, the nearer ones muſt gra- dually, and one after another, com ALLET, is a Term belong- mand thoſe which are fartheft ad ing the Ballance of a Watch, vanced out into the Campagne ; or Movement. that is, muſt have higher Ramparts, PALLIFICATION, in Architec- that ſo they may overlook and fire ture, is the piling the Ground- upon the Beſiegers, when they are Work, or ſtrengthening it with Maſters of the more Outward Piles or Timber driven into the Works. Ground, when they build upon a 2. The Gorges alſo of all Out- moiſt or marthy Soil. Сс 2 PAL- PAL PAR 1 1 4 PALLISADES TURNING, are an PARABOL A, is a Curve, as EDF, Invention of Mr. Coeborne's : For, in made by cutting a Cone by a Plane order to preſerve the Paliſadoes of DG, parallel to one of its- Sides, the Parapet from the Beſiegers Shot, as BC. he orders them ſo, that many of them ſtand in the Length of a Rod, B or in about ten Foot, and turn up and down like a Trap; ſo that they are not in fight of the Enemy, but only juſt when they bring on their Attack, and yet are always ready to do the proper Service of Palli- ſades. A C PALLISADOES, or PALLISADES, in Fortification, are ſtrong wooden E ſharp-pointed Stakes, fix or ſeven Inches ſquare, eight Foot long, of I. All Diameters D C of a Para- which three Foot is in the Ground; bola, are parallel to the Axis B A, ſet up half a Foot ſometimes one and ſo are parallel to one another. above another, with a croſs Piece From A draw the Line AE, of Timber that binds them together. which may be biſfected by the Dia- Some of theſe are alſo ſometimes meter DC in the Point L;, and arm'd with 'two or three Iron thro' any Point K in the Axis draw HKM. Alſo from the Points Spikes. 1: Theſe Palliſadoes are uſually H, E, C, draw the Semi-Ordinates fixed in the void Spaces without the HB, EF, CO, to the Axis, which Glacis near the Baſtions and Cur- will be all perpendicular to the tains ; and in Avenues of all ſuch fame; then call the given Line CO, Poſts as are liable to be ſurprized by H the Enemy, or carried by Aſſault. Sometimes they are driven down- right in the Ground, and ſometimes G ſtand at an acute Angle towards the D I L Enemy, that if they ſhould throw Cords about them to pull them up, A they may ſlip off again. B IR ź. Palliſadoes are always planted on the Berme of Baſtions, and at the M Gorges of Half-Moons, and other Out-Works: They alſo palliſade u- ſually the Bottom of the Ditch ; and to be ſure, the Parapet of the or GT, or DB, a; and BH, y; and Cover'd-Way : And tho' ſometimes the Parameter to the Axis p. Now they have placed theſe Palliſadoes three Foot, from the ſaid Parapet OA= FA and GL outwards towards the Campagne ; P P yet of late they have been planted (becauſe the Triangles in the very middle of the Cover'd- way. All Palliſadoes ſhould fland EFA, EGL, being ſimilar, and ſo cloſe, as to admit between them the Side EA biſfcčted in I, the only the Muzzle of a Musset, or Side EF ſhall be biſfected in G, *Pike. and 1 C НА aa даа 2 ad II m (=0 A) and EL" =aa more 424 ) (490 (5) FLD 2 ay F F ? 2 2 2 2 PAR PAR and G L ſhall be = FA) and LC This being done, if you ſlide DG, the side of the Square along the Rule B C, and at the ſame time keep the Thread continually tight + And becauſe the Tri- by means of the Pin M, with its PP Part MO cloſe to the ſide of the angles. E FA, HBK, are ſimilar, B therefore EF (2 a) : FA G AM :: HB (y): BK = But -ВА BK +OA = IC= P M yy-zay+aa ſince IL is = K A and OA = LC. Therefore XO O Z y-zay+aa L P P Square DO: The Curve AMX, which the Pin deſcribes by this :: EG': (a a) HD (yy-zayt-aa) Motion, is one Part of a Parabola. :: E L : HI, becauſe the Trian, and moves on the other ſide of the And if the Square be turn'd about, gles DHI, GEL, are ſimilar, and fixed Point F, the other Part A MZ confequently EC:IC :: EL : LA. of the fame Parabola may be de- And drawing a Perpendicular from fcribed after the like manner ; to the Point Mºto DC, and reaſoning that the Line XAZ will be one and the ſame Curve. after the ſame manner, you will have 3. To, draw a Tangent to the CL : CD :: LA (=LE): IM. Parabola ; let AE be the Axis, DF, Whence IM is = lH; and be- EG, two Ordinates infinitely near cauſe the Point K is taken at plea- fure in the Axis ; therefore all Right F Lines drawn parallel to E A, ſhall H Η be biſſected by the Line DC, and ſo the ſame ſhall be a Diameter ac- cording to the Definition, and the Lines EA and HKM ſhall be Or- A B DE dinates to it. 2. If the Rule BC be placed upon a Plane, together with the Square GDO, in ſuch manner, to each other, and FH parallel to that DG, one of its Sides, lies a- AE: Let p be the Parameter, AF long the Edge of that Rule; and if the Tangent_(to be drawn) = a, BD you take the Thread FMO equal =*, D'E=s, and DF - =y. in Length to DO, the other Side Then px=yy, and px + ps = of the Square, and fix one End thereof to the Extremity of the yy +2 GHxy+GH. But fince Side DO, and the other in any GH is infinitely ſmall GH is in- Point F, taken in the Plane on the finitely leſs than 2 GHxy, and ſo fame fide of the Rule as the Square : may be rejected ; ſo that px +ps 2 2 G 1 2 2 Сс 3 PAR PAR 1 2 ys 3a² 5a4 1 A $ 998; &c. will be the =y+2 GHxyj and if from Ř Z is equal to RM into the Para- this Equation be taken px -ýj, meter ; and ſo is a conſtant Quan- we ſhall have ps 32 GĦ y; city. and fo's : GH :: 2 j : p. But be 9. If a be the Parameter, and y cauſe of the ſimilar Triangles ADF, 2 33 FHG, it will be s: GX :: a:vi =PM, then yt therefore 2y:p :: a : , and ſo pa 2yy, or pa = 2 px, fince px = 437 10y9 yy; wherefore a=2x, or the Sub- yaº. tangent AD= 2 BD. Length of the Curve AM of the 4. The Right Line FM drawn Parabola. from the Focus F, in the Axis to The Length of the Curve of the the Extremity of the Semi-Ordinate Parabola may be obtained by means PM, is equal to the Abſciſfæ AP of the Quadrature of the Hyperbo- and AF, the Diſtance of the Fo- lic Space, which was firſt taken cus from the Vertex. notice of by Mr. Huygens, in the Year 1657; for if there be two oppoſite equilateral Hyperbola's, A whoſe tranſverſe Axis is equal to the Parameter of the Axis of the A Parabola ; then the Space contain'd under that Tranſverſe Axis, the Curves of the oppoſite Hyperbola's, N and a Right Line drawn parallel to M that Tranſverſe Axis will be equal P to the part of the Curve of the Pa- rabola, whoſe Semi-Ordinate is qual to the Diſtance of the ſaid Pa- rallel from the Tranſverſe Axis of LA the Hyperbola drawn into the R 2 Latis rectum of the Axis of the Pa- rabola. Hence the Length of the Curve of the Parabola may be had 5. The Square of the Semi-Ordi- by means of the Logarithms, and nate PM is equal to the Rectangle that after the following manner. under the Abſciſs AP, and the Let x be the Abfciſs and y the Se- Parameter. mi-Ordinate of the Parabola ; ſay, 6. The Rectangle under the Sum as the conſtant Number 0,434294 of any two Semi-Ordinates, and is to the Logarithm of the Ratio of their Difference, is equal to a Rect- v уу angle under the Parameter, and the ****** to y, fo is of the Difference of the Abfcifles. 4 In the Parabola, the Sub-Tangent Parameter of the Axis, to a fourth PT is twice the Abſciſs AP, and the Sab.Normal PQ=1 thé Pa. Number, which added to xx+ rameter, and ſo is a conſtant Quan- 4 tity. will be the Length of the Curve 7. The Focus of the Parabola is of the Parabola, whoſe Abſciſs is x, at ſuch a diſtance from the Vertex, and Ordinate zy. that the Semi-Ordinate FN =1 PARABOLIC CONOID, is a Solid the Parameter. generated by the Rotation of a Pa- 8. The Rectangle under LR and rabola about its Axis. This Ky pro e- 1 ✓ 1 $ PĄ R PAR This Solid is La Cylinder of the A Circle equal to the Curve Su- fame Baſe, and Altitude ; for the perficies of a Parabolic Conoid, is Circular Planes parallel to the Baſe, thus moft elegantly found by Mr. are as the Numbers in Arithmeti- Huygens, in his Horolog. Draw the cal Progreſſion, from the Nature of 'Tangent (Fig. 1.) MT, and divide the Parabola ; that is, are as the the Ordinate MP in O, ſo that Ordinates of a Triangle. MO be to OP, as MT to MP; Fig. 1. T A B OP M N 1 Fig. 2. M N T А PBQ then if between TM +OP and to the Curve Superficies of the Pa. MN, you find a mean Proportional rabolic Conoid generated from the BC; the Circle deſcribed with BC Parabola AMP. for its Radius, will be equal to the PARABOLA Carteſian, is a Curve Curve Surface of the Parabolic Co- of the ſecond Order expreſſed by noid generated by the Rotation of the Equation xy-ax+bx2+x+d, the Parabola MAN about its Axis containing four infinite Legs, viz. AP. Mr. Huygens does not de two Hyperbolic ones, MM, B m, monſtrate this ; but it is eafily e- A E being the Afymptote) tending nough done from hence : Let (Fig.2.) BNR be a Parabola deſcribed to any Axis BQO, whoſe principal N M N Vertex is B, with a Latus reftum to the Axis, equal to four times the Latus reftum, fuppoſe L, of the M Axis AP of the Parabola AM, and let BQ be = L, and QO=AP, and draw the Ordinates N, OR. Then it will be as the Diameter of m 'a Circle is to its Circumference, ſo is the Parabolic Trapezium QNRO 1 1 A/B Сс 4 icona 1 ! PAR PAR } ; contrary ways, and two Parabolic, PARABOLA Diverging, is a Name Legs. DN, MN joining them, be- given by Sir Iſaac Newton to five ing the 66th Species of Lines of the different Lines of the third Or- third Order, according to Sir Iſaac der, expreſſed by the Equation yy Newton, call'd by him a Trident, ax3 +6x2+x+d. The firſt (Fig.1.) and is made uſe of by Deſcartes, in being a Bell-Form Parabola, with the third Book of his Geometry, for an Oval at its Head, which is the finding the Roots of Equations of cafe when the Equation wax3 + fix Dimenſions by its Interfections bx2+x+d, has three real and with a Circle. Its moſt ſimple Equati- unequal Roots; fo that one of the on is xy=x3 ta3, and Points through mof fimple Equations of a Curve which it is to paſs may be eaſily of this kind is pyy=x3 tax? +-aax. found by means of a common Pa- The ſecond a Bell-Form 'Para- rabola whoſe Abſciſs is ax? 4-6x-4r, bola, with a conjugate Point or and an Hyperbola whoſe Abſciſs is infinitely ſmall Oval at the Head, d being the caſe when the Equation for y will be equal to the Sumax3 +bx? tcxtd has its two or Difference of the correſpondent leſſer Roots equal , the moſt fimple Ordinates of this Parabola and Hy. Equation of which is pyy=*3-axx. perbola. The third (Fig. 2.) a Parabola, Deſcartes, in the aforeſaid Book, Shews how to deſcribe this Curve Fig. 1. by a continued Motion, viz. by taking a fixed Point upon a Plane, and without that point ſuppoſing an infinite Right Line to be drawn upon that Plane in a given Poſition, and then taking a Parabola drawn upon a ſeparate Plane, and having aſſumed a point in the Axis, and faften'd a Ruler to the ſame, as alſo Fig. 2. to the point aſſumed upon the Plane, he moves the Plane of the Parabola along, ſo as its Axis always coin- cides with the Line drawn upon the Plane in a given Poſition, and then the Interſections of the Curve Fig. 3. of the Parabola and the long Ruler will deſcribe upon the Plane the Carteſian Parabola. Mr. Mac- Laurin, in his Organica Geometria, deſcribes this Curve by carrying the Interſection of one ſide of a Square, whoſe angular Point is fa- ftend in one Aſymptote, and a parallel Line to the fame Afymptote along the Curve of an Hyperbola ; for then the Interſection of the o- ther fide of that Square, and the Parallel Line will deſcribe the Care Beſian Parabola. with Fig. 4. . PAR PAR with two diterging Legs croſſing ſuch manner that the angular Point one another like a Knot, which of the Square always coincides with happens when the Equation o=ax3 the side of the Bevel firſt mentioned ; +bx? tcxtd has its two greater then will this Point of the Square Roots equal; the moſt fimple Equa- trace out upon the Plane a part of tion being pyy=x3 +axx. The a diverging Parabola. fourth (Fig. 3.) a pure Bell-form If a Solid generated by the Ro- Parabola, being the caſe when o= tation of a ſemi-cubical' Parabola ax: +6x2 tcxtd has two imagi- about its Axis be cut by a Plane, nary Roots, and its moſt ſimple E- each of theſe five Parabolas will be quation is pyj=3 ta3, or Pyg = exhibited by its Sections ; for when *3-taax.--The fifth (Fig. 4.) a Pa- the cutting Plane is oblique to the rabola with two diverging Legs, Axis, but falls below the Axis, the forming at their meeting a Cuſpe Section will be a diverging Para- or double Point, being the caſe bola, with an Oval at its head.- when the Equation osax+6x2 + When oblique to the Axis, but cxtd has three equal Roots ; lo paſſes thro' the Vertex, the Section that pyy=x3 is the moſt ſimple will be a diverging Parabola, having Equation of this Curve, which in an infinitely ſmall Oval at its head. deed is the Semi-cubical or Nelian -When the cutting Plane is oblique Parabola. to the Axis, falls below it, and at Points thro' which theſe five Pa- the ſame time touches the Curye- rabolas muſt paſs may be very ex- Surface of the Solid, as well as cuts peditiouſly found by firſt taking a it, the Section will be a diverging common Parabola, and a Right Parabola, with a Nodus or Knot --- Line perpendicular to the Axis ſo When the cutting Plane falls above ſituated, that a Line drawn from any the Vertex, either parallel or ob- Point in this Line parallel to the lique to the Axis, the Section will Axis, and terminating in the Curve be a pure diverging Parabola.- ſhall be =axbxtc; for then a And when the cutting Plane paſſes mean Proportional between this thro' the Axis, the Section will be Line and any aſſumed Value of x a ſemi-cubical Parabola. will be the Length of an Ordinate I might have been much more of the five diverging Parabolas, full and particular about theſe correſponding to the aſſumed Value Curves, as I am in my Treatiſe All five of theſe Curves may of Curves that I have by me ; but be deſcribed too by a continued it would ſwell this Book too much. Motion, by means of a ſquare Be PARABOLIC PYRAMIDOID, is vel and common Parabola ; for if a folid Figure, thus named by Dr. the Angle of a Bevel (containing Wallis, from its Geneſis, or Forma- a right Angle) be carried along the tion, which is thus : Curve of a common Parabola, one Let all the Squares of the Ordi- ſide thereof keeping parallel to the nates of a Parabola be imagined to Axis of the Parabola ; and if at the be ſo placed, that the Axis ihall ſo ſame time one side of a Square paſs thro' all their Centres at Right paſſes through a given Point, not Angles ; and the Aggregate of theſe within the Parabola, and the Inter- Planes will form the Parabolic Pro ſection of the other side of the Be- ramidoid, whore Solidity is gain'd vel and of the Square paſſes along by multiplying the Baſe by half the a Right Line drawn from the ſaid Altitude. Point perpendicular to the Axis, in PARABOLIC SPACT, is the Area con- of PAR PAR contained between the Curve of the cedes farther from the Sun or Cen- Parabola, and a whole Ordinate tre of Attraction. Thus if a Planet AB. in A moves to B, then is SB-SA =bB, the Paracentric Motion of C D that Planet. B 1L A B B A А This is of the circumſcribing Parallelogram ACDB, in the com- mon Parabola. The Quadrature of the Parabola was firſt found out by the great Ar- rbimedes ; but his Demonſtration, altho' very ingenious, is both long and tedious. It is more elegantly done by means of the Solidity of PARACENTRIC SOLLICITATI- a ſquare Pyramid, which is of a ON of Gravity or Levity, (which is Parallelepipedon, having the ſame all one with the Vis Centripeta,) is Baſe and Altitude; for every Ordi- in Aſtronomy expreſſed by the Line nate to a Tangent to the Vertex of AL drawn from the Point A, pa- a Parabola, taken as an Abſciſs, will rallel to the Ray SB, (infinitely be as a correſpondent ſquare Sec near SA,) until it interfects the Tan- tion of the Pyramid, by a Plane pa- gent BL. rallel to the Baſe; and the Sum of PARALLACTICAL ANGLE, is all thoſe Ordinates, as the Sum of the Difference of the Angles C EA, all thoſe Spaces, therefore, c. and BTA, under which the true and PARABOLIC SPINDLE, is a So. apparent Diitances from the Zenith lid made by the Rocation of a Semi- are feen. parabola about one of its Ordinates, PARALLAX, or PARALLAX of and is equal to is of its circum- Altitude, is CB (or the Angle TSE, fcribing Cylinder. which may be taken for it) the PARABOLIC SPIRAL. See He- Difference between the true Place B licoid Parabola. of the Planet S, and the apparent PARABOLOIDES, or PARABO- LIFORM CURVES, are Parabola's А. B of the higher kind. The Equation for all Curves of this kind being a "nx=ym, and the Proportion of the Area of any one to the Complement of it to the circumſcribing Parallelogram will be as m to n. PARACENTRIC MOTION ON of Im- T petus, is a Term in the New Aſtro- nomy, for ſo much as the revolving Place C of the fame; this is equal Planet approaches nearer to, or re 10 the Difference between AB, the true SD. 1 nearer to PAR PAR true Diſtance from the Zenith A, tal Parallax, is 19. 1! 25". and and the apparent Diſtance A C. the leaſt 54' 5": PARALLAX of Afcenfion or De 6. The Horizontal Parallax of ſtenſion, is an Arch of the Equinoctial, Mars, when greateſt is about 25", whereby the Parallax of Altitude and that of the Sun is about 10%. augments the Aſcenſion, and dimi- PARALLEL-LINES, i: Geome- niſhes the Deſcenſion of a Planet. try, are thoſe which iun always PARALLAX of Declination, is an equi-diftant from each other ; lo Arch of a Circle of Declination, that if they were infinitely pro- whereby the Parallax of Altitude duced, they would neither go tar- augments or diminiſhes the Declina- ther from, nor come tion of a Planet. each other; and their Distance is PARALLAX of Latitude, is an always meaſured by a Perpendicu- Arch of a Circle of Latitude, where- lar, which, wherever it be taken is by the Parallax of Altitude aug- of the fame Length, or is always ments or diminiſhes the Latitude. equal to itſelf. PARALLAX of Longitude, is an 1. Sir Iſaac Newton, in the 22d Arch of the Ecliptic, whereby the, Lemma of the firſt Book of his Prinə Parallax of Altitude augments or cipia, defines Parallels to be ſuch diminiſhes the Longitude. Lines that tend to a Point infinitely 1. The Parallax in the Zenith, diſtant. is nothing, but in the Horizon the 2. Or Parallel Lines may be de- greateſt. fined thus : IF A be a Point with- 2. The Sines of the Parallactical out a given indefinite Right Line Angles AMT, AST, at the ſame or CD; the ſhorteſt Line, as AR equal Diſtances SZ, from the Ze- nith are in the reciprocal Ratio of E А M Z $ 1 A C B D L that can be drawn from A to it, is perpendicular ; and the longeſt, as R T E A, is parallel to CD. 3. A Right Line ZZ falling the Diſtances TM, and TS, from on two parallel Lines P P and PP, the Centre of the Earth. makes the alternate Angles of 3. The Sines of the Parallactical Angles of the Stars Mand S, equally Z diſtant from the Centre of the Earth T, are as the Sines of the apparent P - P Diſtances ZM, and Z S, from the Zenith. The fixed Stars have no BE ſenſible Parallax. -P 4. The Horizontal Parallax is the ſame, whether a Star be in the true Horizon, or the apparent Horizon. Z 5. The Moon's greateſt Horizon- and do F ma PAR PAR and é=b; alſo o=d, and a=g, is the Diſtance to the Co-fine of the and the two internal Angles c+b, Latitude. or etf = two right ones. 2. Given, the Difference of Lon- PARALLEL-PLANEs, are thoſe gitude between two Places under Planes which have all the Perpen- the ſame Parallel ; required their diculars drawn betwixt them equal Diſtance. to each other; that is, when they The Canon is, As the Radius is are every, where equally diftant. to the Difference of Longitude : So PARALLEL-RULER, is an In- is the Co-ſine of the Latitude to the ftrument of Wood, Braſs, Silver, Diſtance. &c. conſiſting of two Parallel-Rules 3. Having the Diſtance between that open and ſhut parallel to one two Places in the ſame Latitude ; another; and is of great uſe in all required, their Difference of Lon- Parts of Mathematicks, where ma- gitude. ny Parallel-Lines are to be drawn ; The Canon is, As the Co-fine of and is particularly uſeful in redu- the Latitude is to the Diſtance : So cing of any multangular Figure to a is the Radius to the Difference of Triangle. Longitude. As ſuppoſe the Multangular Fi PARALLEL SPHERE, is where gure A B C DE is to be reduced the Poles are in the Zenith and into the Triangle GCB, by means Nadir, and the Equator in the Ho- of the Parallel-Ruler ; firſt conti- rizon, which is the caſe of ſuch (if nue out the Side A B, and laying any ſuch there be) who live direct- one side of the Inſtrument to the ly under the North or South Poles. Points A, D, open the other to the The Conſequences of this pofi- Point E, and where it cuts the Line tion are, that the Parallels of the AG, as in F, make a Mark ; this Sun's Declination will alſo be Pa- - being done, lay one side of the rallels of his Altitude. Ruler to the points F, C, and open The Inhabitants can ſee only the other to the Point D, and it ſuch Stars as are on their Side of the Equinoctial; and they muſt D. have fix Months Day and fix Months continual Night every Year; and the Sun can never be higher with them, than 23 Degrees 30 Minutes, which is not ſo high as he is with us in February G FA .B PARALLELS of Altitude, or Al- macanters, are Circles parallel to will cut the Line BG in G; then the Horizon, imagined to paſs thro' draw the Line CG, and the Tri- every Degree and Minute of the angle GCB will be equal to the Meridian, between the Horizon and Multangular Figure ABCDE. Zenith, having their Poles in the PARALLEL SAILING; in Navi- Zenith. And on the Globes thefe gation, is failing under a Parallel are deſcribed by the Diviſions on of Latitude ; of this there are but the Quadrant of Altitude, in its three Caſes. Motion about the body of the 1. Given, the Departure and Di- Globe, when 'tis ſcrew'd to the ftance ; required, the Latitude. Zenith of any Place. The Canon is, As the Difference PARALLELS of Latitude on the of Longitude is to the Radius : So Terreſtrial Globes, are the ſame with Parallela ) E с A 6 PAR PAR Parallels of Declination on the Ce to one another in the duplicate Ra- leftial : But the Parallels of Lati- tio of their homologous Sides. tude on the Celeſtial Globes are ſmall 4. The Area of any Parallelo- Circles parallel to the Ecliptic, i- gram is had by multiplying one of magined to paſs thro' every Degree its Sides by a Perpendicular let fall and Minute of the Colures, and are from one of the oppoſite Angles. repreſented there by the Diviſions 5. In any Parallelogram the Ag- of the Quadrant of Altitude, in its gregate of the Squares of the Sides Motion round the Globe, when it is equal to the Aggregate of the is ſcrewed over the Poles of the E- Squares of the Diagonals. cliptic: PARALLELOGRAM,. is alſo an PARALLELS of Declination, are Inſtrument made of five Rulers of Circles parallel to the Equinoctial, Braſs or Wood, with Sockets to ſlide imagined to paſs thro' every De- or ſet to any proportion, uſed to gree and Minute of the Meridians enlarge or diminiſh any Map or between the Equinoctial, and each Draught, either in Fortification, Pole of the World. Building, or Surveying & C. PARALLEL RAYS, in Optics, PARALLELOGRAM PROTRAC-. are thoſe that keep an equal Di-. Tor, is a Semi-Circle of Braſs with ſtance from the viſible Obječt to the four Rulers, in form of a Paralle- Eye, which is ſuppoſed to be infi- logram, made to move to any An- nitely remote from the Object. gle : One of which Rulers is an In- PARALLEL CIRCLES, on the dex, which ſhews on the Semi-Cir- Globes; the ſame with the Leffer cle the Quantity of any inward or Circles. outward Angle. PARALLELS alſo on the Terref- PARALLELEPIPEDON, is a ſo- trial Globe, are Circles drawn thro' lid Figure contained under fix Paral- the middle of every Climate, di- lelograms, the Oppoſites of which viding them into two halves, which are equal and parallel ; or 'tis a are called Parallels. Priſm, whoſe Baſe is a Parallelo- PARALLEL I'S M of the Earth's gram. This is always triple to a Axis, is the Earth's keeping its Pyramid of the fame Baſe and Axis in its annual Revolution round Height. the Sun, in a Poſition always pa- PARALOGISM, is a pretended rallel to itſelf, which it doth nearly, Demonſtration or Method of argu- but not exactly ; for tho' the Dif- ing, but which is in reality falla- ference be inſenſible in one Year, cious and falfe. it becomes ſenſible enough in many · PARAMETER, by fome, as My- Years. dorgius, and others, called the La- PARALLELOGRAM, in Geome tus Re&um of a Parabola, is a third try, is a Right-lined Quadrilateral Proportional to the Abſciffa and Figure, whole oppoſite Sides are pa- any Ordinate. rallel and equal. But in the Ellipfis and Hyper- 1. The oppoſite Angles of all bola, it is a third Proportional to Parallelograms are equal to one an two conjugate Diameters. other. PARAPET, in Fortification, isan 2. All Parallelograms that are Elevation of Earth and Stone upon between the ſame Parallel-Lines, the Rampart, behind which the and on the ſame Baſe, are equal. Soldiers ſtand ſecure from the Ene- 3. All ſimilar Parallelograms are my's great and ſmall Shot, and where : 1 PAT P E D where the Canon is planted for the Earth turns round its Axis. This Defence of the Town or Fortreſs. Point is conſidered as vertical to the Every Parapet having its Embra- Earth's Centre, and is the ſame ſures and Merlons, is about fix Foot with what is called the Vertex, or high on the fide of the Place, and the Zeniih in the Ptolemaic Pro- from four to five in that towards jection. the Country So that this Diffe The Semi-Diameter of this path rence of Height forms a kind of of the Vertex is always equal to the Glacis above, from whence the Complement of the Latitude of the Muſqueteers mounting the Banquet Point or Place that deſcribes it ; of the Parapet, may eaſily fire into that is, to that Place's Diſtance from the Moats, or at leaſt upon the the the Pole of the World. Counterſcarp. It ought alſo to Pause or Rest, in Muſic, is a be from eighteen to twenty Foot Silence, or artificial Intermiſſion of thick, if made of Earth ; and from the Voice or Sound, proportioned fix to eight, if of Stone. The Earth to a certain Meaſure of Time, by is much better than Stone, becauſe the Motion of the Hand or Foot. Stone will fly to pieces when bat Theſe Pauſes or Reits are always tered, and do miſchief, equal to the Length or Quantity of This word Parapet is alſo given the Notes whereto they are annexed, to any Line that covers Men from and therefore are called by the the Enemy's Fire: So there are Pa- fame Names, as a Long-Reſt, Breve- rapets of Barrels, of Gabions, of Refl, Semi-Breve-Reft, &c. Bags filled with Earth, & c. PEDESTAL, in Architecture, is a PARASTÆ, in Architecture, are ſquare Body, with a Baſe and Cor- the ſame with Pilaſters ; the Italians nice, ſerving as a Foot for the Co- call them Membretti. lumns to ſtand upon ; it is different PARHELII and PARHELIA are in the Orders. fuch Phænomena, as we call Mock 1. The Tuſcan Pedeſtal, being the Suns, being the Repreſentations of moſt ſimple of all, hath only a the Face or Figure of the true Şun Plinth for its Baſe, and an Aſtragal by way of Reflexion in the Clouds. crowned for its Cornice. PARTICLES, are the very ſmall 2. The Doric Pedeſtal (according Parts of which any natural Body is to Palladio) borrowing the Attic ſuppoſed to be compounded ; and Baſe, ought to have for its Height theſe are often called the conſtituent 2 of Diameters of the Column or component Particles of any na- taken before : But no Pedeſtals to tural Body. this Order are ſeen among the an- Pate, in Fortification, is a kind cient Buildings. of Platform like what they call an 3. The Ionic Pedeſtal is two Dia- Horfeſoe, not always regular, but meters, and about two thirds high. generally oval, encompaſſed only 4. The Corinthian Pedeſtal hath with a Parapet, and having nothing the fourth Part of the Column for to flank it; and is afually erected in its Height, being divided into eight marſhy Grounds, to.cover a Gate of Parts ; whereof one muſt be allowa a Town. ed for the Cimafium, two others Path of the Vertex, is a Term for the Baſe, and the reſt for the frequently uſed by Mr. Flamſtead, Dye or Square. in his Doctrine of the Sphere, and 5. The Compoſite Pedeſtal ought fignifies a Circle deſcribed by any to have the third Part of the Pillar Point of the Earth's Surface, as the for its Height. PEDI- + 23 Stars. ΡΕ Ν Ρ Ε Ν PEDIMENT, in Architecture, is Thus BGSC is a Pencil of Rays, an Ornament that crowns the Or- and the Line BLC, is called the donnance, finiſhes the Fronts of Axis of that Pencil. Buildings, and ſerves as a Decora PENDULUM, is a Weight hang- tion over Gates, Windows, Niches, ing at the End of a String, Chain, &c. it is ordinarily of a triangular or Wire, by whole Vibrations or Form, but ſometimes makes an Swings to and fro, the Parts or Arch of a Circle. Differences of Time are meaſured. Peers, in Architecture, are a 1. The Velocities of Pendulums kind of Pilaſters or Buttreſſes for in their loweſt Points, are as the Support, Strength, and ſometimes Chords of the Arches they fall from Ornament. or deſcribe. PEGASUS, a Conſtellation in the 2. The Lengths of Pendulums Northern Hemiſphere ; containing (which are always accounted from the Centre of Oſcillation, to the Pelicoides, is the Name given Centre of the Ball or Bob) are to by ſome to the Figure BCDA, each other in a duplicate Ratio of contained under the two inverted the Times in which their Vibra- Quadrantal Arches AB and AD, tions are reſpectively performed ; and the Semi-Circle BCD, whoſe or are as the Squares of the Vibras tions performed in one and the ſame C time; wherefore, the Times muſt be in a ſubduplicate Ratio of the Lengths. Sir Iſaac Newton demon- ftrates, Cor. 2. Prop. 54. Princip. that if the Force of the Movement B D of a Clock required to keep a Pendulum fo adjuſted, that the. whole Force or Tendency down- wards ſhall be as the Line which ariſes by dividing the Rectangle F under the Semi-Arch of the Vibra- A E tion and the Radius, is to the Sine of that Semi-Arch, then all the Of Area to the Square AC, and that cillations ſhall ſtill be made in the to the Rectangle EB. ſame Space of Time. PENCIL of Rays, in Optics, is a 3. 'Tis faid, that Ricciolus was double Cone of Rays joined toge- the firſt that attempted to meaſure ther at the Baſe ; one of which Time by the Pendulum, and there- hath its Vertex in ſome other Point in he was followed, tho' nearly of the Object, and the Glafs GLS about the ſame time, by Langrenus for its Baſe ; and the other hath Vendelinus, Merſennus, Kircherus,&c. its Baſe on the fame Glaſs, but its Some of which declare they knew Vertex in the Point of Convergence, nothing of Ricciolus's Attempt ; as at C. but the firſt that applied it to a G Movement, Clock, or Watch, was Mr. Chriſtian Huygens, and who B L brought it alſo to a good Degree of Perfection. See his Horologium of cillatorium. PENDULUMS-ROYAL, are thoſe 3 Clocks, S PER. P E R Clocks, whoſe Pendulum ſwings Se- tute-Law, of fixteen Foot and a half conds, and goes eight Days, a in length. Month, &*c. Thewing the Hour, Perfect CONCORDS, in Muſic; Minutes, and Seconds. ſee Concords, PENINSULA, in Geography, is a PERFECT Fifth, the fame with Portion of Land, which is almoſt Diapente : which fee. ſurrounded with Water, and is join PERFECT NUMBERS, are ſuch ed to the Continent only by an Títh- whoſe aliquot, or even parts joined mus, or narrow Neck of Land ; as together, will exactly make that Africa, the greateſt Peninſula in the whole Number, as 6 and 28, &c. World, is joined to Afia, and that of For of fix, the half is three, the third the Marea to Greece, &c part two, and the fixth part one, PentAGON, in Geometry, is a which added together, make fix; Figure having five Sides, and five and it hath no more aliquot parts in Angles : If all the Sides be equal, and whole Numbers ; fo twenty-eight, alſo the Angles, it is called a Regu- which has theſe parts, viz. 14,794,2, lar Pentagon. and 1, exactly make 28 ; which The ſide of a Regular Pentagon, or therefore is a Perfect Number, one which can be inſcribed in a cir- whereof there are but Ten between cle, is in power equal to the fide of One, and one Million of Millions. an Hexagon and Decagon, inſcribed To find a Perfeff Number, that is, in the ſame Circle. a Number which ſhall be equal to all PENTANGLE, a Figure having its aliquot parts taken together. Let five Angles. the Number fought be = 34*, be- PenƯMBRA, in Aftronomy, is a ing ſuch as that it can be reſolved faint kind of a Shadow, or the ut into its aliquot Parts or Factors : moft Edge of the perfect Shadow, Now the aliquot Parts thereof will be which happens at the Eclipſe of the ity+ya+y3,&c.until the Exponent Moon; ſo that it is very difficult to becomes equal to n, and xtyx +32* determine where the Shadow begins, t-y3x, &c. likewiſe until the Expo- and where the Light ends. nent be =n. Now from the Nature PER AMBULATOR, the ſame as of a perfect Number 1 ty+ya+y3, the Surveying-Wheel, is an Inſtru- &c. fox-tyxty2x+y3 x, &c. may ment made of Wood or Iron, com- be =jMx; whence ity+ya+y3, monly half a pole in Circumference, &c. =y"x-3-7x72x-3x, &c. with a Movement, and a Face divi- ded like a Clock, with a long Rod and i tytys ty3, &C. of Iron or Steel, that goes from the jh-1-3 ---33,&c. Centre of the Wheel to the Work: Now that y may be an Integer (the There are alſo two Hands, which (as Number of aliquot parts in any par- you drive the Wheel before you) ticular Caſe, if jy be expounded by count the Revolutions ; and from a Number, will not be differens the Compoſition of the Movement, from their Number in the general and by the Diviſions on the Face, Form) it is neceſſary that yo-y- fhew how many Yards, Poles, Fur- y2---y}, &c. be = 1; which cannot longs, and Miles, you go. The Uſe happen in any other Caſe, but when of this Inſtrument is to meaſure y=2, then will be =i+242+ Roads, Rivers, and all level Lands, 23, E C. =1+2+4+8, &C. with great expedition. and the perfect Number 21 x : Perch, a Meaſure, by our Sta- Therefore the Problem, though propoſed X. PER PER .. propoſed as a kind of indeterminate a Place or Building encompaſſed with one, is determinate : If n=1, then Pillars ſtanding round about within will x=1+2=3, and conſequently the Couri : But this word Periſtyle the perfect Number 2^x=6. If is ſometimes taken for a Row or n=2, then will x=1+2+4=7; Rank of Columns, as well without as within any Edifice, as in Cloy- whence 2" x=28: If n==3, then ſters and Galleries. Sometimes this will x=1+2+4+8=15; there- was called Antiproſtyle. fore 2"x=120. Peritere, in Architecture, is a PERIGÆON, or PerIGÆUM, is a place encompaſſed round with Co- Point in the Heavens, wherein a lumns, and with a kind of Wings Planet is ſaid to be in its neareſt Di- about it. Here the Pillars Stand ſtance poſſible from the Earth. without, whereas in the Periſtyle Perihelion, is that point of a they ſtand within. planet's Orbit, wherein it' is neareſt PERITROCHIUM. See Axis in to the Sun. Per itrochio. PERIMETER, is the Bounds. of PERIÆCI, are thoſe Inhabitants any Figure. of the Earth, who live under the Period, in Chronology, figni- fame' parallels, but under oppoſite fies a Revolution of a certain Num- Semi - Circles of the Meridian : ber of Years ; as the Metonic Peri- Whence they have the ſame Seaſons od, the Julian Period, and the Ca- of the Year, viz. Spring, Summer, lippic Period: which ſee in their Autumn, and Winter, at the very proper places. fame Time ; as alſo the ſame length PeriODICAL, is the Term for of Days and Nights ; for 'tis in the whatſoever performs its Motion, fame Climate, and at an equal Die Courſe, or Revolution regularly, fo ftance from the Æquator : But the as to return again, and to diſpatch Changes of Noon and Midnight are it always in the ſame period, or alternate one to the other. ſpace of Time. Thus the periodi PERMUTATION of Quantities. cal Motion of the Moon, is that See Variation and Combination. whereby the finiſhes her Courſe PeRPENDICULAR, in Geome- round about the Earth in a Month; try, is when a Right Line ftandeth and this is in 27 Days, 7 Hours, 45 fo upon another, that the Angles on Minutes, and is called the Moon's either ſide are equal ; then this Periodical Month ; which is the ſpace Right Line, which fo ftandeth, is of Time that the Moon finiſhes her perpendicular to that upon which it Revolution in ftandeth. A Right Line is ſaid to be PERIPHERY, in Geometry, is the PERPENDICULAR to a Plane, Circumference of a Circle, or of when 'tis perpendicular to more any other Regular Curvilineal Fi- than two Lines drawn in that plane. gure. One Plane is perpendicular to ano. PERISCII, are the Inhabitants of ther, when a Line in one plane is the two frozen Zones, or thoſe that perpendicular to the other Plane, live within the Compaſs of the Ar PERPETUAL Motion. By this Elic and Antarktic. Circles ; for as Term ought to be meant an uniň- the Sun never goes down to them terrupted Communication of the after he is once up, but always round fame Degree of Motion from one about, ſo do their Shadows. Whence part of Matter to another, in a Circle the Name. (or ſuch-like Curve 'returning into PERISTYLE, in Architecture, is itſelf ) ſo that the fame Quantity of Dd Mattes 1 PER PER Matter ſhall return perpetually un the Deſcent of that preponderating diminiſhed upon the firſt Mover : part, will be loſt in its Aſcent; and And perhaps, if Men had rightly then the Wheel thus loaded, as ſoon underſtood that this is the true as the Friction hath deſtroyed the Meaning of a perpetual Motion, A- Motion given it, will for a while bundance of Expence both of Mo- vibrate like other pendulous Bodies, ney and Reputation might have been and then at laſt ſtand ſtill. Conſe- ſaved, by the vain Pretenders to this quently no perpetual Motion by piece of impoſſible Mechaniſm. Wheel-Work. 1. When a Wheel, or other Ma PERSEUS, a Conſtellation in the chine, once ſet in motion, will, Northern Hemiſphere, conſiſting of without additional Actions on it, 38 Stars. continue to move with the fame, or Persic Order of Architetture, a greater Velocity, with which it is where the Bodies of Men ſerve firſt moved, as long as the Matter inſtead of Columns to ſupport the of which it conſiſts, remains the Entablature; or rather the Columns ſame ; ſuch a Motion, by Mecha are in that Form. nics, is called Perpetual. The Riſe of it was this : Pauſa- 2. But ſince Bodies have not in nias having defeated the Perſians, themſelves power to move thena- the Lacedemonians, as a Märk of ſelves, and therefore have not pow• their Victory, erected Trophies of er to increaſe or diminiſh a Motion the Arms of their Enemies, and then given them; if they are not acted repreſented the Perſians under the on by other Bodies, they will conti- Figures of Slaves, ſupporting their nue fo to move, and with the ſame Porches, Arches, or Houſes. Velocity : But all revolving Bodies PERSPECTIVE, is an Art that ſuffer Friction with thoſe, by which teaches us the Manner of delineating they are ſuſpended ; and the Velo- by mathematical Rules ; that is, it cities of thoſe Bodies are therefore ſhews us how to draw geometrically continually leſſen'd by the Action of upon a plane, the Repreſentations of Friction. Therefore, a Wheel, or Objects according to their Dimen- other Machine, ſet in motion with- fions, and different Situations ; in out additional A étions on it, will not ſuch manner, that the ſaid Repre- continue to move with the ſame Ve- ſentations produce the ſame Effects locity, tho' the Matter of which it upon our Eyes, as the Objects conſiſts remains the fame : But, on whereof they are the pictures. the contrary, this Velocity will be Some of the Writers upon Per- continually diminiſhed. spective are Defargues, de Bolle, An- 3. Moreover, fince, by numberleſs drea Albertus, Lamy, Franciſcus Ni- Experiments, the moſt polite or ceron, Pozzo, Ditton, Prick, Grave- burniſh'd Bodies ſliding over one an- fande, Hamilton, &c. other, loſe all the Motion which PERSPECTIVE AERIAL, is a hath been given them, and in a proportional Diminution of the Li- Thort Time : Therefore every Wheel, neaments and Colours of a Picture, or any other ſuch Machine will, in when the Objects are ſuppoſed to be a ſhort Time, loſe its Motion. very remote. 4. Hence it appears, that the PERSPECTIVE LINEAL, is the perpetual Motion is not to be ex Diminution of choſe Lines in the pected by a ſingle Wheel. plane of a Picture, which are the 5. And if any Contrivance cauſes Repreſentations of other Lines very one part of a Wheel to preponderate remote. another; whatſoever is gained by PERSPEC PHY PHY PeRSPECTINE MILITARY, is ledge of all Natural Bodies, and of when the Eye is ſuppoſed to be in- their proper Natures, Conftitutions, finitely remote from the Table or Powers, and Operations. Plane. PHYSIOLOGY, PHYSICS, or NA- Pertica, a ſort of a Comet; the TURAL PHILOSOPHY, is the Sci- ſame with Veru. ence of natural Bodies, and their PeTARD, in Fortification, is an various Affections, Motions, and O- Engine of Metal. in the form of an perations. This is either, high - crown'd Hat, with narrow 1. General, which relates to the Brims, which being fill'd with very Properties and Affections of Matter fine Powder, well primed, and then or Body in general. Or, fixed with a Madrier or Plank, bound 2. Special and Particular, which falt down, with Ropes running thro' confiders Matter as formed or diſtin- Handles, which are round the Rim guiſhed into ſuch and ſuch Species, of the Mouth of it, ſerves to break or determinate Combinations. down Gates, Port.cullices, Draw 3. Dr. Keil, in his Introductio ad bridges, Barriers, &c. This En- Phyficam, reckons four Claſſes or gine is from 7 to 8 Inches deep, Sorts of Philoſophers, which have and 5 broad at the Mouth; the treated of Phyſics or Natural Philo-, Diameter at the Bottom or Breech fophy. is an Inch and a half, and the Weight 4. Thoſe who delivered the Pro- of the whole Maſs of Metal is from perties of natural Bodies under Geo- 55 to 60 Pounds, generally requi- metrical and Numeral Symbols, ring about 5 Pounds of Powder for as the Pythagoreans and Platoniſts. the Charge. They are alſo uſed in 5. The Peripatetics, who explain- Countermines, to break through into ed the Natures of Things by Mat- the Enemy's Galleries, and to diſap- ter, Form, and Privation ; by ele- point their Mines. mentary and occult Qualities ; by PHÆNOMENON, in Natural Phi- Sympathies, Antipathies, Faculties, loſophy, fignifies any Appearance, and Attraction, &c. and theſe did Effect, or Operation of a Natural not fo much endeavour to find out Body, which offers itſelf to the Con- the true Reaſons and Cauſes of fideration and Solution of an Enqui- Things, as to give them proper rer into Nature. Names and Terms ; ſo that their PHASES, fignifies the Appearance, Phyſics is a kind of Metaphyſics. or the Manner of Things fhewing 6. The Experimental Philosophers, themſelves ; and therefore in Aftro- who by frequent and well-made nomy is uſed for the ſeveral Pofi- Trials and Experiments, as by Chy- tions, in which the Planets (eſpeci- miſtry, &*c. fought into the Natures ally the Moon) appear to our Sight; and Cauſes of Things: And to theſe as obſcure, horned, half-illuminated, almoſt all our Diſcoveries and Im- or full of Light, which, by the Help provements are due; and much more of a Teleſcope, may likewiſe be ob. would they have done, if they had ſerved in Venus and Mars. not fallen into Theories and Hypothe- PHROCYON, a fixed Star of the les, which they forced oftentimes ſecond Magnitude, in the Conſtel. their Experiments to maintain, whea. lation Canis Minor, whoſe Longi- ther they could or not. tude is un Degrees, 23 Minutes, 7. The Mechanical Philoſophers, Latitude 15 Degrees, 57 Minutes. who explicate all the Phænomena of Physics, or NATURAL PHI- Nature by Matter and Motion, by LOSOPlly, is the ſpeculative Know the Texture of Bodies, and the Fi- Dd 2 gure PIL Ρ Ε Α gure of their Parts; by Efluvia, from the Wall, but more uſually and ather ſubtile Particles, &c. And contiguous to it, or let within it, ſa in ſhort, would account for all EF as it does not ſhew above one fourth fects and Phænomena by the known or fifth Part of its 1:hickneſs. The and eſtabliſhed Laws of Motion Pilafter is different in ſeveral Or- and Mechanics : And theſe are, in' ders, and borrows occaſionally the conjunction with the laſt named, Name of each ; having the ſame the only true Philoſophers. Ornaments and the ſame Propor- Picket, in Fortification, is fome- tions with the Columns. times uſed for a Stake, ſharp at one PILLAR, in Architecture, is a end, to mark out the Ground and kind of a round Column diſengaged Angles of a Fortification, when the from any Wall, and made without Engineer is laying down the Plane' any proportion ; being always either of it; theſe are uſually pointed too maſſive or too Nender : Such with Iron : There are alſo larger are the Pillars which ſupport the Pickets, which are drove into the Vaults of Gothic Buildings. Earth, to hold together Faſcines or PINION, in a Watch, is that Faggots, in any Work caft up in lefſer Wheel which plays in the hatte. And Pickets alſo are Stakes Teeth of another. Its Notches, drove into the Ground by the Tents (which are commonly 4, 5, 6, 8, of the Horſe in a Camp, to tie their &c.) are called Leaves, and not Horſes to. And Pickets were alſo Teeth, as in other Wheels. drove into the Ground before the The Quotient or Number of Tents of the Foot, where they refted Turns to be laid upon the Pinion of their Mukets or Pikes round about Report, is found by this Proportion: them in a Ring. When a Horſe- When a Horfe- As the Beats in one Turn of the man hath committed ſome confi- great Wheel, to the Beats in an derable Offence, he is often ſen- Hour : So are the Hours of the tenced to ſtand on the Picket; which Face of the Clock, (viz. 12, or 24.). is to have one Hand drawn up as to the Quotient of the Hour-Wheel, high as it can be ftretch'd, and then or Dial-Wheel, divided by the Pi- he is to itand on the Point of a Pic- nion of Report, i.e. the Number ket or Stake only with the Toe of of Turns which the Pinion of Re- his oppoſite Foot; ſo that he can port hath in one Turn of the Dial- neither ſtand or hang well, nor eaſe Wheel. himſelf by changing Feet. P'IN-WHEEL. See Striking- PieDOUCHE, in Architecture, is Wheel. a little ſquare Baſe ſmoothed, and Pisces, is the twelfth and laſt wrought with Mouldings, which Sign of the Zodiac, being a Con- ferves to ſupport a Buſt or Statue ftellation confiſting of 35 Stars. drawn half-way, or any ſmall Fi Piscis MERIDIANUS, a Sou- thern Conſtellation containing twelve PIED-DROIT, in Architecture, Stars. is a ſquare Pillar differing from a Place, is that Part of Space Pilaſter in this reſpect, that it hath which any Body takes up ; and no Baſe or Capital: It is taken alſo with relation to Space is either ab- for a part of the Jaumbs of a ſolute or relative; as Mr. Locke ob- Door or Window. ſerves. PILASTER, in Architecture, is 2. PLACE, alſo is ſometimes ta. a kind of a ſquare Column, fome- ken for that Portion of infinite Space, times ſtanding free, and detach'd which is poſſeſſed by, and compre- hended gure in Relief. - PL A PL A hended within the material World, PLACE PLANE. See Locus and which is thereby diſtinguiſhed Plane. from the reſt of the Expanſion. PLACE SIMPLE. See Locus 3. PLACE is uſually diſtinguiſhed Simple. into internal Place, which, pro PLACE SOLID. See Locus perly ſpeaking, is that Part of Space Solid. which any Body takes up and fills; Placè SUR SOLID. See Locus and External Place, which, accord- Surfolid. ing to Ariſtotle, is determined by PLACE of the Sun, Star, or Planet, the Surfaces or Confines of the ad. is the sign of the Zodiac, Degree, joining or ambient Bodies : But it Minute, and Second of it, which the is better divided into abſolute, which Planet is in; or it is that Degree of is the former internal Place; and the Ecliptic reckoned from the Be- into relative Place, which is the ap- ginning of Aries, which the Planet's parent ſecondary or ſenſible Poſi- or Star's Circle of Longitude cut- tion of any Body, according to the teth; and therefore is often called Determination of our Senſes, with the Longitude of the Sun, Planet, or reſpect to other contiguous or ad- Star. joining Bodies. PLAIN ANGLE. See Angle. 4. Place of Arms, when taken in 1. Sides of a plain Angle, are the the general, is a ſtrong City which Lines forming it. is pitched upon for the Magazine of 2. Vertex of any Angle, are the any Army. But a Place in Fortifi- Points wherein the Lines forming it cation uſually ſignifies the Body of meet. a Fortreſs. And a 3. Meaſure of a plain right-lined 5. Place of Arms in a Gariſon, is Angle, is an Arch of a Circle dé- a large open Spot of Ground in the ſcribed about the Vertex, contained middle of the City, where the great between the sides of the Angle. Streets meet, or elſe between the 4. Equal right-lined Angles, are Ramparts and the Houſes, for the Ga- ſuch whereof the Area's of Circles riſon to rendezvous in, upon any ſud- deſcribed from their Vertexes, and den alarm, or other occaſion. And the intercepted between their Sides, are 6. Place of Arms of a Trench, or proportional to their Radii, or, of an Attack, is a Poſt near it, ſhel- which is the ſame thing, do contain tered by a Parapet .or Epaulement, the ſame Number of Degrees. for Horſe ,or Foot to be at their 5. Eucl. in Prop. q. lib. 1. has Arms, to make good the Trenches taught us how to biſect or divide : againſt the Sallies of the Enemy. any given right-lined Angle into Theſe Places of Arms are ſometimes two equal Parts, and from thence covered by a Rideau or Riſing- it will be eaſy to divide it into 4, 8, Ground, or elſe by a Cavin or deep 16, 32, 64, &c. equal Parts. Valley, which ſaves the trouble of 6. But the Ancients, as we learn fortifying them by means of Para- from Papfus, in his Mathematical pets, Faſcines, Gabions, &c. they Collections, could not triſect or di- are always open in the Rear, for vide an Angle given into three equal their better Communication with the Parts, by a ſtraight Line and a Cir- Camp. When the Trenches are cle; and when they found it could carried on as far as to the Glacis, not be done this way, they began chey make it very wide, that it may to conſider the Properties of other ferve for a Place of Arms. Curves, and found the thing could PLACE GEOMETRIC. See Locus. be done by the Conchoid, Cifioid, Dd 3 Or PL A PLA 1 1 M or Conic Sections. But Archimedes, tial; yet by laying down Places ac- Pappus, and Sir Iſaac Newton, ap- cordingly, and breaking a long Voy- prove of the Conchoid for effecting age into many ſhort ones, a Voy- this Buſineſs. And, age may pretty well be performed 7. Sir Iſaac Newton, in Prob. 14. by it near the ſame Meridian. Arit, univer. fhews how to divide In plain Sailing 'tis imagined, that an Angle into any given Number by the Rhumb-Line, Meridian, and of equal Parts, but here the follow- Parallel of Latitude, there always ing Equations muſt be firſt ſolved. will be formed a right-angled Tri- For if the given Angle be DAD, angle; and that fo pofited, as that and BAD be the fought Angle the Perpendicular may repreſent that is to be any given Part thereof, part of the Meridian or North and South Line, containing the Diffe- D rence of Latitude : The Baſe of the Triangle repreſents the Departure, and the Hypotheneuſe the Diſtance failed; the Angle at the top is the B Courſe, and the Angle at the Baſe the Complement of the Courſe ; D any two of which, with the Right A К. Angle being given, the Triangle may be protracted, and the other and the Radius AD be called r, the three parts found. Sine DM of the given Angle ? PLAIN SCALE, is a thin Ruler, and the Sine Complement AK of either of Wood or Braſs, whereon the ſought Angle x: Then the Bi- are graduated the Lines of Chords, ſection of the given Angle will be Sines, Tangents, Secants, Leagues, had by the Reſolution of this Equa- Rhumbs, &c. and.is of ready Uſe tion, xx—2rr=9r; the Trifection in moſt parts of the Mathematics, by the Reſolution of this xxx chiefly in Navigation. 3rrx=9r? ; the Quadriſection, by PLAIN TABLE, is an Inſtrument the Reſolution of this x4marrxxt uſed in ſurveying of Land. 2r4=gr3; the Quinquiſection, by 1. The Table itſelf is a Paralle- the Reſolution of this xs — 572x3 logram of Wood, 14 Inches and a +5r4x=qr45, &C. half long, and 11 Inches broad, or PLAIN CHART, is the Plot or thereabouts. Chart, that Seamen fail by, whoſe 2. A Frame of Wood fixed to it, Degrees of Longitude and Latitude ſo as a Sheet of Paper being laid on are made of the ſame Length. the Table, and the Frame being PLAIN SAILING, is the Art of forced down upon it, ſqueezeth in finding all the Varieties of the Ship’s all the Edges, and makes it lie firm Motion on a Plane, where all the and even, fo as a Plot may be con- Meridians are made parallel, and veniently drawn upon it . Upon the Parallels at Right Angles with one ſide of this Frame ſhould be the Meridians, and the Degrees of equal.Diviſions for drawing parallel each Parallel equal to thoſe of the Lines both long ways and croſs- Equinoctial ; which tho' notoriouſly ways (as occaſion may require) falſe in itſelf, ſuppoſing the Earth over your Paper ; and on the o- and Sea to be a plane Flatneſs, and ther ſide the 360 Degrees of a Cir- each Parallel equal to the Equinoc- cle, projected from a Braſs Cen- tre : PLA PLA tre conveniently placed in the PLANE of Gravitation, or Gra- Table. vity in any heavy Body, is a Plane 3 A Box with a Needle and ſuppoſed to paſs thro' the Centre of Card, to be fixed with two Screws Gravity of it. to the Table; very uſeful for plac PLANE, in Fortification, is the ing the Inſtrument in the ſame po- Repreſentation of a Work in its ſition upon every Remove. Height and Breadth. 4. A three-legged Staff to fup PLANE of the Horofter, in Optics, port, it, the Head being made ſo as is that which paſſeth thro’ the Ho- to fill the Socket of the Table, yet ropter, and is perpendicular to the ſo as the Table may be eaſily turn'd Plane of the two optical Axes. round upon it, when 'tis fixed by the PLANE NUMBER, is that which Screw, may be produced by the Multipli- 5. An Index, which is a large cation of two Numbers one by an- Ruler of Wood, (or Braſs) .at the other ; thus 6 is a plane Number, leaſt 16 Inches long, and 2 Inches becauſe it may be produc'd by the broad, and ſo thick as to make it Multiplication of 3 by 2; for twice ſtrong and firm; having a floped 3. makes 6. So alſo 15 is a plane Edge, call’d the Fiducial Edge, and Number, ariſing from s being mul- two Sights of one Height, (whereof tiply'd by 3: And 9 is a plane the one hath a Slit above, and a Number, produc'd by the Multi- Thread below, and the other a Slit plication of 3 by 3. below and a Thread above) ſo ſet PLANE PROBLEM, in Mathema- in the Ruler, as to be perfectly of tics, is ſuch an one as can be folved the ſame Diſtance from the Fiducial geometrically by the Interſection Edge. Upon this Index 'tis uſual either of a Right Line and a Circle, to have many Scales of equal Parts, or of the Circumferences of two as alſo Diagonals, and Lines of Circles : As having the greater Side Cords. given, and the Sum of the other PLANCERE, in Architecture, is two, of a right-angled Triangle ; the under part of the Roof of a Co- to find the Triangle : To die rona; which is the ſuperior part of ſcribe a Trapezium. that ſhall the Cornice, between two Cima- make a given Area of four given fiuins. See thoſe Words. Lines. Plane of a Dial, is the Surface PLANE of Refle Etion, in Catoptrics, on which any Dial is ſuppoſed to is that which paſſes thro' the Point be deſcribed. of Reflection, and is always perpen- PLANEGEOMETRICAL, in Pere dicular to the Plane of the Glaſs, spective, is a plane Surface, parallel or reflecting body. to the Horizon, placed lower than PLANE of Refraction, is a Sur- the Eye; wherein the viſible Ob- face drawn thro' che incident and re- jects are imagined without any Al- fracted Ray. teration, except that they are ſome PLANE SURFACE, is that which times reduced from a greater to a lies evenly between its bounding leffer ſize. Lines; and as a Right Line is the PLANE HORIZONTAL, in per- Torteſt Extenſion from one Point ſpective is a Plane which is paral- to another, ſo a plain Surface is the lel to the Horizon, and which paffes ſhorteſt Extenſion from one Line to thro' the Eye, or hath the Eye ſup- another. poſed to be placed in it. PLANE VERTICAL, in Optics and D A PL A PO I and Perſpective, is a plane Surface PLATFORM, in Architecture, is which paffeth along the principal a Row of Beams that ſupport the Ray, and conſequently thro' the Timber-Work of a Roof, and lie Eye, and is perpendicular to the on the top of the Wall, where the geometrical Plane. Entablature ought to be raiſed. PLANETS, are the erratic, or Alſo a kind of Terraſs-Walk, or wandering Stars, and which are not even Floor on the top of a Build- like the fixed ones always in the ing; from whence we may take a ſame poſition to one another. We We fair proſpect of the adjacent Gar- now number the Earth among the dens or Fields: So an Edifice is primary Planets, becauſe we know ſaid to be covered with a Platform, it moves round the Sun, as Saturn, when it hath no arched Roof. Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury PLATONIC BODIBs. See Regu- do; and that in a Path or Circle lar Bodies. between Mars and Venus. And the PLEIADES, the fame with thoſe Moon is accounted among the ſecon- ſeven-Stars in the Neck of the Bull, dary Planets, or Satellites of the which are uſually thus called. primary, fince ſhe moves round the PLINTH, in Architecture, is a Earth, as Yupiter's four Moons or ſquare Piece, or Table, under the Satellites do round him, and sa- Mouldings of the Baſes of Columns turn's five round him; if Caſſini's and Pedeſtals. Eyes may be credited. But I could Plow, is an Inſtrument made of never ſee my ſelf, or meet with any Pear-tree, uſed by Seamen to take body elſe, who ever did fee any but the Height of the Sun or Stars, in the Huygenian Satellites. order to find the Latitude: It ad- PLANIMETRY, the ſame with mits of the Degrees to be very large, Planometria. Which fee. and is much etteem'd by many Ar- PLANISPHERE, ſignifies the Cir- tiſts. cles of the Sphere deſcrib'd in plano, PLUMB-LINE, the ſame with or on a Plane; or it is a plane or Perpendicular. flat Projection of the Sphere. And PNEUMATICs, is the Doctrine of thus the Maps either of Heaven or the Gravitation and Prellure of ela- Earth are called Planiſpheres ; as ftic or compreſſible Fluids. alſo other aſtrolabical Inſtruments. PNEUMATIC ENGINE, the ſame And all Charts or Maps for the Uſe with the Air-Pump. of Mariners, are call'd the Nautical POETICAL, Riſing and Setting Planiſpheres. See Nautical Plani- of the Stars : This is peculiar to sphere. the ancient poetical Writers ; for PLAT-BASTION. See Baſtion. they refer the Riſing and Setting of PLAT-BAND, in Architecture, is the Stars, always to that of the Sun; a ſquare Moulding, having leſs Pro- and accordingly make three ſorts jecture than Height : Such are the of poetical Rilings and Settings ; Faces of an Architrave, and the Coſmical, Acronical, (or as ſome Plat-Band of the Modillions of a write it, AcronyEtal,) and Heliacal. Cornice, See thoſe Words. PLATFORM, in Fortification, is POINT, in Geometry, is that a Place prepared on the Ramparts which is ſuppoſed to have neither for the raiſing of a Battery of Can- Breadth, Length, or Thickneſs, but non ; or it is the whole Piece of is indiviſible, Fortification raiſed in a re-entring 1. The Ends or Extremities of Angle. See Battery. Lines are Points, 1 2. 1 Ρ ΟΙ POL 2. If a Point be ſuppoſed to be Glaſs, which a Ray parts from, moved any way, it will by its Mo- after its Refraction, and when 'tis tion deſcribe a Line. returning into the Rare Medium a- POINT-BLANK, a Term in Gun- gain, nery, ſignifying that a Shot or Point of Inflexion of a Curve, Bullet goes directly forward to the See Inflexion. Mark, and doth not move in a POLAR DIALS, are thoſe whoſe Curve as Bombs and highly elevated Planes are parallel to ſome great Random-Shots do. Circle that paſſes thro' the Poles, Point of the Compafs, in Navi or parallel to ſome one of the Hour- gation, ſignifies 11 Degrees and 15 Circles ; ſo that the Pole is neither Minutes, or one 320 Part of the elevated above, nor depreſſed below Compaſs: The half of which is 5 the Plane: Therefore the Dial can Degrees and 38 Minutes, which have no Centre, and conſequently they call a Half-Point; and the its Stile, Subſtile, and Hour-Lines, half of this, which is 2 Degrees are parallel. This therefore will and 49 Minutes, they call a Quarter- be an Horizontal Dial to thoſe that Point. live under the Equator pr Line. The Seamen alſo call the Extre 1. In a direct polar. Dial, the mity of any Promontory, (which is Hour-Lines muſt be drawn all pa- a Piece of Land running out into rallel to the Hour-Line of Twelve. the Sea) a Point ; which is of much 2. The Style may be either a the ſame ſenſe with them as the ſtraight Pin ſet upright, or a Wire word Cape. made to lie parallel to the Plane; They ſay two Points of Land are and muſt ſtand over the Hour-Line one in another, when the innermoſt of Twelve. is hinder’d from being ſeen by the 3. The Length of the Plane may outermoft. be taken in any Inches, or Parts of Point of Concourſe in Optics, is Inches, reckoning the Inch to be that Point where the viſual Rays, divided into io, or 100 equal Parts being reciprocally inclined, and fuf- of the Style. ficiently prolonged, meet together, 4. Then for the Height. are united in the middle, and croſs As the Tangent of the Hour-Line the Axis. This point is moſt uſually 4 or 5, turned into Degrees, is to called the Focus; and ſometimes the the Logarithm of their Diſtance Point of Convergence. from the Meridian in Inches, and Point of Concurrence, a Term Parts : Parts : So is the Radius to the in Perſpective. See Principal Point. Height of the Stile in Inches and Point of Divergence. See Vir- Parts. tual Focus. 5. For the Hour-Lines. Point of Diſtance, is a Point, in As the Radius is to the Logarithm the Horizontal Line, ſo far diſtant of the Stile's Height, in Parts of from the principal Point as the Eye Inches : So is the Tangent of any is remote from the ſame. Hour-Line, to the Logarithm of Point of Sight. See Principal the Diſtance thereof from the Meri. Point. dian-Line. Point of Incidence, in Optics, is POLAR PROJECTION, is a Re- that Point on the Surface of a Glaſs, preſentation of the Earth, or of the or other Body, on which any Ray Heavens projected on the Plane of of Light falls: And as ſome expreſs one of the Polar Circles. themſelves, it is that Point of the POLARITY, is the Property of the POL POL the Magnet, or of a piece of ob- Hours, he is above the Horizon Jong Iron touched by a Magnet, to there; but is not ſo much elevated point towards the Poles of the as under the Pole. World. Poles of the Ecliptic, are Points Pole, in Meaſuring, is the ſame in the folftitial Colure 25 Degrees with Perch or. Rod. and 30 Minutes diſtant from the POLE, in Mathematics, is a Point Poles of the World; and thro' go Degrees diſtant from the Plane theſe all Circles of Longitude in of any Circle, and in a Line per- the Heavens do paſs, as the Hour- pendicularly erected in its Centre ; Circles do thro' the Poles of the Æ- which Line is called the Axis. And quator. from this polar Point may Circles POLLUX, a fixed Star in the be deſcribed on the Globe or Sphere, Twins, of the ſecond Magnitude, as they are on a Plane from their whoſe Longitude is 108 Degrees Centre. and 47 Minutes, Latitude 6 Degrees POLE-STAR, is a Star in the and 38 Minutes. Tail of the little Bear, (a Conſtel POLYACOUSTics, are Inſtru- lation of ſeven Stars, which is cal- ments contrived to multiply Sounds, led Cynoſura,) and is very near the as Multiplying-Glaffes or Polyſcopes exact North Pole of the World. do Images of Objects. POLE of a Glaſs, in Optics, is the POLYEDRON, the fame with Po- thickeſt Part of a Convex, but the lyhedron, thinneſt of a Concave Glaſs; and if POLYGON, a Term in Geometry, the Glaſs be truly ground, will be fignifying in the general any Figure exactly in the middle of its Surface of many Sides and Angles, tho' no This is ſometimes called the Vertex Figure is called by that Name, un- of the Glaſs. leſs it have more than four or five POLES of the World, are two Sides. Points in the Axis of the Æquator, 1. Every Polygon may be divided each 90 Degrees diſtant from its into as many Triangles as it hath Plane; one pointing North, which Sides therefore is called ahe North or Arc 2. The Angles of any Polygon tic Pole ; the other Southward, which taken together, will make twice as therefore is called the South, or An- many right ones, except four, as tarctic Pole. the Figure hath Sides. Whether any people live directly 3. Every Polygon circumſcribed under the Pole, or not, is a Que- about a Circle, is equal to a rect- ftion; but Dr. Halley hath proved, angled Triangle, one of whoſe Legs that the ſolſtitial Day under the hall be the Radius of the Circle, Pole, is as hot as under the Equi- and the other the Perimeter (or Sum noctial, when the Sun is vertical to of all the Sides). of the Polygon. them, or in their Zenith becauie If you make a Table, wherein for all the 24 Hours of that Day the firſt horizontal Row being 1, under the Pole, the Sun's Beams are and the ſecond zml; let the third inclin'd to the Horizon with an An zz-Z-I be equal to the Pro- gle of 23 Degrees : Whereas un duct of the ſecond by z leſs the firſt der the Equinoctial, tho' he be- the fourth 23 - 2z+1, equal comes vertical, yet he ſhines no to the Product of the third by z, more than 12 Hours, and is abſent leſs the ſecond, and ſo on : And 12 Hours. And beſides, for three then form an Equation, one ſide of Hours eight Minutes of that, 12 which being nothing, let the other be ; ; 1 I POL .POL be that horizontal Row of Quanti- nate an Arc, whoſe Chord ſhall be ties in the Table, whoſe Exponent the side of a Polygon, whoſe Num- is half the Number of Sides of a ber of Sides are expreſied by the Polygon plus 1 : I ſay, the greateſt firſt upright Row of Numbers. Root z of this Equation ſhall termi- A Table for the Inſcription of regular Polygons in a Circle. 3 4 z3__ZZ-2% +1 -3zz+2z ti 24----473 +3zz+32 - 1 7 z5_524+423 +6zz 32 8 bzs +524+10z3-6zz~4% ti 91z 7–720 +ózat-1524-1023-10zzt-4% to 2 2 - I 23 5 24 5 -I 7 20 8 27 m3, and For Example, if it be required to of which the fame Number of Terms inſcribe an Heptagon in a Circle : muſt be taken, as there are Units Take the 4th horizontal Row of in m+1; what follows being equal Quantities in the Table, becauſe too: For Example, let 7 be the four is greater than half feyen by Number of Sides of the Polygon to plus 1, and making it equal to no- be inſcribed ; then will thing, we have 23 2z+1=0, ſo z3~— Zz - 22tio; and the and the greateſt Root z of this Equa- greateſt Root % of this Equation tion ſhall expreſs the Value of the will be the Length of the Side of Chord terminating an Arch, being the Heptagon. the ſeventh Part of the whole Cir There are ſeveral other curious cumference. Theorems relating to the Chords If the Radius of a Circle be =1, and Polygons in Circles to be found and z be the Length of the side of at the End of the roth Book of the a regular Polygon inſcribed in that Marquis de l'Hoſpital's Analytic Circle, and in general mt be equal Treatiſe of Conic Sections. to half the Number of Sides of the POLYGON EXTERIOR, in Forti- Polygon, which is ſuppoſed to be 'fication, is the Diſtance of one Point odd; then will 0%-2 of a Baſtion from the Point of ano- ther, reckon'd all round the Work. + m 3 + POLYGON INTERIOR, is the 4 Diſtance between the Centres of any two Baſtions, reckoned all round as before. POLYGONAL NUMBERS, are ſuch as are the Sums or Aggregates M-3 of Series of Numbers in Arithmeti. cal Progreſſion, beginning with U- 3 nity; and ſo placed that they re- M-4 + preſent the Form of a Polygon. 3 Thus, m-4 E c. be 3 4 a general Equation for finding the Side of a regular Polygon in a Circle; 3 6 zawy m M2 I 2 2.zm. 912—3 m 2 m X zm-4 I 2 1 mcm 3 M-5 M-4 X z 5 1 X 2 1 "2 m6t m-6 m5 Х 2 mm-7 M-6 x zmeny X 1 2 M-5 X Х zm8 i 10 are 1 POR PON I 2 Of Hexagonal, 403 +372-1. PORES, are triangular Numbers, becauſe ternal Space betwixt them. They they are the Aggregates of a certain have Props and Rails on each ſide'; Number of Points plac'd in the and the whole Structure ought to be Form of Triangles, &c. folid, as to be able to tranſport the Horſe, together with Cannon and Baggage, as well as the Infantry. PONT-VOLANT, or the Flying Bridge uſed in Sieges, is made of 4 9 16 two ſmall Bridges laid one over are Quadrangular Numbers, &c. another, and ſo contrived by the If the side of a Polygonal Num- means of Cords and Pulleys placed ber be =n, and the Number of along the Sides of the Under Bridge, Angles be =a, and the firſt Term that the Upper can be puſh'd for- =1; then the sum of a Series of wards till it joins the place where it is to be fix'd ; but however the Triangular Numbers will be, n3 40392 +2n. whole Length of both theſe Bridges Triangular muſt not be above four or five Fa- 6 thom long, left they ſhould break 13+n?. Of Pentagonal, with the Weight of the Men, Theſe are chiefly uſed to ſurprize Out- 473 -12 works or Poſts that have but narrow 6 Moats. are ſmall Interſtices, Of Septagonal, 593 +372—21. Spaces or Vacuities between the Par- 6 ticles of Matter that conſtitute every 2013 ton? Of Octogonal, Body, or between certain Aggre- gates or Combinations of them. POLYGRAM, is a Geometrical Fi- Mr. Boyle has written a particular gure confifting of many Lines. Effay on the Poroſity of Bodies, in POLYHEDROUS FIGURE, in which he proves, that the moſt ro- Geometry, is a Solid contained un lid Bodies that are, have ſome kind der or conſiſting of many Sides ; of Pores : And indeed, if they had which if they are regular Polygons, not, all Bodies would be alike ſpeci- all ſimilar and equal, and the Body fically weighty. be inſcribable within the Surface of Porime, (Gr. mógua) in Geo- a Sphere, 'tis then call'da Regular metry, is a Theorem, or Propofi- Body. See that Word. tion ſo eaſy to be demonſtrated, that POLYNOMIAL, or Multinomial 'tis almoſt felf-evident; as, that a Roots, in Mathematicks, are ſuch as Chord is all of it within the Circle. are compoſed of many Names, Parts, And on the contrary, they call that or Members; as atbfd-tae. an Aporime, which is ſo difficult as POLYSCOPES, or Multiplying Glaf- to be almoſt impoſſible to be demon- fes, are ſuch as repreſent to the Eye ſtrated ; as the ſquaring of any al., one Object as many. fign'd Portion of Hippocrates's Lunes POLYSPASTIUM, a Term in Mie was, till a little while ago. chanicks, the ſame with the Troch- PORISME. Proclus and Pappus Tea or Pulley. define this Geometrical Term to ſig- PONTON, in Fortification, is a nify a kind of Theorem, in the Bridge made of Two Boats, at ſome Form of a Corollary, which is de- diſtance one from another, both co- pendant upon, or deduced from ver'd with Planks ; as alſo the in- fone other Theorem already demon- ſtrated, 2 1 1 Herse, POR POS ſtrated. And 'tis commonly uſed to pey at Rome, and that of St. Peter's ſignify fome general Theorem, Palace in the Vatican. which is diſcover'd from finding out POSITION, or Site, is an Af- fome Geometrical Place, or Locus: fection of Place, and expreſſes the As, for inſtance : If a Man hath Manner of any Body's being in a found out by Algebra, or any other Place: This therefore is not Place, Method, how to conſtruct a Local nor indeed hath it any Quantity; as Problem; and from that place fo Sir Iſaac Newton well obſerves in conſtructed and demonſtrated, hath Princip. Mathem. P. r. deduc'd ſome general Theorem, that Position, or the Rule of Poſition, Theorem is by the Geometrick otherwiſe called the Rule of Fallhood, Writers call'd a Poriſme. is a Rule in Arithmetick, wherein Porístick METHOD, in Ma- any Number is taken to work the thematicks, is that which deter- Queſtion by, inſtead of the Number mines when, by what Way, and fought ; and ſo by the Error or Ér. how many different Ways a Problem rors found, we find the Number re- may be reſolved. · quired. PORTCULLICE, Herſe, or Sara This Rule of falſe Poſition is of zine, in Fortification, ſignifies feve- two kinds, viz. Single and Double. ral great Pieces of Wood laid or POSITION SINGLE, is when join'd acroſs one another like an there happens in the Propofition fome Harſon, and at the Bottom it is Partition of Numbers into Parts pro- pointed at the End of each Bar with portional, and then at one Opera- Iron ; theſe formerly uſed to hang tion the Queſtion may be reſolved over the Gate-ways of fortify'd by this Rule: Places, to be ready to let down in Imagine a Number at pleaſure, caſe of a Surprize, when the Enemy and work therewith according to ſhould come ſo ſoon, as that there the Tenor of the Queſtion; as if it is no Time to ſhut up the Gates : were the true Number; and what But now a days the Orgues are more Proportion there is between the falſe generally uſed, as being found to be Concluſion, and the falſe Poſition ; much better. See Orgues. ſuch Proportion hath the given PORTICO, in Architecture, is a Number to the Number fought: kind of Gallery raiſed upon Arches, Therefore the Number found by Ar- where people walk under Shelter. gumentation ſhall be the firſt Term It has ſometimes a Soffit or Ceiling, of the Rule of Three, and the Num- but is more commonly vaulted. ber ſuppoſed ſhall be the ſecond Though the word Portico be de- Term, and the given Number ſhall riv'd from Port or Gate, yet do we be the third Term. call the whole Diſpofition of the Co POSITION DOUBLE, is when lumns in the Gallery by this Name. there can be no Partition in the Num- The moſt celebrated Portico's of An- bers to make a Proportion : There- tiquity were thoſe of the Temple of fore, you muſt make a Suppofition Solomon, that of Athens built for the twice, proceeding therein according People to divert themſelves in, and to the Tenor of the Queſtion; and if where the Philoſophers held their either of the ſuppoſed Numbers hap- Converſation, that which occaſion'd pens to ſolve the Propofition, the the Diſciples of Zeno to be callid Work is done ; but if not, obſerve Stoicks from the Greek Stoa, a Porti- the Errors, and whether they be co : That magnificent one of Pom- greater or leſſer than the Reſolution requireth; A A are POW PRE requireth ; and mark the Errors ac. ber again ; and this third Product cordingly, with the Signs tor by the Root again ; and ſo on ad Then multiply contrariwiſe the infinitum; as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, one Poſition by the other Error; 128, 256, &c. Where 2 is called and if the Errors be both too great, the Root or firit Power, 4 is its or both too little, ſubſtract the one Square or ſecond Power, 8 is its Product from the other, and the one Cube or third Power, 16 its Biqua- Error from the other, and divide drate or fourth Power, &c. Ånd the Difference of the Products by theſe Powers in Letters or Species, the Difference of the Errors. are expreſſed by repeating the Root But, if the Errors be unlike, as as often as the Index of the Power the one t, and the other add expreſſes ; thus, a is the Root or the Products, and divide the Sum firſt Power, aa the Square or ſe- thereof by the Sum of the Errors cond Power, aa a the Cube, a a a a added together: For the Proportion the Biquadrate or fourth Power. of the Errors, is the ſame with the And to avoid the tediouſneſs of re- Proportion of the Exceſſes or De- peating the Root ſo often when the fects of the Numbers ſuppoſed, to Powers are high, we only put down the Numbers fought. the Root with the Index of the Positive QUANTITIES, in Al- Power over it, thus ; a", that is the gebra, are ſuch as are of a real and ninth Power of a; 610, 694, affirmative Nature, and either have, the ſixteenth and the ninety fourth or are ſuppoſed to have the affir- Powers of b. mative or poſitive Sign + before Power of an HYPER-BOLA, is them, and 'tis always uſed in oppo- the 16th Part of the Square of the fition to the negative Quantities, conjugate Axis, or the I Part of which are defective, and have this the Square of the ſemi-conjugate Sign - before them. Axis ; or it is equal to a Rectangle POSTERN, in Fortification, is a under the of the tranſverſe Axis, Falſe-Door uſually made in the An- and . Part of the Sum of the tranſ- gle of the Flank, and of the Curtain, verſe Axis, and Parameter. or near the Orillon, for private Sallies. Powers of LINES, or Quantities, Posticum, is the Poſtern-Gate, are their Squares, Cubes, &c. or o or Back-Door of any Fabric. ther Multiplications of the Parts POSTULATES, or DeMANDS, in into the whole, or of one Part into Mathematics, &c. are fuch eaſy another, and ſelf-evident Suppoſitions, as need PRACTICE, in Arithmetic, is a no Explication or Illuſtration to Rule which expeditiouſly and com- render them intelligible. As, modiouſly anſwers Queſtions in the That'a Right Line may be drawn Rule of Three, when the firſt Term from one point to another. That is 1, or Unity ; and 'tis fo called a Circle may be deſcribed on any from its Readineſs in the Practice Centre given, of any Magnitude, of Trade and Merchandize. &c. PRECESSION of the Equinox. Be- POTANS, or Potence, a part of caule in reality the Axis of the a Watch ; fee under Ballance. Earth doth a little vary from ſuch Powers, in Algebra, are Num an exact Paralleliſin, and doth not bers ariſing from the Squaring or point always preciſely to the ſame Multiplication of any Number or Star, when it is in the ſame place; Quantity by it felf, and then that hence it happens that the Equinoc- Product by the Root or first Num- tial Points, or the common Inter- 3 ſection PRI PRI ſection of the Equator and Ecliptic, Powder or Touch-Powder to fire off do retrocede or move backward the Piece. from Eaſt to Weft, about 50 Seconds PRIMUM MOBILE, in the Ptole- each Year; and this Motion back- maic Aftronomy, is ſuppoſed to be a wards is by ſome called the Recef- vaſt Sphere, whoſe Centre is that of foon of the Equinox, by others the the World, and in compariſon of Retroceffion; and the advancing of which the Earth is but a Point : the Equinoxes forward by this This they will have to contain all means is called the Preceſſion of other Spheres within it, and to give them. motion to them, turning itſelf and Prelude, in Muſic, ſignifies any all of them quite round in twenty- Flouriſh that is introductory to Mu. four Hours. fic, which is to follow after. PRINCIPAL RAY, in Perſpec- Priest's CAP, a Term in For- tive, is the perpendicular one which tification. See Bonnet a Pretre. goes from the Spectator's Eye to the Prick. To prick the Chart or vertical Plane, or the Picture. And Plot at Sea, ſignifies to make a Point the Point where this Ray falls on in their Chart whereabout the Ship the Picture, is called from hence, is now, or is to be at ſuch a time, the in order to find the Courſe they are PRINCIPAL Point, and is that to ſteer, &c. Point of the Picture wherein a Ray PRIMARY PLANETS, are thoſe drawn perpendicular to it, cuts it. fix that revolve about the Sun, viz. PRISM, is a ſolid Figure, con- Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, tained under ſeveral Planes, whoſe Jupiter, and Saturn. Baſes are Polygons, equal, parallel, Prime FIGURE, is that which and alike ſituated. cannot be divided into any other 1. Priſm in Optics, is a Glaſs Figures more ſimple than itſelf; as bounded with two equal and paral- a Triangle in Planes, the Pyramid lel triangular Ends, and three plane in Solids : For all Planes are made and well poliſhed Sides, which meet of the firſt, and all Bodies or Solids in three parallel Lines, running compounded of the ſecond. from the three Angles of one End, PRIME NUMBERS, in Arithme- to thoſe of the other, and is uſed tic, are thoſe made only by Addi- in Optics to make many noble and tion, or the Collection of Units, curious Experiments about Light and not by Multiplication : So an and Colours : For the Rays of the Unit only can meaſure them; as Sun falling upon it at a certain An- 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. and is by ſome cal- gle, do tranſmit thro' it a Spectrum led a ſimple, and by others an un or Appearance, coloured like the compound Number. Iris or Rainbow in the Heavens. PRIME VERTICALS, or Direct, 2. The Surface of a right Priſm, Erect, North, or South Dials, are is equal to a Parallelogram of the thoſe whoſe Planes lie parallel to the fame Height, having for its Baſe a prime vertical Circle, which is that right Line equal to the Periphery of Circle perpendicular to the Horizon, the Priſm. and paſſing thro' the Eaſt and Weſt 3. All Priſms are to one another Points of it. in a Ratio compounded of their PRIMING-Iron, is a ſmall ſharp Baſes and Heights. Iron which is thruſt into the Touch 4. All like Priſms are to one an- hole of a great Gun, and pierces other in the triplicate Ratio of into the Cartridge that holds the their anſwè able Sides. 5. PRO PRO 5. A Priſm is the triple of a Py- or middle Term, if the Number of ramid of the fame Baſe and Height the Terms, be odd. PRISMOID, is a ſolid Figure, 3. If the firſt and laſt Terms, and contained under ſeveral Planes whoſe the Ratio in any Geometrical Pro- Baſes are rectangular Parallelograms greſſion be given, and the Sum of parallel and alike muute. all the Terms be required, multiply PROBLEM, is a Propoſition which the ſecond and laſt Terms together, relates to Practice; or which pro- and from the Product ſubftract the poſes ſomething to be done: As to Square of the firſt Term ; and then make a Circle paſs through three divide the Remainder by the Diffe- given Points not lying in a right rence between the firſt and ſecond Line, &c. Term, and the Quotient will be the PRODUCE, a Term in Geometry, Sum of all the Terms. fignifying to continue a right Line, 4. Any infinite Series of Fractions or draw it out farther, till it has 'decreaſing according to the Propor- any affigned Length. tion of the Denominator of the laſt PRODUCT, is the Quantity ariſ- Term, and having a common Nu- ing from, or produced by the Mul- merator lefs by an Unit than the tiplication of two or more Numbers, Denominator of the laſt Term, is Lines, &c. into one another; thus, equal to Unity. if 6 be multiplied by 8, the Product PROJECTILES, are ſuch Bodies is 48. In Lines, 'tis always, (and as being put into a violent Motion ſometimes in Numbers,) called the by any great force, are then caſt ReEtangle between the two Lines off or let go from the place where that are multiplied one by another. they received their Quantity of Mo- See ReEtangle. tion, and do afterwards move at a PROFILE, in Architecture, is the diſtance from it; as a Stone thrown Contour or Out-line of any Member, out of one's Hand by a Sling, an as that of the Baſe, Cornice, or the Arrow from a Bow, a Bullet from like. Or it is more properly a Pro- a Gun, &c. ſpect of any Place, City, or Piece of 1. The Line of Motion which a Architecture, viewed fide-ways, and Body projected deſcribes, abſtracting expreſſed according to the Rules of from the Reſiſtance of the Medium, Perſpective. is, as hath been proved by Gallileus, PROGRESSION ARITHMETI and many others, and particularly CAL. See Arithmetical Progreffion. by Sir Iſaac Newton, Prop. 4. Cor.i. Progression GeomeTRICAL, of his Second Book, the Curve of a or Geometrical Proportion continued, Parabola, which Line is alſo deſcribe is when Numbers, or other Quan- ed by every deſcending Body. He tities, proceed by equal Proportion ſhews alſo, that if the Line of Di- or Ratio's, (properly called,) that rection of the projectile Motion of is, according to one common Ra- any Body, the Degree of its Velo- tio whether increaſing or decreaſing city, and at the Beginning, the Re- As, fiſtance of the Medium being given, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, &C.. the Curve which it will deſcribe may 2 If there are never ſo many be diſcovered, and vice verſa. He continual Proportionals, the Product faith alſo in Schol. Prop. X. Lib. 2. of any two Extremes is equal to the that the Line which a Projectile de- Product of any two Means that are ſcribes in a Medium uniformly re- equally diſtant from the Extremes, fiſting the Motion, rather approaches as alſo to the Square of the Mean, to an Hyperbola than a Parabola. 2. The ones. VAH? X AI. PRO PRO 2. The horizontal Diſtances of approach nearer to the Aſymptotes Projections made with the ſame Ve- than theſe Hyperbola's; but in Prac- locity at ſeveral Elevations of the tice theſe Hyperbola's may be uſed Line of Direction, are as the Sines inſtead of thoſe more compounded of the double Angles of Elevation. And if a Body be projected 3. The Velocities of Projectiles, from the Place A, according to the in the ſeveral Points of a Curve, are right Line AH, and AI be drawn as the Lengths of the Tangents to parallel to the Afymptote NX, and the Parabola in thoſe Points, inter- GT is a Tangent to the Curve, (in cepted between any two Diameters: the Vertex :). Then the Denſity of And theſe again are as the Secants the Medium in A will be recipro- of the Angles, which thoſe Tangents cally as the Tangent AH, which if continued make with the horizontal it had been a ſtanding Quantity, Line. the Medium would have had a gi- 4. If AGK be a Curve of the ven Denſity as our Air may be ſaid hyperbolic kind, one of whoſe A to have, ſo far as Projectiles can ſymptotes is NX, perpendicular to move in it, and the Body's Velocity the Horizon AK, and the other IX inclin'd to the fame, where VG will be as and the Reſi. AL is reciprocally as DN" whoſe Index is n: This Curve will nearer repre- ſtance thence to Gravity, as AH to ſent the Path of a Projectile thrown 2nn + 2n in the Direction AH in our Air, 2 ton X The Doctrine of Projectiles, when Parabolas, is very briefly and ele- V gantly handled by Mr. Cotes, at the End of his Works. So it is alſo in the French Memoirs of the Royal Academy at Paris, for the Year 1731, or thereabouts. I G G PROJECTION of the Sphere in plano, is a true geometrical Delinea- T tion of the Circles of the Sphere, or any aſligned Parts of them, upon А DKN the Plane of ſome one Circle ; as on the Horizon, Meridian, Equator, (which may be taken as a uniform Tropic, &c. Medium, reſiſting Bodies as the The Projection of the Sphere is Squares of their Velocities,) than a handled by Clavius, in his Treatiſe Parabola which is only deſcrib'd by of the Afirolabe. Likewiſe very e- a Projectile, where there is no Mé legantly by Agulonius, in his Optics. dium refifting its Motion, Sir Ijaac See alſo Taquet, in his Optics, Witty, Newton, in the ſecond Book of his Haines's Trigonometry, Harris's Tri- Principia, ſays indeed, That theſe gonometry, &c. Hyperbola's are not accurately the PROJECTION (MONSTROUS) of Curves that a Projectile makes in an Image, in perſpective, is the De- the Air; for the true ones are Curves formation of an Image on a Plane, which about the Vertex are more or the Superficies of ſome Body, diſtant from the Afymptotes, and in which ſeen at a certain Diſtance thoſe Parts remote from the Axis will appear formous. H Еe IR PRO PRO SI 1 If it be required to delineate a vided into a Number of Areola's, or monſtrous Projection on a Plane, leſſer Squares. proceed thus : 2. In this Square let the Image, 1. Make a Square ABCD (called to be repreſented deformed, be the Craticular Prototype) of a Big- drawn. D C 3. Draw the Line ab= AB, and divide it into the fame Number of equal Parts, as the Side of the Pro- totype A B is divided into. 4. In E, the middle thereof, erect the Perpendicular EV, ſo much the longer, as the Deformation of the Image is to be greater. 5 Draw VS perpendicular to EV, fo much the leſs in Length, as you would have the Image appear more А B. deformed. neſs at pleaſure, and divide the Side 6. From each Point of Diviſion A B into a Number of equal Parts, draw ſtraight Lines to V, and join that fo the ſaid Square may be di- the Points a and S, as alſo the Right Line as. 7 E 7. Thro' the Points d, e, f, g, a draw Right Lines parallel to a b. Then will abcd, be the Space that the monſtrous Projection is to be deli- neated in, called the Craticular Eco type. 8. In every Areola, or ſmall Tra- 09.12 pezium of this Space abcd ; let there be drawn what appear deli- neated in the correſpondent Areola of the Square ABCD, and by this means you will obtain a deformą Image, which will appear formous to an Eye diſtant from it by the Length FV, and raiſed above it the Height VS. 9. It will be very diverting to manage it ſo, that the deformed I- mage does not repreſent a mere Chaos ; but ſome other Image dif- ferent from it, which by this con- trivance ſhall be deformed. As I have feen a River with Soldiers, Waggons, &c. marching along the ſide of it, ſo drawn, that when it is looked at by an Eye in the Point S, appears to be the fatyrical Face of a Man. 10. An Image may be deformed S mechanically, if you place theImage, V having MA 3 necores........... perronn Sur«HI HIKYUTIUNIIOITRICIA. a Cone. , PRO PRO having little Holes here and therefolded rightly up, will form the Sul- made in it with a Needle or Pin, perficies of a Cone, whoſe Baſe is againſt a Candle or Lamp, and ob- the Circle ABCD. ſerve where the Rays going thro’ 4. Divide the Arch EG into the theſe little Holes fall on a Plane, or fame Number of equal Parts, as the Curve-Superficies ; for they will Craticular Prototype is divided into, give the correſpondent Points of the and draw Radii from each of the Image deformed, by which means Points of Diviſion. the Deformation may be com 5. Produce GF to I, ſo that FI pleated. EFG, and from the Centre 1, with the Radius. IF, draw the Qua- To draw thel Deformation of an I. drant F KH, and from I to E draw mage upon the Convex-Surface of the Right Line I E 6. Divide the Arch KF into the From the laſt Problem it is ma- fane Number of equal Parts, as the nifeſt enough, that all that is to be Radius of the Craticular Prototype done here, is to make the Craticular is divided into, and draw Radii thro' E Etype in the Superficies of the Cone, each of the Points of Diviſion from which ſhall appear to an Eye duly the Centre I, meeting EF in 1, 2, placed over the Vertex of it, equal to 3, &c. the Craticular Prototype. Therefore, 7. Finally, from the Centre F 1. Let the Baſe ABCD of the with the Radii, F1, F2, F3, &c. Cone, (Fig. 1.) be divided by Dia- deſcribe concentric Arches. Thus meters into any Number of equal will you have the Craticular Ec- Parts ; that is, let the Periphery be ope, whereof each Areola will ap- thus divided. pear equal to one another. 8. Theretur , if what is delineata ed in every Areola of the Craticular Prctotype be transferred into the A- A B reola's of the Craticular EEype, the Image will be deformed; but the Eye being duly raiſed over the Ver- 2. Likewiſe let ſome one Radius tex of the Cone, will perceive it formous. be divided into equal Parts, and 9. If the Chords of the Quadrants draw concentric Circles. And thus Thall be drawn into the Craticular Proto. the Craticular Prototype be made. type, and Chords of their fourth Part in the Craticular Eclype, all 3. With the double of the Dia- ameter A B, as a Radius, deſcribe things elſe remaining the fame; you the Quadrant EFG, (Fig. 2.) fo that will have the Craticular Eclype in a the Arch E G may be equal to the quadrangular Pyramid. And from whole Periphery; then this Quadrant hence you may learn how to deform an Image in any other Pyramid, whoſe Baſe is any regular Polygon. 10. Becauſe the Eye will be inore K. deceived, if from contiguous Objects it cannot judge of the Diſtance of the Parts of, che deformed Image: Therefore, theſe kind of deformed Images muſt be looked at chro' a {mall Hole. F G Ee 2 TO D PRO PRO 7 Fig2 S T To delineate a Figure in an horizontal Plane, which ſhall appear by Re- flexion on a Cylindrical Speculum ſtanding on that Plane,“ like a Square divided into many little Square Areola's. 1. About EB (Fig. 2.) the Dia- meter of the Cylindrical Speculum, deſcribe a Circle equal to the Baſe of the Cylinder. 2. Take the Point O under the Eye, and draw the Tangents O E, OB; becauſe no Ray reflected from the Speculum beyond them, will fall upon the Eye. Likewiſe the Right Lines O B, O E, may be ſo drawn, Fig. 1. + H E E B NE34 2244 G to the side of the Square appearing in the Speculum, and divide the Р as to cut the Circle ; fince what are Fig. 3. perceived by the Tangents, will not be diftinct enough. R 3. Join the Points of Contact, or Interſection E,B, by a ſtraight Line EB, which muſt be taken for the Side of the Square appearing in the TIL II. TIR M Speculum: Becauſe the Image ap- pears in a Cylindrical Speculum be- fame into the ſame Number of equal tween che Centre and the Super- Parts, as that Side is divided into. ficies. 8. Thro' every Point of Diviſion 4. Divide E B into any Number 1, 2, 3, &c. draw the Right Lines of equal Parts; and from every of P.I, P.II, P.III,&C. the Points of Diviſion, 1, 2, 3, &c. 9. From L to 1, 2, 3, &C. draw Right Lines O1, O2, O3, c. transfer the Right Lines Li, L2, to the Point O under the Eye. L3, &c. equal to QI, QII, 5. Let the Radii OH, OI, be QIII, &c. reflected to the Points F,G, &C. 10. After the ſame manner, let the that is, let HF, IG, be the Re- Lines. HF, IG, &c. be divided ; flexions of O1, O2, &c. and thro' the Points of Diviſion of 6. Upon the indefinite Right Line the ſame Order draw Curves : Or, MQ.. (Fig. 3.) raiſe the Perpendi- fince there is no need of very great cular MP, equal in Length to the Accuracy in theſe caſes, draw cir- Height of the Eye. cular Arches thro' three Points, as 7. From M to transfer the is done in the Figure. Line OH, and at Q raiſe the Per I ſay the Figure STFGA, be- pendicular QR, which let be equal ing erected upon the Circle ACDB, will / 1 ( с C PRO PRO will appear in the Cylindrical Spe- its Axis. And in AO produced culum, as a Square divided into ſe. take A B equal to the Height of the veral equalſquare Areola's. Whence, Eye. if a Square be made, whoſe Side is 3. To every of the Points 1, 2, 3, equal to QR, and the fame be di- &c. of Diviſion from the Point B, vided into equal Areola's, and in wherein the Eye is ſuppoſed, draw the ſame be painted any Image, and the Right Lines, Bi, B2, B3, &c. then what is in every Areola of it be transferred in the correſpondent Fig. 2. Areola's of the deformed Square, B that deformed Image will by Re- flexion appear formous in the Cy- lindrical Speculum. To delineate a deformed Figure upon an horizontal Plane, that fall 0723 IIIII appear formous by the Reflexion of a Conical Speculum to an Eye over 4. Becauſe theſe are the reflected the Vertex. Rays by which the Points 1, 2, 3, &c. are ſeen, and AE is the Inter 1. The Image to be deformed muſt be delineated in a Circle, equal ſection of the Plane of Reflexion and to the Baſe of the Conical Specu- IDEII, CE, equal to the Angles the Speculum, make the Angles jum, and the Periphery muſt be BDA, BCA, &c. then ſhall D.I, 4 b C. II, &c. be the Rays of Incidence : Conſequently I. II, & c. the radiat- 9 ing Points which are ſeen by Refle- Id xion, in 1, 2, 3, &c. 5. Therefore produce the Radii Oa, Ob, Oc, &c. in the Craticular divided into equal Parts by the Dia- Prototype, and transfer in them the meters, ad, be, sf, &c. and the Diviſions 0.1, 0.II, O.III, EC. Radii Ob, Oc, od, &c. (Fig. 1.) into And laſtly draw Concentric Circles equal Parts Oa, 1.2, 2.3, &c. by Concentric Circles. you have the Craticular Ectype. 6. Therefore if in every of its 2. To get the Points I, II, III, &c. in the Plane that the Cone's in the correſpondent Areola’s of the Areola's you depict what you find Baſe ſtands upon, which are ſeen by Craticular Prototype, you will have reflected Rays within the Speculum at the Points, 1, 2, 3, &c. make a deformed Figure, which will ap- (Fig.2.) a right-angled Triangle, duly placed over the Vertex of the an O E is Cone. the Radius of the Speculum, and Altitude AO equal to the Height To delineate a deformed Image upon a of the Speculum, that is equal to Plane, that ſhall appear formous by Reflexion to an Eye, placed over the Vertex of a Pyramidal Speculan. For Example. Let it be required to delineate a deformed Image, which will appear formous by the Reflexi- on of a quadrangular Pyramid. ho Y III I I e T I c Еe 3 1. In PRO PRO 1 1. In this caſe, the Image to be Note, Deformed Images, that are deformed, is to be dețineated into made by means of pyramidal Spe- the Square ABCD, equal to the culums, are more diverting than Baſe of the Speculum, whoſe Peri. thoſe made by others. Becauſe the meter muſt be divided into equal Parts of the deformed Image being Parts by Diagonals, from the Cen- disjoined, any others may be painted tre E; and allo by Right Lines, bif- between them, forming one and the ſame continuous thing with them A B without the Speculum, which in the Speculum will not be ſeen. L PROJECTURE, in Architecture, fignifies the Prominency or Emboff- sc D ment, which the Mouldings, and o- ther Members have, beyond the ſecting the Sides AB, BC, &c. naked Wall; and is always in pro- Moreover, the Lines E L, E B, muft portion to its Height. The word be divided into any Number of e. is alſo applied to Galleries, Balco- *qual Parts; ſo that Lines drawn nies, &c. which jet beyond the thró' the Points of Diviſion, which face of the Wall. are parallel to the Sides of the Baſe, PROLATĘ SPHEROID, is a Solid may include the Craticular Proto produced by the Revolution of a Se- type. mi-Ellipſis about its longer Diamc- 2. Now, ſince the Section of the ter or Axis ; but if a Solid be form- Speculum thro' the Axis, and the ed by the Revolution of a Semi-El- Right Line E L drawn in the Baſe, lipſis about its ſhorter Diameter, it is a right-angled Triangle; and e- is then called an Oblate Spheroid : yery Point of Diviſion of the Crati. And of this Figure is the Earth we cular Prototype, is in the reflexed inhabit, and perhaps all the Planets Ray, after the very fame manner are fo too, having their Equatorial as in the laſt Problem are found Diameters longer than their Polar. the Points I, II, III, &c. of the PROMONTORY, is an Hill ar Axis LE, of the Triangle BEC, high Land running out into the Sea, the Extremity of which towards the Sea, is uſually called a Cape, or Headland. PROPORTION, is an Equality of Ratio's. B 1. Magnitudes are ſaid to have G E Proportion to each other, which being multiplied can exceed one an- D other. 2. Magnitudes are ſaid to be in the fame Ratio, the firſt to the ſe- cond, and the third to the fourth, F when the Equimultiples of the firſt and third, compared with the Equi- to be reflected : Which being given, multiples of the ſecond and fourth, the Triangle itſelf may be made. according to any Multiplication 3. Laply, What elſe is to be done, whatſoever, are either both toge- muſt be proceeded with, as in the ther greater, equal, or leſs, than lalt Problem. the Equimultiples of the ſecond and fourth, A MU 'L aea : 1 og :: then oa PRO PRO fourth, if thoſe be taken that an 2. Alternately, a :b :: eg : eb. ſwer each other. 3. Compoundedly, That is, if there be four Magni actuea : ea :: b4eb : eb. tudes, and you take any Equimul 4. Converſby, a trea:a::bteb:b tiples of the firſt and third, and alſo 5. Dividedly, any Equimultiples of the ſecond and :eb. beb fourth: And if the Multiple of the firf be greater than the Multiple of 6. By a Syllepſis, the ſecond, and alſo the Multiple of a : ea :: a+b : ea teb. the third greater than the Multiple of 7. By a Dialepſas, the fourch: Or, if the Multiple of the a: Pa ::ab: eamweb. firſt be equal to the Multiple of the 2. If in two Rows of Proportio- ſecond ; and alſo the Multiple of the nals a : ea :: b:eb, and ea : third equal to the Multiple of the eb: ob; then by ordinate Proportion fourth : Or, laſtly, if the Multiple of of Equality, a : oa :: b: ob. But if the firſt be leſs than the Multiple of they are diſorderly placed, viz. oa : the ſecond ; and alſo that of the ea :: ob : eb; and ea: a :: eob : ob : third leſs than that of the fourth ; :a :: eob : eb. If there and theſe things happen according are two Rows of Proportionals a: to every Multiplication whatſoever; ea :: b:eb::6:00 :: d: od : then then the four Magnitudes are in the ſhall a xc : ea xoc :: bxd: eb xod. ſame Ratio, the firſt to the ſecond, All theſe are manifeſt by comparing as the third to the fourth. the Rectangles of the Means and Expounders uſually lay down Extremes, or by dividing the Con- here that Definition which Euclid fequents by their Antecedents. has given for Numbers only, in his PROPORTIONALSCALES, ſome- Yevench Book, viz. That times alſo called Logarithmetical, are · Magnitudes are ſaid to be Pro- only the artificial Numbers or Lo- portionals, when the firſt is the ſame garithms placed on Lines, for the Equimultiple of the ſecond, as the Eafe and Advantage of multiplying, third is of the fourth, or the ſame dividing, extracting Roots, &c. by Part or Parts. the means of Compaſſes, or by But this Definition appertains on- Numbers, as they are called. by Mr. ly to Numbers and commenſurable Gunter ; but made fingle, double, Quantities ; and ſo fince it is not u- triple, or quadruple ; beyond which niverſal, Euclid did well to reject it they feldom go. in his 5th Element, which treats of PROPORTIONAL Spiral Lines. 'the Properties of all Proportionals; See Spiral Lines. and to ſubſtitute another general PROSTAPHERESIS, in Aſtrono- one, agreeing to all kinds of Magni- my, is the ſame with the Equation tudes. In the mean time, Expoun- of the Orbit, or ſimply the Equa- ders very much endeavour to de- tion ; and is the Difference between monſtrate the Definition here laid the true and mean Motion of a Pla- down by Euclid, by the uſual re The Angle alſo made by the ceived Definition of Proportional Lines of the Planets mean and Numbers ; but this much eaſier Motion, is called the Profaphereſis. flows from that, than that from this. PROTRACTING-PIN, is a fine 1. If there are four Quantities Needle faftned in a Piece of Wood, proportional, as 'a, ea, b, eb, then Ivory, &c. uſed to prick off any they will be alſo proporcional. Degrees and Minutes from the Pro- 1. Inverly, eaia :: eb: b. tractor. Pron net. true Ee 4 P TO PUL PROTRACTOR, is an Inſtrument degrees it came to be quite dif- uſed in Surveying: It is commonly uſed. made of a well-polished thin Piece PULLEY, is a little Wheel move- of Braſs, and confifteth of a Semi- able about its Axis, over which, Circle divided into Degrees, and a goes a Drawing-Rope. Parallelogram with Scales upon it, I. In ſeveral caſes where the Axis and may be of any bigneſs de- in Peritrochio cannot conveniently fired. be applied, Pulleys muſt be made Its Uſe is chiefly to lay down an uſe of to raiſe Weights: A Machine Angle of any aſſigned Quantity of made by combining ſeveral of them, Degrees : Or, an Angle being pro- lies in a little compaſs, and is eafi- tračted, to find the Quantity of De- ly carried about, if the Weight be grees it contains readily; which is fixed to the Pulley, ſo that it may of great uſe in plotting, and mak- be drawn up along with it : Each ing of Draughts, @OC. End of the Drawing or Running- PSEUDOSTELLA, in Aftronomy, Rope ſuſtains half the Weight; ſignifies any kind of Comet or Phæ- therefore when one End is fixed, ei- nomenon newly appearing in the ther to a Hook, or any other way, Heavens like a Star. the moving Force or Power applied PTOLEMAIC System of the Hea to the other End, if it be equal to vens, was that invented by Ptolemy; half the Weight, will keep the in which he ſuppoſes the Earth im- Weight in Æquilibrio. moveable any way in the Centre of 2. Several Sheaves may be joined the Univerſe, round about which in any manner, and the Weight be the Moon firſt moves in a Circle ; fixed to them, then if one Ènd of next her Mercury', then Venus : A- the Rope be fixed, and the Rope bove which moves the Sun, then goes round all thoſe Sheaves, and Mars; above him Jupiter, and laſt as many other fixed ones, as is ne- of all Saturn, all in the Zodiac ceffary, a great Weight may be from Weſt to Eaſt. Above Saturn raiſed by a ſmall Power: In that he places the Sphere of the fixed caſe, the greater the Number of Stars, which he ſuppoſes to move Sheaves fixed in a moveable Pulley, ſlowly alſo, from Eaſt to Weſt, on or of moveable Wheels are (for the the Poles of the Ecliptic. While fixed ones do not change the Action the fixed Stars themſelves, and all of the Power,) ſo much may the the Planets, move from Eaſt to Weſt Power be leſs, which ſuſtains the on the Poles of the Equator, in the Weight; and a Power which is to Space of a natural Day or twenty- the Weight, as the Number one to four Hours. This vulgar Syſtem of twice the Number of the Sheaves, Aftronomy, (in which I omit to will ſuſtain the Weight. mention the Epicycles and Defe Pulse, by the Mathematical Na- rents, &c. with which they endea- turalifts, is the Term uſed for that voured to ſolve the Phænomena Stroke with which any Medium is which did almoſt all of them con- affected by the Motion of Light, tradict this Scheme) was plainly o. Sound, &c. verturned and refuted as ſoon as e And Sir Iſaac Newton demon- ver the Uſe of the Teleſcope ac- ftrates, Lib. 2. Prop. 48. Princip. quainted us with the Phaſes of Venus that the Velocities of the Pulſes, in and Mercury; for from thence it any elaſtic fluid Medium, (whoſe was apparent, that their Orbits in- Elaſticity is proportionable to its cluded the Sun, and therefore by Denſity,) are in a Ratio, compound- ed 1 PU R PYR ed of the fubduplicate Ratio of the a-croſs the Rafters on the Inſide, to Elaſtic Force directly, and the ſub- keep them from finking in the mid- duplicate Ratio of the Denſity in- dle of their Length. verſly. So that in a Medium, whoſe PYRAMID, in Geometry, is a Elaſticity is equal to its Denſity, all folid Figure, whoſe Baſe is a Poly- Pulſes will be equally ſwift. gon, and whoſe Sides are plain Tri- Pulsion, is the driving or im- angles, their feveral tops meeting pelling of any thing forward. together in one Point. PUNCHINS, in Architecture, are 1. The Solidity of a Pyramid is fhort Pieces of Timber placed to of the perpendicular Altitude mul. ſupport fome conſiderable Weight: tiplied by the Baſe. They commonly ſtand upright be 2. The fuperficial Area of a Py- tween the Poſts, and are ſhorter and ramid is found by adding the Area Nighter than either the principal of all the Triangles, whereof the Poſts or Prick-polts. Thoſe that Sides of the Pyramid confift, into ſtand on each side of a Door are one Sum. called Door-Punchins. 3. The external Surface of a PUNCTATED HYPERBOLA, is right Pyramid, that ſtands on a re- any Hyperbola whoſe Conjugate gular Polygon-Baſe, is equal to the Oval is infinitely ſmall, that is, a Altitude of one of the Triangles Point. which compoſe it, multiplied by the PUNCTUM FORMATUM feu Ge- whole Circumference of the Baſe NERATUM, in Conics, is a Point of the Pyramid. determined by the Interſection of a The Demonftrations of the three Right Line drawn thro' the Vertex of a Cone to a Point in the Plane following Problems being ſhort and of the Baſe, with the Plane that eaſy, and not every where to be conftitutes the Conic Section. See found ; I therefore thought it might not be amiſs to inſert them here. De la Hire's Latin Conics, p. 15, 16. 1. To find the Solidity of the Frufium PUNCTUM EX COMPARATIONE, of a Square Pyramid. is either Focus, in an Ellipſis and Let A D be one of the Sides of ; ſo Apollonius, becauſe the Rectangles the greater Baſe, which let us call under the Segment of the Tranft b, and BC the side of the leffer verſe Diameter in the Ellipſis, and Baſe, which call a ; and let EF be under that and the Diſtance between the Height of the Fruftum, which the Vertex and Focus in the Hy- let be h. perbola, are equal to Part of what mid ASD, and draw the Line GG, Now, compleat the whole Pyra- he calls the Figure. PUNCTUM LINEANS, is that Point of the generating Circle, S which in the Formation of either fimple Cycloids or Epicycloids, pro- duces any part of a Cycloidal Line. PURE HYPERBOLA, is one, which, by the Impoffibility of its B Roots, is without any Oval, Node, Spike, or Conjugate Point. PURLINES, in Architecture, are D G thoſe Pieces of Timber, which lie parallel A F PY R P Y R saa + saa r a 1 ; parallel to EF. Now, becauſe the b sbb Triangles ADS, BCS, are fimi- ſquare Pyramid, will be *+ 3 lar, it will be as b-a: (2GD) sba bb Whence it is manifeft, h :: (EF=GC) b : (AD) : b-a sbb (ES). And in like manner, as b-a that and is the Sum of the : (2GD) :: (EF=GC) a : (BC) : sba ah circular Baſes, and mean ba (FS). Therefore the Solidity of the Pyramid ASD, will be Bafes. Therefore the Corollary is Proportional between the circular h 63 manifeft. 36-3a And the Solidity of the ha² 2. To find the Curve-Superficies of a Pyramid BSC, will be right Cone. 3 baza and conſequently the Solidity of the If a right Cone A B D lies, upon Fruſium ABCD of the Pyramid, the Plane AC, or touches it in the Right Line AB; and if the ſaid 563ba3 will be and by dividing Cone revolves upon the ſaid Plane 353a about the Point A, until the Point bbb haa 35-32) hb-ha3 ( + 3 3 hab This laſt Expreſſion will с 3 A B be the Solidity of the Fruſtum ,; therefore, if the Sum of the Baſes, B, in the Periphery of the 'Baſe, and the Rectangle under the Sides comes to touch the Plane again. A D and BC, are added together, Then, I ſay, that the whole Super- and multiplied by 1 of the Height ficies of the Cone will have touched EF, the Product will be the Solidity the Plane in every Part; and con- of the Fruftum. ſequently, if the Lines AB, AG, be equal to A B, the ſlant Height COROLLA RY. of the Cone, and about the Centre A, be deſcribed an Arch of a Cir- Hence the Solidity of the Fruftum cle, whoſe Length BG is equal to of a Cone, or any other kind of the Periphery of the circular Baſe Pyramid, may be alſo found. For it is but adding the two circular G Baſes together, and to that Sum a mean Proportional between the ſaid circular Baſes, and then multiplying As the whole Sum by of the Height, and that will be the Solidity of the B Fruftum of a Cone. For ļet the Ratio of the Square of the Diameter of the Cone, that the Area of the of a Circle to the Area thereof be circular Sector ABG will be equal as r to s: Then the Solidity of the to the Curve Superficies of the Cone. Pruftum of a Cone circumſcribing Therefore, if half the Periphery of the Fruftum of the before-mentioned the Baſe of any Right Cone be mul- tiplied + 1 That is, 1 PY R P Y R tiplied by the ſlant Height, you will pacqab have the Area of the Curve-Surface Fruſtum will be 26-26 thereof. pc- qb 3. To find the Area of the Curve-Sur- Now let us ſuppoſe cab face of the Fruſtum of 4 Right Cone. n to be ſuch a Quantity, that if the Let us call the lant Height AB, it, the Quotient will be the Dia- Periphery of a Circle be divided by a; the Diameter AD of one of the Baſesc, and the Diameter of meter. This being ſuppoſed, X 2 22 72 с > 1 D (, and L=b. Then our laſt Theo- P-99 S rem will be thus, multi- B А p-q the other Baſe BC, b. Alſo let plied by will be the Area of the us call the Periphery of the greater Baſe p, and of the leffer g. Now, Superficies of the Fruftum ; but if ŞB, S A, are equal to‘SB, SA, pp-99 divided by A---9, will be pta. and about the Point S be deſcribed Therefore, to find the Curve. Super- ficies of the Fruſtum of any Cone, you muſt add the Circumferences of D the two Baſes together, and chat Sum multiplied by į of the flant st Height, will be the Area of the Curve-Superficies fought. Having happened upon a very B A eaſy way of ſquaring the Parabola, by the Method of Indiviſibles, I two Concentric Portions of Circles, thought it would not be amiſs to the greater of which is equal to the inſert it here. But firſt the follow- Periphery of the greater Circular ing Lemma muſt be demonſtrated. Baſe D A, then the Area CDAB will be equal to the Area of the The Sum of all the Rectangles (infi- Curve Superficies of the Fruftum nite in Number) that can be made ſought. Now to get this Area we by cutting the given Line AB into muſt find SA, and SB, the former two Segments, as ACXCB, is equal to 5 of the Cube of the ſaid will be and the other ca Line. ab whence the Area of the Sec- А с B 6 pac tor SAD, will be and the DEMONSTRATION. Area of the other lefſer Sector SCB, Let us call the whole Line will be And therefore Segment AC, *, then a-* * x will the Area of the Figure CDAB, that be the firſt Rectangle, amžx * 2 * is the Area of the Superficies of the the ſecond, --3* X 3* the third, and 20-26) a, the gab 20-26 PYR PY T a X I.XIXX 1 and 4* * 4*, the fourth, and equal to DC multiplied into ſome so on. That is, the Sum of the ſtanding Quantity, as m, which is Rectangles will ſtand thus, C a x ax-4xx a x 34-9** a x 44-16xx, &c. From whence you may ſee that the Sum of all the firſt Terms will be equal to the Solidity of a trian- gular Priſm whoſe Height is А D B the Baſe the Right-angled Ifoſceles Triangle CAB, each of whoſe equal the Latus Rectum: Therefore of , , will B be the Area of the Parabola. Now a, and аа m divided by GF, which 4 40 fuppoſe b, that is, 76=m. There- 1 fore the Area of the Parabola will be enitesi a3 aa divided by 46 Q3 23 ő which will be ba, or of the circumſcribing Pa- Sides is = 2. Therefore their Sum rallelogram AHIB. is H G I D ſecond Terms, (becauſe the Co-effi- cients are the Squares of Numbers in Arithmetical Progreſſion,) will be Fig za equal to a ſquare Pyramid, having its Baſe doubled to BAC, and the fame Altitude a, whence their Sum A B a3 will be And taking from 3 3 PYRAMIDOID, is what is fome- times called a Parabolic Spindle ; , you will have ada for the and is a ſolid Figure formed by the Sum of all the Rectangles. Q.E.D. Baſe or greateſt Ordinate. Revolution of a Parabola round its COROLLARY I. PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM, is the 47th Prop. of the firſt Book of Hence the Sum of the Squares of Euclid. all the Sines CD drawn in a Cir PYTHAGOR EAN SYSTEM, is the cle, is equal to of the Cube of the ſame with the Copernican, but is ſo Diameter. And ſo the Solid called called, as being maintained by Pyo the Hoof or Ungpla, may be ſquared. thagoras, and his Followers, and Likewiſe from hence we may have is the moſt ancient of any. In the Quadrature of the Apollonian Pa- this the Sun is ſuppoſed at Reſt rabola (See Fig. 2.) For becauſe the in the Centre of our Syſtem of Rectangle under AC X CB, is Planets, and the Earth to be car- ried 2 1 } O + QUA QUA ried round him annually in a Track String :) So is the Diſtance between or Path between Venus and Mars. the Station and Foot of the Object to its Height above the Eye. QUADRATIC Equation, is one, when made as ſimple as poffible, Q: that conſiſts of not more than three Terms; the third of which UADRANGLE, or Quadran- is a known Number or Quan- gular Figure in Geometry, is tity, and the Dimenſion or Power of that which hath four Angles. the unknown Quantity making the QUADRANT, is an Arch which firſt Term is the double of the un- is the fourth Parth of a Circle, con- known Quantity (or its Power) con- taining, 90 Degrees. And often- ftituting the ſecond Term. times the Space contained between a All Quadratic Equations conſiſt of quadrantal" Areh, and two Radii one of the following Forms: perpendicular one to another in the 1. *x + a Centre of a Circle, is called a 2. xx + ax=). Quadrant. 3. xx + ax+b=0. QUADRANT of Altitude, is a Part Or generally 4. *2m+_axm+b=o. of the Furniture of an artificial 1. In the firſt Form it will be x Globe, being a thin Braſs-Plate di vided into 90 Degrees, and marked Fa, or x= va; that is, upwards with 10, 20, 30, &c. being *Xa=0 has two equal real Roots, rivetted to a Braſs Nut which is fit- and xxtam, has two equal imaa ted to the Meridian, and bath a ginary Roots. 2. In the ſecond Screw in it, to ſcrew upon any De. Form it will be x=Ia, and x=0. gree of the Meridian : 'When it is 3. In the third Form it will be x uſed, 'tis moſt commonly ſcrewed 1/2 aab to the Zenith. Its Uſe is for mea- that is when it ſuring of Altitudes, to find Ampli- -V aa-b tudes and Azimuths, and deſcribing is axtax+b=1, the two Roots or Almicanters. Values of x will be negative. But QUADRANT ASTRONOMICAL. when it is xxt-ax-b=, the two See Atronomical Quadrant. Roots or Values of x' will be the QUADRANT TRIANGLB. See one affirmative, and the other ne- Triangular Quadrant. gative ; that is, it will be * * QUADRANTAL TRIANGLE, is a Spheric Triangle, one of whoſe Sides, (at leaſt,) is a Quadrant, and a-Vaat one Angle Right. a x t bo, then will * QUADRAT, or Line of SHA- that dows on a Quadrant, are only a Line of natural Tangents to the La-Vaat6 Arches of the Limb, and are placed of x being both affirmative. When there in order to meaſure Altitudes it is xx-ax-b=0, then will x- readily; for it will always be, As at Taath Radius to the Tangent of the Angle one Root or {a- Vaat6 of Altitude at the Place of Obſer- vation; (that is, to the Parts of the Value of x being the one affirma, Quadrats or Shadows cut by the tive, and the other negative. 4. Laſtly, > 2 fat vaatb. When it is xx- on QU A QUA བ་པ་རྩོམ་པ་ T U.. [L Laſtly, in the fourth Form it will be Hb and He, it will be, As the whole x=V+ya+ Vaa£6. Quadrantal Arch D B is to the Part IB: So will the whole Right Line If the laſt Term of a Quadratic D A be to the Part of it cut off Equation be negative, its two Roots bA, or its Equal He. will be real; and when the laſt 2. Wherefore any Arch of the Term is affirmative, and the Quadrant as I B, or any Angle as Square of the Co-efficient of the IAB, may by this Quadratrix ſecond Term be leſs than the third be eaſily divided into three e- Term, the two Roots will be ima- qual Parts, or any other Number ginary. at pleaſure, or according to any gi- QUADRATRIX, (in Geometry,) ven Ratio, by only drawing the is a Curve-Line thus generated. Let Radius Al, and then from the there be a Radius of a Circle, as Point of the Quadratrix H, letting AD, which imagine to move on fall the perpendicular He. the Centre A down the Circumfe 3. The Baſe of the Quadratrix AE, is a third Proportional to the D o Radius AD, and the Quadrant BD. 4. If on the Baſe of the Quadra- trix A E, a Quadrantal Arch be de- ſcribed, it will be equal in Length h to DA, the side of the Square : And conſequently the Semi-Circle F G will be double ; and the Periphery А* Quadruple of DA. e bb B 5. If AV the baſe of a Circle inſcribed in the Quadratrix, GV rence of the Quadrant DB, and at the fame time let the side of the Square CD move equally down- G wards, ſo that the Radius AD, and the side of the Square CD may come to the Line AB together. Or let the Right Line DA, and the Quadrantal Arch D B, be both di- K vided into a like Number of equal Parts, as in this caſe, they are cach into 8, and to the Diviſions of the A Quadrant, let as many Radii be drawn from the Centre A, and thro' be 1, and the Arch of the Circle the Diviſions in AD as many Pa- VK be called x, then will the Area rallels to CD; for then if a Curve. BDVA = x, X.- X3 Line be drawn neatly connecting 7613 *-, &c. 21; - the Points of Interſection of theſe QUADRATURE Of any Figure Radii and Parallels, it will be that in the Mathematics, is the find- Line which is called the Quadratrix, ing a Square equal co the Area of (as DE.) it. 1. If through any Point, as H in This Doctrine is as far advanced this Quadrartix, you draw a Radius by Sir Iſaac Newton in his Quadra- AHI, and the two Perpendiculars ture of Curves, publifhed by Mr. Jones, to V A QUA QUI Fones, as the Nature of the thing Quantity of Matter in, and the Ve- will admit with any Elegance and locity of the Motion in that Body. Perfpecuity ; nor is every Man ca QUARTERS, in a Clock, or Move- pable, altho' perhaps a tolerablement, are little Bells which ſound Mathematician, of perceiving the the Quarters, or other parts of an Progreſs this great Man has made Hour. in this difficult part of the Science. QUARTILE, is an Aſpect of the QUADRATUREs of the Moon, are Planets, when they are 3. Sines or the middle Parts of her Orbit, be- 90 Degrees diſtant from each other, tween the Points of Conjunction and is marked thus . and Oppoſition: And they are ſo QUAVER, is a Note in Muſic fo called, becauſe a Line drawn from called. See the Words Notes and the Earth to the Moon, is then at Time, Right Angles, with one drawn from Queue D'ARONDE, a Term in the Earth to the Sun. Fortification, being what we call QUADRILATERAL FIGURES, Swallow's Tail ; and fignifies a De- are thoſe whoſe Sides are four Right tached or Out-work, whoſe Sides Lines, and thoſe making four An- open towards the Head or Campaign, gles; and they are either a Paral- or draw narrower or cloſer towards lelogram, Trapezium, Rectangle, the Gorge. Of this kind are either Square, Rhomboides, or Rhumbus. fingle or double Tenailles, and ſome QUADRIPARTITION, is to di- Horn-Works, whoſe Sides are not vide by four, or to take the fourth parallel, but are narrow at the Part of any Number or Quantity. Gorge, and open at the Head, like QUALITY, ſignifies in the gene- the Figure of a Swallow's Tail. ral the Properties or Affections of When theſe Works are caſt up be- any Being, whereby it affects our fore the Front of a Place, they are Senſes fo and ſo, and acquires ſuch defective in this point, that they do and ſuch a Demonſtration. not fufficiently cover the Flanks of 1. Senſible Qualities, are ſuch as the oppoſite Baſtions ; but then they are the more immediate Objects are very well flanked by the Place, of our Senſes. which covers all the Length of 3. Occult Qualities, were by the their Sides the better. Ancients named ſuch, of which no QUINCUNX, is that Poſition, or rational Solution in their way, or Aſpect, that the Planets are ſaid to according to their Principles, could be in, when they are diſtant from be given. each other 150 Degrees, or 3 Sines, QUANTITY, fignifies whatſo- and is marked thus, Vc, or 0. ever is capable of any ſort of Etti QUINDECAGON, is a plain Fi- mation or Menſuration, and which gure of 15 Sides and Angles, which being compared with another thing if they are all equal to one another, of the ſame nature, may be ſaid to is called a Regular Quindecagon. be greater or leſs, equal or unequal The Side of a Regular Quindeca- gon, ſo deſcribed, is equal in Power 1. The Quantity of Matter in to the half Difference between the any Body, is its Meaſure ariſing Side of the Equilateral Triangle, from the joint Conſideration of its and the Side of the Pentagon; and Magnitude and Denſity. alſo to the Difference of the Perpen- 2. The Quantity of Motion in diculars let fall on both sides, taken any Body, is its Meaſure ariſing together. from the joint Confideration of the QUINQUE ANGLED, in Geome. try, to it. 1 R A D RAI Z ZZ R. try, is a Figure conſiſting of five Fluxions, and you put i for x, and Angles. z for j in that Equation ; and if QUINTILE, an Aſpect of the from the Equation that ariſes, you Planets when they are 72 Degrees find the Relation between x, j, and diſtant from one another, and is ; and at the ſame time put i for noted thus, C. or O. s, and z for y, as before." By the QUINTUPLE, five-fold or five former Operation you will obtain times as much as another thing. the Value of z; and if A be the QUOTIENT, is that Number in Length of a Perpendicular to the Divition, which ariſes by dividing Point of a Curve terminating at the the Dividend by the Diviſor : And Extremity of y, and interſecting the is called the Quotient, becauſe it an- A3 ſwers to the Queſtion, how often Abſciſs; then will be the one Number is contained in ano- 2 x 93 ther. Length of the Radius of the Curva- Quoin, the Workman's Term ture at the Extremity of y. For for an Angle or Corner: Example, let the Parabolic Equa- tion be propoſed, then will aš to 2b Å x - 2 jy=0; and putting i for s, and z for y, it will be zb- 23 y =o. And again, writing i and z for å and j, by the a+2bx ABANET. See Rabine. firſt we ſhall have za RABINET, a Sort of Ord. pance, whoſe Diameter at the Bore and i- So that the Ra. is 1 Inches, Weight 300 Pounds, Length 5 Foot, Load of a Pound, dius of the Curvature of this Curve Shot ſomething more than an Inch at the Extremity of y will be and a Quarter Diameter, and į a Pound Weight. and generally the Ra- RADIANT POINT, is the Point 92 x 6 from which the Divergent Rays dius of the Curvature of Conic Sec- proceed. tions is as A3. See this Subject RADIATION, ſignifies the caſting well handled in Sir Iſaac Newton's forth of Beams, or Rays of Light; Fluxions, and the Marquis de l'Hof and in Optics, it is conſidered as pital's Infinimens Petits. threefold, viz. Direet, Reflested, and RAINBOW, or Iris. The Pria RefraEted. See Ray. mary Iris is only the Sun's Image, Radius, in Geometry, is the reflected from the Concave Surfaces Semi-Diameter, or half the Diame- of an innumerable Quantity of ſmall ter of a Circle. ſpherical Drops of falling Rain, RADIUS of the Curvature of a with this neceffary Circumſtance; Curve, is the Radius of a Circle that thoſe Rays, which fall on the that has the ſame Curvature in a Drops, parallel to each other, ſhould given Point of the Curve, that the not after one Reflection, and two Curve has in that Point. Refractions, vix, at going into the If any Equation is propoſed ex- Drop, and coming out again, be dif- preſſing the Relation of the Abſciſs perſed, or made to diverge, but à, and correſpondent Ordinate y, come back again, to the Eye, paral- and the Equation be thrown into lel to each other. Some RRABINET, 2 Y 6--22 у A3 ZZ 20. Ř A Í RAM Some of the Ancients, as we find the Refractions, as Deſcartes did. in Ariſtotle's Meteors, knew, that The Doctor ſhews the way; as alſo the Rainbow was cauſed by the Re- ſome other things (in n. 14. 15, 16 y fraction of the Sun's Light in Drops regarding the Rainbow, worth while of falling Rain. But it was more to be peruſed, and agreeable to the fully diſcovered and explained by elegant Genius's of thoſe two great Antonius de Dominis, in his Book de Men. Radiis Viſits & Lucis, publiſhed at Concerning the Rainbow, fee A- Venice by his friend Bartolus, Anno riſtotle's Meteors, lib. 3. cap. 4, 5, 6, 1611, and written above 20 Years 7.-- Dr. Halley's Diſcourſe in the before; wherein he ſhews how the Philoſophical Tranſactions, n. 267. - interior Bow is made in round Drops Mr. s'Graveſande's Inſtitutions of the of Rain by two Refractions of the Newtonian Philoſophy, lib. 3. cap. Sun's Light, and one Reflection be- tween them; and the exterior, by RAKED TABLE, a Term in Ar- two Refractions and two Sorts of chitecture. chitecture. See Table. Reflections between them in each RAMMER, is a Staff with a round Drop of Water, and proves his Ex- Piece of Wood at one end, in order plications by Experiments made with to drive home the Powder to the à Phial full of Water, and with Breech of the great Gun; as alſo Globes of Glaſs filled with Water, the Shot and the Wadding, which and placed in the Sun to make the keeps the Shot from rolling out. Colours of the two Bows appear in At the other end of theſe Rammers ' them. The ſame Explication has are uſually rolled in a certain Piece been purſued by Deſcartes, in his of Sheep's Skin fitted to the Bore . Meteors, who mended that of the of the Piece, in order to clear her: exterior Bow; and he indeed was after ſhe has been diſcharged; and the firſt, that by applying Mathe- this is called Spunging the Piece. matics towards the Inveſtigation of RAMPART, in Fortification, is this ſurprizing Appearance, ever the Maſs of Earth, which is raiſed gave a tolerable Theory of the Rain- about the Body of any Place, to co- bow. But as they did not under ver it from great Shot, and confifts ſtand the true Origin of Colours, of ſeveral Ballions and Curtains ; Sir Iſaac Newton's Explication in his having its Parapet, Platform, inte- Optics at Prop. 9. is the beſt by rior and exterior Talus and Berme ;, much, where he makes the Breadth as alſo ſometimes a Stone-Wall, and of the interior Iris to be nearly then they ſay it is lined. The Sol- 2º. 15', that of the exterior 30.40', diers continually keep Guard here, their Diſtance 89.25', the greatelt and Pieces of Artillery are planted Semi-diameter of the interior Iris for the Defence of the place. 42° 17', and the leaſt of the exte The Height of the Ramparts rior 50°. 42', when their Colours muſt exceed three Fathom, as being appear ſtrong and perfect. fufficient to cover the Houſes from Dr. Barrow, in his Lectiones Op- the Batteries of the Cannon : Nei . ticæ, at Let. 12. n. 14. tells us, that ther ought its Thickneſs to be a- a Friend of his (by whom we are to bove ten or twelve, unleſs more underſtand Sir Iſaac Newton) com- Earth be taken out of the Ditch, municated to him a way of deter-- than can be otherwiſ beſtowed. mining the Angle of the Rainbow The Ramparts of Half-Moons are (which was hinted to Newton by the better for being low, that the Slufius) without making a Table of ſmall Fire of the Defendants may Ff the R AR R A T the better reach the bottom of the RASANT Line of Defence. See Ditch ; but yet it muſt be ſo high, Line of Defence Razant. as to be commanded by the Cover'd. RASH. See Ratch. way. Ratch, is a fort of a Wheel of RANDOM-SHOT, is a Shot made twelve large Fangs that runs concen- when the Muzzel of a Gun is raiſed trical to the Dial-Wheel, and ſerves above the horizontal Line, and is to lift up the Dentes every Hour, not deſigned to ſhoot directly or and make the Clock ſtrike ; and point-blank. The utmoſt Random are by ſome called Raſ. of any Piece, is about ten times as RATCHET, in a Watch, are the far as the Bullet will go point- ſmall Teeth at the bottom of the blank. Fuſee or Barrel, that ſtop it in wind- The Diſtance of the Random is ing up. reckoned from the Platform to the RATIO. When two Quantities Place where the Ball firſt grazes, are compared one with another, in RANGE, a Term in Gunnery, ſig- reſpect of their Greatneſs or Small- nifying the Line a Shot goes in from neſs, that Compariſon is called Ratio. the Mouth of the Piece: If the Bul Euclid, in his fifth Element, ſays, let goes in a Line parallel to the that Ratio is the mutual Habitude of Horizon, that is called the Right or two Magnitudes of the ſame kind Level Range ; if the Gun be mount- each to the other, according to ed to 45 Degrees, then will the Ball Quantity. But I muſt confeſs this have the higheſt or utinoſt Range ; is ſomewhat obſcure ; for the word and ſo proportionably all others be. Habitude does not in my opinion) tween 60 Degrees and 45, are cal- readily convey an Idea of Ratio ; led the Intermediate Ranges. the Meaning of this Word being al- 1. If two Elevations are taken at moſt as obſcure as the thing defin'd equal Diſtances from 45 Degrees, one by help of it. However, ſee Euclid above, and the other below it, the defended concerning this Matter Ranges ſhall be equal. by Dr. Barrow, in his Mathemati. 2. The greateſt Altitude of a per- cal Leclures, wherein he explains pendicular Projection, is equal to and clears it up, with a wonderful half the greateit Range. deal of Skill and profound Learn- 3. When Projectiles are thrown ing. into the Air, the greater Range is The greater A of two unequal at the Elevation of 44 Degrees and Magnitudes A and B, has a greater a half; the lower Ranges go far- Ratio to the ſame third Magnitude ther than the upper correſpondent C; and the ſame third Magnitude Ranges, and the greateſt Height of C has a greater Ratio to the leffer the perpendicular Projection is more B than to the greater A : for the than half the greateſt Range. All Ratio of A to C being always ex- theſe Irregularities are occaſioned by A the Reſiſtance of the Medium. prefled thus Ć, and of B to C thus RARE BODIES, are ſuch as have more Space, or take up more room R А B in proportion to their Matter, than T; it will be į greater than ē. other Bodies do. And the Ratio of C to A being RAREFACTION of any Natural с Body, is when it takes up more Di But that if C to B equal to menſion, or a larger Space than it A had before. C B 5 . 1 1 1 1 I mi +7&c. to , Ř AT RAT с C B ; it will be à leſs than B at Both theſe follow from the Nature of Fractions. et Of Magnitudes having Ratio to the fame Magnitude, that which has stai the greater Ratio is the greater Magnitude, and that Magnitude to kt which the fame Magnitude bears a greater Ratio, is the leſſer Mag- nitude. The firſt and moſt remote Ratio It may not be amiſs to ſet down here the following uſeful Problem, from the given one, being the viz. ſecond nearer approaching is c+ To find a Series of Numerical Ra- tio's expreſſed in leſer Numbers, con the third ſtill nearer is of ſtantly approaching to a given Nume- rical Ratio expreſed in greater Numa the fourth nearer yet, is bers, whoſe Terms are prime to each +1, other. g Let a be the lefſer Term, and bot- the greater of the given Ratio ; et now proceed with theſe two Num- and the fifth fit bers in the ſame manner as when sti you want to find their greateſt common Meaſure, by conſtantly di- nearet, is viding the greater Term by the leſs, and the Diviſor by the Remain- ct der, thus et- I e I i st i Åt- &c. 7 and ſo on. When theſe Fractions are each reduced on more fimple mt,&c. b. f ones. a) b(c+ d dý a letá 50(8+ b) flet + + Forct (=) is=cts 1) m,&. å (=e+ ) = But (=8+) î(=i+1) a where C, e, g, k, m, &c. are the But whole Numbers ariſing from the ſe- ; , , Eg €the ſeveral Remainders 3 then 6 be exactly = will a -= is = 8+ But To Ff 2 is RAT RA T 1 A F = + isittBut +(--+) =m1+ is = m+ 1, c. therefore *&is eti 1 6 I iet 1 22 +, &c. 11 1 1 kt * I An Example in Numbers. Let it to 314159, being one of the ap- be required to find a Series of Ra proximating Ratio's of the Dia- tio's in leſſer Numbers conſtantly meter of a Circle to the Circum- approaching to the Ratio of 100000 ference. 100000) 314159 (3=0 d=14159) 100000 (7= f=887) 14159 (1558 h=854) 887 (1=k b33) 854 (15=m 29) 33 (imp 14) 29 (739 1) 4 (4= that is 100% will be , or that of 113 to 355 nearer ſtill; the fifth will be 3t- 3t 7- at 15+ 16 1+ {, or that of 1702 to 5347, nearer yet; the ſixth will be 15t 34- it 7- So that the firſt and moſt remote 16+ Rasio from the Truth will be , or =fit, or that of 1815 to 5702, that of 1 to 3; the ſecond will be ſtill nearer ;. and ſo on till you get 3+1=2, or that of 7 to 22 be- ** the given Ratio. ing nearer; the third will be 34 Lelt this way of adding up the 333 ſeveral Diagonal Fractions may ap- 106' or that of 106 to pear difficult to ſome, they may 333 still nearer; the fourth will bess uſe the following Rule. After you have proceded with the given Ra- 3to tio expreſied Fraction-wile, as if in queſt of the greatest common Mea- fure of the Fraction, the firit Quo- tient divided by Unity will be the 157- fractional 1 1 I IS 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I it 1 1 ift Quot. t 4th. 41 (64) 1 7th. R A T R A T fractional Expreſſion of the firſt and you a third fractional Expreſſion of moſt remote (from the Truth) ap- the Ratio. So alſo having the few proximating Ratio, whoſe Terms cond and third fractional Expreſs being each multiplied by the ſecond fions ; to find a fourth, multiply Quotient, and Unity being added to the Terms of the third Fraction by the Numerator, gives the ſecond the fourth Quotient, adding in the fractional Expreſſion of the Ratio, Terms of the ſecond Fraction, and approaching to the given one ; ever this gives a fractional Expreſſion for after having two fractional Expreſ- a fourth Ratio ; and thus you may fions found, as ſuppoſe the firſt and proceed till you have got the laſt ſecond to find the third; multiply fractional Expreſlion of the given the Terms of the ſecond Fraction by Ratio. the third Quotient, and adding to For Example, let the Ratio givep the Terms of the fame, the firſt frac- be as 5978 to 97435, or 837 tional Expreſſion, and this will give 5978) 97435 (16 1787 (5978) 3 2d. 617) 1787 (2 3d. 153 (617) 64) 553 (8 sth. 6th. 23) 41 (1 18) 23 (1 8th. 5) 18 (3 gth. 3) 5 (1. Toth. 2) 3 (1 : uth. 1) 2 (t. 12th, on the firſt Fraction. Dr. Wallis in a little Piece at the End of Horrox's Aftronomy, treats 16* 3+1= 4, the ſecond. of the Nature and Solution of this Problem, with a great deal of tedi. 49 x 2 +16 ous Preparation and unneceſſary Cir. the third.. cumlocution, almoſt enough to di 3 x 2 +I courage a Perſon from attempting to 114 X 1 +49 apprehend what he has a mind to 1163 the fourth, be at. The great Mr. Huygens too 7*1 + 3 has given a Solution, and the Reaſon 163 x 8 + 114 thereof; but after a much morter and =. 1118 the fifth, more natural way. So alſo has Mr, 10 ~ 8 +7 Cotes at the Beginning of his Har- mon. Menſur. But from more ina tricate and myſtical Principles, uſing 87 *+10 therein unintelligible and unnej ary ways of Expreſion; ſuch, as the Re. 1581 x 1 + 1418 20 the fe- tio of 1 to o; and of 2 to o The 97 X1 + 87 Problem is of much uſe, in expreſing a yenth; and ſo on. Ratio in ſmall Numbers, that mali be near enough in practice, to any gi- I * 3 II4 7 1418 x1 + 163 = "$$* the fixth. Ff 3 R A Y REC A open Ratio in great Numbers ; fuch Corpuſcles of Matter, which con- as that of the Diameter of a Circle tinually iſſuing out of the Sun, do to the Circumference ; of the Square thruſt on one another all round in of the Diameter to the Area ; of the phyſical ſhort Lines ; and that this Cube of the Diameter of a Sphere to is the right Opinion, many Expe- the Solidity, and many other uſeful riments do evince, particularly Sir Ratios, too many to mention here, or Ifaac Newton's about Light and Co- even for me to think of. lours; or elſe, as the Carteſians aſ- RATIONAL HORIZON. See Ho- ſert, they are made by the Action rizon. of the Luminary on the contiguous RATIONAL QUANTITies. Any Æther and Air, and ſo are propa- Quantity being propoſed, for gated every way in ſtraight Lines, which we may always put i, and through the Pores of the Medium. which Euclid ( Book X.) calls Ra Rays CONVERGENT. See Con- tional, there may be infinite others, verging Rays. which are commenſurable, or in RAYS DIVERGENT, See Di- commenſurable to it; and that verging Rays. either ſimple, or in Power. Now, REACH, is the Diſtance between all ſuch as are commenſurable any any two Points of Land, that lie in how to the given Quantity, he calls a Right Line one from another. Rational Quantities, and all the o RECESSION of the Equinoxes, is thers Irrational. the going back of the Equinoctial RAVELIN, in Fortification, is a Points every Year about fifty Se- Small Triangular Work compofed conds. only of two Faces, which make a RECIPROCAL FIGURES, in ſaliant Angle, without any Flanks. Geometry, are ſuch as have the An- It is generally raiſed before the tecedents and Conſequents of the Curtains or Counterſcarp, and com- Ratio in both Figures. monly called a Half-Moon by the RECIPROCAL PROPORTION, is Şoldiers. when, in four Numbers, the fourth A Ravelin is like the Point of a is leſſer than the ſecond, by ſo much Baſtion with the Flanks cut off. The as the third is greater than the firſt, Reaſon of its being placed before a and vice verſa. Curtain, is to cover the oppoſite RECLINATION of a Plane, is the Flanks of the two next Baſtions. Quantity of Degrees which any ?Tis uſed alſo to cover a Bridge, or Plane, on which a Dial is ſuppoſed a Gate; and 'tis always placed to be drawn, lies or falls backwards without the Moat. from the truly upright or vertical What the Engineers call a Ra. Plane. velin, the Soldiers generally call a RECLINING, in Dialling. The Half Moon ; which ſee, Plane that leans from you when you RAY of Refra£tion, or Broken Ray, ſtand before it, is ſaid to be a Re- is a Right Line, whereby the Ray clining Plane. of Incidence changeth its Rectitude, RECLINING DECLINING DIALS. ar is broken in traverfing the ſe- See Declining Reclining Dials. cond Medium, whether it be thicker RECTANGLE, in Arithmetic, is the ſame with Product; which ſee. RAYS, or BEAMS af the Sun, or RECTANGLES, in Geometry, are Rays of Light, are either accord. Parallelograms, whoſe Sides are ing to the Atomical Hypotheſis, unequal; but Angles right Their thoſe yery minute Particles, or Area is found by multiplying the two 3 or thinner. REC RED two unequal Sides one into another, faſten'd together in their Centres, for then the Product is the ſuperfi- that they repreſent two Compaſſes, cial Content or Area, one fixed, the other moveable ; each RECTANGLED TRIANGLE ; the of them divided into the 32 Points ſame with Right-angled Triangle. of the Compaſs, and 360 Degrees, RECTANGULAR, or RIGHT- and number'd both ways, both from ANGLED, is ſpoken of a plain Fin the North and the South, ending gure in Geometry, when one or more at the Eaſt and Weſt, in 90 De- of its Angles are right: Of Solids, grees. 'tis ſpoken in reſpect of their Situa The fixed Compaſs repreſents the tion ; for, if their Axis be perpen- Horizon, in which the North, and, dicular to the Plane of the Horizon, all the other Points of the Compaſs they are therefore rectangular, as are fixed and immoveable. right Cones, Cylinder, & c. The Moveable Compaſs repre- RecTANGULAR SECTION of a ſents the Mariner's Compaſs, in CONE; by this the ancient Geome- which the North, and all the other ters always meant a Parabola, which Points are liable to Variation. Conic Section, before, Apollonius, was In the Centre of the moveable only conſidered in a Cone, whoſe Compaſs is fäſten'd a Silk Thread, Section by the Axis would be a Tri- long enough to reach the outſide of angle, right-angled at the Vertex. the fixed Compaſs; but, if the In- And hence it was, that Archimedes ſtrument be made of Wood, there entitled his Book of the Quadra- is an Index inſtead of the Thread. ture of the Parabola, (as 'tis now cal. Its Uſe is to find the Variation of led) by the Name of Rectanguli Coni the Compaſs, to rectify the Courſe Sectio. at Sea, having the Amplitude or Recripy, is a Word uſed in the Azimuth given. · Deſcription and Uſe of the Globe, RECTIFYING of Curves, in Ma- or Sphere. For the firſt thing to thematics, is to find a ſtraight Line, be done before any Problems can equal to a curved one. be wrought on the Globe, is to rec The firſt who gave the Rectifica- tify it ; that is, to bring the Sun's tion of any Curve was Mr. Neal, a Place in the Ecliptic on the Globe, Son of Sir Paul Neal, as we find at to the graduated Side of the Braſs the End of Dr. Wallis's Treatiſe of Meridian, to elevate the Pole above the Cifoid; wherein the Doctor the Horizon, as much as is the La- fays, that Mr. Neal's Rectification titude of the Place, and to fit the of the Curve of the ſemi-cubical Pa- Hour-Index exactly to Twelve at rabola, was publiſhed in July or Au- Noon, ſcrewing alſo the Quadrant guſt, 1657. Two Years after, viz. of Altitude, (if there be occafion) to Anno 1659, Van Haureat, in Hol- the Zenith. land, gave the Rectification of this All this is comprehended under Curve; as may be ſeen in Schouten's the Word Rectify the Globe: And Commentary upon Deſcartes's Geox when this is done, the Celeſtial metry, Globe repreſents the true Poiture of RECTILINE AL, or RIGHT, the Heavens, for the Noon of that LINED, in Geometry, is ſpoken of Day it is rectified to. ſuch Figures as have their Extremi- RECTIFIER, in Navigation, is ties all Right-Lines. an Inſtrument conſiſting of two Parts, REDENT, in Fortification, is a which are two Circles, either laid Work made in form of the Teeth, upon, or let into the other, and ſo of a Star, with ſaliant and re-entring Angles, Ff4 REF R E F 1 Angles, to the end that one Part meeting of another Body, which it may defend another. Theſe ſort of cannot penetrate. Thus the mate- Works are uſually erected on that rial Rays of Light are reflected va- fide of a place which looks towards riouſly from ſuch Bodies as they can- a Marſh, or River. not paſs through. REDOUBT, in Fortification, is a REFLECTION of the Rays of ſmall Fort of a ſquare Figure, hav- Light .Sir Iſaac Newton finding, by ing no Defence but in the Front ; Experiment, that Light was an he- its Uſe being to maintain the Lines terogeneous Body, confiſting of a of Circumvallation, Contravallation, Mixture of differently refrangible and Approach. Rays; and conſequently concluding In marſhy Grounds, theſe Re- that no further Improvement could doubts are often made of Maſon's well be made in optical Inſtruments Work, for the security of the Neigh- in the dioptric way, he took Re- bourhood. Their Face conſists of flections into conſideration, and from ten to fifteen Fathom, the tells us, that by their Help, Optic Ditch round about being from eight Inftruments might be brought to to nine Foot broad and deep, and any Degree of Perfection ; if we their Parapets having the ſame could but find a reflecting Subſtance, Thickneſs. which would poliſh as finely as REDUCTION, in Aſtronomy, is Glaſs, reflect as much Light as Glaſs the Difference between the Argu- tranſmits, and be formed into a pa- ment of Inclination, and the eccen- rabolical Figure. trical Longitude ; that is to ſay, the An Experiment of which, he Difference of the two Arches of made in the kind of a catoptric Te. the Orbit, and the Ecliptic, inter- leſcope, and by which, tho' not above cepted between the Node and the two Foot long, he could (he faith) Circle of Inclination. diſcern the Jovial Satellites, and REDUCTION, in Arithmetic, is the Phaſes of Venus. Philos. Tranſ. . the manner of converting or bring. N° 18. ing one Species of Money,Weight, REFLECTED RAY, or Ray of Re- or Meaſure, into another; that from flection, is that whereby the Reflec- a greater to a leſs, being performd tion is made upon the Surface of a by Multiplication; but from a leſs reflecting Body. to a greater, by Diviſion. REFLECTING, or Reflexive Dials, REDUCTION of Equations, in Al- are made by a litýle Piece of Look- gebra, is the clearing of them from ing-glaſs-Plate, duly placed, which all fuperfluous Quantities, and the reflects the Sun's Rays to the top of ſeparating of the known Quantities a Ceiling, &c. where the Dial is from the unknown, to the end that drawn. This Glaſs ſhould be as at length every reſpective Equation thin as can well be ground. may remain in the feweſt and fim REFLECTING TELESCOPES. pleit Terms; and ſo diſpoſed, that See Teleſcopes. the known Quantities may poſſeſs REFLECTION of the Moon, is (ac- one Part thereof, and the unknown cording to Bullialdus) her third In- the other. equality of Motion: This Tyche Re-ENTRING ANGLE, a Term calls by the Name of her Variation. in Fortification. See Angle. Which ſee, REFLECTION, in general, is the Reflux of the Sea, is the Ebbing Regreſs or Return that happens to of the Water off from the Shore; * moving Body, becauſe of the as its coming on upon it, or lide of R E G. REG of Flood, is called the Flux of the REGION ÆTHERBAL, in Cof- Sea. See Tide. mography, is the vaſt Extent of the REFRACTED ANGLE, in Optics, Univerſe; wherein are comprized is the Angle contained between the all the Heavens and Cæleftial Bo- refracted Ray and the Perpendi- dies. cular. REGIONELEMENTARY, accord- REFRACTION in general, is the ing to the Ariſtotelians, is a Sphere Incurvation or Change of Determi- terminated by the Concavity of the nation in the Body moved, which Moon's Orb, comprehending the happens to it whilft it enters or pe- Earth's Atmoſphere. netrates any Medium. REGULAR BODY, is a Solid, In Dioptrics, it is the Variation of whoſe Surface is compoſed of regu- a Ray of Light, from that Right lar and equal Figures ; whoſe tolid Line which it would have paſſed on Angles are all equal. Such as the in, had not the Denſity of the Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Oeto- Medium turned it aſide. hedron, Dodechahedron, and Icoſa- REFRACTIONASTRONOMICAL, hedron. There can be no more re- is that which the Atmoſphere pro- gular Bodies beſides theſe. duceth, whereby a Star appears more REGULAR FIGUREs, in Geome- elevated above the Horizon, than try, are ſuch whoſe Sides, and really it is. conſequently their Angles, are all REFRACTION HORIZONTAL, equal to one another. Whence all is that which cauſeth the Sun or regular multilateral Planes are cal- Moon to appear on the Edge of the led Regular Polygons. Horizon, when they are as yet The Area of ſuch a Figure is ſomewhat below it. ſpeedily found by multiplying a REFRACTION from the Perpen- Perpendicular let fall from the Cen- dicular, is when a Ray falling in- tre of the inſcribed Circle to any clined from a thicker Medium intoa Side by half that Side ; and then thinner, in bieaking departs further that Product by the Number of from that Perpendicular. And the sides of the Polygon. REFRACTION to the Perpendicu REGULAR FORTIFICATION. lar, is when it falls from a thinner See Fortification. into a thicker, and ſo comes nearer REGULAR POLYGON. The the Perpendicular. Truth of the general Method of REFRANGIBLE, is whatever is Sturmius and Renaldinus for in- capable of being refracted. ſcribing any regular Polygon in a Regel, or RIGEL, a fixed Star Circle may be trigonometrically exa- of the firſt Magnitude in Orion's mined thus : Suppoſe ACGà Cir- Left-foot, its Longitude is 72 De- cle, D the Centre, AC the Dia- grees, 19 Minutes, Latitude 30º. meter, ABC an equilateral Tri- jo', angle deſcribed upon the Diameter, REGION, is taken for our Hemi- E the ſecond Point of Diviſion of ſphere, or the Space within the four the Diameter divided into any Num- Cardinal Points of the Heavens, or ber of equal Parts, DB perpendicu- of the Air, &c. lar to AC, and the Points D, F, In Geography, it ſignifies a large joined. Extent of Land inhabited by many 1. Now, becauſe the Semi- People of the fame Nation, and in- Diameter DC, and the whole Dia closed within certain Limits or aneter B C are given ; B D may Bounds. be had, which is equal to the ſquare Root 1 REG R E G Root of the Diameter AC (=BC,) D'É, Log. 2.000000 : So is the Ra- fay, As DB, Log. 2.937532 is to DCą. 2. Again, becauſe the Number of dius 10.000000 to the Logar. Tan- equal Parts, the Diameter is divided gent of the Angle DBE, viz. 69. into, for any given Polygon is alſo 35'. given ; the Line CE, which is e- 3. Again, As DF, Log.2.699404, qual to two of thoſe Parts will be is to DB, Log. 2.237532 : So is the , , to B. Log. Sine of the Angle DFE, which will be 11°. 26'. Now, the Sum of theſe Angles taken from GO 180°, will be the Angle FDB 161° 59'. From which, if 90° be taken, there remains 71° 59', for the Quantity of the Angle FDC at the Centre ; but this wants i' on- D А E ly of being 72°, the true Angle : and the greater the Number of Sides is, the greater will the Error be fo that if the Number be 20, the Error will be half a Degree and TOEICULAQUI: ; more. F REGULATOR, is a ſmall Spring belonging to the Balance in the given, and conſequently the Part Pocket-Watches. be RELAIS, a French Term in For- right-angled Triangle BDE, there tification ; the ſame with Berme. are given the sides B D, and DE, RELATION INHARMONICAL, a to find the Angle DBE, in fay- Term in Muſical Compoſition, figo ing, As DB is to DE: So is the nifying a harſh Reflection of fat Radius to the Tangent of DBE. againſt ſharp, in a croſs Form, viz. Moreover, in the Triangle DBE, when ſome harſh and diſpleaſing becauſe the sides BD, and DF, and Diſcord is produced, in comparing the Angle DBE, being now found, the preſent Note of another Part. are given, the Angle BFD may be RELATIVE GRAVITY, the found : in faying, As DF is to DB: fame with Specific. Which fee. , So is the Sine of the Angle DBE RESIDUAL FIGURE, in Geome- to the Sine of the Angle BFD, try, fignifies the remaining Figure which being found, add it to the after the Subtraction of a leſler from Angle D BF, and ſubtract the ſame a greater. from 180 Degrees; the Remainder RESIDUAL Root, in Mathema- is the Angle BDF: then ſubtract- tics, is one compoſed of two Parts ing the Angle BDE, which is a or Members, only connected toge- right Angle, from the Angle BDF, ther with the Sign-: Thus amb, and there remains the Angle at the or 5-3, is a Reſidual Root; and Centrę CDF. For Example, to is ſo called, becauſe its true Value examine this for a Pentagon, let us is no more than its Reſidue or Difa fuppoſe the Diameter AC, or C B, ference between the Parts a and to be 1000, then the Log. BD b. 2.9375 32. Again, CE = 400, RESISTANCE of a Medium, is and conſequently DE=100. Now the Oppoſition againſt, or Hindrance of 1. RES RES of the Motion of any Body moving the tranſverſe Axis, and Latus in a Fluid, as in the Air, the Water, Re&tum, is to the tranſverſe Axis :: the Æther, &c. and this, together So is the Square of the Latus Rec- with the Gravity of Bodies, is the tum to the Square of the Diameter Cauſe of the Ceſſation of the Mo- of a certain Circle, in which Circle tion of Projectiles, &c. This Re- apply a Tangent 'equal to half the ſiſtance in Mediums, which are very the Baſe of the Hyperbola or El- denſe and rigorous, ſo that Bodies lipſis. can there move but yery ſlowly, is 7. Then ſay again, As the Sum nearly as the Velocity of the moving and Difference of the Axis, and a- Body : But in a Medium free from gain, as the Sum (or Difference) of all ſuch Rigour, as the Squares of the Axis and Parameter, is to the the Velocities. Neut. Princip. p. Axis :: So is the circular Arch cor- 245 reſponding to the aforeſaid Tangent, If an Iſoſceles Triangle be to another Arch. This done, the moved in a Fluid according to the Reſiſtances will be as the Tangent Direction of a Line which is normal to the Sum (or Difference) of the to its Baſe ; firſt with the Vertex Right Line thus found, in that Arch foremoſt, and then with its Baſe, the laſt mentioned. Refittances will be as the Sides. 8. In general, the Reſiſtances of 2. The Reſiſtance of a Square any Figure whatſoever, going now moved according to the Direction with its Bafe foremoſt, and then of its fide, and of its Diagonal, is with its Vertex, are as the Figures as the Diagonal to the Side. of the Baſe is to the Sum of all the 3. The Reſiſtance of a Circular Cubes of the Elementa of the Baſe Segment, (leſs than a Semi-circle,) divided by the Squares of the Ele- carried in a Direction perpendicular menta of the Curve-Line. to its Baſe, when it goes with the Baſe RESOLVEND, a Term in the Ex- foremoſt, and when with its Vertex traction of the Square and Cube- foremoſt, (the ſame Direction and Roots, &c. fignifying that Number Celerity continuing, which is all which ariſes from augmenting the along ſuppoſed,) is as the Square of Remainder after Subtraction, by the Diameter to the ſame, leſs ; drawing down the next Square, of the Square of the Baſe of the Cube, &c. and writing it after the Segment. ſaid Remainder. 4. Hence the Reſiſtance of a Se ResOLUTION, in Mathematics, mi-Circle, when its Baſe, and when is a Method of Invention, whereby its Vertex goes foremoſt, are to one the Truth or Falſhood of a Propo- another in a ſeſquialteral Ratio. ficion, or its Poflibility or Impoſſi- 5. A Parabola moving in the Di- bility is diſcovered, in an Order con- rection of its Axis, with its Bafe, trary to that of Syntheſis or Com- and then its Vertex foremoſt, hath poſition : For in this Analytical its Reſiſtance as the Tangent to an Method, the Propoſition is propoſed Arch of a Circle, whoſe Diameter is as already known, granted, or done; equal to half the Baſe of the Para- and then the Conſequences thence bola. deducible are examived, till at laſt 6, The Reſiſtance of an Hyper- you come to ſome known Truth or bola, or Semi-Ellipfis, when the Fallhood, or Impoſibility, whereaf Baſe and when the Vertex goes fore- that which was propoſed is a necef- moſt, may be thus computed : Let fary Conſequence, and from thence it be, as the Sum (Difference) of juftly conclude the Truth or Impof- fibility ay R E V RHO a fibility of the Propofition; which if rea given to be cut off from any true, may then be demonſtrated in Point in the Axis, &c. a ſynthetical Method. This Me- REVOLUTION : In Geometry, thod of Reſolution confifts more in the Motion of any Figure round a the Judgment, Penetration, and Rea. fixed Line, (which is called there- dineſs of the Enquirer or Artiſt, fore its Axis,) is called the Revolu- than in any particular Rules ; tho' tion of that Figure; and the Figure thoſe of Algebra are of neceſſary fo moving is ſaid to revolve. Thus ufe, and a good Treaſure of Geo- a right-angled Triangle revolving metry in his Head will be of great round one of its Legs, as an Axis, advantage to him in all manner of generates by that Revolution Inveſtigations. Cone. And to inſtance in a caſe Resi, (in Muſic ) See Pauſe. very wonderful; the Body called by RESTITUTION; the returning of TORRICELLIUS Hyperbolicum Á. elaſtic Bodies forcibly bent to their cutum, tho' itſelf, (as he demon- natural State, is called the Motion of ftrates,) be finite, is yet formed by Reftitution. the Revolution of an infinite Area. RETIRED FLANK. See Flank. RHOMB SOLID, is two equal RETRENCHMENT, in Fortifica- and right Cones joined together at tion, is a Ditch bordered with its their Baſes. Parapet, and ſecured with Gabions RHOMBOIDES, a Figure in Geo- or Bavins laden with Earth. It is metry. See Quadrilateral Figures. ſometimes taken for a fimple Re RHOMBUS. See Quadrilateral tirade in part of the Rampart, Figures. when the Enemy is ſo far advanced, RHOMBS. See Rhumbs. that he is no longer to be reſifted, or beaten from his Poft. The following Propoſitions being RETROCESSION, of the Equinoxes, of great uſe in the Theory of Na- is the annual going backward of the vigation, and not to be found every Equinoctial Points about 50 Seconds. where, I thought it would not be See Equinoxes. amiſs to inſert them with their De- RETROGRADE in Aftronomy, is monſtrations here. uſually appropriated to the Planets, PROP. I. when by their proper Motion in the Zodiac, they move backward or PD, &c. be at a ſmall diſtance If the Meridians PA, PB, PC, contrary to the Succeſſion of the Signs : As from the ſecond Degree P of Aries to the firſt, c. But this Retrogradation is only apparent, and occafioned by the Obſerver's Eye being placed on the Earth: For to an Eye at the Sun, the Planet will appear always di- rect, and never either ſtationary or N G retrograde. F Reversed TALON. See Talon. ReveRSION of Series, in Alge- E bra, is a Method to find a Number from its Logarithm, being given ; or the Sine from its Arch: The B c Ordinate of an Ellipſis, from an A. 3 from M L H H 1 A K I 1 2 2 RHO RID from each other, then the Rhumb- So is AI+IH+GH, that is, AG, Line AIHG is divided into equal to AB+IK+HF. Parts AI, IH, GH, by Parallels, PRO P. IV. LE, MF, NG, &c. at the equal Diſtances, BI, HK, GF from each The Difference of Latitude DG is to the Sum of AB+IK +HF, &c. other. This is plain, becauſe the Angles the Courſe PAG, or AIB. as the Radius is to the Tangent of B, H, F, being right ones, and PAG =, From the Demonſtration of the BC,CD, being very ſmall, the Trian- ſecond Theorem, it is manifeft, that gles A ÍB, IHK, HGF, may be the Radius is to the Tangent of the taken for right-lined ones. Courſe AIB, as I B to AB, HK to KI, GF to FH. Therefore, PRO P. II. alſo, as the Radius is to the Tan- The Length of the Rhumb-Line AG, gent of the Courſe, fo is IB+HK+ is to the Difference of Latitude GD, GF, that is, the Difference of La- in the ſame Meaſure, as the Radius titude GD to AB+IK+HF. is to the Cofine of the Courſe or An- PROP. V. gle PAG. The Sum of ABRIK+HF is a For in the Triangles AIB, IHK, mean Proportional between the Aggre- and GHF, as the Radius is to the gate of the Diſtance AG and the Sine of the Angles BAI, KIH, Difference of Latitude GD, and their FGH, that is, to the Coſine of Süm. the Courſe PAG, or PIG, or PLG, PHG, so are the parts of the For AI - IB AB, and ſo Rhumb-Line AI, IH, GH, to the AI+IB : AB :: AB: AI-IB. Parts IB, KH, GF, of the Diffe- Wherefore fince after the ſame man- rence of Latitude. Therefore Al ner it is proved that IH+HK: IK :: +IH+GH, that is the Rhumb- IK: IH -- HK, and GH +GF: Line AG, is to IB+KH+GF. HF :: HF : GH-GF; therefore That is the Difference of Latitude ſhall AI+H+HG +1B+HK+ DG, as the Radius is to the Co-GF be to ABHIK+Hr, as AB+ fine of the Courſe. IK+HF to Al+H+HG-B- HK-GF ; that is, AG +GD: PROP. IIT. ABTIK+HF :: AB+IK +HF: The Length of the Rhumb-Line AG AG-GD. is to the sum of the Baſes of the ſmall From hence it follows, even in Right-lined Triangles, viz. to AB+ plain Sailing, that of theſe three IK+HF as the Radius to the Sine of things, viz. the Difference of Lati- the Angle GAP, or Courſe. tude, Courſe, and Distance, any two From the Demonſtration of the being given, the other will be had laſt Theorem, it is manifeft, that by one Operation of the Golden the Radius is to the Sine of the Rule, to a Geomctrical Exactneſs. Courſe, as AI to AB, IH to IK, But the Departure which is reprc- or GH O HF: (l'hat is, fince ſented by the Line AD, will not be IAB is the Complement of the found by the common Canon in Courſe GAP to a right Angle PAD, plain or Mercator's Sailing. and becauſe B is a right Angle, and RIDEAU, in Fortification, is a alſo AIB the Complement of BAI Ditch, the Earth whcreof is raiſed to a right Angle," and therefore on its fide, or it is a ſmall Eleva- AIB is equal to the Courſe PAG.) tion of Earth, extending itself in ) RID 'R IG ; Length on a Plain, which ſerves to by 4, if odd; and if the Product be cover a Poft ; being alſo very con- multiplied by the greater Terms venient for thoſe that would beſiege this laſt Product added to the Nu- a Place at a near diſtance; and to merator firſt found, and you will ſecure the Workmen in their Ap- have a ſecond Numerator. proaches to the Fort of a Fortreſs. 4. Laſtly, To have a ſecond Deno- RIGHT-ANGLED, a Figure is minatot, add the Square of the faid to be right-angled, when its Difference of the Terms; if it be Sides are at right Angles, or ſtand even, or the double of it, if odd, perpendicularly one upon another : to the Denominator firſt found, and And this is ſometimes in all Angles that will be a ſecond Denominator. of the Figures, as in Squares and 5. For Example, if the Terms of Rectanglus ; fometimes only in the Ratio be 1 and 2, theſe multi- part, as in right-angled Triangles. plied, make 2, and ſo 4 ſhall be RIGHT - ANGLED TRIANGLE. the firſt Numerator: Again, ſince i See Triangle. and 2 added is 3, an odd Number 1. In the following two Progref- therefore, 3 multiplied by 1, the fions, viz. Difference of the Terms is 3, the Whence the firſt 13. 25. 3. 4. 515. 6,, &c. Denominator. Term of the Series will be ori 13. 21 3iš. 418. 534.63}. &c. Again, becauſe i the Difference of If the Denominator of the Fraction the Terms is odd ; if it be multi- be taken for the Baſe, and the Inte- plied by 4, and this Product 4 by 2, ger multiply'd by the Denominator the greater Term; 12 the Sum of Plus the Numerator for the Perpen- this Product, and the firſt Numera- dicular of any right-angled Trian- tor, ſhall be the ſecond Nume- gle, the Hypotheneule will be a rational Number. 6. Laſtly, Becauſe 1, the Square 2. And after the following man of the Difference of the Terms, is ner may an infinite Number of ſuch odd; therefore, if the double of it Series of mixed Numbers, or im 2, be added to the Denominator 3 proper Fractions be found, viz. hav- before found, the Sum 5 Iliall be ing taken two Terms of any Ratio, the ſecond Denominator, where in order to find the Numerator, and, each of them, expreſs two multiply one of the Terms by the Sides of a right-angled Triangle, other, and obſerve whether the whoſe Hypotheneuſe is rational ; Product be even or odd ; if it be and if the Terms of the Ratio, viz. odd, it will be the Numerator it 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5, &c. be uſed ; ſelf; but if it be even, it will be will be after this way you will get the the double of the Product : But to Terms of the firſt Series above. get the Denominator, add the ſaid Right Angle. See Angles. Terms of the Ratio together, and RIGH'r AscENSION of the Sun, multiply the Sum, if it be odd by or Star, is that Degree of the Equi- the Difference of the Terms, and noctial, accounted from the Begin- that Product will be the Denomina- ning of Aries, which riſeth with it tor; but if that Sun be even, half in a right Sphere. of the Sum will be the Denomi Or, 'tis that Degree and Minute of the Equinoctial (counted as be- 3. Now, to obtain a ſecond Nu- fore) which cometh to the Méri- merator, multiply the Difference of dian, with the Sun or Stars, or with the Terms by 2 į if it be even, or any Point of the Heavens. The Reaſon: rator. nator. RIN ROO Reaſon of which referring it to the the figure of Saturn not to be Meridian, is becauſe that is always round; but, that the Inequality was at right Angles to the Equinoctial ; thus in the Form of a Ring, Mr. when the Horizon only is in a right Huygens firſt found out, and publiſh- or direct Sphere. ed in his Syſtema Saturniana, 1659. Right CIRCLE, in the ſtereo- 'Tis this Ring, and its various pa graphical Projection of the Sphere, fitions in reſpect of the Sun, (whoſe is a Circle that is at Right Angles, Light it reflects like the Body of to the Plane of Projection, or that Saturn itſelf) and of the Eye of the which paſſes thro' the Eye. Spectator, which occafions all the RIGHT LINE, is the neareſt Di- various Appearances of Saturn with ſtance between any two Points. See his Anfæ, (as they call them) or Line. with none; with broad or narrow RIGHT SAILING, is when a ones, &c. Voyage is performed on ſome one RISING of the Sun or Star, is of the four Cardinal Points. their appearing above the Ho- RIGHT SINE, the ſame with rizon. Sine; which ſee. Rod, a Meaſure of Length con- Right, or Direct SPHERE, taining by Statute juſt fixteen Feet is that which has the Poles of the and a half Engliſh: See Pole. This World in its Horizon, and the Equa- muſt carefully be diſtinguiſhed from tor in the Zenith: The Conſequence Rood, which is a ſquare Meaſure, of living under ſuch a Poſition, (as containing the fourth Part of an thoſe who live directly under the Line Acre. are in,) is that they have no Latitude, ROMAN ORDER, in Architec- nor Elevation of the Pole. They can ture, is the ſame with the Compoſite. ſee nearly both Poles of the World ; 'Twas invented by the Romans, in the all the Stars do riſe, culminate, and time of Auguſtus, and ſet above all ſet with them; and the Sun always the others, to fhew that the Ro- riſes and deſcends at Right-Angles to mans were Lords over other Na- their Horizon, and makes their tions: 'Tis made up of the Tonic Days and Nights equal; becauſe and Corinthian Orders, and is more the Horizon biſfects the Circle of ornamental than either. this Diurnal Revolution. RONDEL, in Fortification, is a Rim, in a Watch or Clock, is round Tower, ſometimes erected at the Circular Part of the Balance the foot of the Baſtions. thereof. Rood, a ſquare Meaſure, con- RING-DIAL. See Univerſal E- taining juſt a quarter of an Acre of quinoctial Dial. Land: Some confound this Mea- RING of Saturn, is an opacous, ſure with a Rod, which is the Length folid, circular Arch or Plane, like of fixteen Foot and a half; and o- the Horizon of a Globe of Matter, thers with a Yard Land, or the Quar. entirely encompaſſing round the tona Terræ, but both very erro- Planet, and no where touching it ; neouſly. its Plane is at this time nearly pa Root. Whatever Quantity be- rallel to the Plane of our Earth's E- ing multiplied into itſelf produces a quator ; the Diameter of this Ring Square, and that Square again be- is 2 of Saturn's Diameters, and ing multiplied by that firit Quan- the Diſtance of the Ring from the tity produces a Cube, &c. is called Planet, is about the Breadth of the a Root, and is either the Square, Ring itſelf. Galilæus firſt diſcovered Cube, or Biquadrate Root, &c. ac- cording RUL RUM cording to the Multiplication. See in 6 Days eat 10 Buſhels of Oats, Squart, Cube, &c. eight Horſes will eat 10 Buſhels in Root of an Equation. See E- a leffer Number of Days,, viz. 3. guation. g. The Double Rule of Three, both Rota ARISTOTELICA, is the Direct and Indire&, may be com- Confideration of a Wheel moving priſed in one Rule, with two Ope- along a Plane, till it hath made rations, only obſerving, That the one entire Revolucion : For then given Terms are always five, whereof will its Centre have deſcribed a three are Conditional and Antece- Line equal to that of the Circum- dent, or Suppofitions; the other two ference of the Wheel, and ſo will demand the Queſtion, and are Con- all leſſer Concentrical Circles. fequents anſwering ſome of the for- ROYAL FORT. See Fort. mer Antecedents ; infomúch, that ROYAL PARA PET, or PARAPÉT with the Anſwer there will be as" of the Rampart, in Fortification, is many Conſequents as Antecedents, a Bank about three Fathoms broad, which muſt match one another in and fix Foot high, placed upon the the ſame Denomination exactly. Brink of the Rampart, towards the If the Power of any Agent be gi- Country, to cover thoſe who defend ven, and it be required to find how th: Rampart. many ſuch Agents can produce a RULE of Three, or the Rule of given Effect à in a given time; Proportion, or, as it is called from let the Power of the Agent be fuch, its excellent Uſe, the Golden Rule, is that the Effect c may be produced that which teaches to find a fourth thereby in the time b. Then will Number, which ſhall have the ſame ad Proportion to one of the three the Number of Agents be bc Numbers given, as the others have to one another. And this is RUMB, or COURSE of a Ship, is performed by multiplying the the Angle which ſhe makes in her ſecond Number by the third, Sailing with the Meridian of the and dividing the Product by the Place, where ſhe is. firft. Complement of the Rumb, is the This Rule of Three is, 1. Direct. Angle made with any Parallel to the 2. Indirect. 3. Double Rule Di- Equator by the Line of the Ship's rect. 4. Double Rule Indirect. Run. 1. Rule of Three Direct finds a RUMB, in Navigation, is fourth Number in ſuch Proportion Point of the Compaſs, or in De- to the third, as the ſecond is to grees and a quarter, viz. the 32d the firſt, or as the firſt is to the fe- Part of the Circumference of the cond, ſo is the third to the fourth. Horizon, or Compaſs Card, which 2. Rule of Three Indirect, or Back. is the Repreſentative of the Ho- tward Rule, is known by being con- rizon. trary to the Direct ; for whereas the RUMB-Line, is a Line deſcribed former required, that more ſhall by the Ship's Motion on the Surface have more, and leſs leſs; as if of the Sea, fleered by the Compaſs, 4 Yards coft 2 s. 8 Yards will coit making the ſame, or equal Angles more than 2 ; becauſe it is double with every Meridian. Theſe Rumbs are Helifpherical Yards; and fo muſt the Anſwer 4 be double to 2 s. that is, 4s. or Spiral Lines, proceeding from But in this Rule more will require the point where we ſtand, winding leſs, and leſs more ; as if four Horſes about the Globe' of the Earth, till the one to SA S A K SA T they come to the Pole, where at four Inches Diameter at the Bore, laſt they loſe themſelves. 1800 Pounds weight, 10 Foot long, But in the Plane, and Mercator's its Load five Pounds, Shot three In- Charts, they are repreſented by ches and a quarter Diameter, and ſtraight Lines. Their Uſe is to ſomething more than ſeven Pounds ſhew the Bearing of any Places one and a quarter weight; its Level- from another; that is, upon what Range is 163 Paces. Point of the Compaſs any Shore or SAKER Of the LEAST SIZE, is Land lies from another. three Inches and three quarters Bore, nine Foot long, 1500 Pounds weight, its Load near thrée Pounds and a half, $. Shot four Pounds and three quarters weight, and three Inches one quar- CCER. See Saker. . ter Diameter SACKS of Earth, uſed in Fer- SAPPE, in Fortification, formerly tification, are made of coarſe Cloth, fignifyed the Undermining, or the largeſt of them being about a deep Digging with Pick-ax and Sho- Cubick-Foot wide, and the leſſer vel at the foot of a Work to over- ſomewhat more than half a Foot, throw it without Gunpowder : Now, They are ſerviceable upon ſeveral it is uſed to ſignify a deep Trench Occaſions, more eſpecially for mak- . carried far into the Ground, and ing Retrenchments in haſte, to place deſcending by Steps from Top to on Parapets, or the Head of the Bottom ; ſo that it covers the Men Breaches, &c. or to repair them fideways; and to ſave them from when beaten down. They are of Danger on the Top,' they uſe to lay good uſe alſo when the Ground is a-croſs it Madriers, that is, thick rocky, and affords not Earth to Planks, or Clugs, which are Bran- carry on Approaches, becauſe they ches of Trees cloſe bound together, can be eaſily brought on, and car- and then they throw Earth over alí ried off: The ſame Bags, on occa to ſecure them from Fire. fon, are uſed to carry Powder in; When a Cover'd-Way is well de- of which they hold about fifty fended by Muſqueteers, the Beſiegers Pounds a-piece muft make their way down into it SACE Ř. See Saker. by Sapping SAGITTA, a Conſtellation in SARRASIN, in Fortification, is a the Northern Hemiſphere, conſiſting kind of Portcullice, otherwiſe called of eight Stars. a Herſe, which is hung with a Cord SAGITTA, in Mathematicks, is over the Gate of a Town or Fortreſs, the ſame as the Verſed Sine of any and let fall in caſe of a Surprize. Arch, and is ſo called by ſome Wri SATELLITES, by Aſtronomers, ters, becauſe 'cis like a Dart or Ar- are taken for thoſe Planets which row ftanding on the Cord of the are continually, as it were, waiting Arch. See Verfed Sine. upon, or revolving about other Pla- SAGGITTARIUS, is the Ninth, nets; as the Moon may be called in the Order of the twelve Signs of the Satellite of the Earth; and the the Zodiack. reſt of the Planets, Satellites of SAILING. See Plain, and Mer- the Sun : but the Word is chiefly cator's Sailing uſed for the new diſcovered ſmall SAKER, a ſort of Cannon, and is Planets, which make their Revolu. either extraordinary, or leaſt Size. tion about Saturn and Jupiter. SAKER EXTRAORDINARY, is SATELLITES of Jupiter, are four G& SAT SA T four ſmall Moons or Planets moving They were firſt diſcovered by Gali- round about the Body of Jupiter, as læus, by the help of the Tele- the Moon doth round our Earth : ſcope. 1 Z 1 The Diſtances of theſe Satellites, from the Body of Jupiter, are as follows; from the Obſervations of 3 4 Mr. Callini 8. 13. 23. Semi. Mr. Borellus 5. 8.3 14: Dia- Mr. Townley by the Micromet. 15. 51 18. 78 13. 47 24. 72 meter Mr. Flamſtead by the Microm. 5. 31 8. 85 13. 98 24. 23 of yu- Mr. Flamſtead by the Eclip. of Sat. 5. 578/8. 876|14. 159/24. 903 piter. From the Periodical Times 15. 57818. 87614. 168/24. 968 24. The Periodical Times are : Of the Days. Hours, Min. 18 28 3 13 Vid. Newton's Princip. 7 3 59 pag. 403. 16 IS 5 Firſt Second Third Fourth 1 17 + Mr. Flamfiead, in Philos. Tranſ. Ring, above of the apparent Nº 154. fays, that when I upiter is Length of the fame Ring; and it in a Quartile of the Sun, the Di. was found to make one Revolution ſtance of the firſt Satellite from his about Saturn, in one Day, 21 Hours, next Limb, when it falls into his and 19 Minutes ; making two Con- Shadow, and is eclipſed, is one Se- junctions with Saturn, in leſs than mi-Diameter of Jupiter; of the fe two Days ; one in the upper part of cond, two, or a whole Diameter his Orb, and the other in the lower nearly; of the third, three; of the Part. It is diſtant from the Center fourth, five of his Semi-Diameters, of Saturn 4 of Saturn's Semi-Dia- or ſomething better, when the Parmeter. rallax of the Orb is greateſt : But 2. The ſecond Satellite of Saturn theſe Quantities diminiſh gradually was obſerved to be of the Length as he approaches the Conjunction or of his Ring diſtant therefrom, mak- Oppoſition of the Sun ſomewhat ing his Revolution about him in two nearly; but not exactly in the Pro- Days, 17 Hours, and 43 Minutes. portion of Sines. This is diftant from the Center of SATELLITES of Saturn. Anno Saturn 5 Semi-Diameters of that 1684, in the Month of March, Planet. Mr. Caſini, by the Help of ex 3. From a great Number of choice cellent Object. Glaſſes of 70, 90, Obſervations he concluded, that the 100, 136, 155, and of 220 Foot, Proportion of the Digreſſion of the diſcovered the two innermoſt ; (that ſecond to that of the firſt, counting is, the firſt and ſecond) Satellites of both from the Centre of Saturn, is Saturn. as 22 to 17. 1. The firſt Satellite he obſerved 4. And the Time wherein the to be never diſtant from Saturn's firit makes its Revolution, is to the Time SAT SA T Time wherein the firſt makes its, as may have other Satellites moving 24 to 17. round him. 5. The third is diſtant from Sa 8. Mr. Halley, in Philos. Tranſ. turn, eight of his Semi-Diameters, Nº 145. gives a Correction of the and revolves round him in almoſt Theory of the Motion of the Huyge- 4 Days. nian, or fourth Satellite of Saturn, 6. The fourth, or Huygenian Sa- and makes the true Time of its De- tellite, as 'tis called, becauſe diſco- riod to be 15 Days, 22 Hours, 41 vered firſt by Mr. Huygens, revolves, Minutes, fix Seconds ; its Diurnal round Saturn, in about 16 Days, Motion to be 22 Degrees, 34 Mi- and is diſtant from his Centre about nutes, 38 Seconds, 18 Thirds, and 18 Semi-Diameters of Saturn. the Diſtance of this Satellite from 7. The fifth Satellite of Saturn is the Centre of Saturn, to be about diftant from its Centre 54 Semi-Dia- four Diameters of the Ring, or nine meters of Saturn; and revolves of the Globle : and the place where round him in 79 Days. The greateſt it moves, to differ little or nothing Diſtance between this Satellite, and from that of the Ring ; that is to ſay, the preceding, made Mr. Huygens interſecting the Orb of Saturn with fufpect there may be a fixth between an Angle 23 Degrees and a half; fo theſe two; or elſe, that this fifth as to be nearly parallel to the Earth's Equator. 1 The Periodical Times of the Satellites of Saturn, according to Mr. Caſſini are, of the Days. Hours. Min. Firſt 21 19 Second 2 2 17 43 Third 4 27 Fourth 23 15 Fifth 79 I I 2 ! I 15 22 O : to 1. SATURN, is the higheſt of the 5. Mr. Huygens found the Incli- Planets. nation of the Ring of Saturn to the 1. The Ratio of the Body of Sa- Ecliptick, to be an Angle of 30 turn to our Earth, is about as 30 Degrees. 6. M. Azout afferts, that the re- 2. T'he Perodical Time of Saturn mote Diſtance of Saturn from the about the Sun is in the Space of 30 Sun doth not hinder but that there Years, or 10950 Days. is Light enough to ſee clear there, 3. The Semi-Diameter of Saturn's and more than in our Earth in cloudy Orbit is almoſt ten Times as big as Weather. that of the Magnus Orbis, and there- an Obſervation, which fore is more than 946969690 Eng- Mr. Calini made June 19, 1692. of liſh Miles. a preciſe Conjunction between a fixed 4. According to Mr. Cafini, Sa- Star, and one of Saturn's Satellites, turn's greateſt Diſtance from the he faith, that with his 39 Foota Earth is 244330, his mean Diſtance Glaſs he could plainly ſee the Sha- 210000, and his leaſt Diſtance dow of Saturn's Globe to be in part 175670 Semi-Diameters of the oval upon the hinder part of his Earth. Ring. The Diameter of Saturn.ad Gg2 the 7. In S A T SCA the Time of this Obſervation, ap 12. And the Interftice between peared to be 45 Seconds. the Planet and the Ring, is the 8. Che Diameter of Saturn to that Breadth of the Ring. of the Ring, is as 4 to 9. 13. How the Ring of Saturn will 9 And the Diameter of the Ring appear in all Parts of the Orbit of ſeen from the Sun, would be but the Planet, to an Eye placed at the 50", and therefore, the Diameter Sun, or at the Earth, the ſame of Saturn ſeen from thence would learned Aſtronomer ſhews in his be but 11". As Mr. Flamſtead found Aſtro. Phy. & Geometr. Lib. IV. by meaſuring it But Sir Iſaac New Prop. 69, 70. ton thinks it ought rather to be ac SCALE, in Mathematicks, figni- counted but as 10". or 9". becauſe he fies any Meaſures or Numbers which ſuppoſes the Globe of Saturn to be a are commonly uſed; or, the Degrees little dilated by the unequal Re- of any Arch of a Circle, or of ſuch frangibility of Light. Right Lines as are divided from 10. The Diſtance of Saturn from thence; ſuch as Sines, Tangents, the Sun is about ten Times as great Chords, Secants,&c. drawn or plot- as that of our Earth from him ; and ted down upon a Ruler, for ready therefore that Planet will not have Uſe and Practice in Geometrical, or above the rooth Part of the Influ- other Mathematical Operations. ence of the Sun which we have ; The Plain Scale (for Sea-Uſe) has and conſequently cannot be habitable alſo ſet thereon the Scale of Chords, by ſuch Creatures as live on our natural Sines, Tangents, Semi-Tan- Globe, unleſs there be some un gents, Secants, Rhumbs, Hours, known Way of communicating Heat Leagues, and Longitudes; with the to him. Diagonal Scale on the Back-Side, 11. Dr. Gregory, in his Aftronomy, and ſome others, according as there makes the Semi-Diameter of the is Room. Ring of Saturn to that of the Planet, as 2 to 1. 0 1 A 1 -- SCA L E 2 1 70 + Plain Scale Secants Tangents 1.. 60 60 50 40 30- 20 10 :40 C20 --Yo 30 70 00 1,30 vo Longitudes 120: Sernitangentó 40 о Chorito gro 20 10 Equial para cr League 20 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 6079 Sinew'. 1 2 Hourý Ruibu X 4 1 SCE SCO SCALE of the Gamut, or Muſical Scenography is the Manner of de- Scale, is a kind of Diagram, con- lineating the ſeveral Parts of a Build. fiſting of certain Lines and Spaces ing or Fortreſs, as they are repre- drawn to ſhew the ſeveral Degrees, ſented in Perſpective. whereby a natural or artificial Voice Scheme, is the Repreſentation or Sound may either aſcend or de- of any Geometrical or Aſtronomical ſcend. The Name thereof is taken Figure or Problem, by Lines ſenſibly from the Greek Letter Gamma, which to the Eye, and theſe are otherwiſe Guido Aretinus, who reduced the called Diagrams. Greek Scale into this Form, placed at SCHOLIUM, is a Diſcourſe ei- the Bottom, to ſignify from whence ther declaring what Things are ob- it was derived; ſo that ever ſince, ſcure in Definitions or Propoſitions, this Scale or Gamut hath been taken and their Corollaries; or elſe clear- for the Ground-Work, or firſt ing up of Doubts that may ariſe ; Foundation of all Muſick, both Vo or fhewing the uſe of the Doctrine cal and Inſtrumental. in hand, or laſtly deſcribing the Hi- But there were three different ſtory or Origin of an Invention. Scales in uſe among the Ancients, SCIOGRAPHY, is the Art of which had their Denoininations from Shadows, or Dialling: Alſo in Ar- the three ſeveral ſorts of Muſick, chitecture, this Word is ſometimes viz. the Diatonical, Chromatical, taken for the Draught of a Building and Inharmonical. Which fee. cut in its Length or Breadth, to fhew SCALENOUS Cones, are ſuch the Inſide of it, as alſo the Thick- whoſe Axes are not at Right Angles neſs of the Walls, Vaults, Floors, to their Baſe. Timber Works, &c. SCALENOUS TRIANGLES. See SCIOPTRICKS. See Obſcura Can Triangles. SCARP, in Fortification, is the SCIOTHER ICUMTEL È SCOPIUM, Foot of the Rampart-Wall, or the is an Horizontal Dial, with a Tele: Sloping of the Wall from the Bot- ſcope adapted for obſerving the true tom of the Work, to the Cordon on Time both by Day and Night, to the Side of the Moat. regulate and adjuft Pendulum Clocks, SCENOGRAPHY, in Perſpective, Watches, and. other. Time-Keepers ; the Scenographick' Appearance of invented by the ingenious Mr. Moly any Figure, Body, or Building, is that neux, who has publiſhed a Book Side that declines from, or makes with this Title, which contains an Angles with that ſtraight Line ina- accurate Deſcription of this Inftru- gined to paſs through the two out- ment, and all its Uſes and Application. ward Convex Points of the Eyes, ge SCON Es, are ſmall Forts built nerally called by Workmen, the for Defence of ſome Paſs, River, or Return of a Fore-right Side; and Place. Sometimes they are made differs from the Orthographick Ap. regular of four, five, or ſix Baſtions ; pearance in this, that the latter re others of ſmaller Dimenſions fit for preſents the side of a Body or Build- Paſſes, or Rivers, and likewiſe for ing as it is ſeen, when the Plane of the Field; which are, the Glaſs ſtands parallel to that Side: 1. Triangles with Half-Baſtions, But Scenography repreſents it, as it which may be all of equal Sides, or ſeems, through a Glaſs not parallel they may be a little unequal. How- 10 that Side. ever it be, divide the Sides of the In Architecture and Fortification, Triangle into two equal Parts, one of 3 mera. SCO SE C of theſe three Parts will ſet off the Ditch of fifty or fixty Foot wide, Capitals, and the Gorges, and the and are thus made to ſet upon Paſſes Flanks being at Right Angles with or Rivers to endure. the Sides, make half of the Gorge. Score, in Muſick, is the origi- 2. Squares with half Baſtions, nal Daught of the whole Compofi- whoſe Sides may be betwixt 100 and tion, wherein the ſeveral Parts, viz. 200 Foot ; and let one Third part Treble, Second Treble, Baſe, &c. of the Side fet off the Capital and are diftinctly ſcored or marked. the Gorges ; but the Flank (which SCORPIO, is the Eighth Sign of riſes at Right Angles to the Side) the Zodiack, being uſually marked muſt be but one half of the Gorge thus (M.). or Capital, that is, the fixth Part SCOTIA, in Architecture, is a of the side of the Square. certain Member hollowed in form 3. A Square with Half-Baftions of a Demi-Channel, which is placed and Tong. between the Torus, and the Aſtra- 4. Long Squares. gal in the Baſes of Pillars; as alſo 5. Star Redoubt, of four Points. ſometimes under the Larmier or 6. Star Redoubt, of five or fix Drip, in the Cornice of the Dorick Points. Order. 7. Plain Redoubts, which are ei Screw ? is one of the mechani- ther ſmall or great: The ſmall are SCRUE, Scal Powers, conſiſting fit for court Guards in the Trenches, of a Cylinder fulcated or hollowed and may be a Square of twenty foot in a Spiral Manner, and moving or to thirty. The middle forts of Re- turning in a Box or Nut, cut ſo as doubts may have their Sides from to anſwer to it exactly. thirty to fifty Feet: The great ones In the Screw, the Power is to the from fixty to eighty Feet ſquare Reſiſtance, as the ſaid Diſtance The Profile (that is, the Thick between two Threads to the Peri- nefs and Height of the Breaſt-Works) phery of a Circle, run through by to be ſet on theſe ſeveral Works, that Point of the Handle to which and the Ditches are alterable and un the Power is applied. certain ; for ſometimes they are uſed SCROWLES, or VOLUTES, in Approaches, and then the Wide- Term in Architecture. See Volutes. neſs of the Breaft-Work at the Bots SEA-QUADRANT. See Back- tom may be ſeven or eight Foot, in- Staff: ward Height fix, and outward five SECANT is the Line drawn Foot. The Ditch may be eight or from the Centre of a Circle, cut- ten Foot, and ſometimes twelve: ting it, and meeting with a Tan- And for the Slopes to be wrought gent without. according to the Nature of the SECOND, is the fixtieth Part of Earth; ſometimes they may be a Minute, made fourteen or twenty Foot wide SECONDARY CIRCLES, in re- at the Bottom, and the Height of ference to the Ecliptick, or Circles ſeven, eight or nine Foot, and to of Longitude of the Stars, are ſuch have two or three Aſcents to riſe to as pafling through the Poles of the the Parapet: The Ditch inay be Ecliptick, are at Right Angles to the ſixteen or twenty-four Foot wide, Ecliptick, (as the Meridian and and five or fix deep ; and fome- Hour-Circles are to the Equinolia?) times they may come near the ſmall- "By the help of theſe infinitely ina- eſt fort of Ramparts, and have a ny Circles) all Points in the Heavens Breaft-Work Cannon-proof, with a are referred to the Ecliptick: Thic is, a Gg4 SE C SEG are is, any Star or Phänomenon. And turn out to make a true Square, with if two Stars, &c. are thus referred Lines of Sines, Tangents, Secants, to the fame Point of the Ecliptick, equal Parts, Rhumbs, Polygons, they are ſaid to be in Conjunction; Hours, Latitudes, Metals, Solids, ifin oppoſite Points, they are ſaid to &c. and is generally uſeful in all be in Oppoſition: If they are re the practical Parts of the Mathema; ferred to two Points at a Quadrant's ticks, and particularly contrived Diſtance, they are ſaid to be in a for Navigation, Surveying, Aftro- Quartile Aſpect; if the Points differ nomy, Dialling, Projection of the a fixth Part of the Ecliptick, the Sphere, &c. by Gunter, Foſter, Col- Stars are faid to be in a Sextile Af- lins, and others. There are like pect, c. wiſe Sectors for Fortification and And, in general, all Circles which Gunnery, by Sir Jonas Moor. interſect one of the fıx greater Circles The great Advantage of the Sec- of the Sphere at Right-Angles, may tor above any Rule or Scale is, that be called Secondary Circles ; as the all its Lines can all its Lines can be accommodated Azimuths or Vertical Circles in re to any Radius; which is done by ſpect of the Horizon, c. taking off all Diviſions parallelwiſe SeCONDARY PLANETS, and not lengthwiſe. The Ground ſuch as move round others, which of which Practice is this, that Pa- they reſpect as the Centre of their rallels to the Baſe of any Plain Tri- Motion, though they move alſo a- angle, bear the ſame Proportion to long with the Primary Planets in it:: as the Parts of the Legs above the annual Orbit round the Sun; the Parallel do to the whole Legs. and theſe are otherwiſe called the Sector of a Circle, is a mixt Satellites, ſuch as the Moon to the Triangle comprehended between Earth: And Jupiter hath four mov two Radius's and an Arch of the ing round him; as Saturii, accord- Circle. ing to Caſini, hath five. Mars, Ve- SECUNDANS, in Mathematicks, nus and Mercury, have no Secondary is an infinite Series of Numbers, Planets moving round them, that beginning from nothing, proceed- have been yet diſcovered. ing as the Squares of Nuinbers in SECTION CONICK. See Conick Arithmetical Progreſſion. As for Section, Inſtance, Sectiox, in Mathematicks, fig- 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, &C. . nifies the cutting of one Plane by SEGMENT of a Circle, is a Fi. another, or a Solid by a Plane. gure contained between a Chord and The common Section of two an Arch of the fame Circle. Planes is always a Right-Line, be If the Altitude AB of the Segment ing the Line ſuppoſed to be drawn DAC of a Circle be biffected in E, on one Plane by the Section of the and the Right-Line DE be drawn other, or by its Entrance into it. SECTION of a Building, in Ar- A. chitecture, is underſtood of the Pro- file and Delineation of its Heights and Depths raiſed on a Plane ; as if E the Fabrick were cut aſunder to dif- cover the Infide. D B C Sector, is an Inſtrument made of Wood, Ivory, Braſs, &c. with as alſo the Chord AD; then the a Point, and ſometimes a Piece to Area of the Segment DAC will be nearly X SEG SE M nearly equal to 4 BD ADx AB. this Product again by the conſtant , .8 DE +2AD Decimal . 5236, the Sum will be Or, nearly equal to nearly equal to the Solidity of that 15 Segment. 2 AB. Or, if you take BE to AB The Surface of any Segment of a as 10 to 5, twice the Rectangle Sphere generated by the Rotation of ABXED will be to the Area of the the Semi-Segment A BE of a Circle, Segment DAC, as 3 to 2 nearly. is equal to a Circle, the Radius of See Newton's Fluxions at the End. whoſe Baſe is the Chord A B drawn SEGMENT of a Sphere, is a Part from the Vertex A to the Extre- of it cut off by a Plane; and there- mity B of the Radiąs of the Baſe of fore the Baſe of ſuch a Segment the Segment. muſt always be a Circle, and its Su SE M I-BR EVE, a Term in Mus perficies a Part of the Surface of the ſick. See Notes and Time. Sphere. Sem 1-CIRCLE, is the figure Its Solid Content is found by mul- contained between the Diameter of tiplying the Surface of the whole a Circle, and half the Circumfe- Sphere, by the Altitude of the Seg- rence. ment, and then dividing the Pro- Alſo an Inftrument for ſurveying, duct by the Diameter of the Sphere, made of Braſs, and divided into and to the Quotient adding the Area 180 Degrees, being half the Theo- of the Baſe of the Segment. dolite, is ſo called. If ACD be a Quadrant of a SEMI-CUBICAL Parabola, is a Circle, AFCD a Square, and EBCD Curve as A Mm of the ſecond Or- be the Complement of a Segment der, or one of Sir Iſaac Newton's five diverging Parabola's, wherein F G C the Cubes of the Ordinates PM are as the Squares of the Abſciſſes, that B is, ſuppoſing a an invariable Quan- tity of a proper Magnitude, it will be a x AP' =PM, or Pm'. The Solid generated by the Ro- tation of the Space APM about the Axis AP, will be of a Cylinder E D circumfcribing it, and a Circle equal of a Circle to a Semi-circle, then to the Surface of that Solid may be the-Segment of a Sphere generated found from the Quadrature of an by the Rotation of the Semi-Seg Hyperbolick Space. ment EBC D about AED, toge- The Length of any Arch AM of ther with the Cone generated by the Right-angled Iſoſceles Ifoſceles Triangle M E HD, are equal to a Cylinder ge- nerated by the Rotation of the Ob. PI long ECD, about ED. A If to 3 times the Square of the Semi-diameter of the Bare of the Segment of a Sphere be added m the Square of the Segment's Alti- tude, and the Sum be multiplied by this Curve, may be eaſily obtained the Altitude of the Segment; and from the Quadrature of a Space contained H S E M SER are contained under part of the Curve SEMI-SEXTILE, an Aſpect of of the common Parabola, two Semi- the Planets when diſtant from one ordinates to the Axis, and the Part of another 30 Degrees, or one Sign, the Axis contained between them. and is noted thus, SS. And the Curve, may be deſcribed by SEMI-TONE, a Term in Mufick, a. continued Motion, viz. by faſten- of which there are two forts, viz. ing the Angle of a Square, in the a greater and leffer; the Inharmo- Vertex of a common Parabola ; nical Deiſis being the Difference be- and then carrying the Interſection tween them. of one ſide of this Square and a long SENSIBLE HORIZON. See Ho- Ruler (which Ruler always moves rizon. perpendicular to the Axis of the SeNsIBLE POINT. See Point Parabola) along the Curve of that Senſible. Parabola. For the. Interſection of ŠERPENTARIUS, a Conſtella. that Ruler, and the other ſide of the tion in the Northern Hemiſphere, Square will deſcribe a Semicubical conſiſting of thirty Stars. Parabola. Mr. Mac-Laurin in his SEPTENTRION AL SIGNS, Geometr. Organica does this without the firſt fix Signs of the Zodiack, ſo a common Parabola. called, becauſe they decline towards Semi-DIAMETER, or Radius, is the North from the Equinoctial, that Line that is drawn from the and are the ſame with Boreal Centre to the Circumference of a Signs. Circle. Series, properly ſpeaking, is SEMI-DIAMETER, in Fortifica- an orderly Proceſs or Continuation tion, is two-fold, viz. the greater of things one from another. 'Tis and leffer : The former being a Line commonly in Algebra connected compoſed of the Capital, and the with the word Infinite, and there by ſmall Semi-Diameter of the Poly- Infinite Series is meant certain Pro- gon; and the other, a Line drawn greſſions, or Ranks of Quantities, or- to the Circumference from the derly proceeding, which make con- Centre through the Gorges. tinual Approaches to, and if infinite- SEMI-DIAPASON, a Term in ly continued, would become equal Mufick, fignifying a defective or to what is inquired after. imperfect Octave. This Method took its Riſe from SEMI-DIAPENTE, in Muſick, the learned Dr. Wallis's Arithme- fignifies an imperfect Fifth. tick of Infinites, and has been of Semi-Ditone, in Muſick, is late ſo purſued by ſeveral worthy the lefſer Third, having its Terms Perſons of our Nation, eſpecially as ſix to five. the incomparable Sir Iſaac Newton, SEMI-QUADRATE, the fame that it is now one of the greateſt Im- with Quartile. provements of Algebra. SEMI-QUARTILE, an Aſpect of Every infinite Series may be the Planets when diſtant from each ſummed up, if the Terms of it are other 45 Degrees, or one Sign and expreſſed by a fraction, the Factors of the Denominator of which are SEMI-QUAVER, a Term in taken from any Arithmetical Pro- Mufick. See Noies and Time. greſſion, and the Numerator be a SEMI-QUINTILE, an Aſpect of Multinomial, whoſe Dimenſions at the Planets, when at the Diſtance of leait are leſs by two than thoſe of 36 Degrees from one another. the Denominator, The an half 1 SER SER The following Account of the being new, eaſy and plain, it will Method of Increments of Mr. Cunn's not be amiſs to inſert here. ET 2 be fome Integral Quantity, equally increaſing by the conſtant Increment q, which let bear a finite Relation to Q. Then if Q be the preſent Value of the Integral, 2+ , will be the Firſt fucceeding Value, 2+ 29 the Second, 2+ 39 the Third, And 2+ n the 7tb. L A And let thefe ſeveral fucceffive Values,- for Eafe and Convenience, be denoted by the ſame Q accented underneath : Then Q will be denoted by 2 2+ by 2 by 2 2+28 2+ 39 by 2 II Q+* by 2 And in like manner whilſt 2 is the preſent Value of the Integral, the Value of , immediately preceding the preſent, which, if you pleaſe to call the Firſt Preceding, will be 29 9 The Second 2 The Third 2-39 The nth. 2ng 1 And if you pleaſe to let theſe be denoted by the fame Q accented above; Then Q-9 will be denoted by 2-29 Gy V VAGY 2-39 2-19 f N. B. Dr. B. Taylor, and others, choſe to denote the Increments by the fame Letters with the Integrals ; only for Diſtinction ſake they point them beneath : So SER SER * + 11 II So * 2 + 21 W 4? 29 = ? nt 3n 22 aq = 2 * + 40 mm And then the Integral Quantities may be denoted by the ſmall Let- ters; and the preceding and ſucceeding Values of Integrals by the Let- ters repreſenting the preſent Values accented above and below : And to diſtinguiſh theſe Values of the Integral from like Values of Fluents, the Grave Accent is uſed inſtead of the Acute. Cor. From the very Notation itſelf, it follows, that if the Value of any given Integral be fubtracted from its next ſucceeding Value, the Re- mainder is the Increment of that given Integral : And therefore to find the Increment of any given Integral, this is The Rule. Every where in the given Expreſſion, inſtead of the Integrals, write their next ſucceeding Values, and from the Reſult take the given Expreſ- fion, and the Remainder is the Increment ſought. Example I. So che Increment of nºis n-ton. And, 1 Example II. The Increment of nn is n n - nnnnn III n+ 2n-1 X 12 = 2nn. / Example III The Increment of nnn The Increment of nnn is nnnnnn a III Iro = n+ 50-on- 2n xnn n. 2n xnn 3 n n n. n . X n xnn 0 III IV III IV • III I 1 X 2 1, Example IV. In like manner, In like manner, the Increment of nn, C. till o ati n is nn, E c. till 12 nn, &c. till n = N - & C. ß ats atz Bti aati B BTI at ati atz till n = n + B to I x n x n , &c. n, &c. till n B : atı atz B B = a + 1 x + x n, &c. till n. • ati atz . B Example a 2 > -- SER SER: . i ( WWW Example v. So the Increment of n n n is n n n - n n = nn X n n = n nmnt 41 xn n m 3 n n no a I Ba-Ida 2 Example VI. And the Increment of 1 n, &c. till n is n 71, BI a I B B- I 02 &c. till n, &c. till n = net nem *n B 2 B B nta 12 x X 2 n, 80. till í N 1 n, &c. 'till 12 I 7 aI a2 B - B + in M, &C. till n. 22 Example VII. The Increment of n n n n n (or of its Equal in the negative Notation n n n n n n) is -, * * nn 1972 n = 'Ill 111 lap H/ 1 N 22 X N n n n n = n + 4 n n + 2 + x X N N N N N = > 6 n n n n n n. Cor. From the Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh Examples it follows, that the Increment of any Expreſſion involving the ſucceffive Values of any one variable Quantity, is had thus : Multiply the Expreſſion by the Number of the Factors into the con- ftant Increment of the variable Quantity ; then divide by the firſt Value, and you have the Increment of the Expreſfion. Cor. Hence, alſo, it naturally follows, that the Integral Correſpondent to any Increment, will be had thus Multiply by that Value of the variable Quantity which immediately precedes the firſt Value given'; then divide by the new Number of factors into the conſtant Increment, and you will have the Integral. One Uſe of the preceding Principles, is to raiſe the Binomial Theorem. ✓ The Form may be eaſily had by Induction: The Co-efficients re- main to be inveſtigated; which ſuppoſe to be thus : atxilm = am tramaxx tsames 72 +tam-3x3 + vam-4 x4, &c. Now, SER SER find the following State m, that is, when m becomes m tol; or which Now, if we make m to increaſe uniformly by the Increment 1, and amounts to the fame Thing, multiply the preceding Suppofition by a t*, we ſhall have the Product. amtitrax sam-1*2 + tàm2 73.+vam 3 z4,. &c. + iam x + ram-1 *+-sam-2 x3 tam-3 x4, &c. In which ar whence mr I mm Alfo * 2 ܪ mmm And 22 3.2 1 nimm mmm Likewiſe mmmm mm 4. 3. 2. 3. 2 Praesent mmm 21-3 mm Whende at = "tina am names x + am-2 x² + 43, &c. 2 2. 3 $ There are other Theorems for this Purpoſe, eafily deduced from this: Such is this following ; where A is the firſt Term, B the ſecond, the third, &c. m I m Ax B x C%EC, + + 3* =a + + atx m -+2 -3 at + x at x 1 Of all the Varieties for this purpoſe, every one hath ſome peculiar Property which the reſt have not. 2. To raiſe the Infinitonomial to any Power indetermined m. Suppoſe it to be A + By to Cyz + Dy3 + Ey4, &c. D A Which call Axit by + cya + dyz to eye fys, &c. Then for the Form of the Power, you may obſerve (by Induction) that the firſt Term will be always r; the ſecond, where the Index of y will be an Unit, cannot be formed by any of theſe Terms but the 1ſt and 2d; and that the third Term, where the Index of y is 2, can be produced only by either Axi+ 9 + +230, &c. SER SER either ſquaring the zd, or multiplying the 3d by the A Term. And the fourth, either by multiplying the if by the 4th, the 2d by the 3d, or the Cube of the ad; and ſo proceeding, taking all the poſſible Ways. And then you will have, if the required Power's Index be denoted by m, A* *1 +gby + bcy2 + Idy3 + qey + kb2 gy2 + nbcy3 + rbdy + pb3 33 + fccut + tbbcy4 + vb+ j4 1 Let m increaſe to m + 1, and the Power of the Infinitonomial will be, it gby + hey? ge 主主 + k6²,² nbcy3 rbd + by + pbi y3 foc 74 to tbbc bcb 064 kbs 73 gbc d + nb²c + p64 bc² rt k6² c + gbd I 86² + 2db 十十十十一十十十十十++ Here it appears, by comparing like Terms, that by is the Increment of gby, that is, g m, therefore 8 And hI Im b m mn k = g = m 11 2 ? 1=I=m 1=m mm 2 min n = hot g= m + m = 2m :: n = mm 77 178 2 mm mmm mm mmm = 11 ܀ Þ 2 2. 3. l --- S'ER SÉR 1 I m qm t w =i+8+ 11 2 2 I mm Sb=m = y > 2 ? mm mmm mmm mmm > views 年表: 7 mim + 4 2 3 2.3 1 $ mmm. ü ་་་་ mnmm Ž. 3: U=P 4. 3. 2, Now reſtore the Values of bync, de, &c. and multiply by Am, and reſtore the Values of gi hd, &c. and it will be ) + An- By + A*-2 Baina m X 2 A $ m + AM-I Cyz. 1 . : m-2 X AM-3 B3 y 3 + 2 3 + 2 / ml X 1 Am-2 BCy? + Am-? Dys. I A I m 2 + + m 3 A-4 B4 yt X X X 2 3 4 şim 1 2 th X X AM-3 B2 G4 1 ; 2 3 OM 1 + *** AM- 2 CP 94 2 1 M m + X Am-2 BD v4 I I m2 + AM-1 Byt I &c. 3. If S E R SER 9 3. If the Terms of any Series be a, a-tx, a +24, &c. till a + 9% and you require the Sum of all: Let the Term next following the laſt (viz. a+1xx) be called m; then will m be the Increment of the Sum : And ſo + A, the Inte- 2 m gral of m, will be the Sum it felf. But when the Term next following the laſt is a, then the Series is nothing. Therefore when m = a; then mm + A, i, e. +A=0 a 2 Whence A=-àa dr-x x x 2a 2 Therefore the Sum fought is m m à 2 m z a Which, if c be the laſt Term, will be 'asca ca à a =' contacx=aa taso cca 1 20 2 a 2 CO 24 From the former Series a, a to *, &c. let there be found this a xatx, a tex x a +- 2*, at 2* * a + 3 %, a + 3 * * a to 4*, &c. till a fa 8* *aton +1%: to find the Sum of all. Then let the Term immediately following the laſt be mm, which is the Increment of the Sum . 抗 in mi Therefore the Sum is fe A. 377 When that which immediately follows the laſt is a & the Sum is nothing Therefore, writing a a for mi, the Sum 1 à aa and 1+A=3 ܕ܀ anum mi Hh Cona 3. 34 SER SER 5a, M. in m ace is the Sum fought . à a a LI 3 a Conſequently is the Sum fought : 3 m 3 a Where if be the laſt Term of the Arithmetick Series, it will be cos (3 +* 20** -a3 30 3. Alſo from the fame Series, viz. a *, &c. let this be form'd: a x a t * * a + 2 x x a + 3x, a + x x a + 2 x xa * 3 * xat 4*, &c. till a t n * * a + n + 1. * * at n + 2 x Xa+n+ 3 *. Let the Term immediately following the laſt be m m m m, which is the Increment of the Sum ; in m m mm + A is the Sum. And the Integral 5 m But when the Term next -following the laft is a a a a, the Series is 0. аааа à ad a q a a a WW Therefore 1 +AO 54 5 a a ทา 1 à a a aa a a 22 11 M M-AM 1 Conſequently is the Sum ſought. 5 m CCCCC а а а а а Or, if c be the laſt Term in the Arithmetick Series. 5! 5 Other Examples of putting variable Quantities into Increments. 12 7 -- n 12 1 I Example 8. The Increment of I n 72 N A nn 72 11 1 11 22 1 Example SER SER 1 1 Example 9. The Increment of is 22 2 2 N N N 大 2 2 2 1 2 2 N 22 22 2 X N 1 nn t_n 31 nn n 2 N n² n2n N N N N N N N 2 3 2 N N N Example 10. The Increment of I 1 I 1 11 1 is % z c. till % % g c. till % % z z c. til a afi B atratz BBHI aati B % % &c. till z % &c. till & % &c. X % &C. aati B ati atz BBHI a Bti ati B % %2, &c. till z? % 22 &c. till 22 % aat BB+I ααβι B Bti zt az B + 1 O BHI z c. till %, &c. till z a ati BBHI 0 BHI B+10xx Z, &c. till Z BI man 11 11 . Therefore to put any ſucceſſive Values, dividing Unity of a flowing Quantity into Increments, multiply the Expreſſion by the Number of the Factors into the conſtant Increment of the variable Quantity : Then di- vide by that Value of the variable Quantity which next ſucceeds the laſt which' is given, and change the Sign: So you will have the Increment. Cor. Hence alſo it naturally follows, that the Integral of any ſuch Increment will be had thus : Change the Sign, multiply by the laſt given Value of the variable Quantity, and divide by the new Number of Factors into the conſtant Increment, and you will have the Integral, Example 11. The Increment of any Power nn is nnnn 2 N tonn n n. nnn = 3n21 Example 12. And the Increment of n nn is nnn + 300 + na Hh 2 Example Ś ER SER Example 13. In like manner the Increment of (1 2 + (2x +(3% 2**+2, &c. is (*+ (23*** + (33***, &c. – 13" (22 (32"-?, &c. m-1 mo mmm m-3 x 23, &c M m + (2x mam 2 zt mt3 z?, &c. 2 9-3 2°,&c + (3-* *c. +&c. &c. - From theſe Examples it is evident, that always the Index.of the higheft Power of the variable Quantity in the Increment is leſs by an Unit than the Index of the higheſt Power of the Integral; and that the other ſuc- ceeding Terms deſcend as the Binomial Theorem for raiſing integral Powers; and conſequently, the Form of the Integral of any Power is known. Wherefore, if it be required to find the Integral of m-3 (1% + (2x + (3% + (4% we may with Safety put it n.1 m.2 ,&c. m w azt sz" +22" + dz &c. where m's Increment is an Unit. And then to determine the Coefficients, de B, Yo &c. we have fi % + (2 % + (3 2 + (4 272 &c. m m m m m m m min -% 23 + mm -% %4,&C. z zt = ax m % 2 + 1 2. 3 . 2. 3. 4 2 mm m mm m'n +BX m 2 % + + z %3,&C. 2 2 3 m m 1 tox 22 2 + 2 z?,&C. 2 +^x % , &c. There SER SE M Therefore (2 9 X B - xxº m 2 (3 ß m M m Х gs - ا m 2 12 2. 3 (4 (1 mmm X B mm 2 m X 2. 3 2 m 2. 3. 4 M M M M mma (5 ( B m m m y mm on m It x 23 2. 3. 4. 5 2. 3. 4 2. 3. 2 &c. But if a, b, 2, &gc. denote the Coefficients, excluſive of the Powers of %, Men m (2 (1 B = X 2 (3 (1 > X to BX 3 2 ma (4 om (1 뷰 X X ху Х 2 4 3 加 m ma (5 (1 M + 6 x 4 х ух tx % -5 3. m &C. Hh3 There SER SER Therefore if n denotes the Order of the Terms, the firſt will be MI '% and either of the following Terms will be + (1 mt 21 (+8xtg * int2f 2 &c. X2 % +8x in orci 2 12 n In which Theorem we go on till a Value of n = 2, and the Number of the Terms will be m + 1. Hence, if there be a Series of Cubes whoſe Roots are in an Arithmeti- cal Progreſſion, and z3 be put for the Term which immediately follows the laſt; to ſum up ſuch a Series, we muſt find the Integral of z3. In which Cafe m= 3,1 1, and all the following Values of C, are no- things. Therefore The firft Term I (1 209 =12%, The ſecond Term (n m+2 -1 The third Term x mf2f z*--*=o={*** XZ m ( ( {n m + 2 – FBxnxx+2******2=-* 1 n " 22 1 * * x=+%? % The fourth Term (* m+2-1 + Bxm +,*+ * x 2m +2-* 1.-2 2 . Tx} + x x%7? = 0. Therefore the Integral is 1 &4x-'-1z3+1%. % + A. But when a, the firſt Term in the Arithmetical Progreſſion, is that which immediately follows the laſt, the Sum is nothing. There" S E X SHO 3 Therefore a**-********+A=0. Whence A=-*a* " + a mae I 1 2 Therefore the Sum fought is, I I 1 I 3 4 Z z²+ % % at *+ Q3 a 11 1 1 + 4 N .4 2 4 2 2 2 X Z -axa-z 7 I xxx--|- 2 4 a²zxxa *arpa 43 or SerENTINE LINE, the fame they are ſtill retained in many Caſes, with Spiral; which ſee. though Decimal Arithmetick begins SesQUIALTER, in Muſic. See to grow in uſe now in Aftronomical Time. Calculations. SESQUIALTERALPROPORTION, SEXANGLE, in Geometry, is a is when any Number or Quantity Figure conſiſting of fix Angles. contains another once and an half; SexTANS, is the fixth part of and the Number ſo contained in the any Thing : Thus, there is an greater is ſaid to be to it in ſubfer- Aſtronomical Inſtrument called a quialteral Proportion. Sextant, as being the 6th Part of a SESQUIQUADRATE, an Aſpect Circle. This hath a graduated Limb, Poſition of the Planets, when they and is uſed like a Quadrant. are at the Diſtance of four Signs and Sextile, the Polition or Aſpect an half, or 135 Degrees from each of the Planets, when at 60 Degrees other, diſtance, or at the Diſtance of two SES QUI QUINTILE, an Aſpect of Signs from one another; and is the Planets, when 102 Degrees di- marked thus Itant from each other. SHOULDERING, in Fortification, SESQUITERTIONAL PROPOR. is a Retrenchment oppoſed to the TION, is when any Number or Enemies, or a Work caft up for Quantity contains another once and Defence on one ſide, whether it be one Third. made of Heaps of Earth caft up, or SexAGENARY TABLES, were of Gabions and Faſcines. A Shoul. Tables contrived (formerly) of Parts dering alſo is a ſquare Orillon fome- Proportional ; where, by Inſpection, times made in the Baſtions on the you may find the Product of two Flank near the Shoulder, to cover -Sexagenaries to be multiplied, or the che Cannon of a Caſemate. Again, Quotient of two that are to be di- it is taken for a Demi-Baſtion, or vided by one another, &c. Work conſiſting of one Face, and SEXAGESIMAL FRACTIONS, or one Flank, which ends in a Point Sexagenaries, are ſuch as have al at the Head of a Horn-work or ways 60 for their Denominators: Crown-work: Neither is it to be There were antiently no others uſed underſtood only of a ſmall Flank ad- in Alronomical Operations; and ded to the ſides of the Hornwork, to Ih defend SIM SI M defend them when they are too long, ing inſcribed within one of them, but alſo to the Redoubts which are we can inſcribe always a ſimilar raiſed on a ſtrait Line. Right-lined Figure in the other. SIDEREALYEAR. See Solar Year. SIMILAR CONIC SECTIONS: SILLON, in Fortification, is an Two Conic Sections are ſaid to be Elevation of Earth, made in the fimilar, when any Segment being Middle of a Moat, to fortify it when taken in the one, we can aſſign al- too broad : It is otherwiſe called ways a ſimilar Segment in the other. Envelope, which is the more com SIMILAR DIAMETERS of two mon Name. Conic Sektions. The Diameters in SIMILAR, in Geometry, is the two Conic Sections are ſaid to be ſame as like. ſimilar, when they make the ſame SIMILAR ARCHES of a Circle, Angles with their Ordinates. are ſuch as are like Parts of their SIMILAR SOLIDS, are ſuch that whole Circumferences. are contained under equal Numbers SIMILAR BODIES, in natural of ſimilar Planes, alike ſituated. Philoſophy, are called ſuch as have SIMILAR TRIANGLES, are ſuch their Particles of the ſame Kind and as have all their three Angles re- Nature one with another. ſpectively equal to one another. SIMILAR Plane Numbers, are 1. All ſimilar Triangles have the thoſe Numbers which may be ranged Sides about their equal Angles pro- into the form of Similar Rectan. portional. gles : That is, into Rectangles 2. All ſimilar Triangles are to one whoſe Sides are proportional, ſuch another, as the Squares of their ho- are 12 and 48 ; for the Sides of 12 mologous Sides. are 6 and 2. and the sides of 48 are SIMPLE FLANK. See Flank. 32 and 4. But 6. 2 :: 12. 4. and SIMPLE PROBLEM, in Mathe- therefore thoſe Numbers are Simi- macicks. See Linear one. lar. SIMPLE QUANTITIES, in Al- SIMILAR POLYGONS, are ſuch gebra, are ſuch as have but one Sign, as have their Angles ſeverally equal, whether poſitive or negative : Thus, and the Sides about thoſe Angles 2a, and 3b, are ſimple Quantities. proportional. But at5, and +-th are com- SIMILAR RECTANGLES, are pound ones. thoſe which have their Sides about SIMPLETENAILLE. See Tenaille. the equal Angles proportional. SINE, or Right Sine, is a Right 1. All Squares are Similar Rect- Line drawn from one End of an angles. Arch, perpendicularly upon the 2. All Similar Rectangles are to Diameter drawn from the other each other as the Squares of their End of that Arch; or it is half the homologous Sides. Chord of twice the Arch. SIMILAR Right-lind Figures, If the Radius be 1, then the fuch as have equal Angles, and the Length of the Arch of a Quadrant Sides about thoſe equal Angles pro- will be 1.57070, &c. and the Square portional. of it is 2.4694, 8c. Now iſ this SIMILAR SEGMENTs of a Circle, Square be divided by the Square of are ſuch as contain equal Angles. a Number expreſſing the Ratio of SIMILAR Curves. Two S-g- 90 Degrees to any given Angle, as ments of two Curves are called fimi- 1, and the Quotient be called z, Jar, if any Right-lined Figure, bc- three or four Terms of this Series 1- 1 22 23 20 A. 0 SOL SOL The Sidereal Year, is the Space 1-5+24 + 4 Eg c. wherein the Sun comes back to any 40320 will give the Cofine of the Angle 366 Days, eight Hours, and nine particular fixed Star, which is about Minutes. Sine COMPLEMENT. See Com- SOLID ANGLE, is an Angle Alement. SINGLE, or Simple Eccentricity. more Planes, and thoſe joining in a made by the meeting of three or See Eccentricity. Point, like the Point of a Diamond SINICAL QUADRANT is made of well cur. Braſs or Wood, with Lines drawn SOLID BASTion. See Baſtion. from each ſide interſecting one ano- ther with an Index, divided by Sines, Species of Magnitude, having three Solid, in Geometry, is the third alſo with ninety Degrees the Dimenfions, Length, Breadth, and Limb, and two Sights to the Edge, Thickneſs, and is frequently uſed in to take the Altitude of the Sun. Sometimes inſtead of Sines, 'tis di- be conceived to be formed by the the fame Senſe with Body; it may vided all into equal Parts : and is direct Motion, or the Revolution of uſed by Seamen, to ſolve by Inſpec- any Superficies, of what Nature or tion any Problem of Plain-failing. crooked Pipe, Tube, or Cane. See Iſaac Newton, in his Principia , SIPHON, a Glafs or Metalline Figure ſoever. SOLID of leaſt Reſiſtance. Sir Syphon. ſhews, that if there be a Curve- SIRIUS, the Dog-Star, a bright Star of the firſt Magnitude in the Figure, as DNFB, of ſuch a Na- Conſtellation Canis Major. Its Lon- ture, as that from any Point, as N, taken in its Circumference, a gitude is 99 Degrees, 47 Minutes, Perpendicular NM be let fall to the Latitude 39 Degrees 32 Minutes. Axis AB: And if, from a given SLIDING Rules, or Scales, are Inſtruments to be uſed without Com- be drawn parallel to a Tangent to Point, as G, the Right Line GR, paſſes, in Gauging, Meaſuring&c. having their Lines fitted ſo, as to D N anſwer Proportions by Inſpection ; they are very ingeniouſly contrived G and applied by Gunter, Partridge, A C с Copfhall, Everard, Hunt, and others, M who have written particular Trea- F tiſes about their Uſe and Applica- tion. SOLAR Comer. See Diſcus. SOLAR CYCLE. See Cycle of the Sun. the Curve in that Point N: And SOLAR Spots. See Spots of the alſo, if the Axis being produced, Sun. till GR cut it, it will then be as SOLAR YEAR, is either Tropical or Sidereal. MN: GR :: GR3 : 4BG x GR. Tropical Year, is that Space of Time, wherein the Sun returns a Then the Solid, which may be ge- gain to the fame Equinoctial or Sol- nerated by the Revolution of this iticial Point, which is always equal Curve round its Axis HB, wnen to 365 Days, tive liours, and about moved moſt ſwiftly in a rare and 55 Minutes. elaſtick Medium, lall meet with del's B R H I SQL SOU leſs Refiftance from the Medium, Mr. Halley ſhews in Philos. Tranfast. than any Ciréular Solid whatſoever, Nº 188. deſcribed after the fame Manner, SOLIDITY, (ſee Firmnes) is a and whoſe Length and Breadth are Quality of a Natural Body contrary the fame às that. to Fluidity, and appears to conſiſt As Sir Iſaac Newton did not give in the Parts of the Body's being in- a Demonſtration of this famous The- terwoven and intangled one with an- ořem, ſeveral have done it for him; other, ſo that they cannot diffuſe amongſt which, Mr. Facio's is a very themſelves ſeveral ways, as Fluid uncommon one, altho' ingenious e- Bodies can. nough. Mr. Bernoulli alſo has done SOLSTICE, is the time when the it in the Aeta Eruditornm, A. 1699. Sun, entering the Tropical Points, is p. 514. And ſo has the Marquis got furtheſt from the Equator, and de l'Hoſpital in the French Memoirs before he returns back towards it, of the Royal Academy of Paris. in the fame Parallel, and ſcarce mak- See my Tranſlation of this Author's ing any other Lines than perfect Infiniment Petit. Circles, fo ſmall is its Progreſs. SOLID NUMBERS, are thoſe Theſe Solſtices are two : which ariſe from the Multiplication 1. Æſtival, or Summer Solſtice, of a plain Number, by any other when the Sun enters Cancer, June whatſoever ; as 18 is a Solid Num. Il, making the longeſt Day, and ber made of 6, (which is Plane) mul- the ſhorteſt Night. tiplied by 3 ; or of g multiplied by 2. 2. And the Hyemal, or Winter SOLID PLACE. See Solid Locus. Solſtice, December 11, when he en- SOLID PROBLEM, in Mathema- ters Capricorn, the Nights being ticks, is one which cannot be geome. then at the longeſt , and the Days at trically ſolved, unleſs by the Interſec- the ſhorteſt, that is, in Northern Re- tion of a Circle,and a Conick-Section; gions ; for under the Equator there or by the Interſection of two other is no Variation, but a continual Coniclt-Sections beſides the Circle. Equinox; and in the Southern Parts, 1. As to deſcribe an Iofceles Tri- the Sun's Entrance into Capricorn angle on a given Right Line, whoſe makes the longeſt Day, and into Angle at the Baſe ſhall be triple to Cancer, the longest Night. that at the Vertex. SOLUTION, in Mathematicks, is 2. This will help to inſcribe a the Anſwering of any Queſtion, or Regular Heptagon, in a given Circle; the Reſolution of any Problem. and may be reſolved by the Inter SOUND, ſeems to be produced by ſection of a Parabola and a Circle. the ſubtiler and more ætherial Parts 3. The following Problem alſo of the Air, being formed and modi- helps to infcribe a Nonagon in a fied into a great many ſmall Maſſes Circle ; and may be ſolved by the In or Contextures, exactly ſimilar in terſection of a Parabola, and an Hy- Figure; which Contextures are made perbola between its Afymptotes, viz. by the Colliſion and peculiar Mo- 4. To deſcribe an Iſoſceles Trian- tion of the ſonorous Body, and lly- gle, whoſe Angle at the Baſe ſhall ing off from it, are diffuſed all be quadruple of that at the Vertex. round in the Medium, and there do 5. And ſuch a Problem as this affect the Organ of our Ear in one hath four Solutions, and no more ; and the fame Manner. becauſe two Conick Sections can cut Sound alſo appears not to be pro- one another but in four Points. How duced in the Air lo much by the all ſuch Problems are conſtructed, Swiftneſs, as by the very frequer Reper- SOU SOU Repercuſſions, and reciprocal Shak- been obſerved of Sound ; in many ings of the ſonorous Body. of which there is a near Relation be- Sir Iſaac Newton demonſtrates, tween it and Light : For, (-Prop. 43. Lib. 2. of his Principles,) 1. As Light acquaints the Eye. that Sounds, becauſe they ariſe from with the different Qualities, Mag- the tremulous Motion of Bodies, are nitudes, and Figures of Bodies, ſo nothing elſe but the Propagation of Sound, in like manner, informs the the Pulſe of the Air: And this, he Ear of many of the ſame Things in faith, is confirmed by thoſe great the ſonorous Body. Tremors that ſtrong and grave 2: As Light preſently vaniſhes Sounds excite in Bodies round about, on the Removal, or total Eclipſe of as the Ringing of Bells, Noiſe of the Radiating Body, ſo a Sound pe- Cannon, &c. riſhes as ſoon as the Undulation of And in other places he concludes, the Air ceaſes, which Motion both that sounds do not conſiſt in the produces and preſerveth all Sounds. Motion of any Æther, or finer Air, 3. The Diffuſion of Sound from the but in the Agitation of the whole fonorous Body is ſpherical, like the common Air; becauſe he found by Radiation of Light from its Centre. Experiments, that the Motion of 4. A great Sound drowns a leſs, Sound depended on the Denſity of as a greater Light eclipſes a lefs. the whole Air. 5. Too great, loud, or thrill a He found by good Experiments, Sound is offenfive and injurious to that a Sound moves 968 Foot, the Ear, as too great and bright a Engliſh, in a Second of Time, ſup. Light is to the Eye. poſing the Air by the Pulſe which 6. Sound alſo (like Light) moves caufes Sound, to be in a Motion, fenfibly from Place to Place, though like that of Water, when its Waves nothing near fo ſwift as Light: It roll: He calculates the Breadth of is reflected like Light from all hard the Pulſe, or the Diſtance between Bodies; it is hindered and refracted Wave and Wave, to be in the by paſſing through a denſer Medi- Sounds of all open Pipes double the um. But it differs from Light in Length of thoſe Pipes; which he this, That whereas Light is always grounds on an Experiment of Father propagated in Right-Lines, the Merſennus, in his Harmonics, that Motion of Sound is almoſt always an extended String made 104 Vi- curvilineal. brations in a Second, when it was 7. Sound alſo differs much from an uniſone with the C faut Pipe of Light in this, That it is very much an Organ, whoſe Length was four weakened by Winds, and ſuch-like Foot open, and two Foot ſtopped. Motions of the Air, which yet have Why the Sound ceaſes always no Effect on Light: For Nerſennus with the Motion of the ſonorous computes, that the Diameter of the Body, and why they reach the Ear Sphere of a Sound heard againit che equally ſoon, when far off or near, Wind is near a third Part leſs, than he ſhews in Prop. 48. Cor. Where when coming with the Wind. he proves, chat the Number of the 8. A very ſmall Quantity of Body Pulles propagated, is always the very ferves to reflect the Rays of Light; fame with the Number of the Vi- as we perceive manifeitly in ſmall brations of the tremulous Body, and Pieces of Looking-Glaffes, &c. But that they are not by any means mul- here appears to be neceflary a Body tiplied as they go from it. of much larger Dimenſions to re- The following Properties have turn a Sound, or make an Echo. Der 9. SOU SOU 9. As to the Reflections of the Surface of Water, which is cal- Sounds, 'cis obſerved, that if one. led a Wave of Air. stands near the refting Body, and 12. And the Motion of theſe the Sound be not very far off, though Waves is the Motion of a Sphere ex- an Echo be produced, yet it can- panding itſelf in the fame Manner not be heard; becauſe the Direct as the Waves move circularly upon and Reflex Sound enter the Ear al- the Surface of the Water. moſt at the ſame time : But then 13. While a Wave moves in the the Sound appears to be ſtronger Air, wherever it paſſes, the Parti- than ordinary, and laſts longer, eſpe- cles are removed from their Place, cially when the Reflection is made and return to it, running through from divers Bodics at once; as from a very hort Space in going and Arches and vaulted Rooms, from coming. whence the confuſed Sound of ſuch 14. Wherever the neighbouring like Places ariics. Particles are not equally diſtant, the And from hence probably may Motion ariſing from Elaſticity cauſes be deduced the Reaſon, why Con- the leſs diſtant Particles to move to- cave Bodics are (cæteris paribus) wards thoſe that are moſt diftant. fitteſt to produce great and clear 15. Therefore, the Motion of the Sounds, ſuch as Rells, &c. For in tremoulous Body, by which the Air fuch Bodies the found is very ſwift- is agitated, ceaſing, there are new ly and very often reflected from fide Waves generated, to ſide, and from one part of the 16. Waves, whether the Air be Cavity to another, and the Bell more or leſs agitated, are equally hanging at liberty, this produces ſwift, great Tremblings and shakings of 17. Waves, whether equal or any the whole Concave Body, which oc- Way unequal, move with the ſame cafions the Sound to continue till Velocity they ceaſe and are quiet. 18. In Waves, the Squares of io. There is one Phænomenon, their Celerities are inverſly as the viz. that Sounds great or ſmall, Denſities. with the Wind, or againſt it, from 19. When the Denſity remains the the fame Diſtance, come to the ſame, but the Elaſticity is changed, Ear at the ſame time. the Squares of the Celerities of the Dr. Holder, in his Book of the Waves are as the Degrees of the E- Natural Grounds and Principles of laſticity. Harmony, ſays, That if the tremu 20. If the Elaſticity and the Den- lous Motion which cauſeth Sound fity differ, the Squares of the Velo- be uniform, then it produces a mu. cities of the Waves will be in a Ratio fical Note or Sound : But if it be compounded of the direct Ratio of difform, then it produces a Noiſe. the Elaſticity, and the inverſe Ratio The Florentine Academicks found of the Denſity. a Sound to move one of their Miles 21. If the Denſity and the Elafli, (viz. 3000 Braccia, or 5925 Foot) city incrcaſe or decreaſe in the ſame in five Seconds of Time: There- Ratio, the Celerity of the Waves fore, according to them, it moves will not be changed 1185 Foot in one Second. 22. Therefore, from the changed But Sir Iſaac Newton found it to Height of the Pillar of Mercury, move bue 968 Foot in one Second. which is ſuſtained in a Tube void of 11. If the Air be agitated in any Air hy the Preſſure of the Atinot Manner, there ariſes a Motion anạ- ſphere, we muſt not judge the Ce- logous to che Motion of a Wave on lerity of the Waves to be changed. 22, Summer, Bodies do more eaſily tranſ- JIS SPACE, if conſidered barely in SOU SOU 23. For the Waves are moved compreſſing the Air; and lafily, of with the fame Celerity in the Top the inverſe Ratio of the Square Root of a Mountain, as in a Valley. of the Elaſticity. 24. The Waves move faſter in 37. And the Degrees of the Sharp- Summer than in Winter. neſs of different Sounds are to one 25. By determining the Height another, as the Number of the of the Atmoſphere, ſuppoſing it e. Waves which are produced in the very where equally denſe with the Air at the ſame time. Air near the Earth, the Velocity of 38. A Tone does not depend upon the Waves will be the ſame as a Bo- the Intenſity of the Sound, and an dy could acquire in falling from half agitated Cord gives the fame Sound, that Height. whether it vibrates through a greater 26. The Motion of Waves in the or a leſs Space. Air produces Sound. 39. Concords ariſe from the A- 27. A Body that is ſtruck, con- greement between the different Mo- tinues to give a Sound ſome time tions in the Air, which affect the au- after the Blow, ditory Nerves at the ſame time. 28. The Celerity of the Sound is 40. Cæteris paribus, if the Lengths the ſame as the Celerity of the Waves, of two Cords are as the Number of which Itrike the Ear. Returns in a Conſonance, you will 29. The Celerity of Sound is e. have the Conſonance between the quable; yet in going through a Sounds which the Strings produce. great Space, it is ſometimes acce 41. And generally ſuppofing any lerated or retarded. Cords of the ſame kind, if the Ra- 30. The Celerity of Sound does tio be compounded of the direct Ra- not much differ, whether it goes tio of the Lengths and of the Dia- with the Wind, or againſt it. meters, and the inverſe Ratio of the 31. Therefore, Sound may be Square-Roots of the Tenfiong, (be heard at a greater or ſmaller diſtance, the Ratio between the Numbers of according to the Direction of the the Vibrations performed in the Wind. ſame time in any Conſonance what- 32. Cæteris paribus, the Intenſity ever,) you will have that Conſo- of Sound is as the Space run through nance by the Agitation of thoſe by the Particles in their going and Cords. coming 42. An agitated String will com- 33. Therefore, cæteris paribus, the municate Motion to another, which Intenſity of Sound is as the Weight performs two or three Vibrations, by which the Air is compreſſed. whilſt the firit performs but one. 34. If all things remain as before, SOUND, in Geography, is any and the Elaſticity be increaſed, the great Indraught of the Sea, between Intenſity of Sound is directly as the two Headlands, where there is no Square Root of the Elaſticity, and Paſſage through. inverſely as the Elaſticity itſelf. SOUTH DIRECT DIALS. See 35. The Intenſity of Sound is leſs Prime Verticals. in Summer than in Winter ; yet in SOUTHERN SIGNs. See Auftral mit Sound. 36. The Intenſity of Sound, con- Length between any two Beings, is ſidered in general, is in a compound the fame Idea that we have of Di- Ratio of the Space run thro gh by flance; but if it be conſidered in the Particles, in their going back. Length, Breadth and Thickneſs, it ward and forward, of the Weight is properly called Capacity ; and when SPE SPH when conſidered between the Ex- Name of Species to the Letters of tremities of Matter, which fills the the Alphabet ſubſervient to Alge- Capacity of Space with ſomething bra, and why he calls it Arithmen folid, tangible and moveable, or tica Speciofa, ſeems to have been in with Body, it is then called Exten- imitation of the Civilians, who call fion ; ſo that Extenſion is an Idea Caſes in Law, but abſtractedly, be- belonging to Body only. But Space, tween John a Nokes and Tom a Stiles, in a general Signification, is the between A and C; ſuppoſing thoſe fame thing with Diſtance, conſider. Letters to ſtand for any Perſons in- ed every way, whether there be any definitely ; ſuch Caſes, I ſay they folid Matter in it or not. call Species : Wherefore ſince the Space, therefore, is either Abſo- Letters of the Alphabet will alſo lute or Relative. as well repreſent Quantities, as Per- ABSOLUTE SPACE, conſidered ſons, and that too indefinitely one in its own Nature, and without re-Quantity as well as another, they gard to any thing external, always may properly enough be called Spe- remains the ſame, and is immove. cies ; that is Symbols, Marks, or able; but Relative Space is that Characters. From whence the li- moveable Dimenſion or Meaſure of teral Algebra is frequently now-a- the former, which our Senſes de- days called Specious Arithmetic, or fine by its Poſitions to Bodies with- Algebra in Species. in it: And this the Vulgar uſe for SPECIFIC, is in general what- immoveable Space. ever is peculiar to any diſtinct Spe- RELATIVE SPACE, in Magni- cies of Things, and which diſtin- tude and Figure, is always the ſame guiſhes them from all others of dif- with Abſolute, but 'tis not neceſſary ferent Species; therefore the Logi- it ſhould be ſo numerically. Thus, cians fay, that in every good Defi- if you ſuppoſe a Ship to be indeed nition of any thing, the ſpecific Dif- in abſolute Reſt, then the Places of ference ought always to be in- all things within her will be the ferted. fame abſolutely and relatively, and SPECIFIC GRAVITY, is the nothing will change its Place. But appropriate and peculiar Gravity then ſuppoſe a Ship under Sail, or or Weight which any Species of na- in Motion, and ſhe will continually tural Bodies have, and by which paſs through new Parts of abſolute they are plainly distinguiſhable from Space; but all things on board con- all other Bodies of different kinds. fidered relatively, in reſpect to the By fome 'tis not improperly called Ship, may be notwithitanding in the Relative Gravity, to diſtinguiſh it fame Places, or have the fame Situ. from Abſolute Gravity, which in- ation and Poſition, in regard to one creaſes in proportion to the Bigneſs another. of the Body weighed. SPECIES, in Algebra, are thoſe SPHERE, is a ſolid Body made Letters, Notes, Marks, or Symbols, by the entire Rotation of a Semi- which repreſent the Quantities in Circle about its Diameter. any Equation or Demonſtration. 1. All Spheres are to one another, This ſhort and advantageous way of as the Cubes of their Diameters. Notation was introduced by Vieta, 2. The Solidity of a Sphere is about the Year 1590, and by it equal to the Surface multiplied into made many Diſcoveries in the Pro one third of the Radius. ceſs of Algebra, not before taken no 3. The Surface of the Sphere is tice of. equal to four times the Area of a The Reaſon why Victa gave this great Circle of it. 4. 1 درو 30 کو 56c5 yi 576c7 - &c. 533 &c. 20 24 x5 3x5 40624 5*? 336 caº 5625 5029 576986 SPH SPH 4. As 2904 to 49, fo is the Cube and if it be cut by four Planes, AB of the Circumference of a Sphere to pafling through the Axis ; DG pa- its folid Content. rallel to AB,C DE, perpendicular- 5. As 22 is to 7, fo is the Square ly biſfecting the Axis; and FG pa- of the Circumference of the greateft rallel to CĚ; and if the Right Line Circle of a Sphere to the ſuperficial CB=a, CE, CF=x, and FG=y: Area of the Sphere. Then the Segment CDGF of the 6. As 21 is to the Sine, fo is it Spheroid comprehended under the times the Square of that Sine added ſaid Planes will be = 20 x y to 33 times the Square of half the Chord of any Segment of a Sphere to the folid Content of that Seg- 2003 ? - ment. 5* ២ 7. As 14 is to 44 times the Dia- meter of any Sphere, ſo is the сх3 23 *3 Length of the Sine of any Segment 3aa 18caa 40c3 aa 4003 aa 3365 aa of it, to the Convex Superficies of the faid Segment. cxs 8: An entire Glaſs Sphere will 160 c3 at &c. unite the parallel Rays of an Object at the Diſtance of near its Semi-Dia- сх7 &c. meter behind it. SPHERE of Aktivity of any Body, is that determinate Space or Extent &c. all round about it, to which, and no farcher, the Elluviuns continually 2. Where the numeral Co-Ef- emitted from that Body do reach, ficients of the Terms (2, and where they operate according 0,&c.) are produced by myl- to their Nature. tiplying the firſt Co-Efficient 2 by SPHERICAL NUMBERS. See the Terms of this Progreſſion Circular Numbers. 1X2 283 385 5x7 789 SPHERIC GEOMETRY, or Pro- 2x39 4x576x7) 849) 10X11) & C. is the Art of defcribing and the numeral Co-Efficients on a Plane the Circles of the Sphere, in each Column of the deſcend- or any Parts of them in their juft ing Terms are produced, by mul- Poſition and Proportion, and of tiplying continually the Co-EF- meaſuring their Arches and Angies ficients of the upper Term in the when projected. SPHEROID, is a folid Figure fion; but in the ſecond by the. firſt Column, by the fame Progreſ- made by the entire Rotation of a Terms of this, Semi-Ellipſis about its Axis. 1. If AEB be a Spheroid gene- XI 3X35X5 787 rated by the Revolution of the El. 2x3 4x576x7) 8x9? lipſis AEB about the Axis AB, In the third, by the Terms of this, 9x73x1 543 745 9x7 E &c. 8x9) 2x32 4x596x72.89) In the fourth, by the Terms of D G 581 73 985 this c. 2x3) 4x59 6x72 A C F B 3 3. EC. S PH SPH 3. A Spheroid generated by an will be equal to the Sum of all the Ellipfis revolving upon the Diame- Annuli, that is, the Exceſs by which ter thereof, is of its circumſcribing the Cylinder exceeds the Spheroid. Cylinder. Suppoſe ADLB be a Therefore, the Propoſition is mani- Quadrant of an Ellipſis, then if the feft, that a Spheroid, generated by whole Figure (AL) is conceived to an Ellipſis, revolving upon any Dia- revolve upon the Semi-Diameter BL, meter thereof, is two thirds of its the Semi-Ellipfis ALB will deſcribe circumſcribing Cylinder. Q. E. D. a Semi-Spheroid, and the Parallelo The great Geometrician, Mr. gram AMLB a Cylinder ; and Huygens, in his Horolog. Ofcill. gives laſtly, the Triangle MBL a Cone, the following two moſt elegant Con- all having the fame Bafe and Alti- ftructions for deſcribing a Circle equal to the Superficies of an oblong and prolate Spheroid, M I which, he ſays, he found out to- wards the latter End of the Year 1657 Let an oblong Spheroid be gene- E DF G rated by the Rotation of an Ellipfis ADBE, (Fig. 1.) about its trans- verſe Axis AB, and let DE be its A B Conjugate ; make D F equal to C.B, or let F be one of the Foci, and draw BG parallel to FD, and a- tude. Now, draw any Line EG parallel to the Baſe, then by the Fig. I. Nature of the Ellipſis BL : AB: A BL- BG: GD. But from the fimilar Triangles BML, BFG, we have BL : AB =ML AB=MÃ= EG") :: GB": GF. And (alternando ) D C E H BL”: GB” :: AB" : GF". And (dividendo) BL : AB :: BL GB': AB’ --GF. Whence, fince before it was B L: AB :: BL B BG”: GD; : GD; therefore therefore (11. 5. Eucl.) AB*_ GĚ, that is EG GF= DG”; and fo EG* = A DG + FGʻ. Whence , c D E 4. The Circle made by the Re- volution of (FG) will be equal to the Annulus deſcribed by (ED) and the Sum of all the Circles (FG) B that is, the Solidity of the Cone bout 2 2 2 G 2 2 bl z z Fig. 2. F SUIKER S PI SPI bout the Point G with the Radius the Curve-Line B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &*c. BG deſcribe an Arch BHA of a which is called an Helix, or Spirál Circle; then between the Semi-Con- Line ; and the plain Space contained jugate CD, and a Right Line equal between the Spiral-Line and the to Det the Arch AHB, find a Right-Line B.A, is called the Spiral mean Proportional, and that will be Space. the Radius of a Circle equal to the 2. If alſo you conceive the Point Superficies of the oblong Spheroid. B to move twice as flow as the Line Let a prolate Spheroid be gene- AB, ſo as that it ſhall get but half- rated by the Rotation of the Ellip- way along BA, when that Line ſhall fis ADBE (Fig. 2.) about its con have formed the Circle, and if then jugáte Axis A B. Let F be one you imagine a new Revolution to be of the Foci, and biſfect CF in G, made of the Line carrying the and let AGB be the Curve of the Point, ſo that they ſhall end their common Parabola whoſe Baſe is the Motion at laſt together; there will conjugate Diameter AB, and Axis be formed a double Spiral Line, and CĠ. Then if between the tranf two Spiral Spaces, as you ſee in the verſe Axis DE, and a Right Line Figure. equal to the Curve AGB of the 3. The Lines B 12, Bil, B 10, Parabola, a mean Proportional be &c. making equal Angles with the taken, the fame will be the Radius firſt and ſecond Spiral, fas alſo B of a Circle equal to the Surface of 12, B10, B8, &c.) are in Arith- that prolate Spheroid. metical Proportion. SPIRAL Line, in Geometry, is 4. The Lines B7, B10, &c. according to Archimedes thus ge- drawn any low to the firſt Spiral, nerated. are to one another as the Arches of 1. If a Right Line, as AB, hav- the Circle intercepted betwixt BA, ing one end fixed at B, bc equally and thoſe Lines. moved round, ſo as with the other 5. Any Lines drawn from B to end A, to deſcribe the Periphery of the ſecond Spiral, as Bi8, B22, a Circle; and at the ſame time a @ c. are to each ocher, as the afore- Point be conceived to move forward ſaid Arches, together with the equally from B towards A in the whole Periphery. added on both Right Line BA, ſo as that the point fides. deſcribes that Line, while the Line 6. The firſt fpiral Space, is to generates the Circle : then will the the firſt Circle, as I to 3. Point, with its two Mocions, deſcribe 7. The firſt Spiral Line is equal to half the Periphery of the firſt Circle ; for the Radii of the Sectors, and conſequently the Arches, are in a fimple Arithmetic Progreſſion, while the Periphery of the Circle contains as many Arches equal to the greateſt; wherefore the Periphe- D 12 24 18 A ry to all thoſe Arches is to the Spi- ral Line, as 2 to 1. SPIRALS (PROPORTIONAL,) are 14 ſuch Spiral Lincs as the Rhumb 15 Lines on the Terreſtrial Globe. SPRING-ARBOR, in a Watch, is that part in the middle of the Spring- li Box, 21: 22 20: 10: 23 4. MAALANIvo 13 1 16 STA STA STARS. Box, which the Spring is wound or poſed of from five to eight Points, turn'd about, and to which it is with ſaliant and re-entring Angles hooked at one end, flanking one another, every one of SPRING-Box, is that Cylindrical its Sides containing from 12 to 25 Caſe or Frame that contains within Fathoms. it the Spring of a Watch, or other STAR-FORT. See Fort. Movement. See Fixed Stars. SPRING-TIDE, is the increaſing STATICAL BAROSCOPE. See higher of a Tide after a dead Neipe : Baroſcope. This is about three Days before the STATICAL HYGROSCOPB. See Full or Change of the Moon; but Hygroſcope. the top, or higheſt of the Spring STATICS, is a Science purely Tide is three Days after the Full ſpeculative, being a Species of Me- or Change; then the Water runs chanics converſant about Weights, higheſt with the Flood, and loweſt and ſhewing the Properties of the with the Ebb, and the Tides run Heavineſs and Lightneſs, or Æqui- more ſtrong and ſwift than in the libria of Bodies: When it is re- Neipes, ftrained to the ſpecific Weights and SPRINGY ; the ſame as Elaſtic. Æquilibria of Liquors, it is called Which ſee. Hydroſtatics. Which ſee. SPUNGING of a great Gæn, is STATION, in Aftronomy, figni- clearing of her Inſide, after ſhe hath fies certain Places of the Zodiac, been diſcharged, with a Wad of where a Planet being arrived, ſeems Sheep-Skin. or the like, rolled a to ſtand ſtill for ſome time in the bout one end of the Rammer : Its fame Degree, either in aſcending Deſign is to prevent any Parts of to its Apogee, or deſcending to its Fire from remaining in her ; which Perigee. would endanger the Life of him who Apollonius Pergæus has ſhewn how fhould load, or charge her again. to find the Stationary Point of a SQUARE, is an Inſtrument of Planet, according to the Old The- Braſs or Wood, having one fide per- ory of the Planets, which ſuppoſes pendicular, or at Right Angles to them to move in Epicycles; which the other ; ſometimes made with a was followed by Ptolemy in his Joint to fold for the Pocket, and Almag. lib. 12. cap. I. and others ſometimes has a Back to uſe on a till the time of Copernicus. See Drawing-Board, to guide the concerning this, Regiomontanus in E- Square. pitome Almageſti, lib. 12. prop. I. Square FICURE, in Geometry, Copernicus's Revolutiones Cæleft. is one whoſe Right-lined Sides are lib. 5. cap. 35, 36.- Kepler in Ta- all equal, and its Angles all right. bulis Rudolphinis, cap. 24. - Har . See Quadrilateral Figure. For its Ārea, man in Miſcellan. Berolinenſ. p. 197. ſee Area. - Ricciolus's Almageſt. lib. 7. Sect.5. SQUARING. By the word Sqrar- cap. 2. Dr. Halley, Mr. Facio, ing, Mathematicians underftand the Mr. De Moivre, and Dr. Keil, have making of a Square equal to a Cire treated of this Subject. cle. Thus the Quadrature or Squar STATION, is a place where a ing of the Circle, is the finding a Man fixes himſelf and his Inftru- Square equal to the Area of a Čir- ment, to take (as in Surveying) any cle. Angles or Diſtances. STAR in Fortification, is a Work STATION-LINE. See Line of with ſeveral Faces generally com- Station. STA- STE STÈ STATION-STAFF, is an Inſtru STEREOGRAPHICK Projection of ment conſiſting of two Rulers that the Sphere, is the Projection of the flide to ten Foot, divided into Feet Circles of the Sphere upon the Plane and Inches, with a moving Vane or of ſome one great Circle, the Eye Sight, two of which are uſed with a being in the Pole of that Circle. Level; and on the Edges, there are In this Projection, a Right Circle the Links of Gunter's Chain divided. is projected into a Line of Half It is uſed in Surveying, for the more Tangents. eaſy taking Off-ſets. The Repreſentation of a Right ŚTATIONARY: A Planet is ſaid Circle perpendicularly oppoſed to to be Stationary, when, to any Éye the Eye, will be a Circle in the Plane placed on Earth, it appears for ſome of the Projection. time to ſtand ſtill, and to have no The Repreſentation of a Circle progreſſive Motion forward in its placed oblique to the Eye, will be Orbit round the Sun. a Circle in the Plane of the Pro- STENTOREOPHONICK TUBE,or jection. Inſtrument, is the Speaking Trum If a great Circle be to be pro- pet, invented by Sir Samuel More- jected upon the Plane of another land. great Circle, its Centre fhall lie in Mr. Durham, in his Phyfico-Theo- the Line of Meaſures, diſtant from logy, Lib. 4. Chap. 3. fays, that the Centre of the Primitive by the Kircher found out this Inſtrument 20 Tangent of its Elevation above the Years before Sir Samuel Moreland, Plane of the Primitive. and publiſhed it in his Mufurgia; If a leſler Circle, whoſe Poles lie and Caſper Schottus is ſaid to have in the Plane of the Projection, were feen onė at the Jeſuits College at to be projected; the Centre of its Rome.-One Conyers, in the Philos. Repreſentation ſhall be in the Line Tranfa&t. N° 141. gives a Deſcrip- of Meaſures, diſtant from the Centre tion of an Inſtrument of this kind of the Primitive, by the Secant of different from thoſe commonly made; that leffer Circle's Diſtance from its and Mr. s'Graveſande, in his Philo- Pole, and its Semidiameter or Radius Sophy, finds fault with the Figures of ſhall be equal to the Tangent of that theſe Inftruments as generally made, Diſtance. where he would have them to be If a leffer Circle were to be pro- parabolick Conoids, with the Focus jected, whoſe Poles' lie not in the of one of its parabolickSections, to fit Plane of the Projection, its Diameter the Mouth. --See concerning this In- in the Projection, if it falls on each ftrument too in Sturmy's Collegium fide of the Pole of the Primitive, Curiofum, Part 2. Tentam. 8. will be equal to the Sum of the Half STEREOBATA, in Architecture, Tangents of its greateſt and neareſt is the Greek Word for the firſt Begin: Diſtance from the Pole of the Pri- ning of the Wall of any Building, mitive, ſet each Way from the Cen- and immediately ſtanding on the tre of the Primitive in the Line of Foundation. This is wrongly con-· Meaſures. founded with Stylobata, which is the If a leſſer Circle, to be projected, Beginning of a Column, or its Pede- falls entirely on one ſide of the Pole Ital. of the Projection, and does not en- STEREOGRAPHY, is the Art of compaſs it, then will itsDiameter drawing the Forms of Solids' upon a' be equal to the Difference of the Plane, Half-Tangents of its greateſt and neareſt 1 I'i 2 STY SUB ch nearest Diſtance from the Pole of SUBCONTRARY Position, in the Primitive, ſet off from the Cen- Geometry, is when two ſimilar Tri- tre of the Primitive one and the angles are ſo placed as to have one fame Way in the Line of Meaſures. common Angle V at the Vertex, and In the Stereographick Projection, yet their Baſes are not parallel. the Angles made by the Circles on And therefore if the Scalenous the Surface of the Sphere, are equal Cone B V D be ſo cut by the Plane to the Angles made by their Repre- CA, as that the Angle C=D, the ſentatives in the Plane of their Pro- jection. V STILE. See Style. Strait, or Streight, in Hydro- graphy, is a narrow Sea ſhut up be- tween Lands on either ſide, afford- ing a Paſſage from one great Sea B into another, as the Strait of Ma- A gellan, the Strait of Gibraltar, &c. STRIKING-WHEEL, in a Clock, D is that which by ſome is called the Pin-Wheel ; becauſe of the Pins which are placed upon the Round Cone is then ſaid to be cut ſubcon- or Rim, (which in Number are the trarily to its Baſe BD; and the Quotient of the Pinion, divided by Section CA of a Cone thus cut is a the Pinion of the Detent-Wheel.) In Circle. 16 Days Clocks, the firſt or great SUBDUCTION, the ſame with Sub- Wheel is uſually the Pin-Wheel ; ftraétion; which ſee. but in Pieces that go eight Days, SUBDUPLE RAT10, is when any the ſecond Wheel is the Pin-Wheel, Number or Quantity is contained in or ſtriking Wheel. another twice: Thus 3 is ſaid to be STYLE, in Dialling, is that Line Subduple of 6, as 6 is double of 3. whoſe Shadow on the Plane of the SUBDUPLICATe Ratio of any Dial ſhews the true Hour-Line. This two Quantities, is the Ratio of their is always ſuppoſed to be a part of ſquare Roots. the Axis of the Earth, and there- SUB LUNARY, are all Things that fore muſt always be ſo placed, as are in the Earth, or in the Atmo- that with its two extreme Points it ſphere thereof, below the Moon. ſhall reſpect the two Poles of the SUBMULTIPLE NUMBER, World, and with its upper End, the Quantity, is that which is contained elevated Pole This Line is the up- in another Number, a certain Num- per Edge of the Cock, Gnomon, or ber of Times exactly : Thus, 3 is Index. Submultiple of 21, as being con- STYLOBATA, in Architecture, tained in it 7 Times exactly. is the Pedeſtal of a Column or Pil SUBMULTIPLE PROPORTION, lar. the Reverſe of Multiple. Which STYLOBATON, or Stylobata, in fee. Architecture, is the ſame with the SUBNORMAL, is a Line, as PC, Pedeſtal of a Column: This is ſome- determining in any Curve the Inter- times taken for the Trunk of the ſection of the Perpendicular to the Pedeſtal, between the Cornice and Tangent in the Point of Contact, the Baſe'; and then called Truncus, with the Axis. And this Subnor- as it is alſo by the Name of Abacus. mal in the common or Apollonian Paraboal, or 0 1 O 2 2 2 1 manner. SU B SUB Parabola, is a determinate invariable that is, the Nature of the Curve, b: Quantity; for 'tis always equal to expreſſed by this Equation, 33 half the Parameter of the Axis. 2xxy+bxx-bbx+-byy—3=0, then this will be the Rule of drawing a M Tangent to it: Multiply the Terms of the Equation by any Arithmetical Progreſſion ; according to the Di- menſions of y, ſuppoſe 43--2xxy+bxx-bbx +-by-g3 ; as 3 т у Р у в с D alſo according to the Dimenſions of x, as, SUBSTITUTION, in Algebra, or *3-2xxy-+-6xx--bbxt-by--3; Fluxions, is the putting in the room 3 of any Quantity in an Equation fome the former Product ſhall be the Nu- other Quantity which is really equal merator, and the latter, divided by xa to it, but expreſſed after another the Denominator of a Fraction ex- preſſing the Length of the Subtan- SUBTANGENT, in a Curve, is a Line, as TP, which determines the gent BD, which in this Caſe will be Interſection of the Tangent in the -2xx3+2byy--3y3 Axis or a Diameter; and in any 3xx-4xy +2bx-bb. Equation, if the Value of the Sub- tangent comes out poſitive, 'tis a fign is that Line drawn on the Plane of SUBSTYLAR LINE, in Dialling, that the point of Interſection of the Tangent and Axis falls on that Side the Dial, over which the Style ſtands of the Ordinare, where the Vertex at Right-Angles with the Plane. of the Curve lies, as in the Para- This is always the Repreſentation of bola and Paraboloids : But if it comes the Meridian of that Place, where out negative, the Point of Interſection the Plane of the Dial is Horizontal. will fall on the contrary Side of the The Angle between this Line and the Ordinate, in reſpect of the Vertex true Meridian, is the Plane's Diffe- or Beginning of the Abfcila ; as in rence of Longitude, and is meaſured the Hyperbola and Hyperboliform on the Equinoctial. Figures. And univerſally in all Pa- SUBSUPER-PARTICULAR PRO- raboliform and Hyperboliform Fi- PORTION, is contrary to Super-Par- gures, the Subtangent is equal to the ticular Proportion, which ſee. Exponent of the Power of the Ordi SUBTENSE, or Chord of an Arch, nate multiplied into the Abſciſſa. is a Right Line extended from one If CB be an Ordinate to AB in End of that Arch to the other End thereof. any given Angle terminating in any SUBSTRACTION, in general, is taking a leſſer Quantity from a C greater, to find the Difference be- tween them, which is commonly called the Remainder, as the leſſer Quantity to be ſubftracted is called the Subitrahend. D SUBSTRACTION of whole Num- bers is performed by placing the Curve AC, and A B=X, BC=y, leſſer under the greater, as in Ad- and the Relation between x and y, dition, and then beginning at the Right A B Ii 3 SUB SUN From 945 Right Hand, taking each Figure be- to two others 74 and 1} equal low from that above, and ſetting to them, and then their Difference down the ſeveral Remainders, or will be 7$* Algebraick Fractions Differences underneath, and the are ſubftracted much after the fame Number ſubſcribed will be the Dif- way, and Algebraick Subftraction ference, or Remainder, of the two in general is performed by connect- Numbers. But when any one of the ing the given Quantities, as in Ad- Figures of the under Number is dition, and changing every Sign of greater than that of the upper, from the Quantity to be ſubftracted into which it is to be taken, you muſt its contrary, and this Connection add 10 (in your Mind) to that upper thus altered will be the Difference, Figure; and having taken the an or Remainder ſought. ſwerable under one from this Sum, The general Sign or Mark of Şub- ſet the Difference underneath, and ſtraction is add an Unit to the Figure next to SUBTRIPLE Ratio, is when be ſubtracted. Example 1. From any one Number or Quantity is con- 9758 let us ſubtract 3514. Place tained in another three times. Thus them thus, 9758 2 is ſaid to be ſubtriple of 6, as 6 is 3514 the Triple of two. 6244 the Difference, or SUBTRIPLICATE RATIO, is the Ratio of the Cube-Roots. Remainder. Example 2. From ſubtract 608. SUCCESSION of Signs, is that Or- der in which they are uſually rec- 945 608 kon'd: As, firſt, Aries, next, Taurus, then Gemini, &c. This is otherwiſe 737 the Remainder. called Conſequence. SUBSTRACTION in Decimal Fractions is the fame as in whole in Mechanicks for a Bare Axis or SUCULA, or Succula, is a Term Numbers, always obſerving to put Cylinder, with Staves in it to move every Figure of the ſame Place under it round, but without any Tympa- the like Place above, and imagining num or Peritrochium, all void Places to be ſupplied with SUN. Our excellent Sir Iſaac Cyphers. Examples. Newton faith, in his Principia, that From 352.09.576 79. the Denfity of the Sun's Heat (which Take 63.74 .0829 .2987 is proportional to his Light) is ſeven Remains 288 35 4931 78.7013 times as great at Mercury as with us; SUBSTRACTION of Vulgar Frac- and therefore our Water there would tions is performed by taking the be all carried off, and boil away: Numerator of the leſſer Fraction from For he found by Experiments of the that of the greater, and ſetting down Thermometer, that an Heat but fe- the Difference for the Numerator of ven times as great as that of the Sun- the Fraction wanted, its Denomina- Beams in Summer, will ſerve to make for being the ſame as either of the Water boil. Denominators of the givenFractions ; 1. He proves alſo, that the Mat- which Denominators muſt either be ter of the Sun to that of Jupiter is equal at firſt, or elſe made ſo by re- nearly as 1100 to 1; and that the ducing the Fractions to a common Diſtance of that Planet from the Sun, Denominator. As if from you are is in the ſame Ratio as the Sun's to take , then will the Remainder Semidiameter. be. And if from ri you take 14, 2. That the Matter of the Sun to you must firſt reduce theſe Fractions that of Saturn, is as 2360 to I; and the 1 S UN SUP the Diſtance of Saturn from the Sun Equinox to the Autumnal, than from is in a Ratio but little leſs than that the Autumnal to the Vernal. of the Sun's Semidiameter : And 6. The Sun's Diameter is equal to confequently, that the common Cen- an hundred Diameters of the Earth; tre of Gravity of the Sun and Jupi- and therefore the Bo ly of the Sun ter is nearly in the Saperficies of the muſt be 1000000 times greater than Sun; of Saturn and the Sun, a little that of the Earth. within it. Mr. Azout aſſures us, that he ob- 3. And by the ſame manner of ſerved by a very exact Method the Calculation it will be found, that Sun's Diameter to be no leſs than 21 the common Centre of Gravity of Minutes 45 Seconds in his Apogee, all the Planets, cannot be more than and not greater than 32 Minutes 45 the Length of the Solar Diameter Seconds in his Perigee. diſtant from the Centre of the Sun: 7. The mean apparent Diameter This common Centre of Gravity he of the Sun, according to Sir Iſaac proves to be at reſt, and therefore Newton, is 32 Minutes 12 Seconds, tho' the Sun, by reaſon of the yari. in his Theory of the Moon. ous Poſition of the Planets, may be 8. If you divide 360 Degrees moved every way, yet it cannot re- i.e. the whole Ecliptick) by the cede far from the common Centre of Quantity of the Solar Year, it will Gravity, and this, he thinks, ought quote 59 Minutes 8 Seconds, &c. to be accounted the Centre of our which therefore is the Quantity of World. Book 3. Prop. 12. the Sun's Diurnal Motion ; and if 4. By means of the Solar Spots it this 59 Minutes 8 Seconds be divided hath been diſcovered, that the Sun by 24, you have the Sun's Horary revolves round its own Axis, with. Motion, which is 2 Minutes 28 Se- out moving (conſiderably) out of his conds ; and if you will divide this Place, in about twenty five Days, laſt by 60, you will have his Mo- and that the Axis of this Motion is tion in a Minute, C. And this inclined to the Ecliptick in an An- Way are the Tables of the Sun's gle of 87 Degrees 30 Minutes nearly. mean Motion, which you have in The Sun's apparent Diameter being the Books of Aſtronomical Calcula- ſenſibly ſhorter in December than in tion, conſtructed. June, as is plain, and agreed from 9. The Sun's Horizontal Parallax, Obſervation, the Sun muſt be pro- Dr. Gregory and Sir Iſaac Newton portionably nearer to the Earth in make but io Seconds. Winter than in Summer ; in the for SUNDAY LETTER, the fame mer of which Seaſons will be the with Dominical Letter. Perihelion, in the latter the Aphe- SUPERFICIAL NUMBERS, the lion: And this is alſo confirmed by fame with Plain Numbers. the Earth's moving ſwifter in De SUPERFICIES, the ſame with cember, than it doth in June ; as it Surface, (which ſee,) is Length and doth about is. Breadth only, without Thickneſs. 5. For fince, as Sir Iſaac Newton The Notion of a Line's being hath demonitrated, by a Line drawn made up of an infinite Number of to the Sun, the Earth always de equidiſtant Points; of a Superficies, ſcribes equal Areas in equal l'imes, of an infinite Number of cquidiſtant whenever it moves ſwifter, it muſt Lines; and of a Solid's, of an in- needs be nearer to the Sun : And for finite Number of equidiſtant Sur- this Reaſon there are about eight faces or Superficies, is falſe, and will Days more from the Sun's Vernal lead a Perſon into a llultitude of lit Ab- SUP I ŞUR 3 Abſurdities in the Inveſtigation of ļ. When any Ņumber or Quag- Proportions of the Surfaces of Bo- tity hath its Root propoſed to be dies, &c. For if a Pyramid or Cone extracted, and yet is not a true figu- be conceived, the one as made up of rate Number of that kind, that is, an infinite Number of equidiſtant if its Square Root being demanded, Squares, and the other as made up it is not a true Square, &c. then 'tiş of an infinite Number of equidiſtanţ impoſſible to affign, either in whole Circles parallel to their reſpective Numbers or Fractions, any exact Baſes, continually increaſing as the Root of ſuch a Number propoſed ; Squares of the Natural Numbers, it and whenever this happens, 'tis uſu, will from thence follow, that the al in Mathematicks, to mark the Surfaces of any two Pyramids, or required Root of ſuch Ņumbers or Cones, of the fameBaſe and Altitude, Quantities, by prefixing before it the will be equal, which every one proper Marks of Radicality, V. knows is falſe: And the Reaſon why Thus, V ž ſignifies the Square from this Notion a true Concluſion is ſometimes drawn, when the Pro- Root of 2. and V 16. or v (3) 16. portions of Plain Surfaces, or of So. fignifies the Cubical Root of 16. lids, contain'd between the fame Which Roots, becauſe they are im- Parallels, is fought, is becauſe the poſſible to be expreſſed in Numbers infinite Number of Parallelograms, exactly, (for no Number, either In- of which a Plain Figure may con- teger or Fraction, multiplied into fift, and the infinitely ſmall Paral. itſelf, can ever produce 2, or being lelepipedons, of which a Solid does, niultiplied Cubically, can ever pro- when their Proportions are fought, duce 16,) are very properly called are all of the fame infinitely ſmall Surd Roots. Height, and ſo they are to each other 2. There is alſo another Way of as their Baſes ; whence theſe Baſes, Notation, now much in uſe, whereby in this Cafe, may be taken for the Roots are expreſſed, withoạt the Correſpondent Parallelograms or Radical Sign, by their, Indexes ; Parallelepipedons, and ſo no Error Thus, as *? *3! 45. c. fignify will ariſe. the Square, Cube, and fifth Power SUPER-PARTICULAR PROPOR- of x ; fo xł. x3. x3. &c. fignify the TiON, is when one Number or Square Root, Cube Root, Gc. of x. Quantity contains another once, and The Reaſon of which is plain e- one ſuch Part whoſe Numerator is 1 ; then the Number fo contained in nough; for ſince vx is a Geometri- the greater, is ſaid to be to it in calmean Proportional between 1 and fuper-particular Proportion. X, fo is an Arithmetical mean SUPER-PARTIENT PROPORTI therefore as 2 is the Index of the Number between 0 and I; and On, is when one Number or Quan- I proper tity contains another once, and some Square of x, 1 will be the Number of aliquot Parts remaining; Index of its ſquare Root, &c. 3. Obſerve alſo, that for Conve- as, 1}, I, I, C. nience or Brevity fake, Quantities SUPPLEMENT of an Arch, in Geometry, or Trigonometry, is the or Numbers, which are not surds, are often expreſſed in the Form Number of Degrees that it wants of Surd Roots : Thus V 49 V 2, of being an entire Semi-Circle; as the Complement ſignifies' what an V 27, &c. fignify, 2, 1, 3, &c. Arch wants of being a Quadrant. Surds are either ſimple, which SURD Roots, or Numbers. are expreſied by one ſingle T'es m, or elle 3 1 3 7 k. E g SUR SOU elſe compound, which are formed let us call the Side BC (6), tb, An- by the Addition or Subſtraction of gle BAC (a), and the Angle CAD fimple Surds : As, ✓ 5 + 5 (d), alſo BDA (8), and the Angle ✓ 2. or ✓ 1 + V 2. Which B f с laſt is called an Univerſal Root; and ſignifies the Cubick Root of that m т. Number, which is the Reſult of ad- ding 7 to the Square Root of z. SURFACE, (the ſame with Su- perficies) is the bare Outſide of any Body; and conſidered by it ſelf, is Quantity extended in Length and d Breadth only, without Thickneſs. SURSOLID Lọcus. See Locus А. X Şurſolid. ŠURSOLID PROBLEM, in Ma. BDC (!), ard the Angle AED, thematicks, is that which cannot (which is alſo given) (ki , and the be reſolved "but by Curves of a Angles B; C, (m and »), and laſtly higher Nature than a Conick Sec- the Side AD, (x); then it will be as the Sine of the Angle (k) is to (F) :: tion, v.gr. in order to deſcribe a Regular Endecagon, or Figure of Sine (g): g* A E. And as the Sine eleven Sides in a Circle, 'tis re- quired to deſcribe an Iſoſceles Tri- of the Angle (k) is to (x), ſo is the Sine angle on a Right Line given, whoſe xd Angles at the Baſe ſhall be quintuple k to that at the Vertex; which may eaſily be done by the Interſection of the Sine (m) : (A E) :: fo is a Quadratrix, or any other Curve of the ſecond Gender. xon the Sine of (a): to =BE, And mk SURVEYING of Land, or Pla- nometria, is the Art of meaſuring xd as the Sine of (n): all manner of Plain Figures, in (ED) :: k k order to know their ſuperficial xdh Cotent; which how to do, I fo is the Sine of (3) to = (CE) nk have ſhewn all along, under the Now as B E + EC: EC-BE:: particular Name of each Plane fo is the Tangent of half the Sun of Figure : But how to bring this to the Angles B CE and CBE (which Practice, ſo as to meaſure the A- are given) to the Tangent of half reas of Real Lands, Fields, Grounds, their Difference: Therefore &c. by the Help of proper In- ftruments, is what we uſually call **nag + md (BE + EC): The following uſeful Problem nag being uncommon, and the Solution ** m d h (EC-BE). eaſily following from the Inveſtiga- tion, I thought it might not be a- ſo is the Tangent of half the Sum miſs to inſert it. of the Angles BCE, CBF, to the The Side BC given, together Tangent of half their Difference. with the Angles BAC, CAD, But becauſe is in both Terms ADB, BDC, to find the Side AD, mnk of of (d) to že E D. Alſo as 1 as m nk m nk S Y N SYP to. of the Ratio, it will be as the Sines of Part ends and breaks off upon the nag + m dh: m dh nag::fo Middle of a Note of another Part. is the Tangent of half the Sum of the SYNCOPE, in Mufick, is the Angles, to the Tangent of half their Driving Note, when ſome ſhorter Difference : But becauſe the Sines Note perfixed at the Beginning of of nag and mdg are all known, the Meaſure, or Half-Meaſure, is therefore may the Angles BCE followed by two, three, or more and CBE be found, and conſequent- Notes of a greater Quantity, before ly the Sides CE and BE, as alſo you meet with another ſhort Note Á E and ED, and thence the Side equivalent to that which began the A D fought may be alſo found. l. Driving, to make the Number even ; E. P. as when an odd Crotchet comes be- SUPERFICIAL FOURNEAU, a fore two, three, or more Minims, Term in Fortification, the fame or an odd Quaver before two, three with Caiſſon, which is a wooden or more Crotchets, Cheſt, or Box, with three, four, SYNODICAL MONTH, is the five, or fix Bombs in it; and ſome- Space of Time (viz. 29 Days, 12 times 'tis filled only with Powder, Hours, 45 Minutes) contained be- and is uſed in a cloſe Siege, by be tween the Moon's parting from the ing buried under Ground with a Sun at a Conjunction, and returning Train to it, to blow up any Lodg- to him again'; during which Time ment that the Enemy ſhall approach the puts on all her Phaſes. And her SYNODICAL REVOLUTION, is SURVEYING SCALE, the fame that Motion whereby her whole Sy- with Reducing Scale. ftem is carried along with the Earth SWALLOWS-I'AIL, in Fortifica- round the Sun. tion, is a ſingle Tenaille, that is SYNTHETICAL METHOD of En- narrower towards the Place than to- quiry, or Demonſtration, in Mathe- wards the Country: maticks, is when we purſue the ŞWING-WHEEL, in a Royal Pen- Truth, chiefly by Reaſons drawn dulum, is that Wheel which drives from Principles before eſtabliſhed, the Pendulum. This Wheel in a and Propoſitions formerly proved, Watch is called the Crown Wheel, and proceed by a long regular Chain, as alſo in a Balance Clock. till we come to the Concluſion; SYDEREAL YEAR. See Year, as is done in the Elements of Euclid, SYMMETRY, in Architecture, and in almoſt all the Demonſtrations comes from the Greek Symmetria, of the Ancients. This is called with Meaſure, and ſignifies the Re- Compoſition, and is oppoſed to the lation of Parity, both as to Height, Analytical Method, which is called Depth, and Breadth, which the Reſolution. Which ſee. Parts have, in order to form a beau- SYPHON, is a Tube or Pipe of tiful Whole. In Architecture we Glaſs or Metal, which is uſually have both uniform Symmetry, and bent to an Acute Angle, and hav- reſpective Symmetry: In the for- ing one Leg ſhorter than the other, mer, the Ordonance is purſued in They are frequently uſed to draw the ſame manner throughout the off Liquors out of one Barrel or whole Extent; whereas in the latter, Veſſel into another, without raiſing only the oppoſite Sides correſpond the Lees, or Dregs, and are called to each other. Cranes. Soinetimes Glaſs Tubes or SYNCOPATION, a Term in Mu. Pipes, tho' [.rait, are called Syphons. fic':, which is when a Note of one SYSTEM j TA I T E L SYSTEM, in Muſick, is the Ex- fquare Fillet, and a ſtreight Cyma. tent of a certain Number of Chords, tium, and is only two Portions of a having its Bounds toward the Grave Circle. and Acute, which hath been diffe TALUS, in Architecture, is the rently determined by the different fame with Aftragalus; which fee : Progreſs made in Muſick, and ac- But in Fortification it fignifies any cording to the different Diviſions of Thing that goes ſloping ; or it is the the Monochord. French Word for a Slope. The Syſtem of the Ancients was TANGENT of a Curve is a Right compoſed of four Tętrachords, and Line, which fo meets a part of a one fupernumerary Chord, the whole Curve, as not to cut that part, making fifteen Chords, TAPER-BORED, a Term in Gun- SYSTEM, properly is a regular nery. A Piece of Ordnance is ſaid orderly Collection, or orderly Dif- to be Taper-Bored when it is wider poſition of all thoſe Planets, which at the Mouth than towards the move round the Sun as their Centre, Breech. in determined Orbits, and never de TELESCOPE, is a Dioptrick In- viate farther from him than their ſtrument, compoſed of Lens's, by proper and uſual Bounds. And a means of which remote Objects ap- System of Philoſophy, is a regu- pear as if they were near. lar Collection of the Principles and It is certain that Johannes Bap- Parts of that Science into one Body, tiſta Porta, a Neapolitan, was the and a treating of them dogmatical- firſt that made a Teleſcope, abo ut ly, or in a ſcholaftical Method; the Year 1594: For he ſays, in which is called the Syſtematical Way, Magiſ. Natur. lib. 17. c. 10. Si in contradiſtinction of the Way of utrumque (that is, a 'Concave and Eſſay, wherein the Writer delivers Convex Glaſs) rectè conjungere no- himſelf more looſely, eaſily and veris, & longinqua & proxima ma- modeſtly. jora, & clara videbis, non parum SYSTILE, in Architecture, is multis amicis auxilii preflitimus, qui that Manner of placing Columns & longinqua obſoleta, proxima turbi- where the Space between the two da conſpiciebant, ut omnia perfectif- Fuſts conſiſts of two Diameters, or me contuerentur. But Porta did not four Modules. well underſtand his own Invention, SYZYGY, in Aſtronomy, is the which he had found out by Chance, fame with the Conjunction of any and ſo had not effected it with any two Planets or Stars, or when they great Induſtry, or applied the ſame are both referred to the ſame point to Celeſtial Obſervations. Not long in the Heavens ; or to the ſame De- after hiin, there were ſeveral others gree of the Ecliptick, by a Circle that made hort Teleſcopes ; but of Longitude paffing through them they were of ſmall Uſe, till Gali- both. leo applied himſelf to the making of one, who was the firſt that made it tolerably good. A Teleſcope, made by a convex and concave Lens, repreſents vaftly T. diſtant Objects, diftinct and erect; and magnifies them according to the AILIER: See Abacus. Proportion of the Focal Diſtance of TALON, a little Member the Convex Lens, to the Focal Dif- in Architecture, conſiſting of a tance of the Concave Len . А T T E L TEL Van AP A Teleſcope, made of two Con- ture appear Curve: Therefore we vex Lens's, repreſents vaftly diftant muſt make our Teleſcope of four Objects, diſtinct but inverted; and Lens's, which is done after the fol- magnifies them according to the Pro- lowing Manner: portion of the Focal Diſtance of the The Exterior, or Object Lens, Exterior or Object Lens, to the Fo. is A, whoſe Focal Diſtance is AB, cal Dittance of the Interior or Ocu- and in the ſame Axis are placed lır Léns. three Ocular Lens's C, D, and E, Here follows the Explanation of all equal to one another, the inmoſt the Conſiruction of a Teleſcope com of which is placed beyond the Fo- pounded of four Convexes, by means cus B, by its Focal Diſtance BC; of which Objects are ſeen erect, and very ample. TUIN Teleſcopes, made of two Con- yexes, becauſe of their Inverting G the Poſition of the Object, are ſel- A dom uſed, except in obſerving the Stars, the Poſition of which is not regarded. The Proportion in which this Sort magnifies the Object, has already been ſhewn; but if we would have theſe Images again made erect, and at the ſame time B a great Share of them be repreſent- ed to the Eye, at one View, very ample, we muſt uſe three, four, five, B or more Lens's; which, however, are not to be multiplied without K Ц Cauſe, becauſe the Matter of each I of them, and the Reflexion of their H S ſeveral Surfaces, divert Part of the Rays : But we cannot obtain the 7 R deſired Effect perfectly, with fewer than four Lens's. For although, in E E the ſame Length of the Teleſcope, M N both anerect Situation, and the ſame Degree of magnifying, and an equal Share of the Object, may be had as well with three as four Lens's, yet the Compoſition of three Lens's is and the next D, is placed beyond much more inconvenient than that C, by twice that Diſtance B C, and of four ; becauſe in that, the two on the laſt as far from D as that was cular Lens's, or, at leaſt, that which from C; and laſtly, the Eye muſt is next the Eye, muſt be made of be placed beyond this laſt by the larger Segments of a Sphere, with Diſtance BC, reſpect to its Diameter, or to the There is here again Occaſion for Focal Diſtance, if the ſame Mag- two Figures ; in the firſt of which nitude of the Viſual Angle be re are repreſented Rays proceeding from quired: And hence the Objects a ſingle Point of the vaftly diftant come to be Coloured; and Right Object; which, 'tis plain to any Lines, at the Margins of the Aper- who underſtand what has gone be- fore, C T EL Τ Ε L. fore, Firſt, fall, as it were, paral. being equal, as the Diſtance AG, lel upon the Lens A, and are by it to the Diſtance EF; that is, as collected at its Focus B; and thence AB, the Focal Diſtance of one of diverging, fall upon the Lens C, the ocular Lens's. Q.E.D. which makes thein again parallel, It appears, moreover, that the and throws them upon the Lens D, viſual Angle MFN comprehends which collects them at its Focus H, the fame Latitude of the Object, the middle Point of the Diſtance with a Teleſcope made of two DE ; from whence proceeding on Lens's, only A and C: for that to the Lens E, they are by it made Share of the Object which is com- a third time parallel ; and being prehended in the Angle TGV, received ſo by the Eye F, they make would be ſeen through that Tele- diſtinct Viſion by being collected at ſcope in the Angles KSL, equal to its Focus which is in the bottom of the Angles MFN. the Eye. This incomparable Compoſition The other Figure comiders the of Lens's was found out by I Proportion of magnifying, which is know not whom at Rome; and may that which AB, the Focal Diſtance be much improved by placing an of the Object Lens, bears to BC, Annulus.or Ring either at H, the the Focal Diſtance of one of the common Focus of the Lens's D and Ocular Lens's, and demonſtrates E, or at B, the common Focus of likewiſe the Amplitude of the vi- the Lens's A and C; which is e- ſual Angle. For the Apertures of ſpecially of very great uſe in mea- the three Ocular Lens's, being ſuring the Diameters of Planets : ſuppoſed equal, which muſt not ex For this Annulus does therefore ceed the Apertures of the Object exactly circumſcribe the Circle of Lens A, draw Mn, NR, parallel the apparent Images, becauſe it to the common Axis ; and compre cuts off thoſe irregular Rays which hending the Diameters of the A are not collected near enough to B pertures of the Lens's E and D, or H, and conſequently are not, by and alſo KO, LP, parallel to the means of the ſucceeding Lens's, fame Axis, and comprehending fent parallel to the Eye, which di- KL the Aperture of the Lens C; ftinct Vifon requires ; and the Coe and taking AG, equal to AB, draw lours likewiſe near the Margins are the Lines OGV,PGT, interſecting by this contrivance taken away, one another in G. Now, it is evi which without it are not well to be dent, the Latitude of the Object avoided. The Proportions between which is ſeen by the naked Eye the Focal Diſtance of the Object from the Point G, and conſequently Lens, (which is likewiſe the Length from F alſo, the Diſtance of the of the Teleſcope,) the Aperture of Object being as it were infinite, the ſame Object Lens, the Focal would appear comprehended in the Diftance of the Ocular Lens, and Angle MFN; and conſeqnently the apparent magnified Diameter of the Proportion of the apparent the Object ; for Teleſcopes, from Magnitude to the true, is as the the Length of one Rhinland Foot Angle MFN to the Angle TGV to a hundred, are expreſſed in the or PGO; that is, PO and MN Table following. " 4 TEL TÉL A Table for TÉLESCOPES. tion of mag- The Focal Dif|The Diameter of thelThe Focal Diſtance of The Propor- tance of the Ob- Aperture of the ob- the Ocular Lens. ject Lens, or the jeet Lens. nifying con- Length of thel ſidered as to Teleſcope. the Diame- ter. i intilo nos do 20. 28, 34. 40. 44. 49. 53. 56. 1,80. 60. 62. Rhinland Feet. Inches and Decimals, Inches and Decimals. 1. 0,55 0,61. 2. 0,75 0,85. 3 0,95 1,05. 4 1,09 1,20. 5 1,23 1,35. 6. 1,34 1,47. 7 1,45 1,60. 8. 1,55 1,71. 9. 1,64. . 1,73: 1,90. 13 1,97 2,17 15 2,12. 2,33. 20. 2,45. 2,70. 25. 2,74 3,01. 30. 3,00. 3,30. 35. 3,24 45 40. 0,04: 50. 55 4,47 6o. 4,24. 65. 4:42. 70. 4,58. 5,04 75. 4,74. 5,21. 80. 4,90 5,39. 85 5,05. 90. 5,20. 5,72. 95. 5:34. 5.87. 100. 6,03. 3,56. 3,81. 72. 77. 89. 100. 109. 118. 1 26. 133 '141. 148. 154. 161. 3,46. 3,67. 3,87. 4,06. 4,26. 4,66, 4,86. 166. 172. 178. 5,56. 183. 189. 194. 199. 5,48. Şir Iſaac Newton, in his Optics, for the Air through which we look ſays, if the Theory of making Tes upon the Stars, is in perpetual T're- leſcopes could, at length, be fully mor, as may be ſeen by the tremu- brought into Practice, yet there lous Motion of Shadows caft from would be certain Bounds beyond high Towers, and by the twinkling which Teleſcopes could not perform of the fixed Stars. But theſe Stars do are T EL T E R do not twinkle when viewed numb. 81. and in numb. 376. Mr. through Teleſcopes, which have Hadley has given us a Deſcription large Apertures ; for the Rays of of an Inſtrument of this kind of Light, which paſs through divers five Feet one fourth in Length ; Parts of the Aperture, tremble each which, uſed as a Night-Teleſcope, of them apart; and, by means of will magnify about two hundred their various, and ſometimes con- and twenty times, and, as a Day. trary Tremors, fall at one and the one, about one hundred twenty- fame time upon different Points in five times; and is in ſeveral reſpects the bottom of the Eye, and their ſuperior, and in none inferior to trembling Motions are too quick Mr. Huygens's Dioptric Telefcope and confuſed to be perceived ſe- of one hundred and twenty-fix Feet verally : And all theſe illuminated in Length. Points conſtitute one broad lucid Mr. Jackſon, an ingenious Mathe- Point, compoſed of thoſe many matical Inſtrument-Maker, has late- trembling Points, confuſedly and in- ly made one of thoſe reflecting Te- ſenſibly mixed with one another by leſcopes, the largeſt that I ever ſaw, very ſort and ſwift Tremors, and being fix Feet long and ſeven Inches thereby cauſe the Star to appear in Diameter, and magnifying the broader than it is, and without any Objects zoo times. trembling of the whole. Long Te TeleSCOPICAL STARS, leſcopes may cauſe Objects to ap- thoſe that are not viſible to the pear brighter and larger than fhort naked Eye, but diſcoverable only ones can do ; but they cannot be ſo by the help of a Teleſcope. formed as to take away that Con TEMPERATE ZONE. See Zone. fuſion of the Rays which ariſes TEMPORARY FORTIFICATI- from the Tremors of the Atmo- on. See Fortification. ſphere. The only Remedy is a TENAILLE, in Fortification, is moſt ſerene and quiet Air, ſuch as a kind of Out-Work reſembling a may perhaps be found on the tops Horn-Work, but generally fome- of the higheſt Mountains above the what different; in regard that in- the groſſer Clouds. ſtead of two Demi-Baſtions, it bears' TELESCOPE (AERIAL) is one of only in Front a re-entring Angle Mr. Huygens's, deſcribed in the Philo- between the ſame Wings without ſophical Tranſaktions, pag. 161. made Flanks, and the Sides are parallel : for uſing only in the Night ; and ſo But when there is more Breadth at having no cloſe Tube, ſince there is the Head than at the Gorge, theſe no need of one in the Night. Tenailles are called Queuë d'hironde. TELESCOPE (REFLECTING,) All Tenailles are defective in this conſiſts of a large Tube, open at reſpect, that they are not Aanked, one end, being that next to the Ob- or defended towards their inward ject, and having the other end cloſe, or dead Angle, becauſe the Height where a Concave Metalline Specu- of the Parapet hinders ſeeing down lum is placed ; and having near the before the Angle; ſo that the Enea open End a flat Oval Speculum in- my can lodge himſelf there under clined towards the upper part of the, Covert : Wherefore. Tenailles are Tube, where is a little hole furniſh- never made, but when they wano ed with a ſmall plane Convex Eye- time to make Horn-Works. Glaſs. There is a full account of; TENOR, is the Name of the firſt this Inſtrument by Sir Iluar Now. Mean or middle Part in Muſick. ton, in the Philoſophical Tranfa&ioni, TERM, in Geometry is taken 3 fos TER THE ch 15 ze S for the Bounds and Limits of añya by the inner Talus on the other tö- thing." ward the Body of the Place, TERMS of an Equation, in Alge TERRELLA : When a Loadſtone , bra, are the ſeveral Names or Mem- is made ſpherical, and is placed to bers of which, it is compoſed, and that its Poles and Equator, &c. do fuch as have the ſame unknown exactly correſpond to the Poles and Letter, but in different Powers or Equator of the World, it is called Degrees : For if the ſame unknown by Gilbert a Tereļla, or little Earth; Letter be found in ſeveral Meme being in ſome meaſure a Reprefen- bers in the fame Degree ori Power, tation of our great Globé of Earth; they ſhall paſs but for one Term. TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. See As, in this Equation, *x + ax Globe. bb; the three Terms are **, TERRESTRIAL LINE, See Liñe ax, and bb. Moreover, in this, Terreſtrial. ab TETRACHORD, in Mufic, is a Concord or x or Interval of threex cd Tones. the Terms are 34, 43, 4, The Tetrachord of the Ancients, ab fP ab was a Rank of four Strings, ac- + xx, and yy. Where X, counting the Tetrachord for one Tone, as it is often taken in Muſic. f TETRA DIAPASON. A Qua and x, are the ſame Terms; druple Diapaſon is a muſical Chord; otherwiſe called and the firft Term in any Equation otherwiſe a quadruple, must be that where the unknown eighth, or nine and twentieth. Root hath the higheſt Dimenſions ; TBTRACONIAS, a.Comet, whoſe and that Term which hath the Root. Head is of a quadrangular Figures.. in it, of one Dimenſion of Power and its Tail or Train long, thicki and uniform; and does not differ lower, is called the ſecond Term, much from the Meteor called and ſo on. Trabs. Terms of Proportion, in Mathe- maticks, are ſuch Numbers, Letters, TETRAHEDRON, is one of the or Quantities , as are compared one regular Bodies, confifting of four. with another. equal equilateral Triangles; or it is a triangular Pyramid of four equal 2. 4 :: 6. d. then a, b, Faces. a. b :: 8. 16, TetraSTYLE, in Architecture, c, d, or 2, 4, 8, 16, are called the is a Building which hath four Cow- Terms; a being the firſt Term, b lumns in the Faces before and be- the ſecond Term, &C. hind. TERRAQUEOUS, in Geography, TEXTURE. The Texture of fignifies the Globe of Earth and Wa- any natural Body, is that particu- ter, as they both together conftitute lar Difpofition of its conſtituent one ſpherical Body. Particles, as makes it have ſuch TÉRRE (PLAIN) in Fortification, Form, or be of ſuch a Nature, or is the Platform or horizontal Sur- be endow'd with ſuch Qualities. face of the Rampart lying level, THEODOLITE, is an Inſtrument only with a little ſlope on the out- uſed in Surveying, and taking of fide for the Recoil of the Cannon. Heights and Diſtances ; and con- It is terminated by the Parapet fifteth of ſeveral Parts, as a Circle on that fide toward the Field, and of Braſs, about one Foot Diameter, divided Thus if ged Staff. TH R T ID divided into four Quadrants, fome- fhut all together, and to take off in times with a Teleſcope at the bot- the middle, for the better Carriage; tom of it. and on its top is uſually a Ball and Each of the Quadrants is divided Socket to ſupport and adjuſt In- into ninety Degrees, and ſubdivided ſtruments for Aſtronomy, Survey- as the Largeneſs of the Inſtrument ing, &c. will permit. Tide. Tide fignifies as well the A Box and Needle contrived to Ebbing as the Flowing of the Sea; ſtand upon the Centre of the Circle, the former of which the Seamen call upon which Centre, the Inſtrument, Tide of Ebb; the latter, Tide of the Index, with its Sights, and Flood. ſometimes a Teleſcope, is made to In a Lunar Day, that is, the turn about; and yet, both the In- Time ſpent between the Moon's goo ftrument, and the Box and Needle, ing from the Meridian, and coming remain firm. At the bottom of the to it again, the Sea is twice elevated, Box, there is a Card, or Mariner's and twice depreſſed, in any aſſigned Compaſs fix'd. Place. A Socket on the Backſide, to be In any Place the Water is moſt put upon the Head of a three-leg- elevated, two or three Hours after the Moon has paſs'd the Meridian A Staff to ſet the Inſtrument up- of the Place, or the oppoſite Meri- on ; the Neck, at the Head where- dian. of, muſt be made to go into the The Elevation towards the Moon Socket on the Backſide of the In. a little exceeds the oppofite one. ſtrument. The Aſcent of the Water is dimi. N.B. I muſt do Mr. Thomas niſhed as you go towards the Poles, , Heath (Mathematical Inſtrument- becauſe there is no Agitation of the Maker, near the Fountain-Tavern Water there. in the Strand,) the Juſtice to ſay, From the Action of the Sun, every that I have ſeen excellent Theo- natural Day the Sea is twice ele- dolites made by him, as well vated, and twice depreſſed. This as all other Mathematical Inſtru- Agitation is much leſs, on account ments. of the immenſe Diſtance of the Sun, THBorem, is a ſpeculative Pro- than that which depends upon the poſition, demonſtrating the Proper. Moon; yet it is ſubject to the ſame ties of any Subject. Laws. THERMOSCOPE is an Inftru The Motions which depend upon ment ſhewing the Increaſe and De- the Action of the Moon and Sun, are creaſe of Heat and Cold in the Air : not diſtinguiſhed but confounded ; But the and from the Action of the Sun, the THERMOMETER is an Inſtru- Lunar Tide is only changed; which ment by which we can meaſure the Change varies every Day, by rea- Heat and Cold of the Air. ſon of the Inequality between the It is uſually made of a Tube of Natural and Lunar Day. Glaſs of about four Foot long, fil. In the Syzygies the Elevations led with tinged Spirit of Wine, or from the Action of both Luminaries ſome other proper Liquor, having a concur, and the Sea is more ele. Bill at the bottom of it. vated; the Sea aſcends lefs in the THREE-LEGGBD-STAFF, is an Quadratures ; for where the Water Inſtrument conſiſting of three is elevated by the Action of the wooden Legs, made with Joints to Moon, it is depreſſed by the Action Kk of TID 1 T I M of the San, and ſo on the contrary come to the greateſt Height; and Therefore, whilft the Moon paſſes every Day the greateſt Elevation of from the Syzygy to the Quadrature, the Sea will be after the Moon has the daily Elevations are continually paſſed thro' the oppoſite Meridian. diminished : On the contrary, they All Things which have been hi- are increaſed when the Moon moves therto explained would exactly ob- from the Quadrature to the Syzygy. tain, if the whole Surface of the At a new Moon alſo, Cæteris pari- Earth was covered with Sea ; but bus, the Elevations are greater, and ſince the Sea is not every where, thoſe that follow one another the ſome Changes ariſe from thence e ; ſame Day, are more different than not indeed in the open Sea, becauſe at Full Moon. the Ocean is extended enough to be The greateſt and leaſt Elevations ſubject to the Motions we have are not obſerv'd, till the ſecond or ſpoken of. But the Situation of the third Day after the New or Full Shores, the Streights, and many Moon. Íf we conſider the Lumina- other Things depending upon the ries receding from the Plane of the particular Situation of the Places, Equator, we fhall perceive that the diſturb theſe general Rules : Yet it Agitation is diminiſhed, and becomes is plain from the moſt general Ob- leſs, according as the Declination of ſervations, that the Tide follows the the Luminaries becomes greater. Laws which we have laid down. In the Syzygies, near the Æqui-, The mean Force of the Sun to noxes, the Tides are obſerved to be move the Sea, is to the mean Force the greateſt, both Luminaries being of the Moon to move the fame, as in or near the Equator. I to 4.4815 The Actions of the Moon and Sun The 'Action of the Sun changes. are greater, the leſs thoſe Bodies are the Height of the Sea two Feet; diftant from the Earth; but when and that the Action of the Moon the Diſtance of the Sun is lefs, and changes it 8,95: And that, from the it is in the South Signs, often both joined Action of both, the mean the greateſt Aquinoctial Tides are Agitation is of about eleven Feet, obſerved in that Situation of the which agrees pretty well with Ob- Sun, that is, before the Vernal, and fervations. For, in the open Ocean, after the Autumnal Æquinox; which as the Sea is more or leſs open, the yet does not happen every Year, ben Water is raiſed to the Height of fix, cauſe ſome Variation may ariſe from nine, twelve, or fifteen Feet; in the Situation of the Moon's Orbit, which Elevations, alſo there is a and the Diſtance of the Syzygy from Difference arifmg from the Depth of the Aquinox. In Places diſtant the Waters; but thoſe Elevations, from the Equator, the Elevations which far exceed theſe, happen that happen the fame Day are un where the Sea violently enters into equal. the Streights or Gulphs, where the As long as the Moon is on the Force is not broken till the Water fame Side of the Equator in any ariſes higher. Place, the Elevation of the Water is Time, in Mufic, is that Quan- obſerved to be the greateſt every tity or Length whereby is aſſigned Day, after the Moon has paſſed the to every particular Note iis due Meridian of the Place. Meaſure, without making it either But if the Equator ſeparates, or longer.or ſhorter than it ought to be; is between the Moon and the Place and it is twofold, viz. Duple or of which we speak, the Water will Common, and Triple. TIME . TRA. TRA Time (DUPLE,) or Semi-breve, TRANSIT, in Aſtronomy, figni- generally called Comman, becauſe fies the paſſing of any Planet juſt by moſt uſed, is when all the Noteş are or under any fix'd Star; or of the increaſed by two. Moon, in particular, covering or Time (Triple,) is that where- moving cloſe by any other Planet. in the Meaſure is counted by TRANSITION, in . Muſic, is Threes. when a greater Note is broken into TIMB, is a Sụcceflion of Phæno. a leſſer, to make ſmooth or ſweeten mena, and the idea that we have the Roughneſs of a Leap by a gra- thei eof, confifts in the Order of dual Tranſition, or pafling to the fucceflive Perceptions : It is divided Note next following; whence it is into Abſolute and Relative. commonly called the Breaking of a Time (Agronomical, Mathemati. Note, being ſometimes very neceſſary cale or Abſolute) Hows equably in in Muſical Compoſition. it felf, without relation to any Thing TRANSMUTĀTron, in Geome- external; and, by another Word, is try, is to reduce or change one Fi- called Duration. But, gure or Body into another of the TIME ( Relative, Apparent, or fame Area or Solidity, but of a dif- Vulgar,) is the ſenſible and external ferent Figure; as a Triangle into a Meaſure of any Duration eſtimated Square, a Pyramid into a Parallelo- by Motion; and this the Vulgar piped, &c. uſe inſtead of true Timę. TRANSPARENT, or Diaphanous TONDINO, a Term in Archi- Bodies, are ſuch as may be ſeen tecture. See Affragal. through. TONE, a Term in Muſic, figni TRANSPOSITION, in Algebra, is fying a certain Degree of Elevation to bring any. Term of an Equation or Depreſtion of the Voice, or fome over to the other Şide, as if at bar; other Sound. and you make arch, then is 6 TOPOGRAPHY, is a particular tranſpoſed, Deſcription of ſome ſmall Quantity TRANSVERSE Axis, or Diame- of Land, ſuch as that of a Manor, ter of an Ellipfis, is the longer Axis. or particular Eſtate, &c. TRAPEZIUM, in Geometry, is TORRID ZONE. See Zone. a Plane Figure contained under four TORUS, in Architecture, is a unequal Right Lines. large round Moulding in the Baſes 1. Any `three Sides of a Trape. of the Columns zium taken together, are greater TRABEATION, the ſame with than the third. Entablement. 2. The twa Diagonals of any Tra- TRAJECTORY of a Comet, is the pezium do divide it into four pro- Line which, by its Motion, it de- portional Triangles. fcribes. 3. If two Sides of a Trape- TRANSCENDENTAL Curves, zium be parallel, the Rectangle un- are ſuch as when their Nature order the Aggregate of the parallel Property is expreſs'd by an Equa- Sides, and one half their Diſtance, is tion, one of the variable Quantities equal to that Trapezium. therein denotes a Curve Line; and 4. If a Parallelogram circum- when ſuch Curve Line is a Geome- ſcribes a Trapezium, ſo that one of trick one, or one of the firſt Degree, the sides of the Parallelogram be or Kind, then the Tranſcendental parallel to a Diagonal of the Tra- Curve is ſaid to be of the ſecond pezium, that Parallelogram will be Degree or Kind, &c. the double of the Trapezium. 5 Kk 2 5. 1 I T I-D TRA 5. If any Trapezium has two of from F, K, let fall the perpendi- its oppoſite Anglèseach a right culars FG, FH to AK, DK, and Angle, and a Diagonal be drawn KI, KL to FC, FB then will joining theſe”, Angles; and if from GK be the infinitely ſmall Decre- the other two Angleš be drawń two 'ment of A Ki KH that of DK; Perpendiculars to that Diagonal, the If the infinitely ſmall Increment Diſtances from the Feet of theſe Per- of KC, and LF that of B K. But pendiculars to thoſe right Angles, fince the Angle FBH is infinitely reſpectively taken, will be equal. ſmall, KH will differ from LF 6. If the sides of a Trapezium be only by an infinitely fmall Quantity, cach biſſected, and the Points of which may therefore be rejected; Biffection he joined by four right ſo that KHELF. In like, manner Lines; theſe right Lines will form GK=FI. Therefore G K+KH a Parallelogram, which will be one +FI+LF = 0. But it is well half of the Trapezium. known, that when the Aggregate of 7. If the Diagonals of a Trape- any Number of variable Lines KB, zium be each biflected, and a right KC, KA, KD, becomes a Minimum, Line joins thoſe Points ; the Aggre- or Maximum, the Aggregate of gate of the Squares of the Sides is their Increments and Decrements equal to the Aggregate of the Squares will be equal to nothing. Where, of the Diagonals, together with four fore it is evident that the Diagonals times the Square of the Line joining AC, BD, are either leſs or greater the Point of Biſſection. than thoſe of any four right Lines 8. In any Trapezium ABCD, drawn from any Point, except -K, the Aggregate of the Diagonals within the Figure to the four An- AC, BD, is leſs than the Aggre. gles. But they cannot be greater, gate of four right Lines drawn from confequently, they muſt be leſs. 2, any Point (except the Interſection of The Truth of this Propoſition ap the Diagonals) within the Figure. pears almoſt evident by Infpeétion: Let K be the Interſection of the for ſuppoſe the Point P to be at any Diagonals, and conceive the Point finite Diſtance from K, the Inter- F to be infinitely near to K, from ſection of the Diagonals AC, BD, which draw four right Lines' AF, and draw, as before, the Lines AF, FB, FC, FD, to the Angles, and BF, CF, DF; then the Side-AĆ of the Triangle ACF, is fhorter than the two Sides AF+FC; and C the Side B D of the Triangle FBD ſhorter than the sides BF+FD. Therefore AC +BD is leſs than B AF+FC+BF+FD. TRAPEZOID, is a ſolid irregular Figure, having four Sides not paral- K lel to one another. TRAVERSE, a Term in Gunnery, I fignifying to turn a Piece of Ord- G nance which way one pleaſes upon her Platform. Alſo the laying and removing a Piece of Ordnance, or a great Gun, in order to bring it to bear or lie level with the Mark, is called Tr4- verſing the Piece. А H D TRA- L TRI TRI TRAVERSE, in Navigation, is the Of Triangles there are ſeveral Variation or Alteration of the Ship's forts,, as, Courſe upon the ſhifting of Winds, 1. A Right-angled Triangle, is that Gc. which hath one Right Angle. TRAVERSE, in Fortification, is 2. An Obtuſe-angled Triangle, is a little Trench, bordered with two ſuch as hath 'one Obtuſe Angle. Parapets, viz. one on the right Side, 3. An Acute-angled Triangle, is and the other on the left, which the that which hath all its Angles acute. Beſiegers make quite thwart the 4. Any Triangle that is not Right- Moat of the Place, to paſs ſecure angled, is called Oblique-angled, or from Flank-Shot, and to bring the Amblygonial. Miners to the Baſtions, 5. An Equilateral Triangle, is that TREBLE, is the laſt or higheft of which hath all its Sides equal to one the four Parts in Muſical Proportion. another. Trenches, in Fortification, are 6. An Iffceles, or an Equilegged certain Moats or Ditches, which Triangle, is that which hath only the Befiegers cut to approach more two Sides equal. ſecurely to the Place attacked, and 7. A Scalenous Triangle, is that are of ſeveral forts, according to the which has no two Sides equal. different Nature of the Soil; for if In every Triangle, the Sum of all the adjacent Territory be rocky, the the three Angles is equal to two Trench is only an Elevation of Ba. Right ones; and the External Angle vine, Gabions, .Wool - Packs, or made by any Side produced, is equal Shouldrings of Earth, caft up round to the Sum of the Internal and its about the Place: But where the Oppofite one. Ground may be eaſily opened, the In every Triangle, as well Plane Trench is dug therein, and bordered as Spherical, the Sines of the Sidės with a Parapet on the side of the are proporcional to the Şines of the Beſieged. The Breadth of it ought opposite Angles. to be from 8 to 10 Foot, and the If a Perpendicular bé let fall Depth from 6 to 7.- upon the Baſe of an Oblique-angled Theſe Trenches are to be carried Triangle, the Difference of the on with winding Lines, in fome Squares of the Sides is equal to the manner parallel to the Works of Double Rectangle under the Baſe, the Fortreſs, ſo as not to be in View, and the Diſtance of the Perpendi- of the Enemy, nor to expoſe its cular from the Middle of the Baſe. Length to their Shot, which they The Side of an Equilateral Tri- call Enfilading; for then it will be angle, inſcrib'd in a Circle, is in in danger of being enfiladed or Power triple of the Radius. ſcoured by the Enemies Cannon : The sides of a Triangle are cut and this carrying of the Trenches proportionably, by a Line drawn pa- obliquely, they call , carrying the rallel to the Baſe. Trenches by Coudees or Traverſes. A whole Triangle, is to a Tri- TRIANGLE, in Geometry, is a angle cut off by a Right Line, as the Figure of three sides and three An- Rectangle under the cut Sides, is to gles; and is either a Plane Triangle, the Rectangle of the two other Sides. or a Spherical one. In a Right angled Triangle, a A Plane Triangle, is contained Line drawn from the Right Angle under three Right Lines. at the Top, perpendicular to the A Spherical Triangle, is contain'd Hypothenule, divides the Triangle under three Arches of a great Circle into two other Right-angled Tri- of the Sphere. angles, the which are ſimilar to the firit { Kk 3 TRI' TR'I firſt Triangle, and to one another. out the Line BE till it cuts the In every Right-angled Triangle, Circle in D, and drawn the Line the Square of the Hypothenuſe is DC, the Triangles ABE and equal to the Sum of the Squares of BCD will be ſimilar, which may the other two Sides. be thus proved. The Angle A BÉ If any Angle of a Triangle be = E BC by Conſtruction; and be biffected, the biffecting Line will di- becauſe the Angles B AC and vide the oppoſite Side in the fame BDC ſtand upon the ſame Arch- Proportion as the Legs of the Angle BC, they will likewiſe be equal ; are to one another. and conſequently the Angles A E B, Triangles on the ſame Baſe, and BCD, muſt be equal. Therefore, having the ſame Height, that is as A B :BE::DB:B C, whence between the fame Parallel Lines, AB x B C = BE x D B. But are equal. fince A E x EC B E x E D Every Triangle is one half of a from the Nature of the Circle. And Parallelogram of the fame Baſe and becauſe B Eq = DB X BE (= Height. A B x B-C) - ED BF, from the The Area of any Triangle may Third of the Second of Euclid ; be had by adding all the three Sides therefore A B x B C – A EXEC together, and taking half the Sum ; =BEq. Q. E. D. and, from that half Sum, ſubtracting In any Triangle any one Side is each Side feverally, and multiply- greater than the Difference between ing that half Sum and the Remain- the other two Sides, and two Sides der continually one into another, is' greater than the Third. and extracting the Square Root of In any Triangle the Difference the Product. of the Squares of the Sides is equal The following uſeful Propofition, to the Difference of the Squares of being one of thoſe mentioned by Sir the Segment of the Baſe, made by Iſaac Newton in his Algebra, which letting fall a Perpendicular from the is neceſſary to be known by all thoſe vertical Angle upon the Baſe; and who intend to apply Algebra to Geo- the Square of one side, together metry; but he neither demonftrat- with the Square of the alternate Seg- ing it, nor directing where it is de- ment, is equal to the Square of the monſtrated, therefore I have given other Side, together with the Square a Demonſtration thereof. of the other Segment. If there be any Right Line B E In any Triangle, if the Baſe be which biſects the Angle ABC of biflected, and a Right Line be drawn А. B from the Angle oppoſite to the Baſe to the point of Biſfection, the Squares of the two Sides together, are equal to twice the Square of the E Biffecting Line together, with twice C the Square of -half the Baſe. In every Triangle the Rectangle under the Sides is equal to the Rect- angle under the Perpendicular drawn D from the vertical Angle to the Baſe, the Triangle ABC, I fry the Square and the Diameter of the circum- of the ſaid Line BE ABXBC ſcribing Circle. A E ⓇEC. In every Triangle the Angle con- Having deſcribed a Circle about tained under the Perpendicular to the ſaid Triangle, and continued the Baſe, and the Right Line drawn from TRI TŘI from that Angle to the Middle of of, whoſe two other Sides AG, GC, the Baſe, is 'equal to half the Diffe- make an Angle equal to one third Part rence of the Angles at the Baſe. of four right Angles (or 120 Deg.) and In every Triangle the Rectangle the Right Line EG be drawn, and under thé Aggregate and Difference if any Point F be taken in the Line of the Sides is equal to the Rectangle E G, and the Right Lines AF, FC, under the Aggregate and Difference be drawn : 1 ſay the Aggregate of the of the Segment of the Baſe, made Lines AF, FC, will be greater than by letting fall a Perpendicular from the Line EF. the Vertical Angle to the Baſe. Conceive a Circle to be deſcribed If the Point D be taken within a about the Triangle' A CE, which Triangle A B C ſuch, that the An- will paſs through G, and from the gles A DB, B DC, ADC, formed Fig. 2. at the ſame by three Right Lines Fig. I. B H. ) A А A А 411 AS с E Fig. 39 역 UITOICT«««...YIM<volvervui**dente 2 G A ( AD, BD, DC, drawn from the An- gles A, B, C, of the Friangle ABC, be equal to each other. I ſay the Ag- gregate of thoſe three Right Lines AD, BD, CD, will be leſs than the Ag- gregate of three other Right Lines E drawn from the Angles of the Triangle Point f let fall the perpendiculars A B C, to any 'Point beſides D, taken FH, FI, to AG, and CG. then within tihat Triangle. will the Angle AGE be = EGC, Before this can be demonſtrated, we becauſe the Arches A E, EC, are mult lay down the following Lemma. equal. So that each of theſe will teral Triangle, and a Triangle AGC be of one Right Angle, or 60 De- be conftructed upon one side À C there grees. Since the whole Angle AGC K 4 is TRI TRI is of two Right Angles, or 1żo Therefore A +FC - FG.is Degrees, and (in Fig. 3) the Angles greater than E G, and adding: F G FGI, FGH will be each Parts to both, we hall have A F+FC of one Right Angle, or 60 Degrees, greater than FG + EG; that is, becauſe theſe are each Vertical to than E F. EGA, EG Cé. Conſequently the This being granted, upon the Side Angles H FG, IF G of the right- AC of the Triangle ABC make angled Triangles. FHG, TH G the equilateral Triangle A E C (Fig. will be part of a Right Angle or 1.) and conceive a Circle to be de- 30 Degrees. So that HG=GI. ſcribed about the ſame; then from and GF will be the double of HG. what has been already faid, the Şince, if F G be ſuppoſed the Radius, Point D will fall in the Circumfe- FI and FH will each be the Sipe rence of that Circle, and if the Points of 60 Degrees, and HG, or GI, E-and B be joined by a Right-Line ; the Sine of 30 Degrees; and it is well this Line will paſs through the Point known that the Sine of 30 Degrees D, and therefore, ſince E G = A is equal to the Radius. Therefore · DEDC; the Line EB will be FGHG+ GI, alſo (by n. 22. un- equal to the three Lines A D, DB, der the word Circle) AG+GC= D C together. Now take any other EG. Now becauſe (Fig. 2.) AH+CI Point G within the Triangle, and to + FG (HG+GI)= ĘG, and A the ſame draw the three Right Lines F+F C is greater than AH+CI; AG, GB, GC, as alſo the Line for AF, F C are the Hypothenuſes EG, then I ſay, ,AG +GB+ of the right angled Triangles A FH, G C will be greater than AD+ CFI. Therefore AF + FC + DB + DC, that is, than EB. Now FG is greater than EG, and tak. it has been already ſhewn, that A G ing away F G from both; it will be +GC is greater than EG, and AF+F C greater than EG adding G B to both, it will be AG FG, that is, than EF. After the +GC-EGB greater than E G+ like manner in Fig. 3.) becauſe Ġ B. But ſince the two Sides E Ġ AH +CI-EG = EG. But f G B of any Triangle E G B are AF+FC greater than AH+CI. greater than the third Side E B; B 7 D/ H EVG IT A с - there- TRI TRI therefore AG +GC+GB will. D, in a tight Line RG given in be much greater than E-B, that is, Pofitions will be a Minimum, when than A DDB EDC. the Angles ABCBG are equal. Note, When the Point G is taken For if D'be taken in G'inkitely in the Periphery of the Circle, the near to B, and AD, DC be drawn, Demonſtration is very ſimple, there and AD Cuts BC in E) then being then no Occaſion for the Lém- ' fince the Angles A BFZ FDP mày ma aforegoing. Wherein be taken for Equalss they differing Otherwiſe : Let F be any Point from one anotketo only by can'inti- infinitely near to D, from which nitely ſmall Anglez the Angle CBG draw FÉ,FG perpendicular to AD, will be =AB i panduro the sides DC, and join the Lines AF, pc, BE, ED of the imali Triangle FB and FD, and let fall DH perpen- BED, are equal . *** Bút thêfe Sides dicular to BF, then will ED be the are the Fluxions of the Lines A'B, Fluxion of AD; DG that of DC; CB; fo that ED EEBZ0, or HF that of BD: ſo that if FD bé ED : EB; and therefore''AB fuppoſed the Radius, ED will be the + BC is a: Minimum. Sine of the Angle DFE, DG the Sine Note, It is very eaſy to demon- of the Angle DFG, and FH the Sine ſtrate this by commonGeometry of theAngle FDH. But the Angle too : by letting fall from A a Per- EFG is 60 Deg. Since E and Ġ, pendicular to FG; and continuing and EDG being 180° +120°, and it down below FG till it meets that the Complement of theſe three CB continued alfo below 'FG-for toi360°; alſo the Angle FDH then if any other Point D be taken EFDG +GDH, that is, FDG + in FG, and AD be drawn, as al- 30%) = 60° +EFD. But it is ſo CB, which being continued be- demonſtrated in Trigonometrical low B, will fall in the ſame Point Writings, (See Sherwin's Tables) with the Continuation of A Fit That the Sum of the Sines of any will follow that AB + BC is 'leſs two Angles making 60°, is equal than AD+DC Since two sides to the Sine 'of an Angle as much of any Triangle are greater than above 60°, as is the Quantity of the third. one of thoſe Angles, that is, ED+ Equal Triangles, that have one DG=-FH;and fo ED+DG + Angle of the one equal to one An- FH=o. Conſequently AD+BD+ gle of the other, have the sides DC is a Minimum ;' for when the including the equal Angles recipro- Sum of any Number of Quantities cally proportional, and contrari. is a Minimum, the Sum of their wiſe. Fluxions will be equal to 0. In any Triangle, if the three After this Sides be biflected, and right Lines by Inſpection, that the Sum of two be drawn from the Angles to the right Lines AB, BC, drawn from Points of Biffection, they will cur two given Points A, C, to a Point one another in the ſame Point with in the Triangle, which Point will triſleet them; and the Squares of A theſe three Lines taken together, are to the Squares of the three Sides of the Triangle, as three to four. E If any Point be taken within a TE G , Triangle, and through the ſame be BD drawn three right Lines from the Angles rrrr way it almoſt appears C is TRI TRI Angles of the Triangle cutting the TRIANGULAR COMPASSE S, are Sides into fix Parts, the Parallele- ſuch as have three Legs or Feet to pipedon contain'd under the firſt, take off any Triangle at once. third, and fifth of theſe parts or TRIANGULAR QUARDRANT, derly taken, is equal to the Paral. is a Sector with a looſe Piece to make lelepipedon under the ſecond, it an Equilateral Triangle; the Ca- fourth and fixth. lendar is graduated on it, with the If any three ſimilar Figures be de- Sun's Place, Declination, and many ſcribedupon the three ſides of a right- other uſeful Lines; and by the Help angled Triangle, the Figure upon of a String and a Plummet, and the the Hypothenuſe will be equal to Diviſions graduated on the looſe the Figures, taken together, upon Piece, it may be made to ſerve for the other two fides. a Quadrant. If one Angle of any Triangle be TRIANGULUS SEPTENTRIONA- two third Paris of two right Angles Lis, or Deltoton. The Triangle, a or its Meaſure 120°, the Squares de- Northern Conſtellation conſiſting of ſcribed upon the Sides containing fix Stars. that Angle, and the Rectangle un TRIGLIPH, in Architecture, is der thoſe Sides, all three taken to a Member of the Doric Freeze, gether, are equal to the Square de- placed directly over each Column, Scribed upon the Baſe. And if the and at equal Diſtances in the In- Sides containing that Angle be equal, tercolumnation, having two entire the Square of the Baſe will be three Glyphes or Channels engraven in it, times the Square of either of the meeting in an Angle, and ſeparated equal Sides. And the Square of the by three Legs from the two Demi- Perpendicular let fall from the ver- Channels of the Sides. tical Angle upon the Baſe, is one TRIGON, fignifies a Figure with twelfth Part of the Square of the three Angles : And, in Dialling, is Baſe. an Inſtrument of a Triangular In any Triangle, whoſe vertical Form. Angle is two third Parts of two TRIGONOMETRY, is either Plain right Angles, the Difference of the or Spherical. Cubes of the Sides containing that TRIGONOMETRY (PLAIN,) is Angle, is equal to a Parallelepipe- the Art of finding, from three given don, whoſe Baſe is the Square of Parts of a Right-lin'd Triangle, the the Baſe of the Triangle, and Altitude reft. And the Difference of the Sides. And TRIGONOMETRY (SPHERIC the Sum of the Cubes of the Sides, CAL,) is the Art of finding, from is equal to a Parallelepipedon whoſe three given Parts of a Spherical Tri- Baſe is the difference of the Squares angle, the reſt ; as from two Sides of the Baſe, and twice the Rectangle and one Angle, the two other An- under the Sides, and Altitude equal gles and the third Side. to the Aggregate of the sides of the 1. In all Right-angled Plane Tri- Triangle. angles, if one of its Sides, be made There are many other Properties the Radius, the other two will be of Triangles to be found among the the Sines, Tangents, or Secants, of Geometrical Writers; as Gregory St. the Acute Angles : And whatever Vincent has wrote a thin Folio Proportion the Side made has to Book upon Triangles. You have alſo the Radius, the ſame has the other ſeveral in his Quadrature of the Sides to the vines, Tangents, or Se- Circle. canis, repieſented by this. AS TRI' TRI' Ć C A B If the Sides A C, BC, AB, of a A B Triangle A B C, be given, and if A B be biffected in I, and you take As if AC be the Radius, then C S. BAC:BCU:: Radius : Hy- S. ACB:ABS pothen. A C. If the Leg AB be the Radius, then F A HIDEB G Radius : ABUS:: Sec. BAC: upon it (when both Ways produced T. BAC:BC Hypothen. A C. the Lines AF, A E, equal to AC, and B G, B H, equal to BC, and If the Leg B C be made the Ra- join CE, CF, and from C let fall dius, then a Perpendicular CD, to AB, fap- Radius : BC US:: Sec. ACB : poſed the Baſe, then will the Area T. ACB: ABS Hypothen. AC. VFGXFHX HEX E G. And for determining the Angle A, 2. In any Right-lined Triangle there come out ſeveral Theorems :, the Sides are proportional to the Sines of the oppoſite Angles. 3. As 2 ABXAC:FHEG (:: AC: DE):: Radius : verſed Whence in the Triangle A C B. Sine of the Angle A. B 4. 2. AB AC:VFGxFH (:: AC:DF) :: Radius : verſed Cofine of A. 5. 2 A BⓇAC: VFGxFHⓇ HEXEG (::AC:CD):: Radius: А Sine of A. 6. VFGxFH:N HEXEG As, SA :S.C:: SBCT (::CF:CE):: Radius : Tangert S. BS : AB. of A. S. C : S. B:: SAB 7. V HEXEG:VFGXFH S. A AC. BCS (::CE:FC):: Radius : Cotangent S. B SACZ of A. S.C ABS 8. 2VBXAC:VH EXEG In every Right-lined Triangle, as (::FE:EC) :: Radius : Sine of ABC, as the Sum of the Sides A B, AC, about a given Angle A is to 9.2V ABXAC: V FGxFH their Difference, fo is the Tangent (FE:FC):: Radius : Cofine of of half the Sum of the remaining A. Angles B, C, to the Tangent of half 1. In every Splerical Triangle, their Difference. each Side is leſs than a Se:111-Cirile. AC :S. A:: :C. I A. 2. TRI T RI 4 2. In every Spherical Triangle, is, be both greater, or both leſs any two Sides together are greater than a Quadrant) the Hypothe- than the third. neufe is leſs than a Quadrant; or if of 3. The Sum of the sides of a different Affections, then greater, Spherical Triangle is leſs than two and the contrary. Semi-Circles 12. In a Right-angled Spherical 4, 'If two sides of a Spherical Triangle, the Sum of the Oblique Triangle be equal to a Semi-Circle, Angles are leſs than three Right the two-'Angles at the Baſe ſhall be Angles. equal to two Right Angles ; if they 14. In any Spherical Triangle be leſs than a Semi-Circle, the two whoſe Angles are all Acute, each Angles ſhall be leſs; but if greater Side is leſs than a Quadrant. than a Szmi-Circle, the two Angles 15. In Spherical Triangles, there thall be greater than two Right are twenty-eight Caſes, fixteen in Angles. Rectangular, and twelve in Oblique 5. The Sum of the three Angles Angular. The fixteen Caſes of Rec- of a Spherical Triangle, are greater tangular are reſolv'd by the two firſt than two Right Angles, and leſs than of the following Theorems. Ix 36. Two Angles of any Spheri- THE O. I. cal Triangle are greater than the Difference between the third Angle In all spherical Rectangular Tri- and a Semi-Circle. Therefore, angles, having the fame Acute Angle Any Side being continued, the at the Baſe, the Sines of the Hypothe- Exterior Angle is leſs than the two neuſes are proportional to the Sines , of Interior oppoſite ones. their Perpendiculars. **.8: 'In any Spherical Triangle the Difference of the Sam" of two An- THE O. `II. gles and a whole Circle, is greater than the Difference of the third An In- all Spherical Reftangular Tri- głe anđa Semi-Circle, angles, having the fame Acute ingles 9. In any Spherical Triangle, at the Baſe, ihe Sines of the Bajes, one Side being, produced, if the and the Tangents of the Perpendiculars, other two Sides' be equal to a Semi-. are proportional. Circle, the outward' Angle ſhall be equal to the inward oppoſite Angle. That all the caſes of a Right- upon the Side produced: If they be angled Spherical Triangle may be leſs than a Semi-Circle, the outward reſolved by theſe two Theorems. Angle ſhall be greater than the in-, The ſeveral Parts of the Sphe- ward oppoſite Angle; if they be rical Triangle propoſed, muft ſome- greater than a Semi-Circle, the out- times be continued to Quadrants, ward Angle ſhall be leſs than the that ſo the Angles may be turn'd inward oppoſite Angle. into Sides, -the-Hypotheneuſes into *10. The Legs of a Right-angled Baſes and perpendiculars, and the Spherical Triangle are of the ſame contrary. By which Means the Affection with their oppoſite Angles. Proportions, as to the Parts of the **11: In a Right-angled Spherical Triangle given, inſtead of Sines, Triangle, if either Leg be a Qua- da ſometimes fall in Co-fines, and drant, the Hypotheneule ſhall be al- ſometimes in Co-tangents, inſtead fo a Quadrant; but if both the of Tangents. Such Parts as do Legs be of the fame Affection that change their Proportion, are noted 3 with T RI TRI with their Complements , viz. the guiſhed into five Circular Parter Hypotheneuſe, and both the Obli- for the more Eafe in reſolving all que Angles; but the Sides containing Spherical Triangles, the Lord Napier the Right Angle do not change. invented this Catholick and Univer: Theſe are called the Five Circu- fal Proportion, viz. lar Parts of a Triangle, amongſt The Sine of the Middle Part and which the Right Angle is not rec. Radius is reciprocally proportional koned ; and therefore the two Sides to the Tangents of the Extreams which do contain it, are ſuppoſed to conjunct, and the Co-fines of the Ex, be joined together. treams disjunct. į Each of theſe Circular Parts, That is, as the Radius to, the may, by Suppofition, be made thé Tangent of one of the Extreams Middle Part; and then the two conjunct, fo is the Tangent of the Circular Parts, which are next to other Extream conjunct to the Sine that Middle Part, are the Extreams of the Middle Part. conjunct; the other remote from And alſo, as the Radius, to the the Part affumed, are the Extreams Co-line of one of the Extreams dis- disjunct. junct, ſo is the Co-fine of the other As in the Triangle A BC, (ſup. Extream disjunct, to the Sine of the poſe a Triangle to be drawn, if Middle Part. Comp. A C be made the Middle Part, Therefore if the Middle Part be Comp. Ą and Comp. C. are the Ex- fought, the Radius muſt be in the treams conjunét; and the Side AB firſt place; if either of the Extreams, and BÇare the Extreams disjunct i the other Extream muſt be in the and ſo of the reſt, as in the Table firſt Place. following Only note, that if the Middle Part, or either of the Extreams con Mid.Part. Extr. conj. Extr. disj. junct, be noted with its Comple, ment in the Circular Parts of the Triangle, inſtead of the Sine or Tan Leg. AB Camp. A Comp. AC gent, you muft uſe the Co-fine or Leg: BC Comp. C If either of the Extreams disjunct Comp. A. Comp. AC Comp. C be noted by its Complement in Leg. A B Leg. BC the Circular Parts of the Triangle, inftead of the Co-fine you muſt uſe Comp. AC Comp. A Leg. AB the Sine of ſuch Extream disjunct. Comp. C. Leg. BC That the Directions may be bet- ter underſtood, there is in the Table following, the Circular Parts of a Comp. Comp. AC Comp. A Leg. BC Leg. AB Triangle under their reſpective Ti. cles, whether they be taken for the Middle Part, or for the Extreams; Leg. BC Comp. C Comp. A whether conjunct or disjunct; and Leg. A B Comp. AC unto thofe Parts there is prefixed the Sine and Co fine, the Tangent or Co- The Parts of a Right-angled Sphe tangent, as it ought to be by the Ca- rical Triangle, being chus diftin- tholick Proportion. T Co-tangent. $ Mid. TRI TRI 7 rence; THE O. V. Mid.Part. Extr.conj. Extr. dist. In all Oblique - angled Spherical Sine. AB Go-tan. A Sine AC Triangles, in which two Angles are Tan. BC Sine C leſs than two Right Angles : As the Sine of half the Sum of two Angles, Co-line A Co-tan AC Sine C To the Sine of half their Diffe- Tang. A B Co-fine DC Ca-fane AC Co-tan. A Co-fine AB jacent Side, So is the Tangent of half the inter- Ca-tan. C. Ca-6ne BC To the Tangent of half the Diffe- rence of the Oppoſite Sides. Co-fine C Co-tan AC Sine A And, as the Co-fine of half the Sum Tan. BC Co-fine AB of the Angles, To the Co-fine of half their Diffe- Sine BC Co-tan. C Sine A cs rence, Tan. AB Sine AC So is the Tangent of half the inter- jacent Side, To the Tangent of half the Sum of THE Q. III. the Oppoſite Sides. THE O. VI. In all Spherical Triangles, the Sinęs of the sides are in direct Proportion to the Sines of their Oppoſite Angles, containing Sides, As the Rectangle of the Sines of the and the contrary. To the Square of the Radius ; Sa is the Rectangle of the Sines of T H E 0. IV. half the Sum of the three Sides, and of the Difference of the Oppoſite Side In all Oblique - angled Spherical therefrom, Triangles, in which two Sides are To the Square of the Co-fine of half leſs than a Semi-Circle : an Angle ſought. As the Sine of half the Sum of the wo Sides Ptolemy is the firſt Trigonometri- To the Sine of half their Diffea cal Writer. Hipparchus alſo wrote 12 Books concerning Triangles, but So is the Co-tangent of half the con- they are loft. Amongſt the more tained Angle, modern, there are Regio Montanus's To the Tangent of half the Diffe- Libri Quinque de Triangulis , wrote rence of the Oppoſite Angles. Anno 1464, and publiſhed by Scho- And, as the Co-fine of half the Sum ner, Anno 1533. You have Pitiſcus, of the Sides, Snell, Napier, Clavius, Urfinus, Gelle- To the Co-fine of half their Diffe- brand, John Newton, Seth Ward, Oughtred, Gooden the Jeſuit, Nor- So is the Co-tangent of half the con- wood, the Wilfons (two different tained Angle, Perſons, one in England, and another To the Tangent of half the Sum of in Holland,) Ozanam, Dechales, the Oppoſite Angles Wolfius, Harris, Hains, Dr. Keil, &c. ! Tence ; rence ; TRO TWI &c. who have all wrote of Trigono- pick of Capricorn, becauſe they lie metry. under theſe Signs. TRILATERAL, in Geometry, is TRUCKS of the Carriage of a the ſame with Three-fided. Piece of Ordnance, are the Wheels TRINE, is an Aſpect of the Pla- which are on the Axle-tree to move nets, when at the Diſtance of 120 the Piece. Degrees, or four Signs, from each TRUE CONJUNCTION. See Con- other, and is noted thus A. junction True. TRIANGLB, in Architecture, is a True Place of a Planet or Star, little Member fixed exactly upon is a Point of the Heavens ſhewn by. every Triglyph under the Plat-Band a Right Line drawn from the Centre of the Architrave, from whence hang of the Earth, through the Centre of down the Guttæ, or pendant Drops, the Planet or Star. in the Dorick Order. TRUNCATED PYRAMID, or Cone, TRINOMIAL Root, in Mathe- is one whoſe Top is cut off by a maticks, is a Root conſiſting of three Plane parallel to its Baſe. Parts connected together by the Sign A Truncated Cone, or the Fruf- +; as x+y+z. tum of that Body, is called fome- TRIPARTITION, is the Divi- times a Curtie Cone. fion by 3, or taking the third Part TRUNNIONS of a Piece of Ord- of any Number or Quantity. nance, are thoſe Nobs or Branches TRIPLICATE RATIO, is the of the Gun's Metal which bear her Ratho of the Cubes. up upon the Cheeks of the Carri- TRIS - DIAPASON, or Triple ages. Diapaſon Chord, in Muſic, is what TURN, a Term belonging to the is otherwiſe called a Triple Eighth, Movement of a Watch, and figni- or Fifteenth. fies the entire Revolution af any TRITONE, a Term in Muſic, Wheel or Pinion. which fignifies a great Fourth. TUSCAN ORDER, in Architec- TROCHILE, in Architecture, is ture, is the firlt, the moſt fimple, that Hollow Ring, or Cavity, which and the ſtrongeft: Its Column has runs round a Column next to the ſeven Diameters in Height ; and its Tore. Capital, Baſe, and Entablement, have TROCHLEA, is one of the Me- no Ornaments, and but few Mould- chanic Powers, and is what we ings. uſually call the Pulley. TWILIGHT, is that faint Light TROCHOID, the ſame with Cy- which we perceive before the Sun- cloid. Which fee, Riſing, and after Sun-Setting. 'Tis TROPICAL YEAR. See Year. occafioned by the Earth's Atmo- Trophy, in Architecture, is an ſphere refracting the Rays of the Ornament which repreſents the Sun, and reflecting them from the Trunk of a Tree charged or encom- Particles thereof. paſſed all round about with Arms 1 he Sun's Depreſſion below the or Military Weapons, both offenſive Horizon, at the Beginning and End and defenſive. of the Morning and Evening Tw!- TROPICKS, are Circles ſuppoſed light, was obſerved by Alhazın 19º. to be drawn parallel to the Equi- Tycho 17º. Rothmau 24°. Stevini s noctial at 230 30' Diſtance from it ; 18º. Caffini 15º. Ricciolus, at the one towards the North, is called the Time of the Equinox in the Morn- Tropick of Cancer; and the other to. ing 16°. in the Evening 20°. 30' In wards the South, is called the Tro- the Summer Solſtice in the Morning 2007 V A R VER 1 1 ! V 2rº.25'. and in the Winter 170, 15'. monly called by the Seamen the Whence it appears that the Cauſe of North-Eaſting, or North-Weſting of the Twilight is inconftant: But a- the Needle. bout 18 Degrees of the Sun's De VECTIS, or the Lever, is the preſion will, in our Latitude, be Firſt of the Mechanic Powers, as the Beginning and End of the Twi- they are uſually called. light. VENT, in Gunnery, fignifies the TYMPAN, in Architecturë, is that Diſtance between the Diameter of a Part of the Bottom of the Frontons, Bullet, and the Diameter of the Bore which is encloſed between the core of the Piece, and muſt be one twen-. nices, and anſwers the. Naked of tieth Part of the Diameter of the the Freze. Bore. TYMPAN of an Arch, is a Tri-, VELOCITY. See Celerity. angular Table placed in its Corners. VENUS, the Name of one of the Planets, being the ſecond from the Sun. The Diſtance of Venus from the .; V. Sun is 723, of ſuch Parts, of which the Earth's are 1000, its Excentricity ACUUM, his by Philoſo. 5, the Inclination of its Orbit 3 De- phers ſuppoſed to be a Space grees, and 23 Minutes : It performs devoid of all Body ; and this they its Periodical Motion in 224 Days, điftinguiſh into a Vacuum Diffemina- 17 Hours ; and its Motion round its tum, or Interſperſum, i. e. ſmall void Axis is performed in 23 Hours. Spaces interſperſed about between The Diameter of it is almoſt equal the Particles of Bodies ; or, a Vacu- to the Earth's Diameter. sm Coacervatum, which is a larger In the Years 1672 and 1686, Mr. void Space made by the meeting Caflini, with a Teleſcope of 34 Foot together of the ſeveral interſperſed long, believes he ſaw a Satellite or diſſeminate Vacuities before men- moving round this Planet, and di- tioned. ftant from it about y of Venus's Di- VANE. Thoſe Sights which are ameter. It had the fame, Phafis, made to move and ſide upon Croſs- with Venus, but was without any Staves, Fore-Staves, Davis's Qua well defined Form, and its Dia- drants, &c. meter ſcarce exceeded of that of. VAPOURS, are Watry Exhala- Venus. tions raiſed up either by the Heat Versen SINE of an Arch, is a of the Sun, the fubterraneal, or any Segment of the Diameter of a Cir- other accidental Heat, Fire, &C. cle, lying between the foot of the VARIATION, is, according to Right Sine and the Lower Extre- Tycho, the third Inequality in the mity of the Arch. Motion of the Moon ; and ariſes As AC is the Verſed Sine of the from her Apogæum being changed as her Syſtem is carried round the D Sun by the Earth. VARIATION of the Needle, or Compaſs, is the Deviation or Turn- ing of the Magnetical Needle in the Mariner's Compaſs, from the true North Point, which happens more A C B or leſs in moſt Places; and is com- Arch 1 ) 1 ( V "R VIT Arch AD, and C B the Verſed Sine Divergence in a Concave Glaſs is the of the Arch BD. Point E in the following Figure. Vertex, is that Point of the Let the Concavity of the Glafu Heaven juſt over our Heads, and be A BC, and its Axi& DE: Let the ſame with the Zenith; which ſee. The Point of any Angle is called K А alſo its Vertex, and that Point of HS the Curve' of a Conick Section, where the Axis cuts it, is called В. alſo the Vertex of that Section. D c VERTEX, of a Cone, or Pyra- mid, &c. is the Point of the upper FG be a Ray of Light falling on Extremity of the Axis, or the Top the Glaſs, parallel to the Axis DE: of the Figure: So the Vertex of an and let D be the Centre of the Arch Angle, is the Angular Point. ABC: This Ray FG, after it hath ERTEX of a Glafs, in Opticks,, paſſed the Glaſs, at its Emerſion at is the ſame with its Poles; which" G will not proceed directly to H, fee. but be refracted from the Perpen- VERTICAL CIRCLES: See Axia . dicular DG, and will become the muths. Ray GK; draw directly GK, fo VERTICAL LINB: See Line Vor- as that it may croſs the Axis in E, sical. ſo found. Mr. Molyneux calls it the VERTICAL OPPOSITEANGLES: Virtual Focus, or Point Of Diver- See Angles. gence. VERTICAL PLANE, in Perſpec VISIBLE HORIZON: See Hori- tive: See Plane. VERTICAL POINT, the fame VISIBLE PLACE of a Star : Sec with · Vertex : So that in Atro- Apparent Place. nomy, a Star is ſaid to be Vertical, Vision, is a Senſation in the when it happens to be in that Point Brain, proceeding from a due and which is juſt over any Place. various Motion of the OptickNerves, VERTICITY, the Property of produced in the Bottom of the Eye, the Loadſtone, or a touched Needle, by the Rays of Light coming from to point North and South, or to any Object : by which means the. wards the Poles of the World: See Soul perceives theilluminated Thing, Magnet and Magnetiſm. together with its Quantity, Quality, VIA LACTEA: See Milky Way. and Modification. VIBRATION, is the Swing or VISUAL POINT, in Perſpective, Motion of a Perpendicular, or of a is a Point in the Horizontal Line, Weight hung by a String on a Pin. wherein all the Ocular Rays unite, VINDIMATRIX, a fixed Star of VISUAL RAYS: See Rays. the third Magnitude, in the Con VITREOUS HUMOUR, or Glaſy kellation Virgo, whoſe Longitude is Humour of the Eye, is the third 185 Degrees and 23 Minutes, Lati- Humour of the Eye, ſo called from tude 10 Degrees and 15 Minutes. its Reſemblance of a melted Glaſs : VIRGO, one of the twelve Signs It is chicker than the Aqueous, bus of the Zodiac, being the Sixth ac not fo folid as the Cryſtalline : It is cording to Order. round or conyex, behind, and ſome- VIRTUAL Focus, or Point of what plain before, only hollowed a LI litcls zon. U NI U NI little in the Middle, where it re- Sections of the Solid, made by Planes ceives the Cryftalline. It.exceeds perpendicular to the Horizon, and both the other Hamours in Qgan- parallel to one of its Sides, be Semi- tity: Elliptick Spaces of the fame Mag- UMBILICUS, the fame as Focus. nitude, whoſe tranſverſe Axes are DUMBILICK POINTS, the ſame as the Lengths of the Solid, and Semi- Foci. Conjugates the Height in the Mid- : UNCIE, in Algebra, are thoſe dle! i'his Solid will have the ſame Numbers which are prefixed before Diſpoſition to break in all its Parts ; the Letters of the Members of any and ſo Joifts, &c. cut after this Fi- Power produced from 'a Binomial, gure, will be as ſtrong as when they. Reſidual, or Multinomial Root. are of the ſame Height all the way Thus in the fourth Power of as this Solid has in the Middle; and atb, that is, aaaa + 4 aaab + 6 conſequently the Timber ſaved by aabb + 4 abbb + bóbb, the Unciæ cutting a joilt in Figure of this So- are, 4, 6, 4. lid,, will be about three Parts out of UNIFORM MATTER, is that foarteen. which is all of the fame Kind and If a folid Parallelepipedon of Texture. Uniform Matter be ſupported Hori- If there be a Right-angled Paral- zontally, as a Prominent Beam in Jelepipedón of Uniform Matter, fup- the side of a Wall, the Difpofition ported horizontally by two Fulcrums to break of that Part coming out of at its Ends, its Diſpoſition to break the Wall in any Place by the Weight in any Part (or Point) of it by its of the whole Prominent Párt, will own Gravity, will be as the Rectan- always be as the Diftance of that gle under the Diſtanee of that Part Place from the End of the Promi- (or Point) from each Fulcrum ; and nent Part; and ſo its Diſpoñion to to its Difpofition to break in the break at the Wall will be greateſt, Middle, will be greateſt, ſince the And if the Upper" Surface of the Rectangle there becomes a' Maxi- Prominent Part be changed into a mum. Curve Surface, ſuch that all Sections This is true of Cylinders and of it, by Planes parallel to the up- right Faces of the Solid, and pera The fame Thing being ſuppoſed pendicular to the Horizon, are equal when the Length and Breadth, and Semi-Parabolas, having their Axes the Parallelepipedon remain the in the under Surface, and Vertexes ſame, its Diſpoſition to break in the in the lower Side of the End-Fáce Middle (or at any other Point at the of the Solid, which is parallel to fame Diſtance from the Fulcrums) the Wall, then this Prominent So- will always be as the Square of the lid will have the ſame Diſpoſition Height; and ſo the Strength of a to break in any Part of it, that is, Parallelepipedon, laid edge-ways it will as ſoon break in one Part as upon the Fulcrums to its Strength the other; and ſo there may be when laid flat-ways, will be as the Part of the Matter ſaved by cutting Height in one Caſe, is to the Height it into this Solid ; and yet it will in the other. as ſtrong as a Parallelepipedon, of From what has been faid, if the the ſame Length, Breadth, and Upper Face of the Parallelepipedon, Height (that it has at the Wall) lying horizontally upon the two Ful- with itſelf, provided it be of the cums, be changed into a Curve (ame Uniform Matter. Surface, being ſuch that all the 3 UNI- Priſms likewife. * one, or 1. 1 UNI v Ú UNIFORM Motions, are the parallel to the Plane of the ſaid. fame with equal, or rather equable Equinoctial Circe: Bui this is but ones; which fee. about one 'Hour every Day, and UNISON, is one and the ſame four Days in the Year, Sound. UNIVERSAL PROBLEM, the UNIT, or Unity, is the ſame as fame as Indeterminate Problem. VOLUTE, in Architecture, is one UNIVERSAL EQUINOCTIAL of the principal Ornaments of the Dial, is one confiſting of two Ionic and Compoſite Capitals, repre- Rings of Braſs, or Silver, that open ſenting a kind of Bark wreathed, or and fold together, with a Bridge or twiſted into a Spiral Scroll. There Axis, and a Slider, and a little Ring are eight Angular Volutes in the to hang or hold it up by: It is divided Corinthian Capital, and theſe are on one side of the great Ring into accompanied with eight other little 90 Degrees, and ſometimes on the ones, called Helices. other into two Quadrants, or 180 VORTEX, according to the Carte- Degrees, but one is enough. The fian Philoſophy, is a Syſtem of Par- innermoſt Ring is divided into 24 ticles of Matter moving round like Hours, ſubdivided on the Face, and a Whirl-Pool, and having no void on the Outſide of the Ring, into Interſtices, or Vacuities between the every 5 Minutes. The Axis has the Particles. Sun's Declination on one side, and One would have thought that this the Day of the Month, and the fooliſh Fable of Vortexes had been Sun's Place on the other. ſufficiently exploded many Years To uſe it for the Hour, the Per- ago, by the great Newton, Cotes, pendicular Line, or Stroke, which and other ingenious Perſons, (lee is.on the Slider, wlich moves on the Mr. Cotes's Preface to the ad Edition outer Ring, muſt be ſet to the La- of Newton's Principia, as alſo the titude of the Place, and the Hole in last Section of the Second Book of the Slider, or the Bridge, either to the ſaid Principia;) but füch is the the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick, the Obſtinacy, Partiality, and perhaps Day of the Month, or bis Declina- Folly of fome of the French, that tion; and then the Rings being within this few Years they have open'd, and ſet fquare to one ano again renewed the Controverſy, and ther, move the Dial about, to and endeavoureď to account for the Cele fro, till the Sun ſhines through the țial Phänomena from this vain and Hole, and on the inner Edge of the imaginary. Hypotheſis. See the innermoſt Ring it will shew the true Tranſactions of ibe Royal Academy of Hour. Sciences at Paris, Anna 1715,1728, The Hour of 12 cannot be ſhewn 1729... by this Dial, becauſe the outermoſt UPRIGHT SOUTH DIALS. See Circle, or Ring, being then in the Prime Verticals. Plane of the Meridian, it hinders URSA MAJOR, a Northern Con- the Rays of the Sun from falling ſtellation, contifting of 27 Stars, and upon the innermoſt or Equinoctial is otherwiſe called Charles's Wain, Circle. And when the Sun is in the and the Great Bear, Equinoctial, you cannot tell the VULGAR FRACTIONS, See Hour of the Day by this Inſtrument, Fractions. becauſe at thac Time his Rays fall * ; 1ܐ W A T W A T WA G the Height to which the Water : W. aroſe at that time: He then hung it up, and 80 Years after it was found ADHOOK, among the in Kircher's Study, juſt as full as it Gunners, is a Rod or great was at firſt. So that from hence it Wire of Iron, turned in a Serpen- would ſeem, that Wates will not tine Manner; and its end is put paſs thro' Glaſs. upon a Handle or Staff, to draw out The Motion of Water running Wads, or Okum, that the Piece out of a Hole in a Veſſel may be may be unloaded. thus defined. WAGONER. See Charles's Wain. Let SAS be an infinite Superfi- WARNING-WHEEL, in a Clock, cies of Water, CC a Circular Hole is the third or fourth Wheel, ac made in the Bottom of a Veſtel, cording to its Diſtance from the firſt AB a ftrait Line drawn perpendi- Wheel. cular through the Hole. SGCC WATER, is a very fluid volatile a Column or Cataract of Water run- and taſteleſs Subſtance, very proba- ning out through the Hole CC, bly conſiſting of Hard, Smooth, SGC a Curve, by the Rotation of Ponderous, Spherical Particles, of e- which, about the Axis AB, the qual Diameters, and of equal Speci- Solid or Cataract SGCCS is gene- fical Gravities. The Poroſity of Water is ſo very S A S great, that there is at leaſt forty Times as much Space as Matter in it; for Water is nineteen Times G fpecifically lighter than Gold, and ſo rarer in the ſame Proportion ; E but Water can be preſſed through the Pores of Gold, and therefore CBC E may be ſuppoſed, at leaſt, to have more Pores than Solid Matter. raied; for ſince the.Water deſcends Mr. Boerhaave, in his Chemiſtry, freely, and with an accelerate Mo- defines Water to be a Liquor very tion, it must of neceſſity be con- fluid, inodorous, inſipid, pellucid, tracted into a leſs Breadth, accord- and colourleſs, which in a certain ing as in falling it requires a greater Degree of Cold freezes into a brittle, Velocity, and will run out through hard, glaſſy Ice. the llole C C with thie fame Velo- Well Water, which is eſteemed city that it would have in falling the moſt pure of all, is in Weight, the Height AB. to pure Gold, as I 10 19 $. An Now the Velocity that a heavy Engliſh Cubick Inch, Mr. Boyle fays, Body acquires by falling is in the weighed 252, 256, 260 Grains. fubduplicate Ratio of the Heigho Heat eaſily makes Waters lighter, from whence it falls : Wherefore if and the heavier they are, the more any Ordinate D E be drawn to the they are to be ſuſpected of having Curve SGC, and D E be called Jy hetereogenous Matter within them. and AD, x; then the Velocity of Berhaave ſays, Clavius che Ma- the Water, in the Section ED, will thematician, poured ſome Water into be expreíted by X, and the Pro a Bolt-head," and then ſealed the duct of that Velocity drawn into the Mouths of its long Neck herme- ſaid Section by ✓ * *y2. Bilally, and marked with a Diamond Whic! i W A T WE DO Which Product is as the Quan- Quantity of Water which runs out tity of Water paſſing through that in a given Time, with ſuch a Velo- Section in a given Space i of Time, city as is acquired in that ſame gi- and -becauſe the fame Quantity of ven Time to move through a Space Water paſſes through each Se&tion equal to the Height AB; and if of the Cataract in a given Time, the Veſſel and the Hole be of any has Product will be always equal other Figure, the Motion of the to it felf; andfo . x X:32 1, Cataract of Water will be the famė, and xx 24 = I which is an Equa- uſing a Proportion of Water' of the tion of the Curve SG C, being an Height A B for a Cylinder. Hyperbola of the 5th Order, one of .: War of the Rounds, in Fortifica- the Affymptotes being the Right tion is a Space left for the Paffage Line AS parallel to the Horizon, of the Rounds between the Ram- and the other the Line AB.perpen. part and the Wall' of a fortified dicular to it; Town: But it is not fo much in The Power of it is the Quadrata- uſe, becauſe not having a Parapet Cube of the, Ordinate ED drawn above a Foot thick, it may be ſoon torthe Point G, where the Right overthrown by the Enemies Cannon. Line AG biſfecting the Angle, form WEDGB, is a Priſm of a ſmall ed by the Affymptotes, meets the Height, whoſe Baſes are Æquicrural Curve, Triangles, as A. If Water runs out through a Cir The Height of the Triangle is cular Hole in the Bottom of a Veſ- the Height of the Wedge, asdb. fel of an Infinite Breadth, the Mo The Baſe of the Triangle is called tion of the whole Cataract of Water the baſe of the Wedge, as cei towards the Horizon, is equal to the Motion of a Cylinder of Water under the Hole itſelf, and Height of the Water; the Velocity of which will el be equal to the Water running out through the Hole, or equal to the Motion of a Quantity of Water, which runs out in a given time, the Velocity of which will be equal to that which is acquired in that ſame given Time by the Motion, through f a Space, equal to the Height of the Water. 16 IF BA:BD::D G4:D G4.. B C4. and Water runs out through The Edge of the Wedge is a Riga CC, a Circular Hole made in the Line, which joins the Vertices of Middle of the Bottom of a Cylin- the Triangles, as bf. drical Veſſel G GEE conſtantly full The Edge of the Wedge is appli- of Water, 'the Motion of a Cataract ed for cleaving of Wood, and the of Water towards the Horizon, fhall Power is the Blow of a Hammer, be equal the Motion of a Cylinder or Mallet, which drives the Wedge of Water under the Hole, and the into the Wood. Height AB, whoſe Velocity ſhall The Power is to the Reſiſtance of be equal to the Velocity of the the Wood, when its Action is equal Water running out through the to it, as the Half-Baſe of the Wedge Hole; or it thall be equal to the is to its Height A ..: 1 } Ll 3 WIX : 2 Y E A C ZOD 1 > ing for the feveral phenomena ZENITH. If we conceive a I WIND, is any ſenſible Agitation and contains 365 Days, 5 Hours, of. Dhe Air, andris caufed by the cand 12 Minutės... Days, Action of the Sun's Beams upon the The Sydereal Year is that Time Air and Water, as he paffes every in which the Sun, departing from day-over the Ocean, conſidered to any fixed Star, comes to it again; gether with the Nature of the Soil and this is in. 365 Days; 6 Hours, and Situation of the adjoining Con- and almoſt 10 Minutes ! But accord- tinents. ing to Sir Iſaac Newton's Theory of Itis found by Experience that the the Moon, the Sydereal Year is 365 Velocity of the Wind in a great Days, 6 Hours, 9 Minutes, 14 Storm is not more thango or 60 Miles Seconds; and the Tropical, 365 id' án Haur, and that a common Days, 5 Hours, 48 Minutes, 57 brik Wind moves about. 15 Miles Seconds. an Hour :. And the Courſe of many Winds is fo Now, as to be leſs than one Mile in an Hour. Z Concerning the Cauſe of the Winds, and the manner, of account- Line drawn through the Ob- thereof, in the different Parts of the ſerver and the Center of the Earth, World, fee Dr. Halley's Diſcourſe which muſt neceſſarily be perpen- upon this Subjeet, Philof. Tranſ. dicular to the Horizon, it will reach N° 183. as alfo Varenius's General to a Point among the fixed Stars, Geography (Part abfol.) Sect. 6. which is called the Zenith. Cap. 20. The Lord Bacon too has ZENITH DISTANCE, is the a little Treatiſe upon the Complement of the Sun, or Star's Winds. Meridian Altitude, or what the WINGS, in Fortification, are the Meridian Altitude wants of go! De- large Sides of Horn-Works, Crown- grees. Works, Tenails, and the like Out Zetetick METHOD, in Ma- Works ; that is to ſay, the Ram- thematicks, is the Analytick or parts and Parapets, with which Algebraick Way, whereby the Na- they are bounded on the Right and ture and Reaſon of the Thing is Left, from their Gorge to their primarily inveſtigated and diſco- Front. Theſe Wings or Sides are vered. capable of being flanked either with Zocco.' See Plinthus. the Body of the Place, if they ftand ZOCLB, in Architecture, is a not too far diſtant, or with certain ſquare Body, leſs in Height than Redoubts, or with a Traverſe, made Breadth, and placed under the Baſes in their Ditch. of the Pedeſtals of Statues, Vafes, WINTER SOLSTICE, See Sola GC. fice. ZODIACK, is a Zone or Belt which is imagined in the Heavens, which the Ecliptick Line divides y into two equal Parts ; and which, on either șide, is terminated by a TEAR, is the Time the Sun Circle parallel to the Ecliptick takes to go through the twelve Line, and eight Degrees diftant Signs of the Zodiack. This is pro- from it, on account of the ſmall perly the Natural or Tropical Year, Inclinations of the Orbits of the Planets, wrote 1 Y mo Z O D ZOD Planets, to the Plane of the Eclip- Day the Sun riſes and ſets ; for the tick: No Bodies of the Planetary Dittance of the Sun from the Pole Syſtem appear without the Zodiack. always exceeds the Height of the ZODIACK of the Comets, is a cer Pole ; yet every where, but under tain Tract in the Heavens, within the Equator, the Artificial Days are whoſe Boundś moft Comets are ob- unequal to one another, which in- ſerved to keep their Courfe. equality is ſo much the greater, the ZONE, in Geography, is a Space leſs the place is diftant from a Fria contained between two Parallels. gid Zone.'' The Whole Surface of the Earth But in the Polar Circles, juſt is divided into five Zones. The where the Temperate Zones are ſe- Firſt is contain'd between the two parated from the Frigid ones, the Tropicks, and is called the Torrid Height of the Pole is equal to the Zane. There are two Temperate Diſtance of the Sun from the Pole, Zones, and two Frigid Zones. The when it is in the Neighbouring Northern Temperate Zone is ter- Tropick ; and therefore, in that minated by the Tropick of Cancer; Caſe, once a year, the Sun in its and the Arctick Põlar Circle, the Diurnal Motion performs one entire Southern Temperate Zone is con- Revolution, without going down tained between the Tropick of Ca- under the Horizon. pricorn, and the Polar Circle: The But every where in a Frozen Frigid Zones are circumſcribed by Zone, the Height of the Pole is the Polar Circles; and the Poles are greater than the leaſt Diſtance of in the Centres of them. the Sun from the Pole; therefore, In the Torrid Zone, twice a Year during ſome Revolutions of the the Sun goes through the Zenith at Earth, the Sun is at a Diſtance from Noon; for the Elevation of the Pole the Pole, which is leſs than the is leſs than 23 Degrees, 30 Minutes; Pole's Height; and, during all that and the Diſtance of the Sun from the Time, it does not fet, nor ſo much Equator towards the Pole, which is as touch the Horizon ; but where above the Horizon, is twice in a the Diſtance from the Pole, as the -Year equal to the Height of the Sun recedes from it, does exceed the Pole ;' for which Reaſon alſo, in the Height of the Pole or Latitude of Limits of that Zone, namely under the Place, the Sun riſes or ſets every the Tropicks, the Sun comes to the Natural Day. Then in its Motion Zenith only once in a whole Year. towards the oppoſite Pole, it stays In the Temperate and Frigid in the Same Manner below the Ho- Zones, the leaſt Height of the Pole rizon, as was ſaid of the Motion exceeds the greateſt Diſtance of the above the Horizon. Sun from the Equator, and there Theſe Times in which the Sun fore, to their Inhabitants, the Sun makes entire Revolutions above th never goes through the Zenith; yet Horizon, and below it in its Diurnal if on the ſame Day the Sun riſes at Motion, are ſo much the greater, the fame Time to a greater Height, that is, the longeſt Day and Night the leſs the Height of the Pole is, laſt the longeſt, the leſs the Place in becauſe thereby the Inclination of the Frigid Zone is diftant from the the Circles of the Diurnal Revolu- Pole, till, at laſt, at the Pole itíelf, tion with the Horizon is leſs. they take up the Time of the whole In the Torrid Zone, and in the Year. Temperate Zones, every Natural FINI S. E QU E QU To be added to the Head of RootS OF EQUATIONS. T. HERE have been many En- reaſon of their unelegance and deavours to find the Roots length; for over encreaſing with of Equations in finite Terms by Au. the Number of Dimenſions of the thors. 'Sir Iſaac Newton himſelf has Equation, whoſe Roots are to be given a tentative Method of finding fought. I ſhall only mention a way whether an Equation of four, fix, of Sir Iſaac Newton's of finding the or more Dimenſions may be divided Roots of Numerical Equations by fo into two equal Parts, as that the means of Gunter's Lines ſliding by Root of each may be extracted. But one another. his Rule for ſo doing it, is very long Take as many Gunter's Lines, (up- and troubleſome, ſerving more, as on narrow Rules) all of the ſame he himſelf owns, to fhew the pos- Length, ſliding in Dove-tail Cavi- sibility of doing the thing than forties, made in a broad oblong Piece any real uſe. See his Algebra to. of Wood, or Metal, as the Equa- wards the End. You have alſo in tion whoſe Roots you want the Di- the Aita Eruditorum, an. 1683. p. menfions of, having a Slider carrying 204. an univerſal Way of Mr. Tſchirn- a Thread or Hair backward or for- haufen's, of finding the Roots of E- wards at right Angles over all theſe quations, by throwing out all the Lines, and let theſe Gunter's con intermediate Terms. But this is fiſt of two ſingle ones, and a dou- both tedious and falſe, when the ble, triple, quadruple, &c. Equation has more than three Di. fitted to them; that is, let there be menſions. The Ingenious Mr. De a fixed ſingle one a top, and the Moivre, likewiſe in the Philofophi- firſt ſliding one next that, let be a cal Tranfa&tions, Nº. 309, has ſingle one, equal to it, each Num- a given way of reſolving in finite ber from 1 to 10. Let the ſecond Terms, particular Equations of ſliding one be a double Line of the odd Dimenſions ad infinitum Numbers, number'd 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, contained in this general Equá 6, 7, 8, 9, to 10, in the Middle, tion, when ne is an odd Number, and from í in the Middle, to 1, 2, 3, 8c. to 10, at the End. Let the third ſliding one be a triple Line not of 3 x3+ of Numbers, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 2 X 3 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, and again 2, -9 nn -9 3, 4, 3, 4, c. to 10, and again 2, 3, nast 4, &c. to 100 at the End. The 4Xs 4 * 5 4* 5 Diſtance from i to i, i to jo, and 25 10 to 100, being the ſame ; lct 12 *? &C. a. Being a. Being the fourth ſliding one, be numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1; and a Series for dividing an Arch of a again 2, 3, 4, &c. to 10; and a- Circle into any odd Number of equal gain 2, 3, 4, &c. 100; and again Parts. Buc to ſpeak Truth, what 2, 3, 4, &c. 1000. The Diſtance ever Arithmetical Rules have hither from i to i, i to 10, 10 to 100, to, or ever will be given for fir.d. and 100 to 1000, being the ſame, ing the Roots of Equation of more and ſo on. than three Dimenſions in finite This being done, take the co- Terids, muft from the Naiure of the efficient prefixed to the ſingle Value 'Thing be not worth the Pains and of the unknown Quantity upon the Perplexity in computing them by fixed ſingle Line of Nurnbers; the CO- nn I 7 1 - X 2 X 3 nnl X 6x7 N E QU E QU Co-efficient of the Square of the un. Dimenſions leſs, and by a Repeti known Quantity, upon the double tion of the Operation you will get Line of Numbers ; the Co-efficient a third Root, and ſo a fourth, fifth, of the Cube of the unknown Quanti. &c. if the given Equation has ſo ty, upon the tripleLine of Numbers ; many, and if any of the interme- the Co-efficient of the Biquadrate of diate Terms are wanting, the Gun. the unknown Quantity, upon the ter's expreſsd by the Dimenſions of Quadruple Line of Numbers; and thoſe Terms, muſt be omitted. so on. And the Co-efficient of the But this Method only gives the firſt or higheſt Term (being always Roots of Equations the signs of all Unity) take upon that Line of Num- the Terms whereof, except the bers expreſſed by its Dimenſion, that known one, are Affirmative; that is, if a Square, upou the double Line; is, of ſuch that have all Negative a Cube, upon the triple Line, &c. Roots, but one, which laſt, the faid I ſay, when this is done, Nide all Method finds. Therefore when an thele Lines of Numbers for that Equation is given, to find its Roots theſe Co-efficients be all in a right after this manner, whoſe Signs have Line directly over one another, and other Diſpoſitions, it muſt be firſt keeping the Rulers in this Situa. changed into another Equation, tion, nide the Thread or Hair in whoſe Signs are all Affirmative; but ſuch manner, that the Sum of all the that of the known Term, which may Numbers upon the fixed fingle Line, be done by putting ſome unknown the double Line, the triple Line, Quantity y Plus or Minus, fome gi- &c. which the. Thread or Hair ven Number or Fraction, for the Va- cuts, be equal to the known Term · lue of the unknown Quantity x in of the Equation, which may be the propoſed Equation. readily enough done with a little Note, Inſtead of freight Parallel practice; and then the Number un. Sliding-Rules, you may have fo der the Thread upon that Line of many Gunter's Lines graduated upon Numbers of the ſame name with the Concentrick Circles, each moving higheſt Power of the unknown Quan-, under one another, by which Con- tity of the Equation, will be the trivance, you will have as large Di. pure Power of the unknown Quan- viſions for your Logarithm within the tity, whoſe Root may be had by Compaſs of one Foot, as you have bringing Unity on the ſingle Slid. upon a ſtreight Ruler of more than ing-Line directly over Unity upon three Feet in Length. Although per- this Line. After this, if you divide haps by thefe Sliding-Rules, you the Equation by this Root, you will cannot get all the Signs of the Roots have another, one Dimenſion leſs; exactly, for want of ſufficient Sub- and thus you may proceed to find diviſions of the Gunter's Lines, yet a Root of this laſt'Equasion which if we can get two or three of the done, if it be divided by this last firſt Figures, it will be of good 'ule to Root, you will get an Equation two find the Roots by Approximation : 1 1 E RR AT A. A r. to. . I. F. Bacus, in the Figure for e, read c. Acceſlible Altitude, in the Fi- gure for 663, read 66.3. Acceſſible Depth, for 16 Feet, r. 16 Feet and 1 Inch. Addition of Decimal Fractions, for the Sum of 36.24, &c. 1. 907.023. Algebra Specious, line 2, for formed r. perform- ed. Alternation, line 10, for Alteration r. Alternation. Altitude Inaccel- fible, I. 28. for BAСr. BCA. Line 103, for take it from, r. take from it. Line 115, for HI, ř. HC. Altitude of a Figure, 1. 3. for of Altitude Meridian, l. 25, for 20 r. 200. Angles Curved Lin'd, 1. 30, for DCÉ, 8. DCA. Angles Equal, 1. 10, for DF r. DE. An- gle of Emergence, the Letter E wanted in the Figure where the Line AB interſects the Parabola. Ibidem, 1. 15, for CD s. CB. Angle Right- line, r. Angle Right-lin'd. Angle in a Segment, for ACB r. ADC. ibid. Fig. 2. for Dr. B. Angle Spherical, 1. 5. dele the Angle re-entring, Line 5. for thoſe r. whole. Anomaly Coequate, or True, 1.50. for Keil, r. Keil's. Apparent Magnitude, n. 1. 1.9. add afterwards. Ibid. n. 2. 1. 1. for CH, r. CD. And l. 3. r. CAD. And l. 3. r. CAD. N.9. 1. 8. after AC add and AB-BC. lbid. n. 13. for MH, r. QH. Antiparallels, 1. 6. add that cut them the ſame way. Antipodes, 1. 26. 1. St. Auguftine in. Apo- tome, the Letter G is miſplaced. Aftronomy, 1. 20. for forty-ſeven, r. four hundred and ſeventy. *Axis Conjugate, for EF, r. FF. Baſe the leaſt Sort of Ordnance, for 1 , r. iš Binomial Root 1. 21. for next, r. bbx bxx teft. Ibidem, 1. 24. 1. Dimenſion. Ibid. 1. 32. for Ibid. Axta c4xxs N 1. 50. for Ibid. 1. 57. for -65 a², N and for Nx33 say! 1. Nxy3 mo azyl Ibid. Vytay 1.6z. for B.C, r. B. lbid. 1.65. for Point, r. Perver. Ibid. 1.71. for fourth, r. fifth. Ibid. l. 121. for ventured, r. entered. Under this Word in Sir Iſaac Newton's Example of extracting the Root, for 1-X, s. Biquadratic Equation, n. 2. 1. 55. for sxx, r. xx. under the word Conſtruction, for C, 1. 6. Ibid. n. 7. 1. 49. for Af= -- AG“ ,. AF* -- AG". Biquadratic Parabola, 1. 15. dele or AC. Ibid. 1. 147. for zihere, r. when. Biffextile, 1. 9. for 24th, r. 28th. Bombe, Paragr. 9. at the End, add according to the parabolic Hypotheſis. Ibid. 1. 30. for Impreſjes, r. Impulfes. N. 4. 1. 16. dele plane. Calculus Differentialis, parag: 5. 1.43, for | ABC, r. axx. 'Centre Common of Gravity, in the parag. next n. 13. 1. 30. for Ž AB, 1. A B. Ibid. 1. 34. for the Rudius, r. the Radius. lbid. in the Fig. n. 6. inſtead of the Letter P at the End of the Line EP, ſhould be F. Circle, n. 19. E is the Centre. Ibid. n. 25. 1. 3. for Theorems, r. Propoſitions. Ibid. n. 30. 1. 30, after 14. put a Commia. Ibid. Prob. s. for D at the bottom of Fig. 1. read G. The Letter M near the bottom of Fig. 2. is wanted. And for F near the bottom of Fig. 3. r. P. Alſo l. 21. for ME, r. MP. Conchoid, the Letter A is wanted in Fig. 4. Cone, n. 4. 1. 16. for Plane Curve Superficies, r. Plape Superficies terminated by a Curve. Croſs- Multiplication, : در 3. it XX. Ibid. n 2.1.7. 2 E RR A T A. Multiplication, 1. 13. for Inches, r. Feet. Curves in Geometry, parag. 4. 1. 3. for Diameters, r. Dimenſions. Cycloid, parag. 7. 1. 43. for Farnat, r. Fermat. Decimal Fractions, 1. 10. for r. 146. Fluent, pa ragr. 4. I. 20. for fzn. r. fzn. Ibid. l. 22. for Terms, f. Forms. Ibid. parag: 7. 1.7. for axxm. r. a ***. Fluxions ſecond, parag. 2. 1.4, 5 for Quantities *** r. Quantity *** Heptagon, 1. 2. for fe- veral, r. ſeven. Hyperbola, n. 2. parag. 2. 1.6. for D, r. G. lbid. 1. 12. for Points, r. Pins. Ibid. n. 5. 1. 8. for ROI. AR. Ibid. n. 6. the Letter T is wanted in the Figure. Hyperbolic Cylindroid, 1. 4. for there, r. they. Hyperbolic Space, the Letter F miſplaced, it fhould be where the Line drawn from L cuts the Curve. Ibid. 1.5. for CF, r. LF. Ibid. 1. 6. for a”, r. ab. Imaginary Root, parag, 5. 1. 13. for Square, 1. Squares. Ibid. parag. 6. 1. 8. dele an Ordinate. Impervious, l. §. for 21 x 17 x do, r. 10. Indetermined Problem, n. 4. parag. 5. 1.31. for 4 21 x 17 +11 = 92. Ibid. 1. 36. for 94, s. 92. Index, 1. 4 94. r. 1 penult. for 1. 3 Intereſt, l. 2. for Lot, 1. Loan. Ma- *s ง ♡ X5 thematics, parag: 9. 1. 20. for aſaults, r. afaults with. Mercator's Chart, n.4. 1. 10. for AB, r. Ab. Oſcillation, n. 4: for three Feet, 3.125. r. 3.125 Feet. Parabola, n. 4. for the Right Line FM, r. the Square of the Right Line FM. Ibid. 1.4. for the Abfifa, r. the Squares of the Abfcifs. Parabola Carteſian, l. 8. for DN, r. BN. Perfect Number, 1. 23. for y, x. r. yx. Quadratic Equation, n. 3. for-Jaamb.r. Jamvaab. Ibid. n. 11. for vaatb, r. Jaam. Ratio, n. 7. 1: 38. for on, r. to, . BOOKS printed for W. Innys and T. LONGMAN. A ; N Analytic Treatiſe of Conic Sections, and their Uſe for. re- ſolving of Equations in determinate and Indeterminate Pro- blems. Being the Pofthumous Work of the Marquis De l'Hoſpital, Honorary Fellow of the Academy of Sciences. Made Engliſh by E. Stone. 2. An Introduction to Natural Philoſophy: or Philoſophical Lectures read in the Univerſity of Oxford, Anno Dom. 1700. To which are added, the Demonſtrations of Monſieur Huygens's Theorems, concerning the Centrifugal Force and Circular Motion. By John Keil, M. D. Sa- vilian Profeffor of Aſtronomy, F.R.S. Tranſlated from the laſt Edition of the Latin. 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