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PRESENTED BY Çbt (Trusters OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. .*~| 1 ); º;' ; ?į : * , *. \vº-º-º: '(KHOISIH TV ? !! % (v/~m^\|_!!! ----- () // // // %>Cº ….…^**', « ' - 3 . . *--- «¿№ ( ººº ſº : · ‘A’s ‘NouNoT ‘avoſ ríº Awoſip \ L'H. ./, '');ºrºqĢ? # } | � * } 74 ſº ---- ~~~~ } **ț¢&#, , ,***********, ** **ær '##{}{} ſ}{} ~;→ *$1$ $'}&{}; }; Å? }}};};};} xº. # ¿ $¢ £{}; } ;:, §§\\}}; ;! ! ! !; * º ſtwº yº ! '######m3:34 |-‘Nøs}} | 8 }} N OT || C. E. VolumE XIII. of this Work is in preparation, and will probably be published in the course of the year 1889. CATALOGUE OF THE B I R D S IN THE B R IT IS H M U S E U M. WOLUME XIV. L ON DO N : PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1888, &/º/, (Øc/, //, /£ff. <=–, CATALOGUE OF THE P A S S E R I F O R M E S. OR PERCHING BIRDS, IN THE C O L L E C T I O N OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. O LIGO MY O D AE, oR THE FAMILIES TYRANNIDAE, OXYRELAMPHIDAE, PIPRIDAE, COTINGIDAE, PHYTOTOMIDAE, PHILEPITTIDAE, PITTIDAE, XENICIDAE, AND EURYLAEMIDAE. BY PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. L ON DO N : PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES, 1888. PRINTED BY TAY LOIR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREF A C E. -º-º-º-º-º-rº zºº-ºº ºvzºº.º. ºf To accelerate the progress of this work, it has been found advisable to publish the present volume in advance of the thirteenth. The manuscript of the latter is in course of preparation, but is not expected to be completed before 1889. However, as its limits are well-defined, comprising the remainder of the Acromyodian Passeres, no confusion can arise from this break in the series of volumes, and any inconvenience which may be caused by it will be of a merely temporary nature. ALBERT GüNTHER, Keeper of the Department of Zoology. British Museum (N. H.), * May 17, 1888. INTRODUCTION. My ornithological studies having been principally devoted to South- American Birds, I had little hesitation in acceding to Dr. Günther’s request that I should prepare the Catalogue of the Mesomyodian Passeres in the Collection of the British Museum. Of the thirteen families that belong to this section of the Passerine group, nine are exclusively Neotropical, and these nine families embrace by far the greatest number of specific forms, the four Mesomyodian families as yet recognized in the Old World being comparatively insig- nificant in point of numbers. My subject was, therefore, sufficiently familiar to me. At the same time some of the groups to be treated of—I may point especially to the Tyrannidae—are universally allowed to be amongst the most difficult portions of the class of Birds for satis- factory determination. I felt, therefore, that in the short time that could necessarily be allowed me for the completion of my task I had no easy duty to perform. The Mesomyodian Passeres, according to Garrod's arrangement, fall readily into two great sections, in one of which the syrina, remains nearly as in the typical Oscines, but with a lesser number of singing-muscles; while in the other, as first shown by the great anatomist Johannes Müller, the lower end of the trachea is specially modified to form an organ of voice. In the present volume the forms belonging to the first of these sections (Oligomyoda) are treated of. They are here arranged in nine families, the first five of which belong exclusively to the New World, while the last four are restricted to the three Southern regions of the Old World. In dealing with the five Neogean families–Tyrannidae, Oay- rhamphidae, Pippidae, Cotingidae, and Phytotomidae—I have followed throughout, with very few exceptions, the divisions and arrange- viii INTRODUCTION. mont adopted by Mr. Salvin and myself in our ‘Nomenclator Avium Neotropicalium,’ published in 1873. It would have been better, no doubt, in some respects to have attempted a thorough revision of these groups; but I felt that the short time assigned to me for the preparation of the present volume and the comparatively little leisure I had to devote to it would not give me a chance of performing this revision satisfactorily. This, therefore, I must leavo to some younger and better qualified worker to perform. Nevertheless, after sorting the large material belonging to these groups now in the Collection of the British Museum, and reducing them into the order of the “Nomenclator,” I feel that I have accomplished a not unsatisfactory piece of work, and one that will enable the ornithologist of the future, who may wish to take in hand a real monograph of these difficult groups, to start with much greater advantage. For myself I am contont to have produced, not a monograph, but a catalogue. The total number of specimens of Mesomyodian Passeres in the Collection of the British Museum, as enumerated in the present volume, is 7360. These I have referred to 665 species, leaving only 38 species recognized as probably valid, but unrepresented in the Collection. The series of specimens is generally very complete, and the range of the species is in most cases admirably shown by the localities affixed to them. For this very valuable feature the Museum is mainly indebted to the Salvin-Godman Collection, with its unrivalled set of specimens directly obtained from the collectors. The number of actual “types” of species in the families treated of in the present volume is 161, besides which there are a considerable number of “authentic ’’ specimens—that is, such as have been obtained in the same locality and by the same collector as the types themselves, and are accordingly of nearly equal value. I have now only to thank the many valued friends and corre- spondents who have assisted me during the progress of the present volume, both by the loan of specimens for comparison and by affording me information on difficult points. Amongst these I must specially mention the names of Dr. G. Hartlaub of Bremen, Herr August von Pelzeln of Vienna, MM. Alphonse Milne-Edwards and E. Oustalet of Paris, M. Taczanowski of Warsaw, Hams, Graf von Berlepsch of Muendon, Dr. F. A. Jentink of Leyden, Mr. Jouy of Washington, and Sir Walter Buller. Mr. G. N. Lawrence, of New York, was kind enough to send all his types of Tyrannidae across the Atlantic for examination ; and INTRODUCTION. ix Mr. Ridgway, of the U.S. National Museum, Washington, has rendered me material assistance in working out some of the genera of the same difficult group. Finally, I must again ask to be allowed to record the great obligations which I am under to Messrs. Salvin and Godman, who have permitted me to remove to my own rooms and examine the whole of their specimens before transferring them to the British Museum. This great boon has materially lightened my labours in the composition of the present volume, and the same kind indulgence has been shown to me as regards the remainder of the Mesomyodian Passeres, which are to be catalogued in the next volume. P. L. SCLATER. 3 Hanover Square, May 12, 1888. SYSTEMATIC INDEX, Order P A S S E R IF O R. M. E. S. Suborder PASSERES. Division MESOMYODI. Subdiv. OLIGOMYODAE. Fam. I. TY R A N N ID AE. Subfam. I. TAENIOPTERINAE. 1. Agriornis, Gould . . . . . . . . livida, Kittl. . . . . . . . . striata, Gould . . . . . . . . . andecola, d'Orb. . . . . . . . montana, d'Orb. et Lafr. . maritima, d'Orb. et Lafr. . pollens, Scl. . . . . . . . . . . . insolens, Scl. & Salo. 8. solitaria, Scl. . . . . . . . . . . 2. Myiotheretes, Reichenb. 1. rufiventris, Vieill. . . . . . . 2. erythropygius, Scl. . . . . 3. striaticollis, Sel. . . . . . . 3. Taenioptera, Bp. . . . . . . . . , nengeta, Linn. . . . . . . . . . coronata, Vieill. velata, Licht. . . . . . . . . dominicama, Vieill. . . . . irupero, Vieill. . . . . . . . . . holospodia, Scl. . pyrope, Kittl. . . . . . . . . , murina, d'Orb. . . . . . . . . . rubetra, Burm. . . . . . . . . 4. Ochthodiaeta, Cab. et Hein. . te . fumigatus, Boiss. . . . . . . . lugubris, Berl. . . . . . . . . 3. Signatus, Tacº. . . . . . . . 4. fusco-rufus, Scl. et Salv. 5. Ochthoeca, Cab. . . . . . . . . . . 1. fumicolor, Scl. . . . . . . . . 2. superciliosa, Sel, et Salv, W i a & e º 'º º e e º 'º e º : { To P &l g Q oenanthoides, d'Orb. et Lafº. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . polionota, Scl. et Salv. . . . leucometopa, Sel. et Salv. leucophrys, d'Orb, et Lºft'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . albidiema, Lafº. . . . . . . . citrinifrons, Sel. . . . . . . . pulchella, Sel, et Salv. . . 10. rufipectoralis, d'Orb. et Lafº. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lessoni, Scl. . . . . . . . . . . poliogastra, Salv. et Godm. t ; 11. 12. - 13. 14. 15 16. 17. thoracica, Tacz. . . . . . . nigrita, Sel. et Salv. . . . . Salvini, Tacz. . . . . . . . . rufimarginata, Lawr. . . 18, diadema, Hartl. 19, gratiosa, Sel. 6. Mecocerculus, Scl. . . . . . . . . 1. leucophrys, d'Orb. et Lafr, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, uropygialis, Lawr. . . . . --3. Stictopterus, Scl. . . . . . . 4, calopterus, Scl. . . . . . . . . 5. poecilocercus, Scl. et Salv. 6. consobrinus, Berl. 7. Ochthornis, Scl. . . . . . . . . . . 1. littoralis, Pelz. . . . . . . . . 8. Sayornis, Bp tº e º a w $ sº e a v e º e 2. nigricans, Sw. . . . . . . . . 3. aquatica, Scl. et Salv. . . 4. cineracea, Lafr. 9. Fluvicola, Sw. 1. pica, Bodd. . . . . . . . . . . 2. albiventris, Spîr . . . . . . 3. climacura, Vieill. . . 4, atripennis, Sel * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e * * * * * * * * * * cinnamomeiventris, Lafr. Page 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 27 xii SYS TEM.ATIC INDEX. 1. Ceratotriccus furcatus. Todirostrum furcatum, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 362. Ceratotriccus furcatus, Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 87. Euscarthmus apicalis, Scl, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 47, pl. ix, fig. 1. Above olive-green; head dull rufous; lores paler; wings blackish, slightly edged with rufous; tail dark grey, broadly tipped with clear white, which is bordered by a black subapical band : beneath cinereous; throat rufous, like the head ; a large cervical spot white; under wing-coverts white; band of the wing yellowish ; bill and feet pale brown; whole length 3-8 inches, wing 1:7, tail 1-6. Plab. Brazil. The white tail-band and white cervical spot at once distinguish this species, of which I have examined a single specimen, in the Paris Museum. `-27. PSEUDOTRICCU.S. Type Pseudotriccus, Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 88 . . . . . . . . P. pelzelni. This singular form of Western Ecuador much resembles in general aspect the female of Myiobius flavicans, and one of the specimens was long in my collection doubtfully referred to that species. It is, however, not nearly allied to Myiobius, and in its long, smooth, and slender tarsi seems to come closer to Todirostrum and Euscarthmus, near which, for the present, I place it. At the same time, the two outer toes are rather more connected than is usual in the Tyrannidae, and it is quite possible that Pseudotriccus may turn out to be a Piprine form, as maintained by its discoverer, M. Stolzmann. `1. Pseudotriccus pelzelni, Pseudotriccus pelzelmi, Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 88. Above uniform dark olive; wings and tail blackish, the wing- coverts like the back, the remiges and rectrices slightly edged with brownish olive: beneath yellowish olive, paler in the middle; bill dark horn-colour, feet pale brown ; whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2-4, tail 19. Hab. Western Ecuador. a. 6 a.d. sk. Machay, Ecuador (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimen.) b. Ad, sk. Ecuador, Sclater Coll. (Perhaps different.) 86 TYRANNIDAE. `28. CAENOTRICCUS #. Under this term, I propose to isolate the peculiar Todirostrum rwficeps of Lafresnaye, which has been referred to several widely different genera, without receiving an appropriate abiding-place. Its long smooth tarsi show an affinity to the Todirostrine group, where I will place it for the present. Coenotriccus is mostly found in Bogota collections, but was obtained by Buckley in Eastern Ecuador. - 1. Caenotriccus ruficeps. Muscicapa (Todirostrum) ruficeps, Lafº. Rev. Zool. 1843, p. 291. Fluvicola ruficeps, Lafr, Rev. Zool. 1844, p. 80. Conopophaga ruficeps, Lafr, Mag. de Zool. 1844, pl. 51; Bp. Consp. i. p. 203. Tºni ruficeps, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 149. Serphophaga ruficeps, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 212; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 47; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 535; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 237. Olive-green ; whole head bright chestnut ; wings and tail blackish, edged with rather darker chestnut: beneath paler, middle of belly yellowish; upper mandible horn-colour, lower yellowish; feet pale brown: whole length 4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1:8. Hab.*Colombia and Eastern Ecuador. a, b. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. d. Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. 6, ſ Ad. et jr. Bogota. Jardine Coll. Sk. g. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Ecuador (Jameson). Jardine Coll. i. Ad, sk. Ecuador. Gould Coll. `29. LOPHOTRICCUs. Type Lophotriccus, Berl. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 553 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. spicifer. This dismemberment of the genus Todirostrum contains two species distinguished by their elevated crest and shorter smaller bill. They range from Costa Rica southwards over Upper Amazonia and Venezuela. Rey to the Species. A. Crest-feathers edged with whitish. . . . . . 1. Spicifer, p. 87. B. Crest-feathers edged with rufous . . . . . . 2. squamicristatus, p. 87. * Katrós recens et Tpikkos mom, propr. 29. LOPHOTRICCUs. 87 1.*Lophotriccus spicifer. Todirostrum spiciferum, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 363; Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 67, pl. lxxxiv. fig. 2. Euscarthmus spicifer, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 187, 1867, p. 751, et 1873, p. 278 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 45. Colopterus galeatus, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 18 (N.E. Peru). Lophotriccus spicifer, Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 553; Tacz, Orn. Pér, ii. p. 229. Above olive-green; head-crest of elongated blackish feathers narrowly edged with greyish white; wings and tail blackish, margined with olive; the wing-coverts and outer secondaries more broadly tipped and edged with yellowish green; beneath greyish white, with slight obsolete darker striations and strong yellowish tinge on the belly ; under wing-coverts pale yellowish ; bill cor- neous ; feet brown ; whole length 2:7 inches, wing 2, tail 1-6. Female similar. Hab. Upper Amazonia. a. Ad. sk. Chyavetas, E. Peru (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. b. ? ad. sk. Lower Ucayali (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. c. 3 a.d. sk. Ucayali (Haua well). Gould Coll. d. Ad, sk. Yguitos, E. Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 6 a.d. sk. Chamicuros, E. Peru (Bartlett). Purchased. f. Ad, sk. Upper Amazons. Purchased. g, h. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2: Lophotriccus squamicristatus. Todirostrum squamicristatum, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 363; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 148, 1857, p. 84, 1858, p. 70, 1859, p. 144, et 1860, pp. 283, 295; Bp. Consp. i. p. 183. Euscarthmus squamicristatus, Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 307 (Costa Rica); Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 145. Lophotriccus squamicristatus, Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 553, 1884, p. 296, et 1885, p. 89 (Ecuador); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 230. Orchilus pileatus, Cab. in Tsch. F. P., Aves, p. 164; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 535, 1877, p. 332, et 1882, p. 18 (Peru). Euscarthmus pileatus, Tsch. F. P., Aves, p. 164, t. ix. fig. 1 (?). Above olive-green; elongated crest-feathers black, broadly tipped with rufous ; wings and tail blackish edged with olive, the edgings of the wing-coverts and outer secondaries broader and more yellowish: beneath greyish white, clearer in the middle ; striated with darker colour on the throat and breast; abdomen tinged with yellowish green; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; bill dark horn-colour; feet pale brown ; whole length 3-8 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1:8. Female similar. * Hab. Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Upper Amazonia, Ecuador and Peru. a. 6 a.d. sk. Dota, Costa Rica (Zeledon). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad, sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. 88 TYRANNID HE. d. Ad, sk. Costa Rica (Arcé). Sclater Coll. e. G ad, sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. f, g, d ad. ; h. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. - i. ** sk. Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. Ad. sk. Cumbre de Valencia, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. (Goering). k. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. l. Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin–Godman Coll. m. Ad. sk. Bogota. Gould Coll. m. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 0. Ad. sk. Imtac, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. p. Ad, sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. q. Ad, sk. Balzar Mts., Ecuador (Illing- Salvin-Godman Coll. worth). r. Ad, sk. Nanegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. 8. 3 ad. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. t. & ad. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Jardine Coll. w, v, 6 ad, sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Jardine Coll. w. Ad. St. Bogota. Purchased. ck, moºris,18°7') 30, ORCHILUs. T ype. Orchilus,(al. in Tsch. F. P., Aves, p. 164 (1845) . . . . O. auricularis. This genus was based upon Todirostrum awriculare of S.E. Brazil, distinguished from the parent form by its shorter and very slender tarsi, feebler and shorter bill, and smaller tail. With this form has been associated the remarkable T. ecaudatum with the tail exces- sively diminished, which ought in strictness, perhaps, to be again separated, but is, no doubt, closely allied. The range of this genus extends from Costa Rica to Bolivia and Paraguay. Key to the Species. A. Tail moderate, twice as long as tarsus : a well- defined black auricular spot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. auricularis, p. 88. B. Tail very short, not exceeding tarsus; no auricular spot: | crown cinereous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. ecaudatus, p. 89. crown black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. atricapillus, p. 89. 13 Orchilus auricularis, O ſ Platyrhynchús auricularis, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. xxvii. p. 16; id. Enc. { Méth. p. 838. Euscarthmus cinereicollis, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 955. Vermivora melanotis, Less, Tr. d’Orn. i. p. 386, Todus megacephalus, Sw, Nat. Libr. Flycatch, p. 177, pl. 19. Orchilus cinereicollis, Cab. in Tsch. Faun. Per., Orn. p. 164. Todirostrum cinereicolle, Hartl. Verz. Mus. Brem. Nachtr, p. 11. Tºº auriculare, Lafr, Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 364; By. Consp. i. p. 182. 30. ORCHILUs. 89 Triccus auricularis, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 499. Orchilus auricularis, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 51; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 209; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 102; Sel. et Salo. Womencl. p. 45; Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 304 (S. Paulo); Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 88 º Berl, et Jher. Zeitschr, Orn, 1885, p. 130 (Rio Grande o Sul). Above bright olive-green; wings and tail blackish with olive- green edgings, which are more yellowish on the wing-coverts and outer secondaries; ring round the eye and adjacent portion of ear- coverts pale rufous, bordered behind by a large black patch : beneath yellowish, clearer in the middle of the belly; throat greyish white, obsoletely striated with blackish ; under wing-coverts pale yellow : bill horn-colour, whiter below at the base ; feet reddish : whole length 2:5 inches, wing 1:6, tail 1:1. Hab. S.E. Brazil. #9 'º a. Ad. sk. Paraná, Brazil (Rogers). Salvin–Godman Coll. b, c. Ad; sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Brazil. Jardine Coll. f. Ad. sk. Brazil. Gould Coll. g. Ad. sk. Brazil. Purchased. h. Ad. st. Brazil. Gould Coll. t. Ad. St. Brazil. Zool. Soc, Coll, 2,+Orchilus ecaudatus. Todirostrum ecaudatum, d’Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 47; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 316, t. xxxiii. figs. 1, 2. Orchilus ecaudatus, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 102; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 631, 1878, p. 138, et 1879, p. 613; iid. Nomencl. p. 45; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 234. Above yellowish olive; crown cinereous; wings and tail blackish narrowly edged with olive, the margins of the coverts and outer secondaries broader and more yellowish : beneath white, abdomen tinged with yellowish ; under wing-coverts pale yellow : whole length 2:8 inches, wing 1:2, tail 0-5. Hab. Bolivia, Peru, and Venezuela. a. Ad. sk. Bolivia. Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. 3.4 Orchilus atricapillus. Todirostrum ecaudatus, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 110. Orchilus atricapillus, Lawr. Ibis, 1875, p. 385. Like O. ecaudatus, but crown black, a white line through the lores, and abdomen clear yellow (Lawrence). PIab, Costa Rica. 90 TYRANNIDAE. 31. COLOPTERUS, Type. Colopterus, Cab, in Ber. Verh. Ak. Berlin, 1845, p. 216. C. galeatus. Wings of Colopterus pilaris, 6 et Q. The exceedingly curious wing-structure at once enables us to recognize the form appropriately designated Colopterus by Cabanis, of which two species are known, ranging from Veragua to Amazonia. Both of them have a modified Todirostrine bill, and thin tarsi with the division of the scutes in front well-marked. In the male of the non-crested C. pilaris the four outer primaries are diminished to barely more than two thirds of their normal length, and reduced in size accordingly. In the crested C. galeatus this character is not so strongly pronounced and seems to embrace only the three outer primaries. Key to the Species. A. Non-crested; four outer primaries ab- normally reduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. pilaris, p. 90. B. Crested; three outer primaries abnormally reduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. galeatus, p. 91. 1:t Colopterus pilaris. Colopterus pilaris, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, i. p. 253; Bp. Consp. i. p. 184; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 52; Scl. Cat, A. B. p. 210; Sel. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 46; iid. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 252 (Venezuela); Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 147 (Veragua); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 124 (Santa Marta). Todirostrum exile, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 83, pl. cxxv. fig. 3. Crestless; above olive, wings and tail blackish edged with olive, the margins of the wing-coverts and outer secondaries broader and brighter: below greyish white; flanks and under wing-coverts yellowish; bill brown; feet reddish hazel: whole length 3:2 inches, wing 1-7, tail 1.3. Hab. Veragua and Colombia. a, b. 3 ad, sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad, sk. Santa Marta, U. S. C. Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad, sk. Minca, Santa Marta, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. f-i. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin–Godman Coll. j, k, Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. - l, Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. 32. HEMITRICCUs. 91 2: Colopterus galeatus. Figuier hupé de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Enl. 391, fig. 1. Motacilla galeata, Bodd. Table d. Pl. Enl. p. 24. Colopterus galeatus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 52; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 210; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 102; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 577 (Lower Amazons); iid. Nomencl. p. 46; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 382 (Para); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 18 (N.E. Peru); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 293 (Br. Guian.). - Motacilla cristata, Gm. S. N. i. p. 972. Colopterus cristatus, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 253; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 52. Above olive ; elongated crest—feathers blackish in the centre : wings and tail blackish edged with olive : beneath whitish, with obsolete ashy striations on the throat and breast; belly and flanks tinged with yellowish olive; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; bill horn-colour; feet pale brown: whole length 3-3 inches, wing 1-7, tail 1:5. Female similar. Hab. Venezuela, Guiana, and Lower Amazonia. a. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. b, c. 3 ad. ; d. 2 Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana ad. sk. (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 6 a.d. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. f–g. Ad, sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. Cayenne (Jelski). Salvin–Godman Coll. 2. Ad. sk. Para (Layard). Tweeddale Coll. j. Ad. sk. Lower Amazons (Wallace). Salvin–Godman Coll. k. & ad. sk. Capim r., Lower Amazons (Wallace). Salvin–Godman Coll. l. Ad. ad. Cayenne. Purchased. ^+32. HEMITRICCUS. Type Hemitriccus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 52 (1859)..... H. diops. The Brazilian form isolated by Messrs. Cabanis and Heine under the name Hemitriccus is not very far from Euscarthmus, but may be suffered to remain alone in view of its narrow beak and longer tail. The tarsi are long and slender, with the scutal divisions apparent. 1. Hemitriccus diops. Muscicapa diops, Temm, P. Col. 144, f. 1. Todirostrum diops, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 365; Bp. Consp. i. p. 182. Euscarthmus vilis, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 490. Hemitriccus diops, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 52; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 210; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 103; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 46. Above uniform dull olive-green ; wings and tail blackish with similar edgings; ring round the eye whitish ; lores blackish ; 92 TYRANNIT). E. 29% beneath dirty grey; middle of breast and belly whitish ; under wing-coverts and bend of wing yellowish ; upper mandible horn- colour, lower pale brown; feet hazel: whole length 47 inches, wing 2:2, tail 22. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. Ad. sk. S.E. Brazil. Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Brazil. Gould Coll. 33. PHYLLOSCARTES. Type Phylloscartes, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 52 (1859) . . P. ventralis. Only one example of this scarce little Brazilian bird is before me, for the acquisition and recognition of which I am much indebted to Graf v. Berlepsch. The bill is much more constricted than in the preceding genera, the tail longer, and the tarsal scutellations strongly developed. Were it not for the somewhat well-shown rictal setae, one might be inclined to refer this form to the Elaineinae. 1. Phylloscartes ventralis. Muscicapa ventralis, Temm. Pl. Col. 275. fig. 2. Tyrannulus ventralis, Temm. Tabl. Méth. p. 27. lºlainia ventralis, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 250, 15. Leptopogon ventralis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 186. Euscarthmus ventralis, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 491. Phylloscartes ventralis, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 52; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 102; Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 577; iid. Womencl. p. 46; Berl, et Jher. Zeitschr. Orn. 1885, p. 131 (Rio Grande do Sul); Sel. et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 137; Barrows, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. viii. p. 198 (Entrerios). º Above uniform olive ; ill-defined superciliaries whitish ; ear- coverts dark; wings and tail blackish with olive margins; well- defined spots on the tips of the two rows of wing-coverts and outer webs of secondaries yellowish : beneath yellow, rather more whitish on the throat and olivaceous on the sides; under wing- coverts pale yellow ; bill and feet blackish: whole length 4:5 inches, 5 § 3 wing 2:1, tail 23, 5 3.4 Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. 6 a.d. sk. Taquara do Mundo Novo, Rio Grande Sclater Coll. do Sul, Brazil (Jhering). 34. HAPALOCERCUs. 93 34. HAPAL00ERCUS.* Type Hapalocercus, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 254. . H. meloryphus. Lepturus, Sw, Class. B. ii. p. 259 (1837). . . . . . . . . . . . H. meloryphus. Leptocercus, Cab. in Tsch. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 164 (1845) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. meloryphus. – Myiosympotes, Reich. Av. Syst. Wat. t. lxv. (1850) ... H. flaviventris (teste Gray). This little section contains four species, characterized by their thin elongated tail and compressed bill, with slight rictal bristles. The tarsi are long and thin, and the wings short. They are spread thinly over South America from Colombia to La Plata. Key to the Species. A. Lower surface white or whitish. | Langer; sides of head ashy brown . . . . . . 1. meloryphus, p. 93. Smaller; sides of head fulvous . . . . . . . . 2. fulviceps, p. 94. B. Lower surface yellow. Upper surface brown; wings normal . . . . 3. flaviventris, p. 94. Upper surface olive-green; outer primaries pointed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. acutipennis, p. 95. 1. Hapalocercus meloryphus. Euscarthmus meloryphus, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 947; Bp. Consp. i. p. 184; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 493. Lepturus ruficeps, Sw, Wat. Libr., Flycatch. p. 181, pl. 20. Leptocercus ruficeps, Cab. in Tsch. Fawn. Per., Aves, p. 164. hº ruficeps, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, i. p. 254; Bp. Consp. i. p. 185. Hºus meloryphus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 52; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 210; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 103; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 46; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 332 (Colombia); Berlepsch, J. f. O. 1884, p. 318. Above mouse-brown : wings and tail rather darker; head sub- crested, the feathers of the crown clear rufous, tipped with brown : beneath dirty white, a slight yellowish tinge on the flanks and under wing-coverts; bill and feet brown : whole length 4-3 inches, wing 1.9, tail l’8. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. 6 a.d. sk. Ypanema, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. f. Ad, sk. Brazil. Gould Coll. * The following species referred to this genus are unknown to me — 1. H. he/vvventris, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 254; Cab, et Heine, Mus, Hein. ii. p. 53, from the Antilles(?). 2, H. rufomarginatus, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 103, from Brazil. 94 TYRANNIDAF, 2. Hapalocercus fulviceps. Euscarthmus fulviceps, Sel. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 497; Tacz, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 325, et 1880, p. 202 (Peru). Hapalocercus fulviceps, Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 118; Tacº. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 295. Structure of Hapalocerous fulviceps. (P. Z. S. 1871, p. 497.) Above mouse-brown; wings and tail rather darker; tips of coverts and outer margins of Outer secondaries pale brown; sides of head and bases of feathers of subcrested crown fulvous-brown : beneath dirty white; flanks and under wing-coverts with a slight yellowish tinge; beak and feet brown; whole length 37 inches, wing 1:7, tail 1:5. Hab. Western Ecuador and Peru. Smaller than H. meloryphus, and distinguished by the fulvous sides of the head and banded wings. a. Ad. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. Ad. sk. Puna I., Guyaquil (Villagomez). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Lima, Peru (Nation). Sclater Coll. 3. Hapalocercus flaviventris. Tachuri vientre amarillo, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 89. Alecturus flaviventris, d'Orb, et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 55; d'Orb. Voy. Ois, pl. 36. f. 1. Arundinicola flaviventris, d'Orb. ibid, p. 335. Euscarthmus flaviventris, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 493. 34. HAPALOCERCUs. 95 Hapalocercus flaviventris, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, i. p. 254; Bo. Consp. i. p. 185; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 52; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 210; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 103; Scl. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 46; Purm. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 456; White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 205; Barrows, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. viii. p. 199 (Entrerios); Durnford, Ibis, 1876, p. 159, 1877, pp. 34, 177, et 1878, pp. 60, 395 (Arg. Rep.); Sol. et Hudson, Arg. Orn. i. p. 137. Arundinicola citreola, Landb. Wiegm. Arch. 1864, pl. i. p. 58? (cf. Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 160). Euscarthmus (Hapalocercus) flaviventris, Burm. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 2. Above mouse-brown ; wings and tail rather darker, with edgings like the back; vertex more or less tinged with rufous : beneath yellow ; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 4:8 inches, wing 2, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. S. Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, La Plata, and Chili. a. Ad. sk. Buenos Ayres (Haslehurst). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Buenos Ayres (Hudson). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Buenos Ayres. Sclater Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. Rio Negro of Patagonia (Hud- Purchased, son). e. Ad. sk. Chupat, Patagonia. H. Durnford [C]. f. Ad. sk. Pº of Arg. Republic (Ley- Salvin-Godman Coll. old). g, h. Ad. sk. cº Zool. Soc. Coll. 2. Ad, sk. Chili (Leybold). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. 6 a.d. sk. Santiago, Chili (Landbeck). Sclater Coll. k. Q ad. sk. Santiago, Chili (Landbeck). Salvin–Godman Coll. l. Ad. sk. Chili. Purchased. m. Ad, sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. ` 4. Hapalocercus acutipennis. Hapalocercus acutipennis, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 187 (Bogota); 1879, p. 512 (Antioquia); iid. Womencl. p. 46; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 236. Above dark olive-green; wings and tail brown with slight pale edgings: beneath yellow ; outer primaries acuminated; bill blackish ; feet brown : whole length 4.5 inches, wing 1-8, tail 1:8. Hab. Colombia and Peru. The acumination of the wings which renders this species so peculiar is carried to its greatest extent in the sixth, seventh, and eight primary. a. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b, Jr. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. c. 3 a.d. sk. Antioquia, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin–Godman Coll. d. 3 ad. sk. Cosnipata, S. Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Jr. sk. S. America. Sclater Coll. f. Ad, sk. S. America. Jardine Coll. 96 TYRANNID E. 35. HABRURA. T ype. Habrura, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 53 (1859) . . . . H. pectoralis. Polystictus, Reichenb, Av. Syst. Nat. tab. lxvii. (1850).. H. pectoralis. This peculiar form has been placed by some authors among the Tityrinae, but, as Cabanis and Heine have remarked, undoubtedly belongs here, and is nearly allied to Culicivora and Serphophaga. In its abnormal plumage it closely resembles the former, but is at once recognizable by its square tail and broader rectrices. The tarsal scutes are well marked. Habrwra extends from Paraguay to Guiana. 1. Habrura pectoralis. Tachuri pecho amarillo, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 80. Sylvia pectoralis, Vieill. Now. Dict. xi. p. 210; id. Enc. Méth. 2. Euscarthmus pectoralis, Hartl, Ind. Az. p. 11. Serpophaga pectoralis, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 53. Habrura pectoralis, Gibson, Ibis, 1885, p. 279 (Uruguay); Sel, et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 137. Hapalocerus pectoralis, Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 103; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 293 (Brit. Guiana). Euscarthmus superciliaris, Maa. Beitr. iii. p. 953. Pachyramphus minimus, Gould, Zool. Voy. ‘Beagle, iii. p. 51, t. xv. (1841). Tityra minima, Gray, Gen. i. p. 254. Hapalura minima, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 252; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 494. Habrura minima, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 53; Sol. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 460; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 46. Above sandy brown with a dark greyish tinge on the head, which is subcrested, and has the vertical feathers white at their bases; lores and eye-region whitish ; wings and tail blackish, edged with sandy brown, which forms in some specimens two well- marked wing-bands: beneath pale sandy ochraceous, more rufous on the flanks, throat more or less freckled with black: bill and feet dark brown ; whole length 4 inches, wing 1-9, tail 1-7. Female similar, but without the black markings on the throat. Hab. Northern La Plata, Uruguay, Paraguay, S.E. Brazil, and British Guiana. The specimens from Guiana are rather smaller in size, but do not seem otherwise distinguishable. a. Ad, sk. Cordova, rep. Arg, (Doering). Sclater Coll. b. 6 ad. sk. Paysandu, Uruguay (Gibson). Sclater Coll. c. 2 ad, sk. Cuyaba, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. d, e. & ad. ; f,g. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. (Whitely). h. 3 Ad.; i, j. Ad. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. sk. (Whitely). 36. CULICIvor A. 97 `-36. CULICIWORA. Type Culicivora, Sw, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 359 (1827) . . . . . . . . . . C. stenura. Hapalura, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 252 . . . . . . . . C. Stenura. The peculiar form which Swainson made the type of his genus Culicivora is restricted, so far as we know at present, to S.E. Brazil and the adjoining districts. It is at once recognizable by its long graduated tail, with the barbs of the rectrices very thin and much narrowed. The sandy plumage, which it shares with Habrura, is only met with in these two types of the family Tyrannidae. ~ 1. Culicivora stemura. Muscicapa stenura, Temm. Pl. Col. 167. fig. 3. Hapalura stenura, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 252; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 494. Culicivora stemura, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 53; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 103; White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 605; Sel, et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 139. Muscicapa hapalura, Licht, in Mus. Berol. Above sandy brown, striated with black; head nearly black, lores and superciliaries white; wings and tailblackish with slight brownish edgings: beneath pale sandy buff, more brownish on the sides of the neck and flanks; bill and feet black: whole length 3-7 inches, wing 17; tail, ext, rectr. 1-3, med. 19. - Hab. S.E. Brazil. I can only find 10 rectrices in the specimens of this species which I have examined. They are long, thin, and rather stiffened. The webs are much reduced in width in all the feathers. a. 6 ad. sk. Curitiba, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. b. 6 ad, sk. Ytararé, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. S.E. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. 37. POGONOTRICCUS. Type ype. Pogonotriccus, Cab, et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 54 (1859).. P. eximius, Eupsilostoma, Scl. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 68 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. eximius. Of this division, established by Cabanis and Heine for the Mus- cicapa easimia of Temminck, I am able to recognize four nearly allied species distributed over the forest-regions of South America. As indicated by their generic name, they are remarkable in this subfamily for the unusual development of the rictal bristles. The tarsi are rather short, and the divisions of the scutes distinctly in- dicated; the tail is long, nearly equalling the Wings. WOL. XIV. Hſ H 3, 98 TYRANNID ZE. Rey to the Species. a. Head grey variegated with whitish : ear-coverts yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. evimius, p. 98. ear-coverts black and white . . . . . . . . 2. ophthalmicus, p. 98. b. Head dark olive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. gualaquizae, p. 99. c. Head plumbeous; tail longer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. plumbeiceps, p. 99. 1. Pogonotriccus eximius. Muscicapa eximia, Temm, P. Col. 144, fig. 2. Euscarthmus eximius, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 491. wº Pogonotriccus eximius, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 54; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 211; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 108; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 46. Above bright yellowish olive; wings and tail blackish brown, with edgings like the back; crown of head cinereous, lores and lengthened superciliaries white; ear-coverts yellow, with a blackish border behind: beneath olivaceous yellow, under wing-coverts pale yellow; uppermandible plumbeous, lower mandible and feet reddish: whole length 4-3 inches, wing 2, tail 19. Hab. S.E. Brazil. 90 %. a. 6 a.d. sk. Ypanema, S.E. Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. §. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 2:#Pogonotriccus ophthalmicus. Pogonotriccus ophthalmicus, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, pp. 135, 535, et I882, p. 19; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 250; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 89 &º. t Pogonotriccus Zeledoni, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 144 (1869). Above bright olive; wings and tail blackish, with edgings similar to the back; tips of wing-coverts of a more yellowish tint and forming two transverse bands; head and nape cinereous; lores and lengthened superciliaries whitish ; ear-coverts very pale yellowish or whitish, bordered behind by a black band: beneath pale yellowish, throat whitish ; bill plumbeous; feet pale brown: whole length 4:4 inches, wing 2-4, tail 2:3. Hab. Peru and Ecuador. This species differs from P. e.vimius in the absence of the yellow ear-coverts and in the paler colour below. So far as I can tell from the examination of the single damaged specimen of P. Zeledoni which Mr. Lawrence has lent to me, that species is probably the same. If this should turn out to be the case, Mr. Lawrence's name must be adopted. a. Ad, sk. Ropaybamba, Peru (Jelskº). Sclater Coll, 5. Ad, sk. Huambo, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. c. 3 ad. sk. Machay, Ecuador (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. 38. LEPTOTRICCUs. 99 `-3. Pogonotriccus gualaquizae. Pogonotriccus gualaquizae, Sol. P. Z. S. 1887, p. 48; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 89. Above olive-green, head above rather darker; wings and tail blackish, with olive-green margins; lores whitish ; sides of head and whole body below pale yellowish ; throat whitish ; bill and feet brown: whole length 4 inches, wing 1.9, tail 17. Hab. Western Ecuador. a, b. 3 Q sk. Gualaquiza, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) `-- 4:HPogonotriccus plumbeiceps. Pogonotriccus plumbeiceps, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 267 (1870); Sel, et Salv. Womencl. p. 46. Tyranniscus plumbeiceps, Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 90. Above olive-green; head and nape plumbeous; lores and ring round the eye whitish ; wings blackish, coverts broadly tipped with pale yellowish, remiges narrowly margined with olivaceous; tail brown, slightly margined with olivaceous towards the base: beneath olivaceous yellow, passing into whitish on the throat; under wing- coverts pale yellow : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2-4, tail 2:3. Hab. Colombia. The first specimen seems to agree with the type, which has been kindly lent to me by Mr. Lawrence. The second has a rather narrower bill, and is possibly different. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll, -- b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. 38. LEPTOTRICCUS, Type Leptoticeus, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 54 (1859) ... L. syſviola. In Leptotriccus the bill is rather longer and more compressed than in Pogonotriccus, and the rictal bristles not quite so dense, but the forms are closely allied. The feet are weak as in Pogonotriccus, but the tarsi are rather longer. One of the two recognized species of this group is from Brazil, the other from Veragua. Key to the Species. Head green like the back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. sylviola, p. 99. Head dark plumbeous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. superciliaris, p. 100. 1:f Leptotriccus sylviola. Muscicapa sylviola, Licht, in Mus. Berol. 3| Leptoticeus sylvioli, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 54; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 211; Scl. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 46. H 2 100 TYRANNIDAE. Above uniform bright olive; wings and tail blackish, with edgings like the back; lores and ring round the eye dark rufous : under sur- face dirty white; flanks slightly washed with greenish; under wing- coverts white; bill and feet brown: whole length 4.5 inches, wing 2-1, tail 2. º º Hab. S.E. Brazil. Sº Sº a. Ad, sk. S.E. Brazil. Sclater Coll. Y-2. Leptotriccus superciliaris. Leptotriccus superciliaris, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 389; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 196. Above olive-green; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive-green; head above and nape dark plumbeous; lores and ring round the eye dark rufous : beneath ashy white, flanks and crissum tinged with olivaceous; bill blackish ; feet pale brown: whole length 3-8 inches, wing 2, tail 19. Hab. Veragua. Like L. Sylviola, but distinguished by its dark head. a. 9 ad. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. S2 ad, sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Types of the species.) 39. STIGMATURA, T €. Stigmatura, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 188 . . . . . . . . S. bºides. The much elongated tail at once distinguishes this singular form, which is otherwise not remotely allied to Serphophaga. The bill is small and constricted, the rictal bristles very feeble, and the tarsus long. One of the two known species of Stigmatura is found in Bolivia and Peru, the other in the northern provinces of the Argentine Republic. Key to the Species. A. Median white tail-band of lateral rectrices complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. budytoides, p. 100. B. Median white tail-band of lateral rectrices absent or incomplete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2..flavo-cinerea, p. 101. 1. Stigmatura budytoides. Culicivora budytoides, d'Orb, et Lafr, Syn. Av. i. p. 56. Setophaga budytoides, d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 330, t.'36, fig. 2. Stigmatura budytoides, Sel, et Salº. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 188 (Ucayali), 1873, p. 278 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 613 (Bolivia); iii. Womenol. p. 46; Pelº, Orn. Bras. p. 104; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 238; Salo. Ibis, 1880, pp. 352, 357 (Tucuman); Sel. et Huds. Arg. Orn, i. p. 139. 40. SERPHOPHAGA. 101 Above greyish olive; lores and short superciliary streak yellowish ; wings blackish brown ; tips of wing-coverts and outer margins of secondaries white; tail blackish, all the lateral rectrices crossed by a broad white median and a second terminal band; under surface pale yellow ; bill and feet black: whole length 5 inches, wing 2*1, . tail 25. Hab, Bolivia, Peru, Int. of Brazil, and Northern La Plata. a. Ad. sk. Upper Ucayali (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Lower Ucayali. E. Bartlett [C.]. c, d. Ad. sk. Bolivia (Bridges). T. Bridges Cºl. e. Ad. sk. Salta, rep. Arg, H. Durnford º f. Ad. sk. Tucuman, rep. Arg. H. Durnford C.]. 2. Stigmatura flavo-cinerea. Phylloscartes flavo-cinerea, Burm. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 455; Sel. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 542; Cab. J. f. O. 1878, p. 197. Stigmatura flavo-cinerea, Sel. P. Z. S. 1872, pp. 542, 549; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 46; Sel. et Hudson, Arg. Orn. i. p. 139. Above greyish olive; lores and superciliary stripe whitish ; wings blackish, with whitish edgings to the coverts and outer secondaries; tail blackish ; outer web of the external rectrix and broad tips of four external pairs white, the two external pairs in some specimens also with a white spot in the middle of the internal web : beneath pale yellow ; bill and feet black: whole length 5-8 inches, wing 2-3, tail 3. Female similar. Hab. Argentine Republic and Northern Patagonia. In the Rio Negro specimens the white tail-markings are but faintly shown. a. 6 a.d. sk. Mendoza, rep. Arg. (Weisshaupt). Sclater Coll. b,c, d ? ad.sk. Mendoza, rep. Arg. (Weisshaupt). Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. d ? ad, sk. º º rep. Arg. Salvin-Godman Coll. hite). f. 6 ad. sk. Rio Negro of Patagonia (Hudson). Sclater Coll. g. Q ad, sk. Rio Negro of Patagonia (Hudson). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. P ad, sk. Rio Negro of Patagonia (Hudson). Purchased. 40, SERPHOPHAGA. T ype. a e º q & e º e e º s º a s s e s a e º e º º e º e s tº e s s e º e º & S. subcristata. Colorhamphus, Sund, Meth. Nat. Av. p. 59 (1872). . S. parvirostris. In Serphophaga and the succeeding genera the beak becomes much compressed, and it is somewhat hard to draw the line between these forms and the Elaineinae. But the rictal bristles are more or less developed in Serphophaga and its allies. The seven species which I refer to this genus have a wide distri- bution from Costa Rica to Chili and Patagonia. 102 TYRANNID ZE. Key to the Species. A. Head subcrested, with a white vertical spot. a. Wings banded with white. a'. Crown grey. Smaller: white edgings of wings nar- | TOWel' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. subcristata, p. 102. Larger: white edgings of wings broader 2. albogrisea, p. 103. b'. Crown black. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. cinerea, p. 103. b. Wings not banded. Belly white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. hypoleuca, p. 104. }; cinereous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. nigricans, p. 104. B. Head uniform with back; no vertical spot. Body below yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, sulflava, p. 105. § below grey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. parvirostris, p. 105. 1. Serphophaga subcristata. Contramaestre copatillo ordinario, Agara, Apunt. ii. p. 66. Sylvia subcristata, Vieill. Nouv. Dict, xi. p. 229; id. Enc. Méth. . 443. Hinº subcristata, Hartl. Ind. Az, p. 11. Muscicapa straminea, Temm. Pl. Col. 167, fig. 2. Muscicapa cristata, Lafr, et d'Orb. Syn. Av. i. p. 52. Muscicapara subcristata, d'Orb. Woy., Ois. p. 326. Serpophaga albocoronata, Gould, in Zool. Voy. “Beagle, iii. p. 49. Muscicapa incompta, Licht, in Mus. Berol. Euscarthmus albicoronatus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 184. Serpophaga subcristata, Cab, et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 53; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 211; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 103; Burm. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 454; id. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 2; Sel, et Salv, P. Z. S. 1868, pp. 142, 175, et 1879, p. 613; id. Nomencl. p. 47; White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 606; Durnford, Ibis, 1876, p. 159, et 1877, p. 177; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 342; Barrows, Bull. Nutt, Orn. C. viii. p. 199 (En- trerios); Berl, et Jher. Zeitsch. Orn, 1885, p. 130 (Rio Grande do Sul); Scl. et Huds. Arg. Orm. i. p. 140. Anaeretes cristatellus, Salvad. Att, Sc. It, vii. p. 153. Serphophaga verticata, Burm. J. f. O. 1860, p. 246. Above cinereous, usually with a slight olivaceous tinge on the rump ; Crest—feathers white at their bases, tipped with cinereous and slightly varied with black; wings blackish; wing-coverts tipped with whitish, forming two transverse bands ; outer secondaries externally margined with the same colour; tail dark ashy; beneath ashy white, with more or less yellowish tinge on the belly and under wing-coverts; bill dark horn-colour; feet black: whole length 4.5 inches, wing 2, tail 2:1. Female similar. Hab. S.E. Brazil, Paraguay, Northern La Plata, and Bolivia. The specimens from Cordova and Bolivia are more greyish above and pure white below, and may be ultimately separable. a. 3 a.d. sk. Lagoa Santa, S.E. Brazil (Lund). Sclater Coll. * b. 3 ad. Sk, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). c, d. Ad. Sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll, 40. SERPHOPHAGA. 103 e. Ad. Sk, Maldonado, Uruguay. Fitzroy and Burnett [P.]. ..f. Ad, sk. Paysandu, Uruguay. Alan Peel [C.]. g. 3 a.d. sk. Conchitas, Buenos Ayres (Hudson). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. 9 a.d. sk. Flores, Buenos Ayres (White). Sclater Coll. *—k. Ad. sk. Buenos Ayres. H. Durnford [C]. l. 3 ad sk. Cosquin, Cordova, rep. Arg. (White). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. d ad. sk. Cosquin, Cordova, rep. Arg,(White). Sclater Coll. n—p. 3 ad, sk. Pampas of Arg. Republic (Leybold). Salvin-Godman Coll. q—r. Ad, sk. Tilotilo, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. s, t. Ad. St. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.], ~2. Serphophaga albogrisea. Elainea cinerea, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 180; Berl. Ibis, 1883, p. 138 (?). Serphophaga albogrisea, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 156; Reich, u. Schalow, J. f. O. 1881, p. 88. Above cinereous, vertical patch white; wings black, broadly margined with white except in the primaries; tail blackish, with slight cinereous edgings: beneath white, with a slight ashy tinge on the flanks; under wing-coverts pure white ; bill and feet brown : whole length 4:3 inches, wing 2:5, tail 2:3. Plab. Eastern Ecuador. Much larger than S. subcristata, and at once recognizable by the broad pure white wing-edgings. a. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. Q. Chamicuros, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C.]. 3A-Serphophaga cinerea. Euscarthmus cinereus, Strickl. Ann, & Mag. N. H. xiii. p. 414 (1844); Tsch. Faun. Per., Orn. p. 165; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 526. Serpophaga cinerea, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 458, 1859, p. 144, et 1866, p. 99; id. Cat. A. B. p. 211; Cab. et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 53; Pelz. Orm. Bras, p. 103; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 147; id. Ibis, 1869, p. 319; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 781, 1873, p. 185, et 1879, pp. 512, 613; iid. Nomencl. p. 47; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 535, 1879, p. 233, et 1880, p. 203; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 236; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 553; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 62; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 332; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 318. Serpophaga grisea, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. x. p. 139 (Costa Rica); Salv, Ibis, 1874, p. 315. Above cinereous, head black with a white vertical spot; crest very slight; wings and tail black; wing-coverts tipped and outer secondaries margined with white : beneath paler cinereous, whiter on the belly and under wing-coverts; bill and feet black : whole length 4-3 inches, wing 2:4, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. Costa Rica, Veragua, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. a. Ad, sk. Costa Rica (Endres). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. 3 ad, sk. Sante Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. c. Ad. Sk, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. 104 TYRANNIDAE. d. Ad. sk. Merida, Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. g. Ad. sk. Envigado, Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. Frontino, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. ?. & ad. sk. Riobamba, Ecuador. L. Fraser [C.]. j, Q ad, sk. Cuenca, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. k, l. Ad. sk. Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad. sk. Baganti, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. n, Ad. sk. S. America. Sclater Coll. T-4. Serphophaga hypoleuca. Serphophaga hypoleuca, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 188, et 1873, p. 278; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 238. Above pale brownish cinereous; wings and tail blackish, with edgings like the back; head blackish ; crest elongated, black, with a white basal spot: beneath white, passing into pale cinereous on the flanks; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet black: whole length 4 inches, wing 1-8, tail 1:8. Hab. Eastern Peru. A small species, without traces of wing-bands, and with a small lengthened black crest, with a white basal spot. a. Ad. sk. Lower Ucayali (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. 3 ad. sk. Lower Ucayali (Bartlett). Salvin-Godman Coll. c—e. Ad. sk. Lower Ucayali, E. Bartlett [C.]. 5. Serphophaga nigricans. Sylvia nigricans, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. xi. p. 204; id. Enc. Méth. p. 462 (ex Azara, no. 167). Tachuris nigricans, Lafr, et d’Orb. Syn. Av. i. p. 55; d'Orb. Voy., Ois, p. 334. Euscarthmus nigricans, Hartl. Ind. Azar. p. 11; Bp. Consp. i. p. 184; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 492; Steinberg, J. f. O. 1869, p.262 (nest); Holtz, J. f. O. .*}. 7 (egg). Muscicapa obscurata, Licht, in Mus. Berol. Serphophaga nigricans, Gould, in Zool. Voy. ‘Beagle, iii. p. 50; Cab. et Hein, Mus, Hein. ii. p. 53; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 211; Burm. La- Plata Reise, ii. p. 454; id, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 2; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 142; iºd. Nomencl. p. 47; Euler, J. f. O. 1868, p. 184; Hudson, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 671, et 1872, p. 543; Durnf. Ibis, 1877, p. 177, et 1880, p. 424 (rep. Arg); White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 606; Berl, et Jher. Zeitschr. Orn. 1885, p. 130 (Rio Grande do Sul); Barrows, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. viii. p. 199 (Entrerios); Sol, et Huás. Arg. Orn. i. p. 141. Euscarthmus cinereus, Burm. J. f. O. 1860, p. 246. Above dull brownish cinereous, wings and tail blackish, the coverts and outer secondaries with slight edgings like the back; crest slight, with a well-marked white basal spot: beneath paler 40. SERPIOPHAGA. 105 and rather purer cinereous; under wing-coverts pale cinereous; bill and feet dark horn-colour: whole length 47 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1:1. Female similar, but vertical spot not so well marked. Hab. S. Brazil, Paraguay, La Plata, and Northern Patagonia. a. c ad, sk. Conchitas, Buenos Ayres (Hudson). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c, d ? ad. Punta Lara, Buenos Ayres. H. Durnford [C.]. sk. d. 9 ad. sk. Punta Lara, Buenos Ayres (White). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. & 9 a.d. sk. Cosquin, Cordoba, rep. Arg. Salvin–Godman Coll. (White). f, g. Ad, sk. La Plata. Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. Maldonado, Uruguay. Sir W. Burnett [P]. %. 6 a.d. sk. Rio Negro of Patagonia (Hudson). Purchased. 6. Serphophaga subflava. Serphophaga subflava, Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. pp. 47, 158. Above olive-brown; cap brownish ; lores whitish ; wings and tail brown ; wing-coverts and external secondaries edged with whitish : beneath uniform yellowish, more olivaceous on the flanks; under wing-coverts pale yellow : whole length 4:4 inches, wing 1-8, tail 19. Hab. Vicinity of Para, Brazil. The single specimen on which this species was founded remains unique. The wholly yellow under surface distinguishes it from all its congeners. a. Ad, sk. Para, Brazil (Wallace). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 7. Serphophaga parvirostris. Tyrannula parvirostris, Gould, in Zool. Voy. ‘Beagle, iii. p. 48. Myiobius parvirostris, Gray, ibid.; Gay, Faun. Chil. Aves, p. 341. Serpophaga parvirostris, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 212; id. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 327; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 47; iid. Ibis, 1868, p. 185. Above dull brown; head and nape dark cinereous; ear-coverts blackish; wings and tail blackish, with rufous edgings to the wing- coverts and outer secondaries: beneath pale cinereous; throat and lower belly more whitish ; under wing-coverts pale yellowish; inner margins of wing-feathers pale rufous; bill dark flesh-colour; feet black: whole length 4.7 inches, wing 2:5, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. Chili, Patagonia, Terra del Fuego, and Bolivia. a, b. Ad, sk. Santiago, Chili (Reed). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Chili. T. Bridges º d. Ad. Sk. Valparaiso, Chili. C. Darwin 3. _J" e. Ad. sk. Chili. Sclater Coll. f. Ad, sk. Santa Cruz, Patagonia. C. Darwin [C.]. (Type of the species.) g. Ad, sk. St. Martin's Cove, Patagonia. Lt. A. Smith, R.N. [P.]. h. Ad, sk. Bolivia (Bridges). Sclater Coll. 106 TYRANNIDAE. 41. ANAERETES, Type Anairetes, Reichenb. Av. S. W. t. lxvi. (1850) . . . . . . . . . . A. parulus, The genus Amaeretes contains a series of about Seven small species with crested head, striped plumage, and much compressed bill. They are said to be Tit-like in their habits. They are found mostly in the Patagonian Region, but extend along the range of the Andes into Ecuador. Key to the Species. A. Tail about equal to wings; squared. a. Bill black, uniform. Smaller: belly yellowish . . . . . . . . 1. partlus, p. 106. Larger: belly white . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. fernandezianus, p. 107. b. Bill reddish or yellowish at the base. Larger; back black, striated with | White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. albicristatus, p. 107. Smaller : back olive-brown . . . . . . 4. flavirostris, p. 108. B. Tail much longer than wings, graduated . 5, agilis, p. 108. 1. Anaretes parulus. Muscicapa parulus, Kittl. Mém, prés. Acad. Pétersb. i. p. 190, pl. 9 (1831). Sylvia bloxami, J. E. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1831, p. 11. Culicivora parulus, Lafr, et d’Orb. Syn. Av. i. p. 57; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 332; Gay, Faun. Chil., Aves, p. 343. Serphophaga parula, Gould, in Zool, Voy. ‘Beagle, iii. p. 49; Sel. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 554. Euscarthmus parulus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 184. Regulus plumulosus, Peale, U.S. Explor. Erp. p. 94, pl. 25. Anaeretes parulus, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 54; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 212; id. P. Z. S. 1867, pp. 327, 338, et 1872, pp. 543, 549; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 47; iid. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 432, et 1879, p. 613; iid. Zool. Chall. Exp. viii. p. 101; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 535, et 1880, p. 202; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 239; Burm. La-Plata Beise, ii. p. 455; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 8; White, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 39 (rép. Arg.); Salv. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 423; Durnford, Ibis, 1877, p. 34, et 1878, p. 395; Scl. et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 141. Anaeretes parulus aequatorialis, Berl, et Tacz, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 296, et 1885, p. 123. Above cinereous, with an olivaceous tint on the lower back; head black, front varied with white; elongated vertical crest black, sometimes varied with white; wings blackish, with slight whitish tips to the coverts and whitish margins to the outer secondaries; tail blackish, outer web of external rectrix whitish : beneath pale straw- colour, white on the throat ; throat and breast with numerous and well-marked black striations; under wing-coverts pale stramineous; bill and feet black: whole length 4 inches, wing 19, tail 1:8. Female similar, but crest shorter. Hab. Argentine Republic, Chili, Bolivia, Peru, and Andes of Ecuador. 41. ANAERETEs. 107 a. 9 ad. sk. Pampas of Arg. Republic (Ley- Salvin-Godman Coll. bold). b. Ad. sk. Rio Negro, Patagonia (Hudson). Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. Santa Cruz, Patagonia. Zool. Soc. Coll. d. Ad, sk. Malaspina I., Patagonia. Dr. Coppinger [C.]. e. Q ad, sk. Puerto Bueno, Patagonia. ‘Challenger’ Exp. f. Ad. sk. Chili (Bridges). Sclater Coll. g. & ad. sk. Talcahuano, Chili (Markham). Salvin–Godman Coll. h. Sº ad, sk. Vic. of Santiago, Chili (Leybold). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Ad. sk. Valparaíso, Chili. C. Darwin [C.]. j. 6 a.d. sk. Valparaiso, Chili. Jardine Coll. k, l, Ad, sk. Yungas, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. an. Ad, sk. Bolivia (Bridges). Eyton Coll. n. Ad, sk. Ninabamba, Peru (Jelski). Sclater Coll. o. 3 a.d. sk. Titiacum, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. p. Ad. Sk, Matos, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. q, r, Ad. Sk. Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8. Ad, sk. Pasto, Ecuador (Lehmann). Salvin–Godman Coll. t. Ad, sk. Valley of Lloa, Ecuador (Jame- Jardine Coll. Son). w. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Gould Coll. v. Ad. Sk. Bogota (P). Purchased. w. Ad. St. Chili. Purchased. a. Ad. St. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. 2. Anaretes fernandezianus. Culicivora fernandeziana, Philippi, Wiegm. Arch. 1857, pt. i. p. 263; Phil. et Landb. Cat. Aves Chil. p. 22. Euscarthmus fernandezianus, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 351. Anaeretes fernandezianus, Sel, Ibis, 1871, p. 179, t. vii. fig. 1; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 432; iid. Nomencl. p. 47; iid, Zool. Chall. Exp. viii. p. 101; Salo. Ibis, 1875, p. 376; id. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 423; Reed, Ibis, 1874, p. 82. Above dark cinereous; elongated vertical crest black, mixed with white at the base; wings blackish, with slight whitish tips to the wing-coverts and margins to the Outer secondaries; tail brownish black; outer web of external rectrix white; beneath white, densely striated with black on the throat and breast ; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet black: whole length 4:8 inches, wing 2-4, tail 2:3. Female similar, but crest not so large. Hab. Juan Fernandez Island. At once recognizable from A. parwlus by its much larger size, greyer back, and whiter belly. a, b. 3 Q ad, sk. Juan Fernandez (Reed). Salvin–Godman Coll. c, d. 6 S2 ad. sk. Juan Fernandez. Sclater Coll. e, f. Ad, sk. Juan Fernandez (Markham). Salvin-Godman Coll. g-j. 3 a.d. sk. Juan Fernandez, ‘Challenger’ Exp. k. Ad. St. Juan Fernandez. H. Cuming. 3. Anaeretes albocristatus. Tyrannulus albocristatus, Pig. Zool. Journ. 1829, v. p. 273. Culicivora reguloides, Lafr, et d'Orb. Syn., Av. i. p. 57; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 332, pl. 37. fig. 1. 108 TYRANNIDAE. Vermivora elegans, Less, Voy. Thet. ii. p. 323. Euscarthmus reguloides, Cab. in Tsch. Fawn. Per., Orn. p. 166. Euscarthmus albocristatus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 184. Anaeretes albocristatus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 54; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 212; id. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 498, et 1873, p. 780; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 987, et 1868, p. 569; iid. Nomencl. p. 47; Tacz, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 535, 1879, p. 233; id, Orn. Pér. ii. p. 241. Above black, with white striations; wings and tail black, edged with white; vertical patch white, surmounted by a thin black crest; sides of head black : beneath white, striated with black on the breast and throat ; under wing-coverts white ; bill reddish, tipped with black; feet black : whole length 4:4 inches, wing 2-2, tail 2. Female similar, but crest not so long. Hab. Peru. a. Ad. sk. Arequipa, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. b. ? ad, sk. Arequipa, Peru (Whitely). Salvin–Godman Coll. c. 3 ad. sk. Islay, Peru (Whitely). Salvin–Godman Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. Calanudos Valley, S.W. Peru Sclater Coll. (Whitely). e. & ad. sk. Chata, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. f, Jr. sk. Lima, Peru (Nation). Sclater Coll. 4. Anaeretes flavirostris. Anaeretes flavirostris, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 355, et 1879, p. 613; Sel. et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 142. Above brownish olive; head black mixed with white, and sur- mounted by narrow, elongated, black crest-feathers; wings blackish, with broad white tips to the coverts and margins to the outer secondaries; tail blackish, outer web of external rectrix whitish : beneath pale stramineous; throat and breast white, densely striated with black; under wing-coverts white; bill yellowish, with a black tip ; feet black ; whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2:1, tail 2. Hab. Bolivia and Northern La Plata. This species is most like A. parwlus in general appearance, but at once distinguishable by its yellow bill. a. Ad. sk. Bolivia (Bridges). Sclater Coll. b, c. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Cosquin, Cordova, rep. Arg. Salvin-Godman Coll. (White). 5. Amaëretes agilis. Euscarthmus agilis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 28, pl. 118, Anteretes agilis, Cab. et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 54; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 212; Sel. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 47; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 242; Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 89 (Ecuador). Above olive-brown, striated with blackish ; head subcrested, black; lores and superciliary stripes varied with white; wings and tail blackish brown, with slight paler margins: beneath pale strami- 42. CYANOTIS. 109 neous, throat and breast with narrow black striations ; under wing- coverts pale yellow ; bill black, reddish at the base; feet dark flesh-colour: whole length 5 inches, wing 2-2, tail 2-8. Plab. Colombia. The long tail and lengthened tarsi at once distinguish this species, which might well be generically separated, but is certainly closely allied to Anderetes. a. Ad. Sk, Dogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. Subfamily III. ELAINEINAE. In the Elaineinae or Olive-Tyrants the bill, instead of being ex- panded laterally and much bristled, as in the Platyrhynchinae, is compressed, and in most cases very sparingly provided with rictal setae. The feet are feeble, the wings generally short, and the struc- ture is generally adapted for arboreal life. The general colour of these birds is of olive-green and sombre brown, in conformity with that of the dense forests to which they mostly resort. But the bright-tinted and reed-frequenting Cyanotis is aberrant both in colour and habits. The Elaineinae are distributed over the whole of the Neotropical Region, one species only (Ornithion imberbe) having been as yet ascertained to occur within the limits of the Nearctic Region. Indea, to the Genera. 42. CYANOTIs, p. 109. 52. EMPIDAGRA, p. 154. 43. MIONECTEs, p. 111. 53. LEGATUS, p. 155. 44. LEPTOPOGON, p. 114. 54. SpHLEGATUS, p. 157. 45. CAPSIEMPIs, p. 120. 55. MYIOZETETEs, p. 159. 46. PHYLLOMYIAs, p. 121. 56, RHYNCHOCYCLUs, p. 165. 47. MYIOPATIs, p. 123. 57. CoNOPIAs, p. 173. 48. ORNITHION, p. 125. 58. PITANGUs, p. 174. 49. TYRANNULUS, p. 128. 59. SIRYSTEs, p. 181. 50. TYRANNISCUS, p. 130. 60. MYIODYNASTEs, p. 182. 51. ELAINEA, p. 136. 42. CYANOTIS. Type. Cyanotis, Sw., Class. B. ii. p. 243 (1837) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. azarae. Tachuris, Lafr, et d'Orb. Syn. Av. i. p. 55 (1837) . . . . . . . . C. azarae. In Cyanotis the constriction of the bill and the smoothness of the rictus are carried to an extreme which is unparalleled among other Tyrannidae; and although there is little doubt that the affini- ties of Cyanotis are with this family, it is certainly a most anomalous form, both in structure, and colour, and must, I think, eventually be allowed the rank of a distinct subfamily. For the present, I 110 TYRANNIDAE. place it at one end of the Elaineinae, where it is certainly more naturally stationed than with the Platyrhynchinae. Cyanotis is found only in the reed-beds of the temperate portion of South America. 1. Cyanotis azarae. Elrey, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 72. Sylvia rubigastra, Vieill. Now. Dict. xi. p. 277 (1817); id. Enc. Méth. p. 480. “Regulus azarae, Licht,” Naum. Vög. Deutschl. iii. & 966 (1823). Regulus omnicolor, Vieill. Gal. Ois. i. p. 271, pl. 166 (1825). Regulus byronensis, J. E. Gray, in Griff. Anim. Kingd. ii. p. 42. Tachuris omnicolor, Lafr, et d’Orb. Syn. Av. i. p. 55. Tachuris rubrigastra, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 333. Cyanotis omnicolor, Bp. Consp. i. p. 185; Durnf. Ibis, 1877, p. 34, et 1878, p. 395 (rep. Arg), Cyanotis azarae, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 54; Sol. Cat. A. B. . 212; id. P. Z. S. 1866, p.99, et 1867, pp. 327, 338; Sel. et Salo. . Z. S. 1869, p. 159; iid. Womencl. p. 47; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 535, et 1879, p. 233; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 243; Durnf. Ibis, 1876, . 160, et 1877, p. 177 (rep. Arg.); Gibson, Ibis, 1880, p. 32 &c. Arg.); White, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 39 (rep. Arg.); Salv. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 423 (Chili); Barrows, Bull. Nutt. Orn. C. viii. p. 200 (Entrerios); Sel. et Hudson, Arg. Orn. i. p. 142. Above dark bronzy green ; head black; superciliaries yellow ; vertical spot crimson ; wings black, broad tips of the lesser wing- coverts and broad edgings of some of the secondaries white, forming a large white bar on the wing: tail black, greater part of outer pair of rectrices, outer web, and broad tip of next pair and narrow tips of third pair white : beneath bright ochraceous yellow; chin whitish ; crissum Crimson ; incomplete band across the lower breast black; nnder wing-coverts white; bill black; feet dark flesh- colour: whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2.5, tail 17. Female similar. Hab. La Plata, Chili, and Western Peru. a, b. 3 Q ad, sk. Buenos Ayres (White). Salvin–Godman Coll. c. 3 ad. Sk. cº Buenos Ayres (Hud- Salvin-Godman Coll. SO?? ), d. 9 ad. sk. Conchitas, Buenos Ayres Sclater Coll. (Hudson). e. Ad, sk. Punta Lara, Buenos Ayres. C. Durnford [C]. f Q ad, sk. Rio Negro of Patagonia. W. Hudson [C]. g. & ad. sk. Coquimbo, Chili (Markham). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Chili (Reed). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2—k. Ad. sk. Chili. Sclater Coll. !—m. Ad. Sk, Chili. Purchased. n. Ad, sk. Lima, Peru (Nation). Sclater Coll. o, Ad, sk. S. America. Sclater Coll. 43. MIONECTEs. 111 43. MIONECTES. Type. Mionectes, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1844, pt. i. p. 275 . . . . M, striaticollis. Pipromorpha, Bp. (ev MS. Shiff), Ann, d. Sc. Nat, Zool. vol. i. p. 134 (1854). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. oleagineus. In this little group of two sections, both of which are widely diffused over the tropical portions of the Neotropical Region, the bill is much constricted, and the rictus very smooth, the setae being small and inconspicuous. The tarsi are short and feeble ; and the divisions of the anterior scutella are generally well apparent. Rey to the Species. A. Abdomen yellowish. Head more or less cinereous . . . . . . . . . . 1. striaticollis, p. 111. | Head olive like the back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. olivaceus, p. 112. B. Abdomen rufous. Head olive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. oleaginetts, p. 112. #: £rey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. ruftventris, p. 114. 1. Mionectes striaticollis. Muscicapa striaticollis, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 51. Muscicapara striaticollis, d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 823, pl. 35. fig. 2. Mionectes striaticollis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 187; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 213; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 358, 1868, p. 628, 1879, pp. 512, 613; did. Womencl. p. 47; Lawr. Ann. Lyo. N. Y. vii. p. 328; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 535, 1879, p. 233, et 1882, p. 19; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 244; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 296, et 1885, pp. 90, 115, 120. Mionectes poliocephalus, Tsch. Faun. Per., Orn. p. 148, pl. 10, fig. 1. Above olive-green; wings and tail ashy brown, edged with olive; head grey : beneath yellowish, striated with dark green ; throat dark cinereous, with white striations; middle of belly yellow ; under wing-coverts pale yellowish ; inner margins of wing-feathers pale rufous; bill and feet brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2-9, tail 23. Female similar. Hab. Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia. a, b. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Buckley). c. Ad, sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Sclater Coll. (Buckley). d, Jr. sk. Tamiapampa, Peru (Stolz- Sclater Coll. 7??&72?? ). e. Ad. Sk. Medellin, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad, sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia, Salvin–Godman Coll. U. S. C. (Salmon). g. Ad, sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia. Salmon [C.]. h, . Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. j. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. k. Ad, sk. Bogota. Purchased. 112 TYRANNIDAE. 2.*Mionectes olivaceus. Mionectes olivaceus, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 111 (1868); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 196; Sol, et Salv. Womencl. p. 47; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. vi. p. 414; Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 115. Mionectes striaticollis, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 144, et 1860, p. 93 (Ecuador). Above olive-green ; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive : beneath yellowish, with numerous green striations : middle of belly not striated; under wing-coverts yellowish ; inner webs of remiges rufous; bill dark, with carneous base; feet brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 29, tail 2:3. Female similar. Hab. Costa Rica, Veragua, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. In Colombia and Ecuador this form grades into M. striaticollis, and it is difficult to decide under which head to place some of the Specimens. a. Ad. sk. Buena Vista, Costa Rica (Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. 7???00 ). b. Ad, sk. Bºº. Costa Rica (Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. miol). c. 3 ad. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Q ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. Ad, sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. g, h, Ad, sk. Veragua (Arcé). O. Salvin, Esq. º ?. 6 ad. sk. Volc. of Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. 6 a.d. sk. Lion Hill St., Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. (McLeannan). k, l, 6 Qad. sk, Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. m. Ad, sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Jardine Coll. n, 0. Ad, sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. p. Ad. Sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. q, r, Ad. Sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. s. Ad, sk. Bogota. Purchased. t. 6 ad. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela Sclater Coll. (Goering). w. Q ad. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. (Goering). 3:t Mionectes oleagineus. Muscicapa oleaginea, Licht. Doubl. p. 55. Miomectes oleagineus, Cab, in Tsch. Faun. Per., Orn, p. 148; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 482; BP. Consp. i. p. 187; Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 296, 1858, p. 71, 1859, p. 45, et T860, p. 283; id. Cat. A. B. p. 213; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 85; Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 188, 1867, pp. 577, 751,978, 1873, p. 278, et 1879, pp. 512, 613; did. Nomencl. p. 47; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 147, et 1870, p. 196; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 293 (Brit. Guiana); Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. pp. 89, 111; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 104; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 382; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 63; Tacz. I’. Z. S. 1882, . 19 ; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 245; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. ... --→-- -----, M. vi. p. 402; Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. IS83, p. 553, et 1885, p. 68; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 299. 43. MIONECTEs. 113 Pipromorpha oleaginea, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Henn. ii. p. 55. Mionectes assimilis, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 45, 46, 366; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 445; id. Cat. A. B. p. 124; 3d. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 837; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 328, ix. p. 111; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 307. p. 213; Sel. et Salo. Ibis, 1859, Above uniform olive-green ; wings and tail blackish with olive edgings: beneath rather lighter, abdomen yellowish rufous ; under wing-coverts ochraceous; bill carneous, base of lower mandible and feet brown ; whole length 5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2:1. Female similar. Flab. Guatemala and Central and South America down to Ama- zonia and S.E. Brazil. I have formerly separated the rather paler Central-American form as M. assimilis, but the difference is hardly appreciable in many CaSéS. a. Ad. sk. b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. f. Ad. sk. 9. Ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. 2. Ad, sk. j. 6 a.d. sk. K. Ad. sk. !. Ad, sk. m. Sº ad. sk. 2. Ad. sk. o, Ad, sk. p, g. c. 9 a.d. sk. a. Ad, sk. b. Ad, sk. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. Sk, f. Ad, sk. g. 6 a.d. sk. h. 3 ad. sk. * @ ad. sk. j, k, d ? ad. sk. l, Ad. sk. m. Ad, sk. n—r. Ad, sk. s. Ad. sk. WOL., XIV. +a. Subsp. assimilis. Mexico (P). Belize (Blancaneaua). Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Retaluleu, Guatemala (Salvin). Volc. de Agua, Guatemala (Sal- vin). Guatemala. Vera Paz. Guiatic, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arcé). Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Chiriqui (Arcé). Panama (Hughes). Panama (McLeannan). +b. Subsp. typica. Dogota. Bogota. Bogota. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Pebas, E. Peru (Hawa well). Chamicuros, E. Peru (Hawa'well). Roraima, British Guiana(Whitely). Merumé Mts., British Guiana (Whitely). Camacusa, British Guiana (Whitely). Bartica Grove, British Guiana (Whitely). Cayenne. Tobago (Kirk). Tobago (Kirk). Para, Lower Amazons ( Wallace). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godunan Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Gould Coll. O. Salvin [C.]. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Gould Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Jardine Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. I 114 TYRANNID ZE. t. 3 ad, sk. Para (Layard). Tweeddale Coll. w. Ad, sk. Guia, Rio Negro (Wallace). Salvin-Godman Coll. v. Ad. Sk. Borba, R. Madeira (Natterer). Sclater Coll. w. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. a. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater (Joll. gy. Ad. sk. S. America. Sclater Coll. z, a'. Ad, st. Brazil. Purchased. 4. Mionectes rufiventris, Muscicapa rufiventris, Licht. in Mus. Berol. Mionectes rufiventris, Cab. in Tsch. F. P., Aves, p. 148; Burm. Sysf. Ueb. ii. p. 482; d. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 454; Pelz. Orm. Bras, p. 104; Sel. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 47; Berl. et Jher. Zeitschr, ges. Orn. 1885, p. 131. Above olive-green, whole head washed with cinereous; Wings and tail blackish brown, with yellowish-olive edgings: beneath, throat pale cinereous, abdomen ochraceous rufous; bill dark, carneous at the base; feet pale brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2:7, tail 2-2. Female similar. Pſab. S.E. Brazil and N. Ta Plata. Only different from M. oleagineus in its grey throat and head. a. 3 a.d. sk. Curytiba, Brazil (Natterer.) Sclater Coll. b. 3 a.d. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). c. Ad. sk. Brazil. Gould Coll. d. Ad, sk. Brazil. Zool, Soc. Coll. 44. LEPTOPOGON #. T 700, Leptopogon, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1844, pt. i. p. 275... L. supialis. In Leptopogon the bill resembles that of Miomectes, but the Tictal setae are much more dense and better developed. The tarsi are short and feeble. The tail is rather long. Leptopogon is spread over all the Neotropical Region, from Southern Mexico to the Argentine Republic. Rey to the Species. A. Breast yellowish olive or yellow; no black front. a. Cap grey. a'. Wing-bands ochraceous: a". Lower mandible black. }; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. Superciliaris, p. 115. Smaller . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . 2. minor, p. 115. b". Lower mandible white . . . . . . . . 3. paccilotis, p. 116. b'. Wing-bands yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. godmani, p. 116. * The following species I am not acquainted with:-L, rufipee "o ºr Orn. Pér. ii. p. 249. Q - . rufipectus, Tacz. 44. LEPTOPOGON. 115 b. Cap brown : }. darker brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. pileatus, p. 116. cap lighter brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. amaurocephalus, p. 117. c. Cap darkish Olive . . . . . . . . . . tº a e s e s a 7. tristis, p. 118. d. Cap olive, like the back. Larger; cheeks yellow . . . . . . . . . . Smaller; cheeks olivaceous . . . . . . B. Breast rufous ; no black front . . . . . . . . C. Breast greyish white; front black . . . . . . 8, oustaleti, p. 118. 9. flavovirens, p. 119. 10. erythrops, p. 119. 11. nigrifrons, p. 119. 1+Leptopogon superciliaris. Leptopogon Superciliaris, Cab. in Tsch. Faun. Per. p. 161, pl. 10. fig. 2; BP. Consp. i. p. 186; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 71, et 1860, p. 69; d. Cat. A. B. p. 214; Sel. et Salv. Womencl. p. 47; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 613; Salo. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 197; id, Ibis, 1870, p. 115; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 536, et 1882, p. 19; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 246; Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, pp. 68,89. Leptopogon poliocephalus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 55 (Bogota). Leptopogon auritus, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, pp. 134, 536, et 1882, p. 19. Leptopogon superciliaris transandeanus, Berl. et Tacz, P. Z. S. T883, p. 537, et 1885, p. 122. Above olive-green : cap dark cinereous; lores, superciliaries, and eye-region whitish ; ear-coverts black; wings blackish, broad tips of the two rows of wing-coverts ochraceous yellow, forming two distinct bands; edges of remiges yellowish ; tail dark ashy, with slight indications of darker transverse rays, margined with olive: beneath pale lemon-yellow, throat greyish, breast and flanks some- what olivaceous; under wing-coverts pale yellow, inner margins of remiges buffy white; bill dark plumbeous; feet brown: whole length 4.6 inches, wing 2:8, tail 25. Female similar. Hab. Costa Rica, Veragua, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and |Bolivia. a. Ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin–Godman Coll. b, c. 3 Q ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Volc. of Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad, sk. Chiriqui (Arcé). Sclater Coll. f. Ad. sk. Balzar Mints, Ecuador (Il- Salvin-Godman Coll. lingworth). g. 2 ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. j. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. %. Ak. sk. Bogota. Salvin–Godman Coll. l, m. Ad. sk. Huambo, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. n. Ad. sk. Kawarani, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Leptopogon minor. Leptopogon minor, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 233; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 247. I 2 116 TYRANNID.E. Similar to L. superciliaris, but smaller in size, and head not so dark: whole length 4 inches, wing 2:4, tail 2:1. Hab. Peru. a. Sº ad, sk. Tambillo, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. 3. "Leptopogon poecilotis. Leptopogon poecilotis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 111 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 360; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 47; iid, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 512; Tacz, et Berl, P. Z. S 1885, pp. 68, 89. Above olive-green; cap plumbeous; lores and sides of head whitish ; ear-coverts black, with basal half white; wings blackish, with olive margins to the remiges, and the wing-coverts broadly tipped with ochraceons yellow, forming two cross bands (as in L. superciliaris); tail brown, with slight olivaceous edgings: be- neath nearly uniform pale yellow, with slight olivaceous tinge, and greyish on the chin: bill brown, lower mandible white; feet pale brown: whole length 47 inches, wing 2-3, tail 22. Female (probably) similar. Hab. Colombia. Distinguished from L. superciliaris by its smaller size, the absence of white superciliaries, and the pale lower mandible. a, b. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) c. Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Concordia, Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. 4. Leptopogon godmani. Leptopogon godmani, Scl. P. Z. S. 1887, p. 48. Above olive-green; cap dark grey; lores, superciliaries, and sides of face mixed with whitish ; ear-coverts yellow, with a black terminal spot ; wings blackish, with two yellow cross-bands on the coverts and yellowish edgings to the outer secondaries, the re- maining remiges margined with bright olive ; tail ashy brown, with olive edgings: beneath Sulphur-yellow, with slight olivaceous tinge on the breast and flanks; under wing-coverts sulphur-yellow ; bill dark horn-colour, feet brown: whole length 4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 2. Hab. Ecuador. Distinguished from L. superciliaris and L. poecilotis by its smaller size, yellow wing-bands, and shorter broader bill. a, b. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Types of the species.) `-54 Leptopogon pileatus. Leptopogon amaurocephalus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 384 (Mexico); 44. IFPTOPOGON. 117 Army td. Cat. A. B. p. 213; Sol. et Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 399 (Guatemala); id. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 358 (Panama). Leptopogon pileatus, Cab. J. f. O. 1865, p. 414 (Guatemala); Salv. Ibis, 1869, p. 319; id. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 197 (Veragua). Above olive-green ; whole cap dark chocolate-brown, lores paler; Wings and tail blackish brown, with ochraceous tips to the wing- coverts (forming a double cross-band) and more or less yellowish- olive edgings to the other feathers: beneath yellowish olive, clearer on the belly; under wing-coverts yellowish; inner margins of remiges ochraceous : bill dark plumbeous ; feet brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2:7, tail 2-5. Female similar. Hab. Southern Mexico and Central America down to Panama. a. Q ad, sk. Oaxaca, Mex. (Boucard). Sclater Coll. b, c, Ad, sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Vera Paz. O. Salvin [C.]. e. Ad. sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). Tweeddale Coll. f. Ad. sk. Honduras. Sclater Coll. g. Q ad, sk. Walza, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Q ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Ad, sk. San Pablo Stn., Panama (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. Leptopogon amaurocephalus. Leptopogon amaurocephala, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, i. p. 25.1; ãd. in Tsch. Fawn. Per., Orn. p. 162; Bp. Consp. i. p. 186; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 55; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 328; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 104; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 293 (Brit. Guiana); Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 567, et 1873, p. 278 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 47; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 53. Euscarthmus amaurocephalus, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 491. Leptopogon peruvianus, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 757, et 1873, p. 278; iid. Nomencl. p. 47; Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. iv. p. 176; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 248. Similar to L. pileatus, but rather smaller, and the cap of a lighter brown. Hab. Brazil, Guiana, and E. Peru. It is difficult to keep the Guianan examples of this species separate from L. pileatus, but the head is rather paler in colour. The skin upon which L. peruvianus was based is small in dimen- sions, but the tint of the brown head is exactly that of Guianan specimens, and intermediate between that of L. pileatus and L. amawrocephalus. ` a. Subsp. peruviana. a. Ad sk. Chyavetas, E. Peru (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. (Type of L. peruvianus.) b. Ad, sk. Nauta, Upper Amazons. E. Bartlett [C]. c, d, d ad. ; Roraima, British Guiana(Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. P ad. sk. f g ad. sk. Roraima British Guiana(Whitely), Sclater Coll. 118 TYRANNIDAE. g. Q ad. sk. Merumé, Mts., British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). b. Subsp. typica. a. G ad. sk. Ypanema, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). P d. Juv. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Sclater Coll. `-7. Leptopogon tristis. Leptopogon, sp. inc., Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 214. Leptopogon tristis, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 254, et 1879, pp. 589,613; White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 606. Above olive; cap rather darker; wings and tail blackish, margined with olive, the two rows of wing-coverts and three or four outer secondaries with clear yellowish-white apical spots: beneath pale sulphur-yellow ; under wing-coverts yellow ; inner margins of wing-feathers whitish ; bill horn-colour, lower mandible paler; feet brown; whole length 4:4 inches, wing 2:1, tail 2:1. Hab. Bolivia. The wing-bands are clear yellowish in this species, and not ochraceous. It is somewhat doubtful whether specimen a is really the same as b, which must be regarded as the type. Specimen a is probably from Venezuela, whence there is a similar skin in Graf v. Berlepsch's collection. a. Ad, sk. S. America (imperfect). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) ~ 8.* Leptopogon oustaleti. Leptopogon oustaleti, Scl. P. Z. S. 1887, p. 47, t. ix. fig. 2. Above olive-green; narrow rim round the eye yellow ; large auricular spot black; wings and tail blackish brown, edged with olive ; bend of the wing yellow ; outer secondaries with a slight white terminal spot: beneath pale yellowish, washed with olive, brighter on the throat and on the middle of the belly; under wing- coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; upper mandible horn-colour; lower whitish ; feet brown ; whole length 4.7inches, wing 2:5, tail 2.5. Hab. Colombia. This well-marked species is easily known by the cap being uniform with the back, the yellow rim round the eye, and the well- marked auricular spot. The type is in the Paris Museum. 44. LEPTOPOGON. 119 ~9:f Leptopogon flavovirens. Tyrannula flaviventris, Lawr. Ann, L. N. Y. vii. p. 328. Leptopogon flavovirens, Lawr. op. cit. p. 472 (1862). Above bright olive-green ; crown uniform ; rim round the eye and spot on the ear-coverts yellow, the latter margined with blackish ; wings blackish ; two well-marked bars across the coverts pale yellowish ; primaries narrowly edged with olivaceous; tail cinereous brown, margined with olivaceous: beneath pale sulphur- yellow ; throat more whitish ; sides of breast tinged with oliva- ceous; under wing-coverts sulphur-yellow ; bill dark brown ; base of lower mandible pale ; feet blackish : whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2-2, tail 2. Hab. Panama. A single specimen is in Mr. Lawrence's collection. #10: Leptopogon erythrops. (Plate X.) Leptopogon erythrops, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 111; id. Cat. A. B. p. 360; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 47; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 512; Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 89 (Ecuador). Above olive; cap plumbeous; lores rufous; wings blackish, with rufescent apical spots on the coverts and margins to the remiges: beneath, throat and breast rufous ; belly pale sulphur-yellow ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of remiges clear ochraceous; bill dark horn-colour; feet brown ; whole length 5:1 inches, wing 2-6, tail 22. Female similar. Hab. Colombia and Ecuador. An unmistakable species from its clear rufous breast. a, b. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) c. Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Medellin, Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. e, f. 6 Q ad. sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia (Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. ºmon). ~11. Leptopogon nigrifrons. Leptopogon nigrifrons, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1884, p. 446; Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 293. Above bright olive-green ; cap cinoreous; broad and distinct frontal band black, with a slight whitish edging before and behind it ; wings and tail black, with narrow margins of bright olive, and a row of bright whitish-yellow spots on the coverts of the secondaries and outer secondaries themselves; the coverts of the primaries blackish : boneath greyish white, with a slight yellowish tinge on the flanks, crissum, and under wing-coverts; bill black; feet brown : whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2.5, tail 2-5. Hab. British Guiana. 120 TYRANNIDAE. º The black front and greyish-white under surface at once dis- tinguish this well-marked species. a. Q ad. sk. Roraima, British Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) 45. CAPSIEMIPIS. Type Capsiempis, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 56 (1859) . . . . C. flaveola. Capsiempis flaveola is widely diffused over the forest-clad part of the Neotropical Region from Veragua to S.E. Brazil. C. orbitalis is peculiar to Peru. The form comes near Leptopogon, but has a broader bill and rather more bristly rictus. In colour it is very like Phylloscartus. The tail is long and rounded. Key to the Species. A. Without a white eye-ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. flaveola, p. 120. B. With a white eye-ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. orbitalis, p. 121. 1: Capsiempis flaveola. Muscicapa flaveola, Licht. Doubl. p. 56 (1823). Muscipeta flaveola, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 488. Capsiempis flaveola, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 56; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 214; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 104; Sel. et Salv. Nomenol. p. 47; Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 88; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, pp. 537, 554, et 1885, p. 90. Platyrhynchus flaviyenters, Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. p. 12, pl. xv. fig. 1 1825). tº. modesta, Sw. Orn. Dr. pl. 48. Elainea semiflava, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 177, et ix. p. 89 (Vºw); Salv, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 147 (Veragua); id. Ibis, 1874, p. 3Ug. Above yellowish olive; lores and slight superciliary streak yellowish ; wings and tail dark brown, edged with yellowish olive; spots at ends of wing-coverts yellowish and forming two transverse bands: beneath sulphur-yellow ; sides somewhat olivaceous; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; bill and feet dark brown ; whole length 44 inches, wing 1-9, tail 2:1. Female similar. Hab. Veragua and southwards to S.E. Brazil. #. . Ad. st. S. América. J. Gould, Esq. b. Ad. sk. Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad, sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. f. Ad, sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. g. Ad, sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. h. Ad, sk. Mexiana, Lower Amazons (Wal- Sclater Coll. lace). 46. PHYLLOMYIAs. 121 7. Ad. sk. Brazil. Purchased. j. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Sclater Coll. ſc. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. !. Ad. sk. |Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. m, n. Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 0. Ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. ~f~2. Capsiempis orbitalis. Capsiempis orbitalis, Cab. J. f. O. 1873, p. 68; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 536; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 250. Above green, beneath yellow mixed with greenish ; crown dark ashy grey, front bright whitish mixed with yellowish green ; cheeks yellowish green mixed with dark olive-green ; a row of milk-white feathers round the eye, and behind them a short, obsolete, whitish stripe; tips of wing-coverts whitish yellow-green, forming two bands; outer secondaries with similar outer margins; bill above black, beneath pale yellowish ; feet plumbeous: whole length 4 inches, wing 2:2, tail 17. (Cabanis.) Hab. Central Peru. 46. PHYLLOMYIAS #. Type Phyllomyias, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 57 (1859). P. brevirostris. This well-marked little group is remarkable for its short triangular- shaped bill and the great feebleness of the rictal bristles. The four species which I assign to it are all from S.E. Brazil, but others are said to occur in Peru. A. Cap olive like the back: throat greyish white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. brevirostris, p. 121. }; yellowish like breast . . . . . . . . . . 2. burmeisteri, p. 122. B. Cap grey : larger: ends of wing-coverts yellowish .. 3, griseocapilla, p. 122. łºś. ends of wing-coverts whitish. . . . 4. berlepschi, p. 123. 1. Phyllomyias brewirostris. Platyrhynchus brevirostris, Spiv, Av. Bras, ii. p. 13, pl. 15. fig. 2. Muscipeta asilus, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 894. Muscicapa virescens, Temm. Pl. Col. 275, fig. 3. Tyrannula virescens, Temm. Tabl, Méth. p. 27. Muscicapa olivacea, Lafr, et d'Orb. Syn, Av. i. p. 54. Muscicaparaboliviana, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 328. * I am not acquainted with the following species apparently belonging to this genus:— 1. Phyllomyias virescens, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 105, from Brazil. 2. Phyllomyias cristata, Cab. J. f. O. 1884, p. 250. 3. Phyllomyius cinereocapilla, Cab. J. f. O. 1873, p. 67; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 536; id. Orn, Pér. ii. p. 251 (Peru). 122 TYRANNIDAE. Leptopogon olivaceus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 186. Muscicapa pusio, Licht, in Mus. Berol. Phyllomyias brevirostris, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 57; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 214; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 105; Sol. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 48; Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 88; Berl. et Jher. Zeitschr, ges. Orn. 1885, p. 131. Above olive-green; narrow front, lores, and eyo-region whitish ; wings and tail dark brown with olivaceous edgings; the ends of the wing-coverts lighter and somewhat ochraceous, forming two trans- verse bands: beneath yellow, more olivaceous on the breast ; throat greyish white; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; bill and feet blackish : whole length 4.7 inches, wing 24, tail 2:1. Female similar. S 3.3, Hab. S.E. Brazil. a, b. Ad. sk. S.E. Brazil. Sclater Coll. c. 3 ad. Sk, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Salvin–Godman Coll. Sul (Joyner). d. Ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. 2. Phyllomyias burmeisteri. Elainea brevirostris, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 479. Phyllomyias burmeisteri, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 57; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 214; Sel. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 48. Phyllomyias subviridis, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 105. Above similar to P. brevirostris; beneath of a nearly uniform yellowish ; lower mandible lighter brown. Hab. S.E. Brazil. * I have compared specimen b with the type of P. burmeisteri in the Berlin Museum, and believe them to be the same. The species is very close to the preceding, and requires further investigation. a. 6 ad. sk. Rio, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimen of P. subviridis.) b. Ad, sk. S.E. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 3. Phyllomyias griseocapilla. Tyrannula griseocapilla, Lafr. MS. Phyllomyias griseocapilla, Sel. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 382, pl.xxxvi. fig. 2 id. Cat. A. B. p. 214; Sel, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 48; Cab. J. f. O 1874, p. 88. o 2 Above olive-green, whole cap dark grey, lores whitish ; wings blackish, edged with yellowish olive, which forms two transverse bars on the coverts; tail brown margined with olive : beneath pale grey, almost white on the middle of the belly and crissum ; sides of breast and flanks yellowish olive ; under wing-coverts and axil- laries pale Sulphur-yellow ; upper mandible and feet blackish, 47. MYIOPATIs. 123 lower mandible pale brown: whole length 47 inches, wing 2.3, tail 2-1. Flab. S.E. Brazil. .* a, b. Ad, sk. S.E. Brazil. Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. Brazil. Jardine Coll. -4. Phyllomyias berlepschi, Phyllomyias berlepschi, Sol. P. Z. S. 1887, p. 49. Above dark cinereous, back tinged with olivaceous, lores whitish ; Wings and tail dark cinereous, tips of wing-coverts and narrow outer margins of secondaries whitish : beneath greyish white, with a slight Wash of greenish, except on the throat and middle of the belly; under Wing-coverts white with a faint yellowish tinge; bill dark brown ; feet black: whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2:2, tail 1:8. Hab. S.E. Brazil. Much smaller than P. griseocapilla, and paler above and below ; also without the yellowish wing-edgings. a. Ad, sk. Bahia. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) ~47. MYIOPATIS #. T ype. Myiopatis, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 58 . . . . . . M. semifusca. These birds, which I have previously annexed to Phyllomyias, certainly differ in the longer and more compressed bill, and had better, perhaps, be kept apart. Their range is over the forest-clad districts of South America down to S.E. Brazil. Key to the Species. A. Browner above; wing-margins whitish . . . . 1. semifusca, p. 123. B. Greyer above; wing-margins rufous . . . . . . 2. tumbezana, p. 124. 1. Myiopatis semifusca. Phyllomyias semifusca, Sel. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 383, pl. xxxvi. fig, 1 ; ºd. Cat. A. B. p. 214; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 86; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 577, et 1868, p. 168; iid. Nomencl. p. 48; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 382 (Para); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 201 (S. Marta); Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 342 (Pernambuco); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 293 (Br. Guiana). Platyrhynchus murinus, Spic, Av. Bras. ii. p. 14, t. xvi. fig. 2 (?). Myiopatis incanescens, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 58 (nec Maa., of Berl. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 554). * Myiopažis waga, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 19 ; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 253, from Peru, is not known to me. 124 TYRANNIDAE. Above brownish cinereous; lores and ocular region whitish : wings and tail dark cinereous, edged with brownish ; broad ends of wing-coverts (forming two bars) and outer margins of external secondaries whitish, often tinged with fulvous: beneath dirty white ; abdomen and under wing-coverts more or less tinged with pale yellowish : throat white; bill dark brown, base of lower mandible pale; feet blackish: whole length 4-5 inches, wing 23, tail 19. Female similar. Hab. Colombia, Eastern Brazil. Venezuela, Guiana, Lower Amazonia, and a. Ad, sk. Santa Marta, U.S. Colombia. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. Ad. sk. Atauques, S. N. of Santa Salvin-Godman Coll. Marta (Simons). c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. d. 92 ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin–Godman Coll. e. 6 ad. ; f, g. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. 9 a.d. sk. (Whitely). h. & jr. sk. Oyapok, Cayenne (Jelski). Sclater Coll. 7. Ad. sk. Surinam (C. Bartlett). Sclater Coll. j. 9 ad. sk. Mexiana, Amazons (Wallace). Salvin–Godman Coll. k. Ad. sk. Para (Layard). Sclater Coll. l, 9 ad. sk. Para (Layard). Tweeddale Coll. m, n. 6 ad. ; o. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Sclater Coll. 9 a.d. sk. p, q. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. s. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sudbury Museum. t. Ad. sk. Ypanema, San Paulo (Nat- Sclater Coll. terer). w. Ad. sk. º T. Bridges [C.]. 2. Myiopatis tumbezana, Phyllomyias tumbezama, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 325, 1879, p. 234, et 1880, p. 202; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 122. * Myiopatis tumbezana, Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 554; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 252. Above dark grey, more brownish on the rump; lores and slight superciliaries whitish ; wings blackish with pale rufous edgings; tail blackish with slight paler edgings: below pale cinereous, whiter on the throat and middle of the belly; under wing-coverts very pale lemon-yellow ; bill and feet dark brown; whole length 5-9 inches, wing 2:6, tail 2-6. Female similar. Elab. Peru and Western Ecuador. a. 3 ad. sk. Tumbez, Peru (Jelski). Sclater Coll. ) Authentic b. 6 a.d. sk. Pacasmayo, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. speci- C. ; ad. ; d. Guajango, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. In 1611S. r. sk. e. Q ad. sk. San Pedro, Peru (Orton). Salvin–Godman Coll. 48. OPNITHION. 125 48. ORNITHION. Type. Ornithion, Hartl. J. f. O. 1853, p. 35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O. inerme. Camptostoma, Sel. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 203 . . . . . . . . . . . . O. imberbe. To the curious little bird originally designated Ornithion by Hartlaub in 1853, and remarkable for its constricted and projecting bill and almost bristleless gape, may be added three other species which range from Southern Mexico to S.E. Brazil. The form is nearly allied to Tyrannulus; and Ishould be rather inclined to unite these two groups were it not for the great inconvenience of frequent changes of nomenclature. Key to the Species. A. Belly yellow ; wing-bands distinct, white or yellowish. Bill longer; cap plumbeous; white front distinct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. inerme, p. 125. Bill shorter; cap olive-brown; front rather lighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. pusillum, p. 126. B. Belly cinereous white or with slight yellowish tinge; wing-bands ochraceous, not so distinct; cap cinereous. Smaller; back more cinereous . . . . . . . . . . 3. imberbe, p. 126. {i. back more olivaceous . . . . . . . . . . 4. obsoletum, p. 127. 1*Ornithion inerme. Ornithion inerme, Hartl. J. f. O. 1853, p. 35; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 57; Sel. P. Z. S. 1873, pp. 576, 577; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 48; Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 293 (Brit. Guiana). Above olive-green, cap plumbeous, a distinct narrow white frontal band between the eyes; wings black, with large and distinct white tips to the coverts, forming two bands, and with narrow olive edgings to the secondaries; tail brownish edged with olive : beneath yel- lowish, whiter on the throat and rather more olivaceous on the sides; under wing-coverts lemon-yellow ; bill black; feet dark brown; whole length 3-7 inches, wing 1-0, tail l'5. Female similar. Hab. Guiana, Cayenne, and Eastern Ecuador. a. Ad, sk. S. America (Bremen Mus.). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. ? ad. sk. Bartica Grove, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). c. 3 a.d. sk. Carimang r., British Guiana Salvin–Godman Coll. (Whitely). d. Ad, sk. Oyapok, Cayenne (Jelski). Sclater Coll. e, f. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 126 TYRANNIDAE, 2: Ornithion pusillum. Myiopatis pusilla, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 58 (1859). Camptostoma flaviventre, Sol, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 358 (Panama), 1867, p. 577 (Lower Amazons). Camptostoma imberbe, Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 86 (Trinidad). Ornithion pusillum, Sel. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 577; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 48; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 294 (Brit. Guiana); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 255. Above olive-green, cap rather darker, brownish ; lores and eye- region slightly whitish ; wings blackish, with large and distinct white tips to the coverts, forming two bands; secondaries edged externally with olive; tail dark brown edged with olive : beneath yellowish, more or less olivaceous; throat paler; under wing-coverts pale yellow; bill dark hazel; feet brown; whole length 3-8 inches, wing 2, tail 1:8. Female similar. Hab. Veragua, Panama, and southwards to S.E. Brazil. The bill is nearly similar in structure to that of O. inerme, but not quite so long, and rather more compressed towards the tip. The absence of the white frontal band likewise distinguishes this Species. a. Sº ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Chiriqui (Arce). Salvin–Godman Coll. c. Ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. & ad. sk. Zamora, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. Sk. Upper Ucayali (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. g. Ad. Sk. Bogota. Salvin–Godman Coll. h. Ad. Sk. Bogota, Sclater Coll. 7. Ad. Sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Coll. j. Ad, sk. Trinidad (E. C. Taylor). Sclater Coll. k. Ad. sk. Trinidad. Salvin-Godman Coll. l, m. Ad, sk. Trinidad. Purchased. n, 0. 6 ad. Sk, Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin–Godman Coll. (Whitely). p. Ad, sk. Surinam (C. Bartlett). Sclater Coll. q. Ad, sk. Oyapock, Cayenne. Sclater Coll. r, S. Ad, sk. Mexiana, L. Amazons (Wal- Sclater Coll. lace). t. Jr. sk. Para (Layard). Sclater Coll. w. Ad, sk. Dahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. v, w. Ad. St. South America. Purchased. 3.−0rnithion imberbe. Myiopatis incanescens, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 106 (?). Ornithion incanescens, Sel. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 577 (nee Maa., cf. Lawrence, Ibis, 1876, p. 497); Layard, Ibis, 1878, p. 382 (Para); Brewer, Ibis, 1878, p. 488 (Texas). Camptostoma imberbe, Sel. P. Z. S. 1857 p. 444, pl. 14, fig. 1; d. Cat. A. B. p. 215 7 #. 203; id. Ibis, 1859, € x Mexico). Ornithion imberbe, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 234, 1880, p. 202, et 1882, p. 19 (Peru); Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. iii. pp. 187,218; d. Man. 48. or NITHION. 127 N. A. B. p. 346 (Texas); Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 443; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 301 (Colombia). Eupsilostoma pusillum, Sel. P. Z. S. 1860, PP. 68, 283; id. Cat. A. B. p. 215 (W. Ecuador); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 536, et 1877, p. 325 Peru). Co.; pusillum, Sol. & Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 278 (E. Peru); Tacz, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 234; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 294. Ornithion sclateri, Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 554, et 1884, p. 296 (W. Ecuador), et 1885, p. 90; Tacz. Orn, Pér. ii. p. 254, Ornithion imberbe ridgwayi, Brewster, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. vii, p. 208 (Arizona); Ridgw. Man. W. A. B. p. 346. Above cinereous, more or less olivaceous on the lower back wings and tail blackish brown, with more or less distinct light rufous tips to the coverts and edges to the outer secondaries: beneath pale cinereous, with a very slight olivaceous tinge on the belly in some specimens; under wing-coverts white, with a slight tinge of lemon-yellow ; bill brown, lower mandible light hazel at the base; feet blackish : whole length 4 inches, wing 2, tail 1-6. Female similar. Hab. Texas, Mexico, and Central America, and southwards to Peru and S.E. Brazil. It has been shown by Mr. Lawrence (l. s. c.) that Muscipeta in- canescens of Prince Max. of Neuwied does not refer to this species as was formerly supposed. The next name applicable seems to be my “imberbe.” The nearly uniform pale cinereous colour and light rufous wing-bands distinguish this species, which, however, varies much in different localities. sa. Ad, sk. S. Andres Tuxtla, Mexico Sclater Coll. (Type (Sallé). of the species.) b. 6 a.d. sk. Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 9 ad, sk. ; d-g, Cozumel I., Yucatam. Salvin-Godman Coll, Ad, sk. h. Q ad. sk. Escuintla, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. Q ad. sk. ; j. Ad. Realejo, Nicaragua (Salvin). Salwin-Godman Coll. sk. ſc. Ak. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. l. Ad, sk. Santa Rita, Ecuador (Villa- Salvin-Godman Coll. gomez). m. Ad, sk. Lima, Peru (Nation). Sclater Coll. m. Ad. sk. Guajango, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. o, p. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (TWucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. ‘P ad, sk. Lagoa Santa, Brazil (Lund). Sclater Coll. 7, 8. Ak. sk. S.E. Brazil. Sclater Coll. t. Ad. sk. |Brazil. Purchased. w. Ad. St. IIonduras. D. Dyson [C.]. 43 Ornithion obsoletum. Muscicapa obsoleta, Temm, P. Col. p. 275, fig. 1; d'Orb, et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 53. Muscicapara obsoleta, d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 328, 128 TYRANNIDAE. Elainea obsoleta, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 480. Myiopatis obsoleta, Cab. et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 58; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 106. Ornithion obsoletum, Scl. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 578; Sel. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 48 Above cinereous, whole back with a decided olivaceous tint ; wings and tail dark ashy brown; wing-coverts broadly margined with paler rufous brown, and external secondaries edged with the same colour : beneath very pale cinereous, whitish on the throat, and with an olivaceous tinge on the belly; under wing-coverts and flanks pale yellowish white; bill brown, lower mandible carneous at the base; feet plumbeous : whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2-2, tail 19. Hab. S.E. Brazil. This bird is rather larger than any specimen of the preceding species, and differs in its more olivaceous back, and lighter colour below. I have compared it with Myiopatis obsoleta of the Berlin Museum, and Muscicapara obsoleta of d’Orbigny. a. Ad. sk. Ypanema, S.E. Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. 49. TYRANNULUS, Type Tyrannulus, Vieill. Analyse, p. 31 (1816). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. * A little group of three species, of which the two last are not very distinct, ranging from Guatemala to Amazonia. It would be better perhaps to restrict the name to the typical species, which is very well distinguished by its elevated crest, short compressed bill, feebly. bristled rictus, short wings and tail. But although T. semiflavus and T. brunneicapillws have no crest, they come very near in other respects. Key to the Species. A. Head with a yellow crest; throat white. 1, elatus, p. 128. B. Head not crested; whole body below yellow : | cap well-defined, plumbeous . . . . . . 2. semiflavus, p. 129. cap not so distinct, brownish . . . . . . 3. brunneicapillus, p. 129. 1: Tyrannulus elatus. Le Roitelet Mésange, Buff. N. H. v. p. 375. Mesange huppée de Cayenne, Daub. P. Eml. 708, fig. 2. Gold-naped Wren, Lath. G. H. vii. p. 255. Sylvia elata, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 549. Tyrannulus elatus, Vieill, Enc. Méth. p. 510; id. Gal. Ois, i. p. 93 pl. 71 (3); Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. Aš. Bp. Consp. i. p. 185; caä. et Hºn. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 58; Sol. P. Z. S. 1855, p. iBo, et'1856 p. 141; d. Cat. A. B. p. 215; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 106; inº. 49. TYRANNULUs. 129 Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 89; Sol. & Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 188, 1867, pp. 147, 751, 978, 1873, p. 279, et 1879, p. 512; i.d. Womencl. p. 48; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 294 (Brit. Guiana); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 19; id. Orn, Pér. ii. p. 256; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 300. Pipra elata, Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. p. 7, pl. 8 a. f. 2 (?). Above olive; cap blackish, with an elongated mesial bright lemon- yellow crest; sides of head cinereous; wings blackish, distinct tips of coverts (forming two transverse bars) and outer margins of external secondaries white; tail ashy brown, slightly tipped with whitish : beneath yellowish olive, middle of belly and under wing- coverts yellowish; throat white; bill blackish; feet dark plum- beous: whole length 2-6 inches, wing 1-9, tail 1:4. Female similar. Hab. Amazonia, Guiana, and Colombia, north to Panama. a, b. Ad. St. Brazil. Purchased. c. Ad. sk. Amazonia. Sclater Coll. d, e. d ? ad, sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Sk f. Ad. Sk. Oyapok, Cayenne (Jelski). Sclater Coll. g, h, G Q Ad, sk. Oyapok, Cayenne (Jelski). Salvin-Godman Coll. i,j. Ad, sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). k, l, Ad. Sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. 7. Ad. sk. Bucaramanga, U.S. C. (Min- Sclater Coll. los). o, Q ad. Sk, Remedios, Antioquia (Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. mom). * p. Ad, sk. Paraiso, Panama (Hughes). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2N-Tyrannulus semiflavus. Tyrannulus semiflavus, Sel. & Salv. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 300; iid Ibis, 1860, p. 400; iid. Nomencl. p. 48; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 215; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 182; Salv. Ibis, 1872, pp. 313, 314. Above clear olive-green ; cap plumbeous; lores and Superciliary stripe white; wings and tail blackish, with edges like the back: beneath bright yellow ; bill and feet blackish: whole length 3 inches, wing 1.8, tail 1:1. Hab. Guatemala. a. Ad, sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. b, c. Ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin–Godman Coll. (Types of the species.) d, er Ad. sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). O. Salvin, Esq.[P]. 3.4Tyrannulus brunneicapillus. Tyrannulus brunneicapillus, Lawr. Ibis, 1862, p. 12; d. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 473, ix. p. 111; Scl. & Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 359 ãº, ãd. Nomencl. p. 48; Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Salv, Ibis, 1872, p. 314. WOL. XIV. EK 130 TYRANNIDAE. Similar to T. semiflavus, but cap not so distinct, and brownish in tint, and not carried so far back: body beneath not so bright. Hab. Panama. A somewhat doubtful species; a southern form of T. semiflavus. a. Ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. b. 3 ad, sk. ; c. Lion Hill St., Panama (Mo- Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. Leannan). d. Ad, sk. Panama. Purchased. 50. TYRANNISCUS $. Tyranniscus, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 57 Type. (1859) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. nigricapillus. Tyranniscus is a name conferred by Cabanis and Heine on a group of small Tyrants allied to Tyrannulus,but with a rather broader bill; longer Wings and longer tail. They are diffused over the Neotropical Region from Guatemala to S. Brazil, but mostly pre- valent in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. They are, in fact, little more than diminutive forms of Elainia, or at any rate form a transition toward that genus. Key to the Species. A. Bill uniform, blackish. a. Cap different from back. a'. Wing-coverts broadly tipped with white or yellowish white; belly yellow. º {{..., blackish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. nigricapillus, p. 131, Cap plumbeous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. cinereiceps, p. 131. b'. Wing-coverts narrowly edged with yellow ; belly yellowish. a". Breast pale cinereous. }; crown cinereous. . . . . 3. vilissimus, p. 132. Smaller; crown not so different. 4, parvus, p. 132. b". Breast cinereous, washed with c". Bºº. yeilowish. * * * * * * * * * * * 5. improbus, p. 133. º: ; ſº tº c'. Wing-coverts edged with pale oliva- º e -- **w-º's b. Cap º is the back. ''''''''' 8, griseiceps, p. 134. Hº:::::::::::::::: 1. º.º. B. Bill with lower mandible white . . . . . . . . 11. leucogonys, p. 136. * I do not recognize the following species:–Elainia viridiflava T Ayes, p. 160, t. ix, fig. 2 (= Leptopogon viridiflavus, Bp. gº p. i; *:::::: #. viridiflavus, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 536; id. Órn. Pé. ii. p. 261), from €ºll. y 50. TYRANNISCUs. 13]. 1: Tyranniscus migricapillus. Tyrannulus nigricapillus, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1845, p. 341; Sel. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 150, et 1860, p. 93. Tyranniscus migricapillus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 57; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 216; Sel. & Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 842, is}; p. 234, et 1879, p. 512; iid. Nomencl. p. 48; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 536, et 1880, p. 203; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 257. Above olive-green ; cap dull olack, with a slight whitish super- ciliary stripe; wings black; coverts broadly tipped with white or yellowish white, forming two bands; narrow external edgings to most of remiges yellow ; tail blackish brown, with slight olivaceous edgings: beneath yellow, rather olivaceous on throat and sides of breast ; under wing-coverts pale yellow : bill and feet black: whole length 4:4 inches, wing 2:4, tail 1:8. Female similar. Plab. Venezuela, Ecuador, and Colombia. a. 6 ad. sk. Merida, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. 6 ad. sk. Merida, Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. Sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. d. Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Jardine Coll. f. c ad, sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia (Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. ºmon). g. Ad. Sk, San Lucas, Ecuador (Villa- Salvin-Godman Coll. gomez). h. Ad, sk. Puellaro, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. 2. Ad. St. S. America. Purchased. 2.*Tyranniscus cinereiceps. (Plate XI. fig. 1.) Tyrannulus cinereiceps, Sel. P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 69,283 (Ecuador). Tyranniscus cinereiceps, Sel. Cat. Am, B. p. 216; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 842, pl. liii. fig. 2; iid. Nomencl. p. 48; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 536; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 258; Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883 p. 555, et 1885, p. 90 (Ecuador). y Above olive-green, cap plumbeous, lores and sides of head whitish; ear-coverts black with the basal portion yellowish ; wings black, coverts broadly tipped with white, remiges mostly narrowly edged with yellow; tail brown : beneath yellow, rather whitish on the chin, and more olivaceous on the breast; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; bill dark corneous ; feet blackish: whole length 4 inches, wing 2:4, tail 17. Hab. Ecuador and Colombia. Near to T. nigricapillus, but distinguished by its plumbeous head and black ear-covertS. a. Qad, sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b, c, Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. K 2 132 TYRANNIDAE. + 3. Tyranniscus vilissimus. Elainea vilissima, Sol. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 122, pl. 4, fig. 1; Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 194. Tyranniscus vilissimus, Scl. Cat. Am. B. p. 216; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 843: id. Nomencl. p. 48; Salv, Ibis, 1869, pp. 315,318; /Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. ix. Up. 111. Above olive, cap dark cinereous, broad front and superciliaries whitish ; wings blackish, with well-defined but narrow external edgings of yellowish green; tail blackish edged with olive: beneath, throat and breast pale ashy white, slightly flammulated; middle of belly almost white; flanks and crissum pale yellowish with slight greenish flammulations; under wing-coverts pale yellowish white ; bill dark brown; feet black: whole length 4-3 inches, wing 2-4, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. Guatemala. a, b. Ad, sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. c, d. Ad, sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) e, f. 6 @ ad, sk. Calderas, Volcan de Fuego, Salvin-Godman Coll. Guatemala (Salvin). g, h. 3 9 a.d. sk. Calderas (Salvin). Sclater Coll. 7. Ad, sk. Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala. Salvin-Godman Coll. j. Ad. sk. Coban, Guatemala. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. k, l. Ad, sk. Guatemala. J. Gould, Esq. 4+Tyranniscus parvus. Tyranniscus parvus, Lawr. Ibis, 1862, p. 12; Ann. Lyc, N. Y. vii. p. 473, ix. p. 1.12; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 359, 1867, p. 981, 1870, p. 843; iid. Nomencl. p. 48; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 147; id. Ibis, 1869, p. 315; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 63; Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. vi. p. 414. Similar to T. vilissimus, but Smaller, cap not so well defined, and rather paler below : whole length 2:7 inches, wing 1-9, tail 17. Female similar. Hab. Costa Rica and Weragua. a. Ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Costa Rica (Boucard). Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. Angostura, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll, d. Ad. sk. Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll, e. Ad. sk. Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arcé). O. Salvin [P.]. f. 3 ad, sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll, g. Q ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll, h. 9 ad, sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll, 7. Ad, sk. S. slope of Volc. of Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll, j. Ad. Sk, Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. ſº, l. Ad, sk. Veragua (Arcé). O. Salvin, Esq. º on. Ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. 50. TYRANNISCUs. 133 5.*Tyranniscus improbus, Tyranniscus improbus, Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 843; iid. Nomencl. p. 48; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 333; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 318. Above olive; head darker, almost blackish ; front, short super- ciliaries, and eye-region whitish ; wings blackish ; coverts and secondaries narrowly but distinctly margined with yellow ; tail brown with Olive margins like the back: beneath greyish white, almost white on the throat; breast and belly with a yellowish tinge ; middle of belly and under wing-coverts pale yellow; bend of wing yellow ; bill and feet black: whole length 4:5 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1-9. Hab. Venezuela and Colombia. Near to T. vilissimus, but the white front is more distinct, and the breast has a shiny yellowish tinge. a. 9 ad, sk. Merida, Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. Ad. sk. Near Ocaña, U.S. Colombia (Wyatt). Sclater Coll. 6. Tyranniscus gracilipes. (Plate XI. fig. 2.) Tyranniscus, sp. 1317, Scl. Cat. Am. B. p. 216. Tyranniscus gracilipes, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 981, 1870, p. 843, 1873, p. 279, et 1879, p. 614; iid. Nomencl. p. 48; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 382; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 294. Myiopatis pusilla, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 106 (?). Above olive ; cap cinereous; front and lores rather whitish ; wings black with narrow but distinct external edgings of yellow; tail blackish, slightly margined with olive : beneath nearly uniform yellowish, rather paler on the throat and brighter on the belly; under wing-coverts pale yellowish white; bend of wing yellow; bill and feet blackish : whole length 3-6 inches, wing 1:7, tail 14. Female similar. Hab. Bolivia, Amazonia, Venezuela, and Guiana. a. Ad, sk. Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. ? ad. ; Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Sclater Coll. (Type c. Ad, sk. of the species.) d. 9 a.d. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Salvin–Godman Coll. e. Ad, sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. f, g. 6 a.d.; Roraima, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. h—j. Q ad. sk. (Whitely). k, Ad, sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Sclater Coll. l. Ad, sk. Rio Negro (Natterer). Sclater Coll. m. Q ad. sk. Para (Layard). Tweeddale Coll. ~7. Tyranniscus acer. Tyranniscus acer, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1883, p. 206; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 294 Above olive; head cinereous, front whitish ; wings blackish ; 134 TYRANNIDAE. coverts and secondaries distinctly edged with clear yellowish ; tail blackish slightly margined with olive: beneath pale yellowish; throat ashy white; under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; bill and feet blackish: whole length 3-7 inches, wing 2, tail 17. Female similar, but (apparently) with a shorter tail. Hab. Guiana. This plainly coloured species may be distinguished from T. graci- lipes by its smaller size, whiter throat, and paler belly. a, b. 3 Q ad. sk. Bartica Grove, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (TWhitely). c. 9 ad, sk. Bartica Grove (Whitely). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) d, e. g. ad. ; Camacusa, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. f,g. Q ad. sk. (Whitely). h. Sº ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8:* Tyranniscus griseiceps. Tyranniscus griseiceps, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p.843; d. Nomencl. p. 48; Salv. Ibis, 1888, p. 294 (Brit. Guiana). Phyllomyias griseiceps, Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 554. Phyllomyias cristatus, v. Berl. Journ. f. O. 1884, p. 300 (Bogota). Above olive; cap dark cinereous; front and eye-region whitish : wings blackish, wing-coverts slightly margined with pale brown ; external margins of secondaries olive; tail blackish brown with olive margins: beneath yellow; throat greyish ; under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; bill and feet dark brown; whole length 4 inches, wing 1-9, tail 1:8. Female similar. I Hab. Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and British Guiana. The absence of the yellow edgings on the wing-coverts distin- guishes this species from the four preceding ones. a. Ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) c. Ad. sk. Bucaramanga, U. S. C. Sclater Coll. d. 3 ad, sk. * Valencia, Venezuela (Goe- Sclater Coll. 7'ºng). e. Q ad, sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). f. Q ad. sk. Roraima, British Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. ~9. Tyranniscus bolivianus. Muscicapa olivacea, d'Orb, et Lafº. Syn, Av. i. p. 54 (1837). Muscicaparaboliviana, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 328. Tyranniscus gracilipes, Scl. et Salv, P. Z.S. 1873, p. 185 (err.). Tyranniscus viridissimus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 782; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 614 (Bolivia); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 260. Above, including cap, uniform olive; wings blackish, with distinct narrow yellowish edgings to the greater coverts and secondaries, smaller coverts like the back; tail dark brown edged with olive : 50. TYRANNISCUs. 135 beneath pale greyish white, with a yellowish tinge, middle of belly and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; bill and feet blackish: whole length 4-6 inches, wing 2, tail 2. Hab. Southern Peru and Bolivia. I have examined d’Orbigny's types at Paris and have convinced myself that his species is the same as my T. viridissimus. a. Ad, sk. Cosnipata, S. Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. (Type of T. viridissimus.) b. ? ad, sk. Guadeloupe, S. Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. c, d, Ad, sk. Tilotilo, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Tilotilo (Buckley). Sclater Coll. 10*Tyranniscus chrysops. Tyrannulus chrysops, Sel. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 458, 1859, p. 144, et 1860, p.93 (Ecuador). Tyranniscus chrysops, Sel. Cat. Am. B. p. 216; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 842, 1875, p. 234, et 1879, p. 518; iid Nomencl. p. 48; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 333; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 124 (Santa Marta); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 19; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 259; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 555, 1884, p. 296, et 1885, p. 90; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 301. Tyranniscus flavifrons, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 58 (1859). Tyrannulus flavidifrons, Sel. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 69. Tyranniscus flavidifrons, Sel. Cat. Am. B. p. 216. Above olive; front yellow ; eye-region yellowish; wings blackish, with distinct yellow external edgings to the coverts and secondaries; tail dark brown slightly margined with olive: beneath pale ashy white, with a slight yellowish tinge on the throat and lower belly; under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; bend of the wing yellow ; bill dark brown; feet blackish : whole length 4.5, wing 2-3, tail1.9. Female similar, but (apparently) smaller and tail shorter. Hab. Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. A rather variable and widely extended species, but apparently always recognizable by its yellow front. a. Ad. sk. Chiromoto, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. b. ? ad. sk. Gualaquiza, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. c. Jr. sk. Zamora, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Types of T. chrysops.) d, e. d ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Types of T. flavid frons.) f. 6 ad, sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador. L. Fraser [C.]. g-j. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. l. Ad, sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad. sk. Pasto, Ecuador (Lehmann). Salvin–Godman Coll. n. Ad. sk. Concordia, Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. o, Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin–Godman Coll. p. Ad sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. q. Q ad. sk. Minca, S. N. of Santa Marta Salvin-Godman Coll. (Simons). r. Ad, sk. S. N. of Santa Marta (Simons). Sclater Coll. S. 6 a.d. sk. Merida, Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. 136 TYRANNIDAE. 11: Tyranniscus leucogonys, Tyranniscus leucogonys, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 843; wid. Nomencl. p. 48. Above olive; cap dark cinereous, narrow front and eye-region whitish; wings blackish; coverts and secondaries narrowly margined externally with yellow; tail brown with olive margins; beneath yellow; throat and breast more greyish; under wing-coverts pale yellow; upper mandible brown, lower pale flesh-colour; feet dark brown: whole length 4 inches, wing 2:4, tail 17. Hab. Colombia. I am a little doubtful about the correct position of this species, which is at once recognizable by its pale lower mandible. a, b, Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 51. ELAINEA*. Type. Elaenea, Sund. K. Vet.-Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 89 (1836) . . . . E. pagana. This is one of the most numerous genera of the Tyrannidae, and perhaps the most difficult to deal with satisfactorily. The present arrangement is nearly the same as that adopted in previous papers on this group, and I am still unable to suggest a better one, though I find that some of the species hitherto referred to Sect. A are merely females or young of species of Sect. B. Elaimede may usually be recognized by their dull olive colour, slightly crested head, and compressed bill, with but few traces of rictal bristles. They are spread all over the Neotropical Region. -: Rey to the Species. , , , º, . V A. With a more or less concealed vertical spot. ovº ºf a. Vertical spot white. r -, "...” º a'. Throat greyish white; belly yellowish, tº 1. pagana, p. 137. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2. ridleyana, p. 139. 3 | Smaller: breast lighter . gigas, p. 140. Larger: breast darker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b'. Under surface greyish white. a". Middle of belly uniform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. martinica, p. 141. b". Middle of belly clear white. a". Larger : sides olivaceous: §: surface olivaceous. . . . . . . . . . . . 5. albiceps, p. 141. upper surface grey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Strepera, p. 143. * See articles, P. Z. S. 1861, p.406, and 1870, p. 834, on this genus, of which the following species are unknown to me:— 1. E. spectabilis, Pelz. Orm. Bras. p. 176 (Brazil). 2. E. cinerea, Pelz. Orn, Bras. p. 180 (Brazil). 3. # .# º Heim. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 59 (Venezuela). " . . 4. E. gracilis, Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 271 (Peru). & (24×eeſ.” > 5. E. semifiava, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 177, ix. p. 89 (Veragua). {{ 2 / 4–6. E. cinerascens, Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. vii. p. 180 (New Providence I.). / 51. ELAINEA. 137 &- b'". Middle size: sides cinereous . . . . . . 7. hypospodia, p. 144. c". Smaller. Sides cinereous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, taczanowski, p. 144. | Sides yellowish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. leucospodia, p. 144. c'. Whole under surface yellowish. c". Larger: wing 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, frantzii, p. 145. d". Middle-sized: wing 29: brighter below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. olivina, p. 146. | duller below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, pallatangae, p. 146. e". Smaller: wing 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, fallav, p. 147. b. Vertical spot straw-colour or yellow. d'. Without wing-bars. f". Back olive. - - |iº wing 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, placens, p. 148. Larger: wing 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. Subplacens, p. 149. g". Back brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. cotta, p. 149. e'. With white tips to wing-coverts. h". Belly yellow: breast grey; crest paler . . . . . . . . . . 17. gainardi, p. 150. }: brownish; crest brighter . . . . 18, flavivertea, p. 151. t". Belly yellowish white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, caniceps, p. 151. c. Vertical spot rufous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. ruficeps, p. 152. B. Without a vertical spot. d. Tail unbanded. f". Cap uniform with back. Larger : belly yellowish . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. obscura, p. 152. | Smaller: belly white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, mesoleuca, p. 153.-- g'. Cap darker than back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. arenarum, p. 153. e. With a light basal and terminal tail-band. . 24, affinis, p. 154. 1. Elaimea pagana. Muscicapa pagana, Licht. Doubl. p. 54 (1823). Platyrhynchus paganus, Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. p. 13, pl. 16. f. 1. Muscicapa brevirostris, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 799 (1831). Elainea pagana, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 701; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 476; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 46, 1861, p. 406, 1866, p. 99 (Lima), et 1870, p. 834; d. Cat. A. B. p. 216; Cap. et Hein. Mus, IHein. ii. p. 59; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 86 (Trinidad); Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 188 (Ucayali), 1867, p. 978 (Amazons), 1868, p. 628 (Venezuela), 1869, p. 598 (E. Peru), 1873, p. 279 (E. Peru), 1876, p. 16 (S. Peru), et 1879, p. 513 (Antioquia); iid. Nomencl. p. 48; Euler, J. f. O. 1867, p. 228; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 106; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 382 (Para); Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 88; Bouc. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 63, et 1883, p. 447; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 124; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 342; Ridgw. P. U. S. W. M. v. p. 500 (Costa Rica); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 20; id. Orm. Pér. ii. p. 262; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 301; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 294 (Br. Guiana). Elainea * Sel, et Salv, Ibis, 1860, p. 36; iid. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 359, et 1870, p. 837; Sel. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 406, et 1862, p. 369; Žd. Cat. A. B. p. 216; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 244; Salv, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 147, et 1870, p. 197; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 328, viii. p. 176, et ix. p. 112. Elainea semipagana, Sel. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 406 (Ecuador); Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 555, et 1885, p. 90, 138 TYRANNIDAE. Elainea chiriquensis, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 176 (Veragua); Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 147 (?). Above greyish olivaceous; head rather darker, subcrested; vertical spot white; wings and tail brownish black; wing-coverts with white terminal spots, forming two cross bands; Outer secon- daries edged externally with white; the rest of the wing-feathers and tail-feathers slightly margined with olivaceous: beneath, throat and breast greyish white; middle of belly yellow ; flanks more or less cinereous; under wing-coverts yellowish white; bill brown, base of lower mandible pale; feet blackish: whole length 6 inches, wing 3-3, tail 3. Female. Like the male, but with the white spot on the head Smaller or absent. Hab. Southern Mexico, and southwards down to Brazil. When a large series of this bird is examined, so much variation is evident that it is no longer possible to maintain E. sub- pagana of Central America and E. semipagana of Western Ecuador as distinct species. As a rule, however, the northern birds are darker in colour above, and more strongly coloured with yellow below. The throat also is usually of a lighter grey. a. Ad, sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Near the City of Mexico. Salvin–Godman Coll. c—e. Ad. sk. Mugeres I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. f, g, Ad. sk. Meco I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. h–0. Ad. sk. Cozumell., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. p. Ad. sk. Holbox I., Yucatan. Salvin-Godman Coll. q. 9 a.d. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). J Sclater Coll. r. Ad. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. gº (Types of E. subpagana.) 8. Ad. sk. Guatemala (Salvin). šij Coll. t. 3 ad, sk. Half-Moon Key, British Hon- Salvin-Godman Coll. duras (Salvin). w. Ad. sk. San Pedro, British Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). v. Ad. sk. San Pedro, British Honduras Sclater Coll. (Whitely). w. Ad. sk. British ) Honduras (Blanca- Salvin-Godman Coll. 7260/2002 ). a. Ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. Ad. sk. Irazu, Costa Rica (Rogers). Salvin-Godman Coll. z, 9 a.d. sk. Southern slope of V. de Chiri- Salvin-Godman Coll. qui (Arcé). a'. Ad, sk. Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. b'. 6 ad, sk. Chiriqui (Hicks). Salvin-Godman Coll. c'. Q ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. d'. 9 ad. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. e', f'. 3 9 ad, sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. g". Ad, sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. h'—j'. & Q ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. k'. Ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. !". Ad. sk. Paraiso Sta., Isthm. of Pa- Salvin-Godman Coll. nama (Hughes). 51. ELAINEA. 139 m'. Ad. sk. n'. Ad. sk. o'. Ad. sk. p'. 6 a.d. sk. q'. 3 a.d. sk. r". Ad. sk. s'. Ad. sk. t", ul. & Q ad. sk. v'. Ad. sk. w", a'. Ad, sk. $y', 2'. Ad. sk. a". Ad, sk. b". Q ad. sk. c". Q ad. sk. d", e". Ad. sk. f". Ad. sk. g". G ad ; h", 2". Q ad. ; )". Al- bino sk. K"-n". & ad.; o'", ". Q ad. sk q", r". Ó 9 ad, sk. s", t'. 3 9 ad, sk. w". Ad, sk. v". Q ad. sk. w". & ad. sk. a", y''. & Q ad, sk. 2". 9 ad. sk. a", b". Ad, sk. c", d". Ad. sk. e", f". Ad, sk. g", h". Ad, sk. ?'". Ad. sk. j", k". 3 Q ad. sk. !", "m". Ad. sk. n". Ad, sk. o'", p". Ad. sk. q". Ad, sk. Isthmus of Panama (Arcé). Panama (Hughes). Sta. Marta, U. S.C. Minca, U. S. C. (Simons). Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Santa Rita, Ecuador (Buckley). Pasto, Ecuador (Lehmann). Medellin, U. S. C. (Salmon). Medellin, U. S. C. (Salmon). Antioquia (Salmon). Bucaramanga, U. S.C. (Minlos). Bogota, U. S. C. Valencia, Venezuela (Goering). S. Esteban, Venezuela (Goering). Trinidad. Tobago (Kirk). Tobago (Kirk). Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Cayenne. Cayenne (Jelski). Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Para (E. L. Layard). Ceara, Brazil (Zietz). Pernambuco, Brazil (Craven). Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Pahia, Brazil. Saô Paulo, Brazil (Joyner). Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Joyner). Brazil. Bolivia. Brazil. ~ 2. Elainea ridleyana. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. (Type of E. Semipagana.) Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Zool. Soc. Coll. Sclater Coll. Jardine Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sudbury Mus. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. T. Bridges [C.]. Tid. Stuart de Rothe- say (P.]. Elainea ridleyana, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888 (Feb. 7th). Similar to E. pagana, but darker in colour and with longer bill. Hab. Island of Fernando Noronha. a, b. Ad. sk. c. Ad, sk. Fernando Noronha. Fernando Noronha, (T H. N. Ridley, Esq. [C.]. es of the species.) Capts. Burnett & Fitzroy [P.]. 140 TYRANNIDAE. 3. Elainea gigas. Elainea albiceps, Sel. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 71; id. Cat. A. B. p. 217 (nec Lafr, et D’Orb.). Elainea gigas, Sel. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 831; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 185, et 1876, p. 16 (S. Peru); id. Nomencl. p. 48; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 536, et 1882, p. 19; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 265. - º : \ i § { \} \, \ B - W W. WWW W | º - WA, . \ Head and wing of Elained gigas. (P. Z. S. 1870, p. 832.) Above dark olivaceous brown; head crested, with a large vertical spot; wings and tail dark brown; a double band across the wing- coverts and external margins of the outer secondaries dirty white; rest of wing-feathers and tail-feathers slightly margined with oliva- ceous: beneath, throat grey; breast and flanks greyish olivaceous; middle of belly yellow ; under wing-coverts and crissum yellowish grey; bill reddish brown, lighter at the base; feet blackish: whole length 6 inches, wing 38, tail 3-3. Female similar. Hab. Ecuador and Peru. This species is chiefly distinguishable from E. pagana by its large size; but it is also darker above, and has a much larger white ver- tical spot, which occupies nearly the whole of the interior of the crest. a. Ad, sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll., (Type of the species.) b, c. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad, sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. e. Ad, sk. Huiro, S. Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. f. Ad. sk. Cosnipata, S. Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. 51. ELAINEA. 141 4. Elaimea martinica. Muscicapa martinicana cristata, Briss. Orn. ii. p. 362. Muscicapa martinica, Linn. S. N. i. p. 325. Tyrannula martinica, Cassin, Proc. Ac. Philad, 1860, p. 375. Elainea martinica, Taylor, Ibis, 1864, i. 169; Sel. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 271 (S. Lucia), 1874, p. 175 (Barbadoes), et 1879, p. 765 (Mont- serrat); Semper, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 650; Sol. et Salv. Womencl. p. 48; Pelz. Ibis, 1873, p. 113; Lawr, P. U. S. N. M. i. pp. 59, 191,270, 357,458, 487, et iii. p. 256; Lister, Ibis, 1880, p. 41 (St.Vincent); Grisdale, Ibis, 1882, p. 489 (Montserrat). Elainea risii, Sol. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 314, 1861, p. 406, et 1870, p. 834; id. Cat. A. B. p. 217; Newton, Ibis, 1860, p. 307 (St. Thomas). Muscicapa albicapilla, Vieill. Ois. d’Am. Sept. p. 66, pl. 37. Above dark olivaceous; head subcrested, with a well-marked white basal spot; wings and tail blackish brown; double bar across the wing-coverts and outer edges of external secondaries dirty white, rest of wing-feathers and tail-feathers with narrow olivaceous outer margins: beneath pale cinereous, with a slight olivaceous tinge on the flanks and crissum; bill dark brown, base of the lower mandible reddish; feet black: whole length 6 inches, wing 3-2, tail 3. Female like the male, but with the vertical spot less apparent or absent. Hab. Antilles, from St. Thomas down to Barbadoes. This species is very similar to E. pagana, but is of a nearly uni- form pale cinereous brown. As in E. pagana, there is much indi- vidual variation. a. Ad, sk. St. Thomas (Riise). Sclater Coll. (Type of E. risii.) b, c. 6 @ ad. sk. St. Thomas (Salvin). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Montserrat (Sturge). Sclater Coll. e. 6 a.d. sk. Dominica (Ober). Sclater Coll. f. Ad, sk. Dominica (Ober). Salvin-Godman Coll. g, h. Ad, sk. St. Lucia (Semper). Sclater Coll. 7. Ad. sk. Barbadoes ãº. Sclater Coll. j. Ad, sk. Barbadoes. s: R. Schomburgk P.T. k. Ad. sk. Barbadoes (Wedderburn). J º Coll. l, Jr. sk. Grand Cayman I. (Richard- Sclater Coll. son). 5. Elainea albiceps. Muscipeta albiceps, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 47; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. 319 { p. 318. Elainea albiceps, Sol. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 71 (Ecuador), 1861, p. 406 (Bolivia et Peru), 1867, p. 327 ài. et 1870, p. 834 (Honduras); id. Cat. A. B. p. 217; Sel, et Salv, P. Z. S. 1868, pp. 174, 568 (W. Peru), 1873, pp. 185, 279 (Peru), 1876, p. 16 (Peru), 1878, p. 433, et 1879, p. 614 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl. p. 48; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 107; Durnf. Ibis, 1878, p. 60 (rep. Arg); White, P. Z. S. 1882, . 606 (rep. Arg.); Salv. P.Z. S. 1883, p. 423 (W. Peru); id. Ibis, is. }. 294 (Br. Guiana); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 263; Berl. et Jher. º: ges. Orn. 1885, p. 133 (S. Brazil); Sel, et Huds, Arg, Orn. 1, p. 140. 142 TYRANNIDAE. Elainea griseogularis, Sel. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 554, pl. 146, fig. 1, 1859, p. 46, et 1861, p. 407; id. Cat. A. B. p. 217; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 296, et 1885, p. 90 ğ. Elainea modesta, Tsch, Wiegm. Arch, 1847, i. p. 274; id. Fawn, Per., Aves, p. 159; Scl, P. Z. S. 1859, p.46, et 1861, p. 407, et 1867, p. 338; id. Cat. A. B. p. 217; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 59; Burm. J. f. O. 1860, p. 246; id. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 454; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 107 (?); Sel, et Salv, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 751, et 1868, p. 142; iid. Ibis, 1868, p. 185; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 536; Cab. J.J. O. 1878, -- p. 197. - Eliº parvirostris, Pelz. Orn, Bras. p. 178 (?). ... Elainea cristata, Pelz. Orn, Bras, pp. 107, 177 (?). Elaimea albivertex, Pelz. Orn. Bras, pp. 107, 177; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 301. Above dark ashy brown, with a slight olivaceous tinge on the rump; head slightly darker, with a moré or less concealed white vertical spot; wings and tail blackish brown, tips of wing-coverts (forming two transverse bands) and outer margins of exterior secon- daries dirty white; rest of wing-feathers and tail-feathers slightly margined with lighter colour: below nearly uniform pale cinereous, whiter on the throat and middle of the belly; under wing-coverts slightly tinged with yellowish ; bill brownish, paler at the base; feet blackish: whole length 6 inches, wing 3-2, tail 3. Female similar. Hab. All South America, except Colombia. The characters of this variable species are taken from specimens obtained in Southern Peru by Whitely, which agree nearly with d'Orbigny's types in the Paris Museum. E. griseigularis of Western Ecuador is smaller in size, but is easily matched by some Peruvian specimens. So far as I can judge from single examples, E. cris- tata and E. albivertea of Pelzeln are inseparable from the present species. a, b. 3 ad.; c, d. Roraima, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. Q ad. sk. (Whitely). e. Ad. sk. Roraima, British Guiana Sclater Coll, (Whitely). f. 6 ad. ; g, h. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. $2 ad. sk. (Whitely). 2. Ad. sk. Cayenne (Jelski). Sclater Coll. j. Q ad, sk. Valencia,Venezuela(Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador(Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. l. Ad, sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. 6 a.d. sk. Riobamba, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Type of E. griseigularis, Sci.) m. Q ad. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haucoell). Salvin-Godman Coll, o, p. Ad, sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Sclater Coll. q, & ad. Sk, Chyavetas, E.Peru (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. 'r. Jr. sk. Lower Ucayali (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. 8, t. Ad, sk. E. Peru. Sclater Coll. u, Jr. sk. E. Peru (Farris). Sclater Coll. v. Ad, sk. E, Peru (Tschudi). Sclater Coll. (Typical of E. modesta, Tsch.) 51. ELAINEA. 143 w. Ad, sk. Huiro, Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. a. Ad, sk. Huiro, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. $y. Ad. sk. Tambo Valley, W. Peru Sclater Coll. (Whitely). 2. G ad. sk. Arequipa, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. a'. Q ad. sk. Callao, Peru (Markham). Salvin-Godman Coll. b'. Ad. sk. Bolivia. T. º c'. Ad, sk. Chili (Leybold). Sclater Coll. d", e'. Ad. Sk. Chili. Purchased. f. Ad, sk. Chili. Sclater Coll. g". Ad. Sk. Valparaiso. C. Darwin [C.]. h'. Ad. sk. Port Famine, Patagonia. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2". Ad. sk. Magellan Straits. Sir W. Burnett and º Fitzroy [C.]. j'. Ad. St. Magellan Straits. Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy [C]. k'. Ad. Sk. Magellan Straits. ‘Challenger? Exp. !". Ad. Sk. Taken at sea, H.M.S. “Alert,’ The Admiralty. in lat. 30°40' S., long. 48° 27' W. m'. Ad, sk. Mendoza, rep. Arg. (Bur- Salvin-Godman Coll. meister). n". Ad. sk. Belgrano, Buenos Ayres. H. Durnford [C]. o'. Ad, sk. Buenos Ayres (Haslehust). Sclater Coll. p'. Ad, sk. Buenos Ayres (Hudson). Sclater Coll. q'. Ad, sk. Curytiba, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. 7". 6 ad. sk. Goyaz, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. (E. al- bivertea, Pelz.) s'. Q ad. sk. Goyaz, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. (E. cristata, Pelz.) t'. Ad. sk. Rio Grande do Sul (Plant). Sclater Coll. w', 'v'. 3 a.d.; w Rio Grande do Sul (Jhering). Sclater Coll. Q ad. sk. a'. Ad. sk. Ceara, Brazil (Zietz). Sclater Coll. y'. Ad, sk. Lagoa Santa, S.E. Brazil Sclater Coll. (Lund). ~ 6. Elaimea strepera. Elainea strepera, Cab. J. f. O. 1883, p. 215. Above dark greyish olive; head slightly crested, with a white basal spot ; eye-ring white; wings and tail blackish; tips of wing- coverts rufous ; slight margins of wing- and tail-feathers olivaceous: beneath cinereous, middle of belly white, flanks olivaceous; under wing-coverts pale cinereous; bill dark brown, pale at the base; feet blackish: whole length 5-6 inches, wing 2-9, tail 27. Hab. Argentine Republic, Prov. Tucuman. Described from a specimen, apparently not quite adult, in Graf v. Berlepsch's collection. Allied to E. albiceps, but more cinereous above, and distinguished by its white eye-ring and the rufous edgings of the wing-coverts. 144 TYRANNIDAE. Tº 7. Elainea hypospodia. Elaimea hypospodia, Sol. P. Z. S. 1887, p. 49. Above dark cinereous; head subcrested, with a concealed white ver- tical spot ; wings blackish, with white terminal spots on the coverts, forming two well-defined cross bands, and the outer secondaries margined and terminated with white; tail ashy like the back: beneath pale cinereous; middle of belly, crissum, and under wing-coverts white; bill brown, pale reddish at the base: whole length 5-3 inches, wing 2-9, tail 25. Hab. Venezuela. Rather larger than E. leucospodia, and without any trace of yellow or olive on its plumage. a. 6 a.d. sk. Valencia, Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) ~8. Elainea taczanowskii. Elainea taczanowskii, Berl. Ibis, 1883, p. 137. Above grey, with a very slight olivaceous tinge; head blackish, slightly crested, with a white basal spot; wings blackish, wing- coverts and secondaries margined with white; tail blackish brown: beneath white, breast and sides cinereous; under wing-coverts white; bill brown, pale at the base; feet black: whole length 4.5 inches, wing 2:4, tail 2. Hab. S.E. Brazil. Described from the typical specimen, from Bahia, in Graf v. Berlepsch's collection. ~9. Elaimea leucospodia, Elainea leucospodia, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 325, et 1880, p.203; Orm. Pér. ii. p. 267. Above cinereous; head darker, with a well-marked basal crest of pure white; wings and tail blackish, with more or less decided whitish edgings: beneath pale cinereous, middle of belly white; flanks and crissum with a slight yellowish tinge; bill brown, whitish at the base; feet black: whole length 4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 19. Female similar. Hab. Western Peru. Generally resembling E. albiceps, but at once distinguishable by its smaller size. a. 9 ad. Sk. Tumbez, Peru (Jelski). Sclater Coll. b. ? ad, sk. Chepen, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. 51. ELAINEA. 145 10.” Elaimea frantzii, Elainea frantzii, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 172, et ix. p. 42 (Costa Rica); Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 197 (Veragua); Sol. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 835; Bouc. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 63 (Costa Rica); Sol, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 49; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 513 (Antioquia); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. v. p. 496, et vi. p. 393. Elainea pudica, Sol. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 833; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 78ſ (Venezuela); iid. Nomencl. p. 49; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 302 (Bucaramanga). \* s Head and wing of Elainea frantzii. (P. Z. S. 1870, p. 834.) Above dark olive-brown; head slightly crested, with a white basal spot ; wings and tail blackish ; tips of the wing-coverts, forming transverse bands, and Outer margins of the external secondaries whitish ; rest of wing- and tail-feathers slightly margined with olivaceous: beneath pale olive-brown mixed with yellowish, brighter in the middle of the belly, Grissum, and under wing-coverts; bill brown, lower mandible reddish at the base; feet blackish : Whole length 6 inches, wing 3-2, tail 27. Female. Similar, but some- times, if not always, without the White vertical spot. Hab. Guatemala, and Central America down to Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela. I had formerly supposed that E. frantzii had no white vertical spot, and placed it accordingly in another section of the genus. But this was an error, the white spot having been described by Mr. Lawrence in his original diagnosis of the species, and being un- doubtedly present in many specimens. I also find the white spot present in Some specimens of the Southern E. pudica, and am now in- clined to regard this supposed species as inseparable from E. frantzii. a, b, d ? ad.; c, San Pedro Martyr, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll, $2 ad. sk. (Salvin). d. 92 ad, sk. Medio Monte, Guatemala (Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. vin). e. Ad, sk. Guatemala. Salvin-Godman Coll. f, Q ad, sk. Volcan de Agua, above S. Diego Sclater Coll. (Salvin). L TYRANNIDAE, g. & ad. Sk Barranco-Hondo, Guatemala Sclater Coll. (Salvin). - h, i. 3 a.d. sk Dota, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Ad. sk. Irazu District, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Rogers). K. 3 ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmoil). Sclater Coll. l, Ad, sk. Costa Rica (Boucard). Sclater Coll. m, n. 6 Q ad, sk. Volcan de Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. o. Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. p. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. q. Ad. Sk, Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of E. pudica.) r, s. Ad. Sk Bogota. Purchased. t. 3 ad. Sk Sta. Elena, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. w. Ad. sk. Sta. Elena, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salmon [C]. v. Ad, sk. Antioquia, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. w. Ad. sk. Antioquia, U. S. C. (Salmon). Sclater Coll. w, Q ad. Sk Merida, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. y. Ad, sk. Sclater Coll. ~11. Elainea olivina, Merida, Venezeula (Goering). (Plate XII.) Elainea olivina, Salvin et Godman, Ibis, 1884, p. 446; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 294. Above dark olive-brown; head slightly crested, with a large white basal spot; wings and tail blackish; tips of the wing-coverts, forming two well-marked transverse bands, and outer margins of external secondaries white, other secondaries with slight whitish margins: beneath pale yellowish, rather more cinereous on the throat; under wing-coverts white; bill brown, paler at the base of the lower mandible; feet black : whole length 6 inches, wing 3, tail 2.8. Female similar. Hab. Interior of British Guiana. This species is closely allied to E. frantzii, but is rather smaller in dimensions, of darker colour above and much more yellowish below. a, b. 3 ad, ; C–e. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. Q ad, sk. (Whitely). (Types of the species. f, g. 69 ad. Sk, Roraima, Brit. Guiana ś Coll. p ) (Whitely). 12. Elainea pallatangae, Elainea pallantangae, Selater, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 407, pl. xli.; id. Cat. A. B. p. 217 : id., P. Z. S. 1870, p. 835; Sol. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 48; Tacz, Orm. Pér. ii. p. 264; Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, pp. 118, 123. Elainea º Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 536, 1879, p. 234, et 1882, p. 19 (?). Above dark olive-brown, rather lighter on the rump; head slightly crested, with a white basal spot; wings and tail blackish brown; two bands on the wing-coverts and outer margins of 51. ELAINEA. 147 external secondaries white, other secondaries with slight whitish margins: beneath pale yellowish, cinereous on the throat; under wing-coverts pale yellowish; bill brown, lower mandible paler; feet blackish : whole length 5:8 inches, wing 2:8, tail 2-6. Female similar, but white vertical spot sometimes absent. Hab. Ecuador and Peru. This species is closely allied to E. olivina, but is not quite so dark above and not quite so yellow below. The under wing-coverts are yellowish, not white. a, b. ? ad, sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) c. Jr. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). L. Fraser. d. Ad. sk. Vicinity of Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll, 13: Elainea fallax. Elainea sp. ex Jamaica, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 314, Elainea fallax, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 407, et 1870, p. 832; d. Cat, A. B. p. 217; Sel, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 48. Head and wing of Elained fallaw. (P. Z. S. 1870, p. 833.) Above dark olive-brown; head darker, slightly crested, with a large white basal spot ; wings and tail blackish ; tips of wing- coverts forming two white cross bands, and outer margins of external secondaries whitish ; rest of Wing- and tail-feathers slightly margined with olivaceous: below pale yellowish, rather lighter on the middle of the throat; under wing-coverts pale yellowish; bill dark brown, lower mandible pale at the base; feet blackish: whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2:7, tail 25. Female similar. Hab. Jamaica. E. fallaw is closely allied to the three preceding species, but may be distinguished by its smaller size and shorter bill. a, b, Ad, sk. Jamaica (Ward). Sclater Coll. (Types of E, fallaw.) c, d, d ? ad, sk. Jamaica (Newton). Salvin-Godman Coll. L 148 TYRANNIDAE. |\º | 1 , , , ' Y | \ . * * , 14. HElainea placens, Contramaestre pardo verdoso corona amarilla, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 57 (?). tº * 2 Sylvia viridicata, Vieill. Nouv. Dict, xi. p. 171; id. Enc. Méth. p. 433 (?). Muscicapāra viridicata, d’Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 325 (certè). Helinaea viridicata, Hartl. Ind. Az. p. 11. tº º Muscicapa elegans, d'Orb. et Lafº. Sym. Av, i. p. 52 (Bolivia). Elainea placens, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 46 (Mex, et Guatemala), 1861, p. 407, et 1870, p. 885; id. Cat. A. B. p. 217; Sel..et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 123, pl. 4, f. 2; iid P. Z. S. 1864, p. 859, 1868, pp. 628, 631, 1873, p. 279, 1876, pp. 16, 17; iid. Nomencl. p. 48; Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 194; id. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 197; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 328, ix. pp. 112, 201; Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 325 (Peru); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 447 (Costa Rica). Elainea grata, Cab. J. f. O. 1883, p. 216 (Tucuman) P Above dull olive-green; head dark cinereous, slightly crested, with a large basal spot of bright yellow ; lores and eye-region mixed with whitish ; wings and tail ashy black, with slight margins of the same colour as the back: beneath pale cinereous; belly, cris- sum, and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; bill blackish ; feet dark brown; whole length 5 inches, wing 2:5, tail 25. Female similar. Hab. From Mexico throughout Central and Southern America to Brazil and Bolivia. - As will be seen by the list of localities we have now specimens of this species, originally described as E. placens from Mexican skins and generally known under that name, from Southern Peru and Brazil. I have examined specimens of Muscicapara viridicata of d'Orbigny from Bolivia, and find that they cannot be separated from the Peruvian bird. It is perhaps a little doubtful whether Azara’s bird, upon which Vieillot founded his Sylvia viridicata, should be referred here; but it is quite probable that the species also extends to Paraguay, and that the Elaimea grata of Cabanis from Tucuman also belongs to it. But I am unwilling to alter the name to E. viridicata until a further supply of southern specimens has been obtained. To employ the name elegans, which d'Orbigny and Lafresnaye first assigned to their Bolivian birds, would only create fresh difficulties by confounding this species with E. elegans of Pelzeln. a. Q ad. sk. Cordova, Mexico (Sallé). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Tres Marias Is., W. Mexico Salvin-Godman Coll. (Forrer). c, e. Ad. sk. Mugeres I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. -l. Ad, sk. Cozumel I., Yucatan (Gaumer), Salvin-Godman Coll. ºn. Q ad. sk. Volcan de Agua, above San Salvin–Godman Coll. Diego (Salvºn). 0. Ad, sk. Retaluleu, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad, sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad.sk. Choctum, Vera Paz. Sclater Coll. 51. ELAINEA. 149 s w? . & cº,' ſ * r. 9 a.d. sk. Barranca, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. s. Ad. sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. t. 3 ad, sk. Volcan de Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll v. 6 ad. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. v. 6 a.d. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. w. Ad, sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. a, y. 6 a.d. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. a'. & ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Tweeddale Coll. b'. Ad. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. | c'. 3 Ad. sk. Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Types of E. implacens.) d'. Ad, sk. Bogota. '. Coll. e'. 6 a.d. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. (Goering). f'. 6 a.d. sk. Maramura, South Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. g'. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Berlepsch). Sclater Coll. h'. Ad, st. Brazil. Purchased. Wu {^. t { gaſ, ". 15. Elainea subplacens. Elainea subplacens, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 407; id. Cat. A. B. p. 218; id. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 835; Sol, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 48; Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 555, et 1885, p. 122; Tacz. Orn, Pér. ii. p. 268. Very similar in all respects to E. placens, and distinguished only by its larger size and duller colour above. It is also, perhaps, slightly paler below. Whole length 5.9 inches, wing 3, tail 29. Hab. Western Ecuador. a, b. 3 ad, sk. Pallatanga (Fraser), Sclater Coll. (Types of E. subplacens.) c. 3 ad. Sk, Pallatanga (Fraser). L. Fraser [C.]. d. Ad. sk. Balzar Mountains, Ecuador Salvin-Godman Coll. - (Illingworth). e. Ad, sk. Puna Island, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. mºſ, ^: Č. 16: Elaimea cotta. Elainea cotta, Gosse, Ann. N. H. ser, 2, iii. p. 257 (1849); id. Ill. B. Jam. pl. 45; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1861, pp. 76,408; id. Cat. A. B. p. 218; Albrecht, J. f. O. 1862, p. 198; Sol. P.Z. S. 1876, p. 835; Sel, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 48. Above olive-brown, slightly greenish on the rump; head darker, slightly crested, with a large basal spot of bright yellow; wings and tail brownish black; secondaries slightly margined externally with yellowish : beneath pale cinereous, belly tinged with sulphur- yellow ; under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow; bill brown, paler at the base of the lower mandible; feet black: whole length 5 inches, wing I-7, tail 1:5. Female similar, but without the i yellow vertical spot. Hab. Jamaica. 150 TYRANNIDAE. This bird belongs to the group of E. placens, but is smaller in size than that species, and has a more constricted bill; it is also much darker in colour above. a, b. Ad, sk. Jamaica (Osburn). Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. Jamaica (Gosse). Sclater Coll. d. Ad, sk. . Jamaica (Gosse). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad, sk. Jamaica. P. H. Gosse [C]. f. 9 ad, sk. Jamaica (Newton). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad, sk. Jamaica. Salvin-Godman Coll, h, Ad, sk. Jamaica (Chitty). Jardine Coll, MA; \ \ |. cº * , 17. Elainea gainardi. Muscicapa albicilla, d'Orb. et Lafr, Syn, i. p. 52 (1837). Muscicapara gainiardi, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 326 (1840). Elainea caniceps, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 217; id. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 407, et 1870, p. 835; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 107; Sel, et Salv, P. Z. S. 1867, p.978, et 1873, p. 279; Cab. J. f. Orn. 1874, p. 88; Tacz, Orn. Pér. ii. p. 369. Elainea elegans, Pelz. Orn, Bras, p. 107; Scl., et Salo. P. Z. S. 1868, }. 628,631, et 1879, p. 614; Sel. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 835; Tacz, Orn. _ Pér. ii. p. 266; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 298 (Brit. Guiana). ^ Elainia macilvainii, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. x. p. 10 (1871); Salv. Ibis, | 1874, p. 315 (Panama). Above pale greenish olive ; head blackish, slightly crested, with a large basal spot of yellowish white, more or less strongly coloured; wings and tail blackish brown; wing-coverts broadly margined with yellowish white, forming two transverse bands; secondaries externally margined with yellowish white: beneath pale cinereous; abdomen more or less strongly tinged with Sulphur-yellow ; under wing-coverts sulphur-yellow ; bill dark horn-colour; feet black: whole length 4-3 inches, wing 2-2, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. S. America, from Panama down to Brazil and Bolivia. Mr. Salvin and I have hitherto referred specimens of this species to E. caniceps, Sw., and E. elegans, Pelz. But there is much varia- tion in the tinge of yellow in the crest, which was our chief guide in separating these two supposed species. I now unite the whole series under the title E. gainardi, having ascertained that the Muscicapara gainardi of d'Orbigny undoubtedly belongs here. a. Qad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Tweeddale Coll, d, e. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. j. Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad, sk. San Estaban, Venezuela. Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. San Estaban, Venezuela Sclater Coll. (Goering). 2. Q ad, sk. San Estaban, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. (Goering). j, k, & Q sk. Roraima, Br. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll, l, Q ad. Sk, Roraima, Br. Guiana (Whitely). Sclater Coll. 51. ELAINEA. 151 m. Qad, sk. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). m, o. 6 @ ad, sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). p, q, d ? ad. Sk, Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). r. Ad, sk. Guiana. Sclater Coll. 8. Ad, sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. t. Ad, sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Purchased. w. 6 a.d. sk. Borba, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. (Typical of E. elegans, Pelz.) v. 6 a.d. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Sclater Coll. w. Q ad. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. a. Ad, sk. Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. y. Ad. St. Brazil (?). Purchased. t | } |Yvºwſºeº ~18. Elainea flavivertex, Elainea flavivertex, Sel. P. Z. S. 1887, p. 49. Above olive-green, rather paler on the rump; head blackish, slightly crested, with a large basal spot of bright yellow ; wings blackish, both rows of wing-coverts broadly tipped with yellowish, forming two transverse bands; secondaries margined externally with yellowish; tail brown, with slight olivaceous margins: beneath cinereous, lighter on the throat; belly tinged with sulphur-yellow ; under wing-coverts pale Sulphur-yellow ; bill brown; feet blackish : whole length 4-6 inches, wing 2-3, tail 2:1. Hab. Upper Amazonia. This species resembles E. gainwardi, but is much darker below, and has a fiery yellow crest like E. placens. a. Ad, sk. Upper Ucayali (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species). b. Ad. sk. Upper Ucayali (Bartlett). E. Bartlett [C.]. c. Ad, sk. Elvira, E. Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. Mºvo-'Aaſ-- ~19: Elainea caniceps. Tyrannula caniceps, Sw. B. Brazil, t. 49; Bp. Consp. i. p. 191. Elainea caniceps, Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 107 (?). Above olive-green; upper part of the back cinereous; head dark cinereous, slightly crested, with a large basal spot of white, slightly tinged with yellow ; wings and tail blackish ; tips of wing-coverts, forming two transverse bands, and outer margins of the secondaries pale yellowish white: beneath pale cinereous, almost white on the belly; crissum and under wing-coverts slightly tinged with yellow ; bill dark brown; feet blackish: whole length 4 inches, wing 2-2, tail I'7. Hab. S.E. Brazil. My description is from a single skin from the collection of Messrs. Salvin and Godman, which is, I think, more likely to be the true Tyrannula caniceps of Swainson than any other bird I have met 152 TYRANNIDAE. with. It belongs to the group of E. gainardi, but is of a nearly uniform cinereous white below, with very slight tinge of yellowish, as portrayed in Swainson's figure. A similar skin is in Graf v. Berlepsch's collection. a, Ad, sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. M4. R. º & ... 5° 20: Elainea ruficeps. Elainea ruficeps, Pelz. Orn. Bras, pp. 108, 179; Sel, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 49; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 294, Above dark olive-brown; head slightly crested, with a large nuchal spot of dull red; wings and tail blackish ; tips of the wing- coverts, forming two bars, and outer margins of external secondaries whitish : beneath dirty white, obscurely streaked with cinereous; belly tinged with yellowish; under wing-coverts clear yellowish white; bill brown, paler at the base of the lower mandible ; feet black ; whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-2. Female similar, but red nuchal spot less developed. Hab. Guiana and Amazonia. This species is very well marked by its dark colour and red Crest. a—c. 3 ad. ; d-f. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. G SP ad, sk. (Whitely). g, h. 3 Q ad, sk. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). 7. Ad, sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Sclater Coll. 21. Elainea, obscura. Muscipeta obscura, Lafr, et d'Orb. Syn., Av. i. p. 48 (1837). Muscipeta guillemini, d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 319. Elainea rustica, Sel. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 408; id. Cat. A. B. p. 218. Elaimea obscura, Cab, in Tsch. Faun. Per., Orn. p. 158; Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 66; Scl. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 835; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 108; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 16; iid. Womencl. p. 49; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 536, 1879, p. 235, et 1880, p. 203; d. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 270. Muscicapa olivacea, Lafr, et d'Orb. Sym, Av. i. p. 54 (?). Muscicaparaboliviana, d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 458 (?). Elainea olivacea, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 46, et 1861, p. 408 id. Cat. A. B. p. 218. Elainea, obscura rustica, Berl, et Jher, Zeitschr, ges. Orn. 1885, p. 132. Above dark olive-brown ; head slightly crested, but with no ver- tical spot ; wings and tail blackish brown; tips of wing-coverts, forming two transverse bands, and outer margins of external secon- daries dirty white : beneath cinereous, middle of belly yellowish ; under wing-coverts greyish white; bill brown, pale reddish at the 51. ELAINEA. 153 base; feet dark horn-colour: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-5, tail 3-3. Female similar. Hab. Southern Brazil, Bolivia, and Southern Peru. The large size and entire absence of the vertical spot distinguish this species. a. 6 a.d. sk. Ypanema, S.E. Brazil (Watt.). Sclater Coll. b, c, d ad, sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 3 ad, sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner). e. & ad. sk. Lagoa Santa, Minas, Brazil Sclater Coll. (Lund). f. Q ad, sk. Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Sclater Coll. - (Jhering). g. Ad, sk. South Brazil (Sells). Sclater Coll. h. Jr. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 7, j. Ad sk. º Yungas, Bolivia (Buck- Salvin-Godman Coll. €/). k. Ad, sk. Polivia. J. Gould, Esq. l. Ad, sk. Huiro, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. m. G ad. sk. Huiro, Peru (Whitely). Salvin–Godman Coll. 22. Elainea mesoleuca. Elainea mesoleuca, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 60; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 217; id. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 407, et 1870, p. 835; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 49; Berl. et Jher. Zeitschr, ges. Orn. 1885, p. 132. Muscipeta modesta, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 923 (?). Above uniform olive-green; wings and tail blackish brown; tips of wing-coverts, forming two transverse bars, and outer margins of external secondaries white ; rest of wing and tail-feathers very narrowly margined with olive : beneath pale grey, tinged with olive- green on the breast and flanks; middle of belly pure white; under wing-coverts white tinged with yellowish ; upper mandible brown, lower white, tipped with brown; feet dark brown; whole length 5.2 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2-5. Female similar, but rather smaller. Hab. S.E. Brazil. Some specimens of E. albiceps, in which the vertical spot is absent, come very near this species, and have caused me some difficulty. But the examples assigned to this species are of a clearer lighter olive-green above, although I am by no means sure that they are anything more than females and young of E. albiceps. (Cf. v. Ber- lepsch, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. 1885, p. 133.) a. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Sclater Coll. b, c, Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 23:t Elaimea arenarum. = Sºº-g 2'-º'- º Elainea arenarum, Salv. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 190; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 112; Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 49. Above dark cinereous with a slight olive tinge; head, wings, and **------" 154 TYRANNIDAE. tail blackish ; outer margins of wing-coverts and secondaries and narrow tips of tail-feathers whitish : beneath, throat and breast pale cinereous white; belly and under wing-coverts pale Sulphur-yellow ; bill horn-colour; feet blackish : whole length 5:5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-6. Plab. Costa Rica. Only known from the type specimen. a. 6 ad, sk. Punta Arenas, Costa Rica (O. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin). (Type of the species.) 24. Elainea affinis, Elainea affinis, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 477; Pelz. Orn. Bros. p. 108; Sel. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 838; Sol, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 49. Muscicapa jocosa, Lund, MS. Above grey; rump yellowish ; wings blackish; wing-coverts and outer secondaries externally margined with greyish white ; tail black, with a broad yellowish-white band at the base, and slight whitish end-band : beneath, throat and breast pale cinereous; belly and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-2, tail 2:8. Female similar. Blab. S.E. Brazil. a. Q ad. sk. Lagoa Santa, Minas, Brazil (Lund). Sclater Coll. b. ? ad, sk. Rio das Pedras, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil, Salvin-Godman Coll. 52. EMPIDAGRA. Type Suiriri, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 336 (1840) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. suiriri. Empidagra, Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 59 (1859) . . . . E. Suiriri. Empidagra comes very close to Elained, but may be distinguished by its stronger bill. I am only acquainted with the typical species from Paraguay and Argentina, but there is said to be another in Peru and Guiana. 1. Empidagra Suiriri, Suiriri ordinaria, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 111. Muscicapa Suiriri, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. xxi. p. 487; id. Enc. Méth. ii. p. 820; d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 51. Fluvicola suiriri, Hartl. Ind. Az. p. 12. Suiriri suiriri, d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 336. - Tº: Suiriri, Burm, Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 519; id. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 460. Eriº Suiriri, Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 59; Scl. et Salv. P. Z.S. 1869, p. 633, et 1879, p. 614; Cab. J. f.O. 1878, p. 197, Pachyrhamphus albescens, Gould, Zool. Voy." Beagle," iii. p. 50, t. xiv. - Elainea albescens, Bp. Consp. i. p. 186; Burm, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 634 (Buenos Ayres). Above cinereous; wings and tail blackish; all the wing-coverts 53. LEGATUS. 155 and Outer secondaries broadly margined externally with white; outer webs of Outer tail-feathers white; outer edges of primaries and narrow ends of tail-feathers cinereous: beneath white; under wing- coverts pale yellowish white; bill and feet black: whole length 5.5 inches, wing 29, tail 2-5. . Hab. Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentine Republic, and Bolivia. a. Ad. Sk, Uruguay. Alan º b. ? ad, sk. Conchitas, Buenos Ayres (Hudson). Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. Buenos Ayres, C. Darwin [C.]. (Type of Pachyrhamphus albescens, Gould.) d. Ad. sk. Buenos Ayres (Burmeister). Sclater Coll. e,f. Ad. Sk, Buenos Ayres. Zool, Soc, Coll. g, h, Ad, sk. Buenos Ayres (?). J. Gould, Esq. ~2. Empidagra brewirostris. Elainea brevirostris, Tsch. Wiegm. Arch. x. Bd. i. p. 274 (1844); id. F. P., Aves, p. 159; Tacz, Orn. Pér. ii. p. 272; Cab, in Schomb. Guiana, iii. p. 701; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 295. Empidagra brevirostris, Cab. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 59. “Above cinereous olive ; cap darker; wings and tail brown; lesser wing-coverts brown tipped with white : beneath yellowish; throat white.” (Tschudi.) Hab. Eastern Peru and Guiana. 53. LEGATUS. T - ype. Legatus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. albicollis. In Legatus, a form of much the same general structure as the two preceding genera, we find a rather shorter and much wider bill. This form ranges throughout the Neotropical Region except in the extreme South. 1. Legatus albicollis. Barbichon de Cayenne (Q), Daub. Pl. Enl. 830. f. 2. Suiriri chorreado sin roxo, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 123. . Tyrannus albicollis, Vieill, Nouv. Dict. xxxv, p. 89; id. Enc. Méth. p. 854. & Muscicapa legatus, Licht, Doubl., p. 56. t exo- Muscieapa citrina, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 917. Muscipeta albicollis, d'Orb, et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 47; d’Orb. Voy., Ois, p. 318. Tºº circumcinctus, Sw, Orn. Dr. pl. 50. Tyrannula albicollis, Hartl, Ind. Azar. p. 12. Elaenea albicollis, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 701; Burm. Syst, Ueb. ii. p. 473. Legatus albicollis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 46, et 1860, p. 68; d. Cat. A. B. p. 218; Cab, et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. § 60; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 472, viii. p. 177, ix. p. 1.12; Sel, et Salv, P. Z. S. 156 TYRANNIDAs. 1864, p. 359, 1867, pp. 148, 577, et 1879, p. 614; d. Womenºl. p. 49; Frantz, J. f.O. 1869, p. 307; Salv, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 197; ºd. Ibis, 1885, p. 295 (Brit. Guiana); Pelz. Orm, Bras, p. 108; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 382; Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 88; Bouc. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 63; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 124; Tacº, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 20; id. Orn, Pér. ii. p. 273; Berl, et Tacz, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 556; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 302. Elaemia variegata, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 296. ſº Legatus variegatus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 366, et 1864, p. 175; d. ibis, 1859, p. 442; id. Cat, A, B, p. 217; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein, ii. p. 60; Sol, et Salv, Ibis, 1859, p. 123; id. Nomencl. p. 493 Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y., vii. pp. 328,472, ix. p. 1.12; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 245; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 307. Above brown; head rather darker; superciliaries connected by a stripe round the nape white; more or less concealed vertical spot sulphur-yellow; wings and tail blackish brown; narrow external edgings to the wing-coverts and outer secondaries whitish : beneath, throat white, bordered on each side by a narrow black mystacal stripe; breast flammulated with blackish ; belly and under wing- coverts pale sulphur-yellow; bill and feet black ; whole length 5:8 inches, wing 3-2, tail 25. Female similar. Hab. America, from Mexico southwards to South Brazil. At one time I thought it possible to distinguish the Mexican form of this species as E. variegata, but the examination of the large series now before me has convinced me that no such separation is necessary. Some Mexican specimens are certainly of abnormally large dimen- sions (wing 3-7), but in other respects may be matched by examples - from more southern localities. a. Ad. sk. Cordova, Mexico. Sallé [C]. (Type of L. variegatus, Scl. b. Ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. - c. Ad, sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Sclater Coll. d. Ad, sk. Las Salinas, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 6 ad, sk. Cahabon, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad, sk. Chisec, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin–Godman Coll. g. Q ad. sk. San José, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. º i. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. J. Jr. Sk, k. Ad, sk. La Barranca, Nicoya, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arcé). l, m. 3 ad, sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. n. Ad. sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. o, Ad sk. Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. p. 3 jr. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. . q. Ad, ; ", Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. S. Qad, sk. t. Ad. sk. Panama (Hughes). Sclater Coll. w. Ad, sk. Paraiso Station, Panama (Hughes). Salvin-Godman Coll. v. 3 ad, sk. Minca, U. S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. w, & ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. a. Ad, sk. Bogota, - Sclater Coll. $y. Ad. Sk, Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. z, Jr. sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. 54. SUBLEGATUS. 157 a'. 6 ad. sk. b'. & ad, sk. c'. Ad, sk. d'. Ad, sk. e'. Ad. sk. f. Ad. sk. g'. 6 ad, sk. h', ''. Ad.'sk. j'. Ad, sk. k'. Ad, sk. Sublegatus, Sol, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 172 Structure of Sublegatus glaber. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Cayenne. Para, Lower Amazons (Wallace). Para (Wallace). Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Brazil. Erazil. Brazil. 54. SUBLEGATUS. Jºe =& s=---> Sº =<$s :=tº sº-º-º: >2<> # * * * * * * g º a Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Type. S. glaber. (P. Z. S. 1868, p. 172.) This is a modified form of Legatus with a nearly similar bill but not quite so wide, and the rictus nearly smooth. The three species are found in South America from Cayenne to Argentina. 1st Sublegatus glaber. Muscicapa griseicollis, Licht, in Mus, Berol. Legatus sp. inc., Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 219. Sublegatus glaber, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 171, pl. xiii. fig. 2; ãd. Nomencl. p. 49; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 333 (Colombia). 5 Empidonax atrirostris, Lawr. Proc. Ac. Sc, Phil, 1871, p. 234; cf. Salvin, Ibis, 1874, p. 316. Above dark cinereous, with a slight olivaceoustinge ; head, wings, and tail blackish; slight outer margins of the wing-coverts and external secondaries and lores whitish : beneath, throat and breast pale cinereous white; belly, and under wing-coverts pale lemon- yellow; bill dark brown; feet blackish: whole length 5-3 inches, wing 2:8, tail 2-6. Female similar. Hab. Venezuela and Colombia. 158 TYRANNIDAE, a. 3 a.d. sk. Caraccas, Venezuela (Goering), Sclater Coll. . (Type of the species.) b. Q ad. sk. Valencia, Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. c. 3 a.d. sk. Valencia (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. d, Jr. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. Sk, Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. f, Jr. st. S. America. Purchased. `s 2.4Sublegatus griseocularis. Elainea griseocularis, Landbeck, M.S. Sublegatus griseocularis, Sol, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 17; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 274; Sol. et Huds. Arg. Orn, i. p. 147. Above cinereous; wings and tail dark ashy brown; margins of wing-coverts and outer secondaries whitish : beneath, throat and breast pale cinereous white; belly and under wing-coverts pale lemon-yellow; bill horn-colour; feet dark brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2:8, tail 25. Female similar. Hab. S. Peru and Northern La Plata. In general colour this species much resembles S. glaber, but it is rather more cinereous above, has a shorter and smaller bill, and is rather Smaller in dimensions. a, d ad, sk. Maramura, S. Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. b. ? ad, sk. Maramura, S. Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 3 jr. sk. Mendoza, rep. Arg, (Weisshaupt). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 92 jr. sk. Mendoza, rep. Arg, (Weisshaupt). Sclater Coll. 3: Sublegatus platyrhynchus. Muscipeta incanescens, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 898 (1831)? Sublegatus incanescens, Salv, et Godm. Ibis, 1881, p. 124(Colombia). Sublegatus murinus, Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 49 (nee Spiv). Phyllomyias platyrhyncha, Scl, et Salv. Nomencl. pp. 48, 159. Phyllomyias semifusca, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 105 (nec Sol.). Above ashy brown, head rather darker; wings and tail blackish, wing-coverts and secondaries margined externally with whitish : beneath, throat and breast pale cinereous white; belly and under wing-coverts pale lemon-yellow ; bill and feet dark brown: whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2:5, tail 2:3. Female similar. Hab. S.E. Brazil. Of the same general colour as the last two species, but slightly smaller in size than S. griseocularis and of a darker colour above. Whether this is really the Muscipeta incanescens, Max., seems to be doubtful. I therefore use for it a name which has certainly been applied to it. º a. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. b. Jr. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Jr. sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll, 55. MYIOZETETEs. 159 d. 9 ad, sk. Goiaz, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. (Type of Phyllomyias platyrhyncha.) e. Jr. sk. Mexiana, Lower Amazons Sclater Coll. (Wallace). f. Ad, sk. Lower Amazons (Wallace). Sclater Coll. g, d ad, sk. Minca, S.N. of Santa Marta Salvin-Godman Coll. (Simons). (Probably different.) 55. MYIOZETETES. Myiozeta, Bp. Consp. Syst. Orn. p. 30 (1854). Myiozetetes, Scl. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 46. . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. cayennensis. This is a widely prevalent form of Tyrannine life all through the Neotropical Region, except in Chili and Patagonia. The species are very difficult to discriminate satisfactorily, but I am disposed to allow seven as really separable. In structure Myiozetetes is a robust version of Elainea, with a stronger beak and feet, and slightly bristled rictus. Type. Key to the Species. A. With white superciliaries. a'. Primaries margined outwardly and in- wardly with red. jLarger; red on wing more prevalent 1. erythropterus, p. 159. | Smaller; red on wing less prevalent 2, cayennensis, p. 160, b'. Primaries margined outwardly with red, inwardly with fulvous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. similis, p. 161. c'. Primaries margined outwardly with oli- vaceous, inwardly with fulvous, . . . . . 4. tea ensis, p. 162. B. Without white superciliaries. d". Head grey. Smaller; bill shorter . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. granadensis, p. 163. | Larger ; bill longer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Sulphureus, p. 164. e'. Head dark olive like the back . . . . . . . . 7. luteiwentris, p. 164. 1:* Myiozetetes erythropterus. Tyrannula erythroptera, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1853, p. 56. Myiozetetes erythropterus, Scl. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 751; Sol. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 49. Above dark olive-brown ; head black; large and distinct super- ciliaries white; large vertical crest orange and yellow, tipped with black; wings and tail blackish, external webs of basal two thirds of primaries bright rufous; wing-coverts like the back: beneath sulphur- yellow ; throat white; under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow; under surface of wings pale rufous, with the apical portion black; bill and feet black: whole length 7-5 inches, wing 3-9, tail 3:4. Female similar. Hab. S.E. Brazil. This southern form of M. cayennensis may perhaps be allowed to 160 TYRANNIDAE. stand as distinct, though I have seen specimens of the northern bird which come very near to it. It is distinguishable by its larger size and by the greater extent of the chestnut colour on the wing. a. Ad, sk. Santa Fé, Minas, Brazil (Rogers). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. St. Brazil. Purchased. 2: Myiozetetes cayennensis. Muscicapa cayanensis, Linn. S. N. i. p. 327. Elaenea cayanensis, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 701. Myiozetetes cayennensis, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 45, et 1871, pp. 751, 752; id. Cat. A. B. p. 219; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 569; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 295; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 86; Sol, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 189, 1867, pp. 279,577, 978, 1868, p. 628 (Vene- zuela), et 1876, p. 16; ºd. Womencl. p.49; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 109; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 556, et 1885, p. 68; Berl, J. f. O. 1884, p. 302; Tacz, Orn, Pér. ii. p. 275; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 295 (Br. Guiana). Myiozetetes guianensis, Cab, et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 61; Sel. P. Z.S. 1860, p. 283, et 1871, p. 751; id. Cat. A. B. p. 212; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 279, et 1868, p. 168; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 333. Myiozetetes marginatus, Lawr. Ibis, 1863, p. 182; id. Ann, L. N. Y. viii. p. 8, et ix. p. 1.12; Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 307. Myiozetetes rufipennis, Lawr. Ann, L. N. Y. ix. p. 267; Sel. P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 751, 752; Scl. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 49. Above dark olive-brown; head black; superciliary stripe white ; large vertical crest Orange mixed with yellow, and more or less tipped with black; wings and tail blackish, outer margins of greater part of primaries and inner secondaries rufous : beneath bright yel- low, throat white; under wing-coverts yellow, inner webs of wing. feathers (except the apical portion) pale Tufous; bill and feet black: whole length 5:5 inches, wing 3-2, tail 27. Female similar. Hab. From Panama Southwards through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and Guiana, to Lower Amazonia. I am now convinced that it is impossible to keep M. Tuftpennis, Lawr., of Venezuela, separate, as Mr. Salvin and I have done in the * Nomenclator.’ There are specimens from Ecuador which show quite as much red on the Wing. In Bogota skins of this variable species the red is usually not so much developed. a, b. Ad. sk. Paraiso Station, Panama Salvin-Godman Col (Hughes). c. Ad, sk. Panama (Hughes). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Magdalena Valley (Wyatt). Salvin-Godman Coll e. Q ad. Sk. Medellin, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll f, g. Ad, sk. Bucaramanga, U. S.C. (Minlos). Sclater Coll. h, i. Ad, sk. Bogota, Sclater Coll. j. Ad. Sk. Bogota, Salvin-Godman Col. k. Ad, sk. Bogota. Purchased. - !. Ad, sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. 55. MYIOZETETEs. 161 m. Ad, sk. Quito. J. Gould, Esq. m. Ad. sk. Balzar Mountains, Ecuador Salvin-Godman Coll. (Illingworth). o, p. Ad, sk. Sta. Rita, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. Ad, sk. Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. r. Ad. Sk. Trinidad. Purchased. 8. & ad. sk. Roraima, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). t, w. & ad. ; v. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. 9 a.d. sk. (Whitely). w. Ad, sk. Cayenne. Purchased. a. Ad, sk. Para, Lower Amazons (Wal- Salvin-Godman Coll. lace). 3.81Myiozetetes similis. Muscicapa similis, Spir, Av. Bras. ii. p. 18, pl. 25. Muscipeta cayennensis, Lafr, et d’Orb. Syn. Av. i. p. 47; d’Orb. Voy., Ois, p. 317. Tº similis, Hartl. Verz, Mus. Brem. p. 49. Elaenea miles, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 474, Myiozetetes similis, Cab. et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 61; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 219; id. P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 751, 753; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, . 279, et 1879, p. 614; iid. Nomencl. p. 49 ; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 569; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 109; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 382 (Para); Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 88; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 342 (Pernambuco). - Above dark olive-brown; head black; superciliaries white, vertical crest bright red, more or less tipped with black; wings and tail blackish; wing-coverts, outer secondaries, and tail-feathers slightly margined with ochreous white; primaries narrowly bordered with rufous : beneath bright yellow ; throat white; under wing-coverts yellow ; inner margins of primaries pale fulvous; bill and feet black : whole length 6-7 inches, wing 3-6, tail 3. Female similar. Płab. S.E. Brazil. a, b. Ad, sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 3 a.d. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin–Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. g, h, Ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Prov. of Rio Salvin-Godman Coll. Janeiro, S.E. Brazil (Youds). t. Ad. sk. Santa Fé, Minas (Rogers). Sclater Coll. j. 6 ad. sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. l, Ad, sk. Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. ºn. 3 ad. sk. Para (Layard). Tweeddale Coll. WOL. XIV. M 162 TYRANNIDAE. 4: Myiozetetes texensis, Tyrannula cayennensis, Sw. Phil. Mag. 1827, i. p. 367 (Mexico). Tyrannus superciliosus, Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 118 (Guatemala)? Muscicapa texensis, Giraud, B. of Teacas, pl. 1; Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, . 65. Elaenia texensis, Sel. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 296. Elaenia mexicana, Kaup in Mus. Berol, et Hein. Myiozetetes texensis, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 45, 56, 366, 1864, p. 423, 1871, pp. 751, 753; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 443; Sol, et Salv, Ibis, 1859, p. 123;Tid. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 279, 1870, p. 837, et 1879, p. 513; iid. Womencl. p. 49; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 62; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. viii. p. 182, et ix. pp. 112, 201; Owen, Ibis, 1861, p. 64; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 245; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p.63, et 1883, p. 447; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 569; Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. iii. pp. 186, 218, 229, iv. p. 212, v. p. 500, et vi. pp. 374, 384,402; id. Man. W. A. B. p. 331; Salv. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 423; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 118. Myiozetetes colombianus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 62; Scl. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 295, et 1871, p. 751; id. Cat. A. B. p. 219; Heine, J. f. O. 1861, p. 198; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 328, etix. p. 89; id. Ibis, 1862, p. 11; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 359, et 1867, pp. 148, 279; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 197; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 569; Pelz. Orn, Bras. p. 109. Myiozetetes cayennensis, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 219; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 598. Myiozetetes similis, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 279; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 537, et 1877, p. 326; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 276; Berl, et Tacz, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 90. Myiozetetes texensis columbianus, Berl, Ibis, 1884, p. 434. Myiozetetes icterophrys, Heine, J. f. O. 1861, p. 1972 Myiozetetes grandis, Lawr. Proc. Ac. So, Phil, 1871, p. 234 (cf. Sel. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 753). f } Similar to M. similis, but generally of smaller dimensions, and with the back of a brighter olive-brown. Hab. From Mexico and Central America and South America down to Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru. I think it will be ultimately hardly possible to maintain this species as distinct from M. similis, of which it is merely the northern form. d. Ad. sk. Cordova, Mexico. A. Sallé [C.]. b. ? ad. sk. Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 3 a.d. sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. Acapulco, Mexico (Markham). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. S. Mexico. Sclater Coll. g. Ad. sk. Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Cozumell., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Ad. sk. Belize, Brit. Honduras (Blan- Salvin-Godman Coll. caneaua). j, k. Ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. l, Ad, sk. Chisec, Vera Paz (Salvin). Tweeddale Coll. ºm. Ad. sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad, sk. Tactic, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll, o. Ad, sk. Vera Paz (Constancia). Sclater Coll. 55. MYIOZETETES. 163 Tueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). SanPedro, Honduras (Whitely). Costa Rica (Endrès). Costa Rica (Carmiol). Costa Rica (Carmiol). Costa Rica (van Patten). San José, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Castillo, Veragua (Arcé). Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). Veragua (Arcé). Panama (MeDeannan). Panama (McLeannan). Panama (Chambers). Bogota. Bogota. Sam Estaban, (Goering), La Guayra, Venezuela (Wed- derburn). Trinidad. Trinidad. Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Ecuador (Fraser). Guayaquil. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Cosnipata, Southern Peru (Whitely). Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Durchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Jardine Coll. Sclater Coll. Zool. Soc. Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. G. Barclay, Esq.[P.]. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. 5.4Myiozetetes granadensis. Myiozetetes granadensis, Lawr. Ibis, 1862, p. 11 (Panama); id. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 473, ix. p. 1.12; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 219; id. P. Z.S. 1871, pp. 751,754; Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 359, 1867, p. 279, et 1869, p. 598; iid. Womencl. p. 49; Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 20; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 276; Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 556. Above olive-green; head greyish, front whitish ; sides of head black; head slightly crested, crest—feathers bright red, tipped with grey; wings and tail blackish, with slight yellowish margins: beneath bright yellow; throat white; under wing-coverts pale yellow; bill and feet black: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-3, tail 29. Female similar; but vertical spot less apparent. Plab. Nicaragua, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru. a. Ad, sk. ð. Ad. sk. c. Ad, sk. d. Q ad. sk. ‘e. Ad. sk. f. G ad. sk. g. Ad. sk. h. Ad, sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Bluefields River (Wickham). Chiriqui, Veragua (Arcé). Panama (McLeannan). Panama (McLeannan). San Pablo St., Panama (Salvin). Bogota, Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. M2 164 - TYRANNIDAE. 6. Myiozetetes sulphureus, Muscicapa Sulphurea, Spiv, Av. Bras, ii. p. 16, pl. 20. Tyrannula peruviana, Lafr, Rev, Zool. 1853, p. 56, Myiozetetes sulphureus, Cab, et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 61; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 220; id. P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 751, 754; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 109; Sol, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 49; iid. P. Z. S. 1873, p.279; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 277; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 295 (Br. Guiana). Tyrannus luggeri, Ridgw. Pr. U. S. N. M. i. p. 481 (cf. Scl. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 28). Above olive-green ; head grey, with a concealed yellow vertical crest; sides of head blackish; wings and tail blackish brown, slightly margined with rufous: beneath bright yellow ; throat and neck white, obsoletely striated with cinereous; under wing-coverts pale yellow; bill and feet black: whole length 7-5 inches, wing 4.2, tail 3:1. Female similar. Plab. Guiana and Upper Amazonia. Nearly allied to M. granadensis, but distinguished by its larger size, longer bill, and yellow crest. a, d ad. sk. Chamicuros, Peruvian Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Bartlett). b. 3 ad, sk. Chamicuros, Peruvian Amazons, E. Bartlett [C.]. c. Ad. sk. Upper Amazons. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. 6 Q ad. ; Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad. sk. (Whitely). h. Ad. St. Cayenne. Purchased. 7: Myiozetetes luteiventris, Elaenea luteiyentris, Sel. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 71, et 1859, p. 46. Myiozetetes luteiventris, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 219; id. P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 751, 754; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 109; Sol, et Salv. Womencl. p. 49; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 278. Above nearly uniform dark brown, with a slight olivaceous tinge and lighter edgings to the wing-coverts and secondaries; con- cealed vertical crest orange: beneath yellow, slightly flammulated with olivaceous on the breast; throat white; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; bill and feet black: whole length 5-3 inches, wing 3 tail 2-5. Flab. Guiana and Amazonia. Immediately distinguishable from the two preceding by its small size and dark head. º a. Ad. Sk, Oyapoc, Cayenne. Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 56. RHYNCHOCYCLUs. 165 56. RHYNCHOCYCLUS. Type. Cyclorhynchus, Sund, Vet-Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 83 (1886). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. olivaceus. Rhynchocyclus, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 56 (1859). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. flaviventer. Ramphotrigon, Bp. (1854)* . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * R. ruficauda. In the typical species of Rhynchocyclus, the much widened and swollen bill is a very characteristic feature, but, as will be seen on examination of R. flaviventris, this structure becomes much modified towards the end of the series. The tarsi are rather feeble and the wings rather short. Rhynchocyclus inhabits the forests of the Neotropical Region from S. Mexico to S. Brazil and Bolivia. Key to the Species. A. Wings and tail olivaceous. a. Bill much widened at base. a'. Breast olive. Bill longer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. olivaceus, p. 165. Bill intermediate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. dequinoctialis, p. 166. Bill shorter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. brevirostris, p. 166. b'. Breast fulvous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, fulvipectus, p. 167. b. Bill moderately wide. c'. Breast yellowish. Head lighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Sulphurescens, p. 168. Head darker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, peruvianus, p. 169. d". Breast ashy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. cinereiceps, p. 169. c. Bill more constricted. e'. Cap cinereous. j Throat greyish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. megacephalus, p. 170. Throat olivaceous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. poliocephalus, p. 171. f". Cap olive like back. Belly yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. viridiceps, p. 171. Belly orange-yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. flaviventris, p. 171. B. Wings and tail rufous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, ruficauda, p. 172. 1. Rhynchocyclus olivaceus. Platyrhynchus olivaceus, Temm. P. Col. 12, fig. 1; Maa. Beitr. iii. º Todus olivaceus, Licht. Doubl. p. 51. Cyclorhynchus olivaceus, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, i. p. 248; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 503. Rhynchocyclus olivaceus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 56; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 220; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 109; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 49. Above olive-green; wings and tail dark brown; wing-coverts margined with fulvous; wing- and tail-feathers narrowly edged with olive-green; beneath cinereous olive; middle of belly and under * Cf. Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 354. 166 TYRANNIDAE. wing-coverts pale yellowish; bill above horn-colour, below whitish; feet brown: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3, tail 2-8. Female similar. Hab. South-eastern Brazil. a, Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin–Godman Coll. b, c. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. d. Ad, sk. Brazil. Jardine Coll. e. Ad. St. Brazil. Sudbury Mus, 2A. Rhynchocyclus aequinoctialis. Cyclorhynchus aequinoctialis, Sol. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 70. Rhynchocyclus aequinoctialis, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 56; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 220; id. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 359; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 49. Above olive-green ; wings and tail dark brown, edged with olive- green, which is rather brighter on the coverts and secondaries: beneath cinereous-Olive, more greyish on the throat; middle of belly and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; upper mandible dark horm-colour, lower whitish ; feet pale brown; whole length 6 inches, wing 2:8, tail 2:3. Female similar. Hab. Ecuador and Western Colombia, north to Panama. Nearly allied to R. olivaceus, but apparently without the fulvous colour on the upper wing-coverts, brighter on the belly, and with a much shorter tail. In the form of the bill it comes nearer to R. olivaceus than to the northern R. brevirostris, but is intermediate between the two. a, b, c, Qad, sk. Lion Hill Station, Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. (McLeannan). * c. Ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Tweeddale Coll. d. Ad, sk. Chepo, Panama (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad, sk. Rio Napo. *. Sclater Coll. (Type - - * - of the species. h. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Purchased. 3:*Rhynchocyclus brevirostris. Cyclorhynchus brevirostris, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, i. p. 249; Sel. P.Z. S. 1856, p. 296; d. Ibis, 1859, p. 443; Sol. et Salo. Ibis, 1860, p. 399. Rhynchocyclus brevirostris, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 57; Sel. Cat, A, B, p. 220; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 49; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 148, et 1870, p. 197 (Veragua). * mesorhynchus, Cab. J. f. O. 1865, p. 414 (Guate- Ill&lä, ). Rhynchocyclus griseimentalis, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 112 º Rica); Salvin, Ibis, 1869, p. 315; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 3Uſ. . Above uniform olive-green; wings and tail blackish brown, mar- gined with olive-green; beneath paler; throat tinged with greyish, 56. RIIYNCHOCYCLUs. 167 middle of belly yellow ; under wing-coverts creamy white; upper mandible dark horn-colour, lower whitish ; feet pale brown ; whole length 5:5 inches, wing 3, tail. 2:6. Female similar. Hab. Southern Mexico and Central America down to Chiriqui. Northern specimens of this form are very easily distinguishable by the short beak; but this feature becomes less apparent as we go southwards, and at Panama the species gradually merges into R. aequinoctialis. a. Ad. sk. Cordova, Mexico. A. Sallé [C.]. b. Ad. sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Mexico, J. Gould, Esq. d. & ad. sk. Choctum, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. e—g. Ad, sk. Choctum, Guatemala (Salvin & Salvin-Godman Coll. Godman). h. 3 ad. sk. La Trinidad, Volcan de Fuego Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). 2. Ad. sk. Irazu district, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Rogers). j. Ad, sk. Costa Rica (Endrès). Salvin-Godman Coll. ſº. 3 a.d. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. l. 3 a.d. sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. m, n. 6 ad, sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. o Ad. sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. p. 3 ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. ‘P ad. Sk, Southern slope of the Volc. of Salvin-Godman Coll. Chiriqui (Arcé). r. Ad. sk. Chiriqui (Arcé). Sclater Coll. 4A Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus. (Plate XIII.) Cyclorhynchus fulvipectus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 92. Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 220; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 49; iid P. Z. S. 1879, p. 513; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, . 537, et 1882, p. 20; d. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 279 ; Taoz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, pp. 90, 116. Above olive-green; head darker and tinged with fulvous ; wings blackish brown, margined with fulvous ; tail brown, with slight olivaceous margins: beneath, throat and breast fulvous ; middle of belly yellow ; flanks more olivaceous; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; upper mandible dark horn-colour; lower whitish ; feet dark brown ; whole length 5-6 inches, wing 3, tail 2:4. Female similar. Hab. Ecuador and Colombia. This species is of nearly the same form and size as R. olivaceus and its allies, but is readily known by its fulvous throat and brown tail. a. Ad, sk. Namegal (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b, c. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Jr. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. e. Q ad, sk. Frontino, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). 168 TYRANNIDAE. f. Ad, sk. Frontino, Antioquia, U. S. C. Sclater Coll. (Salmon). 9. Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5.4 Rhynchocyclus sulphurescens, |Platyrhynchus sulphurescens, Spiv, Av. Bras, ii. p. 10, pl. 12. f. 1. Platyrhynchus nuchalis, Maa. Beitr. iii. p. 971. e Cyclorhynchus sulphurescens, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, i. p. 249; Sel. Ibis, 1859, p. 444. Cyclorhynchus nuchalis, Burm. Syst. Ueb, ii. p. 503. . . . Rhynchocyclus sulphurescens, Cab, et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 56 Sel. Cai. A. B. p. 220; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, pp. 578, 751, 1868, p. 168, et 1873, p. 279; iid. Nomencl. p. 49; Lawr. Ann, L. N. Y. ix. pp. 112, 146; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 109; Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 88; Bouc. P. Z. S. 1878, p.63; White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 607; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 20; d. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 280; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 302; Salv. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 295 (Brit. Guiana). Rhynchocyclus flavo-olivaceus, Salv, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 148, et 1870, p. 198 (Veragua). - Rhynchocyclus marginatus, Lawr. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil, 1868, p. 429 (Panama). Rhynchocyclus assimilis, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 110. Above olive-green; head washed with cinereous; lores and line round the eye whitish ; wings blackish brown, margined with yellowish olive ; tail dark brown, slightly edged with olive-green : beneath pale sulphur-yellow, tinged with olivaceous; throat more greyish ; middle of the belly rather brighter; under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; upper mandible dark horn-colour, lower whitish ; feet pale brown : whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2-5. Female similar. Hab. America, from Veragua southwards to South-east Brazil. This wide-ranging species varies much in different localities, but after examining a large series, I see no sufficient grounds for dividing it up. a. Ad. St. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. b. Ad. sk. Lagoa Santa, S.E. Brazil Sclater Coll. (Lund). c. Ad. sk. Erazil. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. e. Ad. sk. Rio Madeira (Natterer). Sclater Coll. f, g, ‘P ad, sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). h, i. 3 9 a.d. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). j. 6 ad. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin–Godman Coll. (Whitely). K. & ad. sk. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). l. Q ad. sk. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). 56. RHYNCHOCYCLUs. 169 m, n. 9 ad, sk. o, p. 3 Q ad. sk. q, Ad. sk. r. Ad, sk. S. Ad. sk. t. §2 ad. sk. Q. CŞ ad, sk. v. Ad. sk. w, v. Ad. Sk, $y. Ad. Sk. 2, 3 ad. sk. a'. 6 a.d. sk. b'. Ad. sk. c'. Ad. sk. d'. Ad, sk. e'. Ad. sk. f", g'. 6 @ ad. Sk, h', ''. & Q ad. sk. j'. 3 ad. sk. Carimang river, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Roraima, Br. Guiana (Whitely). Guiana. Chamicuros, East Peru (Haua- well). Chamicuros, East Peru (Bart- lett). Chyavetas, Peruv. Amazons (Bartlett). Xeberos, Peruv. Amazons (Bartlett). Upper Amazons, Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Balzar Mts., Ecuador (Illing- worth). Puerto Cabello, Venezuela (Goering). Caripé, Venezuela (Goering). Bogota. Santa Marta, U. S. C. Panama (McLeannan). Panama (McLeannan). San Pablo St., Panama (Salvin). Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. ~6. Rhynchocyclus peruvianus. Rhynchocyclus sulphurescens, Tacz, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 326. Rhynchocyclus peruvianus, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 537, et 1882, p. 20; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 281. Rhynchocyclus peruvianus aequatorialis, Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 556, et 1885, p. 90 (Ecuador). Similar to R. Sulphurescens, but larger in size, with the head darker cinereous; brighter on the belly, and with a blackish auricular spot: whole length 4:8 inches, wing 29, tail 26. Hab. Peru and Ecuador. So far as I can tell from examination of the two specimens before me, this species is entitled to remain distinct. a, b. 3 SP ad. sk. . 359, et 1870, Huambo, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. 7.4 Rhynchocyclus cinereiceps. Cyclorhynchus cinereiceps, Sel. Ibis, 1859, p. 443; id. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 384; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 399. Rhynchocyclus cinereiceps, Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 220; Lawr. Ann, L. N. Y. ix. p. 201; Sel. et Salv. Womencl. p. 49; iid. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 837; Wehrkorn, J. f. O. 1879, p. 356; Bouc. . Z. S. 1883, p. 447; Nutting, P. U. S. N. M. v. p. 395. Rhynchocyclus flavo-olivaceus, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 8 (Panama); Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 359 (Panama). Above olive-green ; head cinereous; lores whitish ; wing blackish, 170 TYRANNIDAE. . margined with yellowish olive; tail dark cinereous, with slight olivaceous edgings: beneath, breast and throat pale ashy, the latter with a slight olivaceous tinge; middle of belly and under Wing- coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; flanks olivaceous; upper mandible dark horn-colour; lower whitish ; feet pale brown; whole length 5 inches, wing 2:7, tail 2:4. Female similar. Hab. Central America from Mexico to Panama. This northern form of R. sulphurescens is recognizable by its grey head and pale cinereous throat and breast. Mr. Lawrence's type of R. flavo-olivaceus seems to come nearest to R. cinereiceps. a. Ad. St. Mexico. Purchased. b. Ad, sk. Oaxaca, Mexico (Boucard). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) c, d. Ad, sk. Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Yucatan (Boucard). Sclater Coll. f. Ad, sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad, sk. Cajabon, Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. h. 6 a.d. sk. Escuintla, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Ad. sk. Escuintla, Guatemala (Fraser). Jardine Coll. j. Ad. sk. Chisec, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Q ad. sk. Volcan de Agua, above San Salvin-Godman Coll. Diego (Salvin). l. Ad, sk. San Pedro, Honduras (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. d ad, sk. Angostura, Costa Rica (Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. oniol). n. Q ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. o, p. 3 & ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8. Rhynchocyclus megacephalus. Tyrannula megacephala, Sw. Orn. Dr. pl. 47. Rhynchocyclus megacephalus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 56; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 221; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 110; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 49; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 283 (Para). Above olive-green ; head cinereous; lores whitish ; wings and tail blackish ; wing-coverts and secondaries margined with yellowiśā; wing- and tail-feathers slightly edged with olivaceous: beneath, throat cinereous; breast and flanks washed with olive; middle of belly and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; bill dark plumbeous, paler at the base of the lower mandible; feet dark brown ; whole length 4:4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. Lower Amazonia, Cayenne and Guiana. a. Ad, sk. Brazil (Jamrach). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Para (Wallace). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Demerara. Jardine Coll. d. & ad. sk. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). e, f. 6 S2 ad. Sk, Carimang r., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). g. Ad, Sk, S. America. Purchased. 56. RHYNCHOCYCLUs. 171 ~9. Rhynchocyclus poliocephalus. Rhynchocyclus poliocephalus, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 110; Tacz, Orn. Pér. ii. p. 285. Rhynchocyclus megacephalus, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 189 (Ucayali), 1867, p. 751 (E. Peru), 1867, p. 978 (Pebas), 1873, p. 125 (S. Peru) et p. 280 (E. Peru); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 20; 7d, Orn. Pér. ii. p. 283. Above olive-green; head cinereous; lores whitish ; wings and tail blackish ; wing-coverts and outer secondaries margined with yellowish ; rest of wing-feathers and tail-feathers slightly edged with olivaceous: beneath pale yellowish, tinged with olive, brighter on the middle of the belly; under wing-coverts yellowish white; bill plumbeous; base of the lower mandible whitish ; feet dark brown : whole length 4:5 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1:8. Female similar. Plab. Peru. This species seems to differ from R. megacephalus, with which it was, until recently, united, in the nearly uniform yellowish colouring of the body below, which extends over the throat and breast. The bill is also rather wider than in R. megacephalus. a. Ad, sk. Pebas, Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Juv. sk. Pebas, Peru (Haua well). Sclater Coll. - c. Ad. sk. Xeberos, E. Peru (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad, sk. Chyavetas, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C.]. f. Ad. Sk. Cosnipata, S. Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. & ad. Sk, Para (Layard). Tweeddale Coll. 10. Rhynchocyclus viridiceps. Rhynchocyclus viridiceps, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 280; d. Nomencl. p. 49; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 282. Above uniform olive-green, including the head; lores whitish ; wings and tail blackish ; wing-coverts and outer secondaries mar- gined externally with yellowish ; rest of wing- and tail-feathers narrowly edged with olivaceous : beneath yellowish olive; middle of belly sulphur-yellow ; under wing-coverts yellowish ; bill dark plumbeous, whitish at the base of the lower mandible ; feet brown : whole length 4-6 inches, wing 2-2, tail 17. Pſab. E. Peru. This small species is distinguished from the two preceding by the want of any tinge of cinereous on the cap. The bill is rather broader than in R. megacephalus. a. Ad, sk. Pebas, Peru (Haua well). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 11: Rhynchocyclus flaviventris. Muscipeta flaviventris, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 929. Cyclorhynchus flaviventer, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1874, i. p. 249; id. in. Schomb, Guian. iii. p. 700; Sclater, Ibis, 1859, p. 444, 172 TYRANNIDAE. Rhynchocyclus flaviventris, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 56; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 221; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 110; Sol. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 49; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 124; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 295 (Br. Guiana). Above bright yellowish olive; wings blackish margined with yellowish ; tail blackish, slightly edged with olive: beneath dull sulphur-yellow, brighter on the middle of the belly; under wing- coverts pale yellow ; bill blackish, lower mandible whitish ; feet pale brown: whole length 4-3 inches, wing 2:4, tail 2-0. Female similar. Hab. Brazil, Guiana, Venezuela, and Colombia. a, b. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. f. Ad, sk. Guiana. Sclater Coll. g. Ad. sk. Guiana (Brown). Sclater Coll. h. Ad, sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. 3. ‘P ad, sk. Puerto Cabello, Venezuela Salvin–Godman Coll. (Goering). j. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. J. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. l, 9 ad. sk. Arihuica, U. S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7m. & ad. sk. Santa Marta, U.S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. 12. Rhynchocyclus ruficauda. Platyrhynchus ruficauda, Spia, Av. Bras. ii. p. 9, pl. 11. f. 2. Cyclorhynchus ruficauda, Sclater, Ibis, 1860, p. 444. Rhynchocyclus ruficauda, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 221; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 110; Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 578, et 1873, p. 280 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 49; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 284; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 295 (Br. Guiana). Ramphotrigon ruficauda, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 354. Above olive-green ; wings blackish, broad tips of the wing- coverts and broad outer margins of primaries and secondaries bright rufous, whole of tail and upper tail-coverts bright rufous: below paler olive-green, throat greyish, breast flammulated with yellow, middle of belly pale yellow, crissum rufous; under wing- coverts yellowish, inner margins of wing-feathers pale rufous; bill plumbeous, base of lower mandible whitish ; feet pale brown : whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-2, tail 29. Hab. Amazonia and Guiana. a. Q ad. sk. Chamicuros, Peruvian Ama- J. Gould, Esq. zons (Haua well). b, c. 6 2 ad. Sk, Chamicuros, Peruv. Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Bartlett). - d. 9 ad. sk. Chamicuros, Peruv. Amazons E. Bartlett [C.]. e. Ad. sk. Para (Wallace). Sclater Coll. f. Ad, sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. g. Ad, sk. Demerara. Salyin-Godman Coll. 57. CONopſAs. 173 h, i. 3 Q ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). j, k, d ? ad. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). l, m. & Q ad sk. Carimang r, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). n, d ad, sk. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). 57. CONOPIAS. Type Conopias, Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 62 (1859).. C. trivirgata. Myiacleptes, Reichenb, Av. Syst. Nat, t. lxvii. (1850) C. trivirgata". Cephalanius, Bp. (1854) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. trivirgatai. In Conopias the beak is elongated and compressed, otherwise the structure is not very different from Elained, but there is no red or yellow head-spot. The three species are found in the forests of the northern parts of South America. Key to the Species. A. Superciliary stripe white. Throat yellow like the belly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. trivirgata, p. 173. Throat white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. inornata, p. 174. B. Superciliary stripe yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. cinchoneti, p. 174, 1. Conopias trivirgata. Muscicapa trivirgata, Maa. Beitr. iii. p. 871 (1831). Conopias trivirgata, Scl. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 755; Sol. et Salv. Womencl. p. 50; Salv. Cat. Strickl, Coll. p. 310. Tyrannula superciliosa, Sw, Orn. Dr. pl. 46 (1841); Burm, Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 475. Conopias superciliosus, Cab., et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 62 (note); Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 221; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 111. Muscicapa pitangula, Licht, in Mus, Berol. Above olive-green; head black; long superciliary stripe white; wings and tail brownish black: beneath yellow, with an olivaceous tinge on the breast and flanks; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; bill and feet black: whole length 6 inches, wing 3, tail 2-6. 6 Female similar. T' (2 . Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c. Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll, d. Ad, sk. Brazil. Purchased. e. Ad, sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. * Cf. Gray, Cat. of Gen. B. p. 49 (1855). f Cf. Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 359. 174 TYRANNIDA. 2. Conopias inormata. Myiozetetes inornatus, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 268; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 569. Conopias inornata, Sel. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 756; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 50; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll, p. 316. Like C. inornata, but distinguished by its larger size, white throat, and brown back. Hab. Venezuela and Trinidad. 3. Comopias cinchoneti. Tyrannus cinchoneti, Tsch. Faun. Per. p. 151, pl. viii. fig. 2. Conopias cinchoneti, Sel. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 756; Scl et Salv, Nomencl. p. 50; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 285; Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 91 (Ecuador). Above olive-green ; cap and sides of head like the back; front, superciliaries, and stripe round the nape yellow ; wings and tail brownish black: beneath yellow ; sides of breast olivaceous; bill and feet black: whole length 5:5 inches, wing 3-0, tail 2-6. Hab. Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Readily distinguishable from the two preceding by its yellow superciliaries. - a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. 6. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. 58. PITANGUS. Type. Pitangus, Sw, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 165 (1827) . . . . . . . P. Sulphuratus. Saurophagus, Sw, Fauna Bor-Am., Aves, p. 484 (1831). P. sulphuratus. Apolites, Sund, K. Vet.-Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 81 (1836) P. sulphuratus. This is one of the largest and strongest forms among the Tyrannidae. Pitangus sulphuratus has a long compressed beak with a formidable terminal hook, moderately long wings, and robust feet. Some of the other species have their features considerably modified. Key to the Species. A. Under surface yellow. a. Larger: wing about 45. a'. Wings margined with rufous. }\; outer webs of primaries rufous. . 1. derbianus, p. 175. Margins of outer webs only rufous . . . . 2, sulphuratus, p. 176. b'. Wings margined with brown . . . . . . . . . . 3, bolivianus, p. 177. b. Smaller: wing about 3. c'. Wing-margins and inner webs of pri- maries rufous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, lictor, p. 178. d'. Wing-margins and inner webs of prima- ries whitish or yellowish. 58. PITANGUs. 175 Bill stronger: throat white . . . . . . . . . . 5. parvus, p. 179. | Bill weaker: throat yellow . . . . . . . . . . 6. albovittatus, p. 179. B. Under surface white. c, Tail-end white. Flanks white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. caudifasciatus,p,179. #: yellowish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. bahamensis, p. 180. d. Tail-end brown, Back blackish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, taylori, p. 180. | Back rufous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, gabbi, p. 180. 1.*Pitangus derbianus. Tyrannus sulphuratus, Sw. Phil. Mag. 1827, i. p. 368 (Mexico). Saurophagus Sulphuratus, Gambel, Journ. Acad. Philad, ser. 2, i. p. 39. Saurophagus derbianus, Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 44; Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 62. Pitangus derbianus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 297, et 1859, pp. 45, 56, 366; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 438; id. Cat. A. B. p. 321; id. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 176; Sol, et Salo. Ibis, 1859, p. 120; iid. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 837; iid. Womencl. p. 50; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 114; Owen, Ibis, 1861, p. 63; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 307; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 201; Ridgw. P. U. S. W. M. iii. pp. 185,218, vi. pp. 374, 384; id. Man. W. A. B. p. 331; Nutting, % U. S. W. M. v. p. 394; Salv. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 424; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, . 448. sºngw rufipennis, Lafº. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 471 (Caraccas); Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 63. Pitangus rufipennis, Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 222; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 86 (Trinidad); Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 168 (Venezuela); Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 333 (Colombia). Pitangus derbianus rufipennis, Berl, Ibis, 1884, p. 434 (Orinoco). Saurophagus guatimalensis, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1852, p. 462. Above brown ; head black, front large ; superciliaries and line round the nape white ; large vertical crest yellow, tipped with black; wings and tail brown, margined with bright rufous, the rufous occupying the whole of the outer webs of the primaries and forming a conspicuous patch; beneath sulphur-yellow ; throat white; inner margins of Wing- and tail-feathers rufous ; bill and feet black: whole length 8:5 inches, wing 4-7, tail 3.5. Female similar. Hab. Southern Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras, also Colombia, Wenezuela, and Trinidad. The southern specimens have the red on the wings still more developed, and may be regarded as constituting a subspecies, P. derbianus rufipennis. a. Subsp. typica. a. Ad, sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Sclater Coll. b. ? ad. Sk. Mazatlam, W. Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Mºjº W. Mexico (Bis- Salvin-Godman Coll. choff). d. Ad. sk. Acapulco, Mexico (Markham). Salvin-Godman Coll. e—g. ‘p ad, sk. Tomala (Chiapas), Mexico Salvin-Godman Coll. (Sumichrast). h. Ad. sk. Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 176 TYRANNIDAE. *—k. Ad, sk. !. Q ad, sk. m. Ad. sk. m. Ad. sk. o. 9 ad. sk. p. Ad, sk. q. 6 a.d. sk. r. Ad, sk. s. Ad, sk. a. SP ad. Sk. b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. 3 ad, sk. e, f. Ad, sk. g. Ad. Sk, h. Ad, sk. Mugeres I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Meco I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Cozumel I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Belize, Brit. Honduras (Blan- cameawa). IBelize, Honduras (Salvin). San Pedro, Honduras (Whitely). Retaluleu, Guatemala (Salvin). Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). S. Gerónimo (Salvin). b. Subsp. rufipennis. Santa Marta, U. S. C. Vallel)upar, Santa Marta, U.S. C. (Simons). Bogota. Caracas, Venezuela (Goering). Trinidad. Trinidad. Trinidad. 2. Pitangus sulphuratus. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Zool, Soc. Coll. Lanius sulphuratus, Linn. S. N. i. p. 137 (Cayenne). Tyrannus sulphuratus, Vieill. Ois. Am. Sept. p. 77, pl. 47. Saurophagus sulphuratus, Sw, Class. B. ii. Guian. iii. p. 698; Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 44; Lafr, Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 476; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 451. p. 225; Cab. in Schomb. “Megarhynchus sulphuratus, Thumb,” Hein, Journ. f. Orn, 1859, p. 340. Pitangus sulphuratus, Gray, List Gen. B. p. 41 (1841); Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 45; id. Cat. A. B. p. 222; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 189, 1867, pp. 578, 751,978, et 1873, p. 280; iid. Nomencl. p. 50; IIamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 304; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 111; id. Ibis, 1873, p. 114; Berl. J. f. O. 1873, p. 261; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 342; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 20; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 286; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 296 (Br. Guiana). Corvus leucogaster, Bodd, ea. Pl. Enl. 296 (jr.). Corvus flavus, Gm. S. N. i. p. 373 (jr.). Tyrannus magnanimus, Vieill. Enc. Méth. Muscicapa pitangua, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 83 §. 850, Saurophagus maximiliani, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 63. Pitangus maximiliani, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 222; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 111; Berl. J. f. O. 1873, p. 260. Above brown ; head black; front, superciliaries, and line round the nape white; large vertical crest yellow, tipped with black; wings and tail brown with rufous margins: beneath sulphur-yellow ; throat white; under wing-coverts yellow, inner margins of wing—and tail-feathers pale rufous; bill and feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 4-3, tail 3-3. Female similar, but yellow crest perhaps not so well developed. Hab. Guiana, Amazonia, and Brazil. This bird is intermediate between the northern P. derbianus and 58. PITANGUs. 177 the southern P. bolivianus. It has more red on the wings and tail than the latter, and not so much as the former. The Brazilian form comes rather nearer to P. bolivianus than the typical form from Guiana, and may be treated as a subspecies. 4. a. Subsp. typica. a. Ad, sk. Georgetown, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Brown). b, c, ad. sk. British Guiana. R. Geogr. Soc. [P.]. d. & ad. ; e, f. 2 Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin–Godman Coll. ad. sk. (Whitely). 9. Ad. sk. Para (Wallace). Sclater Coll. h. Ad, sk. Island of Mexiana, Lower Salvin-Godman Coll. ê e Amazons (Wallace). 2, j. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. k, 9 ad. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. T-b. Subsp. maazimiliani. a. Ad, sk. Ceará, N. Brazil (Jesse). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad, sk. Ceará, N. Brazil (Jesse). Sclater Coll. c, d. Ad, sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Salvin-Godman Coll. e–7. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. A. & ad. sk. Ypanema, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. 2. ‘P ad. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil (Joy- Salvin-Godman Coll. 726?” ). 7. Ad. sk. Novo * Rio (Youds). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. ‘P ad. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner). l, m. Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. n. Ad. sk. Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. 3: Pitangus bolivianus. Tyrannus sulphuratus, d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 304. Saurophagus bolivianus, Lafr, Rev. Zool. 1852, p. 463. Saurophagus bellicosus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 64. Pitangus bellicosus, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 222; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 111; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 142, et 1879, p. 614; iid. Nomencl. p. 50; Berl. J. f. O. 1873, p. 260; Durnf. Ibis, 1877, p. 178; Gibson, Ibis, 1880, p. 24, et 1885, P; 280; White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 607; Barrows, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. viii. p. 200 (Entrerios). Saurophagus sulphuratus, Burm. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 452. Pitangus bolivianus, Berl. et Jher. Zeitschr, ges. Orn. 1885, p. 134 (Rio Grande do Sul); Sel. et Huds. Arg, Orm. i. p. 147. Above brown; head black; front, superciliaries, and line round the nape white; large vertical crest yellow, tipped with black; Wings and tail brown, with slight fuscous or rufous margins : beneath sulphur-yellow; throat white; under wing-coverts yellow ; inner margins of wing-feathers pale rufous; bill and feet black; whole length 8:5 inches, wing 4.5, tail 3-7. Female similar, but crest less developed. o Hab. Bolivia, Argentine Republic, Uruguay, and South Brazil. WOL., XIV. N 178 TYRANNIDAE. It is very difficult to separate some Argentine skins from P. sul- phuratus macimiliani of S.E., Brazil. In Bolivian examples there are absolutely no rufous margins to the wing- and tail-feathers. a, b. Ad, sk. Uruguay. Alan Peel [C]. c. 3 ad, sk. Cosquin, Cordova, Arg, Rep. Salvin-Godman Coll. (White). d. & ad. sk. Conchitas, Buenos Ayres Salvin-Godman Coll. (Hudson). e. Q ad. sk. Conchitas, Buenos Ayres Sclater Coll. (Hudson). f. Ad. sk. Buenos Ayres (Haslehust). Sclater Coll. g. Ad, sk. Punta Lara, Buenos Ayres. H. Durnford [C]. h. Jr. sk. Buenos Ayres. H. Durnford [C.J. 7. Ad, sk. Buenos Ayres. Sclater Coll. j. Ad. sk. Bolivia. Sclater Coll. k. Ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges {C.], 4+ Pitangus lictor. Lanius lictor, Licht. Doubl. p. 49. e Saurophagus lictor, Gray et Mitch. Gen. B. i. p. 246, pl. 62; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 698; Bp. Consp. i. p. 193; Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 44; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 462; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 62. Pitangus lictor, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 327 (Panama); Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 221; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 359 (Panama), et 1867, p. 578 (Lower Amazons); iid. Nomencl. p. 50; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 296 (Br. Guiana). Megarhynchus flavus, Thunb., Hein. Journ. f. Orn, 1859, p. 341. Muscicapa cayennensis, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 846. Saurophagus pusillus, Sw. An in Menag. p. 284. Above olive-brown; head black; front, superciliaries, and stripe round the nape white; crest yellow, tipped with black; wings and tail blackish brown, slightly margined with rufous : beneath yellow ; throat white; under wing-coverts yellow ; inner margins of wing-feathers pale rufous; bill and feet black: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-6, tail 28. Female similar. Hab. Brazil, Amazonia, Guiana, Colombia, and Panama. a. 3 ad, sk. Matogrosso, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin–Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Para (Wallace). Sclater Coll. d. 9 ad, sk. Island of Mexiana, Lower Ama- Salvin-Godman Coll. zons (Wallace). e. Ad, sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). f. Ad, sk. British Guiana. R. Geogr, Soc. g. 3 a.d. sk. Yguitos, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). h. Ad, sk. Bogota, Sclater Coll. 2. A d. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. j. Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll, k. & ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. l. Ad, sk. Panama ( #. Sclater Coll. 58. PITANGUS. 179 5:{Pitangus parvus. Pitangus parvus, Pelz. Orn. Bras. pp. 111, 181 (1871); Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll, p. 310; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 296 (Br. Guiana). Above dark olive, slightly mottled with blackish ; head black; front, Superciliaries, and stripe round the nape white; vertical crest yellow, tipped with black; wings and tail blackish brown, with slight whitish edgings: beneath bright yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-3, tail 27. Female similar. Hab. Interior of Brazil, Lower Amazonia, and Guiana. At once distinguishable from P. lictor by its wider bill, square tail, and yellow throat. a, b, c ad, ; c. Merumé Mts, Brit, Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. 9 a.d. sk. (Whitely). d. 9 ad. sk. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). e, f. 6 Q ad. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. (Whitely). g. & ad. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). h. Q ad. sk. Carimang r., Brit. Guiana Salvin–Godman Coll. (Whitely). 2. Ad, sk. Guiana. Sclater Coll. j. Ad, sk. Guiana. Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad. Sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Sclater Coll. ~ 6+Pitangus albovittatus. Pitangus albovittatus, Lawr. Ibis, 1862, p. 11. Nearly allied to P. parvus, but bill smaller, throat white, and back more olivaceous: whole length 5-8 inches, wing 3-2, tail 27. Hab. Panama. Mr. Lawrence has kindly sent me the type of this species for examination. It appears to be quite distinct. 7. Pitangus caudifasciatus. Tyrannus caudifasciatus, d'Orb, in La Sagra's Cub., Ois. p. 70, pl. 12; Gosse, B. Jam. p. 177; d. Ill. B. Jam. pl. 44; Cab. Journ. f. Orm. 1855, p. 478; Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 80; Gundl. J. f. O. 1861, p. 328, et 1872, p. 424 (Cuba); Brewer, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. vii. p. 307 (Cuba). Pitangus caudifasciatus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 76 (Jamaica); id. Cat. A. B. p. 222; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 50. Above grey; cap black, with a concealed yellow vertical crest; wings blackish, wing-coverts and secondaries margined with white; tail blackish, with a broad basal band occupying only the inner webs white tinged with yellowish, and a slight apical band whitish : beneath white ; under wing-coverts and crissum tinged with yellow ; bill and feet black: whole length 7-5 inches, wing 4, tail 3:3. Female similar. Hab. Cuba and Jamaica. N 2 180 YRANNIDAE, a. Ad. SK. San Cristobal, Cuba. Salvin-Godman Coll. b. 3 ad. sk. Cuba. Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad, sk. Jamaica (Gosse). Sclater Coll. d. 3 ad, sk. Moneague, Jamaica (Salvin & Salvin-Godman Coll. Godman). f. & ad. sk. Moneague, Jamaica (Bryant). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad, sk. Jamaica (Bryant). * of Dr. Bryant g. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Osburn). Sclater Coll. h. Ad, sk. Jamaica (Osburn). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. Ad, sk. Grand Cayman I. (Richardson). Sclater Coll. 8st Pitangus bahamensis. Tyrannus caudifasciatus, Bryant, Pr, Bost, S. N. H. vii. p. 108, xi. p. 66 (Bahamas), Pitangus bahamensis, Bryant, op. cit. ix. p. 279 (1864); Cory, B. Qf Baham, p. 102; Ridgw. Man. W. A. B. p. 331. Similar to P. caudifasciatus, but under wing-coverts, flanks, and crissum pale lemon-yellow. Hab. Bahama Islands. a, Q ad. sk. Nassau, New Providence, Salvin-Godman Coll. Bahamas (Cory). 94 Ritangus taylori. Pitangus taylori, Sel, Ibis, 1864, p. 169; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 50. Tyrannus taylori, Sund, OEfv. Vet.-Akad. Förh. 1862, p. 598; Gundl. J. f. O. J.878, p. 171; id. Am. Soc. Esp. H. N. vii. p. 193, Above dark brownish cinereous; cap black, with a concealed vertical crest of yellow and white; wings blackish, margined with rufous; outer secondaries bordered externally with whitish ; tail blackish, outer feathers slightly margined externally with whitish : beneath white; bill and feet black ; whole length 8-5 inches, wing 42, tail 3-5. Female similar. Hab. Porto Rico. Closely allied to P. caudifasciatus, but distinguished by the ab- sence of the caudal band and the darker colour above. a. Ad, sk. Porto Rico (Taylor). Sclater Coll. (Type of the º b, c, Ad, sk. Porto Rico (Bryant). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad, sk. Porto Rico § Sclater Coll. e. Ad, sk. Porto Rico (Bryant). Mrs. Bryant [P.]. T10+Pitangus gabbi. Pitangus gabbii, Lawr. Ann. Lyc, Nat. Hist. N. Y., xi. p. 288 (1876); Cory, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, vi. p. 153 (1881); id. B. of Haiti and S. Domingo, p. 76 (1885). Similar to P. taylori, but smaller; back “warm hair-brown in- 59. SIRYSTEs. 181 stead of dusky greyish brown,” and wings and tail edged with ferruginous. Hab. St. Domingo. 59. SIRYSTES. Type Sirystes, Cab, et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 75 (1859) . . . . . . S. jº. Key to the Species. A. Rump cinereous like the back. . . . . . . . . . . . 1. sibilator, p. 181. B. Rump white: ſº of wing-coverts narrow, greyish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, albocinereus, p. 181. ledgings of wing-coverts broad, white 3 albogriseus, p. 182. 1:*Sirystes sibilator. Pitador, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 135. Muscicapa sibilator, Vieill. Now, Dict. xxi. p. 457; id. Ene, Méth. 1. Muscicapa sibilans, Licht. Doubl. p. 54. Tyrannula sibilans, Hartl. Ind. Az, p. 13. Nº. sibilans, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 472. Sirystes sibilator, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 75; Sol. Cat, A. B. p. 222; , Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 111; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 50; Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 89; Berl, et Jher. Zeitschr, ges. Orn. 1885, p. 135 (Rio Grande do Sul). Above pale cinereous, lighter on the rump and with slight blackish striations on the back; cap black; wings black; wing-coverts and outer secondaries broadly edged with cinereous white ; tail black: beneath pale cinereous; middle of belly, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of primaries whitish ; bill and feet black: whole length 7-5 inches, wing 38, tail 3:4. Female similar. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a, b. 3 Qad, sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner). c. 3 a.d. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. Sk, Brazil, Sclater Coll. e. Ad, sk. Brazil. Purchased. f. Ad. St. Brazil. Purchased. ~2.*Sirystes albocinereus. (Plate XIV.) Tyrannus sp. inc., Scl. et Salv, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 189, Sirystes albogriseus, Sol. et Salv, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 280; Tacz. Orn. Pér, ii. p. 287. Sirystes albocinereus, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 156. Above cinereous; rump pure white; cap black; wings black; wing-coverts slightly edged with cinereous, Outer secondaries mar- gined with white; tail and upper tail-coverts black: beneath white; throat and breast tinged with cinereous; under wing-coverts white ; 182 TYRANNIDAE. inner margins of wing-feathers grey; bill and feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-9, tail 3:1. Hab. Colombia, Ecuador, and Upper Amazonia. a. Ad. Sk, Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. c. Ad, sk. Santa Cruz, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [P.]. d. Ad, sk. Upper Amazons (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. e. Q ad. sk. Yguitos, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). ~3.4 Sirystes albogriseus. Lipaugus albogriseus, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 9. Sirystes albogriseus, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 156. Above pale cinereous; rump white; cap black; wings black; wing-coverts and secondaries broadly margined with white; tail black, with a whitish apical band: beneath white, slightly tinged with cinereous; crissum and under wing-coverts white ; bill dark brown; feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 4, tail 3-6. Hab. Veragua and Panama. Distinguishable from S. sibilator by its white rump, and from S. albocinereus by the broad white margins on the wings. a, Ad, sk. Veragua. Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad, sk. Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. i 60. MYIODYNASTES*. Type. Myiodynastes, Bp. Compt. Rend. xxxviii. p. 657, et Yp Notes Orn. p. 87 (1854) (cf. Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 431) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. audax. Hypermitres, Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 247. . . . . . . . . . M. chrysocephalus. Key to the Species. A. Breast and flanks white with black shaft- spots. 0. Miº of belly yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. luteiventris, p. 183. b. Middle of belly white. a". Tail red, with blackish shaft-stripes. Brighter: breast-spots narrow. ". . . . . . . . 2. nobilis, p. 183. Darker : breast-spots broad . . . . . . . . . . 3. audav, p. 185. b'. Tail blackish, margined with red . . . . . . . . 4. Solitarius, p. 185. B. Breast and flanks yellow. c. Upper tail-coverts bright rufous . . . . . . . . . . 5. bairdi, p. 186. * Refer also to Myiodynastes audaw insolens, Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 332. 60. MYIODYNASTEs. 183 d. Upper tail-coverts uniform with back: | reast duller, slightly flammulated . . . . 6, chrysocephalus, p. 187. breast clear yellow, not flammulated .. 7, hemichrysus, p. 188. 1+Myiodymastes luteiventris. Tyrannus audax, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 297 (Mexico). Myiodynastes luteiventer, Bp. Compt. Rend. xxviii. p. 659, et Not. Orn. p. 87; Cab. et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 75; Selater, P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 43,56, 366, 383, et 1864, p. 176; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 438; id. Cat. A. B. p. 223; Sclat. et Salv, Ibis, 1859, p. 120; iid. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 837; iid. Nomencl. p. 50; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 250; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 114; Salv. Ibis, 1872, p. 318; Taez. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 537, et 1882, p. 21; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 63, et 1883, p. 448; Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. iii. pp. 186, 218; d. Man. W. A. B. p. 332. Above pale brownish white, varied by numerous blackish shaft- spots; head with a concealed crest of bright yellow; wings blackish, lesser coverts like the back, greater coverts and secondaries broadly margined with white externally; tail bright ferruginous red, shafts and adjacent median portions of both webs blackish ; upper tail-coverts rufous with black shaft-spots: beneath pale sulphur-yellow; throat white; throat, breast, and sides of belly with numerous black shaft-spots; bill dark brown, paler at the base of the lower mandible; feet dark brown; whole length 8 inches, wing 4'4, tail 3-3. Female similar. Hab. Mexico and Central America down to Costa Rica. The strong yellow tinge of the belly and under wing-coverts dis- tinguishes this bird from its more southern representatives. a, b. Ad. sk. Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Sclater Coll. c. 6 a.d. sk. Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. d—f Ad, sk. Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad, sk. Belize, º Honduras (Blanca- Salvin-Godman Coll. 7260.7%. J. h. Ad, sk. Vera Paz, Q. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. i,j. Ad, sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad, sk. Guatemala. J. Gould, Esq. l. Ad, sk. Savana of Santo Toribio, Guate- Salvin-Godman Coll. mala (Salvin). m. Q ad. sk. Escuintla, Guatemala (Fraser). Salvin-Godman Coll. n, Ad. sk. Irazu, Costa Rica (Rogers). Salvin-Godman Coll. 0. Ad, sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Janson). Salvin-Godman Coll. p. 3 a.d. sk. Barranca, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godunan Coll, q, Q ad, sk. Santa Rosa, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2-Myiodynastes nobilis. Myiodynastes nobilis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 42, 43,...et 1860, p. 295; id. Cat. A. B. p. 223; Lawr. Ann, Lyc, N. Y. vii. p. 295, viii. p. 177, ix, p. 114; Sol, et Salv, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 360; Salv. 184 TYRANNIDAE. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 148, et 1870, p. 198; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 333; Nutting, P. U. S. W. M. v. p. 394. Myiodynastes luteiventris, Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 290 P Myiodynastes audax, Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 303. Myiodynastes audax nobilis, Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 322. Above pale rufous, varied by numerous black shaft-spots; head with a concealed crest of bright yellow ; sides of head black; wings blackish ; coverts and primaries narrowly edged with rufous; outer secondaries more broadly edged with white; tail ferrugi- nous red; shafts and adjacent median portions of both webs blackish ; upper tail-coverts rufous with black shaft-spots: beneath white, flanks and crissum washed with pale sulphur-yellow ; breast and flanks more or less marked with narrow blackish shaft-spots; under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; bill brown, base of the lower mandible pale; feet dark brown: whole length 8 inches, wing 4-3, tail 3-6. Female similar. Hab. Costa Rica, Veragua, Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador. This bird is distinguishable from M. luteiventris by the much whiter surface below and the very narrow shaft-spots of the breast. By the latter character it is also separable from M. audaa. It is, however, merely an intermediate form, and passes into its northern and Southern representatives at the extremities of its range. 'm, n. 6 2 ad, sk. (Arcé). Panama (McLeannan). Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). a. 6 ad, sk. Costa Rica. - Tweeddale Coll. \ b—e. Ad, sk. º Nicoya, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. - rcé). f. 2 ad, sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. & ad. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. 6 a.d. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). O. Salvin, Esq.[P.]. 2. c ad, sk. Calobre, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. j. Ad, sk. Calobre, Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. k, l. Ad, sk. Chepo, Isthm. of Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. o, Q ad. sk. Panama (Hicks). Salvin–Godman Coll. p. Ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. q. Ad. sk. Panama (Hughes). Sclater Coll. r—s. Ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Tweeddale Coll. t. Ad. sk. Minca, Sierra Nevada of S. Sclater Coll. Marta (Simons). w. SP ad. sk. Valle Dupar, U.S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. v. 92 ad. Sk. Manaure, S. Marta, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Simons). - w. Ad. sk. Santa Marta, Colombia. Sclater Coll., (Type of the species.) a'. Q ad. sk. Frontino, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. $y, d ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). - 2. Ad. sk. Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. a'. Ad. sk. º Ecuador (Illing- Salvin-Godman Coll. 2007'th). b', c'. Ad, sk. Sta. Rita, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d'. Jr. sk. Salvin-Godman Coll. 60. MYIODYNASTES. 185 3. Myiodynastes audax. Le Gobe-mouche tacheté de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Enl. 453, fig. 2. Muscicapa audax, Gm. S. N. i. p. 934. Tyrannus audax, Vieill. Ene. Méth, p. 846. Scaphorhynchus audax, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 699. Megarhynchus audax, Hein. Journ. f. Orn. 1859, p. 342. Myiodynastes audax, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 45; id. Cat. A. B. p. 223; Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 74; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 86; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 112; Sel, et Salv, P.Z. S. 1867, p. 578, 1868, p. 168, 1875, p. 237, et 1879, p. 514; iid. Nomencl. p. 50; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 326; id. Orn. Pár. ii. p. 289; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 201; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 303; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 296 (Br. Guiana); Taoz. et Berl, P. Z. S. 1885, pp. 91, 114; Ridgw. Man. W. A. B. p. 332. “Megarhynchus regius, Thunb.,” Hein, Journ. f. Orn, 1859, p. 342. Above greyish, densely covered with black shaft-spots; head with a concealed crest of bright yellow ; lores and eye-region black; wings blackish, primaries slightly margined with rufous; wing- coverts and secondaries edged with whitish ; tail blackish, with more or less broad margins both on the inner and outer webs of bright ferruginous: beneath whitish, slightly tinged with yellowish on the breast, flanks, and under wing-coverts, and varied, especially on the breast, upper belly, and flanks, by numerous long blackish shaft-spots; bill dark brown, pale at the base; feet blackish: whole length 7-5 inches, wing 4, tail 3:2. Hab. Venezuela, Guiana, Cayenne, and Amazonia. Generally similar to M. mobilis, but darker above, with broader shaft-stripes below, and with more black on each side of the shafts in the tail-feathers. But the amount of rufous on the tail-feathers is by no means a constant character. a. Q ad. Sk. Pilar, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin–Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Tobago (Kirk). Sclater Coll. d. 9 ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). e. Ad. sk. Cayenne (Jelski). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. g. Ad, sk. Barra do Rio Negro (Natterer). Sclater Coll. h. 6 jr. sk. Yguitos, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). 4.*Myiodynastes solitarius. Chorreado todo, Azar. Apunt. ii. p. 145. Tº: solitarius, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. xxv. p. 88; id. Enc. Méth. . 853. Tºmº audax, Mar. Beitr. iii. p. 889; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 305. Scaphorhynchus audax, Tsch, Faun. Per., Aves, p. 149; Hartl. Ind. Azar. p. 13; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 459. Myiodynastes solitarius, Scl. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 43; id. Cat. A. B. p. 223; Cab, et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 74; Pelz, Orn, Bras. 186 TYRANNID ZE. p. 1.12; Sol, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, pp. 751,978, 1873, p. 280, et 1879, p. 615; iid. Womencl. p. 50; Berl. J. f. O. 1873, p. 261; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 537, et 1882, p. 20; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 288; Durn- ford, Ibis, 1877, p. 178, et 1878, p. 60 (rep, Arg); White, P. Z.S. 1882, p. 607 (rep. Arg.); Barrows, Bull, Nutt. Orn. Cl. viii. p. 201 (Entrérios); Berl. Zeitschr, yes. Orn, 1885, p. 135 (Rio Grande do Sul); Sol, et Huds, Arg. Orn. i. p. 150. Above grey, thickly covered by numerous black shaft-spots; concealed vertical crest yellow ; lores and sides of the head black, superciliaries white; wings blackish, primaries slightly edged with rufous, coverts and secondaries margined externally with greyish white ; tail blackish, with narrow external margins of ferruginous: beneath greyish white, with numerous black striations; belly and under wing-coverts tinged with yellowish and but slightly striated; bill dark brown, pale at the base ; feet blackish : whole length 7-5 inches, wing 4'4, tail 3:4. Hab. S.E. Brazil, Paraguay, Buenos Ayres, and occasionally N. Brazil and British Guiana. Typical specimens of this form, may easily be separated from M. audaa' by their darker colour, more densely striated plumage, both above and below, and by the nearly entirely black tail, with only the narrow outer margins ferruginous; but intermediate forms occur which it is almost impossible to arrange Satisfactorily under either head: for example, one skin from Guiana and others from Upper Amazonia seem to belong to this form ; others from the same localities are referable to M. audaa. It would perhaps be better to consider all the four representatives of this group as only subspecies of M. audaa'. 5. "Myiodynastes bairdi. a. Ad. sk. Eastern Peru. Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. c. Ad, sk. Bartica Grove, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. - (Whitely). d. Ad. sk. Para, Lower Amazons (Wallace). Salvin-Godman Coll. e—g. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad, sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Janeiro Salvin-Godman Coll. (Youds). 7. Ad. sk. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, R. H. Wood, Esq. P.1. j. 3 ad. sk. Curytiba, Brazil (Natterer). sºdam Coll. k. Q ad. sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. l. 3 a.d. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin–Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner). m. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. m. Ad, sk. Punta Lara, Buenos Ayres. H. Durnford [C]. Saurophagus bairdi, Gambel, Journ. Ac. Phil. m. s. i. p. 40 (1847). Tyrannus atrifrons, Sol. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 274. Myiodynastes atrifrons, Sol. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 43; id. Cat. A. B. p. 223; Sel, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 50; Salo. Ibis, 1874, p. 324; 60. MYIoDYNASTEs. 187 Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, pp. 326, 753, et 1880, p. 203; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 291; Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 122. Myiodynastes bairdi, Salv, Ibis, 1874, p. 324; Berl, et Tacz, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 556. Above cinereous brown; head with a bright lemon-yellow vertical crest ; front and lores black; sides of head behind the eyes blackish; wings blackish ; outer webs of primaries and inner secondaries bright rufous, forming a large rufous patch ; lesser wing-eoverts and outer secondaries margined with buffy white; rump and upper tail-coverts bright ferruginous; tail bright rufous, lateral feathers with the shafts and an elongated spot increasing in breadth towards the apex blackish ; two middle tail-feathers blackish, margined with pale rufous : beneath pale sulphur-yellow ; throat greyish white; under wing-coverts yellow like the belly; bill and feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 4:6, tail 3.8. Hab. Western Ecuador and Peru. a. Ad. sk. Tumbez, Peru (Jelski). Sclater Coll. b. 3 ad. Sk. San Pedro, Peru (Orton). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad, sk. Guayaquil. Sclater Coll. (Type of M. atrifrons.) d. Ad. sk. Guayaquil. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad, sk. Guayaquil. G. Barclay [P.]. f. Ad, sk. Guayaquil. Capt. Kellett & Lieut. Wood [P.]. g, h. Ad. sk. Balzar Mts., Ecuador (Illingworth). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Ad. St. Guayaquil. G. Barclay [P.]. 6+ Myiodynastes chrysocephalus. Scaphorhynchus chrysocephalus, Tsch. Wiegm. Arch. 1844, pt. i. p. 12; id. Fawn, Per., Aves, p. 150, pl. 8. f. 1; Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1848, p. 5. Pitangus chrysocephalus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 150 (Bogota). Myiodynastes chrysocephalus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 43, 143, et 1860, pp. 63, 92; id. Cat. A. B. p. 223; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 246; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 781, 1875, p. 237, 1876, p. 16, et 1879, p. 514; iid, Nomencl. p. 50; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 537, et 1882, p. ; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 293; Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 296. Megarhynchus chrysocephalus, Hein, Journ. f. Orn. 1859, p. 345; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 65. Myiodynastes chrysocephalus minor, Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, 91 p. 91. Above cinereous; back tinged with olive; head blackish, with a large vertical crest of bright yellow ; lores and sides of head black : slight superciliaries and line below the eye white; wings and tail blackish brown, slightly edged with rufous: beneath, throat white; abdomen pale yellow, slightly striated with cinereous; under wing- coverts pale yellow ; inner margins of wing- and tail-feathers pale rufous ; bill black, base of the lower mandible whitish ; feet blackish : whole length 7-5 inches, wing 4-1, tail 3-3. Female 188 TYRANNIDAE. similar, but duller in colour, and yellow crest absent or less deve- loped. Hab. Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and Peru. This is a smaller bird than M. bairdi and has a broader bill. It is further distinguishable by the absence of the conspicuous red rump and of the red patch on the wings. a, b. Ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. Ad, sk. Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. f. Ad, sk. Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. 3 ad. sk. Concordia, Antioquia, U. S. C. (Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. non). h. Ad. sk. Concordia, U. S. C. (Salmon). Sclater Coll. 7. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. j. Ad. Sk. Bogota. Salvin–Godman Coll. Å. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. l. Ad, sk. Caracas, Venezuela. D. Dyson [C.]. ºn. 3 ad, sk. San Cristobal, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. n. Ad. St. Venezuela. D. Dyson [C]. 7. Myiodynastes hemichrysus. Hypermitres chrysocephalus, Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 246. Hypermitres hemichrysus, Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 247. Myiodynastes hemichrysus, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 114 (Costa Rica); Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 50. Myiodynastes superciliaris, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 470 (Costa Rica). Above dark olive-brown; head blackish, with a concealed yellow vertical crest ; lores and eye-region black; superciliary stripe and line below the eye white; wings and tail blackish, slightly margined with rufous : beneath bright sulphur-yellow, whiter on the throat, and slightly varied with olive on the sides of the breast and flanks; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; inner margins of wing- and tail- feathers pale rufous; bill black, pale at the base of the lower man- dible ; feet dark brown : whole length 7-5 inches, wing 3-9, tail 3:4. Female similar, but yellow on the crest less developed or wanting. Hab. Veragua and Costa Rica. This is the northern form of the preceding species, apparently always distinguishable by the clearer olive of the body above and the bright yellow of the belly. a. G ad.; b. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. c. Q ad. sk. Calobre, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. d. Ad, sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. 61. MEGARHYNCHUs. 189 Subfamily IV. TYRANNINAE. The Tyranninae, or typical Tyrants, with which I conclude the series of Tyrannidae, embrace most of the strongest and largest members of the family. The bill is generally much more depressed than in the preceding subfamily, and the gape armed with bristles. The wings are more or less lengthened and formed for active flight. The tarsi are mostly long and robust, though this feature varies much in the different genera. The Tyranninae, as here arranged (though, as already stated, the whole systematic order of the present family must be taken as purely provisional), are distributed all over the Nearctic and Neotropical Regions. Nearly all the well-known North-American genera of Tyrannidae (such as Empidonate, Contopus, Myiarchus, and Tyran- nus) belong to this section; while others (Muscivora, Hirundinea, Cnipodectes) are purely Neotropical. Blacicus and Lawrencia are Antillean types of this subfamily. Indea to the Genera. 61. MEGARHYNCHUS, p. 189. 70. LAWRENCIA, p. 233. 62. MUSCIvor A, p. 191, 71. CoNTOPUS, p. 234. 63. HIRUNDINEA, p. 195. 72. BLACICUs, p. 241. (64. CNIPODECTEs, p. 197. 73. MYIOCHANES, p. 245. 65. MYIOBIUs, p. 198, 74. MYIARCHUs, p. 246. 66. PyRocKPHALUs, p. 211. 75. EMPIDIAs, p. 264. 67. EMPIDoCHANES, p. 216. 76. EMPIDONOMUs, p. 265. 68. MITREPHANES, p. 218, 77. TYRANNUs, p. 267. 69. EMPIDONAx, p. 221. 78. MILvULUs, p. 267. “, 61. MEGARHYNCHUS. Type. Platyrhynchus, Temm. Tabl. Méth. p. 23 (1822) . . . . . . M. pitangua. Megarhynchus, Thunb. Disq. de genere Megarhyncho * (1824) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. pitangua. Scaphorhynchus, Maa. Beitr. iii. p. 982 (1831) . . . . . . M. pitangua. Megastoma, Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 225 (1837) . . . . . . . . . . M. pitangua. The large and much-flattened bill renders this genus easily recognizable. The form, under various slight geographical varia- tions, extends from Mexico to Paraguay. 1. Megarhynchus pitangua. Tyrannus brasiliensis, Briss. Orn. ii. p. 402. Lanius pitangua, Linn. S. N. i. p. 136. Tyrannus pitangua, Sw, Quart. Journ. Sc. xx. p. 570. * Wide Heine, J. f. O. 1859, p. 337. 190 TYRANNIDAE. Tyrannus carnivorus, Vieill. Enc. Méth, p. 847. Muscicapa pitangua, Licht. Doubl. p. 55. Scaphorhynchus sulphuratus, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 983. Megastoma flaviceps, M. ruficeps, et M. atriceps, Sw, An, in Menag. 285. sºynchus pitangua, Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 44; Laf'. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 474; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 458. Megarhynchus pitangua, Hein, J. f.O. 1859, p. 345; Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 64; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 224; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 86; Pelz. Orn, Bras. p. 1.12; Sel. et Saly. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 578, et 1868, p. 168; iid. Nomencl. p. 50; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 571; Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 88; Bouc. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 63; Salv, et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 201, et 1880, p. 125; Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. v. pp. 394, 500, vi. pp. 374, 893; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 294; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 296. Scaphorhynchus mexicanus, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 473; Sel. Ibis, 1859, p. 120. Megarhynchus mexicanus, Hein. J. f. O. 1859, p. 346; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 64; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 246; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 224; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 360, et 1870, p. 837; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 182, ix. p. 201; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 308; Nehrkorn, J. f. O. 1881, p. 67. Megarhynchus chrysocephalus, Heine, J. f. O. 1859, p. 345 (nec Tschudi). Megarhynchus chrysogaster, Sol. P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 281, 295; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 224. Megarhynchus pitangua chrysogaster, Berl. et Tacz, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 557, et 1885, pp. 91, 122. Above brown; head black; broad superciliaries, joined by a line round the nape, white; concealed vertical crest orange or yellow ; wings and tail blackish brown, with slight rufous or whitish edgings more or less apparent : beneath bright sulphur-yellow ; throat white; under wing-coverts sulphur-yellow ; inner margins of wing- and tail-feathers pale rufous; bill and feet black: whole length 8.5 inches, wing 4-6, tail 3:2. Female similar, but concealed crest yellow or wanting. Hab. Southern Mexico, and Central and South America down to Paraguay. After examining a large series of specimens of this species, I have come to the conclusion that they may be all safely united under one name. It is quite true that in Mexican specimens, as pointed out by Lafresnaye, the bill is rather longer and not so widened and the size is smaller; but specimens from intermediate localities show an intermediate structure, and it is not possible to draw a satisfactory line of demarcation between the two forms. Nor do I now think it advisable to keep the form of Western Ecuador, which I formerly called M. chrysogaster, apart. a. Ad, sk. Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Sclater Coll. b. 6 a.d. sk. Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad, sk. Mexico. J. Gould, Esq. d. Ad, sk. Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. Ad, sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 62. MUSCIVoßA. 191 g. Ad, sk. h. Ad. sk. 7. Ad. Sk. k, l, & 9 ad. sk SJK. m. Ad, sk. n, Jr. sk. o. Ad. sk. p. Ad. sk. q. Ad, sk. r. Qad.; S. Ad. sk. t. Ad. sk. w. 6 a.d. sk. v. Ad. sk. w. Ad. sk. a'. 6 a.d. sk. $y. Ad, sk. 2. SP ad, sk. a'. Ad. sk. b'. & ad. sk. c', d'. 6 @ ad. sk. e'. Q ad. sk. f. 6 ad. sk. g'. Ad. Sk. h'. & ad. sk. '. 6 a.d. sk. K'. Ad. sk. !'. 6 a.d. sk. 'm', m'. Ad, sk. o'. Ad, sk. p', q', Ad. Sk, r". Ad. sk. s'. 6 a.d. sk. t'. Ad, sk. Muscivora, Cuv. Tabl. Gén, d. Class, d'An. (1800) Onychorhynchus, Fischer, Zoognosia, p. 31 (1814) Muscipeta, Cuv. Regn. An, i. p. 344 (1817) Todus, Bonn. Enc. Méth. i. p. 268 (1823) Megalophus, Sw, Class. B. ii. p. 257 (1837) Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Choctum (Salvin). Barranco-Hondo, (Salvin). Volcan de Agua, above San Diego (Salvin). Savana Grande (Salvin). Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala (Salvin). Guatemala. San Pedro, Honduras (Whitely). Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). San José, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Guatemala Irazu district, Costa Rica (Rogers). Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Chiriqui (Arcé). Paraiso, Panama (Hughes). Panama (McLeannan). Panama (McLeannan). Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Atanques, Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Venezuela (Goering). Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Yguitos, Up. Amazons (Whitely). Santa Rita, Ecuador (Buckley). Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Bsmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Quito. Island of Mexiana, Lower Ama- zons (Wallace). Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil (Joyner). Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Janeiro (Youds). Rio, Brazil. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joymer). Brazil. 62. MUSCIWORA, tº e s a tº # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sclater Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. (Type of M. chrysogaster.) Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. pe. M. regia. M. regia. M. regia. M. regia. The highly developed and brilliantly coloured crest at once dis- tinguishes Muscivora from all its allies. It is also remarkable for its elongated and much flattened beak and rather feeble feet. Four species of the genus range through tropical America from Southern Mexico to S.E. Brazil. 192 TYRANNIDAE. Key to the Species. A. Bill broadened at the base and not so long. #: transversely striated . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. regia, p. 192. Breast not striated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Swainsoni, p. 192. B. Bill much elongated and narrower at the base. }; dark, olivaceous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. nevicana, p. 193. Back lighter, rufous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. occidentalis, p. 194. 1. Muscivora regia. Tyran hupé de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Enl. 289. Todus regius, Gm. S. N. i. p. 445. Platyrhynchus regius, Vieill. Enc. Méth. p. 843. Megalophus regius, Bp. Consp. i. p. 183, Muscivora regia, Gray, List Gen. B. p. 42 (1841); Pelzeln, Sitz, Akad. Wiss. Wien, xxxi. p. 326; id. Orn. Bras. p. 112 (Rio Brancho); Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 65; Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 45; id. Cat. A. B. p. 224; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 50; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 383 (Para); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 297 (Brit. Guiana). Onychorhynchus castelnaudi, Dev. R. Z. 1849, p. 56. Megalophus castelnaudi, Des Murs, Zool. Voy. Casteln, et Deville, Ois, 55 p. 90. Muscivora castelnaudi, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 981 (Amazonia), et 1873, p. 280 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 50; Tacz, Orn. Pér. ii. p. 295. Above dark olivaceous brown; elongated and expanded vertical crest scarlet, tipped with shining purple; wings dark cinereous; tips of wing-coverts and outer secondaries with slight edgings of light brown; band across the rump light buff; tail dark ferruginous brown, lighter at the base: beneath pale ochraceous; throat lighter; breast and flanks more or less transversely barred with ashy brown; under wing-coverts pale ochraceous; bill dark brown, pale at the base of the lower mandible ; feet pale yellowish brown: whole length 5-6 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2:4. Female similar, but crest smaller and yellowish. Hab. Guiana, Cayenne, and Amazonia. a, b. 3 ad. sk. Camacusa British Guiana Salvin–Godman Coll. (Whitely). \ c. Ad. sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. & ad. Sk. Cayenne. J. Gould, Esq. e. 6 ad, sk. Cayenne. Purchased. f. 6 a.d. sk. Pebas, Peru (Haua well). Sclater Coll. g. & ad. sk. Chamicuros, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C.]. h. Ad, sk. Para (Layard). Tweeddale Coll. 2: Muscivora swainsoni. Muscipeta regia, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 944; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 317. Megalophus regius, Sw, Nat. Libr., Flycatch. p. 145, pl. 15; id. Orn. Dr. pls. 51, 52; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 504. Muscivora regia, Burm, Journ. f. Orn. 1853, p. 165. Muscivoraswainsonii, Pelzeln, Sitz, Akad. Wiss. Wien, xxxi. p. 326; Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 65; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 224; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 615 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl. p. 50. 62. MUSCIVORA. 193 Above brown; large and expanded crest on the head scarlet, tipped with brilliant purple; wings blackish ; wing-coverts and secondaries edged with brown ; rump and tail-feathers bright ochraceous, with a more or less well-defined blackish band at the end of the tail-feathers: beneath uniform pale ochraceous, under wing- coverts similar ; bill—upper mandible pale brown, lower whitish ; feet pale yellowish brown ; whole length 6 inches, wing 3-3, tail 27. Female similar, but crest smaller and more yellowish. Hab. S.E. Brazil. In this species the bill is short as in M. regia, but is different in form, the edges sloping straight towards the apex and not being swollen out at the base as in M. regia. Besides this the bird is larger in size, its back is lighter in colour, and there are no traces of transverse markings on the breast in adult specimens. a. 6 a.d. St. South America. Purchased. b, c. 6 S2 ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin–Godman Coll. e, f. Ad, sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. 3.t Muscivora mexicana. Muscivora mexicana, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 295, 1858, p. 301, et 1859, pp. 45, 56; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 443; id. Cat. A. B. p. 225; Sel. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 124; iid. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 360 (Panama), et 1867, p. 148 (Veragua); iid. Nomencl. p. 50; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. vii. pp. 295, 329 (Panama), ix. p. 114 (Costa Rica) et p. 201 (Yucatan); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 198 (Veragua); Bouc. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 63 (Costa Rica), et 1883, p. 448 (Yucatan); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 202 (Colombia); Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. v. p. 396 (Costa Rica), et vi. p. 402 (Nicaragua). Above olive-brown with a slight cinereous tint ; large expanded crest scarlet tipped with deep purple; wings blackish edged with brown ; wing-coverts slightly spotted with pale fulvous at their tips; rump light fulvous ; tail similar but rather darker, and with the ends of the tail-feathers more or less blackish : beneath pale fulvous ; throat whitish ; breast and flanks more or less darkened by narrow cross-bands; under wing-coverts and inner webs of remiges pale fulvous ; bill horn-colour, paler at the base of the lower mandible; feet pale brown : whole length 6-2 inches, wing 3-3, tail 2-7. Female similar, but with the crest smaller and yellowish. Hab. S. Mexico and Central America down to Northern Colombia. The elongated bill at once distinguishes this species from the two preceding. a. 2 ad. st. Central America. Purchased. b, c. 3 Q ad. sk. British Honduras (Blanca- Salvin-Godman Coll. neaua). d, e. dº ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. §2 ad. sk. Chisec, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. g—i. Q ad. sk. Vera Paz. O. Salvin, Esq. [C.]. WOL. XIV. U) TYRANNIDAE. j. Q ad. sk El Paraiso, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Q ad. sk Guatemala (Salvin). Sclater Coll. l. 3 ad, sk Mirabayes, Nicoya, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. - (Arcé). h m. Q ad. Sk Bebedero, Nicoya, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arcé). m. Q ad. Sk Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé), Salvin–Godman Coll. o, Q ad. Sk Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. p. Q ad. Sk Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. q. 3 ad, sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. r. 6 ad, sk. Southern slope, Volcan de Chi- Salvin-Godman Coll. - riqui (Arcé). 8, 2 ad, sk. Mina de Chorcha, Chiriqui Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arcé). t; G ad, sk. Paraiso Station, Isthmus of Salvin-Godman Coll. Panama (Hughes). w, v. 3 Q ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). w, w, 6 @ ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). y, z, & Q ad. sk. Manaure, Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, U.S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. a'. 6 ad, sk. Sclater Coll. 4+Muscivora occidentalis. (Plate XV.) Muscivora occidentalis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 282; id. Cat, A. B. p. 226; Sel. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 50; Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 557, et 1885, p. 121 (Western Ecuador). Above dark fulvous brown; large expanded crest scarlet, tipped with bright purple ; wings blackish edged with fulvous ; wing- coverts slightly spotted with pale fulvous at the tips; rump bright fulvous; tail uniform pale rufous: below pale fulvous; throat whitish ; under wing-coverts and margins of inner webs of wing- feathers pale fulvous; bill—upper mandible horn-colour, lower pale yellowish; feet pale brown: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3.3, tail 27. Female similar, but rather smaller and crest yellow. Hab. Western Ecuador. This is perhaps the most distinct of the four species of Muscivora, being immediately recognizable by its generally pale fulvous colour- ing. The bill is not quite so long as in M. meanicana. a, b. 3 Q ad, sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. c. 3 ad. sk. Babahoyo (Fraser). Gould Coll. d. 9 a.d. sk. Dalzar Mts, Ecuador (Illing- Salvin-Godman Coll. worth). e, f. 6 a.d. sk. Prov. Loxa, Ecuador (Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. 63. HIRUNDINEA. 195 63. HIRUNDINEA, º 4. Type. Hirundinea, d'Orb, et Lafº, Syn. Ao. i. £ 46 (1837).... H. biºsa. Phoneutria, Reichenb. Av. Syst. Wat. t. Ixvii. (1850)* ... H. bellicosa. This not unappropriately named type is remarkable for its long Wings and short tarsi. It embraces three distinct species, which occupy separate geographical areas from Colombia to N. Argentina. Key to the Species. A. Rump black like the back. }: uniform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. ferruginea, p. 195. Tail with inner webs partly red . . . . . . . . . . 2. Sclateri, p. 195. B. Rump ferruginous red. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, bellicosa, p. 196. 1. Hirundimea ferruginea. Todus ferrugineus, Gm. S. W. i. p. 446; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 267. Hirundinea ferruginea, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 113 (Rio Negro); id. Ibis, 1873, p. 27; Sel. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 150 (Bogota); id. Ibis, 1869, p. 196, pl. v. fig. 2, et 1882, p. 164; Sel. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 51; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 297 (Brit. Guiana). Above sooty black; wings and tail black; outer webs of inner primaries at their bases ferruginous red; beneath dark ferruginous red ; chin whitish ; under wing-coverts and broad inner margins of wing-coverts similar but rather paler; bill and feet black whole length 6-5 inches, wing 44, tail 3:2. Female similar. Hab. Guiana, Cayenne, and Lower Amazonia. a, b. 3 Q ad. sk. Roraima, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). c. 2 ad. sk. Twek-quay Mt., Carimang r. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). d. 6 ad. sk. Rio Iganna, N. Brazil (Nat- Sclater Coll. terer). 2. Hirundinea, sclateri. Hirundinea bellicosa, Sel, Ibis, 1869, p. 196, t. v. fig. 2; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 537. Myiarchus ferrugineus, Cab. in Tsch. F. P., Aves, p. 154, Hirundinea ferruginea, Sel. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 150 (Bogota). Hirundinea sclateri, Reinh. Fuglef. Camp. Bras. p. 147 (1870); Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 51; Scl. Ibis, 1882, p. 164; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 21 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 297. Above sooty black; wings blackish, with a large ferruginous red blotch which occupies the greater part of the inner primaries and adjoining secondaries; tail blackish, basal two thirds of all the lateral rectrices ferruginous red; beneath dark ferruginous red; chin whitish ; under Wing-coverts and inner webs of wing-feathers, except at their tips, similar, but rather brighter; bill and feet black: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 4-5, tail 3:2. Female similar. * Cf. Gray, Cat. of Gen. (1855), p. 51. o 2 196 TYRANNIDAE. IIab. Colombia, and Peru. The greater extent of the red on the wing, and the presence of the same colour on the inner webs of the lateral rectrices at once distinguish this species from H. ferruginea. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Bogota, U. S. C. Purchased. 3. Hirundinea bellicosa. Suiriri roxo obscuro, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 129. Tyrannus bellicosus, Vieill. Nouv. Dict, Xxxv. p. 74; id. Enc. Méth. . 846. Hºlies bellicosa, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 314 (Bolivia); Hartl. Ind. Az. p. 12; Sel, Ibis, 1869, p. 196, et 1882, p. 164; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 51; Reinhardt, Fugelf. Camp. Bras. p. 144; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 537 (C. Peru); Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 343 (N.E. Brazil); White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 607 (Arg. Rep.); Berl. et Jher. Zeitschr, ges. Orm. 1885, p. 135 (Rio Grande do Sul); Sel, et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 151. Muscicapa rupestris, Maa. Reise, i. p. 345. Platyrhynchus rupestris, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 977. Hirundinea rupestris, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 113; Sel, Ibis, 1869, p. 198, pl. v. fig. 3; Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 615 (Bolivia). Muscivora ferruginea, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 505; Euler, J. f. O. 1867, p. 232 (nest). IPhoneutria ferruginea, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 65. Hirundinea ferruginea, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 225 (excl. syn.). - Platyrhynchus hirundimaceus, Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. p. 11, t. 13, fig. 1. Tº pyrrhophpus, Vieill. Nouv. Dict, xxxx; td. Enc. Méth. 1814,7 . 847. - Above sooty brown ; wings blackish, with a large ferruginous red blotch occupying the greater portion of the inner primaries and secondaries; rump and greater part of the tail-feathers ferruginous red, apical portion of tail-feathers blackish : beneath ferruginous red; throat greyish ; under wing-coverts and inner webs of wing- feathers, except the tips, similar to belly, but brighter; bill and feet black : whole length 7 inches, wing 4-3, tail 2-2. Female similar. Hab. S.E. Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. The red rump at once distinguishes this species. a. Ad. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Sclater Coll. b, c. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. & ad. sk. Rio º Goyaz, Brazil (Joy- Salvin–Godman Coll. 726?"). e. 6 a.d. sk. Ypanema, Brazil (Natterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. f, g. 6 Q ad. Sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner). h, i. Ad, sk. S.E. Brazil. Sclater Coll. j. Ad. sk. Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. Jc. Ad. sk. Catamarca, Arg. Rep. (White). Sclater Coll. l, m. Q ad. sk. Fuente de Andalgala, Catamarca, Salvin-Godman Coll. Arg. Rep. (White). 7. Ad, sk. Tilotilo, Prov. Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Buckley). 64. CNIPODECTEs. 197 64. CNIPODECTES. Type. Cnipodectes, Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 281 .... C. subbrunneus. Bill and foot of Chipodectes. Of the correct position of this form I am by no means certain. The bill is shorter and broader than in Hirundinea, and the wings are short and rounded. The tarsi are rather short. Cnipodectes extends from Panama to Amazonia. Rey to the Species. A. Larger; bill broader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. subbrunneus, p. 197. B. Smaller; bill narrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. minor, p. 197. 1. Cnipodectes subbrunneus. (Plate XVI.) Cyclorhynchus subbrunneus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 282, 295. Myiochanes subbrunneus, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 232. Cnipodectes subbrunneus, Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 51 (part.); tºd. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 281 (E. Peru), et 1879, p. 514 (Antioquia); Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, pp. 118, 123 (Ecuador). Above olivaceous brown; wings blackish, margined with rufous ; tail nearly uniform brown, but centres of the webs darker : beneath cinereous, washed with brown on the breast and flanks; middle of belly lighter, whitish : under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers pale fulvous; bill—upper mandible black, lower whitish ; feet pale brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3:3. Hab. Ecuador and Colombia. a. Ad, sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. 3 ad. sk. Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. Balzar Mts., Ecuador (Illingworth). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 3 ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia, U.S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). 2. Cnipodectes minor. Cnipodectes subbrunneus, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 281. Chipodectes minor, Sel. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 654; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 294. 198 TYRANNIDAE. Similar to C. subbrunneus, but smaller, and bill narrower : whole length 5-7 inches, wing 2:8, tail 25. Hab. Peru, Ecuador, and Panama. I am not sure that this form is properly separable from the pre- ceding, but the difference in size is considerable. a. 6 a.d. sk. Chamicuros, E. Peru (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. 6 a.d. sk. Chamicuros, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C.]. c. 3 ad. sk. Chamicuros, E. Peru (Haua well) Gould Coll. d. Ad. sk. Sta. Rita, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll e, d ad. ; Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. * 65. MYIOBIUS. Type Tyrannula, Sw, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 358 (1827) . . . . . . M. barbatus. Myiobius, Gray, List of Gen. ed. i. p. 30 (1840) . . . . M. barbatus. Platyrhynchus, Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. p. 9 (1825). . . . . . M. barbatus. Pyrrhomyias, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 66 (1859). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. vieillotides. Myiophobus, Reichenb. Orn. Syst. Nat. t. lxvii. (1850). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. naevius.” This is an extensive gonus embracing upwards of twenty species, of small size, which extend nearly all over the Neotropical Region. The bill is rather short and much broadened ; the gape is well armed with rictal bristles; the wings are rather long, and the tarsi short. Nearly all the males show a brightly coloured, half-con- cealed, vertical crest, which is in some cases absent, or differently coloured in the female. Key to the Species. A. Wings not banded; a conspicuous pale cervine rump-band; tail dark. a. Breast pale fawn-colour . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. barbatus, p. 199. b. Breast dark fulvous. #º bill weaker . . . . . . . . . . 2. Sulphureipygius, p. 200. Larger; bill stronger . . . . . . . . . . 3. villosus, p. 201. B. Wings banded or edged; rump-bandmore or less rufous. c. Under surface ferruginous; throat similar. Back dark olivaceous . . . . . . . . . . 4. cinnamomeus, p. 202. Back rufous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. vieillotides, p. 202. d. Under surface ochraceous. Throat grey; tail rufous . . . . . . . . 6, erythrurus, p. 203. Throat ochraceous; tail cinereous .. 7. rufescens, p. 204. C. Rump bright yellow; wings not banded. e. Tail rufous, tipped with blackish. | With a white frontal band . . . . . . 8. ornatus, p. 204. With two white frontal spots. ... 9. stellatus, p. 204. * Cf. Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 360. 65. MYIOBIUs. 199 f. Tail wholly rufous. | Throat olive, like the breast . phoenicurus, p. 205. Throat greyish . aureiventris, p. 205. s & e º a tº e º e º 'º e s e º 'º D. Uniform above; no rump-band. g. Breast not striated, olivaceous. a'. Upper surface yellowish olive . . . . b'. Upper surface greenish olive. Without a white line round the 12. flavicans, p. 205. 13. 14. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e s e a s is eye With a white line round the eye. h. Breast not striated, fulvous. c'. Bill broader; lower surface yellowish. phoenicomitra, p. 206. superciliosus, p. 206. Smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. pulcher, p. 207. Larger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, bellus, p. 207. d'. Bill narrower; lower surface ochra- C&OllS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. Subochraceus, p. 208. '. Breast more or less striated. e'. Wing-bands bright rufous . . . . . . . . 18, roraimae, p. 208. f". Wing-bands ochraceous. a". Breast strongly striated. . . . . . . . 19, navius, p. 209. b". Breast lightly striated. Crest red. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, crypterythrus, p. 210. Crest yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, cryptovanthus, p. 211. 1: Myiobius barbatus. Le Barbichon de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Enl. 830, fig. 1. Muscicapa fasciata, Müll. Naturs. Suppl. p. 172 (1776)? Muscicapa barbata, Gm. S. N. i. p. 933 (1789); Lath. Ind. Orn. i. . 488. Mº barbatus, Cab. et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 67; Scl. P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 282,295 (Ecuador); id. Cat. A. B. p. 225; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. vii. p. 328, viii. p. 8 (Panama); Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 501; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 113; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 751, 1873; p. 281;-et 1879, p. 514; iid. Womencl. p. 51; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 332, et 1882, p. 21; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 298; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 118; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 295 (Br. Guiana). Muscipeta barbata, Sw, Zool. Ill. ii. pl. 116; Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 934. Platyrhynchus xanthopyglus, Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. p. 9, pl. 9, fig. 1. Muscicapa eupogon, Licht. Mus, Berol. Myiobius xanthopygius, Sel. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 465; id. Cat. A. B. p. 225; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 67; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 189; Euler, J. f. O. 1868, p. 185; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 113; Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 88; Tacz. P.Z. S. 1874, p. 537. /Myiobius atricaudus, Lawr. Ibis, 1863, p. 183; id. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 8 (Panama); Scl. et Salv. P.Z. S. 1864, p. 360; Salv. - P. Z. S. 1870, p. 198 (Veragua). Whiskered Flycatcher, Lath. G. H. vi. p. 245. Above olive-green; vertical crest yellow, tipped with olive ; wings blackish, slightly margined with brownish ; broad band across the rump pale lemon-yellow ; upper tail-coverts and tail brownish black: beneath pale fulvous, whiter on the throat; belly pale lemon-yellow : under tail-coverts fulvous ; under wing-coverts white; bill dark brown, base of the lower mandible white ; feet pale brown ; whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2:4. Female 200 TYRANNIDAE. similar, but rather smaller, and yellow of the crest not so well developed. Hab. Cayenne, Guiana, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Weragua. The tail is rather darker in specimens from Panama and Ecuador, and it is perhaps possible to recognize this form as a subspecies, but in some specimens from Guiana I find the tail very nearly as dark. a. Subsp. atricauda. a. 3 ad, sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. b, c, d ad. ; Panama (McLeanna??). Salvin–Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. e. Q ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. f, g. 6 2 ad. sk. Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. h. 6 a.d. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. 7. 6 a.d. sk. Remedios, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). j, k, Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Subsp. typica. l, m, 6 Q ad, sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). n. Q ad, sk. Camacusa, Br. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). o, p. 3 ad. sk. Roraima, Br. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. 6 ad. sk. River Atapurow, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). r. 6 a.d. sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Sclater Coll. s. Ad. sk. Amazons. I’urchased. t—w. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin–Godman Coll. a', y. Ad. Sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 2: Myiobius Sulphureipygius. Tyrannula sulphureipygia, Sel. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 296. Myiobius sulphureipygius, Sol. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 465; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 442, et 1873, p. 373; id. Cat. A. B. p. 226; Sel. et Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 399; iid. Nomencl. p. 51; Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. viii. p. 8, ix. p. 114; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 148, et 1870, p. 198; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 308: Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. vi. p. 402. $5 Myiobius citinopygius, Čab. et Iſein. Mus. Hein, ii. p. 67. Myiobius mexicanus, Cab. in Mus. Berol. Above olive-green : vertical crest bright yellow, tipped with olive; wings brownish black, slightly margined with brownish ; a broad band across the rump pale sulphur-yellow ; upper tail-coverts and tail blackish : beneath brownish fulvous ; throat whitish, middle of belly yellowish ; under wing-coverts pale fulvous ; bill brown, base of lower mandible pale ; feet pale brown: whole length 5.2 inches, wing 2.5, tail 2-3. Female similar, but rather smaller and yellow crest absent or not so well developed. Ilab. Mexico and Central America down to Chiriqui. 65. MYIOBIUs. 201 This form principally differs from M. barbatus in the darker fulvous colour of the body below. It is also rather larger in size. a. Ad. sk. Mexico (Sallé). Sclater Coll. (Type or the species.) b. Ad. sk. Cordova, Mexico. A. Sallé [C.]. c. Ad. sk. Cozumel I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. BritishIIonduras(Blancaneaua). Salvin-Godman Coll. e, d ad, sk. ; f. Sources of Rio de la Passion, Salvin–Godman Coll. Ad. sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). g. Ad. sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). Tweeddale Coll. h. Ad, sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. j, k, Ad. sk. Vera Paz. O. Salvin, Esq. [C.]. l. Ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belf). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad. sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. n. Ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Sclater Coll. o. 3 a.d. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. p. 3 ad. sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. q, r, & 9 ad, sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. 8 Juv, sk. Chiriqui (Arcé). Sclater Coll. 3+ Myiobius willosus. Myiobius villosus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 93,465; id. Cat. A. B. p. 226; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, pp. 514,615; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 21; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 299; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, pp. 91,116. Myiobius xanthopygius, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 537. Above dark olive-green ; vertical crest lemon-yellow, tipped with olive ; wings blackish, slightly margined with brownish olive; broad band across the rump pale sulphur-yellow ; upper tail-coverts and tail dark brownish black : beneath deep fulvous, throat whitish ; middle of belly yellowish ; under wing-coverts white, tinged with fulvous; bill dark brown, pale at the base of the lower mandible; feet brown ; whole length 5 inches, wing 2:7, tail 2:4. Female similar, but rather smaller, and yellow in crest absent or not so apparent. Hab. Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. This is a close ally of M. sulphureipygius, and in some cases difficult to distinguish in plumage; but it appears to be a larger and stronger bird, with more robust beak, and rictal bristles more developed. a. Q ad. sk. Nanegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (One of the types of the species.) b. Ad, sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. (One of the types of the species.) c, d. Ad, sk. Ecuador. . Gould, Esq. e. Ad. sk. Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Q ad, sk. Frontino, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Q ad, sk. Frontino, U. S. C. T. K. Salmon [C.]. h. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. 7. Ad, sk. Bogota. Purchased. j. Ad. Sk, Tilotilo, Prov, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Buckley). 202 TYRANNIDAE. 4.*Myiobius cinnamomeus. Muscipeta cinnamomea, d'Orb. et Lafº. Syn., Av. i. p. 49 (1837); d'Orb. Voy., Ois. t. 34, figs. 1, 2. Muscipeta vieillotii, d'Orb. Poy., Ois. p. 321. Myiobius pyrrhopterus, Hartl. Rev. Zool. 1843, p. 289. Tyrannula pyrrhoptera, Bp. Consp. i. p. 191. Tyrannula cinnamomea, Selater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 149. Myiobius cinnamomeus, Selater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 554, et 1860, p. 466; id. Cat. A. B. p. 226; (Lawr. Ann, Lyc, N. Y. vii. pp. 328,472; Sel. et Salv, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 186, et 1879, pp. 514, 615; iid. Nomencl. p. 51; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 537, 1879, p. 235, et 1882, p. 21; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 299; Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 91 (Ecuador). Pyrrhomyias cinnamomeus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 66. Above dark olive, head rufous ; concealed vertical crest bright yellow ; wings blackish, edges of coverts and a large patch occupying the basal portion of the secondaries bright ferruginous red; slight uropygial band fulvous ; tail blackish brown : beneath deep ferru- ginous, rather duller on the throat; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers bright rufous; bill and feet black : whole length 4:8 inches, wing 2:8, tail 2-2. Female similar. Hab. Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. a. Ad. St. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. b. A d. St. S. America. IPurchased. c, d. Ad. St. Bogota, U. S. C. J. Gould, Esq. e, f. Ad, sk. Bogota, U. S. C. Sclater Coll. g. Ad, sk. Bogota, U. S. C. JPurchased. h. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin–Godman Coll. 7, j. 3 Q ad. sk. Santa Elena, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. /c. Ad, sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. l. 3 ad. sk. Pinipi, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. 7m. Ad. sk. Cosnipata, Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. m, o. 6 @ ad, sk. Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. p. Ad, sk. Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Sclater Coll. 5.ºf Myiobius vieillotides. Tyrannula vieillotioides, Lafº. Rev. Zool. 1848, p. 174. Myiobius vieillotides, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 466; id. Cat. A. B. p. 226: Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 168; iid. Nomencl. p. 51; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 125 (Santa Marta). Pyrrhomyias heinei, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 66. Above ferruginous brown ; head darker, with a concealed vertical crest of bright yellow ; wings blackish brown; tips of coverts and a large patch occupying the basal portion of the secondaries bright ferruginous red : tail ferruginous red, with large central blackish blotches along the shafts which increase towards tho ends: beneath deep ferruginous red ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers like the belly but rather brighter; bill and feet black ; whole length 5 inches, wing 2:8, tail 2:4. Female similar. 65. MYIOBIUs. 203 Hab. Coast of Colombia and Venezuela. This species is nearly allied to M. cinnamomeus, but distinguishable by its rufous back and the rufous bases of the tail-feathers. a. SP ad. sk. San Sebastian, U. S.C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Caripé, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad, ; d. Jr. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela. D. Dyson [C.], 6:f Myiobius erythrurus. Myiobius erythrurus, Cab. Wiegm, Arch. 1844, i. p. 249, pl. 5. fig. 1; td. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 701; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 70, et 1860, pp. 295, 466; d. Cat. A. B. p. 226; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. vii. p. 472, ix. p. 114; Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 308; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 114; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, pp. 578, 595, 751, et 1873, pp. 186, 281; iid. Nomencl. p. 51; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 538, et 1882, p. 21; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 301; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 148, et 1870, p. 198; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 297 (Br. Guian.); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 64; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 557, et 1885, p. 121. Tyrannula erythrura, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 149. Above greyish olive, lower back and tail bright rufous ; wings blackish edged with rufous : beneath bright fulvous ; throat greyish; bill brown, pale at the base of the lower mandible: feet pale whitish brown ; whole length 3-5 inches, wing 2, tail 1-6. Female similar. Hab. Guiana, Amazonia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Costa Rica. The absence of the coloured vertical crest, the small size, and the pure rufous tail at Once distinguish this species. a. 6 ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). b, c. 3 Q ad, Camacusa, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. d. 3 ad, sk. Carimang r, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). e. Ad, sk. Albina, Surinam. C. Bartlett [C]. f. 3 ad, sk. Rio Capim, Pará, Lower Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Wallace). g. 3 ad, sk. Yguitos, Upper Amazons (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. 6 a.d. sk. Chamicuros, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C.]. 7. Ad. sk. Cosnipata, Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. f, k. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. l. Ad, sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. m, 6 a.d. sk. Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. n. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. 0. Ad, sk. Bogota. Purchased. p. Ad, sk. Chepo, Isthm, of Panama (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. Q ad, sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. 7. 3 a.d. sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. s, t.d. Qad.sk. Angostura, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. 204 TYRANNIDAE. 7. Myiobius rufescens. Myiobius rufescens, Salvad. Att. Soc. It, 1864, p. 152; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, pp. 174, 569; iid. Nomencl. p. 51; Tacz. P. Z.S. 1874, p. 538, 1879, p. 235, et 1880, p. 203; id. Orn. Pér, ii. p. 303. Myiobius nationi, Sel. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 99, t. xi. ſig. 1. Above cinereous, slightly mixed with ochraceous, rump ochraceous; concealed vertical crest yellow or reddish yellow ; terminal spots on both rows of coverts and external borders of secondaries rufous ; tail cinereous, with pale tips to the feathers : beneath ochraceous, paler and more whitish on the throat; under wing-coverts ochra- ceous; bill blackish, feet brown : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2-2, tail 2. Female similar, but crest not so well developed. Hab. Wostern Peru. The cinereous back and ochraceous under surface at once dis- tinguish this species. a, b, c ad. sk. Lima, Peru (Nation). Sclater Coll. (Types of M. nationi.) c. 2 ad. sk. Tambo Valley, S.W. Peru Salvin–Godman Coll. (Whitely). 8:PMyiobius ornatus. Tyrannula ornata, Lafº. Rev. Zool. 1853, p. 57; Selater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 113, pl. 66, fig. 2. Myiobius ornatus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 466; id. Cat. A. B. p. 226; Sel. et Sale. Nomencl. p. 51; Cab. J. f. O. 1873, p. 158; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 557. Above olive-green, head blackish ; sides of head cinereous; narrow front white ; concealed vertical crest lemon-yellow ; lores white ; rump bright sulphur-yellow ; wings blackish brown, slightly edged with olivaceous; tail at the base rufous, passing into blackish brown at the end : beneath olive-green, throat passing into cinereous; belly and Crissum bright sulphur-yellow ; under wing-coverts olivaceous; inner margins of secondaries whitish ; bill blackish : feet dark brown : whole length 4.5 inches, wing 2.5, tail 1:8. Female similar. Hab. Colombia. a, b, Ad. St. Bogota. Purchased. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Gould Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. f—h. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Ad. Sk. Pasto, Ecuador (Lehmann). Salvin-Godman Coll. ~9. Myiobius stellatus. Myiobius ornatus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 144 (Ecuador). Myiobius stellatus, Cab. J. f. O. 1873, p. 158; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 557, 1884, p. 297, et 1885, pp. 117, 121. Like M. ornatus but smaller, basal half of the tail yellow, then 65. MYIOBIUS. 205 rufous, apical portion blackish ; edges of secondaries and tertiaries Somewhat rufescent, abdomen and rump brighter yellow, breast more yellowish. Hab. Western Ecuador. This form appears to me to be barely separable from M. ornatus; but having only one specimen to judge from, I prefer to state the points by which Messrs. Berlepsch and Taczanowski (P. Z. S. 1883, p. 557) think it may be recognized. a. Ad, sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Salvin–Godman Coll. 10. Myiobius phoenicurus. Tyrannula phoenicura, Selater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 113, pl. 66. fig. 1. Myiobius phoenicurus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 70, et 1860, p. 466; td. Cat. A. B. p. 226; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 51; iid. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 186; Cab. J. f. O. 1873, p. 158; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 538; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 302; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 91 (Ecuador). Above olive-green; nape and sides of the head cinereous; crown black, with a concealed vertical crest lemon-yellow ; narrow front white ; wings blackish, with slight rufous edgings; rump bright lemon-yellow ; tail chestnut-red : beneath yellowish olive ; throat cinereous; lower part of the belly bright yellow ; under wing- coverts pale rufous; bill and feet dark brown : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2:5, tail 1:8. Female similar. Hab. Eastern Ecuador. The pure chestnut-red tail at once distinguishes this form from the preceding. a. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Gould Coll. c, d. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. T-11. Myiobius aureiwentris. Myiobius aureiventris, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 782. Very nearly similar to M. phoenicurus, and apparently only dis- tinguishable by its rather larger size and very pale greyish, nearly white throat. Hab. Southern Peru. a. Ad. sk. Cosnipata, Teru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. ? ad. ; c. Ad. sk. Cosmipata, Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. 12.*Myiobius flavicans. (Plate XVII.) Myiobius flavicans, Selater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 464; id. Cat. A. B. p. 227; Sol, et Salp. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 781, et 1879, p. 514; iid. Nomencl. p. 51; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 297. Above yellowish olive ; concealed vertical crest orange or yellow ; 206 TYRANNIDAE. line round the eye yellowish ; wings dark ashy brown; tips of the coverts and outer margins of wing-feathers fulvous ; tail ashy brown, with slight olivaceous edgings: beneath yellowish, brighter on the middle of the belly and passing into olivaceous on the flanks; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; inner margins of wing- feathers fulvous; bill horn-colour; feet brown : whole length 4:8 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2:1. Female similar, but without the con- cealed orange or yellow crest. Pſab. Ecuador and Colombia. This is a very distinct species, at once distinguishable by its mainly olive and yellow dress. As in other members of the genus, the crest seems to vary in tint from yellow to orange or reddish. a. Ad. Sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. Ad, sk. Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Intac, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. d. Ad. Sk. Antioquia, Colombia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Qad. sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia. Salmon [C.]. f–7, 6 ad. ; j, k, Bogota. Sclater Coll. Qad. sk. l. Ad. Sk. Bogota. Purchased. m. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin–Godman Coll. m. Ad. St. Aragua, Venezuela. Purchased. >13. Myiobius phoenicomitra. Myiobius phoenicomitra, Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 91. Above olive-green; concealed vertical crest reddish orange: wings blackish, with slight fulvous edgings to the coverts and outer secondaries; tail ashy black, with slight olivaceous edgings: beneath yellowish, brighter on the middle of the belly and more olivaceous on the breast and flanks; inner margins of wing-feathers pale fulvous ; bill dark cinereous, lower mandible whitish : feet pale brown; whole length 4:4 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2-1. Female similar, but vertical crest absent or less developed. Hab. Ecuador. - Apparently separable from M. flavicans by the much greener tint of the olive above and paler colour below. a, b. 3 Qad. sk. Mapoto, Ecuador (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimens.) `Slº. Myiobius superciliosus. Myiobius superciliosus, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 538, et 1882, p. 21. Myiobius superciliaris, Tacz. Orn. Pér, ii. p. 306. Above olive-green, with a slight brownish tinge on the lower back; concealed vertical crest yellow ; slight superciliary mark and line round the eye yellowish ; wings blackish, slightly edged with fulvous ; tail dark brown : beneath yellowish, brighter on the 65. MYIOBIUS. 207 middle of the belly; under wing-coverts pale yellow, inner margins of wing-feathers fulvous ; bill and feet dark brown ; whole length 4.7 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2-2. Female similar, but rather paler and without the yellow vertical crest. Hab. Peru. I have only a single female specimen of this species before me. It seems to be closely allied to M. flavicans, and I am somewhat inclined to doubt its real distinctness. M. Taczanowski (Orn. Pér. ii. p. 307) has pointed out what appear to be the differences. a. Jr. sk. Cochocho, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimen.) 15. Myiobius pulcher. Myiobius pulcher, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 464; id. Cat. A. B. p.227; id. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 100, pl. xi. fig. 2, et 1873, p. 780 Sel. et Salv. Womencl. p. 51; Ridgw. P. U. S. W. M. iv. p. 177; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 302. Above olive, with a yellow tinge ; head darker; concealed vertical crest bright Orange; wings blackish ; broad edgings of the wing- coverts and outer margins of external secondaries pale fulvous ; tail ashy brown : beneath yellowish, passing into fulvous yellow on the breast; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; inner margins of wing- feathers pale fulvous ; upper mandible blackish, lower whitish ; feet pale brown; whole length 3-5 inches, wing 2, tail 1-6. Female similar, but vertical crest less developed. Hab. Ecuador and Peru. - This bird may be recognized by its small size and the conspicuous bands across the wing-coverts. a, b. Ad. sk. Vicinity of Quito, Ecuador. Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) c. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad, sk. Intac, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Huasampilla, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. 16.t Myiobius bellus. Myiobius bellus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 111; id. Cat. A. B. p. 360; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 51. Elainea ferrugineiceps, Pelz. Verh, zool-bot. Ges. Wien, xxxii. p. 447 (Ecuador). Above , olive-green, with a slight brownish tinge; head cine- reous, with a concealed vertical crest of deep orange; wings blackish ; broad tips of two rows of wing-coverts and external margins of outer secondaries fulvous ; tail ashy brown: beneath yellowish, paler on the throat, and passing into fulvous on the breast ; under wing-coverts pale yellow, inner margins of wing- feathers fulvous; bill—upper mandible blackish, lower whitish ; feet blackish: whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2.5, tail 2:1. Plab. Colombia. 208 TYRANNIDAE. Very closely allied to M. pulcher, but larger in size, and of a darker fulvous on the breast. a, b. Ad. Sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) c, d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. e. Ad, sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. T17. Myiobius subochraceus. Myiobius subochraceus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1887, p. 50. Above dull olive-green, rather more ochraceous on the rump ; wings blackish, with broad tips to both rows of coverts and external margins of secondaries pale fulvous; tail dark cinereous : beneath bright ochraceous, more yellowish in the middle of the belly; under wing-coverts pale ochraceous; bill dark brown; feet black: whole length 4.7inches, wing 2:5, tail 2-6. Hab. Bolivia. The specimen described is apparently a female of a third species of the group of M. pulcher, distinguished by its large size and the uniform ochraceous colouring below. There is just a faint appear- ance of bright colour on the crown, so that the male would probably have a concealed orange crest. The bill is rather narrower and more elongated than in the two preceding species. The second specimen (b), which I have temporarily placed here, is probably the young of a different species. It is more of an olive-green above, and the form of the bill comes quite close to M. pulcher. a. Jr. sk. Tilotilo, Prov, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. - (Buckley). (Type of the species.) b. Jr. sk. Tilotilo, Prov, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Buckley). (Probably different.) >18. Myiobius roraimae. (Plate XVIII.) Myiobius roraimae, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1883, p. 207; Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 297. $ Above olive-brown ; head with a concealed reddish crest ; wings blackish, two broad bars across the wing-coverts and external margins of Outer secondaries rufous; tail brown : beneath pale yel- lowish ; breast and sides slightly freckled with cinereous; under wing-coverts white ; inner margins of wing-feathers cinnamo- meous; upper mandible brown, lower whitish ; feet dark brown : whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2-5. Female similar, but red crest absent or but slightly indicated. Hab. Interior of British Guiana. A very distinct species, perhaps most nearly allied to M. wavius, but larger and of quite a different colour below. 65. MYIOBIUS. 209 a—c. & ad. ; d, e. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. 9 a.d. sk. (Whitely). (Types of the species.) j, g. 6 2 ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). h. & ad. sk. Twek-quey, Carimang r., Salvin-Godman Coll. Brit. Guiana (Whitely). 19. Myiobius maevius. Gºuche à poitrine tachetée de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Enl. 574. g. 3. Muscicapa naevia, Bodd. Table d. Pl. Eml. p. 34 (1783). Muscicapa virgata, Gm. S. N. i. p. 948. Platyrhynchus chrysoceps, Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. p. 10, pl. 11. fig. 2. Muscipeta chrysoceps, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 940. Muscicapa flammiceps, Temm. Pl. Col. 144, fig. 3 (?). Myiobius auriceps, Gray in Zool. Voy. ‘Beagle, iii. p. 47. Mºjº virgata, d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 320; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 486. Tyrannula ferruginea, Sw. Orn. Dr. pl. 53. Tyrannula chrysoceps, Hartl. Verz. Mus. Brem. p. 49. Myiobius maevius, Sol. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 466, et 1873, p. 780; id. Cat. A. B. p. 227; Lawr. Ann. Lyo. N. Y. ix. p. 89; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 189, 1868, pp. 138, 142, 168, 1873, pp. 186, 281, 1876, p. 16, et 1879, pp. 514,615; iid. Womencl. p. 51; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 114; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 333; Berl. J. f. O. 1873, p. 259, et 1884, p. 303; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 383; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 148, et 1870, p. 198; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 297 (Br. Guian.); Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 343; White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 607; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 21; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 305; Berl. et Jher. Zeitschr. ges. Orn. 1885, p. 136 (Rio Grande do Sul); Reinh. Fuglef. Camp. Bros. p. 142; Barrows, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. viii. p. 201 (Entrerios); Sel. et Huds. Arg, Orn. i. p. 151. Myiophobus maevius, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 69. Above brown ; lores whitish ; concealed vertical crest red or yellow; wings blackish, two bands across the coverts and outer margins of external secondaries pale rufous or fulvous, sometimes whitish ; tail dark brown : beneath fulvous white; sides of throat, breast, and flanks more or less distinctly flammulated with brown ; under wing-coverts pale fulvous ; bill brown, lower mandible whitish ; feet blackish: whole length 4:7 inches, wing 2:5, tail 2:3. Female similar, but concealed crest yellow or absent. Hab. Veragua and South America down to Argentine Republic. The colour of the crest in this species seems to vary from red to yellow ; it is not quite evident from marked specimens that this is sexual, but such is, I suspect, the case. a. 6 ad, sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. ? ad. sk. Castillo, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Lion Hill Station, Panama Salvin–Godman Coll. (McLeannan). d. Jr. sk. Paraiso Station, Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. (Hughes). WOL, XIV. P TYRANNIDAE. e. Q ad. Sk. Medellin, U.S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. g, h, Q ad, sk Venezuela (Goering). Salvin Coll. 8. Q ad, sk. Carúpano, Venezuela (Goe- Salvin-Godman Coll. Tºng). j. Ad, sk. Tà. Sclater Coll. k, l, & ad.; m, Roraima, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. Q ad. sk. (Whitely). 77. 6 ad. Sk, Cayenne (Jelski). Salvin-Godman Coll. o, d ad. sk. Para (Layard). Tweeddale Coll. p. Ad, sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Salvin-Godman Coll. q, r, Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. s. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Berlepsch). Sclater Coll. t. 3 a.d.; w. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. Brazil (Joyner). v, w. Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. a. Ad, sk Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. y. Ó ad, sk. Oran, Salta, Arg. Rep. Salvin-Godman Coll. (White). 2, d ad, sk. Oran, Salta, Arg. Rep. Sclater Coll. (White). a'. 6 ad, sk. Buenos Ayres. Zool. Soc. Coll. (Type of M. auriceps.) b'. & ad. ; c', d'. Flores, Buenos Aires, Arg, Sclater Coll. SP ad, sk. Rep. (White). e'. Ad, sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. T20+Myiobius crypterythrus. Myiobius crypterythrus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 464; id. Cat. A. B. p.227; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 558, et 1884, p. 297; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 203; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 304. p. 92; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 326, et 1880, Above sooty brown; lores whitish ; concealed vertical crest bright red; wings blackish, two broad bands across the coverts and outer margins of outer secondaries pale rufous; tail brown : beneath dirty white; breast obsoletely flammulated with dark cinereous; under wing-coverts whitish ; bill brown ; feet blackish: whole length 5 inches, wing 2:5, tail 22. - Hab. Western Ecuador. I was inclined at one time to reunite this species to M. naevius; but Messrs. Taczanowski and Berlepsch hold to its distinctness. It is certainly much darker above than any specimen of M. naevius, and much more obsoletely striated below. a. & ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. 6 a.d. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. c. 3 ad. sk. Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad, sk. Quito, Ecuador. Gould Coll. 66. PYROCEPHALUs. 211 ~21:f Myiobius cryptoxanthus. Myiobius cryptoxanthus, Sol. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 445; id. Cat. A. B. p. 227; Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, pp. 68, 92. Above sooty brown; vertical crest bright yellow tipped with brown; wings blackish, two bars across the coverts and Outer mar- gins of external secondaries pale fulvous ; tail pale brown: below whitish ; breast obsoletely flammulated with pale cinereous; belly pale yellowish white; bill brown; feet blackish : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2-3, tail 2. Female similar, but yellow crest very slightly indicated. Pſab. Western Ecuador. The small size, pure yellow crest, and yellowish belly distingnish this species. - a. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. 3 ad. sk. Zamora, Ecuador (Fraser). | Sclater Coll. (Types c. 9 a.d. sk. Gualaquiza, Ecuador (Fraser). of the species.) 66. PYROCEPHALUS. Ty €. Pyrocephalus, Gould, Zool. Voy. “Beagle, iii. p. 44(1841) P. ºneus. Pyrocephalus comes very close to Myiobius in structural cha- racters, and is indeed hardly separable except for its slightly longer and less broadened bill and less developed rictal bristles. But its bright scarlet plumage renders it easily recognizable. The form extends from the Southern United States to Argentina and the Galapagos. Key to the Species. A. Head and body below bright scarlet. a. Female striated on breast. Smaller; darker above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. rubineus, p. 211. | Larger ; paler above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. meanicanus, p. 213. b. Female not striated on breast . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. nanus, p. 214. B. Plumage uniform dark ashy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, obscurus, p. 215. 1. Pyrocephalus rubineus. Gobe-mouche rouge hupé, Daub. Pl. Eml. 675, fig. 2. Muscicapa rubinus, Bodd. Table de Pl, Enl. p. 42. Muscicapa coronata, Gm. S. N. i. p. 932. Platyrhynchus coronatus, Vieill. Enc. Méth. p. 840. Myiarchus coronatus, Tsch. Fawn. Pér., Orn. p. 155; Cab, in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 700. Pyrocephalus coronatus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 188; Burm. J. f. O. 1860, p. 246 (rep. Arg.); Sternb. J. f. O. 1869, p. 261 (Buenos Ayres). Pyrocephalus rubineus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 67; Sel. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 113 (Eucador), 1855, p. 149 (Bogota), et 1866, p. 99 (Lima); id. Cat. A. B. p. 227; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 475 (Texas); Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 189 (Ucayali), 1867, º (Peru), P 212 TYRANNIDAE. 1868, p. 142 (Conchitas) et p. 175 (Peru), 1873, p. 281, et 1874, p. 538 (Peru), et 1879, p. 515 (Antioquia); iid. Nomencl. p. 51 ; Pelz. Orn, Bras, p. 114; Hudson, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 808; Tacz, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 538, 1877, pp. 326,332,752 (Peru), 1879, p. 235, et 1880, p. 203 (N. Peru); id. Orn, Pér. ii. p. 307; Durnf. Ibis, 1877, p. } 8 (Buenos Ayres); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 202, et 1880, p. 125 (Colombia); Gibson, Ibis, 1880, p. 27 (Buenos Ayres), et 1885, p. 280; Salv. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 424; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 297 (B. Guiana); Berl. et Jher. Zeitschr, ges, Orm, 1885, p. 136 (Rio Gr, do Sul); Barrows, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. viii. p. 201 (Entrerios); Sel. et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 152. Pyrocephalus manus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 46,144 (Ecuador), et 1860, pp. 282,295 (Ecuador); id. Cat. A. B. p. 228. Suiriri coronata, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 336. e Pyrocephalus parvirostris, Gould, Zool. Poy. ‘Beagle, iii. p. 44, pl. vi.; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 67; Burm. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 456. Muscipeta strigilata, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 900 (Q). Pyrocephalus strigilatus, Reinh. Fuglef. Camp. Bras, p. 142. Pyrocephalus rubineus coronatus, Tacz, Orm. Pér. ii. p. 310. Above very dark cinereous; crested head and body beneath Scarlet ; bill and feet black: whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2-9, tail 23. Female. Above paler cinereous, beneath white; breast striated with cinereous; belly more or less rosy red. Hab. South America, from Colombia down to Buenos Ayres. It is in vain, I think, to attempt to make more than one species out of this widely-spread bird, though specimens from the west coast are usually smaller. a. G ad. St. b. 3 ad. St. c. 3 a.d. sk. d. & ad. ; e, f. 9 a.d. sk. g. 6 a.d. sk. h, i. 6 ad. ; j. Q ad. sk. k. 6 a.d. sk. l, m, d ad.; n. Q ad. sk. o. 9 ad, sk. p. 3 a.d. sk. q, c ad, sk. 7, 8, & ad. ; t. 9 a.d. sk. w. 3 ad. ; v. d jr. sk. w. & ad. sk. ac, d ad, sk. $y, G ad. sk. Brit. Guiana (Schomburgk). Brit. Guiana. Valle Dupar, Santa Marta (Simons). Valencia, U. S. C. (Simons). Bogota. Medellin, Antioquia, U. S. C. (Salmon). Venezuela (Spence). Trinidad. Choco Bay, U. S. C. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Valley of Chillo, Quito (Ja- 7meson). Guyaquil. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). I. of Puna, Ecuador(Buckley). Intac, Ecuador (Buckley). Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Roy. Geogr.Soc. [IP.]. Chev, Schomburgk [P]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Capt. Kellett & Lieut. Wood[P]. Sclater Coll. Jardine Coll. Capt. Kellett & Lieut. Wood [P.]. Sclater Coll, G. Barclay [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 66. PYROCEPHALUs. 213 z. Q ad, sk. Santa Rita, Ecuador (Buck- Salvin-Godman Coll. ley). a'. 6 a.d. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Hauwwell). Salvin-Godman Coll. b'. 6 a.d. sk. River Ucayali (Haurwell). J. Gould, Esq. c'. 6 a.d. sk. Caterido Valley, S.W. Peru Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). d', t & Q ad. Islay, Peru. H. Whitely [C.]. S}{. f". Q ad. sk. Islay (Whitely). Tweeddale Coll. g'. 6 a.d. sk. Tambo Valley, Peru Tweeddale Coll. (Whitely). h'. & ad. sk. Payta, Peru (Markham). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2". 6 a.d. sk. Branas, Brazil (Reinhardt). Sclater Coll. j', k'. 6 º !'. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. & jr. sk. m". 6 jr. sk. Rio, Brazil. Sclater Coll. n". & ad. St. Buenos Ayres. C.Darwinſ.C.]. (Type of P. parvirostris.) o'. Q ad, sk. Buenos Ayres. C.DarwinſC.]. (Type of P. parvirostris.) p" & ad. sk. Buenos Ayres (Haslehust). Salvin-Godman Coll, q', 'r'. 3 Q ad. La Plata (Hudson). Sclater Coll. 8', t'. 'P ad. sk. Mendoza, rep. Arg. Purchased. w". © ad. sk. Mendoza P Sclater Coll. v'. 6 jr. sk. Rivedaria, rep. Arg. C. Durnford [C]. w". © ad, sk. Punta Lara, rep. Arg. C. Durnford § p. 176 (Mexico); id. Ibis, 1859, p. 442; d. Cat. A. B. 2.*Pyrocephalus mexicanus. Tyrannula coronata, Sw, Phil. Mag. 1827, i. p. 367 (Mexico). Pyrocephalus rubineus, Cass. B. Calif. p. 127, pl. 18; Sol. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 296; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 201. Pyrocephalus mexicanus, Scl. P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 45, 56, 366, et 1864, . 227; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 68; Sol, et Salv, Ibis, 1860, p. 399 (Guatemala); iid. Nomencl. p. 51; Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. ix. p. 201 (N. Yucatan); Bowcard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 448 (Yucatan). Pyrocephalus rubineus, var. mexicanus, Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 387. Pyrocephalus rubineus mexicanus, Merrill, P. U. S. N. M. i. p. 141 (Texas); Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 444; Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. v. p. 542 (California); id. Man, N. A. B. p. 345. Above dark cinereous; wings sometimes with slight whitish edgings; crested head and body beneath scarlet; bill and feet black: whole length 5-3 inches, wing 3-3, tail2.5. Female. Above cinereous, with slight whitish edgings to the wings: beneath dirty white, striated with cinereous on the breast; belly more or less suffused with rosaceous. Hab. South California, Mexico, Yucatan, Belize, and Guatemala. Perhaps hardly more than a subspecies of P. rubinews, but gene- rally recognizable by its larger size and rather lighter back. 214 TYRANNIDAE. a, d ad, sk. b. 3 a.d. sk. c. 3 ad, sk. d, e. g. Q ad, St. f, g, d ? ad, sk. %. 3 & ad.sk. j, k d ? ad, sk. l. 3 a.d. sk. 'm. & ad. Sk. n. G ad. Sk. o, ö ad, sk. p-r, d ad. ; 8. Q ad. sk. t. & ad. Sk. w—z. 3 ad.; a'-c'. g'. 3 ad. Sk, h', '', 3 Q ad, sk. j'. 3 ad, sk. k'. 3 ad, sk. Arizona, U. S. A. La Paz, Lower California (Forrer). Fort Yuma, Cal., U. S. A. Mexico. North Mexico (Ward). Mazatlan, W. Mexico (For- 7'07" ). oº. W. Mexico (Fe- mochio). Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Mexico. Progreso, N. Yucatan (Devis). Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Silam, Yucatan (Gaumer). Yucatan (Gaumer). Cozumel I., Yucatan (Gau- mer). British Honduras. Belize, British Honduras (Blancaneaua). Santama, Peten (Salvin). Pine-ridge of Poctum, Gua- temala. Pine-ridge of Poctum, Gua- temala (Salvin). Guatemala. 3. Pyrocephalus manus. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P]. Salvin-Godman Coll. S. Morcom [P.]. Purchased. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll, Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. C. Dyson [C.]. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Tweeddale Coll. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. Pyrocephalus nanus, Gould, in Zool. Voy. “Beagle," iii. p. 45, pl. 7; Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. ix. p. 201 (N. Yucatan); Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 323 (Galapagos Is.); iid. Nomencl. p. 51; Sund- evall, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 125 (Galapagos Is.); Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 66 (Charles Is); Salv. Trans. Z. S. ix. p. 493; id. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 424 (Galapagos Is.). Pyrocephalus dubius, Gould, in Zool, Voy, ‘Beagle, iii. p. 46. Above blackish ; crested head and body beneath scarlet, throat rather paler; bill and feet black: whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2.5, tail 2-2. Female. Above cinereous, wings and tail darker, the former slightly edged with whitish : beneath white, with a faint rosy tint. Hab. Galapagos. The females of this diminutive insular form show hardly any or very faint traces of striations on the breast. a, b. 3 ad, ; c. 92 ad, ; d-g, Jr. sk. h, i. 3 9 a.d. sk. Indefatigable Island, Gala- agos (Habel). Indefatigable Island, Gala- pagos (Habel). Salvin-Godman Coll. O. Salvin [P.]. 66. PYROCEPHALUs. 215 j, 3 ad, ; k, d jr. sk. l, m, c ad, sk. n—r. 92 ad. sk. 8, 6 ad. ; t, u. dº jr. sk. v. 3 a.d. sk. w, v. 3 ad, ; y, z, SRC. 9 a.d. sk a'. 3 a.d.; b'—d'. Q ad. sk. e'. Q ad, sk. Pyrocephalus rubineus obscurus, Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. Indefatigable Island, Gala- pagos (Habel). Charles Island, Galapagos (Markham). Charles Island, Galapagos. Bindloe Island, Galapagos (Habel). Galapagos. Galapagos. Galapagos. Galapagos. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Commr. Cookson [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Capt. Kellett and Lt. ood [P.]. Lt. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy [P.]. C. Darwin [P.]. (Types of P. nanus.) J. Gould, Esq. (Type of P. dubius.) 4. Pyrocephalus obscurus. Pyrocephalus obscurus, Gould, in Zool. Voy. Beagle, iii. p. 45 (1841); Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 46, 1864, p. 176 (Mexico), et 1866, p. 99 (Lima); id. Cat. A. B. p. 228. p. 311. Myiarchus atropurpureus, Cab. in Tsch. F. P., Aves, p. 156 (1845). Of a uniform dark cinereous, with occasional slight points of scarlet in some specimens; belly slightly stained with rosaceous: whole length 5:5 inches, wing 29, tail 2:3. Female similar, but not so dark. Hab. Western Peru. I should have been inclined to consider this bird only a dark variety of P. rubinews, but such is not the opinion of those who have met with it in a state of nature (cf. Jelski, in Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 312). I think there may have been some mistake about the locality of the single specimen said to be from Mexico. a. Ad. St. b. Ad. sk. c. 3 ad. sk. d. Q ad. sk. e. Q ad, sk. f, g. 69 ad, sk. h. Ad. sk. 2. Ad, sk. j. Ad. St. Lima, Peru. Lima, Peru (Nation). Lima, Peru (Jelski). Callao, Peru (Markham). Tambo Valley, S.W. Peru (Whitely). Tambo Valley, S.W. Peru. |Peru. Mexico (?). Peru (?). C. Darwin [C.]. (Type of P. obscurus.) Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Whitely [C]. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. E. Wilson, Esq. [P.]. 216 TYRANNIDAE. 67. EMPIDOCHANES*. Type. Empidochanes, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 228 (1862). . . . . . . . E. finiſſist. Empidochanes is also not far removed from Myiobius, but the bill is larger and longer, and the rictal bristles are not so much deve- loped. The species are found in South America from Colombia to South Brazil. Key to the Species. A. Under wing-coverts whitish. . a, Upper surface umber-brown; wing-bandsferru- gimous: base of lower mandible light-coloured ... l. fuscatºs, p. 216. }. mandible wholly dark . . . . . . . . . . 2. fringillaris, p. 216. b. Upper surface greyish brown; wing-bands greyish buff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. arenaceus, p. 217. B. Under wing-coverts deep ochraceous red : * belly deep ochraceous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. poecilurus, p. 217. }; whitish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Salvini, p. 218. 1. Empidochanes fuscatus. Muscipeta fuscata, Maa. Beitr. iii. p. 902; Burm. Syst. Ueb, ii. p. 487. Myiobius fuscatus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 188. Empidochanes fuscatus, Ridgw. Ibis, 1886, p. 461; Scl. Ibis, 1887, p. 65. Similar to E. fringillaris, but lower mandible with basal half light-coloured (Ridgway). Hab. South-east Brazil. If this species is distinct from E. fringillaris, I am not acquainted with it. >~2. Empidochames fringillaris. Empidochanes olivus, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 228 (part) i. Empidochanes fringillaris, Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 116; Sel. et Salv. Womencl. p. 51; Ridgw. Ibis, 1886, p. 461; Sclater, Ibis, 1887, p. 65. Above umber-brown; lores dark; slight superciliary line whitish ; wings blackish; tips of greater and lesser coverts, forming two distinct cross bars, and outer edges of secondaries light ferruginous; tail dark ashy brown: beneath pale greyish brown, belly yellowish white; under wing-coverts white; inner margins of wing-feathers ochraceous; bill dark horm-colour; feet brown; whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2:6, tail 25. Female similar. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. 6 ad, sk. Sapitiba, Brazil Natterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. ? ad. sk. Rio, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. º speci- mens of E. fringillaris, Pelz.) * The following species is unknown to me:—Empidochames pacilocercus, Pelz. Orm. Bras. p. 181, from the interior of Brazil. t In the Cat. Am. Birds specimens of this species and Empidomaa bimacu- latus were united under the title Empidochames olivus. 67. EMPIDOCHANES. 217 c. Ad, sk. Santa Catarina, Brazil Sclater Coll. (Rogers). d. Ad. sk. Santa Catarina, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Rogers). e. Ad. Sk, Brazil. Sclater Coll. j, Ad, sk. S. America. Salvin–Godman Coll. 3. Empidochames arenaceus, Empidochanes olivus, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 228; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. 51 p. Ol. Ochthoeca arenacea, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 20. Empidochanes arenaceus, Sel. Ibis, 1887, p. 66. Empidochanes vireoninus, Ridgw. Ibis, 1886, p. 461. Tyrannula trailli, Jard. Ann. N. H. xx. p. 330 (1847) (Tobago). Above brown; line in front of the eyes and indistinct super- ciliaries whitish ; wings and tail dark cinereous brown; tips of both series of wing-coverts, forming two transverse bands, and outer margins of secondaries pale ochraceous: beneath pale ashy brown, lighter on the throat; belly pale yellowish white; under wing-coverts white; inner margins of wing-feathers pale ochra- ceous; bill dark horn-colour; feet brown ; whole length 5:5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 27. Female similar. Hab. Colombia, Venezuela, and Amazonia. This form differs from the preceding in its much paler colouring above, there being much less rufous tint in the brown. There is also less of the yellowish tinge on the belly. But the two species are undoubtedly very closely allied, and in some cases hardly to be distinguished. a. Ad. sk. Bogota, Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of Ochthaca arenacea.) b. ? ad. sk. Yguitos, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). c. Ad, sk. Mexiana, Lower Amazons (Wal- Sclater Coll. lace). d. 6 a.d. sk. wº Lower Amazons (Wal- Salvin-Godman Coll. lace). e: G ad, sk. S. Esteban, Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. j. Ad. sk. Tobago (Kirk). Sclater Coll. g-k. Ad. sk. Tobago (Kirk). Jardine Coll. !. Ad, sk. S. America. Sclater Coll. 4. Empidochanes poecilurus, Empidochanes poecilurus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 112; id. Cat, A. B. p. 360; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 116; Sel, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 51; id. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 186 (Peru), et 1879, p. 515 (Antioquia); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 538, et 1879, p. 235; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 314. Above cinereous, wings blackish; tips of both series of wing- Coverts and outer margins of external secondaries more or less ochraceous; tail blackish, greater part of the inner webs of all the rectrices bright rufous: beneath pale buffy rufous, breast and flanks more or less overrun with cinereous, under wing-coverts and 218 TYRANNIDAE. inner margins of wing-feathers pale buffy rufous; bill dark brown; feet blackish: whole length 5-2 inches, wing 3, tail 2-6. Female similar. Hab. Colombia and Peru. Peruvian specimens of this species have the under surface rather darker and more rufous, and the red colour on the tail more extended. a. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. Sk. Antioquia, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 9 a.d. sk. Tambillo, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. e. Ad, sk. Cosnipata, Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. ~5. Empidochames salvini, sp. now. Empidochanes poecilurus P, Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 298. Above dark cinereous; wings blackish, with slight paler edgings to the wing-coverts and external secondaries; tail blackish, with inner webs of the lateral rectrices sometimes more or less tinged with rufous: beneath pale cinereous, whitish on the throat and middle of the belly; crissum and under wing-coverts ochraceous; bill blackish; feet dark brown: whole length 5-6 inches, wing 2:8, tail. 2:6. Female similar. Hab. Venezuela and British Guiana. An example from Caracas (Levraud) is in the Paris Museum. Mr. Salvin has not ventured to separate this form from E. poeci- lurus, and I have some hesitation in doing so. One of the specimens from Roraima has the rufous colour well developed on the inner webs of the lateral tail-feathers, and unquestionably shows a tran- sition towards E. poecilurus. But I think the Roraima bird may fairly be separated by the cinereous colour below and rather darker plumage above. a, b. 3 a.d.; c, d. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. 3.01. SR. (Whitely). (Types of the species.) e, f. 6 a.d. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll, (Whitely). 68. MITREPHANES. Type Mitrephorus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. phaeocercus. Mitrephanes, Coues, Bull. Nutt. Orr. C. vii. p. 55 (1882) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. phaeocercus. Mitrephanes is a form near to Empidonaw, but with a crested head, and the bill narrower and more depressed, and the wings and tail proportionately longer. It is mostly restricted to Central America from South Mexico to Panama, but one species is said to occur in Peru. 68. MITREPBANES. 219 Key to the Species. A. Head slightly crested, not black; outer web of outer tail-feather uniform. a. Belly dark chestnut-brown like the breast. 1. phoocercus, p. 219. b. Belly light ochreous, a'. Throat uniform with breast : larger; greenish above . . . . . . . . . . 2. aurantúventris, p. 219. Smaller; not greenish above. . . . . . 3. ochraceiventris, p. 220. b'. Throat whitish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Capitalis, p. 220. B. Head not crested, black; outer web of outer tail-feather white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. atriceps, p. 220. 1:f Mitrephanes phaeocercus. Mitrephorus phaeocercus, Selater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 44; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 442, pl. 14, fig. 2; id. Cat. A. B. p. 228; Sel. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 122; iid. Nomencl. p. 51. Mitrephanes phaeocercus, Coues, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. vii. p. 55. Above dusky olive, front and sides of head rufous; crest darker, wings and tail blackish brown, tips of wing-coverts, forming two bands, and outer margins of external secondaries ochreous: beneath dark chestnut-brown, middle of belly and crissum yellowish ; under wing-coverts like the breast; upper mandible dark, lower whitish ; feet horn-colour: whole length 4:8 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2:4. Female similar. Hab. Southern Mexico and Guatemala. a, b. Ad. St. Mexico. Purchased. c. Ad, sk. Cordova, Mexico (Sallé). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) d. Ad, sk. Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salvin–Godman Coll. e, f. 6 jr. sk. Ciudad Durango, Mexico Salvin–Godman Coll. et ad. sk. (Forrer). g. Ad, sk. Jalapa, Mexico (Höge). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. 3 ad. sk. Oaxaca, W. Mexico (Fenochio). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. & ad. sk. Mexico. J. Gould, Esq. j. Ad, sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. k. Ad. sk. Vera Paz. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. l, m, 3 ad, sk. Calderas, Volcan de Fuego Salvin-Godman Coll. Guatemala (Salvin). m, o. 6 @ ad, sk. Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). p. Ad, sk. Guatemala. J. Gould, Esq. ~2. Mitrephanes aurantiiventris. Mitrephorus aurantiiventris, Lawrence, Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 173 (Costa Rica); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 64. Above olive-green, head slightly crested, rather darker, and rufescent on the lores and cheeks; wings and tail blackish ; wing- coverts tipped, and external secondaries edged with ochreous or whitish : beneath chestnut-brown, passing into ochraceous yellow on 220 TYRANNIDAE. the belly; under wing-coverts like the breast ; upper mandible dark, lower yellowish; feet dark horn-colour: whole length 48 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2:3. Female similar. Hab. Costa Rica and Veragua. This is a closely allied southern representative of M. phaeocerous, differing in the more greenish back, less rufous head, and yellowish belly. a. Ad, sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c. Ad. sk. Irazu, Costa Rica (Rogers). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad, sk. Irazu, Costa Rica (Rogers). Sclater Coll. e. Q Ad. sk. Barranca, Costa Rica (Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. miol). f. Ad. sk. Costa Rica (Arcé). Sclater Coll. g-i, Jr. sk. Calobre, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. j. Ad. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. ſº. 6 ad. sk. Volcan de Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. l, m, 6 ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. n. & ad. ; o. Ad. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. sk. ~3.4 Mitrephanes ochraceiventris. Mitrephorus ochraceiventris, Cab. J. f. O. 1873, p. 320; Tacº. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 538; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 315. Like M. aurantiventris, but smaller, not green above, and much brighter on the under surface. (Cabanis.) Hab. Central Peru. This species I have not yet met with. 4+ Mitrephanes capitalis. Myiobius capitalis, Salvin, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 583 (Costa Rica); Lawr. Ann. Lye, N. Y. ix. p. 114; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 308; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 51. Mitrephanes capitalis, Ridgw. P. U. S. N. M. vi. p. 403 (Nicaragua). Above olive-green ; head slightly crested, cinereous; lores whitish ; wings and tail dark ashy, tips of wing-coverts and outer margins of external secondaries rufous : beneath, throat whitish, breast dark ochraceous brown, belly and under wing-coverts yellow ; bill dark horn-colour; feet pale brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-4, tail 2-2. Plab. Costa Rica. A very distinct species, hitherto only known from the typical specimen. It may perhaps, as Mr. Ridgway suggests, be best placed in this genus, but has shorter wings and a larger beak than M. phaeocercus. a. Ad, sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) 5* Mitrephanes atriceps. Empidonax atriceps, Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 198 (Veragua); Sol, et Salv. Womencl. p. 52. 69. EMPIDONAx. 221 Mitrephanes atriceps, Ridgw. Pr. U. S. N. M. vi. p. 413; id. Ibis, 1886, p. 461. Above fuscous olive, whole head deep black; ring round the eye white; wings and tail blackish, wing-coverts and margins of external secondaries slightly edged with whitish ; outer web of outer tail-feather white : beneath pale cinereous with an ochraceous tinge, throat and middle of the belly paler; under wing-coverts and inner margins of the wing-feathers whitish ; upper mandible blackish, lower whitish ; feet black: whole length 4 inches, wing 2:2, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. Costa Rica and Weragua. A very distinct species, easily recognizable by its black head and the white outer web of the external pair of rectrices. a. Ad. sk. Irazu district, Costa Rica (Rogers). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c, Ad, sk. Southern slope of the Volcan de Salvin-Godman Coll. Chiriqui (Arce). (Types of the species.) 69. EMIPIDONAX. Type Empidomax, Cab. J. f. O. 1855, p. 480. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. pusillus. “Tarsus lengthened, considerably longer than the bill, and ex- ceeding the middle toe, which is decidedly longer than the hind toe. Tail very slightly forked, even or rounded, a little shorter only than the wings, which are considerably rounded; the first primary much shorter than the fourth. Head moderately crested. Colour olivaceous above, yellowish beneath, throat generally grey.” (N. A. B. ii. p. 362.) In this and the succeeding genera I have followed the arrange- ment and borrowed the words of the Ornithologists of the United States as closely as possible. They have had much better oppor- tunities of studying these difficult birds, and I am quite content to follow in their wake. Mr. Ridgway has been kind enough to examine for me and correct the determinations of the whole of my series of the genus Empidomaa, and I have kept closely to his views”. Empidomaa is most abundant in North and Central America, but also extends through South America to Argentina. Key to the Species. A. Width of bill at nostrils decidedly greater than half the length of the exposed culmen. a. Lower surface deep buff . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. fulvifrons, p. 222. b. Lower surface whitish or yellowish. a'. Upper surface umber-brown. a". Flanks and crissum buff . . . . . . . . 2. albigularis, p. 223. * See his paper on Empidonaw, Ibis, 1886, p. 461. 222 TYRANNIDAE. b". Flanks and crissum whitish. Larger; browner above . . . . . . . . 3. bimaculatus, p. 224. Smaller; more olivaceous above. . 4. oliva, p. 224. b'. Upper surface olive, olive-greenish, or greyish. c". Lower surface not distinctly yel- lowish. a”. First quill shorter than ninth .. 5, griseipectus, p. 225. b'. First quill longer than seventh. a'. Tail even or slightly rounded; size larger. a”. Outer web of outer rectrix not paler: less olivaceous above, and less yellowish beneath 6, pusillus, p. 225. more olivaceous above and more yellowish U beneath . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. trailli, p. 226. b%. Outer web of outer rectrix abruptly pale . . . . . . . . . . 8. ridgway', p. 227. b". Tail slightly emarginate; size smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. minimus, p. 227. c". First quill equal to or longer than s & e º e º 'º e º a º e º 'º e º a º e º 'º e 10. acadicus, p. 228. d'. Lower surface distinctly yellowish. c. Under wing-coverts pale buff 11. difficilis, p. 229. d'. Under wing-coverts yellowish white. cº. Wing-bands not darker than lower surface . . . . . . . . . . 12, flaviventris, p. 230. d”. Wing-bands darker than lower surface. a". Above dull olive . . . . . . 13. bairdi, p. 230. b°. Above bright olive : beneath greenish yel- low. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. Salvini, p. 231. beneath bright yellow, 15, flavescens, p. 231. B. Width of bill at nostrils less than half the length of the exposed culmen. c. Outer web of outer tail-feather not ab- ruptly paler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, hammondi, p. 232. d. Outer web of outer tail-feather abruptly paler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, obscurus, p. 232. 1:#Empidonax fulvifrons. Muscicapa fulvifrons, Giraud, B. of Teacas, pl. 2. fig, 2. Empidonax fulvifrons, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 30I; Ridgway, Ibis, 1886, p. 462; id. Man, N. A. B. p. 344. Mitrephorus fulvifrons, Selater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 45; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 442; id. Cat. A. B. p. 228. Empidomax rubicundus, Cub. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 70. Empidonax fulvifrons rubicundus, Ridgw. Ibis, 1886, p. 463; id. Man. N. A. B. p. 345. Mitrephorus pallescens, Coues, Pr. Ac. So, Phil, 1866, p. 63(Arizona). Mitrephanes fulvifrons pallescens, Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 443. 69. EMPIDONAX. 223 Mitrephorus fulvifrons, var, pallescens, Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 386. Empidonax fulvifrons pallescens, Ridgw. P. U. S. W. M. iii. p. 218. Empidonax pygmaeus, Coues, Ibis, 1865, p. 537 (Arizona). Empidonax fulvifrons pygmaeus, Ridgw. Ibis, 1886, p. 463; id. Man. N. A. B. p. 345. Above dull cinereous brown, with a slight fulvous tinge, rather darker on the head; front, lores, and cheeks fulvous; wings blackish, tips of both rows of coverts and outer margins of external secondaries pale fulvous; tail dark cinereous, outer web of external rectrix whitish : beneath deep ochraceous; upper mandible dark, lower whitish ; feet black : whole length 4:5 inches, wing 2.5, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. Mexico and Arizona. Mr. Ridgway separates this species into two subspecies—M. ful- wifrons rubicundus, from Southern Mexico, and M. fulvifrons pyg- maeus, from North-western Mexico and Arizona, which is said to be smaller and paler below; but the differences do not seem to be material, and I am not able to realize them in the specimens before me. a, b. Ad, sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. Mexico. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Mexico. A. Sallé [C.]. e. Ad. Sk, Quezaltenango, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). f. Ad, sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2."Empidomax albigularis. Empidonax albigularis, Sel, et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 122; iid P. Z. S. 1864, p. 360 (Panama); tid. Nomencl. p. 52; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 229; Ridgw. Ibis, 1886, p. 463; id. Man. N. A. B. p. 340. Empidonax axillaris, Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 363; Salv, Ibis, 1874, p. 309. Above umber-brown; wings blackish, tips of both rows of wing- coverts and outer margins of external secondaries dull brownish buff; tail dark ashy brown : beneath pale Smoky buff, breast ashy brown, throat white; under wing-coverts ochraceous; upper man- dible dark, lower whitish : whole length 4:8 inches, wing 2-3, tail 2-2. Female similar. Hab. Mexico, Guatemala, and Panama. This is a very distinct species, easily recognized by its white throat and brown colour above, ~ a. Ad, sk. Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. c. 3 a.d. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) d. Ad. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. 6 ad, sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Fraser). Sclater Coll, g. Q ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. 224 TYRANNIDAE. 3." Empidomax bimaculatus. Muscipeta bimaculata, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 48 (1887); d'Or", Voy., Ois. p. 320. Empidonax bimaculatus, Sel, Ibis, 1887, p. 65; Sel, et Huds. Ary. Orn. i. p. 155. Empidochanes fuscatus, Sel, et Salo. Nomencl. p. 51; iid P. Z. S. 1867, p. 978, et 1872, p. 281 (E. Peru). Empidochames euleri, Cab. J. f. O. 1868, p. 195; Reinh. Fuglef. Camp. Bras. p. 142. Empidonax brunneus, Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 363 (1874); id. Ibis, 1886, pp. 460, 463. Empidomax brumnescens, Salvin, Ibis, 1874, p. 309. Empidochames argentinus, Cab. J. f. O. 1868, p. 196 (?). Above umber-brown, more or less rufescent ; lores with a whitish spot; wings blackish, all the coverts broadly tipped with pale rufous or ochreous, forming two transverse bars; outer margins of external secondaries of the same colour; tail brown, like the back, but not rufescent : beneath dirty cinereous white, throat and belly lighter, and with a more or less pronounced yellowish tinge ; under wing- coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers ochraceous; upper man- dible dark brown, lower whitish ; feet pale brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2:6, tail 24. 6 ( ~ : Hab. South-8& Brazil, Bolivia, and north of Argentine Re- public. The types of E. brunneus, Ridgway, which have been kindly sent to me for examination, belong to the smaller form from the Argen- tine Republic, which Cabanis has called E. argentinus. But I do not see much ground for their specific separation. The type of d'Orbigny’s M. bimaculata agrees with the larger Brazilian form. In accordance with Mr. Ridgway's views, I place this species in the genus Empidomaa, ; but it is so like Empidochames fringillaris, that I am still not quite convinced that this is its correct position. The shorter tarsi and white under mandible of the present bird are the chief points which distinguish the two species. a, b. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Rio, Brazil (Lund). Sclater Coll. d. 3 ad, sk. Curytiba, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. e. Q ad, sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. 3 ad. sk. Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). g, h. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. i. Ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. 7. 3 ad. sk. Pebas, Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. `-4.4 Empidomax oliva. Gobe-mouche olive de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Eml. 574, fig. 2. Muscicapa oliva, Bodd. Table d. Pl. Enl, p. 34. Muscicapa agilis, Gm., S. N. i. p. 948. Myiobius agilis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 188. 69. EMPIDONAx. 225 Empidochanes olivus, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 578 (Lower Amazons), et 1868, p. 628 (Venezuela); iid. Nomencl. p. 51. Empidonax oliva, Sclater, Ibis, 1887, p. 65. Empidochanes altirostris, Cab. J. f. O. 1868, p. 196 (Cartagena) P Above brown, with an olivaceous tinge ; a slightly lighter loral spot ; wings blackish, with the tips of the coverts and outer edges of the external secondaries pale rufous or ochraceous; tail ashy brown: beneath pale ashy white, lighter on the throat, and with a strong yellowish tinge on the belly; upper mandible dark brown, lower whitish ; feet pale brown : whole length 47 inches, wing 2.5, tail 2:3. Hab. Guiana, Venezuela, and Amazonia. This is a Northern form of E. bimaculatus, distinguished by its slightly smaller size, less rufescent tinge above, and more yellowish colour beneath. It is, perhaps, doubtful whether it is really entitled to the name oliva (based upon Pl. Enl. 574. fig. 2), but that name has traditionally descended to one of this group of birds, and may be assigned with more probability to this species than to any other. I do not like to use the name altirostris of Cabanis for it without being able to examine the type. a. Ad. sk. Guiana. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. c. 3 a.d. sk. Yguitos, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Bartlett). d. Jr. sk. Trinidad. Zool. Soc. Coll. 5. Empidomax griseipectus. Empidonax ?, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 229, sp. 1405. Empidonax griseipectus, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 236 (Puna Is); Sel. et Salo. Nomencl. p. 52; Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 365; id., Ibis, 1886, p. 464; Berl. et Tacº. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 558 (W. Ecuador). First quill shorter than the ninth : above deep olive, the hind neck more greyish, and top of head dull slaty; wing-bands very sharply defined, dull white or very pale olive-greyish, in conspicuous contrast with the blackish general colour of the Wings; lower parts greyish white, shaded with dull greyish across the breast, and tinged with pale sulphur-yellow : whole length 4.5 inches, wing 2:33, tail 23. Female similar, but slightly smaller. Hab. Ecuador. a, b, d. 9 a.d. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. 6:#Empidomax pusillus. Tyrannula º Sw, et Rich. Fawn. Bor.-Am, ii. p. 144, pl. 46. Platyrhynchus pusillus, Sw, Phil. Mag, 1827, p. 366. Empidonax pusillus, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 1945, Cab. J. J.O. 1855, p. 480 (Cuba); Sclater, Ibis, 1859, p. 441; id. Cat. A.B. p. 229; Cab, et Hein.Mus. Hein. ii. p. 70; Gundl. J. f.O. 1861, p.410 (Cuba), et 1871, p. 286 (Cuba); Blakiston, Ibis, 1862, p. 4, et 1868, p. 58; WOL. XIV. Q. 226 TYRANNIDAE. Brown, Ibis, 1868, p. 420 (Vancouver Is); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 425 (C. California), et vi. p. 384 (Nicaragua); 3d. Ibis, 1886, p. 464; id. Man. N. A. B. p. 343; Brewer, P. U.S. N. M. ii. p. 3; Hartl. J. f.O. 1883, p. 267 (Alaska); Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. H. N. A. ii. p. 366; Coues, Key W. A. B. 1884, p. 442. Above olive, usually decidedly greyer on head: wing-bands in adult varying from dull brownish grey or greyish brown to nearly white; in young deep buff or ochraceous; lower parts white, tinged posteriorly with sulphur-yellow, and shaded on sides of breast with olive-greyish : whole length 5 inches, wing 2:7, tail 25. Female similar but rather smaller. Hab. Western North America (in summer) and South to Mexico. a. Ad. sk. Utah, U. S. A. (Ridgway), Salvin–Godman Coll. b. Ad, sk. Utah, U. S. A. (E. W. Nelson). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Fort Steilacoom, U. S. A. Sclater Coll. (Baird). d. Ad, sk. Fort Yuma, Cal. H. K. Coale, Esq.[P]. e. Ad. Sk, Brit. Columbia (J. K. Lord). N. # Bound. Comm. f. Ad, sk. Brit. Columbia. J. º in [C.]. g. Ad, sk. Forty-ninth Parallel. sÉ Bound. Comm. h. Ad, sk. Fort Simpson, Arct. America, A. Murray [C.], 7. Ad. sk. Repulse Bay, Arct. Am. Dr. J. Rae § 7:f Empidomax trailli. Muscicapa traillii, Aud. Orn. Biogr. i. p. 236; id. B. Am. i. p. 234, 1. 65 Empidonax traillii, Baird, B. W. Am. p. 193; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 70; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 229; Lawr. Ann, Lyc. N. Y. viii. pp. 8, 290, et ix. p. 114 (Costa Rica) et p. 201 (Yucatan); Blakiston, Ibis, 1863, p. 58; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 474 (Texas); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Brewer, P. U.S. N. M. ii. p. 4; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 448 (Yucatan); Nehrling, J. f. O. 1883, p. 92 (Illinois); Coues, Key W. A. B. 1884, p. 441. Empidonax pusillus, var. traillii, Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 369; Ridgw. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. x. p. 376 (Illinois); id. Ibis, 1886, p. 464; id. Man. W. A. B. p. 343; Merrill, P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 137 (Texas); Nehrling, J. f. O. 1883, p. 92 (Illinois). º traillii, var, pusillus, Henshaw, Ann. Lyc, N. Y. xi. p. 8 (Utah). Similar to E. pusillus, but more decidedly olivaceous above and more distinctly tinged with yellow beneath ; the bill shorter and broader, and the tarsus shorter. Hab. Eastern North America (in summer), and south to Panama and Western Ecuador. a, b, Ad. St. N. America. Sir J. Richardson [P]. C, d. 3 9 a.d. sk. Pembina, U. S. A. (Coues), Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad, sk. Washington, D.C. (Paine). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. U. S. A. (Baird). Sclater Coll. g. Ad. sk. U. S. A. (Bell). Sclater Coll, 69. EMPIDONAx 227 h. Ad, sk. Tehuantepec, Mexico (Sumi- Salvin-Godman Coll. chrast). 3. G ad. sk. San José, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. j—l, d ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad. sk. Panama (MeDeannan). Sclater Coll. n, 0. 6 a.d. sk. Zamora, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. ~8." Empidomax ridgwayi, Empidonax ridgwayi, Sel. P. Z. S. 1887, p. 50. Above dark olive-green, lores and rim round the eye whitish ; wings slaty black, tips of both rows of wing-coverts and outer mar- gins of external secondaries whitish, slightly tinged with ochraceous; tail slaty black; outer web of external rectrix whitish : beneath dirty white, clearer in the middle of the throat; lower belly and crissum tinged with yellowish; under wing-coverts white; upper mandible dark horn-colour, lower whitish ; feet black: whole length 5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2:3. Hab. Int. of Colombia. Like E. traill; in colour, but with the outer web of the external rectrix white, as in E. obscurus. a. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 9. Empidomax minimus. Tyrannula minima, W. M. et S. F. Baird, Proc. Acad. Philad. i. p. 283 (1843); Aud. B. Am. viii. p. 226, pl. 491. Empidonax minimus, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 195; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 384; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 441; id. Cat. A. B. p. 229; Sclat. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 122; iid, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 837 (Honduras); id. Nomencl. p. 52; Blakiston, Ibis, 1863, p. 58; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 474 (Texas); Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 372; Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. viii. p. 290 (New York); Ridgw. Ann. Lye. N. Y. x. p. 376 (Illinois); id. Ibis, 1886, p. 465; id. Man. N. A. B. p. 343; Brewst. Ann, Lyc, N. Y. xi. p. 143 (West Virginia); Brewer, P. U.S. N. M. ii. p. 5 (eggs); Merrill, P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 137 (Texas); Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 442; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 235; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 315 (?); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 448 (Yucatan); Nehrling, J. f. O. 1883, p. 92 (Illinois); Turner, P. U.S. N. M. viii. p. 242 (Labrador). Empidonax pectoralis, Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. viii. p. 402 (Panama). Empidonax minimus, var. pectoralis, Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 364. Empidonax gracilis, Ridgw. Pr. Biol. Soc. Wash. iii. p. 23 (1886); id. P. U.S. N. M. viii. p. 571 (Cozumel). Bardly distinguishable in colour from E. pusillus and E. trailli, but tail slightly forked, and much smaller in size: whole length 4-6 inches, wing 2:4, tail 2:1. Female similar. Hab. Eastern North America, and southwards in winter to Panama and (perhaps) Peru. a. Ad. St. North America. Sir J. Richardson [P]. b, c. Ad. sk. Fort Dufferin. N. * Comm. Q 2 228 TYRANNIDAE. d, e. 5. Q ad. sk. Pembina, U. S. A. (Coues), Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Forty-ninth Parallel. N. #. Bound. Comm. 9–2. Ad, sk. Fort Simpson. bºº [C.]. J–n. Ad. sk. Illinois, U. S. A. (Coale). Sclater Coll. o-q. Ad. St. Michigan– Prof. Steere [P.]. r. Q ad. sk. Pennsylvania (Bell). Sclater Coll. S. Ad. sk. Washington (Drewler). Salvin–Godman Coll. t. Ad. sk. U. S. A. Salvin-Godman Coll, w. Ad, sk. Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Sclater Coll. v. Ad, sk. Mexico (Boucard). Sclater Coll. w. Ad. sk. Northern Yucatan (Devis). Salvin–Godman Coll. a-2. Ad. sk. Northern Yucatan (Gawmer). Salvin-Godman Coll. a'-'. Ad. sk. Cozumelſ., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. j', k". Ad, sk. Mugeres I., Yucatan (Gau- Salvin-Godman Coll. 7)?6)"). !". SP ad. sk. Jolbox I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. m'. Q ad, sk. Belize, Honduras (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 'n'. Jr. sk. Sources of Rio de la Pasion, Salvin-Godman Coll. Guatemala (Salvin). o'. Ad, sk. Chisec, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. p', q'. Ad. sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin–Godman Coll. 7", 8". Ad. sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. t", w!. 3 Q ad. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin–Godman Coll. v'. Ad. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Fraser). Sclater Coll. _w'. & ad. sk. Calderas, Volcan de Fuego, Salvin-Godman Coll. Guatemala (Salvin). _r'. Ad. sk. Pine Forest, Volcan de Salvin–Godman Coll. Fuego, Guatemala (Salvin). $y'. Ad, sk. Guatemala (Salvin & Godman). Salvin-Godman Coll. z'. Ad. sk. Escuintla, Guatemala (Salvin). Sclater Coll. a". Ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Codman Coll. b'', c''. Ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. 10." Empidomax acadicus. Muscicapa acadica, Gm. S. N. i. p. 947; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 489. Muscicapa querula, Wils. Am. Orn. ii. p. 77, pl. 13, fig. 3. Empidonax acadicus, Baird, B. W. Am. p. 197; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 70; Lawr. Ann. Lyo. N. Y. vii. p. 265 (Cuba), et viii. p. 290; Gundl. J. f. O. 1861, p. 328, 1862, p. 189, et 1872, p. 427 (Cuba); Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 229; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 475 (Texas); Sel, et Salv. Womencl. p. 52; Ridgw. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. x. p. 376 (Illi- nois); id. Ibis, 1886, p. 465; id. Man. N. A. B. p. 342; Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 374; Merrill, P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 137 (Texas); Brewer, P. U.S. N. M. ii. p. 5; Nehrling, J. f. O. 1883, p. 91 (Illinois); Berl. et Tccz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 558 (W. Ecuador); Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 441. Empidonax bairdi, Lawr. Ann. L. W. Y. vii. p. 327 (Panama). Empidonax griseigularis, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 471 (Panama); Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 52. Empidonax acadicus, var. griseigularis, Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 365. First quill usually equal to, or longer than, fifth ; above uniform olive-green or greenish grey; wing-bands buff or buffy whitish; 69. EMPIDONAx. 229 lower parts white, more or less tinged with sulphur-yellow pos- teriorly, and (usually very faintly) shaded across the breast with olive or greyish : whole length 5 inches, wing 2:8, tail 2:3. Female similar, but smaller. Hab. Eastern North America and South through Mexico and Central America to Western Ecuador. a. Ad, sk. North America. Sir J. Richardson P.]. b, c. 9 a.d. sk. Illinois, U. S. A. (Coale). sº Coll. d. Ad, sk. New York, U.S.A. (Lawrence). Sclater Coll. e. P ad. sk. Washington, D.C. (Ridgway). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Washington, D.C. (Drewler). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad, sk. U. S. A. (Baird). Sclater Coll. h—l. Ad. sk. Ruatan I., Bay of Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. (Gaumer). m. Ad, sk. Costa Rica (Endrès). Salvin-Godman Coll. m, o. 3 a.d. sk. Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. 11. Empidonax difficilis. Empidonax difficilis, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 198; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 230; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 425 (C. California), v. p. 531, et vi. p. 348 (Lower California); id. Ibis, 1886, p. 466; id. Man. N. A. B. p. 340; Brewer, P. U.S. N. M. ii. p. 2; Bean, P. U.S. N. M. v. p. 161 (Alaska). Empidonax flaviventris, var. difficilis, Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 380; Henshaw, Ann. Lyc. N. Y. xi. p. 8 (Utah); Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 442. Under wing-coverts pale buff, deepening into dull ochraceous on edge of wing; above dull greyish olive (more brownish in winter), the wing-bands dull light buffy greyish (more buffy in winter); lower parts dull pale yellowish, inclining to pale sulphur-yellow on belly and lower tail-coverts, and shaded with dull greyish brown across breast : whole length 4:8 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2:3. Female similar. Hab. Western North America and Western Ecuador. This seems to be the Western form of E. flaviventris, and to be very closely allied to that species. a. 6 a.d. sk. Orcas Island, N.W. Aumerica. Dr. Lyall º b. ? ad, sk. Saturn Island, N.W. America. Dr. Lyall [C.]. c. Ad, sk. Vancouver Island. Salvin–Godman Coll. d. Ad, sk. California (Bridges). Sclater Coll. e. 6 jr. sk. Kernville, California (Henshaw), R. B. Sharpe [P.]. f. Ad, sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico. - Sclater Coll. g. 3 ad. ; Mazatlan (Forrer). Salvin–Godman Coll. h. Ad, sk i. ? ad. sk. Plains of Colima, W. Mexico Salvin-Godman Coll. (Xantus). - º ad, sk. Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. 6 te K. Ad, sk. Tres Marias Is., W. Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 230 TYRANNIDAE. 12: Empidomax flaviventris. Tyrannula flaviventris, Baird, Proc. Acad. Philad. i. p. 283 (1843). Empidonax flaviventris, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 198; Solater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 366; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 441; id. Cat. A. B. p. 229; Sclat. et Salv, Ibis, 1859, p. 122; iid, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 360 (Panama), et 1870, p. 837 (Honduras); iid. Womencl. p. 52; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. viii. pp. 8, 290, et ix. p. 114 (Costa Rica); Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 475 *º ; Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 199 (Veragua); Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 378; Ridgw. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. x. p. 376 (Illinois); - id. P. U.S. N. M. vi. p. 384 (Nicaragua); id. Ibis, 1886, p. 466; id. Man. N. A. B. p. 341; Merrill, P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 137 (Texas); Brewer, P. U.S. N. M. ii. p. 4; Nehrling, J. f. O. 1883, p. 91 (Illinois); Turner, P. U.S. N. M. viii. p. 242 (Anticosti); Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 442. Empidonax hypoxanthus, Baird, MS. Under wing-coverts yellowish white or pale sulphur-yellow ; wing-bands not darker (usually paler) than lower parts: above dull olive-green, the wing-bands pale olive-yellowish in adult, buffy in young; lower parts pale dull sulphur-yellow, shaded with olive across breast : whole length 4:8 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2:1. Female similar. Hab. Eastern North America, and south through Mexico and Central America to Panama. a. Ad. St. North America. Sir J. Richardson * P.T. b. Ad. St. North America. Pºiº o, d. Ad, sk. Illinois, U. S. A. (Coale). Sclater Coll. e, f. Ad, sk. Illinois (Coale). R. B. Sharpe [P.]. g. Ad, sk. Nova Scotia. Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Pennsylvania (Bell). Sclater Coll. 7. Ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Sclater Coll. j. Ad. sk. Retalhuleu, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad, sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. l. Ad. sk. Choctum (Salvin). Sclater Coll. m. Ad. Sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. n. Ad. sk. Dueñas (Salvin). Sclater Coll. o. 3 a.d. sk. Angostura, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. £9. 3.d #. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin–Godman Coll. 8.01. SR. 7. 9 ad. sk. S. Ad. sk. t. 6 ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. 13+Empidonax bairdi. Empidomax bairdii, Sol. P. Z.S. 1858, p. 301; d. Ibis, 1859, p. 442; td. Cat. A. B. p. 230; Sclat, et Salv, Ibis, 1860, p. 36; iid. Nomencl. p. 52; Lawr. Ann, Lyc, N. Y. vii. p. 327 (Panama); Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 363; Ridgw. Ibis, 1886, p. 466; id. Man. N. A. B. p. 341. Wing-bands darker than lower parts: above dull olive, the wing- 69. EMPIDONAX. 231 bands dull light olive, sometimes inclining to russet; lower parts pale olive-yellowish, more decidedly olivaceous on breast; edge of wing dull ochraceous or fulvous: whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2.7, tail 2-5. Hab. Mexico. The much duller colour above seems to distinguish this from the next two species. a. Ad. Sk. Cordova (Sallé). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Mexico (Boucard). Salvin–Godman Coll. T14.4 Empidomax salvini. Empidonax salvini, Ridgw. Ibis, 1886, pp. 459, 467; id. Man. W. A. B. p. 341. Similar to E. bairdi, but much more brightly coloured, the upper parts olive-green instead of olive-brown, the lower parts brighter and clearer yellow, shaded across breast and along sides with olive- green instead of brownish; wing-bands light greenish olive instead of ochreous brown, and under wing-coverts pale greenish yellow (almost sulphur-yellow) instead of deep brownish ochre; whole length 5:1 inches, wing 2-9, tail 2-5. Female similar. Hab. Guatemala. This form is almost exactly intermediate between E. bairdi of Southern Mexico and E. flavescens of Costa Rica—so much so, in fact, that it is not easy to decide to which of the two it is most nearly related. In the colour of the upper parts it is more like the latter than the former, and the colour of the wing-bands is almost exactly the same. The yellow of the lower parts, however, is not quite so deep, the breast is a decidedly more greenish olive, and the under wing-coverts much paler yellow. (Ridgway.) a. Q ad, sk. Volcan de Agua, above S. Selater Coll. Diego (Salvin). b. 3 ad. Sk. Calderas, Volcan de Fuego Sclater Coll. (Salvin). c. 3 a.d.; Calderas (Salvin). Salvin–Godman Coll. d, e. Q ad, sk. f. Ad, sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin–Godman Coll. g. Ad. sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin–Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Guatemala. O. Salvin [C.]. i. Ad, sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Constancia). Sclater Coll. j. Ad. sk. Honduras, D. Dyson [C.]. 15. HEmpidonax flavescens. Empidonax flavescens, Lawr. Ann, Lyc, N. Y. viii. p. 133, et ix. p. 115 (Costa Rica); Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 198 (Veragua); Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 52; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 64 (Costa Rica); Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 363; Ridgw. Ibis, 1886, p. 467. 232 TYRANNID ZE. Empidonax viridescens, Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. vi. p. 418 (Costa Rica). Above bright greenish olive (varying to tawny olive), the wing- bands more ochraceous : lower parts bright Sulphur-yellow, faintly shaded across breast with tawny olive ; edge of wing varying from light saffron-yellow to deep ochraceous buff: whole length 5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2:3. Female similar. Hab. Costa Rica and Weragua. A smaller southern form of E. salvini, but much darker on the breast. a. Ad. Sk. Costa Rica (Rogers). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Costa Rica (Boucard). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Irazu, Costa Rica (Rogers). Salvin–Godman Coll. d, e. g. Q ad. sk. Dota, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Costa Rica. Purchased. g, h, 3 Q ad, sk. Southern slope, Volcan de Chi- Salvin-Godman Coll. riqui (Arcé). 2. Ad. sk. Chiriqui (Arcé). Sclater Coll. j. Ad, sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. 16: Empidomax hammondi. Tyrannula hammondii, De Vesey, Proe, Acad. Philad. 1858, p. 117. Empidomax hammondii, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 199; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 230; Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 383; Henshaw, Ann. Lyc, N. Y. xi. p. 8 (Utah); Ridgw, P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 426 (C. California); id. Ibis, 1886, p. 467; id. Man, N. A. B. p. 344; Brewer, P. U.S. N. M. ii. p. 1 (eggs); Coues, Key W. A. B. 1884, p. 443. Above olive, usually more greyish anteriorly, especially on hind neck; wing-bands dull light olive-greyish ; lower parts varying from dull greyish white, faintly tinged posteriorly with sulphur- yellow, to decided olive-yellowish, the breast always strongly shaded with olive or olive-greyish, the throat never distinctly whitish : whole length 4:8 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2:3. Hab. Western North America. a. Ad, sk. N. America (Kennerly). Sclater Coll. 17:#Empidomax obscurus. Tyrannula obscura, Sw, Phil. Mag. 1827, i. p. 367. Empidomax obscurus, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 200; Solater, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 19 (Mexico); id. Cat. A. P. p. 230; Sol. et Salo. Womencl. p. 52; Henshaw, Ann, Lyc, N. Y. xi. p. 8 (Utah); Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 381; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 426 (California); id. Ibis, 1886, p. 468; id. Man. W. A. B. p. 344; Brewer, P. U.S. N. M. ii. p. 1 (eggs); Coues, Key W. A. B. 1884, p. 443. Empidomax fulvipectus, Lawr. Ann, Lyc, N. Y. x. p. 11 (1871) (City of Mexico); Salv. Ibis, 1874, p. 310; Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 364; id, Ibis, 1886, p. 468; id. Man. W. A. B. p. 844, 70. LAWRENCIA. - 233 Above greyish, more or less suffused with olive; wing-bands and external margins of outer secondaries whitish and usually well shown ; tail dark grey, with the whole outer web of the external rectrix distinctly pale dirty white : beneath pale greyish, darker on the breast and more or less suffused with fulvous ; upper mandible dark, lower light ; feet blackish: whole length 5:5 inches, wing 2:8, tail 2-5. Female similar. Hab. California, Arizona, and Mexico. The more or less clearly defined white outer web of the external rectrix serves to identify this rather variable species. The type of Mr. Lawrence's E. fulvipectus agrees so nearly with some of my Mexican skins from La Parada, that I do not venture to keep them apart. a, d ad, sk. West Humboldt Mts., U. S. A. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Ridgway). - b. 3 ad. sk. Fort Bridger, Utah, U. S. A. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Drewler). *.. c. Ad, sk. Fort Yuma, Cal. (Mollhausen). Sclater Coll. %-sº-d. Ad. sk. Scºoet San José, California (Xantus). Sclater Coll. t e. Ad. Sk. Saticoy, California (J. G. C.). Salvin-Godman Coll. *2-f. g. 3 Q ad, sk. Ciudad, Durango, Mexico (For- Salvin-Godman Coll. rer). , , h, Ad, sk. Mexico. - J. Gould, Esq. - } - Tyrannus borealis, Sw, Faun. Bor-Am. ii. p. 141, pl. 35 (1831). Muscicapa cooperi, Nutt. Man. i. p. 282 (1832). Contopus cooperi, Cab, Journ, f. Orn. 1855, p. 479, et 1861, p. 248; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 72. Muscicapa inornata, Nutt, M.S. (cf. Man. i. p. 282). Contopus borealis, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 188; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 230; Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. viii. p. 290, ix. p. 115; Ridgw. Ann. L. N. Y. x. p. 376 (Illinois); Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 474 (Texas); Frantz. J. } O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 199 (Ve- * Species not yet known to me are:— - + (1) Contopus plebeius, Cab. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 71; id. J. f. O. 1861, p. 248; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 539; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 319 (Peru). (2) Contopus pileatus, Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. viii. p. 21 (loc. ign.). (3) Contopus depressirostris, Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. vi. p. 403 (Nicaragua). t Cf. Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 362. 71. CONTOPUs. 235 ragua); Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 52; Baird, Brew.et Ridgw. N.A.B. ii. p. 353; Merrill, P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 137 (Texas); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 424; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 125 (Sta. Marta); Nehrling, J. f. O. 1883, p. 90 (Illinois); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 22 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 316; Ridgw. Man. W. A. B. p. 337; Coues, Key W. A. B. 1884, p. 438. Contopus mesoleucus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 43; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 440; Sol. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 122. Above ashy black, head darker; wings and tail blackish, with slight whitish edgings to the outer secondaries: beneath dark ashy, throat, middle of breast, and belly creamy white : a large fluffy patch of white feathers on each side of the rump beneath the wings; under wing-coverts cinereous; bill horn-colour, at the base beneath white; feet black: whole length 7-3 inches, wing 4-3, tail 3. Female similar. Hab. North America (in summer), and southwards throughout Mexico and Central America to Colombia. This is a very distinct species. The highly developed white tufts on the flanks and white mesial line beneath render it easily recog- nizable. 49 a. Ad, sk. Vancouver I. J. K. Lord [C]. b, c. Ad. sk. West side of Rocky Mountains. J. K. Lord [C.]. d. Ad, sk. Forty-ninth Parallel, N. A. N. A. Bound. Comm. [P.]. e. 6 a.d. sk. Lake of the Woods. N. A. Bound. Comm, [P.]. f. 6 a.d. sk. Broken-head River. N. A. Bound. Comm. P.]. g. Ad. Sk. Canada (Bush). Tweeddale Coll. h. Ad. sk. California. Lord Walsingham [P.]. 2. Ad. sk. San Francisco. Sclater Coll. j. 9 a.d. sk. Fort Stockton, Texas (Duffry). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad, sk. Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Sclater Coll. !. Ad. sk. South Mexico (Sallé). Sclater Coll. m. Ad, sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. n. Ad, sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. o, Ad. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin–Godman Coll. p, q, Ad sk. Irazu distr., Costa Rica (Rogers). Salvin-Godman Coll. r. Q ad. sk. Calobre, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. S. Q ad. sk. Minca, U. S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Bogota, Sclater Coll. w. Ad. Sk. Bogota, Salvin-Godman Coll. 2:*Contopus pertinax. Contopus pertinax, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 72; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 231; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 52; Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 356; Coues, Key N. A. B. p. 488; Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 337. Contopus borealis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 301, et 1859, p. 44; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 440; Sol, et Salv, Ibis, 1859, p. 122. Above cinereous, with a slight olivaceous tint, wings and tail 236 TYRANNIDAE. darker: beneath paler, with a strong ochraceous tinge on the abdomen, crissum, and under wing-coverts; flanks with a concealed white patch ; upper mandible brown, lower yellowish ; feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 44, tail 3:4. Female similar. Hab. Mexico, Arizona, and Guatemala. The nearly uniform colour and ochraceous tinge of the abdomen distinguish this species. a. Ad. St. Mexico. M. Sallé [C]. b. Ad. sk. North Mexico (Ward). Sclater Coll. 6. Ad, sk. Mexico. J. Gould, Esq. d. 3 a.d. sk. Plains of Colima, W. Mexico Salvin-Godman Coll. (Xantus). e. Ad. sk. Mexico. A. Sallé [C]. f 3 jr. ; 9. Ciudad, Durango, Mexico Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. (Forrer). h. Ad, sk. Mexico. |Purchased. 2. Ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (Höge). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. Ad, sk. Volcan de Agua, Guatemala (Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. vin). k, Q ad. sk. Calderas, Volcan de Fuego, Salvin-Godman Coll. º Guatemala (Salvin). l, m. Ad, sk. Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). m. Ad, sk. Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala Sclater Coll. (Salvin). o, Ad. sk. Guatemala. Sclater Coll. 3: Contopus lugubris. Contopus lugubris, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 134, ix. p. 115 (Costa Rica); Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Salvin, Ibis, 1874, p. 310. Contopus pertinax, var. lugubris, Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 351. Similar to C. pertinaw, but smaller in size and darker in colour; wing 3-8 inches. Hab. Costa Rica and Veragua. a. Ad, sk. Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. ~4+Contopus brachyrhynchus. Contopus brachyrhynchus, Cab. J. f. O. 1883, p. 214; Sel, et Huds. Arg. Orn, i. p. 155. Above cinereous, lores whitish ; wings and tail blackish, with slight whitish edgings to the wing-coverts and outer secondarios: beneath paler, whitish in the middle of the belly; flanks with a concealed white patch ; bill above brown, beneath pale; feet black : whole length 7 inches, wing 4, tail 3:2. Hab. Prov. Tucuman, Argentine Republic. Nearest to C. pertinaa, but pure cinereous above, and without the ochraceous tinge below. a. d. ad, sk. Tucuman (Schulz). Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimen.) 71. CONTOPUs. 237 5A Contopus ardesiacus. Tyrannula ardosiaca, Lafº, R. Z, 1844, p. 80 (Bogota). Sayornis ardosiaca, Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 149. Contopus ardesiacus, Cab. J. f. O. 1855, p. 479; Sol. P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 44, 144, et 1860, p. 92 (Ecuador); Sel, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 52; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 515 (Antioquia) et p. 615 (Bolivia); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 539, 1879, p. 235, et 1882, p. 21; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 317; Berl, et Tacz, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 558, 1884, p. 297, et 1885, p. 92 (Ecuador); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 298 (Br, Guiana). Myiochanes ardesiacus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 71; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 232. Above dark cinereous, crown rather blacker; wings and tail smoky black: beneath similar but rather paler, especially on the middle of the belly; under wing-coverts cinereous; bill brown, beneath paler; feet blackish: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-8, tail 3:2. Female similar. Hab. Guiana, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. This is not quite a typical Contopus, the wings being rather shorter than in the other species. 4, º & Q ad. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. SK. c. 3 ad, sk. Twek-quey mt., Carimang T., Salvin-Godman Coll. Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Q ad, sk. Merida, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. Ad. sk. Medellin, Antioquia, U. S. C. Sclater Coll. (Salmon). d ad. sk. Santa Elena, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. & ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. Ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. Ninabamba, C. Peru (Jelski). Sclater Coll. Q ad, sk. Tambillo, Peru (Jelski). Salvin–Godman Coll. , m. Ad, sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia (Buck- Salvin-Godman Coll. ley). 6: Contopus ochraceus. Contopus ochraçeus, Sel. et Salv, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 419 (Costa Rica); did. Nomencl. p. 52; Salv, Ibis, 1870, p. 115, et 1874, p. 313; Ridgway, Ibis, 1883, p. 401. Above brownish olive, darker on the head; wings and tail ashy black, the wing-coverts and secondaries edged externally with ochraceous: beneath deep ochraceous, paler on the throat and more yellowish on the belly; bill above blackish, beneath yellowish: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-3, tail 2-9. Hab. Costa Rica. The ochraceous colour below at Once distinguishes this species. a. Ad. Sk, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) 238 TYRANNIDAE. 7A Contopus virens. Muscicapa virens, Linn. S. N. i. p. 827. Muscicapa querula, Vieill. Ois, Am. Sept. i. p. 68, pl. 39. Muscicapa rapax, Wils. Am. Orn. ii. p. 81, pl. 18. f. 5. Myiarchus virens, Selater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 150. Contopus virens, Baird, B. N. Am, p. 1903. Gundl, Journ. f. Orn. 1855, p. 479, 1861, pp. 328, 416, et 1872, p. 424 (Cuba); Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 71; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 43; id. Cat. A. B. p. 231; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 248 (Costa Rica); Sel, et Salv. Ibis, 1859, pp. 122, 441; iid P. Z. S. 1864, etp. 360 (Panama), et 1870, p. 837 (Honduras); iid. Nomencl. p. 52; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 474 (Texas); Lawr. Ann, Lyc. N. Y. viii. p. 290, ix. p. 115 (Costa Rica); Ridgw. Ann. L. N. Y. x. p. 376 (Illinois); Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Merrill, P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 137 (Texas); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 64 (Costa Rica); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, . 1880, p. 125 (Santa Marta); Nehrling, J. f. O. 1883, p. 90 (Illinois); Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 357; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 22; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 318; Coues, Key W. A. B. 1884, p. 439; Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 338. Tyrannula bogotensis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 190. Contopus bogotensis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 459; id. Cat. A. B. p. 231; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 87 (WHndies). Contopus albicollis, Lawr. Ann. N. Y. Ac. Sc. iii. p. 156; Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 338 (Yucatan)? Above olive-plumbeous, crown rather darker; wings and tail blackish, wing-coverts and outer Secondaries with more or less of whitish edgings: beneath dirty white, breast and flanks more or less tinged with cinereous; belly more or less faintly tinged with yellowish; bill above dark, beneath yellowish white; feet blackish ; first primary longer than the fifth : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-4, tail 27. Female similar. Hab. Eastern North America, and south through Mexico and Central America to Colombia and Ecuador. I am a little doubtful about Contopus albicollis of Yuëatan, of which Mr. Lawrence has kindly lent me the type. But on the whole I am inclined to regard it as a pale-coloured example of the present species. Some of the specimens from Ruatan come very near it. a—g. Ad. sk. Illinois, U. S. A. (Coale). Sclater Coll. h, i. 6 ad. Sk, Illinois, U. S. A. H. K. Coale, Esq. [P.]. j, k, Ad sk. Michigan, Prof. Steere [C]. l. Ad. Sk, Indiana, U. S. A. (Sclater). Sclater Coll. n. Ad, sk. Niagara Falls, U. S. A J. Gould [C.], n. Ad, sk. Portsmouth, N.H., U. Š. A.(Cowes). Sclater Coll. o. 3 ad. sk. Washington, D.C., U. S. A. (Mc- Sclater Coll. Guire). p. Ad, sk. Washington, D.C., U. S. A. (Drew- Sclater Coll. ler). q. 3 ad. sk. College Woods, Distr, of Colombia, Salvin-Godman Coll. U.S. A. (Cowes), 71. CONTOPUs. 239 r. Ad. sk. S. 6 a.d. sk. t, u. Ad. sk. v-c'. Ad, sk. d'. Ad, sk. e'. Ad. sk. f', g'. Ad, sk. h'. Q jr. sk. '—k'. & ad. sk. !". Ad, sk. m". Q ad, sk. m'. Ad. sk. o'. Ad. sk. p'. & ad. Sk, q'. Ad. sk. 'r', S', Jr. sk. t", wº. Ad, sk. Cuba. Mexico (Sallé). Cozumel I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Ruatan I., Bay of Honduras (Gaumer). Guatemala. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Southern slope of the Volcan de Chiriqui (Arcé), Bugaba, Chiriquj (Arcé). Panama (McLeannan). Chepo, Panama (Arcé). Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Bogota. Bogota. Gualaquiza, Ecuador (Fraser). Ecuador. Puna I., Gulf of Guayaquil (Buck- ley). Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). 8.*Contopus richardsoni. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. I. Fraser [C.]. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Tyrannula richardsoni, Sw. Faun. Bor.-Am... ii. p. 146, pl. 46. Contopus richardsonii, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 189; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 231; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 360 (Panama), et 1879, p. 615 (Bolivia); id. Nomencl. p. 52; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 474 (Texas); Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. ix. p. 115 (Costa Rica); Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 199 (Veragua); Merrill, P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 137 (Texas); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 425; Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 558, 1884, p. 297, et 1885, p. 92 (Ecuador); Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 338. Contopus sordidulus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 43; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 441; Sel. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 122. Contopus virens, var. richardsoni, Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 360; Coues, Key W. A. B. 1884, p. 440. Similar to C. virens, but darker above and beneath; the breast more covered with cinereous, and the belly without any olivaceous tinge. Hab. Western North America, and south through Western Mexico and Central America to Ecuador and perhaps Bolivia. It is in many cases very difficult to decide whether southern specimens should be referred to this form or to the Eastern C. virens. a—d. Ad, sk. e. Ad, sk. f Q ad. sk. West side of Rocky Mountains. California (Grüber). Upper Missouri and Yellowstone, U. S. A. (Warren). Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Mexico (Sallé). Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Coban, Vera Paz § J. K. Lord [C]. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. g. & ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. 7. Ad, sk. j, k, Ad. sk. l. Ad. sk. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. 240 TYRANNIDAE. m, n. Ad. sk. Retalhuleu, Guatemala (Salvºn). Salvin-Godman Coll. o. Ad, sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin–Godman Coll. p. Ad. Sk, Vera Paz. O. Salvin º! q. Ad, sk. Guatemala. Sclater Coll. r. Q ad. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin–Godman Coll. s. 3 ad, sk. Dueñas, Guatemala. O. Salvin [P.]. t–v. Ad, sk. Irazu distr., Costa Rica (Rogers). Salvin-Godman Coll. w. Ad. sk. San José, Costa Rica (Frantzius). Salvin-Godman Coll. a. Jr. sk. West coast of America. Capt. Kellett and Lt. Wood [P.]. y. Q ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. 2, Q ad, sk. Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. a'. Q ad. sk. Zamora, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. b'. Ad. sk. Ecuador (Fraser). Salvin–Godman Coll, c'. Ad. sk. Nairapi, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9: Contopus brachytarsus. Empidonax brachytarsus, Sclater, Ibis, 1859, p. 441 (Mexico); Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. vii. p. 327(Panama). Contopus brachytarsus, Salvin, Ibis, 1861, p. 354; id. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 199 (Veragua); Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 231; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 360 (Panama), 1867, p. 578 (Lower Amazons), 1868, pp. 168, 628 (Venezuela), 1870, p. 781 (Venezuela); Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. ix. p. 89 (Costa Rica); White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 608 (Arg, Rep.); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. vii. p. 173 (Trinidad); 7d. Man. W. A. B. p. 339; Sel. et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 156. Empidomax andinus, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 539, et 1879, p. 235 Peru). cº punensis, Lawr. Ann, Lyc. N. Y. ix. p. 237 (Puna Is..); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 474, et 1880, p. 203 (Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 319; Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 558, et 1885, p. 122 (W. Ecuador). Contopus schottii, Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. ix. p. 202; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. viii. p. 571 (Yucatan). Above dark plumbeous olive ; Crown darker, blackish ; wings and tail blackish, the wing-coverts and outer secondaries more or less edged with whitish : beneath dirty white, clearer on the throat and middle of the belly, which latter has sometimes an olivaceous tinge; bill above blackish, beneath yellowish white; feet blackish; first primary shorter than the fifth : whole length 5-3 inches, wing 2-9, tail 2.5. Female similar. Hab. Mexico and Central America, southwards to Peru and Amazonia. It is possible that I may have united more than one species under the present name, which was originally based upon Mexican specimens, but the bird has been subsequently traced down the American continent to Peru and Lower Amazonia. In some cases it is difficult to discriminate between this species and dwarfed or immature examples of C. virens; but I think that Mr. Ridgway's character of the first primary being shorter than the fifth in C. bra– chytarsus generally holds good. 72. BLACICUs. 241 W. Ad, sk. c'. Ad, sk. d'. Ad. Sk, Blacicus, Cab. J. f. O. 1855, p. 480 St. Comapam, Mexico (Sallé). Cordova, Mexico (Sallé). Yucatan (Gaumer). Cozumel I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Cajabon, Vera Paz (Salvin). Chisec, Vera Paz (Salvin). Retalhuleu, Guatemala (Salvin). Escuintla, Guatemala (Salvin). Escuintla, Guatemala (Fraser). Guatemala. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Panama (McLeannan). Panama (Hughes). Bogota. Caracas, Venezuela (Goering). Sam Esteban, Venezuela (Goering). Venezuela (Goering). Guiana. I. of Mexiana, R. Amazons (Wallace). Chota, Peru (Stolzmann). Brazil (?). 72. BLACICUS*. tº e º & G tº e º & G & º 'º e º e º & Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll, Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Type. B. caribaeus. Blacicus comes yery near the smaller forms of Contopus, but the bill is larger and longer, and the wings are not so long. strictly an Antillean type. A. Bill shorter, broader: under surface not yellow. 1. bahamensis, p. 242. Key to the Species. a. Delly tinged with yellowish. . . . . . . . . . . . b. Belly tinged with ochraceous. a'. Crown nearly uniform with back: e a e º e e º e º e s e º e º ſº * @ 2. 3. hispaniolensis, p. 242. It is 2. caribaeus, p. 24 back olivaceous | back grey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . back brownish. . . . . . . . e i e e s = e e a e 4. pallidus, p. 243. b'. Crown distinct from back: | crown olive-brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . crown deep brown c. Belly deep rufous • * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5. blancoi, p. 243. 6. brunneicapillus, p.243. . latirostris, p. 244. B. Bill longer, narrower; belly sulphur-yellow 8. barbirostris, p. 244. * Refer also to Bl, marčnicensis, Cory, Auk, 1887, p. 96, from Martinique, allied to B. brunneicapillus. WOL., XIV. R 242 TYRANNIDAE. ~1.3 Blacicus bahamensis. Empidonax bahamensis, Bryant, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H. vii. p. 109 (1861). © Contopus caribaeus, var. bahamensis, Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. N. A. B. p. ii. p. 352. º Contopus bahamensis, Cory, Birds of Bahamas, p. 101; Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 339. Above mouse-brown; cap rather darker; wings and tail blackish, wing-coverts and external secondaries slightly edged with whitish : beneath dirty greyish white, slightly tinged with yellowish on the breast and belly; under wing-coverts pale ochraceous; upper man- dible dark, lower paler; feet black: whole length 5:5 inches, wing 2.9, tail 2-6. Female similar, but rather smaller. Hab. Bahama Islands. In this species, which seems to me to belong strictly to Blacicus, there is no tinge of ochraceous colour below, except on the under wing-coverts. a, b. 6 S2 ad. sk. Nassau, Bahamas (Cory). Sclater Coll. ~2:4-Blacicus caribaºus. Muscipeta caribaea, d'Orb. in La Sagra's Cuba, Aves, p. 77 (1839); Lembeye, Av. de Cuba, p. 129. Muscicapa caribaea, Gundl. Boston Journ. N. H. vi. p. 316. Blacicus caribaeus, Cab. J. f. O. 1855, p. 480 (Cuba); Gundl. J. f. O. 1861, p. 328, et 1872, p. 426. Contopus caribaeus, Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 351; Ridgw. Man. W. A. B. p. 339. Above dark grey, with a slight olivaceous tinge on the back; wings and tail blackish, with slight lighter edgings to the wing- coverts and external secondaries: beneath light greyish, with a strong ochraceous tinge, except on the throat ; under wing-coverts pale ochraceous; upper mandible dark, lower light, except at the tip; feet blackish: whole length 5:5 inches, wing 2:8, tail 27. Hab. Cuba. a. Q ad. sk. Cuba. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Sam Cristobal, Cuba (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c, d. Ad. sk. San Cristobal, Cuba. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Cuba. Salvin-Godman Coll. ..f. Ad, sk. Remedios, Cuba (Bishop). Smiths. Inst. g Ad, sk. Guayaquil (??). Zool. Soc. Coll. T3: Blacicus hispaniolensis. Tyrannula carribaea, var. hispaniolensis, Bryant, Proc, Bost. Soc, N. H. xi. p. 91 (1866). Contopus frazari, Cory, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. viii. p. 94 (1883). Sayornis dominicensis, Cory, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. viii. p. 95 (1883). Contopus hispaniolensis, Cory, B. Haiti and San Domingo, p. 81. Cº. fºibau, var, hispaniolensis, Baird, Brew.et Ridgw, N.A. B. ii. p. 351. 72. BLACICUs. 243 Similar to B. cariboeus, but without the olivaceous tinge above, and not so ochraceous below. Hab. St. Domingo. a. 9 ad, sk. Samaná, San Domingo, W. I. Salvin-Godman Coll. (McGregor). b. 3 ad. sk. La Vega, San Domingo, W. I. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Cory). 4." Blacicus pallidus. Myiobius pallidus, Gosse, B. Jam. p. 166. Blacicus pallidus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 77; Albrecht, J. f. O. 1862, p. 199. Contopus pallidus, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 231; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. . 52. Contopus caribaeus, var. pallidus, Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 351. Rhynchocyclus cerviniventris, Salvad. Att. Sc. It, vii. p. 153; cf. Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 175. Above brownish olive; wings and tail dark cinereous, slight edgings to wing-coverts and outer secondaries ochraceous: beneath dingy ochraceous grey, lighter on the throat; under wing-coverts ochraceous; bill above dark, below whitish ; feet dark brown: whole length 5:5 inches, wing 2:8, tail 27. Female similar. Hab. Jamaica. a. Ad. St. Jamaica. Purchased. b. 6 a.d. sk. Moneague, Jamaica (Bryant). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Moneague, Jamaica (Bryant). Mrs. Bryant [P.J. d. 6 a.d.; e. Moneague, Jamaica (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad, sk. j. 6 ad, sk. Near Spanish Town, Jamaica Salvin-Godman Coll. (March). g. Ad, sk. Jamaica (Gosse). P.L. Sclater, Esq. º h. Ad, sk. Jamaica (Gosse). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Ad, sk. Jamaica (Gosse). Jardine Coll. j. Ad, sk. Jamaica. §º Sclater Coll. k. Ad. sk. Jamaica. Sclater Coll. l, Ad, sk. Jamaica. Purchased. ~5. HElacicus blancoi. Blacicus blancoi, Gundl. J. f. O. 1874, p. 311, et 1878, p. 171; id, An. Soc. Esp. H. W. vii. p. 195; Cab. J. f. O. 1875, p. 224. Like B. pallidus, but larger and darker above. (Cab.) Hab. Porto Rico. –6. Blacicus brunneicapillus. Blacicus brunneicapillus, Lawr. Ann, N.Y. Ac. Sci, i. d. 161; id, P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 59 (Dominica), et viii. p. 622 (Guadaloupe). Above clear olive-brown; crown much darker brown ; Wings and R 2 244 TYRANNIDAE. tail brownish black, outer secondaries edged with very pale fulvous; throat grey, tinged with fulvous on the lower part; abdomen and under wing-coverts reddish ochreous: whole longth 5-7 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-5. (Lawrence.) Hab. Dominica and Guadaloupe. a. Jr. sk. Dominica (Angas). Sclater Coll. 7+Blacicus latirostris. Myiobius latirostris, Verr. W. Arch. d. Mus, ii. Bull, p. 22, t. 3. fig.2 (1866); Sel. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 271 (S. Lucia); Semper, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 650. Contopus latirostris, Sol, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 52; Cory, Ibis, 1886, p. }; (St. Lucia). Above dark olive-green; rump slightly ochraceous; Wings and tail dark brown, outer secondaries slightly edged with greyish fulvous: beneath uniform dark ochraceous red; upper mandible dark, lower pale yellowish ; feet dark brown : whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2-6, tail 25. Female similar. Plab. St. Lucia. The deep rufous under-surface renders this species easily recog- nizable. The tail is slightly rounded. a, b. Ad, sk. St. Lucia, W. I. (Semper). Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. St. Lucia, W. I. (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8.4Blacicus barbirostris. Tyrannula barbirostris, Sw. Phil. Mag. 1827, i. p. 367. Blacicus barbirostris, Sel. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 85; Sol, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 53. Myiobius tristis, Gosse, B. Jam, p. 167. Blacicus tristis, Cab. Journ. f. Orn. 1855, p. 480; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 234. Myiarchus tristis, Coues, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil, 1872, p. 80; Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 332. Above sooty brown; crown and nape blackish ; wings and tail blackish, with slight lighter edgings to the wing-coverts and outer secondaries: beneath pale sulphur-yellow, throat light grey; under wing-coverts like the belly; inner margins of wing-feathers pale fulvous ; bill dark brown; feet blackish : whole length 5-8 inches, wing 2:8, tail 28. Female similar. Hab. Jamaica. This species is intermediate between Blacicus and Myiarchus, agreeing best in the structure of its bill with the former, and in the style of its plumage with the latter form. Myiarchus platyrhynchus, Ridgw., Pr. U.S. N. M. viii. p. 570, from Cozumel, described from spirit-specimens, is stated to be closely related to this species. 73. MYIOCHANES. 245 a, b. 'Ad, sk. Jamaica (Osburn). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Jamaica. Sclater Coll, d. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Gosse). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad, sk. Jamaica. P. H. Gosse [C.]. f. Ad. sk. Moneague, Jamaica (Bryant). Salvin–Godman Coll. g. Ad, sk. Moneague, Jamaica (Bryant). Mrs. Bryant [P]. h. Ad. sk. Moneague, Jamaica (O. Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. & d ad. sk. Jamaica (Newton). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. Ad. sk. Jamaica. P.L.Sclater, Esq.[P.]. K, l. Ad, sk. Jamaica (Chitty). Jardine Coll. 73. MYIOCHANES #. Type Myiochanes, Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 71 (1859). M. cinereus. This diminutive form comes also very near to the smaller species of Contopus, particularly C. brachytarsus. But the bill is smaller and the wings are not quite so long. Myiochanes is found in Brazil and Ecuador. Key to the Species. A. Larger: cinereous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. cinereus, p. 245, B. Smaller: blackish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. nigrescens, p. 246. 1. Myiochames cinereus. Platyrhynchus cinereus, Spix, Av. Bras. ii. p. 11, pl. 13. f. 2. Myiarchus cinereus, Cab. Wiegm, Arch. 1847, i. p. 248; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 473. Tyrannula cinerea, Bp. Consp. i. p. 190. Contopus cinereus, Cab. Journ. f. Orn. i. 1855, p. 479. Myiochanes cinereus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 71; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 232; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 116; Sel. et Salv. Womencl. p. 52; Reinh. Fugelf. Camp. Bras. p. 141; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, . 343. Tºmi, curtipes, Sw, Orn. Dr. pl. 54. Above sooty cineleous, head blacker : wings and tail sooty brown: beneath dirty cinereous; bill dark brown above, pale below ; feet blackish : whole length 5-0 inches, wing 2-9, tail 25. Female similar. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. 6 a.d. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Sclater Coll. b. 3 ad. sk. Rio, Brazil (Lund). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Ypanema, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. . d. Q ad. sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner), Salvin-Godman Coll. # The following seems to be allied to Myiochanes, but is unknown to me:– PLANCHESIA FULIGINOSA. Gobe-mouche brun de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. En!. 574. fig. 1. Muscicapa fusca, Bodd. Table d. Pl. Enl, p. 34 (1783). Muscicapa fuliginosa, Gm. S. N. i. p. 932. * Planchesia fuligimosa, Bp. Cat. Ois, Cayenne, p. 12; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 43. 246 TYRANNIDAE. 2. Myiochanes nigrescens. Myiochanes nigrescens, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 157 (Ecuador). Čačac, tº 571)/ Myiochanes cineraceus, Taez. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 539 P A Above sooty blackish, crown, wings, and tail rather darker: beneath slightly paler, rather more cineraceous; upper mandible dark brown, lower paler; feet blackish: whole length 4:4 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2:3. Flab. Ecuador. Quite distinct from M. cineracews, from its uniform blackish colour and smaller size. a. SP ad. sk. Gualaquiza, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. c, d. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Types of the species.) 74. MYIARCHUS #. T - ype. Myiarchus, Cab. in Tsch. F. P., Aves, p. 152 (1845). . M. ferox. “Despotina, Kaup, 1851,” Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 363. . M. ferox. Myionax, Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 73 (1859).. M. crimitus. Onychopterus, Reichenb. Av. Syst, Nat. t. lxv. (1850) M. tuberculifer. Kaupornis, Bp. Ann. Sc. Nat. Sér. iv. Zool. i. p. 133 (1854) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. stolidus f. “Tarsus equal to or not longer than the middle toe, which is decidedly longer than the hinder one. Bill wider at the base than half the culmen. Tail broad, long, even or slightly rounded, about equal to the wings, which scarcely reach the middle of the tail; the first primary shorter than the sixth.”—N. A. B. ii. p. 329. Myiarchus is distributed all over North and South America and the Antilles, and extends to the Galapagos. Key to the Species. A. Olive and grey: belly sulphur-yellow. a. Larger-sized species: group of M. crimitus. a'. With rufous margins to the tail-feathers. a". Under wing-coverts pale yellow. a". Throat deep ashy: belly sulphur- yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Crinitus, p. 247. b". Throat pale ashy; belly light sul- phur-yellow. a". Tip of inner web of outer rectrix blackish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. cinerascens, p. 248, b°. Tip of inner web of outer rectrix rufous. a". Inner web of outer rectrix wholly rufous . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. nuttingi, p. 250. * Refer also to— (1) M. Sclateri, Lawr. Pr. U.S. N. M. i. p. 357 (Martinique). (2) M. brachyurus, Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 334 (Nicaraguá). f Cf. Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 358 - 74. MYIARCHUs. 247 b”. Inner web of outer rectrix partly blackish : }: larger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, meanicanus, p. 250. rather Smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. tyrannulus, p. 251. b". Under wing-coverts rufous. . . . . . . . . . 6. validus, p. 252. b'. Without rufous margins to the tail- feathers. c". Tail uniform. c". Cap brownish. cº, Back darker: bill longer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. feroa, p. 253. bill shorter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. cephalotes, p. 254. d". Back lighter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. pelzelni, p. 255. d". Cap black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, phoonotus, p. 255. e". Cap dark greyish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. phaocephalus, p.255. d". Tail with brown-white end-spots ... 12, apicalis, p. 256. b. Smaller-sized species (group of M. lawrencii). c'. Breast not flammulated. e". Rectrices blackish, sometimes with slight rufous margins. f". Rectrices with narrow rufous margins: cap brownish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. lawrencii, p. 256. cap black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. nigricapillus, p. 257. g". Rectrices without rufous margins. e”. Cap black; back olive: smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. nigriceps, p. 258. larger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. atriceps, p. 259. f*. Cap blackish; backgreyish brown 17. tricolor, p. 259. f". Lateral rectrices on inner webs more or less rufous. h". Larger : bill longer, g". Lat. rectr. on inner webs rufous throughout. c". Abdomen pale sulphur-yellow. a". Abdomen brighter; prima- ries edged with ferruginous: back lighter; bill broader . 18. yucatanensis, p. 260. }: darker; bill narrower 19, dominicensis, p. 260. b°. Abdomen paler; primaries edged with rufous. . . . . . . . 20 stolidus, p. 260. d". Abdomen white, washed with yellowish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. Sagra, p. 261. h". Lat, rectr. only rufous at ends . . 22, antillarum, p. 262. 2". Smaller : bill shorter. . . . . . . . . . . . 23. magnirostris, p. 262. d'. Breast flammulated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, flammulatus, p. 263. B. Above grey : beneath rufous . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, semirufus, p. 263. 1st-Myiarchus crimitus. Muscicapa crimita, Linn. S. N. i. p. 325; Wils. Am. Orn. ii. p. 75, 1. 13, fig. 2. Tºnº cinitus, Sw, Quart. Journ. Sc. xx. p. 271; Mar. J. f. O. 1858, p. 182. .* T i. crimita, Bp. Consp. i. p. 189; Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 51. M. crimitus, Cab. J. f. O. 1855, p. 479; Baird, B. N. Am. 248 TYRANNIDAE. p. 178; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 232; Sel. et Salv, Ibis, 1859, jº 122, 440; iid. Nomencl. p. 52; Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 334; Coues, Key W. A. B. 1884, p. 434; Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. vii. p. 327 (Panama), et ix. p. 115 (Costa Rica); Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 473 (Texas); Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Gundl, J. f. O. 1871, p. 293, et 1872, p. 420 (Cuba); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 64 (Costa Rica); Nehrling, J. f. O. 1883, p. 88; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 303 (Bucaramanga); Merrill, P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 137 (Texas); Ridgw. Proc. Biol, Soc, Wash. ii. p. 92; id. Man, N. A. B. p. 333, Muscicapa ludoviciana, Gm. S. N. i. p. 934. Tyrannus ludovicianus, Vieill. Ois. Am. Sept. i. p. 75. pl. 45. Myionax crinitus, Cab, et Heim. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 73. Myiarchus crimitus, var, crinitus, Cowes, Pº. Ac. Sc. Phil, 1872, p. 63. Gobe-mouche huppé de Virginie, Daub. Pl. Enl. 569, fig, 1. Tyrannus irritabilis, Pieill. Enc. Méth. p. 847. Abovo dull greonish olive; crown brownish ; wings dull blackish, primaries edged externally with clear rufous, secondaries and wing- coverts bordered with whitish ; tail blackish brown ; whole inner webs of all the lateral rectrices clear rufous : beneath, throat and neck ashy; abdomen sulphur-yellow; under wing-coverts sulphur- yellow ; inner margins of remiges fulvous ; bill dark horn-colour; feet black : whole length 8 inches, wing 4-1, tail 3.5. Female similar. Hab. Eastern North America (in summer) and south through Mexico and Central America to Panama and Colombia. The darker ashy neck and brighter yellow abdomen are generally sufficient to distinguish this species from its congeners, besides the greater amount of rufous in the tail-feathers. a—c. Ad. St. N. America. Purchased. d, e. g. ad. ; f-h. Illinois, U. S. A. (Coale). Sclater Coll. 9 a.d.; i, Ad, sk. j. 6 a.d. sk. Michigan, Prof. Steere ſp.). k. Ad. sk. New Jersey, U. S. A. (Wil– Sclater 3. | SO?? ). l. Ad. sk. New York (Hurst). Tweeddale Coll. m. Ad. Sk. Niagara Falls. J. Gould, Esq. [C.]. n. 6 a.d. sk. Distr. of Colombia, U. S. A. Salvin-Godman Coll. o. 6 ad. ; p. 2. Jr. sk. (Coues). Distr. of Colombia, U. S. A. Sclater Coll. q. Ad, sk. Choctum, VeralPaz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. r. Ad, sk. Vera Paz. J. Gould, Esq. 8, 9 ad. sk. Livingston, Guatemala Salvin–Godman Coll. (Salvin). t. Ó ad, sk. Lion Hill, Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. (McLeannan). 23 Myiarchus cinerascens. Tyrannula cinerascens, Lawr. Ann. Lye, N. Y. v. p. 121 (1851). Myiarchus cinerascens, Sel. et Salo, Ibis, 1859, p. 121; iid. Womenol. p. 52; Sol, Ibis, 1859, p. 440; id. P. Z. S. IS59, p. 384, et 187 l, 74. MYIARCHUs. 249 p. 85; id. Cat. A. B. p. 233; Coues, Pr. Ac. Sei, Philad, 1872, p. 69; id. Key W. A. B. 1884, p. 436; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 64 (Costa Rica); Merrill, P. U.S. W. M. i. p. 141 (Texas); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 424, et v. p. 541 (California); id. Man. N. A. B. p. 333. Myionax mexicanus, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 74. Myiarchus mexicanus, Baird, B. N. A. p. 179; Cooper, Orn. Cal. i. p. 316. Myiarchus pertinax, Baird, Pr. Ac. Sci. Philad. 1859, p. 303 (Cape S. Lucas). Myiarchus crinitus, var. cinerascens, Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. pp. 332, 337. Above ashy brown, with very slight olivaceous tinge; wings blackish, primaries narrowly margined with rufous, secondaries and coverts more broadly with dirty white; tail blackish, with the inner webs of the lateral rectrices clear rufous except at the tips, which are blackish like the outer webs: beneath, throat, neck, and breast pale cinereous; belly and under wing-coverts very pale lemon- yellow ; inner margins of remiges pale rufous; bill horn-colour; feet blackish : whole length 8 inches, wing 4, tail 3-7. Female similar. Hab. California, Arizona, Texas, and Western Mexico to Guatemala. This western species is noticeably different from M. crinitus in its much paler colouring below and in the black tips of the lateral rectrices, which extend over both webs. As regards the last- mentioned feature, however, I have had great difficulty in drawing the line in southern specimens between this species and M. meat- CQ/???.S. a. Ad. sk. California. Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. California. º, Walsingham P.T. c. Ad, sk. Fort Yuma, Cal. (Moll- sº Coll. hausen). d, e. Q jr. sk. Cape San Lucas, Lower Salvin-Godman Coll. California (Xantus). f. 6 ad. sk. La Paz, Lower California Salvin-Godman Coll. (Forrer). g. Ad. sk. North Mexico (Ward). Sclater Coll. h. 6 a.d. sk. Juchitan, Mexico (Sumi- Salvin-Godman Coll. chrast). i,j. 3 Q ad, sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico (For- Salvin-Godman Coll. rer). k. Ad, sk. S. Juan, Mexico (Rébouch). Sclater Coll. l, m, 2 ad, sk. Oaxaca, W. Mexico (Feno- Salvin-Godman Coll. chio), n. Ad, sk. Mexico. J. Gould, Esq. [P.]. o. Ad, sk. Mexico. Purchased. p, q, 6 @ ad, sk. Barranco Hondo, Volcan de Salvin-Godman Coll, Fuego, Guatemala (Salv.). r. Q ad. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salv.). Salvin-Godman Coll. s. Ad, sk. Choacus, Guatemala (Salv.). Salvin-Godman Coll. t. Ad, sk. Guatemala, Sclater Coll. 250 TYRANNIDAE. -3. "Myiarchus nuttingi. Myiarchus nuttingi, Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. v. p. 399, vi. pp. 379, 393 (Nicaragua); id. Proc. Biol. Soe, Wash. ii. p. 92; d. Man. N. A. B. p. 384. Nearly similar to M. meanicanus and M. cinerascens, but with the inner webs of all the lateral rectrices either wholly rufous or with a very narrow strip of blackish next to the shaft on the outer feather. (Ridgway.) Hab. Tehuantepec and south to Costa Rica and Nicaragua. I have as yet seen only one example of this apparently somewhat doubtful species, which comes very near M. meanicanus. a. Qad, sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4.*Myiarchus mexicanus. Tyrannula mexicana, Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 51. Myiarchus cooperi, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 180; Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 384; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 440 (Mexico); id. Cat. A. B. p. 232; Sel, et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 122 (Guatemala); id. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 837 (Honduras). Myiarchus crimitus cooperi, Coues, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil, 1872, p. 67; id. Key, 1884, p. 435; Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 331. Myiarchus mexicanus, Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 473 (Texas);)Sel. P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 84, 85; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 52; Ridgw. Pr. U.S. N. M. iii. p. 13; d. Man. W. A. B. p. 333. Myiarchus crinitus erythrocercus, Coues et Senn. Bull, U.S. G. S. iv. p. 32 (Texas); Coues, Key, 1884, p. 435. Myiarchus erythrocercus, var, cooperi, Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. . 138. Māºus mexicanus magister, Ridgw. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. ii. p. 90; d. Man. W. A. B. p. 333. Myiarchus erythrocercus, Brewer, Ibis, 1878, p. 205 (Texas). Above brownish cinereous, crown rather darker; wings blackish, primaries narrowly edged with rufous, secondaries and coverts more broadly with dirty white; tail blackish, all the lateral rectrices with the greater part of the inner web rufous, leaving only a narrow blackish border alongside the shaft: beneath, throat and breast pale cinereous; belly and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow; inner margins of rectrices pale rufous; bill dark horn-colour; feet blackish: whole length 7-8 inches, wing 4, tail 3:5. Female similar. Hab. Mexico, Yucatan, and Honduras. I confess I cannot see the necessity for dividing this species into two subspecies solely on size, as Mr. Ridgway has done; nor do I understand the supposed geographical boundaries between the two subspecies. The specimen that agrees best with T. meanicana of Kaup is specimen a ; specimen b, from Oaxaca, is nearly similar, but very slightly longer in the wing. These are from Western Mexico, but so are also e and f (from the Tres Marias), which are decidedly larger. Again, in the series from Yucatan and its islands there is much diversity in size. So on the whole I rather doubt whether the size has much to do with the distribution, 74. MYIARCHUs. 251 a. Ad, sk. Atlisco, Mexico (Boucard). Sclater Coll. b. 3 ad. sk. Oaxaca, W. Mexico (Fenochio). Salvin-Godman Coll c. Ad, sk. South Mexico (Boucard). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad, sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. e, f. 6 2 ad, sk. Tres Marias Islands, W. Mexico (Forrer). Salvin–Godman Coll. g. Ad. sk. Merida, Yucatan (Gaumer). Sclater Coll. h, . Ad. sk. Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. j–0. Ad, sk. Cozumel I., Yucatan (Gau- Salvin-Godman Coll. 7726.7°). p—a. Ad, sk. Rºtº I., Bay of Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. (Gaumer). gy. Ad, sk. San Pedro, Honduras (G. M. Salvin-Godman Coll. Whitely). 5. Myiarchus tyrannulus. Tyrannus cayanensis minor, Briss. Orn. ii. p. 400. Le petit Tyran de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Enl. 571, fig. 1. Muscicapa tyrannulus, P. L. S., Müll. Naturs. Suppl. p. 169 (1776). Myiarchus tyrannulus, White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 608 (rep, Arg.); Sel. et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 156. Muscicapa aurora, Bodd, Table d. Pl. Enl. p. 34 (1783). Muscicapa ferox, 8, Gm. S. W. i. p. 934 (1788). Suiriri pardo y roxo, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 143. Tyrannus crinifus, Hartl. Ind. Az. p. 13; d'Orb. Voy., Ois, p. 306. Tyrannus irritabilis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 189. Tyrannus ferox, Vieill. Enc. Méth. p. 848. Myiarchus ferox, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 470 (?); Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 116 (part.). Myiarchus erythrocercus, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 631 (Vene- zuela); iid. Nomencl. p. 52; Scl. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 271 (St. Lucia); Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 333 (Colombia); Semper, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 650 (St. Lucia); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 125 (Santa Marta); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 320; Berl. Ibis, 1883, p. 140. Myiarchus crinitus, var. irritabilis, Coues, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1872, p. 65; Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 331 (part.). Myiarchus oberi, Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. i. pp. 59, 191, 239, 271, et viii. p. 622 (W. Indies); id. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. i. p. 48; Lister, Ibis, 1880, p. 41 (St. Vincent); Sel. Ibis, 1880, p. 74 (W. Indies); Cory, Ibis, 1886, p. 473 (St. Vincent). Myiarchus erythrocercus, var. erythrocercus, Ridgw. Pr. U.S. N. M. i. p. 140. Similar to M. meðicanus, but rather smaller in dimensions. Hab. Southern Antilles and South America down to Argentine Republic. * As Graf v. Berlepsch has pointed out (Ibis, 1883, p. 139, note), the figure in the ‘Planches Enluminées, upon which the names Musc. tyrannulus, Müller, and M. avrora, Bodd., were based, clearly belongs to this species, with rufous inner webs to the tail-feathers, which Mr. Salvin and I distinguished as erythrocercus when we first became acquainted with it. the oldest name to this species. I think it right, therefore, to restore 252 TYRANNIDAE. a. Ad, St. Jamaica Ç P. H. Gosse [P.]. b. 6 a.d. sk. Grenada, West Indies (Ober). Salvin-Godman Coll. º ad.; f. 2 Grenada, West Indies(Wells). Sclater Coll. ad. sk. g. Ad, sk. Nevis, West Indies. W. Cottle, Esq. [9]. h. Q ad. sk. St.Vincent, W.Indies (Lister). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8, j. 3 & ad. sk. St. Yºw. Indies (Rich- Sclater Coll. ardson). k, l. 3 Q ad, sk. Dominica, W. Indies (Ober). Sclater Coll. m. Ad, sk. Dominica, W.Indies (Taylor). Sclater Coll. 'm, o. Ad, sk. St. Lucia, W. Indies (Semper). Sclater Coll. p. Ad. sk. Tobago (Thirsk). Sclater Coll. q, Q ad, sk. Santa Marta, U.S.C.(Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. r. Ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. s. Ad. sk. Trinidad. Salvin-Godman Coll. t. Ad. sk. Cayenne (Jelski). Sclater Coll. w. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C.]. v. Ad. sk. Maranura, Peru (Whitely). Salvin–Godman Coll. w. & ad. sk. Eng. do Gama, Brazil (Nat- Salvin-Godman Coll. terer). a', y. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. a'. Ad. Sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. b'. Ad, sk. Catamarca, Arg.Rep. (White). Sclater Coll. 6.4Myiarchus validus. Myiarchus validus, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, i. p. 351; Scl. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 76 (Jamaica); id, Cat. A. B. p. 232; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 52; Coues, Pr, A6. Sc, Phil, 1872, p. 62; Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 331. Tyrannus crinitus, Gosse, B. Jam. p. 186. Tyrannula gossii, Bp. Consp. i. p. 189; Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 51. Myionax validus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 73. Above brownish cinereous, crown darker; wings blackish edged with rufous; tail blackish, the lateral rectrices with the greater portion of the inner webs and narrow edgings to the outer webs rufous, leaving only a black line along the shaft : beneath, throat and breast pale cinereous; abdomen pale sulphur-yellow ; under wing-coverts pale rufous; bill dark horn-colour, base of the lower mandible pale; feet blackish : whole longth 8:5 inches, wing 4, tail 3.9. Female similar. Hab. Jamaica. The rufous wing-edgings, fulvous under wing-coverts, and greater amount of rufous in the tail at once distinguish this well-marked species. a. Ad. Sk, Moneague, Jamaica § Salvin-Godman Coll, b. Ad. sk. Moneague, Jamaica (Salvin). Mrs. Bryant [P.]. c. Ad. sk. Near Spanish Town, Jamaica Salvin-Godman Coll. (March). d. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Allen). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Gosse), Sclater Coll. , Ad sk. Jamaica, Salvin-Godman Coll, 74. MYIARCHUs. 253 7. Myiarchus ferox. Tyrannus cayanensis, Briss. Orn. ii. p. 398. Muscicapa ferox, Gm. S. W. i. p. 934; Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 855. Tyrannus ferox, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 306. Myiarchus ferox, Cab. Orn. Not. i. p. 248; id. Schomb. Guian, iii. p. 700; Sol. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 150 (Bogota); id. Cat. A. B. p. 233; Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 73; Burn. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 470 (Q); Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 87 (Trinidad); Euler, J. f. O. 1867, p.228 (Brazil); Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 578 (Lower Amazons), 1868, p. 168 (Venezuela), et 1873, p. 281 (E. Peru); Reinh. Fuglef. Camp. Bras. p. 141; Sel, et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 156. Myiarchus tyrannulus, Coues, P. Ac. Phil. 1872, p. 71; Scl., et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 515 (Antioquia) et p. 616 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl. p. 52; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 22; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 321; Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 330; Salv, et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 125 (St. Marta); Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 343 (N.E. Brazil); White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 608 (rep. Arg.); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 298 (Br. Guiana); Barrows, Bull, Nutt. Orn. Cl. viii. }. 202 (Entrerios). Myiarchus swainsoni, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 72; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 233; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 161 (rep. Arg.). Myiarchus cantans, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 117; Berl, Ibis, 1883, p. 139; Berl, et Jher. Zeitschr. ges. Orn. 1885, p. 137 (Rio Grande do Sul). Myiarchus panamensis, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. pp. 284, 295 (Panama), et ix. p. 115 (Costa Rica); Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 360 (Panama); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 199 (Veragua); Bouc, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 64 (Costa Rica). Myiarchus venezuelensis, Lawr. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil., 1865, p. 38; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 632 (Venezuela). /N Myiarchus ferocior, Cab. J. f. O. 1883, p. 214 (rep. Arg.). Above dark cinereous, more or less olivaceous : wings and tail blackish, wing-coverts and outer secondaries with more or less defined edgings of dirty white: beneath, throat and breast cinereous; abdomen and under wing-coverts sulphur-yellow ; bill dark brown; feet blackish : whole length 7-0 inches, wing 3-6, tail 3:4. Female similar. Hab. From Veragua throughout South America to Argentine Bepublic. As has been pointed out by Graf von Berlepsch (Ibis, 1883, p. 139), Gmelin's Muscicapa feroa was based primarily on Brisson's Tyrannus cayanensis, which is certainly this species, and not on Pl. Enl. 571, fig. 2, as has been generally assumed. I think, therefore, that we cannot well avoid using the specific name “feroa, ’’ for this bird. a. 3 ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. b. Ad, sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. c, d. Ad. Sk, Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. Ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. g, h, i. Ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Tweeddale Coll. j. Ad, sk. Paraiso Station, Panama Salvin–Godman Coll. (Hughes). k. Ad, sk. Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. 254 TYRANNIDAE. J. Ad, sk. m. Ad, sk. n. Ad, sk. o, G. Ad, sk. p. Ad. sk. q. Ad, sk. r. Ad. sk. s. Ad, sk. t. Ad, sk. w. Ad, sk. v. Q ad. sk. w. 6 a.d. sk. a'. 6 a.d. sk. $y, 9 ad. sk. 2. SP ad. sk. a', b'. Ad. sk. c'. 6 a.d. sk. d'. Ad. sk. e', f'. Ad. sk. g', h". Ad. sk. ''. Ad. sk. j'. Ad, sk. k'. Ad, sk. !", m'. & ad. sk. m', o'. 6 ad. sk. ; p'. Q ad. sk. g'. Ad, sk. a'. Ad, sk. s', t'. Ad. sk. w", v', 'w'. Ad, sk. a'. Ad. sk. y'. Ad, sk. z'. 6 a.d. sk. a". 3 ad, sk. b”. Ad. Sk, c". Ad. sk. d". 3 ad. sk. e", f". Ad, sk. g". Ad, sk. Santa Elena, U. S. C. (Salmon). Bogota. Bogota. San Esteban, Venezuela (Goe- ring). Venezuela (Goering). Trinidad. Tobago (Kirk). Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). IEastern Peru. Pebas, E. Peru (Hawa well). Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Yurimaguas, E. Peru (Bartlett). Chamicuros, E. Peru. Santa Cruz, E. Peru. Xeberos, E. Peru §. Xeberos, E. Peru (Bartlett Upper Ucayali. Tilotilo, Prov, Yungas, Bolivia (Buckley). Typuani, Bolivia (Buckley). Typuani, Bolivia (Buckley). Bolivia. Bolivia. British Guiana. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll, Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. E. Bartlett [O.T. E. Bartlett či Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. E. Bartlett [C.]. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. T. Bridges [C.], Sclater Coll. ciº Schomburgk Bartica Grove, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). Camacusa, British Guiana (Whitely). Island of Mexiana, Lower Ama- zons (Wallace). Para (Wallace). Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Bahia, Brazil. Erazil. Sapetiba, Brazil (Natterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimen of M. cantans, Pelz.) Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Joyner). Punta Lara, Buenos Ayres. Mendoza, Arg. Rep. (Weis- haupt). Mendoza, Arg. Rep. (Weis- haupt). Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Durnford [C]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Vicinity of Buenos Ayres (Hasle- Salvin-Godman Coll. hust). `-8. Myiarchus cephalotes. Myiarchus cephalotes, Tacz, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 671, et 1882, p. 22; d. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 322; Reich, u. Schal. J. f. O. 1880, p. 317; Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 93 (Ecuador). Myiarchus ferox, Tsch. F. P., Aves, p. 153 (?). 74. MYIARCHUs. 255 Similar to M. ferow, but bill shorter; outer margin of external rectrix more distinctly white, and whitish margins of wing-coverts and secondaries more strongly marked: whole length 7-0 inches, wing 3:8, tail 3-7. Female similar. JHab. Western Peru and Ecuador. I cannot say that I am at all satisfied as to the claims of this form for specific distinction. a. c ad, sk. Tamiapampa, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. b. ? ad. sk. Chirimoto, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. c, d. Ad, sk. Chirimoto, Peru (Stolzmann). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Authentic specimens.) ~9. Myiarchus pelzelni. Myiarchus pelzelni, Berl. Ibis, 1883, p. 139. Similar to M. feroa, but of much paler colouring; back olive- grey and not olive-brown ; cap rather lighter; throat and breast more whitish ; bill longer and paler in colour. Hab. S.E. Brazil and Cayenne. I am also not quite certain that this form is anything more than a variety of M. ferov. Count v. Berlepsch has kindly supplied me with one of his typical specimens, and a skin, apparently from Cayenne, seems to agree quite well with it. a. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. (One of the types.) b. Ad, sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Sclater Coll. ~10. Myiarchus phasonotus. Myiarchus phaeonotus, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1883, p. 207; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 298 (Brit. Guian.). Above greyish black, cap darker black; wings and tail blackish, wing-coverts and outer secondaries margined with dirty white: beneath, throat and upper breast pale greyish ; abdomen and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-5, tail 3:5. Female similar. Hab. Interior of British Guiana. The dark-coloured back and black head distinguish this species from M. feroa. a. Q ad, sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c. 6 ad.; d. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. Q ad, sk. (Whitely). (Types of the species.) e. Q ad. Sk, Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll, (Whitely). 11:TMyiarchus pha-ocephalus. Myiarchus phaeocephalus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 281 (Ecuador); ãd. Cat. A. B. p. 233; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 237 (Puna I.); Coues, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil, 1872, p. 73; Sol, et Salv. Womencl. p. 52; 256 TYRANNIDAE, Tacz, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 326; id. Orn, Pér, 11, p. 328; Bert, et Tacz, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 559, et 1885, pp. 93, 122 (Ecuador). Myiarchus tyrannulus, var. phaeocephalus, Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 330. Above olivaceous grey, crown dark grey; wings blackish, with narrow whitish edgings to the primaries and borders of the same colour to the secondaries and coverts; tail blackish, with lighter apical edgings: beneath, throat and neck pale greyish ; abdomen and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; whole length 7-0 inches, wing 3-5, tail 3:4. Female similar. Hab. Western Ecuador and Western Peru. Very closely allied to M. ferow, but apparently recognizable by its greyish back and dark grey head. a. g ad.; b. ad. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. sk. (Types of the species.) c, d. Ad. sk. Sta. Rita, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. e. Ad, sk. Balzar Mts., Ecuador (Illing- Salvin-Godman Coll. worth). -12.*Myiarchus apicalis. Myiarchus apicalis, Sel. et Salv. Ibis, 1881, p. 269; Reich, u. Schal. J. f. O. 1882, p. 217. Above dark olivaceous; head blackish ; wings blackish ; wing- coverts and secondaries slightly edged with whitish ; tail blackish ; outer web of outer rectrix and broad apical spot on all the lateral rectrices white : beneath, throat and neck grey; abdomen and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; bill and feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-5, tail 3:3. Hab. Interior of Columbia. The broad apical white spots on the lateral tail-feathers at once distinguish this species. a. Ad.; b. Jr. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) c, d. Ad, sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. 13. Myiarchus lawrencii. Muscicapa lawrencei, Giraud, B. of Tevas, 1841, pl. 2, fig. 1. Myiarchus lawrencii, Baird, B. W. Am. p. 181; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, pp. 366, 384; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 440; id. Cat. A. B. p. 233; Sclat. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 121 (Guatemala); iid P. Z. S. 1870, p. 837 (Honduras); iid. Nomencl. p. 52; G. C. Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. 114 (Honduras); Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. viii. p. 182 (Nicaragua), et ix. pp. 115, 204; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Coues, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1872, p. 74; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 448 (Yuca- tan); Ridgw. Man. W. A. B. p. 335. Myiarchus rufomarginatus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 73. Myiarchus mexicanus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 296. M. tristis, var. lawrencii, Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 333. 74. MYIARCHUs. 257 Myiarchus lawrencii olivascens, Ridgw. Proc. Biol. Soe, Wash. ii. p. 91; id. Man. W. A. B. p. 335. Myiarchus platyrhynchus, Ridgw. Proc, Biol. Soc. Wash. iii. p. 23; id. Man. W. A. B. p. 335 (?). Above dull olive-green; head brownish; wings and tail blackish, with narrow rufous external margins: beneath, throat and neck pale cinereous; abdomen and under wing-coverts pale sulphur- yellow ; bill horn-colour; feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-5, tail 3:4. Female similar. Hab. Mexico, Yucatan, Guatemala, and Honduras. No precise line can be drawn between this and the following species, which pass gradually one into the other. (Cf. Baird, Brewer, and Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 333.) But I am inclined to refer all the Guatemalan series to the present form. a. Ad, sk. Mexico (Sallé). Sclater Coll. ð. Ad. sk. Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Sclater Coll. c. A d. sk. Orizaba (Botteri). Purchased. d. & ad. sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. 6 @ ad. sk. Tres Marias I., W. Mexico Salvin-Godman Coll. (Forrer). g, h. Ad. sk. Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2–p. Ad. sk. Cozumel I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin–Godman Coll. q. Ad. Sk. Vicinity of Belize, Brit. Hon- Salvin-Godman Coll. duras (Blancaneaua). 7. 92 ad. sk. Sources of Rio de la Pasion, Salvin-Godman Coll. Guatemala (Salvin). s, t. Ad. sk. Coban, Vera Paz. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. w. Q ad. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. v. 9 a.d. sk. Dueñas (Fraser). Jardine Coll. w. d, ad. Sk, Volcan de Agua, above San Salvin-Godman Col. Diego (Salvin). a. Ad. sk. Volcan de Agua (Salvin). Sclater Coll. gy. Q ad. Sk, Yaxcamnal,Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Jr. sk. Honduras (Mather). Sclater Coll. a', Jr. sk. Honduras. Dyson [C]. b'. Ad. sk. Saml?edro, Honduras (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. 14. Myiarchus migricapillus. Myiarchus lawrencii, Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 249; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 182, et ix. p. 204; Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa #. Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 64. Myiarchus lawrencii nigricapillus, Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. vi. pp. 384, 393 (Nicaragua). Myiarchus nigricapillus, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 233; Lawr. Ann. L. W. Y. ix. p. 115; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 148, et 1870, p. 199 (Veragua); Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 279 (Mosquitia); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica). Myiarchus tristis, var. nigricapillus, Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 333. Similar to M. lawrencii, but cap sooty black, and yellow abdomen brighter. Hab. Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Veragua. WOL., XIV. 258 TYRANNIDAE. a, b. Ad, sk. Costa Rica (Mus. Berol.). Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimens.) c. Ad, sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. San José, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad, sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. 6 a.d. sk. Pacnare, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. g, Jr. sk. Irazu district, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Rogers). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Costa Rica. Purchased. 7. Ad, sk. Blewfields, Nicaragua (Wick- Salvin-Godman Coll. ham). j. 6 ad. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. k, l, 6 & ad. sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Sº ad, sk. Volcan de Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. 15& Myiarchus nigriceps. Myiarchus nigriceps, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 68, 295 (Ecuador); id. Cat. A. B. p. 234; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 360 A (Panama), 1868, p. 168 (Venezuela), et(1879, p. 616 (Bolivia); , . a’, e.g. 2 id. Womencl. p. 52; Lawr. Ann. L. W. Y. vii. p. 327; Wyatt, zºº. .. Ibis, 1871, p. 333 (Colombia); Coues, Pr, Ac. Sc. Phil. 1872, p. 75; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 539, 1879, p. 235, 1880, p. 203, et 1882, p. 22; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 324; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 125 (Sta. Marta); Tacz, el Berl, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 559, et 1884, p. 297 (Ecuador); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 298 (Brit. Guiana). Mºº tristis, war, nigriceps, Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. . 333. Mºs tuberculifer, Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 304 (Bucaramanga). Above greenish olive; cap black; wings and tail blackish, more or less margined with brownish : beneath, throat and neck pale grey; abdomen and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; inner margins of wing-feathers fulvous; bill dark horn-colour; feet black: whole length 6-3 inches, wing 3-1, tail 27. Female similar. Hab. Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana, and Amazonia. This bird seems to be always smaller than the two preceding species. Only in young specimens is there occasionally some rufous edging to the tail-feathers. a. 6 ad. Sk, Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species, b. 6 a.d. sk. Pallatanga. - L. Fraser [C.]. . c, d. 6 ad. Sk, Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. Sk. Vicinity of Quito, Ecuador. Salvin Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. g, Ad. Sk. Balzar jº Ecuador (ſlling- Salvin-Godman Coll. 2007'th). h. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Ad, sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. j, Ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. k, l, d ? ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. ºn. Ad, sk. Herradura, Magdalena Valley Salvin-Godman Coll. (Wyatt). 77. 6 a.d. sk. Minca, U. S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. o, p. Ad, sk Bogota, Sclater Coll, 74. MYIARCHUs. 259 q. Ad. sk. Merida, Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. 7. Ad. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela Sclater Coll. (Hanke). S. dº ad. sk. Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. t. 6 a.d.; it—w. Roraima, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll $2 ad. sk. (Whitely). a', d' ad. sk. Yguitos, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). $/. Ad, sk. Yquitos, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. T16. Myiarchus atriceps. Myiarchus atriceps, Cab. J. f. O. 1883, p. 215; Sol, et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 157. Myiarchus nigriceps, Sol, et Salv, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 616 (Bolivia). Tyrannus tuberculifer, d'Orb, et Lafr. Syn. i. p. 43; d’Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 307, t. xxxii. figs. 1, 2 (?). Similar to M. nigriceps, but larger in size: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-7, tail 3:5. Hab. Northern Argentina, Bolivia, and Southern Peru. D'Orbigny’s Tyrannus tuberculifer, of which I have examined Specimens in the Paris Museum, belongs either to this species or to M. tricolor. The slight spine at the bend of the wing, alluded to in d'Orbigny’s name, is found more or less developed in many species of Tyrannidae. a. Ad. sk. Cachupata, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Cachupata, Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad, sk. Interior of Bolivia (Bridges). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Interior of Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. f. & ad. sk. Tucuman, rep. Arg. (Schulz). Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimen.) ~17. Myiarchus tricolor. Mºº tricolor, Pelz. Orn. Bras, pp. 117, 182; Berl, Ibis, 1883, . I39. Māºri gracilirostris, Pelz. Orn. Bras. pp. 117, 183. Above dark greyish with a slight olivaceous tinge; crown black- ish ; wings and tail blackish; wing-coverts and outer secondaries with slight margins of dirty white: beneath, throat and neck pale grey; abdomen and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; bill dark horn-colour; feet black: whole length 6-3 inches, wing 3, tail 2-8. Hab. Brazil. This is a close ally of M. nigriceps, and only distinguishable by its darker back and head not so dark. It appears to be M. tricolor of Pelzeln, as considered by Graf v. Berlepsch. It would be more satisfactory to have a better series for comparison. a. Ad. sk. Rio Tocantims, Brazil (Wallace). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer) Salvin-Godman Coll. s 2 260 TYRANNIDAE. `-18."Myiarchus yucatanensis. Myiarchus mexicanus, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 202. Myiarchus yucatanensis, Lawr. Proc. 46. Phil., 1871, p. 235; Ridgw. Broc. Biol. Soc. Wash. ii. p. 92; d. Man. W. A. B. p. 334. Above dark greyish olive, crown rather more brownish ; wings blackish, primaries narrowly margined with ferruginous, secondaries and coverts edged more broadly with dirty white; tail dark brown, all the lateral rectrices with broad margins of bright rufous to the inner webs throughout : beneath, throat and neck pale cinereous, abdomen and under wing-coverts pale lemon-yellow ; bill and feet black : whole length 7 inches, wing 3-3, tail 3:2. Hab. Yucatan and Cozumel. This species clearly belongs to the Antillian group of M. stolidus, with broad rufous margins to the inner webs of the rectrices. Mr. Lawrence's type, which he has most kindly sent for examination, is a very worn specimen. It was obtained by Dr. A. Schott near Merida. Mr. Gaumer's specimen (a) is in good plumage, and, no doubt, identical. The Cozumel bird (b) has a darker back and a darker head. a. Ad. sk. Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c. Ad, sk. Cozumel I, Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. ~19:*Myiarchus dominicensis. Tyrannula stolida, var. dominicensis, Bryant, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. X1 Myiarchus dominicensis, Cory, B. Haiti, p. 79. Myiarchus stolidus, Cory, Bull. Wutt. Orn. C. vi. p. 153. Myiarchus ruficaudatus, Cory, Bull, Nutt. Orn. C. viii. p. 95. Similar to M. yucatamensis, but somewhat darker on the back; and bill rather larger and narrower: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-3, tail 3:2. Hab. San Domingo. Like M. yucatamensis this species has the rufous edgings of the primaries bright and well defined, and the belly of rather a deeper yellow than M. Stolidus. All the lateral rectrices have rufous margins. a. 3 ad. Sk, Samaná, San Domingo (McGregor). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. San Domingo, W. I. (McGregor). Sclater Coll. c. A sk. San Domingo, W. I. (Toogood). Sclater Coll. 204 Myiarchus stolidus. Myiobius stolidus, Gosse, B. Jam. p. 168. Tyrannula stolida, Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 51. Myiarchus stolidus, Cab. Journ. f. Orn. 1855, p. 479; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 77; d. Cat. A. B. p. 234; Sel, et Salv. Womencl. p. 52; Coues, Pr, 46. Sc. Phil, 1872, p. 76; Gabret-Heia. Mus. Heinii. p. 73. =-S-6/ Myiºn stolidus, var, stolidus, Baird, Brew, et Ridgw, N. A. B. ii. t 74. MYIARCHUs. 261 Above dark fuliginous grey, head rather blacker; wings blackish, primaries very narrowly edged with rufous; wing-coverts and secondaries margined with dirty white; tail blackish, inner webs of the lateral rectrices except the external pair broadly margined with rufous : beneath, throat and neck very pale cinereous; abdomen and under wing-coverts white, slightly tinged with yellow; bill and feet black: whole length 7-9 inches, wing 32, tail 3:2. Hab. Jamaica. Nearly similar to the two preceding species, but throat paler, abdo- men of much paler yellow, and the rufous edgings of the primaries scarcely shown. The outer pair of rectrices show little or no signs' of rufous margins. a. Ad, sk. Jamaica (Gosse). P. L. Sclater, Esq. P.T. b. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Gosse). Jº Coll. (Authentic specimens.) c. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Chambers). Sclater Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. Jamaica (Marsh). Smiths. Inst. [P.J. e, f. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Osburn). Sclater Coll. g. Ad. sk. Jamaica. Sclater Coll. h. Ad, sk. Metcalfe Parish, Jamaica (Allen). Salvin-Godman Coll. 21.*Myiarchus sagra. Tyrannus phoebe, d'Orb. La Sagra's Cuba, Aves, p. 72 (nee Lath.); Gundl. J. f. O. 1871, p. 275 (Cuba). Myiarchus stolidus, var. phoebe, Coues, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1872, p. 78; Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 332; Gundl. J. f. O. 1861, . 328. Mºus phoebe, Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 52. Muscicapa sagrae, Gundl. Boston Journ. W. H. vi. p. 313 (1852). Myiarchus Sagrae, Gundl. J. f. O. 1872, p. 424; Ridgw. Man. W. A. B. . 334. Tºni, stolida, var. lucaysiensis, Bryant, Pr. B. S. W. H. xi. p. 66 (Bahamas). Tyrannula bahamensis, Bryant, Pr. B. S. N. H. xi. p. 90. Myiarchus stolidus, var. leucaysiensis, Cory, B. Bahamas, p. 100. Myiarchus lucaysiensis, Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 334. Similar to M. stolidus, but the yellow on the abdomen still more faintly shown. Hab. Cuba and Bahamas. The term phoebe used for this species by d'Orbigny was given in error, under the idea that it was Muscicapa phoebe of Latham, which is Empidias fuscus. The Bahaman form I can hardly separate, though it may perhaps stand as a subspecies. *— ſº. Subsp. typica. a, b. Ad. sk. San Cristobal, Cuba (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad, sk. San Cristobal, Cuba. Salvin–Godman Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. Ferminā, Cuba (Wright). Smiths. Inst. [P.]. 262 TYRANNIDAE, e. Ad. sk. Cuba (Wright). Sclater Coll. f. 6 a.d. sk. Cuba, Sclater Coll. - b. Subsp. lucaysiensis. g, h. Ad. sk. Pahamas (Bryant). Sclater Coll. 22.*Myiarchus antillarum, Tyrannus antillarum, Bryant, Pr. Bost. Soc, W. H. x. p. 249 (1866). Myiarchus stolidus, var, antillarum, Coues, Pr. Ac. So, Phil, 1872, 79 p. (9. Myiarchus antillarum, Sund, OEſ). Vet.-Ak. Förh. 1869, p. 599; Gundl. J. f. O. 1874, p. 311, et 1878, p. 171 (Porto Rico); id. An. Soc. Esp. Hist, Nat. vii. p. 194; Scl, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 52. Above Smoky grey, head slightly darker; wings blackish, pri- maries narrowly edged with rufous ; coverts and secondaries more broadly margined with dirty white; tail blackish, inner webs of the lateral rectrices at their extremities slightly tipped with pale rufous: beneath white, throat and breast tinged with cinereous; under wing-coverts slightly tinged with yellowish ; bill and feet black: whole length 6-8 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3:2. & Hab. Porto Rico. In this species the rufous colour on the lateral rectrices has almost disappeared, and the abdomen is pure white. a. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Bryant). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Bryant). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Latimer). Sclater Coll. 23. Myiarchus magnirostris. Myiobius magnirostris, Gray, Zool. Voy. ‘Beagle, iii. p. 48, t. viii. Empidonax magnirostris, Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 365. Myiarchus magnirostris, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 323 (Galapagos Is); Sund, P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 125, 127; Salvin, Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 493. Above brownish grey, head darker, rump slightly olivaceous; wings blackish ; coverts and secondaries margined with dirty white, primaries narrowly edged with brownish ; tail blackish, lateral rectrices, except the outer pair, more or less broadly margined with pale rufous on the inner web : beneath, throat and neck pale greyish ; abdomen palesulphur-yellow ; flanks cinereous; under wing-coverts and inner margins of remiges whitish ; bill and feet black: whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2:4. Female similar. Hab. Galapagos Islands. A much smaller bird than the preceding species, and with a shorter bill. 74. MYIARCHUs. 263 a. Ad. St. Galapagos. Sir W. Burnett & Capt. Fitzroy. ð. Ad. sk. Galapagos. C. Darwin [P.]. (Type of the species.) c. SP ad. sk. Bindloe I., Galapagos (Habel). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. º I., Galapagos Salvin-Godman Coll. abel). e, G ad. Sd. Indefatigable I, Galapagos Sclater Coll. (Habel). j, g, d ? ad. sk. Indefatigable I, Galapagos O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. (Habel). h. 6 a.d. sk. Abingdon I., Galapagos Salvin–Godman Coll. (Habel). ~24+Myiarchus flammulatus. Myiarchus flammulatus, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. xi. p. 71; Ridgw. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. ii. p. 93; id. Man. W. A. B. p. 335. Above greenish olive, crown rather darker; wings blackish brown, coverts tipped with pale rufous, forming two cross-bands; primaries edged with pale rufous, outer secondaries more broadly with white; tail blackish brown, slightly edged with pale rufous: beneath, throat pale cinereous; breast whitish flammulated with cinereous; belly and under wing-coverts pale yellow ; bill dark brown, pale at the base of the lower mandible; feet brownish black: whole length. 6-3 inches, wing 3-1, tail 3. Hab. Tehuantepec, Mexico. A very distinct species, at once recognizable by its flammulated breast. a, b. Ad. sk. Tehuantepec, Mexico (Sumi- Salvin-Godman Coll. chrast). ~25. Myiarchus semirufus. Myiarchus semirufus, Sel. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 138, t. xi. (Peru); Tacz. Z. S. 1879, p. 236, et 1880, p. 203; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 325. Above brownish cinereous; wings blackish with broad rufous margins; tail and upper tail-coverts rufous, the middle portion of the six middle rectrices rufous : beneath uniform ochraceous rufous ; bill and feet black : whole length 7-5 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3:3. Female similar, but perhaps rather paler below. Hab. Coast region of Western Peru. * Quite unique amongst this group of the Tyrannidae for its peculiar style of colour. - a. Ad, sk. Pacasmayo, Peru (Orton). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. 3 a.d. sk. Pacasmayo, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. 264 TYRANNII) AR. 3% (A5 W. sº 75. EMPIDIAS #. Type. Empidias, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 69 (1859) . . . . . . E. fuscus. Empidias fuscus is usually united to Sayornis by the American ornithologists, but has much shorter wings and a shorter tail, though in other respects, it must be admitted, the two forms come very close. For the present, however, I prefer to adhere to Dr. Cabanis's views, and to leave Sayornis with the Fluvicolinae, and keep Empidias near Myiarchus. According to this plan Empidias is a purely North-American and Mexican type. * 13 Empidias fuscus. Muscicapa fusca, Gm. S. N. i. p. 931; Vieill. Ois, Am. Sept. i. p. 68, 1. 40 Aulanax fuscus, Cab. Journ. f. Orn. 1856, p. 1. Myiarchus fuscus, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 248; Sclater, I’. Z. S. 1859, p. 366; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 440 (Mexico). Empidias fuscus, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 69; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 234; Lawr. Ann, Lyo. N. Y. viii. p. 290 (New York); Scl, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 53. Sayornis fuscus, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 184; Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 343; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 473 (Texas); Coues, Rey N. A. B. 1884, p. 437. Muscicapa phoebe, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 489. 2- Sayornis phoebe, Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 386. Muscicapa nunciola, Wils. Am. Orn. ii. p. 78, pl. 13. Tyrannula nunciola, Bp. Consp. i. p. 189. Above dull greyish olive; cap blackish ; wings blackish, secon- daries and wing-coverts edged with whitish ; tail blackish; outer rec- trices edged with whitish: beneath dirty white with a yellowish tinge, sides of breast and flanks more or less cinereous; under wing- coverts white ; bill dark horn-colour; feet black ; whole length 6-3 inches, wing 3-4, tail 29. Female similar. Hab. Eastern North America (in summer) and south to Mexico. a. Ad. sk. Forty-ninth Parallel. N.A. Bound. Comm. P.T. b. 3 ad.; c-e. Illinois, U. S. A. (Coale). sº Coll. Q ad. sk. “ f. Pull, sk. Illinois (Coale). R. B. Sharpe, Esq.[P.]. g. Jr. sk. Indiana (Coale). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. # h. Ad. sk. New York (Lawrence). Sclater Coll. 2, j. Ad. sk. New York (Hurst). Tweeddale Coll. k. Ad. sk. Philadelphia. Prof. Baird [C]. l. Ad. sk. Washington, D.C. (Drewler). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad, sk. Charleston, U. S. A. (Sclater). Sclater Coll. n. Ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. o. Ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Sclater Coll. p. Ad. sk. Near the City of Mexico. Salvin–Godman Coll. q, Jr. sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. * I do not know :- Muscicapa lembeyei, Gundl. Boston Journ. N. H. vi. p. 314; id. J. f. O. 1872 p. 427, from Cuba, if it is really different from Empidias fuscus, to which it is referred by Cabanis (J. f. O. 1856, p. 1). 76. EMPIDONOMUs. 265 76. EMPIDONOMIUS, Type Empidonomus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 76 (1859) ... E. varius. Wing-end of Empidonomus varius. Empidonomus varius is a form remarkable for its small bill and striated plumage, which somewhat reminds one of Myiodynastes. It has, however, long wings with pointed ends to the primaries, and a long tail, and is more nearly allied to Tyrannus. Tyrannus aurantio- atro-cristatus may be added to this genus as a second species, though its structure is not quite identical and its plumage is more uniform. It has a similar small bill, but the outer primaries are sharply excised. The range of this genus is from Colombia to South Brazil and Bolivia. * Rey to the Species. A. Beneath yellowish : breast striated. 1. varius, p. 265. B. Beneath uniform cinereous . . . . . . 2. aurantio-atro-cristatus, p. 266. 1. Empidonomus varius. Suiriri chorreado debaxo, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 125. Muscicapa varia, Vieill. Nouv, Dict. xxi. p. 459; id. Enc. Méth. p. 832; Hartl. Ind. Az. p. 12. Muscicapa rufina, Spir, Av. Bras. ii. p. 22, pl. 31. Tyrannus rufinus, Cab, in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 700; Burm. Syst, Ueb. ii. p. 466; Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 150 (Bogota). Muscipeta ruficauda, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 920. Tyrannus leucotis, Sw, Quart. Journ. Sc. xx, p. 276. Tyrannula tschudii, Hartl. Rev. Zool. 1844, p. 369. Empidonomus varius, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 76; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 117; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 234; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 189 (Ucayali), 1873, p. 281 (E. Peru), et 1879, p. 615 (Bolivia); did. Nomencl. p. 53; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 383 (Para); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 326; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 298 (Br. Guian.); Berl, et Jher. Zeitschr, ges, Orn. 1885, p. 137 ū. Grande do Sul). ( 3aºwe) 266 TYRANNIDAE. Above ashy brown, centres of the feathers blackish; crown black, bordered on each side by a white superciliary stripe, and by a white line round the nape; concealed vertical crest bright yellow or orange; wings ashy black, wing-coverts and secondaries margined externally with white; tail ashy black; upper tail-coverts and rectrices more or less distinctly margined with ferruginous: beneath pale yellowish, throat greyish white; breast and belly more or less striated with blackish ; under wing-coverts pale yellowish ; bill and feet black; whole length 6 inches, wing 3-9, tail 2. Female similar, but slightly smaller. Hab. Guiana, Amazonia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia. a. 3 ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c. 6 Qad.sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). d. 3 a.d. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Hauvvell). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Jr. sk. Bogota (?). Purchased. f. Ad. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Sclater Coll. g. Ad. Sk, Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Salvin–Godman Coll. h, i. Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin–Godman Coll. 7. Ad, sk. Brazil (Sello). Sclater Coll. k. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. !. Ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad, sk. Mapiri, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. n. Jr. st. S. America. Purchased. 2. Empidomomus aurantio-atro-cristatus. Tyrannus aurantio-atro-cristatus, d'Orb. et Lafº. Syn. Av. i. p. 45; d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 312; Bp. Consp. i. p. 192; Reinh. Fugelf. Camp. Bras. p. 136; Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 190 (Ucayali), 1867, p. 757 (E. Peru), 1873, p. 282 (E. Peru), et 1879, p. 616 (Bolivia); id. Womencl. p. 53; Burm La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 453; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 482; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 22; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 331; Barrows, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl. viii. p. 202 (Entrerios). Empidonomus aurantio-atro-cristatus, Sel. et Huds. Arg. Orn, i. p. 157. Tyrannus inca, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 383; id. Cat. A. B. p. 237; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 118. Tyrannus auriflamma, Burm. J. f. O. 1860, p. 246 (Mendoza). Above cinereous, cap shortly crested, black, with a large vertical spot of bright yellow ; wings and tail brownish black, wing-coverts and Secondaries slightly edged with whitish : beneath as above, but rather paler, and with a very slight yellowish tinge on the crissum ; bill and feet black: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-8, tail 3:1. Female similar, but outer primaries acuminated, not excised. Hab. Interior of Brazil, Eastern Peru, Bolivia, and Northern Argentina. a. 6 a.d. sk. City of Goyaz, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. b. 3 ad. sk. Xeberos, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C]. c. SP ad, sk. Xeberos, E. Peru (Bartlett). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 9 ad. sk. Upper Ucayali. E. Bartlett [C.]. e. Ad. sk. Bolivia. Sclater Coll. f, g, Ad, sk. Mendoza, rep. Arg. (Weisshaupt). Purchased. 77. TYRANNUs. 267 77. TYRANNUS. €. Tyrannus, Cuvier, Leç, Anat. Comp. i. tab. 2 (1800) T. pirº§. Drymonax, Gloger, Froriep's Wot. xvi. p. 278 (1827) T. pipiri. Laphyctes, Reichenb. Av. Syst. Nat. t. lxvi. (1850). . T. melancholicus. Satellus, Reichenb. Av. Syst. Nat. t. lxvi. (1850) ... T vociferans. Melittarchus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 80 (1859) T. magnirostris. “Tail nearly even or moderately forked, rather shorter than the wings; the feathers broad and somewhat widened at their ends; wings long and pointed ; the outer primaries rather abruptly at- tenuated near the end; head with a concealed patch of red on the crown.” (N. A. B. ii. p. 314.) Tyrannus extends all over North and South America to Argen- tina, but not to Chili and Patagonia. It is also found in the Antilles. Key to the Species. A. Tail slightly rounded, squared or slightly forked. a. Bill moderate (Tyrannus). a'. Belly white; tail slightly rounded . . . . 1. pipiri, p. 267. b'. Belly, yellow ; tail squared or slightly forked. a". Breast grey. a". Outer web of outer rectrix white. . 2, verticalis, p. 269. ô". Outer web of outer rectrix grey .. 3. vociferans, p. 269. b". Breast white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . niveigularis, p. 270. b. Bill much enlarged (Melittarchus). c'. Belly yellow; tail Squared. . . . . . . . . . . . 5. crassirostris, p. 271. d'. Belly white; tail slightly forked. c". Beneath greyish white: bill smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. griseus, p. 271. bill larger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. rostratus, p. 273. d". Beneath white; bill very strong . . . . 8. magnirostris, p. 273. B. Tall strongly forked (Laphyctes). e'. Throat cinereous: | belly bright yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. melancholicus, p. 273. | belly tinged with yellow. . . . . . . . . . 10. apolites, p. 276. f'. Throat white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. albigularis, p. 276. 9. p 1. Tyrannus pipiri. Lanius tyrannus, Linn. S. N. i. p. 136 (part.); Wilson, Am. Orn. ii. p. 66, pl. xiii. fig. 1. Lanius tyrannus, y. Carolinensis, Gm. S. N. i. p. 302. Tyrannus pipiri, Vieill, Ois. Am. Sept. i. p. 73, pl. 44; Cab. Journ. f. Orn, 1855, p. 478; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 236; Gundl. J. f. O. 1861, pp. 328,409, et 1872, p. 423 (Cuba); Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 53: did. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 189 (Amazonia), 1870, p. 837 (Honduras), 1873, p. 282 (Amazonia), 1879, p. 515 (Antioquia) et p. 616 (Bolivia); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 125 (Sta. Marta); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 448 (Yucatan); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 329. Tyrannus intrepidus, Vieill. Gal. Ois. i. p. 214, pl. 133; id. Enc. Méth. p. 849; Sw. Phil. Mag. 1827, p. 368; id. Quart. Journ. Sc. xx. p. 274; d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 313 (Bolivia); Sclater, P. Z. S. 268 TYRANNIDAE. 1857, p. 232 (S. Domingo), et 1858, p. 302 (Mexico); id. Ibis, 1859, p. 439 (Mexico); Maw. J. f. O. 1858, p. 181; Moore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 55 (Honduras); Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. vii. p. 295, et ix. p. 89. Muscicapa animosa, Licht, Doubl. p. 54. Tyrannus leucogaster, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. ii. p. 133. Tyrannus carolinensis, Temm, Tabl. Méth. p. 24; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 171; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 79; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. viii. pp. 182,290; Blakiston, Ibis, 1862, p. 3, et 1863, p. 57; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 472 (Texas); Ridgw. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. x. p. 375; id. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 471; Nehrling, J. f. O. 1883, p. 87 (Illinois); Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 316; Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 432. Tyrannus tyrannus, Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 328. Above dark cinereous, cap black, with a concealed vertical crest of bright orange; wings blackish, secondaries and coverts edged with white; tail black, tipped with white : beneath white, with a slight cinereous shade on the breast; under wing-coverts cinereous; outer primaries acuminated; tail slightly rounded; bill and feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 4-6, tail 3-6. Female similar. Hab. Eastern North America, and southwards through Mexico and Central America down to Ecuador and Peru. a. Ad. St. North America. Purchased. b, c, Ad. sk. British Columbia. J. K. Lord º d, e. Ad. sk. West Side Rocky Moun- J. K. Lord [C]. tains. f. Ad. sk. Lake of the Woods. N. A. Bound. Comm. [P.]. g. Ad, sk. “ Fort Simpson, N. A. R. B. Ross [C.]. h, i. Ad. Sk, Fort Dufferin, N. A. N. A. Bound. Comm. [P.]. j—l. Ad, sk. Michigan, Prof. Steere [P.]. m. Ad, sk. New * (Os- Sclater Coll. burn). 7. Ad, sk. New York (Hurst). Tweeddale Coll. o, & ad. sk. Illinois, U. S. A. (Coale). Sclater Coll. g. Ad, sk. Washington, D.C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Drewler). q. Q Ad. sk. Arlington Swamps, Vir- Salvin-Godman Coll. ginia, U. S. A. (Coues). r. Ad. sk. N. America. Sclater Coll. 8, t, w, v, Ad, sk. w—z. Ad, sk. a', b'. Ad, sk. Cozumel Island, Yucatan (Gaumer). Ruatan Island, Bay of Honduras (Gaumer). Yzabal, Guatemala (Sal- vin). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. c'. Ad, sk. Yº Guatemala (Sal- Sclater Coll. Q)???, ). d". Ad. sk. Retalhuleu, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). e'. Ad. sk. Guatemala. J. Gould, Esq. f". Ad. sk. Panama (Hughes). Salvin-Godman Coll. g'. Q ad. sk. Santa Marta, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Simons). h'. Q ad, sk. Medellin, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). 77. TYRANNUs. 269 2". Jr. sk. Ecuador (Gerrard). Salvin-Godman Coll. j'. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. k'. Q ad. Sk. Nauta, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Bartlett). 2.4Tyrannus verticalis. Tyrannus verticalis, Say, in Long's Exped. ii. p. 60; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 173; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 235; Brown, Ibis, 1868, pp. 419, 420 (Vancouver I.); Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 53; Ridgw. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. x. p. 394; id. P. U.S. N. M. i. pp. 424, 468, 479; id. Man. W. A. B. p. 330; Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. W. A. B. ii. p. 324; Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 433. Muscicapa verticalis, Bp. Am. Orn. i. p. 18, pl. ii. fig. 2. Laphyctes verticalis, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 77. Above light grey, with a greenish tinge on the back; concealed vertical crest orange; wings brown ; tail black, outer web of outer rectrix white: beneath, throat and breast grey, belly yellow ; under wing-coverts dull yellow ; outer primaries attenuated; tail slightly forked; bill and feet dark brown ; whole length 8 inches, wing 5, tail 4:9. Female similar. Hab. Western North America, and south to Guatemala. a—c. Ad. sk. Forty-ninth Parallel. N. A. Bound. Comm. [P.]. d. 3 ad. sk. Yreka, Siskayou County, Ca- Salvin-Godman Coll. lifornia (Vaille). e, f. Ad. sk. WestSide, Rocky Mountains. J. K. Lord, Esq. [C]. g. 3 ad. sk. Fort Tejon, California (Xan- Salvin-Godman Coll. tus). h. 3 ad. sk. Banning, California. G. F. Morcom, Esq. [P.]. 2. Q ad. sk. Coahuila Valley, California. G. F. Morcom, Esq. # j. 9 jr. sk. Magana River, California. G. F. Morcom, Esq. [P.]. k. 3 a.d. sk. Petaluma, California (Sa- Sclater Coll. muels). l. Ad. sk. California. Lord Walsingham [P.]. m. Ad. sk. Nebraska (Warren). Sclater Coll. m. Ad. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Oates). Salvin-Godman Coll. o. 9 a.d. sk. Volcan de Agua, above San Salvin-Godman Coll. Muscicapa satelles, Licht, in Mus. Berol. Diego (Salvin). 3.t-Tyrannus vociferans. Tyrannus vociferans, Sw, Quart. Journ. Sc. xx. p. 273; id. Phil. Mag. 1827, i. p. 368; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 174; Sel. Ibis, 1859, p. 439; id. Cat. A. B. p. 235; id. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 383 (Oaxaca), et 1864, p. 176 (Mexico); Scl. et Salv, Ibis, 1859, p. 121; iid. Nomencl. p. 53; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 480, v. pp. 531, 541, et vi. p. 348 (California); Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 327; Cowes, Rey N. A. B. 1884, p. 433; Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 330. Tyrannus cassinii, Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. v. p. 39, pl. 3. fig. 2 (1858). Laphyctes vociferans, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Henn. ii. p. 77. Above grey, with an olivaceous tinge on the back; concealed 270 TYRANNIDAE. vertical crest scarlet; wings brown; tail black, with a narrow pale tip : beneath, throat white; breast cinereous; abdomen yellow ; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; outer primaries acuminated ; tail nearly squared; bill and feet black: whole length 8:5 inches, wing 5-2, tail 4.8. Female similar. Hab. Southern California, Arizona, Texas, Mexico, and Guate- mala. Readily distinguishable from the allied species T. verticalis by the want of the conspicuous white outer web of the outer rectrix and by the deeper ashy fore neck. a. Ad. sk. Los Nogales, Mexico (Baird). Sclater Coll. b. Ad, sk. Northern Mexico (Ward). Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. Near City of Mexico. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Mexico (de Saussure). Sclater Coll. e—ff. Ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. h. 6 ad, sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Fraser). Salvin–Godman Coll. i. Q ad, sk. Salamä, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 4." Tyrannus niveigularis. Tyrannus niveigularis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 281, et 1880, p. 29, pl. iii.; id. Cat. A. B. p. 237; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 53; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, pp. 326, 753 (Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 329; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 479; Berl, et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, pp. 118, 122 (Ecuador). Wing-end of Tyrannus niveigularis, from beneath. (P. Z. S. 1880, p. 29.) Above cinereous, with an olivaceous tinge on the lower back; head darker, with a concealed vertical crest of bright yellow ; Wings and tail black; secondaries and wing-coverts edged with White: beneath, 77. TYRANNUs. 271 throat and breast white, the latter with a slight greyish tinge; abdo- men and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; outer primaries slightly acuminated; tail squared; bill and feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 42, tail 3:2. IIab. Western Ecuador. a. Ad, sk. Intac, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. b. 6 ad. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fra- Sclater Coll. (Type ser). of the species.) c. Ad, sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5.4Tyrannus crassirostris. Tyrannus crassirostris, Sw. Quart. Journ. Sc. xx. p. 278; id. Phil. Mag. 1827, i. p. 368; Sel. Ibis, 1859, p. 439; id. P. Z. S. 1862, p. 19 (W. Mexico); id. Cat. A. B. p. 236; Sel, et Salv. Ibis, T860, p. 399 (Guatemala); iid. Womencl. p. 53; Lawr. Bull. U.S. N. M. no. 4, p. 28 (Oaxaca); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 472; id. Man. N. A. B. p. 329. Muscicapa gnatho, Licht. in Mus. Berol. Melittarchus crassirostris, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 80; iid. J. f. O. 1855, p. 478. Megarhynchus crassirostris, Finsch, Abh, nat. Bremen, 1870, p. 329. Above dull brownish cinereous, sometimes with a slight olivaceous tinge; cap darker, with a concealed yellow vertical crest ; wings and tail brownish: beneath, throat white; breast with a slight cinereous tinge; abdomen and under wing-coverts pale sulphur- yellow ; bill and feet blackish : Outer primaries slightly attenuated; tail nearly square : whole length 8:5 inches, wing 5-1, tail 4. Female similar. Hab. Western Mexico and Guatemala. The huge bill separates this bird from the other continental species, and the yellow belly from the rest of the section Melittarchus. a, b. 3 9 a.d. sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico (For- Salvin–Godman Coll. 7°67°). c. Ad. sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Near City of Mexico. Salvin–Godman Coll. e, d ad. Sk, Cacoprieto (Tehuantepec), Salvin–Godman Coll. Mexico (Sumichrast). f, g. Ad. Sk. Mexico. Purchased. h. Q ad. sk. * Guatemala (Sal- Salvin–Godman Coll. Q)27? ). 6.4 Tyrannus griseus, Le Tyran, Daub. Pl. Eml. 537. Tyrannus dominicensis, Briss. Orn. ii. p. 394, pl. 38, fig. 2; Gosse, B. Jam. p. 169 (1847); Strickl. Ann. & Mag. N. H. viii. p. 372 (1842); Baird, B. N. Am. p. 172; Newton, Ibis, 1859, p. 146 (St. Croix); Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil, 1860, p. 143 (Carta- gena); Albrecht, J. f. O. 1862, p. 199 (Jamaica); Bryant, J. f. O. 1866, p. 182 (Porto Rico); Baird, Brew, et Ridgw. N. A. B. 2 TYRANNII) AEe 2 ii. p. 319, pl. 43 fig. 8 (1874); Allen, Bull. Mus, C. Z. ii. p. 300 (Florida); "Cory, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, vi. p. 153 (1881); id. Birds of Haiti and S. Domingo, p. 77 (1885); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 470, vii. p. 172 (W. Indies), et viii. p. 570 (Yucatan); id. Man. W. A. B. p. 329; Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 433. Tyrannus griseus, Vieill. Ois, Am. Sept. i. p. 76, pl. 46 (1807); Swains. Quart. Journ. Sci. xx, p. 276 (1826); Gray, Gen. i. p. 247 (1847); Bp. Consp. i. p. 192 (1850); Scl. Cat. Am. B. p. 236; March, Proc. Ac. Sc. Phil, 1863, p. 287 (Jamaica); Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 169 (Porto Rico); Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. viii. p. 98 (Sombrero) et p. 182 (Nicaragua); Bryant, Pr. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xi. p. 90 (1866); Cory, B. Bahama, i. p. 99 (1880); id. Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, vi. p. 153 (1881). Tyrannus matutimus, Vieill. Enc. Méth. p. 850 (1823); Sallé, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 232 (St. Domingo). Tyrannus tiriri, Temm. Tabl, Méth. p. 24 (1836). Melittarchus dominicensis, Cab. J. f. O. iii. p. 478 (1855); id. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 80 (1859). Lanius tyrannus, var. B. dominicensis, Gmel. S. N. i. p. 302 (1788). Muscicapa dominicensis, Aud. Orn. Biogr. ii. p. 392, pl. 170 (1834); id. B. Am. i. p. 201, pl. 55 (1840). Tyrannulus dominicensis, Jard. Contr. Orn. p. 67 (1850). Melittarchus griseus, Gundl. Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Wat, vii. p. 192 (1878) (Porto Rico). Above grey; concealed vertical crest scarlet ; ear-coverts blackish; wings and tail brownish black; wing-coverts and secondaries edged with white : beneath white; sides of breast and flanks tinged with cinereous; under wing-coverts white, faintly stained with lemon- yellow ; outer primaries acuminated; tail slightly forked; bill and feet black ; whole length 8:5 inches, wing 4-8, tail 3:9. Female similar. Hab. Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and coasts of Central America. a. Q ad. sk. New Providence, Bahamas Sclater Coll. (Blake). b–d. Ad. sk. San º Cuba (Gau- Salvin-Godman Coll. 7729)"). e, f. Ad. Sk. San Cristobal, Cuba. Salvin–Godman Coll. g. Ad. sk. Cuba. Sclater Coll. h. Ad, sk. Jamaica. Sclater Coll. 8, j. Ad. Sk. St. Domingo (Sallé). Purchased. k. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Taylor). Sclater Coll. l. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Bryant). Mrs. Bryant [P]. m. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Bryant). Sclater Coll. n. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Bryant). Salvin-Godman Coll. 0. Ad, sk. North coast of Porto Rico Salvin–Godman Coll. (Salvin). p. 3 ad, sk. St. Croix, W. I. (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. 6 a.d. sk. Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. r. 6 jr. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. 77. TYRANNUs. 273 7+ Tyrannus rostratus. Tyrannus rostratus, Sel. Ibis, 1864, p. 87; id. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 272 (St. Lucia); Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 361 (Panama); iid. No- mencl. p. 53; Semper, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 651 (St. Lucia); Lawr. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 60 (Dominica), p. 191 (St. Vincent), p. 234 (Antigua), p. 240 (Barbuda), p. 271 (Grenada), p. 358(Martinique); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p.470; Lister, Ibis, 1880, p. 41 (St. Vin- cent); Cory, Ibis, 1886, p. 473 (St. Vincent), p. 475 (Grand Terre). Tyrannus magnirostris, Sel, Cat. A. B. p. 236 &; Similar to T. griseus, but with a considerably larger bill: whole length 8:5 inches, wing 4.7, tail 37. Hab. Lesser Antilles. a, b. 3 Q ad. sk. Dominica, W. I. (Ober). Salvin–Godman Coll. c, d. 3 9 ad, sk. Dominica, W. I. (Ober). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. St. Lucia, W. I. (Semper). Salvin–Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. St. Lucia, W. I. (Semper). Sclater Coll. g, h. 3 9 ad. sk. St. Vincent, W.I. (Richard- Sclater Coll. 80m). 2. Ad. sk. Martinique (?). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) j, k, d ? ad. sk. Grenada, W. I. (Wells). Sclater Coll. 8:-Tyrannus magnirostris. Tyrannus magnirostris, d'Orb. in La Sagra's Cuba, p. 69, pl. 13; Bryant, P. B. S. W. H. xi. p. 66 (Bahamas); Gundl. J. f. O. 1872, p. 421 (Cuba); Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 53; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 469; id. Man. N. A. B. p. 328. Melittarchus magnirostris, Cab. Journ. f. Orn. 1855, p. 477; Cab. et IIein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 80. Above brownish grey, head blackish, with a concealed vertical crest of deep orange; Wings and tail blackish, with white edgings to the secondaries and wing-coverts : beneath white, under wing- coverts tinged with pale lemon-yellow ; outer primaries slightl attenuated; tail slightly rounded; bill much swollen ; bill and feet black : whole length 9:5 inches, wing 5-3, tail 3:9. Female similar. Hab. Cuba, and occasionally Bahamas and Yucatan. At once recognizable by its large size and powerful bill. a. Ad. sk. Cuba. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Mugeres I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. Tyrannus melancholicus, Suiriri guazu, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 152. Tyrannus melancholicus, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. xxxv, p. 48; id. Enc. Méth. p. 851; d'Orb. Voy, Ois, p. 311 ; Tsch. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 151; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 464; id. La-Plata Reise, ii. p. 452; id. J. f. O. 1860, p. 245 (La Plata); Cab. in Schomb, Guian. iii. p. 700; Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 150 (Bogota), 1856, p. 141 (Veragua), p. 297 (Mexico), 1858, p. 70 (Rio Napo), p. 457 (Ecuador), 1860, pp. 92, 281 (Ecuador), 1867, p. 342 (Peru); id. Ibis, 1859, p. 439, WOL. XIV. T 274 TYRANNIDAE, 1873, p. 373 (Nicaragua); id. Cat. A. B. p. 235; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. vii. p. 295, ix. pp. 116,237; d. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 271; Sel, et Salo. Ibis, 1859, p. 121; iid P. Z. S. 1866, p. 189 ſº 1867, p. 578 (Lower Amazons), 1868, p. 142 (Arg, Rep.), p. 168 (Venezuela), 1870, p. 837 (Honduras), 1873, p. 281 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 516 (Antioquia), p. 616 (Bolivia); iid, Nomencl. p. 53; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 117; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 176; G. C. t Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. 113 (Honduras); E. C. Taylor, Ibis, 1864, 7, ou, y-, ſº p. 87 (W. Indies); Euler, J. f.O. 1867, p. 227 (Brazil); Frantz. f J. f. O. 1869, p. 308 (Costa Rica); Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 572 (Trinidad); Berl. J. f. O. 1873, p. 262 (S. Brazil), et 1884, p. 304 (Bucaramanga); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 539, 1877, p. 326, 1879, p. 236, et 1882, p. 22 (Peru); id. Orn. Pér, ii. p. 327; Layard, Ibis, #. p. 383 (Para); Durnf. Ibis, 1877, p. 178 (Buenos Ayres); Bouc. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 64 (Costa Rica), et 1883, p. 448 t (Yucatan); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 473, et vii. p. 173 frºm (W-Indies); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 202 (Colombia); Forbes, ^* | Ibis, 1881, p. 344 (N.E. Brazil); Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 334 (Colombia); White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 608 (Arg. Rep.); Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 148 (Veragua); id. Ibis, 1885, p. 299 (Brit. Guiana); Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 559, 1884, p. 298, et 1885, pp. 68, 93 (Ecuador); Gibson, Ibis, 1885, p. 280 (Uruguay); Reinh. Fuglef. Camp. Bras. p. 138; Berl. et Jher. Zeitschr, ges. Orn. 1885, p. 137 (Rio Grande do Sul); Barrows, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Cl, viii. p. 202 (Entrerios); Sel. et Huds. Arg. Orn, i. p. 158. Muscicapa despotes, Licht. Doubl. p. 55. - Muscicapa furcata, Spia, Av. Bras, ii. p. 15, pl. xix. Tyrannus furcatus, Maa. Beitr. iii. p. 884; Euler, J. f. O. 1867, pp. 189, 190, 194, 198 (Brazil). Tyrannus crudelis, Sw. Quart, Journ. Sc. xx. p. 275. Laphyctes melancholicus, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 76. Muscicapa satrapa, Licht. in Mus. Berol. Laphyctes satrapa, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 77; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 251. Tyrannus satrapa, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 235; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. viii. p. 182, ix. p. 204; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 360 (Panama), 1867, p. 279 (Mosquitia). Tyrannus couchi, Baird, B. N. A. p. 175; Sel, Cat. A. B. p. 235; td. Ibis, 1859, p. 439 (Mexico); Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 472 Texas). tº: melancholicus couchi, Baird, Brew. et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 329; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 474, et viii. p. 570 (Yucatan); id. Man. N. A. B. p. 329; Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 434. Above grey with a slight greenish tinge; head with a concealed vertical crest of scarlet and yellow ; lores and ear-coverts blackish ; wings and tail brownish black, with more or less of paler margins: beneath yellow, throat greyish white, breast more or less greyish ; under wing-coverts pale yellow ; bill and feet black; outer primaries attenuated ; tail deeply forked : whole length 8 inches, wing 4-6 tail 4. Female similar. Hab. Mexico and Central and South America down to Buenos Ayres. - I do not think it possible to divide this species satisfactorily, even into subspecies. 77. TYRANNUs. 275 b. 6 Qad. sk. d. 6 S2 ad. sk. d. sk. Ad. sk. Ad. Sk. Ad. sk. 2, j. Ad, sk. k. Ad. sk. !. 6 a.d. sk. m–0. Ad. sk. p. Ad. sk. q—w. Ad. sk. v. Ad, sk. w—y. Ad, sk. &; C, 6. f. 9. h. 2. Ad. sk. a'. Ad, sk. b'. Ad. sk. c'. & ad. sk. d'. Jr. sk. e'. Ad. sk. f’. Jr. sk. g'. Ad. sk. h'. Q ad, sk. *'. Ad, sk. j', k'. 3 Q ad. sk. !". Ad. sk. m". Ad, sk. '. Ad. sk. '. Ad. sk. '. G ad. sk. '. ''. Ad. sk. s'. Ad, sk. t'. Ad, sk. w', 'v'. Ad. sk. w". Ad. sk. a', y'. Ad. sk. z', i. G SP ad. SK, b". Q ad. sk. c", d". 6 Qad. ; e". 3 ir, sk. f". Ad. sk. g". Ad. sk. 72 ; h". Ad, sk. t". 6 a.d. sk. j", k". Ad, sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico (Forrer). Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Acapulco, Mexico (Markham). Tehuantepec (Sumichrast). Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Mexico. Mexico. Progreso, Yucatan (Devis). Merida, Yucatan (Gaumer). Merida, Yucatan (Gaumer). Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). º Island, Yucatan (Gau- 7776)"). Mugeres Island, Yucatan (Gau- mer). Jolbox Island, Yucatan (Gau- mer). Meco Island, Yucatan (Gaumer). Belize, Brit. Honduras (Blan- CC!7266/2002. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Bebedero, Nicoya, Costa Rica (Arcé). Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Irazu distr., Costa Rica (Rogers). Castillo, Veragua (Arcé). Panama (McLeannan). Panama (McLeannan). Paraiso Station, Panama(Hughes). Choco Bay, Panama. Atauques, Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Santa Marta, U. S. C. Medellin, Antioquia (Salmon). Sta. Rita, Ecuador (Buckley). Vic. of Quito. Bogota. Bogota. Tobago (Kirk). Trinidad. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Camacusa, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Island of Mexiana, Lower Ama- zons (Wallace). Para, Lower Amazons (Wal- lace). Para (Layard). Yguitos, Upper Amazons. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes), Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Lieut. Kellett and Capt. Wood [C.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Sclater Coll. Zool. Soc. Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. T 2 276 TYRANNIDAE. l". & ad. sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. m". Q ad, sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner), m". Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. o". Ad. St. Brazil. Ld. Stuart de Rothe- say [P.]. p". 3 ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. q". Ad. St. Brazil. Purchased. 7", Ad. sk. Uruguay. Alan Peel ſº s". 6 a.d. sk. Conchitas, Arg. Rep. (Hudson). Sclater Coll. t". & ad. sk. Conchitas, Arg, Rep. (Hudson). Salvin-Godman Coll. w". Ad, sk. Punta Lara, Buenos Ayres. H. Durnford [C]. v". Ad, sk. Buenos Ayres (Haslehust). Sclater Coll. w". 6 ad. sk. Pampas of Arg. Republic (Ley- Salvin-Godman Coll. bold). a". Ad, sk. Cangalli, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. Ay". Ad, sk. Bolivia (D. Forbes). Sclater Coll. z". Ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. a". Ad, sk. Lima, Peru (Nation). Sclater Coll. b". Skeleton. Eyton Coll. 10s Tyrannus apolites. Laphyctes apolites, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 77. Tyrannus apolites, Ridgw. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. i. p. 478. Similar to T. melancholicus, but smaller, bill shorter and weaker; cap blackish, not greyish ; darker back and much paler belly; first five primaries acuminated: whole length 7 inches, wing 4-2, tail 37. Hab. S.E. Brazil (?). The unique specimen of this curious bird has been kindly lent to me for examination by Herr Heine. I think it belongs to a distinct species, most nearly allied to T. melancholicus, and Graf v. Ber- lepsch is of the same opinion. Judging from the “make " I should say the skin is from S.E. Brazil (Rio). 11.*Tyrannus albogularis. Tyrannus albogularis, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 465; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 53; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 117; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 572; Sel. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 29; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 477; Reinh. Fuglef. Camp. Bras. p. 139. Above greenish olive ; head cinereous, with a blackish stripe through the eye; concealed vertical crest scarlet ; wings brownish black, with slight whitish edgings to the secondaries; tail black: beneath, throat white, abdomen and under wing-coverts sulphur- yellow ; five outer primaries emarginated at the tips; tail deeply forked ; bill and feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 4:3, tail 4. Female similar. Hab. Interior of Brazil. A perfectly distinct species, distinguishable from T. melancholicus 78. MILWULUs. 277 by its pure white throat, yellow breast, more greenish back, and deeply forked tail. a, d ad. sk. Goyaz, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. !. {\! W Tail (from above) and wing (from beneath) of Tyrannus albogularis. (P. Z. S. 1880, p. 29.) 78. MILWULUS, Type. Milvulus, Sw. Zool. Journ. iii. p. 165 (1827) . . . . . . . . . . . M. tyrannus. Despotes, Reichenb. Av. Syst. Nat. t. lxvi. (1850) . . . . . . M. tyrannus. The long forked tail at once distinguishes this genus from Tyrannus. The two known species extend from Texas and Mexico to the Argentine Republic. Key to the Species. A. Cap black; flanks white; outer rectrix much longer than next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. tyrannus, p. 277. B. Cap grey; flanks rosy ; two outer rectrices nearly equally elongated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. foxficatus, p. 279. 1*Milvulus tyrannus. Muscicapa tyrannus, Linn. S. W. i. p. 325. Tyrannus savana, Vieill. Ois. Am. Sept. i. p. 72, pl. 43; ad. Enc. Méth. p. 853; Sw. Quart. Journ. Sc. xx. p. 282. Muscicapa Savana, Bp. Am. Orn. i. p. 1, pl. i. fig. 1. Tyrannus (Milvulus) monachus, Hartl. Rev. Zool. 1844, p. 214. Despotes tyrannus, Bp. Not. Orn. p. 87. Milvulus monachus, Sclater, Ibis, 1859, p. 439 (Mexico); id. P. Z. S. 278 TYRANNIDAE. 1859, p. 384 (S.W. Mexico); Sol. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 121 (Guate- mala); Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. 114 (Honduras); Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. vii. p. 295; Baird, B. N. Am... p. 168, Milvulus tyrannus, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 699; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 78; Sol. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 297, 1858, p. 358, et 1859, p. 55 (Honduras); id. Cat. A. B. p. 237; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 251 (Costa Rica); Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 361 (Panama), 1867, pp. 578, 978 (Lower Amazons), 1873, p. 282 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 516 (Antioquia) et p. 616 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl. p. 53; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. viii. p. 177, ix. p. 116; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 149, et 1870, p. 199 (Veragua); id. Ibis, 1872, p. 318 (Nicaragua), et 1885, p. 299 (Br. Guiana); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 309 (Costa Rica); Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 334 (Colombia); Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 383 (Para); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. v. p. 496 (Costa Rica), et vi. p. 375 (Nicaragua); Durnf. Ibis, 1877, p. 178 (Buenos Ayres); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 202 (Santa Marta); Gibson, Ibis, 1880, p. 26 (Buenos Ayres), et 1885, p. 280 (Uruguay); White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 608 (Arg. Rep.); Berl, J. f. O. 1884, p. 304; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 435 (Venezuela); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 332; Coues, Key W. A. B. 1884, p. 431; Berl, et Jher. Zeitschr. - ges. Orn. 1885, p. 138 (Rio Grande do Sul); Barrows, Bull. Nutt. @on ce; c.21, eſc.). Orn. Cl. ii. p. 203 (Entreries); Sel, et Huds. Arg, Orn... i. p. 160. ((re, et, a Tyrannus violentus, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. xxxv, p. 89; id. Enc. Méth. ** / p. 854 (ew Azara, no. 190); Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 467; id. La- Plata Reise, ii. p. 453; id. J. f. O. 1860, p. 245 (La Plata); Sternberg, J. f. O. 1869, pp. 131, 258, Muscicapa violenta, Bp. Journ. Ac. Phil. iv. p. 378 (1825). Tyrannus tyrannus, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 310. Milvulus violentus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 191; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 78; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 237; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 118; Sol, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 142 (Conchitas); Reinh. Fuglef. Camp. Bras. p. 133. - Above cinereous, rump blackish; cap jet-black, with a concealed yellow vertical crest; wings dark brown; tail black, outer web of outer rectrix white : beneath white; bill and feet black; three outer primaries excised at the tips: whole length 15 inches, wing 4-6, tail—Outer rectr. 12, middle rectr. 3. Female similar, but outer tail-feathers not usually so long. Hab. Mexico and Central and South America, down to pampas of Argéntine Republic. a, b. 3 Q ad. sk. Mexico (Boucard). Sclater Coll. c, d. 6 S2 ad. sk. Pine-ridge of Poctum, Salvin–Godman Coll. Guatemala (Salvin). e. Ad, sk. Guatemala. J. Gould, Esq. f. & ad. sk. º Nicaragua Salvin-Godman Coll. (Belt). g, h, d ? ad. sk. Turrialba, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. - (Arcé). 2, Jr. sk. Orosi, Costa Rica (Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. 'miol). - j. & ad. sk. Irazu distr., Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Rogers). k. Ó ad. sk. Castillo, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. l. 3 a.d. sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll 78. MILWULUs. 279 $y, d ad. ; 2. 9 a.d.; a'. 6 jr. sk. ô'. 6 a.d. sk. c'. Q ad. sk. d'. 6 ad. sk. e'. Ad, sk. f, Jr. sk. g'. 6 a.d. sk. h', ''. 3 Q ad, sk. j'. Jr. sk. k', ''. & ad. sk. 7m'. Q ad. sk. n', o'. 6 S2 ad. sk. p', q'. Ad, sk. r'. 6 a.d. sk. s'. 6 ad. sk. t'. d ad. sk. Veragua (Arcé). Panama (McLeannan). San Sebastian, Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Medellin, U. S. C. (Salmon). Bogota. Bucaramanga, U. S. C. (Minlos). Tobago (Kirk). British Guiana. S. America. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Camacusa, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Guia, Upper Rio Negro (Wallace). Mexiana (Wallace). Yguitos, Upper Amazons (Whitely). Para (Layard). Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes), Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Brazil. Uruguay. Monte Video. Pampas of Arg, Rep. (Ley- bold). Mendoza, rep. Arg. (Leybold). Punta Lara, Buenos Ayres. 2.*Milvulus forficatus. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll, Purchased. Sclater Coll. Jardine Coll. R. Geogr. Soc. [P.]. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Alan Peel [C.]. W. G. Lettsom [C]. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. H. Durnford [C]. Muscicapa forficata, Gm., S. N. i. p. 931; Vieill. Ois. Am. Sept. i. p. 71; Bp. Am. Orn. i. p. 15, pl. 2. fig. 1. Milvulus forficatus, Sw, Class. B. ii. p. 225; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 169; Cab. et Hein. Mus: Hein. ii. p. 79; Bp. Not. Orn. p. 87; Sclat. Ibis, 1859, p. 439; id. Cat. A. B. p. 237; Sol, et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 121; iid. Nomencl. p. 53; Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. 114; (Hon- duras); Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 252 (Costa Rica); Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 472 (Texas); Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. ix. p. 116; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 309 (Costa Rica); Salv. Ibis, 1872, p. 318 (Nica- ragua); Merrill, P. U.S. W. M. i. p. 137 (Texas); Ridgw. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. x. p. 394; id. P. U.S. N. M. vi. pp. 374, 384 (Nica- ragua); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 65 (Costa Rica); Cowes, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 431. Tyrannus mexicanus, Steph. Gen. Zool., Birds, xiii. pt. 2, p. 134. Muscicapa spectabilis, Licht, in Mus. Berol. Above grey; slight concealed vertical crest crimson; wings brownish black, coverts and secondaries edged with white; tail—six middle rectrices black, three outer pairs white, more or less stained with rosaceous, and with the apical portions black: beneath paler, nearly white, axillaries deep rosy red; flanks, crissum, and under 280 OXYREIAMPEIII) AE, Wing-coverts more or less stained with the same colour; first primary emarginated; two outer rectrices of nearly equal length; bill brown; feet blackish: whole length 13 inches, wing 5, tail—outer rectr. 8, middle rectr. 28. Female similar, but outer tail-feathers not usually so long. Flab. Texas, Mexico, and Central America down to Costa Rica. a—c. Ad. St. Central America. Purchased. d. 6 a.d. sk. Texas (Heimann). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 6 a.d. sk. Texas (Baird). Sclater Coll. f. 6 ad, sk. Scully-ville, Texas Salvin-Godman Coll. (McCarthey). g, h. 3 Q ad.sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. i,j. & Q ad. Sk, Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. k. Ad. sk. Vera Paz. Purchased. l. 3 jr. sk. Dueñas, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. d ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Sº ad, sk. Sucuya, Nicaragua (Watting). R. B. Sharpe, Esq.[P.]. Family II. OXYRHAMPHIDAE. The single genus Oayrhamphus, which constitutes this family, is at once recognizable from the Tyrannidae by its straight, sharp- pointed bill, which is beset on the lores and front and under the chin by numerous small and short bristly feathers, and by the serration of the outer web of the outer primary. The tarsus is exaspidean, as in the Tyrannidae. The digits are nearly free, as in the Oscines. (See page 2.) Three closely allied species of this genus are known from various points of the Neotropical Region. 1. OXYFBIAMPHUS. Type. Qxyrhynchus, Temm. Pl, Col. t. 125 (1823).......... Q. flammiceps. Oxyrhamphus, Strickl, Ann. Nat. Hist, vi. p. 420 (1841) O. flammicºs. Structure of Oaxyrhamphus. 1. oxy RHAMPHUs. 281 Key to the Species. Beneath pale yellowish green, with blackish shaft-spots: { plumage duller: tail longer. . . . . . . . . . 1. flammiceps, p. 281. plumage brighter: tail shorter . . . . . . 2, frater, p. 281. Beneath white, flanks and belly tinged with green, with blackish shaft-spots . . . . . . . . . . 3. hypoglaucus, p. 282. 1x0xyrhamphus flammiceps. Oxyrhynchus flammiceps, Temm. Pl. Col. 125; Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 31; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 160. Oxyrhamphus flammiceps, Gray, List of Gen. (1841), p. 23; Bo. Consp. i. p. 211; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 33; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 42; Scl. et Salv. Womencl. p. 41. Oxyrhynchus cristatus, Sw. Zool, Ill. pl. 49. Oxyrhynchus serratus, Mikan, Del. Flor. et Faun. Bras. (cum fig.). Above green, wings and tail blackish brown edged with green; centre of crown black, with a large median crest, occupying the vertex, of bright fiery red; superciliaries and sides of head pale greenish, with black spots: beneath pale yellowish, thickly covered with black shaft-spots; middle of belly and under wing-coverts pale sulphur-yellow ; bill plumbeous; feet blackish: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-7, tail 2.5. Female similar, but red crest perhaps not quite so bright. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. Ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio Salvin-Godman Coll. (Youds). b. Ad. St. Brazil. Lord Stuart de Rothesay [P.]. c. Ad, St. Brazil. Eyton Coll. d. Ad. St. Brazil. IPurchased. e, f. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. g. Ad, sk. Brazil. Purchased. 2.ÉOxyrhamphus frater. Oxyrhamphus frater, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 326; iid. Ev. Orn. p. 131, t. 66; iid. Nomencl. p. 41. Oxyrhynchus frater, Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 194 (Veragua). Oxyrhynchus flammiceps, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 106 (Costa Rica). Nearly similar to O. flammiceps, but brighter; margins of the secondaries and wing-coverts broader and of a lighter and more yellowish colour; tail shorter. Hab. Costa Rica and Weragua. a. 6 ad.; b. Q Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. ; c. 2 jr. sk. gº d. 92 jr. sk. Castillo, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Types of the species.) e, f. 6 a.d. sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. 282 PIPRIDAF, g. & ad. ; h. 3 jr. sk. Veragua (Arcé). O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. 7. Ad, sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3.foxyrhamphus hypoglaucus. Oxyrhamphus hypoglaucus, Salvin et Godman, Ibis, 1883, p. 206; Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 291. Above green; wings and tail brownish black edged with green ; the margins of the coverts and secondaries broader and more yel- lowish ; large vertical crest scarlet, bordered by black on each side : beneath white, with a faint greenish tinge on the sides of the breast and flanks, and covered with numerous blackish shaft-spots; middle of belly white; under wing-coverts pale yellowish; bill above horn- colour, beneath whitish ; feet plumbeous: whole length 6-3 inches, wing 3-6, tail 25. Female similar. Hab. Guiana. a. Q ad, sk. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). b, c. 3 ad. ; d, e. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll, 9 a.d. sk. (Whitely). (Types of the species.) ..f. G. ad.; g, h. Q Roraima, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. ad. sk. (Whitely). Family III. PIPRIDAE. The Pipridae, of which about 70 species are known, have been usually regarded as merely a subfamily of the Cotingidae, and the two groups are certainly very closely allied. But as regards their exaspidean tarsi, the Pipridae come nearer the Tyrannidae, and they are further distinguished from most of the Cotingidae by their . greater syndactylism. They are dentirostral Oligophones, mostly of Small size, and generally of bright plumage in the male sex. (See page 2. The * are entirely confined to the Neotropical Region, over which they range from Central America to Paraguay and the confines of La Plata. Key to the Subfamilies of Pipridae. A. Bill short, much expanded at the base ; terminal notch slight; rictus almost smooth; tarsi slender. Sexes usually dissimilar, and colours of males brilliant, of - females dull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. PIPRINAE, p. 283. B. Bill more elongated and much compressed; terminal notch dis- tinct; rictus more or less bristled ; tarsi stronger. Sexes alike or nearly so, and colours mostly dull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. PTILOCIILORINAE, p. 316. 1. PIPRITES. 283 Subfamily I. PIPRINAE. Key to the Genera. A. Tail rather lengthened. a. Frontal feathers recumbent. a'. Tail squared or slightly rounded. a". Without a nuchal crest. a". Bill shorter . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. PIPRITEs, p. 283. b". Bill longer: | mesorhinium compressed mesorhinium rounded . . b". With a nuchal crest . . . . . . . . b'. Outer tail-feathers much elongated b. Frontal feathers erect. c'. Bill short, widened at the base; front crested. Tarsi shorter; scutes divided. 6. METOPIA, p. 290. | Tarsi longer; scutes united. 7. MASIUS, p. 290. d'. Bill long, much constricted; front not crested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. METOPoTHRIX, p. 292. B. Tail short. c. Wings of males normal. Bill wider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. PIPRA, p. 292. | Bill more compressed . . . . . . . . 10. NEoPIPo, p. 303. d. Wings of males modified. e'. Stems of secondaries thickened. . 11. MACHAEROPTERUS, p. 303. f". Stems of primaries thickened. c". Primaries straight . . . . . . . . . . 12. CHIRoxIPHLA, p. 307. d". Primaries curved. * | Middle tail-feathers length- . CHLoRoPIPO, p. 286. . XENOPIPO, p. 287. CERATOPIPRA, p. 288. . CIRRHOPIPRA, p. 289 i ened . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. HELICURA, p. 311. Tail squared . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. CHIROMACHAERIS, p. 312. 1. PIPRITES. Type. Piprites, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. xiii. pt. i. p. 234 (1847).... P. pileatus. Hemipipo, Cab. bid. (1847) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. chloris. The short, strong, Parine bill, strong feet, and less united toes sufficiently distinguish this little group of five species, which extends from Costa Rica to Brazil. The first species shows these characters to excess, the other four (Hemipipo) are not so divergent in structure. Key to the Species. A. Bill shorter; back red : sexes distinct (Piprites). 1. pileatus, p. 284. B. Bill longer; back green : sexes similar (Hemi- pºpo), .. º a. Cap olivaceous; front yellowish. a'. Abdomen yellowish olive. | Larger; nape olivaceous . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. chloris, p. 284. | Smaller; nape greyish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. tschudiº, p. 284. b'. Abdomen cinereous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, chlorion, p. 285. b. Cap and front cinereous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. griseiceps, p. 285. 284 PIPRIDAE. 13 Piprites pileatus. Pipra pileata, Temm. Pl. Col. 172, fig. 1. Piprites pileatus, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. xiii. pt. i. p. 234; BP. Consp. i. p. 174; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 246; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 126; Sol, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 53. Above dark chestnut-red; cap black; wings black, edged with green : Outer secondaries and wing-coverts red like the back; tail red, with a large central black blotch occupying the whole of the two middle pairs of rectrices except the tips : beneath reddish fulvous; middle of belly and under wing-coverts yellowish; bill and feet pale red : whole length 47 inches, wing 29, tail 2-1. Female similar, but upper part of the back olivaceous. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. Ad. St. Brazil. C. Darwin, Esq. [P.]. b, c, d ? ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. d. 6 ad, sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2+ Piprites chloris. Pipra chloris, Temm. Pl. Col. 172, fig. 2. Piprites chloris, Bp. Consp. i. p. 174; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 246; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 126; Sel. et Salo. Nomencl. p. 53. Hemipipo chloris, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. xiii. pt. i. p. 234. Above olive-green; lores whitish ; front rufescent ; sides of head cinereous; wings blackish edged with green ; broad tips of coverts and outer secondaries white ; tail blackish, edged with green, and tipped with white spots: beneath yellowish green; under surface of remiges at their bases creamy white; bend of wing yellowish ; bill cinereous; feet pale brown; whole length 5-7 inches, wing 2:8, tail 2-2. Female similar. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. Ad. sk. Brazil. Gould Coll. b. Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 3.4 Piprites tschudii. Pipra chloris, Tsch. F. P., Av. p. 144. Hemipipo tschudii, Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 99; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 539; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1882, p. 79. Piprites chloris, Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 152 (Bogota). Piprites chlorion, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 246; id. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 72 (Rio Napo); Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 53; iid, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 190 (Ucayali), 1873, p. 282 (E. Peru); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 22. Piprites tschudii, Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 334. Similar to P. chloris, but rather smaller; bill longer; nape cinereous; lores more yellowish. Hab. Amazonia, Ecuador, and Colombia. 1. PIPRITES. 285 a. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. c. Ad. sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad, sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. 4. Piprites chlorion. Hemipipo chlorion, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. xiii. pt. i. p. 234. Piprites chlorion, Bp. Consp. i. p. 174; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 126; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1882, p. 78 (Brit. Guiana); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 299 (Brit. Guiana). Above bright olive-green; nape and sides of head cinereous ; front and lores yellowish; wings and tail blackish, slightly margined with olivaceous; tips of wing-coverts, broad ends of outer second- aries, and tips of tail-feathers creamy white: beneath cinereous; middle of belly whiter; throat and crissum pale yellow ; bill and feet plumbeous: whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2:8, tail 22. Female similar. -2/ / Hab. British Guiana. This species is at once distinguished from the former by its yellowish throat and cinereous belly. a. 3 a.d. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin–Godman Coll. (Whitely). b. Ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). c. & ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). d. 9 ad, sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin–Godman Coll. (Whitely). e, f. 6 Q ad. sk. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). ~5.4 Piprites griseiceps. Piprites griseiceps, Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 583 (Costa Rica); Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. ix. p. 116 (Costa Rica); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 309 (Costa Rica). Above olive-green ; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive; front, cap, and sides of head cinereous; spot in front of eye whitish : beneath yellowish, olivaceous on the sides ; under wing-coverts creamy white; bill blackish ; feet cinereous: whole length 4 inches, wing 2.5, tail 1:8. Hab. Costa Rica. The dark ashy cap renders this species at once recognizable. a. Ad, sk. Tucurriqué, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) 286 PIPRIDAE. V 2. CHLOROPIPO, T ype. Chloropipo, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 90 (1859).. C. flavicapilla. This genus was founded by Cabanis and Heine for Pipra flavi- capilla of Colombia, which has the bill of a typical Pipra, but différs from that genus in its much elongated wings and long tail. With this may be associated for the present two species from Guiana and Amazonia, of nearly uniform green colour in both sexes, con- cerning which there is still much to be learned. Key to the Species. A. General plumage yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. flavicapilla, p. 286. B. General plumage green: wing longer; under wing-coverts white . . 2, uniformis, p. 286. wing shorter; under wing-coverts cinereous 3. holochlora, p. 287. 1. Chloropipo flavicapilla. Pipra flavicapilla, Sclater, Rev. Zool. 1852, p. 9; id. Contr. Orn. 1852, . 132, pl. 97, fig. 2; id. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 152 (Bogota). cº flavicapilla, Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 247; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 54; iid. P.Z.S. 1879, p. 516 (Antioquia); Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 93 (Ecuador). Chloropipo flavicollis, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 91 (err.). Pipra plumosa, Licht, in Mus. Berol. Above yellowish green; wings and tail brown, edged with yellowish green; whole head above and neck with slightly elongated feathers, bright yellow : beneath yellow, paler on the belly and crissum ; under wing-coverts white; bill blackish; feet brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 3, tail 2. Female yellowish olive; abdomen paler, more yellow ; under wing-coverts white. Hab. Colombia and Ecuador. a. Ad. St. Bogota. Purchased. b, c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. d, e. d ? ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad, sk. Bogota. Gould Coll. g, h. 3 a.d. sk. Medellin, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Chloropipo uniformis. Chloropipo uniformis, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1884, p. 447; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 299 (Brit. Guiana). Chloropipo unicolor, Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 335 (?). Above olive-green : beneath rather paler; throat somewhat cine- rascent ; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet dark plumbeous: whole length 5:4 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2:4. Female similar. Hab. British Guiana. a, b, c, ad. ; c. 92 Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. (Whitely). (Types of the species.) 3. XENOPIPO. 287 © (e. d, e. d ? ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). ..f. 6 a.d. sk. Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). g, h, d ? ad, sk. Twek-quey Mt., Carimangr., Salvin-Godman Coll. Brit. Guiana (Whitely). – 3. Chloropipo holochlora. Pipra cornuta Q, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 751, et 1873, p. 282 (E. Peru). Above uniform shining green; beneath paler, middle of abdomen yellowish ; under wing-coverts cinereous; upper mandible plum- beous, lower pale brown; feet hazel; whole length 4.5 inches, wing 2:6, tail 18. Female similar (?). Hab. Colombia and Amazonia. a. Ad, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. Ad, sk. Vicinity of Pasto, Ecuador Salvin–Godman Coll. (Lehmann). c, d. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad, sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. f. 6 ad. sk. Chyavetas, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C.]. S 3. XENOPIPO. Type. Xenopipo, Cab. in Wiegm. Arch. xiii. pt. i. p. 235 (1847). X. atronitens. This is a curious type, distinguished by its flattened mesorhinium, and the uniform shining black plumage of the male. So far as is yet known, it is peculiar to the Guianas and Lower Amazonia. 1. Xenopipo atronitens. Xenopipo atronitens, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. xiii. pt. i. p. 235; id. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 697; Bp. Consp. i. p. 170; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 129; Scl. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 54; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 299 (Brit. Guiana). Uniform shining black, not so bright below ; bill plumbeous: feet black: whole length 4.7 inches, wing 2:8, tail 19. Female green, paler beneath, throat and belly lighter. Hab. Guiana, Cayenne, and Lower Amazonia. a, b. 3 ad. ; c. 3 Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. jr.; d, e. Qad. sk. (Whitely). f. 6 a.d. sk. Brit. Guiana. Sclater Coll. g. Q ad. Sk, Demerara (Brown), Salvin–Godman Coll. h. & ad. sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Salvin–Godman Coll. 2. G ad. sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Purchased. j. Q ad. sk. Rio Negro. Sclater Coll. k. 6 ad. sk. Rio Igana (Natterer). Sclater Coll. l, m, 3 Q ad, sk. Borba (Natterer). Sclater Coll. n, Ad, sk. S. America. Gould Coll. 288 PIPRIDAE, '4. CERATOPIPRA. Type Ceratopipra, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 6 (1854) . . . . . . . . C. cornuta. The longer tail, stronger tarsi, and peculiar extended crest seem to separate this genus from the typical Piprae, and I have therefore placed it apart, under the generic term suggested for it by Bonaparte. The two known species are restricted to Guiana and Amazonia. Key to the Species. A. Throat red, like the head. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. cornuta, p. 288. B. Throat black, like the belly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. iracunda, p. 288. 1. Ceratopipra cornuta. Pipra cornuta, Spir, Av. Bras. ii. p. 5, pl. 7. f. 2; Wagl, Isis, 1830, p.933; Cab. in Schomb. Guiana, iii. p. 696; Bp. Consp. i. p. 173; JBurm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 444; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 71 (Rio Napo) id. Cat. A. B. p. 248; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 127; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 92; Sol. et Salv. Womencl. p. 54; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 299 (Br, Guiana); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 337. Ceratopipra cornuta, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod, p. 6. Glossy black; whole head and neck all round, together with elongated nuchal crest and thighs, bright scarlet ; bill and feet whity brown ; whole length 4:8 inches, wing 2:5, tail 17. Female green ; wings and tail brownish ; throat and middle of belly pale yellowish green. Bab. Guiana and district of Rio Negro. a. & ad. St. British Guiana. |Purchased. b–d, g ad, ; e. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. & jr.; f. 2 ad. sk. g, h. 3 ad, ; i, j. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Sclater Coll. Q ad, sk. -2. Ceratopipra iracunda. (Plate XIX.) Pipra iracunda, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1884, p. 447; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 300 Glossy black; whole head above and elongated nuchal crest and thighs bright scarlet ; under wing-coverts black; bill and feet whity brown: whole length 4:4 inches, wing 2.5, tail 1:5. Hab. Guiana and Amazonia. I am rather doubtful whether the three young males (b, c, d) really belong to this species, but do not know where else to place them. a. 6 a.d. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely), Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) b. 3 jr. sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. c. 3 jr. sk. Chyavetas, E. Peru (Bartlett). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. & jr. sk. Loretoyacu, E. Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. CIRRHOPIPRA. 289 ~5. CIRRHOPIPRA. Type Cirrhipipra, Bp. Consp. i. p. 172 (1850). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. filicauda. Teleonema, Reichenb. Av. Syst. Wat. t. lxiii. (1850) .... C. filicauda. The peculiar elongated tail-feathers render this form, which in other respects comes very near the true Piprae, easily recognizable. It is rather widely spread over Amazonia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela. Key to the Species. A. Outer rectrices filiform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. filicauda, p. 289. B. Outer rectrices acuminated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. heterocerca, p. 289. 1. Cirrhopipra filicauda. Pipra filicauda, Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. p. 5, pl. 8, figs, 1,2; Wagl. Isis, xxºn, 1830, p. 936; Tsch. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 143; Selater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 152 (Bogota); id. Cat. A. B. p. 247; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 54; iid. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 190 (R. Ucayali), 1867, p. 579 (L, Amazons), 1868, p. 628 (Venezuela), 1873, p. 282 (E. Peru); Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 126; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 336; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 446. Cirrhipipra filicauda, Bp. Consp. i. p. 172; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 265 (Upper Amazons), et 1858, p. 71 (Rio Napo). Teleonema filicaudum, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 91. Welvety black; whole head and neck above scarlet, front yellow: beneath bright yellow ; crissum black; inner webs of wing-feathers with a large white blotch ; bill plumbeous; feet reddish : whole length 5-8 inches, wing 2-6, tail 3. Female green; wings and tail brown with green margins: beneath paler, more yellowish : middle of belly yellow. Hab. Amazonia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. a. 6 a.d. st Amazons. Purchased. b. 3 ad. sk Barra do Rio Negro (Wallace). Sclater Coll. c. 3 a.d. sk Upper Amazons (Haua well). Gould Coll. d. & ad. Sk Pebas, E. Peru (Hawa well). Salvin–Godman Coll. 6 ad, sk Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. f, g. 6 ad. sk. Napo, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Q ad. sk Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. i. 6 ad. sk Bogota, Salvin–Godman Coll. j. 3 a.d. sk Bogota. Sclater Coll. k. Q ad. sk Bogota. Purchased. l. 3 ad, sk San Esteban, Venezuela. Sclater Coll. 'm. & ad. sk Venezuela (Goering). Salvin–Godman Coll. 2. Cirrhopipra heterocerca. Pipra heterocerca, Scl. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 313 (N. Brazil); Scl, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 54. Similar to C. ſilicauda, but outer rectrices acuminated and pro- duced, not filiform. Hab. Amazonia. WOL. XIV. 290 PIPRIDAE. e I have never seen but one example of this bird, and regret to say that I do not know where that now is. It is perhaps rather a doubtful species. * & Mºtoria. ** Type. Metopia, Swains. Class. B. ii. p. 254 (1837) . . . . . . . . . . . . M. ºt. Antilophia, Reichenb. Av. Syst. Nat. t. lxiii. (1850) . . . . . . M. galeata. This ornamental form, distinguished by its splendid scarlet crest and head and long rounded tail, is found only in the interior of South Brazil and Bolivia, where Natterer tells us it frequents marshy places and keeps near the ground. 1. Metopia galeata. Pipra galeata, Licht. Doubl. p. 28 (1823); Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 939; Sw. B. Brazil, pl. 23. A. Pipra wiedii, Less. Tr. d’Orn. i. p. 258. Metopia galeata, Sw, Class. B. ii. p. 254; BP. Consp. i. p. 170; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 440; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 98; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 252; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 129; Sel, et Salv, Nomencl. p 55; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 617 (Bolivia). Antilophia galeata, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod, p. 5. Velvety black; erect frontal crest, cap, and upper part of back bright scarlet ; bill and feet brown : whole length 6-2 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2-7. Female. Dull olive-green, paler below. Hab. S. Brazil and Bolivia. a. 6 a.d. St. Brazil. Lt. Maw, R.N. [P.]. b. 3 ad. ; c. 3 Brazil. Purchased. jr. St. d, e. g. ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. 6 ad. sk. Rio, Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. g, h. 3 SP ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 7. 9 a.d. sk. Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. 7. MASIUS. Type Masius, Bp. Consp. i. p. 175 (1850) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . M. chrysopterus. Anticorys, Cab, et Heine, Mus, Hein. ii. p. 90 (1859). M. chrysopterus. As in Metopia, the frontal feathers in Masius are erect and pro- duced, and the tail is rounded. But the tarsi are longer, thinner, and more nearly smooth, and the tail is proportionately not so long. The two known species are restricted to Colombia and Ecuador. Rey to the Species. A. Tips of crest-feathers slightly constricted, rufous orange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. chrysopterus, p. 291. B. Tips of crest-feathers much constricted, pale brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. coronulatus, p. 291. 7. MASIUS. 291 1. Masius chrysopterus. Pipra chrysoptera, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1843, p. 97; id. Mag. de Zool. 1843, Ois. pl. 44; Gray et Mitch. Gen. B. i. p. 274, pl. 67, fig. 1. Masius chrysopterus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 175; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 152; d. Cat. A. B. p. 247; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 53; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 93 (Eastern Ecuador). Anticorys chrysoptera, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 90. Above velvety black; large erect crest on the front and head bright lemon-yellow, the feathers on the nape with deep reddish- orange ends, slightly constricted; wings and tail black, with the greater part of the inner webs of the remiges and rectrices of a bright pale yellow : beneath black, large patch on throat yellow ; bill and feet reddish: whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2-4, tail 1.8 Female. Olive-green : beneath pale, belly yellowish. & Hab. Colombia and Eastern Ecuador. a, b, c ad, ; c. 92 Bogota. Purchased. ad. St. d, e. d ? ad.; Bogota. Sclater Coll. f. 6 jr. sk g. d ad. ; h, i. 9 Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. ; j. G jr. sk k—m. & ad. sk. Bogota. Gould Coll. n, d ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. 2. Masius Coromulatus. Masius coronulatus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 91 (Ecuador); id. Cat. A. B. p. 247; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 53; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, pp. 516, 549 (Antioquia). w Above velvety black; large erect crest on the front and head bright lemon-yellow, the feathers on the nape with pale clear brown ends, much constricted; wings and tail black, with the greater part of the remiges and rectrices of a bright pale yellow : beneath black, large patch on throat yellow; bill and feet reddish : whole length 4 inches, wing 2:4, tail 1-6. Female. Olive-green : beneath paler, belly yellowish. Hab. Ecuador and Antioquia. The specimen from Antioquia (j) shows a slight divergence towards M. chrysopterus (cf. Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 516). a. 6 ad. sk. Nanegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. , (Type of the species.) b, c, d Q ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. d, e. g. Qad.; f. Intac, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. d jr. sk. g, h. 3 ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Gould Coll. i. 3 ad, sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. j. 6 a.d. sk. Antioquia, Colombia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. U 2 292 PIPRIDAE. 4-3 era. 8 METOPOTHRIX. Type Metopothrix, Sol. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 190 . . . . . . . . . . . . M. aurantiacus. This is a very abnormal and singular form, which may perhaps belong elsewhere, but on the whole shows most similarity to the Pipridae. The frontal plumes are erect but short ; the tarsi are nearly smooth, as in Masius, but shorter and rather thicker, and the outer toe not apparently so far united to the middle toe as in the more typical Piprae. The tail-feathers are much graduated and pointed. 1. Metopothrix aurantiacus. Metopothrix aurantiacus, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 190, pl. xviii. (R. Ucayali), et 1873, p. 283 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 55; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 349. Above olive; wings blackish, edged with olive; frontal plumes erect, orange: beneath paler; throat and breast orange-yellow, passing into pale yellowish olive on the belly; bill brown; feet yellow : whole length 47 inches, wing 23, tail 2. Hab. Eastern Peru and Ecuador. a. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Amazons (E. Bartlett). Sclater Coll. . (Type of the species.) b. Ad, sk. Lower Ucayali. E. Bartlett [C.]. c. 3 ad, sk. Samiria, Upp. Amazons (Haua- Salvin-Godman Coll. well). d. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. PIPRA *. we Type. Pipra, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 338 (1766). . . . . . . . . . . . P. aureola. Pythis, Boie, Isis, 1826, p. 971 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. leucocilla. Dixiphia, Reichenb. Av. Syst. Nat. t. lxiii. (1850) ... P. leucocilla. Lepidothrix, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod, p. 6 (1854) ... P. cyaneocapilla. Corapipo, Bp. bid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. gutturalis. Dasyncetopa, Bp. bid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. Serena. Tyranneutes, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1881, p. 269 , , ... P. virescens. In the typical genus Pipra the males are generally adorned with patches of most brilliant plumage, which present great contrasts in their tints. The eighteen known species, all of small size, are distri- buted throughout the hot forests of Central and Southern America, * I am not acquainted with Pipra opalizans, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 186, from Para, of which the typical specimen has been lost. 9. PIPRA. 293 from Southern Mexico to Bolivia. The tail is short, and squared at the end. Key to the Species. A. Sexes dissimilar; males above and beneath more or less black. a. Throat red or yellow; belly black: tail black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. aureola, p. 293. tail with white spot on outer rectrix. 2. flavicollis, p. 294. tail with white bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. fasciata, p. 294. b. Under surface black. a'. Cap red. a". Thighs red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. rubricapilla, p. 295. b". Thighs yellow: | chin black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. chloromeros, p. 295. chim yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. mentalis, p. 295. b'. Cap yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. auricapilla, p. 296. c'. Cap white: rump black, like the back. . . . . . . . 8. leucocilla, p. 297. {º} pale blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, isidori, p. 298. d'. Cap blue: rump black. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. velutina, p. 299. | rump bluish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. cyaneocapilla, p. 299. rump blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. caeruleocapilla, p. 300. c. Throat black; belly yellow : breast-spot yellow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. Serena, p. 300. no yellow breast-spot . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, suavissima, p. 300. d. Throat white; belly black: | crissum black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. gutturalis, p. 301. | crissum white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. leucorrhoa, p. 301. B. Sexes dissimilar; male with back green... 17. nattereri, p. 302. C. Sexes similar, all green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. virescens, p. 302. 1. Pipra aureola. Pipra aureola, Linn, S. N. i. p. 339; Desm. Tang. pl. 54; Hahn w. Rüster, Vög, Lief, ii. pl. 5; Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 933; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 696; Bp. Consp. i. p. 173; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 91; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 248; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 168 (Venezuela); iid. Nomencl. p. 54; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 127; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 299 (Brit. Guiana). Above black; whole head and neck bright scarlet-red: beneath black; throat, breast, and middle line of belly scarlet, throat tinged with yellow ; under wing-coverts and broad band across the inner webs of the remiges white; bend of wing yellowish; thighs yellow ; bill black; feet carneous: whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2.5, tail 1:2. Female. Olive: beneath yellowish, brighter on the middle of the belly. Hab. Guiana, Surinam, Cayenne, Venezuela, and Trinidad. 294 PIPRIDAE. a. SP ad. St. S. America. H. º Rothery, Esq. b, c. 2 jr. st. S. America. Purchased. d. 6 jr. sk. Surinam. Sclater Coll. e. 6 ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. ..f. 6 ad, sk. Cayenne. Salvin–Godman Coll. g. ‘P ad, sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). h. 6 ad. Sk. Pilar, Nueva Andalucia, Vene- Salvin-Godman Coll, zuela (Goering). 2. d ad. sk. Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. j. 6 ad. sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Col). k. Q ad. sk. Trinidad (Boucard). Salvin–Godman Coll. l. 3 ad. sk. Trinidad. Gould Coll. 2.*Pipra flavicollis. Pipra flavicollis, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 143; id. Cat. A. B. p. 248; Sol. et Salv, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 579 (Lower Amazons); iid. Nomencl. p. 54. Pipra aureola (ex Borba), Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 126 (?). Similar to P. aureola, but throat and neck pure yellow, and outer rectrix with a small white central spot. Hab. Lower Amazonia. This is clearly an intermediate form between P. aureola and P. fasciata. a. 6 ad. sk. Barra do Rio Negro (Wallace). Sclater Coll. (Type of the ºries) b. 6 ad sk. Rio Negro. Purchased. c. 92 ad. sk. Amazons (Wallace). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3.4 Pipra fasciata, Pipra fasciata, d'Orb, et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 38; d’Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 295, pl. 30, fig. 1; Bp. Consp. i. p. 173; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 92; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 248; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 127; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 54; iid, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 579 (Lower Amazons), ...,p. 282 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 616 (Bolivia); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 337. Black; whole head and neck all round and breast yellow, with the feathers more or less tipped with crimson; belly and under wing-coverts yellow ; a broad white band across the inner web of the wing-feathers, also across the base of the tail; bill blackish ; feet brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2-6, tail 1:2. Female. Dull olive : beneath paler, abdomen yellowish. Hab. Upper Amazonia, int. of Brazil and Bolivia. a. G ad. St. S. America. Lt. Maw, R.N. [P.]. b. 3 ad. sk. Matto Grosso, Brazil (Nutterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Q ad, sk. Eng, do Gama, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. d. 3 ad, sk. Rio Parana (Natterer). Sclater Coll. e. 6 ad, sk. Eastern Peru. Salvin–Godman Coll. f. 6 ad, sk. Upper Ucayali, E. Bartlett [C.]. 9. PIPRA. 295 * 41 Pipra rubricapilla. Manacus rubrocapillus, Briss. Av. iv. p. 450. Pipra erythrocephala, var. 8, Linn. S. N. i. p. 339. Pipra . Temm. Pl. Col. 54. fig. 3; d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 294; Bp. Consp. i. p. 173; Selater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 265 (U. Amazons); Žd. Cat. A. B. p. 248; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 127; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 282 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 54; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 344 (N.E. Brazil); Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. . 92 º/ p. 92. Pipra erythrocephala, Licht. Doubl. p. 29; Maa. Beitr. iii. p. 422; Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 933; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 443. Dixiphia rubricapilla, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 6. Black; cap and thighs crimson-red; under wing-coverts whitish ; bill and feet pale brown: whole length 4 inches, wing 2:4, tail 1:2. Female. Above green : beneath paler; under wing-coverts cinereous. Hab. Brazil and Amazonia. a, b. 3 a.d.; c. 2 Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. ; d, e. g. ir. sk. fº & ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. *—k. & ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Gould Coll. l. 3 ad. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). m, n. 6 ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. o, p. 3 & ad. sk. Yguitos, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). q. & ad. sk. Ega, Upper Amazons. Purchased, 5+ Pipra chloromeros. Pipra chloromeros, Tsch. Wiegm. Arch. 1844, pt. i. p. 271; id. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 144; Sol, Cat. A. B. p. 248; Sel. et Salv. Womencl. p. 54; iid P. Z. S. 1869, p. 598 (S. Peru), 1879, p. 617 (Bolivia); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 539, et 1882, p. 22 (Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 339. Black; cap and nape crimson-red; thighs yellow ; under wing- coverts black; bill and feet pale brown ; whole length 4-3 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1-3. Female. Green : beneath paler; under wing- coverts whitish. PIab. Peru and Bolivia. a, b. 3 Q ad. sk. Cosnipata, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. c. 3 ad. sk. Cosnipata, Peru (Whitely). Salvin–Godman Coll. d. & ad. St. Bolivia. Purchased. e. 6 ad. Sk. Bolivia. Sclater Coll. f. Ad, sk. Baganti, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 6.t Pipra mentalis. Pipra mentalis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 299, pl. 121, et 1859, p. 385 (Oaxaca); id. Cat. A. B. p. 249; Sel. et Salv, Ibis, 1859, p. 125; 296 PIPRIDAE. iid, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 362 (Panama), et 1870, p. 837 (Honduras); ãd. Womencl. p. 54; Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. ix. p. 116 (Costa Rica); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 309 (Costa Rica); Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 200 (Veragua); id. Ibis, 1872, p. 318 (Nicaragua); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 66 (Costa Rica). Black; cap and nape crimson-red; spot on chin, thighs, and under wing-coverts lemon-yellow ; bill and feet pale brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1:2. Female. Green : beneath lighter; belly yellowish ; under wing-coverts pale yellow. Hab, S. Mexico and Central America down to Panama. a, b, d ? ad. St. Cordova, Mexico (Sallé). Purchased. c. 3 ad. sk. Tizimin, N.Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. G º e—g. Q Mugeres I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad, sk. h. & ad. sk. Meco I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. & ad. St. Honduras. Purchased. j, d ad. sk. Sources of Rio de la Pasion, Salvin-Godman Coll. Vera Paz (Salvin). k, l. 3 Q ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz §: Salvin-Godman Coll. m, n. 6 @ ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin . Sclater Coll. o, d ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Tweeddale Coll. p. 3 ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin-Godman Coll. q, d ad. sk. Angostura, Costa Rica (Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. miol). p. 3 ad. sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. s. Q ad. sk. Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. t, w. & Q ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Sclater Coll. v. 6 a.d. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. w, v, d ad.; y, z, Panama (McLeannan). Salvin–Godman Coll. Q ad. sk. a'. 6 ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. P 7A Pipra auricapilla. Manacus aurocapillus, Briss. Orn. iv. p. 448, pl. 34, fig. 2. iº erythrocephala, Linn. S. N. i. p. 339; Desm. Tang, pls. 60, 61; ieill. Enc. Méth. p. 261; Hahn u. Küst, Vög. Lief. xv. pl. 3. fig. 1; Bp. Consp. i. p. 173. Pipra auricapilla, Licht. Doubl. p. 29; Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 934; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 696; Burm. Syst, Ueb. ii. p. 444; Selater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 457 (dº ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 249; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 127; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 92; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 567 (Peru), 1867, pp. 680 (L. Amazons), 751 (E. Peru), 978 (Amazonia), 1868, p. 628 (Venezuela), 1873, p. 283 (E. Peru); ãd. Womencl. p. 54; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 87 (Trinidad); Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 384 (Para); Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 573 (Trinidad); Salv, et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 169 (Santa Marta); Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 304 (Bucaramanga); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 300 (British Guiana); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 340. Shining black; cap golden yellow ; thighs crimson; bill and feet yellowish brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 0-9. Female. Green : beneath paler; middle of belly yellowish. Hab. Guiana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Amazonia. 9. PIPRA. 297 a, b. 3 a.d. st. S. America. Purchased. c. 3 ad. ; d. 3 Cayenne. Sclater Coll. jr. sk. e. Q ad, sk. S. America. Sclater Coll. f, g. 6 2 ad. sk. Maroni River, Surinam Salvin–Godman Coll. (Kappler). h. 6 a.d. sk. George Town, Demerara. Salvin–Godman Coll. 2. c ad, ; f. 6 Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. jr. sk. (Whitely). k, l, d ? ad. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin–Godman Coll. (Whitely). m. G ad. sk. River Attapurow, Brit. Salvin-Godman Coll. Guiana (Whitely). n. & ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). o, ö ad. sk. Para, Lower Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Wallace). p, q. 3 Q ad. sk. River Amazons (Wallace). Salvin–Godman Coll. r. & ad. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. S. 6 a.d. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Tweeddale Coll. t. 6 ad, sk. Chyavetas, E. Peru (Bart- Salvin–Godman Coll. w. G. jr. ; ). Sº sk w, v. 3 ad, sk. lett). Chyavetas, E. Peru. Eastern Peru (Farris). E. Bartlett [C.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. 9, 2, 3 a.d. sk. Rio Napo, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. a'. & ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. b'—d". & ad. sk. Bogota. Gould Coll. e', f'. & Q ad. sk. Bucaramanga, U.S.C. (Minlos). Sclater Coll. g'. Q ad. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela Sclater Coll. (Goering). h'. & ad. sk. Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. ?'. 6 ad. sk. Cauca, U.S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. j', k'. 69 ad, sk. Miº Santa Marta, U.S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Simon3). l'. 6 ad, sk. Chepo, Isthmus of Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. t (Arcé). 8.* Pipra leucocilla. Pipra leucocilla, Linn. S. N. i. p. 340; Hahn w. Küster, Vög. Lief. x. pl. 2; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 697; BP. Consp. i. p. 173; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 444; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 114 (Quijos), 1855, p. 122 (Bogota), et 1857, p. 265 (U. Amazon); id. Cat. A. B. p. 249; Cab. et Hein. Mus, Henn. ii. p. 93; Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 934; Sol, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 190 (R. Ucayali), 1867, pp. 580 (L. Amazons), 751 (E. Peru), 1873, p. 283 (E. Peru); Žid. Nomencl. p. 54; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 149, et 1870, p. 200 (Veragua); id. Ibis, 1885, p. 300 (Br. Guiana); Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 127; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 384 (Para); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 22 (N.E. Peru); id. Orm. Pér, ii. p. 341. º leucocapilla, Gm. S. N. i. p. 1002; Desm. Tang, pl. 59; Maa. eitr. iii. p. 427. Pº coracina, Sel. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 29 (Bogota), et 1858, p. 71 (Rio Vapo); id. Cat. A. B. p. 249; Cab, et Hein, Mus, Hein. ii. p. 93; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 22 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 342. 298 PIPRIDAE. Shining black; cap pure white : bill and feet brown: whole length 3-5 inches, wing 2.5, tail 1-3. Female. Above green ; cap with a cinereous tinge: beneath paler; throat somewhat cinereous; middle of belly lighter. Hab. Veragua, and South America from Panama down to Peru and S.E. Brazil. After comparing a large series I am unable to draw a satisfactory line between the northern form which I formerly kept distinct (as P. coracina) and the southern birds. The former is perhaps somewhat larger and more intense in colour. a, b. c. 9 a.d. st. South America. Purchased. c. 6 a.d. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. d. 6 jr. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. 9 a.d. sk. Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. 9. G ad. sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. h. & ad. sk. Cordillera de Tolé, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arcé). ?, j. 6 @ ad. Sk, Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Types of P. coracina, Scl.) k. Q ad. sk Bogota. Sclater Coll. l. 3 ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. m. d ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. G ad. sk. Rio Napo, Ecuador. Purchased. o, d ad. sk. Rio Napo, Ecuador. Gould Coll. p. 3 a.d. sk. Peruvian Amazons. Sclater Coll. q. 6 a.d. sk. Ega, Upper Amazons. Purchased. 7. 9 ad. sk. R. Ucayali. Gould Coll. S. 6 a.d. sk. Chamicuros, E. Peru (Haua - Gould Coll. well). t. 6 a.d. sk. Huambo, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. w, v. & Q ad, sk. Chiromato, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. w, ar. & Q ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). 9, 2, 3 Q ad. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). a', b'. d ? ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. c'. 6 ad. sk. Maroni River, Surinam (Kap- Salvin-Godman Coll. pler). d', e. d ? ad. sk. Para (Layard). Tweeddale Coll. f", g'. & ad. ; h". 6 Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. .” '', j'. Q ad. k'. & ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Salvin-Godman Coll. Janeiro (Youds). !". SP ad. sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. m'. G * m'. 6 Brazil. Sclater Coll. Jr. Sk, 9." Pipra isidori. Pipra isidori, Sclater, Rev. Zool. 1852, p. 9; id. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 132, pl. 100 fig.1; id. P. Z. S. 1854, p. TIA (Ecuador),etl855, p. 153 (Bogota); id. Cat. A. B. p. 249; Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 54; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 23 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 342. Black; cap pure white; rump pale lilac-blue; bill and feet brown : 9. PIPRA. 299 whole length 2.7 inches, wing 1-9, tail 0-9. Female. Green, be- neath paler; middle of belly yellowish. Hab. Colombia and Ecuador. a. G ad. ; b, c. 92 Bogota. Sclater Coll. ad, sk. d, e. g. ad. ; f. 2 Bogota. Purchased. ad. sk. 9. 6 ad. sk. Colombia. Gould Coll. h, i. 3 ad. ; j. Q Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. 8.01. SR. k. & ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. l. 3 a.d. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley), Sclater Coll. "m. & ad. sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. -10.tpipra velutina. Pipra cyaneocapilla, Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 149, et 1870, p. 200 (Veragua); Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 362 (Panama), et 1879, p. 517 (Antioquia). Pipra velutina, Berl, Ibis, 1883, p. 492. Black; front black; cap bright blue ; bill and feet black: whole length 3:1 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1:1. Female. Green, beneath paler; middle of belly yellowish. Hab, Weragua, Panama, and Colombia. This Northern form is distinguishable from P. cyaneocapilla by its black front, black rump, and more intense black colour. a. & ad. ; b. 3 jr. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. c. 3 jr. sk. Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 3 ad, sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. e, f. 6 ad.; g. Q Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. h. 6 ad. sk. Lion Hill Station, Isthm. of Salvin-Godman Coll. Panama (McLeannan). 7. & ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia, U.S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). 11:t Pipra cyaneocapilla. Pipra cyaneocapilla, Hahn w. Küster, Vög. Lief. xv. pl. 3. fig. 2 (1822); Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 934; BP. Consp. i. p. 174; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 445; Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 93; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 249; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 128; Scl.et Salv. Nomencl. p. 54; iid P. Z. S. 1866, p. 190 (R. Ucayali), 1867, p. 580 (L. Amazons), p. 751 (E. Peru), et p. 978 (Amazonia), 1873, p. 283 (E. Peru); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 343. Piº coronata, Spia, Av. Bras. ii. p. 5, pl. 7, fig. 1 (1825); Lafr, Rev. Zool. 1847, p. 70; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 114 (Quijos), et 1857, p. 265 (U. Amazons). Pipra herbacea, Spiz, Av. Bras. ii. p. 6, pl. 8a, fig. 1 (Q); Sclater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 114. Black; cap bright blue ; rump with a pale bluish tingo: whole length 3-4 inches, wing 2:4, tail 1'4. Hab. Amazonia. 300 PIPRIDAE. a, b, d ? ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. c, d. 3 ad. St. R. Amazons. Purchased. e. P ad. St. Ega, Amazons. Purchased. J. d jr. sk. Chyavetas, E. Peru (Bartlett). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. & ad. sk. Upper Ucayali. E. Bartlett [C.]. h. 6 a.d. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. 6 jr. sk. River Huallaga (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. j, k, d ad. Sk. Peruvian Amazons (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. l. 3 ad. sk. Peruvian Amazons. Sclater Coll. m. SP ad. sk. Rio Napo. Gould Coll. m. SP ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. 12+ Pipra caeruleocapilla. Pipra caeruleocapilla, Tsch. Wiegm. Arch. 1844, pt. i. p. 271; id. Faun. Pér., Av. p. 145; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 782 (S. Peru); i.d. Nomencl. p. 54; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 539 (C. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 344. Black; cap and rump blue: whole length 3-5 inches, wing 2-4, tail I “2. Plab. Peru. This little-known species has a conspicuous blue rump like the head, and is quite distinct. 13.4 Pipra serena, Pipra serena, Linn. S. N. i. p. 340; Desm. Tang. pl. 62; Vieill, Gal. Ois. iii. p. 95, pl. 72; Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 935; Bp. Consp. i. p. 173; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 445; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 93; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 249; Scl. et Salv. Womencl. p. 54. Black; frontal plumes erect, white; rump blue; spot in the middle of the breast and belly yellow; bill and feet dark brown : whole length 3:2 inches, wing 2, tail 0-9. Hab. Cayenne. a. G ad. sk. Cayenne. Gould Coll. b. d ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. c. 0 ad. sk. Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. Guiana. Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. 6 ad. St. Cayenne. Purchased. `-14, rRipra suavissima, Pipra suavissima, Salv, et Godin, Ibis, 1882, p. 79, pl. i. (Brit. Guiana); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 300 (Br, Guiana). Pipra serena, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 697 (?). Black; vertical plumes erect, white, with a slight bluish tinge on the posterior border; rump bright lilac ; middle of abdomen deep orange: whole length 3-5 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1:2. Female. Green, beneath paler; abdomen yellow. Hab. British Guiana. The white vertex, and the want of the yellow spot on the breast, as also the deep orange colour of the belly, at once distinguish this fine species from P. serena. 9. PIPRA. 301 a, b. 3 a.d.; c. 3 Merumé Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. jr.; d, e. P ad. sk. (Whitely). (Types of the species.) f, g, d ad. sk. Merumé Mts. (Whitely). Sclater Coll. h. & ad. sk. River Attapurow (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8, j. 6 Q ad. sk. Roraima (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. k, l, d ? ad. sk. Roraima (Whitely). Sclater Coll. m, n. 6 S2 ad. ; Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. o, dº jr. sk. (Whitely). 15.4 Pipra gutturalis. Pipra gutturalis, Linn. S. W. i. p. 340; Desm. Tang. pls. 63,65; Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 935; Bp. Consp. i. p. 174; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 445; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 250; Scl. et Salv. Womencl. p. 54; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 300 (Br. Guiana). Pipra perspicillata, Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 935; BP. Consp. i. p. 174; wºrm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 445 (2). Coropipo gutturalis, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 94. Shining black; whole throat extending to middle of the breast and a large patch on the under surface of the wings white; bill brown, base of lower mandible whitish ; feet brown : whole length 3-3 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1:1. Female. Green, beneath paler, throat whitish. Hab. Guiana and Cayenne. a. 3 ad. St. Cayenne. Purchased. b, c. 3 Q ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 6 a.d.; f, g. 6 Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. ir. sk. (Whitely). h.3 ai; i. 3 Meruméſts, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. jr. sk. (Whitely). j , k. & 2 ad. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). 16, Pipra leucorrhoa. Pipra leucorrhoa, Sel. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 63, pl. x. (Colombia); Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 149, et 1870, p. 200 (Veragua); id. Ibis, 1872, pp. 313, 318 &iº. Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. ix. p. 116 (Costa Rica); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 309 (Costa Rica); Sel, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 54; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 66 (Costa Rica); Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 305 (Bucaramanga). Shining black; throat and crissum white; under surface of wings dark ashy; bill cinereous, paler beneath; feet pale brown : whole length 3-5 inches, wing 2:2, tail 1:2. Female. Green, beneath paler, throat whitish. Hab. Costa Rica, Weragua, Panama, and Colombia. The white tips to the crissal feathers and the want of the white blotch on the under surface of the wings distinguish this species from P. gutturalis. a. 3 a.d. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. 3 ad. sk. Angostura, Costa Rica (Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. miol.) 302 JPIPRIDAE. dº ad. sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. & jr.; e. Q ad. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Sclater Coll. sk f. & ad. ; g, h. 3 Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. ir. sk. i,j. 6 2 ad, sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. ſº. 6 a.d. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arcé). O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]., l, m. d ? ad. sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. m, c ad, sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. o. 9 ad. Sk, Southern slope, Volcan de Salvin–Godman Coll. Chiriqui gº). p. 3 a.d.; g. 6 jr. Bogota, U. S. C. Sclater Coll. sk. (Types of the species.) 17.*Pipra mattereri. Pipra nattereri, Sel. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 611, pl. 39; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 127; Sol. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 54. Bright green; cap and rump pure white : beneath yellow ; throat greenish: whole length 3 inches, wing 2, tail 1. Female. Green ; cap bluish : beneath paler, middle of belly yellow. Hab. Borba, Rio Madeira. a. Q ad. sk. Borba (Natterer). Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimen.) 18. Pipra wirescens. Pipra virescens, Pelz. Orn. Bras. pp. 128, 187; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. º: 3, p. 283 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 54; Tacz, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 23 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 345; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1883, p. 208 (Brit. Guiana); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 300 (Brit. Guiana). Pipra sp. inc., Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 751 (E. Peru). Tyranneutes brachyurus, Sel, et Salv, Ibis, 1881, p. 269; cf. Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1883, p. 208. Green; concealed spot on vertex yellow ; beneath paler, middle of belly yellowish : whole length 2:8 inches, wing 1.9, tail J. Female similar, but without the head-spot. Hab. Amazonia and Guiana. In accordance with the opinions of Graf v. Pelzeln and Messrs. Salvin and Godman I unite Tyranneutes brachyurus to Pipra virescens. But I remark that all the specimens of the latter of both sexes (as determined by the collector) have a well-marked yellow vertical spot, which is either absent or barely discernible in the Amazonian bird. I have therefore arranged these forms as two sub- species. a. Subsp. typica. a. 6 a.d. sk. Rio Negro (Natterer). Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimen of P. virescens.) b. Ad. sk. Xeberos, E. Peru (Bartlett). Sclater Coll, c. 2 ad. sk. Xeberos, E. Peru (Bartlett), Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. Chamicuros, E. Peru (Bart- Salvin-Godman Coll. lett). 10. NEOPIPO.-11. MACHAEROPTERUS. 303 e. 6 a.d. sk. Chamicuros, E. Peru. E. Bartlett TC.T. f. §2 ad. sk. Chyavetas, E. Peru. E. Bartlett ſG.]. /, h. Ad. Sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. !. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Subsp. brachyura. a b. 3 Q ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). (Types of Tyranneutes brachyurus.) c. 9 a.d. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). d, e. g. Q ad. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). j. 6 a.d. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). g. 6 a.d. sk. Carimangr., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). 10. NEOPIPO, Type Neopipo, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 438. . . . . . . . . . N. cinnamomea. The single species of this genus seems to be closely allied to Pipra, but has a smaller and more constricted bill. It is also divergent in its generally rufous coloration. 1. Neopipo cinnamomea. Pipra cinnamomea, Lawr. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil, 1868, p. 429. Neopipo rubicunda, Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 438, pl. 30. fig. 3. Neopipo cinnamomea, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 283 (E. Peru); id. Womencl. p. 54; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 301 (Brit. Guiana); Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 346. Above bright fulvous red; head and neck dusky cinereous, with a yellow or reddish vertical spot: below rather paler, throat more or less cinereous; bill and feet pale brown : whole length 3-5 inches, wing 2:1, tail 1:5. Hab. Amazonia and British Guiana. a. 6 jr. sk, Chamicuros, Peru (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. b, c, d ad. sk. Chamicuros, Peru. E. Bartlett [C.]. d, e. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. f, g. 6 2 ad, sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). 11: MACHAEROPTERUS. Type. Machaeropterus, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 6 (1854) . . . . M. regulus. This brilliant little group of four species is remarkable for the abnormal structure of the secondary wing-feathers in the male, which I have described below. It is restricted to Colombia, Amazonia, and Brazil. 304 PIPRIDAE. Key to the Species. A. Plumage below striated. a. Cap scarlet: no crimson on breast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. regulus, p. 304. #: stained with crimson. . . . . . . . . . 2. striolatus, p. 304. b. Cap yellow, with a scarlet band. . . . . . . . . . 3. pyrocephalus, p. 305. B. Plumage below dark chestnut . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. deliciosus, p. 305. 1. Machaeropterus regulus. Pipra regulus, Hahn w. Küster, Vög. Lief, iv. pl. 4: figs., a, b (1821). Pipra strigilata, Maw. Reis. Bras. i. p. 187 (1822); d. Beitr. iii. p. 430; Temm. Pl. Col. 54, figs. 1, 2; Licht. Doubl. p. 29; Sw. B. Brazil, pl. 25; BP. Consp. i. p. 174; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 445. Pipra lineata, Thunb. Mém. Acad. Pétersb. 1822, p. 284, pl. 8, fig. 1. Machaeropterus strigilatus, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 6. Machaeropterus regulus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 94; Sel. Ibis, 1862, p. 176 (S.E. Brazil); id. Cat. A. B. p. 250; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 128; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 54. Above green; wings and tail dark slaty, more or less edged with green; crown scarlet : beneath white, breast greenish, abdomen flammulated with rufous; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet reddish: whole length 3-3 inches, wing 2, tail 0-9. Female similar but paler below, and with the crown green like the back. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. G ad. St. |Brazil. Purchased. b, c. 3 Q ad.; d. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. G jr. sk. e. 6 *i. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio (Youds). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. 6 a.d. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). g. 9 ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. 3 Q ad. sk. Brazil. Gould Coll. j, k d ad. ; l, m, Brazil. Sclater Coll. Q ad. sk 2. Machaeropterus striolatus. Pipra striolata, Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 122; id. Consp. i. p. 174; Gray et itch. Gen. B. i. p. 274, pl. 67. fig. 2; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 152 (Bogota), 1857, p. 265 (U. Amazon), et 1858, p. 72 (Rio Napo). Pipra strigilata, Wagl, Isis, 1830, p. 936. Machaeropterus striolatus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 94; Sel. Ibis, 1862, p. 176 (Venezuela); id. Cat. A. B. p. 250; Sol. et Salo. Nomencl. p. 54; iid P. Z. S. 1866, p. 567 (Peru), 1867, p. 751 (E. Peru) et p. 978 (Amazonia), 1873, p. 283 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 517 (Antioquia); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 23 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 347; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. §§ (Bucaramanga). Above green; crown scarlet : beneath, throat greyish white, breast more or less stained with scarlet; belly densely covered with white and dark chestnut stripes; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet brown : whole length 3-3 inches, wing 2, tail 0-9. Female similar, but crown green and much less distinctly striped below. 11. MACHAEROPTERUs. 305 Hab. Colombia and Amazonia. This northern representative of M. regulus may be distinguished by its breast being stained with scarlet, and the darker and more numerous flammulations of the abdomen. a. 6 ad. st. S. America. Purchased. b. 6 ad. sk. River Ucayali (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. c, d. 3 9 ad. sk. Chamicuros, E. Peru (Haua- J. Gould, Esq. well). e. 6 a.d. sk. pººr. Peru (Hauwwell). Salvin-Godman Coll. f, g, d ad. Sk. Napo, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. 9 ad, sk. Remedios, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). 2, 3 ad. ; j. Jr. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. k, l, d ? ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. m. Q ad. sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Machaeropterus pyrocephalus. Pipra pyrocephala, Sel. Rev. Zool. 1852, p. 9; id. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 132, t. xcvii. fig. 1. Machaeropterus pyrocephalus, Scl. Ibis, 1862, p. 176 (Peruvian Amazons); Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 94; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 128; Sol, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 54; iid P. Z. S. 1878, p. 139; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 346. Above brownish rose-colour, sides of head and wings green; crown bright yellow, with a broad central scarlet stripe : beneath pale rosy cinereous, with slight longitudinal stripes of darker colour; thighs and flanks chestnut ; tail dark ashy, with the feathers stiffened; bill above dark horn-colour, below paler: feet pale reddish: whole length 3 inches, wing 21, tail 0-9. Female green, beneath paler. Hab. Interior of Brazil, and Amazonia. a. G ad. sk. Eng. do Gama, Mato Grosso, Brazil Sclater Coll. (Natterer). b. 6 ad. sk. Mato Grosso, Brazil (Natterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c, d. 3 ad. ; River Ucayali (Haua well). J. Gould, Esq. e. [2 ad. Sk. 4. Machaeropterus deliciosus, Pipra deliciosa, Sel. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 90. Machaeropterus deliciosus, Sel. Ibis, 1862, p. 176, pl. vi. (W. Ecuador) id. Cat. A. B. p. 250; Sel. et Sah. Womencl. p. 54. Above dark chestnut, front part of crown scarlet ; wings and tail black: beneath similar, flanks and under wing-coverts white; bend of wing yellowish ; bill black; feet pale flesh-colour: whole length 3-3 inches, wing 2:5, tail 0-9. Female. Olive-green; beneath paler; belly and under wing-coverts yellowish. Hab. Ecuador. The chestnut body at once distinguishes this peculiar species, WOLe XIV. X 306 - JPIPRIDAE, which also shows the peculiar wing-structure of the males of this genus in a marked degree. This may be described as follows:— The ten primaries are of the ordinary formation of birds of this family, the first being shorter than the second, third, and fourth, Secondaries of Macharopterus deliciosus. (P.Z.S. 1860, p. 90) a, 5. Fifth and sixth secondaries of male Macharopterus deliciosus, from above. c. Seventh secondary, from beneath. d, e. Fifth and sixth secondaries of female, from above. f. Seventh secondary of female, from beneath. which are nearly equal and longest, and of about the same length as the sixth. The first three secondaries are thick-stemmed and curved towards the body at a distance of about two thirds of their length from the base. The fourth and fifth show this structure to a greater degree, with some corresponding alteration in the barbs on each side, as may be seen by Comparing fig. a, representing the upper surface of the fifth secondary of the male bird, with fig. d, which gives a similar view of that of the female. In the sixth and seventh secondaries of the male the terminal half of the rhachis is 12. CHIROXIPHIA. 307 thickened to an extraordinary degree, forming a solid horny lump. The external and internal barbs are also much modified in shape and generally curtailed in size. Fig. 5 gives an upper view of the sixth, and fig. c an under view of the seventh secondary. The corresponding feathers of the female, representing the normal structure, are seen in fig. e and fig. f. In the eighth and ninth secondaries the rhachis is still rather thickened; but the barbs (pogonia), instead of being reduced in size, are highly developed, particularly on the inner side. It was observed by Mr. Fraser that the wing-bones of these birds are also much thickened, no doubt in aid of this abnormal structure of the remiges. a, b. 6 2 ad. Sk. Nanegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) c, d. 3 ad. ; e. Q Intac, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. f. 6 a.d. sk. Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. & ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. & ad. sk. Ecuador. Gould Coll. 2. c ad, sk. Ecuador. Purchased. j. 3 a.d. sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. 12. CHIROXIPHIA. T - ype. Chiroxiphia, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. xiii. pt. i. p. 235 (1847) C. caudata. Chiroprion, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 5 (1854). . . . . . . C. pareola. Cercophaena, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 6 (1854). . . . . . C. linearis. Chiroariphia is another little bright-plumaged group of six species, all well distinguished, and ranging from Guatemala to S. Brazil and the borders of La Plata. It is so called from the pointed ends and thickened stems of the primaries in the males. Key to the Species. A. Tail square at end. Crest red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, pareola, p. 307. | Crest yellow . . . . . . . . . . ., a s a, e a • * * * * * * * * * s 2. regina, p. 308. B. Middle rectrices lengthened. - a. Body below black. Middle rectrices shorter, pointed . . . . . . . . 3. lanceolata, p. 309. | Middle rectrices long, lineiform . . . . . . . . 4, linearts, p. 309. b. Body below blue . . . . . . . . . . . . .... • * * * * * * * * * * 5, caudata, p. 310. 1A Chiroxiphia pareola, Pipra pareola, Linn. S. N. i. p. 339; Desm, Tang.pl., 50; Kittl. Rupfert. d. Vög. p. 14, t. xviii. fig, 1 ; Maa. Beitr. iii. p. 418; Waffl. Isis, 1830, p. 932; Sw, Orn. Dr. pl. 44; Bp. Consp. i. . 172. Mºº superbus, Pall. Spic. Zool. i. p. 8, pls, 3, 4. Pipra superba, Gm. S. W. i. p. 999. x 2 308 PIPRIDAE. Chiroxiphia pareola, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 235; id, in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 695; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 96; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 251; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 129; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 55; iid. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 580 (L. Amazons), 1879, p. 617 (Bolivia); Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 384 (Para); Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 344 (Pernambuco); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 300 (British Guiana). Chiroprion pareola, Bp. Consp. Vol. Amisod. p. 5. Above and beneath black; mantle blue; large vertical crest crimson ; beak black; feet yellow : whole length 4-6 inches, wing 2.8, tail 19. Female. Olive-green ; beneath paler, more yellowish. Hah. Guiana, Lower Amazonia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Bolivia. d'. & ad. sk. British Guiana. S. America. S. America. Cayenne. Demerara. Tobago (Kirk) (?). Para (Layard). Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). IRio de Novo Fribourgo, Janeiro (Youds). Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil (Joyner). Brazil. Brazil. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia (Buckley). Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia (Buckley). Nairapi, Bolivia (Buckley). 2*Chiroxiphia regima. Pipra regina, Natt. in Mus, Windob. Chiroxiphia regina, Sclater, Ann. & Mag. Wat. Hist, ser. 2, xvii. p. 469; id. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 266 (U. Amazon); id. Cat. A. B. p. 251, pl.xx.; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 95; Pelz. Orm. Bras. p. 129; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 55; iid, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 283 (E. Peru). R. Geogr. Soc. [P]. Purchased. H. C. Rothery, Esq. [P.] Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Jardine Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Gould Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Similar to C, pareola, but vertical crest yellow. Hab. Upper Amazonia. a. 6 ad. St. b. 6 a.d. sk. c. 6 a.d. sk. d. 6 ad, sk. Rio Javari. Rio Javari. Upper Amazons (Bates). S. America. Purchased, Purchased. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 12. CHIROXIPHIA. 309 3+ Chiroxiphia lanceolata. Pipra melanocephala, Vieill. Enc. Méth. p. 389 (?); Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 113. Pipra. #. Hahn w. Küster, Vög. Lief. xvi. pl. 4. Pipra lanceolata, Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 931. Pipra pareolides, d'Orb. et Lafº. Rev. Zool. 1838, p. 165. Chiroxiphia melanocephala, Bp. Consp. i. p. 172; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 151 (Bogota), et 1856, p. 141 (Chiriqui). Chiroxiphia lanceolata, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 96; Sel. Cat A. B. p. 251; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 362 (Panama), 1868, pp. 168, 628 (Venezuela); iid. Nomencl. p. 55; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 150, et 1870, p. 200 (Veragua); Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 574 (Trinidad); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 202 (Colombia). Above and beneath black; mantle blue; vertical crest Scarlet ; two middle rectrices elongated and pointed; bill horn-colour; feet yellow : whole length 4.5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2. Female. Green; beneath paler; under wing-coverts ashy white. Hab. Veragua, Colombia, Venezuela, and Trinidad. a. 6 ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. 3 ad. ; c. 3 Santa Fé, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. ir. sk. d. º, ad. sk. Mina de Chorcha, Chiriqui Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arcé). e. 3 a.d. sk. Chiriqui. Capt. Kellett & Lieut. Wood [C]. f. 3 a.d. sk. Paraiso Station, Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. (Hughes). g, h. 3 Qad.; i. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. & jr. sk. j. 6 i. sk Panama (MeDeannan). Sclater Coll. %. 3 a.d.; l. 3 Manaure, Santa Marta, U.S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. jr. sk. (Simons). m. G ad. Sk Colombia. Sclater Coll. n. G ad. Sk Pilar, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin–Godman Coll. o. 6 ad, sk San Esteban, Venezuela. Sclater Coll. p. 6 jr. sk. Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. 6 a.d. sk Venezuela. Sclater Coll. § r. 3 jr. sk Trinidad. Sclater Coll. s, d ad. Sk Trinidad. Gould Coll. 4.-Chiroxiphia linearis. Pipra linearis, Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 113; Gould, Zool. Voy. Sulph, B. p. 40, pl. 20. Chiroxiphia linearis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 172; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 25.1; Sel. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 124 (Central America); iid. Womencl. p. 55; Saly. Ibis, 1860, p. 100, 1866, p. 203 (Guatemala), 1872, p. 318 (Nicaragua); Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 95; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 252 (Costa Rica); Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. ix. p. 116 (Costa Rica); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 309 (Costa Rica); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 66 (Costa Rica); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. v. pp. 396, 500 (Costa Rica), et vi. p. 384 (Nicaragua). 310 PIPRIDAE. . Pipra fastuosa, Less. Rev. Zool. 1842, p. 174. Cercophaena linearis, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod, p. 6. Above and beneath black; back exceptrump bright blue; vertical crest scarlet; two central tail-feathers excessively elongated, linei- form ; bill dark horn-colour; feet yellow ; whole length to end of lateral tail-feathers 4-3 inches, wing 2-3, of central tail-feathers from their bases 6-7. Female. Green, beneath paler; two central tail-feathers slightly elongated. Hab. Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. a. 6 a.d.; b. G. ir. st. C, } G 9 ad. sk. e. 6 jr. sk. f. 6 a.d. sk. 9. 3 jr. sk. h, i. 3 9 a.d.; j—l. y G jr. sk. y ºn. Q ad. sk. n. 3 ad. sk. o. 6 ad. sk. p. 3 ad. sk. q. 6 a.d. sk. r. 6 a.d. sk. S. 6 a.d. sk. t. 3 a.d.; w. 6 jr. sk Q). & ad. sk. w. 6 a.d.; a. d. jr. sk. 9, 2, 3 ad. sk. a'. 6 a.d. sk. Central America. Volcan de Agua, above San Diego (Salvin). La Trinidad, Volcan de Fuego (Salvin). Medio Monte, Guatemala (Salvin). Medio Monte, (Salvin). Savana Grande, Guatemala (Salvin). Savana Grande, Guatemala (Salvin). Savana Grande, Guatemala (Salvin). Guatemala. Guatemala Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Nicaragua. Nicaragua. Nicaragua, Bebedero, Nicoya, Costa Rica (Arcé). Dota, Costa Rica (Carmiol). San Juan, Costa Rica. (Frantzius). Irazu district, Costa Rica (Rogers). Costa Rica (Van Patten). 5: Chiroxiphia caudata. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Tweeddale Coll. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Tweeddale Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll, Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll, Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Pipra caudata, Shaw, Nat, Misc. v. pl. 153 (1794); Thunb. Mém. Acad, Pétersb. 1822, pl. 7, fig, 1 ; Spiv, Av. Bras, ii. p. 5, pl. 6. figs. 1, 2; Wagl, Isis, 1830, p. 980; Sw. Orn, Dr. pl. 45; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. #. 441; Euler, J. f. O. 1867, p. 223 (nest). Chiroxiphia cau ata, Cab. Wiegm, Arch 1847, i. p. 235; Bp. Consp. i. p. 171; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 251; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. i29; Sól. et Salv. Womencl. p. 55; Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 305 (Brazil); White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 608 (Arg, Rep.); Berl, et Jher. Zeitschr. ges. Qrn. 1885, p. 138 (Rio Grande do Sul); Sol, et Huds. Arg. Orn. i. p. 161. Pipra longicauda, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. xix. p. 163 (1817); d. Ene. Méth, p. 888; Kittl. Kupfert, d. Vog. p. 14, pl. 18, fig. 2; Mac. 13. HELICURA. 311 Beitr. iii. p. 413; Bo. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 113; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. 442 p. 442. Chiroxiphia longicauda, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 695; Bp. Consp. i. p. 171. Above blue ; wings, nape, and sides of head black; cap bright Scarlet; tail black, two central feathers elongated, bluish : beneath blue ; throat black; bill and feet horn-colour: whole length 6 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2.5. Female. Green, beneath brighter. Hab. Brazil, Paraguay, and northern frontier of Argentina. a, b. 6 S2 ad. st. Brazil. Lt. Maw, R.N. [P.]. c. 3 ir, St. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. d. 6 jr. st. Brazil. Purchased, e, d ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Salvin-Godman Coll. Janeiro (Youds). f, g. 6 Qad, sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin–Godman Coll. (Joyner). h. 6 a.d. sk. Santa Fé, Minas Geraes Salvin-Godman Coll. (Rogers). - i. 3 ad. ; j, k & Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. T. Sk. l. . ad. sk. Rio, Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Q ad.; n. 6 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. jr. sk. (Rogers). 0. Ó º ; p. 3 Brazil. Sclater Coll. I’. SEC. Q. . ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. 7", 8. §2 ad. sk. Brazil. M. Claussen [P,], t. §2 ad. sk. S. Brazil. Sclater Coll. w. d, jr. sk. Misiones, Arg. Rep. (White). Sclater Coll. 18'HELICURA’. Type. Ilicura, Reichenb. Av. Syst. pl. lxiii. (1850) . . . . . . . . . . H. militaris. Heilicura, Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 320 (1882). . . . H. militaris. The single Brazilian species which has been isolated under this name is certainly very closely allied to Chiroariphia, and might perhaps be united to it. But although the frontal feathers are erect and stiffened, there is no vertical crest, and the outer primary is more shortened. 1. Helicura militaris. Pipra militaris, Shaw, Nat. Misc. xx, p. 849; Wagl. Isis, 1830, p.931; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 441. Chiroxiphia militaris, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 235. Ilicura militaris, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 96; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 250; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 129; Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 305 (Brazil); Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 54. Heilicura militaris, Salv. Cat, Strickſ. Coll. p. 320. * Presumed derivation fiXtá and otpá (?). 312 IPIPRIDAE. Pipra rubrifrons, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. xix. p. 161; id. Enc. Méth. . 388. Piº oxyura, Nordm. in Erm. Reis. Atl. p. 12, pl. 9, figs. 1, 2. Chiroxiphia oxyura, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, i. p. 235. Above jet-black; erect frontal plumes and rump bright scarlet ; secondaries externally bright green ; tail black; beneath white; bill and feet pale brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-5, tail 25. Female. Green, beneath paler; throat cinereous. JHab. S.E. Brazil. a. 6 ad. St. Brazil. Ld. Stuart de Rothesay [P.]. b. 6 a.d. st. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. c. 2 ad. st. Erazil. Purchased. d. & ad sk. Rio Janeiro, Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. e, d ad, sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio (Youds). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. 6 ad. sk. Santa Fé, Minas Geraes Salvin-Godman Coll. (Rogers). g. & jr. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). h, i. 6 Qad. sk. Brazil. Gould Coll. j, k, d ?ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 14. CHIROMACHAERIS. Type. Chiromachaeris, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. xiii. pt. i. p. 235 (1847). C. manacus. Manacus, Gray (ea Brisson), Cat. Gen. 1855, p. 55 . . . . C. manacus, This little group consists of seven species, distributed over America from Guatemala to S. Brazil. It is sufficiently charac- terized by the peculiar modification of the primaries, which are much attenuated in the barbs, and have the stems thickened and curved inwards, and by the elongation of the throat-feathers. Very little is known of the nesting of the Pipridae. But Salmon has recorded that Chiromachaeris manacus “builds a shallow nest of grasses suspended from the fork of a branch in low shrubs.” The same collector obtained eggs of C. vitellina, which are figured P. § 1879, pl. xlii. fig. 10. See also Euler, J. f. O. 1867, p. 223. Key to the Species. A. Throat pure white : belly white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. manacus, p. 313. belly grey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. gutturosa, p. 314. belly yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. candai, p. 314. B. Throat faintly tinged with yellow . . . . . . . . . 4. flaveola, p. 315. C. Throat yellow : | throat pure yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. vitellina, p. 315. throat orange-yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. aurantiaca, p. 316. D. Throat black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. coronata, p. 316. 14. CHIROMACHAERIS. 313 1. Chiromachaeris manacus. Pipra manacus, Linn. S. N. i. p. 340; Gm. S. N. i. p. 1002; Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 566; Vieill. Enc. Méth. p. 264. Manakin du Brazil, Daub. Pl. Enl. 302, fig. 1 (?). Chiromachaeris manacus, Cab. Wiegm. Arch, 1847, i. p. 235; id. &n Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 696; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 96; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 89, 279, 296 (Ecuador); id. Cat. A. B. p. 252; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 130; Sel. et Salv. Womencl. p. 55; iid. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 567 (Peru), 1867, p. 580 (L. Amazons), p. 751 (E. Peru), p. 978 (Amazonia), 1873, p. 283 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 517 (Antioquia); Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 87 (Trinidad); Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 573 (Trinidad); Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 384 (Para); Salv, et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 169 (Sta. Marta); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 301 (Br. Guiana); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 23 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 349; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 559 (W. Ecuador). Manacusedwardsii, Bp. Consp. i. p. 171; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 151. Pipra edwardsii, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 447. Above, crown, interscapulium, wings, and tail black; rump cinereous; broad band across the upper back and body beneath white; flanks and crissum tinged with cinereous; bill black; feet pale brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2:1, tail 1-3. Female. Green, beneath rather lighter. Hab. Guiana, Amazonia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. a. G ad. St. Pritish Guiana. R. Geogr. Soc. [P.]. b. 6 ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. e, d. 3 Q ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). e. 3 ad. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin–Godman Coll. (Whitely). f, g. 6 @ ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll 'h. 3 ad sk. Trinidad. J. Gould, Esq. 7. & ad. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. j, k, d ? ad. sk. Para (Layard). Tweeddale Coll. l. 3 ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. m, n. 6 ad, sk. Sta. Rita, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. o, p. 3 Q ad, sk. Nanegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. q, d ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. r. 6 a.d. sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. 8, t, d ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia, U.S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). w. 3 ad. ; v. Ö Minca, Santa Marta, U.S.C. Salvin-Godman Coll. jr. sk. (Simons). 2. Chiromachaeris gutturosa. Manakin a tête noire de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Eml, 303, fig. 1 (?). Pipra manacus, var. 8, Gmel...S. N. i. p. 1002. Pipra manacus, Mar. Beitr. iii. p. 432; Wagl, Isis, 1830, p. 939; Sw. Orn. Dr. pl. 26; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 446; Euler, J. f. O. 1867, p. 223 (mest). 314 PIPRIDAE. Pipra gutturosa, Desm. Tang. pl. 58; Vieill. Nouv. Dict. xix. p. 161; id. Enc. Méth. p. 387; Hahn w. Küster, Pög. Lief. xvi. pl. 5. Manacus gutturosus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 171. Chiromachaeris gutturosa, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 114 (Rio Napo); id. Cat. A. B. p. 252; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 97; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 130; d. Ibis, 1873, p. 114 (Brazil); Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 305 (Brazil); Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 55. Above, crown, middle of back, wings, and tail black; rump cine- reous; nuchal band white : beneath, throat white, abdomen cinereous; bill black; feet pale brown : whole length 4:3 inches, wing 2, tail 1-3. Female. Green, beneath paler. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a, b. 6 a.d. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. & ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio (Youds). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). e, f. 6 ad. sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. g, h. 3 9 a.d.; Brazil. Sclater Coll. 3. 6 jr. sk. j. 6 ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin–Godman Coll. k, l, d ad, sk. Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. 3+Chiromachaeris candaei. Pipra candei, Parzud. Rev. Zool. 1841, p. 306; id. Mag. de Zool. 1843, Ois. pl. 45. Manacus candei, Bp. Consp. i. p. 171; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 299; Sclat. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 124. Chiromachaeris candaei, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 97; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 252; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 310 (Costa Rica); Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 837 (Honduras); iid. Nomencl. p. 55; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 66 (Costa Rica). Above, crown, narrow interscapulium, wings, and tail black; broad band round the nape and upper wing-coverts white; rump greenish yellow : beneath, throat and breast white; belly, flanks, and crissum bright lemon-yellow ; bill black; feet yellowish : whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1:5. Female. Above green, rump yellowish : beneath paler, middle of belly yellow. Hab. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. a, b. 3 a.d.; c. 92 Honduras (Dyson). Purchased. ad. St. d, e. g. ; f. Q ad. Vera Paz, Guatemala (Salvin). Tweeddale Coll. SR. g, h. 3 Q ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. i,j. & Q ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. %. Q ad. sk. Guatemala. O. Salvin, Esq.[P.]. l. 3 a.d. sk. Guatemala. J. Gould, Esq. m, 6 a.d. sk. Vicinity of Belize, Brit. Hon- Salvin-Godman Coll. duras (Blancaneaua). m, o. 6 @ ad. sk. Brit. Honduras (Blancaneaua). Salvin-Godman Coll. p. 3 a.d. sk. San Pedro, Honduras (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. 14. CHIROMACHAERIS. 315 q, r, d ? ad, sk. Angostura, Costa Rica (Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. miol). 8, t, d ? ad, sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. w. & ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Sclater Coll. 4. Chiromacharis flaveola. Manacus flaveolus, Cass. Proc. Acad. Philad. 1851, p. 349; Selater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 151. Pipra flavitingta, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1852, p. 34, pl. 48 (Bogota). Chiromachaeris flaveola, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 97; Sel. Cat. A. B. #: Sel. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 55; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, ( p. 305 (Bucaramanga). Similar to C. manacus, but the white faintly tinged with lemon- yellow. . Hab. Colombia. a, d ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of Pipra flavo-tincta.) b, c. 6 a.d. sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. d, e. g. Q ad. Sk Bogota. Sclater Coll. f, g, d ? ad. Sk, Bogota. Purchased. h, i. 3 9 ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. j. 6 ad, sk. Bucaramanga, U. S. C. Sclater Coll. (Minlos). 5.4 Chiromachaeris vitellina. Pipra vitellina, Gould, P. Z. S. 1843, p. 103; id. in Zool. Voy. Sulph., B. p. 41, pl. 21; Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1847, p. 69; Bp. Consp. i. p. 173. Chiromachaeris vitellina, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 97; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 253; Sel. et Salv. Womencl. p. 55; iid P. Z. S. 1864, p. 362 (Panama), et 1879, p. 517 (Antioquia). Above, crown, broad interscapulium, wings, and tail black; rump green; band round the nape and sides of head bright yellow ; beneath yellowish green, throat and breast bright yellow; bill black, feet yellowish : whole length 3-8 inches, wing 2:1, tail 1-3. Female. Green, beneath lighter, tinged with yellow. Hab. Nicaragua, Veragua, Panama, and Northern Colombia. a. 6 ad. St. Nicaragua (Delaltre). E. Wilson, Esq.[P.]. b. 6 ad. St. Panama. - - J. Gould, Esq. c. 3 ad. sk. Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. d ? ad. sk. f, g. 69 ad. sk. & d ? ad, sk. J k. ! § 8. d sl . c ad, sk. m. G ad. sk. ºn. Q ad, sk. Paraiso Station, Panama (Hughes). Panama (McLeannan). Panama (McLeannan). IPanama (Delattre). Panama. Cauca, U. S. C. (Salmon). Cauca, U. S. C. (Salmon). Colombia, Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Q. Salvin, Esq. [P]. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. f . & 316 PIPRIDAE. `-6+Chiromachaeris aurantiaca. Chiromacharis aurantiaca, Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 200 (Veragua). Above, crown, wings, tail, and narrow interscapulium black; rump green; band round the nape and sides of head deep orange : beneath yellow, throat and breast deep orange; bill black, feet flesh-colour: whole length 3-5 inches, wing 1-9, tail 1-3. Female. Green, beneath paler, belly yellow. Hab. Veragua. gº The narrowness of the black interscapulium, the orange tint of the nape and throat, and the yellow belly at once distinguish this species from C. vitellina. a, b, d ? ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Types of the species.) c. 3 ad. Sk. Mina de Chorcha, Chiriqui Salvin–Godman Coll. (Arcé). d. 6 a.d. sk. Chiriqui (Arcé). Sclater Coll. e. 6 a.d. sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. j, g, d ad, sk. Veragua (Arcé). O. Salvin, Esq, [P.]. ~7.4 Chiromachaeris coronata. Chiromachaeris coronata, Boucard, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 178, pl. xvii. (Colombia). Above black, nuchal band and sides of head bright yellow : beneath grey, throat black: whole length 3-5 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1. Hab. Colombia. Only known from the type specimen in M. Boucard's collection, which is apparently a “Bogota 'skin. Subfamily II. PTILOCHLORINAE. In this section I place a small set of mostly dull-coloured birds, which combine the foot-structure of the Piprida, with the bill of the Tyrannidae. They range from Southern Mexico to S.E. Brazil. Whether Heterocercus should be referred here is to say the least uncertain. Key to the Genera. A. Rictus bristled: tail square or slightly romnded. a. Fourth remex in male attenuated. . . . . . 15. PTILoCHLoRIs, p. 317 15. PTILOCHLORIs. 317 b. Fourth remex not attenuated. a'. Tarsus strong. Bill longer; tarsus longer . . . . . . 16. HETEROPELMA, p. 318. Bill shorter; tarsus shorter. . . . . . 17. SchIFFORNIs, p. 322. b'. Tarsus feeble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. NEOPELMA, p. 323. B. Rictus smooth: tail graduated. . . . . . . . . . 19. HETERoCERCUs, p. 324. 15. PTILOCHLORIS. Type. Laniisoma, Swains. Faun. Bor-Am. ii. p. 492 (1831) ... P. squamata. Ptilochloris, Swains. Class. B. ii. p. 250 (1837) . . . . . . . . P. squamata. This singular type is, I now think, on the whole best placed here next to Heteropelma, with which it closely agrees in the structure of the foot and bill. It is remarkable for having the fourth primary attenuated and curved slightly outwards in the male sex. The very peculiar nestling of Ptilochloris has been described and figured by Mr. Salvin and myself, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 158. Key to the Species. A. Head black; back green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. squamata, p. 317. B. Head green, like the back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. buckleyi, p. 318. 1. Ptilochloris squamata. Muscicapa squamata, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 814 (?), 1831. Ptilochloris squamata, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 435; Cab. et Heim. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 102; Telz. Orn. Bras. p. 126; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 246; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 57. Lanius arcuatus, Geoffr. Mag. de Zool. 1833, Ois, pl. 12. Laniisoma arcuatum, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 114. Ptilochloris arcuatus, Lafr, Rev. Zool. 1838, p. 237, et 1847, p. 182; Bp. Consp. i. p. 177. Ptilochloris lunatus, Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 250. Ptilochloris remigialis, Lafr, Rev. Zool. 1838, p. 237; Bp. Consp. i. p. 177; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 436; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 102; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 246; Sel, et Salv. Womencl. p. 57. Above olive-green ; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive- green ; cap black : beneath sulphur-yellow, breast and flanks lunu- lated with black; fourth remex attenuated at the apex and slightly bent outwards; bill above hazel-brown, below whitish ; feet plum- beous; whole length 6-5 inches, wing 4, tail 2-6. Female similar, but primaries not modified, head not so black, and whole body below lunulated with black. Hab. S.E. Brazil. It is possible that there may be a closely allied representative of this form in Colombia, distinguished by its rather smaller size and yellow breast. If this be so, the term remigialis of Lafresnaye 318 PIPRIDAE. would probably be applicable to it. But I have not yet been able to meet with specimens, the localities of which can be quite depended upon. a, b. i. ad. ; ? Rio Napo (?). Purchased. T. S.U. c. 9 a.d. st. Brazil. Sudbury Mus. [E.]. d, e. d ad.; f. 2 Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad, sk. g. Q ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio (Youds). Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. 6 a.d.; j. Q Brazil. Sclater Coll. ad. sk. k. 6 jr. sk. |Prazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. l. 3 ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. m. Q sk. Bogota (?). Purchased. `2. Ptilochloris buckleyi, Ptilochloris buckleyi, Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 158, pl. xvi. (Ecuador). Above uniform dull olive-green; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive-green; beneath yellow, with well-marked black lunu- lations on the breast, upper belly, and flanks; bill horn-colour, beneath pale; feet plumbeous: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 4, tail 25. Hab. Ecuador. a. Ö jr. ; Pindo, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c. Pull, sk. (Types of the species.) 16. HETEROPELMA. Type. Heteropelma, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 4 (1854) . . . . H. turdinum. Heteropelma, with its nine species, has a wide range from S. Mexico to Brazil, being confined everywhere to the dense forests. The first five species are all representative forms of one type, re- markable for their nearly uniform brownish-olive coloration: the sixth is also of uniform plumage, but with a predominance of green and smaller in size. The last three mimic the Tyrannidae as regards their half-concealed head-spot, but show the Piprine structure in their feet. Key to the Species. A. Uniform olive : without a vertical spot. a. Larger: plumage brownish olive. a'. Beneath uniform brownish olive . . . . 1. turdinum, p. 319. b'. Belly greyish. a''. Bill broader. Head more greenish . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, wallacii, p. 319. | Head more brownish . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. amazonum, p. 320. b". Bill narrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Stenorhynchum, p. 320. c'. Belly greenish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, veræ-pacis, p. 320. b. Smaller: plumage greenish olive. . . . . . . . 6. virescens, p. 321. 16. HETEROPELMA. 319 B. Not uniform olive: with a yellow vertical Spot. C. Bº whitish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º 'º e º 'º e 7. flavicapillum, p. 321. d. Belly yellowish : - crest yellow. . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e e s e 8. chrysocephalum, p. 322. {: Orange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, igniceps, p. 322. 1: Heteropelma turdinum. Muscicapa turdina, Mar. Beitr. iii. p. 817. Heteropelma turdinum, Sclater, P.Z. S. 1860, p. 467 (Brazil); id. Cat. A. B. p. 244; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 124; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 55; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 301. Ptilochloris rufo-olivaceus, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1838, p. 238, et 1847, p. 185; Bp. Consp. i. p. 177; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 436. Heteropelma rufo-olivaceum, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 100. Nearly uniform brownish olive; belly rather paler; under wing- coverts greyish; bill and feet dark horn-colour: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-7, tail 2-9. Female similar. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. b, c, Ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad, St. Brazil. Purchased. 2.” Heteropelma wallacii. (Plate XX.) Heteropelma wallacii, Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, pp. 579, 595 (L. Amazons), 1873, p. 283 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 55; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 539 (C. Peru), 1877, p. 332 (Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 351. Heteropelma amazonum (?), Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 301 (Brit. Guiana). Brownish olive ; wings and tail more rufescent: beneath paler, belly greyish ; under wing-coverts pale greyish; bill and feet horn- colour: whole length 6-7 inches, wing 3-5, tail 25. Female similar. Hab. Lower Amazonia and Guiana. This species is rather smaller than H. twrdinum, and much paler on the under surface. - a. Q ad, sk. Para (Wallace). Sclater Coll. e • (Type of the species.) b, c. 3 Q ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). d. 3 ad, sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). e, f. 2 ad, sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). g. & ad. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). h. 6 ad, sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. i,j. 6 2 ad, sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Sclater Coll. 320 PIPRIDAE. 3+Heteropelma amazonum. Heteropelma amazonum, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 466 (Chamicuros); id. Cat. A. B. p. 245; Pelz. Orm. Bras. p. 125; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 334 (Colombia); Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 55; iid. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 186 (Peru); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 23 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 350. Brownish olive; head strongly tinged with rufous : beneath paler, greyish on the belly; bill and feet horn-colour: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-3, tail 2-7. Hab. Upper Amazonia. $ii. The brownish head seems to distinguish this species from H. wallacii. On the underparts they are nearly alike. a. Ad, sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. c, d. Ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Balzar Mts., Ecuador (Illingworth). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Chamicuros, Peru. E. Bartlett [C.]. g. Ad. sk. Chamicuros, Peru. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) h, i. Ad, sk. River Ucayali (Haua well). Gould Coll. j. Ad. sk. Cosnipata, Peru (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad, sk. Oyapoc (?). Sclater Coll. 4. Heteropelma stenorhynchum. Heteropelma stenorhynchum, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, pp. 628, 632 (Venezuela); iid. Nomencl. p. 55. º Above nearly uniform rufescent olive, rather brighter on the head, wings, and tail : beneath paler, belly more cinereous, and with very faint indications of transverse markings; bill much com- pressed: whole length 6:8 inches, wing 3-6, tail 28. Hab. Venezuela. This is perhaps a somewhat doubtful species, but I cannot refer the two specimens either to H. wallacii or H. amazonum. a. Ad. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad, sk. San Esteban, Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) 5:"1Heteropelma Vera-pacis. Heteropelma veræ-pacis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 300,467 (Guatemala), 1862, p. 19 (Mexico); id. Cat. A. B. p. 245; Sel, et Salv, Ibis, 1860, p. 400 (Guatemala); iid P. Z. S. 1870, p. 837 (Honduras); id. Nomencl. p. 55; Lawr. Ann, Lyc, N. Y. ix. p. 116 (Costa Rica); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 309 (Costa Rica); "Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 200 (Veragua), 1883, p. 424 (Panama). Generally of a rich brownish olive-green; wings and tail more rufescent ; belly greenish olive; bill and feet horn-colour: whole length 6-3 inches, wing 3-4, tail 2-6. Female similar. Bab. Central America, from S. Mexico down to Panama. The olive-green belly seems to distinguish this northern form. 16. HETEROPELMA. 321 a. Ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) b. 3 ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin–Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. Vera Paz. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. J. Ad. sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). Tweeddale Coll. g. Ad, sk. Yzabel, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. SP ad. sk. Walza, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin–Godman Coll. ?, j, d ad. sk. Angostura, Costa Rica (Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. miol). %. 2 ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Sclater Coll. !, m. & ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. n. Ad, sk. Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. o. 3 a.d. sk. Veragua (Arcé). Sclater Coll. p. 2 a.d. sk. Southern slope of Volc. of Chi- Salvin-Godman Coll. riqui (Arcé). q. ‘P ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. r. Ad. sk. Panama (Markham) (P). Salvin-Godman Coll. 6+Heteropelma wirescens. Muscicapa virescens, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 802. Ptilochloris virescens, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1838, p. 238; Bp. Consp. i. p. 177; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 436, Heteropelma wirescens, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 467; id. Cat. A. B. p. 245; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 124; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 55; Berl, et Jher. Zeitschr. ges. Orn. 1885, p. 139 (Rio Gr. do Sul). Pipra unicolor, Langsdorf et Ménétr. MSS. Pipra galeata Q, Licht, Doubl. p. 29. Gobe-mouche vert, Less. Tr. d’Orn. i. p. 391. Heteropelma unicolor, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 100; Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 4. Above and beneath uniform greenish olive; wings and tail brownish olive; bill and feet horn-colour: whole length 6-3 inches, wing 3, tail 2-8. Female similar. Hab. S.E. Brazil. The uniform olive-green of both surfaces at once distinguishes this species. a, b. 3 Q ad, sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 7AHeteropelma flavicapillum. (Plate XXI.) Heteropelma flavicapillum, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 466, 467 (Brazil); id. Cat. A. B. p. 245; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 125; Sel, et Salv, Nomencl. p. 55. Above olive-green, wings and tail brown, edged with olive-green ; large vertical spot yellow : beneath ashy white; under wing-coverts and bend of wing pale lemon-yellow ; bill and feet dark brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2-5. Hab. S.E. Brazil. WOL., XIV. 322 PIPRIDAE. a, b. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. d. Ad, sk. Rio, Brazil (Wucherer). Sclater Coll. e. Ad, sk. S.E. Brazil. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) f. Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 8. Heteropelma chrysocephalum, Heteropelma chrysocephalum, Pelz. Orn. Bras. pp. 125, 185; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 55. Above olive-green; wings and tail blackish brown, edged with olive; large elongated vertical spot yellow: beneath pale yellowish, throat more dusky; bill and feet pale brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2-9, tail 2:3. Hab. Interior of Brazil. a. 6 ad. sk. Mato Grosso, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. w (Authentic specimen.) 9.4 Heteropelma igniceps. (Plate XXII.) Heteropelma igniceps, Sol. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 750 (Oyapoc), et 1881, p. 214 (Brit. Guiana); Scl. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 55; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 301 (Brit. Guiana). Above olive-green; wings and tail brownish black, edged with olive ; head tinged with cinereous; vertical spot bright yellow : beneath, throat and breast cinereous, belly pale sulphur-yellow, flanks olivaceous; bill horn-colour, beneath paler; feet cinereous: whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2:8, tail 2:1. Female similar, but crest not so bright. Hab. Cayenne and Guiana. a, b. Ad, sk. Oyopoc, Cayenne (Verdey). Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) c. Ad, sk. Essequibo, Guiana (im Thurn). Sclater Coll. d, e. d ? ad, sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). f—h. & ad. ; , J. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. $2 ad. sk. (Whitely). - 17: SCHIFFORNIs. Type Schiffornis, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 4 (1854) . . . . . . . . . . S. major. This form comes very close to Heteropelma, but is of a rufous coloration, and may perhaps be distinguished by its smaller bill and shorter tarsus. Two species from Amazonia and the interior of Brazil are known. 18. NEOPELMA. 323 Key to the Species. A. Larger; crown greyish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. major, p. 323. B. Smaller; crown rufous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. rufa, p. 323. 1. Schiffornis major. Schiffornis major, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 4 (descr. nulla (); Des Murs, in Casteln. Voy, Ois. p. 66, pl. 18. fig. 2; Hartl. J. f. O. 1857, p. 47; Sol, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 190 (Ucayali), 1873, p. 284 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 55; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 352. Above rufous; rump and tail brighter; head cinereous: beneath bright rufous, throat and breast more dusky; bill black; feet brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-4, tail 1:8. Female similar, but rather smaller. Hab. Cayenne and Amazonia. a, b. 3 Q ad. sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne (Verdey). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Nauta, Amazons. E. Bartlett [C.]. d, e. Q ad. sk. Samiria, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Haua well). 2. Schiffornis rufa. Heteropelma rufum, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 124. Schiffornis rufa, Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 55. Schiffornis minor, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 4 (?) Above clear ferruginous, tail rather brighter; wings blackish, edged with ferruginous: beneath paler, belly rather brighter; bill blackish ; feet brown : whole length 5:5 inches, wing 3, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. Amazonia. a. Ad. sk. Rio Amajou, Rio Negro (Natterer). Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimen.) T->~. 18/NEOPELMA, T ype. Neopelma, Scl. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 467 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. aurifrons. This curious Brazilian form was originally associated with the Tyrannidae, but, regard being had to its foot-structure, must go with the Pipridae, in the vicinity of Heteropelma. From Heteropelma, however, it deviates in its slender tarsi and more feeble bill, and should therefore stand alone. 1. Neopelma aurifrons. Muscicapa aurifrons, Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 829. Elainea aurifrons, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 701. Euscarthmus aurifrons, Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 489. Heteropelma aurifrons, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 467; id. Cat. A. B. p. 245; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 125; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 55. Muscicapa luteocephala, Lafr, Mag. de Zool. 1833, Ois, pl. 13. Y 2 324 PIPRIDAE. Above olive-green; wings and tail blackish brown, slightly edged with olive-green; large vertical patch, occupying the bases of the feathers, lemon-yellow : beneath paler, throat more cinereous, belly more yellowish; bill and feet pale brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 22. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a, b. Ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. c. Ad, sk. Brazil. Purchased, 19. HETER0CERCUs. Heterocercus, Sel. (ex Hartlaub MS.), Cat. A. B. p. 245 Type. (1862) H. linteatus. (". \\\\"| º | \|| // | " w f - ||i) \ Tail of Heterocercus limäeatus from beneath. This is a very singular type, remarkable for the peculiar form of the tail and the nearly smooth rictus. The foot-structure appears to be Piprine, and I therefore place it here, but am not quite satis- fied that it will always retain this position. The three known species of Heterocercus are confined to the forests of Amazonia. Key to the Species. A. Sides of head black; coronal patch scarlet... l. linteatus, p. 324. B. Sides of head olive-green: {: patch yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. flavºvertea, p. 325. lcoronal patch orange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. aurantövertea, p. 325. 1. Heterocercus linteatus, Elaenia linteata, Strickſ. Contº, Orn, 1850, p. 121, pl. 63 (3). Heterocercus linteatus, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 245; Pelz. Orn. Bras. : 125; Sol...et Salo. Nomencl. p. 55; iid P.Z. S. 1873, p. 284 #. Peru); Tacz, Orn. Pér. ii. p. 351. Above dull olive-green; wings and tail dark ashy, slightly edged 19. HETEROCERCUs. 325 with olive-green; cap and sides of head black, with a large central patch of scarlet : beneath, throat white, pectoral band blackish ; abdomen chestnut ; under wing-coverts and flanks dull cinereous; bill black; feet brown ; whole length 5:5 inches, wing 3-5, tail 2. Hab. Upper Amazonia. a. G ad. sk. Upper Amazons (Bates). Sclater Coll. T2. Heterocercus flavivertex. Elaenia linteata, Strickl. Contr. Orn. 1850, p. 121, pl. 63 (2). Heterocercus flavivertex, Pelz. Orn. Bras, pp. 125, 186; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 55. Above olive-green ; coronal patch yellow ; ear-coverts blackish ; wings and tail dark ashy, slightly edged with green: beneath, throat white, abdomen chestnut, middle of belly and crissum paler; under wing-coverts and flanks cinereous; bill blackish ; feet dark cinereous: whole length 5:5 inches, wing 3:5, tail 2. Female. Above olive- green; beneath lighter, throat cinereous, middle of belly ochraceous. Hab. Upper Amazonia. 31, a, b. 3 Q ad, sk. Rio Negro (Natterer). Sclater Coll. (Authentic specimens.) c, d. 3 Q ad. sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Sclater Coll. e, f. 6 9 ad. sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Purchased. g. & ad. Sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne. Salvin–Godman Coll. h. 6 jr. sk. Chamicuros, Peruv. Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Bartlett). 7. 9 ad, sk. Chamicuros, Peruv. Amazons. E. Bartlett [P.]. ~3. Heterocercus aurantiivertex. (Plate XXIII.) Heterocercus aurantiivertex, Scl. et Salv, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 157 (Ecuador). - Above olive-green, large coronal patch bright orange; wings and tail blackish, slightly edged with olive-green: beneath fulvous, throat white, flanks passing into olivaceous; bill horn-colour; feet pale brown: whole length 4-5 inches, wing 3-4, tail 2. Hab. Eastern Ecuador. a. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. b, c. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Types of the species.) 326 COTINGII) AE. Family IV. COTINGIDAE. The Cotingidae are one of the great fruit-eating families of Tropical America, and amongst the Passerine birds addicted to this kind of diet are the most numerous and most important after the Tanagridae. In plumage, structure, and size they are much varied. Nothing can be more brilliant in colour than the typical Cotingas and some allied forms, while the Lipaugi and others are of uniformly dull plumage in both sexes. As regards structure, the second aborted primary of the Tityrinae, the feet and crest of Rupicola, and the wattles of Chasmorhynchus and Cephalopterus show such extraor- dinary excesses of development as are almost unequalled in the Passerine series. In size also, the discrepancy between Iodopleura pipra, with a total length of 34 inches, and Pyroderus scutatus, with a length of 18 inches, is certainly remarkable amongst members of the same natural family. Like the Tyrannidae the Cotingidae are dentirostral Oligophones, and have ten well-formed primaries instead of nine, or nine and a shortened outer primary, as is the case with the dentirostral Oscines. They number about 110 species, and are distributed over tropical America from Southern Mexico to the northern borders of the Ar- gentine Republic. In this case, as in many other Neotropical groups of Animals and Plants, there seem to be three districts which may be called the principal “foci.” of their development, namely: Central America (characterized by Carpodectes and the extraordinary species of Chasmorhynchus and Cephalopterus), Guiana and Amazonia (the home of Phoenicocercus, Rupicola, Querula, Gymnocephalus, and Gymnoderus), and S.E. Brazil, where alone we find Tijuca, Phiba- lura, and Calyptura. Key to the Subfamilies. A. Second primary of adult male excessively abbreviated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. TITYRINAE, p. 327. B. Second primary of male not abbreviated. a. Smaller forms: bill turdime. a'. Rictus bristled. }; broader, slightly hooked . . . . 2, LIPAUGINAE, p. 348. Bill compressed, much hooked .. 3. ATTILINAE, p. 358. b'. Rictus smooth. º very strong; gressorial. . . . 4. RUPICOLINAE, p. 366. Tarsi moderate; arboreal . . . . . . 5. COTINGINAE, p. 371. b. Large forms: bill corvine . . . . . . . . . . 6. GXMNODERINAE, [p. 394. TITYRINAE. 327 Subfamily I. TITYRINAE. The Tityrinae have mostly a strong Shrike-like bill, with the tip well incurved over the lower mandible, typical pycnaspidean tarsi, and the toes but slightly connected. Their plumage is not generally bright, but of blacks and whites and greys and olives, of different hues, the males as a general rule being differently clad from the females. The special peculiarity of the Tityrinae is the remarkable abnor- mality of the second external primary, which is shown in all the genera of the subfamily, and is quite peculiar to this group. - tº ſº. .. - - - - - - - - …2× 22:22:22-25.2 . . . Tº w - ºf . . . - a. First primary of adult male of Tityra cayana. b. Second primary of ditto. (P. Z. S. 1857, p. 69.) The area of distribution of the Tityrinae is nearly coextensive with that of the family Cotingidae. As regards the nesting of the Tityrinae, Gosse (Birds Jam. p. 187) seems to be our only authority. Key to the Genera. A. Bill strong, compressed; rictus smooth; second primary of male narrowed, scimitar-shaped; sexes not very dis- similar; plumage black and white ... 1. TITYRA, p. 328. B. Bill not so strong, widened; rictus more or less bristled; second primary of male widened, pointed at end; sexes (mostly) quite dissimilar. $ a. Largerforms: bill longer; males uni- form grey or blackish : females rufous . . . . . . . . . . . . a • * * * * * * * * * * 2. HADROSTOMUS, p. 333. b. Smaller forms: bill shorter; males more or less variegated; females rufous or yellowish . . . . . ....... 3. PACHYREAMPHUS, p. 337. 328 (JOTINGIDAE. 1. TITYRA*. Type. Tityra, Vieillot, Anal. p. 39 (1816) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. cayana. Psaris, Cuv, Rêgn. An. i. p. 340 (1817) . . . . . . . . . . T. cayana. Erator, Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. inquisitor. Exetastus, Bp. Ann. Sc. Nat. Sér. 4, Zool. i. p. 134 (1854) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (No type given.) Exetastes, Cab, et Heine, Mus, Hein. ii. p. 83 (1859). T. inquisitor. The genus Tityra embraces the largest and strongest forms of this subfamily, which are clad in black, white, and grey. The sexes are not so conspicuously different as in the two following genera, but usually well distinguished. There are only five species known, which range from Southern Mexico down to Southern Brazil. Rey to the Species. A. Lores denuded. a. Whole cap black; tail black: females striated. Smaller: bill at base widely red . . . . 1. cayana, p. 328. Larger: bill at base marrowly red. . . . 2, brasiliensis, p. 329. b. Front of head black; nape white; tail white, with a black band: female not striated . , 3. semifasciata, p. 330. B. Lores feathered; cap black: female with rufous eal"-COvertS. Tail black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, inquisitor, p. 331. Tail white, with a black band . . . . . . . . 5. albitorques, p. 332. 1: Tityra cayana. Lanius cayanus, Linn. S. N. i. p. 137; Licht. Doubl. p. 50. Pachyrhynchus melanocephalus, Hahn w. Küster, Vög. Lief. xiii. 1. 6 º Tº: * Vieill, Enc. Méth. p. 859; id. Gal. Ois, i. p. 217, pl. 134. Psaris cayanus, Less. Tr. d’Orn. i. p. 378; Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 46. Psaris naevius, Less, Tr. d’Orn, i. p. 379 (2). Psaris virgata, H. Smith, in Griff. Anim. Kingd. vi. p. 488 (?). Psaris cayanensis, Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 255. Psaris guianensis, Sw, An, in Menag. p. 286. Tityra cayana, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 238; id. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 697; Cab, et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 81; Bp. Consp. i. p. 179; Sclat, P. Z. S. 1857, pp. 69,265; id. Cat. A. B. p. 238; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 119; id. Ibis, 1873, p. 114; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 578 (Lower Amazons), 1868, p. 168 (Venezuela), 1873, p.284 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 617 (Bolivia); id. Nomencl. p. 56; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 354; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 301 (Br, Guiana). Clear greyish white : whole head above, wings, except outer secondaries, and tail black; bill red, with a black tip; feet blackish: whole length 7-7 inches, wing 4-6, tail 28. Female similar, but back and breast more or less striped with long black shaft-stripes. Young without the black head, and striped above and beneath. * Refer also to:— (1) Tityra (Erator) leucura, Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 120 (Brazil). - (2) Evetastes albinuchus, Cab. et Heim. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 83 (Brazil). 1. TITYRA. 329 Hab. Guiana, Cayenne, Amazonia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and Trinidad. a, d ad, ; b. 3 jr. British Guiana. R. Geogr. Soc. [P.]. St. c. 3 a.d. St. S. America. J. Gould, Esq. d. 9 a.d. st. S. America. Purchased. e, f. 6 @ ad, sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. g. 6 a.d. sk. Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. 3 Q ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin–Godman Coll. (Whitely). j. & ad. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). J. 9 a.d. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). l, m. & 9 ad. ; n. Pará, Lower Amazons (Wal- Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr. sk. lace). o, p. 2 a.d. sk. R. Ucayali (Haua well). J. Gould, Esq. q, r, d ? ad. sk. Yguitos, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). 8, t. 6 S2 ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. w. 9 a.d. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. v. 3 ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. w. 6 a.d. sk. Pilar, Venezuela (Goering), Salvin-Godman Coll. a'. Q ad. sk. Trinidad, Sclater Coll. 24 Tityra brasiliensis. Psaris brasiliensis, Sw, An. in Menag. p. 286; Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 46; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 457. Tityra brasiliensis, Cab, Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 239; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 82; By. Consp. i. p. 179; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 70; id. Cat. A. B. p. 238; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 119; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 56; Berl. et Jher. Zeitschr, ges. Orn. 1885, p. 139 (Rio Gr, do Sul). Psaris cayanus, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 301 (Bolivia). Psaris maximus, Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 46. Caracterizado blanco cabos negros, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 176. Similar in all respects to T. cayana, but rather larger, and with the bill black except at the base: whole length 8:5 inches, wing 5-2, tail 3:2. Hab. S.E. Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia. a. Q ad, sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Salvin–Godman Coll. b. ? ad, sk. Bahia, Brazil. Salvin–Godman Coll. c—e. Q ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Q ad. sk. Rio Janeiro. Purchased. g. 3 ad, sk. Eng. do Gama, Mato Grosso, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Natterer). h, i. 6 jr. sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin–Godman Coll. j. 3 ad. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). k, l. 3 Qad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll, 'm, Q ad, sk. Brazil. Salvin–Godman Coll. m. Sº ad. sk. Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. 330 COTINGID ZE. 3.*Tityra semifasciata. Pachyrhynchus semifasciatus, Spia, Av. Bras, ii. p. 32, pl. 44, fig, 2 Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 457. Psaris semifasciatus, d'Orb. Voy., Ois, p. 301; Tsch, Faun. Per., Aves, . 146. Tiš. semifasciata, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 239; Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 83; Bp. Consp. i. p. 180; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 70; id. Cat. A. B. p. 238; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 119; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 56; iid, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 617 (Bolivia); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 540 (C. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 353. Tityra personata, Jard, et Selb, Ill. Orn... i. pl. 24; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 70, 1859, p. 56 (Belize), 1860, p. 295 (Esmeraldas), et 1864, p. 176 (Mexico); id. Cat. A. B. p. 238; Sclat. et Salv, Ibis, 1859, p. 124; iid. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 361 (Panama), 1870, p. 837 (Honduras), 1873, p. 284 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 517 (Antioquia); ãd. Nomencl. p. 56; Cab. et Hein. Mus., Hein. ii. p. 83; Lawr. Ann. Lye, N.Y. vii. p. 295 (Colombia), ix. pp. 116 (Costa Rica), 204 (N. Yucatan); Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 252 (Costa Rica); Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 149, et 1870, p. 199 (Veragua); id. Ibis, 1872, p. 318 (Chontales); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 309 (Costa Rica); Bouc. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 65 (Costa Rica), et 1883, p. 448 (Yucatan); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 169 (Sta. Marta); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. V. º 397, 500 (Costa Rica), vi. p. 393 (Nicaragua); Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 305 (Bucaramanga). Psaris mexicanus, Less. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 41. Psaris tityroides, Less. Rev. Zool. 1842, p. 210. Tityra mexicana, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 141, 297. Clear white with a slight greyish tinge ; front half of crown, sides of head, chin, and wings, except outer Secondaries, black; tail white, with a broad black Subapical band; bill with the basal half red, apical half black; feet black: whole length 8:5 inches, wing 5, tail 3. Female similar but not so bright, head brownish, back tinged with brownish. Hab. From Southern Mexico through Central and Southern America down to Bolivia. I do not now see my way to draw a line between T. personata and T. semifusciata. In most northern specimens, however, there seems to be usually not so much black on the front of the head. a. G ad. ; : c. Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. Q ad. sk. d. Q ad, sk. Mexico. Purchased. e, 3 ad. sk. Jalapa, S. Mexico (de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. 3 ad. sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. g, h. 3 P ad. Northern Yucaton (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. 7. 6 a.d. sk. Merida, Yucatan (Gaumer). Sclater Coll. j, k, d ad. sk. Belize, Brit. Honduras (Blan- Salvin-Godman Coll. ...tº; !, º 6 Q ad. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. S 72, 3. º O. G. Barranco Hondo, Guatemala (Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr. SK. Q)??? ). p. 3 ad. sk. Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. 3 ad, sk. Guatemala (Finsch). Sclater Coll. 1. TITYRA. 331 r. 9 ad, sk. San Pedro, Honduras (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. 8. & ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin–Godman Coll. t. 3 ad, sk. Omatepec, Nicaragua (Nutting). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. w. 3 ad. sk. Cache, Costa Rica (Rogers). Salvin–Godman Coll. v. 9 a.d. sk. Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. w. 9 ad. sk. San José, Costa Rica (Frantzius). Salvin-Godman Coll. a, ty. & Q ad. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. sk. 2. c ad, sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. a', b'. 3 ad. ; Lion Hill, Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. c'. 9 ad. sk. d'. 3 ad. sk. Isthmus of Panama (Arcé). Salvin–Godman Coll. e'. & ad. sk. Minca, U. S. C. (Simons). Salvin–Godman Coll. f". Q ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). g". G ad. sk. Santa Marta, Colombia. Sclater Coll. h', d' ad. sk. Santa Marta, Colombia. Salvin–Godman Coll. ''. 3 a.d. sk. Venezuela (Dyson). Purchased, j', k'. & Q ad. Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. sk l. 3 ad, sk. Balzar Mts., Ecuador (Illingworth). Salvin-Godman Coll. 'm', d' ad, sk. Yauayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. n', d' ad, sk. San José, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. o', #. d Q ad. Yguitos, Up. Amazons (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. SEC. q'. 3 ad, sk. River Ucayali (Hawa well). J. Gould, Esq. 7". Q ad. sk. Para. R. Graham, Esq.[P.]. s', t. 6 Qad.sk. Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. *'. & ad. sk. Bolivia. Sclater Coll. v'. Q ad. sk. Cayenne (?). Sclater Coll. 4:i-Tityra inquisitor. Lanius inquisitor, Licht. Doubl. p. 50. Psaris erythrogenys, Selb, Zool. Journ. ii. p. 483; Sw. Nat. Libr., Flycatch. p. 82, pl. 3; Less. Tr. d’Orn. p. 379 (2). Psaris jardinii, Sw, Zool. Ill, ser. 2, vol. i. pl. 35. Psaris mattererii, Sw. An in Menag, p. 286 (3 juv.). Psaris selbii, Sw. An, in Menag. p. 286. Psaris inquisitor, d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 302; Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 47; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 456. Tityra inquisitor, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 239; BP. Consp. i. p. 180; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 51; id. Cat. A. B. p. 239; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 120; Sel. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 56; iid, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 617 (Bolivia). Exetastes inquisitor, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 84. Above greyish white; whole cap, including ear-coverts, wings except outer Secondaries, and tail, except at the base, black : beneath white; bill and feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 4-4, tail 27. Female similar, but ear-coverts and front rufous, and back more cinereous. Hab. Cayenne, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, and Ecuador. a. Q ad, st. S. America. Purchased. b. 6 a.d. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. . c. 9 ad. sk. Cayenne. Purchased. onaiss! COTINGII) AE, 5.4–Tityra albitorques. d. & ad. sk Brazil. Sclater Coll. e. 6 ad, sk Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. J. & ad. Sk Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). g. Q ad. sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. h. 6 ad, sk. Yauayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. Tityraalbitorques, Dubus, Bull. Acad. Bruin. xiv. pt. 2, p. 104 (1847); d. Rev. Zool. 1848, p. 244; Selater, P. Z. S. 1855, pp. 77, 150 (Bo- gota), 1857, p. 71, 1859, pp. 56 (Belize) et 384 (Oaxaca); id. Cat. A. B. p. 239; Sel. et Salv. Ibis, 1860, p.400 (Vera Paz); iid. P. Z. S. 1867, pp. 751, 757 (E. Peru), 1873, p. 284 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 517 (Antioquia); iid. Nomencl. p. 56; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. vii. p. 295 (Colombia), viii. p. 182 (Nicaragua), ix. p. 116 (Costa Rica); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 309 (Costa Rica); Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 120; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 169 (Sta. Marta); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 23 (N.E. Peru); Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 559 (W. Ecuador). Psaris fraserii, Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 47, pls. 37 (6), 38 (?). Tityra fraseri, Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 199 (Veragua); Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 837 (Honduras); iid. Nomencl. p. 56; Bouc. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 449 (Yucatan). Exetastes albitorques, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 84. Tityra albitorques fraseri, Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. v. p. 397 (Costa Rica). Above greyish white; whole cap and wings except outer secon- daries black; tail white, with a broad black subapical band: beneath white; bill and feet black : whole length 7-5 inches, wing 4, tail 2-5. Female similar, but front and sides of head rufous, and body above brownish cinereous. Hab. From Mexico southwards through Central America to Bolivia and Inner Brazil. I am not now able to distinguish a northern T. fraseri and a southern T. albitorques, as I have sometimes thought possible. Though there is much individual variation, the series seems complete from north to south. a. Q ad. sk. b. 3 ad. sk. c. 3 jr. sk. d. & ad. sk. e. 6 a.d. sk. f, g, d ? ad. sk h. 3. ad, sk. 2, 6 ad. sk. j. G ad. ; k. Q ad, sk. l. 3 ad.; m. Q jr.'sk. Oaxaca, Mexico (Boucard). Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Vera Paz, Guatemala. Guatemala (Salvin). Tiziman, Northern Yucatan (Gaw- 7776)"). British Honduras (Blancaneaua). Guatemala (Salvin). Bebedero, Nicoya, Costa Rica (Arcé). ) Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Chiriqui (Arcé). Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. 2. HADROSTOMUs. 333 n, o. 3 Qad.sk, Remedios, Antioquia, U.S.C. (Sal- Sclater Coll. non), 19, § & Q ad. Bogota. Salvin–Godman Coll. S}{. r. & ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. s. 2 ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. t, w, & 9 a.d. Valencia, U.S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. w, w, 3 Q ad. Balzar Mts, Ecuador (Illingworth). Salvin-Godman Coll. k S}{. a. 3 ad. sk. Chyavetas, Peru (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. y. 6 a.d. sk. Mato Grosso, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. 2. HADROSTOMUS #. Type Hadrostomus, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 84 (1859) H. atricapillus. Platypsaris, Bp. MS. (teste Gray) (cf. Sel. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 74). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. aglaiae. Hadrostomus is intermediate in form between Tityra and Pachy- rhamphus. The males are mostly black or cinereous, the females very different, of various shades of brown. The genus has nearly the same distribution on the American continent as Tityra, and is besides represented by a peculiar species in the Antilles. Key to the Species. A. Without a rosy pectoral band. Lower surface dirty white. . . . . . . . . . . . 1. atricapillus, p. 333. #: surface black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Riger, p. 334. Lower surface grey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. homochrows, p. 334. B. With a rosy pectoral band. Lower surface white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. albiventris, p. 335. Lower surface grey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, aglaia, p. 335, Lower surface blackish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. minor, p. 337. 1. Hadrostomus atricapillus. Caracterizado canela y cabeza negra, Azara, Apunt. ii. p. 182. Tityra atricapilla, Vieill. Nouv. Dict, iii. p. 347 (1816); id. Enc. Méth, p. 859. Tityra rufa, Vieill, Nouv. Dict, iii. p. 347; id. Enc. Méth. p. 859. Ianius validus, Licht, Dowbſ. p. 50. º cimerascens, Spia, Av. Bras, ii. p. 34, pl. 46. fig. 1 G iuv.). rºi. ºtus, Sw, Zool. Journ. ii. p. 355; id. Zool. III, ser, 2, vol. i. 1. 41. Pºi. strigatus, Sw. An, in Menag, p. 287. Pachyrhynchus megacephalus, Sw. An in Menag, p. 287. Psaris affinis, Less. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 354. Psaris validus, Hartl. Ind. Azar. p. 14; Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 46. * See also : — ~~(1) Hadrostomus audaw, Cab. J. f. Q. 1873, p. 68; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 540 (C. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 356. ~ (2) Platypsaris insularis, Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 382 (Tres Marias Is.). 334 COTING|IDAE. I’achyrhamphus validus, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 240; B0. Consp. i. p. 180; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 455; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 72. Hadrostomus atricapillus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 85; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 239; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 120; Sol. et Salv. Womencl. p. 56. Above fuliginous grey; crown black; concealed patch on scapulars white: beneath pale cinnamomeous white, under wing-coverts more cinnamomeous; bill horn-colour; feet plumbeous: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-9, tail 27. Female. Above ferruginous red; cap black; beneath pale cinnamomeous. Pſab. S.E. Brazil. a, Q ad. St. Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. b. ? ad. St. South America. Purchased. c. 3 a.d. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sclater Coll. d. 6 ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil. Sudbury Museum. e. P ad, sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner). Q ad. St. Brazil. JPurchased. g, h. 3 SP ad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 3. G ad, sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2.*Hadrostomus niger. Lanius niger, Gm. S. N. i. p. 301. Pachyrhynchus aterrimus, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 320. Tiºutonº Gray et Mitch. Gen. B. i. pl. 63; Gosse, B. Jam. . 187. Pººmphus nigrescens, Cab. Weigm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 241; Bp. Consp. i. p. 180. Pachyrhamphus miger, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 72. Platypsaris migra, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 77. Hadrostomus niger, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 85; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 239; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 56. Above glossy black, beneath sooty black; concealed patch at the base of the scapulars white; bill and feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 4-1, tail 3:2. Female. Above cinereous; cap, wings, and tail rufescent : beneath pale cinereous white, throat tinged with rufous; bill and feet black. Hab. Jamaica. a, b. c. 9 ad, sk. Jamaica (Gosse). Sclater Coll. c. 3 a.d. sk. Jamaica (Gosse). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 9 a.d. sk. Jamaica (Gosse). Purchased. e, d jr. sk. Spanish Town, Jamaica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Marsh). dº jr. sk. Jamaica (Bryant). Mr. Bryant [P]. g, h, d ? ad, sk. Jamaica. Purchased. 3.*Hadrostomus homochrous. (Plate XXIV.) Pachyrhamphus homochrous, Sel. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 142, et 1860, p. 279 (Ecuador); Lawr. Ann. Lyo. N. Y. vii. p. 473. 2. HADROSTOMUS. 335 Hadrostomus homochrous, Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 240; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 517 (Antioquia); iid. Nomencl. p. 56; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 326 (Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 357; Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. v. p. 397 (Costa Rica); Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 93 (Ecuador). Above sooty black, darker on head; concealed patch at base of scapulars white : beneath dark cinereous ; bill and feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-7, tail 2-9. Female. Above ferrugi- nous red; beneath paler, in some specimens cinnamomeous white. Hab. Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru.N. 2 ºt a, b. 3 Q ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) c. Q ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador. L. Fraser [C.J. d. 6 ad, sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Q ad. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. f, g, d ? ad. sk. Babahoya, Ecuador. L. Fraser [C.]. h. 6 a.d. sk. Sta. Rita, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 6. S2 ad. sk. Monji, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. j. 9 a.d. sk. Balzar Nº. Ecuador (Illing- Salvin-Godman Coll. worth). k. Ó jr. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. l. 3 a.d. sk. Lechugal, Peru (Jelski). Sclater Coll. m. Q ad. sk. Sta. Marta, U. S. C. (Joad). Sclater Coll. n. Q ad. sk. Panama (?). Salvin-Godman Coll. ~4. Hadrostomus albiventris. Hadrostomus albiventris, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 475 (W. Mexico). Platypsaris albiventris, Ridgw. Man. W. A. B. p. 325. Above cinereous; wings and tail brownish black, edged with cinereous: beneath white, breast rosy red ; bill and feet black: whole length 6 inches, wing 3-5, tail 2-7. Female. Above cine- reous, cap blackish ; nape, wings, and tail brownish: beneath pale cinnamomeous white. Plab. Western Mexico. I have only seen one pair of this form, of which the male is not adult. If the white underside is constant in birds from this locality, the species may stand as distinct. a. 6 jr. ; b. ? Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad, sk. 5. Hadrostomus aglaiaº. Pachyrhynchus aglaiae, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 98. Psaris aglaiae, Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 46. Pachyrhamphus aglaiae, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 297, et 1857, p. 74; Sel. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 124. Platypsaris affinis, Elliot, Ibis, 1859, p. 394, pl. 13. . . Hadrostomus aglaiae, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 85; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 252 (Costa Rica); Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 240; id. P.Z. S. 1864, p. 176 (Mexico); Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. ix. pp. 116 (Costa Rica), 204 (N. Yucatan); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 309 336 COTINGIDAE, (Costa Rica); Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 837 (Honduras); iid. Nomencl. p. 56; Bouc, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 449 (Yucatan). Platypsaris aglaiae, Ridgw. Man. W. A. B. p. 324. Pachyrhamphus latirostris, Bp. Compt. Rend. xxxviii. p. 658; id. Not. Orn. p. 87; Scl. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 74. Hadrostomus latirostris, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 240. Platypsaris latirostris, Ridgw. Man. N. A. B. p. 325. Above cinereous; cap black; patch at the base of the scapulars white : beneath paler cinereous; throat and chest bright rosy red; bill and feet black; whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-6, tail 28. Female. Above rufous; outer edges of wings and whole tail bright ferruginous ; cap black: beneath pale cinnamomeous. Hab. Central America from Southern Mexico to Nicaragua. In some males of this species the rosy throat is evanescent and the tinge barely perceptible. On such a specimen was founded, as I believe, Pachyrhamphus latirostris, Bp. There are similar speci- mens from Vera Paz in the present series. 'm. Jr. sk. m, o. 3 9 ad. sk. p. 3. ad. ; q, r, G jr. sk. S. Q ad. sk. t. §2 ad. ; v. 6 jr. sk. v. 3 jr. sk. w, ar. G. Pad, sk. $y, 9 a.d. sk. 2, 6 a.d. sk. Mexico. Jalapa, Mexico. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oea), Tomala, Chiapas, Mexico (Sumichrast). Cacoprieto, Tehualutepec, Mexico (Sumichrast). Southern Mexico (Boucard). Tizimin, Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Merida, Yucatan (Gaumer). Jolbox I., Yucatan (Gaumer). Cozumel Island (Devis), Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Vera Paz. Retalhuleu, Guatemala. Chisec, Guatemala. Calderas, Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala (Salvin). Calderas, Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala (Solvin). Barranco Hondo, Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala (Salvin). Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala (Salvin). Guatemala (Salvin). Central America (Delattre). Nicaragua. Nicaragua (Sallé). Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll, Sclater Coll. a'. 3 ad. Sk, b'. 6 a.d. sk. c'. 6 a.d. sk. d'. 3 jr. sk. e'. Q ad. sk. Purchased. Sclater Coll. 3. PACHYREIAMPHUs. 337 § a 6.*Hadrostomus minor. Querula minor, Less. Tr. d’Orn, i. p. 363, Psaris roseicollis, Jard. et Selb. Ill. Orn. iv. pl. 28; d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 42; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 302. Pachyrhynchus pectoralis, Sw. An in Menag. p. 288. Pachyrhamphus pectoralis, Selater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 73. Pachyrhamphus minor, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 241; Bp. Consp. i. p. 180. Psaris pectoralis, Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 46. Hadrostomus minor, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 85; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 240; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 190 (R. Ucayali), 1867, p. 579 (L. Amazons), 1873, p. 284 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 617 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl. p. 56; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 120; Tacz. P. Z. S.1882, p.23 (N.E. Peru); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 302 (Br. Guiana). Pachyrhamphus roseicollis, Sel. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 73 (Bolivia) P Above sooty-black, rather lighter on the rump, wings, and tail; concealed spot at the base of the scapularies white : beneath dark cinereous, with a rosy-red cervical band; blotch at the base of the primaries inside white : bill and feet black ; whole length 6 inches, wing 3-5, tail 2-6. Female. Above cinereous; rump, edges of wing- feathers, and whole tail chestnut-red: beneath pale cinnamomeous. Hab. Cayenne, Guiana, Amazonia, and Colombia. a. G ad. St. S. America. Purchased. b, c, d ? ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. d, e. dº jr. sk. Camacusa, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). J. & ad. sk. Bartica Grove, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). 9. Q ad. sk. British Guiana. Salvin–Godman Coll. h, i. 3 Q ad, sk. Para, Lower Amazons (Wal- lace). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. 9 ad, sk. Para, Lower Amazons (Wal- Sclater Coll. lace). k. Q ad. sk. Chamicuros (Haua well). J. Gould, Esq. l, Q ad. sk. Yguitos, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). m. Q ad. sk. Upper Ucayali. E. Bartlett [P.]. m. G ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. o, d ad, sk. Samiria, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Haua well), p. 3 a.d. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coil. q, d ad. sk. South America. Sclater Coll. 3. PACHYREIAMPEIUS, Type, Pachyrhynchus, Spia, Av. Bras. ii. p. 31 (1825) . . . . P. viridis. Pachyrhamphus, Gray, List Gen. B. p. 31 (1840). . . . P. viridis. Chloropsaris, Kaup, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 45 . # tº e g a s tº gº tº & # P. viridis. Zetetes, Cab, et Heim. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 87 (1859) . . . . P. niger. Bathmidurus, Cab, Wiegm, Arch. xiii. pt. i. p. 243 (1847) P. atricapillus, ~ Callopsaris, Bp. Ann. Sc. Nat. Sér. 4, Zool. t. i. p. 134 (1854) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * a, s e s e e P. versicolor. Under Pachyrhamphus I place all the smaller and weaker WOL., XIV, Ž 338 COTINGID ZE, members of the Tityrine subfamily. The sexes are usually quite different in plumage, but in two species (nos. 7 & 8) the male appears to be always clad in female attire, and the sexes are there- Pachyrhamphus extends all over tropical America from South Mexico to Argentina. The nests and eggs of two species of this genus have been described fore alike. by Euler (J. f. O. 1867, pp. 223, 224). chocolate-brown, unspotted. A. Lesser wing-coverts black in males, rufous in Key to the Species. females; head in males black. , a. Back green. Breast yellow Breast greyish white b. Back black. Under surface with cross bars - | Under surface white B. Males above more or less cinereous with head black : Beneath white Beneath cinereous females all rufous. C. Both sexes all rufous. Nape uniform Nape cinereous D. Males black or cinereous, with broad white ends to the rectrices: females olivaceous or * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º e s e º e s e º ºr º e & ſº e º e e * * * * * g e º e º e º e º e s tº º e e º ºs rufous, more or less yellowish beneath. () • ^ - ! . . . . . . . v c. Crown and front black; no white lores. Aw & Cº" ºf , ºr * ~~ a'. Beneath black b'. Beneath cinereous. | Smaller: clearer beneath Larger: darker beneath. . d. Crown black; narrow white front and lores. c'. Larger : interscapulium black d'. Smaller. | Interscapulium cinereous e is tº e º a 9 tº e is s e º a tº e e cinereus, p. 341% , - t . Spodiurus, p. 341. & ov º 24 . cinnamomews, p. 342.9% rufus, p. 848.7%, 4…,N.cº. i.” " 11. Pipreola whitelyi. Pipreola whitelyi, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1884, p. 449; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 304, et 1886, p. 502, pl. xii. (Br. Guiana). Above cinereous, washed with green except on the head; long superciliaries and narrow neck-collar at the back of the head golden yellow ; wings and tail blackish, edged with brownish yellow : beneath cinereous, with a slight greenish tinge ; broad pectoral band crimson, passing into golden yellow on the sides; crissum 382 COTING|IDAE. rufous ; bill scarlet ; feet orange-yellowish : whole length 7 inches, wing 3-6, tail 2-7. Female. Above olive-green; superciliaries and sides of neck washed with golden ; wings and tail blackish, with golden-green margins: beneath pale yellow, covered with numerous dark green shaft-stripes : crissum yellowish. FIab. Interior of British Guiana. This is quite a distinct form, remarkable for its coral-red bill and bright scarlet pectoral band. a, b. 3 ad.; c. 2 Mt. Twek-quey, Carimang r., Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. Brit. Guiana (Whitely). d. 9 ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). (Types of the species.) 16. COTING.A. T ype. Cotinga, Briss, Orn. ii. p. 339 (1760) . . . . . . . . . . . . C. caerulea. Porphyrolaema, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 5 (1854) C. porphyrolaema. Hylocosmia, Sund, Av. Meth. Tent. p. 62 (1872) ... C. caerulea. In Cotinga, the seven or eight known species of which are distri- buted over the tropical forests of America from Guatemala to Brazil, the splendid decoration bestowed upon this family of birds reaches its acme. The green of the last two genera is here replaced by the most gorgeous tints of blue and purple in the male sex, while the females have retired into dresses of various shades of brown. In external structure the chief peculiarity exhibited by Cotinga is the greater or less acumination of the outer primaries. Key to the Species. A. Throat and belly purple-red. a. Without any breast-band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. caerulea, p. 382. b. With a blue breast-band. a'. Breast-band and flanks dark blue . . . . 2, cincta, p. 383. b'. Breast-band and flanks light blue: upper tail-coverts long, covering tail 3, amabilis, p. 384. upper tail-coverts short, not covering tail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 º' s a 4 0 & 0 w a 4. ridgwayi, p. 384. B. Throat purple-red; belly blue. c. Belly dark blue; throat-patch larger: without a black belly-patch . . . . . . . . 5, cayana, p. 385. with a black belly-patch . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. nattereri, p. 385. d. Belly light blue; throat-patch smaller .. 7. maynana, p. 386. C. Throat purple-red; belly white . . . . . . . . . . 8, porphyrolaema, p. 886. 1. Cotinga caerulea. Ampelis cotinga, Linn. S. N. i. p. 298; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 430; Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 105. Le Cotinga, Daub. Pl. Enl. 186. Ampelis caerulea, Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 760; id. Gal. Ois, i. p. 183, pl. 116; Cab, in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 693. Cº. coelestis, Gray, List Gen. B. p. 46 (1841); Bp. Consp. i. p. 175. 16. cotlNGA. 383 Cotinga caerulea, Sol. Cat. A. B. #. 256; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 132; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 580 (L. Amazons); iid. Nomencl. p. 58; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 305 (Brit. Guiana); id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 329. Above bright blue; wings and tail black : beneath bright reddish purple; sides of belly and crissum blue like the back; under wing- coverts black; bill and feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 4-5, tail 2-6. Female. Above brownish black, with slight whitish terminal bands on the feathers: beneath ochraceous white, with dark central spots; under wing-coverts pale reddish ochraceous. Hab. Cayenne, Guiana, and Rio Negro. a. 6 a.d. St. Cayenne. Purchased. 5. 6 jr. st. Cayenne. H. C. Rothery, Esq. P c, d. 3 ad.; e. Q Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. (Whitely). f d ad. ; g. 6 R. Attapurow, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. Var, sk. (W7 itely). h. 6 a.d.; i, j. Carimang r., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. 6 jr. sk. (Whitely). k, l, 3 Q ad. sk. Cayenne, Sclater Coll. m. 3 ad. ; n. 6 S. America. Salvin-Godman Coll. jr. sk. o. 3 ad, sk. S. America. J. Gould, Esq. 2.*Cotinga cincta. Cotinga du Bresil, Daub. P. Enl. 188. Ampelis cincta, Kuhl, Buff. et Daub. Fig. av. col. nom. Syst, p. 4 (1820); Strickl. Ann. N. H. viii. p. 373; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 430; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 105. Cotinga cincta, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 279; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 256; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 58; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 329. Ampelis superba, Shaw, Nat, Misc. xix. pl. 821. Ampelis cotinga, Vieill. Enc. Méth. p. 761; Shaw, Wat. Misc. xix. pl. 817; Maw. Beitr. iii. p.391. Cotinga caerulea, Bp. Consp. i. p. 175. Above bright blue, wings and tail black: beneath bright reddish purple; a narrow breast-band, sides of the belly, and crissum bright blue like the back; under wing-coverts black tinged with blue ; bill and feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 4.7, tail 2-8. Female. Above blackish, with ochraceous margins to the feathers : beneath reddish ochraceous, with central black spots to the feathers; crissum and margins of inner webs of wing-feathers reddish ochra- CéOllS. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. 6 a.d. st. Brazil. Purchased. b. ? ad. St. Brazil. Sudbury Mus. [E.]. c. 3 jr.i. d. 9 Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad, Sk, e, f. 6 Qad, sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. g. & ad. sk. Prazil. Salvin–Godman Coll. h. 3 ad, ; i. 3 Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. jr. sk. 384 COTINGIDAE. 3. Cotinga amabilis. Cotinga amabilis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 64, pl. cxxiii. (Guatemala); Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 252 (S. Mexico); id. Cat. A. B. p. 256; Sol. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, pp. 4, 5, 125 (Vera Paz); iid. Nomencl. p. 59; Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. ix. p. 117 (Costa Rica); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 310 (Costa Rica). Ampelis amabilis, Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 253 (Costa Rica). Above shining blue (lighter than in C. cincta); wings and tail black, with slight bluish edgings: beneath dark reddish purple; broad band across the breast, sides of breast, belly, and crissum blue like the back; bill and feet black : whole length 8 inches, wing 4-5, tail 2-6. Female. Above blackish, with numerous whitish terminal spots; wings and tail blackish: beneath greyish white, with black central shaft-spots; crissum and under-wing- coverts white. Hab. Guatemala and Costa Rica. The broader pectoral band and the reduced size of the purple belly-patch, besides the lighter shade of the blue, distinguish this species from C. cincta. a, b. 3 Q ad. St. Vera Paz. J. Gould, Esq. c, d. 3 a.d. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 3 a.d.; f. 3 Choctum, Vera Paz. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. Jr. SK. g. & jr. ; h, 9 Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. Sk. i. 3 jr. ; j. 2 Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. ad. sk. k, l. 3 9 a.d.; Guatemala. J. Gould, Esq. m. º jr. sk. (Types of C. amabilis.) m. d ad. sk. Guatemala. Sclater Coll. o, p. 3 jr. sk. Costa Rica (Van Patten). Salvin-Godman Coll. `4 Cotinga ridgwayi. Cotinga amabilis, Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 200 (Veragua). “Cotinga ridgwayi, Zeledon,” Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. 1887, p. 1. Similar to C. amabilis, but Scapulars and interscapulars more extensively black centrally ; a black line bordering the base of the upper mandible, and a black space in front of the eye; purple belly- patch reduced in size; tail-coverts much shorter. (Ridgway.) Hab. Western Costa Rica, Veragua, Panama, and Northern Colombia. I am a little doubtful as to the specific distinctness of this form, and should like to see more specimens. a, b, c Q ad, sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 3 a.d. sk. C. America (probably Panama). Salvin-Godman Coll. 16. COTINGA. 385 5. Cotinga cayana. Ampelis cayana, Linn. S. N. i. p. 298; Vieill. Enc. Méth. p. 764; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 429; Cab. et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 106. Cotinga de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Enl. 624. Cotinga cayana, Bp. Consp. i. p. 175; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 256; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 133; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 191 (R. Ucayali), 1867, p. 580 (L. Amazons), p. 751 (E. Peru), p. 978 (Amazonia), 1873, p. 285 (E. Peru), et 1879, p. 618 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl. . 59; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 384; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 305 (Brit. uiana). Ampelis cayennensis, d'Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 297 (Bolivia). Above bright shining blue, showing black central spots on some feathers; wings and tail black, the former more or less edged with blue: beneath blue as above: whole throat deep reddish purple; inner webs of secondaries edged with white; bill and feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 4-6, tail 3:2. Female. Above dark greyish, with black centres to the feathers; wings and tail black, with rufous edgings: beneath paler, belly more or less edged with rufous: under wing-coverts and inner edgings of wing- and tail- feathers rufous. Hab. Guiana, Cayenne, and Amazonia to Eastern Ecuador, a, b. 3 jr.; c. 2 South America. Purchased. ad. St. d, e. d ? ad.; Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. f. 6 jr. sk. (Whitely). g, h. 3 Q ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. 7. 6 ad. sk. Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. j. 6 a.d. sk. Chyavetas, Eastern Peru Salvin-Godman Coll. (Bartlett). k. & ad. sk. Eastern Peru. Sclater Coll. l. 3 a.d. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. m, n. 6 ad, sk. Napo, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. o. 9 ad. sk. S. America. Salvin–Godman Coll. p, g. 6 ad. sk. S. America. J. Gould, Esq. r. Q ad, sk. S. America. Sclater Coll. S–6. Cotinga mattereri. Ampelis nattererii, Boiss. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 2. Cotinga nattereri, Sel. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 152. Similar to C. cayana, but with an abdominal spot, and with the throat-feathers striped with black (Boiss.). Hab. Bogota. I have only females and young of the Bogota bird before me. These cannot be distinguished from C. cayana. But the adult male, if correctly described by Boissoneau, must be different. a. 3 jr. ; b. ? ad. Sk, Bogota. Sclater Coll. c. 9 ad. Sk, Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. WOL. XIV. 2 C 386 COTINGID ZE. 7. Cotinga maynana, Ampelis maymana, Linn. S. N. i. p. 298, Cotinga des Maynas, Daub. Pl. Enl. 229. Cotinga maymana, Bp. Consp. i. p. 176; Sel. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 265 (Upper Amazons), et 1858, p.71 (Rio Napo); id. Cat. A. B. p. 256; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 133; Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, . 285 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 59; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 24 {N .E. Peru); id. Orn, Pér. ii. p. 385. Above and beneath uniform shining blue; throat, more restricted than in C. cayama, reddish purple : wings and tail black, edged with blue; inner webs of the wing-feathers except the apical portion white; bill and feet black : whole length 7-6 inches, wing 4:4, tail 3. Female. Above blackish brown, with slight lighter edgings to the feathers: beneath more rufous, with dark central shaft-spots; under wing-coverts, inner webs of wing-feathers, and crissum rufous. Hab. Upper Amazonia. The restricted purple of the throat, and the uniform bright shining blue of the body at once distinguish this splendid species. The white patch on the under surface of the wings is also much more strongly developed. In the female this becomes rufous, and serves to separate this sex from the corresponding sex of C. cayana. a. G ad. St. S. America. Purchased. b. 6 ad. sk. Yguitos, Peru. Sclater Coll. c, d. 3 Q ad. sk. River Ucayali (Haua well). J. Gould, Esq. e. 6 jr. sk. Chamicuros, Eastern Peru. E. Bartlett [C]. f, g. 69 ad. sk. Pebas, Eastern Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. J. & ad. sk. Eastern Peru. Sclater Coll. Ž, j. 3 Q ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. & ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. l, m. d ad. Sk. Napo, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. 8:*Cotinga porphyrolaema. Cotinga porphyrolaema, Scl. et Dev. Rev. Zool. 1852, p. 226; iid. Contr. Orn, 1852, p. 136, pl.xcvi, ; Des Murs, Zool. Casteln. Voy., Ois. p. 65; Sel. et Salv, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 191 (Ucayali), et 1873, p. 285 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 59; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 386. Porphyrolaema phygas, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod, p. 5 (1854). Above black; slight margins to feathers of back, tips of middle wing-coverts, and Outer webs of external primaries white : beneath white, throat purple, breast slightly stained with purple ; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-9, tail 2:8. Female. Above dull blackish, with numerous light brown specks and cross bars: beneath ferruginous brown, with narrow transverse black bars; under wing-coverts, inner webs of wing- and tail-feathers, and Grissum pale ferruginous. Hab. Upper Amazonia and Eastern Ecuador. a, b. 3 SP ad. st. River Ucayali. J. Gould, Esq. c, d. 3 Q ad, sk. River Ucayali (Haua well). J. Gould, Esq. 17. XIPHOLENA. 387 8. i jr. ; f. 2 ad. Sarayacu, Ucayali (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. SBC, g. Ó ad. sk. Samiria, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Haua well). h. & ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. 8, j. 6 a.d. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 17. XIIPHOLENA, Xipholena, Gloger, Hand-w, Hilfsb. d. Nat. p. 320 (1842) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X. pompadora. Type. In the three species of Xipholena the males attain a further ornamentation by the production and modification of the upper wing-coverts and the thickening and hardening of their stems. One of these remarkable birds is peculiar to Guiana, a second to Lower Amazonia, and the third to S.E. Brazil. In Upper Amazonia this form does not appear to occur. Key to the Species, A. Tail dark like the back. Plumage crimson-purple; upper wing- coverts much lengthened. . . . . . . . . . 1. pompadora, p. 387. Plumage dark purple; upper wing- coverts slightly lengthened . . . . . . . . 2. atro-purpurea, p. 388. B. Tail pure white; upper wing-coverts ex- cessively lengthened. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. lamellipennis, p. 389. 1. Xipholena pompadora. Ampelis pompadora, Linn. S. N. i. p. 218; Vieill. Enc. Méth. p. 764; Hahn, Vög. aus Asien, Lief. ix. pl. 3. Cotinga pourpre de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Enl. 279. Cotinga pompadora, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 279. Xipholena pompadora, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 233; d. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 693; Bp. Consp. i. p. 176; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 106; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 256; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 133; Scl. et Salv. Ev. Orn. p. 9; iid, P. Z. S. 1867, º (L. Amazons); ãd. Womencl. p. 59; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 305 (Brit. Guiana). Above and beneath shining reddish purple; wings white; pri- maries tipped with black; tail white at the base; upper wing- coverts elongated, lanceolate, and with the stems thickened; bill dark brown; feet black: whole length 7-5 inches, wing 5, tail 3. Female. Above cinereous; wings darker, and with white edgings to the coverts and outer secondaries: beneath paler, belly whitish ; under wing-coverts white. Hab. Guiana, Surinam, and Cayenne, a, b, c ad, ; c. 92 British Guiana. R. Geogr. Soc. [P.]. ad. St. d, e. d ? ad. St. Cayenne. H. g. Rothery, Esq. [P.]. 2 c 2 388 COTINGID ZE. f, g, d ? ad, ; Bartica Grove, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. h. & jr. sk. (Whitely). 2, 6 a.d. sk. R. Attāpurow, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). .j, k, 9 a.d. sk. Camacusa, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). l. 3 ad, sk. Maroni River, Surinam (Kap- Salvin-Godman Coll. pler). m. & ad. ; n. 6 Cayenne. Sclater Coll. jr. sk. o, p. 3 Q ad, sk. Cayenne. Salvin–Godman Coll. q, d ad. sk. Cayenne. H. C. Rothery, Esq. [P.]. T. & ad. sk. S. America. Salvin–Godman Coll. 8, t. & Q ad. sk. S. America. J. Gould, Esq. w. & ad. war, sk. S. America. J. Gould, Esq. 2. Xipholema atropurpurea. Ampelis atropurpurea, Maw. Reis. n. Bras. i. p. 262 (1820). Ampelis purpurea, Licht. Doubl. p. 57 (1823); Maw. Beitr. iii. p. 397; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 428. Cotinga purpurea, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 279. Xipholena atropurpurea, Bp. Consp. i. p. 176; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 257; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 59; iid. Ev. Orn. p. 9, pl. v. Xipholena purpurea, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1847, pt. i. p. 233; Cab. et Bein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 106. Above and beneath dark vinaceous purple; wings white, pri- maries tipped with black; wing-coverts slightly elongated and thickened; under wing-coverts white; bill dark brown; feet black: whole length 7-5 inches, wing 4.4, tail 2-6. Female. Above cinereous, with more or less whitish edgings to the rump-feathers; wings and tail dark brown ; external secondaries and wing-coverts margined with white : beneath paler, belly whitish; under wing- coverts and under surface of wings white, Hab. S.E. Brazil. In this darker species the adult male never exhibits the develop- ment of the upper wing-coverts shown in C. pompadora and C. lamellipennis. a, d jr. st. Bahia, Brazil. Sudbury Mus. [E]. b, c. 6 Q ad, sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Craven). Sclater Coll. d. 6 jr. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes), Salvin-Godman Coll. e—g. & ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. 3 * i,j. 6 Bahia, Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr. SK. w * k, G ad. ; l.c5 jr. Brazil, Sclater Coll. sk. 'm. 6 a.d. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. m. & ad. sk. I3razil. Purchased. (). i jr.; p. Q ad, Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. S 18. CARPODECTEs. 389 3. Xipholena lamellipennis. Ampelis lamellipennis, Lafr. Mag. de Zool. 1839, Ois, pl. 9. Xipholena lamellipennis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 176; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 257; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 133; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 580 (L. Amazons); iid. Ev. Orn. p. 10; iid. Womencl. p. 59. Above and beneath very dark purple; wings white, without black tips; tail pure white; upper wing-coverts highly developed, and extending over the wing ; bill dark brown ; feet black: whole length 7-5 inches, wing 4-5, tail 29. Hab. Lower Amazonia (near Pará). The white tail and excessive development of the wing-coverts at Once distinguish this fine species. a. G ad. St. Brazil. E. Wilson, Esq.[P.]. b. G. ad. sk. Pará, Brazil (Natterer). Sclater Coll. c. 3 a.d. sk. Pará, Brazil (Natterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. South America. Sclater Coll. e. 6 a.d. sk. South America. Salvin–Godman Coll. f. 6 ad, sk. South America. J. Gould, Esq. 18. CARPODECTES. Typ Carpodectes, Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 583 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. nitidus. The strong beak, long wings, and Snow-white plumage render this peculiar Central-American type of the Cotingidae easily recog- nizable. Key to the Species. A. Bill plumbeous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. mitidus, p. 389. B. Bill yellow, culmen black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. antoniae, p. 389. 1st Carpodectes nitidus. Carpodectes nitidus, Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 583, pl. xxxvi. (Costa Rica); id. Ibis, 1872, p. 313 (Nicaragua); Lawr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. viii. p. 183 (Nicaragua), ix. p. 117 (Costa Rica); Frantz, J. f. O. 1869, p. 310 (Costa Rica); Sel. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 58; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 65 (Costa Rica); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. i. p. 255 (Costa Rica). Snow-white, upper parts tinged with greyish, especially on the head; bill plumbeous; feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 5-5, tail 2-8. Hab. Eastern Costa Rica and Nicaragua. a. Ad, sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of genus and species.) ~ 2." Carpodectes antoniae. Carpodectes antoniae, Ridgw. Ibis, 1884, p. 27, pl. ii.; id. P. U.S. N. M. vi. p. 410, et X. p. 20. Like C. nitidus, but rather smaller; bill yellow, with a black line along the culmen; crown paler. Hab. Western Costa Rica. 390 COTINGIDAE. 19. DOLIORNIS. Type Doliornis, Tacz, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T). Sclateri. This monotype of Central Peru is allied to Heliochera, but has a smaller and much more compressed bill, and the outer primaries not acuminated. 1. Doliornis sclateri. Doliornis sclateri, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, pp. 136, 541, pl.xx. (C. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 384. Above dark brownish cinereous; feathers of head elongated, black, with a large half-concealed medial patch of bright cinnamon- red; sides of head and nape cinereous; wings and tail blackish, slightly edged with cinereous brown; beneath brown, throat cine- reous; crissum bright reddish cinnamon; under wing-coverts brownish grey; bill and feet black: whole length 7-8 inches, wing 4, tail 37. Hab. Central Peru. a. 3 ad, sk. Maraynioc, Central Peru (Jelski). Sclater Coll. (Type of the genus and species.) 20. HELIOCHERA. * * * * * Type. Heliochera, de Filippi, Cat. Mus. Mediol, Av. p. 31 (1847). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. rubrocristata. The two known species of this crested group have a short, strong, but much widened bill, rather strong feet of the normal Cotingine form, and the two first primaries acuminated. Their range extends from Venezuela through Colombia and Ecuador to Peru and Bolivia. Key to the Species. A. Throat grey: bend of wing blackish; tail- band white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. rubrocristata, p. 380. B. Throat and bend of wing red; no tail-band. . 2, rufaavilla, p. §. 1. Heliochera rubrocristata. Ampelis rubrocristata, d'Orb, et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 39; d'Orb. Voy., Ois, p. 297, pl. 31, fig, 1 (Bolivia). Ampelis rufocristata, Boiss, Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 3 (Bogota). Ampelion rubrocristatus, Cab. in Tsch. Fawn. Per., Aves, p. 137; Selater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 152 (Bogota), 1858, p. 553 (Ecuador), et 1860, pp. 78, 89 ū. * Carpornis rubrocristata, Bp. Consp. i. p. 176. Ampelion rufocristatus, Burm. Syst, Ueb. ii. p. 433, Heliochera rubrocristata, De Filippi, Att. So, Ital. 1846, p. 449; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 104; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 255; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 781 &enezuela), 1874, p. 678 (S. Peru), 1879, 20. HELIOCHERA. 391 p. 520 (Antioquia) et p. 618 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl. p. 58; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 334 (Colombia); Tacz, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 540 (C. Peru), 1879, p. 237, et 1880, p. 203 (N. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 381; Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 318 (Bucaramanga); Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 298, et 1885, p. 93 (Ecuador). Above cinereous; rump black, striped with white; head black, with an elongated vertical crest of dark chestnut ; wings black, with brownish edgings; tail black, lateral rectrices with a large square white blotch on the inner webs near the tail-end, forming a trans- verse band: beneath cinereous, varied with white on the middle of the belly and crissum ; bill with the base chalky white, apex plum- beous; feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 4-6, tail 3-6. Female. Without the red crest ; above blackish brown, variegated with white stripes; head and wings brown; tail blackish, with a white bar across the lower end, as in the male : beneath blackish, abdomen greenish white, with numerous blackish stripes. Hab. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. 2. Heliochera rufaxilla. a, b. 3 ad. St. Bogota. Purchased. c. 6 a.d. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. f. 6 a.d. sk. Bogota. Purchased. g, h. 3 Q ad. sk. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Salvin-Godman Coll. U. S. C. (Simons). 2. c ad, sk. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Sclater Coll. -*- U. S. C. (Simons). j. Ad, sk. Medellin, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin–Godman Coll. k. Q ad. sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. l, m. Ad. sk. San Lucas, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. n. 3 jr. sk. Matos, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. o. 6 jr. sk. Yauayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin–Godman Coll. p. º sk. Vicinity of Quito, Ecuador. Salvin–Godman Coll. q, r. & ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. s, Jr. sk. Ecuador. Salvin–Godman Coll. Ampelis rufaxilla, Tsch, Fawn, Per., Aves, t. vii, fig. 1. Ampelion rufaxilla, Cab, in Tsch. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 137. Heliochera rufaxilla, Sel. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 58; iid, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 520 (Antioquia); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 237, et 1882, p. 24; Žd. Orn. Pér, ii. p. 383. Above olivaceous grey, with obscure dark shaft-spots; front and sides of crown blackish; large occipital crest and sides of head bright chestnut; wings and tail black, with slight brownish edgings; bend of the wing and smaller upper wing-coverts bright chestnut: beneath, throat and fore-neck chestnut: breast olivaceous grey; abdomen yellow, with strongly-marked black shaft-spots; bill and feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 4.5, tail 3. Female similar (?). Hab. Peru and Colombia. 392 COTINGIDAE. a. Q ad. Sk, Santa Elena, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. &. 6 a.d. sk. Retiro, Antioquia, U. S.C. (Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. mon). c. Ad, sk. Medellin, Antioquia, U. S. C. T. K. Salmon [C.]. d. Qad.; e. Ad. Antioquia, U. S. C. (Salmon). Sclater Coll. sk. 21. IODOPLEURA, Type. Iodopleura, Less, Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. pipra. Iodopleura and its near ally Calyptura have been usually asso- ciated with the Pipridae, but appear to have a pycnaspidean tarsus, and should, therefore, in consonance with Sundevall's views, be deemed to be diminutive forms of the Cotingidae. The Iodopleurae are only found in South America, extending from Colombia through Amazonia to Cayenne and S.E. Brazil. The ornamental tuft of violet feathers on each side of the breast is the characteristic feature of this genus. Key to the Species. A. Throat pale rufous: }; grey like the back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. pºpra, p. 392. rump white. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. leucopygia, p. 393. B. Throat white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. isabella, p. 393. C. Throat sooty brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, fusca, p. 393. 1. Iodopleura pipra. Pardalotus pipra, Less. Cent. Zool, pl. 26; id. Tr. d’Orn, i. p. 455. * aurora, Sundev, K. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1833, p. 312, pl. 11. g. 5. Iodºpleura pipra, Gray, List Gen. B. p. 45 (1841); Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 697; Des Murs, Icon. Orn. pl. 71, fig. 2; Bo. Consp. i. p. 171; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 465; Solater, P. Z. S. 1857, p.266; 7d. Cat. A. B. p. 246; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 90; Scl, et Salv. Womencl. p. 59; Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 89. Euphone modesta, Licht, in Mus. Berol. Above cinereous, head rather darker, almost black; wings and tail blackish, with brownish margins: beneath grey, with numerous white cross bars; throat, lower belly, and crissum pale reddish ochraceous; on each side of the breast a small elongated tuft of bright violet feathers; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet black: whole length 3-5 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1-3. Female similar, but head not so dark, and without the violet tufts on the flanks. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a, b. 6 Qad. st. Brazil. Purchased. c. 3 a.d. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Janeiro Salvin-Godman Coll. (Youds). d, e. d ? ad, ; Brazil. Sclater Coll. f. Jr. sk. t g. 6 ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll, h. Sº ad, sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. 21. IODOPLEURA. 393 2. Iodopleura leucopygia. (Plate XXVI.) Iodopleura leucopygia, Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 305 (Brit. Guiana). Similar to I. pipra, but with a narrow white bar across the rump, and cap hardly darker than the back. Hab. British Guiana. a, b. Ad, sk. British Guiana (Whitely). Salvin–Godman Coll. (Types of the species.) 3. Iodopleura isabellae. Iodopleura isabellae, Parzud. Rev. Zool. 1847, p. 186; Des Murs, Icon. Orn, pl. 71. fig. 1; Bp. Consp. i. p. 171; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 266 (U. Amazons); id. Cat. A. B. p. 247; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Bein. ii. p. 90; Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 579 (L. Amazons), p. 758 (E. Peru), et 1873, p. 285 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 59; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 385 (Para); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 24 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn, Pér. ii. p. 388. Iodopleura guttata, Less. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 45 ° Iodopleura emiliae, Des Murs, Icon. Orn. Sub tab. 71 (err.). Above dark Smoky brown; lores, superciliaries, and bar across the rump white : beneath rather paler smoky brown, with black shaft- spots on the flanks; throat, middle line of breast, and lower belly white ; large patch of elongated plumes on each side of the breast bright bluish violet; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet black: whole length 4-2 inches, wing 3, tail 1:5. Female similar, but without the lateral violet tufts. Hab. Upper and Lower Amazonia and Ecuador. The larger size, the white colour below, and the larger bluish violet tufts distinguish this fine species. a, b. 3 Q ad. St. Venezuela (P). Purchased. c. 3 ad. sk. Rio Tocantins (Wallace). Sclater Coll. d. & ad. sk. Xeberos, Eastern Peru (Bartlett). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Q ad. ; f. Xeberos, E. Peru (Bartlett), Sclater Coll. Pull. sk. g, h. 3 Q ad. sk. Chamicuros, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C.]. 7. 9 ad. sk. Pebas, Peru (Haua well). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. G ad. sk. Peru. Sclater Coll. k, l. 6 & ad. sk. Rio * Ecuador (Buck- Salvin-Godman Coll. !ey). 4. Iodopleura fusca. Ampelis fusca, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. viii. p. 162 (1817). Iodopleura fusca, Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll, p. 330; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 305 (Brit. Guiana). Pipra laplacii, Gerv. Mag. Zool. 1836, cl. ii. pl. 68. Iodopleura laplacii, Sel. et Salo. Nomencl. p. 59. Above dull black, with a snow-white bar across the rump; beneath smoky brown; middle of belly and crissum white; a bluish-violet tuft of elongated feathers on each side of the breast ; under wing- 394 COTINGIDAE. coverts white; bill and feet black: whole length 4-2 inches, wing 3-4, tail 1:5. Female similar, but without the violet lateral tufts. Hab. Guiana and Cayenne. Smaller than I. isabellae, and at once recognizable by its brown throat and black upper surface. a, b. 3 Q ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). c. 6 a.d. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. d. 6 ad, sk. Demerara. J. Gould, Esq. e. & ad. sk. South America. Purchased. 22. CALYPTURA. Type Calyptura, Sw, Faun. Bor.-Am. ii. p. 491 (1831) . . . . . . C. cristata. This curious little bird deserves closer examination, although I have little doubt that Iodoplewra is its not remote ally. It has, however, shorter wings, shorter tail, and a Tyrannine plumage. It is peculiar to South-eastern Brazil. 1. Calyptura cristata. Pardalotus cristatus, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. xxiv. p. 528; id. Ene. Méth. p. 511; Less. Tr. d’Orn. i. p. 455. Calyptura cristata, Sw. Orn. Dr. pl. 24; id. Class. B. ii. p. 254; BP. Consp. i. p. 175; Burm, Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 448; Cab. et IIein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 90; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 247; Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 89 (Cantagallo); Scl. et Salv. Womencl. p. 59. Pipra tyrannulus, Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 940. Above greenish yellow ; front and rump pure yellow ; head crested, scarlet with a black border; wings and tail dull blackish, edged with greenish yellow; tips of two rows of coverts and margins of outer secondaries white : beneath yellow, brighter on lower belly; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet black: whole length 3 inches, wing 1-9, tail 1. Female similar. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a. CŞ ad. St. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. b. Ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Brazil (Youds). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. |Brazil. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 6 a.d. sk. South America. J. Gould, Esq. Subfamily VI. GYMNODERINAE. These are exaggerated forms of the Cotingidae, in which develop- ments of colour, size, and ornamental appendages have been pushed to their extreme limits. Whether they should all stand together as a separate group is doubtful, especially as regards the last two genera (Sect. B), which might, perhaps, be better placed with the typical Cotinginae. But this and many other points must be left to 23. HZEMATODERUS. 395 be settled when opportunities shall have been obtained for a more accurate examination of the structure of these birds. iº The Gymnoderinae range from Costa Rica down to Brazil and Bolivia. Key to the Genera. A. Rictal bristles strongly developed; gape Ilal’I’OW €I’. a. Lores densely feathered. a'. No throat-wattle or crest on head. a". Nostrils covered by plumes . . . . . . 23. HAEMATODERUS, b". Nostrils exposed. [p. 395. Bill short, widened . . . . . . . . . . 24. QUERULA, p. 396. Bill longer, compressed . . . . . . 25, PyRoDERUS, p. 397. ô'. With a throat-wattle, and crested [p. 398. head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26. CEPHALOPTER Us, b. Lores denuded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27. GYMNOCEPHALUS, B. Rictus smooth : gape wider. [p. 401. Lores plumed: culmen elevated . . . . 28. GYMNODERUS, p. 402. | Lores denuded: bill much flattened. . 29. cº, p. 403. 23. HAEMATODERUS. Type. Haematoderus, Bp. Ann. Sc. Wat. Sér. 4, Zool. t. i. p. 134 (1854) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PI, militaris. This splendid type, remarkable for its gorgeous colour and elongated plumes, is found only in the Guianas and Lower Ama- ZOIllà. 1. Haºmatoderus militaris. Coracias militaris, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xxvii. Querula rubra, Vieill. Wouv. Dict. viii. p. 161; id. Enc. Méth. p. 768. Querula purpurea, Less, Tr. d’Orn. i. p. 362. Querula militaris, Bp. Consp. i. p. 179. Threnoëdus militaris, Cab, in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 690. Haematoderus militaris, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 107; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 257; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 134; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 580 (L. Amazonia); iid. Nomencl. p. 59; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 305 (Brit. Guiana). Above and beneath deep crimson-red ; feathers of head, neck, rump, and breast elongated and narrowed; wings and tail sooty- brown ; bill reddish; feet black: whole length 13 inches, wing 8-7, tail 5:3. Female rather smaller, above sooty-brown; head and body beneath crimson. Bab. Guiana, Cayenne, and Lower Amazonia. a-c, & ad. ; South America. Purchased. d. 9 ad. St. e, f. 6 9 ad, sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. g, d jr. sk. Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. h. 3 ad. sk. Amazons (Bates). Salvin-Godman Coll. 396 COTINGIDAE. Querula, Vieill. Analyse, p. 37 (1816 24. QUERULA. Type tº tº tº it dº tº A. rubicollis. Threnoëdus, Gloger, Hand-w, Hilfsb, Nat, p. 319 (1842) A. rubricollis. This is again a monotype, but more widely extended, ranging over the Guianas, Amazonia, Colombia, and up to Costa Rica. It is a smaller form than Haematoderus, and has the nostrils exposed. 1: Querula cruenta. Gobe-Mouche noir à gorge pourpre de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Enl. 381. Muscicapa cruenta, Bodd. Table d. Pl. Eml. p. 23. Querula cruenta, Sel. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 153 (Bogota): id. Cat. A. B. p. 257; Lawr. Ann, Lyc, N. Y. vii. p. 296 (Panama), et ix. p. 117 (Costa Rica); Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 362 (Panama), 1866, p. 191 (R. Ucayali), 1867, p. 580 (L. Amazons), 1873, p. 285 (E. Peru), et 1879, p. 520 (Antioquia); iid. Nomencl. p. 59; Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 310 (Costa Rica); Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 134; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 389; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 305 (Br. Guiana). Muscicapa rubricollis, Gm. S. N. i. p. 933. Muscicapa porphyrobroncha, Shaw, Nat. Misc. ii. pl. 63. Querula rubricollis, Vieill. Enc. Méth. p. 768; id. Gal. Ois. i. p. 181, pl. 115; Less. Tr. d. Orm. i. p. 363; Bp. Consp. i. p. 179; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 265 (Upper Amazons). Coracina rubricollis, Temm. Tabl. Méth. p. 20. Threnoedus rubricollis, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 691. Threnoedus cruentus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 107. Above and beneath dull black, broad neck-collar formed of elongated feathers dark crimson-red ; bill dark plumbeous; feet black: whole length 10 inches, wing 7, tail 4'5. Female similar, but uniform black, without the crimson neck-collar. Hab. Guiana, Amazonia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Central America to Costa Rica. a. G ad. St. b, c. 6 Q ad. sk. d. & ad. sk. e. & ad. sk. j, g, d ? ad, sk. h. 3 ad, sk. i. Q ad. sk. j, k d ? ad. sk. l. 3 ad, sk. on. 3 a.d. sk. m. & ad. sk. o. 3 a.d. sk. p, q, 3 Q ad. sk. r. Q ad. sk. S. 6 a.d. sk. t. 3 a.d. sk. Demerara. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Cayenne. Cayenne. Chamicuros, Eastern Peru (Hawawel). River Ucayali (Haua well). Eastern Peru (Haua well). Sarayagu, Ecuador (Buckley). Balzar Mts., Ecuador (Illing- worth). Vicinity of Medellin, Antio- quia (Salmon). Nichi, Antioquia (Salmon). Bogota. Panama (McLeannan). Panama (McLeannan). Montaña del Vermejo, Vera- gua (Arcé). Angostura, Costa Rica (Car- miol). Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. J.Gould, Esq. J. Gould, Esq. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. 25. PYRODERUS. 397 25. PYRODERUS #. Type. Coracina, Temm. Pl. Col. livr. 7 (1823). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. scutatus. Pyroderus, Gray, List Gen. B. p. 38 (1840) . . . . . . . . . . . . P. Scutatus. The three forms of this genus, which are found in S.E. Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela, are not very distinct. The bill is longer and stronger than in Haematoderus, but not so Crow-like as in the two next genera. The feet are also large and robust. Key to the Species. A. Belly black, with slight chestnut spots. Larger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Scutatus, p. 397. • * * * * * * * * is e º e º s = e s e e º ſº e º s e º a º º 2. granadensis, p. 398. is e º e º e º 'º $ tº e is . . . . . . 8. orenocensis, p. 398. 1. Pyroderus scutatus. Coracias scutata, Shaw, Mus. Lev. p. 199; id. Gen. Zool. vii. p. 401. Urraca degollada, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 260. Coracina rubricollis, Vieill. Nouv. Dict, viii. p. 7; id. Enc. Méth. , 771. Aºi. sanguinicollis, Licht. Doubl. p. 56. Coracina scutata, Temm. Pl. Col. 40; Mac. Beitr. iii. p. 406; Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 275; Burm, Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 417. Pyroderus scutatus, Gray, List Gen. B. p. 38 (1840); Bp. Consp. i. p. 178; Cab. et Hein, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 109; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 259; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 135; Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 306 㺠; Sel. et Salv, Nomencl. p. 60; Berl. J. f. O. 1873, p. 267 (S. Brazil); Cab. J. f. O. 1874, p. 90 (Cantagallo); Berl. et Jher. Zeitschr. ges. Orn. 1885, p. 141 (Rio Gr, do Sul). Above and beneath dull black, with slight metallic reflections upon the margins of some of the feathers; throat and fore-neck, not including the chin, crimson; a few shaft-spots on the middle of the belly, and under wing-coverts dull chestnut ; bill plumbeous; feet black: whole length 18 inches, wing 9-5, tail 6-5. Female similar , but rather smaller, and neck-band not so bright. Hab. South-east Brazil and Paraguay. I have never seen specimens of this form from Guiana. Thre- močdus rubricollis of Cabanis, quoted by Mr. Salvin (Ibis, 1885, p. 306) as possibly referable to this bird, belongs to Querula cruenta. a, b. Ad. St. Brazil. Purchased. c. 9 a.d. st. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. d. 3 a.d. sk. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godunan Coll. e. P ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. f. Ad. i. 9. CŞ Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. ad, sk. * Refer also to ~ Pyroderus masoni, Ridgw. Auk, iii. p. 333 (1886); from the interior of Venezuela. 398 COTINGIDAE, 2. Pyroderus granadensis. Coracina granadensis, Lafº. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 277. Pyroderus granadensis, Bp. Consp. p. 178; Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 153 (Bogota); id. Cat. A. B. p. 259; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. IO9; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 334 (Colombia); Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 60; Tacz. Orn, Pér, ii. p. 392. Pyroderus scutatus granadensis, Berl. J. f. O. 1884, p. 306 (Bucara- manga). Similar to P. scwtatus, but smaller: whole length 14 inches, wing 8-5, tail 5. Hab. Colombia. a. Ad. St. Colombia. Purchased. b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. e, d ad. sk. Colombia. Salvin–Godman Coll. 3. Pyroderus orenocensis. Coracina orenocensis, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 277. Pyroderus orenocensis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 178; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 109; Sol, Cat. A. B. p. 259; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 252 (Venezuela), et 1879, p. 520 (Antioquia); iid. Nomencl. p. 60. Above dull black : beneath, throat and neck dark Crimson; belly and under wing-coverts more or less covered by large terminal spots of brownish chestnut; lower belly and crissum dull black; bill dark plumbeous; feet black: whole length 14.5 inches, wing 9, tail 6. Female similar, but rather smaller, and throat not quite so bright. Plab. Venezuela and Colombia. In Venezuelan specimens of this bird, the chestnut on the belly is more extended than in those collected in Antioquia by Salmon, which are intermediate between this form and P. granadensis. a. Ad. St. South America. E. Wilson, Esq. § b. Ad. sk. IPuerto Cabello, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. (Goering). c. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. d, e. Q ad. sk. Concordia, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Concordia, Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. g. Ad. sk. S. America. J. Gould, Esq. 26. CEPHALOPTERUS. Type Cephalopterus, Geoffr. Ann. d. Mus. xiii. p. 235 (1809) . . C. ornatus. The extraordinary pendulous throat-wattle and the remarkable form of the crest distinguish this very singular genus, which is peculiar to certain districts of Amazonia, Ecuador, and Central America. For an account of the habits of this bird see Mr. Wallaco's article (P. Z. S. 1850, p. 206). 26. CEPHALOPTERUs. 399 Key to the Species. A. Throat not denuded: throat-wattle feathered. Throat-wattle short, flattened . . . . . . . . . . 1. ornatus, p. 309. Throat-wattle long, cylindrical . . . . . . . . 2. pendulger, p. 310. B. Throat denuded: wattle naked, with a feathered tuft at the end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. glabricollis, p. 310. 13 Cephalopterus ornatus. Cephalopterus ornatus, Geoffr. Ann, d. Mus. xiii. p. 238, pl. 17; d’Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 296; Tsch. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 141; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 691; Bp. Consp. i. p. 178; Wallace, P. Z. S. 1850, p. 206; Solater, P. Z. S. 1857, pp. 18 (Bogota) et 265 (U. Amazons), 1858, p. 71 (Rio Napo); id. Cat. A. B. p. 259; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 110; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 191 (Ucayali), 1867, p. 581 (L. Amazons), et p. 751 (E. Peru), 1873, p. 286 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 618 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl. p. 60; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 135; id. Ibis, 1875, p. 331 (Spanish Guiana); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 541 (C. Peru), et 1882, p. 24 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 391; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, pp. 94, 121 (Ecuador); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 306 (Brit. Guiana). Coracina cephaloptera, Vieill, Nouv. Dict. viii. p. 5; id. Enc. Méth. p. 772; id. Gal. Ois. i. p. 179, pl. 114; Temm. Pl, Col. 255. Coracina ornata, Spic, Av. Bras. i. p. 63, pl. 59; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 420. Above and beneath black, with greenish metallic reflections upon the crest, back, and throat-wattle; stems of the frontal plumes white; throat-wattle 3 to 6 inches in length, densely feathered and expanded; bill dark plumbeous; feet black; whole length 18 inches, wing 11, tail 7. Female similar in form but smaller, and mostly of a brownish black; throat-Wattle very small. Hab. Guiana and Amazonia, extending southwards to Matto- Grosso and Bolivia, and westwards to Ecuador. In specimens of this bird from Eastern Ecuador the throat-wattle is much elongated, but does not attain to the dimensions of C. penduliger of Western Ecuador. In Bolivian specimens the throat- wattle is short, as in the typical Amazonian bird. a, b. 3 Q ad. St. S. America. Purchased. c. 9 ad. St. Rrazil (?). Purchased. d. Q ad, sk. Colombia. Sclater Coll. e. & ad. Sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. f, g. 6 Q ad. sk. San José, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. 6 ad. sk. Rio Javari. J. Gould. 8. Q ad. sk. Upper Amazons. Purchased. j. 6 ad, sk. Matto-Grosso, Brazil (Natterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Q ad, sk. Eng, do Gama, Brazil (Nat- Salvin-Godman Coll. terer). l, m. & Q ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin–Godman Coll. (Buckley). n. Q ad. sk. Huacahamache, Bolivia J. Gould, Esq. (D. Forbes, Aug. 1862). o. 3 Q ad. sk. South America. J. Gould, Esq. p. Skeleton. U. S. of Colombia. Purchased. 400 COTINGIDAE, 2. Cephalopterus penduliger. Cephalopterus penduliger, Sclater, Ibis, 1859, p. 114, pl. 3; id. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 142, et 1860, pp. 67, 92 (Ecuador); id. Cat. A. B. p. 259; Sel, et Salv. Womencl. p. 60; Tacz, et Berl. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 560, 1884, p. 298, et 1885, p. 121 (Ecuador). Above and beneath uniform black, with metallic reflections upon the back, crest, and throat-Wattle ; stems of frontal feathers black; under wing-coverts and inner margins of basal portion of wing white; bill dark plumbeous; feet black: whole length 16 inches, wing 10, tail 5. Female similar but Smaller, and throat-wattle not so long. Hab. Western Ecuador. The Umbrella-bird of Western Ecuador is distinguished by the enormous length of the pendulous feathered throat-wattle, which in Buckley's male specimen from Pallatanga measures 13 inches. Besides this the under wing-coverts are pure white, being either black or slightly freckled with white in C. ornatus. a. 6 ad. St. Pallatanga, Ecuador. L. Fraser [C.]. b, c. 3 Q ad, sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) e, c ad, sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. & ad. sk. Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. 3f Cephalopterus glabricollis. Cephalopterus glabricollis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1850, p. 92, pl. xx. ; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 254 (Costa Rica); Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 150, et 1870, p. 201 (Veragua); Lawr. Ann. Lyc, N. Y. ix. p. 117 (Costa Rica); Frantz. J. f. O. 1869, p. 310 (Costa Rica); Scl, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 60; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 66 (Costa Rica). Above and beneath black, with slight metallic reflections on the back and crest; whole front of the neck and breast bare of feathers; throat-wattle naked, with a tufted end; under wing-coverts black; bill dark plumbeous; feet black: whole length 16 inches, wing 10, tail 4:8. Female. Head-crest much smaller, and neck only slightly denuded, throat-wattle Small. Hab. Costa Rica and Veragua. There is considerable variation in the extent of the denudation of the throat in this extraordinary bird, which was originally dis- covered by Warcewicz in the Cordillera of Chiriqui at an elevation of 8000 feet. Mr. Warcewicz describes the bare part of the neck as reddish orange, and the bare base of the throat-wattle as bright red in life. a—d. 3 ad.; e. Q Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. f. Sº ad, sk. Turrialba, Costa Rica (Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. miol). g. 3 a.d. sk. Costa Rica (Arcé). Sclater Coll. 27. GYMNOCEPHALUs. 401 h, º G ºl ; j, 9 Costa Rica. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. 3.01. SR. k, Q ad, sk. Costa Rica. Purchased. l. 3 ad, sk. º de Tolé, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. Arcé). m. G ad, sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. n, d ad, sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arcé). J. Gould, Esq. 27. GYMN00EPHALUS, Type Gymnocephalus, Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, Ann. du Mus. xiii. p. 287 (1809) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. calvus. In general structure this form is not very remote from Cephalo- pterus, but is immediately distinguishable by its denuded head, which occurs to a greater or less extent in both sexes. So far as we yet know, Gymnocephalus is restricted to the Guianas. 1. Gymnocephalus calvus. Choucas chauve de Cayenne, Daub. Pl. Enl. 521. Corvus calvus, Gm, S. N. i. p. 372; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 153. Gymnocephalus capucinus, Geoff'. Ann. Mus, xiii. p. 237; Less. Tr. d’Orn. i. p. 359, pl. 41. fig. 1. Coracina gymnocephala, Vieill, Enc. Méth. p. 770. Ampelis calva, Licht. Doubl. p. 56. Coracina calva, Temm. Tabl. Méth. p. 20. Gymnocephalus calvus, Hahn, Vog. aus Asien, Lief. ii. pl. 4; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 690; B0. Consp. i. p. 178; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 423; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 109; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 258; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 135; Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 581 (L. Amazons); iid. Nomencl. p. 59; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 306 (Br, Guiana). Bald Crow, Lath. G. H. iii. p. 14. Above clear yellowish brown, lighter at the back of the head; front and whole summit of the head denuded, leaving only slight black bristles; wings and tail black: beneath similar, but abdomen passing into chesnut rufous; under wing-coverts white; chin slightly denuded ; bill and feet black: whole length 14 inches, wing 8.5, tail 4. Female similar but Smaller, and head not so much denuded. Hab. Cayenne, Surinam, and Guiana. a, b, d ad. St. Cayenne. Purchased. c. Ad, sk. Erench Guiana (Rothery). Salvin–Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. e. Ad, sk. Cayenne. Salvin–Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. Cayenne. J. Gould, Esq. g. Ad. Sk. Naroni r., Surinam (Kappler). Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. 6 ad, sk. Bartica, Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). j. Ad, sk. Camacusa, Brit, Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). k. Q ad, sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. !. Ad, sk. Guiana (Brown). Sclater Coll. WQL, XIV. 2 D 402 COTINGIDAE. 28. GYMNODERUS. Type. Gymnoderus, Geoffr. St.-Hilaire, Ann, d. Mus, xiii. p. 237 (1809) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. foetidus. Coracina, Vieill. Analyse, p. 37 (1816) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. foetidus. Coronis, Gloger, Fror. Not. vol. xvi. p. 277 (1827) . . . . . . G. foetidus. This is another monotypic form, distinguished by the denudation of the throat and neck, and the short compressed plumes which cover the head and give it a Vulturine appearance. It extends from Guiana across Amazonia to Ecuador. Gymnoderus is of a much feebler build than the preceding genera, and thus intermediate between them and the typical Cotingidae. 1. Gymnoderus foetidus, Gracula foetida, Linn. S. N. i. p. 164, Le Colmud de Cayenne, Daub. Pl, Eml. 609. Corvus nudicollis, Bodd. Table d. P. Enl, p. 37 (1783). Corvus nudus, Gm. S. N. i. p. 371. Gracula nuda, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 190. Gymnoderus cayennensis, Geoffr. Ann. Mus, xiii. p. 237. Coracina gymnodera, Vieill, Enc. Méth. p. 769; id. Gal. Ois. ii. p. 178. Ampelis nudicollis, Licht. Doubl. p. 56. Coracina foetida, Bp. Consp. i. p. 178. Gymnoderus foetidus, Gray, List Gen. B. p. 52 (1841); Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 691; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 425; Selater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 265 (U. Amazon); id. Cat. A. B. p. 258; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 135; Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 108; Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 581 (L. Amazons), 1873, p. 286 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 59; Tacz. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 390; Salv, Ibis, 1885, p. 306 (Br. Guiana). Bare-necked Grakle, Lath. G. H. iii. p. 160. Above and beneath dull black; head covered with short com- pressed velvety-black plumes, sides of head and neck all round denuded, leaving only scattered plumes on the chin and middle of the throat; large patch on the wings occupying the lesser wing- coverts, outer secondaries, and outer margins of most of the other wing-feathers pure greyish white; under wing-coverts black; lower surface of wings grey : bill plumbeous; feet black: whole length 14 inches, wing 8-3, tail 5'5. Female similar but smaller ; throat less denuded, and without the silvery-grey patch on the wings. Hab. Cayenne, Surinam, Amazonia, and Ecuador. a. 6 a.d. st. Cayenne. Purchased. b. ? ad. St. South America. Purchased. c. 3 a.d. sk. Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. & ad. sk. Cayenne. Purchased. e. P ad. Sk Surinam (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. f. 6 a.d. sk. Barra do Rio Negro (Wallace). Sclater Coll. g. Q ad. sk. Caicara, Matto Grosso, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Natterer). h, i. 3 9 ad, sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. 6 jr. sk. S. America. Salvin–Godman Coll. k. Gad, sk. S. America. Jardine Coll. l. 3 ad, sk. S. America. J. Gould, Esq. 29. CHASMORHYNCHUs. 403 29. CHASMORHYNCHUS. º Type. Casmorhynchos, Temm. Man, d'Orn. Analyse, p. lxiii (1820) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. variegatus. Arapunga, Less. Trait. d’Orn. p. 365 (1831) . . . . . . . . . . C. nudičollis. Eulopogon, Gloger, Hand-u. Hilfsö. Nat. p. 321 (1842). C. variegatus. Chasmorhynchus is certainly one of the most extraordinary forms of the Cotingidae. Though the females of the four species are much alike, the males present very striking differential characters, both in colour and in the disposition of the naked carunches which ornament the head and throat. They are further remarkable for their loud bell—like voice. The four species of this genus are distributed over the Neotropical Region from Costa Rica, through Venezuela and Guiana, to S.E. Brazil, but, strangely enough, the form does not appear to occur in Amazonia *. Key to the Species. A. White above and beneath. Throat feathered; head with a feathered caruncle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. ºvivews, p. 403. Throat naked; head without a caruncle . . 2. nudicollis, p. 404. B. White: head brown; wings black . . . . . . . . . . 3. variegatus, p. 405. C. Chestnut: head and throat white; head with three naked caruncles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. tricarumculatus, [p. 405. 1*-Chasmorhynchus niveus. Cotinga blanc de Cayenne, Daub, P. Enl. 793, 794. Ampelis nivea, Bodd. Table d._P. Enl, p. 49 (1783). Ampelis carumculata, Gm., S. N. i. p. 841; Lath. G. H. v. p. 180. Chasmorhynchus carunculatus, Temm. Tabl, Méth. p. 21; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 692; BP. Consp. i. p. 178. Procnias nivea, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 280; Léotaud, Ols. Trin, p. 261. Chasmorhynchus niveus, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 108; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 258; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 88 (Trinidad); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 306 (Brit. Guiana); Pelz, Orm. Bras, p. 134; Sel, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 580 (L. Amazons); iid. Nomencl. p. 59; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 574 (Trinidad). Chasmorhynchus albus, Scl. Ibis, 1866, p. 407 (err.), Carumculated Chatterer, Lath. G. H. V. p. 180, pl. lxxxiv. Snow-white; head with a long thinly-feathered caruncle arising from the front; bill and feet black ; whole length 10-5 inches, wing 6-5, tail 4. Female. Above green: beneath yellowish, varie- gated with green; crissum yellowish. Hab. Cayenne, Surinam, and Guiana. a. 6 ad. St. Cayenne. H. % Rothery, Esq. b. 3 ad. St. Cayenne. Purchased. * On the distribution of Chasmorhynchus, cf. Selater, “The Bell-birds of America,” Intellectual Observer, X, p. 401 (1867). 2D 2 D COTINGIDAE, h, i. 3 9 ad, sk. j. 6 a.d. sk. k. Q ad. sk. !. 9 ad, sk. ºm. 3 ad. sk. n. 6 a.d. sk. o. 9 ad. sk. Cayenne. Cayenne. Surinam (Bartlett). Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Carimang r., Brit. Guiana (Whitely). R. Attāpurow, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Merumé Mts, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Roraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Demerara. Venezuela (Warmington). S. America. Salvin-Godman Coll. J. Gould, Esq. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Baron Laugier's Coll. 2:HChasmorhynchus nudicollis. Ampelis nudicollis, Vieill. Nouv. Dict, viii. p. 164; d. Enc. Méth. 762 Chasmorhynchus nudicollis, Temm, P. Col. 868,883; Maw. Beir. iii. p. 377; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 426; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 108; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 258; id. Ibis, 1866, p. 407; Pelz. Orn. Bras, p. 134; Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 306 (Brazil); Sel, et Salv. Womencl. p. 59; Berl. J. f. O. 1873 et Jher. Zeitschr, ges. Orn, 1885, p. 141 ( f; 266 (S. Brazil); Berl. io Grande do Sul). |Procnias nudicollis, Maa. Reis. m. Bras. i. p. 52, et ii. p. 158. Cotinga alba, Thunb. Mém. Soc. Mosc. vi. p. 177 ºš. Chasmorhynchus ecarunculatus, Spiv, Av. Bras, ii. p. 3, pl. 4, Procnias alba, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 280. Chasmorhynchus albus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 178. White above and beneath; sides of head and throat naked, with small scattered bristles; bill black; feet brown; whole length 11 inches, wing 6-2, tail 3:5. Female above green, cap darker: be- neath yellowish, striped with green; throat greyish, with black striations; crissum yellowish. Hab. S.E. Brazil. a, d ad. St. b. 3 ad. st. c. 2 ad. st. d, e. dº ad, ; f-h. $2 ad. sk. 3. G jr. sk. j. 9 a.d. sk. Jº. 9 ad, sk. l. 3 ad, sk. ºn, n. 6 Q ad. Sk, o, p. 3 9 a.d. sk. q, r, $2 ad, sk. 8, Skeleton. S. America. S. America. S. America. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Bahia, Brazil. Saô Paolo, Brazil (Joyner). Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Joyner). Brazil. (Joyner) Brazil. Brazil. S. America. Purchased. Hardwicke Bequest. Lt. Maw, R.N. [P.]. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin–Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. M. Claussen [P.]. Purchased. Purchased. 29. CHASMORHYNCHUs. 405 3. Chasmorhynchus variegatus. Ampelis variegata, Gm. S. N. i. p. 841; Lath. Ind. Orn, i. p. 367. Procnias variegata, Léotaud, Ois. Trin. p. 259. Chasmorhynchus variegatus, Temm, P. Col. 51; Bp. Consp. i. p. 178; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 428; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 107; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 257; id. Ibis, 1866, pp. 406, 407; Salo. Ibis, 1885, §. 306 (Brit. Guiana); Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, pp. 172, 628 (Venezuela); iid. Nomencl. p. 59; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 574 (Trinidad). Variegated Chatterer, Lath. G. H. v. p. 185, pl. lxxxv. Pure white; head coffee-brown; wings black; throat denuded and covered with Small caruncles; bill and feet black : whole length 10 inches, wing 6-2, tail 2:4. Female. Above green; head greyish : beneath pale yellowish, with green striations on the breast and belly ; throat greyish, with finer striations. Hab. Guiana, Venezuela, and Trinidad. a, b. 3 9 ad. st. S. America. Purchased. c, d. 3 Q ad, ; Roraima, Brit. Guiana (White- Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. 6 jr. sk. ly). & g, h. 3 2 ad, sk. San Esteban, Venezuela (Goe- Salvin-Godman Coll, 7°2)2O/ ). 2. c ad, sk. vºl. (Goering). Sclater Coll. j, k, & jr. Sk, Venezuela. Sclater Coll. l, G ad, sk. Brazil (?) Salvin-Godman Coll. 4.-Chasmorhynchus tricarumculatus. Chasmorhynchus tricarumculatus, J. et E. Verreaua, Rev, Zool. 1853, p. 193; Cab. Journ. f. Orn, 1861, p. 253 (Costa Rica); Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 258; Salv, Ibis, 1865, p. 92, pl. iii. (Costa Rica); id. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 150, et 1870, p. 200 (Veragua); Sel, Ibis, 1866, pp. 406, 407; Lawr. Ann. Lyø, N. Y. ix. p. 117 (Costa Rica); Frantz.J. f. O. 1869, p. 310 (Costa Rica); Sel, et Saly. Womencl. p. 59; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 66 (Costa Rica); Ridgw. P. U.S. N. M. v. p. 496 (Costa Rica). Clear chestnut-brown; head above and neck below, down to the breast, pure white; three long naked Garuncles, one from the middle of the front, and the two lateral from under the eyes; bill and feet black ; whole length 10:5 inches, wing 6-5, tail 4.5. Female. Above green; beneath yellowish flammulated with green. Hab. Costa Rica and Veragua. a. G ad. St. Costa Rica. Purchased. b. 3 ad. ; c.—d. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. G jr. sk. €, ...'. f. 6 Costa Rica (Arcé). Sclater Coll. ir, sk. 9. º jr. sk. Costa Rica. Purchased. h, i. 3 Q ad, sk. Caloyevora, Veragua (Arcé). Salvin-Godman Coll. j, d ad, sk. Cordillera de Tolé, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. t (Arcé). k. & ad. sk. Volcan de Chiriqui, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arcé). l, Jr. sk. Veragua (Arcé), Sclater Coll. . m, d jr. sk. Veragua. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. m. Q ad, sk. Weragua (Arcé). J. Gould, Esq. 406 PHYTOTOMIDAE, Family V. PHYTOTOMIDAE. The family Phytotomidae contains only one genus Phytotoma, with four species, and is restricted to the Neotropical Region. The Phytotoma have a general external resemblance to the Finches, with which they were associated by the older authors. Eyton, who dissected some of the birds procured during the voyage of the ‘Beagle,’ first showed (Zool. Woy. “Beagle, iii. p. 153) that Phytotoma has only one pair of sterno-tracheal muscles, but was not aware of the importance of this discovery. This character, however, as well as the structure of the tarsal covering, which is pycnaspidean, shows that the true position of the Phytotoma is among the Oligomyodians, probably near the Cotingidae. 1. PHYTOTOMA. Type Phytotoma, Molina, Saggio S. St. Nat, Chili, p. 345 (1782) ... P. rara. Phytotoma is restricted to the western and southern portions of South America, extending from Western Peru through Bolivia, Chili, and Argentina to Northern Patagonia. The Phytotoma, build open nests and lay spotted eggs (cf. Scl. et Huds, Arg. Orn. i. p. 164). Key to the Species. A. Tail with a broad red cross band . . . . . . . . 1. rara, p. 406. B. Tail uniform blackish, with white end. a. Whole crown of head rufous. }; : brown below . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. angustirostris, p. 407. Smaller: redder below . . . . . . . . . . . 3. rutila, p. 407. b. Narrow front only rufous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. raimondii, p. 408. 1. Phytotoma rara. Phytotoma Tara, Molina, Saggios. St. Nat, del Chili, p. 345; Gm. S. M. i. p. 928; d’Orb. Voy, Ois. p. 293; Tsch. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 139;...BP. Qansp. i. p. 86; Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein, ii. p. 111; Gay, Hist, Chili, Zool. i. p. 363; Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 260; ‘Sel, et Salv. Nomencl. p. 60; Philippi, Cat. Av. Chil. p. 26; Taoz, Orn. Pér. ii. p. 394. Phytotoma bloxami, Griff. Anim. Kingd. ii. p. 319; Jard, et Selb. Ill. Orn, i. pl. 4 (Q). Phytotoma silens, Kittl, Mém. Acad. St. Pétersb. i. p. 175, t. 1 (1831). Phytotoma molina, Less. L'Inst. 1834, p. 816. Above brown, striated with black; crown rufous; wings black, with White edgings to the coverts; tail black, all the lateral rectrices With a broad dark-red cross band on the inner webs: beneath red; 1. PHYTOTOMA. 407 flanks with slight black striations; sides of head black; bill and feet blackish: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-7, tail 3. Female. Above like the male, but without the red crown : beneath pale yellowish brown, with numerous black striations. Hab. Chili. a. 6 a.d. sk. Chili. Sclater Coll. b, c. 6 2 ad. sk. Chili (James). Sclater Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. Colchagua, Chili (Reed). Salvin–Godman Coll. e. & ad. sk. Colchagua, Chili. Purchased. f. §2 ad. sk. Chili. Salvin-Godman Coll. g. 2 ad. sk. Chili. T. Bridges [C.], h. 6 a.d. sk. Valparaiso, Chili, Lord Byron [P.]. 8, j. 6 Qad, sk. Chili. Jardine Coll. k, d ad. St. Chili, cºolawley, Esq. l. 3 jr. st. Chili. Sir W. Burnett and Capt. Fitzroy [P.]. 2. Phytotoma angustirostris. Phytotoma angustirostris, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn, Av. i. p. 37; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 292, pl. 29, fig. 2; BP. Consp. i. p. 86; Cab. et. Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 111; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 260; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 60; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 619 (Bolivia). Above slaty grey, with slight blackish striations; crown red; wings and tail brownish black, broad margins of the wing-coverts and secondaries, and tips of all the lateral tail-feathers white : beneath reddish brown ; flanks cinereous; bill and feet dark brown : whole length 7-3 inches, wing 3-6, tail 3:5. Female. Above greyish white, densely striated with black : beneath white, with black shaft-spots, which grow obsolete on the lower belly; under wing-coverts and crissum white. Hab. Bolivia, temperate regions of eastern slope of the Andes. I am not very sure that this species is really different from P. rutila. It is rather larger, not so bright below, and rather greyer above. But northern specimens of P. rutila are somewhat intermediate. a, b, d, jr. sk. Tilotilo, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 3 ad. sk. La Paz, Bolivia, Jardine Coll. d, e. g. Q ad. sk. Bolivia. Sclater Coll. f, g. ‘P ad. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. h. 6 ad. St. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. 3. Phytotoma rutila, Habia dentudo, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 366. Phytotoma rutila, Vieill. Now, Dict. xxvi. p. 64; id. Enc. Méth. p. 903; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 293, pl. 29, fig. 1; Lafr, Mag. de Zool. 1832, Ois. pl. 5; BP. Consp. i. p. 86; Hartlaub, Ind. Ag. p. 6; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 111; Sel. Cat. A. B. p. 260; id. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 549; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 60; Hudson, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 537 (Rio Negro); White, P.Z. S., 1882, p. 609 (Catamarca); Burm. La Plata-Reise, ii. p. 451; Barrows, Bull. Nutt. Orm. Club. viii. p. 203 (Lower Uruguay); Scl. et Huds, Arg, Orn, i. p. 164, pl. viii. 408 ^ PHYTOTOMIDAE. Above cinereous, with obsolete blackish shaft-spots; crown red; wings and tailblack; a broad band across the ends of the lesser Wing- coverts, slight outer margins of the greater goverts and secondaries, and tips of all the rectrices white; beneath bright red, flanks grey; bill brown; feet black : whole length 6-5 inches, Wing 33, tail 3. Female. Above greyish white, densely covered with black striations: beneath white, with less numerous black striations; Wings and tail as in male. Hab. Argentine Republic down to Rio Negro, Patagonia. a. G ad. St. Mendoza. Purchased. b, c. & ad. ; d. Cosquin, Cordova (White). Salvin-Godman Coll. Q ad. sk. e, f. 6 2 ad. sk. Mendoza (Weisshaupt). Sclater Coll. g, h. 3 & ad. sk. Pampas of Arg. Republic (Ley- Salvin-Godman Coll. bold). 8, j. 6 @ ad, sk. Parana (Burmeister). Salvin-Godman Coll. K. & jr. sk. Parana (Burmeister). Sclater Coll. l, m, 3 Q ad.sk. Vic. of Buenos Ayres (Hasle- Salvin-Godman Coll. hust). m, o. 3 Q ad.sk, Rio Negro of Patagonia (Hud- Sclater Coll. Son). p, q, 6 jr. ; r. Rio Negro of Patagonia. Purchased. $2 ad. Sk. ~4. Phytotoma raimondii. Phytotoma raimondii, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 71, pl. xvii.; id. Orn. Pér. ii. p. 395. Phytotoma rara, Tsch. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 139 (?). Above greyish cinereous, with the feathers darker in the centre; narrow front of head rufous: beneath, throat pale ochraceous varied with rufous; fore-neck and flanks cinereous; broad blotch on belly, and crissum bright cinnamon-red; wings blackish, with two white Cross bands; tail blackish, lateral rectrices tipped with white: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3:2. Female. Centres of feathers of head and back darker, and their margins lighter than in the male; rump striated with black; throat whitish fulvous; rest of under surface pale fulvous, with blackish-brown striations on the sides of the throat, fore-neck, belly, and flanks; wings and tail as in the male Hab. Western littoral of N. Peru (Tumbez). The narrow red front, instead of the whole crown being red, and the less amount of red on the lower surface at once distinguish this well-marked species. PHILEPITTIDZE. 409 Family VI. PHILEPITTIDAE. Sundevall* first showed that the peculiar Madagascarian type Philepitta, as possessing ten fully formed primaries and a non- bilaminate tarsus, could not be satisfactorily placed among the Oscines, to various branches of which it had been referred by previous writers. But it is to the researches of Forbes that we are indebted for our remaining information on this curious form. In one of his excellent articles upon the anatomy of the Passeres f, Forbes took up the question of Philepitta, and described its palate, ptery- losis, and syrinx. The palate and pterylosis are truly Passerine, though possessing slight special peculiarities. The syrinx, which was previously unexamined, he showed to be perfectly Mesomyodian, as indeed had been predicted by Garrod would probably turn out to a. Syrinx of Philepitta, from before, #., b. From behind, 3. c. From right side, #. (P. Z. S. 1880, p. 389.) be the case. It follows that the Philepittidae must be arranged as one of the Old-World families of Oligomyoda, and that the best place for it is next to the Pittidae, from which it differs in its taxaspidean tarsus and other particulars. The two known species of Philepittidae are confined to Madagascar. 1. PHILEPITTA. Type. Philepitta, Geoff". St-Hilaire, Mag. de Zool. 1839, Ois. pl. 3. P. ; Brissonia, Hartl. Orn. Beitr. Fauna Madag. p. 42 (1861). P. jala. Buddinghia, Pollen, Faune de Madagasc. ii. p. 88 (1868) . . P. schlegeli. Paictes, Sund, Av. Meth. Tent, p. 63 (1872). . . . . . . . . . . . P. jala. * Tentamen, p. 63, f P. Z. S. 1880, p. 387. 410 PEITLEPITTIDAE. Key to the Species. A. Back and abdomen black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. jala, p. 410. B. Back olive; abdomen yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. schlegeli, p. 411. 1. Philepitta jala. Merula madagascariensis aurea, Briss. Ornith. ii. p. 247, pl. xxiv. fig. 2. Turdus sive Merula madagascariensis aurea, Manetti, Lorenzº et Vanni, Stor. Nat, d. Uccelli, ii. p. 50. Le Saui-jala, Buffon, Hist. Nat. de Ois. iii. p. 398 (1775). Turdus castaneus, Müll. Naturs., Suppl. p. 143. Le Merle doré de Madagascar, Daub. Pl. Eml. 539, fig. 2. Turdus jala, Bodd, Tab. Pl. Enl. p. 31. Black-cheeked Thrush, Lath. Gen. Sym. ii. p. 75; d. Gen. Hist, v. p. 93; Steph. Shaw's Zool. x. p. 231. Turdus nigerrimus, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 821; Bechst. Latham's Allg. Uebers. d. Vög. ii. p. 68; Kuhl, Buff. et Daub. Fig. Av. p. 9. Turdus saui-jala, Lath. Ind. Orm, p. 356; Vieill. Nouv, Dict. XX. p. 287; id. Enc. Méth. ii. p. 672; Dumont, Dict, d. Sci. Nat, xxx. p. 159; Temm. Tab. Méth. p. 14. Turdus lunulatus, Shaw, Wat. Misc. xiv. pl. 585. Philepitta sericea, Geoff. St.-Hil. Compt. Rend. vi., p. 442; d. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1838, p. 188; id. Rev. Zool. 1838, p. 50; id. Mag. de Zool. 1839, Ois, pl. iii.; Gray, Gen. Birds, i. p. 214, et Append. p. 9; Des Murs, Iconogr. Orn. pl. xxxii.; Bp. Consp. i. p. 422; Gray, Cat, of Gen. Bds. p. 43 (1855); Müll. J. f. O. 1855, p. 388; Hartl. J. f. O. 1860, p. 96; id. Ornithol. Beitr. 2. Faun. Madagasc. p. 42; Pollen, Nederl. Tijdsch. v. d. Dierk, 1863, p. 305; Verreaua, Vinson's Voy. & Madagasc. p. 2. Philepitta geoffroyi, Des Murs et Prév. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 241; Gray, Gen. Birds, i. p. 214, et Append. p. 9; Bp. Consp. i. p. 422; Müll. J. f. O. 1855, p. 388; Hartl. J.J. O. 1860, p. 96; id. Ornithol, Beitr. 2. Faun. Madagasc. p. 42; Pollen, Nederl. Tijdschr, v. d. pirº 1863, p. 305; Verreaua, Vinson's Voy, a Madagasc, Prºmis jala, Gray, Gen. Birds, i. p. 124. Philepitta isidori, Des Murs, Iconogr. Orn, pl. xxxiii. Brissonia nigerrima, Hartl. J. f. O. 1860, p. 96; id. Ornithol. Beity. 2. Faun. Madagasc, p. 42; Pollen, Nederl. Tijdsch). v. d. Dierk. p. 306; Verreaua, Vinson's Voy. & Madagasc. p. 2. Philepittajala, Schleg. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 422; Grandid. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1867, p. 356; Schleg, et Pollen, Fawn, d. Madagasc. ii. p. 87, pl. xxxi.; Hartl. Die Vög. Madagasc. p. 160. Philepitta castanea, Gray, Hand-l. Birds, i. p. 297; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 396, 1872, p. 867; id. Cat. of African Bds, p. 54; Bartlett P. Z. S. 1879, p. 771; Milne-Edw, et Grandid, N. H. Madagasc. xii. p. 296, pls, 109, fig. 1 (?), 110 (3). Above and beneath uniform jet-black; bend of the wing bright yellow ; fleshy caruncle above the eye green; bill and feet greyish black: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-2, tail 1-7. Female. Above olive-green, more yellowish on the rump; beneath olive-green, PITTIDAE. 411 flammulated all over with pale yellowish; no caruncle above the eye. Young male. Black, all the feathers more or less margined with yellow. Hab. Madagascar. a. 9 ad. sk. Madagascar. Purchased. b, c. 39 ad. ; d. Noce Vola, N. Madagascar Sharpe Coll. d jr. sk. (Crossley). e. g. ad. ; f. 6 Noce Vola, N. Madagascar Purchased. jr sk. (Crossley). g. d ad, sk. Noce Vola, N. Madagascar Salvin-Godman Coll. (Crossley). h. 3 jr. sk. Ankafana Forest, Betsilao, Rev. W. Deans Madagascar. Cowan [C.]. 2. Philepitta schlegeli. Philepitta Schlegeli, Schleg. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 422; Grandid. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1867, p. 356; Schleg. et Pollen, Faun. de Madagasc. ii. p. 88, pl. xxxii.; Gray Hand-l. Birds, i. p. 297; Hartl. Die Vögel Madagasc. p. 163; Milne-Edw. et Grandid, N. H. Madagase. xii. p. 302, pls, 109, fig. 2 (?), 111 (6). Above yellowish olive-green; head and nape black : beneath bright yellow ; large fleshy caruncle round the eye bluish green; bill black; feet pale brown ; whole length 5 inches, wing 3, tail 1.6. Female. Above olive-green, with white striations on head : beneath yellowish ; no caruncle round the eye. Hab. Madagascar. a, d ad, ; b. 3 jr. sk. N.E. Madagascar (Van Dam). Purchased. Family VII. PITTIDAE. Dr. Cabanis, in the first part of his ‘Ornithologische Notizen,’” published in 1847, was the first author to suggest that, judged by its outer conformation, Pitta (alone among the Asiatic Ant-Thrushes) should be excluded from the Oscinine series, but deferred the positive settlement of the question until the structure of the organs of the voice could be ascertained. This investigation Johannes Müller, who had expressly alluded to the importance of the point in his great work on the vocal organs of the Passeres, was unable to undertake for Want of specimens. And, although several authors adopted Dr. Cabanis's suggestion and referred the Pittas to the * Wiegmann's Arch. xiii. pt. 1, p. 216. 412 PITTIDAE, “Clamatores” or “Wolucres,” the question was not finally decided until 1873, when our excellent anatomist Garrod obtained speci- mens for dissection, which proved decisively that Pitta does not belong to the Oscines *. In 1876 Garrod obtained further specimens of Pitta, and de- scribed and figured the formation of the trachea in detailt, and thus finally closed the controversy, showing that Pitta is what he terms “Mesomyodian,” although it has a typical Oscinine tarsus. The Pittidae are essentially a group of the Oriental Region, numbering some 45 species. A single Pitta has intruded itself into the centre of the AEthiopian Region, and several species occur in the Australian Region, and extend the area of the group over New Guinea to New Britain and Eastern Australia. An excellent article on their distribution has been written by Mr. Wallace f. The Pittas were monographed by Mr. Elliot in 1853, and the greater number of them have been figured by Gould in his ‘Birds of Asia’ and ‘Birds of New Guinea.’ Gould also commenced a Mono- graph of this brilliant group, of which, however, only one part had been issued at the time of his decease $. The Pittas build open nests, and lay spotted eggs. Some of these have been figured by Müller and Schlegel (Verhandl. Zool. Pitta, tab. iii.); others have been described by Sharpe (P. Z. S. 1879, p. 346), and Oates (B. Brit. Burm. Vol. i. pp. 411–421). Key to the Genera. A. Frontal plumes recumbent; tail shorter. a. Bill longer, more compressed . . . . . . . . 1. ANTHOCINCLA, p. 412. b. Bill shorter, less compressed. a'. Tail shorter, more or less squared . . 2. PITTA, p. 413. b'. Tail longer, pointed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. EUCICHLA, p. 445. B. Frontal plumes short, erect; tail longer. . 4. CoRACOPITTA, p. 449. 1. ANTHOCINCLA. Type Anthocincla, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xxxi. p. 343 (1862) . . . . . . A. phayri. The single species which constitutes this type may, I think, be reasonably kept apart from Pitta on account of its longer and more compressed bill, lengthened neck-feathers, shorter tarsi, and short rounded wings. It seems to be peculiar to the Burmese provinces. The sexes are nearly, but not quite, alike. * See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 463. t See P. Z. S. 1876, pp. 512-514. f Ibis, 1864, p. 100. § Monograph of the Pittidae, Part I., London, 1880. 2. PITTA. 413 1. Anthocincla phayrii. Anthocincla phayrii, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xxxi. p. 343; id. B. Burm. p. 100; Hume, Str. F. iii. p. 109, pl. ii., et viii. p. 94; Hume & Dav. Str. F. vi. p. 245; Bingham, Str. F. ix. pp. 177,474; Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 420. Above clear brown ; centre line of head, broadening on the nape, black, bordered on each side with light brown ; long superciliaries, widened behind the eye and much lengthened, white with black edgings, bordered below by a black line which joins the nape; wing- feathers blackish ; wing-coverts brown, with black subapical cross bands and bright rufous tips; tail earthy brown : beneath clear bright brown, with black spots on the sides of the throat and flanks; middle of throat white; crissum dull pink; bill black; feet clear brown : whole length 8-2 inches, wing 4, tail 2. Female similar, but without the black on the head and nape, and much more spotted beneath. Hab. Tenasserim and Karen Hills. a. 9 a.d. sk. b. 3 ad. sk. c. 2 ad, sk. d, e. d ? ad, sk. f. 6 ad. sk. g. 6 a.d. sk. h. Q ad. sk. 2. Ad, sk. Pitta, Vieill. Analyse, p. 42 (1816) Myothera, Cuv. Regn. An. i. p. 356 (1817) Quaymoocky, Thoungyeen R., Tenasserim (C. T. Bing- ham). Mºlly River, Thoungyeen Valley, Tenasserim (C. T. Bingham). Meplay River, Thoungyeen Valley, Tenasserim (C. T. Bingham). Meplay River, Thoungyeen Valley, Tenasserim (C. T. Bingham). Sinzaway Forests, Tenasserim (C. T. Bingham). Dargwin, Salween District (W. Davison). Wimpong, Thatone, Tenas- serim (W. Davison). Karen Hills (Wardlaw Ram- say). 2. PITTA *. * * * * * * * * * * * * s = e < * P. brachyura. Hume Coll. Hume Coll, R. B. Sharpe [P.]. Purchased. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Type. . . . . P. brachyura. Brachyurus, Thunb. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1821, p. 370. . P. brachyura. Citta, Wagl. Syst, Av., gen, Corvus (1827) (nec Boie, 1826) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . brachyura. Paludicola, Hodgs. Journ. As, Soc. Beng. vi. p. 103 (1887) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. nipalensis. Hydrornis, Blyth, Journ, As. Soc. Beng. xii. p. 960(1843) . Inipalensis. P Heleornis, Hodgs. Gray's Zool. Misc. p. 83 (1844). . . . P. nipalensis. P Gigantipitta, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7 (1854) . . . . Erythropitta, Bp. ibid. (1854) e = * * * * * * e s e s e e º e . caerulea. . . . . P. mackloti. * Cf. as to this name, Scl. Ibis, 1877, p. 260. 414 PITTIDAE, Type. Iridipitta, Bp. ibid. (1854) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. baudii. Melanopitta, Bp. ibid. (1854) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. cucullata, Coloburis, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 3 (1859) , . P. strepitans. Phoenicocichla, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 5 (1859) P. granatina. Leucopitta, Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 413 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. cyanea. Cervinipitta, Elliot, ibid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. moluccensis. Purpureipitta, Elliot, op. cit, p. 416 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. venusta. Cyanopitta, Gould, Mon. Pitta, pl. 8 (1880) . . . . . . . . P. steerii. Many generic terms, as will be seen, have been proposed for the different sections of the Pittas. But I think it preferable to keep them under one genus, which for the purpose of study may be divided into two divisions and nine sections, as follows:– Div. A. PITTAE ABERRANTES. Size large : crissum not Scarlet. a. Size large: predominant colour brown: sexes similar. (Hydrornis.) . 414. b. Size very large : back of male blue, of female chestnut : sexes different. (Gigantipitta.) p. 416. c. Size moderate: back blue, duller in female; beneath cross-banded; tail rather elongated: Sexes slightly different. (Leucopitta.) p. 417. Div. B. PITTAF Ty PICAE. Size moderate (except in Calopitta): crissum Scarlet (except in Iridipitta). d. Size large : upper surface black; breast white; crissum Scarlet sexes alike. (Calopitta.) p. 419. e. Cap brown, with a black mesial stripe; lesser wing-coverts and rump blue; breast fawn-colour; crissum scarlet: sexes similar. (Pitta.) . 419. f. Whole abdomen crimson; bright superciliary stripe pale blue: sexes similar. (Phoenicocichla.) p. 429. g. Whole abdomen scarlet; breast-band blue; head brownish red; no bright superciliary stripe: sexes similar. (Erythropitta.) p. 432. Back bright green, with a rump-band of shining blue; head black or chestnut surrounded by black; crissum scarlet: sexes similar. h. & (Melanopitta.) p. 438. i, Cap bright blue; back crimson; throat white; crissum not scarlet: sexes different. (Iridipitta.) - p. 444. a. Size large : predominant colour brown : sexes similar. (Hydrornis.) Key to the Species. A. Nº. blue : elly uniform brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. nepalensis, p. 414, | belly whitish in middle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. soror, p. 415. B. Nape deep brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, oates?, p. 416, 1. Pitta nipalensis. Paludicola nipalensis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. vi. p. 103 (1837). * (Paludicola) nipalensis, Hodgs, in Gray's Zool, Misc, p. 83 1844). 2. PITTA. 415 Pitta nipalensis, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 214; id. Cat. Mamm. & Birds Nepal, p. 40 (1863); Blyth, Cat. Mus. A. S. B. p. 156; Moore et Horsf. Cat. B. Mus. E. I. Co. vol. i. p. 182; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 108; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 79; Schleg. Mus. P-B. Pitta, 1863, p. 2, 1874, p. 4. Brachyurus nipalensis, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xvi. p. 153; Bp. Consp. i. p. 253; Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 413. Gigantipitta nepalensis, Bp. Consp. Vol. Amisod, p. 7. Brachyurus (Gigantipitta) nepalensis, Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl. iii. Hydrornis nipalensis, Jerd, B. Ind. i. p. 502; Blyth, B. Burm. p. 97; Oates, Str. F. iii. p. 337; d. B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 412; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 93. Pitta nuchalis, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xi. p. 188. Above dull greenish ; large nuchal patch blue; front, crown, and sides of head pale brown, whiter on lores; wings blackish, edged with pale brown; tail dull greenish : beneath brown, rather more buffy on the middle of the belly; throat whitish ; bill blackish ; feet brown : whole length 10 inches, wing 4-8, tail 27, tarsi 2-2. Female similar. Young. Above dark ashy, with numerous shaft- spots of pale brown : beneath lighter, and densely covered with large pinky-brown spots. Hab. From Nepal, through Assam and Khasia Hills, to Pegu. a, b, c Q ad. St. Nepal. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. P.T. c-f. Ad, sk. Nepal. # H. Hodgson, Esq. F.T. 9. j. º ; h, i. Native Sikhim (L. Mandelli). # Coll. l'. SR. j, k, & ad.; l. 2 Sikhim (L. Mandelli). Hume Coll. ad. ; m-3. Ad. ; a', b'. Jr. sk. c'. Ad, sk. Rungbee, Darjeeling. Hume Coll. d'-'. Ad.; j', Jr. Darjeeling. Hume Coll. sk. ſc'. Ad. sk. Buxa Doars (L. Mandelli). Hume Coll. !", m'. Ad, sk. Bhotan Doars (L. Mandelli). Hume Coll. m". Ad. sk. Sadhyia (J. Cockburn). Hume Coll. o'. Ad. sk. Dollah (J. Cockburn). Hume Coll. p', Jr. sk. Dibrughur (J. R. Cripps). Hume Coll. q". © ad. sk. Dilkushah, Cachar (J. Inglis). Hume Coll. r". Ad. sk. Manipur (A. O. Hume). Hume Coll. s'. Q ad. sk. N. Khasia Hills (Chennell). Tweeddale Coll. t", ul. Ad, sk. Cachar (Constable). Gould Coll. v', 'w'. 9 ad. sk. Karennee (Wardlaw Ramsay). Tweeddale Coll. a', y'. Ad, sk. Upper Pegu. E. W. Oates [P.]. z'. Jr. sk. India. Gould Coll. 2. Pitta soror. Pitta (Hydrornis) soror, Wardlaw-Ramsay, Ibis, 1881, p. 496. Like the young of P. nipalensis, but smaller, tarsi more slender; head above strongly tinged with bluish green, shading into a nuchal patch of dull blue. 416 PITTIDAE. Hab. Saigon (?). º * It is not possible to express any opinion on this species until the receipt of further specimens. a. Jr. sk. Saigon? Tweeddale Coll. (Type of the species.) 3. Pitta oatesi. Hydrornis oatesi, Hume, Str. F. i. p. 477, et viii. p. 93; Wald, in Blyth, B. Burm. p. 98; Hume et Day. Str. F. vi. p. 237; Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 411; Salvad. Ann. Mus, Civ. Gen. Ser. 2, v. p. 573 (Tenasserim). Above dull green; whole head and nape rich rufous; wings blackish, with pale brownish edgings; tail brown, tinged with pale greenish : beneath rich rufous, passing into deep buff on the middle of belly and crissum ; middle of throat whitish ; bill horn-colour; feet pale brown : whole length 9:5 inches, wing 47, tail 25, tarsi 2. Female similar, but paler beneath. Hab. Pegu and Tenasserim. a, b. 3 Q ad. Eastern slopes of Pegu hills. E. W. Oates [C.], k SK. c. 3 ad, ; d. Eastern Pegu hills (E. W. Oates). Hume Coll. Ad, sk. e. 6 a.d. sk. Mooleyit, Tenasserim(W. Davison). Hume Coll. f. 6 a.d.; g. Assoon, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Hume Coll. Q ad, sk. h. Q ad. sk. ASSoum, Tenasserim (Limborg). Tweeddale Coll. 8, 2 ad.; j. 2 Thoungyah, Tenasserim (J. Dar- Hume Coll. jr. sk. ling). k—r. 3 a.d.; , Meetan, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Hume Coll. S—a'. Q ad, sk. b. Size very large : back of male blue, of female chestnut. (Gigantipitta.) Although obviously allied to the birds of the previous section, this fine bird seems entitled to stand alone. 4. Pitta caprulea. Myiothera caerulea, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 301 (1822). Pitta caerulea, Vig. Mem. Raffles, p. 659; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. B. p. 156; Horsf. et Moore, Cat. B. E. I. C. p. 181; Moore, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 273; Schleg. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, p. 2, pl. i. figs. 1, 2, 3; id. Mus. P-B. Pitta, 1863, p. 1, 1874, p. 4; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 108; Hume et Dav. Str. F. vi, p. 238; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 94; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 81; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 798 (Borneo); Nicholson, Ibis, 1883, p. 88. Hydrornis caerulea, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 5. Brachyurus caeruleus, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xvi. p. 153; Bp. Consp. i. p. 253; Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 412. Gigantipitta caerulea, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod, p. 7; Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 413. 2. PITTA. 417 Pitta gigas, Müll. & Schl. Verh. Zool. Pitta, p. 14; Temm. Pl. Col. 217 (1823); Less. Tr. d’Orn. p. 394. Brachyurus davisoni, Hume, Str. F. iii. p. 321. Above bright blue; back of head, nape and neck black; front, lores, and sides of head whitish ashy; wings black, more or less edged with blue; tail blue: beneath pale cinereous, with a strong buffy tinge on the belly which becomes nearly white in the middle; irregular and half-concealed guttural collar black; bill blackish ; feet pale brown : whole length 12 inches, wing 6, tail 28, tarsi 2-5. Female similar, but back and wing-coverts chestnut-brown, and head buffy greyish, with numerous black cross bands, and a black collar on the back of the neck. Hab. Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo. a—c. 3 ad.; d. Q Bankasoon, Tenasserim (W. Hume Coll. sk. ad Davison). e. Q ad. st. Malacca (Cantor). India Museum. f. 9 a.d. st. Malacca. Purchased. 9. Jr. sk. Malacca (Wardlaw Ramsay). Tweeddale Coll. h. 9 ad. sk. Malacca. Hume Coll. 7, j. 6 S2 ad. sk. Malacca. A. R. Wallace [C.]. k. & ad. sk. Malacca (Wallace). Gould Coll. l, Q ad, sk. Malacca. Gould Coll. m. G ad. sk. Malacca (Dr. Cantor). India Museum. n. G ad. sk. Malacca (Dr. Cantor). India Museum. o, p. 3 Q ad. Sk, Malacca. ‘Capt. Pinwill [P]. q. 6 ad. sk. Sumatra (Raffles). India Museum. ºr, S. G. P ad. St. Sumatra (Raffles). Zool. Soc. Coll. c. Size moderate ; back blue, duller in female ; beneath cross- banded; tail rather elongated. (Leucopitta.) This is also a peculiar and somewhat isolated form, in many respects approaching Anthocincla. Its tail is rather longer than in most Pittae, but not sufficiently so, in my opinion, to render it advisable to remove it to Eucichla, 5. Pitta cyanea. Pitta cyanea, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii. p. 1008 (1843), xvi. p. 153; id. Cat. B. Mus. A. S. p. 157; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213, pl. 55; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 80; Horsf. & Moore, Cat. B. Mus, E.I. C. p. 182; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 108; Hume et Dav. Str. F. vi. p. 238; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 93; Bingham, Str. F. ix. p. 473. Brachyurus cyaneus, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xvi. p. 153; id. B. Brit. Burm. p. 98; B0. Consp. i. p. 253; Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl. xiii.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 413; Hume, Str. F. iii. p. 107. Gigantipitta cyanea, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7. Eucichla cyanea, Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 419; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. ser. 2, v. p. 575 (Tenasserim). Pitta gigas, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii. p. 961 (jr.). WOL., XIV. 2 E - 418 FITTIDAE. Above bright blue; wings ashy, more or less edged with blue; tail blue; crown brownish grey, with a narrow black vertical stripe; napo scarlet; lores and line through the eye to the nape black: beneath pale bluish, thickly covered with black shaft-spots; chin and middle of throat buffy white, sides of throat black, with small white spots; middle of belly and Crissum whitish ; under wing- coverts and band across the inner webs of the primaries at their base white; bill black; feet pale brown : whole length 8:5 inches, wing 4-5, tail 23, tarsi 1-7. Female similar but duller, and back dull cinereous tinged with bluish. Hab. Bhotan, Burmah, and Siam. a. Sº ad. sk. b. 6 a.d. sk. c. 3 a.d.; d, e. Q ad. sk. f, g, d ? ad, sk. h. & ad. ; i, j. 9 ad, sk. k. 6 a.d. sk. l. 3 a.d. sk. m, 6 a.d. sk. n—q. G ad. ; r, 8. Q ad. sk. t, w. & ad. ; v-y. $2 ad. sk. z. 3 ad. ; a'. Q ad. sk. b'-d'. 6 a.d.; e', f". Q ad. sk. g'—j'. 3 a.d.; k"— n". Q ad. sk. o'. 2 ad. sk. p'. Q ad. Sk. q". © jr. sk. 7". Q ad, sk. s', t'. 6 a.d.; w!— w". Q ad. sk. a'. 6 a.d.; y', 2'. Qad. ; al". Q jr. sk. b". Q ad. sk. c". Q ad.; d". Ad. sk. e". Q ad. sk. f". Ad. sk. Bhotan. Arracan. Eastern Pegu Hills (E. W. Oates). Eastern Pegu Hills. Pahpoon, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Dargwin, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Beeling, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Thamban, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Thenganee Sakan, Tenasserim . (W. Davison). Assoon, Tenasselim (W. Davison). Mooleyit, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Meetan, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Amherst, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Sinzaway Forest, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Houngthraw River, Tenas- Serim (W. Davison). Thoungyeen River (C. T. Bingham). Thoungyeen Forest (C. T. Bingham). Raukaryit, Tenasserim (J. Darling). Thoungyah, Tenasserim (J. Darling). Moulmein (R. C. Beavan). Karen Hills (Wardlaw Ramsay). Tonghoo, Burmah (Wardlaw Ičamsay). Siam. India Museum. As. Soc. Beng. [P.]. Hume Coll. E. W. Oates [P.]. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Gould Coll. 2. PITTA. 419 d. Size large: upper surface black; breast white. (Calopitta.) This is perhaps the finest and most brilliant form of the whole group ; and, though allied to the next section, must stand alone. 6. Pitta maxima. Pitta maxima, Müll. et Schleg. Verh. Zool. Pitta, p. 14; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; id. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 351; Westerman, Bijdr. t. d. Dierk. i. p. 45, Pitta, pl. 1; Schleg. Handl. t. d. Dierk. i. p. 253, Aves, pl. 2. fig. 21; id. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, p. 4, pl. i. fig. 4; id. Mus, P-B. Pitta, p. 2 (1863), et p. 4 (1874); id. Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk. iii. p. 189; Wallace, Ibis, 1859, p. 112, 1860, p. 197, 1864, pp. 103, 105,108; Bernst. Nat. Tijdschr. Dierk. ii. p. 373; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vii. p. 772, xvi. p. 184; id. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 378; Gould, B. New Guin. pt. ii. pl. 5. Brachyurus maximus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 253; Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl. xii.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 413. Gigantipitta maxima, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7. Leucopitta maxima, Gould, Mon. Pitt, pl. 7. Above velvety black; wings black, with a white band across the primaries; wing-coverts bright blue; secondaries edged with green; tail black: beneath white, chin and sides of throat black; middle of belly and crissum crimson; under wing-coverts black; bill black; feet brown : whole length 11 inches, wing 5-5, tail 3, tarsus 2-5. Female similar. Plab. Gilolo. a, b. 3 Q ad. ; Gilolo. A. R. Wallace [C.]. c. Ad, sk. d. Ad, sk. Gilolo (Wallace). Purchased. e. 6 a.d. sk. Gilolo. Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad, sk. Gilolo. Gould Coll. g. Ad. sk. Gilolo (Wallace). Tweeddale Coll. e. Cap brown, with a black mesial stripe ; lesser wing-coverts and rump blue ; breast fawn-colour; crissum Scarlet : sexes similar. (Pitta.) Key to the Section. A. Upper wing-coverts and rump dark purplish lue. Bill smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, cyanoptera, p. 420. | Bill larger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. megarhyncha, p. 421. B. Upper wing-coverts and rump bright light blue. a. Throat white. a'. Whole belly scarlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. angolensis, p. 422. b'. Only middle of belly scarlet. a". Wings tipped with white . . . . . . 10. brachyura, p. 423. b". Wings not tipped with white. a". Breast pale greenish grey : crown brown, with a black mesial º: | chin white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. nympha, p. 425. | chin blackish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. bertae, p. 425. 2 E 2 420 PITTIDAE. b. bºr. Breast deep ochraceous, crown black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. vigorsº, p. 426. Throat black. c. Smaller: centre of crown black. * c". Superciliaries broad, brown. . . . . . 14, concinna, p. 426. d". Superciliaries narrow, yellowish. * Bill thinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, irena, p. 427. | Bill thicker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, crassirostris, p. 427. d'. Larger: crown deep brown, with a g black mesial stripe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. Strepitans, p. 428. 7. Pitta cyanoptera. Merle des Moluques, Daub. Pl. Eml. 257 (?). Turdus moluccensis, P. L. S. Müll. Natursyst., Suppl. p. 144 (1776). Turdus macrourus fasciatus, Bodd. Table d. Pl. Enl. p. 16 (1783). Corvus brachyurus, var. 6. madagascariensis, Gm. S. N. i. p. 376 1788). Mº. brachyura, Raff. Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 300 (1822). Pitta cyanoptera, Temm. Pl. Col. 218 (1823); Vig. Mem. Raffl. p. 659 (1830); Less. Tr. d’Orn. p. 394 (1831); Müll. et Sehl. Verh. 200l. Pitta, pp. 7, 17; G. R. Gray, Gen. B. º 213; Low, Sarawak, p. 410; Blyth, Cat. Mus, A. S. p. 157; Moore, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 274; Horsf. et Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E.I. C. i. p. 183; Mottl, et Dillw. Contr, Nat. Hist. Labuan, p. 22; Schlegel, Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, pp. 9, 32, pl. 4, fig. 1 (1863); id. Mus. de Pays- Bas, Pitta, p. 9 (1863), et p. 15 (1874); Wallace, Ibis, 1864, pp. 105,110; Walden, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 545; Beavan, Ibis, 1870, p. 322 (Moulmein); Salvad. Ibis, 1871, p. 248; id. Att. R. A. Sc. Tor. ix. p. 631; id. Ucc. d. Borneo, p. 235; Sharpe, Ibis, 1879, p. 262 (Borneo); Wicholson, Ibis, 1883, p. 88 (Borneo). Coloburis cyanoptera, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 4. Pitta malaccensis, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii. p. 960 (1843). Brachyurus malaccensis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 254. Coloburis malaccensis, Cab, et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 4. Brachyurus cyanopterus, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xvi. p. 153 (1847); #. Consp. i. p. 254; id. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Elliot, Mon. itt. pl. iv. Pitta, tºº, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1861, pp. 412,414; id. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 277 (Amoy). Pitta moluccensis, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 374; Oates, Str. Feath. v. p. 149; id. B. Brit. Burm, i. p. 415; Hume et Dav. Str. Feath. vi. p. 240; Hume, Str. Feath. viii. p. 94; Kelham, Ibis, 1881, p. 509; David et Oust. Ois. d. Chine, p. 144 (S. China). Brachyurus moluccensis, Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 413; Hume, Str. Feath. iii. p. 106; Blyth et Walden, B. Burma, p. 98; Sharpe, Ibis, 1877, p. 10 (Borneo). Above dark green ; cap brown, with a dark vertical stripe; sides of head, united on the nape, black; rump brilliant blue ; wings black, crossed by a broad white band which occupies the further half of the primaries; lesser wing-coverts and edges of secondaries bright blue like the rump; tail black, tipped with blue : beneath deep fawn-colour, throat white, middle of belly and crissum crimson ; 2. PITTA. 421 under wing-coverts black; bill black; feet brown: whole length 7-3 inches, wing 4-6, tail 15, tarsus 1-5. Female similar. Hab. Burmah, Siam, Southern China, Malay peninsula, and Borneo. a. Ad. sk. b. 3 ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d–g. 6 a.d.; h. Sº ad. Sk . SK. 3, j. Ad.; k, l, Jr. sk m. Ad. sk. n, 0. 6 @ ad. sk. p. Jr. sk. q. & ad. sk. *—t. & ad. ; w— w. 'P ad.; ar. d jr. sk. Ay—d'. 6 a.d. sk. e'—f'. 3 º ; g’— ". Q ad. sk. wº. & ad.; f"— p". Q ad. sk. g"—v". 6 a.d.; wº', a". Q ad, sk. y". 6 a.d.; 2". Q ad. ; a”. Q jr. sk. b°--g°. 6 ad. ; h”—k”. Q ad. sk. l”. Ad. sk. m”. Ad. sk. °. Ad. sk. . Q ad. sk. . Ad. sk. . Ad. sk. . Ad, sk. . Ad. Sk. Ad. sk. . Ad. Sk 77, O 3. : 7 3 : Q) 3 *. Ad. Sk. Pitta megarhyncha, Schl, Vog. Ned. Ind. w°. 6 § ad. sk. Thayetmyo, Pegu. Thayetmyo (Wardlaw Famsay). Thayetmyo. Tonghoo, Pegu (Wardl. Ramsay). Pegu. Rangoon (J. Armstrong). Rangoon (Wardl. Rams.). Salween r. (Beavan). Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. E. W. Oates [C]. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Salween r. (Bingham). Hume Coll. Amherst, Tenasserim (W. Hume Coll. Davison). Tavoy, Tenasserim (W. Hume Coll. Davison). Shymotee, Tenasserim (W. Hume Coll. Davison). Bankasoon, Tenasserim (W. Hume Coll. Davison). Kaukaryit, Tenasserim (J. Hume Coll. Darling). Kaukaryit, Tenasserim Hume Coll. (Bingham). Rossoom (J. Darling). Hume Coll. Penang (Cantor). India Museum. |Penang. India Museum Penang. Gould Coll. Malacca (Davison). Hume Coll. Siam. Gould Coll. Cambodia. Purchased. Labuan. Tweeddale Coll. Labuan (Low). R. B. Sharpe [P.]. N.W. Borneo. Sir H. Low [C]. Borneo. Tweeddale Coll. Bintulu, Borneo (Everett). Purchased. Borneo. Rajah Brooke [P.]. 8. Pitta megarhyncha. p. 11, pl. 4, fig. 2; id. Mus, P-B. Pittà, p. 9 (1863), et p. 16 (1874); Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 414, pl. xii.; Hume et Dav. Str. F. vi. p. 242; Hume, Str. F. viii. 8. 94; Oates, B. Br. Burm. i. p. 416; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 7 Brachyurus megarhynchus, Hume, Str. F. ii. p. 475; Wald, in Blyth, B. Burm. p. 98. 422 PITTIDAE. Similar to P. cyanoptera, but with a much larger bill. Hab. Tenasserim and Malay peninsula. a. Ad, sk. Rangoon. E. W. Oates [C.]. b. 3 ad. ; c. 9 Amherst, Tenasserim (W. Hume Coll. jr. sk. Davison). d. & ad. sk. Shymootee, Tavoy (W. Davi- Hume Coll. SO??, ), e. & ad. Sk. Mººn. Tanasserim (W. Hume Coll. Davison). f. §2 ad, sk. Choulai Creek, Mergui (W. Hume Coll. Davison). g. d ad. sk. Wippitan, Tenasserim (W. Hume Coll. Davison). h, i. 2 ad. sk. Tapraw, Island of Tonkah (J. Pſume Coll. Darling). * j—l. 3 ad.; m. Q Kossoom (J. Darling). Hume Coll. ad. sk. n. G ad. sk. Kossoom (J. Darling). Gould Coll. o, p. 3 ad, sk. Johore, Malay Peninsula (W. Hume Coll. Davison). 9. Pitta angolensis. Pitta angolensis, Vieill. Nouv. Dict, iv. p. 356 (1816); id. Enc. Méth, p. 685; Hartl. Orn. West-Afr. p. 74; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Des Murs, Icon, Orn. pl. 46; Schleg. Mus, P-B. Pitta, p. 12 (1863), et p. 15 (1874); Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 105; Sharpe, Ibis, 1869, p. 187 (Fantee); Ussher, Ibis, 1874, p. 56 (Gold Coast). Brachyurus angolensis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 255; d. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl. v.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 414. Pitta pulih, Fraser, P. Z. S. 1842, p. 190; Allen & Thoms. Niger Eag. ii. p. 495; Müll. & Schl. Verh, Zool. Pitta, p. 18. Above dark green ; broad vertical band black, bordered on each side by a light brown stripe, which passes into whity-brown on the lengthened superciliaries; sides of head black; wings and tail blackish; wing-coverts greenish, with broad terminations of bright blue ; rump bright blue; beneath cinereous fawn-colour, throat white; belly Scarlet ; under wing-coverts and under surface of wings black, with a white cross band on the inner webs of the wing-feathers; bill black; feet yellow ; whole length 7-5 inches, wing 4:3, tail 17. Female similar. Hab. Tropical Africa. The occurrence of a single typical Pitta in Africa is one of the most remarkable facts in geographical distribution, all the remain- ing species being exclusively Oriental and Australian forms. a, b. Ad, sk. Fantee (Swanzy). R. B. Sharpe. c. Jr. sk. Wassau (Blissett). R. B. Sharpe. d. Ad, sk. Ashanti. Gould Coll. e. Ad. sk. W. Africa. Gould Coll. f. Ad. sk. W. Africa. Purchased. 9. Ad. St. W. Africa. Purchased. 2. PITTA. 423 10. Pitta brachyura. The Short-tailed Pye, Edwards, Glean. iii. p. 242, t. 324. Corvus brachyurus, Linn. S. N. i. p. 158; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 166 (partim); Less. Tr. d’Orn. p. 394. Pitta brachyura, Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. pl. 7, fig. 3; Gray, Ill. Ind. Zool. ii. pl. 35. fig. 2; Jerdon, Madras Journ. x. p. 25; Relaart, Prodr. Faun. Zeyl. p. 122; Layard, Ann. N. H. ser. 2, xii. p. 269 (Ceylon); Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Franklin, P. Z. S. 1830–31, p. 117; Gould, Cent. Him. B. pl. 23; Eyton, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 104 (Malacca); Müll. et Schleg. Verh. Pitta, p. 17; Holdsw. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 445 (Ceylon); Legge, Ibis, 1874, p. 18 (Ceylon); Ball, Str. F. vii. p. 213 (Godavery). Citta brachyura, Wagl. Syst. Av. (Corvus). Coloburis brachyura, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 4. Corvus brachyurus, var, bengalensis, Gm. S. N. i. p. 376. Pitta bengalensis, Vieill. Enc. Méth. p. 685; Stephens, Gen. Zool. xiii. pt. 2, p. 183; Horsf. et Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E.I. C. i. p. 184; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 105; Jerdon, B. Ind. i. p. 503; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 133; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 64; id. Mon. Pitt, pl. i. ; Lloyd, Ibis, 1873, p. 410 (Kattiawar); Schlegel, Mus, P-B. Pitta, p. 15 (1874); Gray, Cat. Mamm. Birds Nepaul, p. 40 (1863); Sel. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 696. Brachyurus bengalensis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 254; id. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Elliot, Mon, Pitt. pl. vi. Pitta brachycerca, Legge, Ibis, 1875, p. 290 (Ceylon). Turdus triostegus, Sparmm. Mus. Carls. pl. 84. Pitta triostegus, Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. B. p. 157; Adams, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 489. Le brêve de Malacca, Sonnerat, Voy. ii. p. 190. Turdus malaccensis, Scop. Del. Faun. & Flor. Ins. ii. p. 95. Pitta malaccensis, Schleg. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 12. Citta abdominalis, Wagl. Syst. Av. Corvus, sp. obsc. 15. Citta superciliaris, TWagl. Syst. Av. Corvus, sp. obsc. 17. Turdus coronatus, P. L. S. Müll, Naturs., Suppl. p. 144 (P). Pitta coronata, Hume, Nests & Eggs Ind. B. p. 224; Ball, Str. F. ii. p. 406 (Chota Nagpur), et v. p. 416 (Centr. Ind.); Butler & Hume, Str. F. iii. p. 470 (Mt. Aboo); Fairbank, Str. F. iv. p. 257 (Khandala); Legge, B. Ceylon, p. 687. Brachyurus coronatus, Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 414. Above green; vertical band black, bordered on each side by a broad stripe of pale yellowish brown; narrow superciliaries buffy white, produced on the nape into pale bluish lateral tufts; sides of head black; wings black, with a broad white basal band, and with broad white tips to the remiges; lesser wing-coverts and rump bright light blue; greater wing-coverts green like the back : beneath deep fawn-colour ; throat white ; middle of belly and crissum scarlet ; under wing-coverts black, with a white patch; under surface of wings black, with a broad white basal band; bill blackish, with a light culmen ; feet yellowish : whole length 7 inches, wing 4, tail 1 -5. Female similar. Hab. Indian peninsula, Ceylon, Assam, Arracan, and Tenasserim. 424 PITTIDAE. a, b. 3 ad, ; c. 2 ad, sk. d. 9 ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. f, g, d ad. sk. h, i. Ad, sk. j. Ad. sk. k. Ad, sk. l. 3 a.d. sk. . Q ad. sk. . 6 a.d. sk. . Q ad. sk. . & ad. sk. r. Ad. sk. . Ad, sk. d ad. ; w—a. Ad.; y, z, Jr. sk. a'. 6 a.d. sk. b'. Jr. sk. c'. Ad, sk. d". 6 a.d. sk. ', Q ad. sk. . & ad. sk. ', h". Ad, sk. , Ad. sk. º ; º 6 % g Q ad. sk. a'. Q ad. sk. 9'. 6 a.d. sk. z'. 6 ad. sk. a". 3 ad, ; 5". Q ad, sk. c". Ad. sk. d'', e". Ad. sk. f". Ad. sk. g". 3 ad. ; h", ". 8, Å. sk !"—o". Ad. sk. p". Ad, sk. q". Ad. sk. r". & ad. sk. s". Ad. sk. t", "d". Q ad, ; v". sk Ad. sk. w". Q ad. sk. a". Ad. sk. 9". Ad, sk. j'-g'. & ad.; r"—w'. d; j", k". Anadra, Mt. Aboo. Simla. Kangra. Bareilly. Behar. Assam. Lower Hills, Sikkim (L. Man- delli). Godavery Valley (W. T. Blan- ford). Godavery Valley. Ungull, Orissa. Mysore. Sambulpur. Coorg, Mailghat forests, Berar. Raipur. Raipur. Seoni district. Dhulia, Khandeish (J. David- son). Ahmednugger (Fairbank). Mahabaleshwar (Fairbank). Khandala (Fairbank). Calicut (Harris). Calicut. Belgaum (E. A. Butler). Seegore (W. Davison). Qotacamund (W. Davison). Coonoor, Nilgherries. Goodalore, Wynaad. Malabar. Madras. Madras. Madras. Madras. Anjango, Travancore. Travancore. Mynall, Travancore. Eridge, Travancore. Ceylon. Pantura, Ceylon. Ceylon. Ceylon. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Pinwill Coll. Hume Coll. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. [P.]. Gould Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. W. T. Blanford [C]. |Hume Coll. W. Davison [C.]. Hume Coll. India Museum. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Gould Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Swinhoe Coll. Swinhoe Coll. Swinhoe Coll. Swinhoe Coll. Hume Coll. |Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. W. Davison [C].' Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Dr. Jerdon [P.]. Gould Coll. Hume Coll. Rev.H.H.Baber[C]. Hume Coll. F. W. Bourdillon [C.]. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Ca sw. V. Legge C.T. Capt. W. W. Legge C T." it waites, Esq. [C.]. 2. PITTA. 425 z"—c". Ad. sk. Ceylon (S. Chapman). Tweeddale Coll. d”—g°. Ad. sk. Ceylon (Neville). Tweeddale Coll. hº-j". Ad. sk. India. Gould Coll. k”. Ad. sk. India. India Museum. !”. Ad. st. India. Purchased. 11. Pitta nympha. Pitta nympha, Temm. et Schleg. Faun. Jap., Aves, Suppl. t. A ; Wal- lace, Ibis, 1864, p. 105; Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 730. Brachyurus nympha, Bp. Consp. i. p. 254; id. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl. viii.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 415. Pitta oreas, Swinh. Ibis, 1864, p. 428 (Formosa); id. P. Z. S. 1865, p. 678, 1871, p. 375; Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 408; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 65; David et Oust. Ois. d. Chine, p. 153. Brachyurus oreas, Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 415, pl. xiii. fig. 1. Above dark green; crown brown, with a narrow black mesial stripe, and black sides of the head, which unite in the black nape; broad superciliaries pale yellowish fawn-colour, continued on to the nape; lesser wing-coverts and rump bright light blue ; remiges black, with a broad white transverse band; larger coverts and secondaries green like the back: beneath pale greenish buff; throat white ; middle of abdomen and crissum scarlet ; tail black, with a blue tip; bill black; feet pale: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 4.7, tail 1-6. Hab. Tsusima Island, Gulf of Corea, N. China, and Formosa. Pitta nympha was based by Temm. & Schlegel upon a Japanese drawing. Swinhoe obtained a single specimen as a cage bird at Chefoo, and many specimens have lately been procured by Mr. Jouy in Tsusima Island in the Straits of Corea, from one of which, kindly lent to me by Mr. Jouy, the accompanying description has been taken. I cannot separate P. oreas of Formosa from P. nympha. The species is at once recognizable amongst its congeners by the very pale fawn-colour, with a greenish tinge, of the body below. a. 6 ad. sk. Chefoo, China (Swinhoe). H. Seebohm, Esq. [P.]. b. Ad, sk. IFormosa (Swinhoe). H. Seebohm, Esq. (Type of P. oreas.) 12. Pitta bertae, Pitta bertae, Salvad. Att. Ac. So, Tor. iii. p. 527 (1868); id. Ibis, 1871, p. 248; id. Uce. Born. p. 237, pl. iii.; Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 409; Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 192. Pitta oreas, Sharpe, Ibis, 1879, p. 263 (Borneo). Similar to P. nympha, but with the chin blackish, and the sides of the crown of a deeper colour. Hab. Northern Borneo. Mr. Sharpe has united P. bertae to P. oreas of Formosa. I cannot separate the latter from P. nympha, and P. bertae comes certainly 426 IPITTIſ) AE. very close; but I should like to see a better series from Borneo before I join together two species from such different localities. a. Ad. sk. N.W. Borneo. Sir H. Low [C.]. 13. Pitta vigorsi. Pitta brachyura, Vig. et Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 218 (1826); Meyer, Sitz, Isis, 1884, p. 43 (Dammar). Pitta vigorsi, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pl. 2; id. Intr. B. Austr. p. 54; Żd. Handb. B. Austr. ii. p. 527; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Müll. & Schl. Verh. Pitta, p. 17; Wallace, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 188; id. Ibis, 1864, pp. 104,106; Schleg. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, p. 14, pl. 3. fig. 4; d. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p.11 (1863), et p. 15 (1874); Meyer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. 1884, p. 210 (Timor-laut); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genoa, xvi. p. 185; id. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 392; id. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 579 (Timor-laut). Brachyurus vigorsi, Bp. Consp. i. p. 255; id. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl. vii.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 415. Coloburis vigorsi, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 4. Above dark green; crown, sides of head, and nape black, traversed by two long superciliary stripes from the front to nape, which are pale fawn-colour tinged with bluish ; remiges black, with a broad white cross-band : larger coverts and secondaries green, like the back; lesser wing-coverts and rump bright light blue : beneath deep ochraceous, throat whitish ; centre of abdomen and Crissum scarlet, darker and mixed with black on the abdomen ; tail black, tipped with blue; bill black; feet pale: whole length 67 inches, Twing 4.4, tail 1-7. Hab. Banda Islands, and Timor-laut. A very distinct species, easily known by its black crown and deep ochraceous colour below. a. Ad, sk. Blast Indies. Linn. Soc. Coll. (Type of the species.) b. 6 a.d. sk. Banda. A. R. Wallace, Esq. 14. Pitta concinna. Pitta concinna, Gould, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 65; id. B. New Guinea, pt. ix. pl. 6; Schleg. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, p. 12, pl. 3. fig. 1; id. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 10 (1863), et p. ił (1874); Wallace, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 485; id. Ibis, 1864, p. 106. Pitta mathilda, Verreaua, Rev. Zool. 1857, p. 303, pl. xi. Brachyurus concinnus, Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl.x.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 416. Brachyurus vigorsi, Bp. Consp. i. p. 255 (err.). Above dark green, crown, sides of the head, and nape black; broad superciliaries from front to over the eye light brown, behind the eye narrowed, pale bluish ; remiges black, with a small white speculum;’ larger coverts and secondaries green, like the back; smaller coverts and rump bright blue ; tail black, tipped with greenish: beneath pale fawn-colour; throat black, projected in the middle line down the neck; middle of belly and crissum scarlet, darker and varied with 2. PITTA. 427 black in the centre of the abdomen; under wing-coverts black; bill black; feet pale brown; whole length 6-3 inches, wing 4, tail 1:4. Female similar. Hab. Lombock and Flores. The broad brown superciliary stripe from the front to the eye, where it passes into very pale shining blue, distinguishes this species. a, d ad. ; Lombock. A. R. Wallace [C.j. b. Ad, sk. - c, d. Ad. Sk. Lombock (Wallace). Gould Coll. e. Q ad. sk. Lombock (Wallace). Tweeddale Coll. f. Ad. St. Lombock (Wallace). Purchased. g, Jr. sk. Flores. Purchased. 15. Pitta irena. Le Merle vert des Moluques, Briss. Orn. ii. p. 316. Merle de Bengale, Daub. Pl. Enl. 258 (?). Turdus coronatus, Mull. Naturs., Suppl. p. 144 (?) Merula (Corvus) brachyurus, Bodd. Table d. Pl. Enl. p. 16 (?). Pitta coronata, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 294. Brève irene, Temm. Pl. Col. 591 (1836). Pittairena, Temm. ibid.; id. Tabl. Méth. p. 16 (1838); Mill. Verh. Ethn. p. 172; Mull. & Schl. Verh, Zool. Pitta, pp. 12, 17; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Wallace, Ibis, 1861, p. 350, et 1864, p. 106; id. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 485 (Timor); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genoa, xvi. p. 185; id. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 390. Pitta elegans, Temm. Pl. Col. text to pl. 591. Brachyurus irena, Bp. Consp. i. p. 254; id. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Blliot, Mon. Pitta, pl. xi.; d. Ibis, 1870, p. 416. Pitta brachyura, Gray, Gen. B. p. 213; id. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 351; Schleg. Ned. Tijdschr. iii. p. 189; id. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, p. 13, pl. 3. figs, 2, 3; id. Mus, P-B. Pitta, p. 11 (1863), et p. 14 (1874). Above dark green ; crown, sides of the head, and nape black; superciliaries from front to nape rather narrow, of equal width throughout, pale yellowish ; remiges black, with a white speculum ; secondaries and greater coverts green, like the back ; lesser coverts and rump bright blue; tail black, tipped with green : beneath fawn-colour; throat black, projected in the centre on the neck; centre of belly and crissum scarlet, darker and mixed with black in the middle of the abdomen; under wing-coverts black; bill black; feet pale brown: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 4-3, tail 1:5. Plab. Timor. The narrow, uniformly coloured, light yellow superciliaries are the principal distinctions between this species and P. concinna. a. Ad. sk. Timor (v. Lansberg). Leyden Mus. [E.]. 16. Pitta crassirostris. Pitta crassirostris, Wallace, P. Z. S. 1862, pp. 188, 339; id. Ibis, 1864, p. 106. Brachyurus crassirostris, Elliot, Mon, Pitt., Intr. p. 16. Pitta magnirostris, Schleg. Ned, Tjdschr. iii. p. 188. 428 PITTID ZE. Similar to P. rena, but rather larger, and distinguished by its thicker and more compressed bill: whole length 7:4 inches, wing 4-6, tail 17. Hab. Sula Islands. a, b. Qad, sk. Sula Islands. A. R. Wallace [C.]. (Type of the species.) c. Ad. sk. Sula Islands (Wallace). Gould Coll. d. Ad. sk. Sula Islands. Gould Coll. 17. Pitta strepitans. Pitta strepitans, Temm. Pl. Col. 333 (1825); Müll. & Schl. Verh, Zool. Pitta, p. 16; Less. Tr. d’Orn. p. 395; Jard, et Selby, Ill. Orn. i. pl. 77; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. p. 156; Gray et Mitch. Gen. B. i. p. 213; Gould, B. Austral. iv. pl. i.; id. Handb. B. Austral. i. p. 430; Gray, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 191; id. Cat. B. New Guinea, p. 56; Schleg. Mus, P-B. Pitta, p. 10 (1863), et p. 13 (1874); Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 106; Krefft, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 319; Ramsay, Ibis, 1807, p. 416. Pitta versicolor, Sw. Zool. Journ. i. p. 468. Brachyurus strepitans, Bp. Consp. i. p. 254; id. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl. ix.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 415. Coloburis strepitans, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 3. Pitta simillima, Gould, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 76; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 295; Schleg. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 13 (1874); Masters, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. i. p. 54; Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 187; d'Alb. et Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xiv. p. 83 (Fly River, New Guinea); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xvi. p. 184; id. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 389. Płºń. Salvad. Att. Soc. It. xii. p. 551; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 296. Pitta strepitans, var. simillima, Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 591. Pitta assimilis, d'Alb. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. x. p. 12; id. Ibis, 1877, p. 368 (Torres Straits). Above dark green ; crown dark chestnut-brown, with a slight black vertical stripe; sides of head, nape, and back of neck black; wing-feathers black, with a white speculum; margins of secondaries and greater coverts green, like the back; lesser wing-coverts and rump-band bright shining pale blue: beneath pale fawn-colour; throat and centre of neck black; patch in centre of abdomen black; lower belly and crissum Scarlet ; under wing-coverts black; tail black, tipped with greenish; bill black; feet pale brown: whole Tength 8:5 inches, wing 5, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. Eastern Australia, islands of Torres Straits, and Southern New Guinea. The northern specimens (Pitta simillima) are smaller in size, but not otherwise distinguishable, and there are several specimens in the series of intermediate dimensions which it is difficult to assign to either form without knowing the locality. a. Subsp. typica. a. Ad. St. Australia. Lady Carrington [P.]. b. Ad. sk. New South Wales. Gould Coll. c. Ad, sk. Australia. J. E. W. Rushton [P.]. 2. PITTA. 429 d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. f—k. Ad.; l. Jr. sk. m. Ad, sk. n—p. Ad. sk. a. Ad. sk. b, c, Ad.; d. Jr. sk. e, f. Ad. sk. g. Ad. sk. h, Jr. sk. 7, Jr. sk. Moreton Bay (Strange). Cape York. Australia. Australia. North Australia. b. Subsp. simillima. Cape York. Cape York. Port Albany. West Island, Torres Straits. Somerset, Cape York (Cockerell). Somerset, Cape York. Gould Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Capt. Stanley [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. (Type of P. simillima.) Gould Coll. Purchased. Voy. H.M.S. “Alert.’ Salvin-Godman Coll. Tweeddale Coll. f. Whole abdomen scarlet; bright superciliary stripe pale blue: sexes similar. (Phoenicocichla.) Key to the Section. A. Without a blue breast-band. a. Crown brown or black. Back brown | Back purplish black b. Crown scarlet. |Black front broad - Black front narrow B. With a blue breast-band 18. Pitta, Venusta, & e s e g º a $ & e º e º ſº º q & e º e º is e e tº e º & © & © tº e º tº e º e º e º º e is tº a º e & s e s tº e º e e a e e 18. venusta, p. 429. 19, w8sheri, p. 430. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, granatina, p. 430. 21. coccinea, p. 431. 22. arcuata, p. 431. Pitta venusta, Müll. Tijdschr. v. Nat. Ges, ii. p. 348, pl. 9, fig. 4 (1835); Temm. P. Col. 590 (1836); Müll. & Schleg. Verh. Zool. Pitta, pp. 6, 15; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Schleg. Pog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, pp. 21, 36, pl. v. figs, 4, 5; d. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 13 (1863) et p. 17 (1874); Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 107; Salvad, Ucc. Borneo, p. 241; Nicholson, Ibis, 1883, p. 254 (Sumatra). Brachyurus venustus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 255; Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl. xiv.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 416. Erythropitta venusta, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7. Above brown; head rather darker, with a narrow superciliary stripe of pale blue behind the eye; wings and tail brown, greater wing-coverts slightly edged with blue: beneath, throat and breast brown like the back; abdomen dull scarlet ; bill black; feet dark brown ; whole length 6-5 inches, wi Hab. Sumatra and Borneo. Java (?). ng 3-5, tail 2. a. Ad. St. b. Ad. Sk, Sumatra. Purchased. Gould Coll. 430 IPITTIDAE. 19. Pitta ussheri. Pitta ussheri, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 94, et 1881, p. 798 (Borneo); id. Ibis, 1879, p. 263 (Borneo); Nicholson, Ibis, 1883, p. 88 (Borneo); Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 75. Above brownish black glossed with purple; head black; narrow post-superciliary stripe pale blue; wings black; wing-coverts broadly edged with blue : beneath, throat and breast brownish black with purple wash; abdomen dull scarlet ; bill black; feet brown ; whole length 5:5 inches, wing 3-5, tail 1:5. - Hab. Borneo. - Nearest to P. venusta, but distinguished by its darker back and throat and the broad blue wing-edgings. a. Ad, sk. Lawas r., Borneo (Ussher). Purchased. (Type of . the species) b. Ad.; c. Pull. sk. Borneo. Gould Coll. * º - prud-e-rººt 20. Pitta granatina. = P.Soºº.” (-ovrº Pitta granatina, Tamm. P. Col. 506 (1830); Less, Tr. d’Orn. p. 395; Müll, & Schl. Verh. Zool. Pitta, pp. 10, 15, 20; Schleg. Handl. Dierk. i. p. 253; id. Vog, Ned. Ind. Pitta, pp. 20, 35, pl. v. fig. 3; *d, Mus, P-B. Pitta, p. 5 (1863) et p. 9 (1874); Blyth, Cat. B. Mus, A. S. p. 157; id. J. A. S. B. xvi. p. 153; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Horsf. et Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E.I. C. i. p. 184; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 107 (part.); Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 242; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 67. Brachyurus granatinus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 255; Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl. xv.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 417; Sharpe, Ibis, 1877, p. 10 (Borneo). Pºrº, pºint, Pp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Walden, Ibis, / 2. D. j ( 4. - Pºiº granatina, Cab, et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 5; Gray, Band-l. i. p. 296. Above dull black glossed with purple; back of crown and nape scarlet; front of crown and sides of head black; superciliary stripe behind the eye pale blue ; wings brownish black, coverts and secondaries edged with purplish blue; beneath, throat dark purplish brown; abdomen dull scarlet; tail dull black edged with purplish; bill black; feet brown ; whole length 6 inches, wing 3-4, tail I-5. Female similar. - Plab. Borneo. S The bright scarlet cap and purplish back are the distinguishing features of this and the following species. a, b. Ad. St. Java (?) - Purchased. c. 6 a.d. sk. Sarawak, Borneo. Hume Coll. d. 6 ad. sk. Paku, Borneo. H. Everett [C.]. e. 6 a.d. sk. Bintulu, Borneo. H. Everett [C]. f. 2 ad. sk. Sarawak, Borneo. A. R. Wallace [C]. g. Ad, sk. Borneo. Cuming Coll. - h. 3 ad, ; i, j. 3 jr. sk. Jambusan, Borneo. Gould Coll. k. & ad. sk. Marup, Borneo. Swinhoe Coll. l. Ad. sk. Borneo (Mus. Lugd.). Gould Coll. ºm. Ad. Sk. Borneo. Gould Coll. 2. PITTA. 431 21. Pitta coccinea. Pitta coccinea, Eyton, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 104; Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii. p. 961; Hume et Dav. Str. F. vi. p. 511; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 94; Oates, B. Br. Burm. i. 419 ; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 68. Pitta granatina, Moore, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 274; Moore et Horsf. Cat. B. Mus. E.I. C. i. p. 184; Kelham, Ibis, 1881, p. 509 (Malacca); Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 432 (Perak). Similar to P. granatina, but with only a narrow black front. Hab. Malay Peninsula and Tenasserim. a. 6 ad. sk. Klang, Salangore (W. Davison). Hume Coll. b. 3 a.d. sk. Malacca. A. R. Wallace [C.]. c—h. Ad, sk. Malacca. Hume Coll. 7, j. Ad. sk. Malacca (Maingay). Swinhoe Coll. ſc, l. Ad. sk. Malacca. Gould Coll. m, n. Ad. sk. Malacca (Cantor). India Mus. o. Pull. sk. Malacca. P. L. Sclater [P.]. p, q, Ad, sk. Singapore. Hume Coll. r. 3 ad. sk. Mt. Ophir, Malacca (Wardlaw- Swinhoe Coll. Jęamsay). º s. 3 a.d. sk. Larut Hills, Perak. L. Wray [C]. t-v. 3 ad. ; Johore, Malay Peninsula (W. Davi- Hume Coll. ac—z, 9 ad. Sk. Som). f 22, Pitta arcuata. Pitta (Phoenicocichla) arguata, Gould, Ann. N. H. ser, 4, vii. p. 340 (1871). Phoenicocichla arquata, Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 344; Gould, Mon. Pitt, pl. 9. Pitta arquata, Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 69. Pitta arcuata, Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 241; Sharpe, Ibis, 1879, p. 263 (Borneo); Everett, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 503 (Kinabulu). Above dull green ; whole crown and nape and neck above dull scarlet ; post-superciliary stripe bright blue; lores and sides of head reddish brown; wings dull black, secondaries edged with bluish grey, greater coverts tipped with blue ; tail blackish, edged with blue: beneath, throat reddish brown, passing into dull scarlet on the neck, below which is a bright blue pectoral band; abdomen scarlet ; bill blackish ; feet brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-3, tail 1:5. JHab. Borneo. The bright blue pectoral band formed by pointed tips to blackish feathers renders this species easily distinguishable. a. Ad, sk. Borneo. Gould Coll. (Type ^** of the species.) b. 6 a.d. sk. Sarawak. Swinhoe Coll. 432 PITTIDAE. g. Whole abdomen scarlet, breast-band blue, head brownish red; no bright superciliary stripe. (Erythropitta.) Key to the Section *. A. With a slight, if any, black lower margin to the blue pectoral band. a. Cap uniform reddish brown; no red nuchal patch. a'. Throat-patch black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, erythrogastra, p. 432. b'. Throat-patch brown. Backgreenish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27. ruftventris, p. 434. Back bluish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, cyanonota, p. 435. b. Cap with a blue vertical stripe, and red nuchal patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. rubrinucha, p. 435. B. With a distinct black lower margin to the blue pectoral band. With a distinct blue vertical stripe; throat brownish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. celebensis, p. 436. Vertical stripe absent or evanescent; throat black..... ... e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e s tº a 32. macklot, p. 436. 23. Pitta erythrogastra. Pitta erythrogastra, Temm. Pl. Col. 212 (1823); Less. Tr. d’Orn. p. 394; Müll. & Schl. Verh. Zool. Pitta, p. 18; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. B. p. 157; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Schleg. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 8 (1863) et p. 12 (1874); Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 106; Wardl. Ramsay, Ibis, 1884, p. 334. Brachyurus erythrogaster, Bp. Consp. i. p. 255; Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl. xvi. ; d. Ibis, 1870, p. 417. Coloburis erythrogaster, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 5. Erythropitta erythrogastra, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Walden, Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 187; id. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 546, 1878, p. 948, et 1879, p. 71; Wardl. Ramsay, Tweedd. Mem., App. p. 657. Above dull green, shight neck-band and rump blue ; head reddish brown; wing-feathers black, with a white speculum on the primaries; secondaries and greater coverts edged with blue; lesser coverts green like the back, with a white spot at the bend of the wing ; tail blackish, edged with blue : beneath, chin brown, passing into a large black guttural patch, in the centre of which the feathers are white at the base; pectoral band blue; abdomen crimson; bill black; feet brown : whole length 6-4 inches, wing 3-9, tail 14. Female similar. Bab. Philippine Islands. a. Ad.j b. Jr. st. Philippine Islands (Cuming). Purchased. c. 3 a.d. sk. Zamboanga, Philippines. ‘Challenger' Exp. d. 92 ad. sk. Zamboanga, Philippines. H. Everett [C.]. * Species 24, 25, 26, and 31, of which I have not been able to examine specimens, are not included in the Key. 2. PITTA. 433 €, ſ d 9 ad, ; g. Q jr. Zamboanga, Mindanao Tweeddale Coll. Sk. (Everett). h. Ad, sk. Basilan (Everett). Tweeddale Coll. i,j. Ad. ; k. Jr. sk. Manila, Luzon. Tweeddale Coll, l. Ad, sk. Philippines. J. Gould, Esq. m–0. Ad. sk. Philippines. Gould Coll. 24. Pitta propinqua. Brachyurus propinquus, Sharpe, Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Zool. i. p. 330. Similar to P. erythrogastra, but back and scapulars cobalt-blue with a greenish band across ; throat entirely brownish black, becoming jet-black on the fore-neck; chest bright blue, sides only greenish. (Sharpe.) Hab. Philippines, Mindanao. Only two specimens obtained by Prof. Steere, of which the one in the Collection is immature. a, d jr. sk. Dumalon, Philippines. Prof. Steere [C.J. (Typical specimen.) 25. Pitta caeruleitorques. Pitta caerulitorques, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. ix. } 53 (1876); Rowley, Orn. Misc. ii. p. 324, pl. lxiv.; Gould, B. N. Guin. pt. vii. pl. 4. Similar to P. erythrogastra, but cap of a uniform red, which colour becomes very bright on the neck : the two obscure bands on the sides of the cap absent; the sides of the head and the throat of a reddish brown ; the blue of the breast more extended trans- versely, and divided from the red of the abdomen by a distinct black band; the dimensions rather larger. Hab. Petta, Sanghir Islands. 26. Pitta, kochi. Pitta kochi, Brüggem, Abhandl. nat. Ver, Bremen, v. p. 65, pl. iii. fig. 6; Oustalet, Bull. Soc. Phil, sér. 7, vi. p. 256; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 71. Erythropitta kochi, Tweedd. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 430, pl.xxvi. This species was based on a specimen in the Darmstadt Museum, of which Mr. Gould gives the subjoined description :- “General colour above dull olive-brown, with somewhat of a ruddy tint on the sides of the neck and mantle; wing-coverts lilac- grey, the primary-coverts and quills blackish brown; the primaries externally greyish towards their ends; the secondaries and inner greater coverts olive-brown, washed with lilac-grey on the outer webs; the second, third, and fourth primaries with a large white spot on the inner web, the last-named having the white spot on the WOI. XIV. 2 F U 434 |PITTIDAE. outer web as well; upper tail-coverts and tail lilac-grey, the latter darker; forehead and crown, as well as the lores, region of the eye, and ear-coverts dark brown, the latter slightly shaded with an olive tinge; nape and hind neck dull red; cheeks ashy brown, with a bluish shade under certain lights, forming a very broad moustache; throat reddish in the centre, brown on the sides, forming a malar stripe; the fore-neck red with a tinge of lilac ; chest lilac-grey, the sides olive-brown; remainder of under surface of body scarlet, the sides olive-brown, with which colour the centre of the abdomen is washed; under tail-coverts scarlet, the longer ones tipped and edged with lilac-blue; thighs ashy grey; under wing-coverts dull lilac-blue, some of the outer ones tipped with white; axillaries olive-brown, like the back; quills ashy brown below, relieved by the before-mentioned white spots on the primaries. Total length 7.5 inches, culmen 1-2, wing 4-7, tail 22, tarsus 2:1.” Hab. Luzon, Philippines. The large size and dark brown ear-coverts are the distinguishing features of this Pitta. 27. Pitta rufiventris. Colobulis rufiventris, Cab. et Heine, J. f. O. 1859, p. 406. Pitta inornata, G. R. Gray, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 350. Brachyurus rufiventris, Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl. xix.; id. Ibis, 1870, . 418. Płº rufiventris, Schleg. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, pp. 17, 34; id. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 7 (1863), et p. 12 (1874); id. Ned. Tijdschr, iii. p. 189; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, pp. 105, 106; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vii. p. 777, xvi. p. 185; id. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 401. Erythropitta rufiventris, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 296. Above dull green, rump blue; head reddish brown; wing-feathers black, with a white speculum on the primaries, secondaries and coverts edged with bluish green; tail blackish with blue edgings: beneath, throat brown, broad breast-band blue narrowly margined with blackish below ; abdomen scarlet: bill horn-colour; feet brown; whole length 7 inches, wing 3-5, tail 1:5. Female similar. Hab. Batchian and Halmaheira (Gilolo), also Dammar and Obi. The combination of the uniform reddish head with an earthy- brown throat and green back distinguishes this species. a, b, d ad. sk. Batchian. A. R. Wallace, Esq. (T. of P. inornata ?) c, d. Ad. sk. Batchian (Wallace). ould Coll. e. Ad. sk. Batchian. Purchased. J. & ad. sk. Batchian. H. Seebohm, Esq. [P.]. g, Jr. sk. Gilolo (Bernstein). Gould Coll. h. i ad, ; 2. Ad. Gilolo. A. R. Wallace [C]. SK. j. i ad. ; k. Ad. Gilolo (Wallace). Gould Coll. W. Jr. sk. Celebes (?). Gould Coll. 2. PITTA. 435 28. Pitta cyanonota. Pitta cyanonota, G. R. Gray, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 351; Schleg. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, pp. 18, 35; id. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 8 (1863), et p. 13 (1874); id. Ned. Tijdschr. iii. p. 188, iv. p. 15; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, pp. 105, 186; Gould, B. New Guinea, pt. xi, pl. 2; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xvi. p. 185; id. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 402. Bºus cyanonotus, Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl. xx, ; id. Ibis, 1870, . 418. Eºit, cyanonota, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 296. Similar to P. ruftventris, but whole back, rump, and wing-coverts uniform dull blue. Hab. Ternate and Guebé. The occurrence of this species in the island of Guebé”, on the fur- ther side of Halmaheira, as well as in Ternate, is a very singular fact in distribution, if authentic, as the corresponding species in the intervening island is P. rufiventris. a. 6 ad. sk. Ternate. A. R. Wallace [C] (Type of the species.) b. Ad. sk. Ternate. Tweeddale Coll. c. Jr. sk. Ternate (Meyer). Tweeddale Coll. d. Ad. Sk. Celebes (?). Gould Coll. e. Ad, sk. Menado, Celebes (?). Hume Coll. 29. Pitta rubrinucha. Pitta rubrinucha, Wall. P. Z. S. 1862, p. 187, et 1863, p. 25; id. Ibis, 1864, p. 106; Schleg. Ned. Tijdschr. iii. p. 188; id. Mus, P-B. Pitta (1874), p. 12; Gould, B. New Guinea, pt. vii. pl. 7; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. viii. p. 375, xvi. p. 185; id. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 393. - e. e. - Brachyurus rubrinucha, Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl. xviii.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 418. Erythropitta rubrinucha, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 297. Above dull green; wing-feathers black, with a white speculum on the primaries; lesser coverts edged with bluish, and with a white spot on the bend of the wing; head reddish brown, with a blue vertical stripe and Scarlet patch on the nape; tail bluish : beneath, throat and sides of head brown, passing into blackish brown on the fore neck and into greyish on the ear-coverts; breast-band clear greyish blue, with a very slight blackish inferior margin; abdomen scarlet; bill horn-colour; feet brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 3:8, tail 1:5. PIab, Bourou. The scarlet nuchal patch at once distinguishes this species. a. 3 ad. ; b. 3 jr. ; c. Bourou, A. R. Wallace [C]. Jr. sk. (Types of the species. * Cf. Schlegel, Mus, P.-B., Pitta (1874), p. 13. 2 F 436 PITTID ZE. 30. Pitta celebensis. Pitta celebensis, Westerm. Bijdr, t, d. Dierk, i. p. 46, Pitta, pl. 3; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Wallace, Ibis, 1860, p. 142, et 1864, p. 106; Schleg. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, p. 17, pl. 4, fig. 4: id. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 6 (1863), et p. 10 (1874); Gould, B. New Guin. pt. vii. pl. 6; Brügg, Abh, nai. Ver. Bremen, v. p. 64 (Celebes); Guillemard, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 552 (Celebes); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vii. p. 663. Brachyurus celebensis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 255; Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl. xvii.; d. Ibis, 1870, p. 418. Erythropitta celebensis, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Meyer, Ibis, 1879, p. 126. Above dull green ; slight cervical collar and rump blue; head reddish brown, with a blue vertical stripe; wing-feathers black, with a white speculum on the primaries, coverts edged with blue; tail black, edged with bluish : beneath, throat brown, passing into a black neck-patch ; broad pectoral band greyish blue, passing into green at the sides and bordered below by a chestnut-black band; abdomen scarlet; bill horn-colour; feet brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 4, tail 1-6. Female similar. Hab. Celebes. a, b. 3 9 ad. sk. Menado, N. Celebes. A. R. Wallace [C]. c. Ad. sk. Menado, Celebes. Tweeddale Coll. d, e. d ? ad, sk. Macassar, Celebes. A. R. Wallace [C.]. f—h. Ad. Sk, Celebes. Gould Coll. 7. 6 a.d. sk. Celebes. Tweeddale Coll. j. Ad, sk. S.W. Celebes. Tweeddale Coll. 31. Pitta palliceps. Pitta palliceps, Brüggem. Abh, nat. Ver. Bremen, v. p. 64. Nearest to P. celebensis, but rather smaller, bill longer and differently shaped; head very bright; nape rusty yellowish ; no black band on the breast. (Brüggemann.) Hab. Siao, Sanghir Islands. 32. Pitta mackloti. Pitta mackloti, Temm. Pl. Col. 547 (1834); Müll. & Schleg. Verh. Zool. Pitta, pp. 12, 18; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; id. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 175, 1859, p. 155, 1861, p. 434; id. & B. New Guinea, p.26; Sclat. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 158; id. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 99 (New Britain); Schleg, Vog, Ned. Ind. Pitta, p. 15, pl. 4, fig. 3; id. Mus, P-B. Pitta, p. 7 (1863) et p. 10 (1874); id. Ned. Tijdschr. iii. pp. 188, 189; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, pp. 102, 105, 106; Krefft, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 319 (Cape York); Gould, Suppl. B. Austral. pl. 29; Salvad. Ann, Mus. Cºv. Genov. vii. p. 778, x. p. 128, xiv. p. 656, xvi. p. 185; id. Ibis, 1879, p. 324; id. Orm. Pap. ii. p. 395; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 187, iii. p. 277, iv. p. 98; Guillemard, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 643 (Salwatti, Waigiou, Mysol); Nehrkorn, J. f. O. 1885, p. 33 (eggs). 2. PITTA. 437 Brachyurus mackloti, Bp. Consp. i. p. 255; Wallace, Ann. N. H. ser. 2, xx. p. 477; Rosenb. Nat. Tijdschr. xxv. p. 232; d. J. f. O. 1864, p. 119 ; Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 418. Erythropitta mackloti, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 296. Brachyurus (Erythropitta) mackloti, Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl. 21. Pitta digglesi, Krefft, Ibis, 1869, p. 350. Pitta strenua, Gould, M.S.; Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 410 (New Guinea). Pitta novae-hiberniae, Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. iii. p. 73 [cf. Salvad. Ibis, 1879, p. 324]. Above dull green ; rump, upper tail-coverts, and wing-covert blue; wing-feathers black, with a large white speculum on the pri- maries; head reddish brown, with an obscure patch on the vertex, which sometimes becomes bluish : beneath, chin brown, passing into a large black guttural patch ; broad breast—band greyish blue, bordered below by a wide black margin ; abdomen scarlet ; bill horn-colour; feet brown ; whole length 7 inches, wing 4, tail l'6. Female similar. Hab. Waigiou, Salwatti, Mysol, New Guinea, Aru Islands, Cape York, and New Britain. This form is closely allied to P. celebensis, but there are only traces of the blue vertical stripe in certain individuals, and this is by no means constant. Curiously enough this feature is most apparent in specimens from the extreme ends of the range, Mysol and New Britain. Besides this the throat is much blacker in P. mackloti, and there are no traces of the blue collar at the back of the neck. a. 6 ad. sk. Mysol. Tweeddale Coll. b, c. Ad, sk. Mysol. Gould Coll. d. 6 a.d. sk. Waigama, Mysol (Bern- Salvin-Godman Coll. Stein). e, f. 6 Qad. sk. Dorey, New Guinea. A. R. Wallace [C.]. g. Ad, sk. New Guinea. A. R. Wallace [C]. h, i. Ad. sk. New Guinea (Wallace). Gould Coll. j. Ad, sk. New Guinea (?). Gould Coll. (Erythropitta strenua, Gould MS.) k, l, 3 Q ad. sk. Aru Islands. A. R. Wallace [C]. m. Jr. sk. Cape York. Tweeddale Coll. n—p. Ad.; q. Cape York. Gould Coll. Jr. sk. r. Ad. sk. Somerset, Cape York. Gould Coll. s. Ad, sk. Somerset, Cape York Salvin-Godman Coll. (Cockerell . Thorpe). t, wº. Ad, sk. N. Australia. Salvin–Godman Coll. v. Jr. sk. East Cape, New Guinea. K. Hunstein [C.]. w. Ad, sk. Port Moresby, New A. Goldie [C]. Guinea, a. Jr. sk. New Britain (Kleinschmidt). Godeffroy Mus. sy. Ad, sk. New Britain (Finsch). Tweeddale Coll. 2. Ad, sk. New Britain (Brown). Tweeddale Coll. a', b'. Ad, sk. Kalahadai, New Britain Sclater Coll. (Brown). c'. Ad, sk. Loc, ign. Gould Coll. 438 PITTIDAE. hº. Back bright green, with a rump-band of light shining blue ; head black or chestnut surrounded by black; crissum Scarlet ; sexes similar. (Melanopitta.) Key to the Section. A. Whole head and throat black. a. Wing-end white with a black tip. Smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * . 33. atricapilla, p. 438. Larger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34. muelleri, p. 439. Largest . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 35. Sanghirana, p. 440. b. Wing black, with a white speculum: anks green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 36. novae-guineae, p. 440. }. purple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 38. rosenbergi, p. 441. c. Wing black; tail green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39. forsteni, p. 442. B. Head and nape black; throat white . . . . . . 40. Steerii, p. 442. C. Sides of head and throat black; crown chestnut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. cucullata, p. 442. * e º a 4 s e º a tº & J & 8 tº * * * * * 42, iris, p. 444. 33. Pitta atricapilla. Merula viridis atricapilla moluccensis, Briss. Orn. ii. p. 319 (?). Merle des Philippines, Daub. Pl. Eal. 89 P Brève des Philippines, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois, iii. p. 412 (?). Turdus sordidus, P. L. S. Müller, Natursyst. Suppl. p. 143, no. 51 1776) P Tº brevicauda, Bodd. Tabl. d. Pl. Enl. p. 6 (1783) P Corvus brachyurus, var. 3. philippensis, Gm. S. N. i. p. 375 (?). Citta melanocephala, Wagl, Syst, Av. Corvus, no. 14 (1827). Pitta atricapilla, Less. Tr. d’Orn, p. 394 (1831); id. Compl. d. Buffon, p. 501 (1848); Temm. P. Col. Tab. Méth. p. 16 (1832); Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 214; Gould, B. Asia, y, pl. 76. Brachyurus atricapillus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 256; Elliot, Mon. Pitt, l. XXV. Melanopitta atricapilla, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod, p. 7. Colobulis brevicauda, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 5. Melanopitta sordida, Tweedd. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 949; d. Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. pp. 187,250; Wardl. Ramsay, Tweedd. Mem., App. p. 657. Brachyurus Sordidus, Sharpe, Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Zool. i. p. 331; Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 419 (part.). Pitta sordida, Sharpe, Ibis, 1884, p. 321 (Palawan). Pitta philippensis, Müll. & Schl. Verh, Zool. Pitta, p. 19; Schl. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 2 (1863), et p. 5 (1874). Pitta macrorhyncha, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 3 (1831). Pitta leucoptera, Elliot, Proc. Ac. So, Phil, 1861, p. 153 (?). Above green; whole head, neck, and throat black; lesser wing- coverts and broad rump-band bright shining blue ; primaries white, tipped with black; tail black, slightly tipped with bluish ; abdomen green, with a central patch of black mixed with red; lower belly * I have not seen specimens of P. mafoorama of this section (no. 37), and have consequently not placed it in the Key. 2. PITTA. 439 and crissum scarlet; under wing-coverts black; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 4.5, tail 1:4. Female similar. Hab. Philippines. The amount of white in the wing-end varies much, even in individuals from the same locality. a. Ad, sk. Manila, Luzon (Maitland- Tweeddale Coll. Beriot). b. 3 ad. sk. Luzon (Meyer). Tweeddale Coll. c. SP ad. sk. Negros (Meyer). Tweeddale Coll. d. Ad. sk. Dasilan. Prof. Steere [º]. e. Ad. sk. Zamboanga, Mindanao. A. Everett # J-m. 3 ad, ; n- Zamboanga, Mindanao Tweeddale Coll. p. 2 a.d. sk. (Everett). q. Jr. sk. Puerto Princesa, Palawan. Prof. Steere [C]. *—t. Ad. sk. Philippines. Gould Coll. w. Ad. sk. " Philippines. Purchased. v. Ad. St. Camiguin, Philippine Islands. Purchased. w. Jr. st. Philippine Islands (Cuming). Purchased. 34. Pitta muelleri. Pitta atricapilla, Müll. & Schl. Verh. Zool. Pitta, pp. 8, 19; Müll. Verh, Ethn. p. 405; Horsf. et Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E.I. Co. i. p. 399; Schl. Handl. Dierk. i. p. 254; id. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, 6, pl. ii. figs. 2, 3; id. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 3 (1863), et p. 5 1874); Pelz. Novara-Reise, Vög. pp. 70, 161; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 76. Bºº muelleri, Bp. Consp. i. p. 256; Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl. xxvi.; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 104 (Labuan); id. Ibis, 1877, p. 10 (Borneo). Pitta muelleri, Scl. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 215; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 106; Walden, Trans. Zool. Soc. viii. p. 62; Salvad. Uce. Born. p. 240; Sharpe, Ibis, 1879, p. 263; id. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 346 (Labuan), et 1881, p. 798 (Borneo); Nichols. Ibis, 1882, p. 63 (Sumatra), et 1883, p. 88 (Borneo); Guillemard, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 413. Coloburis muelleri, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 4. Melanopitta muelleri, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Walden, Ibis, 1872, p. 374. Biº sordidus, Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 419 (part.). Pitta malaccensis, Müll. & Schl, Verh. Zool. Pitta, p. 19. Similar to P. atricapilla, but of rather larger dimensions. Hab. Borneo, Sumatra, and Banka. a. Ad.; b. Jr. st. Borneo. Purchased. c. 2 ad, sk. Bintulu, Borneo. Burchased. d, e. d ? ad. Sk, Marup, Borneo. Tweeddale Coll. f. Jr. sk. Lawas River, Borneo. H. Veitch, Esq. [P.]. g. Ad sk. Sarawak, Borneo. Tweeddale Coll. h. Q jr. sk. Jambusan, Borneo. Gould Coll. 8, j. Ad, sk. Borneo. J. Gould, Esq. k—p. Ad. sk. Labuan (Low). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. q, Jr. sk. Labuan. Sir H. Low [C.]. 440 BITTIDAE. r. Ad. sk. JBanka. Gould Coll. 8. Ad.; t. 9 a.d.; Sumatra. A. R. Wallace [C.]. w, Jr. sk. v. Ad. sk. Timor (?). Purchased. 35. Pitta Sanghirana. Pitta atricapilla sanghirana, Schlegel, Ned. Tijdschr, iii. p. 190 (1866). Pitta sanghirana, Meyer in Rowley's Orn. Misc. ii. p. 329, pl. lxy...; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. ix. p. 54; Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 411. Similar to P. muelleri, but rather larger. Hab. Sanghir Islands. It would be more logical, perhaps, to unite this and the two preceding species, but I prefer to leave matters as I find them for the present. a. Ad. sk. Sanghir Islands. Gould Coll. b. ? ad. sk. Sanghir Islands. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. c. Ad. sk. Sanghir Islands. Purchased. d, d ad. sk. Sanghir Islands. Tweeddale Coll. 36. Pitta nowa-guineae. Pitta atricapilla, Quoy et Gaim. Voy. Astr., Zool. i. p. 258, pl. 8, fig. 3. Pitta novae-guineae, Müll, et Schleg. Verh. Zool. Pitta, p. 19; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 214; id. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 175 (Aru), 1859, p. 156, 1861, p. 434 (Mysol); id. Cat. B. New Guin. p. 26; Sel. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 158; Schleg. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, p. 7, pl. 2. fig. 4; id. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 4 (1863), et p. 6 (1874); id. Ned, Tijdschr. iii. p. 189, et iv. pp. 15, 16; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, pp. 102, 105,106; JD'Albertis, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 531; id. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vii. p. 798; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vii. p. 777, viii. p. 398, ix. p. 37, X. p. 128, xvi. p. 184; id. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 380; Salvad, et d'Alb. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xiv. p. 84; Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool. xiii. p. 315, xiv. p. 687; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. iii. p. 277, iv. p. 98; Gould, B. New Guinea, pt. iv. pl. 1; Guillem. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 643 (Mysol, Salwatti, Batanta). Brachyurus novae-guineae, Bp. Consp. i. p. 256; Wallace, Ann. N. H. ser. 2, xx. p. 477; Rosenb. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 232; id. J. f. O. 1864, p. 119; Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 420. Melanopitta novae-guineae, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7. Brachyurus (Melanopitta) novae-guineae, Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl. xxvii. Above bright green; whole head, neck, and throat black; lesser wing-coverts and narrow rump-band (sometimes almost obsolete) bright silver-blue; wing-feathers black, with a small white specu- lum; tail blackish, edged with green; abdomen dark green, tinged with bluish on the flanks, with a black median patch; lower belly and crissum scarlet ; under wing-coverts black; bill black; feet brown ; whole length 6-5 inches, wing 4, tail 1.5. Female similar. Hab. New Guinea, Waigiou, Batanta, Salwatti, Mysol, Gagie, and Aru Islands. 2. PITTA. 441 The very narrow rump-band and dark belly readily distinguish this species from the three preceding. a. Ad, sk. Aleya, S.E. New Guinea Gould Coll. (Dr. James). b, c, d ad, sk. Dorey, N. Guinea. A. R. Wallace [C.]. d. Ad. sk. New Guinea (Wallace). Gould Coll. e, f d ad. ; g. Aru Islands. A. R. Wallace [C.]. Q ad. sk. h—m. Ad. sk. Aru Islands. Gould Coll. 7. Ad. sk. Salwatti. Gould Coll. o. Ad. sk. Salwatti. Tweeddale Coll. p. 9 a.d. sk. Mysol (Rosenberg). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. d ad. sk. Mysol. A. R. Wallace [C.]. 7. Ad. sk. Gagie Island. Purchased. 8. Ad, sk. New Guinea (?). Salvin–Godman Coll. 37. Pitta mafoorana. Pitta novae-guineae mafoorama, Schleg. Mus. P-B. Pitta (1874), p. 8; Meyer in Rowl. Orn. Misc. ii. p. 268. Pitta maforeana, Beccari, Ann. Mus, Civ. Genov. vii. p. 709; id. Ibis, 1876, p. 248. Pitta maforensis, Gould, B. New Guinea, pt. vii. pl. 5. Pitta mafoorana, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xvi. p. 184; d. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 386. Similar to P. novae-guineae, but without any white speculum; tail black, tipped with green ; greater tail-coverts black, edged with blue, smaller tail-coverts pale metallic green ; blue on the abdomen darker. (Schlegel.) Hab. Mafoor Islands, Bay of Geelvink. 38. Pitta rosenbergi. Pitta rosenbergi, Schleg. Ned. Tijdschr. iv. p. 16 (1873); id. Mus. P-B. Pitta (1874), & 8; Rosenb. Reist. m. d. Geelvinkö. p. 138; Beccari, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vii. p. 709; id. Ibis, 1876, p. 247; Gould, B. New Guin. pt. iv. pl. 2; Rowley, Orm. Misc. ii. p. 264, pl. lxii; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov, xvi. p. 184; id. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 387. Similar to P. novae-guineae, but sides of the abdomen deep purple, tail and greater tail-coverts black, and black of the throat rather more extended over the neck. Hab. Misori and Soek Islands, New Guinea. a. Q Ad. Sk, Kordo, Misori I., Bay of Gould Coll. Geelvink (Meyer). b. Ad. sk. Soek I., Bay of Geelvink Gould Coll. (Meyer). c. 3 ad, sk. Soek I., Bay of Geelvink Tweeddale Coll. (Meyer). 442 JPITTIDAE. 39. Pitta forsteni. Pitta melanocephala, Müll & Sohl, Verh. Zool. Pitta, p. 19; Westerm. Bijdr, t, d. Dierk. i. p. 46, Pitta, pl. 2; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 214; Schleg. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, p. 3, pl. 2. fig. 1; id. Mus. P.-B. Pitta, p. 4 (1863), et p. 9 (1874); Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 106. Brachyurus forsteni, Bp. Consp. i. p. 256; Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl. xxiv.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 419. Melanopitta forsteni, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Meyer, Ibis, 1879, p. 126. Pitta forsteni, Gould, B. New Guinea, pt. i. pl. 7. Above green ; whole head, neck, and throat black; lesser wing- coverts and rump-band bright silver-blue; tail above green ; wing- feathers black; abdomen green like the back, but rather clearer, with a black median patch; lower belly and crissum scarlet ; under wing-coverts black; bill black; feet pale brown : whole length 7-5 inches, wing 4.7, tail 1-8. Female similar. Hab. Celebes. Immediately distinguishable by its large size, green tail, and uniform black remiges. a. Ad, sk. Menado, Celebes. Gould Coll. b, c, Jr. sk. Celebes (?). Gould Coll. 40. Pitta steerii. Brachyurus steerii, Sharpe, Nature, xiv. p. 297 (1876); id. Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Zool. i. p. 329, t. xlix. Melanopitta steerii, Tweedd. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 949 (Zamboanga). Pitta steerii, Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 74. Cyanopitta steerii, Gould, Mon. Pitta, pl. 8. Above green; whole head and nape above black; wing-coverts and rump-band bright silver-blue; tail black: beneath, throat white, abdomen bright silver-blue; middle of belly jet-black; crissum scarlet ; under wing-coverts black; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 4.9, tail 17. Hab. Philippines. It is impossible to mistake this noble species, distinguished at once by its pure white throat and silver-blue under surface. a. 6 jr. sk. Dumalon, Mindanao. J. B. Steere [C]. (Authentic specimen.) b. Ad. Sk, Zamboanga (Everett). Tweeddale Coll. 41. Pitta cucullata. Pitta cucullata, Hartl. Rev. Zool. 1843, p. 65; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. B. p. 157; Strickl, Ann. Nat. Hist. xiii. p. 410, t. xxi.; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; id. Cat. Mamm. & B. Nepaul, p. 40; Moore, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 274; Cassin, Orn. U.S. Expl. Evp. ed. 2, p. 437; Schleg. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 4 (1863) et p. 5 (1874); Jerd. B. Ind. i. p. 504; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 106; Fº Str. F. v. p. 457; Hume et Dav. Str. F. vi. p. 243; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 94; Oates, 2. PITTA. 443 B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 414; Kelham, Ibis, 1881, p. 509 (Perak); Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 82; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. ser. 2, vol. iv. p. 597 (Bhamo). Brachyurus cucullatus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 255; Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl. xxviii. : id. Ibis, 1870, p. 420; Hume, Str. F. iii. p. 109; Blyth, B. Burm. p. 98. Coloburis cucullata, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 4. Melanopitta cucullata, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7. Pitta nigricollis, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii. p. 960 (1843); id. Ibis, 1866, . 374. {{ É rodogaster, Hodgs,” Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii. p. 961. Pitta malaccensis, Mull. & Schl. Verh. Zool. Pitta, p. 19. Pitta coronata, Peale, Orn. U.S. Expl. Eap. ed. 1, p. 89. Pitta bangkana, Schl. Pog. Ned. Ind. p. 8, pl. 2. fig. 5; id. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 3 (1863); Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 106. Brachyurus bangkana, Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 420, pl. xiii. fig. 2. Above green; sides of head and nape black, crown chestnut ; lesser wing-coverts and rump-band silver-blue; wings black, with a broad white band across the apical portion of primaries, leaving the wing-end black: beneath bright green ; throat black; central patch on belly black; lower belly and crissum scarlet ; under wing- coverts black; bill black; feet brown ; whole length 6-5 inches, wing 4-5, tail 1:5. Hab. Nepal, and thence through Assam and Malay Peninsula to Banka Island. Except as regards the chestnut cap, this species belongs to the typical section of the present group, and is obviously allied to P. atricapilla. a. Ad. St. East Indies. Purchased. 5–d. Ad. sk. Nepal. B. H. Hodgson, Esq.[P.]. e—h. Ad.; i, k. Native Sikkim (L. Man- Hume Coll. Jr. sk. delli). l—t. Ad.; w. Jr. sk. Sikkim (L. Mandelli). Hume Coll. w—w. Ad, sk. Darjeeling. Hume Coll. $y. Ad, sk. Bhotan Doars (L. M.). Hume Coll. z—b'. & ad. sk. Sadhyia, Assam (J. Hume Coll. Cockburn). c-f', d' ad, sk. Dibrughur, Assam (J. R. Hume Coll. Cripps). g'. Ad. sk. Khasia Hills (Chennell). Tweeddale Coll. h'. Ad. sk. Tipperah. Hume Coll. 8', j'. Ad. sk. Thayetmyo, Brit. Burmah. Tweeddale Coll. k'. 3 ad.; l'. Q Pegu Hills (E. W. Oates). Hume Coll. ad. sk. m", n'. 6 & ad. sk. Pegu Hills. E. W. Oates [C.]. o'. 3 ad.; p". Sº Amherst, Tenasserim (W. Hume Coll. jr.; q', d' jr. sk. Davison). r"-a". 3 a.d.; b"— Bankasoon, Tenasserim Hume Coll. e". Q ad, sk. (W. Davison). f". 3 ad. sk. Malewoon, Tenasserim Hume Coll. (W. Davison). g". 6 ad, sk. Tavoy, Tenasserim (W. Hume Coll. Davison). 444 PITTIDAE, h"—". 6 a.d.; s”. Kossoom (J. Darling). Hume Coll. , Q ad. sk. t"—v". Ad. sk. Malacca (W. Davison). Hume Coll. w". Ad. sk. Malacca India Museum. a". Ad. sk. Malacca. IPurchased. y", z". Ad. Sk. E. Indies. Gould Coll. 42. Pitta iris. Pitta iris, Gould, P. Z. S. 1842, p. 17; id. B. Austr. iv. pl. 3; id. Intr. B. Austr. p. 55; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 432; Müll. & Schl. Verh. Zool. Pitta, p. 14; Schleg. Mus. P-B. Pitta, p. 6 (1863) et p. 16 (1874); Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 108. Brachyurus iris, Bp. Consp. i. p. 255; Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl.xxiii.; 2d. Ibis, 1870, p. 419. Above green; whole head and nape black, with a broad stripe from behind each eye, joining at the nape, chestnut ; lesser wing- coverts bright silver-blue, tipped with purple; narrow rump-band silver-green; tail black, broadly tipped with green : beneath black; lower belly and crissum pale scarlet ; bill black; feet brown: whole length 6 inches, wing 4, tail 1'4. JHab. North Australia. The black under surface is quite peculiar to this very distinct species, which has no near allies. a. 6 ad. sk. Port Essington, N. Australia. Gould Coll. (McGillivray, Voy. of the ‘Rattlesnake'). ð. Ad. sk. N. Australia. Salvin–Godman Coll. c. Ad. St. Port Essington. Dr. Sibbald [P.]. d. Ad. St. Australia. Purchased. i. Cap bright blue ; back crimson; throat white; crissum not scarlet: sexes different. (Iridipitta.) One species only is known of this peculiar section, which is quite unique in its style of plumage, and cannot, I think, be closely associated with P. iris, as has been suggested. 43. Pitta baudi. Pitta baudi, Müll. & Schl. Verh, Zool. Pitta, pp. 10, 15, pl. ii.; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Schleg. Handl. Dierk. i. p. 253; d. Vog. Wed. Ind. Pitta, p. 18, pl. v. figs, 1, 2; id. Mus, P-B. Pitta, p. 5 (1863), et p. 9 (1874); Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 107; Salvad. Uee. Borneo, p. 243; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 798; Nicholson, Ibis, 1883, p. 88; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 72; Guillem, P. Z. S., 1885, p. 414 (Borneo). Brachyurus baudi, Bp. Consp. i. p. 255; Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl. xxii.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 419. Iridipitta baudi, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7. Above Crimson ; nape and sides of head black; crown, rump, and tail brilliant blue; wings brownish black; greater coverts with a 3. EUCICHLA. 445 pure white terminal band; lesser coverts and outer secondaries like the back: beneath, throat and spot on each side of the head pure white; breast black, passing into purple and blue on the belly; under wing-coverts black; bill black; feet brown; whole length 6 inches, wing 3-5, tail 1:4. Female. Above dull crimson, wings blackish brown, coverts edged with white, as in male; tail blue: beneath dirty brown, throat white. Hab. Borneo. a. Ad. St. Borneo. Purchased. b, c. 3 9 a.d. sk. Sandakan, N.E. Borneo. Gould Coll. d. 92 sk. N.W. Borneo. Sir H. Low [C.]. 3. EUCICHLA, Type Eucichla, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 2 (1859) . . . . . . E. cyanura. This section embraces what are, perhaps, the most gorgeously coloured species of the family. Although the tail in E. gurneyi and E. ellioti is not so long and pointed as in E. cyanura and its allies, I follow Gould in placing the two first-named species in the same genus as the latter, to which they are obviously related in style of colour. Eucichla is found in Tenasserim, Burmah, Siam, Cochin, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. Key to the Species. A. Crown black; tail longer. a. Whole abdomen transversely striped . . . . . . . . 1. cyanura, p. 445. b. Centre of abdomen purple: breast yellow, with transverse bars . . . . . . 2. Schwaneri, p. 446. | breast dark purple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. boschi, p. 447. .B. Crown blue; tail shorter: | breast ashy green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. ellioti, p. 448. | breast black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º a s gº 5. gurney, p. 448. 1. Eucichla cyanura. Merle de la Guiane, Dawb. Pl. Eml. 355. Turdus cyanurus, Bodd, Table d. Pl. Enl. p. 21 (1783); Gm. S. N. i. p. 828; Lath. Ind. Orn, i. p. 361. Myiothera cyanura, Cuv, Régn. Am. i. p. 357 (1817). Pitta cyanura, Vieill. Now, Dict, iv. p. 356; d. Enc. Méth. p. 685; id. Gal. Ois, i. p. 246, pl. 153; Lesson, Tr. d’Orn. p. 394; Vig. Mem. Raffles, }. 659; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus, A. S. p. 157; Strickl. P. Z. S. 1846, p. 100; Horsf, et Moore, Cat. B. Mus, E.I. C. i. p. 183; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Bp. Consp. i. p. 256; id. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; Müll. et Schl. Verh. Zool. Pitta, p. 3; Schl. Vog. Ned. Ind. p. 22, pl. 6, figs, 1, 2, 3; id. Mus, P-B. Pitta, p. 13 (1863), et p. 16 (1874); Beavan, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 4; Elliot, Mon. Pitt, pl. xxix.; 446 PITTIDAE, Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 107; Nicholson, Ibis, 1881, p. 154 (eggs); Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 77. Eucichla cyanura, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 2; Gould, Mon. Pitt. pl. 2. Myiothera affinis, Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 154. Turdus guajanus, Müll, Natursyst, Suppl. p. 146 (??). Pitta guaiana, Elliot, Ibis, 1870, p. 420. Above reddish brown; crown and sides of head black, with a long superciliary stripe of bright yellow, which is much broadened on the nape; wings blackish brown, greater coverts and some of the secondaries edged externally with clear white; tail black, with bright blue edgings: beneath, throat and sides of neck pure white, bordered below by a narrow purplish-blue neck-collar; abdomen pale brownish yellow, regularly barred across by black bands; under wing-coverts black, with white margins; Small cross bar on the inner webs of the primaries white; bill black; feet pale brown : whole length 8 inches, wing 4, tail 2-5. Female similar, but head brown like the back, rather brighter on the superciliaries, and ground-colour beneath white, barred as in the male. Ełab. Java. a, d ad, sk. Java (Horsfield). India Mus. (Type of Myiothera affinis.) b. ? ad, sk. Java (Horsfield). India Mus. c. 3 ad. Sk. Java (Horsfield). India Mus. d, e. d ? ad. sk. Java (Horsfield). India Mus. f. 6 a.d. sk. Java (Diard). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. 6 a.d. sk. Java. Salvin–Godman Coll. h, . Ad.; j, k, Java. Tweeddale Coll. Jr. sk. l, m, 6 a.d.; n. E., Indies. J. Gould, Esq. Q ad. sk. 2. Eucichla schwaneri. Pitta Schwaneri, Bp. Consp. i. p. 256 (1850); id. Consp. Volc. Anisod. p. 7; Schleg. Handl. Dierk. i. p. 254; id. Vog. Ned. Ind. Pitta, p.25, pl. 6, fig. 4; id., Mus, P-B. Pitta, p. 14 (1863), et p. 17 (1874); Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl. xxx.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 421; Scl. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 215; Wallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 107; Salvad. Uce. Borneo, p. 243; Sharpe, Ibis, 1879, p. 268; Nicholson, Ibis, 1883, p. 88; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 78; Guillemard, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 414 (Borneo). Eucichla Schwaneri, Gould, Mon. Pitta, pl. 4. Above clear reddish brown ; crown and sides of head black, with long and broad Superciliary stripes of bright yellow, which extend on to the nape ; wings brownish black, greater coverts and some of secondaries broadly edged with pure white; tail black, with bright purple-blue edgings: beneath, chin white, passing into golden yellow on the throat and sides of the neck; breast and belly yellow, with regular narrow transverse bars of black; centre of belly and crissum deep purple-blue; under wing-coverts black, with white tips; a 3. EUCICHLA. 447 small bar of white across the inner webs of the primaries at their bases; bill black; feet brown ; whole length 7-7 inches, wing 4, tail 2.5. Female similar, but not so bright; crown brown : under surface yellowish white, regularly barred across, and without the purple on the abdomen. Hab. Borneo. This is an exaggerated form of E. cyanura, but quite distinct, with its brighter yellow breast and the purple blotch on the abdomen. a. 6 ad. sk. Banjermassing (Motley). Wallace Coll. b, c. 6 a.d.; d. 9 Borneo. Gould Coll. ad. sk. e, d ad. sk. Rudat, Borneo (Everett). Tweeddale Coll. 3. Eucichla boschi. Pitta boschi, Müll. & Schleg. Verh. Zool. Pitta, p. 5, t. i.; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 213; Horsf, et Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E.I. C. i. p. 398; Moore, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 273; Elliot, Mon. Pitt. pl.xxxi.; id. Ibis, 1870, p. 421; Tweedd. Ibis, 1877, p. 309 (Sumatra); Kelham, Ibis, 1881, p. 510 (Perak); Nicholson, Ibis, 1882, p. 63 (Sumatra); Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 83. Eucichla boschi, Cab. et Hein. Mus, Hein. ii. p. 2; Gould, Mon. Pitt. pl. 3. Pitta elegans, Temm. Pl. Col. 591 texte (1836); Less. Voy. Bonite, Zool. p. 78, t. 3.; Schleg. Vog. Ned. Ind. p. 26, pl. 6, fig. 5; id. Mus, P-B. Pitta, p. 14 (1863), et p. 17 (1874); Bp. Consp. i. . 256; id. Consp. Vol. Anisod. p. 7; IPallace, Ibis, 1864, p. 107. “Pitta affinis, Raffles,” Moore, P.Z. S. 1854, p. 273. Above clear reddish brown; front and superciliaries yellow, passing into brilliant orange on the occiput; coronal patch and sides of head, which unite round the nape, black; wings brownish black, with very broad white tips to the greater coverts, and white edgings at the ends of some of the secondaries; tail black, broadly edged with bright purple: beneath, throat white, passing into pale yellow at the sides of the neck; abdomen very dark purple, with the sides of the breast crossed by regular narrow bars of reddish orange, which bars are faintly perceptible on the middle of the breast ; under wing-coverts black, with white edgings; a small white bar across the inner webs of the two outer primaries at their bases; bill black; feet brown : whole length 8 inches, wing 3-9, tail 1.5. Female. Above similar, but colours not so bright: beneath, abdomen regularly barred across throughout, and without the purple colour. Hab. Sumatra and Malacca. The orange occiput and purple belly at once distinguish this splendid species. a. 6 a.d. st. Malacca (Cantor). India Museum. b. ? ad. sk. Malacca (Cantor), India Museum. c, d. 3 ad. ; e-h. Malacca. Hume Coll. 9 a.d.; i. Jr. sk. 4.48 PITTIDAE. j. 2 ad. sk. Mt. Ophir, Malacca (Wardlaw Tweeddale Coll. Ramsay). k. Ad. sk. Malacca (Maingay). Tweeddale Coll. l. 9 ad. sk. Malacca. Capt. Pinwill [C.]. m. G ad. sk. Malacca. India Museum. n—p. 3 Q ad. sk.; Malacca. J. Gould, Esq. q. ‘P ad. sk. r. & ad. sk. Singapore (?). Lord Ellenborough[P.]. 8, t, Ad. sk. Lampong, Sumatra (Buarton). Tweeddale Coll. w, v. G. Q ad. Sk. Sumatra. A. R. Wallace [C.]. w. & ad. sk. Sumatra. J. Gould, Esq. a'. Q ad. sk. Sumatra. Purchased. 4. Eucichla ellioti. Pitta ellioti, Oust. Nouv. Arch. d. Mus. x. Bull, p. 101, pl. ii.; id. Bull. Soc. Philom. 1878, p. 206; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 66. Eucichla ellioti, Gould, Mon. Pitt, pl. 6. Above ultramarine blue, shaded with green and brownish; head emerald-blue, brighter on the front; band through the eye to nape black; tail blue; throat clear blue, breast ashy green; abdomen yellow, transversely banded with black; large patch in middle of belly dark blue; crissum black, tipped with blue; back dark reddish brown. Female similar, but head and throat brown; back green. Hab. Cochin China and Cambodja. Apparently a very distinct species, of which I have abbreviated the description from Gould's work. Two specimens in the Paris Collection are the only examples yet received in Europe. 5. Eucichla gurneyi. Pitta gurneyi, Hume, Str. F. iii. p. 296, pl. iii., et viii. p. 94; Hume et Dav. Str. F. vi. p. 244; Gould, B. Asia, v. pl. 73. Eucichla gurneyi, Gould, Mon. Pitt, pl. 5; Oates, B. Br. Burm. i. p. 418. Above clear brown; front half and sides of head, extending round the nape, black; occiput and nape brilliant blue, with pointed feathers; wings blackish brown, inner secondaries slightly edged with whitish ; tail black, broadly edged with blue : beneath, chin whitish, passing into bright yellow on the throat and sides of the neck; abdomen black ; flanks yellow, with narrow black cross bands; under wing-coverts black, spotted with white; a small white cross bar at the bases of the primaries on their inner webs; bill black; feet pale brown; whole length 8 inches, wing 4, tail 2:1. Female. Above brown; more yellowish on the head; tail blue; sides of head black; beneath dirty white, with narrow black cross bars; throat white. Hab. Tenasserim. The contrast of the bright blue crown and yellow throat with the jet-black abdomen renders this one of the most striking species of the family. 4. CORACOPITTA. 449 a. 3 a.d. sk. Laynah, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Hume Coll. b—q. 6 ad. ; Bankasoom, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Hume Coll. r—?'. SP ad. sk j'. 9 ad, sk. Palawtonton, Malawon, Tenasserim Hume Coll. º (W. Davison). k'. 9 ad. sk. Malawon, Tenasserim (Davison). Hume Coll. !'. d ad. sk. Tapraw, Island of Tonkah (W. Davi- Hume Coll. Son). (Types of the species.) m", n'. 3 Q ad, sk. Bankasoon, Tenasserim (W. Davison). Gould Coll. 4. CORACOPITTA*. Type Melampitta, Schlegel, Nat. Tijdschr. iv. p. 47 (1873) . . . . M. lugubris. Until anatomical investigations have been made, it must remain doubtful whether this type should be referred to the Pittidae or to the Timeliidaef. The single species known is restricted to New Guinea. Head of Melampitta lugubris. It is peculiar for its uniform black plumage, short erect frontal plumes, long legs, and comparatively elongated tail. 1. Coracopitta lugubris. Pitta lugubris, Rosenb. Reist. m. d. Geelvinkb. p. 138 (1875). Melampitta lugubris, Schlegel, Wat. Tjdschr. iv., p. 47; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 696; Gould, B. New Guinea, pt. ii. pl. 6; id. Mon. Pitta, pl. 10; Salvad. Ann. Mus, Civ. Gen. x. p. 147, et xvi. p. 186; id. Orn. Pap. ii. p. 405. Uniform black; bill and feet black : whole length 5'6 inches, wing 3-2, tail 17. Hab. New Guinea. a, Q ad. sk. Arfak Mts., New Guinea. L. Laglaize [C.]. * Melampitta, in its correct form Melanopitta, is already in use for a subgenus of Pitta. I propose therefore to replace it by Coracopitta. t Cf. Salvad. §. Pap. ii. p. 405, WOL. XLV. 2 G. 450 XENICIDAE. Family VIII, XENICIDAE. Our knowledge that the two peculiar forms of New Zealand— Acanthidositta and Xenicus, are non-Oscinine is entirely due to the researches of Forbes, who investigated their anatomical structure in 1882*. Forbes showed that the syrinx in these two genera is A. Syrinx of Xenicus longipes, front view. B. Hind view. m. Lateral tracheal muscle. (P. Z. S, 1882, p. 570.) mesomyodian, and that the presence of a tenth external primary and the non-bilaminate tarsus are further indications of their non- Oscinine affinities. In other points the Xenicidae, as Forbes named the family, conform to the general Passerine type. There is no trace of a plantar vinculum, the arrangement of the tensor patagii brevis is Passerine, the main artery of the leg is the sciatic, and the sternum has a single pair of posterior notches and a bifid ma– nubrium. On the whole the Xenicidae must be held to be more nearly allied to the Pittidae than to any other Passerine form yet known. But they have only 10 rectrices instead of 12—the normal Passerine number, and the scutellation of the tarsus is different. The two known genera of Xenicidae are entirely confincă to New Zealand, no Australian form with similar structure having been yet met with, although it is quite possible that such may be hereafter discovered My account of these three birds is freely adopted from Sir W. L. Buller's new edition of his ‘Birds of New Zealand,” by the kind permission of the author. Key to the Genera. A. Bill very thin, compressed, pointed; tarsi thin, about twice the length of the hind toe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. ACANTHIDOSITTA, p. 451. B. Bill stouter, more broadened at the base; tarsi stouter, longer, more than twice the length of the hind toe . . 2, XENICUs, p. 452. * See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 569. 1. ACANTHIDOSITTA. 451 1. ACANTHIDOSITTA. Type. Acanthisitta, Lafr. Mag. de Zool. 1842, pl. 27 . . . . . . . . . . A. chloris. Acanthidositta, Buller, B. N. Z. ed. ii. p. 113 (1887). . . . . . A. chloris. As indicated by its name, this form is peculiar for its slender, thorn-like bill. Acanthidositta builds its nest in holes of trees and in other cavities, composed of leaves and plants, and lays white eggs. 1. Acanthidositta chloris. Sitta chloris, Sparrm. Mus. Carls. pl. 33 (1787). Acanthisitta chloris, Gray, Ibis, 1862, p. 219; Finsch, J. f. O. 1867, p. 320, 1870, p. 251, 1872, p. 109, et 1874, pp. 171, 183; Pelz. Verh, k-k. zool-bot. Ges. Wien, 1867, p. 316; Hutton, Cat. B. of N. Z. p. 8 (1871); id. Ibis, 1870, p. 392; Forbes, P. Z. S. #: p. 569; Buller, B. N. Z. p. 1.12; id. Man. B. N. Z. p. 15 1882). Acanthidositta chloris, Buller, B. N. Z. ed. ii. p. 113. Citrine Warbler, Lath. Gen. Syn. ii. pt. 2, p. 464. Motacilla citrina, Gm. S. N. i. p. 979 (1788). Sylvia citrina, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 529. Acanthisitta citrina, Gray, List of Gen. 1842, App. p. 6; Ellman, Zool. 1861, p. 7466. Sitta punctata, Quoy et Gaim. Voy, de l'Astr. i. p. 221, pl. 18. fig. 1 (1830). Acanthisitta punctata, Gray, List of Gen. 1842, App. p. 6; Ellman, Zool. 1861, p. 7466. Motacilla citrinella, Forst. Deser. An. p. 89 (1844). Acanthiza tenuirostris, Lafr. R. Z, 1841, p. 242. Acanthisitta tenuirostris, Lafr. Mag. de Zool. 1842, Ois. pl. 27. Upper parts dull green, tinged with yellow on the wings and rump; throat, breast, and underparts generally fulvous white, with a tinge of yellow on the sides of the body and abdomen; a streak over and beyond the eyes and a lower-eyelid fringe of fulvous white; wing-feathers black, edged on their outer webs with green, and crossed by a band of dull yellow immediately below the coverts, which are black: the first tertial white on its outer web; tail- feathers black, tipped with fuscous; irides and bill dark brown; legs and feet paler brown, changing to yellow on the under surface of the toes: length 3 inches, wing 1-5, tail '95. Female. Crown, hind neck, and upper back olivaceous yellow, each feather margined with brown; lower back and rump olivaceous yellow tinged with green; tail-coverts dull green : beneath buffy white, sides washed with yellow; wing-feathers dusky, margined on the outer web and marked at the base with olivaceous yellow ; superior wing-coverts black; outer tertials margined with white; innermost secondary with an oblong spot of yellowish white on the outer vane ; tail black, tipped with fulvous. Young. Duller, and suffused with yel- lowish brown; breast with numerous elongated brown striations. Hab. North and South Islands of New Zealand. 2 G 2 452 XENICIDAE. a, b. Ad. St. New Zealand. Purchased. c. 3 a.d.; d, e. New Zealand. Capt. Stokes [P.]. Q ad. sk. f, g, d ? ad. sk. New Zealand. Eyton Coll. h, i. 3 ad. ; 7–l. New Zealand. Purchased. Q ad. sk. m. Ad, sk. New Zealand (T. J. Parker). Sclater Coll. 2. XENICUS, Type. Xenicus, G. R. Gray, Cat, of Gen. of B. p. 31 (1855) . . X. longipes. The larger, longer tarsi and the more broadened bill at once distinguish this form from Acanthidositta. The nest appears to be like that of Acanthidositta, but of more finished construction. The eggs are of a spotless white. Key to the Species. __” A. Above dark green; beneath usky . . . . . . . . . . 1. longipes, p. 452. B. Above brown; beneath pale brown . . . . . . . . 2, gilviventris, p. 453. 1. Xenicus longipes, Long-legged Warbler, Lath. Gen. Sym, ii. pt. 2, p. 465 (1783). Motacilla longipes, Gm. Syst, Nat, i. p. 979 (1788, ea Lath). Sylvia longipes, Lath, Ind. Orn. ii. p. 529 (1790). Acanthisitta longipes, Gray, List of Gen. of Birds, App. p. 6 (1842); Ellman, Zoologist, 1861, p. 7466. Xenicus longipes, Gray, Ibis, 1862, p. 218; Finsch, J. f. O. 1867, p. 320, 1870, p. 251, 1872, p. 109, et 1874, pp. 171, 184; Pelz. Verh, k-k. zool-bot. Ges. Wien, 1867, p. 316; Buller, Birds of New Zealand, p. 115 (1873); id. Ibis, 1874, p. 116; id. Man. B. of N. Z. p. 14 (1882); d. B. of N. Z. ed. ii. p. 108; Hutton, Cat. B. of N. Z. p. 7 (1871); id. Ibis, 1874, p. 37; Forbes, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 569. Xenicus stokesii, Gray, Ibis, 1862, p. 219; Finsch, J. f. O. 1867, p. 320, 1870, p. 251, 1872, p. 109, et 1874, p. 184. Upper parts dark green, tinged with yellow, shading into dark brown on the forehead and Crown ; sides of the head black, with a broad superciliary streak of white extending beyond the ears, and then changing to yellow ; sides, thighs, and rump bright greenish yellow ; fore-neck, breast, and abdomen cinereous grey, with a beautiful gloss (sometimes tinged with cobalt), and softening into greyish white on the throat; lining of wings pale yellow; quills, on their outer webs, and the tail-feathers olivaceous green; irides and bill brownish black; tarsi and toes pale brown: length 4 inches, wing 2:25, tail 1. Female. Upper parts umber-brown, tinged with yellowish green, especially on the rump; crown shaded with purplish brown ; superciliary streak white; throat, sides of the neck, breast, and upper part of abdomen delicate vinous brown; sides of the body, flanks, and thighs dull lemon-yellow; inner lining of wings pure yellow. Hab. South Island of New Zealand. 2. xENICUs. 453 a. Ad, sk. New Zealand. Capt. Stokes [P.]. b. 3 a.d. sk. Milford Sound, New Zealand, § Museum. c. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Gould Coll. 2. Xenicus gilviventris, Xenicus gilviventris, Pelzeln, Verh. K.-k. zool-bot. Ges. Wien, 1867, p. 316; Hutton, Cat. B. of N. Z. p. 7 (1871); Finsch, J. f. O. 1870, p. 251, 1872, pp. 83, 109, et 1874, pp. 171, 184; Buller, Birds of New Zealand, p. 117 (1873); id. Man. B. of N. Z. p. 15 (1882); id, Birds of New Zealand, ed. ii. p. 111. Acanthisitta gilviventris, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 183. Xenicus haasti, Buller, Ibis, 1869, p. 37; Finsch, J. f. O. 1870, p. 251, 1872, p. 83, et 1874, p. 184. Acanthisitta haasti, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 183. Upper parts dull olive-brown, with a greyish gloss, darker on the forehead and crown, and tinged on the back, wing-coverts, and rump with yellowish green; sides of the head dark brown, with a narrow superciliary streak of fulvous white, widening above the ears: underparts delicate purplish brown, with a silky appearance, and fading into fulvous white at the base of the lower mandible; the sides of the body lemon-yellow; wing-feathers brown, the primaries margined on their outer webs with dull olive; the secon- daries with an apical spot of fulvous on their outer webs; tertials and lesser wing-coverts black, forming a conspicuous triangular spot; inner lining of wings pale yellow : tail-feathers dull olive; irides and bill blackish brown ; tarsi and toes pale brown, claws darker: length 3-7 inches, wing 2:1, tail 0-75. Female. Similar, but upper parts dull yellowish brown, shaded with umber on the crown, and tinged with yellowish olive on the wings and rump; the superciliary streak less distinct; and the underparts pale fulvous, stained on the sides of the body with lemon-yellow. Hab. South Island of New Zealand. a. Ad. Sk, Rimusaka Hills, New Zealand. Capt. Stokes [P.]. 454 EURYLAEMIDAE. Family IX. EURYLAFMIDAE. The Eurylaemidae have been variously arranged by naturalists, but until recently have been usually referred to the neighbourhood of Coracias, and considered to be non-Passerine *. Nitzsch, in his celebrated ‘ Pterylography, first showed that the pterylosis of Eurylaemºns is that of the Passeres; and Blanchard subsequently figured the sternum, and proved that this is also of the Passerine form, although the manubrium sterni is unforked, contrary to what is generally the case in the typical Passeres f. In 1877 f Garrod further showed that the palate of these birds is truly Passerine, but that they differ singularly from all other known Passeres in the structure of the foot. The tendon of the flea or Left foot of Cymborhynchus macrorhynchus viewed from behind, to show the deep lanfar tendons, and the vinculum (v.) which the flewor longus hallucis Fº sends, to the tendon of the flewor profundis digitorum (fp.d.). The skin has been turned aside, and the superficial flexors removed; the Jewor hallucis longus has been cut short and displaced. (P. Z. S. 1880, p. 382.) longus hallucis sends out a strong vinculum to join the tendon of the flewor profundus digitorum, as is the case in nearly all non- Passerine birds in which a hallux is developed. * See the author's remarks, Ibis, 1872, p. 177. | Ann. Sc. Nat. xi. p. 110 (1859). f P.Z.S. 1877, p. 447. 1. CALYPTOMENA. 455 In 1880 Forbes took up the subject, and gave us accurate de- scriptions of the trachea of the Eurylaemidae “, which had not been previously examined. He proved by his study of this organ that the Eurylaemidae are Mesomyodians of the non-Tracheophonine division. But, looking to the important points of the retention of the plantar winculum and to the non-forked manubrium sterni, Forbes concluded that, as had already been suggested by Garrod, the Eurylaemidae ought to form a main division of the Passeres by themselves under the title “DESMODACTYLI,” while all other Passeres should be denominated “ELEUTHERODACTYLI.” ‘f This view as to the position of the Eurylaemidae is nearly what is adopted in the present volume, except that it seems more convenient to place them at the end of the other Oligomyodian Passeres, instead of after the Tracheophonae. The Eurylaemidae may be considered as one of the typical families of the Oriental Region, to which they are strictly confined. They are most developed in Malacca, Sumatra, and Borneo, but extend westwards into the sub-Himalayan forests of Northern Bengal and eastwards into the Philippine Islands. Key to the Subfamilies. A. Frontal plumes projecting forwards and covering the nostrils; tail very short, nearly square; bill short; chin-angle carried forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. CALYPTOMENINAE, A. Frontal plumes recumbent, not covering [p 455. the nostrils; tail long, much rounded; bill longer; chin-angle not carried forward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. EURYLACMINAE, [p. 457. Subfamily I. CALYPTOMENINAE. 1. CALYPTOMENA. Type Calyptomena, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soo, Xiii. p. 295 (1822). C. viridis. This genus, which has been variously placed by the older authors, is no doubt closely related to the Eurylami, of which it is an aberrant form. In the structure of the tarsi, pterylosis, form of the sternum, and other essential points, the two groups nearly approximate, although, as Mr. Davison tells us, they by no means agree in habits, food, or note. To the typical species, which extends from Tenas- serim to Borneo, a second, highly developed form from Kinabalu has recently been added. * P.Z. S. 1880, p. 383. t Forbes, P.Z.S. 1880, p. 391. 456 1. EURYLAEMIDAE. Key to the Species. A. Smaller: neck in front green like the body ... 1. viridis, p.456. B. Larger: large neck-patch black . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, whiteheadi, p. 457 1. Calyptomena viridis. Calyptomena viridis, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 295 (Sumatra); Horsf. Zool. Res, pl. 53; Eyton, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 102 (Malacca); Blyth, Cat. B. Mus, A. S. p. 196; id. B. Burm. p. 124; Horsf. & Moore, Cat. B. E.I. Co. Mus, i. p. 120; Moore, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 267 (Malacca); Sel. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 214 (Borneo); Walden, Ibis, 1872, p. 369 (N. Borneo); Beccari, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov, xiii. p. 452; Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 106; id. Ann. Mus, Civ. Genov. xiv. p. 197 (Sumatra); Hume, Str. F. ii. p. 470 (Tenasserim), et viii. pp. 50, 86 (Malay Peninsula); Sharpe, Ibis, 1877, p. 22, et 1879, p. 263; id. P. Z. S. 1881, p. 798 (Borneo); Tweeddale, Ibis, 1877, p. 317 (Sumatra); Hume & Davison, Str. F. vi. pp. 86,499 (Tenasserim); Nicholson, Ibis, 1882, p. 64 (Sumatra); Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 422; Guillemard, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 407 (Borneo). Rupicola viridis, Temm. Pl. Col. 216 (1823). Pipra viridis, Wagl. Isis, 1830, p. 929. Calyptomena rafflesia, Sw, An, in Menag. p. 296 (1838). Calyptomena caudacuta, Sw. An, in Menag. p. 296 (1838). Bright shining green, rather duller on the belly; a small spot in front of the eyes bright yellow ; concealed spot at the base of the frontal plumes, a large spot behind the ear-coverts, and three bands across the wing-coverts black; ends of outer primaries and inner portions of rest of wing-feathers also black; bill yellowish ; feet horn-colour: whole length 6 inches, wing 4-2, tail 1:5. Female similar, but not so bright; black spots absent ; inner portions of wing-feathers brownish black. Hab. Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java (?), and Borneo. a—c. 6 ad. ; d. Amherst, Tenasserim (Davison). Hume Coll. Q jr.; e. Ad, sk. f. 6 a.d. sk. * Tenasserim (Davi- Hume Coll. SO??, ). g. Q ad. Sk, Laynah, Tenasserim (Davison). Hume Coll. h–0. 3 ad, ; p–8. Bankasoom, Tenasserim (Davi- Hume Coll. ! Q ad. sk. Son). \ - t, Q ad. Sk, * B. Burmah (Davi- Hume Coll. SO??, ). w—w. 3 ad. ; ar, Nwalaboo, Brit. Burmah (Davč- Hume Coll. $y, 9 ad. sk. Son). 2, 3 º a'. Q Tavoy, Brit. Burmah (Davison). Hume Coll. Jr, SK. 5'-m'. 3 ad, ; Klang, Salangore (Davison). Hume Coll. 'n'-s'. Q ad. ; t"—a'. Q jr. sk. gy'. 3 ad. Sk, Salangore (W. Davison). Hume Coll. 2'-c". Ad. ; d"— Malacca. Hume Coll. l". Jr. sk. m". Ad, sk. Malacca, India Museum. n'. Ad. sk. Malacca. J. Gould, Esq. 1. CALYPTOMENA. 457 o". Ad. sk. Malacca. A. R. Wallace [C]. p''. 6 a.d. sk. Chohong, Malacca (Davison). Hume Coll. q", r". 3 Qad, sk. Mt. Ophir, Malacca (Ramsay). Tweeddale Coll. s", t''. 3 ad. ; Malacca (Ramsay). Tweeddale Coll. w"—w". © ad.; a". 3 jr. sk Ay". 6 jr. sk. Penang. India Museum. 2". 6 a.d. sk. Perak. L. Wray [C.]. a”-fº. 3 ad. ; Johore (Davison). Hurne Coll. g”—iº. Q ad sk. jº. Ad. sk. Singapore. J. Brooks [C.]. k°, § 6 Q ad. Singapore. Hume Coll. Sk. m”. 6 ad. ; n°, Sumatra (Bock). Tweeddale Coll. o°. Q ad, sk. p°. & ad. sk. Lampong, Sumatra (E. C. Bua - Tweeddale Coll. ton). q". © ad. sk. S.E. Sumatra (E. C. Buwton). Tweeddale Coll. 7%. Ad, sk. Sumatra (Raffles). India Museum. s°. 6 a.d. sk. Marup, Borneo. Tweeddale Coll. t”. Ad. sk. N.E. Borneo. Tweeddale Coll. w°. Ad. sk. Borneo. Zool. Soc. Coll. v. Ad, sk. Borneo. Purchased. w°. Ad. sk. S. Borneo. J. Gould, Esq. a". Jr. sk. E. Indies, Purchased. y”, Jr. st. Java (?). Purchased. 2. Calyptomena whiteheadi. Calyptomena whiteheadi, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 558; id. Ibis, 1888 p. 231, pl. v. Bright shining green; large blotch on the front of the neck and a spot on each side behind the ear-coverts black; feathers of back and breast black, with lanceolate green tips; tail velvety black, green at the base; secondaries slightly edged with blue : whole length 11 inches, wing 6:35, tail 3:2. Female similar, but smaller, not so bright, and frontal crest less developed. Hab. Kinabalu Mountain, Borneo. The description is taken from the typical specimens in Mr. White- head's Collection. Subfamily II. EURYLAEMINAE. The typical Eurylaemidae consist of about eight species referable to six easily distinguished genera, which range all over the Oriental Region with the exception of the peninsula of India and Ceylon, and extend from the Eastern Himalayas through the Malay Archi- pelago to the Philippines. The wide gape, which distinguishes these birds generally, is carried to an excess in Corydon, in which its width is fully equal to the length of the bill. The food of this subfamily appears to be 458 EURYLAEMIDAE. mainly insects, while Calyptomena is said to be purely frugivorous. The Eurylaemina, so far as their nesting habits are known, appear to build domed nests suspended from the branches of trees, and to lay spotted eggs. Rey to the Genera. A. Nostrils more or less rounded, placed at the base of the frontal plumes. a. Tail longer than wing . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. PSARISOMUs, p. 458. b. Tail shorter than wing. a. Bill short; sides of upper man- dible not overlapping . . . . . . . . 3. SERILOPIIUs, p. 460. b. Bill longer; sides of upper man- dible slightly overlapping. | With an eye-caruncle . . . . 4. SARCOPHANOPs, p. 462. | Without an eye-caruncle, . 5. EURYLAEMUs, p. 463, c. Bill very broad and strongly hooked; sides of upper man- J dible much overlapping . . . . . . 6. CoRYDON, p. 466. B. Nostrils lineiform, placed in a slit in the middle of the mandible . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, CYMBORHYNCHUs, p. 468. 2. PSARISOMIUS, Type. Psarisomus, Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 261 (1837) . . . . . . . . . . P. daiºiº. Crossodera, Gould, Icon. Av. pl. i. (1837) . . . . . . . . . . . . P. dalbousiae. Raya, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. viii. p. 36 (1839) . . . . . . . . . . P. dalhousiae. Sinius, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. p. 27 (1841) . . . . . . . . . . . . P. dalhousiae. Simornis, Hodgs. Gray's Zool, Misc. p. 82 (1844) . . . . . . P. dalhousiae. This lovely bird is structurally distinguished from the other Eury- lami by its very long and much graduated tail, and by the small frontal plumes which partly conceal the nostrils. It has an extensive range from the Eastern Himalayas through the Malay Peninsula to Borneo. 1. Psarisomus dalhousiaº, Eurylaimus dalhousiae, Jameson, Edinb. N. Ph. J. xviii. p. 389 (1835); IIorsfield, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 156 (Assam). Psarisomus dalhousia, Jerd, B, Ind. i. p. 236; d. Ibis, 1872, p. 4; Blyth, B. Burm. p. 126; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov, xiii. p. 453, et ser, 2, v. p. 574; Walden, Ibis, 1875, p. 460; Hume, Str., F. ii., p. 470 (Tenasserim), iii. p. 52 (Upp, Pegu), v. p. 19 (N.E. Cachar); Hume & Day. Str., F. vi. p. 88 (Tenasserim); Bingham, Str. F. viii. p. 193, ix. p. 156 (Tenasserim); Oates, Sir. F. X. p. 188 (Pegu)}, id. B. Br. Burm, i. p. 423; Gould, B. Asia i. pl. 64; Sharpe, Ibis, 1887, p. 453 (Borneo). 2 Eurylaimus (Psarisomus) dalhousiae, Horsf, et Moore, Cat. B. E.I. Co. Mſus. i. p. 117. Psarisomus assimilis, Hume, Str. F. iii. p. 53. Raya sericeogula, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. viii. p. 36 (1839). Simornis (Raya) sericeogula, Hodgs. Gray's Zool, Misc, p. 82 (1844). 2. PSARISOMUs. 459 Eurylaimus (Crossodera) dalhousiae, Gould, Icon. Av. pl. i. Eurylaimus psittacinus, Müll. Tijdschr. Nat. Gesch. ii. p. 349, pl. v. fig. 6, 1835 (Sumatra); Temm. Pl. Col. 598. Psarisomus psittacinus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xiv. p. 198 (Sumatra). Cap and sides of head black ; large patch on the crown and line at the back of the nape bright blue : narrow frónt, lores, space below the eye, and sides of neck adjacent to the blue nuchal band bright yellow ; spot above the ear-coverts greeniish yellow ; whole back and outer Secondaries bright green ; wing-feathers black, with a white bar on the inner webs of the eight outer primaries, and a large patch of bright blue occupying the outer webs of the basal portions of all the primaries; tail-feathers much graduated, beneath black, above blue : under surface bright bluish green, throat yellow ; bill horn-colour, with the culmen and edges yellowish, feet brown; whole length 10-5 inches, wing 4-2, tail 5:4. Female similar. Hab. Eastern Himalayas, and through Assam and Cachar down to Tenasserim, Sumatra, and Borneo. a. Ad. St. India. India Museum. b, c. Ad, ; d. Q Masuri, India, Hume Coll. ad. sk. e. Ad. Sk, Kalsi. Hume Coll. f. Ad. sk. Nainee Tal, Terai. Capt. S. Pinwill [C.]. g—i. Ad.; j, k, @ Gurwhal. Hume Coll. ad, sk. l–m. Ad, sk. Native Sikhim (Mandelli). Hume Coll. 0–3. Ad.; y—a'. Sikhim (Mandelli). Hume Coll. Jr. sk. b'—e'. Ad, ; f,g'. Darjiling. Hume Coll. Jr. sk. h'. Jr. sk. Darjiling, Tweeddale Coll. '-l'. Ad, sk. Nepal. B. H. Hodgson [C.]. 'm'. Ad, sk. Bhotan. Hume Coll. 'n', o'. Ad, sk. Buxa Doars (Mandelli). Hume Coll. p'. Ad. sk. Khasia Hills. W. Griffith [C]. q'. Ad, sk. Assam. J. McClelland [C]. r". Ad. sk. sº Assam (J. Cock- Hume Coll. 20?"?? ). s'. Ad, sk Dollah, Assam (J. Cockburn). Hume Coll. t", w. 6 § ad; v. Shillong, Assam (J. Cock- Hume Coll. Ad.; w'-g'. Jr. burn). sk. a", b". Ad, sk. Dibrughur, Assam (J. R. Hume Coll. Cripps). c". Ad, sk. N. Cachar Hills. Tweeddale Coll. d", e". 3 a.d.; fº. N. Khasia Hills (A. W. 9 a.d. sk. Channell). g". Ad, sk. Dilkusha, Cachar (J. Inglis). Hume Coll. h". 6 a.d.; ", j". Manipur, IHume Coll. Q ad. Sk, A", l.". 3 a.d.; m''. Karen Hills (Wardlaw Ram- Tweeddale Coll. Q ad. ; m". Ad. say). sk. 460 z EURYLAEMIDAE. o". Ad, sk. Tonghoo, British Burmah Tweeddale Coll. (Wardlaw Ramsay). p". Q ad. sk. Pegu Hills, E. slopes, E. W. Oates [C.], q". 6 a.d. sk. Western Hills of Pegu Hume Coll. (Oates). 7". 6 a.d. sk. N.W. slopes, Mooleyit Hume Coll. (Davison). s", t''. 6 a.d. sk. Mooleyit (Davison). Hume Coll. w"—w". 6 ad. ; y", Meetan, Tenasserim (W. Hume Coll. z". Qad, sk. Davison). a”. 6 a.d. sk. Nellaybro (J. Darling, Jr.). Hume Coll. b°. Q ad. sk. Thoungyeen r. (Bingham). Hume Coll. c”—e". Qad.; fº, Thoungyah (J. Darling, Jr.). Hume Coll. & jr. sk. g°. Ad. sk. Rangoon. , Capt. Bingham [P.]. h°. 6 a.d.; Sumatra (Bock). Tweeddale Coll. *—k°, Jr. sk. 3. SERILOPHUS. Type Serilophus, Sw, Class. B. ii. p. 262 (1837) . . . . . . . . . . . . S. lunulatus. Two species of Serilophus occupy the hill-ranges of the Asiatic continent, from Sikhim to Tenasserim, but have not yet been met with in the Malay Archipelago. They are distinguished among the Eurylaminae for their comparatively narrow bill, much rounded tail, and Smooth silky plumes. Key to the Species. A. Forehead pale grey; nape brownish . . . . . . . . 1, lunatus, p. 460. B. Whole head above uniform dark grey . . . . . . 2. rubropygius, p. 461. 1. Serilophus lunatus. Eurylaimus lunatus, Gould, P. Z. S. 1833, p. 133; id. Trans. Zool. Soc. i. p. 176, t. 25; G. R. Gray, List of B. B. M. pt. ii. sect. 1, p. 37; Horsf. P. Z. S. 1839, p. 156. Serilophus lunatus, Sw, Class. B. ii. p. 262; id. Flycatch. p. 242; Bp. Consp. i. p. 169; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. p. 196; id. B. Burm. p. 125; Hume, Str. F. ii. p. 470 (Tenasserim), iii. p. 53 (Upp. Pegu), viii. p. 86; Ramsay, Ibis, 1875, p. 352 (Burmah); Davison, Str. F. v. p. 455 (Burmah); Hume & Dav. Str. F. vi. pp. 89, 499 (Tenasserim); Oates, Str. F. viii. p. 164 (Burmah), x. p. 188 % td, B. Brit. Burm, i. p. 424; Gould, B. Asia, i. pl. 62; Bingham, Str. F. ix. p. 157 (Tenasserim); Salvad. Ann, Mus, Civ. Gen. Ser. 2, v. p. 574 (Tenasserim). Eurylaimus (Serilophus) lunatus, Horsf, et Moore, Cat. B. E.I. Co. Mus, i. p. 118, Above pale brownish grey, front pure grey; a long superciliary stripe black; rump and upper tail-coverts brownish chestnut ; wings black, crossed by a broad bluish bar beyond the coverts, and with , a white bar on the inner webs and white tips to the outer primaries; outer Secondaries and tips of some of the wing-feathers rufous like 3. SERILOPHUS. 461 the back; tail black, outer rectrices broadly tipped with white : beneath greyish white, becoming pure white on the belly; thighs black; bill plumbeous, with yellowish culmen and edges; feet blackish : whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-4, tail 2-6. Female similar, but breast crossed by one or more narrow silvery bands. Hab. Burmah. a, b. 3 ad.; c, d. Karen Hills (Wardlaw Ramsay). Tweeddale Coll. 9 a.d.; e,f, Ad. sk. g. Q ad, sk. Karenee (Wardlaw Ramsay). Tweeddale Coll. h. * 3. Q ad. Tonghoo (Wardlaw Ramsay). Tweeddale Coll. SR. j, k, d ? ad. ; Pegu Hills. E. W. Oates [C.]. !. Ad. sk. m, n. 6 ad. ; o. West Pegu Hills (Oates). Hume Coll. 9 a.d. sk. p. 3 ad. sk. Lower Pegu. E. W. Oates [C.]. q—s. 3 ad, ; t, u. Pahpoon, Tenasserim (W. Davì- Hume Coll. 9 a.d. sk. son). v. 9 ad, sk. Thenganee Sakhan, Tenasserim Hume Coll. (Davison). *: i ad, ; b'.9 Thoungyah, Tenass. (Darling). Hume Coll. aCl. SK. c'. 3 ad. ; d. Ad. Thoungyah, road to Myawadee Hume Coll. sk. (IDavison). e'. 6 º ; f. 2 Thoungshayen, Temass. (Davison). Hume Coll. ad. sk. g'. Q ad. sk. Tººheyen, Tenass. (Bing- Hume Coll. am). h'. Q ad. sk. Kaukaryit, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. '. 3 ad. sk.] ASSoun, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. j'. 3 ad, ; k". Q Mouleyit, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. ad. ; l'. Ad. sk. m'. 6 a.d.; m', o'. Meetan, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. Q ad. sk. p', q', 3 a.d. sk. Amherst, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. r". 3 ad. sk. Omaguoen, Temass. (Davison). Hume Coll. s', t, 6 ad. sk. Nwalaboo, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. w, v'. Q ad, sk. Nwalaboo, Tenass. (Darling). Hume Coll. w". Ad. sk. Tenasserim. Helfer [C.]. w". Ad. sk. Indian Archipelago. Purchased. 2. Serilophus rubropygius. Raya rubropygia, Hodgs, J. A. S. B. viii. p. 36. Serilophus rubropygius, Bp. Consp. i. p. 169; Jerd, B. Ind. i. p. 238; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 4; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus, A. S. p. 196; id. B. Burm. p. 125; id. Ibis, 1866, p. 349; Hume, Str. F. iii. p. 53, viii. p. 86, ix. p. 247 (Cachar); Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 425; Gould, B. Asia, i. pl. 63. Eurylaimus (Serilophus) rubropygius, Horsf, et Moore, Cat. B. E.I. Co. Mus. i. p. 119. Above dark grey, slightly washed with brown on the inter- 462 EURYLAEMIDAE. scapulium ; long superciliary stripe black; rump and upper tail- coverts chestnut-red; wings black, crossed by a bluish band above the coverts and by another occupying the outer webs at their tips, also by a white band beneath across the inner webs; outer secondaries and tips of the inner webs of the inner primaries chestnut, like the back; a row of small white spots adjacent to the second bluish band; tail black, outer rectrices broadly tipped with white : beneath grey, more whitish on the belly; bill plumbeous, with yellowish tip and edges; feet pale greenish brown ; whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3-3, tail 28. Female similar, but with a narrow silvery white breast-collar. Hab. Nepal and Eastern Himalayas to Arrakan. a-f. Ad, sk. Nepal. B.H. Hodgson, Esq.[C.], (Typical specimens.) g—i. 3 ad. ; j, k, Sikhim (Mandelli). Hume Coll. $2 ad. ; l-p. Ad. sk. q—v. Ad. Sk. Darjeeling. Hume Coll. w. & ad.; a. Ad. Bhotan Doars (Mandelli). Hume Coll. sk. y, z, Ad sk. Assam. McClelland [C.]. a'. 6 a.d. sk. Dilkoushah, Cachar (J. Hume Coll. Inglis). b'. 6 a.d. sk. Manipur (Hume). Hume Coll. c'. Q ad.; d, e'. N. Khasia Hills (A. W. Tweeddale Coll. Ad. sk. Chennell). f". 6 a.d. sk. Dikrang Valley (Godwin- Tweeddale Coll. Austem). g'. Q ad. Sk. Harmutti (Godwin- Tweeddale Coll. Austen). 4. SARCOPHANOPS. #arcophanops, Sharpe, Trans. Linn. Soc. ser, 2, vol. i. Zool. p. 844 (1879). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. steerii. The discovery of a Eurylaemid in the Philippines is of great interest, as affording further evidence of the essential connection of the Philippine fauna with that of the Oriental Region. Sarcophanops is most nearly allied, I think, to Eurylamus, but distinguished from that and every other form of the group by the naked skin round the eye and the rather feebler feet. Type. 1. Sarcophanops steerii. Eurylaemus steerii, Sharpe, Nature, vol. xiv. p. 297 (Aug. 1876). Sarcophanops steerii, Sharpe, Trans. Linn. Soc. ser, 2, vol. i. Zool. , p. 344, pl. 54 (Basilan); Gould, B. Asia, i. % 65; Tweeddale, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 110 (Dinagat), et 1879, p. 70 (Basilan); Wardlaw Ramsay, Tweedd. Mem., App. p. 658. Above dark grey; cap dark purple, with a small vertical scarlet 5. EURYLAEMUs. 463 spot, and divided from the back by a white ring round the neck; rump and tail chestnut ; wings black, with a distinct white cross-band on the secondaries, which is bordered externally with bright yellow on the inner secondaries: beneath white, much tinged with vina- ceous; throat and sides of head black; bill plumbeous, with pale tip and edges; feet slaty: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-2, tail 2-5. Female similar, but breast pure white. Hab. Philippines. a. Ad, sk. Basilan, Philippines. J. B. Steere [C.]. - (One of the typical specimens.) b, c, d ad, ; d, e. Basilan, Philippines (A. Tweeddale Coll. SP ad. sk. Everett). f. §2 ad. sk. Dinagat, Philippines (A. Tweeddale Coll. I’verett). 5. EURYLAENIUS, T ype. Eurylaimus, Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 170 (1822) E. javanicus. Platyrhynchos, Vieill. Gal. Ois, vol. i. p. 199 (1825) . . E. javanicus. ( ovo-V. P(&# 9 k w c \, ex S Sºº-wºo's, t \g o' ST, e The typical génus Eurylamus, as now limited, contains but two species, which range from Tenasserim southwards over the Malay Peninsula and Sunda Islands. As regards its large, strong, much widened beak, it is only surpassed by Corydon. Key to the Species. A. Larger: head and throat vinaceous. . . . . . . . . . 1. javamicus, p. 463. B. Small: head and throat black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. ochromelas, p. 465. 47 1. Eurylaemus javanicus. Eurylaemus javanicus, Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 170; id. Zool. Res, pl. 54; Vigors, Mem. Raffles, p. 653; Less. Man. d’Orn. i. p. 175; d. Traité d'Orn. p. 261; Blyth, Cat. B. A. S. p. 195; td. B. Burm. p. 125; Bp. Consp. i. p. 168; Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E.I. Co. p. 116; id. P. Z. S. 1854, } 267 (Malacca); Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 121; Walden, Ibis, 1872, p. 369 (N. Borneo); Gould, B. Asia, i. pl. 57; Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 107; Davison, Str. F. v. p. 456 (mest) (Burmah); Hume & Dav. Str. F. vi. pp. 89, 499 (Tenasserim); Hume, Str. F. ii. p. 470 (Tenasserim), viii. pp. 50, 86 (Malay Peninsula); Bingham, Str. F. ix. p. 157 (Tenasserim); Sharpe, Ibis, 1876, p. 48, 1877, p. 22, et 1879, p. 263 (Borneo); Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 14 (Sumatra); Nicholson, Ibis, 1882, p. 63 (Sumatra), et 1883, p. 88 (Borneo); Oates, B. Brit. Burm, i. p. 427; Guillemard, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 407 (Borneo). Eurylaimus horsfieldi, Temm. P. Col. 130, 131 (1823); Sw. Flycatch. p. 240, pl. 30; Wagl. Syst, Av. Euryl. sp. 3. Platyrhynchos horsfieldi, Vieill. Gal. Ois. i. p. 200, t. cxxv. Javan Tody, Lath. G. H. iv. p. 96. Above black; broad central patch in the middle of the back, large spot on the Scapularies and upper tail-coverts, and bar on the outer freed-billº 464 TSURYLAFMIDAE. webs of the secondaries bright yellow ; whole head vinaceous purple, rather brighter on the nape and blacker on the front ; tail black, with a row of pale fulvous-white subterminal spots: beneath vinaceous purple, darker on the throat and more reddish on the belly : thighs brownish black; crissum rufous; narrow pectoral band black; under wing-coverts yellow; bill dark plumbeous, culmen yellowish; feet pale hazel: whole length 8-3 inches, wing 4, tail 27. Female similar, but without the black pectoral band. Hab. Tenasserim, and south throughout the Malay Peninsula to Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. a. Ad. sk. b. Ad. ; c. Jr. sk. d. 9 ad, sk. e, f. 6 a.d.; g. Q ad. sk h. 3 ai; ; 2 ad. sk. j. 3 ad. Sk, k. 6 a.d. sk. l. 3 a.d. sk. m. & ad. sk. m, o. 3 SP ad, sk. p. Q ad. sk. q. Q ad. sk. r, 8. Q ad. sk. t–v. & ad.; w. Q ad. sk. a', d' ad. sk. y. & ad. sk. z—c'. & ad. ; d-f'. Q ad. sk. g". Jr: sk, h', Jr. sk. 7. Ad. sk. j". Q ad, sk. k', ''. Q ad. sk. m". 6 a.d.; n'—p'. Q ad.; q', Jr. sk. 7". Ad, sk. s'. Jr. sk. t'. Ad.; u". Q ad. sk. v'. & ad. ; w. Ad. sk a'. Ad, sk. $y'. Ad. sk. z', a!". Jr. sk. b". 6 a.d. sk. c". Ad.; d". Jr. sk. Karen Hills. Tonghoo, Brit. Burmah. Meetan, Tenasserim (Davison). Amherst, Tenasserim (Davison). Lemyne, Tenasserim (Davison). Yea, Tenasserim (Davison). Omagoen, Tenasserim (Davi- son). Zadee, Tenasserim Davison). Metlay, Tenasserim (Davison). Ahsoon, Tenasserim. Tavoy, Tenasserim (Davison). Amya, Tenasserim (Mandelli). Nwalaboo, Tenasserim (Davi- SO?? ). Bankasoon, Tenasserim (Davi- Son). Thoungyah, Tenasserim (J. Darling). Thoungyeen r., Tenasserim (Bingham). Klang, Salangore (Davison). Malacca. Malacca. Malacca. Nealys, Malacca (Davison). Singapore. Johore (Davison). Cambodja (Mouhot). Saigon. Sumatra. Sumatra (Bock). Java (Horsfield). Billiton. Jambusan, Borneo (Everett). Marup, Borneo (Everett). East Indies. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. A. R. Wallace[C.]. Dr. Cantor [C.], Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Purchased. A. R. Wallace [C]. Tweeddale Coll. India Mus. (Type of the ºccº Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. India Museum. 5. EURYLAEMUs. 465 2. Eurylaemus ochromelas. Eurylaimus ochromelas, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 297 (1822); Vºgers, Mem. Raffles, p. 653; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. p. 195; td. B. Burm. p. 125; Bp. Consp. i. p. 168; Moore, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 267 (Malacca); id. Cat. B. Mus. E.I. Co. p. 116; Gould, B. Asia, i. pl. 58; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 122; Walden, Ibis, 1872, p. 370; Pelz. Novara-Reise, Vog. pp. 43, 161; Salvad. Uce. Born. p. 108; id. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xiv. p. 198 (Sumatra); Hume & Dav. Str. F. vi. p. 91 (Tenasserim); Hume, Str. F. ii. p. 470 (Tenasserim), viii. pp. 50, 86 (Malay Peninsula); Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 426; Sharpe, Ibis, 1876, p. 48, 1877, p. 21, et 1879, p. 263 (Borneo); id. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 107 (Labuan), et 1881, p. 798 (Borneo); Tweeddale, Ibis, 1877, p. 317 (Sumatra); Nicholson, Ibis, 1882, p. 64 (Sumatra), et 1883, p. 89 (Borneo); Guillemard, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 407 (Borneo). Eurylaemus cucullatus, Temm. P. Col. 261 (1824); Wagl. Syst. Av. Euryl. sp. 4; Lesson, Tr. d’Orn. p. 261. Eurylaemus rafflesi, Less. Compl. Buff. viii. p. 463. Cymbirhynchus cucullatus, Eyton, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 101. Above black; stripe down the centre of the back, and spots on scapularies and outer webs of secondaries yellow; narrow collar at back of neck white; tail black, with a row of square white sub- terminal spots on the inner webs: beneath white, strongly tinged with rosy pink on the belly; throat and broad pectoral collar black; under wing-coverts, flanks, and crissum yellow ; thighs black; bill plumbeous, with yellowish culmen and edges; feet reddish : whole length 5:5 inches, wing 2-9, tail. 1:9. Female similar, but with the pectoral collar narrower and incomplete in the middle. Hab. Tenasserim and Malay Peninsula to Sumatra and Borneo. a. Ad. St. East Indies. Purchased. b. 6 a.d. sk. Yea, Temasserim (Davison). Hume Coll. c. 9 a.d. sk. Laynah, Tenasserim (Davison). Hume Coll. d. & ad. sk. Takchan, Tenasserim (Davison). Hume Coll. e-j. 6 ad.; k, l, Bankasoon, Tenasserim (Davison). Hume Coll. 9 a.d.; m. & jr. sk. m. G ad.; o. 2 Malewoon, Tenasserim(Davison). Hume Coll. ad, sk. p—v. 3 ad, ; w— Klang, Salangore (Davison). Hume Coll. a'. Q ad. sk. b'. Q ad. sk. Salangore (Davison). Hume Coll. c'. 6 a.d. sk. Wellesley Province (Stoliczka). Hume Coll. d'. Q ad. sk. Penang. Tweeddale Coll. e'. Ad. sk. Penang. A. R. Wallace [C.]. f". Q ad, sk. Larup Hills, Perak. L. Wray [C.]. g". Ad. sk. Malacca (Maingay). Tweeddale Coll. h'—m'. Ad.; n', Malacca. Hume Coll. o'. Jr. sk. p'. Ad. Sk, Malacca. Dr. Cantor [C.]. q', r". Ad, sk. Malacca (Cantor). India Museum. s'. 6 ad. sk. Malacca. A. R. Wallace[C.]. WOL., XIV. 2 H 466 EURYLAEMI.D.E. t, w. 3 ad.; v. Malacca (Wardlaw Ramsay). Tweeddale Coll. ad. sk. wº ad, ; c.', Nealys, Malacca (Davison). Hume Coll. y'. Q ad. sk. z', a.". 6 a.d.; Singapore. Hume Coll. b". Q ad. sk. e"—f". 3 ad; g”— Johore (Davison). Hume Coll. m". Q ad, sk. n". Q ad. sk. Sumatra. A. R. Wallaceſ.C.], o". Ad. Sk. Sumatra. Sir S. Raffles [C]. (Type of the species.) p"—r". 6 ad, sk. Sumatra (Bock). Tweeddale Coll. s", tº. Ad, sk. Lampong, S.E. Sumatra (Buw- Tweeddale Coll. ton). w". © ad. ; v". sº, Borneo. Tweeddale Coll. ir. sk. wº '. Ad, sk. N.E. Borneo (Low). Tweeddale Coll. $y". Ad. sk. Bedi, Borneo. Salvin-Godman Coll. z". Ad. sk. Borneo. Gould Coll. a". Ad, sk. Borneo. Purchased. 6. CORY DON. Type. Corydon, Lesson, Man. d’Orn. p. 177 (1828) . . . . . . . . C. Sumatranus. Underside of bill of Corydon. The enormously widened and strongly hooked bill at once dis- tinguishes this type of the Eurylaemina, which is further notable for its dull and uniform coloration, much in contrast with the pre- vailing style of the group. Corydon extends from Tenasserim through the Malay Peninsula to Sumatra and Borneo. 1. Corydon Sumatranus. Coracias Sumatranus, Itaffes, Trans, Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 303 (1822). Eurylaimus corydon, Temm. Pl. Col. 297; Less, Tr. d’Orn. p. 261; Wagl. Syst. Av., Euryl. sp. 1; Eyton, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 101. Corydon Sumatramus Strickl. Ann. N. H. vi. p. 417 ğ. Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. p. 195; id. B. Burm. p. 125; Bp. Consp. i. p. 168; Moore, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 267 (Malacca); Salvad. Uce. Born. p. 111; id. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov, xiv. p. 200 (Sumatra); Cab, et Heine, Mus. Hein. ii. p. 195; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 214 (Borneo); Hume & Dav. Str. F. vi. p. 97 (Tenasserim); Hume, 6. Cory DoN. 4.67 St. F. ii. p. 470 (Tenasserim), viii. p. 86 (Malay Penin.), ix. p. 157 (Tenasserim); Gould, B. Asia, i. pl. 61; Walden, Ibis, 1872, p. 369 (N. Borneo); Sharpe, Ibis, 1876, p. 48, 1877, p. 21, et 1879, p. 265 (Borneo); Tweeddale, Ibis, 1877, p. 317 (Sumatra); Nichol- son, Ibis, 1882, p. 64 (Sumatra), et 1883, p. 90 (Borneo); Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 430; Guillemard, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 408 (Borneo). Corydon temmincki, Less. Man. d'Orn. p. 177 (1828). Eurylaemus Sumatranus, Vigors, Mem. Raffles, p. 653; G. R. Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. pt. ii. sect. 1, p. 37 (1848); Pelz. Novara-Reise, pp. 43, 161. Eurylaimus (Corydon) sumatranus, Horsf. et Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E.I. Co. i. p. 117 (1854). Above dull black, with a large concealed patch of white stained with crimson in the middle of the back; alar speculum white : beneath, middle of throat and breast fulvous white; rest of under- parts black as above; under surface of wing-feathers crossed by a broad white band; tail black, with a broad white subterminal band on all the lateral rectrices; bill above plumbeous, beneath yellowish ; feet black: whole length 10 inches, wing 5-5, tail 4:3. Female similar, but tail-band not so broad. Hab. Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo. Raren Hills (Wardlaw Ramsay). Tweeddale Coll. a, b. Ad, sk. c. 6 a.d.; d, e. Q d. Sk 8.01. SR. f. 6 ad. ; g. Q ad. sk. h. & ad. ; i. 2 a.d. sk. j, k, d ad. sk. l. 3 ad. sk. m. Q ad. sk. n—r. & ad.; 8, 9 ad. sk. t—w. & ad. ; a. Q ad, sk. gy—b'. 6 ad. ; c', d'. Q ad.; e'. Q ir. sk. J f-j'. Ad.; k', Jr. Pahpoon, Tenass. (Davison). Younzaleen Creek, Tenass. (Davison). Tavoy, Tenass. (Davison). Thoungyah, Tenass. (J. Darling). Thoungyeen, Tenass. (C. Y. Bingham). Thoungyeen r., Tenasserim (C. T. Bingham). Bankasoon, Tenass. (Davison). Malewoon, Tenass. (Davison). Klang, Salangore (Davison). Malacca (Davison). Malacca (Maingay). Malacca (Wardlaw Ramsay). Malacca. Malacca. Malacca (Cantor). Malacca. Singapore. Sumatra. Sumatra (Wallace). Sumatra (Bock). Lampong, Sumatra (Bock). Hume Coll. Hume Coll. FIume Coll. Hume Coll. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. P Hºol Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Hume Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. A.R. Wallace[C]. India Museum. India Museum. Purchased. Hume Coll. A.R. Wallace[C]. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. Tweeddale Coll. 468 EURYLAEMIDAE. y'. Ad. sk. Lampong, Sumatra (Burton). Tweeddale Coll. z'. Ad. sk. Sumatra (Wallace). Salvin-Godman Coll. a". Ad. sk. Banjermassing, Borneo (Mottley). A. R. Wallace [P]. b". Q ad. sk. Busan, Sarawak, Borneo. Salvin-Godman Coll. c". 6 ad. sk. Busan, Sarawak, Borneo. Tweeddale Coll. d". Ad. sk. East Indies. Gould Coll. e". Ad, st. East Indies. Purchased. 7. CYMBORHYNCHUS. T ype. Cymbirhynchus, Vigors, Mem, Raffles, p. 654 (1830) . . . . C. Hºus In Cymborhynchus the bill is not nearly so much widened as in Corydon, but the form of the nostrils, which lie in a longitudinal sulcus in the centre of the mandible, renders the genus readily recognizable from all the other Eurylaeminae. Cymborhynchus extends from Arrakan through the Malay Penin- sula over the Sunda Islands. Rey to the Species. A. White bars on tail confined to inner webs... 1. macrorhynchus, p. 468. B. White bars on tail extending over outer webs 2. affinis, p. 470. 1. Cymborhynchus macrorhynchus. Great-billed Tody, Lath. Gen. Syn. i. pt. 2, p. 664; id. G. H. iv. p. 94, pl. lxy. Todus macrorhynchus, Gm. S. N. i. p. 446. Todus platyrhynchos, Desm. Hist. Nat. Tang. t. 72. () | Platyrhynch's nasutus, Vieill. N. D. d’H. Wat. xxvii. p. 15; id. Enc. Méth. p. 844, AN Todus nasutus, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 268. Cymborhynchus macrorhynchus, G. R. Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 66; id. List B. B. M. ii. sect. 1, p. 38; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. ii. p. 122; Cab. J. f. O. 1853, p. 54; Moore, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 267 (Malacca); Horsf. et Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E.I. Co. i. p. 119; Sel. P. Z. S. 1863, . 214 (Borneo); Pelz. Novara-Reise, Vog. pp. 43, 161; Blyth, B. wrm. p. 126; Walden, Ibis, 1872, p. 270 (N. Borneo); Salvad. Ucc. Born. p. 109; id. Ann, Mus. Civ. Genov. xiv.p. 199 (Sumatra); Hume, Str. F. ii. p. 470 (Tenasserim), viii. pp. 50, 86 (Malay Peninsula); Davison, Str. F. v. p. 457 (Burmah); Hume et Davison, Str. F. vi. p. 92 (Tenasserim); Sharpe, Ibis, 1876, p. 48, 1877, p. 22, 1879, p. 264; id. P. Z. S. 1881, p. 798 (Borneo); Tweeddale, Ibis, 1877, p. 317 (Sumatra); Bingham, Str. F. ix. p. 157 (Tenasserim); Gould, B. Asia, i. pl. 59; Kelham, Ibis, 1881, p. 382 (Malay Peninsula); Nicholson, Ibis, 1882, p. 64 (Su- matra), et 1883, p. 89 (Borneo) et p. 254 (Sumatra); Guillemard, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 408 (Borneo); Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 428. Cymbirhynchus malaccensis, Salvad. Att. R. Ac. Sc. Tor. ix. p. 425; Oates, Str. F. iii. p. 336. Cymbirhynchus nasutus, Vigors, Mem. Raffles, p. 654; Sw, Flycatchers, (8/8, j-y /. CYMBOREIYNCHUS. 469 p. 237, pl. xxix.; Eyton, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 101 (Malacca); Blyth, J. A. S. B. xv. p. 311; id. Cat. B. M. A. S. p. 195; Schomburgk, Ibis, 1864, p. 258 (Siam). Eurylaemus masutus, Temm. Pl. Col. 154; Less. Man. d'Orn. i. p.175; Wagl. Syst, Av. Euryl. sp. 2. Eurylaemus lemniscatus, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 296. Erolla nasica, Less. Tr. d’Orn. p. 260. Above black; rump crimson, more or less varied with yellowish stripes; elongated scapularies white: beneath crimson, throat and breast-band black; bend of wing yellowish ; under wing-coverts and row of subterminal spots on the inner webs of the lateral rectrices white; bill dark plumbeous, tip and edges greenish : feet light plumbeous: whole length 8-8 inches, wing 3:8, tail 3:4. Female similar. Hab. Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo. a. 6 a.d.; b. ? ad. Near Yea, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. sk. c. 6 a.d. sk. Omagoen, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. ** & ad.; h, Q Tavoy (Davison). Hume Coll. 8.01, SK. 2,7. CŞ ad. ; k—n. Mergui (Davison). Hume Coll. SP ad. ; o. 92 jr. sk. p. 3 ad. sk. Tenasserim (town) (Davison). Hume Coll. q. ‘P ad sk. Bopyin, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. 7. 92 ad. sk. Takchan, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. S. º º: ; t—v. Q Bankasoon, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. a Cl. SK. w. 9 a.d. sk. Malewoon, Tenass. (Davison). Hume Coll. a’. ‘P ad. sk. Kaukaryit, Temass. (Bingham). Hume Coll. y-h'. 3 ad. ; '-'. Kossoon, Malay Peninsula (J. Hume Coll. 9 a.d. sk. JDarling). s'. Q ad. sk. Wellesley Province (Davison). Hume Coll. t'. Ad. Sk. Penang. A. R. Wallace [C.]. w', 'v'. 3 ad. ; w!, Salangore (Davison). Hume Coll. a'. Q ad, sk. y'—a". 3 ad. ;b"—iſ". Klang, Salangore (Davison). Hume Coll. Q ad.; 7". Ad.; k". Q jr. sk. !". 6 ad, ; m"—v". Malacca. Hume Coll. Ad. sk. w". Ad. sk. Malacca (Maingay). Tweeddale Coll. a", y'. 3 ad.; 2". Malacca (Wardlaw Ramsay). Tweeddale Coll. $2 ad. sk. a”. Ad. sk. Malacca. A. R. Wallace [C.]. b”, cº. Ad. sk. Malacca (Cantor). India Museum. d”. Ad. sk. Malacca. W. Harvey, Esq. [P]. e°, ſ 6º g°. Q Kuroo, Malacca (Davison). Hume Coll. 8,01. S h9–73. Gad. ; jºk”. Chohong, Malacca (Davison). Hume Coll. 9 a.d. sk. l”—nº. 3 ad. ; oº. Nealys, Malacca (Davison). Hume Coll. 9 a.d. sk. EURYLAEMIDAE. p°–sº. 3 ad. ; f*—z”. Qad. sk. a". 3 a.d.; b, c'. Pulo Seban, Malacca (Davi- son). Johore (Davison). Hume Coll. Hume Coll. $2 ad. sk. dº. 3 ad. ; e”, fº. Singapore (Davison). Hume Coll. Q ad. sk. g”. Ad. sk. Siam. Purchased. h". Ad. sk. Cambodja. Purchased. *. A d. sk. Cambodja. Tweeddale Coll. j”. §2 ad. sk. Sumatra. A. R. Wallace [C.]. k", Jr. sk. Sumatra. Purchased. !”. Jr. sk. West coast of Sumatra. Dr. Faber [C.] m"—p". Ad. sk. Lampong, Sumatra (Bock). Tweeddale Coll. q*—vº. 3 ad.; Sumatra (Bock). Tweeddale Coll. w"—24. Qad.; a", b”. Ad.sk. cº-g”. Ad. sk. Labuan. Tweeddale Coll. h”. Jr. sk. Labuan (Low). R. # Sharpe, Esq. *, jº. Ad. sk. N.E. Borneo. Tweeddale Coll. k”. Ad, sk. S.E. Borneo. Tweeddale Coll. l”. Ad. sk. Borneo. Purchased. 'm”. & ad. sk. Bedi, Borneo. Salvin–Godman Coll. n°. Ad. sk. Lumbiden, Borneo (Low). *†, Sharpe, Esq. o°. Ad, sk. Borneo. Purchased. 2. Cymborhynchus affinis. Cymborhynchus affinis, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xv. p. 312; d. Cat. B. M. A. S. p. 195; id. B. Burm. p. 126; Oates, Str. F. iii. p. 336, et x. p. 188 (Pegu); id. B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 429; Hume, Str. F. viii. p. 86; Gould, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 150; id. B. Asia, i. pl. 60. Similar to C. macrorhynchus, but with the white spots on the rectrices larger, extending on the three outer pairs to both webs: abdomen uniformly red or washed with pale white, not yellowish ; wing-spot conspicuous, not hidden by the coverts; outer secondaries spotted at their ends with red; rump obsoletely barred with black. (Oates.) Hab. Arrakan and S.W. Pegu. This, I should say, is hardly more than a subspecies of C. macro- rhynchus, but Mr. Oates, our chief authority on the birds of Burmah, recognizes it as distinct. a. 6 ad, sk. Arrakan Hills. E. W. Oates ſG.T. b, c. Ad. sk. Arrakan Hills (Raikes). E. W. Oates § d. Ad. sk. Arrakan Hills. Hume Coll. e. Ad, sk. Rangoon (J. Armstrong). Hume Coll. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. abdominalis (Citta), 423. acadica (Muscicapa), 228. acadicus (Empidomax), 222, 228 acadicus, war. griseigu- laris (Empidomax), 228. Acanthidositta, 450, 451. Acanthisitta, 451. acer (Tyranniscus), 130, 133 acuticaudatus (Amum- bius), 52. acutipennis (Hapalocer- cus), 93, 95. Ada, 42. aequinoctialis (Cyclo- rhynchus), 166. aequinoctialis (Rhymcho- cyclus), 165, 166, 167. affinis (Cymborhynchus), 468, 470. affinis (Elaimea), 137, 154 affinis (Myiothera), 446. affinis (Platypsaris), 335. affinis (Psaris), 333. agilis (Anaeretes), 106, 108. agilis (Euscarthmus), 108. agilis (Muscicapa), 224. agilis (Myiobius), 224. aglaiae (Hadrostomus), 333, 335. aglaiae (Pachyrhamphus), 335 agiais (Pachyrhynchus), 35 aglaiae (Platypsaris), 336. aglaiae (Psaris), 365. Agriormis, 3, 4. alba (Cotinga), 404. alba (Procnias), 404. albescens (Elaimea), 154. albescens (Pachyrham- phus), 154, 155. albicapilla (Muscicapa), 141. albicauda (Agriornis), 4. albicauda (Dasycephala), 4 albiceps (Elaimea), 136, 140, 141, 143, 144, 146, 153. albiceps (Muscipeta), 141. albicilla (Muscicapa), 150. albicollis (Contopus), 238. albicollis (Elaenea), 155. albicollis (Ilegatus), 155. albicollis (Muscipeta),155. albicollis (Tyrannula), 155. albicollis (Tyrannus), 155. albicoronatus (Euscarth- mus), 102. albidiema (Ochthoeca), 19, 22. albidiema (Setophaga), 22. albifrons (Muscisaxicola), 53, 54. albifrons (Pachyrhyn- chus), 347. albifrons (Ptyonura), 54. albigularis (Empidomax), 221, 223. albilora (Muscisaxicola), 58. albimentum (Muscisaxi- cola), 55. albitorques (Exetastes), 332. albitorques (Tityra), 328, 332. albitorques fraseri (Ti- tyra), 332. albiventer (Muscicapa), 36. albiventris (Fluvicola), 3. albiventris (Hadrosto- mus), 333, 335. albiventris (Platypsaris), 335. albivertex (Elaimea), 142, albocinereus (Sirystes), 181, 182. albocoronata (Serpopha- ga), 102. albocristatus (Anaeretes), 106, 107, 108. albocristatus (Euscarth- mus), 108. albocristatus (Tyrannu- lus), 107. albogriseaſserphophaga), 102, 103. alſº (Taenioptera), 13. albogriseus (Bathmidu- rus), 347. albogriseus (Lipaugus), i § (Lipaugus) albogriseus (Pachyrham- phus), 338, 347. albogriseus (Sirystes), 181, 182. albogriseus (Tyrannus), l albogularis (Platyrhyn- chus), 64, 66, 67. albogularis (Tyrannus), 267, 276, 277. albovittatus (Pitangus), 175, 179. albus (Chasmorhynchus), 403, 404. alector (Alectrurus), 39. alector (Muscicapa), 39. * (Muscicapa), 39. Alectrurus, 3, 38. Alouette noire de la En- cemada, 61. 472 ALPHABETICAL IND EX. alpina (Muscisaxicola), 53, 54. alpina (Taenioptera), 54. altirostris (Empido- chanes), 225. amabilis (Ampelis), 384. amabilis (Cotinga), 382, 384. amaurocephalus (Euscar- thmus), 117. amaurocephalus (Lepto- pogon), 115, 116, 117. amazonum (Heteropel- ma), 318, 319, 320. ambulans (Chrysolo- phus), 52. ambulams (Tyrannus), 52. Ampelion, 372, 373. Amphibolura, 372. Anaeretes, 64, 106. Amairetes, 106. analis (Muscicapa), 46. andecola (Agriornis), 4, 6, 7. andecola (Pepoaza), 6. andinus (Empidonax), 40 angolensis (Brachyurus), angolensis (Pitta), 419, angustirostris (Phytoto- ma), 406, 407. animosa (Muscicapa), 268. Anthocincla, 412. anthracinus (Cnipolegus), 42, 44, 45. Anticorys, 290. antillarum (Myiarchus), 247, 262. antillarum (Tyrannus), O º 4\)4. Antilophia, 290. antomiae (Carpodectes), 389 apicalis (Euscarthmus), 85. apicalis (Myiarchus), 247, 256. Apolites, 174. apolites (Laphyctes), 276. apolites (Tyrannus), 267, 276. aquatica (Aulanax), 33. aquatica (Sayornis), 32, 33. Arapunga, 403. arcuata (Ampelis), 375. arcuata (Pitta), 429, 431. arcuatum (Laniisoma), 317, arcuatus (Ampelio), 375. arcuatus (Ampeliom),373, 375. arcuatus (Lanius), 317. arcuatus (Ptilochloris), 317. arcuatus (Pyrrhorhyn- chus), 375. ardesiaca (Tyrannula), 237. ardesiacus (Contopus), 234, 237. ardesiacus (Myiochanes), ardosiaca (Sayormis), 237. arenacea (Ochthoeca),217. arenaceus (Empido- chames), 216, 217. aremarum (Elaimea), 137, 153. argentinus (Empido- chanes), 224. arquata (Phoenicocichla), 431. arquata (Pitta), 431. Arundimicola, 3, 37. asilus (Muscapeta), 121. assimills (Mionectes), 113. assimills (Pitta), 428. assimulis (Psarisomus), 458. assimilis (Rhynchocy- clus), 168. aterrima (Sericoptila),44. aterrimus (Cmipolegus), 42, 44, 45. aterrimus (Pachyrhyn- chus), 334. atricapilla (Melanopitta), 438. atricapilla (Pipra), 341. atricapilla (Pitta), 438, 439, 440, 443. atricapilla (Tityra), 333. atricapilla sanghirama (Pitta), 440. atricapillus (Bathmudu- rus), 347. atricapillus urus), 438. atricapillus (Hadrosto- mus), 333, 334. atricapillus (Lanius), 347 (Brachy- atricapillus (Orchilus), 8 atrica pilius (Pachyrham- phus), 337, 338, 341, 347, 348. atricapillus (Psaris), 341. atricaudus (Myiobius), 199, 200. atriceps (Empidomax), 220. atriceps (Megastoma), 190. atriceps (Mitrephanes), 219, 220, 221. atriceps (Myiarchus), 247, 259. atrifrons (Tyrannus), 186. atripennis (Fluvicola), 35, 37. atrirostris (Empidonax), 157 atronitens (Xenopipo), 287 atropurpurea (Ampelis), 388. atropurpurea (Xiphole- na), 387, 388. atropurpureus (Myiar- chus), 215. Attila, 358. Attila sp., 362. Auchmalea, 60. audax (Hadrostomus), 333. audax (Megarhynchus), 185. audax (Muscicapa), 185. audax (Myiodynastes), 182, 184, 185, 186. *: (Scaphorhynchus), 185. audax (Tyrannus), 183, 185. audax insolens (Myiody- mastes), 182. audax mobilis (Myiody- mastes), 184, Aulanax, 32. Aulia, 349, 354. aurantia(Muscipeta),343. aurantia (Rupicola), 369. aurantiaca (Chiromachae- ris), 312,316. aurantiacus (Metopo- thrix), 292. aurantirventris (Mitre- phanes), 219, 220. aurantiiventris (Mitre- phorus), 219. aurantiivertex (Hetero- cercus), 324, 325. aurantio - atro - cristatus (Empidonomus), 265, 266. aurantio - atro - cristatus (Tyrannus), 266. ALPEIABETICAL INDEX. 473 aureipectus (Ampelis), §§ p aureipectus (Euchloror- mis), 380. aureipectus (Pipreola), 377, 380. aureipectus (Pyrrhorhyn- chus), 380. aureiventris (Myiobius), 199, 205. aureola (Pipra), 292,293, 294, auricapilla (Pipra), 293, 296 auriceps (Myiobius), 209. auriculare (Todirostrum), auricularis (Orchilus), 88, auricularis (Platyrhyn- chus), 88. auricularis (Triccus), 89. auriflamma (Tyrannus), 266. aurifrons (Elaimea), 323. aurifrons (Euscarthmus), 323 aurifrons (Heteropelma), 323. aurifrons (Muscicapa), 323 aurifrons (Neopelma), 323. auritus (Leptopogon), 15 aurocapillus (Manacus), 6 aurora (Euphone), 392. aurora (Muscicapa), 251. axillaris (Empidonax), 223. azarae (Alectura), 39. azarae (Cyanotis), 109, 110. azarae (Fluvicola), 13. azarae (Regulus), 110. (Blacicus), bairdi (Saurophagus), 186. Bald Crow, 401. bangkana (Brachyurus), 443. bangkana (Pitta), 443. barbata (Muscicapa), 199. barbata (Muscipeta), l99. barbatus (Myiobius), 198, 199, 201. Barbichon de Cayenne, 155, 199. barbirostris 241, 244. barbirostris (Tyrannula), 2 (Blacicus), Bare-necked Grakle, 402. Bathmidurus, 337. baudi (Brachyurus), 444. baudi (Iridipitta), 444. baudi (Pitta), 414, 444. bellicosa (Hirundinea), 195, 196. bellicosus (Pitangus), 177. bellicosus (Saurophagus), 177. bellicosus (Tyrannus), 96 beliulus (Tyrannus), 40. bellus (Myiobius), 199, 207 bengalensis (Brachyurus), 423. bengalensis (Corvus),423. bengalensis (Pitta), 423. berlepschi (Phyllomyias), 121, 123. bertae (Pitta), 419, 425. bicolor (Fluvicola), 35, 36 bicolor (Muscicapa), 35. bicolor (Platyrhynchus), 35. Bigotillo, 67. bimaculata (Muscipeta), 224. * binnaculatus (Empido- max), 216, 222, 224, 225. Elacicus, 189, 241. IBlack-cheeked Thrush, 410. blancoi (Blacicus), 241, 243. Blechropus, 10. bloxami (Phytotoma), 406. bloxami (Sylvia), 106. º (Contopus), •) * babamensis 241, 242. bahamensis (Contopus), 242. bahamensis (Empidomax), 242 bahamensis (Pitangus), 175, 180. bahamensis (Tyrannula), 261. bairdi (Empidonax), 222, 228, 230, 231. bairdi (Myiodynastes), 182, 186, 187, 188. WOL. XIV. bogotensis (Tyrannula), 238. boissoneaui (Tyrannus), boliviana (Muscicapara), 121, 134, 152. bolivianus (Attila), 358. bolivianus (Pitangus), 174, 177. bolivianus (Saurophagus), 177. bolivianus (Tyranniscus), 130, 134. borealis (Contopus), 234, 235. borealis (Tyrannus), 234. boschi (Eucichla), 445, 44 7. boschi (Pitta), 447. brachycerca (Pitta), 423. brachyrhynchus (Conto- pus), 234, 236. brachytarsus (Contopus), 234, 240, 245. brachytarsus (Empido- max), 240. brachyura (Citta), 423. brachyura (Myiothera), 420. brachyura (Pitta), 413, 419, 423, 426,427. Brachyurus, 413. brachyurus (Corvus),423, brachyurus (Merula), 427. brachyurus (Myiarchus), 246. brachyurus (Pipra), 303. brachyurus (Tyran- neutes), 302, 303. brachyurus, var. benga- lensus (Corvus), 423. brachyurus, var. mada- gascariensis (Corvus), 420. brachyurus, var. philip- pensis (Corvus), 438. brasiliensis (Attila), 358, 359, 360. brasiliensis (Psaris), 29, brasiliensis (Tityra), 328, 3.29. brasiliensis (Tyrannus), Brève de Malacca (Le), 423. Brève des Philippines, 438. Brève Irene, 427, 3 I 474 ALPEIABETICAL INDEX. brevicauda (Coloburis), 438. brevicauda (Muscigralla), 63 brevicauda (Ochthites), brevicauda (Turdus),438. brevirostris (Cyclorhym- chus), 166. brevirostris (Elaimea), 122, 155. brevirostris(Empidagra), 155. brevirostris (Muscicapa), brevirostris (Phyllo- myias), 121, 122. brevirostris (Platyrhyn- chus), 121. brevirostris (Rhynchocy- clus), 165, 166. Brissomia, 409, brunnea (Muscisaxicola), 53. brunneicapillus cus), 241, 243. brunneicapillus (Tyran- mulus), 128, 129. brumnescens (Empido- max), 224. brunneus (Empidomax), 224, buckleyi 317, 318. Buddinghia, 409. budytoides (Culicivora), 100. budytoides (Setophaga), 100 (Blaci- (Ptilochloris), budytoides (Stigmatura), 100. burmeisteri (P'yllo- myias), 121, 122. byronensis (I.egulus), 110. cabanisi (Cnipolegus), 43, 47, 48 - Caenotriccus, 64, 86. caerulea (Ampelis), 382. caerulea (Cotinga), 382, 383. caerule 416. caerulea (Hydrornis),416. caerulea (Myiothera), 416. caerulea (Pitta), 413, 416. (Gigantipitta), casruleus (Brachyurus), 416. calcaratus (Tyrannus), 356. Callopsaris, 337. Calopitta, 414, 419. caloptera (Formicivora), 29 - caloptera (Ochthoeca), 29. caloptera (Serpophaga), 29. calopterum (Todiros- trum), 69, 72. calopterus (Mecocercu- lus), 27, 29, 30. calva (Ampelis), 401. calva (Coracina), 401. calvus (Corvus), 401. calvus (Gymnocephalus), 401. Calyptomena, 455. Calyptura, 372, 390. Camptostoma, 125. cancroma (Platyrhyn- chus), 66, 67, 68. camcroma (Todus), 67. cancrominus (Platyrhyn- chus). 64, 66. candaei (Chiromachaeris), 312, 314. candaei (Manacus), 314. candaei (Pipra), 314. caniceps (Elainea), 137, i50, 151. caniceps (Tyrammula), 151. cantams (Myiarchus), 253, 254. capistrata (Ptyomura), capitale (Todirostrum), 69, 75. capitalis (Mitrephanes), 219, 220. capitalis (Myiobius), 220. Capsiempis, 109, 120. capucinus (Gymnocepha- lus), 401. Caracterizado blanco ca- bos megros, 329. Caracterizado camela y cabeza negra, 333. Caracterizado verde coro- na negra, 338. 4. caribaea (Muscicapa), 242. caribaea (Muscipeta), 242. caribaeus (Blacicus), 241, 242, 243. caribaeus (Contopus), 242. caribaeus, var. bahamen- sis (Contopus), 242. caribaeus, war. hispanio- lensis (Contopus), 242. caribaeus, var. pallidus (Contopus), 243. carnifex (Ampelis), 367, 368 carnifex (Phoenicercus), 367. carnifex (Phoenicocercus), 367. carnivorus (Tyrannus), 190. carolimensis (Tyrannus), 267, 268. Carpodectes, 372, 389. Carpornis, 373. carribaea, var. hispanio- lensis(Tyrannula), 242. carumculata (Ampelis), 403. Carunculated Chatterer, 403. carunculatus (Chasmo- rhynchus), 403. Casiornis, 358, 365. Casmorhynchos, 403. cassinii (Tvrannus), 269. castamea (Philepitta),410. castanea (Tityra), 343. castaneus (Turdus), 410. castelnaudi (Megalo- phus), 192. castelnaudi (Muscivora), 192 castelnaudi Onychorhyn- chus), 192. caudacuta (Calyptome- ma), 456. caudata (Chiroxiphia), 307, 310. caudata (Pipra), 310. caudifasciatus (Pitangus), 175, 179, 180. caudifasciatus nus), 179, 180. cayana (Ampelis), 385. cayana (Cotinga), 382, 385, 386. cayama (Rupicola), 369. º (Tityra), 327,328, (Tyran- caºruleitorques (Pitta), 433. caºruleocapilla (Pipra), 293, 300. cayamensis (Elaenea), 160. cayanensis (Muscicapa), cayanensis (Psaris), 328. cayamensis (Tyrannus), t - cayanensis minor (Tyran- mus), 251. cavanus (Lanius), 328. cayamus (Psaris),328,329. AIPHABETICAL INDEX, 475 cayennensis (Ampelis), 385. cayennensis (Gymnode- rus), 402. cayennensis (Muscicapa), 178. cayennensis (Muscipeta), 161. cayennensis (Myioze- tetes), 159, 160, 162. cayennensis (Tyrannula), [62 celebensis (Brachyurus), 436. celebensis (Erythropitta), 436, celebensis (Pitta), 432, 436, 437. Centrates, 3, 60. Centrophames, 60. Cephalamius, 173. cephaloptera (Coracina), 399. Cephalopterus, 395, 398. cephalotes (Myiarchus), 247, 254. Ceratopipra, 283, 288. Ceratotriccus, 64, 85. Cercophaena, 307. Cerviniputta, 414. cerviniventris (Rhyncho- cyclus), 243. Chasmorhynchus, 403. Chatterer, Carunculated, 403. Chatterer, 405. Chelldis, 372. chilensis (Ochthoeca), 56. chiriquensis (Elaimea), 138. 395, Variegated, Chirocylla, 349. Chiromachaeris, 283, 312. Chiroprion, 307. Chiroxiphia, 283, 307. chlorion (Hemipipo), 285. chlorion (Piprites), 283, 284, 285. chloris (Acanthidositta), 451. chloris 451. chloris (Hemipipo), 284. chloris (Pipra), 284. chloris (Piprites), 283, 284. chloris (Sitta), 451. chlorolepidota (Pipreola), 376. (Acanthisitta), chloromeros (Pipra), 293, 295. Chloropipo, 283, 286. Chloropsaris, 337. Chorreado todo, 185. Choucas chauve de Ca- yenne, 401. chrysocephalum (Hetero- pelma), 319, 322. chrysocephalus (Hyper- mitres), 188. chrysocephalus (Mega- rhynchus), 187, 190. chrysocephalus (Mylody- mastes), 182, 183, 187. chrysocephalus (Pitan- gus), 187. chrysocephalus (Scapho- rhynchus), 187. chrysocephalus minor (Myiodynastes), 187. chrysoceps (Muscipeta), 209. chrysoceps chus), 209. chrysoceps (Tyrannula), 209. (Platyrhyn- chrysochloris pa), 41. chrysocrotaphum (Todi- rostrum), 69, 71. chrysogaster (Megarhyn- chus), 190. Chrysolophus, 52. chrysopogon (Pupra), 372. chrysops (Tyramniscus), 130, 135. chlysops (Tyrannulus), 13.5 (Muscica- chrysoptera (Ampelis), 373. chrysoptera (Anticorys), 291. chrysoptera (Pipra), 291. chrysoptera(Ptilochloris), 373, chrysopterus 290, 291. Chrysopteryx, 373. cinchometi (Conopias), 173, 174. cinchoneti (Tyrannus),41, 74 (Masius), cincta (Ampelis), 383. cincta (Cotinga), 382, 383, 384. cinctus (Ampelio), 375. cinctus (Ampelion), 373, 375. cinctus (Ampelis), 375. calleracea (Ampelis), 352. cineracea (Lathria), 352. cineracea (Sayornis), 32, 34 cineracea (Tyrranula), 34. cineraceus (Lipaugus), 351, 352. cineraceus (Myiochames), 6. cinerascens (Elainea), 136. cimerascens (Muscicapa), 356. cinerascens (Myiarchus), 246, 248,250. cinerascens (Pachyrhyn- chus), 333. cinerascens (Tyrannula), $) cinerea (Ampelis), 352. cInerea (Dasycephala), 363. cinerea(Elainea).103,136. cinerea (Lathria), 350, 352. cinerea (Muscicapa), 363. cinerea (Muscisaxicola), 53, 55. cinerea (Pipra), 341. cmerea (Serphophaga), 102, 103. cinerea (Tityra), 328. cinerea (Tyrannula), 245. cinereiceps (Cyclorhyn- chus), 169. cinereiceps (Rhyncho- cyclus), 165, 169, 170. cimereiceps (Tyranniscus), 130, 131. cinereiceps (Tyrannula), 131 Cl. cinereicolle (Todiros- trum), 88. cinereicollis (Euscarth- mus), 88. cinereicollis (Orchilus), SS. cinereigulare (Oncos- toma), 76, 77. cinereigulare (Todiros- trum), 77. cinerelventris (Pachy- rhamphus), 338, 344, 345, 346. cinereocapilla myias), 121. cinereum (Todirostrum), 69, 70, 71. cinereus (Attila),359, 363, 364. cinereus (Chipolegus), 43, 47 (Phyllo- 476 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. cinereus (Contopus), 245. cinereus (Euscarthmus), 103, 104. cinereus (Myiarchus), 245. cinereus (Myiochames), 245. cinereus (Pachyrham- phus), 338, 341. cinereus (Platyrhynchus), 245 cinereus (Todus), 69, 73. cinereus (Triccus), 70. cinereus (Tyrannus), 11. cunnamomea (Muscipeta), 202. Ås cinnamomea (Neopipo), 303. cmnamomea (Pipra), 303. cinnamomea (Tyrannula), 202. cinnamomeiventris (Och- thosca), 19, 24, 25, cinnamomeiventris (Seto- phaga), 24. cinnamomeus (Attila), 358. cinnamomeus (Myiobius), 198, 202, 203. cinnamomeus (Pachy- rhamphus), 337, 342. cinnamomeus (Pyrrho- myias), 202. circumcinctus(Tyrannus), 155. Cirrhipipra, 289. Cirrhopipra, 283, 289, citreola (Arundinicola), 95. citreopyga (Dasycephala), 361 citreopygius (Attila), 359, 361, 362. citrina (Acanthisitta), 451. citrina (Motacilla), 451. citrina (Muscicapa), 155. citrina (Sylvia), 451. Citrine Warbler, 451. citrinella (Motacilla), 451. citrinifrons (Ochtliceca), 19, 22, 23. citriniventris(Attila), 359, 363, 364 citrinopygius (Myiobius), 200. Citta, 413. climacura (Fluvicola), 35, cly mazura (OEnanthe), 36. Ciupodectes, 189, 197. Cnlpolegus, 3, 42. coccinea (Ampelis), 367. coccinea (Pipra), 368. coccinea (Pitta), 429, 431. coelestis (Cotinga), 382. Cola rara pardo y blanco, Colmud de Cayenne (Le), 402. Coloburus, 414. colombianus zetetes), 162. Colon, 50. colonus (Copurus), 50. colonus (Muscicapa), 50. Colopterus, 64, 90. Colorhamphus, 101. comata (Muscicapa), 43. comatus (Cnupolegus), 42, 43, 44. concinna (Pitta), 426. concummus (Brachyurus), 426. Comopias, 109, 173. consobrina (Ochthoeca), 30 (Myio- 420, consobrimus (Mecocer- culus), 27, 30. Contopus, 189, 234. Contramaestre copatillo ordinario, 102. Contramaestre pardo ver- doso corona amazilla, 148, cooperi (Contopus), 234. cooperi (Muscicapa), 234. cooperi (Myiarchus), 250. Copurus, 3, 50. Coracina, 397, 402. coracina (Pipra), 297, 298 Coracopitta, 412,449. Corapipo, 292. cornuta (Ceratopipra), 288. cornuta (Pipra), 287, 288. coronata (Chiroma- chaeris), 312, 316. coronata (Muscicapa), 211. coronata (Pepoaza), 12. coronata (Pipra), 299. coronata (Pitta), 423, 427, 443. coronata (Suiriri), 212. coronata (Taenioptera), 11, 12. coronata(Tyrannula),213. coronata (Xolmis), 12. coronatus (Brachyurus), 423. coronatus (Myiarchus), 2] I coronatus chus), 65. coronatus (Pyrocephalus), 211. coronatus (Turdus), 423, 427. coronatus (Tyrannus), 12. Coromis, 402. coromulatus (Masius),290, (Platyrhyn- Corydon, 458, 466. corydon (Eurylamus), 465. Cotinga, 372, 382. Cotinga (Le), 382. cotinga (Ampelis), 382, 383. Cotingablanc de Cayemme, 403 Cotinga cemdré (Le), 352. Cotinga de Cayenne, 385. Cotinga des Maymas, 386. Cotinga du Brésil, 383. Cotinga pourpre de Cay- enne, 387. cotta (Elaimea), 137, 149. couchi (Tyrannus), 274. cozumelae (Attila), 359. crassirostris(Brachyurus), 427. crassirostris (Megarhyn- chus), 271. crassirostris chus), 271. crassirostris (Pitta), 420, 427. (Melittar- crassirostris (Tyrannus), 267, 271. crimita (Muscicapa), 247. crimita (Tyrannula), 247. crimitus (Myiarchus), 246, 247, 248, 249. crimitus (Myionax), 248. crinitus (Todus), 80. crimitus (Triccus), 80. crimutus (Tyrannus), 247, 251, 252. crimitus cooperi (Myiar- chus), 250. crimitus erythocercus (Myiarchus), 250. crimitus, var. cinerascens (Myiarchus), 249. crimitus, var. crimitus (Myiarchus), 248. crimitus, var. irritablis (Myiarchus), 251. ALPEIABETICAL INDEX. 77 curtipes (Tyrannula), 245. cuvieri (Pachyrhynchus), 338. cuvierii (Pachyrham- phus), 339. cuvier11 (Psaris), 338. cyanea (Eucichla), 417. cyanea (Gigantipitta), 417. cyanea (Pitta), 414, 417. cyaneocapilla (Pipra), 292, 293,299. cyaneus (Brachyurus), 417. cyamirostris (Cnipolegus), 42, 44, 46. cyanirostris (Muscicapa), cyanirostris (Sericoptila), 46. cyanonota (Erythro- pitta), 435. cyanonota (Pitta), 432, 35 cyanonotus (Brachyurus), Cyanopitta, 414. cyanoptera (Coloburis), 420 cyanoptera (Pitta), 419, 420, 422. CVanOpterus sº 420. Cyamotus, 109. cyanura (Eucichla), 445, 446, 447. cyamura (Myothera), 445. cyanura (Pitta), 445. cyanurus (Turdus), 445. Cybernetes, 3, 40. Cyclorhynchus, 165. Cymbirhynchus, 468. Cymborhynchus, 458,468. (Brachy- dalhousiae (Crossodera), 459. dalhousiae (Eurylaimus), 458, 459. dalhousias (Psarisomus), 458. Dasycephala, 358. Dasyncetopa, 292. Dasyopsis, 358. davisoni (Brachyurus), 417. deliciosa (Pipra), 305. deliciosus (Machaero- pterus), 304, 305, 306. dºwnriconomo derbianus (Pitangus), 174, 175, 176. derbianus (Saurophagus), 175. derbianus rufipennis (Pi— tangus), 175. Despotes, 277. cristata (Calyptura), 394. cristata (Elainea), 142, 143. cristata (Motacilla), 91. cristata (Muscicapa), 102. cristata (Phibalura), 372. cristata (Phyllomyias), 121. cristatellus (Anaeretes), cristatus (Blechropus), cristatus (Colopterus), 91. cristatus (Oxyrhynchus), cristatus 394. cristatus (Phyllomyias), 134. (Pardalotus), cristatus (Psaris), 333. crocea (Rupicola), 369. Crossodera, 458. Crow, Bald, 401. crudelis (Tyrannus), 274, cruenta (Muscicapa), 396. cruenta (Querula), 396, 397. cruentus (Thremoedus), 396. crypterythrus (Myiobius), 199, 210. cryptolopha (Lathria), 350, 354. cryptoxanthus(Myiobius), cucullata (Ampelis), 374. cucullata (Coloburis),443. cucullata (Melanopitta), 443. cucullata (Pitta), 414, 438, 442. cucullata (Procnias), 374, cucullatus (Ampelio), 374. cucullatus (Ampelion), 373, 374. cucullatus (Brachyurus), 443. cucullatus (Carpornis), 4 cuculiatus (Cymbirhyn- chus), 465. cucullatus (Eurylaemus), 5 465. Culicivora, 64, 97. cunninghamii (Guber- metes), 40. cunninghamii (Tyran- nus), 41. cuprea (Ampelis), 367. cursoria (Fluvicola), 36. despotes (Muscicapa), 274. diadema (Mecocerculus), 26 diadema (Myiobius), 26. diadema (Ochthoeca), 19, 26. diadema (Tyrannula), 26. difficilis (Empidonax), 222, 229. digglesi (Pitta), 437. dimidiatus (Pachyrham- phus), 340. diops (Hemitriccus), 91. diops (Muscicapa), 91. diops (Todirostrum), 91. I)ixiphia, 292. Doliornis, 372, 390. dominicana (Muscicapa), 37. dominicana (Pepoaza), 13. dominicana (Taenioptera), 11, 13, 14. dominicamus (Muscicapa), 13. dominicanus (Tyrannus), 13 domimicensis (Lanius), P- 24 Z. domimicensis (Melittar- chus), 272. dominicensis (Muscicapa), * * * * dominicensis (Myiar- chus), 247, 260. dominicensis (Sayornis), 242. dominicensis (Tyran- nulus), 272. dorsalis (Pachyrham- phus), 344, 345. dorsalis (Sylvia), 61. Drymomax, 267. dubius (Pyrocephalus), 214, 215. dupontii . . . (Platyrhyn- chus), 338. ecarunculatus (Chasmo- rhynchus), 404. ecaudatum(Todirostrum), 88, 89. zº. 478 AI, PHABETICAL INT) EX. ecaudatus (Orchilus), 88, 89 edwardsii (Mamacus), 313. edwardsii (Pipra), 313. Blae nea, 136. Elaimea, 109, 136. Elainea sp., 147. elata (Pipra), 129. elata (Sylvia), 128. elatus (Tyrannulus), 128. elegans (Ampelis), 381. elegans (Elaimea), 14S, 150, 151. elegans (Muscicapa), 148. elegans (Pipreola), 377, 381. elegans (Pitta), 427, 447. elegans (Rupicola), 369. elegans (Vermivora), 108. ellioti (Eucichla), 445, 448. ellioti (Pitta), 448. emiliae (Iodopleura), 393. Empidagra, 109, 154. Empidlas, 189,264. Empidochames, 189, 216. Empidomax, 189, 221. Empidonax sp., 225. Empidomomus, 189, 265. Entomophagus. 35. Erator, 328. erythrocephala (Pipra), 295, 296. erythrocercus (Myiar- chus), 250, 251. erythrocercus, war cooperi (Myiarchus), 250. erythrocercus, var. ery- throcercus(Myiarchus), 251. erythrogaster (Brachy- urus), 432. erythrogaster (Coloburis), 432. erythrogastra (Erythro- pitta), 432. erythrogastra (Pitta), 432, 433. erythrogenys (Psaris), 331 erythronota (Lessonia), 61. erythromotus (Anthus), 61. Erythropitta, 413, 414, 432. erythroptera (Tyrannula), 159. erythropterus (Myio- zetetes), 159. erythropygia (Taenio- ptera), 9. erythropygius (Myiothe- retes), 8, 9. erythrorhynchus (Chry- sopteryx), 373. erythrura (Tyrannula), 203. erythrurus 198, 203. Euchlormis, 376 JEuchlorornis, 376. Eucichla, 412, 445. euler] (Empiclochames), 224. Eulopogon, 403 eupogon (Muscicapa), 199. Eupsilostoma, 97. Eurylaemus, 458, 463. Eurylaimus, 463. Euscarthmus, 64, 78. Exetastes, 328. Exetastus, 328. exile (Todirostrum), 90. eximia (Muscicapa), 97, 98, eximius (Euscarthmus), (Myiobius), eximius (Pogonotriccus), 97, 98 fallax (Elaimea), 137, 147. fasciata (Muscicapa), 199. fasciata (Pipra), 293, 2.94. fasciatus (Myiarchus), 44. fernandezlama (Culici- vora), 107. fernandezianus (Anae- retes), 106, 107. fernandezianus (Eus- carthmus), 107 ferocior (Myiarchus), 253. ferox (Muscicapa), 251, 253 ferox (Myiarchus), 246, 247, 251, 253,254, 255, 256. ferox (Tyrannus), 251, 253 ferruginea (Hirundinia), 195, 196. ferruginea 196, ferruginea (Phoneutria), 196. (Muscivora), ferruginea (Tyrannula), 209. ferrugimeiceps (Elainea), 2U'ſ. ferrugineus (Myiarchus), 195. ferrugineus (Todus), 195. Figuer hupé de Cayenne, ſilicauda (Cirrhipipra), filicauda 289 filicauda (Copurus), 50. filicauda (Pipra), 289. filicauda (Platyrhynchus), J 5 (Cirrhopipra), filicaudum (Teleonema), 289. flammiceps (Muscicapa), flammiceps (Oxyrham- phus), 280, 281. flammiceps (Oxyrhyn- chus), 281. flammulatus (Attila), 358. flammulatus (Myiarchus), 247, 263. flaveola (Capsiempis), 120. flaveola (Chiromachaeris), 312, 315. flaveola 120. flaveola (Muscipeta), 120. ſlaveolus (Manacus), 315. ſlavescens (Empidomax), 222, 231. flavicans (Myiobius), 85, 199, 205, 206, 207. ſlavicapilla (Chloropipo), 286. (Muscicapa), flavicapilla (Pipra), 286, flavicapillum (Hetero- pelma), 319, 321. flaviceps (Megastoma), 190 flavicollis 286. flavicollis (Pipra), 393, 2.94. (Chloropipo), flavidifrons (Tyranniscus), 135. flavidifrons (Tyrannulus), 135. ſlavifrons (Todirostrum), erythrops (Leptopogon), 115, 119. erythroptera (Lichenops), 48. flavifrons (Tyranniscus), 135. flavigularis (Platyrhyn- chus), 64, 65. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 479 flavinucha (Muscisaxi- cola), 53, 57. flayirostris (Amphibo- lura), 372. flavirostris (Anaeretes), 106, 108. flavirostris (Phibalura), 372. flavitincta (Pipra), 315. flaviventer (Cyclorhyn- chus), 171. flaviventre (Campto- stoma), 126. flaviventris (Alecturus), flaviventris (Arundini- cola), 94. flavi ventris (Empidomax), 222, 229, 230. flaviventris (Euscarth- mus), 94, 95. flaviventris (Hapolocer- cus), 93, 94, 95. *i. (Muscipeta), 71. flaviventris (Platyrhyn- chus), 120. flaviventris (Rhyncho- cyclus), 165, 171, 172. flaviventris (Tyrannula), 119, 230. flavlventris, Yar. difficilis (Empidomax), 229. flavivertex (Elainea), 137, 5 flavivertex (Heterocer- cus), 324, 325. flavivertex (Muscisaxi- cola), 57. flavo-cinerea (Phyllos- cartes), 101. flavo cinerea (Stigma- tura), 100, 101. flavo-olivaceus (Rhyncho- cyclus), 168, 169, 170. flavovirens (Leptopogon), 115, 119 flavus (Corvus), 176. flavus (Megarhynchus), 178. fluviatilis (Muscisaxi- cola), 54, 59. Fluvicola, 3, 35. Flycatcher, Whiskered, 199. foetida (Coracina), 402. foetida (Gracula), 402. foetidus (Gymnoderus), 402. ſorficata (Muscicapa), 279. forficatus (Gubernetes), 41. forficatus (Milvulus), 277, 279 formosa (Ampelis), 378. formosa (Euchlorornis), 378. formosa (Pipreola), 376, 378. formosa (Pyrrhorhyn- chus), 378. forsteni (Brachyurus), 2 forsteni (Melanopitta), 442 forsteni (Pitta), 438, 442 frantzii (Elainea), 137, 145, 146 fraseri (Tityra), 332. fraseril (Psaris), 332. frater (Oxyrhamphus), 281. frater (Oxyrhynchus), C.I . frazarı (Contopus), 242. fringillaris (Empido- chanes), 216, 224. frontalis (Euchlornis), &T) > of 9, frontalls (Pipreola), 376, 379. fromtalis (Ptyomura), 55. fuligimosa (Muscicapa), 240. fuligimosa (Planchesia), 245. fulva (Alauda), 6]. fulva (Muscisaxicola), 61. fulwiceps (Euscarthmus), 94. fulwiceps (Hapalocercus), 93, 94. fulvitrons (Empidomax), 221, 222. fulvifrons (Mitrephorus), 222. fulvifrons (Muscicapa), 222, fulvifrons pallescens (Empidomax), 223. fulvifrons pallescens (Mi- trephanes), 222. fulvifrons pygmaeus (Em- pidomax), 223. fulvifrons pygmaeus (Mi- trephanes), 223. fulwifrons rubicundus (Empidonax), 222. fulvifrons rubicumdus (Mitrephanes), 223. fulvifrons, var. pallescens (Mitrephorus), 223. fulvipectus (Cyclorhyn- chus), 167. fulvipectus (Empidonax), 232, 233. fulvipectus (Rhyncho- cyclus), 165, 167. © fulvus (Anthus), 61. fumicolor (Ochthoeca), 18, fumifrons (Euscarthmus), 78, 79. fumifrons (Todirostrum), 79. fumigata (Ochthoéca), 17 fumigata (Tyrannula), 17. fumigatus (Myiobius), 17 fumigatus (Ochthodiaeta), 16, 17. funebris (Copurus), 50. furcata (Muscicapa), 274. furcatum (Todirostrum), 85. furcatus (Ceratotriccus), 85 furcatus (Tyrannus), 274 fusca (Ampelis), 393. fusca (Casiornis), 366. fusca (Iodopleura), 392, 393 365, ſusca (Muscicapa), 245, 264. fuscata (Muscipeta), 216. fuscatus (Empidochames), 216, 224. fuscatus (Myiobius), 216. fuscicapilla (Muscicapa), 26 fuscicapillus (Copurus), 51. fuscocinerea (Lathria), 350, 351. fuscoelnerea (Querula), 350. fuscocimereus (Lipaugus), 350. fusco-rufus (Ochtho- diaeta), 17, 18. fuscus (Aulamax), 264. fuscus (Empidias), 261, 264 fuscus (Myiarchus), 264. fuscus (Platyrhynchus), (55 fuscus (Sayornis), 264. 480 ALPHABETICAL INDEX, gabbi (Pitangus), 175, 180 gainardi (Elaimea), 137, 150, 151, 152. gainardi (Muscicapara), 150. galeata (Antilophia), 290. galeata (Metopia), 290. galeata (Motacilla), 91. galeata (Muscicapa), 43. galeata (Pipra), 290, 321 gaiºus (Colopterus), 87, 90, 91 Gallita, 38. Gallito, 39. geoffroyi (Philepitta), 410. Gigantipitta, 413, 414, 416 gigas (Elaimea), 136, 140. gigas (Pitta), 417. gilviventris (Acanthi- sitta), 453. gilviventris (Xenicus), 452, 453. glaber (Sublegatus), 157, 158. glabricollis (Cephalo- pterus), 399, 400. gnatho (Muscicapa), 271. Gobe-mouche à poitrime tachetée de Cayenme, 209. Gobe-mouche brun de Cayenne, 245. Gobe-mouche huppé de Virginie, 248. Gobe-mouche moir à. gorge pourpre de Cay- enrie, 396. Gobe-mouche olive de Cayenne, 224. Gobe-mouche Pie de Cayenne, 35. Gobe-mouc), erouge hupé, 211. Gobe-mouche roux de Cayenne, 343. Gobe-mouche tacheté de Cayenne, 185. Gobe-mouche vert, 321, godmani (Leptogon), 114, 116. Gold-naped Wren, 128. gossii (Tyrannula), 252. gracilipes (Tyranniscus), 130, 133, 134. gracilirostris (Myiar- chus), 259. gracilis (Elainea), 136. gracilis (Empidonax), Grade, Bare-necked, 402 granadense (Todiros- trum), 82. granadensis (Coracina), 398. granadensis (Euscarth- mus), 78, 82, 83. granadensis (Myioze- tetes), 159, 163, 164. granadensis (Pyroderus), 397, 398. granatina (Erythropitta), 430. gramatina (Phoenico- cichla), 430. granatina (Pitta), 414, 429, 430, 431. granatinus (Brachyurus), 430. grandis (Myiozetetes), 162 grata (Elaimea), 148. gratiosa (Ochthoeca), 19, 26. gratiosus (Mecocerculus), 26 Great-billed Tody, 468. griseus (Melittarchus), 272. griseus (Pachyrhamphus), 341. griseus (Tyrannus), 267, 271, 272, 273. guaiana (Pitta), 446. guajanus (Turdus), 446. gualaquizae (Pogono- triccus), 98, 99. guatimalensis (Sauro- phagus), 175. Gubernetes, 40. guiamensis (Myiozetetes), 160. guianensis (Psaris), 328 guillemini (Muscipeta), 152. Guira-yetapa, 39. grisea (Muscisaxicola), 53, 55. grisea (Serpophaga), 103. griseiceps (Phyllomyias), 134. griseiceps (Piprites), 283, 285. griseiceps (Tyranniscus), griseicollis (Muscicapa), griseigularis (Attila), 358. griseigularis (Empido- max), 228. griseigularis (Pachy- rhamphus), 338,339. griseimentalis (Rhym- chocyclus), 166. griseipectus (Empi- donax), 222, 225. griseocapilla (Phyllo- myias), 121, 122, 123. griseocapilla(Tyrannula), 22. griseocularis (Elaimea), 58. griseocularis (Sublega- fus), 158. griseogularis (Elainea), 42. guira-yetapa (Alectru- rus), 40. guira-yetapa (Psalidura), 40. gulare (Todirostrum), 81. gularis (Euscarthmus), 78, 81, 82. gularis (Muscicapa), 81. gurneyi (Eucichla), 445, 448. gurneyi (Pitta), 448. sº (Iodopleura), 393. guttatum (Todirostrum), 69, 71, 73. gutturalis (Agriornis), 5. gutturalis (Coropipo), 301. gutturalis (Pepoaza), 6. gutturalis (Pipra), 292, 293, 301. gutturalis (Tyrannus), 4. gutturosa (Chiroma- chaeris), 312, 313, 314. gutturosa (Pipra), 314. gutturosus (Manacus), 314, gymnocephala (Cora- cima), 401. Gymnocephalus, 395, 401. gymnodera (Coracina), 402. Gymnoderus, 395,402. haasti (Acanthisitta), 453. haasti (Xenicus), 453. Habia dentudo, 407. Habrura, 64, 96. Hadrostomus, 327, 333. Haematoderus, 395. ALPEIABIETICAL INDEX. 481 hamatodes , , (Dasy- cephala), 365. hapmatodes (Muscicapa), 365. hammondi (Empidonax), 222, 232. hammondii (Tyrannula), 232 Hapalocerous, 64, 93. Hapalura, 97. hapalura (Muscicapa), 9 Heilicura, 311. heimei (Pyrrhomyias), 202. Heleornis, 413. Helicura, 283, 311. Heliochera, 372, 390. helviventris (Hapalocer- cus), 93. hemichrysus mitres), 188. hemichrysus (Myiody- mastes), 183, 188. Hemipenthica, 10. Hemipipo, 283. Hemitriccus, 64, 91. herbacea (Pipra), 299. heterocerca (Cirrhopi- pra), 289. heterocerca (Pipra), 289. Heterocercus, 317, 324. Heteropelma, 317, 318. Birundimea, 189, 195. hirundinaceus (Platy- rhynchus), 196. hispaniolensis (Blacicus), 241, 242. hispaniolensis pus), 242. hispaniolensis (Tyran- mula), 242. holerythrus (Lipaugus), 356, 357. holochlora (Chloropipo), 286, 287. (Hyper- (Conto- holospodia (Taenio- ptera), 11, 14. homochrous (Hadro- stomus), 333, 334, 335. homochrous(Pachyrham- phus), 334. horsfieldi (Eurylaimus), 463. horsfieldi chos), 463. hudsoni (Cnipolegus), 42, 45, 46 (Platyrhyn- , 46. Hydrornis, 413, 414. Hylocosmia, 382. Hypermitres, 182. WOL. XIV. inormata (Muscicapa), 234. inornata (Pitta), 434. inornatus (Euscarthmus), 78, 84. inormatus (Myiozetetes), 4. inquisitor(Exetastes),331. inquisitor (Lanius), 331. inquisitor (Psaris), 331. inºr (Tityra), 328, 331. insolens (Agriornis), 4, insularis (Platypsaris), 33. intermedius (Pachyrham- phus), 343. intrepidus (Tyrannus), 267. Iodopleura, 372, 390. iracunda (Ceratopipra), 288. iracunda (Pipra), 288. irena (Brachyurus), 427. irena (Pitta), 420, 427, 428 Iridipitta, 414, 444. hypoglaucus (Oxyrham- phus), 281, 282. hypoleuca (Serpho- phaga), 102, 104. hypopyrrha (Ampelis), 354. hypopyrrha (Aulia), 354. hypohyrrha (Laniocera) 354 hypopyrrhus (Lipaugus), 354 hypopyrrhus (Ptilo- chloris), 354. hypospodia (Elaimea), 37, 144. icterophrys (Fluvicola), 41. icterophrys (Muscicapa), 41. icterophrys (Myiozete- tes), 162. icterophrys (Sisopygis), 41. icterophrys (Suiriri), 41. icterophrys (Taenio- ptera), 41. Ictimiscus, 49. igniceps (Heteropelma), 319, 322. Ilicura, 311. illigeri (Triccus), 71. imberbe (Camptostoma), I26 imberbe (Ornithion), 109, 125, 126, 127. imberbe ridgwayi (Orni- thion), 127. immundus (Lipaugus), 356, 357. impiger (Euscarthmus), 78, 84. implacens (Elainea), 149. improbus (Tyranniscus), 130, 133. inca (Tyrannus), 266. incanescens (Muscipeta), 127, 158. incanescens (Myiopatis), 123, 126. incanescens (Ornithion), incanescens (Sublegatus), 15S incompta (Elaimea), 136. incompta (Muscicapa), 102. inerme (Ormithion), 125, inornata (Conopias), 173. 174. iris (Brachyurus), 444. iris (Pitta), 438, 444. irritabilis (Myiarchus), 251. irritabilis (Tyrannus), 248, 251. irupero (Fluvicola), 14. irupero (Hemipenthica), 14. irupero (Pepoaza), 14. irupero (Taenioptera), 10, 11, 13, 14. irupero (Tyrannus), 13. isabellae (Iodopleura), 392, 393, 394. isidori (Philepitta), 410. isidori (Pipra), 293, 298. jala (Philepitta), 409, 410 jala (Phyllornis), 410. jala (Turdus), 410. jardinii (Psaris), 331. Javan Tody, 463. javanicus (Eurylaemus), 463. jelskii (Ochthoeca), 22. joazeiro (Muscicapa), 52. jocosa (Muscicapa), 154. jº (Pipreola), 377, 381. juminensis (Muscisaxi- cola), 53, 58. 2 K 482 ALPEIABETICAL INDEX. kittlitzi (Pyrope), 15. Knipolegus, 42. kochi (Erythropitta),433. kochi (Pitta), 433. kreffti (Pitta), 428. lafresnayi (Cnipolegus), 43. lamellipennis (Ampelis), 389. lamellipennis (Xipho- lena), 387, 388, 389. lanceolata (Chiroxiphia), 307, 309. lanceolata (Pipra), 309. Laniisoma, 317. Laniocera, 354. Laphyctes, 267. laplacii (Iodopleura),393. laplacii (Pipra), 393. lateralis (Aulia), 354. lateralis (Lipaugus), 354. Lathria, 349, 350. Lathriosoma, 354. latirostris (Aulanax), 34. latirostris (Blacicus), 241, 244 lº (Contopus), latirostris (Euscarth- mus), 78, 81. latirostris (Hadrosto- mus), 336. latirostris (Myiobius), 244 latirostris (Pachyrham- phus), 336. latirostris (Platypsaris), 336. ypsaris) latirostris (Sayornis), 34. lawrencei (Muscicapa), 256, Lawrencia, 189, 233. lawrencii (Myiarchus), 247, 256, 257. lawrencii nigricapillus (Myiarchus), 257. lawrencii olivascens (Myiarchus), 257. Legatus, 109, 155. Legatus sp., 157. legatus (Muscicapa), 155. lembeyei (Muscicapa), 264. lemniscatus mus), 469 lenzi (Poecilotriccus), 76. lº. (Todirostrum), 69, (Eurylae- Lepidothrix, 292. Leptocercus, 93. Leptopogon, 109, 114. Leptopogon, sp. inc., 118. Leptotriccus, 64, 99. Lepturus, 93. lessoni (Ochthoeca), 19, Lessonia, 60. leucocapilla (Pipra), 297. leucocephala (Arundi- nicola), 37. leucocephala (Dixiphia), 37 leucocephala (Musci- capa), 37. leucocephala (Pipra), 37. leucocephalus (Mio- nectes), 37. leucocilla (Muscipeta), 0. leucocilla (Pipra), 292, 293, 297. leucogaster (Corvus), 176. " leucogaster (Pachy- rhynchus), 341. leucogaster (Tyrannus), 268 leucogonys (Tyranniscus), 130, 136. leucometopa (Ochthoeca), 19, 21, 22. leuconotus 50, 51. leucomotus (Tityra), 334. leucophrys (Fluvicola), 21. r (Copurus), leucophrys (Mecocercu- lus), 27, 28, 30. leucophrys (Muscicapa), 27 leucophrys (Muscica- para), 27. leucophrys (Ochthoeca), 19, 21, 27. Leucopitta, 414, 417. leºpter= (Perspicilla), 4 leucoptera (Pitta), 438. leucopygia (Iodopleura), 392, 393. leucorrhoa (Pipra), 293, 301. leucoryphus (Platy- rhynchus), 65 leucospodia (Elaimea), 137, 144. leucotis (Tyrannus), 265. leucura (Agriornis), 6. leucura (Erator), 328. leucura (Serpophaga), 29. leucura (Tityra), 328. Lichenops, 3, 48. lictor (Lanius), 178. lictor (Pitangus), 174, 178, 179 lictor (Saurophagus), 178. limbatus (Euscarthmus), linearis (Chiroxiphia), 307, 309. linearis (Pipra), 309. lineata (Pipra), 304. linteata (Elaemea), 324, 325. linteatus (Heterocercus), 324. Lipaugus, 349, 356. littoralis (Elainea), 31. littoralis (Ochthornis), 31. livida (Agriornis), 4, 5, 6. livida (Dasycephala), 5. livida (Pepoaza), 4. lividus (Thamnophilus), 4 longicauda (Chiroxiphia), 311. - longicauda (Muscicapa), 40 longicauda (Pipra), 310. longipennis (Milvulus), 49 longipennis (Muscipipra), 49. longipes 452. longipes (Motacilla), 452, longipes (Sylvia), 452. longipes (Tyrannus), 49. longipes (Xenicus), 450, 452 (Acanthisitta), Long-legged Warbler, 452. lophotes (Knipolegus), 43. Lophotriccus, 64, 86. lubomirskii (Pipreola), 377, 380. lucaysiensis (Myiarchus), 261,262. lucaysiensis (Tyrannula), 261. ludoviciana (Muscicapa), 248. ludovicianus (Tyrannus), 248 luggeri (Tyrannus), 164. lugubris (Contopus), 234, 236 lugubris (Coracopitta), 449. ALPEIABIETICAL INDEX, 483 lugubris (Melampitta), 449. lugubris (Ochthodiaeta), 17 lugubris (Pitta), 449. lunatus (Eurylaimus), 460. lunatus (Ptilochloris), 317. lunatus (Serilophus), 460. lunulatus (Serilophus), 460. lunulatus (Turdus), 410. luteiwentris (Elaenea), 164. luteiventris (Myiodynas- tes), 182, 183, 184. luteiventris (Myiozetetes), 159, 264. luteocephala (Muscicapa), 323. Machaeropterus, 283, 303. Machetornis, 3, 52. macilvainii (Elainia), 150. mackloti (Brachyurus), 437. mackloti (Erythropitta), 437 mackloti (Pitta),413, 432, 436, 437. macloviana (Muscisaxi- cola), 53, 56. macloviana (Ptyomura), 5 macloviana (Sylvia), 56. macrorhyncha (Pitta), 438. macrorhynchus (Cymbo rhynchus), 454, 468, 470. macrorhynchus (Todus), 468. macrourus fasciatus (Tur- dus), 420. maculatum (Todiros- trum), 69, 73, 74. maculatus (Platyrhyn- chus), 73. maculatus (Todus), 73. maculirostris (Muscisaxi- cola), 54, 59, 60. maculirostris (Ptyomura), 59. madagascariensis (Cor- vus), 420. madagascarlensus aurea (Merula),410. madagascariensis aurea (Turdus), 410. mafoorana (Pitta), 438, 441 maforeana (Pitta), 441. maforensis (Pitta), 441. magister (Myiarchus), 250. magnanimus (Tyrannus), magnirostris (Empido- nax), 262. magnirostris (Melittar- chus), 273. magnirostris(Myiarchus), 247, 262 magnirostris (Myiobius), magnirostris (Pitta), 427. magnirostris (Tyrannus), 267, 273. major (Bathmidurus), 346. major (Pachyrhamphus), 338, 346, 347. major (Psaris), 346. major (Schiffornis), 322, 323, malaccensis (Brachyurus), 420. malaccensis (Coloburus), 420. malaccensis (Cymbirhyn- chus), 468. malaccensis (Pitta), 420, 423, 439, 443. malaccensis (Turdus), 423. Manacus, 312. manacus (Chiromachae ris), 312, 313, 315. manacus (Pipra), 313. Mamakin a tête noire de Cayenne, 313. Mamakin cendré de Ca- yenne, 341. Manakin du Brésil, 313. margaritaceiventer (Eu- scarthmus), 78, 80. margaritaceiventer (Todi- rostrum), 80. margaritaceiventris (Tric- cus), 80. marginata (Muscipeta), 347. marginatus (Bathmidu- rus), 347. marginatus (Dicrurus), 49 marginat us (Myiozetetes), 160. marginatus (Pachyrham- phus), 346, 347. marginatus (Pachyrhyn- chus), 347. marginatus (Rhynchocy- clus), 168. marginatus (Todus), 347. marginatus major (Psa- ris), 346. marginatus tristis (Psa- ris), 345. maritima (Agriornis), 4, maritima (Pepoaza), 6. martinica (Elainea), 136, 141. martinica (Muscicapa), 141 martinica (Tyrannula), martinicama cristata (Muscicapa), 141. martinicensis (Blacicus), 24 1. Masius, 283, 290. masoni (Pyroderus), 397. mathilda (Pitta), 426. matutinus (Tyrannus), 27 maxima (Gigantipitta), 419. maxima (Leucopitta), 419. maxima (Pitta), 419. maximiliani (Pitangus), 176, 177. maximiliani (Sauropha- gus), 176. maximus (Brachyurus), 419. maximus (Psaris), 329. maymana (Ampelis), 386. maynana (Cotinga), 382, 386. Mecocerculus, 3, 27. megacephala (Tyrannula), megacephalus (Pachy- rhynchus), 333. megacephalus (Rhyncho- cyclus), 170, 171. mºphalus (Todus), 8 Megalophus, 191. megarhyncha (Pitta),419, 421. Megarhynchus, 189 megarhynchus (Brachyu- rus), 421. Megastoma, 189. Melampitta, 449. melancholicus (Laphyc- tes), 274. 2 K 2 484 ALPEIABETICAL INDEX. melancholicus (Tyran- nus), 267, 273, 276. melancholicus couchi (Ty- rannus), 274. melanocephala (Ampelis), 374. melanocephala (Chiroxi- phia), 309. melanocephala (Citta), 438 melanocephala (Pipra), melanocephala (Pitta), 442. melanocephalus (Ampe- lio), 374. melanocephalus lion), 373, 374. melanocephalus (Carpor- mis), 374. melanocephalus (Pachy- rhynchus), 328. melanocephalus nias), 374. melanocephalus (Todus), 69 (Ampe- (Proc- melanocephalus (Triccus), melanolaema (Euchloror- mis), 378. melanolaema (Pipreola), 376, 377, 378, 381. melanoleucus (Bathmidu- rus), 340. Melanopitta, 414, 438. melanotis (Vermivora), 88. Melittarchus, 267. meloryphus (Euscarth- mus), 93. meloryphus (Hapalocer- cus), 93, 94. meloxantha (Muscicapa), 69 mentalis (Muscisaxicola), 56. mentalis (Pipra), 293, 295. mentalis (Ptyomura), 56. Merle de Bengale, 427. Merle de la Guiane, 445. Merle des Molugues, 420. Merle des Philippines, 438. Merle doré de Madagas- car (Le), 410. Merle vert des Moluques (Le), 427. merremii (Ampelis), 368. MéSange huppée de Ca- yenne, 128. mesoleuca (Elainea), 137, I53. mesoleucus 235. mesorhynchus (Rhyncho- cyclus), 166. Metopia, 283, 290. Metopothrix, 283, 292. mexicana (Elaemia), 162. mexicana (Muscivora), 192, 193, 194. mexicana (Tityra), 330. mexicana (Tyrannula), 250. (Contopus), mexicanus (Megarhyn- chus), 190. mexicanus (Myiarchus), 247, 249, 250, 251,256, 260. mexicamus (Myiobius), 00. mexicanus (Myiomax), 249. mexicanus (Psaris), 330. mexicanus (Pyrocepha- lus), 211, 213. mexicanus (Scaphorhyn- chus), 190. mexicanus (Tyrannus), 279. mexicanus magister (Myi- archus), 250. microptera (Agriornis), 5. miles (Elaenea), 161. miles (Muscicapa), 52. militaris (Chiroxiphia), 311. militaris (Coracias), 395. militaris (Haematoderus), 395. militaris (Heilicura), 311. militaris (Helicura), 311. militaris (Ilicura), 311. militaris (Pipra), 311. militaris (Querula), 395. militaris (Threnoédus), 395. Milvulus, 189,277. minima (Habrura), 96. minima (Hapalura), 96. minima (Tityra), 96. minima (Tyrannula), 227. minimus (Empidonax), 222, 227. minimus (Pachyram- phus), 96. minimus, var. pectoralis (Empidomax), 227. minor (Cnipodectes), 197. minor (Hadrostomus), 333, 337. minor (Leptopogon), 114, 115. minor (Pachyrhamphus), 337 minor (Querula), 337. minor (Schifformis), 323. minor (Tyrannus), 251. Miomectes, 109, 111. mitratus (Lanius), 341. mitratus (Pachyrham- phus), 341. Mitrephanes, 189, 218. Mitrephorus, 218. modesta (Elaimea), 142. modesta (Euphone), 392. modesta (Muscipeta), 153. modesta (Tyrannula), 120. moesta (Muscicapa), 14. moesta (Tacnioptera), 14. molina (Phytotoma),406. moluccensis (Brachyu- rus), 420. moluccensis (Pitta), 414, moluccensis (Turdus), 420. monacha (Muscipeta), 50. monachus (Milvulus), 277. momachus (Tyrannus), 277. montama (Agriornis), 4,6. montana (Pepoaza), 6. muelleri (Brachyurus), 439. muelleri (Coloburis),439. muelleri (Melanopitta), 439 muelieri (Pitta),438,439, 440. multicolor (Todirostrum), murina (Ochthoeca), 31. murima (Pepoaza), 15. murina (Pyropa), 15. murina (Taenioptera), 10, murinus (Platyrhynchus), 123 murimus (Sublegatus), Muscigralla, 3, 63. Muscipeta, 191. Muscipipra, 3, 49. Muscisaxicola, 3, 53. Muscivora, 189, 191. Myiacleptes, 173. Myiarchus, 189,246. Myiobius, 189, 198. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 485 Myiochanes, 189, 245. Myiodynastes, 109, 182. Myiopatis, 109, 123. Myiophila, 35, 37. Myiophobus, 198. Myiosympotes, 93. Myiotheretes, 3, 8. Myiozeta, 159. Myiozetetes, 109, 159. Myothera, 413. mystacea (Fluvicola), 36. mystacea (Muscicapa), 36 * niger (Hadrostomus), 333, 334 niger (Lanius), 334. niger (Pachyrhamphus), 334, 337, 338, 343, 344 niger º (Pachyrhynchus), 343. niger (Psaris), 344. niger (Zetetes), 344. migerrima (Ada), 43, 44. migerrima (Brissonia), 410. nigerrima (Fluvicola), 44. migerrima (Muscicapa), 43. ºrime (Sericoptila), 43. nigerrimus (Cnipolegus), 42, 43, 45. nigerrimus (Turdus), 410. migra (Alauda), 61. migra (Chrysopteryx), 373. migra (Lessonia), 61. nigra (Muscisaxicola), 61. nigra (Platypsaris), 334. migra (Tijuca), 373. nigrescens (Myiochanes), 245, 246. migrescens (Pachyrham- phus), 334. nigricans (Aulanax), 33. nigricans (Euscarthmus), nigricans (Muscicapa), 48. nigricans (Myiarchus), nigricans (Sayornis), 32, * 3, migricans (Serphophaga), nigricans (Sylvia), 104. nigricans (Tyrannula),33. migricans, var. aquatica (Sayormis), 33. nigricapillus (Myiarchus), 247, 257. y nigriceps (Todirostrum), nigriceps (Triccus), 72. nigricollis (Phoenicercus), 368. nigricollis (Phoenicocer- cus), 367, 368. migricollis (Pitta), 443. migrifrons (Leptopogon), 115, 119. nigrifrons (Muscisaxi- cola), 53, 55. migrigularis (Phoenicocer- cus), 368. nigrita (Ochthoeca), 19, 25. nigriventris (Pachyrham- phus), 344. nipalensis (Brachyurus), 415. nipalensis (Heleornis), 414. (Hydrornis), mystaceus (Entomopha- gus), 36. mystaceus (Platyrhyn- chus), 65, 66, 67. mystax (Muscicapa), 36. maevia (Muscicapa), 209. maevius (Myiobius), 198, 199, 208, 209, 210. maevius (Myiophobus), 209. maevius (Psaris), 328. mana (Lawrencia), 233. manus (Empidomax), 233. mamus (Pyrocephalus), 211, 212, 214, 215. masica (Erolla), 469. nasutus (Cymbirhynchus), 468. nasutus (Eurylaemus), 469 nasutus (Platyrhynchus), 468. masutus (Todus), 468. nationi (Myiobius), 204. mattereri (Cotinga), 382, 385. mattereri (Pipra), 293, mattererii (Ampelis), 385. mattererii (Psaris), 331. nengeta (Fluvicola), 11. nengeta (Lanius), 11. mengeta (Muscicapa), 36. mengeta (Taenioptera), 10, 11 mengeta (Xolmis), 11. Nengetus, 10. Neopelma, 317, 323. Neopipo, 283, 303. nepalensis (Gigantipitta), 415. midipendulus (Euscarth- mus), 78, 79. niger (Bathmidurus), 344. niger (Centrites), 60, 61, 62. nigricans (Tachuris), 144. - - migricapillus (Tyrannis- cus), 130, 131. nigricapillus (Tyrannu- lus), 131. nigriceps (Muscicapa), 338. nigriceps (Muscipeta), 338. nigriceps (Myiarchus), 247, 258, 259. nigriceps (Pachyrham- phus). 339. cº- mipalensis 415. nipalensis (Paludicola), 414 nipalensis (Pitta), 413, 414, 415. mitidus (Carpodectes), 389. nivea (Ampelis), 403. nivea (Muscicapa), 14. nivea (Procnias), 403. niveigularis (Tyrannus), 267, 270. niveus (Chasmorhyn- chus), 403. nobilis (Myiodynastes), 182, 183, 185. novae-guineae (Brachyu- rus), 440. novae-guineae (Melano- pitta), 440. novae-guineae (Pitta), 438, , 441. novae-guineae mafoorana (Pitta), 441. novae-hiberniae (Pitta), 437. nuchalis (Cyclorhyn- chus), 168. nuchalis (Pitta), 415. nuchalis (Platyrhynchus), 168 nuda (Gracula), 402. nudicollis (Ampelis), 402, 404. nudicollis (Chasmorhyn- chus), 403, 404. nudicollis (Corvus), 402. nudicollis (Procnias), 404. nudus (Corvus), 402. 486 ALPEIAIBETICAL INDEX. numciola (Muscicapa), 264. nunciola (Tyrannula), 4 Nuttallornis, 234. muttingi (Myiarchus), 246, 250. mympha (Brachyurus), 25 425. nympha (Pitta),419, 420, 425. oleaginea (Pipromorpha), 113. oleagineus (Mionectes), 111, 112, 114. oliva (Empidonax), 222, 224, 225. oliva (Muscicapa), 224. olivacea (Elainea), 152. olivacea (Muscicapa), 121, 134, 152. olivacea (Oncostoma), 77. olivaceum (Oncostoma), 76, 77. olivaceum (Todirostrum), olivaceus (Cyclorhyn- chus), 165. olivaceus (Leptopogon), 122. olivaceus 111, 112. olivaceus (Platyrhyn- chus), 165. olivaceus (Rhynchocy- clus), 165, 166, 167. olivaceus (Todus), 165. olivina (Elaimea), 137, (Mionectes), 146, 147. olivus (Empidochanes), 216, 217, 225. omnicolor (Cyanotis), 110. omnicolor (Regulus), 110. omnicolor (Tachuris), 110. Oncostoma, 64, 76. Onychorhynchus, 191. opalizams (Pipra), 292. ophthalmicus (Pogono- triccus), 98. orbitalis (Capsiempis), 120, 121. orbitatum (Todirostrum), 9 orbitatus (Euscarthmus), 78, 79, 83. orbitatus (Triccus), 79. Orchilus, 64, 88. oreas (Brachyurus), 425. oreas (Centrites), 61, 62. oreas (Pitta), 425. orenocensis (Cnipolegus), y ornatus (Myiobius), 198, 204, 205. Ornithion, 109, 125. oustaleti (Leptopogon), 115, 118. Oxyrhamphus, 280. Oxyrhynchus, 280. oxyura (Pipra), 312. Pachyrhamphus, 327,337. Pachyrhamphus sp., 342. Pachyrhynchus, 337. pagana (Elaimea), 136, 137, 139, 140, 14i. pagama (Muscicapa), 137. paganus (Platyrhynchus), 137. Paictes, 409. pallatangae 137, 146. pallescens (Mitrephorus), 223 (Elaimea), palliceps (Pitta), 436. pallida (Sayornis), 31, 32. pallida (Tyrannula), 32. pallidus (Blacicus), 241, 243 pallidus (Contopus), 243. pallidus (Myiobius), 243. palpebrosum (Todiros- trum), 79. Paludicola, 413. pamamensis (Myiarchus), 253 pareola (Chiroprion),308. pareola (Chiroxiphia), 307, 308. pareola (Pipra), 307, 309. pareolides (Pipra), 309. parimus (Psaris), 341. pº (Serphophaga), O paris (Anaeretes), 106, 107, 108 y e oatesi (Hydrornis), 416. oatesi (Pitta), 414, 416. oberi (Myiarchus), 251. obscura (Elainea), 137, 152. obscura (Muscipeta), 152. obscura (Tyranmula), 232. obscura rustica (Elaimea), 152 obscurata (Muscicapa), 104 obscurus (Empidomax), 222, 227, 232. obscurus (Pyrocephalus), 211, 215. obsoleta (Elaimea), 128. obsoleta (Muscicapa), 127. obsoleta (Muscicapara), 127, 128. obsoleta (Myiopatis), 128 obsoletum (Ornithion), 125, 127, 128. occidentalis (Muscivora), 192, 194. ochraceiventris (Mitre- phanes), 219, 220. ochraceiventris (Mitre- phorus), 220. ochraceus (Contopus), 234, 237. ochromelas (Eurylaemus), 463,465. ochromelas(Eurylaimus), 465. Ochthites, 63. Ochthodiaeta, 3, 16. Ochthoeca, 3, 16, 18. Ochthornis, 3, 31. ocularis (Euscarthmus), onanthoides (Fluvicola), •) onanthoides (Ochthoeca), 18, 19, 20. oleaginea (Muscicapa), 112. orenocensis (Coracina), 398 orenocensis (Pyroderus), 397, 398. ormata (Coracina), 399. ornata (Tyrannula), 204. ornatus (Cephalopterus), 398, 399, 400. parulus (Culicivora), 106. parulus (Euscarthmus), 106. ^, parulus (Muscicapa), 106. parulus aequatorialis (Anaeretes), 106. parvirostris(Elaimea),142. parvirostris (Myiobius), 05. parvirostris (Pyrocepha- lus), 212, 213. parvirostris (Serpho- phaga), 101, 102, 105. pººr. (Tyrannula), parvus (Pitangus), 175, 179. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 487 parvus(Tyranniscus),130, 132. pectorale (Todirostrum), pectoralis (Empidonax), 227. pectoralis (Euscarth- mus), 96. pectoralis (Habrura), 96. pectoralis (Hapalocer- cus), 96. pectoralis (Pachyrham- phus), 337. pectoralis (Pachyrhyn- chus), 337. pectoralis (Psaris), 337. pectoralis (Serpophaga), 96. pectoralis (Sylvia), 96. pelzelmi (Euscarthmus), 78, 80. pelzelmi (Myiarchus), 247, 255 pelzelmi (Pseudotriccus), 85 penduliger (Cephalo- pterus), 399, 400. Pepoaza, 10, 11. Pepoaza coronada, 12. Pepoaza dominica, 13. Pepoaza irupero, 13. pepoaza (Tyrannus), 11. Pepoaza vientre roxiso, 8. personata (Tityra), 330. Perspicilla, 48. perspicillata (Ada), 48. perspicillata (Lichenops), 48 vºlute (Motacilla), 48. perspicillata (GEmanthe), 48 perspicillata (Pipra), 301. pertinax (Contopus), 234, 235, 236 pertinax (Myiarchus), 249. pertimax, var. lugubris (Contopus), 236. peruana (Rupicola), 370. peruviana (Pipra), 370. peruviana (Rupicola), 369, 370, 371. peruviana (Tyrannula), peruvianus (Leptopogon), 117 peruvianus (Rhynchocy- clus), 165, 169. peruvianus aequatorialis (Rhynchocyclus), 169. phaeocephalus (Myiar- chus), 247, 255, 256. phaeocercus (Mitre- phanes), 218, 219, 220. phaeocercus (Mitrepho- rus), 219. phaeonotus (Myiarchus), 247, 255. phayrii (Anthocincla), 412, 413 Phibalura, 371, 372. Philepitta, 409. philippensis (Corvus), 438. philippensis (Pitta), 438. phoebe (Muscicapa), 261, 264 phoebe (Myiarchus), 261. phoebe (Sayornis), 264. phoebe (Tyrannus), 261. Phoenicercus, 367. Bhoenicocercus, 366, 367. Phoenicocichla, 414, 429. phoenicomitra (Myio- bius), 199, 206. phoenicura (Tyrannula), 205. phoenicurus (Attila), 358. phoenicurus (Myiobius), 199, 205. Phoneutria, 195. phygas (Porphyrolaema), 386. Phyllomyias, 109, 121. Phylloscartes, 64, 92. Phytotoma, 406. pica (Fluvicola), 35, 36. pica (Muscicapa), 35. picatum (Todirostrum), 69, 74, 75. pilaris (Colopterus), 90. pileata (Pipra), 284. pileatus (Contopus), 234. pileatus (Euscarthmus), pitangua (Megarhyn- chus), 189, 190. pitangua (Muscicapa), 176, 190. pitangua (Scaphorhyn- chus), 190. pitangua (Tyrannus), 189. pitangua chrysogaster (Megarhynchus), 190. pitangula (Muscicapa), 173. Pitangus, 109, 174. Pitta, 411, 412, 413, 414, 419. placens (Elainea), 137, 148, 149, 150, 151. platurus (Platyrhynchus), 50 Platypsaris, 333. platyrhyncha (Phyllo- myias), 158, 159. Platyrhynchos, 463. Plººyºo. (Todus), 468 Platyrhynchus, 64, 189, 198 platyrh ynchus (Myiar- chus), 244, 257. platyrhynchus (Suble- gatus), 158. platyrhynchus (Todus), 65 plebeius (Contopus), 234. plumbea (Lathria), 350, 35l. plumbea (Muscicapa), 50. plumbeiceps (Pogonotric- cus), 98, 99. plumbeiceps trum), 81. plumbeiceps (Tyrannis- cus), 99. plumbeum trum), 70. plumbeus (Lipaugus), 350, 352. plumosa (Pipra), 286. (Todiros- pileatus (Leptopogon), 115, 116, 117. pileatus (Orchilus), 87. pileatus (Piprites), 283, 2S4 pipiri (Tyrannus), 267. Pipra, 283, 292. Pipra sp., 302. pipra (Iodopleura), 326, 392, 393. pipra (Pardalotus), 392. Pipreola, 372, 376, Piprites, 283. Pipromorpha, 111. Pitador, 181. pitangua (Lanius), 189. (Todiros- plumulosus (Regulus), 106. poecilocerca (Serpo- phaga), 29. poecilocercus (Empido- chanes), 216. poecilocercus (Mecocer- culus), 27, 29. poecilonotus (Copurus), 51. poecilotis (Leptopogon), 114, 116. Poecilotriccus, 69. 488 ALPIIABETICAL INDEX. poecilurus (Empido- chames), 216, 217, 218. Pogonotriccus, 64, 97. poliocephalum (Todi- rostrum), 69, 71. poliocephalus (Lepto- pogon), 115. poliocephalus tes), 111. poliocephalus (Rhyncho- cyclus), 165, 171. pºpular (Todus), l (Miomec- poliocephalus (Triccus), 1. poliogastra (Ochthoeca), 19, 24. poliomota (Ochthoeca), 3. pollems (Agriornis), 2, 4, 7 polychropterus (Pachy- rhamphus), 338, 345. polychropterus (Platy- rhynchus), 345. polychropterus (Zetetes), 345. polyglotta (Muscicapa), 11. olyglotta (Pepoaza), 11. ;: (Ampelis), 387 pompadora (Cotinga), 387. pompadora (Xipholema), 387, 388. porphyrobroncha (Mus- cicapa), 396. Porphyrolaema, 382. porphyrolaema (Cotinga), 382, 386. propinqua (Pitta), 433. propinquus(Brachyurus), 433. Psalidura, 38. psalura (Muscicapa), 40. psalura (Yetapa), 40. psalurus (Alectrurus), 40. Psaris, 328. Psarisomus, 458. pseudogillia (Platyrhyn- chus), 36. Pseudotriccus, 64, 85. psittacinus (Eurylaimus), 459. psittacinus (Psarisomus), 59 O's). Ptilochloris, 316, 317. Ptionura, 53. pudica (Elainea), 145, 146. pulchella (Ochthoeca), 19, 22. pulchellum (Todiros- trum), 69, 72. pulcher (Myiobius), 199, 207, 208. . pulih (Pitta), 422. pullata (Muscicapa), 49. punctata (Acanthisitta), 451. punctata (Sitta), 451. punensis (Contopus), 240. purpurea (Ampelis), 388. purpurea (Cotinga), 388. purpurea (Querula), 395. pº (Xipholema), Purpureipitta, 414. pusilla (Myiopatis), 126, 133. pusilla (Tyrannula), 225. pusillum (Eupsilostoma), pusilium (Ornithion), 125, 126, 127. pusillus (Cnipolegus), 43, 47 pusillus (Empidonax), 221, 222, 225, 226, 227. pusillus (Platyrhynchus), 225. pusillus (Saurophagus), 178. pusillus, var. traillii (Empidomax), 226. pusio (Muscicapa), 122. Bye, Short-tailed, 423. Pyrrhorhynchus, 376. Pythis, 292. Querula, 395, 396. querula (Muscicapa), 228, 238. raſſlesi (Eurylaemus), 465. rafilesia (Calyptomema), 456. raimondii 406, 408. Ramphotrigon, 165. rapax (Muscicapa), 238. º, (Phytotoma), 406, 408. Raya, 458. regia (Muscipeta), 192. regia (Muscivora), 191, 192, 193 (Phytotoma), regima (Chiroxiphia), 307, 308. regina (Pipra), 308. regius (Megalophus), 192. regius (Megarhynchus), 185. regius (Platyrhynchus), 192. regius (Todus), 192. reguloides (Culicivora), 107. reguloides mus), 108. regulus (Machaeropterus), 303, 304, 305. regulus (Pipra), 304. remigialis (Ptilochloris), Tey (El), 110. Rhymcocyclus, 109, 165. (Euscarth- pygmaeus (Empidonax), 223 pyrocephala (Pipra), 305. Pyrocephalus, 189, 211. pyrocephalus (Machae- ropterus), 304, 305. Pyroderus, 395, 397. Pyrope, 10. pyrope (Muscicapa), 15. pyrope (Pepoaza), 15. pyrope (Taenioptera), 10, 11, 15. pyrope (Xolmis), 15. Pyrorhynchus, 376. Pyrrhomyias, 198. Pºpº (Tyrannus), 196, pyrrhops (Euscarthmus), 78, 83. pyrrhoptera (Tyrannula), 202. pyrrhopterus (Myiobius), 202. Rhytipterma, 356. richardsoni (Contopus), 234, 239, richardsoni (Tyrannula), 239. ridgwayi (Cotinga), 382, 384. ridgwayi (Empidomax), 222, 227. ridleyana (Elainea), 136, 139. riefferi (Ampelis), 377. riefferi (Euchlorormis), 377. riefferi (Pipreola), 376, 377, 378. riefferi (Pyrrhorhynchus), 377. riefferii (Euchlormis), 377. riisii (Elaimea), 141. risoria (Muscicapa), 39. ALPEIABIETICAL INDEX. 489 rubrifrons (Pipra), 312. rubrigastra (Tachuris), 110. rubrinucha (Brachyurus), 435. (Erythro- ruficeps (Elainea), 137, 152. ruficeps (Fluvicola),86. ruficeps (Hapalocercus), 93. ruficeps (Leptocercus), 93. ruficeps (Lepturus), 93. ruficeps (Megastoma), 190. ruficeps (Muscicapa), 86. ruficeps (Pachyrhyn- chus), 343. ruficeps (Serpophaga), 86. ruficeps (Todirostrum), 69, 75, 76, 86. ruficeps (Tyrannula), 86. rufigene (Todirostrum), 69, 76. ruſigenis (Poecilotriccus), rufigularis (Attila), 358. rufigularis (Euscarth- mus), 78, 82. rufilatum (Todirostrum), 81. rufimarginata (Och- thosca), 19, 25. rufina (Muscicapa), 265. rufinus (Tyrannus), 265. rufipectoralis (Fluvicola), 23 rufipectoralis (Ochthoeca), 9, 23. rufipectus (Leptopogon), 114. rufipectus (Tyrannula), 23. rufipennis (Muscisaxi- cola), 54, 60. rufipennis (Myiozetetes), 160. rufipennis (Pitangus), 175, 176. rufipennis (Saurophagus), 175. rufipes (Euscarthmus), 8 rufiventris (Brachyurus), 4. rufiventris (Coloburis), rufiventris(Dasycephala), 8 risorius (Alectrurus), 38, rixosa (Machetornis), 52. rixosa (Peppaza), 52. rixosus (Saurophagus), rixosus (Tyrannus), 52. rodogaster (Pitta), 443. Roitelet Mésange (Le), I28. roraimae (Myiobius), 199, 208. roseicollis (Pachyrham- phus), 337. roseicollis (Psaris), 337. *g (Pitta), 438, 1. rostratus (Platyrhyn- chus), 64, 65. rostratus (Todus), 65. rostratus (Tyrannus), 67, 273. rubetra (Muscisaxicola), 16. rubetra (Taenioptera), 11, 16. rubicunda (Neopipo), 303. rubicundus (Empidonax), rubigastra (Sylvia), 110. rubimeus (Pyrocephalus), 211, 213, 215. rubineus coronatus (Pyro- cephalus), 212. rubineus mexicanus (Py- rocephalus), 213. rubimeus obscurus (Py- rocephalus), 215. rubimeus, var. mexicanus (Pyrocephalus), 213. rubinus (Muscicapa), 211. rubra (Casiornis), 365. rubra (Dasycephala), 365, rubra (Muscicapa), 365. rubra (Querula), 395. rubricapilla (Dixiphia), 295. rubricapilla (Musci- saxicola), 53, 57, 58. rubricapilla (Pipra), 293, 295 rubricollis (Coracina), 396, 397. rubricollis (Muscicapa), 396. rubricollis (Querula), 396. rubricollis (Threnoëdus), 396, 397. rubrinucha pitta), 435. rubrinucha (Pitta), 432, 435. rubrocapillus (Manacus), 295. rubrocristata (Ampelis), 390. rubrocristata (Carpornis), rubrocristata (Helio- chera), 390. rubrocristatus (Ampe- lion), 390. rubropygia (Raya), 461. rubropygius (Eurylai- mus), 461. rubropygius (Serilophus), 460, 461. rufa (Alauda), 61. rufa (Muscicapa), 343. rufa (Schiffornis), 323. rufa (Tityra), 333. rufaxilla (Ampelion),391. rufaxilla (Ampelis), 391. rufaxilla (Heliochera), 390, 391. rufescens (Aulia), 354, 55. rufescens (Lipaugus), 355. rufescens (Muscicapa), 343. rufescens (Myiobius), 198, 204 rufescens (Pachyrham- phus), 343. rufescens (Pachyrhyn- chus), 343. rufescens (Tyrannus),362. ruficapilla (Muscicapa), 46 ruficauda (Cyclorhyn- chus), 172. ruficauda (Muscipeta), ruficauda (Platyrhyn- chus), 172. ruficauda (Rampho- trigon), 172. ruficauda (Rhyncho- cyclus), 165, 172. ruficeps (Caenotriccus), 86. rººp. (Conopophaga), rufiventris (Erythro- pitta), 434. rufiventris (Mionectes), Ill, ll:4. *i. (Muscicapa), 490 ALPEIABETICAL INDEX. rufiventris (Myiarchus), rufiventris (Myiothe- retes), 8. (Pitta), 432, Sanghirana (Pitta), 438, 440. Sanguinaria (Laniocera), 354. Sanguinicollis (Ampelis), 397 sanguinolenta (Rupicola), 369, 370, 371. Sarcophanops, 458, 462. satelles (Muscicapa), 269. Satellus, 267. satrapa (Laphyctes), 274. satrapa (Muscicapa), 274. satrapa (Tyrannus), 274. Saturata (Rupicola), 371. saturatus (Platyrhyn- chus), 64, 66. Saui-jala (Le), 410. saui-jala (Turdus), 410. Saurophagus, 174. savana (Muscicapa), 277. savana (Tyrannus), 277. saya (Muscicapa), 32. saya (Ochtboeca), 32. saya (Sayormis), 32. Saya (Tyrannula), 32. sayi (Sayiornis), 32. Sayornis, 3, 32. sayus (Aulamax), 32. Scaphorhynchus, 189. Schiffornis, 317, 322. schistaceiceps (Todiros- trum), 69, 74. schlegeli (Philepitta), 409, 410, 411. schottii (Contopus), 240. schwaneri (Eucichla), 445,446. schwaneri (Pitta), 446. Sclateri (Attila), 359, 361, 362. sclateri (Doliornis), 390. Sclateri (Euchlormis), sclateri (Hirundinea), 95 solateri (Myiarchus), 246. sclateri (Ornithion), 127. Sclateri (Pipreola), 376, 379, * (Muscicapa), semifasciata (Tityra), 328, 330. semifasciatus (Pachy- rhynchus), 330. semifasciatus (Psaris), 330 semifiava (Elainea), 120, 136. semiflavus (Tyrannulus), 128, 129, 130. semifusca (Myiopatis), 123. semifusca (Phyllomyias), 123, 158. Semipagana (Elainea), 137, 138, 139. semirufus (Myiarchus), 247, 263 Semex (Euscarthmus), 78. semex ºw) serena (Pipra), 292, 293, 300, sericea (Philepitta), 410. sericeogula (Raya), 458. sericeogula (Simornis), 458 Sericoptila, 42. Serilophus, 458, 460. Serphophaga, 64, 101. º (Oxyrhynchus), setophagoides (Mecocer- culus), 27. Setophagoides (Myiar- chus), 27. Setophagoides (Ochthoe- ca), 27. Setophagoides (Tyran- nula), 27. Short-tailed Pye,423. sibilans (Muscicapa), 181. º (Myiarchus), 8l. sibilans (Tyrannula), |81. sibilator (Muscicapa), 181, sibilator (Sirystes), 181, 182. sibilatrix (Lipaugus), 54. sibilatrix (Muscicapa), 354. signatum (Todirostrum), rufiventris 434, 435. rufiventris (Taenioptera), rufiventris (Tyr annus), 8, 9 rufivertex (Muscisaxi- cola), 53, 54, 58. rufivertex (Ptyomura), 58. rufocristata (Ampelis), 390. rufocristatus (Ampelion), 390. rufogularis (Ada), 43. rufomarginatus (Hapalo- cercus), 93. rufomarginatus (Myi- archus), 256. rufo-olivaceum (Hetero- pelma), 319. * rufo-olivaceus (Ptilo- chloris), 319. rufula (Tyrannula), 365. rufum (Heteropelma), 323 rufus (Attila), 363. rufus (Centrites), 61. rufus (Centrophanes), 61. rufus (Pachyrhamphus), 338, 343. rupestris (Hirundinea), rupestris (Muscicapa), 196, rupestris (Platyrhyn- chus), 196. Rupicola, 366, 369. rupicola (Pipra), 369, 370 russatus (Euscarthmus), 78, 82. rustica (Elainea), 152. rustica (Muscicapa), 356. rusticus (Myiarchus), 356. rutila (Phytotoma), 406, 407. sagrae (Muscicapa), 261. sagrae (Myiarchus), 247, 261. salvini (Empidochanes), 216, 218, salvini (Empidonax), 222, 231, 232. salvini (Ochthoeca), 19, 25. sclateri (Todirostrum), 69, 70, 71. sclateri (Triccus), 71. scutata (Coracias), 397, scutata (Coracina), 397. scutatus (Pyroderus), 326, 397, 398. scutatus granadensis (Py- roderus), 398. selbii (Psaris), 331. 69, 74. signatus (Ochthodiaeta), 17. ALPEIABETICAL INDEX. 491 silens (Phytotoma), 406. similis (Muscicapa), 161. similis (Myiozetetes), 159, 161, 162. similis (Tyrannula), 161. simillima (Pitta), 428, 429. Simornis, 458. simplex (Lipaugus), 356, 357. simplex 356. simplex(Pachyrhynchus), 341. (Muscicapa), Simus, 458. Sirystes, 109, 181. Sisopygis, 3, 41. solitaria (Agriormis), 4, 7. solitarius (Myiodynastes), 182, 185. solitarius (Tyrannus), 5. ty sordida (Melanopitta), 438. sordida (Pitta), 438. sordidulus (Contopus), 239. sordidus (Brachyurus), 438,439. sordidus (Turdus), 438. soror (Hydrornis), 415. soror (Pitta), 414,415. spadicea (Muscicapa), spadiceus (Attila), 358, 359, 362. spectabilis (Elaimea), 136. spectabilis (Muscicapa), 279. ºrger (Euscarthmus), spicifer (Lophotriccus), 86, 87. spiciferum trum), 87. spixii (Pachyrhynchus), 345. (Todiros- splendens (Muscipeta), 345. spodiostethus (Attila), 359, 360. spodiurus (Pachyrham- phus), 337, 341. squamata (Muscicapa), 317. squamata (Ptilochloris), squamatus (Pachyrham- phus), 339. squanmicristatum (Todi- rostrum), 87. squamicristatus scarthmus), 87. squamicristatus (Lopho- triccus), 86, 87. steerii (Brachyurus),442. steerii (Cyanopitta), 442. steerii (Eurylaemus), 462. steerii (Melanopitta), 442. (Eu- steerii (Pitta), 414, 438, 442. steerii (Sarcophanops), 462. stellatus (Myiobius), 198, 204. stenorhynchum (Hetero- pelma), 318, 320. stenura (Culicivora), 97. stenura (Hapalura), 97. stenura (Muscicapa), 97. stictoptera (Elainia), 28. stictoptera (Ochthoeca), 28. stictopterus (Mecocer- culus), 27, 28. Stigmatura, 64, 100. stokesii (Xenicus), 452. stolida (Tyrannula), 260. stolida, war. domimicensis (Myiarchus), 260. stolida, war. lucaysiensis (Tyrannula), 261, stolidus (Myiarchus), 246, 247, 260, 261. stolidus (Myiobius), 260, stolidus, war. antillarum (Myiarchus), 262. stolidus, var. leucaysien- sis (Myiarchus), 261. stolidus, var. phoebe (Myiarchus), 261. stolidus, var. stolidus (Myiarchus), 260. straminea (Muscicapa), 102. strenua (Erythropitta), 437, strenua (Pitta), 437. strenuus (Thamnophilus), 364. strepera (Elaimea), 136, i. strepitans (Brachyurus), 28. strepitans 428. strepitans (Pitta), 414, 20, 428. (Coloburis), strepitans, war. simillima. (Pitta), 428. streptophora (Lathria), 349, 350, 352. striata (Agriornis), 4, 5. striaticeps (Muscisaxi- cola), 53. striaticolle (Todiros- trum), 83. striaticollis (Euscarth- mus), 78, 79, 83. striaticollis (Mionectes), 111, 112. striaticollis (Muscicapa), 111 striaticollis (Muscica- para), 111. striaticollis (Myiothe- retes), 8, 9. striaticollis (Taenioptera), strigatus (Psaris), 333. strigilata(Muscipeta),212. strigilata (Pipra), 304. strigilatus (Machaero- pterus), 304. strigulatus (Pyrocepha- lus), 212. striolata (Pipra), 304. striolatus (Machaeropte- rus), 304. suavissima (Pipra), 293, 300 subalaris (Lathria), 350, 353. subalaris (Lipaugus), 353. subbrunneus (Cnipodec- tes), 197, 198. subbrunneus (Cyclorhyn- chus), 197. subbrummeus (Myio- chanes), 197. subcristata (Helinaea), 102. subcristata (Muscica- para), 102. subcristata (Serpho- phaga), 101, 102, 103. subcristata (Sylvia), 102. subflava (Serphophaga), 102, 105. Sublegatus, 109, 157. subochraceus (Myiobius), 199, 208. subpagana (Elaimea), 137, 138. subplacens 137, 149. subviridis (Phyllomyias), 122. (Elaimea), Suiriri, 52, 154. Suiriri cabeza y rabadilla de canela, 46. 492 ALPEIABETICAL INDEX. Suiriri chorreado, 48. Suiriri chorreado debaxo, 265. Suiriri chorreado sin roxo, 155. suiriri (Empidagra), 154. suiriri (Fluvicola), 154. Suiriri guazu, 273. suiriri (Muscicapa), 154. Suiriri negro pico celeste, 46 Suiriri obscuro y ama- rillo, 41. Suiriri ordinaria, 154. Suiriri pardo y roxo, 251. Suiriri roxo, 365. Suiriri roxo obscuro, 196. suiriri (Suiriri), 154. suiriri (Taenioptera), 154. sulphuratus(Lanius),176. sulphuratus (Megarhyn- chus), 176, sulphºtº 2, 174, 176. sulphuratus (Sauropha- gus), 175, 176, 177. sulphuratus (Scapho- rhymebus), 190. sulphuratus (Tyrannus), 175, 176, 177. sulphuratus maximiliani (Pitangus), 178. sulphurea (Muscicapa), 164. (Psaris), (Pitangus), sulphureicollis 0 sulphureipygia (Tyran- nula), 200. sulphureipygius (Myio- bius), 198. sulphurescens (Platy- rhynchus), 168. sulphurescens (Rhyncho- cyclus), 165, 168, 169, 170. sulphureus (Myiozetetes), 159, 164. Sumatramus (Coracias), 466. Sumatranus (Corydon), 466,467. Sumatramus (Eurylae- mus), 467. Sumatranus (Eurylai- mus), 467. superba (Ampelis), 383. superba (Pipra), 307. superbus (Manacus), 307. superciliaris (Citta), 423. superciliaris (Euscarth- mus), 96. superciliaris (Leptopo- gom), 114, 115, T16. Superciliaris (Leptotric- cus), 99, 100. superciliaris (Myiobius), 206. superciliaris (Myiodynas- tes), 1 superciliaris (Platyrhyn- º 65, 68. yrnyn superciliaris (Todiros- trum), 74. Superciliaris transandea- mus (Leptopogon), 115. superciliosa (Ochthoeca), 18, 19. superciliosa (Tyrannula), 173. superciliosus (Conopias), I73. superciliosus (Myiobius), 199, 206. superciliosus (Tyrannus), 162. surinama (Muscicapa), 340. surinama (Tityra), 340. surinamus (Pachyrham- phus), 338, 340. surinamus (Psaris), 340. surinamus (Zetetes), 340. swºoni (Muscivora), 92. Swainsoni (Myiarchus), 253. Swaimsonii (Pachyrhyn- chus), 347. Sylviola(Leptotriccus),99. Sylviola (Muscicapa), 99, 100 00. Syrichta, 234. Tachuri pardo vientre de perla, 80. Tachuri pecho amarillo, 96. Tachuri vientre amarillo, 94. Tachuris, 109. taczanowskii (Elainea), 137, 144, Taenioptera, 3, 10. taenioptera (Muscicapa), Tammolanius, 4. taylori (Pitangus), 175, 180. taylori (Tyrannus), 180. Teleonema, 289. temmincki (Corydon), 67. tenuirostris (Acanthi- sitta), 451. tenuirostris (Acanthiza), 451. texensis (Elaenia), 162. texensis (Muscicapa), 162. texemsis (Myiozetetes), 159, 162. texensis columbiamus (Myiozetetes), 162. thamnophiloides (Attila), 359, 364, 365. thamnophiloides (Dasy- cephala), 364. thamnophiloides (Musci- capa), 364. thamnophiloides (Tyran- nus), 365. Theromyias, 32. thoracica (Ochthoeca), 19, 25. Threnoëdus, 396. Thrush, Black-cheeked, 410. Tijuca, 371, 373. tiriri (Tyrannus), 272. Tityra, 327, 328. tityroides (Psaris), 330. Todirostrum, 64, 69. Todus, 191. Tody, Great-billed, 468. Tody, Javan, 463. torridus (Attila),359,365. trailli (Empidomax), 222, 226, 227. trailli (Tyrannula), 217. traillii (Muscicapa), 226. traillii, var. pusillus (Em- pidomax), 226. tricarunculatus (Chasmo- rhynchus), 403, 405. Triccus, 69. tricolor (Alectrurus), 38, 39. tricolor (Gallita), 39. tricolor (Myiarchus), 247, 259. triostegus (Pitta), 423. triostegus (Turdus), 423. tristis (Blacicus), 244. tristis (Leptopogon), 115, 118. tristis (Myiarchus), 244. tristis (Myiobius), 244. tristis (Psaris), 345. tristis, war. lawrencii (Myiarchus), 256. tristis, var. migricapillus (Myiarchus), 257. tristis, var. migriceps (Myiarchus), 258. ALPEIABETICAL INDEX. 493 trivirgata (Conopias),173. trivirgata (Muscicapa), 173. tschudii (Cotinga), 375. tschudii (Hemipipo), 284. tschudii (Piprites), 283, 284. tschudii (Tyrannula),265. tuberculifer (Myiarchus), 246, 258. tuberculifer 259. tumbezana (Myiopatis), 123, 124. tumbezana(Phyllomyias), 124. (Tyrannus), / turdina (Muscicapa), 319. turdinum (Heteropelma), 318, 319. typicum (Lathriosoma), 355 typus (Casiornis), 365. Tyran de Cayenne (Le petit), 251. Tyran hupé de Cayenne, 192. Tyranneutes, 292. Tyranniscus, 109, 130. Tyranniscus sp., 133. Tyrannula, 198. Tyrannulus, 109, 128. tyrannulus (Muscicapa), 251. tyrannulus (Myiarchus), 247, 251, 253. tyrannulus (Pipra), 394. tyrannulus, var. phaeo- cephalus (Myiarchus), 256. Tyrannus, 189, 267. Tyrannus sp., 181. tyrannus (Despotes), 277. tyrannus (Lanius), 267. tyrannus (Milvulus), 277, 278. º (Muscicapa), tyrannus(Ty ramnus), 268, 278. tyrannus y. carolinensis (Lamius), 267. tyrannus, var. domini- censis (Lanius), 272. unicolor (Chloropipo), 286. unicolor (Cnipolegus), unicolor (Heteropelma), 321 unicolor (Pipra), 321. unicolor (Sericoptila), 47. uniformis (Chloropipo), 286. umirufa (Lathria), 350, 353. unirufus (Lipaugus), 353. uropygialis (Attila), 359, 360. uropygialis (Chirocylla), 349, 350. uropygialis (Dasyce- phala), 359, 360. uropygialis (Lathria), 350. uropygialis (Mecocer- culus), 27, 28. uropygialis(Tyranniscus), 28 uropygiata (Muscicapa), 359. uropygiatus (Myiarchus), 359. Urraca degollada, 397. ussheri (Pitta), 429, 430. validus (Attila), 359, 364. validus (Lanius), 333. validus (Myiarchus), 247, 252 validus (Myiomax), 252. validus (Pachyrham- phus), 334. validus (Psaris), 333. varia (Muscicapa), 265. variegata (Ampelis), 405. variegata (Elaemia), 156. variegata (Pepoaza), 8. variegata (Procnias), 405. variegata (Taenioptera),8. variegata (Xolmis), 8. Variegated Chatterer, 405. variegatus (Anthus), 61. variegatus (Bathmidu- rus), 345. variegatus (Chasmorhyn- chus), 403, 405. variegatus (Legatus), 156. variegatus (Pachyrhyn- chus), 345. varius (Empidomomus), 265, velata (Muscicapa), 12. velata (Pepoaza), 12. velata (Taenioptera), 11, 12 velutina (Pipra), 293, 299. venezuelensis (Myiar- chus), 253. ventralis (Elainia), 92. ventralis (Euscarthmus), 92. ventralis (Leptopogon), 92. ventralis (Muscicapa), 92. ventralis (Phylloscartes), 92 ventralis (Tyrannulus), 2. venusta (Pitta), 414, 429, 430 venustus (Brachyurus), 429. venustus (Erythropitta), 429. vera-pacis (Hetero- pelma), 318, 320. versicolor (Callopsaris), 340. versicolor (Pachyrham- phus), 337, 338, 339. versicolor (Pitta), 428. versicolor (Psaris), 340. versicolor (Vireo), 339. verticalis (Laphyctes), 269. verticalis (Muscicapa), 269. verticalis 267, 269. verticata (Serphophaga), 102. (Tyrannus), vetula (Muscicapa), 49. vetula (Muscipipra), 49. vetulus (Ictiniscus), 49. vetulus (Milvulus), 49. vieilloti (Pachyrham- phus), 339. vieillotides (Myiobius), 198,202. vieillotii (Muscipeta), 202. vieillotii (Tityra), 338. vieillotioides(Tyrannula), 202 vigorsi(Brachyurus), 426. vigorsi (Coloburis), 426. vigorsi (Pitta), 420, 426. vilis (Euscarthmus), 91. vilissima (Elainea), 132. vilissimus (Tyranniscus), 130, 132, 133. villosus (Myiobius), 198, 201. violenta 278. violentus (Milvulus), 278. violentus (Tyrannus), 278. virens (Contopus), 234, 238, 239, 240. virens (Muscicapa), 238. virens (Myiarchus), 238. (Muscicapa), 494 ALPEIABETICAL INDEX. virens, var. richardsoni (Contopus), 239. vireoninus (Empido- chanes), 217. virescens (Heteropelma), 318, 321. virescens (Muscicapa), 121, 321. wirescens (Phyllomyias), 121, virescens (Pipra), 292, 293, 302. virescens (Ptilochloris), virescens (Tyrannula), 121. virgata (Muscicapa), 209. virgata (Muscipeta), 209. virgata (Psaris), 328. viridescens (Empidonax), 232. viridicata (Elainea), 148. viridicata (Helinaea), 48. viridis (Pachyrhamphus), 337, 338, 339. viridis (Pipra), 456. viridis (Pipreola), 376, 378. viridis (Rupicola), 456. viridis (Tityra), 338. viridis atricapilla moluc- censis (Merula), 438. viridis intermedia (Pi- preola), 378. viridissimus (Tyrannis- cus), 134, 135. virussu (Lathria), 350, 351. virussu (Lipaugus), 350. viscivorus (Turdus), 2. vitellina(Chiromachaeris), 312, 315, 316. vitellina (Pipra), 315. vittigera (Muscicapa), vociferans (Laphyctes), 269. vociferans (Muscicapa), vociferans (Tyrannus), 267, 269. wagae (Myiopatis), 123. wallacii (Heteropelma), 318, 319, 320. Warbler, Citrine, 451. Warbler, Long-legged, 452. Whiskered Flycatcher, I99. whiteheadi (Calypto- mena), 456, 457. whitelyi (Pipreola), 377, 381 wiedi (Pipra), 290. Wren, Gold-naped, 128. wuchereri (Euscarthmus), O xanthopygius (Myiobius), 199, 201. xanthopygus (Platyrhyn- chus), 199. Xenicus, 450, 452. Xenopipo, 283, 287. Xenurus, 38. Xipholena, 372, 387. Xolmis, 10. Yetapa, 38. yetapa (Alectrurus), 41. yetapa (Cybernetes), 40, 41. yetapa (Muscicapa), 40. Yiperu, 40. viridicata (Muscicapara), viridicata (Sylvia), 148. viridiceps (Rhynchocy- clus), 165, 171. viridiflava (Elainia), 130. viridiflavus (Leptopogon), 130. viridiflavus(Tyranniscus), 0. viridis (Ampelis), 378. viridis (Calyptomena), 455, 456. yiperu (Gubernetes), 41. yiperu (Muscicapa), 40. yucatamensis (Myiarchus), 247, 260. Zeledoni (Pogonotriccus), 98. Zetetes, 337. zosterops (Euscarthmus), 78, 79. END OF THE FOURTEENTEI VOLUME. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION count, FLEET STREET. Plate II. III. IW. WI. WII. WIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XW. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. LIST OF PILATES. Page Agriornis pollens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . insolens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Solitaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Taenioptera holospodia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ochthodiaeta fusco-rufus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Ochthoeca leucometopa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 {; 1. Ochthoeca citrinifrons . . . . . . . . . . 22 Fig. 2. pulchella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 {; 1. Platyrhynchus flavigularis . . . . . . 65 IFig. 2. albigularis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 {; 1. Euscarthmus russatus . . . . . . . . . . 82 Fig. 2. impiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Leptopogon erythrops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Fig. 1. Tyranniscus cinereiceps . . . . . . . . 131 { Fig. 2. gracilipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Elainea olivina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Sirystes albocinereus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Muscivora Occidentalis, G & Q . . . . . . . . . . 194 Cnipodectes subbrunneus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Myiobius flavicans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 roraimae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Ceratopipra iracunda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Heteropelma wallacii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 flavicapillum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 igniceps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Beterocercus aurantiivertex . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Hadrostomus homochrous, & & Q . . . . . . . . 334 Pachyrhamphus spodiurus, 3 & 2 . . . . . . . . 341 Iodopleura leucopygia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 qart outror, so:Turſ ſºnrømſodſºruluomußſº ſººſ ºſ ſuº ſº | MIY191||J\ººſ ºſº!!!!! (louro:º sovraeuzrºņuſw. ſ II ºldſ 'ºnrºqosºr!ºſuuoſuffy. !tnſ, º tºp ºſwae º MIYngA^J.\^({ ºpaſ ‘’offerrºrſqøssºruloſuſiſº . -ºſ ſº ſºº ºſuus, ſumſi o tuorqº , sora uuamurw "ADY" 121 ſººſ sººr}{{ 'III (?) w powºso), waardo, quaesaeſaeuae!!!!!Tº TºpTuſsºſ ſº, |× |- Aſ ' 1:1|×'AI':[^|]*?|''[[','{{','}*1}{1 Aº lºſ unul cunoae, soig (ºnuſw. ſºnrad-owºry wraepoſrſº() ºtſaſt ſº ſºp (ſuº ſº ALY (191, ſººſ ‘sparnºſ ſ odorowlooma)ºooºº!!?!!0!) ſant! ºu ouuo º souaumaniae'''{1!!!!» tºp aſuus ºp "IA "1) I"ALY (1º1 : Mºſſ sº??!!!1 |-ønſºppmdºppºſmſº)|-2º ºl 10.!!!!!!!1!!0voºrſprºpºſ)| ºdiu ºsoag uaaquaeºſmºſºſ ſºnº ſº I11 º lºſ"MIY (194 /\'{{' ºpd}{I Birds B.M. Vol. MTV. PL. VIII. J. Smit delethtº Mintern Bros. Chromo lith. | Platyrhynchus flavgularis. 2. Platyrhynchus albigularis. Bird, B.M. Vol. ITV. J. Smit delet hth 1. Buscarthmus russau.s. - Mintern Bros. Chromo lith. 2. Buscarthmus in piger. |}ircle B.M. Vol. XIV. PL. A. J Snait delet lith. Mintern Bros imp. Leptopogon erythrops. Birds B.M. Vol. YIV. Pl. II. J. Smit delet lith. 1.Tyranniscus cinereiceps. - Mintern Bros. Chromo lith, Tyranniscus gracilipes. ºraemaer 10ſpºuſſº||H. ſumų gruotųo ºsoa, uwºnuſW ·?|-{ſuºſ nº ſºp arutº Tº ALYTJA Jſººſ ºpºſ : : ' so:1 (t):nae, |-Sºrrſºº(hanyºmpoſòopuſſiſ!! ºſ ſº tºp ºnurº ſº [III (l) {| 77 \, [[{(1)}\,|\,{ſ ºperſºſ 'ºnorðuroopp sºļºſ); ſ, (8 ſunt outorus aessaa uuaquaeſºnſ nº lºſ ſuae º ‘ALA’’ laeſ"A||\(|\}([^|\]*^{} ºperſºſ Birºls P.M. Vol. XII". PL. V.V. º Smit delethula. - - - Mintern Brus imp- Muscivora occidentalis, 13, 2 . Birds B.M. Vol. MTV. Pl. XVI. J. Smit del ethth. Mintern Bros. Chrome lith. (nipodecies subbrunneus. supºſ.ro/.../ºnyºſo,· : ouro: º souſ uerºntaeſuaſ nºſſºp (ſºus º 'I1':[\ſ, '1':[ŽIſ T′21][^{T ºpinºſ Birds B., M. Vol. ATV. J. Smit delet hth. Myiobius roraimae. Pl. ITIII. Mintern Bros. chrome lith. WIY , !!! đun souq uamurae | optrerroup outhdoro…) |× ſº ſºb ºſuus tº AIX (191] [''{{ ºſº!!!!! * ºrmaer, ſorº Ippº ſae urſº d. 0,079|| ºcturu - so |-ſw ! " … ſa vrstº !vae - |- [[Tº "Tºº naeus 'tº yſ: !cſ Alſº ºſº 21 ! Iſºſſ ºp „…ru !{ Birds B.M. Wol, WIV Pl. IVI, J. Smit delet lith. Mintern Pres, imp. Heteropelma flavicapillum Birds B.M. Vol. XIV. Pl, XXII. J. Smit delet hth Minterr, Bros. intº Heteropelma aniºns - Birds B.M. Wol...!!!" PL. VIII. J Smut delet lith. -- Mintern Bros. mº Heterocercus aurantúvertex. '$ ?ºſº[ººmorſootuoſ!smuo 180, praeſ |-|-|- |- ſıraſºtºp nºuis, ſº | | dum sora utamu!!! LILYA ‘’1,1)ALY (194’Iſºº ºſº!!!!! Birds B.M. Vol...[IV. PL. Y.M.V. J. Smit delet lith. Mintern Bros. imp. Pachyramphus spodiurus, I 3, 2 º' Birds B.M. Vol. F/W Pl. IVI. J. Smi delet lith. Mintern Bros. imp. lodopleura leucopygia. 3 9015 O61975374 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ſ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HJE §§ Ķ } .*TY- --→ !”- ~& 2,2,2, −2, . ſº ✉ @ ſāmī - S!... -' .~\, , -'.::::---- -- -----{{ T : ‘ ’ (ºſ。№, №aei!!!!! !TĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒ.), šķī£=īĒĒĒĒĒĒĒ==== §§t. ſv. º. s., :); saeºse)"). ¿