' ~01: THE- 0 ~ . GENE RA AND ~ SP EC IES f<>1'~ IN ' W WID EA _(NATURA~L HISTORY)- '~ 1‘?g~~1N‘T1@;D BY ORDER OF T'H*E~‘_‘ii‘R'w.STE:ES§.I ‘- ‘ 1~_s99~. E I'll’I...'.'.I.|.‘lfl-l|lI.UIIIIQIII 0/0»?! .11. 0"!‘ ._-B-Bi-5-E-Ba-GE:-_ . -§. -8-I--=_-=-P: 5- I-Hfl I X. _.. 0n --._-.---......-....--..--.------.-----.------_-..---... ill ..w W" .»1 w,.. w‘. w. W.. W? mi ..m .1. M '3 .-M .m. w v vw .m _w_ . \ I !-i.. v._,\_“._§_. =_ \\ I ’ I ...m_§_a_= =._,=._§_._m_§_.__.=§_.__ _m_.__.§.____._ _5%.__§=_§=§_§==§==5.. =5. - -- - Q Q - iiillilillliihll lblli "IllIlihllilIIIIIIUIIIIllililliililliiliblllllilillfllllilllllfll flifllllilll Museum QE 783 J56 1587 THE GENERA AND SPECIES OF BLASTOIDEA, VVITH A LIST OF THE SPECIMENS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). BY 0‘) F!‘”“A. BATHER, M.A., F.G.S., OF THE GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT- LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. s0m> BY LONGMANB 8: 00., 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.O. : B. QUARITOH, 15 PIOCADILLY, W.; DULAU & Co., 37 SOHO SQUARE, W.; KEGAN PAUL, TRENOH, TRUBNER, 8c 00., CHABIN G GROSS ROAD, W.C.; ’ AND AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, S.W. 1899. All rights reserved. ALERE " FLAMMABL PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION coum, FLEET STREET. 0.2.4 7).;/. /3 /If PREFACE. M/WWWVVW\M/‘ Tms work was originally designed to form one of a series of ‘ Lists of Types and Figured Specimens,’ similar to that issued last year for the Fossil Cephalopoda. But since Mr. Bather found the compilation of a complete list of species and of specimens in the Collection to be a necessary aid to his curatorial duties, it was thought that such an Index might prove useful to workers in this group in other Museums. The restricted range of the Blastoidea has rendered it possible to condense the list into limits suitable for publication, and its alphabetical form renders it very convenient for reference. HENRY WOODWARD. Geological Department, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S.W. March 30th, 1899. 2353.743 INTRODUCTION. THE following List is intended to serve various purposes: First, it attempts to provide a complete index to every name that has ever been applied to a real or supposed Blastoid genus or species. Secondly, it indicates which of those names are now considered valid, and which are believed to be synonyms, giving cross-references from the latter to the former. Thirdly, it cites the literature bearing upon the nomen- clature of each species, the bibliographic details being placed under the name now valid. Fourthly, it catalogues all the specimens of Blastoidea contained in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Natural History) at the time of writing (March, 1899). Lastly, it designates more particularly those among them that are of historical interest, as type-specimens or as having been figured, and supplies full references to the literature bearing on each individual specimen. Yet another purpose served by this method of compilation is that of a list of Blastoidea a Museo Britannico desiderata. The index to names is arranged in alphabetical order. All names, whether valid or invalid, are printed in the same heavy type, those of genera being in capitals. The names of species have the generic com- ponent printed at full length, so as to remove a possible source of error from those who wish to cut up the index for a slip-catalogue. Since every combination of names that has been suggested is given in this alphabetical series, it has not been thought necessary to encumber the volume with a separate index to trivial names only. The list includes a few names that are not now considered to belong to Blastoids, but which have been so considered at one time or another. The determination of certain names as valid, and the treatment of the rest as synonyma, was adopted for practical convenience. By this means the duplication, or even quadruplication, of references has been avoided, while all references to what is admittedly the same species have been _ brought under one heading. Since that heading can always be turned up from the cross-references, this introduction of personal opinion is a minor evil. In several instances (e. g. species of Nucleoerinus and Orbitremites) the names here held to be valid may not be those familiar to users of recent writings on the Blastoidea. The changes are in accordance with the most widely accepted rules of nomenclature, and have been made only when the facts of the case are undisputed. An enthusiast for priority vi ‘ INTRODUCTION. at all costs might prefer Belocrinus to Metablastus, and Dimorlahicrinus to Orqahocrinus; but in those instances the facts are open to question. In a few instances the change is not one of nomenclature alone, but consists in assigning certain specimens to a systematic position different from that in which they have hitherto been placed. Such changes are the result of a renewed examination of the specimens themselves, with better aids to comparison than those at the command of previous investi- gators. In the case of species inaccessible to the compiler, the views of the latest recognized authorities have been followed. The List is in no sense a revision. The citations of literature are those bearing on the name or systematic position of the genus or species in question. They do not profess to afford an exhaustive guide to the literature of the Blastoidea. Nevertheless, reference to the authorities quoted will probably place the student in the way of finding out all writings on the subject that are of any importance. With the exception of two references to D. D. Owen’s ‘ Catalogue of Geological Specimens illustrating the formation of the Ohio Valley,’ 1843, and two to G. Troost’s ‘ Geological Reports to the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee,’ 1840, 1841, all the citations have been verified afresh for this work. ‘ The specimens preserved in the Geological Department of the British Museum are catalogued under the names of the several species to which they are now referred. But when a specimen has previously been alluded to in scientific publications by one or more names, those names are here repeated in italic type in chronological order. Specimens that have never been so alluded to have no such italicised name, but are prefaced by a ., which in each case stands for the name in broad-faced. type that immediately precedes it. It follows from the foregoing paragraph that the italicised name is the sign of a historical specimen. Those specimens which have been figured are to be detected by the reference to the figure, which forms part of the bibliography of the specimen. Those specimens which have served as types are distinguished by the letter E, which is always placed imme- diately after the reference to the publication in which the specimen was used as a type. The use of the word type and of the sign @ requires some explanation. The increased importance attached by modern systematists to these type-specimens has led to a more rigid definition of the term, and to a classification, with its appropriate terminology, of the various degrees of authenticity pertaining to those specimens which former writers confused under the one designation ‘ type.’ The terms now coming into vogue have not been used in the body of this work, since it Was felt that their brevity and convenience might not counterbalance their present unfamiliarity. The ideas expressed by the chief of these terms may, however, be recalled here in the form of definitions. INTRODUOTION. ' vii Holotype.--The single specimen selected as the standard of a species or variety, either by the fact of its being unique, or by the definite statement of the original author, or, in default of such statement, by the first subsequent author who may have restricted the species. If but a single specimen was figured by the author of the species, that specimen, unless confessedly abnormal, is regarded as the holotype. Got;/pe.—-When a species was based upon more than one specimen, and when none of them was selected as holotype, then all the original specimens rank as cotypes. Paratype.—When a species was based upon more than one specimen, and when one has been selected as holotype, then all other original specimens are called paratypes. Jlletatg/pe.—-A specimen that did not serve for the original description of the species, but that came from the same locality (and, in the case of fossils, from the same horizon), and that has been definitely determined as representative of his species by the original author. As for the sign ‘E: in the following List, it is afiixed to all holotypes and cotypes, whether of valid species or of synonyms. In some instances it is affixed to paratypes, but only when neither the holotype nor a cotype of the species in question is preserved in the National Collection. In no case is the sign ‘E: applied to a metatype, although, owing to the loss of all other type-specimens, such metatype may be the most valuable evidence extant for the interpretation of the original description. It might be thought that the publication of the present list was hardly necessary, seeing that only thirteen years have elapsed since the Trustees of the British Museum issued the classical work by Robert Etheridge, fil., and P. Herbert Carpenter, entitled ‘ Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), with an account of the Morphology and Systematic Position of the Group, and a Revision of the Genera and Species.’ (4-to. London, 1886.) There are, however, two reasons why such an opinion would be incorrect. First, as stated in the Editorial Preface to the fine volume in question, the authors originally intended their work as “a Memoir on the Blastoidea to be presented to one of the learned Societies.” It was turned into a British Museum Catalogue as an afterthought, and, perhaps for that reason, never attained that precision in the exposition of the actual material in the National Collection which is nowadays considered to be necessary in a Catalogue. Although the Catalogue of the Blastoidea gives a list of those species of the class that were contained in the Museum in 1886, yet it is only from the plates that the reader can gain any idea as to the specimens in the Collection. The second reason is that, partly owing to the interest aroused by the Catalogue of the Blastoidea, the Trustees have, during the last decade, acquired, either through donation or viii INTRODUCTION. by purchase, important additions to the collection of these Echinoderms. The present list, therefore, has come into being as a much-needed Supple- ment to the well-known Catalogue. Without the labours of Etheridge and Carpenter, its compilation would scarcely have been possible. ''''' -- . t Brachioles. Deltoids ____ __ ‘: J Radials . . " Theca. ,\“\\\\\\\\\i\\l!\gl!!|Q!!!!n!lm!m.!!l!!!!/!III/I) ' \\\\_“,'.,-. \\.!.‘.l\\+—- - \\\.‘:,‘»:‘t~ -1 \-__v__d t Stem. " ¥.\)\.\.\.._ aiii!l,!!!!\.\,\.\..\.\.\.\-3 '='!!.!!!!ii!s!!issiairis.. , Root. i, r Restored figure of Oropkocrinus fuszlformis, Wachs. & Spr., a Blastoid from the Carboniferous (Kinderhook) of Iowa, USA. Introduced to show the main parts of the typical Blastoid skeleton. In consequence of the facts just detailed, it has been thought well to state shortly the nature of the various specimens. The terms used may here be explained. The Blastoid skeleton consists of three main INTRODUCTION. ix parts: Stem, Theca, and Brachioles. The Stem or Column is composed of Columnals. The Theca is composed of Basals, Radials, and Deltoids, along with the various elements of the pseudambulacral or subvective areas. The Brachioles are the small jointed processes that fringe these areas. The only internal organs alluded to are the Hydrospires, which are folds in the skeletal substance (stereom) of the radials and deltoids. The material in the Museum at the time of publication of the Catalogue of Blastoidea had accrued mostly from the following sources :--The Gilbertson Collection from Lancashire and Yorkshire, noteworthy as containing many of G. B. Sowerby’s type-specimens, which, along with others in the collection, were subsequently figured by J. Phillips. Renewed examination of these specimens and of Gilbertson’s manuscript list, preserved in the Department, has resulted in the determination of more originals than were known to Etheridge & Carpenter. J. Rofe’s Collection, from Yorkshire, valuable chiefly to the morphologist. L. G. de Koninck’s Collection from Belgium: since this contains the holotype of Pentrermltes waterhousianus, it is possible that the types of Mesoblastus crenulatus and Phoenoschisma cczryophy/Zlatum are also contained in it; but in the case of Blastoids it is almost impossible, without documentary evidence, to identify any individual specimen, unless, as in the case of Pentremites waterhousianus, it is distinguished by some abnormality. C. VVachsmuth’s Collection, from the United States, especially Iowa : the specimens alluded to in the Catalogue as from the Wachsuiuth Collection came not from this, but from the private collection of Wachsmuth &. Springer; they are not in the Museum. Specimens transferred from the Museum of Practical Geology : all foreign, especially from Spain. Many other Spanish specimens, with a few from elsewhere, came through P. H. Carpenter, and others from S. P. Pratt. The J. E. Tennant Collection, British and foreign. Some other collectors from whom specimens were obtained were :——J. Bennie (Scotland), W. Cunnington (chiefly Kentucky), Lord Enniskillen (Ireland), T. Rupert Jones (Tennessee), J. E. Lee (Devonshire and the Eifel), J. N. Pearson (chiefly Alabama), L. Saemann (North America), and G. Sowerby (Alabama). The names of all collectors, when known, are quoted in the List, since they facilitate judgment as to the authenticity of the name and the locality, irrespective of the consideration whether the specimen was a gift or a purchase. Since the publication of the Catalogue, the chief acquisitions have been : some good specimens of N. American species, previously represented badly or not at all, in exchange from Messrs. Wachsmuth & Springer. Specimens from Louisiana purchased of Mr. R. R. Rowley, and ranking in some cases as metatypes. Eighty specimens purchased of b X INTRODUCTION. Mr. T. A. Worthen. This last collection is a highly important addition. Not only do more than half the specimens belong to species previously unrepresented in the Collection, but nearly all bear the label of A. H. Worthen, thus conveying to us that eminent palaeontologist’s conception of various American species upon which European workers stood in great need of light. These specimens appear assignable to 9 genera, of which one (Eleutherocrinus) is exceedingly rare and new to the National Collection. They comprise 26 species, of which 12 were previously unrepresented in the Collection. All the specimens are good, and many of them exceptionally perfect. The total number of specimens of Blastoidea now in the Geological Department of the British Museum is 1223. Of these, 435 come from localities within the United Kingdom; the rest are from Belgium, Germany, Spain, France (one specimen), the United States, and Canada. Thus all the regions from which Blastoids have been described are represented, with the exception of Australia. The number of genera assigned to the Blastoidea is 22, and 18 of these may be studied in the National Collection, the desiderata being the rare Pentqohyllum (of which the Museum possesses two plaster casts from the holotype) and Asteroblastus, Blastoidocrinus, and Steganoblastus, which are not Eublastoidea (= Blastoidea in the sense of Etheridge & Carpenter). The number of Blastoid species is about 166, and many of these are probably invalid; the 7 3 valid species preserved in the Museum may therefore be regarded as quite half the total number. The figured specimens in the Museum amount to 166, while several others are of historical interest. Of these, 15 are the holotypes of species, 6 the holotypes of varieties, 22 the cotypes of species, 3 the cotypes of varieties, 58 the paratypes of species, while about 30 may rank as metatypes. The number of species represented by holotypes or cotypes is 23 ; of varieties the holotypes are 6. Three species are represented by paratypes. These figures speak for themselves. However numerous may be the specimens of Blastoidea in other museums, there can scarcely be any collection so representative of the class as a whole, or so rich in specimens of the highest scientific importance, as is that of the British Museum. F. A. BATHER. 30th March, 1899. THE GENERA AND SPECIES OF BLASTOIDEA. ACENTROTREMITES, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpente", 1883, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xi, p. 232; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 234. Type-species-—-A. ellipticus. Acentrotremites ellipticus. Mz'tra elliptica, G. Cumberland, 1826, Reliquiae Conservatm, p. 33, pl. B [not A, as stated in text], if. 1-3 (middle group). Acentmtremites ellipticus (Cumberland): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xi, p. 233; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 235; and pp. 158, 237, where they consider it a possible syn. of Pentremite globosa, Say (q. v.). Acentrotremites ellipticus (Cumberland) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 12, 93, 108, 235, pl. xiii, if. 17, 18, 19 ; and F. A. Bather, 1899, in Lankester’s Zoology, Cap. Blastoidea, f. xiii. Lower Carboniferous Limestone : Somerset, England. 7 82.] Acentrotremites sp., Etheridge & Carpenter, 1883: v. Meso- blastus rofei [E. 7 83]. Asterial Fossil, J. Parkinson, 1808: v. Pentremites godoni, et P. godoni, var. florealis. Asterite from Kentucky, S. L. Mitchill, 1818: v. Pentremites godoni. ASTEROBLASTUS, E. von Eichwald, 1862, Bull. Soc. géol. France (2) xix, p. 62. Asteroblastus, Eichwald: F. Schmidt, 1874, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg (7) xxi, No. 11, p. 29. Astero- cystis nov. gen. et Asteroblastm, Eichwald: E. Haeckel, 1896, Festschr. fiir Gegenbaur, i, pp. 116, 117. Type-species-—A. stellatus. B 2 ' THE srnonzs or BLASTOIDEA Asteroblastus stellatus, E. von Eichwald, 1862, Bull. Soc. géol. France (2) xix, p. 62, & fig. Perhaps includes Pr0tocm'nites foveolatus, E. von Eichwald, 1859, Lethaea Rossica, Ancienne Période, Livr. v, p. 623, pl. xxxii, f. 8, a, b, c. Asteroblastus stellatus, Eichwald: F. Schmidt, 1874, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg (7 ) xxi, No. 11, p. 29. Asteroblastus tuberculatus, F. Schmidt, 1874, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg (7 ) xxi, No. 11, p. 33, pl. iii, f. 9. Asterocystis tuberculata (Schmidt): E. Haeckel, 1896, Festschr. fiir Gegenbaur, i, p. 116. Asteroblastus volborthi, F. Schmidt, 1874, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg (7 ) xxi, N o. 11, p. 32, pl. iii, ff. 6, 7, 8. ASTEROCYSTIS, E. Haeckel, 1896 : v. Asteroblastus. Asterocystis tuberculata (F. Schmidt): E. Haeckel, 1896: v. Asteroblastus tuberculatus. ASTRACRINITES, T. & T. Austin, 1842: v. Zygocrinus. ASTROCRINUS, T. & T. Austin, 1843, non Astroerinus, T. A. Conrad, 1840: nec Asterocrinus, G. von Miinster, 1838: v. zygo- crinus. Astrocrinus benniei, Etheridge fil., 1876 : v. Zygocrinus benniei. Astrocrinus tetragonus, T. & T. Austin, 1843: v. Zygocrinus tetragonus. ' ASTROCYSTITES, J. F. Whiteaves, 1897 (non Asterocystis, Haeckel) : v. Steganoblastus. Astrocystites ottawaensis, J. F. Whiteaves, 1897: v. Stegano- blastus ottawaensis. BELEMNOCRINUS, Munier-Chalmas, 1876, non Belemnocrinus, White, 1862: v. Belocrinus. Belemnocrinus cottaldi, Munier-Chalmas, 1876: v. Metablastus cottaldi. BELOCRINUS. Belemnocrinus, Munier-Chalmas,‘ 1876, Journ. Conchyl. (3) xvi, p. 105. Belocrinus, Munier-Chalmas, 1881, Bull. Soc. géol. France (3) ix, p. 503. Type-species—B. cottaldi. Belocrinus cottaldi, Munier-Chalmas, 1876: v. Metablastus cottal-die wrrn LIST on SPECIMENS. 3 BLASTOIDOCRINUS, E. Billings, 1859, Canad. Organic Remains, dec. iv, p. 18. Type-species—-B. earchaflceclens. Blastoidocrimis carchariaedens, E. Billings, 1859, Canad. Organic Remains,‘ dec. iv, p. 18, pl. i, if. 1 a'—n. Blastoz'cZocrz'nus carcharicedens, Billings: F. Schmidt, 1874, Mém. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersbourg (7) xxi, No. 11, p. 29. Blastoidocrinus carchariceclens, Billings: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 120. CODASTER, F. McCoy, April 1849, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (52) iii, p. 250. Goclonaster, C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii ( i) p. 381. Coclaster, McCoy (including Heteroschisma, q.v.) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 259. Type-species -—O. acutus (=young of 0'. trilobatus). Codaster acutus, F. McCoy, April 1849, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (2) iii, p. 251. Coclonaster acutus, McCoy : C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i) p. 385; refers to it Pentremites pentagonalis, Forbes (q. v.). Etheridge & Carpenter refer to it Pentremites (‘?) astraformis (q. V.), and consider it as young of Oodaster trilobatusz v. C. trilobatus, var. acutus. Codaster alternatus (vel attennatus) [both probably misprint for attenuatus], S. S. Lyon, 1857, in D. D. Owen’s 3rd Rep. Geol. Surv. Kentucky, pp. 493, 498, pl. v, f. 3 a [non 3 b, v. Oodaster pyramiclatas]. Heteroschisma alternatum (Lyon): C. Wachsmuth, 1883, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, vii, p. 353, footnote. Codaster alternatm-, Lyon: R. Ethe- ridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 33, 265, 267. Coclaster attenuatus, S. A. Miller, 1889, N. Amer. Geol. & Palwont. p. 232. -Codaster alternatus, var. elongatus. Heteroschisma altematam, var. elongatum, C. Wachsmuth, 1883, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, vii, p. 354, footnote. Ooclaster alternatus, var. elongatus (Wachsmuth) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 33, 263, 267, pl. x, ff. 19, 20. Codaster americanus, B. F. Shumard, 1858, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, p. 239. Regarded as probable var. of O’. pyramidatus, Shumard (q. v.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit.’ Mus. p. 265. Codaster attenuatus : v. Codaster alternatus. Codaster blairi, S. A. Miller & W. F. E. Gurley, Dec. 1895, Bull. Illinois Mus. vii, p. 86, pl. v, if. 20, 21, 22. Codaster canadensis, E. Billings, 1869, Amer. Journ. Sci. (2) xlviii, p. 79. R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 236, and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 265, refuse to 2:2 4 THE SPECIES or mxsrornnx [Codaster canadensis, continued.] accept this, but think it possibly equals their Codaster hindei (q.v.). Uodaster canadensis, Billings (including 0. hinclei): J. F. Whiteaves, 1887, Contrib. Canad. Palaeont. i, p. 109, pl. xiv, ff. 4, 4a. Codaster conicus, G. F. Whidborne, 1899, Pal. Soc. for 1898, Mon. Devon. Fauna, iii (3) p. 214, pl. xxix, ff. 4, 4 a. Codaster gracilis. Heteroschisma graeile, C. Wachsmuth, 1883, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, vii, p. 354. Oodaster gracilis (Wachsmuth): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 265. (Perhaps includes Pentremites subtruncatus, Hall ; see Wachsmiith, op. cit. supm,p. 357, and Oodaster? subtmmcatus.) Devonian, Upper Hamilton Group: Thunder Bay, L. Huron, Michigan, U.S.A. [E. 8028.] T. A. Worthen Coll., labelled “ Uodaster subtruncatus, Hall.” One theca. Codaster gracillimus, R. R. Rowley & S. J. Hare, July 1891, Kansas City Scientist, v, p. 99, pl. ii, E. 6, 7. Codaster grandis, R. R. Rowley 8: S. J. Hare, July 1891, Kansas City Scientist, v, p. 99, pl. ii, f. 8. Codaster gratiosus, S. A. Miller, 1880, J ourn. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. ii, p. 257, pl. xv, ff. 5, 5 a. “ An internal cast . . .” not Codaster, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p.265. “Too imperfect for recognition,” C. R. Keyes, 1894, Bull. Geol. Surv. Missouri, iv, p. 142. Codaster hindei, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 235; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 265, pl. xii, ff. 4-7, “possibly identical with C. canadensis, Billings, MS.” Syn. of Oodaster canadensis, Billings : ‘? J. F. Whiteaves, 1887, Contrib. Canad. Palaeont. i, p. 109. Codaster jessieae, S. A. Miller & W. F. E. Gurley, July 1896, Bull. Illinois Mus. x, p. 89, pl. v, if. 20, 21, 22. Codaster kentuckyensis (Shumard): Shumard, 1866: v. Phaeno- schisma? kentuckyense. Codaster ‘? pentalobus, J. Hall, 1882: v. Metablastus ? penta- lobus. Codaster pousirewskii. Codonaster pousirewslrii, A. Stuckenberg, 1875, Materialui Gheol. Rossii, vi, p. 99, pl. ii, ff. 4a—d. Codaster ? pulchellus. Uodaster pulehellas, S. A. Miller & C. B. Dyer, 1878, Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. i, p. 35, pl. ii, if. 13, 13 a. Coclaster (Ste_phan00rinus?) pulchellus, Miller & Dyer: J. Hall, 1879, WITH LIST or srncrnnns. 5 C Trans. Albany Inst. x, p. 12; and 1882, Rep. Geol. Surv. Indiana, xi (1881), p. 280. Codaster ‘? palchellus, Miller & Dyer : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 266. odaster pyramidatus. Uoclaster alternatus (pars), S. S. Lyon. 1857 , in D. D. Owen’s 3rd Rep. Geol. Surv. Kentucky, pl. v, f. 36 (non 3a). Uoclaster pyramidatus, B. F. Shumard, 1858, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, p. 238, pl. ix, ff. 1 a—e. Oorlaster pymmidatus, Shumard: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p.266. - Oodaster pyramiclatus, Shumard: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 16, 30, 80, 266, pl. xii, ff. 1, 2, 3. Lower Devonian, Corniferous Limestone: Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. [E. 658.] One theca, presented by H. A. Nicholson. Codaster stelliformis (Owen & Shumard) : Shumard, 1866: v. Orc- Codaster ? subtruncatus. phocrinus stelliformis. ‘ Pentrmm'tes subtmmcatus, J. Hall, 1858, Rep. Geol. Surv. Iowa, i(ii), p. 485, pl. i, f. 4(non pl. ii, f. 3). ?Hetero- schisma gm-cile, C. Wachsmuth,'1883, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, vii, p. 357. Troostocrinws subtrzmcatus (Hall): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 249. Codaster? subtmmcatus (Hall): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 138, 266. Vide etiam Codaster gracilis. Codaster trilobatus, F. McCoy,‘ 1849, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (2) iii, p. 251. C0donaster trflobatus, McCoy: C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 386. Codaster et Codonaster trilobatus, McCoy: F. McCoy, 1851, in Sedgwick & McCoy, Brit. Pal. Foss. fasc. 1, p. 123, pl. iii D, ff. 8, 8a. Coclaster trilobatus, McCoy: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 268. Coclonaster, McCoy: J. Rofe, June 1865, Geol. Mag. (1) ii, p. 251, pl. viii, f. 13. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. [57 841.] Presented by J. Rofe. Thin section, horizontal, showing hydrospires. Ooclonaster, McCoy: J. Rofe, June 1865, Geol. Mag. (1) ii, p..251, pl. viii, f. 12. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. [57842] Presented by J. Rofe. Thin section, vertical, showing hydrospires. Coclaster trilobatus, McCoy : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 269, suggest that these are probably the “New genus. Bolland,” sub “ Echinida ” of J. Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. pt. ii, p. 208; they refer to “ certain labels accom- panying the specimens ;” there are none, but there is a MS. list in which “ New genus” comes immediately after Pentremites. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: ?Bolland, Lancashire, England. [E. 834.] Gilbertson Coll., N o. 81 0. Five thecas. 6 THE SPECIES OF BLASTOIDEA [Codaster trilobatus, continued.] Codaster tm'lobatus, McCoy. R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. -pp. 32, 268, pl. xii, f. 8. Lower Car- boniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. [E. 8009.] Presented by J. Rofe. Theca with top ground down. Coclaster trilobatus, McCoy: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 31, 268, pl. xiii, f. 4. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. [E. 8010.] Presented by J. Rofe. Theca with four hydrospire-slits on each side of an ambulacrum. Codaster trilobatus, McCoy: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 88, 268, pl.-xiii, f. 6. Lower Car- boniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. [E. 8011.] Presented by J. Rofe. Theca with a radial removed by weathering. ' Codonaster, McCoy: J. Rofe, June 1865, Geol. Mag. (1) ii, p. 251, pl. viii, f. 14. Uodaster trilobatus, McCoy ; R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 88, 268, pl. xiii, ff. 5, 7. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. [E. 8012.] Presented by J. Rofe. Theca ground horizontally from above, as well as vertically at right angles to left anterior interradius. Codaster tmllobatus McCoy: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 16, 22, 23, 24, 268, pl. xiii, ff. _1, 2, 3 : said to be drawn from one “ very perfect specimen,” but really from these two slightly imperfect thecas. Codaster trilobrrtus, McCoy: F. A. Bather, 1899, in E. Ray Lankester’s Zoology, Cap. Blastoidea, if. v, 4, 5. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. [E. 8013.] Presented by J. Rofe. Codaster trilobatus, McCoy : F. A. Bather, 1899, in E. Ray Lankester’s Zoology, Cap. Blastoidea, f. v, 2. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous I.ime'stone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. 8023.] Presented by J. Rofe. Ground section, horizontal. Oodaster trilobatus, McCoy : F. A. Bather, 1899, in E. Ray Lankester’s Zoology, Cap. Blastoidea, f. vi. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. 8027.] Presented by J. Rofe. Two thecas, forming basis of above-quoted figure. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, York- shire, England. [7 5908.] Presented by J. Rofe. [E. 836.] Six thecas. [E. 838.] Sixteen ground and polished specimens. [E. 1052.] Presented by J. Rofe. Microscope section, vertical, showing hydrospires. [E. 8014.] A theca ground vertically across right anterior and anterior radii. [E. 8015.] Weathered theca. [E. 8016.] Tegmen ground from below, with hydrospires in posterior interradius. . [E. 8017 .] Three thecas. Ten thecas. WITH LIST or SPECIMENS. 7 [E. 8021.] Theca with hydrospires in posterior interradius. [E. 8022.] Section across ambulacrum, right posterior and right anterior radii. ' [E. 8024.] Presented by J. Rofe. Five ground and polished specimens. -——. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : England. [E. 80.] Five thecas. [E. 7991.] Harford Coll. Two thecas. . Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Bolland (‘?), Lancashire, England. [E. 8029.] Gilbertson Coll. Theca with hydrospires in posterior interradius. [E. 8186.] Gilbertson Coll., No. 81d: “new genus; with only four divisions or rays,” Gilbertson MS. Cat. Theca imperfect, but apparently four-sided. - codaster trilobatus, var. acutus. Pentremites ? astraformis, nom. nud., T. & T. Austin, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1) x, p. 111. Pentre- mites pentagonalis, E. Forbes, 1848, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. ii (2), p. 529, fa. Uodaster acatus, F. McCoy, 1849, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (2) iii, p. 251. Oodonaster acutus, McCoy: C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 385 (excl. syn. “Astrocrimites, Cumberland ”). Codaster et Codonaster acutus, McCoy: F. McCoy, 1851, in Sedgwick & McCoy, Brit. Pal. Foss. fasc. 1, p. 123, pl. 3D, f. 7. Codaster trilo- batus, var. aeutas, McCoy: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 269. Ooolaster trilobatus, var. a-cutus, McCoy: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 16, 269, pl. xiii, if. 13, 15. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. 8018.] One large theca, with more pointed base. Codaster tr-ilobatus, var. acutus, McCoy: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 16, 24, 55, 269, pl. xiii, ff. 12, 14. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. [E. 8019.] A theca; the side-view, said to be from this specimen, is much restored. Oodaster trilobatus, var. acutus, McCoy: R. Etheridge fil. & P. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 16, 23, 269, pl. xiii, ff. 9, 10, & pl. xvi, f. '2. Ooclaste-r trilobatus, var. acutus, McCoy: F. A. Bather, 1899, in E. Ray I.-ankester’s Zoology, Cap. Blastoidea, f. v, 1. Lower Carboniferous,‘ Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. [E. 8020.] Very young theca. Lower Carboniferous (Carboniferous Limestone): ?Bolland, Lancashire. [E. 835.] Gilbertson Coll. Four thecas. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, York- shire, England. [E. 837 .] Twenty thecas. [E. 839.] Eighteen thecas. [E. 8025.] One theca, showing’ ambulacra. [E. 8026.] Two thecas, showing covering-plates of peristome. 8 THE srnems or BLASTOIDEA Codaster whitei, J. Hall, 1861 : v. Orophocrinus whitei. Codaster sp. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone, Chert: Louisiana, Mo., U.S.A. [E. 8004.] One internal cast. CODONASTER, C. F. Roemer, 1851, emendation for Codaster (q. v.). For all species, see under Oodaster. CODONITES, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869, identical with Orophocrinus (q. v.). Codonites campanulatus, G. Hambach, 1884: v. Orophocrinus stelliformis, var. campanulatus. Codonites conicus, S. A. Miller, 1889 : v. Orophocrinus whitei. Codonites fusiformis, S. A. Miller,.1889 : v. Orophocrinus fusi- formis. - ' "‘_ Codonites gracilis, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1873 = v. Oropho- crinus gracilis. ‘ ' - Codbnites inopinatus, R. R. Rowley & S. J. Hare, 1891: v. Oropho- crinus. inopinatus. Codonites stelliformis (Owen. &. Shumard): F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869: v. Orophocrinus stelliformis. CRYPTOBLASTUS, it Etheridge are P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 229. Type-species—O'. melo. ~ C-'ryptob1astus‘? kirkwoodensis. Eloeacrinus lcirlcwoodensis, B. F. Shumard, 1863, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 113. Gryptoblastus? kirkuioodensis (Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 232. Orypiobldstus lnlrkwoodensis (Shumard) C. R. Keyes, 1894, Rep. Geol. Surv. Missouri, iv, p. 139, pl. xviii, ff. 8 a, b. Cryptoblastus melo. Pentremites melo, D. D. Owen (it B. F. Shumard, 1850, J ourn. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia (2) ii, p. 65, pl. vii, ff. 14 a-c. lflceacrinus melo (Owen & Shumard) : B. F. Shumard, 1863, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis,'ii,~p_. 112. Granatocrinus melo (Owen & Shumard) : B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 375. Schizoblastus melo (Owen & Shumard) : ‘R.-Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 246. ', Cryptoblastus melo (Owen & Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 232. , " -——. Lower Carboniferous, Lower Burlington Limestone : Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. ' ' [E. 813.] Wachsmuth Coll. Twelve thecas. WITH LIST OF SPECIMENS. 9 [E. 8178.] Worthen Coll. ea: G. T. Nealley Coll. Two thecas. Lower Carboniferous, Lower Burlington Limestone: Louisiana, Mo., U.S.A. 8007.] R. R. Rowley Coll. Four internal casts in chert, two whole thecas in limestone matrix, one free theca. Lower Carboniferous, Upper (2) Burlington Limestone: Bur- lington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 8100.] Wachsmuth Coll. One theca. cryptoblastus pisum. Granatocrinus Pisum, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1869, p. 89 ; and 1873, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, v, p. 470, pl. ix, f. 4. C'ryptoblastus pisum (Meek & Worthen): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 232. Cryptoblastus ? projectus. Pentremites melo, var. 101-ojectus,F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1861, p. 142. Granatocrinus melo, var. projectus (Meek & Worthen): B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 375. Grcmatocrinus projectus (Meek & Worthen), F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1868, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, iii, p. 496. Schizoblastm ? projectu-s (Meek & Worthen): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 223. Cryptoblczstus? projectus (Meek & Worthen): R. Etheridge. fil. 8; P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 232. Grrmcztocrinus neglectus (Meek & Worthen) : C. R. Keyes, 1894, Rep. Geol. Surv. Missouri, iv, p. 139, is an error depending on a wrong reference. CRYPTOSCHISMA, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 280. Type-species--O’. sehulzi. Cryptoschisma schulzi. Pentremites schultzii, E. J . A. d’Archiac & P. E. P. de Verneuil, 1845, Bull. Soc. géol. France (2) ii, p. 479, pl. xv, if. 12 a, b, 13 a, b. Pentremitidea schultii (d’Archiac & de Verneuil): A. D. d’Orbigny, 1849, Prodr. Pal. Strat. i, p. 102. Pentatrematites schultzii (d’Archiac & de Verneuil) : C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 369. Cryptoschisma schulzi (d’Archiac & de Verneuil): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 281. Cryptoschisma schulzi (d’Archiac & de Verneuil): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 90, 281, pl. xviii, f. 2. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle near Sabero, Leon [not “ Asturias,” as in Explanation of Plate], Spain. 1063 a.] Longitudinal micro-section of theca. Cryptoschisma schulzi (d’Archiac & de Verneuil): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 32, 281, pl. v, f. 24. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao : Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 8089.]. Cryptoschisma schulzi (d’Archiac & de Verneuil): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 21, 281, pl. v, a . 000-1 sauce 0'‘ 10 THE srncrns or BLASTOIDEA [Cryptoschisma schulzi, continued.] f. 25. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 8090.] A theca with part of stem. Cr;/ptoschisma schulzi (d’Archiac & de Verneuil): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 89, 281, pl. v, f. 23. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 8091.] Cryptoschisma schulzi (d’Archiac & de Verneuil): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 97, 281, pl. xiii, f. 20. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 8092.] -——. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 784.] Thirty-four thecas, some with portions of stem. . Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. 1063 b.] Longitudinal micro-section of theca. DIMORPHICRINUS, A. D. d’Orbigny, 1849, Prodr. Pal. Strat. i, p. 155. Type-species—Platg/crinites pentangularis, J . S. Miller. v. Orophocrinus.1 Dimorphicrinus pentanguiaris (J . S. Miller): A. D. d’Orbigny, 1849 : v. Orophocrinus pentangularis. Echinus species, Kentucky, S. L. Mitchill, 1808: v. Pentre- mites godoni. Echinus of the family galerite, S. L. Mitchill, 1818: v. Pentre- mites godoni. ELIEACRINUS, C. F. Roemer, 1851 : syn. of Nucleocrinus (q. v.). Elaeacrinus angularis (Lyon): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Nucleo- crinus angularis. Elaeacrinus canadensis (Montgomery): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886 : v. Nucleocrinus elegans. Elaeacrinus conradi (Hall): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886: v. Nucleocrinus conradi. Elaeacrinus cornutus, B. F. Shumard, 1863: v. Heteroblastus ? cornutus. Elaeacrinus curtus, B. F. Shumard, 1863: v. Orbitremites ? curtus. 1 Miller’s species is accepted. D’Orbigny understood that it was a Blastoid, for he compared it with Aploerinus, which he (though erroneously) considered as a Pentre- mite. Nevertheless Dinwvyahierinus “ has never been adopted by paleeontologists on account of the erroneous and incomplete nature of his generic diagnosis,” Eth. & Carp. 1886, Cat. Blast. p. 293. Few modern systematists regard such reasoning as cogent. 00‘! 1| WITH LIST or SPECIMENSQ 11 Elaeacrinus elegans (Conrad): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Nucleo- crinus elegans. Elaeacrinus? globosus (Say): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Pentre- mites ? globosus. Eleeacrinus kirkwoodensis, B. F. Shumard, 1863: v. Crypto- blastus ? kirkwoodensis. Elaeacrinus lotoblastus (White) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886: v. Orbitremites? lotoblastus. Elaeacrinus Iucina; (Hall): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886 : v. Nucleocrinus lucina, J . Hall. Elaeacrinus lucina, var. canadensis (Montgomery): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886: v. Nucleocrinus elegans. Elaeacrinus melo (Owen & Shumard): B. F. Shumard, 1863: v. Cryptoblastus melo. Elaeacrinus meloniformis, W. H. Barris, 1883 : v. Nucleocrinus meloniformis. Elaeacrinus norwoodi (Owen & Shumard): B. F. Shumard, 1863: v. Orbitremites norwoodi. Elaeacrinus obovatus, W. H. Barris, 1883: v. Nucleocrinus obovatus. Elaeacrinus verneuili (G. Troost) : C. F. Roemer, 1851 : v. Nucleo- crinus verneuili. , Elaeacrinus verneuili, var. pomum, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886: v. Nucleocrinus verneuili, var. pomum. Elaeacrinus sp., R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886: v. Nucleo- crinus obovatus [E. 822]. BLEUTHEROCRINUS, B. F. Shumard & L. P. Yandell, 1856, Proc. Acad. N at. Sci. Philadelphia, viii, p. 74. Eleutherocrinus, Shumard & Yandell: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 294. Type-species-—E. cassedayi. Eleutherocrinus cassedayi, B. F. Shumard & L. P. Yandell, 1856, Proc. Acad. N at. Sci. Philadelphia, viii, p. 74, pl. ii. Eleatherocrinus cassedcq/i, Shumard & Yandell : J . F. Whiteaves, 1887, Contrib. Canad. Palaeont. i, p. 110, pl. xiv, ff. 5, 5 a-b. . Devonian, Upper Hamilton Group. Beargrass Creek, J eiferson Co., Kentucky, U.S.A. [E. 8177.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A theca, partly in matrix. 12 THE SPECIES or mxsrornna Eleutherocrinus whitfieldi, J . Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. Nat. Hist. N.Y. p. 151. Encrina godoni, J . L. M. Defiance, 1819: v. Pentremites godoni. Bncrinites florealis, E. F. von Schlotheim, 1820: v. Pentremites godoni, var. florealis. GRANATOCRINITES, G. Troost, 1849: syn. of Orbitremites (q. v.). Granatocrinites cidariformis, G. Troost, 1849: v. Orbitremites ? granulatus. GRANATOCRIN US, J . Hall, 1862 : syn. of Orbitremites (q. v.). Granatocrinus angulatus, R.Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter (?): v. Mesoblastus angulatus. Granatocrinus aplatus, R. B. Rowley & S. J . Hare, 1891: v. Orbi- tremites aplatus. ' Granatocrinus campanulatus (McCoy): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Orbitremites campanulatus. Granatocrinus concinnulus, R. R. Rowley & S. J . Hare, 1891: v. Orbitremites concinnulus. - Granatocrinus cornutus (Meek & Worthen): B. F. Shumard and F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1866: v. Heteroblastus ? cornutus. Granatocrinus curtus (Shumard): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Orbi- tremites ? curtus. Granatocrinus derbiensis (G. B. Sowerby) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Orbitremites derbiensis. Granatocrinus ellipticus (G. B. Sowerby) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Orbitremites ellipticus. Granatocrinus elongatus, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882; v. Mesoblastus elongatus and Mesoblastus sowerbyi. Granatocrinus excavatus, R. R. Rowley & S. J . Hare, 1891: v. Orbitremites excavatus. Granatocrinus exiguus, R. R. Rowley & S. J . Hare, 1891 : v. Orbi- tremites exiguus. Granatocrinus fimbriatus, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869: v. Orbitremites fimbriatus. WITH LIST or SPECIMENS. 13 Granatocrinus glaber, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869: v. Mesoblastus ‘P glaber. Granatocrinus? globosus (Say): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Pen- tremites ? glob-osus. Granatocrinus granulatus (Roemer): J ._ Hall, 1862: v. Orbi- tremites granulatus. Granatocrinus granulosus, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1865: v. Schizoblastus ? granulosus. Granatocrinus leda (Hall): J . F. Whiteaves, 1887: v. Pentre- mitidea? leda. Granatocrinus lotoblastus, C. A. White, 1875: v. Orbitremites ? lotoblastus. Granatocrirms magnibasis, R. R. Rowley, 1895: v. Orbitre- mites? magnibasis. Granatocrinus mccoyi, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886: , v. Orbitremites maccoyi. Granatocrinus melo, B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Cryptoblastus melo. Granatocrinus melo, var. projectus (Meek 8: Worthen): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Oryptoblastus ? projectus. Granatocrinus melonoides, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869: v. Schizoblastus melonoides. Granatocrinus missouriensis, B. F. Shumard, 1866: -v. Schizo- blastus ? missouriensis. Granatocrinus mutabilis, R. R. Rowley, 1893: v. Orbitremites mutabilis. Ganatocrinus neglectus, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869: v. Schizoblastus ? neglectus. Granatocrinus neglectus, C. R. Keyes, 1894 : v. Oryptoblastus ? J projectus. Granatocrinus norwoodi (Owen & Shumard): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Orbitremites norwoodi. Granatocrinus norwoodi., var. fimbriatus (Meek & Worthen): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886: v. Orbitremites nor- woodi,‘ var. fimbriatus. 14 THE srncrns or mxsrornna Granatocrinus oblongus, said by R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Car- penter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 186, 187, to have been used by them in 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 239; but no such name occurs there. In any case they make it a syn. of Mesoblastus elongatus (Cumberland) and Jllesoblastus sowerbii, Eth. & Carp. (qq. v.). Granatocrinus orbicularis (G. B. Sowerby): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Orbitremites orbicularis. Granatocrinus pisiformis, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Orbitremites campanulatus. Granatocrinus pisum, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869: v. Cryptoblastus pisum. Granatocrinus projectus (Meek & Worthen); F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1866: v. Cryptoblastus? projectus. Granatocrinus pyriformis, R. R. Rowley & S. J . Hare, 1891: v. Orbitremites piriformis. Granatocrinus roemeri (Shumard): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Orbi- tremites ? roemeri. Granatocrinus rofei, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Schizoblastus rofei. Granatocrinus sayi (Shumard): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Schizo- blastus sayi. Granatocrinus shumardi, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1866: v. Schizoblastus? shumardi. Granatocrinus sphaeroidalis, S. A. Miller & W. F. E. Gurley, 1893 : v. Orbitremites sphaeroidalis. Granatocrinus ? wachsmuthi, R. Etheridge fil., 1892: v. Orbitre- mites ? wachsmuthi. Granatocrinus winslowi, S. A. Miller & W. F. E. Gurley, 1893: v. Orbitremites winslowi. ' HETEROBLASTUS, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, I Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 255. Type-species—H. cumberlandi. Heteroblastus? cornutus. Pentremites cornutus, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1861, p. 141. Elem- crinus cornutus (Meek & Worthen) : B. F. Shumard, 1863, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 112. Granatocrinus cornutus (Meek & Worthen): B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 375; and F. B. WITH r.rsr or SPECIMENS. 15 Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1866, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, ii. p. 276, pl. xx, f. 1. Heteroblastus? cornutus (Meek & Worthen): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 256. Heteroblastus cumberlandi, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 257, pl. vi, ff. 1-6. Heteroblastus cumberlandi, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 256, 257. CI. Lower Carboniferous, Yoredale Shales : Gunnerton Burn, Hexham, Northumberland, 7 England. [E. 665.] Six fragments, not figured, but forming part of type-material. Heteroblastus cumberlrmoli, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 107, 256, 257 , pl. vi, f. 4. TI. Lower Carboniferous, Yoredale Shales: Gunnerton Burn, Hexham, N orth- umberland, England. [E. 8075.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. A deltoid, part of type-material. Heteroblastus cumberlandi, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 256, 257, pl. vi, f. 5. Te. Lower Carboniferous, Yoredale Shales: Gunnerton Burn, Hexham, North- umberland, England. [E. 8076.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. Anal deltoid, part of type-material. Heteroblastus cumberlcmdi, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 257 , pl. vi, f. 6. 05. Lower Carboni- ferous (Yoredale Shales): Gunnerton Burn, Hexham, N orthumber- land, England. [E. 807 7.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. A radial, part of type-material. _ HETEROSCHISMA, C. ‘Wachsmuth, 1883, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, vii, p.( 352. Type—species—H. grae:'-Ze. Made syn., of Co- daster, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 33, 263. Heteroschisma alternatum (Lyon): C. Wachsmuth, 1883: v. Codaster alternatus. Heteroschisma alternatum, var. elongatum, C. Wachsmuth, 1883 : v. Codaster alternatus, var. elongatus. Heteroschisma gracile, C. Wachsmuth, 1883: v. Codaster gracilis. MESOBLASTUS, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter,1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 181. Type-species-—M. crcnulatus. Mesoblastus angulatus. Pentatrematites angulata, G. B. Sowerby, July 1828, Zool. J ourn. iv, p. 89 ; and 1834, Zool. J ourn. v, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 1. Pentremites a-ngulatus, “ Gilb.”: J . Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207, pl. iii, f. 13. Orbitremites cmgulatus ? (Gilb.) : T. & T. Austin, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1) x, p. 111. Mesoblastus 16 THE srncrns or BLASTOIDEA [Mesoblastus angulatus, c0ntinued.] angulatus (Sowerby) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 185 ; here also they quote Gmnatocrinus angu- Zatus as having been used by them in 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 239, but the name is not to be found there. Pentatrematites cmgulatus, G. B. Sowerby, 1828, Zool. J ourn. iv, p. 89 ; and 1834, Zool. J ourn. v, p. 457, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 1,a (8: ‘? b). Tl. Pentremites angulatus, “ Gilb.” : J . Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207 , pl. iii, f. 13. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Lime- stone: “ Calamine mines belonging to the Duke of Buccleugh, near Whitwell, in Bowland, on the Lancashire side of the Odder,” England. [E. 8131.] Gilbertson Coll., No. 81. Mesoblastus angulatus (G. B. Sowerby) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 104, 185, pl. vi, f. 7. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Calamine mines, Bolland, Lancashire, England (as E. 8131 8040.] Gilbertson Coll. A theca. Mesoblastus angalatus (G. B. Sowerby): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 15, 30, 185, pl. viii, ff. 7 & 8. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Calamine mines, Bolland, Lancashire, England (as E. 8131). [E. 8041.] Gilbertson Coll. A large but weathered theca. Mesoblastus angulatus (G. B. Sowerby) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 46, 185, pl. xvii, f. 9. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Bolland, Lancashire, England. 1047.] Presented by J . Rofe. Micro-section and two parts of the specimen from which it was cut. 1VIesob1a.stus ? australis, R. Etheridge fil., 1892, in R. Etheridge & R. L. Jack, Geol. & Palaeont. Queensland, p. 210, pl. xliv, f. 2. Mesoblastus crenulatus. Pentatrematites crenulatus, C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 366, pl. vii, if. 15 a-d. Pentremites crenulatus, Roemer : L. G. de Koninck & H. Le Hon, 1854, Mém. Acad. Roy. Belg. xxviii (3), p. 199, pl. vii, ‘ff. 4a—d. Mesoblastus crenulatus (Roemer): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 183. ‘ Mesoblastus crenulatus (C. F. Roemer): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H, Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 61, 104, 183, pl. iv, if. 1, 2. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Carboniferous Shale : Tournay, Belgium. [E. 8101.] De Koninck Coll. A theca, which, with all the other specimens from de Koninck, probably formed part of the original type-material. Mesoblastus c-renulatus (C. F. Roemer): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 58, 183, pl. vi, f. 8', Lower Carboniferous, Upper Carboniferous Shale : Tournay, Belgium. [E. 8102.] De Koninck Coll. A theca. Mesoblastws crenulatus (C. F. Roemer): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 15, 183, pl. vi, f. 9. wrrn msr or SPECIMENS. 17 Lower Carboniferous, Upper Carboniferous Shale : Tournay, Belgium. [E. 8103.] De Koninck Coll. A theca. .MesobZastus crenulatus (C. F. Roemer): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 49, 183, pl. vi, f. 10. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Carboniferous Shale; Tournay, Belgium. [E. 8104.] De Koninck Coll. A theca. —--—-. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Carboniferous Shale; Tournay, Belgium. [57006.] De Koninck Coll. Twenty thecas, some out. [E. 8001.] One theca. [E. 84.] J . Morris Coll. An imperfect theca registered as “Granatocrz'nus ellipticus, Bolland.” Mesoblastus elongatus. Mitra elongata, G. Cumberland, 1826, Reliquiae Conservatae, p. 35, pl. A [not B], ff. 1-3 (2nd row). Pentatre- matites oblonga, G. B. Sowerby, 1828, Zool. J ourn. iv, p. 90 ; and 1835, v, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, ff. 3 & 4 (var.). Pentremites oblongus, “Gilb.”: J . Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207, pl. iii, if. 11, 12. Orbitremites oblmgus (Gilb.): T. & T. Austin, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1) x, p. 111. G:~anatocwinus elongatus (Phill.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 239. Mesoblastus elongatus (Cumberland): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 186. llfesoblastus elongatus (Cumberland) : R. Etheridge fil. 82: P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 92, 186, pl. xvii, f. 10. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Bolland, Lancashire, Eng- land. 1051.] Micro-sect-ion and specimen from which it was cut. Pentremites oblongus, “ Gilb.” : J . Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207, pl. iii, f. 11, & '?f. 12. lllesoblastus elongatus (Cumberland): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 11, 15, 61, 104, 186, pl. vi, f. 11, & pl. viii, ff. 1-4. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Bolland, Lancashire, England. 8038.] Gilbertson Coll. A perfect theca. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Bolland, Lan- cashire, England. 8037 Theca ground at top and bottom. Mesoblastus elongatus, R. Etheridge & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, errore pro 1VIes0blastus sowerbyi (q. v. sub E. 780 & E. 8039). Mesoblastus giganteus, nom. nud., R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 140, 183, 189. [This has never been described, and the proposed type-specimen, which should be in the Manchester Museum, could not be found by the curator, 14 June, 1897.] Mesoblastus ? glaber. Granatocrinus glaber, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869, Proc. Acad. N at. Sci. Philadelphia, 1869, p. 91 ; and 1873, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, v, p. 537, pl. xx, f. 11. Schizoblastus glaber (Meek & Worthen) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, .1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 246. Mesoblczstus? glaber (Meek & Worthen) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 183. C 18 THE srscrrs or BLASTOIDEA Mesoblastus rofei. Acentrotremites sp., R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xi, p. 233. Mesoblastus rofei, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 188. “ Acentrotremites . . . fragment . . . collected in Derbyshire by the late Mr. Rofe.” R. Eth.eridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xi, p. 233. Mesoblastus rofei, “ Clitheroe, Lancashire,” R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 49, 188, 235, pl. iv, ff. 3, 4. 111:. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: England 1. 783.] Presented by J. Rofe. A mutilated theca. Mesoblastus P shumardi (Meek &Worthen), Etheridge & Carpenter, 1886: v. Schizoblastus? shumardi. Mesoblastus sowerbyi. Grrmatocrinus elongatus (pars), R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 239 (non Cumberland). Mesoblastus sowerbii, R. Etheridge fil. dz P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 187; also on pp. 49, 50, 187, erroneously as Mesoblastus elongatus. Mesoblastus sowerbii, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 15, 60, 104, 187, pl. vi, ff. 12-14, pl. viii, if. 5, 6 (also erroneously as ll/Iesoblastus elongatus on p. 49). U. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Bolland, Lancashire, England. [E. 7 80.] Gilbertson Coll. A fairly preserved theca. lllesoblastus elongatus, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 50, 187, pl. xi, f. 15. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Bolland, Lancashire, England. [E. 8039.] Gilbertson Coll. A theca really belonging to M. sowerb_v/i. ~ METABLASTUS, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat, Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 196. Type-species-—M. Zineatus. Metablastus bipyramidalis. Pentremites bipyramz'cZn.Zis, J . Hall, 1858, Rep. Geol. Surv. Iowa, i (2), p. 607, pl. xv, f. 2. Troostowinus bipyramidalis (Hall) : B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 384, footnote. Metablastus bipyranzidrtlis (Hall): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 200. Metablastus cottaldi. Belemnocrinus cottaldi, E. Munier-Chalmas, 1876, Journ. Conchyl. (3) xvi, p. 105. Beloerinas cotta-Zdi (Mun__ Chalmas): E. Munier-Chalmas, 1881, Bull. Soc. géol. France (3) ix, p. 503. Troostocrinus vel Pentremitidea cottaldi (Mun.-Chalmas): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883,'Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) xi, p. 245. Metablastus cottalcli (Mun.-Chalmas): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 201, pl. v, f. 22. 1 The Registers throw no light on the discrepancy between the two quotations from Etheridge & Carpenter. WITH LIST or SPECIMENS. 19 lllefablastus cottaldi (E. Munier-Chalmas): R. Etheridge fil. 8: P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 202, 203. Lower Devonian, Gres de Gahard: Bois Roux, commune de Gaharcl (Ille- et-Vilaine), France. 661.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. Two fragments. Metablastus hispanicus. Troostocrim-rs 7ti819Ct7Zi0llS, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, April 1883, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) xi, p. 245. .Metablastus hispanicus (Eth. & C-arp.): R. Etheridge til. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 200. Troostocrinus hispanicus, R. Etheridge fil. &. P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xi, p. 245. 01:. illetablastas ln'spcmicus (Eth. & Carp.): B. Etheridge; fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 200, pl. v, f. 21. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 664.] A theca presumed to be the type, although 235 mm. high instead of 25 mm. as stated. Metablastus lineatus. Pentremites Zineatus, B. F. Shumard, 1858, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, p. 241, pl. ix, if. 3 a, 5. Troosticrinus Zineat-us (Shumard) : B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 384, footnote. Troostocrinus Zineatus (Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. &. P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, pp. 247-249. llletablastus Zineatus (Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 199, pl. iii, if. 14, 15, pl. xvii, f 18. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone : Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 826.] Wachsmuth Coll. Four thecas, one of them crushed and one fragmentary in matrix. Lower Carboniferous, [Upper] Burlington Limestone: Sage- town, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8167.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A complete, but rather crushed, theca. Metablastus P pentalobus. Coclaster lomtalobus, J . Hall, 1882, Rep. Geol. Surv. Indiana, xi (1881), p. 280, pl. xv, f. 16. illetablastus? pentalobw (Hall): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blas- toidea Brit. Mus. p. 198. /Stephanoerinus pentalobus (Hall): S. A. Miller, 1889, N. Amer. Geol. & Palaeont. p.283 ; but this not accepted by C. Wachsmuth & F. Springer in [privately printed] Index to Revision of Paleeocrinoidea. Metablastus ‘P subcylindricus. Pent-remites sfnbcylmclr-icct, J . Hall & R. P. Whitfield, 1875, Rep. Geol. Surv. Ohio, ii (2), p. 129, pl. vi, f. 13. Jlletablastus ‘? subcg/Zinrlricus (Hall & )Vhitfield) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 188o‘,Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 198. Troostocrinus subcylinclricus (Hall & Whitfield): S. A. Miller, 1889, N. Amer. Geol. & Palaeont. p. 287. Metablastus varsouviensis. Pcntremites (Tria>elocrinus) vars0u- mlensis, A. H. Worthen, 1875, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, vi, p. 521, C2 20 THE SPECIES OF BLASTOIDEA [Metablastus varsouviensis, continued.]‘ pl. xxxi, ff. 8, 9. ll/letablastus varsouviensis (Worthen): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 198. Syn. of Metablastus wofllzeni (Hall): C. R. Keyes, 1894, Rep. Geol. Surv. Missouri, iv, p. 137. ' Lower Carboniferous, Warsaw beds: Monroe Co., Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8168.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A good theca. ‘ Metablastus wachsmuthi. Troostocrinus wachsmuihi, W. F. E. Gurley, 25 Feb. 1884, New Carb. Foss., Bull. No. 2, p. 1 [Danville, Ill.]. Metcrblastus wcrchsmuthi. (Gurley) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 198. Metablastus wortheni. Pentremites worthemi, J . Hall. 1858, Rep. Geol. Surv. Iowa, i(2), p. 606, pl. xv, f. 1. Troostocrirzus wortheml (Hall): B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 384, footnote. Meiablastus wortheni (Hall): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 198. . Lower Carboniferous, Keokuk Group: Keokuk, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 8169.] T. A. ‘Worthen Coll. Three crushed thecas of various sizes. Metablastus sp. R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886: v. Tricoelocrinus? leei. MITRA, e. Cumberland, 1s2c, Reliquiaa-Conservatae, p. 31. Type- species-lll. 1/em. (Preoccupied by G. Humphrey, 17 97, for a Gas- tropod): v. Orophocrinus. Mitra depressa, G. Cumberland, 1826: v. Orophocrinus pent- angularis. Mitra elliptica, G. Cumberland, 1826 : v. Acentrotremites ellip- ticus. Mitraelongata, G. Cumberland, 1826 : v. Mesoblastus elongatus. Mitra hibernica, G. Cumberland;-1-826, Reliquiae Conservatae, p. 34, pl. B (not A), if. 1-4 (bottom group). Granatocrinus [= Orbitremites] ‘? sp. ?, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 243. » Mitra humerostellata, G. Cumberland, 1826, Reliquiae Conservatae, p. 35, pl. A (not B), if. 1-3 (third row). Gmnntocrinus [= Orbitremites] ? sp. ?, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 243. Mitra rugoso, quinque perforata, G. Cumberland, 1826 : v. Pen- tremites godoni. Mitra vera, G. Cumberland, 1826 : v: Orophocrinus verus. wrrn msr or sPEc1MENs. 21 NUCLEOCRINUS, T. A. Conrad, 1842, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, viii, p. 280. Olieamltes, nom. nud., G. Troost, 1849, Amer. J ourn. Sci. viii, p. 419. Elceacrinus, C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 375. .Nacleocrinus (Conrad): J. Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. Nat. Hist. N .Y. pp. 144-146. Elceacrinus (Roemer) ; R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 210. Type-species-—N. elegcms. Nucleocrinus angularis. OZ-z'va.m'tes amgu7aris, S. S. Lyon, 1857, Rep. Geol. Surv. Kentucky, iii, p. 492, pl. v, if. 2, 2 a, 2 b. .NucZe0('9't'nus a-ngularis (Lyon): S. S. Lyon & S. A. Casseday, 1859, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. iv, p. 295. Elceacrinus angula-ris (Lyon) : B. F. Shu- mard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 368. E'ZC€(YCI"i'7‘ZU-8 cm_qulam's (Lyon): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 219. Elceacrehzus angularis (S. S. Lyon): R. Etheridge fil. (15 P. H. Car- penter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 219, pl. ii, if. 43, 44. Lower Devonian, Corniferous Limestone: Loc. ?, U.S.A. 827.] A theca in matrix. The figures not very exact. ? Middle Devonian, Upper Hamilton Group: Cementville, Clark Co., Indiana, U.S.A. 8176.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Small theca, perhaps young, attached to matrix. Nucleocrinus canadensis, H. Montgomery, 1881 : v. Nucleocrinus elegans. Nucleocrinus conradi, or young of N. verneuili, J . Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. Nat. Hist. N .Y. p. 149. Eleeaerinus com~adz' (Hall): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 218. Perhaps distinct “from all other species of the genus.” Nucleocrinus elegans, T. A. Conrad, 1842, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, viii, p. 280, pl. xv, f. 17. Nucleocrinus hallii, L. Vanuxem, 1842, Geol. Surv. Third District N .Y. p. 163. Nucleocrinus ele_r/ans, Conrad: J . Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. N at. Hist. N.Y. p. 147. Elceacri-nus elegans (Conrad): B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 369. Nucleocrinus canadensz's,H. Montgomery, 30 Dec. 1881, Canad. Nat. & Geol. (11. s.) x, p. 83. Elceacrinus elegcms (Conrad), and Etceacrinus canadensis (Montgomery) vel E. Zucina var. canaclensis : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 216, 218, pl. xviii, f. 19. Nucleocrinus,lucina, J . Hall (‘?): H. -Montgomery, Dec. 30, 1881; Canad. N at. & Geol. (11. s.) x, p. 81, f. 1 a, b, c ; and Nucleocrinus canaclensis, op. cit. p. 83. 01. Middle Devonian, Hamilton Group: Limestone Quarry near Thedford (= Widder), Bosanquet township, Lambton Co., Ontario, Canada. [E. 7990.] Nucleocrinus greenei, S. A. Miller & W. F. E. Gurley, Dec. 1893, - Bull. Illinois Mus. iii, p. 62, pl. vi, ff. 24, 25. 22 THE srrems or BLASTOIDEA Nucleocrinus hallii, L. Vanuxem, 1842: v. Nucleocrinus elegans- Nucleocrinus lucina, J . Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. N at. Hist. N.Y. p. 148, pl. i, f. 16. EZ(eacr1'm1sZz.ccina (Hall): R. Etheridge fil. 8' P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 216. -——. Middle Devonian, Hamilton Group: New Buffalo, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 8175.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A theca. ' Nucleocrinus lucina (Hall): H. Montgomery, 1881: v. Nucleo- crinus elegans. Nucleocrinus lucina, var. canadensis (Montgomery): R. Etheridge fil. 6: P. H. Carpenter, 1886 : v. Nucleocrinus elegans. Nucleocrinus meloniformis. Elceacrimzs melomlformis, W. H. Barris, 1883, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, vii, p. 361. Nuclebcrinus obovatus. EZcea_<;rimrs obovatus, W. H. Barris, 1883, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, vii, pl 358. Elceacrinus sp., “may possibly belong to E. obovatus. Barris”: R- Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus- p. 219. Devonian: N. America. 822.] An anal interradius, undoubtedly of this species. ' . Middle Devonian, Hamilton Group : Alpena, Michigan, U.S.A. [E. 1826.] Wachsmuth & Springer Coll. A perfect theca. Nucleocrinus venustus, S. A. Miller & W. F. E. Gurley, Dec. 1893, Bull. Illinois Mus. iii, p. 63, pl. vi, if. 26-30. Nucleocrinus verneuili. Pentremites veme-uilz', G. Troost, 1841, 6th Geol. Rep. State Tennessee, p. 14. Pentremizfes oemeuilii, Troost: A. D. d’Orbigny, 1849, Prodr. Pal. Strat. i, p. 102. Olivamltes verneuli, nom. nud., G. Troost, 1849, Amer. J ourn. Sci. viii, p. 419. Elceacninus verneuili (Troost): C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 379, pl. viii, f. 1. lV'ucZeoorinus verneuili (Troost) : S. S. Lyon & S. A. Casseday, 1.859, Proc. Amer. Acad. iv, p. 295. Eloeacrinus vemeuili (Troost): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 216. See also Nucleocrinus conmcli and Pentrem/£'tes carioides. EZceacr'inus verneuili (Troost): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 35, 56, 74, 216, pl. xviii, f. 16, and most probably if. 17, 18. Lower Devonian, Corniferous Lime- stone: Falls of the Ohio, Kentucky, U.S.A. [E. 20.] J; Tennant Coll. A theca. ~ . Lower Devonian, Corniferous Limestone: Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. [E. 819.] J . Morris coll. Two good thecas, one weathered theca, and a piece of a test. The two former are said to be figured in R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pl. xviii, if. 17, 18; but see under E. 20. Elrencrinus verneuili (Troost): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 215, 218, pl. xvii, f. 19. Lower wrrn LIST or SPECIMENS. . 23 Devonian, Corniferous Limestone: Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. [E. 659 a.] Presented by H. A. Nicholson. A micro-section and the two halves of the theca from which it was cut. . Lower Devonian, Corniferous Limestone: Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. 659.] Presented by H. A. Nicholson. A - theca in matrix. . Lower Devonian, Corniferous Limestone: Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. 818.] Presented by J . Brown. A damaged theca. ——-——. Lower Devonian, Upper Helderberg; Clarke Co., Indiana, U.S.A. [E. 820.] Two thecas, rather obscured by matrix. ————. Lower Devonian, Corniferous Limestone: Falls of the Ohio,- U.S.A. 8174.] T. A. Worthen Coll. ex-S. S. Lyon Coll. Three well-preserved thecas, one in chert. Nucleocrinus verneuili, var. pomum. Elceacrinus aerneuili, var. ' pomum., “ may represent Olivanites globes-us, Troost”: R. Etheridge fil. ii P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 218, 219, pl. ii, . 46. Elceacrinus verneuili, var. pomum, R. Etheridge fil. 8: P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 219. EL Lower Devonian, Corni- ferous Limestone: Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. 660.] Presented by H. A. Nicholson. A theca, part of the type-material. Eloeacrinus ‘oerneuili, var. Pomum, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 219. QB. Lower Devonian, Corni- ferous Limestone : Clarke Co., Indiana, U.S.A. [E. 821.] Two thecas, part of the type-material. OLIVANITES, G. Troost, 1849 : v. Nucleocrinus. Olivanites angularis, S. S. Lyon, 1857 : v. Nucleocrinus angu- laris. Olivanites globosus, nom. nud., G. Troost, 1849, Amer. Journ. Sci. (2) viii, p. 419 ; and 1850, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1849, p. 62. Referred to Elceacrinus oemem'ZrI by C. F. Roemer, 1852, Lethaea Geogn., 3 Aufl. ii Theil, p. 284; and B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 369: v. Nucleocrinus verneuili, var. pomum. Olivanites verneuili (Troost): G. Troost, 1849: v. Nucleocrinus verneuili. OIRBITREMITES.1 Orbitremites, nom. nud., J . E. Gray, 184-0, Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum, 42nd Edition, p. 63. Or-bitremites, T. & T. Austin, 1842, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (1) x, p. 111. 1 The type-species of Grarzatocrhzites, Troost, is G. cz'da.rzformis, which also is nomen nudum. The type-species of Gmnatocrinas, Hall, is Pentremites gmnulatus, Roemer, of which the structure is still quite unknown. The type-species of Grannie- crinus, Eth. & Carp., is Pentremites norwoodi, Owen & Shumard. All of these must yield to Orbitremites, the meaning of which was fixed by T. & T. Austin’s use of it in 1842. 24 THE srncrns or BLASTOIDEA [Orbitremites, continued.] [‘?] Granatocrinites, nom. nud., G. Troost, 1849, Amer. Journ. Sci. (2) viii, p. 420; and 1850, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1850, p. 62. [‘?] Gmnatocrinus, J. Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. N at. Hist. N .Y. p. 146. Granatoorinus (Hall): emend. B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 236; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 238. Type-species-0. cZerZn'ensz's. Orbitremites angulatus ? (Gilb.) : T. & T. Austin, 1842 ; v. Meso- blastus angulatus. Orbitremites aplatus. Granatocrinus czplatus, R. R. Rowley & S. J. Hare, Aug. 1891, Kansas City Scientist, v, p. 117, pl. iii, if. 11, 12. Orbitremites campanulatus. Pentrem-ites campanulatus, F. McCoy, 1849, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) iii, p. 249. Pentairemites camprmulatus (McCoy) : C. F. Roemer, 1851., Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 361, pl. viii, f. 4. Granatom~inus campcmulatus (McCoy) and Granatocwinuspisiformis, nom. nud., R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 239. Granatocmhus campanulatus (McCoy): R. Ethe- ridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 251. Granat0cr2'.nus campanulatus (McCoy): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 15, 25, 251, pl. viii, E. 13, 14. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Bolland, Lancashire, England. 8056.] Gilbertson Coll. A theca. Grcmatoorinus campanulatus (McCoy): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 107, 251, pl. x, f. 10. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Bolland, Lancashire, England. [E. 8057.] Gilbertson Coll. A theca, said to be the figured specimen: if so, the figure is X 9 and not X 5. Granatoorinus campanulatus (McCoy): B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 107, 251, pl. ix, f. 8. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Lancashire ?, England. [E. 8058.] Presented by J. Rofe. A weathered theca. G1'anat0cr'£nus campcmulatus (McCoy): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 12, 252, pl. ix, ff. 9, 10. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Lanca- shire ?, England. [E. 8059.] Presented by J . Rofe. ~ A weathered theca. Gr/'-natocrinus campanulatus (McCoy): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 241, 252, pl. X, f. 9. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Lancashire ?, England. [E. 8060.] Presented by J. Rofe. A theca. . Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Bolland, Lancashire, England. [E. 795.] Gilbertson Coll. A very young theca. —-—--. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: England. [E. 796.] Presented by J . Rofe. Seven thecas. wrrn msr or srscmnxs. 25 Orbitremites concinnulus. Ga~anat0c/rinus concinnulzzs, R. E. Rowley & S. J . Hare, Aug. 1891, Kansas City Scientist, v, p. 117 , pl. iii, ff. 13, 1-1. Orbitremites ? curtus. Pentremites curtus, B. F. Shumard, 1855, 1st and 2nd Rep. Geol. Surv. Missouri, pt. ii, p. 187 , pl. B, ff. 3 a—b. Elam- crinus curtus (Shumard) : B. F. Shumard, 1863, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 112. Granatocrinus curtus (Shumard) : B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 375. Grrmaiocrinus‘? curtus (Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 248. Orbitremites derbiensis. Pentremites derZ)'ien.s"z's, G. B. Sowerby, 1825, Zool. Journ. ii, p. 317, pl. xi, f. 3. Orbitremites derbiensis (Sow.) : T. & T. Austin, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1) x, p. 111. Pentatremat-ites clerb-iensis (Sow.) : C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 364. Granatocrinus derbiensz's (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 239; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 250. Pentremites cla)'bié1zsis, Sow. = J. Phillips, 1836, G601. Yorksh. ii, p. 207, pl. iii, f. 10. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : England.1 [E. 8137 Gilbertson Coll., No. 7 9. A theca. Gmnatocrinus derZn'ensz's (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 12, 250, pl. ix, f. 4. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : England‘. 8047 Gilbertson Coll., N o. 79. A small theca ; if really the figured speci- men, as which it was handed over by the authors, then the figure is magnified 6 diameters and ‘is not much like the original. Granatocrinus derbiensis (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 9, 250, pl. vi, f. 23. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: England 1. 80-18.] Gilbertson Coll., N 0. 7 9. Theca with two columnals attached. Grcmatocrinus dc/rbiensis (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, _ 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 46, 250, pl. xvii, f. 4. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Bolland, Lancashire, 1 The locality of the 9 specimens of Pe-ntremz't‘es (vel Granatocrinus vel Orbi- tremizfes) derbiensis from the Gilbertson collection is doubtful. G. B. Sowerby in 1826 said, “ Mr. White VVatson . . . supposes them [the cotypes] to be peculiar to Derbyshire, and states that they belong to the twenty-sixth bed of limestone.” In 1828 Gr. B. Sowerby quoted Gilbertson as saying of specimens of other species from his collection: “The Pentatrematites are all from the Calamine mines belonging to the Duke of Buccleugh, near Whitwell in Bowland, on the Lancashire side of the Odder.” In 1836, J. Phillips gave as localities for this species “ Grassington ; Derbyshire.” The latter name may refer to Sowerby’s specimens only ; the former, almost certainly, refers to Gilbertson’s, or at least to some of them. Gilbertson’s MS. list and the Register of the Zoological Department (41.6.l8.ll6-125) say nothing as to the locality; but, when transferred to the Geological Department, the specimens were registered as from “ Bolland.” Etheridge & Carpenter, in 1886, alluded to one of the Gilbertson specimens (pl. vi, f. 23) as from “Lancashire.” Grassington, which seems the most probable locality, is in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 10 miles N. of Skipton. Calamine and lead mines are worked in the Carboniferous Limestone there. 26 THE srncrss or BLASTOIDEA [Orbitremites derbiensis, continued.] England. [E. 8046.] Presented by J. Rofe. A micro-section and two halves of the specimen from which it was cut. Granatoerinus derbiensis (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 12, 15, 250, pl. ix, ff. 2. 3. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: England. 8049.] Presented by J. Rofe. A theca taken as the figured specimen on the evidence of the authors’ own label, but which does not agree with the figures in diameter or state of preservation. G')‘(t’n(tI§0G7"?:’I?/Ll.S clerbiensis (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. 85 P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 49, 92, 250, pl. xi, if. 12, 13. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : England. 8050.] Presented by J. Rofe. A weathered theca (not two specimens). Granatocrinus clerbiensis (Sow.) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 49, 92, 250, pl. xi, f. 11. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: England. 8051.] Presented by J . Rofe. A weathered and imperfect theca. _ Granatocrinus clerbiensis (Sow.): B.. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 107, 250, pl. ix, f. 5. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : England. 8052.] Presented by J. Rofe. A rather worn theca. Gmnatocrz'nus clerbz'ensz's (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 57, 250, pl. ix, f. 7. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: England. 8053.] Presented by J. Rofe. Taken as the figured specimen on the evidence ' of the authors’ own label ; but the reference is more than doubtful. G1-anat0crinus cZerbz'ens'l.s' (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 29, 250 (not 125), pl. ix, f. 1.. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Derbyshire [accord— ing to the Register, not Lancashire as in “Catalogue ”], England. [E. 8054.] J. Tennant Coll. A theca. Granatocrinus derbiensis (Sow.): B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 29, 250, pl. ix, f. 6. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Derbyshire, England. [E. 8055.] J. Tennant Coll. A theca. . Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Derbyshire, England. 19.] J. Tennant Coll. Twenty-two thecas. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Lancashire, England. [E. 286.] Egerton Coll‘. Three weathered thecas. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: (see footnote i, p. 25), England. 800.] Gilbertson Coll., N o. 79. Six thecas “ all weathered, but the best that can be got,” Gilb. MS. . Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: England. [E. 801.] Five weathered thecas. [E. 803.] Presented by J . Rofe. Three weathered thecas, one out in half. ? Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Lancashire, England. [E. 802.] A weathered theca. WITH _LIST or SPECIMENS. 27 Orbitremites ellipticus. Pentremites elliptica, G. B. Sowerby, 1825, Zool. J ourn. ii, p. 317, pl. xi, f. 4. Orbitremites ellz'pt-ic-us (Sow.): T. & '1‘. Austin, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1) x, p. 111. Pentatrematites. ellipticus (Sow.): C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 360. Pentrem/Ztes ellipticus, Sow. : J. Rofe, 1865,' Geol. Mag. (1) ii, p. 249, pl. viii, f. 7. Granatocrinus ellipiicus (_Phill.) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 239; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 253.‘ Pmtremites ellijaticus, Sow.: J. Rofe, 1865, Geol. Mag. (1) ii, p. 249, pl. viii, f. 7. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Clitheroe, Lancashire, England. 1049.] Presented by J . Rofe. Micro-section and cross-section of a theca. Granatocrinus elliptious (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 46, 253, pl. xvii, f. 6. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Bolland, Lancashire, Eng- land. 1048a.] Presented by J. Rofe. Micro-section. Granatocrinus ellipticus (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 92‘, 253, pl. xvii, f. 7. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Bolland, Lancashire, Eng- land. 1048 b.] Presented by J. Rofe. Micro-section. Grrmatocrznus ellipticus (Sow.): B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 50, 253, pl. x, f. 13. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lancashire, Eng- land. 8064.] Weathered cross—section of a theca. ' G'rcmatocrinus ellipticus (Sow.):'1t. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 49, 50. 253, pl. x, f. 14. Lower Jarboniferous,Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lancashire, Eng- land. 8065.] Weathered theca. Granatocrinus eZlz]>ticus (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 48, 49, 253, pl. x, f. 12. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lanca- shire, England. 8066.] A theca. Granatocrinus ellipficus (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 51, 253, pl. x, f. 15. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lancashire, Eng- land. 8067.] A theca. ' ' Granatoco~z'nus e7lz_'pticus (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 241, 253, pl. x, f. 16. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lancashire, Eng- land. - 8068.] A young individual. Granatocrinus ellipticu-s (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit, Mus. p. 255, pl. vi, f. 21. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Clitheroe, Lancashire, Eng- land. 8069.] A theca. Go-anatocrinus ellipticus (Sow.): E. Etheridge fil. 8: P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 25, 107, 253, pl. viii, ff. 16, 17. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lanca- shire, England. 8070.] A theca. G'ranat0c9'2'm¢s ellipticus (Sow): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 15, 253, pl. viii, f. 18. Lower 28 THE srncrns or BLASTOIDEA [Orbitremites ellipticus, continued.] Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lancashire, Eng- land. 8071.] A theca in matrix: if the figured specimen, as stated by the authors, then the figure is restored. Granatocrinus ellipticus (Sow.): B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 25, 29, 253, pl. viii, f. 19. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lanca- shire, England. 8072.] Theca in matrix, figure restored and incorrect. Gwinatocrinus ellipticus (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 50, 253, pl. viii, f. 20. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lancashire, Eng- land. 8073.] Theca with weathered radial sinus. Gr-anatocrinus ellipticus (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 60, 253, pl. viii, f. 21. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Clitheroe, Lancashire, Eng- land. [E. 8074.] Half a theca. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Bolland, Lan- cashire, England. 807.] Gilbertson Coll., No. 77. Eighteen thecas, some worn, some only halves. According to Gilbertson’s MS. Catalogue, this lot includes specimens figured by G. B. Sowerby & J . Phillips as Pentremites elliptiousg but closer determination is impossible. Peiztremites ellipticus. “ Elongated variety of P. ellipticas [sic],” G. B. Sowerby, 1828, Zool. Joiirn. iv, p. 91. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Calamine mines of Duke of Buccleugh, near Whitwell, in Bolland, Lancashire. [E. 8133.] Gilbertson Coll., _ No. 77 a. Theca with adherent matrix. . Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Calamine mines of Duke of Buccleugh, near Whitwell in Bolland, Lancashire, England. [E. 806.] Gilbertson Coll. Three imperfect but large thecas. [E. 8132.] Gilbertson Coll., No. 77 b. Theca “ with supposed columnar fragments in matrix,” Gilb. MS. [E. 8134.] Gilbertson Coll. Theca in matrix. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lancashire, England. 808.] Presented by J. Rofe. Fifty- eight thecas and fragments. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Bolland, Lan- cashire, England. [E. 1048.] Presented by J. Rofe. Cross-section of theca. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Lancashire, England. [E. 287 Egerton Coll. Two medium-sized and one young theca. [E. 804.] Four thecas. --——. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: England. [E. 805.] Mantell Coll. Two imperfect thecas. [E. 809.] Presented by J. Rofe. Three half-thecas, polished on out side. WITH LIST OF srncmnxs. 29 brbitremites excavatus. Granatocrinus errcrwatus, R. R. Rowley & S. J . Hare, July 1891, Kansas City Scientist, v, p. 99, pl. ii, ff. 9, 10. Orbitremites exiguus. Gmnatocrinus aeiguus, R. R. Rowley & S. J. Hare, July 1891, Kansas City Scientist, v, p. 100, pl. ii, fil. 13, 14; and p. 118, pl. iii, f. 18. Lower Carboniferous, Lower Burlington Limestone : Louisiana, Missouri, U.S.A. 8002.] B. R. Rowley coll. Damaged theca in chert. Orbitremites fimbriatus. Gmncetocrinus fimbriatus, E. B. Meek & A- H. Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. N at. Sci. Philadelphia, 1866, p. 259. Granatocrinus norwoodi, var. fimbriatus, Meek & Worthen: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 248. Orbitremites globosus, nom. nud., T. &,T. Austin, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1) x, p. 111. Not known to R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 243. Orbitremites ? granulatus. Granatocrinites cidmiformis, nom. nud., Cr. Troost, 1849, Amer. J ourn. Sci. (2) viii, p. 420 (ficle Shumard). Penta- trematites grcm.uZatas, C.'F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), ‘ pp. 363, 364. Granatocri-nus grcmulatus (Roemer) : J. Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. Nat. Hist. N.Y. p. 146. Grcmatocrinus _granuZatus (Roemer): B. E. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Nat. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 375. Grcmatocrinus ‘? grcmulatus (Roemer): B.‘ Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 244. Orbitremites 1eda,.(J. Hall): (sub Granatocrinus), J. F. Whiteaves, 1887 : v. Pentremitidea? leda. Orbitremites ? lotoblastus. Gmnatocrinus Zotoblastus, C. A. White, 1875, Rep. Wheeler's Surv. W. of 100th Meridian, iv, p. 80. Pentremites Zotoblastris (White): B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 242. Granatocrinus ?, Schizoblastus ?, vel Elam- crinus‘? Zotoblastus (White): B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 231, 232. Orbitremites maccoyi. G1'anIat00r'i'nus m‘coyi, nom. nud., R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 239. Gra- natocrinus mcooyi, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 252, pl. viii, f. 12, & pl. x, ff. 5-8. Granatocrz'nus /rnccoyi, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 107, 241, 252, pl. viii, f. 12, pl. x, if. 5, 6. ill Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lan- cashire, England. 8061.] Presented by J. Rofe. A well- preserved theca, one of two type-specimens. Grcmatocrinus mccog/vi, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 106, 241, 252, pl. x, ff. 7, 8. Q1 Lower 30 THE srncms or BLASTOIDIEA [Orbitremites maccoyi continued.] Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lancashire, Eng- land. [E. 8062.] Presented by J. Rofe. A theca, one of two type-specimens. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: ?Clitheroe, Lancashire, England. 797.] Presented by J.Rofe. Two thecas. Orbitremites magnibas-is. G-ranatocrinus (/Schizoblastus ‘?) magm'- basis, R. R. Rowley, Oct. 1895, Amer. Geol. xvi, p. 220, ff. 11-14. orbitremites mutabilis. Grrmafocrinus mutabilis, R. R. Rowley, Nov. 1893, Amer. Geol. xii, p. 306, pl. xiv, ff. 4-9. brbitremites norwoodi. Pentremites norwoodi, D. D. Owen & B. F. Shumard. 1850,Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia (2) ii, p. 64, pl. vii, f. 13. Elceacrinus norwoodi (Owen & Shumard) : B. F. Shumard, 1863, Trans. Acad. N at. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 112. Granatoorinus? norwoocfi (Owen & Shumard): B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 375. Gmnatocrinus norwoodi (Owen & Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 239 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 245. Granatocrimns norwoocli (Owen & Shumard) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 46, 245, pl. xvii, f. 8. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone : Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 1058.] Transverse micro-section. Granatocrinus no-rwoodi (Owen dz Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 107, 245, pl. ii, f. 32. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone : Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. 8083.] Saemann Cell. A wide theca. Granatocrinus norwoocli (Owen & Shumard): B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 107, 245, pl. ii, f. 33. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone: Pleasant Grove, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 8084.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. A theca. Gwmatocrinus norw0ocZi (Owen & Shumard) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 107, 245, pl. ii, f. 34. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone : Pleasant Grove, Iowa, U.S.A. 8085.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. A theca. Grrmatocrinus norwoodi (Owen & Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 107 , 205, pl. ii, f. 35. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone : Pleasant Grove, Iowa, U.S.A., 8086.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. A theca. Gmnatocrinus ozorwoodi (Owen & Shumard) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 107, 245, pl. vii, ff. 5, 6. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone : ‘Bur-. lington, Iowa, U.S.A. 8087 C. Wachsmiith Coll. A theca. G’-m-natocrinus norwoocli (Owen & Shumard) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 57, 245, pl. xi, f. 14. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone : Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. 8088.] L. Saemann Coll. A theca. -——. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone: Pleasant wnn msr or srnernnns. 31 Grove, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 810.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. Thirty-three thecas and fragments, one specimen with four thecas on matrix. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone : Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 811.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. Four internal casts in chert, and eleven thecas showing cross-sections of hydrospires. [E. 812.] L. Saemann Coll. Ten whole and five parts of thecas. [E. 8181.] T. A. Worthen Coll. ex G. T. Nealley Coll. Two thecas. . Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone : Louisiana, Missouri, U.S.A. 8003.] R. R. Rowley Coll. Two internal casts in chert. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone (chert): Loo. unknown ; ? Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 8182.] T. A. Worthen Coll. ex G. T. Nealley Coll. An 3 internal cast. [E. 8183.] T. A. Worthen Coll. ex Brewster Coll. A large internal cast. ~ Orbitremites norwoodi, var. fimbriatus. Grcmatocrinusfimlnrirztus, F. B. Meek & A.‘ H. Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. N at. Sci. Philadelphia, 1866, p. 259. “ Only a well-marked variety of Grcmatocrinus norwoodi.” B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 248. ‘ Orbitremites oblongus (“ Gilb.”), T. 8: T. Austin, 1842 : v. Meso- blastus elongatus. Orbitremites orbicularis. Pentatmnatites orbicularis, G. B. Sowerby, 1834, Zool. J ourn. v, p. 456, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 5. Pentremites orZn'cu- Zaris, “ Gilb.”: J. Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207, pl. iii, f. 9. Grcmatocrinus 0'/'bz'cuZarz's (Sow.) : B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 239 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 248. Pentatrematites orbiculctris, G. B. Sowerby, 1.834, Zool. Journ. v, p. 456, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 5, left-hand. QL Pentremites orbicularvls, “Grilb.”: J. Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207 , pl. iii, f. 9. Granafocrinus or?n'cuZam's (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 2-19, pl. ix, ff. 11, 13, 16. Orbitremites 0r_bicuZaris (Sow.): F. A. Bather, 1899, in E. Bay Lankester’s Zoology, Cap. Blastoidea, f. xv, 3, 4. Lower Carboniferous, Car- boniferous Limestone: Calamine mines of the Duke of Buccleugh, near Whitwell in Bolland, Lancashire, England. 8135.] Gil- bertson Coll., No. 78. A theca; one of two type-specimens. Pentatrematites orbicularis, G. B. Sowerby, 1834, Zool. J ourn. v, p. 456, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 5, right-hand. QC. Lower Carboniferous, Carbo- niferous Limestone: Calamine mines, Bolland, Lancashire, England. [E. 8136.] Gilbertson Coll., No. 78. A theca, one of two type- specimens. 32 run srnerns or BLASTOIDEA [Orbitremites orbicularis, continued.] G2'an(ttocrinus orbicularis (Sow.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 92, 248, pl. xvii, f. 5. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Bolland, Lancashire. 1050.] Presented by J. Rofe. A micro-section, and the two halves ‘ of the theca from which it was cut. Gwmrttocrinus orbicularis (So w.) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 107, 248, pl. ix, f. 15. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Yorkshire, England. 8044.] Presented by J. Rofe. A well-preserved theca. Grrmatoc-rinus orbicularis (Sow.) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 25, 107, 248, pl. ix, if. 12, 14. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Yorkshire, England. [E. 8045.] Presented by J. Rofe. A fairly preserved theca. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Calamine mines near Whitwell in Bolland, Lancashire, England. [E. 798.] Gilbertson Coll., No. 78. Four imperfect thecas. ——. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : England. [E. 7 99.] Presented by J. Rofe. Twelve thecas. Orbitremites piriformis. Granatocrimts 79;/riformis, R. R. Rowley & S. J . Hare, Aug. 1891, Kansas City Scientist, v, p. 118, pl. iii, ff. 15, 16. . Orbitremites ? roemeri. Pentremites roemeri, B. F. Shumard, 1.855, 2nd Geol. Rep. Missouri, pt. ii, p. 186, pl. B, f. 2a (non 2, b, 0, cl, v. Schizoblastus‘? missouriensis). G'rcm.atocrvlnus roemeri (Shumard): B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 376. Granatocrinus ?? roe/meri (Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 244. Schizoblastus ‘? roemeri (Shumard) : C. R. Keyes, 1894, Rep. Geol. Surv. Missouri, iv, p. 137. Orbitremites sphaeroidalis. Granatocrinus sphwroiclalis, S. A. Miller dz W. E. E. Gurley, Dec. 1893, Bull. Illinois Mus. iii, p. 65, pl. vi, ff. 31, 32, 33. Orbitremites ? wachsmuthi. Granatocrinus ? wachsmuthii, R. Ethe- ridge fil., 1892, in R. Etheridge & R. L. Jack, Geol. and Palmont. Queensland, p. 211, pl. vii, f. 10. orbitremites winslowi. Grcmatocrinus 'wi'nsZ0wi, S. A. Miller & VV. F. E. Gurley, Dec. 1893, Bull. Illinois Mus. iii, p. 66, pl. vi, ff. 34, 35. Orbitremites sp. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous- Limestone, ~ Yorkshire, England. [E. 8000.] Presented by J . Rofe. An imperfect theca. OROPHOCRINUS. Mitre, G. Cumberland, 1826, Reliquiae Conser- vatae, p. 31 (preocc. Humphrey, 1797, for a mollusc). Dimorphicrzfnus, A. D. d’Orbigny, 1849, Prodr. Pal. Strat. i, p. 155 (v. Dimorphi- crinus). Orophocrinus, K. von Seebach, 1864, N achr. Ges. Wiss. wrrn msr or SPECIMENS. 33 Giittingen, 1864, p. 110. O'ocZomItes, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1869, p. 84, footnote; and 1873, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, v, p. 463. Orojohocrinus, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 249 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 283. Type-species—O. steZZz'f‘o1'mis Or0phocrinus conicus, C. Wachsmuth & F. Springer, 1890 : v. Or0- phocrinus whitei. Orophocrinus fusifor-mis. Codonites fasifownis, nom. nud., S. A. Miller, 1889, N. Amer. Geol. & Palaeont. p. 233. Orophocrinusfusiformis, C. Wachsmuth & F. Springer, 1890, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, viii. p. 203, pl. xvii, f. 4. ' Orophocr~inus fuszforonis, Wachsmuth & Springer: F. A. Bather, 1897, Guide to Fossil Invertebrates . . . in Brit. Mus. (N at. Hist.), p. 101, f. 157. Lower Carboniferous, Kinderhook group : Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 1726.] C. Wachsmuth & F. Springer Coll. A crown attached to specimen of Oactocrinus n0cZ0brach'iat'us, forms basis of the recon- structed figure. . Lower Carboniferous, Kinderhook Group: Le Grand, Iowa, U.S.A. 8173.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A perfect crown. Orophocrinus gracilis. Oocloniies gracilis, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1873, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, v, p. 467, pl. viii, f. 6. Orqohocrinus gmoilis (‘Meek & Worthen): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1.886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 287. Orophocrinus infiatus (G. B. Sowerby): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Orophocrinus verus. . Orophocrinus inopinatus. Oodomltes inopinatus, R. R. Rowley & S. J. Hare, July 1891, Kansas City Scientist, v, pp. 100, 118, pl. ii, ff. 11, 12, & pl. iii, f. 17. Orophocrinus orbignyanus. Pentremites orbigng/anus, L. G. de Koninck, 1842, Descr. animaux foss. terr. carb. Belg. p. 37, pl. E, ff. 4, or, b, o. Pentatrematites pailleti, C. F. Roemer, 1851 , Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 359 (non de Verneuil). Pentremites orbigng/anus, de Kon. : L. G. de Koninck & H. Le Hon, 1854, Mém. Acad. Roy. Belg. xxviii (3), p. 200, pl. vii, ff. 500-(Z. Orophocrjnus orbigng/m-zus (de Kon.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 252; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 287. Orophoerinus pentangularis. Platycrimltes pentaozgularis, J. S. Miller, 1821, N at. Hist. Crin. p. 83, pl. facing p. 81, bottom compartment, ff. 2, 5, 6, 7. M izira depressa, G. Cumberland, 1826, Reliquiae Conservatae, p. 32, pl. B [not A, as in text], f. 3. Pentatrematiies pentangularis (Miller): G. B. Sowerby, 1834, Zool. Journ. v, p. 457, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 7. Pentremitesloentcmgularis (“ Gilb.”): J. Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207. Pentremites loentan_gulam's, “ Gilb. Phillips,” and Dim0rphi- crinuspentrrngulrzris (Miller) : A.D. d’Orbigny, 1849, Prodr. Pal. Strat. i, 1) 34 THE srnerns or mxsrornns [Orophocrinus pentangularis, continued.] p. 155. Pentremites “ pentagonalis, Sow.” : J. Morris, 1854, Cat. Brit. Foss., 2nd Ed., p. 86. Pentrem/ites waterlzousimrus, L. G. de Koninck & H. Le Hon, 1854, Mém. Acad. Roy. Belg. xxviii (3), p. 203, pl. vii, fi'. 6a—c. Pmtremites waterkousei, J. Rofe, 1865, Geol. Mag. (1) ii, p. 250. Oro]9h00rz'nus Zoentcmgularis (Miller) & O. waterhousianus (De Kon. & Le Hon) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 252. Orophocrinus (Pentrem'ites) praalongus (pars), W. H. Baily, 1886, Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc. (n. s.) v, p. 31, pl. i, if. 2, 2a, 21> (non ff. 1, 1 a). Orolahocrinus jaentcmgularis (Miller): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 229. .Pentatrematites pentangularis (J. S. Miller): G. B. Sowerby, 1834, Zool. J ourn. v, p. 457, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 7. Pentremites pent- angularis (“Gilb.”): J. Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: [Probably from Calamine mines near Whitewell in] Bolland, Lancashire, England. [E. 843.] Gilbertson Coll., No. 76. A theca. Oroplzocrinus pmz‘anguZam's (J. S. Miller) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Car- penter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 90, 292, pl. xvii, f. 14. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lanca- shire, England. [E. 1054.] Presented by J. Rofe. Micro-section and the theca from which it was cut. Orophocflnus pcntangularis (J. S. Miller): B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 11, 90, 292, pl. xv, ff. 5, 6. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Clitheroe, Lancashire, England. [E. 8080.] Presented by J. Rofe. An imperfect theca. Orophocrinus pentangularis (J. S. Miller): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 61, 292, pl. xv, f. 7. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Clitheroe, Lanca- shire, England. [E. 8081.] Presented by J. Rofe. A theca. Pentremftes waterhousianus, L. G. de Koninck & H. Le Hon, 1854, Mém. Acad. Roy. Belg. xxviii (3), p. 203, pl. vii, ff. 6a—c. 111:. Oroph0- crinus waterhousianus (De Kon. & Le Hon): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 252. Orqohocrinus pentangularis (J. S. Miller) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 11, 16, 47, 90, 293, pl. xv, if. 8, 9, 10, pl. xvi. if. 8, 9; also as Orophocrinus pent- angularis (Miller), var. waterlzousrlanus (de Kon.), in explanation of plates. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Carboniferous Shale: Tournay, Belgium. 845.] De Koninck Coll. An abnormal theca. . Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Clitheroe, Lancashire, England. [E. 844.] Presented by J. Rofe. Two thecas. Orophocrinus pentangularis (Miller), var. waterhousianus (De Kon. & Le Hon): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886 : v. Or0ph0- crinus pentangularis [E. 845]. WITH. LIST or srncmnns. 35 ‘orophocrinus praelongus. Orophocrinus (Pentremites) prcelongu-s, W. H. Baily, J an. 1886, Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. (11. s.) v, p. 31, pl. i, H. 1, 1 a (non ff. 2, 2a, 2b). Orophocrinus (Pentremites)prae1ongus, W. H. Baily, 1886 (op. cit. ult. fi. 2, 2 a, 2 b) : v. Orophocrinus pentangularis. Orophocrinus puzos. Pentremites puzos, G. von Miinster, 1839, Beitrtige zur Petrefaktenkunde, Heft i, p. 1, pl. i, if. 5, a—cl. Pentatre- matites lmzos (Miinster): C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 356. Orophocrinus puzos (Miiuster): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 252 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 287. Orophocrinus? sirius. Pentremites sirius, C. A. White, 1862, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. ix (2), p. 20, f. 3; and 1863, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vii, p. 486. Orophocrinus ? ‘? sirius (White): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 287, footnote. Orophocrinus stelliformis. Penz‘remites stelhlfoo~mis, D. D. Owen & B. F. Shumard, 1850, Journ. Acad. N at. Sci. Philadelphia, (11. s.) ii, p. 67, pl. vii, ff. 16 a, 6. Orophoorimts stellwfornzis (Owen & Shumard) : K. von Seebach, March 1864, N achr. Ges. Wiss. Giittingen, 1864, p. 10. Uoclaster stellzformis (Owen 8: Shumard) : B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 359. Oodonites stelliformz's (Owen & Shumard) : F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869, Proc. Acad. N at. Sci. Philadelphia, ‘1869, p. 84, footnote. Or0phoorinus steZZifornz.i.s~ (Owen & Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 252 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 287 . 'Oro]97z0cri'nus stelliformis (Owen & Shumard) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H, Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 91, 287, pl. xvii, f. 12. Lower Carboniferous, Lower Burlington Limestone: Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 1055.] Two micro-sections and the two halves of the theca from which they were cut. Lower Carboniferous, Lower Burlington Limestone : Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A.. [E. 840.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. Five thecas, 2 ground on the top, and 3 fragmentary. [E. 841.] L. Saemann Coll. Two good thecas. [E. 8172.] T. A. Worthen Coll. ex C. Wachsmuth Coll. One rather small theca, and one larger in matrix. Orophocrinus stelliformis, var. campanulatus. Ooclonites cam- loanulatus, G. Hambach, 1884, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, p. 553, pl. D, ff. 8, 9. Orophocrinus stelliformis, var. camloanulatus (Hambach): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, > Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 289. Orophocrinus stellzlformis, var. campanulatus (Hambach): R. Etheridge fil. 82; P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 20, 289, D2 36 THE srncms or BLABTOIDEA [Orophocrinus stelliformis, var. campanulatus, continued.] pl. xvi, f. 5. Lower Carboniferous, Lower Burlington Limestone : Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 842 a.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. One theca. . Lower Carboniferous, Lower Burlington Limestone: Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 842 b.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. One theca. Orophocrinus verus. Mit-ra oera, G. Cumberland, 1826, Reliquim Con-- servatae, p. 31, pl. B [not A, as in text], if. 1, 2. Pentatrematites in_flata,. G. B. Sowerby, 1828, Zool. Journ. iv, p. 90; and 1834, Zool. Journ. v, p. 457, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 2. Pentrenm'tes inflatus, “ Gilb.” : J. Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207, pl. iii, ff. 1, 2, 3. Orqohocrinus inflrctus (Sow.) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 252. Oroplzocrinus 2/ems (Cumberland): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 290. Pe/ntatrematfles z'nflata, G. B. Sowerby, 1828, Zool. Journ. iv, p. 90; and 1834, Zool. Journ. Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 2 (upper fig.). QC. Pentre- mitcs inflatus, “ Gilb.”: J. Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207,. pl. iii, f. 3. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Cala- mine mines of Duke of Buccleugh, near Whitwell, in Bolland, Lanca- shire, England. 8138.] Gilbertson Coll. A the-ca. Pentatrematites inflate, G. B. Sowerby, 1834, Zool. Journ. v, p. 457, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 2 (lower fig.). Pentremites injlatus, “Gilb.” : J. Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207 , pl. iii, f. 1. Ov~0ph0cm'-mas oer/us (Cumberland) ; R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 11, 97, 291, pl. xv,‘ f. 3. Lower Car- boniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Calamine mines of Duke of Buccleugh, near Whitwell, in Bolland, Lancashire, England. [E. 8139.] Gilbertson Cell. A theca. P6-ntremfies 1:7?:flCLttl8(SOW.)Z J. Rofe, 1865, Geol. Mag. (1) ii, p. 250,. pl. viii, f. 9. Orophocrimw warns (Cumberland): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 46, 290, pl. xvii, f. 13. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Clitheroe, Lancashire, England. [E. 849.] Presented by J. Rofe. A theca in two halves. Orophocrimts verus (Cumberland): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 47, 290, pl. xv, f. 4. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Preston, Lancashire, Eng-- land. 847 .] Bean Cell. A theca. Orojahocirinus oerus (Cumberland): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 97, 290, pl. xii, f. 9. Lower- Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Lancashire, England. [E. 848.] A theca ground down from above. Orophocrvlnus verus (Cumberland) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter,. 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 11, 97, 286, 290, pl. xv, f. 1 ; and [‘?] pl. xvi, f. 10. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Whitwell, Bolland, Lancashire, England. [E. 8078.] Presented by J. Rofe. A theca; if pl. xvi, f. 10 be, as the authors say, taken from this specimen, then the figure is much restored. wrrn LIST or SPECIMENS. 37 Oroplzocri/zu-: rams (Cumberland) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 97, 290, pl. xv, f. 2. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Whitwell, Bolland, Lanca- shire, England. 8079.] Presented by J. Rofe. A theca. . Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Bolland, Lan- cashire, England. [E. 82.] J . Morris Coll. Two crushed thecas. . Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Lancashire, England. 285.] Egerton Coll. One theca. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Calamine mines of Duke of Buccleugh, near Whitwell, in Bolland, Lancashire, Eng- land. [E. 846.] Gilbertson Cell. A very large theca with imperfect base, and a smaller, much worn theca. . Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Whitwell, Bolland, Lancashire, England. 808.] Presented by J. Rofe. Two thecas. Qrophocrinus waterhousianus (de Kon. & Le Hon): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Orophocrinus pentangularis. Orophocrinus whitei. Codaster whitei, J. Hall, 1861, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vii, p. 327. Coclaster? white-i (Hall): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 266. Coclonites com’- ous, nom. nud., S. A. Miller, 1889, N. Amer. Geol. & Palaeont. p. 233. Orophocrinus conicus, C. Wachsmuth & F. Springer, 1890, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, viii, p. 201, pl. xv, fi. 1-3. Orophocrvlnus whitei (Hall): R. P. Whitfield, 1893, Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. i, p. 36, pl. iii, ff. 25-28. PENTATREMATITES, G. B. Sowerby, 1828, emendatio pro Pen- tremites (q. v.). Pentatrematites acuta, G. B. Sowerby, 1834: v. Phaenoschisma acutum. Pentatrematites angulatus, G. B. Sowerby, 1828: v. Mesoblastus angulatus. Pentatrematites campanulatus (McCoy): C. F. Roemer, 1851: - v. Orbitremites campanulatus. Pentatrematites crenulatus, C. F. Roemer, 1851 : v. Mesoblastus ' crenulatus. Pentatrematites derbiensis (G. B. Sowerby): C. F. Roemer, 1851 : v. Orbitremites derbiensis. Pentatrematites eifeliensis, C. F. Roemer, 1855: v. Pentremitidea. eifelensis. 38 THE srnoms or BLASTOIDEA Pentatrematites ellipticus (G. B. Sow.): C. F. Roemer, 1851: v. Orbitremites ellipticus. Pentatrematites florealis (Schlotheim) : C. F. Roemer, 1851 : v. Pentremites godoni. Pentatrematites gracilis, J. Steininger, 1849 : v. Pentremitidea ?' gracilis. Pentatrematites granulatus, C. F. Roemer, 1851 : v. Orbitremites ?' granulatus. ' Pentatrematites inflata, G. B. Sowerby, 1828: v. Orophocrinus verus. Pentatrematites obliquatus, C. F. Roemer, 1851: v. Tricoe1o- crinus obliquatus. Pentatrematites oblonga, G. B. Sowerby, 1828: v. Mesoblastifs elongatus. Pentatrematites orbicularis, G. B. Sowerby, 1834: v. Orbitre-- mites orbicularis. Pentatrematites orbignyanus? , C. F. Roemer, 1.851 (non de- Koninck): v. Phaenoschisma. caryophyllatum. Pentatrematites ovalis (Goldfuss): C. F. Roemer, 1851: v. Pentre- mites ? ovalis. Pentatrematites pailleti (de Verneuil): C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 368, pl. vii, ff. 17 a-0: v. Pentremitidea paillettei. - Pentatrematites pailleti, C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 369, “ aus dem devonischen Kalke der Eifel ” (non de Verneuil) : v. Pentremitidea eifelensis. Pentatrematites pailleti, C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 359 (non pp. 368, 369, de Verneuil): v. Orophocrinus 0rbigny- anus. Pentatrematites pentangularis (J . S. Miller) : G. B. Sowerby, 1834 : v. Orophocrinus pentangularis. Pentatrematites planus, G. & F. Sandberger, 1856 : v. Pentremi-a tidea plana. ' " ' Pentatrematites puzos (Miinster): C. F. Roemer, 1851 : v. Oropho- crinus puzos. ' WITH LIST or srncmnns. 39 Pent-atrematites pyriformis (Say) : C. F. Roemer,1851 : v. Pentre- mites piriformis. . Pentatrematites reinwardtii (Troost): C. F. Roemer, 1851: v. Troostocrinus reinwardtiu , Pentatrematites schultzii (d’Archiac & de Verneuil) : C. F. Roemer, 1851 : v. Cryptoschisma schulzi. Pentatrematites sulcatus, C. F. Roemer, 1851: v. Pentremites sulcatus. PENTATREMITES, H. G. Bronn, 1860; occasionally used instead of Pentremites (q. v.). PENTEPHYLLUM, S. Haughton, 1859, Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, viii, p. 183, pl. xxix. Type-species—-P. aclarmse. Pentephylhm adarense, S. Haughton, 1859, Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, viii, p. 183, pl. xxix. R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 296, pl. xvi, ff. 14-16. . Two plaster-casts of the type-specimen. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Adare, Limerick, Ireland. [E. 71.] A PENTREMITE, T. Say, 1820: v. Pentremites. Pentremite florealis (E. F. von Schlotheim): T. Say, 1825: v. Pentremites godoni. . Pentremite globosa, T. Say, 1825 : v. Pentremites ? globosus. Pentremite, pyriformis, T. Say, 1825: v. Pentremites piri- formis. PENTREMITES. Pentre'2mIte, T. Say, 1820, Amer. Journ. Sci. ii, p. 36; and 1825, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, iv, p. 292; reprinted 1825, Zool. Journ. ii, p. 313. Pentremites (pars), G. B. Sowerby, 1825, Zool. Journ. ii, p. 316. Pentatrematites (pars), G. B. Sowerby, 1828, Zool. Journ. iv, p. 89. Pentatremitrs, H. G. Bronn, 1860, Klassen und Ordn. Thier-Reichs, ii, p. 189. Pentreimtes, Say: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 150. Type-species——P. godoni. Pentremites abbreviatus, G. Hambach, 1880: v. Pentremites godoni, var. abbreviatus. Pentremites acutangulus, L. Schultze, 1867 : v. Pentremitidea acutangula. Pentremites acutus, “ Gilb.”: J. Phillips, 1836: v. Phaenoschisma acutum. 40 THE srnems or BLASTOIDEA Pentremites angularis, S. S. Lyon, 1860, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, p. 631, pl. xx, E. 3 a-0. Pentremites angularis, Lyon : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 156. —-—-. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Chester, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8154.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Two thecas, one with peristomial covering-plates. Pentremites angulatus, “Gilb.”: J. Phillips, 1836: v. Meso- blastus angulatus. _ Pentremites ? astraformis, nom. nud., T. & T. Austin, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1) x, p. 111: v. Codaster trilobatus, var. acutus. Pentremites basilaris, G. Hambach, 1880, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. L6ii§, iv, p. 159, pl. B, f. 9. Pentremites basilaris, Hambach : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 166. Pentremites bipyramidalis, J . Hall, 1858: v. Metablastus bi- pyramidalis. Pentremites bradleyi, F. B. Meek, 1873, 6th Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Territories, for 1872, p. 470, and footnote. Pentremites broadheadi, G. Hambach, 1880, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, p. 159, pl. B, f. 6. Pentremites burlingtonensis, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1870, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1870, p. 33 ; and .1873, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, v, p. 461, pl. viii, f. 7. Pentremites burlinlr/tonensis, Meek & Worthen: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 156. - Pentremites gocloni (Defrance): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 103, 157, pl. i, f. 11. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone: Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. 762.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. A theca identified as P. burlingtonensis by C. Wachsmuth, who held the type-specimen. It was registered and labelled as P. bm~Zz'ngtonensis by one of the authors of the “ Catalogue.” It comes from the horizon of P. bm~Zing- tonensis, a horizon from which P. _(/ocloni has not yet been recorded. And it agrees with the diagnosis of P. b?.t7‘Z?:7Z"(/tO7Z67’L8’L.8. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone : Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 763.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. A theca which, though purchased in August 1874, was not catalogued by R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886. Pentremites ? calyce. Pentremites calyce, J . Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. Nat. Hist. N. Y. p. 150. “ Genus indet.,” R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 138. WITH LIST or srncrnrms. 41 Pentremites calycinus, S. S. Lyon, 1860, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, p. 628, pl. xx, ff. 1 (6-0 (see under Pent?-eam'tes elegans ‘?, E. 8159 & ‘ E. 8160). Pentremites campanulatus, F. McCoy, 1849: v. Orbitremites campanulatus. Pentremites carioides, D. D. Owen, 1843, Cat. Geol. Spec. Ohio Valley, ficle B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 369, who made it syn. of Elocacrinus [=Nucleocrz'mcs] verneuz'Zi.- Pentremites caryophyllatus, L. G. de Koninck dz H. Le Hon, 1854: v. Phaenoschisma caryophyllatum. Pentremites cervinus, J . Hall, 1858, Rep. Geol. Surv. Iowa, i (2), p. 690, pl. xxv, ff. 11 a, b. Pent:-emétes cervinus, Hall: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 166. Pentremites cherokeus, nom. nud., G. Troost, 1850, Proc. Amer. Assoc. 1849, p. 60. Considered a syn. of P. sulcatus, Roemer: J. Hall, 1858, Rep. Geol. Surv. Iowa, i (2), p. 691, pl. xxv, ff. 12 (L, b; and B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 385 ; but correctness of this identification doubted by R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1.886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 166. Pentremites chesterensis. Pentremites chesterz'ensz's, G. Hambach, 1880, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, p. 158, pl. B, f. 8. Pentremites chesteriensis, Hambach : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 144. Pentremites clavatus, G. Hambach, 1880, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, p. 157, pl. B, f. 5 (non Schultze, 1867). T1-'00st0cri)-ms? claoatus (Hambach): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 249. Pentremites clavatus, Hambach : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 199. Pentremites clavatus, L. Schultze, 1867: v. Pentremitidea clavata. Pentremites conoideus, J. Hall, 1856, Trans. Albany Inst. iv, p. 5 ; and 1858, Rep. Geol. Surv. Iowa, i (2), p. 655, pl. xxii, ff. 8-10. Pentre- mites lcom'nclmn.a, J. Hall, 1856, Trans. Albany Inst. iv, p. 4 ; and 1858, Rep. Geol. Surv. Iowa, i (2), p. 656, pl. xxii, ff. 11 a-c. Pentremites sulcatus, K. A. Zittel (non Roemer), 1879, Handb. d. Palzeont. i, p. 432, f. 305 a. Pentremites conoiclem, Hall (including P. lcomlnclcana) : R. P. Whitfield, 1882, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. i (3), p. 44. Pentremites conoicleus and var. lconinclca-nus, Hall: R. Etheridge fil. .& P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 162. Pentremites conoicleus, Hall: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 46, 162, pl. xviii, f. 6. Lower 42 THE srncrns or BLASTOIDEA [Pentremites conoideus, continued.] Carboniferous, St. Louis Group, Warsaw Limestone: Spergen Hill, Indiana, U.S.A. [E. 1056 a.] Micro-section showing hydrospires. Pentremites conoideus, Hall : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886,. Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 163, pl. ii, f. 16. Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group, \Varsaw Limestone: Spergen Hill, Indiana, U.S.A. [E. 8112.] One theca. - Pentremites conoidrus, Hall : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886,. Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 95, 162, pl. iii, f. 4. Lower Car- boniferous, St. Louis Group, Warsaw Limestone: Spergen Hill, Indiana, U.S.A. 8113.] Theca with wall partly broken away. Pmtremites conoicleus, Hall : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 95, 162, pl. iii, fi'. 5 St 6. Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group, VVarsaw Limestone: Spergen Hill, Indiana, U.S.A. [E. 8114.] A radial showing hydrospires. Pentremites conoicleus, Hall: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 163, pl. ii, f. 17 . Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group, Warsaw Limestone : Spergen Hill, Indiana, U.S.A. [E. 8115.] A theca. Pe-ntremites oonoideus, Hall, var. 7t0ninckcmus, Hall: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 163,‘pl. ii, ff. 18, 19, 21, 22, 23. Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group, Warsaw Limestone: Spergen Hill, Indiana, U.S.A. [E. 8116.] Five thecas, said to be the figured specimens; if so, the figures are slightly larger than natural size. Pentremites conoideus, Hall, var. koninckctnus, Hall : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 94, 95, pl. iii, ff. 7, 8, 9. Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group, Warsaw Lime- stone: Spergen Hill, Indiana, U.S.A. [E. 8117.] A theca in three fragments, showing interior. Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group, Warsaw Limestone: Spergen Hill, Indiana, U.S.A. ' [E. 773.] Fourteen thecas, some cut across, and three radials showing hydrospires. [E. 774.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. Twenty-nine thecas in chert, many of them hollow. [E. 1056, 6.] Micro-section showing hydrospires. [E. 1056, 0.] Transverse micro-section of theca. . Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group, Warsaw Limestone: Salem, Indiana, U.S.A. [E. 7994.] C. S. Beachler Coll.; presented by F. A. Bather. Four thecas. . Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group, Warsaw Limestone : Monroe Co., Illinois, U.S.A. 8165.] T. A. Worthen ‘Coll. Three thecas. . —. Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group, Warsaw Limestone : Spergen Hill, Indiana, U.S.A. [E. 77 5.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. Eighty-two thecas in chert, many hollow ; including several young (=var. koninclcanus). [E. 7 76.] Twelve young thecas (=var. koninclcanus). [E. 777 Thirty-two young thecas (=var. koninckanus). WITH msr on srncmsns. 43 Pentremites Iconoideus, J. Hall, var. koninckanus, J. Hall: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886: v. Pentremitel conoideus. Pentremites cornutus, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1860: v. Heteroblastus? cornutus. . Pentremites crenulatus (C. F. Roemer): L. G. de Koninck & H. Le Hon, 1854 : v. Mesoblastus crenulatus. Pentremites curtus, B. F. Shumard, 1855: v. Orbitremites ‘P curtus. Pentremites ? decussatus. Pentremites decussatus, B. F. Shumard, 1858, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, p. 242, pl. ix, fi. 6a,b ; and 1866, op. cit. ii, p. 383. “Genus indet'.”: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 143. Pentremites derbiensis, G. B. Sowerby, 1825: v. Orbitremites derbiensis. Pentremites dutertrii, errore pro Pentremites paillettei, C. F. Roemer, 1851 : v. Pentremitidea paillettei. Pentremites eifeliensis, C. F. Roemer: L. Schultze, 1867: v. Pentremitidea eifelensis. I Pentremites eifeliensis (pars), L. Schu1tze,1867 (non Roemer): v. Pentremitidea roemeri. Pentremites elegans, S. S. Lyon, 1860', Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, p. 632, pl. xx, if. 4 a-c. Pentremites elegans, Lyon : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 156, & ?pl. v, f. 27. Pentremites Zoyrvlformis, T. Say: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 60, 167, pl. i, f. 3. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Alabama, U.S.A. [7 5972.] A theca. Pmtremites pyrifornzis, T. Say: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 12, 168, pl. ii, f. 26. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: (? Huntsville, Alabama) U.S. A. - [E. 8106.] A theca, handed over by the authors as the figured specimen. ‘ Pentremites pyriformis, T. Say: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 12, 168, pl. ii, f. 27. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: (? Huntsville, Alabama) U.S.A. [E. 8107.] A theca, handed over by the authors as the figured specimen. - Penta_~e-mz'tes pyrzformis, T. Say: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 12, 168, pl. ii, f. 29. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: (? Huntsville, Alabama) U.S.A. 44 THE srncms or BLASTOIDEA. [Pentremites elegans, continued.] [E. 8109.] A theca, handed over by the authors as the figured specimen. Probably young of P. elegans. . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Prairie du Long, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 7 67.] A theca. -——. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Chester, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8150.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Thecas, one large and three of medium size. . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group, Monroe Co., Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8151.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Three thecas, small, medium, and large. [E. 8152.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Specimen complete all but the root. -——. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : ?Kentucky, U. S.A. [E. 8184.] Two thecas. —— ? Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Chester, Hllinois, U.S.A. [E. 8159] A rather large theca, and [E. 8160] a small theca. Both T. A. Worthen Cell. and labelled by A. H. Worthen as Pentre- mites calycinus, Lyon ; but they do not quite agree with the descrip- tion, and that species is perhaps not valid. Pentremites elliptica, G. B. Sowerby, 1825: v. Orbitremites ellipticus. Pentremites elongatus, B. F. Shumard, 1855, 1st & 2nd Rep. Geol. Missouri, pt. 2, p. 187, pl. B, f.4. Pentremites elongatus, Shumard: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 161. Pentremites clongatus, Shumard : “ example . . . . in which the spiracles are single,” R. Etheridge fil. 8t P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 161. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Lime- stone: Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 81.20.] L. Saemann Coll. Theca cut transversely in two. . Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone: Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [46205.] L. Saemann Coll. Three good thecas. [75496.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. Eleven thecas, rather weathered, and some ground on top. [E. 8166.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Two well-preserved thecas. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone (Chert) : Louisiana, Missouri, U.S.A. 8006.] R. R. Rowley Coll. Two rather weathered thecas. Pentremites elongatus, Shumard: var. 1, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 15, 162, pl. ii, f. 14. Q2 Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone: Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. 8121.] L. Saemann Cell. A theca, type of var. Pentremites elongatus, Shumard : var. 2, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 101, 162, pl. i, f. 5, & pl. ii, f. 15. H. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone: WITH LIST or srncnunns. 45 Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 8122.] L. Saemann Coll. A theca, type of var. Pentremites florealis (E. F. von Schlotheim) : G. B. Sowerby, 1825, ' and G. A. Goldfuss, 1836: v. Pentremites godoni, and Pentre- mites godoni, var. florealis. Pentremites fraiponti, J . Fraipont, 1884: v. Pentremitidea fraiponti. Pentremites gemmiformis, G. Hambach, 1884, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, p. 553, pl. D, f. 5. Pentremites germm'formis, Hambach : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus.- p. 199. ‘ Pentremites ? globosus. Pentremite globosa, T. Say, 1825, Journ.. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia (1) iv, p. 293; and Zool. Journ. ii, p. 314. G7'a’_n6lt067”7:9?.’Lt8 [= Orbitremites] vel Elceacrimts [=Nucleocrinus] globosus (Say): B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 386, footnote. ?Syn. of Acentrotremites elZ2'-pticus (Cumberland): R. Ethe- ridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 158, 237. Pentremites globosus, G. Troost MS. in J. Hall, 1858 (non Say): v. Pentremites troosti. Pentremites godoni. “ An asterial fossil from [Kentucky] America, probably of the nature of the Encrinus,” J . Parkinson, 1808, Organic Remains, ii, p. 235, pl. xiii, H. 36, 37. “ Echinus species, Kentucky,” S. L. Mitchill, 1808, Medical Repository, New York, xi, pp. 415, 416, fi'. B, C. “Asterite from Kentucky,” S. L. Mitchill, 1818, in Cuvier’s Theory of the Earth, Ed. New York, pl. viii, f. 6 ; also “ Echinus of the family galerite,” op. cit. p. 363. Encrina godonii, J. L. M. Defranee, 1819, Diet. Sci. Nat. xiv, p. 467. Encrim'tes florea-Z2's, E. F. von Schlotheim, 1820, Petrefactenkunde, p. 339. Pentremafte fiorealis (Schlotheim) : T. Say, 1825, Journ. Acad. N at. Sci. Philadelphia (1) iv, p. 295; and Zool. Journ. ii, p. 314. Pentrenrhes florealis (Schlotheim): G. B. Sowerby, 1825, Zool. Journ. ii, p. 320, pl. xi, f. 2 (3 figs.); and S. L. Mitchill, 1826, Cat. Org. Rem. N .Y. Lyceum N at. Hist. p. 40; and G. A. Goldfuss, 1826, Petrefacta Germaniae, i, p. 161, pl. 1, ff. 2 a—c. Mitr-ca rzigoso, quinque perforata, G. Cumberland, 1826, Reliquiae Con- servataa, p. 34, pl. A (non B), if. 1-3 (at top of plate). Pentatrematites jlorealis (Schlotheim): C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 353, pl. iv, fi'. 1-4, pl. v, f. 8. Pmtremites _(/odomli (Defrance): B. F. Shumard, 1858, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, p.245. Pent-remites godoml (Defrance) et florealis (Schlotheim): S. S. Lyon & S. A. Casseday, 1860, Proc. Amer. Acad. iv, p. 296. Pentremites godoni (Defrance) cum varr. major, florealis et abbreviatus (qq. v.): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 157-160. 46 THE srncms or BLASTOIDEA Pentremites godoni (Defrance): var. No. 2 (species proper), R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 159, pl. ii, f. 3. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A. [E. 8119.] A theca. . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Alleghanies, U.S.A. [75973.] Pearson Coll. Fifteen thecas, of which all except two are on matrix. -—--. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group?: Kentucky, U.S.A. [E. 81.] J. Morris Coll. Three thecas. -——. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A. [E. 743.] Nine thecas in chert. [75963] W. Cunnington Coll. A small piece of Pentremit-al Limestone, with remains of four specimens of this species and of P. ‘.7 2.)im;formis. -——. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Original label says “ Coleonda,” probably should be Golconda, Pope Co., Illi11ois, U.S.A. [E. 744.] Transferred from Museum of Practical G-eology. Five thecas on matrix. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Floyd Co.,Georgia, U.S.A. [E. 7 45.] Presented by J . Rofe. Three weathered thecas, showing structure, and eleven transsected thecas. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Leipzig, Pope Co., Illinois, U.S.A. 746.] W. Cunnington Coll. A slab of matrix, “ Pen- ’ tremital Limestone,” with about 8 thecas showing. . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Chester, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 747.] C. Wachsmuth Cell. A theca showing cross-sections of the hydrospires. [E. 755.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. A theca, cut and polished at the to . --—-. Lldwer Carboniferous, Chester Group ? : Warsaw, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 1138.] Presented by J. E. Lee. Two poor thecas. . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Bowling Green, Ken- tucky, U.S.A. [E. 7 993.] Presented by Hugh Kimbley. Eighteen perfect thecas. . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group ?: U.S.A. [E. 7999.] J. Grenfell Cell. A theca. ——-. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Henry Co., Indiana, U.S.A. [E. 8008.] Presented by B. B. Woodward. A well-pre- served theca. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Franklin Co., Tennessee, U.S.A. [E. 8142.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A large theca. [E. 8143.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A theca of medium size, nearly perfect. - , var. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Middle Tennessee, U.S.A. 749.] A theca. , var. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Mt. Suno, Alabama, U.S.A. [E. 7 50.] G. Sowerby Coll. Two thecas, one free, one on matrix. W1TH L1sT or srnonunns. 47 , var. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Franklin Co., Ten- nessee, U.S.A. 8127.] Presented by T. Rupert Jones. Ten thecas, of which four are transsected. Pentremites godoni (Defrance): var. No. 5, R. Etheridge fil. & P.'H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 159, pl. ii, f. 6. -——. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group'?: U.S.A. 7998.] J. G. Grenfell Coll. A theca. Pentremites godoni (Defrance): var. No. 6, R._ Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 159. Perdremites gocloni (Defrance): var. No. 6, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 159, pl. ii, f. 5. 611. Lower Carboniferous: U.S.A. [E. 946.] A rather worn theca, type of var. Pentremites godoni (Defrance): var. N0. 7, R. Etheridge‘ fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 159. Pentr-e*2m'tes god0m' (Defrance): var. N 0. 7, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 159, pl. ii, f. 7. QB. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Kentucky, U.S.A. 752.] W. Cunnington Cell. A theca, type of var. Pentremites godoni (Defrance), var. abbreviatus. Pentre-mites abbreviatus, G. Hambach, 1880, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, p. 155, pl. B,_f. 3. Pentremites godoni, var. N o. 4 (=abbrem'atus, Hambach), R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp.159,160. Pentremitrs godoni (Defrance), var. aZ>brem'atus, Hambach : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 160, pl. ii, f. 4. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Chester, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 669.] Presented by.P. H. Carpenter. A theca. , . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Prairie du Long, Illinois, U.S.A.. [E. 751.] A theca. —-, . Lower Carboniferous, ‘? Chester Group: U.S.A. [E. 7997.] J. G. Grenfell Coll. Two thecas. Pentremites godoni, var. florealis. “ Asterial Fossil, &c.,” J. Park- inson, 1808, Organic Remains, ii, p. 235, pl. xiii, ff. 36, 37 . Errors’- mltes florealis, E. F. von Schlotheim, 1820, Petrefactenkunde, p. 339. Pentremites flo-real/is (Schlotheim), G. A. Goldfuss, 1836, Petrefacta Germaniae, i, p. 161, pl. l, H. 2a-o. 'Pem‘remites _r/ocloni (Defrance), var. 3, vel var. florealis (Schlotheim): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Car- penter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 159, 160. Pentremites gocloni (Defrance), var. fiorealis (Schlotheim): R. Ethe- ridge fil. 82; P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 159, 160, pl. ii, f. 2. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A. , [E. 8118.] A theca. 48 THE SPECIES on BLASTOIDEA [Pentremites godoni, var. florealis, continued.] , . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Huntsville, Ala- bama, U.S.A. [E. 748.] Transferred from Museum of Practical Geology. Five thecas. [E. 1228.] Presented by J . E. Lee. Two thecas. , . Lower Carboniferous, ? Chester Group: U.S.A. [E. 7 996.] J . G. Grenfell Coll. A theca. Pentremites godoni, var. major. Pentremites gorloni (Defrance) :' var. N 0. 1, vel var. major: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886,. Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 159, 160. Pentremites gooloni (Defrance): var. major, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus.l p. 160, pl. ii, f. 1. 91:. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Franklin Co., Tennessee, U.S.A. [E. 321.] Presented by T. Rupert Jones. A theca, type of var. Pentremvltes godoni (Defrance): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 101, 157 , pl. xii, f. 17. Lower Carboniferous: “ Alabama” ['?], U.S.A. 772.] Theca, with summit ground. Certainly var. major, though not so identified by Q E.&C. , . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Franklin Co., Ten- nessee, U.S.A. [E. 7 53.] Presented by T. Rupert Jones, Two thecas. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Mt. Sun 0, Alabama,. U.S.A. [E. 754.] G. Sowerby Coll. Two thecas, one ground on top. Pentremites godoni, pars, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886 (non Defrance): v. Pentremites burlingtonensis [E. 7 62]. Pentremites granulatus, C. F. Roemer, 1851 (sub Peatatrematites) : v. Orbitremites ? granulatus. Pentremites (Granatocrinus) granulosus, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1865: v. Schizoblastus? granulosus. Pentremites grosvenori, B. F. Shumard, 1858 : v. Troostocrinus ?' grosvenori. Pentremites hemisphericus, G. Hambach, 1880, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, p. 157, pl. B, f. 7. Pentremites hemisphericw, Hambach : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 156, pl. xvi, f. 21. Pentremites inflatus, “ Gilb.” : J . Phillips, 1836 : v. Orophocrinus verus. Pentremites inflatus ?, L. G. De Koninck, 1842 (non G. B. Sowerby) : v. Phaenoschisma. caryophyllatum. WITH LIST or srncmnns. 49 Pentremites kentuckyensis, B. F. Shumard, 1858: v. Phae‘no- schisma ? kentuckyense. Pentremites koninckana, J . Hall, 1856: v. Pentremites con- oideus. Pentremites laterniformis, D. D. Owen & B. F. Shumard, 1850: v. Tricoelocrinus ? laterniformis. Pentremites leda, J . Hall, 1862: v. Pentremitidea? leda. Pentremites lineatus, B. F. Shumard, 1858: v. Metablastus lineatus. Pentremites longicostalis, J. Hall, 1859, Rep. Geol. Surv. Iowa, i, Supplement, p. 85. Pentremites lotoblastus (C. A. White): B. Etheridge fi1.& P. H. Carpenter, 1882: V. Orbitremites? lotoblastus. Pentremites lycorias, J . Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. N at. Hist. N .Y. p. 151. Pentremites Zicorias, Hall: B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 385. “Genus indet.,” R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 138. Pentremites maia, J . Hall, 1862: v. Pentremitidea leda, var. maia. Pentremites melo, D. D. Owen & B. F. Shumard, 1850: v. Crypto- blastus melo. Pentremites melo, var. projectus, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1861 : v. Cryptoblastus ? projectus. Pentremites missouriensis (B. F. Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 223; errore pro Granatocrinus mz'ssow~z'-ensis: v. Schizoblastus ? missouriensis. Pentremites missouriensis, G. C. Swallow, 1863, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 8] . Pentremites missouriensis, Swallow: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 144. Syn. of Pentremétes sulcatus, Roemer: C. R. Keyes, 1894, Rep. Geol. Surv. Missouri, iv, p. 135. ‘ Pentremites nodosus, G. Hambach, 1880, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, p. 155, pl. B, f. 2. Pentremites noclosus, Hambach: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 144. Pentremites norwoodi, D. D. Owen & B. F. Shumard, 1850: v. Orbitremites norwoodi. E 50 THE srnoms on BLASTOIDEA Pentremites obesus, S. S. Lyon, 1857 , Rep. Geol. Surv. Kentucky, iii, p. 469, pl. ii, if. 1, 1 a—e. Pantremites obesus, Lyon : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 167. Pentremites obesus, S. S. Lyon: B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 167. Lower Carboniferous, Horizon unknown: U.S.A. 756.] A rather battered theca. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Pope Co., Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8140.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A slightly crushed theca. [E. 8141.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Theca devoid of basals and much crushed. Pentremites obliquatus (C. F. Roemer, 1851, as Pentatrematites): F. Dujardin & H. Hupé, 1862 : v. Tricoelocrinus obliquatus. Pentremites oblongus, “ Gilb.”: J. Phillips, 1836: v. Mesoblastus elongatus. Pentremites occidentalis, B. F. Shumard MS. (fide C. F. Roemer, 1851) : v. Tricoelocrinus obliquatus. Pentremites orbicularis, “ Gilb.”: J. Phillips, 1836: v. Orbi- tremites orbicularis. Pentremites orbignyanus, L. G. de Koninck, 1842: v. Oropho- crinus orbignyanus. . Pentr'emites ? ovalis. Pentremites ovalis, G. A. Goldfuss, Petrefacta Germaniae, 1826, i, p. 161, pl. 1, ff. 1a—c. Pentatre-matites ovalis, Goldfuss: C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 355. Pm- tremites‘? ovalis, Goldfuss: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 156. “ Pentremites ovalis Say in Silliman Americ. Journ. 36,” erroneous reference by C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 355. Pentremites ovalis, J. Phillips, 1841: v. Pentremitidea phillipsi. Pentremites ? ovalis. Pentremites ovalis, D. D. Owen, 1843, Catal. Geol. Specimens Ohio Valley, N o. 251. Pentremites pailletti, P. E. P. de Verneuil, 1844: v. Pentremi. tidea paillettei. Pentremites pentagonalis, E. Forbes, 1848, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. ii. (2), p. 259, f. a. Referred by O. F. Roemer, 1851, to Coclaster acutus (q. v.). Pentremites pentagonalis, J . Morris, 1854: v. Orophocrinus pentangularis. WITH LIST or srncrnnns. 51 Pentremites pentangularis, “ Gilb.”: J. Phillips, 1836: v. Ora- phocrinus pentangularis. "Pentremites piriformis ?, v. Pentremites godoni, var. o. 2 [7 5963]. Pentremites piriformis. Pentremite pg/r1Z;"0rmis, T. Say, 1825, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia (1) iv, p. 294; and Zool. Journ. ii, p. 314. Pentatrematc'tes pg/mlformis, Say: C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 354, pl. v, if. 9 a—c. Pentremites pyri- formis, Say : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 167 ; they include Pentremites symmetricus, J . Hall, 1858, Rep. Geol. Surv. Iowa, i (2), p. 694, pl. xxv, f. 14. Pentremites Zoyriformz's, T. Say: B.. Etheridge fil. 8: P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 60, 167, pl. i, f. 1. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Kentucky, U.S.A. [E. 8097.] W. Cunnington Coll. A theca. Pentremites pyriformis, T. Say: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 12, 168, pl. ii, f. 25. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: (? Huntsville, Alabama) U.S.A. [E. 8105.] A theca, handed over by the authors as the figured specimen. ‘ .Pentremites pg/riforonis, T. Say: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 12, 168, pl. ii, f. 28. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: (? Huntsville, Alabama) U.S.A. [E. 8108.] A theca, handed over by the authors as the figured spec1men. Pentremites loyriformis, T. Say: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 12, 168, pl. ii, f. 30. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: (‘.7 Huntsville, Alabama) U.S.A. [E. 8110.] A theca handed over by the authors as the figured specimen. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A. ‘ [E. 764.] Two weathered thecas on matrix. [E. 766.] A theca. -——. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Alabama, U.S.A. [E. 8129.] Presented by J. N. Pearson. Two thecas, much weathered. ' Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Chester, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 7 65.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. Seven cut and polished thecal fragments. [E. 8149.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Two thecas of typical form. [E. 8185.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Four-rayed theca, imperfect above. ---—-. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Alleghanies, U.S.A. [E. 7 68.] Presented by J. N. Pearson. Three thecas on matrix. B 2 52 THE srncrns or masrornna [Pentremites piriformis, continued.] . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Cumberland Mt., Tennessee, U.S.A. [E. 7 69.] G. Sowerby Coll. A rather im- perfect theca. -—--. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Bowling Green, Ken- tucky, U.S.A. 7992.] Presented by Hugh Kimbley. Two well-preserved thecas. _ -. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: (? Kentucky) U.S.A. [E. 8128.] Two rather weathered thecas. ' --. Lower Carboniferous, (‘Z Chester Group): U.S.A. [E. 7 70.] Presented by J . N. Pearson. A weathered theca with adherent matrix. [E. 7 995.] J. Grenfell Coll. A good little theca. , var. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Chester and Pope Cos., Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8170.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Three thecas intermediate between typical P. layriformis and var. symmetricus. Pentremites piriformis, ‘ var. symmetricus. Pentream'tes sym- metricus, J. Hall, 1858, Rep. Geol. Surv. Iowa, i (2) p. 694, pl. xxv, f. 14. Pentremites pyrif0rmz's, Say, var. symmetricus, Hall: R. Ethe- ridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 168, pl. ii, f. 24. Pentremites pg/riformis, T. Say, var. sg/mmetrdcus, J. Hall : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 12, 168, pl. ii, f. 24. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : U.S.A. [E. 8111.] A theca handed over by the authors as the figured specimen. , . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A. [75964.] Presented by J. N. Pearson. Three thecas. , . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Kentucky, U.S.A. [E. 771.] Two rather weathered thecas, one ground on top. . —, ——-. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Chester, Illinois, ' U.S.A. [E. 8146.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A small theca. [E. 8147.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A medium-sized theca, with swollen basals. [E. 8148.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A large well-preserved theca. Pentremites potteri, G. Hambach, 1.880: v. Schizoblastus sayi. Pentremites praelongus, W. H. Baily, 1886: v. Orophocrinus praelongus et 0. pentangularis. Pentremites projectus (as var. of P. melo), F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1861 : v. Cryptoblastus projectus. Pentremites puzos, G. von Miinster, 1839: v. Orophocrinus puzos. wrrn msr or srnonunns. 53 Pentremites pyriformis, Say, 1825: v. Pentremites piriformis. Pentremites pyriformis, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, . pars (non Say) : v. Pentremites elegans [7 5972, E. 8106, E. 8107, E. 8109]. Pentremites reinwardtii, G. Troost, 1835: v. Troostocrinus reinwardti. Pentremites robustus, S. S. Lyon, 1860, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, p. 629, pl. xx, ff. 2a—c. Pentremites ro/mstus, Lyon: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 156. Pentremites robustus, S. S. Lyon: F. A. Bather, 1899, in Lankester’s Zoology, Cap. Blastoidea, f. xv, 1. Lower Carboniferous: Chester Group: Chester, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8145.] T. A. Worthen Coll. -_ A well-preserved theca. —. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Chester, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8153.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Four slightly weathered thecas. [E. 8157.] T. A. Worthen Coll. One large theca. ‘ ——-— ‘? Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Alleghanies, U.S.A. [E. 759.] Presented by J. N. Pearson. A theca. Pentremites roemeri, B. F. Shumard, 1855: v. Orbitremites? roemeri et Schizoblastus missouriensis. Pentremites sampsoni, G. Hambach, 1884: v. Schizoblastus sampsoni. Pentremites sayi, B. F. Shumard, 1855: v. Schizoblastus sayi. Pentremites schultzii, E. J. A. d’Archiac & P. E. P. de Verneuil, ' 1845: v. Cryptoschisma schulzi. Pentremites sirius, C. A. White, 1862 : v. Orophocrinus sirius. Pentremites spinosus, G. Hambach, 1880, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, p. 154, pl. B, f. 1. Perztrenzites spinosus, Hambach: R. Etheridge ‘ fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 145. Pentremites stelliformis, D. D. Owen & B. F. Shumard, 1850: ' v. Orophocrinus stelliformis. . Pentremites ? striatus. Pentremz'tes striatus, J. Hall, 1858, Rep. ‘ Geol. Surv. Iowa, i(2), p. 485 (compared to P. subtrmzcatus [=Codaster] & P. reinwcz-rclti '[= Troostocrinus]). “ [Pentremc'tes] striatus, Hall, MS. ,’ ’ . R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 138. Pentremites subconoideus, F. B. Meek, 1873, 6th Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. Territ. for 187 2, p. 471, footnote. 54 THE srncms or BLASTOIDEA ' Pentremites subcylindricus, J. Hall & R. P. Whitfield, 1875 : v. Metablastus ? subcylindricus. Pentremites subtruncatus, J. Hall, 1858 : v. Codaster ? subtrun- catus. Pentremites sulcatus. Pentcttrematites sulcatm, C. F. Roemer, 1851,. Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 354, pl. vi, if. 10 a—c. Pentremites sulcatus, Roemer: B. F. Shumard, 1886, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 385.. Said by J. Hall & B. F. Shumard to include Pentremites cherolceus (q. v.)- Peaztrelrv-rites suZcat'u..s-, Roemer: R. Etheridge fil. & P; H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 165. Perhaps includes Pcnt1~emc'te.s* missouriensis, Swallow (q. v.). Pe'nt1~e1m'.tes sulcatus, C. F. Roemer: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 61, 101, 165, pl. i, E. 9, 10- Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Chester, Illinois, U.S.A. 8098.] A theca. Pentremites sulcatus, C. F. Roemer: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 41, 94, 165, pl. xvi, f. 20, & pl. xviii, f. 5. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Illinois, U.S.A.. [E. 8099.] Micro-section, and the two halves of the theca from which it was cut. --'-—-. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Chester, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 757 .] A large theca, and a rather weathered theca. [E. 8155.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A very perfect theca. [E. 8158.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Two well-preserved thecas, one rather crushed. —-—. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Franklin Co., Tennessee, U.S.A. [E. 8144.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A perfect theca, with peristomial covering-plates. . Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group : Evansville, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8156.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Three thecas. Pentremites sulcatus, K. A. Zittel, 1879, Handb. d. Palaeont. i',. p. 432, f. 305 a- (non Roemer): v. Pentremites conoideus. Pentremites symmetricus, J . Hall, 1858: v. Pentremites piri-- formis and var. symmetricus. ' Pentremites tennesseae, G. Troost, nom. nud., 1849, Amer. Journ. Sci. (2) viii, p. 419; and 1850, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1849, p. 60. Quoted by B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 386; and by R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 145. Pehtremites troosti. Pentremites globosus, G. Troost MS., quoted by J. Hall, 1858, Rep. Geol. Surv. Iowa, i (2) p. 695, pl. xxv, f. 17 (non. P. globosa, Say). Pentremites troosti, B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Aca Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 386. “Pentremites globosus (Troost), Hall”: R. Eth ridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 144. WITH LIST or SPEGIMENS. 55 -——. Lower Carboniferous, Chester Group: Evansville, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8161.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Three rather rolled thecas. . Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Limestone: Hardin Co.‘, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8162.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Five nearly perfect thecas. [E. 8163.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A theca with brachioles on matrix. [E. 8164.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Five well-preserved thecas, labelled “ Pentremites k0ninc7rcma.” Pentremites truncatus. Pentremites truncata, T. A. Conrad, 1844, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1843, (1) i, p. 334. Pentremites varsouviensis, A. H. Worthen, 1875: v. Meta- blastus varsouviensis. Pentremites verneuili, G. Troost, 1841: v. Nucleocrinus ver- neuili. Pentremites waterhousei, J. Rofe, 1865: v. Orophocrinus pent- angularis. Pentremites waterhousianus, L. G. de Koninck & H. Le Hon, 1854 : v. Orophocrinus pentangularis. Pentremites? whitei. Pentremites whitei, J. Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. Nat. Hist. N .Y. p. 150. “ Genus indet.,” R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 138. See also under Pentremitidea. filosa. Pentremites woodmani, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1868 : v. Tri- coelocrinus woodmani. Pentremites wortheni, J . Hall, 1858: v. Metablastus wortheni. Pentremites sp., R. Etheridge fil. (pars), 1881: v. Phaenoschisma. benniei. Pentremites sp., G. F. Whidborne, 1881 : v. Tricoelocrinus ? leei, et Pentremitidea ? whidbornei. PENTREMITIDEA, A. D. d’Orbigny, 1849, Prodr. Pal. Strat. i, p. 102. Pentremiticlcea, A. D. d’Orbigny, 1852, Cours élém. Pal. Géol. ii, p. 139. Pentremiticlea, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 220; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. ' Mus. p. 169. Type-species —P. paillettei. 1 This is the t e-locality; but Hall quotes the species from “ Kaskaskia Limestone ” [=Chester Grouypl]. 56 THE srncrns or nmsromna Pentremitidea acutangula. Pentremites acutangulus, L. Schultze, 1867, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xxvi (2), p. 225, pl. xiii, ff. 6, 6 a—c. Pent:-emitidea acutangula (Schultze): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Car- penter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 223; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 171. ' Pentremitidea americana, W. H. Barris, 1883, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, vii, p. 363. Pentremitidea amerz'crma, Barris: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 171. Pentremitidea angulata, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 224; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 180. Pentreaniticlea angulata, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 224, QC; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. ' Mus. pp; 17, 104, 180, pl. iv, if. 13, 14, 16. Lower Devonian : [Cata- logued as] “ ‘? Ferroiies, Province of Asturias, Spain”; [Registered as] “ Sabero, Leon, Spain ” [Original label missing]. 7 92.] Trans- ferred from Museum of Practical Geology. A theca. . Lower Devonian: Sabero, Leon, Spain. 791.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. A theca which in all probability formed part of the type-material. Pentremitidea. clavata. Pentremites clcwatus, L. Schultze, 1867, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xxvi (2), p. 225, pl. xiii, ff. 7, 7 a-e. Pentremitidea clavata (Schultze): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 223 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 176. Pentremitidea clcwata (L. Schultze): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Car- penter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 11, 104, 176, pl. iv, if. 17, 18. Middle Devonian, Eifel Limestone: The Eifel 1, Ger- many. [E. 794.] A theca. Lower Devonian: Sabero, Leon, Spain. 793.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. Two thecas. Pentremitidea. clavata, var. schultzei, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 177, pl. v, ff. 3-5. Pentremitidea olavata, var. schultzei, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 56, 93, 104, 177, pl. v, ff. 3, 4, 5, QII. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 8124.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. A theca, type of var. Pentremitidea cottaldi (Munier-Chalmas) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883: v. Metablastus cottaldi. Pentremitidea eifelensis. Pentrttremafites pailleti, C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 368 (pars). Pentatrematz'tes eifeliensis, C. F. Roemer, 1855, Lethaea Geogn. Ed. iii, Theil 2, p. 280, footnote. 1 The definite locality “Nollenbach, near Kerpen,” as given in Cat. Blastoidea, is copied from Schultze ; the source of this specimen is unknown. wrrn LIST on srncmnns. 57 Pentremites eifeliensis (Roemer), L. Schultze, 1867, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xxvi (2), p. 223, pl. xiii, ff. 5, 6, c (‘.7 5, 5, a, d, e). Pen- tremiticlea eifelensis (Roemer): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 223 _: and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 17 4. Pentremiticlea eifelensis (C. F. Roemer): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 11, 104, 174, pl. v, if. 1, 2. Middle Devonian, Eifel-kalk: Gerolstein, Eifel, Germany. [E. 8123.] A theca. -—-——-. Middle Devonian, Eifel-kalk: Gerolstein, Eifel, Germany. [E. 397 .] Two thecas. - [E. 673.] Two thecas. [E. 1204.] Presented by J . E. Lee. Thirty-two thecas. . Middle Devonian, Eifel—kalk : Priim, Eifel, Germany. 1727.] Presented by Frank Springer. Six thecas. Pentremitidea filosa, J. F. Whiteaves, 1887, Contrib. Canad. Palaeont. i, p. 104, pl. xiv, ff. 1, 1 a, lb ; “ perhaps the same as Pentremites whitei, Hall.” Pentremitidea filosa. ? Pentremitidea filosa, \Vhiteaves ?: S. Weller, May 1898, Ann. N .Y. Acad. Sci. xi, pp. 122, 123, pl. xiv, f. 3. Pentremitidea fraiponti. Pentremites fmiponti, J. Fraipont, ex G. Dewalque, MS., 1884, Ann. Soc. géol. Belgique, xi, p. 114, pl. i, if. 6, a—g. Pentremz'tz'cZea. fraz'19ont'£, “ Dewalque ” : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 171. Pentremitidea. gilbertsoni, R. Etheridge fil. At P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 179, pl. v, if. 9, 10, 11. Pentrcmitidea gilbertsooci, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 179. TE. Lower Devonian: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 662.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. A theca forming part of type-material but not the figured specimen. Pentremitidea? gracilis. Pentetrematc'tes gracilis, J. v. Steininger, 1849, Jahresb. Schul-Cursus, 1848-49, Gymnas. zu Trier, p. 19. Pen- tremitidea ? gracilis (Steininger) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 171, 181. Pentremitidea ? leda. Pentremites Zeda, J. Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. Nat. Hist. N .Y. p. 149, pl. i, f. 11. Pcntremiticlea? Zeda (Hall) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 171. Gra'nat0cri'nus Zeda (Hall) : J. F. I/Vhiteaves (& C. VVachs- muth), 1887, Contrib. Canad. Palaeont. i, p. 108, pl. xiv, if. 3, 3 a—_}‘'. Pentremitidea? leda, var. maia. Pentremites maria, J. Hall, 1862, 15th Rep. State Cab. N at. Hist. N. Y. p. 150, pl. i, f. 10. “Genus indet.,” R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886. Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 138. Var. of Pentremitz'cZea (vel Grancetocrivzus) Zecla, R. P. Whitfield, quoted in J. F. Whiteaves, 1887, Contrib. Canad. Palaeont. i, p. 109. 58 THE srnoms or BLASTOIDEA Pentremitidea lusitanica, R. Etheridge fil. 8: P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ( 5) ix, p. 223 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 173, pl. iv, if. 11, 12, 15, pl. v, f. 20, pl. x, f. 1. Pentremiticlca lusitanica. R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 223, 115 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 24, 62, 104, 173, pl. iv, ff. 11, 12, £15. Lower Devonian, Calcaire de Ferroiies: Asturias, Spain. 789.] Trans-- ferred from Museum of Practical Geology. A theca. Lower Devonian: Asturias, Spain. 790.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. Two thecas, forming part of type-material. Pentremitidea. malladai. Pentremiticlea mallaclaa, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) xi, p. 243. Pen- tremfiiclea malladai, Eth. & Carp. : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 175. Pentremitidea malladre, R. Etheridge fil. 8: P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xi, p. 243, @E. Pentremitidea malladai, Eth. & Carp.: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 104, 175, pl. v, if. 18, 19. Lower Devonian, Calcaire. d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain.. [E. 786.] Atheca. Pentremitidea medusa, O. Jaekel, 1895, Palaeont. Abhandl. vii, p. 12, pl. i& pl. ii, f. 2. Pentremitidea. milwaukensis, S. Weller, May 17, 1898, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. xi, pp. 123, 124, pl. xiv, f. 5. Pentremitidea paillettei. Pentremites pailletti, P. E. P. de Verneuil, 1844, Bull. Soc. géol. France (2) i, p. 213, pl. iii, ff. 4, 5. Pentremites- pailletti, E. J. A. d’Archiac & P. E. P. de Verneuil, 1845, Bull. Soc. Géol. France (2) ii, p. 479, pl. xv, if. 10, 11. Pentremitidea paillettei (de Verneuil): A. D. d’Orbigny, 1849, Prodr. Pal. Strat. i, p. 102. Penta- trematites pailleti, de Verneuil : C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 368, pl. vii, ff. 17 a—c. Peittrenzites dutertr-52' (errore), C. F. Roemer, op. cit. p. 374. Pentremitidea pailletti (de Verneuil) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 223. Pentremittdea paillettei (de Verneuil) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 172. Pentremitidea paillettei (P. E. P. de Verneuil): R. Etheridge fil. 80 P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 49, 172, pl. xvii, f. 11. Lower Devonian, Calcaire do Ferrofies: Asturiasl, Spain. [E. 1062.] Longitudinal micro-section of theca. Pentremiticlea pcrillettei (P. E. P. de Verneuil): R. Etheridge fil. 80 P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 104, 17 2, pl. iv, 1 This locality was said by Etheridge & Carpenter, 1886, to be unrepresented in the Museum collection ; but this specimen and 38609 were registered and labelled “Asturias,” and so given in Explanation to Plates. WITH msr on srnemnns. 59 f. 8. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain [as on p. 173, not “Asturias” as in Explanation of Plate]. [E. 8126.] Transferred from Museum of Practical Geology. A theca. Pmtrem/iticlea _pcriZZette/Z (P. E. P. de Verneuil) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 24, 172, pl. xiv, f. 13. Lower Devonian (‘P Calcaire de Fe1'1‘o'f1es): Asturias, Spain [as in Explanation to Plate, not “ Colle, near Sabero, Leon ” as on p. 173]. [38609 a]. Presented by P. Pratt. A theca. . Lower Devonian (? Calcaire dc Ferrofies): Asturias, Spain. [38609] Presented by S. P. Pratt. Two thecas. Lower Devonian: Sabero, Leon, Spain. 785.] Transferred from Museum of Practical Geology. Eleven thecas, some out in half. Pentremitidea. paillettei, P. H. Carpenter (pars), 1882 (non de Ver- neuil): v. Phaenosclnisma arehiaci. Pentremitidea. ? phillipsi. Pe'nt';-emitcs or l)entetre;;2atites ovalis, J. Phillips, 1841, Pal. Foss. Cornwall, p. 29, pl. xiv, if. 40 (L, 5 (non Goldfuss). Gen. et sp. indet., R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 129, 139. P61zt7'69nit2'ct6(t 1J7z.c'ZZ1'p.s:i:l, G. F. Whidborne, 1899, Pal. Soc. for 1898, Mon. Devon. Fauna, iii (3), p. 212, pl. xxix, if. 5, 5a, 6. Pentremitidea plana. Pent(m~e-nzatz'tes jalrmws, G. Sandberger, 1842, nom. nud., Neues Jahrb. f. Hin. 18-12, p. 396 ; and G. & C. L. F. Sand- berger, 1856, Verstein. Rhein. Schichten Nassau, p. 403, pl. xxv, ff. 4 a, 5. “An aberrant Pentreom'tirlca.,” It. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 181. Pentremitidea roemeri. P@v"z.trem'it@s e?;fcZie'72.s-i.s', L. Schultze, 1867, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xxvi (2) p. 223, pl. xiii, ff. 5, 5 (1, cl, 6 (non 5b, 0). Peiztremztirlea r*ocmewl: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Car- penter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 175, pl. v, f. 15, 8: pl. xvi, f. 11. Pentremitidea. schultii (E. J. A. d’Archiac & P. E. P. de Verneuil) :. A. D. d'Orbigny, 1849: v. Cryptoschisma schulzi. Pentremitidea similis, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 225 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 180, pl. v, f. 16, & pl. x, ff. 2—4. Perz-z‘v~em'£t'icZea sim-iZ‘z's : R. Etheridge fil. 8: P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ix, p. 225, H; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 104, 180, pl. v, f. 16. Middle Devonian, Eifel-kalk: Priim, Eifel, Germany. 788.] The Authors’ label states that this is also the original of Cat. Blastoidea, pl. x, ff. 2, 3, 4, which is impossible. ? Middle Devonian : Gerolstein, Eifel, Germany. 2012.] Presented by J. E. Lee. A theca. 60 THE srncrns or BLASTOIDEA Pentremitidea. wachsmuthi, R. Etheridge fil. 8: P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 178, pl. v, ff. 6—8. Pentv~e-imlticlea wachsmuthi, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 20, 24, 37, 178, pl. v, ff. 6, 7, 8. FL Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 787.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. A theca. ——-—. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 8125.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. Two thecas, one broken at the basi-radial sutures. They form part of type-material. Pentremitidea whidbornei. Pentre-mites sp., G. F. )Vhidborne, 1881, Geol. Mag. (2) viii, p. 288. Pem‘rem'£t-iclea ? w7zz'cZZ>02:'ne£, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 130, 171, pl. iv, f. 7. The type is in the Rev. G. F. Whidborne’s collection. PHIENQSCHISMA, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 226; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 270. Type-species-—P. acutmn. Phaenoschisma acutum. Penz‘atrewmtites acu-ta, G. B. Sowerby, 1834, Zool. Journ. v, p. 456, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 6 (2 views). Pe/ntremz'te.s' acutus, “ Gilb.”: J. Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207, pl. iii, if. 4, 5, 5*“. P/ta2n0.5'ch2'.s‘7na acutum (Sowerby): R. Etheridge fil. &- P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 229 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 276, pl. xiv, ff. 10—12. Pentazfrematites acute (G. B. Sowerby), 1834, Zool. Journ. v, p. 456, Suppl.-pl. xxxiii, f. 6 1. Q1. Pentreimltes aeutus, “ Gilb.”: J. Phillips, 1836, Geol. Yorksh. ii, p. 207, pl. iii, if. 4, 5, .Ph(8'7L086'7L?:S'm(t acutu.m. (G. B. Sowerby): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 276, pl. xiv, ff. 10, 11, 1.2. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Bolland, Lancashire (pro- bably from the Calamine Mines). 8130.] Gilbertson Coll., No. 75. A theca. _ Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone : Bolland, Lau- cashire, England. [E. 831.] Gilbertson Coll., N o. 7 5. Pheenoschisma archiaci. Pe1m:em'iz‘-iclea przilleti (pars), P. H. Car- Pent“, 1882, Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1881, pt. 2, p. 634 (non de Verneuil). Phcmzoschisma a.re7ziac~2'-, R. Etheridge fil. 8: P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag Nat“ Hist: (5) ix, P~ 230; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. P- 274. i)1- Xi, f- 7. p1- xii, f. 10, pl. xiv, if. 54‘, pl. xvii, f. 15. Phcenosclzisma a2-club-oi, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann, Mag Nat Hist (-5) ix. 1>- 230%; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mug, 1 Not ff. 6a-0, as quoted by Etheridge 8: Carpenter, Z00. nit. There are not 3 figures, only and these are not lettered. It was probably intended to letter the ambulacral areas in the upper figure, but this was not done. The plate 1s rare, and apparently was not seen by Etheridge & Carpenter. WITH LIsT or srncmnns. 61 pp. 62, 274, pl. xiv, f. 6. Lower Devonian, Calcaire de Ferrofies : Ferrofies, Asturias, Spain. [E. 8032.] J . Tennant Coll. A theca, one of two type-specimens. . Phoenoschisma archiaci, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. §Hist. (5) ix, p. 230, fill; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 20, 89, 274, pl. xii, f. 10, & pl. xiv, ff. 5, 7. Lower Devonian, Calcaire de Ferrofies: Ferroiies, Asturias, Spain. 8033.] J. Tennant coll. A theca, one of two type-specimens. Phrenosohisma a-rchz'aci, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 89, 274, pl. xvii, f. 15. Lower Devonian, Calcaire de Ferrofies : Asturias, Spain. [E. 1061.] Lon- gitudinal micro-section of theca. Phamoschisma archiaci, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1.886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 275, pl. xi, f. 7. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 8031.] Transferred from Museum of .Practical Geology. Theca ground on top. . Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 829.] Transferred from Museum of Practical Geology. Seven thecas. ——-—. Lower Devonian, Calcaire de Ferroiies: Ferrofies, Asturias, Spain. [E. 830.] J . Tennant Coll. Ten thecas, which probably formed part of type-material. Phwnoschisma. benniei. Pentremites sp., R. Etheridge fil. (pars), 1881, Proc. N at. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, iv, p. 260, pl. v, f. 7. Pharma- schisma benniei, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blas- toidea Brit. Mus. p. 278, pl. ii, f. 37, pl. iv, ff. 5, 6. Phamoschisma bemzici, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 278. fill. Lower Carboniferous, Carboni- ferous Limestone (Shale above No. 2 Limestone) : Kidlaw Quarries, near Gifford, Haddingtonshire, Scotland. 666.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. Two thecas, forming part of type-material, but not -figured. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone (Shale above No. 2 Limestone); Kidlaw Quarries, Haddingtonshire, Scotland. [E. 1114.] Presented by J. Bennie. One theca. . Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone (Shale over No.2 Limestone): East Salton, Haddingtonshire, Scotland. [E.1115.] Presented by J. Bennie. Six thecas. Phaenoschisma caryophyllatum. Pentremites infiatus ‘?, L. G. de Koninck, 1842, Descr. Anim. Foss. Carbonif. Belgique, p. 38 (non Sowerby). - Pentatrematites orbignyanus ?, C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 358, pl. iv, if. 16 a—c only (non de Koninck). Pem‘-rem/ites earyopizg/ZZatz¢s, L. G. de Koninck &. H. Le Hon, 1854, Mém. Acad. Roy. Belgique, xxviii (2),p. 197, pl. vii, if. 3 a—c. Phcenosolrisma caryophyllatum (de Koninck & Le Hon): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 229 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 277, pl. xiv, if. 1-4, & pl. xvi'i_,‘f. 16. 62 THE srncrns or BLASTOIDEA [Phaenoschisma caryophyllatum, continued.] Phaenoschisma caryophyllatum (de Koninck & Le Hon): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 89, 227, pl. xvii, f. 16. Lower Carboniferous, Assise des Ecaussines: Tournay, Belgium. [E. 1053.] L. G. de Koninck Cell. A horizontal micro- section of theca. Phoenoschisma caryqahg/Zlatmn (de Koninck & Le Hon) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 16, 277, pl. xiv, f. 1. Lower Carboniferous, Assise des Ecaussines : Tournay, Belgium. 8034.] L. G. de Koninck Coll. A theca. Phwnosclzisv-na caryqolzyllatum (de Koninck & Le Hon): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 16, 57, 89, 277, pl. xiv, ff. 3, 4 (& ‘? f. 2). Lower Carboniferous, Assise des Ecaussines: Tournay, Belgium. 8035.] L. G. de Koninck Coll. A theca. -——. Lower Carboniferous, Assise des Ecaussines : Tournay, Belgium. [E. 833.] L. G. de Koninck Coll. Sixteen thecas. [E. 8036.] L. G. de Koninck Coll. A horizontal micro-section of the theca. Phaenoschisma ? kentuckyense. Pentremites (Codaster ?) Z"ent'uc.7cy- ensis, B. F. Shumard, 1858, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, p. 239, pl. ix, f. 5. Codaster kentuelcycnsie (Shumard): B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p, 359. Phoenoschisma ?kcnt'ae7ry/ensis» (Shumard) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 142, 273. Phwnoschisma nobile, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xi, p. 246; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 275, pl. xi, ff. 1-4. Phamoschisma nobile, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xi, p. 246, ill ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 30, 60, 89, 275, pl. xi, ff. 1, 4. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 663 a.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. A theca, one of two type-specimens. Phamoschisma nobile, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) xi, p. 246, 45 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 30, 89, 275, pl. xi, ff. 2, 3. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. 663 5.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. A theca, one of two type-specimens. Phaenoschisma. verneuili, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 229 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 273, pl. x, f. 18, pl. xi, ff. 5, 6, pl. xiv, ff. 8, 9. Phcenoschisma we-rneuz'Zi, R. Etheridge fil. 8: P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. ( 5) ix, p. 229, T1; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 62, 89, 273, pl. xi, f. 5, & pl. xiv, f. 9. Lower Devonian, Calcaire d’Arnao: Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. [E. 832.] Transferred from Museum of Practical Geology. A theca, one of two type-specimens. ' Q 0 0.. 00 \“0 O 0 on‘! civsa WITH IIsT or srnernnns. 63 Phcenoschisma verneuili, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 229, TE; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 24, 273, pl. x, f. 10, pl. xiv, f. 8. Lower Devonian, Cal- caire d’Arnao : Colle, near Sabero, Leon, Spain. 8030.] Trans- ferred from Museum of Practical Geology. A theca, one of two type-specimens. PHYLLOCRINUS, A. D. d’Crbigny, 1850, Prodr. Pal. Strat. ii, p. 110. Type-species—-P. malbosianus. “ C’est un Pentremites,” etc., A. D. d’O. Long considered a Blastoid, 'but now referred to the Crinoid family, Eugeniacrinidae. Platycrinites pentangularis, J. S. Miller, 1821: v. Or_ophocri- nus pentangularis. Protocrinites foveolatus, Eichwald, 1859: v. Asteroblastus stellatus. SCI-IIZOBLASTUS, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 243; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 220. Type-species—S'. sayi. Schizoblastus bailyi. Schizoblastus bailii, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 223, 228, pl. xvi, ff. 12, 13. Schizoblastus glaber (Meek & Worthen): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Mesoblastus? glaber. Schizoblastus ? granulosus. Pentremites (Grrtncztocrintls ?) granu- Zosus, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, 1865, p. 165. Granatocrinus gramdosus, Meek & Worthen: F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1873, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, v, p. 508, pl. xv, f. 10. Sclvizoblastus ‘? granulosus (Meek & Worthen): R. Ethe- ridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 247; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 223. . Lower Carboniferous, Keokuk Group : Warsaw, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8180.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Two thecas, one of which is crushed. Schizoblastus ? lotoblastus (C. A. White): B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886 : v. Orbitremites ? lotoblastus. Schizoblastus P magnibasis, R. R. Rowley, 1895; v. Orbitre- mites? magnibasis. Schizoblastus melo (D. D. Owen & B. F. Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882 : v. Cryptoblastus melo. Schizoblastus melonoides. Granatocrinus melonoicles, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1869, p. 88; and 1873, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, v, p. 468, pl. ix, f. 1. 64 THE SPECIES OF BLASTOIDEA [Schizob1astus melonoides, continued.] Srhizoblastus melouoides (Meek & Worthen): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 246 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 226, pl. vi, If. 15, 16. -———. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone: Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 814.] C. \Vachsmuth Coll. A theca. Schizoblastus ? missouriensis. Pentremites roemeri, B. F. Shumard, 1855, in Swallow’s First & Second Rep. Geol. Surv. Missouri, pt. 2, p. 186,. pl. B, if. 2, b, c, d (non a = Orbitremites roemeri). Granatocrinus missouriensis, B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 375. 8ch2'z0bZastu.s~? missouriensz's (Shumard): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 247; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 244. Sclzizoblastus ‘? roemeri (Shumard) :. C. R. Keyes, 1894, Rep. Geol. Surv. Missouri, iv, p. 137 ; who includes in it Pentremites sampsoni, Hambach (v. Schizoblastus sampsoni). Schizoblastus ? neglectus. Granatocri-nus negleotus, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1869, Proc. Acad. N at. Sci. Philadelphia, 1869, p. 90; and 1873, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, v, p. 471, pl. ix, f. 3. Schizo- blastus? neglectus (Meek & Worthen) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Car- penter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 246; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 223. Schizoblastus pisum (Meek & Worthen): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Cryptoblastus pisum. Schizoblastus potteri (G. Hambach): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Schizoblastus sayi. Schizoblastus? projectus (F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v.C'ryptob1a.stus? pro- jectus. ~ Schizoblastus ? roemeri: v. Orbitremites ? roemeri et Schizo- blastus ? missouriensis. Schizoblastus rofei. Granatocrinus refit, nom. nud., R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 238, /Schizoblastus rofei, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 228, pl. vi, f. 17, pl. viii, ff. 9-11, pl. xvii, f. 2. Sclzizoblastus rofei, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 92, 228, pl. xvii, f. 2. H. Lower Carbo- niferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Foot of Beneachlin, Florence Court, Fermanagh [not Wexford, as in explanation to plate], Ireland. [E. 1059.] Presented by Lord Enniskillen. Micro-section and the theca from which it was out. One of three type-specimens. Schizoblastus rofct, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 15, 228, pl. vi, f. 17 . H. Lower Carbo- niferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Foot of Beneachlin, Florence WITH LIST or srncrmnns. 65 P‘ Court, F ermanagh, Ireland. 8042.] Presented by Lord Ennis- killen. An imperfect, much weathered theca. One of three type- specrmens. /8'chizobZastas rofei, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 29, 62, 110, 228, pl. viii, ff. 9, 10, 11. H. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Foot of Beneachlin, Florence Court, Fermanagh, Ireland. 8043.] Presented by Lord Enniskillen. A small theca, with a little adherent matrix ; one of three type-specimens. . Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Foot of Ben- eachlin, Florence Court, Fermanagh, Ireland. 817 Pre- sented by Lord Enniskillen. Fifteen thecas, forming part of type- material, but not figured. Schizoblastus P samp:-roni. Pentremites sampsoni, G. Hambach, 1884, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, pp. 551, 552, pl. D,ff. 2, 2a. Schizoblastus? sampsoni (Hambach): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 223. Syn. of Schizoblrwtus ‘? roemeri (Shumard) : C. R. Keyes, 1894, Rep. Geol. Surv. Missouri, iv, p. 137; and S. A. Miller, 1897, Second Appendix to N. Amer. Geol. & Palaeont. p. 749 (v. S. missouriensis). Schizoblastus sayi. Pentremites sayi, B. F. Shumard, 1855, in Swallow’s First & Second Rep. Geol. Surv. Missouri, pt. 2, p. 185, pl. B, ff. 1, a—cl. Granatocrinus sayi (Shumard) : B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 376. Pentremites pottcri, G. Ham- bach, 1880, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, p. 156, pl. B, f. 4. Schizo- blastus sag/i (Shumard): -R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) ix, p. 246; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 223, footnote, p. 224, pl. iii, if. 1—3, pl. vi, f. 18, pl. x, f. 17, pl. xvii, f. 1 ; also as Schizoblastus pottcri (Hambach), op. cit. p. 142. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone: Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A. [E. 815.] C. Wachsmuth Coll. Five thecas, two ground on top. [E. 816.] L. Saemann Coll. Five specimens, 3 whole and 2 half thecas. [E. 8179.] T. A. Worthen Coll. Two thecas, one in chert, a weathered internal cast. Lower Carboniferous, Upper Burlington Limestone (Chert) : Louisiana, Mo., U.S.A. [E. 8005.] R. R. Rowley coll. Three thecas. Schizoblastus ? shumardi. Granatocrinus shwnarcli, F. ‘B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1866, p. 257 ; and 1868, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, iii. p. 498, pl. xviii, f. 6 b. Schizo- blastus ? slnmmrcli (Meek & Worthen): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Car- penter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 223; also as Zllesoblastus ? shwmarcli on pp. 244, 245. Schizoblastus sp. Lower Carboniferous, Keokuk Group: Warsaw, Illinois, U.S.A. [E. 8188.] T. A. Worthen Coll. A small theca, probably young. F 66 THE SPECIES or BLASTOIDEA STEGANOBLASTUS. Astrocystites, J. F. Whiteaves, July 1897, Canad. Rec. Sci. vii, p. 287 (non Aster-ocystis, Haeckel). Steganoblastus, J. F. Whiteaves, Jan. 1898, Canad. Rec. Sci. vii, p. 395. Type-species —S. ottawaensis. Steganoblastus canadensis, J. F. Whiteaves, 1898: v. Stega.no- blastus ottawaensis. Steganoblastus ottawaensis. Astrocystites ottawacnsis, J. F. Whit- eaves, July 1897 , Canad. Rec. Sci. vii, p. 287, if. 1-3. /8'tcgan0blct.s'tws canadensis, J. F. Whiteaves, J an. 1898, Canad. Rec. Sci. vii, p. 395. STEPHANOCRINUS, T. A. Conrad, 1842, Journ. Acad. N at. Sci. Philadelphia, viii, p. 278. Type-species-8. angulatus. This genus is now referred to the Crinoidea, and the names of undoubted Crinoid ' species are not quoted in the present list. Stephanocrinus pentalobus (Hall): S. A. Miller, 1889: v. Meta- blastus? pentalobus. ~ Stephanocrinus pulchellus (S. A. Miller & C. B. Dyer): S. A. Miller, 1889 : v. Codaster pulchellus. TRICCELOCRINUS, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1868, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1868, p.358; and 1873, Geol. Surv. Illinois, v, p. 507 (as subgenus of Pentremites). Tricoelocrinus, Meek 8t Worthen: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xi, p. 242; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 203. Type-species—-T. woodmani. Tricoelocrinus ? carpenteri, R. Etheridge fil., 1892, in R. Etheridge & R. L. Jack, Geol. & Palaeont. Queensland, p. 212, pl. xliv, f. 3. Tricoelocrinus? laterniformis. Pentremites Zaternifirmis, D. D. Owen & B. F. Shumard, 1850, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia (2) ii, p. 66, pl. vii, f. 15. “ Troosticrinus Zaterniformis [Owen & Shumard] (=Pentat-rcmitcs obliquatus, Roemer) : B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 384. “ Pentremites later-niformis [Owen & Shu- mard] (=P. sulcatus, Roemer)”: G. Hambach, 1880, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, iv, p. 147. “ Internal cast of Pmitrcmitcs? sp. indet.,” R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 156, 192. Trooszfocrinus Zaterniformis (Owen 8c Shumard): S. A. Miller, 1892, First Appendix to N. Amer. Geol. & Palaeont. p. 682. Tricmlocrinus ? leei, G. F. Whidborne, 1889, Geol. Mag. (3) vi, p. 80. Pentremites sp., G. F. Whidborne, 1881, Geol. Mag. (2) viii, p. 288; “fragmentary specimen . . . . in the collection of Mr. J. E. Lee.” Mctablastus sp., “has much the aspect of a Tricoclocrinus or WITH LIs'r or srnernnns. 67 lV[etabZastas,” R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blas- toidea Brit. Mus. pp. 130, 139, 198. Tr-icaeZoc1"inus? Zeci, G. F. Whidborne, 1889, Geol. Mag. (3) vi, p. 80. H. Middle Devonian (Tor Bay Limestone): Barton, 8. Devon, England. [E. 1044.] Presented by J. E. Lee. Imperfect theca, unique specimen. Tricoelocrinus meekianus, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 208, pl. xvi, if. 17, 18. Tricccloc:'rin/as mcelcicmas, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 197, 204, 2-08, pl. xvi, if. 17, 18. H. Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group (Warsaw Limestone): Spergen Hill, Indiana, U.S.A. 824.] A theca. Tricoelocrinus ololiquatus. Pc-nta.t2'cmctt'itcs oZ>Z'z'([aatus, C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 367, pl. vi, f. 11, a, 6 (includes Pentremites occidcntalis, B. F. Shumard MS., fide Roemer). Pentremites obZigz,tat'as, Roemer : F. Dujardin & H. Hupé, 1862, Hist. Nat. Echinod. p. 97. Ql’ric<2eZocr'imi.s OZ)Zt(1‘2(.(l.t?.(8 (Roemer): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xi, p. 243; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 206, pl. xviii, ff. 10-13. T'ri(:0eZocr'i'nu,s obliguatus (Roemer): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 95, 206, pl. xviii, ff. 10, 11. Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group (Warsaw Limestone) : Wash- ington Co., Indiana, U.S.A. 823.] A radial. Trio-oelocrimts ()bZiq'ua.tu.s (Roemer) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, ' 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 95, 206, pl. xviii, ff. 12, 13. Lower Carboniferous, St. Louis Group (\Varsaw Limestone) : VVash- ington Co., Indiana, U.S.A. 8093.] Lower part of right anterior radial. Tricoelocrinus obliquatus, F. B. Meek & A. H. Wo1‘then, 1875, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, vi, p. 521, pl. xxxi, if. 4 (1., 6 (non Roemer): v. Tricoelocrinus sp. Tricmlocrinus varsouviensis, A. H. VVo1'tl1en, 1875: v. Meta- blastus varsouviensis. Tricoelocrinus woodmani. Pentremites (Troostocrin-us‘? vel TricocZo- crinus ?) wooclmrmi, F. B. Meek & A. H. \Vorthen, 1869, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1868, p. 356 ; and 1873, Geol. Surv. Illinois, v, p. 506, pl. xvi, f. 4. T'ric0eZoc2'inus 2.ooocZmcmi, & \V.: R. Ethe- ridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) xi, p. 242; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 206, pl. xix, ff. 13-16. Triccclocrimis Qv00(Zm(lii'i (Meek & ‘Wort-hen): F. A. Bather, 1899, in Lankester’s Zoology, Cap. Blastoidea, f. xv, 2. Lower Carboniferous : Canton, Indiana, U.S.A. 8171.] T. A. Worthen Cell. A good theca. 68 THE srncrns or BLASTOIDEA Tricmlocrinus sp. Lower Carboniferous (probably St. Louis Group): Canton, Indiana, U.S.A. 8187.] T. A. )Vorthen Coll. A rather weathered theca in chert. Probably the same as T):zTca’Zoc1~2T1z.u.s obli- qaatus, Meek & Worthen, non Roemer. TROOSTOCRINUS. Troosz‘/icrin.us, B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii. p. 384, footnote. 1/‘rooster-rin.us, Shumard: F. B. Meek & A. H. Vlforthen, 1869, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1868, p. 356; and 1873, Rep. Geol. Surv. Illinois, v. p. 507 (as subgenus of Pen.Z‘/rc');'2,it6S). T:'00st0c)‘im.¢s, Shumard: R. Etheridge fil. 8: P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 247; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 191. Type-species—T. rcimcarclt-i. Troostocrinus bipyramidalis (J. Hall): Shumard, 1866: v. Metablastus bipyramidalis. Troostocrinus ? clavatus (G. Hambach) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Pentremites clavatus. Troostocrinus cottaldi (Hunier-Chalmas) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883: v. Metablastus cottaldi. T roostocrinus ? grosvenori. Pentremites (C/‘7'08'U677.07’?:, B. F. Shumard, 1858,Trans. Acad. Sci. St.Louis, i, p. 240, pl. ix, ff. 2a-(Z. T/'o0sticrinus'? tr/rosvcnofl, B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii, p. 384, footnote. Troostocrinus? g?:osvcn0'ri, Shumard : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) ix, p. 249 ; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 194. Troostocrinus hispanicus, R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883 : v. Metablastus hispanicus. Troostocrinus laterniformis (Owen & Shumard): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Tricoelocrinus laterniformis. Troostocrinus lineatus (Shumard): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Meta- blastus lineatus. Troostocrinus nitidulus, S. A. Miller & W. F. E. Gurley, 1890, Descr. new gen. and sp. Echinodermata, p. 58, Danville, Ill.; and 1891,Rep. Geol. Surv. Indiana, xvi, for 1888, p. 373; and pl. ix, ff. 14,15, pl. x, f. 14, of both publications. Troostocrinus reinwardti. Penzfrcmiicsrcinwarrltii, G. Troost, 1835, Trans. Geol. Soc. Pennsylvania, i, p.224, pl. x, ff. 10, 11. Pcnta.t-rema- tites reinwa.rcZtii. Troost: C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. Naturges. xvii (i), p. 372, pl. vi, ff. 12 a-c. Tro0sticr2'mz.s 'rei.mca:rcZtii (Troost): B. F. Shumard, 1866, Trans. Acad. Sci. Louis, ii, p. 384, footnote Tro0stocri'mis rcimoarrltii (Troost) : R. Etheridge fil. 6: P. H. Carpenter, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ix, p. 249. Troostocrinus reinu'm~(Zz‘i wrrn LIST OF srncrmnns. 69 (Troost): B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 194, Text-fig. vii, pl. xii, ff. 11, 12, pl. xvii, f. 17. Troostocrinus rez'mcav~cltz' (G. Troost) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 36, 194, pl. xii, f. 11. Silurian, Niagara Group : Decatur Co., W. Tennessee, U.S.A. 8094.] A theca. Troostocrinu-s reinwardti (G. Troost) : B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 93, 194, pl. xii, f. 12 : Silurian, Niagara Group : Decatur Co., W. Tennessee, U.S.A. [E. 8095.] A theca. Troostocm'nus reinwarclti (G. Troost) : R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 94, 194, pl. xvii, f. 17 : Silurian, Niagara Group: Decatur Co., W. Tennessee, U.S.A. [E. 8096.] A micro-section and the theca from which it was cut. -——. Silurian, Niagara Group: Decatur Co., W. Tennessee, U.S.A. [E. 825.] A theca. Troostocrinus subcylindricus (Hall & Worthen): S. A. Miller, 1889: v. Metablastus ? subcylindricus. Troostocrinus subtruncatus (J . Hall): R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1882: v. Codaster? subtruncatus. Troostocrinus wachsmuthi, W. F. E. Gurley, 1884: v. Meta- blastus wachsmuthi. Troostocrinus ? woodmani, F. B. Meek & A. H. Worthen, 1868: v. Tricoelocrinus woodmani. Troostocrinus wortheni (J . Hall): B. F. Shumard, 1866: v. Meta- blastus wortheni. ZYGOCRINUS. Astracrinites, T. & T. Austin, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1) x, p. 110 (nom. nud.). Astrocrénites, T. & T. Austin, March 1843, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1) xi, p. 206. Zygocrinu-5‘, H. G. Bronn, 1848, Index Pal., Nomenclator, p. 1381. Zygocrinus, C. F. Roemer, 1851, Arch. N aturges. xvii (i), p. 390. Astrocrinus, emend., B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 297. Type-species —Z. tetragonus. Zygocrinus benniei. Astrocrinites benniei, R. Etheridge fil., 187 6, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. xxxii, p. 103. Astrocrinus benniei, R. Etheridge fil.: B. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1883, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (5) xi, p. 237; and 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 301, pl. xix, f. 1, pl. xx, ff. 3-20. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone, Shale over No. 2 Limestone : E. Salton, Haddingtonshire, Scotland. [E. 667.] Presented by P. H. Carpenter. Ten specimens. [E. 1113.] Presented by J. Bennie. Eight specimens. 70 THE srncms or BLASTOIDEA. [Zygocrinus benniei, continued.] —. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone, Shale over No. 2 ' Limestone : Skateraw, near Dunbar, Scotland. 1111.] Presented by J. Bennie. Four specimens. ——-—. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone, Shale over No. 2 Limestone: Kidlaw, Haddingtonshire, Scotland. 1112.] Pre- sented by J. Bennie. Seven specimens. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone, Shale over No. 2 Limestone : Carlops Quarry, Peebleshire, Scotland. [E. 1378.] In exchange from Geol. Survey, Scotland. Twenty-one specimens. Zygocrinus tetragonus. Astracrinites tetmgonus, nom. nud., T. & T. Austin, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (1) x, p. 110. Astr0crz'm'tes tetragonus, T. & T. Austin, March 1843, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist. (1) xi, p. 206. Zygocrinus tetragonus (Austin): H. G. Bronn, 1848, Index Pal., Nomenclator, p. 1381. Astrom-inus tetragonus, Austin: R. Ethe- ridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 300. Astrocrinus tetragonus, Austin: R. Etheridge fil., 1876, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. xxxii, pp. 109, 114, pl. xiii, f. 26; and R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. pp. 26, 300, p1.xx, ff. 1, 2. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Yorkshire, England. [_75995.] Specimen identified and presented by Major Austin. Astrocrinus tetragonus, Austin: R. Etheridge fil. & P. H. Carpenter, 1886, Cat. Blastoidea Brit. Mus. p. 300. Lower Carboniferous, Carboniferous Limestone: Settle, Yorkshire, England. 850.] A perfect theca. UNIV. OF I" zanioas, MAY 1 o 1913 PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. UN\VERS\TY OF M\CH\GAN \\\\\\\\\ \\\\ \\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\ 3 9015 06197 6455 \\\ ‘K CARD" Q5 W I #3 " --~-~/W “B4 , ._ _§’_5]/_07___~ZgZ_; TITLE J.S7_‘_4fl.7fle._6>€zz€£d.-r__\Yp-¢ci¢3 4_-_-_A7_L_----Z;./d$-ZZ/Idea ..... SIGNATURE ‘ * - — - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~_1111111/lulifimijm" , 390 1% , ~ f‘~41:,