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BOWDLER SHARPE, LL.D., ASSISTANT KEEPER, DEPARTMENT OF ZooLogy, BRITISH MIUSEUM. VO L U M E IV. - L O N D O N : PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. SOLD BY LONG MANS & Co., 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C.; B. QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W.; DULAU & Co., 37 SOHO SQUARE, W.; KEGAN PAUL & Co., 43 GERRARD STREET, W.; - AND AT THE B R IT IS EI M U S E U M (N AT U R AL HISTORY), C R O M W E L L R O A.D., S.W. 1903. All rights reserved. PRINTED BY www. AND FRANCIS, RED LIon Court, FLEET STREET. ‘….: *- - - 2:- § 23, , Ø ºf \\\\\evåovi Wu6 Yº, 2–3, W,-4 PR E F A C E . THE scheme of the present work has had to be extended, inasmuch as the author has found it impossible to compress the remainder of the Passeriformes into the space of a single volume, and it has therefore been found more convenient to complete the ‘Hand-list’ in five volumes, instead of four, as was originally intended. The continual addition to the number of described species of Passerine Birds has also rendered this course more expedient, in order that the volumes of such a work of reference as the present, should be kept within a reasonable size for frequent consultation. It is probable that the fifth and concluding volume will be published in the course of a few months, as it is already well advanced. E. RAY LANKESTER, Director, Natural History Departments, July 13, 1903. British Museum. INTRO DUCTION. THE present volume continues the list of the known species of Passeri- formes down to the end of the Certhiidae. Owing to the increasing pressure of official work, it has taken longer to prepare than I anticipated, the number of species described since the Catalogue of Birds' being truly remarkable, and requiring much time and labour for their enumeration. In my efforts to accomplish this object, I have been assisted, as before, by a number of my brother Ornithologists, to whom the proofs of the work have been submitted. I am especially indebted to the under- mentioned Naturalists for material help in this respect; and the reviews of the genus Lanius by Mr. Ogilvie Grant, and of the Paridae by Dr. Bianchi have lightened my labours considerably. The monograph of the Paridae, Sittidae, and Certhiidae, published by Dr. Hellmayr in the * Tierreich,’ appeared after the present volume was in type, so that I have not been able to avail myself of his conscientious work to the extent which I should have wished. I have again pleasure in acknowledging the assistance rendered by my chief attendant, Mr. Charles Chubb, especially in the preparation of the Index. The following gentlemen, who have revised the proofs of the present volume, deserve my warm thanks for their assistance — Eugland.—Dr. P. L. Sclater, Mr. Howard Saunders, Hon. Walter Rothschild, D.Sc., M.P., Mr. Ernst Hartert, Mr. W. R. Ogilvie Grant, Dr. C. W. Andrews, and Mr. W. P. Pycraft. France.—Prof. Dr. Oustalet. Vi INTRODUCTION. Holland.—Dr. Otto Finsch. Germany.—Prof. Dr. Reichenow, Hofrath Dr. A. B. Meyer, Count von Berlepsch, Pastor Kleinschmidt. Rwssia.--Dr. Bianchi. Italy.—Count Salvadori. America.-Prof. Robert Ridgway, Dr. L. Stejneger, Prof. J. A. Allen, Mr. C. W. Richmond, Mr. Harry Oberholser, Mr. Witmer Stone, Mr. F. M. Chapman, and Mr. Outram Bangs. R. BOW DLER SHARPE. July 7, 1903. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Order XXXVI. PASSERIFORMES (cont.). Sub-Order II. Page 1 A C R O MY O D I (cont.).. 1 B. Passeres Normales (cont.). 1 Fam. V. TIMELIIDAE . . . . . . 1. Sub-Ram. 1. Crateropodinae. 1. Clitonyx, Reichenb. . . . . . . l ---2. Orthonyx, Temm. . . . . . . 2 3. Cinclosoma, Vig. & Horsf. 2 ---4. Eupetes, Temm. . . . . . . . . 3 5. Pycnoptilus, Gould 4 6. T)rymaoedus, Gould . 4 7. Hylacola, Gould... . . . . . . . 4 8. Chaetops, Swains. . . . . . . 5 --~9. Tºsophodes, Pig. & Horsf. 5 10. Hypergerus, Reichenb. . . 5 11. Dabax, David . . . . . . . . . . 5 12. Pterorhinus, Swinhoe. . . . 6 —13. Trochalopterum, Blyth S: 6 –l4. Ianthocincla, Gould 10 ~15. Argya, Less. . . . . . . . . . . 11 16. Megalurulus, J. Verr..... 12 17. Pinarornis, Sharpe . . . . . . 13 ~18. Pomatorhinus, Horsf. ... 13 19. Xiphorhamphus, Blyth .. 16 *20. Garrulax, Less. . . . . . . . . 17 21. Stactocichla, Sharpe . . . . 18 ~22. Grammatoptila, Reichenb. 19 23. Melanocichla, Sharpe. . . . 19 24. Allocotops, Sharpe . . . . . . 19 5. Thinocichla, Sharpe . . . . 19 +26. Dryomastes, Sharpe 20 27. Neocichla, Sharpe . . . . . . 21 –28. Crateropus, Swains. Tº 22 29. Aéthocichla, Sharpe . . . . 25 Catapomera, Hartert . . . . . Calamanthus, Gould . . . . 2. Cinclorhamphus, Gould.. Sub-Fam. 2. Timeliinae. . . . Timelia, Horsf. . . . . . . . . . Pyctorhis, Hodgs. . . . . . . . Ophrydormis, Bittik. . . . . . Dumetia, Blyth . Buettikofelia, Madarász. . Gampsorhynchus, Blyth . . Elaphrornis, Legge. . . . . . . Androphilus, Sharpe . . . . . Statiasticus, Hartert . . . . 2. Bowdleria, Rothschild . . 3. Sphenoeacus, Strickl. . . . . . Pseudotharrhaleus, Ogilvie Grant • * * * * * e = * * * * * * 5. Pellorneum, Swains. . . . . . Scotocichla, Sharpe . . . . . Crossleyia, Hartl. . . . . . . . Bernieria, Bp. . . . . . . . . . . . Macrosphemus, Cass. . . . . --50. My . Malia, Schlegel - 52. l; 54. . Amaurocichla, Sharpe . . 56. 57. . Drymocataphus, Blyth . . 59. (30. 61. 62. 63. -A-64. 5. Mystacornis, Sharpe . . . . Turdinus, Blyth . . . . . . . Pathumocercus, Reichenow l?tyrticus, Hart!. . . . . . . Drymochaera, Finsch . . . . Erythrocichla, Sharpe . . Ortygocichla, Sclater. . . . Trichocichla, Reichenow . Ifrita, Rothschild Gypsophila, Oates . . . . . . Aéthostoma, Sharpe . . . . Setaria, Blyth . . . . . . . . . . Xanthomixis, Sharpe. . . . e is e e º ſº. viii SYSTISMATIC INDEX. Page ~66. Nesobates, Sharpe . . . . . . jö 67. Ptilopyga, Sharpe . . . . . . 40 ~ 68. Ptilocichla, Sharpe. . . . . . 40 _4–69. Anuropsis, Sharpe . . . . . . 41 70. Crateroscelis, Sharpe. . . . 41 71. Turdimulus, Hume . . . . . . 41 72. Corythocichla, Sharpe . . 42 73. Lanioturdimus, Bittik. . . 43 74. Rimator, Blyth . . . . . . . . 43 ~75. Alcippe, Blyth . . . . . . . . 43 76. Rhopocichla, Oates . . . . . , 44 –77. Proparus, Hodgs: . . . . . . . ) 45 78. Moupinia, David & Oust. . 46 79. Schoeniparus, IIume . . . . 46 0. Pseudominla, Oates . . . . 47 1. Lioparus, Oates . . . . . . . . 47 2. Stachyris, Hodgs. . . . . . . 48 83. Thringorhina, Oates . . . . 49 —-84. Stachyridopsis, Sharpe .. 50 ––85. Kenopia, Blyth . . . . . . . . 51 86. Dasycrotapha, Tweedd .. 51 87. Zosterornis, Ogilvie Grant 51 —Hºs. Cyanoderma, Salvad..... 52 –––89. Mixormis, Hodgs. . . . . . . 52 Löö. Macronus, Jard. & Selby. 53 Sub-Fam. 3. Brachypterygimae 54 ~91. Myiophoneus, Tenm..... 54 92. A Trenga, Less. . . . . . . , , 55 93. Brachypteryx, Horsf. .. 55 94. Heteroxenicus, Sharpe .. 56 95. Lamprolia, Finsch . . . . . . 57 `96. Oligura, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . 58 97. Tesia, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . . . 58 98. Pseudoxenicus, Finsch .. 58 Sub-Fam. 4. Sibiinae. . . . . 58 + 99. Sibia, Hodgs. . . . . . . ... . . . .58 -T-100. Lioptila, Blyth & 3....'. '959 -H01. Actinodura, Gould. . . . . . 60 102. Ixops, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . . . 60 TiO3. Staphidia, Swinh. . . . . . . 61 --104. Siva, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . . . 61 | 105. Yuhina, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . 62 106. Ixulus, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . 63 107. Herpornis, Hodgs. . . . . . . 64 Sub-Fam. 5. Liotrichinae. .. 64 ––108. Liothrix, Swains. . . . . . . 64 __-109. Liocichla, Swinh. . . . . . . 64 “H1 10. Culia, IIodgs. . . . . . . . . . . 65 *.* Page ~111. Pterythius, Swains. § —H12. Myzornis, Hodgs. ...... 66 113. Hilarocichla, Oates 66 ~ +14. Mesia, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . . 66 115. Mimla, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . . . (5 --HG. Psaroglossa, IIodgs. . . . . 67 Sub-Rann. 6. Paradoxornithinae 67 117. Conostoma, Hodgs. . . . . . . 67 —118. Paradoxornis, Gould. . . . . 68 119. Cholornis, J. Perr. . . . . . . 68 120. Panurus, Koch . . . . . . . . 68 −121. Suthora, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . 69 122. Scaeorhynchus, Oates. ... 71 Fam. VI. TROGLODYTIDAE . 71 ~~1. Cimnicerthia, Less. . . . . . . 71 –2. Heleodytes, Cab. . . . . . . . . 72 3. Odontorhynchus, Pelz. .. 76 –4. Thryophilus, Baird . . . , 77 —5. Thryothorus, Vieill. . . . . 80 ~6. Thryomanes, Sel. . . . . . . 84 TZ. Cistothorus, Cab. . . . . . . 86 -8. Troglodytes, Vieill. 87 9. Urocichla, Sharpe . . . . . . 89 10. Spelaeornis, David & Oust. 90 –41. Salpinctes, Cab. . . . . . . . . 90 —42. Anorthura, Rennie . . . . . . 91 13. Elachura, Oates . . . . . . . . 92 —14. Catherpes, Baird . . . . . . 93 15. Sphenocichla, Waldéns. 93 ~16. Hemiura, Ridgwº.s., 93 ~17. Henicorhina, Sel. & Salv. 95 -- 18. Leucolepia, Reichenb. 96 19. Hylorchilus, Nelson . . . . 97 —20. Microcerculus, Baird. . . . 97 21. Orthnocichla, Sharpe . . . . 98 ~22. Pnoepyga, Hodgs. . . . . . . 99 ** /* c – 3. ; - Fam. VII. CINCLIDAE. . . . . . 100 1. Cinclus, Bechst. . . . . . . . . 100 Fam. VIII. MIMIDAE . . . . . . I02 -1. Mimus, Boie . . . . . . . . . . 102 2. Nesomimus, Ridgw. .... 104 –3. Oreoscoptes, Baird .... 106 ~4. Galeoscoptes, Cab. . . . . . . 106 ~5. Mimodes, Ridgw. . . . . . . 106 –6. Toxostoma, Wagler .... 106 –7. Melanotis, Bp. . . . . . . . . 108 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. ix --~ 8, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Fam. IX. TURDIDAE Sub-Fam, 1. Myiedestinae . 1. Platycichla, Baird . . . . . . 2. Cossyphopsis, Stejn. . . . . 3. Turdampelis, Less. . . . . . . -->4. Myiedestes, Swains. . . . . 5. Fritomedestes, Stejn. . . . 6. Phaeornis, Scl... . . . . . . . . Sub-Fam. 2. Cochoaninae. . 7. Cochoa, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . Sub-Fam. 3. Turdinae . . . . Mimocichla, Scl. . . . . . . . . *-8. 9. Cichlherminia, Bp. *}0. -: Semimerula, Scl. ~$1.2 13. Cichloselys, Bp. . 14. 15. • *-*16. 17. 18. 19. <-20. 21. +22. ~23. --|-24. _-25. Hesperocichla, Baird Nesocichla, Gould Oreocichla, Gould Zoothera, Vig. Monticola, Boie Petrophila, Swains. Sub-Fam. 4. Arecentorinae. Accentor, Bechst. . . . . . . '-27. Tharrhaleus, Kaup . . . . - 26. Sub-Fam. 5. Ephthiamurinae. A 28. Ephthianura, Gould . . . . Sub-Fam. 6. Henicurinae . ~29. Henicurus, Temm, . . . . . . WOL. I.W. Donacobius, Swains. . . . . 9. Rhodinocichla, Hart!. . . Melanoptila, Sol. . . . . . . . . Cinclocerthia, Gray . . . . Rhamphocinclus, Lafr. . . Margarops, Scl. . . . . . . . . Allenia, Cory . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º e - Merula, Leach. . . . . . . . . . 2. Geocichla, Temm. . . . . . . Psophocinia, Cab. . . . . . AEgithocichla, Sharpe . . Amalocichla, De Vis. . . . Turnagra, Less. . . . . . . . . Turdus, Lönn. . . !. Hylocichla, Baird . . . . . . e tº w tº e g º º Page 108 109 109 |09 110 110 110 111 111 111 111 112 J12 114 114 57. Page 30, Hydrocichla, Sharpe . . . . jº - -31. Microcichla, Sharpe . . . . 149 Sub-Fam. 7. Ruticillinae . . 150 --~~32. Chimarrhornis, Hodgs. . . 150 3. Phoenicurus, Forster . . . . 150 34. Diplootocus, Hartert. . . . 152 ~~~35. Ithyacornis, Blanf. . . 152 –36. Cyanecula, Brehm, . . . . . . 153 —37. Aedon, Forster . . . . . . . . 153 --88. Erithacus, Cuv. . . . . . . . . 154 —39. Icoturus, Stejn. . . . . . . . . 155 40. Hodgsonius, Bp. . . . . . . . . 155 -41. Calliope, Gould . . . . . . . . 155 -----42. Ianthia, Blyth. . . . . . . . . . 156 -43. Larvivora, Hodgs. . . . . . . 157 ~~44. Adelura, Bp. . . . . . . . . . . 157 ~45. Notodela, Less. Z/Z-.'..... 157 ~ 46. Thamnobia, Swains. . . . . 158 47. Callene, Blyth. . . . . . . . . . 158 +43. Copsychus, Wagler 159 ––49. Gervaisia, Bp. . . . . . . . . 160 50. Cercotrichas, Finsch & Bartl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I60 ----51. Cittocincla, Scl. . . . . . . . . 16] — —52. Trichixus, Less. . . . . . . . . 162 –53. Cossypha, Vig. . . . . . . . . 162 54. Irania, de Filippi . . . . . . 165 +. Cichladusa, Peters . . . . . . 166 56. Neocossyphus, Fischer & Ičeichenow . . . . . . . . . . 166 Pseudocossyphus, Sharpe. 166 58. Aedonopsis, Sharpe . . . . 167 ----59. Erythropygia, A. Smith . 167 60. Alethe, Cass. . . . . . . . . . . 168 Sub-Fam. 8. Saxicolinae . , 169 * 61. Thamnolaea, Cab. . . . . . . 169 62. Pentholaea, Cab. . . . . . . . . 170 --63. Pratincola, Koch . . . . . . 171 +64. Pinarochroa, Sundev. . . . . 173 ~ *-65. Oreicola, Bp. . . . . . . . . . . 173 -66. Myrmecocichla, Cab. . . . . 174 ~4-67. Cercomela, Bp. . . . . . . . . 174. 68. Poliocichla, Sharpe . . . . 175 ``69. Saxicola, Bechst. . . . . . . J.75 70. Campicola, Swains. . . . . 180 Sub-Fam. 9. Sialiinae . . . . 180 *T/l. Catharus, Bp. . . . . . . . . . . 180 ++2. Zeledonia, Ridgw. . . . . . . 183 b X SYSTEMATIC INDEX, * Page Page ~73. Sialia, Swains. . . . . . . . . 183 8. Phyllolais, Hartl. . . . . . . 226 -74. Grandala, Hodgs. . . . . . . 184 49. Neomixis, Sharpe . . . . . . 226 75. Ridgwayia, Stejn. . . . . . . 184 tº 0. Sylviella, Lafr. . . . . . . . . 226 51. Eremomela, Sundev. . . . . 228 A Y Q-rr 52. Poliolais, Alew. . . . . . . . . 231 Fam. X. SYLVIIDAE . . . . . . 185 —53. Camaroºters, Sundev, .. 231 . A QTO O3. Swains. . . . . . 5 54. Parmoptila, Cass. . . . . . . 233 ; :...”. . . . º....... 233 3. Acrocephalus, Naum. . . 187 56. Pholidornis, Hartl. . . . . 233 4. Tribura, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . 190 3. Stiphrornis, Hartl....... 234 –H5, Lusciniola, Gray . . . . . . I91 –58. Hylia, Cass. . . . . . . . . . . . . #: ––6. Sutoria, Nicholson . . . . . . 191 —59. §ºotoºre; Sundev. . . . . # --~~7. Orthotomus, Horsf. . . . . 192 60. Neornis, Blyth . . . . . . . . ãº. ~8. Heliolais, Sharpe . . . . . . 193 -61. Horornis, Hodgs. . . . . . . #2 –9, Melocichla, Hartl. . . . . . . 194 2. Phyllergates, Sharpe..., 287 Hö. Cisticola, Kaup. . . . . . . . . 194 63. Thamnornis, M.–Edw. & Q.) Q ºf —— 1. Franklinia, Blyth . . . . . . 200 Grand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. H2. Laticilla, Blyth . . . . . . . . 200 #4. Horeites, Hodgs. . . . . . . .238 3. Nesillas, Oberh, . . . . . . . . 201 Cettias BP. . . . . . . . . . . . . §§§ 14. Spiloptila, Sundev. . . . . . . 201 . Urosphena, Swinh. . . . . . . : 15. Graminicola, Jerd . . . . . . 201 . Suya, Hodgs. . . . . . . . . . . . ; —-16. Megalurus, Horsf. . . . . . . 202 3. Prinia, Horsf... . . . . . . . . . 3% 7. Schoenicola, Blyth . . . . . . 203 . Burmesia, Jerd. . . . . . . . . 241 18. Eremiornis, North . . . . . . 203 . Dromaeocercus, Sharpe . . 243 19. Cryptillas, Oberh. . . . . . . 203 . Malurus, Vieill. . . . . . . . . :43 —20. Bradypterus, Swains. . . . . 204 2. Stipiturus, Less. . . . . . . . . #5 - 21. Euryptila, Sharpe . . . . . . 204 sºmnathi, H. & F. . . ; 22. Rhopophilus, Gigl. & Salv. 205 . Bebrornis, Sharpe . . . . . . #5 23. Acanthoptila, Blyth . . . . 205 º Sphemura, Licht.• a s & e º e s & 245 24. Chaetornis, Gray . . . . . . 205 . Amytormis, Stéjn. . . . . . . 246 25. Calamocichla, Sharpe. . . . 205 : 26. Calamonastes, Sharpe. . . . 206 Tam. XI. VIREoNIDAE . . 247 27. Origma, Gould ºp; . . . . . § "... 28. Arundinax, Blytiſ § Ö7"| " -1. Vireo, Vieill. . . . . . . . . . . 247 . Hypolais, Brehm ..." . . 207 2. Neochloé, Scl. . . . . . . . . . . 253 , Iduna, Bp. . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 ~3. Pachysilvia, Bp. . . . . . . . . 253 . Sylvia, Scop. . . . . . . . . . . 209 4. Laletes, Scl. . . . . . . ...-.. 256 2. Melizophilus, Leach . . . . 212 ~5. Vireolanius, Du Bus . . . . 256 . Herbivocula, Swinh. . . . . 212 ~6. Cyclorhis, Swains. . . . . . . 257 . Phylloscopus, Boie. . . . . . 212 ... * . Oreopneuste, Swinh. . . . . 214 x- Aºr • jº, e Q tº e = 2 15 Fam. XII. AMPELIDAE .. 259 . Acanthopneuste, Blas. . . 216 || -- • * * *... . - ë.º. § ; ºft. ; º º © y * * * * * * e s e º e t . Acanthiza, Vig. & Horsf, 219 *3. Phainoptila. Sal 259 . Sericornis, Gould . . . . . . 220 ~. fi Inopti i. . f * g g is a e % . Acanthornis, V. Legge . . 222 ~5 #. "sºns * e e g º º 360 2. Apalis, Swains. . . . . . . . . 222 “T” p > **J -? * * * * * * . Eminia, Hartl. . . . . . . . . 223 e Fºº • * * * * * ; Fam. XIII. ARTAMIDA. 269 & ; --~~~~~ * * * * * * * * * * * asſ . Dryodromas, F. & H. . . 225 | *-l. Artamus, Vieill. . . . . . . 260 . Drymocichla, Hartl, . . . . 225 2. Pseudochelidon, Hartl... 262 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. xi Page Fam, XIV. WANGIDAE . . 262 1. Xenopirostris, Bp. . . . . . . 262 +3. Artamia, Lºft". . . . . . . . . 263 —t-3. Abbottornus, Itichm. . . . . 263 4. Oriolia, Geoff'. . . . . . . . . 263 Tº Vanga, Vieill. . . . . . . . . . . 263 6. Calicalicus, Bp. . . . . . . . . 264 Fam. XV. PRIONOPIDAE. . 264 1. Grallina, Vieill. . . . . . . . . 264 —-2. Hemipus, Hodgs. . . . . . . 264 ~3. Tephrodornis, Swains. . . 265 - 4–4. Fraseria, Bp. . . . . . . . . . . 266 5. Horizorhinus, Oberh. . . . . 266 (j. Durocephalus, A. Smith. . 266 i. . Rhectes, Bp. . . . . . . . . . . 267 {-8. Pseudorhectes, Sharpe . . 268 9. Melamorhectes, Sharpe . . 269 –30. Collyriocichla, W. & H. . . 269 11. Pinarolestes, Sharpe . . . . 270 12. Clytorhynchus, Elliot. . . . 272 13, Platylophus, Swains. . . . . 272 4. Prionops, Vieill. . . . . . . . . 273 15. Sigmodus, Hartl. . . . . . . 274 16. Hypocolius, Bp. . . . . . . . . 275 Fam. XVI. AEROCHARIDAE. 275 *I. Aerocharis, Gistel ...... 275 Fam. XVII. LANIIDAE . . . . .276 Sub-Fam. 1. Gymnorhinae . 276 1. Pityriasis, Less. . . . . . . . . 276 - 2. Gymnorhina, Gray. . . . . . 276 --3. Cracticus, Pieill. . . . . . . 276 4. Strepera, Less. . . . . . . . . 278 Sub-Fam. 2. Lamiinae. . . . 278 T. Urolestes, Cab. . . . . . . . . 278 -*-6. Corvinella, Less. . . . . . . . . 279 7. Laniellus, Swains. . . . . . . 279 / →8. Lanius, Linx. . . . . . . . . . . 279 \ - 59. Phoneus, Kaup . . . . . . . . 283 x –-10. Fiscus, Bp. . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 –11. Emneoctonus, Boie. . . . . . 285 12. Cephalophoneus, Fitz. . . 286 -H3. Otomela, Bp. . . . . . . . . . 288 Sub-Fam. 3. Malacomotinae. 289 14. Malacomotus, Swains. . . 289 15, Chlorophoneus, Cab. . . . . 200 Page 16. Pelicinius, Boie . . . . . . . . 292 7. Rhodophoneus, Heugl. . . .293 18. Lamiarius, Vieill. . . . . . . .293 --19, Dryoscopus, Boie . . . . . . 296 20. Chaumonotus, Gray . . . . 298 ~21. Nicator, F. & H. . . . . . . 299 22. Neolestes, Cab. . . . . . . . . 299 3. Pomatorhynchus, Boie . . 299 +: Antichromus, Richm. 301 25. Nilaus, Swains. . . . . . . . . 302 Sub-Fam. 4. Pachycephalinae. 302 T26. Falcunculus, Vieill. 302 ~ 27. Oreoica, Gould . . . . . . . . 303 28. Pachycephala, V. S. H... 303 29. Hyloterpe, Cab. . . . . . . . . 312 30. Pachycephalopsis, Salvad. 31.4 31. Eulacestoma, De Vis. . . . .314 -- 32. Eopsaltria, Swains. 315 33. Pachycare, Gould . . . . . . 315 Fam, XVIII. PARIDAE .. 316 — 1. Poecile, Kaup . . . . . . . . . . 316 —2. Poeciloides, Bianchi . . . . .322 –3. Sittiparus, Selys-Longch... 322 ~4. Lophophanes, Kaup . . . . 323 —5. Periparus, Selys-Longch. . .324 – 6. Melanochlora, Less. 326 -- 7. Machlolophus, Cab. 327 8. Pardaliparus, Selys- Longch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 --9. Parus, Linn. . . . . . . . . . . 328 10. AEgithospiza, Hellm. . . . . 33 *11. Pentheres, Cab. . . . . . . . . 330 12. Penthornis, Hellm. . . . . . . .333 −13. Cyanistes, Kaup . . . . . . 333 14. AEgithaliscus, Cab. 33.5 lö. Psaltriparus, Bp. . . . . . . 336 ~16. ABgithalus, Herm. . . . . . . 33 17. Psaltria, Temm. . . . . . . . . 339 48. Remiza, Stejn. . . . . . . . . 339 −19. Anthoscopus, Boie . . . . . . 340 ~20. Auriparus, Baird . . . . . . 341 --21. Cephalopyrus, Bp. . . . . 342 22. Aphelocephala, Oberh. .. 342 23. Sphenostoma, Gould . . . . 342 24. Certhiparus, Lafr . . . . . . . 342 Fam. XIX. CHAMAEIDAE . . 343 1. Chamaea, Gambel . . . . . . 343 xii SYSTEMATIC INDEX. ~1. Sitta, Linn. Fam. XX. REGULIDAE 2–1. Regulus, Koch 2. Leptopoecile, Severt: . . 3. Lophobasileus, Pleske ---4, Sylviiparus, Burton ... Fam. XXI. SITTIDAE. . . . tº tº e º 'º e º ºr e º –2. Dendrophila, Swans..... —ºn eositta, Hellm. . . . . . . . . \ | Page ... 343 343 . 345 , 345 . 345 346 346 350 351 IPage ~4. Hypositta, A. Newton .. 352 5. Daphoenositta, De Wis .. 353 Fam, XXII. CERTHIIDAE .. 353 T-1. Certhia, Linn. . . . . . . . . . . .353 2. Salpornis, Gray . . . . . . . . 355 —3. Tichodroma, Illig. . . . . . . 356 4. Rhabdornis, Reichenb. . . .356 ~5. Climacteris, Temm. . 357 Order XXXVI. PASSERIFORMES (continued). (Cf. Vol. III. p. 4.) Sub-Order II. ACROMYODI (continued). (Cf. Vol. III. p. 187.) B. PASSERES NORMALES (continued). (Cf. Vol. III. p. 187.) Family V. TIMELIIDAE. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. pp. 329–646, 1883.) Sub-Family I. CRATEROPOD.INAE. [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 71 (1889).] I. CLITONYX, Reichenb.* (Gadow, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. viii. p. 75, 1883.) 1. albicapilla, Buller, B. N. Zeal. 2nd ed. p. 52 New Zealand (1888). (North Island). [albveilla (Less.). (Gadow, Cat. B. viii. p. 75.)] 2. ochrocephala (Gm.). (Gadow, t. c. p. 76.) New Zealand (South Island). * Mr. Oberholser has pointed out to me that the oldest generic name for these New Zealand birds is Mohoua of Lesson (Compl. Buſf. ix. p. 139, 1837); but there is a risk of confusion with the names Moho and Mohoa, and I think that Clutonya had better be retained (cf. W. A. Forbes, P. Z. S. 1882, pp. 544, 545). WOI. I.W. B 2 G.I.NERA ANI) SPECIISS OF BIRDS, II. ORTHONYX, Temm. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 329, 1883.) 1. temmincki, Vig. & Horsf. [spinicauda, Temm. (p. Cf. Salvad. Atti R. Accad. Torino, x. pp. 632–634.] 329.) A- 2. Spaldingi, Ramsay. (p. 331.) 3. novae guineae, A. B. Meyer. III. CINCLOSOMA, Vig. & Horsf. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 331.) 1. punctatum (Lath.). (p. 332.) . cinnamomeum, Gould. . marginatum, Sharpe. . castanonotum, Gould. (p. 333.) (p. 334.) . castanothorax, Gould. (p. 335.) (p. 336.) (p. 672.) IE, & S. Australia (N.S. Wales to Wide Bay, Victoria). N.E. Australia (Rockingham Bay). New Guinea. S. & E. Australia. Tasmania. S. & W. Australia. (N.S. Wales to Swan River). Int, of S. Australia. E. Australia. N.W. Australia. G.I.NETA AND SIPECIES OF BITI)S. 6. ajax (Temm.). (p. 336.) IV. EUPETES, Temm. + 1. 5 . caerulescens, Temºn. . castanonotus, Sulvad. . pulcher, Sharpe. . leucostictus, Sclater. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 338.) macrocercus, Temm. (p. 338.) (p. 339.) . nigricrissus, Salvad. (p. 339.) geislerorum, A. B. Meyer, J. f. O. 1892, p. 259. (p. 340.) [Cf. Salvad., Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xvi p. 101 (1896).] . incertus, Salvad. (p. 341.) (p. 342.) loriae, Salvad., Amm. Mus. Genov. (2) xvi. p. 102 (1896). W. New Guinea. S.E. New Guinea. Malay Peninsula. Sumatra. N.W. Borneo. New Guinea. S E. New Guinea. S.E. New Guinea. © N.W. New Guinea (Arfak Mts.). S.E. New Guinea. N.W. Now Guinea (Arfak Mts.). N.W. New Guinea. S.E. New Guinea. B 2 4 GENIDIRA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. W. PYCNOPTILUS Gowld. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 342, 1883.) 1. floccosus, Gould. (p. 342.) WI. DRYMACEDUS, Gould. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 343.) 1. brunneipygius, Gould. (p. 343.) 2. pallidus, Sharpe. (p. 344.) 3. superciliaris, Gould. (p. 344.) 4. beccarii, Salvad. (p. 345.) 5. brevirostris, De Vis, Ibis, 1897, p. 386. VII. HYLACOLA, Gould. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 345.) 1. pyrrhopygia (Vig. & Horsf). (p. 345.) 2. cauta, Gould. (p. 347.) N.S. Wales. Victoria. S. Australia. S. Australia. Victoria. W. Australia. N. & N.E. Australia. S.E. New Guinea. Aru Is. S.E. New Guinea. Victoria. S. & S.E. Australia. S. Australia. GINEIRA AND SPECIES OF IBITIDS. VIII. CHAETOPS, Swains. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 347.) 1. frenatus (Temm.). (p. 348.) 2. aurantiacus, Layard. (p. 348.) 3. pycnopygius (Strickl. & Scl.). (p. 349.) IX. PSOPHODES, Vig. & Horsf. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 350.) + 1. crepitans (Lath.). (p. 350.) 2. lateralis, North, Rec. Austr. Mus. iii. p. 13 (1897). 3. nigrigularis, Gould. (p. 351.) X. HYPERGERUS, Reichenb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 351.) 1. atriceps (Less.). (p. 352) Xl. BABAX, David. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 352.) 1. lanceolatus (J. Verr.). (p. 352.) Cape Colony. E. Cape Colomy. Natal. S.W. Africa, (Damara Land. Benguela). Victoria. New South Wales to Rockingham Bay. N.E. Queensland. W. Australia, W. Africa, (Senegambia to Nigeria). Chima (Moupin. S. Shensi.) W. Szechuen. 6 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BITI)S. * 2. bonvaloti, Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) vii. p. 273 (1892). XII. PTERORHINUS, Swinhoe. So, Tibet. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 353, 1883.) 1. davidi, Swinh. (p. 353.) XIII. TROCHALOPTERUM, Blyth. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 354.) 1. affine (Blyth). (p. 357.) 2. blythi, J. Verr. (p. 358.) + 3, variegatum (Vig.). (p. 359.) +4, simile, Hume. (p. 359, pt.) + 5. erythrocephalum (Vig.). (p. 360.) 6. nigrimentum, Hodgs. [chrysopterum, nec Gould. (p. 362.) Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 90.] <\– 7 chrysopterum (Gould). t [ruffcapillum, Blyth. (p. 363)] N. China. S.W. Mongolia. Ordos. Alashan. E. Himalayas (Nepal to Bhutan). W. China (Szechuen. Koko-moor). Himalayas (Chamba to Nepal). W. Himalayas (Simla to Kashmir. Gilgit). Himalayas (Chamba to Nepal). Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Daphla IIills. Khási Hills. GENERA AND SIPIECITES OF TRIRDS. 7 8. erythrolaema, Hume. (p. 363.) Hills of Manipur. 9. peninsulae, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 436, Malay Peninsula pl. xxxvii. (Mts. of Perak). g--- º ..., x- 10. melanostigma (Blyth). (p. 364.) Burma. /* (Karen-nee Hills. Salween Pine-forests). Tenasserim (Muleyit Mt.). 11. rufigulare (Gould). (p. 365.) Himalayas, [Cf. Oates, Faum. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 86, from Kashmir s. g. Ianthocinola.] to Assam. Daphla, Khási and Garo Hills. 12. hennickei, Prazak, Monatschr. Deutsch. Wer. Tpper Schutze Vogelw. xxii. p. 327 (1897). Yangtze River. 13. Sukatschewi, Berez. & Bianchi, Aves Exped. Kansu. Potam. Gan-su, p. 59, pl. i. fig. 1 (1891). [Cf. Deditius, J. f. O. 1897, p. 67.] 14. Squamatum (Gould). (p. 367.) E. Iſimalayas. Daphla, Khási, Lhota Nāga. Hills. Manipur. 15. Subunicolor, Blyth. (p. 368.) E. Himalayas (Nepal. Sikhim). GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIT, DS. 4-16. 17. I8. 19. 20. 2 O 23. * *e austeni, Jerdom. (p. 369.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i, p. 87, s.g. Ianthocincla.] henrici, Oust., Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii. p. 274 (1891); id. Nouv. Arch. Mus. (3) v. pl. iii. fig. 1 (1893). ellicti, J. Ferr. (p. 370.) prjevalskii, Menzbier, Ibis, 1887, p. 300. [Cf. Pleske, Res. Sci. Prjev. Zool. ii. Ois. p. 135 (1890); IIartert, Nov. Zool. i. p. 668 (1894).] bonvaloti, Oust, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) vii. p. 273 (1892); id. Nouv. Arch. Mus. (3) v. pl. iii. fig. 1 (1893). . phoeniceum (Gould). (p. 371.) ripponi, Oates, Bull. B.O. C. xi. p. 10 (1900). formosum, J. Verr. (p. 372.) . milnei, David. (p. 372.) Rhási Hills. Nága Hills. S.E. Tibet. Ta-Tsien-lou. W. Szechuen. Moupin. Chen-si. Yan-su. S.E. Tibet. E. Himalayas (Nepal to Bhutan). I(hási and °s Lhota Nāga Hills, Manipur. Burmese Provinces (Shan States). China (W. Szechuen). China (Foh-kien). GTENIERA AND SPECIES OF BITEDS. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. +31. + 33, 34. ... taivanum (Swinh.). ... sharpei, Rippon. Bull. B. O. C. xii. p. 13 (1901). cachinnans (Jerd.). (p. 373.) cinnamomeum, Davison, Ibis, 1886, p. 204. jerdoni (Blyth). (p. 373.) fairbanki, Blanf. (p. 374.) meridionale, Blanf. (p. 375.) canorum (Linn.). (p. 376.) (p. 376.) lineatum (Vig.). (p. 377.) imbricatum (Blyth). (p. 379.) Burmese Provinces (Kauri-Kachin). S. India. (Nilghiri Hills). S. India. (Pālghât Hills). S. India. (Coorg. Wynaad). S. India (Palmi and Anamalli Hills). S. India (Travancore Hills). China Hainan. Formosa. Himalayas (Kashmir to Nepal). E. Himalayas (Bhutan). 10 GENENA AND SPECIES OF BITEDS, 35. virgatum, Godwin-Austen. (p. 379.) XIV. IANTHOCINCLA, Gould. Nága Hills. Manipur. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 382, 1883.) 1. ocellata (Vig.). (p. 382.) + 2. maxima (J. Verr.). (p. 383.) 3. bieti, Oust., Bull. Mus. Paris, iii. p. 163 (1897). 4. artemisiae (David). (p. 384.) 5, lunulata, J. Perr. (p. 385.) 6. cineracea, Godwin-Austen. (p. 366.) [Cſ. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 85 (1889), S. g. Ianthocincla.] 7, cinereiceps, Styan, Ibis, 1887, p. 167, pl. vi. [ningpoense, David & Oust. Le Nat. xii. p. 186, 1890.] 8, styani, Oust, Bull. Mus. Paris, 1898, no. 6, p. 226. E. IIimalayas (Nepal. Sikhim). Mts of Moupin. S. Kan-su. W. Szechuen. Upper Mekong River. Szechuen. S. Kam-Su. W. Szechuen. Moupin. S. Kan-su. S. Chensi. Nāga Hills. E. Manipur. China. Szechuen, Che-Kiang. Foh-kien. Yun-nan. GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BITEDS. 11 XV, ARGYA, Less. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 388, 1883.) + 1. subrufa (Jerd.). (p. 390.) 2. hyperythra, Sharpe. (p. 390.) 3. rubiginosa (Riſpp.). (p. 39].) 4. Sharpei, Ogilvie Grant, Ibis, 1901, p. 662. 5. rufula, Heugl. [heuglini, Sharpe, Cat. p. 391. Cf. Reichenow, Vog, D.-Ost-Afr. p. 219.] 6. Saturata, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1895, p. 488. 7. amaurura, Pelz., Werb. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxxii. p. 503 (1883). -- 8. earlei (Blyth). (p. 392.) 9. caudata (Drap.). (p. 393.) eclipes (Hume). (p. 394.) huttoni (Blyth). (p. 394.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 106.] S. India. (Nilghiris to Khandaia). Madras. N.E. Africa (Shoa). N.E. Africa (Somali Land). Equatorial Africa. E. Africa. Equatorial Africa. Plains of N. India, from Sind to Assam. Pegu. Indian Peninsula generally, W. to Persia. 12 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 10. Squamiceps (Cretzschm.). (p. 395.) Arabia Petraea. 11. chalybea (Bp.). (p. 395, pt.) Palestine. [Cf. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. iv. p. xxxvi (1895).] 12. gularis (Blyth). (p. 396.) Burma (Irrawaddy Valley). 13, fulva (Desf.), (p. 397.) N.W. Africa, (Margcco to Tripoli). 14. acaciae (Licht.). (p. 397.) N.E. Africa (Nubia to Abyssinia). -H 15. malcolmi (Sykes). (p. 398.) Indian Peninsula. 16. aylmeri, Shelley, Ibis, 1885, p. 404, pl. xi. N.E. Africa fig. 1. (Somali Land). 17. mentalis, Reichenow, J. f. O. 1887, p. 75. Interior of E. Africa. 18. longirostris (Moore). (p. 509.) E. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Cachar. Manipur. XVI. MEGALURULUS, J. Verr. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus, vii. p. 400, 1883.) 1. mariei, J. Verr. (p. 400.) New Caledonia. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BITDS. 13 XVII. PINARORNIS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 401, 1883.) 1. plumosa, Sharpe. (p. 401.) XVIII. POMATORHINUS, Horsf. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 408.) 1. montanus, Horsf. (p. 410.) 2. borneensis, Cab. (p. 411.) A- 3. schisticeps, Hodgs. (p. 411.) -ſpinwilli, Sharpe. (p. 413.) Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 116 (1889).] 4. nuchalis, Tweedd. (p. 413.) 5. olivaceus, Blyth. (p. 414.) \s \A \ S.S.S * -i- 6. melanurus, Blyth. (p. 414.) /* + 7. horsfieldi, Sykes. (p. 415.) 8. obscurus, Hume. (p. 416) Mashona Land. Zambesi River. Java. Malay Peninsula. Borneo. Himalayas (Sikhim to Assam). Tippera. Cachar. Manipur. Aracan. Burmese Provinces. Tenasserim. Ceylon. C. & S. Indian Peninsula. W. & E. Indian Penin- sula (Bombay, Seoni, C. Prov. N. to Mt. Abu). 14 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 10, 11. 13. 14. 15, 17, , ochraceideps, Wald. (p. 417.) austeni, Hume. (p. 418.) temporalis, Vig. 3 Horsf. (p. 418.) ... superciliosus, Pig. & Horsf. (p. 419.) ruficeps, Hartl. (p. 420.) rubeculus, Gould. (p. 421.) ferruginosus, Blyth. (p. 422.) . phayrei, Blyth. (p. 422.) albigularis, Blyth. (p. 423.) Burmese Provinces (Karen Hills. Mt. Muleyit). E. Manipur. N.S. Wales. Victoria. S. Australia. . E. Australia. Gulf of Carpentaria. Australia generally. S. Australia. Victoria, N.S. Wales. N.W. & N. Australia. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Daphla & E. Nāga Hills. Hills of Assam. Nága Hills. Manipur. Aracan. Hills of Burmese Provinces. GINIXIRA AND SIPLCIES OF DIRDS. 15 18. + 19. 20. 21. + 22. + 23. 26. stenorhynchus, Godwin-Austen. (p. 424.) musicus, Swinh. (p. 424.) imberbis, Salvad., Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) vii. p. 410 (1889). nigrostellatus, Swinh. (p. 425.) ruficollis, Hodgs. (p. 426.) [Cf. Seebohm, Ibis, 1884, p. 264.) Stridulus, Swinh. [Cf. Seebohm, t. c. p. 264; Ogilvie Grant, Ibis, 1900, p. 590.] . styani, Seebohm, Ibis, 1884, p. 263. . erythrocnemis, Gould. (p. 427.) Swinhoei, David. (p. 427.) . hypoleucus (Blyth). (p. 428.) [inglisi (Hulme). (p. 429.) Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 126 (1889).] Assam. Nága Hills. Formosa. Burmese Provinces. Haiman. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Daphla and Nāga Hills. Manipur. China (Szechuen to Foh-kien). China (Yangtze Valley). Formosa, S.E. China. Anhwei, Yangtze Valley. Assatn (Daphla Hills). Garo, Näga, and Khási Hills. Cachar. Manipur. Aracan. 16 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 28. 29, f 30. 31. 33. 34. X1X. tickelli (Hume). (p. 429.) wrayi, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 437. erythrogenys, Vig. (p. 430.). macclellandi, Jerd. (p. 431.) ... gravivox, David. [Cf. Berez. & Bianchi, Aves Exped. Potan. p. 64 (1891); Oust. Bull. Mus. Paris, 1898, p. 255.] dedekensi, Oust. Amn. Sci. Nat. (7) xii. p. 276 (1892); id. N. Arch. Mus. (3) v. pl. iv. fig, 1 (1893). armandi, Oust, l.c. p. 277. isidorii, Less. (p. 432.) XIPHORHAMPHUS, Blyth. Temasserium. Malay Peninsula (Perak). Himalayas (Murri to Bhutan). Khasi Hills. Burmese Provinces. Assam. Barail and Nāga Hills. Manipur. Tibet. W. Szechuen. Yun-man. Tibet. New Guinea. Papuan Islands (Mysol, Waigiou). (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 433, 1883.) superciliaris (Blyth). (p. 433.) E. Himalayas (Sikhim). Manipur. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 17 XX. GARRULAX, Less. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 434, 1883.) + 1. leucolophus (Hardw.) (p. 435.) 2, waddelli, Ogilvie Grant, Bull. B. O. C. iii. p. xxix (1894). +. 3. belangeri, Less. (p. 436.) #"> A- l CŞ. e ty \ . J. A.'. , *~ ‘w + 4. diardi (Less.). (p. 437.) {\. 5 , bicolor, Hart!. (p. 438.) 6. ruficeps, Gould. (p. 438.) 7. albigularis (Gould). (p. 439.) 4- 8. pectoralis (Gould). (p. 441.) *.* 9. semitorquatus, Ogilvie Grant, Bull. B. O. C. M. x. p. xlix (1900); id. P. Z. S. 1900, p. 475, WOL. I.W. Himalayas (Gurwhal to Assam). S. to Bhamo and Aracan. E. Himalayas (Sikhim). Burmese Provinces. E. Tenasserim Hills. Siam. Cambodia. Cochin China. Sumatra. Formosa. Himalayas (Hazāra to Bhutan). N.W. China, (Szechuen. Koko-mor). Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Burmese Provinces. Hainan. 18 G|ENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 11. 12. 13. 16. 17. 18. moniliger (Hodgs.). (p. 442.) mouhoti, Sharpe. (p. 444.) picticollis, Swinhoe. (p. 444.) schmackeri, Hartl., Abh. Nat. Wer. Bremen, xiv. p. 349, taf. iv. (1898). . gularis (McClell.). (p. 445.) . delesserti (Jerd.). (p. 446) palliatus (Bp.). (p. 446.) schistochlamys, Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 479; 1889, p. 411. rufifrons, Less. (p. 448.) . STACT00ICHLA, Sharpe. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Burmese Provinces. Cambodia. China (Che Kiang. Foll-kien. Anhwei, Yangtze Walley). Hainan. Assam. Daphla & Khási Hills. Cachar. Hills of S. India. Sumatra. N.W. Borneo (Mt. Kina Balu. Mt. Dulit). Java. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus, vii. p. 449, 1883.) . merulina (Blyth). Z(p. 449.) Khási, Näga, and Lhota Nāga Hills. E. Manipur. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 19 XXII. GRAMMATOPTILA, Reichenb. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 450, 1883.) — 1. striata (Vig.). (p. 450) Sw 2. austeni, Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 104 A (1889). XXIII. MELANOCICHLA, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 451.) 1. lugubris (S. Müll.). (p. 451.) 2. peninsularis, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 274. XXIV. ALLOCOTOPS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 389.) 1. calvus, Sharpe, t. c. p. 389; id. Ibis, 1889, p. 413, pl. xiii. XXV. RHINOCICHLA, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 452.) Sk 1. mitrata (S. Müll). (p. 452.) [Cf. Sharpe, P.Z. S. 1886, p. 352.] 2. treacheri (Sharpe). (p. 453.) Himalayas (Sutlej Walley to Bhutan). Daphla and E. Nāga Hills. Sumatra. Malay Peninsula (Mts. of Perak). MtS. of N.W. Borneo (Mt. Kina Balu). Sumatra. Mts. of Malay Peninsula. N.W. Borneo. C 2 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. XXVI. DRYONASTES, Sharpe. e (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 454, 1883.) 1. 5 , nuchalis (Godwin-Austen). . strepitans (Blyth). ruficollis (J. & S). (p. 454.) . castanotis, Ogilvie Grant, Ibis, 1899, p. 584. . chinensis (Scop.). (p. 455.) . maesi, Oust., Bull. Soc. Zool. France, xv. p. 155 (1890). ... germaini, Oust., t. c. p. 157 (1890). (p. 456.) (p. 457.) (Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 83, S. g. Garrulaw.] . lugens, Oust., Bull. Soc. Philom. iii. no. 5, p. 211 (1878–79); id. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, xv. p. 155 (1890). monachus (Swinh.). (p. 457.) E. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Rhási Hills. Manipur. Bhamo, Upper Burma. Haiman. Cochin China. S. China. S. Pegu. Temasserim. Tonquin. Cochin China. Assam. Lhota Nāga Hills. ? Manipur. Tenasserim (Mt. Muleyit). Laos Mts., Siam. Haiman. GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 21 + 10. perspicillatus (Gm.). (p. 458.) Japan. [Cf. Salvad. & Gigl. Mem. Accad. Torino, S. China. xxxix. p. 124 (1889).] Siam. + 11. sannio (Swinh.). (p. 459) S. China. Manipur. E. of Bharmo. 12, poecilorhynchus (Gould). (p. 460.) Formosa. 13. berthemyi (David & Oust.). (p. 461.) China. (Mts. of Foh-kien). 14. caerulatus (Hodgs.). (p. 461.) E. Himalayas (Nepal. Sikhim). N. Manipur. 15. Sub-caerulatus (Hume). (p. 462.) Khási Eſills. 16. kaurensis, Rippon, Bull. B. O. C. xii. p. 13 Burmese Provinces (1901). (Kauri-Kachin). 17. galbanus (Godwin-Austen). (p. 445.) Manipur. XXVII. NE0OICHLA, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 468, 1883.) 1. gutturalis (Bocage). (p. 468) S.W. Africa [Kelleni, Büttik. Notes Leyden Mus, x. p. 229, (Benguela. pl. ix. fig. 1 (1888). Mossamedes). Cf. Reichen. J. f. O. 1891, p. 69.] 22 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. XXVIII. CRATEROPUS, Swains.” (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 469, 1883.) 1. reinwardti, Swains. (p. 470.) W. Africa [Fig., Reichenow, J. f.O. 1897, taf, ii. fig. 2.] (Senegambia to Gold Coast). 2. Stictilaema, Alexander, Bull. B. O. C. xii. W. Africa p. 10 (1901). (Gold Coast to Niger). 3. platycercus, Swains. (p. 471.) W. Africa, (Senegambia to Gold Coast). 4. melanops, Hartl. (p. 472.) S.W. Africa (Damara Land). 5. squamulatus, Shelley, Ibis, 1884, p. 45. E, Africa. (Mombasa). 6. jardinei, A. Smith. (p. 472.) Int, of S. Africa, to the Zambesi and Damara Land. 7, plebeius (Cretzschm.). (p. 473.) N.E. Africa. ~ 8. kirki, Sharpe. (p. 474.) S.E. & E. Africa. 9, sharpei, Reichenow, J. f. O. 1891, p. 432. E. Africa (Umiamesi). * C. wickenburgi, Lorenz, Orn. MB. vi. p. 27 (1897)= Heteropsar albicapillus, id. op. cit. vii. p. 27 (1898). GENERA. AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 23 10. 11. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. j9. buxtoni, Sharpe, Ibis, 1891, p. 455. hypostictus, Cab. & Reichen. (p. 474.) tanganjicae, Reichenow, J. f. O. 1886, p. 115, pl. iii. fig. 1. leucocephalus (Cretzschm.). (p. 474) bicolor, Jard. (p. 475.) . leucopygius (Ripp.). (p. 476.) hartlaubi, Bocage. (p. 478.) Smithi, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. iv. p. xli (1895). tenebrosus, Hartl., J. f. O. 1883, p. 425; id. Zool. Jahrb. ii. p. 313, pl. xii. fig. 4 (1887). hindei, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xi. p. 29 (1900). IE. Africa (Suk country). S.W. Africa, (Loango Coast). C. E. Africa. (Marungu). N.E. Africa. Senegambia. S. Africa (N. Orange R. Colony. Transvaal. Damara Land). E. Africa. (Zanzibar). N.E. Africa. S.W. Africa. (Benguela to Damara Land). Somali Land. Fquatorial Africa (Lado). Equatorial Africa (Athi River). 24 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS, +20. 21. 22. + 24. 23. A. . rufescens (Blyth). . cinereifrons (Blyth). . hypoleucus, Cab. . atripennis, Swains. canorus (Linn.). (p. 478.) larvatus, Harčert, J. f. O. 1890, p. 154. griseus (Gm.). (p. 480.) \, ...stvº striatus (Swains.). (p. 481.) somervillei (Sykes). (p. 482.) (p. 389.) (p. 447.) (p. 475, pt.) (p. 483.) . bohndorffi, Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool. xvii. (1884) p. 422. Indian Peninsula generally. ? Madras. S. India. S. India. Ceylon. S.W. India, (Western Gháts, Dombay). Ceylon. Ceylon. E. Africa. Senegambia. Equatorial Africa (Niam Niam). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 25 30. haynesi, Sharpe. (p. 488, pl. xi.) W. Africa. (Gold Coast). XXIX, AAETHOCICHLA, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 484, 1883.) 1. gymnogenys (Hartl.). (p. 484.) S.W. Africa, (Benguela. Mossamedes). XXX. CATAPONERA, Hartert. (Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. p. 70, 1896.) 1. turdoides, Hartert, t. c. p. 70. S. Celebes |Cf. Meyer & Wiglesw. B. Celebes, ii. pl. xxix. (Bonthain Peak). fig. 2.] XXXI. CALAMANTHUS, Gowld. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 501.) 1. fuliginosus (Vig. & Horsf.). (p. 501.) S. Australia. Tasmania. 2. rubiginosus, Campbell, Vict. Nat. xvi. p. 3 N.W. Australia. (1899). 3. campestris (Gould). (p. 502.) S. Australia, Victoria. W. Australia. 4, isabellinus, North, Horn Exped. Centr, Austr. C. Australia. ii. Zool. Aves, p. 85 (1896). 26 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. XXXII. CINCLORHAMPHUS, Gould. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 498, 1883.) 1, cruralis (Vig. & Horsf.). (p. 498.) S. Australia. Victoria. N.S. Wales. E. Australia. (p. 500.) Australia + £, rufescens (Vig. & Horsf.). generally. Sub-Family II. TIMELIINA. w [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 129 (1889).] XXXIII. TIMELIA, Horsf. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 507, 1883.) [Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. 1901, p. 53.] | 1. pileata, Horsf. (p. 507.) Java. “ Indo-Chinese Countries. 2. jerdoni, Walden. (p. 507, pt.) Malay Peninsula. |Upper Bengal. Lower Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). 3. bengalensis, Godwin-Austen. (p. 507, pt.) XXXIV. PYCTORHIS, Hodgs. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 510.) Indian Peninsula. 4– 1. sinensis (Gm.). (p. 510.) Indo-Chinese Provinces. 2. nasalis, Legge. (p. 512.) Ceylon. GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BITDS. 27 jºr 3. altirostris (Jerd.). (p. 512.) Plains of N.W. India, to Bhutan and Assam. Burmese Provinces. XXXV. OPHRYDORNIS, Büttikofer. (Büttik. Notes Leyden Mus. xvii. p. 101, 1895.) 1. albigularis (Blyth). (p. 514.) Indian Peninsula. Ceylon. Borneo (teste Finsch in litt.). XXXVI. DUMETIA, Blyth. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 514, 1883.) [Ophrydornis, Büttik. Notes Leyden Mus. xvii. p. 101 (1895).] 1. hyperythra (Franklin). (p. 515.) W. Indian Peninsula. Ceylon. XXXVII. BUETTIKOFERIA, Madarász, Bull. B.O.C. Xii. p. 49 (1902). [Muelleria, Büttikofer (nec Schrank, 1803), Notes Leyden Mus. xvii. pp. 68, 96 (1895).] 1. bivittata (Bp.). (p. 516.) Lesser Sunda Is. (Timor), XXXVIII. GAMPSORHYNCHUS, Blyth. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 386.) + 1. rufulus, Blyth. (p. 386.) w E. Himalayas (Sikhim to Assam). Daphla and Garo Hills. Aracan. 2. Saturation, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 273. Malay Peninsula (Mts. of Perak). 28 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. N \ wº 3. torquatus, Hume. (p. 387.) Burmese Provinces K- (Karen Hills). Tenasserim. XXXIX. ELAPHRORNIS, Legge. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 517, 1883.) 1. palliseri (Blyth). (p. 517.) Mts. of Ceylon. |XL. ANDROPHILUS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 390.) 1. accentor, Sharpe, t. c. p. 390, pl. ix, fig. 2. N.W. Borneo (Mt. Kima Balu). 2. castaneus (Büttik., Notes Leyden Mus. xv. Mountains of p. 261, 1893). N. & S. Celebes. [everetti, Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. p. 70, 1896. Cf. Meyer & Wiglesw. B. Celebes, ii. p. 502 (1898).] 3. disturbans, Hartert, Nov. Zool. vii. p. 238 Molucca Is. (1900). (Buru). XLI. STATIASTICUS, Hartert. (Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. p. 539, 1896.) 1. montis, Hartert, l.c. E, Java (Mt. Arjuno). XLII. BOWDLERIA, Rothschild. (Rothschild, Nov. Zool. iii. p. 539, 1896.) [Sphenoeacus, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 94 (1883).] 1. punctatus (Q. ó G.). (p. 97.) Mew Zealand. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 29 2, fulvus (Gray). (p. 98.) New Zealand (South Isl.). 3. rufescens (Buller). (p. 98.) Chatham Isl. XLIII. SPHENOEACUS, Strickl. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 94, 1883.) 1. africanus (Gm.). (p. 95.) W. Cape Colony. 2. intermedius, Shelley. (p. 96.) E. Cape Colony. 3. natalensis, Shelley. (p. 96.) S.E. Africa, (Natal to Transvaal). XLIV. PSEUDOTHARRHALEUS, Ogilvie Grant. (Ogilvie Grant, Bull. B. O. C. iv. p. xl, 1895.) 1, caudatus, Ogilvie Grant, l.c. Philippine Is. (Luzon). XLV. PELLORNEUM, Swains. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 518, 1883.) 1. mandellii, Blanf. Lower Hills of [nipalense (Hodgs, nom. nudum). (p. 518.)] E. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Rhási & Garo Hills. Cachar. Manipur. 30 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 2. minus (Hume). [intermedium, Sharpe (p. 519). Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 141 (1889).] ~!-- 3. ruficeps, Swains. (p. 520.) / 4. subochraceum, Swinh. /(p. 521.) 5. palustre, Gould. (p. 522.) 6. ignotum, Hume. (p. 556.) 7. cinnamomeum (Rippom, Bull. B. O. C. xi. p. 12, 1900). XLVI. SCOTOCICHLA, Sharpe. Cachar. Tippera. Burmese Provinces. S. & C. India. Burmese Provinces. N. Malay Peninsula. Salanga Isl. Assam. Rhási Hills. N. Sylhet. Assam. E. Nāga Hills. Burmese Provinces (S. Shan States). (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 522, 1883.) 1. fuscicapilla (Blyth). (p. 523.) XLVII. CROSSLEYIA, Hartl. *x (Sharpe, t. c. p. 524.) 1. xanthophrys (Sharpe). (p. 524) Ceylon. C. Madagascar. GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 31 XLVIII. BERNIERIA, Bp. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 529, 1883.) + 1. madagascariensis (Gm.). (p. 529.) N. Madagascar. XLIX. MACROSPHENUS, Cass. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 530.) [Rectirostrum, Reichenow, Orn. MB. i. p. 32 (1893).] 1. flavicans, Cass. (p. 530.) W. Africa. [hypochondriacum, Reichenow, t. c.] (Gaboon. Congo). 2. poensis, Alexander, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 36 W. Africa (1903). (Fernando Po). 3 zenkeri, Reichenow, Orm. M.B. vi. p. 22 (1898). W. Africa (Cameroons). L. MYSTACORNIS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 531, 1883.) * 1. crossleyi (Grandid.). (p. 531.) Madagascar. LI. MALIA, Schlegel. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 587, 1883.) 1. grata, Schl. (p. 587.) Celebes. [recondita, Meyer & Wiglesw. Abh. Mus, Dresden, 1894–65, no. 4, p. 1 (1894). Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. p. 255 (1896). Fig., Meyer & Wiglesw. B. Celebes, pl. xxxiii. (1898).] 32 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. w LII. TURDINUS, Blyth. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 539, 1883.) [Cf. Büttik. Notes Leyden Mus. xvii. p. 68 (1895). Malacocincla, Büttik. t. c. p. 79. Illadopsis, Büttik. t. c. p. 98.] 10. . abbotti (Blyth). . celebensis (Strickl.). . finschi (Wald.). ... sepiarius (Horsf). ... perspicillatus (Bp.). (p. 541.) ... olivaceum (Strick!.). [Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. p. 563 (1902).] ... buettikoferi, Finsch, Notes Leyden Mus. xxii. p. 218 (1901). [Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. p. 563 (1902).] (p. 542.) (p. 543.) (p. 544.) [Cf. Finsch, Notes Leyden Mus. xxii. p. 219 (1901).] . minor, A. B. Meyer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. 1884, p. 210. w (p. 540, note.) [Cf. Sharpe, Notes Leyden Mus. vi. p. 171 (1884).] canicapillus, Sharpe, Ibis, 1887, p. 450. fulvescens (Cass.). (p. 545.) IE. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Burmese Provinces. Malay Peninsula. W. Borneo. N. Celebes. S. & W. Celebes. Java. Borneo. Java. Borneo. W. Borneo (Mts. Kina Balu, Dulit, etc.). W. Africa (Gaboon). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 33 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. albipectus, Reichenow, J. f.O. 1887, p. 307. rufipennis (Sharpe). (p. 545, pt.) cerviniveritris, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xii. p. 3 (1901). gularis (Sharpe). (p. 543, pl. xiv.) bocagei, Salvad., Boll. Mus, Torino, xviii. no. 442 (1903). rufescens, Reichenow. (p. 544.) puveli, Salvad., Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xx. p. 767 (1901). reichenowi, Sharpe (nomen emend). rºftventris (nec Salvad.), Reichenow, Orn. MB. i. p. 177 (1893). moloneyanus, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 228, pl. xx, fig, 2. rufifrons, Tweedd. (p. 546.) [Malacopterum palawanense, Büttik. Notes Leyden Mus, xvii. p. 104 (1895).] WOL. IV. W. Africa (Camaroons to the Congo), W. Africa (Gaboon). W. Africa. (Camaroons to the Congo). W. Africa (Gold Coast to the Congo). W. Africa, (Fernando Po). W. Africa (Liberia to Gold Coast). W. Africa (Portuguese Senegambia). W. Africa. (Gaboon Camaroons). W. Africa. (Gold Coast). Philippines (Palawan). I} 34 AND SIPECIES OF DIRDS. GENERA 21. 22. + 24. 25, 26. 27. 28. 29. rufiventris (Salvad.). (p. 585.) [Turdinus tephrops, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. i. p. liv (1893); cf. Buttik. Notes Leyden Mus. xvii. p. 82 (1895).]* magnirostris (Moore). (p. 547.) . kalulongae, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. i. p. liv (1893). macrodactylus (Strickl.). (p. 548.) 1epidopleurus (BP.). (p. 539, note.) rufipectus, Salvad. (p. 549.) batesi, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xii. p. 2 (1901); id. Ibis, 1902, pl. iv. fig. 2. stierlingi, Reichenow, Orn. MB. vi. p. 82 (1898). monachus, Reichenow, Ber. allg. Deutsch Orn. Ges. 1892, p. 4; id. J. f. O. 1892, p. 193. Borneo. Cochin China. S. Tenasserim. Malay Peninsula. Sumatra. N.W. Borneo (Mt. Kalulong). Malay Peninsula. Java. Sumatra. W. Africa (Camaroons to the Congo). German E, Africa (Uhehe). W. Africa, (Camaroons), * Dr. Finsch agrees with Dr. Büttikofer that Ptilocichla ruftventris of the ‘Catalogue’ should be placed in the genus Malacocichla, which I do not separate from Turdinus; and he thinks that Malacopterum rufifrons (cf. Setaria, p. 39) should also be placed in Malacocichla. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 3 5 30. jacksoni, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xi. p. 29 Equatorial Africa (1900). - (Nandi). 31. atriceps, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 10 Equatorial Africa (1902). (Ruwenzori Mts.). 32, atrigularis (Bp.). (p. 549.) Borneo. 33, loricatus (S. Müll.). (p. 550.) Sumatra. LIII. BATHM00ERCUS, Reichenow. (Reichenow, Orn. M.B. iii. p. 113, 1895.) 1. rufus, Reichenow, t. c. p. 113. W. Africa, (Camaroons). Fu S * 2. jacksoni, Sharpe, Bull, B.O. C. xiii. p. 10 (1902). Equatorial Africa A (Ruwenzori Mts.). 3. vulpinus, Reichenow, Nov. Zool. ii. p. 160 W. Africa (1895). (Aruwimi River). 4. murinus, Reichenow, l.c. p. 161. W. Africa, (Aruwimi River). LIV. PTYRTICUS, Hartl.” (Hartlaub, J. f. O. 1883, p. 425.) 1. turdinus, Hartl. t. c. p. 425; id. Zool. Jahrb. Equatorial Africa. ii. p. 314, pl. xi. fig. 1. * Placed by Capt. Shelley in the Pycnonotidae (B. Afr. i. p. 64). D 2 36 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BITI)S. LW. AMAUROCICHLA, Sharpe. (Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1892, p. 228.) 1. bocagei, Sharpe, l.c. pl. xx, fig. 1. W, Africa (S. Thomas Isl.). LVI. DRYMOCHERA, Finsch. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 550, 1883.) 1. badiceps, Finsch. (p. 550.) Fiji Is. (Viti Levu). LVII. ERYTHROCICHLA, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 551.) 1. bicolor (Less.). (p. 551.) S. Tenasserim. Malay Peninsula. Sumatra. Borneo. LVIII, DRYMOCATAPHUS, Blyth. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 552.) 1. capistratus (Temm.). (p. 553.) Java. ^ ' ( . ) \ y ' ' '.' . + 2. nigricapitatus (Eyton). (p. 554.) S. Tenasserim. /\ Malay Peninsula. 3. capistratoides (Strickl.). (p. 555.) Borneo. Sumatra. 4. cleaveri, Shelley. (p. 556.) W. Africa (Gold Coast). f GENERA AND SIPECIES OF TRIRDS. 37 * 5. johnsoni, Büttik, Notes Leyden Mus. xi. W. Africa p.97 (1889). (Liberia). 6. assamensis, Sharpe. (p. 557.) Assam. —i- 7. tickelli (Blyth). (p. 557.) Rhási and Gåro Hills. Manipur. Burmese Provinces (Hills of Karen-nee, Pegu, and Tenasserim). 8. rubiginosus (Walden). (p. 560.) JBurmese Provinces (Hills of Karen-nee), LIX. ORTYGOCICHLA, Sclater. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 560, 1883.) 1. rubiginosa, Sclater. (p. 560.) Bismarck Archipelago (New Britain). LX. TRICH0CICHLA, Reichenow. (Reichenow, J. f. O. 1890, p. 489.) 1. rufa, Reichenow, l.c. Fiji Is. (Viti Levu). LXI. IFRITA, Rothschild. (Rothschild, Bull. B. O. C. vii. p. iiii, 1898.) 1. coronata, Rothschild, l.c. p. liv; id. Nov. Zool. S.E. New Guinea. vi. pl. iii. fig. 1 (1899). 38 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. IXII. GYPSOPHILA, Oates. - (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 561, 1883.) 1. crispifrons (Blyth). (p. 561.) Limestone Hills of C. Tenasserim. LXIII. AETHOSTOMA, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xii. p. 54 (1902). [Trichostoma, Blyth, 1842 (nec Trichostoma, Pictet, 1834, Neuroptera)*. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 562.)] 1. rostratum (Blyth). (p. 562.) S Tenasserim. [Ptilocichla leucogastra, Davison, Ibis, 1892, Malay Peninsula, p. 100. Cf. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. i. p. vii Sumatra. (1892).] 2. umbratile (Strickl.). Borneo. [Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. xx. p. 563 (1902).] 3. buettikoferi (Vorderm., N. T. Nederl. Ind. (8) S. Sumatra. xii. p. 230, 1894). LXIV. SETARIA, Blyth, J. A. S. Beng. xiii. p. 385 (1844). [Malacopterum, Eyton, 1839 (nec Malacopterus, Serv. 1835, Coleoptera)*. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 563, 1883.) Cf. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xii. p. 54 (1902).] [Cf. Büttikofer, Notes Leyden Mus. xvii. p. 102 (1895).] + 1. magna (Eyton.) (p. 564) S. Tenasserim. Malay Peninsulā. Sumatra. Borneo. 2. cinerea (Eyton). (p. 566.) Malay Peninsula. s Sumatra. Borneo. * For the knowledge of the preoccupation of these generic names, I am indebted to Dr, Stejneger's notes. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 39 3, bungurensis (Hartert, Nov. Zool. i. p.470, 1894). 4. rufifrons (Cab.). [Cf. Finsch, Notes Leyden Mus. xxii. p. 220.] [lepidocephalum, Blyth ; Sharpe, Cat. vii. p. 567. Cf. Sharpe, Notes Leyden Mus. vi. p. 174 (1884).] 5. pyrrhogenys (Temm.). [erythrote, Sharpe, Cat. vii. pp. 567, 588, note. Cf. Sharpe, Notes Leyden Mus, vi. p. 174 (1884).] 6. albigularis, Blyth. (p. 568.) + 7. affinis (Blyth). (p. 569.) 8. notata (Richm., Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xv. p. 190, 1902). 9. melanocephala (Davison, Ibis, 1892, p. 101). 10. cinereicapilla (Salvad.). (p. 563, note.) , LXV. XANTHOMIXIS, Sharpe. Natuma Is. Java. Sumatra. Java. Borneo. Malay Peninsula. Borneo. Malay Peninsula. Sumatra. Borneo. Bangkaru Isl., W. Sumatra. E. Malay Peninsula . (Pahang). N.W. Borneo. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 570, 1883.) + 1. zosterops (Sharpe). (p. 570.) C. Madagascar. 40 GINERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. LXVI. NESOBATES, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xii. p. 54 (1902). [orylabes, Sharpe, 1870 (nee Owylabis, Forst, 1856, Hymenoptera)*. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 571, 1883.)] —l- 1. madagascariensis (Gm.). (p. 571.) Madagascar. 2. cinereiceps (Sharpe). (p. 572.) C. Madagascar. LXVII. PTILOPYGA, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 585.) 1. leucogrammica (BP.). (p. 586.) Porneo. LXVIII. PTIL00ICHLA, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 586.) _y 1, falcata, Sharpe. (p. 586) ( º Philippine Is. * (Palawan. Balabac). —t 2, basilanica, Steere, List B. & Mamm, Exped. Philippine Is. Philipp. p. 18 (1890); id. Ibis, 1891, (Basilan). pl. vii. 3. mindanensis, Steere, l.c.; cf. Blasius, Philippine Is. J. f. O. 1890, p. 146. (Mindanao). 4. minuta, Bourns & Worcester, Occ. Papers Philippine Is. Minnesota Acad. i. p. 24 (1894). (Samar). * Dr. Stejneger has also drawn my attention to the pre-occupation of the genus Ory'abos. GENERA AND SPECIIS OF BIRDS. 41 LXIX. ANUROPSIS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 588, 1883.) <--- ºff- —A- ecº CVI. IXULUS, Hodgs. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 612, 1883.) 1. occipitalis (Blyth). (p. 613.) Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Dáphia and Khási Hills. —t 2. flavicollis, Hodgs. (p. 612.) - Himalayas - (Sutlej Valley to Assam). Khási Hills, Manipur. 3. humilis, Huºne. (p. 614.) - Temasserim (Oates, Ibis, 1894, pl. xiii. fig. 2. (Mt. Muleyit). 4. Clarki, Oates, Bull. B. O. C. iv. p. xli (1894); Burmese Provinces id. Ibis, 1894, pl. xiii. fig, 1. (Sham States). 5. rouxi, Oust, Bull. Mus. Paris, 1896, p. 186. W. China, (Yun-mam). 64 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. CVII. HERPORNIS, Hodgs. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 636, 1883.) 1. xantholeuca, Hodgs. (p. 636.) E. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Cachar. Manipur. Burmese Provinces. Malay Peninsula. 2. tyrannula, Swinh. (p. 637.) Formosa. [Cryptolopha bicolor, Styan, B.O.C. i. p. iv. Hainan. (1892); cf. Sharpe, t. c. p. 19.] S. China. 3. brunnescens, Sharpe. (p. 637.) Borneo. Sub-Family W. LIOTRICHINA’. [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 220 (1889).] CVIII. LIOTHRIX, Swains. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 644.) 1. calipygus, Hodgs. (p. 644, pt.) Himalayas [Cf. Seebohm, P. Z. S. 1890, p. 343.] (Simla to Assam). FChási Hills. Aracan. Indo-Chinese Provinces. ~k 2. luteus (Scop.). (p. 644, pt.) S. & W. China. [Cf. Seebohm, l.c.] Szechuen. Hu-peh. CIX. LIOCICHLA, Swinh. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 641.) + 1. steerei, Swinh. (p. 641.) Formosa. GINETA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS, 65 CX. CUTIA, Hodgs. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 646, 1883.) tº 1. nipalensis, Hodgs. (p. 646.) 2. cervinicrissa, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 276. CXI. PTERYTHIUS, Swains. E. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). E. Nāga Hills. Manipur. Karen-nee. Malay Peninsula (Mts. of Perah). (Gadow, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. viii. p. 112, 1883.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 223, 1889.] +1. erythropterus (Vig.). (viii. p. 113.) f 2, aeralatus (Tickell). (viii. p. 114.) 3. cameranoi, Salvad. (viii. p. 115.) [Cf. Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 276; id. Ibis, 1889, p. 419.] 4. melanotis, Hodgs, (viii. p. 117.) 5. intermedius (Home), (viii. p. 117.) 6. tahanensis, Harteri, Nov. Zool. ix. p. 576 (1902). WOL. IW. Himalayas (Hazára to Assam). Khási and Nāga. Hills. Manipur. Hills of Burmese Provinces. S. China (Foh-kien). Mts. of Malay Peninsula. Sumatra. N.W. Borneo. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Khási & El Nāga Hills. Manipur. Burmese Provinces. Malay Peninsula (Mts, of Pahang). F. 66 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 7. flaviscapus (Temm.). (viii. p. 116.) Java, 8. aenobarbus (Temm.). (viii. p. 116.) Java. +. 9. xanthochloris, Hodgs. (viii. p. 118.) Himalayas (Sutlej Valley to Sikhim). 10. pallidus (David). (p. 118, pt.) W. China, (Szechuen. Yun-man.) CXII. MYZORNIS, Hodgs. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus, vii. p. 635, 1883.) C + 1. pyrrhura, Hodgs. (p. 635.) E. Himalayas (Nepal, Sikhim). CXIII. HILAR00ICHLA, Oates. (Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 243, 1889.) [Pteruthius, pt., Gadow, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. viii. p. 115, 1883.] 1. rufiventer (Blyth), (viii. p. 115.) E. Himalayas (Nepal, Sikhim). Nága Hills. CXIV. MESIA, Hodgs. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 642, 1883.) + 1. argentauris, Hodgs, (p. 642) Himalayas (Gharwal to Assam). Dáphla, Garo & Nāga. Hills. Manipur. Burmese Provinces. 2, laurinae (Salvad.), (p. 643.) Sumatra, GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIT, DS. 67 CXV. MINLA, Hodgs. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 606, 1883.) 1. igneitincta, Hodgs. (p. 606.) E. Himalayas (Nepal to Bhutan). Nága Hills. Manipur. 2. jerdoni, J. Verr. (p. 607.) W. China, (Szechuen). CXVI. PSAR0GLOSSA, Hodgs.” (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus, xiii. p. 117, 1890.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 249, 1889.) -v 1. Spiloptera (Vig.). (xiii. p. 117.) Himalayas (Dharmsala to Assam). Plains of Upper India. Cachar. Rhási and Garo Hills. Manipur. Burmese Provinces. Sub-Family VI. PARADOXORNITILINAE. CXVII. CONOSTOMA, Hodgs. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 485, 1883.) 1. aemodium, Hodgs. (p. 485.) E. Himalayas (Nepal, Sikhim). W. China and Tibet. * I have followed Mr. Oates in placing this genus in the Timeliidae, but I cannot believe that this is its proper position. A specimen recently died in Dr. A. G. Butler's aviary, and was presented by him to the Museum, where Mr. W. P. Pycraft has examined it. He decides that Psaroglossa is certainly not a Starling, but that, as far as can be determined at present, it is allied to the Bulbuls (Pycnonotida), which birds Dr. Butler considers it to resenble in habits. When Mr. Pycraft has completed his observations, he will publish a paper on the subject. F 2 68 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BITDS. CXVIII. PARADOXORNIS, Gould. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 496, 1883.) 1. flavirostris, Gould. (p. 496.) Terai of E. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Sylhet. Cachar. Rhási Hills. 2. guttaticollis, David. (p. 497.) Sylhet. Khási & Nāga Hills. W. & S. China. 3. heudei, David. (p. 497.) China. (Nankin). CXIX. CHOLORNIS, J. Verr. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 498.) 1. paradoxa, J. Verr. (p. 498.) W. China (Moupin). CXX. PANURUS, Koch. (Gadow, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. viii. p. 77, 1883.) 1. biarmicus (Linn.). (p. 77.) Temperate Europe. 2. sibiricus (Bp., C. R. xlii. p. 414, 1856). E. Europe to C. Asia. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 69 CXXI. SUTHORA, Hodgs. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 486, 1883.) [Chleuasicus, Blyth ; Sharpe, t. c. p. 494 (1883). Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 63 (1889).j . 10. . unicolor (Hodgs.). . humei, Sharpe. (p. 493.) (p, 487.) . poliotis, Blyth. (p. 487.) * . feae, Salvad., Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. (2) vii. p. 364 (1889). . verreauxi, Sharpe. (p. 488.) . craddocki, Bingham, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 54 (1903). nipalensis, Hodgs. (p. 488.) . davidiana, Slater, Ibis, 1897, p. 172, pl. iv. fig. 1. ... thompsoni, Bingham, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 63 (1903). conspicillata, David. (p. 489.) E. Himalayas (Nepal, Tibet). Mts. of W. China and Tibet. E. Himalayas (Sikhim). Cherra Poonji. E. Nāga Hills. |Burmese Provinces (Karen-nee). W. & S. China (Hills of Szechuen, Moupin, Foh-kien). Mekong Valley. E. Himalayas (Nepal). China (N.W. Foh-kien). S. Shan States. N.W. China (Koko-mor). 70 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 11. alphonsiana, Verr. (p. 489.) 12. przewalskii, Berez, & Bianchi, Av. Exped. Potan. Gan-su, p. 67, pl. ii. fig. 1 (1894). [Cf. Ibis, 1899, p. 271.] 13, brunnea, Anderson. (p. 490) 14, styani, Rippon, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 54 (1903). 15. bulomachus, Swink. (p. 490.) * 16. webbiana, Gray. (p. 490.) 17, mantschurica, Tacz, Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1885, * p. 470. [fulvicauda, Campbell, Ibis, 1892, p. 237.] [longicauda, Campbell, l.c.; cf. Seebohm, Ibis, 1894, p. 339.] Cf. Hellm. J. f. O. 1901, p. 184. tº 5 + 18. suffusa, Swinh. (p. 491.) ^ [=S. bulomachus, Seebohm, Ibis, 1894, p. 338.] 19. oatesi, nom. emend. (p. 494.) (Pro Chleuasicus ruficeps, mec Suthora ruficeps) *. W. China. (Yun-man, Szechuen). N.W. China (Kam-su). W. China (Yun-man). Shan States. W. Yun-man. Rormosa. China. Mongolia. Corea. S. Ussuri-land (Bay of Abrek). Chima (Upper Yangtze River). E. Himalayas (Sikhim). Cachar. 20, atrisuperciliaris (Godwin-Austen). (p. 494, pt.) Upper Assam. Yunnan. * It seems better to substitute a recognizable name for one of the two birds which have been called ruficeps and placed in Suthora, Chleuasicus, and Scaeorhynchus alternately. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 71 21, fulvifrons, Blyth. (p. 494.) 22. cyanophrys, David & Oust. (p. 495.) CXXII. SCAEORHYNCHUS, Oates. E. Himalayas (Nepal, Sikhim). China (S.E. Chen-si). (Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 68, 1889.) [Suthora, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. vii. p. 486.] 1. ruficeps (Blyth). (p. 491.) (nec Chleuasicus ruficeps, Blyth). 2. bakeri, Hartert, Nov. Zool. vii. p. 548 (1900). 8, gularis (Gray). (p. 102) 4. transfluvialis, Harteri, Nov. Zool. vii. p. 548 (1900). E. Himalayas (Sikhim to Assam). Arakan. Tenasserim. Cachar. E. Himalayas (Sikhim to Bhutan). Khási Hills. Karen-nee. China (Foh-kien). Cachar. Family VI. TR0GLODYTIDAE. (Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. vi. p. 180, 1881.) I. CINNICERTHIA, Less. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 182.) 1. unirufa (Lafr.). (p. 182.) 2. unibrunnea (Lafr.). (p. 183.) Colombia. Ecuador. Colombia, Ecuador. 72 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 3. olivascens, Sharpe. (p. 184, pl. xi.) Colombia (Antioquia). 4, bogotensis, Matschie, J. f. O. 1885, p. 466. Colombia (Bogotá). 5, peruana (Cab.). (p. 502.) Peru. [Cf. Tacz. Orm. Pérou, i. p. 506.] II. HELEODYTES, Cab.” (Campylorhynchus, Spix (nee Megerle), Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 184, 1881. Cf. Palmer, Auk, x. p. 86, 1893.) [Cf. Ridgw. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xxiii. pp. 383-386 (1887); Salvin & Godman, lbis, 1889, pp. 233–236.] 1. griseus (Swains.). (p. 186.) Guiana. [bicolor, Cat. p. 186, nec Pelz. Cf. Berlepsch & Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. p. 4 (1902).] 2. minor, Cab. (p. 187.) Venezuela. Isl, of Trinidad. 3. bicolor, Pelz. (p. 187.) Colombia (Bogotá). 4. albicilius (Bp.). (p. 186 pt.) Coast Region of N. Colombia (Santa Marta and Baranquilla). * Count von Berlepsch has sent me some valuable MSS. notes on some of the species of S. American Wrens, for the purposes of this work, and his help is cordially acknowledged.—R. B. S. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BITRDS. 7 3 10. ll. I2. 13 , albibrunneus, Lawr. . variegatus (Gm.). . hypostictus (Gould). . unicolor (Lafº.). . Chiapensis, Salvin & Godman, Ibis, 1891, p. 609. (p. 188.) (p. 188.) (p. 189.) (p. 100.) [Cf. Ridgw. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus, xxiii. p. 383 (1887).] capistratus (Less.). (p. 191.) [castaneus, Ridgw. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus, x. p. 507 (1887). Cf. Cherrie, op. cit, xiv. p. 518 (1891).] rufinucha (Lafr.). (p. 191, pt.) [Cf. Saly. & Godm. Ibis, 1889, p. 234.] nigricaudatus, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 70 (1897). humilis (Scl.). (p. 102.) Chiapas, S. Mexico. Panama. E. Brazil (Bahia). Amazonia. Upper Amazonia. Ecuador. Colombia. W. Brazil. Bolivia. C. America (Salvador, and Guatemala to Costa Rica). S. Mexico. Guatemala. S.W. Mexico (Chiapas). W. Mexico (Mazatlan to Tehuantepec). 74 GENERA AND SPECIDS OF BIRDS. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2 2 . jocosus (Scl.). . couesi (Sharpe). rufus, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 69 (1897). (p. 193.) gularis (Scl.). (p. 194, pl.xii, fig. 2.) [occidentalis, Nelsom, Auk, xiv. p. 69 (1897). Cf. Nelson, Auk, xv. p. 160 (1898).] stridulus, Nelson, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xiii. p. 30 (1899). zonatus (Less.). (p. 195.) restrictus, Nelson, Auk, xviii. p. 49 (1901). costaricensis, Berlepsch, Auk, 1888, p. 449. . brunneicapillus, Lafr. [Cf. Ridgw. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xxiii. p. 383 (1887); Salvin & Godman, Ibis, 1889, p 235; Mearms, Auk, 1902, p. 141.] (p. 196.) . obscurus, Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc, Washington, xii. p. 58 (1898). W. Mexico (Guerrero). S. Mexico. C. & W. Mexico. N.E. Simaloa. Sonora. C. & S. Mexico to Guatemala. Mexico (Tabasco). Costa Rica. Mexico (Somora to San Luis Potosí). Rio Grande Region of Texas and N. Mexico. Table-land of Mexico (Hidalgo). GENIE.R.A AND SPECIES OF BITEDS. 75 24, anthonyi, Mearns, Auk, 1902, p. 143. 25. affinis, Xantus. [brunneicapillus (Sharpe mec Lafr.). (p. 197.) Cf. Anthony, Zoe, ii. p. 133, 1891; id. Auk, xi. p. 210 (1894), xii. p. 52 (1895).] 26. bryanti, Anthony, Auk, xi. p. 212 (1894). 27. brevirostris (Lafr.). (p. 198.) [20matoides, Lafr. Cf. Ridgw. Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. xxiii. p. 384 (1887).] 28, curvirostris, Ridgw, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. xxiii. p. 385 (1888). 29. megalopterus (Lafr.). (p. 199.) 30, alticola, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 68 (1897). 31, pallescens, Lafr. | megalopterus, pt., Cat. vi. p. 199. Cf. Ridgw. Proc. Bost. Soc Nat. Hist, xxiii. p. 384 (1887).] Desert regions of S.W. United States (W. Texas to E. California). N.W. Mexico (Chihuahua and Sonora). S. Lower California. N. Lower California. S. California. Colombia. Colombia. S. Mexico (Vera Cruz). Mexico (Pacific slopes of Sierra Madre). Patr. ignota. 76 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 32, balteatus (Baird). (p. 200.) [palliceps, Lafr. MSS.; Ridgw. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xxiii. p. 384 (1887).] 33. fasciatus (Swains.). (p. 201.) 34, guttatus (Gould). (p. 202.) 35. nuchalis (Cab.). (p. 203.) [brevipennis (Lawr.). (p. 203, note.) Cf. Berlepsch, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, 1888, p. 564.] 36. pardus, Scl. (p. 204, pl.xii, fig. 1.) [? minor, Lafr. MSS.; Ridgw. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xxiii. p. 386 (1888).] III. ODONTORHYNCHUS, Pelz. (Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 67, 1891.) 1. cinereus, Pelz. l. c. (ea Natt. MSS.). 2. branickii, Tacz. & Berl., P. Z. S. 1885, p. 72, pl. vi. [Cf. Berl, & Stolzm., P. Z. S. 1896, p. 329.] 3. minor, Hartert, Bull, B. O. C. xi. p. 40 (1900). W. Ecuador. Peru. W. Andes of N. Peru. Yucatan. Wenezuela. Isl. of Trinidad. Colombia. Amazonia (Salto de Girao, Rio Madeira). Ecuador. C. Peru. N. Ecuador. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 77 IV. THRYOPHILUS, Baird. (Sharpe, Cat. B. vi. p. 204, 1881.) [Cf. Hellmayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, li. pp. 767–776 (1901), lii. pp. 169, 170 (1902): Oberholser, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxv. pp. 66, 67, 1902.] 1. longirostris (Vieill.). (p. 206.) S. Brazil. 2. striolatus (Spic). (p. 206.) E. Brazil (Bahia). 3. leucotis (Lafr.). Colombia [Cf. Hellm. t. c. pp. 768, 773; Berlepsch & (Bogotá). Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. p. 7 (1902).] 4. albipectus (Cab.). British Guiana. [leucotis, Sharpe (p. 207), nec Lafr. Cf. Ridgw. Amazonia. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, x. p. 518 (1887); Hellm. t. c. p. 773.] 5. hypoleucus, Berlepsch & Hartert, Bull. B. O. C. Venezuela xii. p. 12 (1901). (Orinoco River). 6. taeniopterus, Ridgw., Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. x. Lower Amazonia p. 518 (1887). (Diamantina Mts.). leucotis, Berplesch, J. f. O. 1889, p. 293. [Cf. Hellm. t. c. p. 774.] 7. bogotensis, Hellm., t. c. p. 774. Colombia (Bogotá). ? Wenezuela. 8. galbraithi (Lawr.). (p. 208.) Panama. [Cf. Hellm. t. c. p. 774.] [= leucotis, teste Oberh. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxv. p. 67 (1902).] GENERA ANID SPECIES OF BITDS. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15, 16. 17. . rufiventris, Sel. (p. 209.) [Cf. Hellm. t. c. p. 775.] minor (Pelz.). (p. 207.) modestus (Cab.). (p. 209.) elutus, Bangs, Pr. N. Engl. Zool. Club, iii. p. 51 (1902). zeledoni, Ridgw. (p. 210.) [Cf. Cherrie, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus, xiv. p. 520 (1891).] superciliaris (Lawr.). (p. 210.) [Cf. Hellm. Werh, z.-b. Ges. Wien, li. p. 776, (1901.)] baroni, Hellm., Verh. z.b. Ges. Wien, lii. p. 170 (1902). guarayanus (Lafº. 3 d'Orb.). (p. 211.) [Cf. Hellm. Werh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, li. p. 767, note.] rufalbus (Lafr.). (p. 212.) [Cf. Ridgw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, x. p. 508 (1887). T. poliopleurus, Baird, cf. Ridgw, l, c.] C. Brazil. C. Brazil. E. Bolivia. C. America (Honduras. Guatemala. Costa Rica). Panama. Costa Rica (Atlantic coast). W. Ecuador. Puma Isl, N. Peru. Bolivia. C. America. (Guatemala). GENERA AND Sl’ECIES OF BIRDS, 79 18. 19, 20. 23. 25, castanonotus, I?idgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, x. p. 508 (1887). [Cf. Cherrie, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 519 (1891).] minlosi, Berlepsch, J. f. O. 1884, p. 249, pl. i. fig. 3. Sinaloa, Baird. (p. 213.) . cinereus, Brewster, Auk, 1889, p. 96. 2. pleurostictus (Scl.). (p. 213.) nisorius (Cab.). (p. 214.) . leucopogon, Salvad & Festa, Boll. Mus. Torino, xvi. no. 357, p. 6 (1899). thoracicus (Salv.). (p. 215.) . semibadius (Salv.). (p. 216.) [Cf. Cherrie, Pr, U.S. Nat. Mus, xiv. p. 520 (1891).] C. America (Nicaragua to IPanama.) Colombia. Venezuela. Isl. of Trinidad, Colombia (Bucaramanga). W. Mexico (Sinaloa to Mazatlan). N.W. Mexico (Sonora). S.W. Mexico. Honduras. Guatemala. Costa Rica. Mexico. W. Ecuador (R. Peripa). C. America (Nicaragua to Panama). Panama. 80 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 27. castaneus (Lawr.). (p. 216.) Panama. 28. costaricensis, Sharpe. (p. 217.) Costa Rica. [Cf. Cherrie, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 519 (1891).] 29, nigricapillus (Scl.). (p. 217.) W. Ecuador. Colombia. 30, schotti, Baird. (p. 217, pt.) Colombia (Rio Atrato). W. THRYOTHORUS, Vieill. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 218, 1881.) [Cf. Ridgway, Auk, 1887, p. 349; id. Man. N. Amer. B. pp. 549–555 (1896); id. Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. xxiii. p. 383 (1887); Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. ii. p. 214 (1889); Oberh. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxi. p. 421 (1898).] 1. ludovicianus (Lath.). (p. 221.) E. United States. 2. berlandieri, Baird. (p. 222.) Texas. 3, lomitensis, Sennett, Auk, vii. 1890, p. 57. S.E. Texas. 4. miamensis, Ridgw. (p. 222.) S. Florida, [Cf. Allen, Auk, vii. p. 115 (1890).] 5. mesoleucus, Scl. (p. 223.) Lesser Antilles (Santa Lucia Isl.). 6. musicus, Lawr. (p. 223.) Lesser Antilles (S. Vincent). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS, 81 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. . albinucha (Cabot). ... martinicensis, Scl. . fasciativentris, Lafr. (p. 222.) (p. 228.) . guadeloupensis, Cory, Auk, iii. p. 31 (1886); id. Ibis, 1886, p. 473; id. B. W. Ind., App. p. 287 (1889). rufescens, Lawr. (p. 228.) grenadensis, Lawr. (p. 228.) (p. 229, pl. xiv. fig. 1.) Cf. Ridgw. Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H. xxiii. p. 387; Cherrie, Pr. U.S. Nat, Mus. xiv. p. 522 1891).] albigularis, Sc. (p. 230.) melanogaster, Sharpe. (p. 230, pl. xiv. fig. 2.) [Cf. Cherrie, Pr, U.S. Nat. Mus, xiv. p. 521 (1891).] atrigularis, Salvin. (p. 231.) felix, Sol. (p. 232.) [T. ruficeps, Lafr. MSS.; cf. Ridgw. Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H. xxiii. p. 387 (1888).] WOI. IW, C. America (Yucatan to Guatemala). Lesser Antilles (Martinique). Lesser Antilles (Grand Terre Isl.). Lesser Antilles (Dominica). Lesser Antilles (Grenada). Colombia. Panama. Panama to Costa Rica. Costa Rica. S. & W. Mexico. GENERA AND SIPECIES QF BIRDS. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 2 2 . coraya (Gm.). [? Formicivora griseigula, Lawr. pallidus, Nelson, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xiii. p. 29 (1899). grandis, Nelson, Auk, xvii. p. 269 (1900). lawrencei, Ridgw. (p. 232.) magaalenae, Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton, xii. p. 11 (1898). mystacalis, Scl. 3. genibarbis, Swains. (p. 233.) (p. 233.) (p. 234.) 2. ruficaudatus, Berlepsch, Ibis, 1883, p. 491. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. li. p. 382 (1883); Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. ii. p. 150 (1889). T. oyapocensis, Ridgw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. x. p. 516, note, 1887. Cf. Berlepsch, J. f. O. 1889, p. 293.] p. 516 (1887). 5. herberti, Ridgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. x. . ridgwayi, Berlepsch, J. f. O. 1889, p. 293. W. Mexico (Durango). Mexico (Moreles). Tres Marias Is. Tres Marias Is. (Magdalena Isl.). Colombia. Ecuador. Venezuela, (Puerto Cabello). Brazil. JBolivia. Cayenne. Lower Amazonia (Diamantina Mts.). British Guiana. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 83 27. 28. 30. 31. 32 33. 34. 35. 36. . amazonicus, Sharpe. cantator, Tacz. (p. 403.) albiventris, Tacz., P. Z. S. 1882, p. 5. (p. 235, pl. xv. fig. 1.) griseipectus, Sharpe. (p. 236, pl. xv. fig. 2.) caurensis, Berlepsch & Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. pp. 7, 8 (1902). euophrys, Sol. (p. 236.) goodfellowi, Scl., Bull. B. O. C. xi. p. 47 (1901). maculipectus, Lafr. (p. 287.) [Cf. Ridgw. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xxiii. p. 386 (1887); id. Man. N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 552 (1896).] umbrinus, Ridgw., Man. N. Amer. B. p. 552 (1887); id, op. cit. 2nd ed. p. 552 (1896). canobrunneus, Ridgw., Man. N. Amer. B. p. 552 (1887); id, op. cit, 2nd ed. p. 552 (1890). C. Peru. N.E. Peru (Chirimoto). Upper Amazonia (Sarayacu). Upper Amazonia. E. Ecuador. Venezuela (Caura R.). W. Ecuador. L. Ecuador. Mexico. Guatemala. Honduras. Nicaragua. Yucatan. 84 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 37. paucinnaculatus, Sharpe. (p. 238.) Ecuador. 38. Sclateri, Tacz. (p. 238.) Colombia. 39. rutilus, Vieill. (p. 238.) Guiana. , [Cf. Ridgw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, xiv. p. 521 Wenezuela. (1891).] I. of Trinidad. Tobago. 40. laetus, Bangs, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xii. Colombia. pp. 160, 180 (1898). (Santa Marta). 41. hypospodius, Salvin & Godman. (p. 239.) Colombia. 42. hyperythrus, Salvin & Godman. (p. 239.) Panama. [Cf. Ridgw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiv. p. 521 Costa Rica. (1891).] (Pacific side). WI. THRYOMANES, Scl. (Thryothorus, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 218, 1881.) [Cf. Oberholser, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxi. pp. 421–450, 1898.*] 1. bewicki (Audub.). (p. 225.) E. & C. United States. C. Texas (winter). 2. cryptus, Oberh., t. c. p. 425. Texas. N.W. Mexico (Nuevo Leon. Tamaulipas). * The ranges of the different forms are given on the authority of Mr. Oberholser. GENERA. AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 85 10. J. J. . eremophilus, Oberh., t. c. p. 427. . percnus, Oberh, t. c. p. 429. . murinus (Hartl.). (Oberh. i. e. p. 431.) . bairdi (Salvin & Godman). (p. 226, pl. xiii.) [Cf. Coues, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, vii. p. 52 (1882); id. Auk, xiii. p. 345 (1896).] . charienturus, Oberh., t. c. p. 435. . drymoecus, Oberh., #. c. p. 437. ... spilurus (Vig.), Oberh, t. c. p. 438. calophonus, Oberh., #, c. p. 440. nesophilus, Oberh., d. c. p. 442. W. Texas to S.E. California. N. to S. Nevada. W. Mexico to Zacatecas. W. Mexico. (C. Zacatecas to Guerrero). Mexico (Hidalgo, Mexico. Tlaxcala, N. Morelos). S. Mexico (Oaxaca. S. Puebla. S.W. Wera Cruz). S. coast of S. California (Lower California. Santa Catalina Isl.). C. California. Arizona, Coast of C. California (San Francisco). W. N. America. (Puget Sound, Oregon. Vancouver Isl). California (Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Is.). 86 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 12. leucophrys, Anthony, Auk, xii. p. 52 (1895). California Oberh, t. c. p. 443. (San Clemente Isl.). 13, cerroensis, Anthony, Auk, xiv. p. 166 (1897). Lower California Oberh. t. c. p. 445. (Cerros Isl.). 14, insularis, Lawr. (p. 251.) Socorro Isl., Oberh, t. c. p. 446. W. Mexico. 15. brevicaudus, Ridgw. (p. 227.) Guadelupe Isl., Lower California. VII. CISTOTHORUS, Cab. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 240, 1881.) 1. palustris (Wils.). (p. 241.) Salt Marshes of E. United States from Commecticut to S. Carolina (winter). 2. dissaeptus, Bangs, Auk, xix. p. 352 (1902). |Fresh-water Marshes of S. Canada and E. United States. - Gulf States (winter). E. Mexico (winter). 3. griseus, Brewster, Auk, x. p. 216 (1893). Coast region of Georgia and South Carolina. 4. plesius, Oberh, Auk, xiv. p. 188 (1897). W. United States (except Pacific coast). Brit. Columbia. Texas. Mexico. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 87 5. marianae, Scott, Auk, v. p. 188 (1888). W. Florida. [Cf. Brewster, Auk, v. p. 432 (1888); Wayne, Auk, viii. p. 239 (1891); Ridgw. t. c. p. 240.] 6. paludicola, Baird. (p 242.) W. United States to Brit. Columbia. S. Mexico (winter). 7. Stellaris (Naum.). (p. 243.) S. Canada. E. & C. United States. Gulf States (winter). 8. platensis (Lath.). (p. 244.) Falkland Is. Patagonia. Chile, Argentina. S. Brazil. Bolivia. 9. polyglottus (Vieill.). (p. 245.) S. Brazil. Paraguay. Bolivia. C. America. N. to S. Mexico. 10, graminicola, Tacz., P. Z. S. 1874, pp. 138, 504. Peru. (p. 245, pt.) 11, brunneiceps, Salvin. (p. 247.) Ecuador. 12, alticola, Salvin & Godman, Ibis, 1883, p. 204. British Guiana. VIII. TROGLODYTES, Vieill. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 247, 1881.) [Cf. Witmer Stone, Proc. Philad. Acad. 1899, pp. 302–313. Sclater, Ibis, 1902, p. 527.] + 1. aedon, Vieill. S.E. Canada. [domesticus (Bartr.). (p. 248.) E. & O, United States, Cf. Scott & Allen, Auk, v. p. 63, 1888.] 88 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. + 2. 10, tobagensis, Lawr., Auk, 1888, p. 404. [= T. rufulus, teste Stone, t. c. p. 310.] . striatulus, Lafr. parkmanni, Audub. (1890). (p. 250.) . aztecus, Bai, d. (p. 251.) [marianſe, Scott, Auk, ii. p. 351 (1885).] xiv. p. 174 (1901). (1885). p. 310. intermedius, Cab. (p. 252.) (p. 254.) 11, musculus, Naum. (p. 255.) [wiedi, Berlepsch, Ornis, vi. p. 6, 1890: teste Stone, t. c. p. 310.] ... tanneri, Towns., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xiii. p. 133 , peninsularis, Nelson, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, ... beani, Ridgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, viii. p. 563 . columbiae, Stone, Proc. Philad. Acad. 1899, puma, Berlepsch & Stolem, P. Z. S. 1896, p. 329. British Columbia. W. United States to N. California. W. United States, E. to Manitoba, and Illinois, S. to Mexico. Revillagigedo Is. (Clarion Isl.). Coast-belt of N. Yucatan. C. America (S. Mexico to Guatemala and Costa Rica). Cozumel Isl. Panama. Colombia. Colombia, (Bogotá). Isl. of Tobago. Brazil. Bolivia. C. Peru. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 89 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. clarus, Berlepsch & Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. p. 8 (1902). hornensis, Less. (p. 257.) rufulus, Cab. (p. 258.) [Cf. Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 201.] albicans, Berlepsch & Tacz., P. Z. S. 1883, p. 540. rex, Berlepsch & Leverk., Ormis, vi. p. 6 (1890). murinus, Less. (p. 259, pt.) audaw, Tschudi. (p. 207, note.) tecellatus, Lafr. & D'Orb. (p. 259.) [Cf. Ridgw. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. xxiii. p. 388 (1887). Cf. Stone, t. c. p. 311.] browni, Bangs, Pr. N. Engl. Zool. Club, iii. p. 53 (1902). IX. UR00ICHLA, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 263, 1881.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 340 (1889).] l, longicaudata (Moore). 2. 3, reptata, Bingham, Bull, B. O. C. xiii. p. 55 caudata (Blyth), (p. 305.) (1903). British Guiana. Venezuela (R. Orinoco). Trinidad. Patagonia. Chile. W. Argentina. British Guiana (Roraima). W. Ecuador. Polivia. O. & N. Peru. Peru. Volcan de Chiriqui, Panama. Khási Hills. Sikhim. Mekong Walley. 90 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. X. SPELEORNIS, David & Oust. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 264, 1881.) 1. troglodytoides (Werr.). (p. 264.) W. China, (Szechuen to Moupin). 2. halsueti, David. (p. 265.) China (Tsimling). 3. souliei, Oust., Bull. Mus. Paris, 1898, no. 6, p. 257. W. China. YI. SALPINCTES, Cab. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 266.) 1. obsoletus (Say). (p. 266.) JBritish Columbia. W. United States. Mexico (winter). 2. pulverius, Grinnell, Auk, xv. p. 238 (1898.) Isl. of St. Nicholas, California. 3. guadeloupensis, Ridgw. (p. 268.) Isl. of Guadeloupe, Lower California. 4. guttatus, Salvin & Godman, Ibis, 1891, p. 609. C. America [Cf. Underwood, Ibis, 1896, p. 433.] (Salvador to Costa Rica), 5, fasciatus, Salvin & Godman, l, S. c. Nicaragua. 6, neglectus, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 70 (1897.) Guatemala. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 91 XII. + 1. 2 ANORTHURA, Rennie “. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 268, 1881.) [Cf. Stejneger, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. i. pp. 6–14 (1884). Olbiorchilus, Oberh. Auk, 1902, pp. 175–181.] troglodytes (Linn.). (p. 269.) . hirtensis (Seebohm, Zoologist, 1884, p. 323.) . borealis (J. C. H. Fischer). (p. 272.) . bergensis, Stejneger, Zeitsch. ges. Orm. i. 1884, pp. 9–10. . cypriotis, D. M. A. Bate, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 51 (1903). . daurica (Dyb. & Tacz., Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1884, p. 155). . pallida (Hume). (p. 273.) ... alascensis (Baird). (p. 273.) . meligera, Oberh., Auk, xvii. p. 25 (1900). N. & C. Europe. Mediterranean Countries E. to Persia. St. Kilda, Hebrides. Faeroe Is. Norway. Cyprus. E. Siberia. C. Asia. Alaska. Aleutian Is. Pribylow Is. Alaska (Aleutian Is.). * Even if it be true, as Professor Newton and Mr. Oberholser believe, that techni- cally Rennie's mame of Anorthura- Troglodytes, Vieill., the only bird in Rennie's mind was certainly the European Wren, and it would be better to retain his name. 92 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 10. pallescens (Stejneger, in Ridgw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Commander Is. Mus. vi. p. 93 (1883); Dyb. & Tacz, (Bering and Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1884, p 153). Copper Is.). tº 11, hiemalis (Vieill.). (p. 275.) E. United States. 12. helleri, Osgood, Auk, xviii. p. 181 (1901). Rodiak Isl., Alaska. + 13, pacifica (Baird). (p. 274, pl. xvi. fig. 2.) Pacific Coast of N. America (Sitka to S. California). –– 14, fumigata (Temm.). (p. 276, pl. xvi. fig. 1.) Japan. 15. kurilensis, Stejn., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xi. p. 548 Kurile Is. (1889). 16, nipalensis (Blyth). (p. 277.) E. Himalayas (Nepal, Sikhim). 17, talifuensis, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 11 Western China (1902), (Yun-nam). 18, neglecta (Brooks). (p. 278.) N.W. Himalayas (Kashmir to Simla). XIII. ELACHURA, Oates. (Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 339, 1889.) [Anorthwra, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 268.] 1. formosa (Wald.). (p. 279.) E. Himalayas [Cf. Rickett & La Touche, Ibis, 1898, p. 331. (Sikhim). punctata, Blyth (nec Brehm), Oates, Faun. Kuatum, Foh-kien, Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 339 (1889). Fig., China. Stuart Baker, Ibis, 1892, pl. ii. fig, 2.] GENERA AND SPECIES OF THIRDS. 93 2. haplonota, Stuart Baker, J. A. S. Beng. vii. Cachar. p. 319 (1892); id. Ibis, 1892, p. 62, pl. ii. fig. 1. XIV. CATHERPES, Baird. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 280, 1881.) 1. mexicanus (Swains.). (p. 280.) S. & C. Mexico. 2. albifrons (Giraud). (p. 282, pt.) Lower Rio Grande Valley. [Cf. Nelson, Auk, xv. p. 160, 1898.] N.E. Mexico. 3. conspersus, Ridgw. (p. 282.) C. North America. S. to C. Mexico. 4. punctulatus, Ridgw., Proc, U.S. Nat. Mus. W. North America v. p. 343 (1882). (Oregon to Lower California). XV. SPHENOCICHLA, Walden. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 283.) 1. humei (Mandelli). (p. 283.) Native Sikhim. 2. roberti, Godw.-Aust. & Wald. (p. 283, pt.) N. Cachar Hills. Manipur. XVI. HEMIURA, Ridgw. (Ridgw, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus, x. p. 511, 1887.) [Uropsila, Scl. & Salv. (1873, nec Uropsilus, M.-Edw. 1872). Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 285, 1881. Troglodytes, pt., Sharpe, t. c. p. 247.] 1. leucogastra (Gould). (p. 285, pl. xvii.) E. & S. Mexico. [Cf. Faxon, Auk, xv. p. 60, 1898.] 94 GINERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 2. pacifica (Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 72, 1897). 8. brachyura (Lawr., Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. iv. p. 67, 1887; teste Ridgw, l. s. c.). 4. pusilla (Scl.). (p. 285, pt.) 5. Solstitialis (Sel.). (p. 260.) 6. macrurus, Berl. & Stolzm., P. Z. S. 1902, vol. ii. p. 55. 7. ochracea (Ridgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, iv. p. 334, 1882). 8, frater (Sharpe). (p. 261.) 9. auricularis (Cab., J. f. O. 1883, p. 105, Taf, ii. fig. 1). 10. brunneicollis (Sel.). (p. 261.) [tecellatus, Ridgw. Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H. xviii. p. 388, 1888: ?=tecellatus, Lafr. & D'Orb.] 11. rufociliata (Sharpe). (p. 262.) 12. cahooni, Brewster, Auk, v. p. 94 (1888). 13. monticola, Bangs, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, xiii. p. 106 (1899). W. Mexico (Colima). Yucatan. S. Mexico. Andes of Peru. lºcuador. Colombia. N. to Costa Rica. C. Peru. Costa Rica. (Volcan de Irazu). Panama (Volcan de Chiriqui). Bolivia. Tucuman. S. Mexico. Guatemala. N.W. Mexico (Sonora). Mts. of Santa Marta, Colombia. GENERA AND SEECIES OF BIRDS. 95 XVII. HENICORHINA, Scl. & Salv. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 285.) 1. 7 prostheleuca (Scl.). (p. 286.) . pittieri, Cherrie, Expl. Zool. 1893, p. 8; id. An. Mus. Nac. Costa Rica, iv. p. 134 (1894). . leucosticta (Cab.). (p. 287.) . anachoreta, Bangs, Pr. New Engl. Zool. Club, i. p. 83 (1899). . leucophrys (Tschudi). (p. 288.) . mexicana, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 73 (1897). . hilaris, Berl. & Tacz., P. Z. S. 1884, p. 280. . capitalis, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 74 (1897). . collina, Bangs, Pr. New Engl. Zool. Club, iii. p. 55 (1902). C. America (Costa Rica to Panama). Costa Rica. Guiana. Colombia. E. Ecuador. Upper Amazonia. Sierra Nevada. de Santa Marta, Colombia. C. America. (Costa Rica to Panama). Colombia. Wenezuela. Ecuador. Peru. Bolivia. Mexico. Ecuador. S. Mexico and Guatemala. Panama (Volcan de Chiriqui). 96 GENERA AND SIPJ.CIES OF BIRDS. XVIII. LEUCOLEPIA, Reichenb. (Cyphorhinus, Cab. (nec Lesson), Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 289, 1881.) [Cf. Richmond, Auk, 1902, p. 92.] 1. musica (Bodd.). (p. 290.) Guiana. 2. modulatrix (D'Orö.). (p. 291, pl. xviii. fig. 2.) Upper Amazonia. IBolivia. 3. salvini, Sharpe. (p. 292, pl. xviii. fig. 1.) Ecuador. 4. griseilateralis, Ridgw., Pr, U.S. Nat. Mus, x, Lower Amazonia p. 518 (1888). (Diamantina). 5. phaeocephala, Sel. (p. 292.) Ecuador. 6. brunnescens, Sharpe. (p. 298.) Colombia (Cauca Valley). 7. richardsoni, Salvin, Bull. B. O. C. i. p. xxxii Nicaragua. (1893), 8. lawrencei, Sol. (p. 293.) Panama to Costa Rica. 9, thoracica, Tschudi. (p. 294.) E. Peru. 10, dichroa, Sel. & Salv. (p. 294.) Colombia (Cauca Valley), GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS, 97 XIX. HYLORCHILUS, Nelson. (Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 71, 1897.) 1. Sumichrasti (Lawr.). (p. 282.) S.E. Mexico (Vera Cruz). XX. MICROCERCULUS, Baird. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 295, 1881.) 1. bambla (Bodd.). (p. 296.) Guiana. 2. caurensis, Berlepsch & Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. Venezuela pp. 5, 6 (1902). (Caura R.). 3. cinctus (Pelz.). (p. 295, note.) Amazonia (Borba). 4. albigularis (Sel.). (p. 296.) E. Ecuador. 5. philomela, Salvin. (p. 297.) Guatemala. 6, daulias, Ridgw, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. x. p. 508 Atlantic side of (1888). Costa Rica. orpheus, Ridgw. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, xi. p. 539 (1889). 7. acentitus, Bangs, Proc. New Engl. Zool. Club, Panama iii. p. 56 (1902). (Volcan de Chiriqui). 8. luscinia, Salvin. (p. 298.) Panama. 98 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 9. bicolor, Des Murs. (p. 298.) 10. marginatus (Scl.). (p. 299.) 11. corrasus, Bangs, Proc. New Engl. Zool. Club, iii. p. 87 (1902). 12. pectoralis, Robinson & Richmond, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, xxiv, p. 178 (1901). 13. taeniatus, Salvin. (p. 300.) 14, squamulatus, Scl. & Salv. (p. 300.) 15, ustulatus, Salvin & Godman, Ibis, 1883, p. 204, pl. ix, fig. 2. XXI. ORTHNOCICHLA, Sharpe. Upper Amazonia. E. Ecuador. Upper Amazonia. Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia, Wemezuela (La Guaira). Ecuador (Balzar Mts.). Venezuela (Andes of San Cristoval). British Guiana (Roraima). (Sharpe, Notes Leyden Mus. vi. p. 179, 1884.) (Finsch, op. cit. xxii. p. 212, 1901.) 1. Subulata, Sharpe, l.c. Isl. of Timor, GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 99 2, whiteheadi, Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 478; 1889, Mt. Kina Balu, p. 410, pl. xii. XXII. PNOEPYGA, Hodgs. N. Borneo. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 301, 1881.) 1. albiventris (Hodgs.). (p. 302.) 2. pusilla, Hodgs. (p. 304.) 3. lepida, Salvad. (p. 304, pt.) 4. everetti, Rothsch, Nov. Zool. iv. p. 168 (1897). 5. rufa, Sharpe. (p. 304.) [= lepida, Salvad. ; teste Finsch, Notes Leyden Mus, xxii. p. 211 (1901).] Himalayas (Sutlej Valley to Sikhim). FChási Hills. Hills of Upper Burma. Sikhim to Assam. Khási Hills. Burmese Provinces. Hills of Malay Peninsula (Perah). Sumatra. Flores. Java. H 2 100 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. Family VII. CINCLIDAE. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 306, 1881.) I. CINCLUS, Bechst.* (Sharpe, t, c. p. 306.) . aquaticus, Bechst. (p. 307.) britannicus, Tschust, Orn, Jahrb. xiii. p. 69 (1902). ... albicollis (Vieill.). (p. 310.) [minor, Tristr.; Dresser, Man. Palaearct, B. p. 25.] . cinclus (Linn.). (p. 311.) [pyrenaicus, Dresser, Ibis, 1892, p. 882; id, Man. Palaearctic B. p. 25, 1902.] . kashmeriensis, Gould. (p. 312.) [bascalensis, Dresser, Ibis, 1892, p. 385; id. Man. Palaearctic B. p. 26.] C. & W. Europe. British Isles. S. Europe. Mediterranean Countries. N. Europe. C. & W. Europe (acc.). Himalaya Mts. (Kashmir to Sikhim). N.W. China. Siberia. O. Asia. W. to Persia. and Asia Minor. 6, olympicus, Madarása, Orn. MB, 1903, p. 6. Cyprus. 7. rufiveritris, Hempr. 3 Ehr, ; cf. Tristr., Faun. Syria. & Flor. Palest. p. 51 (1884). * For various subspecies of doubtful value, cf. Dresser, Man. Palaearctic Birds, pp. 24–28, e. g. C. pyrenaicus, Dresser (p. 25), C. minor, Tristr. (p. 25), C. rufiventris, Hempr & Ehr. (p. 26), C. baicalensis, Dresser (p. 26), C. Saturačws, Tresser (p. 27). It is to be noted that many species of birds disallowed by Mr. Dresser in his ‘Manual' have ten times as good characters for identification as these slight variations on which he subdivides the species of Cºnclus. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 101 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, . leucogaster, Bp. (p. 314.) . asiaticus, Swains. (p. 314.) pallasi, Tomm. (p. 316) souliei, Oust, Ann. Sci. Nat. (7) xii. p. 299 (1892). sordidus, Gould. (p. 317.) bilkevitchi, Zarudny, Orm. Jahrb. xiii. p. 57 (1902). mexicanus, Swains. (p. 317.) ardesiacus, Salvin. (p. 319.) leuconotus, Scl. (p. 320.) W. Siberia. Central Asia. Turkestan. Himalaya Mts. from Aſghanistan to Bhutan, Khási Hills. E. Siberia. Ramtchatka. Aleutian Isles. China. Japan. N. Khási Hills. Shillong. N. Cachar. Tibet. Himalaya Mts. (Kashmir to Sikhim). N. Tibet. Ransu, N.W. China. Altai Mts. W. North America, N. to Alaska. Central America (winter). Mts. of Central America (Costa Rica to Panama). Mts. of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. 102 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS, 17. rivularis, Bangs, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, Colombia xiii. p. 105 (1899). (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta). 18. leucocephalus, Tschudi. (p. 321.) Andes of Peru. 19. Schulzi, Cab., J. f. O. 1883, p. 102, pl. ii. fig. 3. Andes of Tucumán. Family VIII. MIMIDAE. (Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. vi. p. 322, 1881.) [Cf. Cory, Birds West Indies, pp. 120, 121, 1892.] I. MIMUS, Boče. (Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. vi. p. 336, 1881.) [Cf. Cory, Birds West Indies, p. 121, 1892.] 1. polyglottus (Linn.). (p. 338.) Eastern North America. 2. leucopterus (Vig.). (p. 338, pt.) Western [Cf. Mearns, Auk, xix. p. 70, 1902.] TJnited States. W. Mexico. 3. Orpheus (Linn.). (p. 340.) Bahama Is. [Cf. Cory, Auk, viii. p. 44, 1891.] Greater Antilles (Cuba, Jamaica, San Domingo). 4, elegans, Sharpe. (p. 339.) Bahama Is. (Imagua). GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 103 I0. 11. 13. 14. portoricensis, Bryant. [Cf. Cory, Auk, 1891, p. 46; id. B. West Ind. . triurus (Vieill.). ... gundlachi, Cab. . modulator, Gould. (p. 340, pt.) p. 157.] (p. 342.) . longicaudatus (Tschudi). (p. 342.) (p. 344, note.) bahamensis, Bryant. (p. 344.) . hilli, March. (p. 343.) thenca (Mol.). (p. 345.) lividus (Licht.). (p. 346.) (p. 347.) saturninus (Licht.). (p. 348.) arenaceus, Chapm, Auk, vii. p. 135 (1890). magnirostris, Cory, Auk, 1887, p. 178. Porto Rico. S. Brazil. Bolivia. Chile. Patagonia. Ecuador. Peru. Cuba. Bahama Is. Jamaica. Chile. IE. Brazil. S. & C. Brazil. Paraguay. Argentina. S. & E. Brazil. E. Brazil (Bahia). Old St. Andrew's Isl. t —sº-sº" 104 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 16, gilvus (Vieill.). (p. 350.) 17. gracilis (Cab.). (p. 350, pt.) 18. leucophaeus, Ridgw, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. x. p. 506 (1887). 19. lawrencei, Ridgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 12 (1882). 20. rostratus, Ridgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. vii. p. 173 (1884). 21, tobagensis, Dalmas, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, xiii. p. 134 (1900). 22, patagonicus (Lafr. 3 D'Orb.). (p. 352.) II. NESOMIMUS, Ridgw. C. America (Mexico to Panama). Colombia. Wenezuela. Trinidad. Guiana. Lesser Antilles (Martinique. Sta. Lucia. S. Vincent), Yucatam. Cozumel Isl, W. Mexico (Tehuantepec). Is, of Curaçoa, Aruba, Bonaire. Isl. of Tobago. Argentina. Patagonia. (Ridgway, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii. p. 102, 1889; xix. pp. 480–493, 1897.) [Cf. Rothsch. & Hartert, Nov. Zool. vi. p. 142, 1899; ix. pp. 381–383, 1902.] 1. trifasciatus (Gould). (p. 346.) Galapagos Archipelago (Charles Is. (? eactinct). Gardner Isl.). GENERA AND SIPIECIES OF BIRDS. 105 2 10. 11. . melanotis (Gould). . macdonaldi, Rudgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, xii. p. 103 (1890). . adamsi, Ridgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvii. p. 358 (1894). personatus, Ridgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, xii. p. 104 (1890). (p. 349.) . barringtoni, Rothsch., Bull. B. O. C. viii. 1898, p. vii.” ... dierythrus, Heller & Snodgrass, “Condor,’ iii. p. 74 (1901). hulli, Rothsch., Bull. B.O. C. vii. 1898, p. liii. . bauri, Ridgw., Pr, U.S. Nat. Mus, xvii. p. 357 (1894). bindloei, Ridgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvii. p. 358 (1894). parvulus (Gould). (p. 350.) affinis, Rothsch., Bull. B. O. C. vii. p. liii (1898). [Cf. Rothsch. & Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. p. 383, 1902.] Galapagos Archipelago (Hood Isl., Gardner Bay). Galapagos Archipelago (Chatham Isl.). Galapagos Archipelago (Abingdon Isl.). Galapagos Archipelago (Indefatigable Isl. Jervis Isl. James Isl.). Galapagos Archipelago (Barrington Isl.). Indefatigable and Seymour Is. Galapagos Archipelago (Culpepper Isl.). Galapagos Archipelago (Tower Isl.). Galapagos Archipelago (Bindloe Isl.). Galapagos Archipelago (N. & S. Albemarle Isl.). * Misprinted carringtoni, See Bull. B. O. C. viii. errata, p. iv. 106 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDs. III. OREOSCOPTES, Baird. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 333, 1881.) 1. montanus (Towns.). (p. 333.) W. North America. IW. GALEOSCOPTES, Cab. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 335.) 1. carolinensis (Linn.). (p. 335.) Camada. B. & C. United States. Central America (winter). * 2. bermudianus, Bangs & Bradlee, Auk, xviii. IBermuda Is. p. 253 (1901). (resident). V. MIMODES, Ridgw. (Ridgway, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 43, 1882.) 1. graysoni, Lawr. (p. 361) Socorro Isl. VI. TOX0STOMA, Wagler. (Harporhynchus, Cab.; Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 353, 1881.) [Cf. Richmond, Auk, 1902, p. 89.] 1. rufum (Linn.). (p. 353.) Canada. E. & C. United States. 2. cinereum, Xantus. (p. 355.) Lower California. 3. mearnsi, Anthony, Auk, xii. p. 53 (1895). N. Lower California. GICN ÉIRA AND SIPECIES OF BITRDS. 107 10, 11. 13. . bendirei, Coues. . longirostre (Lafr.). . ocellatum, Scl. . curvirostre (Swains.). . palmeri, Coues. (p. 356.) (p. 356.) . Sennetti, Rºdgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. x. p. 506 (1888). . guttatum, Ridgw, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. viii. p. 561 (1884). 'melanostoma, Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 187. (p. 357.) (p. 358.) occidentale (Ridgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 9, 1882). maculatum, Nelson, Auk, xvii. p. 269 (1900). (p. 359.) redivivum (Gambel). (p. 360.) Arizona to N.W. Mexico (Sonora). S. Mexico (Vera Cruz). Texas (Rio Grande Valley). N. Mexico (Tamaulipas). Cozumel Isl. S. Mexico. Texas. New Mexico. C. & S. Mexico. Coast Region of W. Mexico. Mexico. Arizona to N.W. Mexico (Sonora). California. Lower California. 108 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS, 14, pasadenense, Grinnell, Auk, xv. p. 237 (1898). 15. lecontei (Lawr.). (p. 361.) 16. arenicola, Anthony, Auk, xiv. p. 167. 17. Crissale (Henry). (p. 361.) VII. MELANOTIS, Bp. S. California. Nevada, S. California. Arizona. N.W. Mexico (Sonora). Lower California. S.W. United States. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 362, 1881.) 1. caerulescens (Swains.). (p. 362.) 2. longirostris, Nelson, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xii. p. 10 (1898). 3, hypoleucus, Hart!. (p. 363.) VIII. DONACOBIUS, Swains. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 364.) 1. atricapillus (Linn.). (p. 364.) 2. albivittatus, Lafr, & D'Orb, (p. 365.) W. Mexico. Tres Marias Is. Guatemala, Colombia. Amazonia. Brazil. Bolivia. GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS, 109 IX. RHODINOCICHLA, Hartl. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 366.) [Cf. Ridgway, B. North & Middle Amer. ii. p. 769 (1902) +..] 1. rosea (Less.). (p. 366.) 2. eximia, Ridgw., B. North & Middle Amer. ii. p. 770 (1902). 3. schistacea, Ridgw. (p. 367.) X. MELANOPTILA, Sclater. Venezuela. Colombia. Panama to S. Costa Rica. W. Mexico. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 331, 1881.) 1. glabrirostris, Scl. (p. 331.) XI. CINCLOCERTHIA, Gray. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 323.) 1. ruficauda (Gould). (p. 323.) 2, gutturalis (Lafr.). (p. 324.) 3. macrorhyncha, Scl. (p. 325.) Yucatan. Cozumel, and adjacent Islands. Tesser Antilles. (Barbuda, Guadeloupe, Nevis, Domimica, S. Vincent). Lesser Antilles (Martinique). Lesser Antilles (Santa Lucia). * Prof. Ridgway (f, c. p. 431) places this genus in the family Mniotiltidae. 110 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. XII. RHAMPHOCINCLUS, Lafr. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 325, 1881.) 1, brachyurus (Vieill.). (p. 325.) Lesser Antilles (Martinique). 2. sanctae-luciae, Cory, Auk, iv. p. 94 (1887). Lesser Antilles (Santa Lucia). XIII. MARGAROPS, Sclater. (Cichlherminia, pt., Sharpe, t. c. p. 326.) 1. fuscatus (Vieill.). (p. 329.) Greater Antilles (S. Croix, S. Thomas, S. Domingo, Porto Rico). Bahamas. 2. densirostris (Vieill.). (p. 330.) Lesser Antilles (S. Kitts, Barbuda, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, Sta. Tucia, Barbados, etc.). XIV. ALLENIA, Cory. (Cory, Auk, viii. p. 42, 1891.) (Cichlherminia, pt., Sharpe, t. c. p. 326.) 1. montana (Lafr.). (p. 330.) Lesser Antilles [Cf. Cory, Birds West Indies, p. 121.] (Guadeloupe, [rufa, Cory, Auk, 1888, p. 47. Antigua, Dominioa, Cf. Cory, Auk, viii. p. 42, 1891.] etc.). GENERA AND SPECTES OF JBIRDS. 111 Family IX. TURDIDAE. (Seebohm, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. v. pp. 1, 146–406, 1881. Sharpe, Cat. Birds, vii. pp. 1–92, 1883.) Sub-Family I. MYIEDESTINA. I. PLATYCICHLA, Baird. (Baird, Review Amer. B. p. 32, 1864. Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. vi. p. 379, 1881.) [Cf. Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 479 (1883).] 1. flavipes (Vieill.). (carbonaria, Cat. v. p. 253.) Brazil. [Cf. Hellmayr, J. f. O. 1902, pp. 66–68. P. brevipes, Baird, Rev. Amer. B. p. 32 (Cat. vi. p. 379). Cf. Stejneger, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 481.] 2. venezuelensis, Sharpe, in Seebohm's Monogr. Venezuela. Turdidae, ii. p. 83 (1900). 3. polionota, Sharpe, l. s. c. p. 85, pl. ciii. fig. 1. British Guiana (Roraima). 4. melanopleura, Sharpe, l. s. c. p. 87, pl. ciii. Isl. Trinidad. fig, 2.* II. COSSYPHOPSIS, Stejneger. (Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 478, 1883.) 1. reevei (Lawr.). (Cat. v. p. 254.) Ecuador (Puna Isl.). Peru (Lechugal). * Mr. Hellmayr (J. f. O. 1902, p. 67) considers that Platycichla polionota and IP. melanopleura are identical with P. venezuelensis, but I am not yet convinced of this fact. 112 GFNEIRA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. III, TURDAMPELIS, Less. (Cichlopsis, Cab.; Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 377, 1881.) [Cf. Stejneger, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 481 (1883).] 1. leucogenys, Cab. (p. 378.) Brazil. 2. gularis, Salvin & Godman. (p. 378.) Guiana. IV. MYIEDESTES, Swains. (Myiadecies, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus, vi. p. 368, 1881.) [Cf. Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. pp. 15–26, pl. ii. (1882).] -H 1. Solitarius, Baird. (p. 369.) Greater Antilles (Jamaica). 2. montanus, Cory. (p. 370.) Greater Antilles (Haiti). 3. genibarbis, Swains. (p. 370.) Lesser Antilles (Martinique). 4. dominicanus, Stejn., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, v. Lesser Antilles p. 22, pl. ii, fig. 5 (1882). (Dominica). 5. sanctae-luciae, Stéjm., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. Lesser Antilles p. 20, pl. ii. fig. 4 (1883), (Santa Lucia). 6. sibilans, Lawr. (p. 371.) Lesser Antilles (S. Vincent). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BITRDS. 113 10. 11. -- 12. 13. 14. +15. ... obscurus, Lafr. elizabethae (Lembeye). (p. 372.) (p. 373.) . cinereus, Nelson, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xiii. p. 30 (1899). occidentalis, Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. iv. p. 371 (1882). insularis, Stéjneger, t. c. p. 371 (1882). townsendi (Audub.). (p. 374.) ralloides (D’Orb.). (p. 375.) unicolor, Scl. (p. 376.) melanops, Salv. (p. 376.) WOI. IV. Greater Antilles (Cuba), Central America (S. Mexico to Guatemala). N.W. Mexico. C. & W. Mexico, N. to Mazatlan. Tres Marias Is. W. United States. Venezuela. Colombia. Bolivia. Ecuador. C. America (S. Mexico to Guatemala). C. America (Costa Rica to Weragua). 114 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. W. ENTOMEDESTES, Stejn.* (Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 449, 1883.) (Myiadecies, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 377, 1881.) 1. Feucotis, Tschudi. (vii. p. 377.) Peru. 2. coracinus, Berlepsch, Orm. M.B. v. p. 175 (1897), Ecuador. W. Colombia. VI. PHAEORNIS, Sclater. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iv. p. 5, 1879.) (Cf. Rothschild, Avif. Laysan, pp. 59–68 (1898); Wilson & Evans, Aves Hawaiienses, pp. 117–123 (1890–96).] 1. obscura (Gm.). (iv. p. 5.) Sandwich Is. (Hawaii Isl.). 2. myiadestina, Stejneger, Pr. U.S Nat. Mus. Kauai Isl. x. p. 90 (1887); xiii. p. 383 (1890). 3. lanaiensis, Wilson, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) Lanai and vii. p. 460 (1891). Molokai Is. 4. palmeri, Rothschild, Avif. Laysan, i. pt. 2, Kauai Isl. p. 67 (1893). 5, oahuensis, Wilson & Evans, Aves Hawaiienses, Oahu Is. Intr. p. xiii (1899). (extinct). * Dr. Stejneger (in litt.) tells me that he doubts whether this genus belongs to the Turdidae at all, and suggests that it may be allied to Ptilogonys (infra, p. 260). I expect that he is right in this surmise, but until we know the characters of the young bird, it is unwise to move the genus. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 115 Sub-Family II. COCHOANINAE. VII. COCHOA, Hodgs. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iv. p. 2, 1879.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 158 (1890).] 1. purpurea, Hodgs. (iv. p. 3.) Himalayas (Kumaon to Sikhim). Tenasserim. 2. becoarii, Salvad., Amm. Mus. Genov. xiv. p. 228 Sumatra. (1879). 3. viridis, Hodgs-(iv. p. 2) Himalayas (Kumaon to Assam). Manipur. W. China. 4. azurea (Temm.). (iv. p. 4.) Java. Sub-Family III. TURDINAE.” VIII. MIMOCICHLA, Sclater. (Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 280, 1881.) {- 1. rubripes (Temm.). (p. 283.) Cuba. * The arrangement of the Turdinae, as here set forth, is founded on the scheme proposed by Dr. Stejneger in 1883, with certain changes and modifications. Dr. Stejneger's essay deals mainly with the American Thrushes, and does not always apply to some of the Old-World forms. He has, however, very cleverly pointed out characters which had been overlooked by previous writers on this group of birds, and his classification is in every way superior to that of the ‘Catalogue of Birds.' The arrangement of the true Turdidae into Thrushes (Turdus) and Blackbirds (Merula) breaks down on close examination; but a more prolonged study is necessary before an arrangement, satisfactory to all ornithologists, can be arrived at. A further sub-division of the genus Merula is absolutely necessary. The sequence of genera adopted in the I 2 116 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BITDS. 2. coryi, Sharpe, in Seebohm's Monogr. Turdidae, Cayman Brae Isl. ii. p. 212 (1902). 3 . plumbea (Linn.). Bahaula ls. bryanti, Seebohm, Cat. B. v. p. 280. 4. schistacea, Baird, Review Amer. B. p. 37 E. Cuba. (1864). 5. ravida, Cory, Auk, iii. p. 499 (1886). Grand Cayman Isl. 6. ardesiaca (I'veill.). (v. p. 282.) Greater Antilles. 7. albiventris, Selater, P. Z. S. 1889, p. 326. Dominica. [verrillorum, Allen, Auk, viii. p. 217, 1891.] IX. CICHLHERMINIA, Bp. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 326, 1881.) [Cf. Stejneger, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 476, 1883; Cory, Auk, viii. pp. 43, 44, 1891.] 1. herminieri (Lafr.). (p. 327.) ' Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe). present volume appears to me to be natural, but it remains to be seen whether an exact examination of characters will justify my arrangement. The distinctive characters between the genera Turdus and Merula are very slight, and the difference in colour of the sexes in the latter genus is of no account. The proportion of the primary-quills emphasized by Dr. Stejneger is also an unstable character; but the larger size of the bastard primary in the Merulae, which is almost Timeliine in form in some species, is perhaps the best feature to rely on for the separation of the Blackbirds and Thrushes. The wing is, as a rule, more pointed in the latter; but even then the proportion of the quills varies in allied species, and in two closely connected species a migratory bird will show a more pointed wing than its resident and more sedentary ally. GENERA ATND SPECIES OF BIRDS 117 2. lawrencei, Cory, Auk, viii. p. 44 (1891). Lesser Antilles (Montserrat). 3. sanctae-luciae (Scl.). (p. 328.) Lesser Antilles (Santa Lucia. S. Vincent). 4. dominicensis (Lawr). (p. 328.) Lesser Antilles (Dominica). 7. {..., 24 y C & S X. MERULA, Leach.* (Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 232, 1881.) A 1. merula (Linn.). (p. 235.) Europe and N. Africa. E. to Syria, Egypt, and Persia. -Azores. 2. cabrerae (Hartert, Nov. Zool. viii. p. 323, 1901). Canary Is. 3. mauritanica (Harterå, Nov. Zool. ix. pp. 299, Marocco. 300, 1902). 4. intermedia, Richm., Pr, U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii. C. Asia p. 585 (1896). (Afghanistan. Turkestan to Lob-Nor). 5. maxima, Seebohm. (p. 405.) Mts. Of Kashmir. * What is Turdus metallophonus, Bertoni, Aves nuevas del Paraguay, p. 147 (1901). 118 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS, + 6. -- 7. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ... albocincta, Royle. . Serrana (Tschudi). mandarina, Bp. (p. 238 ) boulboul (Lath.). (p. 248.) (p. 245.) (p. 239.) atrisericea (Lafr.). (p. 239.) xanthosceles (Jard.). (p. 240.) leucops, Tacz. (p. 241.) infuscata, Lafr, (p. 240.) samoensis, Tristºr. (p. 242.) vanicorensis (Quoy & Gaim.). (p. 242, pt.) China. Haiman. Himalayas (Murri to Assam). Manipur. Himalayas (Kashmir to Assam). Cachar. Manipur. Upper Amazonia. Bolivia. Peru. Ecuador. Colombia. Venezuela. Isl. of Trinidad. Isl. of Tobago. • Upper Amazonia. Peru. Colombia, Ecuador. C. America (Mexico to Guatemala). Samoa Is, Wanicoro Isl. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS, 119 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24. mareensis, Layard & Tristram. (p. 249.) nigrorum (Ogilvie Grant, Ibis, 1896, p. 544). nigropileus (Lafr.). (p. 250.) simillima (Jerd.). (p. 251.) [erythrotis, Davison, Ibis, 1886, p. 205. Cf. Ogilvie Grant, Ibis, 1896, p. 545.] - t * *** * LX- (~~ (i. ~.4–3–3 bourdilloni, Seebohm. (p. 251, pl. xv.) kinnisi, Blyth. (p. 252.) ludoviciae, Lort Phillips, Bull. B. O. O. iv. p. xxxvi (1895). pritzbueri, E. L. & L. C. Layard. (p. 265.) poliocephala (Lath.). (p. 258.) Loyalty Is. (Maré Isl.). New Hebrides (Malikolo and Espiritu Santo Is.). Philippine Is. (Mts, of Negros). W. & C. India, N. to Mt. Abu. S. India. (Nilghiri Hills. Palani Hills. Brahmagherri Hills). S. India (Hills of Travancore. Palani Hills). Ceylon. N.E. Africa (Somali-land). Loyalty Is. (Lifu). New Hebrides (Tanna). Norfolk Isl. 120 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 25 26. 28. 29. 30. 33. 34. . canescens, De . bicolor, Layard. 2. olivatra, Lafr. tempesti (Layard). (p. 257.) albifrons, Ramsay. (p. 258.) Vis, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, 1894, p. 105. papuensis, De Vis, Amn. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, 1890, App. p. 112. melanaria, Madarász, Orn. MB. viii. p. 23 (1900). [=28. Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. 1903, p. 96.] thomassoni, Seebohm, Bull, B, O.C. iii. p. li (1894). (p. 256.) (p. 272.) roraimae (Salvin & Godman, Ibis, 1884, p. 443). euryzona, Du Bus, (p. 266.) Fiji Is. (Taviumi Isl.). New Hebrides (Erromanga Isl.). D'Entrecasteaux Is. (Goodenough Isl.). S.E. New Guinea. S.E. New Guinea. Philippine Is. (Mts. of N. Luzon). Fiji Is. (Kandavu Isl.). Venezuela. Colombia (Santa Marta). Brit. Guiana (Mt. Roraima). Colombia. Ecuador. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 121 35. 36. 38. 39. 40. 41. 43. . protomomelaena (Cab.). gouldi, Verr. (p. 260.) seebohmi, Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 386. (p. 265.) celaenops, Stejneger, Science, x. p. 108 (1887); id. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, x. p. 484 (1887). erythropleura, Sharpe, P.Z. S. 1887, p. 515. rufiveriter, Vieill, (p. 222.) magellanica, King. (p. 223, pl. xiv.) falklandica, Q. & G. (p. 224, pl. xiii.) flavirostris (Swains.). (p. 225.) W. China (Szechuen. Kansu). E. Tibet (Ta-tsien-lou). Moupin. Mts. of N.W. Borneo (Mt. Kina Balu), Bills of Assam, Tippera, and Manipur. Seven Is., Japanese Sea. Christmas Isl., Indian Ocean. Argentima. Paraguay. Uruguay. C. & S. Brazil. Bolivia. Patagonia. Chile. Juan Fermandez Is. Falkland Is. W. Mexico. 122 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 44, graysoni, Ridgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 12 (1882). + 45, grayi, Bp. (p. 219.) | 46 casius, Bp. (p. 220)* Cf. Hellmayr, J. f. O. 1902, p. 50. SH-47, tamaulipensis, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 75 (1897). [=grayi, teste Sharpe in Seebohm's Monogr. Turdidae, i. p. 261. Cf. Hellmayr, J. f. O. 1902, p. 50.] 48. lurida, Bp. (p. 219, pt.) [incompia, Bangs, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xii. p. 144 (1898). Cf. Hellmayr, J. f. O. 1902, p. 50.] 49. jamaicensis, Gm. (p. 208.) 50. phaeopygia, Cab. (p. 208.) [Saturata, Berlepsch, Cf. Hellmayr, J. f. O. 1902, p. 63.] 51. minuscula (Bangs, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xii. p. 181, 1898). 52. phaeopygopsis, nom. emend. [phaeopygoides, Seeb. Cat. v. p. 404.] Tres Marias Is. C. America (Mexico to Honduras). Costa Rica to Panama. E. Mexico, to Yucatan, Cozumel, etc. Colombia. Jamaica. Guiana. Amazonia. Colombia. Peru. Ecuador. |Bolivia. Colombia (Sierra de Santa Marta). Isl, of Tobago. * Mr. Outram Bangs considers that this form is separable. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 123 53. Spodiolaema, Berl, & Tacz., P. Z. S. 1896, p. 326. - 54. tristis (Swains.). (p. 211, pt.) [assimilis (Cab.); Chapm. Bull, Amer. Mus. x. p. 19, 1898.] -k 55. leucauchen, Scl. (p. 212.) [Cf. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. vii. p. xxvi, 1898.] 56, cuephusa, Bangs, Pr. N. Engl. Zool. Club, iii. p. 91 (1902). 57. daguae, Berlepsch, Orn. M.B. v. p. 176 (1897), 58, crotopezus, Licht. (p. 210.) 59, contempta (Hellm, J. f. O. 1902, p. 61). + 60. albicollis, Vieill. (p. 209.) 61. gymnophthalmus, Cab. (p. 212.) O. Peru. C. America (Mexico). N. Central America to Chiapas, S. Mexico. Panama. W. Colombia. N. Ecuador. E. Brazil. Peru. Eolivia, Brazil. Guiana. Venezuela. Colombia. Ecuador. Bolivia. Lesser Antilles (Tobago. Grenada. S. Vincent). 124 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68, 69. 70. 71. , amaurochalina, Cab. leucomelas, Vieill. (p. 213.) [Cf. Hellmayr, J. f. O. 1902, p. 58.] maculirostris, Berlepsch, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 538. ignobilis, Scl. (p. 214.) [Cf. Hellmayr, J. f. O. 1902, pp. 53–60.] goodfellowi, Hart. & Hellm., Nov. Zool. viii. p. 492 (1901). debilis, Hellm., J. f. O. 1902, p. 56. murina, Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 197. comorensis, Milne-Edw. & Oust., C. R. ci. p. 221 (1885). plebeia, Cab. (p. 215.) differens, Nelson, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xiv, p. 175 (1901). obsoleta, Lawr. (p. 218.) Paraguay. Uruguay. Argentina. Brazil. Bolivia. Amazonia. Ecuador. Upper Amazonia. Peru. Bolivia. Colombia. W. Colombia (Cauca Valley). E. Ecuador. Peru. W. Brazil. Guiana. Great Comoro Is. C. America (Guatemala. Costa Rica). C. America (Chiapas). C. America (Costa Rica to Panama). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BITEDS, 125 72, 74. -- 75. 77. * 78. 79. 80. -- 81. hauxwelli, Lawr. (p. 217.) . colombiana, Hart. & Hellm., Nov. Zool. viii. p. 492 (1901). nigrirostris, Lawr. (p. 218.) fumigata, Licht. (p. 216.) . albiventer, Spia. (p. 216.) [Cf. Hellmayr, J. f. O. 1902, p. 61. M. fusa, Bangs, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xiii. p. 107, 1899. = albiventer, Hellm. J. f. O. 1902, p. 62.] aurantia (Gm.). (p. 247.) nigriceps, Cab. (p. 254.) subalaris, Leverk., P. Z. S. 1887, p. 557. mindorensis, Ogilvie Grant, Ibis, 1896, p. 465. cardis (Temin.). (p. 261.) Upper Amazonia. Bolivia. W. Colombia (Cauca Valley). Lesser Antilles (S. Vincent). Brazil. Lower Amazonia. Guiana. Venezuela. Isl. of Trinidad. Brazil. Amazonia. Guiana. Colombia. Jamaica. Argentina. Bolivia. Peru. Ecuador. S. & C. Brazil. Philippine Is. (Mindoro Isl.). Corea. Japan. Chima (winter). Haiman (winter). 126 .GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BITEDS, -- 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. unicolor (Tick.). (p. 271.) javanica (Horsf.). (p. 279.) vanuensis, Seebohm, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 667. [vitiensis, Layard, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. xvii. p. 305 (1876). (p. 278.)] layardi, Seebohm, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 667. (p. 278.) vinitincta, Gould. (p. 277.) xanthopus (Forster). (p. 276.) albiceps (Swinh.). (p. 259.) fumida (S. Müll.). (p. 279, pt.) whiteheadi, Seebohm, Bull. B. O. C. i. p. xxv (1893). schlegeli (Scl.). (p. 279, pt.) celebensis, Büttik, Notes Leyden Mus, xv. p. 109 (1893). Himalayas (Rashmir to Sikhim). Plains of India (winter). W. Java. Fiji Is. (Vanua Levu). Fiji Is. (Viti Levu). Lord Howe Isl. New Caledonia. Isl. of Formosa. W. Java. E. Java (Mt. Tosari). Lesser Sunda Is. (Timor). Mts, of S. Celebes. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 127 93. + 94. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100, 101. , abyssinica, Gm. tephronota, Cab. (p. 226.) olivacea, Linn. (p. 227.) (p. 228.) elgonensis (Sharpe, Ibis, 1891, p. 445). cabanisi, Bp. (p. 228.) deckeni, Cah. (p. 228, pt.) milanjensis, Shelley, Ibis, 1893, p. 12. libonyana (A. Smith). (p. 229.) [Cf. Hellmayr, J. f. O. 1902, pp. 217–221.] tropicalis, Peters, J. f.O. 1881, p. 49. (p. 229, pt.) E. Africa. S. Africa (Cape Colony to the Transvaal). N.E. Africa (Abyssinia. Shoa). Equatorial Africa (Mau Ravine, Rikuyu, Mt. Elgon). S. Africa (Orange R. Colony. Transvaal. Lake N'gami). E, Africa (Mt. Kilimanjaro). Erit. C. Africa (Nyasa-land). , S. Africa (Orange River Colony. Transvaal. Zulu-land. Matabele-land). S.E. Africa (Mozambique to Nyasa-land. Zanzibar district). 128 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 102. verreauxi, Bocage. (p. 229, pt.) 103. cinerascens, Reichenow, Orn. MB. vi. p. 82 (1898). 104. pelios, Bp. (p. 230.) 105. Saturata (Cab., J. f. O. 1882, p. 320). 106, bocagei (Cah., J. f. O. 1882, p. 320). 107. Stormsi, Hartl., Bull. Mus. Belg. iv. p. 143, pl. iii. (1886). 108, cryptopyrrha, Cab., J. f. O. 1882, p. 320. [chiguancoides , Seebohm, Cat. v. p. 231.] 109. nigrilorum, Reichenow, Ber. allg, deutsch. Orn. Ges. 1892, p. 4; id. J. f.O. 1892, p. 194. S.W. Africa (Damara-land to Angola). E. Africa (Tabora. Rakoma). N.E. Africa (Abyssinia. Shoa). Equatorial Africa (Uganda. Upper Nile Regions. S. Victoria Nyanza). W. Africa, (Liberia to R. Niger). W. Africa, (Camaroons to Lower Congo). Angola. Tanganyika district to Victoria Nyanza. Tanganyika district. W. Africa. (Senegambia). W. Africa. (Mts. of Camaroons). GENERA AND SPECIES OF DIRDS. 129 110. maranonica (Tacz.). [Cf. Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 453 (1883).] 111, bewsheri (E. Newton). 112. olivaceofusca (Hartl., Beitr. Orn. Westafr. in Wiebel's Werz. pp. 1,23, 49 (1850: descr. princeps)*). 113. xanthorhyncha, Salvad., Boll. Mus. Torino, xvi. no. 414, p. 2 (1901). 114. poensis, Boyd Alexander, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 37 (1903). XI. SEMIMERULA, Sclater, (Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 332.) Upper Amazonia. N. Peru. Comoro Is. (Anjuan Isl.). W. Africa (Isl. of S. Thomé). W. Africa (Princes' Island). W. Africa, (Fernando Po). [Merulissima, Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 232, 1881.] 1. fuscatra (D'Orb, & Lafº.). 2. amoena (Hellm, J. f. O. 1902, p. 68). +8. gigas (Fraser). (p. 244.) 4. pallidiventris (Berlepsch, Orn. MB, x. p. 71, 1902). Argentina. Bolivia. Mendoza. Colombia. Ecuador. Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela (Mérida). * Teste Count Salvadori in litt. He points out that this reference has been omitted both in the ‘Catalogue of Birds' and in the ‘Monograph of the Turdidº.’ WOL. IV". K 130 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 5. gigantodes (Cab.). (p. 244.) 6. cacozela (Bangs, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xii. p. 181, 1898). 7. nigrescens (Cab.). (p. 242.) 8. Chiguanco (D’Orb. & Lafr.). (p. 225.) 9, conradi, Salvad. & Festa, Boll. Mus. Torino, xiv. no. 357, p. 4 (1899). XJI. GEOCICHLA, Temm., 1828. C. Peru. Ecuador (Quito). Colombia (Sierra de Santa Marta). C. America (Costa Rica to Panama). Peru. Dolivia. Chilian Andes (Tarapacá). Ecuador. (Seebohm, Cat. B. Bris, Mus. v. p. 147, 1881.) 1. guttata (Vig.). (p. 168.) 2, fischeri (Hellmayr, Orn. MB. ix. p. 54, 1901). 3, princei (Sharpe). (p. 164.) S.E. Africa (Natal). B. Africa (Pangani River). W. Africa, (Gold Coast to Liberia). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 131 ) 6. , compsonota (Cass.). (p. 165.) . crossleyi (Sharpe). (p. 171.) gurneyi (Hartl.). (p. 170.) ... kilimensis, O. Newmann, J. f. O. 1900, p. 310. . piaggiae (Bouvier). (p. 171, pl. xi.) . machiki, H. O. Forbes, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 588, 10. 11 t 12. [Is a Turdulus. Salvad., Agg. Orn. Papuasia, ii. p. 136 (1890).] peroni (Vieill.). (p. 169.) audacis, Harteri, Bull, B, O. C. viii. p. 43 (1899). [=peroni, teste Finsch, N. Leyden Mus, xxii. 'p. 263.] erythronota, Sel. (p. 165.) W. Africa, (Gaboom). W. Africa (Camaroons. S.E. Africa (Transvaal to Nyasa-land). E. Africa, (Kilimanjaro). N.E. Africa (Shoa). Equat. Africa (Nandi, Uganda). Tenimber Is. (Timor Laut). Lesser Sunda Is. (Timor). Dammar Isl., Banda Sea. Celebes, 132 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BITDS. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. -L- 20, . interpres (Temm.). (p. 166.) [avensis, Gray. (p. 167.) Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind. ii. p. 138, 1890.] dohertyi, Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. pp. 555, 566, 593, pl. xi. fig. 3 (1896). . dumasi, Rothschild, Bull, B O. C. viii. p. 30 (1899). frontalis, Madar, Term. Füz. 1899, pp. 111–114, tab. viii. leucolaema, Salvad., Ann. Mus. Genov, (2) xii. p. 135 (1892). cyanonota. (J. & S.). (p. 172.) albigularis, Blyth. (p. 175.) citrina (Lath.). (p. 172.) 21, innotata, Blyth. (p. 176.) Malay Peninsula. Sumatra. Java. Sulu Is. N.W. Borneo. Lombok. Sumbawa. Lesser Sunda Is. (Lombok. Sumbawa.) Moluccas (Mt. Mada, Buru). Celebes. Isl. of Engano, Java Sea. C. & S. India. Nicobar Is. IIimalayas (Murri to Assam). Garo Hills. Burmese Provinces. Tonka, N. Malay Peninsula. Plains of India (winter). Ceylon (winter), Malay Peninsula to S. Tenasserim. GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 133 22. 23. 24. 25. ~f~ 26 27. 28. XIII. andamanensis, Walden. (p. 175.) rubecula, Gould. (p. 174.) aurata, Sharpe, Ibis, 1888, p. 478. everetti, Sharpe, Ibis, 1892, pp. 323,431. . wardi (Jerd.). (p. 178.) cinerea, Bourns & Worcester, Occ. Papers Minnes. Acad. i. pt. i. p. 23 (1894). schistacea, Meyer, Zeitschr. Orm. i. p. 211, Taf. viii. (1884). [Cf. Salvad., Agg. Orm. Papuasia, ii. p. 136 (1890).] CICHL0SELYS, Bp. [Cf. Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xv. . Sibiricus (Pall.). (p. 180.) Andaman Is. Java. Bali. Mts. of N.W. Borneo (Kima Balu). Mts. of N.W. Borneo (Mt. Kina Balu, Mt. Dulit). Himalayas (Simla to Bhutan). N. Cachar. • S. India and Ceylon (winter). Philippine Is. (Mindoro). Temimber Is. (Timor Laut). p. 317, 1892. C. & E. Siberia. Chima (winter). Burmese Provinces (winter). Java, Sumatra (winter). Andaman Is. (winter). 134 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 2. davisoni (Hume). Japam. [sibiricus, pt. (p. 180.) Cf. Seebohm, Bull. Burmese Provinces B. O. C. iv. p. xix (1895).] (Karen-mee, Tenasserim, winter). XIV. PSOPHOCICHLA, Cab. (Cabanis, J. f. O. 1860, p. 182.) 1. litsitsirupa (Smith). (p. 182.) S.E. Africa (Natal to the Zambesi) 2. Stierlingi, Reichenow, Orn. M.B. viii. p. 5 German E. Africa (1900). (Iringa). 3. semiensis (Ripp.). (p. 183.) N.E. Africa. (Abyssinia: Shoa). 4. aurita, J. Verr. (p. 193.) N. & N.W. China (Moupin, Szechuen, Ransu, Pekin). XW. H.GITH00ICHLA, mom. emend. [Cichlopasser (!), Bp. Geocichla, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 147, 1881.] 1. terrestris (Kittl.). (p. 183.) Bonin Is. GTENERA AND SIPECIES OF BITEDS. 135 |XVI. HESPER00ICHLA, Baird. (ſalorews, Bp. C. R. xxxviii. p. 3, note, 1854; cf. Rich- mond, Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington, xv. p. 85, 1902. But cf. Sclater, Ibis, 1903, p. 142.) (Geocichla, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 147, 1881.) [Cf. Stejneger, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 465 (1883.)] 1. naevia (Gm.). (p. 176.) W. N. America [Cf. Auk, xix. p. 331, 1902.] (Bering Strait to S. California). Guadelupe Isl. (acc.). East U.S. (acc.). 2. meruloides (Swains.). Mts. of N. Alaska and [Richm. Pr. Biol. Soc. Wash. xv. p. 85. eastward. Cf. Grinnell, Auk, xviii. p. 143, 1901; Auk, S. California xix. p. 331, 1902.] (winter). YWII. AMAL00ICHLA, De Vis. (De Wis, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, 1890–91, App. CC. p. 95, 1892; id. Ann. Queensl. Mus. i. p. 5, 1892.) 1. sclateriana, De Vis, l.c. S.E. New Guinea. 2. brevicauda (De Vis, Rep. Orm. Coll. 1894, S.E. New Guinea p. 5). º (Mt. Maneao). [Cf. Hartert, Bull. B. O. C. xi. p. 26, 1900.] XVIII. NESOCICHLA, Gowld. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. p. 332, 1881.) 1. eremita, Gould. (vi. p 332.) Inaccessible Isl. Tristan da Cunha Isl. 136 GENERA. AND SPECIES OF BITI)S. XIX. TURN AGRA, Less. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 4, 1883.) 1. Crassirostris (Gºn.). (p. 4.) South Isl., New Zealand. 2. tanagra (Schl.). (p. 5.) North Isl., New Zealand, XX. OREOCICHLA, Gowld. (Geocichla, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 147, 1881.) [Cf. Seebohm, Monogr. Turdidae, i. pp. 1–32.] 1. varia (Pall.). (p. 151.) W. & E. Siberia. [hancei, Swinh. (p. 153)] Japan. China (winter). Philippine Is. (winter). Burma (winter). Accidental in Europe. 2, dauma (Lath.). (p. 154.) Himalayas (Hazara to Assam). Burmese Provinces. Plains of N. & C. India (winter). 3. nilgiriensis, Blyth. (p. 157.) Hills of S. India. (Nilghiris, Palamis, Brahmaghiris, Travancore Hills). 4. imbricata (Layard). (p. 159.) C, Ceylon. 5, horsfieldi, Bp. (p. 153.) Java. GTSNERA AND SIPECIES OF BIFIDS. 137 10. 11. 13. Spiloptera, Blyth. XXI. 1. monticola, Vig. . papuensis (Seebohm). ... heinei, Cab. . mollissima (Blyth). affinis, Richm., Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, xv. p. 158 (1902). (p. 158.) . cuneata (De Vis, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. vi. p. 242, 1889). (p. 157.) lunulata (Lath.). (p. 155.) macrorhyncha, Gould. (p. 156.) (p. 159.) [divoni, p. 161 =juv. Cf. Sharpe, in Seebohm's Monogr. Turdidae, i. p. 29 (1898).] (p. 157.) Z00THERA, Vig. South Siam (Mt. Trong). S.E. New Guinea. Queensland (Herberton Range). N.E. Australia. S. & E. Australia. Tasmania. Himalayas (Chamba to Assam). Khási Hills. Manipur. Raren Hills. W. China, (Moupin). Ceylon. (Geocichla, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 147, 1881.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 156, 1890.] (p. 161.) Himalayas (Simla to Assam). Daphla Hills. 138 GENERA AND SIPECIDS OF BIRDS. 2. andromeda (Temm.). (p. 162.) 3. marginata, Blyth. (p. 162.) XXII. TURDUS, Linn. Java. Isl, of Engamo, Sumatra. Lombok. E. Himalayas (Sikhim to Assam). Arakam, Khasia Hills. E. Manipur. Burmese Provinces (Karen-mee. Tenasserim). Siam. (Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 184, 1881.) + 1. viscivorus, Linn. (p. 194.) [deichleri, Erlanger, Orn. MB. v. p. 192 (1899); id. J. f. O. 1899, p. 248.] -- 2, bonapartei, Cab. (p. 194, pt.) [Cf. Hartert, Cat. Mus. Senckenb. p. 10; Rothschild, Nov. Zool. 1902, p. 183 ] + 3 pilaris, Linn. (p. 205.) 4. pallidus (Gm.). (p. 274.) .# 5, feae, Salvad., Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) v. p. 514 (1887). Europe generally. S. Europe (winter). C. Russia. Caucasus. Turkestan to Lake Baikal. Himalayas (Gilgit to Nepal). N. Europe and Asia. E. to the Yemesei Walley. C. & S. Europe (winter). C. Asia and N.W. India (winter). E. Siberia. (Amur-land and Ussuri-land). Japan. S. China (winter). Formosa (winter). Assam. Naga Hills. Manipur. Burmese Provinces. GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIT.DS. 139 * 6 atrigularis (Tºm) (p.267) + 7. naumanni (Tomm.). (p.264) 8. ruficollis (Pall.). (p. 269.) * 9. dubius, Bechst., Naturg. ix. p. 240 (1795). [fuscata (Pall.). (p. 262)] [eunomus, Temm.; Sharpe, in Seebohm, Monogr. Turdidae, ii. p. 205, pls. cxlv., cxlvi. (1902).] *H 10 hortulorum (sel). (p. 287) 11, chrysolaus (Temm.). (p. 275.) 12, jouyi (Stejn., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, x. p. 4, 1887). Siberia. Himalayas. Turkestan. IBaluchistan. Afghanistan. Bhutan, Assam (winter). Europe (acc.). Siberia. China (winter). Burope (acc.). S. Siberia. C. Asia. India, China (winter). Siberia. (Yemesei Walley to the Amur). Japan. China (winter). Assam, Himalayas (winter). Europe (acc.). E. Siberia (Ussuri-land). Japan (Hondo). S. China (winter). B. Siberia (Ussuri-land, Sakhalin). Japan. Chima (winter). Haiman, Formosa (winter). Philippine Is. (Luzon, winter). Japan (Hondo). 140 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BITDS. + 13. 14. ––15. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. obscurus (Gm.). (p. 273.) subobscurus, Salvad., Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) i. p. 413 (1889). torquatus (Linn.). (p. 246.) orientalis (Seebohm, Ibis, 1888, p. 311). alpestris, Brehm, (p. 246, pt.) [Cf. Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1886, p. 365.] rufitorques, Hartl. (p. 255.) castaneus, Gould. (p. 259.) kessleri, Prjev. (p. 261.) E. Siberia (Yenesei to Amur). Japan. China (winter). E. Himalayas. Burma (winter). Malay Peninsula. borneo (winter). Burmese Provinces (Karen Hills). N. Europe. C. & S. Europe (winter). Caucasus Mts. to Persia. Alps of Central and Southern Europe. C. America (S. Mexico, Chiapas. Guatemala). Himalayas (Kashmir to Assam). Garo Hills, N. Cachar (winter). E. Tibet to Kansu and Koko-nor. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRI)S. 141 J. 24 . confinis, Baird. (p. 222.) . migratorius, Linn. (p. 220.) . achrusterus (Batchelder, Pr. N. Engl. Zool. Club, i. p. 104, 1900). . propinquus (Ridgw., Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. iii. p. 166, 1880). XXIII. HYLOCICHLA, Baird. (Baird, Review Amer. B. p. 12, 1864.) [Cf. Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 184, 1881.] + 1. mustelina (Gm.). (p. 196.) ſ– 2, fuscescens, Steph. (p. 203.) Iower California (Cape S. Lucas). E. N. America, north of the Carolinas. Mexico and Cuba (occ. winter). N. & S. Carolina. Georgia, W. United States to Brit. Columbia, C. America, (Mexico, winter). E. N. America. C. America, to Guatemala (winter). Cuba (winter). E. N. America, Canada. C. America (Mexico to Panama, winter). Cuba (winter). Colombia, Guiana, Amazonia, Brazil (winter). 142 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 3. Salicicola (Ridgw, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. iv. p.374, 1882). [Cf. Howe, Auk, 1900, p. 19. H. fuliginosa, Howe, Auk, 1900, p. 271 *. Cf. Auk, xviii. p. 314, 1901.] 4. aliciae, Baird. (p. 202.) 5. bicknelli (Ridgw, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. iv. p. 377, 1882), 6. ustulata, Nutt. (p. 203.) Hylocichlaustulata aºdica, Oberh, Auk, xvi. p. 23 (1899). [Cf. Auk, xvi. p. 127 (1899).] 7. almae (Oberh., Auk, xv, p. 304, 1898). [Cf. Auk, xvi. p. 131, xviii. p. 309.] 8, swainsoni, Cab, (p. 201.) N. America (Hudson's Bay and Dakota to Arizona). S.W. Canada. Labrador. Brit. Columbia. N. America (Labrador to Alaska). N.E. Siberia. (U.S.A., migrant). C. & S. America, to Colombia, Guiana, and Amazonia (wºmter). N.E. U. States. Nova Scotia. N.W. America (Pacific coast to Sitka). C. America (Mexico to Nicaragua). Colombia. Guiana. Yukon Basim to Rocky Mts. Utah and E. Nevada. N. America generally, C. America (Mexico to Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, winter), Brazil (winter). Europe (acc.). * Mr. Outram Bangs (in litt.) considers this form to be distinct. Hab, Newfound- land, through Eastern U. Slates in late autumn. GENER.A AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 143 9. pallasi, Cab. (p. 199.) 10. guttata, Pall. [aonalaschka, auct, mec Gm. (p. 200.) Cf. Auk, xix. p. 330 (1902).] [slevºni, Grinnell, Auk, xviii. p. 258 (1901). Cf. Auk, xix. p. 342 (1902).]* 11. nana, Audub. [Cf. A. O. U. Check-l. 11th Suppl. ; Auk, xix. p. 331 (1902).] [verecunda, Osgood, Auk, xviii. p. 183 (1901). Cf. Auk, xix. p. 327 (1902).] 12, auduboni, Baird. (p. 198.) [Sequoiensis, Belding, Pr. Calif. Acad, Sci, ii. p. 18 (1889).] 13, iliaca (Linn.). (p. 189.) 14, coburni (Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xii. p. 28, 1901), N.E. America (Eastern U. States). C. America, (Mexico, Guatemala, winter). N.W. America, from Alaska to Brit. Columbia and S. to coast of California. N.W. America, (Pacific Coast from Washington State Southward) to Lower California and W. Mexico. United States (Rocky Mts. to Arizona and Texas). C. America (W. Mexico to Guatemala), N, Europe & N. Asia E. to the Yemesei Walley. C. & S. Europe generally (winter). Iceland. [? Faroes (winter).] * Mr. Oberholser (in litt.) considers this to be a distinct form. 144 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. + 15. musica (Linn.). (p. 191.) N. Europe & N. Asia r) E. to the Yemesei Walley. y \ S. Europe, E. to Persia (winter). } -- XXIV. MONTICOLA, Boie. (Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 312, 1881.) 1. saxatilis (Linn.). (p. 313.) C. & S. Europe to C. Asia, N.E. Siberia and N. China. E. Africa (winter). N.W. India (winter). Burmese Provinces (winter). YXV. PETROPHILA, Swains. (Monticola, pt., Seebohm, t. c. p. 312.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 142, 1889.] 1. cyanus (Linn.). (p. 316.) S. Europe to C. Asia. - s so º | a \ & (4. ..) N.E. Africa to Somali- land (winter). Indian Peninsula (winter). Burmese Provinces (winter). 2, manilla, Bodd. E. Siberia. Japan. solitaria (P. L. S. Mülſ, mec Linn.). (p. 319) S. China (winter). [teste Stejneger in litt.] Burmese Provinces **** , º i 2 º' . . . • 2 - (winter). - S ; ; ; ; | º ... ( , ((‘, ‘. . . . º, J Malay Archipelago (winter). + 3, cinclorhyncha (Vig.). (p. 320.) Himalayas. Plaims of India (winter). 4. rupestris (Vieill.). (p. 322.) S. Africa. (Cape Colony to Natal). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 145 4– 5. explorator (Vieill.). (p. 323.) S. Africa. (Cape Colony). 6. brevipes (Strickl. & Scl.). (p. 324.) S. Africa. + 7. angolensis, Sotºza, Jorn. Lisb. 1888, pp. 225, S.W. Africa 233. (Angola). S.E. Africa (Mashona-land. Nyasa-land). + 8. erythrogaster (Vig.). (p. 325.) Himalayas (Chamba to Bhutan). Khasi Hills. Cachar. Manipur. Burmese Provinces. N.W. China. (Szechuen). + 9. gularis (Swinh.). (p. 326.) E. Siberia. N.E. China. 10. rufocinerea (Rüpp.). (p. 327.) N.E. Africa (Abyssinia. Somali-land). Sub-Family IV. ACCENTORINAE. (Accentores, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 648, 1883.) XXVI. ACCENTOR, Bechst. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 648.) 1, himalayanus (Błyth), Altai Mountains, [altaicus, Sharpe, Cat. p. 660; cf. Oates, Faum. Himalayas Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 168, 1890.] (Gilgit to Sikhim). WOL, IW, L 146 GENERA AND SPECIES OF DIRDS. + 2. collaris (Scop.). (p. 661.) A- 3. subalpinus, C. L. Brehm, Nachtr, Vög. Deutschl. p. 1009 (1831). [reiseri, Tschusi, Orm. M.B. ix. p. 131, 1901]. 4. caucasicus, Tschus;, Orn. MB. x. p. 186 (1902). 5. erythropygius, Swinh. (p. 663.) 6. rufilatus, Sharpe. (p. 664.) 7. nipalensis, Hodgs. (p. 664.) XXVII. THARRHALEUS, Kaup. C. & S. Europe. Dalmatia. Caucasus Mts. E. Siberia. Japan. Turkestan. N.W. Himalayas (Gilgit). Afghanistan. Himalayas (Gilgit & Sikhim). (Accentor, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 648, 1883.) + 1, modularis (Linn.). (p. 649) 2. orientalis (Sharpe). (p. 652.) 3. rubidus (Temm. & Schl.). (p. 652.) 4. fervidus (Sharpe). (p. 653.) 5. koslowi, Prijev., Sapiski Akad. Nauk, St. Petersb. lv. p. 83 (1887). [Cf. J. f. O. 1887, p. 277; Ibis, 1887, p. 407.] [pallidus, Menzbier, Ibis, 1887, p. 299, pl. ix.] Idurope generally. Black Sea Countries to Persia. Japan. Japan. Alashan, Tibet. N.W. Mongolia (Khobdo). GENERA AND SIPECIES OF JBIRDS. 147 6. montanellus (Pall.). (p. 653.) + 7. fulvescens (Severtz.). (p. 655.) [ocularis, Radde, Faun. & Flor. Casp.-Gebiet, p. 19 (1885); cf. Radde, Ornis, 1887, p. 486.] 8. immaculatus (Hodgs.). (p. 656.) 9, atrigularis (Brandt). (p. 656.) 10. rubeculoides (Moore). (p. 657.) 11, strophiatus (Hodgs.). (p. 658.) 12, jerdoni (Brooks). (p. 660.) E. Siberia. (Yenesei Walley to the Amur). Turkestan. N.W. Himalayas (Gilgit). Transcaspia. E. Himalayas (Nepal. Sikhim). W. Chiraa, (Moupin, Szechuen). C. Asia (Samarkand to the Altai Mts). Afghanistan. N.W. Himalayas (Gilgit to Garwhal). Himalayas (Ladak to Sikhim). Tibet. Himalayas (Kotgarh to Sikhim). Tibet. W. China (Moupin, Szechuen, Koko-noor), N.W. Himalayas (Gilgit to Masuri). L 2 148 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BITEDS. Sub-Family W. EPHTHIANURINAE. [Cf. Vincent Legge, P. Roy. Soc. Tasm. 1886, p. 236.] XXVIII. EPHTHIANURA, Gould. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 666, 1883.) A 1. albifrons (Jard. & Selby). (p. 666.) + 2. tricolor, Gould. (p. 667.) 3. aurifrons, Gould. (p. 668.) 4. Crocea, Casteln. & Ramsay. (p. 669.) E. & S. Australia. Australia. N. S. Wales. Victoria. S Australia. Gulf of Carpentaria. Sub-Family VI. HENICURINAE. (Henicuri, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 312, 1883.) XXIX. HENICURUS, Temm. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 312.) + 1. leschenaulti (Vieill.). (p. 313.) 2, borneensis, Sharpe, Ibis, 1889, p. 277. A f & —ſ 3. Sinensis, Gould. (p. 313.) A Java. Malayan Peninsula. Hills of Tenasserim and Assam to Sikhim. N.W. Borneo (Mt. Kina Balu). Chima. GENERA AND SIPECIES OF IBIRDS. 149 + 4, innmaculatus, Hodgs. (p. 314.) Himalayas (Garwhal to Assam). Burmese Provinces. -\ 5, schistaceus, Hodgs. (p. 315.) Himalayas (Kumaon to Assam). Manipur, Daphla Hills. Tenasserim. S. China. 6. guttatus, Gould. (p. 316.) Himalayas (Masuri to Sikhim). Rhási Hills. Manipur. Aracan. -l 7. maculatus, Vig. (p. 317.) E. Himalayas (Murri to Nepal). XXX. HYDROCICHLA, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 318, 1883.) 1. ruficapilla (Temm.). (p. 319.) S. Tenasserim. [rtifidorsalis, Sharpe, i. e. p. 320.] Malay Peninsula. Borneo. - 2, velata (Temm.). (p. 320.) Java. Sumatra. 3. frontalis (Blyth). (p. 321.) S. Temasserim. Malay Peninsula. Sumatra. Borneo. XXXI. MICR00ICHLA, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 322.) 1. scouleri (Vig.). (p. 322.) Samarcand. Himalayas. W. China. 150 GENERA ANID SPECIES OF BIRDS. Sub-Family VII. RUTICILLINAE. XXXII. CHIMARRHORNIS, Hodgs. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 47, 1883.) A 1. leucocephala (Vig.). (p. 47.) Himalayas (Gilgit to Assam). Rhási Hills. Manipur. Burmese Provinces. W. China. 2. bicolor, Ogilvie Grant, Bull. B. O. C. iii. p. 44 Philippine Is. (1894); id. Ibis, 1894, pl. xv. fig. 2. (North Luzon). XXXIII. PHOENICURUS, Forster, 1817. [Rwticilla, Brehm ; Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 334, 1881.] [Cf. Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. v. p. 29, 1882.] |- 1. phoenicurus (Linn.). (p. 336.) Europe. IE. & C. Siberia. Persia. W. & Equat. Africa (winter). 2, mesoleucus (Heinpr. 3 Ehr.). (p. 338.) Caucasus. * Asia Minor. Senegambia (winter). 3. bonapartei, v. Müll. N.E. Africa. [Cf. Neumann, J. f. O. 1902, pp. 133, 134 | +-4. titys (Scop.). (p. 339.) C. & S. Europe. N.E. Africa (winter). GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS, 151 5. ochrurus (S. G. Gm.). [erythroprocta, Gould (p. 341).] +6. rufiventris (Vieill.). (p. 342.) 7. pleskei, Schalow, J. f. O. 1901, p. 454. 8, semirufus (Hempr. 3 Ehr.). (p. 344.) 9. hodgsoni, Moore. (p. 344.) A 10. auroreus (Gm.). (p. 345.) -- 11. erythrogaster (Güld.). (p. 347) + 12 grandis, Gould. [Cf. Rothsch. Nov. Zool. iv. p. 167.] severtzowi, Lorenz, Beitr. Orn. Faun. Cauc. p. 22 (1887), Caucasus Mts. Asia Minor. Persia. Himalayas (Afghanistan to Assam). Manipur. Tndian Peninsula. Persian Baluchistan. Somali-land (winter). Nam-Sham. Palestime. Syria. Egypt. W. China. E. Himalayas (winter). Nāga Hills. Manipur. S.E. Siberia. Japan. N. China. Mongolia. S. China (winter). Assam. Manipur. IBurmese Provinces (winter). Java, Timor (winter). Caucasus Mts. C. Asia to E. Siberia and Mongolia. N.W. China. Himalayas (winter). 152 S GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BITSDS. + 13, erythronotus (Eversm.). (p. 348.) C. Asia to Mongolia. N.W. Himalayas (winter). S. Persia (winter). E. Asia Minor (winter). A. 14, frontalis (Vig.). (p. 349.) Himalayas (Kashmir to Assam). Cachar. Manipur. Tibet. W. China. 15. schisticeps (Hodgs.). (p. 351.) B. Himalayas. Tibet. W. China. XXXIV. DIPL00TOCUS, Harter. (Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. p. 325, 1902.) [Pinarochroa, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. vii. p. 19, 1883.] 1. Inoussieri (Olphe-Gall.). (vii. p. 20.) N.E. Africa (Marocco to Algeria). XXXV. RHYACORNIS, Blanf. (Xanthopygia, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iv. p. 249, 1877.) + 1. fuliginosa (Vig.). (iv. p. 253.) Himalayas (Kashmir to Assam). Rhási Hills. Cachar. Manipur. Aracan. China. Mongolia. GENERA AND SIPECIES OF TRIRIDS. 153 XXXVI. CYANECULA, Brehm. (Erithacus, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 292, 1881.) 1. Suecica (Linn.). N. & C. Europe and [E. caeruleculus (Pall.), Seebohm, t. c. p. 308.] N. Asia. Indian Peninsula (winter). Burmese Provinces (winter). S. China (winter). N E. Africa (winter). 2. discessa, Madarász, Termés. Fūzet. xxv. p. 489 Transcaspia. (1902). Persia. 3. cyanecula (Wolf). (v. p. 31.1.) C. Europe. Palestine (winter). N. Africa (winter). Persia to India (winter). 4. abbotti, Richmond, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii. C. Asia. p. 484 (1896). XXXVII. AEDON, Forster, 1817. [Luscinia, Brehm, Isis, 1828, p. 1280. Dawlias, Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 542. Erithacus, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 292, 1881. Cf. Salvad. Ibis, 1887, pp. 119, 120.] 1. megarhyncha (Brehm) *. C. & S. Europe. luscimia (auct., mec Linn.). (v. p. 294.) W. Africa (winter). S.E. Africa (Zambesi, winter). 2. africana (Fischer & Reichen., J. f. O. 1884, E. Africa. p. 182). * Teste Kleinschmidt in litt. 154 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 3. luscinia (Linn.). philomela (Bechst.). 4. boehmi, Reichenow, J. f. O. 1886, p. 115. [? =megarhyncha juv., teste Kleinschmidt in litt.] 5. golzii (Cab.). (v. p. 297.) XXXVIII. ERITHACUS, Cuv. E. & C. Europe, N. to Sweden. E. to C. Asia & S.W. Siberia. N.E. Africa (winter). C.E. Africa. (Marungu). C. Asia, Persia to the Caucasus. N.W. India (winter). Equat. Africa (winter). (Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 292, 1881.) 2. melophilus, Hartert, Nov. Zool. viii. p. 317 (1901). 3. superbus, Konig, J. f. O. 1889, p. 183. 4. hyrcanus, Blanf. (v. p. 301.) 5. Sibilans (Swinh.). 1891.] 6. akahige (Temm.). (v. p. 299.) \— 1. rubecula (Linn.). (v. p. 297, pl. xvii.) [Cf. Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus, xiv. p. 497, N. & C. Europe. Mediterranean Countries (winter). British Islands. Rhine Provinces. Teneriffe. Caucasus to Persia. S. Siberia, (Sajan Mts. to Ussuri-land). China. Haiman. S. Japanese Is. Seven Is. GENERA AND SPECITES OF TRITDS. 155 XXXIX, ICOTURUS, Stejneger. (Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. ix. p. 643, 1886.) + 1. komadori (Temm.). (v. p. 298.) Liu-Kiu Is. [Cf. Stejn. Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. x. p. 404 (1887); (Yaye-yama Isl.). Seebohm, Ibis, 1887, p. 175.] |< 2. namiyei, Stejneger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. ix. Liu-Kiu Is. A. p. 645 (1886). (Okinawa-shima Isl.). [Cf. Seebohm, Ibis, 1888, p. 233.] XL, HODGSONIUS, Bp.” (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 81, 1883.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 190, 1889.] 1. phoenicuroides (Hodgs.). (vii. p. 81.) Himalayas, from ſashmir to Bhutan. YLI. CALLIOPE, Gowld. (Erithacus, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 293, 1881.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 101, 1889.] + 1. calliope (Pall.). (p. 305) Siberia. N. Chima. S. China (winter). Philippine Is. (winter). Burmese Provinces (winter). N. & C. India (winter). Purope (acc.). * The young bird has been found to be spotted, and Hodgsonius must therefore be placed among the Turdidae. Cf. Berez. & Bianchi, Aves Exped. Potamin. Gan-su, p. 29. 156 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BITDS. + 2. pectoralis, Gould. (p. 306.) 3. tschebaiewi, Prjev. (p. 308.) 4. davidi, Oust., Bull. Mus Paris, 1898, p. 222. XLII. IANTHIA, Blyth. C. Asia. Himalayas (Kashmir to Assam). Plains of India (winter). Tibet & N.W. China, (Kan-su etc.). N.E. Himalayas (winter). Bhamo (winter). Szechuen, W. China. (Tarsiger, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iv. p. 254, 1879.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 105, 1890.] -j- 1. cyanura (Pall.). (p. 255.) # 2. rufilata (Hodgs.). (p. 256.) 3. hyperythra, Blyth. (p. 257.) 4. indica (Vieill.). (p. 259.) Siberia. Japan. China. Europe (acc.). Himalayas. Hills of Assam. Himalayas to Assam. E. Himalayas. Hills of N. China, GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 15 7 XLIII. LARWIWORA, Hodgs. (Erithacus, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 293, 1881.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, i. p. 181, 1889.] + 1. cyanea (Pall.). (p. 303.) E. Siberia. Mongolia. China (winter). Burmese Provinces (winter). Malay Peninsula (winter). N.E. Borneo (winter). ~\ 2. brunnea, Hodgs. (p. 302.) * Himalayas to N.W. China (Kan-su etc.). Plains of India (winter). Ceylon. 3. obscura, Berez, & Bianchi, Aves, Exped. Potan. Kan-su. Gan-su, p. 97, pl. i. fig. 2 (1894). XLIV. ADELURA, Bp. (Ruticilla, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 334, 1881.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 108, 1890.] 1. caeruledcephala (Vig.). (v. p. 353) N.E. Turkestan. Afghanistan. Himalayas (Gilgit to Bhutan). XLV. NOTODELA, Less. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 22, 1883.) + 1, leucura (Hodgs.). (p. 23.) E. Himalayas (Nepal to Assam). Assam. Manipur. Mt. Muleyit, in Tenasserim. —r * Berezowski & Bianchi (Aves Exped. Potan. Gan-su, p. 96) have described the mestling of L. brunnea, which is spotted, and shows that Larvivora must be placed among the Turdidae. 158 GENERA AND SPECIES OF TRIRIDS. + 2. montium (Swinh.). (p. 24.) Formosa. 3. diana (Less.). (p. 24.) Java. [Brachypterya salaccensis, Worderm. ; = ?. Cf. Finsch, Notes Leyden Mus. xxii. p. 215, 1901.] XLVI. THAMNOBIA, Swains. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 53, 1883.) 1. cambaiensis (Lath.). (p. 55.) Upper Indian Peninsula (Himalayas to C. India). 2, fulicata (Linn.). (p. 54.) Lower Indian Peninsula (C. India to Travancore). Ceylon. XLVII. CALLENE, Blyth. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 14, 1883.) [Cf. Oates, Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, ii. p. 113, 1890.] 1, frontalis (Blyth). (p. 15.) I. Himalayas (Sikhim). 2, anomala, Shelley, Ibis, 1893, p. 14. Nyasa-land. 3. macclouni, Shelley, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 61 Nyasa-land. (1903). 4. pyrrhoptera, Reichen. & Newm., Orn. MB, iii. Equat. Africa p. 75 (1895). (Mau). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 159 5. albigularis, Reichenow, Orn. MB. iii. p. 96 (1895). 6, isabellae (Gray). (p. 17.) 7. poensis, Alexander, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 37 (1903). 8, cyornithopsis, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xii. p. 4 (1901); id. Ibis, 1902, pl. iv. fig. 1. 9, sharpei, Shelley, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 60 (1903). 10, roberti, Alexander, Bull, B. O. C. xiii. p. 37 (1903). XLVIII. COPSYCHUS, Wagler. E. Africa. (Usagara). W. Africa (Camaroons Mts.). W. Africa. (Fernando Po). W. Africa. (Camaroons). Nyasa-land. W. Africa, (Fernando Po). (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 60, 1883.) 1. mindanensis (Gm.). (p. 60.) 2, seychellarum, A. Newton. (p. 61.) 3. inexspectatus, Richmond, Pr, U.S. Nat, Mus, xix. p. 688 (1897). Philippine Is. Seychelles Is. Madagascar. 160 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 4. Saularis (Linn.). (p. 61.) 5 , musicus (Raffl.). (p. 61, pt.) 6, amoenus (Horsf.). (p. 61, pt.) 7, niger, Wardlaw Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1886, p. 123. [adamsi, Elliot, Auk, vii. p. 348, 1890. Cf. Sharpe, Nature, 1890, p. 647; Elliot, Auk, viii. p. 117.] XLIX. GERWAISIA, Bp. Indian Peninsula. Ceylon. Burmese Provinces. China. Indo-Chinese Provinces. Malay Peninsula Java. Borneo. Java. Borneo. Bali. N.E. Borneo (Sandakan). (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 66, 1883.) 1. albispecularis (Eyd. & Gerv.). (p. 66.) + 2. pica (Pelz.). (p. 67.) L. CERCOTRICHAS, Finsch & Hartl. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 83.) 1. podobe (P. L. S. Müll.). (p. 83.) 2, melanoptera (Hempr. 3 Ehr.). (p. 84.) Madagascar. W. Madagascar. W. Aſrica (Senegambia). N.E. Africa, S. Arabia. B. Sudan. ? Senegambia. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 161 * \ LI. CITTOCINCLA, Scl. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 84, 1883.) [Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. pp. 572–573, 1892.] +- 1 ~i- 2 3 9, WOL. I . nigra, Sharpe. . tricolor (Vieill.). (p. 85.) , macrura (Gm.). [Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. ix. p. 572 (1902).] . omissa, Hartert, l.c. p. 572 (1902). . minor, Swinh. (p. 88, pt.) [brevicauda, Ogilvie Grant, Ibis, 1899, p. 584.] ... suavis, Scl. (p. 87.) . stricklandi (Motl. & Dillw.). (p. 88.) (p. 90.) , melanura, Salvad., Amn. Mus. Genov. (2) iv. p. 549, pl. viii, fig. 1 (1887); id. in Modigl. Wiagg. Nias, pl. v., 1890. nigricauda, Vorderm., T. Nederl. Ind, 1893, p. 197. W. Indian Peninsula. Ceylon. Assam. Khási Hills. Cachar. Tippera. Manipur. Indo-Chinese Provinces. Malay Peninsula. F. Java. Haiman. Borneo. N. Borneo. Labuan Isl. Philippine Is. (Balabac. Palawan. Calamiames). Nias Is. Kangean Is. MI 162 GIENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 10. albiventris (Blyth). (p. 90.) 11. luzoniensis (Kittl.). (p. 91.) 12. cebuensis, Steere, List B. & Mamm. Exped. Philipp. p. 20 (1890). 13. Superciliaris, Bourns & Worcester, Occ. Papers Minnesota Acad. i. p. 23 (1894). 14. nigrorum, Ogilvie Grant, Ibis, 1896, p. 547. LII. TRICHIXUS, Less. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 32, + 1. pyrrhopygus, Less. (p. 32.) LIII. COSSYPHA, Vig. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 34, 1. imerina, Hartl. (p. 35.) 2. pecilii, Oust, Le Nat. 1886, p. 300. 3. bicolor (Sparrm.). (p. 36.) Andaman Is. JPhilippine Is. (Luzon. Marinduque. Catanduanes). Philippine Is. (Cebu), Philippine Is. (Masbate). Philippine Is. (Negros). 1883.) Malay Peninsula. Borneo. 1883.) S. & S.W. Madagascar. W. Africa (Nganciou, Congo). S. Africa (Knysna to Natal. Zambesi. Damara-ld.). GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BIRDS. 163 + 4. natalensis, A. Smith. (p. 37.) 5. bocagei, Finsch & Hartl. (p. 38.) 6. archeri, Sharpe, Bull. B.O. C. xiii. p. 9 (1902). 7. polioptera, Reichenow, Ber, allg, deutsch. Orn. Ges. ix. p. 5 (1891); id. J. f.O. 1892, pp. 59, 133. + 8, caffra (Linn.). (p.39) 9. iolaema, Reichenow, Orm. M.B. viii. p. 5 (1900). [mauensis, O. Neumann, J. f. O. 1900, p. 309. Cf. Sharpe, Ibis, 1901, p. 71.] 10, cyanocampter (BP.). (p. 40.) 11. periculosa, Sharpe. (p. 40.) 12, bartteloti, Shelley, Ibis, 1890, p. 159, pl. v. fig. 2. S. Africa (Natal to Zambesi). E. Africa. S.W. Africa. (Loango. Benguela). S.W. Africa. (Mossamedes). Ruwenzori Range, Equatorial Africa. Equatorial Africa (Victoria Nyanza). S. Africa. (Cape Colony to Transvaal). E. Africa. (Nyasa-land to Kilimanjaro). Equat. Africa. W. Africa. (Gold Coast). W. Africa, (Gaboon). W, Africa. (Aruwhimi River). M 2 164 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 13. heuglini, Hart!. (p. 41.) N.E. & E. Africa (Equat. Africa to the Zambesi). 14. subrufescens, Bocage. (p. 41.) E. Africa (Ukamba) to S.W. Africa, (Loango to Benguela). 15. donaldsoni, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. iv. p. xxviii W. Somali land. (1895). 16. semirufa (Rüpp.). (p. 42.) N.E. Africa. (Bogos-land, Abyssinia). 17. barbata, Finsch & Hartl. (p. 43.) S.W. Africa (Benguela). \o . + 18. quadrivirgata (Reichenow). (p. 43.) E. Africa A. (Zanzibar). 19. modesta (Shelley, Ibis, 1897, p. 539, pl. xii. Nyasa-land. fig. 1). 20, gambagae, Hartert, Bull. B. O. C. x. p. v. W. Africa (1899). (Gold Coast). 21. leucosticta, Sharpe. (p. 44, pl. i.) * W. Africa, (Accra). * Dr. Finsch, in litt., considers that this is an Erythropygia, in which case no. 21 would be Erythropygia leucosticta, and no. 22. E. griseisticta. To me they seem to belong to Coss/pha, but, as in many other cases, ſurther study of these genera is imperative. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 165 2 2 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. T.I.W. 1. griseisticta, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 8 (1902). humeralis (A. Smith). (p. 45.) verticalis, Hart!. (p. 45.) ... giffardi, Harterf, Bull. B. O. C. x. p. v (1899). onmoensis, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. O. xi. p. 28 (1900). melanonota (Cab.). (p. 46.) albicapilla (Vieill.). (p. 89.) IRANIA, de Filippi. Buwenzori Mts., Equatorial Africa. S.E. Africa. W. Africa, (Senegambia to Abeokuta). W. Africa (Togo-land to the Niger). Equatorial Africa (Omo River). W. Africa, (Gaboon to the Congo). W. Africa, (Senegambia). (Erithacus, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus, v. p. 293, 1881.) gutturalis (Guérin). (v. p. 304.) S.E. Europe (Asia Minor to Palestine). Persia. W. Turkestan. Somali-land (winter). 166 GENERA AND STPECIES OF BIRDS. LW. CICHLADUSA, Peters. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 69, 1883.) 1. arcuata, Peters. (p. 70.) S.E. Africa (Zambesi Region. Mozambique). E. Africa. + 2. guttata, Heugl. (p. 70.) Equat. Africa. 3. rufipennis, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xii. p. 35 East Africa (1901). (Lamu). 4. ruficauda (Hardl.). (p. 71.) W. & S.W. Africa, (Congo to Benguela). LVI. NEOCOSSYPHUS, Fischer & Reichenow. (Fischer & Reichenow, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. 1884, p. 301.) [Pseudocossyphus (nec Sharpe), iid. J. f. O. 1884, p. 58.] 1. rufus (F. & R., J. f. O. 1884, p. 58). E. Africa. (Masai-land). + 2. poensis (Strickl.). (vii. p. 35.) W. Africa (Gold Coast to Gaboom). Fernando Po. LVII. PSEUD0C0SSYPHUS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 21, 1883.) 1. Sharpei (Gray). (p. 22.) Madagascar. GISNERA AND SIPECIISS OF BIRDS. 167 LVIII. AEDONOPSIS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 68, 1883.) 1. signata (Sundev.). (p. 69.) S.E. Africa. LIX. ERYTHROPYGIA, A. Smith. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 72.) 1. coryphaeus (Less.). (p. 73.)* S. Africa. 2. leucophrys (Vieill.). (p. 74.) S. & S.E. Africa. 3. munda (Cab.). (p. 76.) S.W. Africa (Angola to Damara-land). 4. poena, A. Smith. (p. 76.) S. Africa N. to Mashona-land and Damara-land. 5. Zambesiana, Sharpe. (p. 78, pl. xv. fig. I.) Zambesi district. 6. ruficauda, Sharpe. (p. 78, pl. xv. ſig. 2.) W. Africa. (Congo district). 7. vulpina, Reichenow', J. f. O. 1891, p. 63. E. Africa (Teita). 8, brunneiceps, Reichenow, l.c. E. Africa (Nguruman). * Dr. Finsch (in litt.) suggests that this species should be placed in the genus Aedonopsis. 168 GENERA AND SIPECIES OF T3TIRDS. 9. hartlaubi, Reichenow, l. c. 10. leucoptera (Rüpp.). (p. 79.) A Q eacº º C Cº- 11. ukambensis, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xi. p. 28 (1900). LX. ALETHE, Cass. IE. Africa (Mutjara). N.E. Africa. E. Africa (Ukambani). (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 57, 1883.) _l- 1 castanea (Cass). (p. 57.) 2. diademata (BP.). (p. 58.) [Cf. Sharpe, Notes Leyden Mus. vi. p. 168.j 3. poliocephala (Temm.). [castanomoča, Sharpe. (p. 59, pl. ii.) Cf. Buttik, Notes Leyden Mus. vii. p. 177 (1884).] 4. hypoleuca, Reichenow, Ber. allg, deutsch. Orn. Ges. 1892, p. 6; id. J. f. O. 1892, p. 194, tab. ii. fig. 3. [=poliocephala juv., teste O. Finsch in litt.] 5. alexandri, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xii. p. 4 (1901). 6. striaticollis, Hartl. (p. 59.) 7. fuelleborni, Reichenow, Orm. M.B. viii. p. 100 (1900). W. Africa, (Camaroons, Gaboon). W. Africa. (Gold Coast). W. Africa (Sierra Leone to the Gold Coast). W. Africa. (Camaroons). W. Africa (Camaroons). W. Africa. (Gaboom). N. Nyasa-land. GENERA AND SIPECIES OF BITDS. 169 10. LXI. . poliothorax, Reichenow, Orn. MB. viii. p. 6 W. Africa (1900). (Camaroons). . poliophrys, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 10 Ruwenzori Range, (1902). Equatorial Africa. moori, Alexander, Bull. B. O. C. xiii. p. 37 W. Africa (1903). (Fernando Po). Sub-Family VIII. SAXICOLINAE. THAMNOLAEA, Cab. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 48, 1883.) . cinnamomeiventris (Lafr.). (p. 49.) S.E. Africa. . Subrufipennis, Reichenow, J. f. O. 1887, p. 78. C. Africa (Usukuma). Nyasa-land. Mashona-land." . coronata, Reichenow, Orm. MB. x. p. 157 (1902). Togo-land, W. Africa. . albiscapulata (Rüpp.). (p. 50.) N.E. Africa. . argentata, Reichenow, Orn. MB. viii. p. 100 N. Nyasa-land. (1900). . nigra (Vieill.). (p. 51, note.) W. Africa [Cf. Reichenow, J. f. O. 1890, p. 77; (Congo district). Büttik. Notes Leyden Mus, xiv. p. 17, 1892; Finsch, op. cit. xxii. p. 158, 1901 || 170 GIENER. A. AND SIPECIES OF THIRDS, 7. levaillanti, Reichenow, J. f. O. 1882, p. 211. S.E. Africa. =migra : cf. Finsch, Notes Leyd. Mus, xxii. p. 158.] 8, shelleyi, Sharpe. (p. 52.) leucolaema, Reichenow, Orm. Centralbl. 1880, p. 181. collaris, Reichenow, J. f. O. 1882, p. 212. [Cf. Gurney, Ibis, 1887, p. 55; Bocage, Jorn. Lisb. (2) vii. p. 167, 1892.] 9. arnotti, Tristr. (p. 53.)* 10. thalloni, Oust., Le Nat. 1886, p. 300. LXII. PENTHOLAEA, Cab. S.E. Africa (Zambesi Region). S.W. Africa, (Benguela). Equat. Africa. W. Africa (Lékéti, Congo). (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 17, 1883.) 1. albifrons (Rüpp.). (p. 18.) 2. atrata (Swains.). (p. 17, note.) 3. clericalis, Hart!. (p. 18.) [Hartl. Zool. Jahrb. ii. p. 317, pl. xiii, figs. 7, 8, 1887.] 4. melaena (Rüpp.). (p. 19.) 5. baucis, Hartl., Zool. Jahrb. ii. p. 318 (1887). W. & N.E. Africa. W. Africa. (Senegambia). IEquat. Africa. N.E. Africa. Equat. Africa. * Dr. Finsch considers that nos. 8 and 9 are identical. xxii. p. 159, 1901.) (Cf. Notes Leyden Mus. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BITDS. 171 LXIII. PRATINCOLA, Koch. (Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iv. p. 178, 1879.) +1. rubetra (Linn.). (p. 179) 2. spatzi, Erlanger, J. f. O. 1900, p. 101. 3. noskae, Tschusi, Orn. Jahrb. xiii. p. 234 (1902). +-4. dalmatica, Kollibay, Orn. Jahrb. xv. p. 43 (1903). . insignis (Hodgs.). (p. 183.) 5 6. macrorhyncha, Stoliczka. (p. 184.) 7. borbonica, Bory. (p. 183.) 8. salax, J. & E. Verr. (p. 184.) 9. pallidigula, Reichenow, J. f. O. 1892, pp. 194, 232. +º, -ka 4–10, rubicola (Linn.). (p. 185.) A Europe. Africa (winter). Tunis. N. Caucasus. Dalmatia. Plains of N. India from Cawnpore to Bhutan Doars. N.W. India (Sind to N. Guzerat). Isl. of Réunion. W. Africa (Camaroons to Gaboon). W. Africa (Camaroons). Europe. Africa (winter). 172 GENERA AND STPECIES OF BIRDS. II. dacotiae, Meade-Waldo, Ann. Nat. Hist. [6] iv. Canary Is. p. 252 (1889). (Fuerteventura). 12. maura (Pall.). (p. 188.) Siberia. China. Burmese Provinces. Indian Peninsula. IBorneo (migration). 13. prjewalskii, Pleske, Wiss. Result. Prjew. Reis. Kan-su. Kansu, p. 46 (1889). \on. 4. ...*- 1–14 axillaris, Shelly, P.Z.S. 1884, p. 556. E. Africa. A (Mt. Kilimanjaro). 15, torquata (Linn.). (p. 190.) S. Africa. 4-ºx & .* &