24 HA A GENERAL SYSTEM OF NATURE. VOL. III. Printed by Dewick & Clarke, Aldersgate-street. A GENERAL SYSTEM OF NATURE, THROUGH THE THREE GRAND KINGDOMS OF ANIMALS, VEGETABLES, AND MINERALS, SYSTEMATICALLY DIVIDED INTO THEIR SEVERAL CLASSES, ORDERS, GENERA, SPECIES, AND VARIETIES, WAII THEIR HABITATIONS, MANNERS, ECONOMY, STRUCTURE, AND PECULIARITIES. BY SIR CHARLES LINNÈ: Translated from GMELIN, FABRICIUS, WILLDENOW, &c. TOGETHER WITH Various Modern Arrangements and Corrections, derived from the Transactions of the Linnean and other Societies, as well as from the Classical Works of Shaw, Thornton, Abbot, Donovan, Sowerby, Latham, Dillwyn, Lewin, Martyn, Andrews, Lambert, &c. &c, WITH A LIFE OF LINNE, Appropriate Copper-plates, and a Dictionary explanatory of the Terms which occur in the several Departments of Natural History, BY WILLIAM TURTON, M. D. Fellow of the Linnean Society, Author of the Medical Glossary, &c. &c. a IN SEVEN VOLUMES, Animal Kingdom.--VOL. III. INSECTS.--Part II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LACKINGTON, ALLEN, AND CO. YEMPLE OF THE MUSES, FINSBURY-SQUARE. 1806. Museums .6765 Museum hele Gull Patay. M. Metall 2-3-5 II stronly 5-15-52, HRJ ORDER III. LEPIDOPTERA. Wings 4, covered with fine imbricate Scales : tongue involute, Spiral: body hairy 71. PAPILIO 4 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. 71. PAPILIO. Antennae growing thicker towards the tip, and generally ending in a knob: wings when fitting, erect, the edges meeting together over the abdo- men. They fly in the day-time. Butter-fly. For the more eaſily aſcertaining the ſpecies of this numerous and beautiful tribe, I have given the diviſions both of Linne and Fabricius ; the latter of which is adopted, as exhibiting cha- racteriſtics more clear and certain. Linnean divifion. Equites. Upper-wings longer from the poſterior angle to the tip than to the baſe: antennæ often filiform. a, Trojans. Generally black, with ſanguineous ſpots on the breaſts. b. Greeks. Breast without fanguineous ſpots; an ocellate fpot at the angle of the tail. 7. Wings without bands. tt. Wings with bands, Heliconii. Wings narrow, entire, often naked or femitranſparent, the upper-ones oblong the lower-ones very ſhort. Danai, Wings very entire, a. Candidi. Wings whitiſh. b. Festivi. Wings variegated. Nymphales, Wings denticulate. d. Gemmatı. Wings with ocellate ſpots, t. on all the wings, tt. on the upper wings only, ttt. on the lower wings only. b, Phalerati. Wings without ocellate ſpots. Plebeji, Small; the larva often contracted. a. Rurales. Wings with obícure ſpous. b. Urbicolæ, Wings moſtly with tranſparent ſpots. Fubriciar, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. 5 Fabrician Diviſion. Papilio. Feelers reflected : tongue exſerted ſpiral : antennæ thicker towards the tip A. Upper-wings longer from the poſterior angle to the tip than to the baſe. 2. Equites. Lower-wings cut to admit the free motion of the abdomen. 7. Trojans. Generally black, with fanguineous ſpots on the breaſt. tt. Greeks. Breaft without ſanguineous ſpots: an ocellate ſpot ac the angle of the tail. b. Satyri. Lower-wings dilated on the inner-margin into a groove for the reception of the abdomen. B. Heliconii. Wings oblong, the lower-ones ſhort and rounded. c. Parnaſii. Wings rounded, entirely or partially naked. D. Wings rounded, 2. Festivi. Lower-wings distant at the inner-edge. b. Darai. Lower-wings meeting at the inner-edge and covering the baſe of the abdomen. c. Nymphales. Lower-wings forming a groove for the reception of the abdomen. Hej deria. Feelers compreſſed and hairy at the baſe, the tip cylindrical and naked : club of the antennæ oblong and often hooked. 1. Ravales. Wings with obſcure ſpots. b. Urbicole. Wings with moſtly tranſparent ſpots, Theſe inſects feed on the nectar of flowers, and the moiſture exfucing from trees: the larvæ are active and furniſhed with tentacula and 16 feet; they are fometimes ſpinous and ſome- times naked, and feed coraciouſly on the leaves of various plants: the pupa is naked, quieſcent, and attached to trees or other fubtances by filaments either from the tip or the middle. Equites. INSECTS, LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Tro. Paris Equites. Trojans. Wings tailed black; the lower ones with a large blue ſpot and purple eye, and 7 iunules beneath Natural. Micel, tab 404. Donovan's Chir. Inf tab 1. Clerk Icon tab. 13, fig. 1. Drury Inf. 1, tab 12, pg. 1. Inhabits Alla and China. Cramer Ing tab. 103 fig. A B. Body and Wings ſpeckled with green; the lower ones beneath with white : upper-wings with a green ſpot at the posterior angle, Wings tailed black, both ſurfaces nearly the ſame colour, the lower ones with 5 rufous lunules Inhabits China. Cramer Inf. 9, tab 103, fig 6. Reſembles the laſt, from which it chiefly differs in wanting the blue ſpots and having the 5 red creſcents on the lower wing: Bianors Helenas. Wings tailed black, the lower-ones with a white ſpot and double purple lunule. Inhabits tha Cramer, Isſ. 13. tab. 153, fig. A. B. Clerk icon, tab 13. fig. 2. Seba Mus. 4, tab. 46, fig. 17, 18. Lower-wings beneath with 3 whitiſhilwoules and 7 ferruginous ones T be seus Wings tailed brown, both ſurfaces the ſame colour; the lower pair with 9 red lunules dotted with white. Inhabits Sumatra. Cramer In 15, tab. 180, fig. B: Much leſs than the lait : head and thorax dotted with white : upper wings immaculate, darker at the bafe. Polytes: а Wings tailed black, both ſurfaces the fame colour; the upper-ones with a band compoſed of 5 white ſpots and red lunules. Inhabits Afe. Cramer Inj. 23, rah. 265, fig A. B. C. Clerk Icon. tab. 14, fig. 1. Seba. Mas, 4, tab. 27, fig. 23, 24. Mutius. Helior. Wings tailed black; the upper-ones with a white band, lower ones with a band of 5 red (pots and lunules. Inhabits Tranquebar. Cramer Inf. tab. 43, Jig. A. Is probably a mere variety of the laſt. Wings tailed black, both furfaces the ſame colour ; the upper pair with an interrupted white band, lowers ones with numerous crimſon ſpots. Inhavits Afia. Cramer Inf. tab. 131, fig. A, Nøt. Miscel. 6. 271. Clerk Icon. tab. 33, fig. 1. Jablou Pap. 2, tab, 13, fig. 2. Head and upper-margin of the thorax red : abdomen black : tail red: upper-wings with a broken white ſpot at the tip, Ascanius. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Tro. 7 Ascanius. Wings tailed, black with a common white band, both furtaces alike, the lower-ones clouded with red. Inhabits Braſil. Cramer Inf 2, tab. 14. fig. A. Body black : breaſt with fanguineous ſpors; the white band is mized with red on the lower-wings which have red lunules. Antenor. Wings tailed, both furfaces the ſame colour, black ſpotted with white, the lower ones with a marginal row of red lunules. Inhabits India. Natur alift'. Mifcel. tab. 197. Jablons. pap. 2, tab. 13, fig: 1. Drury n). 2, tab. 3, fig. 1. Head red: antennae black; thorax black : abdomen white with red bands: wings with numerous ſcattered white ſpots, the lower pair greeniſh in the middle with a red lunule at the angle of the tail. Trailure Wings tailed black : the upper ones with pale marginal ſpots ; lower-ones with pale ſpots above, and fulvous ones beneath, Inhabits North America. Cram. In 18, tab 207, fig. A. B. C. Drury Ing. 1, tab. 11. fag 3-5. Jablons. pap. 2. tab. 17, fig.3-4. Wings tailed black; the lower ones with a blueith border, fulvons at the angle of the tail, with red lubocellar bitarious ſpots beneath. Inhabits Georgia, Smitb's Lepidopterous Ins of Georgia. Timeas. Glaucis. Wings tailed brown; the lower-ones blue-black, fulvous at the angle of the tail, with yellow lunules beneath. Inhabits America. Jenes. Fig. pia. 1, tab. 45. Clerk Icon tab 24. jg l. Wings c ouded, both furfaces nearly the ſame colour, the upper ones with a yellow ſpot. the yel:ow lucules on the lower- wings are marked with an orange ſpot. Palinurus. Wings tailed black with green-gold ſpecks and a common blue-green band Inhabits Tranquebar; middle-ſized. Body covered with green-gold ipecks: all the wings black, be. neath fpeckled with white, the upper ones cinereous at the tip, the lower-ones with marginal fubocellar fuivous ſpots. Crina: Wings tailed black with green-gold ſpecks and a co nmon blue-green band, the lower-ones beneath with sreen blue and cinereous lunules. Inhabits Africa. Jones. Fig. pict. i, tab. 53. I, , Angle of the tail with a rulous ocellate ipot, the pupil black. Deiphabuse 8 INSECTS, LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Tro. > Deiphobus. Wings tailed black, the baſe beneath fpotted with red; the lower-ones with 7 red fubannular ſpots. Inhabits Asia. Cramer Ias. 16. tab. 181, fig. A. B. Clerk Icon, tab. 25. Seha Mus. 4. tab. 47, fig. 5, 6, The red lunules on the lower wings are yellowiſh at the tip. Pelaus. Wings tailed black: the upper-ones with a white band, the lower-pair with white marginal lunules and 2 red dots. Inhabits India Cramer Irs. 15, tab. 177, fig. A. B? Small. Breaſt black with a red ſpot each fide : upper-rwings indented, both ſurfaces alike, with a ſubmacular band in the middle and thin white marginal lunules : lower-wings with 6 red dots beneath before the margin. Aerias. Wings tailed black with 2 yellow macular bands; angle of the rail fulvous with a deep black dot. Inhabits America. Cramer Ins. 35, tab. 385, fig. C. D. Drury Ins. I, tab 11, fig. 2. labl. Pap. 2, tab. 18, fig. 1. Upper wings with 2 parallel bands, the margin ſpotted with yellow; lower pair beneath of the fame colour but the ſpots are are larger and more fulvous. Phorbanta. Wings tailed black ſpotted with blue ; lower-ones with an interrupted white band beneath. Inhabits Cayenne. Aubent Miscell. tab. 43, fig. 1, 2. Pbilenor. Wings tailed black; the lower-ones with a greeniih gloſs, and 7. red ſubocellar ſpots beneath. Inhabits America. Cramer Ins. 18, tah. 208, fig. A. B. Drury 1, tab, ii, fig. 1, 4. Iabl. Pap. 2, tab. 79, fig. 2, 3. Body black; abdomen ſpeckled with white : margin of the upper- wings varied with white and black : lower.ones with a few obí lete white ſpecks, the margin varied with white and black; beneath with a white dot at the baſee the tip greeniſh with 7 round fulvous dots ſurrounded with a black ring and marked with a ſmall whicc lateral dot. Cyrus. Wings tailed black, the margin ſpotted with white : lower- ones with a white macular band and marked beneath with 7 red lunules. In the Britiſh Muſeum Lower-wings with a white band of 7 ſpots and a red lunule at the angle of the tail. Pamma. Wings tailed black, both ſurfaces the ſame colour, the mar- gin ſpotted with white: lower-ones with 7 white ſpots. Inhabits Afia. Cramer Inj. 12, rab, 141, fig. B. Clerk Icon. tab. 14, fig. 2. Seb. Mus. 4, tab. 27, fig. 21, 22, Is ſometimes though rarely, found without tails. Asius. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Tro. 9 a Afius. Wings tailed black with a common white band; lower-ones ſpotted with red beneath at the baſe and tip. Inhabits South America. Small black. Thorax with a cinereous lateral line : brealt with a cinereous dot each ſide: abdomen with a cinereous lateral line beneath: upper-wings with both ſurfaces alike; lower-ones above black with 3 ſcarlet lunules at the angle of the tail and 5 white ones . 5 at the margin, beneath brown with red ſpots at the baſe, a red line at the thinner margin and 3 red lunules at the angle of the tail, the margin with 4 white lunules. Acamas. Wings indented tailed brown, both ſurfaces the ſame colour; upper-ones with a yellow band, lower-ones with red blue and yellow lunules, Inhabits Jamaica. Jones Fig. piel, 1. tab. 72. Upper-wings with a few marginal ſpots, lower-ones black at the tip: body above brown, beneath pale. Laodocus. Wings indented tailed black, the upper pair with an abbre- viated yellow band, lower-ones with rufous blue and white lunules beneath. Inhabits Braſil. Fones Fig. piet. 1. tab. 66. Body black with a white lateral line. Achates. Wings tailed black, rufous at the baſe, both ſurfaces nearly the ſame colour, the lower-ones with an 8-divided white ſpot. Inhabits China. Cramer Inf. 16. tab. 182. fig. A. B. 2 Wings brown, black at the baſe, the upper-ones with a rufous fpot, lower-ones with white ſpots. Papilio Alcenor. Cramer. Inf. 14. tab. 166. fig. A. Upper-wings brown ſtriate, with a red ſpot at the baſe each ſide : lower-wings with a full black fpot at the baſe above and a fan- guineous one beneath, on the diſk is a large white ſpot 8-cleft at the future, the hind-margin with red lunules. Ly funder. Wings tailed black; upper-pair with a white ſtreak; lower- ones with a white ſpot in the middle and red lunules. Inhabits India. Dr. Fothergill, Polydorus. Wings tailed, both ſurfaces alike, black ; lower-ones with a 6-cleft white ſpot at the future and 7 red lunules. Inhabits India. Cramer 11, tab. 128. fg. A. B. Cooro Wings tailed both ſurfaces alike; upper-ones brown, lower- ones black ſpotted with white at the baſe and a double yellow ſpot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits China. Fones Fig. pict. 1, tab. 36. Large. Lower-wings white at the baſe and ſmall at the outer margin, the first yellow ſpot near the tail is lunate, VOL. III.-B Antiphuse a 10 . INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Tro. Antiphus. Wings tailed black, both ſurfaces the ſame colour; the lower-ones with 7 red lunules. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 1. tab. 14. Reſembles P. Polydorus, but is leſs and wants the white ſpot on the lower-wings. Dardanus. Wings tailed; the upper-pair with a green round ſpot, lower- ones with a red palmate ſpot. Inhabits Braſil. Jones Fig. pict. 1. tab. 26. Body black: fhoulders and tail rufous : upper wings beneath immaculate : fanguineous ſpot on the lower-wings contpoſed above of 4 beneath of 3 lobes: angle of the tail with a red dot. 3 Tros. Winge indented tailed black, both ſurfaces alike: upper- ones with an abbreviated white band, lower-ones with a macular red one Inhabits Braſil. Fones Fig. pict, 1. tab. 28. Body black dotted with red each fide: lower-wings with a band compoſed of 6 red ſpots. a Antimachus Wings indented elongated black; upper-ones with ſubradi- ate fulvous fpots, lower ones with a radiate rufous diſk ſpeckled with black. Inhabits Africa. Jones Fig. Pict. 1. tab. 41. Large. Head and thorax ſpeckled with yellow: upper-wings very long, variegated beneath at the baſe: lower-wings with a radiate fulvous diſk in which are 8 black ſpots, and pale ſpots at the margin, beneath yellowiſh with 8 black ſpots in the middle and a black nearly marginal band deeply indented each fide. Priamus. a Wings indented filky, upper-pair above green with a black diſk and edge, lower-ones with 4-6 black ſpots. Inhabits Amboina. Cram. 2. tab. 23. fig. A. B Nat. Mif. tab 15. Antennae fharpened at the end : thorax black with 3 green ſpots I 2: abdomen yellon : lower-wings edged with black, with a yellow ſpot at the outer-margin near the baſe. Amphrilius. Wings indented black, both ſurfaces alike; upper-ones with yellow ſpots, lower-ones with a yellow diſk. Inhabits India. Cramer Inj. 19. tab. 219. fg. A. Spots on the upper-wings radiate: angle of the tail with a black dot. Remus. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Tro. 11 Remus. Wings indented black, both ſurfaces nearly alike ; lower- ones with yellow marginal ſpots each ſide. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer Inf. 1. tab. 10-11. fig. A. B. Large. Lower-wings whiter beneath, the margin above ſur- rounded with 6 rich yellow ſpots. Laomedon, Wings indented : upper-pair brown, lower-ones black with a double rufous ſpot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits China. Fones Fig pict. 1. tab. 10. Upper.wings each fide brown ftriate with black: Lower-wings beneath with a rufous lunate band and 3 black dots at the angle of the tail, Memnon. Wings indented; all of them marked beneath with rufous at the baſe Inhabits China. Cram. Inf. 8. tab. 91. fig. C. tab, 50.fig. A.B. Upper-wings with a red ſpot at the baſe. Allyanax. Wings indented black, both ſurfaces the ſame colour; the upper-ones with a ſtriate white band including a ſmaller one, lower-ones ſpotted with black. Inhabits India. Jones Fig, pict. 1. tab. zo. Body black : upper fpot on the lower wings palmate. Pretenor. Wings indented black; the lower-ones beneath with an irregular red ſpot at the ang e of the tail. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. Inf. 5. tab. 49. fig. A. B. Upper wings immaculate ; under ones with a double dot at the angle of the tail, beneath with marginal red lurules and an irregular red ſpot with a black dot. Agenor. Wings indented black, ſanguineous at the baſe; lower-ones white on the diſk with black ſpots Iuhabits China. Cramer Inf, 3. tab. 32. fig. A. B. Anchiſes. Wings indented black, both ſurfaces alike; lower-ones with 7 ovate ſcarlet ſpots. Inhabits America. Cramer inf. 27. tab. 318. fg. A.B.C.D. Larva gregarious with yellow tentacula, ſpinous brown annulate with white : pupa brown, 4-toothed before. Sarpedon. Wings indented, brown with a green band; lower-ones beneath with a red line at the baſe and 5 Inhabits Afia. Cramer Inf. 11. tab. 122. jig. D.E. red ſpots. Ba Polydamas. I 2 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Tro. Polydamus. Wings indented black bronzed with a macular yellow band: the lower ones with flexuous red lunules beneath. On the Ariſtolochia anguicida. Cramer. 18. tab. 21. D. E. Larva cheſnut brown glabrous with numerous purple ft:eaks and 4 yellowiſh eyes tipt with purple on each ſegment : pupa green. Androgeus. Wings indented black bronzed; the lower pair beneath with red blue and yellow lunules. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 2. t. 15. f. C. D. 29. t. 350. f. A.B. Peranthus. Wings indented tailed black, above green at the baſe, be- neath pale at the tip; lower-ones with 7 fulvous lunules, Inhabits Cochin China. middle-fized. Bedy above gloſiy-green, beneath white: all the wings black at the tip with obfolete green ſpots, the marginal cavities whitiſh; beneath black at the baſe ſpeckled with yellow, the upper- pair with a large pale lunule, lower , fulvous lunules the outer 7. of which has a white line in the middle the others with an oppofite blue lunule. Amphime- Wings indented brown, both ſurfaces alike ; upper-ones don. radiate with white, lower-oncs with a 5-cleft red ſpot and red lunules. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer Inf. 14. tab. 194. fg. A. Body brown: thorax with 3 red ſtreaks before. Zecynthus. Wings indented black; the upper-ones with a green-white ſpot, lower-ones with a palmate red one. Inhabirs Braſil. Jones Fig. pict, 1. tab. 22. Spot in the middle of the upper-wings white before and green behind, beneath a white ſpot only: lower-wing's with a 5- lobed red fpot above, beneath ſpeckled with rufous: body black with a red fpot under the wings, Dinos. Wings, indented black, both ſurfaces alike; upper-ones with a white ſpot divided by the veins, lower-ones with a palmate red fpot. Inhabits Brafil . Cramer Inf. 2. tab. 29. fig. E. F. Spot on the upper-wing: 4-cleft at the futures : palmate ſpot on the lower wings 6-cleft: ſcollops of the wings rufous. idæus. Wings indented black ; upper-pair with an abbreviated vellow band: lower-ones with a palmate red ſpot and dots. 1 Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Tro. 13. Inhabits Madras. Fones Fig. pict. 1. tab. . 25. Palmate ſpot paler beneath, icollops of the wings whitiſh. a Veriumnus. Wings indented black; upper-pair with a round green ſpot in the middle ; lower-ones with a palmate fanguine- ous ſpot. Inhabits Surinam, Cramer. Inf. 18. tab. 111. fig. A. B. C. Upper-vings beneath immaculate : lower-wings with a red ſhin- ing 4-cleft ſpot. Æneas. Wings indented black; upper-pair with a green ſpot above: lower ones with a red palmate ſpot. Inhabits India. Cram. Inf. 24. tab. 279. fig. A. B. C.D. lius. Wings indented black; upper-pair with a white ſpot, low- er ones beneath with red dots at the baſe and angel of the tail. Inhabits America. Fones Fig. pict. 1. tab. 29. Upper-zuings with a white ſpot in the middle bifid at the future, beneath immaculate : lower-wings with 4 red dots above at the angle of the tail, beneath 4 at the baſe and 4 larger ones at the angle of the tail : indentations of the wings white. Iphidamus Wings indented black, both ſurface uniform: upper-pair with an abbreviated white band, lower-ones with a broad red one. Inhabits - - Fones Fig. pict. 1. tab. 31. Band on the upper-wings divided at the future, the hind-margin dotted with white : body fpotted each ſide with red. Belus. Wings intented greeniſh: lower-pair paliſh at the inner margin, beneath brown with red lunules. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 10. t. 112. A. B. C. t. 13.f. A. B. C. Wings beneath brown : breaſt brown with yellow ſpots : abdomen above pale beneath brown and ſpeckled with white each fide. Varies in having a yellowiſh ſpot on the firſt-wings and a ſtreak of yellowiſh dots on the ſecond. Pompeius. Wings indented black, both ſurfaces uniform : lower-pair with red ſpots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. Inf. 24. tab. 278. fig. C. D. Thorax and breaſt fpotted with red : hind-margin of the low er-wings with red ſpots between the teeth. Polymnester Wings indented black, both furfaces nearly the ſame co- lour ; lower-pair blueiſh towards the tip and ſpotted with black and white. Inhabits 14 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 7. Papilio. Eq. Tro. Inhabits Afia. Cram. 5.f.33.f. A. B. Natural. Miſcel. t. 28. Upper-wings with a few whitiſh clouds towards the tip and a long crimſon mark near the baſe : lower black at the baſe : both pair beneath ſpotted with red at the baſe. Panthous. Wings indented black, both ſurfaces uniform: upper-pair ſpotted with white, lower with white ſpots including black ones. Inhabits India. Cram. 11. tab. 123. fig. A. tab. 124. fig. A. 2 Upper-wings clouded, lower-ones with yellow ſpots, Naturaliſt's Miſcellany. tab. 420. Pandarus. Wings ſlightly indented, both ſurfaces nearly alike, black- iſh ſpotted with white : lower-pair yellow with 7 black . eyes, the pupil blue. Inhabits India. Allenous. Wings indented black, both ſurfaces the fame colour ; up- per-pair with a radiate white ſpot, lower-ones yellow on the diſk Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Cram. 3, tab. 25. fig. A. 3 Large. Thorax black : abdomen beneath yellow : indentations of the upper-wings whitiſh: border of the lower wings black and before the margin and few yellow ſpots. Helena, Wings indented black, both ſurfaces alike ; common diſk of the ſecond pair brilliant gold-colour. Inhabits Surinam. Cram, 12. t. 14. fig. A. B. Nat. Miſcel. t. 77. Body brown: yellow diſk of the wings croſſed by black veins. Heliacon. Wings indented black, both ſurfaces alike; diſk of the low- lower-ones yellow dotted with black. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 1. tab. 42. Body blackiſh: abdomen beneath yellow. Eurypylus. Wings indented black, both ſurfaces alike, with an inter- rupted green band and ſpots; lower-pair beneath ſpotted with red. Inhabits India, Cramer. Inf. 11. tab. 122. fig. C. D. Creſſida. Wings indented; upper-pair hyaline with 2 black ſpots, lower-one's black with a white ſpot. Inhabits New Holland ; middle-fized. Front white : breaſt red at the ſides : abdomen black : tail red : a black dot in the middle of the white ſpot on the lower- swings; angle of the tail with a rufous ſpot and 5 marginal red 5 pots beneath. Harmonia. a INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Gr. 15 Harmonia. Wings ſcalloped white, both ſurfaces alike ; upper-pair with a black ſpot, under-ones with a brown margin and 5 white dots. Inhabits New Holland; leſs than the laſt. Body black : thorax ſpotted with white : tip of the upper-wings browniſh: lower-wings dnſky with a whitiſh ſtreak in the middle. Equites. Greeks. Ripheus. Wings with 6 tail-like proceſſes, black with green bands : lower-ones with a large red patch incloſing 2 black dots. Inhabits Caromandel. Cram. 3. tab. 385. fig. A. B. Naturaliſt's Miſcellany. iv. tab. 125. Wings with tranſverſe green lines and a band in the middle bifid at the tip: body black with a green line down the middle. Wings tailed both ſurfaces alike, black with a fhining green band and numerous narrow ſtripes. Inhabits America. Cram. 8. tab. 85.f. D. E. Nat. Miſc. t. 360. Body black with green lines. lower-wings whitiſh at the bottom with black marks: antennae green : larva covered with long ſtrong briſtles, green with a blue head : pupa pale brown Leilus. ſpotted. Lavinia. Wings tailed black barred with green, beneath filvery with fulvous ſtripes. Inhabits America. Body black; feelers white. Upper-wings indented black with a band of 5 oblong green ſpots, and 3 letſer enes between the band and the thicker margin, beneath varied with white fulsous and filvery with a black blotch at the thick edge in which is a white bind line and a flexuous blue one : lower-wings with an entire green band at at the baſe and another bebind of 7 ſpots, angle of the tail ful- vous, beneath filvery with 3 fulvous itreaks and a white band in the middle. Brutus. Wings tailed white with a black border ; lower-pair with a brown band beneath. Inhabits Africa. Gram. 32. t. 378.f. D. E. t. 151. fig. A. B. Head and thorax black dotted with white: abdomen whitiſh with a black line, the fides dotted with black: upper-wings black on the outer margin and tip with a yellow aot at the tip, both ſurfaces alike : hind margin of the lower-wings dotted with black; beneath whitiſh with brown veins and a broad brown band in the middle : the hind-margin brown. Dolicaone 16 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Gr. Dolicaon, Wings tailed white with a common black border: lower- ones with marginal white dots each ſide. Inhabits America. Cram. Papil. 2. tab, 17. fig. C. D. Both ſurfaces of the wings nearly alike, but the lower-ones have a black ring in the white dik beneath . tail black tipt with white. Ulyſēs. Wings tailed black with a blue radiating diſk ; lower-pair with 7 ocellate ſpots beneath. Inhabits Afia. Cramer. Papil 11. tab, 121. fig. A. B. Naturalist's Miſcellany. iii. tab. 92. Thorax and abdomen black wtth a brown border: Diomedes. Wings tailed black, the diſk unequally radiate with blue; lower-ones with bluelunules. Inhabits India. Cramer. Papil. 11. tab, 122. fig. A. Naturalist's Miſcellany 8. tab. 296. Thorax black with 4 white dots: abdomen reddiſh ſpeckled with green, the border paler : edge of the wings varied with white: upper-wings with a common blue patch in the middle in which is a large round black fpot, the ſhoulders radiate with green. a Proteflaus. Wings tailed, both ſurfaces nearly alike, white with brown bands and a ſingle red one beneath ; angle of the tail red. Inhabits America. Cram. Inf. 17. tab. 202. fig. A. B; Larva black, ſpinous. Antilochus. Wings tailed, both ſurfaces alike, yellow with black bands and margin; the tail white and as long as the wings. Inhabits North America, Catesby's Carolina, ii. iab. 83. * Podalirius Wings tailed, both ſurfaces nearly alike; yellowiſh with double brown bands and margin: lower-ones with 5 blue ocellate ſpots and reddiſh line beneath. Inhabits Europe. Cramer. Inf. i 3. tab. 152. fig. B. Donovans iv.tab. 109. Levin. tab. 35. Larva folitary, yellowiſh dotted with brown, head pale green: pupa yellowiſh dotted with brown, 2-toothed before. Antiphates Wings tailed white, the margin brown barred with white, lower-ones beneath yellowiſh at the baſe and barred with black. Inhabits America. Cramer. Papil. 6. tab. 72. fig. A. B. All INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Gr. 17 All the wings white with a brown border, the outer edge with 7 white bands, the tail long ovate black ; beneath yellowiſh at the baſe with 2 black bands, the tip whitiſh with a few black dots. Alcibiades. Wings tailed white; upper-ones with black bands on the the margin, lower-ones beneath ferruginous at the tip dotted with black. Inhabits Tranquebar ; leſs than P. podalirius, Head fulvous with a broad black line in the middle : tborax cine. reous downy with 2 fulvous ſpots : abdomen whitiſh with a la- teral black macular line : upper-wings greeniſh at the baſe : under-wings with a black ſpot near the tail and marginal lu. nules, the tail long black tipt with white; beneath ftriate with black. Pompilius. Wings tailed white, the border black barred with white; lower-ones beneath with ferruginous ſpots marked with black. Inhabits India; fize of P. Sinon. Body above whitiſh with a black dorſal line : upper-wings black on the outer and hind-inargin with 7 white bands, under ſur- 7. faces the fame : lower-wings edged with black, the excavati- ons white, lunule at the angle of the tail reddiſh, the tail long black edged with white; beneath greeniſh at the baſe barred with black, the tip whitiſh with reddiſh fpots marked with black, and black lunules. Sinox. Wings tailed black with green entire band ſtripes and dots: lower-ones with a red line underneath. Inhabits India. Cramer. Inf. 27. tab. 317. fig. 6. D. E.F. Half the fize of P. Podalirius : angle of the tail rufous. Agapenor: Wings tailed black with green macular bands : lower-one's with a ſanguineous line beneath. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig. piet 1. tab.51. Body above black with white lines, beneath whitiſh : tail of the wings long black tipt with white : wings varied underneath with black and white, the lower-ones white on the diſk with a red line edged with black. Thyafies. Wings tailed black with a yellow band and ſpots : lower ones with a red line beneath. Inhabits Braſil, Jones Fig. piet. 1. tab. 92. The yellow band is much broader at the baſe. VOL. IIT-C Chiron. 28 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Gr. Chiron. Wings tailed black barred with brown; underneath white on the fore-part with ferruginous ſtreaks. Inhabits India. Cramer. Inf. 17. tab 200 fig. D. E: Wings above blackiſh with 4 rufty-brown bands, the tail ſharp brown ending in a white dot, a full black eye at the angle of the tail; grey on the hind-part underneath. Crethon. a Wings tailed above brown beneath glaucous, with a white band both fides. Inhabits Surinam ; ſmall, brown. Uiper-wings brown at the baſe with a few darker ſtripes, a white band in the middle, the tip black with 6 or 7 white dots: be- neath glaucous with a white band and fulvous ſtreaks: low- er-wings with z ocellar black ſpots with a whitie iris on the 3 hind-margin, a ſmall rufous fpot at the angle of the tail, tail of the wings long black edged with white: underncath with a few fulvous ſtreaks and 3 black dots behind. a a Orfilochus. Wings tailed ; upper-ones with 2 white bands : lower- ones with one; beneath white at the baſe with a ful- vous band. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Inf. 17. tab. 200. fig. F.G. Lower-wings with 2 black eyes, the iris white, at the angle of the tail which is appendaged and ferruginous ; tail of the wings long black edged with white, beneath white at the baſe with a fulvous band, the tip brown with a glaucous fireak. Curius, Wings tailed, both furfaces alike, black ; upper-pair with 2 hyaline bands, lower-ones with a ſingle white one. Inhabits Siem. In the Muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Body above brown, beneath whitiſh, fides of the abdomen dotted with black : hind band on the upper-wings broader with black veins : íail of the wings very long black, the outer edge and tip white. Ostaviu. Wings tailed hyaline with a red margin and ſtripe. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. Inf- 5. tab. 59. fg. A. Body ſmall black: angle of the tail with a ſcarlet {pot. Licarlis. Wings tailed black with 2 white bands : angle of the tail 2 with 2 red dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. Inf. 6. tab.63. fig. C. Upper wings underneath with a red line and dot at the baſe : tail of the lower wings long obtuſe, with a few white dots, be- neath with a ſmall blue dots between the red ones. 2 Melibogus, INSECTS LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Gr. 19 Meliboeus. Wings tailed brown: upper-pair with a red ſtripe, lower- ones with 2: beneath thining blue Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Inf. 12. tab. 144. fig. A. B. Upper-wings with a black margin and band underneath : lower- wings with a broad black band underneath: angle of the tail with a red and white dot. a Homerus. Wings tailed black with a yellow band, lower-ones yellow- ih underneath with 7 eyes Inhabits America. Jones Fig. piet. 1. tab. 8. large. Upper-wings above with a yellow macular band and yellow ſpots at the tip, and a fingle whitiſh marginal ſpot at the tip beneath: ſpots on the lower-wings black with a rufous iris. Turnus. Wings tailed, both ſurfaces alike, yellow with black mar. gin and 5 abbreviated bands : angle of the tail ful- vous. Inhabits America. Cramer. Inf. 4. tab. 38. fig. A.B. • Machaon. Wings tailed, both ſurfaces alike, yellow with a brown border in which are yellow lunules; angle of the tail fulvous. Donovan's Eng. Inf. vi. tab. 211. Natur. Mifcell. tab. 398. Inhabits Europe, on umbelliferous plants. Lewin.tab. 34. Larva folitary glabrous, furniſhed with teatacula, annulate with black and green and dotted with red : pupa yellowiſh. Tberſites. Wings tailed yellow with a black border; lower-ones with with yellow lunules. Inhabits America. In the Muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Thorax black with 4 yellow dots: breuji yellow : abdomen yellow, black on the back : upper wings yellow underneath, the mar- gin black with a yellow ſtreak: lower wings black at the tip with 6 yellow lunules, angle of the tail with a rufous lunule, tail of the wings black; underneath yellow with a black ſtreak compoſed of ſpots including a blue lunule. a Codrus. Wings tailed, above black underneath brown; upper-ones with a macular white band each ſide. Inhabits Amboina. Crawer. Inf. 15. tab. 279. fig. A. B. Wings with a green glofs above, the inner margin greeniſh with ferruginous ſpecks : band compoſed of 8 ſpots. Chalcas. Wings tailed black with 2 yellow macular bands ; lower- ones beneath with a yellow fillet and rufous lunules. C 2 Inhabits 20 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Gr. Inhabits America. Cramer. Inf. 8. tab. 92. fig. A.B. Body black : thorax with 2 yellow lines : breaſt and ſides of the abdomen yellow ; upper-wings with a yellow lunule in the middle 2 bands and ſmall marginal dots, under-furface alike: lewer-wings with 2 yellow bands and 6 lunules, angle of the tail yellow with a blue lunulé and 2 rufous ones, hind-margin with ſmall yellow lunules, wing-tail obtuſe black with a yel- low line. Meneſtheus. Wings tailed black, beneath with whitiſh ſpots in ſtreaks : lower-ones with rufous and blueiſh lunules. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 12. tab. 142. fig A. B. . . Angle of the tail with a blueiſh and red lunule. Xuthusa Wings tailed black with white ſpots in ſtreaks ; low- er-pair underneath with fubfaciate blue and fulvous eyes. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 7. tab. 73. fig. A.B. Upper-wings ſtreaked with white at the baſe and ſpotted at the tip ; wing-tail black edged with white : angle of the tail above white, beneath fulvous with a black dot each fide. Thelander. Wings obtuſely tailed, brown with a yellow band and ma- cular ſtreaks; lower-ones beneath cheſnut-brown on the diſk with black lines. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Jones Fig. piel. 1. tab. 71. Upper-wings beneath with a macular white band : lower-wing's beneath brown at the baſe with a white ſtreak and white ſpot in the centre of the disk and 7 white lunules behind, T boas. Wings tailed black-brown with ochre-yellow bands; lower- pair yellow beneath with a black band and blue lu- nules. Inhabits South America. Cramer Inf 14. tab. 167. fig. A. B. Shaw's Naturaliſt's Miſcellany. ix. tab. 331. Creſphontes Wings tailed black with a green band; lower-ones with a blue band beneath. Inhabits India. Cramer 13/. 3. tab. 89. fig. A B. Lower-wings with 5 green lunules before the margin, beneath with alternate black and green bands and a blue one in the middle: upper pair beneath with 4 green ſtreaks at the baſe and a macular band, Polycaon. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Gr. 21 Polycaon, Wings indented tailed black with a yellow band : lower- ones with fulvous blue and yellow lunules beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer In 17. tab. 203. fig. A. B. Lower-wings above with 2 ſtreaks of obfolete greeniſh lunules which terninate at the inner-margin in a yellow ſpot and at the angle of the tail is a blue rufous one. Ajax. Wings tailed, both ſurfaces alike, brown with yellow bands; lower-ones beneath with red ſtreaks and fulvous at the angle of the tail. Inhabits North America. Cramer Inf. 9. tab. 98. fig. G. H. Agamemnon Wings tailed black ſpotted with green; lower-ones with 3 rufous lunules beneath. Inhabits Aſia. Cramer Inf. 9. tab. 106. fig. C D. . Orestes, Wings ſlightly tailed, above black beneath yellowiſh, all of them with a ſnowy diſk and 2 black bands. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Mr. Francillon. All the wings white with a black border and 2 bands; the fore- margin with 6 white bands and on the lower-ones a line of black dots; lower ſurface the ſame but the colour is yellowiſh inſtead of black. Pylades. Wings indented ſnowy with a black border dotted with white; angle of the tail with a rufous eye. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Mr. Francillon. Wings beneath yellowiſh dotted with white, the diſk white; a red line from the baſe to the middle of the rib. Demoleus. Wings indented black with yellow ſpots and bands, under- ones with a blue and rufous eye Inhabits Eaſt India. Cram. Inf 20. tab. 231 fig. A. B. Larva ſolitary glabrous, yellow-green with a teſtaccous head, 2 tentacula and 2-horned tail. Epius. Wings indented brown ſpotted with yellow; lower-ones with a rufous ſpot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits China. Cramer Inf. 20. tab. 232. fig. A. B. Lemidas. Wings indented, both ſurfaces nearly alike, black ſpotted with green; lower-ones with a lower-ones with a green diſk. Inhabits Africa. Cramer Inf. 1. tab.9. fig. B. C. Body black ſpotted with white : abdomeu pale, brown on the back: wings paler beneath. Tynderaus. 22 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Eq. Gr. Tyndercus Wings indented black ſpotted with green; lower-ones va- ried beneath with green brown and red, the baſe dotted with black. Inhabits - Fones Fig pict. 1. tab. 57. middle-fized. Thorax black with cinereous lines : abdomen beneath green: upper-wings beneath brown with green ſpots and marginal rufous ones : wings beneath brown at the baſe and dotted with black, then with a broad green band, next 2 rufous ſpots, the tip brown with a macular green band and a few red dots. a Anbeus. Wings indented black barred and ſpotted with green ; lower- ones variegated beneath, with 3 red lunules. Inhabits Amboina. Jones Fig pict. 1. tab. 56. Upper-wings with a rufous eye at the angle of the tail: all of them beneath with a brown border pale bands and a ſtreak behind of whitiſh dots, the dik whitiſh including in the under-ones a black lunule with an approximate imaller-one, angle of the tail with a black lunule and 5 blueiſh ones. a Nireus. Wings indented black with a green gilt band, beneath blackiſh. Inhabits Iudia. Cramer Inj, 16, tab. 187. fig. A. B. Lower-wings with a macular white ſtreak beneath. Lacedemon. Wings indented black with whitiſh marginal lunules; lower-ones cheſnut-brown with 7 black lunules be- neath. Inhabits Malabar. Jones Fig, pi&t. 1. tab. 63. Body brown dotted with white : under-wings varied beneath with whitiſh and black. Zenobia. Wings indented black with a common white band, and marginal ſpots; lower-oncs beneath yellow at the baſe and Itriate with black. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Fones Fig pict. 1. tab. 68. Cynorta. Wings indented black with a common ſnowy band; lower- ones beneath yellow at the baſe dotted and ſtriate with black. Inhabits----Jones Fig. pict. 1. tab. 87. Differs from the laſt in wanting the marginal ſpots and in having black dots on the under ſurface of the lower-wings. 3 Amphima. Wings indented black with a ſhining blue-band; beneath white on the fore-part, cinereous behind. cbus. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 23 Inhabits the Indies. Sulz. Hit. Ins. tab. 14. fig. 2. 3. All the wings white from the baſe to the middle beneath with brown marks, under-ones with a whitish dot and 7 cheſnut ſmall ones with a white pupil. Amphitrion Wings indented black with an unequal yellow band; lower- ones beneath with a ſtripe of yellow dots and blue lunules. Inhabits America. Cram. Inf. 1. tab. 7. fig. A. B. Lower-wings beneath with a ſtripe of 7 large round yellow ſpots and a ſtreak of 7 blue lunules terminating at the angle of the tail in a yellow dot; the margin with yellow cavities. Hippocoon. Wings indented black ſpotted with white, the common diſk white. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Fones Fig. pięt. 1. tab. 88. Head and thorax black ſpeckled with white: abdomen white with 2 lines of black dots: lower-wings with 3 marginal white dots, beneath cheſnut-brown with a white baſe and ſtripe of white dots. Diſfimilis. Wings indented with dilated veins, black with white arrow- îhaped ſpots; lower-ones with marginal yellow ſpots beneath. Inhabits Afa. Cramer. Inf. 7, tab. 82. fig. C. D. Affimilis, Wings ſlightly ſcalloped, both ſurfaces alike, black with blueith-white dots; lower-ones with ſcarlet dots. Inhabits China. Cramer Inf, 13. tab. 154. fig. A, Satyri. Hypfspyle. Wings indented yellow varied with black and radiate at the tip; lower-ones with 7 red dots Esp. Pap. tab. 15 fig. 1. tab. 53. fig. A. Inhabits Southern Europe. On the Ariſtolochia Clematitis. Larva yellow dotted with black and armed with fleſhy verti. cillate red ſpines tipt with black: pupa pale with an obtuſe head. Trapejus. Wings entire fulvous, all of them with 4 blind eyes. 4 Inhabits Ruffia Cram Pap. 32. tab. 375. fig E F. Wings edged with brown, with 4 or 5 black eyes; upper-ones beneath pale fulvous, lower-oncs beneath cinereous with a brown band and margin. Fortunatus, 24 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. Fortunatus. Wings entire brown; lower-ones marbled with white and black beneath. Inhabits Lapland; fize of P. hyperanthi. Body black; antennae yellowin: upper-wings with both ſides alike. Clytus. Wings very entire brown: upper-pair with a yellow band and ſubtripupillate eye, lower-ones with 5 eyes. 5 Inhabits Africa. Cramer. Inf. 8. tab. 86. fg. C. D. a Hyperbius. Wings very entire brown with a rufous patch ; upper-ones with a bipupillate eye, lower-ones blind beneath. Inhabits Africa. Cramer. Pap. 14. tab. 168. fig. C.D.E.F. Callus. Wings very entire brown : upper-pair with a double eye, lower-ones with 3 eyes. Inhabits Africa. Cramer Pap. 27. tab. 314.fo. C. D. This is probably a mere variety of the laſt. Florimel. Wings very intire brown ; under-ſurface of the upper-ones with 2 eyes, of the lower-ones with 7. Inhabits-Fones Fig. , pict. tab. 50. fig. 2. Upper-wings with 2 blind eyes, under-ones immaculate ; under- 2 ſurface paler with a common brown band in the middle and behind this 2 black eyes with yellow iris and white pupil on the upper-pair, on the lower-ones 7 eyes Philocles. Wings very entire brown; upper-pair with a tripupillate eye, lower-ones with tranſverſe waved lines. Inhabits India. Cramer. tab. 184. fig. D. E. F. Clerk. tab. 45. fig. 3. Eye on the upper-wings tripupillate each ſide. Reriatus. Wings very entire, both ſides alike, black with a common white band; upper-pair with a tripupillate eye. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Pap. 28. tab. 326. fig. B. Wings brown at the baſe and black at the tip, the eye black with 3 white dots: reſembles the laſt. Craſus. Wings very entire blue with numerous black ſtreaks ; upper-ones with a tripupillate fpot above. Inhabits Surinam. Upper-wings with a black ſpot in the middle, containing 3 white dots, beneath ſhining blue with a black patch and tip: lower- zings blue both fides with numerous black waved itreaks. *Hypcranthus. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 25 *Hyperan. Wings entire brown; under-ſide of the upper-pair with 3 thus. eyes, the lower-ones with 5, placed 2. 3. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii. tab. 271. Lewin, tab. 20. All the wings above edged with yellow with ſometimes a yellow dot or two; beneath cheſnut-brown edged with yellow, the eyes black with a yellow ring and white pupil. 4 Clerimon. Wings ſlightly ſcalloped ; upper-pair with a black eye above, all of them with 4 minute eyes beneath. Inhabits-Jones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 15. fig. 1. Upper-wings with a large eye above, the iris yellow pupil white: lower-wings with a ſmall eyes, the pupil white. 2 Zacheus. Wings entire brown with 2 eves above; under-fide of the upper-pair with 4, of the lower-ones with 6 eyes. Inhabits-Jones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 15. fig. 2. . All the eyes with a white pupil. Etbus, Wings very entire brown, upper-pair with a bipupillate eye ; lower-ones with 3 eyes above, beneath black with ; a white dot in the middle. Inhabits Lapland, on the higheſt mountains. Hind-margin of all the wings with cinereous dots: upper-wings with 3 eyes, the firſt with a ſmall pupils the others blind, be- neath with 2 eyes the firſt with 2 pupils the other blind. Oedippus, Wings very entire, above black immaculate, beneath brown- with about 3 eyes on the upper and 5 on the lower- ones. Inhabits Rufia; fize of P. Hyperanthus. Antennae annulate with whi:e and black, the club ferruginous : under-wings with 5 eyes beneath, the pupil filvery, and marked with a marginal fiivery ſtreak, Zangis, Wings very entire brown; all of them beneath with a fingle eye, that on the upper-ones bipupillate. Inhabits Carolina. Cramer Pap. 28. tab. 325. fig. A. B. Upper-wings beneath with darker ſtreaks and a large black eye with a yellow ring and double inowy pupil: lower-wings fub- ferruginous at the tip with a black dot at the angle of the tail; beneath brown with 2 waved ſtreaks, the tip paler waved with brown and with 4 ſnowy ſpecks, a ſmall black eye with a 4 yellow ring and white marginal pupil. Wings entire, above brown immaculate; lower-ones beneath with yellow ſtreaks and 3 oblong eyes. 3 In the Britiſh Muſeun. VOL. III.--D Areolatus, Plocion. 26 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. Areolatus. Wings very entire, above brown immaculate ; beneath with a common teſtaceous ſtreak margin and circles, on the upper-pair 4 eyes, on the lower-ones 6 the middle- ones elongated. Inhabits Georgia. Smith's lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. This is probably the ſame or a mere variety of P. Canthus. Solybius. Wings very entire, above brown immaculate; under-ſurface of the upper-ones with 5 eyes, of the lower-ones with 6, , the middle-ones blind. Inhabits-Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 56. fig. 2. Small. All the wings beneath paler with 2 comnion ferruginous ſtreaks and a lunule between them. Perſeus. Wings very entire brown; under-ſide of the upper-ones with 3 ocellar ſpots, of the lower-ones with 3 7: Inhabits New Holland. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 49. fig. 1. Body brown immaculate : upper-wings ſometimes immaculate, ſometimes a ſmall eje with a white pupil before the tip: all of them brown at the baſe and paler at the tip on the under- fide. Martius. Wings very entire black; under-ſide of the upper-pair with. 4, of the lower-ones with 7 ocellar ſpots. Inhabits----Jones. Fig. Pict. 6. tab. 49. fig. 1. a Terminus. Wings entire brown with a rufous patch, upper-pair with a ſingle eye above, lower-ones with 4. - Inhabits New Halland. In the muſeum of Sir Joseph BANKS. Pupil of the eye on the upper-wvings white, beneath brown at the baſe, the tip pale with 5 nearly obſolete eyes and a brown freak before the margin: eyes on the lower-wings black with ferruginous iris and white pupil, beneath brown at the baſe with a darker ſtreak and paler tip, 6 eyes placed 2, 3,6. before the margin a waved brown itreak. Sirius. Wings very entire dull rufous; upper-pair with 2 eyes above, lower-ones with 4. Iuhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Joſeph Banks. Upper-wings browniſh at the tip with 2 ferruginous eyes, the iris brown ſurrounded with a black ring, the pupil white; beneath glaucous with a ferruginous ftreak and 2 curves, the tip darker with 6 eyes : lower-wings with a brown margin and darker ſtreaks ; bereath glaucous at the baſe with 2 ferruginous curves and ſtreak in the middle, the tip darker with 7 eyes. a Cornelius. Wings very entire dull cinereous; lower-ones with 4 ap- proximate 'eyes. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 27 Inhabits- Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 49. fig. 2. Wings beneath a little paler waved with brown, lower-ones with 4 marginal approximate black eyes with a ſilvery pupil. Davus, Wings very entire fulvous ; upper-pair with an eye and white bands beneath, lower-ones with 6 eyes. Inhabits Germany. Eſp. Pap. tab. 54. fig. 3. Male with the eyes above obfolete. Pamphilus Wings very entire yellow; under-ſide of the upper-ones with a ſingle eye, of the lower-ones cinereous with a band and 4 obliterated eyes. Inhabits Europe. Erni. tab. 29. fig. 56. Lewin, tab. 23. fig. 3.4. Larva greeniſh with a whitih dorſal line, tail 2-toothed : pupa green. * Arcanius. Wings very entire ferruginous; under ſurface of the upper- ones with a ſingle eye, of the lower-ones with 5 the firſt ſeparated by a band. Inhabits Europe. Ernſt. Inf. Europ. tab. 29. fig. 57. Larva green with darker dorſal lines and lateral yellow ones, tail 2-toothed, Leander. Wings very entire browniſh; lower-pair beneath cinereous with fulvous tip and 6 eyes. Inhabits Sourthern Europe. Eſp. Pap. tab. 89. fig. 5. Wings of the male brown, female upper-ones fulvous lower-ones brown with an eye or two or none in the upper and 4 or 5 in the lower-ones. Sabæus. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with 4 blind eyes above and 6 pupillate ones beneath. Inhabits Europe, Eſp. Pap. tab. 22. fig. 4. Lower-wings fulvous at the tip with an indented white band, then 6 black eyes with a white pupil and laſtly a ſilvery ſtreak, * Hero. Wings very entire fulvous; under-furface of the upper-pair with a ſingle eye, of the lower-ones with 6. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. tab. 186. Lewin. tab. 23. fig. 5. 6. Wings with a few marginal ſpots above and a yellow band be- neath before the eyes, Arctou. Wings very entire brown; upper pair with a bipupillate eye both ſides; lower-ones above nearly blind. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Joſeph Banks. Small brown, Upper.wings with a large black eye, the iris fer- ruginous 28 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. ruginous and double pupil white: lower-wings with a minute eye, beneath grey with a larger eye. Phryneus. Wings entire above white, beneath brown with white veins and 5 eyes. 5 Inhabits Ruſſia. Exp. Pap. tab. 89. fig. 3. 4. Body ſmall white : wings with 5 eyes near the margin beneath, the pupil white. Hypheus, Wings entire both ſides alike, white with brown bands; upper-pair with a black eye, lower-ones brown. Inhabits Eaſt India. Cramer Pap. 8. tab. 92. fig. 6. Wings with 4 brown bands, the laſt terminal, the eye on the 4. upper-ones in the fift band with a yellow iris. Baldus, Wings very entire brown; upper-pair with an eye on each ſurface, the pupil double; lower-ones with 4 eyes above and 6 beneath. Inhabits India; ſmall. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. All the wings with brown and cinereous waves beneath: eye on the upper-pair black with a ferruginous iris and double fivery pupil: lower--wings with 4 black eyes above, the iris ferrugi. 4 nous pupił filvery, beneath with 6 eyes in approximate pairs. Magus. Wings very entire dull fulvous: upper-pair with an eye each fide, the pupil double; lower-ones with 2 eyes above and 3 beneath. Inhabits---- Fones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 33. fig, 1. Body ſmall brown: upper-wings brown on the hind-margin and before the margin a large black eye with a double white pupil, both ſides nearly alike : under-wings variegated beneath. Dronus. Wings very entire black ; upper-pair with the diſk rufous in which is a double eye. Inhabits Italy; fmall. Lower-wings above immaculate beneath cincreous. Lumenus. Wings very entire half brown, upper-ones with a black tripupillate eye on both ſurfaces. Inhabits Weſt India. Cramer Pop. 8. tab. 92. fig. F. G. Upper-swings blue on the inner margin, the tip with 3 darker bands, a large black cye with 3 white pupils in the middle : lower-wings blue, the inner margin brown with 3 black bands towards the tip: under-ſide of all brown at the baſe, the tip white with black bands and all of them with a black eye, that on the upper-pair tripupillate on the lower blind. Ephynes. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 29 Fphynes. Tullius. Wings very entire blue with purple bands ; upper-pair with an eye each ſide which is tripupillate beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cran. Pap. tab. 39. fig. E. F. Wings above blue with 4 purple bands at the tip, the eye in the middle of the upper-ones with a white pupil : beneath brown with yellow bands, the eye on the upper-ones with 3 white 3 pupils. Wings very entire dull cinereous; upper-pair brown at the tip with a tripupillate eye each ſide. Inhabits Cayenne : ſmall. Upper-wings with waved yellowiſh ſtreaks at the tip and a large black eye with 3 blue pupils : lower-quings with yellowiſh blotches and brown ſtreaks at the tip. Wings ſcalloped above brown; upper-pair with 2 eyes and 2 white dots ; lower-ones marbled beneath. ; Inhabits Rufia. Eſp. Pap. tab. 85. fig. 4. Lower-wings with a black dot or two at the angle of the tail beneath. A Et æa, Fidia. Ferula. Wings indented above brown; upper-pair with 2 eyes and 2 white dots, lower-ones with an angular black ſtreak beneath. Inhabits Africa. Esp. Pap. 1. tab. 49. fig: 3. Eyes on the upper-wings at the outer margin with the white dots between them : lower-wings varied with brown and white with an angular black ftreak. Wings ſcalloped black ; under-ſide of the upper-pair with 2 eyes, of the lower-ones with cinereous bands. Inhabits Italy; fize of P. actua. Male with the wings above immaculate, female with a ſmall black eyes the pupil white and 2 minute white dots between on the upper-ones, a black ocellar ſpot on the lower-ones: beneath all of them blackiſh with a black eyes the pupil white and iris ferruginous and 2 white dots between them on the upper- ones. Cordula. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair with 2. eyes and 2 white dots both ſides, lower-ones with 2 black dots. Inhabits Italy; fize of the former-ones. All the wings with an obſolete rufous band ; upper-ones beneath with a ferruginous diſk, lower-ones grey beneath with 2 cine- reous bands and 2 black dots at the angle of the tail. Fauna. 30 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. a Fauna. Wings intented above brown ; upper-pair with 2 eyes and 2 white dots, lower-ones grey beneath. Inhabits Germany. Esp. Pap. tab. 63. hg. 1. . Upper-vings with 2 eyes, the iris yellowiſh, ſometimes blind, with 2 dots between them; lower-wings with an obſolete white dot or two and a diſtinct black one. Feronia. Wings indented marbled with blue brown and white on the upper-furface, all of them with 6 eyes. Inhabits Eaft India. Cramer. Inf. 16. tab. 192. fig. E. F. The eyes have a white pupil above and are blind beneath. *Mæra. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair with an eye including a leſſer-one both ſides, lower-ones with 3 eyes above and 6 beneath. Inhabits Europe. Epp. Pap, tab. 6. fig. 2. Larva a little hairy greeniſh with a forked tail : pupa greeniſh obtuſely bifid, the fides ſpinous. Is ſubject to a few inconſiderable varieties - Roxelana, Wings indented brown, above blind; lower-ones waved beneath with 7 eyes, the inner-one with a double pupil. Inhabits Afia. Cramer. 14. tab. 161. fig. C. D. E. F. Upper-wings above brown with a fulvous diſk and yellow ſpots, beneath with a black eye, the pupil white: lower-wings with 3 eyes the pupil fulvous, beneath grey waved with brown with 7 black eyes, the iris yellow pupil white, the laſt with a . double pupil. Proſerpina. Wings indented fulvous : upper-pair black at the tip with yellow dots; lower-ones marked beneath with 4 eyes, the middle ones blind. In the Muſeum of Sr. Jos. Banks. Fones tab. 24. fig. 1. Lower-wings with an interrupted black marginal ſtreak: lower- fide of the upper swings yellow at the baſe ſpotted with black, the tip black ſpotted with white ; lower-wings beneath mar- bled with 4 eyes, I fulvous with a black iris, 2. 3. blind, 4 black with fulvous iris and black pupil. Iycoon. Wings indented: upper-pair brown and ſpotted with yel- low and white ; lower-ones ferruginous with 6 blind eyes beneath variegated with 8 eyes, Inhabits---- Fones Fig. piet. 4. tab. 17. fig. 1. Body brown; fides of the abdomen fulvous: upper-wings with a blind black eye. the iris rufous ; beneath yellow at the baſe ſpotted with brown, the tip brown with 3 white ſpots and 2 black eyes with yellow iris, the fore-one with a white pupil the other blind, beſides thefe a yellow marginal ſtreak : lower- tuings dusky at the baſe with a line of 5 yellow ſpots, the tip rufous a INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 31 Aloped, rufous with 6 eyes; beneath varied with yellow and brown, 8 black eyes with yellow iris and blue pupil. Wings indented brown: upper-pair with a yellow band each fide and 2 eyes; lower-ones with a lingle eye 2- bove and 6 beneath. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 12. fig. 1. Both ſurfaces of the upper-wings alike with 2 black eyes in the band, the pupil white : lower-wings beneath aufky fpeckled with brown, the eyes with a white pupil. Wings indented brown; lower-ones with a blue band in which are 5 black eyes, a brown band beneath with 5 eyes. Inhabits- -Fones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 9. fig. 2. Wings brown with 2 darker ſtreaks, beneath pale aſh with a brown ſtreak at the baſe, towards the margin a broad brown band in which the eyes are placed. Clueria, Laches. Herſe. Wings indented brown with a blue band beneath; uppe- pair with 5 eyes, lower-ones with 6. 5 , Inhabits Guiana. Fones Fig. piet. 3. tab. 81. fig. 2. Wings immaculate above, beneath with a broad blue band in which are placed the eyes. Wings intented ruſty-brown; upper-pair dotted with white, lower-ones with 7 blind eyes each ſide. Inhabits Fones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 7. fig': Body ruſty-brown: upper-wings with a band of 6 white ſpots behind the middle and 4 white dots at the tip, beneath paler: 4 under-wings with 7 black eyes with ferruginous iris, 2 and 3 with a ferruginous pupil the reſt blind; beneath paler with 7 blue eyes the iris yellow with a black ring. a Dejanira. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair with 5 eyes each ſide, lower-ones with 6 and a white ſcalloped band. Inhabits Germany. Eſp. Pap. 1. tab. 9. fig. 2. Larva hairy green with pale lines, the tail bifid. Pegala, Wings indented brown; upper-pair with a rufous band and ſingle eye, lower-ones with an eye above and 6 beneath. Inhabits America. In the Muſeum of Dr. Huuter. Upper-wings with a ſingle eye, the pupil white : lower wings above brown with a black eye, the iris fulvous pupil white; beneath variegated with 6 black eyes, the iris ferruginous pupil white, 3 of them connected at the thinner margin the fifth very large. Varies in the number and figure of the eyes, Briſeis. 32 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. Briſeis. Manto. Wings indented brown with a green gloſs and white band; upper-ones with 2 eyes, lower-ones blind. Inhabits Germany. Eſp., Pap. 1. tab. 25, fig. 1. 2. The eyes are ſometimes wanting on the upper-ſurface: Wings flightly indented brown with 4 ocellar dots on the 3 on the lower-wings, under-ſurface of the 3 latter cinereous with brown waves, Inhabits Auſtria ; middle-fized. Antennae above brown beneath whitiſh, the club ferruginous : wings above brown with a blue gloſs, the eyes with a ferrugi- nous disk beneath, lower-ones beneath cinereous with 2 waved brown ſtreaks and 2 dots. upper and Autanoe. a Alcyone. Wings indented brown ſubfaciate with yellow and 2 pu pillate eyes ; upper-onės brown at the baſe beneath. Inhabits Ruſia. Fones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 47. fig. 2. Wings above brown, upper-pair with a macular yellowiſh band, lower-ones with a whitih ſtreak : all of them with 2 black eyes the pupil white: upper.wings beneath wth a broad yel- low band and 2 eyes, the firſt of which is pupillate: Wings indented brown with yellow bands; upper-pair with 2 eyes each fide, lower-ones marbled beneath. Inhabits Ruſſia, Eſp. Pap. tab. 84. fig. 4. Band on the wings large and ending in a black ſtreak: upper- wings yellowiſh beneath with black ſtreaks. Wings indented brown with a macular fulvous marginal band in which are 2 eyes; upper-pair with a fulvous diſk at the baſe beneath. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. tab. 259. Lewin, tab. 17. Eyes on the upper wings black with a white pupil, the hinder- one doubled on the upper ſurface : under-wings with a ſinall eye near the inner margin, beneath marbled and darker on the inner baſe, Semele. Arethufa. Wings indented above brown with a macular rufous band; upper-pair with a ſingle eye on each ſurface. Inhabits Germany. Ep. Pap. tab. 69. fig. 3. 4. Upper-wings with a large black eye the pupil ſnowy, beneath ferrugingus on the diſk in which is a large pupillate eye; lower-wings beneath brown at the baſe and grey at the tip. Wings indented brown with a pale band; upper-pair with 2 eyes above and one beneath. Inhabits France and Germany. Scheff. Icon. tab. 274. f. 5. 6. Lower-wings with a finall eye ſometimes each fide : larva grey with black dorſalline and bifd tail. Circe. . Hermione. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 33 Circe. a Wings indented brown with a white band on both ſurfaces; upper-pair with a ſingle eye. Inhabits Europe. Eſp. Pap. tab. 39. fig. 2. Larva naked with brown white and yellow lines, tail bifid. *Phædra. Wings indented brown, both ſides alike; upper-pair with 2 violet eyes. Inhabits Europe. Exp. Pap. tab. 40. fig. 1. 2. Larva grey with 2 dorſal lines of black ſpots, tail bifid. Peribaca. Wings indented brown; upper-pair with an obſolete eye, a yellowiſh ſtreak beneath: lower-ones with ocellar black dots. Inhabits Surinam ; middle-fized. Upper-wings with a large black eye at the inner-margin, the iris yellowiſh pupil white, beneath grey with a yellowiſh ſtreak and 2 very minute white dots : lower-wings with a ſmall eye and ſtreaked margin, beneath grey with a yellowiſh ftreak and 5-6 ſmall black ocellar dots. Delila. Wings ſcalloped brown: upper-pair with a ſmall eye; un- der-ſide of the upper-ones with 2 eyes, of the lower-ones with 6, the fourth larger. Inhabits Guinea; middle-ſized. Antennae brown, the club ferruginous at the baſe and tip: all the wings cinereous beneath with a common white band in the middle, lower-ones with 6 eyes 3. 3. approximate. Wings indented brown with a rufous band; upper-pair with 4 eyes lower with 3 on each ſurface; all ſpotted with white beneath Inhabits Europe. Eſp. Pap. tab. 42. fig. 1. 2. Larva hairy green with a black dorſal line, head yellow, tail bifid. Ligea. Bathiba. Wings ſcalloped brown with the diſk ferruginous; upper- pair with a bipupillate eye both ſides, lower-ones be- neath brown with a white band. Inhabits Barbory; fize of the laſt. Antenne brown annulate with white : lower-wings with 3 or 4 black dots with white pupil on the diſk, beneath with a few eyes behind the band. Meduſa Wings flightly ſcalloped brown, both furfaces alike, all of them with a yellow macular band and about 4 eyes. Ir habits Auftria. Ep. Pap. 1. tab, 7. fig. 2. VOL. ITT.-E All 34 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. All the wings with a macular band before the margin and in this a few eyes with black iris and white pupil. Epiphron. Wings entire black with a red band; upper-pair with 2 a eyes above and 3 beneath, lower-ones with 3 above and 5 beneath. Inhabits Germany. Knoch. Beytr. 3. tab. 6. fig. 1. Body black: antenne beneath white : band on the upper-wings very much abbreviated, the number of eyes various. Blandina. Wings indented brown with a rufous occllate band; lower- ones brown beneath with a cinereous band. Inhabits Germany. Ef. 25. fig. 3. 63. fig. 1. Griela. Wings ſlightly indented black; upper-pair with 4 connect- 4 ed ſpots each ſide. Inhabits the higheſt mountains of Lapland. All the wings above ſhining black; upper-ones with 4 ſmall con- nected blind eyes, 'beneath the fame : lower-ones beneath pale aſh at the tip with a waved black ſtreak or two. a a Afra. Wings entire brown with 6 eyes; lower-ones covered with - cinereous down. Inhabits Rufia. Eſp. Pap. tab. 83. fig. 4. 5. Club of the antenna hollowed beneath : lower ſurface of the upper.wings black with a ferruginous patch at the baſe and 5 or 6 eyes, of the lower-wings brown with cinereous veins and 6 or 7 eyes. Erina. Wings indented brown with a macular fulvous band and ocellar black dots, Inhabits Germany. Eſp. Pap. tab. 70. fig. 2. 3. Eyes on the wings blind; lower-ones cinereous beneath with a darker band. Arachne. Wings entire black; upper-pair with a rufous band each fide containing 2 eyes: lower-ones with an indented ci- nereous band beneath. Inhabits Auftria ; fize of the laſt. All the wings black with a blue gloſs: lower-wings with fome- times an ocellate dot or two above: antennæ above black be. neath white. Pyrrha. Wings entire brown with a red band which is dotted with black on upper-pair and macular on the lower-ones. Inhabits Aufria; fomething leſs than P. Ligea. Antenne above black beneath white. Caſiope. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 35 Caliope. Wings entire brown with a rufous band containing 3 ocel- lar black ſpots; lower-ones with only dots beneath. Inhabits Anfiria ; leſs than the laft: black. Antennæ above black beneath pale: lower-wings with 3 dots be- neath but without the band. زو Arete. Wings entire brown with a rufous band : lower-ones with a ſtripe of white dots each fide. Inhabits mountainous parts of Auftria. Body black: abdomen beneath grey: upper-swings with about 3 ocellar dots in the band above, the disk beneath ferruginous with 3 ocellar white dots: lower-wings with 4 diſtinct white dots in the band above, beneath greeniſh-grey with a line of white dots. 7 are 5 Salome. Upper-wings brown with a rufous band containing a fin- gle eye; lower-wings with 3 eyes, beneath an indented white ſtreak and 5 eyes. Inhabits Gibraltar. Eſp. Pap. tab. 67 fig. 4. Lower-wings beneath black with a white ftreak behind which ſmall eyes, the pupil white. *Galathea. Wings indented varied with brown and yellowiſh-white; under-fuaface of the upper-ones with a fingle eye, of the lower-ones with 5. . Inhabits Europe. Donovan. tab. 258. Lewin, tab. 28. Under-ſide of the upper-wings with a ſingle eye near the outer margin, of the lower-wings with 5, the laſt doubled. Larva depreſſed yellowiſh with a dark line down the back and fides: pupa blueiſh with 2 roſy prickles at the tail. рира Arge. Wings indented white ſtreaked with black; upper-pair with a ſingle eye, lower-ones with 5. Inhabits Rufia. Eſp. Pap. tab. 84. fig. 1. 2. Upper-rings with a ſmall eye which is blind above: lower-wings with 5 pupillate ones each ſide. Liria. Wings ſlightly indented cinereous with brown waves; up- per-pair with a white band, lower-ones with 4 ocellar white dots. Inhabits India' Fones Fig pict. 2. tab. 23. fig. 2 Lower-wings with 4 white dots annulate with brown: all the wings yellowiſh beneath. Pilojelle. Wings indented brown with a yellow diſk; upper-pair with a black eye and double pupil each fide, lower-ones with ſnowy ocellar ſpots beneath. E 2 inhabits 36 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. Inhabits Germany. Sepp. Inf. 2. 21. tab. 3. Larva greeniſh with white lines, head brown. Ida. Wings flightly indented brown with a yellow diſk; upper- pair with a black bipupillate eye each fide, lower-ones varied with grey beneath. . Inhabits Europe. Schaff Icon, i ab. 213. fig. 1. 2. Melufina. Wings indented brown with a white diſk; lower-furfece whitish with 2 eyes on the upper-pair and 7 on the lower-ones. Inhabits Sierra Leona : ſmall. Antennæ above black beneath cinereous. Caing. Wings indented fulvous; lower-ones beneath white on the dilk with 2 eyes, the pupil double blue. Inhabits America. Drury. Inf. 2, tab. 18. fig. 1. 2. Tip of the upper-wing: black with fulvous ſpots, a white ſpot at the tip beneath; lower-wings with an obſolete brown mar- ginal ſpot, the white disk incloſed by a ferruginous ſtreak each fide, the iris of the eye brown. fia. Wings indented brown; upper-pair beneath yellow with a ſingle eye each ſide, lower-ones with 3 dots beneath. (Male) Wings indented brown; upper pair with a yellow patch including a ſingle eye each ſide- (Female.) Inhabits Europe, Lewin. tab. 18. Albin. tab. 53. Lower-wings browniſh at the baſe with a few black ſtreaks, the middle white and bordered with pale yellow. Larva hairy green with a white lateral line, the tail bifid : pupa pale with black dots. Clymene, Wings indented brown with a ferruginous patch; lower ones with about 3 eyes above and 7 beneath. 7 Inhabits Rufia. Eſp. 85. fig. 1. 2. 3. Upper-wings with an eye each ſide which is pupillate beneath; lower-wings with 4 fulvous ſpots including 2 or 3 blind cyes. Wings indented brown, beneath cinereous with 2 eyes on on the upper-pair and 7 on the lower. Inhabits India Fones, tab. 32. fig. 2. Cramer. tab. 204. C. D. Wings cinereous beneath with black waves, the eyes black with yellow iris and black pupil. Miriam, Eudora. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 37 Eudora, Wings indented brown; upper-pair with a ferruginous diſk each fide, containing a fingle eye in the male and 2 in the female. Inhabits Germany. Eſp. Pap. 1 tab. 69 fig. 1. 2, Lower-wings beneath dull grey immaculate. Tabitha. Wings indented black; upper-pair with a ſingle eye, all of them paler beneath with a ſtreak of ocellate dots. In habits Eat India. Upper wings with a ſmall black eye, the pupil white. Tilphone. Wings indented brown; upper-pair with 2 eyes each ſide, lower-ones with 6, the pupil of all violet. Inhabits Germany. Naturf. 6, 18. tab. 1. fig. 1, 2. Upper-wings with a ſhort yellow band; lower-ſurface of all of them alike, the eyes with a yellow iris. Halyma. Wings indented, above brown immaculate, beneath with yellow bands; upper-pair with 5 eyes lower with 7. Inhabits Indian Jones Fig. piet. 6. tab. 51. fig. 2. Rumina. Wings indented variegated; upper-pair with 6 red dots above, lower-ones with 4 Inhabits Southern Europe. Efp. tab. 72. fig. 4. Flegia. Wings indented, both ſides alike, fulvous with numerous brown dots. Inhabits Cayenne. Ming's paler beneath, Allica. Wings indented, both ſurfaces nearly alike, obſcure fulvous with numerous black ſpots each including a white one. Inhabits Siam. Cramer Inf. 44. tab. 280 fig. E. F. Antennæ black annulate with white, the club black with a fulvous tip: body brown. delicerta, Wings indented, both ſides alike, black dotted with white; upper-pair with a common white interrupted band. Inhabits Africa. Cram. tab. 296. fig. E. F. t. 327. f. A.B.&E.F. Antenna black, the club ferruginous at the tip: thorax black dotted with white : lower-szings dotted with white at the margin. Vcerisi Wings indented with black bands; above black beneath fulvous. Inhabits Europe and Aſia. Eſt. tab. 82: fig. I' tab. 81. fig. 3, 4. Acehe. 38 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. Aceffe. Wings ſcalloped; upper-pair black with a yellow band and bafe, lower-ones yellow with brown bands beneath. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 14. tab. 121. fig. E. F. Lower-wings fulvous dotted at the margin. Sulpitia. Wings indented, black with a common white band, lower- ones yellowiſh beneath with black dots at the baſe, a white band in the middle and dots at the tip. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 30. fig. 1. Upper-swings the ſame colour beneath: lower-evings beneath yellow at the baſe dotted with black, then white, afterwards fulvous with black ſtreaks and a row of white dots. Sibilla, Wings indented, above brown, beneath ferruginous ſpotted with black and a macular white band on both ſurfaces Inhabits Europe. Cramer In. 3. tab. 114. fig. C. D Larva green with red head and {pines. pupa green with gold ſpots, 2-horned before. * Camilla. Wings indented dark-brown with a white band and dots each ſide; lower-ones ſilvery blue at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii. tab. 244. Lewin, tab. 8, Very much reſembles the laſt. Lower wings with ſometimes 2 ferruginous eyes at the angle of the tail, beneath varied with brown and ferruginous and a line of black dots behind the white band, Lucilla. Wings indented, above brown beneath chefnut-brown, with a macular white band both ſides. Inhabits Anstria. Eſp. Pap. tab. 59. fig. 1. P. camilla, Upper-wings with a white interrupted line from the bate to the band: lower-wings with a white patch at the baſe and a line of white lunules behind the band. Cenobita. Wings indented black; upper-pair with a white ſtreak and ſpots; lower-ones with a white band above, beneath white with 4 brown bands and marginal ſpots. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 27. fig. 2. Body black: abdomen white at the baſe : upper-wings with a lon- gitudinal white ſtreak and numerous ſpots and lines, beneath cheſnut-brown with the ſame marks: lower-wings with a white ſtreak band in the middle and 2 marginal curves. Herſilia. Wings indented white with a fulvous border; lower-ones fulvous beneath 2 white bands and a dot in the middle. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 39 Inhabits America. Cramer. Inf. 18. tab. 213. fig. F. G. Upper-wings browniſh at the baſe, the tip fulvous with a black indented margin, beneath teftaceous with a large white ſpot on the diſk and a few dots towards the tip: lower-wings edged with black with 7 obfolete white ſpots behind the laſt band. the edge black. Sophia. Wings indented varied with yellow fulvous and black, the margin brown dotted with black with white lunules on the lower-ones. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. piet. 4. tab. 91. fig. 2. . Body ſmall brown: abdomen with yellow dorſal lines: upper. wings rufous at the baſe with 2 tranſverſe yellow ſpots and edged with black, then yellow, then brown dotted with black and ſpotted with yellow: lower-wings brown at the baſe, vel- low in the middle, the tip brown with 2 ſtreaks of black dots and one of white lunules. a Doriclea. Wings ſcalloped browu; lower-ones with a fulvous band dotted with black; and a black dot beneath. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 4. tab 71. fig. 1. Body brown the ſides fulvous; upper-rings with darker ſpots in the middle and ſtreak behind: all variegated beneath. Auge. Wings indented brown, upper-pair with 3 green bands; lower-ones with a fulvous band dotted with black, a black dot at the baſe beneath. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 71. fig. 2. Wings variegated beneath with ferruginous and blue. Ethefia. Wings indented black with a yellow diſk; beneatn varied with brown and yellow, the baſe dotted with back. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 66 fig. 1. Body black: all the wings brown at the tip beneath. Narva, Wings indented black with a line of white dots behind ; upper-pair with yellow ſpots, lower-ones with a yellow diſk. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig. pict. 4, tab. 67. fig. 1. Body black dotted with white: lower-wings with a black dot or two on the yellow diſk, beneath a yellow macular ſtreak behind the while one. Mardania. Wings indented fulvous ; upper pair black at the tip with a white band ; lower-ones with 4 ocellar yellow ſpots. Inhabits India, Fones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 70. fig. l. Body 40 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. Body brown: upper-wings ſpotted with brown: lower-wings with 4. oblong yellow spots with a black pupil and an obſolete brown ſtreak near the margin: all the wings beneath greeniſh varied with brown, a brown band in the middle and a line of brown dots towards the margin. a Cecelia. Wings indented brown; upper-pair ſpotted with black and yellow, all of them grey beneath with a line of white dots. Inhabits India. Jones Fig pict. 4. tab. 70. fg. 2. Upper-wings with a line of obſcure ocellar ſpots towards the margin: under-wings with a line of ocellar ſpots near the thinner edge and a black ſtreak. * Lucina. Wings indented brown with teftaceous ſpots; lower-ones with 2 rows of whitiſh ſpots beneath. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. tab. 242. fig. 2. Lewin. 1 15.f. 3.4. Antennae ferruginous at the tip: lower-wings with a ferruginous band beneath near the margin including black dots. * Cinxia. Wings indented fulvous with black ſpots; lower-ones with 31 whitiſh bands dotted with black beneath. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. tab. 241. fig. 1. Lewin. t. 14. f. 3.4. Upper-wings whitiſh at the tip beneath. Larva fpinous black with a lateral line of white dots, bead and legs red: pupa pale brown with rows of fulvous dots. Phæbe. Wings indented varied with black and fulvous; lower- ones beneath yellowish waved with black, the baſe with 4 black ſpots, and 2 fulvous bands the hinder-one compoſed of ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Eſp. Pap. tab. 25. fig. 2. Antennæ annulate with white and black, the club ferruginous with a brown ring: upper wings blackiſh with numerous black ſpots, the margin with white ſpots ; beneath fulvous ſpotted with black, the tip yellow waved with black : pupa cheſnut ſpotted with white. Didyma. Wings indented fulvous (cinereous) ſpotted with black; lower-ones beneath yellow dotted with black, with 2 continued fulvous bands. Inhabits Ruſia. Eſp.tab. 41. tab.61. fig. 1. Sides of the abdomen dotted with black: firſt band on the lower- wings nearly doubled. Faſcelis. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. 41 Faſcelis. Wings indented varied with fulvous and brown; lower-ones beneath white dotted with black, with 2 fulvous bands the lower compoſed of lunules. Inhabits Rufia. Exp. Pap. tab. 88. fig. 3, 4. thulia, Wings ſcalloped fulvous dotted with black; lower-ones beneath white dotted with black, with 2 fulvous bands. Inhabits Ruſſia. Esp Pap. tab. 88. fig. 5, 6. very fmall . 6 Upper-wings beneath fulvous ſpotted with black, the tip white ſpeckled with black: lower-wings white with numerous ffreaks of black dots and 2 fulvous bands, the firſt compoſed of 3 ſpots. Hylla. Wings indented fulvous ſpeckled with black; lower-ones brown at the baſe, beneath whitiſh. Inhabits the Eaſt. Cramer Inf. 4. tab. 43. fg. B. C: Lower-wings brown at the baſe above and fulvous at the tip. beneath whitiſh at the baſe and fulvous at the tip. Dictynnu. Wings indented black with fulvous ſpots; lower-ones be- neath fulvous with white ſpots at the baſe and band in the middle, the tip with yellow lunules. Inhabits Europe. Lewin. tab. 14. fig. 5, 6. Esp. tab. 48. fig. 2. , Cynthia. Wings indented black with fulvous and yellow bands: lower-ones beneath fulvous with yellow bands. Inhabits Austria. Eſp. Pap. tab. 37. f3: 3. Upper-wings beneath pale fulvous with a few black waves : lower- wings with a ftreak of 5 dots between the laſt bands. Male darker above with a few white ſpots. Larva ſpinous black with 2 yellow dorſal lines and lateral yellow dots, head blueith : pupa pale ſpotted with black and yellow. • Malurna. Wings indented varied with fulvous and black; lower-ones beneath with yellow bands and waved black ſtreaks, the bafe impunctured. Inhabits Europe. Wilkes Pap. 58. tab. 2. a. 9. Larva ſpinous black dotted with white the fpines yellowiſh: pupa greeniſh ſpotted with black. Arduinna. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black : lower-ones beneath white with 2 fulvous bands, the lower ſpeckled with black. Inhabits Rufia. Eſp. Pap. tal. 87. fig. 4. Margin of the wings black with a white fringe. VOL. III.-F Hecate. 42 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Sat. Hecate. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black; all of then with 2 ſtreaks of black dots at the tip. Inhabits Auftria; middle-fized. Margin of the wings black with fulvous lines and white fringe : lower-wings beneath yellow at the baſe with a fulvous band, the margin black, then varied with fulrous and yellow with 2 ſtreaks of black dots. * Artemis. Wings indented fulvous variegated with black; lower-ones with a ſtreak of black dots each ſide. Inhabits Europe. Lewis's Engliſh Butterflies. tab. 15. . Wings above fulvous with black waves, beneath paler: lower- ones fulvous with 2 yeilow bands. Amathufia. Wings indented fulvous with black ſpots and a punctured ſtreak; lower-ones variegated beneath, a black dot at the baſe and a ſtreak of them at the tip. Inhabits Rufia. Eſp. Pap. tab. 88. fg. 1, 2. All the wings with a ſtreak of diſtinct black dots. a * Dia. Wings fulvous fpotted with black; lower-ones beneath purple, the baſe with vellow and filvery ſpots and an obſolete filvery band in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Epp, teb. 16. fig. 4. Kleeman. tab. 40. Lower-wings with a row of 6 black dots towards the tip, the 2 middle-ones flightly pupillate. Larva grey with alternate rows of white and ferruginous fpines: pupa yellowiſh variegated with black. Dryope. Wings indented brown with rufous ſpots, the tip fulvous; beneath with rufous ſpots ſurrounded with a white ring. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer. 7. tab. 78. fig. E. F. Wings beneath greeniſh at the baſe, the tip paler with a white waved ſtreak. * Levana. Wings denticulate variegated; beneath reticulate; upper- ones with a few white ſpots above. Inhabits Europe. Eſp. Pap. 1. tab. 15. fig. 2. Larva gregarious ſpinous black, legs rufous, head 2-ſpined. Prorſa. Wings indented brown, beneath reticulate with white; upper-pair with a white interrupted band each ſide. Inhabits Europe. Eſ. Pap. 1. tab. 15. fg. 3. Larva gregarious ſpinous variegated with fulvous and brown, head fpinous: pupa toothed, above brown beneath paliſh. Pandora, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. 43 Pandora. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black; lower-ones beneath ſcarlet immaculate. Inhabits Fones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 32. fig. 1. . Body black with a ſanguineous collar: upper-wings with a tranſ- verſe ſcarlet ſpot in the middle: lower-wings with a ſtreak of black dots at the tip. Pales, Wings flightly indented fulvous with black baſe and ſpots; lower-ones beneath nut-brown and variegated with yellow and ſilvery. Inhabits Auftria. Esp. Pap. tab. 56. fig. 4. 5. Upper-wings beneath with a few black lunules and dots and 2 ſpots at the tip: lower-wings with ſilvery ſpots at the baſe, then nut-brown with a finall filvery dot, then with a large finuate obſolete yellow band in which are 2 filvery ſpots, afterwards nut-brown with a few filvery fpots, and laſtly varied with yellow on the margin with 6 or 7 filvery dots. Daphne. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black : lower-ones beneath yellow with rufous veins, the tip filvery fer- ruginous. Inhabits Auſtria, on the Rubus idæus, Lower-wings beneath nut-brown with a filvery gloſs and a few oceilar brown dots. Larva ſpinous brown with whitiſh lines, the ſpines yellow: pupa greeniſh with many teeth beneath. Heliconii. Horte. Wings entire red, upper-ones hyaline at the tip; lower- ones beneath whitiſh dotted with black. Inhabits Africa. Cramer Pap, 25. tab. 298. fig. F. G. Quirina. Wings entire hyaline; diſk of the upper-pair fulvous ſpeck- led with black. Inhabits Madraſs. Drury Inf. 3. tab. 18. All the wings white hyaline with black veins. Calliope. Wings entire yellow; upper-pair with 3 black ſtreaks, lower-ones with 3 black bands. Inhabits Indio. Cramer Inf. 21. tab. 246. fig. 4. Tip of the upper.wings black ſpeckled with white. Melite. Wings entire yellow; upper-pair black with 2 yellow lines and a band. Inhabits India. Cramer. Inf. 13. tab. 153. fig. C. D. Lower-wings yellow edged behind with black. 3 F 2 Mopfa 44 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Mopſa. Wings entire both ſurfaces alike, yellow and black, the margin dotted with white. Inhabits India. Cramer Inj. 16. tab. 190. fig. D. The white dots are ſometimes only on the under-ſurface. Mneme. Wings entire fulvous ſpotted with black; upper-pair black at the tip with yellow ſpots; lower-ones black with a fulyous band behind Inhabits India. Cramer. Inf. 16. tab. 190, fig. C. Lycafe. Wings entire fulvous tipt with black; upper-pair ſpotted with yellow. Inhabits-Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 7. fig. 1. Head black ſpotted with white: thorax fulvous: abdomen cinere- ous: upper-wings fulvous at the baſe with a black ſpot in the middle, then yellow; the tip black with a few yellow dots. a Lyfimnia. Wings entire fulvous with a yellow band, the tip black with a white ſpot on the upper pair. Inhabits-Jones Fig. pict. 2 tab. 8. 8 Upper-wings fulvous at the baſe with a longitudinal black line and lateral dot: all the wings beneath black at the hind- margin with white dots. Clara, Wings ſcalloped black ſpotted with yellow and a common teftaceous baſe. Inhabits Surinak. Cram. t. 364.f. C. D. Jones 2. tab. 9. Antennae yellow: head and thorax black ſpotted with yellow : abdomen black with a yellow line down the fides: upper-wing's with a large yellow ſpot in the middle and 3 black ones, the 3 tip and margin black ſpotted with yellow : lower-wings with a black border, above with 2 yellow ſpots at the inner margin, beneath a line of white dots. Egena. Wings entire ; upper-pair fulvous with a yellow band, the tip black ſpotted with yellow and a row of white dots each fide. Inhabits America. Cram tab. 191. fig. D. Jones, tab. 13. f. 2. Upper-swings with 2 black ſpots before the band : the ſtreak of white dots is only on the under-ſurface of the lower- wings. Ετα. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, b'ack; upper-pair with fulvous ftrcaks at the baſe and ſpots at the tip; diſk of the lower-ones fulvous with a black band. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. 45 Inhabits Surinam. Cram. t. 316. f. A. B. C. Fonest. 20. f. 7. Thorax with 4 rufous ſpots : bind-margin of the lower-swings dotted with white. Lybia, Wings entire ; upper-pair black with 2 fulvous bands; lower-ones fulvous with a marginal black band. Inhabits India. Cramer 13. tab. 177. fig. C. D. Body black : breast dotted with white. upper-wings beneath with a ſmall ſcarlet line at the baſe : lower-wings beneath with ſcarlet dots at the baſe. Vefta. Wings entire yellowiſh, the margin dotted with black. Inhabits China. Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 39. fig. 2. Abdomen black with a ſmall fulvous collar: upper-wings with a few brown ſpots and hind-margin. Hypartia. Wings entire fulvous dotted with black, the margin black immaculate. Iuhabits Africa. Fones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 42. fig. 1. Margin of the upper-wings beneath with fulvous ſpots : body black with fulvous ſpots. Viola. Wings entire fulvous dotted with black; margin of the lower-ones black with 7 white dots. Inhabits India. Cran. Inf. 20. jab. 298. fig. D. E. Terpficore: Wings entire fulvous ; lower-pair dotted with black. Inhabits Aſia. Petiv Gazoph. tab. 40. fig. 4. Tip of the upper-wings wintih. Sereno. Wings entire fulvous: baſe of the lower-pair beneath dot- ted with black. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf 33. tab. 268. lig. A. B. Tip of the upper-wings and margin . of the lower.ones brown. Polymnia. Wings entire ; upper-pair with black ſpots and tip and yellow band; lower-ones with 3 black bands, the mid- dle-one ſerrate. Inhabits America. Cromer. Inf. 16. tab. 191. fig. E. Larva yellowiſh and ſpinous under the ſtigniata. Hippodamia Wings entire, upper-pair black with 3 hyaline bands: low- er-ones hyaline. Inhabits-Small, black : abdomen clavate. Hind-margin of the lorver-wings brown. Irene. 46 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Irene. Upper-wings black with yellow ſpots and a fulvous line at the baſe; lower-ones fulvous edged with black. Inhabits America. Fones Fig. pict. tab. 2. fig. 39. Upper-wings black with a broad ferruginous line at the baſe, the tip ſpotted with yellow; a line of white dots before the mar- gin beneath: lower-wings beneath ferruginous the margin black dotted with white, a brown band in the middle. Sappho. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, black blue ; upper- pair with a white band; lower-ones edged with white Inhabits Jamaica. Jones. Fig. piet. tab. 2. fig. 4. Lower-wings beneath ſpotted with red, Wings entire brown with a white diſk; lower-ones with 2 Urania, a eyes each ſide. Inhabits India. Eyes large yellow, iris blueiſh, pupil white. Doris. Wings entire black ; upper-pair ſpotted with yellow : lower-ones radiate with blue at the baſe above. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. Inf. 29. tab. 337. fig. 6. Hind margin of the lower-wings dotted with white. Olympia, Wings entire black ; upper-pair with au oblong fulvous ſpot at the baſe, and white ones at the tip; lower-ones fulvous at the baſe. Inhabits America. Fones. Fig. piet. 2. tab. 22. fig. 2. Body black. abdomen with a red lateral line: lower-wings be- neath yellowiſh with 2 brown bands meeting at the outer mar- gin. Wings, entire black; upper-pair acuminated with a yellow band; lower-pair with a yellow diſk. Inhabits America. Fones. Fig. piet. 3. tab. 17. fig, 1. . Upper-wing very pointed, with a yellow line at the baſe oblique band behind the middle and 3 dots behind the band; lower- wings yellow with a black indented margin, beneath yellow clouded with brown. Crifia. . Hecale. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with a white band ; lower- pair with white marginal dots beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Inj. 2. tab. 17. fg. A. B. Head black dotted with yellow : body black: abdomen beneath yellow : upper-wings with a few black dots in the band and towards the tip white ones. Ricini INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. 47 Ricini. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with 2 yellow bands each fide: lower-ones rufous at the baſe. Inhabits America. Cramer Pap. 32. tab. 378. fig. A. B. Larva greeniſh with white hairs. Lower-wings of the male purple at the baſe, of the female radiate with blue. Sara. Wings ſcalloped black with a blue baſe; upper-pair with 2 yellow bands; lowet-ones fpeckled with red be- neath. Inhabits Guiana Cramer laſ. tab. 54. fig. C. D. Body black dotted with white : upper-wving without the blue baſe beneath, but with a yellow line. Aranea, Braſolis. Wings black; upper-pair with a yellow ſtreak at the baſe and 2 bands ; lower-ones with a red band beneath. a Inhabits-Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 26. fig. 1. Thorax dotted with white; lower-wings with an emarginate red ſpot each fide at the baſe. Wings entire brown; upper-pair ſpotted with yellow : lower-ones beneath with red rays. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Inf. 2. tab. 13. fig. E. F. Wings nearly entire and alike on both ſurfaces, black with red rays at the baſe ; upper-pair ſpotted with yellow. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer, Inf. 4. tab. 38. fig. C. D. Thales. Myrti. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with 2 yellow bands; lower-ones with a rufous diſk. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Inf. 15. tab. 177. fig. E.?. Nalica. a Wings entire black; upper-pair with 2 yellow bands; low- er-ones with a yellow diſk. Inhabits---Cramer Inf. 2. tab. 46. fig. 2. Body black; thorax dotted with white : margin of the wings dotted with white. Cepha. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with an abbreviated white band; lower-ones fulvous at the baſe and radiate beneath. Inhabits Cayenne. Body ſmall brown. Upper-wings with a common fulvous ſpot at the thinner margin: lower-wings with a few obſolete white ſpots at the tip. Pfidii. Wings entire brown ; upper-pair with 3 hyaline bands, lower-ones with 2. Inhabits 48 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 22 tab. 257. fig. F. Larva naked green with a black head. a Afpafia. Wings entire black with hyaline ſtreaks and ſpots : lower- ones yellow at the baſe Inhabits Tranquebar; middle-ſized. Body brown; head and thorax black dotted with white : upper. wings with hyaline ſtreaks at the baſe and ſpots at the tip; lower-wings yellow at the baſe, the tip black. Aegle. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with hyaline ſpots; lower- ones with a hyaline diſk. Inhabits India. Upper-wings beneath with a fulvous patch before the ſpots and 3 white dots at the tip : lower-wings with a fubmarginal ab- breviated fulvous band; the diik beneath included in a black line, the margin black with 3 white dots at the tip. Charitonia. Wings entire black; upper-pair with 3 yellow bands, low- er-ones with 2. Inhabits America. Cramer Inf. 16. tab. 191. Fig. F. Melpomene Wings entire black ; upper-pair with a red band ; lower- ones with red dots at the baſe beneath. Inhabits America. Cramer Inf. 16. tab. 181. fig. C. Phyllis. Wings entire black; upper-pair with a red band, lower- ones with a yellow one. Inhabits Braſil. Cramer Inf. 4. tab.45. fig. E. F. Body black varied with yellow ; lower-wings with a few red dots at the baſe beneath. Clio Wings entire brown, upper-pair ſpotted with white; low- er-ones with a white band. Inhabits America. Cramer Inf. 22.tab. 257. fig. D. E. Larva hairy, nut-brown. Thalia. Wings entire brown; upper-pair ſpotted with yellow, lower-ones ftraite. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 21. tab. 246. fig. A. Streaks on the lower-wings bifid. Roſalia. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, fulvous; upper-pair with a yellow ſpot, lower-ones with 2 black ſtreaks. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Inf. 21. tab. 246. fig. B. Antenna black: body ferruginous : upper-wings with a fine black margin, the ſpot in the middle edged with black. Euryta. a 2 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. 49 Euryta. Wings entire both ſurfaces alike brown with a white band: lower ones ftriate the baſe dotted with black. Inhabits-Cram, tab. 233. f. A. B. C. Joves. t. 25. f. 2. Umbra. Wings entire brown with a teftaceous baſe ; lower-ones ſpeckled with black. Inhabits------ Fones Fig pitt. 2. tab. 18. fig. 2. Head black; thorax black with white dots: abdorien brown with teſtaceous ſpots, the fides with a black dot. Aedea. Wings entire ſpotted with white; upper-pair greeniſh: lower-ones with a yellow band Inhabits India. Clerk. tab. 4. hg 2. Upper-wings with 3 bands of unequal white ſpots, 3 Thallo. Wings entire black; upper-pair with 2 yellow bands : lower-pair with a ſingle one. Inhabits China. Edwards. 36. tab. 226. Body blue: head red. ܪ Antiocha. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with 2 white bands. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 4. tab. 38. fig. E. F. Lower ſurface of the upper-zuings with 2 yellow lines at the baſc, of the lower wings with a red line and 2 dots. Camoena. Wings nearly entire, brown dotted with black; lower- . ones with a red band. Inhabits Africa. Drury Inf. 2. tab. 7. fig. 2. . Feelers yellowiſh : body black ſpotted with white : upper-rvings immaculate : lower-wings with a few black ſpots at the baſe : margin of the wings black with 7 white dots. Macaria. Wings entire brown ; upper-pair with a black baſe and broad rufous band in the middle; lower-ones dotted with black at the baſe. Inhabits -Fones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 15. fig. 1. Zetes. Wings brown dotted with black ; lower-pair with a ful- vous band dotted with black, the margin beneath with pale dots. Inhabits Guinea. Cram. tab. 39. f. G. Fones tab. 16.f. 2. Perſipbone, Wings entire brown dotted with black ; upper-pair with a white ſpot; margin of the lower-ones black imma- culate Inhabits --Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 16. fig. 1, VOL. HIG Body 50 INSECTS, LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Geme Body black ſpotted with yellow: all the cvings with 4 black ſpots in the middle and a tranſverſe whitiſh one behind : lower.ones beneath yellow dotted with black, the margin black with yel- low ſpois. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with 2 ſpots : diſk of the lower-ones fulvous triate with black, the baſe be- neath ftriate with black. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 15. fig. 2. Head and thorax black dotted with white : abdomen fulvous with black dorſal ſpots. Jodutta. Wings entire black; upper-pair with 2 white ſpots ; diſk of the lower-ones white ſtriate with black, the baſe be- neath dotted with black. Inhabits -Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 21. fig. 1. Abdomen brown with 2 fulvous dots on each ſegment: upper- wings with a white ſpot at the inner margin connected with the white dik of the lower-ones, and another near the tip di. vided by nerves : lower-wings beneath white, the baſe dotted the tip ftriate with black. Parrhafia. Wings entire black; upper-pair with a 4-cleft fulvous and hyaline ſpot; lower-ones with a fulvous band, be. neath yellow with black dots and lines. Inhabits india. Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 27. fig. 2. Body ſmall black with fulvous ſpots : hyaline fpot on the upper- wings trifid, beneath paliſh with a hyaline diſk divided by nerves. Lycia. Wings entire, both furfaces alike, brown ſpotted with white; diſk of the lower-ones white with black dots. Inhabits Sierra Leona. In the Muſeum of Sir Joſe. Banks. Thorax brown ſpotted with yellow: margin of the lower-wings ftriate with brown. Pyrrha. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, brown ſpotted with yel- low ; diſk of the lower-ones ferruginous ftriate with black. Inhabits Brahl. Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 21. fig. 2. Body black; thorax with a yellow dot each ſide : upper-wings with 2 yellow ſpots at the baſe and macular band before the tip. Pafiphe. Wings entire brown varied with white, with black ſpots and margin. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. 51 Inhabits Guinta. Cramer Inf. 7. tab. 81. fig. C.D. Lower-wings beneath yellowiſh at the baſe with black ſpots. Marcia. Wings entire ; upper-pair brown immaculate, lower-ones yellowiſh dotted with black. Inhabits Africe. In the Muſeum of Sr. 76. Banks. Body black : fides of the abdomen fpotted with white: lower- wings beneath with a few white dots at the bafe and a ftseak of white dots in the black margin, Cecilia Wings white in the middle dotted with black : margin of the lower-ones black, beneath dotted with white. Inhabits Africa. In the Muſeum of Sr. Fof. Banks All the wings black at the baſe and tip, beneath whitith dotted with black: upper-wings beneath black at the tip. Bonafia. Wings entire brown with a common fulvous band; baſe of the lower-ones dotted with black. Inhabits Sierra Leona. In the Muſeum of Sr. Jos. Banks. Body black : abdomen with yellow lateral dots: upper-wings with a fulvous line before the tip: lower wings with a few ſhort itreaks at the hind-margin: beneath white at the baſe with numerous black dots, brown at the tip with marginal acute white dots Euterpe. Wings entire black with a fulvous band and white dots. Inhabits America. Seba, Muf. 4. tab. 7. fig. 17. 18. . All the wings immaculate behind the band, a Sulaxna. Wings entire black dotted with white, a fulvous fpot at the baſe and band behind. Inhabits Africa. In the Muſeum of Sr. 70%. Banks. Body black with white dots, fides of the abdomen with fulvous ones : upper wings with 3 or 4 white dots within the band, beneath a row of white dots before the margin: hind-mar- gin of the lower-wings dotted with white, and numerous ſcattered ones beneath. Hyparete. Wings entire, white with black veins : lower-ones beneath yellow, the margin ſpotted with red. Inhabits India. Cramer tab. 187. f. C. D. tab. 201. f. B. C. , Lower-wings' with black marginal ſpots above, beneath yellow with black veins and 5 or 8 large red ſpots. Paſitboe. Wings black flightly radiate with white and a central white dot ; lower-ories beneath fulphur with black margin and veins, the baſe red. 7. Wings G 2 52 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Parn. 2. Wings entire black ſpotted with white ; lower-ones beneath yellow on the diſk with a red band at the baſe Pap, Egialea. Cram. 16. tab. 189. fig. D.E. Erythrea. Wings black ; upper-pair with 2 red bands; lower-ones with 6 red ſtreaks. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. Iuf. 16. tab. 189. fg. A. Erato. Wings entire black; upper-pair ſpotted with yellow and red at the baſe; lower-ones ftriate with red. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 10. tab. 119. fg. A. Upper-zings with 10 yellow ſpots : lower-wing's with 5 red ftriæ meeting at the baſe. Belladonna Wings entire black; upper-pair with hyaline dots; lower- ones with yellow ſpots. Inhabits---Jones Fig.pict. 3. tab 37. fig. 2. Body black: fides of the abdomen cinereous: upper-wings with a Jine beneath and ſpot at the baſe. Julia. Wings indented fulvous ; upper-pair with 2 black ſtreaks; lower-ones black on the hind-margin. Inhabits America. Cramer. Inf. 18. tab. 215. fig. A. F. G. Antenna black : body fulvous : upper-rings fubfalcate : lower- wings with 2 fine fulvous ftreaks in the margin: all of them beneath greyiſh, lower-ones with a red fpot at the baſe and a white patch at the angle of the tail. Hippona. Wings indented tailed varied with yellow and black; low- er-ones with 4 white dots. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 8. tab.go.fig. C. D. Upper-swings indented, the inner tip truncate and nearly emar- ginate ; the baſe fulvous, then black with a broad yellow band and 2 ſpots at the tip; beneath variegated : lower-wings in- dented truncate with a long tail, the baſe fulvous, the tip black with 4 white dots; beneath varied with yellow and brown. Apollo Parafii. Wings entire white ſpotted with black ; lower-ones with 4 eyes above and 6 beneath. Inhabits Europe, Ep. 1. tab. 2 fg. 1. Erni. 1. tab. 47. Larva ſolitary, furniſhed with tentacula, filky, black uith 2 red dots on the ſegment each fide : pupa ſlightly folliculete ovate blueith with red dots each fice on the fore-part. Phoebus. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Parn. 53 Phoebus. Wings entire. both ſurfaces alike, white ſpotted with black ; lower-ones with 3 red ſpots circled with black. Inhabits Siberia. Jones Fig, pict. 2. tab. 2. fig. 2. * Mnemoſyne Wings entire white with black nerves; upper-pair with 2 black marginal ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Eſp. 1. tab. 2. f. 2. Ernt. 1. tab. 48. f* 100. *Cretægi Wings entire white with black veins. Inhabits Europe. Harris Aur. tab. 9. f. k.i. Lewin, tab. 24. Larva gregarious hairy, above roſy with 3 black lines, beneath green : pupa greeniſh with black ſpots and dots. Androma. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, dotted with black ; up- cha, per pair duſky, naked; lower-ones yellowiſh. Inhabits New Holland : middle-ſized. Head black : feelers yellow : thorax black with a yellow dot each fide: breaſt ſpotted with yellow: hind-margin of the lower-wings black with 7 yellowiſh dots. Mandane. Wings oblong entire; upper-pair hyaline with black veins; lower-ones black with a white band. Inhabits Africa. Jones Fig. pict. 2.tab. 36. f. 2. Body black : feelers yellow : abdomtn ſpotted with white and yel- low : lower-wings beneath cinereous at the baſe dotted with black, a white band in the midale, the tip white ſtriate with brown. Piera. Wings entire hyaline diaphanous; lower-ones with 2 mar- ginal eyes. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 25. tab. 291. fig. C.D. Anacardii. Wings entire hyaline greeniſh ; lower-ones brown at the tip with 2 eyes. Inhabits America, Merian Surinam. tab. 16. fig. I. Larva white with long deflected hairs : pupa nut-brown. Nereis. Wings ſcalloped brown; lower-ones with a ſnowy band, the diſk fulvous with 2 black eyes. Inhabits America. Fones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 35. fig. 2. Body brown: feelers yellowiſh: upper-wingt with a cinereous ſtreak : lower-wings brown at the baſe and margin, the eyes with a white papil; beneath white at the baſe with a black ſtreaks, in the middle a black band, the tip nut-brown with 2 ſmall black eyes with a white pupil. Andromeda, a 54 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Feff. Andromeda. Wings hyaline white; lower-ones red at the tip with a fin- gle eye each fsde. Inhabits India. Drury Ins. 3. tab. 38. Lower-rvings with a ſmall blue patch at the hind-margin, the eye with a white pupil. Diaphanus. Wings entire hyaline white, the margins brown. Inhabits Jamaica. Cram. tab. 22. fig. D. tab. 231. fig. C. Hyalinus. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, upper-pair hyaline with black bands and margin; lower ones teſtaceous. Inhabits-Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 33. fig. 1. Body black, cinereous at the ſides : upper-wings with 2 black bands and margin. Obfeuratus. Wings teſtaceous hyaline; upper-pair with a yellow band, Inhabits----Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 32. fig. 2. Idea. Wings femitranſparent, white with black fpots and veins, Inhabits India. Cram. t. 193. f. A. B. 7. 362.f. D, Naturalift's Miſcellany. tab. 194. Body white with a black dorſal ſtripe : thorax black ſtriped with white: upper-wings with a flight yellowiſh tinge near the - baie. Feftivi. Cypariſſias. Wings entire black with 2 wnite bands, thoſe of the upper- pair oblique, of the lower-ones punctate. Inhabits America. Cramer Inj. tab. 1. fig A. B. Club of the antennae pointed: wings black but in a certain di- rection exhibiting a blue glofs. Midamus. Wings entire black dotted with white; upper-pair above blueiſh, lower-ones with a row of white dots. Inhabits India. Cram. 23. tab. 266. fig. A. B. and D. E. Dryaſis. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with 2 white dots, all of them wiih numerous ones beneath. In the Britiſh Muſeum. Jones 3. tab. 85. fig. 1. Body brown: upper-wings beneath immaculate, lower-ones above immaculate. Diecletianus Wings entire black; upper-pair with an interrupted white band; lower-ones with white lines at the baſe and a double row of dots at the tip. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Fell. 55 Inhabits Eaſt India. Margin of the upper-wings dotted with white: head and thorar black docted with white: abdomen above brown, beneath cinereous with black bands. Claudius. Wings entire black; upper-pair with a blue gloſs and dotted with white; lower-ones with white lines. Inhabits Tranquebar. Cramer Inf. 22. tab. 266. fig. C. Body black dotted with white : lower-wings with a streak of white dots towards the margin. Niavius. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with a white band; lower- ones with a common white ſpot at the baſe. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramar 1. tab. 2. fig. A. B. Damocles. Wings entire ; upper-pair black; lower-ones brown with a white diſk. Inhabits Afia and Africa. Cramer, tab. 192. fig. D. Body brown: thorax dotted with white. Ceru. Wings entire black, all of them with a double row of white dots. Inhabits Eaf India. Body black dotted with white : upper wings with 4 white dots on the dik: lower-wings with 2. Tulliolus. Wings entire; upper-pair black with a macular white band; lower-ones brown, above immaculate, beneath dotted with white. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 69. fig. 1. Body black, fulvous at the fides: upper-wings with a white dot in the middle of the rib: all the wings dotted with white beneath. Sylveſter. Wings entire brown with a macular white band. Inhabits --Jones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 67. fig. 2. Body b,own: bead and thorax dotted with white: upper-wings with a few white ſpots at the tip: wings beneath with a white ſtreak or two. a Cochrus. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, black with a macular , white band; abdomen red with black belts. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Large, thick. Antenne black, the club pointed : thorax and breaſt black ſpotted with red : abdomen black at the baſe, rufous at the tip, with 4 black belts edged with white: tail black. Liberinr. 56 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Feft. Liberius. Wings entire lead-colour; under-ſurface of the upper-pair green, of the lower-ones fulvous. , Inhabits Amboina. Cramer. Inf 18. tab. 210. fig. G. H. Wings with a fine black edge each fide. Radaman- Wings entire black with a blue glofs: upper-pair with a thus. marginal white ſpot, lower-ones with a white ſpot and 4 lines. Inhabits Afra. Fones Fig. pict. 2. tab 45. fig. 2. Head and thorax brown dotted with white upper-wings with 2 white dots near the large ſpot and a few ſcattered blue ſpots, beneath paler: lower -rings with a few blue dots, the white ſpot is wanting beneath. Zoilus, Wings entire black; upper-pair with 3 white ſpots; lower- ones with a white diſk Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Thorax and abdomen brown ſpotted with white : upper-wings with a ſmall white dot at the outer margin, beneath a white line at the baſe and 5 dots at the tip: lower-wings beneath with a black border dotted with white. Cyntheus. Wings entire black with teſtaceous veins and a white band which in the upper-pair is interrupted. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 36. fig. 1. . Baſe of the upper-wings beneath white dotted with black. Aretheufus. Wings entire black with blue ſpots; lower-ones with red dots beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. Inf. 7. tab. 77. fig. E. F. Body black: thorax dotted with blue: upper-wings beneath immaculate, lower-ones with ſcarlet dots at the baſe and tip. Clymenus. Wings entire with a blue band, upper-pair beneath fan- guineous; lower-ones beneath white with black rings and dots. Inhabits Braſil. Cram. Pap. 2. tab. 24. fig. E. F. Tip of the upper-wings beneath rufous with 2 white lines: lower- wings with 2 black dots in each ring beneath. Sifamnus. Wings entire black dotted with white and a common white band which is interrupted in the upper-pair. Inhabits-Jones Fig. pict. 2. tab. 44. fig. 1. 1 Wings with a white band with black veins and a ſtreak or two of white dots behind : lower-wings with red dots at the baſe beneath and a yellow band in the middle. a Lalus. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Feft. 57 Lapſus. Wings entire brown with black ſtreaks; upper-pair with a marginal white ſpot; beneath paler with brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Cayenne. Body above brown, beneath cinereous: margin of the upper-wings beneath brown with a white ſpot and dots. Antiochus. Wings entire black with a common fulvous band above. Inhabits China. Cramer Pap. 12. tab. 143. fig. B. C. Syphax. a Wings entire black; upper-pair with a white band, lower- ones with a marginal red one. Inhabits India. Cramer Pap. 19. tab. 223. Upper-rings with 5 white ſpots beſides the band placed tranf- verſely towards the tip: antennae hooked. Evaltbe. Wings entire black; upper-pair with 2 yellow bands; lower-ones with a yellow band and red ſpots, beneath red with a yellowiſh macular band. Inhabits India, Cramer Inj . 2. tab. 17. fig. E. F. Wings brown, the upper-pair uniform beneath. Licas. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with 2 white bands; lower-ones with a ſingle white band and red ſpots, beneath cinereous with white bands. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. t. 223. f. A. B. Fones t. 73. f. 2. Antennae brown, the club ferruginous and pointed. Phalaris. Wings entire brown; lower-pair with 2 macular white ftreaks. Inhabits------Fones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 75. fig, 2. Club of the antenne long pointed. Wings variegated beneath, upper-pair brown at the baſe. Pelaſgus. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike; upper-pair greeniſh with a fulvous band; lower-ones black immaculate. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. Inf. 17. tab. 202. fig. D. Antennæ black, hooked at the end. Phaeton. Wings entire black with white and rufous ſpots. Inhabits America. Cramer. Inf. 17. tab. 193. fig. C. D. Sophus. Wings entire; upper-pair black, the diſk fulvous ſpotted with black; lower-ones brown with a black ſtreak and dots. Inhabits-Jones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 72, fig. 1. VOL. III.H Upper $8 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Feji. Upper-wings beneath varied at the baſe with cinereous and yellow, the tip green: lower-wings beneath grey with a yellow ſpot at the baſe, an abbreviated green band in the middle with 3 yellow dots, the margin greenish. Galanthis. Wings entire; above black with fanguineous bands ; upper- pair with 2 white dots at the tip. Inhabits Surinon, Cramer. Inf. 3. tab. 25. fig. D. E. Upper-wings with a ſmall approximate white dots at the tip, beneath yellow on the fore-part fpeckled with fulvous, and 2 olive bands : lower-wings beneath brown at the bale, the tip yellowiſh with an olive band. Cencus. Wings entire browniſh ; lower-ones beneath with a red orb of 9 ſpots. Inhabits India. Wings above brown ſpotted with yellow, pale at the baſe. Chermes. Wings entire duſky; lower-ones red, with black bands above and a ſnowy dot in the middle beneath. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig pict 3. tab. 72. fig. 2. Body brown: antenna yellowiſh: upper-wings with 2 brown bands and tip. Heſperus. Wings ſcalloped brown with black waves; upper-pair with white dots Inhabits-----Jones Fig. piet. 4. tab. 73. fig. I. 1 Body brown: wings paler beneath. Mirusa Wings ſcalloped brown flightly faſciate with teſtaceous; lower-ones beneath brown at the baſe and variegated at the tip. Inhabits-Size of the laſt. Upper-wings beneath browniſh with yellow bands; and varied with cinercous brown and blue. Tytius. Wings entire brown ſpotted with white: upper-pair with 4 ocellar black dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Inf. 11. tab. 121. fig. C. D. Wings paler beneath ſpotted with white, with numerous black Tubocellar dots. Eupalus. Wings entire brown; lower-ones with a blue band, beneath green with a black dot. Inhabits Africa. Cramer Inf. 13. tab. 145. fig. D. E. Wings INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Feft 59 Wings above brown with a ſlight gold gloſs, upper-ones termina- ting in a white dot; beneath green with a black dot at the baſe: antenna black, ferruginous at the tip. Pixthæus. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, brown; upper-pair with 3 yellow ſpots; lower-ones white on the lower-half. Inhabits India, Archippus. Wings ſcalloped fulvous with black veins, the margin black dotted with white; upper-pair with fulvous Spots at the tip Inhabits America, Fones Fig, pifl. 3. tab, 69. Plexippus. Wings entire fulvous with dilated black veins, the margin black with white dots, upper-pair with a white baud at the tip. Inhabits America. Cramer Inf. 1. tab. 3. fig. A. B. 3 Sloan's Jamaica. 2, 214. tab. 239 fig. 5, 6. Larva annulate with white and black, with z tentacula on the neck and tail: pupa green with a row of gold dots. Erippus. Wings entire dull teſtaceous, the edge black dotted with white; diſk of the lower-ones immaculate, beneath with black veins and white dots. Inhabits China. Cramer Pap. 18. tab. 205. fig. E. F. Dirk of the upper-wings with a few white dots before the tip. Wings ſcalloped fulvous, the edge black dotted with white lower-ones with a black curve. Inhabits America. Cramer Inf. 2. tab. 16. fig. A.B. a Milippus. Chryfippus. Wings entire fulvous, the margin black dotted with white; diſk of the lower-ones with black dots. Inhabits India. Cramer Pap. 10. tab. 118. fg. B.C. Alcippus. Wings entire fulvous, the margin black dotted with white; diſk of the lower-ones white with black dots. Inhabits America. Cramer Pap. 1 1. tab. 127. fig E. F. Eleus. Wings entire fulvous ; the margin black, of the upper-pair with a white band, of the lower-ones with white dots. Inhabits America. Fones Fig. pici. 5. tab. 22. fig. 2. Body black ſpotted with white : wings beneath without the black margin. H2 Ereſimuro бо INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Fej. Ereſimus. Wings ſcalloped teſtaceous, the tip and margin black dot- ted with white ; lower-ones beneath with an obſolete macular whitiſh band, Inhabits America. Cramer tab. 175. fig. G. H. Head dotted with white: thorax black with a white dot and 3 cinereous lines : abdomen teftaceous with a black dorſal line : upper-wings black at the the tip with a fulvous ſpot and white dots, the margin black with 2 rows of white dots : lower- wings with a hairy black ſpot on the disk, in the male only, the margin black with a fingle row of white dots, beneath with black veins and 2 lines of white dots near the edge. a 2 Diocippus. Wings. ſcalloped fulvous with a common black border dot- ted with white ; lower-ones beneath with 3 black dots, and a ſtreak of white ones behind. Inhabits India. Cramer. Pap.tab. 28. fig. B. C. Margin of the lower-wings beneath with a double row of white lunules. Gilippus. Wings entire, both furfaces alike, fulvous ſpotted with white, the margin black with white dots. Inhabits America. Cramer. Pap. 3. tab. 26. fig. C. D. Hind margin of the wings black with 3 ſtreaks of white dots. Hegefippus. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, black ſpotted with white; baſe of the upper-pair fulvous, of the lower- ones with white lines. Inhabits Sumatra. Cramer. Inf. 15. tab. 108. fig. A. Tip of the upper-rings ſpotted with white, of the lower-wings with 2 ſtreaks of white dots, Darius. Wings entire brown ; upper-pair ſpotted with white, lower-ones with a black curve bencath Inhabits Braſil, In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Upper-wing's with a large oblong white ſpot in the middle at the thicker margin and 3 fmali ones at the angle of the tail, before the tip a white patch : lower-wings beneath grey with a black curve in the middle and ſmall white lunule. a Ddæalus. Wings entire brown ſpotted with white, beneath nut- brown. Inhabits Guinea. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Wings with 4 white lunules at the baſe and 3 ſtreaks of whitiſh dots. lower-ones with 3 ſtreaks of blueiſh-white dots including black ones. Nicarus INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Feft. 61 Nicæus. Wings entire ; upper-pair with a black eye ; lower- ones above with a red marginal band and black ocellar ſpots. Inhabits India. Cramer. Inf. 1. tab. 12. fig. G. H. Lower-wings with black dots in the band circled with yellow ; beneath pale aſh with 2 white macular ſtreaks, the ſpots in the hinder-one inclnding a black dot. Numilius. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with 2 fulvous ſpots ; lower-ones with a ſingle one. Inhabits Braſil. Cramer Inj. 7.ta). 81. fig. E. F. Upper-wings beneath pale fulvous with a brown band at the tip: lo-wer-wings with a blueiſh patch on the hind margin, beneath grey-brown. Codomannus Wings entire black with red bands ; lower-ones beneath with angular yellow lines and blue dots. Inhabits Braſil. In the Muſeum of Sir Fof. Banks. Upper-rwings with a tranſverſe fulvous dot towards the tip and and dotted with white at the edge, beneath with a yellow band and blue ſtreak at the tip. Polymenus. Wings entire ruſty-brown dotted with black ; beneath yel- lowiſh waved with black. Inhabits Surinam. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 13. fig. 2. All the wings beneath yellowiſh with fulvous waves. 3 blue Hydaſpes. Wings entire brown with a blue glofs ; lower-ones be- neath yellow with annular black lines and dots. Inhabits Braſil. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Upper-wing with a fanguineous band and yellow patch at the tip: lower-wing's beneath with 3 ſubocellar blue dots in the middle 3 and a blue ítreak behiud. Jairus. Wings entire brown ; diſk of the lower-ones white with a blue eye above and 2 beneanh. Inhabits India. Cramer. tab. 6. fig. A. B. t. 185.f. A. B. C. Lower-wings with a large blue eye, the iris yellow, pupil white, beneath 2 of the ſame colour. a Haquinus. Wings nearly entire brown, beneath orange with blueiſh- filvery ſpots marked with black. Inhabits Tranquebar; middle-ſized. Antennæ brown annulate with cinereous, the club black with a ſharp ferruginous tip: wings a little ſcalloped with 2 interrupt- ed whitiſh ſtreaks before the margin beneath. Qrion. 62 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Feft. Wings fcalloped , upper-pair falcate rufous, the tip black with a marginal white ſpot. Inhabits Snrinam. Sulz. Hif. Inf. tab. 13. fig. 2. Upper-wings beneath variegated with a black waved ſtreak in the middle: lower-wings rounded entire black, the baſe ſubferra- ginous, the hind-margin paliſh; beneath variegated with a black waved ſtreak. Corgiz. Wings falcate ; above black, the hind-margin cinere- OUS. Inhabits Siam. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Wings beneath pale aſh, upper-pair with a brown ſtreak be- hind. Drusius, Wings entire fulvous tipt with black; lower-ones beneath with white dots and 2 eyes. Inhabits Roiterdam Iſland; middle-fized. Antennae black, the club dull ferruginous; tip of the upper-wings black with a fulvous band and dot : lower-rings black on the hind-margin with a black ocellar dot or two before the margin; beneath all of them varied with ferruginous, upper- ones with a flexuous white ſpot in the middle and white dotse Thymectus. Wings entire yellow with a common brown border. In the Muſeum of Dr. Hunter, Sinall. Antenna annulate with black and white, the club black with a fulvous tip: body yellowiſh thorax blackiſh : wings beneath yellowiſh with fulvous undulations. Ajolsz. Wings entire fulvous with brown bands, beneath orange with brown waves. Inhabits Guinea. Boay ſmall brown. Wings entire duſky with a fingle angle: lower-ones be- neath with a pair of black fubocellate dots cach fide. Inhabits China. Body ſmall brown. Upper-wings with a dark line or two, the tip paler: lower-wings cut at the inner-margin, with cinereous ſtreaks, beneath with pale ſtreaks at the tip and a ſmall dot at the anterior mar- gin beſides the eyes. Wings indented oblong fulvous ; upper-pair with a black lunule. Inhabits America. Cramer Inf. 18. tab. 215. fig. D, E. Celine. Dido INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Feft. 63 Dido. Wings indented oblong black ſpotted with green ; low- er-ones with a blueiſh band and 7 tranſverſe {pots. Inhabits America. Cramer Inf. 17. tab. 196. fig. E. F. Larva ſpinous green with a red and white line, tail with a long ſpines. Eurinome. Wings indented black ſpotted with white ; lower-ones white at the baſe. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 6. tab. 70. fig. A. Philomela. Wings ſcalloped black ſpotted with white; lower-ones ra- diate with yellow at the baſe. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 46. fig. l. Tip of the lower-wings black dotted with white. Similis. Affizisa Wings ilightly ſcalloped, both ſurfaces alike, with blueilh- white dots lineate towards the baſe. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 5. tab. 59. fig. D. E. and fig. F. Wings indented black ſpotted with white; border of the lower-ones beneath black ſpotted with yellow and white. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Head thorax and breaſt black dotted with white , lower vaxings black with a white disk and ſtreak of white dots, before the margin ; beneath white on the disk, the border brown with a row of yellow dots and 2 of white ones : abdomen above black, beneath yellow. Lais. Wings indented black with blueiſh ftriæ, beneath brown. Inhabits India. Cramer. Inf. 10. tab. 110. fig. A. B. Enothrea. Wings indented black with a green diſk ; beneath black with a white coſtal dot. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Jones 5. tab.98. fig. 1. Upper wings angular: lower-wings green at the baſe with a lunu. late black margin. Dirtea. Wings indented, both furface alike, black dotted with yellow. Inhabits Bengal. Fones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 65. fig. 1. Hippia. Wings ſcalloped greeniſh-white with black border and veins. Inhabits Poulicandor. Fones. 3. tab. 12. fig 1. Body and antenne blaek: upper-zvings with generally white dots at the tip. Panope. 64 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. Panope. Vous. Wings indented brown, both furfaces alike, the outer margin ſpotted with white, angle of the tail ful- Inhabits India. Cramer Iaf. 25. tab. 295. fig. E. F. Band on the lower-wings ſurrounded with a black line. Jacintha, Wings ſcalloped toothed brown ; upper-pair with a ſtreak of white dots, lower-ones white at the tip. Inhabits Indid. Cram. tab. 65. fig. C. D.tab. 67. fig. B. Head black with 2 white dots : body black : thorax with 2 white dots: all the wings indented with here and there a blue gloſs: margin of the lower-wins brown with white lunules. a 2 2 Micalia. Wings falcate toothed blaek ſpotted with yellow; middle of the lower-ones fulvous ſpotted with black. Inhabits North America. Cramer 9. tab. 108. fig. C. D. Hind-mergin of the lower-wings black with yellow dots : wings beneath variegated. Polijforæ. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black; beneath with 30 filvery ſpots. Inhabits America. Cramer 18. tab. 212. fig. A. B. Larva ſpinous black with 2 macular fulvous lines each fide and a double iuterrupted dorſal one. Juno. Wings angular-indented oblong fulvous with a black bor- der ; lower-ones beneath black with fulvous and filve- a ry ſpots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. Inf. 18. tab, 215. fig. B.C. Tip of the upper-wings black with fulvous ſpots above, yellow and filvery ones beneath. Danai. * Braſice, Wings rounded entire white; tip of the upper-pair brown and (in the male) 2 browh ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Lewin, tab. 25. Albin. 1. tab. 1. Larva cinereous dotted with black, with 3 fulphur lines, tail black: pupa pale green with 3 yellow lines and 3 globular 3 ſegments. Lower-wings with a brown ſpot on the outer margin, beneath pale ſurphur. *Rapæ. Wings entire white; upper-pair tipt with brown. male with a brown ſpot on each, female with 3 brown ſpots on the upper and one on the lower-pair. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. 65 Inhabits Europe. Lewin, tab. 26. Albin. tab. 51.f. C.D. E. F. Lower-wings beneath pale fulphur: larva green ; pupa green ish with 3 fulphur lines. • Napi. Wings entire white with dilated green veins beneath. Inhabits Europe and Afia. Albin. Inf. tab. 52. fig. F. G. Donovan's Eng, Inſ. viii, tab. 28. fig. 1. Lewen. tab. 27. Larva green with 3 bronzed lines: pupa pale ochre : wings above with a brown ſpot or two. * Sinapis. Wings entire white; upper-pair tipt with brown. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, tab. 280. f. 2. Lewin t. 29f. 4. 5. . All the wings beneath immaculate. Theſe lait are the inſects which in the Caterpillar or grub ftate commit ſuch ravages in our Gardens, Narica. Wings ſnowy ; upper-pair with a brown ſpot before the tip Inhabits Guinea; ſmail. Baſe of the wings beneath a little waved with green. . Raphani. Wings entire white, the tip black ſpotted with white; lower-ones beneath with black veins and covered with yellowiſh meal. Inhabits Southern Europe. Esp. Pap. tab. 84. fig. 3: Antenna black annulate with white : bead and thorax brown: abdomen white, brown on the back : lower-wings above white with obſolete marginal brown dots, Caftalia. Wings entire white; above immaculate, beneath yellowiſh at the baſe. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 49. fg. 1. Poppea. Wings entire white, the margin dotted with black ; upper- pair with a ferruginous ſpot at the baſe. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer 10, tab. 110. fig. D. Spot at the of the wings on both ſurfaces. Sylvia. Wings entire white; tip of the upper-pair brown with a fulvous ſpot beneath. Inhabits Sierra Leona. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Lozer-wings with 5 marginal brown dots. Paullina. Wings entire white edged with black ; lower-ſurface of the upper-pair with a yellow ſpot at the baſe, of the lower-ones immaculate. VOL. III Inhabits 66 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. tab. 110. fig. E. F. Lower-ſurface of the upper-wings with a finuate brown band, of all without the marginal black dots. Arganti. Wings entire fulvous; beneath ſpeckled with ferrugi- nous. Inhabits Braſil In the Muſeum of Sir. fof. Banks. Antennae ferruginous : all the wings above fulvous, the hind- margin a little ſpotted with brown. Monufte. Wings entire white edged with brown. Inhabits America. Cramer. tab. 141. fig. F. tab. 58. fig. A. Lower-svingsbeneath yellow. Amaryllis. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, dull white, upper-pair with a black lunule in the middle. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 35. fig. 1. Argia. Wings entire white; upper-pair black at the tip. Inhabits Sierra Leona, Cramer 17. tab. 201. fig. B. Upper-wings with a large brown ſpot towards the tip ber.eath: the inner margin with long fafciculate white erect hairs. Nephte. Wings fcalloped white ; upper-pair with a black dot above; all of them with a brown one beneath. Inhabits China. Drury Inf. 1. tab. 12. Amathonte, Wings rounded white tip with black; margin of the upper- pair beneath nut-brown. Inhabits America. Cramer. 10. tab. 116. fig. A. B. Abdomen ſnowy with black dorſal ſpots, Pbileta. Wings entire grey ; upper-pair above white tipt with brown. Inhabits America. Aniennæ ferruginous at the tip. Tip of the upper-wings with a brown dot in the middle. Libythea. Wings entire white; upper-pair brown at the baſe of the rib and at the tip. Inhabits Eaſt India. Lower-wings with 4 marginal brown dots. Calypso a Wings entire white; upper pair with a black dot and tip; lower-ones beneath yellowiſh, the margin dotted with black. t Inhabi INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. 67 Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer. 13. tab. 154. fig. C.D.E. Body grey: upper-wings with a brown dot at the thicker-margin, the tip black ſtriate with white; beneath with a black curve, the thicker margin brown, the tip black with 6 yellowiſh ſpots: lower-wings with 5 marginal brown ſpots; beneath yellowiſh with 5 marginal black ſpots, a ftreak of 7 black dots before the margin and a fingle one in the middle. * Daplidice Wings entire white with a brown margin; beneath marked with yellowish-white and green. Inhabits Europe and Africa. Cramer tab. 151. fig. C. D. Donovan's Eng. Inf. vi. tab. 200. Lewin, tab. 29. Lower-wings of the male nearly immaculate, of the female with brown marginal ſpots. a Cneora, Wings entire white, the margin black with a ſtreak of dots. Inhabits Indic. Cram. 8.tab. 95. fig. C.D. E. F. Dots on the hind-margin of the wings in the male fulvous, fe- male whitih: npper-wings with a black dot in the middle: lower-wings ſomething greeniſh beneath. Nerila. Wings entire white with a black margin; bencath with black veins. Inhabits China. Cramer. Inf. tab. 44. fig. A. Demophile. Wings white with 2 brown bands and margin ; lower-ones beneath fleſh-colour. Inhabits India. Clerk. Icon. tab. 28. fig. 4. Vaneſa. Wings entire white; upper-pair with a brown exterior margin and black dot ; lower-ones with brown ſtreaks. ; Inhabits America, Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 35. fig. 4. Upper-wings with a few brown curved lines beneath: lower. wings beneath yellowiſh. Hecabe. Winge entire yellow, the outer margin black; beneath dot- ted with brown. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 11. tab. 142. fig. B. C. Agave. Wings entire yellow ; tip of the upper-pair above black, beneath cheſnut-brown. Inhabits Cayenne. Cramer 2. tab. 10. fig. H.I. Lower-wings beneath with a ſmall nut-brown ſpot. NES. *Cardumi. Wings entire white; upper-pair (of the male) with a large bright orange patch at the tip including 2 black dots ; lower-ones beneath inarbled with green. Inhabits 68 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. Inhabits Europe. Donovar, tab. 169. Lewen. tab. 30. Female without the orange tip on the upper-wings. Larva ſolitary, above greeniſh beneath whitiſh : pupa green with a lateral white line each ſide: thorax conic aſcending. Genutia. Wings falcate entire white; upper-pair fulvous at the tip; lower-ones marbled with green. . Inhabits India. Fones. Fig. pict. 3. tab. 26 fig. 2. . Upper-wings beneath whitilh with a black dot in the middle, the the tip greeniſh: lower-wings with a few marginal black dots, beneath marbled with green. a Dorothea. Wings entire white; upper-pair black at the tip; lower- ones beneath with yellow bands fpeckled with black. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 3. fig. 2. Body brown: upper-wings with a brown dot before the tip, the baſe and tip beneath yellowiſh ſpeckled with black. Elorea. Wings entire white; upper-pair black at the tip; lower- ones with a black ſpot and marginal dot. Inhabits-Jones. Fig. pict. 3. tab. 25.jg. 1. Body black: rib of the upper wings black at the baſe. Wings entire white; upper-pair with a black ſpot and tip; lower-ones beneath ſpeckled with green. Inhabits India. In the muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Upper-rings beneath with a black ſpot towards the tip and a black patch at the baſe and tip. Nina. a Eucharis. Wings entire white ; upper-pair fulvous at the tip with a black margin ; lower-ones immaculate. Inhabits Eaſt India. Antenna annulate with white and black : all the wiugs beneath white with a brown ſpot at the tip. a Nyſa. Mela. Wings entire white; lower-ones beneath brown with a white dot and 6 yellow lunules, Juhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Upper.wings black at the tip and ſpotted with white; beneath with a fulvous fpot. Wings entire white ; lower-ones with a black dot in the middle, beneath yellowiſh with 2 black dots. Inhabits Inata. Fones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 25. fig. 4. Upper-wings tipt with brown, beneath yellow on outer margir: lower-wings with a black dot in the middle and yellow hind- margin. Chioris. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. 69 Cbloris. Wings entire white tipt with black; lower-ones beneath fulvous with a broad black margin. Inhabits Africa. Cramer Inf. 18. tab. 207. fig. F.G. Antennae varied with white and black: upper-wings beneath ful- vous at the baſe : luwer-wings wtth a black hind-margin. Rhodope. Wings entire, both ſurfaces nearly alike; upper-pair yel- low; lower-ones white : all black on the outer-mar- gins. Inhabits Sierra Leona. In the Muſeum of Sir Tof. Banks. Antenna black : body cinereous; upper-wings black ftriate with yellow on the outer and hind-margins, beneath yellou with 7 black ſpots at the tip: lowera wings with 8 black marginal dots. Plathea. Wings entire ; upper-pair yellow ; lower-ones white; all black on the outer margins ; beneath cinereous. Inhabits America, Cramer Inf. 9. tab. 99. fg. C. D. Ac?meone, Wings with both ſurfaces alike, yellow at the baſe and white at the tip. Inhabits Tranquebar. Cromer. 12. tab. 141. fig. E. Margin of the upper-wings black. Phryne. Wings entire white edged with black; lower-ones beneath yellow. Inhabits America. Cramer. Pap.tab. 251. fig. 9. Head and antenne black: upper-wings beneath yellow on the fore-margin: lower-wings beneath yellow edged with black. Wings entire white edged with black ; lower-ones beneath immaculate. Inhabits India. Cram. t. 153. f. E. F. Jones 3. t. 17.7.2. Body black: ujber-wings whitiſh, the tip finuate black, mar- gin of the cip beneath yellowiſh : lower-zvings beneath yel. low. Licinia. Aurota. Wings entire white, the margin black ſpotted with white; lower ones beneath yellow. Inhabits Coromandel. Cram. Pap. tab. 270. fig. A.B. Upper-wings with a black ſpot in the middle: lorver-wvings be- neath yellow with black veins, the margin black dotted with yellow. Zelmira. Wings white with a common brown border, upper-pair with a white coſtal band; lower-ones with a brown ſtreak beneath. Inhabits. 70 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. Inhabits Tranquebar. Cramer. tab. 320. fig. C.D.E.F. Female browner, with a broader hind-margin on the lower-wings and which is dotted with white. а Pyranthe. Wings white with a black dot and tip; beneath with cine- reous waves and a fulvous dot. Inhabits Eaſt India, on the Caffia. Leucippe. Wings entire; upper-pair red edged with black; lower-ones yellow. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer. 3. tab. 36. fig. A,B,C. Upper-wings with black marginal dots : lower-wings fine yellow with fometimes black marginal ſpots in the female, beneath pale fulvous ſpeckled with black. Glaucippe. Wings entire white; upper-pair tipt with black; lower-ones beneath cinereous with brown waves. Inhabits Afia. Cramer. 14. tab. 164. fig. A. B.C. 2 Wings entire white; upper-pair tipt with black: lower-ones with a black margin and 6 dots. The other fex. Aubent. Miſcell. tab. 91. fig. 1, 2. Coronnis. Wings' entire with black veins ; above white, beneath greeniſh. Inhabits China. Cramer Pap. 4. tab. 44. fig. B.C. Wings with a few brown ſpots beneath, Eudoxia. Wings entire white edged with black; beneath fulvous at the baſe and ſpotted with black at the margin, Inhabits Sierra Leona. Jones Fig pict 3. tab. 20 fig. 2. Body black : abdomen cinereous, black on the back: upper-wings white with yellow waves, the tip black with acute yellow ſpots : lower-wings with an indented black margin. Iphigenia. Wings entire white tipt with black; lower-ones beneath yellowiſh with a black band in the middle, and an abbreviated fulvous ſtreak. Inhabits Surinam. Naturf. 9. tab. 2. fig. 6. 2 Wings entire white; lower-ones benrath black wiih a yellow and red ſtreak and white band. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 6. tab. 63. fig. A. B. Teutonia. Wings entire white; lower-ones beneath with black veins and yellow ſpots. Inhabits New Holland. Sulz. Hit. Inf. tab. 15. fig. 9.? Upper- INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. 71 Upper-rings with a black dot in the middle, the tip black ſpotted with white: lower-wings above the edge black with white ſpots, beneath 4 yellow ſpots at the baſe and 8 in the black margin. Myfis. Wings entire whtte; margin of the lower-ones beneath black with a red band. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sr. Jof. Banks. Upper-wings brown at the tip with 5 white ſpots, beneath with a broad yellow inner-margin: lower-wvings with a black hind- margin. Argenthona Wings entire white, the border black ſpotted with yellow; lower-ones yellow, the tip black with a rufous macu- lar band. Inhabits-Fones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 12. fig. 2. Lower-wings beneath yellow at the baſe, the tip black with a band compofed of s oblong rufous white ipots. Nigrina. Wings entire white tipt with black; beneath black, with a fanguineous flexuous ſtreak on the lower-ones, Inhabits New Holland. In the Muſeum of Sr. Jof. Banks. Upper-wings with a broad black tip ſubfaſciate with 5 whitiſh ſpots, beneath entirely black with a yellow band at the tip: lower-wings whitiſh edged with black, beneath black with a red ſpot at the baſe and flexuous band in the middle. Maria. a Wings white; upper-pair brown with a broad white band. Inhabits Eaſt India. P. Cneora. Fab. p. 200. n. 626. Lower-wings white edged with brown, beneath a yellow patch at the baſe, Saba. Wings entire black with a common white band. Inhabits Sierra Leona. In the muſeum of Sir. 7of. Banks. Upper-wings with a few white dots towards the tip: all of them beneath yellowiſh at the baſe. Coronea. Wings entire white edged with black; beneath black radi- ate with fulvous at the baſe. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 6. tab. 68, fig. A. B. Melania. Wings entire white tipt with black ; lower-ones dull glau- cous beneath. Inhabits New Hollaud. In the muſeum of Sir. Fof. Banks. Body brown: antennae black: upper-wings black at the tip with ; white ſpots; beneath white with a fulvous fpot at the baſe, the tip black ſpotted with white : lower wings white with a blueith gloſs and broad brown margin, beneath glaucous. Scylla 72 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. Scylia. Wings entire yellow ; upper-pair white with a black bor- der; all of them clouded beneath. Inhabits India. Cramer Pap. 1. tab, 12. fig. C. D. Flippantha. Wings entire ; upper-pair white with a black ſpot and tip; lower-ones yellow; beneath nut-brown at the tip. Inhabits-Jones Fig. pici 3. tab. 8. fig. 2. Body black covered with cinereous hairs: upper-wings beneath with a nut-brown tip and ſpot: lower-wings above yellow, the margin ſpotted with black. a Judith. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, upper-pair white with black veins and margin; lower-ones fulvous edged with black. Inhabits Poulicandor. In the muſeum of Sir Fof. Banks. Antennae black annulate with white: body hairy cinereous : Lower-wings with a few fulvous ſpots. Amaia. Wings fulvous bordered with black, beneath greeniſh. Inhabits India, Cramer. 30. tab. 351. fig. A. B. Outer and hind-margin of the upper-wings black with fulvous dots: all of them beneath greeniſh, upper ones with 2 brown dots at the inner-margin, lower-ones with one in the midddle. Cypræa. Wings entire fulvous, the margin black with fulvous ſpots; beneath greenish with a fulvous dot and moniliform ſtreak. Inhabits India. Cram. tab. 53. fig. C. D. t. 351. f. C. D. Danae. Wings white; upper-pair faffron at the tip with a black band and margin ; beneath with an abbreviated moni- liform ſtreak. Inhabits Eaſt India; ſmall. Upper-wings with a yellowiſh blotch, a black band and edge all round, and a black dot in the middle; beneath pale aſh at the tip with a ſhort ſtreak of 5 ſubocellar brown dots with a white pupil, a black dot in the middle: lower-zuings ſpotted with black on the hind-margin; beneath cinereous with a ftreak of 5 fubocellar ferruginous dots and 1 in the middle. a Pyrene. Wings rounded yellow (with a fulvous ſpot in the middle) the tip black; lower-ones beneath with 7 ocellar white ſpots. Inhabits America. Cramer. 19. iat. 217. fg. D. E. Antenna INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 71. Papilio. Danai. 73 Antenna black, the club ferruginous at the tip: 'lower-wings edged with black : all of them beneath with marginal black dots, lower-ones wich 7 white dots furrounded with a ferru- ginous iris. Rahel. Wings entire yellow; above edged with black, beneath immaculate. Inhabits India. Head and thorax brown: abdomen whitiſh, black on the back: upper-wings with a black band at the tip. Meſalina. Wings entire white tipt with black; beneath yellow with a marginal cheſnut-brown ſpot. Inhabits India. Wings beneath yellow, upper-pair with a brown ſpot at the tip, lower-ones with brown ſpecks and marginal ſpots. Enippe. Wings yellow; all of them beneath with ocellar brown dots, on the upper-pair 6, lower-ones 7. Inhabits China. Cram. 105. fig. C, D. 157. fig. C. D. Upper wings black at the tip with a large fulvous ſpot. beneath with a black dot in the middle and 6 ocellar white ſpots with a black iris: margin of the lower-wings dotted with black, beneath with a black dot in the middle and 7 ocellar white ones with a black iris. a E vippse Wings entire yellowiſh; upper-pair tipt with black; lower- ones white beneath. Inhabits Afia. Cramer. 8. tab. 91. fig. D,E,F,G. Tip of the upper-wings black with a fulvous ſpot, all with a black dot in the middle beneath. a Charmione. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, white with a black bor- der which on the upper-wings has 2 yellow ſpots and one on the lower. Inhabits Johanna Iſland. Jones 2. tab. I. fig. 2. 2 Tritie Wings entire fellow; upper-pair white above the margin: all of them with a ferruginous ſtreak beneath. Inhabits Africa and Europe. Cram. 12. tab. 141 fg. C. D. a * Edufo. Wings entire fulvous with a black dot and margin; beneath greenith, upper-pair with a black dot, lower with a filvery one. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. ii. tab. 43. vii. tab. 238. fig. 2. Antennae fulvous : lower-wings with a deep fulrous fpot in the middlc. VOL. III.-K Euplere 74 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. Eupheno. Wings entire yellow; tip of the upper-pair black, fulvous in the middle; lower-ones with 3 brown ſtreaks be. 3 neath. Inhabits Southern Europe; fize of the laſt. Belia. Wings entire white; lower-ones ſubfaſciate with grey be- neath. Inhabits Barbary. Cramer tab. 397. fig. A. B. Upper-wings white with a black ſpot in the middle, the tip black with white dots. Phronima. Wings entire white, baſe of the rib and tip black ; lower ones beneath yellowiſh with 2 darker bands. Inhabits Amorica. Cramer tab. 153 fig. E. F. Abdomen pale, black on the back: upper-suings yellowiſh at the tip with a black band before it. Pfamathe. Wings entire white; tip of the upper-pair black ſpotted with white; lower-ones beneath greeniſh with 2 darker bands, the fore-moſt incurved. Inhabits America. Fones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 14. fig. 1. Palano. Wings entire yellow with a black tip and fulvous margin; lower-ones with a ſilvery dot beneath Inhabits Europe. Cramer. 29. tab. 340. fig. A.B. Antennæ red: margin of the wings fringed with red hair : wings very rarely whitiſh. Larva a little hairy, green with yellow lines and black dots. Hyale. Wings entire yellow, the tip black ſpotted with white; lower-ones with a fulvous ſpot, a filvery dot with a ſmaller contiguous one beneath. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, vii. t. 238. f. 1. Lewin, t. 33. Male with the margin of the wings black immaculate, female fpotted : wings ſometimes pale white. Larva filky green with a lateral white line and dotted with yellow: pupa green with a yellow lateral line. Aurora. Wings entire fulvous; upper-pair with an ocellar dot beneath: lower-ones with a double filvery one. Inhabits Siberia. Eſp. Pap. 1. tab. 83. fig. 3. Probably a mere variety of the laſt. Nicippe. Wings entire fulvous tipt with brown; upper-pair with a black lunule each fide ; lower-ones beneath ſpeckled with red. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. 75 Inhabits Virginia. Jones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 39. fig. 2. Tip of the wings finuate with a broad patch of brown above, Leſbia. Wings entire fulvous ; upper-pair with a brown dot; all of them beneath pale with a ſnowy dot. Inhabits Patagonia. In the muſeum of Sir Joſeph Banks. Body grey: upper-wings with a brown margin and dot; the ſnowy dot beneath ſurrounded with a brown ring. a nous dot. Senna. Wings yellow ; each of them beneath with a double ferrugi- Inhabits America. Sloan. Jamaic. 2. tab. 236. fig. 11, 12. Tips of the wings ſometimes black ſometimes immaculate. Marcellina. Wings entire yellow; each of them beneath with a double ſilvery dot. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 14. tab. 163. fig. A,B,C. Margin of the wings above dotted with black. Eubule. Wings entire yellow, the margin dotted with black; lower- ones beneath with a double ſilvery ferruginous dot. Inhabits Carolina. Cramer. 10. tab. 120. fig. F. G. In one ſex the upper-wings have a ferruginous eye in the middle and the margin ſpotted with brown, in the other the wings above are immaculate. Catilla. Wings yellow ; upper-pair with a black dot and margin; all of them beneath with a cheſnut ſpot, which on the lower-ones contains a double ſilvery dot. Inhabits Tranquebar. Cramer. tab. 229. fig. D, E. All the wings beneath ſulphur with a large cheſnt-brown ſpot in the middle and lunules, which on the upper-pair contains a ferruginous dot. a Proterpia. Wings entire angular fulvous ; upper-pair with a black exterior margin Inhabits Jamaica. In the niuſeum of Dr. Hunter. Upper-wings with a broad black margin, the hind-part ftriate with black beneath immaculate : lower-wings angular, the hind-margin ftriate with black, beneath yellowiſh ſpeckled with brown. Gnoma. Wings white; upper-pair with a black dot: all of them beneath with a ſilvery dot. Inhabits India. Cramer. 30. tab. 361. fig. C, D. Ka Upper- 76 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Danai. Upper-wings wrth marginal brown dots, beneath glaucous with a ſilvery dot in the middle ſurrounded with a ferruginous ring: lower-wings the fame beneath. a a Drya. Wings yellow ; lower-furface of the upper-pair with a ferruginous dot, of the lower-ones with a ſilvery one. Inhabits America. Cramer. 10. tab. 120. fig. C, D. Wings hardly angular, the ſilvery dot on the lower-ones ſurrounded with a ferruginous ring. Philippa. Wings entire yellow ; upper-pair acuminated varied with black and with a black dot; lower-ones with a red dot: all with a ſilvery one beneath. Inhabits -Jones Fig. pict. 2 tab. 32. fig. 1. Body yellowiſh: upper-wing's black at the baſe, the middle yellow with a black dot, the tip black ſpotted with yellow ; beneath pale with a ſilvery dot in the middle, the iris black : lower- wings dotted with black at the hind-margin. * Rhamni. Wings entire angular yellow; each with a ferruginous dot in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. v. tab. 145. Lewin. tab. 31. Male brimſtone yellow, female very pale. Larva ſmooth green with a darker dorſal line : pupa gibbous, pointed before. Plilea. Wings entire angular yellow ; upper-pair with a pale ſpot, lower-ones with a pale border: Inhabits India. Cramer 15. tab. 173. fig. E.F. All the wings beneath with a double white dot ſurrounded with with a purple ring. Cipris. Wings ſlightly tailed yellow, the margin dotted with black Inhabits--- Foszes Fig. pict. 3. tab. 39. fig. 1. Body large yellow: antennae black; all the wings beneath yellow ſpeckled with black, upper-pair with a ſingle dot ſurrounded with a red iris, lower-ones with 2, the iris black. Mærula. Wings entire angular yellow; upper pair with a black ſpot and ferruginous one beneath , luwer-ons with a ferruginous ſpot both fides. Inhabits India. Cram. 11. tab. 129. fig. A. B. Autenuae ferruginous : body yellow : upper-rings with a ſquare black ſpot in the middle and ſmall marginal ferruginous dots, beneath with a yellow dot in the ferruginous ſpot : tower. wings INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 77 wings with a ferruginous ſpot in the middle and ſmall margi- nal ones, beneath with a double ferruginons ſpot including a yellow dot. a Pomona. Wings ſubangular white ; upper-pair with a black dot; beneath yellow with 2 ſilvery dots on the lower-ones. Inhabits New Holland. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. 2 Florella. a Wings ſubangular white ; upper-pair with a brown dot; lower-ones beneath with 3 ſilvery dots. Inhabits Africa. In the Muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Upper-wings with a few brown ſpots at the tip, beneath yellowiſh with fulvous ſpecks and a fulvous ſpot in the middle ſurround- ed with a brown ring: lorer-wings beneath yellowiſh ſpeck- led with brown, the filvery dots in the middle ſurrounded with a brown ring. Cleopatra. Wings entire; upper-pair with a fulvous diſk above and ferruginous dot beneath; lower-ones with a ferrugi- nous dot each ſide. Inhabits Europe and Africa. Cram. 11. tab. 131. fig. E. One Sex is without the fulvous ſpot on the diſk. Nymphales. Fafius. Wings 2-tailed brown, yellowiſh behind ; beneath with a white band and characters. Inhabits Africa and Barbary. Cramer 28. tab. 329. f. A. B. Band on the lower-wings more diftinct. Pyrrhus. Wings tailed brown with a common white band, reach- way on the upper-pair Inhabits India. Cramer. Inf. 8. tab. 89. fig. C. D. ing half Camillus. Wings 2-tailed white with fulvous bands edged with black; lower-ones with a black caudal ſpot Inhabits Africa. In the Muſeum of Sir 70%. Banks. of Upper-wings with 2 fulvous bands edged with black, then 2 abbreviated ones, next an entire one, then brown ſtreaks : lower-wings with fulvous and brown bands : one of the tails acute black with white lines, the other obtuſe fulrous with 2 black dots. Sempronius Wings 2-tailed white, the margin black dotted with white. Inhabits ----Jones Fig. pict. 5. tab. -- Body 78 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Boay large white : antennae black : upper -wings beneath varied with white green and black and a blue ſtreak; lower-wings beneath with 3 fulvous fpots at the angle of the tail marked with black, the hind-margin black with yellow lunules. Tiridaies. Wings indented 2-tailed, above black ſpotted with blue, the margin dotted with white. Inhabits Amboina, Cramer 13. tab. 161. fig. A. B. All the wings with 2 ſtreaks of blue dots and a marginal ſtreak of white ones; beneath ſpotted with brown yellow and blue. the hind-ſpots on the lower-wings with a white pupil. Caftor. Wings indented 2-tailed, fulvous edged with black - be- neath with a white band and white ſpots including a black one. Inhabits Guinea. Cramer tab. 37. fig. E. F. Wings beneath purpliſh with white ſpots at the baſe in which are black ones, a white band in the middle and ocellar ſpots at the tip. Pollux. Wings indented 2-tailed, brown with a yellow band; be- neath with a white band and ſpots including a black one. Inhabits Guinea. Cramer 4. tab. 37. fig. C. D. Eclus. Wings indented 2-tailed ; above black; beneath cinere- ous with black waves and an ocellar fulvous fpot. Inhabits Amboina Cramer 27. tab. 317. fg. A. B. Upper-wings with a few white dots, lower-ones immaculate. Paullus. Wings indented 2-tailed, fulvous tipt with black : lower- ones beneath variegated with a white ſpot at the baſe. Inhabits Jamaica. Fones Fig pict. tab. 78. fig. 2. Upper-wings black with fulvous ſpots and a ſingle white one : lower.ones fulvovs, the margin ſtreaked with black : beneath varied with blue ſtreaks. Etheocles: Wings 2-tailed blue-brown with a white band each fide; lower-ones edged with green. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cram. 10. tab. 119. fig. D.C. Wings beneath cheſnut-brown with a white band and blue lines at the baſe, the tip with black ſpots : angle of the tail green with cheſnut ſpots. Fabius. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nynpis. 79 Fabius. Wings indented 2-tailed, brown with yellow bands; the baſe beneath with black waves, the tip with fulvous dots. Inhabits India. Muſeum of Sir 70%. Banks. Body brown: bead with 4 white dots: lower-wings {potted with yellow at the margin: all the wings beneath glaucous, : the baſe waved with black, in the middle a whitiſh band and a ſtreak of fulvous dots at the tip which in the lower-ones is double. Horatius. Wings indented 2-tailed black ; lower-ones ſanguineous at the tip with black ocellar dots. Inhabits Jones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 16. fig. 2. Head with 4 white dots : upper-wings with a common red mar- ginal abbreviated band and dot, beneath cinereous with 3 black dots at the baſe : lower-wing: with a broad ſanguineous hind-margin in which are 5 black dots with a white pupil : beneath cinereous with a darker band in the middle, towards the margin is a rufous ffreak with black and blue lunules. a Eudoxus. Wings tailed black with a common red band ; beneath with filvery ſpots including black ones. Inhabits Africa. Drury. 3. tab. 33. f. 1. 2. Fones 5. tab. 53. Margin of the upper-wings ſpotted with rufous, of the lower wings rufous. Cocles. Wings ſlightly tailed ſtreaked with white and yellowiſh and a white band in the middle; lower-ones beneath with a ſtreak of ocellate dots. Inhabits Siam. In the Muſeum of Sir yoſ. Banks. Antennæ black annulate with white: body cinereous : upper- wings beneath with a fingle ocellar ſpot towards the margin: lower-wings beneath with a freak of 6 white dots, the iris yellowiſh and pupil black: outer tail acute, inner very ſhort rounded, above with blue lunules beneath with a black fpot. Miltiades. Wings tailed brown; lower-ones with a white ſpot all be- neath with a commoa white band and fingle eye. Inhabits-Jones Fig. piet. 5. tab. 8o. fig. 2. Upper wings with a ferruginous ſpot in the middle and 2 white dots at the tip, beneath paler with a black ſtreaks at the baſe, the eye with a yellow iris but no pupil : lower-wings with a yellow marginal ftreak, beneath as in the upper-ones but the band is dilated in the middle with a black eye. Varanes. Wings tailed, above brown with fulvous and black ſpots, the baſe white. Inhabits 80 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Inhabits India. Cramer tab. 106.f. D. E. tab. 388. f. A. B. Wings beneath greeniſh at the baſe, the tip ſubfulvous with 2 ſtreaks of blue dots on the lower-ones. Themiftocles Wings tailed chefnut-brown with brown bands; lower- ones with 2 black dots. Inhabits_Jones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 70. fig. 2. Wings beneath with 3 black dots at the angle of the tail. Periander. Wings tailed, both ſurfaces alike, white with yellow bands, the tip brown ſtreaked with white. Inhabits India. In the Muſeum of Sir 70Banks. Body white: antennae black : upper-wings a little angular with 5 yellow bands: hind-ınargin of the lower wings brown with 3 white flexuous ſtreaks and a few white ſpots before the margin with a black lunule. Lycurgus. Wings tailed black with blue marginal lunules, behind which are 5 white dots on the lower-ones. Inhabits Africa. Jones 5. f. 60. f. 1. Drury 3. tab. 26. Upper-wings beneath brown with a ſmall black dots at the baſe lower-wings beneath with a nut-brown band and marginal white dots. a a Decius Wings tailed with a common white band ; lower-ones ru- fous at the tip, with 2 eyes and 2 white dots. Inhabits Guinea. Cramer 1o. tab. 114 fig. A.B. All the wings grey at the baſe and black at the tip with a macu- lar ferruginous ſtreak, lower-ones ferruginous at the tip with 2 black eyes, the pupil blue, and 2 white dots at the angle of the tail. Beneath ferruginous at the baſe with blue lunules and variegated at the tip, lower-wings with 7 eyes, the laſt with a double pupil. Wings tailed brown with a fulvous band; beneath grey with a a white band and ocellar dots. Inhabits Amboina. Craner. 25. tab. 289 fig. A,B,C,D. Wings above variegated at the margin, beneath with white ocellar dots ſurrounded with a cheſnutring. Sabinus. Doreus. Wings tailed, with a green band above and a white one beneath Inhabits Africa. In the Muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Antennae fubfiliform black: head and thorax black ſpotted with white: upper wings ſlightly indented, black with white inden- tations, beneath with a few white ſpots at the hind-margin: lower-wings with white indentations and a thin black inner margin, bencath with a few white dots at the hind-margin. a a Palamede, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 81 Palamedes, Wings tailed black with yellow marginal lunules; upper- pair with a yellow band, lower-ones with a macular rufous band. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Body large, above black with 4 yellow ſpots on the neck, beneath yellow : upper-wings talcate with a curved band and yellow marginal ſpots at the baſe : lower-wings with a band of rufous lunules, behind this one of obſolete blue lunules and yellow marginal ones : angle of the tail with a rufous lunule. Orontes. Wings tailed black with 2 greeniſh bands, the tail white and diftant. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 7. tab. 38. fig. A. B. Ægiftus. Wings tailed undulate with brown and yellow and about 3 Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 17. tab. 200.fig. A. B.C. caudal eyes. Solon, Wings tailed black with a yellowiſh band, brown at the bale. Inhabits---Jones. Fig. pict. 5. tab. 63. fig. 2. Hind-margin of the wings dotted with yellow: beneath cinere- ous with a few black waves at the baſe, a common yellowiſh band in the middle and obfolete ſpots at the tip. Empedocles. Wings tailed brown: upper-pair with an abbreviated macular green band : lower-ones beneath with black ſpots and a rufous lunule at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Body brown covered with white wool : tip of the wing-tail whitiſh. Euryalus. Wings tailed black ; lower-ones blue before the margin with black ſpots including a white pupil. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer. 7. tab. 74. fig. A. B. Upper-zvings with a brown band : lower-wings with 7 black ſpots, the pupil white: all beneath variegated with brown red and blue and a diſtinct yellow band. Niſus. Wings tailed black; upper-pair with a fulvous band, lower-pair with a ſubmarginal white one. Inhabits Amboina. "Cramer 13.tab. 150. fig. A. B. Lower-wings with a band of blue lunules, then a ſtreak of white dots and a fubmarginal white band: all beneath variega- ted. VOL. IIII Phidi 82 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymh. Phidippus. Wings ſlightly tailed brown ; beneath with white biocel- late bands and 2 blind eyes at the tail. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 6. tab. 69. fig. A. B. above brown beneath grey with whitiſh bands; lower-ones with 2 eyes beneath. Wings Xiphares. Wings indented tailed black ; upper-pair with white ſpots; lower-ones with a yellow band. Inhabits Africo. Cramer. 32. tab. 377. fig. A. B. Lower-wings with a broad indented yellow band and marginal lunules; beneath pale afh with a white band and waved yel- low ſtreak, Aurelius. Wings ſlightly tailed brown, the tip black ſpotted with white; lower-ones with 2 eyes beneath. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. 14. tab. 168. fig. A. B. Wings beneath white with brown bands. Bernardus. Wings tailed fulvous ; upper-pair black at the tip with a yellow band ; lower-ones with a ſtreak of ocellate dots. Inhabits China. Jones Fig.pict. 4. tab. 65. fig. 2. Body large fulvous ; antenne black : upper-wings with a ſmall yellow dot behind the band ; lower-wings with a ſtreak of 7 black dots, the pupil white : beneath variegated, lower-ones with an obſolete ſtreak of white and black dots. Gerdrutus. Wings tailed brown, upper-pair with an ocellate ſpot at the tip ; beneath ferruginous with a white dot on the ; upper and 2 on the lower-ones. Inhabits--Jones Fig. pict. 4. tab. 5. fig. 2. Upper-swing's with a fulvous ſpot towards the tip, the tip with a black ſpot and fulvous lunule with a white pupil : lower-wings immaculate, truncate at the tip: all beneath pale ferruginous with a darker ſtreak or two. a Chorinaeus. Wings tailed brown; upper-pair falcate with a fulvous band. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 25. tab. 294. fig. A. B. Upper-wing's with a white dot at the tip; beneath pale aſh with thin brown ftreaks and a white dot at the tip : lower-wings beneath with thin brown ſtreaks and tranſverſe line and 4 white dots at the hind margin. Laertes, Wings tailed brown, blue at the baſe ; lower-ones above with 5 white dots, beneath with 4 ocellar ones. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 7. tab. 73. fig. C. D. Morvus. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 83 Morsuus. Wings tailed above brown with a blue baſe; beneath green- a iſh-grey, Inhabits India. Cramer. Inf. 4. tab. 48. fig. A. B, Upper-wings much emarginate at the inner margin. Octavius. Wings tailed black with an abbreviated green band ; be- neath grey with a brown ffreak. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 101. fig. 1. a Eribotes. Wings ſlightly tailed, fulvous with a blueith baſe ; beneath grey. Inhabits India. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Upper-wings ferruginous, the bale blue, the tip brown. Ilys. Wings ſlightly tailed fulvous tipt with yellow ; beneath variegated at the baſe, lower-ones blue at the baſe. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 10. tab. 119. fig. F. G. Outer margin of the upper-wings beneath dotted with blue, a Cymodoce. Wings ſlightly tailed brown, the baſe ſhining blue ; lower- ones with a ſingle eye each ſide. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 9. tab. 99. fig. G. H. 9 . Upper-rings with a whitiſh patch towards the tip and a black ſtreak: lower-wings with a ferruginous eye, the pupil white, beneath with a ferruginous ſtreak and adjoining blue one, to- wards the tip a black eye and few dots. Baſaltide. Wings ſlightly tailed fulvous tipt with black ; under-ſur- . face of the upper-pair with 2 ocellate dots, of the low- er-ones with 3. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 9. tab. 102. fig. C. D. Before the tip are 2 yellow ſpots and a line, and at the tip 2 white dots : all beneath yellow at the baſe with a black ſtreak. Arlinge. Wings indented tailed fulvous ſpotted with black ; lower- ones with 2 eyes beneath. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer 14. tab. 160, fig. B, C. Lower-wings with 2 black eyes, upper-ones with a blue pupil, lower with a white one; a white dot beneath at the angle of the tail. Pantkera. Wings indented tailed brown, beneath waved ; lower- 3 ones with 2 eyes on the diſk and 5 blueiſh ones on the margin. Inhabits Tranquebar ; middle-fized. Inhabits L2 84 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Wings above black edged with brown ; lower-ones with a ſmall eyes on the diſk, the pupil blueiſh, the tip browniſh-aſh with 5 black eyes, the pupil blueifh. Rohria. Wings indented tailed brown ; upper pair with a white band; lower-ones with 7 eyes beneath moſt of them dotted with white. Inhabits India. Club of the antenne ferruginous at the tip. Upper-wings with 2 white ſpots at the tip. the margin dotted with white. Beneath brown with glaucous waves, upper-pair with a white band and 3 blind eyes, lower-ones with 7 eyes moſt of them with white dots and marks. 2 Rebecca. Wings indented tailed brown immaculate ; beneath paler with 2 nut-brown ſtreaks and white fubocellar dots. Inhabits Guinea. Wings beneath with 5 white fubocellar dots in each. Erota. Wings ſlightly tailed brown with black waves and a com- mon white band in the middle ; lower-ones with 2 eyes each ſide. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig, pict. 4. tab. 39. fig. 1. Wings beneath yellowiſh at the baſe with ferruginous ſtreaks, the tip whitiſh with ferruginous ſtreaks, and 2 eyes on the low- er-ones. Europa a Wings ſlightly tailed brown; lower-ones beneath with a whitih ocellar band. Inhabits America. Cramer. 7. tab. 79. fig. C. D. In one Sex the upper-wings brown with a white band and few ſpots at the tip ; beneath a white band and it reaks, 4 ſmall ap- proximate eyes with a brown pupil towards the tip: lower- wings angular, above brown with a ſcalloped white ſtreak at the margin ard a few darker ſpots on the diſk ; beneath with a white ſtreak on the diſk and margin, in the middle a broad band of 6 confluent eyes, the iris white, pupil large black, the hinder-one with a double pupil. The other Sex above imma- bulate, beneath 6 eyes on the upper-wings. a Acheronta. Wings indented tailed ; upper-pair red at the baſe, the tip black ſpotted with white. Inhabits Braſil, Cramer. Inf. 2. tab. 22. fig. A. B. . Upper.wings fubfalcate, beneath glaucous with 3 greeniſh ſpots , at the baſe, a thin waved black ſtreak in the middle, a darker band at the tip ending in a white ſpot at the thicker margin: lower-wings brown with a ferruginous hue, beneath glaucous with 3 greeniſh ocellar ſpots at the bale, a waved black freak in a INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymp). 85 a in the middle and brown band, towards the hind-margin a black dot. Troglodyta. Wings indented tailed rufous, with a brown ſtreak and hind-margin Inhabits Ameria. In the Muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Upper-wings falcate with a brown ſpot in the middle: lower-wings with a few ferruginous dots in the brown margin: all beneath grey ſpeckled with brown, Thelys. Wings indented tailed fulvous with black ſtreaks ; lower- ones beneath glaucous dotted with black. Inhabits South America. Cramer 8. tab 87. fig. D. E. Antennae above black beneath white : upper-wings falcate inden- ted, beneath variegated with glaucous and brown : lower- ones with a black dots at the angle of the tail ſurrounded with a white ring and 2 lunules at the wing-tail, beneath glaucous with an oblique brown ſtreak at the baſe and a ſtreak of ſubo- cellate dots towards the hind margin, Portia. Wings indented tailed ; beneath grey ſpeckled with black. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Body fulvous : antennae black: upper-wings falcate fulvous with a black dot at the thicker margin, waved ſtreak in the middle, and black hind-margin: lower-wings fulvous darker at the tip, beneath 2 diſtinct black dots at the hind-margin. C. aureum. Wings indented tailed fulvous ſpotted with black ; lower- ones marked with a gold C. beneath. Inhabits Alia. Cramer. Inf. 2. tab. 19. fig. E. F. Ifidore, Wings falcate tailed fulvous ; upper-pair with 2 pale dots in the middle and black at the tip. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 7. fig. 1. Lower-wings with a brown ſtreak : all of them beneath yellow- iſh with brown ſtreaks. Bella. Wings ſlightly tailed teftaceous; upper-pair black at the tip with a yellow band and white ſpots ; margin of the lower-ones yellow with black ſtreaks. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 83. fig. 1. Wings beneath variegated, lower-ones with 4 lubocellar brotin ſpots. Furcala. Wings tailed brown, fulvous at the baſe; upper-pair with a blue band. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 79. fig. 1. Body fulvous : lozver-wings with a black dot ſurrounded with a ferruginous ring at the angle of the tail: all beneath ferrugi- nous at the baſe, the middle olive with 2 blucifh ſtreaks, the tip fieth-colour with ocellar black dots. Eurocilia, 86 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Eurocilia. Wings indented tailed brown with a common fulvous diſk; lower-ones variegated beneath. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 35. fig. 2. Upper-wing's faicate, with a black ſpot at the baſe and white dots; beneath yellow at the baſe ſpotted with black, the tip brown variegated : lower-ones beneath variegated. 5. Phorcys. Wings ſlightly tailed indented brown; beneath with darker ſtreaks and 2 cinereous dots on the lower-ones. Inhabits Indian Jones Fig, pict. 3. tab. 78. fig. 1. Chelys. Wings indented tailed brown; beneath variegated, with a ſtreak of yellowiſh dots. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 78. fig. 2. Wings beneath variegated with yellowiſh and brown Letbe. Wings indented tailed fulvous; upper-pair black at the tip with a yellow band and ſpots. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 18. fig. 2. Body brown, fulvous at the fides: lower-wings yellow at the margin with a black ſtreak : bencath variegated with yellow and rufous. Aflina. Wings tailed brown with a common fulvous diſk; upper- pair with a black lunule. Inhabits St. Thomas Iſland. Fones 5. tab. 8o. fig. 1, Wing-tails long : wings with brown waves beneath. Fatima. Wings flightly tailed black with a common yellow band; lower-wings with the band abbreviated and 4 rufous ſpots. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 12. fig. 1. Upper-wings with 4 yellow dots at the tip: wings beneath nut- brown with an entire yellow band, in the upper-pair a yellow ſtreak behind the band, in the lower-ones an interrupted ru- fous band before the yellow-one. Achilles. Wings indented black with a broad blue band; beneath browl with 3 or 5 eyes. Inhabits America. Naturalift's Miſcellany. tab. 68. Cramer. 3. tab. 27. fig. A, B. tab. 28. fig. A, B. Upper-wing's with 2 rows of pale ſpots behind the band, the in- dentations of the margin white : larva yellow : pupa green. Medoii. Wings above black; upper-pair with a yellow band and white at the tip, lower-ones with a blueiſh diſk. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 87 Inhabits India. Cramer. Inf. 17. tab. 205. fig. B,C,D. All the wings beneath grey with 3 black dots at the baſe. Erithronius Wings indented black, lower-ones with a blue band: be- neath green with a ſtreak of white dots. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Upper-wings white at the tip: all greeniſh beneath with black dots at the baſe, the ſtreak of white dots conſiſts of 3 in the upper and 6 in the lower-wings. Ceres. Wings indented black ; upper-pair with a white band; diſk of the lower-ones blueiſh with a black dot. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer. 13. tab. 156, fig. A, C. Feelers and club of the antennæ ferruginous : upper-wings with a whitih tip and common blueiſh ſpot at the inner margin, beneath cinereous with 3 black ſpots at the baſe and a white band before the tip: lower-wings beneath grey ſpotted with black at the baſe, with a macular black band before the hind- margin. Urſula. Wings indented black; hind-ones with a blueiſh border and marginal black band: beneath with fulvous ſpots. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter, Upper-wings with a marginal ſtreak of blueiſh and white dots, beneath 2 fulvous ſpots ſurrounded with a black ring: lower- wings with 4 fulvous ſpots ſurrounded with a black ring at the baſe, and a row of 7 fulvous dots towards the tip. Cato. Wings indented black with a common greeniſh diſk; beneath dotted with black, with a rufous ſpot at the bafe of the lower-ones. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer. Cramer. 4. tab. 39. fg. D, E. Dilk of the lower-wings fometimes yellowihh. Philoctetes. Wings indented brown; lower-ones with 2 eyes, the pu- pil black, and 3 white dots. Inhabits India. Craner, 2. tab. 20. fig. A,B,C. Upper-ving's with a linear white band, and a tranſverſe black one beneath. Menetho. Wings indented brown, the margin ſpotted with yellow; lower-ones with Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 61. . Wings beneath yellowilh with a common brown bands. 3 eyes beneath. Lucretius 88 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Lucretius. Wings indented black with fulvous bands, beneath with black ſpots ſurrounded with a blue line. Inhabits Guinea. Cramer Inj. 7. tab. 82. fig. E, F. a Epifirophus. Wings indented grey-white; upper-pair black at the tip; lower-ones with a ſtreak of yellow eyes beneath. Inhabits America. P. Laertes. Fones. 5. tab. 46. fig. 1. Upper-wings with a black lunule in the middle: lower-ones with black marginal lanules, beneath an abbreviated ſtreak of 6 brown ſpots with a broad yellow iris and white pupil. Stalenes. Wings indented brown with 2 greeniſh bands, one on the lower-wings entire Inhabits America. Cramer. 7. tab. 79. fg. A, B. Larva green with a white and ſcarlet ſtreak, the tail with 2 ſpines. Gambriſius. Wings indented, above black ſpotted and ſtreaked with green; upper-pair with a macular ſnowy band. Inhabits Indid. Cramer Pap. tab. 43. fig. F, G, Head black dotted with white: thorax black with 3 cinereous 3 bands : abdomen black the edges of the feginents whitiſh : upper-wings ftriate with green at the baſe, in the middle white hyaline ſpots, behind theſe a large macular white hyaline bend; beneath grey at the baſe with a white hyaline band and ſpots : lower-wings beneath with indiſtinct bands of white ſpots at the tip. 3- Demophon. Wings indented, above black with a green band; beneath grey ſtreaked with white. Inhabits Cayenne. Cramer. 13. tab. 158. fg. A,B,C,D. Nelior. Wings indented brown with a bright blue common diſk and white ſpots ; beneath with 3 or 4 eyes. Inhabits Anerica. Cramer. 2. tab. 19. fig. A, B. Natural. Miſcel. tab. 113. Merian Sur. 9. tab. 9. Varies in the number and ſize of the ocellate ſpots. Per feus. Wings indented pale blue, the tip black with ferruginous ſpots : beneath waved with 3 or 4 eyes. Inhabits Surinam, Cramer. 6. tab. 71. fig. A, B. Ariflides. Wings indented brown ſpotted with yellow; lower-ones with 2 eyes beneath. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. piet. 5. tab. 61. Wings beneath yellowiſh waved with brown; lower-ones with 2 eyes, the pupil white. Telemachus. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 89 Telemachus Wings indented brown with a common blue radiate area, each with eyes beneath. Inhabits America. Cramer. 32. tab. 373. fig. A.B.C. Menelaus. Wings indented, above highly poliſhed blue, beneath clou- ded brown with ferruginous eyes. Inhabits America. Nat. Miſcell, tab. 49. Spots beneath with dark rings and white pupils. Larva ſpinous yellow with rofy ſtreaks and legs, head nut-brown: pupa pale with a cylindrical inflected tail. Teucer. Wing's ſcalloped livid brown; beneath clouded and on the the lower-ones 3 eyes, the laſt very large. Inhabits America. Cramer. 5. tab. 51. fg. A, B. Larva cheſnut-brown, 4-ſpined on the back, head ſpinous, tail bifid: pupa paliſh with 2 ſilvery ſpots each fide. Automedon. Wings angular ſcalloped brown; beneath livid with an eye at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 33. tab. 389. fig. A, B. Mele with a blue gloſs on the wings: beneath an oblique white ſtreak at the baſe and a blueiſh eye towards the angle of the tail. Hecuba. Wings indented; upper-pair red edged with black; lower- ones black; all of them ocellate beneath. Inhabits Cayenne. Natur Miſcel t. 167. Cram, t. 217. f. A, B. Margin of the wings ſpotted with yellow each fide : beneath undulate with brown black grey and ferruginous. Metellus. Wings indented fulvous, the hind-part black: under-furface of the upper pair with 3 eyes, of the lower-ones with 5. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 19 tab. 218. fig. A, B. Hind-margin of the wings black with fulvous ſpots : beneath cinereous waved, the cyes with ferruginous rings and white pupil. Idonreneus. Wings indented blue; upper-pair with a broad brown . upper-margin and abbreviated white band: lower-ones with a large yellowiſh eye beneath. Inhabits America. Naiural. Miſcel. tab. 164. Cramer Inf: 5. tab. 52. fig. A, B. Clerk. tab. 20. fig. 1. . Larva rufous verticillate with hairy tubercles: pupa toothed, with 2 incurved ſtyles at the tip. VOL.III.-M * Io. lo 90 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. * lo. Wings angular indented fulvous ſpotted with black and large blue eye on each. Inhabits Europe. Nat. Mifcel. tab. 388. Lewin. tab. 4. Donovan's Eng Inf. vi. tab. 206. Wings dark cheſnut-brown clouded beneath. Larva ſpinous black dotted with white, legs ferruginous: pupa 10-toothed green with gold dots, bifid behind. Polynice. Wings angular indented fulvous tipt with black; beneath brown with blue ſtreaks and eyes, 6 on the upper, 5 on the lower-ones. Inhabits Sumatra. Cramer, 17. tab. 195. fig. D, E. Wings with white finuofities, lower-ones with 3 black dots before the margin and 4 fulvous ſpots behind. . Almana. Wings angular fulvous ſpotted with black; lower-ones with a larger eye and a double pupil; all nut-brown beneath. Inhabits Alia. Cramer. Cramer. 5. tab. 58. fig. F, G. 5 a Afterie. Wings indented varied with yellow ; lower-ones with a larger eye and double pupil : beneath pale with about 3 eyes. Inhabits India. Cramer. 5. tab. 58. fig. D, E. Oenone. Wings denticulate yellow edged with black ; lower-ones blue at the baſe. Inhabits Aſia. Cramer. 3. tab. 35. fg. A, B. The eyes in the wings are very various. Flirtea, Wings fubangular brown with fulvous ſpots and 2 eyes; lower-ones beneath ferruginous with about 3 eyes. 3 Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pift. 4. tab. zo. fig i. Upper.wings with 3 fulvous ſpots, and a ſtreak behind with 2 eyes, the pupil white; beneath fulvous at the baſe : lower-wings brown at the baſe with 2 eyes, the tip with marginal ſtreaks ; beneath with about 3 blue eyes. Lemonias. Wings indented brown dotted with yellow, all of them with a ſingle eye. Inhabits India. Cramer. 3. tab. 35. fig. D,E,F. . Varies in having a double and ſingle pupil, the eye with ſome- times an approximate ſmaller one. Vellida. Wings indented brown, with a fulvous band behind and 2 eyes. Inhabits Amſerdam Iſland. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antennae INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 91 Antennæ pale, the club brown: upper-wings with 2 fulvous ſpots and 2 yellowiſh ones, the eyes black with a blue pupil; be- neath varied with pale and fulvous : lower-wings with a ful- vous lunule in the midddle and band behind. Orythia, Wings indented brown; all with 2 eyes above, upper-pair with a ſingle eye beneath. Inhabits Jamaica. Cram. 2. tab. 21. fig; C, D. t. 19. f. C, D. Varies in having the diſk of the lower-wings above blue or brown. Clelia. a Wings indented black; upper-pair with an interrupted white band and ſpot at the tip ; lower-ones with a blue ſpot on the diſk. Tuhabits Guinea. Cramer. 2.tab. 21. fig. E, F. Upper-wings filky-black with a fulvous band in the middle, then a broad white band and a few ſpots behind, near the band is a ſmall eye with a blue pupil; beneath variegated : lower-wings with a large blue fpot on the diſk and a ſmall eye, the margin ſtreaked with white, beneath cinereous with a broad brown band and darker ſubocellar ſpots, Panelea. Wings indented ; above brown; all with 2 eyes beneath, Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 9. tab. 101. fig. G. Wings beneath variegated. Zelima. Wings angular yellow ſubfaſciate with brown ; lower-ones with 6 eyes each ſide and a white ſtreak beneath. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Upper-wings with 2 brown rings at the baſe and 6 finall ferru- ginous eyes with a blueiſh pupil before the tip: lower-wings with 6 ferruginous eyes, the pupil blueiſh, before the margin. Teraa, Wings angular indented, above brown with a fulvous band and ſtreak of white dots on the upper-pair, and of ocellate ones on the lower. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer. 12. tab. 138. fg. E, F. Upper-rwings pale brown at the baſe with 4 tranſverſe black lines and 7 white dots: beneath yellowiſh at the baſe with darker bands, the tip brown with ocellar white dots : lower-wing's with 7 ferruginous eyes, the iris and pupil black; beneath cinereous varied with yellow and ocellar black dots. Laodice. Wings angular, above black with a greeniſh band each ſide including a ſtreak of ocellar dots. Inhabits Guinea. Cramer. 12. tab. 138. fig. G, H, M 2 Upper 92 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Upper-wings black at the baſe with fulvous ſpots, the margin white, the tip with a few white dots: lower-wings with white lines at the angle of the tail : all of them variegated beneath. 2 Lampetia. Wings indented brown, upper-pair with a fulvous band : lower-ones with 6 blind eyes. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf. tab. 349. fg. A, B. Glycerie. Wings indented brown; upper-pair with a fulvous band; under-ſurfaces of the upper-pair with one of the lower- - , ones with 2 blind eyes. Inhabits Eaſt India. Large, brown. Upper-wings with 2 white dots: lower-wings with a few margi. nal fulvous ſpots : all beneath marbled. Megera. Wings indented yellowilh-brown with dark bands; upper- pair with a ſingle eye; lower-ones with 5 eyes above and 6 beneath. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii, tab. 279. Lewin tab 21. . Eyes on the wings black with a white pupil. Larva green with dark lines, tail bifid: pupa ſhort thick toothed green. * Ægeria, Wings indented brown ſpotted with yellow ; upper-pair with an eye each fide; lower-ones with 4 eyes above and dots beneath. Inhabits Europe. Lewin's Butterflies, tab. 19. Larva green with white lines, tail bifid: pupa fhort thick green with a rofy tinge. 3 eyes above and Xiphia. Wings indented brown ſpotted with yellow; upper-pair with an eye each fide ; lower-ones with ; 4 beneath. Inhabits Madeira. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. All the swing's indented, with white finuofities: lover-wings brown with a waved yellow ipot in the middle, behind this 3 black eyes with ferruginous iris and black pupil, the fourth without iris or pupil; beneath brown at the bale, an obſolete white band in the middle and grey at the tip with 4 eyes. Minerva. Wings indented fulvous, the tip black ſpotted with white; lower-ones with 5 blind eyes above and 7 pupillate ones beneath. Inhabits America. Cramer. 10. tob. 116. fg. E, F? Upper-wings beneath grey with 2 ferrugincus lines, a yellowish patch and 4 white ipots : lower-wings with 5 brown eyes and marginal ftreak; beneath grey, the eyes with a whitiſh pupil. Ocypete. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 93 Ocypete. Wings indented ; above brown immaculate ; beneath glaucous with 3 dark ſtreaks, lower-ones with 5 eyes. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. Inf. 17. tab. 194. fig. F. G. Lower-wings with a marginal yellowiſh ſtreak; upper-wings be- neath with 2 obſolete minate eyes at the tip. 4 2 Ocirrboe. Wings indented ; above white tipt with brown; beneath brown with 2 white bands, lower-ones with 5 eyes. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 17. tab. 194. fig. D. E. Upper-wings beneath with ſmall eyes before the margin, the pupil white: the margin glaucous with 2 darker ſtreaks : low.' er-wings beneath with 5 eyes before the margin, 1. 4. 5. black, 2, 3. brown with a double ſilvery pupil. Penelope. Wings ſlightly indented brown with a ſingle eye ; lower- ones with 2 beneath. Inhabits America. All the wings above brown with a double filvery violet pupil of uncommon ſplendor; beneath clouded with cinereous and yellow, a fingle eye with a double filvery pupil on the upper- pair, and 2 approximate filvery ſpots each fide the eye ; 2 eyes with a double filvery pupil on the lower-pair and between them 2 approximate ſpots of the fame colour. Aranea. Wings ſlightly indented brown ; lower-ones blueiſh with 5 eyes beneath Inhabits Surinam Cramer. 13. tab. 161. fig. C. D. ? Upper-wing's with 2 oblique dark ſtreaks beneath and 3 eyes to- wards the tip, the outer with a double pupil: lower-wings with 2 oblique brown ſtreaks beneath. Atlita. Wings indented brown with a blue gloſs; beneath fulvous with waved glaucous ſtreaks and 5 blind eyes on the lower-ones. Inhabits Eaſt India ; middle-ſized. Lower.cvings with 3 ſubmarginal fulvous ftreaks. Jatrophe. Wings angular pale with waved brown ſtreaks; upper- pair with a ſingle eye, lower-ones with 2. Inhabits America. Cram. Cram. 17. tab. 202. fig. E. Laomedia. Wings indented grey ; upper-pair with 6 eyes; lower-ones ſome of them blind. Inhabits India. Cramer tab. 8. fig. F. G. Drury 1. t. 5. f. 3. Libye. Wings indented brown ; beneath lineate, with 6 eyes the lower-ones, the pupil filvesy. Inhabits with 5, 94 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymp. Inhabits India. Snlz, Hiff. Inf. tab. 17. fig. 7. Upper-wings beneath with a ſingle brown eye. Hedonia. Wings indented, both ſides alike, grey ; each with 6 fer- ruginous eyes. Inhabits Aſia. Cramer. tab. 69. fig. C. D. tab. 374. fig. E.F. ullia. Wings indented brown with ocellar ſpots, beneath with a vivlet band which on the lower-ones has 2 eyes. Inhabits China. Cramer 7. tab. 81. fig. A. B. Ocellar ſpots on the upper-wings white with a blue iris : lower- a •wings paler, the Spots with a rufous or yellow iris. Merope. Wings indented fulvous with a fingle eye and black tip; lower-ones beneath cinereous wtth 3 minute eyes. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Tip of the upper-wings with 2 yellowiſh ſpots, the eye black with a fulvous iris and blue pupil : lower-wings with 2 waved brown ſtreaks, the eye between them with a yellow iris and blueilh pupil. Fole. Wings indented fulvous dotted with black ; lower-ones with 5 eyes beneath, the laſt with a double pupil. Inhabits Guinea. Cram. 14. tab. 157. fig. E.F. . Body fulvous : upper-wings with brown marginal ftreaks : lower. wings beneath yellowiſh with a blue band. Hefione, Wings indented brown with an oblique white ſtreak be- neath ; upper pair with 2 eyes; lower-ones including others within them. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 1, tab 11. fig. C. D. The eyes brown with a white pupil ana fulvous iris ſurrounded with a black and blue ring, Egæa. Wings indented, above black with a common white band; lower-ones with 2 eyes beneath. Inhabits America. In the Muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Wings with a blue glofs at the baſe : upper-wings with 2 white ſpots towards the tip, beneath brown with white ſpots and a ferruginous, lunule in the middle : lower-wings beneath with alternate white and brown bands at the baſe, the diſk ſnowy with a 2-lobed, brown ſpot in which are 2 black eyes with fer- ruginous iris and blue pupil, the hind-margin yellowiſh. Scrina, Wings ſlightly indented, above green ; lower-ones beneath with a white diſk and 2 eyes. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 71. Papilio. Nymph. . Inhabits America. In the Muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Wings above green with a browniſh margin, Pofuerta. Wings indented green with brown ſpots and margin ; lower-ones beneath with white bands and 2 eyes. Inhabits America. Cramer tab. 254. fig. C.D. Fones t. 31.f. 1. Mylitta. Wings indented black with 3 macular white bands ; lower- ones with 2 eyes. Inhabits India. Cramer 22. tab. 253. fig. C. D. Eyes on the lower-wings with a blue pupil : beneath all varied with brown and white and ſpotted with blue; lower-ones with 2 black eyes, the iris yellow and pupil blue, Artemiſia: Wings indented black; upper-pair with white ſpots ; lower-ones with white bands, and 2 filvery eyes be- neath. Inhabits America. Foues Fig: pict. 6. tab. 32. fig. 1 Upper-wings beneath with an oblong yellow ipot at the baſe : lower-wings beneath white at the baſe with a yellow ſtreak, in the middle a blue band edged with black and marked with filvery blotches, behind this an abbreviated brown band con- taining 2 ſilvery eyes with a black ring, the hind margin yellow with a filvery ſtreak. a Dorimene. Wings indented brown; beneath blue with black bands and and 3 pair of eyes Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 1. tab. 8. fig. B. C. Wings beneath with 6 eyes, the iris fulvous, pupil white, the firſt pair at the outer angle of the upper-widgs, ſecond pair at the outer margin of the lower-wings and third pair at the angle of the tail. Janthe. Wings indented, above brown ſlightly barred with white; lower-ones with 5 blind eyes beneath. 5 . Inhabits Cayenne. Cramer 22. tab. 253. fig. F. G. Upper wings with white dots; beneath yellow at the baſe, brown at the tip and ſpotted with white : lower-wings with a macu- lar white band: beneath yellowiſh with a white band and lu- nules, behind the middle are 5 black eyes with a yellow iris and without pupil. Laethoe. Wings angular indented ; lower-ones above brown with a white dot and 6 blue eyes beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 11. tab. 132. fig. A. B. Uppere 96 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Upper wings fulvous, the tip brown, with 2 white dots beneath : lower-wings beneath variegated with a white dot at the baſe and a nut-brown band in the middle in which are 6 blue eyes with a white pupil. Gonerilla. Wings indented black ſpotted with white and a common rufous band ; lower-ones with 4 eyes. Inhabits New Zealand. In the muſeum of Sir. Foſ. Banks. Antennae with a ferruginous dot at the tip, Upper-wings with a ferruginous band at the baſe and white ſpots: beneath brown at the baſe, the margin white tranſverſely ſtri- ate, in the middle a rufous ſpot at the thick margin with a blue iris : lower-wings with 4 black eyes in the band, the pupil blueiſh; beneath variegated, with 2 blind eyes. a Itea. Wings indented black ; upper-pair with a yellow band and dot; diſk of the lower-ones rufous with 4 eyes. Inhabits New Zealand. In the Muſeum of Sr. Jos. Banks, Is probably only a variety of the laſt. Portlandia. Wings indented brown ; lower-ones with 5 blind eyes above and 7 pupillate ones beneath Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Mr. Yeates. Upper-wings with a yellowiſh band towards the tip and 3 ocellar black ſpots ; beneath brown with darker ſtreaks and a broad white band towards the tip in which are 4 black eyes with a yellow iris, the outer-ones with a white pupil : lower-wings with 5 black ſpots, the iris yellowiſh and without pupil ; be- neath with a white band towards the tip, a ſingle black eye before it and 6 dehind, the iris yellow, pupil filvery. Cardui. Wings indented fulvous variegated with white and black ; lower-ones with 4 eyes beneath. . Inhabits Europe. Donovan's Eng. Inf. ix. tab. 292. Lewen, tab. 6. Naturaliſt's Miſcell. tab. 430. Larva ſolitary ſpinous brown with yellow lateral lines: papa brown with cinereous lines and gold dots. Huntera. Wings Wings ſubangular fulvous varied with white and black; lower-ones; beneath reticulate with white, with 2 eyes. Inhabits America. Cram. Inf: 1. tab. 12. fig E. F. Larva green annulate with black. Allionia, Wings indented brown ; upper-pair with 2 eyes, the poſte- rior one blind. Inhabits Portugal. Cyrill. Ent, neap. 1. tab. 2. fg. 13. Wing INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 97 Wings beneath brown at the baſe with 2 darker ſtreaks and paler at the tip, a white ſpot between the eyes ; lower-ones be- neath with 3 white dots and a larger black one inſtead of eyes. Tulbaghia. Wings indented, both ſurfaces nearly alike, browniſh with a yellow band ; lower-ones with 5 cyes. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Cramer. 1. tab. 3. fig. E. F. 3 Pipleis. Wings crenate, both furfaces alike, black; diſk of the low- er-ones fulvous with 7 eyes. . Inhabits India. Cramer. 5. tab. 6o.fig. A.B. Claudia. Wings crenate black with a fanguineous patch ; lower-ones fulvous with 7 eyes. Inhabits India. Naturf. 9. tab. 2. Feelers white tipt with black. Upper-wings beneath red with a white ſpot and 5 marginal black ones, the tip black with a cinereous ſtreak and 2 marginal ſpots; luwer-wings beneath marbled at the baſe with black and cine- reous, in the middle a flexuous yellow and blueiſh ſtreak, be- hind teftaceous with 7 black eyes, the pupil blue, margin with a black itreak. а a Blomfildia Wings indented yellow tipt with black ; lower-ones be- neath brown waved with white, with 4 eyes the mid- dle-ones blind. Inhabies Braſil. In the Muſeum of Sir. Fof. Banks. Upper-wings black at the tip with a blue glofs and 3 white ſpots : 3 lower-wings with a marginal white ſtreak; beneath 4 eyes to- wards the hind-margin, the outer-one black with a white pu- pil and ferruginous iris, 2 middle-ones greeniſh with grey iris, inner.one teftaceous with a white pupil and black iris, Bankia. Wings angular, above brown ;- diſk of the upper-pair yellowiſh with a black eye in which is a double pupil. Inhabits New Holland. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. All the wings angular, lurid : upper-pair with a black eye and double white pupil ; lower-ones with a minute white dot at the angle of the tail. Beneath all chefnut-brown with darker ſpecks and 2 freaks on the upper, one on the lower-pair; 3 very minute greeniſh dots on the lower and one on the upper- pair. Solandra. Wings angular brown; upper-pair with an eye and con- tignous fmaller one ; lower-ones with 2 above and 4 bneath. VOL. III_N Inhabits a 98 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Inhabits Otaheite. In the muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Upper-wings with a yellow patch at the tip and brown eye with a double white pupil ; beneath grey with 2 eyes : lower- wings with 2 approximate eyes, the iris yellow pupil black; beneath varied with grey and brown. Polydecta. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair with an eye ; lower- ones with 2 above and 7 beneath. 17 Inhabits Tranquebar. Cramer. 12. tab. 144. fig. E. F. Upper-wings with a black eye, the iris yellow and pupil white, beneath brown at the baſe with a white ſtreak, the tip paler a a with 4 eyes. Tolumnia. Wings indented black ; lower-ones beneath with ferru- ginous and blue ſtreaks and 5 eyes; the 5 eyes; the poſterior one large. Inhabits India. Cramer. 11. tah. 130. fg. F.G. Upper-wings beneath with a blueith ſtreak in the middle and ſmall eye at the tip: lower-wings with a blueilh ſpot and black dot; beneath blueiſh with 2 ferruginous ſtreaks at the baſe. a Morna. Wings indented brown : lower-ones with 2 eyes each ſide and 3 white dots. Inhabits India. In the Muſeum of Dr, Hunter. Upper-wings with a white dot at the tip: lower-wings with 2 black blind eyes with a broad blue pupil ; a blue ſpot at the angle of the tail, Beneath all blueiſh at the baſe with black ſpots, the tip brown with a cinereous ſtreak, the eyes black with a blueiſh iris. 2 Juliana. Wings indented brown ſpotted wtth white; lower-ones with 2 eyes each ſide. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer. 24. tab. 280. fig. A. B. Upper-wings with a black lines in the middle and white ſpots and lunules behind : lower-ones ſpotted with white towards the margin, with 2 black eyes, the iris yellow pupil blue: beneath all variegated. Leda. Wings angular brown, upper-pair with a double eye above : beneath reticulate with grey and 6 eyes on the low- er-ones. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cram. tab. 196. f. C. D. tab. 292. f. A. Wings ſometimes beneath ferruginous immaculate. Wings ſlightly indented brown; lower-ones black behind with white and blue dots, and eyes beneath. 2 Wings Lena, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 99 z. Wings brown hyaline, lower-ones with 5. ocellar white dots. Inhabits Cayenne. Cramer tab. 189. f.D. E. tab. 291. fig. A. B. Male with the wings tailed as in P. Philoétetes. Dyndimene. Wings indented brown; lower-ones above violet with 4 white dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 17. tab. 198. fig. F. G. Wings beneath grey with brown ſpecks and 3 darker ſtreaks, up per-pair with 2 white dots at the tip, lower-ones with an ocel. lar dot at the baſe and 5 white dots at the tip. 5 Luna. Wings indented brown with darker ſtreaks; lower-ones with 2 cyes: all beneath with 4 white dots Inhabits Surinam. Jones Fig. piel. 4. tab. 9. fig. 1. Body brown: ſegments of the abdomen yellow at the tip : upper- 3 white dots : lower-wings darker at the tip with 2 black eyes, the hind-one blind : beneath with z like eyes aud 3 white dots, wings with Iphita. Wings angular indented brown with darker bands : all with 5 eyes beneath. 5 Inhabits China. Cramer 18. tab. 209. fig. A. B. Upper-wings with a white dot each ſide towards the tip: lomv- er-ones with 2 nearly obſolete ſmall eyes on the upper- ſurface. Calliſto. Wings indented black; lower-ones with a red band and 5 eyes above, 7 beneath. Inhabits Africa. Cram. 2. tab. 25. fig. A, B. * Iris, Wings indented brown with a blue glofs, and whitiſh in- terrupted band each ſide: all with a ſingle eye, thoſe on the upper-pair above blind. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. ii. tab. 37. Lewin. tab. 16. Male ſpotted with white on the upper-wings and without the eye : female ſpotted on the upper-wings and marked with an eye which is halt white, Larva green with 2 horns and ob- lique pale lines : pupa greeniſh, bifid at the tip. lliae Wings indented with a blue gloſs, and interrupted white band each fide; all with a ſingle eye. Inhabits Germany. Eſp. tab. 37. fig. 1. tab. 43. fig. 1. Molt probably a mere variety of the former. Upper-wings with a diſtinct eye above. Larva and pupa as in the laſt. N 2 Boreo. 100 INSECTS, LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Beroe. Wings entire brown with a blue gloſs; lower-ones with a ſingle eye; beneath chefnut-brown with a reddiſh margin. Inhabits Auftria. Eſp.pap. tab. 46. fig. 1. Upper-wings with 2 white ſpots towards the tip; beneath a large black ſpots mixed with white towards the thicker margin. Avia. Wings indented, both ſurfaces nearly alike, black with a ſtreak of pale dots and a macular pale marginal band. Inhabits Africa. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Body large brown, head dotted with white : wings with a blueiſh patch near the rib: beneath paler. Populi. Wings indented brown with white bands and ſpots : beneath yellow with white bands and blueilh ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Eſp. 1. tah. 12. fig. 1. Schaeff . tab. 40. f. 8.9. Larva ipinous variegated, head and tail fulvous : pupa yellowiſh dotted with black, with a gibboſity behind. Chryſippe. Wings indented black with a common rufous patch ; low- er-onec beneath brown ſpotted with black. Inhabits New Holland. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Upper-wings with an abbreviated white band, beneath rufous at the baſe, thicker margin ſpotted with white and black; lower- wings beneath with an abbreviated white band and dot. Cydippe. Wings indented black with white ſpots and a common ru- fous patch; the baſe beneath teftaceous varied with black and blue. Inhabits India. Crumer. 6. tab. 62. fig. A. B. Marica. a Wings indented teſtaceous, the tip black with a white band on the upper and blue ſpots on the lower-pair. Inhabits Africa. Fones . Fig. pict. 5. tab. 1. Body dull teſtaceous: head with 4 white dots: upper-wings black at the tip with a white band and 2 lunule: ; beneath glau- cous at the baſe with tranſverſe black ſpots, edged with white, in the middle a white band, the tip grey with 2 white lunules: lower-wings with yellowiſh ſpots on the margin ; beneath grey with 3 yellow ſpots ſurrounded with a white and black ring, in the middle an interrupted white ſtreak incloſed in a black one, towards the tip greeniſh ſpots. Althea, Wings indented brown with an angular indented white band and ſtreak. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. IOL Inhabits Guinea. Cramer. 8. tab. 89. fig. E. F. Wings brown at the baſe : upper-pair with 2, lower.ones with one ferruginous fpot : beneath yellowiſh with black marks. Amphiceda. Wings indented brown, the common diſk cinereous with brown waves ; beneath grey at the tip with black lunules. Inhabits Guinea. Cramer 13. tab. 146. fig. D. E. Wings beneath palc at the baſe with rufous ſpots and waved lines. Penthelalia. Wings indented black with white ſpots and a common ru- fous patch ; lower-ones beneath with yellow bands and a white one ſpotted with black. Inhabits India. Cramer. 13. tab. 145. fig. B. C. All the wings with white lunules, the common rufous patch with marginal black dots: upper-pair beneath with 3 tranſverſe white ſpots including black ones at the baſe, the tip variegated, margin biack with a flexuous yellow ſtreak. Berenice. Wings indented black with a common red band ; lower- ones beneath ſpotted with black white ferruginous and yellow. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer 27. tab. 315. fig. B.C. Feelers white tipt with black: thorax biack dotted with white at the tip: upper-wings with a few black dots in the band : beneath reddiſh ſpotted with black, the tip brown ftriate with white : lower-wings with a few red lunules and white dots at the hind margin ; beneath variegated, the baſe white dotted with black. Semire. Wings indented, both ſurfaces nearly alike, with a green band and fulvous ſpots, the baſe fulvous dotted with black. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer. 17. tab. 194. fig. B.C. Wings fulvous at the baſe with black dots, in the middle a broad macular green band, a fingle band of fulvous ſpots in the up- per pair and 2 in the lower; the lower-wing's beneath have but one macular band. Cyane. Wings indented black ; upper-pair with a white band; diſk of the lower-ones white dotted with black. Inhabits India. Cramer. 25. tab. 295. fg.C.D. Wings indented black ; beneath ſpotted with white. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer 30.tab. 349. fig. E, F. Somc Vitillia, 102 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Some of the ſpots beneath with a blue iris, the margin with whitiſh ſtreaks. Zenobia. Wings indented black with a common white band and mar- ginal ſpots ; bafe of the lower-ones beneath yellow ſtreaked with black. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Jones Fig. pict. 1. tab. 68. Indentations of the wings white. a Antiopa. Wings angular indented black-brown with a whitiſh border, behind which is a row of blue fpots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. Mui. tab. 89 Lewin. tab. 1. Larva gregarious fpinous black with ſquare ferruginous dorſal ſpots : pupa toothed dark brown with fulvous ſpots. Cacia. Wings angular indented; upper-pair black, the baſe pur- ple with a fulvous ſpot Inhabits India. Fones Fig, pict. 5. tab. 34. fig. 1. All the wings beneath brown at the baſe and ferruginous at the tip Pythia. Wings angular indented brawn with a white ſpot on the upper-pair : beneath grey with a ſtreak of black dots on the lower-ones. Inhabits Guinea; middle-fized. Zingba. Wings angular indented brown, the tip black with blue ſtreaks and a macular fulvous one. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Fulvous band in the upper-wings terminated by 2 white dots, at the middle of the thicker-margin is a fulvous fpot furrounded with blue : beneath all waved with brown and cinereous with an obſolete ferrugincus band and ocellar dots. Protogenia. Wings indented fulvous, the border black ſpotted with white. Inhabits Java. Cramer. 16. tab. 199. fig. F,G, Indentations of the wings white: beneath brown fpeckled with ferruginous, upper-pair with a white ſpot at the tip, lower- ones with a white dot and cinereous band. a Ame/lris. Wings angular indented black with rufous and blue lunules, beneath darker. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 12. fig. 2. Upper-wings with 2 rufous and 2 blue ſpots in the middle, bee hind there a ſtreak of rufous lunules ending at the anterior margin in 2 white dots, then a ſtreak of blue lunules : lower- wings with a ſtreak of blue lunules at the tip. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 103 Beneath brown waved with black and an obſolete ſtreak of cinereous dots. Lamina, Wings angular black with a common white band each ſide; beneath ſpotted with rufous. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 32. fig. 1. All the wings with marginal blue lunules, upper-pair with 2 white dots at the tip: upper --wings beneath with 2 rufous ſpots at the baſe and 5 at the tip; lower-ones with 4. rufous ſpots at 4 the baſe and a row of 7 rufous ones at the tip. Atalanta. Wings indented black; upper-pair with a red band and white ſpots; lower-ones bordered with red behind. Inhabits Europe. Donovan's Eng. Inf. viii. tab. 260. Naturalil's Miſcel. tab. 157. Lewin, tab. 7. Red border of the lower-wings ſpotted with black. Larva ſolitary ſpinous greeniſh with a lateral yellowiſh line : pupa toothed, beneath cinereous with gold dots. Archefia. Wings indented brown with a common fulvous band which on the upper-pair is half blue. Inhabits Java. Cramer. 19. tab. 219. fig. D, E. In the band on the upper-wings are 3 white dots and lower-ones. 5 on the a baronia. Wings indented black with a blueiſh band. Inhabits India. Cramer. 4. tab. 47. fig. A,B,C. . In the blue band are a few black dots: wings beneath variegated. iblis. Wings indented, both ſurfaces alike, black; lower-ones with a macular red band. Inhabits America. Cramer. 20. tab. 236. fig. E, F. Band compoſed of 7 red ſpots which are emarginate at the tip. . yperia. a Wings indented black ſpotted with white; lower-ones be- neath with yellow ſpots and a rufous band in the middle. Inhabits India. In the Britiſh muſeum. Feelers with a lateral white line: upper-wings beneath with a ru- fous ſpot on the rib at the baſe, 4 white ſpots and 2 ftreaks of white dots, and a ſtaeak of yellow ones behind : lower-wings with a few white ſpots, and lunules at the margin : beneath ſpotted with yellow at the baſe, in the middle a band of 6 rufous ſpots, then a ſtreak of white dots, and laſtly a ſtreak of yellow ones. roſope. Wings indented brown with a common fulvous band which on the upper-pair has 2 black dots. Inhabits 104 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Joſeph Banks, Antenna black, beneath ferruginons : upper-wings with a fulvous fpot or two at the tip, beneath a ſtreak of black dots behind : lower-wings beneath with a waved white ſtreak behind and 5 black dots with an obſolete ferruginous ring, a Echo. a Wings indented brown; all beneath with a row of white dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 5. tab. 57. fig. C, D. Upper-wings with a ferruginous ſpot towards the tip. Oktavia. Wings indented brown, the diſk angular fulvous dotted with black: beneath with yellow ſpots at the baſe. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer. 12. tab. 135. fig. B, C. Abdomen fulvous with black rings: border of the wings above brown with marginal white lunules, of the upper-pair with a few fulvous and blue dots, of the lower-ones with blue ſtreaks and angle of the tail : all beneath black at the baſe ſpotted with yellow, white in the middle, the margin fulvous with a ſtreak of black dots and 3 rows of white lunules behind. Lubentina. Wings indented obſcure green ſpotted with white black and rufous. Inhabits China. Cramer. 13. tab. 155. fig. C, D, Upper-wings with a black ſpots at the baſe, in the middle 2 ru- fous tranſverſe ſpots including a white one, then a macular white band, the tip ſtreaked with brown with 4 white dots : lower-wings with 3 black ſpots at the baſe, the tip with z bands of black ſpots ſome of them with a rufous centre. Janaſia. Wings ſcalloped green bronzed with black dots on the upper-pair : beneath yellowiſh with black dots at the baſe. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter, Upper-wings with a white dot at the tip: all beneath with a black ſtreak behind. 4 * Polychlo. Wings indented fulvous, ſpotted with black; upper-pair with black dots above. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii. tab. 278. Lewin. tab. 2. Lower-wings beneath blackiſh with a pale central ipot. Larva gregarious fpinous, fleſh-colour with lateral blackiſh lines: pupa fleſh-colour. a V.album. Wings angular fulvous ſpotted with black, all with a white ſpot above ; lower-ones with a white lunule beneath. Inhabits Europe. Eſp. Pap. 62. fig. 3. Lower- INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. IOS Lower-wings without the marginal blue lunules. Larva ſpinous with interrupted yellow and black lines, head black. * Urtica. Wings angular fulvous ſpotted with black; upper-pair with 3 black dots, the inner-one ſquare. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. ii. tab. 55. Lewin.tab. 3. Upper-wings with alternate black and pale orange ſhort bands below which are 3 black ſpots, the inner-one ſquare: lower- wings with a large common black patch at the baſe: the mar- gin of all of them black with blue ſpots, Larva ſpinous varied with brown and green, head black : pupa toothed brown with gold dots. This inſect and many others of its family as P. Atalanta, Poly- chloros, Io, &c. foon after their enlargement from the chryſalis ſtate, diſcharge a few drops of reddiſh-coloured fluid, which in places where they have appeared in large numbers, has had the appearance of a ſhower of blood, and been recorded by writers as a prodigy preceding foine extraordinary event. tra. Clytemnes. Wings angular black; beneath ſpotted with white; upper- pair with a yellow band each ſide. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. tab. 137. fig. A, B. tab. 364. fig. A,B. Lower-wings beneath a little ferruginous at the tip. Dirce. Wings angular brown; upper-pair with a yellowiſh band: beneath undulate with black. Inhabits India. Cramer, 18. tab. 212. fig, C, D. Lower-wings obtuſely angled. Ifis. Wings indented; upper-pair black with a red ſpot on the diſk: all with green lines beneath. . Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 34. fig. 2: . Upper-rings beneath with a broad fleſh-colour band: lower-wings with a whitiſh ftreak towards the margin. a Oifis. Wings angular blue; upper-pair with a black ſpot and margin; beneath dulky. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 101. fig. 2. Progne. Wings indented fulvous with black dots and margin, the latter dotted with white: beneath grey. . Inhabits South America. Cramer, 1. tab. 5. fig. E, F. • C. album. Wings angular fulvous ſpotted with black: lower-ones beneath marked with a white C. VOL. III.-0 Inhabits 106 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab. 199. Lewin, tab. 5. Larva ſolitary ſpinous fulvous, the back yellow before and black behind: pupa fleth-colour, contracted in the middle with gold dots. Triangulum Wings angular fulvous, the diſk dotted with black; lower- ones beneath cinereous with white waves and a white angle in the middle. Inhabits Italy. Cramer. 7. tab. 78. fig. C, D. Antennæ black with a ferruginous dot at the tip: margin of the upper-wing's ſtreaked with yellow. Merione. Wings indented fulvous edged with brown; lower-ones beneath brown with white and blue ſpots and ſtreaks. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 15. tab. 180. fig. E, F. Upper-wings beneath yellowiſh with 3 fulvous lines, the tip brown with an ocellar blue ſpot and waved ſtreak : 'lower-wings fub- ferruginous in the middle with a white dot at the baſe, 2 white lunules in the middle and 4 white ſpots behind then a white aud blue waved ſtreak. Ariadne. Wings angular fulvous with undulate black ſtreaks ; upper- pair with a white marginal dot. Inhabits Fava. Cramer. 12. tab. 144. fig. G, H. Wings browniſh beneath with darker bands. Bolina. Wings indented black; upper-pair with 2, lower-ones a ſingle blue-white ſpot: beneath ferruginous with a white band. Inhabits Eaſt India. Cramer. 6. tab. 65. fig. E, F. Thecla. a Wings indented black with a white blue ſpot and all with a ſtreak of white dots: beneath brown with a white band. Inhabits India. Cramer, 16. tab. 190. fig. A, B. Head black with 4 white dots: upper-wings with a white ſpot at the tip: all beneath with a white band and ſtreak of white dots, the margin ſtreaked with white. a Laſınaſa. Wings indented black with a ſhining blue ſpot; beneath brown with white lunules. Inhabits Afia. Cramer. 18. tab. 200. fig. A, B- Clytia. Wings indented black: outer-margin of the upper-pair ſpotted with white : lower-ones with a triple row of white and yellow ſpots. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 107 Inhabits India. Both ſurfaces alike. Body black ſpotted with white : angle of the tail fulvous with a black ſpot. Cocyta. Wings ſcalloped indented brown; lower-ones blueiſh at the tip. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict, 2. tab. 64. fig. 2. Undularis. Wings indented, above brown; lower-ones ferruginous at the tip with a white dot beneath. Inhabits Coromandel. Cramer. 22. tab. 256. fig. A. B. Upper-wings ſpotted with blue at the tip. Monina. Wings indented brown; lower-ones pale cheſnut, blueiſh at the angle of the tail with a black ſtreak. Inhabits Eaſt India ; half the fize of the laſt. Upper-wings with a few obſolete ferruginous ſpots at the baſe : all beneath cinereous with black lunules at the baſe and ſtreak behind. Hiarba. Wings indented black with a common white band which is abbreviated on the upper-pair. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 79. fig. 2. Wings beneath fleſh-colour with darker ſpots ſurrounded with white. Amathea. Wings angular indented; above brown with white dots, a red band and waved black line. Inhabits Cayenne, Cramer Inf. 18. tab. 209. fig. A, B. Meleagris. Wings ſlightly indented dotted with white, above brown, beneath yellowiſh. Inhabits Africa. Cramer. 6. tab. 66. fig. A, B. Some of the dots on the wings beneath including black ones. Melartha. Wings indented above brown dotted with white; beneath pale cheſnut. Inhabits Guinea. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Wings with a ſtreak of darker dots beneath. Lcucorboe. Wings indented, above brown with 3 white bands; beneath yellow with 3 white bands marked with black. Inhabits Afia, Cramer. 17. tab. 203. fig. E. F. Medea. Wings indented falcate black with 3 macular yellow bands; angle of the tail red. Inhabits 02 108 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 8. tab. 9o. fig. E. F. Antennae obtufe filiform: upper-wings with a ſmall rufous dot near the tip. Beneath variegated with brown and white. Blandina. Wings in ented black ſpotted with white; upper-pair with a blue ſtreak at the baſe, lower-ones with a marginal blue reak. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 1o. fig. 1. Body biack with a white dot or two: wings beneath cinereous, the upper-pair ſpotted with white. Amalia. Wings indented, above brown; beneath yellow with 2 blue ſtreaks and dots marked with black on the lowe-ones. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Jones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 11. fig. 1. All the wings above brown with a fulvous hue, lower-ones with a ſtreak of obſolete fulvous dots. Beneath yellow, upper-pair with a black ſpot at the tip and 2 blue dots marked with black; lower-ones with 2 ſtreaks 7 dots and hind-margin, all blue marked with black. Hoftilia. Wings indented brown; the baſe fulvous dotted with black; upper-pair ſpotted with yellow at the tip. Inhabits Sierra Leora. Fones. Fig. pict. 5. tab. 81. fig. 1. Body black: thorax with 2 rufous lunules : lower-wings fulvous freaked with black at the baſe, the margin and an angular ſtreak black Nauplia. Wings ſlightly indented, both ſurfaces nearly alike, black; upper-pair with 4 white ſpots above, lower-ones with a white band. Inhabits South America, Cramer, tab. 317. fig. D,E,F,G. Heliodore. Wings indented fulvous with 3 black bands. Inhabits Siam. In the muſeum of Sir Joſ. Banks. Middle band common to both pair of wings, the margin black with a fulvons ftrcak: beneath pale fulvous with black ſtreaks. Ophione. Wings indented brown ſpotted with white; beneath with numerous black ocellar ſpots. Inhabits Guinea Cramer. 10. tab. 114. fg. E, F. Ilithuria. Wings indented fulvous with black bands; lower-ones be- neath with white bands ſpotted with black. In habits Judia. Cramer, 18. tal. 213. fg. A, B. 1. 217.f. C,D, Lower. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph109 . . a Lower.wings with a white bands at the baſe, the anteriorof which has 2 lines of black dots, the poſterior one line, then a balck band dotted with white; the margin black with a white itreak. Amphinome Wings indented black clouded with blue ; upper-pair with a white band each fide ; lower-ones beneath radiate with red. Inhabits South America. Cramer. 5. tab. 54. fig. E. F. Opis. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair reticulate, lower-ones barred with yellow. Inhabits Sierra Lecna. Cramer. 12. tab. 138. fig. A, B. Wings with a common yellow band in the middle which is ab. breviated on the upper-ones; upper pair ſpotted with yellow, the tip reticulate, with a ſtreak of white dots: beneath variegat. ed with brown blue black and yellow : lower-wings reticulate behind the band : the tip beneath yellow with 2 brown curves. Crithea. a Wings indented brown with ocellar ſpots ; lower-ones be- neath cinereous with 2 brown ſpots and a ſtreak. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer 12. tab. 138. fig. C. D. Upper-wings with black ocellar ſpots, the liris yellow and a few yellow lines; beneath pale at the baſe with black lunules, the tip brown with a blue lunule : lower-wings with yellowiſh ſtreaks, the inner-margin yellow. Fbegea. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair with a ferruginous or white band ; diſk of the lower-ones ferruginous or white; beneath paier waved with black. Inhabits Indid. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 21. . Body black dotted with white: abdomen ferruginous. Solmalis. Wings indented black radiate with blue ; beneath brown with a white band. Inhabits Africa. Jones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 63. fg. 1. . . All the wings with a few white dots at the tip: beneath with black veins and a white band and ſtreak. Pelea. Wings indented black; upper-pair with arrow-ſhaped white and black ſpots ; beneath cinereous with black lunules. Inhabits Eaf India. Uiper-wings with a few black lunules at the baſe: lower wings with a white patch at the inner marrgin. Nerina a IIO INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Nerina. Wings indented black with a white band which on the up- per-pair ends in a rufous ſpot. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antenna black, the club ferruginous at the tip: head black with 4 white dots: breaſt ferruginous ſpotted with white : ab- domen beneath brown with 2 lines of whitiſh dots : upper- wings with a few white marginal dots, beneath 2 white lunules at the thicker margin: hind margin or the lower-wings ſpotted with white, beneath white marginal lunules. Venilia, Wings indented brown with a common white curved band rlueiſh at the edges. Inhabits India. Cramer 19. tab. 219. fig. B. C. Alimena, Wings indented black with an interrupted blue band, each with 7 white marginal dots. Inhabits Índia. Cramer 19. tab. 221. fig. A. B. C. Phærufa. Wings indented fulvous with 3 brown bands, thoſe on the upper-pair longitudinal, on the lower-ones tranf- verſo. Inhabits India. Cramer 11. tab. 30. fig. BC. Agatha. Wings indented, above fulvous, beneath glaucous; low- re-ones with one black dot above and 3 beneath . Inhabits India. Upper-swings brown at the tip: lower-wings with 3 white lurules at the baſe. Laura, Wings angular indented brown, with a common band which is fulvous on the upper-half and and ſnowy on the lower; lower-ones beneath ſilvery with a ſno- wy band. Inhabits Jamaica. Drury Inf. 2. tab. 17. fig. 5. 6. a Lydia. Wings indented yellow, black above the margin ; beneath ; with a ſtreak of black dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 13. tab. 148. fig. C. D. Upper-wings beneath yellow at the baſe with a fulvous ſtreak, the tip darker with a ſtreak of 6 black dots, the margin with a black ſtreak: lower-wings duſky with a yellow band 5 ferruginous ſpots and a black lunule, the tip black with 2 paler ſtreaks ; beneath yellow at the baſe with a fulvous ftreak, the middle paler with a fulvous band and in this a ſtreak of cinereous lu- Dules and black dots, the tip with a fulvous cinereous and yel- un streak. Iphiclas a a INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 71. Papilio. Nymph. III Iphicla. Wings indented, above brown with a common white and ferruginous ſpot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits South America. Cramer. 16. tab. 188. fig. D, E. F. Liberia. 3 Wings indented fulvous ; upper-pair with a black curve at the tip ; lower-ones with a black dot above and 3 ocellar ones beneath. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. piet. 5. tab. 15. fig. 1. Two of the dots on the wings beneath with a white pupil, the middle one fimple. Amaſie. Wings indented green ; lower-pair with marginal black dots above and eyes beneath. Inhabits Surinam, Drury Inf. 3. tab. 6. fig. 3. Body green: artenne black: upper-zvings beneath white at the tip with a black dots : lower-wings beneath with 5 marginal white dots, the pupil black. Æthiopa. Wings indented blue; tip of the upper-pair black dotted with white. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 36. fig. 1. Body black, edges of the ſegments rufous : wings beneath blue with a brown margin. Veronica. Wings indented, above greeniſh, bencath ferruginous with a paler band. Inhabits Guinea, Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 36. fig. 2. Body black, margins of the abdomen fulvous : upper-wings with obſolete darker bands above: lower-wings with a ſtreak of white dots in the pale band. Gnidia Wings indented teftaceous; upper-pair brown at the tip with a white band; lower-ones with a fulvous ftreak and black lunules. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 37. fig. 2. . Upper-wings with 2 brown rings, then a white band, the tip brown with a few white dots, beneath with a white band and dots : lower-wings teftaceous with a fulvous band in which are black lunules; beneath with a black dot at the baſe and ſtreak behind of white black dots. Wings indented oblong black ſpotted with yellow and with a common red diſk. Inhabits India. Fones Fig: pict. 5. tab. 9o. fig. 2. Body black dotted with white. Perfea. Naecrea. II2 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Næerea. Wings indented, above brown ſpotted with white beneath with white ſpots ſurrounded with a red line. Inhabits India. Cramer. 7. tab. 75. fig. C. D. 2. Wings ſlightly tailed black; upper-pair with 2 red fpots ; diß of the lower-ones edged with red. P. Tiphia. Cram. 1. tab.7. fig. D. E. Angle of the tail red in both. Procris. Wings indented fulvous with black ſpots and a white band, beneath variegated. Inhabits China. Cramer. 9. tab. 106. fig. E. F. . Hind-margin of the wings with a white ſtreaks : beneath green at the baſe, then varied with white fulvous and black. Maja. Wings indented brown; upper-pair ſpotted with white, lower-ones immaculate. Inhabits Brafil. Cramer. 14. tab. 167. fig. E, F. Male. antennae brown annulate with white, the club fulvolis at the tip: lower-wings beneath, grey with 4 greeniſh obſolete dots. Female. Wings above with a blue gloſs and obfolete white ſpots. a Erymanthis Wings indented fulvous ; upper-pair black at the tip with : a yellow band; lower-ones with black lunules above and a ſtreak of ocellate dots beneath. Inhabits China. Drury. 1. tab. 15. fig. 3. 4. Upper-rwings with a yellow band in the middle and a few black dots, the tip black with a few yellow ſpots; wings with a ſtreak of black dots and 2 of lunulcs. Beneath paler with yellow waves and a few black dots on the upper-pair, 'on the lower- ones a ſtreak of black dots with a violet and white lunule. a Carinenta. Wings falcate indented brown ſpotted with yellow ; upper- pair black at the tip with 4 white ſpots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 9. tab. 108. fig. E, F. Upper-wings with 2 oblong yellow ſpots in the middle; beneath fulvous at the baſe, brown in the middle ; ſpotted with white, the tip blueiſh ſpeckled with black : lower-wings above brown with a large yellow ſpot, beneath blueilh ſpeckled with black. Martha, Wings indented varied with brown and fulvous ; upper- pair with 3 rows of white lunules : lower-ones. with a white band. Inhabits Siam. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Club of the antenna with a white ſpot at the baſe : wings be- neath pale with white bands and a black patch at the bale. Celiis INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 113 Celtis. Wings 'angular indented brown with fulvous fpots and a ſingle white one ; lower-ones beneath grey. Inhabits Southern Europe. Eſp. Pap. tab. 87. fig. 2. 3. Lower-wings with a fulvous fpot only, beneath grey with a ſmall central white line. Larva green with black ſpots and white lines: pupa green with white lines. a F. album. Wings angular indented fulvous ſpotted with brown ; low- er-ones with a ſnowy line beneath. Inhabits Rufia. Eſp. pap.tab. 87. fg. 1. Margin of the upper-wings brown: lower-swings with a large Inowy ſpot in the middle ending at the baſe in a brown dot, the tip yellowiſh. Harpyja. Wings falcate indented brown with a common blueiſh band dotted with black; beneath pale cheſnut with a brown ſtreak. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir 70%. Banks. Upper-rings with a few ferruginons ſpots at the baſe of the upper- margin and edged with fulvous behind, beneath a white dot at the tip : lower-wing's with a ferruginous band at the end of the blueith one, beneath a few ſubocellar ſmall white dots Meliſa. Wings indented brown ; lower-ones beneath marbled with grey. Inhabits America. In the Muſeum of Sir Fr Banks. Lower-wings beneath varied with white and black. Elea. Wings indented brown; upper-pair with a fulvous band, lower ones with a white one. Inhabits India. Cramer tab. 242. fig. D. E. and F.G. Meſenteria. Wings indented brown ; upper-pair with a fulvous band above and blue central ſpots beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 14. tab. 162. fig. B.C. Upper-wings beneath yellowiſh at the baſe, in the middle 6 blue ſpots annulate with black, then rufous, the tip brown with dar- ker ſtreaks : lower-wings beneath yellowiſh at the baſe with 3 black lines and behind theſe ſtriate brown. Niphe. Wings indented yellow; tip of the upper-pair black with a white band ; lower-ones beneath ſilvery with 5 yes. Inhabits China. Cramer. tab. 12. fig. B. C.D. Drury. Infitab. 6: fig. 2. VOL. IIIP 2 Wings 114 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 2. Wings above fulvous ſpotted with black without the black tip and white band. Cramer. tab. 14. fig. D,E. Drury. 1. tab. 6. fig. 2. Thyelia. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath with a white band and 2 ſcarlet dots at the bafe. Iuhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 5. tab. 83. fig. 2. Upper-wings beneath yellow at the baſe with 2 ſcarlet ſpots an- nulate with black, the firſt double, the lower-one tranſverſe, the tip with a brown band and 3 white ſpots. 3 Paphia, Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black ; lower-ones with ſilvery bands beneath. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 257. Lewin, tab. 9. 2. Cinereous ſpotted with black. Inhabits Ruſia. Eſp. Pap. tab. 60 fig. 4. Lower-wings beneath green with pale filvery bands. Larva folitary ſpinous, fulvous with a yellow dorſal line and 2 long ſpines on the neck : pupa grey contracted at the neck. Cynara. Wings indented green ſpotted with black : lower-ones be- neath green with 3 ſilvery ſpots and 2 bands. Inhabits the Eaft. Cramer 3.1. 25.f. B, C. Eſp. t 58. f. 1.2.3 All the wings edged with yellow above: lower-wings beneath with ſometimes 3 ſilvery dots between the bands. Cetholia. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath brown at the tip with glaucous glofs and end- ing in an interrupted ſilvery band. Inhabits Ruffa. Schneider. Pap. tab. 1. fig. 1. 2. Upper-wings with a white dot towards the tip; beneath yellowiſh with black ſpots and a ſtreak of obſolete filvery dots : lower- wings beneath yellowiſh at the baſe with a pale cheſnut ſtreak incloſing a leffer one, in the middle a ſilvery ſtreak. Cytheræa. Wings crenate brown ; upper-pair with a fulvous band; lower-ones with a common filvery one ; beneath with a lanceolate filvery band. Inhabits India. Cramer 32. tab 376. fig. C. D. * Aglaja. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black; beneath 21 filvery ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Lewin, tab. 11. Wilks tab, 21 a. 12. Larva INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. I15 Larva ſolitary fpinous, black with ſquare lateral ferruginous fpots: pupa reddiſh brown very much contracted at the neck. Aphrodite. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black; lower-ones be- neath brown with 24 filvery ſpots. Inhabits South America. Antennæ ferruginous, the club black with a ferruginous tip: upper-wings with 4 filvery dots at the tip beneath. Myrina. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black, beneath with 30 ſilvery ſpots. Inhabits North America. Cramer. 16. tab. 151. fig. B. C. Upper-wings beneath with 9 filvery ſpots, lower-ones with and a ſtreak of ocellate dots behind. Cybele. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black ; beneath with 34 ſilvery ſpots. Innabits America. Cram. 5 tab. 57. fig, E. F. Beneath 8 dots on the upper-wings and 26 on the lower, the lat- ter with a yellow band before the margin. Idalia. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black, beneath with 37 filvery ſpots, lower-ones above blue dotted with white. Inhabits North America. Cramer. 4. tab. 44. fig. D. E. F. G. Antennae fulvous with a black club: upper-wings with 11, lower with 16 filvery ſpots. The other Sex has the margin of the apper-wings dotted with white and the dots on the lower-ones are yellow, Diana. Wings indented brown with a common black diſk; lower- ones beneath with 9 filvery ſpots. Inhabits Virginia. Cramer. 2. tab. 98. fig. D. E. Upper wings black at the baſe, the tip fulvous with 2 ſtreaks of dots; beneath ſpotted on the diſk. Lower-wings black at the baſe, the tip fnlvous with a ſtreak of black dots ; beneath brown at the baſe with 2 ſilvery bands, the tip yellowiſh with 7 lunules. * Adippe. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black ; beneath 28 filvery ſpots, Inhabits Europe, Lewin. tab. 10. Eſp. tab. 18. hg. I Lower-wings with a row of ferruginous dots, moſt of them with a filvery pupil; the margin green. Larva brown fpinous with lateral red marks and a dorſal black line including a white one : pupa reddiſh-brown with filvery dots. P 2 * Lathonia. I16 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. * Lathonia. Wings ſlightly indented pale fulvous ſpotted witd black; beneath with 37 filvery ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii. tab. 73. Lewin tab. 12. Larva ſpinous brown with darker ſpots and a white dorſal line : pupa brown before, greeniſh behind. * Euphroſy- Wings indented pale fulvous ſpotted with black; beneath with 9 filvery ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Lewin tab. 13. Eſp. 1. tab. 18. fig. 3. Larva fpinous black with a pair of dorſal orange ſpots on each fegment. ne. Selene. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black; lower-ones beneath with 12 filvery ſpots, a diſtinct black dot at the baſe and ſtreak behind. Inhabits Kiel. Ernt. Inf. Europ. 1. tab 19 fig. 19. Lower-wings beneath with a ſilvery ſpot at the angle of the tail and others oppoſite at the outer margin, 2 large pale cheſnut ſpots behind and near theſe a treak of black dots. a Niobe. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black; beneath with pale ſpots and 3 ſilvery ocellate ones. Inhabits Europe. Efp. 1. tob. 18 fig. 4. Schaeff t. 208.f. 1.2. t Inſtead of paie ſpots are ſometimes filvery ones. Larva fpinous, the fpines white, brown with yellow ſpots in lines. Columbina. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black ; lower ones beneath with 2 ſilvery ſtreaks Inhabits America. Jones Fig. påct. 5. zah.7. fig. 2. Lower-wing's beneath with a few black dots between the ſtreaks. Bellona. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath filvery at the tip with 6 ocellar fulvous fpots. Inhabits 1 orth America. Cramer. 18. tab. 209. fig. E. F?. Antennae variegated with cinereous and brown, the club fulvous: the filvery ſpots annulate with pale che nut brown. Phalanta. Wings indented fulvous ſpotted with black; lower-ones beneath glaucous at the tip. with 3 fulvous ocellar ſpots. Inhabits Eaſt India. Cramer 29 tab. 337.fg, D.E. Ibaise Wings indented fulvous, the margin ſtreaked with black; beneath glaucous, lower-ones with a ſilvcry band and ocellar dots. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 117 Inhabits America. In the Muſeum of Dr. Hunter. All the wings fulvous with a purple gloſs. Gripus. Wings entire brownih ; beneath a ſtreak of white dots Inhabits India. Cramer. 16. tab 183. fig. C. D. Feelers ferruginous tipt with black : upper-wings ruſty-brown with a yellow band at the tip: beneath yellow at the tip with a ſtreak of 5 white dots. Poſthumus. Wings falcate entire brown with a blue diſk ; lower-ones beneath grey immaculate. Inhabits-Fones. Fig. pict. 5. tab. 77. fig. 2. Upper-wings beneath brown at the baſe fpotted with white, the tip grey. Sophorae. Wings entire brown with a ferruginous band ; lower-ones beneath cheſnut-brown with 2 eyes. Inhabits America. Cramer. 21. tab. 213. fig. A. B, C. Larva gregarious naked lineate, Xanthus, Wings entire brown with a ferruginous band; lower-ones beneath marbled with grey and 2 eyes. . Inhabits Aſia. Cramer 16. tab. 183. fig. A.B. One of the eyes is marked with a white lunule. Cajiae. Wings ſcalloped brown with a ferruginous band, bifid at the tip, lower-ones beneath cinereous with 2 cyec. Inhabits America. Cramer. tab. 105. fig. A. B. t. 106.f. A. Larva green treaked with red, head 2 ſpined, tail biſid: pupa reddiſh with filvery ſpots. Berecynthus Wings entire, above black with a marginal yellow band; lower-ones beneath with 6 ocellar ſpots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 16. tab. 184. fig. B.C. Upper-wings with 3 white dots at the tip: all beneath variegated, with a ſingle ocellar ſpot on the upper pair and 6 on the low- er-ones. Arcadius. Wings entire ; upper-pair black ſpotted with blue and white ; lower-ones brown, beneath cheſnut-brown. Inhabits Africa. Jones Fig. pict. 5, tab, 38. fig. 1. Upper-wings with a large blue ſpot at the bafe, ſpotted with brown, the tid ſpotted with white; lower-wings with blue marginal ſpots. Honorius. 118 INSECTS, LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. a Honorius. Wings entire blue; upper-pair black at the tip with a brown rib; lower-ones dotted with black at the baſe and ftriate at the tip. Inhabits------Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 67. fig. 1. Upper-wings with a ſtreak of blue dots before the tip; beneath brown with blue dots at the baſe and a few at the tip; lower- wing's with a black outer margin; beneath dulky with black dots at the baſe and ſtreaks at the tip. Oeibon. Wings entire brown with a fulvous marginal ſtreak, lower- a ones beneath nearly naked, with 7 eyes. Inhabits Surinam. Upper-wings with a fulvous ſtreak at the tip and a few white dots; beneath a ſmall black eye: lower-wings beneath waved with obſolete white and brown ſtreaks and 7 eyes. a Polixenes. Wings entire brown; lower-ones beneath clouded with brown and grey. Inhabits North America. In the muſeum of Sir Fof. Banks. Capavius. Wings entire black ſpotted with white; lower-ones beneath grey with a white band each fide. Inhabits Africa and Guinea. Cramer tab. 193. fig. E, F. The white band is abbreviated on the lower-wings. Conftantius. Wing entire dull cinereous with a marginal ſtreak of brown dots. Inhabits-Fones. Fig. pict. tab. 5o. fig. 1. Dots on the upper-wings ſurrounded with a white lunule; be- neath a broad paler band behind the middle in which is a ſtreak of darker dots, a Marthefius. Wings entire black ; upper-pair with a fulvous diſk; lower- ones with a ſtreak of white dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 16. tab. 191. fig. A, B. Arcefilaus. Wings entire; above ferruginous immaculate, beneath brown with 2 darker ſtreaks. 2 . Inhabits Siam. In the muſeum Sr. 78. Banks. Nero Wings entire fanguineous with a browniſh margin; lower- a ones orange beneath. Inhabits Afia. In the Britiſh Muſeum. Upper-rwings beneath orange with a ſcarlet diſk, lower ones with 2 brown ſtreaks. a Polycarmes. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. 119 Polycarmes. Wings entire, above black, beneath cheſnut-brown imma- culate. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 28. tab. 329. fig. C, D. Æropus. Wings entire brown with a yellow band; upper-pair bez neath with a ſingle eye at the baſe. Inhabits India. Cramer. 10. tab. 111. fig. F, G. Ancæus. Wings entire black with a blue band on the upper-pair and a ferruginous one on the lower-ones; beneath green. Inhabits India. Cramer. 29. tab. 338. fig. C, D. Obrinus. Wings entire above brown with a blue band and ferruginous ſpot, beneath green with a whitiſh band. Inhabits India. Cramer. 5. tab. 49. fig. E, F. Upper wings with a ferruginous ſpot, the iris blackiſh, behind this a blue band, and a blue ſpot at the tip; beneath a pale blueiſh band; lower-wings with 3 ſmall black dots; beneath 3 ruſty-brown ſtreaks and 2 dots. Lucindus. Wings entire barred with black, above blue beneath fulvous. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer Inf. 1. tab. 1. fig. E, F. A ſtreak of black dots above towards the margin on the upper wings, and beneath on all. Liriope. Wings entire fulvous, the border brown with fulvous ſpots; lower-ones yellowiſh with fulvous waves. Inhabits Guiana. Cramer. 1. tab. 1. fig. C, D, Lower-svings beneath with a ſtreak of fulvous ocellar dots behind and a marginal one of lunules. Arminius. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, fulvous with reddith- lunules and dots. Inhabits------Jones Fig. piet. 6. tab. 32. fig. 4. Morpheus. Wings entire fulvous ſpotted with black; lower-ones with a ſtreak of black dots each ſide. Inhabits North America. Cram. 9. tab. 201. fig. A,B,C. Antenna black annulate with white, the tip fulvous: body above brown, beneath cinereous : lower-wings beneath paliſh with brown waved ſtreaks margin and 6 dots. Lyſidice. Wings entire blue with a black border above and bands beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 15. tab. 169. fig. C, D. Upber- 120 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Nymph. Upper-wings with black nerves and ma;gin : lower-wings with a black margin. Beneath a ſilvery dot in the third band of the upper-pair and 3 in that of the lower-ones. - Euments. Wings entire brown with a white band which in the lower ones is terminated each ſide by a fulvous ſpot. Inhabits Cayenne. Tip of the wings whitiſh. Darduz. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with a blue eye in the middle each fide; all beneath with 2 ocellar ſtreaks. Inhabits Surinam. Body brown. All the wings with 2 obſolete grey macular ſtreaks above, the hinder-one fubocellar; the blue eye on the upper-pair with a fulvous iris and without pupil, behind this 2 ſmall white dots: beneath all with 2 macular whitiſh ſtreaks towards the tip, the hinder-one fubocellar. Arces. Wings entire blue; npper-pair ſpotted with white; lower- ones with a black and white marginal (pot. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 15. tab. 189. fg. E, F. Canthus Wings entire, above brown immaculate: lower-ones with 6 eyes beneath. Inhabits North America. Cram. 17. tah. 204. fig. C. D. All the avings beneath paler with 2 oblique ferruginous ftreaks, upper-pair with 3 ſmall obſolete eyes, lower-ones ftreaked at the margin with 6 eyes, the fifth very large, the fixth very minutc at the angle of the tail. Eurytris. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with 2 eyes each ſide, lower-ones with a ſingle one above and 4 beneath, all of them with a double pupil. Inhabits Jamaica. Cramer. 11. tab. 132. fig, C, D. Antenna annulate with white and black, the tip ferruginous: all the wings with darker marginal ftreaks above: all the eyes black with yellow iris and double filvery pupil; between the fecond and third on the under-page of the lower-wings are 2 filvery ſpots. Hermes. Wings entire, above brown immaculate with 6 eyes on the the upper-pair, 3 of which are blind. Inhabits Braſil. Cramer. 5. tab. 6o. fig. E, F. Wings beneath paler with 2 dark waved ftreaks, on the upper- pair 3 obſolete eyes and 6 on the lower-ones, the iris yellow pupil ſnowy, 1,3-4. blind. Irius. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. 121 Irius. Wings entire with a yellow diſk; lower-ones with i eye above and 2 beneath. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir. 70%. Banks. Upper-wing's brown with a yellow diſk; beneath a ſmall eye before the tip: lower-wings brown with a broad ferruginous band and a black eye with ferruginous iris and ſnowy pupil ; beneath pale at the tip with 2 black eyes ſurrounded with a ferruginous and broad filvery ring, the pupil ſnowy, between the eyes a ſmall filvery ſpot. Mineus. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with a ſingle eye above, lower-ones with 7 beneath and a white band. Inhabits China. Cramer. 7. tab. 84. fig. C, D. Crantor. a Wings entire brown; lower-ones with a ſingle bipupillate eye above and 5 beneath, the firſt and fourth bipu- pillate. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. piet, 4. tab. 18. fg. 1. Lower-wings with a black eye above, the iris yellow and pupil double; beneath 5, the third and fifth blind. Mergus. Wings entire brown, both ſurfaces alike; upper-pair with 4 eyes, the anterior one with a double pupil ; lower- ones with 5. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig.pict. 4. tab. 41. fig. 2. The eyes black with a fulvous iris and white pupil. Heſperia. Rurales. Cupido. Lower-wings 6-toothed, tailed, beneath whitiſh with fil- very ſpots. Inhabits America. Cramer. 14. tab. 164. fig. D,E,F,G. , Larva white dotted with black. Gnidus Agrippa. Wings 6-toothed tailed, white with a black border; lower- ones with ſilvery ſpots beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 21. tab. 244 fig. C,D,E,F. Wings 3-tailed blue with a black border ; beneath cinere- ous with a white ſtreak and 2 rufous ſpots at the angle of the tail. Inhabits America. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 3. fig. 3. Spots at the angle of the tail with a black pupil. Wings- 3-tailed; upper-pair black, lower-ones blue: be- neath cinereous with 2 brown ſtreaks and 2 eyes at the angle of the tail. VOL.III.Q Inhabits a Helius, I 22 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. Inhabits Africa. Cramer. 19. tab. 224. fig. D, E. Antennae black annulate with white, the tip fulvous ; upper-wings with a thin blue edge: lower-wings with 3 black tails tipt with white: the eyes at the angle of the tail black with a rufous iris. a Janias. Wings 3-tailed blue with a black border; beneath green. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 18. tab. 213. fig. D, E. Lower-wings beneath with a black ſpot towards the margin. Pythagoras. Wings 3-tailed black with a yellow border; beneath black varied with white and a white band in the middle. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. piet. 6. tab. 14. fig. 4. Small. Lower-rvings with marginal lunules. - Amor. Wings 3-tailed brown, the diſk beneath variegated and a golden ſtreak behind on the lower-ones. Inhabits India. Cramer. tab. 320. Jones 6. tab. 11. fig. 3. Antennæ annulate with white and black the club ferruginous at the tip: upper-wings with a white ſpot in the middle : lower- wings with a terminal rufous band and 3 filiform tails. Beneath the diſk white varied with black and yellow, the border brown with a white marginal ftreak on the upper-pair: at the angle of the tail are 2 ſmall ipots. Hefiodus. Wings 3-tailed black with a blue diſk; beneath white with - a common greeniſh ſtreak and 2 ſilvery black dots at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Cramer. tab. go. Fones 6. tab. 9. fig. 4. At the angle of the tail are 2 dots which in the upper-pair are black, in the lower-ones filvery. a Timon. Wings 3-tailed, greeniſh at the baſe; beneath white with an abbreviated red band on the lower-ones. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Upper-wings above brown with a greeniſh baſe, beneath white with a darker tip: lower-wings greeniſh ſpotted with white, beneath white with an abbreviated brown ſtreak at the angle of the tail and a red band with 2 black ſpots. 2 Monous. Wings 3-tailed brown; beneath ſnowy ſlightly barred with brown, the lower-ones with 2 gilt eyes. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir Fof. Banks. Upper-wings beneath with a tranſverſe brown ſpot in the middle and band at the tip: lower-wings ſtreaked with white at the margin, the tails ſhort and white; beneath with 3 brown dots at the baſe interrupted band in the middle and patch at the tip, at the hind-margin 2 gilt eyes with a fulvous iris. Faunus. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hf. Rur. 123 Faunus. Wings 3-tailed brown; beneath white with 2 fulvous ſtreaks. Inhabits Africa. Cramer. tab. 39. fig. B, C. tob. 96, fig. F, G, Lower-wings with a white ſtreak behind, the tails long white. Lifas. Wings 3-tailed; upper-pair brown with a fulvous ſpot ; lower-ones beneath white ſpotted with black. Inhabits Poulicandor. In the muſeum of Sir Tof. Banks. Upper-zing's beneath yellowiſh with fulvous itreaks and a brown one behind : lower-wing's ſpotted with blue on the hind- margin, the tails black edged with white. Hymer. Wings 3-tailed brown, ſpotted with white beneath; upper- pair white above. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Upper-wings with a common whitiſh ſpot at the thinner-margin, beneath with tranſverſe white lines. Gabrielis. Wings nearly 3-tailed gloſſy-blue; lower-ones beneath brown with white bands before the tip. Inhabits America. Cramer. 1. tab. 6. fig. C, D. Lower-wing's ferruginous at the tip and barred with white, angle of the tail greeniſh. Pindarus. Wings nearly 3-tailed blue with a black border, beneath brown with filvery and fulvous ſpots. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 4. fig. 4. Wings black with a ſtriate blue diſk, at the angle of the tail 2 rufous fpots. Cbit07, a Wings 3-tailed blue with a brown border, beneath yellowish- white with black bands. Inhabits India. Cram, tab. 282. fig. C, D. Jones 6. t. 2. f. 1. Lower-wings with 3 black tails tipt with white, in the hind- border a white ſtreak; beneath 4 bands meeting at the angle of the tail. Pelion. Wings nearly 3-tailed blue with gold dots and a brown border. Inhabits America. Cram. 1. tab. 6. fig. E, F. Wings beneath brown with white bands and darker at the baſe, upper pair with a ſmall ſcarlet dot. Wings nearly 3-tailed blue with a black border, beneath Annus. black with white bands. Inhabits 124 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef .Rur. Inhabits America. Cramer. 2. tab. 23. fig. E. F. The middle tail longer and white before the tip. Petus. Wings nearly 3-tailed blue with a black border ; beneath brown, the baſe rufous dotted with white. Inhabits Surinam, Antenne black with a white club, Freja. Wings 2-tailed brown; the diſk beneath brown with a wa- ved ſtreak, which on the upper-pair is fulvous on the lower-ones black. Inhabits Tranquebar. Upper-wings beneath white with a fulvous border tranſverſe line in the middle and ſtreak behind : lower-wings white at the tip with a broad black band, the firſt tail w bite the ſecond black edged with white; beneath with fulvous and black marginal ſtreaks, the tip prominent with a broad blue band terminated each ſide with a black dot. Etolus, Wings 2-tailed, upper-pair black ; lower-ones blueiſh be- neath whitiſh with a black dot at the baſe and 2 at the tip. Inhabits. India. Upper wings a little blueiſh on the inner-margin : lower-wing's with a black dot at the tip. Beneath the upper-pair brown teitaceous with 2 darker ſtreaks, lower-ones with 2 interrupt- ed dark ſtreaks before the tip, the tails white with a black line in the middle. . Vulcanus. Wings 2-tailed, above brown with fulvous ſpots, beneath variegated with fulvous yellow and ſilvery ſtreaks. Inhabits India. Cramer. 18. tab. 208 fig E. F. Body brown with lateral white ſtripes : upper-winos with verie fulvous ſpots : lower ones with a marginal fulvous band and black dot at the angle of the tail with a golden iris, bencath 2 black dots at the angle of the tail. 4 tranf- Ganymedes Wings 2-tailed blueiſh with a brown border, beneath green- ilh at the baſe with gold dots. Inhabits India. Cramer. 4, tab. 40. fig. C, D. Upper-wings with a brown central dot, beneath 2 white ftreaks and a purple one in the middle : lower-wings beneath with a white purple and green approximate bards, the hind-margin brown. Mars. Wings 2-tailed brown ; lower-ones with a rufous ſpot and 2 white dots and an oblique band beneath. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. 125 Inhabits America. Cramer 15. tab. 175. fig. C, D. Antennæ annulate with white and black, the club ferruginous at the tip : upper-swings with a darker ſpot in the middle, beneath cincreous with an oblique white band : lower-wings beneath with a large rufous ſpot before the angle of the tail, Celerio. Wings 2-tailed white ; beneath with alternate brown and white bands and a triple rufous eye at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer, 3. tab. 31. fig. C. D. Upper-wings dotted with black at the tip : lower-ones at the mar- gin. Ematheon. Wings 2-tailed gloffy-blue, beneath black ſpeckled with blue. Inhabits Surinam. Cromer 14. tab. 163. fig. F. G. Upper-wings with a black ſpot; all tipt with black. Didymaon. Wings 2-tailed brown; the baſe beneath red with white ocellar dots Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 12. tab. 134. fig. A. A greeniſh ſpot beneath at the angle of the tail, Eroſine. Wings 2-tailed brown, upper-pair with 7 red dots, lower- ones with 3; upper-pair beneath with beneath with 3 filvery dots. Inhabits Cape of good hope. Cram. tab. 341. fig, D, E, Upper wings beneath brown with a fulvous diſk ſpotted with black and 3 Ipots with a white pupil: lower-ones beneath brown ſpotted with white, Ifocrates. Wings 2-tailed brown with 2 approximate waved darker ſtreaks, and a double black ſpot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Large, Antennae black annulate with white: upper-wings with a ferru- ruginous ſpot in the middle: lower-ones ferruginous at the tip: one of the ſpots at the angle of the tail ferruginous on the fore-part. Atys. a Wings 2-tailed brown with a blue diſk ; beneath cinereous with brown veins, the baſe with a fulvous ſpot and white dots. Inhabits India. Cram. tab. 259. Fones 6. tab. 13. fg. 1. Sophocles. 126 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. Sophocles. Wings 2-tailed black with a common blue diſk ; beneath white with waved yellowiſh ſtreaks, the lower-ones with a fulvous dot at the tip. Inhabits India. Fones Fig.pict. 6. tab. 13. fig. 2. Lower-wings beneath with a black line in the middle. a a Euripides. Wings 2-tailed black with a blue diſk: beneath brown with ån abbreviated white ſtreak on the the upper-pair, and 2 angular rufous ſtreaks and marginal ocellar ſpot on the lower-ones. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 13. fig. 4. Pboleus. Wings 2-tailed blue ; beneath black with green and blue bands. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 14. tab. 163. fig. D, E. The wing-tail terminating in a white dot. Anacreon. Wings 2-tailed brown, beneath waved with white and a macular fulvous ſtreak behind. Inhabits India. Jones Fig: pict. 6. tab. 5. fig. 4. . 4. Wings beneath with a fulvous ſtreak towards the hind-margin, that on the upper-pair conſiſting of 5 dots, that on the lower- ones of 3 the middle-one with a black pupil. a T bales. Wings 2-tailed black with blue lunules beneath ; lower- ones beneath with an abbreviated fubmarginal gold band. Inhabits India. Jones. Fig. piet. 6. tab. 14. fig. 1. Wings with a blue hind-margin. а Endymion. Wings 2-tailed ; beneath green with rufous and gold fpecks, lower-ones with a black ſtreak and red band. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 6. tab. 72. fig. E. F. Wings above blue with a black margin and red at the angle of the tail; the red band ends in a white one. Venus. Wings 2-tailed ; lower-ſurface of the upper-pair green ſpeckled with gold, of the lower-ones gold, ſpotted with green and black. 2. Wings 3-tailed blueiſh tipt with black; beneath golden ſpeck. led with black. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 7. tab. 76. fig E. F. Wings above blue tipt with black, upper-pair with 2 ferruginous dots in the centre : tails black. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Heſ. Rur. 127 Echion. Wings 2-tailed, above brown, beneath paliſh with a rufou band and terminal red eye. Inhabits America. Esp. 1. tab. 20. fig. 1. Ernſt. tab. 37. f. 77. Upper-furface of the wings ſometimes ſhinging blue. Telemus. Wings 2-tailed ſhining-blue ; lower-ones with a marginal angular black ſtreak beneath Inhabits America. Cramer. 1. tab. 4. f. D,E. Upper-wings with a black ſpot in the middle; tails black. Dindus, Wings 2-tailed black, the thinner margin blue; beneath cinereous with white ſpots and a double rufous ſpot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. piet. 6. tab. 4. fig. 2. Upper-wings beneath with 2 brown lines in the middle, then a ſtreak of brown ſpots edged with white, then a ſtreak of white lunules. Cecrops. a Wings 2-tailed black with a red band beneath. Inhabits India. Jones Fig, pict. 6. tab. 21. fig. 2. Upper-wings beneath with a red ſpot in the middle and abbre- viated band behind : lower-wings beneath with a red band behind jointed to a blueiſh one and behind this black lunules and a marginal fulvous ſpot with a black dot. Hemon, Wings 2-tailed, above brown immaculate ; lower-ones beneath with 3 blueilh bands at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 2. tab. 20. fig. D, E. Wings beneath paler with a black half ſtreaks on the upper-pair, and a black dot at the baſe with a lateral white pupil on the lower-ones, towards the angle of the tail an incurved white ſtreak. Sphinx, Wings 2-tailed blueiſh, beneath cinereous with a double black ſpot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Cramer 4. tab. 46.f. F. G. Wings above blue, the margin of the upper-pair brown ; beneath with 2 waved brown ſtreaks, one of the ſpots at the angle of tail ſurrounded with a rufous lunule, the other in the tail itſelf. Melibaus. Wings -2-tailed blueith with a brown border ; beneath yellowiſh with brown ſtreaks on the upper-pair and black-ones on the lower, angle of the tail black with blue rings. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 2. fig. 2. Lower- 128 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. a a Lower-wings with a white freak in the border and a black ſubo- cellar dot at the angle of the tail. Maecenas. Wings 2-tailed black with a blue diſk, beneath with chef- nut-brown clouds Inhabits China. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 3. fig 2. Upper-wing's beneath with an interrupted white line at the baſe : lower-ores beneath with a black dot at the angle of the tail. Tyrtaeus ز Wings 2-tailed brown ; lower-ones beneath with a waved white ſtreak and black marginal lunules, the middle- ones rufous. Inhabits India. Fones Fig pict. 6. tab. 11. fig. 1. Lower-wings with a blueith band bifid behind the diviſions end- ing in a black dot. Xenophon. a Wings 2-tailed brown with a yellow diſk ; beneath cinere- ous with a white ſtreak in the middle joined to a brown one. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 15. fig. 4. Lower-wings with a marginal punctured brown ſtreak. Marſyas. Wings 2-tailed, above blue, beneath blueiſh with black dots. Inhabits America Cramer Inf, 28. tab 332. fig. A, B. Bathis. Wings 2-tailed blue with a black eye ; beneath brown with white bands, angle of the tail rufous. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer: tab. 51. fig. E, F. Jones 6. t.10, f. 1 The eye in the middle of the upper-wings with a cinereous iris. Cyanus. a Wings 2-tailed ſhining blue, beneath with a white diſk. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 7. tab. 76. fig. C. D. Lower-wings beneath with 7 blue ſpots, the pupil black. Hyacinthns Wings 2-tailed fhining blue ; under-ſurface of the lower- ones black in the middle with a white band. Inhabits India. Cramer 3. tab. 36. fig. E. Halefus. Wings 2-tailed blue edged with black ; lower-ones each fide ſpotted with gold at the tip. Inhabits America. Cramer 9. tob. 98. fig. B. C. An ocella: brown ſpot with a rufous lunule in the middle on the upper- INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. 129 upper-wings, beneath a rufous dot and blue line at the baſe : lower-wings with a rufous and gold ſpot at the baſe be- neath. a Acbæus. Wings nearly 2-tailed brown with fulvous ſpots; beneath yellow with gold ſpots. Inhabits India. Cramer. tab. 352. Fones 6. tab. 4. fig. 1. Wings beneath with numerous gold ſpots, fome of them annulate with brown, the tails ſhort and ſhining gold. ; Pericles. Wings 2-tailed black ; beneath brown waved with white, angle of the tail with a double filvery ſpot. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 18. fig. 3. Louer-wings with a few black dots beneath. Formoſis. Wings 2-tailed brown, beneath yellowiſh with red and and gold ſpots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 10. tab. 118 fig. G. Hind-margin of the wings beneath golden. Meton, Wings 2-tailed white with a brown border ; upper-pair with an ocellar gold ſpot. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 17. tab. 201. fig. C. D. Wings beneath varied with black yellow and brown. Wings indented, nearly 2-tailed, blackiſh with fulvous ſpots; beneath with ſilvery ſpots. Inhabits Africa. Thero. Liger. Wings 2-tailed white tipt with black, beneath brown with white ſtreaks and lunules. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 22. tab. 254. fig. E. F. Body white : antennae black : lower-wings beneath with a blue fpot in the middle and 2 at the tip. Harpax. Wings tailed fulvous ſpotted with black, beneath cinereous with gold dits. Inhabits America. Antennae black with white lateral dots and band before the club which is ferruginous at the tip : wing-tail ferruginous tipt with white. Valens. Wings tailed brown; beneath yellowiſh with red ſpots in- cluding gold ones. VOL, III.R Inhabits 130 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Rur. Inhabits Surinam. In the Muſeum of Sir yos. Banks. Upper-swings with a diaphanous ſpot in the middle ; beneath a a gold ſtreak towards the hind-margin. Perion. Wings tailed fulvous with a brown border and bands ; be- neath dotted with gold. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 32. tab. 379. fig. B, C. Tail long black ending in a white dot. Auguſus. Wings tailed white with a brown border; beneath varied with ferruginous and yellow, the lower-ones with 2 cinereous ſtreaks. Inhabits America. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tah.3. fig. 1. Wings with a black ſpot at the angle of the tail : lower-ones beneath with a black dot at the baſe annulate with yellow. Centaurus. Wings tailed blueiſh with a brown border, beneath cinere- cus with ocellar ſpots at the baſe. Inhabits New Holland. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Upper-wing's beneath with 4 or 5 brown ſpots annulate with white, behind theſe a brown band edged with white : lower- wings beneath with 6 or 7 brown ſpots annulate with white at the baſe. Gerontes. Wings tailed black with a common tranſverſe white ſpot; upper-pair with an eye, lower ones with a double one. Inhabits Africa. In the Muſeum of Sir. Fof Banks. Black eye on the upper-wings with a lunular filvery pupil, that on the lower-wings with 2 filvery pupils and common ferru- ginous iris : hind-margin with filvery lunules. Farbus. Wings tailed fulvous with a brown border ; beneath cine- reous with a white ſtreak, lower-ones with 2 black dots Inhabits Siam. In the muſeum of Sir Joſeph Banks. Antennae black annalate with white, the club black with a ful. vous tip: wing-tails thin black tipt with white : lower-wings beneath with a black dots at the tip, the anterior-one with a fulvous iris. Ceranus. Wings tailed blueiſh ; beneath cheſnut-brown at the baſe fpotted with white. Inhabits India. Cramer. tab. 332. Jotes 6. tab. 3. fig. 4. Pann INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Rur. 131 Pann, Wings tailed brown; upper-pair with a fulvous ſpot, low- er-ones with a black ſubmarginal one; beneath cine- reous with 2 eyes at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 2. fig. 3. Black ſpot on the lower-wings annulate with ferruginous : all beneath ſtreaked with white, one of the ſpots at the angle of the tail ſurrounded with a ferruginous ring. Phorbas. Wings tailed brown with a white diſk; beneath white with cinereous ſtreaks and 2 black dots at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India, Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 2. fig. 4. Lower-wings with a white hind-margin ſpotted with brown. a * Betule. Wings ſlightly tailed brown; bencath yellowiſh with 2 white ſtreaks on the lower-ones, Inhabits Europe. Donovan, vii. tab. 250. Lewin, tab. 42. Wing-tailred : male with a ſhort black ſtreak on the lower wings: female with a large fulyous ſpot on the upper-pair. Larva fat green with paie ſtreaks : pupa glabrous, ferruginous. *Pruni. Wings flightly tailed, above brown with a red ſpot at the tip of the lower-ones: lower-wings beneath with a fulvous marginal band dotted with black. Inhabits Europe. Lewin tab. 44. Esp. 1. tab 39 fig. 1. Larva fat green with a pale lateral line: pupa brown with a white head. Spini. Wings tailed brown; beneath cinereous with fulvous marginal lunules and a blueilh ſpot near the tail. Inhabits Germany, on the Prunus ſpinoſa. Lower--wings with a few rufous ſpots at the tip, the tail tipt with white. Beneath a white ſtreak, the blueiſh-ſpot at the angle of the tail with a terminal black dot. Favonius. Wings flightly tailed brown with fulvous ſpots ; beneath cinereous with 2 white ſtreaks, lower-ones with a ſub- marginal fulvous band and blueilh at the angle of the tail. Inhabits America. Smiths's Lepidop. Inf. of Gerrgie. * Quercus. Wings ſlightly tailed blueiſh; beneath cinereous with a white ſtreak and double fulvous dot near the tail. Inhabits Europe. Lewin. tab. 43. Albin, t, 62.f. A. B. R2 Male. 132 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. Lintrus. 3 Male, wings above brown with a blue heart-ſhaped ſpot on the upper-pair. Larva fat, above roſy with 3 lines of green dots : pupa glabrous, ferruginous with 3 dorſal lines of brown dots. Wings tailed brown immaculate ; lower.ones beneath with a lunulate white and rufous ftreak. Inhabits Ruſia; reſembles P. fpini. Upper-wings beneath with an abbreviated ſtreak of 5 whitiſh Ju- nules, a ſtreak of numerous white lunules on the lower-ones and a few red lunules behind : male with a fulvous diſk on the wings above. a Cerafi. Wings tailed brown immaculate; beneath a white ſtreak and fulvous lunules marked with a black dot on the ower-ones. Inhabits Auftria. Eſp. pap. 1. tab. 39. fig. 3. Acaciae. Wings tailed brown; beneath blueiſh with a white ſtreak, and fulvous lunules near the tail. Inhabits Ruſia . much leſs than the laſt. Lower-wings with 2 marginal fulvous ſpots, beneath with a white ſtreak and fulvous lunules near the tail with a black dot or . two. Symethus. Wings flightly tailed brown with a white ſpot on the diſk ; upper-pair tipt with black. Inhabits America. Cramer. 13. tab. 194. fg. B.C. Upper-wings beneath grey with a white ſpot in the middle and ferruginous border, the hind-margin with a ſtreak of black dots : lower-wing's beneath variegated, the margin dotted with black. Bætica. Wings tailed blueifh ; beneath cinereous with white waves, angle of the tail with a double gilt ſpot. Inhabits Europe and india. Eſp.pap. 1. tab. 27. fig. 3. Wing-teil tipt with white: the 2 eyes with a gilt iris and black pupil. a Apidanus. Wings tailed blue ; lower-ones beneath brown varied with blue, angle of the tail with a double gilt ſpot. Inhabits Surinam. Cremer. 12. tab. 137. fig. F. G. Wings blue edged with black, beneath brown with a ferruginous fpot at the baſe. Aelianu.. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. 133 Aelianus. Wings tailed white; beneath cinereous with white ſtreaks, angle of the tail with a black eye Inhabits Eaf India, Upper wings above tipt with black : eye at the angle of the tail black with a gold glofs and ſurrounded with a rufous ring. a Strephon. Wings tailed brown with a blueiſh diſk; beneath cinereous with a white band and double rufous eye at the angle a of the tail. Inhabits India. Cramer. tab. 27. fig. C, D. Eye at the angle of the tail with a black pupil. Ericus. Wings tailed blueiſh; beneath varied with white and brown, the lower-ones with 2 dots at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Cramer. tab. 379. Fones 6. tab. 18. fig. 4. Dots on the wings white annulate with black. tus, Theophraf- Wings tailed browniſh; beneath white ſpotted with black, lower-ones with 5 marginal gilt dots. Inhabits Morocco; ſmall. Upper-wing's with 2 blueiſh lines at the baſe, the diſk with an obſolete yellowiſh fpot ſpotted with black; beneath white with black lines. a Columella, Wings tailed browniſh ; beneath cinereous with a ſtreak of black and white dois and 2 fulvous fpots on the lower- ones. Inhabits South American Iſlands ; fmall. Antennae black annulate with white : lower-wings with a black ſubocellar ſpot or two at the tip, the tail black tipt with white. Cleon. Wings tailed brown; beneath cinereous with a red ſtreak on the upper-pair and band on the lower-ones, angle of the tail with a double rufous eye. Inhabits Braſil. In the muſenm of Sir fof. Banks. Antenna annulate with white and black, the club black with a brown dot at the tip: all the wings above brown, a ſmall red dot at the angle of the tail; beneath cinereous with paler mar- ginal lanules, the 2 eyes rufous with a black pupil. Pbocides. Wings tailed, above brown; lower-ones white with 2 black dots. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 12. fig. 2. Lower-wings white at the tip with 2 black dots: upper-wings beneath with 3 white and 3 teſtaceous alternate bands; lower- ones with brown dots and lines and 2 black dots at the tip. 13+ INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Rur. Alcides. Wings tailed black with a blue glofs; beneath ferruginous with a yellow ſtreak. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer. 8. tab. 96. fig. D, E. Philippus. Wings tailed brown; beneath white with 2 fulvous ſtreak and 2 fubocellar black dots at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 20. fig. 1. Lower-wings with a white ſtreak behind and 2 fubocellar black dots at the angle of the tail. Atymnus. Wings tailed fulvous, upper-pair tipt with black. Inhabits Siam. Cramer. 28. tab. 331. fig. D, E. Eryx. Wing's tailed black ; beneath green with a ſlightly indented and ſpotted margin on the lower-ones. Inhabits China. Cramer. 4. tab. 48. fig, E. Aeolus. Wings tailed blue with a black ſpot on the upper-pair; all beneath with a white band ſtreaked with black, Inhabits India. Aubent. Miſcell. tab. 18. fig 6, 7. Upper wings tipt with black: lower-ones beneath with a ſmall red dot at the anterior baſe and a red ſpot with a few white ones at the tip. Coriolanus. Wings indented tailed, dull cinereous with a common fer- ruginous ſtreak. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 48. fig. 1. Lower-wings with a ferruginous patch behind; beneath 4 black dots marked with white. Plinius. Wings tailed varied with white and brown; lower-ones beneath with a double gilt 1pot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Indid. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 11. fig. 4. Urper-wings with ſquare brown ſpots; beneath with bands. Acmon. Wings tailed blue; lower-ones beneath black with green- gold ſtreaks at the tip. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 5. tab. 51. fig. C, D. Upper- wings with a black central ſpot. Democritu:. Wings tailed ſhining blue, beneath black ſpotted with white. Inhabits Eaſt India. Lower wings beneath with 2 black ſpots at the angle of the tail furrounded with a green gold ring. Amyntas. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rnr. 135 Amyntas. Wings tailed blue with a black margin; beneath cinereous with black dots, and 2 ferruginous ones on the lower- pair at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Austria. Eſp. Pap. tab. 49. fig. 2. Upper-swings with a black lunule each ſide and a ſtreak of black dots beneath. Timeus. Wings tailed varied with fulvous and brown; upper-pair beneath with ocellar black dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 16. tab. 186. fig. E, F. Diſk of the upper-wings fulvous dotted with black; beneath ful- vous, the dots annulate with white: lower-wings with 4. blueifh dots and a fulvous band. Simaethis. Wings tailed brown, beneath green with a ſilvery ſtripe. Inhabits Surinam. Drury Inf, 1. tab. I. fig. 3. The ſtripe on the lower-wings is indented. Sedi. Wings tailed blue, the margin ſpotted with white; beneath white with ſquare black ſpots and a rufous band. Inhabits Germany. Naturf. 9. tab. 1. fig. 4, 5. Larva green with a red dorſal line : pupa obtuſe, greeniſh before and cheſnut-brown behind. Phidias. Wings tailed blueiſh with a brown border ; beneath cine- reous, all with a black dot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 16. fig. 2. Margins of the wings waved with white. Herodotus. Wings tailed blue ; beneath green with a ſtreak of black- white dots on the lower-ones. Inhabits India. Fones. Fig. pict. 6. tab. 18. fig. 1. Spots on the cuings black on the fore-part and white behind. Strabo. Wings tailed blue; beneath cinereous with white waves, lower-ones with 2 black marginal dots and 2 at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Eaſt India: ſmall. Upper-wings beneath with a ſmall black ſubocellar dot at the rib: lower-wings with a black dot at the tip; beneath 2 ocellar dots at the rib and 2 at the angle of the tail, the iris yellow on the fore-part and ſilvery behind. * Rubi. Wings ſlightly tailed, above brown beneath green. . Inhabits Europe. Lewin. tab. 44. Albin. tab. 5. jg. 8. . In one ſex a white ſtripe on the lower-wings beneath. Larva green varied with yellow, head black: pupa pale brown. Plato. 136 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Rur. Plato. a Wings tailed blue with a brown border, beneath cinereous with white waves, lower-ones with a black bipupillate eye. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 14. fig. 3. Lower-wings with a marginal freak of black dots; beneath a black eye with yellow iris and a double ſilvery pupil, at the angle of the tail a filvery ſpot. Rolimon. Wings tailed white with a black border and dots on the diſk; beneath dotted with black, angle of the tail with 3 gold dots. Inhabits Inaia. Cramer Inf. tab. 340. fig. C,D,E. Baſe of the wings with a blue gloſs, the tail black tipt with white. Hippocrates Wings tailed brown tipt with white, beneath white dotted with black. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 17. fig. 1. Lower wings edged with white. Theocritus. Wings tailed greeniſh with a darker rib, beneath black dotted with yellow. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. piet. 6. tab. 6. fg. 3• Wings above greeniſh with a ſlight gold glols Lincus. Wings tailed white tipt with brown; beneath with white and black bands, angle of the tail with 3 white dots. Inhabits Surinam. Upper-wings with a brown broad tip and dot in the middle; beneath 4 alternate white and black bands, the 2 middle ones black, the margin with a ſhort ferruginous itreak: lower-wings beneath with 6 alternate white and black bands meeting at the angle of the tail, the extreme ones ferruginous, angle of the tail black with 3 white dots. Parrbafius. Wings tailed blue (brown ;) beneath cinereous with white ſtreaks, lower-ones with marginal gold dots. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 16 fig. 2. Wings edged with brown lower-oues with a ſtreak of black ocellate dots annulate with white at the baſe and 4 gold ones at the tips - Amyrtor. Wings indented tailed black with a fulvous ſpot at the baſe, the tip with a yellow band. Iuhabits India. Cramer. 13. tab. 159. fg. D, E. Wings beneath yellow with a curved black band and hind-margin, lower-ones with a black bind-margin dotted with white. Narciſus. a INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef Rur. 137 Narciſſus. Wings indented brown, with a blueiſh diſk; beneath with red ſpots and bands with ſilvery edges. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antenna varied with white and black, the club rufous at the tip: upper-wings beneath with a yellowiſh outer margin, 2 ſilvery lines from the baſe to the middle, behind theſe a tranſverſe filvery line and 3 dots, then a tranſverfe rufous ſpot with a filvery edge, at the tip 5 filvery dots with a black pupil: lower-wings beneath with 2 red ſpots and 2 bands all with ſilvery edges, the hind margin red with a ſilvery ſtreak. Apelles. Wings indented fulvous with a brown border; lower-ones beneath with rufous bands with ſilvery edges. Inhabits New Holland: probably a ſexual variety of the laſt. Antennae annulate with white, the tip fulvous : upper-wings beneath yellowiſh with 3 filvery lines, behind theſe a tranſverſe rufous ſpot and 6 filvery dots, 5 filvery dots with black pupil at the margin : lower-wings beneath grey with 4 rufous bands, 3 black ſpots at the angle of the tail, and a ſilvery ſtreak on the hind-margin. a Heraclitus. Wings indented black with a fulvous ſpot on the upper-pair; lower-wings with a blue fpot above and yellowiſh ſtreaks and blue dots beneath. Inhabits America. Fones Fig. piet. 6. tab. 37. fig. 2, Upper wings beneath with a fulvous dot and tranſverſe ſpot, and a yellow ſtreak at the baſe and tip. Plautus. Wings indented brown, above immaculate, beneath with tranfverfe black and white lines. Inhabits India. Fones. Fig. pict. 6. tab. 44. fig. 1. Thyſe. Wings denticulate fulvous ſpotted with black ; lower-ones beneath ſtriate with black and ſpotted with gold. Inhabits Africa, Nais. Wings indented, the baſe filvery with gold ſtreaks. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Cramer. 4. tab. 47. fig. D, E. Wings with gold dots at the tip, upper-pair brown, lower-ones fulvous. Beneath the upper-pair fulvous with gold dots an. nulate with black, lower-ones brown with gold ſpots. Meleager. Wings indented, blue with a black border; beneath grey with black ocellar dots. Inhabits Germany. Eſp. tab. 45. fig. 2. tab. 62. fig. 1. Female with white lunules and black dots on the border, VOL. III.S Epulus. 138 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Rur. Epulus. Wings entire brown with fulvous ſpots; beneath variegated. Inhabits Surinam Cramer. 5. tab. 50. fig. C, D. Lower-wings with a ſtreak of black ſpots and black ſtreaks; all beneath variegated with brown ferruginous and white. * Arion. Wings above blue edged with brown and ſpotted with black; beneath grey with numerous fmall eyes. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab. 184. Lewin. tab. 37. Male with a fingle black ſpot on the upper-wings and a row of marginal ones on the lower: female with 5 or 6 on the upper- pair and a few on the diſk of the lower beſides the row of marginal one's. Erebus. Wings entire brown; all with a ſtreak of ocellate dots beneath. Inhabits Germany. Ernſt. Inf. Eur. 1. tab. 40. fig. 86. Antennæ annulate with white and black. Alcon. Wings entire blue edged with brown; beneath grey-brown with numerous eyes. Inhabits. Auftria. Eſp. Pap. tab. 34. fig, 4, 5. Male with the wings entirely blue, the edge brown fringed with white: female with a few darker ſpots. Damon. Wings entire blue; beneath grey-brown with numerous dots and a white band on the lower-ones. Inhabits Europe. Esp. tab. 33: fig. 5. Ernſt. tab. 42. fige 87. Upper-wings edged with brown and a brown lunule in the middle: lower-ones radiate with brown at the margin: female entirely brown on the wings above. Larva dull green with a lateral darker line, head black. Cyllarus. Wings entire blue edged with black; beneath grey-brown with a ſtreak of ocellate dots, the hind-ones blue at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Eſp. tab. 33. fig. 1, 2. Roef. tab. 37. fig. 4. Wings of the female brown with a blue glofs. Lerve pale with a rufous dorſal ftreak and oblique green lateral lines, head black: pupa brown ſpotted with black. Argiolus. Wiugs entire blue edged with black; beneath blueiſh-grey ſpotted with black. Inhabits Europe. Lewin, tab. 36. fig. 4,5,6. Baſe of the lower-swings beneath the ſame colour. Aciso INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. 139 Acis. Wings entire blue; beneath grey-blue with oblong black fimple dots. Inhabits Austria. Exp. Pap tab. 40. fig: 3. Wings of the male blue with a marginal black ſtreak only; of the female blue on the diſk only with a black lunule. This ſpecies is rarely found with tails. a * Aljus. Wings entire brown immaculate ; beneath cinereous with a ſtreak of ocellate dots. Inhabits Europe. Lewin. tab. 39. fig. 3, 4. Upper-wings beneath with a black lunule in the middle and a ſtreak of 7 black dots, all ſurrounded with a white ring : lower-ones beneath with 8 or 9 black dots. Cajus. Wings entire brown with a blueiſh diſk; beneath varied cinereous and white with brown ocellar dots. Inhabits India. Cramer. tab. 319. fig. D, E. Otis. a Wings entire brown with a blue baſe; beneath cinereous with a dot in the middle and ſtreak on the upper-pair, and numerous ocellar dots on the lower-ones. Inhabits China; ſmall. Antennae annulate with white and black, * Argus. Wings entire ; lower-ones beneath with a ferruginous bor- der and ſilvery blue eyes. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. tab. 143. Lewin, tab. 39. fig. 5,6,7. Male above blue edged with black : female dark brown with a blue baſe above. Larva green with a brown dorſal line, head and fore-legs black, * Hyacin- Wings entire blue; lower-wings beneath with a marginal thus, row of red eyes and a circle of black ones on the diſk. Inhabits England. Lewin. tab. 37. fig. 4,5,6. Male above fine blue immaculate : female above blue with darker tips, a black dot on the upper-pair and a marginal row of red eyes on the lower-ones. xes. * Artaxer. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with a white dot in the middle, lower-ones with rufous marginal lunules: beneath with rufous and white dots on the margin. Inhabits England. Lewin. tab. 39. fig. 8, 9. Wings beneath cinereous, the hind-margin white with a row of yellow or rufous dots, upper-pair with a white dot in the middle, lower-ones with many. S2 Titur 140 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef .Rur. . # Titus. Wings entire brown immaculate ; lower-ones ocellate beneath and a macular fulvous ſtreak behind. Inhabits England. Jones. Fig. pict. 6. tab. 44. fig. 2. Upper-wing's beneath with a ſtreak of black and white lines behind : lower-wings beneath with a black line in the middle and ſtreak of black dots annulate with white, towards the mar- gin are rufoas ſpots with each a black dot. a Optilete. Wings entire blueiſh with a blackiſh edge; lower-ones beneath cinereous with ocellar black dots and 2 fulvous lunules. Inhabits Ruſia. Eſp pap. tab.79. fig. 4. 5. Upper-wings beneath with a black dot in the middle and a ſtreak of ocellate ones behind. Triton. Wings entire blueiſh; beneath a ferruginous ſtreak and nu- merous black dots. Inhabits Ruſſia. Middle-ſized. All the wings with a thin marginal black ſtreak above : upper- wings beneath with a ſtreak of ferruginous lunules before the tip. * Corydon. Wings entire blue (brown) edged with black; beneath ci- cinereous with black ocellar dots, lower-ones with a central white ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Donovan t. 236.f.1.2. Lewin. t. 36. f. 1. 2. 3 Male with pale blue wings above, the margin brown and ſpotted on the lower-ones: female with brown wings, blueiſh near the inner margin, and a black lunule in the middle. a * Adonis. Wings entire blue with a black marginal ſtreak ; beneath cinereous with numerous ocellar dots and a white cen- tral one on the lower-ones. Inhabits Europe. Lewin tab. 38. fig. 1. 2. 3. Female bromn with a blue gloſs, upper-pair with a black central line, lower-ones with marginal rufous eyes. Larva green with lines of fulvous ſpots, Dorylas. Wings entire blue (brown) ; beneath cinereous with a dot in the middle of the upper-pair and ſtreak of ocellar dots behind. Inhabits Anfiria. Wien. Verz. 322. 19. Male above blue with a black marginal fireak : female brown with marginal fu vous lunules : lower-wings beneath with a dot at the baſe, a curved freak of ocellar dots and a white wedge-ſhared ſpot in the middle. Hplus. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. 141 Hylus. Wings entire with a black lunule in the middle and mar- ginal dots; beneath cinereous with ocellar dots. Inhabits Auftria. Esp pap. tab. 53 fig. 1. Lower-wing's beneath with a band of ferruginous lunules : all the wings above blue, the female darker, Battus. Wings entire blackiſh-blue; beneath whitiſh with nume- rous black dots, lower-ones with a continued fulvous band. Inhabits Germany. Efp.pap. tab. 41. fig. 2. Upper-wings with a blue lunule in the middle, the margin ſpotted with white : beneath whitiſh. Larva green with a violet dorſal line : pupa brown, greeniſh on the fore-part; a Argiades. Wings entire blue with a brown edge; beneath grey-brown with a lunule in the middle and 2 ſtreaks of ocellate dots. Inhabits Saxony. Lower wings beneath with 2 ocellate dots at the baſe. Amphion. Wings entire blue edged with black; beneath cinereous ocellate with black; lower-ones with red lunules mar- ked before with a white lunule behind with a black- gold dot. Inhabits Germany. Acreona Wings entire brown; beneath paler with black ocellate dots ; lower-ones with a white and red band and ſtreak of gold dots. Inhabits Rufia. Mole blue at the baſe with marginal fulvous obſolete lunules: upler-wings beneath with a dot in the middle and ſtreak of o- cellate dots behind, the margin with white black and fulvous lunules and ſtreaked with white and black : lower wings be- neath with a white margin on which is a fulvous band mar- ked on the fore-part with black lunules behind with gold dots. Hebrus. Wings entire brown varied with blue ; lower-ones blue with a white inner margin. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 5. tab 50. fig. E. F. . Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, brown with 2 blue ſtreaks at the tip. Inhabits Weſt India. Cramer 8. tab.9. fig. B. Acanthus. Avius 2 142 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. Acanthus. Wings entire brown immaculate ; beneath pale ferruginous with blue bands and yellow border. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 32. tab. 380. fig. K. L. Antennae annulate with white, the club brown: wings beneath with 4 common blue bands. Ceneus. Wings entire black with blue waves, the margin dotted with white Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 13. tab. 156. fig. F. Erinus. Wings entire brown; beneath cinereous with a double black dot on the hind-angle of the lower-ones. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sr. Jof. Banks. . Antennae annulate with white and black, the club brown: swings ſpeckled with brown beneath. Icarus. Wings entire ; above with brown bands, beneath with al- ternate white and black bands. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 2 tab. 22. fig. G. H. Wings with 4 bands above and a dot between the firſt and fe- cond. Parfimon. Wings entire brown; beneath cinereous with white waves; lower-ones with ocellar black dots at the baſe and eye at the tip. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir. 70%. Banks. Antennae annulate with white, the club brown: wings beneath with a kidney-thaped ſpot in the middle and whitish bands behind, lower-ones with 5 black dots annulate with white at the baſe and a black ege at the angle of the tail with a rufous ring on the fore-part and a gold one behind, a Damoetes. Wings entire brown ; beneath with cinereous waves, lower-ones with a double gilt eye. Inhabits Nezu Holland. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Angle of the tail beneath with 2 black eyes annulate on the fore-part with yellow behind with gold. a Ceraunus. Wings entire brown with a blue glofs; beneath cinereous lower-ones with ocellar black dots at the baſe and an eye and dot at the tip. Inhabits Sonth American Iſlands. Lower-wings above with marginal black dots. Beneath the upper pair waved with white at the tip; lower-ones with a black eye at the tip the iris fulvous, at the angle of the tail a black a dot. Catilina. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. 143 Catilina. Wings entire brown with a blue glofs; beneath with white bands and 2 blue eyes at the angle of the tail. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Antennae annulate with white and black, the club black tipt with white : body blueiſh: the eyes at the angle of the tail half blue half black. Minereus. Wings entire brown; lower-ones beneath with ocellar red dots and an eye at the angle of the tail. Inhabits America ; ſmall. Antennae browr annulate with white, the club rufous at the tip : lower-wings with ocellar black dots at the margin above. Be- neath cinereous, upper-pair ſpotted at the tip, lower-ones with red dots annulate with white and an eye at the angle of the tail with a fulvous ring. a Hylaxe Wings entire, above brown immaculate, beneath cinereous dotted with black. Inhabits Eaſt Iudia; very minute. : Antennae annulate with brown and white. Telephus. Wings entire black, upper-pair dotted with white; lower- , ones above rufous at the baſe, beneath blue varied with black. Inhabits America; ſmall. Emylius. Wings entire black dotted with white, upper-pair with a yellow band; all beneath variegated. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 6. tab. 66. fig. G. H. All the wings beneath yellowiſh varied with black. Caricae. Wings entire brown with a common white diſk, the border cinereous ſubocellate. Inhabits America. Cramer. 15. tab. 170. fig. E. Pelops. Lamis, Wings entire white with a common brown border on which are fuívous ſpots and a ſtreak behind. Inhabits Cayenne. Cramer 15. tab. 170. fig, F. Wings entire brown with a common abbreviated white and fulyous band. Inhabits Cayenne. Cram. 28. tab. 335. fig. F. G. All the wings with a broad white band in the middle and fulvous one behind, the margin with white lunules. Cachrys. 144 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. Cachrys. Wings entire yellowiſh with a common brown border ſpotted with white. In habits Cayenne, Lagus. Wings entire blue with a double white ſpot on the upper- pair, beneath cinereous with black lines Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 10. tab. 117. fig. F, G. Upper-ſurface of the avings with a black border. а Maecenas. Wings oblong, both ſurfaces alike, black with a common red band and line on the upper-pair. Inhabits. Guadeloupe : ſmall, Mantus. Midas. Wings oblong entire, variegated blue and brown with a common white band. Inhabits Africa. Cram. 4. tab. 74. fig, F. G. Wings beneath brown variegated with white, Wings ſubangular brown with a whitiſh ſpot; beneath white at the baſe with a rufous ſtreak. Inhabits India. Upper-wings with 2 whitiſh ſpots above, lower-ones with one: lower-wings beneath with a broad white baſe, the tip brown with a ferruginous ſtreak in which are a few blaek dots. Bibulus, Wings entire brown; beneath white with a ſilvery band dotted with brown on the lower-pair. Inhabits India. Jones Fig, pict. 6. tab. 39. fig. 2. Upper-wings with a cinereous patch in the middle; beneath a few brown dots at the tip with filvery rings, the margin with a fil- a a very ſtreak. Æsopus. Wings entire ; above brown with a white ſpot, beneath a white immaculate. Inhabits India. Drury Inf. 2. tab. 9, fig. 3. 4. PhaedrusWings entire fulvous with a brown margin ; beneath white immaculate. Inhabits India. Cramer. 20. tab. 238. fig. C. Bias a Wings entire black with a blue gloſs; beneath brown with a white hind-margin. Inhabits Cayenne. Wings entire, both ſurfaces nearly alike, red with a black border. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 15. tab. 17. fig. 6. Tacitus Pharcus, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Rur. 145 a Tacitus. Wings entire fulvous, outer-margin of the upper-pair black ſpotted with yellow. Inhabits Surinam. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 46. fig. 3. All the wings fulvous with a fine black border. Cænus. Wings entire white, outer-margin of the upper-pair brown ſpotted with white Inhabits India. Fones Fig. piet. 6. tab. 55. fig. 2. Upper-wings with an oblong blue ſpot at the baſe and rufous rib, the tip with 2 white ſpots, beneath a broad ferruginous outer margin with 2 tranſverſe white ſpots. a 2 Procas. Wings entire, both furfaces alike, black with yellow diſk on the upper-pair a yellow ſpot. Inhabits Surinam. Jones Fig. pift. 6. tab. 55. fig. 1. Alphonfus. Wings entire black; upper-pair with 2 yellow ſpots, low- , er-ones with a ſingle one at the bale. Inhabits Surinam. Upper-wings with a large tranſverſe yellow ſpot at the baſe and tip Hippothoe Wings entire orange edged with black and white; beneath cinereous with numerous black oceliar dots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan vii. tab. 217. Lewin, tab. 40. Male with a black lunule and ſpot on the upper-wings and lunule on the lower-ones: female with numerous black dots on the upper-pair and a broad black baſe on the lower-ones. a а * Virgauree Wings ſubangular fulvous edged with black; black ; beneath with black and white dots Inhabits Europe, Danovan v. tab. 173. Lewin tab 41. Lower-wings notched at the hind-margin: female with black ſpots above. Larva green with a yellowish dorſal line and a paler lateral one, the head black. Chryſeis. Wings gold with a blueiſh margin ; lower-ones ſlightly indented, beneath dull grey with numerous ocellar dots. Inhabits Aufria. Naturf. 6. tab. 28. fig. 18. Mele with ſhining gold wings with a black lunule and blue mar- gin edged with white ; upper-wings beneath with a fulvous diſk and numerous dots : female above brown with a fulvous glofs, upper-pair with a few darker dots, lower-ones with a band dotted with black : beneath like the male. VOL-III T Saluftius. 146 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 76. Papilio. Hef. . Rur. Saluftius. Wings entire fulvous varied with black : upper-pair be- neath dotted with black, lower-ones cinereous with brown ſpots. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 59. fig. 1. Florus. Wings entire, fulvous edged with black, the baſe beneath dotted with black. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 59. fig. 3. Body falvous : upper-wings with 2 brown dotse Hiere. Wings brown dotted with black; beneath cinereous with numerous ocellar dots. Inhabits Auflria. Wien. Verz. 328. 8. Male with browniſh wings, upper-pair with a blue, lower-ones with a fulvous glofs : female brown dotted with black with a fulvous band dotted with black on the lower-ones and behind this a few blue lunules. Pblaeos Wings entire fulvous dotted with black ; beneath blueiſh. Inhabits Europe. Lewin tab.41. Merian tab. 164. Lower-wings with a ſmall angle behind. a Arcase Wings entire fulvous with black margin and dots; lower- ones beneath grey immaculate. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Upper-wings with 2 black dots in the middle and a treak of behind, beneath 3 ſubocellar ones at the baſe : lower-wings with a ſtreak of black dots on the male, the female immacu- late, beneath grey. a 5,6 Ballus. Wings entire fulvous (female brown) with a brown margin; lower-ſurface of the upper-pair dotted with black, of the lower-ones green edged with brown. Inhabits Spain. Body brown. Helle. Wings entire duſky with a blue glofs; all beneath with numerous ocellar dots. Inhabits Germany. Eſp. pap. tab. 58. fig. 4, Wings with a few fulvous lunules at the tip ; lower-ones ben neath with a fulvous band near the tip. Xanthe. Wings nearly entire brown with black dots and a marginal fulvous band ; beneath yellowiſh with numerous dots. Inhabits, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 71. Papilio. Hef. Rær. 344 Inhabits Ruffie. Wien Verz. 181. 6. Wings beneath greeniſh with numerous ocellar black dots, upper-pair with a fulvous diſk, lower-ones with a fulvous band Garbas. Wings brown dotted with black and edged with white; beneath greenish with numerous dots. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 181.7. This is probably the other fex of the laſt. I berſamos Wings flightly tailed fulvous with numerous ocellar does beneath ; upper-pair beneath fulvous, lower-ones ci nereous. Inhabits Rufia, Elp.pap. tab. 89. fig. 6. Male upper-wings fulvous edged with black, lower-ones darker with a fulvous band behind. Bencath upper-pair with 3 black dots and a ſtreak of ocellar ones, lower-ones cinereous with numerous ocellar dots and a fulvous band behind : female wings above dotted with black, the tail very long. Lucianus Wings entire dotted with black ; above fulvous, beneath cinereous. Inhabits Guadeloupe. Body brown ; obdomen fulvous : antennae black with ſilvery rings, the club brown: wings above fulvous with brown waves and a ſtreak of dots behind. Pentbeus Wings entire fulvous fpotted with black ; tip of the lower- ones white dotted with black. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. tab. 143. fig. E. Lower-wings fulvous at the bafe and ſpotted with black, the tip with a large marginal brown ſpot and 4 fubmarginal black ones. Ulricus, Wings entire gloffy-blue ; beneath pale chefnut-brown at the baſe, upper-pair with a tripupillate eye. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 9. tab. 100. fig. E, F. Wings olive at the tip with a nut-brown band. Thyra. Wings indented, the diſk fulvous dotted with black; be- neath purplish with ſilvery ſpots. Inhabits Guinea. Zeuxo. Wings entire, the diſk fulvous dotted with black ; upper-pair with ſilvery ſpots beneath. Inhabits Africa, Upper- T 2 148 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Heſ. Rur. Upper-wving's beneath with numerous black ſpots with a filvery blue pupil, lower-ones immaculate. Juba. Wings entire black with a fulvous diſk ; beneath with a white band and abbreviated ſtreaks. Inhabits Sierra Leona; ſmall. Lower-wings with a rufous blotch at the hind-marnin, beneath 2 black dots with ſilvery ſpecks at the angle of the tail. Lara. Wings entire ſubteftaceous; upper-pair with one eye above, lower-ones with 2. Inhabits Africa. Eyes black with a white iris : beneath upper-pair with 2 eyes, thoſe on the lower-ones blind. Wings entire brown; beneath with blue bands and a fingle eye on the upper-pair and 2 on the lower- ones. Inhabits India. Cephus. Domitianus Wings entire brown, upper-pair with a green ſpot; lower- ones with a green band ; beneath pale ferruginous with ſilvery dots and marginal ſtreak. Inhabits Guadelope; fmail. Lower-wings with a green ſtreak before the margin and a ſilvery one in the margin ; upper-rings with a ſtreak of black dots before the margin and a filvery one in the margin. Livius. Wings entire black with a blue ſpot on the diſk ; lower- ones beneath cinereous with rufous bands ſilvery at the edge Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 33. fig. 1. Upper-vings beneath with a large oblong yellow ipot at the baſe with a ſilvery edge, the tip yellowiſh with a broad brown band ſilvery at the edge : lower--wings beneath yellowiſh on the hind-margin with a ſilvery band. Romulus. Wings entire brown; beneath green with a rufous ſpot on the lower-ones. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. icb. 61. fig. 4. Actoris. Wings entire; both ſurfaces alike, brown dotted with white. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 8. tab. 93. fig. D. Wings entire ; above white with a brown border on the upper-pair and 5 white dots on the hind-margin of the lower-ones. Inhabits Calius. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. 149 Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 2. tab. 20. fg. C, D. Upper wings with a brown border and 2 ſpots on the diſk ; be- neath all white dotted with black. 1/archus. Wings entire blue with a white band on the lower-ones; beneath varied with white and black. Inhabits America. Cramer. tab. 300. Jones 6. tab. 34. fig. 1. Wings beneath cinereous at the tip with black dots. Caractacus. Wings entire brown with a white ſpot on the diſk; beneath variegated, a brown band with a ſilvery edge on the lower-ones. Inhabits America. P. Laches. Jones 6. tab. 34. fig. 2. Upper-wings beneath brown at the baſe with a white linc, the middle white with 2 black and 2 filvery dots annulate with brown, the margin brown with silvery dots: lower-wings beneath cinereous at the baſe with 2 marginal filvery dots annulete with brown and a ſingle black one, in the middle a waved band, then white, the tip cinereous with filvery dots. Ouranus. Wings entire both furfaces alike, black with a common white band ending in a red fpot behind. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. tab. 335. Jones 6. tab. 55. fig. 4. Haraldus. Wings entire blue with a black border ; beneatn white, the margin dotted with black. Inhabits East India. Anteme black annclate with white: wings beneath white with a ftreak of black lunules towards the margin, then larger Junules with a blick dot. Talus. Wings entire with brown and blue bands, and an abbrevi ated red band beneath. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 1. tab. 7. fig. C, D. Nelius. Wings entire, both furfaces alike, black; upper-pair with 10 white dots, lower-ones with a.white diſk. Inhabits India. Clerk tab. 45. fig. 2. Scbu. 4. tab. 3. fig. 11,12. Antennae hooked. This properly belongs to the urbicolw as having the marks lighter than the general colour of the wings, Atbemon. Wings entire browniſh with a common white diſk and a brown half band behind. Inhabits America. Clerk Icon. tab. 37. fig. 2. tab. 46. fig. 3. Regulus. Wings entire black with 2 yellow bands, the poſterior cne on the upper-wings interrupted. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 86. fig. 4. Hl foon. IS INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 77. Papilio. Hef. Rur. Bilba7. Wings entire black with 3 yellowiſh bands, the hind-orie interrupted Inhabits Indic. Cramer. 7. tab. 83, fig. C. Tarquéssius. Wings entire black; upper-pair with an oblong yellow fi- nuate fpot at the baſe, lower-ones yellow ſpotted with black at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Xones. Fig. piet. 6. tab. 45. fig. 4. Wing's beneath cinereous with numerous reddith ſpots annulate with white; diſk of the upper pair yellow ſpotted with black, Gemellus. Wings entire yellowill with a brown border; beneath white with a red ſtreak in the middle and marginal lunules. Inhabits Cayenne. Joxes Fig. piet. 6. tab. 36. fig. 2. Prolomeus. Wings entire ferruginous with brown ſtreaks; beneathe blue, paler at the bafe. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 36. fig. 3. Body brown with dorſal ferruginous dots. a Archimedes Wings entire black with a blue diſk; beneath brown im- maculate. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict, 6. tab. 36. fig. 4. Lugises. Wings entire, both ſurfaces nearly alike, fulvous with black waves. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 39. fig. 1. Wings a little blueiſh at the baſe beneath. Ovidius. Wings entire dotted with gold; above fulvors, beneatk yellowiſh. Inhabits India. Cramer. tab. 271. Zones 6. tab. 39. fig. 4. Margin of the wings dotted with brown. Suetonius, Wings entire yellow with a brown border; under-ſurface of the upper-pair with ſilvery black dots, of the lower- pair cinereous. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pil. 6. tab. 85 fig. 3 Lower-wings beneath cinereous fpotted with brown. Electron. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, black with a yellow band and fanguineous dot at the tip. Inhabits Cayenne, All the wings with a yellow band; at the baſe a large red dot. Sagarisa INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Rur. 155 Sagarise Wings entire black with a common tranſverſe fulvous ſpot. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 7. tab. 83. fig. D. Wings beneath immai ulate. Euriteus. Wings entire black with a blue ſpot; beneath rufous in the middle with white bands. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 13 tab. 152. fig. D, E. All the wings beneath yellow at the baſe, then rufous with white bands; lower-ones yellow at the tip with a divided black and white ſpot. 3 Phereclus. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike black ; upper-pair with a linear red band. Inhabits America, Cramer. 15. tab. 178. fig. D. . Lyſeppuse a Wings angular brown, all of them with a red ſtreak, be- neath with cinereous dots. Inhabits America. Clerk, tab. 22. fig. 2. Drury 1. 4. 2.f. 3. Xxulius. Wings entire cinerous ſpotted with brown and white, the lower-ones pale above: beneath all dotted with brown. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pi&t. 6. tab. 4. fig. 4. Some of the brown {pots on the lower-ſurface of the upper-wings ſurrounded with a white ring. Geminus. Wings rounded blue, with a black border in which is a blue ſtreak; lower-ones beneath fubfaſciate with brown. Inhabits America. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 35. fig. 2. Upper-wings with a black band at the tip, beneath blue with a brown ſtreak and tip: lower-ones with a black ſpot at the baſe, beneath with numerous brown bands. a Excanus. Wings entire black with a yellow disk; lower-ones beneath red with ſquare brown ſpots, Inhabits India. Fones Fig, pict. 6. tab. 36. fig. 3. Upper wings beneath yellowiſh with ſquare brown ſpots on the diſk and brown hind-margin: lower-ones beneath red ſpeckled with yellow and with a few ſquare brown ſpots, Perditus. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, black with a fulvous band. Inhabits Cayenne. Drury Inf. 3. tab. 8. fig. 2. Pyramis. Wings entire brown with a blue glofs and a fulvous band; lower-ones beneath grey. Inhabits 152 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA, 71. Papilio. Hel. Urb. Inhabits Cayenne. In the muſeum of Mr. Yeats. Lower-wings beneath varied with cinereous and brown. Friedus. Wings entire both ſurfaces alike, black; upper-pair with a double fulvous band. Inhabits India. The 2 bands are united by a ſmall fulvous ſpot: lower-wings black immaculate. Thucydides. Wings entire black with a fulvous ſpot on the diſk; be- neath cinereous with rufous waves. Inhabits India. Fones Fig, pict. 6. tab. 6. fig. 4. Virgilius. grey with Wings entire black with a blue thinner margin ; beneath 3 whitiſh lunules including a black dot on the lower-ones. Inhabits India. Fones Fig, pict. 6. tab. 37. fig. 3. Blue margin of the upper-wings with a black ſpot, of the lower- ones with marginal black dots. Petronius. Wings entire blue ſtreaked with black; beneath brown- cinereous dotted with black. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 37. fig. 4. Numiter. Wings entire brown with a yellow diſk on the lower-ones; beneath yellow immaculate. Inhabits India, Foxes Fig. pict. 6. tab. 40. fig: 2. Upper-wings beneath brown with a yellow border. Philiajus. Wings entire brown, Ipotted beneath ; lower-ones with 2 eyes above on the hind-part and one beneath. Inhabits Africa. Gjas. Wings entire brown; beneath fulvous with punctured gold ftreaks. Inhabits Surinam. Gramer. 3. tab. 28. fig. F, G. Ægon. Wings entire brown with numerons macular fulvous bands. Inhabits Jamaica: very minute. Lower-wings beneath pale cinereous. Heſperia. Urbicolæ. Exclama. Wings entire divaricate brown; upper-pair with a yello with tioris. line and dots under it. Inhabits Indid. Body entirely brown, * Comme INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef Urb. 153 * Comma. Wings entire divaricate fulvous with a black line on the upper-pair; beneath ſpotted with white. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. ix, tab. 295. Lewin. tab. 45.fig. 1,2. The other ſex is without the black line. Larva fhining red with a black head and white ſtreak on the collar: pupa long cylindrical. Propertius. Wings divaricate black ſpotted with yellow; lower-ones beneath with alternate rufous and yellow bands. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 73. fig. 1. Antennae hooked : upper-wings with 2 marginal lines and yellow fpots at the baſe, beneath varied with black yellow and rufous: lower-wings with a yellow band above, Tibullus. Wings entire; upper-pair black ſpotted with yellow, lower- ones yellow with a black border. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 76. fig. 1. Lower-wings beneath variegated. Linea, Wings entire divaricate fulvous edged with black. Inhabits Austria Eſp. Pap. tab. 36. fig. 2, 3. Antenne above black, beneath yellowiſh: wings with a ſmall black line in the middle and whitiſh fringe: female without the line on the upper wings. Larva ſolitary green immaculate : pupa green, incloſed in a very thin follicle. * Sylvanus. Wings divaricate dark orange with ſquare yellow ſpots above and whitith ones beneath. Inhabits Europe. Donovan.viii, tab.254. fig. 2. Lewin. 1.45 f. 1,2,3. The male has an oblique black ſtripe on the upper wings. * Thaumas Wings divaricate orange with a darker patch at the baſe; upper-pair in the male) with a black line in the middle. Inhabits Europe and America. Lesvin. tab. 45. fig. 5,6,7. Orbe Wings divaricate brown with fulvous fpots at the baſe and nearly ſquare yellow ones cach fide on the diſk. Inhabits America, Smith's Lepided. Inf. of Georgia, Augias. Wings divaricate fulvous with an oblique black band and hind-ınargin. Inhabits India. Antenne mucronate. VOL. III.U Vitellius 154 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 71. Papilio. Hef. Urb. a Vitellius. Wings divaricate fulvous; upper-pair with a brown margin and ſpot in the middle, lower-ones with a brown border. Inhabits South American Iſlands, Antennæ annulate, the club brown: all the wings beneath fulvous immaculate. Colon. a Wings divaricate fulvous with a brown ſtriate margin and ſpot in the middle. Inhabits India. Antennæ annulate with black and fulvous, the club hooked ful- vous at the baſe and tipt with black : wings beneath fulvous immaculate. * Panifcus. Wings entire divaricate, dark brown with fulvous ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan's Eng. Inf. viii. tab. 254. fig. 1. Upper-wings ſometimes brown with fulvous ſpots, ſometimes ful- vous with brown ſpots : lower-wings with yellow ſpots be- neath. 到 ​Helirius. Wings entire divaricate brown edged with black; upper- pair with a central yellow dot. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 5. tab. 60. fig. C. Antenna hooked. Saturnus. Wings divaricate brown ; upper-pair dotted with white; lower-ones ftriate beneath with white, Inhabits Cayenne. Origenes. Wings divaricate, both ſurfaces alike, brown with a ſtreak of white dots ; upper-pair teſtaceous at the baſe. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict, 6. tab. 74. fig. 2. mus, Noftroda. Wings divaricate brown; upper-pair with a macular whitiſh band above; lower-ones cinereous beneath. Inhabits Barbary, Club of the antennae ferruginous; body above brown, beneath cinereous : lower-wings above brown immaculate. Phineus. Wings fubangular divaricate brown with an interrupted yellow band on the upper-pair. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 15. tab. 176. fig. E. Anteanæ hooked; abdomen black with yellow belts. Helius, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hej. Urb, 155 Helius. Wings fubdivaricate brown; lower-ones fulvous at the inner-margin. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 17. tab. 189. fig. B. Lower-swings with a large ovate fulvous ipot at the inner-margin Wings entire brown with ſcattered fulvous ſpots; lower- ones beneath immaculate. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Cramer. 14. tab. 162, fig. G. Metis. 3 Diofcorides. Wings entire brown ſpotted with yellow ; lower-ones be- neath yellow with brown waves. Inhabits Tranquebar. Upper-wings beneath fulvous, the diſk brown ſpotted with yellow. Plutargus. Wings entire brown ſpeckled with gold ; upper-pair with a teſtaceous ſpot at the tip above and teſtaceous outer- margin beneath. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 75. fig. 1. Epictetus. Wings entire black with a yellow diſk; upper-pair with a brown ſpot including a yellow lunule; lower-ones beneath yellow immaculate. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 75. fig. 3; Silenus. Wings tailed brown; beneath pale cheſnut with a yellowiſh ſtreak. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir. Fof Banks. Wings with a blue ſpot at the baſe, the tail filiform and nearly as long as the wings. a Orion. Wings tailed brown; upper-pair with ſemitranſparent ſpots; lower-ones with white tails. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 13. tab. 155. fig. A, B. Eudoxus. Wings tailed brown, upper-pair with a white band each fide, lower-ones on the under-ſurface only. Inhabits Surinan. Cramer. 31. tab. 366. fig. G, H. Wings tailed and greeniſh at the baſe. Proteus. Wings tailed brown with tranſparent ſpots ; antenna hooked. Inhabits America. Merian Surinam. tob. 63. fig. 2. The ſpots on the wings vary in number and colour. Larva glabrous green with a black dorſal line and yellow fides neck black: pupa brown: Uz Chemnis. 156 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Urb. Clemnis. Wings flightly tailed brown with hyaline ſpots and yellow hind-margin Inhabits undia. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 86. fig. 2. Antennae hooked: body dull ferruginous. Tityrus. Wings ſlightly tailed brown ; upper-pair with a yellow bana each fide; lower-ones with a ſilvery ſtreak be- beneath. Inhabits America. Cramer 4. tab. 41 E, F. . Antennae black hooked : upper-cuings with a yellow ſpot or 2 at the tips Muretus. Wings ſlightly tailed brown with hyaline ſpots, Inhabits India. Jones Fig pict. 6 tab. 88 f.1 Body ferruginous; baſe of the wings a little ferruginous. Mcatus, Wings ſlightly tailed black; upper-pair with hyaline ſpots; lower-ones beneath brown with a white band at the baſe. Inhabits India. Cram. tab. 176.f. D, Fones. 6. tab. 87. f.D Antennae hooked: upfer-wings with a white band beneath. a Epitus. Wings ſlightly tailed brown ſpotted with yellow ; lower- ones beneath with a ſilvery band. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 29.tab. 343. E. F. Reſembles P, Tityrus, but the wings are leſs tailed and the fil- very band much broader. Lycidas. Wings flightly-tailed brown with black teeth ; upper-pair with a yellow band each ſide ; lower-ones beneath clouded with brown at the bafe and afterwards white. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepicopt. Inf. of. Georgia. Wings flightly tailed fulvous ; upper-pair brown at the tip with a yellow hyaline fpot. Inhabits Cayenne Body fulvous : antennae hooked black : upper-wing's fulvous at the baſe with a brown dot: lover-wings fulvous with brown dots. Milias. Mercurius. Wings ſlightly tailed brown, yellow at the baſe with hyaline dots on the upper-pair ; lower-ones beneath black with a cinereous band. Inhabits Cayenne. Cram. tab. z6o. "Fones 6. t. 85. f. 2. Body yellowiſh : al domen black, the edges of the feginents white. Thyrks INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Urb 157 Thyrſis, Wings ſlightly tailed brown with a yellow band on the up- per-pair , beneath all of them purple ſpeckled with yellow. Inhabits America. Cram. 2. tab. 18. F. ? Upperrings with 3 ſmall yellow dots at the tip, beneath the fame. Alphaeus. Wings ſlightly tailed black with a red band; beneath va- riegated. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Cram. 16. t. 182. fig. E.F. Red band on the apper-wings abbreviated. Preius. Wings ſlightly tailed black ſpotted with green; bencath ſubferruginous ſpotted with yellow. Inhabits the Cape. Cram. 16. teh. 182.f. C. D. Pbocas. Wings ſlightly tailed brown with diaphanous ſpots; low- er-ones bencath with a blaek dot at the baſe. Inhabits America. Cram. 14. tab. 162. fig. F. Antennae hooked. ferruginous at the tip : lover-wings beneath glaucous with 3 darker bands and a black dot at the baſe. Momus. Wings flightly tailed brown with hyaline ſtreaks at the baſe and ſpois at the tip. Inhabits Cayenne. Cram. tab. 366. Jones 6. t. 9o.f. in Antennæ hooked black. Vespafius. Wings flightly tailed ruſty-brown ; upper-pair with yel- lowith dots at ihe tip. Inhabits India. Fones Fig: pict. 6. tab. 86: fig. 1. Rbetus. Wings ſlightly tailed fulvous ; outer-margin of the lower- ones blue-black. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 6. tab. 63. fig. G. Ouier-margin of the upper-wings reflected. Clonias. Wings flightly-tailed black ; upper-pair with a ſnowy band ; lower-ones beneath blueilh ; tail fanguine- Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 7. tab. So. fig. C. D. Wing-tails ſhort and divergent. ous. Acastus. Wings flightly tailed black ; upper-pair with a ſnowy band , lower-ones beneath greeniſh with abbreviated yellow ſtreaks. Inhabits 158 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Urb. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 10. tab. 111, fig. D. E. Palemon. Wings ſlightly tailed blueith; upper-pair with a rufous dot in the middle ; lower-ones rufous at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 11. tab. 131. fig. F. Antenna hooked : feelers and ſtreak on the hind-part of the head red : hind-margin of the wings whitiſh. Julianus. Wings ſlightly tailed brown; upper pair fpoteed with yel- low ; lower-ones beneath varied with brown and glaucous. Inhabits Famaiea. Hefperia Phocion. Fabric. n. 274. Antennæ hooked brown, beneath ferruginous: body brown, be- neath ferruginous ; hind-margin of the upper-wings white dotted with brown; margin of the lower-wings white dotted with brown. B:ontes. Wings flightly tailed, both furfaces alike, brown ; upper- pair with a ſnowy band ; lower-ones with a ſnowy margin. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Antenne hocked : both ſurfaces of the wings alike. Arinus. Wings tailed, both ſurfaces alike, black ; upper-pair with a tranſverſe, ſnowy ſpot; tail fanguineous. Lower-wings ſubemarginate and whitih at the edge. Alexis. Wings tailed brown; lower-ones with a blueiſh band be- beneath. Inhabits India. Antennae hooked, black. Mithridates Wings rounded black with a purple ſpot and band be- hind including paler lunules, Inhabits India. Fones. Fig. pict. 5. tab. 25. fig' 1. Aniennae hooked : body black with purple ſpots : wings beneath black with 2 macular purple bands. Fujiter, Wings without tails black with a green gloſs, beneath green with black veins and margin: head and tail fan- guineous. Inhabits Africa. Fones Fig. pict. 3. tab. 76. Body black : wings ftriate, whitiſh at the tip. Calander INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Urb. 159 Caljander. Wings without tails, both ſurfaces alike brown immacu- late. Inhabits-Jones. Fig. pict. 6. tab. 24. fig. 1. Antennae hooked : reſembles P. pygmæus. Polybius. Wings without tails black ; upper-pair with a fulvous ſpot; lower-ones yellow at the angle of the tail. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 24. fig 2. Hind-margin of the wings ſnowy. Ibrax, Wings without tails brown with a few diaphanous ſpots; antennæ hooked. Inhabits India. Cram. 6. t. 68.f. E. t. 342. f. A. B and C. Antennae black annulate with white : baſe of the cvings often yellowifh greeniſh or blueiſh. Ennius. 3 Wings brown; upper-pair with hyaline fpots ; lower-ones above black with a yellow diſk, beneath brown with a white diſk. Inhabits India. Fones. Fig, pict. 6. tab. 89. fig. 1. Antenne hooked : lower-wings with marginal yellow ſpots above, beneath ſpotted with black. Scipio, Wings without tails ; upper-pair with a hyaline white band each fide, above black, beneath green. Inhabits India. Fones. Fig. pict. 6. tab. 87. fig. 1. Antennae hooked : all the wings above black with a blueiſh baſe. Marcus. Wings without tails brown with hyaline ſpots; lower-ones beneath with 2 yellowiſh fillets, the thinner margin fulvous. Inhabits Cayennae ; ſmall. Antennae hooked. Lower-wings with a white thinner margin and large ſpot in the middle above. Flefues: Wings without tails brown ; upper-pair with diaphanous ſpots; diſk of the lower-ones white dotted with black. Inhabits Africa. Antennae hooked black Citera, Wings rounded brown ; upper-pair with white hyaline ſpots; lower-ones with a white hyaline diſk. Inhabits. 160 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Urb. Inhabits Eaſt India. Antennae hooked. Margin of the wings ſpotted with white ; lower-ones beneath with a brown ſpot in the white dik. Atticus Wings rounded ; upper-pair brown with black ſpots and hyaline dots; lower-ones hyaline with black ſpots Inhabits India. Antennae hooked. Clericus Wings rounded brown fubfaſciate with black; upper- pair with hyaline dots. Inhabits South America, Upper-wings with a few hyaline ſpots behind the bands. Lucas Wings without tails brown; upper-pair with yellow hya- line ſpots on both ſurfaces. Inhabits South America, Antennde hooked. Juvenalis Wings without tails brown ; upper-pair ſpotted with black and dotted with white Inhabits America. Fones Fig.pict. 6. tab. 78, f, 1, Lower-wings with a ſubmarginal ſtreak of cinereous ſpots mar- ked with a black dot, Bathyllus Wings without tails brown; upper-pair with diaphanous ſquare white ſpots; lower-ones beneath with clouded waves. Inhabits America, Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Aecius Wings without tails brown ; upper-pair with white diapha- nous ſpots; all of them beneath paliſh purple at the tip. Inhabits America, Smitb's Lepidopt Inf of Georgia, Nepos a Wings rounded black; upper-pair dotted with white; low- er-ones white at the angle of the tail above and beneath with a white diſk. Inhabits Inaia, Fones Fig, pict, 6, tab, 79, fig, 2, Lower-wings dotted with white : beneath white, the baſe ſpot- ted with brown, the tip black ſpotted with white, Wings entire ; upper-pair brown ſpotted with white : low- er-ones above black immaculate. Inhabits Merve INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Heſ. Urb. 161 Caefar, Inhabits India. Jones Fig, pict. 6. tab. 70. fig. 3. All the wings beneath yellowiſh with black and white ſpots, Wings entire ; upper-pair brown with diaphanous ſpots lower-ones black with a ſnowy ſpot in the middle. Inhabits India, Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 79. fig. 4. Diſk of the lower-wings beneath cinereous dotted with black, Tertullianus Wings entire rounded blueiſh ſpotted with black, the up- per-pair with white dots beſides. Inhabits India. Jones Fig, pict. 6. tab. 81. fig. 1. Antennae hooked : wings brown beneath with the ſame marks as above, Orcus Wings rounded brown; upper-pair ſpotted with yellow; lower-ones beneath blueiſh. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. piet. 6. tab. 91. fig. 4. . . Antennæ hooked : body brown : lower-wings with obſolete blue bands, beneath blueiſh edged with black. Dan Nothusa Silvius Wings without tails, dull cinereous dotted with brown, up- per-pair with hyaline ſpots. Inhabits Tranquebar. Antennae hooked. Wings without tails brown, upper-pair with hyaline dots; lower-ones beneath white, the margin brown with 6 ocellar dots. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Lower-rings beneath white with 3 ſilvery-blue dots ſurrounded with a brown ring. Wings without tails brown, the diſk yellowiſh ſpotted with brown ; lower-oncs beneath cinereous with brown waves. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Wings indented fulvous with black bands ; upper-pair with hyaline ſpots; lower-ones hyaline in the cen- tre. Inhabits. Surinam. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Body fulvous: abdomen annulate with black. Wings without tails ſpotted withyellow; lower-ones with 6 ſnowy dots. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir Jol. Banks. Antennae hooked, annulate with white and black : wings brown; Salus Facchus VOL--III X lower 162 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hel. Urb. lower-ones with a yellow ſpot on the diſk above, beneath with 6 white dots of which one is in the centre and the reſt at th tip. Gnetus, pair with Wings indented, both furfaces nearly alike, black ; upper- 3 hyaline ſpots; lower-ones with blue bands. Inhabits India. Aubent Micell. tab. 11. fig. 8.9. Antennae hooked : abdomen with black and blue belts : hind. margin of the lower-wings ſpotted with white. Alfarius. Wings indented black ; upper-pair with yellow and white ſpots ; diſk of the lower ones yellow with black dots, Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 95. fig. 2. Antennae hooked : upper-wings with yellow ſpots at the baſe and white ones at the tip : beneath black with yellow bands at the bale. Anaphus. Wings entire both ſurfaces alike, brown; lower-ones yel- low at the tip. Inhabits Sarinam. Cramer 15. tab. 187, F. Antennae hooked : abdomen brown with yellow belts. Sebaldus. Wings without tails, varied with brown and black ; lower- ones beneath pellow at the angle of the tail. Inhabits America. In the muſenm of Dr. Hunter. Antenaae hooked : wing's nearly truncate ; beneath brown, angle of the tail yellow with a few brown dots. Evadrus Wings without tails brown with a yellow diſk ; upper-pair with ſubocellar ſilvery dots beneath- Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Lower-wings beneath of the male varied with cinereous and brown, of the the female brown with cinereous dots. Bixae Wings rounded brown greeniſh at the baſe; lower-ones be. neath with a yellow band. Inhabits America. Cramer. 17. tab. 169. C, D. Polgcletus Wings flightly tailed green-brown with a white ſpot on the upper-pair ; beneath with fulvous filvery ſpots on the margin. Inhabits India. Cramer. 13. tab. 159. fig 2. Aracinthus, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Urb. 163 Araciuthus Wings rounded entire brown ; lower-ones beneath grey with ocellar white ſpots. Inhabits Anfiria. P. Steropes. Esp. pap. tab. 41. fig. 1. Autennae annulate with white and black, the club ovate acute ferruginous : upper-wings with a ſmall yellowiſh patch at the thicker margin ; beneath brown, the tip ſpotted with yellow ; lower-wings with 12 white ſpots ſurrounded with a black ring. Buſiris. Wings oblong entire black; upper-pair with 2 yellow ſpots and dots, lower-ones with a yellow diſk, Inhabits India. Cramer 6. tab. 23. fig. 1. Body black : thorax dotted with white : abdomen annulate : tip of the upper-wings grey: lower-wings fulvous with a black margin. Piffratus. Wings entire brown : lower-ones with a yellow diſk above and a ſnowy band dotted with black beneath. Inhabits America. Fones Fig. piet. 6. tab, 26. fig. 1. Antenna hooked black : wings with a yellowiſh hue. IIemes. Wings rounded entire black ; upper-pair with a white ſpot; lower ones with a white band. Inhabits Skrinam. Cram 9. tab. 103. F. Axternae hooked: both ſurfaces of the wing's alike, Eumelus. Wings rounded entire black ; upper-pair ſpotted with white; lower-onés fulvous with black veins. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 13. tab. 156. E. Upper wings with a ſmall fulvous fpot at the baſe. Ph lemon. Wings rounded entire black immaculate. Inhabits America. Antennae hooked ſpotted with white : all the wings ſhining- vel- vet-black, Tbrafibulas Wings entire black with blue lunules ; lower-ones be- neath at the angle of the tail cinereous dotted with brown. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. piet. 6. tab. 23. fig. 1. Antennae hooked : boay black. Celfus Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike black; upper-pair with a yellow band. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 71. fig. 1. Antennae hooked : lower-wings immaculate. Zeleucus X2 164 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Urb. Zeleucus Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, black; lower-ones edged with white: head and tail fanguineous. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 25.7.g. 2. Antennae hooked : body black, red at the end, Maenas Wings entire gloſſy-green-black edged with white ; low- er-ones beneath with a white band : mouth and tail red. Inhabits America. Muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Antennae hooked : body green-black, red at the end. Phidias, Wings entire gloffy-black edged with white : mouth and tail red. Inhabits Aſia. Cram. tab. 41. C, D. tab. 199. E. Lower-wings beneath red before the margin. Amiatus. Wings entire black with a yellow hind-margin ; head and tail red Inhabits America. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 26. f. 3. Antennue hooked : both ſurfaces of the wings alike. Æfculapius Wings entire black with fulvous ſpots, the margin dotted with yellow. Inhabits America. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 29. fig. 4. Upper-wings beneath brown with a few yellow dots, lower-ones with a yellow patch at the baſe. Lycagus, Wings rounded entire blue-green immaculate ; tail red. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 15. tab. 176. G. Catullus Wings rounded entire black; upper-pair dotted with white; lower-ones with a ſtreak of white dots. Inhabits India. Jones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 80.7. 2. Head white : body black : lower wings bencath immaculate. Jovianus Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, black; lower-ones radi- pte with blue and white. Intiabits India Jones Fig.pict. 6. tab. 93.f. 2. Upper-swings with 2 tranſverie white ſpots at the tip and a nearly inarginal itreak of blue fpots : lower-wings itriate with blue and within the thiæ a few white ſpots. Salvianus Wings entire brown ipotted with green ; lower-ones. be- neath white with a marginal ſtreak of brown dots. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Urb. 165 Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 94. fig: 4. Upper-wings beneath brown with a broad white band. Oilcus. Wings rounded entire varied with black and white ; low- er-ones beneath cinereous with waved black ſtreaks. Inhabits America. Cromer. tab. 344. I, K, L. Antennae black, the club ferruginous beneath. Mainken. Wings entire white with black margin and ſpots. Inhabits Cayenne. Cram. 2. tab, 22. fig. 6, ? Antennae annulate with black and white : abdomen cinereous brown on the back : diſk of the wings white with a flight blue gloſs and confluent black 1pots. Talaus. Wings entire both ſurfaces alike brown ; upper-pair with white dots and red baſe ; lower-ones with a white diſk. Inhabits India, Cram. 33, tab, 393. C. Mimas. Wings entire brown with a ferruginous margin ; beneath with a ſtreak of black dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 5 : tab, Antennae a little hooked: all the wings beneath brown with a a ferruginous edge in which is a ſtreak of black dots. Gentius. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike yellow with a black bor- der, upper-pair with yellow bands. Inhapis Surinam, Cran. 15. tab. 179. C. . Body yellow ; upper-zwings with a dot between the bands, Pelopidas. Wings entire ; upper-pair dull cinereous with a brown line in the middle; lower-ones cinereous. Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pict 6. tab. 71. fig. 2. Antennae hooked: wings beneath cinereous. 52, E, F. Galenus. Wings entire both ſurfaces alike brown ſpotted with yellow, Inhabits India. Fones Fig. pics. 6. tab. 71. fig. 3. Antennae hooked. * Meduc. Wings indented divaricate brown with cinereous waves; upper-pair with hyaline dots; lower-ones with white dots beneath. Inhabits Europe. Lewin. tab. 41. fig. 1,2,3. Larva grey with a black head, neck with 4 ſulphur dots: para gibbous bloeith. Acea. Wings divaricate varied with brown and cinereous; upper- pair with hyaline dots; lower-ones bencath cinereous iminaculate. Inhabits Ruffia. E/}. Pap. tab. 61. fig. 3. Lezuera 166 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 71. Papilio. Hef. Urb. Lower-avings darker with macular whitiſh bands. Beneath all cinereous with a few marginal black dots. Side. Wings entire divaricate black with ſquare white ſpots; lower-ones beneath cinereous with 2 yellow bands. Inhabits Rufa. Ef Pap. tab.go. fig. 3. * Fritillum. Wings entire divaricate black dotted with white. Inhabits Europe. Lewin, tab. 46. fig. 4, 5. Very much reſembles P. malvæ, but the ſpots are more diſtinct. Galba. Wings entire divaricate black dotted with white; lower- ones beneath grey with 2 white bands. Inhabits Tranquebar; reſembles the laſt. Segments of the abdomen edged with white. upper-zuings beneath cinereous, the diſk black ſpotted with white, M«vius. Wings entire, above black, beneath greeniſh, with white lines and ſpots on both ſurfaces. Inhabits Eaft Iudia. Antennee black annulate with white: wings above with a yellowiſh line or two and macular band, Levatere. Wings entire brown; upper-pair with white ſpots, lower- ones with white dots: all with a ſnowy lunule in the middle. Inhabits Germany. The ſnowy lunule ſurrounded with a black ring. Menelcas. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, white edged with black, Inhabits India. Upper-wings ftriate with black at the tip and margin. Menippus. Wings entire ftriate brown with a broad white band in the middle of which is a brown dot. Inhabits Surinam. Lower-wings beneath whitiſh tipt with brown, Clito. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike black; upper-pair dotted with white; lower-ones with a white band. Inhabits Cayenne. a Fibrius. Wings entire black, upper-pair with 3 white dots; lower- ones tipt with white. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 12. tab. 143. fig. F. Curtius. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 72. Sphinx. 167 Curtius. Wings entire, both ſurfaces alike, black; upper-pair with 4 white dots; lower-ones immaculate. Inhabits Surinam. Fones Fig. pict. 6. tab. 70. fig. 1. Pboreus. Wings entirc; upper-pair brown; lower-ones yellow. Inhabits Snrinam. Heſp. Phocion. Fabricius. n. 345. Antennae black tipt with yellow: upper-wings beneath yellow with ocellar white dots. Tages. Wings entire denticulate brown with obſolete white dots. Inhabits Europe. Lewin. tab. 45. fig. 3, 4. Upper-wings with a few darker bands: lower-ones with marginal white dots. Nijo. Wings entire fubreverſed brown, upper-pair with 4 white ſcattered dots above. Inhabits Isidia. Spio. Wings entire reverſed blackiſh, every where ſpotted with white. Inhabits India. The reverſed wings diſtinguiſhes the ſpecies. Pygmæus. Wings entire brown immaculate. Inhabits India, very ſmall. Body brown: mouth white: antennae with a long reddiſh-club. 72. SPHINX. Antennæ fomewhat prismatic, tapering at each end: tongue (moſtly) exferted: feelers 2, reflected: wings de- flected. Hawk-moth. Theſe fly abroad only in the morning and evening, are very flow on the wing and often make a humming kind of noiſe; they extract the nectary of flowers with the tongue: the larva has I 6 feet and is pretty active, that of the Zygænæ is thick fat and covered with ſhort hairs, that of the Sefiæ generally naked un- armed and thinner towards the head, the others have generally a fharp creet ſtiff horn behind the puța is quieſcent, that of the Zeygænæ folliculate and a little tapering forwards; the reſt naked and ſmooth, that of the Sefiæ pointed at each end, of the others very obtuſe behind. A. Are 168 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. A Antenna ſealy: feelers hairy: tongue ſpiral. *Ocellata. Wings angular, lower-ones rufous with a blue eye. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii. tab. 269. Eſp. 2. tab. 1. Harris Inf. tab. 5 kg. g, h. Albin. tab 8. fig. 2 Larva ſolitary tailed rough green with oblique lateral pale ſtripes and ocellar dots: pupa dark cheſnut-brown. Excaecata. a Wings angular denticulate; lower-ones rufous with a blue epupillate eye. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Myofs. Wings angular; upper-pair with a yellow ſpot at the tip and poſterior angle; lower-ones yellow with a blue epupillate eye. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Nejus. Wings angular with black bands; lower-ones rufous edged with black: abdomen with rufous and yellow ſpots. Inhabits America. Cramer. 9. Cramer. 9. tab. 107. fig. D. Abdomen with a rufous belt at the baſe and 3 dots each fide behind the middle, and between theſe 2 dorſal yellow ſpots : upper- wings browniſh with black bands: lower-wings rufous with a grey ſpot at the baſe and black hind-margin. Quercus. Wings angular indented cinereous with darker ſtreaks, lower-ones ferruginous, white at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Germany. Efb. 2. tab. 19. Weim tab. 1. b. fig. 1. Larva folitary green with oblique lateral white ſtripes and rufous ſtigmata : pupa cheſnut with rufous margin. Modefia. Wings angular cinereous with Wings angular cinereous with 4 darker ſtreaks ; lower- ones immaculate. Inhabits Tranqueber. Antennae ferruginous with a white line. Lugubris. Wings angulate pale cheſnut; upper-pair with a ſubocellar black dot. Inhabits South American. Drury 1. tab. 28. fg. 2. Lufca. Wings angnlar duſky with a black dot; lower-ones black with a fulvous band. Inhabits South America Iſlands. Upper-rings cinereous with brown flexuous bands : lozver-wings cinerecus at the angle of the tail with a fulvous blotch : be- neath dull grey immaculate. Afiliformis. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. 169 Ajiliformis. Wings fcalloped toothed; upper-ones cinereous with a darker band in which is a black dot; lower-ones red edged with black. Inhabits India. Antennæ cinereous tipt with white : all the wings beneath greeniſh with a white band. Feneſtrina. Wings ſcalloped toothed gold-brown with 2 hyaline ſpots. Inhabits Auftria. Eſp. 2. tab. 23. fig. 1. Abdomen with 2 white belts : wings with ſcattered yellow dots; hind.margin black with 2 white ſpots. * Populi. Wings indented reverſed grey; upper-pair with a white central ſpot; lower-ones ferruginous at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii.tab. 241. Ejp. 2. tab. 2. Wilks pap. 11. tab. B, C. Merian Europe. 3. tab. 37. . Larva folitary rough green with oblique white ſtripes on the fides: pupa brown, ferruginous behind. Fuglandis. Wings indented grey tranſverſely ſtreaked; lower-ones paler, the margin dotted with brown. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidapt. Inf. of Georgia. * Tilice Wings angular with greeniſh clouds and darker bands; lower-ones beneath yellow teftaceous. Inhabits Europe. Merian. 2. tab. 24. Albin. tab. 10. Larva ſolitary rough green with oblique red and yellow ſtripes on the fides : pupa dull brown. Rhada- Wings ſubangular cinereous with a black dot at the baſe miftus. and oblique abbreviated band in the middle; firſt ſeg- ment of the abdomen black. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Thorax cinereous with a black dorſal line: abdomen cinereous, the firſt ſegment black: upper-wings with a black patch towards the tip, beneath darker with ſmall cinereous bands : lower- wings cinereous at the angle of the tail with a finall black ſtreak, beneath grey. Oexorhere. Wings ſcalloped greeniſh with a darker band ; lower-ones fulvous tipt with black. Inhabits Germany. Esp. Inf. 2. tab. 20. Antennae black tipt with white: body green: upper-wings with an ocellar black dot. Larva ſolitary without tail, brown with red ftigmata, the laſt ſegment but one with an oval black eye, the pupil white : papa naked brown. VOL. IITY Gaura 170 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 72. Sphinx. Gauræ, Wings indented; upper-pair olive with 2 whitiſh ſtreaks and deltoid ſpot on the diſk ; lower-ones ferruginous with a pale ſtreak, the outer part black edged with white. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Nerii, Wings fubangular green with paler darker and yellowiſh bands. Inhabits Europe and America. Cramer. tab. 224. fig. D. Larva dotted with white, the neck and an eye each ſide blue, tail deflected ſlightly jointed : pupa yellow with a black dorſal line and lateral dots. а Afalus. Wings indented; upper-pair fulvous with 2 gold ſpots : antennæ plumed. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 8. tab. 88. fig. E. Head and thorax black : abdomen red with black rings: upper- wing's emarginate at the tip, fulvous with 2 waved black ſtreaks and 2 tranſverſe gold ſpots between them : lower-wings white with a fulvous margin. Penæus. Wings indented clouded with brown and cinereous; lower- ones ferruginous edged with black. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Body brown-aſh; thorax with a black ſpot at the tip; abdomen beneath whitiſh with ferruginous ſpecks and 3 dots each ſide : upper.wings with a white dot in the middle. Pylas. Wings ſcalloped indented variegated; lower-ones fulvous, yellow at the baſe and black at the tip. Inhabits Suriram, Cramer. 18. tab. 206. fig. A. Lower-wings with a marginal black band and contiguous ſmaller one, the edge itſelf yellowiſh. Obſcura. Wings indented; lower-ones red edged with black; abdo- men above pale immaculate. Inhabits South America. Abdomen beneath white with rufous ſpecks and 4 black dots cach fide. Cacus. Wings indented black with 3 approximate pale ſtreaks ; lower-ones yellow ftriate with black. Inhabits Surinam. Cremer. 4. tab. 46. fig. E. Abdomen with alternate cinereous and black belts: Dentata, . INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. 171 Dentata. Wings indented ; lower-ones brown with a white ſtreak : . abdomen annulate with white. Inhabits India. Cramer. 11. tab. 125. fig. G. Head and thorax blueiſh ſpeckled with brown: upper-vings blueiſh with brown ſpecks and bands. Alope. Wings indented brown; lower-ones yellow tipt with black: abdomen black with interrupted pale belts. Inhabits America. Cramer. 26. tab. 301. fig. G. intennae with a white Aaaft: lower-wings beneath brown with a yellow ſpot at the thinner-margin. Larva tailed glabrous, cinereous on the back with a broad brown freak before ocellate in the middle and ending in a black ſpot: pupa brown with rufous rings and ſtreaks. Ello. Wings flightly indented cinereous; lower-ones rufous edged with black : abdomen pale with black belts. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer, 26. tab. 301. fig. D. Upper.wings in one ſex with a brown band. a Fatrophe. Wings ſlightly indented; lower-ones black with a rufous baſe and hyaline band: head 2-horned. Inhabits America. Cramer. 10. tab. 118. fig. A. Head with 2 incurved horns before the eyes : thorax with a black lateral line: abdomen with a black lateral line and 3 pair of fulvous ſpots, beneath white with 3 black ſpots each ſide: 3 apper-wings cinereous with black waves and a dot ir the mid- dle, the hind-margin ſpotted with white. Beneath all brown with a fulvous blotch, Larva green with a moniliform tail: pupa brown with an in- flected cylindrical tail. Medea, Wings ſlightly indented; upper-pair green; lower-ones fulvous edged with black. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir. Fof. Banks. Body green: upper-wing's with brown marginal dots and one in the middle : lower-wings beneath greenish edged with brown. P bolus. Wings emarginate black, paler at the tip with black ſtreaks, lower-ones chefut-brown. Inhabits India. Cramer. 8. tab. 87. fig. B. Upper-wings with a rufous ſpot at the tip: lower-oues fleſh- colour at the baſe, the margin widely emarginate. Carolina. Wings entire, all of them dotted with white on the hind- margin: abdomen wtth 5 pair of fulvous dots. Inhabits America. Merian Sarin. 57, tab. 57. Y 2 I arva 172 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Larva green with purple fpiracles and tail, legs white annulate with black; pupa brown. Strigilis. Wings entire grey; lower-ones fulvous with brown ſtreaks. Inhabits America. Cramer. 9. tab 106. fig. B. 9 Head yellowiſh with fulvous front and feelers: abdomen yellowiſh with oblique lateral green ſtreaks, beneath fulvous: upper-wings oblong emarginate at the inner-edge grey ſpotted with green. tab. 290. Atropss. Wings entire ; lower-ones yellow with 2 brown bands; abdomen yellow with black belts. Donovan. ix, tab. 289. larva and pupa Inhabits Europe Aſia and America. Larva ſolitary tailed yellow dotted with black and divided blue and green lateral tranſverſe lines, tail reflected : pupă dark brown with 5 black ftigmata each fide. Thorax marked with the reſemblance of a death's head. Erotus. Wings entire varied with brown and blue; lower-ones ful- vous edged with black Inhabits Inala. Cramer. 9. tab. 104. fig. B. Head and thorax brown with a pale lateral line: upper-wings brown with a large blueiſh ſpot at the bale, in the middle a fulvous dot, the hind-margin blueiſh. Equefiris. Wings entire pale cinereous; lower-ones black with a fulvous band and cinereous margin ; fides of the abdo- men fulvous. Inhabits India. Cram. tab. 226. D. Head greeniſh-brown with white orbits: thorax greeniſh-brown with a white line on the ſides. Phorbas. Wings entire obſcure green with blueiſh lines; lower-ones black with 2 fulvous ſpots Inhabits India. Cram 5. tab. 55. B. Upper-wings wi:h an obfolete ferruginous ſpot in the middle. Ficus. Wings clouded with brown ; lower-ones with a black band and white at the angle of the tail. Inhabits America, Cram tab. 246. E. Mar Sur. tab. 333 Larva green with yellow lines, head and tail black: pupa broin. Tetrio. Wings indented cinereous varied with brown: abdomen beneath white with 4 ferruginous dots. Inhabits America. Merian. Surinam, tab. s. Larva INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. 173 Larva gregarious naked black with 10 yellow rings, head red legs orange dotted with black. Chionanthi Wings variegated, with a white dot in the middle: abdo- men with 3 pair of fulvous eyes. Inhabits America. Cramer tab. 30. A. Antennae hooked, ferruginous with a white ſhaft: lower-wings blackiſh ſpotted with white. Larva tailed, with yellow and black bands, head and tail red; pupa brown. Pagana. Wings entire cinereous clouded wtth black ; lower-ones with a ferruginous diſk above. Inhabits Indid. In the museum of Sir. Fof Banks. Pinafiri. Wings entire grey with 3 ſhort black lines in the mid- dle of the upper-pair: abdomen white with black bands. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. ix. tab. 296. Eſp. 2. 10b. 12, Larva tailed greeniſh with a ferruginous dorſal line, a lateral yellow one and ferruginous ſubocellar itigmata : pupa reddith- brown with white eyes. rum. Conifera- Wings entire grey ; upper-wings with 2 parallel black lines and another divaricate and denticulate traniverſe ſtreak. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Plebeja. Wings entire grey with a white dot in the middle : fides of the abdomen white edged with black. Inhabits South America. Abdomen beneath white with a line of browe dots. Euphor. Wings entire grey with 2 dark olive bands; lower-ones bial. with a black baſe and marginal itreak : antennae fro- wy. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii, tab. 91.92. Larva black dotted with white, a red line down the back and lateral yellow ſpots : pupa brown with black tigmata. Gallii, Wings entire greeniſh with a white band ; lower-ones pale with a black baſe and marginal tireak : antenna brown. Inhabits Germany. El. 11.f. 2. tab. 21. Abdomen with white cots down the back. Lineata. 194 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. 3 * Lineata. Wings greeniſh-olive with a white band croſſed with white ftreaks; lower-ones black with a red band. Inhabits Europe. Donovan vi.tab. 204. fig. 1. Head gieeniſh with a lateral white line: thorax with 3 double white ſtreaks : abdomen with a white line down the middle and lateral black and white dots: hind-margin of the upper-wings pale purple. Beneath all cinereous fpeckled with green, Veſpertilio. Wings entire cinereous immaculate ; lower-ones red with black baſe and tip. Inhabits Southern Europe. Eſp. Inf. 2. tab. 22. fig. 4. Thorax cinereous with a lateral ſnowy line : abdomen cinereous with alternate black and white ſpots each fide at the baſe : hind-margin of the lower-wings whitifh. Vitis. Wings entire greeniſh with a white band and fillet : lower- ones cinereous with a black band and rufous mar- gin. Inhabits America, Cram, tab. 267. C. Merian. t. 47: f, 1. Satellitid. Wings entire grey clouded ; upper-pair with a black ocel- lar dot and contiguous lefſer-one; lower-ones cinereous at the baſe. Inhabits Jamaica. Drury, 1. tab. 29. fig. 1. 2. *Celerio. Wings entire grey with ſilvery-white ſtreaks: lower-ones brown with 6 red ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan vi, tab, 190.191. Lorva tailed brown with 2 lateral pale lines and 2 eyes on the neck each ſide : pupa brown before and reddiſh behind. Oldenlan- Wings entire grey with an oblique filvery white band and diae. and brown dot in the middle : abdomen with 2 ap-- proximate ſilvery lines. Inhabits India, on the Oldenlandia. Head grey with a whitiſh mouth and lateral line: thorax with a filvery line each fide: abdomen beneath cinereous with 4 black dots each fide: lower-wings cinereous with a red bafe and black band at the tip, Lycetur. Wings entire pale cinereous : abdomen with 3 gold lines each ſide. Inhabits India. Cramer Inf, 5. tab, 61.D. Thorax with a gold line cach fide, Boerbaviae. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx175 . . a Boerhaviae Wings entire greeniſh ; lower-ones brown with a fulvous band : abdomen beneath gold. Inhabiss India. Sulz. Hif. Inftab, 20, fig. 3. Head and thorax greeniſh with a white mouth and lateral line : abdomen grey with a gold line each fide : upper-wings grey with 3 oblique greeniſh ſtreaks and a brown dot in the middle: lower-ones red with a broad brown tip, beneath variegated, Funebris. Wings entire green-brown ; lower-ones brown with a teſtaceous baſe. Inhabits Guinea. Body greeniſh with large lateral black ſpots. Didymas Wings entire brown; upper-pair with 2 approximate white dots. Inhabits America, Cram. Inj. tab. 88.D. Wings with a few obſolete darker ſtreaks : abdomen annulate with brown and grey. Heſpera. Wings entire ; upper-pair clouded with green ; lower- ones brown immaculate. Inhabits Eaſt India. Body above green: abdomen with lateral darker ſpots : wings beneath grcy with obſolete darker ſtreaks. Parce, Wings entire ; upper-pair grey with a ſilvery lunule in ; the middle ; lower-ones reddiſh. Inhabits Braſil. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks Thorax cinereous with a large brown ſpot each fide : abdo- men grey with 3 pair of brown dorſal dots ; wings beneath grey * Elpenor. Wings entire with tranſverſe greeniſh-brown and red bands;- lower-ones red with a black baſe. Inhabits Europe Donovan iv. tab 122. Harris Aursi tab. 7. fig. g. h. Abin. tab.9. fg. 13. Larva tailed with brown ſpots and 2 blue eyes each fide the neck : pupa grey before, behind brown with darker ftig- mata. * Porcellus. Wings entire varied with yellow and purple ; abdomen beneath ſanguineous dotted with white. Inhabits Europe, Merian, 3. tab. 22. Eſp. 2, tab. 19. Larva without tail brown with 3 blue eyes each ſide on the neck: pupa blackish. Hylaest. 176 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Llylaeus. Wings entire ; npper-pair brown variegated at the tip; lower-ones black ſpotted with white. Inhabits South America, Cramer 9, tab. 107. C, Body brown with white lines on the thorax and dots at the ſides of the abdomen: lower-wings with 5 white ſpots. *Carul- suli. Wings entire clouded : lower-ones ſlightly barred : abdo- men with red black and white belts. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii, tab. 128. Merian Europ. tab. 75, fig. 2. Cramer tab. 225. D. Larva tailed with oblique white lines on the fides and fubocellar dots: pupa brown with a reflected involute horn. The eyes of this Inſect are ſlightly phoſphoreſcent. 景 ​* Ligufiri. Wings entire ; lower-ones rufous with 3 black bands : abdomen red with black belts. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii, tab. 284. Albin, t. 7. f. 10. Natural Miſcell. tab. 443. Harris Inf. 2.f. a--f. . Larva tailed green with oblique lateral ftreaks which are flesh- colour before and white behind : pupa brown, the tail 4- toothed. rtom. Drupifera. Wings entire ; lower-ones white with 2 black bands : ab- domen fnowy with 2 black belts. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of. Georgia. Kalmice. Wings entire, the margin dotted with white; lower-ones yellowiſh with 2 black bands : abdomen white with black belts. Inhabits America.- Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Cingulata. Wings entire ; lower-ones with black bands, fanguineous at the baſe and dotted with white at the margin: abdo- men with black and red belts. Inhabits South America, Thorax with a blackiſh lateral line : akdomen beneath white with 5 black dots each fide: upper-zuings waved with cinereous and black, a white dot in the middle and dotted with white on the hind margin: all beneath brown. Caicus. Wings entire brown; lower-pair rufous ſtreaked with black: abdomen cinereous with black rings. Inhabits Surinan, Cramer 11. tab. 125. F. . Upper-wings brown with a few paler ítreaks. a Crantar. Wings entire brown ſpotted with black; lower-ones red edged with black. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 72. Sphinx. 177 Inhabits India. Cram, 9. tab. 104, A. Upper-wings with a pale ſpot at the baſe: lower-wings ſpotted with black at the angle of the tail. Alecto. Wings entire; upper-pair grey above; lower-ones red with a black baſe and margin. Inhabits India. Cramer. tab. 137. D. Drury. 2. tab. 27. fig. 4. Antennae above white, beneath cheſnut-brown. Glotho. Wings entire greeniſh with a fulvous dot; lower-ones ful- Vous. Inhabits the Cape of good bope. Antenne fulvous: wings beneath cinereous Gnoma. Wings entire cinereous; lower-ones with a black fillet above. Inhabits India. Cramer. 13. tab. 152. A. Head and thorax greeniſh with a white lateral line : abdomen cinereous with a brown ſpot at the baſe each fide: bread white: upper-wings with a minute brown dot in the middle: all beneath cinereous with a green ſtreak and ſpecks. Anubus. Wings entire ; upper-pair fubferruginous ; fubferruginous; lower-ones black with a ſtreak of white dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. Il. tab: 128. C. Upper-wings with a ſmall black dot in the middle and towards the margin a large brown ſpot and few itreaks. Necbus. a Wings entire ; upper-pair green with a teſtaceous ſtreak; lower-ones black with a yellow band and ſpots at the baſe. Inhabits America. Cram. 15. tab. 178. B. Body green : antennae white: thorax with a lateral white line: abdomen with 2 lines of black dots on the back and ferruginous ones on the fides. Barus. Wings entire browniſh ; lower-ones black with a whitiſh macular band. Inhabits India. , Headaud thorax greeniſh with a whitiſh lateral line : wings be- a neath varied with brown and teftaceous. Clio, Wings green ; lower-ones teſtaceous edged with black. Inhabits Guinea ; ſmall. VOL-IIIZ Antenna 178 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Seſia. Antennae yellowiſh : body greeniſh : 3 laſt ſegments of the abdo- men with 2 white dots each fide : upper-wing, with a black dot in the middle : lower-ones flightly toothed, beneath greeniſh edged with brown. Labruſcae Wings greeniſh with a white dot on the lower-ſurface of the upper-pair : abdomen with 5 white dots at the 5 fides. Inhabits America. Merian Surinam. tab. 44. Lower-wings with a black dik barred with a blue, a rufous ſpot at the angle of the tail. Larva tailed varied with brown and black, on the tail a white poliſhed moveable dot. a Caricæ. Wings entire, lower-ones beneath yellow : abdomen ci- nereous with black angles. Inhabits America. Merian Surinam. tab. 64. fig. 12. Larva variegated with green and yellow : pupa teftaceous. Velox. Wings entire brown with a black dot in the middle, the tip cinereous; lower-ones brown. In babits India. Thorax greenifh with a white lateral line : hind-margin of the upper-wings dotted with brown. Beneath cinereous with brown itreaks, Terfa. Wings entire grey with a brown dot ; lower-ones black with a white baſe and macular band. Inhabits South America. Crax. 44. tab. 397. C. Tbyelia. Wings ferruginous with a blackiſh band, Inhabits India. Cramer. 19. tab. 226. E.F. Small. Therax with longitudinal brown lines. B. Antenna cylindrital: tengue exſerted truncate : wings entire. Sefia. Tantalus Abdomen bearded, the third ſegment frowy. Inhabits Europe and India. Cram. tab. 68. F. Abdomen with a white and rufous ſtreak: upper-wings variegat- ed, with 3 white dots. Melas Wings femitranſparent edged with black : abdomen blue, the baſe black with yellow belts. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 4. Cram. 4. tab. 45. fig. G. Antenne INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Sefia. 179 Antennae nearly filiform : head yellow : thorax black ſurrounded by 2 lines. a Hylas. Wings femitranſparent ; abdomen bearded, green with purple belt. Inhabits China. Cramer 13. tab. 148. B. Tail with a white dot at the baſe, the fides of the beard black. Fadus. Abdomen bearded ; wings brown, upper-pair with 2 ab- breviated white bands. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 5. tab. 61. C. 171. * Stellata- Abdomen bearded, the fides varied with white and black, lower-wings ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. v. tab. 155. Donovan. v. tab. 155. Gram. t. 94. C. Merian Europe. 2. tab. 29. Eſp. Inf. 2. tab. 13. Upper-wings brown with blackiſh lines acroſs and a dot in the middle: baſe of the lower-wings brown. Larva pale roſy dotted with white, the tail blue ferruginous at the tip: pupa pale with a brown tip. Pandora, Abdomen bearded, with fulvous ſpots on the ſides : lower- wings ferruginous at the baſe and tipt with black. Inhabits India. Drury. Inf. 2 tab. 29. f. 2. Abdomen above brown with a green gloſs and 3 largefulvous ſpots each ſide at the baſe the beard black, beneath ſubteitace- ous with ſmall white dots: upper-wings with cinereous and greeniſh bands and a brown ſpot towards the tip. Brunneus. Wings cheſnut-brown immaculate : lower-ones emar ginate. Inhabits Skriram. Cram 13. tab. 147. C. 8-maculata Wings black with 2 yellow ſpots on the upper-pair and 2 white ones on the lower-pair. Inhabits India. Small. Thorax black with 2 white dots: abdomen bearded black with 2 white dots before the tail. Wings variegated ; lower-ones black with a hyaline ſpot at Marica. the baſe. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 2. tab. 20. F. G. Abdomen black, bearded at the end : upper-wings variegated with white and black: beneath all black ſpotted with white. Thysbe. 180 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. -2. Sphinx. Seſia. Thyfbe. Abdomen bearded, brown behind : wings with a hyaline ſpot. Inhabits America. Antennae hooked, at the tip. Abdomen greeniſh at the baſe, behind pale brown with 3 white lateral ſpots each fide: baſe of the upper-wings a little green- iſh, *Fuciformis Abdomen bearded blackish with a yellow band near the tail ; wings diaphanous with a darker-brown bor- der. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii. tab. 87. Eſp. 2. tab. 14. Beard of the abdomen black each ſide. Larva green with a yellow lateral line, the horn erect; pupa folliculate black, with yellow ſtreaks before. * Bombyli- Abdomen bearded greeniſh-fulvous with a black band : formis. wings tranſparent with a fine black edge. Inhabits Europe. Elp. Ifl. 2, tab. 23. * Apiformis Wings tranſparent; abdomen yellow with 2 black belts above; thorax black with 2 yellow ſpots each ſide. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. 1. tab. 25. Linn. Tranſ 3. tab. 1. fig. 1. 2. Abdomen of the male ſlightly bearded. Lava pale yellow, head yellow : pupa blackiſh. 1 * Crabroni. Wings tranſparent : abdomen yellow with black belts: formis. thorax black with obſolete yellow ſpots : head black with a yellow ring at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Linnean Tranſact. iii. tob. 1.f. 6.7. Larva pale yellow : pupa reddiſh brown. Male with 2 black bands near the baſe of the abdomen: female with irregular black lines. Chalcifor- Wings with hyaline ſtripes, golden at the baſe and black mais. at the tip: hind-legs very hairy. Inhabits Tranquebar. Head and thorax villous golden. mouth yellow: lower-wings tranſparent edged with black, Sphegifor- Wings hyaline with a black band and margin: abdomen niso bearded, with a yellow belt: antenna white before the tip. Inhabits Austria, Wien Verz, 305, 10. Thorax black with yellow fides: abdomen with 2 lateral yellow dots each fide : fides of the breal yellow, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 7. Sphinx. Sifia. 181 „Afiliformis. Upper-wings brown, lower-ones tranſparent: abdomen bearded black with 3 yellow belts. Inhabits Sorthern Europe. Wien. Verz.: 305. 11. Thorax black with a fine yellow margin before and a reiloav dot before the wings : hind-margin of the lower-wings lick: bind-fhanks yellow Chryfifor- Upper-wings yellow with a hyaline line at the baſe and mis, dot in the middle: lower-ones hyaline: ſegments of the abdomen edged with yellow Inhabits Italy. Cyrilli . Ent. Neap. tab. 4. fig. 3. Sefia craboniformis. Fabricius. 111. p. 383. n. 17. Head yellow with a fulvous crown: tail bearded black, yellaw in the middle: margin of the upper-wing's fringed with brown: Hemor- rhoidalis. Wings hyaline; upper-pair with a black band and margin: tail bearded red. Inhabits India. Cramer. 5. tab. 52. C, D. Thorax with a white dot cach fide: abdomen red at each end : all the wings edged with black. mis. Culicifor- Wings hyaline with a black band and margin: abdomen bearded, with a fulvous belt. Inhabits Europe. Eſp. 2.. tab. 15. fig. 1. Clerk. tab. 9. fig. 3. Antenne white before the tip. Tenthredi- Wings tranſparent with a black band and edge all round; niformis. head and ſides of the thorax fulvous : abdomen bearded, with a fulvous belt. Inhabits Southern Europe. mis. Tipulifor. Wings tranſparent with a black band and border: abdomen bearded black, the alternate inciſures edged with yellow. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. ii. tab. 52, 53: Thorax with a yellow line cach fide : tip of the upper-wings with a brown ſpot. Larva ſolitary a little hairy whitiſh with yellow head and legs and a darker dorſal linc: pupa brown. & * Zonata. Wings tranſparent with a black band and margin: abdomen bearded black with a fingle red belt. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab. 195. Head with a thin red hind margin: thorax with 2 cb'ique lateral red lines. Ichneu- 182 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyg. Ichneu- moniformis Wings tranſparent with a black margin and band in which is a fulvous dot : abdomen with alternate black and white belts. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 44, 7. Antenna black, ſometimes yellow at the baſe : thorax black with yellow fides: legs yellow. * Veſpifor. Wings tranſparent with a black margin and band; abdomen bearded black, the ſecond and laſt ſegments edged with yellow Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 44, 5. mis. * Chryfor. Wings tranſparent with a black margin and band; abdomen tht4, black with 4 yellow belts, the beard yellow with a black line in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv. tab. 116. fig. 1, 2. Thorax with a yellow upper-margin: hind-thighs yellow annulate with black, C. Antennæ thicker in the middle : tongue exſerted ſetaceous. Zygæna la, * Filipendu. Upper-wings blue-green with 6 red ſpots in pairs; lower- ones red with a greeniſh border. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. i. tab. 6. Albin. tab. 82. C, D. Merian Europ, 2. tab. 17. fig. 67. Harris. 2. tab. 1. fig. h. Larva fat tailed ſulphur with 4 lines of black dots : pupa brown, ſulphur in the middle. Loti. Upper-wings green with 5 red ſpots; lower-ones red with a green-blue border. Inhabits Europe. Eſp. Inf. 2, tab. 24. fig. 1. Thorax blue ſpotted with white: abdomen blueiſh: the 2 upper- ſpots on the swings united. Scabiofæ. Black; upper-wings green with oblong approximate red ſpots : lower-ones red. Inhabits Germany. Eſp. 3. tab. 24. fig. 3.2. Upper wings with 3 long approximate red ſpots at the baſe, 2, 1. margin of the lower-ones greeniin. Beneath the ſame. Lavandula Black; wings blue with 5 red dots on the upper-pair and one on the lower: collar ſnowy. Inhabits France : ſize of Sp. Filipendulæ. Abdomen black with a blue glofs : ſpots on the wings 2, 2, 1. ſurrounded with a black ring. a Sedi - INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyg. 183 Sedi. Blue; upper--wings with 3 connected red ſpots; lower-ones entirely red. Inhabits Southern Ruſia. Spots on the wings ſurrounded with a yellow ring: lozuer-wings with a fine black edge. Phegea. Green black ; upper-wings with 6 tranſparent dots, lower- ones with 2: abdomen with a yellow belt. Inhabits Germany. Esp. Inf. 2. tab. 27. fig. 2, 2, Larva brown; head and legs reddiſh, back with faſciculate white plumes. Collaris. Brown; upper-wings with 7 hyaline dots, lower-ones with 2: front, collar and 2 belts on the abdomen fulvous. Inhabits Eaſt India. Antennae black whitiſh at the tip: dots on the upper-wings 1,393. Ephialtes. Blue; upper-wings with 6 red dots, lower-pair with one: abdomen with a red belt. Inhabits Southern Europe. Eſp. Int. 2. tab. 27. figa 3. The dots on the wings and the belt on the abaomen are ſometimes yellow ſometimes red. Larva hairy yellowiſh with black head legs and 2 lines. Æacus. Blue; upper-wings with 6 yellow dots; lower-ones yellow edged with blue. Inhabits Auftria. Wion. Verz, 45, 8. Abdomen blue with a yellow belt: dots on the swings 2,2,2. placed obliquely. Agrius. Black; wings with hyaline dots, upper-pair black lower- ones blue. Inhabits Surinam. Body black; fides of the abdomen fulvous : upper-wings with 2 approximate hyaline dots in the middle of the thicker margin and a ſtreak of them behind : lower-wings with 2 approximate hyaline dots. Annulata. Black; upper-wings with 6 yellow ſpots; lower-ones with a yellow baſe and ſpot : abdomen annulate with yellow. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Head yellow : thorax black with a yellow band on the fore-part: ſcutel yellow: ſpots on the upper wings 1,2,3. a black dot in the yellow baſe of the lower-wings. Onobrychisé Black; upper-wings blue with 6 red ocellate dots; lower- ones red with a black border. Inhabits 184 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyg. Inhabits Anftria. Eſp. Inf. 2. tab. 27. fig. 4. Thorax ſpotted with white : ſpots on the wings ſurrounded with a white ring: abdomen fonetimes immaculate, ſometimes with a red belt. Caffra, a Black; wings brown with 5 red dots: lower-ones red ob edged with brown. Inhabits Africa. Cramer. 33. tab. 394. E, Head black : feelers and orbits red : thorax black with 2 red dots each fide: dots on the wings ſurrounded with a black ring. Guineenfis. Wings brown with 2 white ſpots: abdomen blue with a fulvous belt. Inhabits Guinea. Antennae pectinate, fetaceous at the tip: abdomen ſhining blue with a white belt at the baſe and a fulvous one in the middle, beneath whitiſh tipt with blue. Pajalis. Wings black with 6 tranſparent ſpots on the upper-pair and - one on the lower: abdomen with alternate blue and red belts. Inhabits Eaſi India. Head blue: thorax rufous in the middle, the fore-part and fides blue. Cerbera. Wings black with 6 tranſparent ſpots on the upper-pair and 2 on the lower : abdomen with red belts. Inhabits Æthiopia. Cramer. 7. tab. 83. F. Tbetis. Blue, the ſhoulders dotted with red; wings black, upper- pair with a hyalıne tip, lower-ones with a hyaline diſk. Inhabits famaica. Drury Inf. 1. tab. 26. fig. 4. Phlegmon. Wings black dotted with white: abdomen yellow with black lines. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. tab. 35. fig. H. Thelcbus. Wings black; upper-pair with 5 hyaline ſpats; lower-ones very ſhort with a hyaline diſk; abdomen yellow an- nulate with black. Inhabits Chino: Head yellow, mouth black : thorax yellow with a black collar: lower-wings hyaline edged with blacke Sperbius. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyg. 18$ Sperbius. Wings black with 5 hyaline fpots on the upper-pair and one on the lower: abdomen black with 2 yellow bands: front white. Inhabits China. Antennae black tipt with white: thorax black : ſcutel yellow : tail white with a fingle yellowifh ſpot. Feneftrata. Wings brown with 4 hyaline ſpots on the upper-pair and one on the lower: abdomen annulate with yellow and black. Inhabits China. Drury Inf. 2. tab. 28. fig. 5. Antennae Black, white before the tip: head yellow with a black band between the antennæ: thorax yellow, the fore-part and 3 ſpots black, Caſandra. Brown; abdomen with 5 blue ſpots each ſide : tail mouth and baſe of the thighs and abdomen ſcarlet. Inhabits cimerica. Cram. 33. tab. 494. G. All the wings blackiſh immaculate. Hyparchus. Black ſpotted with green ; upper-wings with 3 gold ſpots, lower-pair with a ſingle one. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer. 17. tab. 197. C. Abdomen black with green belts, Argvnris. Wings greeniſh-black with gold ſpots; lower-ones brown, gold at the baſe. Inhabits Braſil Abdomen black with a red tail: upper-wings with a few green ſpots : luwer-ones violet. Myrtea. Black; wings hyaline with a black edge all round: abdomen red with a black dorſal line and angles. Inhabits Braſil. Thorax black, the ſides gloffy-blue with a fleſh-coloured line : margin of the wings ſinuate black, Androma- Black; wings hyaline with a black margin and band: tail cha. red. Inhabits America. Cramer. 52. fig. C, DE Antenne fomewhat peetinate: thorax hairy black, the fore-part and 2 dots white: abdomen hairy black. In one ſex is a red band at the baſe of the abdomen 5. tab. Flavicornis Wings yellow hyaline; upper-pair tipt with brown: body blue ſpotted with yellow: antennæ and legs yellow Inhabits Cayenne. VOL. II.--2 A Antennae 186 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyg. Bromus. Antennae pectinate fetaceous at the tip: thorax black blue with yellow ſpots: initead of the ſcutel is a ſquare emarginate ſpot. Ferruginous ; wings hyaline edged round with black. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 3. tab. 35. fig. G. Antennce pectinate: body entirely dull ferruginous. Eryr. Wings black, baſe of the upper-pair gold with a red ſpot in the middle: abdomen beneath red. Inhabits America. Cramer. 12. tab. 140. E, F. Head ſhining green-gold ſpotted with black on the hind-part: thora black with 4 green-geld ſpots before and 3 pair on the back: abdomen black with 7 fpots each fide, the 4 upper-ones green gold, the 3 lower-ones blue: lower-wings beneath black wilh a green-gold baſe and 2 ſpots. Egeon. Wings hyaline; upper-pair edged round with yellow. Inhabits China. Cramer. 5. tab. 30 fig. B. Antenne pectinate : tip of the upper-wings yellow with a hyaline ſpot: lower-wings hyaline, the hind-margin black with a hyaline ſtreak: thorax black ſpotted with white: abdomen black, the back yellow with a black line. Achemon. Yellow; wings hyaline tipt with black, upper-pair yellow at the baſe. Inhabits Jamaica. Emall. Head black: thorax yellow : abdomen yellow with 2 dorſal lines of black dots, tail black: upper-wings with a black margin and lunule in the middle. 2 Nigricerkis. Wings hyaline edged with black: body yellow, the fore and hind-parts black ſpotted with blue. Inhabits Cavenie; ſmall. Antenne pectinate: bead black with a blue dot on the crown: mouth yellow : thorax yellow, black on the fore-part with 4 blue ſpots: abdomen yellow, tail black with 2 blue ſtreaks. Meliſa. Wings black with a hyaline diſk: abdomen black with 3 gold lines, tail fulvous. Inhabits America. Crown with a gold ſpot, thorax with 2 obſolete ones in the fore- margin: breaſt black ſpotted with white: abdomen black with 4 white dots each fide bencath. Polymena. Black ; upper-wings with 3 yellow ſpots, lower-ones with 2: abdomen with 2 ſcarlet belts. Inhabits China. Cramer. 2. tab. 13. D. Lerhe. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx, Zyg. 187 Lethe. Wings black with 2 yellow ſpots: abdomen with red black and blue belts and a white one. Inhabits Africa. Cram. 17. tab. 197. fig. D. Head blue : thorax black, the fore-lobe and 3 dorſal lines blae, 3 before the wings a Icarlet dot each fide: ab domen with a rufous belt at the baſe which is white each ſide, then 2 blue-ones and 2 alternate black ones, then a rufous one, afterwards a white one, the 3 laſt ſegments blue, tail rufous: upper-swings with a blue lunule between the ſpots. , Lichas. Black with a green gloſs; upper-wings with a green ſtreak in the midddle and a white dot behind it: abdomen black with 2 gold belts. Inhabits Arabia ; ſmall. Antenne pectinate with a gloffy-green ſhaft: thorax black ſpeckled with green, the collar red ; lower-swings black immaculate. Fana. Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, red with black ſpots con- nected with the black margin. Inhabits southern Europe. E. Inf. 2. tab. 18. fig. 1. . . Lower-cwings red immaculate : abdomen black-blue with a red belt. Infauna Wings brown ; lower-ones red within: antennæ pectinate. Inhabits Southern Europe. Ejp.pap. 2. tab. 35. fig. 4. Thorax with a red collar. Eriphia. Greeniſh ; lower-wings black with a white band: antenna pectinate. Inhabits Surinam. Abdomer greeniſh with a white dot each fide at the baſe and % white streaks beneath. Flabelli- cornis. Wings oblong black; lower-ones ſlightly tailed, greeniſh at the baſe. Inhabits South America. Cramer. 3. tab. 30. fg. E. Antenne blue: bead red with a brown mouth and hind-margin: abdomen rufous with 4 lines of black fpots. Butus Wings ſhining green, darker at the tip: abdomen fulvous. Inhabits Americaz. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Antennae pectinate black: head and thorax greeniſh: body beneath fulvous: tail blackih. Pugime. Blue dotted with white: wings red with a brown hind, margin. Inhabits America. Cram. 4. tab. 45. fig. B. 2 A 2 Antennae 188 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyg. Antenua pectinate, red at the tip. Larva hairy ſaffron with 2 lines of white dots each fide, 4 tufts 4 of hairs on the neck and 2 on the tail which are tipt with black: pupa very ſlightly folliculate and brown. Eurсcilia, Wings brown at the tip with a ſtreak of white dots: an- tennæ pectinate. Inhabits America. Cramer. 15. tab. 178. C. Head black potted with white: thorax teftaceous with a yellow fore-margin and dot : abdomen teftaceous with a dorſal ſtreak of white dots, the fides black with a yellow freak : upfer- wings teflaceous at the baſe with a large yellow ſpot in the midale in which is a brown one: lower-wings red at the baſe the tip black with ferruginous ſtreaks and white dots, Pectinicor. Browniſh ; wings violet with 2 white bands a little inter- nis. rupted : collar red. Inhabits South America. Cramer. 3. tab. 32. C, D. Gyon. Wings brown ; upper-pair with 2 yellowiſh ſpots; lower- ones with an abbreviated yellowiſh band. Inhabits Cayenne. Antenna pectinate: thorax black with 4 white lincs: abdomen bla k with 3 white lines: upper-wings with white lines at the bale. Ergotis, Wings black; upper-pair with a white band at the tip, thorax fulvous. Inhabits Madeira ; reſembles the next, Head black dotied with white : abdomen black margin of the upper-wings fulvous cach fide at the bale. Glaucopis, Wings blackish ; upper-pair with an oblique frowy band. In habits Carolina. Cramer. 27. tab. 322. D. Antennae pectinate : boby black ; louer-rvings immaculate. Erynnis, Wings black; upper-pair with an oblique teftaceous band. Inhabits Suriname Body black. Abaumen with 2 lines of white dots beneath. Pylotis, Wings black; upper-pair with a fuowy ſpot on both ſur- faces; lower-ones with a ſnowy ſpot beneath only. Inhabits Surinam, Cromer tab. 370. F. Anionnae peclinate : bead and thorax black with a red collar : al domen INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyz. 189 abdomen black, the tail yellow villous: tip of the upper-wing whitiſh. Sypilus. Wings black ; upper-pair with an interrupted teſtaceous band; lower-ones teftaceous at the baſe ; abdomen dotted with blue. Inhabits America. Cramer. 2. tab. 99. A. Abdomen black with teftaceous belts at the baſe, the tip dotted with blue, Megæra. Wings black, both ſurfaces alike, upper-pair with 2 fulvous ſpots ; lower-ones fulvous on the inner- margin. Inhabits Guiana: ſmall. Antennae of the male pectinate, of the female fimple : body black: bead fulvous. Scyton Wings whitiſh : abdomen black with yellow bands; tail red. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer. 2. tab.99. B: Body whitiſh with a fulvous front : upper wings with a brown blotch in the middle and ſtreak behind : lower-wings with a hyaline dikk. Auge. Varied with red and blue, the fides covered with red hair : wings tranſparent, black behind; antennæ pecti- nate. Inhabits America. Cram. 17. tab. 198. E. Antennae fetaceous at the tip: back of the thorax and abdomen blue, the latter with a ſnowy ſpot at the baſe each fide, S-naculata Both furfaces of the wings alike, black with 2 yellow ſpots on the upper and 2 white ones on the lower-pair. - Inhabits America. In the muſeun of Dr. Hunter. Head black, mouth and orbits yellow : abdomen black. Capiſrata. Wings black with 2 tranſparent bands on the upper-pair; . lower-ones with a tranſparent diſk : abdomen red, black on the back. Inhabits America. Antennae black tipt with white : thorax black with a fulvous ſpots : abdomen ferrate cach fide: upper wings with a tranſ- parent dot at the baſe. Parthenii, 590 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA, 72. Sphinx. Zyg. a Parthenii. Black; wings hyaline with a black border ; 2 dots on the thorax and ſides of the abdomen red, the edges of the ſegments white. Inhabits South America. Antennae pectinate, white before the tip: abdomon beneath red with a white baſe and 2 lines of dots : wings with a black ſpot in the middle near the rib, Columbina. Wings tranſparent with a black ſpot and border marked with red. Inhabits South America. Antennae pectinate : head black with 2 red dots: thorax k with white lines: abdomen black, the firſt ſegment red, the others with white and red belts, Caudata. Wings yellow hyaline tipt with brown; body ſpotted with gold. Inhabits South America. Cramer 1. 4. F. G. Antennae pectinate: body brown with a gold line on the thorax and numerous dots on the abdomen : upper-wings with a brown ſpot in the middle : tail of the male very long and villous. Diptera. Wings brown; upper-pair with 5 tranſparent ſpots; low- er-ones very ſhort with a yellow ſpot. Inhabits Eaſt India : ſmall. Antennæ pectinate : head black, front yellow : abdomen black with 2 yellow bands. Halterata. Wings hyaline with a brown ſpot ; lower-ones very ſhort j filiform and black. Inhabits Braſil. Iu the muſeum of Sir Fof. Barks. Antennae pectinate : body black : abdomen above and beneath yels lowiſh at the baſe. Maja. Wings blue-black ; abdomen dotted with white at the baſe: hind-legs compreffed elongated and fringed. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter, Antennae lightly pectinate : bead with a white dot each fide under the antenna ; thorax and breaſt blue dotted with white: swings gloffy-black with a blue baſe and band, Tibialis. Upper-wings brown, lower-ones hyaline: hind-legs long aud very hairy. Inhabits Africa. Drury Inf. 2. tab. 28. fg, 2. Antennae flightly pectinate, La lis. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72. Sphinx. Zyg. 191 adis, 3 Black ; upper-wings with a yellow dot at the baſe: ab- domen with tranſverſe yellow ſpots: hind-legs long. Inhabits Surinam Cam. Inf. 7. tab. 83. E. Abdomen above black dotted with white : antennae pectinate. Eunolphus. Dull yellowiſh ; collar of the thorax and belt at the baſe of the abdomen ſnowy: antenna thickened behind the middle and brown. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Antennae yellowiſh, brown before the tip: thorax yellowiſh : abdomen yellowiſh, the firſt fegment above 2 dots on the ſecond and the third beneath ſnowy : breaſt brown with a white dot each fide : upper-wings yellowiſh, darker at the tip: lower- ones daſky with a yellowiſh outer margin. Partbalon Upper-wings duſky; lower-ones yellow: antennæ pecti- nate black tipt with yellow. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Head black: feelers and dot between the antennæ fulvous : thorax black with a ſnowy det at the baſe of the wings, 6 fulvous ones and a lateral line : abdomen violet, the firft ſegment ful- vous with a white ſpot at the bale ſecond beneath ſnowy, the reft fulvous at the margin. Capys, Black ; upper-wings tipt with white. Inhabits Surinani, Cram. 5. tab. 56. fg. E. Pholus. Black; wings yellowiſh at the baſe. Inhabits Africa. Drury Inf. 2. tab. 28. fig. 3. * Statices. Upper-wings green blue : lower-ones brown. Inhabits Europe. Donovan vi. tab. 204. fig. 2. Larva blackiſh with 2 dorſal lines of whitiſh lunules. a Pruni. Green-blue ; lower-wings black. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 303. 12. . Larva hairy brown, the back fleth-colour with a line of black dots. Acharon. Styx, Blue ; wings brown ; tail rufous. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir jo . Barks: Body and wings blue ; thorax rufous, 3 Inhabits Africa. Upper-wings brown; lower-ones black with ſemitranſpa- rent diſk; collar red. Inhabits India. Abdomen blue : upper-wings whitiſh at the tip. 73 PHALANA Thoas. 192 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. 73. PHALENA. Antennæ gradually ta- pering from the baſe to the tip: tongue fprial : jaws o : wings, when at reft, generally deflected: flight nocturnal. . Moth. O Theſe fly abroad only in the evening and during the night, and feed on the nectar of flowers : the larva is active and quick in motion, moſtly ſmooth, niore or leſs cylindrical, and preys vora- ciously on the leaves of various plants : pupa quieſcent, more or leſs cylindrical, pointed at the tip or at both ends, and is nerally incloſed in a follicle. They are divided into, a Boxzbyx. Anienna filiform ; feelers 2, compreſſed reflected : tongue ſhort membranaceous obtuſe bifid ; larva 16-footed, often hairy; pupa pointed at the tip. a, Wings expanded. b. Wings reverſed. c. Wings deflected. d, Wings incumbent. e. Wings convolute. Geometra. Antenna filiform : feelers cylindrical: tongue projected, membranaceous ſetaceous bifid: larva 8-10 footed, 6 of which are pectoral, 2 caudal, and fometimes ? ſubcaudal : pupa pointed at the tip. a. Antennae pectinate. b. Antennæ fetaceous. c, Wings forked, connivent. Noctua. Antenna fetaceous : feelers compreſſed hairy, the tip cy- lindrical and naked : tongue projecting horny ſetaceous bifid : larva 16-footed : pupa pointed at the tip. 2. Wings expanded. b. Wings flat incumbent; thorax ſmooth. c. Wings flat incumbent; thorax creſted, d. Wings deflected: thorax ſmooth. e. Wings deflected : thorax creſted. Hyblad. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalæna. . 193 Hyblea. Antenna letaceous : feelers projecting, compreſſed, dilated in the middle : lip projecting, acute. Hepialus. Antenna moniliform : feelers 2, reflected hairy, between which is the rudiment of a bifid tongue : larva 16- footed, feeding on the roots of plants : pupa folliculate cylindrical and pointed at the tip. Cofus. Antenna ſhort filiform : feelers 2, very thout cylindrical re- flected : ſpiral tongue o. Pyralis. Antenna filiform : feelers 2, equal, almoſt naked. cylin- drical at the baſe, the middle dilated into an oval, and fubulate at the tip : tongue projected ſetaceous bifid: wings very obtuſe and ſlightly curved at the exterior margin: larva 16-footed and rolling up the leaves to which it attaches itsſelf. Tinea. Antenna ſetaceous : feelers 4, unequal: larva found in hou- ſes among linnen and woollen cloths and furniture, in which it eats holes and to which it is very deſtruc- ctive. Alucita. Antenna ſetaceous : feelers 2, divided to the middle, the inner diviſion very acute. Pterophorus Antenna ſetaceous : feelers 2, linear naked : tongue exſerted membranaceous bifid : wings fan-ſhaped, divided down to the baſe and generally ſubdivided as far as the mid- dle: larva 16--footed ovate hairy : pupa naked fubulate at the tip. Bombyx. VOL-III 2 B 194 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. , Bombyx. a, Wings expanded. Atlas. Wings falcate varied with yellow white and ferruginous, with a traſparent ſpot on each, that on rhe upper-pair with a contiguous ſmaller one. Inhabits America and Aha. Merian. Sur. 52. tab. 52. Nat. Mifcell. tab. 2. Cram. tab. 381, C. Lower-wings with a yellow ſtripe before the margin incloſing a chain of black dots. Larvia verticillate with hairy tubercles and ſpins a web of very ftrong yellowish filk. . Heſperas. Wings falcate varied with white yellow and ferruginous, with an ovate tranſparent ſpot on each: lower-ones rounded. Inhabits America. Merian Surin, tab. 65. fig. 65. Natural. Mifcell. tab. 230. Cram. tab. 69. A. Larva entire glabrous. Aarotas. Wings falcate, both ſurfaces alike, yellowiſh with a whi- tiſh band and tranſparent lunule on the diſk. Inhabits America. In the moreum of Dr. Hunter. All the wings with a whitiſh ſtreak or two at the bale, in the middle a large hyaline lunule and behind this a yellow. one, then a broad whitih band: on the tip of the upper-zuings is a black ocellar ſpot with a white lunule. Cecropia. Wing grey with a fulvous band; upper-pair with a ſubhy- . a aline ferruginous eye. Inhabits America. Cram. tab 42. A. B. Catesb. tab. 86. . Irius. Wings pale orange; upper-pair with a tranſparent ſpot; low- er ones with a black eye, the pupil tranſparent. Inhabits India. In the Collcetion of Mr. Francillon. Saturnus. Wings grey with a tranſparent triangular ſpot ; lower-ones with a black eye, the pupil halt cloſed. Inhabits India. In the Collection of Mr. Francillon. Eye on the lower-wings with a fulvous iris and a minute white oblong tranſparent pupil : lower-wings beneath cinereous at the baſe with a round brown ſpot : then a band and a lunule in the middle. Paplia. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalena. Bomb. 195 Paphia. Wings falcate, both ſurfaces alike, yellow with rufous ſtreaks and tranſparent eye. Inhabits Afia. Petiv, Gaz. tab, 29. fig: 3. Eye on the upper wings with a fulphur iris and tranſparent pupil, that on the lower-wings with a blue iris. Polyphemus. Wings falcate yellowiſh-grey with a central ocellate tranſ- parent eye on each, that on the lower-pair large and blueiſh. Inhabits America. Cram. 1. tab. Naturaliff's Miſcellany. x. tab. 356. Upper wings with 2 curved tranſparent ſtreaks and marginal band: lower-wings with a brown marginal band, Larva green: pupa yellowiſh brown. . 5. A.B. Dione. Wings yellow with 2 ſtreaks, the anterior of which is in- terupted and fleſh-colour, and a tranſparent eye. Inhabits Guinea, Body yellow, The eye on each wing is yellow with a black iris and a larger Fleſh-colour one, the pupil tranſparent. Cytheres. Wings grey with cinereous ſtreaks and a tranſparent eye. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Cram. tab. 302. A, B. Azienna pectinate ferruginous : wings ſlightly falcate ; the eye between the itreaks fulphur with a black iris ſurrounded with a white ring, the pupil large and tranſparent. Mylitta. Wings falcate yellow with a ferruginous ſtreak and divi- ded tranſparent eye. Inhabits India. Cram. 13. tab. 146. A. Eye on the wings divided by a raiſed ferruginous nerve, the iris grey lurrounded on the fore-part with ferruginous and a white lunule on the hind-part with black. Promet hee. Wings ſlightly falcate edged with grey: upper-pair with a black eye each ſide. Inhabits America. Cram. tab 75. A, B. (M.) tab. 76, A, B. (F) Wings of the male black, of the female ferruginous. Larva green dotted with black, with 4 red Ipines before. a Erythrine. Wings brownish with a waved pale ſtreak. Inhabits America Cramer. tab. 197. A. B. Merian. t. 11. Larva yellowiſh with black ſpiracles, 4 black ſpines on the collar and 2 near the tail, B 2 Confpi- 196 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. 10r. Conſpicilla- Wings falcate; upper-pair brown with a paler ſigmoid ſtreak ; lower-ones black with a large red eye. Phal. Augufta. Natural. Miſcell. viii, tab. 300. Inhabits Amboina. In the Britiſh Muſeum. Lower-wings with a very large red ſpot in the centre of which is a white one. a Janus. a Upper-wings variegated, with a black eye beneath ; lower- ones red with a black eye. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 6. tab. 64. A. B. Eye or the upper-wings with an oblong white pupil ; that on the lower wings with a lunate white pupil, the tip pale beneath cinereous. Wings rounded brown, the tip cinereous with white and brown waves. Inhabits Chujan. Pefiv. Gazoph. tab. 18. fig. 3. Bedy brown with cinereous collar and fides, Certhia. Megæra. Upper-wiugs blue ſpotted with white ; lower-ones white in the middle, the tip blue with yellow waves. Inhabits North America. Hippodamia Wings flightly falcate, brown with a paler margin in which is an interrupted white fireak on the upper-pair. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. il. tab. 126. B. Upper-wings with a blue ſubocellar dot near the tip. Nictitans. Wings brown fleſh-colour ; lower-pair with a ferruginous eye, the pupil tranſparent. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir. 70f, Banks. Lower-rings rounded, with a large eye ſurrounded with a brown and fleſh-colour ring : beneath all duſky with a dar- ker ſtreak : female larger, the eye black. a Semiramis. Wings with very long tails, of various colours with a tranſ- parent dot on each. Inhabits America. Cram. 2. tab. 13. A. Wings yellow at the baſe, the tip of various colours with a tri. angular hyaline dot, lower-ones fulvous at the baſe with a round hyaline dot: wing-tail thrice as long as the body, brown tipt with white. Boreas. Wings tailed cinereous varied with brown; upper-pair with 2, lower-ones with a ſingle tranſparent dot. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. 197 Inhabits America. Cram. Inf. 6. tab. 70. B. Upper-wings falcate : lower-ones tailed. Luna. Wings tailed, both ſurfaces alike, pea-green with a tranf- parent lunule eye on each. Inhabits North America. Cram, 1. tab, 2. A. Natur, Miſcell. viii. tab. 264. Catesby. tab. 84, Upper-wings with a dark brown rib which extends acroſs the thorax: body covered with white wool. Epimethea. Wings tailed browniſh with a white ſtreak ; lower-ones with a fulvous eye on the diſk. Inhabits Guinea. Cramer, 15. tab. 176. A. Argus. Wings tailed pale ferruginous with numerous tranſparent ocellar dots; tail very long. Inhabits Africa. Cram. 3. tab. 29. fig. 1. . Body pale ferruginous : antenne pectinate black : dots on the wings ſurrounded with a fulvous and black ring : wing-tails thrice as long as the body, ferruginous with paler tips. tab. 45, Feneftra. Both furfaces of the wings alike, yellow with 2 tranſparent ſpots on the upper-pair and one on the lower. Inhabits India. Clerk. Icon. tab. 55. fig. 1. Penelope. Wings yellowiſh ſpeckled with brown, a tranſparent cen- tral eye on each. Inhabits India. Cramer. 4 A. Tyrrhea. Wings grey with white ſtreaks and a central black eye, the , pupil tranſparent. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Cram. 4. tab. 46. A, A Antennae pectinate: thorax grey with a white ſtreak before: abdomen ſubteftaceous : lower-wings teftaceous at the baſe, the eye with a yellowiſh iris. Perſpicua. Wings brown, upper-pair with a ſhort tranſparent band. a Inhabits india. Armida. Wings yellow with violet ſpecks ſpots and ſtreak behind. Inhabits Cayenne. Antennæ yellow : tborax yellow with a violet ſpot on the back : abdomen yellow, the firſt ſegments with a violet dorſal fpot: wings beneath yellow with a violet ſpot in the middle, a Militari 198 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna Bomb. Militaris. Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, yellow with violet tip and ſpots; upper-pair ſpotted outwardly with white. Inhabits Aſia and China. Cramer. 3. tab. 29. B. Gaftalia. Wings rounded white ; upper-pair with an eye; lower-ones with a brown dot Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir. Fof. Banks. Thorax brown: breaſt white: abdomen above grey, beneath white with lateral black dots: upper-zuings brown at the baſe, the middle whitiſh with a large blue eye ſurrounded with a black ring, then brown, the hind-margia cinereous with 2 waved brown ſtreaks, Pavonia. Wings rounded clouded with grey and barred with grey beneath, each of them with a nictitant ſemitranſparent eye. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. 1. tab. 1, and viii.tab. 253. Antennae of the male, more pectinate and the lower-wings yel- lowiſh at the baſe. Larva gregarious green, verticillate with red or yellow hairy protuberances : pupa blackish folliculate with an elaſtic aperture at the tip. This infect is ſubject to ſome varieties in ſize and the diſpoſitions of its markings. Achelous. Wings ferruginous; all of them with a white band and the upper-pair with a white dot. Inhabits America. Cramer. 10. tab. 101. A. Behind the white band is an indented brown one. Argulata. Wings fcalloped indented; lower-ones truncate and very obtufe Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 6. tel. 61. E, F. Upper wings above brown at the baſe, the tip ferruginous : lower- wings fubferruginous. Beneath cinereous at the baſe ſpeckled with rufous, the tip rufoas. Liberia. a Upper-wings cinereous or reddiſh with darker ſpots and ſtreaks; lower-ones fulvous with a black eye. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 23, tab. 268. F, G. Lower-wings with a paler margin on which is a large eye with blue fpecks and cinereous iris. * Tau. Wings teſtaceous with a ſubviolet eye, the pupil white and arrow ſhaped. Inhabits Europe, Raef. Inf. 4. tab. 7. 13. 3, 4. 4 Larrue INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. 199 Larva green with oblique lateral white ſtripes, the back warty: pupa cheinut-brown hairy, 10. Wings yellow; upper-pair with a black eye beneath; lower- ones with one above, the pupil white Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Antenna yellowiſh, very much pectinate : head and thorax hairy yellow : upper-wings with a ferruginous ſpot in the middle, beneath a rufous ſtreak behind the eve: lower-wings with a femicircular black ſtreak and another ferruginous one behind the eye, beneath a ferruginous ftreak. Abas. Wings brown; lower-ones cinereous with a rufous eye. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 7. tab. 77. fig. A, B. Eye in the middle of the lower-swings with a black iris and white pupil. a Salmonea. Upper-wings brown with a black ſtreak: lower-ones rufous with a black eye in which is a white lunule. In habits Surinam Cramer. 14. tab. 162. A. Body brown: abdomen with rufous rings: upper-wings with 2 tranſverſe rufous lines in the middle and a black ſtreak behind: lower-evings with a large black eye, the iris yellow, the pupil lunate, behind this is a thin black ſtreak and a broader ferru- ginous one: all beneath with a central white dot. a a Proferpina. Wings rounded black with a white band in which is a ſub- ocellar black ſpot. Inhabits America. Cramer. 2. tab. 98. A. Thorax black with a pale band before : abdomen black, the tail reddiſh : ſpot on the wings with a lunate white pupil. b. Wings reverſed. Populifolio. Wings teftaceous indented, with numerous brown lunules. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz. 310.5 Thorax teftaceous with a black dorſal line : lower-wings half- covered, paler at the tip. Quercifo- Wings indented ferruginous; mouth and thanks black. lia. Inhabits Europe. Albin. I. tab. 26. Merian. Eur, tab. 1. fig. 3. Larva ſlightly tailed hairy ferruginous with blue collars : pupa folliculate brown with red bands, * Ilicifolia. Wings half-covered ferrate grey, the hind-margin dotted with white. Inhabits Europe. Degeer Inf. 1. tab. 14. fig. 7-9. Larva 200 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Bomb. Larva cinereous with fulvous ſpots on the neck: pupa folliculate cheſnut-brown. Promula. Wings ſlightly indented brown immaculate: abdomen chels nut-brown. Inhabits Java. Cramer. 6. tab. 72. D. Antennæ pectinate, cheſnut-brown: lower-wings flightly indented. Caffandra. Wings ferruginous with darker-ſtreaks; thorax cheſnut- brown on the fore-part. Inhabits. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Head teſtaceous: antennæ ſlightly pectinate pale: thorax cinereous behind: upper-wings-indented : lower-ones cinereous. Capenſis. Wings pale red: upper-pair with 2 flexuous ſtreaks, the pofterior of which is joined to a black one. Inhabits Africa. Abdomen yellow. Orientalis. Wings teſtaceous with 3 ferruginous ſtreaks, beneath a ſingle one. Inhabits Eaſt India ; large hairy. Alucc. Wings brown cinereous at the tip. Inhabits the Cape of good hope ; large. Abdomen covered with ferruginous hairs, all :he wings beneath ferruginous with numerous cinereous ſpecks. Aufiralafiae Wings orange red; lower-ones beneath ferruginous'at the baſe. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Feelers iarge, obtuſe: body pale orange. Quadricinco Wings chefnut-brown with 4 pale ſtreaks. Inhabits Eaſt India: large, Antenna pectinate: lower-wings immaculate. 1a. *Fagi. Wings reddiſh-cinereous with 2 linear flexuous yellow bands. Inhabits Europe. Albin. tab. 58. Roes. Inf. 3. tab. 12. Larva cheſnut-brown, toothed on the back, the 6 fore-legs lon- ger, tail reflected with 2 ſhort horns : it reits with its head and tail raiſed up and its fore-legs hanging down; pupa follicu- late, cheſnut-brown. *Trifolii, Wings ferruginous; upper-pair with a pale ſtreak and a white dot : lower-ones immaculate. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. 201 Inhabits Europe. Linnean Trans. iii. p. 3. tah. 2. fig. 1. 2. 3. 4. Roes. Inf. 1. Phal. 2. tab. 35.a. fig. 4. 5:5. Eſp. Ph. 3, t. 15. Larva folitary hairy pale ferruginous with a blackiſh hands, a red collar and white lateral line : pupa folliculate yellow be- fore, ferruginous behind. * Quercus. Wings dark brown (ferruginous) with a yellow band: upper-pair with a central white dot. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii. tab. 103, 104. Male dark-brown: female pale ferruginous, the white dot ſur- rounded with a black ring. Larva hairy grey annulate with black and marbled on the ſides: pupa folliculate green, brown before. Stigma. Wings teſtaceous ſpeckled with brown and with a central ſnowy dot. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Upper wings with an oblique brown ſtreak behind; all beneath teſtaceous with a brown ſtreak and fpecks. Lufca. Wings ferruginous; upper-pair with a black ſpot in the middie in which is a white lunule. Inhabits Coromandel. Antenr.ee fhort very much pectinate: thorax with a darker ſtreak in the middle: upper-wings with a ſtreak of brown dots near the margin: lower-wings and all beneath immaculate. a Pruni. Wings indented yellow with 2 brown ſtreaks and a brown dot Inhabits Europe. Roef. Inf. 1. Phal. 2. tab. 35. Larva ſmooth cinereous with blue lines, the neck and fides with faſciculate hairs; hind legs projecting diſtant: pupa folliculate, black before palc ferruginous behind. Amphimone Wings entire pale aſh with 2 black ſtreaks; upper-pair with a fulvous dot in the middle. Inhabits Terra del Fuego. In the muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Antenna: pectinate brown: body fulvous: thorax with 2 black lines: abdomen with black belts: wings beneath with a ſingle ſtraight ſtreak. * Potatoria Wings ſlightly indented yellow-brown with an oblique ful- vous line and 2 white dots on the upper-pair. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, v. tab. 148. Albin. 1 tab. 17. Larr a tailed creſted hairy dark brown ſpeckied with white : pupa folliculate dark brown: eggs oblong lead-colour with a green aing at each end and a dot in the middle. VOL. III.--2 C Oculatilima 202 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalana. Bomb. Oculatif- Wings white with numerous black ocellar dots. fima. Inhabits America. In the mu eum of Dr. Hunter. Antennæ filiform black: bead white with a brown dot each fide under the antennæ : thorax white with 12 ocellar dots 2,4,6. two of them large and flexuous: abdomen above black, beneath white with red fides. Punctatif- Wings and body ſnowy dotted with white: thorax with a Jima. black lunule each ſide. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of. Georgia. Pithecium. Wings clouded with brown, a palmate ſpot on the diſk acute-angled at the baſe. "Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inj. of Georgia. Hibiſci. Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, yellow with 2 brown ſtreaks on the upper and one on the lower pair. Inhabits India; on the Hibiſcus populneus, Body yellowiſh: thorax yellow on the fore-part. Wings yellow with 2 brown ſtreaks, and 3 connected brown rings on the upper-pair. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 13. tab. 152. C. Cynera. Opercularis Wings yellow, the anterior margin and diſk brown with numerous anaſtomofing whitiſh lines. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Pyxidifera. Wings yellow, the diſk with numerous brown and black flexuous patches. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt.Inf. of Georgia. * Pini, Wings grey fpeckled with brown, with a ferruginous band and baſe and triangular white dot. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. v. tab. 177.178. Merian Europ. tab. 22. Wilkes 29. tab. 3.b.5. Female pale ferruginous where the male is grey. Larva ſlightly tailed varied with white grey and brown, 2 blue collars with rufous dots each ſide: pupa folliculate, dark brown. Wings black with white nerves; the margin with 4 white ſtreaks. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Velleda. Dumeti. Wings brown; upper-pair with a yellow dot band and hind-margin. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. 203 Inhabits Europe. Esp. Phal. 3. tab. 14. fig. 3. 4. Larva brown with yellow dots and tranſverſe black ſpois : pupa chefrut-brown, the tail toothed. *Verſico - Upper-wings grey varied with brown and tranſverſe black lora. and white lines; lower-ones ferruginous, Inhabits Europe. Donovan. v. tab. 158. Wilkes. 45. tab. 1. Upper-rwings with 3 white ſpots at the extreme angle: female paler Larva ſlightly tailed, greeniſh with yellow dots and oblique yellow lines. * Rubi. Wings fawn-colour with 2 whitiſh ſtreaks which are wantins beneath. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, 2. tab. 69. Roef: 3. Roeſ. 3. tab. 49. Larva hairy, beneath black, above ferruginous with black rings: the younger ones filky, black with rich blue rings; pupa fol. . liculate blackiſh with 3 yellow rings. Lunigera. Wings black with 2 whitiſh ſtreaks and a ſnowy lunule in the middle. Inhabits Europe. 48. Haffn. 2, 2, 98, 1. tab. 2. fig. 1. # Vinula. 5. Wings grey with blackiſh waves ahd ſtreaks : thorax and abdomen grey ſpotted with brown. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii. tab. 85. Albin. 11. tab. Merian Europ. tab. 39. fig. 140. Roef. 1. phal. 2. tab. 19. Larva folitary gibbous green with a brown back, tail with a long briſtles; from an aperture under its head it diſcharges an acrid moiſture: pupa folliculaţe dark brown. * Laneſtris Wings ferruginous with a white ſtreak and 2 dots on the upper-pair. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab. 210. Roef. Phal.. 2. tab. 62. Larva gregarious hairy black, each ſegment with 3 white dots between 2 red tufted ſpots : pupa folliculate ſulphur: eggs covered with a thick cinereous wool. Rubicunda. Upper-wings roſy with a broad yellow band. Inhabits Virgiuia. Antennae yellow pectinate, naked at the tip: body yellow: lower- wings yellowiſh with a roſy ſhade. * Populia Brown, the fore-part pale: wings browniſh with a flex- uous whitiſh ſtreak and contiguous ſmaller one. Inhabits Europe. Roef. 1. phal. 2. tab. 6o. Wilkes, 23. t. 3. a 13. 2 C2 Larva 204 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. Larva cinereous darker on the back, each ſegment with 2 pair of red dots : pnpa folliculate, brown before and red behind. Catax. Wings ferruginous uniform with a white dot. Inhabits Europe. Efp. Phal. tab. 16.18. 1.-3. Larva cinereous with 2 dorſal black lines dotted with red: pupa folliculate, cheſnut-brown before and brown behind. Everia. Wings yellow (fem. cheſnut-brown) with a white dot and paler at the tip Inhabits Germany. Fjp. Bomb. 3. tab. 6-_-9. Larva gregarious hairy, cheſnut-brown with black inciſures and lateral blue ſpots with fulphur dots: pupa folliculate yellow- ifh. nea. * Proceſſic- Wings cinereous-brown, with a ſingle darker ſtreak on the female and 3 on the male. Inhabits Europe: Reaum. Inf. 2. tab. 11, Larva gregarious hairy, brown-aſh with a blackiſh back and yellow warts: the ſkin which is caſt off is ſaid to produce in- flammation if touched, Pithyocam. Wings grey with 3 darker ſtreaks : lower-ones pale with a pa. brown dot near the tail. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz, 58. 11. Body hairy grey: abdomen yellowish. Larva hairy blueilli with yellow ſpots on the back, head black. Varia. Wings brown with waved paler ſtreaks. Inhabits Auftria. Lower-wings immaculate. Mori. Wings pale with 3 obfolete brown ſtreaks. Silk-worm. Inhabits China, on the Mulbery-tree, and was introduced into Europe in the Reign of the Emperor Juſtinian: the fine filky theads which compoſe the follicle of the pupa is converted into that valuable article of commerce and luxury filk. Merian. Europ. I. tab. 1. Albin. tab. 12. fg. 16. Bradl Nat. tab. 27 fg. I Roes. 3. tab.7.8. Larva tailed naked whitiſh : papa folliculate reddiſh-brown. Upper-wings fnowy with a ſcarlet rib and a ſtreak of black dots; lower-ones ſcarlet : thorax Inowy with red dots. Inhabits Cayenne. liead ſcarlet : antennae pectinate black : abdomen fcarlet : all the wings bencath ſcarlet. Tricolora, Ferre. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Bomb. 205 Ferruginea. Wings ferruginous immaculate. Inhabits Italy. Head and thorax ferruginous : abdomen brown. * Neufria, Wings pale buff-colour with 2 ferruginous ſtreaks and only one beneath Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii. tab. 95. Alb. 19. fig. 27 Wilks. pap. 21. tab. 3, a 10. In Mr. Donovan's plate there is only one broad darker band. Lerva gregarious glaucous with a white line down the back and 3 red ones on the ſides : pupa folliculate brown. Caftrenfis Wings duſky with 2 paler bands. Inhabits Europe Degeer. In 1 tab. 13. fig. 4-6. Larva gregarious hairy, blue with red lines and ſpotted with blackpupa folliculate duſky. Americana. Wings whitiſh with patches of brown. Inhabits North America. Aniennae pectinate white: lower wings and all beneath imma- culate. Franconica. Wings hyaline whitiſh with a pale ſtreak and black border Inhabits Auftria: on the Triticum repens, Head and thorax hairy yellowith : abdomen brown. Female cheinut brown with only a darker lunule in the middle of the upper-wings. Taraxaci. Wings pale, both furfaces alike; upper-pair with a brown dot in the middle : body fulvous. Inhabits Auſtria. Fyefl. Arch. tab. 34. Body hairy fulvous, blackiſh on the back. Larva hairy black with abbreviated yellowiſh bands : pupa nak- cd, cheſnut brown 2 ſpined at the tip. Ilicis. Wings dull grey with a white band in which is a waved grey ítreak Inhabits France, on the Oak. Body grey: abdomen yellowiſh above : lower-wings whitiſh. Larva green with a blue dorſal line edged with yellow and a yellow lateral line : pupa black. Mali. Wings cinereous with a ſinuate darker band in which is a a black dot. Inhabits Germany. Reaum. Inf. 1. tab. 44 fig. 7--10. Antennae 206 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. Antennae pectinate : upper-rwings with a broad darker band ter- minating before and behind in a finuate black ſtreak : lower- wings and all beneath darker with a brown ſtreak in the middle. Larva ſolitary hairy, cheſnut-brown with a paler dorſal line and blue ftigmata. a Hieracii. Wings entire footy black. Inhabits Europe, on the Delphinium Hieracium. Larva hairy black with a red dorſal line, and ſecretes itſelf with- in a follicle which it makes of dry leaves and ftraws : pupa folliculate rufty-brown. Apiformis. Wings footy-black ; body covered with ferruginous hairs. Inhabits Italy; ſmalt. Axtennae black, much pectinate: all the wings footy. c. Wings deflected. Lagopus. Wings yellowiſh with brown ſpecks and 2 ſtreaks: fore-legs projecting and very hairy. Inhabits China : body very large. Antennae ſlightly pectinate : thorax ſmooth browniſh : between the it eaks on the upper-rwings are 2 brown ſpots, one round the other kidney ſhaped. Imperatoria Wings yellow ſpotted with brown, all of them with a ſub- ocellar ferrngiuous ſpot. Inhabits India. Drury. Inf. 1. tab. 9. fg. 1. 2. Thorax hairy yellow varied with brown: abdomen yellow, the back brown with yellow dots. Senatorice Wings brown-teſtaceous with a brown ſtreak; upper-pair with a central ſnowy dot. Inhabits America. Smitb's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia, Pellucide. Wings brown-teftaceous with a purple outer-margin; up- per-pair with a central ſnowy dot. Inhabits america. Smith's Lepidop. Inf. of Georgia. Craflicornis Wings cinereous with brown ſpecks and waved ſtreaks. Inhabits India: large. Antennae pectinate flexuous very thick at the baſe : lower-wings cine euus immaculate, Beneath all cinereous with a brown ftreak. Hyphine INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. 2007 Hyphinoe. Wings blue ; upper-pair ſpotted with yellow. . Inhabits Amboina. Cramer. 13. tab 154. B. Body dull blue: lower-wings blue with a fine yellow edge. a Cyane. Wings black with hyaline ſpots; lower ones with fulvous lunules. Inhabits Amboina. Cran. 23. tab. 267. D. Anternae pectinate: abdomen brown with teftaceous rings : low- er-wings with a white hyaline band in the middle and 5 lu- nules behind. Regalis. Wings grey-brown with fulvous veins and yellow ſpots. Inhabits North America. Antennae pectinate ſetaceous at the tip: thorax fulvous, yellow on the fore-part with a fulvous band and 2 yellow dorſal lines: abdomen fulvous, the edges of the ſegments yellow : lowera wings fulvous with a yellow baſe, beneath yellow with a ful- vous dot in the middle and ſtreak behind. * Diſpar? Upper-wings of the male dark-brown with blackiſh flexuous bands, of the female whitiſh with tranſverſe flexu- ous brown lines. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, v. tab. 163. Merian, 1. tab. 18. Larva hairy with white lines and blue ſpots on the fore-part, red ones behind; when handled cauſes an unpleaſant itching on the fhin : pupa folliculate with 4 black dots before. و Lantanae. Wings ſnowy with 3 or 4 ſtreaks of connected brown rings. 3 4 Inhabits America. Cramer, tab. 181. E. Antennae pectinate : mouth black : head ſnowy: thorax ſnowy with 3 pair of black dots: wings hyaline at the tip: abdomen above fuivous with clines of black dots, beneath ſnowy (male.) head and thorax ſnowy immaculate : abdomen above yellow, beneath ſnowy (female,) Amaſis. Wings whitiſh with black ſtreaks ; lower-ones yellow ſpotted with black: abdomen black with red belts. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 18. tab. 206. B. Head and thorax whitiſh ſpotted with black : abdomen with 5 5 red belts, the tail yellow : upper--wings with 3 angular black ſtreaks. * Pudibunda Wings cinereous with 3. waved brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. v. tab. 160. Merian. 1. tab. 47. Uupper-wings with 2 brown ſpots at the tip and a ſhort brown line between the 2 firſt ſtreaks. Larva 208 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. Larva tufted hairy yellow, tail with a long red tuft and 4 white ones on the back : pupa folliculate brown bəfore, pale cheſnut behind, and ſputted with yellow. * Faſcelina Wings cinereous with black ſpecks and 2 flexuons fulvous ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Merian. Eur. tab. 8. Degeer. 1. tab.15. fig 15. Larva hairy taficulate dotted with red, 5 of the tufts on the back white, thoſe of the head and tail brown: pnpa folliculate pale cheſnut with a paler dorſal line. Leucophaa. Wings brown; upper-pair with a broad whitiſh ſtreak, a black line at the baſe and a white det at the hind- angle. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of. Georgia. Leucoligma Wings grey ; upper-peir with black ſtreaks and lines and a white lunule at the hind-angle. Female ap- terous. Inhabits America. Smiil's Lepidopt. Inf of Georgia. Bucephala Wings grey with 2 double brown flexuous ſtreaks and a large yellow ſpot at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. i. tab. 3. Albin. tab. 23.f. 33. Merian. Europe. 3. tab. 41. Degeer. 1. tab, 13.f. 14--19. Larva hairy black with yellow lines and rings and white lateral dots: pupa naked dark brown with 2 horns before. Helops. Wings clouded ; lower-ones pale-cheſnut; abdomen chef. brownannulate with white Inhabits America. Cramer. 6. tab. 72, C. Upper-wings brown with ferruginous clouds. Oleagina. Wings flightly tailed green-brown with 2 white ſpots, the anterior pupillate the hind-one larger. Inhabits Germany. Wien, Verz. 59.21. Antennae pectinate ferruginous with a white ſhaft : lower-wing's whitiſh edged with brown. Larva 4 toothed, behind cinereous with black and red indenta- tations, collar red with black dots. *Cæruloce- tbale, Wings brown marbled with blueiſit and a double irregular whitiſh ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. ill. tab. 100. Merian. Eur. t. 9- Loweraquings grey with a brown ſtreak. Larua a INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phaluna. Bomb. 209 Larva naked blueiſh with a yellow line down the ſides and dot- ted with black : pupa folliculate pale cheſnut. Argentina. Wings toothed on the back, grey with 2 ſilvery ſpots, the anterior heart-ſhaped. Inhabits Germany. Panz. Fn. Germ. 2. tab. 18. Wings with a ſtrong erect tooth on the back : upper-wings with 3 dots before the ſpots. Larva naked grey, the ſegments 4. 11.12. tuberculate : pupa obtuſe pale cheſnut. . Decora. Upper-wings variegated with red yellow and black ; lower- ones red edged with black. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Cram. 19. tah. 219. F.G. Upper-wings with 4 rufous ſpots and an abbreviated rufous band, the hind-margin black with 7 yellow ſpots. Ce![: a Wings above green with a ſinuate indented glaucous band. Inhabits Sweden. Fn. Suec. 1141. tab. 2. fig. 1141. Hind margin of the upper-wings and the whole of the lower-ones brown. Diont. Wings white ſtriate and dotted with black, beneath a pur- ple margin. Inhabits North America, Antennae pectinate: thorax cinereous with 3 black lines: ab- domen beneath dotted with black ; lower-wings white with a few black dots: * Ziczac. Wings toothed on the back, clouded brown and reddiſh , white with a large clouded ocellar ſpot at the tip: an- tennæ fcaly. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv, tub. 119. Merian, tab. 147. Larva folitary naked pale roſy with white lateral lines and a gibbofities on the back, the tail red: pupa folliculate dark biowi. Tritophus. Wings toothed on the back, clouded with brown, in the middle a ferruginous lunule ſurrounded with white. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 63. 6. Head and thorax hairy brown: a donien cinereous; lower-wings white with a brown patch near the tal, Larva ſolitary naked green with 3 gibuofities on the back, tail obtuſe; head brown. VOL-III 2 D Elegans. 210 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. Elegans. Wings glaucous with 2 black ſtreaks and ſpot in the mid- dle, in the latter of which is a ferruginous lunule. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. In the Muſeum of Sir. J. Banks. Head brown with yellow dots: feelers yellow : antennae hardly pectinate : thorax downy cinereous with 4 yellow dorſal ſpots: lower-wings and all beneath duſky. Camelus. Wings yellowiſh with 2 red ſtreaks and a line in the mid- dle. Inhabits India. In the Collection of Mr. Francillon. Antennae pectinate fetaceous at the tip : lower-swings fleſh-colour beneath whitiſh. Dislæa. Wings appearing as if parched with a whitiſh ſtripe ; low er-ones whitiſh. Inhabits Europe. Eſp. Phal. 3. tab. 84. Larva ſmooth gibbous behind, green with a white dorſal line and yellow lateral one, fore-legs rufous. Gnoma. Wings ſlightly indented grey-white with a marginal black band in which is a white ſpot. Inhabits Hamburg Eſp. Phal. 3. tab. 84. Antennae hardly pectinate : thorax grey with a black ſtreak be- а fore and behind ; lower-wings whitiſh with a brown ſpot be- neath at the outer margin: abdomen grey, tail white. *S. Dromedari. Urper-wings toothed on the back, clouded with a yellowiſh patch at the baſe and near the tail. Inhabits Europe. Ammiral. Inf. tab. 14. Lower-cwings with a ferruginous band behind. Larva ſolitary naked green with 4 gibboſities on the back, tail reflected. Angnince Upper-wings clouded with a tranſverſe pale ſtreak and baſe, the tip with 2 black dots in a ſubocellar whitiſh ſpot. Inhabits America Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia, Concinna. Upper-wings clouded with a blackiſh patch at the baſe and angles, marginal ſtreaks and dots on the diſk. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Unicornis. Upper-wings clouded with green and brown, the tip yel- lowiſh with a blackiſh patch on the diſk and marginal dots and ſtreaks. Inhabits a INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. 211 Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of, Georgia. Aurore, *Coryli. Nuda. Upper-wings yellow, the baſe and margin ſpeckled with red. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Wings; glaucous with a ferruginous band in which is a black dot annulate with white; thorax variegated. Inhabits Europe. Albin, tab. go, Degeer. I tab. 18.f. 4. 5. Larva tufted red hairy, 2 tufts on the back one on the tail and thoſe on the neck longer: pupa folliculate, black before, pale cheſnut behind. Upper-wings naked hyaline; lower-ones cinereous with a marginal naked ſpot. Inhabits India. In the muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Antennae pectinate brown: bead tettaceous ; thorax and abdo. men cinereous. Wings black hyaline ; abdomen villous black, the ſeg- ments edged with yellow. Inhabits Europe, on the Lolium perenne. Antennae pectinate black with a white ſhaft. Female wings ſhort cinereous hyaline, abdomen white, Larva black with 6 lines of ferruginous hairy protuberances : pupa folliculate black with pale ſpots, Morio. Rubea. Wings hyaline pale reddiſh with a pale dot in the middle. Inhabits Auliria. Wien. Verz. 51. 2. Antennae pectinate. Alphæc. Wings ferruginous with a white dot in the middle and puctu- red brown ſtreak. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jo. Banks. Antennae fort pectinate : body hairy ferruginous : lower-wings immaculate. • Monacha: Wings white with black waves: inciſures of the abdomen red. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 227. Schaff. t. 68. f: 2, 3. f Larva brown-ath with red tufts on the back, the ſecond ſeg- ment with a heart ſhaped black ſpot: pupa blackiſh. Flava, Wings deep yellow with 3 black dots at the tip. Inhabits India. Antearae ſhort pectinate : thorax hairy yellow. Lutea 212 . INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Bomb. Lutea. Wings deep yellow immaculate. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir. Joſ. Banks- Body entirely yellow, the eyes only black, Ephippiger. Wings yellow with a common brown dorſal ſtreak. Inhabits South American Iſlands, Body yellow: upper wings with a common abbreviated brown Itreak terminating at each end by a white one: lower-wings pale immaculate. a *Curtula. Wings glaucous with white ſtreaks and a teſtaceous imma- culate fpot at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Sepp. inf. 4. tab. 1, fig. 13-18.? , Larva folitary hairy cinereous with 4 itreaks of ferruginous dots. Reclufa. Wings grey with ſubanastomoſing whitiſh ſtreaks the tip with a ferruginous ſpot in which is a marginal white dot. Inhabits Germany. Roes. Inf. 4. tab. 11. fig. 1.-6. Larva browr with a cinereous dorſal line and 2 black ſpots : pupa folliculate, cheſnut-brown. Anchoreta. Wings grey with white ſtreaks, the tip with a brown fer- ruginous ſpot in which is a waved white ſtreak. Inhabit Auftria. Roes. Inf. 3. tab. 43. . Upper-wings with 2 black dots at the angle of the tail. . Larva hairy brown with a fleſh-colour dorſal stripe, 2 elevated warts and rufous lateral dots. * Anaſtomo- Wings grey with 3 whitiſh lines which nearly meet below, fis. the tip with a reddiſh ſpot. Inhabits Europe Donovau. iv. tab. 124. 129. fig. 4 Larva brown with a line of white dots down the back and a yellow lateral line dotted with red, the ſhoulder and tail pro- tuberant: pupa folliculate black with 2 red ſtreaks, Cippus. Wings brown with 3 green ſpots. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 5. tab. 35. E. Reflexca Wings varied with cinereous and brown; feelers reflected, as long as the thorax. Inhabits South American Iſlards. Antennae fimple: feelers compreſſed hairy ferruginous reflected between the antenpæ and reaching as far as the wings : upter- wings with brown patches and a lunule in the middle: low- er-wings cinereous. * Polpina. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalæna. Bomb. 213 * Palpina. Wings toothed whitiſh with black veins; feelers projccting feathered. Inhabits Europe. Degeer Inf. 1. tab. 4. fig. 7. Larva ſolitary naked green with a yellow lateral line. * Trepida. Wings 1-toothed on the back with an ocellar dot in the middle and macular brown ſtreaks behind. Inhabits Europe. Donovan vii, tab. 239. fig. 1. Antennae pectinate ferruginous: thorax brown. abdomen cinereous: upper wings with an oblong brown dot annulate with white and a ſtreak of 6 brown dots behind; in the middle of the inner-margin is a ftrong erect black tooth: lower-wings white with a grey inner-margin. Larva folitary naked, green with 2 white dorſal lines and 2 reddiſh-yellow oblique lateral ones: pupa folliculate, half buried in the earth. Querna. Wings grey with 3 black ſtreaks connected to as many white ones. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 49, 5. Antennae pectinate ferruginous: before the hind-ſtreak on the upper-wings is a whitiſh patch: lower-wings whitiſh Laraa gibbous behind naked, green with 4 yellow lines and black ſpiracles. Capuzina Wings indented ferruginous with a reflected tooth on the back. Inhabits Europe. Tien. Verz. 63, 4. *Camelina. Wings indented ferruginous with 2 oblique yellow lines : all with a ſmall tooth on the back. Inhabits Europe. Donovan vi. tab. 183. When at reft there appear 2 tufts on the back formed by the teeth on the wings. Larva naked greeniſh with 2 red horns behind and red ſtigmata: pupa folliculate claret-brown. * Aulica. Upper-wings grey dotted with yellow; lower-ones fulvous fpotted with black. Inhabits Europe. Albin. tab. 22. Merian. Eur. 2. tab. 8. Larva folitary black with white protuberances, above with white beneath with ferruginous hairs. Hclvola. Wings pale orange with regular cinereous ſpots and a ſtreak behind. Inhabits Germany Antenne 214 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. Antennæ pectinate : head and thorax pale red : abdomen cinereous, the tail bearded pale red : lower-wings cinereous. Undata. Wings cinereous with 2 brown bands including a few ci- nereous ſtreaks. Inhabits Germany. Upper-wings with a few brown ſpots at the baſe and hind-margiu: lower-wings cinereous. Acria. Wings ſnowy with black dots, thoſe near the rib larger: legs annulate. Inhabits Carolina. Drury Inf. tab. 3, fig. 2, 3. Antennae black: head and thorax ſnowy: abdomen ſnowy with 5 rows of black dots, the back fulvous : legs white annulate with black. * Erminec. Wings white with ſcattered black dots: abdomen with 5 rows of black dots Inhabits Europe. Lina Tranj. 1. p. 70. tab. 1. fig. 1. Donovan vi. tab. 189. Harris. Aur. tab. 38.g-b, Thighs covered with ferruginous wool : body white; abdomen falvous with 5 rows of black dots, one down the back and 2 on the ſides : tail white: larva hairy brown with a fulvous dorial line. > Lubrici- Wings pale orange with black dots generally placed in an perda. oblique tranſverſe row. Inhabits Europe. Linn, Tranf. i. p. 71. tab. 1. fig. 2. Merian Eur, 1. tab. 45. fig. 65. Ammiral. tab. 6. Wings ſometimes whitiſh or pale orange: body and tail pale ful- vous. Larva fafciculate brown with a whitiſh lateral line. a * Mendica. Wings of the male brown obſcure, of the female white pellucid, both dotted with black. Inhabits Europe. Linn. Tranf. 1. p. 72. tab. 1. fig. 3. Male, upfer-wings brown with an obſolete whitiſh ſpot in the middle and about 9 ſcattered black dots, lower-ones with 4 or 5 black dots towards the margin. Female, all the wings pellucid, upper-pair with about 9 ſcatttered black dots, lower- ones about 7 marginal ones. Larva faſciculate pale ferruginous with red head and tail. Paporatia Wings ſnowy with black dots at the tip: abdomen with 5 rows of black dots. Inhabits Europe. Linn. Taanſ. 1.p. 72. tab. 1. fig. 4. Very INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Bomb. 215 Very much reſembles Ph. erminea but the black dots are only at the tip with one or two reaching in a line towards the baſe: abdomen fulvous : tail white. Larva faſciculate dark brown with a reddiſh head : pupa blueiſh- black with white ſtigmata. a Advena. Wings brown with white coſtal dots: lower-ones black with a fulvous ſpot in the middle in which is a black dot. Inhabits Spain. Antenna pectinate black with a white ſhaft: thorax and abdomen hairy cinereous: upper wings brown with a white line at the baſe and 3 ſubocellate dots near the rib. a Rutila. Wings pale yellow with a ferruginous hind-margin. Inhabits Siam. In the muſeum of Sir Fof. Bauks. Antenne pectinate browniſh: body pale: all the wings alike on both ſurfaces. Luctifera. Wings black, yellow at the angle of the tail : abdomen above yellow with a dorſal line of black dots. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz. 54, 4. Head and thorax black : abdomen beneath black. * Leporina. Wings white with branched black dots: abdomen imma- culate. Inhabits Europe. Degeer Inf. 1. tab. 12. fig. 10, 11, 17. Lower-wings gloſſy-white immaculate. Larva ſubvillous greeniſh with 3 brown lines before and 3 black 3 tufts: pupa folliculate. . Lote. Wings cinereous with a black dot on the diſk and a purpliſh broken ſtreak behind. Inhabits Europe. Clerk Icon. tab. 8. fig. 1. . Larva cinereous with black and white lines and whitiſh dots: pupa folliculate. Strigoja. Wings brown with yellow ſtreaks; lower-ones black with an angular ſubmarginal yellow ſtreak. Inhabits Lapland. Act. Hafn. Hift. Nat. 2, 2. tab. 2. fig. 2. Thorax black with yellow lines: abdomen black dotted with yellow at the fides. Upper-wings fnowy with a broad black band: antenne Loeta. fimple. Inhabits Sweden. Head 216 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Bomb. Head and shrax ſnowy ſpeckled with black : hind-margin of the upper-rw g's dotted with black : louer-ones cinereous at the bafe and brown at the tip. all beneath grey. Communi. Wings pale feth-colour with a common dorſal brown ſpot. macula. Inhabits Southern Europe. Ilyb. Beytr. 1. tab. 3. 0. Body pale: lower-wings whitiſh. Compreſa Wings compreſſed fnowy with a common brown ſpot, grey in the middle with a white lunule. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 239. fig. 2. All the wings with dark ſpots round the margin Larva brown with 4 ſpines before and 2 behind, tail pointed : pupa cheinut-brown before and blue behind. Milhauferi. Wings hoary with 2 dorſal brown ſpots: antennæ ſetaccous at the tip Inhabits Drezden. Eſp. pap. 3. tab. 21. Larva green with forked dortal ipines, legs under the tail o; pupa chefnut-brown, emarginate berore. Spreta. Wings varied with fleſh-colour and yellow, with white ſtigmata. Inhabits Germany. Naturf. 21, 27. tab. 3. Antennae fimple: body brown: upper-wings with a row of white dots: lower-wings brown. Beneath cinereous with a darker ſtreak. Larva naked green with a white dorſal line and ferruginous lateral one : puta naked ferruginous. Zincus. Wings black; upper pair fulvous at the tip, lower-ones at the baſe. Inhabits Súrinan. Cramer 5. tab. 50. fig. 11. Antennae filiform: the inner-margin of the upper.wings ends in a point : lowerewings with a very thin hind-margin. Ulmi, Upper-wings grey ftriate with white at the tip. Inhabits Germany, on the Elm. Wien. L'erz. 66, 1. Body cinereous: upper-wing's grey with obſolete aubreviate brown ftreaks at the baſe and cinereous femicircles, in the micdie a row of white dots annulate with black: lower-cvings cinereous at the baſe and brown at the tip. Antennae of the male fetaceous at the tip. Larva 2-tailed greeniſh with paler lines, head brown : papa naked cheſnut-brown. Beggel, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Bomb. 217 Begga. Wings white with a black rib. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 30. tab: 345, E. Body white: entennæ yellow : legs yellow tipt with black. Obſoleta. Wings yellowiſh with a darker ſpot in the middle and obío- lete ſtreak behind. Inhabits South America. Antennæ fimple: body yellowiſh: lower-wings yellowiſh with a brown hind-margin. Lepida. Wings brown; upper-pair with a broad green baſe. Inhabits Tranquebar. Cramer. tab. 130. fig. E. Head brown with a green crown: thorax hairy green: upper - zings with a coftal black ſpot at the baſe: lower-wings yellowiſh: fore-legs very thick and blackiſh. Equeftris. Wings brown; upper-pair with a green band in the middle; lower-ones yellowiſh. Inhabits India : half the ſize of the latt a Grata: Wings ſnowy, the rib at the baſe and hind-margin brown. Inhabits Georgia in America. Upper-swings with an obſolete whitiſh ſtreak in the brown margin, beneath yellowiſh edged with brown: lower-wing's yellowiſh edged with brown, above immaculate, beneath with a brown ſpot in the middle. V. nigrum. Wings white marked with a black v Inhabits Germany. Naturf 2 tab 1. fig. 1, 12. tab. 1. fig. 8,9. Rays of the antennae ferruginous: body whitiſh: legs annulate with black: the v on the upperawings has its legs pointing downwards. Larva faſciculate with 8 dorſal tufts, the fore and hind-ones white, collar very hairy: pupa green with a black ſpot on the thorax, a *Chryfor- rhæa. Wings ſnowy: tail bearded ferruginous. Inhabits Europe Donovan. I. tab. 10. Merian Eur. tab. 20. Antenna fnowy, the rays ferruginous. Larva gregarious hairy bleckiſh with z red lines down the back, the fides faſciculate with white: pupa folliculate blackih : eggs covered with thick fulvous wool. Wings white upper-pair with a brown rib beneath : tail bearded yellow. Inhabits Germany. Roef. Inf. 1. Phal. 2. tab. 21. Wings with ſometimes a few ſcattered black dots above. Auriflua. VOL. III.-2 E Larva 218 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Bomb. Larva hairy black with red lines and lateral white dots, collar and tail with a protuberance : pupa folliculate chelnut-brown. Bicolora. Wings white with a large yellow ſpot marked with black. Inhabits Saxony. Naturf. 12. tab. 2. fg. 10. Body white immaculate : antenne with a white ſhaft: female with a few black dots behind the yellow ſpot. а * Salicis. Wings white: legs black annulate with white. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. i. tab. 30. Albin. tab. 84. fig. ad. Merian Europ. 1. tab. 30. Harris Inf. 2. tab. 5. fig.k-p. Antennæ pectinate brown: eyes black. Larva hairy black with white ſpots down the back, on the ſides of which are red dots: pupa folliculate hairy dark brown. Cafinia. Wings grey with abbreviated ſcattered black lines. Inhabits Auſtria, Wien. Verz. 61, 1. Thorax cinereous witha lateral black line : wings beneath whitiſh with a central brown fpot. Centrolinea Wings clouded with cinereous and brown with a central white line edged with a black one. Inhabits Auflria. Antenna ferruginous : body hairy: thorax grey: abdomen brown: upper-wings beneath grey with a brown diſk : lower-wings above dulky, beneath whitiſh with a central brown ipot. TebellarisYellowiſh; wings abbreviated with numerous teffellate deeper bands on the upper-pair. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Cratægi. Wings rounded dark cinereous with a darker band : tail bearded. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv. tab. 117. Wien. Verz. 58, 18. Degeer Inf. 1. tab. 11. fig. 20, 21. Larva hairy black with pale bands and 4 ferruginous tubercles : pupa folliculate ferruginous. Eridanus, Body and wings ínowy: abdomen with fulvous rings. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 6. 6. tab. 68. G. Anterna fimple black. Tibialisa Wings ſnowy; fore-thanks yellowiſh dotted with black. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir. Fot. Banks. Antennæ fimple brown: fore thighs brown on the brck, the ſhanks yellowiſh with 4 black dots. Nitidule. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. 219 Nitidula. Wings ſnowy; upper-pair with 2 coftal ſhining glaucous ſpots and a marginal band of the ſame colour. Inhabits Coromandel. Body ſnowy immaculate : antennæ fimple yellowiſh: margin of the upper-wings with blueiſh dots: lower-wings white tipt with brown. Innocua. Wings white; upper-pair with 4 abbreviated black ſtreaks, 4 the hind-margin yellow. Inhabits South America, Body white: hind-margin of the the upper-wings yellowiſh with a few obſolete black dots : lorber-wirgs white hyaline with a brown hind-margin. I Nibata. Wings white; abdomen aud fore-thighs red above. Inhabits American Iſlands. Antennce pectinate black with a white haft: head and thorax white; abdomen white, the back rufous with a line of black dots down the middle: all the wings white immaculate : legs white: fore-thighs rufous above. Repanda. Wings pale with 3 white ſtreaks and a pale ferruginous hind-margin. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Body pale: antennce fimple: upper-wings nearly angular in the middle of the hind-margin, between the firit and ſecond ſtreak is a minute obſolete brown dot or two: lower-wings pale: all beneath pale with a ſtreak of ferruginous dots, Exigua, Wings yellowiſh with ferruginous bands. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Body yellowiſh: upper-wings with 3 ferruginous bands, the middle one larger and branching out at the exterior margin, the third obſolete: lower-wings pale with a brown hind-margin: antennæ fimple teſtaceous. Plumigera. Wings fubferruginous with a yellowish ſtreak : antennæ of the male pectinate. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 61, 2. Body hairy ferruginous: upper-wings ſometimes ferruginous, ſometimes mixed with yellow with a paler fireak : lower-wings immaculate: abdomen yellowiſh : antennce of the male with very long rays. Obſoleta. Wings whitiſh with a ferruginous rib: feelers ferruginous. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir. 70%. Banks. Antenna pectinate black with a whitiſh ſhaft: thorax hairy white abdomen cinereous. Corone 220 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalena. Bomb. Corones. Upper-wings cinereous; lower-ones ſnowy. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir. 70%. Banks. Antennae pectinate : head and thorax cinereous: abdomen ſnowy : upper-wings with a red outor margin: lower-ones with a brown itreak behind. Feſtiva. Wings yellowiſh ſpotted with blue at the baſe and dotted with black at the tip. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Antenn e fimple black : thorax yellowiſh with 3 blueiſh lines: upper-wings with a longitudinal ſpots at the baſe, in the middle a bifid blue band in which is a whitiſh freak, the tip with 3 lines of brown dots: lo-wer-wings brown. Dryas. Wings brown: abdomen fulvous with black dots, tail black. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 6. tab. 70.C. Lower-wings blue at the baſe: abdomen with 2 ſtreaks of black dots, Ramoja. Wings yellow with black branched lines and marginal dots Inhabits Italy. Antennae pectinate black : head and thorax black, the latter with a large yellow ſpot each fide: abdomen black, tail yellow: lower--wings yellow, the hind-margin dotted with black. *Ruſulio Wings yellow with a red margin and brown ſpot: antennæ red Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab. 214. Clerk, tab. 4. f. 1. Lower-wings white with a brown fpot in the middle, the border brown edged with red. Larva hairy dull ferruginous with a pale dorſal line, head coppe- ry: pupa very thinly folliculate dark brown. *Jacb.e. Wings brown with a red line and 2 dcts; lower-ones red edged with black. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. ii tab. 45. Albin. 1. 34, G. H. Morian. Europ. 3. tab. 28. Harris Inj. 1. tab. 4. Isr-vc flightly hairy black with yellow rings: pupa thinly folli. culate te taceous. This ſhould rather be placed in the diviſion with the wings in- cumbent. Wings yellow ; upper-ones deeper ftriate with black : lower-ones with a black terminal band. *Grammica Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Bomb. 221 Inhabits Europe. Merian. Eur. 1. tal, 5. Larva brown with a white dorſal line, legs rufous: pupa naked ferruginous. pennatula. Wings cinereous on the outer-part and chefnut-brown within, a paler ſtripe dividing the colours Inhabits Eaſt India. Antennae much pectinate grey : bead thorax and back of the wings brownish: lower-wings white. Lineola, Wings white ; upper-pair with a black line; lower-ones with a back dot on the diſk. Inhabits Eaſt India Antennae pectinate black: head and thorax hairy white : upper- wings red: abdomen covered with cinereous down, the back fulvous. * Purpurea. Upper-wings yellow dotted with brown ; lower-ones red ſpotted with black Inhabits Europe. Albin. tab. 22. Mer. Eur. 1. tch/6. Larva hairy grey ſpotted with white : the male ſcatters a frag- rance around it in the spring : pupa naked ferruginous. * Plantagia Wings black with yellow rivulets; lower-ones yellow with nis. black margin and ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan iv. iab. 134, The male is fulvous, the female ſcarlet. Larva hairy black, ferruginous on the back : pupa black. In Ruſia the lower wings are ſometimes white with black mar- gin and ſpots. Vitrata. Wings black with 3 abbreviated white fillets. Inhabits America. !n the inuſeum of Dr. Tuner. Antennce hardly pectinate : bead black with a white frontal dot: thorax white with a black dots before and 3 broad lines ; lrwo- cr-wings black with a red ſpot at the baſe. 2 Lngubris, Wings yellow with black rivulets and dots: lower-ones brown. Inhalits Europe. Schaeff: Icon. iab.9. fig. 14. 15. Lorver.wings with a thin whire edge ; beneath all variegated. Heliophila. Wings varied with brown and cinereous : lower-ones ſnowy edged with biack. Inhabios Lapland. 12. Hefu. Hif. Not. 2 inb. 2. fig. 5. Dod 222 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. Body dull grey, the inciſures of the abdomen ſnowy: upper- wings beneath duſky, the disk whitiſh with a ſmall black dot: lower-wings beneath ſnowy with a black dot in the mid- dle and margin. Parthenias Upper-wings brown with greyiſh ſpeckled bars; lower-ones orange with a triangular black ſpot at the inner-mar- gin and ſmall line. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 246.fig. 1. Antenne pectinate : bedy black, beneath covered with cinereous down: margin of the lower-wings black. Beneath all orange fpotted with black. Larva naked green with red lines. . * Metronula Upper-wings brown ſpotted with yellow : lower-ones yel- low with black bands. Inhabits Europe. Roes. Inf. 3.tab. 39. fig. 1. 2. Thorax black with 2 red lines: abdomen red, the back ſpotted with black. *Vilicaa Wings black with 8 cream-colour ſpots ; lower-ones ful- vous ſpotted with black. Inhabits Errope. Donovan, ii. tab. 71. Albin. tab. 21. Larva hairy blackih with fulvous ſpots, head and legs sufous : pupa folliculate black. Hebre Wings black with white bands; lower-ones red ſpotted with black. Inhabits Europe. Friſch. 7. tab.c. Reef 4. t. 27. fg. 1. 2, Abdomen red, the back and tail black : wings ſometimes white with black bande. Larva ſolitary hairy, the 3 anterior fegments ferrugincus: pupa black. Wings cinereous with a black ſpot in the middle in which is a branched white linc. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 1. fab. Aatenne pectinate : bead and thorax black : abdomen rafous : upper-wings with a few black ſpecks : lower-Ewings rufous with a black ſpot in the middle and 2 darker bands. 4. B, C. Upper-wings black with a hooked white line between 2 white ſtreaks. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. I, tab. 4. A. Probably the female of the laſt. Head and thorax black : abdo- mer INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Bomb. 223 men black with red rings : upper-wings black, the baſe grey with 2 white ſtreaks and a hooked line between them : lower- ewings red with an oblong black ſpot in the middlk, the hind. margin pale. *Caja. Upper-wings whitiſh with irregular blackiſh ſpots ; lower- ones orange ſpotted with black. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, i. tab. 15. Albin. tab. zo. C.D. Sepp. Inf. 4. tab. 2. Wilks. pap. 18. tab. 3.a 1. Thorax brown with a red line before : addomen orange with black ſpots: antennae pectinate. Larva folitary hairy brown with 3 raiſed whitiſh dots on each ſegment: pupa folliculate black. a Pudicca Wings white ; upper-pair ſpotted with brown ; lower-ones immaculate. Inhabits Southern France. Ef. Bomb. 3. tab. 33. fig. 1. Head and thorax brown, the latter with 2 connected white lunules before : lower-zvings beneath with 2 brown ſpots. Cafica Wings black with 2 indented white bands; lower-ones red with marginal brown ſpots. Inhabits Germany. Eſp. Bomb. Eſp. Bomb. 3. tab. 33. fig. 2. Body black : thorax with a pale band before: abdomen with red dots at the baſe : upper-wvings with a ſmall white dot in the middle of the rib and a patch towards the tip. Maculo, Wings ſpotted with black; upper-pair brown; lower-ones και, red. Inhabits France. Knock. Beytr. 3. tab. 5. fig. 2. Thorax cinereous with 2 black lines: abdomen black with a late- ral abbreviated red line. Larva ſolitary hairy black with blue tubercles and a yellow lateral line. Virgo. Wings black with reddiſh rivulets; lower-ones red dotted with black Inhabits America. Clerk. Icon. tab. 42. fig. 5. Adomen above red beneath dlack, Phyllina. Wings black with reddiſh rivulets ; lower-ones red ſpotted with black, and a marginal black line. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of. Gsorgia. Plarenia 224 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana Bomb. Placentie. Wings black with 3 white ſpots; lower-ones red with black ſpots and margin. Inhabits America. Smuik's Lepidopt. Inf. of. Georgia, Iſabella. Wings dotted with black ; upper-pair fulvous, lower-ones rofy. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopter. Inf. of Georgia. Eche, Wings ſnowy with black marginal nerves each fide, the back ſpotted with yellow and black. Inhabits America. Smib's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Dzenete. Wings black with white ſpots ; lower-ones purple with a. black centralſpot and margin. Inhabits Amer ca. Cromer. 6. tah 70. D. Upper-wings brown with a large round white ſpot at the baſe of the thicker margin, a line divided into 3 {pots towards the inner margin and an abbreviated tranſverſe one towards the tip. Deflorata. Wings white ſpotted with black; lower-ones beneath black with white bands. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunier. Head white with a black front: antenna black: thorax fnowy with 2 black dorſal dots and 2 leffer-ones each fide : abdomen beneath white with a line o black dots, a Hyaline. Wings hyaline cinereous: tail black bearded. Inhabits Italy; middle-fized. Antennce a little pectinate brown: body cinereous. Albifrons. Wings grey: upper-pair with a marginal angular ſnowy itreak furrounded with black ſpecks. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of. Georgia, Miniſtra. Wings ferruginous ; upper-pair with 5 tranſverſe brown 5 lines dot on the diſk and margin. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Gibboſa. Wings teftaceous; upper-pair with a double tranſverſe yellowilh ſtreak and intermediate double white dot. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Anguloci. Wings grey ; upper-pair with black flexuous lines and blotches, and a projecting tooth on the back. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of. Georgia. d. Wings. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalæna. Bomb. 225 d. Wings incumbent. 3 Crotalariak Upper-wings purpliſh with ocellar black ſpots; lower-ones red ſpotted with black. Inhabits India. Cramer 1. tab s. C,D. C Antennae black ſlightly pectinate : thorax grey with 6 black dots: abdomen red with dotted black lines : upper-wings with nu- merous black dots with yellow iris ; beneath yellowiſh with confluent brown ſpots and margin. Ricini. Wings duſky with numerous ſubocellar brown ſpots; low- er-ones red fpotted with black. Inhabits India, on the Ricinus. Thorax brown with an ocellar ſpot each fide : abdomen red with brown belts and 3 brown ſpots on the tail : ſpots on the up- per-wings with brown pupil and cinereous iris. 3 Sanguino- Wings ſnowy ; upper-pair with a fanguineous rib: lower- lenta: ones with black ſpots. Inhabits India. Cram, 12. tab. 133. D. Head ſnowy feelers and antennae brown with a red band behind : abdomen fulvous with black rings. Puella. , - Wings brown; thorax dotted with black; tail and legs red. Inabits Guinea. Head grey with 2 black frontal dots : feelers ferruginous tipt with black : thorax grey-brown dotted with black : body pale, the fides ferruginous dotted with black : lozuer-wings whi- tiſh Serva. Wings grey mixed with cinereous and brown: abdomen red above. Inhabits Eaſt India, Antennæ pectinate : head and thorax grey: abdomen beneath and tail grey: lower-wings and all beneath dull cinereous. Hera. Wings greeniſh-black with yellow rivulets; lower-ones reddiſh with 3 black ſpots. Inhabits Southern Europe. Roes. Inf. 4. tab. 28. fig, 3. Larva ſolitary hairy, black with fulvous ſpots a yellow dorſal line and lateral white one : pupa twice folliculate black. * Domenula Wings gloffy-black with white and reddiſh ſpots; lower- ones dull red with black ſpots. VOL-III 2 F Inhabits 226 . INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalena, Bomb. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv. tab. 141. Mer. Ear, 2. t. 38. Thorax black with 2 red lines: abdomen red ſpotted with black, the tail black. Larva hairy black with 3 yellow lines ſpotted with black : pupa 3 brown incloſed in a common web, Credula. Wings and body black dotted with white. Inhabits America. Cramer 6. tab. 71. fig. 2. Upper-wings with an oblong red ſpot with 2 black dots at the baſe. Ledrix. Wings black with blue yellow and white ſpots; lower-ones ; red ſpotted with white. Inhabits China. Cramer. 16. tab. 192: C. Abdomen red with black bands. * Furcula. Thorax variegated ; wings grey, the baſe and tip white dotted with black. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii. tab. 272. Sepp. 4. tab. 6. . Larva ſolitary naked 2-tailed green: pupa folliculate ferruginous: . eggs black, Colon. Wings grey-brown with 2 black diſtant dots. Inhabits Germany; fize of the laſt. Antennae pectinate black: thorax hairy green: breaff whitiſh; wings beneath duſky with a brown dot in the middle. Populati. Wings ſhining-grey with a ſtreak of black dots behind. Inhabits Germany, on the Populus tremula. Antenna pectinate : body grey : in the middle of the zvings is a pale reniform ſpot. * Antiqua. Upper-wings dull ferruginous clouded with brown, a white lunule at the poſterior angle ; female nearly apterous. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. i. tab. 16. Mer. Eur. tab. 84. Female with the rudiments of wings at the end of the thorax. Larva ſolitary faſciculate, 4 of the dorial tufts white, thoſe near the antennæ and tail duky: pupa folliculate varied with black and yellow. * Gonoſtig. Wings brown with 2 oppoſite white ſpots ; female ap- terous. Inhabits Europe. Albin. tab. 90. Wilks 31. fig. 3.c. 4. Larva gregarious faſciculate, 3 of the dorſal tufts white, 2 on the me, neck INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Bomb. 227 neck and one on the tail black : pupa yellow before and black behind Paradoxa. Wings varied with cinereous and brown with a whitiſh central fpot ; lower-ones black : female apterous. Inhabits Ruſſia, on the Triticum repens. Male. Antennae pectinate with a white ſhaft. Female without even the rudiments of wings, Zonda Wings black with white bands : abdomen black, the edges of the ſegments red; female apterous. Inhabits. Germany. Antennae pectinate black with a white ſhaft : lower-wings whi- tiſh with a black ſtreak in the middle and hind-margin. Fe- male apterous thick villous with the rudiments of 2 ſhort cy- lindrical hairy black wings each fide, edges ot the ſegments red. Pylotise Wings yellow with 6 bands of black dots; lower-ones dot- ted with black. Inhabits New Holland. Drury. Inf. 2. tab. 6, fig. 3. Lower-wings yellow with 10 black dots. Pulchella. Wings white; upper-pair dotted with black and red: lower-ones tipt with black, Inhabits the Eaſ. Cram. Inf. 10. tab. 109. fig. E, F. Larva hairy pale with a white dorſal line and black and rufous dots. Griſea. Wings cinereous waved with brown ; lower-ones white. Inhabits Cayenne. Body hairy cinereous : antennae ſlightly pectinate: tip of the upper wings browniſh with a waved cinereous ſtreak Priverne, Upper-wings brown with a yellow band; lower-ones full vous edged with black. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 14. tab. 166. E. Thorax yellow : abdomen fulvous : upper-wings with fulvous ſtreaks at the baſe. Franciſca, Upper-wings fleſh-colour with an interrupted white fillet ; lower-ones hyaline. Inhabits Coromandel. Head black with a fleſh-colour-crown : thorax fleſh-colour with a F2 a black 228 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Bomb. a black dorſal fillet : upper-wings with a few black dots : ab- domen beneath brown, above red with black dorſal ſpots. Jefuita. Wings black with a fulvous ſtreak. Inhabits India. Antennae pectinate fetaceous at the tip : body black : exterior margin of the lower-wings fulvous at the baſe. Angulata. Wings angular teſtaceous with black ſpecks and 2 obſolete cinereous ſtreaks. Inhabits India, Body teftaceous : breaſt white : lower-wings brown with a whi- tiſh bafe. Viciella. Wings cinereous hyaline : antennæ brown. Inhabits Auftria. Reaum. Inf. 3. tab, 11. fig. 7. 8. Body covered with cinereous wool : antennae pectinate brown. The Female depoſits her eggs while in the pupa ftate and never becomes a perfect infect. Veſtitao Wings black immaculate : abdomen immaculate : abdomen beneath downy white. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz, 133. 6. Antennae pectinate: thorax covered with cinereous down: ab- domen above black : larva grey dotted with black, and con. ftructs a cylindrical follicle of dry graſs which it affixes to leaves by a thread. Muſcella. Wings dull hyaline : body black. Inhabits Aujiria, Wien. Verz. 133. 3. Body hairy black : antennae brown. Boisbella. Wings cinereous ſpeckled with brown. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 133. 5. Body hairy grey : lower-wings immaculate. Pellinella. Wings cinereous hyaline; upper-pair with obſolete darker itreaks Inhabits Auftria : ſmall- Body hairy black : lozver-wings immaculate. Munda. Wings cinereous hyaline with a brown dot and band. Inhaoits Europe, on Lichens. Holi. Inf. tab. Holi. Inf, tab. 4. fig. 2. Larve hairy chefnuc-brown. Indians INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 229 . 73. Phalana. Bomb. Indiang, Wings hyaline with a yellow border dotted with black. Inhabits India. Bomb. derafa. Fabric. n. 237. Head and thorax yellowiſh : lower-wings immaculate, Annulata. Wings black with ſnowy ſpots ; fhanks annulate with white. Inhabits Germany. Head and thorax black varied with white : abdomen grey : wings beneath brown, the edges dotted with white. *Greminis Wings grey with a trifarious whitiſh line and dot. Inhabits Europe. Harris Aurel. tab. 5. fig. 7. The other fex has a ſtreak of black dots behind. Larva finooth duſky with a dorſal and lateral yellow ſtripe, Popularis. Wings brown with white veins ; lower-ones whitilh. Inhabits Rufia and Germany. Antenne pectinate brown: upper-wings with a few ſpots in the middle with a darker pupil, towards the tip a ſtreak of arrow- ſhaped ſmall black dots : lower wings whitiſh with a darker margin and a central brown ſpot beneath. Fulminen, Wings indented varigated with grey and brown: thorax white on the fore-part with a black ſtreak. Inhabits Germany, on the Achillæa Millefolium. Antennae pectinate ferruginous: thorax with a white lunule each fide: lower-wings and all beneath grey. Larva greeiſh with a darker back on which is a longitudinal white line. Gloriofæ. Wings black variegated with red and yellow; lower-ones brown edged with yellow. Inhabits India, on the Glorioſa. Head black with a yellow dot each fide: thorax black with 4 4 fulvous dots behind : abdomen black, tail yellow: legs black ſpotted with yellow : all the wing's beneath black edged with yellow Srini. Wings black, fubferruginous before the margin ; lower- ones white. Inhabits India, on the Crinum aiiaticum. Head and thorox hairy black: dbdomen cinereous: upper- wings gloffy-black with a reniform ferruginous ftigma in the middle, the margin brown with a waved black itreak. Wings roſy with 3 brown ſtreaks, the ſecond waved, the third at the tip compoſed of dots. Inhabits *Roſea. 230 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Bomb. Inhabits Europe. Donovan ii. tab. 40. the lower figure. Harris Aurelian tab. 30. fig. p. Abdomen above roſy with brown rings, beneath black. Larva fhort very hairy, with grey tufts, head orange : pupa incloſed in a thick follicle. 2 * Rubricollis Black with a red collar: abdomen yellow. Inhabits Europe Clerk Icon. tab. 2. fig. 3. Larva hairy blackiſh with black bands, head piceous with a white triangle. * Fuliginoſa Wings red brown with a double black dot : abdomen red, black on the back. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii. tab. 80. Ammir. tab. 30. Harris Inf. tab. 8. fg. 7. Wilk. pop. tab. 3. a. 14, . . Larva hairy ferruginous with black head and fore-legs; wanders over the ſnow in winter and is ſaid to foreteil a cold ſummer and ſcarcity where it appears in conſiderable numbers : pupa folliculate black. Binoi ata: Wings cinereous with 2 black dots between 2 brown waved ſtreaks. Inhabits Sweden; middle-ſized. Head and thorax hairy cinereous : lower-wings cinereous, Cribrum. Upper-wings white tranſverſely dotted with black: tail yellowish. Inhabits Northern Europe. Hybr. Beytr. 1. tab. 4. fig. w. Obſcurd. Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, brown with 3 hyaline dots upper pair: abdomen yellow with a black line. Inhabits Germany, on the Lichen parietinus. Lower-wings ſometimes bronn immaculate, ſometimes yellow with a brown margin ahd curve. Larva hairy black with yellow lines, hind-legs yellow. on the a Punelata. Both ſurfaces of the wings alike: upper-pair brown dotted with white; lower-ones yellow tipt with brown. Inhabits Italy; much leſs than the laſt. Body brown: abdomen yellow with a line of black dots down the back: lozver-wings with a broad brown margin, a e. Wings convolute, Bella. Wings yellow with 6 bands of black dots; lower-ones red tipt with black. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. 231 Inhabits North America. Cramer, 10. tab. 109. C, D. Cateſby's Carolina Vol. 2. p. 96. tab. 96. Ornatrix. Wings whitiſh, the margin red dotted with black, lower- ones varied with white and black. Inhabits America. Cramer. 14. tab. 166. C,D,E. Umber. Wings black; front and abdomen fulvous. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 2. tab. 15. F. Anternae pectinate: lower-wings paler at the baſe. Hifirie. Wings fulvous with numerous white ſpots ſurrounded with blue. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Feelers white at the baſe and tip with black: thorax blue-black with white dots and 2 fulvous ſpots: abdomen beneath white annulate with black, tail fulvous : upper-rings blue at the tip with white dots : lower-wings and all beneath black, the hind margin a little whitiſh. Geometra. Phalana, Fabricius. a. Antenna pettinate. * Lactearia Wings angular ſnowy immaculate: antenna bipectinate letaceous at the tip. Inhabits Europe ; very tender and nearly pellucid. Nivearia. Wings fubangular white with a brown hind-margin; under- ſurfaces of the upper-pair brown; lower-ones with a central black dot. Inhabits England; ſmall tender. Body white : eyes black : antennae brown: all the wings with a brown central dot beneath. * Vernaria. Wings angular greeniſh with 2 white flexuous ſtreaks: antennæ ſetaceous at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf. 2. tab. 29. fig. 14--19. Margin of the wing's dotted with brown. Larva ferruginous varied with white and black, head toothed. Bupleuraria Wings indented green with a white ſtreak and contiguous ſmaller one, the margin dotted with brown. Inhabits Auftria. Hybn. Beytr. 4. tab. 3. fig. R. Upper-zvings with 2 white ſtreaks, lower-ones with one. Thymiaria. Wings , angular indented green with an undulate abfolete white itreak and contiguous ſmaller one. Inhabite 232 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. Inhabits Germany. Schaeff. Icon. tab. 202, fig. 1. Indentations of the wings ferruginous. Larva duky with flesh-colour dorſal ſpots, head and collar 2- toothed : pupa thinly foliculate, ferruginous with a black line, pointed before and bifid behind. a Triliriaria. Wings angular cinereous with 3 brown ſtreaks on the upper-pair and 2 on the lower, all with a brown dot in the middle. Inhabits Italy. Body cinereous. Imniacu- laria. Wings angular; above green, beneath whitiſh immaculate. Inhabits Tranquebar Antenne pectinate ſetaceous at the tip: body greeniſh, crown brown: wings beneath whitith. Putatoria Wings angular whitiſh with 2 full white flexuous ſtreaks: antennæ ſetaceous at the tip. Inhabits Europe, Clerk Icon. tab. 3. fg. 9. Striataria. Wings angular whitiſh with 2 obſolete yellowiſh ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Clerk Icon. tab. 55. fig. 4. Lower-wings with only one yellowiſh ſtreak. a Margarita- Wings angular whitiſh with a deeper band terminatıng in a white ſtreak. ria. Inhabits Germany, on the Carpinus and Betula. Larva elongated 12-footed variegated, the laſt ſegments with 2 white dots, tail bifid. • Punciaria Wings angular cinereous with a ferruginous ſtreak and row of black dots. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon, tab. 5. fig. 11. Larva cinereous with lateral yellow ſpots and marked with red: pupa bound to a leaf, above pale fleſh-colour, beneath yellowiſa. Dioraria. Wings angular brown with purple ſtreaks, pale at the tip. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 7. tab. 75. F. * Amateria Wings angular buff-colour ſpeckled with brown; with a ſtraight purple line and obſolete flexuous brown one on each. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. i. tab. 33. fig. 2. Margin of all the wings red. Larva green with yellow belts above and red ones beneath. * Pennaria INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom 233 * Pennaria. Wings flightly indented reddiſh with 2 brown ſtreaks and a white dot at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii ta'. 287. fig. 2. Lower-wings reddish with a brown dot in the middle. Larva ſolitary ſmooth reddiſh. * Uſuaria. Wings ſlightly indented ochraceous with 3 brown ſtreaks and ſpot at the baſe and tip. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii. tab. 82. Larva ſmooth yellowish with darker lateral line, head black : pupa black, * Bidenta- Wings jagged grey with a deeper band, in the middle of ria. which is an occllar dot. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon. tab. 7. fg. 2. Band on all the wings terminating in a white ftreak, the eye white with a black iris; beneath an ocellar dot in the middle and flexuous black ftreak behind. * Falcata- Wings falcate glaucous; upper-pair with a grey band and waves, in the band a brown dot Inhabits Europe. Scheff. Icon. tab. 64. fg. 1, 2. Larua greenih on the back dotted with brown and 4 pair of priek es before, tail pointed ; beneath green with a lateral red line. Cultraria. Wings fobfalcate yellow with a deeper band : antenna fetaceous at the tip. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz. 64, 1. , All the wings beneath ſulphur innmaculate. Strigaria. Wings angular tailed white with 2 brown ſtreaks above and one beneath. Inhabits India. Cram. 12. tab. 135, C. Antenna fhort: wing tails ſhort obtuſe with 2 black ſpots : all the wings beneath white with a blackiſh ſtreak. * Sambuca. Wings tailed angular yellowish with 2 darker ſtreaks; lower- ria, ones with 2 reddiſh dots at the tip Inhabits Europe. Donovan v. tab. 170. Albin, tab. 94. Larva a little knotty dull ochre with brown lines: pupa fuſiform dull ochre dotted with brown. 83873, * Lacerti- Wings toothed yellowilh with 2 brown lines and a dot between them; lower-ones whi ih immaculate. Inhabits Europe. Donovan vui. tab. 251. fig. 2. Albin tab. 65. Larva naked red, the back angular and tail pointud: pupa fol. liculate conic dull ferruginou with black ſpecks. VOL. III.--2G Crslaria, 234 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Geom. Crafaria. Wings toothed yellowiſh with 2 incurved brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Germany. Wien Verz. 103, 4. Lower-wings with a ſingle ſtreak: all beneath yellowiſh with a broad dot in the middle. a 110 Emargina. Wings ſlightly emarginate teſtaceous with a white ſtreak behind ſeparating the paler border. Inhabits Kiel. Body yellowiſh. Tip of the upper-swings emarginate with a large cheſnut ſpot on which are 2 ſmall black dots : lower-wings with 2 ſmall black dots at the angle of the tail. Equeftraria Wings angular; upper-pair browniſh with a broad yellow band, lower-ones yellow. Inhabits Hamburg. Body hairy yellow : upper-wings beneath yellowiſh with a black dot in the middle, the tip duſky, the margin variegated with yellow: lower-wings beneath duſky with a black dot in the middle and pale baſe. a * Alniaria. Wings angular toothed yellow ſpeckled with brown and croſſed with 2 brown ſpecks. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii. tab. 275. Roef. ph. 3. tab. 1. Larva brown dotted with yellow, 3 remote protuberances on the back and 4 approximate ones on the tail : pupa greeniſh pointed before. * Springa- Wiugs angular indented grey with fleſh-colour ſhades and ria. 2 brown ſtreaks on the upper-pair meeting at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab. 181. Upper-wings with 2 white marks at the tip: lower-ores with a ſingle brown line. Larva varied with yellow and grey with 6 ſpines on the back, the hind one very long and recurved: pupa folliculate abrupt grey before and chefnut behind. Clemataria Wings ſlightly reverſed, all yellowiſh-grey with a black dot on the diſk and a common yellowish ſtreak hooked at the tip. nhabits America, Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia, Lirio Wings indented ſpeckled with brown with about 3 common dendraria. flexuous diffracted white ſtreaks. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inc. of Georgia. Quernaria. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. 235 Querngria. Wings flightly indented variegated with white and brown, all with a flexuous black ſtreak and dot; upper-pair with 2 white dots at the tip. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inj. of Georgia. * Lunaria. Wings jagged reddiſh-brown; all with a white ocellate dot; upper-pair with an incurved brown ſtreak. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv. tab. 132. Sepp, 6. tab. 2. Larva grey with 2 dorial tubercles, beneath with whitiſh bands, dotted with black: pupa folliculate dark brown. *Dentaria. Wings angular indented, above pale with ferruginous ſtreaks, beneath ferruginous with a darker lunule. Inhabits England. In the collection of Mr. Monfon. Wings with 3 ferruginous ftreaks and margin, the outer margin ſpeckled with ferruginous, Roboraria. Wings indented grey with numerous brown ſtreaks and ſpecks. Inhabits Auſtria, on the Oak. Wien. Verz, 101, 1. Wings beneatha whiliſh with brown lunules. Larva grey-brown with a darker dorſal line and curves on the ſegments. Gonfortaria Wings indented grey with brown ſtreaks; lower-ones with an oblong whitiſh ocellar dot. Inhabits Auſtria. Dot on the lower-wings ſurrounded with a brown ring: all beneath grey with a brown dot in the middle and brown a ſtreaks, Undaria. Wings indented white with brown waves: antennæ ſeta- ceous at the tip. Inhabits India. Antennæ as long as the body. Hortaria. Wings indented varied with brown and cinereous with a black ſtreak : antennæ fetaceous at the tip. Inhabits Italy. Wings beneath yellowiſh with a brown ſtreak and dot in the middle. * Dolabra- Wings angular yellow with ferruginous ſtreaks, angle of the tail violet. Inhabits England and Germany. Sulz. Inf. tab. 22. fig. 9. ria. Niyraria. Wings angular green with 3 brown ſtreaks on the upper- pair. 2 G 2 Inhabits 236 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. Inhabits Surinam. Cran. 1. tab. 10. E. Margin of the wings brownish ; beneath ferruginous: tail bearded rufous. Monilaria. Wings indented green with a ſtreak of black dots; lower- ones with a double white dot. Inhabits India. In the muſeum of Dr. Fothergill. All the wings beneath lead-colour: antenna e of the female nearly fetaceous. Fervidaria. Wtngs rounded white; the margin brown with a waved white ftreak. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir. Jof. Banks. Body yellowiſh : thorax white behind : rib of the upper wings black ſpotted with white : beneath all white edged with brown. Rondelaria Upper-wings grey ; lower-ones ferruginous. Inbabits Eeft India; ſmell. Antennae fetaceous at the tip: upper-wing's darker at the baſe with 2 coftal ferruginous ipots : all beneath ferruginous. V biceria, Wings rounded yellowiſh with 3 purple ſtreaks the anterior of which is obſolete. Inhabits Woods of Europe. Wien, Verz. 117, 2. Subero ria Wings yellowiſh deeply indented, upper-pair with a brown furuginous patch and 2 black ſtreaks; lower-ones with a brown ferruginous band and ſingle ſtreak. Inh uits England. Donovan's Eng. Inſ vii. tab 251. fig. 1. Upper-wings with a ſhort filxcous itreak near the tip: lower-ones with numerous crowded blackiſh lines, Flavaria. Wings rounded yellowiſh with 2 flexuous brown ſtreaks. Inhabits East India. Body yellow: front fulvous : behind the ſtreaks on the wings are 2 {mall brown dots. * Papilio- Wings indented green with a flexuous white ſtreak and naria. contiguous fmailer one. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii. tab. 287. fig. 1. Naturſ. 12. tab. 1. fig. 12, 13, 14. Viper-wings with a white ipot or two between the bands and the bate: lower-ones with a row of white dots near the margin. Larva green with 10 incurved rufous prickles on the back: pupa grcen varied with yellow. Hilcitaria. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. 237 Helcitaria. Wings fulvous, the tip black with a macular white band. Inhabits India. Clerk, Icon. tab. 39. fig. 4. Antennæ of the male pectinate, of the female fetaceous: body above black with 3 rows of white ſpots, beneath fulvous. Catenaria. Wings rounded white with a black lunule in the middle and waved ſtreak behind. Inhabits India. Drury Inf. 1. tab. 8. fig. 3. Front fulvous: between the wings a fulvous dot : wings fome- times dotted with black only. Flabellaria Wings rounded white; upper-pair darker at the tip. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir Fof. Banks. Body whitiſh : antenne much pectinate brown: lower-wings immaculate. * Prunaria Wings ſlightly indented yellow-orange ſpeckled with brown: upper-pair with a brown lunule. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. i. tab. 27. Albin, tab. 69. Wings ſometimes with a large brown cinereous ſpot. Larva ferruginous, with 2 ſpines before and behind. Furcaria. Wings grey-clouded, all beneath with a black ſpot in which is a ſmall white lunule. Inhabits Germany. All the wings grey ſpeckled with brown, * Piniaria. Wings brown ſpotted with yellow, beneath clouded with 2 brown bands. Inhabits Europe. Ammir tab. 20. Sepp. 6. tab. 4. fig. 11. Larva green with a white ſtreak, beneath ſtreaked with yellow : pupa folliculate cheſnut-brown. * Limbaria. Wings ferruginous with a black border; lower-ones beneath black ſtreaked with white. Inhabits England Harris Inj. tab. 5. fig. 4. Body brown-aſh: upper-wings beneath ferruginous fpeckled with brown: lower--wings above ferruginous with brown ſpecks and hind-margin. Sulphuraria Wings rounded yellow with 2 brown ſtreaks; beneath with brown ſpecks ocellar dot in the middle and band. Inhabits Barbary. Antennae with a white ſhaft, the rays brown: body yellow, the front a little fulvous : lower-wings with a ſingle freak, Alidaria. 238 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. Albidaria. Wings rounded white; upper-pair with a black rib and tip : lower-ones with a black marginal ſpot. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antenne ſetaceous at the tip : head white with a yellow col- lar : thorax whitiſh, the fore-part black : abdomen white at the baſe and tipt with brown. Conſperſa- Wings rounded cinereous with numerous brown fpecks. ria Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz, 106. 8. Wings ſometimes with a fubocellar brown dot in the middle. Larva tailed whitish with rufous ſtreaks, tail 2-toothed. Roraria. Wings cinereous ſpeckled with brown, upper-pair with a black dot in the middle and tip. Inhabits Austria, on the Lotus Dorycnius. Upper-wings with a broad brown border. Larva cinereous with white ſegments, head pale with 2 brown ſtreaks. Melanaria Wings ſpotted and dotted with black ; upper-pair whitiſh, lower-ones yellow. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. phal. 4. tab. 2, Lutearia. All the wings pale yellow immaculate. Inhabits Italy. Antennae black. Testaria. Wings brown teſtaceous; lower-ones ferruginous Inhabits Barbary. Head and thorax brown; abdomen teſtaceous, beneath black : a the wings beneath ferruginous. Adfperfaria All the wings yellow ſpeckled with brown. Inhabits Saxony. Angularia. Wings white ſpeckled with brown and barred with black. Inhabits Germany. Body paie: hind-margin of the upper-wings dotted with black: lower-wings whitiſh a little ſpeckled with brown. * Atomaria. All the wings yellowiſh with brown ſtreaks and ſpecks. Inhabits Europe. Albin. fig. 69. Donovan, vii. t. 248. f. 1. 2 . Wings of the female grey wiih brown ſtreaks and ſpecks. Larva fleih-colour with a brown dorſal line and lateral ſpots : pupa pale ferruginous. * Projapia. Wings yellowiſh with brown ſpecks and 3 brown ſtreaks the laſt of which is compoſed of ſpots. Inhabits tia. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. 239 Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon. tab. 3. fig. 1. The anteriot ſtreak on the wings is broader than the teſt, the middle one bifid at the thicker margin ; margin of all the wings dotted : lower-wings beneath yellow with a central brown ſpot. Bipun&taria Upper-wings cinereous with brown waves and a dar- ker band in the middle in which are 2 black dots. Inhabits Aufiria, on the Lolium perenne. Antennae ſetaceous at the tip: upper-wings with a ſtreak of black dots behind : lower-ones cinereous. Lichenaria. Wings varied with green and cinereous with 2 black ſtreaks, the firſt recurved, the poſterior one flexu- Ous. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. l'erz, 100.8. Margin of the upper--wings dotted with black : lower-wings grey with a waved brown ſtreak and marginal dots. Larva rough green or cinereous varied with yellow, the fides ſpotted with black, fore-legs with a black ſpot in which is a green dot. Cineraria. Upper-wings grey with 2 black ſtreaks; lower-ones cinere- ous with a ſingle ſtreak. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Vorz. 100. 10. Small, tender : margin of the wings dotted with black. Larva brown, the back cinereous with tranſverſe white ſpots. *Pufaria. Wings ſnowy with 3 obfolete brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon: tab. 3. fig. 1. Larva yellowiſh with red dorſal lines and ſpots, Ocularia, Wings rounded yellow, all with a central white eye. Inhabits Indid. Eye on the wings annulate with brown: wings beneath ſpeckled with brown. Lujcaria. Wings cinereous; upper-pair with brown patches ; low- er-ones with an ocellar dot in the middle. Inhabits Eaſt India, Antennae ſetaceous at the tip: upper-wvings with an indiſtinct ſpot in the middle, beneath darker and the ſpot more diſtinct : lower-wings with a brown eye, the pupil white, beneath ſpeck- , led with brown with a brown band in the middle in which a is the eye. Annularia. 240 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. . 73. Phalana. Geom. Annularia. Wings cinereous with a brown ſtreak ring and bands. Inhabits Germany. Nalur 11. tab. 12. Antennae ſetaceous at the tip: all the wings with a flexuous ſtreak at the baſe, ring in the middle and 2 bands behind, the ant rior of which is indented and broader; behind the bands is a terini. nal row of black dots. Eeneath all whitish immaculate. Capreolaria Wings grey, with a deeper band, a black dot in the middle and line at the tip. Inhabits Austria, on the Pinus Picea. Wien Verz. 105. 2. Upper-wings grey fpeckled with brown, in the middle a broad band in which is a black dot: lower-wings cirereous with brown ftreaks and ſpecks, Beneath all cinereous with a black upper-pair and a ſtreak of them on the lower. Proxima. Wings cinereous; all with 3 brown ſtreaks. 3 ria Inhabits Keil. Body cinercous. Murinaria. Wings grey with 2 brown ſtreaks and a dot in the middle. а Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 105. 4. Body grey: lower-wings with a brown dot in the middle and freak behind; all beneath grey immaculate, * Defoliaria Wings grey ſpeckled with brown, white in the middle with a brown dot : female apterous dotted with black. Inhbits Europe. Clerk. Phal. tah. 7. fig. 4. Larva ferruginous with a fulphur line down the ſides : pupa cheſnut-brown. a Hirsutaria Wings cinereous with a waved brown ſtreak connected to a white one. Inhabits Europe. Upper-wings with an obſolete brown ſtreak in the middle and a. nother indented one near the tip and an adjoining white one, the hind-margin dotted with black : lower-wings and all be- neath whiter with a eentral brown dot. a Pedaria. Wings greeniſh-grey ſpeckled with brown: legs annulate with white : female apterous. Inhabits Germany, on the Betula Alnus. a Hiſpidaric, Wings brown-aſh with a darker waved ſtreak, the margin dotted with white : antenna yellow. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. 24.1 Inhabits Auſtria. Wien, Verz. 99. 4. Body hairy grey-brown : reſembles the next. . * Hirtaria. Wings hairy grey with 3 black ſtreaks, the hinder-ones ap- proximate : antennæ black, Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon. tab. 7, fig. 1. Larva ferruginous with pale rufous lines edged with black. Herridaria. Wings gloffy-black with darker ſtreaks. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 100.7, Body black immaculate. 2 ria. *Veſperta. Wings yellowiſh with 2 brown ſtreaks, the firſt angular the poſterior one feparating the darker border. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 233. fig. 3. All the wings fpeckled with brown. *Wawria, Wings cinereous ; upper-pair with 4 ſhort irregular bands, the middle one reſembling the letter L. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab. 196. Albin. t. 47. fig. 78. Merian Europe 1. tab. 25. fg. 151. Wilkes tab. 2. a. 1. Larva ſlightly hairy green dotted with black with a yellow dor- ſal and lateral line : pupa naked ferruginous pointed. Pictaria. Wings varied with cinereous and brown with 2 black ſtreaks, the lower-one waved. Inhabits Kil, tender. Wings with a mixture of green; beneath pale ſpeckled with green with a green dot and ſtreak behind. Albaria. Wings fnowy immaculate ; upper-pair beneath browniſa. Inhabits Auſtria. Hybr. Beytr. 3. tab.fig.3. R. Cretaria. Wings whitiſh, all of them immaculate. Inhabits Italy. Antennæ brown with a white ſhaft. а Pluviaria. Wings cinereous ſpeckled with brown ; upper-pair with 2 brown ſtreaks, lower-ones with one. Inhabits Saxony Antennæ beneath with a white ſhaft: body cinereous : upper-wing beneath with an oblong brown ſpot on the disk. Prafinaria, Wings green with 3 ſtreaks, the fore-ones darker, the hind- one pale. VOL-III 2 H Inhabits 24.2 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. -73. Phalana. Geom. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verx. 97. 2. Larva green with a lateral white line, head neck and tail 2- toothed. 118., Smeragda- Wings green ; upper-pair with 2 white ſtreaks and dot in the middle. Inhabits Austria. Upper-wings with 2 connected lunules near the baſe : lower-wings immaculate : beneath all greeniſh with a pale ftreak. * Ditaria. Wings green with ferruginous marginal ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab 202. fig. 2. Antennae cinereous with a white ſhaft: upper-wings green with obſolete white ſtreaks and a large ferruginous ſpot at the tip of the thinner margin: lower-wings rounded green the margin whitiſh with a fine black ſtreak, a large ferruginous ſpot at the tail and another at the tip of the outer margin: beneath all pale, a *Viridaria Wings rounded green with whitiſh ſtreaks and marginal black dot. Inhabits England. In the muſeum of Sir. . Banks Upper wings with a white ſtreak at the baſe ending in a black dot at the thicker margin, in the middle are 2 white waved ſtreaks ending in larger black dots at the thicker edge and meeting at the thinner margin with a ſmall black dot at the end, be- hind is a ftreak of obſolete white dots, a few minute black ones at the thicker margin and a larger one at the tip, the hind mar- gin cinereous and brown : lower-wings and all beneath cinere- ous with brown ſtreaks. a Feficaria Wings rounded pale grey ; upper-pair with 2 green ſpots, lower-ones with one. Inhabits--- Antennae fetaceous at the tip. The green ſpots on the upper-wings edged with white. Beneath reddiſh. Pagaria. Wings rounded blue-black with a macular white band at the tip Inhabits China, Cramer. 27, tab. 332. C. Body brown with a blue gloís. Tripuncia. Wings brown ; upper-pair with white ſtreaks at the bafe and a macular band; lower-ones white at the baſe. ria. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalana. Gcom. 243 Inhabits Afia. Cramer 2, tab. 22. fig. E, The band on the wings incompoſed of 5 white ſpots. Corvaris. Wings ftriate, both ſurfaces alike, black tipt with white. Inhabits South America. Body black ; breast and thorax with ferruginous hairs. Carbonaria Wings rounded brown ſubfaſciate with yellow; antenna fetaceous at the tip. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 100, 5. Head and thorax black: all the wings with waved darker ftreaks and yellow ones which are terminated at the thinner margin in a large yellow ſpot. Larva black with numerous hairy fulvous protuberances. Iatrophe. Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, black with 2 yellow ſpots on the upper-pair and one on the lower. Inhabits America. Merian. Surin. tab. 38. fig. 1. ria. a Luftinaria, Wings black ; upper-pair with a macular white band; low- er-ones with a white dot in the middle. Inhabits East India. Cramer 11. tab. 128. fig. E. Catilinaria Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, black with 2 greeniſh bands and a macular white ſtreak Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 7. tab. 72. E, F. Thorax dotted with white. Cenaria, Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, white varied with black : body yellow ſpotted with black. Inhabits China. Cramer. 13. tab. 147. E. Upper-wings white at the bafe ſpotted with black, the tip black with 5 white dots : lower-wings white with 3 black fubmar- ginal ſpots : thorax yellow dotted with black: abdomen with 6 black belts and 3 black dots at the tip. و Costaria, Wings brown; upper-pair with a fleſh-colour band bifid at the tip ; lower-ones dotted with white. InhabitsIn the Britiſh Muſeum. Thorax black with a marginal yellow band before: abdomen brown tail yellow : rib of the upper-wings yellowiſh at the baſe. Be- neath black with white ſpots at the baſe. Lateraria, Wings brown-ferruginous with brown ſtreaks and a cine re- ous ſpot on the rib. Inhabits India, 2 H 2 Inhabits 244 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 72 Phalana. Geom. Antennd white: body brown : apper-wings with a brown dot in the middle : beneath all lead colour with a darker hind. margin. Fenestraria Wings rounded black ſtreaked and ſpotted with blue. Inhabits China. In the muſeum of Sir. Fof Eanks. Head and thorax black dotted with white : abaomex above brown beneath whitiſh. Venaria. Wings yellow with black margin and dilated branched veins. Inhabits India. Cremer, 3. tab. 29. A. Antennee blue with black rays: bead blue, the hind-margin white thorax brown with blue and white ſpots. Maniaria. Upper-wings cinereous with a broad brown band in which are 2 approximate black dots. Inhabits austria. Wien. Verz. 112. I. Body and lozver-wings cinereous: upper-veing's with a broad band I -toothed behind and margined each fide : in the middle a pa- ler band in which are 2 dois, the tip ending in a brown line, Obliquaria Wings black ; upper-pair with an oblique white band ; lower-cnes with a broad yellow band Inhabics Sian. In the muſeum of Sir jf. Banks. Antenna black with a blue ſhaft : body black, ſpotted with blue beneath, the ſegments edged with white : wings beneath ſpot- with blue. * Pulvera. All the wings powdered with teftaceous with a broad ferru- ria. ginous band. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon, tc.). 5.fs. 6. Fafciaria. All the wings reddiſh with a broad ferruginous band edged with white. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon, tab. 5 fig. 5. Larva 12-fooied rufous varied with brown and white, head red- diſh. a 5 *Diverſa- Upper-wings reddiſh, lower-ones whitiſh ; the margin of ria. all dotted with black. Inhabits England. In the Collection of Mr. Francilloa. Head and iborax duíky : abdomen cinereous: unier-Surfaces of the wings uniform, the lower-ones with a biack dot in the middle. Marginaria, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna Geom. . 245 Marginaria Wingswhitiſh powdered, all with a marginal ſtreak of black dots. Inhabits Hamburg There are 2 varieties of this ſpices. In one the upper-rings are whiter with 3 brown freaks : iower-zuing's white with a brown fireak and central dot. in the other the upper-rings are more yellow with darker lips : lower-wings with only a central brown det. In both are diftin& black marginal dots. * Betularia All the wings white fpeckled and waved wirh black ; tho- rax with a black band; antenna fetaceous at the Inhabits Europe. Daarvan. vii, tab. 237. Aldin t. 91. 92. Larva dulcy with cartered inbercles, head bifid, tail truncate: papa naked claret brown. Lig's blck annulate with white. Nitidarie. Wings filvery with 2 oblique brown ſtreaks on the upper pair. Inbabits Southern Europe. Eody white : Bower-swing's immaculate, beneath with a brown itreak and ſpecks Prodro- Wings white ſpecided with black with 2 broad dark ferru- maria, ginous bands. Inhaliis Europe. Donovan. vii tab. 219. Thale. Antene pectinate yellow: vbber-wings with a ſpot be- tween the bands: lover wings without the band. Female. Antennae fetaceous : lozuer-wings with a fngle band, Lara fometimes braven fometimes ferruginous, head red: pupa folliculate cheinut-brown and remains underground. Sacraria Wings yellow with an oblique red ſtreak. Iohabits Africa. Antennæ fetaceous at the tip. Elinguaria Wings cinereous ; upper-pair with a broad darker band in the middle of which is a black dot. Inhabits Lurope. Rees. Inf. phol. 3. tab. 9. . Larva rough varied with cinereous and brown: pupa folliculate, brown before ferruginous behind. Griſaria. Wings grey : upper-pair with a broad darker band in the . middle of which is a black dot. Inhabits Europe ; probably a variety of the laſt. The band terminating cach fide with ferruginous, the margin immaculate. Cre- 246 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. Crenaria. Wings yellowiſh ſpeckled with brown; upper-pair with a black dot in the middle, Inhabits Germany. All the wings pale yellow with a broad darker band in the mid- dle. *Plum- baria. Wings plumbeous with 3 brown ſtreaks and a dot in the middle. Inhabits England. Wien. Verz. 202.7. Antennae ſetaceous at the tip; lower-wings and all beneath ci- nereous immaculate. Lignaria. Wings blackiſh ſubfaſciate with grey. Inhabits Saxony, in rotten wood. All the wings with numerous grey ftreaks. Larva black with 4 lines of pale dots, Fulvaria. Wings pale yellowiſh with a deeper ſtreak on the upper- pair behind. Inhabits Italy; ſmall. Body black, tail yellow. bands. *Purpura- Wings yellow ; upper-pair with a purple margin and 2 ria, Inhabits Europe. Clerk Icon. tab. 9. fig. 11, Larva green, the back brown with a pale line. Arteſiaria. Wings grey with an oblique white ſtreak and ferruginous ſpot. Inhabits Auftrie. Wien Ve:2. 102, 2. Lower-wings immaculate. Aureolaria. Wings deep yellow with 3 brown ſtreaks and margin. Inhabits Auliria. Hybn. Beytr. 2. tab. 3. F. Lower-wings with only 2 ſtreaks. Larva glabrous whitiſh, the back darker with a brown line. Pratonaria Wings cinereous with brown waves and a black dot in the middle. Inhabits Barbary. Shaft of the antennge varied with white and black, the rays black: body black, the edges of the ſegments white : wings beneath cinereous with a darker dot in the middle and waved ſtreaks. Gilvaria. Upper-wings yellowiſh with an oblique brown band and ſpecks. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. 247 Inhabits Auftria. Wieu Verz. 102, 10. Lower-wings whitiſh. Larva cinereous with ferruginous lines and a whitiſh ſtripe down the back, Herbaria. Wings green with a black dot in the middle. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Heaa and antennce white: thorax green; abdomen cinereous: wings paler beneath without the dot. Brunnearia Wings deep yellow with a black margin above and 2 black ſtreaks beneath. Inhabits Italy; ſmall, tender. Fuliginaria Wings black with white bands; beneath grey with brown bands. Inhabits Shrubberies of Sweden. Minutaria, Wings cinereous with brown ſtreaks and band behind. Inhabits Italy; minute black. Pygmaria. Wings cinereous, the baſe brown terminated by a black ſtreak. Inhabits Kiel; ſmall. Upper-wings cinereous behind the baſe with a brown ſtreak or two, beneath cinereous with a central brown lunule. a b. Antenna ſetaceous. Politata, Wings angular tailed yellow ; upper-pair with 2 punctured rufous bands. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 12. tab. Between the bands at the thicker margin is a brown lunule with rufous dots. 139. E. Caudata. Wings angular tailed white with brown bands and 3 black . dots near the tail. Inhabits Java. Cramer, 9. tab. 104. D. Letata. Wings tailed green with a marginal brown band which on the upper-pair is bifid at the tip. Inhabits Faſt India. Lower-wings with a green ſpot in the margin. Faſciata. Wings angular plumbeous with a ſnowy band. . Inhabits India, Antennae yellow. Upper-wing's yellowiſh at the thicker margin: lower-wings with 2 black ſpots ſurrounded with a yellow ring behind the band. Angulata 248 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. Angulata. Wings angular tailed with larger and Imaller grey ſtreaks, and a black dot near the tail. Inhabits Africa, ſmall tender. Body white : lower-wings with 2 lateral ſmaller dots near the larger one : beneath all white. Cyngta. Wings angular varied with brown white black and fulvous, lower-ones beneath white. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 2. tab. 14. C, D. Upper-wings brown, white in the middle, tipt with black and ſpotted with fulvous : lower.ones brown, black in the middle, ſpotted with fulvcus with a flexuous whitih ſtreak, the tip whitiſh, Arenata. Wings angular, above immaculate, beneath with brown ſtreaks and ſpecks. Inhabits Tranquebar. Lower-wings beneath ſpeckled with brown with a ſtreak before the middle, then another of dots then a few waves. a Regulata. Wings angular cinereous with a brown patch on the upper- pair. Inhabits Drofil. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Benks. Upper-vinos emarginate, with an abbreviated brown band at the thicker margin, the notch with a brown lunule; beneath cine- reous ſpeckled with brown and 3 brown ſtreaks, the tip a little yellowiſh; lower-wings cinereous with a ſmall brown dot in the middle, and a waved marginal brown ſtreak; beneath 2 brown ſtreaks a few ſpecks and dot in the middle, the tip yellowiſh. * Falcata. Wings falcate fulvous with 2 brown dots between 2 yellow ſtreaks. Inhabits England. Wien. Verz. 64, 4. Upper-swings with a brown patch towards the tip: lower-oses paler. Beneath all immaculate. Flexulata. Wings emarginate grey with a brown dots between 2 whitiſh ftreaks Inhabits Germany. Hybx. Beytr. 1. tab. 4. Z. Body grey: head brown: indentation of the wings fulvous ; lower-wings grey with a white ſtreak and brown central dot. Beneath all reddiſh with a black dot. a Mantata. Wings angular brown with a darker band and on the upper-pair a black ocellar dot. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 1. tab. 10. fig. F. Dot in the middle of the upper wings with a ferruginous iris. Liturata INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom 249 turata. Wings angular varied with grey and yellow ; upper-pair with a white ſpot in the middle and marks near the rib. Inhabits India. Body beneath white. Upper-wings with a large blackiſh fpot ſurrounded with a ſnowy arch at the hind-margin. Beneath all cinereous with a cen- tral black dot. Glarcata. Wings angular indented cinereous with 2 pale ferruginous itreaks and dot in the middle and ſtreak of dots beneath. Inhabits Barrary; large Antennae fnowy: body white downy: lower-wings with a ſingie ſtreak only. Beneath all paler ſpeckled with brown and a ſtreak of 6 or 7 cheſnut-brown ſpots. Nerrata. Wings angular indented green ; lower-ones with a white ſpot in the middle. Inhabits America. Cramer. 13. tab. 151. F. Thorax yellow: abdomen rufous, yellow at the baſe: all the swings angular, ſpeckled with brown and with a ferruginous hind-margin. Phylirata. Wings angular green with a ſubocellar fulvous ſpot. Inhabits Surinan. Cramer. 15. tab, 170. D. All the wings with a fine fulvous margin. Demandata Wings ſubangular yellowiſh with 3 brown ſtreaks and a black dot in the middle. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz, 104, 10. All the wings finely ſpeckled with purple. Explanata. Wings indented ferruginous with a brown band in which is a black dot. Inhabits China. Wings terminated by a whitiſh ſtreak and a black waved one. a Rhamnatas Wings indented browniſh with a darker indented band in the module in which is a black lunule; beneath a brown dot and ſtreak. Inhabits tiria. Wien Verz. 109, 2. Larva green with a brown dorial line, the edges of the ſegments yellow, head brown. * Dubitara. Wings indented waved with brown 'grey and black, the nerves dotted with white. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, vii. tab. 246 figo 2. VOL. III.--21 Upper- 250 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. Upper-wings with a darker band in the middle: lower-wings grey with a dull ferruginous margin, the nerves dotted with white. Larva green with brown and pale lines and a lateral yellow one. а Cinerata, Wings fubangular cinereous with 4 brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Germany. Body brown. Wings beneath cinereous with obſolete white ſtreaks. *Dimidiata Wings indented, yellow before and brown behind. I habits En land In the collection of Mr. Mosfor Wings rounded indent, the firſt half yellow niti brown ſpecks dot and 2 itreaks, lower-half brown. Irrorato. Wings indented yellow ſpeckled with brown; beneath a brown ſtreak and band behind. Inhabits India. All the wings beneath yellowiſh with a brown lunule in the middle and broad brown band bchind. Flevata. Wings indented yellow with a brown band behind. Inhabits Eaſt L.dia. Body yello: antennae blackiſh: all the wings beneath with a pale ferruginous dot in the middle ana marginal band, the lower-ones with a yellow ſpot in the margin. Carinato, Wings indented varied with yellow and brown with an angular black ſtreak. I habits Eaſt India. Cramer. 11. tab. 128. F. Upper-wings with 2 black ſpots in the middle. *Virida:o: Wings angular ; all green with a pale ſtreak. Inhabits Europe. Harris lef. 7. tab. 3. fig. emi. Larva fleſh-colour with a darker line down the back, head and neck 2-toothed. Furvata. Wings indented grey-brown with a broad indented darker band. Inhabits Auhria. Hybn. Beytr. 4. tab. 2. fig. 1. Antennae ferruginous within : wings with an obſolete pale ſtreak behind the band. Beneath all darker at the baſe and paler at the tip. Larva livid with fleſh-colour waves and black dots, behind are 3 pair of ſmall teeth the middle one leſs. Lividata. Wings indented grey with black waves and a ſubocellar dot in the middle. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. 251 Inhabits Auſtria, Wien Verz 108, 3. Wings beneath cinereous with a waved black ſtreak at the tip. Larva brown dotted with white, 2-toothed behind, head cinc. Teous. @bfcurata. Wings indented grey with obſolete paler waved ſtreaks. Inhabits Sweden, on the Myrtilius. Baſe of the upper-wings a little brownih. **Strigata. Wings indented cinereous with a broad brown band in which is a waved black ſtreak. Inhabits England. In the collection of Mr. Francillon. ' Body cinereous : upper wings with a black dot in the middle and terminal band at the tip: lower-win s deep y indented, cinere- ous with tranſverfe brown lines, in the middle a broad brown band in which is a black ſtreak. Beneath cinereous with a brown dot on the upper-pair and a brown dot and ſtreaks on the lower-ones, a ta, Calcantho- Wings rounded indented brown marbled; all with a broad flexuous paler marginal ſtreak. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. * Notała. Wings angular pale with 3 browner ſtreaks, upper-pair with 4 approximate dots. Inhabits Europe. Clerk Icon tab. 6. fig. 11. Pulchellata Wings angular whitiſh with an obſcure dot in the middle and marginal band. Inhabits Eaſt India. Upper-wings with 2 larger black dots near the tip joined by a fine ſtreak, the margin darker with a ſtreak of black lunules: lower-wing's with a black dot in the middle, marginal waves and ſtreak of lunules behind. Beneath all whitish with a black dot in the middle and 2 ftreaks behind. Nitata. Wings ſlightly indented dull grey, beneath paler with a brown dot and band. Inhabits Germany; fmall. All the wings waved above with a few obſolete black ſpecks. Areata. Wings angular ſnowy; upper-pair with a marginal brown ſpot ; lower-ones with 4 approximate brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 5. tab, 56. D. Sponfaia. 252 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geon. Sponfata. Wings angular brown-aſh varied with fulvous, in the mid- dle a tranſparent white ſpot and coſtal dots. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Body grey with fulvous ſpecks : upper-wings with darker waved ſtreaks and fulvous ſpots near the rib, a larger one in the mid- dle and in this a large tranſparent lunule, beſides theſe are 5 ſnowy dots on the rib: lower-wings with a fulvous ſpot in the middle. Beneath all whitiſh with a waved brown ſtreak and hind-margin. Luſcata. Wings angular brown; upper-pair with a darker band in which is an ocellar whitiſh ſpot. Inhabits Cayenne. Upper-wings with 2 black dots towards the tip : lower-wings with 3 paler ſtreaks. 3 Beneath all brown with a whitiſh ocel- lar ſpot on the upper-pair. a Decorata. Wings ſubangular cinereous; upper-pair with 3 yellow bands, lower-ones with a ſingle one, all with a gold edge. Inhabits Jamaica. In the collection of Mr. Yeates, The third band on the pper wings is common and terminating at the thicker margin by a gold dot, the margin terminating in a rufty-brown ſtreak : lower - uings with an abbreviated black ſtreak at the angle of the tail, behind the band is a ſale fulvous ſpot with a contiguous ſmaller-one and a gold dot. Beneath all cinereous : abdomen cinereous, the edges of the fegments yel- low, Porata. Wings pale with rufous ſpecks, all with an ocellar white dot. Inhabits Europe. Wien. L'erz. 107. 2. The ocellar dot with a black iris ; hind-margin dotted with black. Beneath all paler immaculate. Larva green with lateral rufous lines and dots: * Emarge. Wings emarginate pale with 2 grey bands and a brown nu.iu. dot. Inhabits Europe. Clerk, Phal. tab. 4. fg. 12. Bicoloralu. Wings ftriate blueiſh ; tip of the upper-pair black ſpotted with white. Inhabits Surinam, Craner. 12, tob. 143. A. I borax brown cotted with white: abuomen brown. Grafi- INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalana. Geom. 253 *Großula. Wings which with round black ſpots and 2 yellow ſtreak riata. on the upper-pair Inhabits Europe. Donovan, i. tab. 4, Albin. tab. 43. fig. 71. Merian Europ. 1. tab. 29. Wilks tab. 2. a 1. Abdomen pale fulvous with black ſpots. Larva a little hairy, above cinere us with black ſpots, beneath yellow : pupa folliculate black with yellow bands. Gravidata. Wings yellow with fulvous fpecks; upper-pair with about 3 brown bands, lower-pair with one. Inhabits Tranquebar. Head yellow with 2 roſy ſpots : antennae yellow, longer than the body: thorax yellow: lower-swings beneath roſy at the tip. Rojata. Wings rounded, both ſurfaces alike, roſy ſpotted with yel- low. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer. tab. 368. fig. F. Head roſy : thorax roſy before : legs long yellow. *Undulata. All the wings with numerous crowded undulate ftreaks. Inhabits Europe. Harris Inf. tab. 2. fig. 5. 6. Heſperata. Wings rounded, both ſurfaces alike, blueiſh with a broad white band. Inhabits India. Cramer 5. tab. 56. C. Flaveolata, Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, black with a common yel. low crenate dilk. Inhabits India. Cramer 8. tab. 88. C. * Populaia. Wings pale yellow ; upper-pair ſubfaciate at the tip, be- neath darkened with brown. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Phal, tab. 5. fig. 14. 15. Pyraliata. Wings yellow with 4 waved brown ſtreaks, the hinder-one , compoſed of ſpots. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz, 117. 1. Upper wings beneath with a brown dot in the middle ftreak be- hind and dot at the tip : lower wings above paler with a brown ſtreak, beneath a brown dot in the middle and 2 ſtreaks, * Comia:a. Upper-wings yellowiſh with 3 grey bands, a brown dot and line at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 112. 2. 3. Larva varied with green and ferruginous, head pale with 2 brown lines. *L'lmata. 254 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. *Ulmata. Wings white with 2 ferruginoos-brown bands, the hinder- one compoſed of ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Panz. 4. tab. 22. Sepp. 6. tab. 3. Donovan's Engliſh Infects ix. tab. 293. fig. 1. All the wings beneath white with brown ſpots. Larva green with black lines, head and tail black : pupa folli- culate blueifh. Colorata. Upper-wings yellowiſh with darker bands and a teftaceous ſpot at the tip edged with white. Inhabits Zealand, Lower-wings - cinereous with darker ſtreaks. Beneath upper pair browniſh with a yellowiſh rib, lower-ones cinereous with a brown dot in the middle and 2 ſtreaks. a Dealbata. Wings white with black veins beneath. Inhabits Germany. Sulz. Hift. Inf. tab. 23. fig. 3. Aurata, Wings rounded fulvous with gold dots and a gold ſtreak behind. Inhabits Suriuam. Cramer. 5, tab. 53. F. * Prunata. Wings grey-brown with 2 pale flexuous bands, the poſterior one nearly terminal. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 233 fig i. Lower-wings cinereous with white waved ſtreaks behind. Larva cinereous with rufous ſpots on the back, legs rufous, collar black. 1. Cratega. Wings deep yellow with 3 ferruginous ſpots on the rib 3 of the upper-pair, the middle one ſomewhat filvery. Inhabits Europe. Wilks. tab. 1. b. 4. Clerk. phal. t.5.f. 15. Larva grey with a double tubercle on the back: pupa folliculate brown with ferruginous ſpots. Aurantiata Wings ferruginous-brown with cinereous ſtreaks : lower. ones orange with a central brown ſpot. Inhabits Germany. Frank. Beytr. 2 tab. 1. Lower-wings with brown ſpecks and margin. Beneath urper. pair orange with brown ſpecks and ſtreak behind. * Ferrugi- Wings orange with brown ſpots waves and ſtrcaks and a line of white dots along the anterior margin. Phalana aurantiago. Donovan, v. tab. 150.fig, 2. Inhabits Fngland, on the Oak. nafa. Thorax INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. 255 Thorax orange : body cream-colour: lower-wings cream-colour with a darker flexuous ſtreak and margin. Equeftrata. All the wings black with a fulvous band. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz. 115. 14. Antennae thick black : body black. Atrata. Wings black ; upper-pair with a fulvous band ; lower-ones immaculate. Inhabits Cayenne. Ph. dimidiata. Fabric. n. 179. ܪ Lucidata. Wings dull blue with a ſtreak of gold dots. Inhabits Surinam. Cremer 11. tab. 128. D. Pudorata. Upper-wings roſy with a broad yellowiſh band. Inhabits Barbary. Body yellowiſh, beneath roſy: upper-wings with an obſolete yel. low ſtreak behind : lower-wings yellow with a rofy patch near the tail and hind-margin. * Margina- All the wings white, the exterior margin with a brown interrnpted border. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. ix. tab. 293. fig. 2. Wings with ſometimes a few black ſpots on the diſk. Miata. Wings grey with 3 green bands, the middle one broader and 3 waved with brown. Inhabits Europe, Clerk. Pbal. tab. 8.fig. 2. Rubidata. Upper-wings brown with 2 ferruginous bands. Inhabits Auſtria. Wieu.Verz. 113.22. Upper-wings cinereous at the thinner margin. Cerulata. Wings dull green with brown bars and 2 blue bands, . Inhabits Hamburgh. Head and thorax greeniſh: abdomen cicereous. Rufata. Wings cinereous, behind ferruginous with a white ſtreak and black marginal dots. Inhabits Europe. Hybn. Beytr. 2.tah. 2. fig, k. Body cinereous : wings cinereous at the baſe with 2 or 3 rufous dots. Hirtata, Wings brown with a darker ſtreak connected with a brown one. Inhabits Italy, Body 256 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæ na. Geom. . a Body black : head very hairy : wings brown-cinereous with an indiſtinct black dot in the middle, behind his a waved darker ſtreak ending in cinereous behind, hind-margin dotted with black. Spartiata. Wings oblong brown with a whitish fillet; lower-ones cinereous. Inhabits Germany. Fyefl. Arch. 2. tab. 5. Upper wings with a whitiſh ſtreak behind. Larva green or yellow with a white lateral line : pupa pale fer- ruginous. Berberata. Upper wings cinereous with 3 brown bands, the hinder- one waved with black. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz. 113. 23. Upper.wings ending in a black line at the tip: lower-wings cine- Larra rough varied with brown rufous and white. reous. * Decafata Wings cinereous with 4 black ſtreaks, the 2 middle ones flexuous and croſſing each other. Inhabits England. Donovan, viii. tab. 266. fig. 3. Lower-cuvings with a few waved black lines. ta * Albicilla. Wings whitiſh with a brown margin and ſpot at the baſe and tip. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab. 202. fig. 1. Larva green, the fore and hind ſegments with a ferruginous la- teral line, middle-ones with a ferruginous dorſal lunule : pupa naked brown. Illibata. All the wings white immaculate. Inhabits Auftrie. Wien Verz. 116, 5. * Hastata. All the wings white irregularly barred and ſpotted with black. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv. tab. 129. fig. 1—3. Larva reddiſh brown with lateral flexuous yellow ſpots : pupa folliculate reddiſh-brown. *Triflata. All the wings black with 2 white immaculate bands. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Phal. tab. 1. fg. 13. *Clathrata All the wings yellowiſh with black lines and ſtreaks croſſ- ing each other. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, vii, tah. 248. fig. 3. Diverſate. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. 257 Diverfata All the wings brown-cinereous with white lines and ſtreaks in various directions. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz. 107. 7. Averfate. Wings pale with a brown ſtreak at the baſe band in the middle and dot. In habits Europe. Clerk. Phal, tab. 5. fig. 7. 5 2. Wings upper-pair grey; with a brown ſtreak and dot. Margin of the wings a little dotted with black. a Clavellata. Wings cinereous with 2 waved brown ſtreaks and ſubocel- lar dot. Inhabits Italy. Wings beneath whitiſh with a brown dot in the middle. Syerata. Wings rounded black with a ferruginous ſtreak; upper-pair cinereous at the thicker margin. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 2. tab. 19. F. Body cinereous: abdomen black. Afinata. Wings grey-cinereous immaculate. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz, 116. 2. * Chero- phyllata. Black ; wings erect ; upper-pair white at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 233. fig. 4. * Procellata Upper-wings white with 3 brown bands, the middle-one 3 reaching half way acroſs, the hind-one marginal with a white ſpot in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab. 202. fig. 3. Lower-wing's white edged and ſtreaked with brown : head and thorax brown: abdomen whitiſh. *Fluktuata. Wings pale cinereous with 3 abbreviated brown bands on the upper pair. Inhabits Europe. Merian. Europe. tab. 120. Obliquata. Wings dull cinereous with 3. oblique cheſnut-brown ſtreaks, Inhabits France ; fmall.. Lower-wings cinereous with a brown ſtreak behind, Reticulata. Upper-wings brown reticulate with white. Inhabits Sufiria. Wien. Verz. 114. 3. Lozer-wings dull cinereous with whitiſh ſtreaks at the tip. VOL-III 2 K Sordidata 258 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. Soridata. Wings greeniſh ſpeckled and ſtreaked with brown, with a black dot behind. Inhabits Kiel. Firſt ſtreak on the upper-wings ſlender, 2 longer flexuous, 3, 4 abbreviated, 5 towards the tip ſinuate with an adjoining oblong black dot : beneath cinereous with a greeniſh rib and ſpotted with brown. * Bilineata. Wings yellow with teſtaceous waves and brown flexuous band and white ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe Donovan viii. tab. 217. fig. 3: . Larva greenith nearly immaculate and ſometimes with white lines. Bimaculata Wings white; upper-pair with 2 brown ſpots on the rib. inhabits Germany. Hybn. Beytr. 4. tab. 4. fig. Y. . Boay white: antennæ black : wings with a few brown ſpecks. Beneath all white with a brown central dot. Aubigindra Wings frowy with 2 ferruginous bands, the hinder-one Teaching half way acroſs and containing a ſubocellar black dot. Inhabits datria. Sulz. Inf. tab. 23. Hind-margin brown with a white ſtreak. а C Wings whitiſh with a brown ſpot on the rib including a black lunule. Inhabits Muftria. Wien. Verz. 114. 7. Upper wings with a few brown ſpecks : lorver-wings white with a black dot in the middle. Larva green {potted with red. Adustata. Upper-wings whitiſh with 2 brown bands, the hinder-one flexuous with cinereous waves. Inhabits sufiria. Wien. Verz, 114, 9, Larva green with a marginal white ſpot dotted with red. *Volutata. All the wings green with 2 white ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Harris. Inf. tab. 8, fig. 8. Fimbriata Wings plumbeous with a brown band edged with yellow and containing a black dot. Inhabits Germany. Schaeff, Icon. tab. 80. fig. 6.7. Body lead-colour: upper wings with a few brown dots behind and patch at the tip: lower-wings and all beneath cinereous. Larva green annulate with yellow, with an oblong ferruginous ſpot on the neck : pupa green, ferruginous before, Quadri INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. 259 Quadrifaf- Wings grey-brown with a broad blackish band in which is ciata. a black fubocellar dot. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz. 112.6. Upper-wings darker behind with an obſolete whitiſh ftreak: be- neath whitiſh with a central black dot and ſtreaks. Propugnata Upper-wings cinereous with 2 ferruginous bands, the hind- one edged with black, Inhabits Austria, Wien. Verz. 112.7. Lower-wings cinereous waved with brown at the tip. Fulvata, Upper-wings grey with a reddiſh finuate band in the mid- dle. Inhabits Sweden. Upper-rings with a reddiſh patch at the baſe : lower-swings cine. reous, a Ocellata. Wings whitiſh with a broad brown band in which is a ſub- ocellar black dot. Inhabits Germany, Wien. Verz. 113. 14. Larva brown with lateral whitiſh lines, * Lynceata. Wings rounded white with 2 brown bands and a dot at the tip. Inhabits England, Abdomen white with brown dots on the back ; upper-wings with a brown band at the baſe, in the middle is a broader one con- taining a black dot, towards the tip a black dot: lower-wings white with a brown dot in the middle. a Rusticata. Wings whitiſh with a broad brown band on the upper-pair all with a black central dot. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 113. 13. Upper-wings with a black dot in the band : lower-wings whitiſh with a black dot in the middle. Rivulata. Wings whitiſh with 2 black bands, the laſt terminal, Inhabits Germany. Head and thorax brown: abdomen cinereous with 2 erect ſhort tufts on the back: upper-wings white at the baſe with an ob- folete brown patch near the rib, the hind-margin brown with obſolete white ſpots : lower-wings duky: beneath white with a brown dot in the middle and 2 bands. Avellinate. Wings yellow-teſtaceous with an obfolete darker band in the middle. Inhabits Austria, Lower-wings paler, 2 K2 Atomata 260 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. Atomata, Wings yellow with ferruginous fpecks and 2 common ſtreaks. Inhabits Germany; ſmall. Body yellowiſh: upper-wings wtth 2 ferruginous coftal ſpots, one before the other behind the ſtreaks. Fanata, Wings cinereous; lower-ones above brown with a white band and 3 dots. Inhabits India. Upper-wings with 2 remote darker ſtreaks. * Erumata Wings yellowiſh with a black ſtreak and paler behind ; fe- male apterous brown. Inhabits Europe. Degeer, Inf Degeer, Inf 1. tab. 24. fig. 11-19. Female thick, with very fhort rounded cinereous wings with a black band before the margin. Larva green with pale lines. Limariata Upper wings with ferruginous and cinereous bands and a broad brown band in the middle, the tip ſpotted with brown. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. U13 10. In the brown band is a central black dot, and a brown ſpots in the 2 hinder ferruginous band : lower-wings varied with brown and cinereous. Larva yellow with red ſpots on the back and red legs. Exspefiata Wings rounded green with a ferruginous margin. Inhabits Afia Both ſurfaces alike. Ventilata, Upper-wings dull cinereous with a double black patch in the middle; lower-ones whitiſh. Inlibits Germany. Body brown: hind margin of the upper-wings dotted with black : lower-wings above immaculate with an obſelete brown band beneath. ato, *Chenipodi - Upper-wings tcftaceous with 3 grey bands, a brown pro 3 minent dot and line at the tip obove. Inhabits Europe. Albin, Inf. tab. 47. fig. 79. Larva naked greeniſh or marked with brown lines, the fegments angular : pupa folliculate yellowiſh. Centumne- Wings varied with ferruginous and brown with a grey band in the iniddle in which is a black e. Inhabits tata INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalxna. Geom. 261 2 Inhabits Germany. Naturf. 6. tab 4. fig. 4. Wings brown at the baſe with a broad grey band in tlte middle in the centre of which is a black e, then a waved black itreak forming a band near the rib, then a broader ferruginous band terminating at each end in a white ſtreak, the hind-margin brown dotted with black : lower-wings cinereods with a black ſtreak and dot in the middle. Marmorata Upper-wings varied with brown white and ferruginous; lower-ones cinereous. Inhabits Italy. Body brown: abdomen cinereous : upper-wings brown at the baſe with white and ferruginous itreaks, in the middle white varied with brown, the tip brown varied with white and fer- ruginous: beneath whitiſh, lower-ones with a brown dot in the middie and waved ſtreak. Strignlata. Wings brown with abbreviated white waved ſtreaks and ſpot on the rib. Inhabits Zealand. Wings beneath cinereous, lower-ones with brown freaks and dot in the middle. Lineolata. Wings cinereous with a darker band in the middle mar- ked with a black lunule before and white ſtreak behind Inhabits Italy. Boly brown': upper wings fpeckled with brown with an obſolete darker ſtreak at the baſe : lower-wings white with a black mar- ginal ſtreak Mvepata Wings cinereous ſpeckled with brown with a brown ocellar dot in the middle, the margin dotted with black. Inhabits Italy Body cinereous: upper-wings with an abbreviated brown ſtreak behind the ocellar dot compoſed of 4--5 dots. * Flexaple- Upper-wings varied with grey and brown; lower ones pata. whitiſh with an additional pair of wings at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab '192. . Uiper-wing's grey with brown waves, the middle a little paler with a brown lunule: lower-wings (of the male) with a pair of rounded white immaculate fpurious wings at the baſe. Beneath all cinereous with a brown dot in the niddier * Duplicata Upper-wings grey with 3 brown flexuous bands. 3 Inhabits Evrope. Donovan. vii. tab. 233. fg. 3. Schaeff. 262 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. Schaff Icon, tab. 12. fig. 1, 2. Clerk Icos. tab. 6. fig. 1. Lower-wings cinereous; all beneath cinereous with a central black dot. Larva varied with brown and ferruginous with a yellowiſh lateral line, Lunulata. Wings brown with yellow waved ſtreaks behind. Inhabits Germany Upper-wings dotted with yellow on the fore-margin, towards the hind-margin a ſtreak of 3 yellow lunules, the margin itſelf dotted with yellow: lower-cwings with 3 waved yellow ſtreaks, the hind-margin dotted with yellow. Beneath all cinereous at the baſe, the tip darker with pale ſtreaks. Alche- millata. Wings browniſh; upper-pair waved, with a ſnowy band with cinereous waves and line within the tip. Inhabits Europe. Degeer Inf. 1. tab. 22. fig. 16. Larva ſmooth green with yellow bands and a white lateral line. Flammata, Wings yellow with 4 brown ſtreaks on the upper-pair and 4 2 on the lower-ones. Inhabits Italy. Body brown. Upper-wing's ſpeckled with brown. Beneath paler with z brown Itreaks and ſpecks. Pfittacate. Upper-wings green with black waves and 2 bands varied with cinereous and ferruginous. Inhabits Austria, Wien. Perz. 112, 8. Lower wings brown. beneath cinereous with a brown dot and ſtreaks, Luctuata. Upper-wings Upper-wings greenish-brown with 2 white bands and a central black dot. Inhabits Saxony. Lower-wings cinereous with a brown central dot and ſtreaks, Rectangu- Wings green fubfaſciate with brown, lata, Inhabits Europe, Clerk Icon tab. 8. fig. 6. Upper-wings green with brown ſpecks ſtreaks and abbreviated bands, towards the tip an oblong black dot: lower-wings ci- nereous. Beneath cinereous with a green rib and brown bands on the upper pair, and a darker dot and curve on the lower- Larve pale green with a dull purple line down the back. ones. * Succentit. Wings whitiſh with a darker border and black dot. riata. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Phal. tab. 5. fig. 2. Ferrugata INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalæna. Gcom. 263 Ferrugata. Wings purpliſh with cinereous waves and a double brown ſpot behind. Inhabits Europe, on the Alfina media, Wien. Verz. 113, 11. Larva grey with a brown lateral line. Pofticata. Wings blackiſh, the hind-margin cinereous marked with black. Inhabits Denmark. Body yellowiſh: upper-wings with an obſolete pale band at the baſe: lower-wings and all beneath cinereous, * Maculata. All the wings yellow with brown ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 251. fig. 3. Moniliata. All the wings cinereous with black ſtreaks and a brown band behind in which is a cinereous moniliform ſtreak. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 117, 10. Upper-wings with 4, lower-ones with 3 black ſtreaks, the margin dotted with black. Euphor- All the wings browniſh-grey immaculate. biata. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. v. tab. 153. fig. 1. Levigata. Wings grey with a brown band ſtaeak and marginal dots. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 117, 10. Body minute grey. a * Puntata Wings rounded ſnowy; upper-pair with a brown dot in the middle, the margin dotted with black. Inhabits England. Wien. Verz. 116,7. Body ſnowy immaculate : antennae rufous beneath: lower-wings white immaculate. Venoſata. Wings hoary with black ſtreaks and nearly anaſtomoſing whitiſh waved bands. Inhabits Auſtria; ſmall. Margin of the upper-rings ftriate with black. * Murinata Wings cinereous with 3 darker ſtreaks; all with a central black dot. Inhabits England. In the collection of Mr. Francillon. Body cinereous: upper-wings with a black dot buts een the firft and ſecond ſtreak : lower-wings with 2 ſtreaks only and a black dot between them. Beneath all paler with a black dot in the middle and ſtreak behind. Innata. 264 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. Tumata Wings grey with 2 brown ſtreaks and a dot between them, the hinder-ſtreak annexed to a white one. Inhabi's France. Body cincreous : lower-wings pale with a whitiſh ftreak. Niedieta. All the wings grey with darker waves, a black dot in the middle aud a treak of them at the margin. Inhabiis Germany. Un Verz. 117, 4. Satiata. Wings deep yellow, with a broad brown band, in the middle of which is a recurved tooth. Inhabits Europei Harri irj iab. 35. fig. 1. body yellowih i wigs Lounded incumbent; upper-pair with an oblolete band at the base, a broader and darker one in the middle branching out a recurved tooth; the tip with a brown patch and cinereous ſpot; lower-ones whiie. Sagittata. Wings browrilh with 2 black bands edged with white, the hinder-one sending out a tooth. Inhabits Auria, Uzey wings brown with a mixture of ferruginous : lower-wings cinerceus with a paler ſtreak. Omicate. Wings white fpeckled and ſtreaked with black, the tip darker with a ſtreak of white dots, Inhabits Italy; ſmall whitiſh. Margin of the upper--wings dotted with black. Beneath all aliko but paler. Luteasc. Wings pale yellow with ferruginous bands and a fulvous dot in the middle. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz, 118.10. Obfipata. Wings dull cinereous with a white dot in the middle. Inhabits Barbarys Wings beneath pale without the central dot, Centrala. Wings yellow with brown waves, upper-pair with a cen- tral black dot. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz. 117, S. Antennee ſhort white: upper-wings with numerous anaſtomoſing darker bands: lower-wings with numerous waved brown bands. Beneath all alike but paler. Cinerata. Wings cinereous with a central brown dot, the hind-margin waved with brown. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. 265 Inhabits Germany Wien. Verz. 117, 13. Both ſurfaces of the wings alike. Fuſcata. Wings browniſh with obfolete whitiſh bands. Inhabits Zealand ; ſmall The Bands on the wings are more diftinct beneath. Coarctata. Wings cinereous with approximate bands and ſtreaks. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz, 108, 9. Upper-wings with a diftinét dot in the middle : lower-ones cine- reous, ſtreaked at the margin: a Ornata. Wings ſnowy with a brown dot in the middle and waved hind-margin Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz. 117, 14. Reſembles Ph. cinerata but the wings are whiter and the hind- margin not ſo black. ta. * Purpura. Wings greeniſh with 2 purple bands on the upper-pair. Inhabits Europe. Scheff. Icon, tab. 205. fig. 4, 5. Rubricata. Wings purpliſh with waved brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 110, 19. All the wings with 4 Atreaks, the laſt paler; beneath alike but the ſtreak at the baſe is wanting. Ochreata. Wings yellowiſh with numuerous darker ſtreaks. Inhabits Austria Wien. Vers, 110, 20, Brunneata. . All the wings fulvous immaculate. Inhabits Kiel; ſmall. Testata. Wings teſtaceous; lower-ones cheſnut-brown with a brown marginal band Inhabits Georgia; ſmall. All the wings beneath cheſnut--brown. Corrigata. Wings fulvous with waved brown ferruginous ſtreaks. Inhabits Italy; fmall. Wing's alike beneath with a central black dot on the lower-ones. Immorata. All the wings greeniſh brown with white waved ſtreaks. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 107, 8. Larva brown with a reddiſh dorſal line and blueiſh lateral one. Extremata Wings whitiſh with a black band at the baſe lunule in the middle and ſpot behind Inhabits Aiffria; minute. VOL, III.--2 L. Scutata. a 266 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. Scutata. Wings cinereous with a brown dot in the middle and band of brown fubocellar dots behind. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 117, 12. Margin of the lower-wings dotted with black. Umbilicata. Wings rounded whitiſh with a black dot in the middle and at the tip Inhabits South American Iſlands. All the wings with a brown ſtreak behind. Beneath upper-pair dukky, lower-ones white with a brown dot in the middle. * Immutata. All the wings ſnowy with darker waved ſtreaks; the hind- margin dotted with black. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Phal. tab. 6. fig. 12. Remutata. Wings cinereous with 3 brown ſtreaks and dot in the mid- dle, the margin dotted with blackr Inhabits Denmark. Clerk Phal. tab. 5. fig. 12. Beneath paler with a white dot in the middle and waved brown ſtreaks on the lower-ones. Regenerata Wings fnowy with 4 brown ſtreaks, a black dot in the middle and marginal ſtreak of dots. Inhabits South American Iſlands, Oleata. Wings white with darker waves and black dot in the middle; upper-pair with a ferruginous rib. Inhabits Auftrie. Wien. Verz. 110. 20. Body cincreous: thorax ferruginous before. Albulata. Upper-wings ſnowy with darker waved ſtreaks. Inhabits Auſtria Wien Ve:z. 109, 12, Beneath, upper-wvings duſky; lower-ones white with a darker dot а and ſtreaks. Nafata. Upper-wings brown with a waved ſnowy band in the mid- dle in which is a brown ſtreak. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 109. 13. Lower-wings cinereous, beneath whitih edged with brown. Pufllata. Wings brown with cinereous waves and a black lunule in the middle. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 110, 26. All the wings beneath brown. Larva green with pale lines : pupa green. Minutate INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geoz. 267 Minutata. Wings whitiſh, the middle widely brown with an interrup- ted white ſtreak. Inhabits Saxony ; ſmall, Fulvata. All the wings red-ferruginous immaculate. Inhabits Cayenne, ſmall tender, Variegata. All the wings purple with yeilow ſpots and margin. Inhabits Hamburg. Schaeff Icon. tab. 259. fig. 4, 5. Body brown with a yellowiſh tail. Diaphana- Wings hyaline white dotted with black, the tip with abbre- viated fulvous ftreaks. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Cramer, 10. tab. 113. G. ta. Laterata. Wings greeniſh; upper-pair with a teſtaceous rib black dot and marginal ſtreak of black dots. Inhabits Africa. Cramer. tab. 120. A. Body greeniſh : mouth antennae and lateral line on the thorax ferruginous : lower-rwings with a marginal ftreak of black dots Beneath all immaculate. Cingulata All the wings brown with a ſnowy ſtreak. Inbabits Europe. Clerk Phal. tab. 2. fig. 10. Niveata. Wings ftriate ſnowy immaculate. Inhabits America. Body ſnowy : eyes brown. . Costata. Wings ſnowy with a ferruginous rib.on the upper-pair. Inbabits America. Feelers ferruginous. Stiftiate. Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, rufous, the margin black dotted with white. Inhabits Africa. Front fulvous: thorax black with 3 white dots: abdomen abore brown dotted with white, beneath fulvous. Capitata. Cinereous; head margin of the thorax and of the wings at the baſe ferruginous. Inhabits India, Æstuata. Blue-black ſpotted with white: Inhabits India. Thorax and abdomen blue with 4. white ſtreaks. Argentata. Wings yellow at the tip with 2 ſilvery ſtreaks on the up- per-pair; lower-ones with a quadruple black ſpot. 2 L 2 Inhabits 268 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. Inhabits China, Upper-wings filvery at the baſe with a large triangular brown spot: lower-wings ſilvery the tip yellowiſh with 4 finall ap- proximate black bronzed ſpots. Melata. Wings black ſpotted with white : tail rufous. Inhabits Ameica. Cramer, 2. tab. 18. D. Head and thorax black : abdomen black ſpotted with white : upper-rwings with 3 macular white bands, lower-ones with 2. 3 Sulpharara Wings yellow with ferruginous brown ſpots and hind- margin. Inhabits Cayenne. Body yellow with a whitiſh throat and brown tai Cerata, Wings yellow with 3 darker ſtreaks and a marginal ferru- 3 ginous one. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Thorax yellowiſh : addomen white: lower-wings with only one ſtrcak, Sinuata. Wings yellowiſh the exterior and hind-margin purple finu- ate. Inhabits Africa. Cramer. tab. 400.fig. I. Antennæ ferruginous; head and thorax purple : abdomen white: tail ferruginous : lorer-wings with 2 purple ſpots on the hind- margin. Beneath all alike but the margin is black. Gilvata. a a Upper-wings brown ferruginous; lower-ones yellowiſh with a marginal black band. Inhabits Eaſt India. Upper-wings with a darker ſpot or two in the middle: lower- . wings with a brown marginal band. Beneath all yellowiſh, roſy at the tip, with a tranſverſe brown ſpot in the middle of the upper-pair. Upper-wings purpliſh-brown with a large yellow ſpot ; lower-ones yellowiſh. Inhabits Tranquebar. Upper-rwings with 3 blackiſh ftreaks and a yellowiſh rib: lover- wings with 2 brown ſtreaks : head and thorax brown: abdomen yellowiſh : tail black with 3 white dots and fulvous at the tip, beneath ſnowy. Violata. a Marinata. Wings green with a white rib on the upper-pair. Inhabits Ea? India. Body above green beneath ſnowy. #Urtica. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom 269 * Urticata. Wings white with macular brown bands; thorax and tail yellow. Inhabits Europe. Albin. + 37. f.6o. Harris tab. 6. f. a. p. Larva 16 footed naked wbitiſh with a brown back and 2 dots on the collar; ſecretes itſelf within the leaves of the nettle which it rolls up: pupa folliculate cheſnut-brown. Perſpicara. Upper-wings ſhining brown with white hyaline bands: abdomen ſilvery with 2 black dots at the baſe. Inhabits Cayenne. Lower-wings white hyaline with 3 brown bands. Hiſpidata. Wings brown with 3 raiſed hairy dots on the diſk. 3 Inhabits Kiel. Lowor-wings brown. Funerata. Wings rounded black with 2 hyaline ſpots on the upper-pair and one on the lower. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. tab. 79. D, tab. 97. D. Securate. Wings brownish ; upper-pair cinereous at the baſe with a . black ſpot at the thinner margin. Inhabits Coromandel. Upper wings with 2 fulvous lines in the middle at the thicker margin, the tip brown, the hind-margin paler with a ſtreak of black dots; beneath brown: lower-wings brown, beneath cinereous. Correata. Wings ſhining brown with 3 darker ſtreaks and 2 white 13 fubocellar dots. Inhabits American Iſlands. Head and thorax brown, beneath ſnowy :'abdomen cinereous : lo-zer-wings brown with 3 darker ſtreaks. * Limbatu. Wings rounded yellow with a brown oceliar dot and hind- margin. Inhabits woods of Europe. Per alleia. Wings ſnowy with a gold rib and ſpot in the middle. . . Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir. 79. Banks. Iody white: mouth gold : lower-wings with a gold ſpot in the middle and ncarly obſolete ftacak behind. Anna!ata. a Wings ſnowy with a teſtaceous rib and 3 approximate Spots 2 of them cloſe to the rib. Inhabits Eaſt India. Bon 270 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. Body ſnowy: ſpots on the wings with a black iris : lower-wings with a darker ring in the middle terminated by a black dot and towards the margin a darker waved ſtreak. Repandata Wings pale aſh; upper-pair with 3 waved brown ſtreaks and dot in the middle. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien Verz. 120. 2. Body cinereous : abdomen whitiſh : lower-wings white hyaline with a flexuous brown ſtreak. Verbaſcata Wings yellowiſh ; upper-pair with 3 brown ſtreaks and dot in the middle. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 121.5. Margin of the wings brownish with a ſilvery fringe. a Ceminata. Wings white hyaline with a darker bifid ſpot at the baſe and kidney-ſhaped one in the middle, the hinder-mar- gindarker. Inhabits South America. Body hairy white, tail very much bearded : upper-wings with a brown lunule in the middle of the kidney-fhaped ſpot, on the hind-margin 2 approximate black dots : lower-rings whi- tiſh, Hyalinata Wings hyaline white ſurrounded with a black margin; tail yellowish. Inhabits America and Afa. Cram, tab. 371. D. Abdomen ſnowy: beard of the tail black. 1 *Paludata. Wings white with a brown band or two and black ocellar а dot in the middle. Inhabits Marſhes of England. Body ſnowy: eyes black : dot in the middle of the upper-wings with a white pupil: lower-wings ſnowy with a brown inter- rubted band. Beneath whitiſh. Potamogata Wings cinereous ſpotted with white; upper-pair obfoletely reticulate. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf. 2. tab. 32. fig. 11. * Stratiolota Wings with pale bands; upper-pair with 3 black dots. 3 Inhabits Europe . Degeer. Ins. 9. tab. 37. fig. 16--18. . Larvu aquatic 6-footed green with tufted lateral ſpiracles : pups folliculate, tapering both ways, ferruginous. Palustrata. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. 271 2 Palustrata Wings brown with yellowiſh ſpots and 2 macular yellowiſh ſtreaks at the tip. Inhabits France, in marſhy places. * Nymphae- Wings cinereous, all of them alike with reticulate white 1pots. Inhabits Europe, on the Nymphaea. Wien. Verz. 121. 13. ate, Uliginata. Wings cinereous with brown bands : lower-ones with a terminal black band in which are 5 white dots. Inhabits marſhes of Denmark. Lower-wings white with a broad brown band in the middle, then a black dot, then a terminal black band with 5 white dots, be- fore this band are a few waved brown ſtreaks. a a Inundata Wings varied with cinereous and ferruginous and ſtreaked with white; lower-ones with a black marginal ſtreak in which are 4 ſilvery dots. Inhabits Savannahs of America. Lower-wings fpeckled with brown. *Lemnata. Wings white; lower-ones with a terminal black band in which are 4 white dots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii. tab. 266, fig. 1, 2. Harris Inf. tab. 7. fig. 1-p. Male ſnowy : female ochre yellow. Sambucata Wings brown with ſcattered hyaline ſpots. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz, 124. 14. Wings with a flexuous yellowiſh macular ſtreak behind. Candidata Wings ſnowy with brown waved ſtreaks and 2 black dots. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 316.46. Upper-wings with a ſmall black dot at the baſe, behind are 3 wa- ved ſtreaks in the anterior of which is a double black dot : lower-wings white with 2 brown ſtreaks. Cribrata. Wings white ſpotted with black, the rib fpeckled. Inhabits East India; ſmall. Antenna white brownish beneath: upper--wings with 2 or 3 ab. breviated darker ſtreaks, the rib with numerous dots in a dou- ble row: lower-wings with a brown dot at the baſe and ſtreak in the middle, behind the middle is a black dot and another at the tip. Perſpectata a 272 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geon. Perſpectata Upper-wings grey with hyaline ſpots; lower-wings hyaline, the margin yellow with hyaline ſpots. Inhabits East India. Antennae longer than the body; hyaline ſpots on the hind-mar. gin ſurrounded with a brown ring. Beneath alike but pa- ler. Vitrata. Upper-wings duſky with a hyaline ſpot and 2 dots; lower- ones hyaline edged with brown. Inhabits Tranquebar. Upper-wings dirty yellowiſh: loaver-wings with brown freaks and broad brown margin. Elevata. Wings deep yellow dotted with brown, beneath immacu- late. Inhabits South America. Hind-margin of all the zvings with filvery fringe. Velotata, Wings fulvous, all tipt with brown; upper-pair with a brown band. Inhabits Rotterdam Iſland. In the collection of Sir Jof. Banks. Head and thorax brown : abdomen fulvous tipt with brown: upa per-wings with a brown hind-margin. Beneath alike. ta Tripuncta- Wings palith or yellow; upper-pair with 3 brown ſpots on the rib ; lower-ones with a brown det in the mid- dle. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Upper.wings with an obielete brown ſtreak or two, the tip brown- ifh. Beneath paler. Tittato. Wings whitiſh with a black fillet in the middle, the margin dotted with black. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Upper-wings with a darker dat in the middle, the rib black to. wards the tip. Revidata. Wings yellowiſh with 3 brown ſſreaks on the upper-pair and 2 on the lower-ones; beneath whitiſh immacu late. Inhabits Tranquebar ; reſembles the next. Indicata. Wings yellow with 3 waved brown ſtreaks on the upper and 2 on the lower-pair. Inhabits Scuth America, on the Dolichos. Uspero INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalæna. Gemo. 273 Upper-wings with a brown dot ni the middle : wings beneath browniſh at the tip. Larva ſlightly hairy, green with a pale head. Derogata. Wings white with numerous brown ſtreaks. Inhabits East India. Body white : eyes black. Ejectata. Wings varied with brown and yellow, with ſcattered hya- line ſpots. Inhabits East India. Beneath alike. Feneftrata. Wings white hyaline with numerous yellowilh ſtreaks. Inhabits American Iſlands ; ſmall. All the wings with 6 yellow ſtreaks and hind-margin, Diſcata. Wings yellowiſh with 3 brown ſubocellar ſpots on the diſk 3 aud 4 ſnowy ones on the rib. 4 Inhabits American Iſlands, Antennae as iong as the body : ſpots on the dik ſurrounded with a white ring c. Wings forked. Pyralis. Pyralis. Gmelin. 3 Marginalis Feelers recurved : wings black ; lower-pair with a yel- low margin. Inhabits Southern Europe. Hyba. Beytr. 1. tab-fig.k. * Ferinalis Feelers recurved ; wings poliſhed yellowiſh with white flexuous ſtreaks, the baſe and tip glaucous. In bran and meal. Clerk Phal. tab. 2. fig. 14. *Glaucina- Feelers recurved : wings glaucous with 2 brown flexuous lis. ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Phal. tab. 3. fig. 4. * Barbalis. Antennae pectinate longer than the feelers: fore-thighs with a projecting beard. On the Trifolium pratenſe. Clerk. Phal. tab. 5. f 3. Atennelis. Antennæ pectinate longer than the feelers : wings incun. bent cinereous with a whitiſh ſtreak behind. Inhabits Kiel; large. Feelers projecting fanceolate : rib of the upper-wings dotted with white : lower-wings whitiſh with a black ſpot at the tip. : VOL-JIL 2 M 274 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. Ventilabris Antennæ pectinate longer than the feelers; fore-Thanks with tufted hairs at the tip. Inhabits Carinthia. Wings grey with 3 waved brown ſtreaks : lower-ones cinereous with a fingle ſtreak, white at the end. Bombycelis. Antennæ pectinate longer than the feelers : wings grey- rufous with 2 whitiſh ſtreaks, lower-ones yellow edg- ed with black Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz, 120. 6. Rib of the apper-wings dotted with white: lower-wings yellow- iſh with a large black ſpot at the tip. *Tentacula Antennæ pectinate as long as the projected feelers ; wings ris, pale cinereous with brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 1. tab. 5. fig. 1. * Proboſci- Feelers projecting approximate longer than the thorax; dalis. wings grey with ferruginous ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Phal. tab. 5. fig. 4. Enfalis. Feelers projecting approximate longer than the thorax : wings grey with a ferruginous ſtreak in the middle and another behind of white dots. Inhabits Kiel; reſembles the laſt. Upper-vings beneath brown: lower-wings above cinereous be- neath whitiſh. Elongalis. Feelers projecting longer than the thorax; wings ſlightly . indented with waved-brown ſtreaks behind. Inhabits Tranquebar. Antennae fetaceous : head and thorax brown : abdomen cinereous: hind-margin of the upper-wings dotted with black; lower- wings and all beneath cinereous. Lancealis Foelers projecting approximate lanceolate ; wings grey im- maculate. Inhabits American Iſlands, Feelers longer than the thorax with a ſhort recurved one each fide befides. * Roftralis Feelers projecting longer than the thorax; wings greyiſh with muricate black dots and line at the tip. On the Carpinus and Humulus. Roes. 1, Phal. 4. tab. 6. Larve INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. 275 Larvanaked 14-footed, green with oblique white ſtripes and la. teral lines: pupa folliculate cheſnut. brown obtufe and cari. nate before. * Nemoralis Feelers recurved ; wings grey with 3 brown ſtreaks, the e middle one flexuous. Inhabits England. Harris. Ing. tab. 2. fig. 6.? Feelers as long as the thorax : firſt ſtreak on the wings ſtraight, ſecond flexuous, third oblique reaching from the angle of the tail to the tip between the firſt and ſecond ſtreak is a ſmall brown lunule, at the margin is a fine brown ſtreak: beneath a brown dot and ſtreak, the margin dotted with brown. Crafalis Upper-wings browniſh, the tip cinereous with ocellar black dots. Inhabits Auftria. Upper-wings ſpotted with white at the thinner-morgin. Alpeliralis Wings varied with black and blueiſh; lower-ones black. Inhabits Auſtria. Abdomen black with white angles : lower-wings black with a pa- lifh thinner margin. Bencath cinereous at the baſe and tipt with brown. *Palpalis Feelers projecting longer than the thorax: wings grey; lower.ones white at the thicker margin. Inhabits England. Antenne hardly pectinate : upper-wings immaculate. Porrectalis Feelers projecting longer than the thorax : wings brown. iſh with a reddiſh brown ſtreak in the middle. Inhabits American Iſlands; ſmall. Wings yellowiſh with a black dot in the middle and 2 white ones towards the tip near the rib: lower-ones and all beneath brown. *Forficalis Wings glabrous pale with oblique ferruginous ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf. 1. tab. 16. fig. 13. 14. Sophialis. Wings glabrous variegated with brown and cinereous; lower-ones cinereous with a brown hind-margin. Inhabits Aufiria. Lower-wings with a few white dots on the brown margin. Wings grey with 3 recurved brown ſtreaks, the laſt termi- Tristalis nal. Inhabits 276 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. Inhabits Italy. Upper wings grey ſpeckled with black with a nearly obſolete yel- lowiſh lunule in the middle : lower-wvings with 2 ſtreaks only. Bencath all with a ſingle ſtreak. a Variegalis Wings glabrous varied with brown and cinereous, with a diftinct brown band behind. Inhabits Austria. Lower-rwing's grey. Beneath, upper-pair brown, lower.ones whitiſh. Dimidialis Wings yellowiſh at the baſe, the tip purple with an abbre- viated green band. Inhabits East India. Head and thorax yellowiſh: abdomen frowy: antennae teftace- ous : lower-wings and all beneath duſky. Olliqualis. Wings pale with an oblique brown ſtreak and hind-mar- gin Inhabits South American Iſlands. Body whitiſh : lower-wings and all beneath whitiſh, the margin fomewhat brown. Diagonalis Wings brown with a black dot in the middle, the tip cine- reous with a black dot or two. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Antennae brown with a white baſe with a tuft of long hairs be- tween them: upper-wings with an oblique white ſtreak in the middle; beneath brown : lower-wing above brown beneath cinereous. Mctitalis, Wings pale cinereous with 2 brown dots and a ſtreak be- a hind, Inhabits Rotterdam Iſland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Bonks Lower-wings pale with a brown ſtreak at the tip. Bencaih all pale. Medialis. Wings grey with 2 black dots between 2 brown waved itreaks. Inhabits South American ands. Wings paler beneath with a black dots only. Duplicalis. Wings brown with 2 white waved ſtreaks ; rib of the up- per-pair with a reflected hairy baſe. Inhabits American Iſlands. Body cinereous : swings beneath cinerecus with a wbiter ſtreak. Undalis INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. 277 Undalis. Wings dull cinereous with 3 oblique waved frowy ſtreaks. Inhabits Italy. Body brown : hind-margin of the wings ſnowy with 6 pair of brown dots. lis. Margarita- Wings glabrous ; upper-pair yellowiſh with a ferruginous- brown tip. Inhabits Saxony. Wien. Verz. 123. 29. Upper-wings with brown ferruginous fpecks : lower-ones white. Sericealis. Wings glabrous yellow with a brown ſpot in the mid- dle. Inhabits India. Upper-wings ochraceous with a brown ſpot in the middle in which are 2 black dots, the hind-margin dotted with white : lower-one, paler. Trinalis. Wings glabrous yellow with 3 brown ſpots on the diſk and a brown hind-margin. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 314, 47. Lower-wings paler with a brown margin. • Verticalis Wings glabrous pale ſubfaſciate with brown, beneath wa- wed with brown. Inhabits Europe. Wilks pap. 24. tab. 3. a. 16. Larva 16-footed hairy with yellow head and legs : pupa brown, the 3 laſt ſegments with a ſmall tooth. Glabralis Wings glabrous pale with waved brown ſtreaks, above yellow beneath white. Inhabits Kiel. Upper-wings with 4 ftrcaks, lower-ones with 2: beneath whitiſh with brown ſtreaks, Peſialis. Wings glabrous pale obſoletely ſtreaked, the rib ferrugi- nous. Inhabits Eaſt India. Head and fore part of the thorax teſtaceous : wings beneath glo. ffy-white. * Salicalis. Wings cinereous with 3 oblique fulvous ſtreaks on the up- per-pair : antennæ pubefcent. Inhabits Europe Wien. Verz. 285. tab. 2. 6. fig. 5 b. Larva 14-fooưed naked green with a darker dorſal line : pupa ſhining black. Alpinalis. 278 INSECTS. . LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. Alpinalis. Upper-wings dull cinereous with a white ſpot in the mid- dle. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 123. 24. Lower-wings browniſh with a larger white ſpot. Beneath, up- per-pair brown with a white ſpot in the middle, lower-ones ſnowy with a brown hind-margin, Punctalis. Wings cinereous with a ſnowy dot in the middle and brown ſtreak behind, Inhabits Austria, Wien. Verz. 123. 25. Lower-wings and all beneath cinereous. Nitidalis. Wings brown with 2 yellow ſtreaks. Inhabits Auflria. Wien. Verz. 129. 36. Rib of the upper-wings purpliſh dotted with yellow between the ſtreaks : lower-wings brown with 2 pale ftreaks. Beneath brown with a marginal yellow ſpot on the upper-pair and an incurved pale ſtreak on the lower.ones. Obſoletalis Wings brown with an obſolete pale freak behind; lower- ones whitiſh beneath. Inhabits ltal. Upper-wings beneath brown with a pale border : lower-wings brown with a paler border, beneath immaculate. Cornicalis Feelers recurved ; wings cinereous with a whitiſh ſtreak behind ; antenna thicker in the middle. Feelers like horns : antennæ appearing as if they had been broken and joined again: upper-wings with a few darker treaks : luwer-wings and all beneath paler. Capitalis. Feelers projecting : wings brown with 2 pale ſpots: head 2-horned. Inhabits Tranquebar : ſmall. Antenna filiform flexuous with a large elevated horn-like tufts of browniſh hairs behind them : wings paler beneath. Dorſalis. Feelers recurved : wings cinereous with a dorſal brown line and band behind. Inhabits Braſil. In the muſeum of Sir. Yoj. Banks Upper-wings with a ſmall dots in the middle : lower-ones and be- neath cinereous immaculate. * Pingiuna. Feelers recurved ; wings cinereous fubfacicte with black at the thicker margin. Schaeff. Ic. tab. 6. f. 8.9. Recum. 3. t. 29. f.4--11. lis. A very INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. 279 А very common and troubleſome infeet in kitchens and larders, among butter bacon and fat of every kind, and is ſaid to have been found in human ſtomach. Larva 16-footed naked ſhining brown: pupa naked dull red- dith-brown. Ramalis. Feelers ſlightly recurved: wings olive with a pale indented band behind. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 120. 14. Hind-margin of the upper-rings ftriate with brown : lower-wings pale, the edge a little yellowiſh. Beneath upper-pair brown, lower-ones pale. Cineralis. Wings cinereous with 2 yellow ſtreaks on the upper-pair and one on the lower. Inhabits Italy. Antennae fimple : wings cinereous beneath with darker ſtreaks, nealis, Wings fhining brown immaculate : head ferruginous. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 123. 26. Upper-wings with a copper-glofs : lower-ones brown. - Griſealis. Upper-wings cinereous immaculate ; lower-ones and all beneath browniſh. Inhabits Italy. Body cinereous. Palealis. Upper-wings greeniſh immaculate ; lower-ones whitiſh. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 123. 27. Ochrealis. Upper-wings ochre-yellow ; lower-ones brown: all imma- culate. Inhabits Auftria Wien. Verz. 123. z8. Ferrugalis Wings yellowiſh with 3 ferruginous waved ſtreaks on the upper-pair and 2 on the lower. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir. 70%. Banks. *Secali. Wings grey-brown ſtriate with a kidney-ſhaped ſpot mar- ked with a roman A Found within the ſtalks of corn, where it eats its way into the heads, rendering them dry and barren. Larva green with 3 brown lines, head reddiſh. Bipunétalis Wings cinereous with 2 darker dots and ſtreaks. Inhabits American Iſlands. Body 280 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phaluna. Geom. Body above cinereous beneath ſnowy: lower-wings with 2 dar. ker ſtreaks and a ſingle dot. Beneath alike. Bifidalis Wings yellowiſh with 2 brown bands, the hinder-one bi- fid at each end. Inhabits American Iſlands, Body yellowiſh: upper-wings with a brown dot between the bands and a marginal ſtreak of brown dots : lower-wings ci. nereous. Nivealis Wings grey-brown with 2 white ſpots on the rib: bo- dy ſnowy. Inhabits Germany. Upper-wings with a waved black ſtreak behind and marginal dots: lower-wings above brown, beneath pale with 2 black dots a black ſtreak and marginal dots : body beneath and legs black, а Elatalis Upper-wings white with an interrupted brown rib and ſub- marginal band Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 121.9. Body white: margin of the upper-wings dotted with black : low- er wings brown with a pale rib, the tip dotted with brown, baneath white with a brown lunule in the middle and ſtreak behind. Centralis Wings cinereous with a brown dot in the middle. Inhabits American Iſlands ; ſmall, Piktoralis Wings teſtaceous, the baſe ſpotted with yellow, a yellow band in the middle and marginal gold ſtreak. Inhabits Germany; ſmall, cinereous. Lower-wings brown with a pale outer margin. Pudoralis Upper-wings white with a roſy fillet. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 124.40. Lower-wings dull cinereous. Flavalis Upper-wings Upper-wings fulphur with 2 brown ſtreaks and kidney- fhaped ſpot in the middle. Inhabits Aufria. Wien. Verz. 121.5. Head and thorax yellow : abdomen cinereous: lower-wings pa- ler with a ſingle brown freak. Beneath all varied with cine- reous and brown. Marmoralis Wings white variegated with green, the tip brown with a yellowiſh margin dotted with black. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom, 281 Inhabits East India, Upper-wings white at the baſe with broad green band and rings, beneath yellowiſh with a brown ſtreak or two. Orientalis Upper-wings browniſh ; lower-ones yellowiſh with a black marginal band. Inhabits Eaſt India, Upper-wings ferruginous-aſh-colour with an obſolete brown ſtreak or two and dot in the middle. Beneath all alike. Meritalis All the wings yellowiſh with whitiſh ſtreaks and roſy hind- margin. Inhabits Paris. Body yellowiſh. Upper wings with a marginal yellow ſpot near the rib, the rib dotted with white and brown: beneath yellowiſh with brown ſtreaks. Polygonalis Upper-wings cinereous with a gilt hind-margin. Inhabits Aufiria Wien. Verz. 121. 8. Rib of the upper-wings darker as far as the middle : lower-wing's gilt at the tip only. Sanguinalis Wings yellow with 2 red bands, the firſt dilated outwardly and perforated. Inhabits Europe. Wien Verz. 124. 41. * Stifticalis. Wings grey with a yellow ſpot in the middle and marginal ſtreak. Inhabits Europe The ſpot in the middle is notched each fide and the margi. nal ſtreak has a contiguous imaller one. Beneath all variega- ted. Peralis. Wings doſky with a yellow ſpot in the middle and 2 ſtreaks, the hinder-one with a fainter ſpot. Inhabits Italy. Upper wings with a yellow patch at the baſe, ſpot in the middle ending both ways in an obſolete brown dot and 2 ſtreaks be- hind, the firft waved the other ſpotted. Beneath cinereous with a yellow band, Faſcialis. Feelers recurved: wings brown with 2 yellow bands. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sr. Jof. Banks. Head yellow : thorax brown, the fore-part yellow : lozver-wings immaculate. a а a VOL. HII.--2 N 2 Fimbria. 282 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom Fimbrialis Wings yellowiſh with brown ſpecks dot and hind-mar- gin. Inhabite Amsterdam Iſland. Body yellowiſh : lower-wings yellow with a brown ſtreak dot and hind margin. Politalis Wings brown with a yellow band in the middle and mar- ginal ſpot. Inhabits Auſtria, Wien Verz. 121. 4. Upper-rings with 2 connected brown rings in the upper-band the tip brown with a yellow ſpot or two. Repandalis Wings ſhining browniſh with a white flexuous ſtreak in the middle; lower-ones ferruginous with a black band in the middle. Inhabits Eaſt India ; ſmall. Upper-wings with a thin white margin: lower-wings beneath du- íky with a white band in the middle. 2 Croſalis. Wings jagged yellow with a flexuous brown band in the middle Inhabits France. Head brown: antenne pale : wings yellow at the baſe with indi. ftinct fulvous ſtreaks and behind the band a nearly obſolete wa- ved brown ſtreak, the hind-margin jagged and fringed with white. Strigalis. Wings grey with 2 yellow ſtreaks and a purpliſh rib. Inhabits Germany, Head and thorax ſubferruginous : lower-wings brown with dar- ker ſtreaks. Recurvalis Feelers recurved; wings brown with 2 white bands on ; the upper-pair, the poſterior of which is abbrevi- ated. Inhabits American Iſlands. Head yellowiſh: thorax brown: lower-wings brown with a white band in the middle. Erigalis. Wings ferruginous with a yellow ſtreak, the thicker-mar- gin dotted with white. Inhabits Sweden. Wien, Verz, 120.7. Curtalis Wings greeniſh yellow with a ferruginous ſtreak behind. Inhabits Mufiria. Wien, Verz. 120. 8. Ceſpital; INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Geom. 283 Cefpitalis Upper-wings duſky variegated; lower-ones black with 2 yellow ſtreaks. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 123. 32. Upper-wings vary much in their colour. up and Saccharalis. Wings ftriate cinereous, the hind-margin dotted with black. Inhabits South America, in the Sugar cane, which it dries deſtroys: is very deſtructive to plantations. Body fmail cinereous immaculate : upper-rings ſometimes im. maculate : lower-wings white immaculate. Larva 6-footed, pale hyaline with a reddiſh-brown head and 8 dots each fide: pupa naked long, cheſnut-brown with nume. rous ſhort raiſed fpines before. Fluctualis. Wings brown with a white dot and 2 flexuous ſtreaks on the upper-pair. . Inhabits Rotterdam Iſland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Lower-swings with 2 white waved ſtreaks. Beneath all alike but paler. * Purparalis Wings purpliſh with 2 yellow bands on each. Inhabits Europe. Schæjl . Icon. tab. 209. fig. 5. 6. 9. Porphyralis Wings browniſh with a fulvous ſpot on the rib; lower-ones black with a white ſtreak. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. l'erz. 317. 50. Upper-wings browniſh at the baſe with 2 indiſtinct darker ſpots the tip dull purpliſh, the colours divided by the fulvous ſpot. Beneath whitiſh at the baſe with a black ſtreak, the tip brown with whitiſh ſtreaks. 2 Punicalis. Wings purple with yellow lines at the baſe and 2 yellow dots in the middle. Inhabits Austria. Wien, Verz. 317. 49. Minialis. Wings purpliſh ; the rib variegated with yellow. Inhabits----; fize of Ph. purpuralis. Head and thorax browniſh: abdomen yellow. Hind-margin of the upper-wings darker with a cavity at the tip fringed with white, beneath with a yellowiſh disk ; lower-wings deeper purple with waved pale ſtreaks. Apicalis, Wings deep yellow with a brown ſtreak, the tip obſcure purple with a yellow ſpot and 2 marginal white dots, 2 N 2 Inhabits 284 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Geom. Inhabits Surinam. Antennae duiky : head and thorax yellow: lower-wings yellow with a brown dot in the middle and tip. 4-punctalis Wings brown with 2 fulvous ſpots on the upper-pair. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 124. 43. Lower-wings brown immaculate. Argentalis Wings brown-cinereous with 3 ſilvery waved ſtreaks on the upper-pair and 2 on the lower. Inhabits Italy. Wien, Verz. 122. 15. All the wings varied with cinereous and brown; upper pair with a ſmall black dot between the ftreaks, the hind-margin of all fringed and varied with brown and filver. *Costalis. Wings purpliſh with 2 yellow coſtal ſpots and hind-margin. Inhabits England. Hybn. Beytr. 4. tab. 2. fig. 11, Head yellow : thorax and abdomen purpliſh. Nigralis. Wings black immaculate. Inhabits Italy; entirely black. * Atralis. Wings black with 2 white ſpots on each. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii. tab. 266. fig. 4. I horax with a white lateral line : abdomen black annulate with white. Pollinalis Wings powdered black with a white line at the baſe and 2 dots. Inhabits Austria Wien Verz. 124. 44. Thorax black immaculate. Dentalis. Wings yellow with a purple band indented within. Inhabit Eaſt India ; fmail. Roſalis. Wings deep yellow with 2 purple bands. Inhabits Barbary. Body yellow; the firſt band dilated at the outer margin and lunate, the other broader and ſtraight: lozver-rings brown- aih. Minutalis Wings whitiſh with an oblique brown ſtreak and hind- margin. Inhabits American Iſlands. minute. Velutalis Wings ferruginous, duſky at the tip. Inhabits (merican lands; fmall. Budy ferruginous : wings beneath paler at the baſe and darker at the tip No&tua INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noet. 285 Noctua. a. Wings expanded. Zenobia. Wings variegated, beneath ferruginous with black waves. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer 10. tab. 115. A. B. All the wings varied above with white blue and ferruginous: on the upper-pair are 2 diftin&t white ſpots, the lower-one lar- ger and dotted with red : beneath all ferruginous with a black dot and waved ſtreaks. Patroclus. Wings tailed, both ſurfaces alike, brown with an oblique linear white band and tip. Inhabits India. Cramer. 10. tab. 109, A, B. Nat. Miſcell. tab. 435. Clerk. Ic. t. 37. fig. 1. . Strix. Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, reticulate and clouded with white and black. Inhabits South America. Cram. 8. tab, 87. A. t. 88. A. Larva naked black with greeniſh rings and lateral line. Macrops. Wings indented brown undulate with black; upper-pair with a large ocellar cheſnut-brown ſpot. Inhabits China. Cramer. 15, tab, 171. A, B. The ſpot on the upper-wings ſurrounded with a black ring but without pupil, Beneath brown with 2 white itreaks, one of dots the other of lunules. In ſome ſpecimens, probably the females, the outer margin of the lower-wings is reflected and forms a pouch which contains a large quantity of fine filk. Iphianale Wings indented brown with ferruginous waves; lower- ones black at the baſe with a blueiſh ſtreak. Inhabits Surinam. Crater tab. 172. A. Upper-wings with 2 íubocellar ferruginous ſpots. 15. Aluco, Wings indented cheſnut-brown with black waves and 3 marginal yellow ſpots. Inhabits Cbina. Cramer. 15. tab. 173. A. B. In the middle of the upper-rwings are 2 oblong cinereous ſpots ſpeckled with brown ; beneath brown: lower-wings waved with black and white : fore-fhanks annulate with white. Caprimul. Wings indented brown with black waves ; upper-pair with gus. a blueiſh eye and double black pupil. Inhabits China, Wing's 286 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phaæna. Nost, Wings beneath brown with a black curve at the baſe and ſtrcak of white dots at the tip. a Odora. Wings indented brown with black waves ; upper-pair with a black eye in which is a blue lunule; lower-ones with a contiguous ſmaller one. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 15. tab. 169. A, B. The other ſex has a common band in the midole of the wings compoſed of 3 white ſtreaks. Mycerina. Wings indented ; upper pair with a blue ſtreak and waves ; lower-ones with 2 white ſtreaks and a blue one. Inhabits Surinam. Cram. 15. tab. 172. B. Upper-wings with a blue ſpot at the baſe, the hinder one larger and kidney-ſhaped, in the middle a chain of blue lanules end- ing in white both fides, towards the hind-margin a black wa- ved ſtreak : lower-wings with a blue ſtreak in the middle and more obfcnre ones. a а Hierogly phica. Wings indented black; upper-pair with an abbreviated white band and ſubocellar ſpot; lower-ones with a double finuate margin. In habits East India. Cram, tab. 174. fig. F. Body filky black immaculate; upper-wings with an ocellar ſpot in the middle with a double cheinut-brown iris and blue ring: beneath black with a white abbreviated band and 2 dots : lower-wings black immaculate. Ulula. Wings indented undulate with black; upper-pair with ab abbreviated white band and fubocellar ſpot. Inhabits India. Cran. 15. tab. 174. . E. Upper wings brown with a ſubocellar ſpot in the middle, the iris black with a flexuous blue line, pupil cheſnut-brown : lower- wings waved with brown and black. Beneath brown with an interrupted white band on the upper-pair and ſpot on the low- er-ones. Mutabilis Wings indented brown waved with black ; tail ferru- ginous. Inhabits East India, Irynx. Wings indented brown with ferruginous waves, fulvous in the middle with a double black ſpot with white iris. Inhabits Coromandel ; ſmall. In INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Nolt. 287 In the middle of the upper-wings is a ferruginous ocellar ſpot and behind this 2 connected longer-ones the outer fulvous with a black and white iris. Beneath all brown, the hind-margin dotted with white and 2 black ſpots at the inner margin of the upper-pair. Noctilio. Wings ſuberous browniſh with waved black ſtreaks; low- er-ones white at the tip with a black ſpot. Inhabits East India. Upper-wings ſpotted with yellow in the middle and waved with black, at the thicker margin are 3 white dots. Beneath all grey waved, the tip whitiſh, with 3 black lines on the upper- pair and a black ſpot on the lower-ones. Chalcis. Wings ſtreaked with brown; lower-ones with a ſtreak of white dots beneath. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Body cinereous : antennae teftaceous : wings cinereous with a com- com obſolete paler ftreak ; upper-pair with a brown ſtreak, then a black dot, then an incurved ſtreak in the middle and behind this a common brown one; beneath duky with a common pale ſtreak : female darker with a double ſpot in the middle of the upper-wings. Larva glabrous grey with 2 ſquare black ſpots before and 4 tri- angular ones behind, beneath green, Spiralis. Wings waved with grey and brown; upper-pair with a ſpiral convolute black line. Inhabits China. Wings beneath reddiſh with a brown dot at the baſe and 3 bands and marginal lunules : abdomen above grey with brown belts, beneath red with lateral black dots. a Crepuſcula- Wings brown with a white band and marginal ſpot; upper- ris. pair with an eye. Inhabits America. Cramer. 13. tab. 159. A. One Sex has a double eye with a pupil, the other a blind eye. Troglodyta. Wings brown with black waves and a common white ſtreak; upper-pair with a common thining eye. Inhabits Guinea. Upper-wings with a large eye dotted with blue with a large late- ral black pupil blue lunule and black iris, behind this a com- mom white ſtreak and afterwards a ſtreak of ſmall black lunules. Beneath all brown with a broad white band behind which are white lunules joined to the band. Vampyrus. 288 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. No£t. a Vampyrus. Wings brown-cinereous with 3 darker ſtreaks, the hinder- one punctured. Inhabits Eaft India. Wings beneath paler with a darker dot at the baſe ftreak in the middle and dots behind. Squalida. Upper-wings brown at the baſe and cinereous at the tip ; all beneath with a waved white ſtreak. Inhabits Coromandel. Lower-wings with a large blue ſpot in the middle, beneath brown with a ſtreak of white lunules in the middle : legs brown with a white dot at the baſe of the hind-hanks, the tip with 2 pair of ſpines. Pandrofa. Wings blackish ; upper-pair with a ſnowy lunule and fillet. Inhabits ----Cramer. tab. 77. -Cramer. tab. 77. D. Antennae pectinate, the rays ferruginous : all the wings with a paler hind-margin. Beneath grey with a paler ſtreak and 2 black dots on the upper, one on the lower-pair. Umminea. Wings entire duſky ; upper-pair with a double ſnowy ſpot in which are 2 fulvous rings. Inhabits Java. Cramer 23.tab. 276. F. All the wings with a paler hind margin; upper-pair with a black lunule in the middle and abbreviated ſtreak behind. Veſpertilio Wings entire cinereous with central black dots and waves behind. Inhabits Tranquebar; large. Head brown : thorax cinereous, the fore lobe brown: abdomen fulvous : upper-wings with a ſtreak of black dots behind ; low- er-wings without the central dots. Beneath fulvous with a brown lunule and 3 ſtreaks. Achatina Wings green-brown with a broad white band and cinercous margin; angle of the tail with a black dot, Inhabits East India. Cram. tab. 218. A. Wings beneath grey with waved brown ſtreaks: hind-margin ci- nereous with black dots. This is probably the ſame as Bomb. algiva of Linné. SMITH, Illibata. Wings brown with a black ſpot at the tip. Inhabits India. In the muſeum of Sir Joſ. Banks. b. Wings flat incumbent ; thorax ſmooth. Diofcorec, Wings indented grey ; lower-ones yellow with a black lu- nule and border. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. 289 Inhabits India. Cram. 3. t. 30. A, B, C. 7. t. 77. fig. 7. Inner-margin of the wings often emarginate. Materna. Lower-wings fulvous with a black ſpot, the margin black dotted with white. Inhabits India. Cram. 15. tab. 174. B. 27. tab. 267. E. The colour of the upper -wings is very variable. Salaminia. Wings whitiſh with a ſhining green diſk in which is a ru. fous nerve, lower-ones fulvous with a black ſpot and margin. Inhabits Eaſt India. Cramer 15. tab. Cramer 15. tab. 574. A, Thorax greeniſh crowned with a large raiſed creft behind : up- per wings with a greeniſh rib: hind-margin of the lower-oues black dotted with white. Beneath upper-pair brown with an abbreviated white band. Ancilla. Wings brown-cinereous with 3 darker ſtreaks; lower- 3 ones yellow with 2 abbreviated black bands. Inhabits Eaft India. Abdomen yellowiſh with black belts : upper-wings with a large marginal darker ſpot between the ſecond and third ſtreak. Beneath all yellowiſh ſpeckled with black. Microrhæa. Upper-wings cinereous; lower-ones reddiſh with a black ſpot. Inhabits New Holland, In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Abdomen reddiſh above : npper-wings with a brown curve in the middle. Serva. Upper-wings grey with 4 brown dots and ſtreaks ; tip of the lower-ones black ſpotted with white. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Wings beneath all grey with 2 brown ſtreaks, and a ſtreak of black dots towards the hind-margin, Tirrhæo. Upper-wings green tipt with brown; lower-ones yellow with a black ſpot. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Cramer 15., tab. 172.?. Body fulvous: upper-wings with 2 black ſpots, Paphos. Upper-wings brown with white veins; lower-ones varied white and black Inhabits Siam. In the muſeum of Sir Fol. Banks. Thorax fulvous dotted with black: antennæ fimple black: abdomen fulvous with a line of black dots above and one each fide : up- VOL. III.--20 per- 290 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noft. per -wings with a white inner-margin: beneath brown with a white ſpot in the middle. Chione. Wings white ; upper-pair immaculate ; lower-ones with greenith ſtreaks at the tip Inhabits East India; Cramer. tab. 398. M. Body white dotted with black : abdomen fulvous on the back : upper wings beneath black with a few white lines and ſpots. The upper-wings are rarely red with white lines. Aprea. Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, brown with a hyaline diſk: thorax ſnowy dotted with black Inhabits New Holland. Drury. Inf. 2. tab. 28. fig. 3. Antenne brown, the firſt joint red : feelers red with a black dot in the midlle and at the tip: head ſnowy with 2 black dots : abdomen above red beneath ſnowy with 2 ſtreaks of black dots on the ides : all the wings brown, the baſe white with ſmall black dots, the diſk ſemitranſparent with a brown lunule. Eugenia. Body dotted with black : wings ſnowy with a hyaline diſk: abdomen red on the back. Inhabits Inaia. Head and thorax white with black dots: abdomen ſnowy with a red back: legs red : lower-quings immaculate. Norcilius. Upper-wings brown with a white fillet: lower-ones yel- low tipt with blue. Inhabits China. Cramer. 7etab. 73, E. F. Thorax brown dotted with white : abdomen fulvous dotted with black. Eajularia. Upper-wings brown with a white ſtreak and 2 fpots; low- er-ones yellow with black ſpots. Inhabits Amboina. Cramer. 15. tab. 172. fig. 6. Body brown: abdomen fulvous : lower-wings with 2 black bands, the hinder-one compoſed of ſpots. Lela. Wings fubteftaceous with yellow ſtreaks, in the lower of which are about 8 teſtaceous dots. Inhabits France. Upper-wings beneath brown with a pale margin : lower-ones brown, beneath pale ath with a brown dot and ſtreak. a Polita. Wings ſhining brown with a ſtreak of ferruginous dots be- hind, Inhabits Austria Wien, Verz. 85. 3. Larva naked pale teftaceous with ſcattered black dots. Terra, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noct. 291 Tetra. a Wings ſhining brown with 4 white coftal dots; lower-ones cinereous with a mixture of ferruginous. Inhabits Aufiria. Head and thorax brown : wings beneath cinereous : antenne pectinate, Upper-wings gloffy-black; lower-ones ferruginous edged with brown. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 85. 13, Larva tapering each way greenih-yellow with a red glofs, a darker dorſal line and thin lateral pale one ; head paler. Livida. Irrorata. Wings cinereous ſpeckled with black with a yellowiſh patch , in the middle and obfolete ſtreak behind. Inhabits Eaſt India : body cinereous. All the wings beneath grey. Quercus Wings grey with 3 brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe, on the Oak. Wien Verz. 84. 5. Notaculi. Wings cinereous with 3 ftigmata between 2 yellowiſh ſtreaks. Inhabits Body cinereous. Upper-wings with 3 yellowiſh ſtreaks; lower-ones above brown- ih. Beneath all cinereous ſpeckled with brown. 4-punflata, Wings grey with brown waves and 4 black dots at the outer margin. On the Valeriana Locuſta. Wien, Verz. 72.6. Upper-wings with ſmall obſolete itigmata, the hinder-one dotted with white : lower-wings with a narginal ſtreak of brown dots * Pallens. Wings pale immaculate; the hind-margins beneath dotted with black. Inhabits Europe, on the Taraxacum. Clerk. Ic. tab. 4. fig. 6. Larva hairy black ſpeckled with cinereous and 4 white lines : pupa folliculate brown. Domeftica. Wings cinereous with black ſtreaks, the rib with black dots at the baſe and 3 white ones at the tip. 3 Inhabits Keil. Body hairy cinereous. Upper wings with 2 ſpots in the middle, the firſt ſnowy, the fecond kidney-ſhaped : lower-wings beneath whitiſh with a brown itreak and central dot. 2 0 2 Nervores 292 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. Nervoſa. Wings lanceolate brown with pale ſtreaks. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 84. 12. Lower-wings white immaculate, beneath brown edged with white. Sidæ. Upper-wings cinereous at the baſe with black dots, the tip brown with cinereous ſtreaks; lower-ones fulvous edged with black. Inhabits Guinea, on the Sida. Head cinereous dotted with black : thorax cinereous with 2 black lines: abdomen fulvous with 3 lines of black dots: up- per-wings beneath fulvous at the baſe and tipt with brown; lower-wings fulvous edged with black, benca:h a black dot in the middle. Vaccinii. Wings cinereous with 2 brown dots in the middle and band behind, after which are a few black dots. Inhabits Sweden, on the Vaceinium. Wien. Verz. 85. 2. Larva brown-terruginous with a paler letaralline, neck and tail black ſtreaked with white. Deprela. Wings plumbeous edged with yellow; head red. inhabits North America. Antennæ pectinate black : thorax plumbeous with a red ſpot : abaomen above rufous with a line of biack dots down the mid- dle, beneath plumbeous : lower-rings immaculate. *Complana. Wings with a paler outer margin; lower-ones entirely yellow. On the Oak. Albin. Inf. tab. 70. fig. G.H. Upper-wings ſometimes entirely pale. Larva hairy black with 2 lines of pale dots, 2 * Quadra. Wings yellow with 2 blue dots on the upper-pair. 2. Wings cinereous; thorax yellow. On the Pine and Oak. Wilks pap 24. tab. 3. a. 17. a. Larva hairy with red dots and a black işot on the back, the fides with black lines puja folliculate black. Bicolora. Wings yellow with a broad brown hind-margin. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Head and thorax yellow : upper-wings with a ſmall fubferrugi. nous dot in the middle. Beneath all pale with a browniſh margin. Delia INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noet. 293 Cribraria. Upper-wings cinereous dotted with black at the baſe ; low- er ones yellow. Inhabits East India. Feelers cinereous with 2 black dots at the tip : head cinereous with 4 black dots : thorax cinereous dotted with black : upper-rvings with brown waves at the tip : lower-wings be- neath with a black dot in the middle: abdomen yellow with 3 lines of black dots. Delia. Wings convolute yellow with 2 blue bands on the upper- pair. Inhabits Rotterdam Iſland. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Head fulvous : antenna pectinate black : feelers fulvous at the bale and tipt with black: thorax fulvous, blue behind: abdo- men yellow : lower-rvings immaculate : legs biue : thighs yel- low at the baſe. Caprea. Wings flexuous cinereous with 3 oblique whitiſh ſtreaks and 2 ſtigmata. Inhabits Germany, on the Willow. Lower-wings brown with a cinereous margin. Beneath cinere. ous with brown fpecks dot in the middle and fireak behind. Larva ſolitary naked green. Convoluta. Wings convolute pale with yellow veins ; upper-pair with . 2 angular blue-black ſpots. Inhabits Malabar. Cramer 18. tab. 208. D. Narbonea. Upper-wings cinereous with 2 yellow ſtreaks and a brown dot behind. Inhabits Scuthern Europe. The brown dot before the hind-margin is ſurrounded by a yel- low half ring. Boleti. Upper-wings cinereous ſpeckled with brown; lower-ones brown; antennæ pectinate. Inhabits Kiel, on the Boletus verſicolor. Lower-wings with a cinereous thicker margin. c. Wings flat incumbent; thorax creſted. * Sponfa. Upper-wings undulate with brown : lower-ones red with 2 black bands : abdomen entirely cinereous. On the Oak. Merian Europe: 2. tab. 14. Reoum. 1. tab. 32. fig. 1-7. Roes. 4. tab. 19. , Larva fiudded, head blucih, body variegated : pupa folliculate blueith, Nupic. 294 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noet. * Nupta. Wings cinereous varied with brown; lower-ones red with 2 black bands : abdomen hoary beneath. On the Willow. Donovan, vii. tab. 224. . Wilks pap. 33. tab. 1. a. 1. Roes phal. 2. tab. 15. Larva grey-brown with a red wart or two near the tail and lateral reddiſh ſpots : pupa folliculate blueiſh-black. * Pakla. Wings greyiſh flightly waved; lower-ones red with 2 black bands: abdomen above red. On the Oak. Merian Eur. 3. tab. 38. fig. 139. Wilks pap. 17. tab, 2, 6, 1. Fyell Arch. tab. 5.fg. 3. Abdomen above roſy: lower-wings rofy, the anterior band hardly reaching the inner-margin. Promilja. Wings indented varied with cinereous and brown and with 2 black indented ſtreaks; lower-ones red with 2 black bands. Inhabits Auſtria, on the Oak. Wien. Verz. 90, 6. Thorax grey with a black band and ſpecks. Spectrum. Wings dull cinereous with 6 darker waved ſtreaks. . Inhabits Southern Europe. Body brown: tougue teftaceous: margin of the upper-wings with obſolete dots : lower wings duſky. Beneath all cinereous with a brown ſtreak in the middle. * Fraxini. Wings indented grey with waved dark bands; lower-ones above black with a blueilh band. On the Afh and Poplar Donovan. v. tab. 171, 172. Merian Europ. tab. 46. Wilks pap. 45. tab. 1. a. 2. Larva cinereous ſpeckled with black: pupa reddiſh brown with black ftigmata. I'dua. Wings indented cinereous clouded ; lower-ones above black with a white denticulate margin Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Dotata. Wings indented duſky with a blueiſh hind-margin; lower- ones black with an abbreviated blueiſh band. Inhabits Eaſt India. Antenna reddiſh: head and thorax brown: upper-wings with a broad paler band in the middle, the blue margin (trcaked with black. Beneath brown. Formoſa. Wings purpliſh with a yellow fillet and 2 ſpots; lower- ones fulvous with a black ſpot and margin. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalæna. Noet. 295 Inhabits Sierra Leona. Head blackiſh with 2 white lines: thorax purpliſh : abdomen yellow: upper-wings beneath yellow, the tip brown with 2 yellow ſpots. a * Pronuba. Lower-wings teſtaceous with a black nearly marginal band. Inhabits Europe. Aibin. Inf. tab. 72. C, D. Merian Eur. tab. 49. Wilks pap. 1. tab. 1. a. 1. Upper-wings vary very much in colour. Larva greeniſh with 2 black interrupted lines down the back : pupa naked red. Dimidiata. Baſe of the upper-wings cinercous dotted with black, the tip brown with white lines; lower-ones yellow edged with black. Inhabits Guinea Head and thorax grey: abdomen yellow with 3 rows of black dots: upper-wings beneath brown with a yellow baſe : lower- ones beneath with a black dot in the middle : legs above brown, beneath yellow. Cytherea. Upper-wings variegated with a white ſtreak; lower-ones yellow edged with brown. Inhabits Sweden ; leſs than P. pronuba. Upper wings varied with cinereous and brown with a few ſpots in the middle, beneath duſky: lower-ones beneath pale. Orbona. Upper-wings liver-colour with ſtreaks of obſolete black dots; lower-ones yellow with a brown lunule and ſtreak behind Inhabits Germany. Naturf. 9, 125, 57. Head and thorax liver-colour: upper-wings beneath with a large black ſpot; lower.ones beneath with a liver-colour lunule and inner-margin. a Solani, a Upper-wings varied with greeniſh and grey; lower-ones rufous with a broad fubmarginal black band. On the Solanum tuberoſum. Naturf. 9. tab. 1. fig. 3. Upper-rings with a few white dots near the tip and a ſmall black ſpot near them. Larva fat rugged cinereous: pupa naked red-brown. Linogrijea, Wings indented variegated, ferruginous at the tip ; lower- ones yellow edgea with brown. Inhabits Auſtria. Eſp. Phal 4. tab. 29. fig. 3. Larva reddish on the back with a black dot and oblique lines. Hymenea 296 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. Hymenea. Wings grey with angular black ſtreaks: lower-ones yellow with 2 black curved bands. On the Prunus ſpinoſa. Hybn. Beytr. 3. tab. 3. fig. 5. Larva greeniſh-vellow with 2 lines of tubercles and projecting elevated tooth in the middle. Rapta. Wings variegated ; body above black with a white dorſal fillet. Inhabits Tranquebar, large. Antennae ferruginous with a white ſhaft : feelers large white : head and thorax above black with a whitiſh line down the mid- dle: lower-wings varied with pale and black, beneath yellowiſh with a tranſverſe brown ſpot at the angle of the tail. Epione. 2 Wings variegated with 2 white dots ; lower-ones black edg- 5 ed with white. Inhabits North America Cram. 9. tab. 102. E, F. Upper-wings blueiſh varied with rufous and black, the diſk be- neath black with a white ſpot and ſtreaks : lower.ones black in the middle, the baſe and tip liver-colour, the hind-margin white- Paranym- Upper-wings brown with angular white and black ſtreaks; pha. lower-ones yellow with 2 curved black bands. Inhabits Germany. Roes. Inf. 4. tab. 18. fig. 1. 2. Larva naked cinereous with a yellow tubercle on the back and ſharp reflected one on the tail, beneath dotted with black : pupa looſely folliculate reddiſh-brown. Neogama. Wings indented with grey and footy clouds and flexuous lines, the margin dotted ; lower-ones yellow with 2 continued black bands. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Confors. Wings clouded with grey and teſtaceous and marked with tongue-ſhaped lines: lower-ones yellow with 2 flexu- ous contined black bands. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Amafia. Wings varied with cinereous and whitiſh with a fulvous ſtreak ; lower-ones yellow with 2 black bands, the outer-one interrupted. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inj. of Georgia. * Fimbria. Upper-wings clay-colour with a paler tip ; lower ones pale orange with a broad black band. Inhabits 3 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noet. 297 Inhabits Germany and England'. Donovan. vi. tab. 208. Larva ſmooth browniſh with pale lines and black ſtigmata : pupa blueiſh-black. Janthina. Wings grey with a whitiſh patch, lower-ones black with a ferruginous margin and ſpot in the middle. Inhabits Germany. Fyell. Arch. 3. tab. 16. Upper-wings with a few white lunules in the middle. Larva whitiſh with brown waves and black dots behind : pupa folliculate reddiſh-brown. Meretrix. Wings grey with a central brown lunule between 2 white ſtreaks; lower-ones whitiſh at the baſe. Inhabits Hamburg. Upper wings with a brou n dot at the baſe, the hind-margin darker with a ſtreak of black dots: lower-ones brown at the tip: Alienata. Wings fulvous with ocellar yellow ſpots; lower-ones yellow with a black ſpot and margin. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Body yellow: all the ſpots on the upper-rings ſurrounded with a black ring. Papbia. Wings cinereous with black ſtreaks; lower-ones fulvous at the baſe and black at the tip. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Wing's beneath all brown, lower.ones yellow at the baſe. Augur Wings brown with black characters. Inhabits Germany. Lower-wings brown immaculate. Beneath all grey with a central brown dot and fireak behind on the lower-ones. Segetis. Wings ferruginous with darker waved ſtreaks; lower-ones whitith. Wien. Verz. 252. tab. 1. a. 3. b. 3. . Very common in the South of Europe where it is very deſtructive to the roots of corn. Antennae of the male peetinate. Larva naked livid, the ſegments with 4 black dots, head with 3 Atreaks. *Straminea Wings ſtraw.colour with a double blackih ſpot in the middle of the outer, margin and a darker ſubmarginal band; lower-ones with a broad brown border. Inhabits England. Donovan's Eng. Inf. ii. tab. 61. VOL. III-2 P Antennae 298 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. Antennæ, tongue and whole body pale yellow. Upper-wings with a few black dots, the band near the margin with a row of 9 white dots, the margin itſelf yellowiſh. Ambusta. Wings grey-brown with 3 yellowiſh ſtreaks and ring in the middle and a waved ſtreak behind. Inhabits Austria, on the Lichen parietinus. Wien. Verz. 83,16. Anternae ferruginous whitiſh at the baſe: head and thorax reddiſh- grey: lower-wings whitiſh tipt with brown. Larva naked brown with white lines. Subtuſa. Wings brown cinereous with 4 yellowiſh ftreaks and 3 rings Inhabits Austria, on the Aſp. Wien. Verz. 88. 17. Lower-wings brown: antennae pale. Larva naked whitiſh with white lines, head black with a white front. Retufa. Wings ſlightly emarginate grey-brown with 3 paler ſtreaks. Inhabits Auſtria, on the Willow. Wien. Verz. 88, 18. Larva naked green with 3 dorſal lines and a lateral one. a Mercatoria. Wings ferruginous with brown waved ſtreaks; lowei-ones black at the tip with white ſpots. Inhabits India. Cramer. 6. tab. 62. C, D. ? Upper-wings with a few brown ſpots : lower-wings cinereous at the baſe, beneath grey with darker waved ſtreaks. Partita. Wings ſlightly indented grey with a black ſpot at the baſe, a 2 reddiſh brown ftigmata aud white ſtreak in the middle. Inhabits India. Antennae reddiſh-brown: head and thorax cinei cous: lower-wings cinereous tipt with brown. Beneath all cinereous. * Maura. Wings indented dark brown with irregular cinereous marks; beneath a whitiſh border. Inhabits Germany and England. Donovan vii. tab. 230. fig. 1. Harris Inf. tab. 1. fig. a, b. Wien. Verz. 90, 1. Lunaris. Wings indented browniſh, grey in the middle with a black dot and brown lunule. Inhabits Austria. Hybn. Beytr. tab. 2. fig. 2. Antennae brown with a white baſe: upper-wings grey at the baſe, then brown with a cinereous ſtreak, behind the middle a cine- regus ſtreak and afterwards browniſh with an obſolete indented cinereous band with black dots before the margin: lower-wings cinereous at the baſe and tipt with brown. a Larva INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noet. 299 Larva brown-ferruginous with pale dots, before are 2 fulvous dots and 2 tubercles at the tail. Luforia. a Wings glaucous with a black lunule; thorax black before. Inhabits Auftria. Reaum Inf, 1. tab. 14. fig. 10. Larva cinereous with blackiſh dots and 2 black lines and an interrupted yellow one in the middle. Craccæ. a Wings ſtriate cinereous with a white dot and lunule of black ones ; thorax black before. Inhabits Austria. Hybn. Beytr. 3. tab. 4. fig. W. Upper-wings with an obſolete darker band behind, the rib with 4 brown dots. Larva varied with brown and grey, tail bifid. * Libatrix. Wings jagged reddiſh grey with 2 white dots and 2 whitiſh ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi, tab. 216. Albin Inf. tab. 32. fig. 50. Harris. tab. 1. fig. c, d. Larva naked green with white lines and reddih ftigmata: pupa folliculate blue-black, * Plecta. Wings brown with a white thicker margin. In habits Europe. Kleman. Inf tab. 33. Larva green with a reddiſh head: pupa folliculate black. C. nigrum. Wings brown cinereous with a black ſpot whitiſh without and a black line at the tip. Inhabits Auſtria. Clerk Icon. tab. 1. fig. 3. Thorax brown, white before with a ferruginous ſtreak: lower- wings whitiſh. Larva varied with cinereous and brown with tranſverſe black lateral lines and a lateral pale one. Signum. Wings with 3 brown ſpots, the rib grey at the baſe; thorax brown, reddith before. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz. 78. 8. Upper-rings with a ſtreak of black dots on the hind-margin: lower-wings duſky. Nun atrum. Wings brown with cinereous ſtreaks and 2 central black lines, the firſt curved. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz. 78, 9. Antennae pectinate ferruginous: rib of the upper-wings behind cinereous with black dots beyond the middle: lower-wings brown with a white central dot beneath. Larva; labrons green with white dots and a ſnowy lateral line. 2 P 2 Cir. El 300 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noël. Cincta. Wings brown with a grey ſpot in the middle ſurroun- ded with a black flexuous line, the pupil black. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz. 78.10. Antennae pectinate brown: in the middle of the grey ſpot is a tranſverſe black dot : tip of the wings grey with a dotted mara gin : lower-ones brown. a Reclangula Wings brown with 4 black dots in the middle, 2 of which are coſtal : thorax black before. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 78. 15. Head and thorax brown-ferruginous : upper-wings with a few black dots at the baſe, the rip dotted with white. Polymita Wings clouded with cinereous and brown; angle of the tail with a black ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz, 72. 4. Thorax cinereous with 2 black curves before and 3 white ſpots behind. a Braſlice, Wings clouded with cinereous with a black hook at the firſt ſpot Inhabits Europe. Albin. tab. 28. Mer. Eur. tab. 81. Larva brown or green with a darker dorſal line and white itig- mata : pupa reddiſh brown. a Flammatra Wings grey with a fulvous black line at the boſe : thorax with a black band. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz. 80. 1, Upper wing's with a few brown ſpots in the middle. Ceſpitis, Wings brown with 3 whitiſh waved ſtreaks connected with a black one; lower-ones white. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz. 82. 2. Head and thorax brown : upper-wings with a few ſpots furround- ed with a white ring : lower-wings white with a browniſh in- ner margin. Larve naked browniſh with 3 concurrent paler lines. Chenopodii. Wings cinereous ſpotted with black with a white 2- toothed ſtreak behind; creſt of the thorax fhort and bifid. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz 82 6. Lower-wings cinereous tipt with brown. Larva green with a dulf dorſal line and lateral red one. Griſeas Wings dull grey with 2 minute white dots in the inid- dle. Inha'sits -INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noet. 301 Inhabits Kiel. Body cinereous. Upper-wings with a ſtreak of very minute black dots behind the white one: lower-wings duſky with a white outer margin. Contigua. Wings clouded cinereous and brown with a 2-toothed white ſtreak behind; creſt of the thorax bifid. Inhabits Austria, Wien. Verz. 82. 7. Larva green with a reddiſh-brown head and 2 ſpots on the firſt ſegment, ftigmata black. Pupilla. Wings brown-orange with cinereous ſpots, the firſt with a fulvous pupil. Inhabits Kiel. Body brown. Lower-wings whitith, beneath with a brown ſtreak behind. Dentina Wings varied with cinereous and brown with a yellow ſpot at the inner-margin and ſtreak behind. Inhabits Austria, Wien, Verz. 82. 8. Upper-wings browniſh in the iniddle with a few ſpots and a ci- nereous bifid one. Bimaculoja Wings whitiſh grey ; upper-pair ſlightly clouded, lower- ones ſpotted with black. Inhabits Germany, Wien. Verz. 82. 5. Lower-zvings with 2 black ſpots. Larva naked grey dotted with white, with 2 horns on the tail. Exclama. tronis. Wings brown with a ſmall black line and head-ſhaped ſpot behind On the Senechio vulgaris. Clerk. Icon, tab. 1. fig. 4. Larva brown-ferruginous dotted with black, a pale line down the back. Diſtincta. Wings yellowiſh-grey with 2 central black ſpots, the tip dušky. Inhabits Germany. Upper-wings with a few obſolete brown ſtreaks, the hind-margin duſky with a terminal ftreak of black dots : lower-wings be- neath cinereous with a brown dot in the middle and ſtreak be- hind. Subterranea Wings brown, baſe of the rib and hind-margin cinere- ous. Inhabits South America. Head and therax brown, the creít a double black curve: abdo- men cinereous : lower-wings whitiſh. Larva 302 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noct. Larva above grey with confluent pale and reddiſh ſpots : lives under ground and ſometimes eats its way into the ſtems of plants. but more frequently eats off the ſtalks at the baſe and then feeds on the leaves. Seffufae Wings brown paler at the tip, with a ſmall black line in the middle and 2 at the tip marked with a white dot. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz. 8o. 4. Body brown with a black band on the fore-part: upper-wings ſometimes variegatəd with grey: lower-wings whitish. Signifera. Wings cinereous with brown waves and a black line at the baſe ending in an oblong whitiſh pupil at the tip. Inhabits Auſtria, on the Cochlearia. Wien. Verz. 80. 8. Upper-wings with 2 ſpots in the middle, the margin ſtreaked with black : lower-ones wbitiſh. Larva naked varied with cinereous and brown with black dots and lines, neck yellowiſh with 3 white lines. Valligero. Wings varied cinereous and brown with an oblong black- ith ſpot at the baſe in which is an ocellar ferruginous dot. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 80.9, Antennæ pectinate : body grey : wings grey with brown ſpots and dous, the ferruginous dot ſurrounded with a white ring, the rib brown with 3 white dots. Cacimacu- Wings indented grey with 2 black dots at the baſe and 2 ci- le. nereous ſtreaks. Inhabits Auflria. Wien. Verz. 81. 14. Body grey: antenna brown: upper-wings with a few ſpots in the middle, the margin grey with a ſtreak of black dots. Larva fleſh-colour ſpeckled with black, the ſides and head yel- lowiſh. 1. album. Wings grey marked with a white 1. Inhabits Europe. Hybn. Bevtr. 4. tab. 2. fig. K. The letter ) is placed longitudinally in the middle of the wings, the hind margin brown. l'iminalis. Wings brown at the baſe with fulvous waved ſtreaks, the tip cinereous. Inhabits Germany, on the Willow. Roes. Inf. 3. tab. 11. Be. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. 303 Between the fulvous treaks is a yellow dot, the hind-margin dot- ted with black. Larva greeniſh with 5 white lines and a few ſtreaks: pupa hard. . ly folliculate cheſnut-brown. Pagana. Ficus. Wings grey-brown with 5 marginal brown dots and 3 white ones : lower-ones white with a black band. Inhabits India. All the wings beneath white with a black marginal band. d. Wings deflected; thorax ſmooth. Wings cinereous with white veins, the baſe ſpotted with fulvous white and black. Inhabits India, on the Ficus racem ofa. Antenne of the female ſetaceous, of the male pectinate and ſeta - ceous at the tip : bead fulvous : thorax fulvous with a black dot each ſide : abdomen cinereous with 2 black dots each ſide : upper-wings with a long marginal fulvous ſpot at the baſe in which are 6 black dots and 3 white ones, at the thinner mar- gin are 2 white ſpots, the firſt with a black dot and lunule the other with a black dot : lower-wings yellow with a few black dots, beneath yellowiſh ſpotted with black. Caricae. Wings cinereous with white ſtreaks and dot in the middle, the baſe fulvous with 5 black dots. Inhabits India, on the Ficus Indiæ. Cram, 12. t. 133. f. 2. Antennae filiform : head fulvous with 2 black dots: thorax ful- vous with 2 black dots : lower-wings yellow ſpotted with black. Coronata. Wings brown with 3 obſcure ſtreak and a ftigma behind dotted with black. Inhabits China. Upper-wings with 3 ſtreaks which conſiſt of a darker and paler line, in the middle are 2 ſpots, the hinder-one kidney-ſhaped with 7 black dots: lower-wings yellow with 2 black bands. Beneath all yellowiſh : abdomen yellow with black belts. Manlias. Wings cheſnut-brown; lower-ones with a blue band and black margin. Inhabits Afia. Cram. 8. tab. 92. A. Upper-wings with an abbreviated dull band and paler ſpots : lower-wings black at the tip. Hircus. Wings brown, paler in the middle; lower-ones black with a yellow fore-angle. Inhabits 304 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA, 73. Phalana: Not. Inhabits Guinea ; large. Upper-wings with a broad grey-ferruginous band in the middle, beneath black with an abbreviated white band : lower-xings beneath black with a marginal white band. Stine Geryon, Wings black ſpotted with yellow ; lower-ones red edged with black Inhabits Africa ; large. Head and thorax black dotted with white : abdomen brown wit yellow rings and white ones beneath ; tail fulvous ; upper wings whitish at the tip. Leonina. Wings cheſnut-brown with grey ſtigmata; lower-one yellow with 2 black ſpots, abdomen with blac belts. Inhabits India. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Upper.wings with 4 obſcure ſtreaks, the third dotted with white, the fourth joined to a white one Beneath all yellowiſh. Dama. Wings brown ſtreaked with white ; lower-ones white edged with black. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir. Jol. Banks. Antenne pectinate black : thorax fulvous dotted with black; ab- domen fulvous ſpotted with black: upper-wings beneath brown with a white ſpot in the middle: lower-wings beneath white with a black border. Arundinis Wings cinereous with black dots and marginal lunules, be- neath with a central brown ſpot. In the ſtalks of the common Reed, and is ſaid to occafion the ſtaggers in Horſes. Naturf. 11. tab. 3. Body cinereous hairy immaculute : upper-wings with 3 pale ſpots at the thicker margin, beneath dulky: lower-wings beneath pale with a brown ſpot in the middle. Larva green dotted with black : pupa clongated nearly cylindri- cal cheſnut-brown. Vireſcens. Wings greeniſh with 3 darker ſtreaks. . In the Pods of the Cytiſus Caian. Body greeniſh : antennae and tongue ferruginous : lower-wings white with a ferruginous patch on the hind-margin. Beneath all white. Larva glabrous pale greeniſh with 3 darker ſtreaks down the back and a yellowiſh lateral one, head pale : pupa cheſnut-brown. * Batis. Upper-wings brown with 5 peach-colour ſpots ; lower-ones 5 cinereous. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Nost. 305 Inhabits Europe. Donovan. i. tab. 33. fig. 1. Merian. Eur. 3. tab. 21. fig. 1. Roes. Inf. 4. tab. 26. Larva naked ferruginous gibbous before and behind : pupa brown, tapering before. Silene. a Wings pale orange with a grey ſpot behind dotted with black. Inhabits Austria. Wien Verz. 85. 1. Head and thorax pale orange : upper-wings with an obſcure ab. breviated ſtreak in the middle and a few grey ſpots, the ante- rior of which has fometimes a black lunule. Larva naked dull brown with black ftigmata, and a black collar edged with white, Nitida. Wings fubftriate ferruginous with yellow ſtreaks; lower- ones brown. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 86.4. Upper-wings with a few ſpots in the middle and a ſtreak of black dots towards the hind-margin. Larva naked brown varied with grey and rufous, head pale, col- lar black with 2 white lines. a Rubigines. Wings yellow with ferruginous waves and ſcattered black dots. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz, 86. 8. . Antennae brown head and thorax yellow ; lower-wings brown with a fulvous margin. Rufina. Wings rufous with 3 browniſh bands, the hind-one broader; beneath reddiſh. Inhabits Europe, on the Oak. Clerk, Icon.tab.4. fig. 8. Larva naked liver-colour with white dots and a white lateral line. Martia. Wings pale orange mixed with cinereous; lower-ones fer- ruginous. Inhabits Germany. Body pale orange: upper-wings with cinereous ſpots and ſpecks. Beneath all cinereous with a ferruginous dot in the middle and freak. Strigora. Wings varied brown and cinereous with 3 black lines before the inner-margin. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 88. 15. Upper-winsg: with a waved ſtreak at the tip : lower-ones cine. reous. VOL, III.---2Q Fulvia, 306 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Nost. Fulvia. Both ſurfaces of the wings alike, fulvous edged with black. Inhabits India, Clerk Icon. tab. 55. fig. 9. Abdomen black, beneath yellow. Scutofa. Wings varied with brown and white; lower-oues white at the baſe with a brown ſpot, the tip brown ſpotted with white. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. l'erz. 89. 1, Body grey brown : upper-wings brown, white in the middle with 3 brown ſpots, the tip brown with white ſtreaks and marginal dots : beneath a white border with 3 large black dots; lower- wings beneath white with a brown dot in the middle and brown ftreak and dot at the tip. Larva greenish with black dots and obſcure lines, Glyphica. Wings vatiegated with cinereous and brown ; beneath yel- low with brown bands. On the Verbaſcum, Reaum. Inf. 1. tab. 49. fig, 14. Dipſacea Wings pale with a broad brown band; lower-ones varied with white and black. Inhabits Europe. Merian. Europ. 2. tab. 49. Larva red with white interrupted lines head, cinereous, Ononis. Wings cinereous with a fleſh-colour bloom and barred with brown; lower-ones black with 2 white ſpots. Hybn. Beytr. 2. tab. 4. fig. W. Wien. Verz. 89. 4. Inhabits Austria., on the flowers of the Ononis ſpinofa. Upper-wings with a broad brown margin in which is a ſmall ci- nereous ſtreak. Larva ſolitary naked with alternate rofy and purple ſtreaks. a Mi. Wings varied with cinereovs and brown with a black W beneath. On the Medicago falcata. Hybn. Beytr. 3. tab. 2. fig. F. Triqeu. Wings cinereous with 4 brown ſpots; the anterior ones triangular ; lower-ones yellow with brown bands. Inhabits Austria. Hybn. Beyer. 3. tab. 2. fig. I. Lower-wings with a brown hind-margin. Punctum. Wings indented brown ſlightly waved with reddiſh-brown, with a ſnowy ftigma in the middle. Inhabits Eaſt India. Lower-wings and all beneath brown. a Pulcra. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalæna. Noet. 307 Pubchra. Wings pale with 2 black ſpots at the rib. Inhabits Eaſt India: ſmall. Thorax pale, black before the anterior margin: lowerewings and all beneath yellowiſh immoculate. Avida. Wings ſhining browd with a ferruginous ftigma and band behind; lower-ones white. Inhabits East India. In the muſeum of Sir. Jof Banks. Head and thorax blackiſh: abdomen ſnowy beneath brown: upper-wings with yellowish lunules on the ferruginous band, the margin with a black waved ſtreak; bencath brown ; low- er-wings beneath white, * Roboris. Wings cinereous with 2 white waved ſtreaks, and a cen- tral ſnowy ſpot in which is a black lunule. Inhabits Europe. Donovan ix. tab. 299. Antennae fimple ; ſtreak on the wings edged with brown. Larva glabrous green with 2 yellow lines each fide : pupa black, Mixta. Wings pale ſlightly barred with brown; lower-ones pale at the baſe and tipt with brown. Inhabits Saxony. Body white immaculate. All the wings beneath pale. Crucis. a Wings ſhining cinereous with a brown ſtreak in the middle and band behind, Inhabits South American Iſlands. Upper-wings with a ſtreak of ſmall black dots behind the band : Lower-ones and all beneath yellowiſh. a Inquinata Wings cinereous with brown waves and fubferruginous band in the middle in which is a black dot. Inhabits Eaſt India. Upper-rwings fpeckled with brown with a very ſmall black dot before the band, beneath brown with a fulvous ſpot and baſe, lower-wings brown with a yellow baſe, beneath yellow with a brown hind-margin. Albicollis Wings white at the baſe and brown at the tip with a double white patch. Inhabits Europe. Hybn Beytr. 4. tah. 4. fig. W. Upper-wings with a ſmall black dot at the baſe, Larva naked grey ftriate tapering at each end, head teſtaceous, each ſegment with 2 white dots. a a Italica. Wings brown with ferruginous ſtreaks and a tranſverſe white marginal ſpot. Inhabits 308 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. Inhabits Italy. Schaef. Icon. tab 51. fig. 11. 12. Head and thorax brown: abdomen cinereous, the edges of the ſegments white : lower-wings and all beneath black with a white baſe and ſpots. Barbata Wings pale with 3 white ſtreaks and 2 brown dots in the middle. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Margin of the upper-wings a little ferruginous, beneath pale. In one Sex the fore-thighs are bearded with black. Palliata 3 a Upper-wings ferruginous with a black dot at the tip ; low- er-ones black with a fulvous margin. Inhabits Germany, Head and thorax dull ferruginous : abdomen above brown be- neath cinereous : wings beneath all black with fulvous mar- gins. Hypatia. Wings whitiſh ; upper-pair with a black diſk in which is 3 an oblique ſnowy band and and a fnowy ſtreak at the baie. Inhabits East India. Cram. tab. 250. E. Upper-wings with a black band and white ſtreak behind the diſk: lower-ones and all beneath whitiſh. a Triangu- Wings grey with a black diſk in which is a ſnowy triangle. lum. Inhabits Tranquebar. Cramer. tab 156. G. Rib of the upper-wings ſnowy at the baſe. Beneath all dukky. Palmata. Wings fubferruginous with obſolete waved ſtreaks and ſno- wy ſpot in the middle. Inhabits South American Ilands. Wings beneath pale with ferruginous ſtreaks. Female with a darker inflcad of the ſnowy ſpot. Larva green with a broad brown dorſal line, beneath dotted with brown. Arcuata. Wings whitiſh with a black curve in the middle and mar- ginal ſpot behind. Inhabits Tranquebar. Antenne pectinate, naked at the tip; body whitiſh. Upper-wings dull cinereous immaculate; lower-ones black at the tip with white ſpots. Inhabits Eaſt India : large. Vulpina. Notata. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noct. 309 Notata, Wings cinereous with brown bands and a black dot at the inner-margin. Inhabits East India. Upper-wings with a ſtreak of black dots near the margin, the tip brown: beneath cinereous with a brown lunule in the middle and band behind : lower-wings whitiſh with a brown ſtreak in the middle and band behind. Defiituta. Wings grey, with brown ſpots and a white ſubmarginal , streak edged with brown. Inhabits China. Upper wings with an obſolete brown band reaching from the mid- dle of the thinner margin to the tip. Beneath grey with 2 brown ſtreaks, the firſt waved, the ſecond compoſed of ſpots : thighs and fhanks very hairy. Tigrina, Upper-wings variegated ; lower-ones black with a white band and 3 marginal ſpots. Inhabits India. Cram. 27 tab. 932. C, D. tab. 6z. C, D. Upper-wings darker at the baſe with a brown ſtreak, the middle immaculate, the tip varied with brown cinereous and rufous with 3 white dots at the rib. Beneath grey with brown waves. Lyncea, Upper-wings varied with yellow and brown with a fnowy dot in the middle, bencath yellow with brown waves. Inhabits East India, Ilead and thorax brown : lower-wings and all beneath yellow with brown waves. Geometrica. Wings brown with a large black ſpot in which are 2 bands, the firſt ſnowy, the other cheſnut-brown. Inhabits of India. The cheſnut-b:own band on the upper-wings is terminated by a white ſtreak : lower-wings and all beneath black with a white band and margin. Mlezerteria Wings black ; upper-pair ſpeckled with blue, lower-ones tipt with white. Inhabits Eaft India, Cram, tab. 323. F. . Head and thorax brown : abdomen black, the tail ferruginous : lower-wings black with a blue gloſs. Stolida. Wings brown with 2 ſnowy bands, the hinder-onc i- 1 - toothed. Inhabits East India. Body cinereous : lower-wings brown with a white band and dot at the angle of the tail. Nivea 310 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalænā. Noli. Nivea. Wings and body white ; antennæ and tongue teſtaceous. Inhabits Norway Joviana. Wings cinereous with a tranſverſe black ſpot which is rounded before finuate behind and edged with white. Inhabits Eaſt India, Cramer. tab. 399. B. Upper-wings with 2 whitiſh ſtreaks joined to a brown one at the baſe: behind the black ſpot is a ſtreak of brown ſpots and 3 ſmall white dots at the thicker margin: lower-wings and all beneath cinereous: abdomen cinereous with 3 white dots each fide. a a Siupofa. Wings black with a white band in the middle, the tip cine- reous with a double black ſpot. Inhabits East India. Cramer. tab. 273. E. Lower--wings black with a white band in the middle. Beneath all grey. Inelgta. Wings brown with 3 blueiſh ſtreaks joined to a chefnut- brown one. Inhabits Brafil. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Body brown : antenne fimple: upper-wings with a blue dot at the baſe of the thicker margin: lower-wings brown with a blueiſh fpot at the angle of the tail. Benath all brown immaculate, Minioja. Wings ferruginous with 3 waved carmine ſtreaks and ſpots. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 88, 14. Antennae pectinate: upper-wings with a ſtreak of black dots towards the margin; lower wings whitiſh with a brown mar- ginal ſtreak. Larva black with an interrupted yellow line and 3 lines on the neck, Urline, Wings dull grey; lower-ones white hyaline with a black margin. Inhabits South American Tlands. Body cinereous : abdomen white : upper-wings with an obſcure grey ſpot or two. Bencath all white with a black hind-margin. Canina. Wings cinereous varied with brown; lower-ones white hyaline immaculate. Inhabits South American Iſlands. All the wings beneath immaculate. *Trapezina Wings whitiſh with a very broad deeper band in which is a black dot, the margin dotted with black. Inhabits Europe, on the nut-tree. Merian Eur. tab. 11. Larva INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noct. 311 Larva greeniſh with cinereous white and ſulphur lines; preys on the larva of other moths and even its own ſpecies: pupa fol. liculate chefnut-brown. * Ceraſi. Wings grey-ferruginous with a yellowiſh Ipot and ſtreak behind, the margin dotted with black. Inhabits England and Germany. Roef. Inf. 1. phal. 2. tab. 53. Lower-wings gloffy-cinereous with a large brown central dot beneath. Larva yellowiſh with 3 ſulphur lines, head blue: pupa naked cheſnut-brown, 2-toothed behind. Instabilis, Wings grey with a ferruginons band in the middle. Inhabits Auftria. Wien Verz. 76. 1. Body hairy ſubferruginous : lower-wings above brown, beneath cinereous with a brown central dot. The colour of the upper-wings varies but the ferruginous band always diſtinguiſhes the ſpecies. Larva naked green with a white dorſal line and lateral yellow one, Humilis. Wings grey with 3 yellowiſh ſtreaks and a brown one in the middle, the margin dotted. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 76, 3. Antennae ferruginous: body grey: upper-wings with 2 ſpots ſur- rounded with a yellowiſh ring: lower-wings brown, beneath whitiſh with a brown dot in the middle. a Centralis. Wings dull cinereous with a black central dot. Inhabits Kiel: ſmall, Body dull cinereous with a few obſolete yellowiſh waved ſtreaks : lower-wings beneath pale with a brown ſtreak and dot in the middle. Lychnidis . Wings ferruginous-brown ftriate with yellow. Inhabits Austria. Wien, Verz. 76, 5. Body grey: antennae ferruginons: upper-wings with 6 or 7 yellow ftriæ from the baſe below the ordinary ſpots, towards the tip are 2 ſtreaks; lower-wings brown. 1 Fixa. Upper-wings pale at the baſe, the tip greeniſh with a pale ſtreak; lower-ones yellow edged with black.. Inhabits Gibraltar; ſmall. Body above browniſh, beneath yellow: upper-wings grey at the baſe with a brown band in the middle: lower-wings with a few black ſtreaks before the margin, a 2 • Monilis. ON 312 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noël. * Monilis. Wings cheſnut-brown with 4 approximate white dots } antennæ pectinate. Inhabits England; middle-ſized. Head and thorax ferruginous : antennae ferruginous: abdomen paler: upper-wings with a duſky dot in the middle and 4 white cots placed tranſverſely at the thinner margin, 1, 3 leſs than the reſt, towards the tip are 4 yellowiſh obſolete ones: lower-wings pale reddiſh with a darker freak beneath. Elettrica. Wings grey with 2 black waved ſtreaks at the tip. Inhabits Kiel. Head and thorax grey: abdomen paler: upper-wings with 2 ſpots in the middle, the firſt ſmall and round, the other larger and kidney-ſhaped, the margin fringed with cinereous and brown: lower-wings and all beneath white immaculate. Undata. Wings grey with waved brown ſtreaks; lower-ones cinere- ous with a black marginal band. Inhabits Eaſt India. Antenne ferruginous: head and thorax greeniſh: upper-wiugs beneath with a black ſpots and a band behind. Vittata. Wings cinereous with brown ſtreaks; lower-ones yellowiſh with a black marginrl fillet. Inhabits Eaſt India. Cramer. tab. 399. G. Antennae pale rufous, as long as the body: upper.wings with a brown ring at the baſe and kidney ſhaped ſpot in the middle: lower wings with 3 brown ſtreaks, the margin yellowiſh. n3 Annulata. Wings gloffy-brown; lower-ones beneath grey with a brown dot in the middle and ſtreak behind : fore- fhanks annulate with white. Inhabits Tranquebar. Upper-wings with a few white dots at the rib: lower-wirgs blackiſh with a whitiſh margin. a Munda. Wings cinereous with a yellowiſh fireak behind in which are 2 black dots. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 16, 7. Upper-wings with ſometimes 2 black dots at the angle of the tail. Larva naked varied with grey and black with a teſtaceous lateral line. a Blanda. Wings brown-cinereous with a whiter ſtreak behind. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 77.8. , . . Body hairy cinereous : lower-wings cinereous. Ambigua. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. 313 Ambigua. Wings cinereous ſpeckled with black, a black ſtreak behind the middle. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 77, 8. Lower-wings whitiſh with a black dot in the middle beneath. Larva varied with ferruginous and brown, head brown. Gracilis. Wings brown-cinereous with a brown waved ſtreak at the baſe and a yellowish one at the the tip with a punctured one between them. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 76, 4. Wings with a few ſpots in the middle and a ſtreak of black dots behind them Larva naked greeniſh with yellowiſh fides, the inciſures yellow, each ſegment with 4 dulky ſpots and a black one before. a Repanda. Wings yellowiſh with 2 brown ſtreaks behind, one flexu- ous, the other compoſed of dots.. Inhabits South American Ijlands. Body yellowiſh: upper wings with a black dot at the thinner- margin, a few ſpots in the middle, and an oblique reddiſh ſtreak behind : lower-wings yellow with a brown ſtreak behind and ſpot at the tip. Beneath all yellow, The other ſex is without the black dot at the thinner margin. a Verſicolor. Wings grey or purpliſh with an abbreviated white band on the upper-pair. Inhabits American Iſlands. Colour of the wings very variable but always with the white band; beneath with a dull ſtreak or two in the middle. Corckori. Wings Wings angular cinereous with a broad darker band in the middle which is angular behind. Inhabits South America. Upper wings with a black dot in the middle of the band : lowere wings blackiſh with a fringed blackiſh hind-margin. Beneath chefnut-brown with a whitiſh inner margin. Larva glabrous green with a yellow undulate laterai line and double purple one, head yellow: pupa cheſnut-brown. Diſcolor. Wings brown, upper-pair with a paler band 1-toothed behind; lower-ones with 2 white marginal ſpots. Inhabits Tranquebar. Body cinereous brown: thorax with a black ſpot. The band in one ſex is greeniſh with a black dot in the middle; before the margin an obſolete white patch. Keneath ail brown with a white dot in the middle of the lower-ones, VOL. II--2R . !R Sordida. 314 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noet. Sordida. Wings yellowiſh with a common brown ſtreak and ſubmar- ginal dots; beneath a ſnowy lunule in the middle. Inhabits Tranquebar. Body yellowiſh : upper-wings with an obſolete brown ſtreak at the baſe, fubocellar dot before the middle and kidney ſhaped ſpot. Beneath all paler with a ſnowy dot in the middle and 2 ſtreaks behind, Frugalis. Wings cinereous with an oblique brown band and ſtreak of black dots behind. Inhabits India. Upper-wings with a ſmall brown dot in the middle. One ſex has the hind legs covered with thick yellow hair. Flava. Wings yellow with waved ferruginous ſtreaks. Inhabits Eaſt India ; ſmall. Lower-wings paler immaculate. Stigma- tizans. Wings angular yellow with 3 darker ſtreaks and a ſnowy 3 dot. Inhabits India ; ſmall. Antennc cinereous: head and thorax yellow : lower-wings cine reous. Beneath all dulky with a brown waved ſtreak. Dorſalis. Wings green with a large common brown ſpot. Inhabits Tranquebar ; ſmall. Head and thorax greeniſh: the ſpot nearly forming a band. Cinerea. Wings cinereous with a ſtreak of black dots behind. Inhabits Sweden; ſmall. Antennae duſky, whitiſh at the baſe : lower-wings browniſh with a whitiſh baſe. Rejecta. Wings white with a greeniſh ſpot behind. Inhabits Eaſt India; ſmall. Lower-wings immaculate. Fortificata. Wings grey ſpotted with brown; lower-ones yellow with a brown ſtreak and hind-margin. Inhabits Germany; ſmall. All the wings beneath yellowiſh: Elata. Upper-wings clouded with brown with a cinereous patch and ſpot ; lower-ones white. Inhabits Eaſt India, Thorax INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phadna. Noft. 315 Thorax cinereous, the fore-part brown: upper-wings with a pale blueiſh band behind, the hind-margin with cinereous ſtreaks: lower-wings immaculate. Lanceolata, Wings lanceolate cinereous, the upper-pair ſpeckled with brown. Inhabits Germany; ſmall. Antennae as long as the body, black tipt with white: body grey : all the wings lanceolate, lower.ones immaculate. e. Wings deflected; thorax creſted. * Fulvago. Upper-wings yellow with ferruginous ſtreaks, the hind one compoſed of dots; lower-wings white. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon. tab. 6. fig. 15. Larva naked pale with a cheſnut-brown head. Croceage. Wings ferruginous with brown ſtreaks, the rib dotted with white. Inhabits Germany. Hybn. Beytr. tab. 1. fg. F. Head and thorax ferruginous : lower.wings whitiſh with a red dot and 2 waved ſtreaks. Larva yellowiſh with a brown dorſal line and ſhort oblique late- ral orange ones. 2 Albage Wings yellow with a blueiſh ocellar dot in the middle be- tween brown waved ſtreaks. Inhabits Tranquebar. Antennae browniſh : head and thorax yellowiſh : the blueiſh ſpot on the upper-wings with a brown iris, the margin a little browniſh : lower-wings brown with a whitiſh margin. Aurago. Wings browniſh with a yellow patch at the baſe and broad band in the middle. Inhabits Austria. Hybn. Beytr. 1. tab. 2. fig. L. Lower-wings cinereous. Larva naked grey with oblique brown lines. Sulphurago. Wings yellow with numerous brown dots and ſtreaks. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz, 86, 8. . Upper-wings with 2 brown rings behind the firſt freak, the margin dotted with brown. Larva naked whitiſh with a yellow head. Cerago. Wings yellow ſubfaſciate with brown; lower-ones white. Inhabits Germany. Wien Verz. 86, 9. Thorax yellow with a raiſed pointed creft in one ſex. 2. R 2 Rutilago. 316 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. Rutilaga. Wings yellow with ferruginous ſtreaks and a brown band at the baſe and tip. Inhabits Europe, on the Poplar. Wien. Verz. 86.4. Body brown: abdomen whitih. *Citrago. Wings yellow with 3 oblique ferruginous ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Albin. tab. 33. Wilrs. 5.t. 1. a. 8. Larva naked brown with yellow fides: pupa folliculate cheſnut- brown. Luteage. Ferrago. Wings yellow with 2 indented brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Southern Ruſia. Antennae ferruginous with a white ſhaft: lower--wings whitiſh. Wings ferruginous with a brown ſpot in the middle in which is a white lunule. Inhabits Kiel. Upper wings with a ſtreak of obſolete black dots behind the brown ſpot: lower wings brown. Beneath all filvery. Flavago Wings deep yellow with a broad brown band and dots. Inhabits Kiel. Thorax brown before, yellow and creſted behind : upper wings with a broad finuate brown band behind the middle in which are 3 coftalyellow dots, and behind this a ſtreak of ſmall brown dots: lower-wings cinereous. Gilvago. Wings pale yellow with a brown dot in the middle and ſtreak a of black dots behind. Inhabits Germany. Lower-wings whitc: * Chrifitis. Wings yellowiſh-brown with 2 green-gold bands and a yellowiſh marginal one. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv. tab. 137. Albin tob. 71. fig. a, b, c, d. Merian. Europe. 1. tab. 59. Antenna yellow : lower-wings blackish-grey. Larva ſolitary green with a white lateral line : pupa folliculate brown. Concha. Wings purpliſh with 2 gold ſpots in the middle and 4 at the tip. Inhabits Auſtria. Kaock. Beytr. 1, tab. 1. fig, 2. Antennae pale: head and fore-part of the thorax ferruginous : lower-wings pale. Orichalcea, Wings brown with a large lunate green-gold ſpot. Inhabits India, Lower-wings immaculate, Lamina. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalena. Noet. 317 Lamina. Wings cinereous with a black marginal ſpot edged with gold each ſide, and a gold ſpot. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 3 14. 8. Head and thorax grey: abdomen with tufts of black hairs at the baſe: upper-wings with a gold ſpot near the tip in which is a black dot. a Bractea. Wings variegated, with a large ſhining gold ſpot in the mid- dle. Inhabits Southern Europe. Wien. Verx 314. 7. Head and thorax dull ferruginous : upper-wings varied with ci- nereous brown and ferruginous. lower-wings cinereous. * Feſtucae Upper-wings varied with yellow and brown with 3 ſilvery- 3 gilt 1pots; lower-ones pale brown. Inhabits Europe. Donov. ii. tab. 25. Albin. t. 84. G, H. Larva naked green, and conſtructs its web by making a deep in- ciſion acroſs the leaf of the Scirpus lacuſtris or Bull-ruh, which becoming dependent, it joins the broken parts together and weaves its web between them. Circumflexa Upper-wings browniſh with a flexuous filvery character. Inhabits Europe. Eſp. phal. 4. tab. 32. fig. 56. Larva nearly naked green with a darker latrral line : pupa half black half white. a Artemijege Upper-wings green with ſcattered ſilvery ſpots. Inhabits Germany. Knock. Beytr. 1. tab. 3. fig. 1. 2. Head and thorax green varied with ſilvery: abdomen whitish: lower-wings white with a darker hind-margin. Larva hairy green ſpotted with white with a dorſal and lateral line compoſed of red warts: pupa greeniſh. Gamma. Wings indented; upper-pair brown with a gold y in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Donov. viii. tab. 265.f. 2. Albin. t. 79. G, H. Merian. Eur, tab. 82. fig: 78. Wilks. pap. tab. 2. a. I. Upper-wings with a few irregular gold lines : lower.ones with an oblique pale band and dotted margin. Larva 12-footed green with white dorſal ſtripes and a lateral yel- low one, head brown: pupa folliculate cheſnut-brown. Moneta. Wings gold with brown waved ſtreaks and a double filve- a ry ring Inbabits Mountains of Auſtria, Thorax grey dotted with black ; the filvery rings with a ſquare brown mark. Æmula. 318 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noći. mula. Wings indented, varied with cinereous and black with a double filvery line in the middle. Inhabits Auftria. Lower-wings cinereous at the baſe and tipt with brown. Divergens. Wings entire, upper-pair grey, the middle brown with a white mark ; lower-ones fulvous edged with brown. Inhabits Auftria. Panz, Fn. Germ. 6. tab. 20. Argentina. Wings grey with a broad abbreviated filvery fillet. Inhabits Southern Ruſia. Body ſmall hairy white: lower-wings ſnowy. Interrogatic Upper-wings brown varied with cinereous and marked with a white ? Inhabits Europe, Clerk. Ic. tab. 6. fig. 7. а enis. Signata. Wings duſky dotted with black at the baſe and marked in the middle with gold ? Inhabits India, Tip of the wings erect : abdomen with 2 erect tufts, Quaestionis. Wings varied with gold and cinereous and marked in the middle with a fiver?. Inhabits India and the Pacific Iſlands. Body cinereous; tail bearded : upper-wings cinereous at the baſe and tip Peperise Wings grey with a cheſnut gold ſpot at the tip and another at the thinner margin. Inhabits Eall India, on the Pepo. Spots on the wings cheſnut-brown reflecting a gold ſplendor in a certain direction of light. Yota. Ferruta, Upper-wings reddiſh-grey with a large brown ſpot in the middle in which is an inverted gold i. Inhabits Europe. Donovan's Eng. Inf.viii . tab. 256. fig. 1. Larva 12 footed naked green ſpotted with white. Wings varied with gold and brown with a ſilvery dot in the middle. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Head cinereous, the hind-margin fulvous : wings browniſh at the baſe, gold in the middle, then brown, afterwards gold, with a brown fringed margin. Beneath cinereous with a brown freak. Lunata, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana Nott. 319 Lunata. Wings varied with brown and cinereous with a cinereous curve in the middle edged with yellow. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Thorax very much crefted : lower-wings cinereous at the baſe and tipt with brown. Emarginata Wings variegated with brown fleſh-colour and gold; the thinner edge emarginate : head and fore-part of the thorax orange Inhabits Tranquebar. Antenne pectinate, ſetaceous at the tip: thorax cinereous behind: abdomen whitiſh : upper-wings with a whitiſh ſtreak behind : lower-ones cinereous Beneath, upper-pair duſky, lower-ones whitiſh, Pauperata. Wings brown varied with cinereous; lower-ones white hyaline Inhabits China. Thorax brown with cinereous ſtreaks : upper-wings with a few ſhort black ſtreaks near the tip; lower-ones with a brown ſtreak at the margin. * Meticulofa Wings indented pale: upper-pair fleſh-colour at the baſe with a brown triangle. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, iv. tab. 139. Albin.tab, 13. Merian. Eur. tab. 24. Wilks. pap. 3. Wilks. pap. 3. tab. 1, a. 3. . 3. Lower-wings reddiſh-grey with a brown ſtreak in the middle. Larva naked green with an interrupted yellow dorſal line and lateral ones : pupa follicuclate blackiſh chocolate-colour, Ciliata. Wings indented green with a cinereous hind-margin. Inhabits Cayenne. Anternae pectinate, ſetaceous at the tip: thorax cinereous, a lit- tle reddiſh on the fore-part : body cinereous : lower-wings brown, the outer margin fringed with tufted hairs, the hind. margin indented and grey. Beneath all browniſh : fore- fhanks bearded. Confona. Wings entire greeniſh with doubled white ſtreaks the firſt inflectted, the tip with 2 fulvous ſpots. Inhabits Austria : reſembles the next. Illustris, Wings entire, gloſſy-green and cinereous with 3 diſtinct ferruginous ſpots. Inhabits Germany. Panz. Fn. Germ. 2. tab. 17. Thorax a little ferruginous before ; upper-wings varied with ci- nereous green and fleſh-colour with 3 ferruginous ſpots near the hind-margin incloſed in 2 pale itreaks : lower-rings cine- Seous. Lacera. 320 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Not. Lacera. Wings varied with brown and ferruginous and emarginate at the thinner edge ; front fulvous. Inhabits China. Upper-wings with a yellow ſpot at the angle oi the tail in which is a black lunule : lower-ones and all beneath cinereous, a Oo. Wings buff-colour with darker ſtreaks, and ſpots and mar- ked in the middle with a double o Inhabits Europe. Donovan, v. tab. 179. Wilks tab. 1 d. 22. Larva red with white lines and dots : pupa reddiſh brown dot- ted with white. Flammea, Wings varied with ferruginous and yellow with conflu- ent ſpots. Inhabits Auftria. Upper-wings with whitiſh ſtreaks at the tip, the ſpots ſurrounded with whitiſh within : lower-wings brown, beneath reddiſh with a brown dot and ſtreak. *Gothicco Upper-wings browniſh with a black curve and dot in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon. tab. 1. fig. 1. The black curve is turned upwards. * Deraſa. Upper-wings varied with rufous brown and white with 2 black ocellar dots in the middle. Inhabits Enrope. Donovan. vii. tab. 223. fig. 1. Abdomen and lower--wings brown. Renata. Wings browniſh with a double cinereous o and ſtreak be- hind. Inhabits Denmark, on the Nut-tree. Larva glabrous green with a yellow dorſal and lateral line, the hind-ſegments with an oblique yellow ftreak : pupa naked fubterraneous. Sericia Or.. Wings white with 3 black ſtreaks; lower-ones yellow with a black ſtreak and dots. Act. Holm. 1781. 243. tab.5. fig. 12. Inhabits Japan, where it is reared for the ſake of its filk. Body white with a red collar. Wings cinereous with brown waves and a grey ſpot in the middle ; lower-ones duſky. Inhabits Auſtria, on the Poplar. Wien. Verz. 87.5. Larva grecnish with a cheſnut-brown head. Wings cinereous with 2 obſolete ferruginous bands and a white dot in the middle. a Diluta. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noet. 321 Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 87. 6, Wings beneath cinereous with a brown ſtreak. Larva pale with a brown dorſal line and black head. a Ruficollis Wings dull cinereous with 2 darker bands; fore-part of the thorax ferruginous. Inhabits Auftria. Esp. phal. 4. tab. 4o. fig. 4, Abdomen and lower-wings cinereous. Larva naked, the back lead-colour, the ſides white dotted with black. * Satellitia. Wings indented reddiſh-brown with a yellow ſpot in the middle between 2 ſmaller white ones. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. v. tab. 168. Roes. 3. tab.5o. Larva black with ſhort white lines on the ſides, collar and tail with yellow lines: preys upon other larvæ: pupa reddiſh brown obtuſely 3-toothed behind. * Diffinis. Wings ferruginous with 3 white ſpots at the rib and 2 black dots behind. Inhabits Europe, Harris. Ins. tab. 5. fig. 8. Larva green with white lines, head and fore-legs black. Affinisa a 8 Wings ferruginous with a double black dot at the inner-an- gle; lower-ones black. Inhabits Europe. Hybn. Beytr. 4. tab. 4. fig. 8. Larva nearly naked greeniſh-white with lighter or darker lines and black raiſed hairy dots, the ftigmata marked with a black curve above, ſometimes pale green ſpeckled with white and black. Tripsera Wings with 2 longitudinal rounded ſulphur ſpots and nu- merous ſpecks. Inhabits Europe. Lower-wings white. Margina- Wings yellowiſh with ferruginous ſtreaks and hind-mar- gin ; lower-ones with a black central dot and margi- nal band. Inhabits Europe'. Donovan. Vetab. 150. fig. 1. Upper-zwings with 2 ferruginous circles in the middle. to. * Abfintbii. Wings hoary with black bands, and dots diſpoſed in a qua- . drangle. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon. tab. 8. fig. 19. Larva green with yellow and rufous ſpots and lines: pupa folli- calate reddiſh-brown, green before. VOL. III.--2 S Abrotani 322 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Nost. Abretani. Wings brown-cinereous with black waved ſtreaks and 4 white dots at the rib. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 73.2. Roes. 3. t. 51. larva. . Antennae ferruginous : thorax cinereous, the fore margin whitiſh with a thin black ſtreak : lower-wings cinereous. Larva green with ferruginous fpots and conie tubercles on the back, a Occulte. Wings clouded, the tip cinereous with 3 black ſpots. Inhabits Sweden ; large. Thorax with a black lateral line and abbreviated ſtreak before : upper-wings with a white waved ſtreak behind and another near the larger black dot : lower-wings brown with a whitiſh margin. Patibulum. Wings cinereous with a ſmall black dot and common dor- ſal ſpot united to an obſcure ſtreak. Inhabits Eaſt India. Thorax cinereous with a large raiſed creſt and black ſtreak before: all the wings beneath yellowiſh with a black band and dots : abdomen pale with lateral black dots. Albipes. Wings glaucous with brown waves ; legs ſnowy. Inhabits East India. Head and thorax glaucous: abdomen beneath ſnowy: lower-wings and all beneath cinereous. * Alni. Wings ſooty with 2 grey patches, the firſt with a black mar- ginal dot. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 1. tab. 11. fig. 25--28. Larva black with yellow dorſal ſpots and erect hairs : pnpa folli. culate reddiſh-brown. * Delphinii. Wings purpliſh with 2 whitiſh bands; lower-ones duſky. 2 Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv. p. 52. Merian. Eur. I. t, 40, Panz. Fn. Germ. 7. tab. 17. Wilks. pap. 3. t. 1. a. 4. Larva ſmooth naked yellowiſh with black dots and 2 paler lines: pupa reddiſh-brown. Purpurina. Wings purpliſh with a yellow baſe. Inhabits Auftria, Hybn, Beytr. 2. tab. I. G. Lower-wings brown. Pteridis. Wings brown with white ſpots and 2 purple bands. Inhabits Germauy. Eſp. phal. 4. tab. 125. fig. 7. . Lower-swings blackiſh, beneath whitiſh with a brown lunule in the middle and ſtreak. Pilia (INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalana. Naet. 323 Piela, Wings purple with white ſtreaks and dots, ſome of them edged with black Inhabits Germany. Abdomen purple, the laſt ſegment but one yellow : upper-wings with a kidney-ſhaped ſpot behind the middle with a purple lunule and behind this 2 white ſtreaks, the 2 hind-ones dotted with black : lower-wings brown. Beneath cinereous mixed with purple. Geographi- Wings browniſh with a whitiſh ſpot at the baſe and 2 from wy ſtreaks meeting behind, the hind-margin ſtreaked - with white. Inhabits Austria; ſmall. Thorax cinereous witn 2 white dots. 2. Hyperici. Wings varied with cinereous and brown and fubftriate with black, with a whitiſh oblong ſpot at the baſe. Inhabits Austria, on the Hypericum. Wien. Verz. 76. 10. Antennce black : thorax pale with 2 abbreviated black ſtreaks : abdomen brown : lower-wings fhining-brown: legs annnlate with white. Larva violet with 3 interrupted white dorſal lines, * Perſpicil. Wings with brown ſtreaks twice 2-toothed behind with a laris. fingle kidney-ſhaped common ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon. tab. 2. fig. 3. Lower-margin of the wings a little purpliſh. Larva fubpubeſcent rough, green with a white dorſal line and thinner-ones on the ſides, and white ſcattered dots. Linariae. Wings brown-aſh, the tip ſtreaked with white and black with ſnowy fubocellar ſpots in the middle. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz. 73.6. Thorax grey, the fore-margin white with a ſmall black ſtreak ſnowy ſpots on the wings ſurrounded with a ſmall black ring : lower-ones whitiſh with a brown margin. Larva with a yellow dorſal line, the fides with white and black ſtreaks, head cinereous dotted with black, * Pili. Wings purpliſh with 2 darker ſpots and a yellowiſh waved ſtreak at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. ii. tab. 51. Merian. Eur, tab. 50. Head and thorax purpliſh : abdomer and lower-wings pale brown. Larva ferruginous naked with 4 yellow lines, head fleſh co- lour. 2 Sz Mandica 324 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. Mendica. Wings pale fleſh-colour with a brown ſpot in the middle in which are yellow dots. Inhabits Germany. Thorax brown with a whitish fore-margin: upper-wings with numerous waved brown ſtreaks, beneath yellowiſh with a brown streak. * Oxyacan- Wings dark brown with 2 fleſh-colour ſpots and tip, the in- thæ. ner-margin greeniſh with a white lunule. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. v.tab. 165, Albin. tab. 14, Lower-wings and body pale brown. Larva naked varied with yellowiſh and black, tail gibbous : pupa folliculate yellowiſh. Brunnea, Wings brown with a tranſverſe yellow ſpot in the middle, the margin cheſnut-brown. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 83. 15. Upper-wings with a few yellow ſpots : lower-wings brown with a rcddith-brown margin. Larva naked chefnut-brown with white ſpots and a blueiſh late- ral line, head black with 2 white lines. ras. 5 *Chryfoce- Upper-wings olive green with fulphur ftreaks and hind- margin ; lower-ones brownish with a fulphur mar- gin. Inhabits England. Linn. Tranf. ii. p. 3. tab. 1. fig. 1-3. Thoroz with a white tranſverſe line before ; upper-wings ſulphur with olive clouds. Larva pale yellow with a reddiſh brown head : pupa naked cho- cholate brown and pointed at the tip. Geminc. Upper-wings browniſh-grey with 2 ſtreaked darker bands and 2 intermediate ſnowy ſpots. Inhabits England. Linn. Trony, 11. p. 4. tab. 1. fig. 4-6. Upper-wings with a broad band in the middle compoſed of 4 dark It reaks in the middle of which are 2 ſnowy ftreaks, and near the tip another band compoſed of about 3 waved ſtreaks, in the tip of the fore-margin is an oblique black line: lower-w:ing's paler. Larva yellowiſh with a dark dorſal line and reddiſh-brown head: pupa chocholate brown, pointed at the tip. * Pulla. Upper-wings brown-ferruginous ſlightly clouded, with a white undulate ſtreak. Inhabits England. Linn. Tranf.ii.p.5. tab. !. fig7-9. Upper-wings with 2 ſpots near the thicker margin: lozver-rings cinereous : tail bearded. Larva INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noet. 325 Larva brown with yellow lateral lines and reddiſh-brown head: pupa chocolate brown. *Chryjo- Upper-wings ſubfalcate grey with 3 ſtreaks, the 2 firſt of gloſla. which are abbreviated. Inhabits England. Linn. Tranſ. ii. p. 6. tab. 1. fig. 10. 11. Upper-wings browniſh or whitih ſpeckled with brown, at the baſe are 2 whitiſh ſtreaks the firſt abbreviated, then 2 brown ſpots ſurrounded with a whitiſh line, near the outer margin a whitiſh ſtreak and a white line at the edge : the outer margin of all deeper colour: lower-wings browniſh. Culta. Wings waved browniſh with 2 white ſpots, the anterior one double : margins of the thorax white. Inbabits Austria. Hybn. Beytr. 2. tab.3. fig. R. Antennae ferruginous : head ſnowy with a black ſtreak and dots: upper-wings a little waved with white and black, the hind- margin varied with white and brown : lower-wings white with a blackiſh patch at the angle of the tail. Wings brown with black waves and a broad white band in the middle. Inhabits Auſtria Wien, Verz. 70.5. Heed and i horax varied with white and brown: lower-wings brown, paler at the baſe: tarſi black annulate with white. Compta. Pralina. Wings varied with brown and green with 3 white patches: thorax with a double creſt. Inliabits Austria Wien. Verz. 82. II. Lower wings brown with a white fringe, beneath with a black dot and waved ſtreak. Larva pale violet, the back ſpotted with black, ftigmata white and head brown. dtriplicis Upper-wings brown with blue and yellow ſtreaks, in the middle a white mark and bifid yellow one. Inhabits Europe. Donovan's Eng. In viii. tab. 362. f. 1. Wilks pap. 3. tab. 1. a. 2. Roes. I, phal. 2. tob. 31. Larva naked roſy with white dots and a brown dorſal line e pupa reddiſh-brown. a Commelina. Upper-wings clouded with brown with a yellowiſh diffrac- ted mark and ſpot at the tip : lower-wings whitih. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt Inf. of Georgia. Plytolacce Upper-wings ftriate with brown with a duſky dot; the hind-margin ſpotted with black, the fore-margin dotteu. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Frugiperda. 326 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noer. Frugiperda. Upper-wings clouded with brown with 2 ocellar brown dots and an intermediate mark, the tip with a white ſpot. Inhabits America, Smith's Lepidopt. Inj. of Georgia. Chionanthi. Upper-wings cinereous with a white o and black ſtreaks and marks; lower-ones whitiſh, browniſh on the outer- part. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidope. Inf. of Georgia. Gauræ. Wings white; upper-pair with a red ſtreak; all with a red margin: thorax yellowih. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. a a Rbexia. Upper-wings green with tranſverſe yellow ſtreaks and in- termediate ſpots; lower-ones white with a brown margin. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia, Dolicbos. Wings indented brown with a white patch in the middle: abdomen beneath cinereous and dotted each fide with black. Inhabits, South America, on the Dolichos and Carica, Head and thorax varied with cinereous and brown: lower-rvings white with a black marginal freak. Larva glabrous purpliſh-brown with 2 dorſal lines of black ſpots, the outer margin whitilh: pupa brown. Simata. Wings cinereous at the baſe with a large black finuate ſpot. Inhabits India ; ſmall. Thorax ferruginous before and cinereous behind: upper.wings paler at the margin with a ſtreak of black dots : lower-wings duſky. Beneath all cinereous with a brown waved ſtreak. Hifrienica. Upper-wings variegated; lower-ones white with a black marginal ftreak. Inhabits India. Upper wings varied with brown and cinereous and friate behind, Golypii. Upper-wings varied with brown and cinereous; lower-ones hyaline immaculate. Inhabits South America. Thorax varied with cinereous and brown: upper-wings with an obiong brown ſpot at the rib near the tip, the rib dotted with white. Larva INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noct. 327 Larva gregarious glabrous grey-browu with a broad brown dor- fal fillet furrounded by a yellow line which is intersected by white ſpots; is very deſtructive to the leaves and ſterns of the Gollypium and eagerly devoured by the Meleagris Gallopavo. Braſcaria Wings indented variegated with a common gold-teſtaceous ſpot; lower-ones white. Inhabits South America, on the Braſlica oleracea. Pupa black, the edges of the ſegments red. Setofa. Wings brown with a teſtaceous and a white ſpot: fore- joints with a tuft of white hairs. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Body cinereous, beneath white : tarh black annulate with white. * Præcox. Wings cinereous with 2 ſubocellar ſpots; lower-ones red- diſh-brown with an abbreviated rufous band. Inhabits Europe. Donovan's Eng. Inf. vi. tab. 213. 2. Wings entirely greeniſh. Wien. Verz. 71, 2. Larva green and yellowiſh with blackiſh lines: pupa reddiſh- brown. * Pyramidea Wings brown with 3 flexuous waved yellowiſh ſtreaks; lower-ones ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Mer. Eur. 2. tab. 9. Ammir. tab. 11. Larva naked green with a dorſal and lateral white lines, gibbous behind : pupa reddiſh-brown. Lucipeta. Wings dull cinereous with yellowiſh waved ſtreaks and ſpots. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz. 71, 3. large. Pyrophila. Wings cinereous with brown lunules and ſpots; lower-ones ſhining-brown. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 71, 4. Body cinereous: thorax with a brown interrupted ſtreak: hind- margin of the upper-wings dotted with black : lower-wings above immaculate, beneath paler with a brown lunule and ſtreak. Typica. Wings brown with margined ſtigmata and pale reticulate ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Roes. 1. phal. 2. tab. 5, 6. Larva naked grey, the ſides white with a black line : pupa fol. liculate reddiſh-brown. 6 * Lucipara, 328 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Nost. * Lucipara. Wings cinereous with dark angular marks and a broad brown band in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii tab 230: fig. 2. Wings beneath reddiſh-grey with a black dot and ſtreak. Oleracea. Upper-wings ferruginous with a yellowiſh lunule and white ſtreak, 2-toothed behind Inhabits Europe. Albin. tab. 27. Ammir. Inf tab. 7. Upper-wings with a few yellowiſh ſpots and a ſtreak of black dots behind : lo-wer-ones cinereous. Larva naked livid with black dots a brown dorſal line and lateral white one : pupa naked blackiſh. * Xantogra- Wings black; lower-ones ſnowy at the baſe. pha. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon. tab. 1. fig. 2. Leucomelas. Wings ſlightly indented grey-brown, cinereous at the tip with a fulvous ſpot at the angle of the tail. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz. 84, 4. Upper wings with a black line at the baſe, in the middle a few ſpots, the hinder-one kidney-ſhaped with an obſolete white lunule, the tip with black marginal dots. Larva blueiſh with white lines and dots, head reddith-brown. Convergens. Wings indented dark brown with black waves, the tip grey; lower-ones with a white baſe and 2 marginal ſpots. Inhabits Auflria. Wien. Verz. 89, 5. Body black: upper-wings with a grey ſtreak at the tip which forms a ſpot at the angle of the tail. Beneath all black, baſe of the lower-ones white with a black dot. Rivularis. Wiugs brown with a grey band bifid at the tip and edged with yellow. Inhabits Europe, on the Cucubalus. Wien. Verz. 84, 6. Larva naked glabrous varied with greeniſh and cinereous and marked with darker dots. Serena. Wings whitiſh with a broad brown band ſpotted with yel- low each ſide. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 84, 4. Body whitiſh ſpeckled with brown: upper-quings white at the baſe with a few black dots; the tip white with black and brown ftreaks, the rib dotted with white and black. * Pinaſri. Wings black, the thinner margin and angle of the tail dull cinereous. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Icon, tab. 1. fig. 8. Head INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Nost. 329 Head black: antennae brown: thorax black with a longitudinal compreſſed cinereous creſt: upper-wings with a few obſolete ſpots. Ligafiri. Wings varied with brown and greeniſh and ſlightly waved with black with a large whitiſh ſpot behind. Inhabits Auſtria Wien Verz. 70, 1. . Thorax varied with white and black: upper-wings with a few ſpots in the middle annulate with white, the margin varied with white and dotted with black. Larva hairy green with yellow lines. Strigilis. Wings clouded with ſetaceous denticles within a white terminal band. Inhabits Szeden. Clerk, Icon. tab.ç. fig. 6. , Wings with a white patch at the baſe. Aprilina. Upper-wings greeniſh with black ſpots and triangular dots each fide behind. Inhabits Europe. Roef. Inf. 3. Roel. Inf. 3. tab. 39. fig. 4. Tborax with 2 black curves : margin of the wings with triangular dots in a double ron. Larva ſolitary glabrous cinereous with ſquare brown ſpots : pupa reddiſh-brown. Rúnica. Wings green with a black ſpot and band, the tip with a ſingle row of black triangular dots. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 70, 6. Thorax black before and greenith behind. Larva hairy above browniſh with ferruginous bands and hite ſpots. Virens. Upper-wings green with a white lunule in the middle; lower-ones white immaculate. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 85. 8, Margin of the upper-wings whitiſh. Seladonia. Wings varied with green and cinereous with black waved ſtreaks and triangular dots behind. Inhabits Szweden. Degeer Inf. 2. tab. 6. fig. 24. Head greeniſh: thorax greeniſh with 3 white fpots : upper-swing's with a few cinereous ſpots. * Ludifice. Upper-wings and abdomen yellow, the latter with 3 TOWS of black dots. On the Willow, Sepp. Inf. 4. tab. 9, Thorax ſpotted, VOL. III.2 T Larva 330 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. Larva tuberculate hairy with blue and yellow llnes, neck and tail ſpotted with white : pupa folliculate black with red angles. Perla. Wings cinereous with black waves and 2 brown ſpots. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 70, 3. Lower-wings whitith wish a brown central dot. Fulmingns. Wings compreſſed pale with black and white denticles behind. Inhabits Germany, ſmall : legs long white * Lichenes. Upper-wings green with various black marks: lower-ones and all beneath brown. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 223. fig. 3. Alga. Upper-wings brown with 2 green bands. Inhabits Germany, on the Lichen ſaxatilis. Lower-wings cinereous with a black central dot beneath. Triden. a • Phi. Wings cinereous with tifid black ſpots; lower-ones whitiſh. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 67, 1. Larva black with a fulphur line on the back, the ſides dotted with red, a projecting conic tubercle on the back. Upper-wings grey with a black line at the baſe and various marks reſembling the greek pfi: legs immaculate. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv. tab. 133. Albin. tab. 86. Meriun Eur. 3. tab. 42. Ammir. tab. 13. Larva hairy with a pale dorſal line, the ſides black ſpotted with red, thorax with an erect black tubercle: pupa folliculate, chocolate-brown, a Haufir- Wings grey; upper-pair immaculate at the baſe the diſk lifera. marked with an o? the hind-margin with a black greek pf. Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Auricoma, Wings grey-brown; upper-pair with black ſtreaks and characters : legs annulate with white at the tip. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 67, 6. Larva hairy black with fulvous excreſcencies, the hairs on the head and tail white, and gold on the back. tamda. Wings grey-brown with a black line at the baſe and 2 in the middle. Inhabits Germany. Upper-wings with 2 obſolete darker bands. * Comma. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana Noet. 331 a 2 * Comma. Wings indented cinereous with a black line at the baſe and an adjacent thinner white one. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 76, 9. Lower-avings above whitih edged with brown. Linta. Wings pale grey with a black line at the baſe : thorax with a black ſtreak. Inhabits South American Ilands. Lower-wings white hyaline. Lufca. Wings glotly cinereous with a white dot in the middle and ſtreak of black dots behind. Inhabits Kiel, Body cinereous, Lower-wirgs and all beneath cinereous. * Cbi. Wings grey; upper-pair marked with a black X. Inhabits Europe. Albin Inf. tab. 83. C, D. Larvanaked green with a whitiſh lateral lines:pupafolliculate brown * Aceris. Wings grey with black waves: abdomen pale ferruginous at the baſe beneath. Inhabits Europe. Wilks pap. 32. tab. 2. c. 6. Larva ſpotted with white and black on the back, with red and yellow tufts of hairs. Arnice. Wings brown waved with white, 2 white dots in the middle and a kidney-ſhaped ſpot. Inhabits Sweden, on the Arnica. Body cinereous with a bearded reddiſh tail: upper-wings with a black line at the baſe, behind black with 2 or 3 whitih waved freaks: lower-wings and all beneath dull grey. Euphorbiæ. Wings cinereous with brown waves and whitiſh ſpots, the firſt round, the others kidney-ſhaped. Inhabits Anſtria. Wien Verz. 67, 4, Margin of the upper-wings dotted with brown. Larva hairy greeniſh with black dorſal ſpots, and ferruginous collar and lunule. Megace- Wings cinereous with black waves and a ſingle round whitiſh phala. ſpot. Inhabits Auftria. Wian Verz. 67, 5. Antennae black : abdomen whitiſh: lower-wings white with a brown central dot beneath. Wings grey with a black patch in the middle, in which is Litura. a white dot. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 77, 2. Thorax cinercous varied with brown : upper-wing's with a black dot at the baſe and a few black dots behind. Larva naked green with a pale dorſal line and a lateral one varied with white and yellow, head pale. 2 T.2 Depunela. 332 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noct. Depuncta. Wings greyiſh with black dots at the baſe and a ſtreak of them behind Inhabits Woods of Sweden, Piſtacina. Wings cinereous with darker waves at the tip; lower-ones brown. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 77, 1. Upper-'wings with black dots at the baſe and a freak of them behind. Baja, Wings ferruginous with a ſmall black dot at the baſe and a double one at the tip. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz 77, 3. Thorax ferruginous : abdomen cinereous : lower-wings brown with ferruginous fringe. Larva varied with cinereous and brown with 3 white dorſal lines and a lateral yellowiſh one. Rubricoſa. Wings brownish, the rib white ſpotted with brown, the tip brown with white dots. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 77, 4. Head and i horax yellowiſh: upper-wings reddiſh at the baſe of the thinner margin. Larva grey with a pale dorſal line, each ſegment with 2 white dots. Erythro. Wings ferruginous with grey and brown waves, the hinder cephala. ſpot dotted with black : head rufous. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz. 77, 5. Lower-wings brown with a cinereous fringed margin, Beneath, upper-pair with a cinereous border, lower-cnes cipcreous with a brown dot and ſtreak. a Griceſcens. Wings cinereous with pale fpots and a ſubmarginal ſtreak of black dots. Inhabits Kiel. Body cinereous. Polygona. Wings ſlightly waved, without varied with brown and black, within pale: thorax variegated. Inhabits Auflria. Wien. Verz. 77, 16. I borax varied with brown and ferruginous with an oblique lateral black line cach fide: 'lower-wings whitiſh. Barbaia. Wings greyiſh with a brown ſpot in the middle and obfo- lete band behind. Inhabits Barbary. Tongue INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Not. 333 Tongue teftaceous: upper-wings with 2 or 3. white coftal dots between the ſpot and band : lower-wings whitiſh with a brown band. * Perhicaric Wings clouded with brown with a white kidney-ſhaped fpot in which is a yellow lunar pupil. Inhabits Europe. Roes. Inf. 1. phal 2. tob, 30, Larva naked green with a white dorſal line, the fourth and fifth ſegment with a darker ſpot; tail conic: pupa reddiſh- brown. Tragopoa Upper-wings brown with 3 black approximate dots in the ginis. middle ; lower-ones livid. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 223. fig. 2. Larva naked green with 6 white lines and white ftigmata : pupa folliculate brown. Hepaticas Wings dull grey with a brown ſpot and 3 white coſtal dots. 3 Inhabits Sweden. Clerk. Icon. tab. 8. fig. 3. 2 Acetoſella. Wings pale orange with 2 oblique cinereous ſtreaks; lower ones browniſh with a chefnut-brown margin. Inhabits Auſtria: Wien. Verz. 84, 1. Antenne reddiſh : head and thorax orange : upper-wings with a few common ſpots between the ſtreaks. Larva naked, the back fuivous with 2 brown ſtripes, fides reddiſh, head rufous with a purple lines dotted with black. Turca. Wings yellowiſh with 2 brown ſtreaks and a pale yellow lunule. Inhabits Europe. Wien Verz. 84, 2, Margin of the wings purpliſh : all beneath pale with a brown Itreak. Larva reddith-ochre with a whitiſh dorſalline: beneath yellowiſh- white with a lateral darker line, the inciſures with black lines head brown, a Conigere. Wings yellowiſh with 2 brown ſtreaks and a triangular white dot in the middle. Inhabits Austria. Hybn. Beytr. 4. tab. 4. Z. Antennae yellowiſh : lower wings duſky. Larva grey with white and black lines and a brown head, the firſt ſegment black with 3 white lines. Albipuncta. Wings cinereous with a white lunule in the middle and 2 Itieaks of brown lunules. Inhabits Austria. Wien, Verz, 84, 4.. Larva 334 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. . . . 73. Phalana. No7Larva grey with white lines and black dots, the firſt ſegment brown with 3 white lines. Palyadon. Wings indented clouded, with an indented white ſtreak behind. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 72, 1. Wings beneath cinereous with a brown curve and dot. Larva brown, the fides pale with oblique black lines. Flavoeinc- Wings indented varied with brown aud cinereous and dotted with fulvous. Inhabits Auftria. Roes. Inf. 1. phal. 2. tab. 44, 45. Head cinereous, a little fulvous at the baſe: thorax cinereous with brown and fulvous ſpecks : rib of the upper-wings dotted with white: lower-wings cinereous with a brown ſtreak above and a dot and ſtreak beneath. Larva green with a pale lateral line. Eremita. Wings ferruginous with 2 white waved ſtreaks, the firſt obſolete, the other flexuous. Inhabits Germany. Hind-margin of the upper-wings dotted with black; beneath cinereous tipt with brown: lewer-wings cinereous, with a brown dot and ſtreak beneath. Nigricans. Wings blackiſh with paler ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz, 81. 19. At the thicker margin are a few minute dots. Larva naked grey-brown dotted with black, with a paler dorſal line. Perflua. Wings ſlightly indented, cinereous with a broad black band in which is a ſubocellar dot. Inhabits Auſtria ; large. Hind-margin of the upper-wings darker with brown lunules : lower-wing's brown. Fumoſa. Wings blackiſh with a ſtreak of white dots behind. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz, 81, 18. Body entirely blackiſh. Aurita. Wings ſhining brown with a cinereous flexuous band in the middle: head 2, thorax 4-toothed. Inhabits Spain. Head with 2 erect denticles of ſtiff hairs, thorax with 4 : tip of the upper-vings ftriate with white and black. Oculea, INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Noct. 335 Oculer. Wings varied' with brown and ferruginous with a pale kidney-ſhaped ſpot. Inhabits Sweden. Wings reddiſh at the thin edge and brown at the thicker. Myopa. Wings browniſh with a fulvous ſpot in the middle with a white iris, and a kidney-Shaped one behind with a brown lunule. Inhabits Denmark; ſmall grey. All the wings beneath cinereous. Flavicornis Upper-wings cinereous with 3 black ſtreaks: antennæ pale 3 yellow. Inhabits Europe, Clerk Icon. tab. 6. fig. 9, Larva naked greeniſh with white lateral dots; head fleſh-colour, a Clavaria. Wings brown with 3 waved cinereous ſtreaks and a teſtace- ous ſpot in the middle, Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 72, 7. Upper wings with 2 marginal whitiſh ſpots and 2 black dots in the teſtaceous one: lower-wings brown with white waves beneath. *Triplacia. Upper-wings with a double curve turning contrary ways and 3 glaucous ſpots between them. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, tab. 298. Merian. Europ. tab.97. Larva naked green with 2 brown tubercles on the back and one on the tail : pupa folliculate reddiſh-brown. Aſclepiades. Wings glaucous, the middle darker with 2 curves turning contrary ways: fore-part of the thorax with 2 ocellar ſpots. Inhabits Austria, Wien. Verz. 91. 2. Larva naked pale with black dots and a yellow lateral line. Variegata. Wings varied with pale orange and white: head and thorax ſnowy. Inhabits Italy. Noctua Mixta. Fabricius, n. 356. Lower-wings cinereous tipt with brown. a Triftis. Wings cinereous ſlightly waved with brown, the outer margin dotted with black ; beneath pale with a brown band. Inhabits Sweden. Upper-wings with a few ſpots in which is a darker lunule, Rumicis. Wings grey with brown ſtreaks and clouds and an ocellar fpot in the middle. a Inhabits 336 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv. tab. 126. Albin, tab. 32. Merian. Eur, tab. 82. Wilks. pap, tab. 3. a. 1. Lower-wings and abdomen pale brown. Larva hairy blackiſh with white and red dots and a yellow lateral line : pupa folliculate brown. Albocineta. Wings black with white waves and Ipots in the middle an- nulate with white. Inhabits Kiel. Body grey. Ridens. Wings varied with green brown and white with a white fpot at the baſe and 2 waved ſtreaks: antennæ yellowiſh. Inhabits Germany. Head and thorax greeniſh ſpeckled with white: upper-rings with ſtreaks of white lines and black lunules towards the tip. * Exoleta. Wings lanceolate convolute clouded with brown and cine- reous with 4 white marginal dots. Inhabits Europe. Wilks pap. 8. tab. 1. a. 18. Larva naked green dotted, with a whitiſh lateral line: papa naked reddiſh-brown. Deperdita. Wings pale, the outer margin brown with 2 pale fpots. Inhabits Kiel. Antenne pectinate, ſetaceous at the tip: thorax cinereous with a brown ſpot each fide: upper-wings with 2 pale dots between the ſpots and a ſtreak of minute black dots towards the tip: lower-wings pale with a black margin. * Verbaſci. Wings ſcalloped indented pale yellow with brown margins. Inhabits Europe. Donovan viii. tab. 257. Mer. Europ. tab. 29. Wilks pap. tab. 1. a. 15. Harris. tab. 8. fig. a, d. Lower-wings pale brown with a white marginal ſtreak. Larva naked grey with yellow and black dots: pupa folliculate reddiſh brown. a, Afterise Wings ftriate cinereous with black margins, the exterior with 3 black dots. Inhabits Auflria. Wien Verz. 312, 10. Antennae above white beneath ferruginous: upper-rings with a white lunule on the thinner-margin: lower-wings brown with a white diſk and fringe. Chamomil. Wings lanceolate ſtriate grey with 2 minute black central la. dots, beneath immaculate. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien, Verz, . 72, 3. Antennae INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noct. 337 Antennæ ferruginous : head brown with cinereous ſtreaks: thorax with a black marginal ſtreak before: abdomen with a few tufts of hairs at the baſe : lower-wings ftriate cinereous with white fringe, beneath a ſmall brown central lunule. a Tanaseti. Wings lanceolate ftriate grey with 2 black lines: lower- ones white, beneath immaculate. Inhabits Auſtria, Wien. Verz. 73, 5. Antennae ferruginous, whitiſh at the bafe: thorax cinereous with a brown streak before : upper-zuings with 3 coftal dots : lower- wings with a blackiſh margin above. Larva naked grey with black dots and yellow lines. Lactucæ. Wings ftriate lanceolate grey with obſolete brown waves; beneath brown with a white diſk on the lower-ones. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 76, 7. Thorax with an interrupted brown ſtreak; upper-wings beneath brown, the baſe and margin pale with 3 paler coſtal dots. 3 Larva black with lateral white rings and a macular dorſal fulvous line, head black with a bifid white line before, a ca. * Umbrati- Wings ftriate lanceolate grey with a ferruginous ſpot in the centre in which are 2 black dots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii. tab. 262. fig. 2. Lower-wings and all beneath pale brown. Larva naked blackiſh with 3 rows of red dots, tail pointed : pupa reddiſh-brown. Oblinita. Wings lanceolate grey with black dots towards the margin. . Inhabits America. Smith's Lepidopt. Inf. of Georgia. Lactea. Wings frowy inmaculate. Inhabits Southern Ruſia Antennae and whole body white immaculate. • Putris. Wings fubpunctured, the outer-margin brown with an adjoining ſubocellar ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 75, 4. Thorax pale, teftaceous before. Larva naked with black yellow and whitiſh dots and browniſh ftriæ : head black. Lithoxylea. Wings indented cinereous ſpotted with brown, the hind- margin brown. Inhabits Auftria, on the Pear-tree. I horax with a rufous dorſal line : lower--wings cinereous with a brown hind-margin, beneath immaculate. VOL. III.--2U Petrifatto, 338 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Noet. Petrifacia. Wings indented clouded with grey and brown: lower-ones brown: head 4-cleft before. Inhabits Auftria, on the Oak. Wien, Verz. 75. 3. Larva naked green with a white dorſal line and ſhort ſcattered ones, ftigmata ſnowy annulate with black, head green. Rhizolitha. Wings ſlightly indented cinereous with a black line at the baſe and in the middle: thorax with a bifid creſt. a Inhabits Auftria, on the Oak. Wien. Verz. 75, 6. Head tranſverſely bifid : thorax cinereous with a black marginal lunule before. upper-wings with black lunules in the middle and dots at the tip: lower-wings above brown, beneath cine. reous with a brown dot in the middle and ſtreak behind. Larva a little hairy green ſpeckled with white, on the back a blueiſh line. Conformis. Wings indented grey with 2 black lines ; abdomen reddiſh- brown beneath. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 76, 1. Antennae blackiſh: upper-wings with a reddiſh ſpot adjoining the outer line: lower-wings dufky. Beneath all cinereous with a reddiſh gloſs, a brown dot in the middle and ſtreak behind. Advena. Wings indented varied with cinereous and brown: thorax with a bifid creft. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 77, 11. Upper-wings with a black ſtreak behind and common ſpot in the middle: lower-wings brown. Bafilinec. Wings ferruginous or grey with browniſh waves and a flexuous black line at the baſe : thorax with a bifid creſt. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 78, 72. Radicea, Wings indented variegated, with an indented white ſtreak behind: thorax with a raiſed bifid creſt, Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 81, 15. Head and thorax ferruginous with a black ſtreak before: upper- wings with a black line at the baſe, in the middle of the thinner margin a white patch with a black line, the tip with an indented whitiſh ſtreak : lower-wings whitiſh at the baſe and tipt with brown. Beneath reddiſh at the tip. Larva naked cinereous with raiſed ſpots, head and tail black. Wings varied with grey and brown ; lower-ones brown with a white thicker margin Inhabits England. Head * Rurea. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Hyblag. 339 Head fulvous, eyes black : feelers brown with a whitiſh tip: thorax and abdomen cinereous: upper-wings grey at the bale with a black line at the thicker margin, in the middle a large brown ſpot in which are a few common ones, behind this 3 ſmall white dots at the thicker margin and a few brown ones on the diſk, the margin and ſpot at the angle of the tail brown: lower-wings with a whitiſh outer and hind-margin, beneath pale with a brown dot and curve. Myrtilli. Wings ferruginous ſpotted with white; lower-ones yellow with a black border. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 221. Larva naked green with 5 rows of blackiſh tubercles: pupa chocolate brown with white ftigmata. Arbuti. Wings brown ; lower-ones black with a yellow band. Inhabits England. Naturf. 3. tab. 1. fig. 8. Upper-wings with an obſolete waved darker ftreak : lower-wing's with a whitiſh margin. Beneath, upper-pair brown with yellow band, lower-ones yellowiſh. Hyblaa. Lagopus. Wings deflected, cinereous at the baſe and tipt with brown legs very hairy. Inhabits Eal India. Autennæ hairy. Feelers large obliquely truncate: upper-wvings with a brown dot in the middle betweeen 2 obſolete waved ſtreaks, the hind-margin ſubangular; beneath cinereous with a brown ſtreak : lower-swings beneath cinereous with 2 brown ſtreaks. Roftrata. Wings deflected brown with a common cinereous ſpot in the iniddle and one at the rib. Inhabits East India. Antennæ naked. Lower-wings yellowiſh with a brown curve at the margin. Beneath, upper-pair cinereous with 2 brown ſpots, lower-ones cinereous with a brown margin. Sagitta. Wings deflected, grey with a large black marginal ſpot; lower-ones yellow tipt with brown. Inhabits India. Head and thorax grey: abdomen yellow: upper-wings beneath brown : lower-wings beneath yellow with a brown margin. Gemina. Wings deflected indented, varied with cinereous and brown; with 2 central reddiſh-brown dots and a larger white one. Inhabits 340 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Hepialus Inhabits East India. Wings cinereous at the baſe which is terminated by a rufous ſtreak, beneath duſky with a black lunulate ſtreak in the middle. a Deflorata. Wings incumbent grey; lower-ones yellow with a black fillet and marginal band. Inhabits East India. All the wings beneath yellowiſh with a brown ſpot in the middle and hind-margin. Saga. Wings incumbent gloſſy-brown: lower-ones black with 2 fulvous ſpots. Inhabits Coromandel. Upper-wings beneath black with a yellow margin and 2 ſpots : lower-ones beneath ferruginous fpeckled with black: abdomen brown on the back, the edges of the ſegments fulvous. Hepialus. * Humuli. Wings of the inale ſnowy ftriate, of the female yellow with fulvous marks. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii. tab. 274. fig. 1. Harris Eng. Inf. tab. 4. fig. amd. Larva 16-footed pale with a teftaceous head: pupa folliculate blackiſh aculeate. Fodutta: Wings livid with 2 darker bands. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz. 61, 6, Lower-swings immaculate. Lupulina. Wings cinereous with a whiter ſtreak. Inhabits Europe, Clerk. Icon. tab. 9. fig. 4. Wings fomesimes ferruginous. * Hefta. Wings deflected yellow with 2 oblique whitiſh bands con- fiſting of interrupted dots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii. tab. 274. fig. 2. Lower-wings livid-brown. Cbliqua. Wings deflected brown with a white line at the baſe and 2 oblique bands conſiſting of interrupted dots. Inhabits France. Antennae ferruginous: bead and thorax hairy cinereous. Carna. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Cofus. 341 Carta. Wings brown; upper-pair with ſcattered white and black dots. Inhabits Austria, Wien. Verz. App: 310, 7. Crux. Wings reddiſh-yellow with 2 oblique white lines: antennæ ſerrate. Inhabits Germany. Antennæ rufous : head and thorax hairy grey : lower-wings and all beneach darker. Teftudo. Wings yellow (ferruginous) with 2 oblique duſky ſtreaks. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz. 65, 1. Larva without feet, ovate naked green with 2 whitiſh dorſal lines: pnpa folliculate reddish-brown. Aselle. Wings deflected brownilh immaculate. Inhabits Auſtria, on the Poplar. Wien. Verz. 65, 2. Larva without feet, ovate red, with a yellow dorſal line dotted with black, the fides green: pupa folliculate reddiſh-brown. Bufo. Wings deflected yellowiſh with a broad brown band. Inhabits Germany. Antennæ and body yellowiſh: upper-wings with 2 ſpots in the band: lower-wings brown, yellowiſh at the angle of the tail. Beneath, upper-pair brown, lower-ones yellowiſh. * Coffus. Colus. Upper-wings grey with numerous ſhort curves and black ſtreaks: thorax with a black band behind. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv. tab. 114. Albin. tab. 35. fg. 56. Merian, Eur tab, 36. Wilks pap. 15. tab. 2. a. 2. Larva fleth-colour with a ſcarlet back and black head ; is gene- rally found in decayed wood, and was eaten as a delicacy by the Romans: pupa folliculate reddiſh brown before and yellow behind. ta. Unguicula- Upper-wings grey with numerous ſhort lines and ſpecks; lower-ones whitish with a brown ſpot and ſtreak behind: fore-fhanks with a claw in the middle. Inhabits Italy Head cinereous with a black line : thorax cinereous with 4 black lines: abdomen brown. Terebra. Wings indented on the back, cinereous with ferruginous brown ſpecks and waved ſtreaks: thorax with a whitiſh ſtreak behind. Inhabits 342 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Pyralis. Inhabits Germany, Wien. Verz, 60, 2. Antenna hardly pectinate whitiſh: thorax hairy brown with a white ſtreak behind : abdomen whitiſh, the tail brown : lower- wings and all beneath whitiſh. * Æfculi. Wings white with numerous dark blue dots, thorax with 6. Inhabits Europe. Donovan's Eng. Inf. v. tab. 152. Harris's Eng. Inf. tab. 2. fig. 3, 4. Antennæ of the male feathered at the baſe and fetaceous at the tip, of the female fetaceous. Larua yellow dotted with black, head and tail black. Scalaris. Wings frowy with numerous abbreviated black ſtreaks and a longitudinal fulvous one. Inhabits China. Head fulvous: antennae feathered, the tip naked and hooked : thorax ſnowy with a black ſtreak before and a broad dorſal fulvous line : lower-wings white immaculate, Pyrina. Wings ſnowy with numerous tranſverſe black dots, thorax with 12 blue ones. Inhabits North America. Head white with a blue front: thorax fmooth white with 12 dots, 2,4,4,2. rib of the upper-wings a little ferruginous. Pyralis. Tortrix of Gmelin. * Bankiana Wings brown, with 2 ſnowy bands, the hinder-one 1 - toothed. Inhabits Woods of England'; large. * Leeana. Wings pale with a brown central ſpot. Inhabits England. Lower-wings cinereous immaculate : beneath all duſky. Lanana, a Wings pale with 2 brown ſpots in which is a black dot. Inhabits East India. Rib of the upper-rings reddiſh from the middle to the tip: lower-wing's whitiſh, * Prajinana Upper-wings green with 2 oblique yellowiſh ſtreaks; lower-ones white. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. ii, tab. 40. the upper figure. Antenna and legs white or fulvous. Larva green with a yellowiſh lateral line and a tuberele on the ſecond ſegment: pupa green with a black dorſal line. a * Fagana. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalæna. Pyralis. 343 Fagana. Upper-wings green with 3 oblique white ſtreaks; lower- 3 ones whitiſh-green. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii. tab. 281. Albin. tab. 31. Abdomen and legs fulvous : wing's reddiſh at the margin. Larva green with a yellow lateral line and bifid tail: pupa fol- liculate ferruginous. Sylvana. Wings green with 2 white ſtreaks behind terminating each . ſide in a common ferruginous fpot. Inhabits Woods of Europe. Head and thorax green immaculate. * Piridana. Wings rhombic; upper-pair green immaculate; lower- ones brown. Inhabits Europe. Denovan, iv. tab. 144. Harris tab. 10. fig. 1, 2. Wilks. pap. 4. tab. 1, n.5. Larva naked 16-footed green dotted with black, head red, hind - legs yellow: pupa folliculate cheſnut brown with a bifid ſtyle behind. * Chlorana Wings rhombic; upper-pair green with a white margin. Inhabits Europe. Roes. Inf. 1. phal. 4. tab. 3. . Larva green dotted with white, the ides ſpotted with brown. Vernana. Wings rhombic, pale greeniſh ; lower-ones white with a greeniſh margin Inhabits Auſtria; reſembles Pa. viridana. Body white. Vahliana. Wings rhombic, greeniſh with a white line; lower-ones black with a white margin and ſpot in the middle. Inhabits Kiel. Body black. All the wings beneath black with a white ſpot and edge. Candidana. Wings ſnowy with a brown band and broad tip. Inhabits France. Antennæ brown: head and thorax ſnowy: lower-wings brown. 6-punct ana. Wings yellow with marginal ferruginous dots and band behind. Inhabits East India. Antennae browniſh : head and thorax yellowiſh; lower-wings cinereous with a browniſh tip. * Uncana. Wings brown with a whitiſh outer-margin ſending out a recurved branch in the middle. Inhabits Europe, Clerk. phal. 3. tab. 7. Plumbana. 344 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Pyralis. ana. Plumbana. Wings lead-colour with 3 ferruginons lines and large ſpo at the tip Inhabits Hamburg ; half the fize of the laſt. Upper-wings with a finall dot between the ſecond and third lines Sponſana. Wings grey with pale rufous fpecks. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 129, 1. large. Hattorfi- Wings brown with 3 oblique cinereous ſtreaks. Inhabits Germany Upper.wings with 2 darker ſpots between the ſecond and third ſtreak : lower-ones duſky. Hybnerana. Wings cinereous with brown ſpots and tranſverſe black lines. Inhabits Saxony ; large. Upper-wings with a black dot at the tip: lower-ones duſky with a whitiſh outer margin. Herman. Wings ferruginons ſpeckled with brown. niana. Inhabits Auflria. Wier. Verz. 315, 30. Lower-wings brown, Inundana. Upper-wings with grey and brown waves and a white dot - in the middle. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 132, 6. Body and lower-wings brown. Roſana. Upper-wings teſtaceous with an oblique grey band. Inhabits Europe. Merian, Eur. 1. tab. 19. Italiana. Wings pale golden ; head fulvous. Inhabits Italy. Pyralis aurana. Pyralis aurana. Fabricius. n. 21. Antennæ whitiſh: upper-wings immaculate. Tristana. Wings with cinereous and black waves and 2 waved white ſtreaks. Inhabits Italy. Head black, mouth white : wings whitiſh beneath, Burman, Wings pale with 4 white coſtal ſpots on the upper-pair. . niana. Inhabits Surinam. Cramer. 31. tab. 372. H. Head feruginous: wings with a black hind-margin. ana. Pajquay. Wings ferruginous immaculate. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 418, 21. Head and thorax ferruginous: lower-wings cinereous. Trifaſcians. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Pyralis. 345 Trifaſciana Wings white with 3 brown bands, the third dotted with black. Inhabits Italy. Body whitiſh. Upper wings with a few black dots on the band at the tip, Vitana. Wings greeniſh-brown with 3 oblique brown bands, the third marginal. Inhabits France. Dantic. Mem. d' Agric. 1786. tab. 4. Head brown: thorax brown with a grey gloſs: lower-wings brown. Lorva greeniſh with a black head and yellow ſpot on the firſt ſegment. Pallidano, Wings pale yellow with 2 oblique ferruginous ſtreaks. Inhabits Hamburg. Upper-wings with a few ferruginous lines behind the bands. Chriſtier- Wings yellow with red bands croſſing each other in the middle. Inhabits England. Donovan's Engliſh Infests. 1. tab. 20. fig. 1. Body and lower-wings browniſh-grey. * S2 ath. manniana, Wings whitiſh with 2 oblique brown bands, the firſt abbre- viated, the other interrupted. Inhabits England. Lower-zvings duſky. nana. Cretand. Wings white with 3 brown bands, the third abbreviated. 3 Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 129, 3. Body large brown: lower-wings duſky. Lactana, Wings cinereous; upper-pair with ſcattered black dots. Inhabits Georgia. Body ſmall ſnowy: lower-wings ſnowy with a ſmall black mark at the hind-margin. Decuſana. Wings very finely barred with cinereous black and filvery, the tip with a black fubocellar ſpot. Inhabits Germany. Upper-wings with a broader band in the middle ſpotted with black and filver, behind a large cinereous (pot incloſed by a double filvery line: lower-wings brown. a 2-punctana. Wings brown with 2 broad whitiſh bands, the hinder-one with 2 black coftal dots. Inhabits Italy. Lower-wings duſky. VOL. III.--2X Ameriana. 346 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Pyralis. Ameriana. Upper-wings teftaceous with a common ferruginous ſpot. On the Willow. Reaum. Inf. 2. tab. 18. fig. 6, 7. Maculaua. Upper-wings brown with 4 black ferruginous dorſal ſpots Inhabits woods of Sweden. Wings brown fpeckled with cinereous, beneath all cinereous, * Fufcang. Upper-wings brown immaculate. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz, 128, 1. Hartman- Upper-wings grey with a black line in the middle joined to a white one. Inhabits Europe. Wien, Verz. 131, 31. a aiana. * Forstera. Upper-wings dull cinereous with 2 brown marginal ſpots. Inhabits England. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Head and thorax brown immaculate. na. Pillerana. Upper-wings gold with 2 oblique brown bands. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 126, 2. Large. Lower-wings brown. Saldonana. Wings with white and brown waves and a broad black band in the middle. Inhabits Paris; large. Head and thorax ſpeckled with white and black, the latter with a black band and 2 dots: margin of the wings with a black ſtreak Costana. Wings pale teſtaceous with 2 brown coftal ſpots. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz. 127, 5 na. * Xylostea- Upper-wings teftaceous with an oblique brown band. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 1. tab. 27. fig. 9, 10. * Ministra- Upper-wings teſtaceous with a rufous hind-margin, in the middle a ferruginous mark with a white line Inhabits Europe Clerk. phal. tab. 2. fig. 12. na. Smidtiana. Wings ſlightly indented yellow with a brown band and ſtreak and white marginal ſpots. Inhabits Germany; large. Upper-wings yellow at the baſe, in the middle a broad band in which is a ſmall ferruginous dot, behind this a waved brown ſtreak, the hind-margin ſpotted with white and brown : lower- wings grey. Beneath all grey with 2 brown waved ftreaks. Servana INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Pyralis 347 Servans. Upper-wings browniſh with a fulvous fpot in the middle, the bafe yellow. Inhabits Germany. Upper-wings a little gilt behind with ſnowy fringe in which is a brown ſpot : lower-ores cinereous. Levigana. Upper-wings brown-teſtaceous with a ferruginous fpot in the middle. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 129, 12. Lower-wings brown with a ferruginous ſpot at the tip. Pflugiana. Wings brown with a common dorſal fnowy curve and an- gle of the tail Inhabits Germany. Upper wings with a few fhort filvery ſtreaks at the thicker mar- gin behind : lower-wings blackiſh, beneath cinereous, Crystala. Upper-wings yellow-brown with dark ſhades, a broad irre- gular white mark and a tuft on the centre. Inhabits England. Donovan. iii. tab. 77. fig. 1, 2. Head and thorax white, the latter with a brown band before : abdomen browniſh: upper-wings with a fhort white ftreak at the tip: lower-ones brown. 76. niana. * Udman- Wings dark grey with an angular common chefnut-brown mark. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. v. tab. 153. fig. 1-3. Larva roſy with white lateral ſpots and black head and collar: pupa reddiſh-brown- na. • Solandra- Wings pale, fubfafciate with white, with a common dorſal ferruginous ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Degeer Inf. 1. tab. 28. fig. 29, 30. The common ſpot is ſurrounded with a white line. Larva cinereous fpeckled with black, head and firſt fegment of the body brown. Rusticana. Wings grey with a common white ſpot on the back. Inhabits France. Legs white. Variegana. Wings white with a common dorſal brown ſpot and hind- margin. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 130, 6. Head and thorax whtte : abdomen yellowiſh. Trapezana. Wings teſtaceous with a common dorſal cinereous fpo: which are a few teſtaceous ſtreaks. 2 U 2 348 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Pyralis. Inhabits Germany. Head grey : thorax teftaceous : wings beneath cinereous. Luſcana. Wings pale with a brown band at the baſe common doi ſal ſpot and mark at the tip. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 330.7. Rib of the upper-wings dotted with brown : lower-wings brown * Pupillana Wings pale with 2 oblique brown bands, angle of the tai with a blackiſh ſpot in which are 3 ſilvery dots. Inhabits England, on the Abfinthium. Body cinereous : lower-vings brown immaculate, Stroemiana Wings brown with 2 cinereous dorſal ſpots. Inhabits Germany. Outer-margin of the upper-wings ftriate with white : lower-wing brown. Zoegana, Wings yellow with a brown central dot, the tip brown with a yellow ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii. tab. 106. fig. 2. Abdomen and lower-wings pale brown, * Hamana. Upper-wings yellow with a rediſh-brown dot and hooked mark behind Inhabits Europe. Harris. tab. 1. fig. 1.2. This is probably only a variety of the laft, na. Cruciana. Wings whitiſh-ath with a curved ferruginous fpot behind. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 122. 3. Kuckritzia Wings yellowiſh with a ſingle ferruginous dot. Inhabits Europe. Wien Verz. 127. 1. Viburnana Upper-wings ſhining grey-brown immaculate; lower-ones brown with a whitith margin. Inhabits Austria, Wien. Verz. 128. 15: Cinerana. Wings dull cinereous immaculate. Inhabits Germany. na. Triangula- Wings varied yellow and brown with a yellow baſe and marginal ipots Inhabits American Vands. Lower-wing's cinereous. Margana. Wings cheſnut-brown with a yellow outer margin in which are 2 chefnut-brown bands. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna Pyralis. 349 Inhabits American Iſlands. Head and thorax variegated : breast and legs ſnowy: upper-wings with a ſmall ring in the middle, angle of the tail browniſh. *Obliquana Wings cinereous with oblique fulvous bands edged with white. Inhabits England ; large. Antennae flightly pectinate brown: head and thorax ferruginous: upper-wings with 3 oblique bands edged round with white, Laetana. Upper-wings browniſh, baſe of the outer-margin inowy with black dots. Inhabits woods of Sweden. Upper-wings with a reddiſh-brown ſpot at the tip in which are a few white lines, the hind-margin half white. Profundana Wings variegated cinereous and brown with a common white dorſal ſpot. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 132. 1. Rib of the upper-wings dotted with black : lower-ones brown, * Brynni Wings brown with a common brown rhombic dorſal (pot. chana. Inhabits Europe. Wien Verz. 132. I. Outer-margin of the wings ſlightly ſpotted with white, the hind- margin a little reddiſh. Jaquiniana Upper-wings golden with a common white dorſal ſpot and coſtal dots. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verr. 132. 4. Populana. Upper-wings brown with gold and ſilver ſtreaks at the tip, in the middle a cominon white ſpot in which is a brown dot. Inhabits Sweden: on the Poplar. Upper-wings with white coital dots. Rolliana. Wings cheſnut-brown with a common ſnowy ſpot and hai- ry dot in the middle. Inhabits near the Waters at Spa. Head and thorax ſnowy: upper-wings brown within. Communana Wings dulky variegated, with a common white dorſal ſpot. Inhabits Italy. Head and thorax brown : upper-wing's with darker fireaks and a few obſolete whitiſh dots at the tip. * Pruniella Wings purplith-brown with a white ſtripe down the midde in which is a black dot. Inbalits 350 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Pyralis. Inhabits England. Donovan ii. iab. 58. fg. 1. . Head and thorax white : abdomen and lower-wings grey. Trauniana. Upper-wings blackiſh with a common yellow dorfal ſpot. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz, 132. 3. Upper-wings with an obſolete gold ſtreak behind in which are 4 yellow coital dots. Iceberæna Wings varied with black and fulvous with numerous ſilvery ſtreaks and yellow dots on the rib. Inhabits Aufria. Wien. Verz. 126.9. Upper-wings black with fulvous fpecks and ftreaks, the tip with an obſolete brown dot in which are 3 fulvous lines: lower- wings brown, the anterior margin whitiſh at the baſe. * Arcuana. Wings pale yellow with 3 curved bands, and a black ſpot on the diſk in which are 3 filvery dots. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. pbal. tab. 10. fig. 8. At the baſe of the wings are 3 ſilvery lines. *Lecheana Upper-wings teftaceous with ſilvery I. L. thorax filvery. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. phal. tab. 1o. fig. 2. Buoliana, Upper-wings fulvous with white fubreticulate ſtreaks, In habits Austria, Wien, Verz. 128. 16. Lower-wings brown. Corylana Upper-wings yellow reticulate with teftaccous and with 3 ſhort brown bands. Inhabits Kiel, on the Nut-tree. Hind-margin of the upper-wings brown : lower-ones pale. * Avellana. Upper-wings teftaceous with 3 ſhort brown bands. Inhabits Europe. Wien. L'erz. 127. 8. Fafciana. Upper wings dull cinereous with a brown band in the mid- dle and dot at the tip. Inhabits France. Wien. Verz. 128. 3. * Hastiana. Upper-wings brown with an oblique white ſtreak. Inhabits Europe. Clerk.phal. tab. 2. fig. 7. Decimana Upper-wings fulvous with ſilvery ſtreaks, a yellow band and 3 yellow dots. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. epp. 300. Head and thorax fulvous : lower-wings black . Bauman- INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Pyralis. 351 2. Baumanni., Upper-wings yellow with 2 nearly anaſtomoſing ferruginous bands edged with filver, the hinder-one interrupted. Inhabits Austria. Head and thorax ferruginous : lower-wings brown. Feiſeana. Wings yellow with ſilvery ſtreaks and yellow dots. Inhabits Saxony. Wien. Verz. 126. 7. Head fulvous : body cinereous ; lower-wings and all beneath ci- nereous. a na. Allionana Wings gold with 4 yellow ſpots. 4. Inhabits Italy. Head hairy yellow : thorax brov n: lower-wings cinereous. Variana. Upper-wings varied with ferruginous and brown ; lower- ones brown with a fulvous tip. Inhabits Kiel. Wings beneath brown with fulvous tip. * Interroga. Wings red-brown with a white flexuous line and dot refem- a tronana. bling a note of interrogation. Inhabits England. Donovan. ii. tab.65, fig. 1. Body and lower-wings pale brown, Lediana, Wings brown with 2 filvery-red bands. Inhabits Europe, Clerk phel. tab. 1o. fig. 12. Schalleria- Wings grey with a marginal ferruginous ſpot. Inhabits Europe : fmall. Upper-wings with a few muricate dots at the baſe. Rufana. Wings reddiſh-grey with a brown marginal ſpot and white dot in the middle. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 129.8. Head and thorax brown : lower-wings cinereous. Badierana Wings yellowiſh with 2 white waved ſtreaks. Inhabits American Iſlands. Lower-wings whitiſh. Roborara Wings cinereous with 2 marginal teſtaceous ſpots; that at the baſe lefs. Inhabits Germany, on the Oak. Thorax cinereous with 3 large pale ferruginous ſpots. Laterana Upper-wings brown-ferruginous with 3 raiſed tufted dots at 3 the baſe and a marginal black ſpot. Inhabits Zealand. Body ruſty-brown. Lower-wings and all beneath cinereous. * Madeieri. Upper-wings yellowiſh with a marginal brown ſpot be- hind. Inhabits and. 352 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA: 73. Phalana. Pyralis. a ana. a na, a Inhabits Northern Europe. Head and thorax ferruginous : lower-wings white. *Schreberi- Upper-wings grey with a white triangular marginal ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Panz. Fn. Germ. 7. tab. 19. * Helmiana Upper-wings pale yellow-ferruginous with a white triangu- lar marginal (pot Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Phal. tab. 10. fig. 7. * Francil. Wings pale yellow with 2 cheſnut-brown ſtreaks. lana. Inhabits England. In the Collection of Mr. Francillox. Head and thorax pale yellow : abdomen brown, the tail yellow- iſh: lower-wings browniſh. Rolandria- Upper-wings pale teftaceous with obliqne ferruginous ſtreaks, the hind-ones meeting. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verg. 128. 13. Between the laſt ſtreaks which meet at the thinner margin is a coftal ferruginous ſpot. Griſeana Wings grey-brown, the tip darker with a white marginal ſpot. Inhabits American Iſlands, Wings terminating in a whitiſh ſtreak. Gnomana Upper-wings yellow with an oblique teſtaceous band and ferruginous marginal ſpot behind. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Phal. tab, 2. fig. 14. * Oporana Upper-wings ferruginous ſpotted and reticulate with brown. Inhabits Europe. Wilks pap. 17. tab. 2. a. 4. Lower-wings yellow before and brown behind. Gerningana Wings reddiſh with 2 oblipue brown bands, the laſt ter- minal. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 318. 23. *Ilicana. Upper-wings brown-aſh with brown dots and a ſingle black one in the middle. Inhablts England ; large. Margin of the upper-wings with a ſtreak of brown dots : lower- wings cinereous. Rivagana Upper-wings.with 2 cinereous ſtreaks in the middle and a fulvous dot between them. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 130. 17. Lower-wings brown : body large. Confier fana. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Pyralis. 353 Con per jana Upper-wings fnowy with irregular black ſpots and ſpecks. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 130. 14. Body ſnowy : lower-wings cinereous. rana. Strigalana Upper-wings cinereous thickly ſpeckled with brown. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz, 130, 15. Steinkelne- Upper-wings cinereous with a flexuous black line on the diſk. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 130. 16. Pofticana Wings ſnowy; baſe of the rib, oblique band in the middle and marginal dot behind brown. Inhabits Paris. Head and thorax ſnowy : lower-wings cinereous. * Logi ana. Upper-wings grey with irregular black ſpecks: lower-ones whitiſh. Inhabits Europe, Wien. Verz. 130, 4. Govana. Upper-wings ſnowy, beneath brown. Inhabits Northern Europe. Niveana. Upper-wings filvery with 2 oblique raiſed ſcaly ſtreaks, the hind-margin dotted with black. Inhabits Sweden. Body large white : Lower-wirgs above brown. Criſiena. Upper-wings brown with a white inner-margin and raiſed tufted dot in the middle. In habits Aufiria Wien l'erz. 129. 10. Head and thorax whitiſh: lower-zvings cinercous. nana. * Deſfontai- Wings brown-cinereous with an abbreviated fulvous fillet in the middle, in the middle of which is a railed hairy dot. Inhabits England. In the Colletion of Mr. Francillon. Body ſnowy : thinner margin of the uper-wins yellowish : lozu. er-wings cinereous. * Profanana Wings cinereous with a brown tufted dot in the middle. Inhabits England. In the Colicchion of Mr Franci!lon. Body cinereous : upper.wings with a few minute hairy dots be- fides the larger one in the middle: lower-wings cinereous, VOL. III.--2 Y Thunbere 354 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phaläena. Pyralis. Thunber- Upper-wings cinereous with 4 black tufted dots.. gana. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz, 138.9. Punetulana Upper-wings rough brown with an interrupted dull cine- 1 reous fillet in the middle. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz, 130. 13. Head and thorax brown: upper-wings with numerous black raiſed dots; lower --wings duky. Alperena. Upper-wings white at the baſe, the tip brown and rough. Inhabits Kiel. Lower-wings cinereous. Elevana. Upper-wings rough cinereous with a brown ſpot at the baſe. Inhabits Auftria: Wien. Verz. 130, 12. Head and thorax cinereous : upper-rings rough with ſcattered raiſed dots : lower swings whitiſh. Deſcana. Wings white with raiſed brown dots and 3 raiſed tubercles near the rib. Inhabits Paris. P. tuberculana. Linn. Tr. 1. tab. 17. fig, 4.5. Hend filvery white : thorax varied with ſilvery and grey, creſted , before; the 3 tubercles on the upper-wings in a line half white and brown: lower-wings pale brown with a black dot in the middle. Duplana Upper wings pale with 2 approximate black dots at the baſe. Inhabits Kiel. Wings beneath cinereous. Squamana Upper-wings green with numerous raiſed dots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan.v. tab. 157. fig. 7. Upper wings with numerous black dots thaded with white : low. er-wings brown. Romaneng. Wings greeniſh with white raiſed dots and a black lunule in the middle. Inhabits Germany. Abdomen cinereous with a brown lateral line: lower-wings dark cinereous. Borana Wings varied cinereous and brown with irregular black raiſed dots. Inhabits Sweden; large. Lower-wings whitiſh. Stifticana. Wings browniſh with a common white dorſal ſpot in which is a black dot. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Pyralis. 355 Inhabits England. In the Collection of Mr. Francillon. Upper-wings with a few indiſtinct pale ftreaks at the tip which terminate at the rib in 4 white dots : lower-wings brown, Litterana. Wings rhombic ; upper-pair green with irregular black marks Inhabits Germany. Hybr. Beytr. 3. tab. 2. G. * Emargane Wings falcate emarginate at the rib, brown with reticulate dark lines. Inhabits England. Donovan. iii. tab. 106. fig. 1.5. Upper-wings with ſometimes a dark band. *Caudana Wings falcate emarginate at the rib, grey with a fulvous ſtreak. Inhabits England. Scabrana Upper-wings cut off on the rib behind, rough cinereous flightly barred with brown. Inhabits England, on the Oak. Body and lower-wings cinereous. * Quercana Upper-wings rofy with 2 fulphur coftal ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan iii. tab. 106. fig. 3. Head and thorax roſy: lower-wing: pale brown, Grotiana Wings yellowiſh mixed with fulvous, a broad brown band in the middle bifid towards the rib. Inhabits Hamburgh. Body yellowiſh ; abdomen and lower wings brown. Parkulliana Wings whitiſh with a common black triangular fpot at the baſe. Inhabits Sweden. Tinca ramella. Linn. Syft. 2. Hind-margin of the wings browniſh. Ocellana Wings cinereous with a red patch in the middle in which is a whitiſh dot. Inhabits England. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Body cinereous : hind margin of the upper-wings dotted with black : lower-wings white. Forſkabe Upper-wings yellow reticulate with ferruginous with a liana, browniſh patch in the middle. Inhabits Europe, Clerk. phal. tab. 10. fig. 2. Wings beneath fine yellow, 2 Y a *Loeflingiana, 356 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Pyralis. ana. * Loeflingi- Upper-wings yellow reticulate with teſtaceous, and marked with a double X. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii. tab.go. Lower-wings lead-colour: all beneat brown. Sulphurana Wings yellow with 2 indented oblique brown ſtreaks and numerous ſpecks. Inhabits North America. Budy yellow: abdomen white : lower-wings ſnowy: beneath all white. Centrana Wings yellow with a cruciform brown mark in the mid- dle. Inhabits Paris. Lead and thorax yellowiſh : lower rings whitiſh. * Bergman. Upper-wings yellow varied with orange and 4 ſilvery bands, the third wifid. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. v. tab. 157.fg. 1-6. nend. Daldorfana Upper-wings brown tipt with gold. Inhabits kel; {mall. Body and lower-wings and all beneath brown, * Yectiena Upper-wings grey with a black ſpot and 2.central dots. Inhabits England. Antennte black : body cinereous : upper-wings with 5 black dots at the hind-mrgin. a Toid Schumeche- Upper-wings black with a white band in the middle and Ipocks behind. Inhabits woods of Germany, Ilead and thorax black : wings beneath brown with 4 white co- Ital dots. Abildgoar dana. Upper-wings grey, the tip ruſty-brown. Inhabits woods of Deumark. Upper-r ings brown-ferruginous from the middle to the tip, with a cinercous marginal ſtreak. Mixtana. Wings browniſh with a yellow baſe and marginal dots. inhabis Denmark. bowy yellowiſh : lower wings and all beneath brown. Tenkleriana Upper-wings reticulate with cinereous and brown, at the tip a grey-brown ſpot with 2 fiivery ſtreaks. Inhabits a INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalana. Pyralis. 357 mana. Inhabits Austria, U per-wing's with a dark ſpot in the middle in which are 2 brown rings. * Alproe. Wings whitiſh ; upper-pair with a lateral ruſty-brown ſpot a in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Clerk, phalatab. 10. fig. 1, Pavonana. Wings grey with 2 central ſnowy dots and an incumbent tutt of hairs at the baſe. Inhabits Tranquebur. Lower wing's white hyaline each fide. Fabriciana Wings blackiſh: upper-pair with 2 white dots. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 132. 7, * Nitidana Wings ſhining brown with a broad filvery band in the mid- a die in which is a brown ſtreak. Inhabits En land. In the Collection of Mr. Francillon. Upper-wings with an obſolete filvery ſtreak or two near the tip: body and lower-rhing's brown. Nigricana Wings blackiſh, the rib dotted with yellow, the tip with a black dot. Inhabits England. In the Collection ot Mr. Francillon. Body black : upper-wings with a ſilvery-blue itreak near the tip: lower-wings brown immaculate. Helwigia- Wings blackiſh, all with a whitiſh ſubmarginal dot. a Inhabits Germany. Body black. na. Myllerana Wings varied black and cinereous with filvery ſpecks, a ci- nervous ſtreak behind and marginal cheſnut-brown one. Inhabits Sweden. Lower wings brown with an interrupted white ſtreak. Beneath black with a white ſtreak: abdomen black, edges of the feg- ments white. * Pariana. Wings brown with 2 black ſtreaks and cheſnut-brown hind- margin. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. phal. tab. 10. fig. 9. * Conwaya- Wings ruſty-brown with filvery dots and a yellowiſh dor- ſal ſpot. Inhabits England : ſmall. Upper wings with a ſmall yellowiſh ſpots dotted with brown at the thicker margin and a large common one in the middle: lower-wings blackiſh. Bierkan- na. 358 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Pyralis. Bierkan. Wings varied brown and gold with cinereous ſtreaks, the drana. baſe with ſilvery lines, the tip with ſilvery dots. Inhabits Sweden. Thunb. Inf. Suec. 24. tab. 1. Antennae annulate with white and black: thorax gold with a lateral filvery line: abdomen brown. a. Abbrevia. Wings varied ferruginous and cinereous with an abbreviated brown ſtreak behind. Inhabits Germany; fmall. Lower-wings cinereous immaculate. Sebefiedti. Wings black with a common blueiſh-ſilvery ſpot ſtreaks and ſpecks. Inhabits Kiel, in Alder plantations. Antennae annulate with white and black. upper-wings terminating in a white fringe: lower-wings black with a white thicker margin. Koenigana. Wings fulvous, the tip black with fulvous ſpots. Inhabits Eaſt India, ſmall. Wings beneath dulky. * Aurora. Wings brown with 2 orange ſpots. Inhabits England. Donovan. ii. tab. 57. fig. 2, Body and lower-wings brown. * Pomena. Wings clouded, with a red-gold ſpot behind. Inhabits Europe, Wilks pap. 5. tab. 1. a. 9. Larva 16 footed naked rufous with a black head: pupa folliculate reddith-brown, Schulziane Wings teftaceous with ſilvery bands and dots and a black patch in the middle. Inhabits Germany, large. Upper-wings beneath blackiſh with yellow coital ſpots : lower. wings cinereous. Lipfiana. Wings grey-brown with a white dot in the middle in which is a black pupil. Inhabits Leipfick. Wien. Verz. 129, 9. Lower-wings cinereous. Rivellana. Wings brown with 3 cinereous bands, the ſecond bifid at the thinner margin. Inhabits Sweden. Wien. Verz, 131, 22. Upper-wings with a brown dot at the rib. Abietang INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Pyralis, 359 Abietara. Wings varied with brown and white, the outer-margin dotted with white. Inhabits Sweden, on the Fir, and France on the Oak. Undang. Wings brown with 3 cinereous bands, the ſecond bifid at the thicker margin. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 131, 21. *Unguicana Wings cinereous fubfaſciate, the tip recurved and pointed, the outer margin behind tranſverſely ſtriate with white. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. phal. tab. 1 2. fig. 7. Scopoliana. Wings brown with 2 white dorſal curves. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 129, 11. Upper-wings with a few whitiſh marks at the rib. Ifertana. Wings greeniſh-brown with a white dorſal lunule and marginal dots. Inhabits Denmark. Head white: thorax brown varied with cinereous : lower-wings brown. Dorſana. Wings brown with a white dorſal curve and filveay ſtreak at the tip. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz. 127, 14. Outer-margin of the upper-wings ſpotted with white: lower-wings brown, whitiſh at the tip. Strigana. Wings yellowiſh with ferruginous and filvery ſtreaks at the tip and a triple black dot. Inhabits Germany. Wien Verz. 129, 15, 16. Upper-wings ſometimes brown: lower-ones cinereous. Lundana. Wings brown at the baſe with a ſemicircular pale line, the tip gilt and ſtreaked at the thicker-margin with filvery and yellow. Inhabits Kiel. Wien. Verz. 136, 8. Hind-margin of the upper-wings fringed with white: lower-wings brown. * Cynoſbana Upper-wings brown tipt with white. Inhabits Europe. Merian. Europ. tab. 28. Degeer 1. tab. 34. Wings with a black dot at the end. Larva 16-footed, tapering each way, ferruginous with a black head: pupa folliculate red-brown. Mygindana 360 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Pyralis. Mygindana Upper-wings grey with fulvous freaks behind. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien Verz. 131, 28. Budy and lower-wings dull cinereous. Tripuncta- Upper-wings brown, the tip white with a brown margin and 3 diſtinct dots Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 131, 35. na Mitterban Wings varied with brown and rufous with an abbreviated chiana, white dorſal ſtreak. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz, 129, 17. Outer and hind-margin of the wings marked with white, Refinana. Wings brown ſlightly barred with filvery. Roef Inf 1. phal. 4. tab. 76. Friſch. In 10. tab. 9. Found within the refin which exudes from the pine. Larva 16-footed naked yellow with a rufous head : pupa folli. culate brown. Mediana. Wings brown with 2 yellow ſpots. Inhabits Austria Wien. Vezi 129, 14. Body brown: lower-wings blackih. Achatana. Upper-wings brown, the tip cinereous with 2 ferruginous ſpots. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verz. 131, 27. Rib of the upper-wings dotted with white: lower-rvings cinereous, Applana. Wings depreſſed brown with 3 white central dots. Inhabits Kiel. Clerk. phal, tab. 2. fig. 15. Outer margin of the upper-wings ſtriate at the tip: lower-wings and all beneath cinereous. Sparman-Wings flat pale with 2 black dots on the diſk. niana. Inhabits England. In the collection of Mr. Francillon. Hind-margin of the upper-wings dotted with black : lower-wings immaculate. Boeberana. Wings depreſſed cinereous with a common black diſk at the baſe. Inhabits Denmark, on the oak. Antennae annulate with white and black : body cinereous. Umbellana. Wings flat ſtriate grey with approximate black emarginate ſpots on the diſk Inhabits France, on various umbellate plants. Hind-margin of the upper-wings dotted with black. Larus INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Tinea 361 a Larva green with a black head and collar and 2 dotted freaks on the ſegments. Heracleana. Wings depreſſed grey; upper-pair with approximate black lines on the difk. On umbellate plants. Schaeff. Icon, tah. 2. fig. 3, 4. Larva green with black dots and 3 darker dorſal lines. Rutana. Wings depreſſed brown with numerous white tranſverſe lines: thorax with 2 erect tufis on the back. Inhabits France, on the Rue. Upper-wings with a ſmall raiſed approximate black dots in the middle berides the lines. Depreljana. Wings depreffed brown: head and thorax ſnowy. Inhabits woods of Sweden: ſma!), depreſſed. Tinea. a Boletella. Wings oblong, black with a whitiſh back and hind-margin. Inhabits Austria and Sweden, in fungi of the Beech. Feelers recurved horn ſhaped : head and thorax cincreous. Larva whitiſh dotted with black, head brown. Cerella, Wings grey, emarginate behind, the back caniculate brown. Reaum. Inf. 3. tab. 19. fig, 14, 15. In bee hives, where it preys upon the wax. Thorax cinereous with an oblong brown ſpot. Gigantella. Upper wings yellowiſh-grey; lower-ones white immacu- late. Inhabits Auſtria Wien Verz. 135, 27, Head and thorax yellowish : abdomen cinereous. Magnello. Wings oblong ſnowy immaculate. Inhabits Italy, large. Body ſnowy: lower-wings cinereous. * Colonella. Wings oblong cinereous with 2 black dots before a curved undulate obfolete ſtreak. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii. tab. 263. fig. 2. Scociella. Wings oblong cinereous, whitiſh before, behind pale with a black waved ſtreak. Clerk.phal. tab. 3 sg. 11. Wien. Verz. 319,62. Found in the combs of the Apis lapidaria, VOL.III.2 Z Grandella, 362 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Tinea. Groadella. Wings oblong cinereous, behind darker with a white dot and cinereous waved ſtreak. Inhabits Eaſi India. Centuriella. Wings oblong cinereous with faint brown bands and a yellowiſh ſpot. Inhabits Austria. Wien Verz. 319, 63. Lower-wings cinereous edged with brown. * Pannerel. Wings oblong brown with a blackiſh line down the middle la. and a few dots at the tip. Inhabits England. Donovan. iii. tab. 106. fig. 4. Lower-wings blueilh-hyaline with a deep fringe. Spilficella. Wings oblong grey: 2 lower joints of the antenne thicker. Inhabits Kiel. Thorax cinereous creſted behind: wings paler in the middle with a few black dots. Griſella, Wings oblong dull cinereous immaculate: head fulvous. Inhabits Paris, Body entirely cinereous, * Pruniella Wings purpliſh-brown with a white line in the middle in which is a blackiſh ſpot. Inhabits England. Donovan. ii. tab. 58. fig. 1. Body and lower-wings dark grey. * Gelatella. Wings brown-aſh with a white fillet on the upper-pair. Inhabits Europe. Clerk, phal. tab. 8. fig. 3. Female with the mere rudiments of wings. * Euony- Upper-wings ſilvery-white with 50 black dots. exella, Inhabits Europe., Donovan. i. tab. 9. Albin. tab. 60.fig. A, C. Merian, Eur. 2. tab. 2. Wilks. tab. 1, a.c. Larva gregarious naked yellow dotted with black: pupa follicu- late reddiſh brown, * Padella. Upper-wings lead-colour with 20 black dots. Inhabits Europe. Harris. 7. tab 3. fig, k, m. Larva gregarious naked grey, the ſegments with a black dot each fide: pupa folliculate yellowiſh. Plumbella. Upper-wings lead-colour with a brown tip ſpot in the middle and numerous dots. Inhabits Austria. Wier. Verz. 139, 34. * Lamdella. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Tinea. 363 Lamdella. Upper-wings yellow-brown with a dark triangular ſpot terminated by a detached ſmall dot. Inhabits England. Donovan. ii. tab. 57.fig. 1. Lower-wings blueiſh with a deep fringe. * Sequella. Upper-wings white with a common finuate flexuous black line and lateral ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. phal, tab. 10. fg. 14. Nitidella. Upper-wings filvery with a brown line at the baſe and common dorſal curve.. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 137, 58. * Semiar - Upper-wings filvery with gold bands croſſing each other in gentella. the middle. Inhabits England. Donovan. ii, tab. 57. fig. 2, 3. Lower-wing's grey-brown with a deep fringe. Cornella. Wings ſnowy with a brown-gold band and numerous dots. Inhabits Saxony. Wien. Verz, 141, 66. Antennæ varied with white and black: lower-wings brown. Irrorella. Wings yellow; upper-pair with 3 rows of black dots: thorax 3 fulvous before and behind. On various Lichens. Clerk. phal. tab. 4. fig. 5. Larva hairy black with yellow dorſal rhombic ſpots and oblong lateral ones. Rojcidella. Wings yellow, upper-pair with black dots, lower-ones with black ſpots : thorax black. Inhabits Auſtria. Hien. Verz. 68, 7. Body black, tail fulvous. Puſtulella. Upper-wings black with numerous ferruginous and yellow dots, Inhabits-Cramer. 31. tab, 372. L. Lower-wings paliſh with a black border. Perlella. Wings cinereous with a black dot in the middle and abbrevi- ated ſtreak of them behind. Inhabits Auftria. Linetella. Wings whitiſh with brown lines, the tip with 2 brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Italy. Tinea rorella. Linn. Syft. Nat. 2, Hind-margin of the wings with a ſilver fringe. 2 Z 2 Lutarella. 364 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Tinea. Lytarella. Wings above yellow immaculate ; upper-pair with a brown border beneath. Inhabits Europe Clerk. phal. tab. 4. fig. 9. Larra hairy blueiſh with black dots and abbreviated yellow and white bands. Arbustella. Upper-wings yellowiſh po iſhed: body and lower-wings filvery; tail bearded white. Inhabits Germany. Head and thorax filvery. * Alfomella Upper-wings pale with a yellow margin and 2 brown dots. inhabit Europe. Clerk, phui. tab. 4. pg. 14. * Cutella. Wings black with numerous white dots on the upper-pair: head furruginous. Inhabits Europe. Hybn Beytr 1. tab. 3. Q. Antennæ pectina e: thorax black with a ferruginous dot each fide: dots on the wings 1,2,3-3, and numerous ſmall ones at the tip: lower-wings and a domen olack. Wings pale with a broad green fillet. I habis East India. Body pale yellowiſh: lower-wings white, the hind-margin a little browniſh. Oxyetan. Wings clouded brown with a whitiſh ſtreak in the middle telia. and hind-margin. Inhabits Europe, on the Oxycantha. Pinetella. Upper-wings brown with 3 ſilvery lines, the middle-one longer and interrupted. Inhabits Drefden Feelers as long as the thorax; lower-owings black, very thin and deeply fringed. Argyrella. Wings ſtriate filvery with a brown glofs. Inhabits dujiria. Wien Verz. 135, 28. } Head and thorax filvery: Lower-wings cinereous. a * Pinetella. Upper-wings yellowiſh-brown with 2 clear white ſpots ſeparated by a blackiih band Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii. tab. 263, fig. 1. Lower wings brown with a pale margin, a Pratella, Upper-wings cinereous with a clear white line branched behind, the tip with oblique ftriæ. Inhabits Europe. Clerk, phal. 3, 14. * Fafcuello INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Tinea. 365 *Paſcuoll. Wings cinereous with a clear white line, hind-margin dot- ted with black. Inhabits Europe. Hybn. Beytr. 2. tab. 4. U. *Culmella. Wings cinereous with a ſingle abbreviated clear white line. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf. 1. tab. 17. fig. 13. 14. Margari- Wings brown with a ſingle clear-white line. tella. Inhabits Aujlria. Hybn. Beytr. 2. tab.4. Z. Conchella. Upper-wings brown with a ſingle interrupted clear white line. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz, 134, 6. Falſello. Upper-wings variegated with brown and white; lower-ones cincreous. Inhabits Saxony. Wien. Verz 134, 16. Upper-rings with ſhort faint brown and white ſtreaks. * Argentelle Wings and body ſilvery: antennæ annulate with brown. Inhabits Europe. Wien, Verz. 134 11 Larva gregarious brown: pupa folliculate red-brown. N. vella. Wings and body ſhining filvery: antennæ the ſame co- Tour Inhabits Eal India. Trifella. Upper-winys grey-brown immaculate. Inhabits Austria. Wen. I rrz. 134, 17. Body grey brown : lower wings cinereous. *CarnelleUpper-wings roſe-colour with yellowilh anterior and pro- ft rior margins. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. V. tab. 153 fig. 5. Daphnella Upper-wings cinereous, the rib unequally purplich, in the midule 2 fubocellar black dots. Inhabits Aufiria; Wien. Ver136. 7. Head and thorax whitiſh : hind-margin of the upper-vings dotted with black : lower-wings cinereous Hortella Upper-wmgs grey with a teſtaceous ſtreak in the middle, the rib uneqully teſtaceous. Inhabits Lapland. Upjer-wings 366 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. . Tines. Upper-wings grey ſpeckled with brown, the hind-margin witla ſilvery fringe. Strigella Upper-wings yellowiſh-aſh with a marginal filvery ſtreak. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz. 124. 8. Lower-wings grey-brown with a marginal filvery ſtreak. as Barbella Wings cinereous ſtriate with brown; feelers projecting, long as the antennæ. Inhabits Italy. Antennae pectinate'. lower-wings brown. Hattorfella Upper-wings grey the thicker margin white : feelers pro- jecting thickened. Inhabits Germany, Wien Verz. 319. 65. Upperawings with 2 minute dots in the middle : lower-wings cinereous. Mucronella Wings lanceolate cinereous with a brown fillet. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz. 136. 45. Feelers projecting : lower-wings whitiſh. Teſſerella Wings teſſellate with brown and white; head pale teſtace- Ous. Inhabits Saxony, Lower wings brown. Nigrelia. Wings brown; body black; abdomen rufous. Inhabits Denmark. Abdomen rufous at the fides and tip. Maurella. Upper-wings deep black ; body blackiſh. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 142. 11. . Quadrella Wings black with 4 white dots: body black; head and tail white. Inhabits Italy. Lower-wings dull cinereous: legs black annulate with white, Atrella. Wings and body black bronzed ; tip of the lower-ones and tail teſtaceous. Inhabits Italy. Legs black. Viduella Upper-wings black with 3 fnowy bands, the middie one in. terrupted : head and thorax ſnowy. Inhabits Lapland. Abdomen black annulate with white. Lugu- INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Iinea. 367 Lugubrello. Upper-wings black with 2 white bands, the firſt abbrevia- ted: head white. Inhabits Lapland. Thorax black: pokerior band lunate. Variella. Upper-wings black with a white line at the baſe 2 dots and 2 abbreviated bands. Inhabits Italy. Antenne black: head and thorax ſnowy: lower-wings and all be- neath duſky. Anella Upper-wings grey with a faint ferruginous fillet and 2 cen- - tral fubocellar dots. Inhabits Aufiria.. Wien. Verz. 135. 30. Abdomen ferruginous : lower-wings cinereous. Fagella. Upper-wings grey with brown ſtreaks and ſpecks. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien. Verz. 134 34: Male. Wings grey with a brown ſtreak before and behind and 2 dots in the middle. Female. upper-wings lanceolate darker ſpeckled with brown. Wings grey with a divided white line and waved ſilvery ſtreak behind Inhabits Eaſt India. Lowerwings and all beneath ſnowy immaculate. Cryptella Wings grey *Granella Wings cinereous with 2 angular brown ſtreaks and margi- nal filvery one Inhabits England : ſmall. Auricella Snowy; wings with teſtaceous ſtreaks: firſt joint of the antenna with a projecting tuft of hairs. Inhabits Paris, Lower-wings cinereous. Circubella Snowy; wings deflected black with a common dorſal white fillet dilated behind at the outer margin. Inhabits Kiel, Antenna brown: legs white. * Salicella Wings blueiſh-grey, white in the middle, with black dots on the hind margin: thorax created Inhabits Europe. Wilks. pap. 5. tab. 1. a. 1o. Larva naked 16-footed, brown dotted with white : pupa black before reddiſh behind. Dorſella. Wings fnowy, brown in the middle. Inhabits Cayenne, Body fnowy. #Pusiella 368 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Tinea. * Puñella Wings blueith-grey with a black dot, fillet in the middle and contiguous rhombic ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Sulz. Inf tab. 23. fig. 9. Larva cinereous with black lines : pupa folliculate reddiſh- brown. * Foenella. Wings brown with clear white ſpots, the anterior one fal- cate, the poſterior kidney ſhaped Inhabits Europe. Clerk.phal. tab. 2. fig. 13. * Cretægel- Upper-wings whitith with 2 blackiſh bands and a third la. which is terminal. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 142. 7. Pelumbella Upper-wings cinereous with 2 ferruginous bands edged with black. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz. 148. 15. Body grey: firſt band on the wings with 2 black dots in the mid- dle and ſtreak behind, ſecond cdged with a waved ftcak be- hind: lower-wingss cinereous. A bietella Upper-wings browniſh with 2 pale ſtreaks and lunule in the middle. Inhabits Auſtria Wien. Verz. 138. 16. Margin of the upper-wings dotted with black : lower-wings ci- nercous. Tetricella Wings ſhining grey-brown immaculate. Inhabits Austria. Wien, Verz. 138. 22. *Tapezelia Wings black, white behind: head ſnowy, Reaum Inf: 3 - tab. 20. fig. 12. 2. Wings and head brown. Geoffr Inf. 2. 188, 14. Found in ſkins, where it gnaws cylindrical cavities and ſecretes itſelf. Pulchella. Wings brown at the baſe, the tip a little gilt with brown ſtreaks, in the middle and at the tip a black dot : head ſnowy. Inhabits Denmark, in Houſes. Antenna black : head ſnowy : lower-wing's brown with a pale outer margin. Infectella Wings cinereous at the baſe and tipt with brown. In various Inſects brought from Africa. Lower-wings brown with a few faint reddiſh-brown ſpots. Pellionella Wings grey with a black dot in the middle; head grey. In wollen garments. Reaum. 3. tab. 6. fig. 12-16. *Vestianella INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Tinea. 369 *Veftanella Wings cinereous with a white rib, the tips aſcending and feathered. In cloths and wollen furniture, to which it is very deſtructive. Wien. Verz, 139. 40. * Sarcitella Wings cinereous: thorax with a white dot each ſide. Reaum. 3. tab, 6. fig. 9. 10. Roes. 1. phal. 4. tab. 17. In ſkins cloths and wollen furniture. a • Stigmatel. Wings nearly linear ferruginous with a white coſtal ſpot. la. Inhabits England; ſmall compreſſed linear. Antennae whitiſh: legs ferruginous tipt with white. Limbella. Wings fringed whitiſh with a brown border and ſpots. a Inhabits Germany ; ſmall. Head and thorax grey : lower-wings brown. Flavifron- Upper-wings cinereous immaculate : head fulvous. tella. In Infects and feathers. Wien. Verz. 143, 22. * Mellonella Wings grey, the hind-part purplish with a white ſtreak: ſcutel black tipt with white. Donovan viii. tab. 283. Roes. 3. tab. 41. . 3 . . Found in bee-hives where it infuates itſelf among the cells and fubfifts on the boney. Larva naked 16 footed reddiſh-grey with a red head : pupa folli. culate reddiſh-brown. Cucullatella Wings ſilvery with a brown creſcent on the back. Inhabits Europe, Roes. Inf. 1. phal. 4. tab. 11. Larva hairy 14-footed brown, the back ſpotted with white : pupa folliculate obtuſe brown. Arcella, Wings ſnowy with a common brown curve and 2 marginal ſpots. Inhabits Germany: ſmall. Head and thorax fnowy upper-wings with a few faint dots to- wards the tip: lower-wings and all beneath cinereous. *Curtiſella Upper-wings and thorax white ſpotted and ſpeckled with brown ; lower-wings and body pale brown. Inhabits England. Donovan. ii. tab. 65. fig. 4. Maculel- Snowy; wings with a large black marginal ſpot and tip. la. Inhabits Paris. Head and thorax ſnowy; antenna black: hind-margin of the upper-wings interrupted by black : lower-wings browniſh. VOL. III.-- 3 A * Arbutella. 370 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna Tinea. * Arbutella Wings rufous with ſilvery ſtreaks, the middle ones bifid. Innabits Northern Europe, on the Arbutus. la, * Marginel- Upper-wings rufous with broad white margins. Inhabits England. Donovan ii. tab. 58. fig. 2. Body and lower-cvings whitiſh. *Teſſella. Wings black with 2 very remote teſſellate bands. Inhabits Europe. The bands white ſpeckled with brown. * Clematella Upper-wings ſnowy with a black line at the baſe band in the middle and dot at the tip. Inhabits England, on the Clematis. Head brown : thorax ſnowy: Lower-wings cinereous, * Bicoſtella Wings cinereous with a brown fillet : feelers projecting; antennæ hairy. Inhabits Europe., Clerk phal. tab. 3. fig. 15. * Paren- Upper-wings teſtaceous with a longitudinal white line. thefella. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 157, 52. * Radiatella Upper-wings yellow with dark purple ſtripes and a white one near the thinner margin. Inhabits England, Donovan, iii tab. 77. fig. 3. 4. Abdemen and lower-wings brown. Ufalella Wings linear cheſnut-brown, and appearing as if parched at the tip. Inhabits Italy. Antenna as long as the body, annulate with white and black: body reddiſh brown: lower-wings and all beneath dulky. *Elongella Wings linear teſtaceous; antenna moderate. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 136.51. Hemedacty- Wings linear pale teftaceous with rufous ſpecks. lella. Inhabits Austria Wien. Verz. 144, 41. Body and lower-wings brown. Oleella. Wings fringed cinereous gloffy immaculate. In the kernels of the olive, which it eats into, and occaſions the fruit to fall off before it is ripe. Gylindrella Upper-wings linear brown with 3 yellow ipots. Inhabits Hamburg, Head INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Tinea. 371 Head yellowiſh : antenna whitiſh : thorax brown, yellowiſh in the middle lower-wings yellow. Strigella Wings blackiſh, the tip deep black with an oblique white ſtreak. Inhabits Italy. Body black, front whitiſh. Sinuella Wings yellowiſh with 2 waved brown ſtreaks. Inhabits Italy. Body yellowiſh. Punetella Upper-wings linear grey with 4 brown dots. . Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 144, 40. Undella. Wings grey-brown with a waved white line in the middle and band behind. Inhabits Germany. * Cineella Wings black ; upper-pair with a ſilvery ſtreak. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 319, 97. 2 Fuxerella Wings black, the thinner-margin white at the baſe with 2 black dots. Inhabits Austria. Head with a black dot : thorax white with 3 black dots : lower - wings black, white at the baſe. * Leucatella Wings blackiſh with 2 white bands, the poſterior one fain- ter ; head white. Inhabits Europe. Hybn. Beytr. 3. tab. 1. B. Bifafciella Wings fhining brown with 2 white bands, the hinder in- terrupted, head rufous. Inhabits Denmark. Lower-wings cinereous. *Strobilel- Wings waved with brown and ſilvery ; lower-ones brown la, edged with white On the ſtrobiles of the fir. Clerk. phal.tab. 12, fig. 10. Striatella Wings grey-brown: upper-pair with white lines: lower- ones fringed immaculate. Inhabits Aufiria. Wien. Verm. 135. 26. Pectinella Wings grey with a whiter dorſal curve and dot. Inhabits Sweden. Female darker. 2-pensiella Wings grey-brown with a marginal white dot. Inhabits Hamburg ; ſmall. Lower-swings and all beneath cinereous. 3 Az 4-punziella 372 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Tinea. 4puretella Wings brown with 2 whitiſh dots. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz. 140.60. 10-guttella Wings gloffy-black with 5 ſnowy dots, 2 of them common: head fulvous Inhabits Paris ; fmall. Thorux black : lower-wings brown: legs white. 8-punktella. Wings ſhining-black with 4 ſnowy dots. In habits Saxony. Head and thorax whitiſh : lower-wings black. * Dodecella Grey dotted with black; wings with pale bands and 3 pair of brown dots. In the ſhoots of the pine. Degeer. 1. tab. 22. fig. 22. 23. Larva 16 footed ſmooth ferruginous: papa folliculate conic fer- ruginous. *Viridella Wings greenih with white dots and 2 interrupted chefe net-bands. Inhabits England in the Collection of Mr. Francil.on, Body black : head ferruginous. Antennella Wings gloſſy-black immaculate; antennæ yellow. Inhabits Italy; imall. *Combrella Wings brown thickly ſpeckled with whitiſh. inhabits Europe, on the Pine. Wien. Verz, 186, 39. Obſcurella Wings obſcure brown ſhining inmaculate. Inhabits Sweden ; imall. * Fuſcella. Wings grey-brown with 2 black dorſal dots. Inhabil. Europe, in Gard ns. 3-purciella Wings cinereous with 3 brown dots on the diſk, Inhabits Augria. Had thorax and tail ferruginous: dots on the wings. 2, 1. the hind-margin dotted with black, 6-punctella Wings cinereous with brown bands and 3 black dots. Inhabits Italy. Body black. Hind.margin fringed and terminate by black dots. Lasteella. Wings clear white with a brown hind-margin. Inhabits ſhrubs of South America. Body ſnowy : antenna annulate with white and black : head ſnowy with fulvous down on the nap. "Cinerelle INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA 73. Phalana. Tinea. 373 *Cinerella Wings grey-browo gloffy immaculate. Inhabits Europe, Wien Verz. 138. 25. Brasteella Wings black with a fulphur baſe and marginal ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Clerk phal. tab 12. fig. 4. Antennæ black, white before the tip. Larva ſlightly hairy 14.footed, head and tail brown : found un. der the bark of the Carpinus. Cuſpidella. Upper-wings black with a yellowiſh dot and 2 lunules. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 140, 58. Body black : lower-wings fringed black. Dimidiella Upper wings brown with a yellowiſh-diſk in which is a fubocellar black dot, Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 141: 73. Head and thorax yellow: abdomen brown. 3 *Trigonella Wings brown with a common white dorſal double triangu- ar ſpot. Inhabits Europe, in gardens and hedges. Muſcalella Wings brown with 2 white dorſal ſpots : head fulvous : antennæ pectinate. Inhabits Aujiria. Wien. Verz. 143, 28. * Rhombor. Wings hrown with a black rhombic ſpot. della. Inhabits woods of Europe. Gemmella Wings clouded black and ſilvery; head white. In the leaves of the Oak. Clerk, phal. tab. 10. fig. 10. *Capitella Wings brown with 3 yellowiſh ſpots : head ferruginous, Inhabits Englund, Udm. Diflert. 79. Rupella. Wings gold-brown with 4 white marginal ſpots : head fer- 4 ruginous Inhabits Aufiria. Wien Verz. 320. 45. Prælatella Wings violet with a white ſtreak and 2 oppoſite dots. Inhabits Auſria. Wien. Verz. 320. 46. Head ferruginous. Sulphurella Brown; head thorax baſe of the wings and coftal ſpot fula phur. Inhabits Germany. Wings with a coftal fulphur ſpot at the baſe ſurrounded with a blue ring, the tip whitiſh. * Compoſitello, 374 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. . 73. Phalæna. Tinea. *Combofl- Wings brown with a common filvery dorſal ſpot compoſed tella, of 4 ſtreaks. Inhabits England ; ſmall. Antennae black : front white: outer-margin of the avings with ſilvery ſtreaks. * Minutella. Wings black with 2 ferruginous Ipots nearly oppoſite. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 140, 50. Head hairy ferruginous. Sepulchrella Wings flat black immaculate: body white. Inhabits America, very ſmall Head and thorax ſnowy, the ſides black : legs black. Oliviella. Wings gold-black with a yellow ſpot at the baſe and band in the middle. Inhabits Paris. Antenne black, white before the tip: lower-wings black, the rib whitiſh at the baſe. * Petive. Wings greyilh with a yellow dorſal patch and 3 black dots rella, at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. phal. tab. 12, kg. 11. . Fulvella. Wings gloſſy-black with 2 fulvous ſpots. Inhabits Germany; ſmall, body black, * Lifterella. Wings grey-brown with black dots at the tip: antenna moderate, annulate with white. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 139, 30. . • Aleella. Snowy: upper-wings ſpotted with black. Inhabits England. In the collection of Mr. Francillon. Lower-wings brown, deeply fringed. Knochella. Wings brown-gold with an abbreviated ſnowy line and dos at the tip. Inhablts Germany, on the Thymus ſerpillus, Body brown: lower-wings black, deeply, fringed. Fyeflella. Wings gold with faint filvery bands, angle of the tail with a black fpot in which are 3 ſilvery dots. Inhabits Germany. Upper-wings with a black ſpot at the tip: lower-wings cinereous immaculate. Geoffroyelle. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Tinea. 375 Geoffroyella Wings yellowiſh with filvery ſtreaks and 2 marginal ful- phur dots: antennæ moderate. Inhabits Southern Europe. Fabricella. Wings gold with ſilvery ſpots and dots : lower-ones fulvous. Inhabits Eaſt India ; large. Head ſnowy with a ferruginous collar: thorax ſnowy with a fulyous croſs. Deniſella. Wings browniſh with a white line and band. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 138, 23. Upper-wings with 2 white lines at the baſe, broad band in the middle bifid at the thicker margin and oblique ſhort ſtreak towards the tip: lower-wing's blackiſh. * Moufen Wings pointed livid with oblong brown ſpecks: antennæ tella. ſhort, annnlate with white. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz, 140.51. * Albinella, Wings brown with a ſingle gold curve turned upwards. Inhabits Shrubs of Europe. Seppella. Wings gold with 2 ſilvery ſtreaks. Inhabits England; very ſmall, black. Antennae ſhort : lower-wings ſhining-gold. Eſperella. Wings cinereous with 3 abbreviated filvery ſtreaks and 2 lines at the tip edged with brown. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sr. 70%. Banks. Antennæ ſhort: body grey hairy. Goedartella Wings gold with 2 ſilvery bands and 3 dots. On the buds of the Birch. Clerk. Phal. tab, 12. fig. 14. * Merian. Wings black with 3 tranſverſe divaricate filvery bands. ella. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf. 1. tab. 17. fig. 12. Allionellos. Wings copper-gilt with 2 yellow bands and ſpot at the tip. Inhabits Italy. Body black. Wilkella. Wings black with 4 ſilvery curved bands, the third ſtraight. Inhabits Europe, on the Elm. Reaum. 3. tab. 4. fig. 8. Schieffer. Wings gilt with 3 ſilvery-black ſtreaks, the third bifid at myllerella, the thicker margin. Inhabits Hamburg, Head and thorax black with a gold margin: autenna and legs black annulate with white. Bergfirajo a 376 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Tinea a Bergstræf. Wings flat gilt with a black border and numerous filvery Jella. dots. Inhabics Germany, Schulzella. Wings gilt with 2 oppoſite marginal lines of ſilvery dots, the rib black. Inhabits South American Iſlands ; ſmall. Head and thorax black: abdomen gilt: lower-wings black, * Lyonetella Wings yellow with 4 filvery bands, the third bifid above. Inhabits Europe. The laſt band marginal. * Bonnetella Wings white with 2 ſilvery bands and waved behind. In habits Europe, in gardens and hedges. * Schafe. Wings orange with ſilvery dots and band in the middle, the rella. tip fringed with black. Inhabits Europe. Donovan v. tab. 175. Body and lower-rvings blackiſh. * Scopolella. Wings black with ſcattered white dots: antennnä annulate with white. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 138, 12. Stræmella. Wings black with 4 ſilvery dots and 4 yellow marginal ſpots. Inhabits Norway Antenne black tipt with white: lower-wings black. "Gleichella Wings fat black with a ſilvery band in the middle and 2 oppoſite ſpots at the tip. Inhabits England. Wien. Verz. 144, 34. Body black with a ſilvery glofs : lower wiugs cinereous. a Cydoniella. Wings gilt with a white line at the baſe and 4 pair of dots. Inhabits Auſtria. Wien Verz. 144, 35. Sparrman- Wings gloffy-violet with numerous gold dots and a larger- nella. one at the thinner-margin. Inhabits Peris. Linn Tranf. i. 197. tab. 17. fig. 6, 7. Lower-wings and all beneath gold-violet. * Rhediella. Wings black, the tip fulvous with interrupted ſilves ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Clerk. Phal. tab. 12. fig. 12. Lower-wings black edged with white. Herma nnello INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalaena. Tined 372 Hermans nella. 3 lines on Wings gilt with a filver ſtreak at the bafe and the diſk, the tip brown. Inhabits Hamburg; finall. Lower-wings brown. *Raefella. Wings black-gilt with Gilvery convex fubmarginal dots. 9 Inhabits Europe Clerk phal tab. 12 fg. 13. Larve 14-footed vellow with a teftaceous head: pupa naked oblong reddith-browna dots, * Leuwen. Wings gilt with a Glvery ſtreak at the baſe and 4 oppoſite 4 kockella. Inhabits Europe. Wier. Verz. 141,7. Antennas black, white before the tip. Myllerella Wings gilt with 2 filver ſtreaks at the baſe and 3 lines near the tip. Inhabits Europe; ſmall. Linseella. Wings brown-gilt with 4 raiſed filvery dots. Inhabits Europe. Clerk pbal. tab. 12. fig. 8. Antennae white at the tip. * Rayella. Wings gilt with 7 filvery ſpots, the ſecond and third united. Inhabits Europe Degeer Inf. 1. iab. 31. fig. 11, 12, Larua pale, head with a teftaceous dot each ſide: pupa oblong with a toothed ſpine, within a follicle covered on the outſide with its excrements. Sebroke Widgs gilt with 2 filvery bands at the baſe and 2 ſpots at rella, the tip Inhabits England; ſmall, poliſhed, Kleman nella. Wings gilt with 4 ſilver ſtreaks, the 2 hind-ones interrupted, 4 and a terminal black dot. Inhabits Hamburg ; ſmall. Thunber. Wings gilt with a purple ſpot at the tip. gella. Inbabits France. Body ſmall yellow. Upper-vings with a purple patch at the baſe: lower-wings at immaculate. *Larrifel Wings ſilvery-gilt, the tip obtufe parched and fubocellate. la. inhabits Europe, Wings lilvery-brown with a gold band behind. annabits Germany, VOL. III. - B Antenne 378 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Tinea. #Crame- rella. Antennæ as long as the body, black tipt with white: the gold band terminated each ſide by a clear filvery ſtreak. Wings filvery with oblique marginal brown lines and a black dot at the tip. Inhabits England, very ſmall. Wings ſhining ſilvery with 3 yellow bands, the third in- 3 terrupted, and a black line at the tip. Inhabits Paris. Body ſmall ſnowy. Hortella. *Blancar. Wings gilt with a ſilvery line at the tip and 7 marginal ſpots. della. Inhabits England; ſmall. Antennæ above brown, beneath filvery: thorax gold with a ſilver border: lower-wings ſilvery. Forfperella. Wings brown-gold with a ſilvery dorſal curve and mar- ginal lines, at the tip a black ſpot with a ſilvery pupil. Inhabits Hamburg; ſmall. Syringella. Wings gilt with various white ſtreaks, the hind-ones edged with black. Inhabits Germany, on the Syringa. Body ſmall cinereous : antennee as long as the body. Fibulella. Wings red-gold with a common yellow ſpot, Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 143, 33. minute. Exiguella. Upper-wings grey varied with brown and cinereous, with a white ſtreak. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 143, 21. minute. Aurella. Wings gilt, behind black with a ſilvery band. Inhabits Germany. Wien. Verz. 142,9. The leaſt of its genus, Head white, front ferruginous. Clerkella. Wings filvery, ſlightly tailed behind with brown ſtreaks and a black dot. Inhabits Northern Europe ; very minute. Body filvery: abdomen brown : lower-zwings filvery. Beneath browniſh. * Lichenella Apterous, ſmooth, black. On various Lichens. Degeer. 2. tab. 11. fig. 1-3. Larva 16-footed ſmooth grey thickened behind, incloſed in a triangular priſmatic follicle made of agglutinated fand. Alucita. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Alucita. 379 Alucita. Tinea, Gmelin. Xyloftella. Wings grey-brown with a common finuate white dorſal fillet. Inhabits Europe, Roes. Inf. 1. pbal. 4. tab. 1o. Capitella. Wings black with a white finuate dorſal fillet and 2 margi- nal dots. Inhabits American Mands, Thorax ſnowy, the sides black: antennae black: lower-wings brown. Ephippella. Wings pale gold with a ſnowy dorſal fillet in which is a gold band. Inhabits Europe. Wien Verz. 141, 75. Dentella. Wings brown, the tip grooved with a common white 1. toothed fillet. Inhabits Europe. Wier. Verz. 136, 50. Head and thorax ſnowy, ferruginous at the ſides, Larva glabrous green with a purple dorſal line: pupa yellow. in a fuſiform follicle open at each end. Sylvella. Wings yellow-gilt with 2 oblique brown bands. Inhabits Germany. Nemerella. Wings yellowiſh-green ; upper-pair with 2 abbreviated dorſal darker ſtreaks. Inhabits Paris. Head and thorax yellowiſh-green: upper-wings with a few ſmall black dots at the baſe and tip: lorer-wings brown. Lucella. Wings yellow immaculate: head and thorax ſnowy. Inhabits Sweden, Wien. Verz. 135, 19. Alpella. Wings yellow with olive ſpots: head aud thorax yellow. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 135, 21. Flavella, Wings brown-gold with an abbreviated yellow fillet and ſpot. In old oak wood. Wien Verz. 140, 1. The larva remains 3 years before its metamorphoſis. Fittella. Wings cinereous with a black dorſal fillet and hind-margin. In habits Germany. Clerk. phal. tab. 3. fig. 10. 2.B 2 Nyctemerella. 380 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Alucita. Nyetemerel. Upper-wings ſnowy with a common dorſal indented black La. band and coital ſpots. Inhabits Auliria. Wien Verz. 130. 38. Head and tborax whie: upper wings with a blackiſh patch at the baie, in the middle a large ſpot with a white dot, then a trnſ- Ferle and nearly double ſpot and line at the tip: lower wings brown. Maculella Upper-wings brown-gold with a ſnowy coftal ſpot at the baſe. Inhabits Saxony's Body white s lower-wings cinereouse *Marginel. Upper-wings pale brown with ſnowy margins. le. Inhabies England. Donovan. ii. tab. 58 fig. 2. Head ſnowy : antenna brown : lower-wing: whitiſh. Echiedla. Wings brown with a common indented white band : thorax ſnowy with 2 black dots. Inhabits Germany. Hybr. Beytr. 4. tab. I. B. Abdomen yellow : upper-wings with a streak of black dots at the tip: lower-wings white Larvu black with a fulvous dorſal line dotted with black, a fula vous one on the ſides, all edged with white. *Granolla Wings varied with white and black : head frowy. Reaum Inil 3. tab. 20 f g 14. 16. Baker. Miert. 13 f. 13. Found in corn lofts, where it devours the grain and cauſes it to cling together; in winter craws up the walls. Barua 16-footed naked site with a reddiſh head: pupa follicu. late chetnut-brown. Betulinella Wings whitith, the tip varied with brown. Inhabits Sweden, on the Boletus betulinus. * Nivella Wings fnowy with a black band between 2 marginal (pots : head white Inhabits England. Lower swing's cinercous, Lapelio. Wings pale with a black dit, the tip aſcending. Clerk. Poal tab. 11. fig. 5. Wien. Verz, 142.12. In the heads of the burdocks among the feeds. . Perficella. Upper-wings emarginate fulphur with abbreviated darkes treaks. In habits Avfiria. Wien. Verz. 319.67. Head and thorax yellow; abieren cinereous : loc wings ci. pcreous fringed with white. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Alucite. 381 Variella, Upper-wings black fpotted with yellow. Inhabir Saxony. Bady and lower-wings black. * Afperella. Upper-wings emarginate at the tip, whitish with 2 com- moo blackith ipots. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 136. 46. Dorfello. Upper-wings cinereons ſpeckled with brown, a common whitish patch in the middle with a black dots. Inhabits Saxony. Lower-wing's cinereous. Coftelie Snowy; wings reddiſh-gold with a white coftal ſpot at the * baſe dotsed with brown. Inhabits England Upper wings with a white mark at the angle of the tail: lower-wings cinereous immaculate. Coltella Wings yellow, the outer and inner margins fnowy. Resum. In. 3. tab. 11. fig. ---4 Inhabits France, on the Colutea arboreſcens; forms an incurved follicle of the bark. Head and thorax fnowv; antennae black annulats with white : lower-wings black deeply fringed. Barbarella Snowy; wings black with a ſnowy outer-margin. Inhabits Barbary. Alocita lacteella, Fabrica 12, 253 bc.omen and lower wings black : legs white, Medella. Wings teftaceous with a large ſnowy coftal ſpot. Inhabits Woods of Germany; ſmall. Hlead yellow : lower-wings cinereous. *Scabrella Wings grey-brown with black raiſed rough dots. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 319. 68: Upper-wings emarginate at the tip. Whitiſh ; wings with a ſilvery line. Inhabits Europe. Body round linear. Candello Wings ſlightly tailed, teftaceous with a brown line be hind. Inhabits Southern Europe. Enzenber. Wings emarginate brown with a ſilvery fillet in the mid- dle. Inhabits Austria, Lower wings cinereous. In the fllet are a few brown lines. Swam gella. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. Phalxan. 73. Alucita. 382 * Swam- Wings pale immaculate : antennæ very long. merdam- Inhabits Europe. Clerk. phal, tab, 12. fig. 1. mella. Panzerella Wings pale minutely reticulate with brown: head fulvous; antenna white and very long. Inhabits Italy. Lower-wings cinereous. P.lella. Wings browniſh immaculate ; antennæ very long. Inhabits Austria. Wien. Verz, 142. 6. Antennae whitiſh, yellowiſh at the baſe. * Robertella Wings brown, angle of the tail white; antennæ very long Inhabits Europe ; ſmall. * Friſchella Wings brown-gold ; antenna moderate tipt with white. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 319. 82. Erxlebella, Upper-wings brown-gold ; lower-ones black : head ful- vous : antenne moderate. Inhabits Gottingen. Antennae palih. *Calthella Black ; upper-wings gold head ferruginous, On the flowers of the Caliba palaflris. Paykullella Wings reddiſh-coppery, the baſe band in the middle and ſpot at the tip yellow-gold. Inhabits Italy; minute. Antennae ſhort black : kead fulyous : lower-wings brown. Promulella Upper-wings brown-gold ; lower-ones yellow edged with black; antennä moderate. Inhabits Austria, Wien. Verz. 142, 17. * Degeerella Wings black-gold ftriate with yellow, in the middle a yellow band; lower-wings brown: antennæ very long. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii, tab. 267. fig. 1, 2. The yellow lines on the upper-wings are ſometimes wanting. * Podella. Wings black-gold ftriate with yellow, in the middle a pale band; lower-ones purple ; antenna very long. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii. tab. 267. fig. 3, 4, Sulzella. Wings black-gold with a gold band : antennæ very long. Inhabits INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalana. Alucita. 383 a Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 123,24. Probably the ſame or a variety of the laſt. Vindella. Wings green-gold; body black : antennæ long white. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 142. 4. Reauma. Wings black, bronzed outwardly ; antenna very long. Tella. Inhabits Europe, Wien. Verz. 143. 22. Antennae white, black at the baſe. Cuprella. Wings ſhining red-copper : antennæ very long. Inhabits Auftria, Wien. Verz. 330. 44. * Faſciella Wings gilt with a brown band : antennæ tipt with white. Inhabits England. Wien. Verz. 142. 20. * Şulphurel. Upper-wings gilt with 2 oppoſite ſulphur ſpots; lower-one la. yellow. Inhabits England. Antenne moderate black: thorax brown/ Formoſella Upper-wings ferruginous-yellow with 2 oblique abbreviated white ſtreaks, the hinder-one larger. Inhabits Auſtria, Wien. Verz. 140,47. Antennae annulate with white : upper-wings varied with yellow and ferruginous : lower-wings brown. Dentella. Wings dull cinereous with an indented brown fillet in the middle. Inhabits American Iſland. Body ſmall cinereous : legs white. Parvella, Wings dull cinereous with 2 brown coftal ſpots. Inhabits American Iflandse Wings imcumbent. Minutella. Wings whitiſh with 3 brown bands. Inhabits American Ilands: ſmall. Festicella. Upper-wings whitiſh with 2 brown ſpots, the tip yellow. Inhabits Auftria. Wien. Verz. 319, 80. Small. Head ſnowy : lower-wings brown. *Oppofitella Wings brown with 2 yellow oppoſite ſpots ; lower-ones brown. Inhabits England. Wings incumbent. Pterophorus. Alueita of Gmelin, * Monodac- Wings expanded linear undivided. Inhabits Europe. Reaum, Inf. 1. tab. 20. fig. 12-16, Ochra 384 INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 13. Phalsena. Pteroph. Ochrodas Wings expanded linear undivided ; upper pair grey, lower tyla. ones black. In habits Guftria, Wien. Isrx. 145.7. Abdomeu reddiſh ar the baſe : wings immaculate, * Didactyle Wings cleft, red-brown with white ſtreaks, upper-pais bifid. Inhabits Europe. Merian. Eur, sab. 22 Scharf ic 1.93.-7. Larva 16 tooted faſciculate green : pupa elongated waih z dors fal lines of 4-ſpined tubercles. Celodactyla Wings cleft brown ; upper-pair fubfalcate with fulvous fpots ; lower-ones 3-parted Inhabits Austria Wien Verz. 146. 4. Upper wings grey-brown, the tip darker with a large fulvous foor, the inner margin indented : lowerwings black: leg: annulate with white. Leucodaliy- Wings cleft; upper-pair bifid, cinereous ſpotted with white: la. lower-ones trifid : lege white. Inhabits pastures of Souih America. Body brown ſpotted with white : lower wings brown. Tridaziyla Wings cleft ; upper-pair bifid white; lower-onės 3-parted Inhabits Europe. A£t. Sec. Nat. Hif. Berdi. 3. 1. 1. fig. 8. brown Rhododec- Wings cleft yellowiſh with white ſtreaks ; upper-pair biu tyla. fid, lower-ones trifid. Inhabits Saxony, Wien. Verz. 146.5. Two anterior rays of the lower-wings yellowiſh, the third white with a ferrugineus ſpot before the tip: body ferruginous : fides of the thorax yellowiſh. * Teliora Wings expanded cleft clouded with cinereous; lower-ones daczyla. clouded with brown. Inhabits Europe. Wien. Verz. 146.7.? * Pterodac- Wings extended cleft, teftaceous with a brown dot. izla. Inhabits Europe. Hybn. Beytr, 1. tab.4. U. Larva ſlightly hairy blue with a purple dorſal lines Albedactyla Wings ſnowy ; upper-pair cleft ſpotted with brown; lower-ones 3-parted immaculate. Inhabits France imall, Migadac. INSECTS. LEPIDOPTERA. 73. Phalæna. Pteroph. 385 Migadafty- Wings cleft whitiſh ſpotted with brown ; upper-pair cleft, la. lower-ones 3-parted brown. Inbabits Austria. Wien. Verz. 146.8. Legs white ſpotted with brown, Pentadac- Body and wings ſnowy; upper-pair bifid, lower-ones 3- tyla. parted Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iv.tab. 110. Ammir. tab. 23 Larva 16-footed hairy green with black dots and a white dorſal line : pupa hairy green dotted with black. * Hexadac. Wings cleft cinereous ſpotted with brown, all of them 6- tyla. Donovan iv. tab. 136. Harris. Inf. tab. 2. fig. 7. Inhabits Europe, on the Lonicera Xylotteum or Honey-ſuckle, and is a molt elegant and beautiful infect. It often flies in at our windows in a ftill evening. parted. VOL. III.-30 ORDER. 386 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 74. Libellula. ORDER IV. NEUROPTERA. Wings 4, reticulate with veins : tail unar- med. 74. LIBELLULA. Mouth armed with jaws, more than 2 in number; lip trifid : antennae very thin, filiform, and ſhorter than the thorax: wings expanded: tail (of the male) furniſhed with a forked proceſs. Dragon-fly. This is an extremely ravenous tribe and are generally ſeek ho- vering over ftagnant waters: the larvae are 6-footed, active, inhabitants of the water, furniſhed with an articulate forcipa. ted mouth; and prey with the moſt rapacious forceity upon aquatic inſects and the larvæ of others : the pupy relembles the larva but has the rudiments of wings. A. Wings expanded when at reft. a. Darfal diviſion of the lip very minute. te. a *4-macula. Lower-wings at the baſe and all in the middle on the fore- part with a blackiſh ſpot : abdomen depreſſed downy. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Ing. 6. tab. 35, fig. 1. 2. *Depreſja All the wings blackiſh at the baſe : abdomen depreſſed, yel. lowiſh at the ſides. Inhabits Europe. E wards tah. 333. Male, Abdomen blue-grey with yellow fides. Donovan iii tab. 81. Female. Abdomen reddiſh brown with yellow marks. Donovan. i. tab. 24. Larva grey. brown. Donovar, ii. tab. 44. All the wings hyaline with a ferruginous ſpot at the baſe Irimacula- and band in the middle. Inhabits Carolina. Degeer. Info 3. tab. 26. fig. 2. Bifaſciata. Wings hyaline with a brown ſpot at the bafe and 2 bands Inhabits America. Drury. Inf. 1. tab, 48. fig. 5. Thorax INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 74. Libellula. 387 Thorax villous-brown with 2 yellow lines under the wings : ab. domen depreſſed brown, the fides yellowiſh. 4-pundiata Wings white ; lower-ones black at the baſe with a yel- low line; all with a black dot : abdomen cylindri- cal. Inhabits America. Thorax downy greeniſh: front veficular green : abdomen green- ifh at the baſe and blackiſh at the tip: all the wings with a black dot in the middle at the rib and a common oblong ſtig. ma at the tip. Flaveola. Wings pale yellow at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Schaef. Inf. tab, 4. fig. 1. Wings ſometimes without the yellow ſpot. Lineata Wings white with a yellowiſh bafe and black band and tip; abdomen yellow with a lateral black line. Inhabits India. Head and thorax yellow : abdomen compreſſed. Stigmati. 18. Yellowiſh ; wings with a brown ſpot, the tip brown with a ſnowy ſtigma. Inhabits New Holland. In the Muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Abdomer with black lines : wings hyaline. Oculata. Yellowilh ; upper-wings hyaline at the tip, lower-ones at the margin, with a ſnowy ftigma. Inhabits New Holland ; much reſembles the laſt. Indica. Murcia, Wings varied with yellow and brown; and white at the tip, lower-ones with a blue ſpot at the baſe. Inhabits India. Drury. Inf. 2. tab. 46. fig. 1. Body brown : tip of the wings hyaline. Bronzed ; wings whitiſh ſpotted with brown, lower-ones yellow at the baſe. Inhabits India. Drury. Inj. 2. tab. 45. fig. 3. Wings white ; elevated veſicular front and thorax yellow immaculate Inhabits America ; large. Abdomen cylindrical, the ſegments pale at the baſe and black at the tip, tail with cylindrical ſcales. Lower-wings only blackiſh at the baſe: body ſquare. Inhabits Europe. Roes. Inf. 2. aquat. 2. tab. 7. fig. 4. 3.Cz In Vefsculofa. Rubicun. da. 388 . INSECTS. NEUROPTERA, 74. Libellula. In one ſex the back is ſpotted with red, in the other with yel- low. * Vulgati- fima. Thorax yellow with 8 black ſtreaks. Inhabits Europe. Roes, Inf. 2. aquat. 2. tab. 5. fg. 3. Obſcura All the wings ferruginous: body duſky. Inhabits America ; fize of L. flaveola. Abdomen cylindrical : wings with an oblong brown marginal dot. *Vulgata. Wings hyaline immaculate; abdomen cylindrical rufous. Inhabits Europe. Roef. Ing. 2. aquat. 2. tab, 8. Sibirica. Wings hyaline with a tranſverſe broad ferruginous band towards the tip : body reddiſh. Inhabits Siberia. Lepech. It. 1. tab. 4. fig. 8. Wings fiat, longitudinaly ſinuate and black on the thick- er margin with a white ſtigma. In the Britiſh Muſeum. Body blueiſh. Sinuata. Cancellata Wings immaculate at the baſe ; back and fides of the ab- domen interrupted by yellow, Inhabits Europe. Pedemonta. Wings flat cinereous with a brown band at the tip. Inhabits Italy. Sulz. Hift. Inf. tab. 24. fig. 1. ? Small. Body obſcure yellowiſh. na. a Faſciata, Wings flat brown with a white ſtreak. Inhabits India. Degeer. Inf. 3. tab. 26. fig. 7. Umbrata Wings fiat with a brown band. Inhabits South America. Degeer, Inf. 3. tab. 26. fig. 4. Wings fiat white with an oblong black ſpot at the baſe and band in the middle. Inhabits Obina ; relembles the laft. Body cylindrical. Serva. Notata. Wings flat with white ſpots and tip. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir. Tof. Banks. Dimidiaia Wings fiat and black from the baſe to the middle. Inhabits America. Degecr. Inj. 3. tab. 26. fg. 6. Equelris. INSECTS. NEUROPTERA 74. Libellula. 389 Equeſtris Wings half black with a ſnowy band in the middle. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir Tof. Banks. Head brown with a yellow dorſal line : all the wings black from the baſe to the middle, then a ſnowy band, the tip hyaline with a common brown ſpot, Fluctuans. Wings black tipt with white. Inhabits Eaſt India; ſmall. Body brown: front veficular yellowiſh. Nebuloja Wings white tipt with black. Inhabits Eajl India; ſmall. Body black : mouth yellow : fides of the thorax and abdomen ſpot. ted with yellow : tail with yellow appendages. Chinenfis Upper-wings faint teftaceous; lower-ones green tipt with brown Inhabits China. Edwards. tab. 112. Verſicolor Wings flat white with 3 black and 3 cinereous ſpots. 3 Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Dr. Hunter. Head brown ſpotted with yellow: thorax brown with 2 yellow lines each ſide under the wings: abdomen brown, Vibrans Wings flat white with a black ſpot in the middle, the tips ferruginous. In the Britiſh Muſeum. Americana Wings purpliſh with a white band; upper-pair tipt with white, lower-ones with a white line at the baſe. Inhabits India. Body green. Marginata Wings black; upper-pair with a white ſpot at the tip: lower-ones edged with white. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sr Jof. Banks. Front blue eyes brown dotted with yellow : thorax black : ab- domen brown, whitiſh at the baſe. Ferruginea Wings white, yellow at the baſe ; body red. Inhabits China. Drury. Inf. 1. tab. 47. fg. 6. Tomentoſa. Wings white : body downy variegated with brown and green. Inhabits America ; fmall. Front blue : abdomen cylindrical black, the ſegments with a greeniſh dot cach fide. *_na 390 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 74. Libellula. * Ænea, Wings hyaline: thorax green bronzed. Inhabits Europe. Schaef. Icon. tab. 113. fig. 4. tab, 182. fig. 1. Cyanea. Wings white with a ſnowy ſpot terminated by a brown one: body blue. Inhabits America. Body blue. 6 mæculata. Wings with 3 black coſtal ſpots, the laſt with a ſnowy ftig- ma; lower-ones with yellowiſh bands. Inhabits China; ſmall. Head yellowiſh thorax yellowiſh with black lines: abdomen flat, yellowiſh with black lines. ta. Contamina- Yellowiſh; wings whitiſh with a yellowiſh fhade in the middle. Inhabits East India ; ſmall. Head yellowiſh, crown brown; thorax and abdomen yellowiſh. Eponina. Wings yellowiſh with about 3 black bands. Inhabits Carolina Drury Ing. 2. tab. 47. Head and thorax yellowish: abdomen cylindrical with a yellowiſh dorſal and lateral line: all the wings with a white coftal ſpot near the tip. Varia , Wings varied with yellow and brown, the tip with a white ſpot terminated by a black one. Inhabits Africa. Drury Inf. 2. tab 45 fig. 1. Head yellowiſh: thorax duſky with 3 fulphur lines under the wings: abdonien fulphur with 3 black lateral lines. Wings with a blackiſh acceſſory membrane: thorax with 6 yellow lines: abdomen tapering towards the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Schaef. Icon. tab. 6. fig. 10. Funcea. Carolina Wings whitiſh; lower-ones indented ferruginous at the bafe: thorax brown. Inhabits America. Drury Inf. 1. tab. 48 fig. 1. Eapenfis. Wings whitiſh, every where ſpotted and dotted with brown. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Seba Muf. 4. tab. 86. fg. 17. Tricolora Wings variegated with brown blueiſh and yellow, the tip hyaline. Inhabits India L. variegata. Gmelin. n. 18. Reddiſh; wings with a ferruginous baſe and marginal lines. i kabits out of Europe. Muf. Lesk. 1. 84. 1. 1. c. b. Divifiors Rubra. INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 74. Libellula. Agrion. 391 b. Diviſions of the lip equal. Æfhna. *Forczpata Thorax black with various yellowith characters: tail with 3 incurved claws. Inhabits Europe. Scheff. Icon. tab. 160. fig. 1. tab. 186. fg. 1. * Grandis. Thorax with 4 yellowiſh lines: body variegated with rufous white and black. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. V. tab. 166. Sulz. tab. 17. fig. 101. The colours of the body vanish when the infect is dead. Variegata. Thorax with 2 yellow lines each ſide: wings with a white ſpot at the baſe. Inhabits Terre del fuego. Muſeum of Sir Joſ. Banks, Body brown: mouth yellowiſh with a black dot at the baſe: abdomen round ferruginous, the ſegments edged with black and in each a white ſpot divided by a black line. Clavata. Abdomen clavate, gibbous at the baſe: body variegated with brown and green. Inhabits China. Head veficular green: thorax green with black lines: abdomen green with black ſtreaks, the middle thinner and black with lateral yellow ſpots, the tip thickened black with a white tail. Minkta. Abdomen yellow with 2 black lines; lower-wings yellow with 2 black ſpots. Inhabits China; ſmall. Head yellow, eyes brown: thorax with yellow lines beneath : abdomen with a black lines above and one beneath: upper-wings black at the baſe with a yellow ſpot. 2 • Virgo. B. Wings erect when at reft; eyes diſtinct : outer diviſsons of the lip bifid. Agrion. Wings coloured. 2. Body thining green-blue: wings blueiſh in the middle, the baſe and tip whitiſh, the margin immaculate. Donovan, i. tab. 36. fig. 1. Scheff. Elem. tab. 78. fig. 1. b. Body filky: wings blueiſh-grein, the tip brown, the margin immaculate. Reaum. 6. tab. 35. fig. 7. Leuwenh. arcan, tab. 19. c. Silky green: wings browniſh with a white marginal dot. Roel Inf 2. aquat. 2. tab. 9. fig. 6. d. Body 'tilky: wings brown-gilt with a black ſpot. Roes. In 2. aquat. 2. tab. 9. fig. 5. / Inhabits Europe; very common about waters, • Puella. 392 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 75. Ephemera. * Puella. Wings hyaline, not coloured. a. Body red with yellow and black lines at each ſegment: thorax green with yellow lines : wings with marginal ſpots. Donovan's Eng. Inf. 1. tab. 36. fig. 2. b. Body fleſh-colour: wings with a brown marginal dot. Reaum Inf. 6. tab. 35. fig. 4. and 4. tab. 11. fig. 6. c. Body alternately blue and cinereous: wings with a black dot. Roe). Inf. 2. aquat. 2. tab. 10. fig. 3, 4. d. Body beneath blue-green, above brown; thorax with alternate brown and blueiſh bands : wings with a black marginal dot. Roef. In 2. aquat. 2. tab. 11 fig. 7. e. Body green with a fleſh-colour bluſh: thorax with 3 black lines: wings with a brown marginal dot. Inhabits Europe, in almoſt endleſs varieties. a Ciliata. Green-bronzed : abdomen brown; legs fringed black. Inhabits Coromandel In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Head and thorax bronzed : abdomen cylindrical. Nobilitata. Upper-wings duſky; lower-ones filky-green tipt with black Inhabits South America. Body gloſſy-green : lower-wings beneath black. Linearis. Wings with a yellowiſh or black ſtigma: abdomen ex- tremely long. Inhabits India. Drury Inf 2. tab. 48, fig. 1. Body brown: abdomen cylindrical. 75. EPHEMERA. Mouth without mandi- bles: feeler's 4, very thort filiform: anten- næ ſhort filiform: above the eyes are 2-- 3 large ftemmata: wings erect, the lower- ones much ſhorter: tail terminating in long briſtles or hairs. Day-fly. Theſe ſhort lived animals are found every where about waters in the ſummer, and in tbeir perfect ſtate ſeldom live above a day, ſome of them not an hour, during which time they per- form all the functions of life and anſwer all the ends of nature. The larva lives under water and is eagerly ſought after by trout and other filh, is 6-footed active and furniſhed with a tail and 6 lateral fins or gills: the pupa reſembles the larva, except in having rudiments of future wings, A. Tail INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 75. Ephemera. 393 A. Tail with 3 hairs or briſtles. * Vulgata. Wings reticulate and ſpotted with brown: body yellowiſh ſpotted with black. Donovan. iv. tab. 128. Degeer. 2. tab. 16. fig. 1. Inhabits Europe, and appears in ſuch innumerable ſwarms in Carniola that the peaſants collect them by cart-loads to manure their land with. * Lutea. Wings hyaline reticulate: body yellow. Inhabits Europe. Maroccana. Wings white immacblate : body yellowiſh. Inhabits Morocco. Head yellowiſh, front blackiſh with a callous dot each ſide at the eyes: thorax and abdomen yellowiſh. Marginata. Wings white with a brown outer margin: body black. Inhabits Sweden. Roef. Inf. 2, aquat. 2. tab. 12. fig. 1. 2. * Vespertina Upper-wings black, lower-ones white. Inhabits Europe. Halterata. Wings two, white: abdomen white, tail brown. Inhabits Kiel, Degeer Inf. 2. tab. 17. fig. 17, 18. Brevicauda Wings two, cinereous with a black rib: abdomen pale, tail brown. Inhabits Paris : fmall. Inanis. Wings hyaline: body black , ſegments of the abdomen from the fourth to the ſeventh pellucid. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 50. 11. 15. B. Tail with 2 hairs or briſtles. Venoja. Wings white reticulate : body brown. Inhabits Denmark. Degeer. Inf. 2. tab. 18. fig. 1-4. * Bioculata. Wings white reticulate : head with 2 yellow tubercles: tail yellow. Inhabits Europe. Geoffr. Inf. 2. tab. 13. fig. 4. Briftles of the tail white dotted with brown. Nigra. Wings blackiſh, the lower-ones extremely ſmall: body black. Inhabits Europe. VOL. III.--3D Fuſcata 394 INSECTS. NEÚROPTERA. 76. Phryganea. * Fuſcata. Wings hyaline : abdomen brown whitiſh at the baſe: legs pale Inhabits Europe. Wings immaculate. Albipennis Wings white immaculate: abdomen pale at the baſe, tail blackiſh. Inhabits France. Legs pale, the joints black, * Heraria. Wings white, the thicker-margin blackiſh. . Inhaits Europe. '. *Culicifor- Wings white; body brown. Inhabits Europe. Pod. Mul. Græc. tab. 1. fig. 10. be * Striota Wings hyaline ſtriate: thorax brown; abdomen white. Inhabits Europe. Diptera. Wings two, the marginal rib brown with cinereous fpots. . Inhabits Europe. Abdomen with red lines. Notata. Yellow; wings white: fegments of the abdomen with a brown ſpot each fide, beneath a brown dot. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 50. 1. 16. Tefiacea. Wings browniſh : body brown-teſtaceous; ends of the legs brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 50, n. 17. Ferruginea. Wings yellowish: body ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Mu. Lefk. p. 50. 8. 18. Stigma. Wings browniſh: body yellow; thighs with a black dot in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 51. 7. 20. 76. PHRYGANEA. Mouth with a horny ſhort curved mandible: feelers 4: flem- mata 3: antennae fetaceous, longer than the thorax; wings equal incumbent, the lower-ones folded. Theſe are ſeen in a ſummer's evening floating in the air in large mafles and are eagerly devoured by ſwallows; they are eaſily diftinguish ed INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 76. Phryganea. 395 a diftinguiſhed from the ſmaller moths by their wanting the ſpiral tongue: the larva is 6-footed, found at the bottom of Thallow water incloſed in a tube, conſtructed of land ftraws or ſmall chips of wood and is known to filhermen by the name of caddy or caddo: that of the firit diviſion is tailed with 7 gills or fins; of the others ſlightly hairy with 2 claws on the tail and 3 creet tentacula on the fourth ſegnient: pupa relem- bles the perfect infect. A. Tail with 2 truncate briflos. Semblis. Marginata Wings immaculate: body brown with yellowish ſpots on the head, fides of the abdomen yellowish. Inhabits Germany; large. Thorax grooved on the back: briſtles of the tail yellowiſh an- nulate with brown and as long as the abdomen. 举 ​* Bicaudata Wings reticulate brown: body brown with a yellowiſh line on the head and thorax, Inhabits Europe. Sulz. Inf. tab. 17. fig. 6. tab. 24. fig. 8. * Nebulosa Wings pale cinereous: body brown. Inhabits Europe. Degeer Inj. 2. tab. 27, fig. 16, 17. Viridis Wings greeniſh-hyaline immaculate; body greeniſh. Inhabits Germany; ſmall. Antenne green tipt with black : head and tborax green, the lacter faintly margined with black: abdomen and legs greenith. B. Tail without brifles. *Reticulata Wings fubferruginous reticulate with black: body black. Inhabits Europea Striata dualis: Wings teſtaceous with darker nerves. Inhabits Europe. Reaum Inf. 3. tab. 13. fg: 8, 9, 11. Wings brown with a white ſpot near the tail: nape covere I with golden hair. Inhabits Sreeden. Head and antenne black. a * Fuſia. Upper-wings brown immaculate : legs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Diſcoidea. Wings brown with a pale margin and ſpots on the diſk: body grey. Inhabits Germany. Pitoja 3 D 2 396 INSECTS, NEUROPTERA. 76. Phryganea. Piloja. Wings teftaceous immaculate: head and thorax hairy. In habits Sweden. Body teftaceous. Pallipes, All the wings black immaculate: legs pale. Inhabits Italy; very ſmall, , Signata, Wings grey Wings grey brown ſpotted with yellow, the hind-margim Itriate with yellow. Inhabits America; ſmall. *Grandis. Wings brown-teſtaceous with cinereous ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Degeer Inf. 2. tab. 13. fig. 1. *Varia. Wings varied with dark-grey and black and ſpotted with white in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. viii, tab. 277. fig. 1. Legs teftaceous annulate with black, Irror ata Wings grey.brown with numerous whitiſh ſpots and ſpecks. Inhabits South America. Muſeum of Sir. Jof. Banks, Head black : antennae teftaccous: thorax black with a teftaceous {pot: legs teftaceous. * Phalaen. Wings white with ſcattered black ſpots : body black. Inhabits Northern Europe: Udm. Dilj: 53. fg. 16, oraes Flavicornis Wings grey; abdomen greeniſh : antennæ and legs yel- lowith, Inhabits Kiel; larger than Ph. griſea. * Rhombica Wings grey-brown with rhombic whitiſh ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vii, tab. 220. Larva incloſed in a web made of fhort pieces of graſs laid tranſ- vertely. *Griſeа. Upper-wings clouded, with a black marginal ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 2. tab 13, fig. 31. Atomaria Wings pale grey with numerous black dots. Inhabits Kiel ; large. Antennae yellowiſh . head and tbcrax hairy : body cinercous. Fennica. Wings ſtriate cinereous with a teftaceeus dot near the tail: body black : antennæ white at the baſe. Inhabits Denmark. Antennae black at the tip. Atrate. INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 76. Phrygane a. 397 Atrata. Black: wings immaculate : antennä ſhort. Inhabits France. Body villous. Notata. Upper-wings yellowiſh-grey with a brown marginal ſpot, Inhabits North America, Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Body brown: antenna and legs teftaceous : lawer-wings white, * Bimacula- Wings brown with a double yellow lateral ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 2. tab. 15. fig. 5. Lurva in a tapering cylinder compoſed of ſand and mud. ta. * Nigra. Wings black: antennæ twice as long as the body. Inhabits Northern Furope. Degeer. Inf. 2, tab, 15.11g, 21. Azurea, Wings black, the hind-part violet. Inhabits Europe, Lower-wings obliquely violet, Variegata Wings brown ſpeckled with teſtaceous. Inhabits Germany. Antennae aunulate with brown and teſtaceous : legs yellowiſh, * Bilineata Wings brown with 2 tranſverſe white lines on each margin. Inhabits Northern Europe. * Interrupta Wings black with 4 white bands, the anterior ones interrup- ted, the hind-one marginal and compoſed of dots. Inhabits England. Body black. Antennae annulate with white and black, longer than the body : lower-wings cinereous: legs pale, Hirta. Brown; upper-wings hairy : antennæ as long as the body. Inhabits England; caught at Oxford. Antennae white annulate with brown, the firſt joint hairy: upper. wings brown with a faint darker ſpots : lower-wings glabrous brown, * Longicor. Wings brown with 2 darker waved ſtreaks : antenna very nis. long. Inhabits Europe. * 4-faſciata Black; wings teftaceous with 4 black bands : antennæ very long. Inhabits England. Anteunae annulate with white and black : legs pale, hind-thighs black : abdomen black. Punctata. 398 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 76. Phryganca. Punciata Wings fringed Wings fringed pale yellowiſh dotted with white: abdo- men green. Inhabits Paris ; reſembles a Tinea, * Filofa Wings rounded brown immaculate : antennæ thrice as long as the body. Inhabits England Antennae annulate with white and brown, the firſt joint hairy : lower-wings black-hyaline : abdomen black : legs pale. 3-punciata Wings fringed cinereous with 3 brown dots, Inhabits Saxony. Antenna longer than the body. Minuta. Variegated with brown and cinereous : feelers villous. Inhabits Europe, Puſilla. Wings fringed brown-teſtaceous : antennæ moderate, an- nulate with white and black. Inhabits Italy: ſmall, Atrata. Black; wings whitiſh with numerous black ſpots and 2 bands. Inhabits Siberia. Lepech, It. 2. tab. 10. fig. 9, Ciliaris Black; abdomen with a white line each ſide : hind-hanks paler: antenne moderate. Inhabits Europe. Fn. Suec. 1497. eneri Cinereous ; lower-wings paler, the inner margin whitith and hairy. Inhabits Sweden. Fn. Suec. 1494. Albifrons Black: wings with 4 white linear ſtreaks on the outer part. Inhabits Sweden, Fn. Skec. 1495. Flava. Wings reticulate with yellow; antennæ moderate: Inhabits Europe. Fr. Suec. 1502. Umbrosa Black ; upper-wings with yellowiſh clouds. Inhabits Europe Fn. Suec. 1498. Salt atrix Wings hyaline with a green and white ipot : antennæ lon- ger than the body. Inhabits Europe. Fr. Suec. 1503. Vireſcens 399 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 76. Phryganea. 。 at the Virefcens Wings white, with ferruginous fpots at the future and infected margin: abdomen greenih: legs yellowiſh. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 51. n. 27. dar Argentata Wings varied with brown and filvery with a brown dot behind the middle at the anterior margin and 3 poſterior ; lower-ones tipt with brown. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 51. 7. 28. Faſciata. Wings pale yellow with 4 white bands, one entire, the ou thers compoſed of ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 51. 1. 29. Strigola. Teſtaceous; lower-wings with a long white ſtreak towards the tip Inhabits Europe. Muf. Leskop: 51.1. 30. . Maculoſa. Wings brown hairy ſpotted with white, 2 of the ſpots foli- tary towards the tip at the outer margin. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 51.4. 32. Lacinioja Teftaceous; wings with 3 white bands united at tne baſe and each divided at the tip, with an oblique fpot in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 51.11, 34. Atomaria Teſtaceous ; wings grey with numerous whitiſh folitary and confluent dots. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p.51.4. 36. Teftacea Wings and body brown-teſtaceous; lower-ones whitiſh. Inhabits Europe. Mul, Lesk.p.51.1137. Inconfpicua Brown; antennæ and fore-feelers long; wings grey, glas brous at the tip : legs yellowiſh. Inhabits Europe. Mu. Lesk, p. 51. 7. 38. Ciliata Black; wings fubteftaceous fringed, the veins at the ante- rior and poſterior margin very much branched : 4 fore- 4 legs teftaceous. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 52. 11. 39. Aunulate Brown ; antennæ long annulale with white; wings frin- ged at the inner and hind-margins. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Leskop. 52. 11. 40. 77. HEM 400 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 77. Hemerobius. 77. HEMEROBIUS. Mouth with a fhort horny mandible, the jaw cylindrical ſtraight cleft: feelers 4, unequal filiform: ftemmata O: wings deflected, not folded: antennae fetaceous, projecting, longer than the thorax which is convex. Like the Ephemeræ, theſe inſects are very ſhort lived and in every ſtate of their exiſtence prey with unceaſing avidity upon plant- lice: the larva is 6-footed, generally ovate and hairy ; the pupa moſtly folliculate : the eggs are depoſited in cluſters on the leaves of plants, each placed on a ſmall gummy pedicel. Many of them when touched have an excrementitious ſmell. A. Lip cylindrical membranaceous annulate. Semblis. . ly Peltinicor- Antennæ pectinate : wings white with brown marks and nisa nerves ſubarticulate with white. Inhabits South America. Degeer. Inf. 3. tab. 27. fig. 3. . . Grifeus. Wings grey ſpotted with white. Inhabits Africa. Head and thorax ferruginous varied with black : lower-wings black at the baſe. Atratus Wings whitiſh; upper-pair ſpotted with black : body black. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir. Jor Banks, Head black, front covered with cinereous hair: thorax black hairy with a cinereous line each ſide: abdomen black with an oblong teftaceous ſpot towards the tip. Punctatus Brown; wings white ſpotted with brown, the nerves dot- ted with white and black. Inhabits. In the muſeum of Sir Fif. Banks. Fuſcatus. Wings brown ſpotted with white ; lower-ones black at the baſe. Inhabits Eaſt India, Head ferruginous : mouth black: thorax duiky. * Lutarius Black; wings ſtriate whitiſh ſpotted with white. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 2. jab. 22. fg. 14. 15. B. Lip horny, rounded at the tip, vaulted. Gornutus. INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 77. Hemerobius. 401 Corrutus. Mandibles projecting horn-ſhaped. Inhabits North America. Degeer. Inf. 3. tab. 27. fig. 1. Body ferruginous, very large. Grandis Wings ſubequal reticulate with veins, with 2 yellowiſh Ipots. Inhabits Japan. Thunb. Nov. Inf. 1. D. 28. fig. 44. Body oblong yellowiſh : antennce and jaws black. Perla. Wings hyaline with green veins : body yellowiſh-green: eyes golden. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, viii. tab. 277. fig. 2. Wings whitiſh ; body cinereous; antennæ very long. ; Inhabits Otaheita. In the muſeum of Sir Joy. Banks. Filofus. * Albus, bod Wings hyaline ; body white : eyes brafly. Inhabits Europe. Capitatus. Wings white with reticulate nerves: body brown; head and fore-part of the thorax teſtaceous. Inhabits Germany. Wings with a green ſhade and a common elongated brown ſpot. *Chryſops Wings hyaline with green veins and brown ſpots: body va- riegated black and green Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi. tab. 188. Head teſtaceous : wings fringed on the outer-margin. Maculatus Wings white, upper-pair ſpotted with black : body black. Inhabits France. Roel. Inf. 3. tab. 21. fig. 8. Body black : head and legs ſubteftaceous. * Phalenoi- Wings mucronate at the baſe and cut behind : body teſta- des. ceous. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inj2. tab. 22. fig. 12. 13. Wings teftaceous with an oblique brown ſtreak and dot. # Hortus Nitidulus Wings ftriate cinereous : body teſtaceous : legs pale. Inhabits Germany. Antennae brown : eyes black. Wings hairy reticulate with brown; lower-ones with a terminal band, Inhabits Europe. Donovan, iv. tab. 113. VOL. III.--3E Fuscata. 02 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 77. Hemerobius. Tuſcatus Wings ftriate brown-hyaline: body black ; legs teftace- ous. Inhabits Denmark and Trance. Luteſcens Wing white with brown ſtreaks : body yellowiſh. Inbabits Kiel. Degeer. Inl. 2. tab. 22. fig. 8. Humuli. Wings white with ſcattered brown dots: antenna annu- late with white and black. Inhabits Upſal, in hop plantations. Longicornis Black, mouth and legs pale: antennæ long brown. Inhabits Hollace, All the wings white with brown nerves and a brown marginal dot. a Striatulus Wings ftriate with brown; lower-ones immaculate : body brown and yellow. Inhabits Europe. Head yellow : mouth and eyes brown: thorax brown: breaſt and legs yellow : abdomex brown, yellowiſh at the fides. 8-puntiatus Wings white; all with 2 brown dots. Inhabits Cochin China. In the Britiſh Muſeum, Faſciatus Wings white with Wings white with 3 black bands and numerous ſpecks. Inhabits Kiel. Antennae black : head and thorax yellow with brown marks : ab- domen black : lower wings white immaculate. Variegatus Wings white with black ſpots, the nerves dotted : body brown. Inhabits France. Antennae and legs pale. Nervoſus Wings variegated the nerves dotted with white; body brown: crown and back of the thorax yellowiſh. Inhabits France. Antennae yellowiſh annulate with black: legs yellowiſh. tas. *6-punta- Wings white with brown ſpots and 6 diſtinct dots behind antenna brown. Inhabits Europe, Picicornis Upper-wings, varied with white and brown: body black : antennæ long hairy. Inhabits INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 78. Myrmeleon. 403 Inhabits Denmark: ſmall. Lower-wings hyaline immaculate : legs pale. Flavicans, Black, thorax and abdomen yellow. Inhabits Europe. * 2-puncta. Wings with 2 black dots: body varied with brown and yellow. Inhabits Europe. 4-punctatus Wings white with 4 black dots at the baſe, the tip radiate with brown. Inhabits Kiel ; ſmall. Head and thorax black;'antennae abdomen and legs pale. * Abdomi. Brown; abdomen yellow with a black tail. nalis. Inhabits England and Norway; leſs than a loafe. Antenne ſhort brown : wings hyaline with brown veins. Testaceus Wings black, thrice as long as the body : body brown-ter- taceous. Inhabits America. Degeer. Inf. 3. tab. 21. fig. 4. 5. Paganus Wings white, upper-pair with faint duſky bands: antenne white. Inhablts Upſal. Legs whitiſh. Pediculari- Greenith ; antenna moderate. Inhabits Europe. Probably a ſpecies of Termes. Flauns Yellow ; mouth blood-red each fide. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Leſk. p. 52. n. 47- Melanostic- Yellowiſh ; wings hyaline varied with blue and gold, the nerves whitith dotted with black, the margins with minute black dots. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lef, p. 52. n. 49. Verficolor. Yellow; wings hyaline varied with blue and gold, baſe of the abdomen beneath and tail black; antenne yellow. Inhibits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 52. n. 5º. 78. MYRMELEON. Mouth with a horny acute mandible and jaw; feelers 6: ftemmata 0: antennae thicker at the tip: wings deflected: tail of the male armed with a forceps compoſed of 2 ftraight filaments. Lion-ant. 13. Los 3 E 2 404 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 78. Myrmeleon. The animals of this family prey with the moſt favage ferocity up- on ants and lefſer inſects; and for the purpoſe of enſnaring them finks itſelf into the ſand and forms a kind of funnel or pit in which it lies buried, the head only appearing above the fand: in this hollow, ſuch inſects as wander near it are ſure to fall, and not being able to crawl up the ſides of loole fand, are fei- zed and devoured by the lion-ant. But if the fides of the pit do not give way, or the unlucky infect appears to be able to make its eſcape, its mercileſs enemy, by throwing up with its head repeaded ſhowers of fand, forces it down till it comes within its reach, Larva 6 footed ovave hairy, with exſerted toothed jaws : pupa encloſed in a ball compoſed of agglutinated fand or earth. a A. Hind-feelcrs much longer ; jaw 1-toothed; lip membra- nuceous Square truncote emarginate. Libelluloi- Wings grey ſpotted with brown: body ſpotted with black des. and yellow. Inhabits the Cape of goed hope. Degeer. 3. tab. 21. fig. 9. Pardalis Wings white with ſcattered black dots: thighs yellow. Inhabits Coromandel. In the muſeum of Sir Joj. Banks Head and thorax varied black and yellow. abdomen yellow ſpot- ted with black: legs black, thighs yellow, 77745. Pantheri- Wings white ſpotted with black : body yellow ; abdomen variegated with black. Inhabits Austria. Head yellow, front between the antenna black. Lynceus. Wings hyaline with a black marginal ſpot at the tip, in the middle of which is a ſnowy one. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Antennae black, ferruginous at the tip: body above brown, be? neath yellowish. * Formica- rius. Catta. Wings clouded with brown, with a white marginal ſpot be- hind. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. 4. tab. 14. f. 18, 19. t. 11. f. 6.2 and tab. 32, 33, 34. Roef. Inf. 3. tab. 17-20. Wings hyaline with faint brown ſpots, the nerves ſpotted with black. Inhabits Madeira. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Body brown {pot:ed with yellow: legs yellow, hind-thighs with a black ring. Punctatus: INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 78. Myrmeleon. 405 Puncatus. Wings hyaline, the nerves with alternate black and white dots. Inhabits India. In the muſeum of Sir Joj. Banks. Head yellowih, black between the antenna with a black line in the middle behind and 2 dots each ſide: thorax yellowiſh with 3 black lines: abdomen brown : legs yellowiſh. a Formica. Wings immaculate : body brown. Lynx. Inhabits Africa and America. Degeer. 3. tab. 27. fig. 8. Tigrinus, Wings hyaline immaculate : body brown; margin of the thorax and legs yellow. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir 70f, Banks. Head brown, mouth yellow: thorax duſky, the fore and lateral margins yellow: abdomen brown: legs yellow. Canisus. Wings hyaline immaculate: body brown: head and thorax Ipotted with yellow. Inhabits Guinea; linall. Abdomen with a few yellow dorſal ſpots. B. Feelers nearly equal; jaw ciliate; lip horny rounded en- tire. Afcalaphus. Barbarus. Wings reticulate yellowiſh-hyaline with 2 brown ſpots, Inhabits Europe and Africa. Schaff. icon, tab. 5o. fig. 1-3. Antenne as long as the body: tborax ſpotted with yellow. Longicornis Upper-wings hyaline with a double yellow ſpot at the baſe; lower-ones yellow, black at the baſe. Inhabits Italy. Sulz, Hifl. Inf. tab. 25. hg. 4. Capenſis . 'Wings white reticulate with black : tail forked. Inhabịts the Cape of good Hope. Head hairy black; abdomen black, terminated by a ſtrong ciliate forceps. Appendi- Wings white immaculate, 1-toothed at the baſe. Culatas. Inhabits - In the Britiſh Muſeum. Antenniae rufous: body villous brown: upper-wings with a finall tooth at the inner baſe. Aufiralis. Wings white with a black marginal ſpot: body variegated. Inhabits Southern Europe. Antennae as long as the body: heed yellow, front and eyes brown: thorax and abdomen variegated with yellow and brown. Cayennen is 406 INSECTS. NEUROPTERA. 79. Panorpa. Cayennenhis Wings white with a ſnowy marginal ſpot. Inhabits Cayenne. Antennae long. Head brown; front cinereous hairy: thorax cinereous. 79. PANORPA. Mouth lengthened into a cylindrical horny proboſcis: feelers 4, nearly equal: femmata 3: antennae fili- form, longer than the thorax: tail of the male armed with a chelate appendage; of the female unarmed. * Communis Wings of equal length, ſpotted with black. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. vi.tab 201. Germanica. Wings equal, hyaline tipt with brown. Inhabits Germany ; reſembles the laft. Scorpio. Wings equal, black ſpotted with white: body duſky. Inhabits North America. P. lugubris, Girelin. p. 2647. Faſciate, Wings equal yellowiſh with black dots and bands. Inhabits North America. P.americana. Gmetin. p. 2647. Hyemalis. Wings ſubulate ſlightly incurved ciliate: female apterous. Inhabits Saxony; ſmall. Tipularis. Wings immaculate: abdomen falcate: legs very long. Inhabits Itely. Sulz. Hift. Inf. tab. 25. fig. 78. Body yellow: wings equal. Capenſis. Wings equal immaculate: body ferruginous. Inhabits the Cape. Thanb. Nov. Inf. 3. p. 67. fig. 78. Japonica. Wings equal, hyaline with a black bands: body black. Inhabits Japan. Thunb. Nov. Inf. 3. p.67. fig: 79. Coa. Wings erect, lower-ones nearly linear and very long. Lettom's Natureli's Companion. fig. 4. Inhabits Greek Iſlands. Forsk. Deſc. 97. tab. 25. fig. 2. Upper-wings yellowilh ſpotted with brown: lover-ones extremely narrow and as long again as the upper-pair, alternately brown and yellowiſh. 80. RAPHIDIA. INSECTS. NEUROPTERA 80. Raphidia. 407 SO. RAPHIDIA. Mouth with a curved toothed horny mandible: thorax long, cylindrical: ftemmata 3: wings deflected: antennæ filiform, as long as the thorax, the anterior part elongated and cylindri- cal: feelers 4, very fhort, filiform: tail of the female terminated by a large recurved briſtle. *Opbioſis. Wings immaculate. Inhabits Europe in woods, and preys on other Infects. Degeer Ixj. 2. tab. 25. fig. 4. Schæff, Icon. tab. 95. fig. 1, 2. a *Notata. Wings with a brown marginal ſpot. Inhabits England; probably only a variety of the laft. Body black : bead black with a teftaceous ſpot: legs teſtaceous: appendage of the female as long as the body, ORDER 408 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 81. Cynips. ORDER V. HYMENOPTERA. Tings 4, membranaceous: female mofily armed with a fting 81. CYNIPS, Mouth with a ſhort 1-toothed membranaceous jaw, the mandibles vaul- ted horny cleft, the lip entire; feelers 4, ſhort unequal capitate: antenna monili- form: fting ſpiral, often concealed within the body. Gall-fly. The numerous excreſcencies or galls found on the roots branches and leaves of various trees are produced by the puncture of theſe inſects: the larva is without feet ſoft. cylindrical, and inhabits within the gall, feeding on the juices of the tree: the pupa reſembles the perfect infect except in having only the ru- diments of wings. Adjiendens. Bronzed; abdomen petiolate conic aſcending. Inhabits Saxony ; large. Abdomen placed on a pedicel : legs pale. Campreja. Gloffy-black; abdomen compreſſed: fhanks ferruginous, Inhabits Italy. Fabric. Append. p. 455 Rafa. Black; abdomen ferruginous, black behind: legs ferrugi- Inhabits Bedeguar. Regum. 3. tab. 46. fig. 5–8. tab. 47. fig.1--4 nous. *Glechomæ Brown; thorax villous. Reaum. 3. tab. 42. fig. 1-5. Welfh. Hecaft. tab. 127. fig. I. 3 . Forms round rough galls on the Glechoma hederacea. * Quercus Black ; baſe of the antenna and legs yellowiſh. baccarum. Reaum. 3. tab. 42. fig. 8. Udm. Dip. tab. 1. fig. 14. Forms roundifh pellucid galls, about the fize of a pea, on the a under ſurface of the leaves of the Oak. Quercus Black; thorax lineate: legs grey: thighs beneath black. folii. Reaum. 3. tab. 39. fig. 14-17. Roel 3. tab. 52. 53. Farms gails, about the ſize of a nut, on the under ſurface of the leaves of the Oak. Quercus. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 81. Cynips. 409 * Quercus Black; antenna and legs pale. inferus. Forms globular opake red galls; on the under-ſurface of the leaves of the Oak. Wings hyaline without veins or coftal dots. Quercus Black ; legs white, thighs brown, petioli. Reaum. 3 tab. 35. fig. 3, Roef. 3. tab. 35, 36. Forms convex galls on the perioles of the Oak. Quercus Grey; wings with a linear croſs, pedunculis Reaum. Inf. 3. tab. 40. fig. 1-6. Forms granulate connected galls on the male flowers of the Oak. Quercus Pale; abdomen and wings black. ramuli. Forms white wooly galls on the ſmaller branches of the Oak. Quercus tojae. Grey; abdomen ſhining ferruginous. Inhabits France, in galls on the Quercus toja. Quercus In galls on the bark of the oak. but corticis. Forms a cup-ſhaped gall, the diſk convex and ſurrounded with about 20 concave don. Quercus In the terminal bud of the oak. gemmae Found in the large imbricate galls on terminal buds of the oak. Reaum. Inf. 3. tab. 43. Quercus On the calyx of the oak and ægilops. calicis. Bergedorf. Schr. der. Berl. Neturf. 4. p. 1. tab. 1, 2, Forins galls which are ſometimes uſed by Tanners. * Fagi. Black; immaculate. Forms pyriform galls on the under-Surface of the leaves of the Beech. Friſch. Inf. 2. tab. 5. ** Viminalis. Yellow; thorax black. Roef. Inf. 2. Veſp. tab. 1o. fig. 5-7, Forms galls on the leaves of the Salix viminalis. * Capreac. Shining-green; legs pale. Friſch. Inf. 4. p. 39. tab. 22. Forms ferruginous galls, reſembling grains of barley, on the leaves and branches of the Willow. Salicis ftro- Black; thorax greeniſh on the back. In the ends of the branches of the Salix glabra which it dilates into a strobile-haped excreſcence: VOL. III.F bili. Amerianae. 400 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 81. Cynips. Ameriange. Black; legs pale. Forms unequal galls at the ends of branches of the Salix pena tandria. Aceris. Body brown; thorax black, longer than the abdomen. Forms glabrous íubturbinate galls, which grow red after ſome time, on the leaves of the Acer pſeudoplatanus. A. Bobem 4 p 184. Ruficornis. Black ; abdomen blue: antennæ rufous. Inhabits France. Wings white immaculate. Megare. phalus. Black; head very large and retuſe: abilomen truncate. Inhabits Denmark, in decayed wood. Wings white with a brown ſpot in the middle : fhanks yellow. Italica. Gloffy-black: thorax golden. Inhabits Italy, Head black with a green gloſs: thorax punctured thining gold: abdomen ovate black. Pfenes In protuberances of the Ficus carica. Ponted. Anthol. tab. 11. fig. 11, 12, 13. Sycomori. Body black ; ſting exſerted weak. In protuberances of the Ficus Sycomorus, Hafel. It. 426. 113. Longipennis Black ; abdomen compreſſed : wings long white with 2 black dots Inhabits France, in a ſmall fat gall. Antenne ſetaceous: abdomen compreſſed, elevated on the back : legs black, the joints pale. Roſmarini. On the Rofinarinus chilenfis. Forms white globular galls, about the fize of a rut, and full of a clear oil, on the branches of the Roſmarinus chilcrfis. Body brown : Molin. Hift. Nat. Chil. p. 187. Aterrima. Black with raiſed dots; tarſi paler. ; Inhabits Auſtria, Schrank Inf Auft. p. 320. 1. 645. Forms a very large excreſcence on the ſtems of plants. Rubi. Silky green-gold punctured; briſtles at the end of the tail ſhorter than the body. Forms ſtrumous protuberances on the ſtems and branches of the Rubus cæfius. Schranck. Inf. Auft. p. 320. 11. 646. Phragmitise INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo. 411 Phragmitis Black; baſe of the antenna and legs teſtaceous: abdomen elongated into a broad projecting tail In the inflated ftalk of the Arindo Paragmitis. Schrank. Inf Auf. p. 321. n. 647. Lugdunea. Black ſpotted with yellow; hind-thighs globular, toothed at the inner-margin: fting triple, turned back over the abdomen. Tourette. 4.7. Paris. extran. 9. p. 730. fig 1-4. Inhabits France, on various plants: large. Tejarea. Teftaceous; head and legs yellowiſh ; eyes black Inhabits Europe. Meſ. Lesk. p. 53. . 58. c. Nigra. Black ; baſe of the abdomen and legs pale. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 53. n. 58.d. Inanita, Black; abdomen of one ſegment, the fore-part with a diaphanous fpot each fide: legs ferruginous. Inhabits Upfal; fize of the Formica rufa. Antonna ſhorter than the body : thorax a little rough: abdomen oblong, obtuſe, opake : franks black. Probably not of this genus. Aptera. Apterous, ferruginous; abdomen compreſſed with a broad black band. Inhahits France ; large. Antenne black, the first joint teftaceous, 82. TENTHREDO. Mouth with a horny curved mandible, toothed within, the jaw ſtraight and obtufe at the tip, the lip cylindrical bifid: feelers 4, unequal filiform: wings tumid, the lower-ones lefs: fting compoſed of 2 ferrate laminæ and almoft fecreted: flemmata 3. Saw-fly. The inſects of this cribe feed on the leaves of various plants: the female uſes her fting in the manner of a faw, and cuts out ſpaces in the twigs or buds of trees for the purpoſe of depofiting her eggs : larva cylindrical foft 16--28 foted, feeds on the leaves of plants, and when touched, rolls itſelf up ſpirally: pupa folliculate: eggs increaſe in fize every day 'till the larvæ burit from them, A. Anternat 3 F2 412 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo. A Antennae clavate. * Femorata Antennæ yellow : body black: hind-thighs very large. Inhabits Europe. Albin. tab. 69. Sulz. tab 36. hg. 4. Larva green with a blue dorſal line and lateral yellow one, Lucorum. Antennæ blackiſh : body villous black. Inhabits Europe, on the Birch and Alder. *Lutea. Antennæ yellow : abdomen yellow, the ſecond ſegment black. Inhabits Europe. "Donovan vii. tab. 234: Albin. tab. 59. Head and tborax black : legs ferruginous. Larva green with a black dorſal line and 2 black dots on cach ſegment each ſide. Sylvarun Antennae yellow; body black; abdomen ferruginous, the baſe and tip black : wings with a brown hind-mar- gin. Inhabits Germany; ſize of the laſt. Antenne yellow, the joints black at the baſe : legs black, all the tarſi ferruginous. * Amerinae Body black covered with cinereous down: abdomen iufous beneath: lip white. Degeer. tab. 33. fig. 20. Schaeff" Ic, tab, 9o. fig. 8.9. Inhabits Europe, on the Willow. Larva rough green ſpeckled with white. * Margina- Antennæ yellowiſh at the tip : body black : lower legments ta. of the abdomen edged with white. Inhabits Europe; ſize of a Bee. Head and thorax covered with white down : kanks yellowiſh, Triſtis. Antennæ yellow ; body black : wings tipt with brown. Inha its Sundmore Iſlands, Body with a few faint ferruginous ſpots. *Vittellinae Abdomen above black, the ſides rufous : hind-thighs toothed. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii. tab. 81. fig: 3. Body large hairy black: ontennae yellow tipt with black : abdo- men beneath ferruginous with lateral black dots: thighs black, fhanks ferruginous : wings duſky with a brown hind mar- gin. e faſciata. Antennæ blackiſh : body black ; upper-wings with a brown band. Inhabits INSECTS413 . . . . HYMENOPTERA. 82. TenthredoInhabits Europe. Abdomen with a ſmall white band at the baſe of the firſt ſegment: а lower-wings immaculate. *Sericea. Antennx ye'low : thorax black : abdomen bronzed (Male) Antennæ yellow : abdomen green with a blueiſh gloſs (remale.) Inhabits Europe. Schaeff. Elm. t. 51. Degeer. tab. 38. f 34. Larva ſhort green with 2 yellow lines, hcad cinereous with a reddiſh band. Obfcura. Body black glabrous, Inhabits Sweden. Wings whitiſh, od Connata, Black ; abdomen with yellow bands. Inhabits Europe, on the Elder. Geoffr. Inf. par. 2. p. 262, B. Antenna inarticulate, thicker at the tip. * Upulata Body black ; abdomen blueiſh: fhanks pale. Inhabits Europe, Degeer. In; 2. tab. 39, fig. 19. 20. Larva green with 2 white lines, head teltaceous with a darker band. a *Enodis Body blueiſh-black. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 2. tab. 40. fig. 6. Borly violet : wings whitiſh at the tip. Larva green dotted with black, a rough line down the ſides, tail painted. Clavicornis Body black : abdomen yellow tipt with black. Inhabits america. Museum of Sir Jos. Banks. Antennae yellowish, black at the baſe : legs yellow, thighs black : upper-wings with a brown marginal ſpot. CEXS. *Cærule - Body blue-black: abdomen yellow: wings with a brown (pot. Inhabits England. T. cyano-crocea. Gmelin. p. 2656. Abdomen yellow, tail violet: rib of the upper-wings yellowish from the baſe to the middle : legs black, thighs and baſe of the hind- Thanks ferruginous. Americana Thorax yellow: abdomen blue : wings black. inhabits Surinam. Degeer. Inf. 3. teh. 3o. fig. 21 Coſalis. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo, Coftalis. Body black; rib of the wings ferruginous. Inhabits Germany; body ſhort. Tail with a few white ſtreaks. *Rafae. Black ; abdomen yellow: rib of the upper-wings black. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, v. tab. 164. Mer. Eur.tab. 144. Thorax with a yellow ſpot each fide. Larva yellow dotted with black. Eglan erice Yellow ; head hind-part of the thorax and rib of the wings black. Inhabits Germany; fize of the laſt. Legs black,fhanks yellow. Spitarum. Yellow ; crown 2 ſpots on the thorax and rib of the wings black Inhabits Kiel. Antennae black : head black, mouth yellow: legs yellow, all the tarfi black annulate with yellow. Serrua. Yellow : head and back of the thorax black, Inhabits Zealand : fmail. Wings white with a black coftal foot, a Annulata Black; abdomen and legs yellow, hind-thanks black an- nulate with white, Inhabits Kiel; very imall. Head black, lip white villous : wings white, the rib half way black. Ciliaris Black ; hind-fhanks white: antennä сiliate beneath. Inhabits Germany; lize of T. pini. • Atrata, Black ; back with a yellowiſh-green belt and 3 curves. Inhabits England. Forfl . Nov. Inf. 1. P 80. p Wings ferruginous : fhanks yellow, claws rufous. Bicolor. Black-blue ; abdomen and baſe of the wings yellow; wings with a black band. Inhabits Austria. Schranch. Ing. Auft. p. 323. n. 652. Melanochra Black ; abdomen yellow, tail with a black line each ſide : fhanks and ends of the legs full yellow; wings with a black ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p.53. n. 69. Tricolor. Head and thorax black; wings and legs brown; abdomen yellow Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. fa 53.71. 70.72, Ochropus INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo. 415 Ochropus Head thorax middle of the breaſt and tip of the hind-fhanks black : abdomen and legs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 53. %. 783 C. Antenna pectinate. Cephalotes Black ; abdomen with 4 yellow belts. Inhabits Germany; large. Head black with 3 yellow dots between the eyes and 2 lunules behind : antennae teftaceous: thorax black with an interrupted glaucous ftreak before : legs ferruginous. Nemorum Antennæ ferrate each ſide: body black ; thorax with yellow dots, abdomen with yellow bands. Inhabits Saxony ; large. Antennae black, teftaceous at the baſe : head black with yellowiſh marginal dots at the baſe : abdomen with a yellow bands and marginal dots. Frutetorum Black; abdomen with lateral yellow dots. Inhabits Saxony; leſs than the laſt. Fore part of the thorax yellow : legs yellow. * Dorfata Whitiſh; head and back of the thorax and abdomen black. Inhabits England. In the Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antennae of many joints, black and ferrate with ſhort faſciculate hairs : legs white, thighs with a black line within. * Juniperi Antennæ feathered obtuſe: thorax glabrous ; body black. Inhabits Europe. Sulz. tab. 18. fig. 110. tab. 26./g 5-6. Larva green dotted with black. * Piti, Antennæ feathered lanceolate: thorax a little villous. Inhabits Europe. Schaeff. Icon, tab. 67. fig. 7. 8. D. Antenne filiform, with 7-9 articulations. * Scrophua Abdomen with 5 yellow belts, the firſt remote. dariae. Blackw. Her). tab. 87. fig. 10. Reaum. 5. tab. 13. f. 12—23. Inhabits Europe, on the crophularia. Larva with 22 feet, inowy dotted with black. * Arcuata Abdomen black with 5 greeniſh-yellow curves, band at the baſe and fides. Inhabits England. Forf. Nov. Inf. 1. p. 79. Antenna black, yellow at the baſe : lip yellow : thorax black with a yellow line : ſcutel yellow : breaſt ſpotted with yellow : : yngs hyaline with a brown rib. *Saticis. 416 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo. *Salicis Body variegated ; ſcutel white. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf. 5. tab. 11. fig. 10. Lurva flat hairy yellow with 2 lateral lines each ſide of black dots, head olack. Flavicornis Yellow : head and tail black. : Inhabits Germany and Itady. I borax black, yellow on the back : wings hyaline, browniſh at the tip Luteicornis Black; antenne mouth bafe of the abdomen and fhanks yellow. di Inhabits Kiel. Wings white with a teftaceous rib, the tip brown: above the baſe of the hind-thighs is a whitiſh dot. #Viridis Body green ; abdomen above brown. Inhabits Europe. Salz. Inf. tab. 18. fig. 112. Body ſometimes green, ſometimes browniſh. Cingulata Black; fegments of the abdomen, except the firſt, edged with yellow. Inhabits Germany : ſize of the laſt. Antennae black, the firſt joint yellow: thorax black with a pale callous dot under the wings and a ſmall ones under the ſcutel: legs yellow, thighs black at the baſe. Padi. Black; thighs and thanks white. Inhabits Europe. Fn. Suec. 1544. Cynipiforo Braſſy-green ; legs fulvous: hind-thighs bronzed. Inhabits Germany. Act. Bohem. 4. p. 184. Thorax elongated : female blue-bronze. Rapae. Body black; abdomen beneath legs and ſcutel whitiſh. Innabits Europe, on the leaves of the Turnip. * Cerali. Body black; ſcutel and legs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf. 5. tab. 6. fig. 1-5. Larva gelatinous black. Napata. Pale yellow; ſcutel and dot on the wings white. Inhabits Europe. Under the ſcutel a black ſpot with 4 white dots : legs yellow. Body black, thorax red. *Quata, Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inj. 2. tab. 35. fig. 10. Larva greenith covered with whitiſh ineal. . mzs. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo 417 * Alni. Body black; head and thorax red. Inhabits Europe.. Reaum. Inf. s. ta3. 1. fig. 1. Antennae black; fore-lags teftaceous: abdomen black with a violet gloſs. Pavida. Black ; 3 fegments of the abdomen and legs ferrugi- nous. Inhabits Sweden. Reaum, Inf. 5.tab. 5. fig. 19.-21. 5 Head black, mouth whitih : ſcutel black with a minute ferru- ginons dot each fide: 3. 4. 5. ſegments of the abdomen ferru- ginous: hind-thigks black Larva green with white mcal, head yellow. * Abietis Body black ; 4 fegments of the abdomen ferruginous Inhabits Europe. Friſch. Inf. 2. tab. 1. fig. 21–24. Analisa Black : middle of the abdomen rufous, tail white. Iohabits Saxony. Abdomen with the ſegments 2, 3, 4. rufous. Germanica Body black : fore-part of the thorax and abdomen rufous. Johabits Germany. Maura, Antennæ black, white before the tip : body black, firſt ſeg- of the abdomen with 3 white dots. Inhabits Kiel; reſembles T. Livida. Month white : 4-fore-legs teftaceous, the thighs black, hind-ones black with a white dot at the baſe. Rufipennis Antennæ black, white before the tip: body black ; abdo- ; men and legs teſtaceous. Inhabits Kiel; ſize of T. livida. Head black, mouth white: thorax black with a white line each fide on the fore part : bind-thighs black, *Licida. Antennæ black, white before the tip ; boty black; tip of the abdomen and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Europe, Mouth white : firſt legment of the abdomen with 3 minute white dots, Albicornis Antenna tipt with white; body black; fhanks teſtaceous : wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Italy: large and ſhort. Wings whitish, the rib teftaceous. VOL. III.--G Gonagra. 418 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo. Gonagra. Body gloſſy-black : joints of the legs teftaceous. Inhabits Germany. Under the scutel a yellow dot. Atra, Body black ; legs red. Inhabits Europe. Marginella. Black; moſt of the ſegments of the abdomen edged with yellow, the ſecond immaculate. Inhabits Kiel. Antennae black, the firſt joint yellow : head black, lip yellow at the baſe: thorax black with a large yellow ſpots before and 2 dots on the ſcutel: legs yellow, thighs black in the middle : wings white with a yellow rib. *Cintia. Black; belt on the abdomen and fhanks yellow. 2. Body black; abdomen with a white belt. Inhabits woods of Europe. a * Rustica. Black; abdomen with 3 yellow belts, the 2 lower-ones in- terrupted. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 2. tab. 34. fig. 13. Larva cinereous with reddiſh triangular dorſal 1pots. Lateralis a Black; middle of the back rufous, the ſides white. Inbabits Sweden, on flowers. Head black, mouth yellow : thorax with a white dot before the wings: abdomen black, the fegments 2, 3, 4. rufous on the back : abdomen white at the fides and ending in a white dot: legs rufous. *Capreæ Yellow ; head thorax and abdomen above black : wings with a yellow dot. Albin. tab. 59. g. h. Reaum. 1. tab. 1. fig. 8. Inhabits Europe; is very deſtructive to the gooſeberry and red currant, but never touches the black currant. Larva blue, the 3 firſt ſegments and the laſt fulvous, with 9 rows of black ſpots. Morie. Black ; legs pale. Inhabits Germany; ſmall and fhort. Septentrio. Hind-legs compreſſed and dilated. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf 2. tab. 37. fig. 26. . Body glabrous black, the 4 middle ſegments of the abdomen ru- , . . fous: fhanks with a white band at the baſe. nails. a 12-punctata INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA . 82. Tenthredo. 419 i 2-puncluta Body black with 12 white dots. Inhabits Europe. Purçinm, Body black ; abdomen white at the ſides : hind-thighs red. Inhabits Germany. Legs white. * Blanda Black; abdomen rufous in the middle ; hind-thighs with a white ſpot. Inhabits England. In the muſeum of Sir. Fof Banks. Head black with a pale ſpot under the antennæ : abdomen black, the ſegments 2. 3. 4. 5. rufous. 4-maculata Black : hind-legs rufous with 2 white ſpots at the baſe. Inhabits Kiel Wings hyaline with a marginal dot. Vaga. Black ; abdomen beneath yellow. Inhabits England ; fmall. Head black, mouth yellow: abdomen above black with a few faint yellow ſtreaks, Opaca, Black: thorax with a rufous fpot each ſide at the tip. Inhabits Sweden, Carbonaria Black; mouth and legs yellowiſh ; hind-legs black, white before the tip. Inhabits Germany. Lip yellowiſh : bind-fhanks with a white dot at the tip. Nigra. Body entirely black. Inhabits Upjel. 賽 ​* Æthiops Black, glabrous: 4 fore-thanks pale. 4 Inhabits England, Muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Rufipes Body black : abdomen with 2 yellow belts: legs red. Inhabits Europe. Fr. Suec. 1550. Campestris Black : abdomen with a yellow unequal belt: antenn and Thanks yellow. Inhabits Europe. Fn, Suec. 1551. a Cintia, Black ; abdomen with a white belt. Inhabits Europe. Fn. Suec. 1556. 4G 2 Anrularis. 420 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo. nous. Annularis Gloffy-black; antennæ tipt with white : fhanks ferrugi- Inhabits Auſtria. Schranck, Inſ, Auft. 325.n. 655. Ferruginea Antennæ black annulate with white : body deep ferrugi- nous : thorax breaſt and crown black. Inhabits Austria. Schranck, Inf. Auft. p. 326. n. 656. Crafa Black : legs rufous: under the ſcutel 2 raiſed rufous dots. Inhabits Aufiria. Schranch. Inf, Auft. p. 328.1,659. Abicincta Black ; abdomen with a white belt at the baſe ; fhanks with a white ring. Inhabits Auſtria. Schranck. Inf. Aufl. p. 321.11, 661. Vefpiformis Antennæ yellow : all the ſegments of the abdomen edged with yellow. Inhabits Auftria. Schranck. Inf. Auff. p. 329. 17. 662. Semicincta Black: abdomen with a yellowiſh belt interrupted behind: legs and abdomen beneath yellow. Inhabits Auſtria. Schranck. Inf. Auf. p. 331. n. 665. . Viennenfis Black : abdomen with 5 yellow belts: baſe of the antennæ fulvous. Inhabits Auftria. Schranck. Inf. Aut. p. 337. n. 666. Ribis. Black ; fhanks and apophyſis of the hind-thighs at the ou- ter fides white. Inhabits Auſiria. Sobranck. Inf. Aust. p. 332, 7. 668. Larva green, head edged with brown, body rugged with 6 pectoral legs furniſhed with claws 6 approximate abdominal ones and 2 ſhort papillous caudal ones. Fuliginofa. Black : wings footy. Inhabits Augria. Schranck. Inf. Aust. p. 334. n.670, Dealbata. Black: abdomen ſpotted with white each fide ; hind-thighs clavate yellowiſh. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Anst. p. 334. 1. 671. Alneti. Yellow : abdomen above black. Inhabits Auftria. Scbranch. Inf. Auj.p. 335. . 3.6732 Thorax and legs fulvous. laena INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA 82. Tenthredo. 421 Hæmatode. Black ; thorax red each fide on the fore-part. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Anst. p. 336. n. 678. u. Erythrogona Black : tip of the thighs and baſe of the thanks red. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Aust, p. 338. n. 681, Fulviven- Black : abdomen red or fulvous. tris. Inhabits Aufiria. Schranck. Inf. Aust. p. 337. 11. 679. Thorax fulvou, or filvous varied with black. Fulviveria Black : outer margin of the wings fulvous. Inhabits Vienna. Schranck. Inf. bust. p. 338. n. 682. Sulphurata; Black: antennæ ſubclavate: 4 fore-legs fulphur; ends of the legs white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk. p. 53. n. 76. Flaveola Antennæ ſubclavate black, the baſe yellow : mouth 5 firſt ſegmeñts and ſides of the abdomen and legs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 54. n. 77. Annulata Yellow: antennæ ſubclavate black : tip of the fhanks and ends of the legs annulate with black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 54. 1.78. Rutiginoſa Black; antennæ ſubclavate, yellow at the baſe : legs yel- low : 3. 4. 5, ſegments of the abdomen ferruginous above. Inhabits Eurepe. Muf. Lesk. p. 54. 1.79. Sxbulata Black; antennæ fubulate at the tip: 2. 3. 4. 5. ſegments of the abdomen yellow at the hind-margin: thanks and ends of the legs yellow, the latter annulate with black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 54. 12. 81. Varia. Black; mouth and ſcutel white : lower-fegments of the ab- domen andlegs ferruginous Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 54. 11. 83. Sanguing- Black : hind-legs red. lenta. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 54. 1. 87. Albata. Black; ; 3 laft joints of the antenne and jaws white : ſhanks and ends of the legs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 54. 1. 92. Brown with grey down: wings grey, Inhabits Eurape. Muf. Lesk. p. 54. 11, 94, 95. Bifaſciata Canencens 422 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo. Bifaſciata Brown; thorax black : mouth ſcutel and 4 ſpots behind white: abdomen with 2 interrupted yellow bands: margin of the wings and legs pale yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lefk p. 54 n. 96. Braccate. Black; thighs rufous, baſe of the 4 hind-thighs white: 3 laſt joints but one of the antennä white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lejk.p. 54. n. 97. Rufipes. Black ; baſe of the abdomen with a white ſpot each ſide: jaws white: 4 fore-legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk. p. 55. n. 98. Melano Black; mouth 4 fore-legs and flexure of the hind-thighs leuca. yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Leſk. p. 55.4. 99. Leucopus. Black; fiexure of the thighs white: 4 fore-thanks without . and hind-ones in the middle white. Inhabits Europe Muf. Lefk. p. 55. 11. 101. Melancehra Black ; mouth 4-fore-legs and flexure of the hind-thighs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. n. 100. Varicornis. Black ; legs rufous: 4. 5. joints of the antennæ and baſe of the hind-fhanks white. Inhabits Europt. Muf Lesk. p. 55. n. 103. . Obicura. Brown; rib of the wings as far as the ſpot and legs tefta- ceous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55.11, 104. Limbata. Black; edges of the abdominal ſegments and lower-ones entirely white: legs reddiſh. Inhabits Earope. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. 12. 105. Exalbida, Black; feelers and fore-fhanks obfcure white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. n. 106. Ferruginoſa Black; fore-part of the antennæ ferruginous : baſe and fore-margin of the wings white: 1, 5. ſegments of the abdomen and thanks white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk, p. 55. n. 106, b. Angufia. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. . 82. Tenthreda. 423 Angufta. Black ; body narrow covered with grey down. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. n. 107. Luteſcens. Black, abdomen beneath and legs reddiſh-yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muj. Lesk. p. 55. 1. 108. Albipes. Black; ſhanks and ends of the legs white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. 1. 109. Flaviven- Black; mouth white: abdomen yellow, the back and tip tris. white: legs teftaceous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. n. 110. Picea, Piceous; fore-thanks before and ſpot at the baſe of the hind-thighs white; hind-legs rufous, the joints and ends black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. n. 111. Fuſcipes. Black; legs rufous, the hind-ones brown at the end. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 55. n. 111. b. Bimaculata Pale; eyes baſe of the abdomen above and 2 ſpots on the breaſt black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55. n. 116. Lata: Annuli- cornis. Broad, black; hind-ſegments of the abdomen white, 2,3,4,5. interrupted. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 55.1. 115. Pale; baſe of the antennæ annulate with black: branched mark on the crown eyes thorax and ſpots on the back of the abdomen black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk p. 55. n. 117. Scripta. Piceous; mouth yellow: thorax with a yellow V and ſpot cach ſide: ſcutel yellow with 2 white dots: legs and hind-margin of the abdominal feginents beneath yel- low. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Leg. p. 56. 1. 118. Liturata. Black; back of the abdominal fegments 2,3,4,5. ſpot each ſide and edges white: fore-legs and 4 hina-Thanks before white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk. p. 56. 1, 120. Melanorhoea, 424 . INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82 Tenthredo. Meiano- Black ; abdomen yellow with tranſverſe black ſpots, tail rhoea. black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 56. n. 121. -- Geminata. Black; antennæ doubled : joints and fhanks pale. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 56. n. 121. b. Ochrogaſter Piceous; abdomen beneath and legs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 56.9. 123. Ruficapilla. Head and thorax rufous, hind-margin of the latter and eyes black : abdomen and legs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 56. 7. 124. Dubia. Black ; thorax rufous before: joints whitiſh. Inbabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 56. n. 127. Pallefcens. Black ; mouth and legs pale. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lek. p. 56. 11. 128. E. Antennæ filiform, with numerous articulations. 事 ​Erythro- Body blue, head red. cephale. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 2. tab. 40. fig. 19. Male black: mouth and fore-fhanks yellow. * Sylvatica Body black: thorax with yellow marks: legs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Nemoralis. Body black; fegments of the abdomen white at the ſides. Inhabits Euaope. Fr. Suec. 1562. # * Cynoſbati Body black; legs ferruginous, the hind-ones annulate with white and black. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf. 5. tab. 15. fig. 1-6. Signata. Body pale; thorax with 3 longitudinal black marks. Inhabits Germany. Antennae above brown, beneath pale: bead with a black dot: abdomen with a black patch at the baſe. * Populi. Body blueilh black: mouth feelers and thanks yellow. Inhabits Europe, on the Poplar. Abdomen pale yellow with tranſverſe blackiſh ſpots. Vafla. Head varied white and black: legs teſtaceous. Inhabits Europe. Scutel yellow at the fidos. # Betulce. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 82. Tenthredo. 425 * Betula. Body red; thorax tail and eyes black: wings brown behind Inhabits Europe. Degeer. Inf. 2. tab. 40. fig. 21. Compefiris. Antennæ yellow; body black ; abdomen depreſſed, the 4 firſt ſegments rufous: fentel white. Inhabits Saxony; fize of the laſt. Head black with a yellow dot each ſide: thorax with a white TE dot: legs ferruginous, thi hs black: upper-wings with a brown ſpot. Pratenfis. Head and thorax varied with black and yellow: abdomen black edged with ferruginous. Inhabits Saxony. Antemee yellow, the firſt joint black : legs yellowv. Saltuus. Body black; abdomen pale yellow, Inhabits Europe, Wings black. Haemor- rhoidalis. Black ; tail and legs teftaceous. Inhabits Germany; (mall. 11. * Flava. Yellow; wings with a ferruginous ſpot. . Inhabits Europe. Resum ins: 5. tab. 10. fig. 6-7, 2 * Arbuſto- Abdomen rufous in the middle : ſeutel and dot on the wings Inhabits England ; fize of T. abietis. Head and antennae black, mouth yellowiſh: thorax black with a white line before the wings: abdominal ſegments 3, 4, 5. red: , , legs rufus: wings hyaline with a marginal black ſpot and in this a white dot. white. Depreſa. Head and thorax black with yellow marks: abdomen and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Aaltria, Schranck. Inf. Aufl. 2. 342. n. 691. Linearis. Back; abdomen filiform with 5 yellow belts: fhanks yellow. Inhabits Austria. Scbranck. Inf, uji. p. 343. n. 693. Bişunétata, Antenna ſubſetaccous, of 9 joints: boly black : fcutel with 2 white dots. Inhab.ts Woods of Litfade. Lesk. It. p. 51. -F. Antenna unknown. VOL. III.3 Tateres 426 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 83. Sirex. Tvitereus. Black ; legs yellow: antenne ſubclavate. Inhabits Europe. Fx. Suec. 1569. Lonicerae. Brown downy: antennæ fubclavate : wings inbferruginous On the Lonicera. Reaum. Inf. s. Reaum. Inf. 5. tab. 13 fig. 8-10. Polygone. Black; antennæ fubclavate: abdominal fegments 3, 5. yellou ith-green at the hind-margin: abdomen linear compresſed: thighs black, 4 fore-unes at the tip and fhanks yellow, hind-ones tipt with black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 56. n. 132; b. Rumici. On the Rumex Lapathi. Reaum. Inj 5. tab. io, fig. 13, 14: On the Ulmus campeſtris. Reaum. Inj. 5. tab. 10, fig. 16. Ulmi. Pruni, On the Prunus Padus. Reaum. Inf. 5. jab. ic. fg. 16. 83. SIREX. Mouth with a thick horny truncate flort denticulate mandible:feelers 4, the hind-ones longer and thicker up- wards: antennæ filiiorm, of more than 24 equal articulations: Ning exſerted ſerrate ftiff: abdomen feflile, terminating in a point: wings lanceolate incumbent, the lower-ones thorter. Tarled-Wajp. The larve of this genus are 6-footed ſoft cylindrical, the head rounded; they perforate wood and frequently eat their way into the bowels of other infects and their larvæ, living upon and conſuming their vitals. p pa folliculate : the perfect in- fect lives on the nectar of flowers. * Gigas. Abdomen yellow at the baſe and tip: body black-blue. Inhabits Europe. Donovan vi. tab. 197. Sulz. tab. 18. fg. 114. Reaum. Inf. 6. tab. 31. fig. 1, 2 Degeer. 1. tab. 36. fg. 1, 2. Segments 3,4,5,6. of the abdomen black : fcutel with 2 white dots: antennae and legs yellowiſh. Pſyllius, Abdomen yellow at the baſe aud before the tip: body black. Inhabits Europe; half the fize of the laſt. Axtenn c INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 83. Sisex. 427 Columba. Antennae and legs yellow, thighs black: head black with a yellow ſpot each fide behind the eyes: fegments 1,6,7. of the abdomen yellow, Thorax villous ferruginous: abdomen black, the fides ſpotted with yellow. Inhabits America. Degeer Inf. 3. tab. 30. fig. 13. , Antennae fhort black, ferruginous at the bale : abdomen beneath black with yellow ftreaks, the projection ſhort acute ferrate yellow tipt with black: legs yellow, hind-thighs black, Magus. Black ; thorax villous; tip of the antennæ lateral ſpots on the abdomen ſhanks and baſe of the tarli white. Inhabits Saxony ; fize of S. gigas. Abdomen bencath white in the middle: wings deſky. Nigricornis Thorax villous blueiſh-black: abdomen ferruginous, blue at the baſe. Inhabits North America. Head ſhining blue-black : antennae black : legs piceous, thighs yellow; fting piceous, Flavicornis Thorax villous black immaculate : 4 bands on the abdomen antennæ and legs yellow, Inhabits Labrador, in america. Head black : ſegments 1,297,8 of the abdomen above yellow, the appendage ferrate yellow: hing black. Fuſcicornis. Thorax villous black : abdonen with 8 yellow bands: antennæ black: legs yellow. Inhabits Saxony ; fize of T. gigas. Wings fubteflaceous : fling black with a yellow ſheath: horn of the abdomen fubulate yellow tipt with black: thighs black. * Spearum. Abdomen black : thorax villous with a yellow ſtripe before the wings. Inhabits Europe. Donovan, vii. tab. 225. Antennae black: legs yellow, tarſi black. Juvencus Abdomen blueilh-black; thorax villous immaculate. Inhabits Europe. Degeer. In/. 1. tab. 36. fg. 7. Antennae black or yellow: legs yellow. Phantoma. Abdomen above yellow with black belts: head and legs yellow Inhabits Germany. Schaeff. Icon. tab. 205. fig. 1. Mouth black: thorax yellowiſh bec8, beneath black: abdomer beneath black, 1 H2 Cyaneus. 428 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 83. Sirex. Cyaneus Shining blue; legs yellow. Inhabits North Americo. Antennæ black : thorax fubvillous: wings hyaline. Albicornis Black; head with a white ſpot cach fide : antenna white in the middle Inhabits North America. Antennae black at the tip: abdomen with a white dot each ſide on the laſt ſegment but one: legs black, fhanks and ends of the trli white. a Nigrito. Elack-blue immaculate ; hind-legs compreſſed. Inhabits Saxony ; fize of S, mariſcus. * Camelus Abdomen black, the fides ſpotted with white: thorax fmooth. Inhabits Europe. Schaef. Icon. tab. 207 fig: 5.6. Enargina- Black: thorax emarginate before and pale at the ſides; fore- legs rufous. Inhabits Germany; fize of the laſt. Antennae black : head black with a pale fpot each ſide : fides of the thorax flightly ferrate : 4-fore legs rufous, the fhanks tipo with black : hind-ones black, thighs rufous. . Dromeda- Abdomen black, rufous in the middle with a white dot each fide : thanks pale at the baſe. Inhabits Kiel; retenibles S. camclus. Head black with a white lines : thorax black with a white dot bufor the wings : ſegments of the abdomen 1,-2, black, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. rufous, 8, black with a white ſpot cach fide: 9 black. Pacea. Abdomen black; the ſegments 2. 3, rufous, the reſt doited with white. Inhabits Kel: size of S. Camelus. Sentennce black, a little thicker towards the tip. thurcæ villous Heck with 2 minute white dots on the fore-margin: horn of the ot domen yellowiſh, fling rufous: legs comprcfied black. Similis Black: firſt ſegment of the abdomen at the baſe and ſecond rufous, the reſt with 5 yellow ſpots. Inhabits the Cape of good boje. Hend black, orbits yellow: antennor ferruginous, the baſe and tip black; ilorax black with a yellow dot each fide: rgs ru- fous, thighs black, tail pointed, without the projection. Vertie Black ; abdomen ferruginous, the baſe black. Inhabits Germany; imall. Antenne INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 83. Sirex. 429 a Antennc black with a whitiſh ring; tail black beneath, without the appendage ; upper-wings white with a broad brown patch before the tip and white marginal dots : legs black, tip of the thighs and baſe of the fhanks white. Mariſcus Abdomen teſtaceous, the 2 laſt ſegments black : thorax villous. Inhabits Europe. Cyrill. Ent. Neapol, 1. tab. 1. fig. 1. Antenage yellow : head with a yellow callous dot behind the eyes : abdomen beneath black ſpotted with yellow : fiing o. Troglodyta Smooth, black : abdomen with 7 yellow dots and 2 bands. Inhabits Saxony. Legs yellow, thighs black. Noctilio. Black-blue: antennæ black; thorax villous : abdomen ter- taceous in the middle. Inhabits Germany; fize of S. mariſcus. Thorax blue: abdomen blue et the baſe and tip: wings yellowiſh : legs yellow ; hind-ones comprefled black, the thighs yellow. Compreffus Black; abdomen compreſſed ferruginous, the firſt and laſt ſegments black. Inhabits Barbary: ſmall. Legs whlte, thighs black : hind-ones black, the ſhanks compreſſed black with 2 yellow dots and 3 bands. 3 * Pygmaeus Abdomen compreſſed black with 2 yellow dots and 3 bands. Inhabits Europe. Antenne nearly as long as the body. Bfacilextus Biack; abdomen compreſſed, yellow at the ſides. Inhabits Barbary; relembles S. tabidues. Head black with 2 yellow dots between the eyes : thorax black with a ſmall yellow dot and a larger one beneath; abaomen yellow at the ſides and projecting into 2 bands on the back : wings hyaline, the rib black beyond the middle: legs black fore-thighs yellowiſh. *Tabidus. Black; fides of the abdomen dotted with yellow : fore- ihanks teftaceous. Inhabits England. In the muſeum of Sir Jo. Banks. Lody imali lincar: antennae lhorter than the body : thorax black with a greeniih (pot behind : abdomen a little comprefied, the ſegments with a yellow dot cach fide. 84 ICH- INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumor. 84. ICHNEUMON. Mouth with a ſtraigth horny membranaceous bifid jaw, the tip rounded and ciliate ; mandibles curved fharp; lip cylindrical membranaceous at the tip and emarginate: feelers 4, un- equal filiform, ſeated in the middle of the lip: antennae fetaceous, of more than 30 articulations : fting exſerted, incloſed in a cylindrical theath compoſed of 2 valves, and not pungent. The whole of this fingular genus are paraſitical, deriving their nouriſhment from other inſects. The fly feeds on the nectar of flowers, and when about to lay her eggs, perforates, the boa dy of fome other inſect or its caterpillar, with its fting or inftrument at the end of the abdomen, and there depofits them : chefe, after being tranſformed into larvæ, prey upon the intes- tines of their foftes-parent till they are again metamorphiſed into pupæ. The larva is without feet, foft and cylindrical: pupa fometimes naked, fometimes folliculate. A. Scutel while or yellow; antenne annulate with white. Sugillato- Scutel yellowiſh; thorax immaculate : abdomen black, 2 of : the fegments with a white dot each fide. Inhabits Europe Sulz. Hist. Inf. tab. 26. fig. 11. 775. Intratorius Scutel white; thorax immaculate : 2 of the ſegments of the abdomen with a yellow band. Inhabits Barbary ; large. Antennae black, with a whitifh ring in the middle: legs ferrugi. nous, the joints of the hind-ones black, * Mohitorius Scutel white; thorax immaculate : body deep black; legs blackish. Inhabits Europe. Pedaterii Scutel white; thorax immaculate ; body black, legs rufous. Inhabits Kiel; leſs than laſt. Antennae black with a whitiſh band : wings duſky. Culpatos ius Scutel yellowiſh ; thorax immaculate : ſegments of the abdomen 2. 3. fulvous, the reſt black. Inhabits Europe. *Reptorius. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. • Rapsorius Scutel white; thorax immaculate : ſegments of the abdomen 2.3 4 rufous, the reſt tipt with white Inhabits Europe, Donovan. ii. tab. 42. . Last ſegment of the abdomen with a white dot. a *Sarritori. Scutel white; thorax immaculate : ſecond ſegment of the abdomen and lower-part of the third ferruginous, the lait whitiſh at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Sulz. Hist. Inf. tab. 18. fg. 13. Atratorius Scutel white; thorax immaculate : 3 laſt ſegments of the abdomen edged with white : legs rufous. Inhabits Germany. Antennae black with a broad white band in the middle. * Crispato. Scutel white; thorax immaculate : abdomen pale yellow rius. tipt with black. Inhabits Europe. * Extenzori. Scutel yellowiſh; thorax immaculate ; ſecond and third ſegments of the abdomen ferruginous, the laſt tipt with black. Inhabits Europe. Schaeff. Icon. tab. 43. fg. 1. 2. . Armatorie Scutel white; thorax immaculate, toothed each ſide behind : abdomen and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Kiel. Head and thorax black. KS. Noratorius Scutel white ; thorax immaculate : abdomen red, tne 3 laſt ſegments black, tail with a white dot. Inhabits Germany; ſmall. Defircucto- Scutel white; thorax rufous : abdomen black, the fecond rius. ſegment rufous, the reſt tipt with white. Inhabits Zealand ; (nal). Head black, mouth and orbits white : fore-margin of the thorax and ſcutel yellow: abdomen petiolate : legs yelow, the hind- ones black. Signatorius Scutel white; thorax rufous : abdomen black, tail white. Inhabits Germany; fmail. I horax with 3 impreſſed ſhort lines before and a white dot be. fore the wings: legs black. Saturato- Scutel white; thorax immaculate : abdomen black tipt with white. Inhabits Europe. Schaeff. Icon. tab. 61. fig. 4. ins. Glav- 432 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. us. Glaucatøri- Scutel white; thorax with a white dot : body black : 2 laſt ſegments of the abdomen glaucous at the margin, the firſt interrupted. Inhabits Saxony. Antennae black, ferruginous in the middle: abdomen petiolate : legs rufous. Grollorius Scutel white; thorax ſpotted : ſecond and third ſegments ; of the abdomen rufous, ths lower-ones tipt with white. Inhabits Zealand: very large. Head black: thorax with a white dot: legs black, ſpot at the baſe of the thighs and baſe of the ſhanks white. * Quaefato - Scutel yellowiſh ; thorax ſpotted : 3 laſt ſegments ef the ab- rius. wolle domen with a white dorſal ſpot. Inhabits Europe: Hind margin of the ſecond ſegment a little ferruginous. Nutatorius Scutel yellow; thorax ſpotted: abdomen black, the ſeg- ments edged with white : legs rufous, white at the ។ . ends. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Joj. Banks. Head white with a black frontal line : antennae black, white in the middle, the firſt joint yellow : thorax black with 2 dots be- fore, a fingle one and line under the wings : scutel and 4 ſpots . under it all white. a Olitorius Albatorins Scutel white; thorax ſpotted: abdomen rufous, the laſt leg- ment black with an white dot. Inhabits Germany ; reſembles T. molitorius, Legs rufous, hind-thanks black. Sentel yellowiſh ; thorax ſpotted : edges of the abdominal ſegments and tail white: legs rufous, Inhabits India. Lip white with a ſpear-ſhaped black fpot : thorex black with an oblique white line each ſide under the wings and 2 yellow ones under it : abdomen black, the firſt ſegments with 2 white dots, the reſt edged with white, the 2 lait entirely white, Scutel yellow; thorax ſpotted : abdomen black, the feg- ments 2. 3. 4. rufous at the top and edged with white. Inhabits Kiel; ſmall. Head black, lip orbits and dot under the antenna yellow; thorar Porrectori- black with a yellow line each fide under the wings double dot us. beneath INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 433 beneath and large ſpot : abdomen petiolate incurved : legs ru- fous, white at the baſe; hind-tarſi black, white before the tip. Irroratari- Scutel yellowiſh ; thorax ſpotted : body black; firſt feg- ment of the abdoinen with a white dot, the reſt edged with white. Inhabits America: fmail. Head black, front and orbits white: thorax black ſpotted with white : fing as long as the body with a ſhort ſpine beneath it: legs white, thigs and hind-thanks black. Oratorius. Scutel white; thorax ſpotted; body black : firſt and ſecond ſegments of the abdomen edged with white, the ſeventh entirely white, Inhabits Germany : large. Head black : lip yellow : fore-margin of the thorax and line un- der the wings white : legs black, fore-fhanks white, hind-ones with a white ring. us. Infractori. Scutel yellow; thorax ſpotted : ſegments of the abdomen edged with yellow; legs yellow, thighs black. Inhabits Europe. Antennae convolute, annulate with white within the middle, the firſt joint beneath yellow : thorax black with a white line be- fore and dot under the wings: abdomen black with 5 yellow bands. * Ambulato- Scutel yellowiſh; thorax ſpotted: fecond ſegment of the rizi. abdomen ferruginous, the reſt edged with white. Inhabits England. In the muſeum of Sir Fof. Banks. Head black: antennae yellow beyond the middle: thorax black with a yellow line before and dot under the wings: ſegments of the abdomen 3, 4, 5, edged with white : legs rufous. Precatorixs Scutel yellowiſh ; thorax ſpotted : body black: all the ſegments of the abdomen white at the margin ; legs rufous. Inhabits Saxony: ſmall: Front whitih: thorax black, the fides reddiſh with 4 vellow dots : firſt ſegment of the abdomen a little reddih at the ſides: hind-hanks white at the baſe. Seductorius Scutel yellowiſh ; thorax ſpotted : abdomen with 2 yellow bands and tip Inhabits France ; large. VOL. III.--31 Hean 434 INSECTS HYMENOPTERA 84, Ichneu mon. Head black with yellow orbits and ſpot under the antennz: thorax black with 2 yellow dots on the fore-margin and callous dot before the wings : abdomen petiolate black: legs yellow, the joints ferruginous. Obſoletorius Scutel white: thorax ſpotted : ſecond and third ſegments of the abdomen with an obſolete rufous ſpot each fide. Inhabits Kiel ; fize of I. molitorius, Thorax biack with a yellow dot each fide under the wings: legs black, fhanks white at the baſe. a * Piforius Scutel white; thorax with a white line each ſide : abdomen teftaceous with a black petiole. Inhabits Europe. Schaeff Icon. tab. 6. fig. 12. Head black, orbits white: thorax black with a white marginal line and dot under the wings: legs teftaceous: thighs black. 251 Scutel white ; thorax ſpotted: body black abdomen rufous, Exſpectori- the firſt ſegment black. Inhabits Italy. Fabric. Append. iv. p. 455: Head black, mandibles rufous tipt with black : thorax with 2 white dots: legs rufous, thighs black. A fertorius Scutel and line under it white: thorax ſpotted ; abdomen and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Germany; Imall. Head black, orbits white: thorax with a white line each fide : legs black, the hind-ones white before the tip. i a Ferrugato- Scutel rufous ; tip of the thorax rufous at the ſides : body rius. black, tail white: head with 2 white dots. Inhabits Guinea. Four fore-legs fubferruginous, the hind-ones black. S Contrictes cutel yellowiſh ; thorax 2-toothed ſpotted : fecond ſeg- rius. ment of the abdomen ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Fn. Suec. 1585. Hæmatopus Black ; legs rufous : ſting very ſhort : abdomen ſubcompell- ed and gradually dilated. Inhabits Bavaria. Schranck. Reis. p. 260. YUML. Umbellata- Black; legs tawny; fecond and third ſegments of the abdo- men and upper-part of the fourth cheſnut: antennæ paler at the baſe Inhabits Bavaria. Schranck. Reis. p. 261. Pietus INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 435 Pictus. Scutel yellowilh ; antennæ ferruginous, black in the mid- ; dle: 2 ſegments of the abdomen fulvous, the reſt tipt with white Inhabits Aufriu. 8chranck. Inf. Aust. p. 348. n. 702. Tyrannus Scutel whitiſh ; moſt of the ſegments of the abdomen edged with white: legs teftaceous. Inhabits Austria. Sobranck. Inf. Auft. p. 347. n. 701. Body black with a white line cach lide under the wings and be. fore the eyes : joints of the legs white. tus. * Xantho- riusa a Bimacula. Scutel yellowiſh: body black: 2 laſt ſegments of the ab- domen with a clay-colour ſpot above. Inhabits Austria, Schranck. Inſ Auft, p. 347. 8.708. Ferrugineus-Dark ferruginous ; ſcutel fulvous ; thorax with fulvous ſpots; eyes and tip of the abdomen black. Inhabits Auſtria. Schrank. Inf. Auff. p. 345. 7. 697. Primato- Black ; fcutel yellowilh ; thorax ſpotted : ſecond and third rius ſegments of the abdomen ferruginous, the laſt white ſpotted. Inhabits England. Forst. Nov. Inf. 1. p. 81. Black ; ſcutel yellow : antenne with a yellow ring: thorax ſpotted : abdomen petiolate, annulate with yellow: legs yellow, thighs black. Inhabits England. Forst. Nov. Inj. 1. p. 83. Seductor. Black; fcutel yellow; tip and petiole of the abdomen and crenate band on the fore-part yellow : legs moſtly yellow. Inhabits Pavia. Scopol. Del Inf tab. 23 fig. 1. Forms a nelt of cemented clay, in chimneys and windows, divi. ded into cylindrical cells, in each of which is contained and cy- lindrical brown lucid follicle, and in this the larva, with fre- qently the carcaſe of a ſpider in which the inſect had de- poſited her eggs. Lineolatus Abdomen and legs ferruginous: thorax ſpotted with a white line each lide towards the wings and another under the wings. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p, 57, n. 140. Melanoga. Scutel yellowiſh: abdomen black, the firſt ſegment with a ster. ferruginous line each ſide: ſhanks ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 57.1. 143. Multicolor 3 1 2 436 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Multicolor Black; head and thorax ſpotted : antennæ ferruginous at the baſe and tip with brown: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 57. n. 144. Dealbatus Black; petiole of the abdomen and ſegments I, 5, 6, 7, white; fhanks white, the hind-ones tipt with black. Inhabits Europe Muf. Lesk. p. 57. n. 145. Sharks ſometimes all black at the baſe and tip. Leucomelas Black; ſcutel yellowiſh: inner margin of the eyes and tip of the abdomen white; fhanks grey-ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 57. 11. 146. Trilineatus Black ; crown and double line on the ſcutel white : legs ru- fous, the ends of the hind-ones brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 57. n. 148. Brachya- Black; head and thorax ſpotted: line on the ſcutel and tip canthus of the abdomen white : fting very ſhort: thanks brown, whitiſh at the baſe Inhabits Europe. Mas Les. p. 57. n. 150. Ochropis Black ; ſcutel yellowiſh: antennæ yellow at the baſe: front yellow: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 57.6.151. Sanguino- Thorax ſpotted: ſeutel yellow; orbits and ends of the legs lentus. white : abdomen and hind-legs red, the joints and ſhort fting black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 57. n, 152, Lcucoftictos Baſe of the thorax and dot under the wings and orbits white: abdomen ferruginous ; legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 57.1. 153. Biſcutatus Black ; double ſcutel yellow : thorax with a white dot be fore and under the wings : 2 laſt ſegments of the abdo- men white : legs red, Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lefk. p. 58. 11. 154. Agreſorius Scutel yellow; thorax ſpotted : abdomen black, hind-mar- gin of the ſegments and legs ferruginous, Inhabits Oteheite. Act. Stoc. 1787. 4. 2 n. 32. Fore-part of the head and tail ferruginouss Equi- INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 437 B. Scutel white or yellow; antenne entirely black. Equitatori- Black; ſcutel whitiſh ; inciſures of the abdomen black, the ſegments 2, 3, 4, and legs yellow. Kobet. Panzer von der Baumt. Nadorl. tab. 3. In the pupa of the Phalena piriperda. 25. * Dimicato- Black; fcutel yellow : antennæ beneath rufous: thorax rius. with a ſpine each ſide : abdomen with 2 yellow belts and tail. Inhabits England. Forgt. Nov. Inf. p. 82. is. * Lactatori- Scutel white; thorax fpotted: ſecond and third ſegments of the abdomen pale yellow. Inhabits Europe and New Zealand. Thorax reticulate under the ſcutel. Lotatorius Scutel yellowiſh; thorax ſpotted : ſecond ſegment of the abdomen rufous. Inhabits New Zealand. In the Muſeum of Sir Fof. Banks. Thorax black with a yellow dot under the wings : abdomen black: legs rufous. • Negatori- Scutel white; thorax ſpotted : ſecond and third ſegments of the abdomen entirely, the reſt edged with ferrugi- nous. Inhablts England. In the muſeum of Str Tof . Banks. Head black: thorax black with a yellow dot under the wings : ſecond ſegment of the abdomen with a black ipot : legs yellow hind thighs black. 16. Laborato. Scutel white: thorax ſpotted : ſecond and third ſegments rius. of the abdomen rufous, all'edged with yellow. Inhabits Kiel; fize of J. luctatorius. Head black, front yellow: thorax black with a yellow line before and one under the wings: abdomen black : legs rufous, hind- thighs black. Occiſories Black; fcutel yellowiſh : ſecond ſegment of the abdomen at the baſe, third entirely, the reſt edged with yellow. Inhabits Saxony. Firſt joint of the antennae yellow beneath : kecd black, yellow under the antennæ: thora x with a yellow linc Lefore the wings and dot under them : legs yellow. Ofculatoriss Black; fcutel white; thorax ſpotted : ſegments of the ab- domen 2, 3, 4. rufous with a black band. Indiabits Kiel. Hena 438 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Head black, mouth yellow: thorax with a yellow line before the wings: legs rufous, hind tarſi black. ius. * Faſciatore Scutel white; thorax ſpotted: abdomen black, baſe of the ſecond ſegment and third and fixth entirely yellow. Inhabits England; fize of I. luctatorius. Head black, yellow under the antennæ : antenne above black, beneath yellow: thorax black, 2-toothed before with a yellow dot before and under the wings: legs yellow, the 4 with a black ſpot on the thighs ; hind-thighs and fhanks tipt with black. fore ones Nugatorius Black; fcutel white; thorax ſpotted : abdomen rufous, the firſt ſegment black. Inhabits Italy. Fabric. iv. Append p. 455. Antennae sufous beneath : bead black, orbits and band on the lip yeilow: thorax black with a white dot under the wings: legs ferruginous, thighs black. Volutatorius Scutel yellowiſh; thorax ſpotted: all the ſegments of the abdomen edged with yellow, Inhabits Northern Europe I borax with a yellow vine under the wings and 2 dots under the ícutel: antenne yellow beneath. Mercatorius Scutel yellowiſh: thorax ſpotted : baſe of the ſecond and third ſegments of the abdomen and tip of the others yellow. Inhabits haly: ſize of the laft. Antennae dark ferruginous : head black, orbits and lip yellow: thorax black with a yellowish callous dot before the wings : abdomen petio ate black: legs yellowish, hind-thighs black : wings a little yellowithe Vaginator- Scutel white! thorax ſpotted: abdomen black with white bands, the third interrupted. Inhabits Northern Euroje. Firſt ſegment of the abdomen with 2 white dots. Zulf. * Annula. Scutel yellowiſh; thorax fpotted; 4 firſt ſegments of the torius. abdomen edged with yellow: wings hyaline. Inhabits England. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Head black, front yellow ; antennce above black, beneath yellow: thorax with a yellow line before the wings, dot under them and 2 ſpots under the futel : legs ferruginous, hind-thighs and ſhanks tipt with black. Maculatorius INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 439 ins. Maculator- Black ſpotted with yellow; ſcutel yellowiſh: abdomen cy- lindrical, the 4 firſt ſegments edged with yellow : wings brown at the tip. Inhabits Saxony. Head black, mouth and orbits yellow: thorax ſpotted with yel- low: abdomen beneath reddiſh: legs yellow, hind-thighs black. „Necatorius. Black ; ſcutel 2-toothed edged with yellow: ſegments of the abdomen edged with yellow. Inhabits Germany. Head black with a yellow ring on the front and 3-toothed behind. thorax with a yellow dot before the wings : ſecond ſegment of the abdomen with a yellow dot each ſide: legs ferruginous, hind-thighs black. ins. Frontator- Scutel yellow; thorax ſpotted: front and baſe of the thighs white. Inhabits Zealand. Antennae black, the firſt joiut white beneath : thorax with a ſmall white dot before the wings: abdomen black immaculate: 4 fore legs rufous, the thighs white at the baſe ; hind-ones black, the thighs and fhanks white at the baſe, Bidentorius Scutel yellow; thorax ſpotted: fecond and third ſegments of the abdomen yellow at the baſe: legs rufous. Inhabits Northern Europe. Head black, front yellow : thorax black with a yellow dot under the wings. Thorax ſometimes 2-toothed, ſometimes unarned. Margina- Scutel yellow; thorax ſpotted: 2 firſt ſegments of the ab- torius. domen with a yellow band, the rett edged with yellow. Inhabits Kiel. Head black, front yellow : entennae above black, beneath yellow: thorax black with yellow lines and dots: legs yellow, thighs black: Perſua- Scutel white; thorax ſpotted: all the ſegments of the ab- forius. domen with 2 white dots each ſide. Inhabits Europe. Schaeff. Icon. tab. 30. fig. 2. Liturator- Scutel yellowiſh ; thorax ſpotted: abdomen black, 4 of ius. the ſegments yellow in the middle: legs ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Fn. Suec. 1594. Vagatorius. 440 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Vagatorius. Scutel yellowich; thorax fpotted: abdomen cylindrical the ſegments notched at the edge, with a yellow mark. Inhabits Saxony ; larger than I perſuarforius. Head black, ferruginous behind the eyes: thorax black with a yellowiſh fore-lobe large dot and 2 dorſal lines, under the ſcutel a yellowiſh line : wings half as long as the abdomen, hyaline with a yellowiſh ſpot: legs ferruginous. * torius. Defigna- Scutel yellowiſh ; thorax ſpotted: abdomen black, the 3 firſt ſegments with a white dot each ſide. Inhabits Northern Europe. * Edi&tor- Scutel yellowiſh; thorax fpotted, with 2 dots each fide : abdomen entirely black. Inhabits Northern Europe. 24$. Dubitorius. Scutel yellowiſh; thorax ſpotted: abdomen yellow tipt with black: wings with a brown band. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antennae and head black; thorax with a yellow border: 2 laft ſegments of the abdomen black: legs yellow; hind-ones black, baſe of the ſhanks yellowiſh. Lætatorius Black; fcutel white; thorax ſpotted : abdomen rufous tipt with black: hind-thanks with a white ring. Inhabits Germany; ſmall. Head black, orbits white: thorax with 2 white dots under the wings and one under the ſcutel: legs rufous. Flavatorius Fulvous; fcutel white: antenna and laſt ſegments of the abdomen black. Inhabits Italy. Fabricius. iv. Append. p. 456. Head fulvous, eyes and ftemmata black: thorax fulvous with ſometimes a black patch on the back: legs fulvous, hind. thighs tipt with black. * Fuorius. Scutel yellowiſh; thorax ſpotted: abdomen pale yellow. Inhabits Europe. ins. Meliorator- Scutel yellowish; thorax ſpotted: abdomen black, edges of the ſegments head and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Otaherte. In the muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Antennae black : thorax black with ferruginous ſpots. Lutorius. Scutel yellowiſh; thorax with 4 yellow lines: whole ab- domen and legs pale yellow. Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 441 Inhabits Italy. Head yellow, crown black: antennae black, yellow at the baſe. Delire- Scutel yellowih; thorax ſpotted, with 3 dots each ſide : Forius. abdomen black : fhanks white. Inhabits Europe. L'alcatorius Scutel yellowiſhi; thorax variegated : abdomen fubfalcate, ferruginous at the baſe and tipt with black, Inhabits Germany, Antennae black, beneath yellow: head black, vellow under the antenne with a black line in the middle and 2 dots: thorax varied with black and yellow: legs yellow. Sponſorius. Scutel white; thorax immaculate: abdomen teſtaceous, the bare black and tip yellow. Inhabits Germany ; fmall. Head black, mouth yellow: legs yellow. Sollicitorius Scutel yellow; thorax immaculate: 3 firſt ſegments of the abdomen rufous. Inhabits New Zealand. Muſeum of Sir J.S. Banks. Antennae black : bead black, front yellow: legs rufous. Nuptatorius Scutel white; thorax immaculate: abdomen rufous tipt with black, the tail white. Inhabits Zealand. Antennae black: head black, orbits white : petiole of the abdomen black: legs black. Segmente- Scutel yellowiſh; thorax immaculate : abdomen black, the fegments 2, 3, 4, rufous. Inhabits Kiel, Head black, front whitiſh : legs rufous, hind thighs black. * Foforus. Scutel yellowih; thorax immaculate: abdomen black, legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Head black, mandibles rufous, Panetorius, Scutel yellow; thorax immaculate: abdorren black, the firſt and ſecond ſegments rufous, the third with a white dot each ſide. Inhabits Saxony. Head black, orbits filvery : upper-wings with a brown band. VOL.III.--3K Cintorius it 442 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. *Cinctorins Scutel white; thorax immaculate : 'abdomen black with a white band at the tail. Inhabits England. Antennæ black, piceous at the baſe : bead and thorax black: legs ferruginous. Decorator- Ferruginous; ſcutel yellow; laſt fegment of the abdomen ius. with a black band Inhabits New Zealand. Muſeum of Sir Jo). Banks. Antenna black : wings hyaline yellowiſh. Cirrhogaſ- Black; fcutel yellowiſh: abdomen petiolate and with the legs rufous. Inhabits France. Geoffr. Inf. par. 2. P. 330. ter. Superbus. Scutel yellow : fegments of the abdomen with a yellow ſpot each ſide. Inhabits France. Geoffr. Inf. par. 2. p. 335. Tricolor. Black; fcutel yellowiſh : abdomen ſubpetiolate: thighs rufous, fhanks whitiſh. Inhabits Auſtria. Schranck. Inf. Auft. p. 351. n. 708. Dichrous. Black; fcutel yellowiſh; thorax ſpotted: abdomen ſeſſile ovate fulvous tipt with black. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Auſ, p. 352. n. 710. Brachyurus Fulvous; ſcutel fulvous : thorax and eyes black: abdomen linear, black at the bafe. Inhabits Auſtria. Schranck. Inf. Auft, p. 352. n. 711. Head and abaomee teftaceous: legs yellow. Rufipes. Black; ſcutel yellowiſh: legs rufous, tip of the hind ſhanks and ends of the legs brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 58. *.158. a Trichrous. Black ; thorax with a white line under the wings: legs ru- fous, ends of the hind-ones black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 58. n. 159. Ochromelas. Scutel yellowiſh ; line on the front and dot before and under the wings yellow : thighs black: tip of the 4 fore- ones and ſhanks pale yellow, the hind-ones tipt with black. Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 443 Inhabits Europe Muf. Lesk. p. 58, n. 160. Antennae above black, the ſegments 4,5,6; with a white ſpot, 1, 2. ferruginous. a a Flevatus. Scutel yellow; front yellow ; black in the middle: antennæ brown, beneath ferruginous; thorax with a white ſpot before and under the wings: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 58. n. 161. Abdominal ſegments 1, 2, 3. yellow at the hind-margin and cut in the middle, 5,6,7. whitiſh. Black; Auratus. baſe of the antennæ front mouth and fhanks yellow: 2 firſt ſegments of the abdomen yellowish. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 58. 5. 163.b. Fuſcatus. Blackiſh; fcutel thanks and ends of the legs yellowiſh: thorax ſpotted: orbits yellow : thighs brown. Inhabits Europt. Muf. Lesk. p. 58. n. 164. Tip of the hind fhanks obliquely brown. Rufatus. Black; feutel yellow with a rufous line behind: antennx feelers and legs rufous; hind-thanks and baſe of the tarſi white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 59. n. 165. . Fufcicornis. Black; front and ſcutel yellow: legs rufous, joints of the hind-ones and tip of the ihanks behind black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 59 n. 166. Antennae brown, ferruginous at the baſe beneath. Fuſcipes. Black, thorax with a white line each ſide before the wings ; and dot under them: legs brown, 3 hind-thanks with a white ring Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 59. n. 168. Strigofus. Black; fcutel with 2 yellow tranſverſe lines: petiole of the abdomen and 2 firſt ſegments yellow: tip of the fore-thighs and thanks yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 59. n. 169. Upper-wings with a white ſpot at the baſe: firſt ſegment of the ebdomen with a black dot: hind-fhanks tipt with black. Tripuncta. Scutel, petiole of the abdomen and moſt of the ſegments yellow : thorax with 3 yellow dots each fide: front ferruginous: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 59. %. 170. 3 K 2 tus, Antennel 444 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Antennae reddiſh-yellow, the back brown, the baſe yellow before: front with a black line and dot each ſide: tip of the thighs and of the hind-ſhanks black. а Bidentatus Black ; fcutel yellow ; thorax 2-toothed, yellow behind : 2 firſt ſegments of the abdomen ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 59. n. 171. Four fore-legs reddith-brown, the reit black. Geminus. Black ; ſeutel yellow with a double elevation: orbits mouth and fhanks yellow ; legs rufous. Inhabits Eurofe. Muf. Lejk.p. 59. n. 174. Thorax ſpotted: hind-fhanks tipt with black. a C. Scutel the colour of the thorax : antenne annulate. Nigrator. Black; thorax with 2 white dots : legs rufous thighs black. Inhabits Kiel. Antennae black with a broad white band : abdomex immaculate : avings duſky. Reluciator. Black ; abdomen piceous in the middle : fore-thanks cla- vate. Inhabits Northern Europe, Objurgator Black; head and fore-part of the thorax ferruginous: wings blue, upper pair with a hyaline cot Antennut black annulate with white : abdomen petiolate : fore- legs piceous; hind-ones black the fhanks with a white ring at the baſe. *Comitator Entirely black : antenna with a white band. Inhabits Europe. Rearm. Inf, 6. tab. 29. fg. 1-4. Annulator. Black ; legs rufous, thanks annulate with white. Inhabits Saxony. Antennae black annulae with white. Zonaior. Clavetor, Black ; abdomen ovate rufous : legs rufous, the hind ones white before the tip. Inhabits Italy; reſembles the laſt. Black : legs rufous, the hind-ones tipt with white; abdomen compreſſed clavaie. Inhabits ktel. Antennae black with a broad white band : ebdomen peilate. Vigilator. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 445 Vigilator, Black; fifth ſegment of the abdomen edged with white: upper-wings tipt with black. Inhabits Africa, Muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Antennae black with a white band: legs black. Refiaurator Black : abdomen with a white ſtreak : legs ferruginous. Inhabits Germany; ſmall. Antenne as long as the body, black with a white ring in the mid- dle i Ating ſhort black. Caudator. Black; abdomen clavate with 3 pale bands: thighs ru- fous. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir. 70%. Banks. Antennæ black with a white ring: King rufous with a ſingle bri- ftle and 2 fhort white recurved horns tipt with black. a Debellator Black: 4 middle ſegments of the abdomen rufous: thighs black clavate. Inhabits Sweden ; large. Antennae yellowiſh at the baſe: firſt and laſt ſegment of the ab. domen black. a Irrigator. Black, abdomen ferruginous tipt with black ; upper-wings with a black fpot in which is a white dot. Inhabits Saxony ; large. Antennae black with a white band : legs piceous. Migrator. Black ; abdomen ferruginous tipt with black : fhanks white. Inhabits Europe. Sputetor. Black ; thorax immaculate : fecond and third ſegments of the abdomen rufous. Inhabits Germany. Legs rufous, thighs black. Dimidiator Black ; hind-part of the thorax and fore-part of the abdo- men ferruginous. Inhabits Germany. Antennae black, rufous at the baſe and annulate with white in the middle: hind-part of the thorax and ſcutel ferruginous : legs rufous, the hind-ones tipt with black. Abbrevia. Black : abdomen very fhort clavate rufous, the tip black tor. truncate. Inhabits Saxony. Antennae black with a white band : abdomen with a long petiole: legs rulous, hind-thanks black. Sponſor 446 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Sponſor Black : thorax immaculate : abdoman black: legs rufous, the hind-tarfi black. Inhabits Germany. Profligator. Black, abdomen ferruginous with a black petiole: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe ; ſmall. Antennae black, ferruginous in the middle , bind-legs varied with black. nator, *Peregrin Black: fubclava te legs and abdomen ferruginous, the 2 laſt ſegments black, tail whitiſh: Inhabits Europe, Fn. Suec. 1601. * Incubator Black : abdomen ferruginous, the tip black with a white ſpot : wings hyaline ; antennæ fafciate. Inhabits Europe. Geoffr. Inf. 2. tab. 16. fig. 1. Infiruttor. Ferruginous ; head breaſt and tips of the abdomen and wings black. Inhabits Barbary ; large. Antennae ferruginous at the baſe, the middle annulate with white, the tip brown : thorax above rufous beneath black : abdomen pectinate, the ſegments 1, 2, 3. ferruginous : wings yellowiſh: legs rufous, hind-thighs black. Exhortator Ferruginous : head and tip of the abdomen black, the tail white In habits Kiel. Antennae black annulate with white, the baſe ferruginous: legs ferruginous, the joints black : wings white with a marginal black dot. Ferrugator Ferruginous: antennæ tipt with black. Inhabits ſhores of America, Breaſt fometimes black at the fides. Abbrevia- Black ; abdomen rufous, the tip black with a white ſtreak: wings very ſhort. Inhabits Kiel; on old Walls, Antennce rufous at the baſe within the middle and tipt with black: kgs rufous, hind thighs tipt with black. tus. Semiannu- Black ; abdomen petiolate, the ſecond and third ſegments latus. rufous: antenne with a divided band. Inhabits Ausirie. Schranck, Ins. Ant. p. 353. n. 713. a Viator INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA, 84. Ichneumon. 447 Viator. Black ; legs entirely fulvous. Inhabits France. Geoffr. Inf. par. 2. p. 340. Cothurnatus Black; middle of the abdomen and legs rufous, hind-tarſi white. Inhabits Aufiria. Schranck. Inf. Aufl. p. 355. 1. 716. *Obſcura. Entirely black; legs rufous, the ends of the hind-ones tipt with white. Inhabits England. Forft. Nov. Ixl.p. 84. tor. Flasvipes. Yellow; ſpot on the crown and eyes black: third ſegment of the abdomen behind and lower-ones piceous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 50. n. 175. Antennae brown annulate with white: thorax ſpotted with brown. Obſoletus. Black ; 2 ſegments of the abdomen with a white dot : legs rufous tip of the hind-ſhanks black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 59. n. 177. Hæmatofto- Black ; mouth and legs rufous ; laſt ſegment of the abdo- men but one with a ferruginous ſpot beneath. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 60.n. 178. Ocbropus Black ; legs, except the hind-fhanks yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 60. n. 178. b. ma. Melanoce phalus. Head and conic abdomen black the latter ſpotted with white: orbits and crown white : thorax and legs ru- fous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 60. n. 178. c. c Bale of the wings and margin of the ſcutel black: petiole of the abdomen with a white dot each fide. Macrourus Black ; legs rufous, metatarſi white; hind-thanks tarſi and band on the upper-wings brown: ſting twice as long as the abdomen. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 6. 20.179. Deprefus. Black: abdomen depreſſed : legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk, p. 60. n. 180. Ferrugino- Black ; 4-fore-thighs above and thanks ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk. p. 60. 8. 182, lus. Ocreatus 448 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon Ocreatus. Black ; legs rufous, hind-fhanks brown : fting as long as the abdomen. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 60. n. 183. Diſcolor. Black ; firſt pair of legs whitiſh, ſecond whitiſh-browny third brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Le sk. p. 60, n. 184. Clavipes. Black ; legs rufous : fhanks clavate, white in the middle on the outſide. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 60. n. 185. Digitatus. Black ; legs rufous, claws brown : ſting ſhorter than the abdomen. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 60.n. 188. Atratus, Black ; abdomen ferruginous, the 4 laſt ſegments black : legs rufous ; antennæ ferruginous with a brown ring, the tip black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 60.n. 189. Curtus. Black ; legs teftaceous, end of the tail white. Inhabits Auftria. Schranck. Inf. Auft.p. 355. 1.717, Fiſcheri. Black ; baſe of the antennæ fhanks tarſi and abdomen ex- cept the petiole and tip rufous : thighs clavate, Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Auft. p. 356. n. 718. D. Scutel the colour of the thorax : antenne black. Itinerator. Pale yellow ; crown and wings black. Inhabits Guinea ; fize of I, defertor. Wings black, upper.pair with a faint white lunule in the middle: legs yellow, hind-tarfi black, a Pennator. Pale yellow; antennæ and wings black. Inhabits Genrgia; large. Legs yellow. * Defertor. Pale yellow ; wings brown with a white band. Inhabits Europe. Schaeff, Icon, tab, 20. fig. 2. 3. Nominator. Pale yellow ſpotted with black; wings brown with a white lunule. Inhabits France; fize of I, deſertor. Head with a large black frontal ſpot : thorax ſpotted with black : ſegments of the abdomen 1,2, with a black pot, the laſt with 2. Purgator INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 449 Purgator. Pale yellow; antennæ and ſting black : wings hyaline with 2 brown bands. Inhabits France. Sting as long as the abdomen. Faffidiator Scarlet ; wings brown, upper-pair with a ſcarlet marginal ſpot. Inhabits Africa, In the muſeum of Sir. Jof. Banks. Head red, crown black: legs ſcarlet. Ariolator. Thorax 2-ſpined rufous ; abdomen black with 4 white ſtreaks. Inhabits America. Degeer. Inf. 3. tab. 30. fig. 16. Thorax with a ſmall erect white ſpines behind : wings brown: begs ferruginous, Proficiſcator Pale yellow ; upper-wings with a brown band at the tip: antennæ black, Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir 70). Banks. Head black, eyes large yellow : wings yellow: legs yellow, the ends of the hind-ones brown. Hoſpitator, Pale yellow ; upper-wings with a brown band and tip: an- tennæ and tail black. Inhabits New Holland. In the Maſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Two laſt ſegments of the abdomen black. Ornator. Pale yellow, upper-wings with a black band and tip: head tail and hind-thighs black. Inhabits Cayennae, Wings yellowiſh, lower-pair hyaline at the tip. Pedator. Pale yellow ; ſegments of the abdomen with a black dot each fide ; antenna and ſting black. In abits India. 1. punctatus. Lin. Syft. Nat. Head yellow, crown black ; thorax yellow with 5 black dots: ſegments of the abdomen 6. 7. immaculate : legs yellow, hind- joints with a black dot. a Rufous : head and tip of the abdomen black; wings black, Denunciator upper-pair with a white ſpot in the middle. Inhabits Africa. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks Head black, mouth rufous: abdomen ftriate. Nominator Pale yellow : fecond and third ſegments of the abdomen with a brown ſpot, the reſt black: all the wings with a brown band and tip. VOL. III.--3L Inhabits 450 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA 84. Ichneumon. Inhabits Cayenne. Legs yellow, the hind-ones black ; thighs and ſhanks black at the baſe. Antennator Pale yellow : crown back of the thorax tail and tip of the wings black. Inhabits Cayenne. Antennae with an elongated ſubulate club: thorax yellow, black on the back : laſt ſegment of the abdomen above black: lower- wings yellow at the tip. Defenfor. Ferruginous: tail and hind-legs black : wings browniſh. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir Fof. Banks. All the legs ſometimes black. Aculeator. Ferruginous ; fting black : wings yellowiſh with a black marginal dot. Inhabits Tranquebar. Mandibles tipt with black : antennae black, the firſt joint ferrugi- nous : all the legs yellow. Femorator. Ferruginous; abdomen and hind-legs black : wings yellow with a black marginal dot- Inhabits Tranquebar ; large. Antennae black, the first joint thicker and ferruginous: abdomen beneath ferruginous at the baſe. Biguttator. Entirely black : feutel with 2 dots. Inhabits Uplal. Thunb. Nov. Act. 4. p. 24. n. 41, Arrogator. Black; fecond and third ſegments of the abdomen fulvous : wings black with a teſtaceous coſtal ſpot. Inhabits Italy; large. Infidiator. Black : head pale : wings blackiſh with a white ſpot and dot. Inhabits Africa. Muſeum of Sir Jor Banks. Antennae piceous at the tip: abdomen paleith beneath: legs black, fore-fhanks teftaceous. a Gapitator. Black : head rufous : wings black immaculate. Inhabits New tidland. Muſeum of Sir. 7of Bank:. Segments of the abdomen whitiſh at the edges. Mutator. Black ; thorax rufous : wings brown. Inhabits. New Holland. Muſeum of Sir Jos. Banksa Abdomen beneath pale at the baſe : wings yellowiſh-brown. Lepi. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 457 Lepidator. Black, thorax rufous ; 2 firſt ſegments of the abdomen with a white dot each fide, lower-ones tipt with white. Inhabits Saxony. Breaſ blackiſh in the middle : abdomen petiolate, the third ſeg- ment immaculate; wings white: legs black, che fore-ones fer- ruginous. Antennae fometimes annulate with white. *Derigra. Black; wings blackiſh with a hyaline lunule : abdomen ſcarlet. Inhabits Europe. Sulz. Hif. Inf. tab. 26. fig. 16. tor. Flavator. Black; wings blackiſh immaculate : abdomen yellow. Inhabits Barbary ; leſs than the laſt. Initiator. Black; wings blackiſh : head and abdomen yellow. Inhabits Europe; much reſembles the laſt. Front black at the inſertion of the antenna ; upper-wings with a pale lunule in the middle ; fting and legs black. *Corruſca. Body and limbs black : wings brown hyaline. Inhabits Europe, Lip yellow: thanks white at the baſe. tor, * Rutilator. Black ; antennæ beneath abdomen and 4 fore-legs rufous. . Inhabits Europe. Front yellow. • Manifeflor Black immaculate ; abdomen feffile cylindrical: legs ru- fous. Inhabits Europe, Linn. Tranſ. iii. p. 23. tab. 4. fig. 1--5. . p Reaum, 6. tab. 29. fig, 16. Degeer. 1. tab. 36. fg. 9. tor. Approxima- Black ; abdomen cylindrical ; legs red; front yellow Inhabits Zealand; reſembles the laſt. All the legs rufous : wiregs hyaline, Polycerate, Black ; abdomen linear and very long: hind-thanks cla- vate. Inhabits Indid. Wing's ſhort white. Lunator. Varied with black and yellow: abdomen clavate with yel- low lunules each ſide. Inhabits North America ; large. Antennae black, the firſt joint yellow : bead beneath and orbits yellow : abdomen brown with yellow ſpots at the tip: wings hyalin 452 . INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon, 01. a hyaline with a brown marginal ſpot : legs yellow: fing twice as long as the body. * Compunez- Black ; mouth and legs rufous : abdomen petiolate: fting ſhorter than the abdomen. In the Pupe of Butterflies. Schaeff. Ic.tab. 49. fig. 4. Ovator. Black ; thorax immaculate : fecond and third ſegments of the abdomen and legs ferruginous. hind-thighs black. Inhabits Italy ; large. Fufcator. Black : fore-legs ferruginous : wings with a black ſpot before the tip. Inhabits Sanwich Iſlands. Muſeum of Sir Fof. Barks. Abdomen ſlightly petiolate. Segmentator Black ; thorax immaculate : 3 firſt ſegments of the abdo- men at the edge and legs rufous Inhabits Sweden. Sting as long as the body: wings hyaline. Enervator Black ; legs rufous: ſting longer than the abdomen. Inhabits Kiel; reſembles F. compuctorius. Abdomen petiolate : hind-legs tipt with black. Infiigator. Black ; abdomen feſfile: legs rufous, thighs black at the baſe ; fting ſhort. . Inhabits Germany. Sting black. Irritator. Black: abdomen ferruginous, the whole of the firſt ſeg- ment and 2 dots on the reſt black. Inhabits America. Muſeum of Sir 708. Banks. Thorax with a yellow dot before the wings : fegments of the abdomen, except the firſt, with 2 dorſal tubercles of the ſame colour, the laſt immaculate : wings hyaline with a black mar- ginal dot: legs ferruginous, hind-thighs black. Lapidator. Dull blue: wings black : legs rufous, Inhabits Southern Europe. Delusor. Black : abdome: ferruginous, the baſe and tip black : knees of the hind-legs black. Inhabits Europe. Black ; ſegmenís of the abdomen 2, 3, 4, and legs rufous, * Llongator hind-thighs black, Inhabits England trator INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 453 Black ; Atrator. Black ; abdomen ſubcylindrical: hind-legs white before the tip. Inhabits Europe, Wings white, Mandator thorax immaculate : ſecond and third ſegments of the abdomen and legs yellow. Inhabits Sa xony. Antennae reddiſh beneath: firſt ſegment of the abdomen black edged with yellow: 1econd with a black ſpot : thighs black. Reſtaura- Black ; thorax with 2 white dots before the ſcutel : abde- tor. men and legs piceous. Inhabits Kiel ; large. Head black, orbits white : thorax with a white dot before the wings, one under them, and 2 before the ſcutel: firſt ſegment of the abdomen black: legs piceous. Mojcbator Black: legs ferruginous tipt with white. Inhabits Denmark; has a ſlight muſky ſmell. Castigator. Black ; legs rufous; ſting o. Inhabits Germany, Antennae fometimes rufous beneath. a Custodiator Black ; 2 laſt ſegments of the abdomen with a white dot : legs rufous : iting o. Inhabits Germany. Antenna ferruginous beneath : abdomen petiolate : hind-legs tipt with black. Nunciators Black ; legs rufous, hind-thanks black; abdomen fubcom- preffed. Inhabits Germany ; ſmall. Feelers reddish : ffing as long as the body : wings hyaline with a black marginal dot. Fabricat ct. Black; front yellow : abdomen ovate : legs rufous : ſting o. Inhabits Germany. Firſt joint of the antennæ yellow beneath the reſt ferruginous be- neath: hind-tarfi black. * Latrator Black; fegments of the abdomen 2, 3, 4, mouth and legs rufous ; hind-legs black annulate with rufous. Inhabits England Muſeum of Sir 79. Banks. Antennce rufous beneath : thighs and thanks of the bind legs ru. fous at the baſe. * Titilla- 454 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. * Titillator Black : abdomen ferruginous, the baſe and tip black: hind- legs black, white at the end. Inhabits Europe. Haftator, Black : edges of the ſegments edged with rufous; ſcutel elevated 1-ſpined. Inhabits Europe. Head black, orbits teftaceous: thorax with a yellow callous dot at the baſe of the wings : wirgs dull hyaline : legs rufous. Cultellator. Black ; abdomen compreſſed very acute and ferruginous : ſcutel emarginate. Inhabits Germany Thorax a little rugged and raiſed at the fore-margin. *Penascr. Black; abdomen fubfalcate, the bale feſh-colour beneath : . legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Abdomen with often a rufous curve or two. Fornicator, Black ; abdomen clavate arched immaculate: legs rufous. Inhabits Italy; fize of the laſt. * Lineator. Black ; abdomen petiolate: front with yellow lines: fore- legs ferruginous. Inhabits England. In the mufeum of Sir Joj. Baxks, Front with 2 yellow lines : 2 hind-legs black. Extenfor. Black; abdomen ſubcylindrical: legs rufous: fting longer than the body. Inhabits Europe. Maculator. Black; fides of the abdomen and legs rufous. Inhabits Germany. Segments of the abdomen whitiſh at the edges: hind-fhanks ſpotted with white : wings hyaline with a black marginal dot. *Turionella Black; legs rufous: hind-Thanks annulate with white. In the larvæ of Moths. a Arutor. Black ; thorax ſpotted: tail white : legs rufous. Inhabits Germany; ſmall. Antennae yellowiſh beneath : orbits fnowy: mouth reddiſh: thorax wih a white line before the wings, a dot under them and 2 in the place of the ſcutel : bind-tarfi black. *Strobibella INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 455 * Strobibel- Black : fting twice as long as the abdomen : legs red- : lae. diſh,fhanks and claws of the hind-ones annulate with white. In the larva of the Tinea ſtrobibellæ. 9 *Oculator. Black ; baſe of the abdomen with a yellow dot each ſide : . : thorax 2-toothed behind. Inhabits England. In the muſeum of Sir. 70. Banks. Thorax rough: ſcutel gibbous : wings hyaline with a yellow marginal dot : legs rufous: ahdomen in one ſex immaculate. Lucidator. Yellow; back of the thorax and firſt fegment of the abdo- men black. Inhabits Zealand. fmall. Tail white; legs yellow, white at the ends: Roborator. Black; abdomen rufous, edges of the ſegments and tail black: legs rufous: Inhabits Barbary; ſmall. Antennae fubferruginous at the tip : wings hyaline with a black marginal dot. Pomentator Black ; abdomen falcate, the third ſegment and fourth at the bare yellowiſh : legs teftaceous. Inhabits Sweden. Menjurator Black ; ſecond and third ſegments of the abdomen ferru- ginons with a black dorſal triangle. Inhabits Saxony. Wings with a yellowiſh ſpot. Penxator. Black ; abdomen ſeſſile cylindrical ; legs rufous : fting hai- Ty, as long as the abdomen. Inhabits Kiel, leſs than 1, extenfor. Firſt joints of the antennae ferruginous at the baſe: wings yel- lowiſh : hind-hanks white with a brown band. Relinella. Black; legs yellow: abdomen feſfile cylindrical incurved : antennæ pale yellow at the baſe. In the larvæ of the Tinea refineliæ. * Preroga- Black; abdomen oblong obtufe : mouth and legs pale. tor. In the larvæ of the Bombyr Salicis. Wings hyaline with a black marginal dot. a Barbator. Black ; middle of the abdomen and legs ferruginous anten- næ bearded. Inhabits a 456 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84 Ichneumon. Inhabits-In the muſeum of Sir Jor Banks. Wings white with a ferruginous ſpot Cylindrator Black ; abdomen ſeſſile cylindrical incurved, 3 of the ſeg- ments rufous, the margin ſpotted with black. Inhabits Kiel. Thorax with a yellow dot before the wings: fegments of the abdorren 2, 3, 4, with a rufous croſs and black triangular ſpot each fide: legs rufous, hind-tarli black. Accufator. Black; thorax immaculate: abdomen cylindrical, edges of the ſegments and legs rufous. Inhabits Germany. Sting as long as the abdomen. Stercorator. Black; front yellow : abdomen cylindrical ; legs rufous, fhanks and tarſi annulate with white and black. Inhabits Kiel, Antennie yellowiſh bencath: fling o: wings hyaline with a ſmall black marginal dot. Incitator. Black; thorax ſpotted: abdomen cylindrical: legs rufous : fting ſhort Inhabits Germany; ſmall. Antenne yellowiſh beneath: mouth yellowiſh: thorax with a white line each fide before the wings and a large rufous ſpot under them: bind-fhanks white. Variegator. Black ; thorax variegated: abdomen compreſſed clavate, the edges of the fegments yellow: fcutel pointed. Inhabits Sweden. Antennes beneath yellowiſh: front yellow with a black line in the middle: thorax varied with black and yellow : abdomen with 3 yellow bands above and beneath: legs yellow. 3 2. Antennae entirely pale yellow. Acuminator Black; thorax immaculate: abdomen compreſſed clavate, 3 of the ſegments edged with yellow: ſcutel pointed. Inhabits Saxony; reſembles the laſt. Head yellow, crown black : Isge yellow, middle-thighs without and hind-ones entirely black, Sirigaior. Black; abdomen with a white ſtreak: hind-fhanks white tipt with black. Inhabits Saxony; ſmall. Antennae beneath yellow: head yellow under the antennæ: thoran with a yellow dot under the wings, ſcutel with 2 and a traní. verſe line: legs rufous. Scabrator. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 457 Scabrator. Black, rough: hind-thighs rufous at the baſe. Inhabits Saxowy; ſmall. Body rough with ſmall raiſed dots. *Grævida- Black; firſt ſegment of the abdomen ferruginous cotering half the abdomen. Inhabits Europe. tor. * Inculcater Black; abdomen falcate, entirely ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Reaum. Inf. 6. tab. 3o. fig. 9. . 30. Falcator, a Black ; thorax with a yellow dot under the wings: abdomen falcate, the ſegments 2, 3, 4 rufous. Inhabits Sweden; twice as large as I. pugillator. Legs rufous, thighs black. * Pugillator Thorax immaculate: abdomen falcate rufous, the baſe and tip black: legs ſlender ferruginons. In the larva of the Phalaena Ziczar. Degeer. I feel. 1. tab. 6. ho 12. Front with generally a yellow ſpot. Moderator. Black ; abdomen petiolate compreſſed: legs pale: ſting a little ſhorter than the body. In the larva of the Ichneumon Strebibellae, which it conſumes and then ſpins its web in the empty ſkull. * Saltator. Black; abdomen clavate very ſhort: fting cylindrical: hind. legs elongated. Inhabits England. In the muſeum of Sir 70ſ. Banks. Fore-franks and baſe of the thighs teftaceous. Erigator. Black: thorax immaculate : abdomen ſhort falcate, the third feginent and legs rufous. Inhabits Saxony; ſmall. Wings hyaline with a black ſpot. a Focator. Black, thorax immaculate : abdomen falcate ferruginous, the petiole ſecond ſegment and baſe of the third black. Inhabits Kiel; ſmall. Legs rufous, hind-thighs annulate with black at the baſe, Compenfator Black; thorax immaculate : abdomen very ſhort falcate, the ſegments 2, 3, 4. rufous. Inhabits Germany; Imall VOL. II.--3M Wings 458 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Wings whitiſh with a brown marginal dot: legs rufous, hind. fhanks at the tip and tarſi black. Mercator. Black; thorax iminaculate: abdomen ſhort falcate, the ſecond ſegment yellow at the tip, third entirely and fourth at the baſe. Inhabits Germany. Head black, mandibles and feelers yellow: legs yellow, 4-fores thighs black: wings duiky. Flagellator. Black; thorax immaculate: abdomen falcate ſhort, the ſecond and third fegments rufous: legs rufous, hind- thighs black. Inhabits Kiel; reſembles the laſt. Cunelator. Black; thorax ſpotted: abdomen fubfalcate rufous, the petiole black": front and ends of the hind-legs yellow. Inhabits Kiel; ſmall. Firft joint of the antennae beneath yellow: therex with a yellow line before the wings and dot under them: legs rufous, hind- fhanks black. Irrorator. Black; tip of the upper-wings brown with a white dot: abdomen clavate with a villous gold fpot at the tip. Inhabits Southern Europe. Abdomen fubreticulate : bind-fhanks ferruginous at the baſe, Repator. Black; legs ferruginous: thighs clavate, the hind-ones toothed. Inhabits Europe. Curvator. Black ; legs yellow; hind-thighs clavate. Inhabits Denmark; fmall. *Jaculator Black; abdomen falcate rufous in the middle: hind-Thanks clavate, the baſe and tip white. Reaum. Inf. 4. tab. 10. fig. 14. Degeer. 1. tab. 36. fig. 10: In the larvæ of Bees and of the Genus Sphex. • Ale Elator Black ; abdomen falcate with 3 rufous lateral ſpots: hind- fhanks clavate rufous. Inhabits Europe. Necrio. Black; abdomen yellow tipt with black: legs yellow. Reef. Inf. 2. Velp. 4. tab. 4. In INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 459 In the larvæ of moths, which it entirely covers and faſtens down with its webs. Wings hyaline with a yellow coſtal ſpot. Punciater. Yellow dotted with black: abdomen feffile. Inhabits Souib America and India, Exarator. Body piceous immaculate: abdomen and thighs clavate: feelers fetaceous: wings with a white and black ſpot. Inhabits Eurepe; ſmall. Fr. Suec. 1614. Mandater. Black ; ſecond and third ſegments of the abdomen ferrugi. nous, the tip white above. Inhabits Europe. Fx. Suec. 1620. Exervetor. Black; 3 firſt ſegments of the abdomen rufous, the tip above white: antennä annulate with white. Inhabits Europe. Fn, Sxer. 1621. tor. Agricoletor Black; head ferruginous: abdomen feffile. Inhabits Europe. Probably a variety of I. ſecalis. Legs piceous, fore-thighs clavate. Compunela. Black ; abdomen fubpetiolate oblong: legs rufons: winge with a black marginal ſpot. Inhabits Auftria. Schranck. Inf. Auf, p. 357. %. 721. Leucot ar ſus Black ; abdomen falcate: legs ferruginous; tarfi of the hind-ones white with black claws. Inhabits Austria. Sobranck. Inf. Aufl. p. 339. *. 725. Latro. Black; abdomen ſubpetiolate ſubcompreſſed teftaceous tipt with black : legs teſtaceous. Inhabits Auſtria. Schranek. Inf. Aufl., 360, *. 726. Vefpiformis Black ; abdomen with 4 yellow belts. Inhabits Austria. Schransk. Inf. Auli. p. 361.7. 728. Saratus. Black : abdomen petiolate falcate, the ſecond ſegment pale yellow. Inhabits Anfria. Schranck. Iul. Aufl. p. 362, n. 729. Cecifor. Black; abdomen falcate with a ferruginous band. Inhabits Auſtria. Schransk. Inf. Auf. p. 362, 1. 730. 3 M2 Flavifrogs 460 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Flavifrons. Front yellow: legs rufous: antennæ pale beneath. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inj. Aufl. p. 363. 11.731. Macropus. Tip of the antennæ middle of the abdomen and legs rufous, the hind-ones black varied with ferruginous. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Auft. p. 364. n. 733. Impostor. Entirely black : abdomen fulvous. Inhabits Europe. Geoffr. Inf. par. 2. p. 352. ' Abrogator. Black ; abdomen ovate: legs ferruginous. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Ing. Aufl. p. 367. 1. 740. nator. Devastator Black ; abdomen petiolate and legs ferruginous: hind-thighs black: wings browniſh. Inhabits Austria. Schranck Inf. Auft. p. 367. n. 741. Impraeg- Black; 4. fore-ſhanks and abdomen ferruginous, the tip and firſt ſegment black, the ſecond and fifth pun&tured. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Ins Aust. p. 368. 12. 743. Impugnator. Black ; abdomen with 2 yellow belts : 4 fore-fhanks teſta- ceous, hind-ones brown. Inhabits Aultria. Schranck. Inf. Aust. p. 368. n. 744. Myflacatus. Reddiſh-brown; long feelers and baſe of the fhanks yellow Inhabits Aufiria. Schranck. Inf. Aust. p. 369. n. 746. Debellator. Black ; abdomen petiolate with a fulvous belt: baſe of the antennæ and legs yellow. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Aust. p• 370. n. 747. Inſectator. Abdomen petiolate fubfalcate: mouth and feelers yellow : antennä brown: legs citron Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Ausi. p. 370. n. 748. Immacula. Black; abdomen ſeſſile: legs rufous, the ends of the hin. ones black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 60. 11. 191. n tus. Merginains Black ; abdomen feſfile: ſting white at the margin: front with a 2-lobed yellow ſpot: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lek. p. 60. n. 192. Longipes. Black; abdomen ferruginous tipt with brown: legs ferru- ginous, the hind-ones very long, Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 461 3 Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 60. n. 193. Thighs brown, 3-toothed. Biſulcus. Black ; thorax with 2 impreſſed lines before: legs rafous : fting ſhort. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 60. n. 194. Impreſſus Black : crown impreſſed: legs rufous : fting ſhort. Inhabits Europe. Muy. Lesk p. 61.1. 195. Bilineatus. Black ; front with 2 yellow lines : abdomen depreſſed ; legs red, the ends of the hind-ones brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 61. n. 196, Melanopte- Black: 2 firſt ſegments of the abdomen ferruginous : legs and wings black Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 61. n. 197. Gracilis, Black; front horny : abdomen cylindrical thin and long: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 61. n. 198. Adulus. Black : legs rufous yellow, tip of the hind-thanks and ends brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk. p. 61. n. 199. rils. Nævius. Black; front white; thorax with a white line each fide and ſpot under the wings: legs rufous. Inbabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 61. n. 200. Auricapillus Black : front yellow : abdomen falcate ferruginous: the firſt ſegment'above tipt with black ; legs reddiſh, hind- fhanks tipt with black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 61. n. 203. Cultratus, Black; orbits vertical line mouth and legs ferruginous; abdomen falcate ferruginous, the ſecond and third ſeg- ments above and tip of the petiole yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 61, n. 204. Leucopterus. Black ; legs rufous: wings white with yellow veins and marginal ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p 61.11. 205. Melanurus. Black ; abdomen ferruginous, the petiole and ſhort tail black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 61: 1. 206, Varius 462 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon ius. Varius. Black; head and thorax varied with ferruginous : wings ferruginous, hyaline at the tip; legs rufous, hind- fhanks ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 61. 1. 209. Bimacula- Black : front legs antennæ beneath 2 ſpots on the thorax and hind-margin of the firſt abdominal ſegments ex- cept the ſecond yellow. In the larva of the Phal. fimbria. M. Lesk. p. 61.1, 210. Longifpinis Black ; 2 firſt ſegments of the abdomen above, petiole and tip and legs rufous, the ends of the hind-ones brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lejko p. 61. 6. 211, Perſicolore Black; front yellow; antennæ reddiſh-yellow beneath : legs rufous, the ends of the hind-ones brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk, p. 62. 6. 213. Leucopalpus Black ; legs rufous : feelers white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Leesk. p. 62. n. 214. Melaropus Black : legs rufous, the ends of the hind-ones black, Inhabits Europe. Mus Lesk. p. 62, n; 215. Leucopus. Dlack; legs rufous, the ends of the hind-ones white. Inhabits Europe. Mnf. Lefk. p. 62. n. 216. Variatus, Black; front baſe of the antennæ and jaws white; 4 fore- legs reddiſh-yellow, hind-ones black with rufous joints. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 62. n, 217. Rubiginofus Black: 4 fore-legs edge of the third and fourth abdominal ſegments and tip ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 62, n. 218, Luteſcens Front each ſide and mouth yellow: antennz beneath and firſt ſegment of the abdomen on the hind-margin pale yellow: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk p. 62. n. 219. Hind-fhenks brown at the baſe and tip. Ilyali 145 Black, legs rufous: abdomen and wings hyaline. Inhabits Europe. Mily. Lesk. p. 60. 7. 221. Cylin. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 463 Cylindricus Black ; legs rufous; abdomen cylindrical moſt of the ſeg. ments ferruginous at the outer-margin. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 62. 8.222. Albipes. Black ; legs rufous ; hind-thanks white, the tip and ring at ; the baſe ferruginous, the ends whitiſh. Inhabits Europe Muf. Lesk. p. 62. 11. 223. Deufius. Black 3 front mouth and line on the thorax each ſide before the wings yellow ; legs rufous, the fhanks and ends white tipt with black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 62. 7. 224. Variegatus. Black; front orbits and mouth yellow : fore-legs reddiſh yellow ; hind-ones rufous, middle of the ſhanks white, the ends white annulate with brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. P. Antennae yellowiſh beneath. Røfeſcens Black ; 4 fore-legs pale rufous, thighs of the hind-ones ru- 4 fous ; fhanks yellowiſh with a brown ring at the baſe. Inhablts Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 62. *. 228. 62.6. 227 Liseolaris Black ; line each ſide the front and mouth yellow : thorax ſpotted. legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 62. 6. 229. Favicirc:xs Black; fting very ſhort : legs rufous, hind-Thanks with a yellow ring at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 62. 1. 230. Subfalcauts Black; abdomen ſubfalcate ferruginous, the baſe aud tip black: legs rufous, tip of the hind-thanks and ends brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 62. n. 231. Faſciatus. Black ; broad line each ſide the front and 4 fore-ſhanks and baſe of the hind-ones yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 63. 11. 232. Fuſeicormis Black : antenna and hind-Thanks brown-ferruginous : abdomen ferruginous, the petiole black: legs ru- fous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 63. 7. 233. Chryſopur. 464 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Cbryfoons Black ; front antennæ beneath legs and baſe of the thighs yellow ; abdomen ferruginous, the baſe and tip above black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 63. 1. 234. Erythropal- Black : front with a yellow line each Gde : baſe of the an- pus. tennæ feelers and legs rufous : abdomen ferruginous, the baſe and tip black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 63.n.235 Leucofloma. Black : front and mouth white : antennæ pale yellow be- neath; legs rufous, ends of the hind-ones black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 63. n, 240. Aurifrons. Black; front lip baſe of the antenna and legs reddiſh-yellow: hind-fhanks white annulate with black. Inhabits Europe. Mu. Lesk. p. 63. n. 242. Antennae pale yellow beneath: baſe of the fhanks with a ferru- ginous ring, Nigricans. Black ; legs rufous : hind-Thanks white tipt with black, Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 63,7. 245. Quadricolor Black; front and mouth yellow: antennæ beneath pale yellow : legs rufous, the ends brown. Inhabits Europe, Muj, Lesk. p. 63. 1.247. . Inadrima- Black ; baſe of the antennæ 4 ſpots on the front mouth and culatus ends of the legs white : abdomen ferruginous, the pe- tiole black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk p. 43. n. 248. Four fore-legs yellow, hind thighs and thanks brown. L. Pietus. Black ; legs rufous : 2 firſt ſegments of the abdomen fer- ruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 64.11. 249. Bipunctatus Black ; baſe of the antenna and thighs and face yellow, the latter with 2 black dots: abdomen aud hind-thanks ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 64. n. 250. Abdomen black at the baſe and tip: 4. fore-fhanks yellow. Merens. Black ; 4 fore-legs rufous, baſe of the thighs black, thanks reddiſh-brown, metatarfi white. Inhabits Europe, Mul, Lesk. p. 64. 9. 251, Caneſcens INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84 Ichneumon. 465 Caneſcens. Black; front villous grey: abdomen ferruginous, the petiole tip and ſpot on the ſecond ſegment black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 64. n. 252. Thighs rufous, yellow at the baſe, 4 fore-fhanks yellowiſh, hind - ones reddiſh, Piceus Piceous; abdomen black, 3 firſt ſegments ferruginous, the tip with 2 yellowiſh dots: legs reddiſh, the ends of the hind ones brown Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 64. 1. 253. Flaviven-- Black ; abdomen yellow, the baſe tip and belt in the mid- dle of the firſt ſegment black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 64. 1. 254. Four fore-legs yellow, hind.ones black with ferruginous han Fuſceſcens. Black; antennæ brown: legs rufous, the hind-hanks brown- ith towards the tip. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p.64.n.255. Longipal- Black ; face antenne and abdomen brown ferauginous: fee- pis. lers very long: abdomen compreſſed. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 64. 1. 256. . Legs yellow, hind-thanks tipt with brown. tris. Striatus. Black ; baſe of the antenna white : front white with 2 black lines : abdomen ſubſeſſile ferruginous, black at the bafe and tip. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 64. 1. 258. Legs rufous, hind-thighs and thanks tipt with black, Erythro. Black ; baſe of the antenn and mouth white: abdomen gater. rufous. the baſe and tip black : legs reddiſh-yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf, Lesk. p. 64. n. 259. Obſcurus Black : abdomen ferruginous, the tip and baſe of the petiole black : ends of the 4 hind-legs white. Inhabits Europe: Muf. Lesk. p. 64. n. 260. Rubellus Black ; legs reddiſh : thighs and tip of the hind-thanks brown Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 648 261. Corecinus. Black; mouth baſe of the antenna and baſe and tip of the abdomen ferruginous; legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muj. Lesk. p. 65. n., 262. VOL. III.-3N Deauratus 466 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA 84. Ichneumon. Deauratus Black; mouth and baſe of the antennæ and thighs yellow : firſt fegment of the abdomen behind, third and fourth and tip of the petiole ferruginous : legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 65. n. 263. . Fulvivena Black ; baſe of the antenna before abdomen 4 fore-legs tras. baſe of the hind-thighs and fhanks yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Leſk. p. 65. n. 264. Abdomen black at the baſe and tip. Impreſus Black, front with a black line each ſide: abdomen reddiſh: legs rufous, fhanks white towards the baſe with a fer- ruginous ring each fide. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 65. n. 265. Abdomen black at the baſe and tip, 3 firſt ſegments with a tranf- ve: ſe impreſſed line in the middle. a Senilis. Black; front grey: baſe of the abdomen reddiſh-yellow : 4 fore-legs yellow the reſt brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 65. 1. 266. Concolor. Black : legs and abdomen rufous, the petiole black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 65, n. 267. Orfoga- Black : antennæ legs and wings browniſh: abdomen yellow stero fubfeſſile ſhorter than the ſting. Inhabits Europe. Mal. Lesk. p. 65. n. 270. Mittatus, Black, antennæ beneath, tranſverſe band on the front and mouth yellow : abdomen ferruginous, the baſe and ſpot in the middle of the firſt ſegment black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 65. n. 271. Black; antenna brown; abdomen and legs yellow : fting Brachya. canthus. very thort. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 65.1, 272, Braccatus. fore-legs Black; mouth and baſe of the antennae and thighs yellow : abdomen ferruginous black at the baſe : 4. pale yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf, Lesk. p. 65.72, 273. Black : head ferruginous, eyes and abdomen ferruginous varied with black : legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 65. n. 274. Melanophe thalmus Ochrocercus INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 467 Ochroçercus Black ; thighs yellow : fhanks white, the hind-ones and ends annnlate with yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muy. Lesk. p. 66. n. 275. Erythropus Black; legs rufous: belly yellowiſh. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 66. n. 277. Hæmatopus Piceous, glabrous; jaws rufous : legs red, the ends brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 66. n. 278. Leucogerus Black ; legs rufous, hind-thanks black at the baſe and tip ends of the 4 hind-legs brown, the joints white at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lelk. p. 66. 11. 279. . ABidus. Black ; legs reddiſh, the ends and thanks whitiſh, the hind- ones of the latter tipt with brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 66. n. 280. Luteolus Black ; front mouth hind-part of the firſt ſegment of the abdomen and ſecond yellow : legs reddiſh ; hind- thanks white tipt with brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk, p. 66. 1. 281. Mixta Black ; face and baſe of the antenna and thighs yellow :3 firſt ſegments of the abdomen ferruginous ; 2 of thera black on the back : legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 66. r. 282. Melanoleu- Black ; legs rufous, the joints white: front with white lobes and line each ſide. Inhabits Europe. Mns. Lesk. p. 66. 1. 283. COS. Funebris. Chryſodes. Black ; antennæ brown: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 66. 1. 284. . . . Black : baſe of the antennæ and mouth reddiſh : abdomen yellowiſh-brown with a black petiole: legs yellowiſh, hind thighs reddiſh-brown Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 66. 286. 3 Aſimilator. Scarlet ; fore-part of the thorax and legs black; wings black-brown with a yellowiſh baſe and band and ſcarlet dot. Inhabits America, Ad. Stockh. 1787. 4. 2. n. 34. Depreſa- 468 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Depreſator Black ; baſe of the antennæ ferruginous before : abdomen depreſſed, the 3 firſt ſegments yellow: legs pale ru- fous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 66. n. 287. a Ferrugator Ferruginous ; wings yellowiſh with a ferruginous ſpot: antennæ tipt with black. Inhabits America. A&. Sto. 1787. 4. 2. 1. 33. 3 E Antenna yellow. *Luteus. Pale yellow ; thorax ftriate: abdomen falcate. Inhabits Europe. Schaeff. Ic. tab. 1. fig. 12. tab. 101. fig. 4. * Ramidulus Pale yellow: abdomen falcate tipt with black. Inhabits Enrope. Donovan ii. tab 42. fg. 1. Hind-thighs with a black ring at the baſe : wings hyaline with a yellow marginal ſpot. Flavus. Pale yellow : crown black: abdomen brown at the tip. Inhabits South American Iſlands, Wings hyaline with a ſmall yellow marginal dot, US. Ferrugine- Fulvous; ſegments of the abdomed with a yellow dot each fide. Inhabits Italy ; large. Fabric. iv. afp. p. 456. Mandibles and flemmdta black : thorax with 2 pale black dorſal lines and a yellow dot under the wings: abdomen petiolate; wings whitish with a yellow ſpot, Falvas. Pale yellow ; wings black with a yellow dot. Inhabits Americe. Abdomen feffile. Annulatus Varied with black and yellow : wings tipt with black. Inhabits Eaſt India, Head yellow, crown black : thorax yellow with black lines : firſt ſegment of the abdomen ferruginous the baſe and tip black, 2, 3,4 yellow tipt with black, the reſt yellow: legs ferruginous tipt with white. Atratus. Black : head legs and ſtreak on the tail yellow : fting very long. Inhabits North America ; large. Mandibles and ſtreak between the eyes black : Jling 3 times as. long as the body : wings dulky: legs yellow, 4 hind-thighs black. Dentelis INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 469 Deuiatus. Black; 1potted with yellow : ſcutel yellow, 2 toothed at the tip: tail 2-toothed. Inhabits Norway ; large. Head black, front yellow: antenne above black, beneath yellow: thorax ſpotted with yellow : scutel black, the tip yellow : abdomen biack, the ſegments edged with yellow: legs yellow, hind-thighs black within. Varicornis. Black;, antennae yellow annulate with black ; legs ru- fous. Inhabits Germany. Lip yellow : front yellow with a black line in the middle: thorax with 2 white lines: tip of the ſcuiel white : abdomen petiolate: wings hyaline with a black marginal dot. . a Morio. Black; abdomen falcate : wings blue. Inhabits America. Muſeum of Sir 70%. Banki. Head black front ſpotted with yellow : abdomen periolate : wings blue tipt with brown : legs black, the fore-ones teftaccous. Compreffus Abdomen compreſſed, the ſegments edged with yellow: an- tennae and legs pale yellow. Inhabits Sweden. Firſt and laſt joints of the antennae black : abdomen black: wings whitiſh : legs yellow, hind ones black, all the thighs black at the baſe. Varius. Pale yellow ; abdomen ovate ; breaſt varied with black. Inhabits Germany Front with a black itreak : thorax with z impreſſed black dots: petiole of the abdomen black : wings yellowiſh with a black marginal dot. a *Chryfofus Black ; thorax ſpotted with yellow: edges of all the ſeg. ments of the abdomen and legs yellow. Inhabits England. Linn. Tranſact iii. p. 4. tab. 2. fig. 5 Thorax and ſcutel with each 4 yellow dois: legs yellow, thighs black at the baſe. 4. * Amictus. Black; abdomen falcate: antennae and legs ferruginous. Inhabits England. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Danks. Front with a yellow ſpot: legs whitiſh at the tip. "Glaucop- Pale yellow: breaſt black : abdomen falcate, the tail black, Inhabits Europe. Schaef. Icon, tab. 82. fig. 3. * Circure Lexu. 470 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. *Circam. Black; abdomen falcate, yellow before : hind-legs with flexus. black joints: ſcutel yellow. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. iii. tab. 93. fig. 2. Punctatus. Yellow; head and thorax ſpotted: abdomen with 5 black dots each ſide. Inhabits Coromandel. Muſeum of Sir Jos. Banks. Head yellow with a black ſpot on the crown in which are 3 ftigmata : legs teftaceous. Hiltrio Black, thorax ferruginous, the margin and ſcutel white. Inhabits Zealand; fmall. liead black, mouth and 2 dots on the crown white: baſe of the wings white : abdomen black, the ſegments edged with white: legs rufous, hind-thanks white, the ends black. Flavicans, Pale yellow; ſegments of the abdomen 2, 3, 4, 5. with 2 black dots at the baſe. Inhabits Germany; large. Mandibles tipt with black : fcutel with a blackiſh dots: wings 2 and legs pale yellow.- Tricolor. , Black; abdomen antennæ and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Italy. Mouth yellow: firſt joint of the antennæ black: thorax with a yellow line cach ſide and dot under the wings : petiole of the abdomen black: wings whitiſh. Black; antennæ and legs yellowiſh : wings hyaline with a Formicatus. black ſpot. Found on Linne's Eftate at Hammarby. Mutillarites Yellowiſh ; abdomen with a black band: wings fpotted with brown. Inhabits Germany. Abdomen petiolate. 3 Afinis. Ferruginous ; thorax darker on the back : wings hyaline with a black marginal dot. Inhabits Kiel. Abdomen petiolate. Legs ferruginous, tarli white at the baſe. Abdomina. lis. Yellow; abdomen black. Inhabits France; finall. Wings white hyaline with a large black ſpot. Black; antenne and legs ferruginous : wings white with 2 black bands. Inhabits Northern Europe. Fuſcatus. Cinetur. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 471 Fuſcatus: Black; abdomen with a ferruginous band: wings ſpotted with brown Inhabits Germany; ſmall. Head black, front yellowiſh: legs ferruginous. Falcifer. Head yellow with 2 black dots before and black behind: abdomen falcate: thighs rufous, the hind-ones tipt with brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 66. n. 288. Thorax varied with ferruginous and black. Tenebrico,es Ferruginous ; crown and anterior margin of the front black : petiole of the abdomen beneath, dot on the firſt fegment, hind-part of the ſecond and the whole of the reft black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. 1.,291. Mevius, Pale yellow; thorax ſpotted with brown, firſt fegment of the abdomen impreſſed tranſverſely, the 3 laſt black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67, n. 293. tus. Melano- Black; front yellow with a black ſpot: antennæ annulate xagtbus. with black: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. 1, 294. Trituber Black; front with 3 tubercles: abdomen ferruginous, the elatus. baſe and tip black: antennæ black at the tip: fhanks yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. n, 295. Albiſuta. Ferruginous; thorax varied with black : ſcutel and ſpot under the wings white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. 11. 296. Lutefcens. Black; abdomen ferruginous, black at the baſe: fore-legs yellow, 4 hind-ones ferruginous clouded with black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. 1. 297. Albiveniris Black; antennæ black at the baſe: legs rufous: front with a white line each fide: ſcutel and third ſegment of the abdomen white, the fourth and fifth at the hind-margin each ſide and fixth entirely white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. n. 298. Cultratus. Black; baſe of the antennæ front lip ſpots on the thorax legs and falcate abdomen yellow, the ſegments black at the baſe. Inhabits 472 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. n. 299. Front with a longitudinal interrupted white line : thighs black, ferruginous in the middle. Luteclus. Black ; legs rufous : abdomen pale yellow, the z laſt feg- ments black at the baſe: front and 4 fore-thanks yellowish Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 57. n. 300. n. Incifus. Pale yellow; thorax varied with brown: inciſures of the abdomen ferruginous Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. n. 301. Annulatus. Black; antennæ ſlightly annulate with black: legs rufous : ſting ihort. Inhabits Europea. Mul Lesko p. 67. n. 302. Venofas. Pale yellow, black between the ftemmata: wings white with yellow veins. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. n. 303. Notatus. Black; antennæ finely annulate with ferruginous: front mouth and legs pale yellow : ſcutel and ipot under the wings white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. n. 304. Ferrugino- Black; abdomen tipt with black: thorax ſpotted : edge of fus. the ſcutel mouth and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 67. n. 305. Melanogo - Black; abdomen ferruginous tipt with black : legs ferru- ginous with black joints. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 68, n. 306. Leucorrhous Black; dot on the thorax under the wings and tip of the abdomen white : antennæ tipt with black: legs rufous, tip of the hind-thanks black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. P. Chryſogafier Black ; belly yellow : legs pale yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lef. p. 68. n. 308. Yanthome- Black ; ſcutel ferruginons : fore-part of the belly frent las. mouth and legs pale yellow. Inhabits Europe. Mu. Lefk. p. 68. n. 309. 7205 68. n. 307 P. Crallipes INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 473 Creſſipes. Black; abdomen ferruginous, the third and fourth ſegment black tipt with white : hind-fhanks ferruginous tipt with black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Leſk. p. 68, n. 310. Legs thick rufous. Bicolor. Ferruginous; tip of the abdomen breaſt and tips of the upper-wings black. Inhabits Africa. Hind-thighs black. Cardui. Black; antennæ teſtaceous from the baſe to the middle: legs tawny, the tarſi black. Inhabits Bavarid, Schranck. Baier. Reiſe. p. 124. Xanthopus. Abdomen falcate: legs tipt with yellow : antennæ ferru- ginous: fting ſhort yellow. Inhabits France. Geoffr. Inſ par. 2. p. 351. Melanops. Ferruginous; eyes tip of the abdomen and ſheath of the fting black Inhabits Auftria. Schranck. Inf. duft. p. 372. n.752. Nigroculus. Ferruginous; abdomen petiolate, the baſe blackiſh: ſting black. Inhabits Auſtria. Schranck. Inf. Auft. p. 372. 1. 753. Quadri- Ferruginous; ſcutel yellow; abdomen browniſh, the baſe punctatus, with 2 rows of dots. Inhabits Aufiria. Schrank. Inf. Auff. p. 373. 1. 7546 Vinčius. Ferruginous ; ſcutel yellow: hind-thighs ſubclavate. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Aust. p. 373. 1. 755. Exoticus. Black; antennæ middle of the abdomen and thanks ferru- ginous. Inhabits------Schranck. Inf. Aust. p. 374. 11. 756. Abdomen petiolate : bind-Jhanks tipt with black. Melanoph. Ferruginous; eyes tip of the thorax and baſe of the abdo- thalmus men at the fides black. Inhabits Auftria. Schranck. Inf. Aust. p. 374. n. 757. * Polyconius Black; head thorax and breaſt ſpotted with yellow: fcutel yellow: abdomen black, the ſegments edged with yellow. Inhabits England. Forst. Nov. inf. 1. p. 85. VOL.III.-30 Cylindricks 474 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Cylindricus. Black; abdomen cylindrical, the ſegments impreffed tranſ- verſely: legs red: antennæ with narrow brown rings. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 61. 1. 2015 F. Minute : Antenne filiform; abdomen ſeſſile ovate. Semiau. ratus. Gilt; abdomen ferruginous tipt with blue. Inhabits Europe. Tip of the abdomen black-blue, Nitidulus. Blue-black, thorax and fore-part of the abdomen ferrugim nous. Inhabits Italy. Rots, Fn. Etrufc. tab. 6. fig. 1,7. Antenne inflected, the firſt joint black, fecond rufous, the reſt blackish: thorax 2.toothed behind, the fore-lobe ferruginous: begs ferruginous, hind-thighs with a black ring. a Splendidus. Shining-blue; abdomen fulvous at the baſe and tipt with black. Inhabits Italy. Antenna and legs black. Ignitus. Black-blue: thorax golden before. abdomen ferruginous with a black band behind. Inhabits Barbary, Wings duky. Chryſis. Shining green-bronze: abdomen ovate golden. Inhabits Barbary. Antennae and legs black, * Mufcarum Gilt; legs yellow, formed for ſkipping, Degeer. Inj. 1. tab. 32. fg. 19, 20. Inhabits Europe, in the larve of Flies. ris. * Bedegua- Shining-green ; abdomen depreſſed golden. Inhabits Europe. Rerum. Inf. 3. tab. 41. fig. 13, 14, Nigricornis. Shining-green: antennæ black : legs pale yellow. Inhabits Germany. Hind-thighs black at the baſe. *Gellarum. Braffy-brown: abdomen black : fhanks pale. In the larvæ of the Cynips Quercus ramnli. Juniperi. Green-gold: antennae black : wings hyaline. In the larva of the Tipula juniperina. Quadrum. Black bronzed : bafe of the abdomen and legs ferruginous : wings white with 2 black marginal ſpots. Inhabits Saxony. Abdomen INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 475 Abdomen tipt with black: antennae ferruginous tipt with black : ſpots on the wings ſquare. 2, 2-macula. Black; abdomen conic and very acute: wings white with 2 black ſpots on the upper-pair. Inhabits Saxony. Firſt joint of the antennae ferruginous. 145. * Puparum. Blue-gold; abdomen gloffy-green. Reaum. 6. tab. 30. fig. 13-15. Merian Er. tab. 44. 52: Depoſits its eggs in the pupa of Butter-flies and Flies as ſoon as they are transformed from larvæ. * Larva- Green-gold; abdomen black with a purpliſh ſpot on the back: legs yellow. In the larvae of Moths. Reaum. 2. tab. 36. fig. 9-11. rum, Cynipedis. Green-gold; abdomen brown with a pale belt at the baſe : legs yellowiſh, In the larvæ of Moths and Cynipedesa Sphegum. Black immaculate : wings white. Inhabits Drejden, Coccorum. Black bronzed; abdomen blueiſh: legs livid, In the Coccus. Degeer. In. 1. tab. 35 fig. 17. Secalis. Black; head rufous; eyes green. In larve found on ears of Corn. a Subcutaneus Black; wings hairy with a black lunar ſpot. Inhabits Europt. Degeer. Inf. 1. tab. 30. fig. 21. Stigma a Black; wings duſky with a black marginal ſpot. In the larvæ of the Cynips Rofae. Conicus. Black; abdomen conic very acute: thighs clavate ferrue ginous. Inhabits Denmark. Wings duſky. Globatus. Black ; legs ferruginous. Reaum Inf. 2. tab. 35. fig. 56. Merian. Eur. tab. 22. Breeds in large white filk balls which are frequently found on the ſtems of different plants. Glomera. Black ; legs yellow. Rearm. 2. tab. 33. fig. 2,7,8. Mer. Eur. tab. 48. 3oz fus, In 476 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. Sericeus, In the larvæ of Moths, and after having quitted them they jointly ſpin a yellow filky web. Black; abdomen and legs yellow. Inhabits Guadeloupe ; and after having quitted their parent larva ſpin numerous aggregate ſnowy webs. Abdomen black : wings white hyaline with a black marginal ſpot, * Aphidun Black : baſe of the abdomen fore-legs and hind-joints yel- low. In various ſpecies of the Aphis. Friſh. 11. tab. 15. . Atomos, Varied with pale and brown. Inhabits Upſal; is leſs than a mite and hardly to be diſtinguiſhed unleſs when in motion. * Punerum Gloſſy-black : wings 'irideſcent edged with long black hairs. Linnean Tranſactions. iv. 189. tab. 18. fig. 1. Inhabits England; not larger than the latt. * Tipulae Black : baſe of the antenna and logs rufous ; hind-fhanks clavate tipt with black Linnean Tranſaction iv.p. 230. In the larva of the Tipula Tritici; minute. Antennae as if broken, the firft joint long and reddiſh : wings without veins, longer than the body: abdomen ovate ſeſſile depreſſed. * Ovulor um Black : legs rufous: antennæ filiform long. Degeer Inf. 1. tab. 45. fig. 11, 12, 13. In the eggs of the Lepidopterous infects. 2. Legs black. Schrauch. Beytr. tab. 2. fig. 13. Minntus. Deep-black; wings blackiſh with a white baſe and 2 op- pofite ſpots. Inhabits France ; ſmall. Firſt joint of the antennae long and pale : legs black tipt with white. * Pectin:- Black ; antennæ branched. cornis, Degeer. Inf. 1. tab. 35. fig. 3--6. A8. Holm. 1740. iab, 1, fig. 4-6, In the larva of the Bombyx Quercus, Ramicornis, Green antennæ branched. In the larvæ of Motlis, Degeer. 2. tab. 3 lio, 14: INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 477 Alvearifex Black ; legs ferruginous: abdomen petiolate and pale at the baſe beneath. Inhabits Auſtria. Schranck. Inf. Aufl. p. 378, n. 767. Breeds in white webs diſpoſed like a honey-comb. а Gregarins. Black ; legs and fides of the abdomen ferruginous. Inhabits Auſtria. Schranck. Inf. Auf.p. 377. 11.766. Breeds in the larvæ of Moths and Butter-flies, and ſpins cach a ſeparate white filky web. Intercus. Black ; abdomen ovate depreſſed, teſtaceous at thebaſe fhanks rufous. nhabits Austria. Schranck. Inf. Aufi. p. 377. n. 764. Tortricus. Black; abdomen ovate depreſſed, paler beneath. Inhabits Auftria. Schranck. Inf. Auft. p. 367. 1. 763. In the larva of the Phalana faſciana. Larva double cylindrical, inflected into a creſcent, rough ſoft, head retractile. Euonymis Black; inciſures of the abdomen interruptedly yellow: wings ferruginous tipt with black. Inhabits Siberia. Lepechin. It. 1. tab. 17. fig. 1, 2. Porrečius. Black; tip of the fore-thighs and fhanks pale, the hind- ones tipt with black : ſting as long as the abdo- men. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 72. n. 377. Longicornis Black : antennae long ; legs rufous; wings with a large ſe- milunar brown ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefp. p. 72. 2. 378. Diferetus, Rufulus. Black; antennæ mouth 3 firſt ſegments of the abdomen and legs reddih. Inhabits Europe. Muf Lefki, p. 68. n. 311-316 Is ſubject to a few varieties in the colour of the legs. Black ; lower half of the firſt abdominal ſegment and upper half of the ſecond and legs. rufous. Inhabits Europe. Asuf. Lesk. p. 63. 1. 317. Ululatus. Black; antennz brown: legs reddiſh : abdomen pubeſcent, the firſt ſegment yellow with a black ſpot cach fide, 2, 3, yellow on the upper-part. La habits Lurope. Mul Lesk. p. 68, n; 318. Stigma. 478 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon Siigmas Black ; antennæ front jaws fides of the breaſt and legs reddiſh: firſt fegment of the abdomen yellow with 2 black dots. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk. p, 68. 1. 319. Albicans Black ; antenne whitiſh on the back ; baſe of the 4 fore-- thighs front and mouth whitiſh: abdomen ferrugi- nous clouded with brown and blach at the baſe : legs reddiſh, Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 68. 1. 320. Subrufus. Black ; antennæ reddiſh, the baſe black : legs and 3 firſt ſegments of the abdomen reddiſh. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69. n. 321. Fufcipes, Black ; 4 fore-thighs and hind-thanks brown : petiole of the abdomen long black, 2 firſt fegments and fore-legs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69, n. 322, Bifrons, Black; front white with a black ſpot beneath the antenna petiole of the abdomen at the tip and 2 firſt fegments and legs reedih. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. P 69... 323. p Leucopis. Black ; front aud mouth white; bafe of the abdomen and 2 firſt ſegments and legs reddiſh. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69. n 324. Palleſcens Black : baſe of the antennæ front and mouth pale yellow }, petiole of the abdomen and 3 firſt ſegments reddiſh, the firſt with a black ſpot : legs reddiſh. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69. n. 325. Pranfius Black: legs and abdomen reddiſh, tip of the petiole and up- per-part of the firſt ſegment black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69, n. 326. Frifcefcens. Black; abdomen yellow tipt with brown: legs yellowiſh- brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69.n. 327. Leucotarſus Black; antennæ beneath and mouth pale yellow : abdomen ferruginous, the baſe black; legs reddiſh-yellow, white at both ends. Inhabits Europe. Muz. Lesk. p. 69, n. 328. Bru- INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 479 Brusseolas. Black; abdomen and legs reddiſh, hind-thighs cheſnut: antennæ reddiſh, black at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69.n. 329. Peilons. Black; antennæ yellowiſh-brown: mouth whitiſh : abdo- men reddiſh, black at the baſe : legs pale rufous. Inhablts Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69' *. 330. Bitinkius. Black; abdomen and legs reddiſh. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk, p. 69.n. 331. Carbonari- Black; antennae and legs reddiſh-brown: abdomen ferru- ginous: black at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69. 7. 332 Taiengulum Black : abdomen yellow with a triangular black ſpot at the baſe: legs livid : wings duſky. Inhabits Europe Muf. Lesk. p. 69. n. 333. Obfuſcatus Black ; autennae ferruginous with a white ring and tipt with brown; abdomen yellow black at the baſe: legs yellow, hind-thighs brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk.p. 69. * 334. Nigricornis Black: antenne with a white ring; abdomen yellow, black at the baſe : thighs black: fhanks ferruginous. Inhabits Europe. Moy. Lesk. p. 69. 1. 335. Lividus. Entirely livid : fting as long as the abdomen. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 69. n. 336. Ruficori's. Black ; front yellowiſh: antennæ abdomen and legs red- diſh. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 70. n. 336. Dentipes. Black; 4 fore-legs livid ; the hind-ones rufous the thighs toothed in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Mul: Lesk. p. 70. 11. 339. Lividicor- Black; antenna 4 fore-legs and hind-thanks livid, hind-thigs 4. nis. black: abdomen yellow, black at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 70.7:. 340. Flaveſcens Black; mouth 4 fore-legs and hind-fhanks yellowiſh: abdo- men yellow: hind-thighs yellow-brown. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 70. 1. 34.1. Lituratur: 480 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumons. a Lituratus. Black; jaws and 4 fore-legs yellowiſh, hind-thighs reddiſh 4 black : hind-part of the firſt abdominal fegment and 2, 3, 4. yellow, the ſecond with a black ſpot. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 70,11,542. " Partitus. Black ; ſegments of the abdomen brown before and reddiſh behind, the third yellowilh behind : mouth and 4. fore-legs yellowish Inhabits Europe. Muf. I esk. p. 70. n. 343. Hind-legs reddiſh brown with black joints. Conformis. Black : inciſures of the abdomen and legs reddiſh, Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p.70.7. 344. Stramincus Black; front mouth and baſe of the 4 fore-thighs pale yel- low: 4 fore-legs reddiſh-yellow, hind-ones rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. P: 70, n. 345. Difformis Black : abdomen compreſſed: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Leſk. p. 70. n. 348. Pallidus. Black; inciſures of the abdomen and fides pale : legs dull yellow, the thighs black in the middle. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lefk. p. 70.11. 346. Similis. Black : baſe of the antenne yellow; legs reddish-yellow Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 70. n. 347. n Sabteſiaceus Black; abdomen with faint teftaceous ſpots each ſide: legs reddiſh, Inhabits Europe. Muf. "Lesk. p. 70. 12. 349. Fuliginofus Black; abdomen ruſty-brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 70.11. 350. Erythrofis- Black ; mouth 2 firſt firſt inciſures of the abdomen and legs . reddiſh, Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk p.70. n. 351. Unicolor Black ; antenna and legs reddiſh. Inhabits Europea Muj, Lesk. p. 70. 72, 352. N. . ma. Cervinus. Black; antennæ fore-part of the thorax fides and icgs red- . difh-brown: abdomcn brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 70,n. 353- Simplex. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 481 YNS. Simplex. Black; antennx and legs teſtaceous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 70. 1. 354. Melanopte- Black; abdomen depreſſed, the ſides pale: wings black. Inhabits Evrope. Muf. Lesk. p. 70. 1. 355- Heterogonus Black; 4 fore-legs teſtaceous, hind-ones brown with whia 4. tiſh joints. Inhabits Evrope. Mu)Lesk. p. 70. n. 356. Picatus. Piceous; abdomen fubovate, pointed both ways: legs te- Itaceous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 71.1. 357. Pistics. Black; mouth fore-part of the thorax and line each fide 2 dots on the ſcutel and legs reddiſh : hind-thanks white, black at the baſe. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 71. 1. 358. В. Striatus. lack: antennæ brown: mouth ſcutel and legs rufous : thorax with a white line each ſide. Inhabits Europe. Mu. Lesk. p.71. 1.361. Difpar. Black : 4. fore-legs reddiſh, hind-ones brown. Inhabits Lurope. Muf. Lesk. p.71.n. 363. Nigellus. Black ; antennæ fegments of the abdomen 2, 3,4, and legs reddith. Inhabits Europe. My. Lesk. p. 71. n. 362. Chryfoficios Black; abdomen compreſſed brown, 2 firſt ſegments with a yellow ſpot cach fide : baſe of the 4 fore-thighs and mouth yellow: legs rufous. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 71.11. 364. Yanthuros. Black ; abdomen flat, 2 firſt ſegments yellow and brown behind ; ſting yellow : legs teftaceous. Inhabits - Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 71. n. 365. Imperialisz Black ; head ſecond ſegment of the abdomen and tip and legs pale yellow. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lelk. p. 71. 1. 367. Coloratus Black ; antenne yellow : inciſures of the abdomen ferrugi- nous: legs iufous, hind-thanks and end of the hind- ones annulate with white. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk..p.71.7. 368. VOL. HIR Sulpha 482 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 84. Ichneumon. 4 Sulphureus. Black ; abdomen beneath yellowiſh; 4 fore-legs pale yellow hind-ones reddiſh. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 71. n. 369. Diverficolor Black : antennae and 4 fore-legs pale yellow ; hind-ones reddiſh, the fhanks whitiſh tip with brown. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 71. 2. 370. Xanthome- Black : antennae and legs pale yellow. las. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 71. n. 371. Hemipte- Black ; ſecond and third ſegments of the abdomen rufous : wings very ſhort. Inhabits France ; in dry gravelly foil, Antennae ferruginous at the baſe : abdomen petiolate, the ſeg- ment 1, 4, rufous at the baſe : wings whitiſh, upper-pair with a white ſpot : legs rufous, hind ones with black joints, rus a Agilis. Apterous, black : petiole of the abdomen and legs rufous. Degeer. Inf. 2. tab. 31. fig. 18. In the larvae of the Ichneumon Aphidum Abdomen with a faint rufous band at the baſe. а Curſitass. Apterous, black; fore-part of the abdomen and legs fer- ruginous. Inhabits Sweden. Antennae yellow tipt with black, Pulicarius. Apterous, black : thorax petiole and ſhanks rufous. Inhabits Saxony ; minute, Faſciatus. Apterous, rufous : head and band on the abdomen black. Inhabits Saxony. *Acarorum Apterous, rufous : head and hind-part of the abdomen black. Degeer. Inf. 2. tab. 31. fig. 19, 20. Inhabits Europe, in the larva of the Curculio. ZL. Pediculari. Apterous, rufous : head and hind-part of the thorax and abdomen black. Inhabits Saxony; large: Antennae yellowiſh tipt with black : fling ſhort. Pedefris Apterous, black: abdomen rufous, the baſe and tip black. fxhabits Szveden. Legs rufous, Formica- INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA 85. Sphex. 483 Formicarius Apterous, rufous; head and abdomen black. Inhabits Sweden, Curfor. Apterous, black : baſe of the antennæ, long legs peti- ole of the abdomen and firſt ſegment at the tip te- ſtaceous. Inhabits Auflria. Schranck. Schr. Naturf. 1. p. 308. 85. SPHEX. Mouth with an entire jaw, the mandibles horny incurved toothed, lip horny membranaceous at the tip : feelers 4: antennae with about 10 articu.. lations; wings in each fex plane incum- bent and not folded : ſting pungentand concealed within the abdomen. The inſects of this genus are the moſt favage and rapacious of this claſs of beings: they attack whatever comes in their way, and hy means of their poiſonous ſting overcome and devour others far beyond their own ſize. Thoſe of the diviſion B. are found chiefly on umbellate plants : the larva without feet ſoft and inhabits the body of ſome other inſect, on whoſe juices it ex- ifts: the pupa has rudiments of wings. A. Antennæ ſetaceous; lip entire, tongue o. Evania. Apperdiças Black; abdomen petiole very ſhoat and placed on the back of the thorax : hind-legs very long. Rerum. Infr 6. tab. 31. fig. 13. Brown. Fam. t. 44. f.6. Inhabits Europe, Africa and New Holland. Thorax ſpotted ; firſt ſegment of the abdomen with a white *Maculata dot each fide, ſecond edged with white. Inhabits England. Muſeum of Sir 70%. Banks. Antennas black : bead black with a white line cach fide between the cyes : thorax elevated black, the fore-margin ſcutel and dot each ſide white : abdomen black with 2 ſhort whitc lines above the tail : log's rufous, 'thighs black at the baſe with a white dot : wings hyaline. ter. a Faſciata. Black , abdomen with 2 white bands, the firſt interrupted; ; tail white. Inhabits Italy. Thorax 3 P 2 3. 484 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. Thorax black covered with filvery down on the fore-part, the fore-margin with a white line : wings white tipt with brown, Sefilis. Black; abdomen ſhort cylindrical ſeſſile. Inhabits Francie Legs ferruginous, thighs black : wings white with a black ſpot. Minuta, Black ; abdomen petiole very ſhort and placed on the back of the thorax : legs equal. Inhabits France; reſembles Sp. appendigafter Head and thorax rough, abdomen poliſhed. Punctum. Black : tail with a white dot. Inhabits Italy. Wings hyaline immaculate. Nigrita. Black ; upper-wings with a brown band. Iuhabits Europe. Muy. Lesk. p. 72. n. 381. B. Antenna filiform ; lip emarginate, with a briſtle cach fide : tongue infletied trifid. a. Abdomen petiolate. Lutaria, Black; fecond and third ſegments of the abdomen rufous : lip ſilvery. Inhabits Kiel. Wings hyaline. Thomæ. Black ; abdomen rufous, the petiole and ſpot on the back black. Inhabits St. Thomas Jand, Fervens. Black ; abdomen ferruginous : wings brown. Inhabits Indie. Petiole black. Gyanipennis Villous, blue; fore-part of the thorax and abderren grey: wings blue. Inhabits Cayenne ; large. Head blue, mandibles and antenna black : abdomen blucith-grey, the petiole black : legs black, the joints yellowish. Hæmorr- boidalis Black ; lip tail and legs ferruginous, Inhabits Africa. In the Mufeum of Sur 7. Lauks, Forex INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. 485 Tthurax hairy: abdomen ſmooth : thighs black at the baſe : wings blueiſh. Argentea. Gloffy-black: front villous filvery: wings white tipt with brown. Inhabits Coromandel; large. Legs black, a little reddiſh at the tip Rufpennis Black; wings ferruginous tipt with brown. ; Inhabits Tranquebar ; large. Front covered with filvery down: thorax downy with a ſilvery dot before the wings. Flavipennis Black; front golden : abdomen rufous, the petiole and tip black. Inhabits Italy. Front covered with gold down ; thorax with a rufous dot before the wings : wings yellowiſh, the tip darker ; legs black, the fore-ones with ferruginous fhanks. Penylvari- Blackiſh ; abdomen full black wings inclining to violet. Inhabits America and New Holland. Degeer. 2. tab. 30. fig. 2. ca. Violacea. Blue : wings white tipt with brown : antenne black. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Front covered with filvery down. Cyanea. Blue ; wings azure tipt with brown: antenne black. Inhabits North America. Degeer. Inf. 3. tab. zo. fig. 6. Aurulenia. Head and thorax coverediwith gold down : abdomen black, the baſe and legs rufous. Inhabits Tranquebar. Antennae black, the firſt joint larger and ferruginous: petiole of the abdomen and 2 firſt segments rufous. Somentoja. Head and thorax covered with gold down: abdomen black the tail and hind-thighs rufous. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Antenne black : wings white, the tip browniſh. Fenorata. Blue; abdomen black: hind-thighs rufous. Inhabits Italy. antenna black: abdomen petiolate: zing's pale ferruginous. T bialis. Hairy, black-blue ; hind-thanks ferruginous : wings black. Inhabits the Cape of good lope. In the moleum of Sir Joy. Banks, Antennae black, ferruginous at the baſe. Flavipesa 486 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex, Flavipes. Villous, black with a yellow dot before the wings: legs yellow, thighs black. Inhabits America. Head brown, antennae black : abdomen petiolate: wings yellowiſh- brown. dira. Black; lip ſilvery villous: wings as long as the abdomn en, Inhabits Italy. Abdomen with a long petiole. Figulas, Smooth black: ſegments of the abdomen at the edges and lip lucid. Inhabits Upſal, in holes of wooden partitions, abandoned by other inſects; theſe it cleanfes by gnawing round them, and placing a piece of moiſt clay at the bottom ficks a ſpider upon it: in the body of this ſpider it depofits its eggs and then cloſes up the entrance with clay and leaves it to be devoured by the larva. a Zato. Abdomen black, the firſt ſegment with a yellow lunule. Inhabits America. Degeer. Inf. 3. tab. 30. fig. 4. 4. Antenu de black, the firſt joint yellow : thorax ſpotted with yellows legs yellow variegated with black. nise Villous, black; firſt joint of the antennæ fcutel and fhanks yellow. Inhabits America; reſembles the laſt. Thorax ſpotted with yellow, Jamaicenfis Abdomen black, the firſt ſegment and edge of the others yellow, Inhabits Jamaica. Head black : firſt joint of the antennae yellow : thorax black ſpotted with yellow: fore-legs yellow, hird-oncs black with yellow joints. Ersthro- black; head bafe of the petiole and legs ferruginous. cephala. Inhabits Malabar. In the muſeum of Sir 70%. Banks. tintennae brown, ferruginous at the baſe: thorax hairy, the fore- lobe and dot before the wings ferruginous: wings blue. Spirifex, Black; thorax hairy immaculate : petiole of one joint, yel- low as long as the abdomen. 2. Petiole and joints of the legs balf yellow. Reaum. 6. tab. 23. fig. 5. Schaeff Icon. tab. 38. fg. 1. Inhabits Europe, and Egypt; in cylindrical cavities wrought within like a honey-comb, on the ſides of cliffs and in the med walls of coitages. Madra) - INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. 487 Madraſ- Black; thorax hairy ſpotted with yellow; petiole yellow, patana. as long as the abdomen. Inhabits Malabar. In the muſeum of Sir 70). Banks. Lip covered with filvery down : 4 for e-legs yellow, the thighs black at the baſe ; hind-ones yellow, the thighs and tip of the Thanks black, Clavus. Black, thorax fpotted: abdomen blueiſh, the petiole long rufous with a black band. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir 708. Banks. Antennae black, the firſt joint rufous: head covered with grey donn: thorax with a grey dot under the wings: firſt ſegment of the abdomen ferruginous, the petiole with a ſmall tooth in the middle beneath : legs rufous. Holofericea Black with filver down: abdomen ferruginous: the petiole black and tail blue. Inhabits Bærbary. Legs ferruginous, the hind-ones black: wings fort cinereous with a callous rufous dot at the baſe. Pubeſcens. Black with ſilver down: abdomen ferruginous with a black petiole. Inhabits Guinea, in ears of graſs. Cinta. Black with ſilvery down: ſegments of the abdomen edged with white. Inhabits Guinea; ſmall. Wings white. Lobata. Green-blue; thorax with a diſtinct fore-lobe: wings ſub- ferruginous. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antennae brown: therax elevated green, the lobe grooved behind: legs green tipt with brown. Ciliata. Teſtaceous; abdomen blue: mandibles elongated ciliate. Inhabits India; fize of the laſt. Head blue between the antennæ : thorax with a bifid fore-lobe: wings dull blue. Compresa. Shining-green; 4 hind-thighs compreſſed ferruginous. Inhabits Malabar. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Autennae broøvn: abdomen blueiſh: føre-legs brown, 4 hind-ones blue : wing's brown. Sibirica 488 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex, Sabirica. Poliſhed braſſy-green : abdomen blue. Inhabits Siberia. Muſeun of Sir Jof. Banks. Antennae brown : jcutel ftriate : wings brown: legs blue with green thighs. nea. Ichneumo- Fulyous: abdomen black with a ferruginous baſe. Inhabits Anerica, Degeer. Inf. tab. 32. 13. 13. , g Antennæ brown, the firſt joint fulvous : head and iborax cove- red with gold down : legs ferruginous. Hirtipes. Hairy, duſky: abdomen ſhining black : wings teſtaceous. Inhabits Guinea. Legs hairy black. Albifronsa Glabrous, black : front covered with ſilvery down; wings white with a black baſe. Inhabits Guinea ; large, vate. Maxillofa Black; with filvery down : abdomen ferruginous at the baſe : mandibles projected curved toothed. Inhabits Barbary; large. Wings dull cinereous, darker at the tip: legs rufous with black thighs. Unicolor. Duſky-brown with cinereous down. Inhabits Spain, on umbellate flowers, Indoftane. Black; wings blueiſh-black with a hyaline thinner mar- gin. Inhabits Europe and India. Muf. Lud. Ulr, 407. Clavipes Black; petlole ferruginous clavate, of one joint : legs cla- Inhabits Europe ; ſmall. Fn, Suec. 1640, Auftriaca. Black; baſe of the abdomen with a fulphur band and 2 dots: legs varied with fulphur; hind- thighs thick- ened. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Auf. p. 380. 1, 770, Bidense Black; head and antennæ ferruginous : abdomen with 4 yellow ſpots : thorax 2-ſpined. Inhabits Mauritiana; large, Firſt joint of the antenne black; upper-wings pale ferruginous, lover-ones blueiſh-hyaline. Infubrica. Black; front mouth ſcutel and 2 bands on the abdomen pale yellow Inhabits Padra, Scopol. Delic. Inf. tab. 23. fig. C. Bre cd INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. 489 Breeds in chimneys and windows, in the fame neſt with the Ichneumon Teductor, Wings hyalinc, darker at the tip: fhanks pale yellow tipt with black. b. Abdomen feſile. Morio. Black immaculate : wings dark brown. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir Joſ. Banks, Thorax toothed each fide behind. Frout iometimes grey and the firit joint of the antennæ ferruginous. Collaris. Black-blue; fore-lobe of the thorax fulvous. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir 70). Banks: Thorax with 2 denticles each fide behind : abdomen and wings blae. Frontalis. Black; front and fore-lobe of the thorax yellow. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir 70. Banks. Wings brown with a darker border. Analis. Glabrous, black; abdomen ferruginous at the tip; wings white. Inhabits India. In the muſeum of Sir Fof. Banks. Simili Glabrous, black: abdornen ferruginous at the tip: wings dark brown. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Legs black, tip of the hind-thighs and inanks ferruginous. Afimilis. Black; antennæ tail and legs rufous: wings blue, the baſe and tip white. Inhabits Tranquehar, Thorax with á ferruginous dot before the wings. Dimidiala. Black ; head and fore-part of the thorax dull terriginous : wings black. Inhabits Barbary. * Fufia. Black, glabrous: baſe of the abdomen ferruginous. Degeer. 2. tab. 28. fg. 6. Goed in. 1. tab. 58 Inhabits gravelly places in Europe : after having deſtroyed the larva of a moth, depoſits its eggs in its carcaſs and then digs a hole and buries it. * Virtica Black, downy: fore-part of the abdomen ferruginous with black belts: wings brown. VOL.II.-30 Dogeer. 490 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. Degeer. 2. tab. 28. fig. 16. Frisch. 2. tab, 1. fig. 13. Reſembles the last in its habits and economy. Urfus. Black, hairy: ſecond ſegment of the abdomen ferruginous : wings black. Inbabits...Size of the laſt. Amethyliina Blue; antennæ and legs black. Inhabits the Iland of Santa Cruze Wings blue. Cingulata. Black; front ſtreak on the fore-part of the thorax and edges of the abdominal ſegments cinereous. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Barks. Thorax with 2 cinereous dots between the wings. 2 Nigra. Black; fegments of the abdomen with lucid margins. Inhabits Europe, on flowers : ſmall. Labiata, Black : ſegments of the abdomen edged with cinereons : wings teftaceous tipt with brown. Inhabit: South American Ilands. Head black, lip filvery: lower-wings white : legs black, Variegata. Black Spotted with white: thorax rufous under the ſcutel: wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Saxony Baſe of the lid and orbits white: thorax with 4 white ſpots : 4 abdomen with 2 white dots each fide and abbreviated ſtreak behind: legs black, thighs rufous: wings white tipt with brown. Sanguine. Black, thorax rufous before and behind: ſegments of the lenta. abdomen lucid at the margins. Inhabits Germany; ſmall. Mixta. Black varied with yellow: abdomen yellow with 3 black bands. Inhabits America. Fabric, Append. iv. p. 557. Antennae rufous tipt with black : bead black, orbits mouth and frontal line yellow: thorax ſpotted with yellow: legs yellow: upper-wings teftaceous. Maura. Black; hind-thighs rufous. Inhabits Tranquebar. Hyalinate, INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. 491 Hyalinata. Black, 4 hind-thighs rufous : wings hyaline. Inhabits Saxony. 4 fcre-fhanks rufous. Fuſcata. Black; abdomen with a white tranſverſe dot each ſide: hind-thighs rufous : wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Saxony. 6-pundiata. Black with 2 white dots under the ſcutel and 4 on the ab domen: wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Italy. Fabric. Append. ir. p. 457 Thorax impreffed : wings whitih tipt with brown Bifaſciata. Black, immaculate : wings white with 2 black bands. Inhabits Paris. Body glabrous. Gibba. Black; abdomen ferruginous tipt with brown: upper- wings brown at the tip. 1xhabits Europe. Fafciata. Black: antenna rufous : wings white with 2 brown bands. Inhabits New Holland, Muſeum of Sir Jós. Banks. Tip of the antennae brown: lower-swings immaculate. Cinerea, Cinereous; ſegments of the abdomen black at the baſe and brown at the tip. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir Fos. Bank. Antennae black: upper-wings tipt with brown. Tropica. Black; fecond legment of the abdomen ferruginous. Inhabits America. Orbits white, Fugax: Thorax covered with gold down: abdomen ferruginous: wings yellowiſh with a brown band, Inhabits New Zealand. Maſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antennce black: legs ferruginous. Aurata, Head and thorax with gold down: abdomen black, the edges of the ſegments cinereous. Inhabits. Eat India. Antennae black, the firſt joint longer and ferruginous : wings hyaline : legs ferruginous. Nitida. Ferruginous; thorax golden behind: wings yellowiſh, Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks, Antenna black, ferruginous at the baſe. * Rufipes. 323 492 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex, Rufipes. Black; fegments of the abdomen with a white dot each fide: wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Europe. 2-punctata. Black, glabrous; abdomen with 2 white dots and band be- hind: wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Europe ; reſembles the laſt. Legs black, hind-thighs ſometimes rufous. Nigricornis Black; head and thorax rufous. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Exaltata. Black; abdomen rufous tipt with black: wings brown at the tip with a white dot, Inhabits Europe. Antennae convolute. Maculata. Black; thorax ſpotted with white; firſt ſegment of the abdomen rufous, the reſt with a tranfverfe white line each fide. Inhabits Kiel; ſmall. Wings white tipt with black: legs rufous. Tricoloreta Black ; abdomen with filky ſilver lunules each fide, the baſe rufous the tip black. Inhabits Barbery Wings whitih: legs rufous, thighs black. Guttata, Black, glabrous; thorax ſpotted with white: abdomen ru- fous with tranſverſe white dots and black before the tip. Inhabits Italy; reſembles Sp. maculata. Mouth filvery, mandibles rufous at the baſe: tail rufous : legs black, Thanks rufous. Abdomina- Black ; thorax with a cinereous band before: abdomen 21s. rufous: wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Brafil. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Front covered with cinereous down : thorex with a ſemicircular marginal band behind. Capenfis. Black; antenna fhanks and wings teftaceous, the latter tipt with brown. Inhabits the Cape of good lope. Nigrita, Flack; wings blue. Iohabits Malabar. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Barks. Turcica. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. 493 Turcica. Black ; thorax with a cinereous band before : abdomen ru- fous : wings black. Inhabits Braſil. In the muſeum of Sir 7 of Banks. Head black, covered with cinereous down. Nigripes. Black: abdomen ferruginous : wings duſky : legs black. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir To Banks. Villoja. Black; abdomen villous teſtaceous ; wings deep black; legs rufous. Inhabits Malabar ; ſmall. Diſcolor. Flava. Black ; glabrous: wings yellow tipt with black, Inhabits Barbary. Middle of the thorax brown. Black : head thorax and tail ferruginous : wings yellow tipt with brown. Inbabits Eaſt India. Antennæ ferruginous : ſome of the abdominal ſegments ſometimes yellow at the baſe. Bicolorata' Black; head tip of the abdomen and wings yellow, the lat- ter tipt with brown. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir yos. Banks, Antennae yellow : jaws black at the tip: ihorax downy, black be- hind with 2 denticles each fide : legs yellow, thighs black, hind-fhanks with a rough dorſal line, Flavicornis Black ; lip antenna and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Malabar. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Barks. Wings blue : thighs black at the baſe : bind-fhanks ferrate. Specioſa. Deep black : wings rufous tipt with white. Inhabits--In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Bank. Body black with a flight glofs of blue. Fulvipennis Black; head fore-part of the thorax tail and legs rufous : wings fulvous tipt with blue. Inhabits India. Antennae rufous : wings with a ſubocellar hyaline dot in the middle, lower-ones with a blue hind-margin and tip. a Nobilis. Varied with filvery and black : wings white with 2 black bands. Inhabits Cayonne ; large. Head villous filvery: antennae black : thorax above black, bencath and at the ſides with filver down : abdomer villous filvery, the 494 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. the ſegments edged with black : legs black: lower-wings brown. Brevipennis Black ; thorax ferruginous : abdomen with 6 white ſpots. Inhabits Barbary. Wings ſhort, and legs black, 2. Abdomen immaculate. Ocellata. Black; legs teftaceous : wings blue, with an ocellar ferru- ginous ſpot on the upper-pair, Inhabits Africa. Muſeum of Sir. Fof. Banks. Antennae black, the firit joint thicker and piceous : mouth ferrt- ginous : bind-fhanks ferrate. Raficornis. Blue : antennæ rufous: legs black. Inhabits South America, Firſt joint of the Antennae blue, #-puseflate, Black: antennae, ftreaks on the fore-part of the thorax, ſcutel, 4 dots on the abdomen and wings ferruginous. Inhabits Spain ; large. Legs ferruginous, thighs and tip of the wings black, Abdomen with ſometimes 5 dots. Cærulea. Blue; wings ferruginous, upper-pair whitish at the tip. Inhabits Sonstb America. Degeer. Inf. 1. tab. 30, fig, 1, Stellata. Blue : wings black, upper-pair with a rufous fpot in the middle and whitiſh at the tip. Inhabits South America. Antennae black : wings with a blueiſh gloſs, the rufous fpot ftel- late; lower-ones immaculate, Plumbea. Lead-colour; antenna black: upper-wings tipt with brown. Inhabits Spain; very ſmall. Segments of the abdomen black at the baſe : wings whitiſh: legs blackiſh, thighs plumbeous. Peeiinipe!. Black, glabrous : fore-part of the abdomen ferruginous fore-legs ciliate. Inhabits Europe, Fn. Suec. 1654. Feriegata. Entirely black : wings ſpotted with white. Inhabits Europe. Fr. Suec. 1655. An! arctieca Black; antenna and legs feriuginous. In habits the Cape of good hope : fize of a wafp. Palmipes. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. Palmipes Black, thorax with 2 yellow dots at the tip and one at th baſe ; fore-legs palmate. Inhabits Sweden ; fize of a common n. Legs yellow, armed with 3-4 toes. Ephippica. Black; front blueiſh: abdomen with a double ferruginous band. Inhabits Sweder ; fize of a gnat. Front hairy : abdomex glabrous : fore-ſhaa's pale. Stigma. Wings angular grey-brown, and reddiſh beneath with white ſpots Inhabits the Cape of good bope: ſmall. Anteoxae above ferruginous, bencath white : wings deeply in- dented, undulate with ferruginous beneath, the margin white interrupted; upper-pair with a black dot above at the angle of the tail : abdomen grey. Ikdica. Black : antenna and legs ferruginous: wings blueiſh- black. Inhabits South America. Muf. Lud. Ulr. 408, Celan. Black; antennz and legs rufous: thorax green : wings with 2 black ſpots. Inhabits Sweden. Fr. Suec, 1656. 2 Mauritani. Black ; head antennæ and legs ferruginous : wings ferru- ginous with a black border. Inhabits Mauritiana : large. Collaris. Black ; wings brown with a white band in the middle and at the end: antennæ and legs teftaceous. Inhabits Spain; ize of an ant. Neck yellow. Goronata. Abdomen black with 2 yellow belts and dots : head and tho- rax ſpotted with yellow. Inhabits Switzerland. A&. Up, 4. p.25. 1. 42. Wings hyaline, blackiſh at the tip: legs red yellow, thighs black at the baſe. Xanthoce- Black : front yellow : abdomen and legs ſpotted with yel- phalus. low. Inhabits England. Ford, Nov. Inf. 1. p. 86. Antennae yellow at the bafe: wings hyaline, browniſh at the tip: joints of rhe legs blackiſh. Spinala. 496 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 85. Sphex. *Spinoja. Black; thorax with a ſpine each fide behind: lip and breaſt ſilvery, Inhabits England. Wing's hyaline : legs rufous. Albomacu- Black; abdomen ferruginous ai the baſe : wings brown with lata. a white ſpot at the tip. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Aufl.p.383. n. 775. Tricolor. Black ; ſegments of the abdomen 2, 3. teftaceous, 4, 5,6, dotted with white. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Aufl. p. 383. n. 776. Boops. firſt feg- Black; 3 ſegments of the abdomen and tarſi teſtaceous. Inhabits Austria. Schranck. Auft. p. 384. n. 777, Fomentoja. Black, downy : antennæ thick at the baſe : 3 ments of the abdomen ſubferruginous, the baſe and tip black. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 72. 1. 389. b. Coccinea. Black; antennæ jaws tip of the abdomen and thanks fearlet: thorax with a tooth each ſide behind : wings yellow, the hind-margin brown. Inhabits out of Europe.- Muf. Lesk. p. 72. 17. 390. Spinipe: Black; hairy: wings yellow, the hind-margin brown with a black ſpot at the baſe of the upper-pair : ſegments of the abdomen 2, 3, 4, yellow on the hind-margin each fide. Inhabits---Maſ, Les. p. 72. 12. 391. b. Antennae yellow : eyes with a yellow line each ſide behind; thorax with a yellow tranſverſe line before the wings : ſcutel yellow: thighs black, yellow at the tip; ſhanks yellow and ſpinous. a Guttatta Black; with white lines and dots; wings pale yellow: legs rufous. Inhabits - -- Muf. Lesk, p. 73. n. 394. b. Crown white : 4 hind-thanks toothed. Leucomelli.. Black : wings white towards the hind-margin: firſt feg- ment of the abdomen white each fide, the third with an ovate white ſpot on the back : 4 hind-legs rufous. Inhabits ----Muf. Lesk. p. 73, 1, 395. b. Melano. Black; abdomen ferruginous at the baſe. chlore. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 73. 11. n397. Teftacea. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 86. Ammophila. 497 Teſlacea. Black; legs and abdomen teftaceous, the latter brown at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk, p. 73. n. 398. Caſpa. Abdomen black with 4 yellow elevated bands, the 3 upper- ones interſected by a triangular black ſpot. Inhabits near the Caſpian Sea, Lepech, It. 1. tab. 2o. fig. 4. 66. AMMOPHILA. Snout conic inflected, concealing a bifid retractile tubular tongue: jaws forcipated, 3-toothed at the tip: antennae filiform in each fex, with about 14 articulations: eyes oval: wing's plane: ſing pungent, concealed in the abdomen. Sand-wafp. Vulgaris. This genus is ſeparated from that of the Sphex, on the authority of the Rev. Mr. KIRBY : in manners and economy, they re- femble each other; and it is probable that many more of the Spheges might with propriety be removed into this genus. See Linn. Tran, iv.p. 195. tab. 19. A ntennæ of 13 joints inſerted in a hollow on the front : petiole of the abdomen long 2-jointed ; wings equal. Sphex fabuloſa. Linne and Fobricias. Donovan. ill. tab. 93. fig 1. Degeer. 2. tab. 28 fig. 27. Inhabits Europe. in ſandy funny bank, where it digs a hole with its fore-feet and buries the carcaſs of the larva of a moth or a half dead ſpider, in the body of which it has depoſited its eggs, and then covers up the orifice. * Affinis. Åntennx of 13 joints inſerted in a hollow on the front: pe tiole of the abdomen 1-joined: wings thorter than the body. Inhabits England. Linn. Trans. iv. p. 205. Thorax punctured, with 5 impreſſed lines. 5 * Hirſuta. Antennae of 14 joints: petiole of the abdomen 3-jointed : wings as long as the body. Sphex arenaria Linne and Fabricius. Inhabits Europe. *Linn. Tranſ. 1v. p. 206. Body black : fhanks rough with briſtles. VOL. III.-3B * Arger: 498 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 87. Scolia. * Argentee. Antennæ of 14 joints: petiole of the abdomen 1-jointed: wings ſhorter than the body. Inhabits England. Linn. Tranf. iv. p. 208. Abdomen black, rufous in the middle: legs rough with ſhort hairs. 87. SCOLIA. Mouth with a curved ſharp mandible, crenate within; jaw compreff- cd projecting entire and horny ; tongue inflected trifid, very ſhort ; lip projecting membranaceous at the tip and entire : feelers 4 equal thort filiform; in the mid- dle of the lip; antennae thick filiform, the firft joint longer. Hairy, black : wings ferruginous tipt with violet. Inhabits South American Ilands. Antennae of the male longer cylindrical, of the female ſhort in- curved : abdomen ovate feffile. . Alreta. a Nigrita. Black; wings white with a black rib. Inhabits Africa. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Berks. 4-maculata Hairy black : abdomen with 4 fulvous ſpots. 4 I shabits North America. Drury. Inf. 2. tab. 39. fig. 2. Abdomen oblong, the ſecond aud third ſegments with 2 round yellow ſpots, the edges of the ſegments ciliate : wings brown with a violet glofs. Flavifrons Black; front yellow : abdomen with 4 yellow ſpots. Inhabits Europe. Sulz, Hift. Inf. tab. 27. fig. 3. Antennae black or ferruginous : front yellow with a brown ſpot in the middle: thorax black with 2 yellow dots on the fcutel. 6-naculata Hairy black: abdomen with 3 pair of yellow ſpots. Inhabits Italy. Scopol. Delic. Inf. 3. tab. 22. hg; 7. Eyes with a yellow ſpot before and behind : male with the wings teftaceous tipt with blue. Hæmorrhoi dalis, Hairy black : abdomen with 2 yellow bands: fore-part of the thorax and tail with ferruginous hairs. Inhabits Saxouy. Ilings ſubteltaceous tipt with browr. Rubiginofa. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA 87. Scolia. 499 Rubiginoſa. Black ; third ſegment of the abdomen with 2 fulvous ſpots hind-ones with ferruginous hair, tail 3-toothed. Inhabits Eaſt India. Wings blue. Ruficornis. Black ; antennæ fulvous : wings blue. Inhabits Senagal; large. Firft joint of the antennae black. Variegata. Black : ſpotted with yellow : firſt ſegment of the abdomen yellow, 2, 3, 4, 5. with 2 yellow ſpots, the reft imma- culate ; tail 3-toothed. Inhabits Cayenne : large. Antennae black; head and lip yellow : thorax black ſpotted with yellow : wings dulky: legs black ſpotted with yellow. 2-maculata Hairy black; abdomen with 2 yellow ſpots: antennae yellow. Inhabits North America and Spain. Firſt joint of the antennae black : wings tipt with brown. Ciliata. Black ; ſegments of the abdomen with a ciliate fulvous margin Inhabits Spain ; large. Legs black covered with golden hair. Atur ca. Hairy ferruginous : head black : wings duſky. Inhabits Barbary. Tail entire. Ferruginea Hairy ferruginous : wings tipt with brown. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir 70%. Banks. Wings ferruginous: body covered with ferrnginous hair. Scutellata. Black; thorax fulvous and ſlightly toothed behind : ab- domen with 4 fulvous ſpots. Inhabits Naples ; ſize of the laſt. Thorax black before and fulvous behind, the margin nearly 5- toothed : all the legs black. Radxla. Tridens. Black; hairy: abdomen with 4 yellow bands. Inhabits America. Drury. Inf. 1. tab. 45. fig. 1. 9 horax ſpotted with yellow : abdomen blue : wings duſky. Black : abdomen with 3 yellow bands; tail 3-toothed. Inhabits Italy. Fore-lobe of the thorax yellow each ſides. Hortorum 3 R2 500 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 87. Scolia. Hortorum. Black ; abdomen with 2 yellow bands : wings ferruginous tipt with blue. Inhabits Spain. Cyrill. Ent. Neap. 2. tab. 1. fig. 3.4. Unifaſciata Hairy, black : abdomen with a yellow band : wings ferru- ginous at the baſe and brown at the tip. Inhabits Barbary. Tail 3-toothed. Maura. Deep black; wings blackiſh: tail 3-toothed. Inhabits Barbary. Tip of the wings paler. Collaris. Hairy, black : crown fore-part of the thorax and 2 bands on the abdomen cinereous. Inhabits Spain. Wings deep black. 5-faſciata. Hairy ; abdomen blue with 5 yellow bands, tail 3-toothed. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antennae black: head and thorax downy cinereous: wings brown- iſh: legs hairy brown, fore-thanks yellow without. 2-cintia. Hairy, black : abdomen with yellow bands : wings black- blue. Inhabits America. Sulz, Hil, Inf. tab. 27. fg. 4. The ſecond abdominal band is iometimes interrupted. Notata. : Black : abdomen with 2 yellow bands, the firſt with a black a dot each fide. Inhabits Italy. Head with 2 yellow ſpots on the front, the lateral ones lunate : abdomen with a pair of ſmall yellow dots behind the bands : wing's blue. 5-eingia, Cinereous hairy : fore-edge of the thorax and ſcutel yel- low : abdomen blue with 5 yellow bands, tail 3- toothed. Inhabits Italv ; reſembles Sc. 5-faſciata. Verticalis. Hairy black : crown fulvous. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Crown with 3 back ftemmata : wings blueiſh. 3 4 pufiulata Black ; abdomen with 4 rufous dots: wings blue. Inhabits Malabar. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks, 5-punelut, Black; abdomen rufous in the middle, the tip black with 5 white dots. Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 87. Scolia. 501 Inhabits Germany ; ſmall. Antennae petiolate : bead with a ſmall white dot in the orbits: thorax with a white dot each fide: abdomen with 5 white dots 2, 2, 1, the middle ones very ſmall : legs ſhort. 3-guttata. Black; abdomen with 2 tranſverſe white dots : wings black. Inhabits Spain, on the Allium Cepa. 4-guttata. Black ; abdonien with 4 white dots : wings hyaline. Inhabits Germany. Antennae ferruginous beneath: head black, frontwhite. 6-guttata. Black; abdomen with 6 white dots; wings hyaline. Inhabits Germany ; ſmall. Wings white with a black coſtal dot. Priſma. Black ; abdomen with 3 yellow bands, the firſt and laſt in- 3 terrupted, and a yellow dot at the tail. Inhabits Saxony; ſmall. Thorax with a yeilow dot each fide: abdomen with 3 yellow dots each fide beneath. 4-punctata. Black : abdomen with 4 white dots; wings ferruginous tipt with brown. Inhabits Italy; ſmall. Body hairy: abdomen with 2 dots each ſide. Sexcincta. Black ſpotted with yellow : abdomen black with 6 yellow ſtreaks. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Head black, lip ferruginous: thorax black ſpotted with yellow : legs ferruginous. Interrupta. Black with cinereous hair : abdomen black with 6 yellow bands, the 3 upper-ones interrupted ; tail 3-toothed. Inhabits Italy. Scop. Fn. Inf. 1. tab. 22. fig. 8. Lip with a yellow line each fide at the baſe: thora x with 3 yellow dots on the ſcutel : fourth band of the abdomer with a black dot each fide: leg's black, 4. fore-thanks yellow above; wings whitiſh, the rib of the upper-pair ferruginous. Senilis. a Cinereous hairy : tail 5-toothed brown. Inhabits Barbary. Lip yellow with a black ſpot in the middle : wings hyaline with a ferruginous rib. 7-cincta 502 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 88. Thynnus. 7-cinde Cinereous hairy: abdomen blueiſh with 7 yellow bands, tail 3-toothed. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir 70). Banks. Tail with a ſhort recurved fting: wings brown. Cylindrica. Black; edge of the ſegments of the abdomen and lateral dot near the edge yellow. Inhabits Italy. In the yellow lateral dot is a ſmall black one: legs black, fore- fhanks yellow: fixg ſhort recurved. Bifaſciata. Black; fcutel and 2 dots on the thorax ferruginous: abdo- men with 2 interrupted ferruginous bands. Inhabits New York. Ad. Stockh. 1787, 4. *. 2, 35. 5 Velpiforxis. Ferruginous ; 5 ſegments of the abdomen black on the fore- part: wings dirty yellow with a blaek baſe and tip. Inhablts China. AX, Stockh. 1787, 4. 1. 2, 36. 88. THYNNUS. Mouth horny with an in- curved mandible, the jaw the jaw ſhort ſhort and ſtraight: lip longer than the jaw, mem- branaceous at at the tip and trifid, the middle diviſion emarginate: tongue very fhort involute: feelers 4, equal, filiform: antenne cylindrical, the firft joint thicker. Dentatu. Abdomen black, the ſegments 2, 3, 4. with 2 white dots. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir Jo). Barks. Size of a common waſp. Antennae brown, piceous at the baſe : lip yellow, mandibles yellow tipt with black: thorax black with a yellow fcutel ſtreak before and hind-lobe and in the niiddle 2 impreſſed lines: tail with 7 ſmall denticles.. Emargiza- Abdomen black, the fegments with an interrupted yellow band except the firſt and laſt; ſcutel emarginate. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Head yellow with 2 black lines and a ffreak : thorax ferruginous with a yellow itreak before and 2 black ones behind : tail 7- toothed. a Abdomina. Black ; abdoinen ferruginous: fcutel emarginate. Inhabits Africa. In the muſeum of Sir Joſ. Banks. Flead ſlightly pubeſcent: wings black: tail entire. Integer. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 89. Leucopſis. 503 Integer. Black ; edges of the abdominal ſegments covered with ci- nereous down: tail entire. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Jof. Baaksa Head pubeſcent: feutel truncate obtuſe. 89. LEUCOPSIS. Mouth horny with ſhort jaws, the mandible thick and 3-toothed at the tip; lip longer than the jaw, mem- branaceous and emarginate at the tip; feelers 4, ſhort equal filiform: antenne ſhort clavate: thorax with a long lance- olate ſcale beneath: wings folded : ſting reflected and concealed in a groove of the abdomen. Gigas. Black; thorax with 2 dorſal yellow dots: abdomen feffile with 4 yellow bands. 4 Inhabits France. Vill. Entom. 3. tab. 8. fig. 18. Wings duſky: bind-thighs with numerous teeth. Dorfgera. Abdomen, feſfile black with 2 yellow bands and a dot between them. Inhabits Italy. Vill. Entom. 3. tab. 8. fig. 17. Head black: thorax gibbous black with a double tranſverſe yellow line : abdomen compreffed and grooved on the back: Aling double, as long as the abdomen, and reflected back into the abdominal groove: legs yellow ſpotted with black, hind- thighs toothed, with a black ſpot. a Petiolata. Black; abdomen petiolate ferruginous, the petiole with a yellow dot each ſide. Inhabits Tranquebar. Thorax elevated, with 2 yellow ſtreaks before; under the ſcutet a yellow dot: ſecond fegment of the abdomen edged with yellow, the tail black: legs black edged with yellow: wings black. Cælogafer. Abdomen feſfile: ſcale of the, thorax half as long as the abdomen. Inhabits Germany. Schranck. Naturf. 1. tab. 8. fig. 4, 5. Thorax with a yellow band behind : eyes black. 9. TIPHLA. 50+ INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. go. Tiphia. 90. TIPHIA. Mouth with a membranaceous . rounded jaw, the mandible arched and acute: tongue 0: feelers 4, filiform un- equal and inſerted in the middle of the lip: antennæ filiform ſhort convolute: fting concealed within the abdomen. A. Jaw vaulted; lip membranaceous emarginate. Larra. Veſpiformis. Black; abdomen ferruginous, black at the baſe : wings blue. Inhabits Malabar, Head and antennae ferruginous : wings greyiſh at the tip. Ergthro- Black; head ferruginous : wings blue. cephala. Inhabits the Cape of good hope. Britiſh muſeum. Cintia. Black; abdomen piceous, the ſecond and third ſegments edged with yellow. Inhabits_In the Britiſh muſeum. Head and thorax covered with cinereous down. Ichneumo. Black; firſt and ſecond ſegments of the abdomen rufous. niformis. Inhabits Hungary, Crafficornis Black; abdomen with 3 ferruginous bands : legs ferrugi- nous: wings blue. Inhabits Spain. Firſt joint of the antenna rufous: thorax with a villous ferrugia nous dot before the wings. 4-puftulata Black ; abdomen with 4 rufous dots : wings blue. Inhabits Tranquebar. Tongue trifid: body black: wings blue. Rufifrons. Hairy, black: head rufous: abdomen with 3 yellow ſpots each ſide. Inhabits India. Mouth black: wings dull blue: legs black, B. Jaw rounded ; lip horny 3-toothed. Femoratas INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 90. Tiphia. 505 TOL *Femorata. Black; 4 hind-thighs angular rufous. Inhabits England; ſmall. Thorax punctured, a little downy: abdomen oblong glofly-black : fha As dull ferruginous, the ends of the legs blackiſh : wings brown, Hiffrionica. Black ; thorax ſpotted : abdomen with 5 yellow bands, the 5 2 firſt interrupied. Inhabits China; large. Lip with 2 ſmall yellow dots and a lunule each fide behind the eyes: thorax with a yellow fore-lobe and 2 Icutellar dots: legs hairy black. Flavipes. Black; fore-margin of the thorax, fcutel, edges of the ab- dominal ſegments and legs ferruginous. Inhabits Burbary. Firſt and ſecond joints of the antennæ ferruginous: bead black, lip yellow, front with silvery down : uings hyaline with a yellowiſh rib. Maculata. Black: thorax ſpotted with yellow: ſegments of the abdo- men with 2 yellow ſpots: antennæ and legs rufous. Inhabits Anerica. Antennse and mandibles ferruginous: bead round, margin of the lip and ſtreak between the antennæ cheſnut: wings yellowiſh. 5-cinéta. Black, thorax ſpotted : abdomen with 5 yellow bands, the ſecond interrupted. Inhabits England. Muſeum of Sir Fof Banhsa Antennæ yellowiſh tipt with brown: legs yellow, thighs angular, Variegeta. Thorax varied with black and yellow: abdomen yellow. Inhabits Siberia. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks: Antennæ black: head black, mouth yellow, ront covered with filvery down: abdomen yellow with a black band or two, tail black, Anxulata. Black with cinereous down: abdomen deep black, the feg- ments edged with cinereous fringe. Inhabits China, Legs rufous, thighs angular : wing's duiky tipt with brown. Hæmor- rhoidalis. Black; abdomen with 5 yellow ſpots each ſide, tail and legs rufous. Inhabits America. Head black ſpotted with yellow: thorax ſpotted with yellow. VOL.III.--3S Nigra. 506 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 90. Tiphia. Nigra. Black; wings ſhining brown. Inhabits-middle-lized. Head and fore-part of the thorax with ferruginous down. Atra. Black immaculate. Inhabits Europe, Muf. Lesk. p. 73. n. 398. Ephiphium. Black ; thorax with a rufous dorſal ſpot. Inhabits America. Wings brown. Radula. Hairy black; thorax reddish before: ſecond and third feg- ments of the abdomen yellow. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir 701 Banks. Margin of the abdominal fegments fringed, the fringe of the third and fourth gold, of the reſt white: legs black, thighs angular: wings blue. Dorjata. Black: fecond and third fegments of the abdomen yellow on the back. Inhabits Coromandel. Wings brownich: legs hairy. Ruficornis. Ferruginous fpotted with black: abdomen yellow with 4 black bands. Inhabits Tranquebar. Head black with 2 ferruginous dots on the front, lip yellow : thorax ferruginous with a yellow fore-margin and 3 black lines: Scutel black at the baſe : legs yellow, thighs ferruginous: wings brown. Trifaſciata Black; abdomen with 3 yellow bands : wings ferruginous. 3 Inhabits the Illand Santa Cruz, Tricineta. Black; abdomen with 3 yellow bands: tail and legs fer- ruginous. Tuhabits America. Front covered with cinereous down : thorax with 2 dots each fide the foutel: firit joint of the antennæ ferruginous: wings white with a ferruginous rib. Collaris. Black; head and fore-part of the thorax downy cinereous : wings tipt with blue. Inhabits China aud Malabar. Morio, Black; wings brown: hind-thighs with a thick cinereous beard. Inhabits Spain, Tail and wings brown. . Villofa INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 91. Chalcis, 507 Villoſa. Black with ſcattered cinereous hairs. Inhabits Hungary, Probably the ſame as T, atra, Pedeſtris. Apterous, black variegated with yellow: thorax compreffed. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir 70%. Benks. Head above black, beneath and front yellow: thorax yellow on the back with a black curve : breaſt yellow: abdomen yellow, the firſt 4 ſegments black with a yellow band, the fourth black with a yellow lateral ſpot: tail prominent, with 2 ovate valves : legs yellow, thighs compreſſed carinate black. 91. CHALCIS. Mouth with a horny com- prefied jaw: feelers 4, equal: antennae Thort cylindrical fuſiform, the firſt joint a little thicker: thorax gibbous, length- ened behind in the place of the ſcutel: abdomen rounded and ſlightly petiolate. S: /pes. Black; petiole of the abdomen and hind-thighs yellow. Inhabits Europe. Sulz, Hift. Inf. tab. 27. fig. 1. Hind thighs clavate toothed, yellow with a large black ſpot, thoſe of the female fimple, Clavipes. Black: hind-thighs thick and rufous. Inhabits Saxony. Hybn. Naturf. 24. tab. 2. fig. 23. Four fore-thighs black with ferruginous tips ; hind-ones clavate, the club rufous, fhanks incurved black. Apiformis. Cincreous; abdomen black : hind-thighs thick teſtaceous with a tooth at the end. Inhabits ----Size of a common Bee. Anternæ black, ferruginous at the baſe : bcad villous cinereous, lip yellow with a black ſtreak. Minuta. Black; hind-thighs thick and tipt with yellow. Inhabits Germany; ſmall. Hind-thighs ferrate: fhanks incurved yellow tipt with black. Punclata, Yellow dotted with black; hind-thighs clavate toothed; abdomen conic. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Thorax with black ſpots and dots: abdomen tipt with black hiad-thighs with a black dot at the baſe and tip: wings white. 352 Podagrica, 508 . INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 92. Chryfis. Podagrica. Black ; hind-thighs thick ſerrate ferruginous with a white ſpot at the tip. Inhabits. Tranquebar. Hybn, Naturf. 24. tab. 2. fig. 24: Thorax with a black callous dot before the wings: legs white, thighs black: hind-thigbs with a large white ſpot above, ſhanks incurved white, black in the middle. Ænea, Black ; abdomen conic deep gloffy-black : hind-thighs thick immaculate. Inhabits Italy. Wings white. Puſilla, Gloffy-black ; hind-thighs thick with a white dot at the tip Inhabits Saxony. Hybn. Naturf. 24. tab. 2. fig. 25 Annulata. Black: hind-thighs thick toothed with a white dot at the tip, fhanks white annulate with black. Inhabits America. In the pupa of Moths. Thorax fubvillous with a ſnowy dot before the wings: fore-legs white, the thighs with a black baſe, thanks with a black ring. Flavipes. Black ; hind thighs thick ſerrate, with a yellow ſpot at the tip : legs yellow. Inhabits South American Iſlands. Thorax punctured, with a yellow dot before the wings : wings hyaline: thighs black at the baſe, Maculata. Yellow ſpotted wiih black; feginents of the abdomen fer- ruginous at the baſe : hind-thighs clavate immacu- late. Inhabits Cayenne ; finall. Antennae black, the firſt joint teitaceous: bead with a black line in the middle and 4 dots: thorax with a black line and legs yellow, thighs black at the baſe. 02. CHRYSIS. Mouth horny projecting; lip much longer than the jaw which is linear, membranaceous and emarginate at the tip: tongue : feelers 4, unequal filiform: antennae Thort filiform, of 12 articulations, the firft longer: body gilt poliſhed: abdomen arched beneath with a ſcale each fide: teil generally toothed: flang pungent, nearly concealed; wings flat. Golden-fly. Theſe are generally found in holes of old walls. Splendide. а 3 dots: INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 92. Chryſis. 509 Splendida. Green-blue : tail 4-toothed blue. Inhabits Tranquebar and New Holland. Crown impreſſed: thorax gibbous punctured, with 2 grooves fentel concave : legs green, the ends brown, Smaragdu. Green ; tail 6-toothed blue. la. Inhabits North America. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. FeAiva. Green-bronzed: tail ferrate blue. Inhabits Guinea ; leſs than the laſt. Body rough : antennae black, the firſt joint braſfy : tail ferrate with numerous ſmall teeth. Calens, Blue : abdomen gold, tail 4-toothed blue. Inhabits Europe. Cyrill . Ent. Neap. J. tab. 4. fig. 2. Antennae brown: legs blue tipt with brown. Scutellaris. Blue ; ſcutel and abdomen gold, tail blue. Inhabits Italy. Fabric. iv. Atpop 458, Antennae black; legs blue. Oculata, Green ; abdomen with a blue-gold fpot each ſide: tail 6. toothed, blue. Inhabits Tranquebar, Antennae black; eyes brown: thorax punctured, toothed behind each fide : legs green, brown at the ends. Lyacen. a Green : ſecond ſegment of the abdomen with a blueiſh eye each ſide : ſcutel prominent acute. Inhabits Sierra Leona. Head grooved : antenne brown: eye on the abdomen with a fulvous pupil : tail 4-toothed blueish: legs green, the ends black. Carnese Glabrous, black: thorax and firſt ſegment of the abdomen green, the reſt fleſh-colour: tail ferrate. Inkabits Italy. Roff. Fn. Etruſc. 2. tab. 8. fig. 5. Head green, lip villous filvery: antennae black . thorax rough pointed behind each ſide. * Fulgida. Glabrous, poliſhed: thorax and firſt ſegment of theabdomen blue, the reſt gold : tail 4-toothed. Inhabits Europe; larger than Ch. ignita. Purpurata, Glabrous, golden : abdomen with a purple band in the mid- dle : tail ferrate purple. Inhabits INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 92. Chryfis. Inhabits Saxony. Antennae brown: thorax rough golden with 3 purplish lines in the middle: legs gold. * Ignise. Head and thorax green-blue : abdomen golden, 4-toothed at the tip. Inhabits Europe. Dcnovan's Engl. Inf. 1. tab. 7. * Bidentala Thorax and laſt ſegment of the abdomen blue, the 2 firſt golden : thorax 2-toothed. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. 1. tab. 12. Degeer. tab.29.f. 3. 49 9 ail with 3 ſhort teeth : ends of the legs brown. Integras Green : abdomen gold, the baſe and tip green, tail entire. Inhabits Spain. Abdomen beneath green. * Suceintia, Glabrous green ; thorax with a ſcarlet band: abdomen gold, ſlightly 3-toothed. Inhabits Europe. Glorioza. Glabrous, golden ; head breaſt and legs blue-green. In habits Barbary. Antennae green-blue : bead green, front golden: tail entire. Lucidula. Glabrous green : fore-part of the thorax and abdomen gol- den ; tail entire. Inhabits Europe: ſmall. Antenne black : wings brown with a marginal black dot. Fervida. Glabrous, golden : abdomen beneath black. Inhabits India ; ſmall. Legs black. nea. Glabrous, bronzed: antennae and legs brown. Inhabits Saxony ; ſmall, Wings tipt with brown. * Aurata. Glabrous: thorax green ; abdomen golden, tail 2-toothed. Inhabits Europe. Schaeff. Icon. tab. 42. fig. 5. 6. Regia. Glabrous; thorax blue: abdomen golden, tail entire. Inhabits Kiel; fize of Ch. azrata. Antenna black : wings duiky. * Cyanea. Glabrous, thorax and abdomen blue. Inhabits Europe. Donovan. Eng. Ing. vii.tab. 235. Green ; thorax 2-toothed behind : tail 4-toothed. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Sir 70). Banks, Nitidule. Amethys- INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Vefpa. 511 Amethys- Green ; tail 4-toothed blue: wings brown. . tina. Inhabits New Holland. In the muſeum of Sir Fof. Banks. Antennce brown, green at the baſe : ſcutel concave. Viridula Glabrous, green ; thorax and 2 firſt ſegments of the abdo- men golden on the back: tail 4-toothed. Inhabits Europe. Fn. Suei. 1668. Cyanochry- Glabrous, green-gold: head and thorax blue; tail 4-tooth- fa. ed: wings brown. Inhabits Spain. Forff. Nov. In/. 1. p. 88. Cyanura. Glabrous, green: thorax 2-toothed: abdomen green 4-tooth- ed, tipt with blue. Inhabits Spain. Ferft. Nov. Inf. 1. p. 89. Antennae black : wings and tarſi brown. Beryllina. Head greeniſh-blue; thorax blue, the fore-part greeniſh and 2-toothed behind : abdomen blue-green with a reddiſh ſhade : legs blue with teſtaceous dot. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 73. 1. 401. n Thalaſſina. Head green-blue; abdomen gold, the laſt ſegment green blue and 4-toothed: thorax gold with a ſquare green ſpot in the middle and green behind. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 73. n. 402. Juermis. Blue ; fore-part of the thorax green : abdomen gold entire. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 73. n. 405. Cbryfor- Green ; laſt ſegment of the abdomen gold, entire. rhouſa. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lejk, p. 73. n. 406. Lestii. Green with a green-gold ſpot before the ſcutel : abdomen green-gold, entire. Inhabits Europe. Muf. Lesk. p. 74. 1. 408. 2. 93. VESPA. Mouth horny, with a compreſſ- ed jaw: feelers 4, unequal filiform; an- tennae filiform, the firſt joint longer and cylindrical: eyes lunar: body glabrous: upper-wings folded in each fex: fting pungent concealed in the abdomen. . Waff Thefe. 512 INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Veſpa. Thele live moſtly in numerous focieties, conſtructing curious neſts or combs, generally under ground; they prey upon other inſects, eſpecially bees and flies, and devour meal bread and fruit: the laraja is ſoft, without feet and feeds on the nectar of flowers and honey: the pupa quieſcent and has the rudiments of wings. . a A. Tongue ſimple or o. a. Lip furniſhed with a brifle each ſide. Cintia. Black; thorax with 2 duſky ſpots each ſide: abdomen deep black with a ferruginous band. Inhabits Tranquebar. Sulz. Hift . Inf. tab. 27. fig.5. Wings ferruginous, black at the baſe, Afimiso Black; thorax with 2 duſky ſpots each fide : abdomen black, the 2 firſt ſegments ferruginous. Inhabits China ; reſembles the laſt. Ephiphium. Abdomen ferruginous, the ſecond ſegment larger and black: ſcutel 3-toothed. Inhabits New Holland. Muſeum of Sir Jof. Banks. Antennae ferruginous, the firſt joint brown: thorax black, the fore-lobe ferruginous, 2 toothed behind : upper.wings ferru- ginous tipt with violet, lower-ones immaculate at the tip. Orientalis. Ferruginous: abdomen with a yellow band in which are 2 black dots. Inhabits the Eaft. Drury. Inf. 2. tab, 139. fig. 1. Tricinta. Ferruginous; abdomen black with 3 interrupted yellow . bands. Inhabits America. In the muſeum of Sir 79). Banks. Larger than V, crabro. Antennae black, the firſt joint ferrugi- nous : head ferruginous, crown brown, upper-lip yellow : thorax brown; wings ſubferruginous : lanks ferrate on the back. ? Analis. Blackiſh; firſt and ſecond ſegments of the abdomen ferru- ginous at the baſe, fixth entirely yellow. Inhabits the Cape. In the muſeum of Sir Tof. Banks. Large. Antenna brown, ferruginous at the tip : beaa black, crown piceous: thorax varied with piceous and black: wing's ferruginous, the rib black at the baſe : legs brown. Caroline. Thorax with 3 black lines : body ferruginous : upper-wings 3 blackith. Inhabits America; fize of V. Crabro. Cornuta. INSECTS. HYMENOPTERA. 93. Veſpa. 513 @ernuta. Ferruginous ; abdomen and wings black : mandibles pro- jecting, longer than the head. Inhabits Africa. Drury. Inf. 2. tab. 48. fig. 3. . Thorax with a black dorſal ſpot: mandibles in one ſex horned: •Crabro. Thorax black, the fore-part rufous immaculate; inci- fures of the abdomen with a double contigious black dot. Hornet. Reaum. Inf. 4. tab. 10. fig. 9, and 6. tab. 18. fig. 1. Inhabits Europe, and makes its neſt in the trunks of hollow trees or in the timber work of lofts: the hing is extremely painful. * Vulgaris. Thorax black with an interrupted yellow line each ſide ; ſcutel with 4 yellow ſpots: abdomen yellow, the inci- fures with diſtinct black dots Donovan, vii.tab. 226. Reaum. 6. tab. 12- fig. 7. 8. Inhabits Europe, in large ſocieties produced by a ſingle female and preys on flies, bees, their honey, meat and fruit: the males have no fting. Germanica Thorax black with an interrupted yellow line each fide ; ſcutel with 4 yellow ſpots : abdomen yellow, the firſt ſegment with 3 ſpots the others with a tranfverfe in- dented one. Inhabits Kiel; Jeſs than a common wafp. Mandibles yellow: lip yellow with a black dot in the middle : bead with 3 yellow ſpots : feutel with 4 yellow dots and a lu- nule each ſide under the wings: legs yellow, thighs black. Saxonica. Thorax black with a yellow line each fide ; ſcutel with 4 yellow ſpots : inſicures of the abdomen black at the baſe and tipt with yellow. Inhabits Germany;