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At a meeting of the Board of Police, held this day, the following-named Election Districts were divided, as permitted by section 1, chapter 621 of the Laws of 1874, the same having had an average registration of more than four hundred voters for the two preceding years, viz.: The Twenty-seventh Election District of the Fourth Assembly District. The Fourth and Twenty-fourth Election Districts of the Seventeenth Assembly District. The Tenth Election District of the Twentieth Assem- bly District. The Thirteenth, Eighteenth and Twentieth Election Districts of the Twenty-second Assembly District. The Second, Third and Seventh Election Districts of the Twenty-third Assembly District. The following schedule shows the numbers and boundaries of the Election Districts in the several Assembly Districts, as the same are now fixed and determined by the Board of Police, in pursuance of law. JOHN J. O’BRIEN, Chief of the Bureau of Elections. FIRST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The First Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-four election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Battery place, Bowling Green, Broadway, Beaver street, Wil- liam street, Hanover square, Old slip, East river, Hud- son or North river, including Governor's, Bedloe's, and Ellis’ Islands. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rector street, Broadway, Battery place, and Greenwich street. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Morris street, Greenwich street, Battery place, and Washing- ton street. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rector street, Washington street, Battery place, and Hudson or North river. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rector street, Greenwich street, Morris street, and Washington street. 6 The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Albany street, Greenwich street, Rector street, and Hudson or North river. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Liberty street, Greenwich street, Albany street, and Hudson or North river. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Liberty street, Broadway, Rector street, and Greenwich street. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Liberty street, Maiden Lane, East river, Old slip, Hanover square, William street, Beaver street, and Broadway, including Franklin Market. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Ferry street, Peck slip, East river, Maiden Lane, and Gold street. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spruce street, Gold street, Liberty street, Broadway, and Park row. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Dey 7 street, Broadway, Liberty street, and Hudson or North river. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Bar- clay street, Broadway, Dey street, and Hudson or North river. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Reade street, Broadway, Barclay street, and Hudson or North river. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Franklin street, Broadway, Reade street, and Hudson street. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Harrison street, Hudson street, Reade street, and Hudson or North river. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within North Moore street, Hudson street, Harrison street, and Hud- son or North river. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Hu- bert street, Hudson street, North Moore street, and Hudson or North river. 8 The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Beach street, Varick street, North Moore street, West Broad- way, Franklin street, and Hudson street. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Canal street, Broadway, Franklin street, West Broadway, North Moore street, Varick street, Beach street, St. John's lane, and Laight street. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Canal street, Laight street, St. John's lane, Beach street, and Hudson street. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Desbrosses street, Greenwich street, Laight street, Hudson street, Hubert street, and Hudson or North I'l Wer. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Canal street, Hudson street, Laight street, and Green- wich street. & The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Canal street, Greenwich street, Desbrosses street, and Hudson or North river. WY//$7//7 232.W9. * * * SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Second Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-three election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Oak street, Catharine street, Catharine slip, East river, and Oliver street. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Chatham square, Catharine street, Oak street, and Oliver street. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within New Bowery, Oliver street, Oak street, and James street. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Chatham street, New Bowery, James street, Madison street, and Roosevelt street. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Madison street, James street, Batavia street, and Roosevelt street. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Batavia street, James street, James slip, Water street, and Roosevelt street. 10 The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Oak street, Oliver street, East river, Roosevelt street, Water street, James slip, and James street. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Cherry street, Roosevelt street, East river, Peck slip, Water street, and Dover street. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Oak street, Roosevelt street, Cherry street, Franklin square, and Pearl street. - The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rose street, Madison street, Roosevelt street, Oak street, Pearlstreet, and Frankfort street. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Chatham street, Roosevelt street, Madison street, Pearl street, William street, and New Chambers street. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within New Chambers street, William street, Pearl street, Rose street, Frankfort street, and Chatham street. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Nassau 11 street, Frankfort street, Pearl street, Dover street, Water street, Peck slip, Ferry street, Gold street, and Spruce street. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Worth street, Centre street, Pearl street, Park street, Duane street, Chatham street, City Hall square, Park row, and Broadway. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Pearl street, Chatham street, Duane street, and Park street. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Worth street, Chatham street, Pearl street, and Centre street. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Bayard street, Mulberry street, Park street, Worth street, Centre street, Leonard street, and Baxter street. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Bayard street, Mott street, Worth street, Park street, and Mulberry street. $ - The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Canal street, Bowery, Chatham street, Mott street, Bayarta street, and Elizabeth street. 12 The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Canal street, Elizabeth street, Bayard street, and Mulberry street. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Canal street, Mulberry street, Bayard street, and Bax- ter street. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Canal street, Baxter street, Leonard street, and Centre street. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Canal street, Centre street, Worth street, and Broad- way. THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Third Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-six election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Hester street, Mulberry street, Canal street, and Centre street. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Hester street, Mott street, Canal street, and Mulberry street. -- :| ±1, ±1,±,±,±), ſ.| ||/* ZZZZZZ$ZZZ (ZZZZ$$/*żżº | |- 13 The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grand street, Elizabeth street, Canal street, and Mott street. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grand street, Mott street, Hester street, and Baxter street. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grand street, Baxter street, Hester street, Centre street, Canal street, and Broadway. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spring street, Marion street, Centre street, Grand street, Broadway, Broome street, and Crosby street. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spring street, Mulberry street, Grand street, Centre street, and Marion street. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spring street, Mott street, Grand street, and Mulberry street. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spring street, Elizabeth street, Grand street, and Mott street. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spring street, Bowery, Canal street, and Elizabeth street. 14 The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Bowery, Spring street, and Elizabeth street. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Prince street, Elizabeth street, Spring street, and Mott street. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Elizabeth street, Prince street, and Mott street. - The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Mott street, Spring street, and Mulberry Street. - The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Prince street, Mulberry street, Spring street, and Crosby street. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that. part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Mulberry street, Prince street, Crosby street, Broome street, and Broadway. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Bleecker street, Bowery, East Houston street, and Broadway. 15 * The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourth street, Bowery, Bleecker street, and Broadway. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourteenth street, Fourth avenue, Bowery, East Fourth street, and Broadway. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twelfth street, Third avenue, and Fourth avenue. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourteenth street, Third avenue, East Twelfth street, and Fourth avenue. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixteenth street, Third avenue, East Fourteenth street, and Fourth avenue, or Union square. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighteenth street, Third avenue, East Sixteenth street, and Fourth avenue, or Union square. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-first street, Third avenue, East Eighteenth street, Fourth avenue, East Twentieth street, and Gramercy Park. 16 The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-third street, Third avenue, East Twenty-first street, Gramercy Park, East Twentieth street, and Fourth avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-third street, Fourth avenue, Union square, and Broadway. FOURTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Fourth Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-eight election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Division street, Pike street, East Broadway, and Catharine street. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Broadway, Market street, Henry street, and Catharine street. - The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Henry street, Market street, Madison street, and Catharine street. ---- |№ſſº ſį __----- №:Uſº №ſ, , , , , , , º. ! ¡ ¿§ §ſă și ſ-ſº |- |_№. |- №.__)~~ ſ ,|- | |-|× 9. -| _ - _` | T : ~ | ~47 ſº|- __) | ((~|-----|(23 §§---- LI,T, $7777* | 5 _ _ |(10 |ſº* - || || . /ſ/99/W///W/////////| 17 The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Broadway, Pike street, Henry street, Birmingham street, Madison street, and Market street. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Henry street, Pike street, Monroe street, Market street, Mad- ison street, and Birmingham street. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Madison street, Market street, Monroe street, and Catharine street. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Monroe street, Pike street, Cherry street, Market street, Ham- ilton street, and Catharine street. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Hamilton street, Market street, Cherry street, and Catharine street. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Cherry street, Pike street, East river, and Catharine slip, including Catharine market. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Monroe street, Rutgers street, East river, and Pike street. 18 The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Madison street, Rutgers street, Monroe street, and Pike street. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Henry street, Rutgers street, Madison street, and Pike street. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Division street, Canal street, Rutgers street, Henry street, and Pike street. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Division street, Jefferson street, Madison street, Rutgers street, and Canal street. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Division street, Clinton street, Madison street, and Jefferson street. - The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Madison street, Clinton street, Monroe street, and Rutgers street. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Monroe street, Clinton street, East river, and Rutgers street. 19 The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Madi- son street, Montgomery street, East river, and Clinton street. & The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Division street, Montgomery street, Madison street, and Clinton street. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Division street, Scammel street, Madison street, and Montgomery street. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Madison street, Scammel street, Monroe street, and Montgomery street. ſ The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Monroe street, Scammel street, Cherry street, and Montgomery street. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Cherry street, Scammel street, Water street, Gouver- neur slip, East river, and Montgomery street, including Gouverneur market. 20 The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Cherry street, Jackson street, East river, Gouverneur slip, Water street, and Scammel street. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Mon- roe street, Jackson street, Cherry street, and Scammel street. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Mad- ison street, Jackson street, Monroe street, and Scam- mel street. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grand street, Henry street, and Scammel street. The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Henry street, Jackson street, Madison street, and Scammel street. EIFTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Fifth Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-nine election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Houston street, Greenwich street, Charlton street, Washington street, Canal street, and Hudson or North river. 21 The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Charlton street, Greenwich street, Canal street, and Washington street. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spring street, Hudson street, Canal street, and Greenwich street. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Charlton street, Hudson street, Spring street, and Greenwich street. - - - The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Bouston street, Hudson street, Charlton street, and Greenwich street. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Houston street, Warick street, Charlton street, and Hudson street. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Charlton street, Varick street, Spring street, and Hudson street. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spring street, Varick street, Broome street, and Hudson street. 22 The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Broome street, Varick street, Canal street, and Hudson street. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Broome street, Sullivan street, Grand street, and Varick street. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spring street, Clarke street, Broome street, and Varick street. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Charlton street, Macdougal street, Spring street, and Warick street. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Houston street, Macdougal street, Charlton street, Varick street, King street, and Congress street. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Houston street, Congress street, King street, and War- ick street. * The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Houston street, Sullivan street, Prince street, and Macdougal street. i 23 The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Houston street, Thompson street, Prince street, and Sullivan street. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Houston street, South Fifth avenue, Spring street, and Thompson street. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Prince street, Thompson street, Spring street, and Sullivan street. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Prince street, Sullivan street, Broome street, Clarke street, Spring street, and Macdougal street. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spring street, Thompson street, Broome street, and Sullivan street. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Broome street, South Fifth avenue, Grand street, and Sullivan street. J The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within 24 Grand street, South Fifth avenue, Canal street, and Varick street. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Broome street, Broadway, Canal street, and South Fifth avenue. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spring street, Broadway, Broome street, and Thompson street. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Prince street, Broadway, Spring street, and South Fifth avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Houston street, Broadway, Prince street, and South Fifth avenue. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Bleecker street, Broadway, West Houston street, and South Fifth avenue. The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Bleecker street, South Fifth avenue, West Houston street, and Sullivan street. TF (F−TTF (F=-{T=-******* IFFIFº! :-)—— |||- || || ?|| t----| #| * |* |ſſ |·LET |-----|!-- |/) !!!|--_ | * | , ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ||-| || |||| ||TTTT|Tſiſ)“ |20|||||| 1| 8||||| § |º|-||-||-||-|| (', '') || 0 || 5 || || || || ? *|ſig. (ſ) *()=№ Ñ į jį į ſººſ į Į įmoſ į Į į Įºſ ( ) †L£±1)№№.№ſº§№§��§ |-ş,\!§ 25 The Twenty-ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Bleecker street, Sullivan street, West Houston street, and Hancock street, or Cottage place. SIXTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Sixth Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-seven election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grand street, East river, Jackson street, Cherry street, and Corlears street. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grand street, Corlears street, Cherry street, and Jackson street. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Delancey street, Mangin street, Broome street, East river, Grand street, and Goerck street. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, East river, Broome street, Mangin street, Delancey street, and Goerck street. 26 The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Delancey street, Goerck street, Grand street, and Lewis street. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Delancey street, Lewis street, Grand street, and Cannon street. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, Goerck street, Delancey street, and Cannon Street. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, Cannon street, Delancey street, and Sheriff Street. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Delancey street, Cannon street, Broome street, and Sheriff street. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Broome street, Cannon street, Grand street, and Pitt street. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Delancey street, Sheriff street, Broome street, and Pitt street. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, Sheriff street, Delancey street, and Willett street. 27 The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, Willett street, Delancey street, and Pitt street. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, Pitt street, Delancey street, and Attorney street. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Delancey street, Pitt street, Grand street, and Ridge street. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Delancey street, Ridge street, Grand street, Clinton street, Broome street, and Attorney street. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grand street, Division street, and Clinton street. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Broome street, Clinton street, Hester street, and Suffolk Street. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grand street, Suffolk street, Hester street, Division street, and Norfolk street. 28 The Twentieth Election District shalſ contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, Suffolk street, Grand street, and Norfolk street. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Delancey street, Attorney street, Broome street, and Suffolk street. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, Attorney street, Delancey street, and Suffolk street. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Stanton street, Ridge street, Rivington street, and Clinton street. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Stanton street, Willett street, Rivington street, and Ridge street. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Stanton street, Columbia street, Rivington street, and Willett street, The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within 1ĪĪĪĪĪĪĪ",FF=~~~ __, || || ||__ (LĪLĪ aerºſºſ111|||-||T.īſſ, |---- |∞| -- :)…]] **) ----: 74%. MSS////Y/S///07 29 Stanton street, Lewis street, Rivington street, and Columbia street. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Stanton street, East river, Rivington street, and Lewis street. SEVENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Seventh Assembly District shall be divided into thirty-five election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fourth street, Broadway, Bleecker street, and Greene Street. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Waverley place, Greene street, Bleecker street, Wooster street, and East Washington square. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Third street, Wooster street, Bleecker street, and Thompson street. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Third street, Thompson street, Bleecker street, and Macdougal street. # 30 The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Third street, Macdougal street, Bleecker street, Car- mine street, and Sixth avenue. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fourth street, Wooster street, West Third street, and Sixth avenue. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Waverley place, East Washington square, West Fourth street, and Sixth avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Clinton place, Broadway, West Fourth street, Greene street, Waverley place, and University place. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Clinton place, University place, Waverley place, and Sixth 8, WeIll 16. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Greenwich avenue, Sixth avenue, West Washington place, and Christopher street. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Charles 31 street, Waverley place, West Tenth street, Greenwich avenue, Christopher street, and West Fourth street. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eleventh street, Waverley place, Charles street, and West Fourth street. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eleventh street, Greenwich avenue, West Tenth street, and Waverley place. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eleventh street, Sixth avenue, and Greenwich avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Ninth street, Fifth avenue, Clinton place, and Sixth 3.VéI'll 16. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Tenth street, Broadway, Clinton place, and Fifth 3, WeIllie. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twelfth street, Broadway, East Tenth street, and Fifth 3.VeLll 16. 32 The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eleventh street, Fifth avenue, West Ninth street, and Sixth avenue. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirteenth street, Fifth avenue, West Eleventh street, and Sixth a Venlle. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirteenth street, Sixth avenue, West Eleventh street, and Seventh avenue. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirteenth street, Seventh avenue, West Eleventh street; Waverley place, Bank street, and Greenwich 3.VéIll]6. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twelfth street, Greenwich avenue, Bank street, Waverley place, West Eleventh street, and West Fourth street. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Greenwich avenue, West Twelfth street, West Fourth street and Eighth avenue. 33 The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fourteenth street, Sixth avenue, West Thirteenth street, Greenwich avenue, and Eighth avenue. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fourteenth street, East Fourteenth street, Broadway, East Twelfth street, Fifth avenue, West Thirteenth street, and Sixth avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Sixteenth street, East Sixteenth street, Union square, East Fourteenth street, West Fourteenth street, and Sixth avenue. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifteenth street, Sixth avenue, West Fourteenth street, and Eighth avenue. The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Sixteenth street, Seventh avenue, West Fifteenth street, and Eighth avenue. The Twenty-ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Seventeenth street, Sixth avenue, West Fifteenth street, and Seventh avenue. 34 The Thirtieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eighteenth street, East Eighteenth street, Broadway, East Sixteenth street, West Sixteenth street, and Sixth a V6XIll] J. The Thirty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Nineteenth street, Sixth avenue, West Seventeenth street, and Seventh avenue. The Thirty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twentieth street, East Twentieth street, Broadway, East Eighteenth street, West Eighteenth street, and Sixth avenue. The Thirty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-first street, Sixth avenue, West Nineteenth street, and Seventh avenue. The Thirty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-third street, Sixth avenue, West Twenty-first street, and Seventh avenue. The Thirty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-third street, East Twenty-third street, Broad- way, East Twentieth street, West Twentieth street, and Sixth avenue. | |S| || º Ha- ºr ºil *La R 5 § S *=== i. H || | – ca. | | 9 : | - -- | | | º - Hº-Hº- |, | 4 || Jº | 1 || || |* ºf | lº | | 54×4/ºd º - lſ | |-> | º |_2^ L- _^ 84%x/SS////Y/SZZººZ. 35 EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Eighth Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-five election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Canal street, Chrystie street, Bayard street, Division street, and Bowery. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Hester street, Forsyth street, Bayard street, and Chrystie street. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Canal street, Orchard street, Division street, and Forsyth street. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Hester street, Allen street, Canal street, and Forsyth street. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Hester street, Ludlow street, Division street, Orchard street, Canal street, and Allen street. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Hester street, Norfolk street, Division street, and Ludlow street. 36 The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grand street, Essex street, Hester street, and Allen street. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grand street, Allen street, Hester street, and Forsyth street. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grand street, Forsyth street, Hester street, Chrystie street, Canal street, and Bowery. - The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Broome street, Eldridge street, Grand street and Bowery. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Broome street, Ludlow street, Grand street, and Eldridge street. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Broome street, Norfolk street, Hester street, Essex street, Grand street, and Ludlow street. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within De- lancey street, Norfolk street, Broome street, and Lud- low street. - The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within De- § 7 lancey street, Ludlow street, Broome street, and Allen street. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Delancey street, Allen street, Broome street, and Forsyth street. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Delancey street, Forsyth street, Broome street, and Bowery. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, Forsyth street, Delancey street, and Bowery. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, Allen street, Delancey street, and Forsyth street. The Nineteenth Election District shall, contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, Ludlow street, Delancey street, and Allen street. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Rivington street, Norfolk street, Delancey street, and Ludlow street. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Stan- 38 ton street, Clinton street, Rivington street, and Norfolk street. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Stan- ton street, Norfolk street, Rivington street, and Ludlow street. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Stan- ton street, Ludlow street, Rivington street, and Allen street. - The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Stan- ton street, Allen street, Rivington street, and Forsyth street. - - The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Stanton street, Forsyth street, Rivington street, and Bowery. NINTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Ninth Assembly District shall be divided into thirty-one election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Leroy street, Hudson street, Clarkson street, Greenwich street, West Houston street, and Hudson or North river. 94.5/58/// º MS//// 39 The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Clarkson street, Varick street, West Houston street, and Green- wich street. s The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Leroy street, Bedford street, Carmine street, Clarkson street, and Hudson street. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Carmine street, Bedford street, Downing street, Bleecker street, Hancock street or Cottage place, West Houston street, and Varick street. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Leroy street, Bleecker street, Downing street, and Bedford street. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Morton street, Bleecker street, Cornelia street, West Fourth street, Sixth avenue, Carmine street, Bleecker street, Leroy street, and Bedford street. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Jones street, West Fourth street, West Washington place, Sixth avenue, West Fourth street, Cornelia street, and Bleecker street. & 40 The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grove street, West Fourth street, Jones street, and Bleecker street. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Grove street, Bleecker street, Morton street, and Bedford street. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Barrow street, Commerce street, Bedford street, Leroy street, and Hudson street. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Christo- pher street, Bleecker street, Grove street, Bedford street, Commerce street, Barrow street, and Hudson street. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Christo- pher street, Hudson street, Leroy street, and Green- wich street. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Christopher street, Greenwich street, Leroy street, and Hudson or North river. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within 41 Perry street, Washington street, Christopher street, and Hudson or North river. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Perry street, Greenwich street, West Tenth street, Hudson street, Christopher street, and Washington street. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Tenth street, West Fourth street, Grove street, Bleecker street, Christopher street, and Hudson street. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Perry street, West Fourth street, West Tenth street, Hudson street, Charles street, and Bleecker street. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eleventh street, West Fourth street, Perry street, Bleecker street, Charles street, and Hudson street. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twelfth street, Eighth avenue, West Fourth street, West Eleventh street, and Hudson street. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twelfth street, Hudson street, West Tenth street, and Greenwich street. 42 The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Bank street, Greenwich street, Perry street, and Washington street. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twelfth street, Greenwich street, Bank street, and Washington street. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twelfth street, Washington street, Perry street, and Hudson or North river. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Horatio street, Greenwich street, West Twelfth street, and Hudson or North river. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Horatio street, Eighth avenue, West Twelfth street, and Greenwich street. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirteenth street, Eighth avenue, Horatio street, Greenwich street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within – º – | 2 || 2 ||25 || | -*=[-º,------- | 21 * : * * : is I/44./SS/M//Y/S///07 43 Little Twelfth street, Ninth avenue, Greenwich street Horatio street, and Hudson or North river. The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fourteenth street, Eighth avenue, West Thir- teenth street, Ninth avenue, Little Twelfth street, and Hudson or North river. The Twenty-ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifteenth street, Eighth avenue, West Fourteenth street, and Ninth avenue. The Thirtieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Six- teenth street, Eighth avenue, West Fifteenth street, and Ninth avenue. The Thirty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Sixteenth street, Ninth avenue, West Fourteenth street, and Hudson or North river. TENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Tenth Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-nine election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: . The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Forsyth street, Stanton street, and Bowery. 44 The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Allen street, Stanton street, and For- syth street. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Ludlow street, Stanton street, and Allen street. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Norfolk street, Stanton street, and Ludlow street. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Clinton street, Stanton street, and Norfolk street. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Second street, Avenue B, East Houston street, and Avenue A. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Second street, Avenue A, East Houston street, and First a Vell U16. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within First street, First avenue, East Houston street, and Second a, WeIllie. 45 The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Second street, First avenue, First street, and Second avenue. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Second street, Second avenue, East Houston street, and Bowery. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourth street, Second avenue, Second street, and Bowery. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Third street, First avenue, Second street, and Second avenue. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourth street, First avenue, Third street, and Second avenue. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Third street, Avenue A, Second street, and First 8, WeIllie. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourth street, Avenue A, Third street, and First a Well U16. 46 The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Third street, Avenue B, Second street, and Avenue A. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourth street, Avenue B, Third street, and Avenue A. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Fifth street, Avenue B, East Fourth street, and Avenue A. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Fifth street, Avenue A, East Fourth street, and First avenue. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Fifth street, First avenue, East Fourth street, and Bowery. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Sixth street, Second avenue, Fifth street, and Bowery. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Sixth street, First avenue, Fifth street, and Second a, WeIll]6. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Sixth street, Avenue A, Fifth street, and First avenue. 47 The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Sixth street, Avenue B, Fifth street, and Avenue A. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Seventh street, Avenue B, Sixth street, and Avenue A. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Seventh street, Avenue A, Sixth street, and First 8,VéIll:10. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Seventh street, First avenue, Sixth street, and Third 8,VéIll Le, The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Eighth street or St. Mark's place, First avenue, Seventh street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Eighth street or St. Mark's place, Avenue A, Seventh street, and First avenue. 48 ELEVENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Eleventh Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-three election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-sixth street, Lexington avenue, East Twenty- third street, and Fourth avenue. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-sixth street, East Twenty-sixth street, Fourth avenue, East Twenty-third street, and Broadway. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirtieth street, Lexington avenue, East Twenty-sixth street, and Fourth avenue. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirtieth street, Fourth avenue, East Twenty-sixth street, Fifth avenue, East Twenty-eighth street, and Madison avenue. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirtieth street, East Thirtieth street, Madison avenue, Z/#/SS/M/B/V/STRICT, ---------- - - - | || || || || || tº ºr - | - ºf 3. | 4-º'- tº ºw- 49 Last Twenty-eighth street, Fifth avenue, West Twenty- sixth street, and Broadway. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that jart of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirtieth street, Broadway, West Twenty-sixth street, and Sixth avenue. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-sixth street, Broadway, West Twenty-third street, and Sixth avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-sixth street, Sixth avenue, West Twenty-fifth street, and Seventh avenue. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that, part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-seventh street, Sixth avenue, West Twenty- sixth street, and Seventh avenue. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-eighth street, Sixth avenue, West Twenty- seventh street, and Seventh avenue. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirtieth street, Sixth avenue, West Twenty-eighth street, and Seventh avenue. 50 The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-second street, Sixth avenue, West Thirtieth street, and Seventh avenue. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-second street, Fifth avenue, West Thirtieth street, and Sixth avenue. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-second street, Fourth avenue, East Thirty-first street, Lexington avenue, East Thirtieth street, and Fifth avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-fifth street, Lexington avenue, East Thirty-first street, Fourth avenue, East Thirty-second street, and Madison avenue. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-fourth street, East Thirty-fourth street, Madi- son avenue, East Thirty-second street, West Thirty- second street, and Broadway. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-fourth street, Broadway, West Thirty-second street, and Seventh avenue. - - 51 The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-seventh street, Sixth avenue, Broadway, West Thirty-fourth street, and Seventh avenue. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-sixth street, East Thirty-sixth street, Madison avenue, East Thirty-fourth street, West Thirty-fourth street, Broadway, and Sixth avenue. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fortieth street, Lexington avenue, East Thirty-fifth street, Madison avenue, East Thirty-eighth street, and Fourth or Park avenue. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-eighth street, East Thirty-eighth street, Madi- son avenue, East Thirty-sixth street, West Thirty-sixth street, and Sixth avenue. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fortieth street, East Fortieth street, Fourth or Park avenue, East Thirty-eighth street, West Thirty- eighth street, and Sixth avenue. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West 52 Fortieth street, Sixth avenue, West Thirty-seventh street, and Seventh avenue. TWELETH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Twelfth Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-six election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourth street, East river, Stanton street, and Lewis street. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Lewis street, Stanton street, and Co- lumbia street. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Columbia street, Stanton street, and Willett street. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Houston street, Willett street, Stanton street, and Ridge street. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East 1247. MSSEMBLYJSTHI(T. 53 Houston street, Ridge street, Stanton street, and Clin- ton street. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Second street, Avenue C, East Houston street, and Avenue B. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Third street, Avenue C, Second street, and Avenue B. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Third street, Avenue D, East Houston street, and Avenue C. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourth street, Lewis street, East Houston street, and Avenue D. - The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourth street, Avenue D, Third street, and Avenue C. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourth street, Avenue C, Third street, and Avenue B. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Fifth street, Avenue C, East Fourth street, and Avenue B. f 54 The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Fifth street, East river, East Fourth street, and Avenue C. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Sixth street, East river, Fifth street, and Avenue C. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Sixth street, Avenue C, Fifth street, and Avenue B. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Seyenth street, Avenue C, Sixth street, and Avenue B. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Seventh street, Avenue D, Sixth street, and Avenue C. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Eighth street, East river, Sixth street, and Avenue D. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Eighth street, Avenue D, Seventh street, and Avenue C. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Eighth street, Avenue C, Seventh street, and Avenue B. 55 The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Ninth street, Avenue C, Eighth street, and Avenue B. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Ninth street, Avenue D, Eighth street, and Avenue C. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eleventh street, East river, Eighth street, Avenue D, Blast Tenth street, and Avenue C. - - The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Tenth street, Avenue D, East Ninth street, an . Avenue C. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Tenth street, Avenue C, East Ninth street, and Avenue B. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East'Eleventh street, Avenue C, East Tenth street, and Avenue B. - THIRTEENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Thirteenth Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-nine election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty- fourth street, Tenth avenue, West Sixteenth street, and Hudson or North river. - The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Seventeenth street, Ninth avenue, West Sixteenth street, and Tenth avenue. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Seventeenth street, Eighth avenue, West Sixteenth street, and Ninth avenue. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Seventeenth street, Seventh avenue, West Sixteenth street, and Eighth avenue. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eighteenth street, Seventh avenue, West Seventeenth street, and Eighth avenue. /54), . /$$//////////$//////' 57 The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eighteenth street, Eighth avenue, West Seventeenth street, and Ninth avenue. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eighteenth street, Ninth avenue, West Seventeenth street, and Tenth avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Nineteenth street, Eighth avenue, West Eighteenth street, and Tenth avenue. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Nineteenth street, Seventh avenue, West Eighteenth street, and Eighth avenue. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twentieth street, Seventh avenue, West Nineteenth street, and Eighth avenue. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twentieth street, Eighth avenue, West Nineteenth street, and Tenth avenue. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West 58 Twenty-first street, Eighth avenue, West Twentieth street, and Tenth avenue. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-second street, Seventh avenue, West Twentieth street, and Eighth avenue. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-second street, Eighth avenue, West Twenty- first street, and Tenth avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-fourth street, Ninth avenue, West Twenty- second street, and Tenth avenue. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-fourth street, Eighth avenue, West Twenty- second street, and Ninth avenue. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-fourth street, Seventh avenue, West Twenty- second street, and Eighth avenue. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-fifth street, Sixth avenue, West Twenty-third street and Seventh avenue. 59 The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-sixth street, Seventh avenue, West Twenty- fourth street, and Eighth avenue. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-fifth street, Eighth avenue, West Twenty-fourth street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-fifth street, Ninth avenue, West Twenty-fourth street, and Hudson or North river. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-sixth street, Ninth avenue, West Twenty- fifth street, and Hudson or North river. * The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-sixth street, Eighth avenue, West. Twenty-fifth street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-eighth street, Eighth avenue, West Twenty- sixth street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West 60 Twenty-seventh street, Seventh avenue, West Twenty- sixth street, and Eighth avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-eighth street, Seventh avenue, West Twenty- seventh street, and Eighth avenue. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-ninth street, Seventh avenue, West Twenty-eighth street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirtieth street, Eighth avenue, West Twenty- ninth street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-second street, Eighth avenue, West Thirtieth street, and Ninth avenue. t FOURTEENTE ASSEMBLY T)ISTRICT. The Fourteenth Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-two election districts, the extent and lim- its of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eleventh *** ----- - - - - - - - ~~~~ ------------+---- - ( )ae!~~~~- - - - ( 18| 1| ſT º. | | ||| ~ ||19- ], |-├─────────ſ.--*№ſſº, № º |×20ſ.| || –* ſgware 61 street, Second avenue, Eighth street or St. Mark's place, and Third avenue. º The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Ninth street, First avenue, Eighth street or St. Mark's place, and Second avenue. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Tenth street, First avenue, East Ninth street, and Second 3, VéIllié. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eleventh street, First avenue, East Tenth street, and Second avenue. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twelfth street, First avenue, East Eleventh street, and Second avenue. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirteenth street, First avenue, East Twelfth street, and Second avenue. * The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirteenth street, Second avenue, East Eleventh street, and Third avenue. 62 The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourteenth street, First avenue, East Thirteenth street, and Third avenue. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourteenth street, Avenue A, East Thirteenth street, and First avenue. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirteenth street, Avenue A, East Twelfth street, and First avenue. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twelfth street, Avenue A, East Eleventh street, and First avenue. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eleventh street, Avenue A, East Tenth street, and First 3.Vé]]l 162. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Tenth street, Avenue A, East Ninth street, and First 3, WeIll le. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East . 63 Ninth street, Avenue A, Eighth street or St. Mark's place, and First avenue. * The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eleventh street, Avenue B, Seventh street, and Avenue A. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twelfth street, Avenue B, East Eleventh street, and Avenue A. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirteenth street, Avenue B, East Twelfth street, and Avenue A. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourteenth street, Avenue B, East Thirteenth street, and Avenue A. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fourteenth street, East river, East Thirteenth street, and Avenue B. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirteenth street, Avenue C, East Twelfth street, and Avenue B. 64 The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twelfth street, Avenue C, East Eleventh street, and Avenue B. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirteenth street, East river, East Eleventh street, and Avenue C. FIFTEENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Fifteenth Assembly District shall be divided into thirty-five election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-seventh street, Tenth avenue, West Twenty- sixth street, and Hudson or North river. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-seventh street, Ninth avenue, West Twenty- sixth street, and Tenth avenue. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-eighth street, Ninth avenue, West Twenty- seventh street, and Tenth avenue. Mºzzº &ver ºr Aſudsº | | | | 20 |- || | | |- №- ---_ -._ º 1 .*** --~~~*~*~~~~!) 65 The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-ninth street, Ninth avenue, West Twenty-eighth street, and Tenth avenue. - The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Twenty-ninth street, Tenth avenue, West Twenty- seventh street, and Hudson or North river. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirtieth street, Ninth avenue, West Twenty-ninth street, and Hudson or North river. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-first street, Ninth avenue, West Thirtieth street, and Tenth avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-second street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-first street, Tenth avenue, West Thirtieth street, and Hudson or North river. - The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-third street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-second street, and Tenth avenue. 66 The Tenth Election. District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-fourth street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-third street, and Tenth avenue. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-fifth street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-fourth street, and Tenth avenue. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-fifth street, Tenth avenue, West Thirty-second street, and Hudson or North river. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-seventh street, Tenth avenue, West Thirty-fifth street, Hudson or North river, West Thirty-sixth street, and Eleventh avenue. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-sixth street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-fifth street, and Tenth avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-seventh street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-sixth street, and Tenth avenue. 67 The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-eighth street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty- seventh street, and Tenth avenue. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-eighth street, Tenth avenue, West Thirty- seventh street, Eleventh avenue, West Thirty-sixth street, and Hudson or North river. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fortieth street, Tenth avenue, West Thirty-eighth street, and Hudson or North river. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-ninth street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-eighth street, and Tenth avenue. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fortieth street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-ninth street, and Tenth avenue. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fortieth street, Eighth avenue, West Thirty-ninth street, and Ninth avenue. 68 The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-ninth street, Eighth avenue, West Thirty- eighth street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-eighth street, Eighth avenue, West Thirty- seventh street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-seventh street, Eighth avenue, West Thirty-sixth street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-sixth street, Eighth avenue, West Thirty-fifth street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-fifth street, Eighth avenue, West Thirty-second street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fortieth street, Seventh avenue, West Thirty- eighth street, and Eighth avenue. The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within 69 West Thirty-eighth street, Seventh avenue, West Thirty-sixth street, and Eighth avenue. The Twenty-ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-sixth street, Seventh avenue, West Thirty-fifth street, and Eighth avenue. . The Thirtieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-fifth street, Seventh avenue, West Thirty-fourth street, and Eighth avenue. § The Thirty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-fourth street, Seventh avenue, West Thirty-third street, and Eighth avenue. The Thirty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-third street, Seventh avenue, West Thirty- second street, and Eighth avenue. The Thirty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-second street, Seventh avenue, West Thirty-first street, and Eighth avenue. - The Thirty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirty-first street, Seventh avenue, West Thirtieth street, and Eighth avenue. : 70 The Thirty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Thirtieth street, Seventh avenue, West Twenty-ninth street, and Eighth avenue. STXTEENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Sixteenth Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-eight election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixteenth street, East river, East Fourteenth street, and Avenue B. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventeenth street, East river, East Sixteenth street, and Avenue B. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twentieth street, East river, East Seventeenth street, and Avenue A. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventeenth street, Avenue B, East Sixteenth street, and Avenue A. ||---- ). №№ž,T-/TAY 18|· · |-º ſ. ":·y/$$}}//}}}///STRI('T 2 A. - º º º | 71 The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Six- teenth street, Avenue B, East Fifteenth street, and Avenue A. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fif- teenth street, Avenue B, East Fourteenth street, and Avenue A. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fif- teenth street, Avenue A, East Fourteenth street, and First avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Six- teenth street, Avenue A, East Fifteenth street, and First avenue. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventeenth street, Avenue A, East Sixteenth street, and First avenue. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighteenth street, Avenue A, East Seventeenth street, and First avenue. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East ($ 72 Nineteenth street, Avenue A, East Eighteenth street, and First avenue. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twentieth street, Avenue A, East Nineteenth street, and First avenue. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-first street, East river, East Twentieth street, and Second avenue. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-second street, East river, East Twenty-first street, and Second avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-third street, East river, East Twenty-second street, and First avenue. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-sixth street, East river, East Twenty-third street, and First avenue. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-fourth street, First avenue, East Twenty-third street, and Second avenue. 73 The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-fifth street, First avenue, East Twenty-fourth street, and Second avenue. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-sixth street, First avenue, East Twenty-fifth street, and Second avenue. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-sixth street, Second avenue, East Twenty-fifth street, and Third avenue. , t The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-fifth street, Second avenue, East Twenty-third street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-third street, First avenue, East Twenty- second street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-second street, Second avenue, East Twentieth street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within r 74 East Twentieth street, First avenue, East Nineteenth . street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Nineteenth street, First avenue, East Eighteenth street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighteenth street, First avenue, East Sixteenth street, Livingston place, East Fifteenth street, and Second 8, WeIllſle. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixteenth street, First avenue, East Fourteenth street, Second avenue, East Fifteenth street, and Liv- ingston place. The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighteenth street, Second avenue, East Fourteenth street, and Third avenue. SEVENTEENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Seventeenth Assembly District shall be divided into thirty-five election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty- ----- - - - - - - ---__--_ _ - | | 1 Aſudson ºr .4%rº Zºer 77/w/y/s/z 75 second street, Tenth avenue, West Fortieth street, and Hudson or North river. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-third street, Tenth avenue, West Forty-second street, and Eleventh avenue. e The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-fourth street, Tenth avenue, West Forty-third street, and Eleventh avenue. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-fifth street, Tenth avenue, West Forty-fourth street, Eleventh avenue, West Forty-second street, and EIudson or North river. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty- sixth street, Tenth avenue, West Forty-fifth street, and Hudson or North river. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty- eighth street, Tenth avenue, West Forty-sixth street, and Eleventh avenue. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Rorty-ninth street, Eleventh avenue, West Forty-sixth street, and Hudson or North river. 76 The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fiftieth street, Tenth avenue, West Forty-eighth street, and Eleventh avenue. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-first street, Tenth avenue, West Fiftieth street, Eleventh avenue, West Forty-ninth street, and Hudson or North river. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-second street, Tenth avenue, West Fifty-first street, and Hudson or North river. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-second street, Ninth avenue, West Fifty-first street, and Tenth avenue. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty- first street, Ninth avenue, West Fiftieth street, and Tenth avenue. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fiftieth street, Ninth avenue, West Forty-ninth street, and Tenth avenue. 77 The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-ninth street, Ninth avenue, West Forty-eighth street, and Tenth avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-eighth street, Ninth avenue, West Forty-sixth street, and Tenth avenue. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-sixth street, Ninth avenue, West Forty-fifth street, and Tenth avenue. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-fifth street, Ninth avenue, West Forty-fourth street, and Tenth avenue. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-fourth street, Ninth avenue, West Forty-third street, and Tenth avenue. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-third street, Ninth avenue, West Forty-second treet, and Tenth avenue. º The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West 78 Forty-second street, Ninth avenue, West Forty-first street, and Tenth avenue. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-first street, Ninth avenue, West Fortieth street, and Tenth avenue. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-first street, Eighth avenue, West Fortieth street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-second street, Eighth avenue, West Forty-first street, and Ninth avenue. * The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-fourth street, Eighth avenue, West Forty-third street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-seventh street, Eighth avenue, West Forty-fourth street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fiftieth street, Eighth avenue, West Forty-seventh street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within 79 West Fifty-second street, Eighth avenue, West Fiftieth street, and Ninth avenue. The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-second street, Seventh avenue, West Forty- ninth street, and Eighth avenue. The Twenty-ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-ninth street, Seventh avenue, West Forty- seventh street, and Eighth avenue. The Thirtieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-seventh street, Seventh avenue, West Forty-fifth street, and Eighth avenue. The Thirty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-fifth street, Seventh avenue, West Forty- third street, and Eighth avenue. The Thirty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-third street, Seventh avenue, West Forty- first street, and Eighth avenue. The Thirty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-first street, Seventh avenue, West Fortieth street, and Eighth avenue. The Thirty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West 80 Forty-fifth street, Tenth avenue, West Forty-fourth street, and Eleventh avenue. The Thirty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-third street, Eighth avenue, West Forty-second street, and Ninth avenue. EIGHTEENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Eighteenth Assembly District shall be divided into thirty-one election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Eléction District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-sixth street, Third avenue, East Twenty-third street, and Lexington avenue. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirtieth street, Third avenue, EastTwenty-sixth street, and Lexington avenue. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-third street, Third avenue, East Thirtieth street, and Lexington avenue. s The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-sixth street, Third avenue, East Thirty-third street, and Lexington avenue. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Z844. MSS////V/S//// ------- 81 Fortieth street, Third avenue, East Thirty-sixth street, and Lexington avenue. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-second street, Third avenue, East Fortieth street, and Lexington avenue. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-second street, First avenue, East Forty-first street, and Third avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Rorty-second street, East river, East Fortieth street, Second avenue, East Forty-first street, and First 3.VéIllle. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-first street, Second avenue, East Fortieth street, and Third avenue. ' The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fortieth street, Second avenue, East Thirty-ninth street, and Third avenue. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East 6 82 Fortieth street, East river, East Thirty-ninth street, and Second avenue. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-ninth street, East river, East Thirty-eighth street, and Third avenue. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-eighth street, Second avenue, East Thirty-sixth street, and Third avenue. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-eighth street, East river, East Thirty-seventh street, and Second avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-seventh street, East river, East Thirty-sixth street, and Second avenue. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-sixth street, First avenue, East Thirty-fifth street, and Second avenue. s The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-sixth street, Second avenue, East Thirty-fifth street, and Third avenue. 83 The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-fifth street, Second avenue, East Thirty-third street, and Third avenue. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-sixth street, East river, East Thirty-fourth street, Second avenue, East Thirty-fifth street, and First avenue. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-fourth street, East river, East Thirty-third street, and Second avenue. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-third street, First avenue, East Thirty-second street, and Second avenue. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-third street, Second avenue, East Thirty- second street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-second street, Second avenue, East Thirtieth street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within 84 East Thirty-third street, East river, East Thirty-first street, Second avenue, East Thirty-second street, and First avenue. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-first street, First avenue, East Thirtieth street, and Second avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirty-first street, East river, East Twenty-ninth street, Second avenue, East Thirtieth street, and First a Welllle. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Thirtieth street, Second avenue, East Twenty- ninth street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-ninth street, Second avenue, East Twenty-seventh street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-ninth street, East river, East Twenty-eighth street, and Second avenue. The Thirtieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East | || ſſſſſſſſ ITT, Lu|- №||||||||| [][][][][][][] |||||||||| ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ſiſi¡ ¿ $¢ £ © ® ° || ||- |-LĪĻĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒī£[[№ſſſſſſſſſ | || || …).ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ|}}};};* * │ │ │ │ │ . . . . .| || ||-|×|| || || || || || ſ)[[]][][][][][]|||||5||||| ſººſFFFFFFFITI, (II,II,II,II,III, ******aelº----********** Southern portion of Y//$4. ŞS//// * / -- tºtal portion of the 1944. WSSEMI/V//$4" | 19 „z,977 (7/7/76%/ // wºod'u ºyºſº 85 * Twenty-eighth street, East river, East Twenty-sixth street, First avenue, East Twenty-seventh street, and Second avenue. The Thirty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Twenty-seventh street, First avenue, East Twenty- sixth street, and Third avenue. NINETEENTEI ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Nineteenth Assembly District shall be divided into thirty-three election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-fourth street, Broadway, West Fifty-third street, Seventh avenue, West Fifty-second street, and Eighth 3, V6Illiè. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-sixth street, Seventh avenue, West Fifty-third street, Broadway, West Fifty-fourth street, and Eighth 3.V6Ill]6. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-ninth street, Seventh avenue, West Fifty-sixth street, and Eighth avenue. 86 The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-third street, Eighth avenue, West Fifty-second street, and Ninth avenue. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-third street, Ninth avenue, West Fifty-second street, and Tenth avenue. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-fourth street, Tenth avenue, West Fifty-second street, and Hudson or North river. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-fourth street, Ninth avenue, West Fifty-third street, and Tenth avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-fifth street, Eighth avenue, West Fifty-third street, and Ninth avenue. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-fifth street, Ninth avenue, West Fifty-fourth street, and Tenth avenue. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West 87 Fifty-fifth 'street, Tenth avenue, West Fifty-fourth street, and Hudson or North river. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-seventh street, Tenth avenue, West Fifty-sixth street, Ninth avenue, West Fifty-fifth street, and Hud- son or North river. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eifty-seventh street, Ninth avenue, West Fifty-sixth - street, and Tenth avenue. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-eighth street, Eighth avenue, West Fifty-fifth street, and Ninth avenue. - The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Sixty-first street, Eighth avenue, West Fifty-eighth street, Ninth avenue, West Fifty-seventh street, and Tenth avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Sixtieth street, Eleventh avenue, West Fifty-ninth street, Tenth avenue, West Fifty-seventh street, and EIudson or North river. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West 88 Sixty-third street, Tenth avenue, West Fifty-ninth street, Eleventh avenue, West Sixtieth street, and Hud- son or North river. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Sixty-third street, Eighth avenue, West Sixty-first street, and Tenth avenue. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Sixty-sixth street, Ninth avenue, West Sixty-fifth street, Eighth avenue, West Sixty-third street, and Hudson or North river. - The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Sixty-eighth street, Eighth avenue, West Sixty-fifth street, Ninth avenue, West Sixty-sixth street, and Tenth avenue. - The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Seventy-first street, Eighth avenue, West Sixty-eighth street, and Tenth avenue. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Seventy-fourth street, Eighth avenue, West Seventy- first street, Tenth avenue, West Sixty-sixth street, and Hudson or North river. 89 The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eighty-first street, Eighth avenue, West Seventy- fourth street, and Hudson or North river. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Eighty-sixth street, Eighth avenue, West Eighty-first street, and Hudson or North river. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Ninety-ninth street, Eighth avenue, West Eighty- sixth street, and Hudson or North river. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Eighth street, Eighth avenue, West Ninety-ninth street, and Hudson or North river. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Twenty-third street, Eighth avenue, West One Hundred and Eighth street, and Hudson or North river. - The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Thirtieth street, Manhattan street, West One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, Eighth avenue, West One Hundred and Twenty-third street, and Hudson or North river. * 90 The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Forty-second street, Eighth avenue, West One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, Manhattan street, West One Hundred and Thirtieth street, and Hudson or North river. - The Twenty-ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, Eighth avenue, West One Hundred and Forty-second street, and Hud- son or North river. - The Thirtieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Sixty-first street, Harlem river, Eighth avenue, West One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, and Hudson or North river. The Thirty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Eighty-first street, Harlem river West One Hundred and Sixty-first street, Hudson or North river, Depot road, and Kingsbridge road. The Thirty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Spuyten Duyvil creek, Harlem river, West One Hun. dred and Eighty-first street, Kingsbridge road, Depot road, and Hudson or North river. 7×7×7, ºººººººººº ]]]]]]$/////|///WWW |||ſ.} •• • • •§ -§ H(ſ)//7ſae|ſi | | ||| i- º T | | 91 The Thirty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Har- lem river, Seventh avenue, West One Hundred and Tenth street, and Eighth avenue. TWENTIETH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Twentieth Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-nine election districts, the extent and lim- its of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty- fifth street, Third avenue, East Forty-second street, and Lexington avenue. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty- ninth street, Third avenue, East Forty-fifth street, and Lexington avenue. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-sec- ond street, Third avenue, East Forty-ninth street, and Lexington avenue. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty- fifth street, Third avenue, East Fifty-second street, and Lexington avenue. 92 The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-ninth street, Third avenue, East Fifty-fifth street, and Lexington avenue. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-third street, East river, East Forty-second street, and Third avenue. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-fourth street, Second avenue, East Forty-third street, and Third avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-fifth street, Second avenue, East Forty-fourth street, and Third avenue. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-fifth street, East river, East Forty-third street, and Second avenue. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-sixth street, Second avenue, East Forty-fifth street, and Third avenue. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East 93 Forty-seventh street, Second avenue, East Forty-sixth street, and Third avenue. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-seventh street, East river, East Forty-sixth street, and Second avenue. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-eighth street, First avenue, East Forty-seventh street, and Second avenue. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-ninth street, Second avenue, East Forty-seventh street, and Third avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-ninth street, East river, East Forty-seventh street, First avenue, East Forty-eighth street, and Second 3.VéIllie. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fiftieth street, East river, East Forty-ninth street, and Third avenue. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East 94 Fifty-first street, First avenue, East Fiftieth street, and Third avenue. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-second street, East river, East Fiftieth street, First avenue, East Fifty-first street, and Second avenue, including Blackwell's Island. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-third street, Second avenue, East Fifty-first street, and Third avenue. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-third street, First avenue, East Fifty-second street, and Second avenue. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-fourth street, East river, East Fifty-second street, First a venue, East Fifty-third street, and Second 8, WeIll Le. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-fifth street, Second avenue, East Fifty-third street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East 95 Fifty-fifth street, East river, East Fifty-fourth street, and Second avenue. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-seventh street, Second avenue, East Fifty- fifth street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-seventh street, East river, East Fifty-fifth street, Second avenue, EastEifty-sixth street, and First avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-eighth street, East river, East Fifty-seventh street, First avenue, East Fifty-sixth street, and Second avenue. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-ninth street, East river, East Fifty-eighth street, and Second avenue. The Twenty-eighth Election district shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-ninth street, Second avenue, East Fifty-seventh street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-ninth Election district shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-sixth street, East river, East Forty-fifth street, and Second avenue. º TWENTY-FIRST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Twenty-first Assembly District shall be divided into twenty-five election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty- second street, Sixth avenue, West Fortieth street, and Seventh avenue. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-fifth street, Sixth avenue, West Forty-second street, and Seventh avenue. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-fifth street, Fifth avenue, West Fortieth street, and Sixth avenue. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty-fourth street, Lexington avenue, East Fortieth street, and Fifth avenue. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Forty- eighth street, Lexington avenue, East Forty-fourth street, and Fifth avenue. º ºw/r//7. 2/34 97 The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-seventh street, Fifth avenue, West Forty-fifth street, and Sixth avenue. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Forty-eighth street, Sixth avenue, West Forty-fifth street, and Seventh avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fiftieth street, Sixth avenue, West Forty-eighth street, and Seventh avenue. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fiftieth street, Fifth avenue, West Forty-seventh street, and Sixth avenue. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty- second street, Lexington avenue, East Forty-eighth street, and Fifth avenue. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty- fourth street, Lexington avenue, East Fifty-second street, and Fifth avenue. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West 7 98 Fifty-fourth street, Fifth avenue, West Fiftieth street, and Sixth avenue. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-second street, Sixth avenue, West Fiftieth street, and Seventh avenue. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-fourth street, Sixth avenue, West Fifty-second street, and Seventh avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-ninth street, Sixth avenue, West Fifty-fourth street, and Seventh avenue. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-seventh street, East Fifty-seventh street, Madison avenue, East Fifty-fourth street, West Fifty-fourth street, and Sixth avenue. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Fifty-seventh street, Lexington avenue, East Fifty- fourth street, and Madison avenue. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West Fifty-ninth street, East Fifty-ninth street, Lexington 99 avenue, East Fifty-seventh street, West Fifty-seventh street, and Sixth avenue. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixty-first street, Lexington avenue, East Fifty-ninth street, and Fifth avenue. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixty- fourth street, Lexington avenue, East Sixty-first street, and Fifth avenue. - The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventieth street, Lexington avenue, East Sixty-fourth street, and Fifth avenue. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Transverse road across Central Park, at or near Eighty- sixth street, Fifth avenue, East Seventy-fifth street, Lexington avenue, East Seventieth street, Fifth avenue, West Fifty-ninth street, and Eighth avenue. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eightieth street, Lexington avenue, East Seventy-fifth street, and Fifth avenue. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East 100 Eighty-fourth street, Lexington avenue, East Eightieth street, and Fifth avenue. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighty-sixth street, Lexington avenue, East Eighty- fourth street, and Fifth avenue. TWENTY-SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Twenty-second Assembly District shall be divided into thirty-four Election Districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixty-second street, Third avenue, East Fifty-ninth street, and Lexington avenue. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixty-fifth street, Third avenue, East Sixty-second street, and Lexington avenue. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-second street, Third avenue, East Sixty-fifth street, and Lexington avenue. WY//$7/67" - - º - - - - - - - |-|-- | 4 │ │ ├l |||||| | || || | , ، || ° ^º | W. AVZ) 22 101 The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-sixth street, Third avenue, East Seventy-second street, and Lexington avenue. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighty-first street, Third avenue, East Seventy-sixth street, and Lexington avenue. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighty-sixth street, Third avenue, East Eighty-first street, and Lexington avenue. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighty-eighth street, Second avenue, East Eighty-sixth street, Fifth avenue, East Eighty-seventh street, and Third avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighty-ninth street, Third avenue, East Eighty-seventh street, and Fifth avenue. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Ninety-first street, Second avenue, East Eighty-eighth street, Third avenue, East Eighty-ninth street, and Fifth avenue. 102 The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Ninety-first street. East river, East Eighty-sixth street, and Second avenue. & The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighty-sixth street, Second avenue, East Eighty-third street, and Third avenue. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighty-sixth street, First avenue, East Eighty-third street, and Second avenue. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighty-sixth street, East river, East Eighty-fourth street, and First avenue. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Bighty-third street, First avenue, East Eighty-second street, Second avenue, East Eighty-first street, and Third avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighty-second street, First avenue, East Eightieth street, Third avenue, East Eighty-first street, and Second avenue. - 103 The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eightieth street, East river, East Seventy-ninth street, and Third avenue. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-ninth street, Second avenue, East Seventy- seventh street, and Third avenue. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-ninth street, First avenue, East Seventy-seventh street, and Second avenue. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-seventh street, East river, East Seventy-fifth street, Second avenue, East Seventy-sixth street, and JFirst avenue. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-seventh street, First avenue, East Seventy- sixth street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-fifth street, First avenue, East Seventy-fourth street, and Third avenue. 104 The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-fifth street, East river, East Seventieth street, and First avenue. The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-fourth street, First avenue, East Seventieth street, and Second avenue. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-fourth street, Second avenue, East Seventieth street, and Third avenue. & The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventieth street, East river, East Sixty-fifth street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixty-fifth street, First avenue, East Sixty-fourth street, Second avenue, East Sixty-second street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixty-fifth street, East river, East Sixty-second street, Second avenue, East Sixty-fourth street, and First avenue. 105 The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixty-second street, East river, East Sixty-first street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixty-first street, Second avenue, East Fifty-ninth street, and Third avenue. The Thirtieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixtieth street, First avenue, East Fifty-ninth street, and Second avenue. The Thirty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Sixty-first street, East river, East Fifty-ninth street, First avenue, East Sixtieth street, and Second avenue. The Thirty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Eighty-fourth street, East river, East Eightieth street, and First avenue. The Thirty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-ninth street, East river, East Seventy-seventh street, and First avenue. & 106 The Thirty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Seventy-sixth street, Second avenue, East Seventy-fifth street, and Third avenue. TWENTY THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Twenty-third Assembly District shall be divided into thirty-four election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows: The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East Ninety- fifth street, Third avenue, East Ninety-first street, and Fifth avenue. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Fourth street, East river, East Ninety- sixth street, and Third avenue. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Tenth street, Fifth avenue, East One Hundred and Sixth street, Third avenue, East One Hundred and Second street, Fifth avenue, Trans- verse road across Central Park at or near Eighty-sixth street, and Eighth avenue. zºzº |- | | || | ſºr |№ ||| ſae | || │ ſaeſ.: ||ſºlº|_11_ 1 1 !|-ſſſſſſſ!!! ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ.ſſſſſſ |º|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ſ|||| #||||| №ſºſ. Iſſºlſ), „J||||||Iſi| || ||| ±| 1ſº: 2%. VVS////V//$7%Z |-*- . . ſae_ _|× ---- \, , , , , , , ) ( | | |\ -| ||| |||-|§§§||||||||||||-| |-|||||||||||||||||||Ģ||Ķ| ||ºſſ||||||||||7 |-|||||)(|||||||-|||||||ºſ||º|||||||ºſ)||-| |||-|- |-| | -|-·, ! , ! |- | rº|-|×|-----|§ ſſſſ.„ …¡¡¡¡}\ſ\\}|| ●|-*** ?, , , , ******M ! € , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ) º.ſillaeſae|- |- | | _________!========----- 1. --Hiraeae 107 The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Sixth street, East river, East One Hun- dred and Fourth street, and Third avenue. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Eleventh street, East river, East One Hundred and Sixth street, and Second avenue, including Ward's Island. The Sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Eleventh street, Second avenue, East One Hundred and Sixth street, and Third a, WeIllie. The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Twelfth street, East One Hundred and Twelfth street, Third avenue, East One Hundred and Tenth street, West One Hundred and Tenth street, and Seventh avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Fourteenth street, East One Hundred and 108 Fourteenth street, Third avenue, East One Hundred and Twelfth street, West One Hundred and 'Twelfth street, and Seventh avenue. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Fourteenth street, Second avenue, East One Hundred and Eleventh street, and Third 8,VéIll]6. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Fifteenth street, East river, East One Hundred and Eleventh street, Second avenue, |Fast One Hundred and Thirteenth street, and First 3, WeIlllé. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Fifteenth street, First avenue, East One Hundred and Thirteenth street, and Second . 3, Vell U16. The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Nineteenth street, Avenue A, East One Hundred and Eighteenth street, East river, East One Hundred and Fifteenth street, and First avenue. 109 The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Nineteenth street, First avenue, East One Hundred and Fifteenth street, and Second avenue. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Nineteenth street, Second avenue, East One Hundred and Fourteenth street, and Third 3, VeLll 162. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Seventeenth street, East One Hundred and Seventeenth street, Third avenue, East One Hundred and Fourteenth street, West One Hundred and Fourteenth street, and Seventh avenue. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Nineteenth street, East One Hundred and Nineteenth street, Third avenue, East One Hundred and Seventeenth street, West One Hundred and Seventeenth street, and Seventh avenue. The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, East One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, Fourth avenue, East One Hundred and Twenty-third street, Madison avenue, East One Hundred and Nineteenth street, West One Hundred and Nineteenth street, and Seventh avenue. 110 The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Twenty-third street, Third avenue, East One Hundred and Nineteenth street, and Madison 3, VéIll].62. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Twenty-first street, First avenue, East One Hundred and Twentieth street, Second avenue, East One Hundred and Nineteenth street, and Third 3.VéIllle. . The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Twentieth street, East river, East One Hundred and Eighteenth street, Avenue A, East One Hundred and Nineteenth street, and Second avenue, including Randall's Island. The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Twenty-fourth street, East river, East One Hundred and Twentieth street, and First avenue. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Twenty-third street, First avenue, East One Hundred and Twenty-first street, and Third 8,V6XIllle, 111 The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Harlem river, East One Hundred and Twenty-fourth street, First avenue, East One Hundred and Twenty- third street, and Second avenue. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street, Second avenue, East One Hundred and Twenty-third street, Lexington avenue, East One Hundred and Twenty-fourth street, and Third avenue. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street, Third avenue, East One Hundred and Twenty-fourth street, Lexington avenue, East One Hundred and Twenty-third street, and Fourth avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street, East One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street, Fourth avenue, East One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, West One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, and Seventh avenue. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West One Hundred and Thirtieth street, East One Hundred and Thirtieth street, Madison avenue, East One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street, West One 112 Hundred and Twenty-seventh street, and Seventh {UW €I'll 163. The Twenty-eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Thirtieth street, Lexington avenue, East One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street, and Madison avenue. The Twenty-ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Thirtieth street, Harlem river,Second avenue, East One Hundred and Twenty-seventh street, and Lexington avenue. The Thirtieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Harlem river, East One Hundred and Thirtieth street, and Fifth 3, VéIllié. The Thirty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Harlem river, Fifth avenue, West One Hundred and Thirtieth street, and Seventh avenue. The Thirty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East SI///Y/S///7. .5/5 TH C O U NT Y ſ E. F. W E S T C H E S T ºr- 113 Ninety-sixth street, East river, East Ninety-first street, and Third avenue. The Thirty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Second street, Third avenue, East Ninety-fifth street, and Fifth avenue. -- : The Thirty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within East One Hundred and Tenth street, Third avenue, East One Hundred and Sixth street, and Fifth avenue. TWENTY-FOURTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. The Twenty-fourth Assembly District shall be di- vided into twenty-seven election districts, the extent and limits of which shall be as follows º The First Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One Hundred and Forty-fifth street, Southern Boulevard, One Hundred and Forty-fourth street, Bungay creek, Bast river or Long Island Sound, Willis avenue, One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street and Brook 3. Wenlle. The Second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One 114 Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, Willis avenue, Harlem river, and Third avenue. The Third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One Hundred and Forty-second street, Brook avenue, One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, and Third a V6Ill:16. The Fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One Hundred and Forty-fifth street, Brook avenue, One Hundred and Forty-second street, and Third avenue. The Fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One Hundred and Forty-fourth street, Rider avenue, One Hundred and Forty-second street, Third avenue, and Harlem river. The Sixth Election T)istrict shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, Railroad avenue, One Hundred and Forty-eighth street, Third avenue, One Hundred and Forty-second street, Rider avenue, One Hundred and Forty-fourth street, and Harlem TIVéI’. 115 The Seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One Hundred and Fifty-first street, Third avenue, One Hundred and Forty-eighth street, and Railroad avenue. The Eighth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, Eastern avenue, Southern Boulevard, Bungay creek, One Hundred and Forty-fourth street, Southern Boulevard, One Hundred and Forty-fifth street, Third avenue, One Hundred and Forty-eighth street, and St. Ann's avenue. The Ninth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within West- chester avenue, Bronx river, East river or Long Island Sound, Bungay creek, Southern Boulevard, Eastern avenue, One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, St. Ann's avenue, One Hundred and Forty-eighth street, and Third avenue. The Tenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One Hundred and Sixty-third street, Union avenue, Westchester avenue, and Third avenue. The Eleventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One Hundred and Fifty-fourth street, Third avenue, One Hundred and Fifty-first street, Railroad avenue, One Hundred and Fifty-third street, and Courtland avenue. 116 The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One Hundred and Fifty-seventh street, Third avenue, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth street, Courtland avenue, One Hundred and Fifty-third street, and Railroad 3.VéI'll le. The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within One Hundred and Sixty-first street, Third avenue, One Hundred and Fifty-seventh street, and Railroad avenue. The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Home street, Westchester avenue, Union avenue, One Hundred and Sixty-third street, Third avenue, One Hundred and Sixty-first street, Railroad avenue, One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, Third avenue, Old Boston road, George street, and Union avenue. The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within northerly line of Twenty-third Ward, Bronx river, Westchester avenue, Home street, Union avenue, George street, Old Boston road, Third avenue, One Hundred and Sixty- fifth street, Railroad avenue, One Hundred and Sixty- eighth street, and Old Boston road. The Sixteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within northerly line of Twenty-third Ward, Old Boston road, One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street, and Railroad avenue. 117 The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within northerly line of Twenty-third Ward, Railroad avenue, One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, Iarlem river, and Central avenue. The Eighteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within northerly line of Twenty-third Ward, Central avenue, and Harlem river. The Nineteenth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Morris lane, McComb's Dam road, Waverley street, Morris street, Railroad avenue, southerly line of Twenty-fourth Ward, and Harlem river. The Twentieth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Morris street, Fordham avenue, southerly line of Twenty-fourth Ward, and Railroad avenue. . The Twenty-first Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Locust avenue, Old Boston road, Westchester avenue, Bronx river, southerly line of Twenty-fourth Ward, and Fordham avenue. The Twenty-second Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Pelham avenue, Bronx river, Westchester avenue, Old Boston road, Locust avenue, Jefferson avenue, Crescent avenue, and Cambrelling avenue. 118 The Twenty-third Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within Pelham avenue, Cambrelling avenue, Crescent avenue, Jefferson avenue, Locustavenue, Morris street, and Rail- road avenue. The Twenty-fourth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within road to Berrian's landing, Kingsbridge road, Railroad avenue, Morris street, Waverley street, McComb's Dam road, Morris lane, and Harlem river. The Twenty-fifth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within northern boundary of Twenty-fourth Ward, Bronx river, Pelham avenue, Kingsbridge road, road to Berrian's landing, and Central avenue. The Twenty-sixth Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within monumental line dividing William C. Wetmore's and the late James R. Whiting's land, Tibbit's Brook, Williamsbridge avenue, Central avenue, road to Berrian's landing, Harlem river, Spuyten Duyvil creek, and Hudson or North river. The Twenty-seventh Election District shall contain all that part of the city bounded by and lying within northern boundary of Twenty-fourth Ward, Central avenue, Williamsbridge avenue, Tibbit's Brook, monu- mental line dividing William C. Wetmore's and the late James R. Whiting's land, and Hudson or North river. 119 SCHEDULE Showing the number of Election Districts in each Assembly District. 1st Assembly District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Election Districts. 2d “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 £ 6 3d “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 & 4 4th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 & & 5th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. 66 6th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 é & 7th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . 6 & 8th “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 6 & 9th “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 $6 10th “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6 & 11th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * e º e tº e 23 £ 6 12th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 & [. 13th & 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . -------. --29 & 4 14th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 & C 15th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 * & 16th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6 & 17th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 6 & 18th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 66 19th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 6 & 20th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 & 4 21st “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 & C 22d “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 6 & 23d “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 é & 24th “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 & & Total number in City of New York...688 {& 120 SCHEDULE Showing the Election Districts of the various Assembly Districts em- braced in the territory of each Congressional District, as estab- lished May 16, 1883. Sixth Congressional District. Total. Entire 1st Assembly District, 1st to 24th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Entire 5th Assembly District, 1st to 29th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Entire 9th Assembly District, 1st to 31st Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Seventh Congressional District. Total Olºft, Entire 2d Assembly District, 1st to 23d Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Entire 3d Assembly District, 1st to 26th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Entire 7th Assembly District, 1st to 35th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Eighth Congressional District. Total OU8li. Entire 4th Assembly District, 1st to 28th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Entire 6th Assembly District, 1st to 27th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 121 Total. Entire 8th Assembly District, 1st to 25th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Ninth Congressional District. Total. Entire 10th Assembly District, 1st to 29th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Entire 12th Assembly District, 1st to 26th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Entire 14th Assembly District, 1st to 22d Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Tenth Congressional District. Total. Entire 11th Assembly District, 1st to 23d Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Entire 16th Assembly District, 1st to 28th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Entire 18th Assembly District, 1st to 31st Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Total number of Election Districts................ 82 Eleventh Congressional District. Total. Entire 13th Assembly District, 1st to 29th Election District, inclusive...... ... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29 122 Total. Entire 15th Assembly District, 1st to 35th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., e s e s = e º e s e e e 35 Entire 17th Assembly District, 1st to 35th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99. Twelfth Congressional District. Total. Entire 20th Assembly District, 1st to 29th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Entire 21st Assembly District, 1st to 25th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 25 Part of 22d Assembly District, 1st to 6th and 11th to 34th Election Districts, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Thirteenth Congressional District. ..Total. Entire 19th Assembly District, 1st to 33d Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Part of 22d Assembly District, 7th to 10th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Entire 23d Assembly District, 1st to 34th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 193 Part of Fourteenth Congressional District. Total. Entire 24th Assembly District, 1st to 27th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Total number in the City of New York. . . . . . . . . . . 688 SCHEDULE Showing the Election Districts of the various Assembly Districts embraced in the territory of each Senate District as established ºn 1879. Part of Fifth Senate District. Total. Entire 1st Assembly District, 1st to 24th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Part of 2d Assembly District, 8th to 23d Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b • e s e o e s e e s s - e e s e 16 Part of 3d Assembly District, 1st to 16th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Part of 5th Assembly District, 1st to 26th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Part of 9th Assembly District, 1st to 5th Election District, inclusive e e º sº ſº e º 'º e < * * g e º e º e º 'º e º e º 'º e º s e e º e º e º e º e º ſº tº gº e º º 5 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Sixth Senate District. Part of 2d Assembly District, 1st to 7th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '• * * * * * 7 Entire 4th Assembly District, 1st to 28th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \e e s • e e s e e s e = * * * * 28 124 otal. Entire 6th Assembly District, 1st to 27th Election Diane.' inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Entire 12th Assembly District, 1st to 26th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Part of 14th Assembly District, 19th to 22d Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Seventh Senate District. Total. Part of 3d Assembly District, 17th to 26th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Entire 8th Assembly District, 1st to 25th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Entire 10th Assembly District, 1st to 29th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Part of 11th Assembly District, 1st to 5th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e e e s e e e º e e º e e 5 Part of 14th Assembly District, 1st to 18th Election District, inclusive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Eighth Senate District. Total. Part of 5th Assembly District, 27th to 29th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Entire 7th Assembly District, 1st to 35th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 125 Part of 9th Assembly District, 6th to 31st Election Dutieſ." inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Part of 11th Assembly District, 6th to 11th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Part of 13th Assembly District, 1st to 28th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Part of 15th Assembly District, 1st to 6th, inclusive, and 35th Election District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Ninth Senate District. Total. Entire 16th Assembly District, 1st to 28th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Part of 18th Assembly District, 7th to 31st Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Part of 20th Assembly District, 6th to 29th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Part of 22d Assembly District, 11th to 34th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Tenth Senate District. Total. Part of 11th Assembly District, 12th to 23d Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Part of 15th Assembly District, 27th to 34th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s tº e º 'º e e 8 126 Total. Part of 17th Assembly District, 28th to 33d Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Part of 18th Assembly District, 3d to 6th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Part of 19th Assembly District, 1st to 3d inclusive, and 33d Election District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Part of 20th Assembly District, 1st to 5th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 Part of 21st Assembly District, 1st to 25th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Part of 22d Assembly District, 1st to 10th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10 Entire 23d Assembly District, 1st to 34th Election District, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Eleventh Senate District. Total. Part of 13th Assembly District, 29th Election District. . . . . . . . 1 Part of 15th Assembly District, 7th to 26th Election Dis. trict, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Part of 17th Assembly District, 1st to 27th inclusive, and 34th and 35th Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Part of 19th Assembly District, 4th to 32d Election Dis- trict, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Entire 24th Assembly District, 1st to 27th Election Dis- trict, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Total number of Election Districts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Total number in City of New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688 # 9 \ OW Łó62 s 36 **ş, (3...…….…--~~); ******* .*¿¿.*******)- * ¿.*šķ -±#: ſººſ:** - &s, sº