º OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL. CLEAN UP DAY IS FIRE PREVENTION DAY. Lansing, Mich., April 29, 1914. The spring Clean Up Day that is deemed so important by the Fire Marshal Bureaus of all the States, as well as by the various Fire Prevention Associations of the country, has this year been recognized by an unusually forceful proclamation by the Governor of Michigan, setting aside May 15th as the day of observance and the Fire Marshal's Bureau of this State urges - with great earnemes that the day may be so rigidly observed as to result in an effective Fire Prevention Day. It is especially desired that the fire chiefs of the State and the township and village officials, who are charged by the law with the duty of co-operating with this Bureau, keep the importance of the day constantly before the people. - Fire Prevention is an outgrowth of cleanliness and sanitation. When we place our homes and our factories and our business houses in a better sanitary condition, we are taking an important step toward fire prevention and if the time shall ever come when the ideas involved in the Governor’s Proclamation are supported in letter and in spirit throughout the year, we shall have wiped from the current history of the nation, the dark page that tells of lives and property sacrificed to the greed, the carelessness and the ignorance of the people. The annual fire loss of the United States is two dollars and fifty cents per capita, and the annual fire loss of Western Europe is thirty-three cents per capita. Certainly these figures are impressive and ought to carry a lesson. Commissioner of Insurance. Ex-Officio, State Fire Marshal. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ~ --------—--~~~~TT <-ºr-º-º-º-º: f