& #3\;. $tate of (INicbigan, º, . . Executive ºepartment, Ji Prºclamation by the 60Vermor Jº Jº Jº .5% To the People of the State of Michigan, Greeting, Acting under the authority of Concurrent Resolution No, Ten of the Public Acts of 1901, I hereby request that §umbay, 3 une 14, 1903, amo (IDombay, 3 une 15, 1903, be observed as Flag days, that on those days there be a general display of * the Stars and Stripes in honor of the anniversary of the birth of the flag, It is suggested that on Sunday from the pulpits of the Commonwealth shall be preached patriotic sermons, and on Monday all of the schools of the State shall have exercises of a patriotic order, there being no more sacred duty of either church or school than the teaching of patriotism. - - Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Michigan, at the Capitol, in Lansing, this Twenty-ninth day of May, in (Great Seal.) the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Three, and of the Indepen- dence of the United States the One Hun, dred Twenty-seventh, (Signed) vº. Governor. By the Governor; Secretary of State. 4402 vºz90 GI068 i 2013\ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| , , || . | b d, ! NV9|HOIW HO A LISHEAINm i ??? sbb ; 10