GENERAL LIBRARY UNIV. OF MICH JUN 16 1904 A Proclamation by the 60Vermor jflag ºay, 1904 To the People of Michigan, Greeting? Tuesday, June 14, 1904, is the One hundred twenty-eighth anniver- sary of the birth of the Stars and Stripes, and in accordance with the request of the legislature I do hereby proclaim it as jflag ºay. Any movement having for its object the encouragement of patriotic sentiment should commend itself to Americans, and the day thus set apart in honor of the flag ought to be generally observed, Public buildings without exception should make a display of the national emblem, and it is requested that as far as possible all citizens will cooperate. It is pare ticularly urged that the schools of the State conduct suitable exercises, Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Michigan, at the Capitol, in Lansing, this eleventh day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred twenty-eighth, Governor. Secretary of State. // aſh, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ſae ſiſuuſ 3 9015062442085