G.T 4-44.3° . A 2. ſº P+ 3Flag ſlau irurlantatint. 3ſuite 14, 1912. A # rurlantatiutt Tig the (5uueritur. Our beautiful flag is a symbol of Government. The nation is our first home. Without it there can be no domestic peace and safety, no moral advance, no material prosperity, no order. Every person who raises an arm in labor or defense has a stake in the country and the flag is for all in every walk of life. It is glorious to die for it and it is most meaningful to live for it. To respect it is to respect self, for it stands for that of which all are a part. Each day and month and year every citizen should consecrate himself anew to such deportment as will hallow the history of our flag and contribute to its emblematic splendor today and tomorrow. Therefore, I, Chase S. Osborn, Governor of the Commonwealth of Michigan, do issue this proclamation and earnestly urge the ob- servance of Friday, the fourteenth day of June, 1912, as Flag Day. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, this seventh day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and of the Common- wealth the seventy-sixth. By the Governor: - Governor. %24.2% * 44. Secretary of State. iiiiii. 3 9015 06244 2176