! Robinson Crusoe Silhouettes Twenty Designs-All Different The Complete Story of Robinson Crusoe in Silhouettes Wards Piste 4 A. FLANAGAN COMPANY PRINTED IN U. S. A. CHICAGO Copyright, 1922, A. FLANAGAN COMPANY 62329 Robinson Crusoe Silhouettes Twenty Designs---All Different The Complete Story of Robinson Crusoe in Silhouettes T HESE twenty silhouettes together with the captions to each picture give a complete account of the famous Robinson Crusoe story. These silhouettes are very simple, carefully drawn, and well printed, being especially designed for the use of children. They are excellent patterns for free hand paper cutting, tearing and pasting, for poster patterns, and for patterns for brush and ink drawing. The judicious use of these pictures will materially increase the interest in the reading of this great story. These silhouettes are well adapted for use in connection with reading and language work as patterns for making silhouettes to illustrate original Robinson Crusoe books made by the pupils. Copyright, 1922, A. FLANAGAN COMPANY A. FLANAGAN COMPANY Hubbard PR 340% A3 REST 1782 4 spec, hubb 0699720, dunerb Schoyer's Books 6-22-1994 1 He left his English home, and The ship was wrecked and Robinson Crusoe lived in England. sailed away in a great ship far over the ocean. Robinson Crusoe swam to an island. O 2 Robinson Crusoe was all alone on the island. The waves tossed the wrecked ship near the land. Crusoe swam to the ship. Crusoe swam to the ship. He made a raft on which he took food and tools to the island. He made a tent out of the ship's sails. " 3 Robinson Crusoe wanted a chair and a table. He made them from boards he took from his raft. They were very queer looking, but they were strong and he could use them. : A 4 Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume : 5 } It took a long, long time to get enough boards for his shelves. But Robinson Crusoe was willing to work hard, and he had plenty of time. $ 1. 1 6 From trees Robinson Crusoe cut big around his tent. He did not have a door. He made a ladder to use in place of a door. posts and made a strong wall He was afraid of wild animals. : 7 Robinson Crusoe shook out a little bag he took from the ship. A few grains of barley fell on the ground. This grew and raised seed which Crusoe sowed. 8 When the barley was ripe Robinson Crusoe had to cut it with a sword. The sword was one that had been on the ship. It was a queer tool for cut- ting a crop of barley, but Robinson Crusoe had nothing better. 9 Robinson Crusoe made a calendar from a post. Every day he cut a notch in the post with his knife. Then he could always tell how long he had been away from his English home. SDD ६ 10 Many kinds of fruit grew there, and how thankful Robinson Crusoe was to find the fruit! He could have fruit to eat now, and how good it was. i éé 11 Robinson Crusoe hung the grapes upon the trees where the sun was shining. He knew the sun would dry the grapes through. When they were dried they would make good raisins. : 12 Robinson Crusoe found a parrot. "I can teach the parrot to talk to me,” he thought, "and I can talk to the parrot." The parrot learned to talk, and Robinson Crusoe was very happy. } 13 Robinson Crusoe took a piece of hard wood, and shaped it like a big dish. He burned out the inside with fire, and he shaped the outside with his ax and his hatchet. 14 Robinson Crusoe had taken a grindstone from the ship. He made a frame for the stone, with two wheels on the frame. Then by placing a belt on the wheels, he could turn the grind stone with his foot. 15 .f. Robinson Crusoe made a cap, jacket, and breeches from goat's skin. He made an umbrella and covered it with skin. He looked very queer with his new suit and new umbrella. 16 Robinson Crusoe made a boat from a big tree. It took him a long time to make this boat. He fitted the boat with a mast and sail, and found it would sail very well. : 17 For many months and years Robinson Crusoe lived quietly upon the island. But one day, as he walked near the water, he saw the print of a foot in the sand. It was the print of a man's foot. Robinson Crusoe was frightened. ; T 18 Friday tried to tell Robinson Crusoe that he would be his servant, but he could not talk the white man's language. He put his head on the ground, then he put Robinson Crusoe's foot on his head. " 19 Robinson Crusoe found a spyglass in one of the seamen's chests. would climb upon a hill and look through the glass out over the sea. day he saw an English ship. How glad he was. He One 20 Robinson Crusoe lived on the island twenty-eight years. Then an English ship came. Robinson Crusoe and Friday went on board the English ship. The ship spread its great white sails, and took Robinson Crusoe back to his own country.