**DDDD2ccecececece" SUNDERLAND SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY. BIZ ARTES SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TUTOR MUSEUM Museums QL 482 .67 584 Suppl. SECTION 18 ILLUSTRATIONS OF BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY; OR, A Synopsis of Indigenous Ensects : CONTAINING THEIR GENERIC AND SPECIFIC DISTINCTIONS; WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THEIR METAMORPHOSES, TIMES OF APPEARANCE, LOCALITIES, FOOD, AND ECONOMY, AS FAR AS PRACTICABLE. BY JAMES FRANCIS STEPHENS, F.L.S. MEMBER OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF LONDON AND PARIS, ETC. EMBELLISHED WITH COLOURED FIGURES OF THE RARER AND MORE INTERESTING SPECIES. SUPPLEMENT. * In his tam parvis tamque ferè nullis quæ ratio ! quanta vis ! quam inextricabilis perfectio !"- Plin. "Finis Creationis Telluris est gloria Der, ex opera Naturæ, per Hominem solum." Linné. LONDON: HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1846. museues - 2rol Fletches 7-31-47 59190 8-2-47 ms. ADDRESS. O A CYCLE of nineteen years has been completed, since the ap- pearance of the first number of these Illustrations; within which period no less than 72 distinct works on Entomology, forming 112 volumes, have emanated from the British press (exclusive of reprints, and of works on Bees). Of these more than half (41) are arranged in conformity with the views developed in this work, or my Systematic Catalogue ;--the remainder being chiefly devoted to the description of foreign Insects, to particular groups of Insects, or being elementary treatises on the subject. From these facts, and from what is shewn in the note below,* and hereafter stated, it would appear that my labours have contri- buted materially towards the advancement of Entomology in this country. That the exertions of Dr. Leach, and of Messrs. Kirby and Spence, however, greatly conduced towards instilling a taste for this department of Zoology, and its consequent progression, need scarcely be insisted upon in this place; but the foundations of a building are of little avail, unless the building itself be erected :- it has been my endeavour to attempt the stupendous enterprize, so far as relates to the indigenous species of insects; but, alas! vainly. Nevertheless, I have succeeded in partially rearing the temple, and my success may be rendered manifest by the following brief recapitulation of my labours. Previously to 1818, the total number of species of insects described, or recorded, as British, was 3673; in that year about 500 additional species were introduced in Samouelle's Compendium, from my cabinets; and subsequently about 100 more, in the first two volumes of Curtis's Genera, chiefly from my manuscripts; making * About 300 copies of the Illustrations, 412 of my Systematic Catalogue, and 1220 of my Nomenclature, have been disposed of within the period in question. iy ADDRESS. altogether less than 4500 antecedent to the appearance of my Systematic Catalogue, in July, 1829, in which 10,116 species are indicated as indigenous. In the Illustrations I have described 7165 species, and charac- terized 1114 genera--a greater number than has hitherto been introduced into any single work on Entomology (the nearest approach to that number being Schönherr's Curculionidæ, in which 7141 species, and 631 genera, are detailed), and about 5000 species, and at least 500 genera, remain to be described ; a task I had hoped to have accomplished, but circumstances wholly beyond my control have totally frustrated that intention, and the work has now passed into other hands, and been brought to a conclusion; notwithstanding a very considerable portion of the manuscript has been long prepared. The attempt to describe all the indigenous species of insects, has been scouted as a physical impossibility, which is true to a certain extent, as no human labours can be perfect; nevertheless, it is evident that an approach may be made towards the attainment of the object: how far I have effected the same may be illustrated by calling attention to the comparatively few species that have been discovered belonging to the portion of this work already published, notwithstanding the great increase in the number of practical collectors. I may also add, that in my Systematic Catalogue, after abating the unnamed species indicated therein, and the doubtful ones, the real number named is 8959, and in Mr. Curtis's Guide, 1st edition, which registers 10,420, after a similar process, there remains only 8966! A tolerable proof that I had made some approxi- mation towards the actual number, inasmuch as the Guide took full two years to complete, after the appearance of my Catalogue.* In the 2nd edition of the Guide, 12,003 species are enumerated, * Boisduval, in his Species Général des Lépidoptères, p. 140, in speaking of my Ca- talogue and Curtis's Guide, says-"L'ouvrage de M. Stephens étant posterieur de quel- ques mois a celui de M. Curtis," &c. In answer to which it is most essential for the interests of truth and of science to state, that the first 20 columns only of the Guide-(15 thereof made up from these Illustrations, as far as then completed)-were published on the 1st of June, 1829, (not in March, as it would appear by the date at the end of the Preface), anterior to the appearance of my Catalogue in July following; the Lepidop- terous portion of the Guide not appearing till towards the end of 1830. ADDRESS V upwards of 2000 of which, amongst the Hymenoptera and Diptera, are not British Since the publication of the last number of this work in January 1837, I have been unwearied in my endeavours to obtain a com- plete census of our indigenous species, and have proceeded to a considerable extent in working up an amended edition of my Catalogue (or Nomenclature), by patiently re-examining the re- ferences to every species and synonym, attaching the actual date when possible to every reference, and re-arranging my collection on a novel plin, to correspond exactly with every name, both specific and synonymical: a proceeding which the possession of the largest collection of British Insects, and probably the most extensive Entomological Library (about 1500 volumes), have ena- bled me to perform with some prospect of success, especially now that my time is solely at my own disposal. This Nomenclature it was my full intention to print with the continuation of the Illus- trations; whether, however, it may now ever see the light is pro- blematical : it will not be my fault should it not, for no person has more sincere cause to regret the abrupt termination of this work than myself, having not only devoted the greater portion of a not very short life towards its prosecution, at a cost of nearly £10,000, in the formation of my Collection and Library, and in the expense of publication ; but as a consequence of loss of time in defending my copyright in 1832-3, my prospects were for ever blighted, by the inconsiderate prejudices of an implacable and tyrannical in- dividual: thus compelling me, in the decline of life, to embrace the first opportunity that presented itself, of relieving myself of the thraldom of office, and of retiring in comparative penury therefrom! Contrasted therewith, I have now in conclusion the pleasure sincerely to return my thanks to my Subscribers generally, for their support, and more particularly to the following gentlemen, -amongst whose names will be found those of the persons most eminently distinguished for their respective attainments in the various branches of natural science, in this country,--for their recent exertions on my behalf. vi ADDRESS. C.C. BABINGTON, F.L.S., F.G.S., Sec. Camb. Phil. S. W. BAIRD, M.D., Brit. Mus. JNO. BARLOW, Sec. R.S., F.R.S., &c. EDW. BARNARD, F.L.S. Thos. BELL, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Prof. Zoology, King's Coll. J.J. BENNETT, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Fras. Boot, M.D., F.L.S., &c. J. BOSTOCK, M.D, F.R.S., &c. J.S. BOWERBANK, F.R.S., &c. W. J. BRODERIP, F.R.S., &c. Rr. Browy, V.P L.S., &c. WALTER BUCHANAN, F. L. S., F.R.S., &c. WM. BUCKLAND, F.R.S., &c. RD. CHAMBERS, F.L.S. JNO. GEO. CHILDREN, F.R.S, &c. BRACEY CLARK, F.L.S., &c. Ch. R. DARWIN, F.R.S., &c. L. W. DILLWYN, F.R.S., &c. Edw. DOUBLEDAY, F.L.S., &c. HY. DOWNES, Com. R.N., F.L.S., &c. W.F. EVANS, M.E.S. F. J. FARRE, M.D., F.L.S., &c. Edw. FORSTER, V.P.L.S., &c. J. D. E. FORTNUM, M.E.S. JNO. GOULD, F.R.S., &c. Geo. GRANT, M.D. Robt. E. GRANT, M.D., F.R.S. L. & E. Prof. Zool. University Coll. Geo. R. Gray, F.L.S., &c. Jno. E. GRAY, F.R.S., &c. J. S. HENSLOW, M.A., F.L.S., Prof. Botany, Cambridge W. J. HOOKER, F.R.S., &c. F. W. HOPE, F.R.S., &c. Thos. HORSFIELD, M.D., F.R.S., &c. WM. KIRBY, F.R.S., &c. CH. KONIG, F.R.S., &e. WM. NORTON LLOYD, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Edw. NEWMAN, F.L.S. Richt. OWEN, Hunterian Profes- sor Royal Coll. of Surgeons, F.R.S., &c. J. J. S. PARRY, F.L.S. J. F. ROYLE, M.D., F.R.S., Prof. Mat. Med. &c., King's Coll. W. W. SAUNDERS, F.L.S., S.A., &c. R. H. SOLLY, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. G. B. SOWERBY, F.L.S., &c. WM. SPENCE, F.R.S., &c. Geo. T. STAUNTON, Bart., M.P., F.R.S., &c. Cu. STOKES, F.R.S., &c. W. H. SYKES, Lt. Col., F.R.S., &c. A. TULK, M.R.C.S. GEO. R. WATERHOUSE, Brit. Mus. J. 0. WESTWOOD, F.L.S., Sec. Ent. S., &c. ADAM WHITE, Brit. Mus. WM. Wood, F.R.S., &c. WM. YARRELL, F.L. & Z.S. Eltham Cottage, Foxley Road, Kennington, September, 1846. ILLUSTRATIONS OF BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY. MANDIBULAT A. HYMENOPTERA. FAMILY V. ICHNEUMONIDÆ, Leach. Plate XXXIX. fig. 3. Phytodietus segmentator. PH. Niger, marginibus segmentorum albidis ; pedibus rufis anticorum trochanteribus et coxis flavis, posticorum tarsis et tibiarum apice nigris. (Long. Corp. 2; 3; lin. Exp. Alar. 7 lin.) Phy. segmentator, Gravenhorst, ii. 944.-Steph. Nomen. 2 edit. Black, with the margin of the abdominal segments whitish ; legs red, slender, with the trochanters of the anterior and the coxæ yellow, the tarsi of the posterior, and the apex of the tibiae black :- the male has the face yellow, and the posterior coxæ and trochanters varied with black and yellow : the female has the face marked with yellow, and the hinder coxæ red. Apparently rare : taken in the vicinity of London. Plate XXXIX. fig. 2. Schizopyga analis. Sc. Nigra, abdomine rufo, margine segmentorum 1—3 anoque nigris ; pedibus rufis, nigro maculatis ; aculeo subexserto. (Long. Corp. 3-34 lin.) Sch, analis, Gravenhorst, ii. 130.-- Steph. Nomen. 2 edit. Black: mouth and antennæ beneath pale testaceous : abdomen with the basal segment black, with its sides and back red, 2nd and 3rd segments red, the edges black, two following wholly red, the rest black : legs red, the tips of the four hinder thighs and tibiæ black : hinder tarsi black, the base of the joints testaceous : female with the ovipositor slightly exserted. Taken at Darenth, in June. MANDIBULATA-SUPPLEMENT, August, 1846. B 2 BANDIBULATA.-HYMENOPTERA. Plate XXXIX, fig. 1. Rhyssa Persuasoria. Rh. Nigra albomaculata, segmentis intermediis maculis duabus latera- libus albis ; pedibus fulvis, posticis tibiis tarsisque fuscis :--mas. facie alba; fem. orbitis oculorum albis, aculeo corpore longiore. (Long. Corp. 6-15 lin.) Ich. persuasorius, Linné.- Rh. persüsoria, Steph. Cat. No. 4012. Black, spotted with yellowish white : intermediate, and sometimes the basal segments of the abdomen with a yellowish-white spot on each side : legs fulvous, the hinder tibia and tarsi fuscous. Male with the face white; female with the orbits of the eyes white, the ovipositor longer than the body. The figure represents the male of this rare species of the natural size : the crossed lines having been erroneously annexed thereto, in lieu of being attached to the figure of Schizopyga analis. Taken at Weybridge; Coombe Wood; near Kimpton, Hants : and York: but rare. Plate XXXVI. fig. 4. Arotes albicinctus. Ar. Niger segmento primo albidomarginato, femoribus tibiisque ante- rioribus subtus testaceis. Mas, facie flava, antennis subtus fulvis ; fem. annulo antennarum albo. (Long. Corp. 6-7} lin.) Ar. albicinctus, Gravenhorst, Ich. iii. 448. --- N. S. tarsalis, Steph. Cat. No. 4009. Black: the basal segments of the abdomen edged with white ; the anterior thighs and tibiæ testaceous beneath. Male with the edges of the 2 basal segments of the abdomen, and the tips of all the tarsi white, antenne reddish beneath : female with the tips of the hinder tarsi, and a ring in the middle of the antennae white. Many years since, I once observed this fine, and apparently rare, insect, flying in plenty at Darenth Wood in June; I fortunately secured a pair. It is the only species of the genus. 소 ​文 ​XZXXX ZZ ㅏ ​t ICHNEUMONIDA. 3 Plate XL. fig. 4. Enicospilus combustus. Sp. 1. Eni, merdarius.--Testaceus, oculis abdominisque apice fuscis. (Long. Corp. 6-10 lin.) Op. merdarius, Gravenhorst, ii. 698.-Steph. Nomen, 2d edit. Testaceous, with the eyes and the two or three terminal segments of the abdomen fuscous: ovipositor black. Sp. 2. Eni. ramidulus, Linné.-Steph. Cat. No. 4637.-Testaceus, ab- dominis apice nigro. (Long. Corp. 6-10 lin.) Testaceous, with the two last segments of the abdomen wholly black. Sp. 3. Eni. combustus, Plate XL. fig. 4.-Gravenhorst, iii. 701.---Steph. Nomen. 2d edit.-(Testaceus, thorace et abdominis apice nigris. (Long. Corp. 9 lin.) Testaceous, with the thorax and the two last segments of the abdomen and a spot on the back of the first, black. The above, which are all the species of this genus, are found, but rarely, in gardens within the metropolitan district. BRACONIDÆ. Plate XXXVII. fig. 2. Microgaster tibialis. Mı. Niger, tibüs testaceis ; alis denigratis. Fem. aculeo abdominis dimidio breviore. (Long, Corp. 14 lin.) Mi. tibialis ? Nees. I. A. i. 168.-Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Deep black; antennæ short robust; anterior femora at the apex, and the tibiæ testaceous, posterior brown; anterior tarsi testaceous with brown tips: wings deep smoky black, with the stigma darker : ovipositor half the length of the abdomen. Found in meadows during the summer ; widely dispersed. 4 MANDIBULATA.--HYMENOPTERA. Plate XXXVII. fig. 1. Microgaster ? basalis. Mr. Niger, abdominis basi, pedibusque rufis ; alis hyalinis, stigmate rufo. (Long. Corp. 2 lin.) Mi.? basalis, Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Black: the three basal segments of the abdomen, and the legs wholly red: wings hyaline, yellowish, with the stigma reddish. Very rare: found near London, and in Devonshire. Plate XXXVII. fig. 38. 44. Helcon annulicornis. HE. Ater, nitidissimus ; abdominis sublinearis primo segmento acute bicarinato; pedibus rufis, coxis trochanteribusque anterioribus tibiis tarsisque posticis nigris, his medio albis ; femoribus posticis unidentatis. Fem. Annulo antennarum albo. (Long. Corp. 5 lin.) He. annulicornis, Nees ab Essen. Hym. i. 231.-N. S. dentata. --Steph. Cat. No. 4010. Deep, shining, black: abdomen somewhat linear, its basal segment with 2 sharp ridges: legs red, the anterior coxæ and trochanters and hinder tibiæ and tarsi black, the middle of the latter white : hinder thighs with a single sharp tooth near the tip beneath. Female, with a white ring in the middle of the antenna. I possess a fine pair of these remarkable insects, taken I believe in South Wales; and in the collection of the Entomological Club are several examples, of both sexes, which, if I mistake not, were captured near Leominster, by Mr. Newman, PZXIIVII 't PLIZIV X J.O del 5 CHALCIDIDE. CHALCIDIDA. Plate XLIV. fig. 3. Hallichella armata. HA. Nigra, pubescens femoribus posticis subtus subbidentatis, nigris ; scutello elongato, bifurcato; pedibus anterioribus ferrugineis, femo- ribus tibiisque in medio fuscis. (Long. Corp. 2 - 2 lin.) Ch. armata, Panzer.-- Steph. Cat. No. 5318. Black, pubescent: scutellum elongate, its apex bifurcate; hinder thighs black, somewhat bidentate beneath; anterior legs rust-coloured, thighs and tibiae brown in the middle. Male, with the anterior legs without the brown colour. Found in June, at Ripley, among hazels. Plate XLIV. fig. 1. Eucharis adscendens. Eu. Viridi-ænea, nitida ; scutello integro. (Long. Corp. 24 lin.) Cy, adscendens, Fabricius Mant. i. 251.-Eu, adscendens.-Steph. Cat. No. 5324. Brassy-green, very glossy, punctured, glabrous; scutellum elevated, ovate, obtuse ; legs pale testaceous, with the base of the femora and the claws fuscous. Male, with the scutellum acute, and the hinder femora dusky, Found in South Wales, near Swansea, in June. 6 MANDIBULATA - HYMENOPTERA. EURYTOMID Æ. Plate XLV. fig. 3. Eurytoma Abrotani.g Eu. Nigra, antennis maris antrorsum sinuatis; tibiis anticis tarsisque omnibus testaceis : feminæ, geniculis solis tarsisque pallidis, alis hyalinis. (Long. Corp. 1-3 lin.) Eu. Abrotani, Iliger.--Steph. Cat. No. 5326. Black, punctured ; slightly pubescent; wings hyaline : male with the anterior tibiæ, knees and tarsi testaceous; antenna pilose and sinuated anteriorly : female with the knees and tarsi alone whitish. Common in hedges about London. SPALANGIIDÆ. Plate XLV. fig. 1. Crocephala cornigera. 3 C. Nigra, caput fulvum, oculis verticique nigris, antennis basi fulvis ; collare lateribus anticis pedibusque fulvis. (Long. Corp. 1} lin.) C. cornigera, Westwood.-Steph. Cat. No. 5351. Black; head fulvous, with the eyes and crown black; base of the antenne, sides and part of the collar, and legs also fulvous; thorax punctured ; abdomen glossy; wings hyaline, anterior with a small black spot before the middle, and a large dusky one near the apex. Taken at Ripley in July 1827. PU IZV t 7 3 CE_Wagstal London Abd by J.ESzepes TORYMIDÆ. 7 TORYMIDÆ. Plate XLV. fig. 2 Megastigmus dorsalis. Me. Viridis, flavo variegatus ; abdomina eneo, oviductu corpore bre- viore, alis subhyalinis, macula fusca. (Long. Corp. 1-1} lin.) Ich, dorsalis, Fabricius.-Coll. bipunctatis.-Steph. Cat. No. 5352. Green, abdomen brassy; male with the head in part yellow; antennæ brown; the scape green, with the base and beneath yellow; legs more or less yellow, or pale straw; the apex of the tarsi brown; wings somewhat hyaline, with a large brown stigma: female with the head yellow, green between the eyes, abdomen yellow beneath, the disc brassy-brown. Common on oaks near Hertford and Ripley, in the autumn. Plate XLV. fig. 4. Callimome varians. Ca. Viridis ; nitens: abdomine apice eneo, oviductd corpore paullo longiore, pedibus flavis, femoribus supra viridibus aut æneis; alis subfuscis. (Long. Corp. 14-24 lin.) Ca. varians, Walker.- Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Green, shining; eyes and ocelli red; thorax behind and beneath brassy- green; abdomen with the basal segment green, tinted with copper, the apex brassy; ovipositor rather longer than the body ; legs yellow, the thighs above, and sometimes the posterior tibiæ clouded with green or dusky-brass. Taken near London, in the autumn. 8 MANDIBULATA. HYMENOPTERA. Plate XLIV. fig. 2. Perilampus micans. Pe. Viridi-æneus, subobscurus, scrobiculato-punctatis ; thoracis dorso cupreo aurato ; abdomine ater; fronte hypostomateque transversim striolatis. (Long. Corp. 11-2 lin.) Pe. micans, Dahm. Act. Holm. 1820. P. 73. Dullish brassy-green, coarsely punctured : thorax above golden copper : abdomen deep black, glossy: front and hypostome transversely striated: thighs brassy-green, the extreme tip testaceous : tibia and tarsi pale testaceous. Male of a bluish tint. Hinder tibiæ (as in the figure) sometimes clouded with fuscous. Extremely abundant in June, on new oak paling, about Cam. berwell, found in company with Lyctus oblongus and Tillus unifaciatus, which last is also at times to be found there in plenty, between the 10th and 21st June, in sunny weather. Plate XLIV. fig. 4. Cratomus megacephalus. C. Ater tibiis luteis, capite maximo retuso. (Long. Corp. 1 lin.) Cynips megacephala, Fabricius.-Cr. megacephalus, Steph. Cat. No. 5323. Deep, obscure, bluish-black: abdomen glossy: legs black, tibiæ and tarsi yellow : head very large and broad, bidentate in front: wings clouded with fuscous. Four posterior tibiæ sometimes clouded with brown. Found occasionally on new palings near London. Sp. 2. Ce. nigripes, Steph MSS. ater, pedibus toto nigris, alis hyalinis, Smaller, with the legs and tarsi wholly black : wings hyaline. Taken in the garden at the Hermitage, South Lambeth. ENCYRTIDA. EULOPHIDE. 9 ENCYRTIDÆ. Plate XLVI, fig. 4. Eucyrtus punctipes. En. Albo-canescens ; antennis nigris, albo annulatis ; capite thoraceque testaceis, hoc griseo squamoso ; abdominis dorso medio tibiarumque annulis nigris : alis hyalinis. (Long. Corp. } lin.) En. punctipes, Dahm.-Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Whitish-ash : antenna black, annulated with white: head and thorax tes- taceous, the latter rather densely clothed with griceous scales : middle of the abdomen above, and rings in the tibiae, black : wings hyaline. Male with the antennæ pale fulvous. Found on lime-trees near London, during the summer: also in Wales and the north of Ireland. EULOPHID Æ. Plate XLVI. fig. 1. Eulophus cinetipes. 8 Eu. Viridis, thorace scutelloque purpureis, abdomine nigro, pedibus flavis posterioribus nigro cinctis. (Long. Corp. 1 lin.) Eu. cinctipes, Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Green, shining; collar and scutellum purple : abdomen linear, black : legs yellow, middle thighs with a black ring towards the base, and hinder pair with the apex black : middle and hinder tibiæ with their tips broadly black : antennæ pale fuscous. Found in the spring, near London. MANDIBULATA-SUPPLEMENT, AUGUST, 1846. 10 MANDIBULATA. HYMENOPTERA. Plate XLVI. fig. 3. Cirrospilus Walkeri. C1. Flavus, macula thoracis, abdominisque apice viridi-æneis, tibiis intermediis apicibus nigris. (Long. Corp. 14 lin.) Ci. Walkeri, Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Yellow; ocelli black; eyes fuscous; an irregular blotch on the thorax, and the metathorax and scutellum brassy-green ; abdomen yellow, its tip greenish-black; sides of thorax yellow, with a greenish apex : legs yellow, the apex of the middle tibia and tips of the hinder tarsi, black. Found in June, near London. PROCTOTRUPIDÆ. Plate XLVI. fig. 2. Diapria conica. Dr. Antennis apicem versus incrassatis, clard subsexarticulata, nigra, scapo pedibusque pedis, tibiis pallidioribus ; abdomine conico-acuminato. Mas. antennis corpore longioribus fuscis, scapo pedibusque rufis, flagelli articulis elongato-cylindricis verticillato pilosis, secundo basi extrorsum distincte emarginato ; ano obtuso. (Long. Corp. 13-14 lin.) Ich. conicus, Fabricius.-- Di. conica, Steph. Cat. No. 5601. Black : Female with the antennæ thickened towards the apex, the club black, and obscurely six-jointed, the base and the legs pitchy, the tibia paler ; abdomen conic-acuminate. Male with the antennæ longer than the body, fuscous, the scape red, the joints elongate-cylindric, verticil- late pilose, the second joint distinctly notched towards the base : anus obtuse. Not uncommon in the vicinity of London in the summer. GONATOPIDA, SCELIONID. 11 GONATOPID Æ. Plate XLVII. fig. 2. Anteon flavicorne. An. Nigrum nitidum, fronte albo-sericed ; ore albo ; antennis (feminæ) thorace brevioribus apice crassioribus et pedibus testaceis : metathorace leviter cancellato. (Long. Corp. 13-2 lin.) Dr. flavicornis, Dalman.--Go. flavicornis, Steph. Catal. No. 5673. Black, and shining : forehead with a whitish pile; mouth white, antennæ of the female rather shorter than the thorax, thickened at the apex, and, with all the legs, pale testaceous; metathorax slightly cancellated. Found near London, in woods and shady places, in July. SCELIONIDÆ. Plate XLVII. fig. 3. Teleas Procris. Te. Ater, apterus, pedibus piceis, antennis mari filiformibus. (Long, Corp. § lin.) Te. Procris, Walker. Ent. M. ii. 366.--- Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Black, punctured, slightly pubescent ; wingless ; legs pitchy, the knees, tips of the tibia and the tarsi reddish; abdomen with the basal segment, and the greater portion of the 2nd deeply striated. Common in grassy places about London. 12 MANDIBULATA. HYMENOPTERA. LARRIDÆ. Plate XLVII. fig. 4. Miscophus bicolor. Mr. Niger. Fem. abdomine basi rufo. (Long. Corp. 3 lin.) Mi. bicolor, Jurine.-Steph. Catal. No. 4919.* Black, finely punctured; mandibles reddish; abdomen with the basal segment entirely, and the base of the second red, remaining segments with their edges slightly pitchy. Male totally black. Taken at Coombe Wood, and near Weybridge, in June and August. monobena bu Plate XLII. fig. 3. Dinetus pictus. Di. Lævis, niger, thorace maculato, abdomine ferrugineo fasciis tribus flavis, ano nigricante. Mas. fronte flavd, antennis cochleatim retortis. (Long. Corp. 3–3; lin.) Cr. pictus, Fabriciis..Di. pictus, Steph. Catal. No. 4920. Smooth; black: thorax with an interrupted transverse band on the collar, the tegula, tubercles, and a streak across the scutellum yellow; abdomen with the three basal segments reddish, the 2nd and 3rd having an ovate yellow spot on each side near the margin, the three following segments black, with the edges of the 5th and 6th yellow; apex of the anterior femora and tibiæ outwardly yellow. Male with the head yellow in front ; antennæ twisted : 4 anterior legs yellow. Rare: taken in June near Windsor. Plate X7.7 X La Fino Stars 0.12.15 SPHEGIDÆ. 13 SPHEGIDÆ. Plate XLI. fig. 1. Aporus bicolor. 9 Ap. Ater, abdominis segmentis tribus saturate rubris. (Long. Corp. 2-3) lin.) Ap. bicolor, Spin. Ins. Lig. ii. 34.-Steph. Catal. No. 4862. Deep opaque black; the 3 anterior segments of the abdomen dull deep red, or rust-coloured. Male with the anterior portion of the face, except- ing the clypeus, metathorax, coxæ and trochanters clothed with a dense silvery pubescence; with the margin of the first, and base of the second abdominal segments deep pitchy-red. Rare : found in Dorsetshire, and in South Wales, near Swansea, in June; and at Weybridge, in August. Plate XLI. fig. 2. Pompilus notatus. Po. Niger; antennis thorace paullo longioribus, abdominis segmento secundo supra fascid rubrå sæpe obsoleta, pedibus partim nigris, partim rubris. (Long. Corp. 34 lin.) Po. notatus, Rossi.--Po. formosus.-Steph. Catal. No. 4884. Black: antennae slender, rather longer than the thorax; mandibles reddish at the tip; abdomen with a broad red band at the base of the 2nd segment, sometimes obscure ; anterior femora within, with their tibiæ and tarsi, the intermediate femora at the tip and their tibiæ, and also the hinder femora dull-red; wings hyaline, slightly clouded with brown at the tip. Very rare; taken in June near Ripley. 14 MANDIBULATA.-HYMENOPTERA. Plate XLII. fig. 1. Dolichurus corniculus. +Do. Ater, nitidus, immaculatus. (Long. Corp. 3–4. lin.) Po. corniculus, Spinola.--Do. ater, Steph. Catal. No. 4894. Deep glossy black, immaculate; the extreme margin of the abdominal segments reddish-pitch. Very rare, at least in the east of England; found by Dr. Leach near Ashburton, Devon. Plate XLI. fig. 3. Sphex flavipennis. Sp. Niger, fronte aurea, abdomine rufo, petiolo apiceque atris, tarsis ferrugineis. (Long. Corp. 7} lin.) Sp. flavipennis, Fabricius.-Steph. Catal. No. 4896. Black, pubescent : forehead with a golden pubescence ; with the apex of the basal segments, and the whole of the 2nd and 3rd segments red, margin of the rest pitchy; tarsi rust-coloured. Taken, I believe, in Norfolk; apparently very rare. PLIZI x X G . FORMICIDA. 15 Plate XLI. fig. 4. Miscus campestris. 8 Mr. Niger, metathorax in medio depresso et a latere oblique striato, abdominis segmento secundo et tertio rufo. (Long. Corp. 7-9 lin.) Mi. campestris, Van de Linden Hym. i. 92.- Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Black, pubescent: metathorax with a faint longitudinal depression, with slanting lateral striæ: abdomen with the apex and the band, the whole of the second and the base of the third, segments red. In the male there is a black patch on the back of the second segment. Found in Dorsetshire, and in the New Forest : and in the greatest profusion on the heaths near Weybridge, Surrey, in June and July FORMICIDA Plate XLII. fig. 2. Ponera contracta. +Po. Elongata, subcylindrica, fusco-brunnea ; antennis pedibusque lu- tescente brunneis. (Long. Corp. 14-2 lin.) Fo. contracta, Latreille.-- Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Elongate, nearly cylindric, deep brown glabrous and shining : antennæ short, reddish-brown; mandibles pitchy-red : abdomen with the second segment separated by a stricture from the first, its margin as also that of the others pitchy-red: legs brownish-yellow or ochreous. Females with very indistinct eyes ; neuter without eyes, and wingless. Found in the neighbourhood of Chelsea and Pimlico, in June. In the collections of Messrs. Westwood and Ingpen. 16 MANDIBULATA HYMENOPTERA. APIDÆ. Plate XLIII. fig. 1. Nomada Kirbyella. No. Nigra, apicibus antennarum, tibiis, tarsisque rufis ; abdomini segmento 20, 30-que maculd laterali albida, 4'-6° fasciis abbre- viatis transversis ochreis. (Long. Corp. 61 lin.) No. Kirbiella, Steph. Catal. No. 5070. Head and clypeus, wholly black; the latter with a dense silvery pubes- cence : maxillæ yellow: antennæ red, scape black, the basal joint with a short black streak behind: thorax black, tubercles and tegulæ red : trochanters, coxæ, and femora black, the extreme tip of the latter, tibiæ, and tarsi red: abdomen tawny red, the basal segment half black, 2nd with a round cream-coloured spot on each side, 3rd with a smaller one, 3 following with short, transverse, ochreous bands; beneath wholly red. Taken by myself, near London. Plate XLIII. fig. 2. Osmia xanthomelana. Os. aterrima, villosa, thorace, abdominisque basi, lanuginoso fulves- centibus. (Long. Corp. 44-61 lin.) Ap. xanthomelana, Kirby.-Steph. Catal. No.5058. Black ; deeply punctured, and pubescent: female with the head clothed with black hair, the thorax above with reddish-brown, and beneath with black ; legs also clothed with black and tarsi beneath with dark brown : abdomen with the 2 basal segments clothed with reddish brown, the rest thinly clothed with black, inside the under surface densely so. Male with the face clothed with white hairs, inclining to ochreous towards the crown; thorax above with fulvous and beneath with hoary, as well as the legs : abdomen above also clothed with fulvous, with the 6th seg- ment notched, the 7th incurved and bidentate. Taken at Birch and Darenth woods ; also near Liverpool and Bristol, and near Ryde in the Isle of Wight, in May and June. PLIZAZI ANDRENIDA. 17 Plate XLIII. fig. 3. Bombus cognatus. Bo. Hirsuto-flavescens, abdominis basi nigricante, pedibus piceis. (Long, Corp. 7-8 lin ) Bo. cognatus, Steph. Catal. No. 5136. Black : head sparingly clothed with long whitish hairs in front: thorax densely covered with bright ochreous yellow hairs: abdomen clothed with long dusky hairs on the 2nd segment, and with pale ochreous ones on the rest, legs pitchy, clothed on the femora with whitish, and on the tibiæ and tarsi, with pale ochreous hairs. Closely allied to Bo. Muscorum, of which the examples I possess may be immature specimens. Taken on Leigh Down, near Bristol. ANDRENIDÆ. Plate XLIII. fig. 4. Andrena bucephala. An, Niger, glabriuscula, tibiis tarsisque rufescentibus ; capite magno. (Long. Corp. 5 lin.) An. bucephala.- Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Black: head very large and broad, sparingly clothed with longish ochreous hair in front: thorax with a few scattered hairs on the sides and behind : abdomen shining, glabrous, the margins of the segments pitchy, and the anal one tawny : femora black; tibiæ tawny, the anterior pair with the front dusky; tarsi tawny; wings iridescent; stigma tawny. This may be only a very highly developed male of the Andrena longipes of Shuckard; but I have seen no connecting link, in re- gard to the magnitude of the head, which in the present insect is enormous. Found in June, near Bath. MANDIBULATA.-SUPPLEMENT, AUGUST, 1846. D 18 MANDIBULATA-HYMENOPTERA. CYNIPIDÆ. Plate XLVII. fig. 1. Anacharis Eucharoides. An. Ater, aut æneo-ater ; petiolo abdominis dimidio longiore ; pedibus flavis ; alisalbo-limpidis. (Long. Corp. 1-14 lin.) An. Eucharoides, Dalman. -- Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Black or brassy black : legs yellow; coxæ and trochanters black; tarsi dusky at the tip: wings limpid, scales and nervures rust-coloured, the longitudinal nerve yellow at the base, the outer transverse nerve stout and pitchy: petiole above half the length of the body. Found near London ; in Windsor Forest, and in the Isle of Wight, in June and September. STREPSIPTERA. STYLOPIDÆ. Plate XLVII. fig. 4. Stylops Melitte. St. Aterrima; alis subrotundutis, lacteis, costa niyricante; pedibus piceis, tarsis anterioribus rufescentibus. (Long. Corp. 1} lin.) St. Melitta, Kirby M. A.--- Steph. Catal. No. 5789. Intense black; wings somewhat rounded on the hinder margins; milk white, stained with dusky towards the costa, which is deep black: legs pitchy, with the 4 anterior tarsi reddish: abdomen pale on its edges. Found, very rarely, near London ; and in Suffolk; in the spring. The insects included in this genus are all of the utmost rarity near London but under favourable circumstances, and in some localities, numerous examples have been observed and captured.--It would ap- pear from the diversity in the form of the wings and other minor cha- racters, that there were several distinct species: I have, however, been unsuccessful in obtaining more than two, viz. Melitta and Dalii. The following are the indigenous species recorded, viz. :- Sp. 1. Melittæ Kirby. - Barham : Clapham. 2. Kirbii Leuch.-Devonshire. 3. Haworthi Stephens. - Chelsea. 4. Spencii Pickering.-Hammersmith. 5. Dalii Curtis.- Epping and Dorset. The St. tenuicornis Kirby is the type of a distinct genus, called ELEN- cuts by Curlis, and synonymous with his El. Walkeri, of which I once brushed a specimen from off some high grass near Hertford in July. One other species, viz. Halictophagus Curtisii, closes the account of the ascertained British species of this singular order of insects. TE IIIIII PL 43 London Pul by steps, sy, 1893 19 HAUSTELLATA. DIPTERA. CULICIDÆ. Plate XLIII. fig. 1. Culex concinnus. Cu. Fusco-brunneus, thorace fusco vittato, abdomine angulis 5-que albix, femoribus basi subtus albido. (Long. Corp. 2} lin.) Cu, concinnus, Steph. Catal. No. 7650. Deep fuscous-brown: thorax with a broad longitudinal fuscous streak; abdomen with 5 white bands; and with triangular spots of the same on each side beneath; pleurs also dotted with white ; legs fuscous, with the base of the femora beneath whitish : wings pale fuscous, iridescent, spotless ; halteres lurid-ochreous. Found in July, in Scotland. TIPULID Æ. Plate XLII. fig. 2. Chironomus viridulus. 8 Ch. Viridis, thorace vittis obscuris ; alis hyalinis puncto nigro. (Long, Corp. 2} lin.) Tip. viridula, Fabricius-Ch. viridulus, Steph. Cat. No. 7686. Bright green: thorax with obscure brownish streaks: legs very pale yellowish-green, with the tips of the femora, tibiæ, and joints of the tarsi black; wings hyaline, with a faint black dot. A very pretty and abundant species of this numerous genus, which contains above 100 indigenous species. 20 HAUSTELLATA. Plate XLII. fig. 1. Corethra plumicornis. Co. Ochraceo-fusca, thorace vitta laterali pedibusque albidis. (Long. Corp. 2, -3lin.) Ch. plumicornis, Fabricius.-- Steph. Catal. No. 7655. Ochreous-brown ; pilose, thorax darker on the back, the sides each with a broad white streak; abdomen ochreous-brown, the edges of the seg- ments pale; legs ochreous-white; wings hyaline; halteres white : antennæ brown, with ochreous-brown hairs. Common about Ripley, in June and July, in marshy places ; found also in other parts within the metropolitan district. Plate XLII. fig. 3. Ceratopogon palustris. 8 CE. Ater, halteribus pedibusque piceis. (Long. Corp. 14 lin.) Ce. palustris, Latreille. - Steph. Catal. No. 7787. Deep black; thorax glossy ; abdomen opaque ; legs and halteres brown; wings greenish, with the nervures obscure. Abundant in marshy places, throughout the metropolitan dis- trict, during the summer. 7 PI12 BORDO + TIPULID 21 Plate XLII. fig. 4. Diomyza pulchra ? Di. Atra, scutello concolore ; abdomine fascüs interruptis aureis. (Long. Corp. 14 lin.) Las. pulchra, Meigen Dip. vii. p. 267 ?- Di. pulchra ? Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Black ; thorax opaque, and, with the scutellum, obscure and concolorous ; abdomen with a broad golden or silvery band at the base, and the rest of the segments with an interrupted narrow marginal band of the same; thighs yellow; tibiae and tarsi black; wings hyaline, anterior edges dusky. Not common; found in the windows, occasionally, in the sum- mer, at the Hermitage, South Lambeth, Plate XLIII. fig. 2. Eriopteryx ? Stigma.8 Er.? Cinerea; pedibus flavicantibus ; alis obscuris stigmate fused; antennis nodosis, verticillato pilosis. (Long, Corp 1 lin.) Er. ? Stigma, Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Dull ash-coloured, obscure : legs yellowish, tibix and tarsi dusky; wings brownish, with a distinct darker stigma; antenna densely-black, the distinct and swollen, and furnished with whirls of hair, joints very Not very common; found, in the spring, near London ; at Ripley, &c. 22 HAUSTELLATA. Plate XLIII. fig. 3. Limnobia xanthoptera. Li. Ferruginea ; thorace glabro, nitido, lineis duabus longitudinalibus atris ; abdomine maculis dorsalibus fuscis; alis flavicantibus, linea transversali undulatá atrigâque pallide fuscis. (Long. Corp. 5; 7 lin.) Li. xanthoptera, Meigen.-Steph. Cat. No. 7930. Ferruginous; head inclined, the nose and palpi dusky; thorax glabrous, shining, with two, sometimes interrupted, deep black lines, and occa- sionally with one or two spots of the same behind ; abdomen with a trigonate brown spot on the back of each segment; tips of the thighs black; wings bright yellow, with a waved brown stripe over the transverse nervures, and one or two spots of the same hue on the margin :-or sometimes (as in the figure), the waved streak is shortened, and forms a sort of stigmal spot only. Rather uncommon; found at Hastings, in Devonshire, and at Harrietsham, in Kent, in June. Plate XLIII, fig. 4. Symplecta ? marginata. Sy? Cinereo-fusca, abdominis incisuris pallidioribus, alis fumosis, nervis saturatioribus ; pedibus pilosis. (Long. Corp. 4 lin.) Sy.? marginata, Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Dark ashy-brown; with the edges of the abdominal segments paler ; legs pale brown, densely clothed with long hairs, especially the femora and tibiæ; wings dark-brown, with the nervures darker, the transverse ones edged with a deeper shade. Not common; found occasionally in windows, in London, espe- cially towards Burton Crescent, where I have repeatedly taken specimens. 11.44. TIPULIDÆ 23 Plate XLIV. fig. 1. Bolitophila cinerea. Bo. fusco-cinerea ; alis immaculatis ; pedibus flavicantibus. (Long. Corp. 22 lin.) Bo, cinerea, Meigen.-Steph. Nomen. 2d edit. Griseous-brown; palpi, halteres and legs pale reddish; wings slightly obscured, stigma indistinct. Rare ; taken at Camberwell, in July, Plate XLIV. fig 3. Macrocera phalerata. MA. Cerea, nigro maculata, alis fascid abbreviată apiceque fuscis. (Long. Corp. 2) lin.) Ma. phalerata, Meigen ? - Steph. Cat. No. 8021. Ochreous; antenna brown, yellowish at the base; thorax with 3 faint black stripes ; abdomen with a row of black dots on each side; wings with a cloud at the base, a short broad band in the middle, and the apex brown. Taken occasionally in woods, at Dulwich, in June and July; also at Coombe Wood. 24 HAUSTELLATA. Plate XLIV. fig. 2. Mycetophila? Zonata. My.? Flavescens, abdominis dorso maculis quadratis magnis fuscis; an- tennis crassis, ochraceis, apicibus fuscis. (Long. Corp. 2 lin.) N. G. zonatus, Steph. Catal. No. 8037. Ochreous-yellow: eyes black : thorax glabrous, and very glossy: bright ochraceous, with a faint darker line : abdomen with a large quadrate patch occupying nearly the entire surface of each segment above, and leaving a narrow belt-like space at their base : legs pale ochraceous, the tarsi rather darker. Found at Dover, Coombe Wood, and Ripley, in June: not common. Plate XLIV. fig. 4. Mycetophila ornata. My. Fulva, antennis fuscis, basi lutea, pedibus flavis, alis lutescentibus macula magna medid, aliisque minoribus antapicali fuscis. (Long. Corp. 3 lin.) My. ornata, Steph. Catal. No. 8051. Bright fulvous : eyes black: antennae brown, their base luteous : abdomen with the margins of the segments ochreous : legs pale yellow; wings also yellowish, with a large blackish blotch in the middle, and 3 or 4 smaller ones placed irregularly near the apex. . Taken in old gardens near London, but very rarely. PLA5 > de CE WAT London Pablished by Stephen 20 und 1036 ASILIDE-EMPIDE. 25 ASILIDÆ, Plate XLV. fig. 1. Dasypogon Diadema: DA. Niger ; abdomine punctis lateralibus obscure albidis : Mas, alis fuliginosis, pedibus nigris: Fem. abdomine fascid testacea, pedibus rufo-ferrugineis, alis sub-hyalinis. (Long. Corp. 10 - 11 lin.) Da. Diadema, Fabricius--Steph. Catal. No. 8158. Black, with a bluish tint: face white: 2d joint of the antenna and base of the 3d ochreous: abdomen with faint whitish spots on each side from the 2d to the 5th segments : halteres yellowish ; wings brown, with violet reflections ; legs black. Female (of which sex I have not seen a British example) with the 4th and 5th segments of the abdomen, and the legs testaceous; wings slightly tinted with brown. Found, but very rarely, in June, near Swansea, in Glamorgan- shire. EMPIDÆ. Plate XLV. fig. 3. Hemerodromia monostigma. He, Albida, abdomine vittà dorsali sinuata nigra, alis hyalinis ; puncto marginali nigro. (Long. Corp. 2 lin.) He, monostigma, Hoffmansegg.--Steph, Catal. No. 8261. Whitish, tinged with ochreous: front griseous: thorax dusky above ; ab- domen with an irregular dusky band down the back; legs pale yellow, with the terminal joint of the tarsi dusky : wings hyaline with a black marginal dot or stigma. Not uncommon in the vicinity of London, in woody places, in May. HAUSTELLATA.-SUPPLEMENT, AUGUST, 1846. 26 HAUSTELLATA. DOLICHOPIDÆ. Plate XLV. fig. 4. Psilopus platypterus. Ps. viridi-æneus, capite albo, pedibus pallidis. Mas. alis amplis ; tarsis intermediis apice atro alboque. (Long. Corp. 2; lin.) Dol. platypterus, Fabricius.-Ps. platypterus.--Steph. Catal. No. 8327. Brassy-green, with a griseous pile : face and front white; antennæ ochre- ous, the 3rd joint obscure; abdomen, with long scattered hairs ; legs pale yellow, intermediate tarsi of the male with the 3rd and 4th joints white, the 5th black ; hinder tibiæ sometimes with a dusky ring: wings very broad in the male. Abundant in marshy places near London, during the summer. R HÀ GIỬ NID E. Plate XLV. fig. 2. Atherix marginata. Ar. Atra ; abdomine fasciis albis ; alis fusco fasciatis : pedibus nigris. (Long. Corp. 4 lin.) Bib. marginata, Fabricius.--At. marginata, Steph. Catal. No. 8389. Deep black; thorax clothed with a whitish pile : segments of the abdomen narrowly edged with white ; legs black : wings brown with white spots. Very rare near London; but not uncommon in the vicinity of in rivers in the west of England, especially near Ashburton, June. P246 17 ANTHRACIDE-STRATYOMIDÆ. 27 ANTHRACIDÆ. Plate XLVI. fig. 4. Anthrax Pandora. An. Atra, pubescens, alis fusco-nigris maculis fenestratis ; apice mar- gineque postico profundé sinuato-hyalinis. (Long. Corp. 34 lin.) Ant. Pandora, Fabricius Steph. Catal. No. 8438. Deep black, clothed with tawny metallic hairs, which become blackish on the sides and under part of the thorax : wings blackish, with the apex and hinder portion hyaline, the transparent portion deeply waved : the darkened part with several irregular hyaline spots. On the abdomen are some faint traces of interrupted silvery bands. Taken near Dover, in July. STRATYOMID Æ. Plate XLVI. fig. 1. Clitellaria Ephippium. . Cl. Nigra; thorace sanguineo spind laterali. (Long, Corp. 4-5 lin.) St. Ephippium, Fabricius. -Cli. Ephippium, Steph. Catal. No. 8475. Deep black: front with two spots of white hairs: thorax blood-red, clothed with a dense pile ; its sides armed with a strong spine ; scutellum with two stout, sharp recurved spines: wings brown-black. Very rare; taken in June in Coombe wood, whence I possess a fine pair. 28 HAUSTELLATA. XYLOPHAGIDÆ. Plate XLVI. fig. 2. Actina tibialis. Ac. Thorace æneo-viridi; abdomine nigro; spinis scutelli pedibusque flavis; tibiis posticis clavatis, fuscis. (Long. Corp. 24 lin.) Be. tibialis, Meigen.-Steph. Catal. No. 8488. Metallic green; green; face with whitish hairs; a small white dot at the base of the antennæ; spines on the scutellum yellow; abdomen black, of the female yellow beneath ; legs yellow; hinder tibiæ and tarsi thickened and brown: wings brown, stigma black. Not very common, in hedges, within the metropolitan district. Plate XLVI. fig. 3. Subula maculata.? Su. Ater, thorace flavo maculato, abdominis segmentis margine flavis. (Long. Corp. 4 lin.) Xyl. maculatus, Fabricii Ant. 65 ? ---Steph. Nomen, 2d edit. Black; palpi and antennæ beneath tawny-yellow; thorax with its tubercles, a slender interrupted transverse line, a larger spot on each side near the insertion of the wings and the lateral margin yellow; scutellum yellow : abdomen with a large yellow spot on the sides of the second segment, and the margins of the rest also yellow; legs yellow, the tips of the hinder thighs and tibiæ, and of all the tarsi, black. Taken in June in the New Forest, but seemingly very rare. P2.47 ander The Star MAX SYRPHIDÆ. 29 SYRPHIDÆ. Plate XLVII. fig. 1. Syrphus Lucorum. 8 Sy. Thorace nigricante, ferrugineo hirsuto ; abdomine nigro, segmento 1 mo, albido 4 ; alis fascid demidiata fusca : Mas, segmento 1 mo, utrinque macula albida. (Long. Corp. 43-5 lin.) Musca Lucorum, Linné. ---Sy. maculipennis, Steph. Catal. No. 8612. Black: face white, with a black belt: thorax with a metallic hue, and clothed with tawny hairs : scutellum reddish : abdomen of a steel-black, the basal segment of the male with a fulvous or whitish patch on each side, of the female wholly whitish, or ochreous : knees and base of the tibice ochreous : wings hyaline, with a large dusky spot in the middle of the costa. Not uncommon in woods, especially in Coombe and Darenth woods, in June. Plate XLVII. fig. 3. Eristalis fumipennis. Er. Niger ; thorace rufo hirsuto, scutello rufo, abdomine atro, antice maculis duabus ferrugineis, pedibus anterioribus tarsisque omnibus fulvis, posticis nigris, tibiis basi rufo : alis infuscatis. (Long. Corp. 6 lin.) Er. fumipennis, Steph. Catal. No. 8650. Black: thorax clothed with a red pubescence : scutellum red; abdomen black, the basal segments with a large ovate rusty spot on each side, the remaining segments slightly edged with ochreous : 4 anterior legs and all the tarsi fulvous ; posterior legs black, with the tibiæ red at the base; antennae red. 1 possess one specimen, but I am not aware of its locality, 30 HAUSTELLATA. Plate XLVII. fig. 2. Helophilus Frutetorum. He. Thorace flavo, vittis tribus atris; abdomine atro, fasciis interrup- tis flavis ; antennis rufis. (Long. Corp. 43-5 lin.) Syr. Frutetorum, Fabricius-He. Frutetorum, Steph. Catal. No. 8664. Head, front and antennæ tawny yellow; thorax yellow with three black streaks ; scutellum brown; abdomen black, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th segments each with an interrupted yellow streak, and a spot of the same on the dorsal edge of each, 5th segment yellow : anterior legs yellow, the base of the thighs black; hinder thighs black, with the apex yellow; tibiæ tawny, with a faint ring and the tip black. Found in plenty in Battersea Fields in June. Plate XLVII. fig. 4. Spilomyia femorata. Sp. Nigra, villosa, pedibus rufis, femoribus apice fuscis. (Long. Corp. 6 lin.) Mu. femorata, Linné.--Sp. femorata, Steph. Catal. No. 8674. Black: face with whitish down: antennae brown; thorax with a greenish tinge, and clothed with rusty hairs ; abdomen clothed with tawny hairs; legs red, the tips of the femora brown : hinder thighs robust : wings clouded with brown. Rare, or at least local, found in June and July, in the New Forest. PL гучниот CONOPIDÆ, 31 CONOPIDÆ. Plate XLVIII. fig. 1. Zodion cinereum. Zo. cinereum, facie flavd, antennis nigris apice rufis. (Long. Corp. 3 lin.) Myo. cinerea, Fabricius.--Zo. cinereum, Steph. Catal. No. 8704. Ash-coloured: face pale yellow; forehead and antennæ at the apex dull red; thorax with dusky hairs; abdomen with a few dusky spots, its apex black: legs brownish-ash; wings slightly yellowish. Not common, taken in June, at Darenth wood. Plate XLVIII. fig. 3. Myopa testacea. My. Abdomine testaceo cinereo maculato; fronte fusca ; alis fuscanis, medio puncto nigro. (Long. Corp. 3-3 lin.) Co. testaceus, Linné.--My, testaceus, Steph. Catal. No. 8710. Testaceous : face with a brown spot on each side, towards the eyes, beneath the antennæ; abdomen testaceous, spotted with ash-colour ; legs testaceous, ringed with brown; wings brownish, with a black spot in the first hinder cell. Found in June, at Richmond. 32 HAUSTELLATA. CESTRIDÆ. Plate XLVIII. fig. 4. Gasterophilus salutiferus. GA. Ater, thorace fulvescente, abdomine atro basi albo (postice in mare rufo), femoribus atris, barbatis ; alis immaculatis, costa flavescente. (Long. Corp. 5 lin.) Es. salutiferus, Clark.-Ga. salutiferus, Steph. Catal. No. 8727. Black : head clothed with bright tawny hairs; thorax stout, clothed with pale orange pubescence, with a blackish spot at the base of the wings, most evident in the male: abdomen black, thickly clothed with pale yellow pubescence, on the basal segment, with black on the 2nd, and with pale orange on the remainder in the male, but with ash-coloured in the female ; legs black, thighs covered with long black hairs; wings not spotted, but with the base and outer margin yellowish-brown. Taken at Coombe wood, in July. MUSCIDÆ. Plate XLVIII, fig. 2. Gonia auriceps. Go. thorace nigricante ; abdomine rufo, vittæ dorsali, anoque nigris; maculis albis; capite fulvo. (Long. Corp. 4 lin.) Gon. auriceps, Meigen.-Steph. Catal. No. 8737. Head tawny-red, with a golden pile; antennae deep brown, the second joint yellow; palpi testaceous; thorax dusky, with 4 black stripes, the 2 intermediate shortest ; abdomen red, its tip and a dorsal streak black, its sides with irregular white blotches; scales white; legs black. Not common; taken at Coombe and Darenth wood, in the early part of the summer. INDEX Page Page . . Actina tibinlis Anacharis Eucharoides Andrena Bucephala ANDIENIDA Anteon flavicorne ANTHRACIDA Anthrax Pandora APIDA A porus bicolor A rotes albicinctus ASILIDX Atherix marginata Bolitophila cinerea Bombus cognatus BRACONIDA Callimome varians Ceratopogon palustris Cerocephala cornigern CHALCIDIDX Chironomus viridulus Cirrospilus Walkeri Clitellaria Ephippium CONOPIDA Corethra plumicornis Cratomus megacephalus Culex concinnus CULICIDA CYNIPIDE Dasypogon Diadema Diaprin conica Dinetus pictus Diomyza pulchra DIPTERA DOLICHOPIX Dolichurus corniculus Elenchus tenuicornis EMP ENCYRTIDA Encyrtus punctipes Enicospilus combustus - merdarius ramidulus Eriopteryx stigma Eristalis fumipennis Eucharis adscendens EULOPIDA Eulophus cinotipes Eurytoma Abrotani EURYTOMIDA FORMICIDA Gasterophilus salutiferus GONATORID Gonia auriceps Halictophagus Curtisii . 28 18 17 . 17 11 27 27 16 13 2 25 26 23 17 3 7 20 6 5 19 10 27 31 20 8 19 19 18 25 10 12 21 19 26 14 18 25 9 9 3 3 3 21 29 5 9 9 6 6 15 32 11 32 18 Halticbella armata Helcon annulicornis Helophilus Frutetorum Hemerodromia monostigma HYMENOPTERA ICHNEUMONIDA LARRID Limnobia xanthoptera Macrocera phalerata Megastigmus dorsalis Microgaster basalis tibialis Miscophus bicolor Miscus campestris MUSCIDA Mycetophila ornata Zonata Myopa testacea Nomada Kirbyella Estridae Osmia xanthomelana Perilampus micans Phytodietus segmentator Pompilus notatus Ponera contracta PROCTOTRUPDX Psilopus platypterus . RAGIONIDA Rhyssa persuasoria SCELIONIDAE Schyzopyga analis SPALANGIIDE SPHEGIDA Sphex flavipennis Spilomyia femorata STRATYOMIDA STREPSIPTERA STYLOPIDA Stylops Dalii Haworthi Kirbii Melitta Spencii tenuicornis Subula maculata? Symplecta? marginata SYRPRIDA Syrphus Lucorum Teleas Procris TIPULIDA TORTMIDA XYLOPULAGID Zodion cinereum 4 30 25 1 1 12 22 23 7 4 3 12 15 32 24 24 31 16 32 16 8 1 13 15 10 26 26 2 11 1 6 13 30 27 . 18 . 18 18 18 • 18 . 18 18 18 28 29 29 11 19 . 28 31 FINIS, NEW, VALUABLE, AND MOST IMPORTANT BOOKS, OFFERED AT VERY REDUCED PRICES, ARRANGED IN CLASSES, viz. PAGE PAGI 1. PINE ARTS, Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Heraldry, Antiquities, Topo- graphy; Sporting, Pictorial, and Illus- trated Works 1 II. NATURAL HISTORY, Agriculture, etc. 13 V. POREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE, including Classics and Translations; Dictionaries; Col- lege and School Books, • 25 VI. JUVENILE BOOKS, Gymnastics,&c. 31 VII. MUSIC, and Musical Works 35 VIII. THEOLOGY, Morals, Ecclesiastical History, &c. . 37 IX. MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE, History Biography, Voyages and Travels, Poetry, &c. . 51 X. NOVELS, Fiction, and Light Reading 81 21 III. MEDICINE, Surgery, Anatomy, Che- mistry, Physiology, &c. IV. MATHEMATICS, Mechanics, Phy- sics, Natural Philosophy, Engineering, etc. etc. 24 With a General Index. The Books are all quite nen, in extra cloth boards, unless described as bound; warranted perfect, and in every respect as good as when sold at full.prices. HENRY G. BOHN, 4, 5, 6, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. NEW BOOKS AT REDUCED PRICES, CONSTANTLY OX BALE AT Books on the Fine Arts, Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Heraldry, Antiquities, Topography, Sporting, Pictorial and highly Wustrated Works, &r. &c. AGES OF FEMALE BEAUTY, a Series of 10 most, BEWICK'S SELECT FABLES, with a Memoirand beautiful Engravings after Chalon and others, descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Messrs. with Illustrative Text by Barry Cornwall, Bewick, 8vo. with several portraits of Bewick, Miss Porter, Hon. Mrs. Norton, &c. 4to. richly and upwards of 350 engravings on wood, original gilt cloth, gilt edges (pub.at £1.) red. to 12s 1838 impressions, bds. (pub. at 158) reduced to 10s ANGLER'S SOUVENIR, by P. Fisher, Esq. fcap. Newcastle, 1820 8vo. embellished with upwards of 60 beautiful en- the same, royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, bds. gravings on steel by Beckwith and Topham, and (pub. at £1. ls) reduced to 125 hundreds of engraved borders, every page being the same, imperial 8vo. LARGEST PAPER, surrounded by appropriate wood-cut devices ; A bds. (pub.at £1. lls 6d) reduced to £1. 1s MOST ELEGANT Bisou, richly bound in gilt cloth, BEWICK'S EDITION OF ÆSOP'S FABLES, 8vo. (pub, at 188) reduced to 98 Tilt, 1835 with uproards of 350 fine wood cuts, bds. (pub. at the same, elegantly bound in green morocco, 18s) reduced to 125 Newcastle, 1818 appropriately tooled on back and sides, (pub, at the same, impl. 8vo. LARGEST PAPER, £1. 4s) reduced to 14s bds. (pub, at £2. 2.) reduced to £1. 11s 6d the same, INDIA PROOT IMPRESSIONS, gilt BEWICK'S Large Woodcuts, viz. Portrait, Lion, cloth, (pub, at £1. Ils 6d) reduced to 15% Tiger, Elephant, and Zebra, struck off on 4to. the same, INDIA Proops, morocco, (pub. at paper (pub. at £1. 58) reduced to 7s 60 £1. ll. 6d) reduced to £1. the same, on INDIA PAPER,( pub. at £2.10s) "A beautiful volume, and one which we can cordially reduced to 15$ recommend. Its embellishments are charming." the same, ON VELLUM, (pub, at £5.) re- ARABIAN NIGHTS, PICTORIAL EDITION ; a new duced to £1. 10 and improved translation, with very copious **The Matchlen, Taimitable Bewick. The delight Notes, illustrative of the Language, Manners, of childhood, manhood, decaying age-a moral in every tail-piece- sermon in every vignette." and Customs of the Egyptian Arabs, by E. W. Professor Wilson in Blackwood's Magazine. Lane, Esq. many years Resident in Arabia and BOOK OF GEMS, or the Modern Poets and Artists Egypt, 3 vols.impl. 8vo. upwards of 1000 beau- of Great Britain, 8vo. 50 exquisitely beautiful tiful wood engravings of Architecture, Costume, line engravings after Turner, Bonington, &c. &c. and Scenery, by the most eminent artists, after de- cloth, elegantly gilt, (pub. at £1. Ils 6d) re- signs by W. Harvey and others, bound in richly duced to 15 1844 gilt cloth, (pub. at £4.45) reduced to £2.12s6d or in morocco extra, £1. ls the same, 3 vols.impl. 8vo, richly bound in "A work which, for beauty of illustration and ele- green morocco, gilt edges, 24. 45 1840 Kance of arrangement, has seldom, if ever, been sur Tuis BOOK 13 THE MONT COMPLETE MANUAL OY paused." JOHN BULL EASTERN MANNENS EVER PUNISHED, Mr. Lane bas BOOK OF RAPHAEL'S CARTOONS, by R. availed himself of numerous manuscripts bronght from Cattermole, 8vo. with an exquisite portrait of Egypt, to perfect many tales which had been either Raphael, a View of Hampton Court, and seven garbled or abridged by former translations. TAX very highly finished steel engravings of the cele- TERY OY ARAR LIPE THAN PARHAPS ALL OTHER brated Cartoons at Hampton Court; superbly bound WORKS IN OUR LANGUAGE."-Athenaeum. in red turkey cloth, full gilt back, gilt sides, and ARMES ET ARMURES, Meubles, et autres Objets gilt edges, (pub. at 155) reduced to 7.6d 1845 du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance, par Asseli- the same, royal 8vo. LAROE PAPER, PROOTS, nean, containing 144 finely crecuted lithographie red turkey cloth, richly gilt, (pub. at £1. ls) re- engravings of Armour, Furniture, Sculpture, &c. duced to 12s 1845 of the Middle Ages, folio, 24 parts, sd. (pub, at the same, printed in folio, EXORAVER'S £7.4s) reduced to £5. 10 Paris, 1844 PROOPS ON INDIA PAPER, cloth bds. (pub, at ARTIST'S BOOK OF FABLES, comprising a Series £2, 2s) reduced to 153 of Original Fables, Illustrated by 280 exqui- BOOK OF SHAKSPEARE GEMS, a Series of sitely beautiful engravings on wood by Harvey Landscape Illustrations of the most interesting and other eminent Artists, after Designs by the localities of Shakspeare's Dramas; with Histori- late JAMES NORTHCOTE, R.A. post 8vo. cal and Descriptive Accounts, by Washington portrait; elegantly bound in red turkey cloth, full Irving, Jesse, W. Howitt, Wordsworth, Inglis, gilt, (pub, at £1. 1x) reduced to 9s 1845 and others; 8vo. with 45 highly finished steel AUTHORS OY ENGLAND, by Chorley, royal 4to. engravings by Radcliffe, Voods, Hinchliff, Varnall, 16 large and beautiful portraits, engraved in high Winkles, and other eminent artists; elegantly relief, by the patent process, accompanied by Bio- bound in red turkey cloth, very richly and appro- graphical Sketches, richly gilt cloth, (pub. at priately gilt en back and sides, (pub.at £1.11864) £1. 11. 64) reduced to 188 reduced to 145 1846 VALUABLE NOTES TUROW MORE 1.10HT ON TUR MYS. 1838 2 300KS ON THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. TURAL XTUDENT CAN POSSESS." BOYS'S PICTURESQUE ARCHITECTURE of BURROWS' ELGIN MARBLES, with an His- Paris, Ghent, Antwerp, Rouen, &c. folio, 26 torical and Topographical Account of Athens beautifully coloured lithographic plates, elegantly 8vo. illustrated with 40 outline plates, extra cuth, hf. bd, red morocco, (pub, at £6. 6s) reduced to (pub, at £1.) reduced to 6s 6d 1837 £3.3 BREES'S GLOSSARY OF CIVIL ENGINEER- 1839 CARTER'S ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE OF ENGLAND, including the Orders during the ING, comprising the Theory and Modern British, Roman, Saxon, and Norman Eras: also Practice; and the subjects of Field and Office under the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward Work, and Mechanical Engineering connected III ; illustrated by 103 large copper-plate en- with that Science. Second edition, 8vo. nume- gravings, comprising upwards of two thousand rous wood-cuts, extra cloth, (pub. at 18s) reduced specimens, shewn in plan, elevation, section, to 8s 1844 and detail, by John BRITTON, Esq. royal folio, This was published as a companion to the Glossary of Architectare. ht.bd. morocco, (pub, at £12. 12s) reduced to £4. 45 1837 BRITTON'S CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF LIN- "ONE OF THE MOST USEFUL HOOKS THB ARORIT RC- COLN, 4to. 16 fine plates by Le Keur, cloth, (pub.at £3.3s) reduced to £1.55 1837 MR PUGIN SAYS Oy CARTER, ** W NE'ER SHALL royal 4to. LARGE PAPER, cloth, £1. 11s6d LOOK UPON HIS LIKE AGAIN." This volume was published to complete Mr. Britton's CARTER'S ANCIENT SCULPTURE AND Cathedrals, and 15 wanting in most of the sets. PAINTING NOW REMAINING IN ENGLAND, BRITTON'S Edition of Ferrey's Antiquities of the from the earliest period to the Reign of Henry Priory of CHRIST CHURCH, HAMP- VIII. consisting of Statues, Basso-relievos, SHIRE, 4to. 20 fine engravings, cluth (pub. at Sculptures, &c. Brasses, Monumental Efligies, £2. 2) reduced to 15 1841 Paintings on Glass and on Walls; Missal Or royal 4to. large paper, cloth (pub. at naments; Carvings on Cups, Croziers, Chests, £3. 3s) reduced to £1. 5s Seals; Ancient Furniture, &c. &c., with His- BROCKEDON'S ITALY, Classical, Historical torical and Critical Illustrations by Douce and Picturesque: accompanied by histor cal Gough, the Rev. J. Milner, MEYHICK, DAWSON, and Descriptive letter press, impl. 4to. contuin- TURNER, and John BRITTON, royal folio, with ing 62 highly finished line engravings, by Will. 120 large engravings, many of which are beauti- more, Consens, &c. after drawings by Turner, fully coloured, and several illuminated with gold, Stanfield, Roberts, Harding, Prout, and others, hf. bd. morocco, (pub. at £15. 158) reduced to complete in 20 parts, (pub, at £5.) reduced to £8.88 1838 .£3. 10 1842, &c. CARTER'S GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE and the same, handsomely hf. bd. morocco extra, Ancient Buildings in England, with 120 Views, full gilt back (pub, at £5. 15s 6d) reduced to etched by himself, 4 vols, square 12mo. hf. mo- £4. rocco, (pub. at £2, 2s) reduced to 18 1824 the same, INDIA PROOFS, impl. 4to complete | CATLIN'S ILLUSTRATIONS OY THE MANNEN, in 20 parts (pub. at £8. 18s 6d) reduced to Customs, AND CONDITION OF THE NORTH £5. AMERICAN INDIANS: in a series of Let- the same, INITA PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS, ters and Notes, written during Eight Years complete in 20 parts, rure, (only three copies of Travel and Adventure among the Wildest for sale) (pub, at £13. 2s 6d) reduced to £8 8s and most Remarkable Tribes now existing, BRÖCKEDON'S (W.) PASSES OF THE ALPS, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. FITIL EDITION, containing 2 vols. medium 4to. containing 109 beautiful 360 engravings from the Author's Original engravings by Finden, Willmore, and other eminent Paintings, extru cloth, emblematically gilt, (pub. artists, including maps of ench Pass, and a general at £2. 12s 6d) reduced to £1. 10s 1845 map of the Alps by Arrowsmith, hf. bd, morocco, CATLIN'S NEW Work. Tux NORTH AMERI- gilt edges, (pub. at £10. 10s in bds.) reduced to CAN INDIAN PORTFOLIO, containing £4.45 1828 Hunting Scenes, Amusements, Scenery, and -the same, LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOY IM- Costume of the Indians of the Rocky Moun- PRESSIONS, 2 vols. impl 4to. extra cloth bds. tains and Prairies of Amerien, from Drawings (pub, at £20.) reduced to £6.6s and Notes of the Author made during Eight the same, 2 vols. hf. bd. morocco, top edges Years' Travel among 48 of the wildest and most gilt, £6. 16s 6d remote tribes of Savages in North America. "One of the most valuable and interesting works A Series of 25 inagnificent lithographic Plates, of modern times. We have no hesi ati in stating that a valme of more uniform excellence ha never printed in tints by Day and Haghe ; accom- been published iu Eugland. As the ornament of a panied by full and interesting letterpress de library. a practical guide over the scene described, or a scriptions ; impl. folio, lf, bd. mor. £5.5.1845 pleasing hre-side associate it will be found all that can the same, WITH THE be desired." COLOURED, in the style of drawings; mounted on BULWER'S PILGRIMS OF THE RHINE, 8vo. tinted cards; enclosed in a hundsome portfolia, embellished with 27 exquisite line engravings after £10. 105 David Roberts, MacClise, and Parris, by Goodall, "A unique work! a work of extraordinary interest Willmore, and other first-rate Artists; richly and value, we need not rentimend it to the world, for bound in red Turkey cloth, full gilt on back and it is beyond all praise." Atheneum. sides, with appropriate devices, (pub, at £1 11s6d) CAULFIELD'S PORTRAITS, MEMOIRS, AND CHARAC- reduced to 145 TERS, of REMARKABLE PERSONS, from whole bound in morocco, gilt edges, £1.45 the Reign of Edward III. to the Revolution, BULWERS LEILA, or the Siege of Granada, royal 3 vols. royal 8vo. 109 curious plates, illustrating 8vo. with 16 highly finished line engravings, gilt Granger, &c. bds. (pub. at £4. 48) reduced to cloth, pub, at £1. ils 6d) reduced to 16. 1838 £1.85 1813 the same, royal ovu. Na PRovs, gilt the same, LAROE PAPER, 3 vols. 4to, bes. cloth (pub, at £2.12. bd) reduced to £1.55 (pub, at £6, 6) reduced to £2. 21 PLATES ISEAUTIFULLY BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 3 CHAMBERLAINE'S IMITATIONS of DRAW. I COTMAN'S ETCHINGS OY ARCHITECTURAL INGS from the Great Masters, in the Royal REMAINS in various Counties in England, Collection, engraved by Bartolozzi and others, with Letter-press Descriptions by RICKMAN, impl. fol. 70 plates, hf.bd.mor. richly gilt back and 2 vols. impl. folio, containing 240 highly-spirited gilt edges, (pub.at £12.121) reduced to £.5 55 etchings, half morocco, (pub, at £24.) reduced to CHRISTIAN SOUVENIR, edited by the Rev. T. £8.85 1838 Dale, 8vo. embellished with 12 large and extremely CROWQUILL'S PICTORIAL GRAMMAR, beautiful plates, elegantly bound in gilt cloth, gilt 16mo, with 120 humorous illustrations, extra cloth, edges, (pub. at 16s) reduced to 10: 6d 1842 gilt sides, (pub. at 5s) reduced to 2s 6d. 1844 CLAUDE'S LIBER VERITATIS, a collection of CRUIKSHANK'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF FIELDING 300 engravingsin imitation of the original Draw- SMOLLETT, AND GOLDSMITH, 41 very humorous ings of Claude, by Earlom, 3 vols. folio, elegantly and clever etchings, with Letter-press Descrip- hf. bd. morocco, gilt edges, (pub, at £31. 105) tions, 12mo, extra cloth, gilt, (pub. at 12s) re- reduced to £10. 105 duced to 6s COESVELT'S PICTURE GALLERY, with an In DANIELL'S ORIENTAL SCENERY AND AN- troduction by Mrs. Jameson, royal 4to 90 plates TIQUITIES, the original magnificent edition, beautifully engraved in outline, INDIA Proors, hf. 150 splendid COLOURED Views on the largest scale, mor.extra, (pub.at £5, 53) reduced to £3.3. 1836 CONEY'S FOREIGN CATHEDRALS, Hotels of the Architecture, Antiquities, and Landscape Scenery of Hindoostan, 6 vols. in 3. elephant folio, de Ville, Town Halls, and other remarkable Buildings in France, Holland, Germany, and elegantly hf. bd. morocco, with full gilt backs, and Italy, 32 fine large plates, impl. folio, half DANIELL'S ORIENTAL SCENERY, 6 vols. in gilt edges, (pub. at £210.) reduced to £52. 108 morocco extra, gilt edges, (pub. at £10. 105) reduced to £3. 13s 6d 3, small folio, 150 plates, handsomely hf. bd. 1842 COOKE'S SHIPPING AND CRAFT, a Series morocco, (pub. at £18. 188) reduced to £6.65 of 65 brilliant Etchings, comprising Picturesque This is reduced from the preceding large work, and is uncoloured. sentations of the principal varieties of Shipping I DANIELL'S ANIMATED NATURE, being Pic- and Craft met with in the British Seas and turesque Delineations of the most interesting Rivers, from a Thames Wherry to a first-rate Subjects from all branches of Natural History, Man-of-war, royal 4to. elegantly bound in gilt 125 engravings, teith letter-press descriptions, 2 cloth, (pub, at £3, 136d) reduced to £1. 11s 64 vols, small folio, half morocco, uniform with the the same, INDIA PROors, impl. 4to. hf.bd. Oriental Scenery) (pub.at £15. 158) reduced to £3. 35 mor, gilt edges, (pub. at £5.54) reduced to £3.3s COOKE'S LONDON AND ITS VICINITY, 50 beau- DIBDIN'S Bibliographical Tour in France and Ger- tiful etchings after drawings by Calcott, Stanfield, many, 11 plates to, including portrait, engraved Prout, Roberts, Harding, Stark, Havell, and Cot- for the second edition, not contained in the first, man, royal 4to. gilt cloth, (pub, at £5.) reduced INDIA Proors, impl. 8vo. (pub. at 15s) re- to £1. Ils 6d duced to 10s 60 impl. 4to. INDIA Proors, hf. bd. mo- COTMAN'S Illustrations of Dr. Dibdin's rocco, (pub at £6. 16s 6d) reduced to £3.3s COOKE'S THAMES SCENERY, 75 fine plates, Bibliographical Tour in France and Normandy, 37 plates, impl. 8vo. INDIA PROOF, with printed PROOF IMPRESSIONS, sm. folio, with the 8vo. volume of letter-press, 2 vols, hf, bd, morocco directions for placing them in Dibdin's Tour, £1.78 extra, (pub. at £10.108) reduced to £2.12s 6d the same, INDIA PROOF IMPRESSIONS, small DILETTANTI SPECIMENS OF SCULPTURE, , folio, with the 8vo. volume of letter-press, 2 vols. Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, and Roman, hf. od. morocco extra, (pub, at £15. 158) ro- selected from different Collections in Great duced to £3.33 Britain, with Descriptions, by R. Payne Knight, The Etchings of W. B. Cooke have long maintained impl. folio, 75 most beautiful engravings of The highest rank among the artistical productions of this Statues, Sc. half morocco extra, gilt edges, (pub. country. His associations with Turnerin the" Seenery of the Southern Coast," and other graphic works, has at £18. 188) reduced to £5.58 given the public so fine an example of his powers, and DON QUIXOTE, PICTORIAL EDITION, translated has so thoronghly established his reputation as an artist of taste, feeling, and execution, that further culogiam by Jarvis, carefully revised, with a copious must be notecessary. original Memoir of Cervantes, illustrated by up- CORONATION OF GEORGE THE FOURTH, by tards of 820 beautiful wood engravings, after tha Sir George Nayler, in a series of above 40 mag- celebrated designs of Tony JOHANNOT, including 16 nificent Paintings of the Procession, Ceremonial, new and beautiful large cuts, by ARMSTRONG, now and Banquet, comprehending faithful portraits first added, complete in 2 handsome vols, royal of many of the distinguished Individuals who 8vo. cloth gilt, (pub. at £2. 108) reduced to were present; with historical and descriptive £1.8 1843 letter-press, atlas folio, splendidly W.bd. moroero, a revised translation, formed on those of gilt edges, (pub, at £52.108) reduced to £12.12s COTMAN'S SEPULCHRAL BRASSES IN NOR- Motteux, Jarvis, and Smollett, in 1 vol. 8vo. with 18 fine large cuts, by ARMSTRONG, and a FOLK AND SUFFOLK, tending to illustrate the selection of 32 of the larger subjects, by Tony Jo- Ecclesiastical, Military, and Civil Costume of HANNOT; in all 50 woodcuts ; cloth gilt, (pub, at former ages, with Letter-press Descriptions, £1. 8s) reduced to 15s 1842 &c. by Dawson Turner, Sir S. Meyrick, &c. 173 plates, the enamelled Brasses are splendidly the same, with only the usual 18 cuts, by illuminated, 2 vols. impl. 4to. hf. bd. morocco, ARMSTRONO, cloth gilt, (pub. at 188) red. to 9s gilt edges, £6.68 1838 DODWELL'S VIEWS IN GREECE, 30 beautifully the same, LARGE PAPER, imperial folio, coloured plates, royal folio, hf. marocco extra, gilt fi morocco, gilt edges, £8.8 edges, (pub, at £18. 188) reduced to £6.65 4 BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. DODWELL'S VIEWS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF Cyclo- FISHER'S BEDFORDSHIRE ANTIQUITIES PIAN OR PELASCIC REMAINS IN GREECE AND entitled Collections Historical, Genealogical, ITALY, including Architectural Constructions and Topographical, for Bedfordshire ; 117 plates, of a later period, royal folio, 131 large litho- sm. folio, hf. bd, morocco, (pub, at £8.8s) re- graphic engravings, with 34 pages of letter-press, duced to £2, 2s 1836 half bound, uncut, (pub. at £6. 16s 6d) re- the same, LARGE PAPER, royal folio, hf. bd. duced to £1.8s 1834 morecco, (pub. at £10. 108) reduced to £2.12s6d The object of these engravings is to illustrate the EGYPT AND THE PYRAMIDS.-Col. Vyse's Great Antiquities, rather than the Scenery of the County. Work on the Pyramids of Gizeh, containing a The subjeets are for the most part inedited, and consist detailed account of his extraordinary Operations of Churches, Priories, Castles, Old Houses, Door ways, Monumeuts, Brasses, Tombs, Fonts, Crosses, Ancient and Discoveries on the opening of these inte- Sculpture, and miscellaneous Antiquities. resting Monuments of Antiquity, with an ac- FLAXMAN'S HOMER-A Series of Seventy-five count of his Voyage into Upper Egypt; to beautiful Compositions to the ILIAD AND which is added an Appendix, by J. S. Perring, ODYSSEY, engraved under Flaxman's in- Esq. (the Engineer) on the Pyramids at Abou spection, by Piroli, Moses, and Blake, 2 vols. Roash, the Fayoum, &c. &c. 3 vols. impl. 8vo. oblong folio, extra bds. (pub. at £5.58) reduced with 125 plates, lithographed by Haghe, cloth to £2. 2 1805 boards, (pub. at £4. 48) reduced to £2. 2s ÆSCHYLUS, 36 beautiful Compositions 1840-2 from, obl. folio, extra bus. (pub, at £2. 12s 6d) reduced to £1. Is 1831 EGYPT.-PERRING'S 58 LARGE VIEWS AND HESIOD, 37 beautiful Compositions from, ILLUSTRATIONS of the Pyramids of Gizeh, oblong folio, extra bds. (pub. at £2. 12s 6d) Abou Roash, and to the Southward, &c., also reduced to £1. 55 1817 Campbell's Tomb, the Rock at Gizeh, &c., drawn FLAXMAN'S CLASSICAL COMPOSITIONS, from actual Survey and Admeasurement; with viz. Homer, Hesiod, and Æschylus, 4 parts in Notes and References to Col. Vyse's great 1 vol. folio, morocco extra, richly gilt, £6.16s6d Work, also to Denon, the great French Work "Flasman's unequalled Compositions from Homer, on Egypt, Rosellini, Belzoni, Burckhardt, Sir Æschylns, and Hesiod, have long been the admiration Gardner Wilkinson, Lane, and others; accom- of Europe ; of their simplicity and beauty the pen is quite incapable of conveying an adequate impression." panied by Remarks on the Hieroglyphics by Sir Thomas Lawrence. S. Buck, Esq. of the British Museum, 3 parts, FLAXMAN'S ACTS OF MERCY.-A Series of elephant folio, (the size of the great French Fight benutiful Compositions, in the man- "Egypte,") in printed wrappers, (pub. at ner of Ancient Sculpture, engraved in imitation £15. 158) reduced to £3.3s 1842 of the original Drawings, by F. C. Lewis, obl. fol. hf. bd, mor. (pub, at £2. 2s) red. to 163 1831 the same, hf. bd. morocco (either in full FLAXMÅN'S ECHT ILLUSTRATIONS OF site, or reduced to half the site by folding and LORD'S PRAYER, drawn on stone, by R. guarding the plates) £4. 14s 6d Lane, royal 8vo, reduced to 35 1835 FLAXMAN'S LECTURES ON SCULPTURE, as EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES IN THE BRITISH MU- delivered by him at the Royal Academy, with SEUM, drawn by Arundale and Bonomi, with a brief Memoir of the Author, 52 plates; new Letter-press Descriptions by S, Birch, of the edition, enlarged, 8vo. cloth, (pub. at £2. 2s) British Museum, royal 4to. containing several reduced to 165 1838 hundred figures of interesting subjects, represented FUSELI'S LIFE, LECTURES ON PAINTING, on 57 elaborate plates, many coloured; gilt cloth, with Egyptian Devices in gold on back and sides, &c. the former written, the latter edited, by Jous Knowles, Esq. F.R.S. 3 vols. 8vo. port. (pub. at £2. 12s 6d) reduced to £1. ls 1844 extra cloth, (pub.at £2.2s) reduced to 158 1831 A very elegant and interesting volume. the same, 3 vols. 8vo. elegantly bound in tree-marbled calf, marbl. edges, by Clarke, £1. 8 FARINGTON'S VIEWS OF THE LAKES of West- "Fuseli's Lectures have been stamped as the noblest moreland and Cumberland, with Letter-press by criticism extant on Art." Neu Monthly. the Rev. T. H. Horne, folio, map, and 43 fine GALLERY OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN POR- plates by Landseer and Scott, PROOFS, cloth, let- TRAITS; published by the Society of Useful tered on sides, (pub. at £12. 12s) reduced to Knowledge, 7 vols. impl. 8vo. 168 fine portraits, £1.55 1816 engraved on steel, with Memoirs, extra cloth, top edges gilt, (pub.at £7.78) reduced to £3.138 68 FISHER'S WARWICKSHIRE ANTIQUITIES. 1833-7 -A Series of Ancient Allegorical, Historical, the same, 7 vols. half morocco, gilt edges and Legendary Paintings in Fresco, discovered (pub, at £9.) reduced to £5. on the walls of the Chapel of the Holy Cross, GELL AND GANDY'S POMPEIANA, or the at Stratford-upon-Avon; ancient Seals; Stained Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pom- Glass, &c.; 56 elaborate engravings, mostly co- peii, Original Series, containing the Result of the loured in imitation of the originals ; also, a view Excavations previous to 1819, 2 vols.royal 8vo. of the Guild Chapel, and the adjoining house in best edition, with upwards of 100 beautiful line which Shakspeare lived. Edited by John Gough engravings by Goodall, Cooke, Heath, Pye, &c. in Nichols, Esq. royal folio, hf. bd. morocco, (pub. the original style of boarding, (pub, at £7.41) at £10. 10s) reduced to £3. 10s 1836 reduced to £3. 35 1824 This charming book has long been very searce, and "There ancient fresco paintings are especially curi- only procurable by chance, and at a large pries. The ons, as baving been executed in England is an age of which, according to the opinion of Walpole, in bis present copies (only a small number) have been locked ap since the time of publication, in the possession of History of Painting, no specimens of the Art existed." the author, who had determined that the work should Gentleman's Magazine, not be sold under the full price. BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 5 amusement. GIL BLAS, translated by Smollett; PICTORIAL | HAMILTON'S VASES.-Collection of Engravings EDTON, illustrated by upwards of 500 beautiful from Ancient Vases, mostly of pure Greek wood engravings, after the celebrated designs of Workmanship, now in the possession of Six Gigoux, 2 vols. royal 8vo. Otra cloth bds. (pub. William Hamilton, with Letter-press in English at £2. 2s) reduced to £1. 4s 1836 and French, 3 vols, super-royal folio, containing "I is impossible to notice without anreserved ad- upwards of 200 fine large engravings, capitally miration, this beautiful edition. It will be, without executed in Outline by Tischbein, Director of the doubt, TRE EDITION ON GIL BLAS: there is a spirit and Academy of Painting in Naples; stiff covers, force in the groups of figures which have rarely been excelled."Athenaeum. with leather backs, (pub.at £15. 158) reduced to £2.25 Naples, 1791 GILPIN'S WORKS ON THE PUUTURESQUE in HEATH'S CARICATURE SCRAP BOOK, on Landscape Scenery and Gardening, viz. 1. Nor- 60 Sheets, containing upwards of 1000 Comic thern Tour 2. Southern Tour.-3. Western Subjects after SEYMOUR, CRUIKSHANK, Pmz, Tour 4. Eastern Tour-5. Scottish Tour- and other eminent Caricaturiste, oblong folio, 6. River Wye-7. Forest Scenery-8. bound in cloth, with humorous devices in gold, Essays-9. Essay on Prints, Picturesque Travel, (pub, at £2. 2s) reduced to 15 Landscape Painting, &c.--together 12 vols. This clever and entertaining volume is now en- 8vo. with 187 aquatinta engravings, bds. (pub.at larged by ten additional sheets, each containing name- £10. 108) reduced to £3.38 1808, &c. rons subjects. It includes the whole of Heath's Om- ninn Gatherum, both Series; Illustrations of Demon- * No man should write a tour, or fashion a garden, ology and Witchcraft; Old Ways and New Ways: without reading the works of Gilpin. His object was Nautical Dictionary: Scenes in London; Sayings and to examine the face of nature by the roles of picta Doings, &c.; a series of humorous illustrations of Pro- resque beauty: to adapt the description of natural verbs, &c. As a large and almost infinite storehouse of scenery to the principles of artificial landscape, and to humour it stands alone. To the young artist it would open the sources of those pleasures which are derived be found a most valuable collection of studies; and to from the comparison; and his design is executed with the family circle a constant source of unexceptionable the hand of a master."-Price on the Picturesque. GOETHE'S FAUST, Illustrated by Retzsch, in 26 HEATH'S BELGIUM, PICTURESQUE AND ROMAN- beautiful outlines, royal 4to. gilt cloth, (pub. at TIC, in a Tour by Thomas Roscoe, roy. 8vo. con- £1. 1s) reduced to 10s 6d taining 16 beautiful line-engravings, embossed This edition contains a translation of the original cloth, gilt edges, (pub. at £1.45) 12s 1841 poem, with historical and descriptive notes. HOGARTH'S WORKS ENGRAVED BY HIM- GOODWIN'S DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE, SELF, 153 fine plates, (including the two well- Series of New Designs for Mansions, Villas, known "suppressed plates,"") with elaborate letter- Rectory-Houses, Parsonage-Houses; Bailiff's, press descriptions, by J. Nichols, atlas folio, Gardener's, Gamekeeper's, and Park-Gate elegantly hf. bd. morocco extra, full gilt back and Lodges : Cottages and other Residences, in the gilt edges, with a secret pocket for the suppressed Grecian, Italian, and Old English style of Archi- plates, (pub, at £50.) reduced to £7.75 1822 tecture, with estimates, new edition, with 12 sup- The copies now offered for sale consist of an old stock found in the publisher's warehouse, in very fine plementary plates, 2 vols. royal 4to. 96 plates, condition, and are greatly superior to those which have cloth, (pub. at £5.58) reducedito £2.12s 6d 1835 of late years been seen in the market. Beside the two suppressed plates, every purchaser will be entitled to a the same, WITH THE PLATES COLOURED, small snuft-box engraving of the same character, which cloth, (pub, at £8. 84) reduced to £4.4s is not yet in any of the Hogarthian collections. It will not be sold separately. GRINDLAY'S (Capt.) VIEWS IN INDIA, Scenery, Costume, and Architecture, chiefly HOLBEIN'S PORTRAITS of the Court of Henry on the Western side of India, atlas 4to. consisting the Erguru, a Series of Eighty exquisitely of 36 most beautifully coloured plates, highly Beautiful Plates, engraved by BARTOLOZZI, finished in imitation of drawings, with descriptive Cooper, and others, and printed on tinted paper letter-press, richly hf. bd. morocco, gilt edges, in imitation of the original and very highly (pub.at £12. 125) reduced to £8. 8s 1830 finished Drawings preserved in the Royal Col- lection at Windsor, with Historical and Bio- This is perhaps the most exquisitely coloured volume of landscapes ever produced. graphical Letter-press by EDMUND LODGE, Esq. "A work of the highest classits Illustrations ex- Norroy King of Arms, F. S. A. eto, published ceedingly beantial--they are admirable specimens of by Jons CHAMBERLAINE, Esq. late keeper of art, John Bull. the Royal Collection of Drawings and Medals, GULLIVER'S TRAVELS, by Dean Swift, Pic- impl. 4to. elegantly hf. od. turkey morocco, full torinl Edition, with Notes, Life of the Author, gilt, edges gilt all round, with glazed paper to the &c. by Dr. W. C. Taylor, royal 8vo. illustrated plates, (pub.at £15. 158) red. to £5. 1560 1812 by upwards of 400 beautiful woodcuts, cloth gilt, HOLBEIN'S PORTRAITS OF THE COURT OF (pub, at £1. 1s) reduced to 128 1841 HENRY THE EIGHTH, THE LARGE EDITION, HANSARD'S ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF with eight additional and unpublished portraits of ARCHERY, being the complete History and the French Court, likerise engraved by BARTO- Practice of the Art; interspersed with numerous LORET; PROors, beautifully finished in coloured Anecdotes, forming a complete Manual for the tints ; MOUNTED ON STOUT DRAWING PAPER, Bowman. 8vo, illustrated by 39 beautiful line- RULED WITH GOLD LINES, atlas folio, hf. bd. engravings, exquisitely finished by Engleheart, morocco extra, gilt edges, (pub, at £52. 10s) re- Portbury, 8c. after Designs by Stephanoff, gilt duced to £14. 145 cloth, (pub. at £1. lls 6d) reduced to 106d another similar set, with an addition of a the same, INDIA PROOYs, gilt cloth, (pub.at duplicate set of uncoloured engravings, proofs, in- £2. 12s 6d) reduced to 15 cluding the eight additional portraits, 2 vols. folio, the same, INDIA PROors, morocco extra, full splendidly bound in marocco extra, (pub. at €73. 10.) reduced to £31. 10 gilt, £1.58 A similar ret to the present, but without the exin ** The pictorial embellishments are some of the most French portraits, was lately sold by publie auction for beautifal we have ever seent Union. fifty geneas, 6 BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. gilt, 8s 1843 HOPE'S Historical Essny on ARCHITECTURE, KENDALL'S GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, 8vo. 2 vols.roy. 8vo third edition, with General Index, 23 plates by Storer, cloth, (pub. at 158) reduced 99 plates, cloth, (puh. at £2.) red.to £1.8s 1840 to 55 1842 HOPE'S COSTUME OF THE ANCIENTS, illus- KENNION'S EXAMPLES OF TREES IN LAND- trated in upwards of 320 beautifully engraved SCAPE, with Essays shewing the Propriety Plates, containing representations of Egyptian, and Importance of Characteristio Expression in Greek, and Roman Habits and Dresses, 2 vols. this branch of Art, and the means of producing royal 8vo. new edition, with nearly 20 additional it, with many large additional plates, in all 60 large plates, bds, reduced to £2. 5s 1841 engravings of the various Trees grown in Great An indispensable book to artists. Britain, including numerous details and elemen- HOWARD (Frank) on COLOUR, as a MEANS of tary Lessons on their Foliage and Branches, impl. Art, being an adaptation of the Experience of 4to. extra cloth boards, (pub. at £3. 13s 6d) Professors to the Practice of Amateurs, illus- reduced to 18s 1815 trated by 18 coloured plates, post 8vo. extra cloth Very useful for drawing schools. 1838 KNIGHT'S (Henry Gally) ECCLESIASTICAL In this able volume are shewn the ground colours in ARCHITECTURE OY ITALY, from the which the most celebrated painters worked. It is very valuable to the connoisseur as well as the student in time of Constantine to the Fifteenth Century, painting and water colour drawing. with an Introduction and Text, impl. folio, "A pretty book, which we may recommend asgiving FIRST SERIES, containing forty beautiful and the keys of harmony in which different artists highly interesting views of Ecclesiastical Buildings wrought." -Atheneum. in Italy, several of which are expensively illuminated HUGHSON'S LONDON AMD WESTMINSTER, in gold and colours, elegantly half bound morocco, describing all the Public Buildings, &c. 2 vols. £5. 58 in 1, 12mo. upwards of 100 neat topographical the same, second and concluding Series, engravings, by Storer and Greig, extra cloth gilt, containing 41 beautiful and highly interesting views (pub, at £1. 8s) reduced to 9s 1817 of Ecclesiastical Buildings in Italy, arrangea ta HUNT'S Examples of TUDOR ARCHITEC- Chronological Order, with descriptive letter-press, TURE, adapted to Modern Habitations, roy. impl. folio, hf.bd. morocco, £5.65 1844 4to. 37 plates, half morocco, (pub, at £2. 2) re. KNIGHT'S (Henry Gally) SARACENIC AND duced to £1. 45 1836 NORMAN REMAINS, to illustrate the Nor- HUNT'S Designs for PARSONAGE HOUSES, mans in Sicily, impl. folio, 30 large and very beau- Alms Houses, &c. royal 4to. 21 plates, half tiful engravings, several of which are coloured, con morocco, (pub, at £1. ls) reduced to 14s 1841 sisting of Picturesque Views, Architectural Re- HUNT'S Designs for GATE LODGES, Game- mains, Interiors and Exteriors of Buildings, with keepers' Cottages, &c. royal 4to. 13 plates, half descriptive letter-press now first added, half morocco, morocco, (pub, at £1. 1s) reduced to 148 1841 (pub, at £5. 58) reduced to £3. 13s 6d 1840 HUNT'S Architettura Campestre; or Designs for or all the numerous Lithographie folios of Architec- Lodges, Gardeners' Houses, &c. in the Italian tural and Scenic subjects which have or late made their style, 12 plates, royal 4to. half morocco, (pub. appearance, this is not only one of the best executed. but also the most interesting, especially to the lovers of 1827 at £1. 1s) reduced to 14s Architecture, on account of the accuracy of drawing, ILLUSTRATED FLY-FISHER'S TEXT BOOK, which is evident in every detail, and the Judgment a Complete Guide to the Science of Trout and used in the selection of objects. Too many travellers Salmon Fishing, by Theophilus South, Gent. have passed over this interesting ground without dis- covering its riches in the Architecture of the Middle (Ed. CHITTY, Barrister) with 23 beautiful en- and Saracenic ages. gravings on steel , after Paintings by Cooper, Newton KNIGHT'S PICTORIAL LONDON. 6 vols. Fielding, Lee, & others, 8vo. richly bound in extra bound in 3 thick handsome vols, impl. 8vo. green cloth, emblematically tooled in gold on back s illustrated by 650 wood engravings, extra cloth, sides, (pub, at £1. lls6d) reduced to 10s 6d 1845 " The Fly-Fisher's Text Book is a splendid volume, gilt backs, veru elegant, (pub. at £3.38) reduced obviously written by a practical as well as a theoretical to £2. 12s 60 1841-44 angler, and is, moreover, an original treatise." the same, 6 vols. in 3, elegantly hf.bd, mo- ILLUSTRATIONS of the ROYAL PROGRESS to rocco extra, gilt backs and gilt edges, £3. 13. 60 SCOTLAND in 1842, 4to. embellished with 13 er. KNIGHT'S ANTIQUITIES of the Britist Museum, tremely beautiful steel engravings by Willmore, &c. containing 112 engravings of all the most remark- and 34 fine wood engravings by Landells, &c. extra able STATUARY and SCULPTURE, EGYPTIAN AN- gilt cloth, (pub. at £1. ls) reduced to 7s 64 TIQUITIES, VASES, &c. with letter-preu on the Edinb. Constable, 1844 Teverses, Dounted on cards, foolscap 8vo. in a the same, INDIA PROOrs, extra gilt cloth, cloth case, fettered, (pub, at 9s) reduced to 4s 60 (pub, at £1. lls 6d) reduced to 98 LAUDER'S (Sir Thomns Dick) MEMORIAL OY ILLUSTRATED COMMENTARY on the Scrip- THE ROYAL PROGRESSES IN SCOTLAND tures, see Divinity. IN 1842, a thick and splendid vol. 4to.embellished ITALIAN SCHOOL or DESIGN, consisting of with 50 most beautiful engravings on steel and wood 100 Plates, chiefly engraved by Bartolozzi, after by the first artists, elegantly bound in gilt cloth, the original Pictures and Drawings of Guercino, (published by Royal Authority), (pub. at £2.25) Michael Angelo, Domenichino, Annibale, Lu- reduced to £1. 1. Edinburgh, 1843 dovico, and Agostino Caracci, Pietro da Cor- the same, LARGE PAPER, royal 4to. INDIA tona, Carlo Maratti, and others, in the Collection Proors, (very few printed), gilt cloth, (pub, at of her Majesty, impl. 4to. half morocco, gilt £4.48) reduced to £1. 16: edges, (pub, at £10. 10s) reduced to £3.3s 1842 LAWRENCE'S (Sir Thos.) Life and Correspon JACKSON'S HISTORY OF WOOD-ENGRAV- dence, by Williams, 2 vols. 8vo. fine portraits, ING, including a Treatise on Wood Engraving, cloth, (pub, at £1.12.) reduced to 16. 1831 Historical and Practical, with upwards of 300 ! LUMISDEN'S ANTIQUITIES OF ROME and its beautiful wood-cut illustrations, including fac- Environs, 4to. ILLUSTRATED BY ABOVE TIVTY similes from the works of Albert Durer, 1 large vol. POPPERPLATE ENGRAVINGS, cloth lettered, (pub, at impl. 8vo. half bound morocco, £2. 12. 6d 1839 £3.3s) reduced to £1. 1. 1812 BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 7. L'ESPAGNE ARTISTIQUE ET MONUMEN- MEYRICK'S PAINTED ILLUSTRATIONS OY TALE; Vues et Descriptions des sites et des ANCIENT ARMS AND ARMOUR, a Critical Jonumens artistiques les plus notables de l'Es. Inquiry into Ancient Armour as it existed in poene, 2 vols, impl folio, complete in 24 parts, Europe, but particularly in England. from the comprising 96 large and extremely beautiful litho. Norman Conquest to the Reign of Charles II., graphie plates of the most interesting specimens of with a Glossary, &c. by Sir Samuel Rush Mey- Spanish ARCHITECTURE and ORNAMENT of the rick, LL.D. F.S.A. &c., new and greatly im- MIDDLE AGES, (pub, at £25. 4s) reduced to proved edition corrected and enlarged through- £14. 145 Par. 1843-45 out by the Author himself, with the assistance of the same, 2 vols, splendidly hf.bd, morocco, Literary and Antiquarian Friends, (Albert Way, gilt edges. £16. 165 &c.) 3 vols, impl. 4to. illustrated by more than Mr. Bohn having bought a large quantity of the 100 plates, splendidly illuminated, mostly in gold above celebrated work on advantageous terms, is enabled to offer them at the low price affixed. The and silver, exhibiting some of the finest specimens Impressions are in the finest possible state. existing in England, also a new plate of the Tour- LONDON.WILKINSON'S LONDINA IL- nument of Locks and Keus, neatly hf.bd morocco, LUSTRATA; or Graphic and Historical Illus- gilt extra, full gilt bivals and edges, (pub. at trations of the most interesting and Curious £21.) reduced to £10. 10s 1844 Architectural Monuments of the City and the same, 3 vols superbly bound in crimson Suburbs of London and Westminster, e. g. turkey morocco, emblematically tooled on the back, Monasteries, Churches, Charitable Foundations, broad gold borders, and gilt edges, by Il right, Palaces, Halls, Courts, Processsions, Pinces of £14. 145 early Amusements, Theatres, and Old Houses, Sir WALTER SCOTT justly describes this collection as "THE INCOMPARABLE ARMOURY." 2 vols. impl. 4to. containing 207 copper-plate en- "This most superb Archological work is animated gravings, with Historical and Descriptive Letter with numerous novelties, curious and historical diaqni- press, hf. bd. morocco, uncut, the top edgrs gilt, sitions, and brilliant and recondite learning Learn (pub, at £26. 5.) reduced to £5.55 1819.25 ing going to Court in the coll, rich costame of the Order of the Garter.Plates as fine as the monuments the same, LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. elephant of Westminster Abbey. Really and truly the work is 4to. hf. ld, morocco, uncut, the top edges gilt, admirably executed, and deserves every enlogy." (pub, at $37. 163) reduced to £6. 6s Edinburgh Revier The most interesting and enrious graphic work of MEYRICK'S (Sir S. R.) ENGRAVED IL Old London extant, LYSONS' GLOUCESTERSHIRE ANTIQUI- LUSTRATIONS OF ANCIENT ARMS AND ARMOUR, a Series of One Hundred and TIES, 110 Etchings (many of which are coloured) of Churches, Castles, Old Houses, Fifty-four very highly-finished Etchings of the Collection at Goodrich Court, Herefordshire, Ruins, Tombs, Effigies, Sculpture, Stained Glass, Seals, &c. &c. with Letter-press De- engraved by Joseph Skelton, and accompanied scriptions, 1 vol. royal folio, half morocco, (pub. by Historical and Critical Disquisitions by at 16.68) reduced to £2.58 1803 the possessor, Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick LL.D. LYSONS' MAGNA BRITANNICA, or County &c. in 2 vols, impl. 4to. with fine portrait, neatly hf. bd. morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, (pub.al History of Great Britain, 10 vols. in 8, 4to. £11. Ils reduced to £4. 14s 6d plates, boards, (pub. at £27. 48) reduced to £5. * We should imagine that the possessors of Dr. Mey. LYSONS' ENVIRONS OF LONDON, being an riek's former great work would eagerly add Mr. Skel. Historical Account of the Towns, Villages, and ton's as a suitable illustration. In the first they have Hamlets in the Counties of Surrey, Kent, Essex, the History of Arms and Armour; in the second work Herts, and Middlesex, within 1 welve Miles of beautifal engravings of all the details."-Gent's Alag. that Capital, including the Middlesex Parishes, MILLINGEN'S ANCIENT UNEDITED MO. interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes, 5 NUMENTS; comprising Painted Greek Vases, vols. 4to. plates, (pub, at £10.108) red.to £2.10s Statues, Busts, Bas-Reliefs, and other Remains the same, Large Paper, 5 vols, royal 4to. of Grecian Art, 62 large and beautiful engravings, (pub at £15. 158) reduced to £3.38 mostly coloured, with letter-press descriptions, MARRYAT'S(CAPT.) POOR JACK,illustrated with impl. 4to. half morocco, (pub at £9.9s) reduced 46 beautiful wood-outs, designed by STANFIELD, to £4. 14s 60 1822 8vo, gilt cloth, (pub, at 14s) reduced to 98 1842 MOSES' ANTIQUE VASES, CANDELABRA, MARTIN'S CIVIL, COSTUME OY ENGLAND, Lamps, Tripods, Paterw, Tazzas, Tombs, Mau- from the Conquest to the present period, from soleums, Sepulchral Chambers, Cinerary Urns, Tapestry, MSS. &c. royal 4to. 61 plates, beauti- Sarcophagi, Cippi; and other Ornaments, 170 fully illuminated in gold and colours, richly bound platas, several of thich are coloured; with historical in cloth, with the Arms of Prince Albert gitt on the and descriptive letter-press, by Hope, small 4to. sides, £2. 12s 6d 1842 MAXWELL'S LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WEL- cloth, (pub, at £3.3s) reduced to £1.5s 1814 LINGTON, 3 handsome vols. 8vo. embellished MOYEN-AGE MONUMENTALE XT ARCHEO- with numerous highly finished tine engravings by LOGIQUE, Vues, Details, et Plans des Monu- Cooper and other eminent artists, consisting of battle mens les plus remarquables de l'Europe, depuis pieces, portraits, military plans, and maps ; besides a le Vie. jusqu'au XVIe siècle, lithographies great number of fine wood engravings : elegant in par les Artistes les plus distingués de la Capi- gilt cloth, (pub, at £3.7s) red, to £1. 168 1841 tale, d'après les Dessins de M. CHAPUY, avec l'Histoire de l'Architecture au Moyen-Age, par the same, Large Paper, INDIA PROors, gilt cloth, (rub, at £5.) reduced to £3.3s Daniel Rambe, containing 282 finely crecuted *MR. MAXWELL'S LIVROP TH Duke or WELLING. lithographie engravings of Architectural Monte TON HAS NO RIVAL. It is free from thattery and bombast, ments and Sculptures of the Middle Ages, folio, succinct and masterly. The type and mechanical exe- 48 parts, (pub, at £14.88) reduced to £10. 10. cation are admirable; the plans of battles and sieger numerous, ample, and useful; the portraits many and Paris, 1844 faith; the batile pictures animated and brilliant : This is a different work from the Moyen Age and the vignettes of costumes and manners worthy of Pittoresque, published in 1837, with 1so Plates: but Horace Vernet himselt."-mer. it is of the same sharacter. 8 BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. - MOYEN AGE PITTORESQUE, a new and fine NICOLAS'S SIEGE OF CARLAVEROCK, by lithographic work on the Architecture and Orna- King Edward I., A.D. MCCC., a Norman French ments of the Middle Ages, 2 vols. folio, 180 Poem, with the Arms of the Earls, Barons, and plates, India Proofs, (pub. at £15. 158) reduced Knights who were present on the occasion; 4to. to £8. 18s 60 1837 illustrated by upwards of two hundred armorial the same, hf. mor., top edges gilt, £10. 10s bearings, cloth, (pub. at £2.2s) red. to £1.1s 1828 MURPHY'S ARABIAN ANTIQUITIES OF the same, WITH ALL THE ARMS MOST BEAU- SPAIN, representing, in 100 very highly TIFULLY ILLUMINATED BY Mn. Dowse, THE finished line Engravings by Le Keux, Finden, HERALD PAINTER, 4to. hf. bd. marocco extra, Landseer, G. Cooke, &c. the most remark- uncut, £4. 4s able Remains of the Architecture, Sculp- NICHOLSON'S ARCHITECTURE, PRINCIPLES ture, Paintings, and Mosaics, of the Spanish and Practice of, 3 vols. 8vo, fourth edition, 218 Arabs, now existing in the Peninsula, in- plates by Lotery, cloth boards, (pub. at £3.3) reduced to £1. 16s 1841 cluding the magnificent PALACE OF AL- HAMBRA; the celebrated MOSQUE AND BRIDGE The text book of the Profession, the most useful AT CORDOVA; the ROYAL VILLA OP GENE- Guide to the Architectural Student, and the best com pendium for the Amateur. This work has always been RALIFFE ; and the CASA DE CARBON : accom- so highly appreciated, and its reputation is now so well panied by Letter-press Descriptions, in 1 vol. established, that quotations in its praise would seem atlas folio, ORIGINAL AND BRILLIANT IMPRES- superfluous, but it may be permitted to adduce the opinion recently given of it by an einiment Architect, SIONS OF THE PLATES, half morocco, (pub.at who declared it to be "not only the most useful boul £42.) reduced to £12. 12s 1813 of the kind ever published, but absolutely indispensable MURPHY'S ANCIENT CHURCH OF BATAL- to the student," and added, that he always kept a copy on his own table, as well as another in the Office HA, IN PORTUGAL, Plans, Elevations, Sec- for the use of his pupils." tions, and Views of the, with its History and NORTHCOTE'S LIFE OY TITIAN, with Anec- Description, and an Introductory Discourse on dotes of the Distinguished Persons of his time, GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, impl. folio, 27 2 vols. 8vo, fine portrait, cloth, (pub, at £1. 1x) fine copper plates, engraved by Lowry, half morocco, reduced to 10s 6d 1830 (pub, at £6.6s) reduced to £2. 8s 1795 NUMISMATA.-Eckhel Doctrina Numorum Vete- “The Royal Monastery of Batalha is one of the most celebrated edifices in Europe. Its beautiful arches are rum, 9 vols. 4to. complete, portrait and plates of fretted and pinnacled and crocketed in the best style of coins, bds. (pub. at £13.) reduced to £7.178 6d Gothic at its best period, and the graceful arching of Vindob. 1792-1826 the roof, unsupported by console or column, is un- equalled. The Plantagenet cast of the whole building The best and most complete work on Ancient Coins; no Collector can do without it. conveyed home to my bosom a feeling so interesting, so congenial, that I could hardly persuade myself to move O'NEIL'S DICTIONARY OY SPANISH away."- BECKFORD. PAINTERS, 2 voks. roy. 8vo. cloth, (pub. at NOLLEKENS and his Times, comprehending his £2. 2s) reduced to 163 1834 Life and Memoirs of Contemporary Artists, by ORAM'S PRECEPTS IN THE ART OF COLOUR. J. T. SMITH, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, ING in Landscape Painting, 4to. plates, cloth cloth, (pub, at £1. 4s) reduced to 12s 1829 lettered, (pub, at 158) reduced to 6s 1810 NICOLAS'S (Str HARRIS) HISTORY OF THE ORNEMENS DES ANCIENS MAITRES des XV. ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD XVI. XVII. et XVIII. Siècles, recueillis par BRITISH EMPIRE; with an Account of Ovide Reynard, et gravés sous sa direction par the Medals, Crosses, and Clasps which les meilleurs Artistes, containing 108 finely exe- have been conferred for Naval and Mili- cuted lithographic engravings of Ornaments, Cups, tary Services; together with a History of the Vases, Candelabra, Mosaics, &c. of the Ancient Order of the Guelphs of Hanover, 4 vols. impl. Masters, folio, 18 parts, sewed, (pub, at £5. 88) 4to, splendidly printed and illustrated by numerous reduced to $1.45 Paris, 1844 fine wood-cuts of Badges, Crosses, Collars, Stars, PHILLIPS'S (Portrait Painter) LECTURES ON Medals, Ribbands, Clasps, etc. and many large PAINTING delivered at the Royal Acndemy, plates, ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLOURS, IN- 8vo. cloth, (pub, at 13s) reduced to 6s 6d 1833 CLUDING FULL-LENGTH PORTRAITS OF QUEEN PHILLIPS'S PRINCIPLES OF EFFECT AND VICTORIA, PRINCE ALBERT, THE KING OY HA- COLOUR in Landscape Painting, illustrated NOVER, AND THE DUKES OY CAMBRIDGE AND by Examples for the Amateur and Professional Sussex, strongly boarded in cloth, with morocco Student, third edition, oblong 4to. 10 coloured backs, (pub. at £14. 14s) reduced to £7.7s 1842 plates; hf. bd. (pub. at £1. ls) reduced to 85 1838 the same, with the plates richly coloured but PICTORIAL HISTORY OF PALESTINE, THE not illuminated, and without the extra portraits, HOLY LAND, AND THE JEW8, by John Kitto, extra cloth, £4. 14s 64 1842 editor of the Pictorial Bible, 2 vols. super royal ** Sir Harris Nicolas has produced the first compre- 8vo. with above 500 fine wood-cuts, elegantly bound hensive History of the British Orders of Knighthood; in cloth, with new devices in gold on back and sides, and it is one of the most elaborately prepared and splendidly printed works that ever isaned from the (pub, at £1. 15.) reduced to £1.55 1844 prest. The Author appears to as to have neglected no A work which no family should be withont. It will sources of information, and to have exhausted them, as Interest the child, and instruct the philosopher. far as regards the general scope and purpose of the ** The engravings are beautiful little pietares, repre- inqairy. The Graphical Illustrations are such as become senting actual scenery, costume, msaners, monuments, a work of this character upon such a subject; at, of and objects of Natural History."-Spectator. course, a lavish cost. The resources of the recently PICTORIAL HISTORY OF NAPOLEON, by G. revived art of wood-engraving have been combined with the new art of printing is colours, so as to pro- M. Bassey, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. illustrated by nearly doce a rich etfeet, almost rivalling that of the monastic 500 beautiful engravings by Horace Vernet; gilt illuminations. Such a book is sure of a place in every cloth, (pub. at £2. 2) red. to £1. 1. Thomas, 1840 great library. It contains matter calentated to interest extensive classes of reatiets, so we lope by our ape- the same, hf. od. morocco, full gilt, £1. 46 cimento excite their curiosity." -- Quarterly Rele. OP THE BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 9 PICTORIAL HISTORY OF FRANCE, from the POULSON'S History and Antiquities of the Seig- establisament of the Franks in Gaul to the niory of HOLDERNESS, in the East Riding of period of the French Revolution. By G. the COUNTY or YORK, including the Abbies M. Bussey and T. Gaspey, 2 large thick of Meux and Swine, with the Priories of Nun- vols. impl. 8vo. handsomely printed, and illus- keeling and Burstall, compiled from authentic trated by upwards of 500 beautiful engravings Charters, Records, and the unpublished Manu- on wood, elegantly bound in cloth, full gilt, scripts of the Rev. William Dade, remaining in (pub. at £2. 16s) reduced to £1.55 1843 the Library of Burton Constable, with above 200 the same, hf.bd. morocco, full gilt, £1.85 copper-plate engravings and tood-cuts, consisting of Views, Churches, Monumental Effigies and Hrasses, PICTORIAL HISTORY OF GERMANY during Fonts, Ground Plans, Fac-similes of Charters, the Rxion of FREDERICK the GREAT, including Deeds, Armorial Bearings, Seals, &c. 8e. 4 parts, a complete History of the Silesian Campaigns or 2 vols. 4to. boards, (pubat £3.) reduced to and the SEVEN YEARS' War, by Francis Kug- £1. Is 1841 ler, ILLUSTRATED BY ADOLYA MENZEL, royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, 4 parts, or 2 vols. royal with above 500 wood-cuts, extra cloth, gilt, (pub. 4to, boards, (pub. at £4.) reduced to £1. 15s at £1.8s reduced to 125 1845 ** This is one of the most painstaking Topographical PICTORIAL GALLERY OF RACE-HORSES, works of modern times, full of Pedigrees. Monumental Inrcription" &c. &c. containing Portraits of all the Winning Horses PRICE (Sir Uvedale) ON THE PICTURESQUE of the Derby, Oaks, and St.Leger Stakes during in Scenery and Landscape Gardening, with the last Thirteen Years; and a History of the an Essay on the Origin of Taste, and much principal Operations of the Turf, illustrated by additional matter, by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Portraits of some of its most distinguished Bart. 8vo. with 60 beautiful wood engravings by Members. By WILDRAKE, (Geo. Tattersall, Montagu Stanley, extra gilt cloth, (pub.at Esq.) One large handsome volume, royal 8vo. £1. ls) reduced to 12s 1842 containing 75 beautiful illustrations, chiefly steel PUGIN'S GLOSSARY OF ECCLESIASTICAL engravings of Horses, after Pictures by Cooper, ORNAMENT and Costume, setting forth Herring, Hancock, Alken, &c. engraved by Scott, the Origin, History, and Signification of Cook, and other eminent Artists; also full-length the various Emblems, Devices, and Symbo- characteristic portraits of celebrated living Sports- lical Colours, peculiar to Christian Design men (** Cracks of the Day") by Seymoun ; scarlet of the Middle Ages, with especial reference cloth, elegantly gilt on back and sides with appro- to the Decoration of the Sacred Vestments priate devices, (pub. at £2. 2s) red. to 185 1844 and Altar Furniture formerly used in the PICTORIAL FRENCH DICTIONARY, royal English Church, illustrated by nearly eighty 8vo, illustrated by 760 wood-cuts, extra cloth, plates, splendidly printed in gold and colours by the richly gilt, 10s 6d Tilt, 1841 new Lithochramotographic process, containing Ex- amples of the Ecclesiastical Costume of the PICTURESQUE TOUR OF THE RIVER THAMES, in its Western Course, including Roman, English, French, and German Bishops, Priests, and Deacons; Altar Furniture; Em- particular Descriptions of Richmond, Wind- sor, and Hampton Court. By Jonn FISHER broidery ; Disperings; Bordures; Powder- MURRAY. Illustrated by upwards of 100 very ings; Florinted Crosses; Holy Emblems; highly-finished wood engravings by Orrin Smith, Holy Monograms; Examples of the Nimbus; Conventional Forms of Animals and Flowers Branston, Landells, Linton, and other eminent for Heraldic and Church Decoration; Funeral artists; to which are added several beautiful Palls, &c. &c. &c. also a variety of Ornamental copper and steel plate engravings by Cooke and Alphabets of Church Text of various dates, the others, one large handsome volume, royal 8vo. elegantly bound in gilt cloth, (pub, at £1.58) re- details of many of the Ornaments are given of duced to 10,60 the full size, the whole draton, coloured, adapted, 1845 and described from Ancient Authorities, by A. PINELLI'S ETCHINGS or ITALIAN MAN WELRY Puern, Architect, Professor of Ecclesias- NERS AND COSTUME, including his Car. tical Antiquities at St. Maries College, Oscott, one nival, Banditti, &c. 27 plates, impl. 4to. hf. od. magnificent vol. royal 4to. half morocco aatra, morocco, 158 Rome, 1840 top edges gilt, the back and sides ornamented with PINELLI'S AND COOKE'S VIEWS IN ROME, appropriate devices in gold, £7.78 1844 royal 8vo. containing 27 pretty plates, gilt cloth, PUGIN'S ORNAMENTAL TIMBER GABLES, (pub. at 10s 6d) reduced to 73 60 1834 selected from Ancient Examples in England PLOOS VAN AMSTEL'S IMITATIONS OF and Normandy, royal 4to. 30 plates, cloth, £1. Is DRAWINGS by the principal Dutch and 1839 Flemish Masters, consisting of 100 beautiful PUGIN'S EXAMPLES OF GOTHIC ARCHI- Engravings, executed in exact Imitation of TECTURE, selected from Ancient Edifices the Originals, many beautifully Coloured, ac- in England, consisting of Plans, Elevations, companied by Historical and Descriptive Letter- Sections, and Parts at large; with Historical press, by C. Josi, of the British Museum, 3 vols, and Descriptive Letter-press, illustrated by 225 in 2, imperial folio, elegantly half bound morocco, engravings by Le Keux, 3 vols 4to. lyth, (pub. (pub. at £63.) reduced to £16. 16. at £12. 12s) reduced to £7. 17s6d 1838 PLUTARQUE FRANCAIS. ---Vies des Hommes PUGIN'S GOTHIC ORNAMENTS, 90 fine et Femmes Illustres de la France, avec leurs Plates, drawn on Stone by J. D. Harding and Portraits en pied, publié par E. Mennechet, others, royal 4to. half morocco, £3.3s 1844 8 vols. imperial 8vo. containing 192 spirited full- PROUTS CASTLES AND ABBEYS OF MON- length portraits, etched on copper, cloth, (pub, at MOUTHSHIRE,imperial folio, 30 lithographic £19.12.) reduced to £4. 148 6d Par. 1838-41 plates, with letterpress, half morocco, (pub, at the same, 5.bd. red mor gilt edges, £5.15s6d £5.5s) reduced to £2. 12s6d 1838 10 BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. PROUT'S SKETCHES IN FLANDERS AND SCOTT'S (Sir Walter) MARMION, ILLUSTRATED GERMANY, impl. folio, 50 fine lithographic EDITION, 50 beuutiful trood-cuts; splendidly plates, INDIA PROOFS, hf. bd. (pub. at £6. 6s) printed on superfine drawing paper, 8vo. richly reduced to £3. 13s 6d 1833 gilt cloth, (pub. at 16s) reduced to 8s 1840 RADCLIFFE'S NOBLE SCIENCE Oy FOX- the same. 8vo. mor. extra, for presents, 155 HUNTING, for the Use of the Rising Gene- SEYMOUR'S RUMOROUS SKETCHES, com- ration of Sportsmen, royal 8vo. nearly 40 beau- prising 86 exceedingly elever and amusing caricature tiful wood-cuts of Hunting, Hounds, &c. extra etchings, ON STEEL, illustrated by Alired Crow cloth, elegantly gilt, (pub. at £1. 8s) reduced to quill, 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges, 12s 1839 18s 1843 This handsome volume is printed uniformly with SHAKSPEARE PORTFOLIO; a Series of 96 Scrope's Deer Stalking, to which it is a suitable com- GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS, after Designs by the panion. most eminent British Artists, including Smirke, "A book which ought to be in the hands of every fox-hunter, and of every man who loves the 'Noble Stothard, Stephanoff, Cooper, Westall, Hilton, Science.' Bell's Life. Leslie, Briggs, Corbould, Clint, &c. beautifully REYNOLDS' (SIR JOSHUA) GRAPHIC engraved by Heath, Greatbach, Robinson, Pye, WORKS, 300 beautiful engravings, (comprising Finden, Engleheart, Armstrong, Rolls, and nearly 400 subjects) after this delightful painter, others, in a case, with leather back, impl. 8vo. engraved on steel by S. W. Reynolds, 3 vols. folio, (pub. at £8.8s) reduced to £1. Is elegantly half bound morocco, gilt edges, (pub.at the same, FRENCH Proors, folio, in a £36.) reduced to £12.12s portfolio, (pub, at £12. 12s) reduced to £2.2s REYNOLDS' (SIR JOSHUA) LITERARY the same, Inda Proors, folio, in a port- WORKS, comprising his Discourses, delivered folio, (pub, at £16. 16s) reduced to £3.3s at the Royal Academy, on the Theory and Prac- SHAW AND BRIDGENS' DESIGNS FOR FURNI. tice of Painting, also his Journey to Flanders TURE, with Candelabra and interior Decora- and Holland, with Criticisms on Pictures-- Du tion, 60 plates, royal 4to. half bound, unout, Fresnoy's Art of Painting, in English Verse, (pub. at £3.3) reduced to £1. Ils 6d 1838 with the original Latin Text subjoined, and the same, Large Paper, impl. 4to. the Notes-A Tabular View of Painters, from the plates coloured, hf. bd, uncut, (pub, at £6. 68) revival of the Art to the beginning of the last reduced to £3.38 Century-To which is prefixed, a Memoir of SHAW'S LUTON CHAPEL, its Architecture and the Author, with Remarks on his Professional Ornaments, illustrated in a series of 20 highly- Character, illustrative of his Principles and finished line engravings, impl. folio, half morocca, Practice, by Henny WILLIAM BEECHEY, NEW uncut, (pub, at £3.3s) reduced to £1. 165 1830 EDITION, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. with portrait, gilt the same, India proofs, hf. bd. morocco, cloth, (pub. at 18s) reduced to 10s 1846 tuncut, (pub, at £5. 58) reduced to £3. 33 * The precepts of Sir Joshua Reynolds will equally ** Luton Chapel was an exquisite specimen of the enlighten the connoisseur and the practical student most florid period of Gothie arebitecture. Mr. Shaw's He teaches how to look at pictures, as well as to de- elaborate history is now rendered duably valuable by the sign and colour them." - Monthly Review. destruction of the magnificent original." ** His admirable discourses contain such a body of just criticism on an extremely difficult subject, clothed SMITH'S (C.J.) HISTORICAL AND LITERARY Morning Post. in such perspicuous, elegant, and nervous language, that it is no exaggerated panegyrie to assert, that they CURIOSITIES, consisting of Fac-similes of will last as long as the English tongue, and contribute interesting Autographs, Scenes of remarkable not less than the productions of his pencil, to render Historical Events and interesting Localities, bis name immortal."-Northcote. Engravings of Old Houses, Illuminated and RIGAUD, Vues de Palais, Chateaux, et Maisons Missal Ornaments, Antiques, &c. &c. containing Royales de Paris, et de ses Environs, containing 121 large and curious plates of the old Palaces and 100 plates, some illuminated; with occasionul letter- press, in one volume, 4to. hf. olive morocco, uncut. Gardens of Paris and its Environs, (a great num- ber of which no longer exist), royal folio, hf. bd. STARK'S PICTURESQUE VIEWS on the East- 1840 Roxburghe style, reduced to £3. red morocco, (interesting to Architects), (pub, at £8.8s) reduced to £4.45 Paris, ern Coast of England, comprising the Ro- mantic Scenery of the NORFOLK RIVERS ROBINSON'S HISTORY OF TOTTENHAM, 2 vols. 8vo. 41 plates and 2 large maps, second Yare, Waveney, and Bure, consisting of 36 edition, cloth, (pub.at £2. 2s) red. to 18s 1840 splendid Engravings by George Cooke, W. J. ROBINSON'S RURAL ARCHITECTURE, being Cooke, E. Goodall, John Burnet, and other a Series of Designs for Ornamental Cottages, eminent Engravers, with short descriptive in 96 plates, with Estimates, FOURTH CREATLY IM- letter-press, royal 4to, extra cloth, (originally pub, at £4. 14s 6d) reduced to 156 PROVED EDITION, royal 4to. (pub. at £4, 4s) * An exceedingly beautiful and interesting volume half morocco, £2.55 1837 The paintings combine in subject, composition, and NEW SERIES OF ORNAMENTAL detail, the united excellencies of Hobbima, Ruysdael. COTTAGES AND VILLAS, 56 plates, by Hard- and Vander Velde, and exhibit the known talents of Mr. Stark, and of the able engravers employed, to the ing and Allom, royal 4to. half mor. £2. 2. 1838 greatest possible advantage. Literary Gazette ORNAMENTAL VILLAS, 96 plates, STORER'S CATHEDRAL ANTIQUITIES or hf. mor. (pub, at £4.4s) reduced to £2.55 1836 ENGLAND AND WALES, 4 vols. 8vo. with FARM BUILDINGS, 56 plates, hf. mor. 256 beautifully finished engravings, extremely (pub. at £2. 24) reduced to £1. Ils 6d 1837 accurate in Architectural Detail, hf. morocco, LODGES AND PARK ENTRANCES, (pub.at £7.10s) reduced to £2. 12. 6d 48 plates, hf. mor. (pub, at £2. 21) reduced to the same, LAROE PAPER, 4 vols. royal £1. lls 60 1837 8vo. hf. morocco, (pub, at £10, 109) reduced VILLAGE ARCHITECTURE, fourth to £3. 13s 6d edition, with additional plate, 41 plates, half bound, This very pretty work contains 28 Cathedrals, being uniform, (pub. at £1.168) reduced to £1. 4. 1837 double the number published by Britton. Pegin says it is by far the most correct work on Englisb Cathe drais, BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. 11 S10THARDS MONUMENTAL EFFIGIES OY VISCONTI, Musée Pie-Clementin, 7 vols.-Musée GREAT BRITAIN, 147 beautifully finished Chiaramonti, 1 vol.-Iconographie Grecque et etchings, all of which are more or less tinted, and Romaine, ou Portraits authentiques des Empe- some of them highly illuminated in gold and reurs, Rois, et Hommes Illustres de l'Antiquité, colours, with historical descriptions and Intro- 4 vols.--together 12 vols. 8vo. containing up- duction, by Kempe, folio, hf. morocco, (pub, a: wards of 1000 plates of highly interesting subjects, £19.) reduced to £8.85 neatlu engraved in outline; hf.bd, uncut, (pub. the same, LARGE PAPER, imperial folio, at £20.) reduced to £5, 15s Od Milan, 1818-26 illuminated with extra splendour, (pub, at £28.) WATTS'S PSALMS AND HYMNS, ILLUSTRATED reduced to £12. 12s EDITION complete, with Indexes of " Subjects," STRUTT'S DRESSES AND HABITS OF THE * first lines, and a Table of Scriptures, 8vo. PEOPLE OF ENGLAND, from the Establish- printed in a very large and beautiful type, em- ment of the Saxons in Britain to the present bellished with 24 beautiful woodcuts by Martin, time; with an historical and critical Inquiry Westall, and others; elegantly bound in gilt cloth, into every branch of Costume: new and greatly (pub. at £1. Is) reduced to 7s 6d improved edition, with critical and explanatory the same, embossed roun, gilt edges, 108 notes by J. R. Planché, Esq. F.S.A., 2 vols. the same, morocco, elegantly gilt, 16s royal 4to. 153 plates, cloth, £4.4s 1842 WHISTON'S JOSEPHUS-ILLUSTRATED EDITION the same, the plates coloured, half morocco, or, complete; containing both the Antiquities top edges gilt, £7.78 and the Wars of the Jews, 2 vols. 8vo. handsomely the same, THE PLATES SPLENDIDLY ILLU- printed, embellished with 52 beautiful wood en- MINATED IN GOLD, SILVER, AND OPAQUE COLOURS, IN THE MISSAL STYLE, 2 vols. royal 4to. half gravings, by various Artists, cloth bds. elegantly gilt, (pub. at £1. 4) reduced to 14s 1845 morocco, top edges gilt, £20. WIGHTWICK'S PALACE ARCHITEC- No more than 5 copies have been executed in this expensive manner, and but few of these remain unsub- TURE, a Romance of Art and History, impl. seribed for 8vo. with 211 illustrations, steel plates and wood- STRUTT'S REGAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL cuts, cloth, (pub. at £2. 12s 6d) reduced to ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND, containing £1.53 1840 the most authentic Representations of all the the same, impl. 8vo. INDIA Proors, cloth, English Monarchs from Edward the Confessor (pub. at £5. 58) reduced to £2. 2s to Henry the Eighth; together with many of the same, mor, extra, reduced to £2.12s6d the Great Personages that were eminent under Intended as a popular Introduction to all the varieties their several Reigns : new and greatly improved of Architecture edition, by J. R. Planché, Esq. F.S.A., royal 4to. WILD'S ARCHITECTURAL GRANDEUR of 72 plates, cloth, £2. 2s 1842 Belgium, Germany, and France, 24 fine plates the same, the plates coloured, half morocco, by Le Keur, &c.impl. 4to. hf. morocco, (pub. at top edges gilt, £4. 48 £1. 18s) reduced to 18 1837 the same, THE PLATIS SPLENDIDLY ILLU- WILD'S FOREIGN CATHEDRALS, 12 plates, MINATED, (EXACTLY UNIFORM WITH THE DRESSES) impl. folio, coloured and mounted like drawings, in royal 4to, half morocco, top edges gilt, £12.12 a handsome portfolio, (pub, at £12. 128) reduced STRUTT'S SYLVA BRITANNICA ET SCOTICA, to £5. 5s or Portraits of Forest Trees distinguished for WILD'S CATHEDRAL OF WORCESTER, its their Antiquity, Magnitude, or Beauty, compris- Architecture, Ornament, and Sculpture, 12 ing 50 very large and highly finished painter's etchings, impl. folio, hf. morocco extra, gilt edges, highly finished line engravings, impl. 4to. (pub. at £3. 3s) buls. reduced to 14 (pub, nt £9.98) reduced to 14.10s 1826 Proor IMPRESSIONS ON INDIA PAPER, hf. WILLIAMS' VIEWS IN GREECE, 64 beautiful morocco extra, gilt edges, (pub. at £15. 158) line engravings by Miller, Horsburgh, and others, reduced to £7. 17s 6 2 vols. impl. 8vo, hf. bdmorocco extra, gilt edges, STUBBS' ANATOMY OF THE HORSE, 24 fine (pub, at £6.68) reduced to £2. 12s6d 1829 large copper-plate engravings, impl. folio, in bds. or 2 vols. in 1, schole morocco, super ertra, with leather back, (pub. at £4. 4) reduced to gilt edges, reduced to £2. 16s £1. Ils 6d 1766 Ixora Proors, 2 vols. royal 4to. in 12 The original edition of this fine old work, which is parts, (pub, at £12.12s) reduced to £5.55 Indispensable to artists. It has long been considered the same, 2 vols.royal 4to. elegantly hf. bd. morocor, gilt edges, (pub. at £12. 12s) re- TAYLOR'S HISTORY OF THE FINE ARTS IN duced to £5. 15s 6d GREAT BRITAIN. 2 vols. post 8vo, www the same, 2 vols. in 1, royal 4to. whole outs, cloth, (pub, at £1. 18) reduced to 9: 1841 morocco, richly gilt, reduced to $6.68 * The beat view of the state of modern art," United Stata Gazette. WOODS ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES TOD'S ANNALS AND ANTIQUITIES OF TAJA- AND RUINS OF PALMYRA AND BALBEC, STHAN, or the Central and Western Rajpoot 2 vols, in 1, imperial folio, containing 110 fine States of India (commonly called Rajpootana). copper-plate engravings, some very large and fold- By Lieut-Colonel James Tod, many years resi- ing, half maraeco, uncut, (pub, at £7, 78) reduced dent in Rajpootana as Political Agent, 2 vols. 1827 to £3. 13s 64 impl. 4to. embellished with above 50 extremely YOSY'S COSTUME OF SWITZERLAND, 50 beautiful line engravings by Finden, and capital plates, beautifully coloured, 2 vols. super-royal large folding maps; extra cloth bds. (pub, at 8vo. gilt cloth, (pub, at £3. 13s 6d) reduced to £9.98) reduced to £6. 6s 1829-32 £1.83 1815 the same, with Proor IMPRESSIONS of the the same, 2 vols. in 1, stout 8vo. half PLATES on INDIA PAPER, (pub, at £15. 15) merera, richly gilt back and gilt alges, (pub. at redi ced to £7. 17. 64 £4.) reduced to £1. 135 rare. 12 BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. ADDITIONS. BECKER (G. G.) AUGUSTEUM; ou Descrip- authors, with 89 remarkably clever etchings on tions des Monumens Antiques qui se trouvent steel by Reveil, and other eminent artists, from à Dresde, 3 vols. folio, 144 beautiful plates of all the most celebrated pictures produced in the celebrated collection of Statues in the Dresden France during the last forty years, thick post Gallery, half morocco, gilt edges, (pub, at £21.) 8vo. extra red Turkey cloth, full gilt, with ap- reduced to £10. 10s Leipsig, 1804-12 propriate devices, gilt edges, (pub.at £1. ls) re- CATHERWOOD'S VIEWS OF ANCIENT duced to 10s 60 1846 MONUMENTS IN CENTRAL AMERICA, JONES (OWEN) AND GOURY'S SCENERY CHIAPAS, AND YUCATAN, royal folio, OF THE NILE, from Cairo to the Second Ca- containing 25 beautiful lithographic drawings, taract, from Drawings made on the spot; with with letter-press descriptions, Map of Central Historical Notices of the Monuments, by America, and illuminated title page, half morocco, SAMUEL Birch, Senior in the Department of (pub, at £5, 5s) reduced to £3. 13s 64 1844 Antiquities in the British Museum, and Hon. CORNWALL.-AN ILLUSTRATED ITINERARY OP Mem. of the Egyptian Societies of Cairo, royal THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL, including Historical folio, containing 30 large and very fine tinted and Descriptive Accounts, with Statistical Re- engravings, drawn on Stone by George Moore, lations, by Cyrus Redding, impl. 8vo. illustrated (the Artist of Gally Knight's Works) and a by 118 beautiful engravings on steel and wood by coloured frontispiece, half morocco, (pub. at Landells, Hinchcliffe, Jackson, Williams, Sly, eto. £4.4s) reduced to £2. 165 1843 after Drawings by Creswick and Sargent, half SPORTSMAN'S REPOSITORY; comprising a morocco, cloth sides, (pub. at 16s) reduced to 8s Series of highly finished Line Engravings, 1842 representing the Horse and the Dog, in all For sublime scenery, and picturesque antiquities, their varieties, by the celebrated engraver Cornwall is undoubtedly the most interesting County in England. Jous Scott, from original paintings by Rein- * In the popular form of a tour, this delightfully agle, Gilpin, Stubbs, Cooper, and Landseer, gossiping work leads us along from town to village, nccompanied by a comprehensive Description from cromlech to abbey, through the most remarkable by the Author of the British Field Sports, English county, and one which lays claim to the highest antiquity." --Athenarun. 4to. with 37 large copper-plates, and numerous KNIGHT'S (HENRY GALLY) SARACENIC woodcuts by Burnett and others, green cloth, richly AND NORMAN REMAINS IN SICILY, gilt, with devices, (pub, at £2. 12s 6d) reduced imperial folio, CONTAINING 30 BEAUTIFUL to £1. 13 1845 PLATES, COLOURED LIKE DRAWINGS, half bound WALKER'S ANALYSIS OF BEAUTY IN morocco, £8.8s 1846 WOMAN; preceded by a critical View of the - the same, mounted on card board, atlas folio, in general Hypotheses respecting Beauty, by Leo- a handsome portfolio, £10. 10s nardo da Vinci, Mengs, Winckelmann, Hume, But very few copies are now first executed in this Hogarth, Burke, Knight, Alison, and others; expensive manner. new edition, royal 8vo. illustrated by 22 beautiful NAPOLEON GALLERY, or Illustrations of the plates, after drawings from Life by H. Howard, Life and Times of the Emperor, in a series of by Gauci and Lane ; elegantly bound in gilt cloth, Sketches by some of the most distinguished (pub. at £2.2s) reduced to £1. Is 1846 RUDING'S ANNALS OF THE COINAGE OF GREAT BRITAIN and its Dependencies, from the Earliest Period of Authentic History to the Reign of Queen Victoria. NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION, corrected and improved, with a Continuation to the Present Time, and an entirely new Index to every Coin, 3 vols. 4to, illustrated with several thousand beautifully engraved figures of Coins, on 159 plates, many of which are additional ; extra cloth, (pub. at £668.) reduced to £44.. 1840 * As handsome and complete a book of reference to the Coinage of Britain and its Dependencies as there are materials in existence to frame. “The text of Ruding has been judicionsly retained in its strict integrity, but much has been added in the shape of notes throughout the whole, which have greatly augmented the intelligence of the text, and improved its value. There are also copious corrections and elucidations of many doubtful and conflicting accounts, which the editor has been enabled to bring forward since the previous editions appeared. ** Among the new plates we observe some unique coins, and others of great rarity: and some which have never been described. These include the Hexham treasure trove of Stycas: some extremely rare coins of Alfred and Edward the Confessor. One unique piece of Horthacunt, a noble of Heory VIII (in the British Museum), and others of almost equal interest, enrich the collection. ** To the historian and the antiquary, we consider this publication to be altogether one of the highest order. The entire work is really a credit to all who have been concerned in it-editors, artists, and publisher. Literary Gazette, Natural History, Agriculture, &c. &c. ANDREWS' FIGURES Oy HEATHS with Sci- by John Edward Gray, Esq.; Shells, by W. entific Descriptions, second improved edition, Sowerby, Esq., and Geology, by the Rev. Dr. 6 vols. royal 8vo. WITH 300 BEAUTIFULLY CO- Buckland, 4to. illustrated by 47 plates, containing LOURED PLATES, finished equal drawings, extra many hundred figures, BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED cloth, gilt backs, (pub. at £ 5.) reduced to by Sowerby, extra cloth bds. (pub. at £5. 58) £7. 10 1845 reduced to £3. 13s 60 1839 ARTIS'S (E. T.) ANTEDILUVIAN PHY. BOLTON'S NATURAL HISTORY OF TOLOGY, illustrated by a Collection of the BRITISH SONG BIRDS, illustrated with Fossit REMAINS OF PLANTS, peculiar to the Figures, the size of Life, of the Birds, both Coal Formations of Great Britain, selected for Male and Female, in their most Natural Atti- their Novelty and Interest, from upwards of a tudes; their Nests and Eocs, Food, Favourite Thousand Specimens now in the possession of Plants, Shrubs, Trees, &c. &c. new edition, the Author, and systematically described, with revised and very considerably augmented, the view of facilitating the Study of this im- 2 vols. in 1, medium 4to. containing 80 beauti- portant Branch of Geology: including Re- fully coloured plates, half bound morocco, gilt marks on the Systems of Count Sternberg, backs and gilt edges, (pub. at £8. 88) reduced to Baron Schlotheim, Professor Martius, and Mons. £3. 35 1845 Brongniart; also Communications from Pro- BROWN'S BOOK OF BRITISH BUTTER- YESSOR BUCKLAND, and other eminent Geolo- FLIES, SPHINGES, AND MOTHS, com- gists, 4to. with 25 plates, cloth boards, (pub. at plete in 3 vols. 18mo, illustrated by 144 coloured £2. 103) reduced to 155 1838 plates, in extra red cloth, richly gilt, (pub. at 158) * I CANNOT BUT WISH THAT STUDIOUS ATTENTION reduced to 7s 60 1834 WERE GIVEN TO THE ACCURATH AND BEAUTIFUL BROWN'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LAND FIGURAS IN MARTIN's ANTEDILUVIAN PHYTO- LOGY." - Dr. J. Pye Smith's Geology. AND FRESH WATER CONCHOLOGY OF BARTON AND CASTLE'S BRITISH FLORA GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, with MEDICA, or History of the Medicinal Plants Figures, Descriptions, and Localities of all of Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo. illustrated by the Species, royal 8vo. containing on 27 large upwards of 200 coloured figures of plants, extra plates, 330 figures OF ALL THE XNOWN BRITISH cloth, (pub. at £3.3s) reduced to £1. 165 1845 SPECIES, IN THEIR FULL SIZE, accurately drawn BAUER AND HOOKER'S ILLUSTRATIONS from nature, extra cloth, (pub, at 15x) reduced OF THE GENERA OF FERNS, in which the to 10s 60 1845 characters of each Genus are displayed in the the same, WITH THE PLATES BEAUTIFULLY CO- most elaborate manner, in a series of magnified LOURED, extra cloth, (pub, at £1. 58) reduced dissections and figures, HCILY FINISHED IN to 15s COLOURS, after the beautiful Drawings of This is the only work which gives ALL the British FRANCIS BAUER, Esq. Botanical Draughtsman species in their full size. to Her Majesty, with descriptive letter-press BURMEISTER'S MANUAL OF OP ENTOMO by Sir WilLIAM JACKSON Hooker, complete in LOGY, translated from the last German edi. 12 parts, imperial 8vo. reduced to £6. 1838-42 tion by W. E. SHUCKARD, with considerable - the same, 12 parts bound in one large volume, additions. ILLUSTRATED BY THIRTY-THREE IN- imperial &vo, half morocco extra, top edges gilt, GRAVINGS ON STEEL, in which are represented 26. 68 ABOVE YVE HUNDRED subjects, chiefly generic BEECHEY BOTANY OY CAPTAIN distinctions, anatomical sections, organs, eggs, BEECHEY'S VOYAGE, comprising an Ac- larve, Sc. 8vo. above 650 closely printed pages, count of the Plants collected by Messrs. Lay half bound marocco, (pub. at £1. ls in bds.) and Collie, and other Officers of the Expe- reduced to 155 1836 dition, during the Voyage to the Pacific and BURROW'S ELEMENTS OF CONCHOLOGY, Behring's Straits, performed in her Majesty's according to the Linnwan System. New ship Blossom, under the command of Captain edition, 8vo. illustrated by 28 plates, containing F. W. BEECHEV, by Sir William Jackson numerous figures, carefully coloured, cloth, (pub. Hooker and G. A. W. Arnott, Esq. illustrated at £1. lls 6d) reduced to 18s 1840 by 100 plates, beautifully engraved, complete in - the same, with the plates plain, cloth, (pub. 10 parts, 4to. (pub. at £7. 108) reduced to £5. at 16s) reduced to es 1831-41 CHARLESWORTH'S MAGAZINE OF NATU. the same, the 10 parts done up in one volume, RAL HISTORY, (Zoology, Botany, Geology, 4to. extra cloth, £5. 55 Mineralogy, &c.) 4 thick vols. 8vo. numerous ZOOLOGY OY CAPTAIN BEECHEY'S woodcuts, and plates by Sowerby, bds. (pub, at VOYAGE, compiled from the Collections and .£55s) reduced to £1. 10s 1837-40 Notes of Captain Beechey and the Scientific This work forms a sequel to London's Magazine, Gentlemen who accompanied the Expedition- but is at the same time quite a distinct and complete publication. It has not hitherto been sold under the Mammalis, by Dr. Richardson ; Orni- price; and as there are but few coples for sale, it thology, by N. A. Vigors, Esq.; Fishes, by mast soon become searce. All the leading Naturalists G. T. Lay, Esq., and E. T. Bennett, Esq. of the day appear to be contributors, and among them, Lyell, Mantell, Westwood, Yarrell, Hope, &c. It is Crustacen, by Richard Owen, Esq.; Reptiles, especially rich in Geological communications. 14 NATURAL HISTORY, AGRICULTURE, ETC. CURTIS'S FLORA LONDINENSIS; revised and Systematic Indices, etc. by J. O. Wist. and improved by George Graves, extended wood, Esq. F.L.S. 4to. with 58 plates, con- and continued by Sir W. JACKSON HOOKER; taining upwards of 120 exquisitely coloured figures, comprising the History of Plants indigenous extra cloth bds. elegantly gilt, (pub, at £6.6s) to Great Britain, their Uses, Economy, and reduced to £25s 1842 various interesting Particulars, with Alpha- DONOVAN'S NATURAL HISTORY OF THE IN- betical, Linnæan, and other Indexes; the SECTS or CHINA, new edition, considerably Drawings made by Sydenham Edwards and enlarged, brought down to the present state of Lindley, 5 vols. royal folio (or 109 parts), the Science, with alphabetical and systematio containing 647 plates, eahibiting the full natural Indices, etc. by J. O. WESTWOOD, Esq. F.L.S. sice of each plant, with magnified dissections of the 4to. with 50 plates, containing upwards of 120 parts of fructification, 8c. all beautifully coloured, exquisitely coloured figures, extra cloth bds. ele- (pub. at £87. 4s in parts) reduced to £26 58 gantly gilt, (pub, at £6.6s) reduced to £2.55 1835 1842 the same, elegantly half bound morocco, top Donovan's works on the Insects of India and China, are splendidly illustrated and exiremely use edges gilt, £30. ful." - Naturalist. This is the only extensive work on the Indigenous ** The entomological plates of our country man Botany of this country, which gives well-cloured Donovan, are highly coloured, elegant, and useful, representations of the plants in their full natural size. especially those contained in his quarto volumea (In- The three grandest Indigenous Floras ever pub- sects of India and China) where a great number of lished are the present, the Flora Danica, and Sib- species are delineated for the tirst time."-Swainson. thorp's Flora Græca. DE LA BECHE'S SELECTION OF THE GEO- WORKS ON BRITISH NATURAL HIS- LOGICAL MEMOIRS contained in the TORY, viz.--Insects, 16 vols. - Birds, 10 vols. Annales des Mines, written by Brongniart, -Shells, 5 vols.-- Fishes, 5 vols. Quadrupeds, Humboldt, Van Buch, &c. ; together with a 3 vols.-together 39 vols. 8vo. containing 1198 Synoptical Table of Equivalent Formations, beautifully coloured plutes, bds. (pub. at £66.98) and Table of the Classification of Mixed reduced to $23. 178 Rocks. Translated, with Notes and Addi- Only a few complete sets remained in the pub- tions, 8vo, illustrated by 11 folding plates, in- lisher's stock; and when these are sold, the price will no doubt advance considerably. cluding a Geological Map of France, extra cloth boards, (pub. at 18s) reduced to 7s 6d 1836 the same set of 39 vols. bound in 21, half DENNY'S MONOGRAPHIA PSELAPHI- green morocco extra, gilt edges, richly gilt backs, a DARUM ET SCYDMENIDARUM BRI- handsome set of books, (pub, at £73. 108) reduced to £30. TANNIÆ; or an Essay on the British Species The following may be had separately, of the GeneraPselaphus of Herbst, and BRITISH BIRDS, illustrated by 244 beau- Scydmænus of Latreille, in which all the Species hitherto discovered in Great Britain, tifully coloured pkutes, 11 vols. royal 8vo. bds. (pub, at £18.) reduced to £6.65 are accurately described and arranged, 8vo. BRITISH FISHES, illustrated by 126 beau- with 14 coloured plates, containing 40 Figures of Beetles, extra cloth boards, (pub. at £1. 18) tifully coloured plates, 5 vols roy. 8vo bds. (pub. at £10, 10) reduced to £3. 35 reduced to 12s Norwich, 1825 This beautial work is the only one which gives MONOGRAPHIA ANOPLURORUM accurate representations of the British Pishes in BRITANNIÆ, OR BRITISH SPECIES OF PARASITE INSECTS. Published under BRITISH QUADRUPEDS, illustrated by 72 the patronage of the British Association, 8vo. coloured plates, 3 vols. royal 8vo. bds, (pub. numerous beautifully coloured plates of Lice, at £5. 8) reduced to £1. 105 containing several hundred magnified figures, cloth, DOYLE'S CYCLOPEDIA OF PRACTICAL £1. Ils 6d 1842 HUSBANDRY, and Rural Affairs in General, DON'S GENERAL SYSTEM OF GARDEN- new edition, enlarged, thick 8vo, illustruted with ING AND BOTANY, containing a complete 70 wood engravings, extra cloth, (pub, at 13:) Enumeration and Description of all Plants reduced to 95 1843 hitherto known; with their Generic and Spe. DRURY'S ILLUSTRATIONS OY FOREIGN cific Characters, Places of Growth, Time of ENTOMOLOGY, wherein are exhibited up. Flowering, Mode of Culture, and their Uses WARDS OF 600 EXOTIC INSECTS, of the East and in Medicine and Domestic Economy, &e. West Indies, China, New Holland, North and founded upon Miller's Gardener's Dictionary, South America, Germany, &c. very firw of and arranged according to the Natural System, which are figured in any other work; engraved 4 vols. royal 4to. numerous wood-cuts, cloth, with the greatest accuracy by the celebrated (pub, at £14. 8s) reduced to £2.55 1831-38 MOSES HA15, Author of the Aurelian, "&c. HORTUS CANTABRIGIENSIS; or, all most correctly and beautifully coloured an Accented Catalogue of Indigenous and from the original specimens, NEW AND MUCH Exotic Plants cultivated in the Cambridge IMPROVED EDITION, with the following impor- Botanic Garden, with the additions and im- tant additions - the Modern Names Generio provements of Pursh, Lindley, and Sinclair, and Specifie Characters, Synonymes of later 13th edition, brought down to the present Naturalista; Accounts of the Economy, Habi- time by P. N. Don, 8vo. extra cloth, £1. 4s tations, and Food of many of the Insects; and 1845 Scientific and Alphabetic Indexes, by J. 0. DONOVAN'S NATURAL HISTORY OF THE WESTWOOD, Esq. F.L.S. Secretary of the Ento- INSECTS OY INDIA, new edition, con- mological Society, &c. 3 vols. 4to. 150 plates, siderably enlarged, brought down to the pre- BIOST BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED, containing above sent state of the Science, with Alphabetical 600 figures of luxeets, half bound, morocco, uncut colours. NATURAL HISTORY, AGRICULTURE, ETC. 15 some (originally published at £15. 15.) reduced to compete with it in the whole range of Indigenous £6. 16: 6d 1837 Botany: whether we consider the importance of its **The exquisite work of Drury displays the complete eritical discussions, the accuracy of the drawings, the Inreet in a degree of perfection that leaves nothing to minsteness of the analyses, or the unusual care which be desired."-Sir James E. Smith, is evident in the publishing department. After express- This new edition is exquisitely coloured, and must ing this opinion, we are sure the work will need no rank high among the luxurious publications of the age. further recommendation with the public." Its literary and scientifie excellence is in keeping Loudon's Gardener's Magasine. with its attractive appearance. HALL'S (Dr. J. C.) INTERESTING FACTS ON "A few years ago, a new edition, with impressions from the original plates, was published nader the edito THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, with rial care of Mr. Westwood, by Mr. Henry Bohn the Remarks on the Unity of our Species, 8vo. with Bookseller. It is not easy to speak of this edition in engravings on steel, some coloured, cloth, (pub. at terms of too high commendation. The colouring, exe- 8. 6) reduced to 4s 6d 1841 cuted from the original drawings, under the superinten: HARRIS'S AURELIAN; a Natural History of dence of one of the ablest entomological artists of the day, Is faithful to nature, and owing to the fineness of English Moths and Butterflies, together with the paper and a particular process to which it has been the Plants on which they feed; also a faithful subjected, postesses # lustre and beauty which were unattainable at the time when the original edition Account of their respective Changes, their appeared. The text has been in a great meatere re- usual haunts when in the winged state, and their written; ample and accurate descriptions futroduced ; standard Names as established by the Society the modern nomenclature applied, and the intricacies of Aurelians; new and greatly improved edition, of synonomy unravelled; Indexes and much original matter added, and the whole work adapted to the containing a complete Modern Nomenclature of prenent advanced state of science."-Sir W. Jardine. all the Species figured in the work, and further EVELYN'S SYLVA AND TERRA, a Discourse Accounts of their Economy, by J. 0. WEST- of Forest Trees, and the Propagation of Timber WOOD, Esq. F.L.S. etc. in 1 vol. sm. folio, with Trees, with an Historical Account of the 44 plates, containing above 400 figures of Moths, Sacredness and Use of Standing Groves ; to Butterflies, Caterpillars, etc. and the Plants on which is added, the TERRA, a Philosophical which they feed, exquisitely coloured after the Discourse of Earth; with Life of the Author, original drawings, half bound morocco, £4, 4s 1840 and Notes by Dr. A. Huster, 2 vols. royal This extremely beautifal work is the only one which 4to. fifth improved edition, with 46 plates, contains our English Moths and Butterflies of the full natural size, in all their changes of Caterpillar, Chry. extra cloth bds. (pub, at £5. 58) reduced to salis, &c. with the plants on which they feed. 42 1825 "The Sylva is by far the most important of Mr. HAVELL'S COLLECTION O FIGURES OF THE Evelyn's writings, and has obtained the warmest ap. BIRDS OF PARADISE, folio, containing 23 probation both of the philosophie Inquirer and the extremely beautifully coloured plates, sewed in stiff practical cultivator." British Critic. FLEMING'S (Dr. John) HISTORY OF BRITISH covers, lettered in gold, (pub, at £4.14s 6d) re- ANIMALS, exhibiting the Descriptive Cha- HOGG'S PRACTICAL TREATISE on the Cul. duced to £1. 165 racter and Systematical Arrangement of the Genera and Species of Quadrupeds, Birds, ture of the Carnation, Pink, Auricula, Polyan- Reptiles, Fishes, Mollusca, and Radiata of the thus, Tulip, Hyacinth, Rose, and other Flowers, United Kingdom; including the Indigenous, with a Dissertation on Soils and Manures, and Extirpated, and Extinct kinds, together with Catalogues of esteemed Varieties, fcap. 8vo. Periodical and Occasional Visitants, second sixth edition, coloured plates, extra cloth (pub. edition, thick 8vo, extra cloth, (pub. at 188) HOOKER AND GREVILLE,ICONES FILICUM, at 8s) reduced to 4s 6d 1839 reduced to 6 1842 on FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OY This compendious Synopsis of British Zoology is referred to as high anthority by Naturalists. FERNS, many of which have been altogether GEOLOGIST, being a Record of the recent Inves- unnoticed by Botanists, or have not been cor- tigations in Geology, Mineralogy, &c. both rectly figured, 2 vols. folio, with 240 beautifully English and Foreign, by Charles Moxon, Esq. coloured plates, half bound green morocco, gilt 2 vols. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth, (pub, at eilges, (pub. at £25. 48) reduced to £12. 12s 1842-3 1829-31 £1.) reduced to 7s 64 GORE'S (Mrs.) ROSE FANCIER'S MANUAL The grandest and most valuable of the many selen- tife works produced by Sir William Hooker. being a popular Treatise on the Culture and EXOTIC FLORA, containing Figures and Propagation of Roses; including Notices and Specific Characters of 2500 varieties; their Descriptions of Rare, or otherwise interesting Geography, History, Uses, &c. post 8vo. with Exotic Plants especially of such as are deserving coloured frontispiece, cloth bds. (pub. at 10s 6d) of being CULTIVATED IN OUR GARDENS; together reduced to 4 with Remarks upon their Generic sod Specific GREVILLE'S CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA, com- Characters, Natural Orders, History, Culture, prising the Principal Species found in Great Time of Flowering, etc. complete in 3 vols. Britain, inclusive of all the New Species re- impl. 8vo. containing 232 large and beautifully sently discovered in Scotland, 6 vols, royal 8vo. cloured plates, extra cloth, gilt bands, (pub, at 1823-1827 360 beautifully coloured plates, aratly half brand, £15) reduced to £6.68 morocco, (pub. at £16. 168) reduced to 18 8s the same, elegantly half bound, green morocco, 1823-8 gilt edges, .£6. 16. 60 This is the most superb and attractive of all Dr. This, though a complete work in itsell, forms xx ALMOET INSPENNARAR SUPPLEMENT TO THE THIRTY- Hooker's valuable works. *t* VOLUMSU SE WERRY'S ELSH ROTANY, WHICH ** The Exotle Porn by Dr. Hooker is like that or all pors NOT COMPRARE CRYPTA MEOUS PLANTS. the Bantcal publications of the indefatigable author, one if the scientific and beat executed works excellent; audit assunis an appearance of finish aod un Indigow Rovany vereed in this contiy to which neither the Botanical Magazine 1 ** A truly amicable work, which may be honestly nor Register can externally lay claim."-Loudon. designated as so excellent, that nothing can be found to 16 NATURAL HISTORY, AGRICULTURE, ETC. Vol. 2. THE PLATES BEAUTIFULLY HOOKER'S (Sir Wm.) MUSCI EXOTICI; or latest Discoveries and Improvements in every Figures and Descriptions of new or little known Department of the Apiary, with a Description Foreign Mosses, and other Cryptogamic Sub- of the most approved Hives now in use, thick jects, 2 vols. 8vo. 176 plates, cloth bds, lettered, 12mo. portrait and numerous woodcuts, extra cloth (pub. at £4. 4s) reduced to £1. Ils 6d 1818-20 gilt, (pub.at 10s 6d) reduced to 6s 6d 1844 the same, with the plates beautifully coloured, "We have read the work of Mr. Haish with very cloth lettered, (pub. at £8.8s) reduced to £3. 3s great pleasure. He, indeed, claims cap, gown, and BOTANICAL MISCELLANY; contain- chair, as Regius Professor of Aplarian Science, and ing Figures and Descriptions of Plants, which demolishes in every page one or other of the crude recommend themselves by their novelty, rarity, and fallacious statements of Huber.' His work is most exact, and contains much solid information. We feel or history, or by the uses to which they are the healthier and happier for meeting with such a book. applied in the Arts, in Medicine, and in Do- The repose of the forest walk is on it, and the fragram mestic Economy, together with occasional summer meadow breathes through its pages; aud we Botanical Notices and information, including forget the hot pavement, the glaring lights, the loud voices of London -with-the-many-sins, in which many valuable Communications from distin- Charles Lamb delighted."-Athenæum. guished Scientific Travellers; complete in JARDINE'S NATURALIST'S LIBRARY, 40 9 parts, forming 3 thick vols. royal 8vo. with vols. 12mo, coloured plates, cloth lettered, (pub. 153 plates, many finely coloured, gilt cloth, (pub. at 6s per vol.) reduced to 6s 1834-43 at £5.5s) reduced to £2. 12s 6d. 1830-33 BRITISH JUNGERMANNIÆ, containing 1. Homming Birds, Vol. 1. 19. Birds of Western Africa, 2. Monkeys. Figures of all the Species in both their natural 3. Humming Birds, Vol 2. 20. British Birds, Vol. 1. and magnified size, with Microscopical Analysis 4. Lions, Tigers, &e. 21. Fly Catehers. 5. Peacocks, Pheasants,&e. of the parts, 4to. 88 plates, (without any other 22. British Quadrupeds. 6. Birds of the Game kind. 23. Amphibions Carnivora letter-press than a list of the plates) cloth lettered, 7. Fishes, Vol. 1. (Walrus, Seals, &e.) £1. lls 6d 8. Coleopterous Insects 24. British Birds, Vol. 2. the same, WITH (Beetles.) 25. Dogs, Vol. 1. 9. Columbidee (Pigeons.) COLOURED, 4to. cloth lettered, £3, 3s 26. Honey Been. 10. British Diurnal Lepi- 27. Fishes, Vol. 2 JOURNAL OF BOTANY, containing Figures doptera (Batterities.) 28. Dogs, Vol. 2. and Descriptions of such Plants as recommend 11. Ruminating Animals 29. Introduction to Ento- themselves by their Novelty, Rarity, or His- (Deer, Antelopes, &c.) mology. 12. Ruminating Animals 30. Marsiplalia, or Pouched tory, or by the uses to which they are applied in (Goats, Sheep, Cattle, Animals. the Arts, in Medicine, and in Domestie Eco- &c.) 31. Horses. nomy; together with occasionnl Botanical 13. Pachidermata (Ele- 32, Fishes of Guiana, Vol. 1. phants, Rhinoceroses, Notices and Information, and occasional Por 33. Foreign Moths. &e.) 34. British Birds, Vol. 3. traits and Memoirs of eminent Botanists; 4 14. British Nocturnal Le- 35. Introduction to Mam vols. 8vo. numerous plates, some coloured, cloth pidoptera (Moths, malia. lettered, (pub. at £3.) reduced to £1. 1834-42 Sphinxes, &e.) 36, Sun Birds. 15. Parrots. 37. British Fishes, Vol. 1. The following are a few of the original Papers 16. Whales. 38. Fishes of Gulana, Vol. 9. contained in these voltam : 17. Birds of Western Africa, 39. British Pishes, Vol. 2, Vol. 1. 40. British Birds, Vol. 4. Schomburgk's Guiana Martins on the Botany of Plants. Brazil 18. Foreign Butterflies. Hooker's Flora of Van Smith on the Genera or JARDINE AND SELBY'S ILLUSTRATIONS OY Diemen's Land. Ferns. ORNITHOLOGY, royal 4to. New Sentes, Hogg's Classical Plants of Bentham on Mimosea. Sicily, Systematic Catalogue (forming a 4th vol. of the entire work), 63 fina Walker's Tour in Ceylon. Ferns in the Philippine coloured plates, with letter-press descriptions ; half Hooker and Arnott's Flora Islands, &c. bound morocco, £2.25 1836-43 of South America and Edgeworth's Account of the the Pacific. Sikh States. KIRBY'S (Rev. W.) ENTOMOLOGIA BO- Wight's Botanical Let- Account of Mr. Drum- REALI-AMERICANA, or Natural History ters from India. mond's Collections. of the Insects of North America, muore espe- Arnott on South African Lindley's Catalogue of Cuni- Plants. ing's Orchidere cially the Provinces under the dominion of Jack's Malayau Plants. Grent Britain, containing Descriptions of the -- FLORA BOREALI-AMERICANA ; or the Objects collected in the late Northern Expedi- Botany of British North America; compiled tions under the command of Captain Sir John principally from the Plants collected by Dr. Franklin; completed by an enumeration of all Richardson and Mr. Drummond on the late those taken in the Arctic Regions by Captains Northern Expeditions, under the command of Parry, Sir John Ross, and Back; as well as Captain Sir John Franklin ; to which are added, those described by Otho Fabricius, in his by permission of the Horticultural Society, "Fauna Grænlandica ;" 4to. with nearly 70 those of Mr. Dougins and other Naturalists, beautifully coloured figures of rare insects, extra illustrated by 240 plates, COMPLETE IN 12 PARTS, cloth bds. £1.45 1837 roy. 4to.(pub.at £12.12s) reduced to £8.1829-40 LAMARCK'S CONCHOLOGY, containing a com- the same, the 12 parts complete, done up in plete Translation of his Descriptions of both the 2 vols.royal 4to. extra cloth, £8. recent and Fossil Genera, illustrated by nearly HOPE'S (Rev. W.) COLEOPTERIST'S MA- 400 accurate Figures of Shells drawn by J. NUAL, the PREDACEOUS LAND and WATER Mawe, edited by E. A. Crouch, royal 4to. BEETLES, 8vo. beautifully coloured plates, cloth, extra cloth bds. (pub. at £1. 11. 6) reduced (pub, at 10s 6d) reduced to 75 1845 to 10s 60 1827 HUISH ON BEES; THEIR NATURAL HISTORY the same, WITH THE PLATES BEAUTIFULLY AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT ; NEW AND COLOURED, elegantly bound in gilt cloth, (pub, at GREATLY IMPROVED EDITION, containing £3.30) reduced to £1. 11s 6d of NATURAL HISTORY, AGRICULTURE, ETC. 17 LATHAM'S GENERAL HISTORY OF BIRDS, with Indexes of Scientific and Popular Names, being the Natural History and Description of an explanation of Terms, and an Appendix of all the Birds (above four thousand) hitherto Fabulous Animals, illustrated by upwards of 400 known or described by Naturalists, with the beautiful woodlouts by Bewick, Harvey, Whimper, Synonymes of preceding Writers; the second and others, new edition, revised, enlarged, and enlarged and improved edition, comprehending corrected to the present state of Zoological all the discoveries in Ornithology subsequent Knowledge, in I thick vol. post 8vo, elegantly to the former publication, and a General Index, bound in gilt cloth, 7s 6d 1843 11 vols. in 10, 4to. with upwards of 200 coloured the same, in morocco extra, 12 plates, cloth lettered, (pub, at £26. 88) reduced This new and handsome edition is likely to become to £7.17s 6d Winchester, 1821-28 the most popular work of thel kind, having been con- the same, with the PLATES EXQUISITELY siderably enlarged and improved both in text and plates COLOURED, LIEK DRAWINGS, 11 vols. in 10, ele- gantly hf. bd. green morocco, gilt edges, £12, 12 MACGILLIVRAY'S DESCRIPTIONS OF THE The Index sold separately, price 105. Od. in bds. RAPACIOUS BIRDS OF GREAT BRI- This celebrated work was published at twenty-five TAIN, post 8vo. plates, and numerous fine wood- guineas in boards, with the plates coloured in the ordin cuts, cloth gilt,(pub. at 98) reduced to 3s 6d 1836 nary manner. The present bound coples are all co- LOURXD LIKE HIGHLY-FINISHED DRAWINGS, with HISTORY OF THE MOLLUSCOUS AND studious accuracy, under the direction of several emin CIRRIPEDAL ANIMALS OF SCOTLAND, nent Ornithologists. Copies coloured in this manuer as found in the North-Eastern District, particu- by Miss Stone, similar in execution but inferior in ac. larly in the Shires of Aberdeen, Kincardine, curacy to the present, have been sold as high as from fifty to one hundred guineas at the sales of Col. Stanley, Banff, &c. second edition, fcap. 8vo. gilt cloth, John Dent, Esq. and Sir Mark Sykes. (pub. at 68) reduced to 38 1844 " No authentie works on Natural History ever ob- MAIN'S (Jas.) VILLAGE AND COTTAGE FLO- tained so much celebrity as those of our venerable conntryman Dr. Latham. His General History of RISTS' DIRECTORY, particularly the Ma- Birds is undoubtedly the most useful and valuablo nagement of the best Stage, Bed, and Border worl of its class, that has yet appeared, as it contains Flowers usually cultivated in Britain; second exact scientitie descriptions of every bird known at the time."-Neville Wood. edition, feap. 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub. at 68) LE KEUX'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF NATURAL reduced to 3 1835 HISTORY, embracing a Series of Engravings, MANTELL'S (Dr.) NEW GEOLOGICAL and descriptive Accounts of the most interest WORK - THE MEDALS of CREATION, or First ing and popular Genern and Species of the Ani. Lessons in Geology, and in the Study of Or- mal World, 8vo, with 114 clever steel engravings ganic Remains; including Geological Excur- by Le Keux, Daniell, Landseer, and others, extra sions to the Isle of Sheppy, Brighton, Lewes, cloth, (pub. at £1. 1s) reduced to 98 Tilgate Forest, Charnwood Forest, Faringdon, LEWIN'S NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS Swindon, Calne, Bath, Bristol, Clifton, Mat- oy NEW SOUTH WALES, collected, en- lock, Crich Hill, &c. by Gideon Algernon Man- graved, and faithfully painted after Nature by tell, Esq. LL.D., F.R.S., &c. 2 thick vols. John WILLIAM Lewin, late of Paramatta, New fcap. 8vo. with coloured plates, and several hun- South Wales; third grently improved edition, dred beautiful toodeuts of Fossil Remains, cloth, with an Index of the Scientific Names and elegantly gilt, £1. Is 1844 Synonymes by Mr. Gould and Mr. Eyton, WONDERS OF GEOLOGY, or a Familiar folio, with 27 plates, beautifully coloured, neatly Exposition of Geological Phenomena, new edi- hf. bd. morocco, (pub. at £4.4s) reduced to tion, illustrated by a beautiful frontispiece by John £2,2 1838 Martin, coloured plates, and upwards of 150 wood- * Admirable figures, tall or trath and nature; accom cuts, 2 vols. foap. 8vo. extra cloth, 16s companied by valuable observations on the habits und - FOSSILS OF THE SOUTH DOWNS, or illus- economy of the birds."-Swainson. trations of the Geology of Sussex, royal 4to. According to the first ornithologists of the day, these plates are of permanent value.-1ood. 42 plates, cloth bds, (pub. at £3. 3) reduced to £2.25 1822 LINDLEY'S BRITISH FRUITS; or Figures and MARTIN'S (P. I.) GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR ON Descriptions of the most Important Varieties of PART OF WESTERN SUSSEX, with some Fruit cultivated in Great Britain, 3 vols, royal Observations upon Chalk-Basins, the Weald- 8vo, containing 152 most beautifully coloured Denudation and Outliers-by-Protrusion, 4to. plates, chiefly by Mrs. Withers, Artist to the Horti- warge map and coloured plates, cloth bds. (pub, at cultural Society, elegantly hf. bd. green morocca £1.) reduced to 128 1828 extra, gilt edges, (pub, at £10. 10.) reduced to MINSTRELSY OF THE WOODS, or Sketches and .£5.55 1841 This is an exquisitely beantial work. Every plate Songs connected with the Natural History of I like a highly finished drawing, similar to those in the some of the most interesting British and Foreign Horticultural Transactions. Birds, (by Miss Waring, of Selborne), post 8vo, with in coloured plates of Birds, green cloth, LOUDON AND WESTWOOD'S TREATISE ON INSECTS INJURIOUS TO GARDENS, richly gilt, (pub. at 98) reduced to 68 1832 FORESTS, and Farms, translated from the Ger MUDIES (ROBT) HISTORY OF BRITISH man of Kollar, illustrated by 60 svodents, fcap. BIRDS, or the Feathered Tribes of the British 8vo, extra cloth (pub. at 78 reduced to 4s 18:10 Islands, 2 vols. 8vo. new edition, the plates beau- LOUDON'S (Mrs.) ENTERTAINING NATU- tifully coloured, extra cloth gilt, (pub. at £1. 88) reduced to 169 RALIST, being Popular Descriptions, Tales, 1835 and Anecdotes of more than Five Hundred "This is, without any exception, the most truly Animals, comprehensing all the Quadrupeds, charming work on Ornithology which has hitherto Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Insects, &e of which a appeared from the days of Willaghby downwards. Other authors describe, Madle paints: other authors knowledge is indispensable in Polite Education; give the buk, Medie the Kerael. We most heartily 18 NATURAL HISTORY, AGRICULTURE, ETC. remain for sale. concur with the opinion expressed of this work by Leigh RICHARDSON'S FAUNA BOREALI: Hunt (a kindred spirit) in the first few numbers of his AMERICANA, OR ZOOLOGY OF NORTH right pleasant London Journal. The descriptions of Bewick, Pennant, Lewin, Montagn, and even Wilson, AMERICA, containing Descriptions of the will not for an instant stand comparison with the spirit- Subjects collected in the late Northern Expe- stirring emanations of Mudie's living pen,' as it has ditions under the command of Captain Sir been called. We are not acquainted with any author who so felicitously unites beauty of style with strength John Franklin, by Jon RICHARDSON, M.D., and nerve of expression--he does not specify, he paints." W. SWAINSON, Esq., and the Rev. Wm. Wood's Ornithological Guide. Krby, published under the Authority of the * The Feathered Tribes' is indeed an EXQUISITE work, and unquestionably the best that has yet ap- Right Hon. the Secretary of State for Colonial peared on the habits of our native birds, in that it is Affairs, with numerous beautifully coloured plates, scarcely second to those of Wilson and Aadobon. Mudie 4 vols. 4to. cloth, (pub. at £9.95) reduced to is the most aceprate observer of nature,--Selby ex- £5. 155 60 cepted, and he treats not exclusively or habits-conse- quently the Feathered Tribes' deserves a distinguished The following may be had separately. place on the shelves of the philosophic ornithologist." Ornithologist's Text Book. Vol. 2. Birds, by Swainson, 50 coloured plates, cloth, (pub. at £4. 43) MURCHISON'S SILURIAN SYSTEM, founded reduced to £2. 2 on Geological Researches, in the Counties of 3. Fishes, by Richardson, coloured Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caer- plates, £1. 4s marthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Glou- 4. Insects, by Kirby, coloured plates, cester, Worcester, and Stafford; with Descrip- £1. 4s tions of the Coal Fields and Overlying Forma- RICHARDSON'S GEOLOGY yoR BEGINNERS, tions, illustrated by five large Geological Maps, comprising a familiar Explanation of Geo- coloured to represent the various Strata, 166 plates logy and its associate Sciences, Mineralogy, of Fossils, and fine wood cuts, 2 vols. royal 4to. Physical Geology, Fossil Conchology, Fossil (pub, at £8.8s) reduced to £6. 6s 1839 Orthis extremely valuable work but very few copies Botany, and Palæontology: including Direc- tions for forming Collections, &c. by G. F. The large Map in this splendid work alone cost Fifteen Richardson, F.G.S., (formerly with Dr. Man- Hundred Pounds. tell, now of the British Museum,) second edi- PARKINSON'S ORGANIC REMAINS OF A tion, considerably enlarged and improved, one FORMER WORLD, or Examination of the thick vol. post 8vo. illustrated by upwards of Mineralized Remains of the Animals and 260 woodcuts, cloth lettered, (pub. at 10s 6d) Vegetables of the Antediluvian World, 3 vols. reduced to 7s 6d 1846 4to. 54 coloured plates, by Sowerby, cloth (pub.at This easy and popular introduction comprises about £10. 10s) reduced to £4.45 1833 as much matter as two ordinary 8vos. The first edi- This is the best Atlas of Geological Specimens ever tion was sold off in one twelvemonth. published, and forms a most desirable adjunct to the ROBERTS'S (MARY) CONCHOLOGIST'S Elementary Works of Lyell. Mantell, and others. COMPANION, fcap. 8vo, coloured frontispiece INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF and woodcuts, extra cloth bds. (pub. at 6s 64) FOSSIL ORGANIC REMAINS; especially reduced to 4s 1834 those found in the British Strata, intended SEA-SIDE COMPANION, COMPANION, or Marine to aid the Student in his Inquiries respecting Natural History, fcap. 8vo. with beautiful wood- the Nature of Fossils, and their Connexion with cuts by Baxter, extra cloth bds. (pub. at 6s 6d) the Formation of the Earth, 3rd edition, 8vo. reduced to 3s 6d 1835 illustrated by 220 Fossil Specimens, extra cloth bds. "This is just such a book as the curious in satural (pub. at 12s) reduced to 6s 6d history ought to have with them in their rambles on PHILLIPS'S COMPANION TO THE ORCHARD ; the sea-side."-Sunday Times. Scientific and amusing. The history of the Corals, an Historical and Botanical Account of Fruits Hydras, and Sponges, is Deatly and accurately given. known in Great Britain, with the most approved Gent. Mag. methods of Cultivating them, new edition, much SELBY'S COMPLETE BRITISH ORNI enlarged, 8vo. three plates, extra cloth, (pub.at THOLOGY, A MOST MAGNIFICENT 10s 6d) reduced to 3s 6d 1831 WORK ON THE FIGURES OY BRITISH PURSH'S FLORA AMERICÆ SEPTENTRIO- BIRDS, containing exact and faithful repre- NALIS; or a Systematic Arrangement and sentations in their full natural size, of all the Description of the Plants of North America ; known species found in Great Britain, 383 containing, besides what have been described Figures in 228 beautifully coloured plates, 2 vols. by preceding Authors, many new and rare spe- elephant folio, elegantly hf. bd. morocco, full gilt cies, collected during twelve years travel and back and gilt edges, with glated paper to the plates, residence in that country, 2 vols. 8vo. with (published at £105.) reduced to £31. 10s 1834 24 plates, cloth, (pub. at £1. 168) reduced to 14: The grandest work on Ornithology pablished in this country, the same for British Birds that Andabon's 1814 is for the birds of America. Every figure, excepting the same, with the plates beautifully coloured, cloth, in a very few instances of extremely large birds, is of (pub. at £2. 12s 6d) reduced to £1. ls the full natural size, beastially and accurately drawn, REDOUTE, LES ROSES, 3 vols. 8vo, containing with all the spirit of life. "Every lindividual of the Palcon and Owl Families 184 extremely beautiful coloured plates; ele- would make A PERFECT PICTURE OF ITSEL, 3 beas. gantly hf. bd. morocco exte, full gilt backs, gilt tifully and correctly are they executed: THEY HAVE edges, (pub. at £12. 12s) reduced to £6.6s CERTAINLY NEVER EEN EQUALLXD ZTEN BY GOULD AND AUDUON.Ornithologut'. Text Book Paris, 1835 The author has been most succenfel, especially in One of the most beautiful works of its kind ever the larger birds, and it would be impossible to improve on any of the Raptores, which for fidelity, boldness, The names are given in various languages, but the and spirit, are unequalled every feather is distinct, letter-press is French. To those who wish to have yet beautifully blended." English descriptions, Mrs. Gore's Rose Pancier's Wood's Ornithological Guide Manual will be found a very complete and satisfactory "What a splendid work! This is the kind of orna book of reference, executed. NATURAL HISTORY, AGRICULTURE, ETC. 19 CONTAINING SEVENTY-EIGHT BEAUTIFULLY CO mental furniture, in which we were we men of SOWERBY'S CONCHOLOGICAL ILLUSTRA- fortaine, would delight. The tables in our passages, TIONS, or CoLOURED FIGURES OF ALL THE galleries, parlours, budoirs, and drawing-rooms should ruokronot smile, with suitably-bound UITHERTO UNYIGURED SHELL, complete in 200 volume of Natural History, on the opening of any parts, 8vo. comprising several thousand figures of one of which, would anddenly beam before us some Shells, all beautifully coloured, (pub. at £15.) riels and Tare, some bright and beanteous, some reduced to £7. 10s 1841-45 herre and terrible, some wote er mility production SPRY'S BRITISH COLEOPTERA DE of the great mother-Nature. What a treasure, for LINEATED, containing Figures and De- fustane, during a rainy forencon in the country, is ruch a gloriously illuminated work as this of Mr. Belbs. scriptions of all the Genera of British Beetles, It is, without doubt, the most splendid of the kind edited by Shuckard, 8vo. with 94 plates, com- ever published in Britain, and will stand com- prising 638 figures of Beetles, beautifully and parison, without any eclipse of its lastre, with the most accurately drawn; cloth lettered, (pub. at most magnificent ornithological illustrations of the 1840 French school. Mr. Selby has long and deservedly £2, 2s) reduced to £1. ls ranked high as a scientifie naturalist." The most perfect work yet published in this depart- Blackwood's Magazine, ment of British Entomology. SELBY'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF BRITISH SWAINSON'S EXOTIC CONCHOLOGY, or ORNITHOLOGY, 2 vols. 8vo. Second Edition, Figures and Descriptions of Rare, Beautiful, in bds. (pub. at £1. 1x) reduced to 12s 1833 or Undescribed Shells, with new Letter-press the same, hf. bd, green morocco, gilt edges, to Descriptions, royal 4to. containing 94 LARGE match the folio volumes of plates, £1. 1s AND BEAUTIYULLY COLOURED FIGURES OF SHELL, This is the most complete Scientifie manual of elegantly half bound morocco, gilt edges, (pub.at British Ornithology yet published. Every known £5. 58) reduced to £2. 12s 6d British Bird is enumerated, with an ample description "Many of the most rare and beautiful species of of its plumage, habits, etc., the scientific as well as this singularly degant genus (the Volutex), have been familiar names given by different Naturalists, and figured by Swainson in his Exotie Conchology, with references to all those who have figured it. a verisimilitade that has never been equalled, and pro ** SELRY'S IS THE MOST MASTERLY WORX THAT HAS bably never will be excelled, by any artist. This talent EYER APPEARED ON THE BIRDS OF BRITAIN, ANE IS cominced with his scientific knowledge is a naturalist, QUITE INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY ORNITHOLOGIST." must render the above work the most eminent of its Ornithologist'. Text Book. kind in the country. Dugois. SIBTHORP'S FLORA GRÆCA, the most ORNITHOLOGICAL DRAWINGS, being Costly and Magnificent Botanical work ever figures of the rarer, and most interesting BIRDS published, 10 vols. folio, WITH 1000 BEAUTI- or BRAZIL. Complete in 7 parts, royal 8vo YULLY COLOURED PLATES, half bound morocca, publishing by Subscription, and the number strictly LOURED PLATES, elegantly half bound morocco, limited to those subscribed for, (pub. at £252) in one volume, (pub, at £3. 13s6d) reduced to roduced to £63. £2.55 Separate prospectuses of this work are now ready This exceedingly beautiful work is in very few even for delivery. Only forty copies of the original stock of the most complete ornithological ibraries, as only exists. No greater namber of subscribers Dames can 175 copies were printed, and Mr. Swaluson refused to therefore be received. sell any excepting to those who had originally sub- The Advertiser has also the pleasure of offering, on scribed for them. terms similarly advantageous, the following letter- "A splendid work, in every respect worthy of its Author. Farther commendation we feel would be press work in 8vo. which is a desirable adjunct to sapertinoas."-Loudon the folio, as it contains a description of all known ZOOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, or plants belonging to the Flora Graca, whether Original Figures and Descript.uns of New, figured in the folio tork or not. FLORÆ GRÆCÆ PRODROMUS. Rare, or Interesting Animals, selected chiefly from the Classes of Ornithology, Entomology, Sive Plantarum omnium Enumeratio, quas in Provinciis nut Insulis Græciwe invenit Jon. and Conchology, and arranged on the Prin- ciples of Cuvier and other Modern Zoologists, Sithon. Characteres et Synonyma omnium BOTH SERIES COMPLETE, 6 vols. royal 8vo. con- cum Annotationibus Jac. Eov, Sur, four taining 318 YINELY COLOURED PLATES, neatly parts in 2 thick vols. 8vo. (pub. at £2, 2s) half bound marocco, gilt edges, (pub, at £16.168) reduced to 14s Londini, 1816 reduced to £9.95 SOWERBY'S MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY, This highly esteemed publication has long been containing a complete Introduction to the considered very scarce. Science, illustrated by upwards of 650 FIGURES "It might, perhaps, almost be deemed presumption or SHELLS, etched on Copper-plates, in which to offer any remarks on a work emanating from the pen and pencil of, undonbtedly, the first Ornithologist the most characteristic examples are given of of the day, but we feel it our duty to give our readers all the Genera established up to the present some idea of the contents of the Zoological Illustra. time, arranged in Lamarckian Order, accom- tions. It will be sufficient, if we mention that his coloured figures of birds are almost unequalled--they panied by copious explanations ; observations are certainly not surpassed. The figures are beyond respecting the geographical or geological dis- conception lovely and delicate, and it only remains for tribution of each ; tabular views of the Systems us to remark, that RY PHILOSOPHIC ORNITHO- of Lamarck and De Blainville; a Glossary LOGINT MUST POSSESS THX ZooLoGICAL ILLUSTRA TIONS, 17 INDEED THEY ARE NOW TO RE HAD." of technical terms, &c. &c. NEW EDITION, CON. Wood's Ornithologist's Text Book SIDERABLY ENLARGED AND TMPROVED, WITH SWEET'S FLORA AUSTRALASICA, or a Selec NUMEROUS WOOD-CUTS IN THE TEXT, NOW FIRST tion of Handsome or Curious Plants, Natives ADDED, 8vo. cloth, £1. 58 1842 of New Holland, and the South Sea Islands, the same, COLOURED PLATES, gilt cloth, £2.5s 15 Nos, forming one vol. royal 8vo. complete, This is the only work which, in a moderate com with 56 beautifully coloured plates, extra cloth, pass, river a comprehensive view of Conchology, ac (pub, at £3. 15s) reduced to £1. 168 1827-28 conting to the present advanced state of the science. It will not only be found sal to all who wish to "This department of exotie vegetation is one of the acquire an elementary acquaintance with the subject, highest interest; it belongs to the opposite part of the but also to the procent, as a book of reference. globe, and bu an aspect of singularity and beauty 20 NATURAL HISTORY, AGRICULTURE, ETC. peculiar to itself. The greatest part of the plants which WHITE'S (GALIERT) NATURAL HISTORY' or Mr. Sweet describes consist of ever-green free-flower- SELBORNE, with Observations on various ing shrubs, handsome in every stage of their growth; sometimes singular in foliage: generally elegant in Parts of Nature, and the Naturalist's Calendar. form; curiously rich, beautiful, or brilliant, when in New Edition, with Additions, by Sir W. Jar. flower; and the flowers in many cases are highly odori- dine, 18mo, many pretty wood-cuts of birds by ferous. These, together with their being so hardy as not to require fire heat, and at the same time being Branston, extra cloth boards, (pub, at 8s 6d) re- singular and rare, are circumstances which place them duced to 2s 64 1836 in the highest class of greenhouse or conservatory plants."-Loudon. the same, WITH THE PLATES BEAUTIFULLY 16- SWEET'S CISTINEÆ; OR NATURAL ORDER LOURED, 18mo. gilt cloth, (pub. at 78) reduced or CISTUS, OR ROCK ROSE, 30 Nos. to 5s forming one vol. royal 8vo. complete, with 112 "An excellent edition of the most fascinating piece beautifully coloured plates, extra cloth, (pub. at of rural writing, and sound English pbilosophy, that .£5. 58) reduced to £2. 12s 60 1828 ever issued from the press.'-Athenaeum. One of the most interesting, and hitherto the scarcest of Mfr. Sweet's beautiful publications. WILSON AND BONAPARTE'S AMERICAN BRITISH WARBLERS, containing an Ao- ORNITHOLOGY, or the Natural History of count of British Singing Birds, with Direc- the Birds of the United States, edited by tions for their Treatment, NEW EDITION, EX- JAMESON, 4 vols. 18mo. cloth boards, (pub, nt LARGED, royal 8vo. illustrated by 16 beautifully 145) reduced to 8 1831 coloured plates, extra cloth gilt, 1846 WAKEFIELD'S (PRISCILLAS INTRODUCTION WITHERING'S ARRANGEMENT O BRITISH TO BOTANY. Eleventh Edition, with conside- PLANTS, according to the latest Improve- rable Additions, and an Introduction to the ments of the Linnean System; with an easy Natural Arrangements of Plants, post 8vo. with Introduction to the Study of Botany, 4 vols. 10 plates, containing 216 figures BEAUTIFULLY 8vo. plates, last edition, cloth, (pub. at £2. 168) reduced to £1.45 1830 COLOURED ; extra cloth, (pub. at 8s) reduced to 5s 1841 | WOOD'S GENERAL CONCHOLOGY, or WALLICH, Plantæ Asiatica Rariores, 12 parts, Description of Shells, arranged according to impl. folio, 300 most beautifully coloured plates, the Linnwan System, illustrated by 60 plates, (pub. at £36.) reduced to £25. containing 260 figures of Univalves and Bivalves, Sets completed at the same rate. beautifully coloured, royal 8vo. elegantly half WESTWOOD'S ENTOMOLOGIST'S TEXT- bound merocco, (pub. at £3. 10:) reduced to BOOK, an Introduction to the Natural History, £1. 108 Structure, Physiology, and Classification of Insects, including the Crustacea and Arachnida, OR LARGE PAPER, impl. 8vo. (pub, at £4.18) reduced to £2, 2s fcap. 8vo. several hundred wood-cuts, and plates; elegantly bound in gilt cloth, (pub. at 6s 6d) |WOODVILLE'S MEDICAL BOTANY, 5 vols. reduced to 45 1838 4to.-See Mediost Books, the same, with the plates coloured, gilt cloth, (pub, at 8s 6d) reduced to 53 ADDITIONS. a BATEMAN'S ORCHIDACE OF MEXICO AND able loser even had the edition been published at GUATEMALA, complete in 8 parts, elephant double the price. Only one hundred copies were folio, 40 magnificent plates, beautifully coloured, printed, which were all subscribed for. the letterpress embellished by splendid woodcuts, WOOD'S INDEX ENTOMOLOGICUS; ora sewed, (pub. at £16. 16s) reduced to £12. 12s complete Illustrated Catalogue of the Lepidop- 1837-43 terous Insects of Great Britain, in 1 vol. 8vo. 54 plates, comprising 1945 coloured figures of This is without question the greatest botanical work of the present age. Tr. Bateman has got it up per Butterflies, Sphinges, and Moths, cloth boards, fectly regardless of expense, and would be a consider- (pub.at £8.2s) reduced to £5. 153 6d 1839 LINDLEY'S LADIES' BOTANY; or a Familiar Introduction to the Study of the Natural Sys- tem of Botany, new edition, 12mo. with nume- rous woodcuts, elegantly bound in cloth, with gilt back and sides, (pub.at 12s) reduced to 7s 1841 the same, with the plates coloured, extra gilt cloth, 126 Medicine, Surgery, Anatomy, Chemistry, Physiology, etc. ABERNETHY'S SURGICAL AND PHYSIO-CELSUS DE MEDICINA, edited by E. Mix LOGICAL WORKS, with a Memoir, 4 vols. LIGAN, M.D. cum Indice copiosissimo ex edit. Svo. cloth lettered, (pub, at £2. 5s 6d) reduced Targæ, editio secunda, thick 8vo. printed in a to 16: 1830 large type, frontispiece, extra cloth, (pub. at 16s) reduced to 98 Edinb. 1831 Contents:- Constitutional Origin and Treatment of local Diseases; Aneurisms; Diseases resembling Syphilis, THIS IS THE VERY WEST EDITION OF CELSUS. It and Diseases of the Urethra: Injuries of the Head : contains critical and medical notes, applicable to the Tumours: Lumbar Abscesses; Lectures on Surgery; Phy- practice of this conntry: a parallel Table of ancient and slological Lectures, &c. &c. modern Medical terms, synonymes, weights, measures &e, and, indeed, every thing which can be useful to BARTON AND CASTLE'S BRITISH FLORA the Medical Student; together with a singularly exten- afte Indea. MEDICA, or History of the Medicinal Plants of Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo. illustrated by CELSUS, LATIN AND ENGLISH, INTERLINEAR, with upwards of 200 finely coloured figures of plants, ** Ordo" and the Latin Text beneath, for the extra cloth, (pub, at £3.3s) reduced to £1. 165 Examination of Candidates at Apothecaries' 1845 Hall, and other Public Boards; with an Ex- An exceedingly cheap, elegant, and valuable work, planatory Introduction by Venables, 2nd edi- necessary to every medical practitioner. tion, greatly enlarged and improved, 12mo. BATEMAN AND WILLAN'S DELINEATIONS extra cloth, lettered, (pub. at 10s 6d) reduced to or CUTANEOUS DISEASES, exhibiting the 5s 1837 Characteristic Appearance of the principal Ge- "In this edition the elliptical constructions are com- nern and Species, 4to, containing 72 plates, bear- pleted by supplying the suppressed words, sliewing the relations and concords of the different words with each fully and very accurately coloured under the super- other. It also contains an Introduction explanatory of intendence of an eminent Professional Gentleman, the more obscure and difficult grammatical construe- (Dr. Carswell) hf. bd, morocco extra, top edges tions, and rules for reducing to the English parallels and equivalents." gilt, (pub. at £12. 12s) reduced to £5.58 1840 CONOLLY'S (Dr, of Hamoell Lunatic Asylum) IN- Dr. Bateman's valuable work has done more to extend the knowledge of cutaneons diseases than any QUIRY CONCERNING THE INDICA- other that has ever appeared."- Dr. A. T. Thompson. TIONS OF INSANITY, with Suggestions DELL'S (Sm CHARLES) ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE for the better Protection and Cure of the Insane, GREAT OPERATIONS OF SURGERY, 8vo. cloth, (pub, at 12s) reduced to 5s 1830 ** We have no hesitation in declaring this to be one Trepan, Hernin, Amputation, Aneurisin, and of the most able and satisfactory works on the philo- Lithotomy, folio, with 20 COLOURED PLATES, hf, soply, or rather the physiology of the luman under bd. morocco, (pub, at £5.58) reduced to £1. 10 standing, which has been hitherto produced, Dr. Co. 1821 nolly has done for this branch of science what Dr. Arnott has done for plynes; he has produced a work BOSTOCK'S (Dr.) SYSTEM OF PHYSIOLOGY, which will have an honourable place in the annals of comprising a complete View of the present medicine, while it reflects great lustre on the splendid state of the Science, including an Account of all institution to which he belongs." the most important Facts, and Observations, Medical and Surgical Journal and Analyses of the principal Theories and Hy- COOPERS (Sm Astley) ANATOMY AND SUR- potheses, 4th edition, revised and corrected GICAL TREATMENT OF HERNIA; new throughout, complete in I thick closely printed and complete edition, impl. 8vo. 26 plates, cloth. volume, 8vo. (900 pages), extra cloth bds. (pub. (pub, at £2. 2s) reduced to £1. Is 1844 at £1.) reduced to Bs 1844 The original edition of this valuable work, published at £5. 5. is now very scarce, and not to be had at any BURN'S (Dr. John) PRINCIPLES OF SUR- price. The present contains the whole. GERY, containing the Doctrine and Practice COOPER'S (Brassny) SURGICAL ESSAYS, the relating to Inflammation and its various Conse- Result of Clinical Observations made at Guy's quences, Tumours, Aneurisms, Wounds, and Hospital, royal 8vo. with several finely coloured the States connected with them : the Surgical plates, bds. (pub. at 158) reduced to 75 6d 1843 Anatomy of the Human Body, and its appli- A collection of Hospital cases, systematically are cation to Injuries and Operations, 2 vols. done ranged, with their mode of treatment. up in one stout vol. 8vo. extra cloth, (pub.at DICK (Dr) ON THE DERANGEMENTS OF THE £1.48) reduced to 7s 6d 1838 ORGANS OF DIGESTION, 2nd edition, en- Tus 18 A CAPITAL WORK. The author is Regius larged, post 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 7s 6d) Professor of Surgery in the University of Glasgow, and reduced to 38 Od one of the most eminent Surgeons of the present day. 1843 His esteemed work on the Principles of Midwifery has ELLIS (Sir W. C.) ON THE NATURE, SYMP- already passed through nine editions, TOMS, CAUSES, AND TREATMENT OF CASTLES ESSAY ON POISONS, embracing INSANITY, with Practical Observations on their Symptoms, Treatment, Tests, and Morbid Lunatio Asylums, and a Description of the Appearances; to which are added, the Means Pauper Lunatie Asylum for the County of for Trenting Cases of Suspended Animation, Middlesex, at Hanwell, with a detailed Ao- 7th edition, 24mo, with 21 coloured plates, extra count of its Management, 8vo. extra cloth bels. cloth, (pub, at 9) reduced to 4s6d 1845 (pub.at 10reduced to 58 1838 22 MEDICINE, SURGERY, ANATOMY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. GRANVILLE'S (Dr.) SPAS OP ENGLAND and JENNER'S (DR., the Discoverer of Vacctnation') principal Sea Bathing Places ; comprising the LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE, with Il- Northern, the Midland, and the Southern (up- lustrations of his Doctrines, by John Baron, wards of seventy), 3 vols. post 8vo. with large M.D., F.R.S., &c. 2 thick vols. 8vo. with two Map, and upwards of 50 beautifu. tondeuts, extra Portraits, extra cloth boards, (pub. at £1.4) cloth, (pub. at £1. i3s) reduced to 13s 1841 reduced to 7 64 * For the Invalid or Tourist this work forms a "To medical men these volumes will be very perfect treasure."-Sun. valnable, as illustrations of the history of one of the " A safe and valuable guide to direct Invalids in the greatest discoveries in their science." choice of the Spa or Sea Bathing place best calenlated LAWRENCE'S (W.) TREATISE ON THE DIS- to suit their respective cases. "Naval and Military Gazette. EASES OF THE EYE, Third Edition, revised, SPAS OF GERMANY, thick 8vo. with 39 corrected, and enlarged. One thick volume, wood-cuts and maps, extra cloth, (pub. at 18s) re- 8vo. (820 closely printed pages) extra cloth duced to 9 1843 boards, (pub. at. £l. 4s) reduced to 10: 6d "This attractive work presents a narrative or a 1844 grand tour to all the celebrated and fashionable mineral TH SONT COMPREHENSIY BOOK ON THE SUI- watering places in Germany-a tour in which amuse- JECT, BY ONE OF THE ARLEST AND MOST PHILOSOPHI- ment is blended with information, and descriptive CAL. OF OUR PRACTISING SURGEONS. The cases and sketches of the humours and fancies of each spa are opinions published by preceding writers, especially mixed up with all the acenrate details of every thing MACKENZIE, MIDDLRMORE, GUTHRIE, TRAVERS, that is valuable in a medical or social point of view." SAUNDERS, and other modern GERMAN and FRENCH Globe. practitioners are extensively cited and examined, and GREGORY'S CONSPECTUS OF MEDICINE, in this new edition the subject of SQUINTING, and the LATIN AND ENGLISH, INTERLINEAR ; compre- NEW OPERATIONS for its removal are fully considered. "The work being written in an easy, pleasing style, hending the Fundamental Principles and Gene- free from all unnecessary affectation of technical terms, ral Doctrines of PhysTOLOGY and PATHOLOGY, must prove very acceptable to unprofessional readers of (for the Examination of Candidates at Apothe- an enquiring turn of mind : TO TIBMXDICAL AND caries Hall and other Public Boards), with an SURGICAL STUDENT IT 18 ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY." Ordo Verborum, and the Latin Text under. LIZARS' ANATOMICAL PLATES, new and neath by Venables, 12mo. extra cloth, lettered, considerably improved edition, with additional (pub. at 12s) reduced to 5s 1836 plates, and the letter-press printed in folio, 101 "This edition contains Rules for construing and coloured plates, hf. bd. russiu, (pub. at £12. 128) arranging the words of Latin sentences in legitimate reduced to £5.55 1841 order for Translation ; illustrated by examples from MILLINGEN'S (DR. J. G.) CURIOSITIES OY the more difficult passages of Gregory and Celsus." MEDICAL EXPERIENCE, (as a Com- HOME'S (SIR EVERARD) GREAT WORK ON panion to the Curiosities of Literature,') COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, being the second edition, considerably enlarged, in 1 substance of his numerous Lectures, and in- large vol. 8vo. gilt cloth, (pub, at 16s) reduced cluding Explanations of nearly all the Prepa- to 8s 1839 rations in the Hunterian Collection; with a NEW LONDON SURGICAL POCKET BOOK, General Index, 6 vols. royal 4to. portrait and Medical, Operative, and Mechanical, digested 361 fine plates after drawings by Bauer and from the Popular Lectures and Works of others, extra cloth bds. (pub. at £18. 188) re- Abernethy. Sir Astley Cooper, Lawrence, Tyr- duced to £6.65 1814-28 rel, and other distinguished Surgeons; in the or LARGE Paper, 6 vols. royal 4to. (pub.at order of Causes, Symptoms, Chirurgical and £27. 68) cloth bds, reduced to £8.8s Medical Treatment; Diagnoses, Prognoses, Vols. 3 to 6 of either size may be had separately at Modes of Operation, and other Agents em- ployed in Hospital and Private Practice, thick A most valuable and important work. It contains all the materials of any importance collected by the royal 18mo closely printed, half bound, (pub, at author during fy-five years, from the age of seven- 12s, reduced to 58 1844 teen to seventy-two, being * longer lite spent in the pursuit than most men engaged in scientific investigd This is a complete Vade-Mecum for Surgeons, and tions lave enjoyed. includes an adapted Pharmacopeia, with connected intermediate Practical Questions and Answers; Ana HOPE'S PRINCIPLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS tomical Tables, Notes, References, Glossary, ke.&c. OF MORBID ANATOMY, being a com- plete Series of Coloured Drawings, from origi- NEW LONDON MEDICAL POCKET BOOK, nals by the Author; with Descriptions, Cases, including Pharmacy, Posology, &c. royal 18mg Symptoms, Treatment, &c. royal 8vo, with 48 half bound, (pub. at 88) reduced to 3. 64 1844 highly finished coloured plates, containing 260 This extremely useful and condensed volume explains accurate Delineations of Cases in every known the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment; Diagnostic and Prognostie Signs of Diseases; the Natural and variety of Disease, in extra cloth, (pub, at £5. 5:) Chemical Characters; Medicinal Properties and Uses; reduced to £3.3 1834 Dores and forms of Exhibition : Incompatibles, Adela terations, and Officinal Preparations of the various "The want of a complete series of Illustrations of substances, vegetable and mineval, contained in the Morbid Anatomy, in a form so compact and economi- Pharmacopoeias or London, Edinburgh, and Dablin. cal as to be generally accessible, has hitherto been It also contains the New Medicines, and latest Dieu peculiarly felt. coveries; Classifications of Poirons, their Antidotes, “The engravings admirably delineate the morbid Tests, &e. Including Notices from Poreign Materis changes caused by disease. The colouring of each Medica, and an adapted Conspectos or Prescriptions in figure is the result of minute and careful attention : Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, deduced from there is nothing overdrawn; no indiscriminate heighten- standard Professional Authorities. ing to produce effect. The immense field from which Dr. Hope has the opportunity or cleaning a rich NEW LONDON CHEMICAL POCKET BOOK ; barvest as physician to an institution where so many sick and aged are assembled, produces fruits worthy of or, Memoranda Chemica, adapted to the Daily his talents and industry." - Medical and Surgical Use of the Student, by Joba Barnes, Surgeon. Journal. the same rate. 23 MEDICINE, SURGERY, ANATOMY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. Apothecary in the University of London, royal the advanced state of knowledge supplies. Dre, Baillie, 18mo. numerous wood-cuts, half bound,(pub, at Beddues, Currie, Sprengel, and other eminent Phy- sicians have warmly eulogized the work; but the best 7. 6d) reduced to 3s6d 1844 Testimony of its usefulness is the author's own longevity, A useful compendium for those who may be desirous as he was enabled to carry on his literary pursuits at of possessing a general knowledge of the subject, con- the advanced age of eighty. veying in as concise a form as possible, a suflicient quantity of correct information to the Medical Student. STUBBS' ANATOMY OF THE HORSE, including PARKES'S CHEMICAL ESSAYS, principally n particular Description of the Bones, Carti relating to the Arts and Manufactures of the lages, Muscles, Fascins, Ligaments, Nerves, British Dominions, Fourth edition, revised, Arteries, Veins, and Glands, illustrated lry 24 corrected, and enlarged, by J. W. Hodgetts, fine large copper plate engravings, ALL DRAWN complete in 1 thick vol. 8vo. with numerous copper YROM NATURE, imp. folio, in bourds, with leather plates and wood-cuts of Machinery and Chemical back, (pub, at £4.4s) reduced to £1. lls 6d Apparatus, extra cloth boards, (pub. at 18.) TAYLOR'S MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE, in- reduced to 55 1841 terspersed with a copious selection of curious The popularity of these ensays is universally known; and instructive cases at Coroner's Inquests, they were formerly printed in small vols, with an Analysis of the legal and medical RUDIMENTS OY CHEMISTRY. New Opinions delivered there, 8vo. cloth lettered, edition in the press, post 8vo, with plates (pub, at 158) reduced to 5x 1843 RASPAIL'S NEW SYSTEM OF ORGANIC TYRRELL ON THE DISEASES OF THE EYE, being CHEMISTRY, translated from the French, * Practical Work on their Treatment, Medically, with Notes and Additions by Dr. Henderson, Topically, and by Operation, by F. Tyrrell, 8vo. many plates, cloth lettered, (pub, at 18s) reduced to 6s Senior Surgeon to the Royal London Ophthal- 1843 SMITH mic Hospital, 2 thick vols. 8vo. illustrated by HORNER'S ANATOMICAL nine plates, containing upwards of 60 finely ATLAS, illustrative of the Structure of the coloured figures, extra cloth, (pub. at £1. 16s) Human Body, under the supervision of the Pro. reduced to £1. ls 1840 fessor of Anatomy in the University of Penn- sylvania, etc, impl. 8vo.containing 636 beautifully WOODVILLE'S MEDICAL BOTANY, THIRD executed wood engravings, extra cloth, (pub, at EDITION, ENLARGED BY Sin W.Jackson Hooker, £2. 2s) reduced to £1.88 1845 5 vols. 4to. with 310 plates, engraved by Sowerby, This is the most compendious and complete Anatomical most carefully coloured, half bound morocco, uncut, Ailas ever published. (pub. at £10. 10s) reduced to £5.5s 1832 * The present work has been selected from the most accurate atomical works of England, France, Italy, the Fifth, or Supplementary volume, entirely and Germany, and includes the latest microscopical by Sir W. J. Hooker, to complete the old observations on the Anatomy of the Fissures. Where editions, 4to. 36 coloured plates, boards, (pub, at plates were not deemed satisfactory, it has been emiched by original drawings, from specimens furnished by the £2. 12s 6d) reduced to £1. lls beautical Anatomical Museum of the University." No well-stored English Library should be without SINCLAIR'S (Bin Joux) CODE OF HEALTH Woodville's Medical Botany, a work of long-established repntation, and the best on a subject which must, more AND LONGEVITY; or, a General View of or less, be interesting to every man or inquiry. It the Rules and Principles calculated for the contains accurate ngares and descriptions of all the Preservation of Health, and the Attainment of plants are in English medicine, and is of such autho rity with professional men, as to be almost as essential Long Life, sixth edition, complete in I thick to them as the Pharmacopoeia itself. Subsequent pub- vol. 8vo. portrait, (pub, at £1.) reduced to 75 lications of a similar kind, though with Woodville as 1844 their text book, have fallen greatly short of the original, This wew and compact edition contains the whole of as well in comprehensiveness of plan, as in accuracy the previons four volumes, with such improvements as or delineation and correctness of colouring. AND AND ADDITIONS COOPER'S (SIRASTLEY) PRINCIPLES AND ELLIOTSON'S ELLIOTSON'S (DR.) PRINCIPLES PRACTICE OF SURGERY. founded on the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, edited by Drs. most extensive Hospital and Private Practice Rogers and Cooper Lee: second edition, during a period of nearly fifty years; edited greatly enlarged and improved, one very thick by Dr. Alexander Lee. 3 vols. 8vo, with 31 vol. Svo (1232 pages); ertra cloth (pub. at COLOURED PLATES, containing upwards of 100 £1 58) reduced to 128 6d 1942 figures, both of healthy and diseased structure, cloth boards, (pub, at £3 148) reduced to This Is, perhaps, the most able, practical and comprehensive body of domestie medicine yet pub- £1188 1836-41 lished. It is a class book in the majority of the LIFE OF SIRASTLEY COOPER. interspersed medical schools, and has been translated into the with his Sketches of distinguished Characters; German and other languages. In one very thick closely printed volume it contains as much matter as by Branshy Cooper, 2 vols, 8vo. with fine the four volumes of Good's ** Practice of Medicine." portrait after Sir Thomas Lawrence, extra cloth, and about double the quantity of Thomas or Graham. (pub, at £1.18) reduced to 10 tid 1843 CELSUS (LATIN AND ENGLISH), edited by A. Lee, containing-I. The Text.-II. Literal Translation into English-III The Latin Ordo. With a Life of the Author, Tables of Weights and Measures, Explanatory Notes, and a complete Index, 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo, extra cloth (pub. at el is.) reduced to 78. Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics, Natural Philosophy, Engineering, etc. etc. BLAND'S (Dr.) PROBLEMS IN THE DIF-KELLY'S UNIVERSAL CAMBIST AND COM- FERENT BRANCHES or PHILOSOPHY, MERCIAL INSTRUCTOR, second edition, adapted to the Course of Reading pursued in corrected to 1835, 2 vols. in l. 4to, cloth lettered, the University of Cambridge; collected and (pub. at £4.4s) reduced to 163 1835 arranged for the Use of Students, 8vo. extra It is impossible for any well-informed merchant to cloth bds. (pub. at 10s 6d) reduced to 4s6d 1830 dispense with this laborious and extremely useful work. BREES'S GLOSSARY OF CIVIL ENGINEER- LA PLACE'S MECANIQUE CELESTE, trans- ING, comprising the Theory and Modern Prac- lated, with a Commentary, by N. Bow DITCH, tice; and the Subjects of Field and Office LL.D. with a Memoir of the Translator, 4 Work, and Mechanicnl Engineering connected thick vols, impl. 4to. cloth, (pub. at £12. 12) with that Science. Second edition, 8vo. nume- reduced to £9.95 1829-39 rous wood-cuts, extra cloth, (pub.at 188) reduced Only 250 copies of this book were printed at the at- to 8s 1844 thor's expense, and but very few remain for sale. ENTERTAINING PHILOSOPHER, (The) by LARDNER'S ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON HIGGINS.-See Juvenile and Elementary Books. THE DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL ESPY ON STORMS, with the History of some of CALCULUS, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 12s) the most celebrated Storms, Tornados, and Me reduced to 55 1825 teoric Phenomena, and an Examination of the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, by the Society for various Theories, including Col. Reid's, 8vo. the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, containing extra cloth (pub, at £1. 4s) reduced to 12s 1841 Articles written by Lord Brougham, Dr. Lard- FALCONER'S (WILLIAM) MARINE DIC- ner, Sir David Brewster, Dr. Roget, Sir C. TIONARY, being a Copious Explanation of Bell, Dr. Southwood Smith, Dr. Lindley, Mrs. the Technical Terms and Phrases employed in Marcet, and others, with copious Indexes, 4 the Construction, Equipment, Machinery, vols. 8vo. numerous wood-euts, cloth lettered, Movements, and Military, as well as Naval (pub, at £1. 176d) reduced to £1.58 Operations of Ships; with such parts of As- tronomy and Navigation, as will be found use- Contents of the Volumes ; Vols. 1, 3, & 4 are ful to Practical Navigators, to which is annexed also sold separately, at the prices annexed. a Vocabulary of French Sea-phrases, and Terms Vol. I. Preliminary Treatise on the Objects, Advan- tages, and Pleasures of Science (by Brongham,) of Art, explained in English. New and much Mechanics, Hydrostaties, Hydraulics, Pneumaties, enlarged edition, by DR. WILLIAM BURNEY, Heat, Opties, Polarization of Light, Glossary, royal 4to. with 35 fine engravings of Shipping and Index, 88 and its Details, cloth, (pub. at £4. 14s 60) Vol. 2. Popular Introduction to Natural Philosophy, reduced to £1. Ils 6d Cadell, 1815 Newton's Optics, Description of Optical Instrue "A grand national work, comprehending everything ments, Thermometer and Pyrometer, Electricity, Galvanism, Magnetism, Electro-Magnetism, Gloss relating to the marine of this country: well worthy a sary, and Index. place in every English library." -Gent's Mag. FERGUSON'S ASTRONOMY, edited with Vol. 3. Astronomy, History of Astronomy, Mathe Notes and Supplementary Chapters by Sir matical and Physical Geography, Navigation, Glossary and Index, Os6d David BREWSTER, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, extra cloth, (pub, at £1. 4s) reduced to 125 Edin. 1841 Vol. 4. Chemistry; Botany, in four parts, viz. Structural Botany, Physiology, Systematie Bo- HUTCHINSON'S (GRAHAM) TREATISE ON tany, Descriptive Botany: Animal Physiology: METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA, their Animal Mechanics, or Proofs of Design in the Causes and Principles, thick 8vo. map and Animal Frame, 9s 6d. plate of the Nomenclature of Clouds, extra cloth, URE'S (DR.) PHILOSOPHY OF MANUFAC- (pub, at 16s) reduced to 9s 1843 TURES. Second edition, with wood-cuts, and HUTTON'S COURSE OF MATHEMATICS, steel plates, post 8vo. extra cloth (pub. at 10: 6d) continued and amended by Dr. Olinthus Gre- reduced to 75 1835 gory, twelfth edition, with considerable Alter. WOOD'S LECTURES ON THE PRINCIPLES ations and Additions, by T.S. Davies, 2 vols. 8vo. AND PRACTICE OF PERSPECTIVE, as extra cloth, (pub. at £1.48) reduced to 15x 1841 delivered at the Royal Institution, second edi- the Solutions to the above, by Davies, 8vo. tion, corrected and revised, 4to, with numerous cloth, (pub, at £1. 4s) reduced to 10s 6d 1841 engravings, extra cloth, (pub, at £1. 16.) re- JAMIESON'S MECHANICS Font PRACTICAL duced to 10s 6d 1844 MEN, including Trentises on the Composition the same, with a complete MECHANICAL A. and Resolution of Forces; the Centre of Gra- PARATUS, formed of glass and iron, and en- vity; and the Mechanical Powers; illustrated closed in a WOODEN CASE, 18 by Examples and Designs, fourth edition, greatly The high character and standard position which this improved, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub, at 15s) reduced very important and useful work has attained, place it to 7s 6d. Just Published, 1845 beyo d mere criticism. The above edition is consi A GREAT MECHANICAL TREASURE." - Dr. Birkbeck. derably corrected and enlarged; and the Apparatus is * The best book we have seen on the subject. The a great improvement on the former, being far more greatest clearness exists in its symbolical language, and portable and less likely to injure, yet retaining all its the greatest simplicity in reducing its problems." advantages. Cambridge Chronicle. 24 Foreign Languages and Literature, including Classics and Translations, Classical Criticism, Dictionaries, Grammars, College and School Books. AINSWORTHI'S LATIN DICTIONARY, re- impl. 4to. 46 maps, coloured, hf. bd. morocco printed from the best folio edition, with nu. cloth sides, (pub. at £1. 16s) reduced to £1.58 merous Additions, Emendations, and Improve- This work is uniform in size with the Classical Atlas, ments, by the Rev. B. W. BEATSON, A.M. and is very distinctly engraved, and on a larger scale Revised and corrected by W. Euus, Esq.A.M., BARETTI'S ITALIAN-ENGLISH AND ENG- than any other of the modern portable Atlases. 1 largo vol. imperinl 8vo, eztru cloth boards, LISH-ITALIAN DICTIONARY, new edi. (pub, at £1. 11: 6d) reduced to £1. 1s 1843 tion, corrected and enlarged by Thompson, Latin Dictionary by Carey, 8vo. new Trade 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth, £1. 6s 1839 edition, roan lettered, los 6d 1844 BENTLEY'S (RICHARD) WORKS, containing ARISTOPHANES: NOTÆ VARIORUM in Aris. Dissertations upon the Epistles of Phalaris, tophanem, Bekkeri; being a complete Collection Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and the of Variorum Notes, (including those of modern Fables of Æsop: Epistola ad Jo. Millium ; Critics), adapted to all the editions of Aristo- Sermons, Boyle Lecture; Remarks on Free- phanes, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub. nt thinking: Critical Works, &e. Edited, with £2.58) reduced to 188 Lond. 1829 copious Indices and Notes, by the Rev. ALEX- This comprehensive collection was published as a ANDE Dyck, 3 vols. 8vo. a beautifully printed companion to Bekker's edition of the text in 2 vols. edition, in extra cloth bds. (pub. at £1. 185) Svo, bet is equally suitable to Diadorits, recently reduced to £1. 1s 1836-38 pablished at Oxford, in 2 vols. 8vo. ** The breatest of English Crities. Grævius and the same, with Dindorff's edition of the Greek Spanheim pronounced him the star of British Litera- Text, forming together a complete variorum ture, Hallam. edition of Aristophanes, 5 vols. in 4, 8vo. cloth the same, tree-marbled calf extra, for college lettered, (pub, at £2.168) reduced to £1. 10s prises, £1. 168 BIBLIA HEBRAICA, EX EDIT. VANDER HOOGIT, ARISTOPHANES' PLUTUS AND THE FROGS, recognovit J. d'Allemand, very thick 8vo. literally translated into English Prose, with handsomely printed, bound in cloth, (pub. at copious Notes, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 98) £1.5s) reduced to 15s Lond. Duncan, 1840 reduced to 6s 6d Oxford, Talboys, 1822 BOS ELLIPSES GRECÆ, ex editione Schaefer, BIRDS, translated from the Greek, with cura Weiske, cum Hermanni Diss. de Ellipsi, copious Notes, by the Rev. H. F. Cany, &c. thick 8vo. cloth lettered (pub.at 188) reduced (translator of Dante) 8vo. extra cloth bds, (pub. CÆSARIS OPERA, cum Notis Variorum et to 4s 6 1825 at 9s6d) reduced to 35 * Mr. Cary has rendered the Birds of Aristophanes Oberlini, 8vo, extra cloth bus. (pub. at 16s) into English with a spirit that will not discredit reduced to 4s 6d Lond. 1825 that admirable translator of Dante."--Quarterly Re- CHRONOLOGICALTABLES OFUNIVERSAL bles HISTORY (called "the OXFORD CHRO- ARISTOTLES RHETORIC, literally translated NOLOGICAL TABLES"), from the earliest from the Greek, with Notes; to which is added, Period to the present Time; in which all the an ANALYSIS of Aristotle's Rhetoric, by Thomas great Events, Civil, Religious, Scientific, and Hobbes, of Malmesbury, and a series of Literary, of the various Nations of the World ANALYTICAL QUESTIONS, Bro, second edition, are placed, at one view, under the eye of the very much improved, extra cloth, (pub, at 14) Reader, in a series of PARALLEL COLUMNS, so as reduced to 10s 6d. Oxford, Talboys, 1833 to exhibit the state of the whole Civilized ATLASES. WILKINSON'S CLASSICAL AND World at any epoch, and at the same time form SCRIPTURAL ATLAS, with Historical and a CONTINUOUS CHAIN OF HISTORY, with Genea- Chronological Tables, impl. 4to. new and in logical Tables of all the principal Dynasties. proved edition, 1842, 53 maps, coloured, hf. Complete in 3 Sections, vis. -I. Ancient His. bil. morocoa, (pub. at £2. 4) reduced to tory. II. Middle Ages. III. Modern History. El. lls 6d WITH A MOST COMPLETE INDEX TO THE ENTIRE This is the most comprehensive Classical Atlas of the monk, folio. hf. bl. morocco, lettered on back and present day, containing about doable the mounber or sides, (pub. at £1. 168) reduced to £1. Is Maps of any other, and on a larger seale. It has long and deservedly enloyed the highest repu Oxford, Talbous, 1835-39 tation, and should be in the hands of every student, as The above is also sold, separately, as follows:- well as in every Library. The TANOL. Cunosoroete THE MIDDLE AGES AND MODERN are peculiar to this Atlas, and being extremely useful as well as ingenious, give it a great superiority over its HISTORY, 2 parts in 1, folio, hf. bil. morocco, contemporaries (pub. at £1. 2. od) reduced to 15s WILKINSON'S GENERAL ATLAS, new MODERN HISTORY, folio, sewel, pub, at and improved edition (1842), with all the 12) reduced to 8 Rail-roads inserted, Population according to This comprehensive and beautifully executed volume the last Census, Parliamentary Returns, &c. is one of the most arduous and celebrated under 26 FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE, COLLEGE BOOKS, ETC. takings produced by the enterprising publisher, and CRAMER AND WICKHAM'S DISSERTATION its anxieties are said to have shortened his days. It ON THE PASSAGE OF HANNIBAL OVER was compiled with the utmost care and re-earch, from TUE ALPS, founded on actual Survey, second the best works on the subject, both English and Foreign; including those of Bredow, Le Sage, edition, 8vo. maps, extra cloth bds. (pub.at Lavoisne, Hase, HEEREN, Dumbeck, and Vehse; 9s 6d) reduced to 48 1828 collated and verified with Usher, Blair, HALE, Bell, "A scholar-like work of first rate ability. The FYXES CLINTON, etc. etc. At any period from the ingenious authors have collected and arranged, with Deluge to the present day, the reader may at one view great in lustry and perspicuity, the materials furnished see the Political, Ecclesiastical, Scientific, and Literary by their predecessors."-Edinburyh Review state of the whole world; every opening being divided DAMMIL LEXICON GRÆCUM, HOMERI- into numerous columns according to the nations then CUM ET PINDARICUM, cura DUNCAN, in existence, and each column being devoted to a concise Chronological History of that nation. It is royal 4to. New EDITION, printed on fine paper, accompanied by very full Genealogical Tables, and a extra cloth bds.(pub, at £5.58) reduced to £1.18 most elaborate Index, by which the reader is enabled 1842 in a moment to turn to the date and particulars of * An excellent work; the merits of which have been every principal event in the history of the world. A more desirable book for library reference, or for universally acknowledged by literary characters," Dr. Dibdir. school or college use. can hardly be conceined. It is vastly superior to all former manuals of Chronology. The most valuable help for reading Homer and Pindar which a classical scholar can desire: not a CICERO'S LIFE, BY MIDDLETON; LETTERS TO single fact, or word, or grainmatical construction, is SEVERAL OF His FRIENDS, BY MELMOTU ; LET- left unexplained. Before this republication, which is put into alphabetical order, and inueh improved, the TERS TO ATTICUS, BY HEBERDEN, complete in work used to sell for ten guineas and upwards, and one thick vol. impl. 8vo. portrait, cloth lettered, was then bought up eagerly. (pub. at £1. 4s) reduced to 12s Maron, 1841 the same, very neat in plain russia, for college the same, bound in calf, gilt, (for college prises) prises, (pub, at £6.) reduced to £1. Ils 6d (pub, at £1.8s) reduced te DAWES, MISCELLANEA CRITICA, curavit * This book is a library. The whole Corpus of Kidd, 8vo. cloth, last edition, (pub. at 188) Tully. What a fund of genius, what eloquence, what reduced to 55 1827 feeling, is contained in these eight hundred pages." EURIPIDES' FOUR PLAYS, (viz. HECUBA, Literary Gazette. ONESTES, PHONISBA, and MEDEA,) literally CICERO'S OFFICES, translated with Notes ex- translated into English Prose, from the Text of plaining the Method and Meaning of the Porson, with Notes, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. nt Author, by Thomas Cockman, D.D, 12mo. 8s) reduced to 4s 6d Oxford, Tulboys, 1836 extra cloth, (pub. at 5s 6d) reduced to 45 HIPPOLYTUS AND ALCESTIS, literally Oxford, Talboys, 1834 translated into English Prose, from the Text of CICERONIS EPISTOLÆ AD ATTICUM, with Monk, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d ib. 1834 English Notes, by a Master of Arts, 2 vols. FREYTAGII LEXICON ARABICO-LATINUM small 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub, at 14s) reduced in usum Tyronum, thick 4to. cloth bds. Leather to 7 Cant. 1840 CICERO. NOTÆ VARIORUM IN CICERO- backs, (pub, at. £2.68) reduced to £1. 11s 6d Hala, 1830-38 NEM, cura Oliveti, ad edit. Ernesti accommo- GAELIC-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-GAELIC datæ. (An extensive and valuable collection DICTIONARY, with Examples, Phrases, and of explanatory Notes to Cicero, suited to Etymological Remarks, by two Members of Ernesti's and all other editions), 3 vols. 8vo. the Highland Society, complete in one thick cloth lettered, (pub. at £2.2) reduced to 10s6d vol. 8vo. new edition, containing many more the same, LARGE PAPER, 3 vols. royal 8vo. words than the quarto edition, extra cloth, (pub. cloth lettered, (pub. at £3.3s) reduced to 13s 6d at £1.18) reduced to 125 1845 COPLESTON (EPISC.) PRÆLECTIONES “We wish well to this Gaelic Dictionary: It is ACADEMICÆ, OXONII HABITÆ; editio very neatly printed; and its accuracy is vouched for altera, 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub. at 155) re- by the respectable names of its clitors, Dr. M'Leod of duced to 7s 6d Oxon. 1828 Campsie, and Dr. Dewar of Glasgow-two gentlemen who are imbued with classical as well as Celtic * The elegant and masterly Prælectiones of Mr. literature, and whose names might reasonably give Copleston, delivered by him as Professor of Poetry at currency to a work of more pretension than the Oxford, are, we presume, already in the hands of our present."-Spectator. readers."- Museum Criticum. "I am most anxious that the young man should GREEK GOSPELS, (THE FOUR) with the peruse, as I am sure he will do with pleasure and Roots in the Margin, by Charles Hoole; to profit, the pages of Dr. Copleston's Prælectiones which are added English Notes, philological and Academicæ, in which many of the beauties of the explanatory, for the use of schools, post 8vo. Classic Poets are brought forward with the most felicitous effect."-Dibdin. (pub. at 5s) cloth, 3: 64 Oxford, 1837 GREEK PROSODY. - SPITZNER's Elements of CORPUS POETARUM LATINORUM, edidit G. S. Walker, complete in one very thick Greek Prosody, and GOETTLINO's Elements of Greek Accentuation; both translated from volume, royal 8vo. cloth, (pub, at £2. 2s) the German, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo, extra cloth bds. reduced to 18 1840 (pub, at Ild) reduced to 5s 6d 1831 This comprehensive volume contains a library of the poetical Latin classics, correctly printed from the best "These are works of great intrinsic merit, and are particularly recommended to the attention of Creek texts, viz. students. Catullos, Phaedrus, Silius Italicu GWILT'S RUDIMENTS OF A GRAMMAR OY Tibullus, Lucan, Valerius Flaco, Properties, Persius, THE ANGLO-SAXON TONGUE, 8vo. cloth Calpurnius Siculus, Lucretius, Juvenal, Ausonios, lettered, (pub, at 68) reduced to 2 Virgil, Martial, Claudian. HEBREW PSALTER without Points; with Ovid, Sulpicia, Key, Grammar, Literal English Version, and Horace, Statios, Lexicon, upon an improved Plan, by Dr. J. the same, plain russia, marbled edges, (for Reid, 8vo, cloth, (pub, at £1. 1.) reduced to 51 College prizes) £1.45 Glasg. 1821 FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE, COLLEGE BOOKS, ETC. 27 HEDERICI LEXICON GRÆCO-LATINUM, LAMARTINE, SOUVENIRS, Impressions, Pen- cum Notis Larcheri, etc. the last trade edition, rées et Paysages, pendant un VOYAGE en edited by Dr. BLOMTIELD, Br. or LONDON, ORIENT, 1832-1833, ou Notes d'un Voyageur, 4to. cloth lettered, (pub, at £1. 141) reduced to Seconde Edition, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. two folding 125 1825 maps, extra cloth bds. (pub. at 128) reduced to HREREN'S WORK-See Miscellaneous 6 ба 1838 HERODOTUS, Three Books (Clio, Euterpe, and *.. This is an admirable reading book for Students Thalia) in Greek, from Bekker's Text, with in the French languaye, and may safely be recom- English Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by mended to Schools. John Edwards, M.A., Head Master of Bury "The Voyage en Orient is written in a marvellous style-simple, elegant, and, at times, sablime-style School, thick 8vo. elegantly printed, extra cloth, of a thousand characters, a thousand varying physi- (pub. at 12.) reduced to 6s 1840 ognomies, and a thousand sparkling hues. It is a CARY'S (Rev. H.) GREEK AND ENG- shower of gems and perfumes."-JULES JANIN (in Atheneum.) LISH LEXICON TO HERODOTUS, adapted to the Text of Gaisford and Baehr, and all LARCHER'S NOTES ON HERODOTUS. New other editions, 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub. at 124) Edition, with Corrections and Additions by reduced to 8 1843 W. D. Cooley, 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth, £1.48 HERMANN'S MANUAL OF THE POLITICAL 1844 ANTIQUITIES OF GREECE, historically LAYCOCK'S PORTUGUESE GRAMMAR, considered, translated from the German, 8vo. compiled from VIEYRA and the best Sources ; extra cloth, (pub, at 15s) reduced to 10s 6d for the use of Englishmen studying that Tongue Oxford, Talboys, 1836 without the help of a Master, to which is added • Hermann Mannal of Greek Antiquities is most a copious Mercantile Vocabulary, together important."-Thirlwall': Hist. of Greece, vol. 1.1.443. with sundry Commercial Letters, fcap. 8vo. We trust this book will be most diligently sheep, (pub, at lls) reduced to 3s 6d 1841 studied; our schools have too long neglected the FABULAS APRAZIVEIS E INSTRUCTI- subsidiaries--we might say, the essentials of history; teachers have loaded the memory with facts, instead VAS, para uso das pessoas que se consagrao ao of storing the mind with principles. Such a work is estudo da Lingoa Portugueza, fcap. 8vo. hf.bd. * proof of the rapid advance made by continental (pub, at 4s) reduced to 2s 1829 scholars in developing the true philosophy of history: 11 direets attention from the facts or revolutions to LEE'S HEBREW GRAMMAR, compiled from their causes; it shews that the fortunes of nations, as the best Authorities, and principally from well as individuals, are determined by their habits or Oriental Sources, designed for the Use of thought and action and it examines with equal in Students in the Universities. New Edition, dustry and kill the principal circumstances that formed or niodified those habits in the most important of enriched with much original matter. Sixth ancient nations." -Athenaeum. Thousand, 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub. at 12s) HORACE, literally translated into English Prose, reduced to 8 Lond. Duncan, 1844 for Classical Students, on improved principles, HEBREW, CHALDEE, AND ENGLISH by the Rev. H. P. HAUGHTON, fcap. 8vo. LEXICON, compiled from the best Authori- extra cloth, (pub, at 85) reduced to 4 1844 ties, Oriental and European, Jewish and "In this translation the original is renderei word for word; and wherever a word of the original is Christian, including BUXTORF, TAYLOR, PARX- rendered by two or more words, they are connected. HURST, and GESENIUS; containing all the The renderings are as far as possible the derivatives Words, with their inflections, Idiomatic from the original: all ellipses necessary to the sense Usages, etc. found in the Hebrew and Chaldee and grammatical construction are supplied in italies; and wherever the translation is from its verbal or Text of the Old Testament; with numerous derivative character, obscure, it is explained; whilst corrections of former Lexicographers and the whole is accompanied by explanatory and critical Commentators, followed by an English Index, notes." in I thick vol. 8vo. HORATII OPERA, recensuit et illustravit F. G. Third Thousand, strongly bount in cloth lettered, (pub, at £1.58) reduced Doering, in 1 thick vol. 8vo. cloth lettered, to 158 Lond. Duncan, 1844 (pub, at 18.) reduced to 10s 6d The Rev. Dr. Lee, author of the two preceding JAMIESON'S HERMES SCYTHICUS; or the works, is the present REGIUS PROFESSOR OY HESREW Radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin in the University of CAMBRIDGE, and one of the most Languages to the Gothic: with a Dissertation remarkable and accomplished Linguists in Europe, on the Historical Proofs of the Scythian Origin His principles are strictly High Church, which give his Lexicon, independent of its great literary merit, a of the Greeks, 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub. at recommendation to our Established Clergy, not pos £1. Is reduced to 7s Ed. 1814 sessed by any other of the present day. The work of An excellent and valuable work. Lowndes. Gesenius abounds with the Rationalisans of the Ger man school. JUVENAL AND PERSIUS, translated into Eng- lish Verse by Gifford, 2 vols. 8vo. astra cloth LEMPRIERE'S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY, bds. (pub, at £1. 1s) reduced to 10 61 MINIATURE EDITION, containing a full Ac- KUINOEL, COLIMENTARIUS IN NOVI count of all the Proper Names mentioned in TESTAMENTI LIBROS HISTORICOS, Ancient Authors, and much useful information 3 vols. 8vo, extra cloth bds. (pub, at £1. 16.) respecting the uses and habits of the Greeks reduced to 12 Land. 1835 and Romans, new and complete edition, This may be used as an annotated edition of the XLEGANTLY PRINTED IN PEARL Tyre, in one Historical Books of the New Testament, the Greek very thick vol. 18mo. cloth lettered, pub, at Text being at the top of the page, with the elaborate 7s Bd) reduced to 4s6d 1840 Commentary beneath, like the variorum Editions, One of the best philological Commentaries on the same, tery neatly bound in embossed roun the New Testament. To each book are prefixed well- (pub, at 8s) reduced to 5s compiled Prolegomena, in which the author's life, the This elegant and portable edition contains as much authenticity of his narrative, the time, place, and the the sy and corrected to the present state of language in which he wrote, as well as his style and knowledge. manner of writing, are fully discussed. Horne. 28 FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE, COLLEGE BOOKS, ETC. and classical students. LEMPRIERE.-A COLLECTION OF SUP- the neatness and elearness of the Tabular form, will, PLEMENTS TO ALL EDITIONS OF I am confident, prove very attractive to youth. * College of Edinburgh. (Signed) LEMPRIERE'S CLASSICAL DICTION- "JAS PILLANS, L.L. Pror" ARY, more especially to the enlarged one by " These Tables are among the most successful of the Professor Anthon, containing-1. Sillig's Dic- many plans lately devised to facilitate and simplify tionary of the Artists of Antiquity, and Pliny's elementary education. The design is original and perspicacious,"-Edinburgh Journal Books on the Fine Arts.-11. Payne Knight's MÜHLENFELS POETISCHE ANTHOLO- Inquiry into the Symbolical Language of Antient Art and Mythology.-III. Barker's GIE; a Manual of Progressive Examples of Fifteen Supplements and Indices, comprising the best German Poets, printed in the German various Chronological Tables and Dissertations; character, fcap. 8vo, extra cloth, (pub. at 88) reduced to 360 1841 Tables of Ancient Measures, Weights, and Monies; Classical Names in the Apocrypha MULLER'S HISTORY OF THE LITERATURE OF ANCIENT GREECE; Published by the and Testament; Geographical and other In- dices, etc. etc. One closely printed vol. 8vo. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, extra cloth bds. (pub. at £1. 15) reduced to 6s including the Continuation, being all published Valpy, 1837 of the 2nd volume, 8vo. cloth, (pub. at 10s) reduced to 7s 1842 A volume which must always be useful to scholars the same, the continuation separately, 4 parts, LEIBNITII OPERA PHILOSOPHICA, quæ (being all that is published of Vol. 2) contain extant Latina, Gallica, Germanica, Omnia; ing Aristophanes and the Comio Drama, the edidit Erdmann, in 1 thick volume, impl. 8vo. Orators, Sophists, Thucydides, Lysias, Iso- 1842 portrait, sewed, (pub. at £1. 4) reduced to 16s crates, Socrates, &c. 8vo. stitched, 2 This able work is discontinued; this fragment, there- Berolini, 1840 fore, may be bound up with the previous volume. LIVII HISTORIA, ex recensione DRAKENBOR-MUSEUM CRITICUM; OR CAMBRIDGE CHII et KREYSSIG ; Annotationes CRE- CLASSICAL RESEARCHES, A Series of VIERIT, STROTH, RUPERTI, Raschig, NIE- Philological Papers, Criticisms, Essays, Frag- BUHRII, WACHISMUTHII, et suas addidit TRAVERS ments of Greek and Roman Authors, un- Twiss, J. C. B. Coll. Univ. Oxon. Socius et published Notes of Scholars, learned Corres- Tutor. Cum Indice amplissimo. 4 vols. 8vo. pondence and Memoirs, &c., by many of the cloth lettered, (pub. at £1. 18s) reduced to most talented Critics of the University, in- £1.8 Oxford, 1841 cluding Bishops BLOMFIELD and MALTAY, This is the best and most useful edition of Livy ever Professor Monk, ELMSLEY, Dr. BURNEY, HARE, published in octavo, and is preferred at all our uni- &c. &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, (pub, at £2. 21) versities and classical schools. It is most carefully edited by Dr. Twiss, from the text of Drakenborch, reduced to 163 Camb. 1826 as revised by Kreyssig, by the collation of some im- The Museum Criticam stands in the first rank portant Manuscripts from the Barnberg and Vienna among British contributions to classical learning, libraries, accompanied by an admirable selection of the same, tree-marbled calf extra, for college the most useful and explanatory notes of Crevier, prizes, £1. Stroth, Ruperti, Raschig, and others, and the critical NEUMAN AND BARETTI'S SPANISH-ENG- animadversions by Niebuhr, Wachsmuth, and other late German philologers. LISH ENGLISH-SPANISH DIC- LIVY'S HISTORY OF ROME, Books XXI to TIONARY, greatly improved and enlarged XXX, inclusive, literally translated, with Ex- by Dr. Seoane, 2 thick vols. 8vo. extra cloth, £1.85 1845 planatory Notes, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub, at 188) reduced to 10s 6d the same, abridged, 12mo. pearl, new edition, roan lettered, 85 1843 Oxford, Talboys, 1828 NIEBUHR'S HISTORY OF ROME, epitomized, MENDHAM. PALEOTTI HISTORIA ACTÆ CONCILII TRIDENTINI, an. 1562 et (for the use of Colleges and Schools.) with 1563, cum aliis multis circa dictum Concilium, Chronological Tables and Appendix, by Travers thick 8vo. extra cloth, (pub, at £1. ls) reduced Twiss, B.C.D. complete in 2 vols, bound in 1, to 7s 60 1842 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at £1. 1.) reduced to 12s INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM Oxford, Talboys, 1837 A SIXTO V. PAPA. confectus et publicatus: the same, well bound in calf gilt, (for School ad vero a successoribus ejus in sede Romana Prizes), 16 "This edition by Mr. Twies is a very valuable addition suppressus, ed. Jos. Mendham, 4to. cloth, (pub. to classical learning, clearly and ably embodying all at 16s) reduced to 8s 1835 the latest efforts of the laborions Niebohr." MIGNET, HISTOIRE DE LA REVOLUTION Literary Gazette FRANCAISE, depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1814. **This truly valuable work, which for the first time presents the researches of Niebuhr so suitable to the Douzième Edition, augmentée de l'Histoire de use or English students. Mr. Twiss has judiciously la Restauration jusqu'à l'Avénement de expunged those passages in which Niebahr exhibited Louis Philippe, par De Bonnechose, complete 30 strange a mixture of scepticisin and credelity." Athenaeum in 1 vol. post 8vo. elegantly printed, setoed, 58 NUGENT IMPROVED; a complete French and Brur. 1844 English Dictionary, in two parts: I. French MILLER'S COMPANION TO THE ATLAS, or a Series of Geographical Tables on new and English ; and II. English and French, by John Wilson, 24mo, elegantly printed in pearl Plan, forming a complete System of Geography, Second Edition, small folio, cloth, (pub. at type, bound in roan, lettered, (pub. at 5. 6) re- duced to 4s6d 1845 7s 6d) reduced to 5s 1838 NUTTALLS CLASSICAL AND ARCHÆOLO- I admire both the principle and the execution of this work: nor can I doubt that it will become * GICAL DICTIONARY of the Manners, general favourite with Teachers. It is the right medium Customs, Laws, Institutions, Architecture, between meagreness and distracting profusion : and Arts, etc. of the celebrated Nations of Anti- AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE, COLLEGE BOOKS, ETC. 29 to 6 quity, and particularly of the Middle Ages; 3 vols. 8vo, extra cloth, (pub, at £2. 88) reduced to which is prefixed a Synoptical and Chrono to £1. Ils 6d Oxford, Talboys, 1838 logical View of Ancient History, 8vo. extra cloth VOL. IV. to complete the work is in the press, and bourds, (pub. at 16s) reduced to 55 1840 will be ready in January 1846. It will be pablished at This is an able and very tseful work; and being 16s; but those who purchase copies of the 3 vols from chiefly devoted to the explanation of Mediaval Anti- the advertiser, will be entitled to have the 4th at the quities, becomes a desirable companion to Lempriere, same rate of reduction in price. which is limited to subjects atrietly classical. "An important tork; it may be said to have su- PARKHURST'S HEBREW AND ENGLISH perseded all the previous histories of philosophy, and to have become the standard work on the subject. Mr. DICTIONARY, WITHOUT POINTS, in which Johnson is also exempt from the usual faults of trans- the Hebrew and Chaldee Words of the Old Iators."- Quarterly Revier. Testament are explained in their leading and ST'S GREEK GRAMMAR, for the use of derived Senses, last edition, corrected and im- Schools, translated from the German; with an proved, royal 8vo. extra cloth, (pub, at 16s) re- Appendix on Greek Versification, 8vo. (560 duced to 10s 60 1823 pages) extra cloth boards, (pub. at 12s) reduced PHÆDRI FABULÆ, with an Ordo for Constru- 1827 ing, English Notes taken from the Delphin In Germany this Grammar is more popular than even Matthias Edition, and a copious Parsing Index, contain * This Grammar is distinguished by lacid arrange- ing every Word in the Fables, with their Eng- ment, conciseness, and rollness. The author judicionly lish Translations, by N. BAILEY, 20th edition, commences with Prosody, and then proceeds to Ety- 8vo. extra cloth boards, (pab. at 58) reduced to inology and Syntax. The system of accentuation, which is so slightly noticed in Matthia, he explains with 35 1823 the atmost clearness."-donthly Mag. PINDARI OPERA, Gr. et Lat. Textum in genuina RUPERTI COMMENTARIUS IN TACITUM, Metra restituit, et ex Fide Librorum Manu- Bvo, cloth, (pub, at 12s) reduced to 35 1825 scriptorum doctorumque Conjecturis recensuit, This admirable volume of explanatory Notes on the Annotationem criticam, Scholia integra, Com- Annals of Tacitas, by the distinguished Ruperti, is not mentarium perpetuum et Indices adjecit A. Incorporated in any edition of the author, and will therefore be found a valuable addition to the student's Boeckhius, 3 vols. 4to, boards, (pub. at £6.12s) library. reduced to £3.165 Lips. 1811-21 SANTAGNELLO'S DICTIONARY OF THE PE- the same, 3 vols. 4to. vellum paper, boards, (pub. CULIARITIES OF THE ITALIAN LAN. at £9.) reduced to £5.55 GUAGE, being a Collection of Sentences from "The most rich, roll, and complete of all the editions the most approved Italian Authors, particula- of Pindar." Dibdin. PINDARUS, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Heynii, 3 vols. rizing those Verbs, Prepositions, &c. which govern different Moods and Cases, 8vo, extra 8vo, cloth lettered, (pub. at £2. 88) reduced to cloth, (pub. at 9s 6d) reduced to 3s 6d 1820 18s 1824 PLATONIS OPERA, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis This volume forms a desirable Supplement to all Italian Dictionaries. Variorum et Bekkeri, 11 vols. 8vo. extra cloth, SCHELLER'S LATIN GRAMMAR, translated scarce, (pub, at £7. 148) reduced to £4.45 from the German, with the addition of some Lond. 1826 valuable lists from the Port Royal Grammar PLUTARQUE FRANCAIS. Vies des Hommes et Femmes Illustres de la France, avec leurs and Bentley on the Metres of Terence and Ho- race, by GEORGE WALKER, M.A. Head Master Portraits en pied, publié par E. Mennechet, of the Leeds Grammar School, 2nd edition, with 8 vols, impl. 8vo. containing 192 spirited full length portraits, etched on copper, extra cloth bds. an Index, 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth boards, (pub.at £1. 103) reduced at 12s 1838 (pub, at £12. 12s) reduced to £4. 14s 6d This admirable Grammar is the most perfect and the Par. 1838-41 most comprehensive or its kind, and is the same for - the same, handsomely hf. bd. red morocco, gilt the Latin language that Matthia's is for the Greek. edges, £5. 15s 64 Indeed Matthie in his preface declares that his aim was This is a very interesting and well executed work. to produce as complete a Grammar of the Greck, as The Biographies have been executed by very competent his predecessor Scheller had done for the Latin, which writers, among whom are Jales Janin, Walckenner, he held ap as a model. Raoul-Rochette, Al. Dumas, Count Mole, Langlois, SCHOMANN'S HISTORY OF THE ASSEM- Crapelet, Laurent, Villeneuve, Craveilhier, &e. BLIES OF THE ATHENIANS, translated from POETARUM Veterum Fragmenta, ex Recensione J. A. GILES, cum Notis variorum et Editoris, the Latin, with a complete Index, 8vo. extra vix. :-Germanici Cæsaris, Maximiani, Valerii cloth, (pub.at 10s 6d) reduced to 5s Camb. 1838 A book of the same school and character as the works Catonis, Antimachi Colophonii, et Severi Sancti, of Heeren, Boeck, Schlegel, &e. 6 vols. 8vo. in extra glated boards, (pub. at SCHRÖDER, Elementa Matheseos Puræ, in £3. 7) reduced to 155 or this elegantly printed series only 100 copies were duabus partibus: Pars. I. Prolegomena de priuted, Matheseos Ratione : Pars. II. Elementa Arith- PORSON'S WORKS, vis. Aristophanica, Adver- metica Pura; 2 thick vols. 80. (4 werk of saria, Photius, Letters to Travis, Tracts and great depth; in much esteem abroad) bds. (pub. Criticisms, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth lettered, uniform, at £1. 108) reduced to 168 (pub, at £5. 58) reduced to £2.88 Traj. ad Rhen. 1831-4 RAMISHORNS DICTIONARY OF LATIN SOPHOCLES, literally translated into English SYNONYMES, for the use of Schools and Prose, with Notes, 8vo. 4th improved edition, Private Students, translated and edited by extra cloth, (pub. at 15s) reduced to 9 Dr. Lieber, post Svo, cloth, (pub, at 7:) reduced Oxford, Talboys, 1842 to 58 1841 ELLENDT'S GREEK AND ENGLISH RITTER'S HISTORY OF ANCIENT PHILO. LEXICON TO SOPHOCLES, translated by SOPHY, translated from the German by Cary, 8vo, extra cloth, (pub.at 12s) reduced to A. J. W. Johnson, B.A. Trin, Coll, Cambridge, 6s 64 ib, 1841 30 FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE, COLLEGE BOOKS, ETC. STUART'S HEBREW GRAMMAR, 5th edition, TROLLOPE'S (Rev. W.) GREEK GRAM- corrected and enlarged, 8vo. extra cloth, 12 MAR TO VIE NEW TESTAMENT, and Oxford, Talhaus, 1838 to the Common or Hellenic Diction of the STUART'S HEBREW CHRESTOMATHY, de- Later Greek Writers, with Greek, Latin, and signed as an Introduction to a Course of Hebrew English Indexes, 8vo. extra cloth bourds, (pub. Study, 3rd edition, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at at 964) reduced to 3s 1843 14s) reduced to 98 ib. 1834 This is the inest complete Greek Grammar to the This work, which was designed by its learned author New Testament yet published, and will be found a to facilitate the study of Hebrew, has had a very exten very valuable help to Theological Students. It is a sive sale in America. It forins a desirable adjunct to desirable aitjunet to the Greek Grammars of Buttman all Hebrew Grammars, and is sufficient to complete and Matthias, especially to the former, upon the rules of which its copions illustrations are arranged. the system of instruetion in that language. VALPY'S (F.) FUNDAMENTAL WORDS or TACITUS, CUM NOTIS BROTIERI, editio THE GREEK LANGUAGE, adapted to the nova, cum Appendice, curante A. J. Valpy, Memory of the Student by means of Deri- 4 vols. 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub. at £2. 163) vations, and Derivatives, Passages from the reduced to £l. 5s 1823 Classical Writers, and other Associations, 8vo. The most complete edition. extra cloth boards, (pub. at 10s 6d) reduced to 55 1826 TACITUS, A NEW AND LITERAL TRANSLATION, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub, at 16s) reduced to 10s 60 "I have frequently consulted this work of the learned and ingenious author with considerable satis Oxford, Talhoys, 1839 faction."--The Rev. J. R. Major of King's College. TAYLOR'S ELEMENTS OF THOUGHT, VIEYRA'S PORTUGUESE ENGLISH seventh edition, 12mo. cloth lettered, 4s 1843 ENGLISH PORTUGUESE DIC- This popular work is an admirable condensation of TIONARY, improved and enlarged by T. all that has been written or said on the subject, and a most usernl Introduction to the study of Metaphysics, Do Canto, 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth, £1. 165 while it contains as much information as the general 1840 reacler will require. WESLEY'S (Dr. C.) LOGIC: A Guide to Syl- TENNEMANN'S MANUAL OF THE HIS- logism, or & Manual of Logie, 12mo. cloth TORY OF PHILOSOPHY, translated from the lettered, (pub. at 4s 6d) reduced to 38 1832 German, by the Rev. Authur Johnson, M.A., WHITEHEAD'S SPANISH GRAMMAR, with Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the Univeraty copious Exercises; the whole rendered so of Oxford, in one thick closely printed volume, easy as to be intelligible without the aid of an 8vo. bds. (pub, at 14s) reduced to 9s Instructor, post 8vo, cloth lettered, (pub.at Oxford, Talboys, 1832 7s 6d) reduced to 2s 64 1826 ** A work which marks on all the leading epochs in WILLIS'S ELEMENTARY HEBREW philosophy, and gives minute chronological informas GRAMMAR, (with Points), to which is tion concerning them, with biographical notices of the founders and followers of the principal schools, added a Selection of Hebrew Sentences, with ample texts of their works, and an account of the a short Lexicon and References to the Gram- principal editions. In a word, to the student of phi mar (on the plan of Leusden and Buxtorf,) losophy, I know or no work in English likely to 8vo. cloth (pub, at 6s) rodaced to 31 1834 prove halt so useful."-Hayward, in his translation of Goethe's Faust. An excellent and much esteemed Grammar for the TERENTIUS, CUM NOTIS NOTIS VARIORUM, use of schools and Young Students. ex Editione Zeunit, cura Giles : acced. Index WILSON'S (JAMES, Professor of French in St. copiosissimus. Complete in one thick vol. 8vo. Gregory's College) FRENCH-ENGLISH AND handsomely printed, extra cloth, (pub. at 16s) ENGLISH-FRENCH DICTIONARY, con- reduced to 8s 1837 taining full Explanations, Definitions, Sy. the same, handsomely bound in calf, (for Col- nonyms, Idioms, Proverbs, Terms of Art and Science, and Rules of Pronunciation in each lege Prites), lls Language. Compiled from the Dictionaries of This compact and elegant republication of Zeunios's admirable edition of Terence, comprises the most the Academy, Bow yer, Chambaud, Garner, useful explanatury notes of all preceding editors: and, Laveaux, Des Carrieres and Fain, Johnson in addition, the ancient Sebolia recently discovered and Walker, 1 large closely printed volume, in the Vatican by Angelo Maio, some Preliminary Dissertations of great merit on Tragedy and Comedy, imperial 8vo. cloth, (pub. at £2. 2.) reduced the Theatres of the Ancients, the Metres of Terence, to £1.85 1841 &c., and a inost elaborate Index Verborum ac WILSON'S FRENCH ENGLISH AND ENG. Phrasium. LISH FRENCH DICTIONARY, abridged, THIERS, HISTOIRE DE LA REVOLUTION 18mo, "oan, 45 6d 1837 FRANCAISE; quinzième édition, suivie d'une Continuation, complete in 2 vols, impl. XENOPHONTIS OPERA, Gr. et. Lat: Schnei- 8vo, printed in double columns, illustrated by deri et Zeunii, accedit index, (PORSON AND 10 portraits, and as many Historical subjects, ELMSLEY'S EDITION) 10 vols. 12mo. HAND- and portrait of the Author, sewed, £1.55 SOBIELY PRINTED IN A LARGE TYPE, in extra Brux, 1844 cloth bourds, done up in 5 vols. (pub, at £4. 10.) reduced to 18 1811 THUCYDIDES, Gr. et Lat. Edidit Elmsley, Accedunt Indices, etc., ex Editione Dukeri, the same, LARGE PAPER, 10 vols. crown 8vo. In (Ponson AND ELAISLEY'S EDITION) LANGE PA- extra cloth boards, done up in 5 volumes, reduced PER, 6 vols, crown 8vo. done up in 3 rolumes, to £1.58 extra cloth, (pub, at £3. 12.) reduced to 15 This is the only complete modern edition of Xeno- 1804 plson which has the Latin Version and a General Index. Juveníle and Elementary Books, Gymnastics, etc. ABBOTT'S TEACHER, or Moral Influences em- CROWQUILL'S PICTORIAL GRAMMAR ployed in the Instruction of the Young, in- 16mo, with 120 humorous illustrations, ertra tended chiefly to assist young Teachers in cloth, gilt sides, (pub. at 5s) reduced to 28 6d organizing and conducting their schools, new 1844 edition, revised by Dr. Mayo, fcap. 8vo. extra "A really amusing and instructive little volume, in cloth, (pub, at 54) reduced to 3s 1834 which the ordinary rules of Grammar, the choice say- ÆSOP'S FABLES, 18mo, elegantly printed at the ings of Lindley Murray, the dry study of rules, are illus- Chiswick Press by Whittingham, embellished by trated, and that so comically by the graphic art of the celebrated Alfred Crowquill, that the agreement of the 153 pretty engravings on wood, extra cloth, gilt noun with the verb, or the nominative with the objec- edges, (pub. at 5s) reduced to 3 1838 tive, never fails to excite roars of laughter. Ir ladders ACKWORTH'S ENGLISH VOCABULARY, to learning are desirable, position seldom questioned, last edition, corrected and improved, 18mo. cloth surely so humorous an introduction to the acquisition of speaking and writing the English language with pro- lettered, ls 6d 1845 AIKIN'S (DR.) CALENDAR O NATURE, for priety, must be acceptable both to fond parents and as- piring youth."- Morning Chronicle. the Instruction and Entertainment of Young DRAPER'S JUVENILE NATURALIST, or Persons, 18mo. beautiful wood-cuts by Harvey, Country Walks in Spring, Summer, Autumn, new and improved edition, cloth. (The prettiest and Winter, in one thick volume, sq. 12mo. edition of a very popular and edifying work.) illustrated with eighty beautifully executed wood- (pub, at ls 6d) reduced to ls 1836 cuts, and fine frontispieces ; richly bound in green BAKEWELL'S PHILOSOPHICAL CONVER- cloth, gilt edges, new and improved edition, (pub. SATIONS, in which are familiarly explained at 7s 6d) reduced to 4s 60 *1845 the Causes of numerous daily occurring Phe- ENTERTAINING PHILOSOPHER; a familiar nomena, 12mo, cloth lettered, (pub. at 5s 6d) re- Explanation of the most interesting Pheno- duced to 35 mena of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, BARBAULD, LECONS POUR LES ENFANS, comprising a Store of curious and instructive depuis l'âge de deux ans jusqu'a cinq; traduit Information in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneu- par M. Pasquier, last edition, 18mo. cloth let- matics, Heat, Optics, Magnetism, Electricity, tered, 25 1845 Galvanism, etc. compiled to promote Practical BELL'S SELECTIONS OF THE MOST Education. By W. M. HICONE, Lecturer on REMARKABLE PHENOMENA OF Experimental Philosophy at Guy's Hospital, NATURE, 18mo. cloth bds. (pub. at 3s 6d) fcap. 8vo. illustrated by above 100 mood engrav- reduced to 2 1827 BINGLEY'S USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, or a ings, extra cloth boards, (pub. at 9s 6d) reduced to 3s 60 1844 familiar Account of all the various Productions ENCYCLOPÆDIA OY MANNERS and ETI- of Nature, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal, QUETTE, comprising an improved edition of systematically arranged, which are chiefly em- Chesterfield's Advice to his Son on Men and ployed for the use of Man, illustrated by plates Manners; and The Young Man's Own Book, and 150 wood-cuts, and intended as a work both a Manual of Politeness, Intellectual Improve- of instruction and reference. Sixth Edition, ment, and Moral Deportment, calculated to revised, enlarged, and altered to the existing form the Character on a solid Basis, and to state of science, by D. Cooper, of the British insure Respectability and Success in Life, one Museum, 2 vols, post 8vo. extra cloth bds. elegantly printed vol. fcap. 12mo. frontispiece, (pub, at 16s) reduced to 108 64 extra cloth boards, gilt edges, 2s. 1844 Trade edition, 1842 the same, cloth, gilt edges BROWN'S BOOK or BRITISH BUTTERFLIES, ENGLISH BOY AT THE CAPE; an Anglo- MOTHS, &c., complete in 3 vols. 18mo. illus- African Story. By the Author of " Keeper's trated by 144 coloured plates, in extra red cloth, Travels." 3 vols, royal 18mo. embellished with richly gilt, (pub, at 158) reduced to 7s 6d 1834 engravings, cloth gilt, edges cut, (pub. at 10s 6d) CITY SCENES, on A PEEP INTO LONDON, reduced to 55 1835 sq. 12mo, with 102 fine wood-cuts, designed by "This is a very interesting Robinson Crusoe sort of Gilbert, engraved by Folkard, extra gilt cloth, gilt a tale, suitable to youth of both sexes. From it much more than mere amusement will be gained. The infor edges, 3s 64 1845 CRABB'S (Rev. G.) NEW PANTHEON, or mation it contains of the mannert of the inhabitants, the topography, and other peculiarities of Southern Mythology of all Nations, adapted to the Bib- Africa, is correct and valuable; and the moral incul- lical, Classical, and General Reader, but more cated throughout is not the least of its excellencler." Metropolitan Mag. especially for the Use of Schools and Young EQUESTRIAN MANUAL FOR LADIES, (BY Persons; WITH QUESTIONS for Examination on THE PLAN OF PINNOCK, 18mo, with 30 pleasing FRANK Howard) foap. 8vo. upwards of 50 beau- lithographs of the principal Heroes of Heathen tiful wood-cuts, richly bound in cloth, with appro- Blythology; gilt cloth, (pub. at 38) reduced to priate devices in gold, (pub. at 4s) reduced to 23 6 2s 61 1840 Tilt, 1844 FISHER'S JUVENILE SCRAP BOOK; by Mrs. This is by far the eleverest of all the small works on Ellis, Miss Strickland, and others, various vols. mythology. The talented author is well known by his Historical and Technological Dictionaries, Dictionary sm. 8vo. numerous beautiful engravings, cloth, of Synonymes, and work on the German language. o gilt edges, (each pub. at 8s) reduced to 58 32 JUVENILE AND ELEMENTARY BOOKS, GYMNASTICS, ETC. FORTUNES or FRANK FAIRFIELD, by M. H. JOYCE'S SCIENTIFIC DIALOGUES, for Young Barker, Esq., the "Old Sailor," (a well writ- People, new and improved edition, edited by ten and Entertaining Narrative of Naval Ad- PINNOCX, 12mo. plates, cloth gilt 1846 rentures). 18mo. with 7 pretty engravings on KILOH'S A BRIDGMENT OF ANCIENT steel, and numerous woodcuts, cloth extra, gilt HISTORY, chiefly of the Egyptians, Cartha- edges, (pub. at 3s 6d) reduced to 2s 6d 1845 ginians, Assyrians, and Medes and Persians; This interesting tale is founded on facts. Fairfield with Exercises at the end of each Chapter, ON is a pseudonyme for Admiral Trowbridge, the friend THE PLAN OF PINNOCK, for the Use of Schools, and companion of Nelson. NEW EDITION, 12mo. bound in roan, 4 1845 GLIMPSES OF THE WONDERFUL, a Christmas "A very valuable abridgment compiled with great Present for Young People, for 1846, sq. 12mo. care, and accompanied by questions on the plan of Pin. nock's Goldsmith. It is extremely well adapted to the with numerous woodcuts, extra gilt cloth, gilt purpose for which the Authoress intended it, namely edges, 5s 1846 for the use of Schools." Standard. the same, former series, 1845, extra gilt cloth, KNIGHT'S LIBRARY FOR THE YOUNG, pube gilt edges, 58 lished under the superintendance of the Society for HACK'S (MARIA) ENGLISH STORIES OF THE Promoting Useful Knowledge, lo vols. 16mo. OLDEN TIME. 2 vols. 12o. vignettes by elegantly bound in cloth, gilt edges, (pttb. at Harvey, extra cloth, very richly gilt backs, 12s £2.38) reduced to £1.68 Or separately, as follows. "A popular History of England, from Alfred to Ell- PICTURE HISTORY OF ENGLAND, 3 vols. in 2, zabeth, adapted to the capacity of young persons, and embodying a great deal or information, valuable and with 126 woodcuts the side of the page, (pub, at interesting to juvenile readers. There is throughout a 108) reduced to 68 dispassionate and just estimate of the characters of the . This is one of the best and most esteemed persons, and the causes and influence of events." of the numerons Histories of England for Youth. Spectator. History of Spain and Portugal, 2 vols. in 1, 14 - GRECIAN STORIES, 12mo. with 39 fine toodeuts, (pub. at 58) reduced to 3s illustrations by Gilbert, engraved by Wright and Uncle OLIVER'S TRAVELS IN PERSIA (ny Kurto), Folkard; extra cloth, very richly gilt, (pub. at 2 vols. in 1, 24 woodcuts, (pub. at 7s 6d) re- 8s) reduced to 5s duced to 3s 6d i These historical narratives are composed on the po- *. This interesting compilation is by the talented polar plan of the entertaining and instructive stories of editor of the Pietorial Palestine, and is admirably the authoress relating to England. They will be valu. adapted to the capacity of youth. able, especially to the non-classical, as an accurate pice Flowers and their Associations, by Miss Pratt, ture of Greece, its annals, and its great men. with coloured plates, (pub. at 6s) reduced to Tait's Mag. 3s 60 WINTER EVENINGS, or Tales of Travel- The Field, the Garden, and the Wood, by Miss lers. New Edition, one thick vol. post 8vo. Pratt, numerous woodcuts and coloured frontis- fine front. gilt cloth, very richly gilt, 6s piece, (pub. at 4s) reduced to 2s 6d A most delightful book for young people, by a very Dawnings of Genius, or the Early Lives of Emi- popular writer. nent Persons, (pub, at 36) reduced to 25 u Several interesting narratives are here very ably Old Sports of England, many woodcuts, (pub. at abridged from the works of celebrated travellers, and interspersed with such questions and explanations as 2s 6d) reduced to 2s are likely to make every circumstance intelligible." The Elder Brother, by Mrs. Barwell, woodcuts, * The fair compiler is entitled to much gratitude for (pub, at 2s) reduced to ls 6d this instructive and agreeable pablication. Monthly Review Chivalry and Charity, exemplified in the Lives HALL'S (CAPT. BASIL) PATCHWORK, (a new of Du Guescelin and John Howard, (pub, at Series of Fragments of Voyages and Travels,) 3s) reduced to 25 second edition, 12mo, handsomely printed, extra KNIGHT'S ANTIQUITIES OF Tus BRITISH cloth, with the back very richly and appropriately MUSEUM, containing 112 engravings of all the gilt with patchwork devices (pub, at 158) reduced most remarkable STATUARY AND SCULPTURE, to 7s 6 Mozon, 1841 EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES, Vasas, &c. with letter- A book fall of the most entertaining stories and ad- press on the reverses, mounted on Cards, fcap. 8vo. ventures, written with all the vigour and sprightliness in a cloth case, lettered, (pub, at 9s) reduced of this very agreeable writer. to 4s 60 Captain Basil Hall imparts a freshners to what ever spot he touches, and carries the reader, with un- LAMANTINE, VOYAGE EN ORIENT--See Foreign Litera- tiring good humour, cheerily along with him. Turn where we will, we have posies of variegated flowers ... This is an admirable reading book for Stadents presented to us, and we are sure to find in every one of in the French language, and may safely be recom- them, whether sombre or gay, a sprig of Basil. His mended to Schools. Patchwork is fall of varied information, rich in mate L. E. L. TRAITS AND TRIALS ON EARLY rials for thinking, and far more amusing than any novel or romance. It makes us long to have the gal- LIFE, a series of Tales addressed to Young Jant Captain afloat again; for, pleasant as he is on People. By L. E. L. (Miss Landon). Fourth shore, he is without a rival on the merry sea." edition, fcap. 8vo. with a beautiful portrait en- Quarterly Review graved on steel, gilt cloth, (pub at 5s) reduced HEEREN'S MANUAL OF ANCIENT GEOGRA- to 3s 6d 1845 PHY, for the use of Schools, 12mo. cloth LE KEUX'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF NATURAL lettered (pub, at 2s 6d) reduced to 2s Oxf. 1535 HISTORY, embracing a Series of Engravings, HOWITT'S JACK ON THE MILL, 2 vols. 12mo. and descriptive Accounts of the most interesting cloth, richly gilt (pub.at 15s) reduced 7, 6d 1844 and popular Genera and Species of the Animal BRITISH PRESERVE, royal 8vo. con- World, 8vo. with 114 clever steel engravings by taining 36 clever and highly finished etchings Le Keux, Daniel, Lundser, and others, extra of Game, Birds, Deer, Hares, etc. (very suitable loth gilt, (pub. at £1. 1.) reduced to 9 as a DRAWING Book For YOUTU) extra cloth, LEMPERE'S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY -Sea Foreign (pub. at £1. 1s) reduced to 58 and Classical Literature. ture. JUVENILE AND ELEMENTARY BOOKS, GYMNASTICS, ETC. 33 LAMB'S TALES FROM SHAKSPEARE, de- MUDIE'S (Rowr.) HISTORY OF BRITISH signed principally for the Use of Young Persons, BIRDS, or the Feathered Tribes of the British (written by Miss and Charles Lamb,) sixth Islands, 2 vols. 8vo. second edition, the plates edition, embellished with 20 large and beautiful beautifully coloured, extra cloth bds. elegantly gilt wood-out engravings, from designs by Harvey, on the backs, (pub. at £1. 8s) reduced to 16s fenp. 8vo, extra cloth, full gilt back (pub. at 1841 7s 6d) reduced to 66 1843 the enme, 2 vols. morocco, gilt edges, £1. 6s the same, in morocco extra, reduced to 10s " This is, without any exception, the most truly charming work on Ornithology which has bhberto ap- * One of the most useful and agreeable companions peared, from the days of Willoghby downwards. to the understanding of Shakspeare which have been Other authors describe, Medie paints; other authors produced. The youthful reader who is about to taste give the besk, Mudie the kernel. We most heartily the charms of our great Bard, is strongly recommended concur with the opinion expressed of this work by to prepare himself by first reading these elegant tales, Leigh Hunt (a kindred spirit) in the first few numbers of which in a short cumpass, and adopting as much as his rigtit pleasant London Journal. The descriptions of possible the language of the great original, give each Bewick, Pennant. Lewin, Montage, and even Wilson, plot and story in a most impressive manner. Even will not for an instant stand comparison with the spirit- those who are familiar with every line of the original, stirring emanations of Madie's living pen,' as it has will be delighted with the pleasing and compendious well been called. We are not acquainted with any way in which the story of each play is here presented other author who so felicitously unites beauty of style to them."- Quarterly Review with strength and nerve of expression--he does not spe- LIFE OF CHRIST, in the Words of the Evan- cily, tie paints." Wood's Ornithological Guide. gelists, 18mo. 28 pretty woodcuts, extra cloth, NULENT'S FRENCH DICTIONARY--See Foreign Litera- ture. gilt edges, (pub. at 45) reduced to 38 PERCY'S TALES OF THE KINGS OF ENG- Tilt, 1837 LAND; Stories of Camps and Battle-Fields, LOUDON'S (Mrs.) IMPROVED EDITION OF Wars, and Victories (modernized from Holin- ENTERTAINING NATURALIST, shed, Froissart, and the other Chroniclers), being popular Descriptions, Tales, and Anec- 2 vols. in 1, sq. 12mo. (Parley size). Fourth dotes of more than Fe Hundres Animals, som- Edition, considerably improved, completed to prehending all the Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, the present time, embellished with 16 exceedingly Reptiles, Insects, &c. of which a knowledge is beautiful wood engravings ; extra red cloth, full indispensable in Polite Education; with In- gilt, with gilt edges, (pub. at 98) reduced to 6s dexes of Scientific and Popular Names, an 1846 explanation of Terms, and an Appendix of This beantial volume has enjoyed a large share of Fabulous Animals, illustrated by upwards of success, and deservedly. 400 beautiful woodcuts by Bewick, Harvey, PINNOCK'S(WM.)COMPREHENSIVE GRAM. Whimper, and others, new edition, revised, en- MAR OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY AND larged, and corrected to the present state of HISTORY, for the use of Schools and for Pri- Zoological Knowledge, in 1 thick vol. post vate Tuition, in one thick vol. 18mo, teith nume- Svo, elegantly bound in gilt cloth, 7:6d 1843 rous Maps, Views, and Costumes, finely engraved the same, in morocco extra, 12 on steel, (PORTIETH THOUSAND), neatly bound in This new and handsome edition is likely to become 1845 the most popular work of the kind, having been con COMPREHENSIVE GRAMMAR OF AN- siderably enlarged and improved both in text and CIENT GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY, for plates. MANGNALL'S HISTORICAL AND MISCEL- the use of Schools and for Private Tuition, LANEOUS QUESTIONS, new 18mo. with Maps, Views, and Costumes, finely Pictorial Edition, by the Rev. Ingram Cobbin, 12mo. engraved on steel, new edition, meatly bound in 1845 embossed roan, 4x Bd roan, (pub. at 5s 6d) reduced to 4s 6d COMPREHENSIVE GRAMMAR OF SA- MARTIN AND WESTALL'S PICTORIAL CRED GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY, for HISTORY OF THE BIBLE, the letterpress the use of Schools and for Private Tuition, by the Rev. Hobart Caunter, 8vo. 144 extremely 18mo, with Maps, Views, and Costumes, finely beautiful wood engravings by the first Artista (in- engraved on steel, new edition, neatly bound in cluding reduced copies of Martin's celebrated raun, (pub. at 68 6d) reduced to 4s 6d 1845 Pictures, " Belshatar's Feast, the Deluge, Fall of -COMPREHENSIVE GRAMMAR OF THE Nineveh," etc. etc.) boumd in cloth, full gilt backs, ENGLISH LANGUAGE, with Exercises ; gilt edges, reduced to 12 1846 written in a familiar style, accompanied with the same, whole bound morocco, richly gilt, gilt Questions for Examination, and Notes Critical edges, 188 A most elegant present to young people, and Explanatory, intended for the use of Schools, 12mo. ran, (pub. at 5s 6d) reduced to MINSTRELSY OF THE WOODS, or Sketches and 4s6d 1845 Songs connected with the Natural History of *. These four expital School Books will in future some of the most interesting British and be supplied with greater regularity than heretofore, Foreign Birds, (by Miss WARING, of Selborne) and not be allowed to remain out of print for an hour. post 8vo, with 17 coloured plates of Birds, green RICHARDSON'S GEOLOGY ron The trade will inneh oblige by giving them attention. BEGIN cloth, richly gilt, (pub. at 98) reduced to 6s NERS, second edition, considerably enlarged 1832 and improved, one thick vol. post 8vo. illus- MITFORD'S (M18) TALES AND STORIES FOR trated by upwards of 260 deuts, cloth lettered, YOUNG PEOPLE, selected from American 1843 (pub. at 10s 6d) reduced to 7s 60 Writers, for Children above ten years of age, 3 RURAL SCENES, OR A PEEP INTO THE COUN- vols. 12mo, gilt cloth, edges cut, (pub, at 10s 6d) TRY, new edition, with 88 fine toodeuts, 12mo, reduced to 38 1835 1845 cloth gilt, 2s6d MORE'S (FLANNAN) SACRED DRAMAS, Prac- Attributed to the talented authors of Original tical Piety, and other Works-- See Theology. Pocus. roan, 5s 6d 34 JUVENILE AND ELEMENTARY BOOKS, GYMNASTICS, ETC. . ROBERTS'S PINNOCK IMPROVED; or Ele- author of the Tales of the Great and Brave;' some ments of Modern Geograpby and General of the short poems are very beautiful. The woodeuts are really gems, aneh a but a few years ago would History, on a new and popular plan; with have astonished the publie in works of far higher pre Questions for Examination. To which are tensions. "Argus. added, Rules for the Construction of Maps, WAKEFIELD'S (PRISCILLA) JUVENILE TRA- third edition, revised and enlarged, 12mo. VELLERS, a Tour throughout Europe, a new illustrated by 12 maps and 73 views, and other edition corrected to the present time, 12mo. engravings, neatly bound in roan, lettered, (pub. map, half bound, 65 1845 at 7s) reduced to 5s 1843 -FAMILY TOUR through the British Empire, This is a new edition of a very elegant and clever work, on an admirable plan, and well calculated for new edition, corrected to the present time, beneficial instruction. It differs from others on the 12mo, half bound, 6s 1845 same subject, by the greater variety and copiousness of INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. Eleventh its historical details." - Literary Gazette. Edition with considerable Additions, and an ROBINSON CRUSOE, including his further Ad- Introduction to the Natural Arrangements of ventures, with Life of Defoe, &c. upwards of Plants, post 8vo. with 10 plates, containing 216 60 fine woodcuts, from designs by Harvey and figures BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED ; extra cloth, Whimper, fcap. 8vo. new and much improved (pub. at 8s) reduced to 5s 1841 edition, Just Published, with additional cuts, cloth, emblematically gilt, (pub. at 8s) reduced to 6s The colouring and boarding of these coples are very superior to those now in the trade. 1844 The only small edition which is complete. WALKER'S DEFENSIVE EXERCISES, (Fenc- ing, Wrestling, Boxing, Broad Sword, Gun, SADLER'S YOUTH'S CHURCH GUIDE to the &c.) 12mo, with above 100 illustrations, cloth gilt, Principles of Protestant Christianity, as 1842 founded on the Doctrines of Christ and his (pub. at 8s) reduced to 45 Apostles, and embodied in the Ritual of the WOOD-NOTES FOR ALL SEASONS (on Tux English Church ; illustrated by the Collects, POETRY OF BIRDS) a Series of Songs and Sacred Poetry, and explanatory Notes. Also, Poems for Young People, contributed by Barry the Church of Rome proved not to be the Cornwall, Won DSWORTA, Moore, Coleridge, earliest Church in this country; with the Campbell, Joanna Baillie, Eliza Cook, Mary Errors of Romanism set forth, 12mo. extra Howitt, Mas. Hxxans, Hogg, Charlotte Smith, cloth bds. (pub, at 3s) reduced to 2s &c. &c. fenp. 8vo. very prettily printed, with 16 STRICKLAND'S (M158) EDWARD EVELYN, beautiful wood engravings, extra cloth, gilt edges, a Tale of the Rebellion of 1745; to which is (pub. at 3s 6d) reduced to 2: 1842 added, "The Peasant's Tale," by Jefferys YOUNG LADY'S BOOK, a Manual of Elegant Taylor, fcap. 8vo, two fine plates, extra cloth, full Recreations, Exercises, and Pursuits, sixth gilt back, (pub.at 58) reduced to 2s 6d 1843 edition, thick fcap. 8vo, several hundred platus, By the popular Author of the Lives of the Queens of England. very elegantly and expensively bound in crimson TAYLOR'S LIFE OF JESUS, addressed to the satin, gilt edges, (pub. at £1. Is) reduced to 12. 1842 Young, 12mo. frontispiece, gilt cloth extra, gilt edges, (pub. at 3s 6d) reduced to 2s 6d Containing: Moral Deportment; The Plorlat; Mi. W. Smith, 1840 neralogy ; Conchology: Entomoloty: The Aviary: An excellent little volume for young people, which The Tollet; Embroidery: The Bacritoire : Painting : may be recommended to the pious of all classes. Musl; Dancing: Archery: Riding: The Ornamental (JANE AND EMILY) ORIGINAL POEMS YOR Artist, (modelling in clay, Wax, Pasteboard, and Glass, Casting, Painting on Glass and Velvet, Orieu- INFANT MINDS, 2 vols. 18mo. cloth lattered, tal Tinting, Lithography, &e.) 35 Harvey and Dalton, 1845 YOUNG ENGLAND'S LITTLE LIBRARY ; * RHYMES FOR THE NURSERY, 18mo. cloth Collection of Original Tales for Children, in lettered, (pub, at 3s) reduced to ls ib. 1845 Prose and Verse, by Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Howitt, LIMED TWIGS TO CATCH YOUNG Albert Smith, Mr. Gaspey, the Author of the BIRDS, sq. 18mo, cloth lettered, 2s 6d ib. 1845 " New Tale of Tub," and other authors, “The Mins Taylors are the best nursery lyrists. Their verses for children have never been surpassed, handsomely printed in small 4to. illustrated with scarcely equalled indeed--for the happy union of fancy upwards of 80 very large and clever engravings on and precept, the simplicity and intelligibility of the wood and stone, moral and humorous, richly orna- ideas and words, and the fluenry and conciseness of mented cloth, gilt edges, (pub. at 10.6d) reduced the rhymes."-Spectator. TIMPSON'S (Rxv. T.) MOTHER WITH HER to 760 1844 FAMILY, being Scriptural Exercises, Prayers, YOUTH'S (Tu) HANDBOOK OF ENTER- and Hymns for Children, every Sunday Even- TAINING KNOWLEDGE, in a series of ing. To which are added, Hannah More's Familiar Conversations on the most interesting Counsels to Mothers in teaching Religion to Productions of Nature and Art, and on other their Children, 18mo. frontispiece, extra cloth Instructive Topies of Polite Education. By a boards, devotional figure gilt on the side, (pub. at Lady, (M28. PALLIER, the Sister of Capt. 2s 6d) reduced to ls 6d 1841 Marryat), 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. woodcuts, extra TYTLER'S (Miss) HYMNS AND SKETCHES 1X loth boards, gilt, (pub, at 15:) reduced to 6 VERSE (for training the young mind), 16mo. 1844 with 8 beautiful wood engravings; cloth elegant, This is a very clever and instructive book, adapted gilt edges, (pub, at 4s 6d) reduced to 31846 to the expacities of young people, on the plan of the "A child's book of a very superior character, by the Conversations on Chemistry, Mineraloey, Botany, kt. ADDITIONS. HOWITT'S (MARY) CHILD'S PICTURES AND VERSE BOOK, commonly called “Otto Speckter's Fable Book ;" translated into English Verse, with French and German Verses opposite, YORMING A TRIGLOTT, square 12mo, with one hundred large wood engravings, extra boards, gilt edges, (pub, at 10s 6d) reduced to 5: 1845 This is one of the most clegant 'avenile books ever produced, and has the novelty of being in three language, Musir and Musical works. A GUINEA AND success. THE MUSICAL LIBRARY, a Selection of the MUSICAL CABINET AND HARMONIST, a best Vocal and Instrumental Music, both Eng- Collection of Classical and Popular Vocal and lish and Foreign, edited by W. Ayrton, Esq. of Instrumental Music; comprising Selections the Opera House. 8 vols. folio, comprehending from the best productions of all the Great Mas- more than Four Hundred pieces of Music, beutt ters; English, Scotch, and Irish Melodies; tifully printed with metallic types, (pub. at £4.45) with many of the National Airs of other Coun- reduced to £1. Ils 6d tries, embracing Overtures, Marches, Rondos, the same, 8 vols. in 4, neatly half bound, mo- Quadrilles, Waltzes, and Gallopades; also, *occo, emblematically gilt on the sides, (pub, at Madrigals, Duets, and Glees; the whole adap- £6. 16s 6d) reduced to £2. 16s ted either for the Voice, the Piano-forte, the Harp, or the Organ; with Pieces occasionally The Vocal and Instrumental may be had separately, for the Flute and Guitar; under the superin- cach in 4 vols, at 163 tendence of an eminent Professor ; 4 vols. The cheapest and perhaps the best collection of small folio, comprehending more than three hun- Masie ever offered to the public in the same compass. dred Pieces of Music, beautifully printed with me- RIGHT FOLIO VOLUMS FOR tallic types, (pub, at £2, 23) reduced to 163 HALF is little more than the price of waste paper : yet the collection is extremely valuable, and comprehends or bound in 2 vols, half morocco, (pub. £1. 108) many of the most admired OLD ENGLISH Songs, reduced to £1. 108 GLEES, MADRIGALS, as well as INSTRUMENTAL PIECES; The great sale of the MUSICAL LORARY in conse- and some of the best ITALIAN AND GERMAN MUSIC, quence or its extremely low price, has induced the (the latter provided with English words) both vocal and instrumental, ancient and modern, In all there Advertiser to purchase the present capital selection, and adopt the same plan of selling it at a very small are upwards of 400 pieces, which, taken at only one profit. As the contents are quite different from the shilling each, and this is much less than one-fourth of Musical Library, and the intrinsic merit of the selec- what many of them could be bought for separately, tion is equal, the work will no doubt meet with similar would amount to no less than £20. AXONG THE COMPOSERS' WORKS CONTAINED IN THIS A MOIX DESIRABLE PRESENT TO THE LOVIR OF COLLECTION ARE THOSX op- MUSIC DOES NOT EXIST. Arne Donizetti leibling Purcell Asioli Dussek Iedersdorf Raleigh Fascit Among the Composers' Works contained in it are-Attwood Ling Reissiger Amber Field Lock Richard Bach Foreith Loder Kalkbrenner Pinto Arne Romagnesi Dibdin Barnett Gabrielska Rossini Arnold Piozzi Ludwig Döhler Kalliwoda Gail Lother Rousseau Bartholdy Donizetti Asioli Keller Plachy Basili Gattie Mactarren Koch Pleyel Atterbury Dowland Ryan Bassi Gauntlett Pollini Marchen Attwood Scarlatti Drobisch Krumphol Dessek Kolan Parcell Beethoven Goethe Bach Schierdermair May Bennett Graham Michel Schubert Daildon Eberwein Labarre Ravenscroft Greene Berbiguier Melesville Shield Reissiger Battisbill Fitu-berbert Leveridge Bird Ricci Gretry Mercadante Bauingarten Ford Spohr Lindpainter Handel Metz Beethoven Stiebelt Gail Blangini Ries Linley Boccherini Linwood Storace Bellini Gastolat Righini Hargreaves Meyerbeer Boieldien Hayden Strauss Morlley Berg Lock Romberg Geary Carara Moscheles Thibault Geminiani Lowe Berger Rossini Hayda Herold Mozart Carey Thomson Giardini Bertoni Maris Rousseau Herrick Chorley Toche Bierey Martini Oglasky Gibbons Rappe Choron Hera Sacchini Paer Blow Vacea) Giordani Mayer Cimarosa Himmel Balomon Paisiello Boccherini Vedegal Michal Giornovich Cladius Horncastle Mendelssohn Sarti Weber Parry Boieldien Gluck Cooke Himmel White Payer Bononcini Mercadante Bavile Gollnick Hunter Paodleton Caerny Weigl Graell Boyce Meyerbeer Schnyder Davison Jewson Wilms Phillips Callcott Schobert Gretry Morley Kalkbrenner Pinto Winter Day Camera Gyrowe Mornington, Schroeter kuter Dessauer Pixis Zimmermaa Carey Earl of, Handel Schubert Moscheles Diabelli Carpentier Harrington Shield Labitsky Playford Dibdin Lanner Potter Carter Moxart Smith Hayden Cavendish Hayda Müller Spotforth BINGLEY'S SELECT VOCALIST, containing Cherubini Hayes Nares Spor upwards of 180 Popular Songs, Glees, Catches, Cimarosa Her Neukomm Steibelt Clementi Himmel Oginsky and Daets, by eminent Composers, with the Storace Cook Hoffman Onslow Szymanowska Music and Accompaniments for the Pianoforte, Cooke Home Pacini Travers 2 vols, 12mo. entirely engraved on steel, with Corelil Hoogstraaten Paer Vogler Corle numerous illustrations, embased roan, gilt edges, Horsley Paisiello Webbe Howard Couperin 1844 Palestrina Weber (pub, at 18s) reduced to 8 Cramer Huber Paradies Weelkes MUSICAL FORGET ME NOT, a Collection of Croce Hummel Pasquall Wilbye Vocal Music, with Pianoforte Acopmpanimerts, D'Alary Hanter Paxton Winter Danby imperial 4to, with 3 lithographie plates, (pub. ut Jackson Pepusch Woel Dejazet Jomelli Piantanida Zeiter 1831 138) bài, đa 6 36 MUSIC AND MUSICAL WORKS. more. 3. Alone with me their voices. GARLAND OF SCOTIA: 8 Musical Wreath, MELODIES, by Mrs. Alex. Kerr; containing containing upwards of 120 of the best Scottish Twelve original Songs, Glees, &c. dedicated by Songs, with Musical Accompaniments, adapted command to Queen Adelaide, folio, with 3 illus- for the Voice, Flute, Violin, &c. edited by trations after Chalon, &c. boards, (pub. at 158) J. Turnbull, and P. Buchan, imperial 8vo. reduced to 35 cloth lettered, (pub. at 12s) reduced to 3s 6d 1. "Tis sweet to muse. Glasgow, 1841 T. Merrily, merrily! 2. I'll love thee ever- HOGARTH'S MEMOIRS OF THE MUSICAL Boat Glee, for 3 voices. 8. Serenade. DRAMA, 2 vols. 8vo. illustrated by capital 9. Strike the lyre Portraits, including Mad. Mara, Farinelli, Dr. mem'ry be. Boat Glee, for three 4. Oh! slamber on. Arne, Mrs. Billington, Catalani, 8c. ertra cloth, 5. Song of a Circassian 10. Patriotie Swiss Song, (pub. at £1. 8s) reduced to 8s. 1838 --Ire'er one sadden for three voices. *** Mr. Hogarth's assiduity in collecting materials of ing thought of me. 11. Departed Hours. musical history, his judgment in selecting what most 6. Oh! wherefore am 12. My Father-land. deserved public notice, and his general skill and taste I lonelyt in criticism, are already well known and appreciated. A new work from his hand, therefore, in which MUSICAL BIJOU; containing Songs, Ballads, and rapid view should be given of the origin, progress, and history of the musical drama to our own day, cannot Tales, by Bayly, Wordsworth, Mrs. Hemans, fail to arrest more than common attention. Such is Mrs. Norton, Planché, &o., with Melodies, the work before us, and it is sure to fill up a very Quadrilles, Waltzes, &c. by Herz, Parry, popular link in the chain of musical publication." Literary Gazette Neukomm, Rodwell, Bishop, Weippert, Beet- “ Under Mr. Hogarth's pleasant guidance, we pass doven, Barnett, Lover, Novello, Thalberg, with delight through the spiendid, artificial, but most Jullien, Cramer, Strauss, Czerny, Sir John fascinating domain of the Lyric Drama. We have no Stevenson, &c. &c. six various volumes, 4to. hesitation in pronouncing him the very man to be- come popular, as a diligent collector, an unprejudiced published between 1830 and 1840, each volume judge, and a chronicler totally free from professional embellished with fine lithographs, boards, (each pub. taint. He brings general scholarship and cultivation at 15s) reduced to 3s to his task, and has produced a very instructive as well as entertaining work."-Atheneum. MUSICAL GEM; A COLLECTION OF NEARLY KNIGHT'S MUSICAL CLASSICS, folio, sewed, THREE HUNDRED MODERN AND FAvorite Sonos, GLEES, a Selection of Forty-four Compositions by Dusts, Glens, &e, by the most celebrated Com- Arnold, Atterbury, Baildon, Battishill, Berg, posers of the Present Day, adapted for the Callcott, Cooke, Danby, Fitzherbert, Hayes, Voice, Flute, or Violin (edited by Joun PARRY) Horsley, Lock, Mornington, Moscheles, 3 vols. in 1, 8vo. With a beautifully engraved title, Nares, Paxton, Spofforth, Smith, Stevens, and a VERY RICHLY ILLUMINATED FRONTISPIECX, and Webbe; arranged for Soprano as well as red turkey cloth, full gilt back and sides, (pub, at other voices, to each of which is added an £1. ls) reduced to 10s 64 1845 ad libitum Piano-forte Accompaniment, 2 The above capital collection contains a great num- parts, (pub. at 15s) reduced to 9 ber of the best copyright pleces, including some of MADRIGALIAN FxAst, a Collection of Twenty the most popular Songs of Brabam, Bishop, be. It forms a most attractive volume. Madrigals, for Soprano and other Voices, selected chiefly from the Works of the great MUSICAL TALISMAN; containing Sixteen ori. Masters of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth ginal Songs by Haynes Bayly, Mrs. Cornwall Centuries, viz. Bennett, Cavendish, Croce, Baron Wilson, Planché, Miss Mitford, &c. &o; Conversi, Dowland, Ford, Gastoldi, Orlando the Music by Herz, Barnett, Bishop, Rodwell, Gibbons, Morley, Palestrina, Ward, Weelkes, Parry, Cramer, Linley, and Moschelles, 4to. and Wilbye; to each of which is added an ad with 3 fine plates, gilt boards, (pub. at 101) re- libitum Piano-forte accompaniment, (pub. at duced to 45 1835 7s 6d) reduced to 4s6d MUSIC BY PRINCE ALBERT.-Songs and HAYDEN'S TWELVE CANZONETS, together with “O Ballads written and set to Music by His Royal Tuneful Voice," the Spirit Song, and four Highness Prince Albert, and Prince Ernest, German Songs, with English Words, (pub, at impl. 4to, containing Fourteen Songs, the words 5s) reduced to 3s 6d in English and German), with a BEAUTIYULLY EN. LITTLE LAYS FOR LITTLE LEARNERS, GRAVED PORTRAIT OY Prince Aloxat, stiff comprising of a Set of Easy Songs, suited to covers, with leather back, (pub. at 124) reduced the Comprehension and Capabilities of Young 1840 Beginners, the Music by Edward F. Rouault, 4to. frontispiece, bourds, (pub at 6s) reduced 1. Parewell to Home 10. All silent were the fous- 2. To my Brother 3. Italian Song 11. Come, dearest, come MEMOIRS AND LETTERS OF THE LATE 4. The Bark dashes wildly 12. How sweet this hour of MADAME MALIBRAN, by the Countess de 5. The Wandering Harper pure devotion Merlin and other intimate friends; with No- 6. Sleep, 0 Sleep 13. As the bark dashes wildly 7. Say, sleepeat thon, Lovet tices of the Progress of the Musical Drama in 8. To an absent Priend 14. The star of splendour England, 2 vols. post 8vo. second edition, por 9. Yonder, thou shalt Sud trait, extra cloth, (pub. at £1. 1.) reduced to 6s the blessing 1844 ADDITIONS. MUSICAL BIJOU FOR 1846, an Album of Music and Poetry, edited by F. H. Burney, folio, embellished with fwe large and extremely beautiful illuminations in the Missal style, by Brandard, viz: Frontispiece, Title, Contents, Dedication, and Cover ; bound, with a leather back and gilt edges, painted sides, (pub, at 188) reduced to 126, to 5s to 3 Theology, Erclesiastical history, and Morals. ADAMS'S EXPOSITION OF THE SECOND BINNING'S (REV. HUGH) WORKS, collected EPISTLE GENERAL OF ST. PETER, one and edited by the Rev. M. Leishman, complete large vol. imperial Bvo, extra cloth, boards, £1. 1s in one vol. impl. 8vo. extra cloth, 12s 1842 1842 * An old scotch writer, well worth reading. Bichersteth. ALEXANDER'S CONGREGATIONAL LEC. TURE ON THE CONNEXION AND HAR-BLACKLEY'S (REV.T.) PRACTICAL SER- MONY OF THE OLD AND NEW TES. MONS, chiefly designed for Family Reading, TAMENTS, being an Inquiry into the Relation, 3 vols, post 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub, at 16s 6d) reduced to 6s 1826 Parts of the Sacred Volume stand to each other, BLAIR'S SERMONS, with an Account of the Life and Character of the Author, by Dr. Finlayson, 8vo. handsomely printed; extra cloth, (pub, at 125) reduced to 75 new edition, complete in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth lettered, 1841 BAKEWELL'S (F. C.) NATURAL EVIDENCE BROWN'S (Dr.) ANTIQUITIES OF THE TEWS, (pub. at 12s) reduced to 7s 6d 1845 OF A FUTURE LIFE, derived from the carefully compiled from authentic sources, and Properties and Actions of Animate and Inani- their Customs illustrated from Modern Travels; mate Matter, a contribution to Natural Theology, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo, maps, cloin gilt, (pub. designed as a Sequel to the Bridgewater Treatises, at £1. 4s) reduced to 10s 6d 1826 2nd edit. 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub. at 12x) re- ** The most elaborate system of Jewish Antiquities duced to 4s 6d 1840 extant in the English Language."--HORNE. BAXTER' S (RICHARD) PRACTICAL BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, quite com- WORKS, with an Account of the Author, and plete, including the Third Part, with a Life and an Essay on his Gerius, Works, and Times, 4 numerous explanatory Notes by the Rev. T. vols, imperial 8vo. portrait, extra cloth, (pub, at Scott, fcap. 12mo. eleguntly printed on fine uove £4.4s) reduced to 12 12s 6d 1845 paper, and embellished with 25 fine full-sised " When we look to the immense superiority of Bax. wood-cuts by Harvey, containing all in Southey's ter's writings, considered in a mere literary point of view, and with reference to his genuine English diction, edition, also a fine front, and vignette, extra cloth and his impressive and original style, over the great boards, 3s 60 1844 mass of religious treatises which are daily coming from BURNET'S (BP.) LIVES AND CHARACTERS the press, we think that the republication now made (of Sir Mathew Hale, Lord Rochester, Robert will ineet with an extensive circulation." Aberdeen Constitution. Boyle, Abp. Leighton, and others) with his Ad- " Baxter may not improperly be called the English dress to Posterity, and Five Unpublished Letters Demosthenes." Doddridge's Lecture on Preaching. by Anne, Countess Dowager of Rochester, upon BIBLE (THE HOLY), Cabinet Pictorial Edition, her Son's Conversion; edited, with an elaborate with Notes by the Rev. Hobart Caunter, em- Introduction and Notes by Bisitor Jenn, 8vo. bellished with 145 fine wood-engravings by Westall best edition, cloth lettered, (pub.at 10:6d) reduced and Martin, also several maps, medium 8vo. cloth, to 75 1833 full gilt back and sides, (pub, at £1. 11s 6d) re- This is by far the best edition of this sterling volume. duced to 10s6d The five unpublished letters, which have been for more the same, calf gilt, or embessed roan, gilt edges, than a hundred and ifty years a desideratam to the reading and religious pablie, will be found extremely (pub, at £1. 168) reduced to 14s Interesting. the same, morocco, super extra, richly gilt, (pub. Rishop Barnet's short but exquisite " Address to at £2. 5s) reduced to £1. Posterity will be read and re-read, with fresh im- BICKERSTETH'S COMPANION TO THE provement and delight, as long as the English lau- enage lasts. BAPTISMAL FONT, 18mo, cloth lettered, The Life of Rochester is a work which the critia (pub. at 2s) reduced to Is Od 1842 ought to read for its elegance, the philosopher for its BIDDULPH'S (REV. THOMAS) LECTURES arguments, and the saint for ita piety-Dr. Johnsox. ON THE 51st PSALM, delivered in the Parish BURROUGHS' (JEREMIAH) EXPOSITION Church of St. James, Bristol ; with a discourse OF THE PROPHECY OF HOSEA, with a on Personal Assurance of Salvation, second edi- brief Notice of the Author, one large vol, impl. tion, 12mo, cloth lettered, (pub, at 6.) reduced to 8vo. extra cloth boards £l. ls 1843 360 Seeley, 1835 The Rev. E. Bickensteth, recommends this as a BINGHAM'S (REV. JOSEPH) WORKS, con- very practical and doctrinal work. TAINING THE ORIGINES ECCLESIASTICÆ, RARE JEWEL OF CHRISTIAN CON- or ANTIQUITIES OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, new TENTMENT, 18mo, portrait, extra cloth, (pub. and improved edition, carefully revised, with an at 4s) reduced to as 1845 enlarged index, 2 large vols. imperial 8vo. hand- ** Jeremiah Barroughs was a Puritan writer of much somely printed, extra cloth £1. 11s 6d plety, good sense, and evangelical matter. BICKAT TR. Just Published, 1846 ** This famous treatise and invaluable jewel of Blugham is a writer who does equal honour to the Christian plety bas been spoken or in the highest terms English clergy and to the English nation, and whose by Goodwin, Simpson, Greenhill, Bridge and all the learning is only to be equalled by his moderation and most celebrated writers of the time. impartiality Quarterly Rele. Most strongly and vehemently do I recommend BUTLER'S LIVES OF THE SAINTS, complete Ringham's Antiquities of the Christian church; he in 2 large vols royal 8vo, with 22 plates, extra jusly ranks among onr brightest Church luminaries. cloth bds. (pub, at £2. 2s) reduced to £1.78 Jortin kuew the value of his labours Gibbon stole from them, and they have been translated and reves Stereotyped editon, Dublin 1836 renced all over the continent. Dibdin. The twenty-two plates are additional 38 THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. are extracted from the CALMET'S DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE WITH dences of Christianity ; Paley's Horæ Pauline ; THE BIBLICAL FRAGMENTS, BY THE LATE Jenyus' Internal Evidence of the Christian Re- CHARLES TAYLOR, 5 vols. 4to. ILLUSTRATED BY ligion ; Leslie's Truth of Christianity demon- 202 COPPER-PLATE ENGRAVINGS, EIGHTH GREATLY strated; Leslie's Short and Easy Method with ENLARGED EDITION, beautifully printed on fine wove the Deists; Leslie's Short and Easy Method paper, strongly bound in gilt cloth, (pub.at with the Jews: Chandler's Plain Reasons for £10. 10s) reduced to £5.58 1840 being a Chrisian ; Lyttelton on the Conversion * An invaluable treasury of Biblical lore, and a of St. Paul ; Campbell's Dissertation on Mira- stupendous monument of literary industry. cles; Sherlock's Trial of the Witnesses, with “In this improved state, Mr. Taylor's edition of Calmet's Dictionary is indispensably necessary to Sequel; West on the Resurrection, in 1 vol. every Biblical Student. The additions, made under royal 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub, at 148) reduced to the title of "Fragments, 105 1845 most rare and authentic Voyages and Travels (ancient and modern) into Judæa and other Oriental countries : CHRISTIAN TREASURY; consisting of the fol- and comprehend an assemblage of curious and illas- trative descriptions, explanatory or Scripture incidents, lowing Expositions and Treatises, edited by customs, and manners, which could not possibly be Memes, viz:-Magee's Discourses and Disser explained by any other medium. The numerous en. tations on the Scriptural Doctrines of Atonement gravings throw great light on Oriental customs." and Sacrifice; Witherspoon's Practical Treatise HORNE. CALMET'S DICTIONARY OF THE HOLY BIBLE, on Regeneration; Boston's Crook in the Lot; abridged, one large vol. impl. 8vo. wood-cuts and Guild's Moses Unveiled; Guild's Harmony of all the Prophets; Less's Authenticity, Uncor- maps, extra cloth, f1. 1845 CAMPBELL'S (Dr.) DISSERTATION ON THE rupted Preservation, and Credibility of the New MIRACLES, with his Sermons and Tracts; Testament; Stuart's Letters on the Divinity of with an Examination of the Principles ad- Christ ; in 1 vol. royal 8vo, cloth lettered, (pub. 1844 vanced by David Hume, Esq.; also a Corres-CHRISTIAN LITER TURE, (in detached portions) at 12s) reduced to 8 pondence on the Subject by Hume, Campbell, a Series of Standard Text Books on Christian and Blair, 8vo. cloth extra, (pub. at 10s 6d) re- duced to 3s 6d Faith and Practice, embracing the Evidences 1823 CARY'S TESTIMONIES OF THE FATHERS and Doctrines of Christianity ; Exegetical Di- OF THE FIRST FOUR CENTURIES, TO THE CONSTI- vinity, or Expositions of Scripture; Practical Christianity; uniformly and handsomely printed TUTION AND DOCTRINES OF THE CHURCH OF Ex- LAND, as set forth in the XXXIX. Articles, 8vo. in royal 8vo, double columns. PLAN OY THE PUBLICATION. extra cloth, (pub. at 12s) reduced to 7s 6d Oxford, Talboys. The Works are uniformly printed, with a clear ** This work may be classed with those of Pearson readable type, in royal octavo; and each publication and Bishop Bull; and such a classification is not a embraces an entire and separate treatise under one or mean honour."-CHURCH OF ENGLAND QUARTERLY. other of the following divisions :- CECIL'S (Rev. R.) WORKS, with a Memoir of (1.) EVIDENCES-(2.) DOCTRINES-(3.) EXPOSI- his Life; arranged and revised, with a View of TIONS, and,-(4.) PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY. the Author's Character, by Josiah Pratt, B.D. This Series has been undertaken with the view of F.A.S. fourth edition, 2 vols. 8vo. handsomely bringing within the reach of all classes the best Works of the ablest writers on the most important and inter printed, portrait, cloth lettered, (pub. at £l. 4s) esting of all subjects. In order to secure accuracy, reduced to 16s Seeley, 1838 the proof sheets are carefully collated with the best "Cecil," says Bp. Jebb, was a man deservedly editions; and in no instance is the slightest abridg. distinguished among the evangelical clergymen of the ment or alteration of the author's text ventered upon. established church. He is remarkably original with The publications included in the CHRISTIAN LITERA- striking and judicious views.' His works are full TURE, are distinguished by their cheapness, their of the most striking and usefal observations on men elegance and accuracy, and above all, their sterling and scripture. They are eminently useful to minis- excellence. ters, and are perhaps some of the most valuable works that have been given to them in modern times."-Rev BOSTON'S Crook in the Lot, or the Sovereignty and E. BICKERSTETA. Wisdom of God in the Afflictions of Men, 9d CHARNOCK'S DISCOURSES UPON THE • CAMPBELL'S Dissertation on Miracles containing, an Examination of the Principles advanced in Hume's EXISTENCE AND ATTRIBUTES OF Essay on Miracles, 13 GOD, complete in one thick closely printed • CHÁNDLER'S Plain Reasons for being a Christian, id volume, 8vo. with portrait, extra cloth boards, + GUILD'S Moses Unveiled, or those Figures which served unto the Pattern and Shadow of Heavenly Things (pub. at 14s) reduced to 7s6d 1845 pointing out the Messiah, Christ Jesos, briefly ex- ** Perspicuity and depth; metaphysical sublimity plained; whereunto is added, the Harmony of all the and evangelical simplicity; immense learning, but Prophets, breathing with one Mouth the Mystery of his irrefragable reasoning, conspire to render this perform- Coming, and that Redemption which by his Death he ance one of the most inestimable productions that was to accomplish; to confirm the Christian, and con ever did honour to the sanctified judgment and genius vince the Jew, la of a human being."TOPLADY. HOPKIN'S Discourses concerning Sin: with the Doe "The writings of Charnock are full of seriptural trine of the Two Covenants, and of the Two Sacraments, interpretation, mixed with the most important doc- trinal and practical views. His style is generally chaste HOPKINS'S Discourses op Regeneration, or the New and easy, remarkably free from that verbosity and Birth; the All-sufficiency of Christ; the Excellency of clumsiness which so generally belonged to writers of Heavenly Treasures : Practical Christianity: the Am- his class and period." -OIME. rance of Heaven; and Salvation Glorifying God in his "In Charnock you will find substantial divinity, and Attributes, 3. 64 of the right sort."--MATHER'S STUDENT. HOPKINS'S Vanity of the World, and Practical Expo CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES; containing the fol- sition on the Lord's Prayer, 25 lowing esteemed Treatises; with Prefatory HOPKINS'S the Almost Christian Discovered, Discourses Memoirs by the Rev. J. S. Memes, LL.D., on Conscience, and on the Daty of Mortifications Death disarmned or its Sting, 2. od viz:-Watson's Apology for Christianity; HOPKIN'S Practical Expositions spon the Ten Commande Watson's Apology for the Bible ; Paley's Evi- mente; with Three Bertoas ou tlic Law, supplementary to the Exposition, 35 28 9d THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. 39 CHRISTIAN LITERATURE- continued. CRICHTON'S (A.) LIVES OF EMINENT CON VERTS FROM INFIDELITY; a Selection of HOPKINS'S Miscellaneous Sermons, 38 • JENKYNS'S (Soame) View of the Internal Evidence of the most remarkable Examples of those who the Christian Religiou; to which are annexed, Lord have renounced Libertine Principles and Scep- Lyttelton's Observations on the Conversion and Apos- tical Opinions, and embraced Christianity, in- tleship of St. Paul, Od • LESLIE'S Shurt and easy Method with the Deists, with cluding the Earl of Rochester, Lord Lyttelton, Letter from the Author to a Deist, od John Bunyan, Hon. Robert Royle, Soame LESLIE'S Short and Easy Method with the Jews, la Jenyns, Rev. John Newton, Count Struensee, • LESLIE'S Truth of Christianity demonstrated, in a Dis- Count Brandt, Gilbert West, Sir John Pringle, logue between Christian and a Deist; wherein the Case of the Jews is likewise considered, 6d Charles Gildon, Rev. R. Cecil, La Harpe, Dr. LESS'S (Prof.) Authenticity, Uncorrupted Preservation, Bateman, and Baron Haller, 2 vols. in 1, 18mo. and Credibility of the New Testament. Translated from the last edition of the German, by Roger King CROLY (Dr.) ON DIVINE PROVIDENCE, port. extra cloth (pub. at 7s) reduced to 3s 1837 don, A.M., St. John's College, Cambridge, 1x 60 + MAGEE'S Discourses and Dissertations on the Scriptural or the Three Cycles of Revelation ; shewing Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice, and on the prin the Parallelism, civil and religious, of the elpal Arguments advanced, and the mode of Reasoning Patriarcbal, Jewish, and Christian Eras; the employed, by the Opponents of those Doctrines a* bela by the Established Church with an Appendix, con- whole forming a new Evidence of the Divine taining some Strictares on Mr. Belsham's Account of Origin of Christianity, thick 8vo. extra cloth the Unitarian Scheme, 58 bds. (pub, at 158) reduced to 10 1834 PALEY'S View of the Evidences of Christianity, 2x 6d PALEY'S Hor Paulinse, or the Truth, of the Scriptore "To discover, in these late days, a new evidence of our holy religion, an evidence unsuspected and undis- History of St. Paul eviuced, 1x 6d + STUART'S (Prof. Moses) Letters on the Divinity of covered by all former theologians and scholars, proves the superior erudition and acuteness of the author. To Christ addressed, to the Rev. Dr. Channing, in answer to his Sermon** on the Doctrines of Christianity," ls 3d Dr. Croly belongs the high and lasting praise of lending new forces to the defenders of religion, and adding a • SHERLOCK'S (Bp.) Trial of th- Witnesses of the Resur- rection of Jesus, with the Seque, af the Trial, la ad new wing to the temple of the Christian Faith." Gent's Mag. SOUTH'S Sermons, complete in 8 parts, each 2 6d TAYLOR'S (Jeremy) Course or Sermons for all the sun. CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE TO THE OLD days in the year, Part I. 38 AND NEW TESTAMENT, and Apocrypha, the same, Part II. 2. Od impl. 8vo. BEST EDITION, portrait, extra cloth, Part IIT, being a Supplement to the Course of (pub, at 18.) reduced to 13s 1845 Sermons for the whole Year, containing Twelve Ser mons, explaining the Nature or Faith and Obedience, CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE TO THE OLD in relation to God, and the Ecclesiastical and Secular AND NEW TESTAMENT, revised and Powers, respectively, 21 64 condensed by G. K. Hannay, thick 18mo. TAYLOR'S (Jeremy) Rale and Exercises of Holy Living, containing the Whole Daty of a Christian, 24 beautifully printed, cloth lettered, (pub. at 6s) TAYLOR'S (Jeremy) Rule and Exercise of Holy Dying: reduced to 3s 6d 1844 to which are added Rules for the Visitation of the Bick, "An extremely pretty and very cheap edition. It lad contains all that is useful in the original work, omitting • WATSON'S(Bp.) Apology for Christianity, in a Series only prepositions, conjunctions, &c. which can never be or Letters to Gibbon; and his Apology for the Bible made available for purposes of reference. Indeed it is in Series of Letters to Thomas Paine, la 4d. all that the Scripture student can desire."--Guardian. • WEST'S (Gilbert) Observations on the History and DAILLE'S TREATISE ON THE RIGHT USE Evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, l: 60 OF THE FATHERS, in the Decision of Con. 1 WITHERSPOON'S Practical Treatise on Regeneration, la 20 troversies existing in Religion. Translated The above portions of the Series called "Chris from the French and revised by the Rev. T. tian Literature," are sold separately; those marked Smith. Now re-edited and amended, with a with a star (*) form part of the volume called " Chris tlan Evidences," those with an asterisk (t) are incinded Preface by the Rev. G. Jekyll, 8vo. extra cloth in the volume called " Christian Treasury." The others bds. (pub. at 78 6d) reduced to 5s 1843 form portions of the respective author & works, which The value of Daille's work is well known. It has of will be found in their places; ree Hopkins, South and late been constantly referred to in consequence of the Taylor, publications of the Oxford Tracts by Dr. Pusey and COBBIN'S (INGRAM) BOOK OF POPERY, others. It is an original and valuable treative, and had a considerable effect in diminishing the undue authority a Manual for Protestants, descriptive of the of the Fathers. "It is a work." says Bp Warburton. Origin, Progress, Doctrines, Rites, and Cere. ** of uncominon learning and strength of argument. It brought the Fathers from the Bench to the table, and monies of the Papal Church, 18mo. Afth edition, may be truly said to be the storehouse from whence with 12 wood engravings; cloth lettered. (pub, at all who have since written popularly on the character 28) reduced to ls 6d 1840 of the Fathers, have derived their materials. The COGHLAN'S POPULAR COMPANION TO THE present edition has been revised throughout, and is STUDY OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, (dedi- DAILLE'S EXPOSITION OF THE EPISTLES handsomely printed. cated by command to Queen Adelaide). 8vo. OF ST. PAUL TO THE PHILIPPIANS illustrated with upward of Nyty wood-cut engra. AND COLOSSIANS, with a Memoir of his vings, bound in cloth, lettered, edges cut, (pub, at Life, impl 8vo. extra cloth bds. 12s 6d 1841 123) reduced to 4s 6d 1843 Still held in the highest estimationLorendes CONDER'S VIEW OF ALL RELIGIONS DE WETTE'S CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL NOW EXTANT AMONG MANKIND. INTRODUCTION TO THE CANONICAL with their internal Diversities of Creed and SCRIPTURES of the Old Testament, translated Profession, thick 8vo. extra cloth, 12: 1838 from the German by T. Parker, 2 vols. 8vo. COOK'S (Dr.) GENERAL AND HISTORICAL cloth lettered, (a Arst rate work) (pub. at £1.168) VIEW OF CHRISTIANITY, comprehending reduced to £1. 45 1843 its Origin and Progress; the leading Doetrinos DODDRIDGES FAMILY EXPOSITOR, or and Forms of Polity founded on it, and the Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament, Effect which it has produced on the Moral and with critical Notes; with Memoirs of the Political State of Europe, 3 vols. 8vo. extra cloth, Author by Job Orton and Dr. Kippis, impl (pub, at £1. 168) reduced to 12 1822 8vo. cloth lettered, 165 1839 40 THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS, DODDRIDGE'S MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, Francis Close, Henry Blunt, Arclideacon Wil- containing his Rise and Progress of Religion in berforce, Ed. and J. Bickersteth, Hugh Stowell, the Soul ; Life of Col. Gardiner; Lectures on J. S. Grimshawe,) 2 thick vols. 8vo, extes sloth, Pneumatology, Ethics, and Divinity ; Sermons; (pub, at £1. 8s) reduced to 10s 6d 1834 Lectures on Preaching ; Hymns : Tracts; etc; | FINNEY'S LECTURES ON REVIVALS OF with an Introductory Essay by the Rev. T. RELIGION, Thirteenth Edition, with Notes Morell, of Coward College, impl. 8vo. cloth and Memoir, 8vo, cloth bds. (pub, at 98) reduced lettered, 188 1839 to 3s 60 1840 EDGAR'S VARIATIONS OF POPERY of this excellent and popular work foriginally pub- lished in America) many thousana copies have been Second Edition, revised and enlarged, in one sold. The present is the only complete one published closely printed volume, 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub. in this country, at 12s) reduced to 6s Seeley, 1838 FLAVELS SERMONS; viz. Fountain of Life, or The object of this very learned and able book is the Forty-two Discourses on the Person and Work same in respect to Popery that Bossuet's is to Protes- of Christ; and Method of Grace, or Thirty- tantism. It is divided into 17 books, under the follow- ing heads, in the course of which most of the principal seven Discourses on the Principal Doctrines of Popish writers are examined-I. Popes; 2. Councils; Christianity, complete in 2 thick vols. 8vo. extra 3. Supremacy; 4. Infallibility: 5. Deposition of Kings; cloth, (pub. at £1.4s) reduced to 98 1819 6. Persecution; 7. Invalidation of Oaths; 8. Arianism; 9. Eutychianism; 10. Monothelitism; 11. Pelagian- the same, complete in 2 thick vols, 12mo, extra ism; 19. Transubstantiation ; 13. Communion in one cloth, (pub. at 12s) reduced to 6s 1819 kind: 14. Extreme Unction; 15. Image Worship: 16. Purgatory ; 17. Celibacy of the Clergy.-At the The incomparable writings of this eminent author end of the volume is a very copious Index. are known throughout the Christian world, and aro above all commendation. For theological learning EDWARDS'S (JONATHAN) WORKS, 2 vols. and piety, depth of experience and practical observa- impl. 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub. at £2. 10s) re- tion, and for a holy savour of evangelical truth, they duced to £2. 2s 1840 stand unrivalled in the English language, " I consider Jonathan Edwards the greatest of the FRY'S (REV. J.) SHORT HISTORY OF THE sons of men. He ranks with the brightest luminaries CHRISTIAN CHURCH, from its Erection at of the Christian Church, not excluding any country, or Jerusalem down to the present time, 8vo. extra any age since the apostolie."-ROBERT HALL. That great master-mind, Jonathan Edwards, whose cloth bds. (pub. at 12s) reduced to 9 1825 close-sighted observation, clear judgment, and unbend- NEW TRANSLATION AND EXPOSI- ing faithfulness, were of the very highest order." TION OF THE VERY ANCIENT BOOK Dr. Pyx SXTTH. OF JOB, with Notes, Explanatory and Philo- * Jonathan Edwards is a writer of great originality and piety, and with extraordinary mental powers. He, logical, thick 8vo, extra cloth (pub. at 12s) re- duced to 4s 60 Duncan, 1827 who have since lived, have been indebted."--Rxv. E. WORKS; with a Memoir of his Life, by his BIOXERSTETU. - To theological students his works are almost in- Son, one large vol. imperial 8vo. NEW EDITION, dispensable. In all the branches of theology, didactie, portrait, extra cloth boards, (pub. at £1. 10s) polemical, casuistie, experimental, and practical, he reduced to £1.58 2845 had few equals, and perhaps no superior. The number and variety of his works show the intenseness of his " The Rev. Andrew Fuller has been styled by the industry, and the uncommon strength of his intellectual Americans, "The Franklin of Theology ;' and it is said powers. They will live as long as powerful reasoning, of him, that all his writings bear the powerful stamp genuine religion, and the science of the human mind of a mind, which, for native vigour, original re- continue to be objects of respect." -ORME. search, logical acumen, profound knowledge of the human heart, and intimate acquaintance with the FABER'S APOSTOLICITY OF TRINITARI- Scripture, has had no rival since the days of President ANISM, or the Testimony of History to the Edwards. The celebrated Robert Hall has also said of positive Antiquity and to the Apostolical In- him, He was a man whose sugaelty enabled him to culcation of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, penetrate to the depths of every subject he explored :- whose conceptions were so powerful and luminous, that 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at £1. 6) re- what was recondite and original appeared fimiliar: duced to 95 1832 what was intricate, easy and perspicuous, in his hands: ON TRANSUBSTANTIATION.- Christ's equally successful in enforcing the practical, in stating the theoretical, and discussing the polemical branches Discourse at Capernaum fatal to the Doctrine of Theology." of Transubstantiation, on the very principle of "Fuller was of the same good schoo, of divinity as Exposition adopted by the Divines of the Scott. With a lively imagination and all the powers of Roman Church, and suicidally maintained by a masculine mind, he maintains the distinguishing doe- trines of the Gospel, and insists on its practical holi. Dr. Wiseman: associated with Remarks on ness." Bicherateth. Dr. Wiseman's Lectures on the principal * Puller thought with Owen, and wrote with the Doctrines and Practices of the (Roman) Catho- pointed pen of Baxter. His discourses are shrewd, me structive and touching Orme. lic Church, 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub. at 8s 6d) "I am slowly reading Andrew Fuller's works. He reduced to 45 1840 was an interesting man; one of the wisest, and most moral minded of his day. He possessed wonderful ** This work will be found full of sound information strength of mind; and is an Instance how Providence and learning, well disposed, and brought with good can draw forth instruments from the most unlikely effect on the argument. The whole book is written quarters."-Bishop Jebb. with logical force and precision, and the sophisms of his antagonist clearly detected." -Gent.'s Mag. GRAHAM (MRS.) THE POWER OF FAITH, VIFTY-FOUR SERMONS BY EMINENT exemplified in the Life and Writings of the late CLERGYMEN OF THE CHURCH OF Mrs. "Isabella Graham of New York, New ENGLAND, published for the Relief of the Edition, post 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub. at 6) Distressed Irish Clergy, (among the writers are reduced to 45 Duncan, 1838 Rev. Chas. Brydges, Henry Melvill, Gerard A popular work, which has gone through upwards of thirty editions, both in this country, and in the Noel, T. T. Biddulph, Josiah Pratt, Dr. Gilly, United States, Vinity, to which the great body or evangelical nuthore FULLER'S (REV. ANDREW) COMPLETE THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. 41 GOODWIN'S (THOS.) CHILD OF LIGHT GRAVES'S (DEAN) WHOLE WORKS, now WALKING IN DARKNESS, Treatise first collected, comprising Essay on the Cha- slewing the Causes, Circumstances, and Pur- racter of the Apostles and Evangelists; Lec- poses for which God leaves his Children to Dis- tures on the Four last Books of the Pentateuch; tress of Conscience, with Directions how to be Proofs of the Trinity; Absolute Predestination Relieved, new edit.royal 18mo. extra cloth, (pub. compared with the Scripture Statement of the at 3s 6d) reduced b 2: 6d Seeley, 1840 Justice of God; and Sermons; with Life by This is the reprir a very scarce and highly es- his son, Dr. R. H. Graves, 4 vols. 8vo. hand- teemed volume "With sentiments truly evangelical, Dr. Goodwin somely printed, portrait, extra cloth bds. (pub. at possesses a most happy talent at opening, sifting, and £2. 16s) reduced to £1.85 1840 displaying the hidden riches of scripture. He is a LECTURES ON THE PENTATEUCH, Puritan writer of very superior powers, and entering 8vo. new edition, cloth lettered, (pub. at 148) re- very fully into the peculiar mode of expression in the duced to 10s 60 1844 sacred writings, he easts much light on the scriptures on which he tregts. "-Bichersteth. SELECT SCRIPTURAL Proors OF THE TRINITY, GREGORY'S (DR. OLINTHUS) LETTERS 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 6s) reduced to 3s 1840 ON THE EVIDENCES, DOCTRINES, , "The work of Dr. Graves on the Pentateuch is truly AND DUTIES OF THE CHRISTIAN RE- invaluable, and we cannot but strongly advise every LIGION, addressed to a friend, Eighth Edi- student in divinity to get it up (as it is called), in pre- paring for his ordination." - British Oritic. The late tion, with many Additions and Corrections 3 excellent Bishop Lloyd made it one of the text books of complete in one thick well printed volume, his private divinity lectures. feap. 8vo. in extra cloth bds. (pub. at 7s 6d) re- ** Graves's Lectures are indispensably necessary to the biblical student. Horne. duced to 55 1846 * Dean Graves's Lectures are a work of learning and CONTENTS merit. He examines very minutely the muthenticity and 1 On the folly and absur. 10. On the inspiration of truth of the Mosaic Histe. and the theological and dity of delsm. scripture. moral principles of me Jewish Law; and replies at 2. On the revelation of the 11. On some of the most kreat length, to the most plausible objections. With will of God. plausible objections Dr. Geddes, in particular, he maintains a very deter. 3 On the opinions of the urged against the truth mined conflict, and exposes, very successfully, the infidel heathens, relative to and divine authority of reasonings of that arrogant writer. He also frequently God, to moral duty, and the scriptures. combats Le Clere and Warburton. Dr. Graves's Essay a future state 10. On the leading doctrines on the Character of the Apostles and Evangelists, do- 4 On the probability that of the Christian Rell- signed to prove that they were not enthusiasts. is a book there should be myste- glon. which deserves to be consulted."Orme. ries in a revealed reli- 13. On the fall of man, and GREENHILL'S EXPOSITION OF THE PRO- gion. the depravity of Human On the genuineness and Nature. PHET EZEKIEL, with a brief Notice of the authentielty of the 14. On the atonement for Author; one large vol. impl, 8vo. extra cloth Scriptures, sin, by the death of bds. £1. Is 1839 6. On the evidence dedu- Jesus Christ. The author was one of the Westminster Assembly of cible from the prophe 18. On the divinity of Jesus Divinos. ** Lake all the productions of the Puritans, Christ. 7. On the evidence dedu- 16. On the nature of con- this Exposition is evangelical, stored with great know- Iedge of the Scriptures, and distinguished by its sound cible from miracles; version, and its neces doctrinal and practical wlows." - Horne, and on the credibility sity. of human testimony. 17. On the influences of the GROTIUS ON THE TRUTH OF THE CHRIS 8. On the resurrection of Spirit. TIAN RELIGION, with 2 additional Books, Jestis Christ. 18. On justification by faith. and Notes by Le Clere, translated by Clarke, Evidence drawn from 19. On providence, 12mo, cloth lettered, (pub. at 4s 6d) reduced to the rapid diffusion of 20. On the resurrection of 1825 Christianity, and its tri umph over persecution: 21. On eternal existence HALL'S (BISHOP) ENTIRE WORKS, with an also from the purity and after death. Account of his Life and Sufferings. New excellency of the scrips 29. Summary of Christian ture morality and the Edition, with considerable Additions, a Trans- duties. ology, lation of all the Latin Pieces, and a Glossary, " Rarely, if over, have superior philosophical attain Indices, and Notes, by the Rev. Peter Hall, ments been turned to a better account, or a richer offer 12 vols. 8vo. portrait, extra cloth, lettered, (pub. ing brought from the fields of science into the temple of God. Not a single consideration of moment, tending at £7. 48) reduced to £5. to confirm the genuineness and integrity of the Scrip- Oxford, Talboys, 1837-39 tures in their present state, appears to have escaped his **The glowing, the tender, the pathetic eloquence notice. He has united with extraordinary attainments of a Hall, who, with the spirit of a saint, could strew in the severer sciences, the art of recommending his some holy text upon every trivial event of life, and sentiments with impressive effects and he exhibits, in Aind' sermons in stones, and good in everything. an eminent degree, the most important ingredients of Quarterly Reeter. good writing. He is correct and luminous, and often ** This is by far the best edition of the works of rises to the tone of the most ir passionate feeling. His the Christian Sea. The learned editor, a des language is ominently easy towing, and idiomatie. cendant of the Bishop, has inserted several excellent The abstractions of science have not in him exorted the pleces not published in any former edition; has verified influence often imputed to them, of chilling the heart, and enlarged the references, added many valuable and impairing the vigour of the imagination. While notes, and above all, a complete index of tents. he reasons with the comprehension and depth which dis- ** My Hall's writings abound In richness of fancy, tinguish the philosopher, he feels with arcour and paints and eloquent bursts of feeling. They manifest a piety, with force. He is often inspired and transported with humble, fervid, and sincere; a Theory of Christian his theme. In the midst of pursuits which are not morals, unforbidding and practical; and Views of a always found to have a propitious effect on the religious future existence, animating, elevating, and sublime. character of their votaries, he has found the means of British Critic preserving his devotion in its warmth, his faith in its ** Bishop Hall has been entitled the Christian purity, and his sensibility in its infantine freshness and Boneca ; his knowledge of the world, depth of thought, vigour. We earnestly roommend this work to the and elegance of expression, place him bearer our own attentive perasal of all cultivated minds. We are times than any of his contemporaries, whilst he adorned acquainted with no book to the circle of English lite his age by learning, plety, and the uniform exercise of rature, which is equally calculated to give young per all the Christian graces. It would, indeed, be difficult on juuat viens of the coidence, the nature, and the to mention a prelate of more excellent character." importance of revealed religion.-ROBERT HALL Chalmera. 38 42 THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. 185 * Imaginative and copious eloquence, terse and HARCOURT'S (THE REV. VERNON) DOC- pointed sentences, full of piety and devotion. Few TRINE OF THE DELUGE, 2 vols. 8vo. writers so useful to divinity students. Let them thoroughly read and digest him, and they will be extra cloth boards, (pub. at £1. 168) reduced Furnished for most of the calls upon them." to 10s 60 Longman, 1838 Biokersteth. " The object of this very learned, pious, and inte- " During this period, two men of genius, contri- resting work is to pursue the traditional memorials of buted by the spirit and energy of their discourses, to the ark through the pages of pagan mythology. Those maintain the credit of the orthodox pulpit-these were who have not bent their studies that way, are not aware Hall and Taylor: the former gifted with all the in- what a mass of evidence is to be collected from the spiration of poetry, and all the severity of a chastised most unsuspected sources in corroboration of the judgment; in his style, quant, rather than pedantie; Mosaic Deluge. We consider Mr. Harcourt's res in his sense, clear, manly, and original." searches as most valuable, totally apart from all eon- Quarterly Revier, vol. xiv. pp. 248, 249. siderations of philosophy. To those who have a taste CONTEMPLATIONS upon the Historical for such leamed inquiries as have immortalized the Passages of the Old and New Testaments, new venerable name of Jacob Bryant above all modern edition, revised and corrected, by the Rev. scholars in this department of antiquity, we recom- mend a perusal of Mr. Harcourt's book, in which they Peter Hall, 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at will see much ndditional light thrown on many of the £1. 4s) reduced to 15s Oxford, Talboys, 1837 subjects discussed, from information inaccessible to "Incomparably valuable for language, criticism, Bryant--the produce of later studies and inquiries. and devotion."-Horne. Nor can we omit to mention, with great satisfaction, HARD TEXTS OF THE OLD AND an Historical Treatise on Baptismal Regeneration, NEW TESTAMENTS, Plainly and Fami- which closes the second volume, and which we should like to see separately published."--Genti's Mag. ly , and corrected edition, by the Rer. Peter Hall, HENRY'S (MATTHEW) COMMENTARY ON 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth, (pub, at £1. 4s) reduced THE BIBLE, BICKERSTETH's Edition, in 6 vols. 4to. new edition, printed on fine paper, to 15$ Oxford, Talboys, 1837 * These expository notes are very valuable, especially 1846 (pub. at £9.9s) reduced to £4. 14s 60 for showing the spirit and force of many expressions HOPKINS'S (BISHOP) WHOLE WORKS, that occur."--Horns. with a Memoir of the Auther, in one thick HALL'S (THE REV. ROBERT) COMPLETE vol. royal 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub. at 188) WORKS, with a Memoir of his Life by Dr. reduced to 14s 1841 Olinthus Gregory, and Observations on his the same, with a very extensive general Character as a Preacher, by John Foster, Index of Texts and Subjects, 2 vols. royal Author of Essays on Popular Ignorance, 8c. 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub, at £1. 4s) reduced to 6 vols. 8vo, handsomely printed, with beautiful 1841 portrait, in extra cloth boards, contents lettered, * Bishop Hopkins's Works form of themselves a (pub, at £3. 16s) reduced to £2.2s 1845 sound body of divinity. He is clear, vehement, and the same, printed in a smaller size, 6 vols. fop. persuasive."- Bickerstath. 8vo, cloth lettered, £1. 18 "The merits of Bishop Hopkins are well known to 1844 Theologians, although perhaps not so universally as " Whoever wishes to see the English language in might be wished. We haye often heard of the supe its perfection must read the writings of that great riority of the theology of our older authors to that of Divine, kobert Hall. He combine the beauties of our more modern Divines; and certainly never have Johnson, Addison, and Burke, without their in- we seen the superiority more strikingly shewn than in perfections."-DUGALD STEWART. the works of Hopkins. Whatever be the nature of the * I cannot do better than refer the academic reader subject on which he treats, his hand is instantly seen to the immortal works of Robert Hall. For moral to be that of a master throughout we find a strength grandeur, for Christian truth, and for sublimity, we of thought an originality of Illustration, a force and may doubt whether they have their match in the felicity of style, # homely raciness of expression, sacred oratory of any age or country."Prof. SEDG- which command perpetual attention. There do not WICK (in his Discourse on the Studies of the Uni- exist manuals of Christian duty more searching in versity.) their knowledge of the human heart, more compro The Sermons and Discourses of Robert Hall hensive in their application to all the situations and are wonderful compositions." contingencles of life, than his Exposition of the Ten "The bold diction, the majestie gait of the sen- Commandments,' and the Exposition of the Lord's tence, the vivid illustration, the rebuke which could Prayer. These taken in connection with his other scathe the offender, the burst of honest indignation at works, fory in themselves a body of Divinity, the pose triumphant vice, the biting sarcasm, the fervid appeal session of which alone would enricit the library of to the heart, the sagacious developement of principle, household." The Witness the broad field of moral vision-all these distinguish HILL (REV. ROWLAND) MEMOIRS OF the compositions of Robert Hall, and we bear our most willing testimony to their worth."- Quarterly Revier. THE, by his Friend, the Rev. W. Jones, " In the Eloquence of the pulpit, Robert Hall edited, with a Preface, by the Rev. JAMES comes nearer Massion than either Cicero or Ex- SHERMAN, (Rowland Hill's Successor, as chiner to Demosthenes."-LORD BROUGHAM. " His mind is little to be envici, from the Minister of Surrey Chapel.) Second Edition, perual of Robert Hall, he do not find himself a carefully revised, thick post Svo, fine steel more accomplished, a wiser, and a better man." portrait, extra cloth, (pub. at 10s 6d) reduced Church of England Quarterly Review, to 55 1845 " Mr. Hall, like Bj. Taylor, has the cloquence HOWL'S WORKS, with Life by CALAdy, one of an orator, the fancy of a poet, the acuteness of a schoolman, the profoundness of a philosopher, and large vol. imperial 8vo. portrait, cloth lettered, the piety of a saint-PANN (Spral Sermon.) (pub, at £1. 16s) reduced to £1. 106 1838 The excellence of Mr. Hall does not consist in the ** I have learned far more from John Howe, than predominance of one of his powers, but in the ex- from any other author I ever read. There is an as quisite proportion and harmony of all. The richness, tonishing magnificence in his conceptions. He was variety, and extent of his knowledge, are not less re. unquestionably the greatest of the puritan divines." markable than his absolute mastery over it. His style Robert Hall. is one of the clearest and simplest--the least en- LIVING TEMPLE, or a designed Im- cumbered with its oron beauty-of any which ever has been written."-Chas. LAMB, London Magasine. provement of the Ides, that a Good Man is "The name of Robert Hall will be placed by pos- the Temple of God. To which are added terity among the best writers of the age, as well as Discourses on Self Dedication, and on yielding the most vigorous defenders of Religious truth, and the brightest examples of Christian charity." ourselves to God, 18mo. portrait, cloth extra, BIB J. MACKINTOSI. (pub. at 41) reduced to 25 1805 THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. 13 HUNTER'S SACRED BIOGRAPHY, a Series IRELAND'S (Dean of TVestminster) PAGANISM of Lectures on Scripture Characters, with an AND CHRISTIANITY COMPARED, in a Introduction by the Rev. Alexander Patterson, Course of Lectures to the King's Scholars at one large vol. imperial 8vo, extra cloth, 125 Westminster, 2nd edition, 8vo, extra cloth bds. 1840 (pub. at 128) reduced to 4s 6d Murray, 1825 "A truly fascinating work. Dr. Hunter was a man "Anable, learned, and instructive work." - British Critic of learning his writings are eloquent, and shew how JEBB'S DIVINE ECONOMY OF THE well he had studied human nature." -Chalmers. CHURCH, 12mo. extra cloth bds. (pub, at 6s) HUNTINGDON'S (COUNTESS OF) LIFE reduced to 4s 6d Duncan, 1840 AND TIMES, by a Member of the Houses ** An excellent little volume. We like the manner of Shirley and Hastings. Sixth Thousand, with in which the author las explained the principle of Church communion, vindicated the authority of the a copious Index, 2 large vols. 8vo. portraits Clurch, and then deduced the necessity of conformity of the Countess, Whitefield, and Wesley; extra to her worship, and obedience to her commands; while cloth, (pub, at £1. 4s) reduced to 148 1844 his observations on the religious duties demanded of her children are enforced with cogent reasoning and "This Memoir is not only absorbingly interesting affectionate exhortation. The volume does credit to as a Narrative, but it is indispensable to the historian, the talents of the author, and we think might advanta- developing, as it does, the origin and progress of the geously be used, in many of its parts, in the pulpit." most important and influential denominations of Dis- Gent. Mag. senters at the present day; as well as the effects pro- "A thoughtfal, perspicuous, and beautiful comment duced by her Ladyship's indefatigablo zeal in the cause on the Articles of the Holy Catholic Church, and the of religion. Communion of Saints. British Critic. "These volumes are destined to a lengthened popu- JENKYN'S EXPOSITION OF THE EPISTLE larity. They will be read by the serious for their re- OF JUDE, AND MANTON'S PRACTI- ligious tendency, and the light which they throw upon CAL EXPOSITION OF THE EPISTLE the earlier days of the Methodists and other classes of Dissenters, whilst to those fond of the fashionable gossip OF JAMES, with brief Notices of the Authors; of Courts passed away, they present an ample fund of 1 large vol. impl.8vo. extra cloth bds. 16s 1839-40 amusement and Instruction.Advertiser. Or separately, Jenkyn, 10s 6d - Manton, 7s "The work is invaluable; and any one who should ** Jenkyn and Manton, published nearly at the same now attempt to write the religious history of the eighs time, and with similar views, are both useful."-Rev. teenth century, would be but ill qualified for his tas, E. Bickersteth, if he had not previously made himself acquainted with "A book yet in high request."-Chalmers. the Laſe of the Countess of Huntingdon."-Courier. Archbishop Usher used to say, that Manton "had the ** We have seldom read a more interesting work. art of reducing the substance of whole volumes into a Its extraordinary mass of anecdote and personal history narrow compass and representing it to great advantage." will afford no ordinary degree of amusement to the KELTY'S RELIGION OF THE HEART, ex- general reader."Argus. "A very curious memoir, perhaps one of the most emplified in Memorials of Madame Guyon, curious that has for a long time issued from the press. Fenelon, and other Spiritual Persons, with Ex- The reader must not suppose that this Life of Lady tracts from their Works illustrative of interior Huntingdon is a mere narrative of ministerial trans. Religion, fcap. 8vo. cloth gilt, (pub, at 58) re- actions-a history of a soct, its struggles and its pro- duced to 2s 60 1844 kress: on the contrary, it deals most with the open day-light world of action, embraces notices of some of This will be found a very pleasing volume to seriously the most distinguished men of the times, and developes, disposed persons In the account of Lady Huntingdon herself, a character KELTY'S MEMOIRS OF THE LIVES AND remarkable for energy, strong sense, and living sympa. PERSECUTIONS OF THE PRIMITIVE thles. It is a production of much greater interest than, at first sight, we anticipated." -Atlas. QUAKERS, exemplifying the Obedience of * This is a most interesting work, and cannot fail Faith in some of the early Members of the to become highly popular. It is exciting intense Society of Friends. Second edition, thick post Interest, and will doubtless lead us to form a correct 8vo, extra cloth, (pub.at 7.6d) reduced to 5s 1844 estimate of the character and opinions of that most "We have rarely looked into a contribution to the extraordinary woman.". Durham Advertiser Library of Diment, more qualified by its earnestness, and by the absence of all that is offensive, to meet with ILLUSTRATED COMMENTARY ON THE acceptance among the Orthodox-way more, to penetrate OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, chiefly those large masses of the reading world who take no explanatory of the Manners and Customs men- particular um under their protection, and can only be Interested by details illustrating the feelings and charac tioned in the Sacred Scriptures, and also of the teristies common to humanity. Mary Anne Kelty's History, Geography, Natural History, and An- book may, we think, be perused with interest, as a re- tiquities; being a RE-PUBLICATION of the Notes cord of the early struggles of a body of conscientious of the PicToRTAL. Binle, 5 vols. post 8vo, with men, apart from the peculiar doctrines it is intended to enforce and illustrate. Athenaeum. upwards of 600 fine wood-cuts, gilt cloth, (pub. KNOWLES'S (REV. T.) SHORT AND PLAIN at £1. 17s 6d) reduced to £1.55 1840 DISCOURSES for the Use of Families, 3 vols. * The explanatory notes and illustrations of the post 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub.at 17s 6d) reduced • Pictorial Bible' are here printed separate from the 1822 text, so as to form a complete work, serving as a com- LARDNER'S (DR. NATHANIEL) WORKS, panion to any edition of the Bible. The five volumes contain a great body of information, gleand from a containing Credibility of the Gospel History, variety of sources, many of which are of recent dis. Jewish and Heathen Testimonies, History of covery, on the habits and manners of the Arabs and Heretics, and Sermons and Tracts, with Life of Egyptians; the pictures in the tombs of Thebes fur nishing accurate representations of the costumes, &c. the Author, by Dr. Kippis, 10 vols. 8vo, best of ancient Egypt; and the accounts of travellers de edition, extra cloth lettered. (pub. at £5.58) scribing the modes of life among the Arabs, which reduced to £4.45 1838 have undergone no change. Every allusion to local "The publication of Dr. Lardner's works constituted circumstances or national customis is elucidated by de. a new era in the Annals of Christianity: for by collect- scriptions and pictures of the face of the country, buildings, plants, animals, dress, implements of trade, ing a mass of scattered evidence in favour of the authenticity of Evangelical History, be established a husbandry, and war, ke: the statements being con bulwark on the side of truth which in delity has never fined to facts. Spectator presumed to attack.-Horne. to 6s 44 THEOLOGY ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. LAWSON'S HISTORY OF THE EPISCOPAL theology divested of systematic stiffness, und eloquence CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, from the Re- in a beautiful flow of unaffected language and appro- priate imagery. To say more would be unbecoming, formation to the present time, 2 thick vols. 8vo. and less conld not be said with justice,"Orme. tra cloth, (pub. at £1. 10s) reduced to 153 * Mr. Pearson's edition of Abp. Leighton is an ex- 1843-4 cellent one. All parties agree in commendation of this celebrated divine.Lotondes. HISTORY OF THE SCOTTISH EPISCO- "Abp. Leighton is an incomparable writer, full of PAL CHURCH FROM THE REFORMA. the deepest evangelical devotion, with the best taste. TION TO THE REVOLUTION OF 1688, His praise is in all the churches. He is one of the very (being the early portion of the preceding work first divines of the British church, whose writings breathe throughout the spirit of devotion, a noble strain sold separately) 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 158) of deep piety, a most humble, heavenly, and loving reduced to 7s 6d spirit, an elegant mind and a scriptural statidard of These two volumes form a most complete and au- evangelical doctrine.--His Lux, BY MR. PARSON, IS thentic History of the Episcopal Church of Scotland A DELIGHTFUL PIECE OP BIOGRAPHY."-The Reo. E. from the Reformation, including the exciting reigns of Bickersteth. James I., Charles I., Charles îl., and James Il., the LETTERS ON THE WRITINGS OF THE whole derived from valuable MSS., records, rare works, FATHERS OF THE FIRST TWO CENTU- and other authentie sources. Many curious and inter- esting details are given of the true ecclesiastical state RIES, (Clement, Barnabas, Hermas, Ignatius, of Scotland in the Seventeenth century not hitherto Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Ireneus) with Re- published. flections on the Oxford Tracts, and Strictures on " Mr. Lawson's work has made its appearance at the " The Records of the Church," by Misopapisti- right time, and will be read with great interest. The narrative of the dis establishment of the Seottish Epis- cus, crown 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 58 6d) redu- copal Church at the Revolution, is a tal of suffering ced to 38 1838 that has been seldom exceeded in these latter days of LIFE OF CHRIST, in the Words of the Evange- the Church."--Oxford Herald. "The History of the Episcopal Church of Scotland, lists, 18mo. 28 pretty wood-cuts, extra cloth, gilt in its close connection with the annals of Scottish Pres- edges, (pub. at 7) reduced to 35 Tilt, 1837 byterianism, is one of the most edifying episodes that LIFE AND DEFENCE OF THE CONDUCT ecclesiastical records present to our notice. Mr. Lawson AND PRINCIPLES OF THE VENERA- has shewa great ability, industry, and impartiality in his labours." -- Church and State Gazette, May 19, 1843. BLE AND CALUMNIATED BISHOP BON- LEE (PROFESSOR) ON THE STUDY OF THE NER, in which is considered the best mode of HOLY SCRIPTURES ; their Nature, Inter- again Changing the Religion of this Nation, by a pretation, and some of their most important Tractarian British Critic,(Prebendary Tremyard) Doctrines; in Six Sermons, preuched before the 8vo. extra cloth (pub, at 10s 6d) reduced to 4s 6d University of Cambridge in 1827-8: to which 1842 are annexed Two Dissertations. 1. On the "This Ironical life and defence of Bishop Bonner is Reasonableness of the Orthodox Views of Chris- an exposure of the Romish tendency of the Oxford Tracts, and is written throughout with ability and tianity, as opposed to the Rationalism of Ger- learning. There is no doubt that the anthor has many; 2. On the Interpretation of Prophecy damaged the party he has attacked, Atheneum. generally, with an Original Exposition of the "An ironical polemical defence of Bishop Bonner; under the mank of Justifying, it bitterly condemns the Book of Revelation, shewing that the whole of Romish Church and its professors, Puneyites. It shewa that remarkable Prophecy has long ago been ful. considerable reading, and is very elever."--Literary filled, 8vo.extra cloth boards, (pub, at 145) reduced Gaxette. 1830 to 75 "The aim of the writer has been carried out with great LEIGHTON'S skill, great ability, and great effect. The sarcasm is always (ARCHBISHOP) WHOLE biting; the very difficult point of the double character, WORKS: to which is prefixed a Life of the is well sustained; and the style is strong and polished Author, by the Rev. T. N. Pearson. New without any appearance of labour."-Spectator. Edition, 2 thick vols. 8vo. portrait, extra cloth, LUTHER'S COMMENTARY ON THE PSALMS OF DEGREES, to which is prefixed a copious (pub. at £1. 4s) reduced to 163 1846 Historical Account of Monastic Life in England, THE ONLY COMPLETS EDITION 8vo. plate of monastio habits, cloth lettered (pub. -..-COMMENTARY ON PETER; with Life by at 10: 6d) reduced to 56 1819 Pearson, complete, in one thick bandsomely MAGEE'S (ABP.) WORKS, comprising Dis- printed vol. 8vo. portrait, extra cloth, (pub, at courses and Dissertations on the Scriptura, 12s) reduced to 98 1846 Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice; Sermons, "I cannot suficiently express the delight and edifi- and Visitation Charges. With Memoir of his cation which I have found in the writings of this wON- Life by the Rev. A. H. Kenny, D.D. 2 vols. 8vo. DERFUL MAN, for such I must deliberately call him. I extra cloth (pub, at £1. 68) reduced to 186 1842 can hardly forbear saying, as a considerable philosopher "Discovers such deep, research, yields so mach and eminent divine said to me in a letter long ago, there valuable information, and affords so many helps to is a spirit in Archbi-top Leighton I never met in any the refutation of error, as to constitute TI MOST VALU- hunan writings; nor eau I read my lines in thein ABLE TREASUROY BIBLICAL LANNING, OF WHICH without being moved. His works ought to be reckoned A CHRISTIAN SCHOLAR CAN B POSSESSED."-Chris among the greatest treasures of the English tougue; tian Observer they contineally overflow with love to God, and breathe MALTBY'S (DR. EDWARD, LORD BISHOP an heart entirely transformed by the Gospel, and above the views of everything but pleasing God." OF DURHAM) SERMONS, including those Dr. Doddridge preached at Lincoln's Inn, 3 thick vols. 8vo. "Abp. Leighton had the greatest elevation of soul, extra cloth, lettered (pub, at £1. 14: 6d) reduced the largest compass of knowledge, the most mortified and most leavenly disposition that I ever yet saw in to 155 1819 mortal; that had the greatest parts, as well as virtues, CHARGES AT DURHAM, CHICHESTER, with the perfectest humility, that I ever saw in man. &e.: and Miscellaneous Tracts on the Catholio Bp. Burnet. There is no expository work in the English language Question, Bible Society, Education, &e. (pub. equal to Leighton's Exposition of Peter. It is rich in lished at various periods between 1807 and evangelical sentiment, exalted devotion, and admirable 1843, and now collected into one volume) 8vo. illustration. There is learning without its parade, cloth lettered (pub, at 156) reduced to 58 THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. 45 MALTBY'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE they now appear, apon right principles and with sound TRUTH OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, judgment. The three Essays which constitute the second edition, revised, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub, at volame have severally obtained the Norrisiau and 73 6d) reduced to 3. 6d Huisean prives at Cambridge, which is a sufficent tes- 1803 timony in its favour.".. British Mag. A book which every clergy man ought to possess." "Distinguished by a simple elegance of language and Bishop Tomline. accuracy of reasoning, which not only obtained for MATTHEW (Rev. G). SERMONS ON DOC- the author the bonours of his mother university, but TRINE AND PRACTICE, by the Rev. have raised his Prize Essays to the highest rank in the George Mathew, Vicar of Greenwich, and class of compositions to which they belong."-Church- man's Monthly Reviese. alternate morning Preacher at St. James's, Fifth MORE'S (HANNAH) WORKS, with a Memoir Edition, 2 vols. 8vo. in extra cloth boards, (pub. and Notes, 9 vols. fcap. 8vo. fine portrait und at 185) reduced to 7s6d 1834 frontispieces, gilt cloth, £2.58 Few Preachers have enjoyed greater popularity in Fisher, 1840 This edition does not contain the Spirit of Prayer o London, or its vicinity, than the late Rev. George the Essay on St. Paul, but there may be had separately. Mathew, many years Vicar of Greenwich, and alter- nate Morning Preacher at Bt. James's. Four large -WORKS, Cadell's Library Edition, in large editions of his sermons were sold in a very short time. type, 11 vols. post 8vo. portrait, extra cloth, They are remarkable specimens of clote and perspicu- ous argument, arranged with great clearness, and en (pub. at £5.) reduced to £3. 13s6d 1830 forced with extraordinary ability. LIFE, by the Rev. Henry Thomson, post 8vo. "Mr. Mathew's Sermons display every excellence printed uniformly with her works, and forming an we could wish; all that ean instruct the ignorant, confirm the wavering, or alarm the vicious: they cannot be read additional volume, portrait, and numerous wood without advantage. He has been eminently successful engravings, extra cloth, (pub. at 12s) reduced to in reducing Butler's Analogy to the level of the 6s Cadell, 1838 meanest capacity, and in giving a laminous précis of * This may be called the official edition of Hannah his arguments." British Oritic. More's Life. It brings so much new and Interesting MANUSCRIPT SERMONS-a Series of Sixty matter into the field respecting her, that it will receive English Sermons on the Doctrine, Principles, a hearty welcome from the public. Among the rest, and Practice of Christianity, adapted to the the particulars of most of her publientions will reward the curiosity of literary readers. Literary Gazette. Pulpit, by a Doctor of Divinity, complete in 15 parts, sm. 4to. (each containing four Ser- -SPIRIT OF PRAYER, fcap. 8vo. portrait, mons) lithographed on writing paper to resemble extra cloth, (pub. at 68) reduced to 4s MSS. (pub, at £3.158) reduced to 15s Cadell, 1843 MENDHAM'S (REV. JOSEPH) PALEOTTI STORIES FOR THE MIDDLE RANKS HISTORIA ACTÆ CONCILII TRIDEN- OF SOCIETY, and Tales for the Common TINI, an. 1562 et 1563, cum aliis multis circa People, 2 vols. post 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at dictum Concilium, thick 8vo. extra cloth, (pub, at 145) reduced to 9 ib. 1830 £1. 1.) reduced to 7s 6d. 1842 POETICAL WORKS, post 8vo. extra cloth, LIFE AND PONTIFICATE OF POPE (pub. at 88) reduced to 3s 6d ib. 1829 PIUS THE FIFTH, Second Edition, with MORAL SKETCHES OF PREVAILING Supplement, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 12s 6d) OPINIONS AND MANNERS, Foreign and reduced to 6s 1844 Domestic, with Reflections on Prayer, post 8vo. INDEX LIBRORUM PROHIBITORUM extra cloth, (pub. at 9s) reduced to 4s ib. 1830 A SIXTO V. PAPA, confectus et publicatus: - ESSAY ON THE CHARACTER AND ad vero a successoribus ejus in sede Romana PRACTICAL WRITINGS OF ST. PAUL, suppressus, ed Jos. Mendham, 4to, cloth, (pub. post 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 10s 6d) reduced at 16.) reduced to 8 1835 to 5s ib. 1837 INDEX OF BOOKS PROHIBITED by - CHRISTIAN MORALS, post 8vo. extra cloth, command of the present Pope Gregory XVI. (pub. at 10s 6d) reduced to 58 ib. 1836 in 1835, 12mo, cloth, (pub, at 4s 6d) reduced PRACTICAL PIETY, or the Influence of the Religion of the Heart on the Conduct of the LITERARY POLICY OF THE CHURCH Life, 32mo. portrait, extra cloth, 2s 6d OF ROME exhibited in an Account of her ib. 1840 Damnatory Catalogues or Indexes, both Prohi- The only complete small edition. It was revised Just before her death, and contains much improvement, bitory and Expurgatory; with illustrative which is copyright. Extracts, Anecdotes, and Remarks, second edition, enlarged, with two Supplements, 8vo. -SACRED DRAMAS, chiefly intended for extra cloth, (pub, at 14s) reduced to 6s 1844 Young People, to which is added "Sensibility, MISHNA; Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna, an Epistle, 32mo. gilt cloth, gilt edges, (pub.at 2s 6d) reduced to 2 ib. translated from the Hebrew by the Rev. D. This is the last genuine edition, and contains some A. De Sola, and the Rev. M. J. Raphael, copyright additions, which are not in any other. second edition, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub, at 7s 6d) - SEARCH AFTER HAPPINESS; with reduced to 6 1845 MOORE'S (REV. D.) CAMBRIDGE PRIZE Ballads, Tales, Hymns, and Epitaphs, 32mo. ESSAYS, OR THE CHRISTIAN SYSTEM gilt cloth, gilt edges, (pub, at 2s 6d) reduced to ls 6d VINDICATED AGAINST THE MORE POPULAR FORMS OF MODERN IN FI- BIBLE RHYMES, on the names and principal Incidents of all the Books of the Old and New DELITY, Second Edition, with additions, post Testament, 32mo. portrait and toodeuts, gilt cloth, 8vo. extra cloth boards, (pub, at 6s) reduced to 1844 gilt edges, (pub. at 2s) reduced to 1s 6d ib. * A condensed and able summary of the arguments * More many have the bed God for the hour that adduced by the best writers on the Evidence of first made them acquainted reith the writings of Christianity. Atheneum. Hanna Mere. She did perhaps as much real good in * This publication meets the sophisms of infideilty, as her generation many woman that ever be the pen. 11 to 3 46 THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. to 55 . It would be idle for us to dwell here on works so well reprobation of vice, the most persuasive exhortations to known. They have established her name as a great piety, and an unqualified arowal of all the essential, moral writer, possessing a masterly command over the fundamental truths and doctrines of the Gospel." resources of our langunge, and devoting a keen wit and Eclectie Review a lively fancy to the best and noblest of purposes. " It is ereditable to the publie taste that his writings Quarterly Revier. should have acquired this high popularity for their Horace Walpole declared that Hannah More was excellencies both as to matter and style well deserve it." not only one of the cleverest of women, but one of the Quarterly Revier. best. Her writings, said he, promote virtue, and their RIDGELEY'S BODY OF DIVINITY, wherein repeated editions prove their worth and utility. the Doctrines of the Christian Religion are ex- MOSHEIM'S ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, plained and defended, complete in 2 vols. impl. NEW EDITION, edited by Soames, 4 thick vols. 1844 8vo. portrait, ertra cloth, £i. 4. 8vo. extra cloth, £2. 2s 1845 ** It is probable that the English language does not furnish a work of this nature that, for perspicuity of MORRISON'S (REV. DR.) SERMONS AND language, extent of research, accuracy of judgment, and DISCOURSES written and preached in China, judicious description, any way equals this of Dr. Ridgeley. He was a man of extensive and sound Singapore, the Cape, &c. with Remarks on learning, of remarkable diligence, and a strict econo- Missions, 8vo. portrait, cloth lettered, (pub. at mist of his time. His skilful knowledge of the learned 10s 6d) reduced to 3s 62 1826 languages, large acquaintance with ancient and modern MURRAY'S TRUTH OF REVELATION DE- writers, and critical knowledge of the sacred volume, rendered him well qualified for theological controversy MONSTRATED by Ancient Monuments, Vilson, Sculptures, Gems, Coins, and Medals. Second * His lectures display soundness of judgment, ex- Edition, one handsome vol. 8vo. 52 woodcuts tensive learning, and an intimate acquaintance with the and 3 plates, cloth lettered, (pub. at 15s) reduced SANDERSON'S (BISHOP) SERMONS, with 1840 Life of the Author by Isaac WALTON ; and an " A very interesting book, containing such a mass of Introductory Essay by the Rev. Robert Mont- curious information that it will well repay the pains of a careful perusal."- Literary Gazette. gometry, 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub, at £1. 4) reduced to 14s 1841 NOLAN'S (DR.) WARBURTONIAN LEC- "No library which admits the Sermons of Barrow, TURES-The Chronological Prophecies, as Tillotson, and Jeremy Taylor, should be without those constituting a connected System, in which the of that great divine Bishop Sanderson." Dr. Hammond has observed that, " Sanderson con- Principal Events of the Divine Dispensations conceives all things deliberately, speaks upon thera are determined by the precise Revelation of discreetly, discerns things that differ exactly, passeth their Dates, 8vo. cloth, (pub, at 15s) reduced his judgement rationally, and expresses it aptly, clearly to 5s 1837 and honestly," Dr. Wotton says, "What Bp. Sandor son has written is all gold, and thoroughly refined." PALEY'S WORKS, IN ONE VOLUME, consisting of And the Roy. E. Biekorsteth observes, " Sanderson was his Natural Theology, Moral and Political a man of great reflection and judgment, and his works Philosophy, Evidences of Christianity, Hora abound with important discussions and decisions." * There are no sermons more valuable for study, or Paulinæ, Clergyman's Companion in Visiting more to be recommended to a young divine for their the Sick, &c. 8vo. handsomely printed in double sound doctrine and admirable matter, than Bishop columns, extra cloth bds. (pub, at 10s 6d) reduced Sanderson's "-Ecclesiastical Journal. to 55 1842 SCLATER'S (DR. WILLIAM) ORIGINAL POOL'S (MATHEW) ANNOTATIONS UPON DRAUGHT OF THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH, THE HOLY BIBLE, wherein the Sacred Text new edition, corrected, with the Quotations is inserted, and various Readings annexed, to- from the Fathers and Old Divines, given at gether with the Parallel Scriptures; the more length, 12mo. cloth lettered, (pub. at 6) re- difficult Terms in each Verse are explained, seem- duced to 3s 6d Oxford, Talboys, 1840 ing Contradictions reconciled, Questions and This is the reprint of a very rare and highly appreci- Doubts resolved, and the whole Text opened, 3 ated work. The author is mentioned by Chalmers, large vols. impl. 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at Wood, and others, as one of the most learned and judicious Divines of his time; and Bickersteth says that £3. 15s) reduced to £3.3s 1842 these two valuable words have exhausted this im- Cecil says, if we must have commentators, as we portant subject," speaking of Belater and King. certainly must, Pool is incomparable, and I had almost SCOTT'S (W.) HARMONY OF PHRENOLOGY said, abundant of himself,' and the Rev. E. Bickersteth WITH SCRIPTURE ; to which is added, a pronounces the annotations to be judicious and full. It is no mean praise of this valuable work that it is in Refutation of the Philosophical Errors con- the list of books recommended to clergymen by Bp. tained in Combe's. Constitution of Man,' s- Tomline. It is likewise recommended by Gilpin, Drs. E. Williams, Adam Clarke, Doddridge, Horne, and the cond edition, post 8vo. cloth, (pub, at 6. 6d) re- learned in general. duced to 3s 6d Edin, 1837 SCOTT'S (REV. THOS.) PRACTICAL COM- PORTEUS'S (BISHOP) WORKS, with his life, MENTARY ON THE BIBLE, for the Use by the Rev. Robert Hodgson, Dean of Carlisle, 6 vols. 8vo. extra gilt cloth, (pub, at £2. 10s) of Families, 2 large and closely printed vols. reduced to £1.55 impl. 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub.at £1. 168) re. 1823 duced to 18 LECTURES, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, (pub. at 16s) Seeley, 1834 Mr. Biekersteth suggested the publication of this reduced to 8s condensed edition of Beott's celebrated Conumentary, the same, complete in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, (pub. observing that "a practical Commentary on the at 9s) reduced to 55 Scriptures, written with the soundness of Scott, and within a moderate compass for the use of familles, was SERMONS, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. (pub. at 16s) still a desideratum." reduced to 10s 6d * Bishop Porteus was a light in his generation and SERMONS, including two on the Duties of to posterity; and an ornament to the times in which he the Pastoral Office; with Memoir of his lived. Life by the Rev, 8. King, 8vo. handsomely " His sermons are conspicuous for sound judgment, solid argument, great knowledge of the human heart, printed, cloth lettered, (pub. at 10: 6d) reduced securate observation of the world, an unshrinking Suley, 1837 to 40 THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. 47 The SCOTT'S (REV. THOS.) COMMENTARY ON Indexes, edited by the Rev. Thomas Hartwell THE HOLY BIBLE, genuine trade edition, Horne, 21 vols. 8vo. extra cloth, contents lettered, with the Author's last Corrections and Improve. (pub, at £10. 10.) reduced to £7.73 ments, and numerous beautiful wood-cut illustra- The following miniature editions of Simeon s popular tions, and maps, the complete work in 3 vols. works are uniformly printed in 32mo. and bound in impl. 8vo. extra cloth lettered, (pub, at £4.45) cloth:- reduced to £2. 12s 64 Seeley, &c. The Christian's Armour, (pub, at 1s) reduced * An original sound, evangelical, and praotical to 9d Commentary, with a vast collection of parallele." The Excellency of the Liturgy, (pub.at le) re- Bickersteth. # The capital excellency of this valua ule and im duced to ed mense undertaking, perhaps, consists in following more The Offices of the Holy Spirit, (pub. at la) re- closely than any other, the fair and adequate meaning, duced to 9d of every part of Scripture, without regard to the nice Humiliation of the Son of God: in Twelve ties of human systems; it is, in every sense of the expression, # Beriptural comment. It has likewise a Sermons, (pub, at ls) reduced to 9d further and a strong recommendation in its originality, Appeal to Men of Wisdom and Candour, (pub. Every part of it is thought out by the author for him- at ls) reduced to 9d sell, not borrowed from others. The later editions, Discourses on Behalf of the Jews, (pub. at 2s) indeed, are enriched with brief and valuable quotations from several writers of credit but the substance of the reduced to ls 6d work is entirely his own. It is not a compilation, it is Claude's Essay on the Composition of a Ser- an original production, in which you have the deliberate mon, edited by Simeon and the Rev. T. judgments of masculine and independent mind on all the parts of Holy Beripture. Every student will under- Hartwell Horne, with an Analytical Index, stand the value of such a work. Further, it is the 8vo. stiff covers, in the Press, 2s 6d comment of our age, presenting many of the best lights which history casts on the interpretation of prophecy, ** The works of Simeon, containing 2586 discourses giving several of the remarks which sound criticism has on the principal passages of the Old and New Testa- accumulated from the different branches of sacred ment will be found peculiarly adapted to assist the stu. literature, obviating the chief objections which modern dies of the younger clergy in their preparation for the pul- annotators have advanced against some of the dis- pit; they will likewise serve as a Body of Divinity; and are tinguishing doctrines of the Gospel, and adapting the by many recommended as a Biblical Commentary, well Instructions of Scripture to the peculiar circumstances adapted to be read in families. Subjoined are, a Ge- of the times in which we live. neral Index, a Liturgical Index, and an Index of Ser commentator's eminent characteristics were a matured mons, as also an improved edition, with an analytical knowledge, skill as a textuary, sterling honesty, a firm Index, of Claude's Essay on the Composition of a Ser- grasp of truth, unfeigned submission of mind to every mon. The work may truly be said to form a TUROLO- part of the inspired records, a holy temper of heart, GICAL ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Lorender. unfeigned diligence, and perseverance."Horne. ** Simeon's works are a monument of pastoral labour and plety, with much judgment on doctrinal subjects, SCRIPTURE GENEALOGIES, containing 38 and useful practical application. Bickereteth. benutifully executed Lithographic Drawings, of **One of the noblest offerings that consecrated hand all the Genealogies recorded in the Sacred Scrip- ever laid on the altar. Let a Clerxyman about to expound a chapter orally, study it in Doddridge, or tures, according to every Family and Tribe; Henry, or Scott, or Girdlestone; and then let him go with the Line of our Saviour Jesus Christ obser- over the same chapter with Simeon, and we think that, ved from Adam to the Virgin Mary, by J.P. notwithstanding all the admitted excellencies of the former writers, the last will furnish out the best ap- Morris, Esq. royal 4to, extra cloth, gilt on sides, pointed champion."-Christian Remembrancer. (pub, at £l. lls 6d) reduced to 7s 60 * Simeon's Discourses comprise a comment on This elegant work will be found curious and interest nearly the whole of the Holy Scriptures, and exceed ing to the theological reader. It not only contains in copiousness, as a storehouse of sound hortatory tastefully engraved plates of every genealogy, family, theology, any production of the same kind that had tribe, etc, mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, but also been previously given to the work." drawings of the tabernacle, and plans of the Camp of ** These outlines compose a series of regularly di- the Israelites, and City of Jerusalem, with explanations. gested and supremely important toples of Christian di- An edition of only 800 cost the author upwards of 500 vinity. As helps to composition they will be peculiarly guiness getting up, and although printed several years serviceable to young clergymen, and also to the more ago, it has not hitherto been published. aged, whose extensive employment incapacitates them from supplying as fast as they can expend." SHEPPARD'S FAMILY PRAYERS, for Morn. ** We recommend these volumes most cordially to ing and Evening Devotion, selected exclusively the attention of the younger members of the clerical from the Works of the Elder Divines of the profession; they will be found real helps to their in- ventive faculties."-Christian Observer Established Church, and accompanied by the author's name to each Prayer, 12mo, extra cloth Simon's "Ten Turnus or IsRaXL," historically identified-See Miscellanes, bds. (pob. at 6s) reduced to 3, 6d 1827 SMYTH'S (REV. DR.) EXPOSITION OF VA- The Rey, John Sheppard is the well-known Minister RIOUS PASSAGES OF HOLY SCRIP- of Blackheath Chapel. TURE, adapted to the Use of Families, for SIDNEY'S (REV. E.) LIFE OF SIR RICHARD every Day throughout the Year 3 vols. 8vo. HILL, BART., (Brother of Rowland Hill) 8vo. handsomely printed, cloth letteret, (pub. at extra cloth bils. (pub. at 12) reduced to 5s 1839 £1. 11s 6d) reduced to 128 Hatchard, 1842 * A better man than Sir Richard Hill I do not know * This Daily Expositor for Families is a happy idea, within the circle of human nature."--Lord Kengon Bir Richard Hill's life was a pattern of modesty, ably carried out. We recommend it with confidence to plety, and goodness. "Lord Erskine, all families, certain that it cannot fail to be approved." Theological Journal SIMEON'S WORKS, including his SKELETONS OP STACK'S (DR.) LECTURES ON THE ACTS SERMONS AND Hors HOMILITICA, or Discourses OF THE APOSTLES, Explanatory and Prac- digested into one continued Series, and forming tical, 8vo. 2nd edition, gilt cloth (pub. at 88) re- a Commentary upon every Book of the Old and duced to 2 60 1805 New Testament: to which are annexed an im- These Lectures are formed upon the excellent model proved edition of Claude's Essay on the Com- of these delivered by Bishop Porteus, upon the Gospel of St. Matthew. The work is dedicated to the Bishop moition of a Sermon, and very comprehensive and was highly recommended by him. 48 THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. SOUTH'S (DR. ROBERT) SERMONS: to which to strike any ordinary mind with subjects of meteetlon are annexed the chief heads of the Sermons, a for a year.'-Literary Gazette. * The author is a clever and a plous man, whose Biographical Memoir, and General Index, piety never makes him duk, and whose wit never 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub. at £1. 4s) borders on profaneness; his book is well written, and reduced to 18s 1844 calculated to check the incipient disorders of the ima- gination, to give tone and firmness to the enfeebled « The Sermons of this wittiest of English Diviner powers of the sickly religionist, and to point out the will always rank among the standard productions of the difference between the beneficial glow of a well-ordered English Church. They are adapted to all readers and piety, and the pernicious fervours of a distempered to all days."-Retrospective Revier. fancy. Brit. Critic. * South's Armons are invalunble the staff of his "It is refreshing to us to meet with a work bearing spear is like a eaver's beam."British Critic. ns this unquestionably does, the impress of bold, power "South is conspicuous for sound practical good ful, and original thought. Its most strikingly original conse, for a deep insight into human character, for views, however, never transgress the bounds of pure liveliness of imagination and exuberant invention, and Protestant orthodoxy, or violate the spirit of truth and unbounded wit. In perspicuity, copiousness, and force of soberness; and yet it discusses topies constituting the expression, he is almost unrivalled among English very root and basis of those furious polemies which writers. The sincerity of his principles is shewn in the have shaken repeatedly the wholo intellectual and purity of his life, and the vigour of his understanding is moral world." -- Atheneum. stamped on all that he wrote."- Penny Cyclopædia. "A very able work."--Edinburgh Revier. STURM'S CONTEMPLATIONS ON THE SUF- TAYLOR'S (ISAAC) FANATICISM, third edi- FERINGS OF CHRIST, in a series of De- tion, carefully revised, feap. 8vo. in extra cloth votional Exercises, with an explanatory Para- boards, 68 1843 phrase of the Gospel Narrative, translated from "It is the reader's fault, if he does not rise from the the German by W. Johnstone, A.M., with a Me. perusal of such a volume as the present a wiser and a better man." Eclectie Reclere. moir and Portrait, crown 8vo. cloth lettered, "The author is evidently a man of ardent plety, of (pub. at 9s) reduced to 5 1826 a vivid imagination, and of a vigorous and excursive REFLECTIONS ON THE WORKS OF understanding, and has a vast command of dietion and GOD, and of his Providence throughout all of imagery. He is never dull. Dulness, Indeed, is at the very antipodes of his manner. There is an inten- Nature, translated from the German, complete sity about the composition which keeps our faculties in one elegantly printed volume, fcap. 12mo. perpetually upon the stretch. The man, beyond all frontispiece, extra cloth bds. (pub, at 5s) reduced question, is a very distinguished writer. Brit. Crit. 1836 to 3s 60 “We have no doubt that the present work will ac quire the same popularity with the former productions TAYLOR'S (JEREMY) COMPLETE WORKS, of this author. He has displayed extensive research in with an Essay, Biographical and Critical, curious branch of religious history: the general 3 large vols. impl. 8vo. portrait, extra cloth bds. character of his pages is moderate and impartial, as well as plous; he seems actuated by a sincere desire (pub. at £3. 158) reduced to £3.3s 1836 to heal, as far as in him lles, the breaches of the "Bp. Taylor has the eloquence of the orator, the Christian commonwealth; and to point out as subjects fancy of the poet, the acuteness of the schoolman, the of rational rejoicing those few steps which the world profoundness of the philosopher, and the plety of the seems to have gained in its dark and vacillating pro- sint." - Parr. gress towards better and nobler views of religion." "We will ve, ture to assert that there is in any one Edinburgh Relero, of the prose folios of Jeremy Taylor more funey and original imagery, more brilliant conceptions and SATURDAY EVENING, seventh edition, feap glowing expressions, more new figures, and new appli- 8vo. in extra cloth boards, 5s 1844 cation of old figures; more, in short, of the body and the soul of poetry, than in all the odes and epies that have since been produced in Europe." 1. The Hour of Hope and 15. The Power of Rebuke. Diffidence. Edinburgh Revier. 16. Strength of the Power 2. The Expectation of of Rebake. PRACTICAL WORKS, viz.-1. The whole Christians 17. The Recluse. 3. The Courage peculiar to 18. The Modern Anchoret. of his Sermons, including the Supplement.- Times and Places. 19, The Family Affection 2. Holy Living and Holy Dying.-3. Contem- 4. Laxity and Decision. of Christianity. plations.--4. Golden Grove.-5. Psalter of Da- 5. The Means of Mercy. 20. Charity and Conscience. vid, with Devotions.-6. Collection of Offices. - 0. The Church and the 21. The Few Noble. World. 22. Rudiment of Christian 7. The Worthy Communicant.-8. Christian 7. State of Sacred Science. Magnanimity Consolations.-9. Discourse on Friendship.- 8. The Hidden World. 93. The Dissolution of Hun 10. Letters to Persons changed in their Reli- 9. The State of Seclusion. man Nature, 10. The Limits of Revela- gion; and 11. Liberty of Prophesying, complete 24. The State of Souls. tion. 25. The Third Heavens, with a Biographical Memoir, in 2 chick vols. 11. Vastuess of the Mate- 26. The Precursor. medium 8vo.extra cloth, 1844 rial Universe, 27. Endless Life. TAYLORS'S (ISAAC OP ONGAR) NATURAL 12. Piety and Energy. 28. The Perpetuity of Hu 13. The Last Conflict of man Nature, HISTORY OF ENTHUSIASM, tenth edition, Great Principles 20. Unison of the Heavenly fcap. 8yo, cloth lettered, 55 1845 14. Licentious Religionism Hierarchy. Derout persons, whose leisure permits them to do so, are accustomed to devote the SATURDAY EVENINO to 1. Enthusiasm, Secular 7. Enthusiasm of Philan- preparatory meditation. The author says "The medi- and Religious thropy. tations in the present volume are intended to bear, 2. Enthusiasm in Devotion. 8. Sketch of the Enthu. more or less directly, upon those changes in religious 3. Enthusiastic Perversion siasm of the Ancient practices or modes of feeling, which naturally are of the Doctrine of Di- Church. thought of as proper to usher in a brighter age. vine Influence, 9. The same subject-In- " This is a work which we feel confident the religious 4. Enthusiasın the Source sredients of the Ancient public will receive with something more than approba. of Heresy, Monachism. tion with deference and gratitudeAdraitted to his 8. Enthusiasm of Prophe- 10. Hints on the Probable Saturday Evening retirement, we listen to his discourse tical Interpretation. Spread of Christianity, as that, not of professional Lecturer, or a disputant 8. Enthusiastie abuses of submitted to those who of this world, but of one who, having held converse the Doctrine of Parti- misuse the term En- with the true fountain of wisdom, opens to us his pri- cular Providence, thusiasm. vate thoughts in the tones of friendship. The volume 16 ** Full of admirable observation. We believe that replete, not merely with thought, but with materials for from this volume might be collected suficient materials thinking, with germinant sods that, where they find CONTENTS. CONTENTS, THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. 49 the right soll, cannot fail to reproduce a harvest of TAYLOR'S (ISAAC) HOME EDUCATION, thoughts in other minds. It is in some respects adapted to be the most popular of his productions, as it is cer- Fourth Edition, (cap. 8vo. extra cloth boards, tainly the most powerful. The style sometimes kindles (pub. at 7s 6d) reduced to 5s 1842 Into the most vehement and lofty eloquence. The In this volume the general principles of Educa- paper on The Means of Mercy' is one of the most tion, as applicable to private families and to small finely sustained argumentative appeals, in illustration schools, are stated and explained; such methods of of the Divine scheme of Justification, that we have treatment, especially, being suggested, as are best suited ever seen. We might specify other papers scarcely less to the circumstances of a Country Residence; at the striking. Upon the whole, the volume cannot fail to same time, hints are offered of a kind to be available make a very powerfol impression, and it cannot be under any circumstances for carrying on the culture of more favourably received than it deserves to be." those of the intellectual faculties that are the earliest Eclectic levien, developed, and on the due expansion of which the force ** SATURDAY EVENING,' and NATURAL H18- and efficiency of the mature mind depend. TORY OY ENTHUSIASM,' are two noble productions." "A most important subject." Blackwood's Magazine, American Biblioal Reporitory. "A work on moral and religious culture, from the TAYLOR'S (ISAAC) ELEMENTS OF same source, would be a boon to society of no ordinary value. Westminster Revies THOUGHT, or concise explanations, alpha- betically arranged, of the principal terms EDITION OF JONATHAN EDWARDS employed in the usual branches of intellectual ON FREE WILL. An Inquiry into the Philosophy, seventh edition, 12mo, in extra cloth modern prevailing Notions respecting that boards, 45 1845 FREEDOM OF WILL which is supposed to be essential to Moral Agency, Virtue and Vice, The design of this volume is to impart, in a fa- miliar form, elementary explanations and instructions Reward and Punishment, Praise and Blame. on subjects connected with the intellectual faculties; New Edition, with an Introductory Essay by to afford gradual and easy exercises to the powers of Isaac TAYLOR, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 12s) abstraction, and thus to conduct the young reader by reduced to 8 1846 an accessible path into that region of thought where the mind noqulres force, accuracy, and comprehension. TIMPSON'S (REV.T.) MEMOIRS OF BRI- It is an admirable condensation of all that has been TISH FEMALE MISSIONARIES, with a written or said on the subject, and a most useful Intro- duction to the study of Metaphysics, while it contains Survey of the Condition of Women in Heathen as much knowledge on the subject as the general render Countries; and an Introductory Essay on the will require. "As an elementary work, it is truly Importance of Female Agency in Evangelizing valuable." - Monthly Revier. Pagan Nations, by Miss Thompson, fcap. 8vo. -ANTIENT CHRISTIANITY, and the Doc- noith beautiful frontispiece, extra cloth, (pub. at 6s 6d) reduced to 3s 6d 1841 trines of the Oxford TRACTS FOR THE TIMES. MOTHER WITH HER FAMILY, being Fourth Edition, with a Supplement and Indexes, 9 vols, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at £1. 48) reduced Scriptural Exercises, Prayers, and Hymns for 1844 Children, every Sunday Evening. To which are added, Hannah Moore's Counsels to Mothers * He who wishes to see the subject of Puseyism fully handled may consult Mr. Isanc Taylor's able and ela- in teaching Religion to their Children, 18mo. borate work, entitled Ancient Christianity. This pro- frontispiece, extra cloth, (pub. at 2s 6d) reduced duction has more than the author's usual excellencies, to ls 6d 1841 We cannot but, regard it as a most valuable contribue A little heaven below will be enjoyed by those fami- tion to the cause of Scriptural Christianity; and highly lles where, in the hands of a dear pious mother, this creditable to his talents, energy, and learning." book is used. We most earnestly and conscientiously Edin. Revier, Apr. 1843. advise all mothers to procure, and to use this small but **The most powerful opponent of the Oxford school invaluable work." - Sunday School Magazine who has yet appeared, is Isane Taylor, the well-known TOMLINE'S (BISHOP) INTRODUCTION TO author of the Natural History of Enthusiasın, ko." American Biblical Repository, THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE, or Elements One of the most remarkable publications of the of Christian Theology, containing Proofs of present age, Churchman's Monthly Review the Authenticity and Inspiration of the Holy * This is one of the most valuable works which have Scriptures; a Summary of the History of the appeared in Theological Literature for many years, and Rives quite a new aspect to the Patristic Controversy. Jews; an Account of the Jewish Sects; and a It is treasury of historical materials dug out of the brief Statement of the Contents of the several crude masses of Ecclesiastical Antiquity; and will be Books of the Old and New Testaments, Nine- indispensable to any one who, not having those ponder- teenth Edition, elegantly printed on fine paper, ous tomes within his reach, wishes to form a judgment of the religion which succeeded, in the Nicene Age, to 12mo. extra cloth, (pub. at 5s 6d) reduced to Apostolic Christianity." Patriot, 3s 6d 1845 ** The result of extensive reading the materials are LECTURES ON SPIRITUAL CHRIST- fudiciously arranged, the reasonings clear and solid; it IANITY, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub, at 4s 6d) re- is well adapted to the purpose for which it was intended, duced to 38 1841 as a manual for students in divinity, and may be read with advantage by the most experienced divine. ** The Lectures before us are among the best of the aaral Lectures author's numerous works, whether considered in rela- * An admirable manual, comprising almost every tion to their probable utility, or as exhibiting in a high thing which the reader could requires and at the same degree the distinguishing excellencies of his mind. time containing the result of so much learned research, Probably the effect may be owing to the nature of the that the scholar may with cure refer to it, to revive subject, and to our own predilections; but from the his recollections, British Critic perasal of Bone of the anthor's other works have wo USHER'S (ARCHBP.) BODY OF DIVINITY, risen with the same sense of pleasure and of profit, and or the Sum and Substance of Christian Reli the same high admiration of the writer's gifts and at- tainments. Our path is through a region of light, the gion. New edition, revised by Dr. Hastings waymarks of truth are visible at every turn; and as Robinson, in one thick closely printed volume, we follow the stately steps of our accomplished guide, Bro. extra cloth ods. (pub. at 128) reduced to 7s we have not only a sense of safety, but are charmed with the beauty of the scenes through which we pass." 1841 Congregational Mag. ** Archbishop Usher was one of the most wonderful men of that wonderful age, and is not unustly styled to 185 50 THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MORALS. by Dr, Johnson, the great luminary of the Irish WESLEY'S (REV. JOHN) SERMONS, on Church. The University of Oxford styled him the most skilful of primitive antiquity, the unanswer- several occasions, complete in one thick vol. able defender of the Orthodox Religion. His writings 8vo. closely but handsomely printed, with an contain an invaluable mass of historical and ecclesias- etched portrait, extra cloth, (pub. at 12s) reduced tical information, and of controversial and practical to 6s 1845 divinity. His body of divinity is full of valuable theology."-REY. E. BICKERSTETI, Many thousands per annum are sold of this popular book: the present edition is the cheapest, and the only WADDINGTON'S (DEAN OF DURHAM) complete one in a single volume. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH, FROM JOURNAL OF HIS LIFE, with his THE EARLIEST AGES TO THE RE- Voyages and Travels, complete in one thick FORMATION, (published by the Society for vol. 8vo. cloth boards, uniform with his Sermons, the Promotion of Useful Knowledge) complete (pub. at 14s) reduced to 6s 1836 in one closely-printed volume, 8vo. cloth let- WILBERFORCE'S PRACTICAL VIEW OF tered (pub, at 14s) reduced to 10s 1833 THE PREVAILING RELIGIOUS SYS- "This work was distinguished on its appearance with TEM of Professed Christians in the higher no ordinary share of public approbation, and has and middle Classes in this Country, con- been considered, by no mean judges, as entitled to a trasted with Real Christianity. With a com- conspicuous place among our standard works. It is, perhaps, the best History of native growth of which we prehensive Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. can boast." - Edinburgh Revier. T. Price, 18mo. printed in a large handsome HISTORY OF THE CHURCH AND RE- type, gilt cloth, (pub. at 6s) reduced to 2s 6d FORMATION, enlarged edition, together 6 1845 vols. 8vo. uniform in cloth lettered, (pub. at "An eminently useful work."--Bickerateth. £8. ls 6d) reduced to £1. 19s "A work which, for excellence of plan, masculine eloquence, acuteness of discernment, force of reason OR SEPARATELY AS FOLLOWS: ing, and above all, for sublime devotion, is not equalled in our language." HISTORY OF THE CHURCH, FROM Williams's Christian Preacher. THE EARLIEST AGES TO THE RE- "The most valuable and Important publication of FORMATION, enlarged edition, 3 vols. 8vo. the present age." --- Rev. John Newton. "Men of the first rank and highest intellect, clergy cloth bds. (pub. at £1. 10s) reduced to £1. ls and Iaity, have traced to this book their serious im- 1835 pressions of religion, and tendered their several ac- HISTORY OF THE CHURCH DURING knowledgments in various ways, from the anonymous correspondent, who had purchased a small freehold THE REFORMATION, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth bds. in Yorkshire, that by his vote he might offer him a (pub. at £1. Ils 6d) reduced to 18s 1841 slight tribute of respect,' down to the grateful mes. * An important publication, the work of a true Pro- tage of the expiring Burke" Wilberforce's Life by his Son. testant, and well-read divine. As a distinct history of a momentous event, which has had prodigious influence WILLMOTT'S (R. A.) PICTURES OF CHRIS- on the succeeding affairs of the world, it was a deside- TIAN LIFE, foap. 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at ratum to our language."-Lit. Gaz. 6s) reduced to 3 Hatchard, 1841 WEMYSS' JOB AND HIS TIMES, or a Picture CONTENTS: The Homes and Graves of Good Men of the Patriarchal Age during the Period be- -Early Preaching in England --Uniformity of Chris- tween Noah and Abraham, as regards the State tian Life--The Beauty of Patience The Christian in of Religion and Morality, Arts and Sciences, his Garden Retirement-Norris of Bemerton- Learn. Manners and Customs, &c. and a New Version ing; its Religious Employment-Belf Denial-Cheer. fulness-Thomas Fuller Loving our Neighbour of that most Ancient Poem, accompanied with Light and shade--Heavenly Mindedness; Archbishop Notes and Dissertations, 8vo. extra cloth (pub. Leighton - Searching the Scriptures -- The Village Pastor. at 9s) reduced to 6s 1839 " No one could have touched these Pictures of " During the many years that I have been a Christian Life with a more graceful hand. The design student of Biblical Hebrew, I have met with no version is to show, in the best examples, the practice and of a book of the Old Testament superior to Wemyss' tendencies of Christian virtue. The reader is taken Job, in accuracy, elegance, and depth of informu- through homes and graves of good men, into the tion." - Dr. W. C. Taylor, in his Natural II istory peaceful ways of the Faith they followed, as well as of Society. preached."-Examiner. ADDITIONS. DONNE'S (DR. JOHN) WORKS, including his and enticing others by a sacred art and courtship to Sermons, Devotions, Poems, Letters, etc. edited, amend their lives; here pieturing * vice so ** to make with a new Memoir, by the Rev. Henry Alford, it wply to those that practised it, and a virtue, so as to make it beloved even by those who loved it not; and 6 handsome vols. 8vo. with fine portrait after all this with a most particular grace, and an inexpres Vandyck, extra cloth, (pub. at £3. 12s) reduced aible addition of comeliness. His life was a shining light." Itaac Walton. to £1. 165 Parker, 1839 " We cannot forbear repeating Mr. Coleridge's PICTORIAL DICTIONARY OF THE HOLY question, "Why are not Donne's volumes of Sermons BIBLE, or * Cyclopadia of Illustrations reprintedt' His Life is published in a cheap form by Graphic, Historical, and Descriptive, of the the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and Sacred Writings, by reference to the Manners, deservedly to in every respect; but why does Oxford allow one handred and thirty Sermons of the GRATUIT Customs, Rites, Traditions, Antiquities, and Literature of Eastern Nations, 2 vols. 4to. ADMIXED OY ALL HEARERS-to remain all but totally (upwards of 1430 double-column pages in unknown to the students in divinity of the Church of England, and to the literary world in general." good type) with upwards of 1000 illustrative Quarterly Reviem, vol. lix.p.6. woodcuts, extra cloth, (pub, at £2. 104) reduced "A preacher in earnest, weeping sometimes for his to £1. 105 1846 auditory, sometimes with them; always preaching to GREAVES'S ESSAYS FOR SABBATH READ- himself like an angel from a clond, but in none: car- rying some, as St. Paul was, to heaven in holy raptores; ING, 12mo, cloth, (pub. at 61) red. to 3. 1840 PRWACHUN OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY-THE Miscellaneous English Literature, Wistory, Biography, Copages and Travels, Poetry, and the Drama. ADAMS ON ENGLISH PLEASURE CAR- BANKS'S DORMANT AND EXTINCT RIAGES; their History, Varieties, Con- BARONAGE OF ENGLAND, or an Histori- struction, Defects, Improvements, and Capa- cal and Genealogical Account of the English bilities: with an Analysis of the Construction Nobility who have flourished from the Norman of Common Roads and Railroads, and the Conquest to the Year 1809. Vol. 4, continued Public Vehicles used on them, 8vo. illustrated down to January 1837; with Corrections and by 16 plates and numerous wood-cuts, cloth, (pub. Appendices, and an Index to the three former at 158) reduced to 7s6d 1837 volumes, 4to. bds. (pub. at £3. 38) reduced to APHORISMS AND REFLECTIONS; a Mis- 155 1837 cellany of Thoughts and Opinions, by Clulow, the same, royal 4to. LARGE PAPER, bds. (pub. (editor of a Public Journal) thick post 8vo. at £5. 5s) reduced to £1. Is handsomely printed, extra cloth, (pub, at 108 6d) This volume is necessary to complete the three vo- reduced to 4s Murray, 1843 lame previously published, and contains Supplements, Written in the manner of Bacon's Essays and Col- BARROW'S (SIR JOHN) TRAVELS into the Indexes, and Corrections, &c. ton's Lacon. An elegant volume. A mass of able cogitation. Critical acumen, ge- Interior of Southern Africa, Second Edition, 2 neral sagacity, and profound consideration are stamped vols Travels in China and Cochin China, 2 upon every page of the volume, which is consequently a publication to be taken up, and read with instruction, vols.--together, 4 vols. 4to, many coloured plates by every class of intelligent men."-Literary Gazette by Daniell, cloth (pub. at £9.98) reduced to £2.25 1804-7 ART OF NEEDLEWORK, from the Earliest Ages, with Notices of the Ancient Historical TRAVELS IN CHINA, containing De- Tapestries. Edited by the Right Hon. the scriptions, Observations, and Comparisons, Countess of Wilton, second edition, revised, in made and collected in the course of a Resi- dence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-min-yuen, I vol. post Bro. cloth, richly gilt, (pub. at 106d) reduced to 5s 1844 and on a subsequent Journey through the "A charming volume: It should be possessed by Country from Pekin to Canton, in which it every lady."Times. is attempted to appreciate the Rank that ATLASSES. LIZARS' EDINBURGH GENE- this extraordinary Empire may be consi- RAL ATLAS OF THE WORLD, completed dered to hold in the scale of civilized Nations, to the present time (1841), including the 2nd. edit. 4to, illustrated by coloured plates by Rail-ronds, with a General Index, royal folio, Daniell and Alexander, extra cloth boards (pub. 69 large whole-sheet maps, coloured, hf. bd. at £2.12s 6d) reduced to 155 1806 morocco, or russia, (pub, at £6, 68) reduced to "The most valuable and interesting account of the £2. 12. 60 Chinese nation that has been yet laid before the public." Edinburgh Reviews An excellent Atlas on a large rcale BATTLES OF THE BRITISH NAVY, from WILKINSON'S GENERAL ATLAS-See College and A.D. 1000 to 1840, by Joseph Allen, Esq. of School Books Greenwich Hospital, author of England's Wilkinson's CLASSICAL SCRITTURAL Wooden Walls, etc., 2 thick elegantly printed ATLA-See College and School Books, vols. fcap. 8vo, illustrated by 24 portraits of A'ISTRIA AND THE AUSTRIANS, with British Admirals, beautifully engraved on steel, Sketches of the Danube and the Imperial and numerous trood-cuts of battles; cloth, richly States, 2 vols, post 8vo. with portraits of the gilt (pub, at £1. ls) reduced to 14s 1842 Emperor and Prince Metternich, extra cloth bds. **TRAN VOLUMES ARU INTALUARLE: THEY CONTAIN (pub. at £1. 1s) reduced to 8 1837 THE VERY PITH AND MARROW OF OUR SRST NAVAL BACON'S WORKS, both English and Latin, with HISTORIES AND CHRONICLES: compiled from the most authentic sources, and a careful investigation of the an Introductory Essay, and copious Indexes, various logs and other records deposited in Greenwich complete in 2 large vols, impl. 8vo. portrait, Hospital and the Admiralty. By this means many cloth" lettered (pub, at £2. 2s) reduced to £1. 165 new facts, as well as important minutia, are here pube lished for the first time. During the whole extended 1838 period over which his researches range, Mr. Allea has -ESSAYS AND ADVANCEMENT OF not omitted one naval action of the slightest moment: LEARNING, with Memoir and Notes by Dr. indeed the work contains more information than the largest Naval History, and no doubt will be taken under Taylor, square 12mo. with 34 woodcuts, orna- the patronage of the Admiralty, and obtain a place in mental wrapper, (pub.at 48) reduced to 2s6d the different seamen's libraries on Board Her Majesty's 1840 Ships, "Sun. ** Mr. Allen has in these two volumes before us, sup- the same, cloth, gilt, 38 BANKS'S GENEALOGICAL AND HERALDIC plied us with a lucid digest of facts, scattered throngb- ont upwards of one hundred volumes, and his work is, GLEANINGS, illustrative of the History and accordingly, TRX SET AND MOST COMPLNTX RXPOSI Descent of English Nobility, 4to, bds. (pub.at TORY, OF THE TRIUMPES OF THE BRITISH NAVY WRICHERAS YET 1850XD FROM THE PRESS. A more £3.3s) reduced to 155 1837 valuable addition to the sailor's libraries, which have This volume is also published under the title of recently been established throughout the service, cannot be conceived United Servior Gazette AND 52 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATUR) inhabitants. BENNETT'S PEDESTRIAN'S GUIDE BOOK OF TABLE-TALK, (published by the THROUGH NORTH WALES, being a Tour Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge) performed in 1837, one vol. large 8vo. with 20 with numerous wood-cuts, 2 vols. foap. 8vo. extra Etchings of the most interesting Scenery, by A.FRED cloth, (pub. at 12s) reduced to 5s 1836 Clint, and plates of Music, extra cloth bds. (pub. ** These are two nice little volumes. The spiritual at 188) reduced to 8s 1838 attribute or Table-talk is to be amusing: and the volume before tus is rich in that quality."-Atheneum. ** This is a beautiful work. It abounds with sketches, ** This entertaining book is just one to take up, read admirably etched by CLINT, of many charming vales and mountains in this beautiful country, and is alto- a bit of, and lay down at any idle hour."-Lit. Gar. gether a book of travels written with a poet's love of BOOK OF THE COURT; exhibiting the History, nature and a humorist's cheerfulness." Court Journal. Duties, and Privileges of the several Ranks of BENNETT'S Whaling Voyage round the Globe, 2 the English Nobility and Gentry, particularly vols. 8vo. mumerous plates, cloth lettered, (pub, at of the Great Officers of State, and Members of £1. 8s) reduced to 8s Bentley, 1841 the Royal Household, including the variou BLESSINGTON'S (COUNTESS OF) DESUL- Forms of Court Etiquette, Tables of Precedency, TORY THOUGHTS AND REFLECTIONS. Rules to be observed at Levees and Drawing Second edition, 12mo, handsomely printed, ele- Rooms, &c. with an Introductory Essay on gently bound in gilt cloth (pub.at 48) reduced Regal State and Ceremonial, and a full Account to 13 60 1839 of the Coronation Ceremony. Dedicated by command to her Majesty, 8vo. elegantly printed, "A pretty little book, full of agreeable glances of mind and instructive observations on the world and its extra red turkey cloth, richly gilt on back and 1844 Lady Blessington has seen much of sides, (pub. at 168) reduced to 7s society, and is an acute and observant participator in BOOTH'S ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY OF its various motions and customs." - Literary Garette. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, in which IDLER IN FRANCE. Second edition, 2 the Words are explained in the order of their vols. post 8vo. extra cloth (pub. at £1. 4s) natural Affinity, independent of Alphabetical reduced to 7s 6d 1842 Arrangement, and the signification of each is * In Paris and Parisian society Lady Blessington is traced from its Etymology, the present meaning quite at home. Her pictures are always pleasant and being accounted for, when it differs from ita life-like, and in the progress of her narrative she intro- former Acceptation; the whole exhibiting, in duces the reader to many distinguished persons, English- one continued Narrative, the Origin, History, men as well as foreiguers, and to many social parties, at which most persons will be content to look on and and Modern Usage of the existing Vocabulary listen. Lady Blessington chanced to be in Paris during of the English Tongue; to which are added, "the three glorious days,' and her journal contains a an Introduction containing a New Grammar, picture drawn at the moment of the stirring interests and an Index. New and Corrected Edition of that eventful time.Athenaeum. IDLER IN ITALY, being a Journal of her with an Appendix, 4to. cloth lettered, (pub, at £2. 5.) reduced to 155 1836 Travels. Second edition, 3 vols. post 8vo. BOSWELL'S LIFE OF DR. SAMUEL JOHN- beautiful portrait by Landseer; extra cloth, (pub. SON, incorporating the Journal of his Tour at £1. 168) reduced to 12 1839-40 to the Hebrides, and accompanied by the * Delightful sketches of modern, and recollections of Commentaries of all preceding Editors; with ancient 'Italy: its historical and family legends-its numerous additional notes and illustrative literary and pictorial glories--its strange events and remarkable characters-its remains-its fuimus. It is anecdotes by the Right Hon. Join WILSON not only one of the best written books of travels, but CROKER; to which are added, two supple- by far the most entertaining which has come under our mentary volumes of Anecdotes, by Hawkins, observation for many years."-Scotsman, Piozzi, Murphy, Tyers, Reynolds, Steevens, BOCCACCIO'S DECAMERON, or Ten Days' and others, 10 vols, 12mo, ILLUSTRATED BY UP- Entertainment; in English, complete in one vol. WARDS OF FIFTY VIEWS, PORTRAITS, AND SHEETS 8vo. handsomely printed, extra red cloth, full gilt OF AUTOGRAPHS, forely engraved on steel, from (pub. at 12s) reduced to 6s 7845 drawings by Sir J. Reynolds, Stanfield, Harding, BOLINGBROKE'S (LORD) WORKS, with a &c. of which illustrations above 30 are now first Life, prepared expressly for this edition, con- added, bound in extra cloth, lettered in gold, taining additional Information relative to his reduced to £1. 153 1846 personal and public Character, complete in 4 the same, hf. bd, morocco, £2, 155 vols. royal 8vo. handsomely printed; extra cloth, *. This new, improved, and greatly enlarged edi- (pub. at £3.38) reduced to £1. 165 1844 tion, beautifully printed in the popular form of Sir Walter Scott, alid Byroll's Works, is just such an BONNYCASTLE'S (SIR RICHARD) NEW. edition as Dr. Johnsou bithself loved and recom- FOUNDLAND IN 1842, 2 vols, post 8vo. mended. In one of the Ana recorded in the supple. mentary volumes of the present edition, he says: with a very large Geological and Statistical Map, " Books that you may carry to the fire, and hold extra cloth boards, (pub, at £1. ls) reduced to readily in your hand, are the most usefel after all, 95 1842 Buch books form the mass of general and easy reading." " This work, which is published under the sanetion of BOURRIENNE'S MEMOIRS OF NA- the British Government, comprises a full account of POLEON, one stout, closely, but elegantly this most important colony, brought down to the pre- printed vol. foolscap 12mo, with fine equestrian seat time; including its natural history, geology, and agricultural resources; its moral history, government, portrait of Napoleon and frontispiece, extra cloth and polity: its fisheries, trade, shipping and revende; boards, (pub. at 5s) reduced to 3.60 1844 its roads, public works, &e. In short, every informa- BRAND'S POPULAR ANTIQUITIES, Cus- tion of importance to the settler, is given in a manner toms, Ceremonies, and Superstitions of Eng. at once scientific and popular."-Atheneum. land, Scotland, and Ireland; revised and con- MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE, 53 siderably enlarged by Sir Henry Ellis, 3 vols., BUCKINGHAM'S AMERICA, Historical, Sta- square 12mo. new edition, with 48 woodcut illis- tistic, and Descriptive, viz. Northern States, trations, ornamental wrapper, (pub. at 15.) re- 3 vols, Eastern and Western States, 3 vols. duced to 105 1844 -Southern or Slave States, 2 vols.-Canada, the same, 3 vols, cloth lettered, (pub. at 186) Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other reduced to 12: British Provinces in North America, 1 vol. The new edition contains the whole of the former together, 9 stout vols. 8vo. handsomely printed one is 2 vols. 4to. published by Sir Henry Ellis in illustrated by numerous fine engravings on steel, 1843, with considerable additions, and a copious Iudex. and woodeuts, extra cloth boards, (pub.at BRITANNIA AFTER THE ROMANS; being £6. 10s 6d) reduced to £2. 12s6d 1841-43 an attempt to illustrate the Religious and "A vast mass of most valuable and interesting in Political Revolutions of that Province in the formation, presented to the reader in a clear, anatected, Jadicious, and agreeable manner." Fifth and succeeding Centuries. 4to. (only 250 "Mr. Backingham goes deliberately through the copies printed) cloth boards, .£1. 10s 1842 States, treating of all, historically and statistically- the same, Vol. 2, 4to, cloth boards, 10 1842 of their rise and progress, their manufactures, trade, For a sequel to his work, see Neodinidie Heresy, population, topography, fertility, resources, morals. inantiers, and education. He toluma will be found a BROCKEDON'S EXCURSIONS IN THE storehouse of knowledge." Atheneum. ALPS, the Pennine, Graian, Cottian, Rhetinn, "A very entire and comprehensive view of the United States, diligently collected by a man of great acuteness Lepontian, and Bernese, post 8vo, large map, and observation."-Literary Gavette. extra cloth, (pub, at 10s 6d) reduced to 5s 1845 "One of the most interesting series of works, de BRODIE'S HISTORY OF THE BRITISH scriptive of the New World, which has ever emanated EMPIRE, from the Accession of Charles I. from the Press. The extensive geographical range of the country traversed by our experienced traveller to the Restoration with an Introduction the multiplicity of subjects which have occupied his traving the Progress of Society, and of the pen-his very agreeable style of composition the Constitution, from the Feudul 'Times, 4 vols. ability and tact with which he has blended historical and statistical matter with light delineations of man. 8vo. in extra cloth boards, (pub, at £2. 12s 6d) ners and customs-combine to produce a book of reduced to £1. 11. 6d 1822 travels containing literary ana turpassed for nonelty, "Mr. Brodie is a man of research and independence comprehensioeness, and interest in any extant work, of miud; his history is a work or weight and learning." Kast India Telegraph. Profesor Smyth. Lecture on Mod. Hlut BURGESS'S HAND-BOOK FOR TRA- BROWNE'S (SIR THOMAS) WORKS, COM- VELLERS IN GREECE AND THE PLETE; including his Vulgar Errors, Religio LEVANT, or Diary of a Summer's Excur- Medici, Urn Burial, Christian Morals, Corre- sion, 2 vols. 12mo. gilt cloth bourds, (pub. at spondence, Journals, and Tracts, many of them 14.) reduced to 5s 1835 hitherto Unpublished; the whole collected and * These little volumes are valuable as a guide for tou- edited, with a New Memoir, Notes, and Intro- rists, and pleasingly describe the most interesting portions duction, by Simon Wilkin, F.L.S. 4 vols. 8vo. of Greece, Turkey and Western Asia"-Athenaeum. fine portrait , extra cloth, (pub, at £2. 88) reduced BURKE'S (EDMUND) COMPLETE WORKS, to £1. lls Od Pickering, 1836 in 9 thick vols. 8vo, extra cloth,(pub, at £5. 128) the same, 4 vols. impl. 8vo. LAROE PAPER, reduced to £3. 13s 64 1845 extra cloth, (very few printed) (pub, at £4.45) The present edition of Berke's works includes the reduced to £2.88 whole of his speeches, and is more complete than any "We acknowledge ourselves indebted to Mr. Wilkin, one which has hitherto appeared. It comprises the for the delight we have experienced in the reperasal of entire contents of the former edition of his works in the noble writings of this author, and for the adinirable sixteen octavo volumes, including two volumes of and hitherto unpablished fragments which he has col. *peeches on the trial of Hastings, published in 1827, lected. The latter contain parages of great power, and which have never before been republished; also a hardly interior to the finest parts of the works by which reprint of the work e tited, An Account of the his name is established." Atheneum. European Settlemer in America," which though ** Sir Thomas Browne, the contemporary of Jeremy published anonymousy, is well known to have been Taylor, Hooker, Bacon, Selden and Robert Burton, is written by Burke, but is not contained in the English undoubtedly one of the most eloquent and poetical of edition of his works. that great literary era. Hi thoughts are often truly WORKS, with a Biographical and Critical sublime, and always conveyed in the most impressive Introduction by Rocens, 2 vols. imperial language."Chambers, "Dr. Johnson secretly and enremittingly formed his Bvo, closely but handsomely printed, extra cloth, style epon the basis of that of Sir Thomas Brown, (pub, at £2, 2s) reduced to £1. 108 1841 a name in every respect worthy of grateful remem- Shakspeare and Burke are, if I may venture on brance, Southey, in several of his critical labours in the expression, above talent. Burke was one of the the Quarterly Review, shows how fondly and familiarty trat thinkers, as well as one of the greatest orators, he has made himself acquainted with the prototype of of his time. He is without any parallel in any age or Johnson. Dindin's Library Companion country, except perhaps Lord Bacon and Cicero, and "A great English writer; le ennobles and conse his works contain an ampler store of political and crates whatever he touches Past and present, lite moral wisdom than can be found in any other writer and dissolution, time and immortality, seem to meet whatever. Str J. Mackintosh In his works as in a rane tor fetal parpone, Never **The compositions of Burke are master-pieces. Who anrely by any other writer has so much sentiment been can withstand the fascination and magie of his clo- put into the dry bones of antiquity. quencet The excursions of his genies are immense. Retrospective Revier. His imperial fancy has laid all nature onder tribute, A superior genies ls exhibited in Sir Thomas and has collected riches from every scene of the Browns. His mind was fertile and ingenious his anas creation, and every walk of art. He who can read logies original and brilliant, and his learning so much Als works without pleasure must resign all pretensions ont of the beaten path that it gives a peculiar and was to taste and sensibility. - Robert Hall common air to all his writing. Hailam, * The Religlo Medie wat sooner published than BURKE'S ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF HERAL- It excited the attention of the public by the novelty of DRY, OR GENERAL ARMORY OF its paradoxes, the dignity of sentiment, the quick snc ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRE- cension of images, the multitude of abstruse allusions, the subtlety of disquisition, and the strength of lan- LAND, comprising a Registry of all Armorial guage, Dr. Johnson. 54 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. Bearings, Crests and Mottoes, from the ear-CARY'S MEMORIALS OF THE GREAT liest period to the present time, including the CIVIL WAR IN ENGLAND, from 1646 to late Grants by the College of Arms. With an 1652, edited from Original Letters in the Bod- Introduction to Heraldry, and a Dictionary of leian Library, of Charles I., Charles II., Queen Terms. Third Edition, with a Supplement; Henrietta, Prince Rupert, Prince Maurice, one very large vol. imperial 8vo. beautifully Prince Charles Lodovic, Duke of York, Hyde printed in small type in double columns by Earl of Clarendon, Abp. Sancroft, Marquis of Whittingham, embellished with an elaborate fron- Worcester, Earl of Derby, Oliver Cromwell, tispiece, richly illuminated in gold and colours ; Sir Thomas Fairfax, Sir Walter Strickland, Sir also woodcuts, extra cloth boards, full gilt back, Arthur Haslerig, General Monk, General (pub. at £2. 2s) reduced to £1. 5s 1844 Poyntz, General Skippon, Colonel Treton, The most elaborate and useful work of the kind Colonel Hammond, Admiral Deane, Admiral ever published. It contains upwards of 30,000 ar- Blake, and numerous other eminent Persons, morial bearings, and incorporates all that have hitherto been given by Guillim, Edmondson, Collins, Nisbet, 2 vols. 8vo. handsomely printed, extra cloth, (pub. Berry, Robson, and others; besides many thousand at £1. 8s) reduced to 12 1842 names which have never appeared in any previous "We can safely recommend this work to all lovers work. This volume, in fact, in a small compass, but of historical literature." - Literary Gazette. without abridgment, contains more than four ordinary CARY'S TRANSLATION OF DANTE, fcap. 8vo. quartos. This book is interesting to every man in society. extra cloth, (pub. at 10s 6d) reduced to 8s 64 The contents not being merely of the day, there is no 1844 danger of its becoming obsolete, but like its prototype Cary's version of Dante is unanimously allowed to Edmondson, it must always remain a library book. be one of the most masterly productions of modern times. BURNS' (ROBERT) COMPLETE POETICAL Shelley always says that reading Dante is unfa AND PROSE WORKS, including his vourable to writing, from its superiority to all possible RELIQUES, with an Account of his Life and compositions." - Byron. Writings, and some Observations on the Cha- -- TRANSLATION OF PINDAR, fcap. 8vo. racter and Condition of the Scottish Peasantry, extra cloth, (pub. at 6) reduced to 4s 6d by James Currie, M.D. F.R.S., new edition, EARLY FRENCH POETS, a Series of No. with considerable Additions, including further tices and Translations, with an Introductory particulars of the Author's Life, and new Sketch of the History of French Poetry. Notes, illustrative of his Poems and Letters, by Edited by his Son, the Rev. Henry Cary, M.A. his brother, Gilbert Burns, 5 vols. 8vo. illus- Worcester College, Oxford, foap. 8vo. trated by fine portrait by Nasmyth, fac-simile of - LIVES OF ENGLISH POETS, from John- his hand-writing, and 16 beautiful engravings son to Kirke White, designed as a Continuatior. after the designs of Thomas Stothard, extra gilt of Johnson's Lives. Edited by his Son, fcap. cloth, (pub. at £3.13s 6d) reduced to £1.58 1820 8vo. BURNS' WORKS, complete, with Life by Allan CHAMBERS'S LIFE OF KING JAMES I., Cunningham, and Notes by Sir Walter Scott, 2 vols. 18mo. cloth bds. (pub, at 7) reduced to Campbell, Wordsworth, Lockhart, &c. royal 45 1830 8vo. fine portrait and plates, cloth lettered, (uni- CHANDLER'S (DR. R.) TRAVELS IN ASIA form with Byron, (pub, at 188) reduced to 10s 6d MINOR AND GREECE, made at the ex- 1842 pense of the Society of Dilettanti, 2 vols. in 1 the same, morocco extra, full gilt, £1. 4to. maps and plans, extra cloth, (pub.at £2. 2.) This is positively the only complete edition of Burns, reduced to 12 1817 in a single volume, 8vo. It contains not only every CHANNING'S COMPLETE WORKS, THE LI- scrap which Burns ever wrote, whether prose or verse, but also a considerable number of Scotch national airs, BRARY EDITION, complete to the time of his collected and illustrated by hin (not given elsewhere) decease, printed from the Author's corrected and roll and interesting acconnis of the occasions and copies, transmitted to the English Publishers circumstances of his various writings. The very com- by the Author himself, 6 vols. post 8vo. hand- plete and interesting Life by Allan Cunningham alone occupies 161 pages, and the Indices and Glossary are somely printed, with a fine portrait, cloth lettered, very copious. The whole forms a thick elegantly printed (pub, at £2. 2s) reduced to £1. 1s 1845 volume, extending in all to 848 pages. The other edin *** The works of Chaouing are among the noblest tions, including one published in similar shape, with productions of the human mind, and the richest gifts of an abridgement of the Life by Allan Cunningham, a bountiful God. Never since man was placed upon comprised in only 47 pages, and the whole volume in earth, bas any one written with more of the spirit of only 504 pages, do not contain above two-thirds of the truth and of love. His words are remarkable for fit above. It seems the more necessary to call attention ness and beauty, his thoughts are the effulgence of the to this fact, as the edition referred to has lately been eternal light, and his feelings are the fullness of the put forth as "the only complete edition." One mi- heavenly life. It is impossible that his works should be nute's comparison will be sufficient to undeceive in this read without profit. li is impossible that they should respect. be universally ditfased, without effecting a beneficent CAMPBELL'S LIFE AND TIMES OF PE. revolution amongst every class, and in every institation of society, TRARCH; with Notices of Boccaccio and his "Channing is unquestionably the finest writer of the illustrious Contemporaries. Second Edition, age. From his writings may be extracted some of the 2 vols. 8vo. fine portraits and plates, extra cloth richest poetry and richest conceptions, clothed in lan- guage, unfortunately for our literature, too little (pub, at £i. lls 6d) reduced to 12 1843 stadied in the day in which we live." "The standard life of Petrarch. The fortunes and Fraser'. Magazine. career of the poet are traced with admirable distinct "We warmy and heartily recommend Dr. Channing ness; his devoted passion for Laura is finely developed to the hands of every young man who is finishing his and characterized ; and his poetical character is ana. dacation, and to every keneral reader who earnestly lyzed and estimated with all the power of a kindred seks fis own improvement."-- Athenaum. genius. This work must take its place in our libraries "The Sermons of Dr. Chanuing are astonishing pro- as one of the most interesting and important historical dactons, and deserve a high place in the library of works of our time." -Athenarum. every Divine throughout the world," New Monthly MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. 55 CHATEAUBRIAND'S SKETCHES OF ENG- CIBBER'S (COLLEY) APOLOGY FOR HIS LISH LITERATURE, 2 vols. 8vo. in extra LIFE, written by Himself, and interspersed cloth boards, (pub, at £1.4.) reduced to 12s 1836 with Characters and Anecdotes of his Theatrical HISTORICAL, POLITICAL, & MORAL Contemporaries, during upwards of Forty ESSAY ON REVOLUTIONS, Ancient and Years. New Edition, with explanatory Notices Modern, 8vo. extra cloth (pub. at 8s) reduced by E. Bellchambers, 8vo. fine portrait ; cloth to 3s 64 1815 lettered, (pub. at 10s) reduced to 4s 1822 "Chateaubriand is the greatest man of his age-in CLARKE'S (DR. E. D.) TRAVELS IN mind, in style, in poetry, in heart." -Jules Janin. VARIOUS COUNTRIES OF EUROPE, CHATHAM PAPERS, being the Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Edited by ASIA, AND AFRICA, particularly Russia, the Executors of his Son, John, Earl of Chat- Tartary, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, the Holy Land, and Scandinavia, 11 vols. 8vo. maps and ham, and published from the original Manu- scripts in their possession, 4 vole. 8vo. extra plates, extra cloth bds. (pub. at £10.) reduced to £3. 3 1827.24 cloth, (pub. at £3. 12.) reduced to £1.5s Murray, 1838-1840 "The accomplished and famed traveller or Cam- "A production of greater historical interest could bridge. He is a most favourable specimen of English hardly be imagined. We huve not seen another pos- travellers, and does honour to the great University of sessed of more varied and engrossing interest. Never which he was such a distinguished ornament."--Black- did history offer more instructive lessons for prennt wood'x Magazine, December, 1845. guidance than are contained in this correspondence. * The most instructive and engaging travels ever I u a standard work, which will directly pass into published in this country."-Lowndes. every library." --Literary Gazette "The splendour and celebrity of all travels, per- Lord Chatham was the most powerful orator that formed by Englishmen, have been exceeded by that of ever Illustrated and ruled the senate of this empire. the late and deeply lamented Dr. Edward Clarke. For nearly half a century, he was not merely the ar. Upon the whole, if Hamboldt be the first, Clarke is the biter or the destinies of his own country, but the second traveller of the age." Dibdin. foremost man in all the world. He had an unparalleled * We willingly pass over a host of minor and even grandear and affluence of intellectual powers, softened respectable travellers, to journey in company with Dr. and brightened by all the minor accomplishments; his Clarke, whose strong powers of observation and eloquent ambition was noble; his views instinctively elevated; and animated pictures both of art and nature have his patriotism all but excessive and in all the domestic raised him to so high a rank among modern travellers. relations of life he was exemplary and amiable-a fine His profound skill in antiquities peculiarly qualified scholar, a finished gentleman, a sincere Christian-one him for exploring the regions he principally tra- whom his private friends and servants loved as a good versed." -Murray's Hist. of Discoveries. man, and all the world admired as a great one." COMPANION TO THE BRITISH ALMANAC, Quarterly Review * There is hardly any man in modern times who kills from the commencement in 1828 to 1843, bound to large a space in our history, and of whom we know in 8 double vols. with an extensive Alphabetical ao little as Lord Chatham; and yet he is the per Index to the whole series, 1 vol.; together 9 son to whom every one would at once point, if desired to name the greatest Statesman and Orator that this vols, post 8vo. extra cloth (pub, at £2. 15s 6d) country ever produced. We regard this work, then, as reduced to £1. ls one of the greatest value: and hold the editors (of COLEMAN'S MYTHOLOGY OF THE HIN- whom his great-grandson and personal representative is one) to have rendered a great service to the memory DUS, with notices of vartous Mountain and of their illustrious ancestor, and to the public interests, Island Tribes, inhabiting the two Peninsulas of by determining to keep back no part of these precious India, and the Neighbouring Islands : 4to. with documents." Edinburgh Review CHATTERTON'S WORKS, both Prose and Po. numerous plates illustrative of the principal Hindu etical, including bis Letters, with Notices of his Deities, &c. cloth bds. emblematically gilt on back Life, History of the Rowley Controversy, and and sides, (pub. at $2.28) reduced to £1. 4s 1832 Notes Critical and Explanatory, 2 vols.post 8vo. elegantly printed, with engraved Fac-similes of COLLECTION OF ENGLISH SONNETS, con Chatterton's handwriting and the Rowley MSS. taining the best Examples from the Reign of cloth lettered (pub, at 158) reduced to 98 1842 Henry VIII, to the present day, with an Intro- LAROE PAPER, 2 vols. crown 8vo. extra cloth duction, an Essay on Sonnet Writing, and boards (pub. at £1. ls) reduced to 128 copious notes, by R. F. Housman, Esq. post * Warton, Malone, Croft, Dr. Knox, Dr. Sherwin, 8vo. extra cloth boards (pub. at 7s 6d) reduced and others, in prose: and Scott, Wordsworth, Kirke to 4 1841 White, Montgomery, Shelley, Coleridge, and Keats, in verse; have conferred lasting immortality upon Printed uniformly with the poetical collections of the Poems of Chatterton." Ritson, Ellis, Percy, and others. *A geniu. like what or Homer and Shakespeare ap- "Mr. Housman introduces his specimens by a care- pears not above once in many centuries. fully digested Preface, in which the laws and licenses Vicesimur Knar. of the Sonnet's structure are set forth; and he has en- CHORLEY'S (H. F.) MUSIC AND MANNERS rlehed his collection by illustrative and anecdotal notes, IN FRANCE AND GERMANY, 3 vols. in which good taste and good feeling are every where to be traced."Atheneum. post 8vo. cloth, richly gilt, (pub, at £1. Ils 6d) ** This is one of the most delightfal books that have ever reduced to 7s 6d 1844 come under our notice, and comprises the most valuable CHURTON'S UNIVERSAL AMANUENSIS, collection of Sonnets in our language."- Maidstone Garette. or Secretary and Correspondent's Assistant, ** We commend Mr. Houstan's book with a warm being a complete Code of the most correct panegyric to the public. It contains a perfect treasury forms of addressing persons of every rank and of gems, and is one of the most chaste and delightfal station in life, 18mo, cloth, edges cut, (pub, at volumes in the whole range of our English anthologies. 3) reduced to ls 6d 1841 This is a very useful, in fact, an indispensable, book, CONQUEST OF PERU AND ADVENTURES to every person engaged in correspondence, and is the OF PIZARRO (THE HISTORY OF) by Don latest of the kind. It contains the most correct modes of Superscription, Commencement, and Conclusions of Trueba, 18mo, cloth ods. (pub. at 3:6d) reduced Letters to persons of every Degree of Rank; Tables to 25 1830 of Precedency, &c. &c. 56 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. COOKERY-JENNINGS'FAMILY COOKERY, COWPER'S COMPLETE WORKS, edited by containing 2500 Practical Receipts, the whole SOUTHEY, comprising his Poems, Correspon- ART OP CARVING, and an Introduction on the dence, and Translations, with a Life of the Duties of Cooks and other Servants, thick 12mo. Author, 15 vols. post 8vo. beautifully printed tood-cuts, cloth, full gilt (pub. at 7s 6d) reduced by Whittingham, embellished with numerous ex- to 33 1844 quisite engravings, after the designs of Harvey, This extremely useful work may be called an "En- elegantly bound in cloth (pub, at £3.168) reduced cyclopædia of Family Cookery." It contains all the to £2. 12s 64 1835-7 Laws, Rules, Recipes, Ordinances, and Regulations, which may be thought necessary, pleasant, useful, the same, hf. bd. rorocco, marbled edges, £4. elegant, or beneficial to the state of Cookery as now established. It was compiled by two practical Cooks, ... This is the only complete edition of Cowper Mrs. Sarah Jennings, and Mrs. Jane Johnson, and which has ever been given to the world. The early will be found to be as correct as it is complete. Poems, addressed by Cowper to his cousin, Theodora LADIES OWN COOKERY BOOK AND Cowper, to whom he was attached, are exclusively copyright, and consequently cannot appear in any DINNER TABLE DIRECTORY, adapted to other edition. It contains all the letters which had the use of Persons living in the Highest Style, been previously published, examined with the ori- as well as those of moderate Fortune, including ginals, and passages restored, that either from error in judgment, or reasons connected with individuals a large Collection of Original Receipts contri- then living, were left out by Hayley, many of which buteri by an extensive circle of Acquaintances, passages are important, and highly illustrative of the (Lady Charlotte Bury, assisted by a distin- inind of Cowper. It comprehends, in addition, up- wards of One hundred and twenty letters never guished practical Cook). Second Edition, in one before printed in any sliape, and of the most interest closely printed volume, post 8vo. cloth lettered, ing description. In the Life of the Poet, Dr. Southey (pub. at 8s 6d) reduced to 3s 6d 1844 has introduced much of the Literary History of Eng. COOPER'S (J. F.) HISTORY OF THE NAVY land during half a centary, with Blographical Sketches of many of his contemporaries. OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, "Or Cowper how shall I express myself in adequate from the Earliest Period to the Peace of 1815, terms or admiration? The purity of his principles, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, gilt cloth (pub, at £1. 10s) the tenderness of his heart, his unaffected and realous reduced to 12s piety, his warmth of devotion, the delicacy and play- 1839 fulness of bis wit, and the singular felicity of his dic- ** These volumes are filled with the graphic re- tion, all conspire by turns cords of daring adventure, and contain, in their narra- To win the wisest, wart the coldest heart." tion of facts, a treasure to the lovers of sea-ro Cowper is the poet of a well-educated and well-prin- Inance. The name of Somers is a household word cipled Englishman.Home, sweet Home' is the in Ainerica; and the desperate enterprise in which he scene- limited as it may be imagined-in which he and his companions perished, is narrated in this work contrives to concentrate a thousand beauties, which with an extraordinary effect." -Athenæum. others have scattered far and wide upon objets of less COPLEY'S (formerly Mrs. Hewlett) History of interest and attraction. His pictures are, it may to speak, conceived with all the tenderner of Rafaelle, Slavery and its Abolition, Second Edition, and executed with all the finish and sharpness or Teniers. with an appendix, thick small 8vo. fine portrait No man, in such few words, tells his tale, or describes of Clarkson ; cloth lettered (pub, at 68) reduced his scene so forcibly and so justly. The popularity of to 4s 60 1839 Cowper gains strength as it gains age: and, after all, he is the poet of our study, our cabinet, and our CORTES, LIFE OF, the Conqueror of Mexico, by alcove." -Dibdin. Don Trueba, 18mo. cloth bds. (pub, at 3s 6d) "There is not in the whole compass of English reduced to 2s 1829 literature, a slagle writer, whose works, including his COSTELLO'S SPECIMENS OF THE EARLY admirable Correspondence, deserve to be so generally infused (if we may be permitted the expression) into FRENCH POETRY, from the time of the society, as those of Cowper."Atlas. Troubadours to the Reign of Henry IV., post **COWER 15 BY FAT THE MOST DELIGHTFUL 8vo. with 4 plates, cloth, full gilt (pub. at 103 6d) LETTER-WILTER IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE." Quarterly Review reduced to 75 1835 The Letters of Mr. Cowper are the finest speci- the same, the plates splendidly illuminated in gold mens of the epistolary style in our latigoage. To an and colours, in imitation of ancient manuscripts, air of inimitable ease they unite a high degree of cor- cloth gilt 185 reetness, such as could result only from the clearest in- telleet, combined with the most finished taste. There * We warmly recommend Miss Costco's very ele is scarcely a single word capable of being exchanged gant little work."-Attenæum. for a better, and of literary errors there are none. I have "This is a most exquisite little volume, like the ladye pernted them with great admiration and delight." in Christabelle, beitirul exceedingly. It is a work Robert Hall. of research, of inistry, and of taste and the com- "The study of Cowper's prose will be found highly bination or the three has produced what should find a useful in forming the taste of young people."-Ibid. place in every library." Literary Gazette. ** All the writings of Cowper bear the stamp of ori- COURTENAY'S (RT. HON. T. B.) COMMEN- ginal genius, and remind us of the merits that have secured in thortality to Shakspeare. It is impossible to TARIES ON THE HISTORICAL PLAYS read lis productions without being delighted with his OF SHAKSPEARE, (shewing his Authorities, force, his brilliancy, and his variety."-Edinb. Review, and where he has departed from History,) 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth lettered (pub. at 18%) CRAWFURD'S (J.) JOURNAL OF AN EM- BASSY FROM THE GOVERNOR-GENE- 1840 COWPER'S POETICAL WORKS, with Life by RAL OF INDIA TO THE COURTS OP SIAM AND COCHIN-CHINA, exhibiting Stebbing, complete in one stout bandsome * View of the actual State of those Kingdoms, volume, foolscap, 8vo, elegantly printed on large 2 vols. 80. second edition, with maps and 25 and fine paper, frontispiece and vigrette, extra cloth boards, (pub. at 8) reduced to 6s 1842 plates, cloth bds. (pub, at £1.11: 6d) reduced to 123 1830 COWPER'S POETICAL WORKS, with Life of the Author, by McDiarmid, foolscap 12mo. "A mass of very valuable additions respecting a beautifully engraved frontispieces, extra red turkey part of the world in which the commercial interests of cloth gilt (pub, at 85) reduced to 38 ihe country muy in all probability be concerned to a 1844 very importaut extent," -Time MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISI LITERATURE, 57 CRAWFURD'S (J.) JOURNAL OF AN EM-DALLAWAY'S OBSERVATIONS ON ARCHI- BASSY TO THE COURT OF AVA, with TECTURE IN ENGLAND (Gothic, Nor- an Appendix, containing a Description of Fossil man, and Elizabethan), royal 8vo. extra gut Remains, by Professor Buckland, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, (pub, at 148) reduced to 7s 1833 second edition, with 13 maps, plates, and vignettes, DAMER'S DIARY OF A TOUR IN GREECE, cloth bde. (pub. at £1. lls6d) reduced to 128 TURKEY, EGYPT, AND THE HOLY 1834 LAND, second edition, 2 vols, post 8vo, plates, "This like Mr. Crawford's other publications, con- extra cloth, (pub, at 163) reduced to 6s 6d 1842 tains # large store or information, and many sound and "The Hon. Mrs. Damer, a descendant of Lady Mary Jodielous remarks on the lastitutions and manners of Wortley Montague, necessfully rivals her Ladyship in the East."-Westminster Revies. the very features in which she has so long been consi- dered the most delightful of tourists. Such pictures of CROKER'S (CROFTON) COLLECTION OF Turkish private life as are here given it is vain to look THE POPULAR SONGS OF IRELAND, for elsewhere.". New Monthly. Ancient and Modern, with Introductions, and DAVIDSON'S (COL) DIARY OF TRAVELS Historical and Explanatory Notes, post 8vo. AND ADVENTURES IN UPPER INDIA, cloth lettered, (pub. at 10s6d) reduced to 5s from Bareilly in Rohilound, to Hurd war and 1839 Nahun, in the Himmalaya Mountains; with a This interesting collection is printed in the same Tour in Bundeletind, a Sporting Excursion in formas Ritson's Collection of English and Scottish the kingdom of Oude, and a Voyage down the Songs, and the publications of the Perey Society. The Songs and Ballads are of the most interesting, and, in Ganges, 2 vols. post 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at many instances, exciting character, and each is accom- £1. Is) reduced to 9 1843 panied by its history from the competent pen of Cror- DAVIS'S SKETCHES OF CHINA, during an ton Croker, than whom no man knows more of the Inland Journey of 4 months, between Peeking poetie superstitions, and the manners and mythology of Ireland. Nankeen, and Canton; with Notices and Ob. CROLY'S (DR.) PERSONAL HISTORY OF servations relative to the War, 2 vols, post 8vo. KING GEORGE THE FOURTH, with with a new map of China, cloth lettered, (pub, at Anecdotes of distinguished Persons of the last 163) reduced to 9 1841 Fifty Years, second edition, enlarged, 2 vols. post This is Mr. Davis's new work on China, and should be distinguished from the former, which has been re- 8vo. portrait; extra cloth (pub. at £1. 1s) re- printed in several shapes. There is no other edition of duced to 98 1841 the present work, "This work is written throughout with great anima DAVISON'S POETICAL RHAPSODY, to tion and elegance, and contains many light and pleas. which are added several other Pieces, with Ing sketches of the characters of those men whore great qualities of mind and heart made those days illustrious Memoir and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, 2 In England's anuals. The illustrious names of Pitt vols. post 8vo. extra cloth, gilt backs, (pub.at and Fox, and Burke; of Thurlow, and Bheridan, and .£1. 16) reduced to 12 1826 Canning of Grattan, and Flood, and Curran, appear in the historie narrative in their various degrees of ce- ** Best edition of what may be considered the most lebrity, and are characterised always with force and estimable of our early metrical miscellanies." Lovendes. freedom of style."Genti's Mag. DE QUINCEY'S LOGIC OF POLITICAL CRUIKSHANK'S THREE COURSES AND A ECONOMY, 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub. at 7s 6d) DESSERT, a Series of Tales, in three sets, reduced to 3s 60 Blackwood, 1844 viz, Irish, Legal, and Miscellaneous, crown 8vo. A very ably written book, by the author of the Opium with 51 extremely clever and comic Illustrations ; Later extru cloth, gilt, (pub, at £1. 18) reduced to 10X DIARY OF THE TIMES OX CHARLES THE 1844 SECOND, by the Hon. HENRY SIDNEY, (after That very capital and comie work, Three Courses wards Earl of Rodney), including his Corres. and a Dessert,' was published at a time when the rage pondence with the Countess of Sunderland, and for comie stories was not so great as it has since be- other distinguished Persons at the English come, and Messrs. Clark and Oruikshank therefore only sold their thousands where Messrs. Dickens and Phix Court: to which are added, Letters illustrative dispose of their tens of thousands. But if our recom- of the Times of Jaines Il. and William III. mendation can in any way influence the reader, we Edited, with Notes, by R. W. Blencowe, Esq. would enjoin him to secure a copy of the Three Courses, which contains the best designs of George A.M. 2 vols. 8vo. fine portraits and fac-similes Cruileshank, and some of the most amusing tales in our of autographs: extra cloth (pub. at £1. 8) language-Wet. Res. reduced to 12 1843 "This is an extraordinary performance. Such an Tuis ORIGINAL AND EXTERTAINING DIARY IS O union of the painter, the poet, and the novell.t, in one TAN SAMACHARACTER AND PERIOD AS EVALYN'S, 20 person, i unesampled. A title of the talent that goes WHICH IT FORMS A VERY DESIRABLE COMPANION. to making the stories would set up a dozen or annual The nature of this Diary and Correspondence may writers and a tithe of the inventive genius that is dis be in some degree anticipated, from the fact that the played in the illustrations, would fornish a gallery of Diarist was not only a brother of the celebrated ihe colour-mixers in Essex Street and the Strand, Algernon Sidney, but that be successively siled the Spectator high Court and Political offices or Groom of the Bed- "The most amusing book we have read for many a chamber, Master of the Robes, Envoy to the States of day."Atheneum Holland, Chlef Secretary of State, Lord Lieutenant, **There must be ne smiling here. A man who does General and GOVOR OF ISLAND, Master-General not laugh outright is a dollard, and has no heart: and of the Ordnance, Lentenant-General of the Forces, there are some of these designs which have the blessed and finally, Groom of the Stole, and First Gentleman faealty of creating laughter as often as you see them." or the Bedchamber. He was also. Member of Parlia. West Res. ment for Bramber and (no trifting advantage in the CRUIKSHANK'S OMNIBUS, edited by Laman Timex and Court in which he figured) confessedly the handsomest man of bis day. That the Diary of socha Blanchard, large royal 8vo. illustrated by fine person, so placed in regard to the Court and Times of portrait, and 100 humorous engravings on steel Charles II., must abound in features of unsurpassed in and wood, all by the artist himself, wery elegantly terest and amusement need scarcely be stated. bound in gilt cloth, with a rich come back, (pub. publication of great and permanent Interest, that will take its place beside Evelyn and Pepsi-Nunal and at 12s) reduced to 78 1842 Military Gautta 58 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. DIARY OF THE TIMES OF GEORGE THE DRAKE'S (DR. NATHAN) SHAKSPEARE FOURTH, interspersed with Original Letters AND HIS TIMES, including the Biography from the late Queen Caroline, and from various of the Poet, Criticisms on his Genius and other distinguished distinguished Persons, (by Lady Writings, a new Chronology of his Plays, and Charlotte Bury, Maid of Honour to Queen a History of the Manners, Customs, and Caroline, Miss Sheridan, and John Galt). Amusements, Superstitions, Poetry, and Lite- New edition, 4 vols, post 8vo, beautiful portrait rature of the Elizabethan Era, 2 vols. 4to. of the Queen, extra cloth (pub. at £2. 2s) (above 1400 pages) with fine portrait, and a reduced to 163 1839 plate of autographs, cloth bds. (pub. at £5. 58) the same, the LIBRARY EDITION, 4 vols. large reduced to £1. lls 6d 1817 8vo. fine portrait, extra cloth lettered (pub. at the same, 2 vols. 4to. hf. bd. morocco, uncut, £2. 168) reduced to 18s £1. 165 This amusing miscellany of secret history and snp- pressed papers caused considerable excitement at the the same, LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. royal 4to. time of its first publication, and run through several hf, bd. morocco, uncut, (pub. at £7.78) reduced editions in a few weeks. It will always be interesting, to £2. 12s 62 DIBDIN'S BIBLIOMANIA, OR BOOK- "A masterly production, the publication of which MADNESS, a Bibliographical Romance, new will form an epoch in the Shaksperian History of this edition, with considerable additions, including a country. No work has hitherto appeared, and we may Key to the assumed Characters in the Drama, venture to pronounce that none can in future be prue and a Supplement, 2 vols, royal 8vo. handsomely duced, in which so much agreeable and well digested Soformation respecting Shakspeare and his times will printed, embellished by numerous wood-cuts, many be found. It comprises also a complete and critical of which are now first added, extra cloth boards, analysis of all the Plays and Poems of Shakspeare, and (pub. at £3. 3s) reduced to £1. lls 6d 1842 a comprehensive and powerful sketch of the contem- porary literature."-Gentleman's Magazine. --the same, LARGE PAPER, impl. 8vo. of which only very few copies were printed, extra cloth DRUMMOND'S (SIR WILLIAM) ORIGINES, boards, (pub. at £5. 5s) reduced to £3. 13s 6d OR REMARKS ON THE ORIGIN OF This celebrated work, which unites the entertainment EMPIRES, STATES, AND CITIES, 4 vols. of a romance with the most valuable information on all bibliographical subjects, has long been very scarce, and 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, (pub. at £2. 88) re- sold for considerable sums--the small paper for £8.88 duced to £1. Ils 6d 1824-20 and the Large Paper for upwards of 50 guineas !!! On the present reprint (undertaken by the late Mr. ... Vols. 2, 3, or may be had separately, at Ts each. Walmsley) no expense has been spared--the typogra- phical exceution is first-rate-many of the wood-cots DUNCAN'S HISTORY OF THE DUKES OF have been re-engraved, others have been added, and NORMANDY, from the time of Rollo to the the whole appears to greater advantage, owing to the improved style of printing. The author has added a Expulsion of King John by Philip Augustus Supplement completing it to the present time, and a of France, foolscap 8vo. frontispiece, extra cloth, Key to the Characters in the Dialogues, who comprise gilt back, (pub. at 78) reduced to 4s6d 1839 the most emineot book collectors of the time. As only a limited number of copies have been printed, fewer in ** The author has, in this elegant little volume, sap- fact than of the former edition, the work must soon plied a deficiency in the historical literature of England. again be numbered among rare books. The sample is so good that we only wish we had “The Bibliomania is evidently formed in the first in. more or it."--Examiner. stance on the plan of honest Isane Walton's "Complete Angler;" with conspicuous marks of the author's being DUNLOP'S (JOHN) MEMOIRS OF SPAIN deeply versed in the Battle of the Books, and a DURING THE REIGNS OF PHILIP IV familiar acquaintance with old English Literature, and occasionally with the digressions of Yorick. Under AND CHARLES II. from 1621 to 1700, the shape of dramatic Dialogue, the reader is equally 2 vols. 8vo. gilt cloth, (pub, at £1. 6.) reduced entertained and instructed; the abstruser parts, with to 125 Edinb. 1834 the historic details, being thrown into the form of notes. It would now be useless to pass an encomium An able work, which follow. Watson's Philip IT. on this work, as its merits are so fully established as to and III., and with Robertson's Charles V. and Cose's have more than doubled the original price of a voiame Bourbon Kings, forms a continuous History of Spain now with difficulty to be obtained."-Gent's Mag. to 1788. DIBDIN'S BIBLIOPHOBIA, OR REMARKS ON THE PRESENT STATE OF LITERA. EARL'S (G. W.) EASTERN SEAS; OR VOYAGES AND ADVENTURES IN THE TURE AND THE BOOK TRADE, 8vo. bds. 4s 6d 1832 INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO IN 1832, 1833, the same, royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, bds. 8s Gd AND 1834 ; comprising a Tour of the Island 1832 of Java, Visits to Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, DIBDIN'S BIBLIOTHECA SPENCERIANA, Siam, &c.; also an Account of the present Vol. 4, imperial 8vo. (containing the Books State of Singapore, with Observations on the printed by Caxton), numerous cuts, bds. (pub, Commercial Resources of the Archipelago, 8vo. at £4. 4s) reduced to £1. ls 1815 with 4 maps, extra cloth bds. (pub, at 12s) re- duced to 6s -CATALOGUE "THE 1837 OF CASSANO LIBRARY, including a General Index to the ** The Indian Archipelago possesses in its peenliar Bibliotheca Spenceriana and Ædes Althor. moral interest, as Australia in its extent, a claim to be pianæ, imperial 8vo, bds. (pub, at £1. l.) re- entitled the fifth division of the globe. An excellent duced to iOs 6d 1823 and pleasing account of it was given to the publie a few years ago by Mr. Crawfurd. But that did not D'ISRAELI'S AMENITIES OF LITERATURE, afford a near view of the insalar communities and consisting of Sketches and Characters of Eng- their singular manners; nor did it point out their polie lish Literature, illustrating the Literary, Politi- tical tendebey, or commercial capabilities. These cal, and Religious Vicissitudes of the English wants are now supplied by Mr. Earl, whose volume contains much that is novel, communicated in an ua. People, second edition, 3 vols. 8vo. extra cloth affected and agreeable manner."-Atheneum. bds. (pub, at £1. 168) reduced to £1. 2. 1841 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. 59 EDUCATION.-The Series of Works on Educa- FIELDING'S WORKS, (Tom Jones, Amelia, tion, published by the Society for promoting Jonathan Wild, Joseph Andrews, Plays, Useful Knowledge, and the Central Society- Essays, and Miscellanies,) complete in 1 thick viz. : The Schoolmaster, (by Ascham, Milton, volume, medium 8vo. with 20 capital plates ou &c.) 2 vols.; National Education, (by Hill), Cruilchank, extra red cloth, richly gilt, (pub. at 2 vols.; Essays by the Central Society, 3 vols.; £1. 4) reduced to 145 1845 the Educator, or Prize Essays. Together 8 vols. " Or all the works of imagination to which English fcap. 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub. at £2. 108) re- genius has given origin, the writings of Henry Fielding duced to £1.55 1836-39 are perhaps most decidedly and exclusively her own. ELLIS'S (MRS.) VOICE FROM THE VIN- Sir Walter Scott. TAGE, or the Force of Example, addressed "The prose Homer of human nature." --Lord Byron. to those who think and feel, fcap. 8vo. cloth FOSTER'S ESSAYS; (on Decision of Cha- lettered, (pub, at 4s) reduced to 2s6d 1843 racter; on a Man's Writing Memoirs of him- ENGLISH COUNTRY LIFE, by MARTINGALE, self; on the epithet Romantic; on the aversion author of “Sporting Scenes," post Bvo, cloth, of Men of Taste to Evangelical Religion, &c.) elegantly gilt on back and sides, (pub. at 9s) fcap. 8vo. eighteenth edition, cloth, (pub. at 6s) reduced to 4s 6d 1843 reduced to 55 1844 ENGLISH CAUSES CELEBRES, or Remark- "I have read with the greatest admiration, the Essays able Trials, square 12mo, ornamental wrapper, of Mr. Foster. He is one of the most profound and (pub. at 4s) reduced to 25 1844 eloquent writers that England has produced." the same, cloth lettered, (pub. at 58) reduced Sir James Macintosh. to 3. 6d ** The author places the idea which he wishes to This work aims at presenting in a popular form present in such a flood of light, that it is not merely visible itself, but it seems to illumine all around it. He every thing that can be made generally interesting in paints metaphysics, and has the happy art of arraying, an extensive but little explorer department of our what in other hands would appear cold and comfortless. literature, the records in Court of Justice. abstractions, in the warmest colours of fancy." FANSHAWE (LADY) MEMOIRS OF, wife Robert Hall. of Sir Richard Fanshawe, Bart., Ambassador * Mr. Foster's Essays are full of ingenuity and ori. from Charles II. to the Court of Madrid. ginal remarks. The style of them is at once terse and elegant."-Dibdin's Library Comp. Written by Herself, now first published from "A very acate and powerful writer of the present the Original Manuscript. Second Edition, day, Mr. Poster, in his Essay on Decision of Cha- post 8vo. with portrait, extra cloth, (pub, at 98) racter,' &c. Ten Thousand a Year." reduced to 3s 6d 1830 FOSTER'S ESSAY ON THE EVILS OF "These delightful Memoirs may take their place by the side of Mrs. Hutchinson's Memoirs." POPULAR IGNORANCE, new edition, Spectator. elegantly printed, in fcap. 8vo. now first uni- FENN'S PASTON LETTERS. Original Letters form with his Essays on Decision of Character, of the Paston Family, written during the cloth, 58 1845 Reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and " Mr. Foster always considered this his best work, Richard III., by various persons of rank and and the one by which he wished his literary claims to consequence, chiefly on historical subjects, new be estimated. Its not having sold to anything like the edition, with notes and corrections, complete in extent of his other Essays was, he used to say, a proof 2 vols, bound in 1, square 12mo. cloth gilt, of the Popular Ignorance." "A work which, popular and admired as it con- (puh. at 10.) reduced to 7s 60 1840 fessedly is, has never met with the thousandth part of the same, quaintly bound in maroon morocco, the attention which it deserves, Dr. Pye Smith. carved boards, in the early style, gilt edges, reduced * If any have yet to learn the Evils of Popular Ignorance, let them survey the chambers of Imagery to 168 in this original and affecting Essay, and if they can The original edition of this very curious and inte. receive impressions, they will never more forget that Testing series of historical letters is a rare book, and the people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." sells for upwards of TEN GUINEAS. The present is not Harris (Author of Hammon. an abridgment, as might be supposed from its form, but gives the whole matter by omitting the duplicate FOULIS'S CATALOGUE of his Collection of version of the letters written in an obsolete language, Pictures, 3 vols. fcap. 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at and adopting only the more modern readable version published by Penn. 155) reduced to 6s 6d 1766 " The Paston letters are an important testimony to FRANCE AND THE FRENCH REVO- the progressive condition of society, and come in as a precious link in the chain of the moral history of LUTION; consisting of, I. The Reign of England, which they alone in this period sapply. Terror, a Collection of authentic Narratives They stand indeed singly in Europe ; for though it is of the Horrors committed by the Revolutionary highly probable that in the archives of Italian families, ir not in France or Germany, a series of merely Government of France under Marnt and private letters equally ancient may be concealed, I Robespierre ; written by Eye-witnesses of the do not recollect any that have been published. They Scenes, 2 vols. 11. Authentic Memoirs of the were all written in the reigns of Henry VI. and Revolution in France, and of the Sufferings of Edward IV., except a few as late as Henry VII., by different members of a wealthy and respectable, but the Royal Family. II. Sketch of the History not noble, family, and are, therefore, pictures of the of France, from the suspension of the Mo- life of the English gentry in that age." Hallam. narchy in 1792 to its re-establishment in 1815, ** Friday, February 9th, 1787. with illustrative Official Papers. Together "I am now reading the Paston Family Original Letters, written in the wars of York and Lancaster, 4 vols. 8vo. portrait, &c. cloth lettered, (pub. at and am greatly entertained with them. Their antique £2.5) reduced to 14 1817-26 air, their anstudied communication of the modes or FRANKLIN'S (BENJAMIN) WORKS, con- those old times, with their undonbted authenticity, ren- der them highly interesting, carions, and informing. taining many Political and Historical Tracts, The Queen told me she had been much struck with the as well as official and private letters, not Duke of Suffolk's letter to his son. It is indeed both Interesting and instructive." hitherto published. With Notes, and a Life Madame D'Arblay's Diary of the Author, (including his Autobiography) 60 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. PLETED TO THE PRESENT by JARED SPARKS, 10 large vols. royal 8vo. ( GAZETTEER.- NEW EDINBURGH UNI- 22 portraits and plates, extra cloth, (pub, at £8.) VERSAL GAZETTEER, and Geographical reduced to £5, 5s Boston, U. S. 1844 Dictionary, more complete than any hitherto This is the only complete edition of the Works and published, NEW EDITION, REVISED AND COM- Life of Franklin. It includes many curious and inte- TIME, by John resting letters to and from the most distinguished indi- Thomson, (editor of the Universal Atlas, &c.) viduals of the time. More than one-third or the whole is very thick 8vo. (1040 pages) maps ; extra cloth, now first published. (pub, at 188) reduced to 12s Edinb. 1845 FRASER'S TRAVELS IN KOORDISTAN AND MESOPOTAMIA, &c. including an This comprehensive volume is the latest, and by far the best Universal Gazetteer of its size. It includes a Account of Parts of those Countries hitherto full account of Atfghanistan, New Zealand, &c. &e. unvisited by Europeans; with Sketches of GEMS OF EPISTOLARY CORRESPON- the Character and Manners of the Koordish DENCE, selected from the best English Au- and Arab Tribes, 2 vols. 8vo. fine frontispiecas, thors, from the Time of Sir Philip Sidney to extra cloth, (pub. at £1. 8s) reduced to 8 1840 GELL'S (SIR WILLIAM TOPOGRAPHY the Present Day, by R. A. Willmott, Trin. OF ROME AND ITS VICINITY, anim- Coll. Camb. new edition, post 8vo. extra gile proved edition, complete in 1 vol. 8vo. with cloth, (pub, at 7s 6d) reduced to 4s 1846 several plates, cloth lettered, 12s 1846 This judielous selection comprises the names of above 100 of the most distinguished English Classics. Among --the same, with a very large Map of Rome and the more recent, are-Walpole, Hannah More, Barke, its Environs (from a most careful trigonometrical Sir W. Jones, Parr, Byron, Bp. Heber, Sir Jas. Mackin Survey,) mounted on cloth, and folded in a tosh, Robert Hall, Lamb, Beckford, Sir Walter Scott case so as to form a volume. Together 2 vols. Sonthey, Wellington, Coleridge, Landor, Mrs. Hemans, L. E. L. 8vo. cloth lettered, £1. Is 1840 GIBBON'S HISTORY OF THE DECLINE *These volumes are so replete with what is valuable, AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, that were we to employ our entire journal, too could, after all, afford but a meayre indication of their with a Memoir of the Author, one large vol. interest and toorth. Learning, applied impl. 8vo. portrait, cloth lettered, reduced to amination of every foot of the interesting classic ground GILLIES' HISTORY OF GREECE, complete , 1840 which the inquiry embraces, is the sure recommen- dation of this very able and standard toork, and with the continuation, 8 vols. 8vo. extra cloth, admirably contrasts it with the flimsy and ephemeral (pubat £3. 188) reduced to £1.85 1820 trash with which the press of our day is smothered. It is, indeed, a lasting memorial of eminent literary GLEIG'S MEMOIRS OF WARREN HAS- exertion, devoted to a subject of great importance, TINGS, first Governor-General of Bengal, and one dear, not only to every scholar, but to every reader of intelligence to whom the truth of history is including his Journals and Letters now first an object of consideration, published from the Originals in possession of "The Essay on the History and Languages of An- the Family, 3 vols. 8vo. fine portrait, extra cloth, cient Italy, with which the work is concluded, is the (pub, at £2.55) reduced to £1. ls 1841 most important contribution to the right understanding of these subjects which has ever appeared." -Lit. Gas. "A sterling book, in which affairs of national im This admirable and laborious work on the Topo- portance are so mingled with details of personal difli. graphy of Rome, should undoubtedly find a place in culties and dangers, that we know not which most ccery good library by the side of Gibbon's History. fizes our attention, the events of great publie moment, To the classical scholar and student it is absolutely in- or the crises of individual enterprise."--Literary Gaz dispensable. GORDON'S HISTORY OF THE GREEK The Map is most beautifully engraved (similar to REVOLUTION, and of the Wars and Cam- the Ordnance Maps), on a very large scale, and ex- hibits the only perfect trigonometrical survey which paigns arising from the Struggles of the Greek exists of this classic ground. Many places are here Patriots in emancipating their Country from the laid down, which are not so much as named in later Turkish Yoke, (by the late Thomas Gordon, times; and others have materially changed their loca. ities upon well established proof. The expense of F.R.S. of Mintlaw, in Cairness, Aberdeenshire, surveys and measurement alone cost upwards of five General of a Division of the Greek Army, and hundred pounds. a zealous Promoter of the Cause.) Second GEORGIAN ERA, OR MODERN BRITISH edition, 2 vols. 8vo. maps and plans, extra cloth, BIOGRAPHY, comprising Memoirs of the (pub. at £1. 10s) reduced to 16s 6d 1842 most Eminent Persons who have flourished in " It is utterly impossible for us to do anything like Great Britain from the Accession of George Justice to the merits of these important volumes; but the First to the Demise of George the Fourth, we have seen more than enough to justify us in de claring that they must at once take their rank among 4 vols. sm. 8vo. portraits on steel, cloth, elegantly our standard histories. We doubt whether a person gilt, (pub. at £1. 12.) reduced to 16s 1832 more adequate to the task could be found than the gentleman whose work is before us." -Athenarum. This work is entirely novel in its plan, embodying, with an immense mass of personal anecdote, a compre: GOLDSMITH'S WORKS, with a Life and Notes, hensive detail of the progress of National Erents and 4 vols, fenp. 8vo. with engraved titles and plates Political Affairs ; Naval and Military Operations; Theology and Jurisprudence; Philosoplay, Literature by Stothard and Cruikshank, new and elegant and Science; Maritime and Inland Discovery, Music, edition, handsomely printed, extra turkey cloth, Fine Arts, and the Drama; during the last HUNDRED full gilt (pub, at £1.) reduced to 125 1845 AND TWENTY YEARS. The whole has been originally written from authentic sources, expressly for this This may be called the WATERLXY Epirtos e work; and many of the Lives are for the first time pre- GOLDSMITH, being the only one which matches in sented to the publie. size and appearance with the popslar edition of the Waverley Novels GERAMB'S (BARON) PILGRIMAGE TO ** Goldsmith was a man who, whatever he wrote, PALESTINE, EGYPT, AND SYRIA, as did it better than any other man could do." a Monk of La Trappe, 2 vols. post 8vo. cod Dr. Johnson "CAN ANY AUTHOR-CAN XYEN SIX WALTER lettered, (pub. at £1. 1.) reduced to 9s 1840 Scort, 2X COMPARED WITH GOLDSMITH FOH TER MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. 61 VARIETY, TAUTY, AND POWER OF HIS COMPOSITION, HEEREN'S (PROFESSOR) HISTORICAL You may take him and cut him out in title stars, so many lights does he present to the imagination." WORKS, translated from the German, viz:- Atheneum. Asia, new edition, complete in 2 vols.-AFRICA, "In his prose and in his verse Vinibus pue- 2 vols.-EUROPE AND ITS COLONIES, 2 vols. Tlaque was always the motto of this benevolent and ANCIENT GREECE, 1 vol.-HISTORICAL TREA- gentle-hearted man. His humour was without coarse- wens is merriment without extravagance-his wit TISES 1 vol. --MANUAL OF ANCIENT HISTORY. without spleen. HIS VOLUMES WILL BE CONTI- I vol.-together 9 vols. 8vo. cloth lettered, uni- TUTE ONE OF THE MOST PRECIOUS WALLS OX form, (pub, at £7.) reduced to £4.10s 1834-46 ENGLASH UNDEFIL-Quarterly Revieso. "Professor Heeren's Historical Researches stand in GOLDSMITH'S CITIZEN OF THE WORLD, the very highest rank among those with which modern new edition, with original notes, square 12mo. Germany has enriched the Literature of Europe."- 28 woodcuts, ornamental wrapper, (pub, at 4s) re- Quarterly Review dneed to 2s 6d 1840 "All students of classical antiquity in this country are indebted to Mr. Talboys for the judginent and the the same, cloth gilt, (pub, at 58) reduced to 3: xeal which he has exerter in making the works of this GOLDSMITH'S LI-See Prior. author accessible to English readers. We look upon Heeren as having breathed a new life into the dry GOLOWNIN'S (CAPTAIN) MEMOIRS OF bones of Ancient History, In countries, the history of JAPAN, during 1811, 1612, and 1813, with which has been neglecied, as being too imperfectly Observations on the Country and the People, known to afford lessons of political wisdom, he has taught us to look for still more interesting lessons-on second edition, 3 vols. 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub. the social relations of men, and the intercourse of at £1. lls 6d) reduced to 10s 6d 1824 mations in the earlier ages of the world. His work is as * No European has been able, from personal ob- learned as a professed commentary on the apcient histo- servation and experience, to communicate * tenth rians and geographers, and as entertaining as a modern part of the intelligence furnished by the present book of travels.-Edinburgh Reviero. writer," British Reviere. ** There is no writer of modern times to whom the students of Ancient History are so deeply indebted as GRANVILLE'S (DR.) SPAS OF ENGLAND Professor Heeren. He is the equal of Niebuhr, of and principal Ses Bathing Places; comprising Müller, and of Boeckh, in learning and talent; and be the Northern, the Midland, and the Southern, surpasses them all lo abrendness and sagacity. The translation has been executed with equal spirit and 3 vols, post 8vo. with large Map, and upwards fidelity, and has received the approbation of the illus- of 50 beautiful woodcuts; extra cloth, (pub. at trious author, For ourselves, we feel deeply indebted £1. 13)) reduced to 155 1841 to Mr. Talboys, who has applied such rich stores of * For the Invalid or Tourist this work forms a per Instruction and entertainment; and, for our country fect treasure." - Sun. mes, we can only say, that if this, the best historical * An excellent book. The analysis of the different work of modern times, does not obtain distinguished water, and the hints as to their usefulness in the cure Fuccess, we shall despair of the cause of historical literature." Athenaeum. of diseases, cannot but prove of the highest value-Age. * To the invalids or the Pablic Services we represent, HISTORICAL RESEARCHES INTO THE and whore interests we advocate, and who, through POLITICS, INTERCOURSE, AND arduous daties in distant climes have impaired their TRADES OF THE ANCIENT NATIONS health, we recommend an immediate peroval of this national work, as a safe and valuable guide to direct OF AFRICA ; including the Carthaginians, them in the choice of the Spa or Bea Bathing place Ethiopians, and Egyptians, second edition best calculated to suit their respective cases." corrected throughout, with an Index, Life of Napal and Military Gazette. the Author, new Appendixes, and other addi- GRANVILLE'S (DR.) SPAS OF GERMANY, tions, 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth (pub. at £1. 108) Second Edition, 8 0. with 39 woodcuts and maps ; reduced to £1.45 Oxford, Talboys, 1838 extra cloth, (pub. a. 181) reduced to 9 1843 HISTORICAL RESEARCHES INTO THE "This attractive work presents a narrative of the POLITICS, INTERCOURSE, AND grand tour to all the celebrated and fashionable mineral TRADES OF THE ANCIENT NATIONS watering places in Germany a tour in which amuse- ment blended with information, and descriptive OF ASIA, including the Persians, Phænicians, sketches of the humours and fancies of each apa are Babylonians, Scythians, and Indians, new and mixed mp with all the accurate details of everything improved edition, complete in 2 vols.8vo. elegantly that is valuable in a medical or social point of view." Globe. printed, (pub. originally at £2.58) reduced to £1.45 1846 HALL'S (CAPTAIN BASIL) PATCHWORK, consisting of Travels and Adventures in * The most agreeable, and one of the most profound Switzerland, Italy, France, Sicily, Malta, &o. of German writers on Antiquity. Foreign Quarterly Recies. &c. 3 vols. 12mo. second edition, extra cloth, "One of the most valuable acquisitions made to our richly gilt, (pub. at 16x) reduced to 7s 6d 1841 bistorical stores since the days of Gibbon, Athenaeum. A book fall of the most entertaining stories and ad- -MANUAL OF THE HISTORY OF THE ventures, written with all the vigour and sprightliness of this very agreeable writer. POLITICAL SYSTEM OF EUROPE AND HAMILTON (LADY), MEMOIRS OF, drawn ITS COLONIES, from its formation at the from Original Sources, and comprising many close of the Fifteenth Century, to its re-estab- new and authentic Anecdotes of LORD NELSON, lishment upon the Fall of Napoleon, translated and other Distinguished Personages, post 8vo. from the Fifth German Edition, 2 vols. 8vo. fine portrait, extra cloth (pub. at 8s) reduced to extra cloth (pub. at £1.4s) reduced to 188 3. 64 1835 Oxford, Talboys, 1834 ** Since the Life of Savage we do not remember to "In scrupulous fidelity, in sound judgment, and in have met with any biographical sketch that is so well clear reasoning, Professor Heeren is second to none. calculated as the present to paint the evils of volup- His design is the present work is to give a connected tous irregularity. It exhibits, in a variety of fastances, view of the political and colonial system of Europe, the dangerous consequences of mingling virtoe with from the time that the relations of the European States vice, and of butituting bright talents and splendid were formed into a system, towards the close of the 61- seeds for the substantial qualities of integrity and teenth centary, to the re-establishment of the States Chastity. - Lat. Rey. ystem, consequent upon the fall of Napoleon. His 62 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. to 12s work is a perfect whole. It is the best history of HERBERT'S (HON. AND REV. WILLIAM) Modern Europe that has yet appeared, and it is likely ATTILA, KING OF THE HUNS, a Poem, long to remain without a rival.- Atheneum. "A work of sterling value for now and hereafter-a handsomely printed in one stout volume, 8vo. work of infinite labour and commensurate intelligence gilt cloth, (pub, at 14s) reduced to 7s - work which would be cheap at double its price, in H. G. Bohn, 1838 stead of being dear at any price; and a work which will diffuse useful knowledge for generations, after all the "It is not possible to take up a single book of this shallow pretenders to that distinction are fortunately poem without being reminded frequently of Milton's forgotten."- Literary Gazette. best points-his sublimity and his purity. HEEREN'S ANCIENT GREECE, translated by Edinburgh Reviere. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, viz. Hora Bancroft, fourth improved edition, 8vo. cloth Scandicæ, or Works (Poetical) relating to Old (pub. at 12s.) reduced to 7s 6d 1845 Scandinavian Literature; Horze Pieria, or * Heeren unites the laborious erudition of his coun- trymen with that animating spirit of real genius, which Poetry on various subjects ; Sylvarum Liber, disposes into harmonious order, and quickens into life Reviews, Sermons, &c. ; 2 vols. 8vo. cloth bds. that which, in meaner hands, lies in dull and heavy (pub. at £1. ls) reduced to 10s 6d 1842 masses of unintelligible, or at least unattractive learning."- Quarterly Revier. "Dean Herbert is well known in the literary circles as a graceful poet and an accomplished critic, and the ---HISTORICAL TREATISES, viz. I. The very costly edition of his miscellaneous productions will Political Consequences of the Reformation. be welcomed in every well furnished library. The II. The Rise, Progress, and Practical Influence Scandinavian portion is peculiarly interesting; and the of Political Theories. Ill. The Rise and Growth translations from the Icelandie, while they afford agree- able evidences of Dean Herbert's aequirements, may of the Continental Interests of Great Britian, be consulted with great advantage by the students 8vo. extra cloth boards (pub, at 15s) reduced to of northern literature. The tragedy of The Wanderer 7s 60 of Jutland, founded upon an old ballad, is an excellent Oxford, 1836 illustration of the Norwegian character, as developed in MANUAL OF ANCIENT HISTORY, par- the national history and institutions. The criticisms ticularly with regard to the Constitutions, the are clear and profound, and the sermons exhibit a rare Commerce, and the Colonies of the States of union of learning and unaffected piety."- Atlas. Antinuity, third edition, corrected and im- HISTORY OF GREECE, from the Earliest Times proved, 8vo. extra cloth (pub. at 15s) reduced to its Final Subjection to Rome, by the Society Oxford, Talboys, 1840 for the Diffusion of Useful knowledge, 8vo. ** We never remember to have seen a work in which cloth, 55 1829 so much useful knowledge was condensed into so small HISTORY OF SWITZERLAND, from the Irrup- a compass. A careful examination convinces us that this book will be useful for our English higher schools tion of the Barbarians to the Present Time, by or colleges, and will contribute to direct attention to the A. Vieusseux. Published by the Society for better and more instructive parts of history. The trans- the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 8vo. large lation is executed with great fidelity"-Quarterly Journal of Education. map, extra cloth, (pub. at 7s 6d) reduced to 55 MANUAL OF ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, 1840 for the Use of Schools and Private Tuition, com- This is an entertaining volume, and the best History of Switzerland. At the present moment it is peculiarly piled from the Works of A. H. L. Heeren, 12mo. interesting. cloth (pub, at 2s 6d) reduced to 2 HOBHOUSE'S (SIR JOHN CAM) JOURNEY Oxford, Talboys, 1835 THROUGH ALBANIA AND OTHER « Teeming with exact information in every line. Its PROVINCES OF TURKEY IN EUROPE object is to give a continuous geographical description of the countries which were the theatres of the principal AND ASIA TO CONSTANTINOPLE, events in ancient history."-Spectator. during the Years 1809 and 1810, in company "An excellent and most useful little volume, and ad- with Lord Byron, 2 vols. 4to, illustrated by nu- mirably adapted for the use of schools and private instruction." Literary Gazette. merous fine coloured plates, extra cloth bds. (pub. The name of the author is a sufficient warrant for at £5. 58) reduced to £1.53 1813 the accuracy of the information contained in this com. pendium, and the excellence of its arrangements. It is "An account which, interesting from its own excel- a valuable addition to our list of school books." lence in every merit that should adorn such a work, Athenaum. becomes still more so from the feeling that Lord Byron HANMER'S (SIR THOMAS, Speaker of the is, as it were, present through its pages, and that we House of Commons in 1713) LIFE AND COR- there follow his first youthful footsteps into the land with whose name he has intertwined his own for ever." RESPONDENCE, edited by Sir HENRY Moore't Life of Byron Bunbury, Bart. 8vo. extra cloth boards (pub, at These entertaining volumes will have a standard 145) reduced to 6 1838 place in all libraries; a place which they will fully merit by the industry and ardour of research conspicu- These volumes are valuable. The letters extend ous throughout, as well as by the spirit, vivacity and over a period of many years-more than a century, good sense of the general narrative." and are from persons of all ranks and conditions ; Quarterly Review, among them are the Duchess of Marlborough, Matthew Prior, Burke, Dr. Goldsmith, Pope, Garrick, Dr. Young, HOGG'S JACOBITE RELICS OF SCOTLAND, Lord Nelson, General Lee, Crabbe, Wordsworth, being the Songs, Airs, and Legends of the Bloomfield, Mrs. Jordan, &c. &e." - Atheneum. Adherents of the House of Stuart, new series, HEAD'S (SIR F. B.) NARRATIVE (i. e. of his 8vo. extra cloth, scarce, (pub. at 14) reduced ADMINISTRATION OF UPPER CANA- to 75) 1821 DA). Third edition, enlarged, 8vo. extra cloth, HOSKINS (G. A.) VISIT TO THE GREAT (pub. at 12s) reduced to 4s 6d Murray, 1839 OASIS OF THE LIBYAN DESERT; with "Sir Francis Head's Narrative is a very remarkable an Account, Ancient and Modern, of the Oasis work, being one of the most clear, unreserved, and of Amun, and the other Oases now under the honest accounts ever rendered by a publie servant, of dominion of the Pasha of Egypt, 8vo. with a the acts, the principles, and the policy of an important map and 20 plates of temples, scenery, and kiero. administration Pew provincial governors could have had to relate so interesting, so arduous, and so success glyphies, elaborately gilt cloth, (pub, at £1. 1x * struggle."-Quarterly Review. reduced to 10s 60 1837 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. 63 HUME AND SMOLLETT'S HISTORY OF JACOB'S HISTORICAL INQUIRY INTO THE ENGLAND, with the last Corrections and PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF Improvements of the Authors, and a Memoir THE PRECIOUS METALS, 2 vols. 8vo. of Hume, written by himself, complete in one extra cloth boards, (pub. at £1. 4) reduced to large vol. impl. 8vo. fine portraits of the authors, 165 Murray, 1831 extra cloth bds, reduced to £l is. 1840 Mr. Huskisson contributed much personal assist- HUME'S CORRESPONDENCE, now first pub- ance to the work. lished from the originals, 4to. (the only edition) "A work of great interest, and of still greater dir- ficulty. In tracing the history of gold and silver in cloth lettered, (pub, at 15s) reduced to 5s 1820 antiquity, Mr. Jacob has displayed much judgment HUNT'S (LEIGH) INDICATOR, AND COM- and industry, and considerable learning. He has PANION, a Miscellany for the Fields and the thrown a good deal of light on the condition of so- ciety; and his book will always be resorted to by Fireside; also THE SEER, or Common-places those who are anxious to investigate the real circum- refreshed; the four Parts complete in i vol. stances and situation of the most celebrated nations royal 8vo, cloth lettered, reduced to 8s 1840 of antiquity, "-Edinburgh Review. HUNTER'S NARRATIVE OF THE LATE * A valuable and elaborate work, the result of pa- tient and laborious inquiries."- Quarterly Review. EXPEDITION TO SYRIA, under the com- mand of Admiral the Hon. 'Sir R. Stopford, JAMES'S WILLIAM THE THIRD, comprising 2 vols, post 8vo. portraits of Stopford and Napier, the History of his Reign, illustrated in a series map and woodcuts, extra cloth, (pub, at £1. 1s) of unpublished letters, addressed to the Duke reduced to 7 1842 of Shrewsbury, by James Vernon, Secretary HUNTER'S HALLAMSHIRE GLOSSARY, of State, with Introduction and Notes by with the Words used in the West Riding and G. P. R. James, Esq. author of Memoirs of the Halifax, small 8vo. cloth (pub. at 8s) reduced to Court of Louis XIV. &c., 3 vols. 8vo. portraits, 55 1829 extra cloth bds. (pub. at £2. 2s) reduced to 18s 1841 HUTTON'S LIFE, by Himself (an instructive piece of Biography), with a Selection from his "We do not know that, upon the whole, there has ever been published at one time, and from the pen of Works, square 12mo, ornamented wrapper, re- one man, a more interesting and important collection duced to ls 6d 1841 of letters than those now before us. When it is recol- IMITATIONS OF CELEBRATED AUTHORS, lected that the leading spirits of this day, and especially of the immediate period, included among them Godol OR IMAGINARY REJECTED ARTICLES, phin, Harley, Marlborough, Sunderland, Bath, Man. in Prose (by Lamb, James and Horace Smith, month, Wharton, and a host of others of the two dll Professor Wilson, Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, &c.) bitterly opposing parties of William and James, and Fourth Edition, post 8vo. extra cloth (pub.at that Vernon, from his peculiar position, came more or lens into contact with them all, we need not seek to 10s 6d) reduced to 4 1844 aggrandize the interest and value of the publication." - INGLIS'S JOURNEY THROUGHOUT IRE- Naval and Military Gazette. LAND, Fifth Edition, complete in one vol. JAMESON'S (MRS.) DIARY OF AN EN- crown 8vo. maps, extra cloth bds. (pub, at 12s) NUYEE, written during a Tour in Italy, post reduced to 6 1838 8vo. third edition, gilt cloth, (pub. at 10s 6d) re- duced to 58 1838 tions of this unhappy but tine country, tende JARVES' HISTORY OF THE SANDWICH parties in forming a conclusion as to the proceedings ISLANDS, embracing their Antiquities, My- best to be adopted with respect to it."-Standard. thology, Legends, Discovery by Europeans ; "Indispensable to every traveller, tourist, or visitor to Ireland." Sun. with their Civil, Religious, and Political His- "An excellent work. Its most striking and most tory to the present time; foolscap 8vo. extra valuable characteristic is its strict honesty. Every page cloth bds. (pub, at 6s) reduced to 3s 6d bears the stamp and impress of veracity. His deline ations are admirable, and evince great graphic power. Moxon, 1843 Valuable as the work is to Englishmen because it con- * We hardly know when we have read a more in- tains a faithful description of a country with whose teresting work of its kind. prosperity that of England is identified, it will, if read ** Mr. Jarves spent four years among the Hawaiian aright, be infinitely more valuable to Irishmen, for it group, and devoted himself most diligeutly to the study shows them in true colours to themselves. Would to of all matters concerning it. The result is truly re- Heaven that they could be persuaded of the accuracy of freshing." - Merchant's Magazine the portraiture, JEFFREYS, MEMOIRS OF JUDGE, Lord High -JOURNEY THROUGH NORWAY, SWE- Chancellor of England in the Reign of James DEN, AND DENMARK. Fourth Edition, II. By H. W. Woolrych, Esq. 8vo. portrait ; complete in one vol. crown 8vo. map, extra cloth extra cloth, (pub. at 88) reduced 3s 60 1827 bds, (pub. at 9.) reduced to 4s 6d 1837 JOE MILLER'S JEST BOOK, being a Collection *A most delightful volume.Iterary Gazette. of the most excellent Bon Mots, Brilliant Jests, and Striking Anecdotes in the English Lan- SWITZERLAND, SOUTH OF FRANCE, AND THE PYRENEES, 2 vols. 18mo. guage, complete in one thick and closely butele- gantly printed volume, fcap. 12mo frontispiece, cloth bds. (pub, at 7:) reduced to 3 1835 IRISI TOURIST, or the People and the Provinces JOHNSON'S (CAPT. C.) LIVES AND EX extra cloth, (pub, at 4) reduced to 38 1840 of Ireland, By Emmy TAYLOR, Author of PLOITS OF ENGLISH HIGHWAYMEN * Original Poems for Infant Minds," Tales of PIRATES, AND ROBBERS, from the time the Saxons, Tales of the English, &c. fcap. 8vo. of Robin Hood, brought down to the present, Frontispiece and map, extra coth, (pub. at 4s 6d) hy C. Whitehead, Esq. 12mo. closely but bear -duod to 3s 64 1843 tifully printed, illustrated by 16 spirited engravings, * An attractive volume. We are as much amused estra cloth, (pub. at 98) reduced to 5s 1840 with the characteristie exhibitions of Irish sentiment and expression, as by any sketches of the sort in con. This small closely priated volume contains the nexion with the Scotch, by the author of Waverley. substance of the old folio edition, which sells for upwards Derbyshire Courier. of Serca Guineas. 64 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. JOHNSON'S (G. W of the Supreme Court at Cal-KIRBY'S WONDERFUL MUSEUM, or Maga- cutta) STRANGER IN INDIA, or Three zine of Remarkable and Eccentric Characters, Years in Calcutta, 2 vols. post 8vo. extra cloth, including Curiosities of Nature and Art, from (pub.at 188) reduced to 78 1843 the remotest period to the present time, drawn A great deal of information about India, and espe- from every authentic source, 6 vols. 8vo. 124 cially about Calcutta."-Literary Gazette. curious portraits and plates, cloth lettered (pub. --(DR.) ENGLISH DICTIONARY, printed at £4. 4s) reduced to £1. 5s verbatim from the Author's last folio edition, KNIGHT'S (GALLY) Normans in Sicily, 8vo. 1838 with all the Examples in full; to which are cloth (pub. at 8s 6d) reduced to 6s "The acknowledged taste of the author, and his in prefixed a History of the Language, and an timate acquaintance with the subject to which thie English Grammar, one large vol. impl. 8vo. volume is devoted, prepared us for an elegant and it extra cloth boards, (pub, at £2. 2s) reduced to stractive work, and one supplying much information £1. 8s 1840 relative to that particular branch of the fine arts, which after a careful inspection of Normandy, he journeyed DICTIONARY, (pocket edition) to which are to Sicily further to investigate. But Mr. Knight has exceeded our expectations." - Literary Gaxette. subjoined Vocabulary of Classical and Scrip- tural Proper Names; the Heathen Deities; KNIGHT'S PICTORIAL LONDON, 6 vols. Quotations from the Latin, French, Italian, bound in three thick handsome vols, impl. 8vo. and Spanish Languages; Chronological Tables, illustrated by 650 wood engravings, extra cloth, &c. by G. Fulton, 18mo, bound in cloth, 2s 1843 gilt backs, very elegant, (pub, at £3, 38) reduced 1841-44 to £2. 12s 6d JOHNSONIANA; A COLLECTION OF MISCELLA- NEOUS ANECDOTES AND SAYINGS, gathered from the same, 6 vols. in 3, elegantly half bound nearly a hundred different publications, and morocco extra, gilt backs and gilt edges, £3. 13s 60 The most elegant, origiual, and interesting of all the not contained in Boswell's Life of Johnson, Pictorial works yet produced by the enterprising pub- edited by J. W. Croker, M.P., complete in one lisher. thick vol. fcap. 8vo. portrait and frontispiece, **Such a work must interest every English reader, whether he be a resident in London or in Australia. It extra cloth, gilt, (pub. at 10s) reduced to 4s 6d treats of the largest city in the world, whose inhabitants 1845 are in intercourse, commercial, political, or religious, with almost the whole human race; which has been the This entertaining collection comprises the whole of scene of the most stirring events of history : which has the two supplementary volumes of Croker's edition of Boswell's Life of Johnson. been a city of progress from its first foundation; which has sent forth its literature through four centuries to the JONES'S HISTORY OF BRECKNOCKSHIRE, uttermost ends of the earth." Vols. 2 and 3 only (containing the particular KNIGHT'S JOURNEY-BOOKS OY ENGLAND: History of the Hundreds and Parishes), royal including a full Account of the Roads, Rail. 4to. plates, including the 84 coats of arms, em- roads, Canals, and means of Intercommunication, blasoned, bds. (pub. at £4. 14s 6d) reduced to with the Routes to the various Towns and 155 1809 Places of Interest in each County, with full KEIGHTLEY'S NEW AND COMPLETE HIS- Descriptions of the most remarkable Objects; TORY OF ENGLAND, from the earliest forming not only an instructive Companion to Period to the present Time; embracing the the Traveller, but a useful work of Reference, Researches of the most eminent Antiquarians square 16mo, stitched in ornamental wrapper :- and Historians, and a variety of Information BERKsime, including a full Description of from original Sources, the enlarged edition, 3 Windsor Castle, with 23 engravings on wood, and vols. 8vo. very handsomely printed, extra cloth bds. a large illuminated map (pub, at 2s 6d) reduced (pub.at £1. Ils 6d) reduced to 18s 1839 to ls 6d KELLY'S UNIVERSAL CAMBIST AND COM- HAMPsiune, including the Isle of Wight, with 32 engravings on wood, and a large illuminated map, MERCIAL INSTRUCTOR, being a full and (pub. at 3s 6d) reduced to 25 accurate Treatise on the Exchanges, Coins, DERBYSHIRE, including the Peak, &c. with 23 Weights, and Measures of all Trading Nations engravings on wood, and a large illuminated map and their Colonies, second edition, corrected to (pub, at 2s 6d) reduced to 1s 60 1835, 2 vols. in 1, 4to, extra cloth bds. (pub, at Kunt, includitg Dover, Margate, Ramsgate, £4. 48) reduced to 163 1835 Canterbury, &c. with 58 engravings on wood, A laborious and extremely useful book, displaying and a large illuminated map, (pub. at 4) reduced considerable mathematical science and experience in to 2s 60 commercial calculation. Dr. Kelly formerly kept a large Mecantile School, and educated some of the prin. KNIGHT'S STORE OF KNOWLEDGE, 18mo. cipal merchants of the present day. each work complete in itself KEPPEL (ADMIRAL) LIFE OF, First Lord of The following are 1d. cach, stitched or 8d. cach, in cloth. the Admiralty in 1782-3. By the Hon. and History of the Corn Taxation and Taxes Rev. Thomas Keppel, 2 vols. 8vo. with fine full- Laws, by J. C. Platt Post Office length portrait, extra cloth, (pub. at £1. ili 6d) Imperial Parliament, Europe reduced to 10s 6d 1842 by T. C. May, Esq. The Horse, by Youatt, Clerk of the House tolthe plates “*I ever looked on Lord Keppel,' says Edmund Dairy, with cuta Borke, as one of the greatest and best men of his age.' This first authentic memoir, (by his kinsman) is rich in The following are 8d. each stitched, or ls, cach, cloth matters or lively and various interest and supplies a Wellington, by Vieus- 1 Commercial Inter blank in a glorious portion of our English annals. course with China Keppel was the pupil of Anson, the friend of Rodney, Life of Napoleon, by Schools, and Omar and the companion in arms of Howe."--Examiner. Vieusseux Schools Dr. "This is by for the most able and important speci- Asia, by CarlRit. Beard and George men of Naval Biography that has appeared for a long Long, time."--Naval and Military Garette. The Mineral Kingdom, roith place of Commons ter, ke MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE 65 LACONICS; or, THE BEST WORDS OF THE LANE'S MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE MO- BEST AUTHORS, seventh edition, 3 vols. DERN EGYPTIANS, a new and enlarged edition, 18mo. with elegant frontispieces, containing with great Improvements, 2 vols. 8vo. nume- 30 portraits, extra red Turkey cloth, full gilt, rous wood-cuts, printed to match Wilkinson's An- (pub. at 158) reduced to 7s 6d Tilt, 1840 cient Egyptians, cloth, richly gilt backs, (pub. at This pleasant collection of pithy and sententious £1. 88) reduced to 18s 1842 readings, from the best English authors of nil ages, "So long as Egypt remains a country, so long will has long enjoyed great and deserved popularity. It Mr. Lane's volumes be consulted as a curious and is compiled by Mr. Timbs, the talented editor of the faithful picture of its past history, and existing form at Illustrated News, and for many years of the Mirror. the beginning of the nineteenth century." It is printed uniformly with the Percy Anecdotes. Literary Gazette "Nothing can be more accurate than Mr. Lane's LAIRD OF LOGAN, or Anecdotes and Tales descriptions; the English inhabitants say that reading illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scot- them upon the spot, they cannot detect a single error. land, one very thick volume, fcap. 8vo. nume- The designs are equally faithful; and those who study the work carefully may acquire the most correct no- Tous wood-cuts, fifth edition, gilt cloth, (pub. at tions of Cairo and its inhabitants." Roberts 6) reduced to 45 1845 LATROBE'S SOLACE OF SONG: Short Poems "The witticisms are not the sweepings of the old suggested by Scenes visited on a Continental collections of Joe Miller, but are, for the most part, Tour, chiefly in Italy, post 8vo. highly embel- original." -The Scotsman. lished with exquisitely beautiful wood-engravinge LAMB'S (CHARLES) PROSE AND POETI- of Views in Italy, printed on India paper; cloth, CAL WORKS, including his Essay of Elia, elegantly gilt, (pub. at 148) reduced to 8s both Series, Rosamund Gray, Tales from Shak- Seeley, 1837 speare, Poems, Sonnets, John Woodvil, LATROBE'S RAMBLER IN MEXICO, in the Tragedy, &c. &c. 5 vole. post 8vo. cloth, (pub. Year 1834, crown 8vo. folding map, extra at £2, 53) reduced to £1. ls 1838 cloth boards, (pub. at 98) reduced to 48 1836 **The reader will have no reason to complain of This is the only edition printed uniformly with the small editions of Scott, Byron, Moore, Southey, want of amusement."-Westminster Meiere. Extremely entertaining." Eclectic Revier. &c. * Lamb's writings will go down to the latest pos- RAMBLER IN NORTH AMERICA, in terity by the side of Addison, Steele, Johnson, and the year 1832-1833, in company with Washing- even greater names."- Quarterly Revier. ton Irving, second edition, 2 vols. crown 8vo. the same, with his Specimens of English with map, extra cloth bds. (pub, at 16s) reduced Dramatio Poets : together 7 vols, post 8vo. to 8 1836 extra cloth, (pub. at £2. 19) reduced to "The work of an able observer and vigorous writer. It is, as far as America is concerned, unquestionably £1. 108 the best book of its kind."-Lockhart in Quarterly TALES FROM SHAKSPEARE, designed Revies. principally for the Use of Young Persons, LEAKE'S (COL) TRAVELS IN THE MOREA, (written by Miss Lamb, with the assistance 3 vols. 8vo, with a very large map of the Morea, and Contributions of Charles Lamb,) seventh and upwards of 30 various maps, plans, plates of edition, embellished with 20 large and beautiful ancient Greek Inscriptions, 8c. extra cloth bds. wood-cut engravings, from Designs by Harvey, (pub. at £2.55) reduced to £1. 8s 1830 and portrait, fcap. 8vo. extra cloth, full gilt This extremely valuable book has long been consi- back, (pub. at 7.6d) reduced to 5s. 1843 dered out of print and very searce, and in consequenee has of late sold for more than the full price. A few ** One of the most useful and agreeable companions to the understanding of Shakspeare which have ever copies having by accident been reserved in the pub- been produced. The youthful reader who is about to lisher's warehouse, and purchased by the advertiser, taste the charms of our great Bard, is strongly re- they are now submitted at a reduced instead of an ad commended to prepare himself by first reading these vanced price, and attention is respectfully called to the elegant tales, which in a short compass, and adopting present opportunity as the stock cannot last long. as much as possible the language of the great ori- RESEARCHES IN GREECE, with a com- xinal, give each plot and story in a most Impressive parative View of its Ancient and Modern Geo- manner. Even those who are familiar with every line of the original, will be delighted with the pleasing and graphy, Observations on Ancient Monuments compendious way in which the story of each play is of Art, and on the Languages and Dialects of here presented to them."-Quarterly Revier. Greece, including Vocabularies of the Albanian, ESSAYS OF ELIA, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. Modern Greek, Wallachian, Bulgarian, and Al- beautiful portrait by Finden ; extra cloth, (pub. banian Grammar, &c. royal 4to. bound in cloth, at 108) reduced to 7s Moron, 1843 lettered, (pub, at £3.38) reduced to £1.7s LAMBAR DE'S PERAMBULATIONS OF ** Like all Col. Leake's works, this is full of research and novel information. The preliminary observations KENT, containing the Description, Hystorie, on the history and geography of Albania, are valuable, and Customes of that Shire, Written in the and throw considerable light upon a country very little Yeere 1570, (printed verbatim from the last known. Quarterly Review edition by the Author), 8vo, portrait and map, LEDYARD'S (JOHN) LIFE AND ADVEN- in the original bds. (pub. at 128) reduced to 68 TURES, comprising his Voyage with Captain Chatham, 1826 Cook; Journey on Foot to Petersburg; Resi- This work, originally published in 1576, was the dence in Siberia ; and Mission to Africa. By first history of any county : it was not only highly Jared Sparks, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 10s 6d) approved by the literary men of the age, but has been reduced to 4s 6d 1828 considered a model of topographical writing. Camden, in his Britannia, says, " This county of Kent has "This is a book which will be perused with delight been so exactly described in a work expressly on the by all who have any relish for the original and the ad- subject by William Lambarde, a person of great learn- ventarons. The Joureal of our Traveller is exceed- ing and character, and so happy in his researches, ingly full and circumstantial with respect to the death ennt he has it very little for others, &c." of Captain Cook. Literary Chronicle 66 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. LEWIS'S (MONK) LIFE AND CORRESPON- naiveté, with such interesting details, and such aniusing DENCE, with many Pieces in Prose and vanity, and yet so pardonable in an old soldier, who Verse, never before published, 2 vols. 8vo. por- had been, as he boasts, in an hundred and nineteen battles, AS RENDERS HIS BOOK ONE OF THE MOST SIN trait and fac-simile, extra cloth boards, (pub. at GULAR THAT IS TO BE FOUND IN ANY LANGUAGE." f1.8s) reduced to 12 1839 Dr. Robertson, in his History of America." "I'd give a world of sugar cane, "The quaint, simple chronicling of this old soldier Mat Lewis were alive again." - Byron. is the most trustworthy of the narrators of this conquest. The "wonder-working Lewis," as he was styled by The strange, wild incidents of that extraordinary tale Byron, was the friend and associate of nearly all the come out, in all their freshness, in the curious details most celebrated men of his day. Among the number of Bernal Diaz: and the scenes of social magnificence were the Prince of Wales (afterwards George IV.); amid which they were laid, tell wonderfully in the rude the Duke of Clarence (afterwards William IV.); the sketching, and unpremeditated cumulation of his pen. Sheridans, (father and son); Canning, Lords Holland And the wondrous remains of an extinct civilization and Byron, Moore; in short, all the most noted men brought to light, in various parts of the great American or that day, and many of the present. Continent, have conferred an additional value on such "Crammed full of anecdotes as these volumes are descriptions of the ancient Atzec splendour, as record theatrical, political, and literary-there is not a dull the first impressions of credible witnesses, when first it page throughout. Court Journal. rose upon the astonished senses like a bewildering LIBRARY OF ANECDOTE-viz. Book of Hu- dream. Athenaeum. man Character-Book of Table-Talk-Sketches LODGE'S (EDMUND) ILLUSTRATIONS OF BRITISH HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, AND of Popular Tumults--together 5 vols. fcap. 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at £1. 10s) reduced to 15s MANNERS, in the Reigns of Henry VIII. 1837 Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I., "This entertaining book is just one to take up, read in a Series of Original Letters and Papers, a bit of, and lay down at any idle hour."-Lit. Gaz. published from Manuscripts chiefly in the LIEBER'S MANUAL OF POLITICAL possession of the Howard, Talbot, and Cecil ETHICS, 8vo. handsomely printed, extra cloth Families, with Notes and Observations, second bds. (pub. at 12s) reduced to 5s 1839 edition, with Additions, Revised and Corrected, **One of the best theoretical treatises on the true na. with fac-similes of above 80 autographs of the prin- ture and objects of government, which has been produced in modern times." - Hon. Mr. Justice Story. cipal characters of the period, 3 vols. 8vo. extra LISTER'S LIFE AND ADMINISTRATION OF cloth bds. (pub, at £1. 168) reduced to £1. 1838 EDWARD FIRST EARL OF CLAREN- The 80 autographs, which are engraved on eight DON, with original Correspondence and Au- sheets, as in the original quarto edition, are found only thentic Papers, never before published, 3 vols. in the copies sold by the advertiser. "Mr. Lodge's talents as an historian and antiquarian 8vo. portrait, extra cloth bds. (pub, at £2. 8s) are well known to the public by his admirable collection reduced to £1.1s 1838 of ancient letters and documents, entitled, Illustrations * The difficulty of writing the memoirs of Clarendon of British History, a book which I have very fre- is very great; and has hitherto deterred biographers. quently consulted, and have almost always succeeded The task, however, Mr. Lister has performed with re- in finding not only the information required, but markable success. His Life of Clarendon is not the collected a great deal mure as I went in search of it." ingenious or eloquent pleading of an advocate, but the -Sir Walter Scott. severe and enlightened neutrality of a judge. The cha- "This work is likewise highly praised by Seward, racteristics proper for the ocension, were good taste Gifford, Sir Egerton Brydges, Park, &c. The bio- and good sense, intelligent research, and perfect can- graphical notes and illustrations are master pieces of dour. And these Mr. Lister possesses in an eminent composition."Lowndes, degree. The author of Granby' has faithfully distin-LONGFELLOW'S POETICAL WORKS, viz. guished between the province of fiction and of truth. In his life of Clarendon he simply endeavours to place Ballads and other Poems; Voices of the before us an honest portrait, with all its excellencies and Night; and Spanish Student, a Play; fcap. defects-all the lights and shadows belonging to it, and 8vo. gilt cloth (pub. at 12s) reduced to be not to body forth the hero of an historical roinance. It is impossible to give any just idea of Mr. Lister's book Moxon, 1843 by means of extracts. Its merit is not condensed into One of the most popular and pleasing of the Ameri- a few striking passages, but it is skilfully and equally can poets. diffused over the whole. We therefore refer our readers Mr. Longfellow has a name and fame, and he has to the work itself."-Edinb. Review. won to himself luxuriant and enduring laurels both as "A work of laborious research, written with mas- a scholar and a poet."- Athenaum. terly ability." --Atlas. LOCKE'S PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS, contain- LONGWORTH'S YEAR AMONG THE CIR- taining the Conduct of the Understanding : CASSIANS, 2 vols. post 8vo. plates (pub, at £1. 1.) reduced to 9s 1840 Essay on the Human Understanding; an Examination of Malebranche's Opinion of "Incomparably the most valuable account of Circassia that has yet appeared."-Court Journal. seeing all Things in God, with Remarks upon MAC-GEOGHEGAN'S HISTORY OF IRE- some of Mr. Norris's Books; Elements of Natural Philosophy: some Thoughts concern- LAND, Ancient and Modern, taken from the ing Reading and Study for a Gentleman, &c. most Authentic Records, complete in one largo volume, impl. 8vo.extra cloth, 10s Dublin, 1845 with a Preliminary Discourse and Notes by * One of the most important works that have ever J. A. St. John, Esq. royal 8vo. extra cloth bds. been written respecting Ireland." 105 60 1843 LOCKHART'S HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST MACKENZIE'S (K. S.) NARRATIVE OF THE SECOND CAMPAIGN IN CHINA (1840. OF MEXICO AND NEW SPAIN, and Me. moirs of the Conquistador, BERNA. DIAZ DEL 1841) post 8vo. map, extra cloth, gilt with Chinese CASTILLO, written by himself, and now first Devices (pub. at 10s 6d) reduced to 4s 6d 1842 completely translated from the original Spanish, "Lieut. Mackenzie, who had the good fortune to 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth (pub.at £1.48) reduced accompany Sir Gordon Bremer as his Secretary, basis this volume presented the public with the most intereste to 125 1844 ing account of the campaign in China. The appendix * Bernal Diaz's account bears all the marks of au. contains several papers of great ialare."-Literary thenticity, and is accompanied with such pleasant Gazette MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE, 67 MACKAY'S (CHARLES) THAMES AND ITS *The Ilfe of the masculine Duchess is more full of TRIBUTARIES, or Rambles among the Rivers, general interest than even that of her celebrated hus- 2 vols. 8vo, with 56 very fine wood engravings of band; for her vigorous intellect, her determined spirit, and the position in which she was placed with respect Thames Scenery and Antiquities, extra cloth, (pub. to both Courts and Cabinets, made her the principal at £1.8s) reduced to 12 1840 personage of Europe, the Duse himself scarcely excepted. ** It is most pleasant to walk out with Mr. Mackay Notwithstanding this, the biography of this most companion, loiter with him up the lanes and extraordinary woman has been a desideratum, and it is through the green fields, saunter along the river-side, only now that it is supplied by the work before us. and peer into every object of art and nature near, We have now, however, the biographies both of the hero which can court the contemplation of intelligent minds. of the field, and the heroine of the cabinet, and in point His volumes are indeed very agreeable and very rew of entertainment the Intter is the more preferable of the freshing." --Literary Gazette. two. Mrs. Thompson's work combines every variety of MACNISH'S (DR.) TALES, ESSAYS, AND Interest, for it includes the scenes of domestic life, the affairs of state, the anxieties and dangers of war, as well SKETCHES; with the Author's Life, by his as the pomp and ceremonies of courts, and the private friend, D. M. Moir. Second Edition, 2 vols. hours of royalty, both in friendship and in strife, in fcap. 8vo. portrait, extra cloth, (pub. at 12s) love and in deadly hate." MARLBOROUGH'S (DUCHESS OF) PRIVATE reduced to 55 1844 Dr. Maenish is the well known author of the Anatomy CORRESPONDENCE, illustrative of the of Drunkenness, Anatomy of Sleep, kc, and one of the Court and Times of Queen Anne; now most popular contributors to Blackwood's Magazine first published from the Originals, with under the signature of The Modern Pythagorean." her Sketches and Opinions of her Contem- CONTENTS poraries, and the Select Correspondence of her The Metempaychosis. Punch and Judy. The Man with the Nose. The Red Man. Husband, John, Duke of Marlborough, second The Confessions of an The Murdered Begbie, a edition, 2 vols. 8vo. portraits, extra cloth boards, Unexecuted Femini. Romance (pub, at £1. 8s) reduced to 14s 1838 cide. Terence O'Flaherty. "This is a very delightful work. We have closed the The Barber of Gottingen. The Covenanters. volumes with a confirmed impression that in many of Colonel O'Shaughnessy. The Loves of the the highest points of conduct, courage, and understand. Colonel O'Shaughnessy in Learned. ing, the Duchess of Marlborough was the most remark- India. A Vision of Robert the able woman of her own or any other day."-Examiner. Who can it be? Bruce. ** These original letters have great interest, for they The Man with the Mouth. Death and the Fisher- Iny bare to us the heart and mind of that extraordinary The Wig. man woman, who, at a crisis among the most celebrated in Au Execution at Paris. A Night near Monte our annals, was virtually the prime minister of England. The Man Mountain. Video. It is well known that Godolphin and Marlborough were Singular Passage in my Notes of a Journey from brought over to Whig principles and retained in them own Life. Paris to Ostend. by the influence of the Duchess-that to her power over the mind of the Queen was owing the continuance of M CORMAC'S (DR.) PHILOSOPHY OF the administration which raised England to the pin- HUMAN NATURE, in its Physical, Intel- nacle of glory--and that the decline of that influence lectual, and Moral Relations, 8vo. extra cloth enabled Harley and St. John to stain our annals with the treaty of Utrecht. This Correspondence contains s (pub. at 12s) reduced to 6s Longman, 1837 pretty fall commentary on the principal events in the "One great merit of this book is its extraordinary reign of Anne, but to us the most interesting part is lucidity or expression. Dr. M'Cormac has condensed "The Characters of her Contemporaries' written by the some of the most valuable observations of his pre- Duchess, and her "Opinions, which are said to be ex decesors, and has rendered to the comprehension of tracts from her letters to Lord Stair, and reprinted youth what Locke left incomprehensible to everybody, from a very rare little volume prirately circulated in even himself, Atlas. 1788 by Lord Hailes." Atheneum. MALCOLM'S MEMOIR OF CENTRALINDIA, MARRYÁT'S (CAPT.) DIARIES IN AME- including Malwa and adjoining Provinces; RICA, WITH REMARKS ON ITS INSTI- with the History and copious Illustrations of TUTIONS, both series, 6 vols, post 8vo. extra the past and present condition of that Country, cloth bds. (pub, at £3. 3.) reduced to 158 1839 2 vols. 8vo. third edition, with large map, gilt **The most readable and one of the most valuable cloth, (pub, at £1. 8s) reduced to 18 1832 works which has yet appeared on America. As pointed "An important work in every point of view. The In composition, as tinged with humour, and as amusing name of the distinguished author stands too high to as any of his novels. In the grave and more general views it exhibits much sound sense and shrewdness." render it necessary that we should waste time in passing encomiums upon it. It is a valuable addition Spectator to the stock of information already possessed by the "Captain Maryat stands second in merit to no living public, and cannot be too generally read, or too care novelist. His happy delineations and contrasts of cha- fully studied." - Blackwood' Edinb. Mag. racter, and easy play of native fun would redeem a MARCHMONT PAPERS, illustrative of Events thousand faults. His strong sense and utter superiority to affectation of all sorts command respect; and in his from 1685 to 1750, selected by the Right Hon. quiet effectiveness of circumstantial narrative, he ap- Sir George Rose, from the Family MSS. in his proaches old Defoe. There is less of caricature about possession, 3 vols. 8vo. gilt cloth, (pub. at his pictures than in those of any contemporary humorist -and he shows far larger and maturer knowledge of the £1. 16s) reduced to 165 1831 real workings of human nature. These Diaries in "A mine of instruction and amusement. This im- America will, no doubt, attract some attention, which portant and Interesting work will stand for ever on the they will amply repay, Quarterly Reiere. same shelf with Evelyn, Pepys, and the Letters of -OLLA PODRIDA, consisting of his Diary on Horace Walpole."Literary Gazette. MARLBOROUGH (DUCHESS OF) MEMOIRS the Continent, 1835-1837, and various Short OF, AND OF THE COURT OF QUEEN Novels, Tales, Sketches, &c. 3 vols, post Svo ANNE, compiled from Original and Unpub- extra cloth bds. (pub. at £1. Ils 6d) reduced to 7 6d 1840 lished Documents, by Mrs. A. T. THOMPSON, 2 Capt. Marryat's Diary is a popular and piquant vols. 8vo. fac-simile letters, extra cloth bds. (pub. picture of Continental life, and the various clerer at £1. 88) reduced to 108 6d 1839 sketches and light pieces are well fitted to dispel the **A sterling historical work."- Iterary Ga dull hours of the general reader. Literary Gazette "The Life of one of the most singular individuals in ** Soldiers and sailors are proverbially skilled in Im- the annals of female influence in this country, written promptu cookery: and it will not therefore surprise any throughout with considerable power, great impartiality, one who taste Capt. Maryat's Olla," to find it savory, and very refined taste." Atlas. and containing some cholce morsels.then 68 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. JUST PUNISHED. MARTIN'S (MONTGOMERY) BRITISH moir of Eastern Balochistan, 4 handsome vols. COLONIAL LIBRARY; forming a popular 8vo. with 20 illustrations on stone and wood from and authentic Description of all the COLONIES drawings by the Author, and a large map, eatra of the BRITISH EMPIRE, and embracing the cloth, (pub. at £2. 168) reduced to £1.58 1844 History - Physicial Geography - Geology- MATHEWS Geology- MATHEWS' (CHARLES) MEMOIRS, in- Climate, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoras --Government- Finance- Military cluding his Autobiography and Diary, edited Defence - Commerce - Shipping - Monetary by Mrs. Mathews, 4 vols. 8vo. fine plates, System --Religion-- Population, white and co- extra cloth, (pub, at £2.168) reduced to £1. Is 1839 loured-Education and the Press-Emigration, ** These volumes are heaped up and running over Social State, &c. of each settlement. Founded with anecdotes of the most singular and diverting on Official and Public Documents, furnished by nature. They furnish us with raey personal sketches Government, the Hon. East India Company, of numerous eminent literary, political, and theatrical characters. "Sun. &c.; illustrated by original maps and plates, 10 "A work rich in entertaining anecdotes." vols. fcap. 8vo. extra cloth boards (pub, at £3.) Quarterly Review. reduced to £1. 155 1843 * This is a rare book-a book of jest and anecdote. There is a quick transition from cliaracter to character, ..These 10 vols. contain the 5 vols. 8vo. verbatim, and from incident to incident; and the eccentricities of with a few additions. old Johnny Winter, the wardrobe keeper and tailor Each volume of the above Series is complete in itself, at York--the draggling, drawling oddities of Tate Wilkinson-the natty neatnesses of George Colman-tho and sold separately, as follows, (pub. at 6s) practical jesting of Theodore Hook--the highly sea- reduced to 3s 6d soned egotism and gullibility of Charles Ineledon- these, and the passing glances nt Curran, John Kemble, CONTENTS. the Prince Regent, Dr. Kitchiner, Queen Charlotte, and Mr. John Taylor, are given in capital style." Vol. I.--THE CANADAS, UPPER AND LOWAR, Atheneum. Vol. II.--NEW SOUTH WALES, VAN DIEMAN'S LAND, SWAN River, and SOUTH AUSTRALIA. MAXWELL'S LIFE OF THE DUKE OF Vol. III.- THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, MAURITIUS, WELLINGTON, 3 handsome vols. 8vo. and SEYCHELLES, new and enlarged edition, embellished with numerous highly finished line Vol. IV.-THE WEST INDIES. Vol. I. - JAMAICA, engravings by Cooper and other eminent artists, HONDURAS, TRINIDAD, TOBAGO, GRANADA, the consisting of battle pieces, portraits, military plans, BAHAMAS, and the VIRGIN ISLES. Vol. 7.-THE WEST INDIES. VOL II.-BRITISH and maps ; besides a great number of fine wood GUIANA, BARBADOES, ST. LUCIA, ST. VINCENT'S, engravings; elegant in gilt cloth, (pub, at £3.78) DEM RRARA, Esseguro, BORBICE, ANGUILLA, reduced to £1. 165 1839.41 TORTOLA, ST. KIIT's, BARBUDA ANTIGUA, MONTSERRAT, DOMINICA, and Nevis. the same, Large Paper, proof impressions of the Vol. VI.-NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK, CAPE plates on India paper, very few printed; gilt cloth, BRETON, PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLX, the BERMUDAS, (pub, at £5.) reduced to £3.35 NEWFOUNDLAND), and Hudsox's BAY. Vol. VII.-GIBRALTAR, MALTA, the IONIAN " Mr. Maxwell's Life of the Duke of Wellington, ISLANDS, &c. In our opinion, has no rival among similar publi- Vol. VIII.--THE EAST INDIES. Vol. I. containing cations of the day. We pronounce it BENGAI, MADRAS, BOMBAY, AGRA, &c. free from flattery and bombast, succinct and mas- Vol. IX.-DITTO, Vol. II. terly, The type and mechanical execution Vol. X.-BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN THE INDIAN are admirable; the plans of battles and sleges nume- AND ATLANTIC OCEANS, viz.-CEYLON, rous, ample, and useful; the portraits of the Duke and PENANG, MALACCA, SINGAPORE, SIERRA LEON, his warrior contemporaries many and faithful: the the GAMBIA, CAPE COAST CASTLI, ACORA, the battle pietures animated and brilliant; and the vig- FALKLAND ISLANDS, ST. HELENA, and ASCENSION. nettes of costumes and manners worthy of the military genius of Horace Vernet himself."-Times. "A work of extraordinary industry and great utility. Mr. Martin exhibits a very rare talent for extensive sub- ** The Life of the Duke of Wellington, by Mr. jects, for seizing with rapidity upon their distinguishing Maxwell, is in all respects the best that has yet ap- peared. The world had in some measure a guarantee features, and for collecting evidences and illustrations for more than average excellence in the name of a to strengthen and Illuminate his work." - Atlas. writer well versed in military afhairs, and whose MARTIN'S EASTERN INDIA. The History, previous productions are in no small degree associated Antiquities, Topography, and Statistics of with the glories of our country. We find the utmost eare, labour, and research employed to aid his perfect Eastern India; Comprising Districts of Behar, knowledge of his subject; and the manly vigour, force, Shahabad, Bhagulpoor, Goruckpoor, Dinaje- and simplicity of a style which is in no small degree poor, Puraniya, Rungpoor, and Assam, in re- assimilated to the character of the great soldier him. lation to their History, Geology, Mineralogy, self. And here one cannot help remarking how sin Early eventful seems the career of the Duke from Botany, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, its very dawn, and how even his earliest life is studded Population, Statistics, &c. Surveyed under with traits and evidences which are so many keys to the Orders of the Supreme Government, by that triumphant gate of glory which it was to be his after brilliant destiny to open wide before the world. Dr. BUCHANAN, and others. Collated from Mr. Maxwell has Industriously gathered these anece the Original Documents at the East India dotal treasures, blending them carefully with his great House, under the sanction of the Honourable story, and pervading his theme with a tone of spirited and well-judged criticism which much increases the Court of Directors, by ROBERT MONTGOMERY reader's respect for the biographer. The work has all MARTIN, author of the * Statistics of the the dignity of history, and contains much original British Colonies," 3 vols. 8vo. with numerous matter of interest, always stated upou sound authority, plates, in extra cloth boards, (pub, at £3. 12) In regard to the general publication of the work, it reduced to £1. 5: 1838 could not be better than it is. Its typography is both careful and beautiful, and its Illustrations are varied VASSON'S (CHARLES) Narrative of Various and excellent.Morning Post. Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, the "This splendidly illustrated Life of the great Captain Punjab, and Kalkt, during a Residence in of the Age, reflects no Inconsiderable credit on the taste and enterprise of its publisher, and on the care those Countries; to which is added an Ac- industry, and intelligence of its author. In beauty of count of the Insurrection at Kalat, and a Me- illustration, splendour of typography, and copiousness MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. 69 of detail, it must take precedence of all the other As there are many editions of Mitford's Greece before biographies of the Duke of Wellington. We have the public, it may be necessary to observe that the gone carefully through his work, and having com- present octavo edition is the only one which contains pared its details with the most accredited authorities, Mr. King's last corrections and additions (which, as we have no hesitation in awarding to the author the stated in his advertisement, are material); it is at the important merits of care, fidelity, and Judgment in same time the only edition which should at the present the selection and arrangement of his facts .. Al- day be chosen for the gentleman's library, being the together, handsomer or more interesting volumes have handsomest, the most correct, and the most complete. rarely lesued from the press, even in these days of LORD BYRON says of Mitford, "HIS IS THE BEST enterprise and intelligence." -- United Service Gazette. MODERN HISTORY OF GRAECX IN ANY LANGUAGE, "Napoleon was, Wellington is, (according to Lord AND HE IS PERHAPS TX BEST OF ALL MODERN Brougham) the greatest man that ever lived.' HISTORIANS WHATSOVAR. His virtues are learning, Whether this be true or not, we declare our opinion labour, research, and earnestness." thint Mr. Maxwell's is the most falthful--the most ** Considered with respect, not only to the whole interesting, and best written life of the great warrior series of antient events which it comprises, but also to which has yet been published. The work is illustrated with most exquisite Engravings on steel, including any very prominent portion of that series, Mr. Mrr- YOD'S HISTORY 16 THX BUT THAT HAS APPEARED plans of the different engagements, and is in every way SINCR THE DAYS OF XENOPHON"-Edinb. Revier. #capital publication." MEREDITH'S MEMORIALS OF CHARLES MONTAGU'S (LADY MARY WORTLEY) JOHN, KING OF SWEDEN AND NOR- LETTERS, now first published complete, WAY, illustrative of his Character, of his with the blanks filled up: to which are added relations with the Emperor Napoleon, and her Miscellaneous works; an Account of the of the History of his kingdoms, with a Dis- Court of George I.; State of Party at the course on the Political Character of Sweden, Accession; Essays, Poems, &c. published 8vo. extra cloth, (pub, at 12s) reduced to 45 from the original MSS., with a Biographical Colburn, 1829 Memoir, Introductory Anecdotes, and an In. A work that exhibits much of the rise and fall of dex, by her Great Grandson, Lord Wharncliffe, nations, and we may say contains the seeds of history." 3 vols. 8vo. handsomely printed, with fine por- Literary Gazette. raits, gilt cloth, (pub. at £2.28) reduced to MILLER'S DAY IN THE WOODS, a con- £1. Is 1837 nected Series of Tales and Poems. Second "I have heard Dr. Johnson say, that he never read Edition, post 8vo. cloth, elegantly gilt, (pub. at but one book through from choice in his whole life, 10. 6d) reduced to 4s 6d 1840 and that book was Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's MILLINGEN'S HISTORY OF DUELLING; Letters." -Boswell's Tafe of Johnson. "These letters are so bewitchingly entertaining, that including Narratives of the most Remarkable we defy the most phlegmatie man on earth to read one Personal Encounters that have taken place without going through with them, or, after finishing the from the earliest period to the present time, whole, not to wish there were twenty more volumes." Smollett. 2 vols. 8vo, extra cloth, (pub, at £1.88) reduced to 128 1841 MOORE'S (THOMAS) EPICUREAN, A MILTON'S WORKS, both Prose and Poetical, TALE; and ALCIPHRON, POEM. TUR- with an Introductory Review by FLETCHEN, NER'S ILLUSTRATED EDITION, foolscap 8vo. complete in 1 thick vol. imperial 8vo. cloth four beautiful engravings, elegantly bound in lettered, (pub. at £1. 58) reduced to £1. ls cloth, with tastefully gilt back and sides, (pub. 1838 at 10s 6d) reduced to 38 1839 This is the only complete edition of Milton's Prose Works, at a moderate price. of this extremely pretty and favourite volume the Advertiser has bought an unusually large im- SELECT PROSE WORKS, edited pression, and therefore offers them for the present at with a Preliminary Discourse, Introductory the above extraordinary low price. There is nothing so cheap and beautiful in the whole Remarks, and Notes, by J. A. St. John, 2 vols. circle of modern literature. fcap. 8vo. fine portraits of Milton and Cromwell, ** For insight into human nature, for poetical thought, extra cloth, (pub. at 148) reduced to 7 1836 for grace, refinement, intellect, pathos, and sublimity, we prize the plourean even above any other of the * The prose writings of Milton deserve the attention author's works. Indeed, although written in prose, this of every man who wishes to become acquainted with is a masterly poem, and will for ever rank as one of the full power of the English language. They abound the most exquisite productions in English literature." with passages compared with which the finest decla Literary Garette mations of Burke sink Into insignificance. They are a perfect field of cloth of gold.-T. B. Macaulay. MOORE'S (DR. JOHN) WORKS; containing MITFORD'S HISTORY OF GREECE, by Zeluco ; Mordaunt; Edward; View of So- Lond REDESDALE, the Chronology corrected ciety and Manners in Italy, France, Swit- and compared with Clinton's Fasti Hellenici, zerland, and Germany; View of the Causes by King, (Cadell's last and much the best edition, and Progress of the French Rlation; 1838) 8 vols, 8vo. gilt cloth, (pub. at £4. 4) Journal during a Residence in France. With reduced to £2.12 6d 1838 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Au- the same, trec-marbled calf estra, by Clarke, thor, by Dr. Robert Anderson, 7 vols. 8vo.) reduced to £4. 14 6d pertrait, extra cloth boards, (pub, at £3, 138 6d reduced to £1. 58 Edinb. 1820 In respect to this new and improved edition, one of the most eminent scholars of the present day has "John Moore, M.D. the celebrated author of Travels expressed his opinion that the increased advantages Into France and Italy: of Zeluco; of Edward, or Vari- given to it have doubled the original value of the ous Views of Life and Manners In England, &c. He work. la sensible and entertaining companion; his style is It should be observed that the numerous additions easy, always agreeable and pleasing his wit is playfal, and the amended Chronology, from that valuable per and his pleasantry little inferior to Moliéres." formance, the Pasti Hellenici, are subjoined in the Purnits of Literature shape of Notes, so as not to interfere with the integrity of the text 20 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. AND MORE'S UTOPIA, or Tas HAPPY REPUBLIC, NAPOLEON MEMOIRS-Memoirs of the In- a Philosophical Romance; to which is added, vasion of France by the Allied Armies, and of THE NEW ATLANTIS, BY LORD BACON ; with the Last Six Months of the Reign of Napo- a Preliminary Discourse, containing an Ana- leon, written at the command of the Emperor, lysis of Plato's Republic, &c. and copious by BARON FAIN, First Secretary of the Ca- Notes, by J. A. St. John, Esq. NEW EDITION, binet, 8vo, new edition, very large map and fae- fcap. 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 6s) reduced to simile of Napoleon's Abdication ; extra cloth, 4s 60 1845 (pub. at 9s) reduced to 4s 6d 1834 the same, with the Life of Sir Thomas More, MEMOIRS OF GENERAL COUNT by the Right Hon. Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH, RAPP, First Aide-de-Camp to Napoleon, together 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. handsomely printed, written by Himself, and published by his extra cloth, (pub. at 12s) reduced to 85 1845 Family, containing a multitude of curious "We must not leave England without mention of the facts and anecdotes, hitherto unknown, , only work of genius that she can boast in this age; the Utopia of Sir Thomas More. Perhaps we scarcely ap- 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at 12s) reduced to 4s6d preciate highly enough the spirit and originality of this 1823 fiction.”-Hallam's Literature of Europe. BARON LANGON'S EVENINGS "The pleasing manner in which this work is written, WITH PRINCE CAMBACERES, Second the felicity of the style, the elegance of the satire, the acuteness of the remarks on men and manners, the Consul, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, cloth lettered, freedom and manliness of the opinions, would have (pub, at £1. 88) reduced to 10 1837 raised it to distinction in any age. Macdiarmid. RECOLLECTIONS OF CAULINCOURT, MOXON'S DRAMATIC SERIES, IN SETS OF DUKE OF VICENZA, Grand Equerry 6 vols.royal 8vo. cloth lettered, (pub. at £6.4s) to Napoleon, comprising many curious Aneo- dotes of the French Court, 2 vols. post 8vo. reduced to £4. 10s (pub. at 18s) reduced to 9s 1838 OR SEPARATELY NAPIER'S MONTROSE THE COVE Ben Johnson, with a Memoir, &c. by Barry NANTERS, illustrated from Original Docu- Cornwall, and Glossary, royal 8vo, fine por- ments hitherto unpublished, embracing the trait and vignette, cloth lettered, (pub, at £1.4) Times of Charles I. from the Rise of the reduced to 16s 1838 Troubles in Scotland to the Denth of Mon- BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, with an Introduction, trose, the most complete edititon, 2 vols. 8vo. by George Darley, and Glossary, 2 vols. royal extra cloth boards, (pub. at £1. 4) reduced 8vo. fine portraits and vignettes, cloth lettered, to 10s 6d Duncan, 1838 (pub. at £2.) reduced to £1. 108 1840 ** This is a capital work-it treats of a most important MASSINGER and Ford, with an Introduction, period of history, is illustrated by many curious and by Hartley Coleridge, and Glossary, royal valuable documents, will bring the reader acquainted 8vo. fine portrait and vignette, cloth lettered, with scenes and characters, and throws a strong light on many subjects of interest."- Atheneum. (pub. at £1.) reduced to 15s 1839 WYCHERLEY, CONGREVE, VANBRUCH, and Far- NARES' (REV. DR.) MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND ADMINISTRATION OF QUHAR, with Biographical and Critical No- CECIL, LORD BURGHLEY, Secretary of tices by Leigh Hunt, royal 8vo. fine portrait State in the Reign of King Edward VI., and and vignette, cloth lettered (pub.at £1.) reduced Lord High Trensurer of England in the Reign to 155 1840 of Queen Elizabeth, containing an Historiel SHAKSPEARE, with Remarks on his Life and Writings by Thomas Campbell, and Glossary, View of the Times in which he lived, and of the illustrious Persons with whom he was con royal 8vo. fine portrait and vignette, cloth lettered, (pub. at £1.) reduced to 148 nected ; now first published from the originals, 1838 MUDIE'S (ROBERT) MENTAL PHILOSO- 3 vols. 4to. embellished with fine portraits and PHY, a Popular View of the Nature, Immor. plates, cloth, (pub. at £9.9) reduced to £2. 12s 6d 1828-31 tality, Phenomena, and Conduct of the Human Mind, 12mo. extra cloth, (pub. at 6) reduced "A publication of the highest national interest, and a great and valuable accession to our knowledge of to 2s 6d 1838 English History, at a period when that History is MUNDY'S (CAPTAIN) PEN AND PENCIL most important. It corrects many errors in Rapin, SKETCHES IN INDIA, being the Journal Strype, Neale, Lingard, and others. - Athenarum. of a Tour in the various Upper Provinces of NEO-DRUIDIC HERESY IN BRITANNIA, India, in the years 1827-29, 2 vols. 8vo. with (Essay on the), by the Author of "Britannia tpood-cuts, and 26 spirited etchings of Indian after the Romans," including a Supplement Field Sports, by Landseer, cloth lettered, (pub. to that work, royal 4to cloth, 14. 1838 at £1. 10s) reduced to 165 1833 NICHOLS'S PROGRESSES, PROCESSIONS, Mundy is a man after our own souls-a hearty, ad. FESTIVITIES, AND PAGEANTS OF venturous, bold, chivalrous, devil-daring, tiger-killing, lion-wuelling, Jackal-murdering fellow, with a firm QUEEN ELIZABETH, collected from Ori- Sand, keen eye, sure aim, exhaustless enthusiasm, and ginal Manuscripts, Corporation Records, and good humour in stufficient abundance to sweeten the bit- scarce Tracts, and illustrated by Historical terness of the very Asphaltie Pool." - Fraser's Magazine, Notes by John Nichols, F. B. A., assisted by Richard Gough and George Steevens, F.S.A., NAPOLEON IN COUNCIL, or the Speeches second edition, chronologically arranged, with and Opinions of Buonaparte in the Council additional Notes, Translations of the Latin, of State, translated from the French, by Cap- and Indexes of Places and Persons visited, tain Basil Hall, post 8vo. fac-simile of Na. Remarkable Events, &c. 3 vols. 4to, with 47 poleon's writing; extra cloth, (pub. at 9s) re- plates, cloth, (pub. at £9.9a) reduced to £4.4. duced to 3s 60 1837 1823 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. 71 NICHOLS'S PROGRESSES, PROCESSIONS, "Our sporting readers will welcome with delight this FESTIVITIES, AND PAGEANTS OF new production of the popular author of The Chase, the Turf, and the Road' In these volumes the famous KING JAMES I., his Queen, Family, and Nimrod, from whose sporting dicta there is no appeal, Court, comprising Forty Masques and Enter- carries the reader with him to enjoy every species of tainments, "Six Pageants, numerous Original sport which the wide world affords. We have seldom seen Mr. Apperley more at home or to better purpose Letters, annotated Lists of the Peers, Baronets, than in these volumes, while partaking of the princely and Knights during this Reign, etc. etc. etc. hospitality of the late Duke of Orleans or the Prince of illustrated by Notes, Historical, Topographical Moskowa, or of a score of the sporting noblemen in and Biographical, and General Indexes, by all parts of the civilized world." -New Monthly. John Nichols, F.8.A., assisted by several emi- OG BORNE'S HISTORY OF ESSEX, from the nent Literary Antiquaries, 4 vols. 4to. plates, Earliest Period to the Present Time, containing cloth, (pub, at £10. 108) reduced to £4.48 the Parishes of Westham, Eastham, Little Il- 1828 ford, Barking, Dagenham, Wansted, Woodford, or these two indispensable works in an English Leyton, Walthamstow, Havering, Romford, Historical Library, only 250 copies were printed, and Hornchurch, Waltham, Epping, Chingford, but very few now remain for sale. As there is no pro- bability of their ever being reprinted, there is little Nazing, Chigwell, Loughton, Theydon Bois, doubt, but that in a few years both works will become Theydon Gernon, and Theydon Mount, illus- rare and valuable. trated by 39 engravings of Churches, Monuments, The former edition of the Progresses of Queen Eliza- Ancient Buildings, Seals, Portraits, Autographs, beth, less complete than the present, had become so extremely scarce, that copies were repeatedly sold by &c. 4to. extra cloth boards, (pub, at £2. 58) re- publie auction for upwards of £40. duced to 10s 6d 1817 The progresses of King James have only been once printed. The two works include the republication of Strutt assisted largely in the compilation of this work. rare historical and poetical tracts, the originals of OSSIAN'S POEMS, translated by Macpherson, which, if they could be bought, would be worth more with Dissertations, concerning the Era and than a thousand pounds. No library, into which the English Chronicles, State Poems of Ossian; and Dr. Blair's Critical Papers, the Harleian Miscellany, and Lord Somers' Dissertation, complete in one neatly printed Collection of Tracts are admitted, should be without volume, 18mo. frontispiece, extra cloth, (pub. at these linportant volumes, which form a connected 1844 History of the Courts of Elizabeth and James, and 4s) reduced to 3s afford a living picture of the manners of England, its OUSELEY'S (SIR WILLIAM) TRAVELS IN pursuits and its amusements for three-quarters of a VARIOUS COUNTRIES OF THE EAST, MORE PAR- century, (1553 to 1625.) They also develope numerous interesting and unknown anecdotes of most of our TICULARLY PERSIA, IN 1810, 1811, AND 1812, Noble Families, and in many cases the circumstances illustrating many subjects of Antiquarian Re- of their rise and first elevation to the Peerage. search, History, Geography, Philology, and NICOLAS'S LIFE OF WILLIAM DAVISON, Miscellaneous Literature; with Extracts from Secretary of State and Privy Counsellor to rare and valuable Oriental Manuscripts, and 80 Queen Elizabeth, 8vo. with Fac-Similes of plates and maps, 3 vols. 4to. extra cloth bds: (pub. writing, in extra cloth boards, (pub, at 123) at £11.) reduced to £3. 35 1823 reduced to 4s 60 1823 ** These Travels are so replete with new and Invalu- This is a valuable plece of historico-biographical able matter, that we confess ourselves unequal to do Information. It contains a minute investigation of them justice by a synopsis; and they assuredly must the question as to Elizabeth's privity and consent to the rank high among the most important books of reference denth of her sister, Mary Queen of Scots. It is a of which we are possessed. They and Burckhardt's de- truly valuable accession to the historical library," serve a place on the same shelf sa place to which no Gent's Mag. other Eastern travels have hitherto attained. Clar sical Journal NIEBUHR'S HISTORY OF ROME, epitomized, PARDOE'S (MISS) RIVER AND THE DE- with Chronological Tables and an Appendix, SART, or Recollections of the Rhone and the by Travers Twiss, B.C.L. 2 vols. 8vo. extra Chartreuse, 2 vols. post 8vo. extra cloth bds. cloth, (pub. at £1. 1x) reduced to 12s (pub. at 18s) reduced to 6s 1838 Oxford, Talboys, 1837 This work is highly creditable to the author, dis- "Niebuhr has thrown new light upon our knowledge covering more mind even than any of Miss Pardoe's of Roman affairs, to a degree of which those who are former productions." - Atlas. unacquainted with his labours can scarcely form an CITY OF THE MAGYAR, or Hungary adequate idea." Quarterly Revies. This edition by Mr. Twiss is a very valuable addi. and her Institutions in 1839-40, 3 vols. 8vo. tion to classical learning, clearly and ably embodying with 9 engravings, extra gilt cloth, (pub. at all the latest efforts of the laborious Niebuhr. The £1. Ils 6d) reduced to 10s6d 1840 chronological tables are excellent; and, Indeed, the whole is a work most fitting for the library of every in "An able and very interesting work." Atheneum. ** There is much research, and much interesting infor telligent render. Literary Garette, mation, in the present rolumes; Miss Pardoe has been "This is a truly valuable work, which for the first time an industrious and inquisitive traveller, and has success presents the researches of Niebuhr to English students fully studied the institutions of the country, and the In an accessible form. Mr. Twiss has judiciously ex- customs and character of the people with whom she punged those passages in which Niebuhr exhibited so dwelt. The book partakes of the nature both of a his strange a mixture of scepticism and credulity. In the tory an of a book of travel: one portion of it pleases appendix there are some original investigations which us by its graphic details, and its amusing anecdotes, display great learning and acuteness; we were particu- another interests us by its researches into the political larly pleased with that on the office of the Dictator, and statistical state of Hungary. Much will be new, which appears to us the most satisfactory account that not only to those who have never resided in that singu- has yet been given of that anomaly in the Roman con. Tarly Interesting part of Europe, but even to many stitution. Atheneum. persons who have visited it. It is, indeed, a book of NIMROD ABROAD, (being Observations made sterling merit.-Gent's Mag. during Six Years Residence in France, Belgium, PARRY'S CAMBRIAN PLUTARCH, compris- Germany, Italy, Russia, United States, India, ing Memoirs of some of the most eminent &c., by C. J. Apperley (Nimrod), 2 vols. post Welshmen, from the earliest Times to the pro- 8vo. atra cloth, with sporting devices on back and sent, including the substance of all the previous side, (pub, at £1. 18) reduced to 9s 1842 Researches into the Literary and Personal Hio- 72 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. tory of Aneurin, Taliesin, Llywarch Hen, years in the East, made himself thoroughly acquainted Asser Menevensis, Giraldus Cambrensis, David with the original authorities of Mahommedan History, and then compiled the above elaborate work, which ab Gwilym, Humphrey Llwyd, Dr. John may be said to be the only one faithfully representing David Rys, Bp. Morgan, and other early Eng- Oriental records and traditions. lish Poets and Historians, 8vo. cloth lettered, PRIOR'S LIFE OF BURKE, with unpublished (pub, at 10s 6d) reduced to 5s 1834 Specimens of his Poetry and Letters, third and PAXTON'S LETTERS FROM PALESTINE, much improved edition, 8vo. portrait and auto- 12mo. extra cloth, (pub. at 6s) reduced to 3s 6d graphs, gilt cloth, (pub.at 14s) reduced to 98 1839 Tilt, 1839 * Prior's Life of Burke is full of interesting particu- This is a very interesting and comprehensive account lars respecting Burke, not given by his other blogra- of Palestine and the Holy Land by an author who has phers; it exhibits just sentiment and good feeling, and always been well received by the public. displays strong evidence that much careful inquiry has PERCEVAL'S (G.) HISTORY OF ITALY, been employed in its production. The work is a from the Fall of the Western Empire to the sensible and a valuable one; and the diction of it is per- Commencement of the Wars of the French spicuous and spirited."-Blackwood& Edinburgh Magazine, Revolution, 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth boards, (pub. "Excellent feeling, in perspicuous and foreible lan- at £1. 105) reduced to 10s 60 1825 guage."-Quarterly Revier. PERCY'S RÉLIQUES OF ANCIENT ENG- LIFE OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH, from LISH POETRY, consisting of Old Heroic a variety of Original Sources, 2 vols. 8vo. Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our Ear- handsomely printed, gilt cloth, (pub. at £1. 10s) lier Poets, together with some few of later reduced to 12 1837 date, and a copious Glossary, complete in 1 "The solid worth of this blography consists in the volume, medium 8vo. New and elegant edition, many striking anecdotes which Mr. Prior has gathered in the course of his anxious researches among Gold. on fine paper, with beautifully engraved title and smith's surviving acquaintances, and the immediate frontispiece by Stephanoff, red turkey cloth, descendants of his personal friends in London, and richly gilt, (pub. at 155) reduced to 8s 68 relations in Ireland, above all, in the rich mass of the 1844 poet's own familiar letters, which he has been enabled "But above all, I then first became acquainted to bring together for the first time, No poet's letters in the world, not even those of Cowper, appear to us with Bp. Percy's Reliques of Ancient Poetry. The first time, too, I could scrape a few shillings together, I more interesting."- Quarterly Review. STEAM QUIN'S VOYAGES bought unto myself a copy of these beloved volumes; ON THE nor do I believe I ever read a book half so frequently, MOSELLE, THE ELBE, AND LAKES OF or with halt the enthusiasm."-Sir Walter Scott. ITALY, with Notices of Thuringen and Saxon " Perey's Reliques are the most agreeable selection, perhaps, which exists in any language." Ellis. Switzerland, &c. with Visits to the principal "The most elegant compilation of the early poe- Cities of Belgium, &e. 2 vols. post 8vo. 2 plates, try of a nation that has ever appeared in any age or extra cloth, (pub, at £1. 1s) reduced to 9: 1843 country. Every page evinces the fine taste, the genius It was Mr. Quin's good fortune to open to his fellow and learning of the editor."-Evans' Old Ballads. countrymen, and indeed, to foreign tourists in general, PINKERTON'S ENQUIRY INTO THE the grand and peculiar attractions of the Danube. EARLY HISTORY OF SCOTLAND, to His "Steam Voyage" down that river has already been which is added, his Dissertation on the Origin diffused (most deservedly) all over the contineut, not only in the English, but also in the French and German and Progress of the Scythians and Goths, languages. new edition, 2 stout vols. 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. RABELAIS' WORKS, translated from the French at £1. 16s) reduced to 12 1814 by Sir Thomas Urquhart, Motteux and Ozell; POPULAR ERRORS, Explained and Illustrated, with explanatory Notes by Duchat, and others, by John Times, (Author of Laconics, and 4 vols. fcap. 8vo. richly full gilt, with singular Editor of the “Illustrated London News,") devices; extra cloth, (pub, at £1.) reduced to 16s thick fcap. 8vo. closely but elegantly printed, 1844 frontispiece, extra cloth, reduced to 55 1841 Rabelals, although a classic in every European lan- This will be found a very entertaining and in guage, and adraitted into every library, is too indecent structive miscellany, comprehending most of the for the present age, and should not be put in the way of curious information contained in Browne's Vulgar females. Errors, besides a considerable accession from other * Rabelais is one of the world's master minds, he belongs to those who have perpetual dominion, and PORTER'S PROGRESS OF THE NATION, rule us from their urns. His invention is inexhaustible, in its various Social and Economical Relations, his opulence of diction wonderful, and his learning ever ready to illustrate and enforce whatever his genius may from the beginning of the Nineteenth Century devise; while for wit and humour he has but one equal to the present Time, 3 vols. post 8vo. extra in literature."- Atheneum. cloth, (pub, at £1. 4s) reduced to 13s 6d "The English version of Rabelais by Urquhart, Motteux, and Ozell, may be considered as one of the Charles Knight, 1838-44 most perfect specimens of the art of translation." CONTEXTS. Tytler Vol. 1.- Population. Production. "But the most celebrated and certainly the most Vol. II.-Interchange. Revenue and Expenditure. brilliant performance in the path of fiction that belongs Vol. III.-Consumption. Accumulation. Moral to this age, is that of Rabelais. Pew books are less Progress. Colonies and Foreign Dependencies. likely to obtain the praise of a rigorous eritie: but few A book or the very highest character. have more the stamp of originality, or show a more re- dundant fertility, slways of language, and sometimes PRICE'S (MAJOR DAVID) MAHOMMEDAN or imagination. His reading is large, but always rens HISTORY, from the Death of the Arabian dered subservient to ridicule; he is never serious in a single page, and seems to have had little other alm, in Legislator to the Accession of the Emperor his first two volumes, than to pour out the exuberance Akbar, and the Establishment of the Mogul of his animal galety." --Hallam's Literature of Empire in Hindostan, compiled from origi- Europe, nal Persian Authorities, 4 vols. 4to. tcith a " Beyond a doubt Rabelais was among the deepest, as well as boldest thinkers of his age. His buffoonery large coloured map of Asia, gilt cloth, (pub. at was not merely Brutus's rough stick, which contained £7. 17s 6d) reduced to £1. 16. 1821 A lod of gold; it was necessary as an amulet againt The author, Major Price, spent nearly twenty-four the monks and legates. Never was there a more plau sources. MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE 73 to 4 ble, and seldom, I am persuaded, a less appropriate RITSON'S VARIOUS WORKS, as published by line, than the thousand times quoted Pickering, THE SET, viz. -Robin Hood, 2 vols. " Rabelais laughing in his easy chair," of Mr. Pope. The caricature of his filth and manyism -Annals of the Caledonians, 2 vols.--Ancient show how fully he both knew and felt the danger in Songs and Ballads, 2 vols.Memoirs of the which he stood. I could write a treatise in praise of Celts, 1 vol.-Life of King Arthur, 1 vol.- the moral elevation of Rabelais' works, which would make the church stare and the conventicle groan, and Ancient Popular Poetry, 1 vol.--Fairy Tales yet would be truth, and nothing but the truth. I class 1 vol.-Letters and Memoirs of Ritson, 2 vols.: Rabelais with the great creative minds of the world, together 12 vols, post 8vo. extra red turkey cloth, Shakespeare, Dante, Cervantes, ko."-Coleridge. full gilt backs, uniform, (pub. at £6. 5s 6d) RAFFLES' HISTORY OF JAVA, AND LIFE, reduced to £3. 88 1827-33 with an Account of Bencoolen, and Details of Or separately as follows: the Commerce and Resources of the Indian ROBIN HOOD, a Collection of Ancient Poets, Songs, and Ballads, relative to that celebrated Outlaw; with Archipelago, edited by LADY RAVILE. Toge. Historical Anecdotes of his Life, 2 vols. 188 ther 4 vols. 8vo. AND A SPLENDID QUARTO ATLAS, ANNALS OF THE CALEDONIANS, PICTS, AND containing upwards of 100 plates by Daniel, SCOTS, 2 vols. 10x many TINELY COLOURED ; extra Turkey cloth, MEMOIRS OF THE CELTS OR GAULS, 108 ANCIENT SONGS AND BALLADS, 2 vols, 188 (pub, at £4. 145) reduced to £2, 85 1830-35 PIECES OF ANCIENT POPULAR POETRY, post MEMOIR OF THE LIFE AND PUBLIC Byo. 78 SERVICES OF SIR THOMAS STAMFORD FAIRY TALES, now first collected ; to which are prefixed Two Dissertations-1. on Pigmies; 2. on Fairies; RAFFLES, particularly in the Government of 88 Java, 1811-16, and of Bencoolen and its De- LIFE AND LETTERS OF JOSEPH RITSON, Esq. pendencies, 1817-24; with Details of the edited from Originals in the possession of his Nephew, Commerce and Resources of the Eastern Ar- by Sir Harris Nicolas, 2 vols. 168 "No library can be called complete in Old Englis" chipelago, and Selections from his Correspon. Tore, which has not the whole of the productions of this dence, by LADY RAYTLES, 4to. portraits, maps, laborious and successful antiquary." - Atheneum. and plates, extra cloth boards (pub, at £2. 128 6d) "Joseph Ritson was an antiquary of the first order." reduced to £1.55 1830 Quarterly Reviere. RITSON'S OFFICE OF BAILIF OF A LIBERTY, edited RAIKES'S CITY OF THE CZAR, BEING by the Author's Nephew, J. Frank, Esq. Bro. cloth, 1811 scarce, 3x Od A VISIT TO ST. PETERSBURGH in 1828 OFFICE OF CONSTABLE, compiled from the best and 1829, 8vo. gilt cloth, (pub, at 12s) reduced Authorities, with a Preface and an Introduction, con- 1838 talning some Account of the Origin and Antiquity of the Office, Svo. cloth, scaro, Ss 6d 1791 RAUMER'S (VON) ENGLAND IN 1841, 2 ROBERTSON'S HISTORICAL WORKS, con- vols. post 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub. at £1. 1s) trining History of Scotland, History of the reduced to 75 1842 Reign of the Emperor Charles V., History of One of the most interesting and instructive works of America, and Historical Disquisition concern- our time; a work which cannot fail to do good service ing Ancient India : with an Account of the -assured that it will be in the hands of all." Life and Writings of the Author by Dugald Atheneum. Stewart, one large vol. impl. 8vo. portrait, -ITALY AND THE ITALIANS, 2 vols. post cloth lettered, £1. ls 1840 £ 1840 AND SYRIA, 2 vols. post 8vo. maps and "A book of sterling information and full of enter- taining matter." - Literary Gazette. plans, extra cloth bds. (pub. at £1. 1s) reduced to 9 1837 REDDING'S HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION "This Journal is not merely the best, but perhaps the OF MODERN WINES. Second Edition, only guide through these remote regions."Lat. Gax. with considerable Additions, and a new Pre- ROBINSON CRUSOE, including his further face developing the System of the Port Wine Adventures, with Life of Defoe, &c. spreards of Trade, 8vo, embellished with numerous beautiful 60 fine word-cuts, from designs by Harvey, fcap. engravings en wood, extra cloth boards, (pub, at 8vo, new and improved edition, toith additional 168) reduced to 9 1836 ents, cloth gilt, 68 1844 RERESBY'S (SIR JOHN) TRAVELS AND The only small edition which is quite complete. * Perhaps there exists no work, either of instruction MEMOIRS; the former, (now first published) or entertainment, in the English language, which has exhibiting a View of the Governments and been more generally read, or more deservedly admired, Society in the principal States of Europe, than the Life and Adventures or Robinson Crusoe. during the time of Cromwell's Usurpation; ROBY'S POPULAR TRADITIONS OF LAN- Sir Walter Scott with Anecdotes and Secret History of the CASHIRE, both Series, 3 vols. post 8vo. 3rd Courts of Charles II. and James II, 3rd edition, impl. 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub. at edition, with 18 spirited wod-cuts, after the designs £1. ls) reduced to 6s by Frank Howard, extra cloth bds. (pub. at 1813 £1. Ils 6d) reduced to 10s 6d 1843 **The Memoirs of Sir John Rereshy belong to that rare and valuable class of works which appear to have Sir Walter Scott speaks highly of this work, which he been written not so much with a view towards fame or calls "very elegant," and frequently quotes in his emolument, as for the private ends and satisfaction of Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft," and "Tales the writers themselves. Retrospective Revier. of the Crusaders. ROLLIN'S ANCIENT HISTORY, a new and RICH'S BABYLON AND PERSEPOLIS, vix complete edition, with engraved frontispieces and Narrative of a Journey to the Site of Babylon 7 maps, 2 vols. bound in one stout handsome vol. Two Memoirs on the Ruins; Remarks on the roy. 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub, at £1. 4) re- Topography of Ancient Babylon by Major duced to 12 1844 Rennell; Narrative of a Journey to Persepolis, The only complete edition in a compact form, it is with hitherto unpublished Cuneiform Inscrip- uniform in size and appearance with Moxon's Series of tions, 8vo, maps and plates, extra cloth bds. (pub. Dramatists, &c. The previous editions of Rollin in a at £1. 1x) reduced to 10s 6a 1839 single volume are greatly abridged, and contain scarcely half the work 74 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. NEW AND IMPROVED EDITION IN THE PRESS. ROSCOE'S LIFE AND PONTIFICATE OF RUSSELL'S HISTORY OF MODERN LEO THE TENTH, new and much improved EUROPE, new edition, continued to the edition, edited by his Son, Thomas Roscoe, Accession of Queen Victoria, 4 vols. 8vo. extra complete in 2 stout vols. 8vo. closely but very cloth £2.58 Trade, 1842 handsomely printed, illustrated by 3 fine portraits, SADLER (M.T., M. P. or LexD) MEMOIRS OF and numerous illustrative engravings as head and THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF, 8vo. tail pieces, extra cloth, £1. 4s 2845 portrait, cloth lettered, (pub.at 14s) reduced to 6s 1843 LIFE “ The MAGNIFICENT," new and much improved SALT'S VOYAGE TO ABYSSINIA AND TRAVELS INTO THE INTERIOR OF edition, edited by his Son, Thomas Roscoe, THAT COUNTRY, executed under the complete in one stout vol. 8vo. closely but very Orders of the British Government in 1809-10, in hand somely printed, illustrated by numerous en- which are included Accounts of the Portuguese gravings, introduced as head and tail pieces, extra cloth, 12s 1845 Settlements on the East Coast of Africa, the ** The delightful biographical labours of Mr. Roscoe, Aboriginal African Tribes, extending from which at the period of their publication, and to the Mozambique to the Borders of Egypt, &c. latest period, procured, and will procure, for the author, together with Vocabularies of their respecting a deservedly high reputation. The style is pure and Languages, royal 4to, illustrated by 37 fine plates, elegant; the facts are interesting and instructive; and the moral, or application, is of an incomparable ten- maps and charts, extra cloth bds. (pub, at £5.58) deney. These facts are new to the greater part of Eng- reduced to 15$ 1814 lish readers: fresh fountain heads of pleasing intelli- Dr. Dibdin, after speaking in the highest terms of gence are explored; and a stream of knowledge flows Bruce's Travels, says, "If I am asked by the economi- forth, at once bright, pure, and nourishing. I hardly eal collector to give up Bruce or Mr. Salt, I shall un- know works which evince throughout a more delicate hesitatingly say, forego the former, and secure the taste, exercised upon a more felicitious subject. Roscoe latter." is the regenerator, among Englishmen, of a love of SALTER'S COMPLETE ANGLER'S GUIDE, Italian literature." - Dibdin. "I cannot but congratulate the public upon this and Treatise on Trolling, ninth edition, 12mo. great and important addition to Classical History, portrait, and upwards of 100 beautiful woodcuts, which I regard as a Phenomenon in Literature in every point of view. " The rise and progress of every polite art in Italy, SCOTT'S (CAPT. C. R.) EXCURSIONS IN THE at the revival of learning, are investigated and described MOUNTAINS OF RONDA AND GRA- with acuteness, depth, and preciston, with the spirit of NADA; with Characteristic Sketches of the the poet, and the solidity of the historian. I have Inhabitants of the South of Spain, 2 vols. 8vo. not terms sufficient to express my admiration of Mr. Roscoe's genius and erudition, or my gratitude for the extra cloth bds. (pub, at £1, 85) reduced to 91 amusement and information I have received. I recom- 1838 mend his labours to our country as works of un- "Captain Scott is as pleasant a guide and companion questionable genius and uncommon merit. They add over the vinous hills and through the romantic forests the name of Roscoe to the very first rank of English of Spain as can be imagined; for his eye catches at Classical Historians." a glance what is most worthy of observation, and his Matthias, Pursuits of Literature. wit and his enjoying heart put us into the right way to "Roscoe is, I think, by far the best of our Historians, distil as much satisfaction from it as possible. He has both for beauty of style and for deep reflections; and introduced into his travels some stories and legends, his translations of poetry are equal to the originals." which vary the nature of the work, and increases its Walpole, Earl of Orford. interest. Upon the whole, Captain Scott's Excursions form one of the most entertaining books we have ILLUSTRATIONS, HISTORICAL AND read for many years, while there is much in it that CRITICAL, of the Life of Lorenzo de Medici, gives valuable information upon the present state of with an appendix of Original Documents, 8vo. Spain, and the conditions of its political affairs." Court Journal portrait of Lorento and plates, bds. (pub. at 14s) Captain Scott is a lively and entertaining sketcher, reduced to 75 and there is a great variety of pleasant and instructive - the same, 4to. (printed to match the original matter also in his narrative. Roman, Moorish, and edition) portrait and plates, bds. (pub. at other antiquities attract a fair share of his notice. Lit. Gax. £1. lls 6d) reduced to los - TRAVELS IN EGYPT AND CANDIA; ... This volume is supplementary to all editions of with Details of the Military Power and Re- the work. "An elegant written work."-Dibdin. sources of those Countries, and Observations on ROSCOE'S LIFE AND PONTIFICATE OF the Government, Policy, and Commercial LEO THE TENTH, (omitting the Notes) with System of Mohammed Ali, 2 vols. 8vo. wita a Dissertation on the Character of Lucretia seven illustrations, extra cloth bds. (pub, at £1.81, reduced to 98 1837 Borgia, in one small thick vol. 32mo, elegantly printed, portrait and frontispiece, extra cloth bds. ** One of the most sterling publications of the season. (pub, at 5s) reduced to 2s 6d 1840 There is a freshness in Captain Scott's narrative that affords a new desire respecting the events of this most Roscoe's ILLUSTRATED EDITIONS uniformly printed, interesting country. The habits and customs of the See Fielding-Smollett ---Swift. people are sketched with considerable spirit and talent, and there is much novelty in the gallant author's ROSS'S (SIR JOHN) MEMOIRS AND COR- detalls."--Naval and Military Gazette RESPONDENCE OF ADMIRAL LORD ** We do not recollect to have read a better book of DE SAUMAREZ, 2 vols. 8vo. portraits, gilt travels than this since Slade's able publication on Tur- key. The field of African and Egyptian investigation cloth, (pub, at £1. 8s) reduced to 7 1838 has been variously trodden, but Captain Scott, trusting - The eareer of the illustrious Saumarez was a long to shrewd observation and sound understanding, has and eventful one. He fought with Rodney, Bridport, struck out new lights and improved upon the informa- Nelson, and Howe, and was in more general engage- tion of others. United Service Journal. ments with the enemy than any other English officer Capt. Scott's personal narrative is agreeable and on record, especially through the American rear of amusing : Indeed, some of his sketches are elever, independence, and throughout the continental rar; piquant, and characteristic; and we must further do him and performed many splendid achievements." the justice to say, that his details respecting the toit MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. 75 tary power and resources of the countries subject to the "A singularly interesting book, which contains more sway of Mshommed All, as well as his observations on information and entertainment than we have received the government, polley, and commercial system of the for some years from any antiquarian publication that present ruler of Egypt, evince great extent of informa- has fallen under our notice." -Gent. Mag. tion." Edinburgh Revier, SHELLEY'S ESSAYS, Letters, Translations, and SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS, containing Lay of Fragments, edited by Mrs. Shelley, 2 vols, cr. the Last Minstrel, Marmion, Lady of the Lake, 8vo. handsomely printed, elegantly bound in Don Roderic, Rokeby, Ballads, Lyrics and gilt cloth, (pub. at £1.) reduced to los Songs, with Notes and a Life of the Author, Moron, 1840 complete in one elegantly printed volume, SHERIDAN'S (The Right Hon. R. BRINSLEY) 18mo. portrait and frontispiece, extra cloth boards, SPEECHES, with a Sketch of his Life, (pub. at 58) reduced to 3s 60 1843 edited by a Constitutional Friend, new and Scott's (W) HARMONY OY PARENOLOGY WITH handsome library edition, with portrait, com- SCRIPTURE-See Theology, etc. plete in 3 vols. 8vo. in extra cloth boards, (pub. SCOTTISH SONGS AND BALLADS, collected at £2.5s) reduced to 18s 1842 and illustrated by Robert Chambers, 3 vols. ** Whatever Sheridan has done, has been, par ex- post 8vo, extra cloth, (pub, at £1. 75) reduced cellence, always the best of its kind. He has written to 13. 60 Ed. 1829 the best comedy (School for Scandal), the best drama, A valuable collection, printed uniformly with the (the Duenna), the best farce, (the Critic), and the best works of Ritson. address (Monologue on Garrick), and, to crown all, de- SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS AND POEMS, livered the very best oration (the famous Begum Speech) ever conceived or heard in this country." Byron. VALPY'S CABINET PICTORIAL EDITION, with No speeches have ever contained a greater degree of Life, Glossarial Notes, and Historical Digests of the true fire of eloquence, or produced more effect each Play, &c. 15 vols, foolscap 8vo. with 171 upon the auditors than those of Sheridan. MR. BURE declared his Speech on the Begum Princesses plates engraved on steel after designs of the most of Oude, to be "the most astonishing effort of elo- distinguished British Artists, also fac-similes of all quence, argument, and wit united, of which there was the lenown autographs of Shalspeare; bound in any record or tradition." Mr. Fox said, "All that he had ever heard, all that he had ever read, when com- cloth, richly gilt, with four various designs on the pared with it, dwindled into nothing, and vanished like sides, contents lettered, uniform in size with the vapour before the sun. and Mr. Pitt acknowledged Waverley Novels, Byron, 8c. (pub, at £3. 158) " that it surpassed all the eloquence of ancient and reduced to £2.5$ 1843 modern times, and possessed every thing that genius or * This is at once the most delightful and elegant art could furnish, to agitate and controul the human mind." form in which Shakespeare has ever appeared." Morning Pout. SHIRLEY'S DRAMATIC WORKS, with Notes "The cheapest and best edition of the bard of by Gifford and Dyce, 6 vols. 8vo. port, cloth, Avon extant. Its united claims to patronege cannot (pub, at £3. 38) reduced to £1. 165 1833 be resisted; and we are certain that the work will find its way into the boudoir of every lady, and the the same, LARGE PAPER, royal 8vo. cloth, library of every gentleman; at least, if it does not, it (pub.at £4.10s) reduced to £2. 58 ought." - Monthly Mag. SIMOND'S SWITZERLAND, or a Journal of a ** One of the most valuable of the modern Illustrated Tour and Residence in that Country, in the works is Mr. Valpy's beautiful edition of the Plays and Poems of Shakspeare, embellished with elegant out- Years 1817, 1818, and 1819; followed by an lines from the best and most celebrated pictures, which Historical Sketch on the Manners and Customs were originally engraved for Boydell's expensive of Ancient and Modern Helvetia, in which the work. With great sincerity we recommend this as one Events of our own Time are fully detailed, to- of the handsomest, and cheapest editions of the bard, that we have ever seen." John Bull. gether with the Causes to which they may be SHARP'S COVENTRY MYSTERIES. The referred, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth Pageants or Dramatic Mysteries anciently boards, (pub. at $1.4s) reduced to 10s 6d performed at Coventry, by the Trading Com- Murray, 1823 panies of that City; with a Dissertation illus- SIMON'S "TEN TRIBES OF ISRAEL," trative of the Vehicle, Characters, and Dresses historically identified with the Aborigines of of the Actors, compiled, in a great degree, the Western Hemisphere; including a co- from sources hitherto unexplored ; to which pious Analysis of Lord Kingsborough's Anti- are added the Pageant of the Shearmen, the quities of Mexico, 8vo. with a large folding Taylor's Company, and other Municipal En- plate of Mexican Antiquities, cloth, full gilt back, tertainments of a Public Nature : an Essay (pub, at 10s 6d) reduced to 5s Seeley, 1836 on Minstrels and Waits, and a Glossary; the A BOOK FULL OP CURIOUS AND XOOX- whole embellished by copper-plates and wood-cuts, DITH EXQUIRY RESPOOTING MEXICAX ANTIQUI- (only 250 copies printed) royal 4to. (pub. at "The following headings of chapters will give some £3. 3) reduced to £1. 1s 1825 Iden of its contents-Notice of the Antiquities of Mex- the same, LARGE PAPER, impl. 4to. a splendid 1co - Notice of Spanish Historians--Mexican Names book, of which wery few were printed, proof im- and Attributes of the Creator Religious Observance Festivals - Mexican Calendar Language-Traditions pressions of the plates on India paper, (pub, at Arts and Sciences-Laws Mexican Peruvians £6. 6s) reduced to £1. 16s Montemuma. ... To shew the interest and importance attached SINCLAIR'S (SIR JOHN) CODE OF to these Ancient Mysteries, it may be observed, that a HEALTH AND LONGEVITY; or, a MS. volume of them, at the recent sale at Strawberry Hill, fetched no less than £230. 10.1 General View of the Rules and Principles "The volume abounds with Ingenious illustrations calculated for the Preservation of Health, of many of those national and local customs, which and the Attainment of Long Life, sixth edition, are among the happiest associations of our younger years, the minstrels, walts, and puppets, which our complete, one thick vol. 8vo. portrait, (pub. at infant feelings welcomed in their tum. The work is £1.) reduced to 7 1844 most laborious and valuable addition towards a com- *This new and compact edition contains the whole of plete history of the early drama and the stage, and the previous four volumes, with such improvements Mr. Sharp was eminently qualified to undertake and as the advanced state of knowledge supplies. Drs. execute the arduous task, for which he is entitled to Baillie, Beddoes, Currie, Sprengel, and other eminent the gruutude of the literary world.Retrosp. Revie. TIXS. MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. 76 to 9 Physicians have warmly eulogised the work; but the SOUTHEY'S LIVES OF UNEDUCATED best testimony of its usefulness is the author's own POETS; to which are added, Attempts in longevity, as he was enabled to carry on his literary pursuits at the advanced age of eighty. Verse by John Jones, an Old Servant, crown SKETCHES OF POPULAR TUMULTS, Il- 8vo. extra cloth boards, (pub. at 10s 6d) reduced lustrative of the Evils of Social Ignorance, SOUTHGATE'S TRAVELS IN TURKEY to 4s 6d Murray, 1836 (published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge,) 12mo. extra cloth boards, AND PERSIA, 2 vols, post 8vo. extra cloth (pub. at 68) reduced to 3s gilt, (pub, at 15s) reduced to 7s 6d 1837 Tilt, 1840 "Beginning with the Tumults in which the Jews This work is recommended by the Society for Pro- moting Christian Knowledge. were plundered and destroyed in the 19th and 13th SPENCER'S TRAVELS IN GERMANY, with centuries, and going through the riots of 1799-80, those of Birmingham in 1701, of Naples in 1799, and the a glance at Poland, Hungary, and Switzerland, insurrections of Lyons in 1831 and 1884, the author in 1834, 5, and 6,2 vols. 8vo, second edition, ascribes them chietly to popular ignorance, and gives with coloured plates and wood-cuts, gilt cloth, (pub. good counsel, both to the people and their rulers, on the subject."-Lit. Gaz. at £1. 4s) reduced to 12s 1836 “A well meant and amusing volume, teeming in SPENSER'S POETICAL WORKS, complete, every page with maxims of tolerance, and reasonings with Introductory Observations on the Faerie on the danger and futility of appeals to force for the Queen, and Glossarial Notes, handsomely redress of partial wrongs." -- Atheneum. printed in 5 vols. post 8vo. fine portrait, extra SLADE'S TRAVELS AND RECORDS OF cloth, (pub. at £2. 12s 6d) reduced to £1.48 TRAVELS IN TURKEY, GREECE AND 1845 MALTA, 4 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, (pub. at SPORTSMAN (THE) IN FRANCE, comprising £3. 3s) reduced to 18s 1837 a Sporting Ramble through Picardy and Nor An entertaining and smartly written series of Sketches, mandy, and Boar Shooting in Lower Brittany, full of lively passages and happy descriptions. by Frederick Tolfrey, Esq. 2 vols, post 8vo. SMITH'S DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, by with twelve illustrations, extra cloth, (pub. at the Northmen in the Tenth Century, com- £1. ls) reduced to 6s 1841 prising Translations of all the most important SPORTSMAN IN IRELAND, AND THE Original Narratives of this Event, together HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND, by R. with a Critical Examination of their Authen- Allen, Esq. 2 vols. post 8vo. with numerous 1l- ticity ; to which is added an Examination of lustrations, extra cloth bds. (pub. at 188) reduced the comparative Merits of the Northmen an 1840 Columbus. Second Edition, post 8vo. maps, ** One of the most readable and amusing book of its extra cloth, (pub. at 6s) reduced to 3s 6d 1842 kind that we have had for many a day."--New Monthly. SMOLLETT'S WORKS, (Roderick Random, SPRY'S (DR. H.) MODERN INDIA, with Illus- Humphrey Clinker, Peregrine Pickle, Laun- trations of the Resources and Capabilities of celot Greaves, Count Fathom, Adventures of Hindustan, 2 vols. post 8vo. with a capital and an Atom, Travels, Plays, &c.) complete in very large coloured map of the British Possessions 1 thick handsomely printed volume, medium in Asia, extra cloth bds. (pub. at £1. ls) reduced 8vo. with 21 capital plates by Cruikshank, extra to 7 60 1837 red turkey cloth, full gilt back, (pub. at £1. 4s) reduced to 145 "Dr. Spry's volumes exhibit a complete miscel- 1845 Jany of Indian subjects, garnered and sifted on the " Perhaps no books ever written excited such peals spot. There is scarcely a single head of information in of inextinguishable laughter as Smollett's." the various departments of government, military and Sir Walter Scott. civil, agriculture, field sports, domestie customs, social " We should be glad if we had more of Smollett's characteristics, topography, public works and founda- Novels, just as they are."--Campbell. tions, climate, statistics, and diseases, that he does not touch upon or discuss." Atlas. SNOWE'S LEGENDS, TRADITIONS, AND HISTORY OF THE RHINE, comprehend-ST. ALBAN'S, MEMOIRS OF THE LATE ing the most curious and interesting of the DUCHESS OF, (MRS. COUTTS). By Mrs. Cornwell Baron-Wilson, third edition, 2 vols. Popular Tales of the Germans, 2 vols. 8vo. 26 plates of the Castles, etc. gilt cloth, (pub. at post 8vo. 2 portraits, extra cloth, (pub. at 164) reduced to 75 1844 £1. 12s) reduced to 163 1839 "Often as the Rhine has been Illustrated, its tales STEPHENS'S (J. L.) Incidents of Travel in the and traditions have never been so fully collected as by Russian and Turkish Empires, 2 vols, post. 8vo. Mr. Snowe: the Drachenfels, the surley berg, the extra cloth, (pub, at 14s) reduced to 85 1839 Mausethurm, the Pfalz, become in succession his kalting places : and wherever the gossip Legend is ** Very pleasant volumes. Such, indeed, is the spirit many-tongued, he liberally gives all her versions of of the author's descriptions, and the vivid force and the marvel.”- Atheneum. truth of his narrative, that reading his work is like ac companying him on his route, and the reader grows at SOUTHEY'S HISTORY OF BRAZIL, 3 vols. last to take a personal interest in all his adventures." 4to, new, cloth lettered, scarce, (pub. at £7. 153) -Athendum. reduced to £2. 55 1817 * Mr. Stephens is a lively sketcher, and his Incidents of Travel' will be found a clever, desultory, and amus Vols. 2 and 3, may be had separately. sing fire-side or travelling companion." --Literary Ga. "Dr. Southey is doubtless the facile princeps' of the Historians of the Brazils; but this title is hardly SWIFT'S WORKS, edited by Roscoe, 2 vols. me- commensurate with the bearing and extent of his work, as it comprises the rise and progress of all the Euro- lium 8vo. portrait, extra red turkey cloth, full pean Colonies, from the Andes to the Atlantie, and from zilt backs, uniform with Fielding and Smollett, the Plata to the River of the Amazons. Numerous (pub, at £1. 12.) reduced to £1.45 1845 wit be the impressions which the next half century will cause to be circulated of so ample and instructive "Whoever in the three kingdoms has any books at & wo k."- Dibdin. all, has Swift," - Lord Chesterfield. MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. 77 SWINBURNE'S COURTS OF EUROPE AT THORESBY'S (RALPH) DIARY AND COR- THE CLOSE OF THE LAST CENTURY RESPONDENCE, comprising a period of 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, extra cloth bds. (pab. at forty-five years, from 1677 to 1724, now first £1.8s) reduced to 125 1841 published from the Original Manuscripts, by "In his peculiar way we think Swinburne equal to the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER, F.S.A. author of the Walpole ; and be possesses several things Walpole History of Hallamshire, Doncaster, Yorkshire wanted-ense, nature, unaffected liveliness, and, above Glossary, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. portraits, cloth, (pub. all, a heart."--Spectator. ** These are delightful journals. A richer mine of at £2.168) reduced to 14. 1840 original anecdote has never been given to the publie." *. A singularly cheap book, Athenatum. ** Two more delightful volumes it is scarcely possible Ralph Thoresby, the Yorkshire topographer, was one to meet with. They form the most perfect picture of of the most distinguished of our early English Anti- the state of the continent towards the conclusion of the quaries, a great Collector of Books, Manuscripts, and last century that we possess and no single work ever Coins, and much esteemed by all the most eminent before exhibited such a gallery of illustrious charac- scholars of the day. Among his correspondents re- ters."Nere Monthly Mag. corded in these volumes are Evelyn Lister, Dr. Martin Elstob, Mrs. Ell- TABLE TALK, containing Selections from the Hearne, Thomas Milner, Rev.John zabeth French and English Ana, (Menagiana, Huetiana, Strype, Rev.John Sharp, Abp. Hicks, Dr. Geo. Fairfax, Bryan Burnet, Bp. Kennett, Dr. Chevræna, Poggiana, Walpoliana, Southeyana, Nicholson, Bp. Matthew Henry White &c.) 18mo, cloth bds. (pub.at 3s 6d) reduced to 25 Gibson, Abp. Sloane, Sir Hans Lo Neve, Peter 1827 Gale, Dr. Thos. Calamy, Rev. Peck, Rev. F. Gale, Roger Edward Dawes, Abp. TAYLOR'S (W. B. S.) HISTORY OF THE Ton's ANNALS AND ANTIQUITIES OF RAJASTHAN- UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN, its Origin, See Books of Prints. Progress, and Present Condition, with Bio- TOUR IN NORMANDY, Illustrative of the Man- graphical Notices of the Eminent Men educated ners, Customs, and Traditions, History, An- there, 8vo. illustrated by numerous tonod engrav- tiquities, and Present State of the People. ings of its Buildings and Academic Costumes, the Edited from the Journal of a recent Traveller, latter coloured, extra cloth, (pub.at £1.) reduced by F. Shoberl, Esq. 2 vols. post 8vo. illustrated to 78 60 1845 with 12 plates by Mrs. Dawson Turner and Cot- "This work might be termed, A History of the man, extra cloth, (pub. at £1. ls) reduced to Academie Mind of Ireland for the last two hundred 10s 60 1841 and fifty years. "A better guide to this interesting French province "The author has not spared either time, labour, or can hardly be required. It is a book of travels pos- expense in collecting and arranging this large body of sessed of high pretensions as well as permanent interest. facts, which he must have been years in acquiring, and The author enters into an elaborate examination of his work must become a standard of reference to futare every thing of importance relating to Normandy, mak- generations. It gives the best history yet published ing the sterling information conveyed by his pages the of this celebrated University : It embraces all the topics more entertaining, by dilating on what is most pictu- of interest consected with its and will be read with deep resque in its antiquities, its legends, and its scenery: interest as the first work giving to British people an In short, comprehending within his scope all that the adequate description of that national establishment for reader can require to know of the country and its in- developing the intellectual power of the Irish people." habitants." -Nere Monthly Mag. Sun, July 7, 1845. TROLLOPE'S (MRS.) SUMMER IN BRIT- TEMPLE'S (SIR W.) LIFE AND TIMES, TANY, 2 vols. 8vo. with 12 illustrations by with his Unpublished Essays and Correspon- Hervieu, extra cloth bds. (pub, at £1. 12s) re- dence, by the Right Hon. T. PEREGRINE duced to 8 1840 COURTENAY, embellished with an exquisitely beau- *These volumes are those of a clever and intelligent traveller, and we can recommend them both as worthy tiful portrait after Sın P. LELY, by DEAN, 2 vols. of perusal at home, and as likely to be of great use to 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub, at £i. 8s) reduced the tourist in Brittany."-Quarterly Reviem, to 12 1836 VISIT TO ITALY, in 1841, 2 vols. Bro. TENNENTS' (EMERSON) BELGIUM, 2 vols . extra cloth, (pub, at £1.8s) reduced to 10s 1842 post 8vo. 2 plates, extra cloth, (pub, at 14s) re- ** Presenting a more distinct impression of Italy than duced to 75 any other work we ever met with Spectator. 1841 **Not only the best of Mrs. Trollope's works, but by ** We cordially recommend this able and instructive far the best account of Italy as it is, which has yet been work to the immediate and attentive perual of our published. Salopian Journal. readers. It abounds in attractive incident and original SUMMER IN WESTERN FRANCE, remark, and exhibits all the solid qualities of a grave including the Provinces from the Lorns to the political discourse, pervaded throughout with large and practical generalisations, conducive in no ordinary de- Dordogne, 2 vols. 8vo. with nine illustrations gree to the general welfare of society. "Tine. by Hervieu, extra cloth bds. (pub. at £1. 123) **One of the most valuable, as well as most amusing reduced to 98 1841 works of the present day."-Standard. "The present Tour embraces the land of the English ** An extremely well-written work, full of Interesting dominion in France, and the scenes of the heroie ad- matter-pleasing for the general reader, and full of ventures of Joan de Are the field of the no less noble valuable matter for the statistician and manufacturer, struggle of La Vend and of the sanguinary wars of the statesman, and merchant. We recommend these the Huguenots at La Rochelle, and the country of volumes to the popularity they merit. Cognac and Claret - rendered memorable also as the Literary Gazette spot where flourished that terror of the curious, Blue Beard, the equally sanguinary Geoffrey Grand Dent, THACKERAY'S (REV. FRANCIS) RE: Diana of Poletiers, Les Penitens d'Amour,' and a whole SEARCHES INTO THE ECCLESIAS. host of historical characters of equal interest - the TICAL AND POLITICAL STATE OF attractiveness of the author's materials must be as ANCIENT BRITAIN UNDER manifest as that of Mrs. Trollope's name as editor." THE **These volumes are calculated to be both a useful EMPERORS, 2 vols. 8vo, extra eleth, (pub. at guide and agreeable companion to any tourist through £1. ls) reduced to 10s 6d Western France. We like this class of books. 1843 Athen. 78 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. TUCKER'S LIGHT OF NATURE PURSUED, WADE'S BRITISH HISTORY, Chronologically with some account of the Life of the Author, Arranged, comprehending a classified Analysis by Sir H. P. St. John Mildmay, Bart. M.P., of Events and Occurrences in Church and complete in 2 vols. 8vo. extra cloth boards (pub. State, and of the Constitutional, Political, at £1. 10s) reduced to 15s 1842 Commercial, Intellectual, and Social Progress Dr. Paley, in speaking of this valuable work, says-- of the United Kingdom, from the First In- It would be ungrateful not to confess the obligation I am under to the writings of Tucker under the Title of vasion by the Romans to the Accession of “ The Light of Nature Pursued." There is more Queen Victoria, with very copious Index and original thinking on the several subjects that he has Supplement, second edition, 1 large and re- taken in hand than in any other, not to say than in all markably thick volume, roy. 8vo. (1200 pages) others put together : his talent for illustrations is un- rivalled.' extra cloth bds. (pub, at £i. 10s) reduced to 18s * The Light of Nature' is a work, which after much 1844 consideration, I think myself authorized to call the most original and profound that has ever appearec on ... This elaborate work comprises all the principal moral philosophy."-Sir James Hackintosh facts in British History : Blographical Notices of eminent "The Light of Nature, one of the most attractive Public Characters; Tables of the Progress of Taxes, books in our language, both to those who read to be them- the National Debt, Agriculture, Commerce, Shipping, selves instructed on these questions, and to those who and Navigation: Accounts of Variations in Prices, read with a view of imparting such instruction to others. Wages, and Currency: Lists of the Public Statutes So judged Paley in the last generation; and such is from Magna Charta, and of the Men of Letters and manifestly the opinion of Archbishop Whately, and of Science who distinguished each Reign; with accounts Bishop Copleston, with many other writers of our own." of Changes in the Manners, Diet, Industrial Pursuits, Edinburgh Reviewo. Amusements, and Costume of the People comparative " I do not know of any work in the shape of a phi- statements of Crime at different periods; and other losophical treatise that contains so much good sense so details tending to exhibit a condensed but complete agreeably expressed. I think it impossible for any one View of the Rise and Progress of the British Empire, not to perceive the beauty, the naivete, the force, the from the earliest authentic Era to the Death of Wil- liam IV. clearness, and propriety of his illustrations."--Hazlitt. "This volume should be in the possession of every Tucker's Light of Nature is "a work in which the noblest philosophy was brought down by a master-hand, one who has occasion at any time to refer to facts or and placed within the reach of every man of sound un- occurrences connected with English history, whether his standing."-Robert Hall. object be to ascertain a leading particular of law, finance, statistics, biography, politics, or political events, -LIFE OF THOMAS JEFFERSON, Third or to follow out their study. The book is not a mere President of the United States, with Corre- mass of dry statistical or chronological details, but a powerfully written commentary on characters and oc- spondence never before published, 2 vols. 8vo. currences, as well as a seriatim chronicle of them." portrait, extra cloth, (pub, at £1. 8s) reduced to Spectator. 75 1837 WALKER'S PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY, TURNBULL'S TRAVELS IN CUBA, with an corrected and enlarged by the Rev. J. DAVIS, Account of Porto Rico and the Slave Trade, 8vo. portrait, extra cloth, (pub, at 10s 6d) re- 8vo. map, cloth, bds. (pub, at 15s.) reduced to duced to 55 1843 5s Longman, 1840 the same, with the Key to Classical Pronun- "Cuba, whether we consider its extent and geogra- phical position, its magnificent harbours, the fertility ciation, extra cloth, (pub.at 128) reduced to 6s or its soil, or its mineral riches, well deserves the ap WALPOLE'S MEMOIRS OF THE LAST TEN pellation of "The Queen of the Western Islands. Since 1827, when Humboldt published his Statisties YEARS OF THE REIGN OF GEORGE II., of Cuba,' her resources have increased, her population 2 vols. 4to. cloth lettered. (This work has not augmented, and her trade received a great public im- pulse. Mr. Turnbull's work contains a vast mass of been published in 8vo.) (pub.at £5.5.) reduced information, relating to the natural resources of the to £1. 105 1822 island, its trade, revenue, government,--subjects of great WARD'S (REV. W.) VIEW OF THE HISTORY, all, known ( country."-Atheneum. LITERATURE, AND MYTHOLOGY OF TURNER'S (DAWSON) GUIDE TO THE THE HINDOO$, including a minute Descrip- ROMAN ANTIQUITIES OF THE CITY tion of their Manners and Customs, and Trans- OF TREVES, translated from the German of lations from their principal Works; New Wyttenbach, 8vo. 22 plates and vignettes, extra and improved Edition, 3 vols. 8vo. extra cloth cloth, (pub. at 8s 6d) reduced to 55 1839 boards, scarce, (pub, at £1. 168) reduced to £1. ) 1822 "Few places offer more interesting objects for the contemplation and inquiry of the antiquary, than the WARNER'S ANTIQUITATES CULINARIÆ. ancient city of Treves, with its Therma, Amphitheatre, and Palatial ruins. These are all fully and ably or Curious Tracts relating to 01.D ENGLISH illustrated in this volume." -Literary Gazette. Cookiny, viz.-1. The Forme of Cury ; a Roll TYTLER'S ELEMENTS OF GENERAL HIS. of Ancient English Cookery, compiled about A.D. 1390, by the Master Cooks of King TORY, Ancient and Modern, with a Table of Richard II.-II. Ancient Cookery, A.D. 1381, Chronology and Comparative View of Ancient and Modern Geography, new trade edition, 8vo. containing ninety-one English Receipts, or Nyms.-III. Recipes in English Cookery, maps, extra cloth, 148 1845 URE'S PHILOSOPHY OF MANUFACTURES, written in the Fourteenth Century.-IV. An- cient Receipts to preserve Fruits-V. In- being an Exposition of the Scientific, Moral, and Commercial Economy of Great Britain, thronization Feast of George Neville, Arch- bishop of York, in the 6th Edward IV-VI. second edition, enlarged. 8vo. with wood-cuts and Lenten Inthronization Feast of Archbishop steel plates, extra cloth bds. (pub, at 10s 6d) reduced to 75 Warbam, A.D. 1504. Chiefly printed from 1835 Manuscripts, with a preliminary Discourse, "It is impossible for us to mention a work of more practical usefulness, or more valuable information, than Notes, and Illustrations by the Rxv. R CHARD this volume by Dr. Ure."-Literary Gazette. Warnen, Author of "The History of Bath," MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. 79 &c. &c. royal 4to. with two large plates, half-WELLINGTON, LIFE OF THE DUKE OF, bound, olive morocco, the top edges gilt, 158 1791 COMPILED FROM THE DISPATCHES, and other This earious and interesting antiquarian work was authentic Records and original Documents, privately printed in the year 1791, and is almost by GEORGE SOANE, A.B., 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. unknown to the publie, scarcely a dozen copies of the handsomely printed, with pretty woodcuts, elegantly impression having been parted with. The three or four whleli appear to have occurred for sale by public gilt cloth, (pub. at 10s) reduced to 6s 1840 nuetion have produced upwards of three pounds each. "No person of any time ever formed a more noble The few copies now offered were recently discovered subject for the pen of the historian or the biographer, in an old warehouse, where they had remained for than the Duke of Wellington; and never, perhaps, nearly finty years, and been forgotten. was there an eminent person of whose actions, and even thoughts, more copious records have existence. WATERSTON'S CYCLOPÆDIA OF COM- The numerous accounts of his military exploits, par- ticularly of his glorious campaigns in the Peninsula, MERCE, Merenntile Law, Finance, Com- as recorded by Napier, and his own extraordinary mercial Geography and Navigation, new edition, dispatches and correspondence given to the world under including the New Tarty (complete to the the editorship of Col. Gurwood, furnish materials as perfect as they are authentie; and of these and other prevent time); the FRENCH TARITY as far as it documents Mr. Sonne has most ably availed himself: concerns this Country; and a Treatise on the his work is compendiourly restrained within the limits Principles, Practice, and History of Commerce, of two volumes, and it gives a clear and full narrative by J. R. M'CULLOCH, one very thick closely of the Duke's great actions, in a style equally energetic and perspicuous."-- Argus. printed vol. 8vo. (900 pages) with four maps, DISPATCHES OF THE DUKE OF, extra cloth (pub. £1. 4) reduced to 10: 62 during his various Campaigns in India, Den- 1846 mark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, This capital work will be found a most valuable and France, from 1799 to 1818, compiled manual to every commercial man, and a useful book from Official and Authentic Documents, by to the general reader. Its contents are so multifarious, Lieut-Colonel Gurwood, the compressed edition, that it is difficult to cite even the principal, but the following will give some idea of them - one thick vol. medium 8vo. elegantly bound in 1. Descriptive and Statistical Accounts of Com- gilt cloth, (pub, at £1.5s) reduced to £1. ls 1842 modities, with Customs and Excise Regulations, For the Duke of Wellington's Character as a Duties, &c. Statesman, let every one read his wonderful Dis. 2. Commercial Statistics of the different countries patches, which found a fame far loftier even than the of the World, including their Physical Character, triumphs of the warrior." Productions, Trade, Seaports, Monies, Measures, FI- Lord Brougham's Speech on India nances, &c. WELLESLEY'S (MARQUIS) DISPATCHES 3. Colonies, Shipping, Public Companies, Railways, FROM SPAIN, 8vo extra cloth bds. (pub. at Roads, Docks, Post Office, &e. 4.- Summary of the Principles of Commerce, Fl- 8s 6d) reduced to 3s 6d Murray, 1838 nance and Banking, with historical and statistical ** The information in this volume is of the most van illustrations, lanble order, and is indispensable to the attainment of 0 Digest of Commercial Law, including Insurance, a correct acquaintance with the Spanish affairs of that Partnership, Principal and Agent, Bills of Exchange, period. Literary Gazette. Bale, Guaranty, Bankruptcy, shipping, and Contracts WELLSTED'S CITY OF THE CALIPHS, AND and Obligations in general. TRAVELS ALONG THE SHORES OF THE PERSIAN 0.- Commercial Arithmetic and Accounts, Exchanges, Coins, Measures and Weights, Public Funds, Interest, GULY AND THE MEDITERRANEAN, including a Annuities, and hasurances, with numerous Tables. Voyage to the Coast of Arabia, and a Tour on 7.-Explanation of Mercantile Terms and Usages; the Island of Socotra, Adventures among the besides a variety of miscellaneous information, "This work has been compiled with care, and gives Bedouin Arabs, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. map and plates, the most recent and authentie information on the extra cloth bds. (pub, at £1. 58) reduced to 12s matters treated of. It will prove a valuable addition 1840 to every mercantile library, and be found a useful ** We have seldom met with a book of travels which book of reference in all commercial matters." has afforded us more pleasure than the City of the Athenaeum. Caliphs.' Full of adventure, of glowing description, * A work of the very highest value and importance and of perilous Incident, it excites for itself a species of to the commercial community. All kinds of informa- Interest nearly allied to romance--it has in fact all the tion that can by any possibility interest those engaged charm of romance attached to the worth of reality." in mercantile transactions are here collected. The Literary Gazete. most minate attention is displayed, and the utmost "A publication of singular interest and entertain research is manifest in every department of the work. ment. In these days of dull and flat common-place, it Facts are carefully collected and carefully condensed; is quite refreshing to come upon a narrative of strange all the useful statisties on any branch of commerce are travel and wild adventure like this, which recals to mind used; and, in short, no pains are apared to make each the exploits of the old voyagers of Spain and England, treatise on each subject the most complete that has when half of the world was undiscovered, and the ever appeared. Chronicle. other half unknown. Oer traveller quits India by em- ** On all the various subjects on which this useful barking on the Persian Gulf in a trading vessel bound compendiam treats, we have the most copious and 1o Mascat, and the first important features of his earra- satisfactory information : while on all general questions, tive relate to that remarkable elty. Here he commen the views of the writer appear liberal and enlightened. ces slave merchant, and embarks for Gambrun, visiting. As a specimen of the manner in which the work is in his way thither, some of the singular islands in the executed, we might refer to the different articles on Persian Gall, and particularly those where the pearl Banks, Colonies, Commerce, Exchange. Inanrance, fisheries are established, of which he gives an interest Interest, Navigation Laws, Stock, Shipping, &c. on ing description. In dee course he reaches Bagdad, the all of which the reader will and correct and compres celebrated City of the Caliphs,' remains there a con- hensive views with coplons details, useful in them siderable time, and affords many details of it that are selves, and corroborating the general sentiments of the not to be found in the narrative of any other traveller. writer."-Edinburgh Lining Courant Among the most interesting of his adventures are those WATSON'S PHILIP II and III. with Dunlop's which take place among the Arabs of the Desert, par tiealarly the Bedouins, with whom he passes a cousie Philip the 4th, and Charles the 2nd, forming the derable period. Another point of great interest in these best History of Spain. 4 vols. 8vo. eleth, uniformly sketches is the celebrated city of Damascus, of which lettered, (pub. at £2. 2) reduced to $1. 8 we have many graphic and characterestie descriptions: 1839 ale of Tripoll, Lebanon, and Baalbec.-Nanal and Military Ganette 80 MISCELLANEOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE. tions. WILSON'S (RAE) TRAVELS THROUGH RUS- which the Lover of Racing may desire to refer, SIA, POLAND, etc., 2 vols. 8vo. plates, extra either as a matter of Business or Amusement, 2 cloth, (pub. at £1. 4s) reduced to 8s 7828 thick vols. 8vo. with 10 plates, extra cloth bds. TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND (pub. at £1. 88) reduced to 12 1840 ITALY, with Sketches of Roman Catholicism, WILLIS'S PENCILLINGS BY THE WAY, a 8vo. plates, extra cloth, (pub. at 17s) reduced to new and beautiful edition, teith additions, feap. 4s 60 1835 8vo. fine portrait and plates, extra red turkey cloth, Rae Wilson's Travels are strictly prohibited in Ca- richly gilt back, (pub, at 6s) reduced to 4s 6d tholic countries, on account of his free critiques on their 1835 ceremonies, of which there are also engraved illustra. "A lively record of first impressions, conveying "There are, perhaps, few volumes of travels more vividly what was seen, heard, and felt, by an active generally acceptable to the public than those before us. and inquisitive traveller, through some of the most in The author is so ardent and enthusiastic on the subjects teresting parts of Europe. He has visited France, Italy, on which he treats, particularly those connected with Sicily, Austria, the Tonian Isles, Greece, Turkey, the religion, that he carries the reader along with him, and Levant, Switzerland, England, and Scotland. His eu always inspires respect." -Literary Chronicle. riosity and love of enterprise are unbounded. The WHYTE'S HISTORY OF THE BRITISH narrative is told in easy, ttuent langnage, with a poet's power of illustration. His work abonnds in personal TURF, from the Earliest Period to the Present descriptions, and it must be owned that he is a lively Day, comprising pourtrayer."-Edinb. Repitu. 1. Memoirs and Anec- 5. Accounts of the most WRIGHT'S COURT HAND RESTORED, or dotes of remarkable approved Method of the Student assisted in reading Old Charters, Sporting Characters, Breeding, Training, Deeds, etc. with an Appendix containing the 2. The Performances & and Managing Race- Pedigrees of celebra- horses. Ancient Names of Places in Great Britain and ted Racehorses. 6. Notices of celebrated Ireland ; Ancient Surnames, etc. ; seventh edi- 3. Descriptions of the Jockeys. tion, small 4to. illustrated by 23 plates, contain- Racecourses in Great 7. Description of the Britain. principal Races and ing examples of Old Court Hand, Set and Com- 4. The Plates and Staker mon Chancery, Secretary and other old Lute Hand, annually run for. and the Contractions used in Manuscript,bds. £1. 68 1834 every particular, technical and otherwise, to inatches, Novels, Works of Fiction, and Light Reading, AINSWORTII'S TOWER OF LONDON, an "By far the best translations of these charming Historical Romance, illustrated by Geonox fictions and the only authentic ones. Miss Bremer writes to Mary Howiit in the following terms: CRUIKSHANK, thick medium 8vo. NEW EDITION, "I need not desire a better translator: your lan- with 95 highly-finished etchings on steel, and fine guage is beautiful, full of life and naivete, when it is wood engravings, elegantly bound in cloth, richly required, and of strength and feeling, when these should be expressed." gilt on back and sides with new and appropriate Miss Bremer's Novels are also sold separately as follows: devices, (pub. at 15.) reduced to 10: 6d 1844 THE HOME: OR FAMILY CARES AND OF THIS VERY ELEGANT AND POPULAR VOLUME FAMILY JOYS, second edition, revised, 2 vols. VIFTEEN THOUSAND COPIES HAVE A LIEADY BEEN SOLI). * This Romance adds much new lustre to the author's post 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at £1. 1s) reduced oame, and deservedly classes him in the foremost rank to 7. 6d 1843 of writers in this mingled species of history and fiction. "Nothing more delicate, or womanly, or beautiful It is a stirring and powerful narrative of some of the is to be found in our domestic fiction than Miss Bre- most affecting tragedies of English History, relieved by mer's character of the Mother:" and we like it none fancy and ingenuity equal to the most playful and grow the less for a certain touch or Romance and sentiment tengüe invented characters and incidents. As relates not altogether English It is impossible to read to all its main points, it is an episode of truth- this book as a picee of make-beliene. We have had genalne picture of the age, and also a tale of amuse- nothing so simply life-like for years. Athenaeum. ment and interest. The genius of his colleague, the " This new story fully sustains all that we said in illustrator, bas kept pace with the demand upon it. praise of the penetrative subtlety, nice discrimination, Cruikshank has, Indeed, walked into almost a new and exquisite delicacy of touch, which are displayed line, and added a series of compositions of profound in the first delightful fiction of Miss Bremer."--Tait's depth and tragic power, to those illuminations or Magazine. fancy and humour with which he had previonsly en- - THE NEIGHBOURS, A STORY OF riched so many popular productions."-Lit. Gazette. - WINDSOR CASTLE, an Historical Ro- EVERY-DAY LIFE, translated by Mary mance, illustrated by George CRUIKSHANK, and Howitt, third edition, revised, 2 vols, post 8vo. TONY JOHANNOT, medium 8vo. fine port, and extra cloth, (pub. at 18s) reduced to 7s 6d 1843 105 steel and wood engravings, elegantly bound ** The best novel published this season; and we are rure that it will not only afford a great delight to the in cloth, with appropriate devices in oldong back reading world, but have a beneficial influence on our and sides, (pub. at 148) reduced to 10s 6d 1843 literature."-Britannia. "This is one of the best of the anthor's productions. ** The execution of this exceedingly curious picture Herne the Hunter is an extraordinary creation of of manners is very felicitous."Spectator. fancy,-a being semi mortal, semi-sylvan, and painted ** The great charm of this agreeable book is the fresh and lite-like picture it furnishes of the domestic econo- with most striking effect. The steel plates by George my of Sweden. The scenes it unfolds, the characters Crailshank are of almost unprecedented force and it paints, the manners and habits it describes, are both spirit; in many of them he has reached a pitch of original and obviously true to natures while the senti- execution which no etching of Rembrandt can excel." ments expressed throughout the narrative are at Literary Gazette once amiable and pure, adapted to chasten the heart ASMODEUS, OR THE DEVIt On Two Sticks, by by rectifying the affections, Belectie Review Le Sage ; a new and greatly improved trans- THE PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER, AND lation by Joseph Thomas; ILLUSTRATED EDI- NINA ; two Novels translated by Mary TION, with 250 spirited and clever wood-cuts by Howitt, 3 vols, post 8vo. extra cloth, (pub.at Tony JOHANNOT, impl. 8vo. extra gilt cloth, £1. Ils 6d) reduced to 10s 6d 1843 (pub, at 14s) reduced to 9 1841 "Miss Bremer possesses beyond any other hyung This is the large edition, and very superior to the writer of her class, the power of realising to the demy Bvo, publication, both in regard to the ents and imagination every individwal she introduces. The the translation. moral beanty and womanly parity which steadily * This beautifully illustrated Devil on Two Sucks illuminate her narrative, must receive implicit admira- is in the very first class, in the number and excellence. tion on all hands. Examiner. of its engravings. Many of its representations or cha- *** The President's Daughter,' is a worthy companion racter are of unsurpassed power."-Ports to The Neighboursimple and truthful; and thongt Sir WALTER SCOTT says of this delightful we may never have met elsewhere any one of the cha Romanee-** There is no book in existence in which racters, all who have ever looked deeply into their 30 much of the human character, under all its various own hearts will clalon Kindred and acquaintance with shades and phases is described in so few words as in the them. There is not one that offends by exaggeration Diable RoiteuxTXX VANCY, THE LIGHTNASS, THE not one that is not recognized at a glance by the SPIRIT AND THE VIVACITY OF THE UNCHANTING PIN humanities of our common nature."-Athens or LE SAGE ARR EVERY WHERE VISIBLE." NEW SKETCHES OF EVERYDAY ** If there is anything like truth in Gray's opinion, LIFE, A DIARY ; together with STRIFE that to lie upon a conch and read new novels was no bad idea of Paradise, how would that beatitude be en AND PEACE, translated by Mary Howitt, hanced, could human genius afford as another Devil 2 vols, post 8vo. extra cloth, (pab, at £1. ls) re- on teo Sticks! duced to 7s 6d 1844 BREMER'S (MISS) NOVELS AND TALES, ** The whole tale of the Diary is characterized by a translated by MARY HOWITT, viz. Home healthful and invigorating tone of virtue, which ani- -Neighbours-President's Daughter - Nina mates and strengthens; and makes Miss Bremer's Every Day Life, a Diary-Strite and Peace writings a blessing wherever they are known. Or all her works, none has charmed us more than the beauti -- Family-Tralinnan-Axel and Anna- fal story of Strife and Peace." As a sketch of life, Tales : together 11 vols. post 8vo. comprising manners, and scenery, it stands unrivalled."-Atlas. 14 Novels and Tales, being the whole of the Au- TRALINNAN: AXEL AND ANNA ther's published soorks; with an authentie portrait THE FAMILY, and other Tales, of Miss Bremer, handsomely printed on fine paper, translated by Mary Howitt, 2 vols, post 8vo. extra gilt cloth, uniform, (pub. at £5. 15s 6d) with a portrait, extra cloth, (pub. at £i. ls) re- reduced to £1. 163 1843-45 duced to 7s 64 1844 82 NOVELS, WORKS OF FICTION, AND LIGHT READING. BULWER'S (SIR E. L.) STUDENT; a Series VOLUME, or Book of Variety, Illustrated by of Essays and Tales, 2 vols. small 8vo. cloth Two Odd Fellows-Seymour and Cruiksbank. gilt, (pub. at £1. ls) reduced to 7s 1836 Together 4 vols, bound in 2, fcap. 8vo. in extra "Great as is both the power and beauty of Mr. Bul. cloth, full gilt backs, (pub, at £2. 188) reduced to 10 60 1845 creative thinker more than the present production-its DANIEL'S MERRIE ENGLAND IN THE pages are full of new lights and happy illustrations." Literary Garette. OLDEN TIME, 2 vols. post 8vo. numerous illustrations by Cruikshank and Leech, and fae- CALEB STUKELY, (by one of the favourite Writers in Blackwood's Magazine,) 3 vols. post similes of rare portraits of celebrated Players, 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at £1. Ils 6d) reduced Jesters, Conjurors, &c.; extra cloth, (pub. at £1. ls) reduced to 9s 1842 to 10s 6d Blackwood, 1845 * These volumes abound throughout with information This is a capital Novel, of the same class as Ten on the manners and customs of our ancestors; the THOUSAND A YEAR. notes are full of curious research, and the whole is not CARDINAL DE RETZ, an Historical Romance, only valuable as a treasury of antiquarian knowledge, but as a most amusing repertory of mirth, good hu- 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth (pub, at £1. ls) reduced mour, and wit." -Times, to 75 1845 DICKENS (CHARLES) THE PIC-NIC PA. CARLETON'S VALENTINE MCCLUTCHY, PERS, edited by Boz, illustrated by 14 plates THE IRISH AGENT; or, Chronicles of the by George Cruikshank, Phis, &c. 3 vols. post 8vo. Castle Cumber Property, 3 vols. post 8vo. extra cloth bds. (pub, at £1. lls 6d) reduced to extra cloth, (pub. at £1. 11s 6d) reduced to 10s 60 1841 10s 60 1845 EDGEWORTH'S (MISS) PATRONAGE, 3 vols. "His Sketches of Irish Life are equally truthful and fcap. 8vo. with frontispieces by Harvey, cloth vigorous. There is no person who has known Ireland 1833 for the last forty years, but must bear testimony to their lettered, (pub. at 158) reduced to 7s 6d accuracy."- Atheneum. HARRINGTON, AND THOUGHTS ON TRAITS AND STORIES OF THE IRISH BORES, fcap. 8vo. frontispiece, cloth lettered 1833 (pub. at 58) reduced to 2s 6d PEASANTRY, new edition, complete in 2 vols. 8vo. with numerous illustrations on steel by Phis, ORMOND, fenp. 8vo. frontispiece, cloth let- Harvey, etc. gilt cloth, 18s 1838 1843 tered, (pub, at 68) reduced to 2s 6d COLBURN'S STANDARD NOVELISTS, 20 HARRY MOWBRAY, by Carr. Knox, 8vo. illus- vols. in 16, closely but handsomely printed in trated by numerous large and fine wood engravings, fcap. 8vo. portraits and frontispieces, extra cloth, extra cloth, gilt, (pub. at 13s) reduced to 7s 1843 (pub. at £4. 16s) reduced to £4. HERETIC (THE) OR THE GERMAN STRANGER: an Historical Romance of the This elegant Series comprises the following capital Novels :- Russian Court in the Fifteenth Century, trans- lated from the Russian of Lajétehinikoff (CALLED Tremaine, by Ward, 2 vols. in 1 THE WALTER Scott of Russta), by T. B. Shaw, Sayings and Doings, by Hook, First Series Ditto, Second Series of Cambridge, a writer in Blackwood's Maga- Ditto, Third Series zine, 3 vols. post 8vo. extra cloth, (pub. at Gurney Married, by Hook £1. 11s 6d) reduced to 10s 60 Blackwood, 1845 Pelham, by Bulwer, 2 vols, in 1 **This novel is well translated, and has attracted The Disowned by Ditto, 2 vols. in 1 general attention in this country." Edinb. Revier. ** The author has succeeded in faithfully illustrate Devereux, by Ditto ing the manners of the age of Ivan the Great; he has Frank Mildmay, by Marryat also shewn that he possesses brilliancy of fancy, fervour Richelieu, hy James of thought, and elevation of sentiment, as well as knowledge of the movements of the heart, revealed only Brambletye House, by Hor. Smith, 2 vols. in 1 to the few who have been initiated into nature's mys. Zillah, by Ditto teries." Blackwood's Magazine. O'Donnel, by Lady Morgan ***THE HTIO IS AS GOOD AS ONE OF SCOTT'S ROMANCES." The Examiner. Florence Macarthy, by Ditto Granby, by Lister HOOD'S COMIC ALBUM, IN PROSE AND Vanse, The Chelsea Pensioners, by Gleig. illustrated by numerous plates, 12mo. bound in gilt cloth, (pub. at 12s) reduced to 5x 1844 COOMBE ABBEY, AN HISTORICAL TALE OF THE "This Comic Album is rich in the poetry of Hood. REIGN OF JAMES THE FIRST, BY SELINA BUN- Who that has read a single page of Miss Kilmansegs BURY, thick royal 8vo. highly illustrated by beau- and her Precious Les,' or of the Tale of a Trumpet, tiful engravings on wood; uniform with Ainsworth's but must long for an opportunity of reading them right through, and returning again and again to favourite Tower, Windsor Castle, &c.; extra cloth bds. passages ?" back elegantly gilt (pub. at 14s) reduced to HOOK'S (THEODORE) ADVENTURES OF 7s 60 1843 AN ACTOR, comprising a picture of the A tale of Guy Fawkes and the conspirators. One of French Stage and the French People, during a the most elegant and interesting of this class of illus- trated Romances. period of Fifty Years, from the Journal of M. Fleury. Second edition, 2 vols. post 8vo. extra CRUIKSHANK WAT HOME;" a New Family cloth, (pub, at £1.4s) reduced to 6s 64 1842 Album of Endless Entertainment, consisting of "An excellent book, replete with wit, humour, life, a Series of Tales and Sketches by the most and character, with inimitable anecdotes, combining to popular authors, with numerous clever and hu- form a history of very remarkable persons who lived in inorous illustrations on wood by Cruikshank and an age is remarkable. These volumes are full of highly entertaining matter of anecdotes of the greatest variet Seymour. Also CRUIKSHANK'S ODD sind interest." - Literary Gauctie. NOVELS, WORKS OY FICTION, AND LIGHT READING. 83 CONTEXTS. *at HOWITT'S (WILLIAM) LIFE AND JOE MILLER'S JEST BOOK, being a Collection ADVENTURES OF JACK OF THE of the most excellent Bon Mots, Brilliant MILL; & Fireside Story, by WILLIAM Jests, and Striking Anecdotes in the English Howrrt, second edition, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. Language, complete in one thick and closely with 46 illustrations on wood, extra cloth, (pub, at but elegantly printed volume, fcap. 12mo. fron- 155) reduced to 7 6d 1845 tispiece, extra cloth bds. (pub, at 4s) reduced to 35 A more entertaining or better written tale for youth 1840 has never been penned since Robinson Crusoe young JERROLD'S (DOUGLAS) CAKES AND ALE, or old will without question find pleasure in its perusal, and be sure not to lay it down until they have gone a Collection of Humorous Tales and Sketches, entirely through it. 2 vols, post 8vo. with plates by George Cruk- "Two pleasantly written and beautifully got-up volumes, intended for the javenile portion of the com- shank, cloth gilt, (pub. at 158) reduced to 8s 1842 munity, and adapted to their capacity. Mr. Howitt possesses the happy knack of accommodating himself to the youthful mind : and there can be no question that his . Jack of the Mill will become a favourite." Lesson of Life: a House- Guy Fawkes Observer hold Romance Perditus Mutton; who ** Jack of the Mill' we shall not be surprised to The "Genteel" Pigeons. bought a “Caul." find carried the circuit of the kingdom, and whirled by The Wine Cellar. Shnkspeare in China. the acclamation of a million youthful voices to the The Preacher Parrot; or My Husband's Winnings. topmost heights of populowity." --Britannia the Trials of Truth. The Lord of Peirsee. Mr. "A tale of powerful and thrilling interest, told in Peppercorn Christopher Snub; " born that peculiar style, so remarkable for its combined Home." to be hanged." grace and nervousness, for which Mr. Howitt has Kind Cousin Tom:or Men The Metaphysician and hitherto been so eminently distinguished. Jack of the and Motives. the Maid. Mill, is a most wonderful character; he accomplishes The Mayor of Hole-cum- An Old House in the City. feats of Ingenuity and achieves prodigies of valour Corner; a Legend. The Birth Day of Puck. that are quite beyond the reach of ordinary mortals. The Manager's Pig. Baron Von Boots: a Tale. No difficulties are too great for him to encounter. It The Romance of a Key- The Rocking Horse. is just such a book as one would like to take up of a hole. The Tapestry Weaver. cold winter's evening, while the rain is falling and the Patty Larkspur's Watch. The Slege. wind whistling without."-Sunday Times. Shakspeare at Bankside. The Tulip Show. "Jack's adventures are told by Mr. Howitt with Lives of Brown, Jones, Epitaph of Sir Hugh and Robinson. Evans. a spirit as unflagging as if he were again a boy, and are sufficient to command many a dozen of open- mouthed listeners. There is good faith in his manner LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF JACK SHEP- of narrative, even where the incidents are the most improbable, which, as has been elsewhere said, re- PARD, thick 12mo, with plates, extra red cloth, minds the reader strongly of Defoe,Athenaeum. full gilt (pub. at 5s) reduced to 35 1845 -- WANDERINGS OF A JOURNEYMAN LEVER'S CHARLES) CONFESSIONS OF TAILOR, through Europe and the East, HARRY LORREQUER, by the author of during the Years 1824 to 1840, by P. D. Charles O'Malley,' 8vo. with 22 engravings on HOLTHAUS, translated from the last German Edi- steel by Phis, gilt cloth, (pub. at 128) reduced tion, by WILLIAM Howitt, fcap. 8vo. with to 9s 1845 portrait of the Tailor, extra cloth, (pub. at 6) the same, hf.bd. morocco extra, 12 reduced to 3s 60 1844 the same, whole bound, morocco extra, 15$ "He has scrambled amongst the Klephtes, played -CHARLES O'MALLEY, THE IRISH with the Neapolitan sharpers, brought home a pil- grim's certificate from the Holy Sepulchre, worn out DRAGOON, 2 vols. 8vo. with 44 engravings on his appointed days in quarantine and his weary weeks steel by Phi, gilt cloth (pub. at £1. 48) reduced in hospitals, and, in short, is a tailor in ten thousand, to 18 1841 to whom the world should bld welcome. Athenaeum, the same, 2 vols. hf. bd, morocco extra, £1. 4s * Except The Bible in Spain,' we have not had so interesting a wander book'' for years." the same, 2 vols. whole bound, morocco extra, Christian Reformer, £1.8 " He has traversed Germany, Poland, Hongary, and JACK HINTON, the Guardsman, by the author Wallachia several times; gazed with professional de- of “Charles O'Malley," 8vo. engravings by light on the varied costumes in Constantinople and Alexandria; ascended the Nile; climbed the Pyra- Phir, cloth gilt (pub. at 143) reduced to 10s 1843 mida; dodged the Bedouins; kneeled as a pilgrim ARTHUR O'LEARY : his Wanderings and in the Holy City: stood in adoration on Mount Zion; ent a walking stick on Mount Tabor: washed in the Ponderings in many Lands, edited by Harry Lake of Gennesareth; slept by the side of the Dead Lorrequer; CRUIKSRANK'S NEW ILLUSTRATED Sea; braved the rubbers of "blest Arcady" narrowly EDITION, complete in I vol. 8vo. extra red cloth, escaped being married at Malta by damsels who are worse than Sam Weller's widows and being stoned (uniforms with Charles O'Malley, Harry Lorre- for his impertinent curiosity in attempting to enter quer, and the Author's other works,) (pub. at 12s) Solomon's morque at Jerusalem. His descriptions of reduced to 9 1845 all these various places are clear and vivid; the ex. pression of his feelings simple and natural.-Critie. * The intense spirit and frolle of the author's sketches, * Worth a host of the imposing theories of your have made him one of the most successful writers of fashionable tourist. Fidelity, simplicity, shrewdness, the day." "Some sketches of Ms. O'Leary, a few years are the capital merits of this book. Inquirer. since, in Harry Lorroquer's ** Confessions, make him - GERMAN EXPERIENCES, Ad- not entirely new portrait; but he is here at full length, and in Mr. Lever's best style." -Literary dressed to the English, both Goers Abroad and Stayers at Home, one vol. fcap. 8vo. extra * The author is pre-eminent for his mirth-moring cloth, (pub. at 6s) reduced to 3s6d 1844 powers, for his acute sense of the ridiculous, for the A lively and entertaining volame which will be breadth of his humour, and for his power of dramatia found very useful to the traveller in Germany, writing, which renders his boldest conceptions with the ** We rejoice to see the works of the Howitts, happiest facility. It is seldom, indeed, that we have met, whatever they be, repablished among as. Their names in any volume with such frequent occasions for a have a pleasant sound, their writings are sure to be hearty and prolonged laugh, and in which the raciness of animated by a kindly, humane spirit; and no one can the fus more often amounts to wit kave them without feeling that he has been in der In Arthur O'Leary Mr. Lever's style is decidedly in ughtful company, "-North American Review proved. Athenu. 84 NOVELS, WORKS OF FICTION, AND LIGHT READING. to 98 « We hardly know how to convey an adequate notion of CLARKSON STANFIELD, R.A. one handsome of the exuberant whim and drollery by which this volume is characterized. It is a perpetual feast of gaiety. Ad- volume, royal 8vo. elegantly bound in cloth with venture succeeds to adventure, scene to scene, character emblematical gilding on the back and sides,reduced to character, and in all so much variety, so much 1840 genuine humour, that every taste must find something wherewith to be pleased. Arthur O'Leary's Wander ... or this very popular and remarkably beautiful ings in many lands, carry us from Paris to Brussels, book ten thousand copies have already been sold at the from Brussels to the Brunnens of Germany, among full price. Dutch smugglers into the mountains of Spa, along the "The History of Poor Jack' is so nalve and yet so banks of the Rhine; and every where fresh adventures, interesting, that we have no hesitation in saying it is rich anecdotes, marvellous escapes, and unexpected one of the very best of the author's very popular pro wonders present themselves."-Jolen Bull. ductions. It is, indeed a touching picture, noble in its * Mr. Lever has written himself up to great eminence, simplicity, and comes home to the heart. The illus- and is now one of the highest of our authors. This work trations, from the pencil of Stanfield, for original con- is better than any of the preceding. It has many tales ception, beauty, truth, and expression, appear to us to of great interest, and they are very well told."- be quite equal to the high reputation of the artist, the Dispatch. first marine painter in the world."Iterary Gazette. ** Poor Jack' is just completed; and a most amusing LOVER'S LEGENDS AND STORIES OF fellow he is, and a most amusing set of companions he IRELAND, both Series, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. brings with him. The book while it is Interesting is Fourth Edition, embellished with woodcuts by hearty, and of a healthy stamp; the characters are sketched off easily and boldly. Capt. Marryat has been Harvey, bound in cloth, with emblematical devices very fortunate in his Illustrator, dr. Stanfield, whose in gold on the covers, (pub. at 158) reduced to numerous designs (and very numerous they are) are 7s 6d 1837 executed with great power and truth."-Times. " Samuel Lover, the well-known author of RORY " In the simple and graphic style in which this tale O'More, is the genuine author of Irish fun and Irish is written, Capt. Marryat has no competitor it is the truth and freedom of Smollett." United Service eccentricity; he reports with exquisite fidelity the odd Journal. notions which his imaginative countrymen form of men and things, notions by which sober Englishmen aro MARRYAT'S (CAPT.) TRAVELS at once amused and puzzled. The ready retort, the AND ROMANTIC ADVENTURES OF mixture of cunning with apparent simplicity, and the complete thoughtlessness combined with shrewdness MONSIEUR VIOLET, among the Snake so frequently found in Ireland, have never been better Indians and Wild Tribes of the Great Western pourtrayed than in these volumes. We recommend Prairies, 3 vols. post 8vo. ertra cloth, full gilt them to all who love merriment, as well as to those who back, (pub, at £1. 11s 6d) reduced to 98 wish to study national characteristics."-Atheneum. "With the cleverest etchings, here is a genuine Irish Longmans, 1843 story-book of the most amusing character. Mr. Lover 4. Extremely entertaining; full of most extraordinary shews how to tell a tale in the ra-al Irish manner; adventures, where we enn plainly enough see the hand we see the people, we hear them-they are dramatized and touch of this very clever and very popular author." as they exist in nature, and all their peculiarities are Athendum, touched with a master-hand."--Literary Gazette. DIARIES AND OLLA PODRIDA, page 67. HANDY ANDY, a Tale of Irish Life, medium 8vo. (third edition) with 24 characteristic Illus- MARTINEAU'S (MISS), DEERBROOK, a trations on steel, elegantly bound in cloth (pub. at Novel, 3 vols. crown 8vo. half bound calf, (pub. at £1. lls 6d) reduced to 9 1839 13s) reduced to 7s 6d 1845 -TREASURE TROVE, OR £. S. D., & Ro- MILLER'S GODFREY MALVERN, or The Life mantic Irish Tale of the last Century, medium of an Author. (By the Author of " Gideon 8vo. second edition, with 26 characteristic illus- Giles," "Royston Gower," "Day in the trations on steel, elegantly bound in cloth, (pub, Woods,” &c. &c.) 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. with 24 at 14s) reduced to 98 1846 clever illustrations by Phit, extra cloth, (pub, at MAN-O'WAR'S-MAN, by Bill Truck, Senior 13s) reduced to 6s 6d 1843 Boatswain of the Royal College of Greenwich, "A most interesting work. It affords us sincero complete in a thick closely printed volume, fcap. pleasure to bespeak the public regards to this new mani- festation of Mr. Miller's literary powers. His account 8vo. gilt cloth (pub, at 6) reduced to 45 of a poor author struggling in London is evidently Blackwood, 1843 drawn from the life ; and it is impossible for us to read it without recognizing many facts and characters. "These sea-papers are among the best we ever read. Few living writers enn present us with more truth and They give an animated picture of life on board a man. talent than these pages indicate. Some of Miller's of-war."-Lit. Gaz. sweet poetry is also interspersed throughout the * This work we have no doubt will become a stan- volume. Literary Gazette. dard novel. Bill Truck does not write like . Cecil;' his "This work has a tone and an individuality which periods are more redolent of tar and grog than of Eau de distinguish it from all others, and cannot be read Sousseline or Tokay ; but he is a positive sea-Pelham, without pleasure. Mr. Miller has the forms and colours if compared with some of his progeny. His adventures of rustie life more completely under his controul than are capital, and capitally told, and well deserve to be any of his predecessors.--Atheneum. issued in their present compendious form."-Atheneum. MANY-COLOURED LIFE, or Tales of Woe and GIDEON GILES THE ROPER, a Tale of Touches of Mirth, by the Author of The Lol- English Country Lifu, with thirty-six etched lards," &c. 8vo. plates, extra cloth (pub. at 8s) illustrations, 8vo, handsomely bound in gilt cloth, reduced to 3 1843 (pub. at 13.) reduced to 5s 64 "This is by many degrees Mr. Miller' beat novel. "A very entertaining and interesting miscellany of light literature."--Literary Garette. If he knew his own strength, he would never again venture upon any other round--but loitering along "A miscellany of fugitive articles, chiefly tales, comie the common side and the meadow.path, and sitting and sentimental, prose and verse; an excellent parlour under the yew-tree which shades the village publie, window book for a country-house."--- Atheneum, or the shrouding tent which covers so much gipay law. MARRYAT'S (CAPT.) POOR JACK, Illustrated esness and merriment, gather humours of men,' such as he understands, and can describe again with all by forty-six large and exquisitely beautiful the fidelity of intimacy. The story of the village engravings on wood, after the masterly designs beauty, Ellen Giles, who is an object of lawless pursuit 1841 NOVELS, WORKS OF FICTION, AND LIGHT READING. 85 CONTENTS: to all and sundry,' is well contrived. The hero of volume, royal 8vo. illustrated by upwards of 230 the book, Gideon Giles, is an honest, plain, hard-work- ing Englishman : but our hero is Ben Brust, a Jolly humorous and extremely clever wood engravings, by fellow, with the heart of a man, and the appetite of distinguished Artists, extra cloth, richly gilt, (pub. three who hates work, and the saving of money." at £1.5s) reduced to 12s 1840 Athenaeum, This book is extremely clover both in the letter-press "The author paints with a degree of enthusiasm, and plates, and has had an immense run in France, eloquence, and elegance of style, which have rarely greater even than the Pickwick Papers in this been excelled. Every subject that he touches he paints country. with the pencil of a master."-Spectator, PHANTASMAGORIA OF FUN, edited and il- MODERN NOVELISTS OF FRANCE, translated lustrated by Alfred Crowquill, 2 vols. post 8vo. by Aird, viz --I. Paul Huet, the Young Mid- many illustrations by Leech, Cruikshank, &c. extra shipman, by EUGENE Sur, (Author of the cloth, (pub. at 188) reduced to 7s 6d 1843 Mysteries of Paris)-II. Kernok, the Corsair, by Evcene Sus-III. Physiology of the Gene- rul Lover, by Soul.-IV. The Poacher, by Mr. Macaw. Najran and Shireen JULES JANIN-V. Jenny, by Paul De Kock- Case of Furious Driving Mr. Hyena Smyrke Mr. Nibble The Washerwoman VI. Husbands, by Paul De Kock; complete The Blue Knight Autobiography of a Duck in one closely printed volume, post 8vo. cloth, Mr. Trickett Donks Opinions of the * "Fimes full gilt, (pub. at 5) reduced to 3s 6d 1845 Achates Digby The Old Ledger MORGAN'S (LADY AND SIR CHAS) BOOK An Impudent Monkey The Grey Mare The Golden Pippin Beptimus Jeffs WITHOUT A NAME, 2 vols, post 8vo. with The Soul Agent The Mountebank portrait, extra cloth bds. (pub, at £1. 18) re- The Beau of Byblos The Girl at No. 7 duced to 7 1840 China The Barber of the Olden Epistle from Miss Selina Time CONTEXT-In Cordon Bleu, Milton's House. St. Spriggins The Tragical History of Alban's Abbey, Memoirs of the Macaw of a Lady of Mr. Foxe Varnish Pyramus and Thisbe Quality. The Public. A First Lesson in Rending. The Jolly Miller The Bread-and-Cheese The Absurdities of Men of Merit. An Easay on Coals. The King of Clubs Club Curiosity. Rural Pleasures. A Defence of Punning. Mr. Crocodile The Two Friends The Pleasures of Hearing. The English Malady, Li- The True Story of the The Saw and the Axe berality. Luxuries and Necessaries. Memoirs of Dr. Merchant's Ward Every Man his own Cook Botherum. The Hong Merchant's Widow. Pimlico. Brighton Fair The Rat's Lamentation The Hotel de Carnavalet Irish Historians. A Walk Mastid Lubberkin Dick and Tom In the Snow. Malahide Castle. Puck of the Pale. Twelve o'Clock. Not at Momo. A Good Name. Pre- Jannetjie Ter Beek Equality! The Pot Boy's Pugnaeity, Mr. Ker Snap Oration sent state of Parties. The Music of Oratory. Riches. Dialogue between Two To Nancy Letter from a Younger Brother. Good sort of People. China Jars The Lovers Life in London. The Undisputed One, Physic for the The Dupe The Philosopy of Smok- Mind. Mr. Chimpanzee, the dis- ing, Drinking, Money, "Most pleasing volumes."-Athenarum, appointed Traveller Marriage, Idieness, &c. NEW ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAIN. “There is a large quantum of drollery and humour MENTS, selected from the original Oriental both in Crowquill's pen and pencil, of a kind peculiarly MS. by Von Hammer, and now first translated his own. He is as full of puns as a porcupine is of qullls, and he darts them more truly than was ever into English by the Rev. G. Lamb, 3 vols. bolleved of the powers of that animal. Literary 12mo. extra cloth, (pub. at 12s) reduced to 7s6d Gazette. 1844 PORCELAIN TOWER, or Nine Stories of China, This work contains a rare series of Tales, which von in Prose and Verse, with highly humorous illus- Ilammer considers superior to any yet published, and which Galland, the translator of the original Arabian trations by Leech, post 8vo. extra cloth, gilt with Night Entertainments had never seen. They appear Chinese Devices, (pub at 10s6d) reduced to 3s 64 for the first time in English in the above vols. 1841 OPIE'S (MRS) TALES, viz., ADELINE MOWBRAY, "Pull of arch drollery, and illustrated in a kindred The Welcome Home, The Quaker and the spirit by Leech. A more humorous or entertaining volume has not appeared this season." oung Man of the World, new and elegant ** We cordially recommend this very piquant and edition, foap. 8vo, with 2 steel engravings, extra pleasant book to all laughter-lovers,Court Journal. cloth, (pub. at 6) reduced to 45 1844 ** Capital Tales, excellently illustrated."-Atheneum. "There is a charm associated with the very name POOLE'S COMIC SKETCH BOOK, or Sketches of Mrs. Ople; the cause of sound English literature and Recollections by the Author of Paul Pry, will be much advanced by her writings, and they will 2nd edition, 2 vols, post 8vo, fine portrait, red be appreciated wherever the English language is spoken' Morning Chronicle turkey cloth, full gilt, with new Comic Ornaments, * This is a republication of the best of Mrs. Ople's (pub. at 188) reduced to 78 6d 1843 works. She possesses the double merit of enforcing a most useful truth, and exemplifying it in a tale CONTENTS: abounding in natural and touching scenes of the family Little Pedlington Sparrow-Shooting, a Dra- life of English gentlemon. From one end of her works Dick Ferret to the other, we see nothing to object to. She excels matic Foolery Early Rising: I'll Pack The late Mr. Tardy most of her contemporaries in sound judgment and my Portmanteau My Aunt's Bequest propriety in her characters and manners. Belle Wehly Messenger. Rained by Economy Defence of the Alphabet Eminent Llars Anecdotes of Gaming OXBERRY'S ACTOR'S BUDGET OF WIT My Aunt's Poodle Dick Dolctol AND MERRIMENT, consisting of facetious Squire Petlock-Squire The most Unfortunate of Monologues, Prologues, Epilogues, Tales, Comio Jecha - Pair of Women: or, Memoirs of Sketches Miss Niobe Sadgrove Songs, rare and genuine Theatrical Anecdotes Inconveniences of a Con- A Cockney's Rural Sports and Jests, 12mo. cloth gilt, (pub.at 78) reduced venient Distance Recollections of French to 3 Cheap Celebrity Actors, including the PICTURES OF THE FRENCH, a Series of Li- Simon Tetchy. & Character Emperor Paul A Suicide's Last Carouse After Dinner Chat terary and Graphic Delineations of French My First Tragedy Notes for a Memoir of the Character, by Jules Janin, Balsae, Cormenin, Street Minstrelsie Author. and other celebrated French Authors, one large Preparations for Pleasure; or, a Pie Nie 86 NOVELS, WORKS OF FICTION, AND LIGHT READING. SINCLAIR'S MODERN FLIRTATIONS, or a TROLLOPE'S (MRS.) JESSIE PHILLIPS, a Tale Month at Harrowgate. Second thousand, 3 of the Present Day, medium 8vo. port, and 12 steel vols. crown 8vo. half bound calf, (pub. at plates, cloth gilt, (pub. at 12s) reduced to 6s 6d £1. lls 6d) reduced to 9s 1845 1844 SHAKESPEARE NOVELS, in Three Series; viz: "One or the best productions of the authoress. The illustrations by Leech could hardly be equalled by 1. The Youth of Shakespeare, 3 vols.-2. The Cruikshank himself."--Cambridge Chronicle. Secret Passion, 3 vols.--3. Shakespeare and his "Mrs. Trollope is one of the most skiltal, as well as Friends, 3 vols.--together 9 vols. post 8vo. extra vigorous and original, writers of the day. We strongly recommend her work to all who delight in vigorous cloth, (only a few complete sets remaining) (pub. and stirring fiction, directed to the accomplishment of at £4.14s 6d) reduced to £1. 16s 1838-44 a benevolent purpose."-Sunday Times. ** The titles of these works give a very inadequate WARD'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF HUMAN couception of their contents. They depict the golden LIFE, (by the Author of Tremaine, De Vere, age of merry England, when Queen Elizabeth reigned the proudest monarch of the earth, supported and sur- &c.) second edition, 3 vols. post 8vo. extra cloth, rounded by those bright constellations in the courtly (pub, at £1. lls 6d) reduced to 7s 6d 1843 hemisphere, Bacon, Cecil, and Raleigh : when the A most delightful work, abounding like Tremaine, cause of literature was accelerated in its glorious march in beautiful descriptions, and like. De Vere' in strong by the undying efforts of Shakespeare and Jonson-who and lively pictures of human character in the differ lived "not for an age but for all time."--Herald. ent varieties of Life--Messenger. "Full of amusement, keen and lively in their wit, It is a real pleasure to find this gifted writer again gentle yet rich in their humour, subtle in their traits of contributing the treasures of his mind to the general character, spirited in their sketches of life and man- stock of our literature. His writings are of higher pur. ners, graphic in their descriptions, pregnant in their pose and value than to be read and forth with dismissed; invention, and altogether superior to the common run They are of the kind to be stored in private libraries, and of works among which they will rank."--Naval and recurred to from time to time as a still fresh solace and Military Gazette. delight."-Sun. SMITH'S (JAMES) COMIC MISCELLANIES, PICTURES OF THE WORLD at Homo in Prose and Verse, with a Selection from his and Abroad, (by the Author of Tremaine, De Correspondence, and Memoirs of his Life. Vere, &c.) second edition, 3 vols, post 8vo, extra Edited by his Brother, Horace Smith. Second cloth, (pub. at £1.11.6d) reduced to 7s 6d 1843 Edition, with Additions, 2 vols. post 8vo. por- ** This new work, by the accomplished author of Tremaine, consists or three distinct tales, each ocene trait, extra cloth, full gilt, (pub, at £1. 1s) re- pying one volume. The first is entitled 'Sterling, la duced to 7s 6d 1841 point of real and exact observations of life, in happy, BY THE AUTHORS OF THE REJECTED ADDRESSES. easy, and spirited portrayal of character, it may rank ** One of the most amusing books that have seen the with the best of Mr. Ward's previous productions. light, since the ever famous Rejected Addresses them- The second story is called Penruddock, or the Higa- selves.”_Globe. minded,' and nobly does the tale answer to the lofty demands of its title. Penruddock' is one of the most For other Comic Books of similar character, see Phantasmagoria of Fun; Wassail Bowl; Daniels pure, perfect, and natural deliueations that is to be found Merrie England ; Porcelain Tower; &c. &c. in prose fiction. The third story is called 'The En. thusiast,' and is introduced by an admirable essay on SUE'S NOVELS-MYSTERIES OF PARIS, enthusiasm, which will be looked upon by many readers complete in one very thick vol. small 8vo. as the most enduring gem, the crowning feature of the whole work."--New Mon. Mag. numerous woodcuts, eatra cloth, (pub. at 68) re- WASSAIL-BOWL, a Series of Humourous Tales duced to 45 1845 MYSTERIES OF PARIS, Roscoe's Library and Sketches, including the Physiology of Even- ing Parties, by Albert Smith, (one of the Edition, impl. 8vo. with portrait, and numerous Contributors to Punch') 2 vols. post 8vo, em- large woodcuts, red cloth, full gilt, 6s 6d 1845 WANDERING JEW, Roscoe's Library bellished with numerous laughable wood-cuts by Edition, with a Memoir of the Author, royal Leech; gilt cloth, (pub. at £1. 1s) reduced to 75 60 1843 8vo. illustrated by a fine portrait, and numerous This clever and amusing work contains, besides the large and spirited wood engravings, extra red cloth, Physiology of Evening Parties, the following: richly gilt, 98 1845 Christmas Pantomimes The Laudanum Patient WANDERING JEW, complete edition, very The War with China. A French School, How to Cure Love. thick 12mo. closely printed, with numerous wood A Legend of Windsor Punch. Forest. engravings, extra cloth, gilt, 4s 6d 1845 Mr. Percival Jenks and Greenwich Pair. -DE ROHAN, OR THE COURT CONSPI- the Ballet Girl Blanche Heriot. RATOR, 12mo. with wood engravings, extra cloth, The Story of a Dissecting- Mr. Pimony Skufile. Room. An English Masquerade, gilt, 2s 6 1845 TROLLOPE'S (MRS.) LIFE AND ADVEN- Delightful People The Album at Chamonix. The Bureau Drawer. Bartholomew Fair. TURES OF MICHAEL ARMSTRONG, The Grisette. A Rencontre with the Br- the Factory Boy, medium 8vo. with 24 steel The last Derby Day. gands. A Night in the Royal Excursion to Chillon, plates, gilt cloth, (pub.at 12s) reduced to 6s 6d George Herne the Hunter. 1840 “Decidedly the pleasantext and most humourous “We are exceedingly glad that Mrs. Trollope has de- book to which this season has given birth : containing voted the energies of her powerful and fertile mind to some of the wittiest and most agreeable sketches of the production of this at once striking, amusing, and society we have met with for many a year."United esetál work. Without any desire to depreciate Service Gazette. the value of similar productions, we cannot but consi- "A greater combination of wit and humour, fun and der this as infinitely more valuable than any which we drollery, it has not for a long time been our lot to kave yet seen." -Metropolitan Conservative Journal. enjoy."-Court Journal. BOHN'S STANDARD LIBRARY; A SERIES OF THE BEST ENGLISH AND FOREIGN AUTHORS, Printed in a new and elegant fform, EQUALLY ADAPTED TO THE LIBRARY AND THE FIRESIDE, AT THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICE OF 3s. 6d. PER VOLUME. This Series has been undertaken with the view of presenting to the educated public works of a deservedly established character, ac- curately printed in an elegant form, and at the lowest possible price that can remunerate the Publisher. In the present advanced stage of widely-diffused intelligence, and after the many able arguments adduced by some of the most power- ful minds of the age in favour of extended literature, it would be superfluous, in a notice of this kind, to extol the advantages of cir- culating the higher productions of genius and learning, on terms that may render them accessible to all. The Publisher ventures to assume that his unremitting and long- practised experience in books, his constant intercourse with the learned in all parts of the world, and his extensive literary property, will enable him to bring such resources to the formation of his * STANDARD LIBRARY" as shall leave little or nothing to be desired. These and other facilities have suggested the present undertaking, and concurrent circumstances have hastened its commencement. As holder of many valuable copyrights (including Roscoe's LEO THE Tentu, LORENZO DE MEDICI, and the Works of Robert HALL) the Publisher considers it incumbent on him to take into his own hands the republication of them in a cheap and popular form, rather than leave them to the piecemeal appropriation of others. The Publisher would not incur the imputation of inviting attention by inflated promises ; but he may safely affirm, that he feels some ambition in the prospect of rendering the projected series worthy of distinction ; and is resolved to employ all the means he possesses to merit and secure success. PLAN BOHN'S STANDARD LIBRARY (continued). PLAN OF PUBLICATION The Series will be published monthly, in volumes of about 500 pages each, printed in a clear and elegant type, on fine paper, in post 8vo, handsomely bound in cloth, at the low price of 3s. 6d. Every work will be edited, or translated, by competent scholars; and furnished with Portraits, Indexes, and all the concomitants that can be thought essential to a com- plete book. It is by no means intended to limit the Series to any particular class of literature ; thus Divinity and Philosophy, History and Romances, Abstract Science and Polite Literature, Ancient Authors and Modern, will be produced in succession, as may either be indicated by the demands of the time, or required by the plan of publication. VOLUMES ALREADY PUBLISHED. 1. THE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS AND REMAINS OF THE REV. ROBERT HALL, with Memoir by Dr. GREGORY, an Essay on his Chr- racter by John Foster, Index and fine Portrait, in one volume. As a selection from Robert Hall's works, similar in form to the present volume, is announced in a rival publication, it is important that the purchaser should specify Boun's EDITION, which is the only one entitled to contain the Copyright Pieces, the Life by Dr. Gregory, and Foster's Essay. 2 AND 3. ROSCOE'S LIFE AND PONTIFICATE OF LEO X., edited by his Son, with the Copyright Notes, Appendices of Historical Documents, the Episode on Lucretia Borgia, an Index and Three fine Portraits, complete in two vols. Please order BonN'S EDITION, as a counterpart has been put forth in a rival series, in which many of the Copyright Notes are assumed in a garbled form to avoid the legal conse- quences of a direct piracy. 4. SCHLEGEL'S LECTURES ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY, translated from the German, with a Memoir of the Author, by J. B. ROBERTSON, Esq. Second Edition, REVISED; complete in one volume, fine Portrait, The former edition of this valuable work, published in 1835, in two volumes sve, is a very scarce book, and, until this republication, was worth from €1 113, 64. to £2 28. The present single volume contains every syllable of the two volumes 8vo, with sundry additions and corrections, a very elaborate Index, and a fine Portrait. 5 AND 6. SISMONDI'S HISTORY OF THE LITERATURE OF THE SOUTH OF EUROPE, translated by Roscoe. A New Edition, with all the Notes of the last French Edition. The Specimens of early French. Italian, Spanish, and Por- tuguese Poetry are translated into English Verse by CARY, WIFFEN, Roscoe, and others. Complete in two vols. with a new Memoir of the Author, an enlarged Index, and two fine Portraits. 7. ROSCOE'S LIFE OF LORENZO DE MEDICI, CALLED THE MAG- NIFICENT, including the Copyright Notes and Illustrations, with a New Memoir by his Son, and a fine Portrait. Please to order Boun's EDITION, as a similar one has been put forth in a rival series, and although Mr. Born lately succeeded in obtaining an injunction against it, the Editor has again toisted it on the publie with colourable alterations. 8. SCHLEGEL'S LECTURES ON DRAMATIC LITERATURE, trans- lated by Mr. BLACK, late Editor of the Morning Chronicle. New Edition, care- fully revised from the last German edition, by A. J. W. MORRISON. With Memoir and Portrait, 9. BECKMANN'S HISTORY OF INVENTIONS, DISCOVERIES, AND ORIGINS. Fourth Edition, carefully revised and enlarged by Drs. FRANCIS and GRIFFITH. With Memoir and fine Portrait. Vol. I. 10. SCHILLER'S HISTORY OF THE THIRTY YEARS' WAR, AND REVOLT OF THE NETHERLANDS. Translated by A. J. W. MORRISON. 11. BECKMANN'S HISTORY OF INVENTIONS, &c. &c. Second and concluding Volume. The following are in progress- SCHILLER'S WORKS, both Prose and Verse. SCHLEGEL'S MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. LANZI'S HISTORY OF PAINTING, a Revised Translation, by Thomas Roscoe, with Portraits. LECTURES ON PAINTING, by the Royal Academicians, with Portraits. Other Works of sterling character are in preparation, and will follow in monthly order, or be published earlier, as may be found expedient, New Issue in Monthly Volumes, Atthe Reduced Price of 3s. 6d. per Volume THE COMPLETE WORKS ОР THE REV. ROBERT HALL, With a IVLemoir of his Life, BY DR. GREGORY; And Observations on his Character as a Preacher, BY JOHN FOSTER, "ESSAYS ON DECISION OF CHARACTER," ETC. AUTHOR OF WITH A GENERAL INDEX. In six thick volumes small octavo, extra cloth, lettered, HENRY G. BOHN, 1846. This capital edition was published from the Author's corrected copies and manuscripts, for the benefit of his widow, who survives. The copyright was disposed of for the large sum of £4,000, and is now the property of the Advertiser. The greater portion of the work is still copyright, and, in virtue of the recent act, will continue so for many years; and, as several of the early pieces were printed only for private distribution, and not published, or were printed as orally delivered, without consent of the author, these also are protected. But as the copyright of some of the earlier works has expired, it is now deemed advisable to republish the whole in an authentic edition, at such a price as can leave little temptation to others to assume that portion which is unprotected. The present edition, in small 8vo, is a reproduction of the elegant large letter edition in 6 vols. demy 8vo, of which copies may still be had at the reduced price of 7s. per volume, or £2. 2s. for the set. The volumes may be depended on monthly, as they are all printed, and ready for delivery. Indeed, those who wish to take the 6 vols. at once, may have them immediately. TESTIMONIA. ** WHOEVER WISHES TO SEE THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN ITS PER- FECTION MUST READ THE WRITINGS OF THAT GREAT DIVINE-ROBERT HALL HE COMBINES THE BEAUTIES OP Jouxson, Addison, AND BURKE, WITHOUT THEIR IMPERFECTIONS."-Dugald Stewart. "I cannot do better than refer the academic reader to the IMMORTAL WORKS OF ROTERT HALL. For moral grandeur, for Christian truth, and sublimity, we may doubt whether they have their match in the sacred oratory of any age or country." Prof. SEDGWICK (in his Discourse on the Studies of the University.) " THE SERMONS AND DISCOURSES OF ROBERT HALL ARE WON- DERFUL COMPOSITIONS ; wonderful both for the scale and the variety of the powers they display; a head so metaphysical, seeming to have little in common with an imagination so glowing; declamation so impassioned, with wisdom so practical : touches of pathos so tender, with such caustic irony, such bold invective, such spirit-stirring encouragements to heroic deeds; and all conveyed in language worthy to be the vehicle of such diverse thoughts, precise or luxuriant, stern or playful-that most rare but most eloquent, of all kinds of speech, the masculine mother-tongue of an able man, which education has chastened, but not killed; constructed after no model of which we are aware ; MORE MASSIVE THAN Addison, MORE EASY AND UNCONSTRAINED THAN JOHNSON, MORE SOBER THAN BURKE. “The bold diction, the majestic gait of the sentence, the vivid illus- tration, the rebuke which could scathe the offender, the burst of honest in- dignation at triumphant vice, the biting sarcasm, the fervid appeal to the heart, the sagacious development of principle, the broad field of moral vision--all these distinguish the compositions of Robert Hall, and we bear our most willing testimony to their worth.”-Quarterly Review, “ IN THE ELOQUENCE OF THE PULPIT, ROBERT HALL COMES NEARER MASSILLON THAN EITHER CICERO OR ÆSCHINES ΤΟ DEMOS Thenes.” - Lord Brougham. “ Here is intellectual food for the scholar, the philosopher, the states- man, and the divine; and expressed in the surpassing language of Robert Hall. He who shall give these volumes a place on his table, will not fail of satisfaction, on whatever page his eye may chance to rest ; AND HIS MIND IS LITTLE TO BE ENVIED, IF FROM THE PERUSAL OF THEM, HE DO NOT FIND HIMSELF A MORE ACCOMPLISHED, A WISER, AND A BETTER MAN."-Church of England Quarterly Review. “ I will give my general opinion of this divine in the words that were employed to describe a prelate, whose writings, I believe, are familiar to him, and whom he strongly resembles in fertility of imagination, in vigour of thinking, in rectitude of intention, and holiness of life. Yes, MR. HALL, LIKE JEREMY TAYLOR, HAS ORATOR, THE FANCY OF A POET, THE ACUTENESS OF A SCHOOLMAN, THE PROFOUNDNESS OF A PHILOSOPHER, AND THE PIETY OF A SAINT. Parr (Spital Sermon). “The excellence of Mr. Hall does not consist in the predominance of one of his powers, but in the exquisite proportion and harmony of all. The richness, variety, and extent of his knowledge, are not less remarkable than his absolute mastery over it. HIS STYLE IS ONE OF THE CLEAREST AND SIMPLEST-THE LEAST ENCUMBERED WITH ITS OWN BEAUTY OF ANY WHICH EVER HAS BEEN WRITTEN.- London Magazine, “ His sermons are distinguished by solid and profound philosophy, and breathe a spirit of humility, piety, and charity, worthy of that pure and divine religion, to the defence of which the author has concentrated his talents. His eloquence is of the highest order, the natural effusion of a fertile imagination and of an ardent mind, while his style is easy, various, and animated. On a review of all his various excellencies, we cannot but expect with confidence that the NAME OF ROBERT HALL WILL BE PLACED BY POSTERITY AMONG THE BEST WRITERS OF THE AGE, AS WELL AS THE MOST VIGOROUS DEFENDERS OF RELIGIOUS TRUTH, AND THE BRIGHTEST EXAMPLES OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY.” Sir J. Macintosh. THE ELOQUENCE OF AN 33 INDEX. Abbott's Teacher, SI Abernethy's Works, 21 Ackworth's Vocabulary, 31 Adams on Carriages, 51 on St. Peter, 37 Esop's Fables, 31 Ages of Pemale Beauty, 1 Aikin's Calendar of Nature, 31 Ainsworth's Tower of London, 81 Windsor Castle, 81 Latin Dictionary, 25 Albert (Prince), Muslo by, 36 Alexander's Lecture, 37 Andrews' Heaths, 13 Angler's Souvenir, 1 Aphorisms and Reflections, 61 Arabian Nights, Pictorial edit. 1 Aristophanes. Nota Bekkeri, 25 Plutus, and the Proge, 25 Birds, by Cary, 25 Aristotle's Rhetoric, 25 Armes et Armures, 1 Art of Needlework, 61 Arthur O'Leary, by Lever, 83 Artis's Antediluvian Phytology, 13 Artist's Book of Fables, 1 Atlas, Wilkinson's General, 25 Classical, 25 Lizar's General, 61 Asmodeus, 81 Austria and the Austrians, 51 Authors of England, I Bacon's (Lord) Works, 51 Essays, &c. 61 Bakewell's Philos. Conversations, 3! Evidences, 37 Bank's Dorm. and Extinct Baronage, 51 Barbauld, Lecons, 31 Baretti's Italian Dictionary, 25 Barrow's Travels, 51 China, 51 Barton's Plora Medica, 13, 22 Barwell's Elder Brother, 82 Bateman's Orchidacea, 20 Bateman on Cutaneous Diseases, 21 Battles of the British Navy, 61 Bauer's Perns, 13 Baxter's Works, 37 Beaumont and Fletcher, 70 Boechey's Voyage (Botany of), 13 (Zoology of), 13 Bell's Great Operations, 21 Phenomena of Nature, 31 Ben Jonson's Works, 70 Bennett's North Wales, 52 Whaling Voyage, 52 Bentley's Works, 25 Bewick's Belect Pables, I Bourrienne's Napoleon, 62 Chronological Tables (The Oxford), 95 Boys' Paris, &c. 2 Churton's Univ. Amanuensis, 55 Brand's Popular Antiquities, 52 Cibber's Apology, 55 Brees's Glossary, 2, 24 Cicero's Life & Letters, by Melmoth, 26 Bremer's (Miss) Novels, by Howitt, 81 Offices, by Cockman, 96 Diary, and strife and Peace, 81 Epistolae ad Atticum, 26 Home, 81 Nota Var. in Oliveti, 26 Neighbours, 81 City Scenes, 31 President's Daughter, and Nina,81 Clarke's Travels, 55 H- Family, Tralinnan, &c. 81 Claude Liber Veritatis, 3 Rritannia after the Romans, Cobbin's Book of Popery, 39 Britton's Lincoln Cathedral, Coesvelt Picture Gallery, 3 Christ Church, 2 Coghlan's Comp. to the Scriptures, 30 Brockedon's Italy, 2 Colburn's Standard Novelists, 82 Passes of the Alps, 2 Coleman's Myth of the Hindus, 55 Excursions in the Alps, 5 Collection of Eng. Bonnets, 55 Brodie's Brit. Commonwealth, Companion to the Almanae, 55 Brown's Jewish Antiquities, 37 Conder's Views of all Religions, 31 British Conchology, 13 Coney's Foreign Cathedrals, 3 British Butterflies, 13, 31 Conolly on Insanity, 21 Browne's (Sir Thos.) Works, 58 Conquest of Peru, 55 Buckingham's America, 53 Cook's View of Christianity, 39 Bulwer's Pilgrims of the Rhine, 2 Cooke's Shipping and Craft, 3 Disowned, 82 London and its Vicinity, 3 Devereux, 82 Thames Scenery, 3 Pelham, 82 Cookery, Jenning's Family, 56 Leila, or the Slege of Granada, 2 Ladies' Own Cookery Book, 56 Student, 82 Coombe Abbey, 82 Bunyan's Pilgrim, 37 Cooper's (Sir Astley) Life, 23 Borgesk's Greece, 53 Cooper on Hernia, 21 Burke's Works, 68 Surgical Essays, 21 Life, by Prior, 73 Cooper's American Navy, 56 Burke's Ency. of Heraldry, 53 Coplestoni Praelect. Acad. 26 Burmeister's Entomology, 13 Copley's Hist, of Slavery, 50 Burnet's Lives, 37 Cornwall Illustrated, 19 Burns' Complete Works, 54 Coronation of George IV. 3 (Dr.) Surgery, 91 Corpus Poetarum Lat. 26 Burroughs on Hosea, 87 Cortes, Life of, 56 Rare Jewel, 37 Costello's Early French Poetry, 56 Burrow's Conchology, 13 Cotman's Sepulchral Brasses, 3 Elgin Marbles, 2 Etchings, 3 Bussey's Napoleon, 8 Courtney's Com. on Shakespeare, 56 History of France, 9 Cowper's Works, by Southey, 50 Butler's Lives of the Saints, 37 Poems, by Stebbing, 56 Casar, Oberlini, 25 Poems by McDiarmid, 56 Caleb Stukely, 82 Crabbe's New Pantheon, 31 Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, 88 Cramer and Wickh. Alps P. 90 Campbell on the Miracles, 38 Crawford's Slam and Cochin China, 56 Campbell's Life of Petrarch, 54 Ava, 57 Cardinal de Reta, 82 Crichton's Lives of Converts, 39 Carleton's Valentine M'Clutchy, 82 Croker's Songs of Ireland, 57 Traits and Stories, 82 Croly on Divine Providence, 80 Carter's Ancient Architecture, 9 Croly's George IV., 57 Sculpture and Painting, 2 Crowquill's Pictorial Grammar, 31 Gothie Architecture, 9 Cruden's Concordance, 39. Cary's Dante, 64 by Hannay, 39 Pindar, 54 Cruikshank's Three Courses, 5 Early French Poets, 34 Omnibus, 15 Lives of English Poets, 34 ** At Home," and odd vol. 89 Lexicon to Herodotus, 27 Plates to Fielding, &e. S Lexicon to Sophocles, 99 Curtis's Flora Londinensis, 14 Testimonies of the Fathers, 88 Dallle on the Fathers, 89 Memorials of the Civil War, 54 Philippians and Colossians, 80 Castle on Polsons, 21 Dallaway's Architecture, 57 Catherwood's Views in Yucatan, &e. 21 Damer's Tour in Greece, 57 Catlin's North American Indians, 9 Dammil lexicon Hom. 20 Portfolio of Do. 2 Daniell's Oriental Scenery, s Caulfield's Portraits, 2 Animated Nature, 3 Cecil's Works, 38 Daniel's Merrie England, 89 Celsus, ed. Milligan, 21 Davidson's Upper India, 57 Latin and English, 91 Davis's Sketches of China, 57 Chamberlaine's Royal Drawings, 3 Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, 57 Chambers Scottish Songs, 75 Dawes Miscellanea Critica, 90 James 1.54 Dawnings of Genius, 32 Chandler's Asia Minor, 84 De la Beche's Geological Mem, 14 Plain Reasons, 38 Denny'. Anoplura Hrit. 14 Channing's Works, 34 Pelaphidae Brit. Charlesworth's Mag of Nat. Hist. 13 De Quincey's Polit. Boonomy, 57 Charnock on the Attributes, 38 De Wette on the scriptures, 59 Chateaubriand's Eng. Literature, 55 Diary of Charles II. 57 on Revolutions, 55 George IV. 58 Chatham Papers, 55 Dibdin's Bibllomania, 58 Chatterton's Works, 55 Bibliophobia, 88 Chivalry and Charity. 89 Bibliotheca Spenseriana, 38 Chorley's Musle in France, &e. 55 Cassano Catalogue, 58 Christian Souvenir, 3 Tour, Plates to, 3 Evidences, 38 Dick on Digestion, 91 Treasury, 38 Dickens's Pic-Nie Papers, 82 Literature, 3 Dilettanti specimens of sculpture, 3 Esop, 1 Large Wood-cuts, 1 Bible, by Caunter, 37 Biblia Hebraica, 25 Blekersteth's Companion to the Pont,37 Biddulph on the blst Psalm, 37 Bingham's Works, 37 Bingley's Usefal Knowledge, 31 Select Vocalist, 35 Binning's Works, 37 Mackley's Sermons, 37 Blair's Sermons, 37 Bland's Problems, 94 Blessington's Thoughts, 89 France, 62 Italy, 52 Boccaccio Decameron, 52 Bolingbroke's Works, 52 Bolton's British Song Birds, 13 Bonner, Life of, 145 Bennycastle's Newfoundland, 52 Book of Gems, Raphael Cartoons, 1 Shakespeare Gems, 1 of the Court, 52 Table Talk, 02 Booth's Analytical Dictionary, 52 Hos Ellipses Greco, 25 Bostock Physiology, 21 Boston's Crook in the Lot, 38 Borwell's Johnson, 12 Index. D'Israeli's Amenities of Literature, 58 Glimpses of the Wonderful, 32 Hopkins on Sin, &c., 38 Doddridge's Expositor, 39 Goethe's Faust, by Retzsch, 5 on Regeneration, 38 Works, 40 Goldsmith's Works, 60 Vanity of the World, 38 Dodwell's Greece, s Citizen of the World, 61 Almost Christian, 39 Pelasgic Remains, 4 Golownin's Japan, 61 on the Commandments, &c., 39 Don's Gardener's Dictionary, 14 Goodwin's Domestic Architecture, 5 Miscellaneous Sermons, 39 Hortus Cantabrigiensis, 14 Child of Light, 41 Horatius, Doering, 27 Donne's (Dr.) Works, 50 Gordon's Greek Revolution, 60 Horace, translated by Haughton, 37 Donovan's Insects of India, 14 Gore's Rose Fancier's Manual, 15 Hoskins' Great Oasis, 69 Insects of China, 14 Graham's Power of Faith, 40 Housman's Collection of Sonnets, 55 Works en Natural History, 14 Granville's Spas of England, 99, 01 Howard on Colour, 6 Don Quixote, 3 Spas of Germany, 99, 61 Howe's Works, 43 Doyle's Cyclop. of Husbandry, 14 Graves' (Dean) Works, 41 - Living Temple, 43 Drake's Shakespeare and his Times, 58 on the Pentateuch, 41 Howitt's Jack of the Mi, 39, 83 Draper's Juvenile Naturalist, 31 on the Trinity, 41 Wanderings of a Tailor, 83 Drummond's Origines, 58 Grenves's Ess, for Sabbath Reading, 50 German Experiences, 83 Drury's Foreign Entomology, 14 Greek Pros. by Spitzner & Goettling, 20 (Mary) Fable & Verse Book, 34 Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, 58 Gospels, by Hoole, 26 British Preserve, 39 Dunlop's Memoirs of Spain, 58 Greenhill on Ezekiel, 41 Hughson's London & Westminster, Earl's Eastern Seas, 58 Gregory's Conspectus, Lat. et Eng., 09 Huish on Bees, 18 Eckel's Doctrina Num. Vet. 8 Letters, 41 Hume and Smollett, 03 Edgar's Variations of Popery, 40 Greville's Cryptogamic Flora, 15 Correspondence, 63 Edgeworth's Patronage, 82 Grindlay's Views in India, 5 Hunt's Tudor Architecture, 6 Harrington, &e. 89 Grotius on the Chr. Religion, 41 Parsonage Houses, 6 Ormond, 82 Guild's Moses Unveiled, 38 Gate Lodges, 6 Education, Works on, 59 Gullivers Travels, Pict. Edit., 5 Architettura Campestre, 6 Edwards's (Jonathan) Works, 49 Gwile's Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 20 (Leigh) Indicator, 03 Edwards on Free Will, by Taylor, 49 Hack's English Stories, 39 Hunter's Sacred Biography, 43 Egypt, Col. Vyse's Pyramids, 4 -Grecian Stories, 32 Syria, 63 Perring's Views, 4 Winter Evenings, 32 Hallamshire Glossary, 63 Egyptian Antiq. in Brit. Museum, 4 Hall's (Bishop) Works, 41 Huntingdon's (Lady) Memoirs, 48 Ellendt's Lexicon to Sophocles, 29 -Contemplations, 42 Hutchinson's Meteorology, 24 Ellis's Voice from the Vintage, 59 Hard Texts, 42 Hutton's Mathematics, 24 Ellis on Insanity, 21 Hall's (Robert) Works, 49 Life, 63 Encyclopedia of Manners, 81 Hall's Patchwork, 32, 61 Illustrated Fly Fisher, 6 English Boy at the Cape, 31 Napoleon in Council, 70 Commentary, 43 Causes Celebres, 59 Hall's Animal Kingdom, 15 Illustrations of the Royal Progress, 6 Country Life, 59 Hamilton's Vases, 5 Imitations of Celebrated Authors, 63 Entertaining Philosopher, 81 Hamilton's (Lady) Memoirs, 01 Inglis's Ireland, 63 Equestrian Manual for Ladies, 31 Hanmer's Life and Correspondence, 02 Norway, Sweden, &c., 03 Espy on Storms, 24 Hansard's Archery, 6 Switzerland, &c. 03 Euripides' Four Plays, 28 Harcourt on the Deluge, 49 Ireland's Paganism & Christianity, 48 Hippolitus and Alcestis, 26 Harris's Aurelian, by Westwood, 15 Irish Tourist, 03 Evelyn's Sylva and Terra, 15 Harry Mowbray, by Knox, 82 Italian School of Design, Faber on Trinitarianism, 40 Havell's Birds of Paradise, 15 Jackson on Wood Engraving, 6 on Transubstantiation, 40 Hayden's Canzonets, 30 Jacobs on Precious Metals, 63 Fain's Napoleon Memoirs, 70 Head's Narrative, 62 James's Life of William III., 03 Falconer's Marine Dictionary, 24 Heath's Caricature Scrap Book, 8 Jameson's Diary of an Ennuyée, 63 Fanshawe's (Lady) Memoirs, 50 Belgium, 6 Jamieson's Mechanics, 24 Farington's Lakes, &e. 4 Hebrew Psalter, 26 Hermes Scythicus, 27 Fenn's Paston Letters, 59 Hederici Lexicon, Blomfield, 27 Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 16 Ferguson's Astronomy, 94 Heeren's Histl. Researches in Africa, 61 Jardine and Selby's Ornithology, 16 Fielding's Works, 80 Asia, 61 Jarves's Sandwich Islands, 63 Finney on Revivals, 40 History of Europe, 61 Jebb's Economy of the Church, 43 Fisher's Warwickshire, 4 Ancient Greece, 02 Jeffrey's (Judge) Memoirs, 63 Bedfordshire, 4 Historical Treatises, 62 Jenkyn and Manton's Expositions, 48 Juvenile Scrap Book, 31 Ancient History, 32, 62 Jenner's Life and Correspondence, 92 Flavel's Sermons, 40 Ancient Geography, 62 Jenyn's (Soame) Evidences, &c., 36 Flavel's Homer, Æschylus, & Hesiod, 4 Henry's Bible, by Bickersteth, 43 Jerrold's Cakes and Ale, 83 Acts of Mercy, 4 Herbert's Attila, 62 Joe Miller's Jest Book, 83, Lord's Prayer, 4 Miscellaneous Works, 02 Johnson's English Dictionary, Lectures on Sculpture, 4 Heretic, by Lajetchinikoff, 82 Highwaymen, 63 Fleming's British Animals, 15 Hermann's Manual of Antiquities, 27 Stranger in India, Fortunes of Frank Fairfield, 32 Herodotus, 3 Books, by Edwards, 27 Johnsoniana, 64 Foster's Essays on Decision of Char. 69 Cary's Lexicon to, 27 Jones' (Owen) Views on the NI., on Popular Ignorance, 50 Hill's (Rowland) Memoirs, 42 Brecknockshire, 04 Foulis's Catalogue of Pictures, 59 History of Greece, L. U.K., 02 Joyce's Scientifie Dialogues, 32 France and the French Revolution, 69 of Switzerland, 02 Juvenal and Persius, by Gifford, 27 Frank Mildmay, by Marryatt, 82 Hobhouse's Albania, etc., 62 Keightley's History of England, 64 Franklin's Works, 69 Hogarth's Works,engraved by himself, 5 Kelly's Cambist, 64, 94 Fraser's Koordistan, 60 Musical Drama, 38 Kelty's Religion of the Heart, 43 Freytagii Lexicon Arabicum, 26 Hogg's Jacobite Relies, 02 Lives of Quakers, 43 Fry's History of the Church, 40 on the Carnation, 15 Kendall's Gothie Architecture, 6 on Job, 40 Holbein's Court of Henry VIII, 5 Kennion's Examples of Trees & Fuller's (Andrew) Works, 40 Home's Comparative Anatomy, 22 Keppel's (Admiral) Life, 64 Fusell's Life and Lectures, 4 Hood's Comie Album, 82 Kerr's Melodies, 38 Gaelic Dictionary, 28 Hook's Gurney Married, 82 Kiloh's Ancient History, 32 Gallery of Portraits, 4 Sayings & Doings, Ist, 2d, & 34,82 Kirby's Wonderful Museum, 64 Garland of Scotia, 36 Adventures of an Actor, 89 Kirby's Entomologia Americana, 16 Gazetteer (New Edinburgh), 60 Hooker & Greville, Icones Filicum, 15 Kitto's Travels in Persia, 38 Gell and Gandy's Pompeiann, 4 and Bauer, Ferns, 13 Pictorial Palestine, 8 Gell's Topography of Rome, 60 Exotie Flora, 15 Knight's Pictorial London, 6, 64 Geologist, 15 Musel Exotie, 10 British Museum, 32, 6 Georgian Era, 00 Botanical Miscellany, 16 Journey Books of England, 64 Geramb's Palestine, 60 British Jungermannis, 10 Store of Knowledge, 64 Gibbon's Rome, 00 Journal of Botany, 10 Musical Classics, 30 GII Bias, illustrated by Gigoux, 5 Flora Boreall Americana, 16 Library for the Young, 32 Gillie's History of Greece, 60 Hope's Costume of the Ancients, 6 (Gally) Normans in Sicily, 04 Gilpin's Works on the Picturesque, 5 Architecture, 6 Baracenie & Norman Retasins, 6 Glees, a Selection of, 36 Morbid Anatomy, 22 Ecclesiast. Architecture of Italy, Glelg's Warren Hastings, 60 Coleopterist's Manual, 16 Knowles's Discourses, 43 Chelsea Pensioners, Hopkins's (Bishop) Works, 42 Kügler's History of Germany, 7 Index. 93 Kainoel, Com. In Nov. Test., 27 Malcolm's Central India, 67 LE. L. Traits and Trials, 32 Mallbran's Memoirs, 36 Laconica, 55 Maltby's (B.) Bermons, 44 Laird of Logan, 65 Charges, 44 Lamb's Works, 65 Illustrations, 45 Tales from Shakespeare, 83, 65 Man-of. War's Man, 84 Eestys of Elia, 65 Mangall's Questions, 33 Lamarck Conchology, 16 Mantell's Medals of Creation, 17 Lamartine, Souvenirs, 27 Wonders of Geology, 17 Lambarde's Kent, 65 Fossils of the Downs, 17 Lane's Modern Egyptians, 65 Manuscript Sermons, 45 Langon's (Baron) Evenings, 70 Many-coloured Life, 84 La Place's Mecanique Celeste, 24 Marchmont Papers, 67 Larcher's Notes on Herodotus, 37 Marlborough's (Duchess of) Mem. 67 Lardner's (Dr. N.) Works, 43 Private Correspondence, 67 Lardner on the Dir. & Int. Calculus, 24 Marryatt's Poor Jack, 7, 84 Latham's Birds, 17 Monsleur Violet, 84 Latrobe's Solace of Song, 65 Frank Mildmay, 89 Mexico, 65 Dlaries in America, 67 North America, 65 Olla Podrida, 67 Lauder's Royal Progresses, Martin & Westall's Bible Platos, 33 Lawrence's (Sir Thos.) Life, 6 Martin's English Costume, 7 Lawrence on the Eye, 22 Geological Memoirs, 17 Lawson's History of the Church of Seot. Brit. Colonial Library, 68 land, 44 Eastern India, 68 Laycock's Portuguese Grammar, 27 Martineau's Deerbrool, 84 Portuguese Fables, 27 Massinger and Ford, 70 Leake's Travels in the Morea, 65 Manson's Balochistan, 68 Researches in Greece, 65 Mathews's (Chas) Memoirs, 68 Ledyard's Life and Adventures, 65 Matthew's Sermons, 45 Lee's Hebrew Grammar, 97 Maxwell's Life of Wellington, 7. 68 Heb. Chald. and Eng. Lexicon, 27 Mendham's Pius V., 45 Lee on the Study of the Scriptures, 44 Index of Books Prohibited, 45 Leibnitii Opera, Erdmann, 28 Lit. Polley of Rome, 45 Leighton's (Archbishop) Works, 44 Paleotti Historia, 45, 28 on St. Peter, 44 Index Librorum, 45, 28 Le Keux's Natural History, 32, 17 Meredith's Mems. of Bernadotte, 69 Lemprlere's Classical Dictionary, 27 Meyrick's Ancient Armour, 7 Supplement to all Editions of, 28 Mignet, Hist. de la Revolution, 28 Leslie's Method with Deista, 39 Miller's Godfrey Malvern, 84 Method with the Jews, 39 Gideon Giles, 84 Truth with Christianity, 39 Day in the Woods, 69 I/Espagne Artistique, 7 Companion to the Atlas, 28 Loss on the New Testament, 39 Millingen's Unedited Monuments, 7 Letters on the Fathers, 46 Curiosities of Med. Ex., 22 Lever's Harry Lorrequer, 83 History of Duelling, 69 Chas, O'Malley, 83 Milton's Works, 69 Jack Hinton, 83 Select Prose Works, 69 Arthur O'Leary, 83 Mishna, by De Sola, 45 Lewin's Birds of N. S. Wales, 17 Minstrelsy of the Woods, 13, 33 Lewis's (Monk) Life, &e. 66 Mitford's History of Greece, 69 Library of Anecdote, 66 (Miss) Tales and stories, 33 Lieber's Political Ethics, 68 Modern Novelists of France, 85 Life of Christ, 44, 33 Montagu's (Lady) Letters, 60 Life of Jack Sheppard, 66 Moore's Epicurean, 69 Lindley's British Fruits, 17 (Dr. John) Works, 69 Lady's Botany, 20 Camb. Prine Essays, 45 Lister's Life of Clarendon, 66 More's (Hannah) Works, 45 Granby, 82 Life, 45 Little Lays for Little Learners, 36 Spirit of Prayer, 45 Livius Dralienborchil, 28 Stories for the Middle Ranks, 45 Livy, in English, 28 Poetical Works, 45 Tazar's Anatomical Plates, 29 Moral Sketches, 45 Looke's Philosophical Works, 66 on St. Paul, 45 Lockhart's Conquest of Mexies, 66 Christian Morals, 45 Lodgo's Illusts. of British History, 66 Practical Plety. 45 Londina Illustrata, Wilkinson, 7 Sacred Dramas, 45 London (New) Med. Pocket Book, 22 Search after Happiness, 45 Surgical Pocket Book, 22 Bible Rhymes, 45 Chemical Pocket Book, 22 (Sir Thos.) Utopia, 70 Longfellow's Poetical Works, 66 with life, by Mackintosh, 70 Longworth's Circulans, 66 Morgan's Book without a Name, 85 London's (Mrs.) Ent. Naturalist, 17,33 O'Donnell, 89 London and Westwood's Insects, 17 Florence Mc Carthy, 82 Lover's Legends of Treland, 83 Morrison's Sermons, 46 · Handy Andy, 83 Moses Antique Vases, T Treasure Trove, or, ..., 83 Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, 46 Lamisden's Rome, 6 Moxon's Dramatio Series, 70 Luther on the Psalms, 45 Moyen-Age Monumentale, 7 Lyson's Magna Britannia, 7 Pittoresque Environs of London, 7 Mudie's Mental Philosoply, 70 Gloucestershire, 7 British Birds, 17, 33 Mao Geoghan's Ireland, 66 Mühlenfel's Poet. Anthologie, 28 Macgillivray's Rap Birds, 37 Muller's Lit. of Ane, Greece, 28 Mol. and Cleri Animals, 17 Mundy's Sketches in India, Mackay's Thames, 67 Murchison's Silurian System, 18 Mackenzie's China, 60 Murphy's Arabian Antiquities, Maenish's Talen, 67 Batalha 8 Me Cormac's Phil. of HuNature, 67 Murray's Truth of Revelation, 46 Madrigalian Feast, 26 Pletorial Thames, 9 Magee's (Archb.) Works, 44 Museum Criticien, 28 on the Atonement, 39 Music by Prince Albert, 36 Main's Florist Directory, 17 Musical Bijou, 38 Musical Cabinet, 35 Musical Forget me Not, 35 Musical Gem, 36 Musical Library, 35 Musical Talisman, 36 Napier's Montrose and Covenanters, 70 Napoleon in Council, by Basil Hall, 70 Memoirs, by Baron Fain, 70 Rapp's Memoirs, 70 Langon's Cambaceres, 70 Caulincourt's Recollections, 70 Napoleon Gallery, 12 Nares's Memoirs of Id. Burghley, 70 Natural Philosophy, by L. U. K., 24 Neo-Druidie Heresy, 70 New Arabian Nights, 85 Neuman and Bar. Span. Diet., 28 Nichols's Progresses of Elizabeth, 78 Progresses of James I., 71 Nicholson's Architecture, 8 Nicolas's Orders of Knighthood, 8 Siege of Carlarerock, 8 Life of William Davison, 71 Niebuhrs History of Rome, 28, 7 Nimrod Abroad, 71 Nolan's Warburtonian Lectures, 46 Nollekens and his Times, 8 Northcote's Life of Titian, 8 Nugent's French Dictionary, 28, 33 Nuttall's Classical Dictionary, 28 Ogborne's Essex, 71 Old Sports of England, 32 O'Neil's Dict. of Spanish Painters, 8 Ople's Tales, 85 Oram's Art of Colouring, 8 Ornemens des Anciens Maitres, 8 Ossian's Poems, 71 Ouseley's Travels in the East, 71 Oxberry's Budget of Wit, 85 Parkes's Chemical Essays, 23 Rudiments of Chemistry, 23 Parkhurst's Hebrew Lexicon, 29 Parkinson's Organic Remains, 15 Introduction to do. 18 Paley's Works, in 1 vol. 46 Evidences of Christianity, 39 Horse Paulina, 39 Pardoe's River and the Desart, 71 City of the Maygar, 71 Parry's Cambrian Plutarch, 71 Paxton's Letters from Palestine, 72 Perceval's Hist. of Italy, 72 Perey's Reliques, 72 Tales of the English Kings, 33 Phaedri Fabula, Lat, and Eng. Bailey, 29 Phantasmagoria of Fun, 85 Phillips on Painting, 8 on Effect and Colour, 8 Comp. to the Orchard, 18 Pictorial Dictionary of the Bible, 50 French Dictionary, 9, Gallery of Raco-Horses, 9 Hist of Napoleon, 8 France, 9 Germany, 9 Palestine, 8 Picture Hist. of England, 32 Pictures of the French, 85 Pleturesque Tour of the Thames, 9 Pindari Opera, Bookius, 29 Gr. et Lat. Heynil, 29 Pinelli's Etchings, and Cooke's Rome, 9 Pinkerton' Early Hist. of Scotland, 79 Pinnock's Modern Geog. and Hist. 33 Ancient Geog: and Hist, 33 Sacred Geog, and Hist. 33 English Grammar, 33 Platonis Opera, Bekker, 29 Ploos V. Amstel's Imit. of Drawings, 9 Plutarque Francals, 9. 29 Poet. Vet. Fragmenta, ed. Glles, 29 Pool's Annotations on the Bible, 46 Poole's Comle Sketch Book, 85 Popular Errors, by Timbs, 72 Porcelain Tower, 85 Porson's Works, 29 Porter's Progress of the Nation, 72 Porteus's Works, 46 Lectures, 46 Sermons, 46 Poulson' Holderness, 9 94 Index. Pratt's Flowers and their Assoc. 32 Shirley's Dramatic Works, 75 Thackeray's Researchos, 77 Field, Garden, etc. 32 Shoberl's Tour in Normandy, 77 Thiers' Hist, de la Revolutie 1, 30 Price's Mahommedan History, 72 Sibthorpe's Flora Greca, 19 Thoresby's Diary and Correspond. TT Price on the Picturesque, 9 Florze Græcæ Prodomus, 19 Thucydides, Gr. et Lat., Elmsley, 30 Prior's Life of Burke, 72 Sidney's Life of Sir R. 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