Museum QL 638 .S2 J37 Menu mm at Museums Q4 638 52 J 37 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BRITISH SALMONID WITH DESCRIPTIONS BY SIR WILLIAM JARDINE, BART., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., Etc., Etc. Edinburgh : PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR SIR PRINTED FOR SIR WILLIAM JARDINE. 1839-41. Museums QL 638 52 J37 Zoology Museum - 12.7-44 51103 I dare Storer SALMO SALAR. THE COMMON SALMON OF THE BRITISH WATERS. PLATE I. YOUNG OR GILSE. On this plate is represented that state of the common British Salmon generally known by the name of Gilse or Grilse, being the first appearance of the fish on our coasts and in our estuaries after the young--a few inches in length-has left the rivers, and sought the sea in the dress of the fry, or of migration. It is a male fish, two pounds thirteen ounces in weight; was taken in the Solway Firth in the month of July; and is figured of the natural size. The rapid growth of the Gilse during the first months of its existence in the sea— proved from repeated experiments by marking—had led Ichthyologists into some errors regarding its previous development and progress ; but the size and weight, when first taken on our coasts from the end of June and commencement of July, will nearly average that of the specimen represented. As the season advances, they gradually increase in size; and before the run has ceased, they are taken from five to eight pounds in weight; and in some remarkably dry seasons, where the rivers had remained too low to admit them before the August floods, they have been taken from eight even to eleven pounds in weight, and without having lost any of the symmetry of a young and unspawned fish. In this state, it is marked by the small head, the slenderness of the body near the tail, and by the general symmetry of its form. When newly taken from the water, the colours are all clear yet delicate; the back and upper part deep greyish green, shading into silvery white on the sides and belly, where it is mellowed by tints of blue and pink. The Vomer has now lost its teeth upon its longitudinal surface, but retains one or two more on its anterior part than what are afterwards permanently present in its perfectly adult state. Stake Nets of the Solway Fathe . 2-3-48. Ho J. ६० ।।-S 12-7-44 luaritch Zoology Museums 447 سوامی اور ایسا نہ ہو کر کامیاران سر را در این مررر Bone יומיי( מריהוהווה Wita 92 2 suten monas raun w Crt mon KA مر مرا مزار N222222774 مرا m సహాయ సత్యం im mm اسامه 02 ん​。 مارمر mark اسرار/م) thes امه تیرے تیرے er اسرار 22 171 - حب۔ como 333 اس بار سر در راور سر ca ( reas OV Engraved by W. H. Lazurs, Drawn by Sir Wa Jardine Burt Firth Sal Nuo Salar. Bunung or Ile Malo No. Folway Sath in July Size of Life Wright zle Bag. ..V 1. SALMO SALAR. S . PLATE II. YOUNG OR GILSE. The Fish represented on the accompanying Plate is the young or gilse state of a species or variety of Salmon not very unfrequent in the Scotch rivers, particularly in those on the eastern side of the island, and known to fishermen under the name of “ Norway Salmon.” This Plate is given in succession with the last to shew the contrast of form,-No. II. shewing altogether less elegance of shape, being a deeper fish, having all the members more strongly and muscularly formed, and having the tail much less forked at a nearly similar period of age. The specimen is from the river Tweed, and the colours are darker and less delicate in comparison with the first ; which may in part be attributed to its being taken in the fresh water, where, however, it could not have remained long, several specimens of Caligus being still affixed to it when caught. TWEED SALMON-FLIES IN USE ABOUT THE YEAR 1780. مری را بر اساس ހައިކަން AS SY . w - اسرار لر در نورواری 52 Lieturilece cun Puni inni w ata mit SERV - 12 ch راه اررر அரைத்த U m اراک اراک را رانا or 2 Engraved by W.FI Lizars. bruns sale Hole . Lise N. Salme vabari wing on Solo Male Acte Tweed Rere Iwel in Suby reduced 13 from a Fish sya di Drawn by Sr. W" Jardine Bart a Tweed July ts. N.02. SALMO TRUTTA. Ꭲ SALMO ALBUS OF DR. FLEMING, HERLING OF THE SOLWAY. PLATE III. THE figures on this Plate are given to represent the fish of the Solway Firth to which Professor Fleming applied the name of Salmo Albus. They are young states of the migratory Trout, and the Plate should be placed, when the illustrations are completed, as continuing the series, between Nos. XI. and X. of our Second Part. The commencement of the run of this fish, or of its first return to the fresh waters, after leaving them in the dress of our Plate No. XI., takes place generally about the end of June, continues through July and the greater part of August, and during this period they are taken in great abundance, often to the overstocking of the markets. Like other species, they are subject to almost every modification in the spotting, and some are considerably darker, while others show the same sandy tint as that of the centre figure in Plate No. X. Those we have represented may be considered of the average size, and of the prevailing colour and markings. Some of these fish ascend the smaller streams, and assuming the dark scaling of the breeding season, spawn on the shallow fords; but a great proportion of them seem to remain in the pools of the larger rivers without attaining a spawning dress or state ; and they all again seek the sea at a period somewhat earlier than the Common Salmon. At this age the teeth have not yet begun to be shed from the longitudinal surface of the vomer ; but as in the young of the other migratory Trout, they are stronger and larger than those that remain in the gilse state of Salmo Salar of a similar size. a Herling or Hirling, Whiting, Phinnock, Moudie-Trout, Silverwhite, Blacktail, &c., are all provincial names given in different districts of Scotland to this state of the migratory Trouts, not including, however, of the Bull-Trout of Berwick and the Tweed. اسرار 004 LA ررررررر maar பராக Pilish etapa bost کا ازار ازرار S- umum line al DETTE www.MUNA que மருதாது with a Wha ستار در لالی minen فرار muut bur brinur by to slip gymophombru fo comp bunga Salme alles of Dr. Paning. Heeling of the Solaray Males dize of Solway Druwn by Sir Jardine Bar Engraved by W. I Lizars. yenbuy myny . SALMO FEROX. GREAT LAKE TROUT. PLATE IV. The large Trout to which the above specific designation was applied by myself and Mr. Selby, had been long previously known, and incidentally mentioned by various writers; but it was, at the same time, confounded with the large Trouts of the lakes of central Europe, and the distinguishing characters between it and Salmo Fario had not then been pointed out. In the north of Scotland it occurs in many of the larger lochs ; but, at the same time, it is rather local in its haunts. In form it is generally shorter proportionally, and deeper than large species of Salmo Fario. The dorsal fin con- tains fifteen rays, and appears to be constant in that number; in the form of the scaling it differs materially from its con- , gener, and the external epidermis is always strong and tough, the scales being therefore not easily deciduous. Like the Common Trout, it is subject to difference in colour and markings, but not to so great an extent; and the fish represented on the accompanying Plate is given as a remarkable variety, and not as the true state of the species. Two specimens were taken, during the month of June, in Loch Layghal, in Sutherlandshire, nearly of equal size and similar colours. The condition was not high, but in shape they agreed with those taken in Lochawe, Loch Rannoch, Loch Assynt, &c. Both were thickly spotted over on every part of the body with numerous black spots, which contrasted strongly with the yellowish-white tint of the lower part. In ordinary states the spots vary in size and number, but they seldom ex- tend far below the lateral line; and the colours of the high-conditioned fish, as will be shewn on our future Plates, is extremely rich and beautiful, and harmonizes with the marking. ZON ۔ . Poch Sayghal. Sutherlandshire, in Sane. Size of Seife Meght slla. Great Lake Izout Sale. Engraved by WH Lizars. Drawn by Sir Wo Jardine Bar Salme facts CiON, Treat m واة کالا ۱۱۱۹ الا الله S مار در( - سرم رررررر کی عمر کل به دری الحرب زل ور را را ho C احد انکار کر دریں۔ کرو اررر اررررررررر ریار گزار رہے را در ادراری .. و - مهر بار بار تهران برود رنگی ) و رررررر راز ازرار ناکام ماندند علي باتی SALMO FARIO. COMMON TROUT. PLATE V. LACUSTRINE VARIETIES. The very great variety to which the Common Trout of Scotland appears to be subject, has induced us to give representa- tions of several of the more remarkable states from the lochs and rivers ; and, at the same time, we shall endeavour to trace the principal causes that have an influence on their colour and different markings. A variety of distinct colour or spotting is confined sometimes to only a single loch of moderate size, while at others it ranges through a series of lochs adjoining each other. Such is the upper figure (Fig. 2) of the accompanying plate. At the lower end of Loch Assynt, in Sutherlandshire, there are numerous pieces of water of various extent, all wild and secluded in their character. The country between the loch and the coast is, in fact, a series of rocky mountainous un- dulations, every hollow or basin of which is filled with water, forming a chain of lochs, clothed on their sides and islands with the low but, in summer, rich shrubbery of the north of Scotland. These abound with Trout of the average size, and resembling that of our figure. The colours, when the fish were newly taken, were very bright; and the spotting, with slight modifications, distinct, generally round, and without any mixture of red. In waters of greater extent, again, the varieties, in different parts of the same loch, are very remarkable. Sometimes almost every bay has its “kind” of trout; and the opposite sides of an island, a few acres in extent, oftentimes affords trout very different both in markings and in quality. The lower figure on the plate (Fig. 1) is from one of the beautiful bays in Lochawe, Argyleshire, Cladich bay—one well known to the fishermen ; trout of the brilliant golden colour of the specimen, were here confined nearly to the extent of the bay; and in general the average size was from half a pound to a pound in weight. They shewed all properties of highly conditioned and well-fed fish ; were thickly formed; when hooked, were very strong and lively, and sprung frequently from the water ; when dressed, the flesh was pink and highly flavoured. eur ce mi their 2 Am Leur le farine Lanestrino mit Na Socks in Huynt Sitherlanıbhie e Lochawe Apylshie weight 14 03. 2 .. Drawn by Sir Jardine Bart Engraved by WF Izzats. Aarynt 2 O. N05 1 1 COREGONUS WILLUGH BEII. THE VENDACE OR LOCHMABEN COREGONUS. PLATE VI. The Vendace or Lochmaben Coregonus was confounded by the older, as well as modern Naturalists, with the species from the lakes of England and Wales ; and by ourselves with the C. Marænula of continental writers,—to which, however, it is nearly allied. The difficulty which there was in early times, and yet exists, of procuring specimens for comparison from different localities upon the Continent, no doubt caused this want of discrimination ; and it was not until the visit of M. Agassiz to Scotland, during the meeting of the British Association in 1832, that any suspicion was entertained of the fish being distinct from all the Coregoni known upon the Continent. The above named Ichthyologist, however, considered it as unknown in central Europe ; and the specific appellation under which it now stands, was then given to it to endeavour to bring the works of our earliest systematic Ichthyologists more frequently to our recollections. * The same circumstances which caused the confusion between this and the other species of Coregoni in Britain, Ireland, and the Continent, tended to lay down for it a geographical range of considerable extent. This, however, according to all our present information, seems to be equally erroneous. M. Agassiz, .as we have stated, considers it unknown in central Europe, and so far as we have any authentic record, the series of lochs in the vicinity of Lochmaben, in Dumfriesshire, are its only ascertained locality in the world. * In the vicinity of Lochmaben, the Vendace has long been a fish celebrated as a delicacy for the table, which its restricted locality, and the difficulty of procuring, still more enhances. Like the greater number, or perhaps all its congeners, it is gregarious, living in shoals, and approaching the margins of the lochs particularly about the end of summer or in autumn, when it is advancing to the state for depositing spawn. They are taken by nets having a small mesh; the fishing of some days being remarkable for success, while in others a few are with difficulty obtained. They have been tried to be introduced into one or two artificial pieces of water, but hitherto without much success; and although they have lived for months, they have never kept in condition or bred. This may be attributed principally to the absence of proper food, which, in their native waters, is extremely abundant, and consists chiefly of various Entomostraca, for feeding on which the structure of the mouth and gills are beautifully adapted ; the other British species feed more indiscriminately ; but those minute animals, and occasionally small insects, constitute almost the sole sustenance of the Vendace. The colours we have endeavoured to represent on our Plate, and they do not seem subject to much variation; when taken from the lochs adjoining to the Castle Loch, where the bottom is mossy, they are of a darker tint above, and incline more to yellowish-brown on the under parts. * We have been unable to ascertain its presence in Bassenthwaite, Cumberland, as stated by Mr. W. Green. The specimen alluded to in the Keswick Museum we have not examined. See Edinburgh Journal of Natural Science, iii. p. 173. The specimen mentioned by Dr. Richardson as taken in the Solway, may have found its way thither in the same manner that the species of Wales and Ireland are occasionally carried by the rivers to the sea. On ma Www 7 od 3 nac Thermos > بورا wild ANAK HO www dia mi اررر( ازر(( vouw will مرگ حرر امر Slui در دیر Can w nina ce رررررررر bergu wachte racco انار Na رررررررر وداد الي then mor Greu ем, котор Emming and LUM w Muir Bregenus Villaghhen Pudarce on Lehmaban Crona , Castle Roche Pochmaben. Dumfrieshire in Sane Engraved by W.Il Lizars Dream by.1r WmJardine Bart No 6. SALMO SALAR. THE COMMON SALMON OF THE BRITISH WATERS. PLATE VII. ADULT MALE IN THE BREEDING STATE. It is now well known that the higher classes of animals, and particularly birds, assume different appearances at various ages. The changes at the period of incubation are very remarkable in the latter,--so much so, that one in the nuptial dress has been with difficulty recognised to be the same bird when procured in its winter plumage. The same changes are be- coming known to occur regularly, and in a manner very marked, among many groups of fishes. The typical Salmon ex- hibit these both in the change of the form, and in the glittering hues of the high conditioned and healthy fish being supplanted by tints of brilliant scarlet or orange, accompanied by blue and yellow, or by more sombre shades of grey and dull black. On leaving the sea and ascending the rivers, the Common Salmon very soon loses the brilliant silvery lustre, and the rich velvet black colour of the spots which contrast so beautifully with it. A few days will partially cause these to appear dull; and in from three to five weeks, the colouring becomes dark, with a great part of the silvery tints faded, while the spots become more obscure and less contrasted. As the season advances, the upper parts assume a brownish colour, the gill covers and under jaw turn dark, and are tinted with yellow or greenish-yellow, and dull brownish patches begin more or less to cover the sides ; when the spawn enlarges these markings increase in depth and brilliancy, and when that state is com- plete the fish appears as we have tried to represent it. At the same periods do the parts of the head begin to lengthen, the fins to thicken, and the back to shew a more arched outline, from the deposition of a kind of cartilaginous substance, which at the full development in a fish of the size of our specimen would reach from half to three quarters of an inch in depth upon the back, and gives that rounded and sharp appearance peculiar to this season. This deposition seems analogous to the increase or deposit of fat upon those animals which pass a portion of their year in a state of torpidity or hybernation; or to the high condition which deer, and many other ruminants attain, previous to the commencement of the rutting season. In the salmon it is very quickly absorbed after the process of spawning has been accomplished, and is a provision to supply the loss from exhaustion during a period when little food or nourishment can be obtained. On the plate to which our description refers, we have endeavoured to represent the Adult Male Salmon of the British Waters, of the form and colours assumed during the height of the spawning season, and before any exhaustion has taken place. The figure is reduced from a fish of between sixteen and seventeen pounds in weight, one of sixteen taken in the month of December, from a pool in the river Annan. The whole of these fish were nearly in the same condition. The females just ready to deposit their spawn, being scarcely less brilliant in colouring, but presenting more apparent symmetry, from their rounder form, and comparatively less change in the shape of the head and dorsal outline. The colouring, when newly taken from the river, was beautiful beyond description, and is not to be conveyed by any representation ; independent of the brighter tints and rich purplish-grey running along the lateral line, the whole body was, as it were, glazed over with a delicate crimson-pink, changing and fading with the life of the fish. ار River Annan in December, reduced one third. Sulmo Salar. Adult Hal in Toreding Statu. Drawn by Sir W.Jardine Barret Ingraved by WH Lizars برگ ecen دوه C و ة - و - ) مه مررت بها) این برنامه شاد رد ارررررر .در کیا اور اس ooo * :وزیر را به ما می سرعة اوای رررررررر اسی زرر رسم د سها) ارا wie in una menu 2. ،،، اررررر و ノノリリー ​تی ترک در به علی زرداری اس اور امریکا را در امور ایران بری زیر است سر سے میری همسر امير من تل را را دارند در دریا بر این کار لا کر نے کی ) را بر سر مرد در دوره زن زن زن و 33 زیرمیز ریمار و Desa با) میرے لیے مرور زمان دیدار و 28 دی سمس مررررر ہے ہیں اور کرم کد در ایران .. مر را بالا اس کیا اور اس ( سرکار 1 اور اله ار اكرر اسرار 1( 773 سالومه سید rrrrr 1 1 1 SALMO SALA R. THE COMMON SALMON OF THE BRITISH WATERS. YOUNG OR GILSE. PLATE VIII. From the large size of the meshes of the nets used in the Salmon Fisheries, Gilses are very seldom taken in the sea or estuaries under the weight of a pound and a half. The transition state, therefore, between the Fry in the migratory dress, as it leaves the fresh waters, and its return as the Gilse of the usual size on their first run, becomes very interesting. a , The specimen represented on this Plate was taken in the stake-nets on the Solway, belonging to J. Irving, Esq. of Newbie, in the end of June, and is considered as having been for a short time only in the sea, after the assumption of the complete migratory dress. The scales were very easily deciduous, the colours extremely delicate, and all external traces of red spotting or of the dark bars were obliterated; but upon holding the skin between the eye and the light, the position of the latter were plainly distinguished. The dark colour of the inner surface of the pectoral fins is very strongly marked. In the adult states of the British migratory Salmon, the teeth do not run along the whole length of the vomer; and in Salmo Salar which has attained a weight of from three to six pounds, they are placed on the expanded anterior part of the bone. In the young of all they run along the whole length, but soon after their change of dress they are in part lost In the fish which served for our figure, they still partially existed—a few having been cast, which still more in- creases the interest of the specimen, as marking the time when this change commences to take place. or shed. A second specimen was obtained a few days later, of the weight of six and a half ounces, which confirmed what has been stated in regard to that represented. հավաքականապես Peke Nels of the Solway Fithe doze of در دو را دارد و از اینور اور اداکار کا ایک اور رود ° . the time by Sir Wardine Part Engraved In WH Liars Gise Salmo Salar. Goung or Bike Male. puan کاری اور اور ایک چی dewrepen nin ur بی ماہر ter El ܫܢ www um MM اور میری در مدار را دارد و در بازار با کارگر را تر umuman STITUT wwwwww Мили, meine ha ازرار مدارس اور را اساس کار کار در بازار کار //// بسیاری از اسم یاسر را در محرم اسرار را با نمره من الموارد اسرار اور اور مها میرا mar umuhun درر السيد سردار کاربران دربی را از سراسر w HT SALMO TRUTTA. SEA-TROUT OF THE SOLWAY. PLATE IX. On this Plate is represented a state of the Solway Sea-Trout of its natural size, still more advanced than those figured on No. X. From this, its high conditioned or sea state, no material change in form afterwards takes place; but it attains a larger size, the fork of the tail becomes even more filled up, and the proportions are thicker and more muscular. The figure is given as representing the general form and the average size of the species in the Solway. It should be observed in quoting our Plates, that the scientific names must be understood without reference to syno- nymes. These will be endeavoured to be wrought out in our extended volume of letter-press; it may be sufficient to mention here, that the Salmo Trutta of several continental Ichthyologists does not refer to the fish now figured ; while the Salmo Trutta of M. Agassiz is referable to a species not migratory at all, but to a fish inhabiting the lakes of central Europe, and hitherto not distinguished as a native of Britain. GoN را از ما خواهد کرد و از من بر de inte sobre as so dag voz hepe nur yng hamp 2017 / 11 / // // / بررسی را اررر ررررررر ارت اسرار۔ ۱۱۶ سراسر بے ( ( مرررر ( راد دستررررر در « بررساره من ست وتتم در سی سی درد سر نه تنها ماندن به تیر 1391 (135 یا سرہ مرمر مرمت نییه عملية (۸۸) ۱۴۱ (7) (') (") تالار فرد ( ( در ۲۱دلار را رر رررررررررر ( ( ( را در رز اللاب مرمر ل رر محمد سعد ار در هر ری - ارادر ۔ نیاں بها مہ اور سات سما از اسارت را ہے۔ سررر دلیل انی کار ارزد - انا لگا رررررررررره او ارور whe سرا سے - لم دارد در رده میں نہیں متر مهرماه در رالر مرا رمز w می زرسالار ررر ۔ ( کند سے دو روز را از AN ورزد مارت ازرار ناررررنا ء ادر ار رسم اورال لی ني الملقي الة (انم سید لا (N وها از زمی SALMO TRUTTA. SEA-TROUT OF THE SOL WAY. PLATE X. This Plate should follow No. III. of our first part, as a continuation of the series. The two large figures are representa- tions of a more advanced state of those on the plate above alluded to ; and, either in its rivers or in the Solway Firth, would receive the appellation of “Trout,” or “ Sea-Trout." " They are the prevailing fish which, around the western shores of Scotland are known by the same name, in some places being also called “ White Trout.” The most distant figure is the ordinary appearance of the species when newly taken, shewing a deep blueish-grey above, shading into silvery-white, and tinted with blue and pink. a The large figure in front is that of a variety not uncommon, known to the fishermen of the Solway by the name of “ Sandbacks," from the brown and sandy-colour of the back and upper parts ; in other respects, they do not seem to vary much from the first, though we have thought that the spotting was generally less crowded, and that the lower fins were of a paler tint, arising, most probably from the same cause which influences the variation of colour. The teeth are still partly persistent along the length of the vomer. وو It The small or centre figure on this plate is known to fishermen of the Solway under the name of “ Moudie-Trout. is not of very frequent occurrence, and is easily distinguished by its more symmetrical make, the smaller head, and the body becoming more slender towards the tail. It appears to be the young of the fish which prevails on the eastern side of the island, or the state analogous to that which the Solway Herling bears to the subjects of our Plates Nos. IX. and X. Its series will be represented in the remaining parts. ان 27 nun by Sir: Jardine Bart Solway Firth in Sine Size of Life Sea ? Su-Trout of the Holiday, Sesi Salino Avulia. //// Frutta برداری از کار بردن ارز را دارد اما ہے وہ یہ ہے ح و مرورات زار و ک ماريا سے کررہے یکسی ad خبر در سرور اور سم بررس سے بے "ماج inns سم ހަހަހަހަހަހަހަހަ مرد اور رررر باشد اور امام به اسم ، مرمر به سر بره مسیر ۔۔ اما امر کرم مرمرمرم دراما - کی مهر و 11!! . در مدل المرار ليررر سها د. ما دور سے مالا ہے۔ سیاسی اور اس کا انکار کیا اور وہ شکلک میرے سے دوره ای دوم مراسم mar read more on تایل و عموم مردم مدي ، رحمه.. اااااللله ماهير Zaur ulls فر روایت کی ہے۔ تا شر ام 6 ها ما - اد ht و او را از از رشته ) ار پیرم و را را بار بار {, است مرور ،ار الريال بواب درست در امروز در مرارارا رامے ، اسی موس ۱۱ دل درد در در سراسر 加 ​نام )VN ((( او د انوار الامارارلي لاد اور ام) دری(مدرسة سہ سموم مار کر و در بارداری از از رررر MEDE - - Se mer - ////////// SALMO TRUTTA. YOUNG STATES OF THE SEA TROUT OF THE SOLWAY. PLATE XI. The young states of our Migratory Salmon have been long wrapped in obscurity; and although Annual Migrations of small fishes were observed, and some were said to be the Fry or young of the Salmon and Sea Trout, the proof still remained wanting that such was really the fact. The experiments of Mr. Shaw of Drumlanrig decided several of the questionable points ; and we are indebted to his kindness for some of the most interesting subjects for this Plate. Mr. Shaw, after his successful breeding of the young Salmon, turned his attention to the young states of the Sea Trout of the Solway ; and having procured fish in a breeding condition, treated them in a similar way to that which he has detailed in his papers on the development of the young Salmon, and he has succeeded in hatching and rearing the young of Salmo Trutta. a a The results of Mr. Shaw's experiments have been obtained from two pairs of fishes. In the Vignette below, the small specimen represents the young at the age of three months, from fish of a size and age nearly similar to the large figures on our Plate No. X. The fish next in size is still more advanced, and the large specimen, ten months old, exhibits the state where the spotting and colours preceding the migratory dress are nearly completely developed. Upon the Plate No. XI. Fig. 1, represents the produce of a pair of fishes nearly equal in size to that of Plate No. IX. at the age of rather more than fifteen months. At Fig. 2 is figured what we consider to be states of the same fish from the river Annan, just before the migratory dress is completely assumed. In both these there is a strong resemblance to the young of Salmo Fario ; and the dark marking of the Dorsal Fin, which was considered as a specific character in the Common Trout, is very distinctly seen in all the gradations. The specimens engraved at Fig. 3 were procured in the Solway stake-nets in the month of June, and are considered as still farther advanced states of the same species. The smaller figure has not lost entirely its river dress, and retains , the red spots; while the larger fish has nearly completed its new or migratory appearance, but still retains a trace of one or two red spots ;-in both the Dorsal Fins have lost their distinct river markings. This Plate, with the Vignette, should be placed antecedent to Plate No. III. Se vo 0000 Hoang Hats of SFrutta from M: Saws Penedes 7 2 < x > 3 un 4. Salmo trutta. Pung offs Wents bred in Melbas fonds 2 Counpolatas Utegratory bout hower Annan snillay 1. 3 Coung Master of Miripeatony trout Colony Sath in Some n. Dammbylandene Bart. O Solomon SALMO FARIO. THE COMMON TROUT. PLATE XII. LACUSTRINE VARIETIES. THE Trouts represented on this Plate exhibit different, but not uncommon, varieties from one loch of limited extent, Loch Skene, in the upper district of Dumfriesshire, situate at a considerable elevation, probably the highest piece of water in the south of Scotland; and, on account of the Fall, “ The Grey Mare’s Tail,” possessing no possible communication upwards from the sea. The specimen seen in front of the Plate is a common and very beautiful variety ; and shews that kind of marking very frequent among Trout of the smaller Alpine lochs, of a large dark or red spot being placed in a pale or clear surrounding field ; these are often very large, and the principal part of the spotting is confined to the centre of the body. The fish im- mediately behind was of a greyer tint, the spots large, but comparatively few: and that on the back part of the group has the marking more broken and irregular, with little proportion of red interspersed, and resembles some of the more frequent river varieties of Trout. All the specimens have the black and white bands on the dorsal fin very clear and distinct. TON اور Poch Shene Dumpishire Size of Sple. Salmo Fanio. Lacustune varieties N29 . و کار و امور ایرانی در / در زیر 1/2/7/3 لررلر روتر lue و مررررت ميرا سر ( / روز مرد کی مرام لديه اور درد >)))))) ترمه الر کو مار مار کر مدرس ۔ کیخ کی؟ کیه ۱۱۱, - مدرسه اهده ( نو لا در در دور ور نرال اندر وی که از مربرد . مه ار مرا به ما نه می محمد ( و اني شراره ارایه Porn stus ایده ام کمر درد داده می رفتن " در دور اور اس . 10 دل کی دوره ۶ ،، . nur CC Wish اداره با اWW//- مرے ررررر Bekreterare رررررررررررر برد درس وادر ((( وير م م م ((((((((((((((( مرررررردررالله مرررر رررررر اگر آرتر در مراسم بیان کر دیا اور ان روز اور ان کا کرارا اور تعلیمی در راه ، راز، در نامه pa やら​な​いいいい ​7- 0 و 342 காயாமா مو الفارس سندرم سا وبمرور ل ور ولا ارماری ها به اگر زد کو گرم در ساری مراسماله به دور کا ماه 8 a coach French رررر اس سے ارد در " . مره مار وه، اصل امر و حی ودیا با رررررر هزار راس داد رووداو - دورا ای از و فریزر له البررررررر پر از مردار اور ان الامر mer woord مورد ليه به ۰۰۰۰۰ سال اور مالی و سراسری رفتار زنند اگر در روز مانده را در کی زیر را پراسرا in ای در کارزار///// جنس سے مولا مررره اما در فدرر الولدنا از عمار یاسررررردرا لاج بر ااوربرار النون مرا دندان(۱( والوان ( روایتی غزل، از کلیدی ' براتور از زیر( مهلا ا ا ملکیر کی ریکی نمای umur NA بود که مرد بوی بدون وجه این مدل در امام به وارد mine و امیہ 2 سیرت ser Portfolio 84 71 679 AA A 30 ? 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