University of Michiñan Libraries 1 817 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS FAMILY HERBAL, THE OR AN ACCOUNT OF ALL THOSE ENGLISH PLANTS, WHICH ARE REMARKABLE FOR THEIR VIRTUES, AND OF THE DRUGS WHICH ARE PRODUCED BY Vegetables of other countries; WITH THEIR DESCRIPTIONS AND THEIR USES, AS PROVED BY EXPERIENCE. ALSO Directions for the gathering and use; receipts for making distilled preserving roots, herbs, flowers, and waters, conserves, syrups, electus- seeds; the various methods of pre- ries, juleps, draughts, &c. &c. with serving these simples for present necessary cautions in giving them, INTENDED FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES. BY SIR JOHN HILL, M, D. P. R. A. OF SCIENCES AT BOURDEAUX EMBELLISHED WITH FIFTY-FOUR COLOURED PLATES. BUNGAY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY C. BRIGHTLY AND CO PUBLISHED ALSO BY T. KINNERSLIX. 1812. JASOHYGIMAS еті ао е ЕТИКА 19 2110 море 2uTлі і досі 2avтлі яе 2001 Museums QK 99 ". H65 rrent Transf. To то 630 M Museums 8-8-61 BORIS book PREFACE. VO od stro sd asdan bir u 8 gang SANY books have been written upon the saine subject with this, but if one of them had treated it in the same manner, this would have been rendered unnecessary, and would never have employed the at- tention of its author. It is his opinion, that the true end of science is use; and in this view, the present work has been undertaken. It appears to him a matter of more consequence, and a subjection of more satisfaction, to have discovered the virtues of one herb unknown before, than to have disposed into their proper classes sixteen thousand ; nay, so far will a sense of utility get the better of the pride of mere curiosity, that he should suppose this a thing preferable to be said of him, to the having dis- covered some unknown species; to having picked from the bottom of some pond an undescribed con- ferva ; or to having fetched, from the most remote parts of the world, a kind of tree moss, with heads larger than those at home. It grievės a man of public spirit and humanity, to see those things which are the means alone of the advantages of mankind studied, while in the end that advantage itself is forgotten. And in this view he will regard a CULPEPPER as respectable person than a LINNÆUS or a Dille- а more MUS. 3071 That Botany is an useful study is plain ; be a 2 20.1991 iv. PREFACE. cause it is in vain that we know betony is good for head-achs, or self-heal for wounds, unless we can distinguish betony and self-heal from one another, and so it runs through the whole study. We are taught by it to know what plants belong to what names, and to know that very distinctly; and we shall be prevented by that knowledge from giving a purge for an astringent, a poison for a remedy ; let us therefore esteem the study of botany, but let us know, that this use of the dis- tinctions it gives is the true end of it; and let us respect those, who employ their lives in establish- ing those distinctions upon the most certain foun- dation, upon making them the most accurately, and carrying them the farthest possible: these are the botanists ; but with all the gratitude we owe them for their labours, and all the respect we shew them on that consideration, let us under- stand then as but the seconds in this science. The principal are those who know how to bring their discoveries to use, and can say what are the ends that will be answered by those plants, which they have so accurately distinguished. The boy col- lects the specimens of herbs with great care, and bestows ten years in pasting them upon pa- per, and writing their names to them: he does well. When he grows a man, he neglects his . useful labours ; and perhaps despises himself for the misemployment of so much tine: but if he has, to the knowledge of their forms, added after- ward the study of their virtues, he will be far from censuring himself for all the pains he took to that end. He who wishes well to science and to man- kind, must wish this matter understood : and this is the way to bring a part of knowledge into cre- dit, which, as it is commonly practised, is not a PREFACE. zot above the studies of a raiser of tulips or a carnation fancier. When we consider the study of plants, as the search of remedies for diseases, we see it in the light of one of the most honourable sciences in the world : in this view, no pains are too great to have been bestowed in its acquirement; and in this intent, the principal regard ought to be had to those of our own growth. The foreign plants brought into our stoves with so much ex. pense, and kept there with so much pains, may fill the eye with empty wonder : but it would be more to the honour of the possessor of them, to have found out the use of one common berb at home, than to have enriched our country with an hundred of the others. Nay, in the eye of rea- son, this ostentatious study is rather a reproach. Why should he, who has not yet informed himself thoroughly of the nature of the meanest herb which grows in the next ditch, ransack the earth for foreign wonders ? Does he not fall under the same reproach with the generality of those, who travel for their improvement, while they are igno- rant of all they left at home; and who are ridiculous in their inquiries concerning the laws and govern- ment of other countries, while they are not able to give a satisfactory answer to any question which re- gards their own ? I have said thus much to obviate the censures of those, to whom an inquiry into the virtues of herbs may seem the province of a woman. It is an honour to the sex that they have put our studies to use ; but it would be well, if we had done so ourselves ; or if, considering that they might, we had made our writings more intelligible to them. The intent of words is to express our meaning : . 1 vi. PREFACE. writings are published that they may he under- stood, and in this branch, I shall always suppose he writes best, who is to be understood most uni. versally. Now so far are we from having had this point in view in botany, that more new and more strange words have been introduced into it, than into all the sciences together, and so remarkable is the SwedE before mentioned, LINNÆUS, for this, that a good scholar, nay the best scholar in the world, shall not be able to understand three lines together in his best writings, although they are written in latin, a language in which he is ever sọ familiar. The author has not been at the pains to explain his new words himself, but refers his reader to nature ; he bids him seek them in the flowers, where he found them. We see, that the most curious botanists have not concerned themselves about the virtues of plants at all; that many of the others who have written well on plants, have thought it no part of their subject ; let us examine the others; those who are of less repute. If we look into the English Herbals in particular, we find them large upon that subject; indeed they are too large by much. They say so many things, that we know not which of them to credit; and therefore in the uncertainty, we credit none of them. There is not the most trifling herb, which they do not make a remedy for almost all diseases. We may therefore as well take one plant for any case as another; and the whole of their labours amount to this, that the English herbs are full of virtues, but that they know not what they are. When knowledge is perplexed with unintelligi- ble terms, and the memory of the student con- founded with a multiplicity of names; when the ignorant only, who have written concerning plants, PREFACE. vii. have given themselves any trouble about their virtues ; when physic is becoming entirely chymi- cal, and a thousand lives are thrown away daily by these medicines, which might be saved by a better practice ; it appeared a useful undertaking, to sepa- . rate the necessary from the frivolous knowledge ; and to lay before those who are inclined to do good to their distressed fellow-creatures, all that it is neces- sary for them to know of botany for that purpose, and that in the most familiar manner; and to add do this, what experience has confirmed of the many things written by others concerning their virtues. This is the intent of the following work. The plants are arranged according to the English alphabet, that the English reader may know where to find them : they are called hy one name only in English, and one in Latin and these are their most familiar names in those languages ; no natts what CASPAR, or JOHN BAUCHINE, or LINY TIS call them, they are here set down by those names by which every one speaks of them in English ; and the Latin name is added, under which they will be found in every dictionary. To this, is suhjoined a general description of the plant, if it be a common in a line or two, that those who already know it, may turn at once to the uses; and for such as do not, a farther and more particular account is added. Last come the virtues, as they are confirmed by prac- tice: and all this is delivered in such words as are common, and to be understood by all. Every thing that is superfluous is omitted, that the useful part may remain upon the memory : and to all this is prefixed, in a large introduc- tion, whatsoever can be necessary to complete the good intentions of the charitable in this way. There are rules for gathering and preserving herbs, and their several parts, directions for making such pre- one, Vill. PREFACE. parations from them, as can conveniently be pre- pared in families, and general admonitions and cautions in their respective uses. If I could have thought of any thing farther, that could tend to the making the book more useful, I should have added it ; as it is, the candid reader is desired to accept it, as written with a real view to be of service to mankind. INTRODUCTION. CONTAINING GENERAL RULES FOR THE GATHERING AND PRESERVING HERBS, ROOTS, BARKS, SEEDS, AND FLOWERS; TOGETHER WITH THE METHODS OF MAKING SUCH PREPARATIONS FROM THEM, FROM THEM, AS MAY BEST RETAIN THEIR VIRTUES, OR BE MOST USEFUL TO BE KEPT IN FAMILIES. ad CHAP. I. The design and purpose of this work, and the me- thod observed in it. TH THE intent of the author in publishing this book, is to inform those who live in the country, and are desirous of being useful to their families and friends, or charitable to the poor in the relief of their disorders, of the virtues of those plants which grow wild about them : that they may be able to supply this necessary assis- tance, in places where apothecaries are not at hand; and that they may be able also to do it without putting themselves to the expense of medicines of price, when the common herbs, that mav be a ii. INTRODUCTION. . had for gathering, will answer the same pur- pose. However, as there are cases, in which more help may be had from drugs brought from abroad than from any thing we can procure at home, an account of those roots, barks, seeds, gums, and other veget- able productions, kept by the druggists and apothe- caries, is also added, and of the several trees and ; plants from which they are obtained ; together with their virtues This work. therefore, will tend to instruct those charitable ladies who may be desirous of giving this great relief to the afflicted poor in their neigh- bourhood, and to remind apothecaries of what they had before studied : but the first mentioned purpose is by much the most useful, and the most considerable, and for this reason the greatest regard is paid to it. The plants are disposed in the alphabet, ac: cording to their English names, that they may be turned to the more readily ; and an account is given, in two or three lines, of their general as- pect and place of growth, that those who in part know them already, may understand them at once : if they are not perfectly. known from this, a more particular description is added, by observing which, they cannot be mistaken or confounded with any others; and after this follow, not only their virtues, as others are content to set them down, but the part of each plant which contains them in most perfection is named, and the manner in which they may best be given. With regard to the virtues of plants, it has been the custom to attribute too many to most of them : so much is said more than the truth on these oc- casions, that those who would be informed, know INTRODUCTION. iii. not what they should believe. This is more cau- tiously regulated here. The real virtues alone are set down, as they are assured by experience: and the principal of these are always set in the most conspicuous light. Perhaps it may be allow- ed the author, to speak with more ass urance than others of these things, because he has been accus- tomed to the practice of physic in that way. Very few things are named here that he has not seen tri- ed; and if some are set down, which other wri- ters have not named, and some, of which they have said most, are slightly mentioned, it is owing to the same experience which has added to the cata- logue in some things, and has found it too great for truth in others. Nature has, in this country, and doubtless also in all others, provided, in the herbs of its own growth, the remedies for the several diseases to which it is most subject; and although the addi- tion of what is brought from abroad, should not be supposed superfluous, there is no occasion that it should make the other neglected. This has been the consequence of the great respect shewn to the others; and besides this, the present use of chemical preparations has almost driven the whole of galenical medicine out of our minds. To restore this more safe, more gentle, and often more efficacious part of medicine to its na- tural credit, has been one great intent in the wri- ting this treatise; and it is the more necessary for the service of those, who are intended most to be directed in this matter, since this is much less dangerous than the other : nay, it is hard to say, that this is dangerous at all, in most in- stances. The apothecaries are apt, in their unfeeling mockery, to say, they are obliged to the good in. INTRODUCTION Jadies who give medicines to their sick neigh- bours, for a great deal of their business ; for out of little disorders they make great ones. This may be the case where their shops supply the means; for chemical medicines, and some of the drugs brought from abroad, are not to be trusted with those who have not great experience ; but there will be no danger of this kind, when the fields are the supply. This is the medicine of na- ture, and as it is more efficacious in most cases; it is more safe in all. If opium may be danger- ous in an unexperienced hand, the lady who will give in its place a syrup of the wild lettuce, (a plant not known in common practice at this time, but recommended from experience in this treatise,) will find that it will ease pain, and that it will cause sleep, in the manner of that foreign drug, but she will never find any ill consequences from it: and the same might be said in many other in- stances. Bilo As the descriptions in this work, very readily distinguish what are the real plants ihat should be used, the great care will remain, in what man- ner to gather and preserve, and in what man- ner to give them ; it will be useful to add a chap- ter or two on those heads. As to the former, I would have it perfectly understood, because a great deal depends upon it; the latter cannot easily be mis- taken. Having displaced the drugs brought from abroad in a great measure from this charitable practice, I would have every lady, who has the spirit of this true benevolence, keep a kind of druggist's shop of her own : this should be sup- plied from the neighbouring fields, and from her garden. There is no reason the drugs should not be as well preserved, and as carefully laid up, و INTRODUCTION as if the product of a different climate, though the use of the fresh plants will in general be best when they can be had. As there are some which will not retain their virtues in a dried state, and can be met with only during a small part of the year ; it will be pro- per to add the best methods of preserving these in some way, according to the apothecary's man- ner; and these chapters, with that which shall lay down the method of making the preparations from them for ready service, will be sufficient to lead to the perfect use of the medicines of our own growth: and it will be found upon experi- ence, that those who sufficiently know how to make a proper use of these, need seldom have recourse to any others. CHAP. II. THE Concerning the methods of collecting and preserv- ing plants and parts of them for use. HE virtues of different plants residing princi- pally in certain parts of them, and those different according to the nature of the herb, these several parts are to be selected, and the rest left; and these are in some to be used fresh and just gathered ; in others, either necessity, or the natural preference, make it proper to dry and pre- serve them. In some only the leaves are to be used ; in others the whole plant cut from the root : in others the flowers only ; in others the fruits ; in others the seeds; in some the roots ; and of some trees vi. INTRODUCTION. tlfe barks ; some the woods; and only the excreg. ences of others : while some vegetables are to be used entire, whether it be fresh gathered, or dried and preserved. Of all these, instances will be given in great number in the following sheets, and the matter will be specified under each article, as the part of the plant to be used will always be named ; and it will be added whether it be best fresh, or best or necessarily dried or otherwise preserved; but it will be proper in this place to enter into the full examination of this matter, to save unnecessary repetitions under the several particular articles, The whole of most plants native of our coun- try, dies off in winter, except the root ; and in many that perishes also, leaving the species to be renewed from the fallen seeds. When the whole plant dies, the root is seldom of any virtue ; but when the root remains many years, and sends up new shoots in the spring, it commonly has great virtue. This may be a general rule : for there is very little to be expected in the roots of annual plants : their seeds, for the most part, contain their greatest virtues. In others, the root lives through the winter, and there arise from it large leaves in the spring, be- fore the stalks appear. These are to be distinguish- ed from those which afterwards grow on the stalk, for they are more juicy, and for many purposes much better. In the same manner, some plants, from their seeds dropped in autumn, produce a root and leaves which stand all the winter, and the stalk does not rise till the succeeding spring. These are of the nature of those leaves, which rise from the root of other plants before the stalks in spring; and are in the same manner to be dis- tinguished from those which grow upon the stalks : INTRODUCTION. vii. were as it they have the full nourishment from the root, whereas the others are starved by the growth of the stalk and its branches, and the preparations made by nature for the flowers and seeds; which are the great purpose of nature, as they are to con- tinue the plant. For this reason, when the leaves of any plant are said to be the part fittest for use, they are not to be taken from the stalk, but these large ones growing from the root are to be chosen ; and these where there is no stalk, if that can be ; for then only they are fullest of juice, and have their com- plete virtue; the stalk running away with the nourishment from them. This is so much done in some plants, that although the leaves growing from the root very vigorous before the stalk grew up, they die and wither rises. When the juice of the leaves of any plant is required, these are the leaves from which it is to be pressed : when they are ordered in decoction, notice is always taken in this book, whether they be best fresh or dried ; if fresh, they should be just gathered for the occasion ; they should be cut up close from the root, and only shook clean, not washed ; for in many, that carries off a part of the virtue : they are to be cut into the pot. If they are to be dried, the same caution is to be used; and they are best dried, by spreading them upon the floor of the room, with the windows open ; often turning them. When thoroughly dried, they should be put into a drawer, pressing them close down, and covered with paper. When the entire plant is to be used except the root, care is to be taken that it be gathered at a pro- per season. Nature in the whole growth of plants, tends to the production of their flowers and seeds, viii. INTRODUCTION. و but when they are ripe, the rest begins to decay, having done its duty; so that the time when the en- tire plant is in its most full perfection, is when it is in the bud ; when the heads are formed for flowering, but not a single flower has yet disclosed itself : this is the exact time. When herbs are to be used fresh, it is best not to take them entire, but only to cut off the tops ; three or four inches long, if for infusion, and if for other purposes, less : if they are to be beaten up with sugar, they should be only an inch, or less; just as far as they are fresh and tender. The tops of the plant thus gathered, are al- ways preferable to the whole plant for immediate use When the entire herb is to be dried, the season for gathering it is to be as just described, when the flowers are budding; and the time of the day must be when the morning dew is dried away. This is a very material circumstance, for if ney be cut wet with the dew, herbs will not dry well, and if they be cut at noon day, when the sun has made the leaves flag, they will not have their full power. Care must also be taken to cut them in a dry day; for the wet of rain will do a much harm, as that of dew. When the herbs are thus gathered, they are to be looked over, the decayed leaves picked off, and the dead ends of the stalks cut away: they are then to be tied up in small bunches, (the less the better,) and hung upon lines drawn across a room, where the windows and doors are to be kept open in good weather ; the bunches are to be half a foot asunder, and they are to hang till perfectly dry. They are then to be taken softly down, without shaking off the buds of the flow- INTRODUCTION ix, ers, and laid evenly in a drawer, pressing them down, and covering them with paper. They are thus ready for infusions and decoctions, and are better for dis- tillation than when fresh. The flowers of plants are principally used fresh, though several particular kinds retain their virtue very well dried; they are on these different occasions to be treated differently. Lavender flowers, and those of stocha, keep very well ; they are therefore to be preserved dry ; the lavender flowers are to be stripped off the stalks, husk and all together, and spread upon the floor of a room to dry. The stoechas flowers are to be preserved in the whole head; this is to be cut off from the top of the stalk, and dried in the same manner : when dry, they are to be kept as the herbs. When rosemary flowers are dried, they are ge- nerally taken with some of the leaves about them, and this is very right, for the leaves retain more virtue than the flowers. Some dry borage, bu- gloss, and cowslips, hut they retain very little virtue in that condition. Rose buds are to be dried, and to this purpose, their white heads are to be cut off ; and the full blown flowers may be preserved in the same manner. The red rose is always meant, when we speak of the dried flowers. For the rest of the flowers used in medicine, they are best fresh ; but as they remain only a small part of the year in that state, the method is to preserve them in the form of syrups and Such as the syrup of- cloves and pop- pies, the conserves of cowslips, and the like. Of these, a short general account shall be subjoined, that nothing may be wanting to make this book b conserves. INTRODUCTION. as useful for families, as the nature of such an one will admit. Among the fruits of plants, several are to be used fresh, as the hip for conserve, and the quince, mulberry, and black currant; from the juices of which, syrups are made. As to those which are to be dried, as the juniper berries, the bay berries, and the like, they are only to be ga- thered when just ripening, not when quite mel- low, and spread upon a table or floor, often turning them till they are dry. But of these we use very few of our own growth; most of the fruits used in medicine are brought from abroad, and must be purchased of the druggist or apothe- cary. With respect to the seeds and plants, it is otherwise : many of them are of our own growth, : and nothing is so easy as to preserve them. These are all to be used dry; but nature has in a man- ner dried them to our hands : for they are not to be gathered till perfectly ripe, and then they need very little farther care. They are only to be spread for three or four days upon a clean floor, where the air has free passage, but where the sun does not come; and they are then ready to be put up. The seeds used in medicine, may be referred to three general kinds. They They either grow in naked heads or umbels, as in fennel, parsley, and the like ; or in pods, as in mustard and cresses ; or in large fleshy fruits, as in melon and cu- cumbers. In each case they must be left upon the plant till perfectly ripe ; then they are only to be shook from the heads upon the floor, or if in pods, a smart stroke or two of the plant upon the floor, when they are thoroughly ripe, - will INTRODUCTION. xi. dislodge them. In the other case, the fruit must be cut open, and they must be taken out from among the wet matter, separated from the mem- branes that are about them, and spread upon a table, in a dry place, where they must be of ten turned and rubbed as they grow dry, that in the end they may be perfectly dry and clean. Among the roots a great many are to be used fresh, but a greater number are best dried. The black and white briony, the arum, and some others, lose all their virtues in drying; and many that retain some, yet lose the greater part of it: there are others which are excellent both fresh and dried, as the marshmallow and some more. As to the few which lose their virtue entirely in drying, it will be best to keep some of them always in the garden, that they may be taken up as they are wanted. The others are to be managed according to their several natures, and they do a great deal toward the furnishing this druggist's shop, which should be filled with medicines, the produce of our own country. The best season for gathering roots for drying is in the earlier part of the spring : what nature does for plants when they are just going to flower, she does for roots when the leaves are just going to bud : the juices are rich, fresh, and full , and the virtue is strongest in them at this season, therefore they are to be then taken up. In the end of February and the beginning of March, the ground should be searched for the first budding of leaves, and the roots taken up. They are to be wiped clean, not washed; and, according to their several natures, prepared for drying. Some are full of a mucilaginous juice, as marsh- xii. INTRODUCTION. mallow, and above all other roots the squill, and in some degree many others of that kind : these must be cut into thin slices cross-wise, and they will dry best if laid upon a hair cloth stretched across a frame. They must be frequently turned ; and be very thoroughly dry, before they are put up, else they will become mouldy; but, rightly prepared, they keep Very well. are Other roots have juices, that evaporate more easily. These have the virtue either throughout the whole substance, or only in the outer part, and they are to be prepared accordingly. When roots of one uniform substance, they generally have the virtue equal, or nearly so, in all parts. These should be split open length-wise, first cut- ting off the head, and the little end ; or if consider- ably thick, they may be quartered; when this is done, they are to be strung upon a line, by drawing a needle threaded with a small twine through their thickest part, and they are then to be hung up to dry in the manner of the herbs; the line being stretched across a room, the doors and windows of which are to be kept open in good weather. When roots consist of a sort of thick rind, or feshy substance within the rind, and a hard sticky part in the middle, this fleshy substance under it possesses all the virtues, the hard inner substance having none; in this case, the root is to be split long-wise as before, and the hard woody part is to be taken out and thrown away; the rest is to he strung as before described, and dried in the same manner. When roots consist of fibres, these are generally connected to a head, if it be ever so small, and the best way is to split this in two, and then string up the separate parts for drying. It is needless to enumerate the examples of the INTRODUCTION. xiii. several kinds of roots here; they follow in their places : but if the charitable lady would, on first looking over this book to see what are most use- ful, order her gardener to take out of his ground, and to seek in the fields, the several roots there mentioned, and see them dried and preserved ac- cording to these directions, she would be possess- ed of a set of drugs of a new kind indeed ; but they would gave the price of many brought from other countries, and might be used with less danger. The barks of the trees make but a small part of the English drugs, and most of them are hest fresh ; but such as will preserve and retain their virtues dried, are very easily prepared that way: nothing more is required, than to cut them into moderate pieces, and string them up in the manner as the roots. When they are dry, they are to be put up as the others; and they will keep ever so long; but in all this time they are for the most part losing of their virtues. It may be prudent to preserve drugs brought from abroad a great while because of their price; but as these cost only the trouble of ga- thering and preserving them, I would advise, that the whole shop be renewed every year ; what is left of the old parcel of every kind, being thror»n away as the fresh one is collected in its same season. The place for keeping these should be a dry room, neither damp nor hot; and they should now and then be looked at, to see that they are in order ; that they do not grow mouldy, or smell musty through damp, or become lighter, and lose their virtue by too much heat. It may be proper just to mention, that the niv. INTRODUCTION. : woods which we use are best kept in the block, and shaved off as they are wanted; for being kept in shavings, they lose their virtue : and in the same manner as to the foreign woods, it is best to keep a block of sassafras, and of lignum vitæ in the house, and cut them as they are wanted. As to the excrescences, such as galis of the oak, and the bur upon the wild briar, they are naturally so dry, that they only require to be exposed a few days to the air, upon a table, and then they may be put up with safety, and will keep a long time. Lastly, the funguses, such as Jew's ears and the like, are to be gathered when they are full grown, and strung upon a line, that they may dry leisurely, for else they spoil : they must be very well dried before they are put up, else they will grow mouldy in damp weather, and if once that happen, no art can recover their virtues. Thus may a druggist's shop of a new kind be filled, and it will consist of as many articles as those which receive their furniture from abroad; and there will be this advantage in having every thing ready ; that when custom has made the virtues of the several things familiar, the lady may do from her judgment as the physician in his prescription, mix several things of like virtue together, and not depend upon the virtues of any one singly, when the case requires something of power. These roots and barks pow- dered, will make as handsome and as efficacious boluses and mixtures, as any furnished by the ape- thecary INTRODUCTION, CHAP. III. Concerning the various methods of preparing simples for present use. WHERE is no form of medicines sent from T the apothecary, which may not be prepared from the herbs of our own growth in the same manner as from foreign drugs. Electuaries may be made with the powders of these barks, roots, and seeds, with conserves of flowers, and of the tops of fresh herbs; and syrups, made from their juices and infusions; the manner of making which is very simple, and shall be subjoined to this chapter, that all may be understood be- fore we enter on the book itself: and in the same manner their boluses may be made, which are only some of these powders mixed up with syrup: and their draughts and juleps, which are made from the distilled waters of these herbs, with spirit, or without these syrups being added : and the tinc- tures of the roots and barks; the method of making which shall be also annexed in a familiar manner. But beside these several forms of giving them, there are others much more simple, easy, and ready, and these are generally more efficacious. I shall arrange these under three kinds, juices, in- fusions and decoctions. These are the forms of giving the medicines most frequently mentioned in the course of the work, and there is less trouble in them than in the others. They are not in- deed contrived for shew, nor would they answer the purpose of the apothecary, for his profits would be small upon them; but when the design xvi. INTRODUCTION. is only to do good, they are the most to be chosen of any. Juices are to be expressed from leaves or roots ; and in order to this, they are to be first beaten in a mortar. There is no form whatever in which herbs have so much effect, and yet this is in a manner unknown in the common practice of physic. These are to be obtained in some plants from the entire herb, as in water cresses, brook-lime, and others that have juicy stalks ; in others the leaves are to be used, as in nettles, and the like, where the stalk is dry, and yields nothing ; but is troublesome in the preparation. When the juice of a root is to be had, it must be fresh taken up, and thoroughly beaten. A marble mortar and wooden pestle serve best for this pur- pose, for any thing of metal is improper : many plants would take a tincture from it, and the juice would be so impregnated with it, as to become a different medicine, and probably very improper in the case in which it was about to be given. As these juices have sometimes an ill taste, and as some of them are apt to be cold upon the stomach, or otherwise to disagree with it, there are methods to be used, to make them sit better up- on it ; and in some cases these increase their vir- tues. When the thick juice, fresh drawn, is too coarse for the person's stomach, it may be suffered to settle and grow clear : a little sugаr may : a little sugаr may be added also in beating the herb, and in many cases, as in those juices given for the scurvy, the juice of a Seville orange may be added, which will greatly improve the flavour. a INTRODUCTION. xvii, To the roots it is often proper to add a little white wine in the bruising, and they will operate the better for it. Thus, for instance, the juice of the flower-de-luce root will not stay upon many stomachs alone; but with a little white wine added in the bruising, all becomes easy, and its effects are not the less for the addition. The same addition may be made to some of the cold- er herbs ; and if a little sugar, and, upon occa- sion, a few grains of powdered ginger be added, there will be scarce any fear of the medicine dis- agreeing with the stomach, and its effects will be the same, as if it had been bruised and pressed alone. Infusions are naturally to be mentioned after the juices, for they are in many cases used to sup- ply their place. Juices can only be obtained from fresh plants, and there are times of the year when the plants are not to be had in that state. Re- course is then to be had to the shop, instead of the field ; the plant whose juice cannot be had, is there to be found dried and preserved ; and if that has been done according to the preceding directions, it retains a great part of its virtues ; in this case it is to be cut to pieces, and hot wa- ter being poured upon it, extracts so much of its qualities, as to stand in the place of the other. Often, indeed, the virtues are the same : in some plants they are greatest from the infusion but then some others lose so much in drying, that an infusion scarce has any thing. But it is not only as a help in the place of the other, that this preparation is to be used, for infusions are very proper from many fresh herbs; and are of great virtue from many diy ones, of which, when fresh, the juice would have been worth little. с xviii. INTRODUCTION. Infusions are the fittest forms for those herbs whose qualities are light, and whose virtue is easily extracted: in this case, hot water poured upon them takes up enough of their virtue, and none is lost in the operation : others require to be boiled in the water. From these are thus made what we call decoctions: and as these last would not give their virtues in infusion, so the others would lose it all in the boiling. It would go off with the vapour. We know very well, that the distilled water of any herb is only the vapour of the boiled herb caught by proper vessels, and condensed to water: therefore, whether it be caught or let to fly away, all that virtue must be lost in boiling. It is from this, that some plants are fit for decoctions, and some for infusions. There are some which, if distilled, give no virtue to the water, and these are fit for decoctions, which will retain all their virtue, as bistort, and tormentill roots, and the like. On the contra- ry, an infusion of mint, or penny-royal, is of a strong taste, and excellent virtue ; whereas, a decoction of these herbs is disagreeable or good for nothing There are herbs also, which have so little juice, that it would be impossible to get it out ; and others whose virtue lies in the husks and buds and this would be lost in the operation. An in fusion of these is the right way of giving them. Thus the mother of thyme is a dry little herb, from which it would be hard to get any juice, and wher. gotten, it would possess very little of its virtues : but an infusion of mother of thyme possess it en- tirely. Infusions are of two kinds. They are either prepared in quantity, to be drank cold ; or they are drank as they are made, in the manner of tea, INTRODUCTION. xix. This last method is the best, but people will not be prevailed upon to do it, unless the taste of the herb be agreeable ; for the flavour is much stronger hot, than it is cold. Infusions in the manner of tea, are to be made just as tea, and drank with a little sugar : the others are to be made in this manner : A stone jar is to be fitted with a close cover ; the herb, whether fresh or dried, is to be cut to pieces ; and when the jar has been scalded out ; with hot water, it is to be put in: boiling water is then to be poured upon it; and the top is to be fixed on: it is thus to stand four, five, or six hours, or a whole night, according to the nature of the ingredient, and then to be poured off clear. It is impossible to direct the quantity in general for these infusions, because much more of some plants is required than of others : for the most part, three quarters of an ounce of a dried plant, or two ounces of the fresh gathered. The best rule is to suit it to the patient's strength and palate. It is intended not to be disagreeable, and to have as much yirtue of the herb as is necessary : this is only to be known in each kind by trial; and the virtue may be heightened, as well as the flavour mended, by several additions. Of these sugar and a little white wine are the most familiar, but lemon juice is often very serviceable, as we find in sage tea; and a few drops of oil of vitriol give colour and strength to tincture of roses. Salt of tartar makes many infusions stronger also than they would be, but it gives them a very disagreeable taste. It is, therefore, fit only for such as are to be taken at one draught, not for such as are to be swallowed in large quantities time after time. Among the herbs that yield their virtues most XX. INTRODUCTION. ; commodiously by infusion, may be accounted many of those which are pectoral, and good in coughs, as colts-foot, ground ivy, and the like ; the light and aromatic, good in nervous disorders, as mother of thyme, balm, and the like; the bitters are also excellent in infusion, but very disagreeable in decoction: thus boiling water poured upon Roman wormwood, gentiaa root, and orange peel, makes a very excellent bitter. It need only stand till the liquor is cold, and may be then poured off for use. It is often proper to add some purging ingre- dient to this bitter infusion; and a little fresh polypody root excellently answers that purpose, with- out spoiling the taste of the medicine. Several of the purging plants also do very well in infusion, as purging flax, and the like; and the fresh root of polypody alone is a very good one: a little lemon juice added to the last named infasion does no harm; and it takes off what is disagreeable in the taste, in the same manner as it does from an infusion of sena. Thus we see what a great number of purposes may be answered by infusions, and they are the most familiar of all preparations. Nothing is required, but pouring some boiling water upon the plants fresh or dried, as already directed, and pouring it off again when cold. Decactions are contrived to answer the purpose of infusions, upon plants which are of so firm a texture, that they will not easily yield forth their useful parts. In these the ingredients are to be boiled in the water, es in the others, the boiling water was to be poured bver them. In general, leaves, flowers, and entire plants, whether fresh or dried, are used in infusions ; the roots and barks in decoctions. An earthen pipkin, with a crose cover, is the INTRODUCTION. xxi best vessel for preparing these ; for many of those medicines which are little suspected of it, will take a tincture from the metal ; and it would be as impro- per to boil- them in a copper pan, (as it is too com- mon a custom,) as to beat the herbs and roots in a metal mortar. Fresh roots are used in decoction, as well as those which are dried ; and the barks and other ingredients in like manner. When the fresh are used, the roots are to be cut into thin slices, and the barks and woods should be shaved down ; as to the leaves and entire plants, they need be cut but slightly. When dry in- gredients are used, the roots and barks are best pounded to pieces, and as to the herbs and flowers, Iittle is to be done to them, and in general, they are best added toward the end of the decoction. It is always best to let the ingredients of a de- coction stand in the water cold for twelve hours, before it is set on the fire, and then it should be heat- ed gradually, and afterwards kept boiling gently as long as is necessary : and this is to be prportion- ed to the nature of the ingredients. Generally a quarter of an hour is sufficient, sometimes much longer is necessary. They are then to be strained off while they are hot, pressing them hard, and the liquor set hy to cool : when they are thoroughly cold, they are to he poured off clear from the settlement, for they always become clear as they cool, and sweetened with a little sugar. Frequently also, it is proper to add to them a little white wine, as to the infusions. a INTRODUCTION. XX11. CHAP. IV. Concerning distilled waters, and other prepara- tions to be kept in the house. a SHALL bring the charitable lady farther in this matter than perhaps she was aware at the first setting out; but it will be with little expence, and little trouble. She will find, that I now in- tend she should keep a sort of chemist's or at least an apothecary's shop, as well as a druggist's ; but it will be founded upon the same materials. No drugs brought from abroad, or to be purchased at a great price, will have place in it; they are all natives of our own country; and the prepa- ration of these medicines from them will cost only a little spirit, a little sugar, and the labour of a servant. That spirit is best which is called molosses spi- rit; is to be bought at a small price at the distillers ; and as to the sugar, the most ordinary loaf kind will do for most purposes; where other is necessary, it will be particularly named. Few families are without an alembic or still, and that will be of material service. With that instrument the simple waters are to be made, with no expence beside the fire ; and it will be proper to keep those of the following ingredi- ents Mint water, pepper-mint water, and penny- , royal water, are to be made of the dry herbs. Three pounds of each is to be put into the still, with four gallons of water, and two gallons is to be distilled off. Milk water is to be made thus ; a pound and half of spear-mint, a pound of rue, half a pound of Roman wormwood, and INTRODUCTION. . Xili. a half a pound of angelica leaves are to be put into the still with five gallons of water, and three gallons are to be distilled off. Common mint water is good in sicknesses of the stomach, pepper-mint water in colics, and pennyroyal to promote the menses. Milk water is good in fe- vers, and to make juleps. It used to be made with milk, but that answers no purpose. Only one simple water more need be kept, and that for colics: it is best made of Jamaica pepper : a. pound of Jamaica pepper is to be put into the still over night, with three gallons of water; and the next morning two gallons of water distilled off. It has been customary to keep a great many simple waters, but these are all that are necessary or proper. The other herbs are better to be given in infusion and decoction. As for cordial waters, they are made as the others, only with the addition of spirit. It may be proper to keep the following ; and no more are ne- cessary: 1. Cinnamon water; which is made by putting into the still a pound of cinnamon, a gallon of spirit, and a gallon of water, and the next day distilling off a gallon. This is good in sickness at the stomach, and is a fine cordial. 2. Spirituous milk water ; made from a pound of spear-mint, half a pound of angelica, and a quarter of a pound of Roman wormwood, all green. To these is to be put a gallon of spirit, and a gallon of water, and a gallon to be distilled off; to which is to be added a pint of vinegar : this is good to pro- mote sweat, and is used instead of treacle water, being better. 3. Strong pennyroyal water, which is used instead of hysteric water, in all hysteric cases, xxiv. INTRODUCTION. and to promote the menses, is made of a pound and half of dry pennyroyal, a gallon of spi. rit, and six quarts of water, drawing off a gallon 4. Aniseed water, which is good in the colic, and is made with a pound of aniseed, a pound of angelica seed, and two gallons of spirit, with one gallon of water, distilling off two gallons. No more of these are necessary : but before I close this article of distilling, I shall add the making of lavender water, spirit of lavender, and Hungary water, which are preparations of the same kind, and very easy Lavender water, is made from a pound of fresh lavender flowers, and a gallon of molosses spirit, with two quarts of water ; five pints are to be distilled off. Hungary water is made of a pound and half of rosemary tops with the flowers, a gallon of spirit, and a gallon of water, distilling off five pints: and to make the spirit of laven- der, or palsy drops, mix three pints of lavender water, and one pint of Hungary water, and add to this half an ounce of cinnamon, the same quan- tity of nutmegs, and three drams of red saunders wood ; these are to stand together till the spirit is well coloured. This is all the family practitioner will need with distilling: a short account, but sufficient. As for tinctures, which are a great article with the apothecary and chemist, making a great shew, and really very useful, I would ; have several of them kept, and they are easily made as the waters, nay, more easily. Molosses spirit is all that is necessary for this purpose. It would be well to keep tinctures of all roots and barks, which are said to be good dried as INTRODUCTION. in the course of this work, for a tincture will contain more or less of the virtue of every one of these, and be often convenient, where the powder or decoction could not be given. It is needless to enumerate these, and one rule of making serves for them all : two ounces of the ingredient is to be cut to thin slices, or bruised in a mortar, and put into a quart of spirit; it is to stand a fort- night in a place a little warm, and be often shook at the end of this time, it is to be taken out, strain ed off, and made to pass through a funnel, lined with whitish brown paper, and put up with the name of the ingredient. To these tinctures of the English roots, barks, and seeds, it would be well to add a few made of foreign ingredients. As, 1. The bitter tincture for the stomach, is made of two ounces of gentian, an ounce of dried orange peel, and half an ounce of cardamon seeds, and a quart of spirit: or it may be made in white wine, allowing two quarts. 2. Tincture of castor, good in hysteric complaints, and made with two ounces of castor and a quart of spirit. 3. Tincture of bark, which will cure those who will not take the powder, made of four ounces of bark, and a quart of spirit. 4. Tincture of soot for fits, made with two ounees of wood-soot, one ounce of assafoetida, and a quart of spirit. 5. Tincture of steel, for the stoppage of the menses, made of flowers of iron four ounces, and spirit a quart. 6. Tincture of myrrh, made of three ounces of myrrh, and a quart of spirit, good for curing the scurvy in the gums. 7. Tincture of rhubard, made of two ounces d xxvi. INTRODUCTION. of rhubarb, half an ounce of cardamon-seeds, and a quarter of an ounce of saffron, with a quart of spirit. 8. Elixir salutis, made of a pound of stoned raisins, a pound of sena, an ounce and half of carraway seeds, and half an ounce of cardamons, in a gallon of spirit. 9. Elixir of vitriol, made of six drams of cin- namon, three drams of cardamons, two drams of long pepper, and the same of ginger; and a quart of spirit: to a pint of this tincture strain- ed clear off, is to be added four ounces of oil of vitriol : this is an excellent stomachic. Lastly, to these it may be well to add the famous frier's balsam, which is made of three ounces of ben- jamin, two ounces of strained storax, one ounce of balsam of Tolu, half an ounce of aloes, and a quart of spirit of wine, such as is burnt under lamps. This spirit may be made by putting a gallon of molosses spirit into the still, and draw- ing off two quarts, and this will be useful for spirit of wine and camphire, which is made by dissolving an ounce of camphire in a quart of the spirit. Lastly, we are to add what is called the asthmatic elixir, made with flower of benja- min and opium of each a dram, camphire two scruples, oil of aniseed forty drops, liquorice - root half an ounce, honey one ounce, and a quart of spirit. This is a gentle opiate, and is much better in families than the strong lauda- num. As to the tinctures made with white wine instead of spirit, a few are sufficient. Steel wine is made of a quarter of a pound of filings of iron, and half an ounce of mace, and the same quantity of cinnamon, put into two quarts of Rhenish. Hiera picra is made of half a pound INTRODUCTION. xxvi i of aloes, two ounces of winter's bark, and five quarts of white wine. The first is a restorative cordial and strengthener; the latter is sufficiently known as a purge. Laudanum is made of two ounces of opium, a dram of cloves, and a dram of cinnamon, and a pint of wine. Viper wine is made of two ounces of dried vipers, and two quarts of white wine; and the tincture of ipeca- cuanha for a vomit, of two ounces of that root, half an ounce of dry orange peel, and a quart of sack. Lastly, what is called elixir proprieta- tis is made of aloes, myrrh, and saffron, of each an ounce, sal armoniac six drams, and salt of tartar eight ounces, in a quart of mountain wine. These are all the tinctures and wines that need be kept in a family, whose charity is design- ed to be very extensive; the expense of the whole is a trifle, not worth naming, and the trouble scarce any thing Books are full of directions in particular for every tincture, as if every one were to be made a different way ; but the best method is to give a good deal of time, and fre- quent shaking, and that will stand in the place of heat in most things of this kind: nevertheless, I advise that they should stand in a where a fire is kept while they are making ; and those which require heat, that is, those that take a colour most slowly, are to be placed nearest to it. Easy as these are, they are by far the most dif- ficult part of the task, the rest is as it were nothing. Conserves, syrups, and ointments will be wanting; but in the same manner one direc- tion will serve for the making the whole assort- ment of each, and the ingredients will he at hand. As to plaisters in general, they do more room xxvii. INTRODUCTION In harm than good. Surgeons at this time rake very little use of them; and in the course of this work, many herbs will be named, the bruised leaves of which are better than all the plaisters in the world. Conserves should be made of rue, mint, scurvy- grass, wood-sorrel, and Roman wormwood. As to the four first, the leaves are to be picked off from the stalks, and beaten up with three times the weight of sugar. The tops of the young shoots of the latter are to be cut off, and they are to be beat up in the same manner. the course of this work, many plants will be named, the green tops of which contain their virtue, these may all be made into conserves in the same manner, or as many of them added to those here named, as shall be thought pro- per. Conserves of the flowers of rosemary, mal- lows, archangel, and lavender, are to be made also in the same manner, and red rose buds. These last are to be picked from the husk, and the white heels are to be cut off. They are all to be beat up with three times their weight of sugar ; and in the same manner may be made conserves of cowslip flowers, and of those of many other plants mentioned in the following pages. The outer rinds of Seville oranges and lemons, are also to be made into conserves in the same manner, beating them first to a pulp, and then adding the sugar ; and to these must be added the conserve of hips and sloes, which are to be made in a particular manner. The hips are to be gathered when fully ripe, afterwards set by in a cellar, till they grow very soft ; then they are to be laid upon the back of a large hair sieve, INTRODUCTION. xxix 1 a dish being put underneath; they are to be broke with the hand or a wooden pestle, and rub- bed about till all the soft matter is forced through the hair-cloth, the seeds and skins only remaining. This soft matter is to be weighed, and to be beat up in a mortar with twice its weight of loaf sugar, first powdered. Sloes are to be gathered when they are mode- rately ripe, and they are to be set over the fire in water, till they swell and are softened, but not till the skin bursts; they are then to be laid upon a sieve, and the soft matter driven through as in the other case, and three times the quantity of sugar is to be mixed with this, that it may make a conserve by beating toge- ther. Syrups are to be made of many ingredients : they may be made indeed of any infusion, with sugar added to it in a due quantity; and the way to add this so that the syrups shall keep and not candy, is to proportion the sugar to the liquor very exactly. One rule will serve for all this matter, and save a great deal of repetition. The liquor of which a syrup is to be made may be the juice of some herb or fruit, or a decoction, or an infusion; which ever it be, let it stand till quite clear ; then to every wine pint of it, add a pound and three quarters of loaf sugar, first beat to powder : put the sugar and the liquor together into an earthen pan that will go into a large saucepan ; put water in the sauce- pan, and set it over the fire. Let the pan stand in it till the sugar is perfectly melted, scumming it all the time; then as soon as it is cold, it may he put up for use, and will keep the year round without danger. This being set down as the general method of INTRODUCTION : making the liquor into a syrup, the rest of the descriptions of them will be easy. They are to be made in this manner. For syrup of cloves, weigh three pounds of clove July flowers picked from the husks, and with the white heels cut off: pour upon them five pints of boiling water. Let them stand all night, and in the morning pour off the clear liquor, and make it into a syrup as directed above : in the same manner are to be made the syrups of violets and red poppies : but less of the violet flowers will do, and more of the poppies may be added : thus, also, are to be made the syrups of damask roses, peach blos- soms, cowslip flowers, and many others which will be recommended for that purpose in this book. Syrup of buckthorn, is to be made by boiling the juice down to half its quantity, with a little cinnamon, ginger, and nutineg, and then adding the sugar. The syrups of lemon juice, mulberries, and the like, are to be made with a pound and half of sugar to every pint of the clear juice, which is to be melted as in the former man- ner. Syrup of garlic, leeks, orange-peel, lemon- peel, mint, and many other things are to be made of strong infusions of those ingredients, made as before directed, with the first mentioned quan- tity of sugar added to them, when they have stood to settle. Syrup of marshmallows, and of poppy heads, and some others, are to be made in the same manner with the strongest decoctions that can possibly be made from those ingredients, with the same quantity of sugar as is first men- tioned. INTRODUCTION. xxxi. Syrup of balsam is made by boiling a quarter of a pound of balsam of Tolu, in a pint and a half of water in a close vessel, and then making the water into a syrup, with the usual quantity of sugar: and thus may be made syrups of any of the balsams. Syrup of saffron is made of a tincture of saffron in wine. An ounce of saffron being put to a pint of mountain, and this, when strain- ed off, is to be made into a syrup, with the usual quantity of sugar. At one time it was a custom to keep a quantity of syrups of a particular kind under the name of honeys. They were made with honey instead of sugar, and some of them, which had vinegar in the composition, were called oxymels. A few of the . first kind, and very few, are worth keeping, and two or three of the latter, for they have very particular virtues. The way of making them is much the same with that of making syrups ; but to be exact, it may be proper just to give some instance of it. Honey of roses is the most useful, and it is to be made of an infusion of the flowers and honey in this manner. Cut the white heels from some red rose buds, and lay them to dry in & place where there is a draught of air; when they are dried, put half a pound of them into a stone jar, and pour on them three pints of boiling water ; stir them well, and let them stand twelve hours ; then press off the liquor, and when it has settled, add to it five pounds of honey ; boil it well, and when it is of the consistence of a thick syrup, put it by for use. It is good against sore mouths, and on many other . occasions. In the same manner may be made the honey of any flower; or with the xxxii. INTRODUCTION. juice of any plant thus mixed with honey and boiled down, may be made what is called the honey of that plant. As to the oxymels, they are also made in a very uniform manner. The following are so useful, that it will be proper always to keep them in readiness. For oxymel of garlic, put half a pint of vi- negar into an earthen pipkin, boil in it a quarter of an ounce of caraway seeds, and the same quan- tity of sweet fennel seeds, at last add an ounce and half of fresh garlic root sliced thin ; let it boil a minute or two longer, then cover it up to stand till cold, then press out the liquor, and add ten ounces of honey, and boil it to a con- sistence. For vinegar of squills, put into a pint of vinegar three ounces of dried squills ; let it stand two days in a gentle heat, then press out the vinegar, and when it has stood to settle, add a pound and a half of honey, and boil it to a consistence. Both these are excellent in asthmas. To these also should be added, the common simple oxymel, which is made of a pint of vinegar, and two pounds of honey boiled together to the consis- tence of a syrup. Finally, as to ointments, nothing can be so easy as the making them of the common herbs, and the expense is only so much hog's-lard. The lard is to be meited, and the fresh gethered leaves of the herb are to be chopped to pieces, and thrown into it: they are to be boiled till the leaves begin to feel crisp, and then the lard is to be strained off. It will be green, and will have the virtues of the herb, and must be called ointment of such an herb. To these I shall take the opportunity of adding the way of making two or three more, which, though not the produce of English herbs, a INTRODUCTION. Xxxiii. are very useful, and our charitable shop should not be without them. 1. The white ointment, called unguentum ; this is made by melting together four ounces of white wax, and three ounces of spermaceti, in a pint of sallad oil, and adding, if it be desired, three ounces of ceness, and a dram and half of camphire : But it is better for all common purposes without these. 2. Yellow basilicon, which is made by melting to- gether yellow wax, resin, and Burgundy pitch, of each half a pound, in a pint of oil of olives, and adding three ounces of turpentine. 3. Black basilicon, which is made by melting to- gether in a pint of olive oil, yellow wax, resin, and pitch, of each nine ounces. 4. The mercurial ointment, which is thus made : rub together in an iron mortar, a pound of quick- silver, and an ounce of turpentine ; when they are well mixed, add four pounds of hog's lard melted, and mix all thoroughly together. The ointment of tutty is prepared with levigated tutty, and as much viper's fat as will make it into a soft ointment : these are only to be mixed together upon a marble, by working them with a thin knife. This is for disorders of the eyes, the foregoing for the itch, and many other complaints, but it must be used cautiously. And those which were before named for old sores. Of the same nature with the ointments, are, in some degree, the oils made by infusion of herbs and flowers in common oil. These are also very easily prepared, and an instance or two will serve to explain the making of them all. The most regarded among these is the oil of St. John's- wort, and that is thus made; pick clean a quarter of a pound of the flowers of common St. John's xxxiv. INTRODUCTION. wort, pour upon them a quart of olive oil, and let them stand together till the oil is of a reddish colour. Oil of elder is made of a pound of elder flowers, which are to be put into a quart of olive oil, and boiled till they are crisp, and the oil is to be then strained off. 3: What is called the green oil, is thus made, bruise in a marble mortar three ounces of green chamomile, with the same quantity of bay leaves, sea-wormwood, rue, and sweet marjoram; then hoil them in a quart of oil of olives, till they are a little crisp. The oil is then to be poured off, and when cold put up for use. These oils are used to rub the limbs when there is pain and swellings; their virtues will be found at large, under the several herbs which are the principal ingredients : and after one or other of these methods, may be made the oil by infusion, or by boiling of any plant, or of any number of plants of like virtue. Lastly, though herbs are now left out of the composition of plaisters, even the melelot being now made without the herb from which it was first named; it may be proper to add the way of pre- paring a few that are most useful, and ought to be kept in families. 1. The common plaister is thus made; boil together a gallon of oil, five pounds of powdered litharge, and a quart and four ounces of water When the water is boiled away, the rest will be united into a plaister, but it must be stired all the time : this used to be called diachylon. To make diachylon with the gums, add to a pound of the last described, two ounces of galbanum, and an ounce of common turpentine, and the same quantity of frank- incense. Melt them all together the gums first, and then add the plaister. INTRODUCTION. XXXV 2. For a strengthening plaister, melt two pounds of the common plaister, and add to it half a pound of frankincense, and three ounces of dragon's blood. 3. Fer a drawing plaister, melt together yellow wax and yellow resin, of each three pounds, and a pound of mutton suet. This is used instead of the old melilot plaister to dress blisters ; and the blister plaister itself is made of it, only by adding half a pint of vinegar, and a pound of Spanish flies in powder, to two pounds of it, just as it begins to cool from melting. The quicksilver plaister is thus made ; rub three ounces of quick- silver, with a dram of balsam of sulphur, till it no longer appear in globules, then pour in a pound of the common plaister melted, and mix them well together. To close this chapter, I shall add a few waters made without distillation, which are very cheap and very serviceable, and the family shop will then be quite compleat. 1. Lime water. This is made by pouring gra- dually six quarts of water upon a pound of quick lime; when it has stood to be clear, it must be poured off. If a pound of lignum vitæ wood, an ounce of liquorice root, and half an ounce of sassafras hark he added to three quarts of lime water, it is called compound lime water; and is excellent in foulnesses of the blood. 2. The blue eye water. This is made by put- ting a dram of sal ammoniac into a pint of lime water, and letting it stand in a brass vessel, till it is of a sky blue colour. -3. Alum water is made by boiling half an ounce of white vitriol, and the same quantity of alum in a quart of water, till they are dissolved. Thus have we described all the drugs and coni- a Xxxvi. INTRODUCTION. positions that need be kept in the charitable shop of the family, which intends to relieve a neigh- bourhood of poor in their greatest of all distresses, that of sickness. The diseases for which these remedies are to be used will be found enumerated at large under the several heads of the principa! ingredients, as described in the succeeding pages: It only remains to say a few words about the manner of putting these things most conveniently together, and we then shall have prepared all that follows. CHAP. V. Concerning the best methods of putting medicines together for present taking. Ion N the first place, although these several forms syrups, conserves, and the like, have been named, as what will be sometimes necessary. The great practice in the country will lie in the in- fusions and decoctions of the fresh plants and roots. The strength of these infusions and decoctions is to be proportioned to the taste : for as they are made to be swallowed in quantities, if they be made so strong as to be very disagreeable, that end will be defeated : they may be rendered more pleasant by sweetening them with sugar, about an ounce of which is to be allowed to a quart; and occasionally a little white wine, or a small quan- tity of some of the cordial waters may be added to them. The dose of either decoction or infu- sion, will be in general about half a pint, except INTRODUCTION. XXXVII where they are intended to purge or vomit; there they must be more carefully and exactly proportioned to the strength, than can be told in this general manner. Of the simple waters, about a quarter of a pint is a dose, and of the cordial waters, less than half that quantity. These may be occasionally given alone; but they are mostly intended for mixing with other ingredients The tinctures are to be given in drops, from ten to an hundred, according to their strength and nature : but to name a general dose, it is about five and twenty drops. These, however, will be also more serviceable in mixtures, than sing. ly. Of the purging tinctures in wine, and the elixir salutis, three, four, or more spoonfuls is the dose. It would be well to keep tinctures of many of the roots recommended in nervous cases, as cor- dials, astringents, and of many other kinds ; and also to keep powders of these roots in readiness : and thus the common forms of medicines, as sent from apothecaries, will be very easy. For a julep, six ounces of one of the simple waters, two ounces of one of the compound wa- ters, or those made with spirit, two drams of a syrup, and fifty drops of a tincture, make a very agreeable one. Thus for an hysteric julep, let the simple water be pennyroyal, the strong water the strong pennyroyal, the syrup that of saffron, and the tincture of castor, and it is a very pleasant julep ; and so of all the rest. If a pearl cordial be desired, it is only mixing the simple and strong waters without syrup or tincture, and adding two drams of sugar, and half a dram of levigated oystar-shel The apothecaries will not be plea- sed with who disclosing the mysteries of their pro- xxxviii. INTRODUCTION. و fession, but the public good is of more consequence than their pleasure. Draughts are only little juleps, with more pow- erful ingredients added to them. An ounce and half of a simple water, three drams of a strong water, one dram of a syrup, and forty drops of a tincture, make a draught ; but to these may be added a simple of some power to increase the virtue. What waters, tinctures, syrups, or pow- ders shall be used will be determined from the case itself. Bolises are made with these powders in a cer- tain dose. A scruple or half a dram, is made into a sort of paste with syrup. The custom is to cover it with a little leaf-gold, but this is better let alone : some use leaf-brass, which is abominable. Electuaries are to be made of powders, con- serves, and syrups, they differ from boluses in this, as well as in the size, that the dose is smaller, al- though the piece taken be as large; which is ow- ing to the conserve, that having in general little virtue in comparison of the other ingredients. This is the form most convenient for medicines that are to be taken for a continuance of time, and the dose of which needs not be so very punctually regarded. Thus for an electuary against an habitual loose. ness, when it exceeds the proper bounds; mix together an ounce of conserve of red roses, and six drams of syrup of cloves, add to these two drams of powdered bistort root, one dram of powdered tormentill, and half a dram of toasted rhuharb. This makes an electuary, a piece of which, of the bigness of a nutmeg, taken once in two days, will check the abundance of stools, with- out stopping the customary looseness entirely : it INTRODUCTION. xxxix. will also be a pleasant medicine. If a draught of tincture of roses, which will be described in the following part of this work, under the article red rose, be taken after this, it will increase the power. ood In this manner the charitable lady may supply the place of the apothecary, to those who could not afford such assistanse : and experience is so good a guide, that she will be able in most cases to save the expense of the doctor also : and there will be this satisfaction in her own mind, that while she deals principally with those innocent sort of medicines which the fields afford her, she will be in very little danger of doing harm. The galenical physic perhaps will be found effectual in many more cases, by those who stick to it sole- ly, than they are aware who do not use it ; as to the mischief of medicine, that is almost entirely chemical. It would be idle to say that chemical medicines do great good; but they require to be in skilful hands : when the ignorant employ them, death is more likely to be the consequence, than the relief from the disorder any other way. One useful observation may serve well to close this introduction. Opiates, and medicines of that kind, to compose persons to rest, and to take off pain, will be often necessary ; but as they are the most powerful medicines, the charitable practitioner will have to do withal, they are the most capable of doing harm : the great care will therefore lie in the right use of these. As there are three different preparations de- . scribed in this book for answering this purpose, beside the opium, and that solution of it in wine, which is called landanum, I would advise that these two latter be used very seldom. A syrup INTRODUCTION. made of the juice of the wild lettuce, is an excellent medicine; the syrup of diacodium, which is made of a strong decoction of poppy heads, is a little stronger than this; and if something more powerful than these is required, there is the ashmatic elixir. One or other of these may almost on every occasion serve the pur- pose ; and it is almost impossib, that the use of them should be attended with danger. I would therefore advise, that opium or laudanum be very rarely used : perhaps it might be well to say, not used at all, for the others will be able, in almost all cases, if not universally, to answer the purpose FAMILY HERBAL, A. ACACIA TREE. Acacia vera sive spina Ægyptiaca. THE a rid HE acacia is a large but not tall tree, with prickly branches: the leaves are winged, or composed of several small ones set on each side a middle rib; and the flowers are yellow. The trunk is thick, and the top spreading: The leaves are of a bluish green ; and the flowers resemble in shape pea blossoms; many of them stand together These are succeeded by long and flatted pods. The seeds contained in each are from four to seven ; and the pod between them is very small and narrow: the breadth is where they lie. The tree is frequent in Egypt, and there are à great many other kinds of it. No part of the acacia tree is kept in the shops ; but we have from it two drugs : 1. The acacia juice, and 2. The gum arabic. The acacia juice, or succus acaciæ, is like liquor- ice juice, hard and black. They bruise the un- ripe pods and seeds, and press out the juice which they evaporate to this consistence. arabic oozes out of the bark of the trimk and The gum B FAMILY HERBAL. branches, as the plum-tree and cherry-tree gum do with us. The acacia juice is an astringent but little used. The gum arabic is good in stranguries, and in coughs from a thin sharp rheum; it is to be given in solution, an ounce boiled in a quart of barley-water, or in powder in electuaries or otherwise. What is called the German acacia is the juice of unripe sloes evaporated in the same manner. ACONITE. Anthora sive aconitum salutiferum. THERE are many poisonous aconites, not used; but there is one medicinal and kept in the shops : this is called the wholesome aconite and antithora. It is a small plant, a foot high, with pale green divided leaves and yellow flowers. It grows erect, and the stalk is firm, angular, and hairy ; the leaves do not stand in pairs. The flowers are large and hooded, and of a pleasant smell: the seed-vessels are membranaceous, and the seeds black; the root is tuberous, it sometimes consists of one lump or knob, sometimes of more. It is a native of Germany, but we have it in gar- dens. The root is the only part used; it is sup- posed to be a remedy against poisons, but it is not much regarded at this time. ADDER'S-TONGUE. Ophioglossum. ADDER'S-TONGUE is a little plant common in our meadows. It consists of a single leaf, with a little spike of seeds rising from its bottom, which is supposed to resemble the tongue of a serpent. The leaf is of an oval shape, and of a fine FAMILY HERBAL. bright green colour ; it is thick and fleshy, and has no ribs or veins. The stalk on which it stands rises from a root composed of small fibres, and is four inches or more high. The spike rises to about the same height above it; and the tongue or seed- vessel is notched on each side. The whole plant is buried among the grass, and must be sought in April and May, for it dies off soon after ; and no- thing is seen of it till the next season. It is a fine cooling herb, and an excellent ointment is made from it. The leaves are to be chopped to pieces, and four pounds of them are to be put into three pounds of suet and one pint of oil melted together. The whole is to be boiled till the herb is a little crisp, and then the ointment is to be strained off: it will be of a beautiful green. Some give the juice of the plant, or the powder of the dried leaves, inwardly in wounds; but this is trifling AGRIMONY. Agrimonia. A COMMON English planit flowers in the midst of summer. It grows to a foot or more in height; the leaves are winged, and the flowers are yellow. The root is perennial ; the leaves are hairy, of a pale green, and notched at the edges ; the stalk is single, firm, and round; the flowers stand in a long spike; they are small and nu. merous, and the seed-vessels which succeed them are rough like burs. The plant is common about hedges. The leaves are used fresh or dried; they have been recommended in the jaundice; but they are found by experience to be good in the diabetes and incontinence of urine. The plant is also one of the B 2 4 FAMILY HERBAL. famous vulnerary herbs, and an ingredient in the right arquebusade water. BLACK ALDER. Alnus nigra. Frangula. THE black alder is a little shrub. The shoots are brittle, slender, and covered with a brown bark; the leaves are roundish, of a bright green, and veined; they terminate in a point. The berries are large and black, they are ripe in autumn ; the flowers which precede these are small and inconsiderable, they are whitish and stand on short stalks. The shrub is frequent in moist woods, and the berries are sometimes mixt among those of the buck- thorn by such as gather them for sale ; but this should be prevented. No part of the black alder is used in medicine except the inner rind; this is yellow, and is a good purge; the best way to give it is in a de- coction. Boil an ounce of it in a quart of water, and throw in at least two drachms of ginger and some caraway-seeds; let the patient proportion the quantity to his strength: it is excellent in the jaundice. In Yorkshire they bruise the bark with vinegar, and use it outwardly for the itch, which it cures very safely. ALEHOOF OR GROUND-IVY. Hedera terrestris. A Low plant that creeps about hedges, and flowers in spring. The stalks are hollow and square, a foot or more in length; the leaves are roundish and notched at the edges : in spring they are usually of a purplish colour, and the flowers are blue; the leaves stand two at each joint, and the roots FAMILY HERBAL. 5 are fibrous. The whole plant has a peculiar and strong smell, it should be gathered when in flower. It is an excellent vulnerary, outwardly or inwardly used ; a conserve may be made of it in spring : and it may be given by way of tea. It is excellent in all disorders of the breast and lungs, and in those of the kidneys, and against bloody and foul urine. ALLHEAL, OR CROWN'S ALLHEAL. Panax Coloni. a A COMMON herb in our wet grounds with long hairy leaves and little red flowers. It grows to a foot and a half high, but the stalk is weak, square, and hairy : the leaves stand two at a joint, and are of a pale green, notched at the edges, and of a strong smell; the flowers stand in clusters round the stalk at the joints. They are like those of the dead nettle kind, but smaller; the root is perennial, and creeps. It is an excellent wound herb, but must be used fresh. The leaves are to be bruised and laid upon a new-made wound, without any addition ; they stop the bleeding, and cure. ALMOND TREE. Amygdalus. BITTER and sweet almonds are very different in taste, but the tree which produces them is the same; it is distinguishable at least only by the taste of the almond. 'Tis a moderately large tree, with long narrow leaves, of a beautiful green, and notched at the edges; the blossoms are large, of a pale red colour, and very beautiful. The fruit is composed of 6 FAMILY HERBAL. 17 three parts, a tough matter on the outside, a stone within that, and in this shell the almond, by way of kernel. They cultivate almond trees in France and Italy. Sweet almonds are excellent in emulsions, for stranguries and all disorders of the kidneys and bladder ; they ought to be blanched and beat up with barley-water into a liquor like milk; this is also good, in smaller quantities, for people in consump- tions and hectics. Bitter almonds are used for their oil; this tastes sweet, and what is called oil of sweet almonds is commonly made of them. But the cakes left after pressing afford by distillation a water that is poisonous, in the same manner as laurel- water. ALOE PLANT. Aloe. THERE are a great many kinds of the aloe pre- served in our green-houses and stoves. They are all natives of warmer climates; but of these there are only two that need be mentioned here, as the aloe kept by apothecaries, though of three kinds, is the produce of only two species. These two are the socotrine aloe-plant and the common aloe. The socotrine aloe is a very beautiful plant ; the leaves are like those of the pine-apple, eighteen or twenty inches long, prickly at the sides, and armed with a large thorn at the end. The stalk is half a yard high or more, naked at the bottom, but orna- mented at top with a long spike of flowers; these are of a long shape and hollow, and of a beautiful red colour. The socotrine or finest aloes are produced from this FAMILY HERBAL. 7 plant; the leaves are pressed gently, and the juice received in earthen vessels : it is set to settle, and then dried in the sun. The common aloe is a very fine plant ; the leaves are above two feet long, and an inch thick ; they are dented at the edges and prickly, and have a very sharp thorn at the point. The stalk, when it flowers, is five or six feet high, and divided into several branches; the flowers are yellow streaked with green. From the juice of the leaves of this plant are made the hepatic and the caballine aloes; the hepatic is made from the clearer and finer part of the juice, the caballine from the coarse sediment. The socotrine aloes is the only kind that should be given inwardly; this may be known from the others, by not having their offensive smell. It is a most excellent purge; but it must not be given to women with child, nor to those who spit blood, for it may be fatal. The best way of giving it is in the tincture of bicra picra. IT ALOES Wood. Lignum aloes. It may be necessary to mention this wood, as it is sometimes used in medicine, although we are not acquainted with the tree which affords it. We are told that the leaves are small, the flowers mode- rately large, and the fruit as big as a pigeon's egg, and woolly; and we read also that the juice of the tree, while fresh, will raise blisters on the skin, and even cause blindness : but these accounts are very imperfect. We see three kinds of the wood in the shops, S FAMILY HERBAL and they are distinguished by three different names, calambac, common lignum aloes, and calambour; of these the calambac is the finest and the most resinous, the calambour is almost a mere chip, the other is of a middle value between them. They are all of the same virtue, but in different degrees. They are said to be cordial and strengthening to the stomach, but we use them very little. a TRUE AMOMUM. Amomum verum racemosum. a AMOMUM is another of those drugs we receive from abroad, and do not know the plants which pro- duce them. The fruit itself, which is called amo- mum, is like the lesser cardamom, but that it is round; it consists of a skinny husk and seeds within, and is whitish, and of the bigness of a horse-bean. Several of these sometimes are found growing to- gether to one stalk in a close body. The old physicians used it as a cordial and car- minative, but at present it is much neglected. COMMON AMOMUM. Amomum vulgare THOUGH the amomum before mentioned be not lised in prescription, it is an ingredient in some old compositions ; and, being often not to be met with, it has been found necessary to substitute another carminative seed in its place; this grows on an English plant, thence called also amomum. The common amomum, otherwise called bas- tard stone parsley, is frequent about our hedges ; it grows to three feet in height, but the stalk is slender, and divided into a great many branches. The loaves are of a bright green and winged, or composed of double rows of smaller, with an FAMILY HERBAL 9 odd one at the end. There grow some large and very beautiful ones from the root; those on the stalks are smaller. The flowers grow in little umbels or clusters, at the extremities of all the branches. They are small and white. Two seeds follow each flower, and these are striated, small, and of a spicy taste : the plant is distinguished at sight from all the others of its kind, of which there are many, by the slender- ness of its stalks and branches, and the smallness of the umbels ; and more than all by the pecu- liar taste of the seeds, which have a flavour of mace. It is proper to be particular, because the plant is worth knowing. Its root is good for all dis- eases of the urinary passages, and the seeds are good in disorders of the stomach and bowels, and also operate by urine. The quantity of a scruple given in cholics often proves an im mediate cure, and they are a good ingredient in bitters. ALKANET. Anchusä. ALKANET is a rough plant of no great beauty, cultivated in France and Germany for the sake of its root. It grows to a foot and a half high ; the leaves are large, and of a rough irregular sur- face, and bluish green colour ; the flowers are small and purplish; the root is long, and of a deep purple. It is kept dried in the shops. It has the credit of an astringent and vulnerary ; but it is little used. The best way of giving of it, is to add half an ounce to a quart of hartshorn drink; it gives a good colour, and increases the virtue. € 10 FAMILY HERBAL. ANGELICA. Angelica. A LARGE and beautiful plant kept in our gardens, and found wild in some parts of the kingdom. It grows to eight feet in height, and the stalks robust, and divided into branches. The leaves are large, and composed each of many smaller, set upon a divided pedicle; they are notched at the edges, and of a bright green. The flowers are small, but they stand in vast clusters, of a globose form : two seeds follow each flower. Every part of the plant is fragrant when bruised, and every part of it is used in medicine. The root is long and large: we use that of our own growth fresh, but the fine fragrant dried roots are brought from Spain. The whole plant pos- sesses the same virtues, and is cordial and sudo- rific; it has been always famous against pestilen- tial and contagious diseases. The root, the stalks candied, the seeds bruised, or the water distilled from the leaves, may be used, but the seeds are the most powerful. It is also an ingredient in many compositions. ANISE. Anisem. The aniseed used in the shops is produced by a small plant cultivated in fields for that purpose in the island of Malta and elewhere. It grows to half a yard high, the stalks are firm, striated, and branched; the leaves which grow near the ground are rounded and divided only into three parts; those on the stalks are cut into slender divisions. The flowers are small, but they grow in large umbels at the top of the branches, and two seeds follow each; these are the aniseed. FAMILY HERBAL. 11 As much bruised aniseed as will lie on a sixpence is excellent in cholie. 'Tis also good in indigestions, and other complaints of the stomach. APPLES OF Love. Poma Amoris. These are large juicy fruits, but they are pro- duced not on a tree, but on a small and low plant. The stalks are weak, and divided into many branches; the leaves are large, but they are com- posed of many small ones set on a divided stalk, and they are of a faint yellowish green colour. The flowers are small and yellow, the fruit is large; and, when ripe, of a red colour ; it contains a soft juicy pulp and the seeds. The plant is a kind of nightshade, we cultivate it in gardens. The Italians eat the fruit as we do cucumbers. The jnice is cooling, and is good externally used in eruptions on the skin, and in diseases of the eyes, where a sharp humour is trouble- some, ARCHANGEL. Lamium Album. A COMMON wild plant, more vulgarly called the dead-nettle. It grows about our hedges, it is a foot high, and has leaves shaped like those of the nettle, but they do not sting. The stalk is square, and the leaves are hairy; the flowers are large and white; they stand at the joints where , the leaves are set on, and are very pretty. The leaves stand in pairs, and the root creeps under the surface. The flowers are the only part used; they are to be gathered in May, and made into conserve. A pound of them is to be beat up with two pounds 12 FAMILY HERBAL and a half of sugar. They may also be dried. They are excellent in the whites, and all other weaknesses. There is a little plant with red flowers called also the red archangel, or red dead-nettle. It is common under the hedges, and in gardens; the stalks are square and weak, the leaves are short and notched at the edges, and the flowers small and red; the plant is not above four or five inches high, and these flowers grow near the tops among the leaves. They are in shape like those of the white archangel, but small. The herb is used fresh or dried, and the flowers. The decoction is good for floodings, bleedings at the nose, spitting of blood, or any kind of hemor- rhage. It also stops blood, bruised and applied outwardly. ARRACH, OR STINKING ARRACH. Atriplex olida. A SMALL wild plant that grows about farm-yards, and in waste grounds. The stalks are a foot long, but weak; they seldom stand upright ; they are striated, and of a pale green. The leaves are small, short, and rounded, of a bluish green colour, and of the breadth of a shilling, or less. The flowers are inconsiderable, and the seeds small, but they stand in clusters at the tops of the branches, and have a greenish white appearance. The whole plant is covered with a sort of moist dust in large particles, and has a most unpleasant smell. It is to be used fresh gathered, for it loses its virtue in drying. A syrup may be made of a pint of its juice and two pounds of sugar, and will keep all the year. The leaves also may be beat into a con- serve, with three times their weight of sugar. In any of these forms it is an excellent medicine in FAMILY HERBAL. 13 ; all hysteric complaints. It cures fits, and promotes the menses, and the necessary evacuations after delivery. There is another kind of arrach also mentioned by medical writers, and called garden arrach ; it is an annual raised from seed, for the use of the kitchen. It grows to a yard high, and the leaves are broad : those which grow from the root have a little leaf also on each side of the base. They are covered with a wet dust like the other kind. These leaves are cooling and softening; they are good in clysters, but they are less used, and less valuable than the other. ARON. Arun. A VERY common plant under our hedges, and more vulgarly called cuckowpint, and, by the children, lord and lady. The root is of the , bigness and shape of a walnut, brown on the outside and white within, and this, as well as the whole plant, is of a sharp and acrid taste. This root lies deep. The leaves are large and shaped like the bearded head of an arrow, of a strong green colour, and sometimes spotted. In April and May rise among these thick stalks, sup- porting a very singular kind of flower, the pointal of which is long, thick, fleshy, and of a red or white colour, and the whole surrounded with a green membranaceous case. Afterwards this case and the pointal fall off, and there remains only the stem supporting a quantity of berries, which are ripe in autumn, and are then of a fine red colour. The root is the part used. It is an excellent medicine in palsies. Half one of the roots, fresh 14 FAMILY HERBAL. gathered and bruised, will sometimes restore the speech at once ; and a continued use of them goes a great way toward a cure. It is also good in scorbutic cases, and in all inward obstructions. Some dry and powder it, but it then loses almost all its virtue. ARSMART OR WATER-PEPPER. Persicaria Urens. a A COMMON wild herb, neglected, but of great virtues. It grows every where about ditches, and in watery places. It is a foot and a half high; the stalks are weak, green or reddish, and jointed. The leaves are long and narrow, like those of the peach tree, of a bright green, not spotted, and even at the edges. The flowers stand at the tops of the stalks in slender spikes, of a greenish white. As there are . several other kinds of arsmart, and most of them different from this in their nature and qualities, great care is to be taken to gather the right. It must have no spot upon the middle of the leaf. There is another common kind of arsmart with such a spot, and with thicker stalks, and thiek pikes of reddish flowers, which has none of its virtue. The right arsmart is an excellent medicine in obstructions of urine, in the gravel and stone: and in the jaundice and beginning of dropsies it has done great cures The juice of the fresh gathered plant is the best way of giving it. Outwardly it is good to cleanse old ulcers. ARTICHOKE Cinara. The root of the common artichoke, or hartichoke, cultivated for our tables, is an excellent medicine. The plant itself is of the thistle-kind. and its FAMILY HERBAL. 15 head, which we see at table, owes much of its big. ness and fleshiness to culture. The leaves are large, and divided into many parts, and often they are prickly. The stem is robust and striated, and the head is formed of large scales; the flowers are of the thistle-kind, and the seeds are, as in the thistles, winged with down. The root fresh gathered, sliced, and boiled in wa- ter, six ounces to a quart of the water, makes a de- coction, which works by urine, and I have known it alone cure a jaundice. ASARABACCA. Asarum. A VERY little and low plant found wild in many parts of Europe, and common in our gardens. The roots creep about the surface of the ground, the leaves grow singly from them, and there is no stem or stalk. Each leaf has its separate foot- stalk three or four inches long, and the leaf itself is roundish, of a dark green, and fleshy ; the flowers small and of a dusky colour, and they stand near the ground. The roots are the most valuable part; the juice of them may be given in small doses, or they may be dry and given in powder or infusion. It works very powerfully by urine, and is good in obstructions of the menses, and in jaundices and dropsies. THE Ash. Fraxinus A COMMON tree in our hedges and woods. The bark of the branches is grey, and the leaves are winged; the small ones of which they are ; composed are oblong and dented. The flowers are of a whitish green, and come before the leaves, 16 FAMILY HERBAL. the seeds are what they call ash-keys, these ripen in September The bark of the young branches is good in obstructions of the liver and spleen, and there- fore is of great service in dropsies, jaundice, and other complaints of that origin: it works by urine. The seeds have the same virtue, but in a less degree. The Manna Ash. Fraxinus minore folio. a very little. This is a lower tree than the common ash, and is not a native of our kingdom, but is frequent in Italy, where the manna is gathered from its leaves and branches. The bark of this tree is paler than that of our common ash, and the leaves are composed of smaller and narrower parts, but the flower and fruit differ They have also in Calabria another low ash- tree, which has the backs of the leaves small- er than ours, and flatter and more rounded, and from this also they collect manna for the use of the apothecaries. The manna is a sweet or honey juice that naturally sweats out of the bark and leaves in hot weather. The finest manna of all is that which oozes out of the leaves ; this is in small pieces. It flows out of the ribs of the leaves in August, in the heat of the day, and soon hardens into this form. They get the greatest quantities of all, by cutting the bark of the trunk and branches, and this is often large and flaky, but it is yellowish. That which is flaky, white, and hollow, has issued out of itself, and is much better. Manna is a most excellent purge, very gentle, and without any after astringency. There is a FAMILY HERBAL. 17 kind of manna used in France, called the Briancon manna; this is produced by the larch-tree : and there is another kind more rare, called Persian man- na ; this is produced by the shrub called alhagi, a kind of broom, or nearly allied to it. But these are scarce with us. ASPARAGUS. Asparagus sativus. The asparagus plant is one whose root is useful in medicine, although a different part of it be eaten at the table. Its virtues are not unlike those of the artichoke root, but greater The asparagus is a wild plant in many parts of England about the sea-coasts ; and its root, in this wild state, is better than that of the cultivated plants, but its shoots have not that fine fleshy fulness. The plant, when full grown, is three feet high, and very much branched, and the leaves are fine and of a pale green; the flowers are small and greenish, but the berries which succeed them are as big as peas, and red. The root is a powerful diuretic, and is good in all obstructions of the viscera. It has been known singly to perform cures in jaundices and dropsies. It is best given in decoction. ASPHODEL. Asphodelus verus ramosus albus. An elegant garden flower, a native of Italy, and préserved with us more for its beauty than its use, though sometimes taken as a medicine. It grows to three feet in height, and the stalk di- vides into three or four branches towards the top. The flowers are white, and they stand in spikes on the tops of these divisions. They are 18 FAMILY HERBAL. streaked with purple on the top, and have yellow threads in the middle. The leaves are long and narrow, hollowed and sharp-pointed ; the root is composed of several oblong lumps. The root is the part used in medicine, and it is said to be good against all obstructions, particularly against those of the menses. There is another kind of asphodel with yellow flowers, the root of which is said to possess the same virtues, but it is more rarely used than the other. The ASAFETIDA PLANT. Asafatida herba. This is a Persian plant, and is a very tall and robust one. It grows to nine feet high, and the stalks are as thick as a child's leg ; they are hollow and divided toward the tops into several branches. The leaves are very large, and composed of many smaller set upon a divided rib. They resemble in some degree the leaves of the piony. The large ones rise immediately from the root, and smaller of the same form stand at distances upon the stalks, one at each joint. The flowers are singly very small, but they stand in vast clusters or umbels at the tops of the stalks, and the seeds follow two after each flower; they are large, broad, and striated, and have the same smell with the gum, but not so strong. The root is very long and thick ; it is black on the outside and white within, and is full of a thick juice of a strong smell, which, when hardened, is asafoetida such as we see. No part of tbe plant is used but only this gum or hardened juice of the root. They cut off the top of the root, and let the juice that rises from the wound dry. It becomes FAMILY HERBAL. 19 reddish on the outside and white within, and is the asafetida of the shops. An excellent medicine in all nervous disorders ; it may be given alope rolled up into pills, no way better. AVENS. Carryophyllata. A COMMON wild plant neglected, but worthy of our notice. It grows about hedges, and rises to fourteen inches high ; the stalk is firm and slender, and is divided into several branches. The leaves are large and rough, the stalk also is hairy. The leaves that grow from the root are winged; they consist of three pair of small ones, and one much larger at the end. Those on the stalk are smaller, and consist of fewer parts ; but otherwise they are like. The flowers are small and yellow; they are succeeded by rough heads, as big as a horse bean, composed of many seeds with hooked filaments. The root is longish and large, of a firm substance, reddish colour, and very fragrant spicy smell ; it is better than many drugs kept in the shops. It is a cordial and sudorific, It is good in nervous complaints, and I have known it alone cure intermittent fevers, where the bark has been unsuccessful. B. BALM. Melissa. A PLANT common in our gardens. It grows to two feet in height, and the stalks are robust, square, and hairy. The leaves are oblong, broad, pointed at the end, and dentated about the edges, and they stand two at a joint; the flowers are small FAMILY HERBAL. and white, but they have large rough tops, which remain after they are fallen. They stand in circu- lar clusters round the stalk at the upper joints ; the whole plant is of a fragrant smell. The root creeps and spreads abundantly, the plant is in flower in July Fresh balm is much better than dry, for it loses its fragrancy in drying. The best way of taking it is in tea ; it is good for disorders of the head and stomach. ; BALM OF GILEAD SURUB. Balsamum syri- acum rutæ folio. kind of pods. This is an eastern shrub; it grows to five or six feet high, and the branches are very tough, and, when broken, have a fragrant smell. The leaves are like those of rue, only larger and of a deeper green ; the flowers are moderately large, and like pea-blossoms ; they are of. a pale purplish hue mixed with white. The seeds are yellow and very fragrant, they are contained in a No part of the shrub is used, but only the halsam which is obtained from it; the finest kind runs from the tree, of itself: there is a second sort obtained by boiling the twigs and young shoots ; and a third, coarser, which rises to the top of the water, after the purer sort has been taken off. This last is almost the only kind we see, and even this is very frequently adulterated. It is a very fine balsamic and detergent ; it is good in the whites, and all weaknesses, and it is cordial at the same time that it acts as a balsam ; it is best taken alone upon sugar. FAMILY HERBAL. 21 BALSAM OF CAPIVI-TREE. Arbor balsamifera fructu monospermo. This is a large tree. The wood is of a red colour, and fine grain ; the bark is brown ; the leaves are broad, short, and pointed at the end, and are of a dark green on the upper side, and a mealy white underneath. The flowers are as large as apple blossoms, and of a pale colour ; the fruit is a pod containing only one seed, which is as big as a nut, and the kernel is sweet and of a good taste. The tree is frequent in the Brasils. We use no part of it, but only the balsam which runs out at wounds they make in the trunk in summer; it is thin like oil. It has the same virtues with tur- pentine, but is more powerful ; it is excellent in the whites, and it is good in all complaints of the urinary passages. It may be taken alone on sugar. BALSAM OF Peru-Tree. Arbor balsamifera Peruviana. This is a shrub of eight feet high, with slender and tough branches. The leaves are very long and narrow; the flowers are yellow and large, and the fruit is crooked. The whole plant has a fragrant smell, especially the young shoots and the buds. The balsam of Peru is procured from the fra- grant tops of this shrub, by boiling them in water ; the blackish liquor rises like oil to the top, and, when cold, it is the balsam of Peru. There is a white balsam of Peru, very fragrant and fine, but it is scarce. This is the produce of a 22 FAMILY HERBAL. the same tree, but it oozes naturally from the cracks in the bark. The black balsam of Peru is a cordial as well as a balsam ; it is excellent in disorders of the breast, and in all obstructions of the viscera ; ten drops at a time given on sugar, and continued daily, have cured asthmas and beginning consumptions. It also promotes the menses, and is excellent in sup- pressions of urine. Outwardly applied it heals fresh wounds. BALSAM OF Tolu-TREC. Arbor balsamifera Tolutana. This is a kind of pine tree. It does not grow to any great height, but spreads into a great quan- tity of branches. The leaves are long and very slender, and of a deep green; the bark is of a reddish white, and the fruit is a small cone, brown and hard. No part of the tree is used but the balsam only which comes from it. They wound the trunk in liot seasons, and this liquid resin flows out, which they put up into shells for exportation : it is thick, brown, and very fragrant. It is excellent in con- sumptions, and other disorders of the breast, and may be given in pills. The balsamic syrup of the apothecaries is made from it, and possesses a great deal of its virtues. • BARBERRY-Bush. Berberis. This is a wild bush in some parts of Eng- land, but it is common every where in gardens ; it grows to eight or ten feet high, in an ir- regular manner, and much branched. The bark FAMILY HERBAL. 28 is whitish, and there are abundance of prickles about the branches. The leaves are of an oval figure, and strong green colour; and are indented about the edges. The flowers are small , and of a pale yellow- ish colour; the fruit is sufficiently known ; the ber- ries are oblong, red, and of a sour taste. The branches are brittle, and, under the pale outer rind, there is another yellow and thicker. This is the part used in medicine; it is excellent in the jaundice, and has often cured it singly. It is also good in all obstructions. The best way to give it is infused in boiling water. BARLEY. Hordeum. The harley used in medicine is the same with that of which bread is made, and which serves the brewer and distiller in their several capacities. It is known at sight from wheat, when growing, for it is not so tall, and the leaves are smaller and narrower. A long beard grows from each grain in the ear, and the ear is composed of two rows of them. We use this grain in two forms, the one call- ed French barley, and the other pearl barley. The French barley is skinned, and has the ends ground off; the pearl barley is reduced by a longer grinding to a little round white lump. The pearl barley makes the finer and more elegant barley- water, but the French barley makes the best. It is excellent in heat of urine, and in all gravelly cases, and is a good drink in most acute diseases, where diluting is required : it is also in some degree nourishing BARREN WORT. Epidemium. A SINGULAR and very pretty plant, native of 24 FAMILY HERBAL. Brod England, but not common. It grows in woods, and has beantiful purple and yellow flowers. It is a foot high. The leaves are oval and heart-fashioned, deeply indented at the edges, and of a dusky green. The stalks which pro- duce the flowers are weak, brittle, and gene- , rally crooked; the flowers stand in a kind of very loose spike, ten or a dozen upon the top ; they are small, but very singular and conspicuous ; they are purple on the back with a red edge, and yellow in the middle. The root is fibrous and creeping It was an opinion with the old writers, that , this plant produced no flowers ; but the occa- sion is easily known. When it stands exposed to the sun, it seldom does flower ; we see that in gardens where it is planted in such situations, for it will stand many years without flowering ; but our woods favour it, being dark and damp: the old people saw it in warmer climates, and under an unfavourable exposure. They called it from this circumstance, as well as from its virtues, by a name, which expressed being barren and fruit- less. The people in the north give milk in which the roots have been boiled, to the females of the domestic animals when they are running after the males, and they say it has the certain effect of stopping the natural emotions. Plain sense leads these sort of people to many things. They have from this been taught to give it to young wo- men of robust habits, subject to violent hysteric complaints, and I am assured with great success ; they give the decoction of the root made strong and sweetened. 'Twas a coarse allusion that led them to the practice, but it succeeds in cases that foil all the parade of common practice. It is said that, if they take it in too large quantity, it ren- FAMILY HERBAL. ders them stupid for some hours, but no ill consequence has attended this. BAY TREE. Laurus. The bay is a native of Spain and Italy; where it grows to a large tree : we keep it in gardens, but it seldom rises to more than the figure and height of a shrub with us. The wood is not strong, but spongy and friable; the leaves remain green all winter ; the bark of the large branches is of a dusky brown, that of the twigs reddish; the leaves are long and somewhat broad, pointed at the end, and very fragrant : the flowers are very small and inconsiderable ; their colour is whitish; they ; appear in May, but are not regarded, the berries are ripe in the latter end of autumn, and are large and black, consisting of two parts within the same skin. The berries are dried, and are the part of the tree mostly used; but the leaves also have great virtue. The berries are given in powder or in. fusion ; they are good in obstructions, and in cholics. They promote urine, and the evacu- ations after delivery. The leaves are cordial and good in all nervous complaints. Paralytic people would find great benefit from small doses of them often repeated ; and four or five doses have sometimes cured agues. They are to be put fresh into an oven, and, when they are crisp, reduced to powder. ro Basil. Ocymum vulgare majus. а. Basit is small herb, native of warmer countries, but not uncommon in our gardens ; it is bushy and branched ; the stalks are square, E 26 FAMILY HERBAL. are and the leaves stand two at each joint. They broad and short, and somewhat indented at the edges. The flowers are small and white, and are of the shape of those of the dead nettle ; they stand on the upper parts of the branches in loose spikes. The whole plant has a very fragrant smell. Basil is little used, but it deserves to be much more. A tea made of the green plant is excellent against all obstructions. No simple is more ef- fectual for gently promoting the menses, and for removing those complaints which naturally attend their stoppage. There are two or three other kinds of basil, but they have not equal virtue. BDELLIUM TREE. Arbor bdellium ferens. We are very well acquainted with the gum, or rather gum resin, called bdellium, but we know very little of the tree from which it is produced ; the best description we have of it, amounts to no more than that it is moderate- ly large, bushy, and full of branches with prickles upon them, and with oblong and broad leaves deeply indented at the edges, so that they re- semble oak-leaves ; and that, when the young shoots are broken, they yield a milky juice. But even this does not come upon certainty, that is, we are not assured that this tree produces the very gum we see. This is of a red brown colour, and bitterish taste. It is a good medicine in obstructions of the liver and spleen, but it is not much used. FAMILY HERBAL, 27 BEAN. Faba. , common THE garden bean is sufficiently known; it grows to a yard high, its stalks are angular, and the leaves, which are of the winged kind, stand one at each joint ; the flowers are white spotted with black, and are finely scented. The pods and their seeds need not be described. It has been customary to distil a water from bean-flowers, and use it to soften the skin, but common distilled water does as well. It is other- wise with the water of the bean-pods. These are to be bruised, when the beans are half ripe in them, and distilled with water in a alembic. The water is a very gentle carminative, without any heat or acridness; this is excellent for children's gripes. common MALACCA BEAN-TREE. Anacardium legitimum. This is a large tree, native of Malabar and the Philippine Islands ; it grows to the height and bigness of our tallest elms, and has much of their manner of growth, as to the branches. The leaves are vastly large, of an oblong figure, and obtuse ; the flowers are small and white, they grow in bunches, and have somewhat of the smell of the syringa flower, but fainter. The fruit is of the bigness of a pear, and much of the same shape; it is of a deep red, when ripe, and of a pleasant taste; the kernel is not within this, as is commonly the case in fruits, but it hangs out loose at the end. This kernel or seed is of the shape of an heart; it is as big as an olive, 28 FAMILY HERBAL. and has a dusky red coat or shell, but it is white within. This is the part used in medicine, for the whole fruit is not regarded The ana- cardium, or kernel, is said to be a cordial, and a strengthener of the nerves, but we do not much use it. There is a very sharp liquor between the outer and inner rinds of the shell, which will take away freckles from the skin; but it is so sharp, that the ladies must be cautious how they use it. WEST-INDIA-BEAN, or Cashew Nut-TREE. Arbor acajou vulgo cajou. It appears by the description of the anacar- dium how very improperly it is called a nut, for it is the kernel of a large fruit, though growing in a singular manner. The case is just the same with respect to the Cashew nut, for it is neither a nut nor a bean, any more than the other: but it is necessary to keep to the common names, and it is proper they should be mentioned together. The tree which produces it is large and spread- ing; the bark is of a pale colour, rough and cracked, and the wood is brittle. The leaves are half a foot long, and two or three inches broad, blunt at the end, and of a fine green colour. The flowers are small, but they grow in tufts together. The fruit is of the bigness and shape of a pear, and of an orange and pur- ple colour mixt together; the Cashew nut or bean, as it is called, hangs naked from the bottom of this fruit. It is of the bigness of a garden bean, and indented in the manner of a kidney ; it is of a greyish colour, and consists of a shelly covering, and a fine white fleshy sub- FAMILY HERBAL. 29 stance within, as sweet as an almond. Between the two coats of this shell, as between those of the anacardium, there is a sharp and caustic oil, which serves in the same manner as the other to take off freckles, but it must be used with great caution. It actually burns the skin, so that it must be suffered to lie on only a few moments; and even when used ever so cautiously, it sometimes causes mischief. BENGAL BEAN-TREE. Faba Bengalensis. A LARGE tree, native of the East, and not unlike our plum-tree. It is thirty or fortyfcet high ; the leaves are roundish, but sharp-pointed, and of a deep green ; they are finely indented, and of a firm texture. The flowers are large and white ; they resemble, in all respects, the blossoms of our plum-trees. The fruit is a kind of plum, of a long shape, with a small quantity of fleshy matter, and a very large stone. It is a kind of myrobolan, but is not exactly the same with any that we use. The Bengal bean, as it is called, is an irregu- lar production of this tree : it is very ill-named a bean ; it is truly a gall like those of the oak : a but it does not rise like them from the wood or leaves, but from the fruit of this particular plum. It is as broad as as a walnut, but flatted, and hollowed in the centre ; its original is this : There is a little black fly frequent in that coun- try, which lodges its eggs in the unripe fruit of this particular plum, as we have insects in Eng- land, which always choose a particular plant, and a particular part for that purpose. The fly always strikes the fruit while it is green, and has but the rudiments of the stone. It grows dis- 30 FAMILY HERBAL, tempered from the wound, and the stone never ripens in it, but it takes this singular form. It is an excellent astringent. It is of the nature of the galls of the oak, but less violently binding. It is good in all purgings and bloody fluxes, and against the overflowing of the menses. BEAR'S-BREECH. Acanthus. A VERY beautiful plant, native of Italy, and some other warm parts of Europe, and kept in our gardens. It grows a yard high ; the stalk is thick, round, and fleshy; the leaves grow from the root, and are a foot long, four inches broad, very beautifully notched at the edges, and of a dark glossy green. The flowers stand in a kind of thick short spike at the top of the stalks, intermixed with small leaves; these flowers are large, white, and gaping. The whole plant, when in flower, makes a very beautiful appearance. The root creeps. This plant is not so much known in medicine as it deserves. The root being cut in slices and boiled in water makes an excellent diuretic decoction. It was a great medicine with an eminent apothecary of Peterborough, and he gave more relief with it in the gravel and stone, than any other medicine would afford. BEAR's-FOOT. Helleborus niger. A LOW and singular plant, but not without its beauty ; it is a native of many parts of Europe, but we have it only in gardens; the leaves are large ; each rises from the root singly, on a foot-stalk of six inches long, and is di- vided into nine parts like fingers on a hand : FAMILY HERBAL. 31 sometimes thé divisions are fewer. The flowers are very large and beautiful, they are as big as a com- mon single rose, or nearly so ; they are white, red- dish, or greenish, according to the time of their having been open ; and they stand each on a single stalk, which rises from the root, and has no leaves on it. It flowers in January. The root is an excellent purge, it works briskly but safely ; it destroys worms, and is good in dropsies, jaundice, and many other diseases, and even in madness. But it But it is very necessary to keep it in one's own garden, for, if the root be bought, they commonly sell that of the green flowered wild or bastard hellebore in its place, which is a rough medicine. LADIES' BEDSTRAW. Gallium luteum. A PRETTY wild plant, frequent about hedges in June and the succeeding months. The stalk is weak and two feet high ; the leaves are of a blackish green, and small; and the flowers are yellow. The stalk is angular and whitish, very brittle, and seldom straight; the leaves stand a great many at each joint, and are small, narrow, and disposed about the stalk like the rowels of a spur ; the flowers grow in great tufts on the tops of the stalks, so that they make a very con- spicuous appearance, though singly they are very small. This herb is little regarded, but it has very great virtue ; it should be gathered when the flowers are not quite blown, and dried in the shade. An infusion of it will cure the most violent bleedings at the nose, and almost all other evacuations of blond. 32 FAMILY HERBAL. BEET. Beta alba. A COMMON garden plant eaten at our te bles, but these often afford medicines as well as food. The white beet, which is the medicinal kind, grows three or four feet high. The stalk is robust and strong, the leaves are broad and un- dulated, the flowers are inconsiderable, they are of a greenish white colour ; the root is large and long. The juice of fresh beet-root is an excellent remedy for the head-ach, and tooth-ach when the whole jaw is affected ; it is to be snuffed up the nose to promote sneezing The red beet-root is good for the same purpose, but it is not so strong as the white. WHITE BEHEN. Behen album. a A COMMON wild plant in our corn fields. It is two feet high ; the stalks are weak and often crooked; but they are thick enough, round, and of a whitish green colour. The leaves are oblong, broad, and of a fine blue green colour, not dented at all at the edges, and they grow two at every joint ; the joints of the stalks where they grow are swelled and large, and the leaves have no stalks. The flowers are white, moderately large, and prickly. They stand upon a husk which seems blown up with wind. This is one of those plants of our own growtli, that have more virtue than people imagine. The root, which is long, white, and woody, is to be gathered before the stalks rise, and dried. An infusion is one of the best remedies known for nervous complaints: it will not take place against FAMILY HERBAL. a violent present disorder ; but is an excellent pre- servative, taken cautiously. RED Rod BEHEN. Limonium majus. . A COMMON wild plant about our séa-coasts, and a very pretty one. It grows to a foot in height; the stalks are naked, and the flowers red; and, in their disposition, they somewhat re- semble lavender, whence the plant is also called by sone sea lavender. About the bottoms of the stalks stand clusters of large and broad leaves, rounded at the ends, of a deep green colour, and fattish substance; these rise immediately from the root, and the stalks grow up among them. The stalks are very tough and strong, and branched, and of a paler green; the root is long and reddish. The people in Essex cure themselves of purg- ings, and of overflowings of the menses, with an infusion of this root; and it is a very great me- dicine, though little known. It is to be gathered, as soon as the young leaves appear, cleaned and dried; it may be taken in powder, half a drachm for a dose. These are not the white and red behen roots of the old writers on physic, but they are better. BEN-NUT-TREE. Balanus myrepsica. This is an Arabian tree, not very large, but exceedingly singular in the nature of its leaves. They are composed of a great number of small roundish parts, growing at the extremities of strong branched foot-stalks. The leaves fall first, and these foot-stalks long after. When the leaves are fallen, and the stalks remain, 84 FAMILY HERBAL. the tree makes a very singular appearance. The fruit is a pod, long, but slender, and containing two seeds : these are what we call the ben-nuts. They are of an oblong figure, and irregularly rigid ; the shell is hard, but the kernel fat, soft, and oily, and of a bitter taste. The kernel operates by vomit and stool violently, and is seldom used. It affords an oil which has nei. ther smell nor taste, and which will keep a long time without growing rancid. a BENJAMIN TRED. Arbor benzionifera. و A BEAUTIFUL tree frequent in the East, and there affording the fine fragrant resin of its name : it is also of the growth of America, and thrives there, but it yields no resin. It is a moderately tall tree; the bark is smooth and brown; the leaves are broad, oblong, and not unlike those of the lemon-tree. The flowers are whitish, and very inconsiderable. The fruit is as big as a nutmeg, and consists of a fleshy substance on the outside, and a kernel inclosed in a thin and brittle shell within. The tree is properly of the bay- tree kind. They cut the branches of the benjamin trees, and the juice which flows out hardens by de- grees into that reddish and white fragrant resin we see. It is an excellent medicine in disorders of the breast and lungs : and a tincture of it made with spirit of wine makes water milky, and this mixture is called virgin's milk; it is good to cleanse the skin. Wood BETONY. Butonica sylvestris. A COMMON wild herb, but ,of very great vir- FAMILY HERBAL. 35 . tue. It is frequent in our woods and among bushes, and flowers in June. The stalks are almost naked, and a foot high, and the flowers are purple. There grow many leaves from the root; they have long stalks, and are broad, above an inch long, of a blackish green colour, and hairy, blunt at the point, and indented about the edges. The stalks are square, of a dark colour, hairy, and not very strong. The leaves of them are very few, and very distant; but they stand two at a joint, and are like the others. The flowers stand at the tops in form of a kind of thick short spike; they are small and purple, and of the shape of the flowers of mint. Betony is to be gathered when just going to flower. It is excellent for disorders of the head, and for all nervous complaints. The habitual use of it will cure the most inveterate head-aches. It may be taken as tea, or dried and powdered. Some mix it with tobacco and smoke it, but this is a more un- certain method. There is a tall plant with small purple flowers growing by waters, thence and from the shape of the leaves called water betony, but it has none of the virtues of this plant; it is a kind of fig-wort, and possesses the virtues of that plant, but in an inferior degree. BIND WEED. Convolvulus major. A COMMON wild plant which climbs about our hedges, and bears very large white flowers. The stalks are weak and slender, but very tough, six or eight feet long, and twist about any thing that can support them. The leaves are large, and of the shape of an arrow-head, bearded at the base, and sharp at the point: they stund 36 FAMILY HERBAL. singly, not in pairs, and are of a pale green co- lour. The flowers are of the breadth of a crown- piece at the mouth, and narrower to the base, bell- fashioned, and perfectly white. The root is long and slender. Gods In Northamptonshire the poor people use the root of this plant fresh gathered and boiled in ale as a purge; they save the expense of the apothecary, and answer the purpose better than any one thing would do for them. It would nauseate a delicate stomach, but, for people of their strong constitution, there is not a better purge. BILLBERRY Bush. Vaecinia nigra. onide A LITTLE tough shrubby plant, common in our boggy woods, and upon wet heaths. The stalks are tough, angular, and green; the leaves are small; they stand singly, not in pairs, and are broad, short, and indented about the edges. The flowers are small but pretty, their colour is a faint red, and they are hollow like a cup. The berries are as large as the biggest pea, they are of a blackish colour, and of a pleasant taste. A syrup made of the juice of billberries, when pot over ripe, is cooling and binding; it is a plea- sant and gentle medicine for women whose menses are apt to be too redundant, taken for a week before the time. a BIRCH-TREE. Betula. A TALL and handsome tree, common in our woods and hedges. The bark is smooth and white. The young shoots are reddish, and they are small and long. The leaves are beautiful ; they are short, roundish, of a fine bright green, and notohed FAMILY HERBAL. 37 about the edges. The flowers are inconsiderable; the fruit is a little scaly globule, preceding the leaves in spring The juice of the birch-tree, procured by boring a hole in it in spring, is diuretic, and good against the scurvy. The leaves, fresh gathered, and boil- ed in water, afford a decoction, which acts in the same manner, and is good in dropsies; and in all cutaneous disorders, outwardly used. brego ROUND-ROOTED BIRTHWORT. Aristolochia tunda. ro- A WILD plant in Italy, and the south of France; but with us found only in the gardens of the curious. It has no great beauty, or even singularity in its appearance, till examined. The stalks are a foot and a half long, but weak; they are square, and of a dusky green colour. The leaves are short, broad, and roundish, of a dusky green; also the flowers are long, hollow, and of an odd form, not resembling the flowers of other plants : they are of a dusky greenish colour on the out- side, and purple within : the fruit is fleshy, and as big as a small walnut The root is large and roundish. The root is the only part used in medicine, and that we have from countries where the plant is a native ; it is a rough and Gisagreeable medicine; it often offends the stomach, but it is an excellent drug for promoting the necessary evacuations after delivery: There are two other kinds of birthwort, the poot of which are also kept in the shops; the one called the long birthwort; the other the climbing birthwort. They possess the same virtues with the The ined in medicine toe 38 FAMILY HERBAL. round, but in a less degree, and are therefore less regarded. BISHOPSWEED. Ammi. A WILD plant in France and Italy, but kept only in our gardens ; in its external figure, some- what resembling parsley when in flower. The stalk is round, firm, and striated ; it grows two feet high. The leaves are of the compound kind, and formed of many smaller, which are broad, short, and indented at the edges, The flowers are small and white, but they stand in such large tufts at the tops of the stalks, that they make a considerable appearance. Each flower is succeeded by two seeds; these are small and striated, of a warm aromatic taste, and not disa greeable. The seeds are the only part of the plant used in medicine; they are good against the colic, as all the other carminative seeds are ; but they are also diuretic; so that they are particularly proper in those colics which arise from the stone in the kidneys and ureters ; they also promote the menses. There is another sort of bishopsweed called Cretick ammi, the seeds of which are used in me dicine; they are of the same virtues with these, but are less used. They have a more spicy smell. BISTORT. Bistorta. A VERY beautiful wild plant : it grows in our meadows, and, when in flower, in May and June, is very conspicuous, as well as very elegant in its appearance. It is about a foot and a half 2 FAMILY HERBAL. 39 high; the leaves are broad and beautiful, and the flowers grow in a thick spike or ear, at the top of the stalks, and are of a bright red colour. There rise immediately from the root a number of large and beautiful leaves, long, broad, and of a fine green colour. The stalks on which they stand, have also a rim of the leaf running down them; the stalks are round, firm, and erect, of a pale green, and have two or three leaves, like the others, but smaller, on them, placed at dis- tances. The spike of the flowers is as long and as thick as a man's thumb: the root is thick and contorted, blackish on the outside, and red within. If we minded our own herbs, we should need fewer medicines from abroad. The root of bis- tort is one of the best astringents in the world : not violent, but sure. The time of gathering it is in March, when the leaves begin to shoot. String several of them on a line, and let them dry in the shade. The powder or decoction of them will stop all fluxes of the belly, and is one of the safest reme dies known for overflowings of the menses. They are also good in a diabetes. The use of this root may be obtained without danger, till it effects a perfect cure. BITTER-SWEET. Solanum lignosum. A COMMON wild plant, with weak, but woody stalks, that runs among our hedges, and bears bunches of very pretty blue flowers in sum- mer, and in autumn red berries. The stalks run to ten feet in length, but they cannot sup- port themselves upright : they are of a bluish colour, and, when broken, have a very disagree- able smell like rotten eggs. The leaves are oval; FAMILY HERBAL. a but sharp pointed, and have each two little ones near the base; they are of a dusky green and indented, and they grow singly on the stalks. The flowers are small, and of a fine purplish blue, with yellow threads in the middle. The berries are, oblong. This is little regarded in medicine, but it deserves to be better known; we account the night-shades poisonous, and many of them are so; but this has no harm in it. The wood of the larger branches, and the young shoots of the leaves, are a safe and excellent purge. I have known a dropsy taken early cured by this single medicine. BLOOD-WORT. Lapathum sanguineum. A BEAUTIFUL kind of dock kept in gardens, and wild in some places. It grows to four feet high ; the stalks are firm, stiff, upright, branch- ed, and striated. The leaves are very long and narrow, broadest at the base, and smaller all the way to the end. They are not at all indented at the edges, and they stand upon long foot-stalks : their colour is a deep green, but they are in different degrees stained with a beautiful blood red; sometimes the ribs only are red, sometimes there are long veins of red irregularly spread over the whole leaf; sometimes they are very broad, and in some plants the whole leaves and the stalks also are of a blood colour; the flowers are very numerous and little. They in all respects resemble those of the common wild docks. The root is long and thick, and of a deep blood red colour. The roots are used : they are best dry, and they may be given in decoction, or in powder. They are a powerful astringent: they stop bloody fluxes, FAMILY HERBAL. 41 spitting of blood, and the overflowings of the menses. It is also good against violent purgings and against the whites. BRAMBLE. Rubus vulgaris. a pur- The most common bush in our hedges. The stalks are woody, angulated, and of a plish colour; and they are armed with crooked spines; the leaves are rough, indented, and stand either five or three on a stalk. The flowers are white, with a very fairit tinge of purplish, and the fruit is composed of a number of small grains. The most neglected things have their use. The buds of the bramble-leaves boiled in spring water, and the decoction sweetened with honey, are excel- lent for a sore throat. A syrup made of the juice of the unripe fruit, with very fine sugar, is cooling and astringent. It is good in immoderate fluxes of the menses, and even in purgings. The berries are to be gathered for this purpose, when they are red. BLUE BOTTLE. Cyanus. A VERY common and and a very pretty weed among our corn; the leaves are narrow, and of a whitish green ; and the flowers of a very beauti- ful blue, and large. The plant is about a foot high, and, when in flower, makes a conspicuous and elegant appearance. The root is hard and fibrous ; the stalk is very firm and white, angu- lated, and branched. The leaves that grow from the root have some notches on the edges; those on the stalk have none, and they are narrow like blades of grass; the flowers stand only on the FAMILY HERBAL. tops of the branches, and they grow out of scaly heads. The seeds are beautiful, hard, white, and shining The leaves which grow on the stalks of the blue-bottle, fresh gathered and bruised, will stop the bleeding of a fresh wound, even if a large vessel be cut. They are not sufficiently known for this purpose, but they exceed all other things: and may save a life where a surgeon is not to be had in time for such an accident. A distilled water of the flowers used to be kept in the shops, but it was of no value. An infusion of them works gently by urine. There is a large kind of this plant in gardens, which is called a vulnerary or wound herb. But it is not so good as this. a Box TREE. Buxus. A COMMON little shrub in our gardens, and a native of our own country, though not common in its wild state. With us it grows but to a small height; in some other parts of Europe, it is a tolerably large shrub. The bark is whitish, the wood yellow; the leaves small, roundish, smooth, of a very dark green colour, and very numerous. The flowers are small and greenish yellow; the fruit is little, round, and furnished with three points. The wood of the box-tree, and particularly of the root, is an excellent medicine in all foul- nesses of the blood; it has the same virtues with the guiacum, but in a greater degree. It is to be given in decoction not made too strong, and con- tinued a long time. There have been instances of what were called leprosies cured entirely by This medicine. There is an oil made from it by FAMILY HERBAL. 43 distillation, which is good for the tooth-ache. It is to be dropped on cotton, and to be put into the tooth. BORAGE. Borago. a A ROUGH plant common in our gardens, with great leaves, and beautiful blue flowers. It grows two feet high ; the stalks are thick, round, fleshy, and juicy; and covered with a kind of hairiness so sturdy that it almost amounts to the nature of prickles. The leaves are oblong, broad, very rough, and wrinkled ; and they have the same sort of hairiness, but less stiff than that of the stalk ; the largest grow from the root, but those on the stalks are nearly of the same shape. The flowers are placed toward the tops of the branches; they are divided into five parts, of a most beautiful blue, and have a black eye, as it were, in the middle. Borage has the credit of being a great cordial ; but if it possess any such virtues, they are to be ob- tained only by a light cold infusion; so that the way of throwing it into cold wine is better than all the medicinal preparations, for in them it is a nauseous. WHITE BRYONY. Bryonia alba. A TALL, climbing, wild plant, which covers our hedges in many places. The leaves are somewhat like those of the vine; the flowers are incon- siderable ; but the berries are red, and make a great shew. The root is vastly large, rough, and whitish; the stalks are tough, ten or twelve feet long; but weak and unable to support themselves ; they have tendals at the joints, and by these they affix them- selves to bushes. The leaves are broad, and divided FAMILY HERBAL. deeply at the edge, and they are hairy. The flowers are of a greenish white and small, but the berries are moderately large and full of seeds. The root is the only part used in medicine; the juice of it operates very strongly by vomit and stool, and that in a small dose. All constitutions cannot bear it, but, for those that can, it is excellent in many severe diseases; dropsies have been cured by it. It is also good against hysteric complaints, but for this purpose it is to be given in very small doses, and frequently repeated. BLACK BRYONY. Bryonia nigra. THERE is not any instance which more blames our neglect of the medicines of our own growth, than this of the black bryony, a medicine scarce known or heard of, but equal to any. The plant climbs upon bushes and hedges like the former, but this by twisting its stalk about the branches of trees and shrubs, for it has no tendrils. It runs to fifteen feet in height; the stalk is tough and angular: the leaves are broad, and of a heart-like shape, and are perfectly smooth and shining, and of a glossy and very deep blackish green. The flowers are very small, and of a greenish white; the berries are red. The root is black without, white within, and full of a slimy juice. The root of black bryony is one of the best diuretics known in medicine. It is an excel- lent remedy in the gravel, and all other obstructions of urine, and other disorders of the urinary passages. BROOKLIME. Anagallis aquatica, becabunga. A COMMON wild herb frequent about shallow FAMILY HERBAL. 15 walers, with a thick stalk, 'roundish leaves, and spikes of little bright blue flowers. Brooklime grows to a foot high. The stalk is round, fleshy, and large, yet it does not grow very upright : it strikes root at the lower joints. The leaves are broad, oblong, blunt at the end, and a little indented on the edges. The flowers stand singly on short foot-stalks one over another, so that they form a kind of loose spike; the roots are fibrous. Brooklime has great virtues, but must be used fresh gathered, for they are all lost in drying. The juice in spring is very good against the scurvy ; but it must be taken for some time. It works gently by urine, but its great virtue is in sweetening the blood. BROOM. Genista. A COMMON naked-looking shrub that grows on waste grounds, and bears yellow flowers in May. It is two or three feet high. The stalks are very tough, angular, and green. The leaves are few, and they are also small; they grow three together, and stand at distances on the long and slender stalks. The flowers are numerous, they are shaped like a pea-blossom, and are of a beautiful bright yellow. The pods are flat and hairy. The green stalks of broom, infused in ale or beer for the common drink, operate by urine, and remove obstructions of the liver and other parts; they are famous in the dropsy and jaundice. It is a common practice to burn them to ashes, and infuse those ashes in white wine ; thus the fixed salt is extracted, and the wine becomes a kind of lee. This also works , by urine more powerfully than the other, but the other is preferable for removing obstructions, 46 FAMILY HERBAL. BUTCHERS-BROOM. Ruscus. A LITTLE shrubby plant frequent on our waste grounds and heaths, with small prickly leaves and bushy tops. The plant grows a foot and a half high. The stalks are roundish, striated, thick, and very tough. They are naked towards the bottom, and divide into some branches towards the top: they are there covered with leaves. These leaves . are short, broad, oval, and pointed, the point running out in a prickle ; they are of a bluish green, and very thick and fleshy. The flowers are seldom re- garded; they grow in a singular manner upon the backs of the leaves ; they are very small and pur- plish: these are succeeded each by a single berry, which is red, round, and as big as a pea. The roots a are white, thick, and numerous The root is the part used, and it is an excellent medicine to remove obstructions. It works power- fully by urine, and is good in jaundices, and in stoppages of the menses, and excellent in the gravel. BUCK-BEANS. Trifolium palustre. An herb better known by the common people, than among the apothecaries, but of great virtue. It grows wild with us in marshy places, and is of so very singular appearance, that it must be known at sight. It grows a foot high, the leaves stand three upon each stalk, and these stalks rise immediately from the roots. They are thick, round, smooth, and fleshy; and the leaves them- selves are large, oblong, and have some resemblance of those of garden beans. The flowers stand upon naked stalks, which are also thick, round, fleshy, and whitish: they are small, but they grow FAMILY HERBAL. 47 together in a kind of thick short spike, so that in the cluster they make a conspicuous appearance ; they are white with a very faint tinge of purple, and are hairy within ; the root is whitish, long, and thick. The leaves of buck-bean are to be gatnered before the stalks appear for flowering, and are to be dried; the powder of them will cure agues, but their great use is against the rheumatism: for this purpose they are to be given for a con- tinuance of time in infusion, or in the manner of tea. BUCKTHORN. Spina cervina. A PRICKLY shrub, common in our hedges, with pale green leaves, and black berries. It grows to eight or ten feet high. The bark is dark coloured and glossy, and the twigs are tough. The leaves are oval, of a very regular and pretty figure, and elegantly dented round the edges. The flowers are little and inconsiderable; they are of a greenish yellow, and grow in little clus- ters. The berries, which are ripe in September, are round, glossy, black, as big as the largest pepper-corns, and contain each three or four seeds. The juice of the berries, boiled up with sugar, makes a good purge; but it is apt to gripe, unless some spice be added in the making. It is a rough purge, but a very good one. BUCKSHORN PLANTAIN. Coronopus. A VERY pretty little plant, which grows in our sandy and barren places, with the leaves spread out in manner of a star, all the way round from the a 48 FAMILY HERBAL. root; and in the heads like other plantains, al- though so very unlike them in its leaves. The root is long and slender; the leaves which lie thus flat upon the ground are narrow and long, very beautifully notched, and divided so as to resemble a buck's horn, whence the name, and of a pale whitish green, and a Ittle hairy. The stalks are slender, six inches long, but seldom quite erect : they are round, hairy, and whitish, and have at the top a spike of flowers of an inch or two in length, altogether like that of the other plantains, only more slender. This plant has obtained the name of star of the earth, from the way of the leaves spreading themselves. These leaves bruised, and applied to a fresh wound, stop the bleeding, and effect It is said also to be a remedy against the bite of a mad dog ; but this is idle and ground- less. a cure. BUGLE. Bugula A COMMON wild plant, and a very pretty one, with glossy leaves, creeping stalks, and blue flowers; it is frequent in damp woods. The stalks, when they rise up to bear the flowers, are eight or ton inches high, square, of a pale green colour, often a little purplish ; and have two leaves at every joint, the joints being somewhat distant, These leaves are of the same form with those which rise immediately from the root; oblong, broad, blunt at the point, and of a deep green colour, sometimes also a little purplish, and are slightly indented round the edges. The flowers are small, and of a beautiful blue, in shape like those of betony; they grow in a sort of circles round the upper part of the stalks, forming a kind FAMILY HERBAL 49 of loose spikes. The cups remain when the flowers are gone, and hold the seeds. The juice of this plant is esteemed good for inward bruises; it is a very good diuretic. BUGLOSS. Buglossum hortense. A ROUGH and unsightly plant kept, in our gardens for the sake of its virtues, but very rare- ly used. It grows to a foot and a half high; the leaves are rough like those of borage, but they are long and narrow, of a deep green colour, and rough surface. The stalks are also covered with a rough and almost prickly hairiness. The same sort of leaves stand on these as rise imme- diately from the root, only smaller. The flow- ers stand at the tops of the branches, and are very pretty, though not very large ; they are red when they first open, but they afterwards become blue. The root is long and brown. It flowers in June and July Bugloss shares with borage the credit of being a cordial; but perhaps neither of them have any great title to the character; it is used like borage, in cool tankards ; for there is no way of making any regular preparation of it, that is possessed of any virtues. There is a wild kind of bugloss upon ditch- banks, very like the garden kind, and of the same virtues. > BURDOCK. Bardana. Ir the last mentioned plant has more credit for medicinal virtues than it deserves, this is not so much regarded as it ought. Providence has made some of the most useful plants the most common ; u 50 FAMILY HERBAL. but, because they are so, we foolishly neglect them. It is hardly necessary to describe the common bur- dock. It may be enough to say, that it grows a yard high, and has vast leaves, of a figure approach- ing to triangular, and of a whitish green colour. . The stalks are round, striated, and very tough : the flowers are small and red, and they grow among the hooked prickles of those heads which we call burs, and which stick to our clothes. Even this seems a provision of nature in kindness In pulling off these we scatter the seeds of which they are composed, and give rise to a most useful plant in a new place. The root of the burdock is long and thick ; brown on the outside, and whitish within ; this is the part used in me- dicine, and it is of very great virtues. It is to be boiled, or infused in water; the virtue is diu- retic, and it is very powerfully so. It has cured dropsies alone. The seeds have the same virtue, but in a less degree. The root is said to be sudorific and good in fevers ; but its virtue in operating by urine is its great value. to us. a BURNET. Pimpinella sanguisorba. A COMMON wild plant. It grows by way- sides, and in dry places, and flowers in July. The leaves which rise immediately from the root are very beautiful; they are of the winged kind, being composed of a great number of smaller, growing on each side a middle rib, with an odd one at the end. They are broad, short, roundish, and elegant- ly serrated round the edges. The stalks are foot high, round, striated, purplish or green, and almost naked; the few leaves they have are like those at the bottom. On the tops of these stalks a FAMILY HERBAL. 51 a stand the flowers; they are disposed in little round clusters, and are small, and of a pale reddish co- lour, and have a number of threads in the middle. Burnet is called a cordial, and a sudorific, and is recommended in fevers. They put it also into cool tankards, like borage. The root is a good astrin- gent; dried and powdered, it stops fluxes, and overflowings of the menses. BURNET SAXIFRAGE. Pimpinella saxifraga. A PRETTY plant, wild in our dry pastures, and under hedges, but not very common in all parts of the kingdom ; it grows two feet high, and has the flowers in umbels. The stalk is firm, striated, and branched ; the leaves rising from the foot are pinnated, and the lesser leaves of which they are composed, are hard, of a deep green, narrow, and indented. The leaves upon the stalks are smaller and narrower; the flowers are little and white, but they stand in so large clusters, that they make a figure : the root is white, and of a hot burning taste ; the seeds are striated. The root is the only part used; it should be taken up in spring before the stalks shoot up, and dried ; it is very good in colics, and disorders of the stomach, and it works by urine. : BUTTER-Bur. Petasites. A VERY singular and very conspicuous plant, not unfrequent with us in wet places. The flow- ers appear before the leaves, and they would hardly be supposed to belong to the same plant. The stalks are round, thick, spungy, and of a whitish colour, and have a few films by way of 52 FAMILY HERBAL leaves upon them. On the top of each stands a spike of flowers, of a pale reddish colour ; the whole does not rise to more than eight inches in height. These appear in March. When they are dead, the leaves grow up; these are roundish, green on the upper side, and whitish underneath, of a vast bigness, and stand singly upon hollowed foot-stalks, of a purplish, whitish, or greenish co- lour, they are often two fect broad. The root is white and long, it creeps under the surface of the ground. The root is the part used; it is praised very highly, as a remedy in pestilential fevers; but, whether it deserves that praise or not, it is a good diuretic, and excellent in the gravel. و BUR-REED. Sparganium. A COMMON water plant, with leaves like flags, and rough heads of seeds : it is two or three feet high. The stalks are round, green, thick, and upright. The leaves are very long and nar. row, sharp at the edges, and with a sharp ridge on the back along the middle; they are of a pale green, and look fresh and beautiful. The flowers are inconsiderable and yellowish : they stand in a kind of circular tufts about the upper parts of the stalk : lower down stand the rough fruits called burs, from whence the plant obtained its name ; they are of the bigness of a large nutmeg, green and rough. The root is composed of a quantity of white fibres. The unripe fruit is used : they are astringent, and good against fluxes of the belly, and bleed- ings of all kinds: the best way of giving them is infused in a rough red wine, with a little cin- namon. They use them in some parts of England FAMILY HERBAL. 53 externally for wounds. A strong decoction of them is made to wash old ulcers, and the juice is applied to fresh hurts, and they say with great success. C. CHOCOLATE NUT-TREE. Cacao. This is an American tree, very beautiful, as well as very valuable for its fruit. The trunk is of the thickness of a man's leg, and the height of fifteen feet'; but in this it differs greatly according to the soil; and the size of the fruit also will differ from the same cause, whence some have talked of four different kinds of the chocolate nut. The tree grows very regularly. The surface is uneven, for the bark · rises into tubercles ; the leaves are half a foot long, three inches broad, of a fine strong green, and pointed at the ends. The flowers are small and yellowish, and they grow in clusters from the branches, and even from the trunk of the tree; but each has its ; separate stalk. The fruit is of the shape of a cucumber, half a foot long, and thicker than a man's wrist ; this is rigid, and, when ripe, of a purplish colour, with some tinct of yellow. The cacao nuts, as they are called, are lodged within this fruit; every fruit contains between twenty and thirty of them. They are of the bigness of a large olive but not so thick : and are composed of a woody shell, and a large kernel, which affords the cho. colate. The common way of taking this in chocolate is not the only one in which it may be given ; the nut itself may he put into electuaries. It is very nourish- ing and restorative. FAMILY HERBAL. CALAMINT. Calamintha. A COMMON wild plant of great virtues, but . too much neglected. It is frequent by our hedges, and in dry places, and is a very robust herb. It is eight or ten inches high, and has roundish dark green leaves, and white flowers. The stalks are square, and very much branched : the leaves are of the bigness of a man's thumb- nail, somewhat hairy, and slightly indented about the edges. The flowers stand in little clusters surrounding the stalks, and are of a whitish co- lour, a little tinged with purplish, The root is composed of few fibres. Calamint should be ga- thered when just coming into flower, and careful- ly dried ; it is afterwards to be given in the man- ner of tea, and it will do great service in weak- nesses of the stomach, and in habitual colics. I have known effectual and lasting cures performed by it. PENNY-ROYAL odore CALAMINT. Calamintha pulegh. mon. A LITTLE plant of the same kind with the other, and found in the same places, but more com- It is a foot high: the stalks are robust : and firm ; the leaves are small, and of a whitish green colour, and more hairy than in the other : the flowers are small and white, with a tinge of purple; the plant grows more erect and is less branched than the other; and it has a very strong and not a very agreeable smell ; the other is strong- scented and pleasant. This is to be preserved dry as the other, and taken in the same manner. It is excellent against stoppages of the menses, and, if taken constantly. will bring them to a regular course, FAMILY HERBAL 53 CALVES' SNOUT, OR SNAPDRAGON. Antirrhinum. A COMMON wild plant in many parts of Europe, and is very frequent in our gardens, and upon the walls of gardens : its natural situation is on hills among barren rocks, and nothing comes so near that, as the top of an old wall with us : the seeds are light and are easily car- ried thither by the wind, and they never fail to strike, and the plant flourishes. It is two feet high, the stalks are round, thick, firm, and to- lerably upright, but generally a little bent towards the bottom; the leaves are very numerous ; they are oblong, narrow, not indented at the edges, blunt at the ends, and of a bluish green colour. The flowers are large and red, they stand in a kind of loose spikes upon the tops of the stalks ; the root is white and oblong. The fresh tops are used ; an infusion of them works by urine, and has been recommended by some in the jaundice, and in other diseases arising from obstructions of the viscera ; but we have so many English plants that excel in this particu- lar, and the taste of the infusion is so far from agreeable, that it is not worth while to have recourse to it. CAMEL'S HAY. Schenanthus. A SORT of grass of a fragrant smell, frequent in many parts of the East, and brought over to us dried for the use of medicine. It grows to a foot high, and in all respects resembles some of our common kinds of grass, particularly the dar- nel. The leaves are long and narrow: the stalks are round and jointed, and have grassy leaves also on them, and the flowers stand on the tops of 56 FAMILY HERBAL. a the stalks in a double series: they are not unlike those of our grasses, chaffy and ornamented with a few filaments. It was at one time in great esteem as a medicine; they called it a cordial, and a promoter of the menses, but it is now very little regarded. CHAMOMILE. Chamamelum. ; A COMMON low wild plant, of a beautiful green, a fragrant smell, and with flowers not un- like daisies. It is frequent on damp heaths, and gets no good by being brought into gardens. It grows larger there, but has less efficacy. In its wild state . it spreads its branches upon the ground, taking root at the joints. The stalks are round, green, and thick ; the leaves are very finely divided, and of a dark blackish green colour. The flowers grow upon long foot-stalks, and are white at the edge and yellow in the middle : the flowers are most used. Those which are raised for sale are double, and they have very little virtue in comparison of the single ones. They are to be taken in tea, which is a pleasant bitter; or in powder they are excellent for disorders of the stomach, and have sometimes cured agues, as many other bitters will. The tea made of them is also good against the colic, and works by urine. CAMPHIRE-TREE. Arbor camphorifera This is a kind of bay-tree of the East Indies, but it grows to the height of our tallest trees. The bark is brown and uneven on the trunk, but it is smooth and green on the young branches. The leaves are like those of the common bay-tree, only a little longer; and they are curled at the edges. FAMILY HERBAL. The flowers are small and white, and the fruit is a berry altogether like our bay-berries, and of the bigness of a large pea. The wood of the tree is white or a little reddish, and veined with black, and smells of the camphire. The leaves also, when , they are bruised, smell of camphire; and the fruit most of all. "The only product of this tree, used in medicine, is the resin called camphire; and this is not a natu- ral, but a sort of chemical preparation. They cut the wood to pieces and put it into a sort of subli- ming vessel with an earthen head full of straw They make fire underneath, and the camphire rises in form of a white meal, and is found among the straw. This is refined afterwards, and becomes the camphire we use. It is sudorifis and works by urine; it also pro- motes the menses, and is good in disorders of the bladder. WHITE CAMPION. Lychnis flore aibo. a 3 A COMMON wild plant in our hedges and dry pastures, with hairy leaves and white flowers. It grows to a foot and a half high : the stalks are round and hairy; the leaves are of an oval form, and also hairy, and they grow two at every joint: they are of a dusky green, and are not indented about the edges. The flowers are moderately large, and . white; they grow in a kind of small clusters on the tops of the branches, and each has its separate foot-stalk. This is a plant not much regarded for its virtues, but it deserves notice; the country people gather the flowers in some places, and give them in the whites and other weaknesses with success, 58 FAMILY HERBAL. CANEL BARK-TREE, CALLED THE WINTER'S BARK- TREE. Canella alba. A VERY beautiful American tree. It grows fifty feet high, and is commonly much branched. The bark is of a greyish brown: the leaves are very like those of the bay-tree, and the flowers are purple; they are singly very small, but they stand in a kind of umbels, and make a very pretty figure: the fruit is a berry which stands in the cup of the flower : It is of the bigness of a pea, and of a deep blackish purple when ripe. It is frequent in Jamaica in wet places. The inner rind of this tree is the part used in medicine; it is brought to us rolled up in quills, in the manner of cinnamon, and is of a spicy taste, and of a whitish colour. Its proper name is canella alba, white canel ; but the druggists have accustom- ed themselves to call it cortex winteranus, winter's- bark. It has the same virtues with that, but in a much less degree; and they are easily known asunder, that being the whole bark of the tree, and composed of two coats; this being only the inner bark, and therefore composed only of one. It is good in weaknesses of the stomach, and in habitual colics. Some recommend it greatly in palsies and all nervous complaints, but its virtues of this kind are not so well established. a CANTERBURY BELLS. Trachelium majus. A VERY beautiful wild plant, with leaves like the stinging-nettle, and large and very elegant blue flowers, It grows by road-sides, and in dry pastures, and is two or three feet high. The stalks are square, thick, upright, strong, and hairy. The leaves grow irregularly, they are of a dusky FAMILY HERBAL. 59 green, and stand upon long foot-stalks ; they are broad at the base, and sharp at the point, and all the way indented very sharply at the edges. They are hairy and rough to the touch. The flowers grow ten or a dozen together at the top of every branch; they are very large and of a beautiful blue colour, hollow and divided into several parts at the extremity. If the soil be poor the flowers will vary in their colour to a pale blue, reddish, or white, but the plant is still the same. The fresh tops, with the buds of the flowers upon them, contain most virtue, but the dried leaves may be used. An infusion of them, sharpened with a few drops of spirit of vitriol, and sweetened with honey, is an excellent medicine for sore throats, used by way of a gargle. The plant is so famous for this virtue, that one of its common English names is throat-wort: if the medicine be swallowed there is no harm in it; but, in the the use of every thing in this way, it is best to spit the liquor out together with the foulnesses which it may have washed from the affected parts. > CAPER SHRUB. Capparis. A COMMON shrub in France and Italy, and kept in our gardens. The pickles which we know under the name of capers, are made of the buds of the flowers, but the part to be used in medicine is the bark of the roots. The shrub grows to no great height; the branches are weak, and ill able to support them- selves, they are tough and prickly : the leaves stand irregularly, and are of an oval or roundish figure; the thorns are hooked like those of the bramble ; the flowers, when full opened, are purplish and very pretty : the fruit is roundish. FAMILY HERBAL. The bark of the root is to be taken in powder, or infusion ; it is good against obstructions of the liver and spleen, in the jaundice, and hypochondriac complaints: it is also commended in indigestions. CARANNA TREE. Caranna arbor. A TALL East Indian tree, and a very beautiful one: the trunk is thick, and the bark upon it is brown and rough ; that on the young branches is smooth and yellowish. The leaves are long and narrow, like those of some of our willow-trees. The flower is small and of a pale colour, and the fruit is of the bigness of an apple. The resin called gum caranna, is a product of this tree; it is procured by cutting the branches; they send it in rolls covered with leaves of rushes ; it is blackish on the outside, and brown within. It is supposed a good nervous medicine, but it is rarely used LESSER CARDAMOM PLANT. Cardamomum minus, An East Indian plant, in many respects resem- bling our reeds. It grows to ten or twelve feet high. The stalk is an inch thick, round, smooth, green, and hollow, but with a pith within. The leaves are half a yard long, and as broad as a man's hand : besides these stalks, there arise from the same root others which are weak, tender, and about eight inches high ; these produce the flowers which are small and greenish, and after every flower one of the fruits, called the lesser cardamoms, which are a light dry hollow fruit, of a whitish colour, and somewhat triangular shape ; of the bigness of an horse-bean, and of a dry substance on the out- : FAMILY HERBAL. 61 side, but with several seeds within, which are red- dish and very acrid, but pleasant to the taste. These fruits are the lesser cardamoms, or, as they are generally called, the cardamom seeds of the shops. They are excellent to strengthen the stomach, and assist digestion. They are also good for disorders of the head, and they are equal to any thing against colics; they are best taken by chewing them singly in the mouth, and their taste is not at all disagreeable. The two other kinds are the middle cardamom, a long fruit very rarely met with, and the great cardamom, otherwise called the grain of paradise, much better than the cardamoms. CARANNA TREE. Caragna. and narrow, A TALL and spreading tree of the West Indies; the branches are numerous, and irregular; the trunk is covered with a brown bark, the branches with a paler, they are brittle ; the leaves are long of a pale green, and sharp pointed; the flowers are small, the fruit is roundish and of the bigness of an apple. This is the best account we have of it, but this is far from perfect or satisfactory in every respect. All that we use of it is a resin which oozes out of the bark, in the great heats ; this is brown, somewhat soft, and we have it in oblong pieces, rolled up in rushes; we put it only externally; a plaister made of it is good for disorders of the head, and some say will cure the sciatica without internal medicines, but this is not probable. CARLINE THISTLE. Carlina. I HAVE observed that many plants are not 62 FAMILY HERBAL. so much regarded for their virtues as they ought to be; there are, on the contrary, some which are celebrated more than they deserve: the carline thistle is of this last number. It is not wholly without virtues, but it has not all that are ascribed to it. This is a plant without any stalk. The leaves are long, narrow, of a dark green colour, divided and prickly at the edges; and they lie spread upon the ground in manner of a star. The flower appears in the midst of these without a stalk, rising immediately from the root, with several small leaves round about it. It is the head of a thistle, and the flowery part is white on the edge, and yel- low in the middle. The root is long, and of a brown colour on the outside, and reddish within; it is of a warm aromatic taste. This is the only part of the plant used in medi- cine. They say it is a remedy for the plague : but however that may be, it is good in nervous com- plaints, and in stoppages of the menses. а. CARAWAY PLANT. Carum. A WILD plant of the umbelliferous kind, frequent in most parts of Europe, but cultivated in Germany for the sake of the seed. I have met with it very common in Lincolnshire. It grows to a yard high ; the stalks are striated and firm ; the leaves are finely divided, and the flowers are white and small; they grow in tufts, or umbels, on the tops of the branches; the seeds that follow them are very well known. The seeds are excellent in the colic, and in disor- ders of the stomach, they are best chewed. FAMILY HERBAL. 63 Wild CARROT. Daucus sylvestus. A COMMON plant about the hedges, and in dry pastures. It grows near a yard high, and has small flowers, and after them rough seeds dis- posed in umbels, at the tops of the branches, these are hollow, and thence called by the children birds' nests. The stalks are striated and, firm, the leaves are divided into fine and numerous partitions, and are of a pale green, and hairy; the flowers are white. The seed is the part used in medicine, and it is a very good diuretic; it is excellent in all dis- orders of the gravel and stone, and all obstruc- tions of urine; it is also good in stoppages of the menses. CANDY CARROTS. Daucus Cretensis. ; A PLANT frequent in the east, and cultivated in some places for the seed. It grows near a yard high; the stalk is firm, upright, striated, and branched : the leaves are like those of fennel, only more finely divided, and of a whitish colour ; the flowers are white, and the seeds are oblong, thick in the middle, and downy. These seeds are the only part used: they are good in colics, and they work by urine, but those of our own wild plant are more strongly di- uretic. CASCARILLA TREE. Cascarilla. A TREE of South America, of the fruits and flowers of which we have but very imperfect 64 FAMILY HERBAL. accounts, though we are very well acquainted with the bark of its young branches. What we have been told of it is, that the branches are numerous, and spread irregularly ; that the leaves are oblong, green on the upper side, and whitish underneath; and the flowers small, fragrant, and placed in a sort of clusters. The bark which our druggists sell, is greyish on the outside, brown within, and is of an agree- able smell : when burnt they call it Eleutherian bark, and bastard jesuit's bark : it is cordial and astringent. It It is very properly given in fevers attended with purging. And many have a custom of smoking it among tobacco, as a remedy for head-aches, and disorders of the nerves: it also does good in pleurisies and peripneumonies : some have recommended it as a sovereign remedy in those cases but that goes too far. CASSIA FISTULA TREE. Cassia fistula. It grows This is a large tree, native of the East, and a very beautiful one when in flower. twenty or thirty feet high, and is very much branched. The leaves are large, and of a deep green, and each is composed of three or four pairs of smaller, with an odd one at the end. The flowers are of a greenish yellow, but they are very bright, and very numerous, so that they make a fine appearance, when the tree is full of them : the pods follow these; they are two feet long, black, and woody, having within a black, soft, pulpy matter, and the seeds. This pulpy matter is the only part used in medicine. It is a gentle and excellent purge, the lenitive electuary owes its virtues to it. It never FAMILY HERBAL.. 65 binds afterward, and therefore is an excellent medi- cine for those who are of costive habits; a small dose of it being taken frequently. CASSIA BARK TREE. Cassia lignea. This is a large spreading tree, frequent in the East Indies, and very much resembling the cinna- mon tree in its appearance. The branches are covered with a brownish bark; the leaves are oblong and pointed at the ends, and of a deep green colour, and fragrant smell. The flowers are small, and the fruit resembles that of the cinnamon tree. The bark of the branches of this tree is the only part used in medicine; it is of a reddish brown colour like cinnamon, and resembles it in smell and taste, only it is fainter in the smell, and less acrid to the taste; and it leaves a glutinous or mucilaginous matter in the mouth. It is often mixed among cinnamon, and it possesses the same virtues, but in a less degree. However in purgings it is better thanı cinnamon, because of its mucila- ginous nature. It is an excellent remedy given in powder in these cases, and is not so much used as it ought to be. CASSIA CARYOPHYTHATA, OR CLOVE BARK TREE Cassia caryophythata. This is a large and beautiful tree, frequent in South America. The trunk is covered with a dusky bark, the branches with one that is paler coloured and more smooth. The leaves are like those of our bay-tree, only larger; and when bruised, they have a very fragrant smell : the flowers 66 FAMILY HERBAL. are small and blue, and have a white eye in the middle. The only part of this tree used in medicine is the inner bark of the branches. This is brown, thin, and rolled up like cinnamon; it is hard in colour, of a spicy smell, and in taste it has a mixed flavour of cinnamon and cloves, and is very hot and pungent. It is good in disorders of the stomach, and in colics, but it is not so much used as it de- serves. CASSIDONY, OR ARABIAN STÆCHAS. Stechas Arabica. A VERY fragrant and pretty shrub, native of Spain, and many other warm parts of Europe. It grows much in the manner of lavender, to a yard or more in height, and is not uncommon in our gardens. The branches are firm and woody: the young shoots are pliable and square, and are naked to the top. The leaves stand upon the branches two at each joint; they are long, narrow, and white. The flowers stand in little clusters or heads, like those of lavender; and there are two er three large and beautiful deep blue leaves upon the tops of the heads, which give them a very elegant appearance. The flowers are the only part used: they are of the nature of those of lavender, but more aromatic in the smell : they are very serviceable in all nervous complaints, and help to promote the menses. They are best taken dried and pow- dered sitano 972 89TOI SI o tome be bomo អន់ៗ (1) Biosol ach lioma cererilor sayes FAMILY HERBAL. 67 CASSUMUNAR PLANT. Cassumunar. A COMMON plant of the East Indies, but of which we do not seem to have yet so perfect a description as might be wished. Its leaves are large, long, and like those of our flags, and they involve one another in a singular manner about their bases. The flowers are small, and they are in shape somewhat like those of certain of our orchises. They are mota . tled with purple and yellow : the seed is little and brown, the root creeps under the surface of the ground, and is of a yellow colour and fragrant smell, and of a warm taste. The root is used: we have it at the druggists. It is of the same nature with zedoary, and has by some been called the yellow zedoary. It is a very good medicine in nervous and hysteric com: plaints. It is warm and strengthening to the sto mach: it is remarkably good against the head- ach and in fevers. It operates quick by urine and by sweat. CATMINT. Nepeta. A COMMON wild plant about our hedges, but of very great virtues ; it grows a yard high, and has broad whitish leaves, and white flowers like mint. The stalks are square, whitish, hairy, and erect: the leaves stand two at a joint : they are broadest at the base, and terminate in an obtuse end ; they are a little indented at the edges, and of a whitish green on the upper side, and very white underneath. The flowers are small and white; and they grow in a kind of spiked clusters, surrounding the stalks at certain distances. The whole plant has a very strong and not very agree. able smell. 68 FAMILY HERBAL. Catmint should be gathered just when the flowers are opening, and dried. It is an excellent woman's medicine ; an infusion of it is good against hyteric complaints, vapours, and fits, and it moderately promotes the menses : it is also good to promote the evacuations after delivery. GREAT CELANDINE. Chelidonium majus. It grows A COMMON wild plant with large leaves, and yellow flowers : which, when broken in any part, stalk or leaves, emits a yellow juice. three feet high, but the stalks are not very robust , they are round, green, and naked, with thick joints. The leaves stand two at each joint; they are large, long, and deeply divided at the edges, and are of a yellowish green. The flowers are small, but of a beautiful yellow, and they stand on long foot-stalks several together. Celandine should be used fresh, for it loses the greatest part of its virtue in drying.. The juice is the best way of giving it; and this is an excel- lent medicine in the jaundice: it is also good against all obstructions of the viscera, and if con- tinued a time, will do great service against the scurvy. The juice is also used successfully for sore eyes. LITTLE CELANDINE. Chelidonium minus. The great and the little 'celandine are plants so perfectly different, that it is hard to conceive what could induce the old writers to call them both by the same name. They hardly agree in any thing, except it be that they have both yellow flowers. The great celandine approaches to the . nature of the poppy; the small celandine to that FAMILY HERBAL. 69 of the crow-foot; nor are they any more alike in virtue than in form. Little celandine is a low plant, which is seen almost every where in damp places in spring, with broad deep green leaves, and glossy yellow flowers. It does not grow to any height. The leaves are an inch long, and nearly as broad ; they somewhat resemble those of the garden hepaticas, and are of a dark green and frequently spotted ; they rise singly from the root on long, slender, and naked stalks. The flowers rise also singly from the root on long, slender, and naked stalks ; they are as broad as a shilling, of a fine shining yellow colour, and composed of a number of leaves. The root is fibrous, , and has small white tuberous lumps connected to the strings. The roots are commended very much against the piles, the juice of them is to be taken inwardly; and some are very fond of an ointment made of the leaves, they chop them in pieces, and boil them in lard till they are crisp ; then strain off the lard, which is converted into a fine green cooling oint- ment. The operation of the roots is by urine, but not violently. 3 LITTLE CENTAURY. Centauriuni minus. A PRETTY wild plant which flowers in autumn, in our dry places. It is eight or ten inches high; the leaves are oblong, broad, and blunt at the point; the stalks are stiff, firm, and erect; and the flowers are of a fine pale red. There grows a cluster of leaves an inch long or more from the root; the stalks divided towards the top into several branches, and the flowers are long and slender, and stand in a cluster. This is an excellent stomachic; its taste is a 70 FAMILY HERBAL. pleasant bitter, and given in infusion; it strengthens the stomach, creates an appetite, and is good also against obstructions of the liver and spleen. It is on this last account greatly recommended in jaun- dices; and the country people cure agues with it dried and powdered. As there are a greater and lesser celandine, there is also a great as well as this little centaury; but the large kind is not a native of our country, nor used by us in medicine, CHASTE TREE. Agnus castrus. A LITTLE shrub, native of Italy, and frequent in our gardens. It is five or six feet high; the trunk is rough, the branches are smooth, grey, tough, and long; the leaves are fingered or spread like the fingers of one's hand when opened: five, six, or seven, of these divisions stand on each stalk, they are of a deep green above, and whitish under- neath ; the flowers are small and of a pale reddish hue; they stand in long loose spikes; the fruit is as big as a pepper-corn. The seeds of this shrub were once supposed to allay venery, but nobody regards that now. A de- coction of the leaves and tops is good against ob- structions of the liver. i BLACK CHERRY TREE. Corasus fructu nigro. a This is a well known tall tree, and well shaped The leaves are broad, roundish, sharp at the point, and indented round the edges. The flowers are white, the fruit is well enough known. The medicinal part of this is the kernel within the stone. This has been supposed good against apoplexies, palsieş, and all nervous diseases. The water distilled from FAMILY HERBAL. 71 it was, for this reason, in constant use as a remedy for children's fits. But a better practice has now obtained : it is highly probable that this water oc- casioned the disorders it was given to remove. Laurel water, when made of a great strength, we know to be a sudden poison : when weak, it tastes like black-cherry-water, and is not mortal ; in the same manner black-cherry-water, which used to be given to children when weak drawn, has been found to be poisonous when of great strength. There is therefore the greatest reason imaginable to suppose, that in any degree of strength, it may do mischief, Very probably thousands of children have died by this unsuspected medicine. The gum which hangs upon the branches of cherry-trees, is of the same nature with the gum arabic, and may be used for the same purposes, as in heat of urine, dissolved in barley-water urobor Button sil bonto WINTER CHERRY. Alkekengi. A very singular and pretty plant kept in our gardens; it grows two feet high, not very erect, nor much branched; the stalk is thick, strong, and angulated : the leaves are large, broad, and sharp- pointed; the flowers are moderately large and white, but with yellow threads in the middle; the fruit is a round red berry, of the bigness of a common red cherry, contained in a green hollow husk, round, and as big as a walnut. The berries are the only part used; they are to be separated from the husks and dried ; and may be then given in powder or decoction. They are very good in stranguries, heat of urine, or the gravel : they are also given in jaundices and dropsies: they will do good in these cases, but are not to be de- to e a a 209 pended upon alone. id odio 72 FAMILY HERBAL. CHERVIL. Chærefolium. A SALLAD herb cultivated in gardens, but not without its medicinal virtue. It is like parsley in its manner of growth, but the leaves are more divided, and of a paler colour. The stalks are round, striated, hollow, and of a pale green ; they divide into several branches, and are about two feet high : the leaves on them are like those from the root, but smaller. The flowers are bitter and white, they stand in large tufts at the tops of the branches, The seeds are large and smooth. The roots of chervil work by urine, but mode rately ; they should be given in decoction. CHESNUT TREE. Castanea. A TALL, spreading, and beautiful tree. The bark is smooth and grey : the leaves long and moderately broad, deep, and beautifully indented round the edges, and of a fine strong green. The flowers are a kind of catkins, like those of willows, long and slender, and of a yellowish colour ; the fruits are covered with a rough prickly shell, and, under that, each particular chesnut has its firm brown coat, and a thin skin, of an austere taste, over the kernel. This thin skin is the part used in medicine ; it is to be separated from the chesnut, not too ripe, and dried : it is a very fine astringent; it stops purgings and overflowings of the menses. EARTH-CHESNUT, OR EARTH-NUT. Bulbocastanum. Soo sath A COMMON wild plant, which has the name from its root. This is of the bigness of a chesnut, more FAMILY HERBAL. 73 foundish, brown on the outside, and white within, and of a sweet taste. The plant grows to a foot high; the leaves are divided into fine and nume rous partitions ; the stalk is firm, upright, round, striated, and green; the flowers are white and little, but they grow in great tufts on the tops of the branches. The root is the part used; it is to be roasted in the manner of a chesnut and eaten. It is said to have great virtues as a provocative to venery, but this is not well confirmed. CHICK-WEED. Alsine media. The commonest of all weeds, but not without its virtue. The right sort to use in medicine (for there are several) is that which grows so common in our garden-beds : it is low and bránched. The stalks are round, green, weak, and divided ; they commonly lean on the ground. The leaves are short and broad, of a pleasant green, not dented at the edges, and pointed at the end : these grow two at every joint. The flowers are white and small. The whole plant, cut to pieces and boiled in lard till it is crisp, converts the lard into a fine green cooling ointment. The juice taken inwardly is good against the scurvy. CHINA-ROOT PLANT: Smilax cujus radix Ching officiorum. A NAILING plant frequent in the East Indies, , It grows to ten or twelve feet in length, but the stalks are weak and unable to stand erect ; they are ridged, of a brown colour, and get with hooked yellow prickles. The leaves are oblong and broad, largest at the stalk, and blunt at the points, of a 4 FAMILY HERBAL. shining green colour, and glossy surface; the flowers are small and yellowish ; the fruit is a round yellowish berry. The root is large, irregular, and knotty ; brown on the outside, and reddish within. This is the part used; they send it over to our druggists: it is a sweetener of the blood, and is used in diet-drinks for the venereal disease and the scurvy. It is also said to be very good against the gout, taken for a long time together. There is another kind of this root brought from America, paler on the outside, and much of the same colour with the other within ; some have sup- posed it of more virtue than the other, but most suppose it inferior, perhaps neither has much. tot de CHICH. Cicer. sti A LITTLE plant of the pea kind, sown in some places for the fruit as peas. The plant is low and branched; the stalks are round and weak, and of a pale green. The leaves are like those of the pea, but each little leaf is narrower, and of a paler green, and hairy like the stalk: the flowers are small and white, and resemble the pea blossom. The pods are short, thick, and hairy, and seldom contain more than two, often but one seed or chich in each. They are eaten in some places, and they are gentle diuretics. CINQUEFOIL. Pentaphyllum A CREEPING wild plant common about way- sides, and in pastures. The stalks are round and smooth, and usually of a reddish colour; they lie upon the ground, and take root at the joints; the leaves stand on long foot-stalks, five on each stalk ; FAMILY HERBAL. 9 they are above an inch long, narrow, of a deep dusky green, and indented at the edges; the flowers also stand on long foot-stalks, they are yellow and of the breadth of a shilling, very bright, and beautiful. The root is large and long, and is covered with a brown rind. The root is the part used; it should be dug up in April, and the outer bark taken off and dried; the rest is useless ; this bark is to be given in powder for all sorts of fluxes; it stops purgings, and the overflowings of the menses ; few drugs are of equal power. portals olan? On CINNAMON TREE. Cinnamon. A LARGE tree frequent in the East, and not une like the bay-tree in its flowers, fruit, leaves, or manner of growth ; only larger. The bark is rough on the trunk, and smooth on the branches; it has little taste while fresh, but becomes aromatic and sharp, in that degree we perceive, by drying. The leaves are of the shape of bay leaves, but twice as big; the flowers are small and whitish ; the berries are little, oblong, and of a bluish colour, spotted with white. The root of the cinnamon tree smells strongly of camphire, and a very fine kind of camphire is made from it in the East, the wood is white and insipid. The leaves are fragrant. The root is the only part used, and this is an ex- cellent astringent in the bonels ; it is cordial and good to promote appetite: it also promotes the menses, though it acts as an astringent in other cases, WINTER'S BARK TREE. Cortex winteranus. A BARK called by many winter's bark, has been 76 FAMILY HERBAL. already described under its true name canella alba; in this place we are to inquire into the true winter's- bark, called by many writers cinnamon. The tree which affords it is a tree of twenty feet high, very spreading, and full of branches, the bark is grey on the outside, and brown within. The leaves are two inches long, and an inch broad, small at the stalk and obtuse at the end, and divided a little. The flowers are white and sweet-scented, the fruit is a small herry, The bark is the part used; they send over the two rinds together : it is very fragrant, and of a hot aromatic taste. It is a sudorific, and a cordial, and it is excellent against the scurvy. CISTUS SHRUB, from which labdanum is procured. Cistus ladanifera. A VERY pretty shrub, frequent in the Greek islands, and in other warm climates. It is two or three feet high, very much branched, and has broad leaves, and beautiful large flowers. The trunk is rough; the twigs are reddish ; the leaves are al- most of the shape of those of sage; they stand two at every joint, and are of a dark green colour. The flowers are of the breadth of half a crown, and of a pale led colour. The gum labdanum is pro- cured from this shrub, and is its only produce used in medicine. This is an exudation discharged from the leaves in the manner of manna, more than of any thing else. They get it off by drawing a parcel of leather thongs over the shrubs. It is not much used, but it is a good cephalic. CITRON TREE. Citria sive malus medica. A SMALL tree with prickly branches, but very beautiful in its leaves, flowers, and fruit; the FAMILY HERBAL, 77 trunk is grey and rough; the twigs are green. ; . The leaves are six inches long, and of a kind of oval figure, and of a most beautiful green colour The flowers are white like those of the lemon tree, and the fruit resembles a lemon ; but it is larger, and often full of protuberances. The outer rind is of a pale yellow, and very fragrant ; the inner rind is exceedingly thick, and white; there is very Jittle pulp, though the fruit be so large. The juice. is like that of the lemon ; but the yellow outer rind is the only part used in medicine: this is an excellent stomachic, and of a very pleasant flavour. I'he Barbadoes water owes its taste to the peel of this fruit : and there is a way of making a water very nearly equal to it in England, by the addition of spice to the fresh peels of good lemons; the method is as follows: Put into a small still a gallon of fine molasses spirit, put to six of the peels of very fine lemons, , and half an ounce of nutmegs, and one drachm of cinnamon bruised, let them stand all night, then add two quarts of water, and fasten on the head ; distil five pints and a half, and add to this a quart and half a pint of water, with five ounces of the finest sugar dissolved in it. This will be very nearly equal to the finest Barbadoes water. CITRULL. Citrullus. A CREEPING plant of the melon kind, cul- tivated in many parts of Europe and the East The branches or stalks are ten feet long, thick, angular, fleshy, and hairy : they trail upon the ground unless supported. The leaves are large, and stand singly on long foot-stalks ; they are di- vided deeply into five parts, and are hairy also, and of a pale green colour ; the flowers are large and 78 FAMILY HERBAL, yellow; and very like those of our cucumbers: the fruit is also like the melon and cucumber kinds, roundish, often flatted, and composed of a fleshy part under a thick rind, with seeds and juice within. The seeds are the only part used, our druggists keep them ; they are cooling, and they work by urine gently; they are best given in form of an emulsion, beat up with barley-water. CLARY. Horminum. CLARY is a common plant in our gardens, not very beautiful, but kept for its virtues. It grows two feet and a half high ; the leaves rough, and the flowers of a whitish blue. The stalks are thick, fleshy, and upright; they are clammy to the touch, and a little hairy. The leaves are large, wrinkled, and of a dusky green, broad at the base, and smaller to the point, which is obtuse; the flowers stand in long loose spikes; they are disposed in circles round the upper parts of the stalks, and are gaping and large; the cups in which they stand are robust, and , in some degree prickly. The whole herb is used fresh or dried. It is cordial, and in some degree astringent. It strength- ens the stomach, is good against head-aches, and stops the whites, but for this last purpose it is necessary to take it a long time; and there are many remedies more powerful. There is a kind of wild clary on our ditch-banks, and in dry ground, which is supposed to possess the same virtues with the garden kind. The seeds of this are put into the eyes to take out any little offensive substance fallen into them. As soon as they are put in, they gather a coat of mucilage about them, and this catches hold of any little thing FAMILY HERBAL.. 19 it meets with in the eye. Dr. Parsons has perfectly explained this in his book of seeds. CLEAVERS. Aparine. A WILD herb common in all our hedges, and known by sticking to people's clothes as they touch it. The stalks are square and very rough, two feet long, but weak and unable to support them- selves ; they climb among bushes. The leaves are long and narrow, and of a pale green ; they grow several at every joint, encompassing the stalk in the manner of the rowel of a spur; they are rough in the same manner with the stalk, and stick to every thing they touch. The flowers are small and white; the seeds grow two together, and are roundish and rough like the rest of the plant ; the root is fibrous. The juice of the fresh herb is used; it cools the body, and operates by urine; it is good against the scurvy, and all other outward disorders. Some pretend it will cure the evil, but that is not true. CLOVE Barx-Tree. Cassia caryophylata. A TALL and beautiful tree, native of the West Indies. The trunk is covered with a thick brown bark, that of the branches is paler and thinner. The arms spread abroad, and are not very regularly disposed ; the leaves are oblong, broad, and sharp- pointed; they are like those of the bay-tree, but twice as big and of a deep green colour. The flowers are small and blue; they are pointed with streaks of orange colour, and are of a fragrant smell; the fruit is roundish; we use the bark, which is taken from the larger and smaller branches, but that from the smaller is best. It is of a fragrant 80 FAMILY HERBAL. smell, and of a mixed taste of cinnamon and cloves ; the cinnamon flavour is first perceived, but after that the taste of cloves is predominant, and is so very strong that it seems to burn the mouth. It is excellent against the colic; and it warms and strengthens the stomach, and assists digestion : it is also a cordial, and in small doses joined with other medicines promotes sweat. It is not much used fairly in practice, but many tricks are played with it by the chemists, to imitate or adulterate the several productions of cloves and cinnamon, for it is cheaper than either. ClOvE JULY FLOWER. Caryophyllus ruber. a A COMMON and very beautiful flower in our gardens ; it has its name from the aromatic smell, which resembles the clove spice, and from the time of its flowering which is in July. It is a carnation only of one colour, a deep and fine purple. The plant grows two feet high ; the leaves are grassy ; the stalks are round and jointed; the flower grows at the tops of the branches, and the whole plant besides is of a bluish green. The flowers are used; they are cordial, and good for disorders of the head ; they may be dried, and taken in powder or in form of tea, but the best form is the syrup. This is made by pouring five pints of boiling water upon three pounds of the flowers picked from the husks, and with the white heels cut off : after they have stood twelve hours, straining off the clear liquor without pressing, and dissolving in it two pounds of the finest sugar to every pint. This makes the most beautiful and pleasant of all syrups. FAMILY HERBAL. 81 Clove Spice TREE. Caryophyllus aromaticus. A BEAUTIFUL tree, native of the warm countries ; it grows twenty or thirty feet high, and very much branched. The bark is greyish; the leaves are like those of the bay-tree, but twice as large; they are of a bright shining green, and stand upon long foot-stalks; the flowers are not very large, but of a beautiful blue colour, and the cups that contain them are oblong and firm ; these are the cloves of the shops. They gather them soon after the flowers are fallen ; when they suffer them to remain longer on the tree, they grow large, and swell into a fruit as big as an olive. The cloves are excellent against disorders of the head, and of the stomach; they are warm, cordial, and strengthening; they expel wind, and are a good remedy for the colic. The oil of cloves is made from these by chemists; it cures the tooth- ache; a bit of lint being wetted with it, and laid to the tooth. COCKLE. Pseudomelanthium. A TALL, upright, and beautiful plant, wild in our corn-fields, with red flowers, and narrow leaves. It is two feet high : the stalk is single, slender, round, hairy, very firm, and perfectly upright. The leaves stand two at a joint, and are not very numerous : they are long, narrow, hairy, and of a bright green colour ; the flowers stand singly, one at the top of each branch. They are very large, and of a beautiful red. They have an elegant cup, composed of five narrow hairy leaves, which are much - longer than the flower. 62 FAMILY HERBAL. The seed-vessel is roundish, and the seeds are black. They are apt to be mixed among grain, and give the flour an ill taste. The seeds are used; they work by urine, and open all obstructions; they promote the menses, and are good in the dropsy and jaundice; the best way of giving them is powdered, and put into an electuary to be taken for a continuance of time: for these medicines, whose virtues are against chronic diseases, do not take effect at once. Many have discontinued them for that reason and the world in general is, from the same cause, become fond of chymical medicines, but these are safer, and they are more to be depended upon; and if the two actices were fairly tried, chymical medicines would loose their credit. CocoLUS INDI TREE. Arbor coculos Indicos ferens. A MODERATELY large tree, native of the warmer parts of the world. It is irregular in its growth, and full of branches; the leaves are short, broad, and of a heart-like shape; they are thick, fleshy, small, and of a dusky green; the flowers are small, and stand in clusters, the fruits follow these; they are of the bigness of a large pea, roundish, but with a dent on one side, wrinkled, friable, and brown in colour, and of an ill smell. The powder of these strewed upon children's heads that have vermin destroys them, people also intoxicate fish by it. Make a pound of paste, with flour and water, and add a little red led to colour it, add to it two ounces of the coculus indi pow- dered. See where roach and other fish rise, and throw in the paste in small pieces, they will take it FAMILY HERBAL. 83 greedily, and they will be intoxicated. They will swim upon the surface, with their belly upward, and may be taken out with the hands. They are not the worse for eating. CODAGA SHRUB. Codaga pali. A LITTLE shrub frequent in the East Indies, and very beautiful, as well as useful. It grows ten or fifteen feet high; the branches are brittle, and the wood is white. The leaves are long and narrow, not at all notched at the edges, and of a beautiful green on both sides ; the flowers are large and white, and somewhat resemble those of the rose- bay, or nerium, of which some make it a kind. Each flower iş succeeded by two large pods, which are joined at the ends, and twist one about the other ; they are full of a cottony matter about the seeds. The whole plant is full of a milky juice, which it yields plentifully when broken. The bark is the only part used; it is but newly introduced into medicine, but may be had of the druggists; it is an excellent remedy for purgings. It is to be given in powder for three or four days, and a vomit or bleeding before the use of it, as may be found necessary. COFFEE-TREE. Arbor coffee ferens. A BEAUTIFUL shrub of the eastern part of the world, which we keep in many of our stoves, and which flowers and bears its fruit with us. It grows eight or ten feet high ; the branches are slender and weak; the leaves are large, oblong, and broad, somewhat like those of the bay-tree, but bigger, and thin. The flowers are white, moderately large, and like jasmine ; the fruit is a large berry, black 84 FAMILY HERBAL. when it is ripe, and in it are two seeds, which are what we call coffee; they are whitish, and of a disagreeable taste when raw. Coffee helps digestion, and dispels wind: and it works gently by urine. The best way of taking it is as we commonly drink it, and there are constitu- tions for which it is very proper. SEA COLEWORT, OR SEA BINDWEED. Soldanella, A. PRETTY wild plant that we have on the sea coasts in many places; and that deserves to be much more known than it is as a medicine. The stalks are a foot long, but weak and unable to support themselves upright. They are round and green or purplish the leaves are roundish, but shaped a little heart-fashioned at the bottom; they stand upon long foot-stalks, and are of a shining green. The flowers are large and red, they are of the shape of a bell; the roots are white and small, a milky juice flows from the plant when any part of it is broken ; especially from the root. The whole plant is to be gathered fresh when about flowering, and boiled in ale with some nut- meg and a clove or two, and taken in quantities proportioned to the person's strength; it is a strong purge, and it sometimes operates also by urine, but there is no harm in that. It is fittest for country people of robust constitutions, but it will cure dropsies and rheumatism. Nay I have known a clap cured on a country fellow, by only two doses of it. The juice which oozes from the stalk and roots may be saved, it hardens into a substance like scammony, and is an excellent purge. FAMILY HERBAL. 85 COLTSFOOT. Tussilago. а. A COMMON wild herb, of excellent virtues, but so different in the spring and summer, as that it is scarce to be known for the same. The flowers appear in spring without the leaves ; they grow on stalks six or eight inches high, round, thick, fleshy, and of a reddish colour, on which there stand a kind of films instead of leaves. The flowers grow one at the top of each stalk; they are yellow, and as large as those of the dandelion, and like them. The leaves come up after these are decayed ; they are as broad as ones hand, roundish, and sup ported each on a thick hollow stalk; they are green on the upper side, and white and downy underneath. The flowers are not minded, these leaves only are used. COLUMBINE. Aquilegia. a A COMMON garden flower, but a native also of our country. It grows two feet high; the leaves are divided into many parts, generally in a three- fold order; the stalks are round, firm, upright, and a little hairy ; the flowers are blue and large; the seeds are contained in a kind of horned cap- sules. The leaves and the seeds are used ; a de- coction of the leaves is said to be good against sore throats. The seeds open obstructions, and are excellent in the jaundice, and other complaints from like causes. COMFREY. Symphytum. A COMMON wild plant, of great virtue ; it is frequent by ditch sides; it grows a foot and half 86 FAMILY HERBAL high: the leaves are large, long, not very broad, rough to the touch, and of a deep disagreeable green : the stalks are green, thick, angulated, and up- right. The flowers grow along the tops of the branches, and are white, sometimes reddish, not very large, and hang often downwards. The root is thick, black, and irregular ; when broken it is found to be white within, and full of a slimy juice, This root is the part used, and it is best fresh, but it may be beat up into a conserve, with three times its weight of sugar. It is a remedy for that terri- ble disease the whites. It is also good against spitting of blood, bloody fluxes and purgings, and for inward bruises. CONTRAYERVA PLANT. Contrayerva. A VERY singular plant, native of America, and not yet got into our gardens. It consists only of leaves rising from the root, upon single foot-stalks, and flowers of a singular kind, standing also on single and separate foot-stalks, with no leaves upon them. The leaves are large, oblong, very broad, and deeply divided on each side; their colour is a dusky green; and the foot-stalks on which they stand are small and whitish, and often bend under the weight of the leaf. The stalks which support the flowers are shorter and weaker than these ; and the flowers are of a very peculiar kind; they are disposed together in a kind of flat form, and are very small and in considerable. The bed on which they are situated is of an oval figure, and is called the placenta of the plant ; it is of a pale colour and thin. We are told of another plant of the same kind; the leaves of which are less divided, and the pla- centa is square, but the roots of both are allowed FAMILY HERBAL. 87 to be exactly alike, and it is therefore more pro- bable, that this is not another plant, but the same in a different stage of growth. We use the roots; our druggists keep them, and they are the principal ingredient in that famous powder, called, from its being rolled up into balls, lapis contrayerva. It is an excellent cordial and sudorific, good in fevers, and in nervous cases ; and against indigestions, colics, and weaknesses of the stomach. It may be taken in powder or in tincture ; but it is better to give it alone, than with that mixture of crab's claws and other use- less ingredients, which go into the contrayerva stone. In fevers and nervous disorders, it is best to give it in powder ;' in weaknesses of the stomach, it is best in tincture. It is also an excellent in- gredient in bitter tinctures ; and it is wonderful the present practice has not put it to that use. All the old prescribers of forms for these things, have put some warm root into them ; but none is so proper as this; the most usual has been the galan- gul, but that has a most disagreeable flavour in tincture: the contrayerva has all the virtues ex- pected to be found in that, and is quite unexcep- tionable. COPAL TREE. Arbor copalifera. A LARGE tree of South America. It grows to a great height, and is tall, straight, and tolerably regular ; the bark of the trunk is of a deep brown. The branches are bitter. The leaves are large and oblong, and they are blunt at the ends; they are deeply cut in at the edges ; and if it were not that they are a great deal longer in proportion to their breadth, they would be very like those of the oak; the flowers are moderately large, and full of 3 88 FAMILY HERBAL a threads; the fruit is round, and of a blood red when ripe. We use a resin which oozes from the bark of large trees of this species in great plenty, and is called copal ; it is of a pale yellow colour, some- times brownish, and often colourless, and like gum arabic; we have a way of calling it a gum, but it is truly a resin ; and the yellow pieces of it are so bright and transparent, that they very much re- semble the purest amber. It is good against the whites, and against weak. nesses left after the venereal disease; but it is not so much used on these occasions as it deserves It is excellent for making varnishes; and what is commonly called ainber varnish among our artists is made from it. Amber will make a very fine var- nish, better than that of copal, or any other kind; but it is dear. We sometimes see heads of canes of the colour- less copal, which seem to be of amber, only they want its colour, these are made of the same resin in the East Indies where it grows harder. CORAL. Corallium. thick as numerous. A SEA plant of the hardness of a stone, and with very little of the appearance of an herb. The red coral, which is the sort used in medicine, grows a foot or more in height; the trunk is as a man's thumb, and the branches are It is fastened to the rocks by a crust which spreads over them, and is covered all over with a crust also of a coarse substance and striated texture. Towards the top there are flowers and seeds, but very small; from these rise the young plants. The seeds have a mucilaginous matter about them, which sticks them to the rocks. The FAMILY HERBAL. 89 whole plant appears like a naked shrub without leaves or visible flowers. It has been supposed lately that coral is made by small insects, but this is an error; polypes live in coral as worms in wood, but these don't make the trees, nor the other the plant. Coral is to be reduced to fine powder, by grinding it on a mar- ble; and then it is given to stop purgings, to destroy acid humours in the stomach, and to sweeten the blood. They suppose it also a cordial. Probably for all its real uses, chalk is a better medicine. There are several sorts of white coral, which have been sometimes used in medicine; but all allow the red to be better, so that they are not kept in the shops. CORALLINE, Corallina. A LITTLE sea plant frequent about our own coasts, and of a somewhat stony texture, but not like the red or white coral. It grows to three inches high, and is very much branched, and young shoots arise also from different parts of the branches : there are no leaves on it, nor visible flowers, but the whole plant is composed of short joints. It is commonly of a greenish or reddish colour; but when it has been thrown a time upon the shores, it bleaches and becomes white; it naturally grow's to shells and pebbles. The best is the freshest, not that which is bleached. It is given to children as a remedy against worms a scruple or half a drachm for a dose. CORIANDER. Coriandruni. A SMALL plant, cultivated in France and Germany, N 90 FAMILY HERBAL. for the sake of its seed. It is two feet high, and has clusters of white or reddish flowers upon the tops of the branches The stalks are round, up- right, and hollow, but have a pith in them ; the ; leaves which grow from the root have rounded tops, those on the stalks are divided into narrow parts; the seeds follow two after each flower, and they are half round. The seed is the only part used: the whole plant when fresh has a bad smell, but as the seeds dry, they become sweet and fragrant. They are cellent to dispel wind; they warm and strengthen the stomach, and assist digestion. It is good against pains in the head, and has some virtue in stopping purgings, joined with other things. ex- CORNEL TREE. Cornus mos. A GARDEN tree of the bigness of an apple-tree, and branched like one; the bark is greyish, the twigs are tough: the leaves are oblong, broad, and pointed, of a fine green colour, but not serrated at the edges. The flowers are small and yellowish, the fruit is of the bigness of a cherry, but oblong, not round; it is red and fleshy, of an astringent bark, and has a large stone. The fruit is ripe in autumn; the flowers appear early. The fruit is the part used; it may be dried and used, or the juice boiled down with sugar; either way it is cooling and moderately astringent; it is a gentle pleasant medicine in fevers with purging's. There is a wild cornel tree, called the female cornel, in our hedges ; a shrub five feet high, with broad leaves and black berries; it is not used in medicine. In some parts of the West Indies they intoxicate fish with the bark of a shrub of this kind, by only putting a quantity of it into the water FAMILY HERBAL. 91 of a pond; we have not tried whcther this of ours will do the same. CORN MARIGOLD. Chrysanthemum segestum. A VERY beautiful wild plant growing in cora- fields, with large bluish leaves, and full of flowers like marigolds. It is two feet high ; the stalks are numerous, round, stiff, tolerably upright, and , branched; the leaves stand irregularly, and are long, very broad, and of a bluish green; they are smallest towards the base, and larger at the end, and they are deeply cut in at the sides. The flow- ers are as broad as half a crown, and of a very beau- tiful yellow ; they have a cluster of threads in the middle. The root is fibrous. The flowers, fresh gathered and just opened, contain the greatest virtue. They are good against all obstructions, and work by urine. An infusion of them, given in the quantity of half a pint warm, three times a day, has been known to cure a jaun- dice, without any other medicine; the dried herb has the same virtue, but in a less degree. 3 COSTMARY. Costus hortorum A GARDEN plant kept more for its virtues than its beauty, but at present neglected. It grows a foot and half high, and has clusters of naked yellow flowers like tansy. The stalks are firm, thick, green, and upright; the leaves are oblong, narrow, of a pale green, and beautifully serrated; the flowers consist only of deep yellow threads. It was once greatly esteemed for strengthening the stomach, and curing head-aches, and for opening obstructions of the liver and spleen, but more seems to have been said of it than it deserved. 92 FAMILY HERBAL, COSTUS PLANT. Costus. a An Indian plant, which bears two kinds of stalks, one for the leaves, and the other for the flowers and seeds; these both rise from the same root, and often near one another. The leaf-stalks are four feet high, thick, hollow, round, upright, and of a reddish colour. The leaves are like those of the reed kind, long, narrow, and pointed at the edges, and they are of a bluish green colour. The stalks which bear the flowers are eight inches high, tender, soft, round, and as it were scaly. The flowers are small and reddish, and they stand in a kind of spikes, inter- mixed with a great quantity of scaly leaves. The root is the only part used; it is kept by our druggists ; it is oblong and irregularly shaped. It is a very good and safe diuretic, it always operates that way, sometimes also by sweat, and it opens obstructions of the viscera. But unless it be new and firm, it has no virtue. COTTON TREE. Gossypium sive xylon. a A SMALL shruh, with brittle and numerous branches, and yellow flowers: it does not grow more than four feet high; the leaves are large, and divided each into five parts; and of a dusky green colour. The flowers are large and beautiful, they are of the bell-fashioned kind, as broad as a half crown, deep, of a yellow colour, and with a purple bottom ; the seed-vessels are large, and of a roundish figure, and they contain the cotton with the seeds among it. When ripe, they burst open into three or four parts. The secds are used in medicine, but not so much as they deserve; they are excellent in coughs, а. FAMILY HERBAL. 93 and all disorders of the breast and lungs; they cause expectoration, and are very balsamic and astringent. COTTON THISTLE. Acanthium. A TALL and stately wild plant, common by our way sides, and known by its great white prickly leaves and red flowers. It is four or five feet high. The leaves which grow from the root are a foot and a half long, a foot broad, deeply indented at the edges, and beset with yel- lowish thorns; they are of a whitish colour, and seem covered with a downy matter of the nature of cotton. The stalks are thick, round, firm, and up- right; and winged with a sort of leafy substances which rise from them, and have the same sort of prickles that are upon the leaves. The ordinary leaves upon the stalks are like those which grow from the root, only they are more deeply indented, and more prickly; the flowers are purple; they stand in long prickly heads, and make a beautiful appearance. The root is very long, thick, and white. The root is the part used, and that should be fresh gathered. It opens obstructions, and is good against the jaundice, and in dropsies, and other disorders arising from obstructions. It also mo- derately promotes the menses. and given in powder for the same purposes. But the virtues are much less. It may be dried Couch Grass. Gramen caninum. A VERY troublesome weed in fields and gar- dens, but very useful in medicine. . Nature has made those plants which may be most useful 94 FAMILY HERBAL. to us the most common, and the most difficult to be removed. Couch grass grows two feet high, and is a robust kind of grass: the stalk is round and pointed; the leaves are grassy, but broad, and of a fresh green colour ; the spike at the top is like an ear of wheat, only thin and flat. It consists of ten rows of grains. The root is. white, slender, very long and jointed, and it takes fresh hold at every joint ; so that if but a piece is left in pulling it up, it grows and increases very quickly. The roots are used, and they are to be fresh taken up and boiled. The decoction is excellent in the gravel and stone; it promotes urine strong- ly, yet not forcibly or roughly. Taken for a continuance, the same decoction is good against obstructions of the liver, and will cure the jaun- dice, Cowslir. Paralysis. a A PRETTY wild plant in our meadows. The leaves are broad, oblong, indented, rough, and of a whitish green colour; the stalks are round, upright, firm, thick, and downy; they are six or eight inches high, and are naked of leaves. At the top of each stand a number of pretty yellow flowers, each upon a separate foot-stalk, and in its own separate cup. The flowers are the part used. They have been celebrated very much against apoplexies, palsies, and other terrible diseases, but at present in such cases we do not trust such remedies. They have a tendency to procure sleep, and may be given in tea, or preserved in form of a conserve. FAMILY HERBAL. 95 CoWSLIP OF JERUSALEM. Pulmonaria maculata. A Low plant, but not without heauty, kept in gardens for the credit of its virtues, which are indeed more and greater than the present neglect of it would have one to suppose. It grows to cight or ten inches high; the leaves are long and broad, hairy, of a deep green, and spotted with white spots on the upper side, but of a paler colour, and not spotted underneath. The stalks are slender, angulated, and hairy, and have smaller leaves on them, but of the same figure with those from the root. The flowers are small and reddish, and grow several in a cluster at the top of the stalk. The root is fibrous. The leaves are used ; they should be gathered before the stalks grow up, and dried ; they are excellent in decoction for coughs, shortness of breath, and all disorders of the lungs ; taken in powder, they stop the overflowing of the menses ; and when fresh bruised and put into a new made wound, they stop the bleeding and heal it. COW-WIIEAT. Crateogonum. А COMMON wild plant in our woods and thickets, with narrow blackish leaves, and bright yellow flowers. It is eight or ten inches high. The stalks are square and slender ; very brittle, weak, and seldom quite upright. The leaves are oblong and narrow; sometimes of a dusky green colour, but oftener purplish or blackish ; they are broadest at the base, and small all the way to the point ; and they are commonly, but not always, indented a little about the edges. The flowers stand, or rather hang, all on one side of the stalk, in a kind of loose spike; they are small and yellow, a 96 FAMILY HERBAL. and grow two together. The seeds which follon these are large, and have something of the as- pect of wheat, from whence the plant has its odd name. These seeds are the part used; they are to be dried and given in powder, but in small doses. They have virtues which few seem to imagine they are a high cordial and provocative to venery; but if given in too large a dose, they occasion the head-ache and a strange giddiness. I knew an in- stance of a woman who had boiled the fresh tops of the plant in a large quantity in water, as a re- medy for the jaundice, (I know not by what in- formation) and having drank this in large draughts, was as a person drunk and out of her senses; she complained of numbness in her limbs, and seemed in danger of her life, but nature recovered her after a few hours without other assistance. CRAB TREE. Malus sylvestris. À COMMON hedge shrub, and when in flower very beautiful. The trunk is uneven, and the bark rough; the branches are knotty, the wood is firm, and the bark of a dark colour; the leaves are broad and short, the flowers are large and reddish, very beautiful and sweet, and the fruit is a small apple. Verjuice is made from the crab; and it is a re- medy for the falling down of the uvula, better than most other applications: it is also good against sore throats, and in all disorders of the mouth. CRANESBILL. Geranium robertianum CRANESBILL is a little herb very frequent а. FAMILY HERBAL, 97 a under hedges, and in uncultivated places : there are many kinds of it, but that which has most vir tue is the kind called herh robert ; this is a pretty and regularly growing plant. The stalks are a foot long, but they seldom stand quite upright; they are round, branched, and jointed, and are ofteri red, as is frequently the whole plant: the leaves are large, and divided into a great number of parts, and they stand upon long foot-stalks, two at every joint. The flowers are moderately large, and of a bright red, they are very conspicuous and pretty ; the fruit that follows is long and slender, and has some resemblance of the long beak of a bird, whence the name. The whole plant is to be gathered, root and all, and dried for use ; it is a most excellent astringent: scarce any plant is equal to it. It may be given dried and powdered, or in decoction. It stops over flowings of the menses, bloody stools, and all other bleedings. It is to be observed that nature seems to have set her stamp upon several herbs which have the virtue to stop bleedings. This and the tusan, the two best remedies the fields afford for outward and inward bleedings, become all over as red as blood at a certain season. GARDEN CRESS. Nasturtium hortense. A COMMON garden plant raised for sallads. It is two-feet high : the stalk is round and firm, and of a bluish green ; the leaves are divided into seg- ments, and the flowers are small and white; but the full grown plant is not seen at our tables; we eat only the leaves rising immediately from the root. These are large finely divided, of a bright green, o 98 FAMILY HERBAL. and sharp. Cresses eaten in quantity are very good against the scurvy. The seeds open obstructions. WATER CRESS. Nasturtium aquaticum. A WILD plant common with us in ditches, and shallow rivers. It is a foot high ; the stalks are round, thick, but not very upright, of a pale green, and much branched; the leaves are of a fresh and bright green, divided in a winged manner, and ob- tuse; the flowers are small and white, and there is generally seen a kind of spike of the flowers and seeds at the top of the stalks. The leaves are used; they may be eaten in the manner of garden cress, and are full as pleasant, and they are excellent against the scurvy. The juice expressed from them has the same virtue, and works also powerfully by urine, and opens ob- structions. SCIATICA CRESS. Iberis. A PRETTY wild plant, but not frequent in all parts of the kingdom. It is a foot high. The stalk is round, firm, and upright; of a pale green colour. The leaves are small, longish, and of a pale green also ; and the flowers stand at the tops of the branches, into which the stalk divides in its upper part; they are white and little. The leaves that grow immediately from the root are four inches long; narrow and serrated about the edges, and of a deep green. The leaves are used ; they are recommended greatly in the sciatica or hip-gout; they are to be applied externally, and repeated as they grow dry. The best way is to beat them with a little lard. It FAMILY HERBAL. 99 is an approved remedy, and it is strange that it is not more in use WART CRESSES, OR SWINE'S CRESSES. ruellii. Coronopus A LITTLE wild plant very common about our fields and gardens. It spreads upon the ground. The stalks are five or six inches long; firm, and thick, but usually flat on the earth; very much branched, and full of leaves. The leaves that rise immediately from the root are long, and deeply divided : and those on the stalks resemble them, only they are smaller: they are of a deep glossy green colour, and not at all hairy. The flowers are small and white; they stand at the tops of the branches, and among the leaves ; the seed-vessels are small and rough. This is an excellent diuretic, safe, and yet very powerful. It is an ingredient in Mrs. Stephens medicine : the juice may be taken ; and it is good for the jaundice, and against all inward obstruc- tions, and against the scurvy; the leaves may also be eaten as sallad, or dried and given in de- coction. CROSS-WORT. Cruciata. A VERY pretty wild plant, but not very com- mon: it grows a foot and a half high. The stalks are square, hairy, weak, and of a pale green. The leaves are broad and short; they stand four at every joint, star-fashioned, upon the stalk. The flowers are little and yellow; they stand in clusters round the stalk, at the joints, rising from the in- sertion of the leaves. It is to be found in dry places. 100 FAMILY HERBAL. The whole plant is to be gathered when begin- ning to flower, and dried. A strong decoction of it is a good restringent and styptic ; it stops pur- gings, even when there are bloody stools; and overflowings of the menses. CROW-FOOT. Ranuculus. a A COMMON wild plant. There are several sorts of it, but the kind used in medicine is that most com- mon in meadows, and called the common creeping crowfoot. It grows a foot or more high; the stalks are firm, thick, bránched, and of a pale green ; but they seldom stand quite upright. The leaves on them are few, and divided into narrow segments; the flowers are yellow, of the breadth of a shilling, and of a fine shining colour ; they stand at the tops of all the branches; the leaves which rise from the root are large, divided in a threefold manner, and often spotted with white. Some are so rash as to mix a few leaves of this among sallad, but it is very wrong; the plant is caustic and poisonous. They are excellent applied externally in palsies and apoplexies; for they act, quicker than cantharides in raising blisters, and are more felt. It is a wonder they are not more used for this purpose ; but we are at present so fond of foreign medicines that these things are not minded. There are two other kinds of crow-foot distin- guished as poisons; though all of them are, with some degree of justice, branded with this name: but the two most pernicious kinds are that called spearwort, which has long, narrow, and undivided leaves ; and that with very small flowers, and leaves somewhat like the divisions of those of smallage. These both grow in watery places. FAMILY HERBAL. 101 CUBEB PLANT. Cubeba. a A CLAMBERING plant of the warm climates, but unknown in this part of the world, until described by those who have been where it grows. The stalks are weak, angulated, and reddish; the leaves are broad and short, and the flowers small; the fruit is of the bigness of a pepper corn, but a little oblong, and grows on a long and very slender foot- stalk. This fruit is the part used; the druggists keep it. It is a warm and pleasant spice, good against weaknesses of the stomach, in colics, and in palsies, and all nervous disorders. But it is seldom used alone. CUCUMBER PLANT. Cucumis hortensis. A CREEPING straggling plant sufficiently known. The stalks are a yard or two long, thick, but spread upon the ground, angulated and hairy, The leaves are broad, deeply indented, and very rough, and of a bluish green colour; the flowers are large and yellow. The fruit is long and thick ; the seeds are used in medicine, and the fruit should be suffered to stand till very ripe before they are-gathered. They are cooling and diuretic, good against stran- guries, and all disorders of the urinary passages; the best way of giving them is beat up to an emulsion with barley water. WILD CUCUMBER. Cucumis asininus. Tas, though called wild, is not a native of England. It spreads upon the ground in the inanner of the other cucumber, and its branches grow to a considerable length; they are thick, 102 FAMILY HERBAL. hairy, angulated, and of a pale green and tough. The leaves are broad at the base, and narrow at the point, serrated round the edges, and of a pale green above, and whitish below. The flowers are yellow, and moderately large; the fruit is of an oval figure, hairy, and full of juice. Care must be taken in touching it when ripe, for the sharp juice flies out with violence. The juice of the fruit is pressed out, and a thick matter that subsides from it is separated and dried ; the druggists keep this and call it elatherium, it is a violent purgative, but little used. our Carda- CUCKOW FLOWER, OR LADY'S SMOCK. mine. A VERY beautiful wild plant, frequent in our meadows in spring, and a great ornament to them. grows a foot high. The leaves which rise from the root, are winged very regularly and beautifully, and are spread in a circular manner; the stalk is round, thick, firm, and upright. The leaves that grow on it are smaller, finely divided, and stand singly The flowers grow in a little cluster, on that spike on the top, and from the bottom of the leaves. They are large, of a fine white, often tinged with a blush of red. The juice of the fresh leaves is to be used; it is an excellent diuretic, and is good in the gravel and all suppressions of urine. It also opens obstructions, and is good in the jaundice and green sickness; and a course of it against the scurvy. CUDWEED. Gnaphalium. A COMMON wild plant, but singular in its FAMILY HERBAL, 103 appearance. There are many species of it. But that used in medicine is the kind called the middle cudweed, a herb impious. It has this last name froin the whimsical observation of the young flow- ers rising above the old ones, which is called the son's growing above the father. This cudweed is a little low plant, it seldom rises to a foot high. The stalks are tough, firm, white, slender, and up- right; they are very thick, set with leaves, which are small, oblong, white, and pointed at the ends, and seldom lievery even. The flowers are a kind of brown or yellowish heads, standing at the tops, and in the divisions of the stalks. The herb bruised, and applied to a fresh wound, stops the bleeding; it may be also dried and given in decoction, in which form it is goed against the whites, and will often stop violent purgings. CUMMIN. Cuminum. A PLANT of the umbelliferous kind, cultivated in every part of the East, for the value of the seed. It grows a foot and a half high. The stalk is round, striated, green, and hollow. The leaves are large, and very finely divided in the manner of those of fennel. The flowers stand in large clusters at the tops of the branches, and they are small and white, with a blush of red. The seeds are long and striated. The seeds are used. Our druggists keep them. They are of a very disagreeable flavour, but of excellent virtues ; they are good against the colic and wind in the stomach, and, applied outwardly, they will often remove pains in the side. They must be bruised, and a large quantity laid on. 104 FAMILY HERBAL. BLACK CURRANT. Ribesia nigra. This is a little shruh, of late brought very universally into our gardens. It grows three or four foot high. The branches are weak, and the bark is smooth. The leaves are large and broad, and divided in the manner of those of the common currants ; but they have a strong smell. The flowers are greenish and hollow. The fruit is a large and round berry, black, and of a somewhat disagreeable taste, growing in the manner of the currants. The juice of black currants boiled up with sugar to a jelly, is an excellent remedy against sore throats. а LONG CYPERUS. Cyperus longus. A WILD plant in our marshes, fens, and other damp places. It is a foot and a half high. The leaves are a foot long or more, narrow, grassy, and of a bright green colour, flat, and sharp at the ends. The stalk is triangular and green; there are no leaves on it, except two or three small ones at the top, from which there rises a number of small tufts or spikes of flowers. These are brown, light, chaffy, and in all respects like those of the other water grasses. The root is used. It is long and brown, and, when dried, is of a pleasant smell, and aromatic warm taste. It should be taken up in spring. It . is gond against pains in the head, and it promotes urine ROUND CYPERUS. Cyperus rotundus. od A PLANT in many respects resembling the other FAMILY HERBAL. 10S but a native of the warmer countries. It grows two feet high. The leaves are very numerous, a foot and a half long, narrow, of a pale green colour, sharp at the point, and ribbed all along like those of grass. The stalk is triangular, and the edges are sharp ; it is firm, upright, and often purplish, especially towards the bottom. The flowers are chaffy, and they grow from the top of the stalk, with several small and short leaves set under them ; they are brown and light. The root is composed of a great quantity of black fibres, to which there grows at certain distances roundish lumps. These are the only parts used in medicine. Our druggists keep them. They are light, and of a pleasant smell, and warm spicy taste. They are good in all nervous disorders. They are best taken in infusion ; but as the virtues are much the same with the other, that is best, because it may be had fresher. CYPRESS Tree. Cupressus. A TREE kept in our gardens, an evergreen, and singular in the manner of its growth. It rises to twenty or thirty foot high, and is all the way thick beset with branches. These are largest towards the bottom, and smaller all the way up; so that the tree appears naturally of a conic fi- gure. The bark is of a reddish brown. The leaves are small and short, they cover all the twigs like scales, and are of a beautiful deep green. The flowers are small and inconsiderable. The fruit is a kind of nut, of the bigness of a small walnut, and of a brown colour and firm sub- stance. When ripe, it divides into several parts, and the seeds fall out. The fruit is the only part used. It is to be P 106 FAMILY HERBAL. gathered before it bursts, and carefully dried and given in powder ; five and twenty grains is the dose. It is an excellent balsamic and styptic. It stops the bleeding of the nose, and is good against spitting of blood, bloody-flux, and over- flowing of the menses. We are not aware how powerful a remedy it is ; few things are equal to it. D. COMMON DAFFODILL. Narcissus. a A WILD English plant, with narrow leaves and great yellow flowers, common in our gardens in its own form, and in a great variety of shapes that culture has given it. In its wild state, it is about a foot high. The leaves are long, narrow, grassy, and of a deep green, and they are nearly as tall as the stalk. The stalk is roundish, but somewhat flatted and edged. The flower is large and single; it stands at the top of the stalk, and by its weight presses it down a little. The root is round and white. The fresh root is to be used, and 'tis very easy to have it always in readiness in a garden ; and very useful, for it has great virtues. Given in- ternally, in a small quantity, it acts as a vomit, and afterwards purges a little ; and it is excellent against all obstructions. The best way of giving it is in form of the juice pressed out with some white wine, but its principal uses are externally. The eastern nations have a peculiar way of dry- ing the thick roots of plants, especially if they are full of a slimy juice as this is : they put them to soak in water, and then hang them over the steam of a pot in which rice is boiling; after this they string them up, and they become in some FAMILY HERBAL. 107 degree transparent and horny. It would be worth while to try the method upon this root and some others of our own growth ; which, because of this slimy juice, we cannot well dry any other way; probably this would lose its vomiting quality when dried, and would act only as an opener of obstructions, in which case, it might be given in repeated doses; for at present nobody will be pre- vailed upon to take it often, The fresh root bruised and applied to fresh wounds heals them very suddenly. Applied to strains and bruises, it is also excellent, taking away the swelling and pain. Great Daisy. Bellis major. A BEAUTIFUL and stately wild plant, which, if it were not frequent in our fields, would doubt- less be esteemed in gardens. It grows to a foot high. The stalks are angulated, slender, but firm and upright : the leaves the leaves are oblong, narrow, dented round the edges, and of a beautiful deep green. The flowers stand on the tops of the branches. They are white, and an inch broad; very like the white China starwort so much esteemed in our gardens. The root is slender. The flowers are the part used. They are to be gathered when newly opened, and dried, and may afterwards be given in powder or infusion. They are good against coughs and shortness of breath, and in all disorders of the lungs. They are balsamic and strengthening LITTLE DAISY. Bellis minor. A PRETTY wild plant, too common to need much description, but too much neglected for its 108 FAMILY HERBAL. virtues. The leaves are oblong, broad, and ob- tuse. The stalks are three or four inches high, and have no leaves. The flowers grow one on each stalk, and are of the breadth of a shilling, and whitish or reddish. The root is composed of a vast quantity of fibres. The roots fresh gathered and given in a strong decoction, are excellent against the scurvy; the use of them must be continued some time, but the event will make amends for the trouble. People give these roots boiled in milk to keep puppies from growing, but they have no such effects. DANDELION. Dens leonis. ANOTHER of our wild plants too common to need much description. The leaves are very long, somewhat broad, and deeply indented at the edges. The stalks are naked, hollow, green, upright, and six, eight, or ten inches high; one flower stands on each, which is large, yellow, and composed of a great quantity of leaves, and seeds which follow this have a downy matter affixed to them. The whole head of them appears globular. The root is long, large, and white. The whole plant is full of a milky juice, the root most of all. This runs from it when broken, and is bitterish, but not disa agreeable. The root, fresh gathered and boiled, makes an excellent decoction to promote urine, and bring away gravel. The leaves may be eaten as sallad when very young, and if taken this way in sufficient quantity, they are good against the scurvy, RED DARNELL. Lolium rubrum. A WILD grass, very common about way-sides, FAMILY HERBAL. 109 and distinguished by its stubborn stalks and low growth. It is not above a foot high, often much less. The leaves are narrow, short, and of a dusky green. The stalk is thick, reddish, some- what fatted, and upright. The ear is fat; and is composed of a double row of short spikes : this, as well as the stalk, is often of a purplish colour. The root is composed of a great quantity of whitish fibres. The roots are to be used; and they are best dried and given in powder. They are a very excellent astringent ; good against purging, overflowing of the menses, and all other fluxes, and bleeding; but the last operation is slow, and they must be con- tinued. "'Tis a medicine fitter, therefore, for ha- bitual complaints of this kind, than sudden illness. There is an old opinion that the seeds of darnell, when by chance mixed with corn, and made into bread, which may happen, when it grows in corn- fields, occasions dizziness of the head, sickness of the stomach, and all the bad effects of drunkenness : they are said also to hurt the eyes; but we have very little assurance of these effects ; nor are they very probable. They properly belong to another kind of darnell, distinguished by the name of white darnell ; which is a taller plant, and more common in corn-fields than the red; but this is very much to be suspected upon the face of the account. The antients make frequent mention of this kind of darnell, growing, to their great distress, among the wheat; but by the accidental hints some have given about its height, and the shape of its ear, they seem to have meant the common dog's grass or couch grass, under that name; though others have seemed to understand the distinction. In this uncertainty, however, remains the matter about which particular kind of grass was really accused 110 FAMILY HERBAL. of possessing these bad qualities : but it is most probable that they belong to neither; and that faney, rather than any thing really known, gave birth to the opinion. DATE TREE. Palma dactylifera. a A TREE of the warmer countries, very unlike those of our part of the world. The trunk is thick and tall, and is all the way up of the same bigness ; it has no bark, but is covered with the rudiments of leaves, and the inner part of the trunk when it is young is eatable. At the top of the trunk stand a vast quantity of leaves, some ereet and some droop- ing, and from the bosoms of these grow the flowers and the fruit ; but it is remarkable that the flowers grow upon the trees only, and the fruit on some others. If there be not a tree of the male kind, that is a flowering tree near the fruit of the female, it will never naturally ripen. In this case they cut off bunches of the flowers, and shake them over the head of the female tree, and this answers the purpose. All plants have what may be called male and fe- male parts in their flowers. The male parts are certain dusty particles : the female parts are the rudiments of the fruits. In some plants these are in the same flowers as in the tulip. Those black grains which dust the hands are the male part, and the green thing in the middle of them is the female : it becomes afterwards the fruit or seed-vessel, In other plants, as melons, and many more, the male parts grow in some flowers, and the female parts in others, on the same plant: and in others, the male flowers and the female grow upon absolutely dif- ferent plants, but of the same kind. This is the case , in the date tree as we see, and it is the same, though FAMILY HERBAL. 11 we do not much regard it, in hemp, spinage, and many others. The fruit of the date is the only part used. It is as thick as a man's thumb, and nearly as long, of a sweet taste, and composed of a juicy pulp, in a tender skin, with a stone within it. They are strengthening and somewhat astringent, but we do not much use them. Devil's Bir. Succisa. A wild plant in our meadows, with slender stalks, and globous flowers. It grows two feet high. The stalks are round, firm, and upright, and divided into several branches: they have two little leaves at each joint. The flowers are as big as a small walnut, and composed of many little ones; their colour is very strong and beautiful. The leaves which grow from the root are four inches long, an inch broad, obtuse, of a dark green, and a little hairy, not at all divided, or so much as indented, at the edges. The roots are white, and composed of a thick head, which terminates abruptly, as if it had been bitten or broken off, and of a multitude of fibres. The Devil, as old women say, bit it away, envying mankind its virtues. The leaves are to be gathered before the stalks appear. They are good against coughs, and the disorders of the lungs, given in decoction. 'The root dried and given in powder promotes sweat, and is a good medicine in fevers, but we neglect it. DiLL. Anethum. AN umbelliferous plant, kept in our gardens, principally for the use of the kitchen. The stalk is round, striated, hollow, upright, three feet high, 112 FAMILY HERBAL. and divided into a great many branches. The leaves are divided into numerous, narrow, and long parts, in the manner of fennel ; but they are not so large. The flowers are small and yellow; they stand in clusters on the tops of the branches. The root is long. The seeds of dill are good against the colic; and they are said to be a specific against the hiccough, but I have known them tried with- out success. DITTANDER. Lepidium. A TALL plant, with broad leaves and little white flowers; wild in some places, and frequent in our gardens. It grows a yard high. The stalks are round, firm, of a pale green, and very much branched. The leaves are large towards the bottom, smaller upwards, and the flowers stand in a kind of loose spikes ; the lower leaves are beautifully indented, the others scarce at all: the seeds are contained in little roundish capsules, and are of a hot and pungent taste. The leaves of dittander, fresh gathered and boil- ed in water, make a decoction that works by urine, and promotes the menses : they are also good to promote the necessary discharges after delivery. DITTANY OF CRETE. Dictamuns Creticus. A VERY pretty little plant, native of the East, and kept in some of our curious people's gardens. It has been famous for its virtues, but they stand more upon the credit of report than experience. It is six or eight inches high, the stalks are square, slender, hard, woody, and branclied. The leaves are short, broad, and roundish; they stand two at every joint, and are covered with a white woolly FAMILY HERBAL. 113 smell. to do mach. sool.99 matter. The flowers are small and purple: they grow in oblong and slender scaly heads, in the manner of those of origanum ; and these heads are themselves very beautiful, being variegated with green and purple. The whole plant has a fragrant The leaves are used, our druggists keep them dried. The old writers attribute miracles to it in the cure of wounds; at present it is seldom used alone ; but it is good in nervous disorders, and it promotes the menses, and strengthens the sto aolo do WHITE DITTANY. Fraxinella. Im A VERY beautiful plant, native of many of the warmer parts of Europe ; but with us kept only in gardens. It is three feet high, very much branched, and very beautiful. The stalks are round, thick, firm, and of a green or purplish colour. The leaves stand irregularly on them, and are like those of the ash tree, only smaller. The flowers are large and elegant : they are of a pale red, white, or striped ; and they stand in a kind of spikes at the top of the branches. The whole plant is covered in the summer months with a kind of balsam, which is glutinous to the touch, and of a very fra- grant smell. This is so inflammable, that if a candle be brought near any part of the plant, it takes fire and goes off in a flash all over the plant. This does it no harm, and may be repeated after three or , four days, a new quantity of the balsam being pro- duced in that time. The roots of this plant are the only part used, and they are kept dry by the druga gists. They are commended in fevers, and in nervous and hysteric cases, but their virtues are not greatI have found an infusion of the tops of FAMILY HERBAL. the plant a very pleasant and excellent medicine in the gravel ; it works powerfully by urine, and gives ease in those colicy pains which frequently attend upon the disorder. а SHARP-POINTED Dock. Lapathum folio acuto. ISR A COMMON plant, like the ordinary dock, but somewhat handsomer, and distinguished by the figure of its leaves, which are sharp-pointed, not obtuse as in that, and are also somewhat narrower and longer. The plant grows three foot high. The stalks are erect, green, round, striated and branched. The leaves are of a fine green, smooth, neither crumpled on the surface, nor curled at the edges, and have large ribs. The flowers are small, at first greenish, then paler, and lastly, they dry and become brown. The root is long, thick, and of a tawny colour. The root is the part used. It is excellent against the scurvy, and is one of the best things we know, for what is called sweetening the blood. It is best given in diet drinks and decoctions. Used outwardly, it cures the itch, and other foulness of the skin; it should be beat up with lard for this purpose. Stone ototito GREAT WATER Dock. Hydrolapathum maximum. This is the largest of all the dock kinds; they Have a general resemblance of one another, but this is most of all like to the last described, in its man- ner of growth, though vastly larger. It is fre- quent about waters, and is five or six feet high. T'he stalks are round, striated, thick, and very up- right, branched a little, and hollow. The leaves are vastly large; of a pale green colour, smooth, FAMILY HERBAL. 115 and sharp at the point. The flowers are small, and of a greenish colour, with some white threads, and they afterwards become brown. The root is large, long, and of a reddish brown. It is a good remedy in the scurvy. The root con- tains the greatest virtues, and it is to be given in diet drinks. The seeds of this and all other docks are astringent, and good against purgings. و GARDEN Dock, called Monks' RHUBARB. Lapathum sativum, patientia. Ener A TALL plant of the dock kind, a native of Italy, and kept in our gardens for its virtues. It grows six or seven feet high. The stalk is round, striated, thick, upright, and firm. The leaves are very large, long, and are pointed at the extremity : they stand upon thick hollowed foot-stalks ; and the main stalk of the plant is also frequently red. The flowers are like those of the other docks, greenish and white at first, but afterwards brown; but they are larger than in almost any other kind. The root is very large, long, and divided ; the outer coat is of a brownish yellow ; within, it is yellow mixed with red. This is the part used; it has been called monks' rhubarb, from its possessing some of the irtues of the true rhubarb; but it possesses them only in a slight degree, it is very little purgative, and less astringent. It works by urine as well as stool, and is good in the jaundice, and other disor- ders arising from obstructions. There is another plant of the dock kind, called bastard rhubarb, kept in some gardens, and mista- ken for this. The leaves of it are roundish. It has the same virtues with the monks' rhubarb, but in a much less degree, so that it is very wrong to use it in its place. 116 FAMILY HERBAL. DODDER. Cuscuta. A VERY strange and singular plant, but not uncommon with us. It consists of only stalks and flowers, for there are no leaves, nor the least resemblance of any. The stalks are a foot or two in ' length, and they fasten themselves to other plants; they are of a purplish colour, as thick as a small pack-thread, and considerably tough and firm. These wind themselves about the branches of the plants, and entangle themselves also with one another in such a manner, that there is no end of the perplexity of tracing and unfolding them, The flowers grow in little heads, and are small and reddish, four little seeds succeed to each of them. Dodder is best fresh gathered ; it is to be boiled in water with a little ginger and allspice, and the decoction works by stool briskly; it also opens obstructions of the liver, and is good in the jaun- dice, and many other disorders arising from the like The dodder which grows upon the garden thyme, has been used to be preferred to the others, and has been supposed to possess peculiar virtues, from the plant on which it grows; but this is imagi- nary: experience shews it to be only a purge as the other, and weaker. The common dodder is preferable to it with us, because we can gather it fresh, the other is imported, and we only have it dry; and it often loses a great deal of its virtue in the hands of the druggist, DOG MERCURY. Cyrocrambe. ha bread A common and poisonous plant named here, not as a medicine, but that people who gather herbs, for whatever use, may guard against it. It is cause. FAMILY HERBAL. 117 а common under hedges; and in the earlier part of the year makes a pretty appearance. People might very naturally be tempted to eat of it among other spring herbs, for there is nothing forbidding in its aspect; and what is much worse, the authors most likely to be consulted on such an occasion, might lead those into it whom they ought to have guarded against it. It is about a foot high, and has but few leaves, but they are large. The stalk is round, thick, whitish, pointed, and a little hairy; the leaves stand principally toward the top, four, five, or six, seldom more: they are long and considerably broad, sharp-pointed, notched about the edges, and a little hairy. The flowers are inconsiderable : they stand in a kind of spikes at the tops of the stalks ; and the seeds are on separate plants, they are dou- ble and roundish. The herb has been from this divided into two kinds, male and female, but they have in earlier time given the distinctions of the sex wrong. Those which bear the spikes of flowers are the male plants ; the others, notwithstanding any accidental resemblance, female. There is not a more fatal plant, native of our country than this; many have been known to die by eating it boiled with their food ; and pro- bably many also, whom we have not heard of : yet the writers of English Herbals say nothing of this. Gerrard, an honest and plain writer, but ignorant as dirt, say, it is thought they agree with the other mercuries in nature. These other mercuries are eatable; therefone, who would scruple on this account, to eat also this. Johnson, who put} forth another edition of this book, and called it Gerrard Emaculated, from the amending the faults of the original author, says nothing to contradict it; but after some idle observations upon other herbs of the 1)s FAMILY HERBAL. same name, but very different qualities, which yet he seems to suppose of the same nature, leaves his reader to suppose, that he meant equally any of the kinds of mercury, for the purposes he names; and, like his predecessor Gerard, supposed them all to be alike; those safe, and those poisonous. It is true, Mr. Ray, in his Synopsis of the British plants, gives an account of it as a poison, and must suffici- ently warn all who read him, from the herb: but who reads him? His book in which this is mentioned is written in Latin ; and those who want the infor- mation cannot read it. This is not only the case in one or two particulars, it is so in all. To speak generally, the books which contain real knowledge are written in Latin, through an ostentation of their authors, to shew their learning, or a pride in having them read in other nations as well as here, and those we have in English are ignorant ; despised by the persons of judgment, and fit only to mislead. If they enu- merate virtues, they give them at random, or give too many false among the true, that the reader knows not what to choose ; or their real ignorance mingles poisons with sallads, as we see in the present instance: nor is any more regard to be paid to what they say of herbs, from certain great names they quote. Dioscorides and Galen were indeed great physicians; but men like these are not qualified to profit from their labours. The names of plants have been changed so often since their time, that we do not know what they mean by several : and it is easy for such sad proficients as these, to record of one plant what they spoke of another: besides, even in their best writings, there is a great deal of error and folly, as may be seen in a quotation of this Johnson's from them, added to Gerard in this very chapter. Where, speaking of one of the kinds of FAMILY HERBAL. 119 mercury, distinguished like this poisonous kind, into male and female, he says, that the male kind 'conduces to the generation of boys, and the female of girls. Such is the matter, that a superiority in one of these authors over the other, qualified him to add to his book : such are the English books that are extant upon this subject, and such the direction offered to the charitable confounding eatable herbs with poisons. This has been one great reason of writing the present book, that there may be one guide and direction at least, to be de- pended upon; and this its author has thought pro- per to say at large upon the immediate occasion, rather than in a preface; because there it must have been accompanied with a needless repetition, and perhaps would not have been observed by many, who may have recourse to the book. Dog Tooth. Dens caninus. A VERY pretty little plant, with two broad leaves and a large drooping flower; common in Italy and Germany, and frequent in our gardens. It is five or six inches high. The stalk is round, slender, weak, and greenish towards the top ; often white at the bottom. The leaves stand a little height above the ground: they are oblong, somewhat broad, of a beautiful green, not at all dented at the edges, and blunt at the end : they inclose the stalk at the base. The flower is large and white, but with a tinge of reddish; it hangs down, and is long, hollow, and very elegant. The root is roundish, and has some fibres growing from its bottom; it is full of a slimy juice. The fresh gathered roots are used; for they dry very ill, and generally loose their virtues entirely. They are good against worms in children, and take 120 FAMILY HERBAL. a surprising and speedy effect against those violent pains in the belly, which are owing to those crea- tures. The best way of giving them is in the ex- pressed juice; or if children will not take that, they may be boiled in milk, to which they give very little taste. It is a powerful remedy; and a small dose will take effect, especially of the juice ; so that it is best to begin with very little, and as that is well borne, to increase the quantity. a DRAGONS. Dracontium. A FINE, tall, and beautiful plant; kept in gardens for its use in medicine, as well as for its appearance. It is four feet high. The stalk is thick, round, and firm; perfectly smooth, and painted on the surface with several colours ; purple, white, green, and others. The leaves are very large, and stand on long foot-stalks: they are of a deep and strong green; and each is divided into several portions in the manner of fingers. The flower is like that of the common arum or cuckow pint: it is contained in a hollow green case, of a deep purple within, and the pistil is also of a deep purple ; after this is fallen, appear as in the arum, large red berries in a cluster. The whole plant is of an acrid and insupportable taste. The whole plant is to be gathered when in flower, and dried ; it may afterwards be given in decoction, powder, or otherwise. It was vastly esteemed for malignant fevers, and in the small pox; but it has of late lost much of its credit: at present it is only used in some compositions FAMILY HERBAL. 121 Dragon's BLOOD TREE. Sanguis draconis arbor. It is pro A VERY beautiful tree, native of the Canaries, and some other places. It is of the palm kind, and one of the handsomest of them. The trunk is naked all the way to the top, and there stand on its summit a great quantity of leaves, long, narrow, and pointed at the ends, of a bluish green colour, and not unlike the leaves of our flags. The fruit is round, and is of the bigness of a walnut with the greeti rind upon it. The dragon's blood is a red friable resin. Our druggists keep it: the best is in small lumps; there is an inferior kind in cakes or masses. cured by cutting the trunk of this tree in the great heats. There are also two other kinds of palm, that afford the same resin. It is a very excellent astringent. It is useful in purgings and in the overflowing of the menses, in spitting of blood, and all other occasions of that kind. It may be given in powder. DROPWORT. Filipendula. A VERY pretty wild plant, with tufts of whitish flowers, and leaves finely divided. It grows two feet high. The stalk is round, striated, upright, firm, and branched. The leaves are large and divided into a great number of firm segments, they rise principally from the root, and stand on slender foot-stalks. There are few leaves on the stalks, and they are small. The flowers are little, but they , stand in great tufts at the tops of the branches : they are white on the inside, and often reddisk on the outside. The seeds are flattish, and grow several together. The root is composed of a great number R 122 FAMILY HERBAL. of small lumps, fastened together by filaments. This root is the part most used; it is good in fits of the gravel, for it promotes urine greatly and safely. For this purpose the juice should be given, or a strong decoction of the fresh root. When dried it may be given in powder to stop the whites and purgings, it is a gentle and safe astringent. There are several other plants called in English dropworts, which are very different in their qua- lities, and one of them is poisonous in a terrible degree; this last is called hemlock dropwort ; care must therefore be taken that the right kind is used, but this is sufficiently different from all the others. The flower is composed of six little leaves, and is füll of yellow threads in the middle; the flowers of all the others are composed only of five leaves each, They are all umbelliferous plants, but this is not ; the flowers grow in clusters, but not in umbels : they grow like those of the ulmaria or meadow sweet. 3 DUCK-WEED. Lenticula.' A SMALL green herb, consisting of single, little, roundish leaves, which float upon the surface of the water, and send their roots into it for nourish- ment, without sticking them into the mud. It is the small green herb that covers almost all our standing waters in summer. There are two other kinds of it, one with smaller leaves and many fibres from each, another with only one fibre from each leaf: both these are green all over ; and a third kind with larger leaves, which are purple under- neath; but all these have the same virtue, and it is no matter which is taken. The juice is to be given ; and it is to be continued for several days. It works powerfully by urine, and opens obstruc- FAMILY HERBAL. 123 tions of the liver: jaundices have been cured by it singly DWARF ELDER. Ebulus. 5 A PLANT so much resembling the common elder tree, that it may be easily mistaken for it till examined. It grows four or five feet high. The stalks are green, round, tender, and upright; and they have very much the appearance of the young shoots of elder ; but there is no woody part from whence they rise. The leaves are large, and com- posed of several pairs of others, as those of elder, with an odd one at the end; but these are longer than in the elder, and they are serrated round the edges. The flowers are small and white; but they stand in very large clusters or umbels, just as those of the elder; and they are succeeded by berries which are black when ripe; but that is a condition in which we seldom see them ; for the birds are so fond of them, they eat them as they come to ma- turity. The root is white and creeping; and the whole plant dies down every year to the ground. It is wild in England, but not common ; a great quantity of it grows at the back of Cuper’s gar- dens. It may be dried: but the best way of giving it is in the juice. This works strongly both by stool and urine, and has often cured dropsies. DYER'S WEED, Luteola. A VERY singular and pretty wild plant; it grows on dry banks and upon walls, and is known at sight by its upright stalks, and very long spikes of greenish yellow flowers. It grows to four feet or more in height. The stalk is thick, firm, chan- nelled, and in a manner covered with leaves : they 124 FAMILY HERBAL. are small in proportion to the bigness of the plant, oblong, narrow, and pointed at the ends, of a yel- lowish green colour, and not serrated at the edges ; a tuft of the same kind of leaves, but somewhat larger, surrounds the bottom of the stalk. The root is long and white. The flowers are small, but very numerous. The flowery tops of this plant dried, and given in decoction, are said to be a remedy for the evil, but the report is not established by any known ex- perience. E. ELDER. Sambucus. A COMMON wild shrub; it grows irregularly. The stem or trunk is covered with a rough whitish bark, and the wood is firm, but there is a hollow within ; this is smallest in the largest parts of the shrub, but it is never quite obliterated. The young shoots are thick, long, and green ; they grow quick, and are often a yard long before they begin to change colour, or grow woody. These contain a large quantity of pith ; and their bark as they stand be comes brownish, and their under surface woody. The leaves are composed of several pairs of others, with an odd one at the end : the flowers stand in vast clusters, or umbels, and are small and white; they are succeeded by berries, which are black when ripe, and are full of a purple juice. There is another kind of elder, with berries white when they are ripe, and another with jagged leaves, but the common elder is the sort to be used. The inner bark of the elder is a strong purge ; and it has been known to cure dropsies when taken in time, and often repeated. The flowers are made FAMILY HERBAL, 125 ; into an ointment, by boiling them in lard till they are almost crisp, and then pouring it off, this is cooling; the juice of the berries is boiled down with a little sugar, or by some wholly without, and this, when it comes to the consistence of honey, is the famous rob of elder, good in colds and sore throats. A wine is made of the elder-berries, which has the flavour of Frontignac. ELECAMPANE. Enula campana. A TALL and robust plant, wild in some parts of England, but kept in gardens for the uses of medicine ; it grows five feet high, and the flower is yellow, and very large. The stalk is round, thick, upright, very robust, and reddish: the leaves are long, large, and rough, and they are pointed at the ends ; of a pale green colour. The flowers grow at the tops of the branches, and have something like the appearance of a dou- ble sun-flower. They are two inches in diameter, yellow, and very beautiful. The root is long and thick, and is brown on the outside, and white within. The root is the part used; we have it dried from Germany, but it is for most purposes better to take that fresh out of the garden, which we have here. Hardly any plant has more virtues. It is good in all disorders of the breast and lungs, and it opens obstructions. It operates by urine powerfully, and also by sweat: and the juice of it will cure the itch, applied externally. Its greatest virtue, how- ever, is against coughs, and for this purpose it is best taken candied, provided that be well done. A little of it may in this way be held almost contie nually in the mouth, and swallowed gently, so that - 126 FAMILY HERBAL, it will take effect much better than by a larger dose swallowed at once. ELM. Ulmus а. A TALL tree, native of our own country, and sufficiently common in our hedges. It grows to a great bigness. The bark is brownish, rough, and irregular; the twigs are also brown, and very tough. The leaves are small, broad, short, rough to the touch, and finely indented about the edges, and they terminate in a point. The flowers are not regarded ; they appear before the leaves, and principally about the tops of the tree, and they are only thready; the seeds are flat. The inner bark of the elm boiled in water makes one of the best gargles for a sore throat that can be supplied by the whole list of medicines. It should be sweetened with honey of roses ; it is extremely soft and healing, and yet at the same time very cleansing There are two or three other kinds of elms com- mon in garden hedges ; they are brought from other countries, but the bark of the English rough elm is preferable to them all as a medicine. ENDIVE. Endivia. A COMMON garden plant kept for sallads. It grows two feet high, and the flowers are blue ; but we see it a thousand times with only the leaves - for once in a flower, and these the gardeners have the art of twisting and curling, and whitening in such a manner, that they are scarce to be known, as belonging to the plant. Naturally they are long and narrow, blunt at the end, and deeply notched FAMILY HERBAL. 197 at the edges, and of a yellowish green colour ; the stalks are round and firm, and the leaves that grow on them are like those from the root, but smaller : the flowers stand at the tops of the stalks and branches, they are blue, and in shape and structure like those of dandelion : they are very beautiful. The juice of endive may be taken with great advantages as medicine; it cools the stomach, and operates hy urine very powerfully; it also opens obstructions of the viscera. It is good against the jaundice, and constantly taken for some time, against the scurvy. ERYNGO. Eryngium. A WILD plant, which grows with us by the sea side, and is kept also in gardens, because of its virtues. It is prickly like a thistle, and the whole plant appears not green, but whitish. The stalk is firm, woody, round, striated, and thick, not very upright, branched, and spread irre- gularly about. The leaves are small, and of a pale bluish green, approaching to white; they are broad, oblong, and jagged, and prickly. The flowers grow in little heads at the tops of the stalks, and there stands a circle of small leaves under them. The flowers, separately taken, are small, and of a pale greenish white, but the head of them is tolerably large. The root is long and slender, and of a pleasant taste This is the part used; the best way is to take them candied; they are good against coughs, and weaknesses of all kinds. They have also caused noble virtues, as a diuretic, and are good against the jaundice ; for this last purpose a decoction made from the fresh roots is best. They are hal- samic as well as diuretic. 128 FAMILY HERBAL. EUPHORBIUM PLANT. Euphorbium. 3 A VERY strange plant, native of the hot coun- tries, and unlike every thing that is known in this part of the world. It is ten or twelve feet high, and is of a solid thick body, of a triangu- far or else a square figure, as thick as a man's leg, and is divided by knots placed at distances, so as to seem made up of several joints. The edges of the body are all beset with very sharp prickles; the plant itself is composed only of a pulpy soft matter, covered with a thick rind, of a green colour; it abounds with a milky juice, but so acrid that there is no bearing a drop of it a moment on the tongue. The plant often con- sists of one single stem, such as is just described, but frequently it sends out several branches; these are naked in the same manner as the main stem. All they have beside the prickles, are a kind of thin films or membranes, small and growing from their bases, but the plant is altogether without leaves. The flowers grow three together among . the thorns, and the fruit is a vessel containing three seeds. The gum which sweats out from this plant, is used in medicine ; it is yellowish and connes forth in small drops, its taste is sharp and insupport- able; it is a violent purge, and is recommended against dropsies, but we scarce ever prescribe it, it is so very rough; it is sometimes used outwardly among other things applied to the feet in violent fevers. EYEBRIGHT. Euphrasia. A VERY pretty low herh common in our mea- dows, with woody stalks, and bright and little FAMILY HERDAL. 129 variegated flowers. It grows six or eight inches high. The stalks are round, thick, firm, and very hard; the leaves are flat, broad, and very deeply indented at the edges; and they are of a bright shining green. The flowers are little, and they are very bright; their ground colour is white, and they are streaked and spotted with black and some other dark colours. This plant has been always famous for dinness of sight, but whether experience warrants the character that is given of it is uncertain. The juice is very diuretic. loob F. FENNEL. Fæniculum. A COMMON garden plant, kept for its use in the kitchen, rather than its medicinal virtues. It grows six or eight feet high. The stalk is round, hollow, and of a deep green colour; the leaves are large, and divided into a vast num- ber of fine slender segments, and they are also of a deep or bluish green colour. The flowers stand at the tops of the branches, and are small and yellow; but there grow large clusters of them to- gether; the seed is small, dark coloured, and striated, and is of a sharp acrid taste; the root is long and white. Burro The root is the part most used; a decoction made of it with common water, and given in large quantities, works by urine, and is good against the gravel and in the jaundice. 2 Sne SWEET FENNEL. Fæniculum dulce. A GARDEN plant very like the common kind, S 130 TAMILY HERBAL hut of a paler colour. It grows four feet high ; the stalk is round, hollow, striated, upright, and branched; and the leaves are large and divided into a great number of fine segments, in the man- ner of those of common fennel, but both these and the stalks are of a pale yellowish green colour, not so dark as in the other kind. The flowers are yellowish, and stand in small clusters or umbels; the seeds follow, two after each flower, and they are quite different from those of the common fennel, in size, shape, colour, and taste. They are long, slender, of a pale colour, a little crooked, and deeply striated. Their taste is sweetish and a little acrid. As the roots are the part most used of the com- mon fennel, the seeds are the only part used of this. They are excellent in the colic, and are used exter- nally with success in pultices to swellings. The seeds of the common fennel are used by some, but they are very hot and acrid. These are preferable for internal use. FENNEL FLOWER. Nigella. A SINGULAR and pretty plant kept in gardens. It grows a foot and a half high. The stalk is firm, round, striated, and upright and hollow. The leaves are divided into a multitude of fine slender parts like those of fennel, only very small in com- parison, and thence it had the English name of fennel flower; they stand irregularly on the stalks, and are of a pale green. The flowers stand at the tops of the branches : they are singular and pretty; the colour is whitish, and they are moderately large, the green leaves about them give them a very par- ticular grace. The juice of the plant fresh gathered, is good FAMILY HERBAL. 131 for the head-ache ; it is to be snuffed up the nose, and it will occasion sneezing; inwardly taken it works by urine, and is good in the jaundice, Hog's FENNEL, Peucedanum. A WILD plant with divided leaves and umbels of yellow flowers, and thence bearing a remote re- semblance to fennel. It grows two feet high: the stalk is round, striated, hollow, upright, and branched. The leaves are like those of fennel, but the divisions are much broader, and they run in threes. The flowers are little and yellow, but the clusters of them are large, and the seed is oblong and flat. At the top of the root, there is always found a tuft of hairy matter. This is made up of the fibres of decayed leaves, but it has a singular appearance. The root is large, long, and brown, and this is the part used as a medicine. It is to be boiled in water, and the decoction drank night and morning; it dissolves tough phlegm, and helps asthmatic people; it also works by urine, and promotes the menses, and is good in all obstructions. FENUGREEK Fænum Græcum, A PLANT of the trefoil kind, but singular in its manner of growth, cultivated in fields in many places for the sake of the seed. It is emollient. It grows a foot and a half high; the stalks are round, striated, and branched. The leaves are short and broad : they stand three upon every stalk as in the common trefoils : and are indented about the celges. The flowers are white and small, and they resemble a pea-blossom ; the pods are flat, and in them is contained a quantity of yellow seeds, of an irregular figure, and disagreeable smell 192 FAMILY HERBAL. MALE FERN. Filix mas. pies a idem A COMMON Weed growing at the roots of trees, and in dry ditches. It has no stalk for bearing of flowers, but several leaves rise together from the root, and each of these is in itself a distinct plant. It is two feet high, and near a foot in breadth ; the stalk is naked for six or eight inches, and thence is set on each side with a row of ribs or smaller stalks, every one of which carries a double row of smaller leaves, with an odd one at the end, the whole together making up one great leaf, as in many of the umbelliferous plants. On the backs of these smaller leaves stand the seeds. in round clusters; they look brown and dusty. The root is long and thick, and the whole plant has a disagreeable smell. The root is greatly re- commended for curing the rickets in children ; with what success it would be hard to say. FEMALE Fern. Filix fæmina. FERN Filix fæmina. In og A TALL and spreading plant, common on our heaths, and called by the country people brakes. It grows four feet high. The stalks are round, green, and smooth : the leaves are set on each side, and are subdivided. The whole may indeed be properly called only one leaf as in the male fern ; but it has more the appearance of a number because it is so ramous. The small leaves or pinnules which go to make up the large one, are oblong, firm, hard, and of a deep green colour, and they are so spread that the whole plant is often three feet wide. On the edges of these little leaves stand the seeds in small dusty clusters. But they are not so frequent on this as on the male fern, for nature has so prell provided for the propagation of this plant I FAMILY HERBAL. 133 by the roots, that the seeds are less necessary; and where it is so, they are always produced more sparingly. A certain quantity of every species is to be kept up, but the earth is not to be over-run . The roots of female fern fresh gathered, and made into a decoction, are 'a remedy against that long and fat worm in the bowels, called the tape- worm; no medicine destroys them so effectually. with any FLOWERING FERN. Osmunda regalis. : a THERE is something that at first sight appears singular in the manner of this fern's flowering, but when particularly examined, it is not different in any thing material from the other. It grows three feet high, and the leaves are very regularly con- structed, and very beautiful ; they are composed in the manner of the other ferns, each of several small ones, and these are broader and bigger than in any of the other kinds, not at all indented on the edges ; and of a bluish green colour, and afterwards yellowish. Many leaves arise from the same root, but only some few of them bear seeds. These principally rise about the middle, and the seeds stand only on the upper part : they cover the whole surface of the leaf, or nearly so in this part, and the little pinnules turn round inwards, and shew their backs rounded up. These are brown from being covered with the seeds, and they have so different an appearance from all the rest of the plant, that they are called flowers. The roof is long and covered with fibres. The plant grows in boggy places, but it is not very common wild in England. A decoction of the fresh roots promotes urine, and opens obstructions of the liver and spleen ; it is 134 FAMILY HERBAL. not much used, but I have known a jaundice cured by it, taken in the beginning. FEVERFEW. Matricaria, A COMMON wild plant, with divided leaves, and a multitude of small flowers like daisies ; it grows about farmers' yards. The stalk is round, hollow, upright, branched, and striated, and grows two feet high. The leaves are large, divided into many small ones, and those roundish and indented ; they are of a yellowish green colour, and particular smell. The flowers stand about the tops of the stalks ; they are small, white round the edges, and yellowish in the middle. The root is white, little, and inconsiderable. The whole plant is to be used ; it is best fresh, but it preserves some virtue dried; it is to be given in tea, and it is excellent against hysteric disorders ; it promotes the menses. FIG-TREE. Ficus. A SHRUB sufficiently known in our gardens. The trunk is thick, but irregular, and the branches, which are very numerous, grow without any sort of order. The leaves are very large, and of a deep blackish green, broad, divided deeply at the edges, and full of a milky juice. The flowers are contained within the fruit. The fig-tree produces fruit twice in the year ; the first set in spring, the second towards September, but these last never ripen with us. The dried figs of the grocers are the fruit of the same tree in Spain and Portugal, but they grow larger there, and ripen better. Our own figs are wholesome fruit, and they are FAMILY HERBAL 135 applied outwardly to swellings with success, they soften and give ease while the matter is forming pyithin. Figwort. Scrophularia, A TALL and regular growing wild plant, with small deep purple flowers. It grows four feet high, and is common in our woods and ditches, where there is little water; there is another kind of it in wet places, called also water betony, which is to be distinguished from it by the round indent- ings of the leaves ; it also grows in water, or just by it: the right figwort only loves shade and dampness, but not absolute wet. The stalk is square, upright, hollow, and very firm ; the leaves stand two at each joint, opposite one to the other ; they are large, broad at the base, narrow at the point, and sharply indented; they stand on long foot-stalks, and they have the shape of the nettle Icaf, but they are perfectly smooth, and of a shining colour; they are sometimes green, but often brown, as is also the whole plant. The flowers are very small and gaping, their colour is a blackish purple. The root is long, white, and full of little tubercles, it spreads a great way under the surface. The juice of the fresh gathered root is an excellent sweetener of the blood taken in small doses, and for a long time together. The fresh roots bruised and applied externally, are said also to be excellent for the evil. They cool and give ease in the piles, applied as a pultice. FIR TREE. Abies. A WILD tree in Germany, and many other parts 136 FAMILY HERBAL: a of Europe, but with us only kept in gardens. We have no kind of the fir native : what is called the Scotch fir, is not a fir, but a pine. The fir-tree grows to a considerable height, and with great regularity. The trunk is covered with a rough and cracked bark, of a resinous smell; the leaves are numerous, and stand very beautifully on the branches. They stand in two rows, one oppo- site to the other, and are oblong, but somewhat broad and flat. They are of a pale green, and of a whitish hue underneath. The tree is hence called the silver fir, and, from the disposition of the leaves, the yew-leaved fir, for they grow as in the yew- tree. The fruit or cones stand upright; in this kind, they are long, thick, and brown. The tops of this kind are great sweeteners of the blood, and they work powerfully by urine. They are best given in diet drinks, or brewed in the beer, which is commonly drank. RED FIR TREE, OR PITCH TREE. Picea. A TALL tree, but not so regular in its growth, or in the disposition of its leaves, as the other. The trunk is thick, the bark reddish, and the wood soft. The branches are numerous, and they stand ir- regularly. The leaves are oblong, narrow, and sharp-pointed ; and they do not grow in two even rows, as in the other, but stand irregularly on the twigs. The cones are long, slender, and hang downwards. The whole tree has a strong resinous smell. The tops of this are boiled in diet drinks against the scurvy as the other, but they make the liquor much more nauseous; and not at all better for the intended purposes. Pitch and tar are the produce of the fir-tree, as FAMILY HERBAL. 137 also the Strasburg and some other of the turpentines. The larch tree and turpentine tree furnishing the others, as will be seen in their places. The wood is piled in heaps, and lighted at the top, and the tar sweats out at the lower parts. This being boiled, becomes hard, and is called pitch. The turpentines are balsamic, and very pow- erful promoters of urine, but of these more in their places: the tar has been of late rendered famous by the water made from it; but it was a fashionable remedy, and is now out of repute again. SWEET FLAG. Acorus calamus aromaticus dictus. A COMMON wild plant that grows undistinguished among the flags and rushes, by our ditch sides. The old physicians meant another thing by calamus aromaticus: they gave this name to the dried stalks of a plant, but at present it is used as the name of the root of this. The sweet flag grows three feet high, but consists only of leaves without a stalk. They are long, narrow, and of a pale green colour. Among these there are commonly three or four in all respects like the rest, but that they have a cluster of flowers breaking out at one side, within five or six inches of the top. This is long, brown, and thick, and resembles a catkin of a filbert tree, only it is longer and thicker. The root is long, flattish, and creeping: it is of a strong and rather unpleasant smell when fresh, but it becomes very fragrant, and aromatic in drying. Our own has its value, because we can have it fresh, but the dried root is better had of the druggists; they have it from warmer countries, where it is more fragrant. The juice of the fresh root of acorus is excel- lent to promote the menses, it works by nrine a a 138 FAMILY HERBAL. moderately, and gives no offence to the stomach. The dried root is cordial and sudorific, it warms the stomach, and is good against indigestions and fevers. COMMON ACORUS, OR YELLOW FLAGs. Acorus adulterinus. و A COMMON plant in our ditches, and by river sides, distinguished by its blue-green flag like leaves, and its large yellow flowers, which in shape resemble those of the iris, or flower de luce. It grows four feet high: the stalk is roundish, but a little flatted, of a pale green, very erect, firm, and not branched. It only sends out two or three shoots upwards from the bosom of the leaves. The leaves are a foot and a half long, narrow, flat, and sliarp at the edges; the flowers stand at the tops of the stalks, and are large and beautiful. The seeds are numerous, and are contained in large triangular vessels. The root creeps. The root of this is the only part used; some have confounded them with the true acorus root, but they are called, by way of distinction, false or bastard acorus; they are not at all like them in shape, colour, or qualities; they are of a reddish brown, have no smell, and are of an austere taste; they are an excellent astringent. They should be taken up in spring and dried, and afterwards given in powder. They stop fluxes and overflowings of the menses, FLAX. Linum. A very pretty as well as a very useful plant, cultivated for the sake of its seeds, as well as its stalks. It is three feet high; the stalk is round, FAMILY HERBAL. 199 slender, firm, and upright. The leaves are small, oblong, and narrow; and they stand irregularly, but in great numbers on it. Toward the top the stalk divides into three or four short branches ; and on these stand the flowers ; they are large and of a beautiful blue. Each of these is succeeded by a roundish seed-vessel ; in which are a number of seeds. This seed is what is called linseed. A tea made of it is excellent in coughs and disorders of the hreast and lungs, and the seed bruised is also good in cataplasms and fomentations for swellings. The oil drawn from it is given in pleurisies and peripneu- monies with great success, and it is also excellent in the gravel and stone. PURGING FLAX. Linum cutharticum. A PRETTY little herb that grows abundantly in our hilly pastures, in parks and warrens. It is eight inches high. The stalk is round, firm, and at the top divided into small branches. The leaves are little, oblong, and obtuse, and they stand two at each joint. The flowers are small and white, and the whole plant has very much the aspect of some kind of chickweed, but the seed-vessel being examined, it appears to be altogether of the flax kind. The root is small and thready. This little plant is a strong but safe purge ; the country people boil it in ale, and cure themselves of rheumatic pains, and a great many other ob- stinate disorders by it. They talk of it as a re- medy for dropsies. Doubtless it is useful in all cases where a strong and brisk purgative is in quired 140 FAMILY HERBAL. FLEABANE. Conysa. A PRETTY wild plant, frequent about damp places, with whitish leaves and large yellow flowers in autumn. It is two feet high. The stalk is round and erect, very firm and strong, and is often of a reddish colour. The leaves are numerous, and stand irregularly; they are above an inch long, moderately broad, of a rough surface, and whitish green. The flowers stand at the top of the branches; they are broader than a shilling, yellow, and composed of many narrow petals. The whole plant has a disagreeable smell. It is disputed whether this kind of fleabane, or another which is smaller, and has globous flowers, have the greater virtue ; but most give it for this. The juice of the whole plant cures the itch, applied externally ; and the very smell of the herb is said to destroy fleas. FLEAWORT. Psyllium. An herb of no great beauty, native of France, but kept in gardens here. It has narrow leaves, and inconsiderable flowers. It is a foot high. The stalks are weak, greenish, and a little hairy. The leaves stand two or more at every joint, for that is uncertain; they are long; very narrow, and also somewhat hairy : there rise from the bosoms of these leaves, long naked stalks, on which stand a kind of spikes of little flowers, somewhat like the spikes of plantain, only shorter; two seeds succeed each flower; and they are smooth, black- ish, and of the shape of fleas ; whence the name. There are many flowers in each head. "A mucilage is made of the seeds to cool the throat in fevers. FAMILY HERBAL. 141 Flix WEED. Sophia chirurgorum. A PRETTY wild plant, about our waste places and farm-yards; conspicuous for its leaves, if not so for its flower. It grows two feet high ; and the stalk is round, erect, very firm and strong, and not much branched. The leaves are moderately large, and most beautifully divided into numerous small seg- ments, long and narrow; they stand irregularly upon the stalks. The flowers are small and yellow; they stand in a kind of spikes at the tops of the stalks. They are followed by short pods. The whole plant is of a dark green The seeds are the part used: they are to be collected when just ripe, and boiled whole. The decoction cures the bloody flux, and is good against the overflowing of the menses. a FLOWER GENTLE. Amaranthus. A GARDEN flower. There are many kinds of it; but that used in medicine is the large one with the drooping purple spike. It grows to four feet high. The stalk is firm, round, and channel- led, green sometimes, but often red. The leaves are oblong and broad even at the edges, and point- ed at the ends: they are very large, and are ofien tinged with red. The flowers are purple, and they grow in long beautiful spikes hanging down. wards. The flowers are the part used. They are to be gathered when not quite full blown, and dried. They are good against purging and overflowing of the menses in powder or decoction. 142 FAMILY HERBAL. FLOWER DE LUCE. Iris. a A COMMON flower in our gardens. The plant grows three feet high. The leaves are a foot and a half long, narrow, flat, and in all respects like the leaves of flags, and of a bluish green. The stalks are round, or a little flatted ; thick, firm, upright, and of a greener colour. The flowers are large, and of a deep blue. The root spreads about the surface, and is thick and of a brownish colour, and marked with ring's. The juice of the fresh roots of this plant bruised with white wine is a strong purge; it will some- times also vomit; but that is not hurtful ; it is a cure for dropsies. Gordon, an old physic writer, says if a dropsy can be cured by the hand of man, this root will effect it. I have found it true in practice. FLORENTINE FLOWER DD LUCE. Iris Florentina. A PLANT kept also in our gardens, but not so frequently as the former; it scarce differs in any thing from the common flower de luce, except that the flowers are white. The root spreads in the same manner, and the leaves are flaggy. The stalk is two feet or more in height, and the flower is as large as that of the blue kind, and perfectly of the same form.- The root of this kind, when dried, is fragrant. The druggists keep it. It is good against dis- orders of the lungs, coughs, hoarseness, and all that train of ills; and it promotes the menses. FLUELLIN. Elatine. A Low plant frequent in corn-fields, , and con- FAMILY HERBAL. 143 spicuous for its pretty, though small, flower. The stalks are five or six inches long, round, hairy, weak, and trailing upon the ground. The leaves are little, hairy, rounded, and placed irregularly. The flowers are very small, but they are variegated with purple and yellow, both colours very bright; they have a heel behind, and each stands upon a little hairy foot-stalk, arising from the bosom of the leaf. There is another kind, the leaves of which have two ears at their base; in other respects they are the same, and they have the same virtues. The juice of either is cooling and astringent. It is given by the country people in the bloody flux and overflowing of the menses. Fool's STONES. Satyrium sive orchis. A BEAUTIFUL wild plant in our meadows and pastures in June. The leaves are long and spotted, and the flowers are purple. It grows ten inches high. The leaves are six inches long, and three quarters of an inch broad, of a very deep green, with large and irregular blotches of black in different parts. The stalk is round, thick, upright, single, and fleshy; it has two or three smaller leaves of the same figure, and at the top stand the flowers, in a spike of an inch and a half long; they are not very large, and of a shape different from the generality, of flowers; their colour is a deep and glossy purple ; but sometimes they are white. The whole plant is juicy. The root consists of two round bulbs or two round lumps, like a pair of testicles, and is white and full of a slimy juice. The root is the only part used. It is supposed to be a strengthener of the parts of generation, and 144 FAMILY HERBAL. a promoter of venereal desires ; but with what truth one cannot say. Externally applied in cataplasms, it is excellent in hard swellings. There are a great many other kinds of orchis in our meadows, but only this is used. The root, called salep by our druggists, is brought from Turkey, and is the root of a plant of this kind. It is strengthening and restorative, good in consumptions and all decays. Fox-GLOVE. Digitalis. A VERY beautiful wild plant in our pastures, and about wood-sides. The leaves are whitish, and the flowers large and red. It is three feet high. The leaves are large, long, rough on the surface, pointed at the ends, and serrated round the edges. The stalks are round, thick, firm, and upright, and of a white colour. The flowers hang down from the stalk in a kind of spike : they are hollow, red, large, and a little spotted with white; they are shaped like the end of the finger of a glove. The plant boiled in ale, is taken by people of robust constitutions, for the rheumatism and other stubborn complaints ; it works violently upwards and downwards; and cures also quartan agues, and, as is said, the falling-sickness An ointment made of the flowers of fox-glove boiled in May butter, has been long famous in scrophulous sores, FRANKINCENSE TRçE. Arbor thurifera: A LARGE tree, as is said, a native of the warmer countries, but we know very little of it. Those who describe it most, only say that the trunk is thick, the wood spungy, and the bark rough. FAMILY HERBAL. 145 The leaves, they say, are narrow, and of a pale green: but as to the flower and fruit, they are silent. Some say it is thorny. All that we use is the dry resin, which is of a yellowish white colour, and bitterish resinous taste, and strong smell . Our druggists keep this. What- ever tree produces this, it is a noble balsam ; dis- solved in the yolk of an egg, and made into an emul- sion with barley-water, it will do good in con- sumptions, when almost all other things fail. It were well if the common trifling practice in that fatal disorder would give way to the use of this great medicine. ST FRENCH MERCURY. Mercurialis mas et fæmina. A WILD plant, but not very frequent in Eng- land, conspicuous for little else than that it has the male flowers on some plants, and the female flowers on others, in the manner of spinage, hemp, and some others, as has been explained already under the article date-tree. high The stalks are angular, green, thick, but It grows ten inches not firm, and stand but moderately upright. The leaves are oblong, broadest in the middle, sharp at the point, serrated at the edges, and of a deep green colour. colour. The female plants produce two seeds growing together at the top of a little spike. The male produce only one spike of dusty flowers, without any seeds or fruit at all . But people com- monly mistake the matter, and call the female the male. A decoction of the fresh gathered plant purges a little, and works by urine; it is cooling, and good for hot constitutions and over fulness. The dried herh is used in decoctions for clysters. 30 U 146 FAMILY HERBAL. FROG Bır. Morsus rane. A LITTLE plant, not uncommon on waters, with round leaves and small white flowers. It has been by the common writers called a kind of water lily, because its leaves are round, and it floats upon the water, but it is as distinct as any thing can be, when we regard the flower. Duck- weed has round leaves, and floats upon the water, and it might be called water lily for that reason, if that were sufficient. The leaves are of a round- ish figure, and a dusky dark green colour: they are of the breadth of a crown piece, and they rise many together in tufts, from the same part of the stalk. This stalk runs along at a little distance under the surface of the water, and from it descend the roots, but they do not reach down into the mud, but play loose like the fibres of duck-weed in the The flowers stand singly upon slender foot-stalks; they are white, and composed of three leaves apiece, which give them a singular appearance. The fresh leaves are used in outward applications, and are very cooling: water. FUMITORY. Fumaria. A PRETTY wild plant, with bluish divided leaves, and spikes of little purple flowers, common in our corn-fields in June and July. It grows ten inches high. The stalk is round, striated, of a pale green, thick enough, but not very firm or perfectly erect. The leaves are large, but they are divided into a vast number of little parts, which are blunt and rounded at the ends; their colour is a faint green. The flowers are small and pur- ple: they have a heel behind, and a number of FAMILY HERBAL. 147 them stand together in a kind of spike. The whole plant has little taste. The juice expressed from this plant is excellent o against the scurvy. It opens obstructions of the viscera, and is good against the jaundice, and all other diseases arising from obstructions. a FUBZE Bush. Genista sninosa. . A WILD bush, upon our heaths and by road sides, too common to need much description. The stem is thick, tough, and of a whitish colour, cover- ed with fragments of an irregular kind. The bran- ches are extremely numerous, and spread in such a manner, that when the plant is left to itself, it forms a kind of globular or semi-globular tuft upon the ground. The thorns are very numerous and very sharp; they stand, as it were, one upon another. The leaves are little, and of a pale green, and they fall off so quickly, that for a great part of the year we see the shrub without any. The flow- , ers are yellow and beautiful, and the seeds are con- tained in pods. The root spreads a great way, and is not easily got up, when the shrub has once thoroughly fixed itself. Every piece of it left in will send up a new plant, The root and the seeds are used, but neither much, The seeds dried and powdered are astrin- gent, and a proper ingredient in electuaries, among other things of that intention, The bark of the root is used fresh taken up, and is to be given in infusion : It works by urine, and is good against the gravel ; but we have so many better things of our own growth for the same purpose, that it is scarce worth while to meddle with it; it loses its virtues by drying 148 FAMILY HERBAL loro lige brendtarga bato G Standasig GALANGAL PLANT. Galanga. Sit 10 anos A WILD plant in the East, which grows by wa- ters, and has some resemblance of the generality of our water plants in its leaves, and manner of growth. It is two feet and a half high, and has white flowers. The roots spread about the surface, and are of an irregular shape. The leaves are a foot long, not half an inch broad, sharp at the point, and at the edges. The stalk is firm, thick, round, and of a purplish green; the flowers are small, and of a snow white; they consist of a larger upper lip, and a smaller tender one, each divided into three parts. The seed-vessels are oblong, and have each three divisions, containing many seeds. The roots have a very acrid taste, and are reddish: as we have two sorts of galangal roots at the druggista, it might be expected there should be found two galangal plants, but they are both the roots of the . same. The lesser galangal is most used : it is a warm and fine stomachic, we put it in all bitter tinctures. Head-aches which arise from disorders in the sto- mach, are greatly relieved by this root. What is called English galangal, is the root of the long cyperus, described already in its place. GARLIC. Allium. A PLANT kept in our gardens for its uses in medicine, and in the kitchen.It grows two feet and a half high. The leaves are broad, long, and of a strong green. The stalk is round, smooth, and firm, upright, and of a pale whitish or bluish FAMILY HERBAL. 149 colour. The flowers are white and small, but they grow in a large tuft at the top of the stalk. The root is white, or a little reddish; it is composed of a great number of bulbs, or, as we call them, cloves, joined together, and covered with a common skin, and with fibres at the bottom. The whole plant has an extremely strong smell, and an acrid and pungent taste. The root is to be boiled in water, and the decoc- tion made into syrup with honey ; this is excellent in asthmas, hoarseness, and coughs, and in all diffi- culties of breathing 3 GENTIAN. Gentiana. A ROBUST and handsome plant, native of Ger- many, and kept with us in gardens. It grows two feet and a half high. The leaves that rise from the root, are oblong, broad, of a yellowish green colour, and pointed at the ends. The stalk is thick, firm, upright, and brownish or yellowish. At every joint there stand two leaves like the others, only smaller ; and towards the tops at every joint, also, there stand a number of flowers : these are small, yellow, with a great lump in the middle, which is the rudiment of the seed-vessel, and a great quantity of yellow threads about it. The root is large, long, and often divided. It is of a brownish colour on the outside, and yellow within, and is of a very bitter taste. The root-is used ; our druggists keep it dry: it is the great bitter and stomachic of the modern practice. Gentian root, and the peel of Seville oranges, make the common bitter tinctures and in- fusions : beside strengthening the stomach, and creating an appetite, these open obstructions, and 150 FAMILY HERBAL: are good in most chronic disorders. The powder of gentian will cure agues. mer GERMANDER. Chamædrys. or 1 A LITTLE plant, native of many parts of Europe, but with us kept in gardens. It grows a foot more in height, but rarely stands quite up- right. The stalks are square, green, and a little hairy. The leaves stand two at each joint. They are oblong, deeply indented at the edges, of a firin substance, green on the upper side, but hairy underneath. The flowers are small and purple, like the flowers of the little dead nettle. They stand in clusters about the upper joints of the stalks, and appear in July sabi Germander is an herb celebrated for many virtues. 'Tis said to be excellent against the gout and rheumatism : however that be, it pro- motes urine and the menses, and is good in all obstructions of the viscera. The juice is the best way of giving it, but the infusion is more frequent WATER GERMANDER. Scordium. A LITTLE mean looking plant, wild in some parts of England, but kept in gardens also for its virtues. The stalks are square, hairy, of a dusky green, and so weak, that they seldom stand much up. They are eight or ten inches long. The leaves are short, broad, and indented about the edges, but not sharply or deep as those of the other germander: they are of a sort of woolly soft ap- pearance and touch, and of a dusky deep green colour The flowers are very small and red, and FAMILY HERBAL. 151 they stand at the upper joints of the stalks, in little parcels together. The whole plant has a strong and disagreeable smell. The whole plant is to be used fresh or dried. It has been celebrated greatly as a sudorific, and for its virtues against pestilential fevers, but it is now little used. GINGER. Zinziber. An East India plant, found also in other places, and very singular in its manner of growth. It produces two kinds of stalks, the one bearing the leaves, and the other only the flowers. The first grow two or three feet high, and are themselves composed in a manner of the lower parts of leaves; so that they seem to be only bundles of leaves rolled together at the bottom. These are long, narrow, and in some degree resemble the leaves of our com- mon flags. The other stalks are tender, soft, and about a foot high: they have no leaves on them, but only a kind of films, and at the tops they produce the flowers, in a spike : these are small, in shape like those of our orchis, and of a mixed colour, purple, white, and yellow. The root spreads irregularly under the surface. The root is the only part used: we have it dry at the grocers; but the best way of taking it, is as it comes over preserved from the East Indies. It is a warm and fine stomachic, and dispeller of wind. It assists digestion, and prevents or cures cholics, It is also an excellent addition to the rough purges, to prevent their griping in the operation. GLADWYN, Xyris sive spatula fætida. A WILD plant of the iris kind, of no great 152 FAMILY HERBAL. beauty, but not without its virtues. The root creeps about the surface, like that of the common flower de luce. The leaves are a foot long, nar- row, and sharp-pointed, and of a strong and very peculiar smell. The stalks are round, firm, up- right, and of a bluish green. The flowers are like those of the common flower de luce, but smaller, and of a very dull colour. There is a little purple in the upper part of the flower, and there are some veins and streaks in the lower; but the rest is of a dull dead hue, between grey and brown, and they have a faint and bad smell. The juice of the root promotes urine, and the The dried root, in powder or infusion, is good against all hysteric disorders, faintings, and pains. Outwardly, the fresh root is said to be an excellent remedy for scrophulous swellings; but this we must take upon trust. . а. menses. GLASSWORT. Kali. A COMMON wild plant, on the sea coasts of many parts of Europe, but not a native of our country. It is called cochleated kali, from the form of its seed-vessels, which are twisted in the manner of a snail's shell. It grows to a foot and a . half in height. The stalk is round, thick, fleshy, and brittle. The leaves are few, and they stand irregularly; they are oblong, and blunted at the ends, and of a bluish green colour. The flowers are small, inconsiderable, and yellow. The juice of the fresh plant is said to be an excellent diuretic; but we have no opportunities of knowing its virtues here. Some say the seed- vessels have the same virtue, and give them in in- fusion, but we have better remedies of the same kind, of our own growth. own growth. The whole plant is FAMILY HERBAL. 153 burnt for its fixed salt, which is used in making glass. ad visi lo svitant tool LINTA { ' , Bill Goar's BEARD. Tragopogon. i ovjol voltorbrita banon 51 A COMMON wild plant, distinguished in our meadows by its narrow and fresh green leaves, and the long leaves of the cup, about its yellow flowers. It grows to a foot and a half in height. The leaves are very narrow; they are broadest at the base, and smaller all the way to the point. The stalk is round, thick, firm, very upright, and towards the top divided into two or three branches. The Aowers stand at the extremities of the stalks; they are of a beautiful pale yellow, very large and sur- rounded by a cup, composed of long and narrow green leaves, which, for the greatest part of the day, are closed over it, so that it seems only in bud. The seeds are winged with a fine white down, in the manner of those of dandelion, and, when ripe, they stand upon the tops of the branches, in a round head, in the same manner. The root is long and white; and the whole plant is full of a milky juice, which, after it has been a little time ex- posed to the air, becomes yellow, and thick like a cream. The root is used. It is so pleasant in taste, that it may be eaten in the manner of carrots, and other roots at table, but it exceeds them all in its qualities. It is an excellent restorative, and will do great service to people after long illness : the best way of giving it for this purpose, is to boil it first in water, and then, cutting it to pieces, boil it again in milk, which is to be rendered palatable in the usual way; it becomes thus a most excellent medi- cine in the form of food, adib ould 32 33 34 x 154 FAMILY HERBAL y Goat's IGOAT'S RUE. Galega. a tu A TALL plant, native of Italy, but kept with us in gardens. It grows a yard high. The stalks are round, striated, hollow, not very firm, or strong, and of a pale green colour: they are very much branched, and not altogether upright. The leaves are long and large, each is composed of several pairs of smaller leaves, with an odd one at the end of the rib; these are oblong, narrow, and of a yellowish green colour, thin, and not at all indented at the edges. The flowers are small, and of a bluish and whitish colour ; they stand a great many upon the same pediele, in a drooping posture. The whole plant is used. It is to be gathered when just come to flower, and dried, and afterwards given in infusion: this gently promotes sweat, and is good in fevers; so much is true of the virtues of this plant, but much more has been said of it. honom GOLDEN Rod. Virga aurea. A VERY pretty wild plant, with tufts of yellow flowers, frequent on our heaths in autumn. It is two feet high. The stalk is firm, erect, round, and hairy. The leaves are, long, broadest in the middle, indented at the edges, rough on the surface, hairy, and of a strong green colour. The flowers , are small, and of a bright yellow, but they grow together in a sort of thick and short spikes, so that they are very conspicuous. The root is long, brown, and of an austere taste, as is also the whole plant. The root, taken up in spring and dried, is an ex- cellent medicine given in powder for purgings, and før overflowing of the menses, bloody stools, or any FAMILY HERBAL. 155 ? other hemorrhage whatsoever The whole plant has been at all times famous as a vulnerary or wound herb, given in decoctions, Gold of PLEASURE. Myagrum. aroon A VERY pretty plant, common in many parts of England, and known at sight by the vast quantity of seed-vessels. It is two feet high: the stalk is round, thick, firm, upright, and toward the top has a great many branches, all standing upright. The leaves stand irregularly, and are not numerous, they are long, not very broad, and of a pale green; they are indented about the edges, and surround the stalk at the base; the flowers are little and white; the seed-vessels are short and roundish, and they stand in vast quantities, forming a kind of spikes all the way up the tops of the branches, with few flowers at the summit. biog The fresh tops of the plant are to be used before it is run to seed. An infusion of them sweetened with honey, is excellent for sore throats, and ulcerations of the month. The seeds yield a great quantity of oil on pressing, and they are so plentiful, that it might seem worth while to culti- vate the plant for them; the oil is pleasant and well tasted. 20 od is GOURD. Cucurbita. A LARGE plant, of the melon or cucumber kind, kept in gardens. The stalks are ten or twelve feet long, thick, angular, rough, and hairy, but unable to support themselves upright : they trail upon the ground or climb upon other things. The leaves are very large and broad, indented deeply, rough, of a blackish green.. The flowers 156 FAMILY HERBAL. be on the are large, and bell-fashioned, white and downy on the inside, and not altogether smooth on the outer surface. The fruit is large, and has a hard, firm shell on the outside, and is fleshy and juicy within, with seeds in the manner of the melons; these are flat, of an oblong shape, and hard, These seeds are the only part used: they are cooling and diurețic. 1 They have this virtue in much the same degree with cucumber and melon seeds, and are given with them in emulsions. 109,bro 176 BITTER GOURD, called BITTER APPLE. DOT bisa Colocynthis. A NATIVE of the East, and of some other warın countries, kept in our curious gardens, and afford- ing the famous drug called coloquintide. It is a small plant of the gourd kind. The stalks are thick, angular, hairy, and of a pale green. They cannot support themselves, but have a number of tendrils growing from them, by which they lay hold of every thing they come near. The leaves are large, broad, and very deeply divided at the edges. The flowers are of a pale yellow, large, and not unlike the flowers of melons. The fruit is a round gourd, of the bigness of the largest orange. The bark is hard, and the inner part spun- gy, with seeds among it. these are flat, hard, and of an oval figure. The fruit is the part used; they take off the guter shell, and send the dried pulp with the seeds among it: but these are to be separated afterwards, and the pulp used alone. It is a very violent purge, but it may be given with proper caution ; and it is excellent against the rheumatism, and violent haitual head-aches. These rough purges will a FAMILY HERBAL 157 reach the cause of disorders, that the common gen- tle ones would not touch ; and the present practice denies the use of many of the best medicines we know. Gour Wort. Padagrara herba gerrardi. A COMMON wild plant over-running our gar- dens, and when once it has taken root very diffi- cult to be got out again; it grows two feet high. The leaves which rise from the roots are large, and they are composed each of several smaller, set on a divided rib, in the manner of those of angelica, of which they have some resemblance. They are of a pale green colour, and are oblong and in- dented at the edges. The stalks are round, up- right, and a little branched, they are slender, stri- ated, and green; the leaves on these are smaller, and consist of fewer parts than those that rise from the root. The flowers are little and white, and they stand in small round clusters ; each is suc- ceeded by two flat seeds. The root creeps. The root and fresh buds of the leaves are both used, but only externally; they are excellent in fomentations, and pultices for pains; and the plant has obtained its name from their singular efficacy against the pain of the gout: but it is not advise- able to do any thing in that disorder; the warm applications of this kind are of all others the least dangerous. I have known a quantity of the roots and leaves boiled soft together, and applied to the hip in the sciatica, keeping a fresh quantity hot to renew the other, as it grew cold, and I have seen great good effect from it. Its use should not be confined to this pain alone, it will succeed in others. 353 FAMILY HERBAL. GROMVEL. Lithospermon. ad A WILD plant of no great beauty, but distinguished by its seeds, which are hard, glossy, and resemble so many pearls, as they stand in the open husk. The plant grows a yard high. The stalk is round, thick, firm, very upright, and branched. The leaves are oblong, not very broad, rough, and hairy, of a deep blackish green colour, and placed irregular- ly; the flowers are small and white : when they are fallen off, the cups remain, and contain these shining, and, as it were, stony seeds. The plant is fre- quent about hedges. The seeds are the only part used; they work powerfully by urine, and are of great service in the gravel and all other obstructions ; they are best given in powder, with a great deal of barley-water at the same time. Aina 0 bris GROUND-PINE. Chamæpitys. A VERY singular little wild plant, of a mossy appearance, and resinous smell : it grows four inches high ; the stalks are hairy, and seldom stand upright; the leaves are very close set, and the young shoots which grow from their bosons perfectly obscure the stalk; it seems a thick round tuft. These leaves are short, narrow, and divided into three parts at their ends, and they stand two at every joint of the stalk: they are rough and hairy like the stalk. The flowers are little and yellow, and they stand at the joints The whole plant is used, and it has great vir- tue ; it is to be used dry in powder or infusion. It works strongly by urine, and promotes the menses. It opens also all obstructions of the liver and FAMILY HERBAL. 159 spleen, and is good in jaundice, the rheumatism, and most of the chronic disorders. he GROUNDSEL. Erigeron sive senecio. A COMMON weed in our gardens, and upon walls, with little yellow flowers, and downy seeds; it grows eight inches high: the stalk is round, fleshy, tolerably upright, and green or purplish : the leaves are oblong, broad, blunt, and divided at the edges. The flowers are small and yellow; they grow in a sort of long cups at the tops of the stalks and branches. The juice of this herb is a gentle and very good emetic. It causes vomiting without any great irritation or pain ; and it is also good for cutaneous foulnesses applied outwardly. the siamo GUAIACUM TREE. Guaiасит. A GREAT tree, native of the West Indies, and to be seen in some of our curious gardens. The fruit is very large, and the branches are numerous; the leaves are small, each is composed of two or three pair of smaller ones, with no odd leaf at the end of the rib. These are short, broad, roundish, , and of a dusky green colour. The flowers are small and yellow, but they grow in large clusters together, so that the tree when in bloom makes a very pretty appearance. The bark and wood are the only parts of the tree used; they are given in decoction, to promote sweat, and so cleanse the blood ; they are excellent against the rheumatism, scurvy, and all other disorders, which arise from what is commonly called foulness of the blood, but they must be taken for a consider a 160 FAMILY HERBAL able time; for these effects cannot be produced at once. What is called gum guaiacum, is the resin pour ed from this tree; it is very acrid and pungent, and in the rheumatism and many other cases is to be preferred to the wood itself. H. HARE'S EARS. Bupleuron latifolium. A COMMON wild plant in some parts of Europe, out kept here in gardens. It is two feet or more in height. The leaves are long and broad, of a stiff substance, and somewhat hollowed, which gives them the appearance of a long and hollow ear, from whence they are named; they are of a whitish green colour, and the ribs upon them are high. There is a sort with narrow leaves, but the broad leaved kind is to be used in medicine. The stalks are round, upright, striated, and toward the top branched. The flowers are little and yellow, and they stand at the tops of the branches in small umbels. The root is long and thick, and has many fibres. The young shoots of the leaves which grow from the root, are esteemed exceedingly in places where they are native, for the cure of fresh wounds. They cut two or three of these off close to the ground, and without bruising them, first closing the lips of the wound, they lay them on one over the other, making a kind of compress: they then bind them on with linen rags, and never take off the dressing for three days, at the end of which time in most cases they only find a scar: the cure being perfected. This is the substance of a pomp- FAMILY HERBAL 161 ous account sent lately to a person of distinction with some leaves of the herb. There is no doubt of the truth, and the surgeons will very well under- stand the nature of the cure; the discovery how- ever is not new, for the herb has always been reckoned among the vulnerary plants; and some have pretended that it will singly cure the king's evil, but that is not to be expected ; at the same time it may be proper to observe, that we do not want plants for the same use in England ; we have the tutsan which is to be applied in the same man- ner, and has the same effect; clown's all-heal, and many others, named in their places. HARE's Foot. Lagopus. A A COMMON little plant, singular in the tuft, which contains its seeds, and whence it has its name, but not so much regarded as it ought to be for its virtues. The stalks are numerous, round, slender, and spread upon the ground, each is divided into a number of lesser branches. The leaves are small, oblong, narrow, of a pale green colour, and hairy; and they stand three together, in the manner of trefoils. The flowers are small and of a faint red, they stand several together in a short spike, and the cups which receive them at the base, are downy; this gives the singular aspect of hairiness to these heads, and their softness to the touch. The whole plant is to be used dried. It is an excellent astringent. It stops the overflowings of the menses and the whites, and is good against bloody fluxes, and purgings of all kinds. The best way of taking it is in a strong decoction, which must be continued some time. Y 162 FAMILY HERBAL. HART's TONGUE. Phyllitis. Lingua cervina A WILD plant of the fern kind, that is, con- sisting only of leaves, without a stalk, the flowers and seeds being horne on the backs of them. But it has no resemblance to the ordinary ferns in its aspect. Each leaf of hart's tongue is a separate plant, but there rise many from the same root. The foot-stalk is five inches long, the leaf an inch and a quarter broad, largest at the bottom, and smaller to the top, usually simple, but sometimes divided into two or more parts at the end. It is of a beautiful green at the upper side, somewhat paler underneath, and the foot-stalk runs all along its middle in the form of a very large rib. The seed-ves- sels are disposed in long brown streaks on each side of this rib, on the under part of the leaf, and they are more conspicuous than in most of the fern kind. The plant grows in old wells, and in dark ditches, and is green all the year. It is not much used, but deserves to be more It is an excellent astringent; the juice of the plant, taken in small quantities, and for a continuance of time, opens obstructions of the liver and spleen, and will cure many of the most obstinate chronic distempers. Known. HARTWORT. Seseli. A TALL, robust, and handsome plant, native of the Alps, but kept in our gardens. It grows five or six feet in height : the stalk is round, thick, striated, and hollow, very firm and upright, and but little branched. The leaves are very large, and they are divided into a great number of parts, hy fives and by threes; they are of a yellowish green. The flowers are small and white, but they FAMILY HERBAL 163 stand in great tufts or umbels at the tops of the stalks: the seeds follow, two after each flower, and they are oblong, broad, and edged with a leafy border ; they are of a dark colour, a strong smell, and acrid taste. The seeds are the only part used; they promote the menses, and the necessary discharges after delivery, and are an excellent warm and cordial medicine ; they work also gently by urine, and cure colicy pains ; they are to be given in powder or infusion. HAWTHORN. Spina alba. A SHRUB too common in our hedges to need much description. The trunk is irregular, and sel- dom straight; the branches are strong, tough, and thorny; and the leaves of a glossy green and beau- tifully divided. The flowers are white and beautiful, the fruit is small. The flowers and the dried fruit are used in medi- cine; they have the same virtue; they work by urine, and are good in the gravel, and all com- plaints of that kind; but there are so many better things for the same purpose at hand, that these are not much regarded. HEDGE MUSTARD. Erisimum. A VERY common wild plant, and of no great beauty ; it is frequent about old walls, and in farm yards, and is distinguished by its long spikes of pods, which are lodged close upon the stalk. It grows two feet in height; the stalk is round, firm, upright, but not always quite straight, and a little branched. The leaves are of a pale green colour, hairy, oblong, and deeply indented at the edges, 164 FAMILY HERBAL. The flowers are small and yellow, and they common- ly stand at the tops of long spikes of pods, which have been flowers before them. The whole plant is used, an infusion of it fresh is the best way of taking it. This dissolves tough phlegm, and is excellent in asthmas, hoarse- nesses, and other complaints of the breast. This simple infusion, made into a syrup with honey, also answers the same purpose, and keeps all the year. HEMLOCK. Cicuta. A LARGE, tall, and handsome umbelliferous plant, frequent in our hedges. It grows to six feet in height; the stalk is round, firm, hollow, and upright; it is of a dark green, and often stained with purple and yellow. The leaves are very large, and divided into very fine and nume- rous partitions. The flowers are small and white, and stand in large clusters on the tops of the stalks. The seeds are roundish. The whole plant has a strong disagreeable smell, and has been called poisonous. The roots are excellent in pultices for hard swellings. HEMP. Cannabis. HEMP is a tall plant, of a coarse aspect, culti- vated in fields for its stalk. It grows five feet high, and is a robust plant; the stalk is thick and rigid; the leaves are numerous, they are large, and each composed of six or seven smaller ; these are disposed in the manner of fingers, and are of a deep green colour, rough, narrow, and serrated at the edges. The flowers in hemp grow in some plants, and the FAMILY HERBAL. 165 seeds on others. The flowers are inconsiderable, and whitish; the seeds are large, roundish, grey, and have a white pulp within. The root is fibrous. The seeds are used in medicine; an emulsion made of them cures the jaundice. HEMP AGRIMONY. "Eupatorium cannabinum. A TALL plant growing by waters, with tufts of red flowers and leaves, divided in the man- ner of those of hemp. It grows five feet high; the stalk is round, thick, reddish, and very up- right. The leaves are large of a pale' green, and fingered ; they stand two at each joint; the flowers grow in bunches as big as a man's fist, on the tops of the branches, and are of a bright red. The root fresh gathered and boiled in ale is used in some places as a purge; it operates strong, ly, but without any ill effect, and dropsies are said to have been cured by it singly. Black HENBANE. Hyoscyamus niger. A COMMON wild plant, of a dismal aspect and disagreeable smell. The farm yards and ditch banks in most places are full of it. It grows two feet high. The stalk is thick, round, hairy, and clammy to the touch ; but not very upright. The leaves are large, long, and broad, deeply serrated at the edges, of a bluish green co- lour, hairy, and clammy to the touch, and leav- ing a disagreeable smell upon the hands. The flowers are large, and stand in rows on the tops of the branches, which often bend down ; they are of a strange yellowish brown colour, with purple veins. The seeds are numerous and brown 166 FAMILY HERBAL. The seeds are used ; "the rest of the plant is esteemed poisonous. They are given in small doses against the bloody flux, and it is said with great suc- cess; I have not known it tried. WHITE HENBANE. Hyoscyamus albus. a A NATIVE of Italy and Germany, kept in our gardens. It is a foot high, and has something of the aspect of the black henbane, but not so dismal. The stalk is round, thick, and of a pale green; the leaves are large, broad, but short, and a little in- dented at the edges; they are of a yellowish green, and somewhat hairy; the flowers are small and yellow, and the seeds are whitish. The seeds of this kind are preferred to those of the others, as less strong in their effects; but if any harm would happen from the internal use of the other, we should have known it, for they are gene- rally sold for them. Good King HENRY. Bonus Henricus. a A COMMON wild plant, called also by some English mercury, by way of distinction from the other, which is called French mercury, and has been described already. This grows a foot high ; the stalk is round and thick, but rarely stands quite upright; it is greenish and purplish, and is covered with a kind of grey powder unctuous to the touch. The leaves are large, broad, and of the shape of an arrow-head, they stand on long stalks, and are of a pale green ahove, and greyish under- neath, being there covered with this grey powder. The flowers are inconsiderable, and are of a green- ish yellow, and they stand in long spikes at the tops of the branches; the plant is common in farm yards. FAMILY HERBAL. 167 The young shoots are eaten as spinage, the juice of the whole plant works gently, and well by urine; and the dried herb is used in decoctions for glisters. HERMODACTYL PLANT. Hermodactylus. A BEAUTIFUL plant, having more the 'aspect of a garden flower, but it is common wild in the East. The root is roundish, but flatted, and in- dented at the bottom, and smaller at top. The leaves are small and broad; they are sharp at the point, and of a deep green colour. The flowers are large and of a whitish colour, veined and striped with purple ; this is the best account we have re- ceived of the plant, but part of it comes with less authority than one would wish to things of this kind. The root is dried and sent to us. It is a gentle purgative, but it is less used at this time than many others. It has been in more repute, perhaps with reason. HOLLOAK. Malva arborea A COMMON garden flower. It grows eight feet . high, and the stalk is round, firm, hairy, and upright. The leaves are large and roundish, of a deep green, hairy, and cut in at the edges; the flowers are very large, red, white, or purple, and stand in a kind of long spike. The root is white, long, and thick, and is of a slimy nature, and not disagreeable taste. This is the part used; a decoction of it operates by urine, and is good in the gravel ; it has the same virtue with the mallow and marshmallow, but in a middle degree between them ; more than the mallow, and not so much as the other, nor is it so pleasant. 168 FAMILY HERBAL. HONEWORT. Selinum süi foliis. A COMMON plant in corn-fields and dry places, with extremely beautiful leaves from the root, and little umbels of white flowers. It has its English name from its virtues. Painful swellings are in some parts of the kingdom called hones, and the herb, from its singular effect in curing them, has received the name of honewort, that is, hone- herb. The root is long and white; there rise from it, early in the spring, half a dozen or more leaves, which lie spread upon the ground, in an elegant manner, and are all that is generally observed of the plant. The stalks do not rise till the end of summer, and these leaves decay by that time, so that they are not known to belong to it. These leaves are eight inches long, and an inch and a half in breadth : they are composed each of a double row of smaller leaves, set on a common rib, with an odd leaf at the end ; these are oblong, tolerably broad, and indented in a beautiful manner. They are of a fresh green colour; they are the part of the plant most seen, and the part to be used ; and they are not easily confounded with those of any other plant, for there is scarce any that has what are nearly so handsome. The stalk is two feet high, ound, hollow, upright, but not very firm, and franched toward the top. The leaves, on it are somewhat like those from the root, but they have not the singularity of those beautiful and numerous small ones; the flowers are Įittle and white, and the seeds are small, flatted, striated, and two of them follow every flower. The leaves are to be used; they are to be fresh gathered and beat in a marble mortar into a kind of paste. They are to be laid on a swelling that is FAMILY HERBAL. 169 red, painful, and threatens to have bad consequences, and they disperse it. The application must be frequently renewed, and there are those who speak of its curing the evil. HONEY-SUCKLE. Perielymenum. a A BEAUTIFUL wild shrub. The trunk is seldom more than an inch thick ; the branches are very long and slender, of a reddish colour, brittle, and all of the same bigness. The leaves stand in pairs, they are broad, short, blunt, of a dark dead green colour. The flowers grow in little clusters ; they are long, slender, tubular, and very fragrant; the berries are red. The fresh leaves of honey-suckle given in de- coction, are good against obstructions of the liver and spleen; they work by urine, and they are also a good gargle for a sore throat, HONEYWORT. Cerinthe. A JUICY plant frequently wild in many parts of Europe, but with us kept in gardens. It has its name from the sweet taste of the flowers. Al- most all flowers have a drop of honey juice in their bottom : this is indeed the real substance of honey, for the bees only pick it out and get it together: the hollow flowers in general have more of it, or it is better preserved in them than others, but scarce any in so great a degree as this plant named from it. It is two feet high, when kept erect, but if left to itself, is very apt to lean upon the ground. The stalk is round, thick, juicy, and tender; the leaves are large, oblong, broad, they surround and inclose the stalk at their base; they are of a bluish green a 2 170 FAMILY HERBAL. colour, spotted or clouded irregularly with white, and they are full of a sort of prickles. The flow- ers grow at the tops of the stalks, several together, among the clusters of leaves; they are hollow, oblong, and very wide open at the mouth; their colour is yellow, variegated with purple in the middle, and they have a very pretty appearance. The fresh gathered tops of the plant are to be used ; an infusion of them is cooling, and works by urine. It is good against scorbutic complaints, and in the jaundice. Hop PLANT. Lupulus. a A CLIMBING plant, with very long stalks, common in our hedges, and cultivated also in many places. The stalks are roundish, rough to the touch, and of a purplish colour often, sometimes only green. The leaves are very large, of a roundish figure, deeply indented, of a dark green colour, and very rough also to the touch. The fruit is sufficiently known. A decoction of fresh gathered hops is good against the jaundice ; and the powder of hops dried in an oven has been often known to cure agues, but upon this there is no absolute dependance. WHITE HOREHOUND. Marrubium album. A WHITE noary plant, with little flowers in tufts round the stalks, frequent in dry places in many parts of the kingdom. It grows sixteen inches high. The stalks are square, and very ro- bust, hairy, pale coloured, and upright. The leaves stand two at each joint; they are short and broad, blunt at the ends, and widely indented at FAMILY HERBAL 171 the edges, of a rough surface, and white colour. The flowers are white, and the points of their cups are prickly. The best part of the plant for medicinal use, is the tops of the young shoots ; a decoction of these made very strong, and boiled into a thin syrup with honey, is excellent against coughs, hoarsenesses of long standing, and all disorders of the lungs. The same decoction, if taken in large doses, and for a continuance, promotes the menses, and opens all obstructions. BLACK HOREHOUND. Ballote. A COMMON wild plant of a disagrecable smell, thence also called by some stinking horehound. The stalks are square, the leaves grow two at every joint, and are broad, short, and of a blackish green colour, but in shape not unlike those of the white kind. The flowers stand in clusters round the stalk at the joints, as in the other, but they are red. The whole plant has a dismal aspect. The root is fibrous. The plant is to be used fresh and dried, and it has more virtue than most imagine. It is to be given in the form of tea : it promotes the menses, and is superior to most things as a remedy in hysteric cases, faintings, convulsions, and low-spiritedness, and all the train of those disorders. HORSETAIL. Equisetum segetale. A COMMON, and yet very singular wild plant, frequent in our corn-fields, and composed of branches only, without leaves ; there are also many other kinds of horsetail. It is a foot or more in height, and is extremely branched; the stalk is 172 FAMILY HERBAL. round, blunt, ridged, and angulated, and composed of joints. It is hollow, weak, and seldom sup- ports itself tolerably upright. The branches are of the same structure, and they are again branch- ed; they grow several from every joint of the main stalk, and have others again, though in less number, growing from their joints. The whole plant is of a green colour, and when bruised, not of a very agreeable smell. The whole plant is to be usea, and it is best fresh ; though it retains a great deal of its virtue dried. Given in decoction, it stops overflowings of the menses, and bloody stools; and applied externally, it immediately stops the bleeding of wounds and heals them. Hound's TONGUE. Cynoglossum. A TALL and singular looking piant, frequent by our way sides, and distinguished by its large whitish leaves, and small purple flowers, as also by the particularity of its smell, which has been supposed to resemble that of a kennel of hounds. It is two feet and a half high. The stalk is angulated, firm, and upright: the leaves are long, considerably broad, and of a pale whitish or bluish green colour, sharp at the points, and not at all serrated at the edges. The flowers are small, and of a deep purple : they grow along the tops of the branches, and are followed by rough seeds. The root is the part used; it is long, thick, and brown, but whitish within ; it is balsamic and astringent. Given in decoction, it is excellent against coughs arising from a thin sharp humour. Dried and powdered, it is good against purgings, and stops the overflowing of the menses. FAMILY HERBAL. 173 GREAT HOUSELEEK. Sedum majus. а a A PLANT sufficiently known as well by its particular manner of growing, as for its place of growth. It forms itself into clusters of a roundish figure, these are composed of leaves, which are largest toward the bottom, and smallest at the end ; they are very thick and juicy, broad at the base, sharp at the point, flat on the upper side, a little rounded on the under, and somewhat hairy at their edges. The stalk grows to ten inches high; it is very thick, round, and juicy, upright, of a reddish colour, and divided at the top into a few branches. The leaves on it are thin and narrow. The flowers are numerous ; they are red and have a green head in their middle, which afterwards becomes a cluster of seed-vessels. The leaves are the part used; they are applied externally in inflammations, and are very useful, when cooling things may be employed. The juice is also cooling and astringent taken inwardly, but it is rarely used. Some praise it greatly for the in- flammations of the eyes. There is another kind of houseleek very unlike this in form, but of the same virtues, this is called the lesser houseleek; the stalks are round, small, and reddish, and grow six inches high ; the leaves are long and rounded, not flat as the other leaves; and the flowers are white, and stand in a kind of tufts, like umbels at the tops of the stalks. This grows on old walls, and the tops of houses like the other. LEAST HOUSELEEK, OR WALL PEPPER. Sedum minimum acre. A COMMON plant on old walls, of kin to the 174 FAMILY HERBAL, a preceding, but very different both in face and virtues. The root is little ; from this grow abun- dance of stalks ; they are round, weak, and unable to support themselves; they spread every way about, and are six inches in length. The greatest part of every stalk is covered with leaves, so that it appears a green substance, of the thickness of ones little finger ; these leaves are short and thick ; they are of a fine green colour, and are broad at the base, and sharp at the point. The flowers are little, and of a bright yellow; they grow in great numbers, from the tops of these branches, and are of the shape of those of common houseleek, and rounded by such seed-vessels. The juice of this kind of houseleek is excel- lent against the scurvy and all other diseases arising from what is called foulness of the blood. It is said that a continued course of it will cure the king's evil : but we want experience to support this. HYPOCIST. Hypocistus. A VERY singular plant, native of the Grecian islands, and of some of the warmer parts of Europe. It is five inches high, and of a singular figure. It does not grow in the earth at large as other plants, but to the root of some species of cistus; as missletoe grows to the branches of trees. The stalk is thick and fleshy, and is often twice as large toward the top, as at the bottom. It is whitish, or yellowish, or purplish, and has a parcel of short and broad skinny films, by way of leaves upon it. The flowers grow at the top, with leaves of the same kind among them. They are large and beautiful, , and are succeeded by fruits of a roundish figure, FAMILY HERBAL. 175 a in which is a quantity of glutinous liquor, and with it the seeds, which are very small, and of a brown- ish colour. We use the hardened juice of the fruit; it is evaporated over the fire, to a thick consistence, and then is of a black colour, like the common liquorice juice, called Spanish liquorice. The druggists keep it in this state; it is good in violent purgings, with bloody stools, and in overflowing of the menses : it is to be given in an electuary, with conserve of red a roses. Hyssop. Hyssopus. a a A VERY pretty garden plant, kept for its virtues. It grows two feet high. The stalks are square, robust, upright, and of a pale green colour. The leaves stand two at each joint; they are long, narrow, pointed at the ends, and of a bright green colour. The flowers are small, and they stand in long spikes, at the tops of the branches; they are of a beautiful blue colour. The whole plant has a strong, but not disagreeable smell. Hyssop is to be gathered when just beginning to flower, and dried: the infusion made in the manner of tea, is not unpleasant, and is the best way of taking it: it is excellent against coughs, hoarse- nesses, and obstructions in the breast. infusion made into a syrup with honey, is excellent for the same purposes, mixed with an equal quantity of oil of almonds. A strong HEDGE HYSSOP. Gratiola. A LITTLD plant kept in our gardens. It grows to a foot in height; the stalks are square, slender, and not very robust : the leaves are long, 176 FAMILY HERBAL. varrow, and sharp-pointed: they stand two at every joint. The flowers are long, moderately large, and yellow; they grow from the bosoms of the leaves, and are hollow, and only a little divided at the ends: they are somewhat like fox-glove flowers. A decoction of the fresh plant is an excellent purge, but it works roughly, it is good against dropsies and rheumatisms; and the jaundice has been often cured by it singly. J JACK BY THE HEDGE. Alliaria. A. SPRING plant of a conspicuous figure, fre- quent in our hedges. The stalk is round, thick, firm, upright, and of a pale green, three feet in height, and very straight. The leaves are large, broad, and short, of a figure approaching to toundish, but somewhat pointed at the ends, and notched at the edges ; they are of a pale yellowish green colour, and stand on long foot-stalks. The flowers are little and white; they stand ten or a dozen together, at the tops of the branches, and are followed by long pods. The fresh leaves eaten as salad work by urine powerfully, and are recommended in dropsies. The juice of them boiled into a syrup with honey, is good to break tough phlegm, and to cure coughs and hoarsenesses. JACINTH, OR HYACINTH. Hyacinthus vulgaris. The common spring plant our children gather with their cowslips and May Mowers, and call blue FAMILY HERBAL 177 a bells. The root is white and roundish; the leaves are narrow and long, like grass, but of a deep greeil colour, and smooth surface: the stalks are round, upright, and smooth ; they have no leaves on them. The flowers are large, and of a beautiful blue; they are hollow, oblong, and turn up at the rim. The root is the part used. It abounds in a slimy juice, but it is to be dried, and this must be done carefully; the decoction of it operates well by urine ; and the powder is balsa- mic, and somewhat styptic. It is not enough known. There is hardly a more powerful remedy for the whites JALAP PLANT. Jalapium. A CLIMBING plant, native of America, and not yet got into our gardens. The root is long, irregu- larly shaped, and thick. The stalks are round, tough, and firm, but slender and unable to support themselves. They grow to ten or twelve feet in length, and wind among the bushes. The leaves are oblong, broadest toward the base, of a dusky green, and not dented about the edges. The flow- ers are large, and of the shape of a bell, and their colour is purplish or white. The seed-vessel is large and oval. The root is the part used; and druggists sell it. Given in powder with a little ginger, to prevent its griping, it is an excellent purge. A strong tincture of it made in brandy answers the same purpose ; it is good in dropsies; and is in general a safe and ex- cellent purge. TESSAMIN.E Jasminum. A COMMON shrub in our gardens, and А а 178 FAMILY HERBAL. great ornament to them. It does not well support itself, so that it is commonly nailed against walls. The trunk is covered with a greyish hark: the young shoots are green. The leaves stand two at each joint, and they are very beautiful ; each is made up of about three pair of narrow, oblong, and pointed leaves, with a very long one at the end. They are of a deep green colour: the flowers are long, hollow, open at the end, and white; half a dozen or thereabout grow on each stalk, and they are of a very delicate and fragrant smell; these are succeeded by berries, which ripen in the warmer countries. The flowers are the part used. Pour a pint of boiling water upon six ounces of the fresh gathered and clean picked flowers of jessamine ; let it stand twelve hours, then pour it off; add honey enough to make the liquor into a thin syrup, and it is an excel- lent medicine in coughs. Rose oF JERICHO. Rosa Hicracontea. A LITTLE woody plant, named a rose from nothing but its size, and its manner of folding itself up, by bending in the tops of the branches, so that it appears hollow and roundish. We are accustomed to see it dry, and in that condition it is always thus drawn together. It is of the bigness of a man's fist, and is composed of a quantity of woody branches, interwoven with one another, and all bending in, ward. When it is put into warm water, it expands, and become flattish, but on drying, it acquires the old form again. It is in reality a kind of thlaspi, or treacle mus- tard, but of a peculiar woody texture. The root is long, and pierces deep into the ground; there grow from this eight or ten stalks, which spread FAMILY HERBAL, 179 themselves upon the ground, in a circular manner, as we see the stalks of our bird's foot, and many other little plants. These stalks are thick and woody, and about four inches in length: they lie upon the ground toward the base, but lay turned up a little at the tops, and each of them has a num- ber of branches. The leaves are long, narrow, and of a pale green; they are very numerons, and they stand irregularly. The flowers are small, and white like those of our shepherd's purse. The seed-véssels are small, and contain several seeds like those of the common treacle mustard. This is the appearance of the plant, as it grows very frequent in the warmer climates; and thus it has nothing singular in it, while in its perfection of growth, but after a time, the leaves decay and fall off, and the stalks as they dry, in the heat, draw up more and more, till by degrees they get into this round figure, from which warm water will expand them, but they recover it again as they dry. This is the real history of that little kind of trea- cle mustard, which is called the rose of Jericho, and concerning which so many idle, as well as strange things, have been said. Our good women have many ways of trying many experiments with it, by way of deciding future events, but nothing can be so foolish. The nature of the plant will make it expand, and open its branches, when put into warm water, and draw them together again, as it grows dry. This will always happen, and it will be more quick or more slow, according to the con- dition of the plant. Where it is to be had fresh, it does not want medicinal virtues. shoots are good in infusion against sore throats, but we have the plant without its leaves, and, in reality, The young 180 FAMILY HERBAL. little more than a stick ; so that it would be idle to expect any good in it. JESUIT'S BARK TREE. Arbor Peruviana. A SMALL tree, native of South America, which has not yet got into our gardens. The trunk is as thick as a man's leg, and its bark is grey. The branches are numerous and irregular, and their bark is of a browner colour, but with the same tinge of grey. . The leaves are long and large, three inches in length, and half as much in breadth, and of a pale green colour: they are pointed at the end, but not at all indented at the edges. The flowers are small, and their colour is a pale purple : they stand in great clusters together; they are long, hollow, and open at the end, where they are a little divided. The fruit is a dry capsule, of an oblong figure. The bark is the part used. Besides its certain efficacy against agues and intermitting fevers, it is an excellent stomachic and astringent ; nothing is better to strengthen the appetite, and in overflow- ings of the menses, and all other bleedings, it is of the greatest efficacy. It is best given in powder. The tincture is to be made in brandy, but it is not nearly so good as the substance ; when it is given for disorders of the stomach, the best way is to pick fine pieces of the bark and chew them. JEW'S EARS. Auriculæ Juda. A KỊND of fungus, or, as the common phrase is, of toad's stool, growing upon old elder trees. It is about an inch and a half long, and generally an inch broad, and is somewhat of the shape of an FAMILY HERBAL. 181 ear. It grows by a broad base to the bark of the tree, and from this it gradually spreads into a flat, hollow, substance, with several ridges in it, running irregularly, whence it is supposed to have the resemblance of the ear most perfectly. Its colour is a pale grey on the outside, it is darker within, and there run several ribs along it. It is to be dried. Boiled in milk, it is recommended greatly in sore throats and quinsies. These reme- dies of the vulgar have come originally from physicians, and they commonly have something to support them. The Jew's ear is at this tiine out of repute, but that seems owing to sophistication. They commonly sell, under the name of it, another fungus that grows to a great bigness, overspreading wood, in damp places. They get it off the water pipes at the New River head at Islington, to supply Covent Garden market. ST. IGNATIUS'S BEAN. Taba sancti Ignatii. A PLANT common in the West Indies, and very ill called a bean, being truly a gourd. The name bean was given to the seeds of this plant before it was known how they were produced, and some have continued it to the plant. It grows to a great height, when there is a tree to support it, for it cannot support itself. It has a stalk as thick as a man's arm, angulated, light, and not firm. The leaves are very large, oblong, and undivided, and they have the ribs very high upon them: they are broad at the base, and grow narrower to the point, and are of a deep green colour. The flow- ers are very large, and of a deep blood red; at a distance, they have the aspect of a red rose. The fruit is large and roundish, it has a woody shell, and over that a thin skin, bright and shining, 182 FAMILY HERBAL. Within there are twenty or thirty seeds; they are of the bigness of a small nutmeg, when we see them : they are roundish, and very rough upon the surface : each is of a woody substance, and, when tasted, is of the flavour of citron seeds, but extremely bitter and nauseous. The colour is of all grey or Brownish. These seeds are what we use in medicine, and call the St. Ignatius's bean. It is a medicine, to be given with great caution, but it has many virtues : the most powerful remedies, when in ill hands, are naturally the most dangerous; the powder given in a small dose occasions vomiting and purging, and often, if the constitution be tender, convulsions ; it is much better to give it in tincture, when no such effects happen from it. 'Tis of an excellent effect against nervous complaints: it will cure the falling-sickness, given in proper doses, and con- tinued for a long time: the tincture is best for this purpose. Some have given the powder in very small quantities against worms, and that with suc- cess ; its extreme bitter makes it very disagrec- able, and the taste continues in the throat a long time, whence it occasions vomiting. We neglect it very much at present, because of its roughness; but it would be better we found the way of giving it with safety. There are gentler medicines, but none of them so efficacious: it will do service in cases that the common methods do not reach. St. John's Wort. Hypericum. A ROBUST and pretty plant, frequent in our pastures, and other dry places. The height is a foot and a half. The stalk is round, thick, firm, and very upright, and divided towards the top into several branches The leaves are short and FAMILY HERBAL 182 blunt at the points: they are of a bright green colour, and if held up against the light, they seem to be full of pin holes. The flowers grow in abundance on the tops of the branches : they are large, and of a bright and beautiful yellow, full of yellow threads, which, if rubbed upon the hand, stain it like blood. The fruit is a dry seed- vessel. The part used is the flowery tops of the plant just as they begin to ripen. A decoction of these works powerfully by urine, and is excellent against the gravel, and in ulcerations of the ureters. The same tops fresh gathered and bruised are good for wounds and bruises; they stop bleeding, and serve as a balsam for one, and take off blackness in the other JUJUBE TREė. Zizyphus. A TREE of the bigness of our plum trees, and not unlike to them in shape. The bark is grey on the trunk, and brown on the branches. The leaves are moderately large, and each is composed of a number of smaller ones, set on each side of a middle rib, but not opposite to one another, and with an odd one at the end: these are oblong, obtuse, and serrated round the edges, and the odd leaf at the end is the largest and longest. The flowers are small and yellow. The fruit is oval, and of the bigness of a moderate plum; it has a soft substance on the outside, ; and a stone within, which is large and long, and pointed at both ends. The fruit is used. It was at one time brought over to us dried, but we see little of it now; it was esteemed balsamic, and was given to cure coughs, and to work by urine. . 184 FAMILY HERBAL.' WHITE STOCK JULY FLOWER. Leucoium album. A ROBUST garden plant, kept for its flowers, which art variegates and makes double. It grows two or three feet high. The stalk is thick, firm, round, and of a greyish colour. The leaves are long, narrow, hairy, and whitish. The stalks which bear the flow- ers are also of a whitish green, and tender. The flowers are as broad as a shilling, white, and sweet scented. The flowers are the part used, and they are to be fresh gathered, and only just blown. A tea made of them is good to promote the menses, and it operates also by urine. An ointment is to be made, by boiling them in hog's lard, which is ex- cellent for sore nipples. JUNIPER SHRUB. Trenipcrus. A COMMON shrub on our heaths. It grows to no great height in England, but in some other parts of Europe rises to a considerably large tree. The bark is of a reddish brown. The branches are tough The leaves are longish, very narrow, and prickly at the ends. The flowers are of a yellow- ish colour, but small and inconsiderable. The berries are large, and when ripe blackish : they are of a strong but not disagreeable smell, and of a sweet- ish, but resinous taste. The leaves are of a faint. bluish green colour. The berries are the part most used. We have them from Germany principally. They have two excellent qualities, they dispel wind, and work by urine, for which reason, they are excellent in those colics which arise from the gravel and stone. With these is also made the true Geneva, but the FAMILY HERBAL. 135 liquor our poor people drink under that name, is only malt spirits and oil of turpentine. Ivy. Hedera. A VERY common shrub, crawling about old trees, or upon old walls; it sometimes runs upon the ground for want of such support, but then it rarely bears any fruit. The trunk is thick, brown, and covered with a peculiar roughness. The branches are numerous and brittle The leaves have a strange variety of shapes, oblong, angular, cornered, or divided. The flowers stand in little round clusters, and thev are small and inconsiderable : they are succeeded by large berries. The leaves upon the young shoots that bear the flowers are al- ways oblong; those on the trunk are angulated. They are all of a deep glossy green. The leaves and berries are both used, but nei- ther much, A decoction of the leaves destroys vermin in children's heads, and heals the soreness that attends them. The berries are purging; an infusion of them will often work also by vomit, but there is no harm in this : they are an excellent remedy in rheumatisins, and pains of all kinds, and, it is said, have cured dropsies; but this is perhaps going too far. The ivy in the warm countries sweats out a kind of resin, which has been used externally at some times, on various occasions ; but at this time, it is quite unknown in practice. K. KIDNEY WORT. Umbilicus veneris, A VERY singular plant, which grows on old Bb B 186 FAMILY HERBAL. walls in some parts of England It is eight inches high, and is distinguished at sight by a cluster of round leaves which grow about the stalk. The root is roundish, and its fibres grow from the bottom. The Icaves stand on longish and thick foot-stalks, which are, except in the lowest of all, inserted not at the edges of the leaf; but in the middle : these are round, thick, fleshy, and indented about the edges. The stalk which bears the flowers is round, thick, and, towards the top, divided into two or three branchés ; on these grow the flowers, in a kind of spikes : they are oblong, hollowish, and of a green- ish wlrite colour. The leaves are the part used. Externally, they are cooling, and good against pains. They are applied bruised to the piles, with great success. The juice of them, taken inwardly, operates by urine, and is excellent against stranguries, and good in the gravel, and inflammations of the liver and spleen. a KNAP-WEED. Jacea. A VERY common wild plant, with dark-coloured longish leaves, and purple flowers, like those of thistles. It is two feet high. The stalks are roundish, but ribbed : they are of a pale colour, very firm and strong, upright, and divided into branches. The leaves are long, and of the same breadth : those which grow immediately from the root, are but little jagged or cut at the edges : those which stand upon the stalk, are more so. The flowers are large; they stand in scaly heads, one of which is placed at the top of every branch : and at a distance, they have something of the ap- pearance of the flowers of thistles, but when ex- amined nearer, they are more like those of the blue FAMILY HERBAL. 187 bottle. The flowers themselves are of a bright red, and large. The young plant is used fresh : a decoction of it is good against the bleeding of the piles, against loosenesses with bloody stools, and all other bleed- ings. A slight infusion is recommended against sore throats, to be used by way of gargle. There are so many of these gentle astringent plants, com- mon in our fields, as yarrow and the like, that less respect is to be paid to one of less power in the same way. Knapweed may be very properly added to decoctions of the others, but it would not be so well to trust to its effects singly. KNOT-GRASS. Polygonum. a A most common wild plant in our fields, path- ways, and hedges: there are two or three kinds of it, but they pretty much resemble one another in form, and in virtues : the largest is the best. The stalks of this are ten inches long, round, jointed, and of a dusky green. The leaves are of an oval form, of a bluish green colour, and not indented at the edges. The stalks lie upon the ground, and one of these only grows at each joint. The flowers are small and white, but with a tinge of reddish. The seed is single, black, and three-cornered. It has been observed before, that Providence has in general made the most common plants the most useful. A decoction of knot-grass roots, stalks, and leaves, is an excellent astringent. It stops bloody stools, and is good against all bleedings, but, in particular, it is a remedy against the bleeding piles, and against the overflowing of the menses 188 FAMILY HERBAL. L. GUM LAC TREE. Laca arbor. A TREE of the bigness of our apple tree, fre- quent in the East, but not yet known in Europe. The trunk is covered with a rough reddish bark. The branches are numerous and tough. They have a smoother rind, of a colour inclining to purple. The leaves are broad, and of a whitish green on the upper side, and of a silvery white underneath. The flowers are small and yellow. The fruit is of the bigness of a plum, and has in it a large stone : The outer or pulpy part is of an austere, and not very agreeable taste. The gum lac is found upon the branches of this tree but it is pretended by some, that a sort of flies; deposit it there, and on other substances; and that it is a kind of wax; however, there are per- sons of credit, who say they have obtained by cut- ting the branches of this tree, and a like substance from the branches of the several kinds of jujubes, to which this belongs, in the hot countries. Pro- bably the flies get it off this tree, and lodge it for their purposes upon sticks, and other substances, as we see it. Our druggists have three kinds of this resin, for it is ill called a gum. The one they call stick lac, because it is brought in round sticks; the other seed lac, in small lumps; and the other shell lac, which is thin' and transparent, and has been melted ; of this resin the sealing wax is made with very little alteration more than the colouring it, which is done by means of a cinnabar or coarser materials. Taken inwardly, gum lac is good against obstruc- tions of the liver: it operates by urine and sweat, FAMILY HERBAL. 189 and is good in most chronic cases arising from such obstructions. LADIES' MANTLE. Archimilla. a a A VERY pretty little plant, native of some parts of England, but not very common wild. The leaves are numerous and very beautiful; they are broad, and of a roundish figure, but divided deeply into eight parts, and each of these elegantly indented about the edges. They are of a yellowish green colour, nearly as broad as the palm of ones hand, and they stand upon foot-stalks of an inch or two in length. The stalks grow in the midst ; they are round, a little hairy, eight inches long, not very upright, and of a pale green colour. The flowers stand in con- siderable numbers at their tops; they are small and of a greenish colour, but have a great many yellow threads in the middle. The root is long, thick, and dark coloured. The root is the part most valuable ; a decoction of it fresh taken up, is an excellent remedy for the overflowings of the menses, for bloody fluxes, and all other bleedings. Dried and powdered it an- swers the same purpose, and is also good against common purgings. The good women of the north of England apply the leaves to their breasts, to make them recover their form, after they have been swelled with milk. Hence it has got the name of ladies' mantle. a LARCH TREE. Larix, A MODERATELY tall, and in summer a very beautiful tree; but though one of the resinous kind, and in many respects approaching to the nature of the fir and pine, it loses its leaves in winter: it is a native 190 FAMILY HERBAL а a of Italy, and is frequent in our gardens. The trunk is rugged, and the branches are covered with a l'ough bark, of a brownish colour, with a tinge of reddish. The leaves are an inch or more in length, extremely slender, and of a bluish green colour, and they grow in little clusters, on different parts of the branches. The flowers are inconsiderable, the fruit is a cone, but very small. It is not bigger than a little walnut. The young leaves are boiled, and the liquor is drank to promote urine, but this is an idle way of getting at the virtues of the tree. Venice turpen- tine is produced from it, and this liquid resin con- tains them all in perfection. They cut the trunk of the tree deep, in the heat of summer, and the resin flows out. This works powerfully by urine, and is a noble balsam ; it is good against the whites, and to stop the running that often remains from a clap after all the virulence is removed; but in this case it must be given cautiously. Larks' Spur. Delphinium. • a A COMMON flower in our gardens; but not with- out its virtues. It grows a yard high : the stalks are round, upright, firm, and of a pale green. The leaves are cut into a multitude of long, narrow, and very fine divisions, and are of a deep green colour, and the flowers which grow in long spikes at the tops of the branches, are naturally blue, but often red or white. They are moderately large, and have a kind of spur behind. The leaves are used; they must be boiled fresh in water, and the decoction is good against the bleeding piles. It stops the hemorrhage, and at the same time cools the body, whereas too many of the astringent medicines are heating FAMILY HERBAL, 191 LAVENDER. Lavendula. > A COMMON plant in our gardens, native of the warmer parts of Europe ; it is of a shrubby nature in the stem, but the rest is herbaceous. It grows a yard high. The trunk, or main stem is thick, woody, firm, and covered with a whitish bark. The young shoots from this, are tender and greenish; and on these stand the leaves. They are long, narrow, and of a pale green colour, and stand two at each joint. The stalks which bear the Aowers are square, green, and naked; the flowers stand in short spikes, or ears, they are small, blue, and very fragrant ; the cups of the flowers are whitish. These fowers are the part used; they are good against all disorders of the head and nerves. They may be taken in the form of tea. The famous spirit of lavender called palsy drops, and the sweet lavender water are made with them. The spirit of lavender called palsy drops is thus made best. Put into a small still a pound of lavender flowers, and five ounces of the tender tops of rosemary, put to them five quarts of common molasses spirit, and a quart of water: distil off three quarts; put to this cinnamon and nutmegs, of each three quarters of an ounce, red sanders wood half an ounce; let these stand together a week, and then strain off the spirit. The lavender water is thus made. Put a pound of fresh lavender flowers into a still with a gallon of molasses spirit, and draw off five pints. This is lavender water. а LAVENDER COTTON. Abrotunum fæmina. A LITTLE shrubby plant, frequently wild in Italy, 192 FAMILY HERBAL, but with us kept in gardens. It grows two feet or more in height, the stem is whitish: the stalks grow- ing from it, are tough and firm, of a whitish colour also, and very numerous ; the leaves are oblong, slender, of a square shape, and indented; they are also whitish and of a strong smell. The stalks which support the flowers are long and naked; they are round, of a greenish colour, and each has at its top a single flower, which is yellow and naked, and of the higness of an horse-bean. The leaves are the part used, they are best fresh gathered. They are to be given infused in water against worms, they are a disagreeable medicine, but a very efficacious one. They also promote the menses, and open obstructions of the liver. They have been recommended greatly in the jaundice. SPURGE LAUREL. Laureola. a A WILD little shrub of a singular aspect and of considerable virtues, it is three feet high, the stem is half an inch thick, and divides into a great many branches. The bark is of a brownish colour, and they are not very strong. The leaves stand at the tons of the branches, they are long, narrow, and of a bright and fine green ; they are of a firm substance, and are not indented at the edges. The flowers are very small and inconsiderable, they are green with some yellow threads, and have a sweet smell; the berries are small, roundish, and black. The leaves are a powerful remedy against the dropsy, but they are so violent they must be given with caution ; a small quantity of a slight infusion of them in water, works by vomit and stool in a powerful manner. It is not every constitution that can bear such a medicine. FAMILY HERBAL. 193 LEEK. Porrum. A COMMON plant in our kitchen gardens. It grows three feet high; the stalk is round, green, and thick; the leaves are large, long, and of a deep green, and the flowers grow in a round cluster at the top of the stalk ; they are of a purplish colour, with a tinge of green; the root is white, oblong, thick, and round- ish, with fibres at the bottom. An infusion of the roots of leeks made in water, and boiled into a syrup with boney, is good against asthmas, coughs, and obstructions in the breast and lungs. It answers the same purposes with syrup of garlic, but it will agree with some who cannot bear that medicine. LEMON TREE. Limonia malus. A SHRUB, native of the warmer countries, and frequent in our green houses, very beautiful and fragrant. The trunk is moderately thick, and covered with a brown bark; the branches are nume- rous, irregular, and beset with prickles. The leaves are large, and very beautiful, of an oval figure, and set upon a naked stalk; they are of a beautiful green, and remain on the tree all winter. The flowers are large and white ; of a thick firm sub- stance, and very fragrant smell. The fruit we are sufficiently acquainted with ; its shape is oblong, and its rind of a pale yellow colour: it has a part like a nipple at each end. Its smell is very fragrant, and its juice sour. The peel and the juice of the fruit are used. The peel is stomachic and warm, it is a good in- gredient in bitter infusions. The juice made into a syrup with twice its weight of fine sugar, is ex- C C 194 FAMILY HERBAL. cellent forsweetening juleps and drinks in fevers, and, mixed with salt of wormwood, it stops vomitings. LEAdwort. Dentillaria sive plumbago. A LITTLE plant, native of some parts of Europe, and kept in our gardens. It is two feet high; the stalk:s are slender, tough, and weak, hardly able to support themselves upright. The leaves are of a pale bluish green colour, oblong, not very broad, and they surround the stalk at the base. The flow- ers are red, they are singly, very small , but they stand in thick, oblong clusters, on the tops of the stalks, and each is succeeded by a single seed, which is very rough, and stands naked. The dried root is to be used ; a piece of it put into the mouth, fill it with a great quantity of rheum, and is often an almost instantaneous cure for the head-ache. It also cures the tooth-ache in the same manner as pellitory of Spain does : it is more hot and acrid than even that fiery root. INDIAN LEAF TREE. Malabathrum. A TALL and beautiful tree of the East Indies, not unlike the cinnamon tree in its manner of growth. The trunk is as thick as our elms, and it grows as tall, but the branches are disposed with less regularity ; the wood is brittle, and the young shoots are of a pale brown. The leaves are very large, nine inches long, and seven in breadth, and not at all indented. The flowers stand in clusters on the tops of the branches; they are small and greyish, and the fruit is of the bigness of our red currant. It is common in the mountainous parts of the east. FAMILY HERBAL. 195 These leaves are the part used, we have them dried at the druggists, but they commonly keep them till they are decayed. It is an aromatic medicine, it strengthens the stonrach, and is good in nervous disorders LENTIL. Lens. A KIND of little pulse, sown in fields in some parts of England. It grows a foot and a half high, but does not stand very upright. The stalk is an- gulated, of a pale green, and branched; the leaves are like those of the common pea : they consist each of several pairs of small ones, set on a rib, and there is a tendril in place of an odd leaf at the end. These small leaves are of a pale green colour, and oval shape. The flowers are white and small, but in shape like a pea blossom, they stand singly on long stalks. The fruit is a pod of a flattish shape, in which there generally are two seeds also a little flatted, and of the bigness of a small pea. The fruit is used; it is ground to powder to make into pultices for swellings, but it is not much regarded LETTICE. Lactuca. A COMMON plant in our kitchen gardens, which we eat raw. When it rises to flower it is two feet and a half high. The stalk is round, thick, very upright, and of a pale green. The leaves are oblong, broad, and somewhat waved at the edges : the flowers stand on the tops of the stalks, and are of a pale yellow; the seed is winged with a light white down. The juice of lettice is a good medicine to pro- cure sleep, or the thick stalk eaten will serve the 196 FAMILY HERBAL. same purpose. It is a good method to put those into who require a gentle opiate, and will not take medicines, Wild LETTICE. Lactuca sylvestris major. A COMMON plant in our hedges, and having some resemblance to the garden lettice in its flowers, though not in its manner of growth. It is six or seven feet high. . The stalk is thick, round, very upright, branched, and of a pale yellowish green colour. The leaves at the bottom are very large, a foot long and five inches broad, and of a pale green colour; those higher up the stalks are smaller, , they are deeply indented at the edges, and either these, the stalk, or any other part of the plant being wounded, there flows out a milky juice, which has the smell of opium, and its hot bitter taste: the branches are very numerous, and the flowers are also very numerous, but they are small and of a pale yellow. This is a plant not introduced into the common practice, but very worthy of that notice. I have known it used in private families, with great suc- cess. A syrup made from a strong infusion of it, is an excellent anódyne; it eases the most violent pain in colics, and other disorders, and gently dis- poses the person to sleep. It has the good effect of a gentle opiate, and none of the bad ones of that violent medicine. WHITE LILY. Lilium album. A TALL, fragrant, and beautiful garden plant. It grows four or five feet high ; the stalk is round, green, thick, firm, and very upright; a great many leaves surround it at the bottom, and a great many ; FAMILY HERBAL. 197 grow upon it all the way : these are of the same shape, long, narrow, and smooth, and of a pale green upon the stalk, and deeper green at the root. The flowers stand on the divisions of the top of the stalk, they are large, white, and composed as it were of a quantity of thick scales The roots contain the greatest virtue ; they are excellent mixed in pultices, to apply to swellings. The flowers possess the same virtue also, being emol- lient and good against pain. An oil is made of the flowers steeped in common oil of olives ; but the fresh flowers are much better in the season ; and the root may be had fresh at all times, and it possesses the same virtues. LILY OF THE VALLEY. Lilium convallium. A VERY pretty plant, but so different from the former, that one would wonder how it came to be called by any part of the same name. It is six or eight inches high. The leaves are large, long, and broad, of a deep green colour, and full of very thick ribs or veins. The stalks are weak, slender, angular, and green; they bend towards the top, and on each there stands, or rather hangs, a row of white flowers; they are roundish, hollow, and of a delicate and pleasing smell; these are suc- ceeded by berries, which are red when they are ripe. The flowers are used. A tea made of them, and drank for a constancy, is excellent against all nerve ous complaints; it will cure nervous head-aches, and tremblings of the limbs : a great deal too much has been said of this plant, for people call it a re medy for apoplexies and the dead palsies, but though all this is not true, enough is, to give the plant a reputation, and bring it again into use. 198 FAMILY HERBAL. WATER LILY. Nymphæa alba. A LARGE and elegant plant, the broad leaves of which we see floating upon the surface of the water in our brooks not unfrequently; and in the autumn large white flowers among them. The root of the plant is very long, and extremely thick, and lies buried in the mud. The leaves rise singly one on each stalk; the stalks are round, thick, and of a spungy substance, having a white pith in them; and the leaves also are thick and somewhat spungy; they are of a roundish figure, and they lie flat upon the surface of the water. The flow- ers stand upon single foot-stalks, arising like those of the leaves separately from the root, and being like them, light, round, glossy, and full of a white pith; the flowers are large and white, and have some yellow threads in the middle; the seed-vessel is large and roundish, and the seeds are numerous. The root is the part used, and it is best fresh, and given in a strong decoction. It is a powerful re- medy in the whites, and in those weaknesses left after venereal complaints: it is also good against violent purgings, especially where there are bloody stools. There are other kinds of water lily in our ditches, particularly a large yellow flowered one, whose roots possess the same virtues with the others, but in a less degree. : LIME TREE. Tilia. A TREE common enough in parks and gardens, and when in flower very beautiful and fragrant ; the trunk is thick, and the branches grow with a tolerable regularity. The leaves are short, broad, of a figure approaching to round, but terminating in a point, and serrated about the edges. The FAMILY HERBAL. 199 flowers grow on long yellowish stalks, with a yellow, oblong, and narrow leaf upon them. They are themselves also of a yellowish white colour, and extremely delicate and sweet smell. The fruit is roundish and small. The flowers are the only part used; they are good against giddiness of the head, tremblings of the limbs, and all other lighter nervous disorders. They are best taken as tea. LIQUID AMBER TREE. Liquid Ambar. A VERY beautiful tree of the American islands, which we have brought of late into our gardens; it grows fifty feet high, and the branches are nu- merous and disposed with a tolerable regularity. The leaves are large and very beautiful; they are broad, and are divided much in the manner of the leaves of our maple tree, but much more beautiful- ly; they are of a glossy green, and the tips of the boughs have a fragrant smell. The flowers are greenish and small; the fruit is of the bigness of a small walnut, roundish and rough upon the surface, with several seeds within. We use a resin which runs from the trunk of this tree in great heats. It is of a reddish colour, soft , and extremely fragrant, nearly a perfume. It is an excellent balsam, nothing exceeds it as a remedy for the whites; and for the weaknesses left after venereal disorders. It is also good in disorders of the lungs ; and it works by urine, and dislodges gravel. There was a custom at one time of mixing it among perfumes, but of late it has been neglected, and is grown scarce. 200 FAMILY HERBAL. LIQUID STORAX TREE. Styrax liquida arbor. A LARGE tree, so much we hear of it, is native of the East Indies, but very ill described to us. We are told the leaves are large, and the flowers fra- grant, but of what form they are nobody has told us, or what is the fruit. All that we use is a liquid resin of a very peculiar kind, which we are told is obtained by boiling the bark; and the shoots of this tree in water ; the resin swims at the top, and they scum it off and strain it, but it will not all pass through. It is from hence that we see two kinds ; the one finer, thinner, and purer, the other thicker and coarser; this last kind is more common than the better sort, and it is generally used. It is a balsam of the nature of the turpentines ; and is good against the whites, and the weaknesses that follow venereal disorders. Some have used it also in diseases of the lungs, but it has never been in great repute on those occasions. It is sometimes put into ointments intended for old ulcers; and it is said to be used this way with great success. LIQUORICE. Glycyrrhiza. A ROUGH looking plant, cultivated in many places for the sake of the root. It is a yard high or more. The stalk is round, striated, and branch- ed: the leaves are long and large, each is com- posed of a great many pairs of smaller, standing on a middle rib, with an odd one at the end ; these are of an oval figure, of a dusky green colour, and they are clammy to the touch. The flowers are very small and blue, they stand in long spikes, rising from the bosoms of the leaves. The seeds are contained in pods. The root is the part used; and its virtues are very great. It is best fresh taken FAMILY HERBAL. 201 out of the ground, the sweetness of its taste renders it agreeable, and it is excellent against coughs, hoarsenesses, and shortness of breath. It also works gently by urine, and is of service in ulcera- tions of the kidneys and urinary passages, acting there as in lungs at once, as a detergent and balsa- mic. The best way of taking it is by sucking or chewing the fresh root : but it may be taken in infusion, or in , the manner of tea. The black substance called liquorice juice, and Spanish liquorice, is made by eva- porating a strong decoction of this root. But the fresh root itself is better. NOBLE LIVERWORT, OR HEPATICA. Hepatica, nobilis. A COMMON garden flower, which makes a very pretty figure in spring, and is little regarded, ex- cept as an ornament in our borders ; though it is not without considerable virtues. The leaves are supported each on a single foot-stalk, white, slender, and reddish, they are near an inch broad, and of the same length, and divided each into three parts. The flowers rise early in the spring, before these ap- pear ; they also stand singly on long foot-stalks, and are moderately large and blue, with a greenish head in the middle, the root is fibrous. An infusion of the leaves of this plant is good against obstructions of the liver and spleen ; it works gently by urine, and is a good medicine in the jann- dice, taking it in time. GREEN LIVERWORT. Lichen vulgaris. A COMMON low plant, composed wholly of leaves, which spread themselves on the ground, and Da 202 FAMILY HERBAL. a are of a beautiful green colour ; authors refer it to the kinds of moss. It grows on old walls, in wells, and other damp places. The leaves are oblong, blunt, and thin, they spread one over another and take root wherever they touch the ground. They often cover the space of a foot or more in one cluster. This is all that is usually seen of the plant, but in spring when the place and the weather favour, there rise up among these leaves certain long and slender stalks, on the tops of which stand imperfect flowers, as they are called, small roundish, and resembling the heads of little mushrooms. The whole plant is used, and it is best green and fresh gathered. It is to be given in a strong decoc- tion. It opens obstructions of the liver, and works by urine. It is good against the jaundice, and is an excellent medicine in the first stages of con- sumptions. It is not nearly so much regarded as it ought to be. It is also used externally for foulness of the skin. GREY GROUND LITERWORT. Lichin cincreus ter- restris. A PLANT, very common by our dry wood-sides, and in pastures, in some degree resembling the last described, but differing in colour and in its fructification. This consists also entirely of leaves ; they are of a bluish grey colour, on the outside, and of a whitish grey underneath. They are two inches long, and an inch and a half broad ; and grow in clusters together; often they are less distinct, and therefore appear larger. These do not send up any stalks to bear a kind of flowers in heads. The tips of the leaves turn up, and are reddish, and in these parts are contained the seeds. The whole plant seems dry and sapless. a a FAMILY HERBAL. 208 The whole plant is used, and has been of late very famous. Its efficacy is against the bite of a mad dog ; it is mixed with pepper, and the person is at the same time to bathe in the sea. There have been instances of its success, when given to dogs, but perhaps no cure was ever performed upon a human creature, when this terrible disease had arisen to any height. Bleeding and opium are the present practice. Logwood TREE. Arbor campechiana. A TREE, native of the Southern parts of America, the wood of which has been used in dying, longer than in medicine, but is very serviceable in the latter capacity. The tree is large, and makes a beautiful appearance. The branches are numer- ous, and they spread with a sort of regularity. The leaves are composed each of several pairs of smaller, set on the two sides of a common rib; with an odd one at the end. The flowers are of the shape of pea blossoms, but they are yellow; the pods which succeed them are very large, and the boughs of the tree are very thick set, with sharp thorns of a reddish colour. We use only the heart of the wood which is of a deep red colour. It is of an austere taste, but with something of sweetness in it at last, in this it resembles greatly what is called Japan earth, and it resembles that drug also in its virtues. It is a a very powerful medicine to stop fluxes of the belly, and overflowings of the menses. The best way of giving it is in form of an extract, which is to be made by boiling down a strong decoction of wood to the consistence of honey. In this form it will keep a long time, and is always ready for use, 201 FAMILY HERBAL. PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE. Lysimachia purpurea. A WILD plant, that decorates the sides of ditches and rivers, and would be an ornament to our gardens. It grows to three feet high, and is very regular ; the stalk is square, hairy, and gene- rally of a reddish colour. The leaves stand two at each joint, and they are long and narrow ; of a dusky green, and a little rough. The flowers stand in very long spikes at the tops of the stalks, and are large, and of a strong purple colour. The spikes are often a foot or more in length. The seed is very little and brown. The leaves are used. They are a fine balsam for fresh wounds, and an ointment is to be made of them boiled in lard, which is also cooling and detersive, but it is not of a fine green colour. a a a YELLOW LOOSESTRIFE. Lysimachia lutca. A WILD plant not uncommon in our watery places, but for its beauty, very worthy a place in our gardens. If it were brought from America, it would be called one of the most elegant plants in the world. It is four feet high, the stalks are rigid, firm, upright, and very regular in their growth : a little hairy ; and towards the tops divided into several branches. The leaves are as long as ones finger, and an inch and half broad in the middle, and small at each end ; they are a little hairy, and of a yellow- The flowers are large and of a beautiful yellow, they grow several together on the tops of the branches. The seed-vessels are full of small sceds. The root dried and given in powder, is good against the whites, and against bloody fluxes, over- flowings of the menses, and purgings; it is astrin- ish green a FAMILY HERBAL. 205 gent and balsamic. The young leaves bound about a fresh wound, stop the bleeding, and perform a cure in a short time. LOVAGE. Levisticum. A TALL plant of the umbelliferous kind, kept in our gardens for its use in medicine. The stalk is round, thick, hollow, and deeply striated or channelled. The leaves are very large, and they are . each composed of a number of smaller ; these are set on a divided stalk, and are short, broad, and in- dented at the edges. The flowers are small and yellow, the seed is striated, the root is brown, thick, and divided, and the fibres from it are numerous; it is of a hot aromatic taste. The roots fresh dug work by urine, and are good against the jaundice. The seeds have the same ef- fect also and they dispel wind. The dried root is a sudorific, and is good in fevers. TREE LUNG WORT. Muscus pulmonarius. A BROAD and large kind of moss, in form some- what resembling the green and grey liverwort, but bigger than either. It grows on the barks of old oaks, and beech trees, but is not common. It is principally found in large woods. Each leaf, or separate plant, is eight or ten inches long, and near- ly as much in breadth, of a yellowish colour, and of a substance resembling leather : it is divided deeply at the edges, and is rough, and full of high veins on the surface. At the season of flowering there also appear certain small red heads, which contain the seeds for a new succession of plants. This plant is not so much known as it deserves to be. It is an excellent astringent, a strong decoction . 206 FAMILY HERBAL و of it stops the overflowings of the menses, and all other bleedings ; it is remarkable against the spitting of blood, and hence it is got into general use in consump- tions, but that not so properly. It may be given in powder, but the other way is better. LUPINE. Lupinus sativus albus, THERE are many lupines kept in gardens, but the best kind for use is the white-flowered ; it grows to a yard high, the stalk is round, thick, firm, and of a pale green. The leaves stand on long foot- stalks, and are each composed of seven, eight, or nine long narrow ones, disposed in the manner of fingers; these are also of a whitish green colour. . The flowers are large and white, of the shape of a pea-blossom. The pods are hairy. A decoction of the seeds of lupines, drank in the manner of barley water, not only works by urine, but is good to bring down the menses, and open all obstructions. It is excellent in the beginning of consumptions, jaun- dices, and dropsies ; but when those diseases are ad- vanced to a height, more powerful remedies are to he employed. A decoction made very strong is good to wash the heads of children that have break- ings out upon them; they cleanse and dispose them to heal. GOLDEN LUNGWORT. Pulmonaria aurea. A TALL, erect, and beautiful plant of the hawk- weed kind, with yellow flowers, and very hairy leaves ; it is frequent in the mountainous parts of Europe, and we have it wild in some places in England, upon walls and in very dry places, but with us it is not common. Itis two feet high; the leaves are large and ob- long ; they grow half a dozen or thereabout im- FAMILY HERBAL 207 mediately from the root, and have thick foot-stalks ; they are oblong, broad, of a deep and often a purplish colour, and are extremely hairy, the hairs being long, white, and set so thick, that they give it an aspect of woolliness. The stalk is round, slender, tolerably firm, upright, of a parplish colour, and also hairy: the leaves on it are smaller than those from the root, but like them in shape, and they are in the same manner very hairy. The flowers are not very large, but they are of a beautiful yellow, and they have the more singular aspect, as the plant has so much whiteness. The seeds are winged with . a white down. The young leaves rising from the root, are the part used. They are of the same nature with those of coltsfoot, but they possess their virtues in a much greater degree. In many other parts of Europe, where the plant is more common, it is a constant medicine in diseases of the lungs, in coughs, asth- mas, and the first stages of consumptions ; it is , best given in form of a strong infusion; and I have known it tried here with more success than could be expected from so simple a remedy, in cases of such consequence. It is scarce wild, but it is easily pro- pagated in gardens. Let but one plant of it ripen its seeds and leave them to the chance of the winds, and the garden, the walls, and the neighbouring places will never be without a sufficient supply of it, for all purposes. ; M MACE. Macis. The spice we call mace, is the covering of the stone or kernel of a fruit, within which is the nut- meg. The tree will therefore more naturally be 206 FAMILY HERBAL. may be а described under the article nutmeg; but it proper to say here, that the fruit of it is large, and roundish, and has somewhat the appearance of a peach, being of nearly its bigness; the outer part is more like the green rind of a walnut, than the flesh of a peach : within is the nutmeg contained in a hard shell, and on the outside of that shell, is laid the mace, in a kind of thin, divided, yellowish leaves. It is of a soft and unctuous nature, and very fragrant ; more so than the futmeg itself. Mace is a noble spice, it warms and strengthens the stomach, and is good against pains in the head, arising from faults there: it is also good against colics ; and even outwardly applied will take effect. The mace bruised may be used for this purpose, or its oil by expression. MADDER. Rubia tinctorum. а A ROUGH and unhandsome plant, cultivated for the sake of its root, which is used by the dyers, and also in medicine. It is a foot and a half high. The stalk is square and weak. The leaves stand six or eight at every joint, disposed star-fashoned, and they are of a dusky green colour, and very rough, they feel almost prickly. The flowers are little and yellow ; and they grow from the bosoms of the leaves. The root is long, slender, and of a red colour. A decoction of the fresh roots of madder, works gently by urine, but it very powerfully opens obstruc- tions of the liver and spleen. It is very good against the gravel and jaundice. TRUE MAIDENHAIR. Adiantum verum. A VERY beautiful plant of the fern kind, but FAMILY HERBAL. 209 exceeding the ordinary ferns very much in delicacy. The stalks are small, black, and glossy; each divides toward the top, into a great many branches, and on these stand the smaller leaves, which make up the complete one, or the whole plant ; (for in this, as in the fern, every leaf is an entire plant, these are short, blunt, rounded, and notched very beauti- fully and regularly at the edges, and they are of a pale green colour. The seeds are fixed to the edges of the under side of the leaves, in form of a brown powder. The whole plant is used : our deuggists have it from France. A decoction of the fresh plant, is gently diuretic, and opens obstructions, especially of the lungs; but as we cannot easily have it fresh, and it loses a great deal of the virtue in drying, the best ex- pedient is to use the fine syrup of capellaire, which is made of an infusion of the plant, when in its per- fection, with fine Narbonne honey. We suppose this a trifle, but barley water sweetened with it, is one of the best known remedies for a violent cough. ENGLISH MAIDENHAIR. Triehomancs. A VERY pretty little plant, of kin to the true maidenhair, and frequently used in its place; but this is very wrong, for its virtues are no greater, and it is unpleasant. It grows eight inches, and each leaf, as in the rest of the fern kind, is an entire plant. This leaf consists of a vast number of small ones, set on each side a middle rib, and they are very short and obtuse, of a roundish, but some what oblong figure. The stalk is slender, black, and shining, and the little leaves are of a bright and strong green colour. The seeds are lodged as Еe 210 FAMILY HERBAL, in the rest, in form of a brown dust, on the under part of these leaves. The plant grows frequently on the sides of old wells and on damp walls, and it is used entire. A syrup, made from an infusion of it, is the best shift we could make for the true French capellaire ; but that is so easy to be had, that no such shift is neces- sary; an infusion of the dry plant may also be used. WHITE MAIDENHAIR. Adiantum album. A VERY little plant of the fern kind, and of the nature of the two others just described. Some will be surprised at the calling it a very little plant, having seen leaves a foot long, sold in Covent Gar- den, under that name; but this is an imposition : they sell a kind of water fern under this name. The real white maidenhair, is not above two inches high. The stalks are very slender, and of a whitish green, not black as in the others. The leaves are divided into a great many small parts, and at first sight they have some resemblance of the leaves of rue. The seeds are contained in brown lumps, behind the leaves, covering the greatest part of the surface. This is not uncommon in old walls : it has the same virtues with the others against coughs, and a de- coction of it is also strongly diuretic, and good against the gravel, and all stoppages of urine. BLACK MAIDENHAIR. Adiantum nigrum. ANOTHER of the small plants of the fern kind, and more of the shape and form of the common ferns, than any yet described. It is like the com- FAMILY HERBAL. 211 a a mon fern of the divided kind, only very small. It grows to eight or ten inches high. The stalks are thick, black, and glossy. The leaves are very beautifully divided into a great many parts: these are short, of a dark shining green, and deeply notch- ed at the edges, and they terminate in a sharp point, not blunt as some of those already mentioned. The secds lie on the edges of the under part of the leaves, in form of a brown dust. It is not uncommon by wood sides, and in shady lanes. A decoction of it works powerfully by urine, and it has the same virtue with the rest in the cure of coughs. Of these four, for they possess the same virtues, the preference is given to the first described, or true kind ; next to the English maidenhair ; and in defect of both these, to the black kind. The white maidenhair is preferred to any against the gravel, and in suppression of urine ; but for the com- mon use in coughs and hoarsenesses, it is the least esteemed of all. There is another plant, called by the name of maid enhair, which is yet to be described, it makes one of what are commonly called the five capellary herbs, but it is so distinct from the others, that it is best kept separate. They are all kinds of fern : this is a sort of moss. GOLDEN MAIDENHAIR. Adiantum aureum. a A LITTLE upright plant, but considered as a moss, one of the largest of the kind. It grows four or five inches high, when in perfection. The lower part of the stalk is covered for an inch or more, with thick, short, narrow leaves, sharp at the point, and of a dusky green colour: these stand in such clusters, that they quite hide the stalk; from 212 FAMILY HERBAL. the top of these rise the pedicles, supporting the heads; they are naked three or four inches high, slender, and of a brownish, reddish, or blackish colour: the head of the summit of these is single, square, and is covered with a woolly cap, of the figure of an extinguisher, which falls off when the head is intirely ripe : this head is full of a fine dust. The plant is frequent in boggy places, and is to be used intire. Some talk of its being good in coughs, but the more frequent use of it is externally, they boil it in water, and wash the head with it, to make the hair grow thick. COMMON MALLOW. Malva. A WILD plant, every where about our hedges, fields, and gardens. It is one among many in- stances, that God has made the most useful plants, the most common. The mallow grows three or four feet high. The stalk is round, thick and strong. The leaves are roundish, but indented and divided at the edges. The flowers are nu- merous, large, and red. The root is long and white, of a firm, tough substance, and not disagreeable taste. The whole plant is used, but the root has most virtue. The leaves dried, or fresh, are put in de- coctions for glişters; and the root may be dried, for it retains a great deal of virtue, but it is best fresh, and should be chosen when there are only leaves growing from it, not a stalk. It is to be boiled in water, and the decoction may be made very strong, for there is nothing disagreeable in the taste: it is to be drank in quantities, and is ex- cellent to promote urine, and to take off the strangury. It is good also in the same manner. . FAMILY HERBAL. 213 a against sharp humours in the bowels, and for the gravel There is a little kind of mallow, that has whitish flowers, and lies flat upon the ground. This is of a more pleasant taste than the common mallow, and has the same virtues. A tea made of the roots and tops of this, is very agreeable to the taste, and is excellent for promoting the discharges by urine, MARSH MALLOW. Althea, A TALL wild plant, of the mallow kind, fre- quent with us about salt marshes, and the sides of rivers where the tides come. It grows to four feet in height. The stalk is round, upright, thick, and somewhat hairy. The leaves are large, broad at the base, small at the point, of a figure approaching to triangular, and indented round the edges: they are of a whitish green colour, and soft to the touch like velvet. The flowers are large and white, with sometimes a faint blush of reddish. They are of the same size and shape with those of the common mallow. The root is most used. It is white, long, and thick, of an insipid taste, and full of a mucilaginous juice. Boiled in water, and the decoction made strong, it is excellent to promote urine, and bring away gravel, and small stones ; it also cures stran- guries, and is good in coughs. Its virtues are the same with those of the common mallow, but in a greater degree. VERVAIN MALLOW. Alcea. A VERY beautiful plant, both in its flower and manner of growth ; common in pastures, and worthy to be cherished in our gardens. It grows two feet 214 FAMILY HERBAL high. The stalks are round, moderately thick, a little hairy, and very upright. The lower leaves are rounded, and divided slightly at the edges : those on the stalk are cut into very small parts, and in a very beautiful manner. The flowers are of a very bright red, and are three times as large as those of the com- mon mallow, and very beautiful. The seeds are dis- posed in the same circular manner, as in the common mallow. The root is white. The root is the part used. It has the same virtue . with that of the common mallow, but in a less degree. The leaves also have the same virtue, and are very pleasant taken in tea. . MUSK MALLOW. Bamia Moschata. A PLANT, not unlike the vervain mallow in its aspect, but a native only of the hotter countries. It is two feet high. The stalk is single, round, thick, hairy, and upright. The lower leaves are roundish, only indented a little at the edges; the upper ones are divided into five parts, pretty deep- ly. The flowers are of the shape of those of the common mallow, and are large, but their colour is yel- low. The seed is contained in a long husk, or case, and is of a kidney-like shape, and of a sweet perfumed smell. The seed is the only part used, and that very rarely. It is said to be good against the head-ach, but we seldom meet with it fresh enough to have any virtue. MANDRAKE. Mandragora. A PLANT, about which there have been a mul- titude of errors, but in which, there is, in reality, nothing so singular as pretended. There are pro- FAMILY HERBAL. 215 perly speaking, two kinds of mandrake; the one with round fruit, and broad leaves, called the male ; the other with oblong fruit, and narrower leaves, called the female : their virtues are the same, but the male is generally preferred. They are natives of Italy, where they grow in woods, and on the banks of rivers : we keep them in gardens ; but they grow there as freely as if native. The mandrake has no stalk. The leaves rise im- mediately from the root, and they are very large : they are a foot long, four inches broad in the mid- dle, and of a dusky green colour, and bad smell. The flowers stand upon foot stalks, of four inches high, slender, and hairy, and rising immediately from the root : these flowers are large, of a dingy purplish colour, and of a very bad smell. The fruit which follows, is of the bigness and shape of a small apple, or like a small pear, according to the male or female kind : this is yellow when ripe, and is also of a very bad smell. The root is long and thick ; it is largest at the head, and smaller all the way down ; sometimes it is divided into two parts, from the middle downwards, if a stone have lain in the way, or any other accident occasioned it; but usually it is single. This is the root which is pictured to be like the human form : it is when single, no more like a man than a carrot or a parsnip is, and when by some accident it is divided, 'tis no more like, than any long root, which happens to have met the same acci- dent. Those roots which are shewn about for money and have the head, limbs, and figure, of a human form, are made so by art, and they sel- dom use the real mandrake root for that purpose : they are often made of white briony root, some- times of angelica. The people cut them into this shape, and put them into the ground again, 216 FAMILY HERBAL. where they will be sometimes in part covered with a new bark, and so look natural. All the story that they shriek, when they are pulled up, and they use a dog to draw them out of the ground, because it is fatal to any person to do it, and the like, are idle, false, and groundless ; calculated only to surprise ignorant people, and get money by the shew : there is nothing singular in the root of the mandrake; and as to the terms male and female, the two kinds would be better distinguished, by call- ing the one, the broader leaved mandrake, with round fruit, and the other, the narrower leaved mandrake, with oval fruit. There are plants which are se- parately male and female, as hemp, spinach, the date tree, and the like : but there is nothing of this dis- tinction in the mandrakes. The fresh root of mandrake, is a violent me- dicine; it operates both by vomit and stool, and few constitutions are able to bear it. The bark of the root dried works by vomit alone, but very roughly. The fruit may be eaten, but it has a sleepy quality. though not strong. The leaves are used in fomenta- tions and pultices, to allay pains in swellings, and they do very well. Most of the idle stories concerning the man- drake, have taken their origin from its being named in scripture. And from the account there given of it, some have imagined, it would make women fruitful; but this plant does not seem to be the thing intended by the word, nor has it any such virtues. What the vegetable is, which is named in the scripture, and translated mandrake, we do not know. SWEET MARJORAM. Majorana. A COMMON garden plant, of no great beauty, FAMILY HERBAL. 217 but kept for the sake of its virtues and use. It is a foot high. The stalks are firm, upright, and a little hairy. The leaves are broad, short, and some- what hairy, of a pale green colour, and not indented at the edges, and of a fine smell. At the tops of the branches, stand a kind of soft scaly heads, three quarters of an inch long, and from these grow the flowers, which are small and white. The seeds are very small ; and the root is fibrous. The whole plant has a fine smell. The whole plant is to be used fresh; and it is best taken by way of infusion. It is good against the head ach, and dizziness, and all the inferior order of nervous complaints ; but they talk idly who call it a remedy for apoplexies. It gently promotes the menses, and opens all obstructions. The dried herb may be given for the same purpose in powder, but it does not succeed so well. Wild MARJORAM. Origanum. A WILD plant, frequent about way-sides, in marry places, but superior to the other in beauty and in virtues. It very well deserves a place, on both accounts, in our gardens. It grows a foot and a half high. The stalk is firm, very upright, a little hairy, and of a purplish brown colour, ex- tremely regular in its growth. The leaves are broad and short, of the bigness of one's thumb-nail, and of a dark green colour ; two stand at every joint, and they have long foot stalks. The flowers grow on . the tops of the branches : there stand on these long scaly heads, of a beautiful form, and purple colour; from different parts of those, arise the flowers, , which are little, but of a beautiful red colour. The whole plant has a fragrant smell, and an aromatic taste. The fresh tops of the herb are to be used. They Ff a a 218 FAMILY HERBAL. are best taken in infusion : they strengthen the sto- mach, and are good against habitual colics : they are also good in head-achs, and in all nervous complaints ; and they open obstructions, and are good in the jaundice, and to promote the menses. Chymists sell what they call oil of origanum, but its commonly an oil made from garden thyme, it is very acrid : a drop of it put upon lint, and laid to an aching tooth, often gives ease. CRETIC MAJORAM. Origanum creticum. A BEAUTIFUL plant, of the wild marjoram kind, fre- quent wild in the east, and kept in our gardens. It grows a foot high. The stalks are square, upright, and brown. The leaves are oblong and broad: they are of a whitish colour, and stand on long foot stalks : there grow scaly heads at the tops of the branches, as in the other kinds, and from these burst out the flowers, which are little and white. The tops are the part used : our druggists keep them dry ; but they generally have lost so much of their virtue, that the fresh tops of our own wild majoram, or the dried ones of the last season, are better. MARIGOLD. Calendula. a A PLANT too common in our kitchen gardens, to need much description. It is a foot high. The stalks are thick, angulated, and not very upright. The leaves are long, narrow at the base, and broader to- ward the end. The flowers are large and yellow, and . they stand at the tops of the branches. The whole plant is of a pale bluish green colour, and feels clammy. The root is fibrous. A tea made of the fresh gathered flowers of FAMILY HERBAL. 219 marigold, picked from the cups, is good in fevers : it gently promotes perspiration, and throws out any thing that ought to appear on the skin. MASTIC TREE. Lentiscus. A NATIVE of the warmer countries, but not un- common in our gardens. It grows to the higness of our apple trees, and is as irregular in the dispo- sition of its branches. They are covered with a greyish bark, and are brittle. The leaves are com- posed, each of about four pairs of small ones, with- out any odd leaf at the end : they are affixed to a kind of rib or pedicle, which has a film running down it, on each side. They are oblong, narrow, and pointed at the ends. The flowers are little, and yellowish ; and they grow in tufts. The fruit is a bluish berry We use the resin which drops from the wounded branches of this tree. The tree itself is common in France and Italy, but it yields no resin there ; we have that from Greece: It is whitish, hard, and in little lumps. It is good for all nervous disorders, and acts also as a balsam. There is scarce any thing better for a spitting of blood, or in the first stage of a consumption : it is also good against the whites, and in the gleets after gonorrhoeas. Some have a custom of chewing it, to preserve the teeth and sweeten the breath. HERB MASTIC. Marun. A PRETTY little plant, native only of the warm climates, but common in our gardens. It is a foot high, and the stem and principal branches are shrubby or woody in their texture : the small- er shoots are whitish The leaves grow two at 220 FAMILY HERBAL each joint : they are little, oblong, and pointed ; of a pale colour, and fragrant smell like mastic, resinous, and very agreeable. At the tops of the stalks, stand a kind of downy, or hairy spikes or ears, of a peculiarly odd appearance, and from out of these come the flowers, which are little and white The root is small. The whole plant is used dry. It may be given in infusion, or in powder : it is a good strengihener of the stomach, and an astringent. It stops the over- flowing of the menses: the powder of the tops is best given for this purpose in red wine, a scruple for a dose. SYRIAN MASTIC THYME. Marum Syriacum A BEAUTIFUL little plant, native of the warm countries, but not unfrequent in our gardens. It grows a foot high. The stalks are brittle, slender, and whitish. The leaves stand two at each joint : they are small, in shape very like those of thyme, and of a pale green colour on the upper side, ', and white and hoary underneath. The flowers are small and red : they grow in a kind of little spikes, or oblong clusters at the tops of the stalks, and have hoary white cups. The whole plant has a very penetrating, but pleasant smell, and an aromatic taste. Cats are fond of this plant, and will rub it to pieces in their fondness. It is good for all disorders of the head and nerves : it may be given in powder, but the most common way is to take it in snuff. MASTERWORT Imperitoria. A PLANT of no beauty, kept in our gardens for its virtue. It grows two feet high. The stalks . FAMILY HERBAL. 221 are round, striated, hollowed, upright, not very strong The leaves are each composed of three smaller : they are of a dark green colour, blunt at the points, and indented about the edges. The flow- ers are small and white : they stand in little umbels at the tops of the branches. The roots are long, brown, divided, of a strong smell, and a sharp aromatic taste. The root is the part used : it is good in fevers, dis- orders of the head, and of the stomach and howels. It is best taken up fresh, and given in a light infu- sion : it promotes sweat, and is a better medicine for а. that purpose, than most of the foreign roots kept by druggists. : MAUDLIN. Ageratum. A COMMON plant in our gardens, not without beauty, but kept more for its virtues. It is a foot high. The stalk is round, upright, firm, single, and of a pale green. The leaves are very numer- Ous, and they are longish, narrow, and serrated abont the edges. The flowers are small and naked, consisting only of a kind of thrums ; but they stand in a large cluster together, at the top of the stalk, in the manner of an umbel. The whole plant has a pleasant smell. The whole is used, fresh or dried; but it is best fresh gathered. An infusion of it taken for a continu- ance of time, is good against obstructions of the liver : it operates by urine. STINKING MAYWEED. Cotula fætida.. A COMMON wild plant in corn fields, and waste grounds, with finely divided leaves and white Aowers like daizies. The stalk is round and stria- 292 FAMILY HERBAL a ted. The herb grows a foot high. The leaves are like those of camomile, only of a blacker green, and larger. The flowers stand ten or a dozen near one another, at the tops of the branches ; but they grow separate, not in a cluster. The whole plant has a strong smell. The infusion of the fresh plant is good in all hysteric complaints, and it promotes the menses, The herb boiled soft, is an excellent pultice for the piles. MEADOW SWEET. Ulmaria. A WILD plant, frequent about the sides of rivers, with divided leaves, and beautiful tufts of white flowers. It is four feet high. The stalk is round, striated, upright, firm, and of a pale green, or some- times of a purple colour. The leaves are each com- posed of about three pair of smaller, set on a thick rib, with an odd leaf at the end : they are of a fine green on the upper side, and whitish underneath, and they are rough to the touch. The flowers are small and white, but they stand so close, that the whole cluster looks like one large flower. The seeds are set in a twisted order. An infusion of the fresh tops of meadow sweet, is an excellent sweat, and it is a little astringent. It is a good medicine in fevers, attended with purg- ings. It is to be given in a bason once in two hours. MECHOACAN PLANT. Mechoacana. A CLIMBING plant, native of the West Indies. It is capable of running to a great height, when it can be supported : it will climb to the tops of all trees. The stalks are angulated, slender, FAMILY HERBAL.- 293 green, and brittle ; and when broken, they yield a vast quantity of an acrid, milky juice. The leaves stand singly; they are broad, and not very long, and of a beautiful shape, terminating in a point. The flowers are large, and of the shape of a bell : they are of a deep purple on the inside, and of a pale red without; and the seed-vessels are large, as are also the seeds. The root is whitish, and very thick. The root is the part used: our druggists keep it dry. It is in slices, and is whitish and brittle. It is an excellent purge, but there requires a large dose to work tolerably ; this has occasioned its being much less used than worse medicines, that operate more strongly, and can be taken with less disgust; but it is to be lamented, that so litt'e use is made of it. و MEDLAR TREE. Mespicus. A COMMON tree in our gardens. It is of the big- ness of an apple tree, and grows in the same irregular manner : the branches have thorns on them. The leaves are longer and narrower than in the apple tree, and they terminate in a point. The blossoms are large and white. The fruit is roundish, and open at the bottom: and till very much mellowed, is of an austere taste. A strong decoction of unripe medlars, is good to stop violent purgings. The seeds work by urine, and are good against the gravel ; but there are so many more powerful things at hand, they are seldom used. : MELILOT. Melilotus. A COMMON wild plant, with three leares at 224 FAMILY HERBAL. . a a joint, and long straggling spikes of yellow flow. ers. It is a foot and a half high, or more. The stalk is weak, slender, green, and striated. The leaves are oblong, and blunt at the ends : they are serrated round the edges, and of a bright green colour. The flowers are small, and of the shape of the flowers of tares, but little ; and there follows each a roundish pod, rough and green. The whole plant has a singular, but not disagreeable smell ; and the leaves are the food of so many insects, that they are commonly gnawn to pieces. The fresh plant is excellent to mix in pultices, to be applied to swellings. It was once famous in a plaister, used for dressing of blisters, but the apothecaries used to play so many bad tricks, to imitate the green colour it was expected to give, that the plaister is now made without it. MELON. Melo. A TRAINING herb, with yellow flowers, and large fruit ; well known at our tables. The plant grows to eight or ten feet long, but is not erect. The stalks are angulated, thick, and of a pale green. The leaves are large and broad, somewhat roundish, and not deeply divided, as in most of the creeping plants of this sort. There are tendrils on the stalk for its laying hold of any thing. The flowers are very large, and open at the mouth. The fruit is oblong and rough, more or less on the surface, containing seeds, with a juicy matter within. The seeds are the part used: they are cooling, and pork by urine. They are best given in an emulsion, beat up with barley water : this is a good drink in fevers given warın. FAMILY HERBAL. 225 MEZEREON SHRUB. Mezereum. A VERY pretty shrub, native of many parts of Europe, and frequent in our gardens. It is four feet high, and very much branched. The branches , stand irregularly, and they are very tough and firm. The leaves are oblong and narrow: they grow in clusters from certain little swellings on the bark. The flowers are small and red; they are hollow, and are succeeded by oblong berries, which are black when ripe. The root is woody and creeping; and the plant is not easily destroyed, when once well established. The bark of the root, or the inner bark of the branches is to be used; but it is a violent medicine, and must be given with great caution, in small doses, and only to those who have strong constitu- tions. It will cause vomiting, and bloody stools to people that are tender, or to any, in a large dose; but to robust people, it only acts as a brisk purge. It is excellent in dropsies, and other stubborn dis- orders; and the best way of giving it, is in a light infusion. MILLET. Millium, A PLANT of the grass kind, large, upright, and not without its beauty. It is four feet high. The stalk is round, hollow, jointed, thick, and firm. The leaves are long and broad, of a pale green, and hairy. The flowers and seeds grow at the top of the stalk, in a vast cluster, so heavy that the head usually hangs down : they are altogether of the grass kind. The flowers are inconsiderable, and the seeds small, hard, and white. The seeds are used sometimes in the manner of barley to make a drink, which is good in fevers, 226 FAMILY HERBAL, . and against heat of urine; it is also a little astringent. The grain is eaten also as barley. MILKWORT, Polygala. A COMMON little plant upon our heaths, and in dry pastures, with numerous leaves and blue or white flowers, (for this is a variety and caused by accidents,) disposed in loose spikes. The root ig long, and divided into several parts, the stalks are very numerous, and very much branched, they are slender and weak, and they spread themselves upon the ground, forming a little green tuft. There is great variety in the appearance of the plant, beside what has been already named in the colour of the flower ; nor is that indeed the only variation there : so that it has been divided into two or three kinds by some writers, but as all these will rise from the same seed, and only are owing to the soil and exposure, the plant is without doubt the same in every appearance, and its virtues are the same in which ever state it is taken. When it grows in barren places, the stalks are not more than three or four inches in length, and the leaves are very numerous, short, and of an oval figure. The flow- ers are in this case small and blue, sometimes, whitish, striated with blue, and sometimes in tirely white. When the plant grows in some- what more favourable soil, the leaves are oblong, and narrow, pointed at the ends, and of a beautiful green, the stalks are five or six inches long, and the flowers in this case are commonly blue, and this is the most ordinary state of the plant. When it grows in very favourable places, as upon the damp side of a hill, where there are springs, and among the tall grass, then its leaves are longer, its stalks more robust and more upright, and its flowers а FAMILY HERBAL 227 و are red. These are the several appearances of this little plant, and it is all one in which of them it is taken. The root is often of a considerable thick- ness, and single, but it is more usually divided and , smaller ; it is whitish, and of a disagreeable acrid taste. This plant had passed unregarded as to any medicinal use, till Dr. Tennant brought into Eng- land the senekka root, famous in America against the effects of the bite of the rattle-snake, and found here to be of service in pleurisies: but when it was found, that this was the root of a kind of milk- wort, not very different from our own, we tried , the roots of our own kind, and found them effectual in the same cases : as to the poisonous bites of a serpent, they are so uncommon here, that we need not regard that part of the qualities, but we find it good in the other disorder, and in all diseases in which the blood is thick and sizy. The fresh root is best, but it has not its full virtue except in spring, when the stalks are just shooting out of the ground, for this reason it is most proper to take it up at that time, and dry it for the service of the year. When fresh, it is best given in infusion : but when dried, it is kept in powder. SPEAR MInt. Mentha vulgaris. MINT A COMMON plant in our garden, and of frequent use in the kitchen. It is two feet high, the stalks are square, single, upright, firm, and of a pale green. The leaves stand two at a joint ; they are long, narrow, of a blackish green, serrated at the edges, and sharp-pointed. The flowers are small and pur- ple; they stand in long spikes, in a beautiful manner. The whole plant has a fragrant smell, and a pleasant aromatic taste. a 228 FAMILY HERBAL. The whole plant is used, fresh or dried, and is excellent against disorders of the stomach. It will stop vomiting, and create an appetite ; it is best given in the simple distilled water, well made, or else in the form of tea. The fresh herb bruised, and applied outwardly to the stomach, will stop vomitings. WATER MINT. Mintha aquatica A COMMON wild plant of the mint kind, not so much regarded as it deserves. It is frequent by ditch sides. It is a foot and half high. The stalks are square, upright, firm, and strong, and generally of a brown colour; the leaves are broad and short; they stand two at a joint, and are of a ; brownish or deep green colour, somewhat hairy, and serrated about the edges. The flowers are larger than those of common mint, and are of a pale red colour; they stand in round thick clus- ters at the tops of the stalks, and round the up- per joints. The whole plant has a strong smell, not disagreeable, but of a mixed kind between that of mint, and penny royal : and the taste is strong and acrid, but it is not to be called disagree- able. A distilled water of this plant is excellent against colics, pains in the stomach and bowels, and it will bring down the menses. A single dose of it often cures the colic. The use of peppermint has ex- cluded this kind from the present practice, but all three ought to be used. Where a simple weak- ness of the stomach is the complaint, the common mint should be used; when colicy pains alone, the peppermint ; and where suppressions of the menses are in the case, this wild water mint : they may all be given in the way of tea, but a simple FAMILY HERBAL 229 water distilled from them, and made sufficiently strong, is by much the most efficacious. PEPPERMINT. Mentha piperata. A PLANT kept in our gardens, but much more resembling the wild mint last described, than the spear mint, both in form and qualities. It' grows two feet and a half high. The stalk is square and firm, upright, and of a pale green ; the leaves stand two at each joint : they are broad, not very long, of a dark green, and serrated deeply at the edges. The flowers grow in thick spikes, but not very long ones, they are large, and of a pale red. The whole plant has an agreeable quick smell, and a hot taste like pepper, but not dis- agreeable. The whole plant is used fresh or dried ; but the best way is to give the distilled water. It cures the colic, often almost instantaneously, and it is good against the gravel. LONG LEAVED Wild Mint. Menthrastrum. a A SINGULAR' wild plant, of the mint kind, but not without its beauty ; it is two feet high, and grows with great regularity. The stalk is square, firm, and of a pale green, very upright, and at the top full of young shoots. The leaves are long and narrow; they are of a whitish green, deeply indented about the edges, and pointed at the ends: the flowers stand in spikes, at the tops of the young shoots; they are pale, red, and large, and very numerous. The whole plant has a strong smell. The whole plant is used fresh or dried, and is to be given in the way of tea, for the distilled water 230 FAMILY HERBAL. is disagreeable. It strengthens the stomach, and promotes the menses. It is in this latter respect a very valuable medicine, but the use of it must be con- tinued some time. MYRTLE. Myrtus A LITTLE shrub, very beautiful in its manner of growth, a native of Italy, but common in our gardens. The trunk is covered with a rough brown bark. The branches are numerous, slen- der, tough, and reddish. The leaves are very beautiful ; they are small, short, of a fine green, pointed at the ends, not serrated at the edges, and they stand in great numbers, and in a beautiful order upon the branches. The flowers stand on short foot stalks ; they are large, white, and full of threads : the fruit is a round black berry, as large as the biggest pea, and has a crown at the top. The leaves when bruised, have an extremely fragrant smell. The shrub will bear our climate better than is imagined ; there are, in some places, hedges of it five or six feet high, that stand the winters without the least hurt. The leaves and berries of the myrtle are used ; they are cordial and astringent. A strong infusion of the fresh leaves is good against a slight purging, strengthening the stomach at the same time that it removes the complaint. The dried leaves powdered, are excellent against the whites. The berries are good against bloody fluxes, overflowings of the menses, and in spitting of blood. , MISLETOE. Viscus. A SINGULAR plant, native of our own country, but growing, not on the earth as other herbs, but FAMILY HERBAL. 291 upon the branches of trees ; on which it makes a very conspicuous figure. It grows two feet high, and its branches are so numerous, and spread in such a manner, that the whole plant is as broad as tall, and appears a round yellow tuft of that di- ameter, quite unlike to the tree on which it grows, in fruit, leaves and bark. The main stem is half an inch in diameter; the branches divide always by twos and they easily break at the joints or divisions. The bark is throughout of a yellowish colour, though with some mixture of green on young shoots ; the leaves are also yellowish; they grow two at each joint : they are fleshy, oblong, narrowest at the bottom, and broader toward the top. The flowers are yellow, but they are small and in- considerable ; the fruit is a white berry, round, and of the bigness of a pea, this is full of a tough, clammy juice. The leaves of misletoe dried and powdered are a famous remedy for the falling sickness. They are good in all nervous disorders, and have been known to perform great cures taken for a continuance of time. the young و a INDIAN MYROBALAN TREE. Myrobalanus Indica. A TREE native of the warmer climates, and not yet got into our gardens. It grows to twenty feet high. The branches are numerous, and very irre- gularly disposed. The leaves are long and narrow : the flowers are white, and like the blossoms of our plum trees ; and the fruit resembles a plum, oblong, and fleshy, with a long stone or kernel; but the fruit is generally gathered before the stone hardens, so that it seems to have none. We used to have the fruit brought over, and it 232 FAMILY HERBAL was given as a purge, but at present none regard it. There are also four others of the same kind, the names of which we see in books of medicine, but the fruits are not to be met with, nor is it much loss, for we have better things to answer their purposes. They were called the citrine, chebule, belleric, and emblec myrobalanus ; they are all used as purges, but common senna is worth them all. MOONWORT. Lunaria. A VERY singular, and very pretty plant, fre- quent in some parts of the kingdom, but in most very scarce. It grows six inches high ; and con- sists of the stalk, one leaf, and the flowers. The stalk is round, firm, and thick. It is naked to the middle, and there grows the leaf, which is composed as it were of several pairs of small ones, or rather is a whole and single leaf divided deeply, so as to resemble a number of smaller ; these are round- ed and hollowed, and thence came its name of moonwort; from the base of this leaf, the stalk is continued up an inch or two, and then rise the clus- ters of flowers and seeds; these are very small, and like dust, and of a brown colour. The leaves of moon- wort dried and given in powder, stop purgings, and the overflowing of the menses. The fresh plant bruised and laid to a cut, stops the bleeding, and heals it in a day or two. a HAIRY TREE Moss, Usnea. A VERY singular plant of the moss kind, fre- quent in our large forests, but rare elsewhere : it grows to the branches of old oaks and bushes, and hangs down from them in long strings. The FAMILY HERBAL. 233 1 a tufts of it are often a foot long, and in the whole two or three inches thick ; they are composed of a great quantity of stalks and branches, the largest not bigger than a large packthread ; these are of a grey colour, and are composed of a soft bark, and a firm white fibre within this bark is often cracked, and the fibres appear jointed; the small fibres of the plant resemble hairs : on the larger grow, at certain seasons, little hollow brown bodies. These contain the seeds, but they are too minute to be distinguished singly. The whole plant is dry, and sapless as it grows, and has not the least appearance of leaves up- on it. The powder of this moss is an excellent astrin- gent; it is to be dried in an oven, and beat in a more tar: the white fibres will remain, when the soft part has gone through the sieve; they are of no use, the other has all the virtue. It is good against , the whites, against overflowing of the menses, and bloody fluxes, and against spitting of blood : it de- serves to be much more regarded than it is in the present practice. The dose is half a dram. Cup Moss. Museus pyxidatus. a A COMMON little planten ditch banks, by wood sides, and in dry harren places. It consists of a thin coat of a leafy matter, spread upon the surface of the ground, and of a kind of a little cups rising from it. The leafy part is dry and without juice, divided into several portions, and these irregularly notched; it is grey or greenish on the upper side, and whitish underneath. are half an inch high. They have each a thick stem, and an open mouth, and rather resemble a clumsy drinking glass, than a cup. They are of a grey colour, often with some odd mixture of The cups 234 FAMILY HIERBAL. green, of a dusty surface; sometimes they grow one from the edge of another, up to the third or fourth stage: they have also many other accidental varieties; and sometimes they bear little brown lumps, which are supposed to contain the seeds. ba The whole plant is to be used ; it is to be taken fresh from the ground, shook clean, and boiled in water, till the decoction be very strong ; then there is to be added as much milk as there is of the liquor, and it is to be sweetened with honey. It is an excellent medicine for children's coughs: it is recommended particularly in that called the chincough. COMMON GROUND Moss. Muscus terrestris vul- Bora, garis. OD 10 JA PRETTY, but very small plant. It creeps on the ground, or rises in tufts two or three inches high, according to the place. The stalks are very slender, but they are thick, covered with leaves, and their branches are disposed in such a manner that they in some degree resemble tern. The leaves are very small, of a triangular shape, and of a bright green; they stand loosely on the lower part of the stalks, but on the upper, they lie close and cover them. It very rarely produces its seeds ; but when it does, there rise naked and very slender pedi- cles an inch long from the bosoms of the leaves, and at the top of each of these stands a little oblong head, of a brownish red colour, covered with a cap like an extinguisher in shape, and full of a fine green dust. EN * The whole plant is used; it is to be dried and Dowdered, and is given with success against overflow ngs of the menses, and all bleedings; it is also good gainst the whites no 19.0 FAMILY HERBAL 235 Moss OF AN HUMAN SKULL. Muscus ex cranio humano. ..... THERE is not any particular kind of moss that grows upon the human skull, nor does any moss by growing upon it acquire any particular virtues, whatever fânciful people may have imagined. In England, we commonly use the moss just described, when it happens to run over an human skull, that has been laid by accident, or has been laid on purpose in its way: in other places, they use the sort of white moss, that grows upon our old apple trees. Both these are in their own nature astringents, but they are as good if taken from trees, or off the ground, as if found upon these bones. They have been supposed good against disorders of the head, when gathered from the skull, but this is all fancy. MOTHER OF THYME. Serpyllum 1. A COMMON wild little plant, but very pretty, very fragrant, and of great virtues. It grows in little . tufts by way sides, and on dry hillocks; the stalks are round slender, reddish, and six or eight inches long, but they do not stand upright. The leaves are very small, and of an oval figure ; they grow two at each joint, and they are smooth, and of a bright green. Tlie flowers are of a pale red, and stand in little tufts at the tops of the stalks, the whole plant has a very fragrant smell, and an aromatic and agreeable taste. It is a better medicine in nervous cases than most that are used; the fresh plant or dried, may be drank as tea ; it is very agreeable to the taste, and by a continuance, will cure the common nerve ous disorders. The night mare is a very trouble a 236 FAMILY HERBAL. somc discase, and often puzzles the physician, but it will be perfectly cured by a tea made of this plant. MOTHERWORT. Cardiaca. a A TALL, and not unhandsome wild plant. It grows wild about farm-yards and in dry places. It is a yard high; the stalk is square, thick, upright, and firin. The leaves stand o'ı long foot stalks, two at each joint. They are divided into three parts, the middle one being the longest, and are deeply in- dented at the edges; of a dark green colour, and bad smell. The flowers are of a pale red : they grow in a kind of prickly cups, from the bosoms of the leaves, surrounding the stalks. The root creeps, and is whitish. The whole plant may be used dried, but the tops fresh cut are hest; they are to be given in a strong infúsion or decoction. It is good against hysteric complaints, and it promotes the menses. It is famous for curing the palpitation of the heart, when that arises from an hysteric cause : for there are pal- pitations, which nothing can cure. MOUSE-EAR. Pilosella. An exceeding pretty little plant, with whitish leaves, and large bright yellow flowers, frequent on our ditch banks. The leaves grow in little clusters, and are longish and broad, of a dark green on the upper side, but white underneath; and so much of the under part is usually seen, that the whole looks whitish. The stalks trail upon the ground, and take root at every joint : the leaves have long hairs upon them. The stalks which support the flowers rise single. They are FAMILY HERBAL, 237 hairy, they have no leaves, and each hears only one flower, this stands on the top, and is large, somewhat of the form of the dandelion flower, hut of a beautiful pale yellow. The seeds are winged with down, and the stalks when broken yield a milky juice, but in no great quantity. The plant has scarce any smell, but an austere bitterish taste. A decoction of the fresh gathered herb is excellent against the bleeding of the piles : and the leaves boiled in milk, may be applied externally. It is good , also in the overflowing of the menses, and in all other bleedings, and in the whites. MUGWORT. Artemisia. A TALL, and not unhandsome plant, frequent on ditch banks, having divided leaves, and flowers like those of wormwood. It is a yard high or more: the stalk is round, striated, often purplish, firm, upright, and branched. The leaves stand irregularly upon it; they are large, and composed of a number of small parts, which are sharply in- dented and pointed. They are of a dusky green on the upper side and white underneath. The flowers are little and brownish, they stand in small tufts all along the upper parts of the branches, but they stand upright, whereas those of wormwood hang down. They often have a tinge of purple before they are quite opened, which adds greatly to the beauty of the plant. The leaves of mugwort are to be used fresh or dried ; they are best given in infusion, and they are excellent to promote the menses, and against all the common hysteric complaints. 238 FAMILY HERBAL. on er A very MULBERRY TREE. Morus.. di wo A LARGE and irregular growing tree, common in our gardens. The branches are numerous and spreading the leaves are very beautiful, large, broad, of a bright green, pointed at the end, and delicately serrated round the edges. The flowers are small, and inconsiderable: the fruit is suf- ficiently known; it is large, oblong, juicy, and composed of a great number of small granules : it is usually black when ripe. But there is a kind with white fruit. an The bark of the root of the mulberry tree fresh taken off and boiled in water, makes an excellent decoction against the jaundice ; it opens obstruc- tions of the liver, and works by urine. pleasant syrup is made from the juice of the ripe fruit, with twice the quantity of sugar. It is cooling, and is good for sore mouths, and to quench thirst in fevers. DO old bits larga WHITE MULLEN. Verbascum album. This A TALL and stately wild plant, singular for its white leaves, and long spike of yellow flow- ers; and frequent on our ditch banks, and on dry places. It grows six feet" high ; the leaves rising from the root, are a foot long, as broad as ones hand, sharp-pointed, serrated about the edges, and covered with a white downy or woolly matter. The stalk is thick, firm, and very upright, and is cover- ed with smaller leaves of the same kind: the flow- ers are yellow and large : they stand in spikes, of two feet long, three or four only opening at a time; the seeds are small and brown, the root is long and shaggy. The leaves are used, and those are best which 1 FAMILY HERBAL. 239 grow from the root, when there is no stalk. They are to be given in decoction against the overflowings of the menses, the bloody flux, the bleeding of the piles, and spitting of blood ; boiled in milk, they are also excellent by way of pultice to the piles, and other painful swellings. Sod MUSTARD. Sinapi. CEO A. COMMON rough looking plant, wild in many places, but kept also in gardens, for the sake of the seed. It grows a yard high. The stalk is round, smooth, thick, and of a pale green; the leaves are large, and of a coarse green, deeply indented, and placed irregularly; they hang down, and have a disagreeable aspect. The flowers are small and vel- low; they grow in great numbers on the tops of the branches, and the pods of the seed follow them. The whole plant is of an acrid pungent taste. The roof is white. berabot The seeds are the part used; what we call mus- tard is made of them, and it is very wholesome; it strengthens the stomach, and procures an appetite. The seed bruised and taken in large quantities, works by urine, and is excellent against rheumatisms, and the scurvy. It also promotes the menses. Laid upon the tongue it will sometimes restore speech in alsies. ER 30 TREACLE MUSTARD. Thlaspi discordis. A LITTLE wild plant with broad leaves, white flowers, and flat pods, common in dry places. It is eight inches high ; the stalk is round and stri- ated. The leaves are oblong, and hroad, of a pale green colour, and dentated round the edges. 240 FAMILY HERBAL. They grow irregularly on the stalks, and have no foot stalks. The flowers are very small, a little tuft of them stands at the top of the stalk, and the pods follow them ; so that the usual appearance, when the plant is in flower, is a short spike of the pods, with a little cluster of flowers on the top ; the ; pods are large, flat, roundish, and edged with a leafy border. The scerls are small, brown, and of a hot taste. The seed is the part used; but our druggists generally sell the seeds of the garden cress, in the place of it. It is not much regarded. MITIRIDATE MUSTARD. Thlaspi incano folio. A LITTLE wild plant, common in corn-fields. It is of a foot high; the stalks are round, firm, upright, and not much branched; the leaves are long, narrow, a little hairy, and of a dusky green. The flowers are small and white, and the pode which follow them are roundish and little, not flatted as in the former kind, nor surrounded with a fo- liaceous edge. The leaves grow very thick upon the stalk, and each has as it were a couple of little ones at the nase. The sced of this is used also, at least in name, for the cress sced serves for both : the matter is not great, for they seem to have the same virtues, and neither is minded, except as ingredients in con- positions. MYRRH TREE. Myrrha. A TREE concerning which we have but very imperfect accounts, and those not well warranted for genuine. All that we hear of it is, that the branches are numerous, and have thorns on them ; FAMILY HERBAL. 941 that the leaves are oblong, broad, and of a strong smell, and that the bark of the trunk is rough, and of a greyish colour. The gum resin called myrrh, is certainly pro- eured from some tree in the hot countries, but whether this be a true description of that tree, there is no certainty. The gum itself is a very great medi- cine; it opens all obstructions of the viscera ; is good in consumptions, jaundices, and dropsies; and is excellent for promoting the menses, and assisting in the natural and necessary discharges after delivery: it is to be given in powder ; the tincture dissolves it but imperfectly ; but this is excellent against disorders of the teeth and gums. ; N SWEET NAVEY. Napus. Un A PLANT kept in some gardens, and not unlike the common turnip in its aspect and appearance. It grows a yard high. The stalk is round, smooth, and of a pale green. The leaves stand irregularly on it, and they are oblong, broad at the base, where they surround the stalk, and narrower all the way to the point. The leaves, which grow from the root, are much larger and deeply cut in at the sides; and they are all of a pale or bluish green colour. The flowers are small and yellow, and the pods are long. The seed is round and black. The root is white and large, and has the taste, but not the round shape of the turnip, for it is rather like a parsnip. The seeds are used, but not much. A decoc- tion of them is said to promote sweat, and to drive any thing out to the skin ; but it does not seem to de- serve any great regard. ui 742 FAMILY HIERBAL. WILD NAVEW. Bunias The plant which produces what we call rape- seed, and in some places cole-scod. Though wild on our ditch banks ; it sown in some places for the sake of its seed, from which an oil is made for mechanical purposes. The plant is two or three feet high ; the stalk is round, upright, smooth, thick, firm, and of a pale green, the lower leaves are long and narrow, very deeply divided at the edges, and of a pale or bluish green colour. Those on the stalk are of the same colour, but small, narrow, and a little divided : the flowers are small, and of a bright yellow. The pods are long, and the seeds are rourd, large, and black ; they are of a somewhat hot and sharp taste. The seeds are used for the same purposes as the other, and are supposed to have more virtue, but probably neither have much. COLIC NARD. Nardus celtica. A LITTLE plant of the valerian kind, frequent in many parts of Europe, but not a native of Eng- land. It is six or eight inches in height; the stalks are round, striated, and greenish : the leaves at the bottom are oblong, narrow at the base, and rounded at the end, and of a yellowish green colour. Those on the stalks stand in pairs; they are small and deeply cut; the flowers stand in a little cluster at the top of the stalk ; they are small and white: the root is long, slender, and creeping. The root is the part used ; our druggists keep it dry. It is best taken in infusion. It operates hy urine, and in some degree by sweat, but that very moderately : it is commended in fevers and in the jaundice. FAMILY HERBAL, 243 NETTLE. Urtica. A PLANT too common to need much descrip tion. It is three feet high; the stalks are angulated and rough ; the leaves are large, and of a beautiful shape, regularly from a broad base diminishing to a sharp point, and nicely serrated round the edges ; the colour of these and of the stalks is a dusky green, and they are both covered with a kind of prickles, which easily make their way into the skin, and have at their base, a hollow bag of sharp juice, which gets into the wound, occasioning that swelling, inflammation, and pain that follows. The naked eye may distinguish these bags at the bottom of the prickles on the stalk of a full grown nettle, but a microscope shews them all over. The flowers of the nettle, are yellowish, little, and inconsiderable, the seeds are small, and round, the root is long and creeping The juice of the nettle is good against overflow- ings of the menses. The root is to be given in infu- sion, and it works powerfully by urine, and is excel- lent against the jaundice. a 2015 ROMAN NETTLE. Urtica Romana. mon. A wild plant of the nettle kind, but not com- It is two feet high, the sialks are round, and of a deep green colour. The leaves are large, and of a deep green also; broad at the base, narrow to the point, and deeply serrated. The flowers are small and inconsiderable, the fruit is a round hall, as big as a large pea, it stands on a long foot-stalk, and is of a deep green colour, and full of small brown seeds. All the plant is covered with the same sort of prickles as the common nettle, but they are shorter and finer; they are silvery, white at the 244 FAMILY HERBAL tips, and have the same bag of liquor at the base, and they sting very terribly; more a great deal than the common nettle. The seeds are the part used; they are good against coughs, shortness of breath, and hoarsenesses ; the seeds of the common nettle are commended for this purpose, but these are greatly preferable. The best way of giving them is in the manner of tea, sweetened with honey. COMMON NIGHTSHADE. Solanum vulgare. a A WILD plant, that over-runs gardens, and all other cultivated places, if not continually weeded out, It grows two feet high; the stalks are roundish, thick, but not very erect or strong, and of a dusky green. The leaves are broad and roundish, but they ter- minate in a point. They are of a dark green colour, and stand on foot stalks. The flowers grow in little clusters, ten or a dozen in a bunch ; they are white, with a yellowish centre, and they are succeeded by round black berries. The leaves are used fresh, and only externally. They are very cooling, and applied bruised to in- flammations, scalds, burns, and troublesome erup- tions on the skin. DEADLY NIGHTSTADE. Solanum lethale. It may seem strange to mix a poison among me- dicines, but a part of this herb has its uses. This is a wild plant of a dull and dismal aspect. It grows five feet high. The stalks are angulated, and of a deep green. The leaves are very large, , broad, and flat, and they also are of a dull dead green. The flowers stand singly on long foot- stalks, arising from the bosom of the leaves, and FAMILY HERBAL. 245 they also have the same dismal aspect ; they are large, hollow, and hang down. On the outsile they are of a dusky colour, between brown and green, and within they are of a very deep purple. These are succeeded by berries of the bigness of cherries, black and shining when ripe, and full of a pulpy matter, of a sweetish and mawkish taste. The root is long. The berries are fatal ; children have often eat them, and perished by it. The leaves externally applied are cooling and softening ; they are good against the ringworm and tetters, and against hard swellings. They have very great virtue in this respect, but the plant should be kept out of the way of children, or never suffered to grow to fruit, as the leaves only are wanted, NUTMEG TREE. Nux moschata. a A TALL, spreading tree, native only of the warm climates ; the trunk is large, and the bran- ches are numerous and irregular ; the bark is of a greyish colour, and the wood light and soft. The leaves are large, long, and somewhat broad : they are not unlike those of the bay tree, but bigger, and are of a beautiful green on the upper side, and whitish underneath. They stand irregularly, but often so nearly opposite, that thiey seem in pairs, as we see in the leaves of some of our willows. The blossom is of the shape and bigness of that of our cherry tree, but its colour is yellow. The fruit which succeeds this, is of the bigness of a small peach, and not unlike it in the general form ; when cut open there appears first the fleshy coat, which is a finger thick, and of a rough taste, then the mace spread over a woody shell, in which is the nutmeg. We often have the whole fruit sent over preserved 246 FAMILYHERBAL. The nutmeg is an excellent spice, it strengthens the stomach, and assists digestion. It will stop vonitings, and is good against the colic. When roasted before the fire, and mixed with a small quan- tity of rhubarb, it is the best of all remedies against purgings. a 0. OAK. Quercus. A NOBLE and stately tree, native of our coun- try, and no where growing to so great perfection. It is very tall, and though irregular in the dispo- sition of its branches, that very irregularity has its beauty ; the trunk is very thick ; the branches are ; also thick, and often crooked: the bark is brown and rough: the leaves are large, oblong, broad, and deeply cut in at the edges, and they are of a shining green. The flowers are inconsiderable. The fruit is the acorn, well known Galls are produced upon the oak, nat as fruit, but from the wounds made by an insect. The bark of the oak is a very powerful astrin- gent; it stops purgings, and overflowings of the menses, given in powder ; a decoction of it is ex- cellent for the falling down of the uvula, or as it is called the falling down of the palate of the mouth. Whenever a very powerful astringent is required, oak bark demands the preference over every thing : if it were brought from the East Indies, it would be held inestimable. SCARLET OAK. Ilex. A SHRUB not much regarded on its own ac- Count, but from the insect called kermes, which FAMILY HERBAL. 247 . is found upon it ; and has at sometimes been suppo- sed a fruit of it: the shrub thence obtained its name of the scarlet oak. It grows only six or eight feet high. The branches are tough, and covered with a smooth greyish bark. The leaves are an inch long, three quarters of an inch broad, of a figure approaching to oval, serrated about the edges, and a little prickly. The flowers are small and inconsiderable; the fruit is an acorn, like that of the common oak, but smaller, standing in its cup. The kermes, or scarlet grain, is a small round substance of the bigness of a pea, of a fine red colour within, and of a purplish blue without, covered with a fine hoary dust, like a bloom upon a plum. It is an insect at that time full of young. When they intend to preserve it in its own form, they find ways of destroying the principle of life within, else the young come forth, and it is spoiled. When they express the juice, they bruise the whole grains, and squeeze it through a hair cloth; they then add an equal weight of fine sugar to it, and send it over to us under the name of juice of kermes; this is used in medicine much more than the grain itself. It is a cordial, good against faintings, and to drive out the small pox ; and for women in childbed. It supports the spirits, and at the same time promotes the necessary discharges. OAK OF JERUSALEM. Botrys. coun- A LITTLE plant, native of the warmer tries, and kept in our gardens, with leaves which have been supposed to resemble those of the oak tree, whence it got its name, and small yelowish flowers. The stalk is a foot and half high, round- ish angulated a little, or deeply striated, and of a 248 FAMILY HERBAL. pale green; the leaves are of a yellowish green, and of a rough surface; they are oblong, somewhat broad pointed at the ends, and deeply cut in on the sides. The flowers stand in abundance of long spikes on the tops of the branches ; they are very small and inconsiderable. The whole plant has a pleasant smell, particularly the young shoots, which are to bear the flowers. The fresh plant is to be used, and it is best taken in the manner of tea, or in infusion. It is good in asthmas, hoarseness, and coughs, and it promotes the menses and discharges after delivery. OLIVE TREE. Olea. A LARGE tree, native of the warmer parts of Europe and the East. The trunk is thick and rough. The branches are numerous, and stand ir- regularly; thoir bark is grey and smooth. The leaves are longish and broad, and of a deep green on the upper side, and whitish underneath, and of a firm texture; the flowers are small and yellow; the fruit is of the bigness of a small plum, but of longer shape, and has a very large stone within. The oil is the only produce of this tree used in medicine, it is pressed out of the fruit, and is excel- lent in disorders of the lungs, and against colics, and stoppages of urine. But in the latter cases the oil of sweet almonds fresh pressed is preferable, and for the first linseed oil; so that oil of olives, or as it called sallad oil is seldom used in medicine, unless these others cannot be had. ONION. Cepa. A COMMON plant in our gardens. known at sight by its hollow tubular leaves. It grows two FAMILY HERBAL. 249 a feet and a half high. The leaves are long, round- ed, of the thickness of a man's finger, and hollow. The stalk is round also, and has at the top a round cluster of little flowers, these are of a mixed purplish and greenish colour; and of a strong smell, as has the whole plant. The root is the part used; it is roundish, and com- posed of a great multitude of coats laid one over another. A syrup made of the juice of onions and honey, is excellent for an asthma. OPOPONAX PLANT. Opoponax. a A LARGE and robust plant, of which we have hut imperfect descriptions: it is a native of the East, and has not been brought into Europe. It is said to be eleven or twelve feet high : the stalk is round, thick, and hollow. The leaves very large, and each composed of a vast number of smaller set upon a di- vided stalk. The flowers we are informed stand in very large round clusters at the tops of the stalks, and that the seeds are broad, brown, and of a strong smell; striated on the surface and flattish. The root is said to be long and large, and full of an acrid and milky juice. We use a kind of resin, which is said to be col- lected from this root, after it has been wounded to make it flow in sufficient quantity, but the whole account comes to us very imperfect, and upon no very sound authority ; however it seems probable. The resin is brownish or yellowish, and in small pieces. It is an excellent medicine against nerva ous complaints ; and particularly against disorders of the head. It works by urine and promotes the menses ; and has a tendency to operate, though very gently, by stool. It is not so much used as Kk a 250 FAMILY HERBAL. it deserves to be. I have experienced excellent ef- fects from it ORANGE TREE. Aurantia malus. A BEAUTIFUL and valuable tree, native of Spain, Italy, and the East. It grows to a considerable bigness, and its branches spread irregularly. The bark of the trunk is brown and rough, that of the brances is smooth and greyish. The leaves are large, and very beautiful ; they are oblong, and moderately broad, and the foot stalk has an edge of a leafy matter on each side, giving it a heart- like appearance. The flowers are white, large, fragrant, and very beautiful. The fruit is enough known. The sour, or Seville orange, is the kind used in medicine, but the peel of this more than the juice or pulpy part. A pleasant syrup is made of Seville orange juice, hy melting in it twice its weight of the finest sugar ; and a syrup equally pleasant, though of another kind, is made of an infusion of the peel : but the great use of the peel is in tinc- ture, or infusion as a stomachic. It is for this pur- pose to be pared off very thin, only the yellow part being useful, and to be put into brandy or wine, or to have boiling water poured on it fresh or dry. If a little gentian and a few cardamon seeds be added to this tincture or infusion, it is as good a bitter as can be made : it prevents sickness of the stomach and vomitings, and is excellent to amend the appetite. ORPINE. Telephum. A VERY beautiful wild plant, of a foot high more, with fresh green leaves, and tufts of FAMILY HERBAL. 251 bright red flowers ; common in our hedges in autumn in many parts of England. The stalk is round and fleshy; the leaves are oblong, broad, and indented round the edges, and their colour is a bluish green. The flowers are small, but they are very beautiful; the root is white and thick. The whole plant has a fleshy appearance, and it will grow out of the ground, a long time, taking its nourishment from the air. The juice of orpine is good against the bloody flux: the best way of giving it is made into a thin syrup, with the finest sugar, and with the addition of some cinnamon. OXEYE. Buphthalmum, A VERY beautiful wild plant, common in the North of England, but not in other parts of the kingdom. It grows a foot and a half high. The stalk is round, firm, and branched ; the leaves are numerous ; they are divided each into a multitude of fine segments, so that at a distance they somewhat resemble the leaves of yarrow, but they are whitish. The flowers are large and yellow; they somewhat re- semble a marigold in form, and they stand at the tops of the branches. The fresh herb is used; they boil it in ale, and give it as a remedy for the jaundice : it works by urine. P PALMA CHRISTI. Ricinus, A FOREIGN plant, kept in our gardens more for its beauty than use. The stem is thick, and looks woody toward the bottom. It grows six 252 FAMILY HERBAL feet high, and on the upper part is covered with a sort of mealy powder, of a bluish colour. The leaves are large, and very beautiful. They are somewhat like those of the vine, but they are di- vided deeply into seven or more parts, which are also sharply serrated at the edges, and they stand upon long foot stalks, which are not inserted at the edge, but in the middle of the leaf. The flow- ers are small : they grow in bunches toward the top of the plant. The seeds grow upon the trunk of the plant in different places : three are contained in husks, and they have over them severally a hard shell. The kernels of these seeds are the part used, but they are very little regarded at present. There used to be three or four kinds of them kept by the druggists, under different names, but nobody 'now minds them : they are very violent in their operation, which is both upwards and downwards, and have been given in dropsies and rheumatisms. . OILY PALM TREE. Palma oleosa. A VERY beautiful tree, native of Africa and America. It grows moderately high. moderately high. The trunk is naked all the way to the top, where the leaves grow in vast quantities: they are long and nar- row, and the footstalks on which they stand are prickly. The flowers are small and mossy. The fruit is of the bigness of a plumb, oblong, and flattish, and is covered over with a tough and fibrous coat. From this fruit the natives express what they call palm oil : it is a substance of the consistence of butter, and of a pleasant, though very little taste. The oil is the only produce of the tree used : They eat it upon the spot, but we apply it exter- FAMILY HERBAL 253 nally against cramps, strains, pains in the limbs, and weaknesses : but we seldom meet with it fresh enough, to be fit for use ; and at present, it has given place to the famous opodeldoc, and to several other things, which have the same qualities in a much greater degree, . PANIC. Panicum, A VERY singular and pretty plant of the grass kind, cultivated in some parts of Europe. The stalk is very thick and firm, round, jointed, and a yard high. The leaves are grassy, but they are large and broad. The flowers and seeds are con- tained in a long ear, which is broad and flat ; it is composed of several smaller ears, arranged on the two sides of the stalk; these spikes are hairy. The seed is round, and is much like millet, only smaller. The seed is the only part used. It is good against sharp purgings, bloody fluxes, and spitting of blood. PAREIRA BRAVA. Pareira brava, A CLIMBING shrub of South America, the root of which has lately been introduced into medicine. It grows to twelve or fourteen feet in height, if there be trees or bushes to support it, else it lies upon the ground, and is shorter. The stalks are woody, light, and covered with a rough bark, which is continually coming off in small flakes. The leaves are large and broad. The flowers are small, and of a greenish colour ; and the berries are round, and when ripe, black. The root is large, woody, and very long and creeping: a 254 FAMILY HERBAL. The root is used. It is of a brownish colour, rough on the surface, and woody, but loose in its texture. It is to be given in infusion. It is an excellent medicine in the gravel, and in suppres- sions of urine, as also in the quinzy, and in pleu- risies, and peripneumonies. It works the most powerfully, and the most suddenly, by urine of any medicine : and is so excellent in forcing away gravel and small stones, that some have pretended it a remedy for the stone, and said it would dissolve and break it. This is going too far; no medicine has been found that has that effect, nor can it be supposed that any can. Great good has been done by those medicines which the parliament pur- chased of Mrs. Stephens, more than perhaps, by any other whatsoever, in this terrible complaint; but they never dissolved a large and hard stone. Indeed there needs no more to be assured of this, than to examine one of those stones; it will not be supposed, any thing that the bladder can bear, will be able to dissolve so firm and solid a substance. a PARSLY. Petroselinum. A VERY common plant in our gardens, useful in the kitchen, and in medicine. It grows to two feet in height. The leaves are composed of many small parts: they are divided into three, and then into a multitude of sub-divisions : they are of a bright green, and indented. The stalks are round, angu- lated, or deeply striated, slender, upright, and branched. The flowers are small and white ; and they stand in large tufts at the tops of the branches. The seeds are roundish and striated. The root is long and white. The roots are the part used in meclicine A FAMILY HERBAL 255 strong decoction of them is good against the jaundice. It operates powerfully by urine, and opens ob- structions. PARSLY PIERT. Percicier. A LITTLE wild plant, common among our corn, and in other dry places, with small pale leaves, and hairy drooping stalks. It does not grow to more than three or four inches in length, and seldom stands well upright. The stalks are round and whitish. The leaves stand irregularly : they are narrow at the base, and broad at the end, where they are divided into three rounded parts. The flowers are very small : they grow in clusters at the joints, and are of a greenish colour. The seed is small and round. The root is fibrous. The whole plant is used ; and it is best fresh. An infusion of it is very powerful against the gravel. It operates violently, but safely, by urine, and it opens obstructions of the liver ; whence it is good also in the jaundice. There is an opinion in many places, of its having a power of dissolv- ing the stone in the bladder, but this is idle: there is, however, a great deal of good to be done in nephritic cases, by medicines which have not this power. MACEDONIAN PARSLY. Petroselinum Macedonicum. A PLANT kept in some of our gardens. It is two feet high The stalk is slender, branched, and hairy. The leaves are composed of many parts, and those are small and rounded: those on the upper part of the stalk are more finely divided. The flowers are small and white, like those of com- mon parsly; and they stand like them, in clusters 256 FAMILY HERBAL. а on the tops of the stalks. The seeds are small, some- what hairy, and of a dusky colour. The seed is used ; and it is best given in pow- der. It operates powerfully by urine, and it is good against stoppages of the menses, and in the gravel and colics, arising from that cause. It is also recommended against the dropsy and jaun- dice. WILD PARSNEP. Pastinaca sylvestris. A WILD plant, common about our road sides. It is three feet high. The stalk is straight, up- right, round, striated, and yellowish. The leaves are composed of many broad divisions, and resem- ble those of the garden parsnep, but they are smaller. The flowers are little and yellow : they grow at the tops of the stalks, in large, rounded tufts, and the seeds are flat, and of an oval figure. The root is long, white, and well tasted. The root is to be used. A strong decoction of it works by urine, and opens all obstructions. It is good against the gravel and the jaundice, and will bring down the menses. PAVANA SHRUB. Pavana. A SHRUBBY plant of the East Indies, of a beautiful, as well as singular aspect. It is six or seven feet high. The stem is woody, firm, and naked almost to the top. The leaves grow upon long foot stalks, and they all rise nearly together, at the upper part of the stem : they are farge, of a rounded figure, and divided at the edges pretty deeply into several parts : their colour is a deep green. The flowers are small, and of a greenish colour. The fruit is of the bigness of a hazle FAMILY HERBAL. 257 i nut. The wood is not very firm, and when cut, yields a milky juice, of a very disagreeable smell. The wood and the seeds are used ; and they have both the same violent operation by vomit and stool ; but the wood given in infusion, and in a moderate dose, only purges, and thal, though brisk- ly, without any danger. It is good in dropsies, and in other stubborn disorders; and it is excel- lent against rhumatic pains. Some recommend it as a specific against the sciatica. The seeds are what are called grana tiglia ; but though much spoken of by some writers, they are at this time very little used in the shops. PEACH TREE. Persica malus. а A TREE very frequent against our garden walls. The trunk is covered with a brown bark. The branches grow irregularly. The leaves are beauti- ful : they are long, narrow, and elegantly serrated at the edges. The blossoms are large, and of a pale red. The fruit is too well known to need much description : it consists of a soft pulpy matter, cover- ed by a hairy skin, and inclosing a hard stone, in which is a kernel of a pleasant bitter taste. a The flowers are to be used. A pint of water is to be poured boiling hot on a pound weight of peach blossoms ; when it has stood four and twenty hours, it is to be poured off, through a sieve, without squeez- ing, and two pounds of loaf sugar is to be dissolved in it, over the fire: this makes an excellent syrup for children. It purges gently, and sometimes will make them puke a little. They have so frequent occasion for this, that people who have children, have continual Use for it 1] 258 FAMILY HERBAL. PELLITORY OF THE WALL. Parietaria. v A WILD plant frequent on old walls, with weak branches, and pale green leaves. It grows a foot high, but seldom altogether erect. The stalks are round, tender, a little hairy, jointed, and often purplish. The leaves stand irregularly on them, and are an inch long, broad in the middle, and smaller at each end. The flowers stand close upon the stalks, and are small and inconsiderable, of a whitish green colour when open, but reddish in the bud. The whole plant is used, and it is best fresh. An infusion of it works well by urine. It is very serviceable in the jaundice, and is often found a present remedy in fits of the gravel, the infusion being taken largely. PELLITORY OF SPAIN. Pyrethrum. A VERY pretty little plant kept in our gardens. It is eight inches high. The stalk is round and thick. The leaves are very finely divided, so that they resemble those of the camomile, but they are of a pale green, thick, and fleshy, and the stalk is purple. The flowers stand at the tops of the branches, and are very pretty : they are of the shape and size of the great daisy or ox-eye, white at the edges, yellow in the middle, and red on the back or under side. The root is long, and somewhat thick, of a very hot taste. The root is used : we have it at the druggists. Its great acridness fills the mouth with rheum on chewing, and it is good against the tooth-ach. It is also good to be put into the mouth in palsies, for it will sometimes alone, by its stimulation, restore the voice. FAMILY HERBAL.' 259 PENNY-ROYAL. Pulegium. A WILD plant, creeping about on marshy places, with little leaves, and tufts of red flowers at the joints. The stalks are a foot long, round, and often of a reddish colour. The leaves are small, broad, and pointed at the ends, and of a pale green colour. The flowers stand round the joints in thick clusters: they are like those of mint, and of a pale red, and the cups in which they stand are green, and a little hairy. The whole plant has a strong penetrating smell, and an acrid but not disagreeable taste. The whole plant is used, fresh or dried; but that which grows wild, is much stronger than the larger kind, which is cultivated in gardens. The simple water is the best way of taking it, though it will do very well in infusion, or by way of tea. It is ex- cellent against stoppages of the menses, Black PEPPER. Piper nigrum. An eastern plant, of a very singular kind. It grows six or eight feet in length, but the stalks are not able to support themselves upright : they are found, green, jointed, and thick, and when they trail upon the ground, roots are sent forth from these joints. The leaves are large, of an oval figure, of a firm substance, and ribbed highly: they stand on short pedicles, one at each joint. The flowers are small and inconsiderable: they grow to the stalk. The fruit succeeds, which is what we call pepper: they hang upon a long stalk, twenty or forty together : they are green at first, but when ripe they are red : they grow black and wrinkled in drying. The largest and least wrinkled on the coat, are the best grains. 260 FAMILY HERBAL. The fruit is used, and it is excellent against all coldnesses and crudities upon the stomach. It gives appetite in these cases, and assists digestion. It is also good against dizzinesses of the head, and against obstructions of the liver and spleen, and against colics. We are apt to neglect things as medicines, that we take with food; but there is hardly a more powerful simple of its kind than pepper, when given singly, and on an empty sto- mach. WHITE PEPPER. Piper Album. The common white pepper we meet with, is made from the black, by soaking it in sea water till it swells, and the dark wrinkled coat falls off ; but this though the common, is not the true white pepper : there is another kind, which is natural, and has no assistance from art. The white pepper plant, has round, thick, and whitish stalks : they lie upon the ground, and have large joints : at each joint stands a single leaf, which is long, and narrow, sharp at the end, and ribbed. The flowers grow on little stalks, hanging down from the joints: they are small and yellow. The fruit is round ; at first green, and when ripe white, which is gathered and dried for use. This fruit is used. The common white pepper is milder than the black; that is, it is black pepper, which has lost a part of its virtue : this possesses all the qualities of the other, and yet it has not so sharp a taste. LONG PEPPER PLANT. Piper longum. An American plant, in some degree resembling the other peppers in its general growth, but not FAMILY HERBAL. 261 at all in its fruit. The stalk is round, thick, joint- ed, and of a deep green colour; it is not able to support itself, but climbs upon bushes. The leaves are long and narrow : they stand one at each joint, upon long foot stalks. The flowers grow upon the outside of the fruit : they are small and inconsiderable. The fruit, which is what we call long pepper, is an inch and a half long, and as thick as a large quill, marked with spiral lines, and di- vided into cells within, in each of which is a single seed. This has the same virtues with the common black pepper, but in a less degree; it is not so hot and acrid, and therefore will be borne upon the stomach when that cannot. It is excellent to assist digestion, and prevent colics JAMAICA PEPPER TREE. Piper Jamaicense. a name: An American tree, in all respects different from the plants which produce the other kinds of pep- per, as is also the fruit altogether different. It should not be called pepper : the round shape of it was the only thing that led people to give it such The Jamaica pepper tree is large and beautiful. The trunk is covered with a smooth brown bark. The branches are numerous; and they are well covered with leaves. The tree is as big and high as our pear trees. The leaves are oblong and broad, of a shining green colour : they grow in pairs, and they stand on long pedicles. The flowers grow only at the extremities of the branches : they stand a great many together, and are small. The fruit which succeeds is a berry, green at first, and afterwards becoming of a red- dish brown, and in the end, black. They are, when ripe, full of a pulpy matter, surrounding 262 FAMILY HERBAL. the seeds; but they are dried when unripe for our use. The fruit, thus gathered and dried in the sun, is what we call Jamaica pepper, piamenta, or allspice. It is an excellent spice: it strengthens the stomach, and is good against the colic. The best way to take it is in powder, mixed with a little sugar. It will prevent vomiting, and sickness after meals, and is one of the best known remedies for habitual colics. GUINEA PEPPER. Capsicum. A COMMON plant in our gardens, distinguish- ed by its large scarlet pods. It grows a fuot and a half high. The stalk is angulated, thick, and green, tolerably erect, and branched. The leaves stand irregularly, and are longish, pretty broad, and of a deep green colour. The flowers are moderately large and white, with a yellow head in the middle : they grow at the divisions of the branches. The fruit follows, and is an inch and a half long, an inch thick, and biggest at the base, whence it grows smaller to the point: the colour is a fine red, and its surface is so smooth, that it looks like polished coral : it is a skin containing a quantity of seeds. The fruit is the part used. Held in the mouth, it cures the tooth-ach; for its heat and acrimony are greater than in pellitory of Spain, and it fills the mouth with water. Applied externally, bruised and mixed with honey and crumbled bread, it is good for a quinsy. PERIWINKLE. Vinca pervinca. a A VERY pretty creeping plant, wild in some FAMILY HERBAL. 263 places, but kept in gardens also. The stalks are numerous, and a foot or more in length, but they do not stand upright : they are round, green, and tough, and generally trail upon the ground. The leaves are oblong, broad, of a shining green colour, smooth on the surface, and placed two at each joint. The flowers are large and blue : they are bell-fashioned, and stand on long foot- stalks : the fruit succeeding. Each is composed of two longish pods ; each containing several seeds. The whole plant is used fresh. It is to be boiled in water, and the decoction drank with a little red wine in it. It stops the overflowing of the menses, and the bleeding of the piles. SPELT, OR ST. PETER'S CORNZea. a A PLANT of the corn kind, resembling barley ; sown in some parts of Europe, but not much known in England. It grows a foot and a half high. The stalk is round, hollow, jointed, and green ; the leaves are grassy, but broad. At the tops of the stalk stands an ear like that of barley, but smaller and thinner, though with long beards; the grain is not unlike barley in shape, or between that and wheat, only much smaller than either. The seed or grain is the part used ; it is supposed 1 to be strengthening and in some degree astringent, but we know very little of its qualities, nor are they considerable enough to enconrage us to inquire after them. PIMPERNEL. Anagallis flore rubro. A PRETTY little plant common in corn fields and garden borders. The stalks are square, smooth, green, but not very upright : they are five or six 364 FAMILY HERBAL. a inches long. The leaves stand two at each joint, and they are of an oblong figure, considerably broad in the middle, and pointed at the end. The flowers stand singly on long slender foot-stalks ; they are small, but of a most bright scarlet colour. The whole plant is used, and the best method of giving it, is in an infusion, made by pouring boil- ing water upon it fresh gathered : this is an excel- lent drink in fevers ; it promotes sweat, and throws out the small pox, measles, or any other eruptions : the dried leaves may be given in powder or a tea made of the whole dried plant, but nothing is so well as the infusion of it fresh, those who have not seen it tried this way do not know how valuable a medicine it is. There is another kind of pimpernel, perfectly like this, but that the flowers are blue; this is called the female, and the other the male pimpernel, but the red flowered kind has most virtue. PINE TREE. Pinus. A LARGE and beautiful tree, native of Italy, but kept in our gardens. We have a wild kind of pine in the North, called Scotch fir, but it is not the same tree. The trunk of the true pine is cover- ed with a rough brown bark, the branches with a smoother, and more reddish. The leaves are long and slender, and they grow always two from the same base, or out of the same sheath, they are of a bluish green colour, and are a little hollowed on the inside : the flowers are small and inconsiderable ; they stand in a kind of tufts on the branches ; the fruit are cones of a brown colour, large, long, and blunt at the top. These contain between the scales certain white kernels of a sweet taste, and covered with a thin shell. Die These kernels are the part used, and they are ex- FAMILY HERBAL. 265 cellent in consumptions, and after long illness, given by way of restorative. An emulsion may be made by beating them up with barley water, and this will be of the same service with common emulsions for heat of urine. Wild PINE TREE. Pinus sylvestris. A TREE native of many parts of Germany, very much resembling what is called the manured pine, or simply the pine before described. It grows to be a large and tall tree ; the trunk is covered with a rough brown bark, that of the branches is paler and smoother. The leaves are very narrow, and short; they grow two out of a case or husk, as in the other, and are of a bluish green colour. They differ principally in being shorter. The flower's are yellowish, and like the others very small and inconsiderable, the cones are small, brown, and hard, and sharp at the tops, they contain kernels in their shells, among the scales as the other ; but they are smaller. The kernels have the same virtues as those of the other pines, but being little, they are not regarded. The resin which flows from this tree, either natural- ly, or when it is cut for that purpose, is what we call common turpentine. It is a thick substance, like honey, of a brownish colour, and very strong and dis- agreeable smell. When this turpentine has been distilled to make oil of turpentine, the resin which remains, is what we call common resin ; if they put out the fire in time, it is yellow resin ; if they continue it longer, it is black resin. They often boil the tur- pentine in water without distilling it for the com- mon resin ; and when they take it out half boiled for this purpose ; it is what we call Burgundy . a M 266 FAMILY HERBAL. pitch. And the whitish resin which is called thus, or frankincensc, and is a thing quite different from olibanur, or the fine incense, is the natural resin Howing from the branches of this tree, and harden- ing into drops upon them. It does not differ much . from the common turpentine in its nature, but is less offensive in smell. The several kinds of pitch, tar, and resin, are principally used in plaisters and ointments. The turpentine produced from this tree also, and cal- led common turpentine, is principally used in the same manner, the finer turpentines being given in- wardly. These are procured from the turpentine tree, the larch tree, and the silver fir. The yellow resin and the black are sometimes taken inwardly in pills, and they are very good against the whites, and the runnings after gonorrhæas ; but for this pur- ; pose it is better to boil some better sort of turpentine to the consistence and give it. PIONY. Pæonia. A FLOWER common in our gardens, but of great usc as well as ornament. The common double piony is not the kind used in medicine ; this is called the female piony ; the single flowered one called the male piony, is the right kind. This grows two or three feet high. The stalk is round, striated, and branched : the leaves are of a deep green, and each composed of several others : the flowers are very large, and of a deep purple, with a green head in the middle. When they are decayed, this head swells out into two or more seed vessels, which are whitish and hairy on the outside, and red within, and full of black seeds. The root is composed of a number of longish or roundish lumps, connected by fibres to the main FAMILY HERBAL. 267 source of the stalk; these are brown on the outside, and whitish within. The roots are used ; an infusion of them pro- motes the menses, The powder of them dried is good against hysteric and nervous complaints. It is particularly recommended against the falling sickness. PISTACHIA TREE. Pistachia. A TREE common in the East. The trunk is covered with a brown rough bark, the branches grow irregularly, and their bark is reddish. The leaves are each composed of several pair of small ones ; they are oblong, broad, and of a beautiful green colonr, and firm texture. The flowers grow in tufts ; they are white and small; the fieuit which succeeds is what we call the pistachia nut ; it is as big as a filbert, but long and sharp-pointed, and it is covered with a tough wrinkled bark. The shell within this is woody and tough, but it easily enough divides into two parts, and the kernel with- in is of a greenish colour, but covered with a red skin. It is of a sweet taste. The fruit is eaten, but it may be considered as a medicine ; it opens obstructions of the liver, and it works by urine. It is an excellent restorative to be given to people wasted by consumptions, or other long and tedious illnesses. PITCH TREE. Picea. A TREE of the fir kind, and commonly called the red fir. It is a tall tree of regular growth; the bark of the trunk is of a reddish brown, and it is paler on the branches ; the leaves are very numerous, short, narrow, and of a strong green ; 268 FAMILY HERBAL. they stand very thick, and are sharp, or almost prickly at the extremities. The flowers are yel- lowish and inconsiderable ; and the fruit is a long and large cone, which hangs down ; whereas that of the true fir tree, or the yew-leaved fir, stands up- right. The tops of the branches and young shoots are (ised: they abound with a resin of the turpentine kind. They are best given in decoction, or brew- ed with beer. They are good against the rheuma- tism and scurvy ; they work by urine, and heal ulcers of the the urinary parts. Pitch and tar are produced from the wood of this tree, the tar sweats out of the wood in burning, and the pitch is only tar boiled to that consistence. To obtain the tar, they pile up great heaps of the wood, and set fire to them at top, and the tar sweats out of the ends of the lower, and is catched as it runs from them. Burgundy pitch is made of the resin of the wild pine tree, which is common turpentine boiled in water to a certain consistence, if they boil it longer, it would be resin, for the common resin is only this turpentine boiled to a hardness. AMMONIACUM PLANT. Ammoniacum. A TALL plant, native of the East, and very im- perfectly described to us. What we hear of it is, that it grows on the sides of hills, and is five or six feet high ; the stalk is hollow and striated, and painted with various colours like that of our hem- loc. The flowers, we are told, are small and white, and stand in great round clusters at the tops of the stalks, the leaves are very large and composed of a multitude of small divisions : one circumstance we can add from our own knowledge to this description, FAMILY HERBAL, 269 and it gives great proof of the authenticity of the rest; this is, that the seeds are broad, flat, striated, and have a folianous rim, as those of dill. We could know by these which are found very fre- quently among the gum, that it was a plant of this kind which produced it: so that there is great pro- bability that the rest of the description, which has been given us by those who did not know we had this confirmation at home, is true. These seeds often appear very fair and sound. I have caused a great number of them to be sown, but they have never grown. Though one of the sagapenum seeds grew up a little when sown among them : it would be worth while to repeat the experiment, for sometimes it might succeed. We use a gum or rather gum resin, for it is of a mixed nature between both, which is procured from this plant, but from what part of it, or in what manner we are not informed; it is whitish, of an acrid taste, with some bitterness, and is an ex- cellent medicine. It is superior to all other drugs in an asthma, and is good to promote tlie menses, and to open obstructions of all kinds. The best way of giving it is dissolved in hyssop water. It makes a milky solution. It is used externally also in plaisters for hard swellings, and pains in the joints. BROAD LEAVED PLANTAIN Plantago major. A COMMON plant by our way-sides, with broad short leaves, and long slender spikes of brown seeds. The leaves rise all from the root, for there are none upon the stalk. They are of a some- what oval figure, and irregularly indented at the edges, sometimes scarce at all. They have several large ribs, but these do not grow side-ways from 270 FAMILY HERBAL the middle one, but all run length-ways, like that from the base of the leaf toward the point. The stalks grow a foot high, their lower half is naked, and their upper part thick set, first with small and inconsiderable flowers, of a greenish white colour, and afterwards with seeds which are brown and small. This is one of those common plants, which have so much virtue, that nature seems to have made them common for universal benefit. The whole plant is to be used, and it is to be fresh. A decoction of it in water is excellent against overflowings of the menses, violent purgings with bloody stools and vomiting of blood, the bleeding of the piles, and all other such dis- orders. The seeds beaten to a powder, are good against the whites. There is a broad leaved plantain with short flow- ery spikes, and hairy leaves, this has full as much vir- tue as the kind already described : the norrow leaved plantain has less, but of the same kind. a Plowman's SPIKENARD. Baccharis monspeliensium. A TALL robust wild plant with broad rough leaves, and numerous small yellowish flowers, frequent by road sides, and in dry pastures. The plant grows three feet high. The stalks are round, thick, upright, and a little hairy. The leaves are Jarge, broad from the root, and narrower on the stalk ; they are blunt at the points, and a little in- dented at the edges. The flowers grow on the tops of the branches, spreading out into a large head from a single stem ; they are little and yellow : the secds have down fixed to them. The root is brown and woody ; the whole plant has a fragrant and aro- matic smell. The leaves and tops given in decoction, are good FAMILY HERBAL 271 against inward bleedings. The root, dried and powdered, is a remedy for purgings, and is good against the whites. POLEYMOUNTAIN.' Polium montanum. . A PRETTY plant, native of the warmer parts of Europe, and kept in our gardens. It is ten inches high. The stalks are square and whitish : the leaves are oblong and narrow, of a white colour, and woolly surface; they stand two at a joint, and they are in- dented at the edges. The flowers are small and white. They grow in a kind of woolly tufts at the tops of the branches. The whole plant is used; it is best dried; given in infusion, it promotes the menses, and removes ob- structions of the liver, hence it is recommended greatly in the jaundice. It operates by urine. CANDY POLEYMOUNTAIN. Polium creticum. a A LITTLE plant of a woolly appearance, native of the Grecian Islands, and kept in some gardens. It grows about six inches high. The stalks are square, white, weak, and seldom upright. The leaves 'stand two at each joint : they are nauwow, oblong, and not at all indented at the edges. They are of a white woolly aspect, and of a pleasant smeli. The flowers are small and white, and they grow in tufts at the tops of the stalks ; their cups are very white. The whole plant is to be used dried. It operates very powerfully by urine, and is good against all hys- teric complaints, but it is not to be given to women with child, for it has so much efficacy in promoting the menses, that it may occasion abortion. 972 FAMILY HERBAL. POLYPODY. Polypodium. A SMALL plant of the fern kind. It is a foot high, and consists only of a single leaf. Several of these commonly rise from the same root, but cach is a separate and entire plant. The stalk is naked for five inches, and from thence to the top stand on each side, a row of small, oblong, and narrow segments, resembling so many small leaves, with an old one at the end. The whole plant is of a bright green colour, but the backs of these divisions of the leaf, are at a certain season, toward autumn, ornamented with a great number of round brown spots, these are the seeds : those of all ferns are carried in the same manner. The root is long, slender, and creeps upon the surface of old stumps of trees among the moss. The root is used, and it is best fresh; it is a safe and gentle purge; the best way of giving it is in decoction, in which form it always operates also by urine. It is good in the jaundice and dropsies, and is an excellent ingredient in diet drinks against the scurvy; but beside these considerations, it is a safe and good purge, on all common occasions. POMEGRANATD TREE. Granatus. A COMMON wild tree in Spain and Italy, kept with us in gardens. It grows to the bigness of our apple-trees. The branches spread irregu- larly; they have a reddish brown bark, and have here and there a few thorns. The leaves are nu- merous ; on the extremities of the branches they are small, oblong, narrow, and of a fine green The flowers are large, and of a beautiful deep red. the fruit is as big as a large apple, and has a brown woody covering; it contains within a great quan- FAMİLY HERBAL 273 tity of seeds, with a sweet and tart juice about them. The rind of the fruit is used, it is to be dried and given in decoction ; it is a powerful astringent : it stops purgings and bleedings of all kinds, and is good against the whites. WILD POMEGRANATE TREE. Balaustia. more A SMALLER tree than the former, but like it in its manner of growth ; except that the branches are more crooked and irregular, and are thorny, The leaves are oblong, small , and of a bright green, and they are set in clusters towards the end of the branches. The flowers are beau- tiful, they are double like a rose, and of a fine purple. The flowers are the part of the wild pomegranate used in medicine ; our druggists keep them and call thern balaustines. They are given in powder or de- coction to stop purgings, bloody stools, and overflow- ings of the menses. A strong infusion of them cures ulcers in the mouth and throat, and is a good thing to wash the mouth for fastening the teeth. POMPKIN. Pepo. A VERY large and straggling plant, cultivated by our poor people. The stalks are very long and thick, but they lie upon the ground ; they are angulated and rough. The leaves are extremely large, and of a roundish figure, but cornered and angulated, and they are of a deep green colour, and rough to the touch. The flowers are very large, and yellow, of a bell-like shape, but an- gulated at the mouth, and the fruit is of the melon kind, only bigger and round; of a deep green N 274 FAMILY HERBAL when unripe, but yellow at last : in this, under the fleshy part, are contained many large flat seeds. The poor people mix the fleshy part of the fruit with apples, and bake them in pies. The seeds are excellent in medicine ; they are cooling and diure- tic ; the best way of taking them is in emulsions, made with barley water. They make an emulsion as milky as almonds, and are preferable to them, and all the cold seeds, in stranguries and heat of urine. BLACK Poplar. Populus nigra. a A TALL tree, frequent about waters, and of a very beautiful aspect. The trunk is covered with a smooth pale bark; the branches are numerous, and grow with a sort of regularity. The leaves are short and broad, roundish at the base, but ending in a point; they are of a glossy shining green, and stand on long foot stalks. The flowers and seeds are inconsiderable ; they appear in spring, and are little regarded. The young leaves of the black poplar are excellent mixed in pultices, to be applied to hard painfu. swellings. WHITE Poppy. Papaver album. A TALL and beautiful plant, kept in our gar- dens, a native of the warmer climates. It grows a yard and half high : the stalk is round, smooth, upright, and of a bluish green ; the leaves are very long, considerably broad, and deeply and ir- regularly cut in at the edges ; they are also of a bluish green colour, and stand irregularly on the stalk. The flowers are very large and white, one stands at the top of each division of the stalk ; FAMILY HERBAL. 275 when they are fallen, the seed-vessel, or poppy head, grows to the bigness of a large apple, and contains within it a very great quantity of small whitish seeds, with several skinny divisions. When any part of the plant is broken, there flows out a thick milky juice, of a strong, bitter, and hot taste, very like that of opium, and full as dis- agreeable. The heads are used with us, and sometimes the seeds. Of the heads boiled in water, is made the syrup of diacodium. The heads are to be dried for this purpose, and the decoction is to be made as strong as possible, and then boiled up with sugar. The seeds are beaten up into emulsions with barley water, and they are good against stran- guries, and heat of urine : they have nothing of the sleepy virtue of the syrups, nor of the other parts or preparations of the poppy. Syrup of diacodium, puts people to sleep, but gently, and is safer than opium or laudanum. Opium is nothing more than the milky juice of this plant concreted; it is obtained from the heads : they cut them while upon the plant in the warmer countries, and the juice which flows out of the wound, hardens and becomes opium : they make an inferior kind also, by bruizing and sqeezing the heads. Laudanum is a tincture of this opium made in wine. Either one or the other is given to compose people to sleep, and to abate the sense of pain ; they are also cordial and promote sweat ; but they are to be given with great care and cau- tion, for they are very powerful, and therefore they may be very dangerous medicines. It is good to stop violent purgings and vomiting, but this must be effected by small doses carefully given. The present practice depends upon opium and bleeding for the cure of the bite of a mad dog : 276 FAMILY HERBAL but it is not easy to say that any person ever was cured, who became thoroughly distempered from that bite. One of the strongest instances we have known, was in a person at St. George's hospital, under the cure of Dr. Hoadly, there was an appear- ance of the symptoms, and the cure was effected by this method. BLACK Poppy. Papaver nigrum. a A TALL and fine plant, but not so elegant as the former. It is a yard high. The stalk is round, upright, firm, and smooth, and toward the top divides into some branches. The leaves are long and broad, of a bluish green colour, and deeply , and irregularly cut in at the edges. The flowers are large and single : they are of a dead purple colour, with a black bottom. The heads or seed-vessels are round, and of the bigners of a walnut. The seed is black. A syrup of the heads of this poppy is a strong- er sudorific than the common diacodium, but it is not used. The gentleness of that medicine is its merit: when something more powerful is used, it is better to have recourse to opium, or laudanum. a Red Poppy. Papaver erraticum. A COMMON wild plant in our corn fields, dis- tinguished by its great scarlet flowers. It is a foot bigh. The stalk is round, slender, hairy, of a pale green, and branched. The leaves are long and narrow, of a dusky green, hairy, and very deeply, but very regularly indented. The flowers are very large, and of an extremely bright and fine scarlet colour, a little blackish toward the FAMILY HERBAL 97 bottom. The head is small, not larger than a horse bean, and the seeds are small, and of a dark colour. The whole plant is full of a bitter yellowish juice, which runs out when it is any where broken, and has something of the smell of opium. T'he flowers are kised. A syrup is made from them by pouring as much boiling water on them as will just wet them, and after a night's standing, straining it off and adding twice its weight of sugar : this is the famous syrup of red poppies. It gently promotes sleep. It is a much weaker medicine than the diacodium. It is greatly recom- mended in pleurisies and fevers ; but this upon no good foundation. It is very wrong to depend upon such medicines : it prevents having recourse to better. PRIMROSE. Primula veris. A VERY pretty, and very common spring plant, The leaves are long, considerably broad, of a , pale green, and wrinkled on the surface : they grow immediately from the root in considerable numbers. The stalks which support the flowers are single, slender, four or five inches high a liitle hairy, and have no leaves on them: one flower stands at the top of each, and is large, white, and beautiful, with a yellow spot in the middle. The root is fibrous and whitish. The root is used. The juice of it snuffed up the nose occasions soeezing, and is a good remedy against the head-ach. The dried root powdered, has the same effect, but not so powerfully. Priver. Ligustrum. A LITTLE wild shrub in our hedges. It 278 FAMILY HERBAL a grows four feet high. The stalks are slender, tough, and covered with a smooth brown bark The leaves are oblong and narrow : they are small, of a dusky green colour, broadest in the middle, and placed in pairs opposite to one another, and they are of a somewhat firm substance, and have no indenting at the edges. The flowers are white and little, but they stand in tufts at the ends of the branches, and by that make a good appearance. The fruit is a black berry : one succeeds to every flower in the cluster. The tops are used ; and they are best when the flowers are just beginning to bud. A strong infusion of them in water, with the addition of a little honey and red wine, is excellent to wash the mouth and throat when there are little sores in them, and when the gums are apt to bleed. PURSLAIN. Portulaca A COMMON plant in our gardens, and of a very singular aspect: we have few so succulent. It grows a foot long, but trails on the ground. The stalks are l'ound, thick, and fleshy, of a reddish colour, and very brittle. The leaves are short and broad : they are of a good green, thick, fleshy, and broad, and blunt at the end. The flowers are little and yellow : they stand among the leaves toward the tops of the stalks. The root is small, fibrous, and whitish. Purslain is a pleasant herh in sallads, and so whole- some, that 'tis a pity more of it is not eaten : it is ex- cellent against the scurvy. The juice fresh pressed out with a little white wine, works by urine, and is excellent against stranguries and violent heats, and also against the scurvv. FAMILY HERBAL 279 Q QUINCE Tree. Cydonia. A COMMON tree in our gardens, of irregular growth. The trunk is thick, and has a brown bark. The branches are numerous, straggling, and spreading. The leaves are roundish, of a dusky green on the upper side, and whitish underneath. The flowers or blossoms are large and beautiful, of a pale flesh colour. The fruit is of the shape of a pear, and has a large crown : it is yellow when ripe, and of a pleasant smell : its taste is austere, but agreeable. The seeds are soft and mucila- ginous. The fruit and seeds are used. The juice of the ripe quince made into a syrup with sugar, is ex- cellent to stop vomiting, and to strengthen the stomach. The seed, boiled in water, gives it a softness, and mucilaginous quality, and it is an excellent medicine for sore mouths, and may be used to soften and moisten the mouth and throat in fevers. R RADISH. Raphanus. A COMMON plant in our gardens, the root of which is eaten abundantly in spring. In this state we only see a long and slender root, of a purple or scarlet colour, (for there are these varieties) min- gled with white; from which grow a quantity of large rough leaves, of a deep green colour, and irregularly divided : amidst these in summer rises the stalk, which is a yard high, round, and very much branched. The leaves on it are much smaller 980 FAMILY PORBAL. than those from the root. The flowers are very nu. merous, small, and white, with some spots of red. The pods are thick, long, and spungy. The juice of the radish roots fresh gathered, with a little white wine, is an excellent remedy against the gravel. Scarce any thing operates more speedily by urine, or brings away little stones more successfully HORSE RADISH. Raphanus rusticanus A PLANT as well known in our gardens as the other, and wild also in many places. The root is very long, and of an exceedingly acrid taste, so that it cannot be eaten as the other. The leaves are two feet long, and half a foot broad, of a deep green colour, blunt at the point, and a lit- tle indented at the edges : sometimes there are leaves deeply cut and divided, but that is an accidental variety. The stalks are a yard high : The leaves on them are very small and narrow, and at the tops stand little white flowers, in long spikes : these are followed by little seed-vessels. The plant seldom flowers, and when it does, the seeds scarce ever ripen. It is propagated sufficiently by the root, and wherever this is the case, nature is less careful about seeds. The juice of horse radish root operates very pow. erfully by urine, and is good against the jaundice and dropsy. The root whole, or cut to pieces, is put into diet drink, to sweeten the blood ; and the eating fre- quently and in quantities, at table, is good against the rheumatism. RACWORT. Jacob@. A WILD plant, very common in our pastures, FAMILY HERBAL. 281 and distinguished by its ragged leaves, and clusters of yellow flowers. It is two feet high. The stalk is robust, round, striated, and often purplish. The leaves are divided in an odd manner, into several parts, so that they look torn or ragged ; their co- lour is a dark dusky green, and they grow to the stalk without any foot-stalk, and are broad and rounded at the end. The flowers are moderately large and yellow, and the tops of the branches are so covered with them, that they often spread toge- ther to the breadth of a plate. The whole plant has a disagreeable smell. The root is fibrous, and the seeds are downy. The fresh leaves are used : but it is best to take those that rise immediately from the mont, for they are larger and more juicy than those on the stalk : they are to be mixed in pultices, and applied outwardly as a remedy against pains in the joints : they have a surprising effect. It is said that two or three times applied, they will cure the sciatica, or hip gout, when ever so violent. RASPBERRY Bush. Rubus ideus. A LITTLE shrub, common in our gardens, but wild also in some parts of the kingdom. The stalks are round, weak, tender, of a pale brown, and prickly. The leaves are each composed of five others : they are large, of a pale green, indented about the edges, and hairy. - The flowers are little, and of a whitish colour, with a great quantity of threads in the mid- dle. The fruit is the common raspberry, composed like the blackberry of several grains : it is soft to the touch, and of a delicate taste. The colour varies, for white ones are common. The juice of ripe raspberries, boiled up with sugar, makes an excellent syrup. It is pleasant, and 00 282 FAMILY HERBAL. agreeable to the stomach, good against sicknesses and reachings. RATTLE-SNAKE Root PLANT. Seneca. A SMALL plant, native of America, with weak stalks, little leaves, and white flowers. It grows a foot high. The stalks are numerous, weak, and round, few of them stand quite upright, some gene- rally lie upon the ground. The leaves stand irre- gularly : they are oblong and somewhat broad, and of a pale green. The flowers are little and white : they stand in a kind of loose spikes, at the tops of the stalks, and perfectly resemble those of the common plant we call milkwort, of which it is in- deed a kind : the whole plant has very much the aspect of the taller kind of our English milkwort, The root is of a singular form: it is long, irregu- lar, slender, and divided into many parts, and these have on each side, a kind of membranous margin hanging from them, which makes it distinct in its appearance, from all the other roots used in the shops. We owe the knowledge of this medicine, origi- nally to the Indians: they give it as a remedy against the poison of the rattle-snake, but it has been extolled, as possessing great virtues. Dr. Tennant brought it into England, and we received it as a powerful remedy against pleurisies, quinzies, and all other diseases where the blood was sizey :- it was said to dissolve this dangerous texture, better than all other known medicines ; but experience does not seem to have warranted altogether these effects, for it is at present neglected, after a great many and very fair trials. When this remedy was discovered to be the root of a kind of polygala, which discovery was FAMILY HERBAL. 288 owing to the gentleman who brought it over, and with it some of the plant, for the inspection of the curious. The roots of the English polygala were tried; those of the common blue or white flowered milkwort, (for that variety is purely accidental,) and they were found to have the same effects : they were given by some in pleurisies, with great success. It was said at that time they had less virtues than the seneca root, though of the same kind: but it must be remembered, the virtues of the seneca root were then supposed to be much greater than they really were. The novelty adding to the praise. COMMON REED. Arundo. A TALL water plant sufficiently known. The stalks are round, hard, jointed, and six or eight feet high. The leaves are long and broad, but other- wise like those of grass, of a pale green colour, and highly ribbed. The flowers are brown and chaffy, and stand in prodigious numbers at the tops of the stalks, in a kind of panicle. The roots are knotty and jointed and spread vastly. The juice of the fresh roots of reeds promotes the menses powerfully, but not violently. It is an ex- cellent medicine : it works by urinê also; and is good against stranguries and the gravel. PRICKLY RESTHARROW. Anonis spinosa. A LITTLC, tough, and almost shrubby plant, common in our dry fields, and by road sides. It is a foot high. The stalks are round, reddish, tough, and almost woody: The leaves are numerous : they stand three on every foot stalk, and grow 284 FAMILY HERBAL pretty close to the stalk. There are several short and sharp prickles about the stalks, principally at the insertions of the leaves. The leaves are of a dusky green, and serrated about the edges. The flowers are small and purple : they stand among the Jeaves towards the tops of the stalks, and are in shape like pea blossoms, but Natted : each is followed by a small pod. The root is white, very long, tough, and woody. The root is to be taken up fresh for use, and ihe bark separated for that purpose. It is to be boiled in water, and the decoction given in large quantities It is good against the gravel, and in all obstructions by urine ; and it is also good in the dropsy and jaundice. RHAPONTIC. Rhaponticum sive rha, a A TALL robust blant, native of Scythia, but kept in many of our gardens. It grows four feet high. The stalk is round, striated, an inch thick, sometimes bollow, and very upright. The leaves are large and broad: those from the root are about a foot and a half long, and a foot broad ; of a deep green colour, with large ribs, and blunt at the ends. The flowers are small and white: they stand in clusters at the tops of the stalks, they are succeeded by triangular seeds. The root is the part used, and this is what the antients used under the name of rha. It is of the nature of rhubarb, but different in this, that it is less purgative, and more astringent ; for this reason, there are many purposes which it would answer much better. We have it at the druggists, but there is no depending upon what they sell, for they seldom keep it genuine. FAMILY HERBAL. 285 RICE. Oryza. A very common plant in the East, sown in the fields for the sake of the seed or grain. It grows four feet high; the stalk is round, hollow, and jointed ; the leaves are long and grassy, and of a pale green colour, but they are broader than those of any of our kinds of corn. The flowers are incon- siderable; the seeds or grains are contained in bushes of a brown colour, each having a long beard to it, usually curled at the bottom, and divided at the top into two parts. We eat rice as a food rather than medicine; but it is excellent for those who have habitual purgings or loosenesses ; it is to be eaten any way for this pur- pose, only it must be continued, and it will do more than all the medicines in the world. The rice-milk is excellent for this purpose. GARDEN ROCKET. Eruca sativa. A COMMON plant in our gardens, two feet high, and very erect. . The stalk is round and of a deep green ; the leaves are oblong, considerably broad, of a deep green colour, and divided at the edges : the flowers are moderately large, and of a whitish colour, veined with purple, and they stand in a long spike at the top of the stalk. The pods are long and slender. Some people are fond of rocket as a sallad herb, but it is not very pleasant. It works by urine, and is good against the scurvy. A strong infusion of the İcaves made into a syrup is good against coughs, it causes expectoration, and eases the lungs, 286 FAMILY HERBAL Dog RosE, OR WILD ROSE. Cynosbatus, sive rosa sylvestris. A COMMON bush in our hedges. The stalks or stems are round, woody, and very prickly. The leaves are composed each of several smaller ; these stand in pairs on a rib,with an odd one at the end ; and they are small, oblong, of a bright glossy green colour, and regularly indented at the edges. The flowers are single, large, and very beautiful : there is something simple and elegant in their aspect that pleases many, more than all the double roses raised by culture. They are white, but with a blush of red, and very beautiful. The fruit that follows there is the common hip, red, oblong, and containing a great quantity of hairy seeds. The fruit is the only part used ; the pulp is sepa- rated from the skins and seeds, and beat up into a con- serve with sugar ; this is a pleasant medicine, and is of some efficacy against coughs. Though this is the only part that is used, it is not the only that deserves to be. The flowers, gathered in the bud and dried, are an excellent astringent, made more powerful than the red roses that are com- monly dried for this purpose. A tea, made strong of these dried buds, and some of them given with it twice a day in powder, is an excellent medicine for overflowings of the menses ; it seldom fails to effect a cure. The seeds separated from the fruit, dried and powdered, work by urine, and are good against the gravel, but they do not work very powerfully. Upon the branches of this shrub, there grow a kind of spungy fibrous tufts, of a green or redish colour, they are called bedeguar. They are caus- ed by the wounds inade by insects in the stalks, as the galls are produced upon the oak. They are FAMILY HERBAL 287 astringent, and may be given in powder against he fluxes. They are said to work by urine, but expe- rience does not warrant this. DAMASK Rose. Rosa damascena. 3 A COMMON shrub in our gardens, very much resembling that in our hedges last mentioned. It grows five or six feet high, but the stalks are not very strong, or able to support themselves. They are round, and beset with sharp prickles. The leaves are each composed of two or three pairs of smaller ones, with an odd. one at the end : they are whitish, hairy, and broad, and are indented at the edges. The flowers are white and very beautiful, of a pale red colour, full of leayes, and of an ex- tremely sweet smell; the fruit is like the common hip The flowers are used. The best way of giving them is in a syrup thus made. Pour boiling was ter upon a quantity of fresh gathered damask roses, just enough to cover them; let them stand four and twenty hours, then press off the liquor, and add to it twice the quantity of sugar ; melt this, and the syrup is completed : it is an excellent purge for children and there is not a better medicine for grown people, who are subject to be costive. A little of it taken every night will keep the body open continually ; medicines that purge strongly, bind afterwards. Rose water is distilled from this kind. WHITE ROSE. Rosa alba. A COMMON shrub also in our gardens. It grows ten or twelve feet high, but is not very able to support itself, upright. The stalks are rounda 288 FAMILY HERBAL. prickly, and very much branched. The leaves are of a dusky green, each composed of several pairs of smaller, with an odd one at the end. The flow- ers are somewhat smaller than those of the damask rose, but of the same form : and their colour is white, and they have less fragrance than the damask. The flowers are used. They are to be gathered in the bud, and used fresh or dry. A strong infusion of them is good against overflowings of the menses, and the bleeding of the piles. RED Rose. Rosa rubra. ANOTHER shrub common in our gardens, and the least and lowest of the three kinds of roses. The stalks are round, woody, weak, and prickly, but they have fewer prickles than those of the damask rose : the leaves are large ; they are composed each of three or four pair of smaller, which are oval, of a dusky green, and serrated round the edges. The flowers are of the shape and size of those of the damask rose, but they are not so double, and they have a great quantity of yellow threads in the middle. They are of an exceeding fine deep and red colour, and they have very little smell : the fruit is like the common hip. The flowers are used. They are to be gathered when in bud, and cut from the husks without the white bottoms and dried. The conserve of red roses is made of these buds prepared as for the drying ; they are beaten up with three times their weight of sugar. When dried, they have more vir- tue; they are given in infusion, and sometimes in powder against overflowings of the menses, and all other bleedings. Half an ounce of these dried buds are to be put into an earthen panz and, a pint of + FAMILY HERBAL: 289 boiling water poured upon them after they have stood a few minutes, fifteen drops of oil of vitriol are to be dropped in upon them, and three drachms of the finest sugar, in powder, is to be added at the same time, then the whole is to be well stirred about and covered up, that it may cool leisurely : when cold it is to be poured clear off. It is called tincture of roses; it is clear, and of a fine red colour. It strengthens the stomach, and prevents vomitings, and is a powerful as well as a pleasant remedy against all fluxes. a Rose-Wood TREE. Rhodium. THERE are two kinds of wood known under the name of rose-wood, the one from the East, which, when fresh brought over, has a very fra- grant smell, exceedingly like that of the damask rose, and from the wood is distilled the oil, which is sold under the name of essence of damask rose; we have no account of the tree which affords this. The other rose-wood is the produce of Jamaica, and has very much of the fragrant smell of the eastern kind, but it is not the same : the tree which produces this is fully described by that great natu- ralist sir Hans Sloane, in his History of the Island of Jamaica. The tree grows twenty feet or more in height, and its trunk is very thick in proportion. The leaves are each composed of three or four pairs of smaller : these stand at a distance from one ano- ther on the common stalk; the flowers are little and white, and they grow in clusters, so that at a distance, they look like the bunches of elder flow- The fruit is a round berry, often each of the bigness of a tare. The wood of this tree is lighter, paler coloured, and of the looser grain than the eastern rose-wood. P P ers. 290 FAMILY HERBAL. The wood is said to be good in nervous disorders, but we seldom make any use of it. ROSEMARY. Rosemarinus. A PRETTY shrub, wild in Spain and France, and kept in our gardens. It is five or six feet high, but weak, and not well able to support itself The trunk is covered with a rotigh bark. The leaves stand very thick on the branches, which are brittle and slender: they are narrow, an inch long and thick, and they are of a deep green on the upper side, and whitish underneath. The flowers stand at the tops of the branches among the leaves ; they are large and very beautiful, of a greyish co- lour, with a somewhat reddish tinge, and of a very fragrant smell. Rosemary, when in flower, makes a very beautiful appearance. The flowery tops of rosemary, fresh gathered, contain its greatest virtue. If they are used in the manner of tea, for a continuance of time, they are excellent against head-achs, tremblings of the limbs, and all other nervous disorders. A conserve is made of them also, which very well answers this purpose : but when the conserve is made only of the picked flowers, it has less virtue. The con- serve is best made by beating up the fresh gathered tops with three times their weight of sugar. The famous Hungary water is made also of these flow- ery tops of rosemary. Put two pound of these into a common still, with two gallons of melasses spirit, and distil off one gallon and a pint. This is Hun- gary water. Rosa SOLIS OR SUNDEW. Ros solis. A VERY singular and very pretty little plant, FAMILY HERBAL.. 291 common in boggy places on our heaths. It grows six or seven inches high. The leaves all rise im mediately from the root : they are roundish and hollow, of the breadth of a silver two-pence, and placed on foot-stalks of an inch long ; they are covered in a very extraordinary manner with long red hairs, and in the midst of the hottest days they have a drop of clear liquour standing on them. The stalks are slender and naked : at their tops stand little white flowers, which are succeeded by seed-vessels, of an oblong form, contain- ing a multitude of small seeds. The root is fi- brous. The whole plant is used fresh gathered. It is esteemed a great cordial, and good against convul- sions, hysteric disorders, and tremblings of the limbs; but it is not much regarded. RHUBARB Rhabarbarum. A TALL, robust, and not unhandsome plant, a native of many parts of the East, and of late got into our gardens, after we had received many others falsely called by its name. It grows to three feet in height. The stalk is round, thick, striated, and of a greenish colour, frequently stained with purple. The leaves are very large, and of a figure approaching to triangu- lar: they are broad at the base, small at the point, and waved all along the edges. These stand on thick hollowed foot-stalks, which are frequently also reddish. The flowers are whitish, small and inconsiderable : they stand at the tops of the stalks in the manner of dock-flowers, and make little more figure ; the seed is triangulated. The root is thick, long, and often divided toward the bottom; of a yellow colour veined with purple, but the purple a 292 FAMILY HERBAL. appears much more plainly in the dry, than in the fresh root. The root is used : its virtues are sufficiently known; it is a gentle purge, and has an after as- tringency. It is excellent to strengthen the sto. mach and bowels, to prevent vomitings, and carry off the cause of colics ; in the jaundice also it is extremely useful. Rhubarb and nutmeg toasted together before the fire, make an excellent remedy against purgings. There is scarce any chronic dis- ease in which rhubarb is not serviceable, The Rhapontic monks rhubarb, and false monks' rhubarb, all approach to the nature of the true rhubarb; they have been described already in their several places. RUE. Ruta. ز A PRETTY little shrub, frequent in our gar- dens. It grows three or four feet high. The stem is firm, upright, and woody ; very tough, and covered with a whitish bark. The branches are numerous, and the young shoots are round, green, and smooth; the leaves are composed of many smaller divisions; they are of a blue green colour and fleshy substance ; and each division is short, obtuse, and roundish. The flowers are yellow, not large, but very conspicuous ; they have a quantity of threads in the center, and they are succeeded by rough seed-vessels. Rue is to be used fresh gathered, and the tops of the young shoots contain its greatest virtue. They are to be given in infusion : or they may be beaten up into a conserve with three times their weight of sugar, and taken in that form. The in- fusion is an excellent medicine in feyers; it raises the spirits, and promotes sweat, drives any thing FAMILY HERBAL. 293 out, and is good against head-aches, and all other nervous disorders which attend certain fevers. The conserve is good against weaknesses of the stomach, and pains in the bowels. It is pleasant, and may be taken frequently by people subject to hysteric dis- orders with great advantage. RUPTURE-WORT. Herniaria.. A LITTLE low plant, wild in some parts of the kingdom. but not common, and kept in the gardens of the curious. It grows three or four inches long, but the stalks lie on the ground : many grow from the same root, and they spread into a kind of cir- cular figure. They are slender, round, jointed, and of a pale green. The leaves are very small, and nearly of an oval figure; they stand two at each joint, and are also of a pale green. The leaves are very small; the root is very long, but not thick. The juice of the fresh gathered herb, externally applied, has been much celebrated against ruptures; perhaps without any great foundation. An in- fusion of it, taken inwardly, works by urine, and is very good against the gravel, and in the jaundice. S SAFFRON. Crocus. A VERY pretty plant, of the same kind with what are called crocuses in our gardens. It is planted in fields, in some parts of England, and yields a very profitable kind of produce. The flowers of this plant appear in autumn, but the leaves not till sometime after they are fallen. These flow- ers have, properly speaking, no stalk ; they rise im- 294 FAMILY HERBAL. و mediately from the root, which is roundish, and as big as a large nutmeg, and they stand a little way above the surface of the ground; they are of a pur- plish blue, and very large; the lower part is cov- ered with a skinny husk. In the centre of these stand three stamina, or threads, with yellow tops, which are useless, but in the midst between these rises up what is called the pistil of the flower. This is the rudiment of the future seed-vessel ; it is oblong and whitish, and at its top separates into three filaments; these are long, and of an orange scarlet colour; these three filaments are the only part of the plant that is used; they are what we cail saffron. They are carefully taken out of the flower and pressed into cakes, which cakes we see under the name of English saffron, and which is allowed to be the best in the world. The leaves are long and grassy, of a dark green colour, and very narrow. They are of no use. Saffron is a noble cordial. BASTARD SAFFRON. Carthamus, er. A PLANT in its whole aspect as unlike to that which produces the true saffron, as one herb can be to another ; but called by this name, because of the yellow threads which grow from the flow- It is of the thistle kind, two feet and a half high, and very upright. The stalk is round, angulated, and branched, but it is not prickly. The leaves are oblong, broad, round at the points, and prickly about the edges. The flowers stand at the tops of the branches : they consist of round- ish, scaly, and prickly heads, with yellow flowers growing from amongst them : these are like the flowers in the heads of our thistles, but narrower and longer. FAMILY HERBAL. 295 These flowers are used by the dyers in some parts of Europe. The seed is the part taken into the shops : it is longish, covered, and white with a hard covering ; it is to be given in infusion, which works both by vomit and stool, but not violently. It is good against rheumatisms and the jaundice. SAGAPENUM PLANT. Sagapenum. A LARGE plant, native of Persia in the East Indies, and described but imperfectly to us; how- ever, so that we have confirmation that the descrip- tion is authentic, if not so finished in all its parts as we could wish. It grows upon the mountains, and is eight feet high; the leaves are very large, and are composed of a great multitude of little parts, which are fixed to a divided rib, and are of a bluish green colour, and when bruised, of a strong smell. The stalk is thick, striated, round, hollow, and upright, purplish towards the bottom, but green upwards. The leaves which stand on it are like those which rise from the root, only smaller. The flowers are little and yellowish ; - they stand in very large umbels at the tops of the stalks, and each of them is succeeded by two seeds; these are flat, large, brown, and striated. The root is long, thick, of a yellowish colour, and of a disagreeable smell. This is the account we have from those who have been of late in the East : and there is a great deal to confirm it We find among, resin which is brought over to us, pieces of the stalk and many seeds of the plant : these agree with the description. I procured some of the seeds picked out of some sagapenum, by young Mr. Sisson, to be sowed with all proper care at the lord Petre's, whose principal gardener 296 FAMILY HERBAL. 3 was an excellent person at his business, and with them some seeds of the ammoniacum plant, pick- ed also out of a large quantity of that gum. Those of the ammoniacum plant all perished ; from the sagapenum seeds, though more than an hundred were sown, we had only one plant, and that perished by some accident very young ; but what we saw of the leaves gav credit to the account given of the plant by Mr. Williams, who told us he had seen it in Persia. These are curious parts of knowledge, and they are worth prosecuting by those who have leisure: the success of this experi- ment shews the possibility of raising some of those plants at home, which we never have been able to get truly and fully described to us. We use a gum resin obtained from the roots of this plant, by cutting them and catching the juice ; we call this, when concreted into lumps, sagapenum. We have it either finer in small pieces, or coarser in masses ; it is brownish, with a cast of red, and will grow soft with the heat of the hand : it is disagreeable both in smell and taste, but it is an excellent medicine. It is good for all disorders of the lungs arising from a tough phlegm, and also in nervous cases. It has been found a . remedy in inveterate head-aches, after many other medicines have failed. It is one of those drugs, too much neglected by the present practice, which encourages the use of others that have not half their virtue : but there are fashions in physic, as there are in all other things. RED SAGE. Salvia hortensis. a The common sage of our gardens. It is a kind of shrubby plant, a foot or two high, and full of branches. The stem is tough, hard, woody, FAMILY HERBAL. 297 and covered with a brown rough bark ; the smaller branckies are reddish, the leaves are oblong and broad; they stand on long foot stalks, and are of a singular rough surface, and of a reddish colour. The flowers grow on stalks that rise only at that Reason of the year, and stand up a great deal above , a the rest of the surface of the plant ; they are large and blue, and are of the figure of the dead nettle flowers, only they grape vastly more. The whole plant has a pleasant smell. The leaves and tops are rised, and they are best fresh ; the common way of taking them is in infusion, or in form of what is called sage tea, is better than any other : they are a cordial, and good against all diseases of the nerves : they promote perspiration, and throw any thing out which ought to appear upon the skin. The juice of sage works by urine, and promotes the menses. SAGE OF VIRTUE. Salvia minor. ANOTHER shrubby plant, very like the former in its manner of growth, but wanting its red colour. It is a foot or two in height, and very bushy. The stem is woody. The branches are numerous. The leaves are oblong, narrower than in common sage, and of a whitish green colour : there is often a pair of small leaves at the base of cach larger. The flowers grow in the same manner as in the red sage, but they are smaller. The whole plant has a pleasant smell. The green tops are used; and their virtues are much the same with those of the former, but they are less. It got into use from an opinion that the other was too hot, but this was idle, 2.9 298 FAMILY HERBAL: Wood SAGE. Salvia agrestis. A WILD plant, common in woods and hedges, with leaves like sage, and spikes of small flowers. It grows two feet and a half high. The stalk is square, firm, slender, and upright. The leaves stand two at each joint: they are somewhat shorter and broader than those of sage, of a green colour, and serrated about the edges. The flowers are numerous, and very small : they stand in long spikes, and are of a greenish yellow colour, with some red threads in them. The plant has a singu- lar smell, with something of the garlic flavour, but that not strong The tops are to be used fresh. Made into an in- fussion, they promote urine and the menses : the juice of them drank for a continuance, is excellent against rhumatic pains. SALEP PLANT. Orchis orientalis. A VERY pretty plant, of the nature of our common orchis, native of the East, but growing to a greater height and producing larger roots than with us, though it seems very nearly allied to what we call the tall female orchis, with large flowers, which is frequent in our meadows. It grows in damp ground, and is a foot high. The stalk is round, jucy, and tender. The leaves are eight inches long, and not an inch broad, of a dark green colour, and also juicy. The flowers stand at the tops of the stalk, in a spike of two inches long : they are moderately large, and of a pale red colour. The root is composed of two roundish bodies, of the bigness of a pidgeon's egg, and of a white colour, with some fibres. We use the root, which we receive dry from a FAMILY HERBAL. 299 Turkey. They have a peculiar method of curing it; they make it clean and then soak it four and twenty hours in water ; after this, they hang a quantity of it in a coarse cloth, over the steam of a pot in which rice is boiling ; this softens it, but it gives it a sort of transparence, and qualifies it for drying; these juicy roots, otherwise growing moul- dy. When they have thus far prepared it, they string it upon a thread, and hang it in an airy place to dry; it becomes tough as horn, and transparent. This is a practice common in the East with the roots they dry for use, and it would be well if we would practise it here ; the fine transparent kind of ginseng, which we have from China, is dried in this manner. It is highly probable, nay it is nearly a certainty, that the roots of our common orchis have all the qualities and effects of this salep, but we do not know how to dry them. If we tried this method, it might succeed ; and in the same manner, our own fields and meadows might afford us many medicines, what at present we purchase at a great price, from the farthest parts of the earth. The dried root is the part used; and it is an ex- cellent restorative, to be given to persons wasted with long illnesses ; the best way is to put a small quantity of it in powder, into a bason of warm water, which it instantly turns into a jelly, and a little wine and sugar are to be added. The Turks use it as a provocative to venery: they take it dis- solved in water, with ginger and honey. SAMPSHIRE. Crithmum maritimum. A PLANT not uncommon about sea coasts, with much of the appearance of fennel, only not so tall : some have called it sea fennel. It is two feet high, The leaves are large, and divided in the manner of 300 FAMILY HERBAL. those of rennel, into slender and small parts, but they are thick and fleshy. The stalk is round, hol- low, striated, and a little branched. The flowers are small and yellow, and they stand at the tops of the stalks in great clusters or umbels, in the manner of those of fennel. The whole plant has a warm and agreeable taste, and a good smell. The leaves are used fresh ; but those which grow immediately from the root, where there is no stalk, are best; they are pickled, and brought to our tables; but they are often adulterated, and other things pickled in their place. The juice of the fresh leaves operates very powerfully by urine, and is good against the gravel and stone, against sup- pressions of the menses, and the jaundice. SANICLE. Sanicula. A PRETTY wild plant common in our woods, and distinguished by its regular leaves, and small umbels of flowers. It grows a foot and a half high. The leaves are numerous, and they all rise immediately from the root : they stand on long foot- stalks, and are very conspicuous : they are of a roundish shape, but cut in so, as to appear five cornered, serrated about the edges, and of a very deep glossy green colour, and shining surface. The stalk is striated, upright, naked : on its top grows a little round cluster of flowers: they are small and white, and each is succeeded by two little rough seeds. The root is fibrous. The leaves are used. A strong decoction of them is good against the overflowing of the menses, and the bleeding of the piles. It has been vastly celebrated for the cure of ruptures, but that is idle. FAMILY HERBAL. 301 SARSAPARILLA PLANT, Sarsaparilla, A PLANT of the climing kind, native of the warmer countries. The stalks run to ten or twelve feet in length, but are weak, and support them- selves among the bushes : they are whitish, angu- lar, and striated, and are full of small prickles. The leaves are an inch long, or more, and above half an inch broad, of an oval figure, of a deep green on the upper side, and white underneath, firm in their texture, and very glossy. The flow- ers are little and yellowish. The berries are black, round, and of the bigness of a small pea. The root is very large and slender. The root is used. Our druggists keep it': they split it in two. It is brown on the outside, and white within ; and its taste is insipid. It is sup- posed to have great virtues, but they are not per- fectly established. They have been at times dis- puted, and at times supported. Given in decoc- tion, it promotes sweat and urine. It has been esteemed good against the scurvy, and famous in the cure of the veneral disease. It is, in general, accounted a sweatener of the blood. SASSAFRAS Tree. Sassafras. A BEAUTIFUL tree, native of America, and to be met with in some of our gardens. It grows twenty five or thirty feet high. The trunk is naked till it comes near the top. The branches grow near together, and spread irregularly. The leaves are of two kinds: those on the older parts of the twigs are oblong and pointed, somewhat like bay leaves ; and those on the tops of the branches are larger, broader, and divided into three parts, like the leaves of maple, or they carry 302 FAMILY HERBAL, some resemblance of the smaller leaves of the fig. tree. The flowers are small and yellow. The fruit are berries like bay berries. The wood is of a reddish colour and perfumed smell. The wood is used. Our druggists receive it in logs, and cut it out into shavings. The wood of the root is hest, and its bark contains most virtue of all. It is best taken in infusion, by way of tea for it is very pleasant: it promotes sweat, and is good against the scurvy, and all other foul- nesses of the blood. It is a constant ingredient in diet drinks against the venereal disease. SAVINE. Sabina, A LITTE garden shruh, green all the winter. The trunk is covered with a reddish brown bark. The branches are numerous, and stand confusedly. The leaves are small, narrow, of a dark green colour, and prickly. The flowers are very small, and of a yellowish colour; and the fruit is a small berry, of a black colour when ripe, and cover- ed with a bluish dust like the bloom of a plum. The tops of the young branches are used ; they are best fresh, and given in the manner of tea. They very powerfully promote the menses ; and if given to women with child, will frequently cause a miscarriage. The country people give the juice mixed with milk to children, as a remedy against worms: it generally works by stool, and brings worms away with it. SUMMER SAVORY. Satureia hortensis, A COMMON little plant in our kitchen gardens. It is ten inches or a foot high. The stalks are nu- merous, and very hard, and woody toward the bot- FAMILY HERBAL 308 tom. The leaves are oblong and narrow: they stand two at each joint, with a quantity of young ones on their bosoms. The flowers grow on the upper parts of the stalks among the leaves : they are white with a tinge of bluish or reddish. The whole plant has a pleasant smell, and an agreeable taste. The whole plant is used. An infusion of it, drank in the manner of tea, is good against colicy pains, and it opens obstructions, and promotes the There is another kind of savory, with more woody stalks, called winter savory; this has much the same virtues. menses. RED SAUNDERS TREE. Santalum rubrum. A TREE, native of the West Indies, but of which we have seen nothing but the wood, and kave received very imperfect descriptions. They say it grows forty feet high ; that the leaves are small, but many, set near together: their colour is a dusky green; and their substance thick and fleshy. The flowers are like pea blossoms, and the fruit is a pod, containing three or four seeds. This is all we have been informed concerning the tree, and part of this by hear say only. The wood is used. It is of a deep red colour It is astringent, and is good against violent purgings and overflowings of the menses : for the former purpose, it is best given in powder, in small doses ; and for the latter, it is given in decoction. But it is not much used. YEELOW AND WHITE SAUNDERS TREE. Santalum flavum et album. A BEAUTIFUL tree, native of the East Indies 304 FAMILY HERBAL. 3 It grows forty or fifty feet high, and is very much branched. The leaves stand two or three pairs upon a stalk, in the manner of those of the lentisk, and are not unlike those of that tree in shape ; they are of a dark green colour, small, oblong, and fleshy. The flowers are moderately large, and of a deep dusky blue; the fruit is a berry, of the big- ness of a large red cherry, which is black when ripe. The wood is white in the outer part, and yellow at the heart, and these two parts are kept separate, and were long supposed the woods of two different trees. They have the same smell and taste, only that the yellow has them both in the greatest perfec- tion : and in the same manner, their virtues are the same; but the yellow is so much superior, that the white deserves no notice. The yellow saunders is best taken in the man- ner of tea, it is this way not unpleasant, and is cordial, good against disorders of the nerves, and hysteric. complaints, and opens obstructions, it also gently promotes perspiriation, and works by urine. WHITE SAXIFRAGE. Saxifraga alba. A VERY pretty plant in our meadows, dis- tinguished by the regular shape of its leaves, and its white snowy flowers. It grows ten inches high; ; the stalk is round, thick, firin, upright, and a little hairy. The leaves are of a pale green colour, and fleshy substance: they are of a roundish figure, and indented about the edges ; and they stand upon long fool-stalks. The flowers are large and white; they grow in considerable numbers on the tops of the stalks. The root is composed of a parcel of sinall white or reddish granules. The root is used ; and these small parts of which it consists have been used to be called by ignorant FAMILY HERBAL. 305 apothecaries saxifrage seed. It is diuretic, and good against the gravel. The roots are best fresh, and the best way of giving them is in decoction. MEADOW SAXIFRAGE. Seseli pratense A WILD plant also, but though known by the same English name with the other, very different in form and flower. It grows to more than two feet in height. The stalks are round, deeply stria ated, of a dark green colour, and considerably branched. The leaves are large, but they are di- vided into a multitude of fine narrow segments. The flowers stand at the tops of the stalks in little umbels or round clusters, and they are small and yellow. The root is brown, long, and slender, and is of an aromatic and acrid taste. The root is used : it is best fresh taken up. Given in a strong infusion, it works powerfully by urine, and brings away gravel. It also eases those colics, which are owing to the same cause. SCABIOUS. Scabiosa. A COMMON wild plant in our corn-fields, dis- tinguished by its tall round stalks; and round blue flowers. It grows to three feet in height. , The leaves rise principally from the root, and they lie spread upon the ground. They are oblong, and irregularly divided at the edges ; they are of a pale green, hairy, and rough to the touch. The stalks are round, upright, hairy, of the same pale green, colour, and they have a few leaves on them, placed two at a joint; these are more deeply divided than those on the ground. The flowers stand at the tops of the branches, they are of a Rr 306 FAMILY HERBAL deep blue colour, and each is composed of a number of smaller flosucles, collected into a head. The root is long and brown. The leaves growing from the root are to be gathered for use before the stalks appear. They are best fresh. A strong infusion of them is good against asthmas, and difficulty of breathing, and the same infusion made into syrup, is good against coughs. The flowers are said to be cordial, and an infusion of them to promote sweat, and carry off fevers, but this is less authentic; the juice externally applied is good against foulnesses of the skin. SCAMMONY PLANT. Scammonia і А CLIMBING plant, native of the eastern parts of the world. The stalks are numerous, green, slender, and angulated ; they are five or six feet long, but unable to support themselves with- out the help of bushes. The leaves stand irregular- ly, and not very close to one another; they are of a triangular figure, and bright green colour, and they stand upon long foot -stalks. The flowers are large and bell-fashioned ; they resemble very much those of our common little bind-weed being whitish but they oftener have a yellowish than a red- dish tinge. The root is a foot and a half long, and as thick as a man's arm, full of a milky juice. They wound the roots and catch the milky juice as it runs out in shells; and this when it is concreted into a hard mass is the scammony we use. It is a rough purge, but a very powerful and useful one. It is good against the rhumatic pains, and will reach the seat of many disorders that a common purge does not effect. However, it is seldom given alone : and a great misfortune is, that the compositions made with it are never to be а. a FAMILY HERBAL. 307 perfectly depended upon, because there is so much difference in several parcels of scammony, that they seem hardly the same medicine, some are so very strong, and some so weak. GARDEN SCURTY GRASS. Cochlearia hortensis. A COMMON wild plant about our sea coasts, but kept also in gardens for its virtues ; it is a foot high : the stalks are round, weak, and green ; the leaves that rise from the root make the most con- siderable appearance ; they stand in a large tuft, and are of a roundish figure, and a bright green colour, tender, juicy, and supported on long and slender foot-stalks. There are but few leaves on the stalks, and they are not so round as those from the root, but are a little angular and pointed. The flowers stand at the tops of the stalks, in little clusters ; they are white, small, and bright; they are succeeded by short roundish seed-vessels. The fresh leaves are used, and the best way of all is to drink the pressed juice of them; this is excellent against the scurvy, and all other foul- nesses of the blood. It may be mixed with Seville orange juice to make it pleasant, and should be taken every day for six weeks or two months toge- ther in spring SEA SCURVY GRASS. Cochlearia marina. A COMMON plant also about our sea coasts, and by the sides of rivers, where the tide comes The leaves are not so numerous as those of the other ; and they are oblong, of a reddish green colour, pointed at the ends, and indented at the edges in an irregular manner: they are considerably larger than those of garden scurvy grass, and more fleshy, The a 308 FAMILY HERBAL. stalks are eight or ten inches high ; they are ten- der, round and striated ; they have few leaves on them, but the flowers are small and white, and stand in clusters at the tops of the stalks, as in the other. The leaves are to be used fresh gather- ed, or their juice is to be taken. Their virtues are the same as those of the other. But it is the general opinion that they are greater, though the taste be not so agreeable. SEBESTEN TREE. Nyxa sive sebesten. A TREE of the bigness and form of our com- mon plum tree, and producing a fruit not altogether unlike it. The trunk is covered with a rough bark, the branches grow irregularly and crooked, and are generally so slender toward the ends, and so full of leaves that they bend downward ; the leaves are broad and short ; the flowers are white, small, and sweet scented; they stand in tufts or clusters, and the cup in which they stand remains, and encloses the fruit. This is somewhat like a plum, and has a kernel in the same manner : its shape is oblong; and the pulpy part of it is so tough and clamy, that being beat up with water it makes good bird lime. This fruit is the part used; it is sent over to us dried in the manner of a prune. It used to be a a constant ingredient in decoctions for coughs, and disorders of the lungs, but it is now dis- regarded. SELF-HEAL Prunnella. A LITTLE wild plant common about way sides, with dark green leaves, and short tufts of blue flowers. It grows six inches high ; the stalk is FAMILY HERBAL. 309 square, and a little hairy ; the leaves stand in pairs mpon it, but there are seldom more than two or three pair, the great quantity of them rise imme. diately from the root; they are oblong, broad, blunt at the point, and not at all indented at the edges. The flowers are small; they stand in a kind of short spikes or heads: the cups of them are often purplish. The root is small and creep- ing, and full of fibres. The juice of self-heal is astringent ; it is good against purgings, with ; very sharp or bloody tools, and against overflow- ings of the menses. The dried herb made into an infussion and sweatened with honey, is good against a sore throat, and ulcers of the mouth. SENA SHRUB. Sena. A LITTLE shrub, three or four feet high, native of the East. The trunk is covered with a whitish and rough bark; the leaves are composed each of three pair of smaller, disposed on a com- mon rib, with an odd one at the end : they are oblong, narrow, and sharp pointed, of a smooth surface, a thick substance, of a pale green colour, and not indented at the edges. The flowers are like a pea blossom in shape, but they are yellow, . , marked with purple veins. The pods are short and flat, and the seeds are small and brown: We have the dried leaves from the East, the druggists keep them. They are given in infusion, and are an excellent purge, but as they are apt to gripe in the working, the common method is to throw in a few cardamom seeds, or some other warm medicine into the water, 910 FAMILY HERBAL. BASTARD SENA. Colutea. a A COMMON shrub kept for ornament in our gardens. The trunk is not very robust, but it keeps upright, and is covered with a whitish rough bark. The leaves are composed each of several pairs of smaller, set on a common rib, with an odd leaf at the end ; but they are rounder and broader in proportion to their length than those of the true sena. The flowers are yellow : they are but small, but they hang in long branches, and are succeeded by pods, which look like blad- ders of a greenish colour. The leaves are used ; some give an infusion of them as a purge, but they are very rough: they work both upwards and downwards, and are only fit for very robust constitutions. For such as can bear them, they are good against rheumatic pains, SENEGA TREE. Senica. a A TREE frequent in the East, and named from a gum which it affords, and which is brought in great quantities into Europe. The tree is large and spreading ; its trunk is covered with a rough bark, its branches with a smoother, of a pale brown, and they are very full of thorns. The leaves are large, and they are composed of many smaller, set in pairs, very beautifully and evenly about a common rib, with an odd one at the end of each rib: they are oblong, and of a beauti- ful green. The flowers are white, and of the shape of a pea blossom ; the fruit is a large and flat pod, jointed or divided into several parts, with seeds in them; the tree is of the acacia kind, in many things very like that which produces the FAMILY HERBAL. 311 gum arabic, and the gum which is obtained from it is in the same manner very like that. This gum is the only product of the tree heard of in medicine, and this is not much. It is brought over, however, in great quantities, for the dyers ase a great deal of it. It is in large lumps, of the bigness of an egg ; rough on the surface, but glossy and smooth when broken, and of a pale brown colour. It is as easily and entirely dissolv- ed in water as gum arabic, and has the same vir- tues. It is very seldom called for by name in medicine, but it is nevertheless often used, for the druggists have a way of breaking the lumps to pieces, and putting them among the gum arabic ; they may be distinguished by their brown colour, the true gum arabic being white, or yel- lowish, if coloured at all, and never having any brown in it: some pick these brown pieces out ; but, upon a separate trial, they are found to be so perfectly of the same nature, that it is a needless trouble. Right SERVICE Tree. Sorbus legitima, A TREE wild in some parts of this kingdom, but not known in others, nor even in many of our gardens. It grows twenty feet high or more, and the branches stand very irregularly. The leaves are each composed of several pairs of smaller, set on a common rib, with an odd one at the end these are long, narrow, and serrated, so that they have some resemblance of the ash tree. The flowers are not large; they are white, and stand in clusters. Each is succeeded by a fruit of the shape of a pear, and of the bigness of some pears of the smaller kind; these are green, except where 312 FAMILY HERBAL. they have been exposed to the sun, where they are sometimes reddish; the taste is very pleasant when they are ripe. The unripe fruit is used; they press the juice, and give it against purgings, but is little known. COMMON SERVICE TREE. Sorbus vulgaris. A LARGE tree and very beautiful, its growth being regular, and the leaves of an elegant shape; the bark of the trunk is greyish, and tolerably smooth ; on the branches it is brown: the leaves are single, large, and of a rounded figure, but divided into five, six, or seven parts, pretty deeply, and serrated round the edges; they are of a bright green on the upper part and whitish underneath. The flowers are little and yellowish, and they grow in clusters ; the fruit is small and brown when ripe. It grows in bunches. The unripe fruit of this service is excellent against purgings, but it can only be had recourse to when in season, for there is no way of preserving the virtue in them all the year. SHEPHERD'S PURSE. Bursa Pastoris. THE most common almost of all wild plants, over-running our garden-beds, and court-yards. The leaves spread upon the ground, and are long somewhat broad, and more or less indented at the edges, for in this there is great variation : the stalks are round, upright, and eight or ten inches high, they have few leaves on them. The flowers stand at the tops in little clusters, and they are small and white: below there is commonly a kind of spike of the seed-vessels : these are short, broad, and of FAMILY HERBAL. 313 the figure of a bag, or pouch, and are divided a little at the end. The seeds are small and yellow- ish, and the roots white. The juice of Shepherd's purse is cooling and astringent; it is good against purgings, with sharp and bloody stools ; against the bleeding of the piles, and the overflowing of the menses. SKIRRET. Sisarum. A PLANT kept in our kitchen gardens. It grows three or four feet high. The stalk is round, hollow, striated, and somewhat branched : the leaves are each composed of three or five smaller, two or four set opposite and one at the end ; they are ob- long, serrated at the edges, and sharp pointed ; the end leaf is longer than the others. The flowers are little : they stand in round clusters on the tops of the branches. The root is of a singular form ; it is composed of several long parts like carrots. They are of a good taste, and some people eat them at their tables. A decoction of them works by urine, and is good against the gravel. The roots boiled in milk, are an excellent restorative to people who have suffered long illnesses. SLOE TREE. Prunus sylvestris. The common low shrub in our hedges, which we call the blackthorn. It is a plum-tree in miniature. It grows five or six feet high ; the trunk and branches are all covered with a dark purplish or blackish bark. The leaves are roundish, and of a good green, elegantly dentated about the edges. The flowers are small and white. The fruit is a 8s 314 FAMILY HERBAL. little plum, of a very austere taste when unripe, but pleasant when mellow. The juice expressed from unripe sloes, is a very good remedy for fluxes of the belly. It may be boiled down to a firm consistence, and will so keep the whole year. We used to find this dried juice kept by druggists under the name of German acacia, but they neglect it. SMALLAGE. Apium. : A COMMON wild plant, about ditch sides, with the appearance of celery. These are very numerous and large. The stalk rises two feet and a half in height, and is round, smooth, striated, and branched. The leaves on it are like those from the root, composed of many small parts, which are broad and indented, but they are smaller. The flowers stand in little umbels at the divisions of the branches : they are small and of a yellowish white. The seeds are small and striated. The roots are long, not very thick, white, and of a strong, but not disagreeable taste. The roots are most used; a strong infusion of them fresh gathered, works briskly by urine. It is good against the gravel, and in jaundices and other discases arising from obstructions in the liver and spleen. The seeds dried are good against the colic, and strengthen the stomach. COLURINE-WOOD, or SNAKE-WOOD TR E. Lignum colubrinum. A TALL tree of the East, irregular in its growth, but not without beauty. The bark is rough and brown; the leaves are large, broad in the middle, FAMILY HERBAL. 315 oblong and sharp at the point. They are of a deep green colour, and firm substanice : the flowers are small, they grow in clusters upon the branches, not at their extremities, but in different parts of them, The fruit is large, and much of the shape of a walnut. It is yellow when ripe, and contains a great many round flat seeds. These are exactly of the shape and form of what we call nux vomica, but they are not half so big. Some have, for this reason, supposed the real nux vomica to be the fruit of this tree; but it is produced by another of the same genus. The wood of the smaller branches is used : this is what we called lidnum colubrinum, adder-wood, and snake-wood. It is famous in the East for curing fevers and destroying worms; they also say it is a remedy against the bites of serpents, and hence comes its name. We have been tempted to give it in some cases; but it seems better suited to the constitutions of the people among whom it grows than to ours: it brings on con- vulsions, if given in too large a dose, or if too fresh. It loses its strength by degrees in keeping ; but I don't know how it can be possible to determine what dose to give of such a medicine. . SNEEZEWORT. Ptarmica, A VERY pretty wild plant, with daisy-like flowers, and a norrow dentated leaves. It grows two feet high. The stalk is round, firm, upright, and but little branched. The leaves are very numerous, and they stand irregularly ; they are an inch or more in length, and very narrow, rough to the touch, and of a bright green. The flowers stand at the tops of the stalks, so that they form a kind of round head ; they are less than daises and their leaves broader. 316 FAMILY HERBAL. The leaves of sneezewort, dried and powdered, taken by way of snuff, are excellent against the head-ach. The roots dried are almost as fiery as pillitory of Spain, and they cure the tooth-ach in the same manner. A piece held in the mouth, fills it with rheum in a minute. SOLOMON'S SEAL. Polygonatum. و A PRETTY plant, wild in some places, and frequent in gardens. It grows a foot and half high. The stalk is round, striated, and of a pale green ; naked half way up, and from thence to the top ornamented with large oval leaves of a pale green, blunt, smooth, ribbed, and not at all indented at the edges. The flowers hang from , the under part of the stalk ; they are small and white ; the fruit is a berry as big as a pea, and black when ripe. The root is white, oblong, irregular, and creeps under the surface of the ground. The root is the part used : it is commended extremely for outward application against bruises. The root dried and powdered is good against purgings with bloody stools ; and the fresh root beat up into à conserve with sugar, against the whites. an SOPEWORT. Saponaria. A WILD plant, but not very common. It is two feet high. The stalk is round, thick, jointed, and of a pale green"; the knots are large. The leaves stand two at each joint; they are of an oval figure, and dark green colour, smooth, not dentated at the edges, and full of large ribs. The flowers stand in a kind of clusters at the tops ; FAMILY HERBAL. 317 they are white or reddish, and not very large ; the root is knobbed and has great many fibres running from it: it is of a disagreeable mawkish taste. The root is used ; and it should be fresh taken up; a decoction of it opens obstructions, and pro- motes urine and perspiration. It is an excellent sweetener of the blood. SORREL. Acctosa. our A COMMON plant in meadows, with broad and oblong leaves, striated stalks, and red- dish tufts of flowers. It is a foot and half high. The stalk is round, not very firm, upright and a little branched. The leaves are of a deep green, angulated at the base, blunt at the point, and not at all indented about the edges. The flowers stand on the tops of the stalks, in the manner of those of docks, of which sorrel is indeed a small kind, They are reddish and husky; the root is small and fibrous; the whole plant has a sour taste. The leaves eaten as a sallad, or the juice taken, are excellent against the scurvy. The seeds are astringent, and may be given in powder for fluxes. The root dried and powdered, is also good against purgings, the overflowing of the menses, and bleedings. There are two other kinds of sorrel, nearly of kin to this, and of the same virtue: one small, called sheep's sorrel, common on dry banks; the other large, with broad leaves, called garden sorrel, or round-leaved sorrel; this is rather pre- ferable to the common kind. Besides these, there is a plant called in English a sorrel, so different from them all, that it must be described sepa- rately 318 FAMILY HERBAL. Wood SORREL. Luiula. A VERY pretty little plant, common about our wood sides, and distinguished by its bright green elegant leaves, and pretty flowers. The leaves rise in considerable number from the same root; they stand three together upon separate, long, and very slender foot-stalks, of a reddish colour; each is of a heart-like shape, the broad and indented part hang- ing downwards, and the three smaller ends meeting on the summit of the stalk. The flowers are whitish, tinged with purple, very bright and de- licate; they stand also on single stalks, and rise im- mediately on the root. The seed-vessels are large, and when ripe, they burst asunder with the least touch, and the seeds fly about. The root is small and irregular. The leaves are used; they are to be fresh gather- ed; their roots are very agreeably acid, and the juice of them makes a pretty syrup. The leaves also beat up with three times their weight of sugar, make an excellent conserve. They are good to quench thirsts in fevers, and they have the same virtue with the other against the scurvy and in sweetening the blood. SOUTHERNWOOD. Abrotanum mas. A SHRUBBY plant, native of many parts of Europe, but kept in our gardens. The stem is . woody, and tough, and is covered with a brown Lark. The leaves are divided into fine slender parts, and are of a pale green, whitish colour, and strong smell. The flowers are small and yellowish; they grow in great numbers on the top of the stalk, and are naked and of a rough appearance. The seeds are longish, and of a pale brown. FAMILY HERBAL. 319 The tops of the young branches are used ; a decoction of them is good against worms, but it is a very disagreeable medicine. Beaten into a con- serve with three times their weight of sugar, they are not very unpleasant, and they are in this form good against nervous disorders, and in all hysteric complaints. SOWTHISTLE. Sonchus asper. A COMMON weed in our gardens, and about our houses. It is three feet high; the stalk is round, thick, green, and upright. The leaves are long, and not very broad ; they are indented at the ; edges, and prickly between the indentings. When any part of the plant is broken, there runs out a milky juice. The flowers are large, and yellow : they are somewhat like those of dandelion, and stand in a kind of scaly cup. The seeds have down affixed to them. The root is long and white. The leaves are to be used fresh gathered ; a strong infusion of them works by urine, and opens obstruc- tions. Some eat them in sallads, but the infusion has more power. There are three or four other kinds of sowthistle, common in some places with this, and they have all the same virtues, but this has them most in perfection. SPEEDWELL. Veronica mas A COMMON little plant in our dry pastures, and on heaths. The stalks are six or eight inches long; the leaves are short, and of an oval figure. The stalks are not upright : they trail along the ground, only rising at thin upper parts. The leaves are of a pale green colour, a little hairy, : 820 FAMILY HERBAL and dentated at the edges : the flowers are small and blue; they grow in slender spikes, arising from the bosoms of the leaves ; the root is small and fibrous. The whole herb is used, and it is best fresh. An infusion of it drank in quantities, works by urine, and opens all obstructions: it promotes the menses. There was an opinion lately that this plant would cure the gout. T'he dried leaves picked from the stalks, were sold in our markets, and people made a tea of them. The opinion was so prevalent, that the plant was in a manner destroyed for many miles about London, but like all other things, that want the truth for their foundation, it came to nothing SPRIGNEL. Meum. A WILD plant not altogether unlike fennel. It grows two or three feet high. The stalks are round, striated, and branched. The leaves are large, and divided like those of fennel, but into narrower and finer parts, and they are of a very dark green colour. The flowers are little and white, but they stand in clusters at the tops of the stalks, and are conspicious by their number. The root is long and brown, and there are always a quantity of filaments at the head of it like hairs : these are the fibres of the stalks of former leaves. The root is used, and it is best fresh taken up. An infusion of it is excellent medicine in the gravel ; it also opens obstructions, and promotes the menses. The root dried and given in powder strengthens the stomach, creates an appetite, and is good against the colic. FAMILY HERBAL. 321 SPINAGE. Spinachia. 3 A COMMON herb in our kitchen gardens. It grows iwo feet high ; the stalk is round, thick, and juicy ; the leaves are broad and cleft at the bases, so that they resemble a broad arrow head : the flowers are inconsiderable ; the seeds grow on other plants of the same kind, and are rough and prickly : the root is white and oblong. The leaves are eaten at our tables ;' but their juice may very well be recommended as a medi- cine. It works by urine, and is good against the gravel. The leaves eaten frequently, keep the body open. SPLEENWORT. Asplenium. A SINGULAR plant, of the nature of the ferns, but not unlike any of them in form. The root is fibrous. From this the leaves rise in great num- bers together, each being a distinct and separate plant; they are narrow, and five inches long, deeply indented on each side, but very irregularly, and covered on the under part with small seeds. When they first grow from the root, they are folded in- ward, so that only the under part appears; and they have a very peculiar aspect, more like some insect than the leaf of a plant. It grows on old walls, and is green all the winter, but it has most virtue in spring The whole plant is used. It is best given in in- fusion, and must be continued for some time; it opens all obstructions of the liver and spleen, and is excellent in disorders arising from that cause. They say the powder of the dried leaves cures the rickets, but this wants proof. 322 FAMILY HERBAL. INDIAN SPIKENARD. Nardus Indiea. a ; An East Indian plant, of the grass kind, with triangular stalks, and yellowish flowers. It re- sembles not a little that common yellow tufted grass, which is frequent in our meadows in spring. It is six or eight inches high. The leaves are long, narrow, and of a pale green; they are very numer- ous, and stand in a thick tuft almost growing together at the bases. The stalks rise among these ; they are naked, triangular, and of a pale, green colour, the flowers stand in tufts, of the bigness of an horse- bean, on the tops of the stalks ; they are blackish, but ornamented with yellow threads, which give the whole a yellowish appearance. This is the plant, some samples of which have been of late brought over as the Indian spikenard, and there is reason and authority for supposing they are so. of the roots have that sort of tuft of hairy matter, which we call Indian spikenard, growing to them ; and it is of the nature of the hairy top of the spignel root, owing to the fibres of decayed leaves. Breynius also calls the plant which affords the Indian spikenard, a kind of cyperus grass. The tuft of fibres at the tops of the root of this plant, is what we call Indian spikenard ; they are brown, flattish, matted together, and of a pleasant smell : they are good in disorders of the nerves, and hysteric cases ; but so many better medicines are at hand, that it is rarely used. The tops go SPONGE. Spongia. A SEA plant of a very singular kind and form. It has neither leaves, stalks, nor branches, nor has it the colour or aspect of our ordinary plants. It more approaches to the nature of the mushrooms, FAMILY HERBAL. 323 than of any other of the vegetable kinds. It grows to the rocks, and swells out to an irregularly shaped mass of matter, full of holes, of a yellowish colour, and retaining a great deal of water, which is easily pressed out, and is received again on dipping it again in the wet. It is of a roundish figure, and sometimes hollow. Sponge in the shape of a funnel is frequently seen, and has been described as a particular species ; but this is only an accident in the growth. It would be very imprudent to swallow sponge in its natural form ; but calcined, it is of excellent service to sweeten the blood, and is good against the scurvy, and the evil : great care is to be taken in the burning it. It must be made brittle and fit for powdering, but if it be calcined too long, all the - volatile parts will be driven off, and it will be worth nothing GREAT SPURGE. Esula major We have many kinds of spurge wild in England, and some of them large enough ; but this used in medicine is a different species. It is native of Germany, and is kept in our gardens. It grows a yard high ; the stalk is round, thick, reddish, and divided into branches. The leaves are numerous, and stand irregularly; they are narrow and of a pale green, and are broadest at the end. The flowers are little, and of a pale yellow, but the seed-vessels are large, and make a conspicuous figure on the tops of the branches. The root is very thick and long; it consists of a firm heart covered with a thick rind. The whole plant, when broken, affords a milky acrid juice. The bark of the root is used dry; and even in that state is very rough in its operation. It works a 324 FAMILY HERBAL. by stool and vomit, and is good in the rheumatism and dropsy ; but it is not every constitution that can bear the use of such remedies. LESSER SPURGE. Esula-minor. ; A LESSER plant than the former, but sufficiently robust ; it is a native of the same part of the world, but is common in our gardens. It is a foot high. The leaves are longish and very narrow, but rounded at the end : the stalks are thick, round, and red; the flowers are small and yellow; and the seed- vessels large and three cornered. The whole plant is full of a sharp milky juice, but most of all the root. The bark of the root is used. It works by vomit and stool as the former; but though with less violence, yet too rough for most constitutions. It is good in the rheumatism. SQUILL. Scilla. A VERY common plant by the sea side in Italy and other parts of Europe, but not native of this country: It grows a yard high, and when in flower, is very beautiful; the stalk is thick, round, fleshy, and green, or else reddish. The flowers are white; they are small but they have their beauty. They stand in a long spike down a third part of the stalk ; the leaves are very large and long ; they are of a deep green colour, and grow immediately from the root; the root is round, and of a pound weight; it is composed like an onion of many coats one over another, and is full of an acrid slimy juice. The colour is white or red, and they call it the white or red squill. 3 FAMILY HERBAL. 325 The root is used dried, or infused in vinegar or wine, and that afterwards made into a syrup with honey. These three preparations are called the wine of squills, vinegar of squills, and oxymel of squills; they are all good against asthmas, and difficulty of breathing. The oxymel is most given for this purpose ; the vinegar causes vomit- ing, and cleanses the stomach; the wine of squills works by urine, and is good against the jaundice and dropsy. STARWORT. Astér aticus A COMMON wild plant, in many parts of Europe and in the Grecian islands, but not here : we have it in gardens. It is a foot and half high. The stalk is round, hairy, and branched ; the leaves are oblong, moderately broad, and rounded at the ends, and of a dusky green. The flowers are yellow and large ; they resemble the marigold ; it is singular that there stand some leaves under this flower disposed into rays like a star; the root is long. The fresh leaves are used ; and that only exter- nally. Bruised, and laid on as a pultice, they are a eure for buboes, and other hard swellings. The plant is called also ingunialis, from its peculiar effect in dis- sipating buboes of the groin. STAR THISTLE. Calcitrapa. common. A WILD plant on our heaths, but not very it is two feet high, and extremely branched; the stalks are round, hard, and whitish. The principal leaves rise from the root, and are disposed in a circular manner on the ground. They are oblong, and divided along the sides 326 FAMILY HERBAL. > quite to the middle rib : there are some smaller on the stalk, but few. The flowers are numerous they are red, and of the form of the flowers of thistles. They grow out of a scaly and thorny head. The seeds are winged with down. The root is oblong The root is used ; a strong infusion of it is ex- cellent against the gravel, and is good also in the jaundice. It opens obstructions, and works by urine. Anisun stel- STARRY HEADED ANISE TREE. latum. A TALL and very beautiful tree, native of the East, and much esteemed there. The trunk is covered with a thick bark : the branches are irregular and spreading. The leaves are very large and beautiful ; they are composed each of ten or twelve pair of others set on a common rib, with an odd one at the end ;- they are longish, broad, serrated at the edges, and pointed at the ends, and are of a beautiful pale green colour, and of a fragrant smell when bruised, such as that we perceive in the young leaves of the walnut tree, but with a mixture of somewhat aromatic, The flowers stand at the tops of the branches, on divided pedicles ; they are white and very fra- grant. The fruit is of a singular figure, of the shape of a star, and of a woody substance; it is composed of five or more rays, and in each is a single, smooth, brown seed. They have the smell of aniseed, and thence have been called by the name, for there is not the least resemblance be- tween the plants which produce the two; one being a small herb, and the other a large and fine tree. FAMILY HERBAL 327 The fruit is only used, and we sometimes see it at the druggists ; if the present practice encouraged it we might have it common enough : and it is one of those drugs which we neglect, while we are fond of such as do not deserve the distinction. It is an excellent medicine against coldness of the stomach, colics, and those head-achs which arise from indi- gestion. It also works powerfully by urine; and with it possesses all the virtues of aniseed and many others, and even in a very superior degree : it has not its disagreeable flavour. An oil drawn from it by distillation, is sweet and excellent; it has all the virtues of our oil of aniseed, but not its dis- agreeable taste, and it does not congeal like it in cold weather. STAVES-ACRE. Staphis agria. A VERY pretty plant, native of Italy, and kept in our gardens. It is two feet and a half high. . The stalk is round, thick, firm, and upright, and a little hairy. The leaves are of a roundish figure but divided deeply into seven parts, and these serrated at the edges, they are large, and of a deep green, and stand on long foot-stalks. The flowers are of a deep blue, large, and very like the flowers of lark-spur: they grow in a spike at the tops of the stalks ; the seed-vessels are notched, and the seeds rough. The seeds are used. Some venture te give thera inwardly in small doses against the rheumatism, and the venereal disease. They operate by vomit and stool, and bring a great quantity of water from the mouth. The powder of them is most used to kill vermin, by sprinkling it on children's heads that have been kept uncleanly. 328 FAMILY HERBAL. GOLDEN STOCHAS. Stechas citrina: A PRETTY plant, native in the warmer parts of Europe, and kept in our gardens. It is a shrubby herb, two feet high, and keeps its leaves all the year. The stem is woody; the leaves stand thick on the lower branches, and they are longish, narrow, and whitish, especially on the under side. The flowers are yellow, and stand at the tops of the stalks ; they are dry and chaffy, and may be kept for a long time. The whole plant has an agreeable smell, when rubbed between the fingers. The leafy stalks are used; their tops are best, and those fresh gathered : an infusion of them works by urine, and opens obstructions. It is good in jaun- dices, and obstructions of the menses. There is another plant called Arabian stæchas, or French lavender. It has been described already under the head of lavender, to which it belongs, for it is altogether different from this plant. STORAX TREE. Styrax arbor. a A SMALL tree, native of the East, and some parts of Europe ; but in Europe it yields none of the resin we call storax. We have it in some gardens. It is twenty feet high; the trunk is covered with a brown bark: that on the branches is greyish ; the leaves are of a brownish or a dusky green on the upper side, and whitish underneath : the flowers are white and large; the fruit is like a nut, roundish and little, and is covered with a woolly coat; three of the flowers grow together usually, and are succeeded by three of these. We use no part of the tree, but a resînous sub- stance, which is produced from it. This is kept at the druggists, and is reddish and of a fragrant FAMILY HERBAL. 329 smell but very foul. It is good in all diseases of the breast and lungs, being an excellent balsam. It is also good in all nervous and hysteric complaints, and it promotes the menses. STRAWBERRY PLANT. Fragaria. A VERY common little plant, both in our woods and gardens. The leaves stand three upon each stalk, and they are large, broad, sharp at the point, and serrated about the edges; the stalks trail upon the ground, and take root at the joints: the flowers are white; they stand four or five together upon a long stalk rising from the root and without any veins : they are white, and moderately large ; the fruit is well known. When ripe it is red, and of an agreeable taste. The fresh leaves are used ; an infusion of them is good liquor to wash a sore mouth or throat ; taken in large quantities, it works by urine, and is good against the jaundice. SUCCORY. Chichoreum. A COMMON plant in our gardens. It is near a yard high, but of no great beauty. The stalk is round, striated, thick, green and strong. The principal leaves grow from the root; they are long, narrow, and deeply indented, and are of a bluish green, and hairy ; those on the stalks are smaller, and have nó foot-stalks. The flowers are of the shape of those of dandelion, but they are blue : the seed is winged with down. The flowers grow to the sides of the stalks, not at the tops, as in dandelion. The root is long and brown on the . surface; it is full of a milky juice, and white within. U u 336 FAMILY HERBAL. The root is used ; an infusion of it opens ob. structions ; it is good against the jaundice. A de- coction of the whole plant, fresh gathered, works powerfully by urine, and is good against the gravel. It also gently promotes the menses. SUGAR CANE Arundo saccharifera. و A KIND of reed, native of the East and West Indies, of the Canary islands, and of some other places; and cultivated in all our plantations. It is eight or ten feet high. The stalk is round, hollow, hard, jointed, and upright ; it is very like that of a common reed, only so much thicker. The leaves are like those of the reed, but vastly larger; and the flowers are in the same manner, dry, brown, and chaffy, but the cluster of them is a yard long; the roots are long, creeping, and jointed in the manner of the stalk. In In very hot countries the sugar will sweat out at the cracks of the stalks, and stand in form of a bright powder ; this is native sugar, and is what the antients meant when they talked of honey growing upon reeds. We press out the juice, and boil it to the consistence of brown sugar, which is afterwards refined, and becomes the white powder or loaf-sugar. It were idle to talk of the virtues of sugar, its uses are sufficiently known, and are very great. SUMACH Rhus. A SHRUB, native of warmer countries, but , common in our gardens. It is of a singular ap- pearance. It doses not grow more than ten or twelve feet high; the wood is brittle, and the bark is brown. The leaves are long and very beautiful, cach consists of a great many pairs of smaller FAMILY HERBAL. 331 leaves, with an odd one at the end ; these are singly, oblong, and of a dark green, and serrated at the edges. The flowers are white; they grow in very large, thick, and long clusters, and are succeeded by flat seeds, hairy and roundish and of an austere astringent taste. There are several other kinds of sumach in the gardens of curious people, some of them much more beautiful, but this is the kind that is to be preferred for its medicinal virtues. The seeds, dried and powdered, stop purgings, and the overflowings of the menses. The fresh tops have also great effect in strengthening the sto- mach and bowels; they are best taken in infusion. The bark of the root has the same virtue ; but the seeds have it in the greatest degree. SWALLOW-WORT. Asclepias. A COMMON plant in gardens, but native of the warmer climates. It is two feet high. The stalks are round, slender, of a dark colour, and jointed ; the leaves are large and longish, and of a deep green; they stand two at each joint. The flowers are small and white, and each is succeeded by two pods growing together; the root is fibrous and spreading The root is used ; an infusion of it fresh is good against the jaundice ; it works by urine and opens obstructions. Dried and given in powder, it ope- rates by sweat, and is good in fevers. T TACAMAHAC TREE. Tacamahaca. A LARGE and beautiful tree, native of the East, and of America. It is fifty or sixty feet 332 FAMILY HERBAL. high. The hark is brown on the trunk, and grey- ish on the branches. The leaves are large and longish, sharp-pointed, and dentated at the edges ; they are of a dusky green on the upper side, and brownish underneath. The flowers are incon- siderable and yellowish. The fruit is small and round. The buds of the tree are very fragrant ; a brown kind of resin issues from them, which sticks to the fingers, and this has that pleasant smell. We use no part of the tree, but a resin which is produced from it. The druggists keep this. It is brown ; some of it is in grains, and some in a mass. It is used only externally ; a plaister made of it, spread on leather, is applied to the fore- head against the head-ach ; and to the navel in hysterie cases, but it does not seem to have much efficacy a TAMARIND TREE. Tamernilus A VERY pretty tree, native both of the East and West Indies, and kept in many of our gardens. The trunk is covered with a pale coloured rough bark; the branches with a smoother. The leaves are each composed of a great many pairs of smaller, disposed on a common rib, with no odd one at the end. They are small, oval, and of a pale or whitish green. The flowers are large, and very pretty ; they are part yellow, and part white ; the white leaves of them stained often with red. They stand in clusters, half a dozen together. The fruit is a flat pod, broad, brown, and hard ; these contain a pulpy substance, and the seeds a stringy matter with them. The pulp, strings, and seeds are brought over to us, and the pulp is separated for use : it is of a pleasant acid taste, and is a gentle a FAMILY HERBAL. 333 and excellent purge ; it works also by urine. It is good in the jaundice. The pulp is useful also to cool the mouth, and quench thirst in fevers. It is not much used singly as a purge. TAMARISK. Tamariscus. A LITTLE tree, frequent wild in France, and kept in our gardens : it grows, however, much larger in its native climate than here. The bark is brown on the trunk, and paler on the branches, and the young shoots are red and very slender. The leaves are very beautiful ; they are of a fine bright green, delicately divided into small parts, and regular. The flowers are very small and red; but they stand in spikes, and very close together; and as four or five of these spikes also often stand together, they are very conspicuous; the seeds are small, and lodged in a downy substance. The bark is used dried, and the tops of the branches fresh ; both have the same virtue ; the one is hest in decoction, the other in a light in- fusion, made in the manner of tea. Either is good to open obstructions. They promote the menses, are good in the jaundice, and it is said against the rickets. TANSY. Tanacetum. A COMMON plant in our gardens. It is a yard high : the stalks are round, firm, upright, and of a pale green ; the leaves are large, oblong, broad, and very beautifully formed ; they are each composed of several pairs of smaller, set on each side of a common rib, with an odd leaf at the end. These are narrow, long, pointed, and serrated at the edges. The flowers stand in large clusters at 334 FAMILY HERBAL. the tops of the stalks, and they are roundish, yellow, and naked. The root is a cluster of large creeping fibres. The whole plant has a strong smell. The leaves are to be used fresh gathered ; a strong infusion of them opens obstructions ; it works pow- erfully hy urine, and gently promotes the menses. The flowers dried, powdered, and mixed with treacle, are a common medicine for worms, and they visibly destroy them. Wild Tangy. Argentina. A COMMON wild plant about our way sides, and a great ornament to them. It rises to no height. The stalks creep upon the ground, and take root at the joints ; but it is easily distinguish- ed by its silvery leaves and yellow flowers. The stalks are round and reddish. The leaves rise from these ; they are very large, and each com- posed of a great many pair of smaller set on both sides of a common rib, with an odd one at the end. They are of the shape, and much of the . size of the leaves of tansy ; and the smaller leaves of which they are composed, are oblong, narrow, and serrated ; but they are of a most beautiful colour; a fine silvery green on the upper side, and a perfect silvery white on the under. The flowers stand on short foot stalks, and are large and yellow, somewhat like the flowers of the crow-foots, but more beautiful. The leaves are used ; a strong infusion of them is given with success against the bleeding of the piles, and bloody stools : and made less strong and sweetened a little with honey, it is excellent for a sore throat. The women use it also to take away freckles, but this seems idle. FAMILY HERBAL. 336 TARRAGON. Dracunculus. A COMMON plant in our gardens. It is two feet high. The stalk is round, upright, firm, and green ; the leaves are very numerous, and stand irregularly. They are longish and very narrow, and of a deep green colour; the flowers are little and greenish, in form like those of wormwood : they stand in spikes at the tops of the stalks. The whole plant has a strong smell, somewhat like fennel. An infusion of the fresh tops works by urine, and gently promotes the menses. TEA. Thea. A SHRUB, native of the East, and cherished there with great care. It is six or seven feet high ; the branches are slender; the leaves are numerous, oblong, serrated round the edges, and sharp pointed. The flowers are as big as orange flowers, and white ; they stand in a very small cup : the fruit is dry, and of the bigness of a nut, containing one, two, or three cells. All the kinds of tea are the leaves of this shrub; they only differ as they are gathered in different states: the bohea tea is gathered when the leaves are in the bud, and more heat is used in drying it. The several sorts of green are got from the young shoots or older branches, in spring, in summer, or in autumn, and dried with different degrees of care, ac- eording to their value. Good green tea, drank moderately, strengthens the stomach, and assists digestion ; it is good against sicknesses, and will prevent the colic : but when bad tea is drank, and a great deal of it, nothing is more pernicious. Bohea tea is more 336 FAMILY HERBAL. astringent, and it is restorative and strengthening; this should be drank with cream, but with only a moderate quantity of sugar. TEAZLE. Dipsacus sylvestris A TALL and stately plant, common by road sides, with large bur-like heads, and little red flowers growing out of them. It is six feet high : the stalk is single, thick, white, and very strong. The leaves grow two together, encompassing the stalk at their base, and make a hollow there which will hold water : they are prickly on the under part along the rib. The heads are as big as an apple, and somewhat oblong : they are of a pale colour. The root is long The root is used; it is bitter, and given in infu- sion, strengthens the stomach and creates an appetite. It is also good against obstructions of the liver, and the jaundice ; people have an opinion of the water that stands in the hollow of the leaves being good to take away freckles There is another kind of teazle, called the ma. nured teazle. The heads are used in dressing of cloth; the virtues are the same, and they differ very little in their general form. BLESSED THISTLE. Carduus benedictus. A PLANT once in great esteem, and at present not altogether neglected. It is a native of the warmer countries, and is raised with us in gardens. It is two feet high; the stalk is reddish, slender, and weak; very much branched, and scarce able to keep upright under the weight of leaves and heads. The leaves are long, narrow, cat in on both sides, and of an obscure green. The flow- FAMILY HERBAL. 337. ers are yellow; they stand in a kind of green leafy heads: the little leaves composing these heads are prickly; and each of the cups of the flowers ends in a long brown spine, dented on both sides. It is bitter and stomachic. An infusion of it taken in large quantities, will excite vomiting: in smaller draughts, it is good to create an appe- tite, and prevents sicknesses and reachings. The leaves, dried and powdered, are good against worms. It was at one time suppossed to possess very great virtues against fevers of all kinds : but that is now disregarded. Milk THISTLE. Carduus maria A VERY beautiful plant, common by road- sides, but wanting only to have been a native of Greece, or the Indies, to be esteemed one of the most elegant vegetables in the world. The leaves rising from the root are two feet long, and more than a foot broad, of a beautiful deep green, varie- gated all over with irregular lines of a milk white, dentated deeply at the edges, and prickly. They spread themselves into a round of more than a yard diameter, and when they grow out of the way of dust, make a most charming appearance. A single stalk rises in the midst of these, It is five feet high, round, thick, very firm, upright, and divided at the top into a few branches. The leaves on it are like those from the root, and variegated with white in the same manner. At the tops stand the flowers, which are of the nature of those of other thistles, but twice as big, and vastly more beau- tiful. The flowery part is of a deep and fine pur- ple; the head itself is composed of beautiful scales arranged with great regularity, and each termi, x x 338 FAMILY HERBAL. nating in a single and very strong prickle ; the root is long and thick ; the seeds are winged with down. The root and seeds are used. An infusion of the fresh root removes obstructions, and works by urine ; it is good against the jaundice. The seeds beaten up into an emulsion with harley-water are good in pleurisies. The young leaves with the prickles cut off, are excellent boiled in the way of cabbage; they are very wholesome, and exceed all other greens in taste. THORN APPLE.Stramonium. A VERY beautiful plant, native of warmer climates, but frequent in our gardens; we some- times meet with it, as it is called, wild ; but it is no native of our country. Seeds have been scattered from gardens. It is three feet high; the stalk is round, thick, and divided into many branches. The leaves are very large, oblong, broad, and of a bright green ; divided at the edges, and of a pretty appearance, but a very ill smell. The flowers are very large, and white; they are hollow, and long ; open, and angulated at the brim. The fruit is as big as a large walnut, and is covered with prickles; the root is very long and thick, white, and of an ill smell. The leaves are used externally ; the country people lay them upon burns and inflammations ; but this is not always safe. The root and seeds are of a sleepy quality; but they are not thought safe to be given inwardly. Opium is a less dangerous medicine, so they are not used. FAMLIY HERBAL. 339 Goat's THORN. Tragacantha. A LITTLE white looking prickly shrub, native of the East, but kept in our gardens. It is not above two or three feet high, very spreading and full of branches. The stem is of a tough and very firmi substance, covered with a whitish rough bark, the branches are as tough, and the bark is pale but smoother. The leaves are long and narrow ; they are each composed of a great many pairs of smaller set on a middle rib, which is continued into a thorn, and when these leaves fall off, remains a white thorn of that length. The flowers are white and small; they are of the shape of a pea blossom, but flatter; the pods which follow are short and flat. No part of the shrub itself is used, but we have a gum produced by it, and called by its name in the shops; this is what they also call gum dragant, it is white and tough and is in long twisted pieces ; it sweats out of the bottom of the trunk in the heat of summer. It is good in coughs arising from a sharp humour : and in sharpness of urine, and sharp stools, but it is a disagreeable medicine ; it is very difficultly powdered, and the solution is not pleasant. 3 which Follow THOROUGHWAX Perfoliata. . A VERY beautiful wild plant among our corn, distinguished by the stalk growing through the leaves. It is three feet high. The stalk is round, firm, upright, whitish, and toward the top divided into some branches. The leaves are broad and oval; the stem runs through them toward the 840 FAMILY HERBAL bottom, for they have no foot stalks, and they sur- round it in their largest part, ending in a blunt point. They are of a bluish green colour, and not dented at the edges. The flowers are little and yellow, they stand in clusters, or a kind of umbels at the tops of the branches, with a parcel of small leaves placed under them. The root is white, oblong, and slender. The leaves are used by the country people against wounds and bruises externally, the seeds are given inwardly, to prevent the ill effects of internal hurts. ho sisukame Thymus. A COMMON plant in our kitchen gardens, with hard and woody stalks, small leaves, and pale red flowers. The height is eight or ten inches ; the branches are numerous. The leaves stand two at cach joint, and are of a dusky green; the flow- ers are disposed in a kind of short spikes at the tops of the stalks ; the whole plant has a strong smell, and an aromatic taste. A tea made of the fresh tops of thyme, is good in asthmas, and stuffings of the lungs ; it is recom- mended against nervous complaints ; but for this purpose the wild thyme, called mother of thyme, is preferable. There is an oil made from thyme that cures the tooth-ach, a drop or two of it being put upon lint and applied to the tooth : this is com- monly called oil of origanum. a و TOAD FLAX. Linaria. A COMMON wild wild plant, with narrow bluish leaves, and thick spikes of yellow flowers. It grows FAMILY HERBAL. 341 on dry banks, and is a foot and half high. The stalk is round and thick, firm, upright, and single. The leaves stand irregularly ; they are oblong; narrow, smooth, not dented at the edges, and pointed at the ends: the flowers stand in a short and thick spike; they are large, and many of them are generally open together; they have a spur behind, and their forepart is of two yellows, a darker in the middle, and a paler on each side. The tops are used fresh gathered, or the whole herb dried. An infusion of them is excellent against the jaundice, and all inward obstructions ; it gently promotes the menses, and works by urine. A fine cooling ointment is made by boiling the fresh plant chopped to pieces in lard, till it be crisp ; the Jard is then to be strained off, and is of a fine green colour. а. TOBACCO. Nicotiana. shid A TALL and beautiful plant, native of the West Indies, but kept in our gardens. It is five feet high ; the stalk is round, thick, upright, single, and a little hairy. It has a clammy dampness about it, by which it sticks to the hands in touching. The leaves are very large, oblong, and pointed at the ends. They are of a dusky green colour, and feel also clammy like the stalk. The flowers are red and large ; they are long, hollow, and open at the mouth. The seed-vessel is oval, and the seeds are small. The leaves are good fresh or dried. A slight infusion of them fresh gathered is a powerful vomit; it is apt to work too roughly, but for con- stitutions that will bear it, is a good medicine against rheumatic pains. An ointment made of the fresh ones with lard, is good against the inflam- 342 FAMILY HERBAL. mation of the piles, the distilled oil is sometimes dropped on cotton to cure the tooth-ach, applying it to the tooth; the powder kills all kinds of vermin. As to the custom of chewing and taking it as snuff, little can be said for them, from practice, and nothing from reason : nor much for smoking. If these cus- toms had any good tendency, it would be taken off by the constant practice. There is a lesser, greener kind of tobacco, called English tobacco. It has the same virtues with the other, but in a more remiss degree. The leaves are often sold for those of the other. . otros tro TORMENTIL. Tormentilla. to A VERY common wild plant, but very pretty, and of great virtue. The stalks are eight inches long, but they don't stand upright. They are very slender, round, and of a brownish colour. The leaves stand seven or thereabout together at a joint, all rising from one base; they are narrow, longish, pointed at the ends, and serrated at the edges, and of a deep green. The flowers are small, but of a beautiful shining yellow: they grow on slender foot-stalks, and are of the shape and colour of the crow-foot flowers, only more beautiful ; and much less. The roots are large, thick, and crooked, brown on the outside, and reddish within, and of an austere taste. The root is the part used, and it is best dried ; it may be given in powder, or decoction. The pow- der is excellent against the bleeding of the piles, bloody stools, and the overflowings of the menses. Two ounces of the root added to a quart of harts- horn drink in the boiling, gives it a pretty colour, and adds to its virtue ; the root is cordial as well as astringent, and operates a little by sweat: this de: FAMILY HERBAL. 343 5 coction is therefore very serviceable in fevers, attended with purgings. It checks this moderately, and is good against the fever at the same time. TREE OF LIFE. Arbor vite : A SMALL tree of irregular growth, a native of America, but common in our gardens. The trunk is covered with a rough brown bark : the branches are numerous, and irregular ; the young twigs are flatted and the leaves of them are very flat, and of a scaly texture; they are of a bright green, narrow, and somewhat like the leaves of cyprus, only not prickly ; the flowers are whitish, small, and inconsiderable : they stand towards the tops of the branches. The whole tree has a strong and not agreeable smell, it brings into one's mind old bad cheese. The young shoots and tops of the branches, are used fresh. An infusion of them is good against ob- structions of the lungs, but it must be slight, and the use continued. GUM ANIME TREE. Anime arbor. . A LARGE and beautiful tree, native of America. Its trunk is covered with a rough brown bark; the leaves are large and oblong; they are not un- like those of the common bay-tree in form, and they always grow two at a joint, one opposite to the other. They are very numerous, and the ; branches of the tree spread a great way; they are not all naked, but the head seems at a distance a solid mass : the leaves are of a firm texture, but when held up to the light, innumerable holes are seen in them, as they are in the leaves of St. John's wort. The flowers are shaped like pea blossoms ; 344 FAMILY HERBAL. they are of a purple colour, and stand at the tops of the branches. The fruit is a large pod. The only substance we owe to this tree, is what we commonly call gum anime, but that is a very ill name, it is properly a resin. It is whitish, brittle, and very fragrant. We sometimes also see at the druggists a greenish, brownish, or reddish resin, called gum anime; this comes from the East, and is what was originally known by that name; but at present the other only is used. It is a fine bal- sam, good in consumptions, and against the whites : and it is put into some ointments, for old ulcers, with great advantage. a TREFOIL. Trifolium Purpureum. A COMMON wild plant in our meadows. It is eight inches high; the stalk is round, and not very upright; the principal leaves rise immediately from the root ; they stand three together upon long foot- stalks, and are of an oval figure, but pointed ; of a pale green colour, a little hairy, and have gene- rally a white spot in the centre of each. The leaves on the stalks, are of the same form, but little : the flowers stand at the tops, in a kind of short, thick, spikes; they are small and red, and are followed by little flat pods. The flowers are used; they are best fresh gathered, and given in infusion. They are good against the bleeding of the piles ; and while they are balsamic and astringent in the bowels, they work by urine. TURMERIC. Curcuma. A NATIVE of the East Indies, and a very sin. gular plant. The leaves rise immediately from FAMILY HERBAL 345 green colour. a the root, and are long, broad, pointed at the ends, not dented at the edges, and of a very deep On other parts of the root stand the stalks, which bear the flowers; these are foot high, and of the thickness of a goose quill. They have only a kind of films instead of leaves ; the flowers stand in short thick spikes, and are of a red colour, longish and slender; they look very pretty in the spike, but do not last long; the root is oblong, thick, and of an irregular figure, whitish on the outside, and of a deep yellow within ; it creeps under the surface of the ground. Our druggists keep these roots dry. They are good against the jaundice; they open all obstruc- tions, and promote the menses, and work by urine. à TURPRTH. Turpothum A. PLANT of the bind-weed kind, native of the East Indies. It grows to twelve feet in length, but the stalk is slender and weak, and cannot support itself upright. The leaves are oblong, broad, and obtusely pointed. The flowers are white, and large ; they very much resemble those of the com- mon great bind-weed, and the seed-vessel is large and full of little secds; the root is very long and slender. The bark of the root is sent us dry. It is properly indeed the whole root, with the hard woody part taken out of its centre. It is kept by our druggists; it is a brisk purge given in a proper dose, but it is very rarely used at this time. 346 FAMILY HERBAL. TURNIP. Rapum. و A PLANT too common in our gardens to require a curious description. The root is round and white, or purplish. The leaves are large, long, rough, and of a deep green; they are deeply cut at the edges, and large and round at the ends : the stalks are a yard high, round, smooth, firm, upright, and branched; the leaves on them are small and smooth ; the flowers are little and yellow, and they stand in a kind of long spikes ; they are followed by long pods. The roots are so frequently eaten, that few would think of their possessing any medicinal virtues, but being cut into slices, and stewed with sugar, till their juice with the sugar, becomes a syrup ; this is a very good medicine against a cough TURPENTINE TREE. Terebinthus. A TALL tree in the East, where it is native ; we have it in gardens, but it never arises to any great height here. The bark is brown and rough : the branches are numerous and stand irregularly ; - the leaves are each composed of a double row of smaller set on a common rib, with an odd one at the end. These are oval, and of a deep shining green. The powers are small and pur- ple; they appear in form of clusters of threads before the leaves ; the fruit is long, but with a kernel of a resinous taste. The whole shrub has also a resinous smell. We use no part of the tree but the fine Chio tur. pentine, the most esteemed of all those balsams, is obtained from it ; in the island whence it has its name. It is a pleasant and an excellent medi- 9 a FAMILY HERBAL. 347 cine ; it works by urine, and is an universal balsam. It is good in coughs and all other disorders of the lungs ; and it stops the whites, and the weaknesses after venereal complaints. There are several other kinds of turpentine in use in the shops produced from the different trees; the Venice turpentine is from the larch tree; the Strasburg turpentine from the yew-leaved fir : and the common turpentine from the wild pine. They all have been mentioned already, under the names of the several trees which produce them; but this is the finest kind. What is called Cyprus turpentine is obtained from the same tree with the Chio turpentine, the right turpentine tree, but it is coarser and browner, otherwise the same with the Clrio. TUTSAN. Androsæmum. ; A VERY singular and beautiful plant, and of great virtues. It grows in our woods, and under hedges, but not very common: it is kept in many gardens. It grows two feet in height, The stalks are firm and smooth, of a reddish colour tolerably upright, and not at all branched, ex- cept for some young shoots near the top. The leaves stand two at each joint, opposite to one another, and at no great distance ; they are very large, and of a shape approaching to oval. Their colour is a brownish green; they are smooth and not serrated at the edges. The flowers are not very large, but of a beautiful yellow; they re- semble those of St. John's wort, and are like them full of yellow threads, which, when rubbed, stain the hands red. The fruit is a kind of berry, black when ripe, and containing a great quan- city of small seeds. The whole plant in autumo 848 FAMILY HERBAL frequently appears of a blood red colour, very singular and beautiful. The root is small, reddish, and ir- regular; it creeps under the surface. The leaves are an excellent cure for fresh wounds. Scarce any thing is equal to them. The young and terder ones at the tops of the branches are to be chosen ; they are to be bound upon the wound, and they stop the bleeding and perform a very speedy cure. I have had very late and very singular instances of the effects of this herb. Many of the common plants are celebrated for this virtue, but the effect of this is surprising. Twy BLADE. Bifolium. A VERY singular and pretty plant, common in our meadows in the beginning of summer. It is a foot high; the stalk is round, green, tender, and upright ; it has only two leaves on it, and they grow from the root. They are very large, broad, of an oval figure, and stanů opposite to one another, about the middle of the stalk or somewhat lower. The flowers are small and green ; they are of an uncommon figure, somewhat like that of the orchis, and they stand in a long spike; the seeds are very small, and the root is small, slender, and white. The fresh gathered plant is used ; an infusion of it made strong, is good against the bleeding of the piles, and the juice is recommended to be applied to them externally. V. GARDEN VALERIAN. Valeriana hortensis. A TALL and beautiful plant, native of the ' FAMILY HERBAL. 349 mountainous parts of Italy, and common in our gardens. It is three feet high. The stalk is upright, round, striated, and hollow. The leaves which grow from the root, are long and somewhat broad; some of these are divided deeply on each side, others are entire; all have a broad and round end. Those on the stalks are smaller, and they are all deeply divided. The flowers stand in large tufts, in the form of umbels, at the tops of the stalks and branches; they are small and white. The root is long, irregular, and moderately thick ; it creeps under the surface of the ground, and has a strong smell ; its colour is brown, and it is full of fibres. This root is used dry; the druggists call it phu: it is good in fevers and suppressions of the menses, for it is diaporetic, and good against all obstruc- tions. It works also by urine, and it is warm up- on the stomach, and good a ainst disorders of the nerves. WILD VALERIAN. Valeriana sylvestris. A TALL and handsome plant, frequent in our woods and upon heaths, not unlike the garden valerian in its form and manner of growth, and of greater virtues. It is a yard high. The stalks are round, striated, upright, hollow, and of a pale green. The leaves are large end beauti- ful; they are each composed of several pairs of smaller set on a common rib, and with an odd one at the end. These are long, narrow, den- tated at the edges, of a faint green colour, and a little hairy. The flowers stand in large tufts like umbels at the tops of the stalks, and are small and white with a blush of reddish. The root is of a whitish colour, and is composed of 350 FAMILY HERBAL. a great many thick fibres. It is of a very strong and disagreeable smell. The root is used; it is best dried and given in powder, or in infusion. It is an excellent medicine in nervous disorders. It is said that it will cure the falling sickness, but its good effects against head- achs, low-spiritedness, and tremblings of the limbs, are well known. VANILLA PLANT. Vanilla. A CLIMBING plant, native of America. It grows to thirty feet or more in length, but the stalk is slender and weak, and climbs upon trees to support it. It is round, striated, green, and tough. The leaves are numerous and placed irregularly; they are a foot long, considerably broad, and like those of the common plantain, of a dusky green, and have high ribs. The flowers are small in shape like a pea blossom, but of a greenish white colour. The pods are long and flatted, of a brown colour, of a very fragrant smell, and full of exceedingly small seeds. This pod is the part used; it is a cordial and restorative; it opens obstructions, and promotes the menses; it operates by urine, and by sweat, but it is not much used. Some put them into chocolate, to give it a flavour, and to make it more cordial and restorative ; this is done in the grinding up the nuts to the cake, and we bựy it by the name of Vanilla chocolate. . VERVAIN. Verbena. A COMMON wild plant, about our path-ways, with slender spikes, and a few little flowers. It is two feet high; the stalks are numerous, square, very FAMILY HERBAL. 351 strong, a little hairy, and often purplish. The leaves grow two at each joint ; they are oblong, nar- row, notched at the edges, of a dusky green, and of a wrinkled and rough surface. The flowers are white, with a tinge of purplish: there is a long spike of their buds, and of the remaining cups, but only two or three flowers are open at a time. The fresh gathered tops are used ; an infusion of them is good against obstructions of the liver and spleen: it is warm upon the stomach, and a continued use of it will remove plaints. a nervous com- VINE. Vitis. A WEAK shrub, too familiar in our gardens to need much description. The trunk is covered with a rough bark; the branches are long, weak, and straggling; the leaves are roundish in the whole figure, but indented deeply into five or seven di- visions, the lower are inconsiderable : the fruit is round, or oblong, juicy, and produced in great bunches. We use no part of the common vine, as it grows with us ; but not to mention the several kinds of wine that are useful on different occasions, the dried fruit in the form of what we call raisins and currants, is in constant repute. Raisins of the sun, Malaga raisins, and currants all have the same virtue ; they are good in coughs, and soreness of the lungs, and in consumptions. Vinegar is also a product of the grape : it is wine become sour, and spirit of wine and brandy of the very best kinds, are made from wine also by distillation. The substance called tartar, of which the cream of tartar is made, is only a salt of the grape, which sticks to the wine gasks. So that we 952 FAMILY HERBAL. owe to the grape, more medicines than to any one simple whatsoever. VIOLET. Vrota A COMMON wild plant in our woods and hedges, but of a fragrance superior to all that we re- ceived from the rich East. It is a little, low, creeping plant, obscure even when in flower ; the stalks are round, green, and creeping; they do not rise up, but spread themselves along the ground, taking root at the joints; the leaves rise from these rooted parts ; they are large and stand each on a long foot stalk. They are of a heart-like shape, and dented round the edges, and of a deep green. The flowers are small and of a deep and beautiful purple ; they stand singly on short foot stalks arising among the leaves, and covered by them. The flowers are the part used; boiling water is to be poured upon them just enough to cover them, and it is to stand all night ; when it is strained clear off, the sugar is to be added to it, at the rate of two pounds to each pint, and it is to be melted over the fire ; this makes syrup of violets, an excellent gentle purge for children. The leaves are dried also, and are used in the de- coctions for clysters. An infusion of them works by urine. VIPER'S GRASS. Scorzonera A TALL and handsome plant, native of the warmer parts of Europe, but kept in our gardens, It is three feet high; the stalk is round, thick, upright, and firm; the leaves are numerous and stand irregularly : they are long, narrow, of a FAMILY HERBAL 353 pale green, sharp pointed, and not dentated at the edges. Those from the root are long and narrow also, but they are considerably larger. The flow- ers grow at the top of the branches; they are large like dandelion flowers in shape, and of a most beautiful pale yellow ; the seed has a white down annexed to it. The root is long, thick, and brown. The root is the part used, and it is best fresh taken up. It is given in infusion, and it is cor- dial, and operates by sweat; it is good in fevers, but little used. VIPER'S BUGLOSS. Echium. A COMMON wild plant, about our path ways, and on ditch-banks, known by its spotted stalks, and fine blue flowers. It is a foot and half high ; the stalk is round, thick, firm, hairy, and upright it is of a whitish, colour stained with spots and lines of blue, red, and purple. The leaves are longish and narrow; they are rough, and of a deep dusky green, broad and blunt at the point, and have no foot stalks. The flowers are large, and of a beautiful blue, with a red stamina in the niddle. The leaves are used; those growing from the root are best; an infusion of them is cordial, and operates by sweat ; it is good in fevers, and against head-achs, and all nervous complaints. VIRGINIAN SNAKEROOT PLANT. Serpentaria Virginiana. A LITTLE plant of the birthwort kind, but different from the several sorts of that plant, des- cribed already in their places, in its roots, and 22 354 FAMILY HERBAL. in its manner of growing. It is two feet high, when it grows in a favourable soil, and has bushes or any thing else to support it. The stalks are weak and green ; the leaves stand irregularly on them, and they are oblong, narrow, and auri- culated at the bottom. The flowers are small, hollow, and of a deep dusky purplish colour. "The root is composed of a vast quantity of strings, which are of a dusky olive colour, and of a strong smell and aromatic taste. The roots of this plant were the first that came into use, under the name of Verginian snakeroot, but there are upon the spot two other plants of the same kind, though different species, which have thready roots of the same form, and they are indifferentiy taken up for use ; they all seem to bave the same vir- tue, so that there is no barm in the mixture. There is sometimes another root mixed among them ; but that is easily distinguished, for it is ; black, and these are all of the same dusky olive colour. This last adulteration should be avoided. The Virginian snakeroot is an excellent medi- cine in fevers; it operates by urine and by sweat, and will often take off inveterate head-achs. It is also given by some as a remedy against worms; and it was originally famous against the poison of the rattic snake, and was a remedy we learnt from the Indians. It is good against worms in children, and may be given in small doses for a continuance of time. Scarce any thing is more effectual. VOMc Nor Teee. Nux vomica. A TALL and spreading tree of the East, very like that which affords the wood called snake. woed in the shops, and by some supposed the FAMLIY HERBAL. 355 same with it, but that is an error: the kernels of the fruit of that tree, are indeed of the shape of the vomic nuts, but they are not half so big. The tree is large and spreading: the branches are numerous, and the leaves are large : they stand in pairs opposite to one another; and are oblong, broadest in the middle, and rounded or blunt at the end, and of a very bitter taste; the flowers are small, and stand in clusters at certain parts of the young branches: the fruit is of the big- ness of an apple, and is yellow when ripe. The kernels in this are what we call nux vomica; there are fifteen of them in each fruit, and they are lodged in three divisions. These kernels are the only part used; our drug- gists keep them ; they are round, flat, and of a whitish colour, very firm, and tough. They have been used as poison to dogs, cats, and other animals ; but there are those who give them to the human species, in small doses, without mischief, and with very good effect. Quartan agues that have stood it against the bark, have been cured by them; but if the dose be too large, they bring on convulsions, and there is reason to be- lieve, that in very large ones they would kill. At present we have choice of so many medicines for every disorder, that it is almost unpardonable to give such-as are suspicious. Some people . have ventured to give even ratsbane, as a medi- cine, mixed with other things, and in the twenti- eth part of a grain for a dose ; but reason con- dems this rash way of practice, and doubly, as there is no necessity to anthorize it. Theo 356 FAMILY HERBAL. W. WALNUT TREE. Juglans, A COMMON tree in our gardens; it grows to a great bigness, and is very much branched. The leaves are very large and long; each is com- posed of a double row of smaller, and has an odd one at the end. These are each of an oval figure and yellowish green colour, and of a pleasant smell. The flowers are little ; they are yellow- ish, and arranged in loose catkins. The fruit is covered with a green thick coat, and has with- in a kernel divided into parts, and of an uneven surface. The bark of the walnut tree is a good emetic; it may be given in infusion, or dried and powder- ed; it vomits easily and plentifully. The skin that covers the kernel is good against fluxes. WALL-FLOWER. Leucoium. COMMON A wild plant, but, not without beauty ; it is frequent on old walls and has yel- low and sweet-scented flowers. The stalks are woody, and a foot and half high; the leaves are very numerous, longish, narrow, and of a dead green. The flowers stand in a kind of spikes, at the tops of the stalks, and are yellow and mode- rately large. The seeds are contained in long pods. The flowers are used ; and an infusion of them fresh is good against the head-ach, and in all nerv- ous disorders. They are also good to steep in oil, to which they give a cordial warmth, and make it good against pains in the limbs. But they are not either way much used at present FAMILY HERBAL. 357 WATER ARROW Hrad. Sagitta aquatica. A VERY pretty plant, common in our ditches, with leaves like the bearded heads of arrows, and with pretty white flowers. It is two feet and a half high, but generally the greatest part of the stalk is buried in water, very little appear- ing above, except the spike of flowers. The leaves stand each upon a pedicle, which is round, thick, and very long; they are of a beautiful green, and are broad, and bearded at the base, and sharp at the point ; the flowers are white, to- lerably large, and very bright; and the stalk, , on which they are supported, is also round and thick. The common people in many places have a cus- tom of applying these leaves bruised to inflamma- tions ; they cool and give ease, but it is not always right. WATER PLANTAIN. Plantago aquatica. A VERY common tall plant in ditches, and having not the least resemblance of any kind of plantain, except in the leaves ; from which, how- ever, it has received its name. The root is com- posed of a great quantity of fibres. From this, there rise in spring a number of leaves, oblong, broad, smooth, and of a beautiful green colour, and having in shape, though not at all in colour or consistence, some slight resenıblance of plan- tain: they are perfectly smooth, of a glossy sur- face, and brittle. These stand for many months without the stalk; and doubtless in this state it got the name The stalk is two feet or more in height; round, firm, and upright ; and at the top it sends out a vast number of branches, 358 FAMILY HERBAL. which send out other smaller; and even these last are again divided. On the tops of the last di- visions stand the flowers with their burls, and the seed-vessels ; so that the whole has the ap- pearance of a cone. The flowers are little and white, and consist of three leaves each ; they stand but a little time, and only a few are seen to- gether. The seed is the part used : the plant is to be suffered to stand, till this is thorougly ripe, and then cut ap gently, and laid to dry two or three days upon a table: a smart stroke or two, will dislodge a great quantity of the seeds; they are very good against the overflowing of the menses, and all other bleedings ; and are given in powder, in electuaries, small doses being to be taken at a time and often re- peated. a RUE-LEAVED WHITLOW-GRASS. Paronychia rudiaco folio. A COMMON little plant, early in spring, op our walls and houses, and of a very singular as- pect; it is red, and has pretty white flowers. It is not more than four inches high; the stalks are round, upright, and a little hairy; and they are covered with an unctuous clamminess, which makes them stick to the fingers in handling. The leaves are little, and also red; they are each divided into three parts at the extremity, in the way of fingers: they stand irregularly on the stalks, and they are thick, fleshy, and clammy in handling. The flowers stand at the tops of the branches; they are little, but of a very bright white, and look very conspicuous. The whole plant dies away as soon as it has ripened the seed, and is not to be seen again till the next spring. FAMILY HERBAL 359 1 The fresh gathered plant is to be used entire : a strong infusion of it is a very great sweetener of the blood. It is excellent against the scurvy in whatever form ; and there are accounts of its curing the king's evil, that seem very well attested. A syrup may be made of its juice, or of a very strong infusion of it ; or a conserve of the leaves : for the dried plant has very little virtue, - and it is to be had fresh only a very small part of the year. WHITE WILLOW. Salix vulgaris alba. A VERY common tree in wet places, and this which is used in medicine is the most common of all the several kinds of it. It is also the largest. It grows to be a tall tree: the bark is whitish, and rough upon the trunk, and grey upon the branches ; the leaves are oblong, narrow, and whitish, es- pecially on the under side : they stand irregularly on the branches, and are a little serrated at the edges, and pointed at the ends. The flowers are very in- considerable, but they are arranged several together, in what are called catkins or palms. The seeds are small; they stand in the same catkins, mixed with fine white down, The bark of the branches is used, and it is best dried ; it is good against purgings, and the overflow- ings of the menses, and is most conveniently given in powder, half a dram for a dose. WINTER GREEN. Pyrola. An extremely pretty plant, wild in some parts of England, but not common. The stalk is round, thick, upright, and ten inches high. The leaves all grow from the root, for the stalk is naked 366 FAMILY HERBAL a they are broad, roundish, and of a deep green colour they are of a fleshy substance, and stand each on a separate foot-stalk of three or four inches long. The flowers are small, and of a very bright white; they stand in a kind of loose spike on the tops of the stalks. The root is composed of a quantity of thick whitish fibres. The leaves are used. A decoction of them with à piece of cinnamon, and a little red wine, is given against the overflowings of the menses, bloody stools, and all hæmorrhages, and against ulcers in the urinary passages, and bloody urine. WOAD. Glastum. > 3 a A PLANT cultivated in fields, in many paris of England, for the use of the dyers, and common- ly met with in places near those where it was sown, as if a wild plant; but it is not properly a native of our country. It is a tall, erect, and hand- some plant ; the stalk is round, thick, firm, upright, and four feet high ; but it is usually so covered with the leaves, that scarce any part of it is to be seen naked. The leaves are long and of a consider- able breadth. They are large at the base, where they grow to the stalk, without any foot-stalks ; and narrower all the way to the point. They are of a bluish green colour, and the whole plant is covered with them, so the top has a pretty aspect. The flowers are little and yellow; they stand in great numbers about the tops of the stalks, which are divided into a multitude of small branches ; and they are succeeded by small seed vessels. The root is long and thick. Although the dyers are the people who pay most regard to woad, and for whose use it is cul- tivated, it has virtues that demand for it a great FAMILY HERBAL. 361 deal of respect in medicine. The top of the stalks, before the flowers appear, contain the greatest vir- tue, and they are best fresh. They are to be given in infusion, and they are excellent against obstructions of the liver and spleen ; they work by urine, and so take effect; the use of this infusion must be continued a considerable time : these are disorders that come on slowly, and are to be slowly re- moved. WOODRUFFE. Asperula. A COMMON little wild plant, in our woods and thickets : it is ten inches high. The stalk is square, slender, weak, and not able to support itself perfectly upright. The leaves stand several at each joint, encompassing the stalk in the man- ner of a star; they are oblong, broad, and of a deep green. In their form and manner of growth they much resemble those of common cleavers, but they are larger, though the plant is so much less, and they are not rough as in that plant, but nearly smooth. The flowers stand at the tops of the stalks in little clusters ; they are small and white; the seeds stand two together in a globular form. The roots are little and fibrous. The fresh herb is used, and is best given in a strong decoction ; it opens obstructions of the liver and spleen, and is a cordial, and stomachic. It is good in the jaundice. a WORMSEED PLANT. Absinthium santonicum. A KIND of wormwood, native of the East, and not known so much as in our gardens. The plant is two feet high. The leaves are very finely 3 A 362 FAMILY HERBAL. a a а. divided, like those of the true Roman worm- wood, and of a pale green on the upper side, and a silvery white below. The stalks are stiff, firm, woody, and branched ; they are of a whitish colour, and have a loose downy skin upon them : the flowers are small and brownish; they resemble those of wormwood, and stand in a kind of loose spikes at the tops of the stalks. The seeds are used : our druggists keep them and very often the unripe-buds of the flowers in their place, are mixed with them. They are good against worms in children ; the good women give them mixed with treacle : and few medicines for this purpose have better effect. For people of nicer palates, they may be powdered, and made into boluses. TREACLE WORMSEED. Camelina. This is not the plant which produces what the druggists sell under the name of wormseed that is the produce of an Egyptian kind of wormwood, just described. This is an English herb of the podded kind, and very distinct in its whole appearance from that, and all of its sort. It is two feet high. The stalks are round, up- right, firm, and toward the top divided into branches; the leaves are very numerous, and stand irregularly. They are longish, narrow, pointed at the ends, not at all dented at the edges, and of a dusky green colour. The flowers are little and yellow; they stand in small clusters at the tops of the branches, and under them is a kind of spike of pods; these are long and slender, green at first, but of a kind of browo colour when ripe; and in each is a great number of seeds; FAMILY HERBAL 363 these are round, small, and of an extremely hit- ter taste, much more bitter than the common , wormseed. This seed is the part used. The good women bruise it, and mixing it with treacle, give it to the children of robust constitutions against worms, It operates powerfully by stool, and, if given in too large a quantity, hy vomit. It is therefore to be used with discretion ; but it will answer the purpose, and is preferable, for many reasons, to those mercurial medicines, which it is the fashion of the times to give to people for those disorders ; es- pecially in the country, where there seldom is skill enough in the practitioner to manage, as he ought, medicines, which may be the occasion of so much mischief. COMMON WORMWOOD. Absynthium vulgare. root. A wild plant frequent by way sides, and on ditch-banks. It is a yard high. The stalks are round, striated, white, firm, and branched. The leaves are large, but they are divided into a great number of small parts. They are of a pale whit- ish green, and stand irregularly on the stalks ; many larger, but of the same kind, rise from the The flowers stand in a kind of loose spikes at the tops of the stalks ; they are small and brown. The whole plant is of a very bitter taste. The tops of the plant are to be used fresh gather- ed ; a very slight infusion of them is excellent for all disorders of the stomach, and will prevent sickness after meals, and create an appetite ; but if it be made strong, it will not only be disagreeable to the taste, but will disgust the stomach. The tops with the flowers on them dried, and 364 FAMILY HERBAL. powdered, are good against agues, and have the same virtue with wormseed in killing worms ; indeed they are much better than the wormseed that is commonly to be met with, which is generally too much decayed. The juice of the large leaves of wormwood, which grow from the root before the stalk appears, is good against the dropsy and jaun- dice, for it opens obstructions, and works by urine powerfully. SEA WORMWOOD. Absynthium seriphium. A PLANT common in our salt-marshes, and about ditches, where salt water comes. It has somewhat the aspect of wormwood, but the leaves are much narrower in the divisions, and the whole plant is smaller. The stalks are woody, firm, up- right, very much branched, and a foot and a half aigh. The leaves are whitish and small. The flow- ers stand in loose spikes at the tops of the stalks ; they are little and brown; and they very much resemble those of the common wormwood, except for the size. The whole plant has a bitter taste but not disagreeable, and it has a pleasant aromatic smell. The tops fresh gathered, and the whole plant dry, are used. They call it Roman wormwood at the markets and in the shops; and it is used for the other : it has the same general virtues. All the three kinds indeed possess them in com- mon; but the common wormwood is the most dis- agreeable to the taste, and sits worst upon the stomach : this is better than that, but it is much more disagreeable than the true Roman worm- wood. It is very strengthening to the stomach ; it assists digestion, and prevents wind. It is con- monly an ingredient in the bitter infusions, and 3 FAMILY HERBAL. 365 tinctures of the shops, but it does very well alone; boiling water poured upon it, and suffered to stand till it is cold, then strained off, is an excellent me- dicine to cause an appetite. Put into white wine, it also gives a pleasant bitter flavour, with the same virtues. ROMAN WORMWOOD. Absynthium Romanum. A VERY delicate plant of the wormwood kind, native of the warmer parts of Europe, but kept in our gardens. It is two feet and a half high ; the stalk is round, smooth, hard, upright, of a brownish colour, and somewhat woody. The leaves stand irregularly on it, and they are small and divided into very fine segments: they are more like the leaves of the common southern- wood -in figure, than those of either of the other wormwoods. The flowers are little and brown, like those of common wormwood, but vastly smaller ; they are very numerous, and stand at the tops of the stalks in a kind of long and thick spikes. The root is creeping and spreading, and composed of fibres. The whole plant has a bitter taste, but not at all like that of wormwood, extremely aromatic and pleasing. The flowers are very bitter, and have little of this aromatic flavour. The fresh tops are used, and the whole plant dried. It is excellent to strengthen the stomach ; but that is not all its virtue. The juice of the fresh tops is good against obstructions of the liver and spleen, and has been known singly to cure the jaundice 366 FAMILY HERBAL. Y. YARROW. Millefolium. A COMMON plant in our pastures, and by way sides. It is two or three feet high; the stalk . is round, upright, firm, and striated : the leaves are long, and not very broad, and they are the most beautifully divided of those of any known plant. Their colour is a deep green, and the parts into which they are divided are exceedingly fine, slender, and regularly arranged: the flowers stand at the tops of the branches, in the manner of umbels, in round and large tufts ; they are white, but they often have a blush of red. The root is white and creeping, and the seeds are white, broad, and fiat. The whole plant is used fresh gathered, but the best part is the tops of the shoots; these are to be boiled in water, and the decoction sweetened with fine sugar; it is excellent against the bleedings of the piles, and bloody fluxes, and the overflowing of the menses. It is also healing and good in ulcerations of the ureters: and it operates gently by urine. Z. ZEDOARY PLANT. Zedoaria. AN Eastern plant, very singular, and very beautiful. The root creeps under the surface, and has many tuberous lumps, some long, and some round; but the long are preferred. The round have by many been called zerumbeth; though the zerumbeth is properly another root FAMILY HERBAL. 367 to be described in its place. The leaves of the zedoary, plant are large, very broad, and not vastly long; they stand in clusters, encircling one another at the bases : the flowers stand on separate stalks : these are only eight or ten inches high. They are small, of an irregular shape, and purplish. The root is the only part used; our drug- gists keep it dry ; it is a warm cordial, and stomachic medicine; it strengthens the stomach, assists digestion, and expels wind. It is good also in all nervous complaints, such as lowness of " spirits, faintings, tremblings of the limbs, and restlessness. An ounce of zedoary, sliced thin, and put into a quart of wine, makes an excellent tincture for these purposes, and is very good taken in the quantity of a small glass, on going into a damp, or what is suspected to be a tainted air. ZERUMBETH PLANT. Zerumbetha. THE "zerumbeth plant in some respects re- sembles that which affords the zedoary, but it is larger. It is a native of the East, and has not yet been got into our gardens. The leaves grow together in such a manner as to form a kind of stalk ; this is six feet high or more; but it is only formed of their lower parts wrapped round one another, in the manner of the leaves of our flags. The loose part of each leaf is long, nar- row, and of a bluish green. The flowers stand upon separate stalks; these rise about a foot high, and are of a brownish colour : they have only a sort of films upon them in the place of leaves. The flowers. stand in a short and thick spike, at the tops of these, they are oblong, 368 FAMILY HERBAL. hollow, moderately large, and of a beautiful scarlet The root is long and irregular. The root is used ; our druggists keep it: it is warm and good in all nervous cases. Its virtues are very nearly the same with those of zedoary; and in general the round roots of zedoary are sold under its name, though in reality it is a much longer, as well as larger root. than the zedoary itself. a APPENDIX. Concerning the virtues of plants which have not yet been tried. S the intent of this work is truly to be of use to A mankind, the author who is desirous of making that utility as extensive as possible, cannot close it without observing, that, notwithstanding the great deal that is known of the virtues of English plants, there is certainly a great deal more unknown, and there is room for great discoveries. The plants mentioned in this work are only four or five hundred, and not all these of English growth; if they were, they would yet be but a very small number in proportion to the whole. The catalogue of those native of our own country, as published by Mr. Ray, amounting to many thousands ; great numbers therefore remain yet untried. To what purpose can a man devote the hours of his leisure better, than to the discovering among the number to the unregarded, virtues which may farther supply the catalogue of our own remedies, and make the roots and seeds brought from re- mote countries less necessary? What encourage- ment to the attempt, that there are such mul- titude of objects for the trial ! and that the dis- covering but one remedy among them all, for 3 B 370 APPENDIX. a disease we knew not how so well to cure before, is a source of more true honour, than can be de- rived from all the useless knowledge in the world. If any suppose the trial dangerous, they mis- lead themselves ; and to encourage so laudible an undertaking, I shall observe how little is the hazard, and how considerable the advantages, from what we know already. If a man were to be turned loose upon an island where no person had set foot before, he might dread to taste of any plant he saw, because he might not know, but every one he saw was fatal : and supposing him to have got over this fear, the ignorance of the virtues of all would keep him backward : but this is not at all the case with him, who shall at this time set about inquiring into the virtues of plants in England. The poisonous plants, native of our soil, are hardly a dozen and these are charactered even to the eye, by something singular or dismal in the aspect. They are well known ; and he has nothing to do but to avoid them. For the rest, he has so many, whose uses and qualities are already perfectly known, that he has a great foundation to go upon in the search, because he can compare those he does not know with them. Their taste will go a great way toward informing him ; but this is not all, their very outward figures will direct him : for in general those plants which agree in the external aspect, agree likewise in their virtues. To give an instance in the marshmallow. It is known to work by urine, and to be good against the gravel. We will suppose no more known concerning this kind. A person desirous of ex- tending this useful knowledge, finds that by the taste of the root, which is insipid, and its mu- APPENDIX 371 cilaginons quality, he might have guessed this to be its virtue, from what he before knew of medi- cine. The next plant he meets, we will suppose is the common mallow, and afterwards the little white flowered mallow, which lies upon the ground; he tastes the root of these, and he finds they are like the other; he will therefore guess, that they have the same virtues and upon trial, he will find it is so. But this is not all : if he had examined the flower of the marshmallow, in what manner it was constructed, and how the little threads grew within it, he would have found that the flowers of these other two mallows were, in all respects, like those of the other; and farther, he would have found, that the seeds of these two kinds were in the same manner disposed in circular bo- dies : from this he might, without tasting their roots, have been led to guess that their virtues were the same; or having guessed so much from this, he might have been thence led to taste them, and by that have been confirmed in it: but he might be carried farther ; he would find the same sort of round clusters of seeds in the hollyoak in his garden ; and upon examining the single flowers, he would see they were also alike : and hence he would discover that it was of this kind; and he would rightly judge that the hollyoak, also possessed the same virtues. This is a method by which many of the plants mentioned in this book, have been found to have virtues which others neglected; for there are many named in the preceding pages, and named with great praise, of which others have made little account: these are the means by which the first guesses have been made about their virtues ; and experiments have always confirmed them. . 372 APPENDIX It has not always happened that the virtues of a plant thus tried, have been in a degree worth setting in a liglit of consequence ; they have been sometimes slight, and the plant has been disregard- ed; but they have scarce ever missed to be found of the same nature. These experiments, I have always thought ho- nesty required me to make upon myself, and I never found harm from the trials. I had no right to bring into the least possible danger, the health of others; as to my own there was no probability of harm ; but if it had happened, the intent would have sanctified the accident, and I should have been contented. There is this great use in examining other plants which have the same sort of flowers and fruits with those which we know to have virtues, that we may in this way discover plants at home, to supply the place of those we have from other countries. It is certain the sun in warmer climates does ripen the juices of vegetables farther than in ours, but yet we find the plants of the same kind from whatever part of the world they come, to possess nearly the same kind of virtues ; gene- rally indeed they are the same, only differing in degree. Thus all the mallows of Spain and Italy, to bring the trial to the before named instance, possess the same virtues, with the marsh-mallow, mallow, and hollyoak of England; and the case is the same with those which are truly mallows of the East and West Indies ; though this does not hold good with respect to some of the plants of those countries which have been brought hither under that name. Thus also, that root which was at one time about to be brought very much into use, under the name of the Senegal rattle-snake root, but APPENDIX. 373 of which little mention has been made here, be- cause the attention has not been turned upon novel- ty, but use, being found to belong to a kind of milk- wort, or polygala. The roots of the common milkwort of our pastures being tried, have been found to possess the same virtues, though in a less degree. This plant would not have been re- garded, if the other had not been found to be of the same kind; but to that we owe the knowledge of its virtues. There is a great reason for seeking in our own climate, plants of the same nature, and form, and kind, with those which in other countries afford us remedies; that they are generally of the same kind, and may be fitter for our constitutions. This is certain, that as the sun ripens the juices of plants in hotter countries to more virtue than with us, so it make men's constitutions more able to bear their effects. The Chinese will swallow such doses as are poison to one of us. This we know in many in- stances, and it ought to encourage us in the pre- sent research; because, if the same doses which agree with them, are too much for us; we may also find, that other medicines, of the same kind of virtues, though in a less degree, may also he found to agree better with our constitutions. I would not carry so far as some have done, that opinion of nature's having provided in every country the remedies for the diseases of that coun- try: God is the author of nature, and he know- ing there would be commerce among mankind, knew that would not be necessary. But not- withstanding that it may be necessary in some cases, and convenient in many, for us to have drugs from abroad, yet in general it will be better for us to be cured by those herbs we may find at home; 374 APPENDIX tues. and they will be found upon trial more sufficient for that purpose, than we at present imagine. The means are at hand, but we have made very little use of them, proportioned to their number and their value. The observation already made, that the exter- nal form of plants may very well give the hint for a conjecture about their virtues, is much more general than might be imagined. Almost all the plants of the same kinds are of the same vir- But that is not all : for in general, those of the same class possess the same qualities ; though different in degree: and this is a prodigious help to him, who shall set out upon the generous and useful plan of adding to the number of the useful plants. It is also singular, that what might appear objections in this case, being brought to the trial, will often be found confirmations of the truth there is in the observation. Thus suppose a man, observing that lettuce is eatable, should inquire into all the plants like lettuce, which are those that have flowers com- posed of many parts, and have the seeds winged with a white downy matter, to find whether they were eatable ; let us examine how he would suc- ceed. The plants of this class native of England, are the sowthistle, the hawkweeds, the dandelions, goats-beards, succory, and endive, all eatables. The hawkweeds are less agreeable in the taste, but wholesome ; and as to the wild lettuces, those who would bring the opiate quality of the prin- cipal of them as an objection, strengthen the oh- servation ; for the garden lettnce also has an opi- ate quality. This wild one possesses it in a great- er degree, but still in such degree, that it is an excellent medicine, not at all dangerous. bitter taste would prevent people's eating it, for ; Its APPENDIX. 375 a it is disagreeable ; but its virtues are the same with those of lettuce, only greater. There are some kinds of hawkweed also, which have a bitter milky juice, altogether like that of this lettuce ; and they, also, have this opiate quality. I have tried many of them, but as they are none of them, equal to the great wild lettuce in this respect, it would have been idle to have spent many words about them. This general observation may be carried a great deal farther ; but it were the business of a vclume, not of a short appendix, to explain it at large. In general, the seeds of umbelliferous plants, that is, those which have little flowers in rounded clusters, each succeeded by two seeds, are good against colics ; those of caraway, anise, cummin, corian- der, and all of that kind, are produced by plants of this figure. In the same manner, the verticil- late plants, as they are called, that is, those which have the flowers surrounding the stalks, as in mint and thyme, are of a warm nåture ; and however they differ in degree and circumstance, they have the same general virtues. Farther, such plants as are insipid to the taste and smell, have generally little virtues; and, on the contrary, those which have the most fragrant smell, and sharpest taste, have the greatest virtues, of whatever kind. In general also, those plants which have a strong but an agreeable taste, are most worthy to be examined with respect to their virtues ; for they are generally the most valuable; and on the con- trary, when a very strong taste is also a very dis- agreeable one; or, in the same manner, when the strong smell of a plant has also something heavy, disagreeable, and overpowering in it, there is mischief in the herh, rather than any useful quality. The poisonous plants of this country are very few; 876 APPENDIX. but they are for the most part characterized after this manner : so that they are known as it were at sight, or by the first offer of a trial, Thus we see how very little can be the danger of inquiring farther into the virtues of our own plants, by experiments; and how useful such an inquiry may be to mankind is sufficiently proved by the matter of the preceding volume. What I have written, is with intent to encourage some who have opportunities to make the trial; and for my own part, I shall not be wanting. What I have already discovered in this way, I am pleased to see makes no inconsiderable addition to the present publication ; what I shall discover farther, or learn from the experience of others, shall have its place in the succeeding editions. FINIS. Bungay: Printed by Brightly and Co. PILI 2010 2343 Black Alder Clýrimony precaina Adders Tongue PLZ All Heal Amomum Baren Moel Bach Arons Behen 100 08 Bisloit Behonay 5. Buany Bilters Sweet Brooklime 3 Buchbean Butchers Broom Buole Burnt Burnst aucupazõed Briller Bur call IN Bur Reed. Galamint Chamomile Wibo ferrato a Crual blandine lat mint bonlaury Earth Nut . folkeferat Compey Chichweed form Maripada brumesball Cow Whent M Wort les Saintien (sofer Car Wat Econfort Enderend (uskon. Henven PROV But RedDarnels Long Cyperus 16. um m M. 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