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WebIRTH ... .# (2¢f. ... /870 • * * * - - “Breach of Promise... /%. %2:// ... /86 & ©Easte © º º tººſ)AVID GARRICK vº)REAMS... vºtiomſ E .. Veladies' BATTLE 4 4.erſ/. 436 7. 30 ſºil ºf Q2 ...}-e-b. A4 7. /# Jam. A6%. 16 Noſ. (651. #3 ºn 1870 race vii ix xvii ... lxxviii 1'. f - - 49%. , 77%. 147 tº 2. oº::". A ºf 233 t f* f : & 275t' 321'ſ Aſ POERTERATTS. WOL. I. T. W. RoBERTSON ... * * * e & º • * * ... Frontispiece GEORGE Hon Ey * * * g is tº º 3 º' ... To face page 77 EDWARD SoTHERN ... ... gº º º tº tº E 25 ,, 147 S. B. BANCROFT * g e * * * * * * * * * 39 , 321 PREFA C E. THE short and necessarily abbreviated memoir attached to the first authorised edition of my father's works does not in any way claim to be a full and complete account of his life and work, but is merely a brief chronicle, which it is hoped will be deemed of sufficient interest pending a future and more explicit record wherein certain subjects may be dealt with in greater detail. I have to acknowledge with the utmost gratitude my indebtedness to many dear friends—some living, and others, alas ! dead —for much information that was incidental to my father's career ; which, in their own words and with their per- mission, is incorporated with the original matter of this biography. The gathering of facts and incidents has been a task of pleasure rather than difficulty. There are no idle scandals to contradict, no actions to explain away, and the opening up of the hitherto unturned pages of “Tom Robertson's" life more clearly reveals it to have been one of incessant hard work and perseverance without taint or blemish, T. W. ROBERTSON. SAVAGE CLUB, July 24th, 1889. INTRODUCTION. F eloquent testimony were needed to prove the value of the work contributed by Thomas William Robertson to the British stage, coming as it did when foreign drama had the first call on the attention of the theatre-going public, one has Ā only to point to the renaissance of interest in English plays, / bred and born of native talent which, commencing with his own brilliant career, has steadily asserted itself since his lamented death. Robertson's ultimate success after struggles, which would have wearied, if not actually killed, most men, ere they had received some sort of recognition, assuredly stimulated many now famous dramatists, who, fondly lingering on the attractive threshold of the theatre were doubting the wisdom of casting . their literary eggs in so risky a basket ; but he, with a full knowledge of the power within him, cheerfully set himself to the task of facing the storm and strife incidental to breaking through ancient prejudices connected with all theatrical enter- prises, and though it cost him dear and burdened him with shattered health, terminating in an early death, yet he won his life's wager in clearing the way of the seemingly impassable barrier set up against a dramatist daring to wander from the beaten track. Simplicity of plot, brilliancy of dialogue, a wealth of characterisation beautifully blended into a perfect every day X INTRODUCTION. X (:: were the ingredients of plays which revolutionised the existing state of things theatrical, An eminont critic in writing of Caste the morning after its first production said: “Society and Ours prepared the way for a complete reformation of the modern drama and until - he curtain fell on Saturday night it remained a question whether Mr. Robertson would be able to hold the great reputation which those pieces conferred upon him. The production of Caste has thrown aside all doubt. The reformation is complete, and Mr. Robertson stands pre-eminent as the dramatist of this gene- ration. The scene-painter, the carpenter, and the costumer no longer usurp the place of the author and actor. With the aid of only two simple scenes—a boudoir in Mayfair and a humble lodging in Lambeth—Mr. Robertson has succeeded in concen- trating an accumulation of incident and satire more interesting and more poignant than might be found in all the sensational dramas of the last half century. The whole secret of his success is—truth !” - Pieces which reflected the form of existing society, devoid of ! the adventitious aid of the scene-painter and wholly destitute of j mechanical effects, were received by lovers of the drama as a breath of air in a vitiated atmosphere. Such an innovation created a whirlpool of wonderment in the traditional minds of the very traditional managers whose economical ideas of novelty consisted in a clever pirated version of a successful French play. Relying on a foreign market, they suddenly discovered a strong demand for goods of home manufacture, and had to venture, cap in hand, and beg from the mén they had as trans- lators reduced to the level of literary-tinkers, that which they had hitherto refused with ignorant scorn, an original play ! Here was a change | The author, like the willing horse, had quietly allowed the managerial jockey to ride him to a standstill, but the stable had now changed hands, and the whip and spurs transferred to the author, who in his turn jockeyed the management. The ice once broken, a feeling of independence soon per meated all sections of the theatrical world, and the speedy - } nÅ. º INTRODUCTION, xi growth of theatres, together with the gradual decay and downfall of those petty provincial tyrants (owners of the bitter school of adversity in which actors were then reared much as Smike at Dotheboys Hall) opened up a new field and gave fresh impetus to the growing concern with which the public eagerly watched the advent of a new era in English dramatic literature. Speaking of the days of “stock companies,” so often described by actors, with weak and forgiving memories, as “palmy days,” (how Henry J. Byron was wont to shiver when he heard the term) Robertson remarked : “Those were the days when I had one meal a day and three parts a night to play—now I have three meals a day and no part to play, and for this relief Providence has my most heartfelt thanks.” And he meant it. .” His acting experiences were indeed a sore point, and no more satirical expressions ever fell from his lips than when re- ferring to the hardships and cruelties to which actors were subject from a certain class of country managers then existing. In his own words, in a manuscript of a one act play, he describes a character beloved of “John Coleman, Esq.,” and easily recog- nisable as this individual of the past, viz., “His manner to be pompous and vulgar like a country manager. A stomach, and the manner of an elderly young man : an old-fashioned light comedian rum to seed.” ~, Robertson's plays were founded on the simple principle of virtuous intentions. His heroes were manly, his heroines were pure. A spirit of chivalry pervaded his whole composition, and nothing in word or action can be found in any indicative of a X contrary meaning. The philosophy of human nature in its highest form was the star that guided him across the trackless desert of the drama | No vermilion-coloured vice thinly veneered with a camel-hair touch of dramatic ingenuity was used to evolve a moral—the paradoxical French fashion of teaching a lesson in morality—by presenting immorality in a tissue-paper wrapper of false logic and gilded romance. The comedies which made Robertson's name famous repre- / / tº - ! Vy sented events and emotions as expressed by men and women of the day with the most remarkable fidelity and minute skill— xii INTRODUCTION. holding up the mirror to society and reflecting it in its kindliest phases. He told his story in his own inimitable way, the predomin- ating features being neatness in construction, absolute freedom from conventionality, and an intellectual vivacity developing itself in the most delightful and epigrammatic dialogue, which may well be balanced against the absence of the old intricacy of plot and prosy verbosity which the play-goer had been taught were the first principles of comedy writing. His methods were his own, and he entirely eschewed the common and tricky devices, so long a stock-in-trade of play-builders, and his masterly handling of detailin all matters appertaining to stage- craft as an art is readily acknowledged by those, who following in his footsteps, are only too pleased to say the source of their own inspirations. - As a stage manager Robertson was facile princeps. It was he, and he alone, who insisted that rehearsal should embrace the effects, usually kept secret until the first per- formance, when actors would selfishly disconcert each other and destroy an author; motif by the introduction of some eccentric “bits o' business,” in many instances perfectly out of keeping with the demands of the piece or the exigencies of the characters they were enacting. His notion was that a play, like a plant, should be carefully cultivated and trimmed, ere it is put on show for exhibition, and no one, least of all those who were intimately associated with him in the presentation of the ever- to-be-remembered series, at the little house in Tottenham-street, will grudge to his memory the credit of the system due to his initiation. * - In treating of this subject the opinion of W. S. Gilbert may be quoted as an authority. An intimate and affectionate friend of Robertson's from the year 1862 when he first met him at the dinner given to the literary staff of Fum at its institution, and to which they were both attached, Gilbert had very great and exceptional opportunities of judging. He writes —“I frequently attended his rehearsals and learnt a great deal from his method of stage-management which, in those days, was quite a novelty, although most pieces are now stage-managed on INTRODUCTION. - xiii the principles he introduced. I look upon stage-management, as now understood, as having been absolutely “invented ' by him.” This outspoken acknowledgment is the more valuable emanating, as it does, as a totally independent and unfettered opinion, and from one who has built up success in his own original sphere, similar, in more ways than one, to that of his departed comrade. Again, John Hare, a master of this particular and neces- sary branch of the collective arts of the theatre, sends this valuable criticism: “My opinion of Robertson as a stages manager is of the very highest. He had a gift peculiar to himself, and which I have never seen in any other author, of conveying by some rapid and almost electrical suggestion to the actor an insight into the character assigned him. As Natureſ was the basis of his own work, so he sought to make actors understand it should be of theirs He thus founded a school of natural acting, which completely revolutionised the then existing methods, and by so doing did incalculable good to the stage. To a great extent the executive genius which Robertson brought to bear in the exposition of his work has not been historically recognised by those who have pardonably and pos- sibly in ignorance, credited others with the ease and grace characteristic of the productions at the original Prince of Wales's Theatre—then looked upon as the home of perfection in regard to stage detail. In alluding to this detail, it must not be supposed that it has any reference to a lavish or tasteful display of bric-à- brac, but rather to the natural movements and realistic methods of arriving at “situations” as against many old and objection- able stage traditions one of which may be looked upon as a fair sample—it being of all the most “familiar,” not to say annoying, viz., that every impressive speech or scene should be spoken or acted in the centre of the stage, and the actor, or actress, whose scene “it was ” (as if a scene was not part and parcel of the play) should “take the corner” on each and every occasion possible. - An actor appearing in one of Robertson's pieces for the first time at the finish of rehearsal suggested to him that at a certain point he should “take the corner.” “Certainly,” said Robert- | \ %. .* % ~!. xiv. INTRODUCTION. son, “take it when and where you please, but don't bring it back again.” The actor left the corner and took the hint. The lack of concentration in many of the productions of the day had originated a school whereby the play was a secondary consideration so long as a celebrated “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” or “Miss” was suited, and the ensemble was entirely spoilt by an absence of that persuasive and uniform style of acting usually the out- come of a combination of ideas whereby everyone concerned was treated as a jewel in a setting. Robertson, in the construction of his comedies, recognised this decided drawback, and to counteract it, wrote no “leading” parts, inasmuch as they were all equal in their importance individually and collectively, and against the old and pernicious system of subordinating a piece to $the players—a fatal error in production—he adopted a stringent vice versá principle to which the public owe much for the extra value of the performances they have since witnessed. The little band of actors of the Prince of Wales's Theatre set an example in the development of their master's methods— knowing to a nicety each other's capacity—that finally their per- formances, not only of his works but of all comers who had the good fortune to obtain the advantage of their cultured art, became “the pattern to go by.” The subsequent careers of many who had the privilege of connection with the memorable days of this happy combination of “all the talents "go a long way to prove the stability of their early training. - Speaking of stage technique, the fact that Robertson had breathed the atmosphere of a theatre from the day of his birth and, as an actor, had probably played the whole range of the British drama, it is not surprising with such an experience, together with a strongly inventive and imaginative mind, brought into an active force by a long period of consistently fighting the odds of adversity, that he should have created new departures standing out in bold relief against the background of worn-out old technicalities and silly anachronisms with which the English stage then abounded. For the rest, what Carlyle wrote of Schiller may well be said of Robertson. “One virtue, the parent of many others, and the most essential of any in his circumstances, he possessed in a supreme degree ; he was devoted with entire INTRODUCTION. xv. and unchanging ardour to the cause he had embarked in. * His resources, his place of residence, his associates, his worldly prospects, might vary as they please, his purpose did not vary; it was ever present with him, tonerve every betterfaculty of his head and heart, to invest the chequered vicissitudes of his fortune with a dignity derived from himself. The zeal of his nature overcame the temptations to that loitering and indecision, that fluctuation between sloth and consuming toil, that infirmity of resolution with all its tormenting and enfeebling consequences to which a literary man working as he does at a solitary task, uncalled for by any pressing tangible demand, and to be recompensed by distant and dubious advantage, is especially exposed.” These truthful sentiments apply in every particular to Robertson who from the time he received his first encouragement to the day of his death, barely six short years, contrived to regenerate a class of literature which of all others is the most prone to evil. * • In his endeavours to raise the drooping standard of English dramatic literature he exceeded the fondest anticipations of the faithful friends who felt that he must conquer in the end, and though we still have among us the Stigginses and the Carpet- baggers of the literary world, ever ready to throw a stone, they can never dim the memory of Robertson, which shines out as a beacon light in the great sea of letters, where so many are wrecked on the quicksands of early disappointments. “Tom Robertson was held in the greatest affection by his brother workers in literature, indeed by all his friends. He was a brilliant conversationalist, and he told a story with a rich unction and appreciation (particularly anecdotes of his theatrical experiences) which made him invaluable as a companion and a treat at a dinner table. His so-called cynicism was, after all, only a pretty affectation. Everyone could see through it. No One with such a beaming and good-natured face, which was for ever running over with smiles ; no one with such a generous disposition or such an affectionate heart could be a cynic in the true sense of the word. He made no enemies. He was beloved in private as much as he was appreciated in public. No One xvi INTRODUCTION. envied him his success for which he struggled with such untiring energy, though all regretted that he died with the laurel-wreath only just planted on his head. The winter of Tona Robertson's life was a long and cold one, and he died when the happy sum- mer time had only just begun. The work of the clever author, the touch of the delicate artist will live after him, while the name of the man, yes, and the man himself, will be affec- tionately remembered by all who had the privilege of knowing hima.” This charming tribute appeared in a London newspaper, and was evidently written by one who knew Robertson inti- mately. ME MOIR. HOMAS WILLIAM ROBERTSON, dramatist, was born at Newark-upon-Trent, Nottinghamshire. On January 9th, 1829. Of strictly theatrical parentage, as the following reclºal of his connections will show,it will not be difficult to trace the source from whence his tastes and instincts arose. He was the eldest son of a large family who have, with few exceptions, followed the calling of the actor. Amongst the number who rose to fame may be mentioned his brother, Frederick Craven Robertson, famous in the English provinces as the exponent of the characters written for Mr. Bancroft—his sisters, Elizabeth Brunton, similarly famous in Mrs. Bancroft's “parts"; Fanny Robertson, well and favourably known in town and country as a “first old woman’; and lastly, Madge Robertson (Mrs. W. H. Kendal), whose name speaks for itself. HIS FATHER AND MOTHER. William Robertson, an actor of note, particularly in the old circuits, was the second son of James Robertson, a well known and celebrated comedian of the York circuit, who was in his turn also the son of an actor, a Mr. Robertson hailing from Perth. The last named married a Miss Fowler, an heiress, by whom he had three sons, viz., Thomas, James, and George. Thomas and James became actors, the former being at one time manager of the Lincoln circuit, and the latter principal comedian tl xviii MEMOIR, in the York company, then a very important position. Tate Wilkinson, in his Memoirs, speaks of visiting York as a “star ’’ in 1765, but was not very well received in a certain part, which he ascribed to the fact that “they preferred their favourite Robertson, and deservedly, as he was a comedian of true merit.” This was James Robertson, grandfather of the subject of this biography, a most humorous and clever man. He ran away with and married a Miss Robinson, the eldest daughter, by a former husband, of Mrs. Wrench, wife of Wrench the celebrated “Corinthian Tom * in Tom, and Jerry. At this time he was a member of Mrs. Wrench's company, and Miss Robin- son, who was only sixteen years of age, was at a boarding school at York. They were married on a Saturday, and it is characteristic of him that he sent an invitation to his mother- in-law, who was very averse to the match, to dine with them on the following Monday, the inducement held out being “ roast goose.” This young couple had six children, Georgina, Henry, William, Fanny, Caroline, Maria (who is alive while this is penned), and Eliza. William was apprenticed to Mr. Whitson, a lawyer in Derby, but he left that profession to become an actor, and after the usual vicissitudes found a home in his Uncle Tom's Lincoln Company, of which he afterwards became manager. . In this company he met Miss Marinus, a charming young actress, to whom he was married in 1828. They had a very large family, of which Thomas William Robertson was the eldest and Madge Robertson the youngest. William Robertson, an exceedingly well-educated and learned man, was literary in his tastes and sincerely respectful of his profession, and had he not been tied down by the fact of an ever increasing family there is little doubt but that he would have broken away from the toilsome trials of theatrical life to the more self-reliant work of literature. His wife, who was of Dutch extraction, was spoken of by those who witnessed her performances as an extremely fine actress in the round of leading characters, and, possibly, Mrs. Kendal's art owes much to the early training she must have received at the hands of hel MEMOIR, xix. mother ; and when Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson latterly accepted engagements at Bradford, Hull, Bristol, and other places, always accompanied by their daughter “Madge,” they were regarded as second to none in their respective lines of business, A handsome couple, they were devoted to each other and lived to see their sons and daughters the celebrities they themselves might have been had Dame Nature been less profuse in showering upon them the “blessings” of married life. The earliest mention of Robertson in his childhood is found in the diary of his great-aunt, Fanny Maria, who subsequently adopted and educated him. She was the very well-known Mrs. Tom Robertson, wife of the previously mentioned Tom Robertson, the proprietor and manager of the Lincoln Circuit Company, and herself a very excellent actress. She writes of him thus:—“How I anticipated seeing pretty little Thomas with his golden curls, on my arrival. How I reckoned on his little feet pattering about my large room and his fine eyes looking up to me for approval, assistance, or joy. Alas ! he was ill, very ill, all the time. We were laying plans how we were first to see him and if he would recognise us ; what a change did reality produce in the mind, to see the sweet child in one short week of absence so reduced, his eyes heavy and clouded, fretful at being out of his mother's arms a moment ; but he is better, thank God he is better, and I pray humbly that he may be spared, for I truly love him 1" Again later, and during a period of sorrow and trouble, she wrote, on Sunday, September 25th, 1831. –“Dear little Tom with me, such a sweet child. For his sake will I pray that this cloud of Sorrow may pass quickly away and the sun of morning appear to cheer me.” Robertson is probably much indebted for his poetic inclina- tions to the fostering care of this great-aunt, who wrote charming poetry and was in every way a literary character, exercising a full and potent influence over her favourite in his very youthful days. The following copy of a playbill shows Robertson's juvenile connection with the stage, and from the date mentioned until he went to school he was the young Roscius of the Lincoln Circuit, xx MEMOIR. THEATRE, WISBECH. For the Benefit of TMR. S.H.I.E.L.D AND MIRs, I) A N BY. On Friday Evening, June 13th, 1834, will be performed the Musical Drama (taken from the celebrated Novel of the same name) called ROB ROY; OR, AULD LANG SYNE. Rob Roy MacGregor Campbell ... MR. FLORINGTON Sir Frederick Vernon ... a gº º ... M.R. How ELL Rashleigh Osbaldiston ... e tº º ... MR. CHILDE Francis Osbaldiston * † tº tº e & ... M.R. HOUGHTON Captain Thornton... * s e is $ $ ... MR. BATTIE McStuart ... tº º c & e & e e g ... M.R. WILSON Major Galbriath ... * * * * g is ... MR. W. RoBERTSON Hamish (Rob Roy’s Son)... tº º e ... MASTER, T, ROBERTSON T}ougal e º q * G & a & ... MR. SHIELD Andrew ... tº s º * * * • & 4 ... M.R. SNAPE Bailie Nicol Jarvie tº is tº is * ſº ... M.R. COMPTON Helen MacGregor... tº º & tº $ tº ... MRS. W. ROBERTSON Mattie tº a tº tº tº ſº tº a tº ... MISS WEBB Martha tº a tº tº s e tº # y tº ſº tº ... MISS SPRAY Jean McAlpine ... tº e & tº is e ... MRS. TXANBY T)iana Vermon ... © tº ºn tº º e ... MRS. HowLLL A variety of Songs, Duets, &c., incidental to the Piece. A comic song by MR, COMPTON. A favourite song by MR. Houghton. To conclude with the favourite Farce of THE BEEHIVE ; OR, INDUSTRY MUST PROSPER. Mingle # 9 º' * * * g tº tº s 2 u e ºf ... MR, COMPTON Captain Merton ... g g g a 4 is tº $ tº ... MR. CHILDE Rattan tº $ in tº tº is £ tº e a tº ſº tº º º ... M.R. SHIELD Joey ... * g e g º q p tº º tº º º u tº g ... M.R. HOWELL Mrs. Mingle.,. tº e & q is tº & tº i tº a ... MRS. TXANBY Cicely ... tº e - tº it tº * * * tº a g & 4 ºt ... MISS WEBB Emily (with a song) tº gº tº tº tº § tº ºn ... MRS, HOWELL Doors open at Six, to begin at Seven. Boxes 3s. 6d. Pit 28, Gallery 1s. MEMOIR. > xxi Thirty-five years after this, Compton played the eccentric comedy part of Captain Mountraffe in Home, a comedy in three acts, by this same “Master T. Robertson.” Some time in the year 1836 it was determined to send “Master Tom " to school, and his great-aunt, “Mrs. Tom,” chose the “Spalding Academy,” of which Mr. Henry Young was the head master. Here he received the groundwork of a thoroughly good education, and was an especial favourite with masters and boys. There was something quaint and original about Tom. Now and again an apropos quotation from some part he had played in his childhood would set the class in a roar, causing a relaxation of the stern face of his master, anticipating forgiveness for such an act of disturbance. He was one of the wits of the school, and if he and a schoolfellow, named Adderley Howard, happened to be at the black-boards of their respective divisions at the same time, the school was sure to be convulsed with laughter, disconcerting their good old Dominie, who was much beloved by his pupils. There were public “speakings” in connection with this academy, held at the old theatre in Broad-street, at which cere- monies Robertson was always the “star.” Like other boys, his capacity for playing tricks was fully developed, and in one instance the placing of a lighted cracker, on the 5th of November, under an usher's chair, causing a greater shock to the usher than the chair, was attended with serious results, the “nervous prostration ” (on the floor). The whole school was to be interdicted in every way until the culprit was given up, but such was “Tom’s” popu- larity that no one “peached,” and all suffered punishment in consequence. Tleaving the Spalding Academy, in the year 1841, he went for a length of time to a school at Whittlesea, kept by a Mr. Moore. But things were going wrong in the circuit, and expenses had to be curtailed, including the education of Robertson, now nearly fifteen years of age. He returned to former suffering severely from the bosom of a very large family, and did his share of work each evening at the theatre—at times acting, managing, prompting, painting, and performing duties of all sorts. It can be gathered xxii - --- MEMOIR. that his famous remark of being “nursed on rose-pink and cradled in properties” had some foundation. Things went from bad to worse, and Robertson, restless and ambitious, was wishful to see something of the world—though since leaving school he had never ceased studying ; the same insatiable desire to read and write being characteristic of his youth as in later days. He perfected himself in the French language, which he spoke to the manner born, and his father assisted him to a large extent in other branches of learning. At length he determined to break away and try for himself. Hear- ing that an English-speaking usher was required in a school at Utrecht, in Holland, and fancying he could settle there for a year or so and still further add to his education, he applied for the position and was accepted. This was in 1848. Without mentioning a word to a single member of the family, he slipped away, not a soul knowing what had become of him. His mother was heart-broken, and became very ill, and the sole topic of conversation was, “What has happened to Tom ?” Six weeks after, and during a performance of the com- pany then transferred to the management of his father, when playing at Newark, a thin wan youth was seen standing at the wings by his sister Fanny, looking depressed and anxious. The prodigal had returned. The performance was hurried through, the news broken to his mother, and at the supper table that evening Robertson described his adventures to an excited and sympathetic circle. Arriving, after great difficulties, at Utrecht, he found himself at a small academy of limited means and a still more limited number of pupils, who immediately took as violent a liking for him as they had hatred for the red-haired native-born usher, who was a harsh, cruel, and toad-like person altogether. The upshot of this was that Robertson and the “native ’’ viewed each other in a different, not to say indifferent light, and matters became complicated and uncomfortable, added to which the perquisites were small and the food bad, being served up in a way which Robertson described as biliousness” in his delicate constitution, viz., meat, vegetables and pudding, all on one plate, with a gigantic piece of black “Sowing the first seeds of MIEMOIR, xxiii bread as an Ornament on the top, ‘‘gazing down with a scow! and an eat-me-if-you-dare look on its black surface.” Thoroughly sickened of seeing the world from the scholastic point of view, he pined for home ; but how to get there 2 He had . no money, no friends ! Being out for a walk with the “pupils” he passed the British Consulate ; a bright idea flashed through his mind. The next day he called on the Consul, and, stating his story, induced him to help him to get away. Robertson would keep his children amused for hours with stories of his treatment of the boys when he was a schoolmaster —encouraging them to harass the “native ’’ usher, who subse- quently figured as Krux in the comedy of School. The first attempt at independence being a failure, he settled seriously to help his parents once again, and played everything, from Hamlet to the low-comedy part in the farce of Did you ever semd your Wife to Camberwell ? and particularly distinguishing himself in broken-English and French parts. It has been somewhat the custom to reiterate that Robertson was never a good actor, and that he himself so stated it, In many instances this may be true,from the fact that he had to act “hard” for his living, that is to play anything he could obtain ; but there are those living who remember him in light comedy and French parts in English clothes, that say he was equal to and better than many with reputations. It may be easily understood there was no market in London for his abilities—Alfred Wigan and Charles Matthews occupying fixed and permanent places in these lines of business, and the ring was much narrower then than at present. Regarding Robertson's own opinion of his acting, it is not to be wondered that he thought but little of himself, considering he never could earn more than a pittance ; but how different it might have been had somebody written for him as he wrote for others—to have had his peculiarities and eccentric abilities embodied and clothed in such a way as to present him to an audience as something out of the Ordinary ! The Lincoln Circuit was doomed. Every season became "worse. Lincoln, Boston, Grantham, Peterborough, Newark, Spalding, and Wisbech no longer yielded support to the old xxiv. MEMOIR, and venerable combination. Railways had sprung up and destroyed the comparative isolation of the small from the larger towns, and local interest became somewhat absorbed in the wonders to be seen outside the little circle to which it had Been accustomed. The end soon came, and the pecuniary obligations which had been contracted in the fond hope of a turn in the tide of affairs led to such embarrassments that, William Robertson was compelled to disband the company, and the familiar and historical Lincoln Circuit became a thing of the past. It was a sad breaking-up. The anxieties and troubles were not so hard to bear as was the severance of family ties—for the Robertsons had been a noble example of self-sacrifice to each other's interests—but it had to be, and amongst the rest “Tom” was face to face with the world in reality for the first time. Dick Whittington-like, the world to him was London, and thither he repaired. He was then about nineteen years of age, and from this period, to use his own words, he “ceased to live and began to exist.” His life was spent—for he had nothing else to spend—in the vain struggle to obtain continual employ- ment, but had always to revert to the theatre, doing anything, but never losing his dignity ; now a short engagement in the country, then a still shorter one in London, and usually in a theatre “in which the performance was advertised to take place at a certain time—a fact of which the public took not the 3 slightest notice,” and generally under the management of a gentleman, or “Messrs.,” as Henry J. Byron put it, “who had been known to occasionally pay half-salaries, but full ones 2 Ile Weſ’. He had not been long in London when he wrote his first drama, entitled A Night's Adventure. By some outside influence, William Farren (the elder), then manager of the Olympic Theatre, was induced to read it, and, to Robertson's great surprise, signified approval and produced it. This was in 1851. Robertson imagined his fortune was made, but the piece failed utterly and ran four nights only. Farren was very chagrined and exceedingly rude to Robertson, who boldly re- sented it. This added fuel to the fire of Farren's wrath. and in MEMOIR, XXV plain language he stated “it was a d-d bad play.” Robert- son replying, “Not so bad as the acting,” which settled him for ever in the eyes of Farren. The company did their best to ruin it for some reason or other. It must have had merit to have warranted its production, though it was the work of a very young man, for Robertson was but twenty-two years of age at the time ! * It was during this chrysalis period that Robertson met Byron at Flesher's, a well-known dramatic agent, and a friend- ship commenced which ripened into affection and esteem, lasting in a brotherly fashion all their lives. They acted together in provincial stock companies, and in these “palmy days” hatched many a scheme to make “both ends friendly.” Once, during a long vacation, they were in London together and mournfully wondering what was to happen next. There was a room in the Gallery of Illustration “to let.” Now Byron and Robertson had written and played an entertainment with “varying success” (always varying). It was so constructed that while Byron was on the stage in the first part, Robertson was money-taker, and during Robertson's performance, and prior to their appearance in a duologue, which wound up the bill of fare, Byron took his place in the pay-box, a proceeding he stated “to be wholly unnecessary, for reasons quite obvious.” Robertson's idea was to take this room and establish their entertainment as a permanent thing. Byron gave his assent with a sickly smile of doubt, and, after much worry and trouble, an arrangement was made that they could hire the room, a kind friend paying the first week's rent in advance, and helping with the printing and with all the expenses incurred—when the eventful opening night arrived “they hadn't a farthing in the world.” The performance was advertised to commence at eight o'clock, an announcement received with much apathy on the part of the public, for at ten minutes to the time advertised not a soul had been seen. At last a gentleman tendered a sovereign for a front seat. “Are there any seats left?” inquired the patron. “Oh yes,” replied Robertson, “both right and left—I will bring you the change in a minute, sir.” The gentleman entered, xxvi MEMOIR, stared around, and sat down. The hall was empty Byron had been peeping through the curtains, anxious and nervous, and when he saw the apparition in the stalls he sent for Robert- son, who had changed the sovereign—returned eighteen shillings, less the price of the seat, and brought Byron some stout to nerve him for his task. Byron : “Where are the critics?” Tobertson : “Oh, they're always late.” Byron (dubiously): “Oh ” Robertson : “Better commence and get it over.” Byron : “Tom, I think this is going to be a failure.” Robertson retired to the pay-box. The pianist having finished the overture, the curtain rang up. Byrom entered, dressed in the evening dress which he had to share with Robertson, and began to explain “The Origin of Man,” looking fixedly at the wretched individual in the front seats. “In the beginning there was only one man”—here Byron paused. - “Yes,” said the “front seat,” “and I’m the d–d fool,” and hurrying out to Robertson demanded his money back, saying he had come to see “The Chinese.” Robertson assured the infuriated one that Byron was a Chinaman, but to no purpose, and finally had to return one shilling and eightpence, having spent fourpence of the two shillings in stout for Byron, remarking that “they only charged fourpence on such occasions.” It appears that there were some Chinese jugglers in another room in the Gallery of Illustration who performed remarkable feats of balancing, and hence the “stray lamb.” H. J. Byron was the first to eventually succeed, but did not forget “his dear friend Tom * him, and the two who had starved together lived to see each other popular and prosperous. when the time came to help Years after, when both were doing well, they came in contact with a certain lady manageress, noted for occasionally per- petrating what is known as a “malapropism.” Byron and Robertson readily seized the opportunity, and the subsequent stories set afloat of this lady's extraordinary sayings were really MEMOIR. a comedy in two acts, owing its origin to a French source, and was produced on March 2nd at the St. James's Theatre, then under the management of Miss Herbert. It completely failed, and Robertson must have had little regard for the piece, as he neither retained the manuscript or kept a single reference to it. But he could well afford to receive this check when one thinks of the triumph that followed later on. In the same month Mr. and Mrs. German Reed were supplied by Robertson with a two act piece of the class associated with these popular entertainers, entitled A Dream in Venice. The principal part was enacted by John Parry, of everlasting fame, who was extremely well suited. The little play was a great success, coupled to a scene of Venice painted by John O'Connor, which gained for the artist the most unstinted praise. On April 6th, 1867, Caste, a three act comedy, was presented” in the Prince of Wales Theatre, sacred as the birthplace of a play which has now become a classic, and which set the hall- mark in the reputation of the author of its existence. True to the theory of his genius which had already enabled him to successfully give to the stage plays free from the incubus of conventionality, he reached the level of his own ideal and gave to the stage for all time a play which for originality of treatment and life-like verisimilitude has never been surpassed. John Oxenford, the foremost critic of his day, in writing of T Caste in the Times, alludes to the value of Robertson's indi- f viduality in these positive terms: “An epigrammatic tendency which not only shews itself in the dialogue but points the entire fable ; a predilection for domestic pathos which is ever kept in check by a native abhorrence of twaddling sentimen. tality ; a firm, steady hand and a freedom from convention in the delineations of character, an eye to picturesque effects that arise less from the employment of accessories than from the arrangement of groups that are the natural result of the action lvi MEMOIR. | \ and a connection with the realities, which, perhaps, must not be too closely scrutinised, but which, to a certain extent, makes the stage reflect the world with more than usual accuracy—these are the characteristics which distinguish the best works of Mr. T. W. Robertson.” ~TThe acting in Caste was worthy of the piece. Robertson had measured his actors to an inch. Bancroft was fitted with a part as “Captain Hawtree,” that embraced his individual peculiari- ties down to the use of his eye-glass ; and how well he created the heavy dragoon, and has since played him, need no words of praise here. It was the perfection of acting, and in the highest sense a most artistic assumption. John Hare's performance of Sam Gerridge may be best spoken of in the words of the “Theatrical Lounger” of the Illustrated Times. “Mr. Hare, as Sam Gerridge, the honest gas- fitter, astounded the audience by the fidelity of his “make- up,” which was wonderfully life-like. This gentleman is a thoroughly conscientious actor in every sense of the word, and I stick to my prophecy that he will one day be the greatest ornament of the London stage.” The “Lounger” was right, and it is a pleasure to quote his opinion. Though Frederick Younge was by no means juvenile in years or appearance, which makes the effect of his performance all the more wonderful, his George D’Alroy may claim this distinction, that it was perhaps never so well played as by him. Those who remember the scene with Polly Eccles in the third Act, when she fetches the baby, that George may see his little son for the first time—grow pathetic over the sympathetic manner which he brought to bear in his address to his baby boy; but then he was a father who, like Robertson, adored children. There were not a few who considered Honey's marvellous performance of Eccles somewhat out of the picture ; but though he may have erred in his desire to present a perfect portrait of the old pot-house orator “who didn't work so much as he used to do, but liked to see the young 'uns at it,” as Robertson told him, “the faults were all on the right side.” Those who saw him could hardly have failed to be amused and appreciative at MEMOIR, lvii those most comical bits of character acting. The wonderful look and extraordinary change of countenance in his first entrance, when, expecting to find Polly he saw Hawtree and T)'Alroy, can never be forgotten by those who witnessed it, and the snatches of song intermingled with the tears of disappointed hopesand drunken discontentment, have never been so artistically delivered by any of the numerous Eccles's, who were all more or less excellent. - The “Esther Eccles” of Lydia Foote, with her expressive face and the exquisite pathos of a voice which brought tears to the eyes of all when reading the manly letter sent by Haw. tree, and enclosing her a cheque for thirty pounds, are amongst the memories which linger around her charming per- formance of Robertson's strongest heroine. The Marquise de St. Maur, played by that highly-accomplished actress, Miss Sophie Larkin, was also notable for refinement and finish, together with the clearness of enunciation and elocutionary decision which the part requires in the second Act wherein this estimable, though worldly, old lady narrates the Chronicles of Eroissart to her anxious son. If ever there was a labour of love it must have been when Robertson sat down to write Polly IEccles, with her winsome ways and varying moods, for Marie Wilton. The mingling of the acting powers of which this truly great comedienne was possessed evidently was a supreme effort of his fertile brain, for he succeeded in creating a character embracing all the material gifts and artistic qualities combined in an actress whose consistent versatility earned for her the proud position she attained and held against all rivals, The popularity of Caste was, in effect, the cause of the system of travelling companies as against the “stock ’’ company then in existence. When Frederick Younge and Robertson made up their minds to send a properly organised company into the provinces to present Caste, as apart from the square-peg-in-a- round-hole-manner to which provincial audiences were accus- tomed to see London successes presented, naturally caused a flutter in the dovecotes of the country managers, who resente such an innovation. Many refused to receive the company at all excepting on a ridiculous percentage, but were soon brought lviii - MEXIOIR, to see the errors of their --- as in Bradford, the St. George's Hall was rented, a licence obtained, and the local theatre was positively empty during the visit of Caste, which took the country by storm. This organisation never ceased its labours in the presentation of Robertson's comedies for fourteen consecutive years, and was in existence seventeen years under the successive managements of Frederick Younge, Richard Younge (his brother), Frederick Craven Robertson, T. W. Robertson (the dramatist's son), and later on (under a partner- ship agreement) of T. W. Robertson and H. A. Bruce. he Caste company constituted a regular school for young actors, and there are many who will acknowledge they owe much to having graduated in this company, where a high standard of acting was always maintained, Immediately after the successful production of Caste, Robert- son went on the Continent, visiting France, Germany, Switzer- land, Italy, and Savoy, and was away for five weeks, revelling in the change from the hard and continuous strain his mind had undergone for such a length of time ; returning in high spirits and invigorated health. From many letters written at this period, he appears to have been going into social circles outside the confines of Bohemia, and apparently meeting with no ordinary reception. He was passionately fond of music, and delighted in opera. In a letter dated June 26th, 1867, he wrote: “Albert Levy, Campbell, Clarke and I went to the opera the other night to hear Patti. It was the first time I had ever heard her, and I thought her a wonderful artiste.” Since his wife's death Robertson had experienced a terrible sense of loneliness, which he dwelt upon to many, of his boon companions whilst considering the altered condition of his worldly affairs and prospects, and no one was suprised when he announced the news of his engagement to the niece of one of his sincerest well-wishers, Joseph M. Levy (of the Daily Telegraph), to whom he dedicated his comedy of Ours. At an evening party given at the house of Edward Levy (Lawson) on Christmas Eve, 1866, Robertson became acquainted with Miss Rosetta Feist, a young German lady from Frankfort-on-Maine. A reciprocal feeling sprung up at once, and with the permission of the young MEMOIR. lix lady's parents they became officially engaged in the following August, thanks to the assistance of the Levys, who helped to overcome some slight objections of “mein Herr Papa'ſ In a letter addressed to his future wife, Robertson speaks in the most affectionate terms of the Levys generally, who from the day they met him were attached and affectionate friends. - The second week of July, 1867, saw Robertson at Garlinge, a little village outside Margate, with his two children, and in the small farm-house called by courtesy Guildford Villa, he finished the drama entitled For Love. Here he would write most of the day at his desk in a bay window facing the sea, and in the evening it was his custom to walk the mile separating Garlinge from Margate, and spend an hour or so with his friend, E. P. Hingston, who managed the newly-erected Hall-by-the-Sea for Messrs. Spiers and Pond. When For Ilove was ready, hereturned to town, arranged details of scenes with Telbin, and hurried away in August to Nauheim-les-Bains, to visit Miss Feist and her family, going from thence to Baden-Baden, where, to his great delight, on visiting the gaming tables, he witnessed the scene consequent on “the breaking of the bank” by a lucky specu- lator. While in Baden-Baden a friend wrote to Robertson, that it was commonly reported in London that not only was he married but that the principal attraction of his bride was her power of being able to translate from the German He enjoyed the joke immensely, and repeated it with evident enjoyment. Returning to London on September 4th, the first circum- stance of note that happened was the now well-known incident of the piracy of Caste in Ameriea by W. J. Florence, who, after seeing the comedy many times in London, was actually clever enough to remember it nearly word for word, at least so he would have it thought, and wrote a manuscript of the piece, enabling him to anticipate the production arranged to take place at Wallack's Theatre. By a coincidence, Florence, who played D'Alroy, was the only one imperfect in the caste A lively correspondence ensued, in which Robertson's satire fairly worsted Florence's attempts at prevarication, particularly Ix MEMOIR, when Florence forwarded a sum of fifty pounds, with the inti. mation to Robertson that he sent it “not as a matter of fair- ness but rather of honour between man and man.” The money was returned, with some very pointed references to “fairness and honour” as propounded by Mr. Florence. The author's chances of ever making any money by his comedy in the United States were quite ruined by the firm of de Witt publishing this bastard version, which speedily spread itself over the country and was played by anybody ad lib. X. For Love, or the Two Heroes, the drama in three acts written for the New Holborn Theatre, under the management of Mr. Sefton Parry, was produced on October 5th. On the evening of production, Robertson was present at a dinner party given in his honour by Lionel Lawson, an uncle of Miss Feist's, which included Joseph M. Levy, Edward Levy (Lawson), Albert Levy, Campbell Clark, and Dion Boucicault, after which they all attended the performance. In a letter written the next morning, Robertson said: “ The piece last night was a success, and in my opinion it will run six months. I may be wrong ; but I judge as I think, without being over-sanguine or over-despondent. The first Act went gloriously, the second splendidly. The third Act did not go well (but not so badly as the third Act of Shadow Tree Shaft), still it dropped a little. We shall alter that, and then I have no fear of its long run.” The cast included Henry Widdicomb, H. J. Montague, Charlotte Saunders, and Fanny Josephs, and William Telbin painted some exquisite scenery which met with universal praise, but the run of the piece did not quite realise the fond anticipa- tions of its author, who, as soon as he could conveniently leave London, was off to Frankfort, where he was married to Miss Feist at the English Consulate on the 17th of October, spending his honeymoon in Paris. Under the new régime Robertson's life became wholly changed. Bohemia saw but little of him as compared to the past, and his home ties won him away from Fleet-street to the quieter security of South Hampstead. He took a house in Eton-road MEMOIR, }xi (No. 6), Haverstock Hill, and there devoted himself slavishly to play-writing. Although in 1868 he produced but two pieces, the work he did must have been phenomenal, as the year 1869 will show. His next comedy, produced at the Prince of Wales's Theatre, London, was in four acts and entitled Play. Its great success was eminently due to a charming love scene, no doubt inspired ^ during his stay in Baden after a visit to the “Alte Schloss,” a ruin standing on a high eminence in which Æolian harps had been placed, and also it gave an insight to English playgoers of scenes in connection with the gaming tables for which Baden was then celebrated. The piece was beautifully acted by Marie Wilton, Lydia Foote, Mrs. Leigh Murray, Hare, Bancroft, H. J. Montague, and William Blakeley, and the scenery by Hawes Craven was also highly commented on. The run extended to one hundred and six nights, being in- terrupted by the heat, which Mr. Bancroft, in his published “Reminiscences,” reminds his readers was almost tropical. The only other piece written in 1868 was Passion, Flowers, a drama in three acts, adapted from the French. This was produced at the Theatre Royal, Hull, October 28th, with his sister, Madge Robertson, in the principal part, but it failed to meet with any great success. In this year Miss Herbert, the then lessee of the St. James's Theatre, desired Robertson to supply her with a Christ- mas novelty of a fanciful description, but he was too full of work to be in a position to accept, and strongly recommended her to entrust his friend, W. S. Gilbert, with the commission, in whose capacity for dramatic writing he had a great belief, having pre- viously strongly urged Sothern to give Gilbert a chance at the Haymarket. This, however, did not come to pass. Acting on Robertson's suggestion, Miss Herbert came to terms with Gilbert, and he wrote his first piece, entitled Dulcamara, a burlesque on the Elisir d'Amore. So what Byron did for Robert- son the latter did for Gilbert, and in neither instance was good judgment proved to have been better formed. Yº lxii MEMOIR. 5 The rapid succession of new plays from Robertson's pen in 1869 caused considerable wonder to those who took an interest in such matters. On January 14th, at the Haymarket Theatre, Home, a comedy in three acts, written especially for E. A. Sothern, was a conspicuous success—as much due to author as actor. The piece was an adaptation from Augier's L'Aventurière Sothern excelled himself in the leading part of Colonel White, and played the piece continually during his lifetime. The character of the adventuress, Mrs. Pinchbeck, was played by Miss Ada Cavendish, and the cast included Chippen- dale and Compton, who were alike good in their respective rôles. Home ran nearly the entire season. * At the Prince of Wales's Theatre, London, two nights after, a new comedy in four acts, entitled School, was produced with phenomenal success—a success which was repeated in its repro- ductions. Although Robertson acknowledges his indebtedness to a German source, Benedix's Aschembrödel there is very łittle in School that is not original. Play and players were alike the success of the season, and Marie Wilton's Naomi Tighe, Bancroft's Jack Poyntz, and Hare's Beau Farintosh are historical performances. Much of this comedy was written in the summer of 1868. Robertson's son “Tommy” was at boarding school a short distance from home, and he would often call round in the afternoon and take his boy for a walk, asking him what answers he would give to certain questions if he wished to be mischievous. Many of the answers to Dr. Sutcliffe's queries in the examination scene were obtained in this way, and the astronomical answers given by Bella were both supplied by “Master Tom,” who received in payment various sums varying from sixpence to two shillings. Turing these strolls through Belsize Park towards Hampstead, Robertson would talk to his son as if he were an old friend, recounting stories of his early life from boyhood to manhood, and particularly impressing on him that if he in his turn drifted into theatrical tendencies that his father would have nothing to do with him, but that he might struggle for himself. On the other hand, should he fall in with his father's views as to his MEMOIR. - lxiii future, he should never want his aid or help. Unfortunately for “Tommy "his father died ere he could profit by his counsel and advice, and in the natural course of events he “drifted.” A month ºfter his London productions, Robertson went down to Live! bool to rehearse his four act drama entitled My Lady Clarafwith Herr Bandmann, in the dual rôle of father and son, apf his wife, well-known as Miss Milly Palmer, in the title rôle. The piece was presented at the Alexandra Theatre Pébruary 22nd, and scored an immediate success. On rch 27th it was produced under the altered title of Dreams, N at the Gaiety. Theatre, London, and ran for over ninety nights, the principal characters being played by Alfred Wigan, John Clayton, Robert Sinclair, Rachel Sanger, and Madge Robert- SOIl. The Lady Clara of Madge Robertson was a delightful per- formance, and John Clayton made his first success as Lord Mountforestcourt. Alfred Wigan was not so successful as to receive unqualified criticism in the parts of father and son, and why the author required the two characters to be played by one actor is still a question of wonderment, for there is not the slightest reason why it should not have been cast otherwise, there being no reference to points of resemblance in plot or dialogue. A capital scene between two old men—one a Duke and the other an old servant—in which the pair talk on a perfect ground of equality of the days gone by, was deliciously acted by John Maclean and Joseph Eldred, and gained for each the heartiest recognition. Many opinions were expressed by chroniclers as to Robert- son's want of success away from the Prince of Wales's Theatre, drawing from John Hollingshead a letter which appeared in the i)aily Telegraph :- “THE LATE T. W. ROBERTSON AND DREAMS.” “To the Editor of the ‘Daily Telegraph.” “Sir, –In many of the obituary notices of the lamented Mr. Robertson, the writers have assumed that he failed as a drama- tist in every other theatre except the Prince of Wales's. This is not true as far as the Gaiety is concerned. His drama of łxiv. MEMOIR. 2 Dreams was played here for ninty-six nights to/receipts that most managers would consider excellent. Mr. fRobertson, let me say, was the most liberal and amiable drama ic author Ihave had to deal with. He consented readily to *any managerial alteration likely to increase the popularity of his drama, and freely acknowledged any such service rendered him.— Yours, etc. “JOHN HOLLIN’GSHEAD. “Gaiety Theatre, February 6th, 1871.” \- The comic drama, entitled A B, each of Promise, which would be more properly described as “a farcical comedy,” was most successfully produced at the Globe Theatre, April 10th, 1869. Some excruciatingly funny acting on the part of Miss Maggie Brennan and John Clarke helped to secure for it the favourable reception it received. The eccentric part of Phillip was originally meant for Sothern, who never had an opportunity of trying it, and when Sefton Parry, the manager of the Globe Theatre, went to Robertson for a comic piece, with Sothern's consent he finished it for Clarke. There were two other pieces written for Sothern and never produced, viz., Post Haste, a farcical comedy in three acts, and Which is It, a “piece of extravagance ’’ in two acts. In the last-named, he fore-shadowed, in a speech spoken by Sothern as “himself,” the growing tendency of people to “adopt the stage.” The dialogue is supposed to take place between Sothern and the landlady of a small hotel. He has come down to a small country town to play for the benefit of the daughter of an old friend, but on the journey has lost the costumes and wigs neces. sary for the performance. SoTHERN. I dont mean to play to-night. MRS. THRODDLE (landlady). No 1 SOTHERN. No | MRs. TRoDDLE. Why not ? SOTHERN. I haven't a rag to my back except what I stand up in, all my costumes are in (“action of swimming”) the river —all my wigs MEMOIR. 1xv MRS. THRODDIE (interrupting). La Do you wear wigs'? SoTHERN. Yes! (aside) So do you ! MRS. THRODDLE, La Mr. Sothern. I do so well remem- ber seeing you on the stage at the Haymarket, that night I went in with the order you gave me. I do so love a play—when I go in with an order. SOTHERN. Yes—many people like that way of getting in- as a rule they prefer it. MRS. THRODDLE. But I should never have thought you would have come down to act here—the place is so small. SoTHERN. I know ! I only came down to act for Miss Chep. stow's benefit. You see I knew her father. He was an old friend of mine, a very good fellow. Well one day he died, leaving a widow and a large family—when good fellows die — they generally do die — they always leave widows and large families. Its a rule ! And they leave 'em totally unprovided for—that's another rule ! Well, this girl Clara, who is the eldest, came upon the stage. When people can do nothing else they come upon the stage — that's another rule ! A short comedietta, entitled Dublin Bay, the rights of which had been disposed of in early days, was produced at the Theatre Royal, Manchester, by John Knowles, the then lessee, with some success, on May the 18th. The next comedy from Robertson's pen, produced in 1869, was Progress, in three acts, adapted from Victorien Sardou's Les Gamaches. Although played at the Globe on the 18th September, with Henry Neville, John Billington, Charles Collette, John Clarke, Lydia Foote, and Mrs. Stephens, in the cast, it was written specially to order for Buckstone and the Haymarket Company. When Robertson read it to Buckstone, the cele- brated comedian looked aghast, saying, “My God, they are all old people in it 7” “Why not ?” said Robertson, “I’ve written a play for your company.” It can be easily called to mind that at that time the principals of the Haymarket company con- sisted of Buckstone, Howe, Chippendale, Compton, Braid, &c., and none of them were very young in years. Bunny- thorne was meant for Buckstone, and Bob Bunnythorne for lxvi. MEMOIR, Buckstone's son, who was then making his first appearance. But Buckstone was very angry with Robertson, and refused it. Progress was very well received, but nearly ruined on the first night by the mistaken performance of Bob Bunnythorne. It was somewhere about this time that the symptoms of coming illness began to shew themselves in a marked degree. Fits of sneezing lasting for a long while would quite exhaust Robertson after rising early in the morning, leaving him in a nervous and irritable condition. He had accepted a contract from Benjamin Webster for a drama for the Adelphi Theatre, and there can be no doubt that the value of his work was sadly interfered with by the constitutional weakness of the heart's action, which slowly and insidiously made life almost unbearable. The desire to be at work and the necessity for physical rest preyed upon his sensitive mind, and the reception of his five act drama, entitled The Nightingale, produced January 15th, 1870, at the Adelphi Theatre, which has been described by Mrs. Bancroft in her personal reminiscences of Robertson perhaps too graphically, as in the memory of her own bad state of health she appears to forget the shadow of death hovering over her old friend, must have been a terrible blow to him. There is no doubt the drama was badly acted, whatever merit it was deficient in, and the tenderness of the author's methods was perfectly out of accord with the tastes of an Adelphi audience. It was a venturesome act on Robertson's part to accept the responsibility of writing for so traditional a house as the Adelphi Theatre; and great actor as was Benjamin Webster, his day for the creation of new characters was then almost gone. Between the months of January and May, 1870, Robertson's health was the cause of the gravest anxiety to his family and friends. Among the numerous letters of good wishes sent to cheer him up, one from the genial editor of Punch was pre- served with a few others:— “Hale Lodge, Edgware, Middlesex. “My DEAR. ToM,-I am sorry to hear such bad accounts of you, the only bad accounts you have, judging by your success, MEMOIR. lxvii and I only hope that its nothing more than what by care and rest may be entirely got rid of. You can afford to rest, and a six months' tour would set you up again and make you hurl comedies by cart-loads at us on your return. Come and take a house near here ; there's a cottage near a plantation twixt this and Hendon, with stables (no horses), a well, and lots o' things better / within easy distance of town, about seven miles' drive to Regent-street, and 20 minutes by rail. There's an idea for you and Mrs. Robertson ‘ cum multis chickibus.’ “Hoping to hear of you as soon as ‘little all right,'—I am yours, ** F. C. BURNAND.” M. P., the last of the series of comedies produced at the Prince of Wales's Theatre, was presented on the 23rd April, 1870. It met with the usual successs attending all his works at this little Comedie Française, gladdening the heart of the sick author, who still continued to write, notwithstanding all remonstrances. He was too ill to be present at the performance, the only production he had not personally superintended, and it must have been a gratifying circumstance to him to know his comedy was safe in the hands of those who then understood him so well. Memorable performances in this comedy were the Ruth Deybrooke of Carlotta. Addison, the Dunscombe Dunscombe of John Hare, the horny-handed Skoome of Addison, and the Cecilia of Marie Wilton. The other characters were sketchy and did not give oppor- tunities of much prominence. Mention has been made that Robertson had an idea for a comedy to follow M. P., entitled Faith, and bearing some similitude to the Vicar of Wakefield, but no details of this intention were left behind. Two elaborate suggestions for comedies were found in his handwriting for the Prince of Wales's Theatre, one entitled Passions and the other headed Political Comedy. Ş lxviii MEMOIR. Passions (A Brigand comedy), was sketched out in complete form for a four-act play as follows:— CHARACTERS : The Prince (Pride) we q tº - - - a s e ... HARE. Artist (Ambition) tº tº e e - © & a s tº ºr tº COGHLAN. Brigand Chief (Gain) ... 4 * > * * * 8 ºr a BANCROFT, Saturday Reviewer & ºn tº • * * * * * tº tº e CLARKE, Carbiners. Brigands, The Princess (Love) TAQUITA (Love) Saturday Reviewer's Wife—(Hatred.) ACT T. ... * c º * * * Tn the Mountains. ACT II. ... tº a tº tº ſº º The Artist's Studio. ACT III.... wn º º tº gº º The Crypt. ACT IV. ... & e g tº a tº The Retreat on the Mountains. A very satirical vein runs through it in the shape of a journalistic character, the Saturday Reviewer, who is pro- jecting a newspaper to be called the Sunday Skwnk, containing all “This Weeks Envy, Hatred, Malice, and . Uncharitableness.” Whether it was to be treated on a comic or serious style is not intimated, but in the third Act he is brought in by the brigands whom he has betrayed, his clothes taken from him, his hair cut off—disgraced and turned out of the band. The general motive of the piece is indicated by the title. The notes for the Political Comedy, are contained on five pages of manuscript—the most prominent character being a philosophical M.P. of the John Stuart Mill type, who is made to say, “I am earnest man—I feel deeply on every subject l’’ When married he is to take instructions from his wife as to notices of motion to be given in the House of Commons ! To the horror of his wife he makes a speech against Female Suffrage, and when tackled by her on the subject replies: “I have saved my country. I stand upon my feelings as a member of this House.” WIFE. Wait till I get you home ! M. P. Madam | Near to this is Westminster Hall. In Westminster Hall is the Divorce Court. MEMOIR, lxix WIFE. Divorce—for what ? NI. P. For cruelty and non-desertion. The piece is full of Robertsonian contrasts of character and distinction. In the contemplated dialogue there is also an amusing episode between a father—a severe Radical—and an inquiring daughter. DAUGHTER. All men are equal % RADICAL. Yes. DAUGHTER. One as good as another ? RADICAL. Yes. - DAUGHTER. John, the coachman, as good as you ? RADICAL. Yes. DAUGHTER. Then why don't you drive him 2 (Eacit) It is quite a matter of conjecture, but it would seem that the Political Comedy was the latest idea, from the fact of the members of the Prince of Wales's company, as constituted in M.P., being mentioned by name, Mrs. Bancroft and Carlotta Addison being familiarly spoken of in the MSS. as “Marie ’’ and “Lotty.” The comedy, which had been in hand for some time, with a part specially designed for Sothern, and entitled Birth, was < produced at the New Theatre Royal, Bristol, October 5th, 1870. - Sothern had a capital part, of which he was very much enamoured ; but the reception of the piece in the town it was tried before its intended production at the Haymarket Theatre was of so unsatisfactory a nature that Sothern trembled for its fate in London, and it was resolved to await Robertson's return to health, that he might make necessary alterations; but he died ere they could be fulfilled. Birth was a bright and witty piece of writing, with a mad motive embodied in Sothern's character of Jack Randal. The author had written a serious play, in which he cynically and deliberately placed a character to hold it up to ridicule It was a hazardous thing to do ; but then the curiosities of dramatic surprises were always looked for in Sothern's productions, and hence the piece. Both were very upset at the result of this experiment, as lxx • MEMOIR. high anticipations had been built up, particularly by Sothern, who wrote :- “Leicester, “DEAR. ToM,-I've read the comedy, and like it greatly. gº Send me books as soon as you can, as I cannot begin to study till you’ve made the alterations you name. If I might suggest, I would say give me a few of your telling lines thro' other's conversation. I mean, don’t let me (whilst on the stage) be much of a listener.—Ever yours, E. A. S.” A few days after, in another letter, he says: “I’m sure you will be glad to know that the more I read Birth the more sure do I feel of its success.” A characteristic note from Sothern written on the back of an envelope is dated Liverpool, November 5th, in reply to a letter from Robertson, who was then dangerously ill, and very much troubled at the unfavourable reception of Birth :— “DEAR TOM, --So very sorry you're ill again. D n the alterations. Don't worry abont them till you're better, and when you are, write me another piece, and after that another and another, —Ever yours, S.” Sothern knew the critical condition of Robertson's health, and kept up a continual correspondence in the hope of dis- tracting his mind. Underneath the somewhat erratic and practical joking exterior which Sothern presented to the general public was to be found the most truly sentimental and generous nature. With Henry Irving and J. L. Toole his memory shares the proud distinction that friendships formed in early pro- fessional days were not to be swamped by the swift tide of success which has flowed strongly in their direction, unlike the many, who, in their somewhat unlooked for and accidental prosperity, often emulate the example of the historical beggar- On-horseback, forgetful of the kindly words spoken and helping hands extended at that heart-breaking period in most actors' careers when things seem hopeless; but alas ! gratitude is a debt which is seldom paid. In the month of December, 1870, Robertson's malady became so pronounced that by the advice of his doctor, George Bird, of MEMOIR. lxxi Welbeck-street, Cavendish-square, it was decided that he should winter in Torquay—as the weather in London was extremely unsettled and antagonistic to his complaint; so, on Wednesday, December 29th, he left town, taking with him a valet named Hayland, who had been especially recommended as a sick man’s attendant, arriving in the Devonshire watering-place to find the weather as bad as that which he had left behind him—the cold being intense, and Snow never ceasing to fall. He wrote to his wife, whose long anxiety had made her ill, and whose devotion to him was a subject on which he fondly lingered. “Still I am better, the air is lighter, and I seem to breathe more freely. . . . In your reply to this let me know how you are—and Maud and Tommy and the baby. It seems years since I left London. Of course I have no news. The London morning newspapers get here at four o'clock in the afternoon. Has the baby expressed any opinion as to my absence 2 Did you give the two children the half-crowns I pro- mised them. “ITayland is going to have his hair cut.” I am very hungry. Torquay is in Devonshire. I was quite warm the whole journey. The guard was amiable ; I gave him two shillings. The station here is a mile from the town. I think I shall be very dreary to-morrow. God bless you all.—TOM.” To picture Robertson away from the family he loved so well —in a strange place alone with his thoughts and sick unto death ; hoping against hope, though Surely conscious of his approaching end—the clear and vivid intellect being stifled by decaying nature, is but a sorry task Battle as he would, he was wearying of it all, though trying to bear it cheerfully, as the following letter to his wife will show — “Royal Hotel, Torquay, “Jan. 1st, 3.871. “My Own DARLING, My first letter this year is addressed to you. Of course I have received all your letters. First for myself. I have not been so well since this morning at eight— it is now 3 p.m. I think I am going through the process of acclimatisation. The weather is warmer, but a little foggy. lxxii MEMOIR. Nothing like London fog. I have written to Dr. Bird by this post. t “Hayland has had his hair cwt 1 I am of opinion that Tor- quay will do me a great deal of good—in time. The climate is wonderful, notwithstanding the filthy weather. At the present moment it is thawing. “You cannot conceive the desolation of my life here. I have no one—have spoken to no one. It seems to me I am in a lighthouse, and alone ! “4.30. I have just returned from a drive in an open carriage. The air delightful, though cold. The drive has done me a little good—a beautiful place this—reminding me of Ventnor. . . . I am sorry to hear about those infernal water-pipes again. Please send me the Era, when you get it to-morrow. ‘‘ Hayland has had his hair cwt / In the morning I shall go to look after lodgings. There is an opening for that sort of thing close to the hotel. “What with the baby and Maud and Annie and the water- pipes, you cannot miss me so much as I miss you. I don’t know what the d–l I shall do next week. The solitude is awful. My only recreation is to have my back rubbed, and that palls after the second dozen passes. Kiss my darling baby for me, and my dear Maud and Tommy when you see him. I don't know that I have anything more to tell you, eaccept that IHayland has had his hair cwt / This hotel is a good one, and I am well waited on—I fear that it is dear. In a day or so I hope to get into lodgings, and then we can arrange about your coming. I am sure it would do anybody good, for the climate here is not of the same country as in London. This—the last three days—is the first winter they have had yet ; so now, my darling, good-bye. Good bless you all.—Affectionately yours, ‘‘TOM. “P.S.—Did I mention to you that Hayland has had his—— oh yes! I did.” - After a fortnight's stay in Torquay, which did him more harm than good notwithstanding the fancy that the change was MEMOIR. lxxiii ‘beneficial, he determined to return to London. Never will his home-coming be forgotten by those were present. How altered he was His kind face bore the traces of mental worry and want of rest—though the eyes sparkled as of yore. He could hardly walk up the steps to the front door, so difficult was his breathing—having to stay on each step for a while, at the same time doing his utmost to pass it all off with jokes at Tömmy's expense. There were some dozen steps to mount, and it was fully fifteen minutes ere he entered the house for the last time ! A curious incident happened on this eventful evening— ominous in a superstitious sense and the last of a succession of coincidences. It is a well-known fact that on the first nights of Society, Ours, and Caste, a dog followed Robertson home on each occasion, and nothing would induce him to turn them away, and when the brougham containing Robertson stopped at the house it was pointed out that a dog had followed them from the station. Robertson took it as a happy omen, and directed it should be fed ; but it declined to enter the house, and stayed in the front garden, where, after howling, it was found to have left its food untouched - Immediately on his return to London, War was produced sº the St. James's Theatre. It was the last play he ever wrote, and its production was awaited by Robertson with feverish im- patience, as it had neither the benefit of his presence at re- hearsals or the style of stage-management which his pieces demanded. No one who was present at the first performance, on January 16th, 1871, can ever forget the scene at the theatre. Produced at the time of the Franco-Prussian War party feeling ran high, and the ridiculous attempts of a M. Nertann, a French actor of large proportions dressed in a tight fitting uniform, to command the respect of his audience, together with the long waits between the acts and the general want of sympathy with the author, is better imagined than described. Against Robert- son's wishes the management had announced it as a comedy when in reality it was a drama, and this was the cause of severe and audible comments at the fall of the curtain. Robertson had arranged to have the reception of the piece sent to him after each act, but knowing the truth would not possibly be told lxxiv. MEMOIR. to him if unsuccessful, and anticipating disaster, he had sent his son to be one of the party occupying the box set aside for his representatives. The next morning and during the daily visit which Tommy paid to his father—Robertson insisting on his boy coming home every day from the neighbouring boarding- school for the purpose of seeing him—he drew from him the whole description of the behaviour of the audience and their remarks. After hearing it all he lay back on his pillow and said with a sigh, “Ah, Tommy, my boy, they wouldn’t have been so hard if they could see me now. I shan’t trouble them again.” And taking the boy's hand in his with a look of mingled sorrow and affection, was silent for a few minutes whilst tears trickled down the faces of both. Sothern wrote to Robertson on January 19th :— “I saw War the first night. Having stupidly neglected to obtain seats in time I went into the gallery and couldn't get out again, or I would, for it was sickeningly hot and beastly. They foolishly gave out the report that every seat was gone, and afterwards I and lots of others found out there was lots of room in the D.C. “The first Act was charming, and all looked like a great success | The gallery was full of well-dressed people, and the universal feeling was ‘It’s a gol' The religious tone, &c., of the second Act obviously annoyed a great many, and they talked so loudly near me I could not follow the story except by the action. Between ourselves, with two or three exceptions it was d—d badly acted, for the third Act, naturally played, ought to have been very pretty and effective.” It became painfully apparent to those around that there was no hope of recovery, though by the skill of his good doctor Robertson experienced great relief from the bronchial affection which harassed his otherwise exhausted frame. To Dr. George Bird is due a place of honour in these pages for the unremitting care and attention which he bestowed on his suffering patient, for his treatment was certainly the means of prolonging Robert- son's life for weeks. That Robertson had an idea of ultimate recovery cannot be true, for he often spoke of coming death to MEMOIR, lxxv his son, and on the morning of the day which saw his earthly sojourn close Tommy visited his father as usual between twelve and two o'clock, and the parting was most heart-breaking, even the stern valet being affected. Robertson's last words to his son are still treasured ; “Good-bye, my boy, and God bless you. Come and see me to-morrow. If I don’t speak to you, don’t be frightened, and don't forget to kiss your father.” Days before his death he seemed to become more handsome, and on the fatal day the expression in his face was of another world. At half- past five o'clock in the evening of Friday, February 3rd, 1871, whilst sitting in his high-backed chair, the spirit of Robertson fled from its mortal home. Hearing a slight noise, his valet, who was in the inner room, hurried out to see Robertson's head fall gently on his breast, and carefully placing him again in an upright position found that he had died peacefully. In one single moment Death had robbed a loving wife of a devoted husband, three children of the most affectionate father, and the sphere which he had adorned of a bright character, against whom the rolling-stone of hearsay had gathered nought, nor the finger of scorn pointed for any act or deed unworthy of the name of gentleman—who, in Robert- son's own words, “should not only be without fear but without reproach.” As he lay in his coffin he looked in reality as if he were sleeping. A ruddy glow had overspread the hitherto white skin, the muscles of the face had relaxed, and a happy Smile seemed to imply he had at last reached that Elysium of Rest for which he had pined so long. There are unhappily few now to remember the sad day when so many of his friends met at 6, Eton-road, to pay the last duties to his memory. The coffin, covered with wreaths, lay in the midst of the silent chamber which had enclosed his sufferings. It must have struck those assembled that it was by no means repugnant to the scene, that in a chair in the corner there remained two toys—Punch and Judy puppets—with which he had whiled away the hours, amusing his baby-daughter Rosy. There they were linap and lifeless, as if they also had died in sympathy with him who had so oft enlivened those present by infusing them with his own lively nature so kindly and gentle withal. Often had that lxxvi - MEMOIR, chamber rung with the joyous shouts of the baby at the antics of “Mr. Punch and Mrs. Judy,” just as grown men and women have applauded the ever-ready jests of his characters at the little theatre in Tottenham-street. He was buried, in the presence of a huge concourse of people, at Abney Park Cemetery on February 9th, in the same place containing the remains of his first wife ; and probably never around an open grave were more of manly tears shed than around that of Tom Robertson, whose death at the early age of forty-two years seemed almost cruel. The chief mourners were his brother, Edward Robertson, J. Feist (his father-in-law), W. H. Kendal (his brother-in-law), his son Tommy, Tom Hood, Tom Archer, Dion Boucicault, S. B. Bancroft, Andrew Halliday, John Hare, Edward Draper, E. C. Barnes, and Dr. Bird. * All the obituary notices which appeared in the newspapers and periodicals contained sincere and heartfelt expressions of Sorrow at the early demise of Robertson, and Tom Hood, one of his dearest and best friends, thus wrote of him in the joking weekly, of which he was editor, and to which so many kindred spirits were attached. Truly was the little paper christened “‘Fun * when one thinks of the nature of its contributors “THE LATE T. W. ROBERTSON. “It is a very painful task to add another beloved name to the already too large obituary which records the losses this paper and those connected with it have sustained. Mr. Robertson was for a long time—until indeed his well-deserved success as a dramatist left him no time to devote to periodical literature—a regular contributor to these columns. The fame of his comedies has eclipsed to some extent the reputation he won by the clever magazine-work in which he was at first engaged. But the founder of our modern school of comedy can afford to let the minor renown pass ; his claims on the love and gratitude of the public require no augmentation. “When we consider how poor and trite our language is, we scarcely dare to try and put words to the grief which we, his friends, feel at the death of one we all loved and were so proud MEMOIR, lxxvii of. We had watched his courageous struggle in the old days, had rejoiced in his triumphs, and were aware of the undeveloped powers, which, had he been spared a few years longer, would have won him a yet higher position as a dramatist, and we have known the long and severe suffering from which he has been released. He goes to his grave regretted by the public at large ; but loved and lamented by his private friends with a depth and intensity it would be idle to attempt to utter.” With these eloquent phrases written from the heart we will leave the memory of Robertson to those readers who, though they can never know the man, may still learn to love his work, for the beautiful thoughts contained therein are but a reflection of the man himself. FINIS. LIST OF WORKS. lxxix LIST OF WO R. K. S OF THOMAS WILLIAM ROBERTSON, DRAMATIST. COMEDIES. Birth. *Over the Way. Caste. Progress. iyavid Garrick. *Post Haste. *Down in Our Village. Play. THome. Society, Ladies' Battle. School. IM.P. *Rapid Thaw. Ours. DRAMAS. *A Night's Adventure. | Jocrisse the Juggler. Birds of Prey. TMuleteer of Toledo. *Castles in the Air. Noemie. Chevalier de St. George. Nightingale. Te2)]\S. *Passion Flowers. Duke's Daughter. *Shadow Tree Shaft. Ernestine. Star of the North, , *For Love. Sea of Ice. IFaust and Marguerite. War. Half-Caste. TAROES. Preach of Promise. Peace at any Price. Cantab. , *Photographs and Ices. Clockmaker's Hat: Row in the House. , *Dublin. Bay. . Two Gay Deceivers. My Wife's Diary. *Which is it, 2 Not at all Jealous. MISCELLANEA. *A Dream in Venice. | *Up in a Balloon. NOVELS. Dazzled, not Blinded. | David Garrick, Stephen Caldrick. * These PlayS are not published. B I R T H. A NEW AND ORIGINAL COMEDY, TN THREE ACTS. BY T. W. ROBERTSON, AUTHOR, OF “Caste,” “School,” “Home,” “Ours,” “Breach of Promise,” “Dreams,” “M.P.,” “Nightingale,” “Plays,” “Progress,” “Row in the House,” “Society,” “War,” “David Garrick,” “Ladies' Battle,” “Faust and Marguerite,” “My Wife's Diary,” “Noemie,” “Two Gay Deceivers,” “Jocrisse the Juggler,” “Not at all Jealous,” “Star of the North,” “Birds of Prey,” “Peace at any Price,” “Half Caste,” “Ernestine,” “Chevalier de St. George,” “Cantab,” “Clockmaker's Hat,” “Duke's Daughter,” “Sea of Ice,” &c., &c. TIONDON : NEW YORK : SA MU E L FR EN CH, SAMUEL FRENCEI & SON, PUBLISHER, PUBLISHERs, . 89, S T R A N D. 28, WEST 23RD STREET. B B I R T H . (Produced at New Theatre Royal, Bristol, 5th October, 1870) CAST OF CHARACTERS. Earl of Eagleclyffe tº e & tº gº tº ... M.R. H. VINCENT. Paul Hewitt, tº gº tº e e º tº e G ... MR. J. H. SLATER. Jack Randall ... & a tº tº gº º ... M.R. E. A. SOTHERN. The Duke g º dº tº e is tº a º ... M.R. T. A. PALMER. Stanton ... & © tº tº e & * * tº ... M.R. BROOKs. Dick tº tº º e is º tº tº º tº gº º ... M.R. STANLEY. Tom tº º & tº gº tº * @ tº tº º º ... MR. Hosf.gooD. Harry tº is © tº gº º ë & ſº tº tº tº ... MR. THOMAs. The Lady Adeliz tº e º tº e ºs ... MISS Louis E WILLES. Sarah Hewitt ... * * * tº e tº ... MISS AMY ROSELLE. ACT I. THE FACTORY. —In the Valley ! Exterior of Office.—MoRNING. ACT II. THE CASTLE.-On the Heights / / Banquet Hall.—EvKNING. ACT III. THE KEEP. —In the Depths / / / Ivy-covered Ruins.—NIGHT, Modern Costumes. Time of Representation, two howrs and a quarter, B I R. T. H. ACT I. SCENE 1.-The eacterior of the office of PAUL HEWITT's works. A wall crosses the back of the stage, in which are large green wooden gates C., like folding-doors. Wall down R.H., containing small gate. On L.H. &m office, built chiefly of glass, from which a verandah and pillars, ornamented with creepers, is built out on stage. Door L.H., leading into office wrºder verandah ; tables, two or three garden chairs, and a Davenport. A table, with twmblers and decanter of water. On stage, a carpet, painted like gravel. The whole looking new. On the cloth, high chimneys, hills, a wood. The castle on an eminence. | | WALL. C. DOOR. WALL. º º ºº 2:03 à #3# §| *...*%.* *<\;* ºL-> * º # Enter PAUL, letters in his hand, followed by STANTON, a clerk, R.D. PAUL. This for Mr. Carter (giving letters, &c.), that for Mr. Swayne. STAN. And about the order from Tipps and Co. 7 PAUL. Ask my sister. STAN. And young Delve's design for º 4 BIRTH. PAUL. Ask my sister. Is everything ready for the friend we expect to-day ! STAN. Yes. Miss Sarah saw to that. (noise without, R.; murmurs) PAUL. What’s that '. STAN. It’s the Duke. PAUL. Crazy old vagabond ' What does he want here STAN. Oh, nothing—but to make himself disagreeable. He came into the yard, and began sneering and jeering, and one of the boys threw a cinder at him, and he threatened to shoot him. PAUL. Has he got his gun then STAN. Yes; and the men got round him, and Billy Purvis wanted to fight him. PAUL. I’ll have no fighting here This is a factory, not a Fives’ court. I particularly desire that no one employed here meddles with anyone belonging to the Castle. Send the old ruffian off the premises. (Exit STANTON, R.D.) PAUL. (bitterly) The Castle ! Another month, and the affair will be settled ; and they will be-gone. (with sadness) I must forget them, though they will not forget me. (Ea'it PAUL, L.H.D.) Murmurs without. Go out ! Turn him out ! Get out, &c. The DUKE appears at door R., menacing DICK, ToM, HARRY, and FORGEMEN, who follow him, with the butt end of his gwn. DUKE. (an old man of seventy, in velveteen coat, and red waistcoat, high gaiters, white hair, and long moustaches, also white, his manner soldier-like, distinguished, and haughty; his attire, poor, but not ragged a picturesque, bronzed figure) I’ll go when I please. I'm only used to receive orders from gentlemen—not from such as you ! DICK. Mr. Paul says you’re to leave the works. DUKE. (with contempt) Mr. Paul DICK. Yes. What have you got to say again him 'ſ Go out ! (the DUKE holds up his gun) , You murdering thief—would you dare to fire Take the gun from him, lads. The gun is seized from the DUKE. The FoRGEMEN swrround him. He is thrown on the ground. At this moment enter JACK RANDALL, door R. He knocks aside two or three men, and stands over DUKE. BIRTH. 5 JACK. What are you about 7 Twenty to one. ToM. Who are you? (the DUKE rises) JACK. Not much. Only a man—but I am that. What are you? ForgFMEN. Smash him Get out ! As they are about to hustle JACK, SARAH appears Gºt L. D. SARAH. (on threshold) What's all this? FoRGEMEN. (quieted) Miss Sarah JACK. Sarah That must be Paul's sister Enter PAUL, L.H.D. During this the DUKE bears himself with great dignity, and shows no sign of fear. PAUL enters, and passes SARAH. MOB. SARAH. T}UKE. T)ICK. PAUL. JACK. BAUL. What is this '' DICK. (his face to PAUL ; his back to JACK and the DUKE). It's that murdering vagabond. IPAUL. Which murdering vagabond DICK. (seizing JACK, and bringing him to the front) This. JACK. Me BAUL. My dear Jack. JACK. Paul. (they shake hands) PAUL. (crossing to the DUKE). How is it, Duke, that you will continue to insult my men'ſ They never insult you. DUKE. They do | Their very presence is an insult. HARRY. Break his neck. JACK. Fine old fellow ! Is he mad, or only a patriot ? (to PAUL) DICK. ſ Pitch him out TOM. (together) { Chuck him in the cinder heap. PAUL. (taking the DUKE's gun from ForgFMEN, and 'returning it to him ; the DUKE does not take it) Now leave the works (the DUKE indicates that he will not stir) G BIRTH. TOM. With sore bones— |HARRY. After a moulding. PAUL. Silence : I'm master here. ToM. We won’t be insulted. FoEGEMEN. No. DICK. With a sound thrashing— (together) Surrounding the DUKE. Factory bell rings. A ſpaw86. PAUL. (after looking at his watch) Dinner ForgFMEN. Dinner JACK. And beer. (FORGEMEN pause) At my expense. (the FORGEMEN go off, R.D.) T) UKE. PAUL. JACK. SARAH. JACK. I thought the beer would settle them. One glass of “bitter’ makes the whole world kin. BAUL. Now, Duke, take your gun, and here are five shillings. (offering them, the DUKE refuses) DUKE.. I only take money from my master, as you from yours. BAUL. (smiling) Who is my master ? DUKE. The Devil PAUL. The Devil? JACK. He's such a large employer of labour. He's everybody's master. DUKE. Look round you; where all used to be rock, and moss, and trees (pointing to chimneys), now smoke, fire, cinders, ashes SARAH. He means the works. JACK. Well, they do smell a little sulphury. PAUL. But a thousand hands are employed ; and their wives and families live in abundance—on land that only teemed with rabbits and wood-pigeons. T)UKE. What matter'ſ JACK. He doesn’t like wood-pigeons. SARAH. (picking up money) Now, Duke, you'll take this money from me DUKE. No | SARAH. As far as old Nanny's ; she is sick. Give her my love, and I hope she's better. (the DUKE takes money) JACK. (aside to PAUL) Will he give it her ? BIRTH. 7 I’AUL. Every copper. T'd trust him with untold gold. JACK. Then he is mad SARAPI takes gºwn from PAUL, and hands it to the DUKE, who takes it gently. DUKE. You're good, because you're a woman. JACK. He's very mad DUKE. (crossing to PAUL) But you have no right here. My master is a great earl; his sister is a noble lady : if harm come to him, or to her, neither the smoke, nor the fire, nor the engines, nor the rest of these accoutrements of hell can make up for it. (Exit DUKE, R.D.) PAUL. Now, Jack, let me introduce you to my sister. SARAH. I am always glad to know any friend of my brother's. JACK. And I’m always glad to know any sister of any- body's. (shaking hands with SARAH) I wish I had a sister. SARAH. Why? JACK. I don’t know ; for many reasons. A sister is a sort of sweetheart, who don’t require attention ; a kind of housekeeper, whom you can’t fall in love with ; an agreeable spinster, whom you can’t marry. In short, a sister is as nice as—as somebody else's wife, without being so dan- gerous. But that extraordinary old man. What is he PAUL. The Duke. JACK. What duke . V SARAH. His Grace the Gamekeeper of the Castle. JACK. The Castle ; PAUL. (pointing) Yes. You see it there. JACK. Embosomed in trees—a noble building. Butsurely that velveteeny old man cannot be the owner of PAUL. Owner —no. He represents the feudal serf, as his chief represents the feudal sovereign, of the good old days. The old fellow has been a soldier in the late lord's time, and in his father's ; a slaughterer for sixpence a day. He is now—having retired from the lofty profession of human butchery—a privileged vagabond, whose only employ- ment is to shoot pheasants and to hate me. JACK. Hate you. Why? PAUL. Because I am not a lord, because I am an in- ventor, and because I am prosperous. SARAH. There is between us and the grand folks at the Castle a tremendous feud. JACK. Who are the grand folks! 8 BIRTH. SARAH. The Earl of Eagle.clyffe. PAUL. And his sister, the Lady Adeliza. JACK. Oh There is a lady—is there? SARAH. Yes—and T detest her. JACK, (aside) Naturally. But go on. PAUL. Briefly, then—if it interests you : Years ago, my father and this man's grandfather began the quarrel. My father was fortunate, and I have been fortunate ; and we have always been eyesores and abominations in the eyes of the Eagle.clyffes. As we grew richer, they grew poorer, and bit by bit we bought the land which they were com- pelled to sell. Then began the rivalry. If they gave a new window to the church—for which they did not pay—my father built a chapel of ease. I offered this present Earl, who has been in the army, the command of the volunteers which we send out from the works here. He declined it because I was captain. Year by year he has become more embittered against me. He has become poorer. He will repent it. I am surrounding him, and he will in time learn that bows and arrows are no match for weapons of modern calibre. (PAUL offers JACK chairs from verandah. They sit) PAUL. JACK. SARAH. SARAH. One of the reasons why the Eagle.clyffes—these noble paupers—hold our mushroom money-bags in con- tempt is, that we have no birth—that we are not persons of blood. PAUL. The Eagle.clyffe faith is that everybody must be born. JACK. Why that seems reasonable enough. Unless people were born they could never make a figure in the world. SARAH. (with contempt) Everybody is born. JACK. Yes, many are born, but few get married. SARAH. But with the Eagle.clyffes, birth comes before marriage. JACK. And afterwards, too, I hope. Then this Earl SARAH. Is a brute. JACK. Is he young SARAH. About five-and-thirty. JACK. Good-looking ? SARAH. Very ; almost handsome. JACK. Then you’ve seen him ; SARAH. Often. BIRTPI. 9 JACK. And the Lady Hildefonza— PAUL. Adeliza. JACK. Adeliza. Ts she handsome 3 SARAH. I think not. JACK. Ah Ugly PAUL. No. Beautiful. JACK. Have you seen her often ? PAUL. No : seldom. But what is the use of talking of such out-of-date ornaments : I have often met her riding. She wears an eagle's plume in her hat, and sometimes the Duke trots after her on a pony. The old man worships her. It is a good trait in his vagabond character. (SARAH watches her brother) JACK. Did you ever speak to her? PAUL. No. JACK. I've an idea. This Earl of Eaglefeather SARAH. Eagle.clyffe. JACK. Eagle.clyffe — is thirty-five. Lady Anna Me. linda PAUL, Adeliza. JACK. Adeliza—is PAUL. Three-and-twenty. SARAH. More. JACK. Give her a year or two, and say three-and-twenty. Given, The feud between you two—that is, you four ; you two twos. Required, How to make it cease. You (to SARAH) marry the Earl. You (to PAUL) marry the lady. (PAUL and SARAH start from their chairs. After a pause) What have I said PAUL and SARAH begin to laugh wreasily, each re- garding the other. PAUL. Ha 1 ha. ha SARAH. Ha 1 ha. ha JACK. (after a pause, rising) Ha! haſ ha / I publish the banns of marriage between the most high Earl of Eaglenest, and the most beautiful Miss Sarah Hewitt ; also, likewise, and to save time—and temper—I also publish the banns of marriage between the Lady Adeliza de Somebody and Paul Hewitt, iron-master. If any of you should know any just cause or impediment why these four persons should not Commit ś, } (wneasily) { Ha 1 ha 1 ha. 10 BIRTH. PAUL. Why, she thinks I’m a stoker. SARAH. And he thinks me a scullery-maid. JACK. Why SARAH. Because we have no birth—we are not of gentle blood. But I must go. Paul will show you to your room. (Eacit SARAH, L.D.) PAUL. (seating himself, L.H.) Now, Jack. It is years since we met. Let me say how glad I am to see you. You told me in your letter that since we parted JACK. (seating himself, R.H.) At old Prosser's school ; where you got the prize for mathematics, and I was expelled. Oh, since then all sorts of things have happened. I have been ruined. PAUL. Your father left you JACK. Yes—but all that went. PAUL. Went—where 7 JACK. Everywhere. I lost heart, health, spirits, money—everything. - - PAUL. I heard of some turf exploits of yours. You Were JACK. Yes. I was—very much so. PAUL. You found trainers and jockeys to be more ex- pensive animals than even the horses. JACK. The folks I found most expensive were not exactly jockeys; if they had been, they would have ridden side-saddle ; and that is against the laws of the Jockey Club. But the laws of the Jockey Club are to be altered, so perhaps they’ll bring in a side-saddle clause. However— suffice it—here I am–with just enough to be able vot to live upon. PAUL. What do you intend to do? JACK. Work. - PAUL. That's right. Have you chosen your walk in life? JACK. Yes. It's anything but a walk over. PAUL. What trade 7 JACK. It isn’t a trade. PAUL. Profession ? JACK. It's not a regular profession. PAUL. What is it '. JACK. Literature. PAUL. But have you the requisite ability ? J Ack. How should I know / That's for the public to find out——not me. PAUL, Are you going to write History BIRTH. - 11 JACK. No, slow. PAUL. Essays? JACK. No go. PAUL. Novels? (JACK shakes his head) What then JACK. Plays PAUL. Plays JACK. Yes, comedies. I want to write a comedy. PAUL. Well, write one. I should think it is easy enough. You’ve only to be amusing, spirited, bright, and life-like. That's all. JACK. Yes, that's all. You see, there is one capital thing in being a dramatist. There is no competition. Nowadays there are no dramatic authors—so they say. PAUL. That is a good thing. JACK. Then (thoughtfully) there are no actors. - PAUL. No actors : JACK. No actors; at least, so they say. |PAUL. What, the actors? JACK. Oh, no, not the actors; they say they're better than ever. BAUL. Well, at this end of the world, with my nose in my furnaces, I know nothing of such matters; but I sup- pose, according to the laws of Supply and demand, that as there are no authors and no actors there are no theatres. JACK. Oh, yes, there are lots of theatres. They build a new one every month. I’AUL. Every month ! And what do they do with it ! JACK. Do with it ! Open it. |PAUL. And what them " JACK. Shut it. What are theatres for but to open and shut, like telescopes, taking a sight at Society a long way off? What the public wants is novelty—a good novelty. |PAUL. Exactly. JACK. The difficulty is, where to find it. PAUL. To find a public : JACK. No, that's another difficulty; but it's a splendid thing when you do find it. BAUL. What, a good novelty 7 JACK. No ; a public. If you find one, you’re sure to find the other. What they require is the Jew. PAUL. (misunderstanding) The nude JACK. (impatiently) No ; the new. The nude isn't the new. The nude is as old as Adam—or Eve—in their original costume. However, the stage wants a dramatist ; 12 BIRTH. and I’m a dramatist who wants a stage ; so I'm going to write a comedy, as I say, aw maturel. PAUL. How d'ye mean—aw maturel ? JACK. I mean, to write raw from the life. You know I’m a good shorthand writer ? PAUL. Yes; I remember. JACK. (producing book and pencil) I can write as fast as any man can talk ; and I can beat a man with a stutter by two syllables a second. Now, supposing I hear anything that would do as an outline for the plot of a comedy—say, for instance, that you told me just now about your feud with the Earl of Eagleberry—I write down (writing): “Earl lives in castle on a hill—with his sister. Iron- master lives in valley—with his sister. The two men dis- like each other; the two girls detest each other with an intensity known only to good women, who have been well brought up. By continued mutual annoyances they—” (starting up, struck by a sudden thought) Eureka PAUL. What JACK. I’ve found it. PAUL. Found what ; JACK. The plot for my new comedy. PAUL. Tºm glad to hear it. Will you drive over with me to Beckley to meet my lawyer from London 7 (JACK, absorbed, mods) I'll give orders to have the mare put to. (Eacit PAUL, L.D.) JACK. (absorbed, writing). The Earl of Eagle.cock (I'll call him Lord Featherherring) looks down with scorn on his immediate neighbour, Paul Hewitt. I’ll call him Peter Stewpan. Lord Ravendevil meets Peter Fryingirons at a public dinner, and the noble lord pulls Peter Toastingfork's nose because Peter began his soup before the Archbishop of Everysee had said grace. Good | That's social and fashion- able. Peter retorts with a butter-bowl full of lobster-sauce, misses Lord Bantampoodle, and hits the Archbishop. (pausing) No. You couldn't have an Archbishop on the stage, except in an historical play. The Lord Chamberlain wouldn't license an Archbishop. It won't do. (tears leaves out of book) Still, there's something in it. Let's try again. (writing) Lord Gamebag loses £500,000 to Peter Curling- tongs, at poker. He offers Peter to mortgage the estate— Jºnter PAUL, L.D. PAUL. Now, JACK, the trap's ready—are you ? BIRTEI. 13 JACK. Quite. I’ve got a fit of composition on me. (writing) Lord Fitzpheasantfeathers is a noble lord— living on a hill (they go off, R.D. JACK composing) SARAH appears at L.D., a “Peerage” in her hand. %2p 5 9 SARAH. My brother gone—and I suppose taken his eccentric friend with him. (opens “Peerage,” and reads) “Eagle.clyffe, Earl of, Stormont. Cecil Arthur Tudor Stormont, fourteenth earl, K.B., W.C. ; born June the 10th, 1835. Succeeded his father in 1847—was educated at Eton, and Christ Church, Oxford—is a lieutenant-colonel in the army, was a page of honour to the Queen, 1846-52. “Sister living. Adeliza Elinor.” Pah “Patron of eleven livings—Beckley, Barrow-mud,” um—ah. “Creation, 1465. Earl of Eagle.clyffe—arms.” Ah I never can under- stand that. “Seat, Eagle.clyffe, Loamshire. Town resi- dence, Long's Hotel. Club, Carlton.” (throwing down book in pique) What rubbish all that is I’ve no patience. What a fuss about ancestors—as if everybody hadn’t ancestors—of some sort or another. And if everybody has had ancestors, what can it matter who they were 7 (SARAH sits down at davenport and re-peruses “Peerage") Enter DICK, R.D. DICK. The Earl of Eagle.clyffe. SARAH. (closing book quickly, and turning round) Who? DICK. The Earl of Eagle.clyffe. SARAH. From the Castle ; DICK. From the Castle. SARAH. (mechanically) Cecil Arthur Tudor Stormont, fourteenth earl. What does he want } DICK. He wants to see Mr. Paul. SARAH. My brother is out. DICK. So I told him. Then he said he'd like to speak to you. SARAH. (astonished) To me ! (flushing with pleasure ; then, with a sort of spite) I won’t see him. (DICK is going off, R.D.) Stop ! Yes, I will see him. DICK. Shall I send him round to the great gate" SARAII. No. I’ll see him here. This is quite good enough for a lord. (Exit DICK, R.D.) I'll show him that 14 BIRTH. Sarah Hewitt, of the Works, thinks no more of a lord than of a lump of cinder. She goes to davenport, puts “Peerage” into it, takes out a mirror, and sets herself to rights. Enter the EARL OF EAGLECLYFFE, R.D. SARAH sits with her back to him. A pause. EARL coughs. SARAH. (still with her back to him) Is that you, Dick? EARL. No ; it's not Dick. It's me. SARAH. And who are you? (her back still towards him) EARL. Lord Eagle.clyffe, from the Castle. SARAH. (twrns, rises, curtseys, and then says, drily) Happy to make your lordship's acquaintance. (the EARL wears a shooting-dress, bearing the marks and stains of time. IHis manner is that of a rather old-fashioned patrician than of a modern man of fashion. It is requisite that no foppery, or swelldom of dress or manner be assumed. After a pawse) Won’t you sit down? EARL. Thanks, I will; for I'm tired. (taking chair, R.) SARAH. Will you take anything to drink' (seating herself, L.) EARL. (puzzled by his reception) Not anything, thank you. (a pause) Mr. Hewitt's not at home? SARAH. No ; but I am. EARL. So I perceive. SARAH. I was told that you wanted to speak to me, EARL. I did. SARAH. You'll excuse my hurrying you, but I have business which EARL. I’ll be brief. I came to see Miss Hewitt on business—and to offer you an apology. SARAH. For paying me a visit in that dress? EARL. No ; for a servant of mine. SARAH. For a servant Oh EARL. Yes; Duke. SARAH. A duke a servant 7 EARL. My gamekeeper. SARAH. I thought you said a duke 7 EARL. The old man's name is Duke. He has been well educated, and has a certain proud, soldier-like air. I suppose that is why they call him Duke. SARAH. Oh I never supposed he was a real duke. EARL. Why not ? SARAH. He appears to be useful and intelligent. BIRTH. 15 EARL. Have you met many dukes 7 SARAH. Let me see. No ; not many. EARL. I thought you only spoke from hearsay. How- ever, I must ask you to excuse my old servant and friend. For Duke is a remarkable man. When a soldier, he SARAH. I dislike soldiers. EARL. Tºm Sorry for that, for I am a soldier. SARAH. I know that. And you have been a Buttons. EARL. A. Buttons ! - SARAH. Yes; a page to the Queen. EARL. To the Queen? Oh, yes. SARAH. I knew it was something of that sort. Page or Buttons. I always call them. Buttons. EARL (aside) What an extraordinary girl | She can’t mean to insult me. (aloud) However, let me apologise for Duke. He was wounded severely in the head in the Peninsula. At Talavera, my grandfather, in command of a small body of cavalry, was shot, and fell beneath a heap of slain. All believed him dead except Duke—who was in his troop. He sought for a whole night and the next day —and at last found him. SARAH. (interested) Dead - EARL. So all believed—except Duke, who tended him day and night—might and day—and by dint of a devotion seldom seen in those days of modern improvement, restored him to life. Since then Duke has never left the family, but has stayed with it during its fallen and falling fortunes. In another battle, he received a sabre-cut here. (pointing to the back of his head) The blow at times renders him more than eccentric. I hear that he has been the cause of some trouble to you and to your brother, and I ask you to forgive him. He has ancient prejudices. He has been bred in a camp, and not in a furnace ; we cannot all have the good fortune to devote the energies of our lives to the improve- ment of drainage, or the laying down of gaspipes. SARAH rather disconcerted. As EARL rises, his gun falls. SARAHI. What's that ? A gaspipe } EARL. No. It takes the liberty of calling itself a gun. It's a Manton. (taking it up) SARAH. Are you sure it is not a bow and arrow % EARL. It is old-fashioned—but it shoots well. SARAH. (taking new double-barrelled breech-loader from wall) You see this? 16 BIRTH. IEARL. Yes. SARAH. Do you understand the theory of percussive power'ſ EARL. No. SARAH. I thought not. It will be no use my trying to explain it to you. This is what we poor moderns call a breech-loader. You open the gun so. (she opens breech- loader) You see the trigger is protected here, and the lock works perfectly. The cartridge is placed so. As you see, it contains a double cartridge. There's only one trouble in loading. The ramrod is abolished, which is a capital thing, because the ramrod is liable to break. The barrel is grooved —that is, as you call it, rifled : and the cartridge is larger than the barrel, and would not pass through it but for the powder, which is percussive, so that the shot, if it takes effect, is deadly. Now for the sight. Indeed, the sight is the only novelty in this rifle, and has been sent down for my brother's approval. (she puts the rifle to her shoulder. The EARL places his head so that it is close to hers) Now, look at your sight. Take your head away; you are looking at my sight, not yours. Now, you see Their heads close together, as they turn, the muzzles of their guns are pointed at JACK, who enters, R.D. JACK eacits behind door hastily. JACK. (from the outer side of R.D.) Don't fire. I want to come in. SARAH. It's Mr. Randall. She crosses and opens door. Enter JACK, his hat Smashed, clothes disarranged. EARL. Randall—Jack Randall ! JACK, Yes : Jack Rand—eh (recognising EARL) What Cecil Stormont ? SARAH. Cecil Arthur Tudor Stormont, Earl of Eagle- clyffe. Do you know him ; EARL. We are old Schoolfellows. (shaking hands with JACK) JACK. Eagleclyffe Stormont, of course. I forgot the family name. SARAH. (aside) He is a very nice man, this Mr. Randall. Knows good sort of people. BIRTH. 17 EARL. And why are you down here 7 JACK. I'm writing. £ARL. Writing ! JACK. Yes; a comedy. By the way, seeing you unex- pectedly—very good incident. (takes out book, and writes shorthand) EARL. You must come and see us at the Castle. JACK. What, are you the grim Earl By Jove Apropos, Miss Hewitt, there's a lady will be here directly. SARAH. A lady JACK. Yes. As Paul was driving me along one of those roads he has cut out of the hill-side, we saw a lady on horse- back, followed by a groom. BAR.L. Eh JACK. At sight of us the lady's horse swerved, and the lady was nearly off his back. Nice girl—good horse— chestnut — black mane—well-fitting riding habit — good action, and a green veil. Quick your brother jumps out of our trap, and runs to the lady's rescue. The mare in the trap reared up, and then she, and the trap, with me in it, rolled down the hill-side. Capital incident, wasn’t it ! EARL. } G O Oſle SARAH. JACK. The lady had nearly fainted. I got up. Paul was supporting her—bending over her tenderly, just as in a work of fiction. If it hadn’t happened, I should have thought that I had written it myself. The groom and I got the gig right. It was a small tumble. Paul placed the lady in it, and is walking her here. EARL. Here ! The dowble doors, C., open, and discover PAUL, and LADY ADELIZA in a riding-habit. PAUL is with- out his hat, and is supporting her. The GROOM, R.H. ; WoRKPEOPLE, FORGEMEN, and Wom EN at back. Picture. Music piano till end of Act. JACK. (taking notes) Very good position. Paul supports lady. Groom near her, looking like a fool. Workpeople at back, not knowing what has happened, or what is going to happen, blank and uninteresting, just like on the stage. EARL. My sister (going to her) JACK. His sister | Very good. (taking notes) 18 BIRTH. SARAH. The Lady Adeliza Elinor. EARL and PAUL bring down LADY ADELIZA, c., the GROOM and the WoRKPEOPLE advance with them. SARAH places a chair. The stage at back left open. WORKPEOPLE. W. GROOM. *Reg EARL. LADY A., seated. PAUL. OPLE, JACK. *ARA, EARL. Mr. Paul Hewitt, I believe. (stiffly.) (PAUL bows stiffly) JACK. (aside, taking notes) Stiff, stiff; they don’t like each other. EARL. Let me thank you for the aid which PAUL. No thanks are due, Lord Eagle.clyffe. LADY A. (to SARAH, languidly) To whom am I indebted for JACK. (aside) Now the women will snub each other. SARAH. (stiffly) I am Sarah Hewitt, of the Works. (with sweetness) I hope you are not hurt, Lady Adeliza Elinor ; JACK. (aside, taking notes) No, they don’t ; singular, and quite a novelty. PAUL. Is there anything I- SARAH. } Is there anything we EARL. Nothing, thank you. JACK. Cecil won’t have the coal-smoke at any price. SARAH. Will you repose in my room ? LADY A. No, thanks. (PAUL disappointed) If I might ask you for a glass of water. Noise of carriage at back. SARAH is about to fetch water from table R., PAUL passes her, fills tumbler, and presents it to LADY ADELIZA. At this m0- ment DUKE enters quickly, his hand touches PAUL's arm, and the water is spilled on the grownd. IORD EAGLECLYFFE's FootMEN and SERVANTS fill wp the gate. DUKE. (saluting) Your ladyship's carriage DUKE looks defiantly at PAUL. EARL takes LADY, ADELIZA wy. They turn to bow to PAUL and BIRTH. 19 SARAH. The WorkPEOPLE and the EARL's SERVANTs mutually defiant and eontemptuous. JACK taking quotes. RVANTS. sº Woº cº *PºoP ¥3 LE