: 1 1 ce . Horatius St Paul,Sacri Romani Imperii.Comes De St Paul. Roger Sc.2750. : UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LUANVSV SI QUERIS PENINSULAM AMUIYAM CIRCUMSPICE 181:7 ARTES SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE Inition TE TIENIOR .ل. د . د بل ' اي laminton KLHLUTOILUN Salt :וננווונו uut diutamu Minianiuoni NOW umaupung James Adinston TREATISE OF Practical Arithmetic, BOTH Integral and Fractional. WITH The MENSURATION of all sorts of Bo- dies, both Superficially and Solidly. 'The Whole after a New Method. Accommodated to the Capacity of Beginners. By ALEXANDER WRIGHT, M. A, Writing-Maſter and Accomptant at Aberdeen. miunu Si @ 1 ONDOV Printed for J. OSWALD, at the Rofe and Crown, near the Manſion Houſe in the Poultry. 1740. Where may be hade A TREAT 15E of FRACTIONS, by the ſame Author, Pluce this near the Title To the Right Honourables Baillies. WILLIAM CHALMERS EsởL? Provoſt. Mexander Robertson Alex"Minhel of Colpna Tames Moorijon Irun, MWilliamFordyce WÁMouat Tun.Dean of Gild. Andren: Logie, Theaſurer. And to the hemanent Members of Town Counalof ABERDEEN The following Treatise is most humbly Inscribed by their much Obliged & most Obedient ervant Alexander Wright. Felicifsimæ Indotis Optimaque per Adolescentri D. Andrea Skene r de Lethenty Hunce trithmeties Präclicæ Tractatum 1 imoris et Obrerinntir er rg D.D.6.2. Alexander Wright . WA ون (1، s1 . : : : $۱ . 1.1? THE 37661 P R E F E F A C E. or A HE Books already publiſhed 092 Arithmetic, are lo very rimerous, that the Public will poſſibly be ſurprized to ſee a New One 02 that Subject ; eſpecially when it is confider'd that by the late Improvements this Science has received, there can little be ſaid on it, but what has been advanced by ſome one Author or other. It would ſeem therefore that all that can be expected now, is to Jee the moſt eaſy, plain, ſhort, and familiar Method of inſtručting Youth in this excellent Art, to which I flatter myſelf I have (at leaſt) paved the way in the follow- ing Sheets; a Specimen whereof I ſhall bere briefly lay before the Reader. The Method is very much new . 122 the Integral Part I have retrench'd the Number of what they call the Rules, and have reduced them all (after the firſt five general ones) to three, viz. the Rule of Three Numbers, Rule of Five Numbers, and Rules of Practice, comprehending in the firſt of theſe, thoſe that are commonly called the Rules of Intereſt, Diſcount, Tare and Trect, Fellowſhip, Gain and Loſs, Alligation, Barter and Exchange. The Examples adduced are choice, very practical, and contain a vaſt Variety, each of which I have illuſtrated ; so that there can remain 720 Diffi- culty in underſtanding the Method and Reaſon of ope- rating. In the Fractional Part, which is ſo superfici- ally handled by moſt Authors, I have been very copious and plain, that the Learner may not be diſcouraged in pro- ſecuting ſo uſeful and neceſſary a Part of the Science, and have placed them immediately after Integral Diviſion, As judging it proper they ſhould be learned before one A 2 com PRE FACE. commenceth the Rule of Three ; becauſe their Uſe and Application moſtly appears there, and in what fól- lows afterwards. To the End of each Rule I have ſub- joined some uſeful Practical Queſtions, ſbewing its im- mediate Application to Buſineſs. The Appendix contains a further Explication of Intereſt, both Simple and Com- pound, with all the Tables that are neceſſary for that purpoſe; as alſo a fuller and plainer Account of the Menſuration of all Šorts of Bodies, than is commonly to be met with in Treatiſes of Arithmetic. So that a Learner may, without the Aliktance of a Teacher, ſooner attain to a competent Knowledge of Numbers, by studying them in the Method here laid down, than any other I have had the opportunity of ſeeing. In the Decimal Part, I have purpoſely omitted Infinites, Circulates, and Approximates, which the Reader may fee fully explain'd, if he pleaſes to conſult a Treatiſe of Fractions lately publiſhed by me, to which I refer him. Si quid noviſti rectius iſtis, Candidus imperti: Si non, his utere mecum. HORAT: From my School in the Upper Kirk-ſtreet, Aberdeen. ERRAT A. Ag. 5. for 11, 111,111, lege 12, 101, 111. P.45, in Exa. 3. the Diviſor 8 is wancing. P. 48. l. 19. for lege 1. P. 58.1. 15. for 7 d. read 17 d. p.60.1. 11. for 15 d. lege 15 1: -l.is. lege 11 s. 6 d. -- lege 13. s. INTRODUCTION. I HAVE thought it proper in this place, to pre- miſe the Definitions of ſome Terms, as alſo the Significations of ſome Marks or Symbols, made Uſe of in the following Sheets for Brevity's ſake. 1. A Number is either Unity or Multitude. 2. An Integer, or whole Number, is I, or any Number of Units. 3.' A Fraction is a Part or Parts of Unity, accor- ding as the ſame is divided. 4. An Aliquot Pare is a leffer Number, which is contained a certain Number of Times in a greater, without a Remainder; as 4 is an aliquot Part of 8, 12, 16, 20, ec. 5. An Aliquant is a leſſer Number, which is con- tained in a greater a certain Number of Times, with ſomething remaining: Thus 4 is an aliquant Part of loI418, pc. 6. An Abstract Number is a Number conſidered abſolutely in itſelf, without any Name or Denomina- tion applied to it. 7. An Applicate Number is ſuch as hath ſome Name applied to it: Thus 6, taken abſolutely, and ſignifying ſimply ſix, is Abſtract; but if we annex to it the word Men, Pounds, Gallons, &c. it is Ap- plicate. 8. The Common Meaſure to any two or more Numbers, is a Number which can divide thoſe Nuni- bers, without a Remainder: Thus 6 is a Common Meaſure to 18, 24, 36, C. 9. The Greateſt Common Meaſure to any two or more Numbers, is the greatest Number which can 2 INTRODUCTION. divide the propoſed Numbers, without a Remainder : Thus 6 is the greateſt Common Meaſure to 18 and 24; likewiſe 4 is the greateſt Common Meaſure to 8, 22, 20. 10. A Prime Number is that which has no Mez- ſure bur itſelf and Unity: Thus 3, 5, 7, II, 13, 234 29, br. are Prime Numbers. 11. Thc Multiplier and Multiplicand go frequeni- ly by the name of Factors, becauſe by being multi- plied together they make the Product. 12. When a Sum of Money is lent,, or lies out for any Time, it is called a Principal, and the Money paid for the Uſe or Forbearance of t'he Principal, it commonly called Intereſt, and is always at ſome cer- tain Rate per cent. per Anunt, fuch as 4, 5, 6, &C. 13. Simple Intereſt is that which is produced by the Principal lent or forborn for any Time. But, 14. Compound Intereſt is that which is produced by the Principal and the Simple Intereſt lying out un- paid for any Time, both in one Sum, For Example, L. 100 lent at 5 per cent. makes at the End of The Year L.105; and if this L.105 be let lie in the Bor: rower's hands, and become a new Principal to bear Intereſt the next Year, then it it is called Compound Intereſt: And ſo on for any Number of Years, by ſtill adding the preceding Year's Intereſt to its Prin- cipal. 15. The Amount of any Principal for any Time is the Sum of that Principal and all the Intereſts due upon the ſame. 26. When a Sum of Money, payable at any Time hence, and not bearing Intereſt till after it is due, is to be paid preſently, the Creditor muſt allow the Deb- tor ſo much for advancing it before the Time, as, being put out to Intereſt from this Time to that of the Payment of the Debt, would amount to the Intea reſt of the Debt for the ſame time, at any Rate per Cent, agreed on: and the Money fo allowed is called Dif- INTRODUCTION. 3 Diſcount or Rebate; which Diſcount being ſubtract- ed from the Debt firſt due, the Remainder is the pre- ſene Worth 17. An Annuity is an annual Payment, or a Sum of Money payable every Year for a certain Time or for ever,, whether it be due on Lands, Houſes, or Mo. ney in Stock or Bank, dr. And when an Annuiry lies unpaid for any Time, it is ſaid to be in Arrears. 18. Bartering is the exchanging of one Commodity for another. 19. Tare is an Allowance for the Weight of the Hogſhead, Cask, Cheſt or Bag, c. which contain the Goods, and may either be known ſeparately, from the Weight of the Goods, or is accounted to much per Cent, or 112 lib. Trete is an Allowince on ſome Sort of Goods for Walte, Duft, Refuſe or Inlack, &c. Cloff is an Allowance of 2 lib. on every Draught above 3 C. to Freemen of London, When the Tare is fubtracted, the Remainder is cal- led Suctle Weight; and when all Allowances are de- ducted, what remains is called Net Weight or Weight payable. EXPLANATION of the MARKS or SYMBOLS. The Sign + (plus or more) is the Sign of Addition The Sign -- (minus or leſs) deno:es Subtraction. The Sign + (divided by) is the Sign of Diviſion. The Sign x (multiply'd by), is the Sign of Multiplica- tion. The Sign = (equal to) is the Sign of Equality. B 2 ARITH 4 ARITHMETIC I Sihe Art of Numbering. The Characters whereby Numbers are expref- ſed, are, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. O. 1. NO TATION TE Eacheth to expreſs any Sum or Number by thefe Figures, according to the following TABLE, 13 Billions. 12 C Th. Mills, II X Th. Mils. 10 M Millions. 9 C Millions. 8 X Millions. y Millions. 6 C Thouſands 5 Ten Thour. 4 Thouſand. 3 Hundred 2 Tens. I Unirs. SOWEN •senet Or thus :: Th. Bills. Bills. Th. Mills. Mills. Thouf. Units, cxUn. CẦUn.cXVn.CX Un.CXVn.CxUn. &c. Read thus : Units, Tens. Hundreds of Units; U- nirs, Tons, Hundreds of Thouſands, &c. ſo that when a Sum is propoſed to be read or expreſſed in Words, divide the ſame into Periods, each conſiſting ot NO I Am To'Ñ. 5 of 3 Figures, and read each Period as if it was an en- tire Number by itlelf, applying always its general Name. For Examp. Let the Number 14356485 be propo- ſed to be read or expreſſed in Words; firſt divide into Periods thus, 14,356,485, and you'll find it con- ſiſt of 3 Periods, that is, Units, Thouſands Millions, and therefore is read 14 Mill. 3 hund. 56 Thouſand, 4 Hund. eighty five. In like manner, 2758,7630747 758 Mill. 7763 Thouſ. 747 12,469,721,766 12Th 49 M. 72 Th 766 4,317,467,005,701 4 4. B. 317th. 467 M. 5th.701 2400,073,000,465 + th: 73 Mill. 465. 1,000,000,000,000 i Billion. read 1S 4008 Set down in Figures Four choufind and eight Set down Fifty four th. Millions 54,000,000,000 Set down Eleven hundred and eleven I,III Set down Elev, hund, and elev. th, and elev. 1,111,011 Ser down Eleven hundred and eleven thou- ? fand, one hundred and eleven $ 1,111,111 Set down Eleven Mill. Eleven hund. thouf. eleven hund. and eleven } II,II III 11 1, Of the Roman Notation. The Romans exprcſs'd Numbers by the Capital Let- ters of their Alphaber, and their ſimple Characters. were there, 1.V.X.L.C. D. M equal to 1.5 610.50 - 100 50 - 100 . 500 And the intermediate Numbers betwixt theſe, they ex- preſled by a Repcriiion of the fam“, ſeriing them a fier one anoiher in a Line, the Characters of the greateſt Value being placed to the left: Thus Il=2, Vimmer, Vi=8, LX=60, DC=600, DCC=700. But ſometimes they fer the Character of the leffer Value 1000 B 3 6 NOTATION. Value to the left of the greater, and this fignified the Difference betwixt the two, which they uſed for a ſhor- ter Expreſſion: Thus IV=4,IIV=3,IX=9,XL=40, CD400, CM=900; and for D=500 they wrote I], and by adding another , it expreſs'd ten Times as much: Thus 15D=5000, 10=50000. Allo for M they wrore CD, and by placing Cand I on each hand, it expreſſed ten Times as much, for CCID = 10000. They expreſſed their Thouſands ſometimes by a Line drawn over the Top of any Number lels than 109, thus, V=5000, X=10000. 70 LXX 2 II. 3 II. 10o C. Io X. 1 l. . 89 LXXXIX. 4 III or IV. 200 CC. SV. 500 D or I”. 6 VI. 600 DC or 1°C. 9 VII. 700 DCC or ICC. 8 VIII or IIX. 9 VIII or IX. 1000 M or CI° or 1. 2000 CIO CIO or T. II XI. 3000 CIO CIO CIO or TT. I2 XII: 4000 CIO CIO CIO CIO or TV. 13 XIII. 5000 15 or XVIII 19 XVIIII or XIX. 20 XX. 50000 1000 or i 100000 CCCII. or 40 XXXX or XL. Sooooo I9000. 49 XLIX. 1000000 CCCCIOor M. 2000000 MM. CIO1OCCXXXVIII or OF 60 LX. 1738 69 LXIX. CHAP y 1 xviil or ]IXX. 10000 CCJ or X. T. 30 XXX. 45 XLV. 900 CM. 50 L. 59 LIX. CHAP. II. Addition Finds the sum of two or more Numbers propoſed. 1 SHALL begin with the Addition of Simple Abſtract or Simple Applicate Numbers, for which obſerve the following RULE. Set down the ſeveral Mambers under one another, so as Units may ſtand under Units, Tens urf- der Tens, doc. and, beginning at the right Hand, add rogerher che Figures in each Column ſeverally, and ſet down the Sum, if it does not exceed 9; or, if it is 10 or above, ſet down the Exceſs, carrying i for every 10 to the next Column: And thus proceed 'till you come to the laſt Column, ferting down the Sum of it, becauſe you have no more Columns to add. The Figures thus found are called the Amount, Total, Ag- gregate or Sum of the feveral Particulars given to be added. Exa. I. 4265 1532 Exa. 3. Yds. 1187 Exa. 2. L. 3658 783+ Sum 11492 356 Sum 5797 Sum 1543 Exa. 4. Exa. 5. 26370 285 16325 176 1483 3.7 218 105 3 186 400 EX8. 6. 4000 2000 600 300 490 1000 700 100 76 42 27 II2 17 Sum 18364 Sum 27498 Sum 9100 1. Of 8 Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers. 1. Of. Engliſh Money. The leaſt Piece of Money now uſed in England is a Farthing, whereof 4 make i Penny, 12 Pence Shil- ling, and 20 Shillings i Pound : In there Accounts are kept, and are marked with the Characters L. so d. g. or f. Beſides thoſe they have other Coins, ſome real and others imaginary. 4. Farth. ) ri Penny. The real Coins now 4 Pence i Groat. current, and com- 6 Pence i Tefter monly known, are, 12 Pence i Shilling Of copper, i Crown. A Farth, and a Half- 6 Sh. 8 d. i Noble. penny ìo Shill. i Angel. Of Silver, I Mark. A Penny, Tivo I Pound. pence, Three. ponce, Four-pence, Six-pence, a Shilling, Half a Crown, á Crown. And of Gold, Half a Guinea=10 s. 6 d. and a Guinea=21 Shill. They have alſo ſeveral other Pieces both of Gold and Silver, but they are not ſo com- mon. In Scor!and we uſe L. D. d. and L. 12 Scotch are e- qual to 1 L. Sterling. But llerchants, and People of Fashion, generally account in Englijh Money. 5 Shill. smake 13 S. 4 d. 20 Shil. Exa. Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers. O Exa. 2. S. d.grs. Exa; I. (20)(12) (4) L. 145: 19: II: 3 26: 8: 6: I 35:11: 10: 2 16: 8 43: 17: 10:3 54:13: 18: 6: 8: 2 20: 13: 9: 1 (20) (12) (+) b. d.qrs. 13: 4: 3 7: 9:3 4: 10: 2 9:0 18: 5:3 0: 7:2 4:0 I: 2: 1 7: 8: 3 16: 10:1 Sum 362: 3 : J0:0 Sum 3: 10:11: 2 As I have ſer down, on the Top of each Denomina- cion, the Numbers the Learner muſt carry at, I ſhall not further illuſtrate the above Examples; but, in the Column of Shillings, let him rather add the Unics Place (without pointing) ferting down the Exceſs o- ver the ro's, and carrying one for each 10 to the Tenis Place, and thence I for every 2 to the Place of L; And thus I have added the ad Example. The Farth. and Halfpence are frequently marked thus, ) , which fignify a Fourth of a Penny or i Farth. one Half of a Penny or 2 Farth. 3 Fourths of a Penny or 3 Farth. as in the following Example. L. S. d. 120: 14:6 74: 8:72 12: 17:4 6: 4 Here for every d. I rec- kon 2 Farth. and add as in Exa. I. 17: 38: 15:5 319: 16:43 2: O Sum 589: 19:11 To Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers, 2. Of Troy Weight. The Original of all Weights uſed in Ergland (we are told) was a Grain of Wheat taken out of the middle of the Ear, and being well dried, 32 of them were to make i Penny-weight, 20 Penny-weight i Ounce, and 12 Ounces 1 Pound; but the Penny-weighe was afterwards divided into 24 equal Parts called Grains, which is the leaſt Weight now commonly uſed. By this Weight are weighed Jewels, Gold, Silver, Liquors and Bread. TABLE. Gr. 24 11 d. wr. That is, 24 Grains make i d. wt. 20 d. wt. or 480 410 20 Oz. Gr. make 1 Oz. 12 OZ. 5700 240 12 1 lib. or 240 d. wt. or 5760 Gr. make i lib. Therefore you muſt carry or point at every 24, 20, 12, as in the following Examplc. (12)(20)(24) lib. oz. d.wr.gr, 148: II: 19:23 25: 7: 6: 18 10: 10: 14: 6 44: 312: 8 31: 11: 8: 15 18: 9: 10; 17 Sum 280: 6: 12:15 1 3. Of Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers. 11 3. Of Apothecaries Weight. This is the ſame with Troy Weight, unleſs that they divide the Lib. after a different manner, viz. into Grains, Scruples, Drams and Ounces. By this Weight the Apothecaries compound their Medicines, but buy and ſell their Drugs by Aver-du-poiſe Weight. TABLE for Apothecaries Weight. Gr. That is, 20 Gr. make 2011 Scr. 1 Scruple, 3 Scr, i Dr. 6c 11 Dr. 8 Dr. í Oz and 12 OZ. i Lib. I uſe theſe Con- 480 24 811 Oz. tractions, Gr. Scr. Den 57601288196 121 Lib. Oz. Lib. 3 Example. (12)(8) (3) (20) Lib. oz. dr. ſcr. gr. 36: 11: 7: 2:19 8: 2:0 : 14 7: 10: 3:2; 6 7:Q:I: 12 3: 6: 5: 1: 16 1: 10: 6: 2: 15 0: 2: Sum 53: 7: 3:0: 2 4. Of Aver-du-poiſe Weight. By this Weight are weighed all coarſe Commodities, and ſuch as are ſubject to Waſte, as Iron, Lead, Salt, Hemp, Flax, Butter, Cheeſe, &c. It is divided into two Denominations, viz. the Greater and the Leffer: 'The Greater confits of Tuns, Hundred Weights, Quar- 12 Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers. Quarters and Pounds, which are thus mark'd, T. C. rs. lib.The Leffer conſiſts of Stones, Pounds, Ounces and Drams, thus marked, St. lib. oz. dr. TABLE for the Greater. TABLE for the Leſſer. lib. dr. 28][ qr. 16I OZ. 112 411 C. 256 16. lib. 224013020 30 20 1 Tun. 4096 259116) 1 Stone. That is, 28 lib. make iqr. That is, 16 dr. make i 4 qrs. i C. and 20 C.'i oz. 16 oz. I lib. and 16. Tun. lib. 1 St.. Examples. (20)(4) (28) T. C. grs. lib. 34: 19: 3: 27 12: 10: 2: I 41: 5: 1: 8 6: II: 3:14 3: 9:0:20 5:13: 1: 16 (16) (10)(16) St. lib. oz. dr. 70: 15: 15:15 18: 6:12: 8 45: 13: 6: 4 5 6: 15: 8: 10 17: 9: II: 3 20: 8: 3: Sum 104: 10: 1: 19 Sum 180: 5: 9:13 Wool Weight in England hath theſe Denomina- tions, aiz Lib. Cloves, Stones, Tod, Wey, Sack, Laſt, according to the following Table. Lib. Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers. 13 Lib. 711 Clove. I 21 Stone. 28 4 2/1 Tod. 182 26 26 13/ 61 Wey. · 3641 52 26 13 21 Sack. 43681624) 312 156 2412 1 Laft. Mr. Ward ſays, that, by a very nice Experiment, he found, that I lib. Aver-du-poiſe is equal to 14 OZ. I d.wt. 15 gr. Troy Weighr. 5. Of Liquid Meaſures. Liquid Meaſure is founded on Troy Weight; for S lib. Troy Weight, taken out of the middle of the Ear and well dried, was to make a Gallon of Wine, Ale or Corn, than which no other Meaſure was at firſt al, lowed, tho' others have been introduc'd ofterwards. TABLE of Wine Meaſure. Pints.. 2/1 Quart. 8 4 [ Gall. 168 42 [ Tierce. 501 252 63.11 Hhd. 672 3301 84 2 2,1;fi Puncheon: 1008 But or Pipe 2 2016110081252 ol 336 بابا 504126 3 2/1 Tun. C Accounts · 14. Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers. Accounts are kept in theſe Denominations, Tuns, Pipes. hhds. gall. pints. Thus, T. P.hhds.gal. pts. 54: 1: 1: 62: 7 3:0: 1:15: 4 I: I:0: 12: ng 2:0:0:18: 4 3: 1: 1: 25: 3 2: 0: I: 19: Note, 18 Gall. make i Rund- let, and 31 i Gall. make a Wine or Vinegar Barrel. In the Exciſe the Wine Gall. is ſuppoſed to contain 231 Cubic Inches, conſequently the Pint muſt con- tain 28 } Cubic Inches; but the Beer or Ale Gallon is ſuppoſed to contain 282 Cubic Inches, and therefore the Pint muſt contain 35 g ſuch Inches. TABLE of Ale and Beer Meaſure. Pints. 211 Quart. A Firkin of 8 411 Gall. Soap or Her- rings is the ſame 32 i Firkin with that ofAle. 128 6410 21 Kilderkje. 9 Gallons make a Firkin of Beer, 25112832 4. 384 | 1924816 I 64 2 1 Barrel. 31Hhd. EXA. Addition of Mixt Applicate. Numbers. 15 Exa, in Ale Meaſure. In Beer Meaſure. (48) (+)(2) (54)(4) (2) bhd. gall. qr.pr. hhd. gall.qc.pr. 3:47: 3: I 13:53: 3:1 I: 18: 2:0 8:42:1:0 O: 28: 1:0 3:16: 2: 1 O: 13: 3:1 I: 2.4: 2:1 O: 26: 2: I 2:15: 3:1 2: 15:1: I I: 48:2:0 Sum 9: 9: 6:2:0 Sum 31: 39: 3:0 In Scotland Accounts of Liquid Meaſure are kept in theſe Denominacions, hhds. gall. pints, murchkins, gills, according to the following Table 4 Gills. I Murch. Note, 2 Murchkins make 1 Chopin, and 2 Pints i 4 [ Pine. Quirt The Engliſh Pint 33 81 Gill. is fornewhat larger than the 2048 512li28 116) 1 Hhd. Scotch Murchikin. 1o) 1:2,1 Example. (16) (8) (4) (+) hhd.gall.pr.mut gills. I: 15: 7:3:3 0: 8: 4: 1:0 3: 12: 4:2:2 4: 6:3:1 I: 0:5 : 2:2 4: 10: 3: I: 3 2: Sum 14: 5:0:2:3 C2 6.0f 16 Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers. 6. Of Engliſh Dry Cor Corn) Meaſure. Dry Meaſure is different both from Wine and Ale Meaſure; for the Gall. here contains only 268 Cu- bic Inches, and the Buſhel 2150.42. The Denomina- tions in this Meaſure are according to the following Table. Note, 5 Decks make a Bulli, Water Meaſure. Pints. Iard ſays, that 10 Quarters make a Wey, i Quart. and 12 Weys a Laft, but I Pottle. all oilier Authors have [ Gall. 4 it as in the annex'dTable. 8 i Peck. 2 2 1 2 Ö 197*2011 IO 2 ÓL 32 IÓ 8 } 1 SI 2 256 12,8 22 2 [ Bull. 250! 138 64 32 16 I Coomb. 64 1 Quarter. 2018 1024 2:6 128;2174Chald. 2500 1280 04.0320160 to lir Tål Tun or W. $120 2560 1280 1640132611012 i Laſt. 10 . Accounts of this Meaſure are kept in Chald. grs. buſh. pecks, gall. pts. (4) (8) (4) (2)(8) Ch.qrs.buſh.p.gal.pe. 13: 3:7; 3: 1:7 2: O: 4:2:0:4 I: 2:6: 2: 1:0 O: 2.5 : I: 0:3 5: 3: 1: 2: 1:6 O: 1: 2: I: 0:4 Sum 24: 2; 4: 2:0.: 0 IA Addition of Mixt Applicaté Numbers. inay In Scotland the Dinominations of Dry Mealurc are, Chalders, Bolls, Firlocs, Pecks, Lipies, and in theſe Accounts are kept. The Engli Buſhel is Lipies. leſs than the Scotch Firlot, I Peck. for 5 Buthels' make Boll 4 Scotch Meaſure. 16 4 1 Firlot. 4 I Boll.. 10211256157 coli Chald. 0. : Example (16)/4),(4)(4) Ch. bolls.for.peck.lip 2: 15: 3:3 : 3 I: 10:.2: 0 : 2 4: 4:1:1 3 2: 12; 2: 2:: i 3: Ş: 2 : 3:3 DI: 5: I: 2:0 Sum 26: 6:2: 2:0 2. Of Engliſh Meaſures of Length: The Original of Meaſures of Lengths (as of Weights) is from a Corn of Wheat taken out of the middle of the Ear and well dried, 3 of theſe in Length were to make i Inch, and thence all orber Meaſures are computed, as in the following Table C 3 Bar. 18 Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers. Bar. Corns. 31 Inch. 36 1211 Foot. 30 311 Yard. 594 198 5i Pole or Perch. 237601 7920 01 Furlong 190080.163260152801 770013201 81 1 Mile. 108 162 نے 7920,60 Accounts are kept in Miles, Cloth Meaſure con- furlongs, yards, feet and Gifts of theſe Deno- inches. minations, yds, qrs. Dails. Exa. Exa. (8)(220)(3)(12) (4) (4) M. fur. yds. feet in. yds. grs nai. 1:7: 219: 2: 11 43: 3:.3 0:4: 140: 1: 8 5 7:0:2 3: 3: 200: 2: 4: 1: 3 2; 4: 175: 1: 8 5: 2: 1: 6: 134:2: 7 33: 1:2 6:2:1 0: 2: 17:0: 1 2: 1 Sum 10: 6: 8:2: 4 Sum 81:0:0 The eaſieſt method of Note, That 1 yd. adding the above yds, is or 5 quarters, or 45 to begin with the Units inches, make an Eil Place, carrying at ro's, Engliſh, alſo 2 yds and then adding the other make a Fathom. 2 Columns together, car- rying at 22. The Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers. 19 The Scotch Ell contains 37 Scotch Inches, and is di- vided into 4 Quarters, and a Quarter into 4 Nails. The Foor Meaſure contains 12 of thoſe Inches, where- of the Ell contains 37. The Scotch Ell is į Part of an Inch Engliſh , more than 37 Inches Engliſh; ſo that the Scotch Foot is to the Engliſh as 186 to 185. The Scotch Mile contains 8 Fu:longs, á Furlong 40 Falls, and a Fall 18 Feet Scotch, according to the fol, lowing Table. Inches. I2 I Foot. 37 37 I Elj. 184 61 1 Falt. 8880 740 · 40 401 Furlong. 71040! 5920 | 1yat 32:18 11 Mile. 222 Thus the Scotch Mile is 5920 Scotch Feet; ſo that if the Difference betwixt the Engliſh and Scotch Feet is not regarded, the Scotoh Mile will be to the Engliſh as 37 or 33, that is 37 Engliſh Miles are equal to 33 Scotch Miles, Of Land Meaſure. The Denominations uſed in meaſuring of Land, are, Poles, Roods, Acres, Miles, and are always underſtood to be ſquare. 40 ſquare Poles make 1 Rood, 4 Roods an Acre, and 640 Acres a Mile. See the following Table. 19. 20 Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers, fg. Inches. 144] : [q. Foot. 1296 9) 1 ſq. Yd. 39204 272 3011 ſq. Pole or Perch. 1568160108901210401 [q. Furlong or Rood. 62726401435601484011601 4. al life. Mile. 144 TABLE for Scotch Superficial Meaſures. ſquare Inches. i fq. Foor. 1269 914 ſq. Ell. 49284 3424 3611 fq Fall: 1975260 I?' On | 141.0 4011 Rood. 7885.47154.60157601501-1 1 Acre. A Scotch Acrc is to an Engliſh Acre as 55353.6 10 43;60. 8. Of Time. The moſt common Diviſion of Time is into Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Thirds, &c. but Seconds being the leaſt Part of Time which can be meafured, with them I begin the following Table. Seconds. 601 Minute. . 3( O 6011 Hour. 864.00 1,149 2+1, 1 Day. 31556937'5-594,8705365 D. 5 Ho. 48 Min. 157 Sec. I 1 Year. 1 But Addition of Mixt Applicate Numbers. 21 But for eaſe in Calculation, we make the Year to conſiſt of 365 Days, 6 Ho. and in Leap (or every 4th) Year, of 366 Days. Therefore 60 Mio. make í Ho. 24 Ho. 1 Day, 28 Days 1 Mon. and 13 Months and 1 Day make one Year; this is called the Cominon Year, and is divided into 1:2 unequal Monchs, viz. January 3:1 Days Fuly 3:1 February 28 and in Leap Year 29 Auguſt 31 March. Septeinber. 30 April 30 Otober. 31 May 31 30 31 November. 30 December. 31 Fune Some Things are accounted by the Dozen, the higheft Denomination whereof is a Groſs. Thus, 12 Particulars make i doz, and 12 doz. i Groſs. Example. Groſs. doz. part. 4: II: II 1: 8: 7 0: 2: 4. 2: 5: 5 Note, 12 Bara I: IO: 8 rels make it 3: 6:3 Laſt. Sum 14: 9: 2 Of II2 22 Of the Proof of Addition. 1. In order to prove the work of Addition, you may diſtribute the Numbers added into ſeveral Par- cels; and after having added theſe Parcels together, if their Sum is the ſame with chat firſt found, the Work has been right. To illuſtrate this I ſhall repeat-Exa.5. 2. Addition may be proved by 26370 caſting out the o's, thus: Take each 285 of the given Numbers ſeparately, and 26655 add their Figures together as ſimple 186 Units, and when the Sum is equal to 400 or greater than 9, but leſs than 18, 76 neglect the 9, adding wüat is over to 662 the next Figure, and ſo proceed 'cill 42 you have gone thro' them all, mark- 27 ing whar is over or under 9 at the last Figure: Do the fame wiíh all the 181 Numbers given to be added, ſetting down the Exceſſes of 9 together in Total 27498 one Line, and ſum them up the ſame way, marking the Excifs of 9 as be- fore, or what the Sum is leſs than 9. Laſtly, do the fame with the Toral Suin, and what is under 9, or o- ver any Number of y's in this, muſt be equal to the Exceſs or Number leſs chan 9 lait marked, elle the Work is falſe. Here I ſay 4+1=11, which is 20- Ex&. ver, then 2-+6+8=16, which is 4768 1.c 7 ver, and therefore I ſet ir down over a- 1378 i gainſt this firſt Line; and thus proceed- 793 ing, I find the Exceſſes over 9's in the 574 7 other Lines to be 1, I, 7; the Sum of all which is 16, from which caſting a- 7513 7 way 9 there remains 7, which l ſer down under; and caſting out the o's the ſame way from the total Sum 7513, I find 7 over 70- I 1 . alſos Of the Proof of Addition. 23 allo; wherefore the work is right. But this being te dious, eſpecially where there are many Particulars, 3. The beſt Method, in my opinion, is to begin at the Top and add downwards, whereas it was formerly done by beginning below. Queſtions to exerciſe the Learner in this Rule. Qu. 1. I bought a Parcel of Goods, the firſt Coſt whereof was L. 103: 15. I paid for Packing 8 h.6 d, for Carriage L. 1:2: 4. and at Bargaining 4 16. 8 d. What did the Goods ſtand me in, in all ? L. fo. . d. 103: 15: o firſt Coſt. 8: 6 Packing. 4 Carriage. 0:. 4, 8 Bargaining. 105: 10: 6Tot.Charge. 0: 2: 7 Qu. 2. I lent my Friend at one Time L. 48: 10. at another L. 100. at another 18 M. 10 d. at another L. 31: 14. at another L. 40:8 d. How much comes it to in all ? L. 48: 10: IQO: : 18:10 31: 14: 40: : 8 L. 221: 3: 6 Antwering Qu. z. A Father was 22 Years 6 Mon, old (reca koning 28 Days to a Mon, and 13 Mon. to a Year) when his eldeſt Son was born ; betwixt the eldeſt and ſecond were 11 Mon. 12 Days; betwixt the ſecond and 24 7 Queſtions in Addition. and third were 2 Years 8 Mon. when the third is 14 Years 2 Mon. how old is the Father? Y. M. D. 22: 6:00 O: II: 12 2: 8:00 14: 2: 00 40: 1: 12 Anſwer. Qui 4: A has ſuch a Sum of Money, that if L. 13: 15:8 be taken from it, what remains is e- qual to L. GI; 10:7. L. 13: 15: 8 61: 10:7 75: 6: 3 Anſwer. 2 CHAP. III. Of SUBTRACTION. BY Y this Rule we find the Difference betwixt any two Numbers or Sums propoſed. The Number from which the Subtraction is to be made is called the Minuend, the Number to be ſub- tracted is called the Subirabend, and what remains is called the Remainder, Difference or Exceſs. Exa Subtraction of Mixt Applicate Numbers. 25 Exa. Minuend 6538 Subtrahend 4125 From 3867 Take 1645 Rem. 2412 Difference 2222 When the Figure to be ſubtracted happens to be greater than that which ſtands over it, add 10 to the upper Figure, and then ſubtract or take the lower Fi- gure from the Sum of both, paying 1 to the next low Figure for the 10 thus borrowed. Exe. 4632 What is the Difference betwixt 4632 3654 and 365+? 978 Ani From 179864 Take 57698 420 I So 3000 2816 2713 1080 Remi 122166 240 : 184 1633 I proceed next to give Examples in Mixt Applicate Numbers, where you'll mind to borrow (in caſe you want) as you carried in Addition. : Exa, in Money L. d. f. From L. 147: 13:6:3 From 1245: 8:4:1 Take 89: 10: 4:2 Take 486: 17:8: 3 Rem. 58: 3: 2: I Rem. 758: 10: 7: 2 " D Troy 26 Subtraction of Mixt Applicate Numbers Troy Weight. lib. oz. d.wt.gr. From 1+2: 7: 2: 15 Take 128: 4: 14: 20 Aver-du p. Weight Leffer. It. lib. oz. dr. From 18: 12: 12: 10 Take 6: 10: 13:14 Rem. 14:2: 7:19 Rem.' 12: I: 14: 12 Apothecaries Weight. Engliſh Liquid Meaſure. lib. oz. dr. ſcr.gr. T. P. bhd.gal.pt. From 36: 4:5: 1: 12 From 20: 1: 0: 20:6 Take 15:8:6:0: 14 Take 15:0: 1:40:4 Rem. 20: 7:7: 0: 18. Rem. 5:0:0: 43 : 2 Aver-du-poiſe Weight Gr. Scots Liquid Meaſure. T. C. qrs. lib. bhd. gal.pt.mut.gil. From 40: 15: 2: 20 From 150: 12: 2: 1:0 Take 18: 16: 1: 25 Take 86: 10: 6: 3: 2 Rem. 21 : 19:0:23 Rem. 64: 1: 3: 1: 2 Engliſh Dry Meaſure. Ch.qrs.buſh.p.gal.pt. From 4: 2:6: 2; 0:4 Take 1: 3: 4: 3:1:6 Scots Dry Meaſure. Ch. B. fir. p. lip. From 5: 8: 2:1: 2 Take 4: 12: 3: 2:3 Rem. 2: 33 1: 2: 0:6 Rem. 0:11: 2: 2: 3 Long Subtraction of Mixt Applicate Numbers. 27 Long Meaſure. Në, fur. yds, feet in. From 12. 4: 124: 1: Take 8:7: 215: 1: TI Cloth Meaſure. yds. qrs. n. From 45: 2:1 Take 13: 3:3 IO Rem. 3: 4: 128: 2: 11 Rem. 26: 2:2 1738 Queſtions to exerciſe the Learner in this Rile. Qu. 1. A Man was born in the Year of our LORD 1686, how old is he this 1686 preſent Year 1738? Anfi. 52 Qu. 2. Suppoſe the fame Perſon ſhould 1760 live to the Year 1760, how old will he 1686 be then 74. Ans. Qui 3. I lent my Friend L.375:14:6. whereof he has paid me L. 198: 16:8. how much does he yet owe mc L. 375: 14: 6'Lent. 198: 16: 8 Received. 176: 17: 10 Anfr. u. 4. I bought 50 Tuns 5 C. 1 r. 20 lib. 10 oz. of Tron, whereof I have ſold 24 Tuns 8 C. 17 lib. 12 02. How much remains unſold? T. C. gr. lib. OZ. Bought 50: 5: 1:20: 10 8 : 0: 17 : 12 Sold 24: Unſold 25: 17: 1: D 2 2: 14 Gu. 28 Queſtions in Subtraétion. Qu. 5. A Church is 215 Years ſtanding this pre- ſent Year, what Year was it built in? 1738 215 1523 Anſwer. 04. 6. What Sum of Money added to L. 130: 17 will make it L.413: 12 i 7? 413; 12:7 130: 17: 282: 15: 7 Anſwer. This Queſtion is the ſame, as if a Man was owing Ł. 413: 12: 7 to be paid preſently, and had only L. 130; 17, and it ſhould be demanded, how much he must borrow preciſely to pay the ſame. 56: Ox. 7. Lene my Friend at one Time L. 172: 13: at another Time L. 20:12, at another Time L. 16, whereof he has paid me L. 299. What does he yet owe me? L. 172: 13:4 20:12: 56: 16:0 250: 209: I: 4 Lent in all, 2 Paid me.. Anfi. 41: 1: 4 Sum yet due to me, Queſtions in Subtraction: 29 Qu. 8. There are two Numbers, the greater of which is 128, and their Difference is 57. What is the leffer? 128 57 71 Anſwer. Qu. 9. The Sum of the Ages of two Men is 1407 Years, and the Difference is 47 Years 9 Mon: What is the Age of each? (accounting 12 Mon. to the Year.) Y. M. ! 0 70 3 Half the Sum is 70: 3 23: ics 40 }Add 47: 9 Half the Difference 23 : 101 94: '1] Elder's Age. 70: 3 94: I 1 23: 10; } Sub 46: 43 46: 43 Younger's Age. 140: 6 Proof. Qu. 10. A Father was 21 Years 10 Months and 6 Days old when his eldeſt Son was bord, and is now 68 Years 1 Month 20 Days; how old is the Son ? (ac- counting 30 Days to, the Mon, and 12 Mon. to the Year.) 68: I: 20 21: 10: 6 10: 3:14 Answer, D.2 Proof 30 Proof of the Work of Subtraction. This may be made two Ways, viz. 1. By adding the Subtrahend to the Remainder, for the Sum ought to be the ſame with the Millend. Or, 2. By ſub- tracting the Remainder from the Minuend, for this Difference ought to be the ſame with the Subtrahend. BASADOREE CHAP. IV. Of MULTIPLICATION. MY Ultiplication is the taking or repeating any Num. bet a certain number of Times. TABLE. I 2 6 3 2 8 4. 7 9 I2 6 2 8110 16 4 12 14 18 24 9 121.15 18 21 24 27 36 - lal lalalalu 36 48 8 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40 6 12 18 24 30135 42 48 45 60 1 - 54 54 72 1 7114212835424956 63 84 1 1 | 8 16 24 32 40 485664 72 96 1 918 27136451 54 63 72 81 108 1 12/24136/48160172 84196 108/ 144 This Multiplication of Abſtract Numbers. 31 This Table the Learner ought to get by Heart per- rectly before he proceed. The Number to be multiplied is called the Multi- plicand, that Number which multiplies is called the Multiplier, and the Number reſulting from the multi- plying the one by the other is called the Product. The firſt two are otherwiſe called Factors. I, To Multiply Abſtract Numbers. RULE. Firſt ſet down the Multiplicand, and un- der it orderly the Multiplier, and beginning with the Figure which ſtands in the Units. Place of the Multi- plier, by it multiply the Figure ſtanding above it in the Multiplicand; and if the Product is leſs than 10, ſet it down in its proper Place (and proceed to mul- tiply the next Figure of the Multiplicand ;) but if the Product is above 10 or ro's, ſet down only the Exceſs, and carry the 10 or 10's to the Product of the next Figure when multiplied, ſetting down the Exceſs as be- fore: And thus go on to multiply all the Figures of the Multiplicand by this firſt Figure of the Multiplier ; then multiply the Multiplicand by the ſecond Figure of the Multiplier (if this laſt con Gifts of more Places than one) after the ſame manner, ſetting down the Product as before, and proceed to multiply by each Figure of the Multiplier till you have done; only mind to ſet down the firſt Figure of the Product of each particular Multiplication under the multiplying Figure; then adding all the partial Products together, the Sum is the Anſwer. The Rule will be betrer under- ſtood by attending to the Operation of the following Examples Exm 32 Multiplication of Abſtract Numbers. Exa. I. Multiplicand 4687 Multiplier 4 Exa. 2. 17468 7 Product 18748 122276 Product. Exa. 3. Exa, 4 18694 I2 Multiply 3576 by 24 Product 42912 74776 Product by 4. 37388 Product by 2. 1 448656 Total Product: Exa. 5. 7365 35 Exa. 6. 8065 68 36825 Product by 5. 22095 Product by 3. 64520 48390 257775 Total Product. 548420 Product Exa.. 7. 25968 769 Exa. 8. 39745 4673 233712 155808 181776 119235 278215 238470 158980 19969392 185728385 1. When Multiplication of Abſtract Numbers. -33 1. When the Multiplier or Multiplicand, or both, end in a o or o's, write the ſignificant Figures under one another, and multiply, neglecting the o’s ’till you : have done; but then you muſt add as many o's co the ·Product when found as are contained in both Factors. Exa. 2. Exa. 3. Exa. I. Mult. 3260 by 24 325 240 38000 2400 1364 652 1300 650 152 76 78240 78000 91200000 2. When å o' or o's happen to ſtand between ſigni- ficant Figures in the Multiplier, neglect them alto- gecher. Ixa. 1. Exa. 2. 4376 608 13706 Gook 35008 20256 109648 82336 82345648 2660608 3: When the Mukiplier is I with any Number of o's annexed, viz. iQ, 100, 1000, cc. you have only to add to the Multiplicand as many o's as are contains ed in the Multiplier, and the Work is done Thus, 486X10 = 4860 486X100 =43600 486X 1000=486000 do. 4. It 34 Multiplication of Abſtract Numbers. 4. It is convenient to make the leaſt of the two given Numbers Multiplier, tho' it may be propoſed as Multiplicand, ſeeing the Product will be the ſame. Exa. Ler ic. be propoſed to multiply 375 by 483.5. - Operation, The Multiplier may ftand 4836 uppermoft, thus, 375 46 4837 24180 33852 29022 1450.8 19348 1813500 222502 5. When the Multiplier is a Number that has 9 ir all its Places, as 9,99,999, co ſet as many o's on the right of the Multiplicand as there are y's in the Mul- tiplier, and ſubtract it from itſelf to increaſed. Thus. if 346 was to be multiplied by 9, 99, 999 or 9999, the Products would be (as by the following Opera- tions) 3460 346 34600 346 346000 346 3460000 376 3114 34254 345654 3459654 6. When either Factor conſiſts of 2 Figures, which are che Product of any 2 Digits, as' 2424 times 6, multiply by one of theſe Digits, and the Product by the other, and the laſt Product is the Anſwer: Thus to multiply 8475 by 240 the Operation will ſtand as below. 8475 Multiplication of Numbers. 35 8475 33900 6 203400 Product. Exa. 2. Multiply 346 by 54, which is 6 times g. , 9 6 2076 9 18684 Product. And we may uſe the ſameMethod when the Multiplier is'the Product of any 3 or more Digets : For Exa. to multiply 346 by 168, which is 4 times 6 times 7. Thus found, 41 +2 4 41168 346 1 2 3 1384 8304 7 :58128 Product. You'll ſee the Uſe of ſuch Multiplication further ond II. To 36 Multiplication of Mixt Applic. Numbers. II. To Multiply Mixt Applicate Numbers. When the Multiplicand is Mixt and Applicate, and the Multiplier a ſingle Abſtract Number, or the Pro- duct of two or more Figures, the Operation may be performed without reducing the Multiplicand to the loweſt Species mentioned, as you'll ſee by the follow- ing Examples. Multiply L. 14: 12: 8: 3 Here I carry 1 for every by 4, for every 12, for eve. ry 26, in the Place of far. 102: 9:1:1 d. and the reſpectively. t St. lib. oz. dr. Exa. 2. Multiply 10: 4: 13: 5 by 8. 8 Here I carry i for 82:6; 11:0 every 16, 16, 16. Vide Table 2. p. 12. Exa. 3. Where the Multiplier is the Product of two Digits; Multiply L. 17: 10: 7:2 45 is 5 times 9. by 45 5 : 87: 13: 1: 2 9 788: 18: 1:2 Anſwer, Exa. Múltiplication of Mixt Applic. Numbers. 37 St. lib. Oz dr. Exa. 4. Multiply 25: II: 6: 10 2.8 is 4 times 7. by 28. 4 102: 13:10: 8 7 719: 15: 9: 8 Anſwer. Ch. b. fir. pilip. Exa. 5. Multiply 5: 12: 2: 1 : 3 by 22. 4 224 is 4x7x8 23: 22+ 2: I: 3:0 412 so 162; 1: 0: 1:0 8 1296: 8: 2:0:0 Anſwer. By duly attending to the Method of operating theſe 5 Eximples, you may eaſily perform others of the fame Nature. Wherefore I proceed to 20 R E DUCTION From an higher to a lower Denomination (called Reduction Deſierding) performed by Multiplication. Money. In L. 374: 14: 10: 1 how many Farthings? Here I multiply the L, by 20, and the Product is ll. this I multiply by 12, and the Product is de which laſt I multiply by 4, and the Pro- 89938 d. duct is fer. But note, that I take 4 in the odd ſb. d. and far, in their proper Places as I go along. 7494 JB. I 2. 359753 far. E Troy 38 Reduction by Multiplication. Troy Weight. In 148:4: 10: 15 how many Grains ? 148:4: 10:15 Here I multiply the lib. by 12 to bring them to oz. 1780 oz. theſe by 20 to re- duce them to d. wt. and theſe laſt by 24 35610 d. wt. 24 12 20 for gr. 14.2445 71221 854655 gr. Anſwer. Aver-du-poiſe Weight Greater. T. C. grs. lib. Ir 120: 12: 2:17 how many lib. Anfr. 270217 lib. Aver-du.poiſe Weight Leller. St. lib. oz. dr. In 40: 11: 12: 7 how many Drams? Anfr. 166855. Engliſh Liquid Meaſure, T. P. hhd. gal. pes. In 17: 0: 1:44: 5 how many pinis ? Anſi. 35133 Scots Liquid Meaſure. hhd.ga'.pt.mut.gil. In 2: 13: 5: 2: 1 how many Gills ? Anfr.5849 Engliſh Reduction by Multiplication. 39 Engliſh Dry Meafire. Ch. qrs.buſh.p. gal. pt. In 15: 2: 7: 2:1:4 how many Pines ? Anfr. 32236. Scots Dry Meaſure. Ch. bol. fir. p. lip. In 18: 15: 2: 3 : 3 how many Lipies? Anſt. 19439. I have left the Operation of the preceding Queſtions to the Learner's Exerciſe. Queſtions in Multiplication. Qu. 1. If any one Thing coſt 4 m. what is the Value of 42 ſuch 'Things at the fame Rate? 4.2 ܇ 163. Anfr, or L. 8: 3 *. 2. If I ſpend 71). a Day, how much is it a Year? 305 7 L. 1, 2555 fin. Anfi. 127; 15 Qu. 3IF 63 gall . make a hhd. how many gall. are there in 40 hhds. 40 2520 Anfr. E 2 49 Queſtions in Multiplication. Qu. 4. IF I C. of any thing coſt L. 1: 16:4 what is the value of 8 C. at: che fame Rate? : : 14: 10:8 Anfr. Qu. 5. If any one Thing coſt L. 3: 15: 10 how much will 28 ſuch Things coſt at the ſame Rate? L. 3: 15: 10 4 Here I multiply by 4 and 7, inſtead of 28. 15: 3: 4 7 L.106: 3: 4 Anfr. Qu. 6. A Father gave his Daughter for her Dow- ry 24 Boxes, and in each Box were 16 lefſer Boxes, in each leſſer Box were 12 Purſes, and in cach Purſe were 16 leſler Purſes, in each of which laſt were 4 d. Scots, What was her Portion? 24 16 384 Number of lefſer Boxes, 12 4608 Number of bigger Purſes. 16 2764.8 4008 73728 Number of leffer Purſes. 4 24912 d. Anfr. or L. 1228: 16 found by dividing by 12 and 20. Qu Queſtions in Multiplication. 4 41 Qu.. I have 20 Casks of Raiſins, the net Weight of each is 7 Stone, lib. 10 OZ. what is the net Weight of the whole? St. 7:9:10 4 Here I multiply by 4 and 5 inſtead of 20. 5 30: 6: 8 152: o: 8 Anfr. Qu. 8. How many N. d. and Halfpence are con- tained in L. 10000 Sterl.? 10000 L, 20 200000 l. 12 2400030 d. 2 4800003 Halfpence. : 24 Jo What Number divided by & gives 21 for the Quote? .8 168 Arifi QH. 10. . What Sum of Money muſt be divided e- qually amongſt 18 Men, ſo that cach may receive 1. 14: 6:181 E by 42 Queſtions in Multiplication. L. 14:6:81 18 is 3x6. 3 43:0:1 6 258: 0:9 Axfwer. Qu. 11. In 50 Groſs 8 doz. of Pairs of Stockings bow many ſinglé Pairs ? Gr. doz. 50:8 12 608 12 7296 Pairs, Anſwer. Qu. 12. What is the Total Weight of 26 Packs of Wool, each weighing 17 Stone 12 lib. 6 oz. net ? , . 17: 12:6 4 71: I: 8 6 426: 9:0 for 24 times. 35: 8: 12 for 2 times. 462: 1:12 Anſwer. Qu. 13. What Number divided by 3, 5, 7, 17, ill have no Remainder? Anfr. 1260. Proof of Multiplication. Multiplication is beſt proved by Diviſion; thus, in yide the Product by the Multiplier, the Quote is the Mui. Proof of Multiplication. 43 Multiplicand; or, divide the Product by the Multipli- cand, and the Quote is the Multiplier. I ſhall finish this Rule, when I have obſerved, that toth Factors cannot be Applicate Numbers, but that the one of them muft neceffarily be Abſtract. Where- fore it is abſurd to propoſe (for Exa.) L. 4: 6:8 to be multiplied by L. 3: 2: 6. &c. If the Propoſers of ſuch Queſtions would be ſo good as to tell us, how oft they would have ſuch a Sum taken or repeated (which muſt be the meaning of Multiplication, elſe it has no meaning) I ſhould do my beſt to give them a fatisfactory Anſwer; but 'till they explain themſelves, I think they deſerve none. My deſigned Brevity does not allow me to profecute this Subject, and therefore I refer the Reader to Malcolm's Arith. pag. 85. Edit, Lond. 1730. ano 20200026 CHAP. V. Of Division. DI Iviſion finds how oft one Number is contained in another, or what Part it is of the ſame. The Number to be divided is called the Dividend, the Number which divides is called the Divifor, and the Number reſulting by dividing the one by the o- ther, is called the Quotient or Quote. RULE. Set down the Diviſor and Dividend as in the annexed Diviſor Dividend Quote Exa. and if the Divifor is 4) 7376 ( contained in an equal Num- ber of Places of the Dividend, fet a Point under or 1- bove that Figure of the Dividend; but if the Diviſor is not contained in an equal Number of Places of the Dividend, ſet the Point under or above that Figure which ſtands one place further to the righe; then conſider how often the Diviſor is contained in that Num- 44 Diviſion Number of Places of the Dividend, and let down the Anſwer on the right of) within the crooked Line, and multiplying the Divifor by the faid Figure; place the Product orderly under the Dividual, and ſub- tract it, writing the Remainder below: Then take down the next Figure of the Dividend, and annexing it to the right of the Remainder, conſider how off the Bi- viſor is contained in that Sum, and fet the Anſwer in the Quote, on the right of the Figure which ſtands there already, multiplying and ſubtracting as before; and to the Remainder take down the next Figure; and thus proceed till all the Figures are taken down, and the Quote completed. Note 1. "The Figure ſet in the Quote muſt expreſs the greateſt Number of Times the Diviſor is con- tained in that part of the Dividend, and conſequent- ly the Remainder muſt always be leſs than the Divi- for. 2. The Product of the Quote Figure multiplied into the Diviſor muſt never exceed the Dividual. Exa. I. Ex. 2. 4) 7376 (1844 6) 87493.(14582 4. 6. 1 33 32 27 24 1 17 16 34 30 42. 16 16 48 mukaan 1-3 12 Rem. I Diviſion. 45. Exam. 3: Exa.- 4. 201634 (25204 16: 5204 57) 38426:(674 342 41: 40 422 399 IQ 16 236 228. Rem. 8 3+ 32 Rem.2 1 Exa: 5. 457) 1246874 (2728 914": Exa. 6. 1579) 1087647 (688 947-4 3328 14024 12672 3-199 12.97 914 13927 12032 Rem. 1295 3834 3556. Rem. 178 E**. 46 Diviſion. Exa. 7. Exa. 8. 63087)41090746846513 7469)170196846(22787 378522.4 14938 323854 315435 20816 14938 84196 63087 58788 52283 211098 189261 6505+ 59752 Rem. 21837 53026 $2283 Rem. 743 More Examples for Praltice. 817467.9) 417690850638 (51095 5029133 674100746) 19203764274674 (28487.6503 2 3 3 72 341968257644) 46287346747467 (135 -21031901522 96100700673846)4173867474628468(43415373 45653 ago Contractions in Divifion. 1. When the Diviſor is a ſingle Figure, or even 11 or 12, the Diviſion may be perform'd by ſubtracting mentally, and the Quote found by one Line, Exa. I. Exa. 2, 4) 7384 1846 Quore. 6) 327968 54661 ; Quote. ESA, Contractions in Diviſiorr. 47 Exa. 3. Exa. 4. 8) 279685 34960; Quote. 9) 1326754 147417 5 Quote 6168357 24} 11) 428764 12) 391467 389787i Quote. 32622 Quote. 2. When the Diviſor is the Product of one or more ſingle Figures (or Digits) divide by any one of theſe, and the Quote by any other, and ſo on, and the laſt Quote is the Anſwer: Thus, if I was to di- vide 68357 by 24, I would work as in the Margin. When any thing remains after 6 17089 + the firſt Diviſion, it muſt be ſet 284.8 down with a Line drawn through Or thus it, as you ſee in the annexed Exa. and if any thing remains over the 4111392 § next Divilion, it muſt not be ſet 28487. down, but you are to multiply it (mentally) into the firſt Diviſor, addiug the firſt Remainder to the Product for the true (total) Remainder; ſo I remaining after I divided by 6, I lay once 4 is 4, which with the I remaining for- merly makes s for the true Remainder, as you may prove by dividing the long Way. Exa. 2. Let it be required to find the 63d Part of 39485. 63 is =7X9 5640 626 43 Quote. Exa. 3. Required the 27th Part of 16346 27=3x9. 5448 % 605 14 Quote. Exa. 4. Required the 64th Part of 16736. 781 16736 s & 2092 ♡ 261 or 1 Quote 63}}/39485 27}}| }}/16346 64 48 Contractions in Diviſion. . Here the firſt Remainder being o, I don't multiply the 2d Remainder 4 into the firſt Diviſor, becauſe there is nothing to add to it, and therefore the Re- mainder is the ſame as if ic had been only a fimple Di- viſion by 8. However, the Remainder would have been equivalent, if I had multiplied it into the firſt Diviſor, according to the Kule, only it would have come come out in a higher Term, for 24 is when re- duced or If you want to know the Reaſon of thus managing the Remainders, let us reſume the 3d Exa. where, after dividing by 3, there remains 2, which is }; then there is 54481 to be divided by 9, and | afrer dividing the whole Part there 27 5448 remains 32 which reduced to a 60521 Fraction, having for its Denomi- nator 3, (vis. the Denominator of the Fraction to be divided) inakes ; to which adding the j remaining over the firſt Divilion, the Sun is Š this divided by 9 quotes as is plain from 3d Café, Diviſ. Com. Fract. But this laſt is not ſo eaſy as the firſt Method. Here the firſt Remainder is 1, which I let down; the 2d Re- 3163805 .mainder is 3, which I multiply in- 75 to the firſt Diviſor 32. and adding 4253 10 the firſt Remainder, the Sum is 850 10, which I mark; the 3d Ren mainder is alſo 3, which I multi- ply into the Product of the 2 firſt Diviſors, viz. 3 and 5, and it makes 45; to which adding the Remain- der 10, the Sum is 55 for the total Remainder. Exa 6 Required to divide 3867395 by 756 after this contracted Method. E%0. 5. 1 55 750 Contractions in Diviſion. 49 756 Here in order to find the 31 3867395 Diviſors, I divide 756 by 3, 612891312 the Quote by 6, this by 6, 214855 5 and chis by 7; and fo of o- 35809 23 thers: Thus, 5115457 3 756 252 6 42 7 7 I So I find that 3x6x6x7=756. 3. Wlien the Diviſor ends in o or o's, cut off theſe o's and as many Places of the Dividend, and ſo the Operation will be ſhorter. Exa. 2. 4100) 864120 741100) 4630145 (62 Quote, 216 Quote 444 · Exa. I. 190 18 Rom. 42846 Exa. 3. E:ca. 4 2413 } 3940115 45100}}| }; 1179860120 9850 | ୨ 359720 1641 78 Quote. 3996. Quote. 4. When both Diviſor and Dividend can be re- duced lower, reduce, and the Work will be eaſier : Thus, 468) 36810 ( 4 468) + 36849 Here firſt I divide both by 42 117) 9210 and theſe Quotes by 3, and 39). 3070 (7.8 the Diviſor becomes 39, and the Dividend 3070. 273 3 340 312 Rem. 28 F Some 50 Contractions in Diviſion. Some:imes by this Method the Diviſor becomes 1 : Thus, 10 divide 11232 by 432. +32) 61.1232 So the Quote is 26 for 1.) 26 (25 .952) 91872 times. 88) 8 209 1) 26 6 5. Diviſion may be contracted, by omitting to write down the ſeveral Products of the Quote Figures into the Diviſor, but fubtracting mentally, and ſetting down only the Remainders, as in Exa. 4, and 5, repeated. Exa. 4 Exa. 5. -57) 38426 (674 422'. 457) 1246874 (2728 3328. 236 Rem. 8 1297 3834 Rem. 178 4238 Some daſh a Line through each Figure of the Divi dual as they ſubtract ; thus, in Exa. 4 repeated. 57) 38426 (6 57) 38426 (67 53842.5 (674 42 423. Ź Exa. 5. repeated. 457) +246874 (2728 Note, the Figures 178 want- ing the Dith, are the Remain- der. +297 3834 178 Divifox in Mixt Applicate Numbers. CASEI. When the Dividend is a simple or Mixt Applicate Number, and the Diviſor Abstract: See the following Examples. 3328 L. Diviſion in Mixt Appl Nicumbers. 57 S. L. 3+) 2629: 1775 L. 238 L. d. f 76) 2747 : 15: 19:36;6 L. 228 · 407 249 238 456 II II Remi. 20 20 ) 220 (6 6. 204 70) 236 (37. 228 16 Remi 8 12 12 ) 192 (5.di 170 70) 105 (11. 76 22 Remi 4 301 4 ).88(2 f. 764123 (1 g 76 1 20- 47 So that the 34th Part of L. 2629 is 773 6:52 279. And the 76th Part of L. 2747 16: 10: 3 is L. 36: 3:1:,14%. F 2 In 52 Diviſion in Mixt Applicate Numbers, . I In Troy Weight. lib. oz. d.wtogr. 37) 253: 8: 10:14 (14. lib, 17 17) 30 (1 d.wt. 17 68 20 .83 13 35 2+ 12 17) 188 (11 oz. 17 56 27 17) 326 (19 gr. 17 18 17 156 153 3 But when the Diviſor is a ſingle Figure, or the Prom duct of two or more Figures, work as is directed, [ 47, inus, What is the 6th Part of L. 1076: 18: 4? 6) 1076: 18:4 179: 9:8: 2 Anſwer. Exa. 2. What is the 8th Part of L. 3419 ? 8) 3419 427: 7:6 Anfuer. Where the Remainders are reduced, and the Sub- traction made mentally. See alſo the following Ex- amples. L. d. f. L. S. d. f. 24 1755: 10: 11: I 197: 18:6:3 so 35 438: 17: 39:11:8:2 + 73: 2.: II: le 5:13: 1:035 S. 2+} 4 8:35 Avere Diviſion in Mixt Applicate Numbers: 53 Aver-du-p. Weight . Leffer. Scots Liquid Meaſure. St. lib.oz. dr. hhds.gal: pts.mur.gill. }}| 25: 8:5: 7 4. 12:2:2: I 8:8:1:13 :, 42} | 0:12: 5:3:0 H 1: 3:7: I ģ 1: 6:2:0 And fo of others. 21 CASE II. When Diviſor and Dividend are both ap: plicate to the fame kind of Things. RULE. Reduce both to ſimple Numbers of the loweſt Denomination mentioned in either (if neceſſary) and then divide: The Quote is abſtract, and ſhews how oft the Diviſor is contained in the Dividend, or what Part it is of the ſame. Exa. I. Ex. 2. L. L f.. di do 4) 28 (7. 4) 28 (7 4) 28 (7 28 28 28 That is, 4 L. is the 7th Part of L 28, 4/b. the 7th Part of 28 h. and 4 d. the ſame Part of 28 d. L. d. 38: 12) 169:16: 8: Exa. 3. L. S. S. 20 20 772 12 3396 12 So that L. 38: 12 is the 41h Part of L. 169: 16: S, and ſomewhat more. 9264 14076014 37056 3704 F3 W bat 54 Diviſion in Mixt Applicate Numbers. ft. OZ. lib. oz. dr. What Part of 1400: 13: 10 is 12: 8? ft. lib. oz. lib. oz. dr. 12: O: 8) 1400: 13: IO 16 16 dr. dr. 49280):358618 (9 22413 oz. 344950 16 13658 1160 35.8618 dri 193 192 lib. 16 3080 oz: 16 Anſwer, the 7th Párt, and ſomewhat more. And ſo of others. 49.280 dr. RÉDUCTION 12 9211 d. if From a lower to an higher Species (commonly called Reduction Aſcending) perform'd by Diviſion Exa. in Money. In 36845 far. how many L.lb. and d? 41 36845 f. Here I divide the far. by 4, and the Quote is 250) 7617 5. 7 d: if.. di the d I divide by. 12, 38 L. 76.7d. If and the Quote is . this haft I divide by 20, and the Quote is L. Troy Weight. Apothecary Weight In 13865 gr. how many lib. In 13867 gr: how many lib. 210) 138015 3:466 + 3) 693: 5 210) 5767:17 8). 231:0:5 12) 28:17:17 12) 28: 7:0:5 2: 4:17:17 Anfr. 2:4: 7:0:5 243.4.1 1386 Aver Reduction by Diviſion. 555 ny. Tuns? ny Tuns? 28141 635163 28 Aver du-poiſe Weight. Wine Meaſure. in 635163 lib.' how mía- In 76385 Pints; how.ma- 8) 76385 7 158790 3 271 9518:1 4) 22684:11 91 1364 Ø 0 210) 56711:0:11 2) 151:35:1 283: 11:0:11 2) 75: 1:35:11 37: I: 1:35:1 And fo of others. 63}} Queſtions to exerciſe. Diviſion. Qu. 1. What is the Value of one Yard of Cloth when 26 yds. of the ſame coſt L:2: 18:6? L. d. 26) 2: 18:6 (OL. S. 20 ) 58 (232 52 d. Anfr. 2: 3 is alt 2 978 (d. 78 qu. 2. There is L. 1372: 1416 to be divided equally amongſt ſix Men, what is each's Share ? L. B. d. 6) 1372: 14:6 228: 15:9 Anſwer, இழ 56 Queſtions in Diviſion Qu. 3. If I ſpend 186 L. a Year, how much is it- a Week ? 52) i 86(3 La -156 30 20 52) 600 (ins. 52 1 80 52 28 12 52) 336(6 d. 312 L. S. d. f, Anfr.: 3:11: 6:11 24 4: 52)96(1.f. 52 44 Qu. 4. How many poor People may L. 20° be di. vided amongſt, ſo as to give Half a Crown to each? s. d. L. 2:6) 20 . I 2 20. 30 400 12 310) 48010 160 Anſwer. 9. Queſtions in Diviſion. 57 Du 5. How many Tuns Burthen is that Ship of, which can carry L. 11000 Sterling, when converted into Scots Halfpence, each of which being of an Ounce Aver-du-poiſe? I1000 240 d. in ii 2640000 2 4) 5280000 Halfpence or 4ths of an Ounce, 16}4 / 1320000 OZ. 4 330000 $ 28 84 | 82500 lib. 71 20625 % 4) 2946: 12. lib. 216) 7316 C. 2 grs. 12 lib. 36 T. OC. 2 qrs. 12 lib. Anſwer: Qu. 1: Follow Sorre practical Queſtions for further Ex- erciſe in the foregoing Rules; to the Solution of which there is nothing further neceſſary than what has been already delivered. I went to a Market with L. 150 Sterlings and a Horſe which coft me 5 Guineas and a Half; I fold the Horſe for n Guineas 10 hi I bought Linen Cloth to the value of L. 15: 12, whereof the Seller diſcounted me a Crown. I bought a Horſe for L. 4: 15: 6; and ſpent of Charges before I returned 12 ſh. 4 d. As I was coming home, I had the Misfortune to drop a Purſe of 50 Guineas. How much Money re- mained? Anfr. L. 84: 12: 2 Qu. 2. I owe L. 137: 10: 8 to be paid preſently, whereof I have lying by me only L. 86: 6 d.. how: much muſt I borrow preciſely to pay this Debt ? Anfri L. 51: 10: 2 qu 58 Mixt Practical Queſtions Qu. 3. I lent my Friend at one time L. 50 Ster-- ling, at another 4 Guineas, at another 35 Merks and a half Scots; whereof he paid me at one time 2 Twen- ty Shillings Notes, at another he gave me 16 Yards of fine Linen ar 2 ſb. per yd. and at another Time in Calh L. 41 Scots. I drew a Bill on him for L. 39: 17: 4 Scots payable to C. D. How much does he yer owe me? Anfr. Qu. 4. A Butcher ſent his Servant to a Fair with 300: 12 Scoisy to buy Sheep at L. 2: 5 cach, Cows at L. 25 each, and Oxen at L. 30 each, of each a like Number, allowing him Half a Crown for Charges : How many of each did the foreſaid Sum purchaſe, and how much Money was returned to the Maſter? Anfr. 5 of each, and L. I: 7 d. Sterling returned, Qu. 5. Suppofe a Privateer makes a Prize to che Value of L. 3578: 14: 6, how much is due to each of the Crew (being 47 in all) allowing the Captain and the other Officers (who are 4 in Number) each Ti Part of the Remainder, and what remains over and above being to be equally diftributed amongſt the pri- vate Men Captain's Share, L. 223: 13:: 4:35 Anfr. Each Officer's Share, 104: 16: 10:34 Each private Man's Share, 69: 17: 11: 133 24. 6. Suppoſe I have ſpent of Cafhi theſe 8 Years laft paft L. 8381 1), and have run in debt to the Sum of. L. 75: 1:9 over and above, how much comes it to per Year, per: Month, per Week and per Day? L. 114: 6:3. per Ann. Anfr. 8: 15:44per Mon. 3: 1013 per Week. 6: 343 per Day. qu. 7. Suppoſe l'ſpent laſt Year L. 114: 6: 3, bow much will ſerve me 20 Years at the ſame Rate? Anfr. L. 2343; -8: 13 16) 2: in Addition, Subtraction, &c. 59 Q:. 8. Suppoſe I have iš of a Ship, and her Freight for 3 Voyages is L. 345 Sterling, how much of the ſame falls to me, there being L.13: 11 to be paid by the Partners for Charges on the ſaid Voyages? Anfr. L. 20: 14: 33 Qu. 9. I went to a Market with L. 60: 52 where I bought 400 yds. of Linen at 10 d. per yd. alſo 250 yds. of Plaiden at 5 d. per yd. allo 4 i Groſs coarſe Stockings at 13.1. 4 d. per Doz. I ſpent of Charges 7 p. 6 d. When I returned home I had pre- ciſely L. I: 2: 4. whether oughe I to have had more or leſs? Anfr. I ſhould have had a Shilling more. Qu. 10. I bought 3 Laſt of Salmons at L. 2: 5 per Bar. which I ſent abroad. I ſpent of Charges ac Shipping for Freight, &c. L. 2: 10. My Factor advi- ſed me that he had ſold the ſame for ready Money, the neat Proceeds whereof (all Charges deducted) amount- ed to L. 103: 10, for which he ſent me in return 4:14. lib. of Tea. How much was gained by the Sal- mon, and what did the Tea coſt me per lib. as alſo how may I fell the ſame to gain L. 32: 1:6 on the Salmons ? L. 20 Gain on the Salmons. Anfr.5 lb. primc Coſt of the Tea per lih. 5 ]]. 7 d. Price of the Tea at the propoſed Gain, Qu. 11. Of what Quantity is 39 Bolls 12 Pecks the 17th Part? Auf. 40: 1:12 Qu. 12. A Merchant has 4 hḥds. of Wine, con- taiding each (ſuppoſe) 130 Pines Scots, which he de- ſigns to draw off in Chopin Bottles; how many Groſs will he need for this purpoſe? Gr. doz. bottles. Anfr. 7: 8 21.13. I lent my Friend L.56: 18 Sterl. in return of which he gave me 45 Piſtoles, valued each at 17. Jh. Ch. B. pecks. 2: 6 రం Mixt Practical Queſtions : 6 d. and 15 Carolus's of Gold at 23 Jh. each ; was I fully paid? Anfr. He ſtill owed me 5. fb. 6 d. Qu. 14. How many ſquare Stones of 10 Inches, and ii Inch thick, will pave a Floor which is 5 yds. long, and half as broad? Anfr. 162. Qu. 15. I have to fell 4 doz. fine. Stockings, a Merchant has offer'd me 5ilb. 6 d. per Pair, and to pay for the marking of chem: Another tells me he'll give me L.3: 6 per doz. without being at the Charge of the Stamp; and a. Third offers me 15 Ştone of Wool worch 15 d. per lib. I being at the Charge of the Stamping. Which of all theſe is the beſt Bargaini, and by how much does it exceed the other two? Anfr. The laſt is the beſt Bargain, viz. better than the firſt by. Is. 6 d. and better than the other by 3.fb. (I paying the Stamp.) Nóte. The Stamp is 2 d. Scots, or ; d. Sterling pemu Pair. Qu. 16. How much Sterling Money is contained in L. 1874: 10: 6 Scots? Anfr. L. 156: 4:21, found by dividing by 12. Qu. 17. In L. 156: 4:: 2. Sterling, how much Scots Money?. Anfr. 1874: 10: 6, found by multiplying by 12. Qu. 18. In 4176 L, how many Merks ? Anfr. 6264 Merks, found by multiplying by 3, and dividing the Product by 2; or by adding of 4176 to itſelf. Qu. 19. In 3126 Merks how many L.? Anfr. L.2084, found by multiplying by 2, and divi- ding the Product by 3; or by ſubtracting í of 3126 : from itſelf. Qu. 20. In 20600 Merks Scots how much Sterling Money? Anfr. L: 1144: 8: 10 Ž, found by dividing by 18. 2 214. Mixt Practical Queſtions, &c. 6 1. 21. In L. 145: 14: 10 Sterl. how many Scots Merks? Anfr. 2623 Merks, and 4 1 d. Sterl. over and above. 24. 22. In 7000 Guilders at 23 per Guilder, how much Sterling and how much Scots Money? A11f7. L.685:8: 4 Sterling, and L. 8225:0:0 Scors. Qu. 23. In 436 Guineas at 21 m. how many L? Anfr. L. 457: 16, found by multiplying by 21, and dividing the Product by 20; or by adding ză of 436 to itſelf. CHAP. VI. Of Arithmeticel Progreffion. WHEN a Rank of Numbers do either increaſe or decreaſe by a common Difference, thoſe Num- bers are ſaid to be in Arithmetical Progreſſion: Thus, s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. c. S Here the com. Diffe- 27. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. I. { rence is I. $1. 3. 5. 7. 9. II. 13. &c. Here the com. Diffe- { 13. II. 9. 7. 5. 3. I. rence is 2. And ſo of any other Series whoſe Difference is 3, 4, 5. &c. In every Arith. Progreſſion there are 5 Things con- ſiderable, viz. The two Extremes, i.e. the firſt and laſt Term of the Series. The Common Difference. The Number of Terms. And The Sum of all the Series. And the moſt uſeful Caſes are theſe, wherein are 3 given, to find the ocher 2. G CASE 62 Arithmetical Progrefron. CASE :I. Having the Extremes and Number of Terms, to find the common Difference aud Sum of all the Series. RULE. Divide the Difference of the Extremes by the Number of Terms leſs. I, and the Quote is the Difference: And multiply the Sum of the Extremes by the Number of Terms, and half chis Product is the Sum of the Series. Exa. A Gentleman laid by for a younger Son's Por. tion on the firſt Day of January L. 12, and continued to lay by a certain Sum in Arich. Progreſſion on the firſt Day of each Month to the End of the Year, the Jaſt Sum being L. 45. How much did each exceed the former, and what did his Portion amount to in all? 45-12=33 Difference of Extremes. 12-1=Number of Terms leis 1. Then II) 33 (3 common Difference or Excels. And 12+45357 Sum of the Extremes. 12 Number of Terms. 2) 684 (342 his Portion, or Sum of the Terms. Exa: 2. Suppoſe 100 Eggs were placed in a right Line, a Yard diftant from each other, and the firſt Egg a Yard diſtant from a Basket; how many Yards will one walk (beginning at the Basket) before he can ga- ther up thoſe 100 Eggs fingly one after another, retur- ning with each to the Basket, and putting them in without breaking ? 2+200=202 Sum of the Extremes. 100 Number of Terms. 2; -200 1. 10 Number of Yards Anſwer. And 1760) 10100 (5 Miles and 3 Quarters ferè, CASE Arithmetical Progreſſion. 63 CASE 2. Having the Extremes and common Dif- forence, to find the Number of Terms and Sum of the Series. RULE. Divide the Difference of che Estreines by tlic common Difference, and to the Quote adding I, the Sum is the Number of Terms: then find the Sum of the Series by Caſe it. Exa. A Gentleman laid by for a younger Son's Portion on the firſt Day of January L. 12, and con- tinued to lay by a Sum on the firft Day of each Monch for a certain Number, increaſing each by L. 3, the . laſt wherof was 45 L. How many Months did he continue ſo to do, and what did his Porrion amount to in all? 45-12=33 Difference of Extremes. 3)33(11, and uti=12 Number of Terms. Thén 127:15357 Sum of the Extremes. 12 2) 6-3,4 (342 L. Sum of the Series, . CASE 3. Having one of the Extremes, the Num. ber of Terms and the common Difference, to find the other Extreme and the Sum of all the Terins. RULE. If it is the leſſer Extreme that's given, multiply the common Difference by the Number of Terms leſs 1, and to the Product add the given Ex- treme; but if it is the greater Extreme that's given, ſubtract it, and the Sum or Remainder is the other Extreme, and fiud the Sum of all the Terms by Cafe I or 2. Exa.' A Gentleman laid by for a younger Son's Portion on the firſt of January L. 12, on the firſt of February L. 15, and ſo on to the End of the Year, increaſing each by L. 3. How much did he lay by on the first of December, and what was his Portion? G2 3 64 Arithmetical Progreſſion. 3 common Difference. 31 Number of Terms leſs 1. 33+12=45 laid by on the firſt of December, Then 12+ 45357 Sum of the Extremes. 12 Number of Terms. 2) 684 (342 Sum of all the Terms. CASE 4. Having the Extremes and Sum of all the Series, to find the Number of Terms and com mon Difference. RULE. Divide double the Sum by the Sum of the Excremes, the Quote is the Number of Terms: then find the common Difference by one of the pre- ceding Caſes Exa. A Gentleman laid by for a younger Son's Portion on the firſt of January L. 12, and continued ſo to do on each firſt Day of the ſucceeding Months for a certain Number, increaſing each by Aritämeri- cal Progreſſion, ſo that the laſt Sum laid by was L. 45. How many Months did he continue to lay by, and by how much did each Sum exceed another, the Sum of all he laid by being L. 342 ? 342 Sum of all the Series. 12+45557 Sum of Extr. 57)684 (12 Number of Terms. Then by Caſe iſt to find the common Difference. 45–12=33 Diff. of Extremes. 12-1=I1 Num- ber of Terms leſs i. Therefore 11) 33 (3 common Difference, 2 CASE 5. Having one Extreme, Sum of the Se- ries and Number of Terms, to find the other Ex- treme and the common Difference. RULE. Divide double the Sum of the Series by the Number of Terms, and from the Quote ſubtract the Arithmetical Progreſión: 65 Exa. the given" Extreme, the Remainder is the Extreme fought; then find the Difference by one of the pre- ceding Caſes. A Gentleman laid by for a younger Son's Portion on the firſt Day of January L. 12, and on the firſt Day of the ſucceeding Months of the Year a cer- tain Sum, each increaſing in Arithmetical Progreſſion, ſo that he laid by in all L. 342. What was the Sum he laid by on the firſt of December, and by how much did each Sum exceed another? 342. 2 12) 684 (57 Sum of the Extremes. 12 45 laid by on the firſt of December.. Then by laſt Cafe to find the common Difference. 45-12=33; and 12-=II. Then 11)33(3 com. Diff. CASE 6. Having the Sum of the Series, com- mon Difference and Number of Terms, to find the Extremes. RULE. By the Sum and Number of Terms find che Sum of the Extremes, as in laſt Examp. then, by means of the cominon Difference and Number of Terms, find the Difference of the Extremes chus, Multiply the common Difference by the Number of Terms leſs 1, and the Product is the Difference of the Extremes. Laſtly, having the Sum and Diffe- rence of the Extremes, find the Extremes thus, half their Sum + half their Difference is the greater, and half their Difference ſubtracted from half their Sum is the leſſer. Exai A Gentleman laid by for a younger Son's Portion on the firſt Day of January a certain Suin, and fo continued to do on the firſt Day of each liv. ceeding Month to the End of the Year, increauit G3 Ć 66 Arithmetical Progreſſion. each by L. 3. ſo that the Amount of all came to L. 342: How much did he lay by on the firſt Day of Jan. and alſo on the firſt Day of Desember? 342 2 12) 684(57 Sum of the Extremes. 3 comm. Diff. 12-ISI Number of Terms leſs I. II 33 Difference of Extremes. 2) 57 (28 half the Sum of the Extremes. 2) 33 (16 3 half the Diff. of the Extremes. Sum 45 greater Extreme, and 57—45=12 for the Jeffer Extreme. CASE 7. Having one Extreme, Sum of the Series and common Difference, to find the other Extreme and Number of Terms. RULE. If the Jeffer Extreme is required, ſquare the greater Extreme, to which add its Product by the common Difference, the 4th Part of the Square of the common Difference, from which Toral ſubtract the Product of twice che Difference by the Sum of the Series; out of which Remainder extracting the ſquare Root, to ic add the common Difference, and the Sum is the leſſer Extreme. But, if the greater Extreme is required, To the Square of the leffer add the Product of the Sum of the Series into twice the common Difference, and to this Sum add the 4th Part of the Square of the common Difference, from which Sum ſubtracting the Product of the given Ex- treme by the common Difference, take the ſquare Root of the Remainder, and from this Remainder ſub- tract half of the common Difference, and the Re- mainder is the greater Extreme. СНАР. I Geometrical Progreſion. 67 CHAP. VII. Of Geometrical Progreffion. 2 WHEN a Rank of Numbers do either increaſe by a common Multiplicator, or decreaſe by a common Diviſor, theſe Numbers are ſaid to be in Geometrical Progreſſion: As { 2. 4. 8. 16. 32. &c. where 2 is the com. Multiplier. S2 Or 2. 6. 18. 54. 162, óc. { where is the com. Multiplier 162. 54. 18. 6. 2. where 3 is the com. Diviſor. . In Geometrical Progreſſion (as in Arithmetical) there are 5 Things conſiderable, viz. The 2 Extremes: The Ratio, i.e. the Quote of the greater Term di- vided by the leſſer, or the common Multiplier. The Number of Terms. The Sum of the whole Series. And the moſt uſeful Caſes are thoſe, in which are given any of theſe 3 Things, to find the other 2. CASE 1. Having the Extremes and Ratio, to find the Sum and Number of Terms. RULE. For the sum of the Series, divide the Difference of the Extremes by the Ratio leſs I, the Quote is the Sum leſs the greater Extreme. And to find the Number of Terms, divide the greater. Ex- treme by the lefier, and raiſe the Racio to a Power e- qual to that Quote, and the Index or Number of Multiplications is the Number of Terms leſs 1. . CASE 2. Having the Extremes and Number of Terms, to find the Sum and Ratio, RULE 68 Geometrical Progreſſion: RULE 1. For the Ratio, divide the greater Extreme by the leffer, extract ſuch a Root of the Quote whoſe In- dex is the Number of Termis leſs , and it is the Ra- rio: And find the Sum by. Caſe 1. CASE 3. Having the Extremes and Sum, to find the Ratio and Number of Terms. RULE I. For the Ratio, divide the Difference of the Sum and leſſer Extreme, by the Difference of the Sum and greater Extreme, and the Quote is the Ratio. And for the Number of Terms, find it by Cafe 1. CASE 4. Having either of the Extremes, the Ra- tio and Number of Terms, to find the other Extreme and the Sum of the Series. RULE. If it is the leſſer Extreme that's given, multiply it by the Ratio multiplied into itſelf as oft as is the Number of Terms leſs i, and the Product is the greater Extreme. But if the greater Extreme is given, divide it by the Ratio multiplied into itſelf as oft as is the Number of Terms lefs 1, and the Quote is the leſſer Extreme: And for the Sum of the Series, find it by Caſe I. CASE 5. Having the Sum of the Series, Num- ber of Terms and Ratio, to find the Extremes. RULE. To find the leffer Extreme, multiply the Ratio as oft into itfelf as is the Number of Terms; then multiply the Sum of the Series by the Ratio leſs 1, and divide the Product by the foreſaid Power of the Ratio leſs 1, the Quote is the leffer Extreme; and for the other Extreme, find it by laſt Caſe. CASE 6. Having either Extreme, the Sum and Ra- tio, to find the other Extreme and Number of Terms. RULE. Geometrical Progreſſion. 69 RULE. If the greater Extreme is given, to find ihe leſſer, multiply the Difference of the Sum and greater Extreme by the Ratio leſs 1, ſubtract the Pro- duct from the greater Extreme, and the Remainder is the leſſer : And find the Number of Terms by Caſe v. But, if the leffer Extreme is given, to find the great- er, multiply the Difference of the Sum and lefſer Ex- creme by the Rario leſs 1, and divide the Product by the Ratio, and to the Quote adding ihe leffer Extreme, the Sum is the greater; finding the Number of Terms as before. Now to exemplify ſome of the preceding Cafes take the following Queſtion. A Servanr, skill'd in Numbers, agreed with a Gentle- man to ſerve him for 12 Months, provided he would give him a Farthing for bis firſt Month's Service, a Penny for the ſecond, 4 Pence for the third, and ſo Of, quadrupling, each preceding Month's Wages, to the end of the Year: What did his Hire amount to? By Caſe 4. given the leſſer Extreme i far. And 4 rais'd to the auth Power is #194304. for the greater Extreme, or laſt Month's Wayes. Then 4194304-1=4194303 Differ. of Extremes. Allo 4-1=3=Ratio leſs 1, and 3/4194303(1398101 Laſtly, 1398101 +419430455592405 far.= L. 5825 : 8:5: 1 Anſwer. Which Queſtion you may vary like that in Aritha Progreſſion, and ſo apply the other Cafes. CHAP . 70 Of Fractions. CHAP. VIII. Of FRACTIONS. THERE are only ewo Kinds of Fractions now ge- nerally uſed, viz. Vulgar or Common, and Decimal, A Common Fraction conſiſts of two Members, viz, a Numerator and a Denominator, which are written as in the following Example or 3/4, the Fi- gure 3 being the Numerator, and 4 the Denominator. The firſt Form ſeems moſt convenient for Calculati- ons, and the other for keeping Accompts. The Denominator fhews into how many Parts the Integer or whole Thing is divided, or ſuppoled to be divided. The Numérator ſhews how many of theſe parts are contained in the given Fraction: Thus in the adduced Example the Denominator ſhews, that the whole Thing (whatever it is) is divided, or ſuppoſed to be divided into 4 equal Parts; and the Numerator thews, that 3 of theſe equal Parts are contained in the Frac- tion. In like manner, One half. Two third Parts, or 2 Thirds. ſignifies 4 fifth Parts, or 4 Fifths. 9 fixtecnth Parts, or 9 Sixteenths. , Or.we may read them thus: i divided by 2; 2 di- vided by 3; 4 divided by 5; 9 divided by io; and ſo of others : For the Numerator is always the Dividend, and the Denominator the Diviſor. A Common Fraction is Proper or Improper, Simple or Compound. A Proper Common Fraction is ſuch whoſe Nume- rátor is leſs than its Denominator, and confequently the Fraction is leſs than the Integer, to which it refers: Exa. dc. An !} Of Fractions. 71 An Improper Common Fraction is ſuch whoſe Nu- merator is equal to or greater than its Denominator, and therefore the Fraction is equal to or greater than is relative Integer. Exa. $% %2% 41%, &c. And here note, thar if the Numerator and Denomi- nator are both the ſame, the Fraction is equal to the Integer, as $ % 1, 4, Sc. A Simple Common Fraction has only one Nume- rator and one Denominator, whether it be Proper or Improper. Exa. , SM Br. But a Compound Fraction is a Fraction of a Frac- tion, and hath ſeveral Numerators and ſeveral Deno- Ininators; that is, it conGifts of ſeveral Simple Fractions, the Particle of ſtanding betwixt each cwo of them. Exa. of by which is meant, firſt, that the whole Thing or Integer is divided into 3 equal Parts, two of which Parts make then, that this Fraction is di- vided into 5 equal Parts, and 4 of theſe Parts taken. In like manner of of 'şof of of ză, are Compound Fractions. A Mixt Number (in Fractions) is a whole Number with a Fraction annex’d, as 4 , 201, which are read four and one half, 20 and 3 fourth Parts, where the Fractions are ſuppoſed to refer to the fame Integers with the 4 and 20 reſpectively, ſo that if 43 be 4 L. its Value is L.4: 10, and if the 20%be 20. yds, the Value is 20 yds and 3 Quarters. CHAP. IX. Of Reduction of Common Fractions. HERE ERE I would adviſe yan ? (arne: to make himſelf Maſter of the following X I. Cales, becauſe upon the 072 Reduction of Common Fractions. the right underſtanding of them depends the moſt of what is to be delivered in Addition, Subtraction, &c. and they are as it were the very Hinge upon which (almoſt) all the Operations, where Fractions are con. cern'd, do turn. CASE I. To reduce a Fraction to its loweſt Term, that is, to find another equivalent Fraction to a given one, but expreſs'd in lower Terms (when poſſible.) RULE. 'Divide the greater Term by the leſſer, that is, the Numerator or Denominator, the one by the other; and if there is a Remainder, by it divide the firſt Di- viſor ; and if any thing yet remains, let it be a Diviſor to the laſt Diviſor, and thus go on, by ſtill dividing the preceding Diviſor by the laſt Remainder, till o re- main: the ſeveral Quotes are to be neglected, and the laſt Diviſor is to be aſſumed as the greateſt com- mon Meaſure to the Terms of the propoſed Fraction, by which common Meaſure dividing the Numerator and Denominator ſeverally, you'll have the Fraction expreſs'd in its loweſt equivalent Terms. Exa. 1. Reduce to its loweft Terms. Operation. 16) 5613 Or thus 3 48 8) 16 (2 16 16/2 8 O Their greateſt common Meaſure is 8, wherefore by dividing both Terms by ir, (thus, 8) (*) the Frac- tion is reduced to 4, its loweſt equivalent Expref- fon. Exei Reduktion of Common Fractions. 73 Exa. 2. Reduce 1% to its leaſt Terms. Operation. Or thus, 1284814 2832)12848 (4 283 11 11328 152011 1 1520) 2832(1 1520 131216 1312) 1520 (1 1312 2083 6414 10 208) 1312 (6 1248 64) 208 (3 192 16) 64 (4 64 Their greateſt common Meaſure (thus found) is 16, wherefore 2832—16=177 Numerator, and 12848 16=803 Denominator, and ſo 281 in its lowed Terms is 73. Exa. 3. Reduce their to its loweſt Expreſſion. 28) 384 (13 28 28 10+ 104 84 Or thus, 384113 [ 2012 20) 28(1 8 812 20 8) 2012 16 1970 4) 8 (2 8 H Thes 74 Reduction of Common Fractions. Then 4) (99 Anſwer in its loweſt Terms. 1. Obſerve, If Unity is the laſt Diviſor, the Frac- tion is irreducible, and is already in its loweſt Terms; as in the Exa. following, 154. Operarion. 54) 197.(3 Or ſhorter thus, 162 1973 54/1 35) 54 (I 35 351 191 19) 35 (1 19 1615 313 -16) 18 (T I 3) 16 (5 15 1) 3 (3 3 2. Obſerve, That the general Rule is not ſo conve. nient for Practice as the taking $ $ $ 6c. (or divi- ding by 2, 3, 4, &c.) of both Numerator and Deno- minator (as you ſee practicable) to divide them with- cut a Remainder. Such Diviſors, after a little Practice and Experience, will diſcover themſelves almoſt at firſt view, without any previous Trial. Exa. *** in its loweſt Terms is so found thus: 129417981214 3 . 1330 112 16 3. Obſerve, If Numerator and Denominator end in an even Number, they may both be divided by 2, without any Remainder; and if they are both even af- ter the firſt Diviſion, you may divide again the Quote by Reduction of Common Fraštions. 75 2 2) by 2, and ſo continue to divide by 2 as oft as poflible, and after that by any Figure that will do it, till you come to its lowelt Terms. Exia. 7 is $; 183 is thus found, 192 261*48)*241*12/2012 288 (144) 721 361 181 913 Here I divide s times by 2, and once by 3. Now tho' 2 will certainly divide every even Number, yer you'll frequently at firſt Sight obſerve, that ſome greater Number will do it, which you ought to take, becauſe the greater the Diviſors are, the fewer there muſt be of them, and the Operation is the ſooner ended. So in the laſt Exa. to have divided by 8 and 12 would have produced the fame Effect. 4. Obfèrve, If both Numerator and Denominator end in o or o's, cut off an equal Number from borbi, and you have the Fraction lower, which when praci- cable you may reduce, till you come to the loweſt. Esca. is ; o Co is firſt 76, and by dividing by 9, it becomes loweit. This Abbreviation is the fame with dividing both by 10, 100, 1000, doc. 5. Obferve, IF Numerator and Denominator, the one of them end in o and the other in 5, they are both diviſible by 5, without a Remainder. Exa. Tô=;; 2=* Alſo if both end in 5, thus } =}, and - Use. This Reduction is neceſſary for facilitating any Operation with them: Allo a Fraction muſt be reduced to its loweſt Terms, before its Roor can be extracted. CASE II. To reduce an Improper Fraction to its equivalent whole or mixt Number. RULE. Divide the Numerator by the Denomina- tor, the Quote is che whole Number; and if there is a Remainder, it muſt be annexed to the Integral Part in form of a Fraction, and ſo the Anſwer will be a mixt 75 T85 IS 37. H 2 76 Reduction of Common Fractions. 25 mixt Number Exa. =1;=4; "=3 $; +37; 2=4. USE. 'This Reduction is of uſe for the better uns derſtanding their Value. CASE III. To reduce a whole Number to an equivalent (Im- proper) Fraction, having any aſſigned Denominator. RULE. Multiply the whole Number by the af- [igned Denominator, the Product is the Numerator, which fet over the aſſigned Denominator gives the Anſwer. Exa. Reduce 6 to an Improper Fraction, whoſe Denominator is 8. Thus, 6x8=48; then is the Thing fought: This is the Converſe of the laſt Care. Use. This is of uſe when a Fraction is to be ad- ded to or ſubtracted from a whole Number, viz. thao the Sum or Remainder may be in form of a Frac- tion. CASE IV. To reduce a whole Number to an equivalent (Im- proper) Fraction, when no Denominacor is given. RULE. Set the whole Number for a Numerator, and i for a Denominator, and it is done. Exa. is 4 ; 12 is 3. Use. Such Reduction is neceſſary when a whole Number is to be multiplied or divided by a Fraction. CASE.V. To reduce a mixt Number to an equivalent Impro- per (ſimple) Fraction. RULE. Multiply the whole Number by the De- nominator of the annexed Fraction), adding to the Pro- duct its Numerator, the Sum is the Numerator, and the Denominacor given is the Denominator of the An- firer. Exa. Reduce 3 } to a ſimple Fraction; thus, 3*5=15, and 15+2=17; ſo the Anſwer is . Exa. 2. Reduce 16- to a ſimple Fraction; thus, 16x=112, and 112+3=115; fo the Anſwer is 113. USE Reduction of Common Fractions. 27 Use. This Reduction is neceſſary, when a mixt Number is to be added to, multiplied or divided by a Fraction; or when a Fraction of a different Deno- minator is to be ſubtracted from it, or it from another mixt Number of a different Denominator. CASE VI. To reduce a Compound Fraction to a Simple equia valent one. RULE. Multiply all the Numerators continually into one another for the Numerator, and all the De- nominators together for the Denominator of the Ana (wer, which you may reduce to its loweft, if it is not ſo after the Multiplication. Exa. Reduce of } to a Simple Fraction; thus, 4X2=8 Numeracor, and 5*3=15 Denominator; therefore iş is the Anſwer. Alſo of g of <=38 for the Simple equivalent Frac- tion, which in its loweſt Terms is zs 1. If one of the Members of a Compound Frac- tion is a whole Number greater than 1, then this whole Number being turned into an Improper Frac- tion (by Caſe 4th), let the Reduction be inade as be- fore. Exa. 'of 4 is of 4=; of 8 is of ==6; j of 175 of 1=3=U* 2. When one of the Members is a mixt Number, reduce it by Caſe 5th to a Simple Fraction, and work as before. Exa. of 43 is } of =i=27. 3. When all or any one of the given Fractions can: be reduced to lower Terms, let that be done firſt, and then apply the general Rule; for by this Means the Anſwer will come out in lower Terms, tho' not al- ways in its loweſt. Exa. 4 of 1 is of 1=iori; of is of 1=1 4. It matters nor in what order the Members of a: Compound Fraction are taken, for j. of ! is the ſame with 1 of 3 USE. This Reduction is of uſe for the more ready comprehending their Value, as alſo in order to prepare them for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Diviſion, CASE 8 H 3 78 Redu&tion of Common Fra&tions, CASE VII. To reduce Fractions of different Denominar ors to other equivalent Fractions having the ſame Denomina- tor Tator. 16 15 RULE. Multiply all the Denominators continual- ly into one another, the Product is the common De- nominator fought; then multiply the Numerator of cach Fraction into the Denominators of all the other continually, and the Product of each is a new Nume- Exa. Reduceſ and to the ſame Denomina- tor: Thus 3x8=24 their common Denominator; then 2x8=16 firſt Numerator, and 5*3=15 the other Numerator; ſo the equivalent Fractions found are . and is; for } is zh, and is 21: The Denominator may be ſet down only once, thus, Reduce this and ž to a common Denominator ; thus, 7x18 126, and 126*5=620 for the Deno- minator; then 4 x 18X5=360 firſt Numerator; next 13 X 7X5=455 the ſecond Numerator; laſtly 2 X 18 x7=252 the laſt Numerator. So the equivalent Frac- tions found are %10 - is, and=}, and may ſtand thus, 360 i. After the common Denominator is found, you may find the new Numerator thus: Divide the com- mon Denominator by the Denominator of each of che Fractions, and multiply the Quotes by the Nume- Tators reſpectively, and fo you have the new Numera- tors fought. 2. When there are two Fractions to be reduced, and one of the Denominators is a Multiple of the o- ther, divide; and by the Quote multiply the Numera- tor and Denominator of that Fraction whoſe Denomi- nator you divide by, and thus they'll be both reduced to the fame Denominator. Exa. To reduce and to the ſame Denominator, I divide the Denominator 8 by 4 the Denominator of the other Fraction, and the Quote is 2;. by which multiplying the Frac-. tion, it is reduced to $; having the ſame Denomina- 4 455 7) 639 360 455 253 630 tor. Reduction of Common Fractions. 79 . tor with the other Fraction. The Advantage of this Method is, that it gives the Fractions frequently, tho' not always, in their loweſt Terms. USE. This Reduction is neceſſary before they can be added or ſubtracted, as alſo to know which of two Fractions propoſed is the greater (if they do not dif- cover themſelves at firſt ſight.) It is further uſeful for finding two Integers in the ſame Proportion to one a- nother with the Fractions given: For inſtance, to find two Integers in proportion to one another, as į is to * ;, thus, ģ:::: i that is; as 8 to 9; ſo that 8 and 9 are the Integers ſought. CASE VIIT. To reduce a Fraction of an Unit of an higher Denomination or Name, to an equivalent Fraction of any Unit of a lower Species (of the ſame Kind with the higher.) RULE: Multiply the Numerator of the given Frac- tion by the Number of Units in the next inferior Species that makes an Unit of the Denomination of your Fraction, and the Product multiply by the Num. ber of Units in the next inferior Denomination that make an Unit of the laſt Denominacion, and thus proceed 'till you come to the lowest you deſign, then make the laſt Product a Numerator to the Denomis nátor of the Fraction given. Exa. Reduce L. 10 an equivalent Fraction in the Denomination of id. 3 Numerator of the given Fract. 20 Number of . in 1 L. So that 2 L. is =?20 d. or 144 60 d lowelt. 12 Number of d. in 1 fl. 720 EXA. 80 Reduction of Common Fractions. Exa. 2. Reduce { lb. to the Fraction of 1 farth, I the Numerator given. 12 Number of d. in i fi So that th. is = 45 far. I-2 4 Number of far. in 1 d. 1 48 Exa. 3. Reduce C. to the Fraction of 1 oz. 2 4 So that įC. is equal to 35 8 OZ. 8 qrs. 28 224 lib. 16 3584 oz. Or you may expreſs them in form of Compound Fractions, and then reduce them to Simple ones; ſo in the firſt Exa. L. is } of 20 s. of 12 d. = d of ². of 729, as before. In Exa. 3. C. is of 4 grs. of 28. lib. of 16 oz. Ź of 4 of 28 of 9 U oZs The Use of this Reduction will appear in that of the next following Caſe. CASE IX. To reduce a Fraction of an Unit of a lower Deno- mination, to an equivalent Fraction in the Denomina- sion of an higher. RULE. Multiply the Denominator of the propc- fed Fraction by the Number of Units of the ſaid Frac- tion that is equal to an Unit of the next ſuperiour De- nomination, and the Product by ſuch a Number of Units of its Denomination as is equal to an Unit of the next above it; and thus go on till you come to the higheſt Reduction of Common Fractions. 8.1 higheſt Species required, and the laſt Product is a De- nominator to the Numerator of the Fraction giveni. Exa. Reduce 3 d. to the Fraction of iL. 5 Denominator given. I2 1 So that} d. is = 11aL. or om loweſt. 60 20 1200 = Denominator required. Exa. 2. Reduce ozi: to the Fraction of 1 C. y Denominator given, 16 So thar - oz. I I2 28 7774 C. Inté loweit .896.. 224 3136 4 12544 = Denominator required. But it is (perhaps) as convenient to expreſs them in Compound Fractions, and reduce ihe fame to Simple ones for the Anſwer. Thus in Exa. I. } d. is of it of 1 of 1 L=1263 L. In Exa. 2. 4 oz. is 1 of 1 of of of 1 C.=73 C. Use. This Reduction is abſolutely neceſſary be- fore we can add, ſubtract or divide Fractions that be- long to different Unics." CASE X. To expreſs a whole or mixt Number of an inferiour Denomination, by a Fraction of ſome ſuperiour Unit (of the ſame Kind.) RULE.. 1 82 Reduction of Common Fractions. Rule. If it is a simple Number, let it be the Numerator of the Fraction, and for its Denominator take the Number of that inferiour Species, which makes I of the ſuperiour you would have it expref'd in, and you have the Fraction required. Exa. 1. Expreſs 4 d. in the Fraction of 1 L. In i L. are 240 d. wherefore 4 d. is 396, or că L. loweſt: Exa. 2. Expreſs 3. qrs. in the Fraction of ini. In 1ſ. are 48 far. wherefore 3 far. is 7 . or 15 Jh. loweſt. Exa. 3. Expreſs 2 lib. in the Fraction of 1 C. In 1 C. are 112' lib. wherefore 2 lib. is 17ž C. or 55 loweſt. 2. If it is a mixt Number, let it be firſt reduced to a fimple Number of the loweſt Species mentioned, and that Number is the Numerator; and for the De- nominator take the Number of that Species you re«. duce your mixt Number to, that makes i of the ſupe- riour. Exa. 1. Expreſs 3 1. 8 d. in the Fraction of 1L. ' 3.fb. 8 d. is 44 d. wherefore there being 240 d. in i L. 31. 8 d. is 4* L. or loweſt. Exa. 2. Expreſs 66. 2 d. 3 far. in the Fraction of iL. The mixt Number reduced to a ſimple one makes 299 f. for the Numerator, and the Denomina- cor is 960, there being that Number of far, in 1 L. ſo the Anfwer is ! L. Exa. 3. Expreſs 4 lib. 7 oz. in the Fraction of IC. 4 lib. 7 oz. is 71 oz. then becauſe in a C. are 1792 oz. the Anſwer is 1771 C. Use. This ſeems to be of Uſe principally when a fimple or mixt Number of an inferiour Species is to be reduced to an equivalent Decimal of an higher. CASE XI. To find the Value of a ſimple Fraction in Integers of a lower Species, when the Fraction given is not of. the loweſt Denomination. RULE. Reduction of Common Fractions. 83 RULE. Multiply the Numerator of the given Fraction by the Number of Units of the next inferi- our Species that makes I of the Denomination of your Fraction, and divide the Product by its Denomi- nator, the Quote is ſo many Integers of that lower Species, and if there is a Remainder, reduce it to the next inferiour Species, and divide again; and thus go on by reducing and dividing, till you come to the loweſt Species, and the ſeveral Quotes, with the Re- mainder, if any be, which is always a Fraction of the loweſt Species, are the Anſwer. Exa. 1. What is į L.? 2 20 20 3) 40 (131 3 IO 9 I f. d.. 12 Anfr. 13:4 3) 12 (4.d. 12 Exa. 2. What is the Value of * .? 4 12 5) 48 (2 15. 45 nal 5):12 (2 d. d. f. Anfr. 9:23 IO Exa. 84 Reduction of Common Fractions. Exa. 3. What is the Value of 33% C.? 34 4 356) 136 (o qrs. 28 1088 272 356) 3808 (10 lib. 356 24.8 16 1488 248 356) 3968 (11 OZ. 356 408 356 52 16 lib. oz. dr. Anfr. 10: 11:23 356) 832 (2 dr. 712 120 Ex4. Reduktion of Common Fractions. 85 8 Exa. 4. What is the Value of 4 Boll? 4 - 16 7) 64 (9 pecks. 63 p: lip Anfi. 9:01 I 4 7) 410 24 lip. USE. 'The Uſe of ſuch Reduction is evident. If the given Fraction is Improper, you muſt firſt re: duce it, and the Quote is an Integer of the fame Species with the Fraction; then reduce the Remain- der as before. Eva. What is the Value of 73 lb.? 8) 77 jb. M. d. f. 9:7:2 Anfr. 9:7: 2 WX XXXX XXXX%2:22 CHAP. X. Of Addition of Commor Fractions. GENERAL Rule. ENERAL RULE. Add together the Numera- tors for the Numerator of the Sum, and ſetting iť over the common Denominator, you have the An- fwer; which, if it is an Improper Fraction, you may reduce it to a whole or mixt Number by Caſe II. Chap. IX. or if it is not in its loweſt Expreſlion, de preſs it by Cafe I. CASE L. When the Fractions belong all to the ſame Unit or Integer, and alſo have the fame Denominator ? I RULE. 86 Addition of Cominon Fractions. IS and 7 I 32 LI 27 283 RULE. Follow the General Rule, and you have the Anſwer. Exa. What is the Sum of and of any Thing? += Exa. 2. What is the Sum of', and of any thing? +4=19=1} Aufr. Exa. 3. What is the Sum of $ and ? +=; or Anfr. CASE II. When all the Fractions belong to the ſame Integer, but have different Denominators. Reduce them to Fractions having one common De- nominator by Cafe VII. Chap. IX. and perform the reſt of the Work as in the preceding Caſe. Exa. Add to & -tý 21 or Sum. Exa. 2. Add together and The Fractions re- 108-192-4 120 duced are == I za š or I loweſt, Anfr. CASE MI When the Fractions have the ſame or different De- nominarors, hui belong nor to the ſame Integer. RULE. Reduce them first to Fractions of the ſame Integer by Caſe VIII. or IX. Chap IX. and then to one Denominator, if neceſſary, and apply the general Rule. Exa. Add į L. to } lb. The Fraction jf. being reduced to the equivalent Fraction of i L. is co? L. wherefore ;L + To L. when reduced to the ſame Denominator are 200 to 21 ŽE L. for 700 the Sum, = 6b. 3 d. 378 f. or 37} loweſt. You may either reduce the Fraction of the lower Species to an equivalent of the higher, or contrariwiſe, for the final Reſult will be the ſame in both, as you may try by the precedirg Exa. If three or more ſuch Fractions are given, let all the inferior ones be reduced to equivalent Fractions of the higheſt mentioned, and the reſt of the Work is the ſame as before. CASE Addition of Common Fractions. 87 CASE IV. To add mixt Numbers. 1. Add the Fractions by themſelves, according to the preceding Cafes, and join their Amount to that of the Integers. Or, 2. Reduce the mixt Numbers to Iniproper Frac- tions, and add as above; reducing the Sum to a whole or mixt Number, and the fractional Part (if any be) so its loweſt Ternis. Exa. Add 2005. By the firſt Method I take the two Fractions and redu: cing them to the ſame Denominaror, they become 23 and to, whoſe Sum is 4 or I ; to this I add the Sum of the Integers 2 and 5 (viz. 7) and the Total Aggregate is 8 for the Anſwer. By che ſecond Method I reduce the mixt Numbers 10 Improper Fractions, and they become and 43; which in the fame Denominator are 13 and 243 - whole Sum is 37 87, as before. Of theſe two. Methods I prefer the firſt, as being eaſieſt and moſt expeditious, eſpecially when the mixt Numbers to be added are three or more. CASE V. When all or any are Compound Fractions. RULE. Reduce them firſt to Simple Fractions, and add according to the preceding Caſes. Exa. Add of stoof of iſ of, alſo of of i= til or 3%, then 7 + za= 13 840 Sum is : for the Anſwer. 45 . Take the following Queſtions for your further Exerciſe in this Rule. 1. What is the Sum of 1 tý tits? Anfr. 176. 2. What is the Sum of 1 L. +1h. tid. Anſi. 1997L. = 60. 7 d. 2139 far. I 2 3. 88 Subtraction of Common Fractions. 3. What is the Sum of Ti 11. te of 18 d. tio far. Anfr. 437.= 30.2, far. 4. Add together L. 148 + L 115 + 1911 15. to 4 d. Anfr. L. 26: 9: 7: o ſ} far. 0000000000000000000000 Thus 19 - 25 5 27 CHAP. XI. Of Subtraction. GENERAL RULE. Subtract the leffer Nume- rator from the greater, and the Remainder fer over the common Denominator gives the Anſwer. CASE 1. When the Fractions belong to the fame Unit and have the ſame Denominator, apply the general Rule, and you have the Anſwer. Exa. 1. From } L. take } L. Thus, 3-1.52 Numerator, therefore į L. is the Anſwer. Exa. 2. From '1 of any thing take ţ of the ſame thing: 2 17wherefore che Anſwer is looking . CASE II. When both refer to the ſame Integer, but have dif- ferent Denominators. RULE. Reduce them to the fame Denominator, and then apply the Rule. Exa. I. From $take. The Fractions reduced to the ſame Denominator are 18 and Ins; the Difference of their Numerators is 142 which ſer over the common Denominator gives or Iż-for the Anſwer. Exa. 2. From & take ž. Thus &=15-12 = iš or loweſt, for the Diffe- 18 rence. CASE III. When the Fractions have the ſame or different De- nominators, but belong not to the fame Integer. RULE. I Subtraction of "Common Fractions. 89 200 21 L. 5 RULE. Reduce them firſt to Fractions of the fame Integer, next to Fractions having the fame Deno- minator (if need be) and apply the general:Rule. Exa. From L. take } lb. f. is 7oL. wherefore L. 153 L. 77. L. 5 fb. 1 d. it's 700 Anſwer. If you want the Difference betwixt any two ſuch Fractions in Integers of known Species, you need not reduce them after the above Method, but reduce them at firſt to their known Values, and then ſubtract. So in the laſt Example, L. is (by laſt Cafe of Reduction) found to be '. 8 d. 23 far. and lh. is, by the ſame Cale, 5:8: 2 7 d. of far. which fet down, and ſub- : 7:0 tract, as in the Margin. 5:1:1 35 CASE. IV. When one or both are mixt Numbers. . 1. If one or both are mixed, and the Fractions have the fame Denominator, there is no need of any Reduction, but the Work may be performed as in the following Examples. Ex4. I. Exa. 2. Exa. 4. From 6-3 6 6} 63 7 43 43 47 d. f. 17 Exa. 3. Exa. 5. Take 4 1 2 orang Rem. 23 15 in or 1 675 2. But if they are both mixt, and th: Fracticns have different Denominators, you muſt reduce the mixt Numbers into Improper Fractions, and there to the ſame Denominator, and apply the geijeral Rule. Exa. From 6 take 44. When reduced they become 27 and 3;; then in the fame Denominator they are if and 3$, ſo that their Difference is for 278. Or you may reduce the 2 Fractions to the ſame De- nominator, and annexing them to their proper Inte- gers, I 3 90 Subtraction of Common Fra&tions. 3 I 4 2 gers, fubtract as in Part I. of this Caſe. Thus in the Exa. 6 4}, and in the fame 6 Denominator are it and which I annex 10 their proper Integers, and ſubtract, as in the Margin, beginning with the Fractions. 215 CASE V. When one or both are Compound Fractions: RULE. Reduce them to Simple ones, and to one Denominator, and then apply the general Rule. Exa. From 4 of fake of. Thus of 1 , or in their loweſt Terms ſo that their Difference is 21%. And ſo 210 of others. of 6 I 2 55 Wil launin 8 3 45 - 28 2 More Examples for further Exerciſe in this Rule may be ſuch as follow. 1. What is the Difference betwixt Tooő and T7. Anfr. Too 2. What is the Difference betwixt 7 Jh. and I of 1 far. Anfr. 6 d. ii's far. 3. From 20 L. 139 h. 11 d. take 19 iş L. 18 *? fb. 10 d. 2} far. Anfr. L. 1471 lb. I ja d. Iffar. = 19. 6 d. 373 far. 4. From i C. take ţ qrs. 19 } lib. 4'} oz. 10 dr. Anfr. 2 qrs. 7 } lib. 10} oz. 6 dr. = 2 qrs. 27 lib. 3 oz. 10 dr. 5. A has tő of a Ship, and B has į of the ſame, What is the Difference of their Shares ? Anfr. zo. СНАР. Multiplication of Common Fractions. 91 CHAP. XI. Multiplication in Com- mon Fractions. THE multiplying any Number, whether Integral or Fractional by a Fraction, is the taking ſuch a Part or Parts of that Integer or Fraction, as the mul- tiplying Fraction exprefferh. GENERAL RULE. Multiply the two Numera- tors the one by the other, as alſo the two Denomina- tors into one another, for the Numerator and Deno- minator of the Product reſpectively, which, if it happen to be in high Terms, let it be depreſs'd to its loweſt;" or, if it is an Improper Fraction, reduce it to its equivalent whole or mixt Number. You may alſo abbreviate the Fractions to be multiplied (when pof- fible) before you begin, and ſo they become more manageable. CASE I. When they are both Simple Fractions referred to the fame Integers. RULE. Obſerve the general Rule. Exa. Mul- tiply by }. Thus, *x}= or i, Product. Exa. 2. {x= Anfr. Exa. 3. * * = or 13 Product. CASE JI. When the one is a whole Number and the other a Fraction: RULE. Reduce the whole Number to a Fracti- on, and then apply the general Rule. Exa. Multiply 6 by 3. Thus X=i=1 loweſt, Anfr. Exa. 2. Multiply 56 by. Thus sex = -2= 32 Anfr. Or multiply tbe whole Number by the Numerator, and divide the Product by the Denominator. CASE 92 Multiplication of Common Fractions. CASE III. When one or both are mixt Numbers. RULE. Reduce the mixt Numbers to Simple Fractions, and multiply as before. Exa. Multiply 16 by 21 Thus x = 8 = 40 Anfr. Exa. 2. 34x83"}=104=26 Anfr. Exa. 3. Multiply 58 by 1; } Thus 31 x4=2881368 Anfr. 1. But if the Multiplier is a whole Number, and the Multiplicand mixt (or you may make either of them Multiplier, ſeeing the Product will be the fame) you need not reduce, but beginning with the Fraction, multiply it, (viz. its Numerator) and if the Product is Improper, reduce it, ſerting down the Remainder, and carrying the Integral part or Quote of the Diviſi- on, to the next Product. Exa. Multiply 81 by 6. Here I ſay 6 times is ?), which is 4 to 82 carry, and į or 1 to be ſet down; then 6 6 Times 8 is 48 +4 Carried is 52. See the Margin. 52ą or Exa. 2. Multiply 5 by 19 ý: Here I take 19} the Integral Number for the Multiplier, be- 5 cauſe the Work will be eaſier. + 3 528 981 Alſo if one of them is the Product of 17 2 or more Digits, the Anſwer may be 3 found without Reduction as before. Exa. 1. Multiply 17 by 18. Here I multi- ply by 3 and 6 inſtead of 18. See the Margin. Exa 2. Multiply 135 9 by 112. Here 317 ß or I multiply by 4, 4, 7, becauſe 4 x 4x7 =112, and the Anſwer is 15216, as you may try at your Leiſure. 2. Alſo when both are mixt, the Work may ſome- times be performed without Reduction too, and ſo muclt Multiplication of Common Fractions. 93 نہ اب نما+ 48 36 much compendized, as in the following Example to multiply 48 í by.151 Here I multiply 48 by 15, ſetting down 48 the partial Products as in common Mul- 15 tiplication, then I multiply 48 by the Fraction, and the Product 36 I place 210 under the other two Products, viz. in Units and ro's Place; next I mulciply 15 by the other Fraction ſ, and the Product 10 or 10 I ſet under the reſt, according to the lait Form; laſtly, I multiply the two Frac- 7661 Anfr. sions together, and their Product or ! I annex to the Integers, and then add all together. But this Method can be conveniently uſed only when the Integers are diviſible by the Denomi- nators of the alternate Fractions without a Remain- der, that is, when theſe Denominators are aliquot Parts of their oppoſite lategers. CASE IV. When one or both are Compound Fractions. RULE. Reduce to Simple ones, and proceed as before. Exa. Multiply of by of *; when re- duced they become išX=18 or I's Anfr. 1. When the Multiplicand is a mixt applicate Num- ber, with a Fraction annexed to its loweſt Species, and the Multiplier a Sinple Fraction or reduced to fuch, then reduce the mixt Number to its loweſt Species mentioned, next to a Fraction of the Denomina- tor of the Fraction annex'd, and then multiply accord- ing to the general Rule, the Product is the Anſwer in that loweſt Species, which you may reduce as you ſee neceſſary. Exa. Multiply L. 10: 8:4'} by 2}; be- ing reduced they become 2500_ d. x="2.0 d. X 237548 d. = 5937 28d. =L. 27: 14: 9 18 for the Anſwer. But if the Multiplier is any of the 9 Digics (or if it is the Product of any 2 or more of them) there is no need 94 Multiplication of Common Fractions. need of a previous Reduction of the Multiplicand: Thus to multiply L. 38: 8:46 by 7, I ſer thein down thus, and multiply, Carrying at the ſeveral Denomina- iions as in Addition, L. 38: 8:45 7 268: 18:5Product. Exa. 2. Multiply L. 20: 16: 10 } by 24. Here I multiply by 4 and 6, inſtead of 24. L. 20: 16: 10% 4 1 83: 7:58 7: 57 or Prod. by 4. 6 Anfr. 500: 4: 9 Product by 6. 3. If the Multiplicand is mixt (as before) and the Múltiplier a pure Fraction, and that a ſmall one, mula tiply the mixt applicate Number by the Numerator of the Fraction, and divide the Product by its Deno- minator. Exa. What is * of L. 64: 16: 8.7 L. 64: 16: 8 3. Numerator.. Denominator +) 194: 10:0 48: 12:6 Anſwer. Or you may firſt divide by the Denominator, and then multiply the Quote by the Numerator. Thus, 4) 64: 16: 8 16: 4:2 3 48: 12: 6 Anfr. as before: Exa. Multiplication of Common Fractions. 95 1 Exa. 2. What is & of 187 L. 13./6. 4$ d.? 187: 13:45 By the other Method. 5 6) 187: 13:45 31: 5:62 6)938: 6: 83 5 156: 7: 972 156: 7: 917 4. When a Fraction, whether Proper or Improper, is to be multiplied by a whole Number, and the De- nominator of the Fraction is the ſame with that whole Number, take the Numerator of the Fraction, and it is the Anſwer without any Multiplication. Exa. ?X 8 :7; for i=s=7. Exa. 2. X 5 X = 12, for x==12. 5. If you are to multiply a Fraction by 2, you may either multiply the Numerator for the Numerator of the Product, retaining the Denominator given; or you may take 1 of the Denominator, retaining the given Numerator; but this laſt Method is only prac- cicable when the Denominator is evera. Exa. } X 2 is g by multiplying the Numerator, or it is by hal, ving the Denominator, which are equivalent. 6. It may ſeem ſtrange, that Multiplication by a Proper Fraction ſhould produce ſomething leſs than the Multiplicand, whereas in whole Numbers the Pro- duct is always greater than either Multiplier or Multi- plicand, (excepting in one pariicular Caſe, where the Product is juſt the ſame with either Factor;) but this Difficulty is eaſily removed, by confidering, that if the multiplying a whole Number by i produce the Multiplicand itſelf, to multiply any Nurber by a Num- ber leſs than 1, (which is a proper Fraction) the Pro- duct muſt be leſs than the Multiplicand, in the ſame Proportion as the multiplying Fraction is remov'd from Unity; and this I take to be as clear and intelligible a Reaſon as can be aſſigned for it. Exa. To multi- ply 12 by I, the Product is preciſely 12, but the Pro- duct 96 Multiplication of Common Fractions. duct of 12 multiplied by { muſt be only the half of 12, viz. 6, becauſe the latt Multiplier 1 is only the half of the firſt Multiplier i. So gives only : for the Product, which is leſs than the Multiplicand or Multiplier. Now you are to obſerve, that this Effect is only produced when one of the Factors is a proper Fraction; for if it is Improper, the whole Number, or the Fraction multiplied, is really increaſed, and con ſequently the Product is greater than either the Multi- plicand or Multiplier. Now follow ſome Examples for further Exer- ciſe in this Rule. 1. If any one Thing coft far. what is the Value of 25 { ſuch things at the fame Rate. Anfi. 3 d. 38 far. 2. I bought 7's Bags of Hops, each weighing I C. 9} 2 qrs. 8. lib. how many lib. in all, and what is the toal Coſt, at 7 d. 1 far. per lib.? Anfr. 1340 lib. in all, and L.41: 4:0:3ž total Coſt. 3. What is zo of L. 12: 10: 8:3}? Anfr. L. 19: 2:05 4. What is the Product of 38 C. 2} qrs. 1411 lib. 6 oz. multiply'd by 4$? Anfr. 189C. 7 lib. 141 oz. 5. What Number divided by 14$, gives 173 18 for the Quote? Anfr. 407 55 407043 160 CHAP. XII. Of Diviſion of Common Fractions. GENERAL RULE. Multiply the Numerator of the Dividend into the Denominator of the Di- viſor, Diviſion of Common Fraktions. 97 + 4 viłor, and the Product is the Numerator of the Quote; next multiply the. Denomina:or of the Dividend into the Numerator of the Diviſor for the Denominator of the Quote. CASE T. When they are both Simple Fractions belonging to the ſame Unit. RULE. Apply the general Rule, and you have the Anſwer. Exa. Divide by $: Thus -, or thus $ ) (46 Quote. “Exa. 2. Divide şi by īſ: Thus 22 3; 1== ili or its loweſt. CASE II. When they are both Simple Fractions, but belong not to the ſame Unit. Rule. Reduce one of them to an equivalent Fraction of the Denomination of the other, and then apply the general Rule. Exa. Divide ž L. by $. Thus žL, $. is L. 10*L=28=7 loweſt. CASE III. When the one is a whole Number, and the other a FraErion. RULE. Reduce the whole Number to an Im- proper Fraction, and work as before. Exa. }) 8 is 1) (24 or 24 Quote. Exa. 2. Divide by 8: Thus == Quote. Alſo 40} divided by 6, quotes 612 CASE IV. When one or both are mixt Numbers. RULE. Reduce the mixt Numbers to Simple Frac- tions, and then apply the general Rule. Exa. I. 71 +21="%) 1 (734 Quote. Exa. 2. 51-6= 5%= Quote. CASE V. When one or both are Compound Fractions. RULE. Reduce the Compound Fractions to Simple ones, and then work by the general Rule I 3 2 K Exa 98 Diviſion of Common Fractions. 4 5 Exa. z of 4 = of when reduced become - =}{ or 2 11 Quote. 1. You may either write the Dividend and Diviſor thus, 3 =1where the Dividend ſtands to the left, or you may place them as in Integral Arithme- tic thus $ ) (15; only obſerve, that in whatever Form you place them, you make the Dividend always your Sandard, by beginning the Multiplication with its Nu- merator for the Numerator of the Quote, and then multiplying contrariwiſe for the Denominator. 2. When the Quote is found, you may depreſs it to its loweſt Terms. 3. If thiey have both the ſame Denominator, the Quote is ſooneſt found by dividing the one Numera- tor by the other. Exa. ) $ (2 Quote. Exa, 2. 1) 1 (1 or Quote. 4. If the Numerator and Denominator of the Di- vidend can be divided without a Remainder by the Numerator and Denominator of the Diviſor reſpec- tively, divide; and the two Quotes are the Aniwer ſought. Exa. )T$ (& or loweſt. Exå. 2. 3) 28 ( Quote. Or if you can find any Number which will divid: the Terms of the Diviſor or Dividend without a Remainder, divide, and take theſe Numbers inſtead of the given ones, and ſo the Quote will come out in lower Terms than if no ſuch Diviſion had been made. Exa. 11)=)(=Il Quote. Exa. 2. 21) 2. =) Quote. And fo of others. 5. When the Numerator of the Dividend can be divided without a Remainder by the Numerator of the Diviſor, divide, and by the Quote multiply the Denominator of the Diviſor for the Numcrator of the Anſwer, retaining the Denominaror of the Divi- dend for the Denominator of the Qucte. Exa. *) ** (Quote. Exa. 2. }) ({} or iti Quote. 6. When the Denominator of the Dividend is divi- fible without a Reinainder by the Denominator of the Diviſor, Diviſion of Common Fractioris. 99 Diviſor, divide, and multiply the Quote by the Nu- merator of the Diviſor for the Denominator of the Anſwer, retaining the Numerator of the Dividend for the Numerator. Exa. 4) zi (1 Exa. 2. 3) 27 ( Quote. 7. When the Numerator of the Dividend can be divided without a Remainder by the Numerator of the Diviſor, and alſo the Denominator of the Divifor by the Denominator of the Dividend, then divide the one Numerator by the other, as alſo the one Deno- minator by the orher, and the Product of theſe two Quotes is the Anſwer fought. Exa. 1'}) $ (6 Quote. Exa. 2. zi) " (9 Quote. 8. When the Divifor is an abſtract Fraction, and the Dividend a ſimple applicate Number, work by the general Rule, and the Quote is applicate to the ſame Integer with the Dividend. Exa: 4) L. or of what Sum of Money is L. the Part: Thus 4) (L. = 18.b. 8 d. ſo that L. is ģ of i L. or of 18 ). 8 d. But if both are applicate, the Quore is abſtract. Exa. À L.) L. (19; which denotes that i L. is con- cained in L. If times, which is very near once, and conſequently \ L. 'is nearly equal to L. that is “ L. exceeds L. by } L. Another Exa. What Part or Parts of 2 C. 3 qrs. 12} lib. is 6 C. 2 qrs.? When reduced they become 242 lib.) 60 lib. (3916 Anfir. 9. When the Diviſor is an abſtract mixt Number, and the Dividend a mixt applicare, reduce the Divi- for to an Improper Fraction, and the Dividend to the loweſt Species mentioned, and then apply the general Rule. Exa. 3 §) 16 L. 10 b. 4. d. (by Reduction) 11893 d. 1081 Tiid. L.4: 10: 111 Anſwer. But this is ſooner done by dividing the mixt applicate Number L. 16: 10: 4. by the Numerator of the Improper Fraction, and then multiplying the Quote by its Denominator. Thus, TI 2204.d. I K. 2. 100 Diviſion of Common Fractions. II) 16: 10:4 I: 10:01 3 Denominator. II 4: 10:11} Anfr. as before. 10. A Fraction is halved or divided by 2, by halv. ing its Numerator if even, or by doubling the Deno- minator if the Numerator is odd. Thus + 2 is ž, and 2 is I. 11. As in Multiplication, if the Multiplier is a: Pro- per Fraction, the Product is leſs than the Multiplicand; ſo in Diviſion, if the Diviſor is a Proper Fraction, the Quote is greater than the Dividend: Both which are contrary to Multiplication and Diviſion in whole Numbers. I have already briefly accounted for the for- mer, and now it remains that I explain .che larter, which I ſhall do after this manner. Diviſion finds how of one Number is contained in another, conſequent- ly the Quote declares, how oft the Divifor is contain- ed in the Dividend. Now to divide by a Proper Frac- tion is only finding how oft that Proper Fraction is contained in the Dividend, or wbac Part it is of the Dividend. Hence it is plain, that if the Dividend is a whole Number, the Quote muſt be greateſt; becauſe if when the Diviſor is 1, the Quote is preciſely the fame with the Dividend, it follows, that when the Di- viſor is leſs than 1, the Quote muſt be greater than the Dividend, (for the greater the Diviſor the leſs is the Quote, and vice verſa ;) ſo if 24 is to be divided by $it is evident that part is contained in 24 more than 24 times; for 1 is contained in 24, 24 times, therefore, which is leſs than 1, muſt be contained oft- ner, and by conſequence the Quote muſt be greateſt. Moreover, tho? the Dividend is a Proper Fraction leſs than the Diviſor, yet the Quote is a Fraction greater alſo than the Dividend; for Exa. ſ) $ (12. For may not one ask how oft ž is contain'd in , or what Part it is of $? 'Tis evident cannot be contained - 3 any Diviſion of Common Fractions. TOI any Integral Number of Times in $, becauſe the Di- viſor here is greater than the Dividend; therefore ic muſt be contained ſome Fractional Number of Tines, and the Quote 7% denores that is iš Paris of the Dividend , or that it is contained in , I Parts of 1; that is, if the Dividend was divided into 16 equal Parts, then į is preciſely it of theſe Parts. Or it may be proved thus : The Quote muſt bave the ſame Proportion to the Dividend as Unity has to the Diviſor; lo }) }(%, the Quote :: 1 : Ž. Af- ter all, if the Diviſor and Dividend are reduced to the fame Denominator, the Difficulty is quite remov- ed, for ihen you divide the one Numerator by the other as in Integers, neglecting the common Denomi- nator, as you may prove at your Leiſure'; laſtly, you are to obſerve that the common Rule for dividing Fractions does not ſo much divide as it produces new Terms, viz. a Numerator to be divided by a Deno- minator; thus ) (where you ſee the Diviſion produces 4, that is 4 to be divided by 2; but if the Fractions are reduced to one Denominator before you begin, there is no more to do but to make one ſimple Diviſion, and ſo the Quote is found; for Exa. to di- vide I by I, when reduced they become ) $, and ſo the Quote is 2 found by (neglecting the common De- nominator 8, and) dividing the one Numerator 4 by the other Numerator 2. More Examples for Practice. 1. What is the Price of a lib. of any thing, when 12 lib. of the fame coſt L. 5: 17: 10? Anfr. 9.b. 5 d. 2 136 far. 2. What Part of L. 345: 10: 3: IŠ is L. 771? Anfr. 483662. 3. Of what is 11 gall. 3 pints 2 mutchkins 2 'š gills (Scots Meaſure) the zi Part? Anfr. Of 20 gall. 2 p: 3 mut. 31 gills. K 3 4. 102 Of Decimal Fractions. 4. What Number multiplied by si produces 112 *? Anfr. 203. 2 CHAP. XIII. Of Decimal Fractions. IN N Decimal Fractions the Unit, Integer, or whole Thing is divided, or ſuppoſed to be divided into 10 equal Parts, and each of theſe 10 into 10, (ſo that the Unit is tereby divided into 100 Parts) and each of theſe laſt into 10, (whereby the Unit is divided into 1000 Parts, and ſo on infinitely: which Parts are called Decimal or Tench Parts, and any Number of them is called a Decima! Fraction. So that a Common Frac- tion may have any Number: for iis Denominator, that is, an Unit tliere may be divided, or ſuppoſed to be divided into any Number of Paris: But the Denoni- nator of a Decimal is always 10, 100, 1000 or 10000, & c. that is, it conſiſts of I with any Number of o's annexed; but ſuch Denominators being never expreſs’d, all Operations with them are render'd almoſt as eaſy as wich Integers, and there is thereby ſaved a vaſt Trouble, which would be inevitable by uang the com mon Expreſſion. Notation of Decimal Frations. RULE. Firſt fer down the Numerator of the Fraction, whether Proper or Improper, then conſider how inany o's there are in the Denominator, and bea ginning at the Place of Units, or right hand of the Nurnerator, reckon towards the left as many Places as the Denominaror contains o's; and if there are 110t to many, ſupply the Defect with o's ſet on the left of tie ſignificant Figures of the Numerator, and for the laſt Of Decimal Fractions. 103 laſt Place of the Denominator (in which always ſtands I) make a Point thus (.). If the Fraction is Impro- per, then an equal Number of Figures with that of the o's in the Denominator being pointed off, the Fi- gures remaining towards the left are the Integral Part, and the other the Decimal: All which ſhall be exem- plify'd by Fractions tranſlated from the Common to the Deciinal Form. To is expreſs'd in the Decimal Form 5. Ext. 2. 765 is .54. Exa. 3. 1ooo is .026. Tool is .0035. Exa. 5. 1& is 7.5. Exc. 6. 3.784 is 37.84 Exa. 7. 431867 is 431.267. Exa. 8. Todoo is .000001. Exa. 40 II. How to read a Decimal Freilion. RULE. Take the whole Rank of Figures in the Decimal (neglecting the o's that are prefixed to the left of the lignificant Figures) for the Numerator, and for the Denominator take I with as many o's as the De- cimal contains Figures both ſignificant and Cypheis.- Exa. 5. is read ; .026 is To8; .0035 is 100; 000001 is 7500506, C. So that you ſee they are hereby reduced back again from the Decimal to the common Form. But there are ſeveral other Ways of reading or expreſſing (in Words) a Decimal Frac- tion 1. By calling the Figure next to the Point ſo many Primes, the ſecond Figure ſo many Seconds, the third Figure ſo many Thirds, 6c. Thus the Decimal .5873 read after this Way is 5 Primes, 8 Seconds,.7 Thirds and 3 Fourths. 2. Others would expreſs the ſame Deeimal thus, 5 thouſand 8 hund. feventy-three Fourths. 3. The other Method, as practiſed by ſome, is no- thing elſe than calling it ſo much of a Decimal as the Numerator expreſſes ; ſo the laſt propoſed Decimal read this Way is 5 thouſ, 8 hundred ſeventy-chree of 104 Of Decimal Fractions. a Decimal, or it is five, eight, ſeven, three of a Dei cimal; which, tho' not the moſt natural, I think the ſhorteſt and eaſieſt Method of expreſſing them, and as intelligible as any other, eſpecially if their Nature and Genelis be well underſtood. And now for further Explication of what I have al- ready ſaid, the Learner is carefully to conſider che fol- lowing Remarks 1. A Decimal Fraction is fo many roths of the whole, or ic is ſo many r'o ths of a roth, or ſo many loths of 1 of 16, &c. the two laſt of which are Compound Fractions, and being reduced you have their equivalent Simple Expreſſion; for Exa. 1} of 15 of 1ő is made in the common Form, and .003. in the Decimal. So this Decimal Fraction .6852 (ſuppoſe of 1 L.) is 6 tenth Parts, 8 hund. Paris, 5 thouſ. Parts, and 2 ten-thouſ. Parts; or it is 6 tenths, to- gether with 8 tenihs of 1 of the laſt cenths, with 5 tenths of 1 of the laſt tenths, with 2 tenths of 1 of the laſt tenths. 2: A Decimal Fraction being written always without its Denominator, is diftinguiſh'd from a whole Num- ber by a Point, called by ſome the Separatrix, prefixt : but ſome Authors uſe a Comma (,), others a perpen- dicular Line :0), and others this Mark (L), and ſome uſe other Symbols; but I prefer the Point, as being the ſimpleſt, and alſo becauſe it is moſt common. 3. As the Value of a whole Number is increaſed in a decuple or tenfold Proportion, by annexing a fig- nificant Figure or Cypher to the Place of Units or right hand; fo by prefixing any Figure to the left of a Decimal (and right of the Poin) its Value is de- creaſed in a ſub-decuple Proportion. Thus 6, which is ſo many Units or ones when ſtanding by itſelf, if you annex to it a ſignificant Figure (ſuppoſe 3:) or a Cypher (o), then its value is changed from 6 to 60, and is read 63 and 60: ſo if 6 is a Decimal. it is .6. or Of Decimal Fractions. IOS or o, but if you prefix 3 to it, then it is only too (and with the 3 prefixt makes 736) its Value being changed from 60.06 or Too If inſtead of 3 you prefix o, it is preciſely ob; if another o is prefixt, it is only 1ooo or .006; and if you prefix another Og it it becomes thor or .0006; and by ſtill prefixing o's or ſignificant Figures to its left, its value is decreaſed infinitely 4. As Cyphers ſet on the left of Integers neither increaſe nor diminiſh their Value, ſo Cyphers ſet on the right of Decimals neither increaſe nor diminiſh their Value. Thus if you ſhould prefix ever ſo many o's to 6 being an Integer, for Exa. 0006, it is only 6. In like manner, ſuppoling 6 ro be a Decimal (thus .o) if you annex to its rigl: any Number of o's, it wilí be but .6 or to; becaule whatever Number of o's you annex, the ſame Number is ſuppoſed to be annexed to its Denominator, and ſo by cutting off an equal Number of o's from Numerator and Denominator (as was taught in C: ſe I. of Reduct. of Com. Fract.) it is reduced to its firſt State. 5. A Proper Fraction in Decimals hatb all its Fi- gures ſtanding on the right of the Point, becauſe the Denominator muſt have more Places than the Nume- rator, and therefore the Point mult fall without the Figures of the Numerator; but an Improper Decimal Fraction has Figures on both ſides of the Point, viz. the Integral part on its left, and the Fractional on the right; thus 7% is .37, but 375 is 3.78. 6. A Proper Deciinal Fraction may be divided into as many leſſer ones as it contains fignificant Figures, their Numerators being the ſeveral Figures of the Nu- merator given, and their Denominators having as many o's as chere are places after the point to theſe ſeverally. Thus .536 is .5+.037.000; alío .0486 is .04 7:008+.0001. CHAP .. 106 Addition of Decimal Frattiqrzs. CHAP. XIV. Of Addition of Des cimal Fractions. Ddition of Decimals is the ſame with that of .whole Numbers, reſpect being had to the true and orderly placing of the Numbers to be added; for which obſerve the following RULE. Whether they are pure Decimals or mixt (that is, Integers and Decimals) diſpoſe them ſo the one under the other, that all the Points may ſtand in one Column, and the Figures in ſeveral Columns, each according to its Place and Degree; then begin- ning at the right hand, add together the Figures in each Column, and for every 10 in the Sum carry I to the next Column (as in Addition of ſimple abſtract Numbers in Integral Arithmetic) ſetting down the Exceſs, and minding to place the point in the Sum un, der thoſe in the Numbers given. Exa. I. Exa. 2. yds. L. .17 .5 .05 .125 .13 .05 137 .8 .25 .384 .076 .025 .605 Sum 2.614 Exa. 6. 137.354 48.057 24-4183 .27 565 5. 573.673 15.138 ·3527 .6 .62 46.975 .87904 .033 .1826 75.6 650.007 Theſe Exa. 3. :56 .908 02 .258 •312 Sum .996 Exa. 4 Sum 1.75 Exa. 5. 3.16 5.0056 18.73 Subtraction in Decimal Fractions. 107 Theſe Examples need (I ſuppoſe) no Illuſtration, and therefore I ſhall finiſh this Rule, after I have ob- ſerved, I. That if the Sum of the Decimals in the firſt Column, viz. to the right hand, is a preciſe Num- ber of 10's, the o needs not be ſet down, but you may proceed, carrying your Number of 10's to the next Column; and you may do, the fame, if there ſhall happen a o in the next place. (See Exa. 2, 5, 6, where the 'o's Places are left vacant.) But after a lig- nificant Figure theſe Cyphers muſt not be neglected, See Exa. 4. and 6.' చటం లేటలోలోతులో లేటులో : CHAP. XV. Subtraction in Decią mal Fractions. RULE. Set down the Minuend and Subtrahend the ſame way as was directed in Addition; viz. by placing the two Points the one under the other, and each Figure of the Subtrahend orderly under thoſe of the Minuend, and begin at the right hand and ſub- tract as in Integers, paying. I to the next Place, when you have Occaſion to borrow 10. E%0. I. Exa. 2. Exa. 3. Exa. 4. Minuend •405 .27348 Subtrahend .462 .032 .006 .198 •738 .0083 ..276 373 .0023 .07548 1. If one or both is a mixt Number, ſet down the Integral Part towards the left hand, and the Fractio- nal on the right, obſerving the above Direction. Exa. 6. From 16.2805 60-437 Take .135 7.9 59.262 Exa. 5. Exa. 7. 143.81 16.1455 135.91 1.075 27 108 Subtraction in Decimal Fra£tions. 2. If the Decimals in the Minuend are fewer than thoſe in the Subtrahend, then as many o's muſt be placed, or ſuppoſed to be placed over the Subtrahend's Figures as will fill up the Defect. Exa. 8. Exa. 10 Exa. II. 58.2 12.75 7.25 .6831 •4593 99.999 Exa. 9. IO, I. IOO. .001 50.95 12.0669 -5407 3. As in Addition, ſo likewiſe here, if a Cypher ſhall happen on the right of the firſt ſignificant figure of the Remainder, the fame may be neglectedy as be. ing of no Uſe. Exa. 12. 14.137 20.0084 .165 5.237 :7084 Ex. 13. Exa. 14 -485 -32 8.9 19.3 WASABABBE CHAP. XVI. Multiplication in De- cimal Fractions. ENERAL RULE. Set down the Multiplicand and Multiplier as in whole Numbers, and mul- tiply them together as ſuch; then point off ſo many Figures to the right of the Product as there are Deci- mal Places in both Factors, and if there happen not to be ſo many in the Product, prefix as many o's on the left of the Decimals found, as is the Difference; which Product, according to the Quality of the Factors, will be either a pure Fraction, (as in Exa. 1, 2, 3.) or a mixt Number, (as in Exa. 4. 5.) or an Integer (as in Exa. 6.) Exa, Multiplication in Decimal Fractions, 109 Exa. 3. Exa. I. Mult. .63 by 45 Exa. 2. .046 .005 4 .23 .00023 .92 315 252 62835 Exa. 4. Ex4. 5 26.185 3.54 Exa. 6. 6.25 .372 68 6.4 2976 10474 2500 2232 130925 3750 78555 25.296 40. 92.6949 1. When a Decimal Fraction or a mixt Number is to be multiplied by 10, 100, or 1000, &c. there is no- thing to do but to remove the Point as many Places towards the right hand as there are o's in the Multi- plier, (ſuch o or o's on the right of the Product being to be neglected.) Thus, If the Decimal Fraction .5736 was to be multi- plied by 5.736 the Product would be 1000 10000 5736. For .5736 x 100 = 57.3600, where the two o's are inſignificant. In like manner, if the mixt Number 38.754 was to be multiplied by 387.54 the Product would be 38754 10000, &c.] 1387540, &c. L IO? 100 57.36 573.6 IO 3875.4 100 1000 110 Multiplication in Decimal Fractions. I .01 produces .00I 2. When a Decimal Fraction is to be multiplied by .I, .01, .001, .0001, there is no more to be done, but to prefix to the Multiplicand as many o's (with the Decimal Point on the left of all) as there are Fi- gures in the Multiplier. So .05736 :5736 multiplied by .005736 .0005736 dc. .0001J & L.00005736, &c. 3. Becauſe the Work of Multiplication of Deci- mals, when there are many Places in the Multiplicand or Multiplier, or both, is very tedious; and ſeveral of the Decimal Places of the Product when found, being to be rejected as of no uſe, ſome Authors propoſe a compendious Method of performing the Work true, or nearly ſo, to as many Decimal Places in the Product as you incline, viz. to 2, 3, 4, &c. Places (after the Point) as you ſhall think you may have uſe for; for which I ſhall ſet down the Rule, and make an Obſer- vation or two upon the Advantage that is gain'd by this Method. RULE. Having written down the Multiplicand, conſider how many Decimal Places you incline to have in the Product, and ſet the Units Place (viz. of Integers) of the Multiplier under that Decimal Place of the Mulciplicand which ſtands as far from the Point as you delign the Product ſhould have Decimal Places, that is, under the firſt Figure after the Point, f you would have only one Decimal Place in the Pro- duct, under the ſecond if you would have 2, &c. then set the remaining Figures of the Multiplier in the re- verſe Order, and multiply as uſual; only ift, you muſt begin with that Figure in the Multiplicand which ſtands over the multiplying Figure, neglecting (as it were) the Figures ſtanding to its right. But, 2dly, conſider what would have been carried from the Product of theſe right-hand Figures if you had actually multiplied them, (which may for the moſt part be found by ta- cirely Multiplication in Decimal Fractions. I } I citely multiplying the 2 right-hand Figures next that you begin with, and carrying the so's of the nearest Figure thereto.) 3dly, Set down the partial Products, ſo as they may all ſtand even, or in the ſame Column on the right, which is contrary to the common Me- thod, placing the reſt of the Figures in diſtinct Co. lumns to the left, and then add then together. But yet, 4thly, in ſo doing you muſt gueſs as near as you can, what would have been carried from the sum of the preceding Columns, if none of the Figures in the Multiplicand had been neglected in the ſeveral particu- lar Multiplications, ſo as the ſame may be added to the Sum of the firſt Column. Exa. I. Let it be pro- poſed to multiply 35.423786 hy 3.628, fo as four De- cimals in the Product may be true. Operation at large. Operation contracted. 35.423786 35.423786 826.3 3.628 283390288 70847572 212542716 106271358 1062713 212542 7084 2833 128.5174 128.517495608 If the Multiplier is a pure Decimal, ſet a o in the Unirs Place (or imagine it fu) and the Fraction in the reverſe Order, as above. Thus, Exa. 2. Let 824.6537 bemulriplicd by.4657, fo as there may be three Decimal Places true in the Produkt, Operation at large. Operation contracted. 824.65 37 824.6537 .4057 756.4.0 57725759 329861 41232685 4.9479 49479222 4.123 32986148 577 384.04.122809 384.04.1 Exa. 112 Multiplication in Decimal Fractions. Exa. 3. Let 59.48576 be multiplied by .0473, ſo as to have 3 Decimal Places exact in the Product. Operation at large. Operation contracted. 59.48576 59.48576 04.73 3740.0 17845728 41640032 23794304 2379 416 17 2.81367644.8 2.813 When there are not ſo many Decimal Places in the Multiplicand as you would have in the Product, an- nex as many o's to the Multiplicand as you want; and it ir is an treger, you muſt reckon the Cyphers added mbe Decimals, and therefore a Point is to be ſet be- [wixt them and the Integral Part. And now you may obſerve (which is very obvious) that after we have multiplied by this contracted Me- thod, it is altogether a Gueſs wbat Allowance to make when we come to add, for the Increaſe of the ne- glected Figures of the Multiplicand, if they had been actually inultiplied, and their ſeveral Products ſer down and added according to common Form; and conte- quently we may err ſometimes in Excefs, ſometimes in Defect, (for it is impoſſible to preſcribe a Rule which will be exact but in a few Cales) tho' the Difficulty in making Allowance when multiplying is not ſo great. Therefore it is not every one that can promiſe upon (perhaps) tolerable Exactneſs in uſing this Method; but only ſuch as have had much Practice therein, and can readily judge what Allowance to make in every com- mon Caſe. 2. That when we incline to be pretty exact, the beſt Way is to multiply a Figure or two more chan we intend the Product ſhould have of Decimal Places, and after Addition to caſt away chefe as uſeleſs. 3: Multiplication in Decimal Fractions. It 3 3. That in fome Calculations, where much Accu- racy is required, this Method ought not to be uſed at all. And even in moſt caſes, when we uſe the Deci- mal Way, I would take the common Method of mul- tiplying, I mean by ſetting the Multiplier in the uſual Form; and if the Multiplicand has many Decimal Places, I'd begin to multiply at its third, fourth, &c. Place after the Point, as I ſhould judge convenient, rejecting all the Figures to the right of theſe as fuper- fluous, and in the mean time make ſome Allowance for the Increaſe, as nearly true as I could gueſs. You are further to take norice, that as in Multipli- carion of Common Fractions, when both Factors are proper Fractions, the Product is leſs than either; fo. in Multiplication of Decimals, when the factors are borh Proper, that is, when they have no Figures on the left of the Point, the fame Effect is produced, for the Reaſon there alligned. Vide Exa. 1, 2, કછ છછ છછછછછછછછ છછછછો CHAP. XVII. Diviſion in Decimal Fractions. D Tviſion of Decimals being reckoned the hardeſt Task in Commori Arithmetick, I ſhall endea- vour to be very particular in it, and to render it as plain and intelligible as Words will do it, and my de- ſigned Brevity will permit. The Difficulty then lies not in the Diviſion itſelf, (for that is the ſame in every reſpect wih Integers) but only in qualifying the Quote after the Diviſion is over; that is, in knowing certainly, whether it be all Integral or all Fractional, or a mixt Nuniber ; and if the laſt, what the Integral and what the Fractional Parr is. L3 RULE, 114 Diviſion in Decimal Fractions. RULE. Conſider the Dividend and Diviſor as whole Numbers, without regarding the Points, and divide in every reſpect as if they were ſuch: But be- fore you begin, if the Diviſor contains a greater Num- ber of Figures than the Dividend, you muſt annex as many o's to the Dividend as will at leaſt make their Number equal, (or you make the Dividend greateſt, which if it is a whole Number, the o's added are to be reckoned its Decimals, and muſt have a Point pla- ced before them;) then proceed in your Diviſion, by adding o's to the Remainders, 'cill you have carried the Quote as far as ſhall be neceſſary; and v hen the Diviſion is finiſh'd, the Quote muſt be qualify'd after this manner, viz. Conſider how many Decimal Places there are in the Diviſor, and alſo how many in the Dividend, including in this laſt all the o's you added and made uſe of; then, becauſe the Number of De- cimal Places in both muſt either be equal, or the Di- viſor has moſt, or the Dividend exceeds the Diviſor, (for there is not a fourth Caſe ;) therefore, 1. If the Number of Decimal Places in both are equal, the Quote is a whole Number. Vide Exa. I, 2, 3, 17. 2. If the Diviſor has moſt Decimal Places, annex as many o's as is the Difference, to the right of the Quote, and it is a whole Number. Vide Exa. 42 52 6, 10, 13, 15, 16. 3. If the Dividend has the greateſt Number of De- cimal Places, take the Difference betwixt them and thoſe in the Diviſor, and point off as many to the right of the Quote, ſupplying the Defect (if any be) with a o or o's, and the Quore will either be a Frac- tion or a mixt Number. Vide Exa. 70 8, 9, 11, 12, 14 Exa, Diviſion in Decimal Fractions. 115 Exa. I. Exa. 2. 2167).835 (5 .2007).2996 (428 835 28: : 1 14 19: 14 5 56. Exa. 4. Exa. 3. 14.0032) 1036.2368 (74 980224 (253) 88.55 (350 759 560128 560128 1265 1265 Exa. 5. 10872) 17.44 (200. 17 44 Exa. 6.. .000035).140 (4000 140 Exa. 73 7: 36) .20808 (578 18o Exa. 8. 3.8) 100.85.2 (26.54 76 . 280 252 248 228 288 288 205 190 152 152 Exa? 116 Diviſion in Decimal Fractions, Exa 9. Exa. 10. :06).804 1.13.4 6 0125).500. (40 500 + 20 18 medad 2 ito 24 EX. II. :5).0125 (.025 Exa. 12. 100) .100 .001 IOO IO 25 25 A Ex4. 13: Exa. 140 Exa. 15 1) 100 (1000 4) .20 1.05 2) 4 (20 I 20 4 00 Exq. 16. .000001) 1 (1000000 Exa. 17. ,05).10 (2 ΙΟ The Rule itſelf is ſo very plain, that I ſhall not uſe any Iluſtration for the above Examples, but proceed to lay down another eaſy Method of knowing the true Place and Degree of the Quotient Figures; and it is this: Conſider under what Figure of the Dividend the Units Place of the Diviſor would ſtand at the firſt Demand, the firſt Figure of the Quote is always of that ſame place and Value, by which are eaſily known the Places of che other Figures of the Quote. This will be beſt underſtood by Examples; and to let you ſee the Conſonancy of this Method with the preceding; I ſhall repeat ſome of thoſe already addu- ced Diviſion in Decimal Fractions. 117 ced, and begin with Exa. I. viz. .167).835 ( where becauſe they are pure Fractions, I prefix a o to each for their Place of Units, thus 0.167) 0.835 ( and find that the Place of Units of the Divi: 0.835 for ſtands under the Place of Units of the Din 0.167 vidend, as in the Margin; wherefore I conclude according to the Rule, that the Quote 5 is in the firſt Place of Integers alſo. In Exa. 6. the Units Place of the Diviſor ſtands under the fourth Place (or Place of Thouſands of lu- tegers) of the Dividend, con- fequently the firſt Figure of 0.000035) 0000.140 the Quote muſt be four thou- 0.000035 fand; and becauſe no other Figures follow it, I annex three o's to make it ſo. The Effect of theſe two Rules is one and the ſame; you may therefore uſe either of them you incliné, only you need not ſer down the Diviſor under the Di- vidend after the above Form, but you may imagine it fo: I have done it for no other Reaſon than to lec you see the Method. 1. When pure or mixt Decimal is to be divided by 10, 100, 1000, or 10000, Quc. remove the Point as many Places towards the left as there are o's in the Diviſor, and it is done. Exa. Let the mixt Num- ber 3875.4 be divided by IO 387 54 38.754 and the Quote is 3.8754 3875+ .038754 Which you may prove by actually dividing and quali- fying the Quote according to the Rule. 2. When a Decimal Fraction or a mixt Number is to be divided by .I, .01, .001, .0001, doc. remove the Decimal Point of the Dividend as many Places towards the right as there are Figures in the Diviſor: Thus if .38754 was divided by 100 IOOO 10000 100000 I 118 Diviſion in Decimal Fractions. I .ΟΙ .00 I I 지 ​3.8754 the Quote would be 38.754 387.54 .0001 3875.4 3. Hitherto I have ſuppoſed no Remainder. I ſhall next thew how to value the Quote exactly, when any thing happens to remain after the Diviſion. RULE. Proceed in your Diviſion as is before taught, 'till all the Figures in the Dividend are taken down; and if the Quote is not then carried to a ſuf- ficient Number of Places, ſet a o to the Remainder, and divide, placing another Figure in the Quote; and if this is not ſufficient, add another o to the laſt Remainder, and ſo go on by adding o's to the Re- mainders, and dividing, 'till your Quote is carried to as many. Places as ſhall be judged neceſſary (qualifying the ſame as is already taught,) and value your laſt Re- mainder thus; Make it the Nuinerator of a Fraction, whoſe De- nominator is the Denominator of the Dividend, taking in all the Cyphers added and made uſe of in the Ope- ration, and you have the true Remainder; it matters not whether you expreſs it in the Common or Deci- mal Form, which Remainder if you would add to the Quote already found, to make the ſame complete, you muſt Take the Remainder in its true Value, as above, and divide it by the Diviſor, taken alſo in its true Va- lue, and the Quote is the additional Part ſought. Or you may do it after this Manner; ſet the Remainder for the Numerator of a Common Fraction, whoſe Denominator is the Diviſor, if the Number of Deci- mal Places in both is equal. Vide Exa. 24. But if the Dividend has moſt, take the Difference and annex as many o's to the Denominator. Vide Exa. 18, 19, 20. Laſtly, if there are more Decimal Places in the Divi- for, take the Difference, and annex as many o's to the Numeratory, and you have the Remainder exact in the 3. com- Diviſion in Decimal Fractions. 119 common Expreſſion, to be added to the Quote already found, to make the ſame complete. Vide Exa. 21, 22. Exa. 18. -46).942(2.04787760061.358)487-3(1361.17+3557 92 Exa. 19. I 14 35800 358 220 184 1293 1074 360 2190 322 2148 420 380 368 358 12 620 Exa. 20. 358 80.279)3876.1375(48.28333877790663 321116 2620 2506 664977 642232 14 227455 160558 668970 642232 267380 240837 In Exa. 18, after I have carried the Quote to 5 Places and qualified it, there re- mains 12, which is .000012 or in a Vulgar Fraction 105076, and being to add it to the Quote 2.0478 to make the ſame complete, divide it by the Diviſor 46 (taken in its true Value, viz. .46 or 48, and the Quote is 430 공중 ​for the additional Member. Or I find it thus ; I make the Remainder 12 a Numerator to the Diviſor 46, 265430 240837 245930 240837 5093 120 Diviſion in Decimal Fractions. 46, thus ž, and becauſe the Decimal Places of the Dividend exceed in Number thoſe of the Diviſor by 4, I annex 4 o's to the Denominator, and it becomes Fodobé as before. Take alſo theſe following Examples. Exa. 21. 1.005)1748.28(349650+3=349656 preciſely. 15 Exa. 22. ..0006)25384.31423070001100=42307166% 24 - 24 20 48 13 12 45 . 18 18 32 30 43 28 25 42 1 Rem. 1=500 3 Ex. 23 Exa. 242 ..001) 4387.6(4387600 4 8.37) 74896.8 (8948 +354 6696 3 3 7936 7533 8 8 4038 3348 olaalver cool we 7 7 6900 6696 6 6 Rem. 2045494 06 Diviſion in Decimal Fractions. 121 Obferve 1. When the Number of Decimal Places made uſe of in the Dividend is equal to, or greater than, that in the Diviſor, the Remainder will always be a Proper Fraction, as in Exa. 18, 19, 20; ſee alſo Exa. 24, where the Number of Decimal Places in both being equal, the Remainder with the Diviſor is a Proper Fraction, the reſt of the Quote being Inte- gral. 2 When the Dividend has feweſt Decimal Places, the Remainder will be an Improper Fraction, as in Exa. 21, by which you ſee, that if the Diviſion was carried further on, the Integral part of the Quote would become greater; ſo that by reducing this Im- proper Fraction to a whole Number, and adding the fame to the Quote (already found) in its proper Place, the Quote would have all its Integral Figures, and the Remainder, if any were, would be a Proper Fraction, as in Exa. 22. Moreover, if the additional Member is an Improper Fraction equal to a whole Number, it ſhews, that af- ter ſo many Steps as the whole Number has Figures, the Diviſion would have been complete without a Remainder, as in Exa. 21. 3. That therefore the firſt part of the Quote may not want 1 of the Truth, and conſequently the Re- mainder may be a Proper Fraction, the Diviſion is to · be continued, 'till the Number of Decimal Places in the Dividend is equal to, or excecd, that in the Divi- for, unleſs the Divition is finiſhed without a Remain- der before you conie to that; for then the Quotc qua- lified according to the Rule will be complere. See 4. When the Quote is carried to a ſufficient Num- ber of Decimal Places, according to the Nature and Circumſtances of the Queſtion, and in common Caſes, when the Quote is not to be multiplied, nor very much Accuracy required, five or fix Places after the Point will be ſufficient; tho' the farther the Diviſion Exa. 23 M is 122 Reduction in Decimal Fractions. is continued, the Quote will ſtill be the more exact, and want leſs of its true Value) the Remainder may be fafely neglected as of no uſe. But how far the Divi- fion is to proceed muft be left to every one's owo Diſcretion, fince no Rule can be preſcribed for that Purpoſe. However, you'll find, when we come to Reduction of Decimals, how to manage the Quote, so as it ſhall not want an Unit of the loweſt Denomi- nation, nor any aſſignable Fraction of iis true Value. 00:00 00:00 CHA P. XVIII. Reduction of Decimals. REduction of Decimal Fractions we ſhall conſider under the following Caſes, viz. 1. To reduce a Common (Proper) Fraction to a De- cimal one equivalent, or nearly fo. 2. To reduce a Decimal of an higher Species to an equivalent one of a lower. 3. To reduce a Decimal of an inferior Species to an equivalent one of an higher. 4. To reduce Integers of a lower Species or Deno- mination to equivalent Decimals of higher Species. 5. To find the value of a Decimal Fraction in In- tegers of known Species. 6. To reduce a Decimal Fraction to a Common Ona. CASE I. To reduce a Common Fraction to a Decimal. RULE. Say, by the Rule of Three Numbers, as the Denominator of the Common Fraction is to its Numerator, fo is 10, 100, 1000, @c. (as you intend the Decimal thould have Places) to the Anſwer. Or rather thus: Add a competent Number of o's to the Numera- cor of the Cominon Fraction (viz. 'till it be equal to, Or Reduction in Decimal Fractions. 123 or greater than its Denominator,) and dividing by the Denominator, the Quote is the Decimal fought. Ob- ſerve, that if the Diviſion is not finiſhed, after you have made uſe of all the o's you added to the Nunc- rator, you may annex more to the Remainders (as was hinted at already) and continue your Diviſion as far as you pleaſe, qualifying the Quote according to the Rule. Allo ſet a Point betwixt the o’s you added to the Nu- merator and its own proper Figures, that you may not miſtake when qualifying the Quote, which you do (if you pleaſe) after this Method, viz. Let the Quore Have as many Decimal Places as you annexed o's, wherein if it comes ſhort, let the Defect be ſupplied with as many o's as is the Difference prefix's.' Or thus, if one o being added, the Numerator is leſs than the Denominator, ſer a o after the Decimal Point in the Quote; and if, another o being added, it is Rill leſs, fet another o in the Quote, and thus proceed by placing o's in the Quote 'till you come to the firſt ſignificanc Figure, and carry on the Diviſion to what Degree of Exactneſs you pleaſe. Vide Exa. 4 and 5 following Exa. 1. Reduce to a Decimal. Say 8: 1 :: 1000: .125 Answer, Or rather thus, 8) 1.000 (-125 Antwer. 8 Perman 20 16 ndan 40 40 Exa. 2. Reduce to a Decimal. 4) 3.00(-75 Anſwer. 28 20 20 M. 3. E.co. 124 Reduction in Decimal Fracti077s, Exa. 3. Reduce g to a Decimal. 7) 6.0000000 .8571428, &c. the Remainder being & Exa. 4. Reduce zto a Decimal. . 25) 2.00 .08 Anfr. 200 Exa: 5. Reduce 575 to a Decimal. 476)1.00coc( 0021008 952 480 476 4000 3808 192 In Exa. 3. there remains 4, fo the Quote wants ghôātost of its complete Value, that is , =.8571428 + 700077*. In Exa. 5. there remains 192, which, according to the Rule for valuing the Remainder, is 1050, ſo that the Quote wants #7777övbl of its complete Value. And fo of others. Becauſe all Common Fractions cannot be reduced to their equivalent Decimals without a Remainder (for every Number is not an aliquot Part of another, elſe there could be no Remainder) it is neceſſary to ſhew, how far the Rednction is to be carried, to that its correſponding Decimal ſhall not want an Unit of the loweſt Species, nor any aſſignable Fraction of its true Value. RULE. Conſider to what Integer or Unit refers ; and if it has as niany Places (after the Point) as that Integer has figures when reduced to its loweſt Species, then the Decirdal found does not want an Unit of the loweſt Species. For Exa. If the Decimal of 1 L. has bree Places after the Point, it does not want too, and conſequently does not want i far, which is greater, viza, TL, of i L. In like manner, if the Decimal of Reduction in Decimal Fractions. 125 of a C. is carried to fix Places after the Point, it can- not want 1000 of 1 C. confequently it cannot want i gr. of a Dram, which is greater, viz. 114683 of i C. Now if a Decimal is to be multiplied by any Nun- ber (ſuppoſe of 6 Places) that the Product may not want an Unit of the loweſt Species, let the Decimal be carried to as many places after the Point, as is the Sum of the Figures of the Multiplier to the Number of Figures of the loweſt Denomination that make an Unit of the Denomination of the Decimal. So if the Decimal of 1 L. was to be multiplied by a Num- ber of 6 Places, let the propoſed Decimal be carried Places (before you begin to multiply) and the Product ſhall not want i far. of the Truth. And ſo of others. Now that the Quote may not want any af- fignable Fraction of its true Value, carry the ſame to as many places as is the Number of o's in the Deci- mal Denominator of the aſſigned Fraction. Thus, let be reduced to a Decimal, which ſhall not want IoJoDo of the Truth. 7) 3.00000( 42857 Here the Remainder is 1,which 28 according to the Rule is toouoo conſequently the Quote wants Jā Too 14 which is leſs than 15050. to 1 y 20 1 60 56 40 35 50 49 In like manner, if the Decirnal of 1 L. muſt not want Touhoć of a far. let the Quote be carried to 8 Places, and is thall not want the propoſed Fraction. M3 The 126 Reduction in Decimal Fractions. The Reaſon is; if it be carried to 3 Places it cannot want a far. therefore if it is carried s Places further, then it is carried to as many places as the Denominator of the propoſed Fraction has o's, and conſequently can- not want that Fraction. In dividing a whole Number by another, if there happens to be a Remainder, it is oftentimes conve- nient (eſpecially if the Quote is to be multiplied) to an- nex o's, ſetting a Point immediately after the Integral Part of the Quote, and to continue the Diviſion as far as is neceſſary, the Figures found in the Quote, by this Addition of o's to the Remainders, being all De- cimals, and the more there are of them, the Quote is the nearer to be complete. Exauples. 58)3682 (63-4827 24) 7827(326.125 348 72 202 62 43 174 280 232 147 144 480 464 30 24 160 60 48 116 4.40 120 406 I20 Rem. 34 In Exa. 1. there remains 343 which is .00342 ſo that the Quote wants 3750** of its complete Value. In Exa. 2. after the Integral Diviſion is over, there remains 3, to which annexing a o, and dividing, I place 1 (after a Point) in the Quote, and there remains 6; to Reduktion in Decimal Fractions. 127 to which I annex another o, and ſet 2 in the Quote; laſtly there remains 12, wherefore I annex another on and ſetting 5 in the Quote, the fame is compleat with out any Remainder. In like manner, if the Dividend is a ſimple appli- cate Number, and the Diviſor abſtract, inſtead of re- ducing the Remainder to the next known Denomina- tion, and dividing, you may carry on the Diviſion de- cimally, and the Decimal Part of the Quote is equiva- lent (or nearly ſo) to theſe inferiour Species, which would have been found by reducing the Remainders, and carrying on the Diviſion vulgarly: Take an Exa. done both Ways. What is the 7th Part of L.248 ? Vulgarly. Decimally. 7)248 (35 L. 7) 248 (35-42857 21 21 38 38 35 35 1 3 20 30 28 20 7)60(8 . 56 14 60 4 12 50 7)48 (6 d. 42 40 35 6 4 50 49 1 7) 24 (3 far. 1 21 3 The 12:8 Reduction in Decinial Fractions. The Value of the Decimal .42857 (as ſhall be taught preſently) is 8.1). 6 d. 3 far. and ſomewhat more, as by the ocher Method. Noie, This Queſtion may be ſhorter wrought, thus, Vulgarly. Decirnally 7)248 7)248 35: 8: 6:33 35-42857, c. 2. In moſt caſes, tho' you ſhould continue the Di- viſion to ever ſo many Places in the Quote, there will ſtill be a Remainder, and the Quote will never be complete, becauſe there will happen a Remainder the ſame with the former; ſo that all che intermediate Fi- gures in the Quote betwixt theſe two Remainders, will conſtantly be repeated, the Diviſion going on for ever. Such Decimals we call circulating or repeating Decimals, becauſe of the continual Return or Repe- tition of the fame Figure or Figures; as alſo infinite or indeterminate Decimals, becauſe the Diviſion can never come to an end, and conſequently the Deci- mal wants ſtill ſomething of the true Value of the Common Fraction. For Exa. reduced to a Dcci- mal is -333, &c. infinitely, for 3) 1.000 . 333, &c. Where the Dividend being always 10, the Quote muſt ſtill be 3. In like manner, f in a Decimal Ex- preſlion is .666 infinitely, becauſe the Dividend is al- ways the ſame, for 3)2.000 .666, &c. Likewiſe in a Decimal is .428571428571, bir the Figures 428571 being continually repeated. 7) Reduction in Decimal Fractions. 129 7) 3.000(-4285714, here the Circulation begins, 28 20 14 60 56 40 35 50 49 IO 7 영 ​Amen 30. the ſame with be firſt Dividual, 28 2 So that whenever the Quote begins to circulate, you need proceed no further in the Diviſion; but obſery- ing what Figure or Figures would ſtill be repeated, fet down as many in the Quote as you pleaſe. 3. The Diviſion needs only to be concinued ſo far, that the Defect may be inconliderable, and the Re- mainder neglected as of no Value, the Method of which has been already taught, p. 124. CASE II. To reduce a Decimal of an higher Species to an e- quivalent Decimal of a lower. RULE. Multiply the given Decimal by ſuch a Number of Units as makes 1 of your Decimal De- nomination, and that Product by ſuch a Number of Units as makes i of the laſt Denomination, and ſo on till you come to the loweſt required, minding to point off 130 Reduction in Decimal Fractions. off as many for Decimals in the laſt Product of all, as there were Places in the given Decimal. Reduce .005 L. to the Decimal of id. .005 Anfr. 1: 2 d. Exa. 1. 20 OI00 Here the Anſwer is a mixt Num-. ber, or an Improper Decimal. 12 1.200 Exa. 2. Reduce .05 L. to the Decimal of 1 d. .05 20 Anfr. 12d. Here the Anſwer is Integral. 100 I2 EXA. 3: 12.00 Reduce .153 C. to the Fraction of 1 L. .153 4 _28 612 28 Anfr. 17.136 C. 4896 1224 17.136 CASE III. To reduce a Decimal of an inferiour Species to an equivalent of an higher. Rule. This caſe being the Converſe of the laſt, muſt require a contrary Operation, and therefore di- vide here as you multiplied there. Exa. I. Reduce 125 far. to the Decimal of i L. 4) Reduction in Decimal Fractions. 131 . 28} 4).125 f. 12).03125 d. 20).00 2604, &c. . .0001302, br. Anfr. Exa. 2. Reduce .847 d. to the Decimal of 1 L. 12.847 d. 20.0705833, doc. a. .0035291, bc. Anfr. Exc. 3. Reduce :16 oz. to the Decimal of 1 gr. of I C. 161.16 oz. 4 01 lib. 7.0025 .00035714@c. Anſi. CASE IV. To reduce an Integer of a lower Species or Deno- mination to an equivalent Decimal of an higher Species. RULEI. If it is a simple Number, turn it firſt into a Common Fraction, and then reduce that Com- mon Fraction to a Decimal by this Chap. Exa. I. Reduce 7. Jh. to the Decimal of 1 L. 7. is zā L. therefore, 20) 7.0 :35 L. Anfr. Exa. 2. Reduce 3 far. to the Decimal of 1 L. 3 far. is gol, therefore, 960) 3.0000 (.003125 L. Anfr. 2880 1200 960 2400 1920 4800 4800 Exa 132 Reduction in Decimal Fractions. Reduce 5 oz. to the Decimal of 1 L, 5 oz. is lib. therefore, 16) 5.00(.3125 lib. Anfr. Exa. 3. 48 20 16 40 32 80 Exa. . 4. Reduce 1 oz. to the Decimal of 1 C. I oz. is 1772 of 1 C. therefore, 1792) 1.00000(.000558, Qc. C. Anfr. 8960 10400 8960 14400 14330 64 Exa. Reduce 1 d. to the Decimal of 1 L. Tá d. is te of iż of zo=787L. therefore, 3840) 9.00000.00234375 L. Anfr. 7680 13200 11520 16800 15360 14400 11520 28800 26880 1920 1920 But Reduction in Decimal Fractions. 133 But ſuch Reduction is ſooner made by dividing gra- dually from one Species to another, as ſhall be illuſtra- ted by repeating the preceding Examples. Exa. 2. 41 3.000 16 415.000 • 750 S41.250 .0625 .003125 L. Exa. 3. Exa, I. 20) 7.00 :35 L. I2 20 •3125 L. Exa. 4. Exa.5. 16 16541 2.25000 28} 4 } 1.000000 4 9.00000 4 .250000 4 .062500 121.56250 7 .015625 .20) 0468875 41 .0022321 .002344375 .0005580 &c. C. 2. But if the Number to be reduced is mixt, that is, if it conſiſts of ſeveral Denominations, then firſt reduce each of them to the Decimal of the Denomination re- quired, and add theſe together for the Anſwer. Or, ſecondly, reduce the mixt Number to a ſimple one of the loweſt Species mentioned, and thence into a De- cimal. Or, thirdly, reduce the Number of the loweſt Spe- cies to the Decimal of the next ſuperiour (whether there is any Number of that ſuperiour Species in the Queſtion or not) and to it add the Number of that Species in the Queſtion (if there is any) and reduce the Sum to the next higher Species, adding to the De- cimal laſt found, the Number of that Species given in the Queſtion, and ſo go on till you come to the de- ſigned Integer Exa. I. Reduce 7 ß. 11 d. 1 f. to the Decimal of I L. By the firſt Method I work thus; 7 s. is z L. =:35 L.next 11 d. is 24: L. = .04583333&c. L. and laſtly i far. is ooL.=.001041666 &c. Their Sum is -39687499 (or.396875, becauſe the two laſt Figures are o's) for the Anſwer. N Ву 134 Reduction in Decimal Fractions. * 12 20 By the ſecond Method I reduce the 7. lh. II d. if to far. and they make 381, which is 200 L.=.396875 L. as before. By the laſt Method I work thus; 1 far. is 25 d. to which I add 11 d. making the Sum 11. 25 d. This I divide by 12 and find .9375 M. to which adding the 4 1.00000 71. I divide the Sum by 20, and II.25000 the Quote is .396875 L. as before. 7.93750 And ro of others. -396875 Note 1. The Numbers taken in, are marked with an Aſterisk. 2. The eaſieſt and exacteſt of theſe Me- thods I take to be the laſt, becauſe of the great Trou- ble that ariſes from the Reduction and Diviſion in the two firſt Methods, eſpecially the firſt, where there are ſo many Diviſions. In like manner, I gr. 19 lib. 5 oz. 10 dr. reduced to the Decimal of 1 C. is .422781808, thus 10.000000 dr. 16 2.500000 16 4 5.625000 oz. 4 1.406250 19.35156250 lib. 7 4.837890625 4 1.691127232 grs. .422781808 C. Anfr. But there are ſeveral other Methods for ſuch Re- ductions, as iſt in general, by Decimal Tables of Mo- ney, Weight and Meaſure, &c. framed and conſtrued for the purpoſe, ſhewing the Decimal of any inferiour Species in the Denomination of any ſuperiour (of the ſame kind) which Tables, tho' commonly met with in Books on this Subject, I ſhall not infert'; ſave that of Money, becauſe they are ſeldom uſed. * } * 284 28} Decimal Reduction in Decimal Fractions. 135 I 2. I 61.3 Decimal Table of Money. Integer 1 L. Integer 1 L. I .0010416-11.11.05 2 .0020833– 3.003125 3.15 Penny. 1.0041666 4.2 2-0083- 5.25 3 .0125 41:016- 71:35 51.22083– 6 ·025 9.45 7.02916– 101.5 8 03333 II.55 91.0375 10.04166 13.65 II .04583 --- 14.7 15 1.75 161.8 17.85 8.4 12.6 18!.9 19.95 Note. The Sign annexed to ſome of the Deci- mals, fignifies that they are too licule, and not exactly equivalent to their correſponding Integers. 2. More particularly, by finding the Decimal of an Unit of any inferiour Species in the Denomination of any ſuperiour (when it can be found without a Re- mainder, which more feldom happens) and uſing the ſame as a Standard for finding the Decimals of the reſt of that inferiour Species. Thus the Decimal of 1 fb. in the Denomination of 1 L. being found to be .05; any Number of Shillings multiplied by it gives their Decimal Value; for Example, 9 h. reduced to the Decimal of iL this way is 45 L. for 9x.05.45. And ſo of others. N2 But 1:36 Reduction in Decimal Fractions. But there is another eaſier Method of reducing Shillings to Decimals of 1 L. thus: If the Number of Shillings is even, take its Half, and ſet a Point before it if odd, ſuppoſe a o annexed, and then take its Half. Thus 6 . is 3 L. and 13 fb. is 65 L. In like manner, the Decimal of 1 Penny in the De- nomination of 1 L. being .004166, &c. any Number of Pence multiplied hereby gives their Decimal Value in the Denomination of i L. but becauſe this Standard is incomplete, we muſt make ſome Allowance when multiplying, according to the Figures multiplied. Alſo the Decimal of 1 far. in the Denomination of i L. being .00104166, &c. this multiplied by 2 gives .00208333, &c. for the Decimal of 2 far. And ſo on. After the ſame manner you may make up Tables for all our common Weights and Meaſures, having ſtill a due Regard to the Circulation of the Root (if the fame happens to be indeterminate) yet a ſeparate Re- duction, tho' more tedious, is the ſafeſt way. CASE V. To find the Value of a Decimal Fraction in Inte- gers of known Species. RULE. Multiply the given Decimal by the Num- ber of Units of the next inferiour Denomination, as make an Unit of your Decimal Denomination; and then cut off ſo many Figures towards the Right of the Product, as there are places in the Decimal; the Fi- gures ſtanding to the Left of thoſe which are cut off, being ſo many Integers of that inferiour Denomination; and thoſe on the Right are the Remainder, which you muft multiply by ſuch a Number of Units of the next inferiour Denomination, as make an Unit of the laſt Denomination, and point off as before, and thus go thro' all the Denominations, till you come to the loweſt. Еха, . Reduction in Decimal Fractions. 137 Exa. 1. What is the Value, Exa. 2. What is the Value of of .65 1. •546 L. 20 I2 . 10.920 d. 7.80 4 I2 d. 11.040 f. 3.20 Anſw. 10 ſh. 11 d. 16. Anfr. 7 d. 3 to far. Exa. 3. What is the Value Exa. 4. What is the Value of of 48 d. 4 4 •384 C. f. 1.92 97. 1.536 28 Anſw. 2 f. ferè. 4288 1072 lib. 15.008 16 oz. 0. 128 16 768 128 dr. 2.048 gr. lib. oz; dr. Anfr. 1-15-0--27466 N3 Exa. 138 Reduction in Decimal Fractions. Exa.5. What is the Value Exa. 6. What is the Value of .4106 of a Scotch Gal. of .736 of a Year. 13 8 4106 9.568 28 Pints. 3.2848 4 4 544 I136 Mut. 1.1392 4 15.904 24 Gills. 0.5568 2 3616 1808 Halfgills. 1.1136 pts.mut.gills. halfgills. Anfr. 3-1-0-1702. 21.696 60 41.760 Mon. D. be, min. Anſ". 9-15--21-41766 The Value of any Decimal of a Pound may be found, either by the Table or Inſpection ; but on this I ſhall not infift. See my Treatiſe of Fractions, Page 119, 120, 121. CASE VI. To reduce a Decimal Fraction to a common one. RULE. Set the Decimal for a Numerator of a com- mon Fraction; whoſe Denominator will be I with as many o's as there are Figures in the Decimal: which common Fraction thus found, you may reduce to its loweſt Terms. Exa. 1. 56 is 786 or loweſt. Exa. 2. .038 is or Exa. 3. .0648 is 16644 Tigo loweſt: And ſo-of o hers. 38 TO 81 I 62 2500 or CHAP Rule of Three Numbers. 139 000:000000000000000000 CHA P. XIX. The Rule of Three IS S ſo called, becauſe therein are 3 Numbers given to find a fourth Proportional : tho' ſometimes there are more Numbers in the Queſtion, which are all fu- perfluous, as not entering into the Stating, but ſer- ving only to complete the Senſe. Theſe are always known by being repeated or mentioned oftener than once, either in the very fame Words, or in others of the ſame Import and Significarion. This Rule being of moſt general Uſein Arithmetical Calculations, I ſhall endeavour, by a Variety of choice Examples, to make it very plain and intelligible to the meaneſt Capacity; and ſhall be the more prolix and particular in it, as intending to caſt together here ſuch Queſtions as all other Authors on this Subject treat of, as belonging to particular Rules: Whereas it is plain they are nothing but a further Application of the Rule of Three. By theſe I underſtand what are commonly called the Rules of Intereſt, Diſcount, Barter, Ex- change, Fellowſhip, Gain and Loſs, Tare and Trett, Alligation, &c. As for the Rules of Practice, and the Rule of Five Numbers, I Thall treat of them by themſelves. Now, as a great part of the Difficulty of this Rule lies in the right ſtating of the Terms, you are carefully to obſerve the following DIRECTIONS Conſider what Name the thing fought is of, viz. if it is required to find a Sum of Money, a Quantity of Meaſure, Weight or Time, br. and ſet that Number ar Term which is like it in the Queſtion middleniost: then take that Number on which the Demand lies, and 140 Rule of Three Numbers. and place it on the Right, and the other (which be- longs to the Suppoſition, and is always of the fame Name, either general or particular, with the third or Riglit-hand Number) ſet on the Left. Thus the ſu- perfluous Terms, if there are any, will preſently appear: The Terms being thus ſtated, you muſt reduce them all to ſimple Numbers, if they are mixt, and the two Extremes, that is, the firſt and third Numbers, to the ſame particular Denomination, if they are not ſo al- ready. Then you are to conſider, whether the fourth Number ſought (or Anſwer to the Queſtion) ought to be greater or leſs than the middle Number. If it ought to be greater, you muſt multiply the middle Number by the greater Extreme, and divide the Pro- duct by the leffer ; but if the fourth Number, or thing ſought, muſt (according to the Senſe of the Queſtion) be leſs than the middle Number, this laſt is to be mul- tiplied by the leſſer Extreme, and the Product divided by the greater. The Quote reſulting from this Divi- fion is the fourth Term or Anſwer to the Queſtion in the fame Name or Denomination with the middle Number juſt when you multiplied, which if in a low one muſt be brought higher, to the more ready Com- prehenſion of the Mind. Note 1. When the firſt Term divides, the Queſtion is ſaid to be in direct Proportion; and when the third Term is Diviſor, it is called Indirect or Inverſe. 2. The middle Number is never uſed for Diviſor, but is always either multiplied by, or multiplies one of the Extremes, according to the Nature of the Que- ſtion. 3. When the firſt and ſecond Numbers are of, or can be reduced to the ſame Denomination, it is not neceſſary to reduce the third to the Denomination of the first, but the Anſwer will come out in the ſame Name with the third. Vid. 24. 35. 4. After you have diſcovered which Term is Multi- plier to the middle one, it is eaſieſt and ſhorteſt to multiply by the lefſer of the two. 5. When Rule of Three Numbers. 141 5. When after Reduction the third Term is 1, the Queſtion is ſolved by Diviſion alone, without any Multiplication ; and when the firſt Term is I, it is fol- ved by ſimple Multiplication without Diviſion. Vide Queft. 2, 6, 9. 6. Many Queſtions in this Rule are complex, and require ſeveral previous Operations independent of one another, before you can come to a Proportion in or- der to a Solution. Vide Queſt. 20, 27, c. I have here purpoſely avoided that common Diſtinc- tion of the Rule of Three into Direct and Inverſe, ſo much uſed by the Generality of the Authors in this Science, there being not the leaſt Neceflity for ſuch Diſtinction to any Perſon who can take up the Mean- ing and Demand of a Queſtion propoſed. For is it not eaſy for one of common Senſe to know whether the Anſwer to a Queſtion ought to be greater or leſs than the middle Term? If it ought to be greater, it is plain the lefſer Extreme muſt be Diviſor to the Product of the ocher two; and if the fourth Term (according to the Senſe of the Queſtion ought to be leſs, then it is as clear, that the Product of the other two muſt be divided by the greater Extreme. The Reaſon of both which is, that to find a greater Quote, or to make the Anſwer greater than the middle Term, we muſt take a leſs Diviſor than the Number we mulciplied by; and to find a leſs Quotient, or to make the Anſwer leſs than the middle Number, we muſt take a greater Number for the Diviſor than is the multiplying Num- ber; for the greater the Diviſor, the leſs is the Quote, and contrariwiſe. Qu. 1. If 4 Yards of Cloth coſt 23 h. what is the Value of 15 Yards at the ſame rate? Srate 142 Rule of Three Numbers. yds. ſh. yds. ILLUSTRATION. State 4:23 : : 15 Here I mulciply the mid- 15 dle Number by the greater Extreme 15, becauſe the 115 Anſwer to the Queſtion 23 muſt be greater, and di- viding the Product by the 41345 firſt, there reſulteth 86 . 215)816: 3 (the middle Number being L.4:6:3 jb.) and I over which I re- duce (mentally) to d. and it makes 12, which divided by 4 quotes 3 d. So the Anſwer is 86 f. 3 d. or L. 4:6:3 Qu.2. What is the Value of an Ounce of any thing, when 8 lib. of the fame coſt 19 f. 7 d. Sterling? lib. fo. d. oz. Here I reduce the 8 lib. State 8 : 1947::I to oz. to correſpond with 16 the third Number, alſo I reduce the middle Num- 128 '235 (1 d. ber to d. and after divid- 128 ing by the firſt Term, (for it would have been 107 unneceſſary to have multi- 4 plied by the third Term the Quote is 1 d. and 128) 428 (3 f. 107 d. remaining, which 384 I reduce to f. and dividing as before, the Quote is 3f. 44 and 44 remaining; ſo the Anſwer is i d. 3111 f. or fi loweſt. 2. 3. If I buy 5 Yards of Cloth for L. I--4, how many Yards at the ſame Rate may I have for L. 29-10-3? I 2 Srate Rule of Three Numbers. 143 20 20 L. s. yds. L. S. d. Here I reduce the State 1-4 : 5::29-10-3 Remainder 279 to qrs. and divide again by 288, and there 24 590 remains 252, which I reduce to Nails, and dividing again, the 288 7083 total Anſwer is 122 5 yds. 3 qrs. 3 nails, and 288) 35415 (122 yds. nail for 4 = 288 12 1 2 661 576 855 576 279 4 ) 1116 ( 3 qrs. 864 252 4 1 ) 1108 ( 3 nails. 064 144 24. 4. If 7 Men ſpend L. 37--15-6 in 12 Days, how long will L. 119-5 ſerve them at the ſame rate of ſpending? State · 144 Rule of Three Numbers. days. State L. 37–15-6: 12 :: L. 119—5 20 20 755 12 2385 12 9066 28620 12 mid.numb. 9066) 343440 (37 Days. 27198 71460 63462 7998 24 9066) 191952 (21 ho. 18132 10632 9066 Here the 7 Men is the ſuperfluous Term, for the Anſwer would have been the fame, whatever Number of Men had been mentioned, ſince the Suppoſition and Demand are equally affected by it. Qu. 5. Of what Weight ought the Penny Loaf of Bread to be, when the Peck of Wheat is ſold for iß.6 d. if I get 8 oz. for a Penny, the Wheat being at 2 ſl. So M. d. Here the ſuperfluous terms State 2: 8 : 1-6. are í Loaf and I Peck: alſo I conſider that I'll have 18 d. more Weight for my Mo- 8 ney when the Wheat is 192 cheaper, therefore I mul- 64 tiply the middle Number 10 » 138 by the greater Extreme, . oz. 8 : 12 I2 24d. 18}}| or Rule of Three Numbers. 145 12. I212 or which is the ſame, this by that; ſo the Anſwer is, 10 02. 13 d. wt. 8 gr. (Troy Weight.) Qus. 6. If a Nail of Velvet coſt 16 d. Sterling, what is the Value of 75 Yards 3 qrs. at the ſame rate ? d. yds. grs. Flere the firſt Term State 1 : 16:: 753 being 1, dividing by 4 it is unneceſſary, and therefore the An- 303 ſwer is found in Pence by Multipli- 4 Cation only; which Pence I reduce to 16 L. by dividing by 12 and 20. 12) 19392 ) 15115 L. 80~16 Anfr. Qu. 7. If I travel 600 Miles in 24 Days, when the Day is 12 Hours long, in how many Days, at the ſame rate of Travelling, ought I to finish the ſame Journey, when the Day is 16 Hours long (ſuppoſing in each char I travel from Sun-riſing to Sun-ſeccing?) ho. long. Days. ho. long. Here the fuperfluous State 24 16 Term is 600 Miles, and I multiply che middle Numbor by 288 the leffer Extreine, 72 becauſe the Anſwer IS muſt be leſs than the ad Term, fo the Quote is 18 Days. Qu. 8. What time will 10 Men cake to do a Piece of Work, when 4 ocher ſuch could do the ſame in 15 Hours, 12 Minutes ? I2 : : I2 IÓ } Bu / 288 o State 146 Rule of Three Numbers. 20 Men. bo. min. Men. Here I multiply the State 4 : 15-12 : : 10 middle Number by 4 the leffer Extreme, becauſe 10 Men will 10)60—48 take leſs time. The 6- ſuperfluous Term is 1 Piece of Work. Obſerve alſo, that I don't reduce the middle Number, becauſe the Multiplier is ſmall. Qu. 9. How much will L. 1-6-3 per Day amount to in a Year? D. L. S. d. D. In a Year are 365 State 1 : 1-6-3 : : 365 Days. The iſt Term 315. being 1, the Queſti- on is performed by 26 1825 pure Multiplication, 365 and the Anfr. comes 1095 out in d. which re- 315 duced makes L. 479 12) 114975 I-3 210)95811-3 479-I-3 24.10. How many C. of Sugar, at 64 d. per Pound, may I purchaſe for L. 43-18-4? d. lib. L. d. Here I reduce the State 6: 1 :: 43-18-4 Extremes to Half- pence, and the Anfr. is 162172 lib. which 13 878 reduced makes 14C. I gr. 2573 lib. 12 $. 2 20 I2 10540 2 13) 21080 28 4 1 162113 $ 7405+ 4157-25 Anfr. 14--1-2513 u. Rule of Three Numbers: 147 12 is L. 5: Qu. II. What principal Sum will gain L. 5 in 7 Months, when L. 100 gains the ſame in a Year, or 12 Months ? Mon. L. Mon, Here 7 Months will State 12 : 100 : 7 require a greater Principal, becauſe the time is ſhorter. 7)1200 The ſuperflu. Term L. 171-8--69 5. Qu. 12. If 474 Yds. of 6 gr. broad Cloth hang a Room, Bc. how many Yds. of Yard broad Cloth will do it? Or rather thus, How many Yds. of Yard broad Cloth are equal preciſely in Content to 474 Yds. of 6 qrs. broad ? grs. yds. qrs. Here I conſider that State 6: 473 :: 4 there muſt be taken more in length of the narrow Cloth, 4)286—2 to equalize that of 71-22 the broader; there- fore I multiply by the greater Extreme, and the Anfr. is 71 Yds. 2 qrs: 2 nails. This Queſtion may be wrought ſhorter, by adding 3 of 47–3 to itſelf; thus 2)4743 23--3-2 71-2-2 Anfr. as before. Q11. 13. If 560 Men, being in Garriſon, have Pro- vilion only for 3 Months, how many of the ſaid Num. ber muſt be turned out, that the Proviſion may ſerve the remaining Men other 5 Months Mon. Men. Mon. Here 3 Mon. and State 3: 560 :: 8 other 5 make 8 Mon. 3 and conſidering that fewer can be main- 8)1680 tained 8 Mon. on the fame Quantity, than 210 02 148 Rule of Three Numbers. than can be done for 3 Mon. I multiply by the lef- fer Extreme. 560 210 to be kept in. Anfr. 350 to be turned out. Qu. 14. If when Wheat is 6h. 5 d. the Buihel, the Penny-Loaf weighs 12 oz. what ought the Wheat to be fold at, when the Loaf weighs 17 oz. 10 d. weight? oz. n. d. d. wt. Here I conſider that State 12 : 6-5: : 17-10 the Wheat muſt be cheaper when the Loaf weighs more, 240 77 350 therefore the Pro- 240 portion is indirect. 02. 20 I2 20 308 154 I 51184810 369-2 12152--37 or ſh. 4-4-35 Anfr. Qu. If 8 Men do a piece of Work in 6 Days, in what time will they do 16 times as much ? W. D. W State I: 6: : 161/ 를 ​6 99 Days Anfr. 9. 16. What is the Intereſt of L. 37-13-4. for a Year, when L. 7 is the Intereſt of L. 100 for the ſame time? Statc Rule of Three Numbers. 149 L. f.d. Here inſtead of di- Scate L. 110: 7 :: 37–13--4 viding by 100 the Ź long way, I cut off the two o's, and two 2163--13--4 Figures for them, reducing the Re- mainder, and the 12173 Anſr.is L. 2—12-8-35 20 I2 8180 4 The fame may be wrought thus 3120 100 : 7 : : 37-13 man ito 266-13-4 IOO 0}1: 26- 2--12-8-3 as before Qu. 17. If a Servants daily Wages be 6d. 1 far. how much will it amount to being forborn 3 Years, 8 Months, and 10 Days ? D. d. D. In a Year are 13 State 1 :61::3 38-10 Months and 1 Day, 13 therefore I add 3 Days for the 3 Years. 47 28 y. m. 376 95 1326 Days. 3 Days add. 1329 Days in all. 67 O 3 3 7974 150 Rule of Three Numbers, 7974 · 332 12183061 210)6912-21 L. 34.-12-21 Anfr. Qu. 18. If I receive 30 Stone 12 oz. of Soap for a Debt of L. 8-7-4, how much doth it ſtand me per lib? St. lib, oz. L. s. d. lib. State 30-0-12 : 8-74 : : I 16 16 20 480 16 167 16 0%. I2 7692 oz. 2008 IÓ 7692)32128(4 di 30768 1360 4 Anfr. 4per lib. Ansp. $S95 5400(0 far. Qu. 19. A owes B L. 117.-10-2 and compounds the Debt by paying 17.1.4 d. per L. how much ought B to receive according to this Diſcount, and how much doch he loſe? L. S. d. d. Here I ſay, if I L. State I: 17-4 : : 117 fall to 176. 4.d. how much will the Sum due fall to ? 2350 Lui S, 20 I2 20 20 208 12 I2 24.0 28202 Rule of Three Numbers. 15,1 28202 From 117-10-2 208 Take 101–16-gis receives. 240 225616 15-13-415 loſes. 56404 415 8660116 61466503 12/24441176 210)20315-9 L. 101-16-91731 qu. 20. What will 3 Pieces of Holland Cloth come to, the firſt Piece containing 154 Yds. the ſecond 1933 and the third 104 at 17 1.4 d. for 3 Yards ? yds. State 3: 17-4:: 451 19 10 halfyds. 6 208 91 half yds. 45 yds. in all. 91 yds. f. d. 15 2 12- 2 208 1872 6) 18928 12) 3154-23 210) 2612-10-25 L. 13-2--10-23 Aufr. Or without reducing the Extremes to half yards, thus yds. 3 : 208 : : 451 457 yds. d. 1040 2 104 of 208 319464 3154–2Ž=L.13:2:10:23 as before இய. 152 Rule of Three Numbers. Qu. 21. A Gentleman has an Eſtate of L. 1460.- 10—4 per Annum, how much does he lay by yearly, ſpending daily at the rate of L. I-18-6? D. L. M. D. Here I firſt find State 1:1-181:: 365 how much he ſpends 381 yearly, which fub- tracted from his 381 2920 yearly Income gives 1095 the Anſi. 1821 20 HIN 2l5) 140512 L. 702--12--6 From 1460-10-4 yearly Income. Take 702-12-6 yearly Expences. 757–17-10 lays by. Anfr. Qu. 22. What is the Intereſt of L. 313-11--G for a Year and 74 Days at L. 5-10 per cent. per anz- nun ? L., L. L. fb. d. Here I firſt find its State ilbo : 51:313-11-6 Int. for a Year, nexo si for 74 Days, and the Sun of both is the 1567-17-6 Anfr. 156-15-9 17124-13-3 20 4193. I 2 11119 Again, Rule of Three Numbers. 153 D. L. f. d. Again, 365: 17-4-11 :: 74 D. 20 344 12 L. f. d. Int. for a Year I7-4-II Int. for 74 Days 3-D II 4139 74 Anfr. 20mm 14--10 16556 28973 121 365) 306286 ( 839 2920 210) 613--11 1428 3.-II 1095 3336 3285 51 But ſuch Queſtions are more exactly wrought by one Operation, as you'll ſee further on. Qu. 23. How many Ducats at 7 f. 4 d. per Piece, are equal in Value to 300 Dollars, at 4. fl. 8 d. per Dollar? Dol. fb. d. Dol. Here I firſt find the Value of the Dol- lars, and from, that I have the Value of the Ducats, by 300 I:41 8:: 300 I2 56 16800 Value of the Doll. ſaying 154 Rule of Three Number's. M. 4 Duc. d. faying 7-4:1:: 16800 -- 12 88) 16800 ( 190 88 Anfr. 190 Duc. and So d. over and a- bove. 800 792 J. d. 12 d. taken to equa- Rem. 80 d. But all Queſtions of this nature are better folved by one Operation, thus m. d. Here I conſider, 4-68: : 300 :7-4 that there muſt be 12 fewer Pieces at 85. 4 88 lize a Number of 300 other Coin at 4fb. 8 d. cherefore mul- 88) 16800 (190 tiply by the leffer 88 Extreme. Take an- other Exa. wrought 800 after this method. 792 56 Rem. 80 Qu. 24: How many lib. of Tea, at 9 m. 6 d. per lib. muft' B give A for 22 Reams of Paper, at 5 ſh. 10 d. per Ream ? b. d. f. d. So that B muſt give State 5-10:22 ::9-6 A 13 lib. of I ea. and 58 d. more for his 22 Ream, at 5. 70 114 10 d. per Ream. 1:14). 1540 (13 lib 114 400 400 12 I 2 22 Rule of Three Numbers. 1.55 400 342 Rem. 58 d. Qu. 25. Lent upon Bond L. 546 on the 18th Fan. 1737, what will be due at Whitſunday 1739, the Rate of Intereſt being at 6 per Cent. per annum ? Betwixt 18th Jan. 1737 and 18th Jan. 1739 are 2 Years =730 Days; and betwixt 18th Jan. and 15th May are 117 Days, thus found, L. L. L. State 10:6::546 Jan. 13 6 Feb. 28 March 31 L. 32176 20 April 30 May 15 ſh. 15120 I2 117 730 d. 2170 847 4 f. 1160 Days. L. 1. d. f. Days . . Again 365 : 32—15--2-1::117 20 655 12 7862 4 31448 117 220135 220136 156 Rule of Three Numbers. 220136 31448 31448 365) 3679416 ( 10080 365 12)2520 210)2110 2941 10-10 2920 216 Anfr. L. 622:0^-41 L. 32~15~2~I Intereſt for 1 Year. 2 65-10-4-2 Intereſt for 2 Years. 10--10Oo Intereit for 117 Days. 76-0 ---2 Toral Intereſt 546-o-o-o Principal lent. But this, like Qu. 22, can be wrought by one Ope- ration. Qu. 26. In L. 4176--11-- Scotch, how much Sterling? L. Sc. L.St. Here I have no State 12 : 1: 12 : 1 :: 4178-1-6 4178-1-6 more to do but to 12 4178-11-6 divide by 12, be- Anfr. 348-4-1 cauſe 12 L. Scots are equal to 1 L. Sterling. Qu. 27. In 42 Bags of a certain Commodity, weigh- ing Groſs 146 C. 2 qrs. 24. lib. Tare ? lib. per 112 lib. and Trett 4 lib. per 1047 how many lib. neat? .I 12 Rule of Three Numbers. 157 TI2 1.04 7 fubtract 4. fub. 112 : 105:: 146--2--24 Again 104: 100 :: 15405 4 15405 104 1540500 (14812 104 5.86 28 1 832 00 4692 416 1174 845 16432 105 130 82160 104 16432 260 4/1725360 208 X12 41 431340 107835 52 15407 lb.Suttle Anfr. 148127 lib. Nett. This Method is ſomewhat tedious. Vide Page 169, where you'll find a ſhorter. Qu. 28. A and B make a joint Stock. A puts in L. 127, and B L. 31: In Trading they gain or loſe L. 16: What is each proportional Share of the ſame? A 127 B 31 158 Sum of the Stocks State 158 48 22 . Rule of Three Numbers. 1. 1. 1. 1. I. 1. State 158:16:: 127 Again 158:16:: 31 16 31 762 16 127 158) 2032 ( 12 1. ) 496 ( 31. 158 474 452 ) 440 ( 2 s. 316 ) 2720 (175. 124 158 12 1140 ) 1488 (9 d. 1106 1422 34 66 12 4 ) 408 (2d. 158 316 20 136 20 I 316 106 92 4 368 ( 25. 316 A 12-17--2--2758 B 3-2-list 52 Proof 16-OOO Here I add the Stocks together for the firſt Term, then I ſay, If the whole Stock gain or loſe ſo much, what will each particular Stock gain or loſe? But Queſtions of this nature are capable of a more com- pendious Solution. Vide Page 187 இய. Rule of Three Numbers. 159 Qu. 29. A, B, and C bought a Parcel of Cloch containing in all 748 Yards, for l. 212, whereof A paid I. 187, B 110, and C the reſt. How much of the Cloth belongs to each? L. Yds. L. Yds. Qrs. Nails. State 412 : 748:: 187 $ 339--2--021 412 : 748::110 to the Anfrs. 199-2-3119 412 : 748 :: 115 208-3--02 Proof 748-0-0 Vide Page 187 Qu. 30. If a Pound of any thing is bought for 16.4 d. and fold for 17 ſh. 6d. how much is gained on 1. 187? By Subtraction I find 16 16-4 sh. 4 d. gains 1 j. 2 d. therefore I ſay how much 164: 1-2: : 100 will l. 100 gain? where I don't reduce the l. 100. Vid. Note 3. Page 149. 196 14 17-6 12 12 100 196) 1400 (7 km 1372 28 20 196) 560 ( 216. 392 168 12 196) 2016 (10 do 196 5.6 P2 qui 60 Rule of Three Numbers. Qu. 31. What will l. 54 amount to, being forborn 15 Years, at 6 per cent. per annum, fimple Intereſt State 100 ; 6: : 54 Here I find the Intereſt of 6 of l. 54 for a Year, which multiplied by 15 gives the 3124 Intereſt for 15 Years, which added to the Princi- pal makes l. 102-12 for 4180 the Amount. 20 12 SLSO 4 2140 1. S. d. f. 3-4 g27 15 48-12-0 Int. 54-O o Principal. 102-12-Oo Amount. Qu. 32. A, B, and C purchaſe a Ship for l, 3000, whereof A paid l. 1400, B 1000, and C'che reft. Her Freight for the firſt Voyage was l. 374, what muſt each Partner receive of the ſame proportionally to his Share in the Purchaſe ? A 1400 3cfoo: 374 :: 14100 31300:374::11300 B 1000 14 C 600 31374 1496 124-13-4 374 3515236 30130: 374 :: 6100 3000 30 8610474 4 174-10-8 3036448—16 A 74-16 Rule of Three Number's, 161 A 400 B 500 C 700 A 174-10-8 B 124-13-4 C 74-16- Proof 374-00- Qu. 33. A Man is indebted to A, B, and C the fol. lowing Sums, viz. to A L. 400, to BL. 500, and to C L. 700, but is only worth L. 979. How much of the ſame muſt each receive, and what Loſs do they ſuſtain ſeverally? Or ſhorter thus, by finding the Proportional Share of L. I. 1600)9761.61 Then 16100:976::4100 16100:976:: 5100 7.61X400—244 4 5 .61X500=305 .61X9003427 413904 976 411220 244 305 16100: 776 :: 7100 Then by ſubtracting what 7 each receives, from what he ought to have received, you'll find A loſes L. 156, BL. 1957 41708 427 Qu. 34. A has 40 Yards of Cloth at 8.11.4 d. per Yard, ready Money, but in Barter he will have 10 i 2 d. B hath Wool at 20 d. per lib. ready Money; How much Wool muſt be delivered to A for his Cloth, and how much is the Price of the Wool to be raiſed in Barter? 1621 4/4880 102 443 162416833 and C L. 273. I Id. 162 Rule of Three Numbers, Id. h. d. rds. d. lib. de 1:8-4::40 Then 20:1::4000 12 I 100 40 217)40002 200 lib. of Wool. 4000 d. Value of the Cloth in ready Money. fh. d. f. d. d. Laſtly, 8-4: 10-2:: 20 12 12 1 100 122 20 d. f. 24-118 Value of the Wool per lib. in Barter. 24140 4 Il50 After finding the Value of the Cloth at the ready Money Price, I ſay, If 20 d. buy i lib. of Wool, how much will the Value of the Cloth buy? Anf. 200 lib. Then to find how much the Price of the Wool is to be saiſed in Barter, I ſay, If 8-4 ready Money riſe to 10.2 d. in Barter, what will 20 d. ready Money riſe to? And the Anſwer is, 24. d. It or far. Qu. 35. What is the Diſcount of L. 542 : 14: 8 for 3 Months at 5 per cent. per annum ? M. L. M. 1. M. L. M. L. M. d. State 12:5:3 10–5: Imam 5 542-14 -8 3 :: 20 20 20 2025 25 10854 32)15 15 Int. of L. 100 for 3 Months. 12 130256 130256 Rule of Three Numbers. . 163 Brought over 130256 25 651280 260512 5 3256700 651280 130256 14472 2025 9 1608 2015 200 1211608 Here, and in all Que- 215)1311O ſtions of this Nature, I 6--14--0722.5 or muſt firſt find the Intereft of L. 100 for the Time, and at the Rate propoſed, which adding to L. 100, I ſay, if chat Aggregate loſe the Intereſt of L. 100 al ready found, what will the Sum propoſed loſe and the Quote is the Anſwer required; which taken from the Sum propoſed, leaves the Sum to be paid preſent- ly, and to find this at once (without ſubtracting) let Li 100 be the middle Term in the former Stating. L. f. L. L. f. d. Thus 101–5:100 :: 542-148 20 512025 2025 2000 10854 51405 9181 919 130256 So that 2025 is 5X5X9X9. 260512000 52102400 2025 10420480 1157832 12/128647 1825 or 2} Brought 20 20 12 I 2000 164 Rule of Three Numbers. Brought over 12/128647 18kt os}} 210)10721073 L.5360731 Ans. as by the firſt Method : For, L. fb. d. From 542-14-8 Take 6--14-09 Rem.536--00—781 Vide a ſhorter Method; Appendix, of ſimple Intereſt; Tab. I. Qu. 36. If I buy a Yard of Cloth at 3 lb. ready Mo- ney, and fell it immediately at 3 h. 4 d. with eight Months Credit, what ſhould I gain if I ſhould fell L. 100 worth at the ſame Rate, with twelve Months Credit ? M. d. L. M, L. 1. d. M. State 3: 4: Then 8:11-02-2 4 8 :: 100 ::12 12 30 36{91408 2 3 12138-17-95 66-13-4 L. 7-08-iyor if L. II-02-2 By the firſt Operation I find, that if 3.ſh. gain 4 d. in any Time, L. 100 in the ſame Time will gain L. 11-2-23; then I ſay, If 8 Months gain ſo much, 12 Months will gain leſs, (in this Cafe) becauſe the longer Goods are credited, the Seller has the leſs Pro- fit. But this may be wrought by one Operation. Qu. 37. Bought 40 doz. Pair of Stockings for L.42, how may I fell them per doz. to gain L. 15 per cent. Rule of Three Numbers. 165 L. L. L. Doz. L. 1. Doz. State 1100:115::42 Then 40:48–06::1 42 I 230 460 48-06 819-13_2 % L. I-04-12 or 3}f. L. 4.8130 20 M6100 Qu. 38. A Farmer mixes 8 Pecks of Wheat at 16 d. per Peck, with 9 Pecks at 18 d. with 12 Pecks at 17 d. what is a Peck of the Mixture worth? d. P. d P 8 ac 162128 Then zy: 494:1 Ol 9 ar 187162 12 at 17204 -29)494(170's d. Ans: 494 29 I 29 204 203 1 If it was required what 2, 3 or 4, dvo, Pecks would coſt, make, 2, 3, or 4, &c. the laſt Term (inſtead of i here, and you'll have the Anſwer. Qu. 39. What is the Compound Intereſt of L. 387-10-forborn 3 Years at 6 per Cent. per annum, and what is the Amount? State 166 Rule of Three Numbers, State l. 100:6::387--10 387-10~o ift Principal. 6 23-0500 iſt Year's Int. 23:25_o 410-15--02d Principal. 24---12-10 2d Year's Int. 20 5100 Again 100:6:: 410m15 6 435-07-10 3d Principal. 26-02-05 3d Year's İnt. 461-10-03 Amount Ans, 24164-10 20 12190 12 10180 L. L. L. fo. d. Laſtly, 100:6::435710 .6 L. 23-05-00 24-12-10 26-02-05 26112-0 20 Sum of Int. 74-00-03 214.7 Prin. lent 387-10.00 12 Amount 461-10-03 as before. 5864 So you ſee I always add the Intereſt to the Princi- pal, which Sum becomes a new Principal, and have as many Operations, as is the Number of years the Mo- ney lies out. See Chap. 2. Tab. IV. of compound Inte- reſt, where you'll find a ſhorter Method. Qu. 40. A and B entered into Company, A put in L. 55, which continued in Stock 4 Months, and B put in L. 131 for 7 Months; they gained or loft L. 48, what is each Man's Share in the ſame? 55 Rule of Three Numbers. 167 55x4=220 131X7=917 1137 L. L. L. 1137:48::220 48 L. L. L. Again 1137:48 :: 917 917 1 1760 880 7336 3668 1:137)10560196. 10233 1137)44016(38 l. 3411 327 20 9906 9096 810 1137)654015.M. 5685 20 855 )16200(14.11. 1137 12 1137) 10260(9 d. 10233 4830 4548 27 282 12 1137)3384 (2 d. 2274 IIIO 27 A B L. 9-05-9117 38-14-21137 Proof 48-00- Here 168 Rule of Three Numbers. Here I multiply each's Money by the Time it con- tinues in Scock, the Sum of both which is the firſt Term, the Gain or Loſs the ſecond Term, and the Product of each's Stock by his Time the third Term, in two diftinct Operations. Vide Pag. 187, where you'll find a more compen- dious Method, Qu. 41. A hath 36 lib. of Galls at ind. per lib. rea- dy Money, in Barter 12 d. 81 Yards of Cloth at 16 d. per Yard ready Money, in Barcer 17 d. 54 Reams of Paper at sſb.10 d. per Ream ready Money, and in Barter 6 . B has Wine at 13. M. per Gallon, Silk at 15 m. per Yard, and ready Money; Brandy at 29 l. per Cask, How many Gallons of Wine, Yards of Silk and Casks of Brandy, of each a like Number, muſt B give A for. his Goods, advancing his own proportionally? 36 lib. at 11 d. 396 81 Yards at 16 d. R1296 54. Reams at 70 d. =3780 5472 d. Total Value of A's Goods at the ready Money Price. 13 lb. 15 lb. 29 m. 57 M. or 684 d. Value of 1 of each of B's Things at the ready Money Price. Then I ſay, If 684 d. buy I of each of B's, how many of B's Things will the total Value of A's Things buy? d. of each. d. 684: I :: 5472 I 684)5472 (8 of each, Anfr. 5472 Rule of Three Numbers. 169 1 that of 24. 27 2011 Qu. 42. In 36 C. I gr. 12 lib. groſs, how much nett Weight, Tare at 8 lib. per 112 lib. and Trect 4.lib. per 104? C. gr. lib. 52 | 36:1:12 14{ Here I uſe a fhor- 7 | 18:0:20 ter Method than 2:2:10:13 for I conſider thar 261 33: 3:01:02 Suttle 8 lib. is a of 112 1:1:05:0631 and 4. lib. is of 104. Anf. 32:1:11:11 Nett. Therefore, if the Tare is at 2 lib. per 112 lib. ſub- tract , if at 4 lib. ſubtract is, if at 6 lib. ſubtract 75 + 1 of that is ; if at 14. lib. ſubtract , &c. qu. 43. My Friend lent me L. 46:15, for 5 Months; and he having occaſion afterwards to borrow from me L. 100, I demand how long he ought to uſe it in or- der to a full Requital of his former Kindneſs? L. M. M. L. State 46-15:5:: 100 Here I conlider that L. 100 being a greater Sum, muſt not lie out 935 ſo long as L. 46-15, 5 therefore I multiply the middle Number by the 21300)41575(2 M. lefſer Extreme and di- 41 vide by the greater. 20 20 2000 ។ 675 30 )20250(10 Days. 'M. Days. Anf.2 : 10 Qu. 4.4. A Merchant is to receive L. 500 Sterling, either in Dollars at 4M. 4 d. per Piece, which are worth but 4.1.3 d. or in French Crowns at 6m. Id. a per 170 Rule of Three Numbers. I2 12 I 2 2 43 + per Piece, which are worth but 6 . which of theſe ought he to take, in order to ſuſtain the least Loſs? D. d. d. M. d. 4:4 4-4:1::6-11 So that in receiving 4:3 the Dollars, each 6-11 loſeth only 1432; 52 73 whereas, if he ſhould take the Crowns, eve- ry 6 loſeth 1 d. 104 )147(124 which is greater than 104 I 43., and therefore he ought to take the Dol- 43 lars. Qu. 45. If: 35 Ells at Vienna make 24 at Lyons, and 3 Ells ar Lyons make 5 at Antwerp, and 100 at Ant- werp make 125 at Frankfort, how many Ells at Frank- fort make 42 at Vienna? Ant. Frank. Ant. Frank. 1. If 100 : 125 GA Ly. Ly. 3 : Vien. Vien. 3. If 35 : 50 :: 42 : 60 Anfr. Or thus : 35 V. = 24 L. Then 24X5X125X42630000 3 L. = for a Dividend; and 100 A=125 F. 35X3X100 =10500, for a 42 V. =? Diviſor. Wherefore 105100)6300100(60 Anſwer, as before. 630 5. 2. If 64 :: 2+ : 50 5A. O Qu. 46. If 35 Ells at Vienna make 24 at Lyons, and 3 Liis at Lyons make 5 at Antwerp, and 100 Ells at - Antwerp make 125 at Frankfort, how inany at Vienna make bo at Frankfort ? L, Rule of Three Numbers. 171 V. L. L. V. 1. If 24: 35 :: 3 : 41 A. A. 2. If 5: 4 5: 45:: 100: 87 F. F. V. 3. If 125: 871: : 60 : 42 Anfr. Or thus : 35 V. = 24 L. Then 35x3x100x60=630000 for a Dividend; and 100 A. =125 F. 24X5X125=15000 for a Diviſor. 60 F. ? Wherefore 15l000)6301000(42 Anſwer as before. 60 And ſo of others, whe- ther they confift of more 30 or fewer Terms. 30 3 L.. 5 A. Qu. 47. A and B made a joint Stock, A put in L. 300, and at the End of 3 Months took out L. 752 and at the End of 7 Months after put in L. 50. B put in at firſt L. 180 for 5 Months, and then puc in L. 48 more, and two Months after shat took oue At the End of 12 Monchs they find L. 100 of Gain. How mucli of the ſame is due to each? L. 300 for 3 Months is 900 . L. 40. 75 Subtr. 225 for 7 Months is 1575 50 225 for 2 Months is 550 L. 3025 Sum of A's Stocks into his Times. # Qa L. 180 172 Rule of Three Numbers. L. 180 for 5 Months is 900 48 Add 228 for 2 Months is 456 40 Subtr. 188 for 5 Months is 940 2296 Sum of B's Stocks in- to his Times. A 3025 B 2296 5321 Sum of both. Then 5321)100.000.0187934, &*c. Wherefore 3025X.0187934–56.850035=A's Share. And 2296X.0187934343.149646~B's Share. Proof 99.999681=100 L. fere. The Reaſon why it makes not L. 100, is becauſe the Decimal.o187934 is incomplete. Qu. 48. If I pay for 45 Pints of Brandy L. 4:10, how muſt one Pine be ſold to gain L. 10 per cent? 100: 108::4.5:4.86 Price of the whole 45 Pints at the propoſed Gain. Then to find the Price of 1 Pint, 45 91.972 108 L. 2 ſ. id. 31;far. Anfr. Qu.49. How ought L. 350 to be divided among 3 Men, A, B, and C, ſo as A may have , B, and CT? = Here the Sum of the Parts 24 is greater than the whole: And therefore 'tis impoſſible to give them the Parts propoſed; but the Meaning of the Queſtion muſt be to divide L. 350 in ſuch Propor- tion as į į and bear to one another. Wherefore, {tite=12+16+6 ner. Rule of Three Numbers. 173 IO 14), 55+ Anfrs. Anfrs. 1871 ] IO 1:4 neglecting the Denominator 4, I find a common Mul- tiplier thus: 34)350(10.29412+ Then 10.29412X12=123.52944=123: 10:7 And 10.29412X16=164.70592=164:14:11 ferè, Allo 10.294 12x 6= 61.76472= 61:15:33 L. 350: 0:0 Proof. Qu. 50. A Merchant mingles Tobacco thus: He takes ſome at 10 per lib. ſome at 15 d. per lib. ſome at 18 d. per lib. and ſome ar 13 d. per lib. how many lib. muſt he take of each Sort to Tella lib. of the Mixture at 14, ſo as neither to gain nor loſe ? 1071 15 or thus : 14) 18 1344 13 Or thus : I:4 15 4 15 4:1 or thus: 14) 5 4:1 18 4 4 13 4 4 13 I Or thus : 1:45 15 4:1 5 14), 18 5 13 1:415 So that there are 5 different Anſwers, and all true. Here, and in all Queſtions of this Nature, you muſt ſet the ſimple Prices under one another, and connect them fo together, as that one leſſer and one greater than the mean Price may be always joined together, and then take the Difference betwixt the mean Price and that of each ſimple, ſetting the ſame over againſt the ſimple wherewith it ſtands connected, and the fe- veral Differences are the Anſwers fought. Qu. 51. How many Crowns at 56% d. are equal to L. 600:12:8 Sterling? State 14) IT 18 ' 'salny 3 IO 4:1 Q3 174 Rule of Three Numbers. d. Cr. L. f. d. State 56%:1::600--1208 6 20 337 12012 12 144.152 6 337)864912(2566 CX. 674 1909 1685 2241 2022 2192 2022 170 3 25.10(1 Livre. 337 173 20 )3460(10 fols. 337 90 Cr. Liv. Sols. Anfr: 2566 : : 10 I С НА Р. 175 CHAP. XX. Contrations in the Rule of Three Numbers, otherwiſe called Rules of Practice, CASE I. WHEN the Value of an Unit is an Aliquot Part of any ſuperior Species, or equal to the Sum of two or more Aliquot Parts; alſo if it is a Part or Parts of ſuch Aliquot Parts, take that Part, or Parts of the Number given, whoſe Value is ſought, and you have the Anſwer in the fame Name with that ſuperior Spe- cies, reducing the Remainder, if any be, and finding its Value. A. d. Imm8 TABLE I. Of the Aliquot Parts of 1 L. Sterl. r 200h 12th 2-O Ioth 2-6 8th > is a 3-4 Oth 5th 59 028 3d 100 2d of į L. Sterling 4o 4th 10 30? of the Aliquant or uneven Parts of 1 L riotis 十​a or £5.6 7 8- is 9 10 “ fin met alin mo 2 t 1 Ilmö 376 Contractions in the II o 12_o itzo 333 좋 ​13-Oist 14 34 15 용 ​16- tao I 10 17- I'mo 190 2 / 420 tš I-O TABLE II. Of the Aliquot or even Parts of I ſh. d. f. I2th 8th is a Oth of i Shill: 4th 4- 3d 6- 2d I-2 1 3- ہستی Of the Aliquant or uneven Parts of i ſh. d. f. 5-O ti I 12 4+5 is a 8- 9 IOO IIO »m alt alm mit mit mit of i Shill. st tos TABLE III. Of the Aliquot Parts of id. I is of 1 Penny. 3 Examples of this firſt CASE. Exa. 1. 480 Yards at 1 lb.per Yardim. is zo l. Therefore 210)4810 24. L. Anfr. Here Rule of Three Numbers. 177 šof laſt for i llb. 15-15 Add Here I conſider that 480 Yards at L. 1.per Yard would make L. 480, therefore at 1 lb. per Yard, it muſt be only the 20th Pare of what it was formerly, becauſe 1 . is che 20ch Part of i L. And this accounts for the Method of operating this and the ſubſequent Examples Exa. 2. 376 lib. at 4 m. per lib. 4.1. is } l. and 5)376 the I over, after L. 75-4, Anfr. Diviſion is l. or 4. Exa. 3. 538 oz. at 2 d. per. oz. 2 d. is b. there- 6)538 fore I divide by 6, 2p)819-8 and the Anſwer is L. 4-9--8 Anfr. 89.J. and 4 over, which is door g d. The ſh. I reduce to l. by dividing by 20. Exa. 4. 95 Stone Weight at 6fb. 8 d. per Stone. 3)95 66. 8 d. is į l. After Diviſion L. 31-13-4 there reinains 2, which is l. or 13.4d. Exa. 5. 120 lib. Weight at 1 d. per lib. 8)120 Iish 15 Mh. Anfr. Exa. 6. 83 Yards at 3. f. 4 d. per Yard. 6)83 3. 4 d. is I I. after divi . L. 13-16—8 Anfr. ding there remains 5, which is I. or 5 times 3.fb.4.d. FI61. 8 d. Exa. 7. 315 Yards at 6 p. per Yard. 315 6. is 1.4.2 l. or it is $1.7 of that for 5 h. L. 94-10 Anfra Exa. 178 Contractions in the Exa. 8. 413 0%. at 9 d. per oz. 413 9 d. is 21. wherefore I multiply 3 by 3, and divide the Quote by 4. 4)1239 212)30192 L. 15-9-9 Anfri Or I might have divided by 4 and then multiplied the Quote by 3, thus: 4)413 1033 3 2103019-9 L. 1999 Exa. 9. 210 Ells at 15%. 151. is 10. +51). 210 for 10. 105 of last for 5 fl. 52--10 L. 157-10 EX8. 10. 470 lib. at II d. 11 ist & fl. 3 Or the Anſwer may be 4)1410 found in /b. by ſubtract- ing A, thus : 352-6= 470 78--=% i's=39--2 310)4310---10 L. 21-10-10 Anfr. 1.430-10 as before. EMA. Rule of Three Numbers. 179 ܪ݂ Ex&. II. 111 Ells at 11ſ. It d. 3 far. per Eli. III for roll. to of laſt for ilh. t'i of 10 m. for 10 d. its of laſt for 1 d. of laſt for 2 far. į of laſt for i far. 15510 5-IL 4-12-0 4- 2 0-2-3-3 L. 66-9---I Afr. The Work is plain. Exa. 12. 60 Stone Weight at 11 o. per Stone. 60 II. is it sol. or it is į l. tis ott for lo b. 30 to of laſt for i ſh. 3 2 oj L. 33 Anfr. Exa. 13. 419 Yards at 19 b. per Yard. 20)419 19/h. is l. +. 20-19 Or rather ſubtract no. 1 L.398- I Anfr. When the Price of an Unit is an Aliquot Part, ſuch Diviſion is certainly the moſt expedicious Way of fol- ving the Queſtion: But when they are Aliquant or Compound Parrs, the common Metliod of Reduction is preferable, as being ſhorter and leſs perplexed. CASE II. When the Price of an Unit is an uneven Number of Jh. multiply the Number whoſe Value is ſought, by the Half of the Shillings, doubling the firſt Figure or Unit's Place of the Product for th. the reſt are L. Exa. 180 Contractions in the Exa. 1. What is the Value of 347 Yards at 8 m. per Yard ? 347 4 L. 138-16 Anfr. Exa. 2. What is the Value of 316 lib. at L. 1.-12 per lib? 316 L. 1--12 is 32 b. of which is 16. 16 189---12 316 L. 505-I 2 Anfr. The Reaſon of this Method may be thus accounted for: To mulciply by an even Number of lh. and divide the Product by 20, is the ſame as to multiply by one half of the Shillings and divide the Product by 10: But to divide by 10 is the ſame as cutting off the Unit's Figure; thoſe that remain to the left being entire L. and the Fi- gure fo cut off being ſo many roth Parts of a L. each of wbich is equal to 2 ſb. wherefore che Figure ſo cut off, muſt be doubled or multiplied by 2. CASE III. When the Price of an Unit conſiſts of L. J. and do or L. and ſb. firſt multiply the Number given by theſe L. and for the lh. and d. take one of the preceding Caſes. The Sum is the Anſwer. Exa. I. Wluat is the Value of 16 C. at L.4----8 16 Here I firſt mulci- 4 ply by 4, and for 66. 8 d. I take 64 of the Number gi- of 16 5-6-8 ven, and their Sum is the Anſwer. Lögma'y--3 A1: Exe. per C? 3 Rule of Three Numbers. 181 Exa. 2. 413 lib.at L. I---16-8 per lib. at il. 413 I for 10 m. 206-10 of laſt for 5 . 103—5 of laſt for iſ.8 d. 348-4 757-3-4 Anfr. Exa. 3. 149 C. at l. 2--8-6 per C. 2 298 of laſt for 8 59-12 its of laſt for 6 d. 3-14-6 5 L. 361–66 Anfi. CASE IV. When that Extreme, which is the Multiplier, is an Aliquot Part or Aliquor Parts of the Unit, which is Diviſor, take ſuch Part or Parts of the middle Number, and their Sum is the Anſwer. Exa. 1. What is the Value of 7 lib. when i Quarter of a C. coſts l. 43-10? 4)43-IO q lib. is * Quarter. L. 10--17--6 Anfr. Exa. 2. What is the Value of 1 Quarter 2 Nails at -38 p. per Yard. 18 Here I take for i Quarter, and for 2 for 1 Quarter, Nails, and the Sum for 2 Nails 2-3 6jb.9 d. is the Anfr. 4-6 3 per Stone 1. 6-9 Anfo. Exa. 3. What is the Value of 4. lib. at l. 1-15-6 I-I56 4 lib. is of 1 Stone. 4 R CASE # 182 Contractions in the CASE V. When after a Queſtion in the Rule of Three is fta- ted, and reduced according to the Directions already given, that Extreme which is Diviſor, and any of the other two are diviſible by the ſame Number, divide both by that Number, and work with the Quotes in their ſtead. By this means the Diviſor and that other Term will be reduced lower, and conſequently the Work eaſier; and ſometimes one of them will be re- duced to 1, ſo that the Operation will be performed by a ſimple Multiplication or Diviſion. This Rule holds good whether the Proportion be direct or inverſe. Exa. 1. What is the Value of 20 Yards of Cloth, wben 8 Yards coft L. 6-12-8? State 4)8:6--12--8:: 4)20 Here I divide Quote 2: 5 5 Quote the Diviſor 8, and che other 2133-03-4 Extreme 20 by 16-11-8 Anfr. 4; ſo that the ftating after this Reduction is the ſame as to ſay, If 2 Yards coft 1.6--12-8, what will s Yards coft ? Exa. 2. If 1-2 . buy 8 Yards of Ribbon, how ma. Yards may Ibave for L. 4-4 at the ſame Rate ? jb: yds. l. ll. State 4)12:+)8::4-+ Here, after reducing the 20 third Termn top. I di- vide the Diviſor 12 and 3: 2::84 the middle Number 8, each by 4, and ſo the Stating is, If 3 fb. buy 2 Yards, how many 56 Anfr. Yards will 848h. buy? ny 2 3)168 Or, Rule of Three Numbers. 183 Or, being it is the ſame, which of the other 2 Terms I divide by that Number which meaſures the Diviſor, I divide the Diviſor 12 and the other Extremne 842 each by 12, and the Operation is ſhorter yet. Thus : 12) 12:8::12) 84 1:8:: 7 7 M. I 56 Anfr. as before. Exa. 3. How long will 45 Men take to do a Piece of Work, when 9 other ſuch could do it in 18 Hours? M. Ho. Here I divide State 99:18::945 the Diviſor 45 1:18:: 5 and the other Extreme, each by 9, the Quotes 5)18 are 5 and 1 ; ſo 69. 3--36 Anfr. that the Stating is reduced to this Form, If i Man take 18 Days, how long will 5 Men take? Or I might have divided 45 and 18 by 9, and the re- duced Stating would have been M. H. M. 9 23:5 9 A 5) 18 3-36 Anfr. as before. Exa. 4. If I buy 400 Yards for 120 L. how much Will 1200 Yards coft at the ſame Rate? K Ids 184 Contrations in the I Ids. L Ids. State 4130:120:: 12700 Here I divide the Divi- 4)4 : 120::4)12 for and the cther Ex- :120:: 3 treme 1200, each by 3 100, (or which is the fame Thing I cut off 360 two o's from each, and they are reduced 0 4 and 12, then I divide each of theſe by 4; ſo that the Queſtion becomes the ſame as if I should ſay, If i Yard coft 120 L. what will 3 Yards colt? The ſame Rc- ſult would have been, it the Diviſor 4 and the middle Term had been abbreviated, by dividing boi h by 40. Thus: 40)400:40)120 :: 1200 Second State 3 Then by dividing the Divifor 10 and the other Ex- treme both by 10, the State would be 1:3:: 120, the Reſult of which is a ſimple Multiplication, as before. IO :: 1200 CAS E VI. When a Queſtion is to be ſolved by ſeveral Opera- tions of the Rule of Three Numbers, and the two firſt Terms in each Operation are the fame, divide the fecond Number by the firſt, and the Quote will be a common Multiplier, by which you muſt multiply all your third Numbers, and theſe Products are the Anſwer Exa. Let it be propoſed to divide 500 L. amongſt Men, A, B, C and D, ſo that as oft as A has L B may have 3; and as oft as B has 3 L. C may have 5 I. and as oft as C has 5 L. D may have 6 L. how much muſt each receive ? Ву Rule of Three Numbers. 18:5 By the coromon Method, the Proportions are, 16 : 500 :: 1: 31-57 3 16 : 500 : :3 93--15 5. 5 1565 7 16: 500 :: 7 218--15 I 16 : 500: -500 Proof. 16 But by the contracted Method I work thus : 16)500(31.25 Then 31.25*I=31.25 Alfo 31.25x5=156.25 And 3.1.25*3=93.75 Laſtly 31.25x7=218.75 I ſhall not further inſiſt on theſe Contractions, leſt I ſhould ra:her perplex than inſtruct the Learner, and in- deed I'm of Opinion that thoſe lix Caſes already men- tioned, comprehend the moſt, if not all that can be pertinently ſaid on the Subject. I own, that if I ſhould follow the Method of ſome Authors, by beginning with the Price of an Unit at i far, and thus aſcending till I came to L. 1, I might make their Number much greater. Beſides, many of the Examples I have addu- ced and innumerable others of the fame Nature) can be ſooner wrought by the common Method of Re- duction, and as there may be ſeveral Ways of work- ing one and the ſame Queſtion, the chuſing the short- eſt and ealieſt depends entirely on Practice and Expe- rience. 'Tis true, when the Price of an Unit is an Aliquot Part of the next ſuperior Species, (Cafe I.) there can be no ſhorter nor eaſier Method than what I have propoſed; but when it is an Aliquant, viz. a Compound Part, or Paits of Parts, the Trouble, by this Method, is conſiderably greater, and that by Re- duction is preferable. So that when the Price is an Aliquant Part of L. 1, ſuch as 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, &c.J!. or of 1. ſuch as 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 d. I would in moſt Examples find the Anſwer by multiplying, and then reducing it to L. I now proceed to R3 СНАР. 186 Rule of Three CHAP. XXI. Rule of Three in common Fractions. 1.STATE the three Terms as in Integral A. rithmetick; and perform the Work by multiply- ing and dividing, according to the Nature and Senſe of the Queſtion, obſerving in the Operation the Rules of Fractions already delivered. 2. After you have ſtated the three Terms as they are given in the Queſtion; if any of them is a whole or mix'd Number, or a compound Fraction, let it be reduced to a ſimple one. 3. If the Terms can be reduced lower, let that be done before you muliiply, and ſo the Operation will be much facilitated by having them in lower Expreſſions. 4. If the Extremes are not Fracions of the ſame Integer, reduce the one of them to the Denomination of the other, (and it ſeems moſt convenient that the Fraction of the lower Unit be reduced to an Equivalent Fraction of the higher.) 5. If you cannot readily know which of the Extremes is greateſt (and conſequently at a Loſs how to mulri- ply and divide) reduce them to one Denominator, and take the Numerators inſtead of the given Fractions, and work with them as with Integers. 6. If the Anſwer comes out in high Terms, or if it is an improper Fraction, let it be reduced; alſo, if you want the Value of it in known Species, find it by The laſt Caſe of Reduction of common Fractions. Exa. I. If of a Yard coſt L. what is the Price of of a Yard at the faine Rate? Id. L. Id. 4 Here Yard coſts leſs than x = 1, then fai(ii L. , therefore I multiply the 4. Jib. 9 d. Anfr. middle Number by the Jeffer Extreme, and divide the 1 in common Fractions. 187 the Product by 4, and the Quote (in its loweſt Terms found by 5th Note of Cafe V. Divif.Common Fra&tions) is ali L. whoſe Value is found by Caſe Xl. of Reduction. Exa. 2. If z d. buy 2 0%. How much will 4 L. buy ? d. oz. L. State:23:4 Here I reduce the L. Oz. L. d. to the Fraction When reduced 716::: 4 of i L. the mixt X=? then zio)? (6840 Oż. Number 2 to a 4273 lib, Anfr. ſimple Fraction and the 4 L. to a Frac- tion; and after multiplying, I divide the ſhorteſt Way by 7th Note, Cafe V. of Diviſion, and the anſwer is oz. which I reduce to lib. by 16. Exa. 3. If of Cloth that is 1 Yard broad, 2 Yards will make a Coat, how much in length of another Cloth which is Yards in Breadth will make another Coat of the ſame Dimenſions? Or rather thus, How much of Yard broad Cloth is equal to 2 Yards of broad : Here becauſe the Extremes 5x435 then 3)54(have the fame Denominator, -4-2 Yd. 07 4 Yds. 2 Ors. I neglect it, and work with I the Numerators. Exa. 4. If 4 }.coft 9 d. how much may be bought for b. at the ſame Rate ? å State 1:14 • 3 4 Nail. d. lib. fo. 28 2 3 State 93:45 By reducing the 2 firſt to Fractions, Jo. By reducing the firſt to the Fract. of 1/b. 38:25 Then by contracting the firſt Term, 1: And by neglecting the Denominators 9, 7: Therefore 21x2=4 and 43 == finfr.(by 4th Note Caſe V. of Diviſion) =ij lib. IAM Searlo 2 21. 5 2 Exa. 188 Rule of Three Ex4.5. What is the Value of Yard at 17 Mh. 9 d.. per Yard? 8 : Yd. b. d. rd. State 1 : 17-9 :: Here I reduce the firſt :19 Term to the Denomi- 8:17--9 nator of the third, and 5 neglect the Denomina- tors becauſe they are the 8)88-9 fame in both Extremes. 11-ij Anfr. But in all Queſtions of this Nature, the Anſiver is ſooner found by multiplying the middle Number by the Number of the third Term, and dividing the Pro- duct by its Denominator, as you ſee it happens to be here, by means of the Method I have uſed in redu- cing. Exa. 6. If lib. be worth 12 5. 7 d. what is the Price of I lib. at the ſame Rate ? State 12--7::1 By reducing the 3d Term to a Fract. having the ſame Denominator :: 12—7:: with the firſt Term, By neglecting the Denominators; 3:127::4 3)50-4 1649 Ž. Anfr. But in all Queſtions of this Nature, where the first Term is a Fraction and the laſt an Integer both of the fame Name, the Anſwer is ſooner found by multiply. ing the middle Number by the Denominator of the Fraction, and dividing the Product by its Numerator. Here follow fome more Queſtions with their Anſwers, for the Learner's further Exerciſe in this Rule: Qu. 1. In what Time will B perform a Piece of Work, when A alone can do it in 17 Days, and A and B together in 15 Days? Anfr. 123 Days. பெ. in common Fractions. 189 Qu. 2. Suppoſing 3 to be of 12, what would be of 20 Anfi.34. Qu. 3. What is the Value of 50%. at 34 d. per lib. Anfr. 3 far. Qu. 4. I bought at one time 194 lib. of a certain Commodity at 18š d. per lib. at another time I bought of the ſame Commodity 58. lib. at the Rate of i į d. per oz. what came each to at their reſpective Prices ; and which of them was the betier Bargain, and by how much per lib? Anfr. The Value of 19 } lib. at 18 } d. per lib. is L. IM9-4-0}}; the Value of 58 lib. at id. per oz. is L. 4-2-0--285, and the laſt is the cheapeſt Birgain by is d per lib. To extract the Roots of common Fractions, RULE. Reduce them to their loweſt Expreſlions, and extract the Rout of Numerator and Denominator ſeverally. Exa. 1. What is the Square Root of ? This Fraction reduced to its loweſt Terms is m, the Root of which is . Exa. 2. What is the Cube Root of ? The Cube Root of 64-is 4, and that of 343 is 7; ſo the Anſwer is 2. తడితడి అంతలు తంతు తడి తడి తడి తడి తడికి CHAP. XXII. Rule of Three in Decimal Fractions. STATE the Queſtion in the ſame Terms where- in it is propoſed. 2. Reduce the common Fractions to Decimals; and if any of the Terms are mix'd, reduce the inferior Spe- cies to Decimals of the higheſt, annexing theſe Deci- mals, inſtead of the common Fractions or inferior Species 190 Rule of Three Species to their reſpective Integers (if there are any) with the Decimal Point betwixt them. 3. If the Extremes are not Fractions of the ſame U- nit, ler the one of them be reduced to the Denomina- tion of the other. 4. The Preparatory Work being made, multiply and divide according to the Rules already delivered. 5: When the Quote is found, qualify it, that ſo you may know how much of it is Integral, and how much Fractional, and then you may reduce the Fractional Part to inferior Species of the Integer, and thus you will have the Anſwer complete, or nearly ſo, in a whole, mix'd, or fractional Number, according to the Na- ture of the Queſtion. Exa. I. If d. buy oz. what will buy at the ſame Rate? State 1:1:: Reduced to Dec..75:.125::.8 123 ? :75)1.000(.1333&c. 0%. Anfr. 75 By Com. Fract. fb, then 250 102. 1's Anfr. 225 250 225 250 225 25 The Anſwer to this Queſtion wrought Decimally is .1333 (the 3 ſtill repeating) which wants of the com- plete Value found by the Rule for valuing the Remain- der, 7 godz. oz. or 10000 Ex4. in Decimal Fractions. 191 Exa. 2. If 24 lib. coft 3& L. what will 40 & lib. coſt at the ſame Rate? State 24:33:: 40% By reducing the 2.571428 : 3.55555::40.83333 Fract. co Decimals. 40.83333 1066665 1066665 1066665 1066665 2844440 1422220 L. 2.571428)145.1849464815(56.460825 12857140 20 16613546 15428568 9.216500 12 11849784 10285712 2.598000 4 15670728 15428568 2.392000 21216015 20571424 6445910 5142856 13030540 12857140 173400 After reducing the common Fractions to Decimals, and multiplying and dividing according to the Rules, i continue the Quote to 2 Places further, by adding two o's to the Remainders, and after the Quote is quali- fied, 192 Rule of Three fied, I find the Value of the Fractional Part: And here you are to obſerve, that all the Decimals being Circu- lates or incomplete ; the Anſwer is not allogether ex- act, becauſe I have made no Allowance for the Increaſe that would have come out in the Product, if I had car- ried the Decimals of the laſt Terms to further Places before multiplying: However, the Defect is very in- conſiderable, which will be manifeſt by comparing the Decimal with the common Way. Exa. 3. If 2. fo. buy 4 oz. of any thing, how much will 5 L. buy? Jb. oz. l. State 22:4:5 When reduced to 2.75:4 5 the Fract. of 1 L. 1375 : 4:15 5 OZ. .1375)20.000(145.4545 1375 16 6250 5500 7.2720 oz. dr. Anſi. 145-, and ſomewhat more, 7500 6875 6250 5500 7500 6875 6250 5500 7500 6875 625 Here in Decimal Fractions. 193 Here I reduce 2. to the Decimal of a L. (be- Cauſe the third Term is L) and after multiplying and dividing, I qualify the Quote, and it makes 145.45452 and there is till a Remainder of 45, which would hap- pen though I ſhould have continued the Diviſion in infinitum : However the Defect is ſo very inconſider- able, that the Quote wants only 1375 of a Quarter of 2 Dram, as you may prove by common Fractions. Exa. 4. A, B, C and D enter into Company: A put in 1375 L. B 180 L. C 975 L. and D 547 L. By trading they gain 463 L. How much of the ſame ought each Partner to receive in Proportion to his Stock ? A 1375 B 180 C.975 D 5+7 3077 Sum of the Stocks. Then 1375X. 15047123=206.89794125 IL. 2006-17-II2 for A's Sharc. And 180X. 15047123==27.0848214 L. 27-1-8-I for B’s Share. Allo 975X.15047123=146.70944925 = L. 146mm 14--2-1 for C's Share. Laſtly, 5477.15047123=82.30776281 SL. 82-6-1-3 for D's Share. L. L. L. 3077:463 :: 1 I 3077) 463.001.15047123, &c. Proportional 3977 Share of I Los 15530 15385 14500 S 14500 194 Rule of Three Brought over 14500 12308 21920 21539 3810 3077 7339 6154 11760 9231 2529 A 206–17-II-2 B 27.-i-8 Add Ç 146-14- 2-I 82-6-I I-3 Ladd Share of LD 82 Here the Loſs is 1 far. 462-19-11-3 Proof. Here I take the Sum of the Stocks, and with it and the Gain I find the Proportion Gain of 1 L. lo be .15047123, etc. which multiplied by each's Stock gives their ſeveral Gains. The Reaſon why the Proof wants of the toral Gain is, becauſe the Gain of 1 L. was ini- complete. And ſo of others. Exa. 5. What is the Value of 17. C. 3 qrs. 16 lib. of any Commodity, when 2 C. I gr. 17 lib. of the ſame coſt L. 6-19-6? 74 17.000000 2. 7 4.250000 4 *1.607143 ferè .4017857 Decimal of 1 gr. 17 lib. 28 in Decimal Fractions. 195 28 7 4 16.00000 4 00000 4 3-57143 ferè .892857 Decimal of 3 qrs. r6. lib. 6.000 19.500 .975 Decimal of 19.1. 6 d. C. L. C. Siate 2.4017:6.975 :: 17.892 I2 e 1 20 6.975 89400 125244 161028 107352 In 2.4017).124796700(51.961821.51-10-2-3 Here I reduce the mix'd Numbers of cach Term) to Decimals of the higheſt, by the expeditious ive- thod mentioned before. L. 100 . Exa. 6. If 6 do gain 1 far. how much per cent. is gained at the fame Rate? 1b. B. State.5 :.025 :: 100 Here I reduce the 2 firſt Terms, each to the Decimal of im. :5)2.500 (5 h Anfr. and the Anſwer comes 25 our in L. becauſe the Proportion is, as ſb.are to M. ſo are L. 10.L. This laſt Queſtion wrought by Reduction the com- mon Way, will ſtand as below. - S. 2 196 Rule of Three d. f. L, 6:14: : 100 5 6 2000 12 24000 6 the middle Number. Firſt Term 6)144000 5)24000 4)4900 far, 12)1200 d. 213) 1015 m. 5 L. Anfi. Or thus : Or thus: d. f. L. d. f. L. 6:1}:: 100 6:1}:: 100 20 20 2000 12 2000 12 24000 i 13 / 24000 When reduced, d. f. 24000 4800 6:11: : 24000 1:15:: 4000 by dividing by 6. It 6) 28800 4)4800 12)1200 2p) 1012 4000 800 5 L. 4)4800 12) 1200 2lb)rols SL. Rule of Five Numbers. 197 Or thus: L. L. f. L. 2015: :: 199 @x 102=60=120 Then I'm)"29(4800 far.= L. 5, as by the other four Methods There are yet ſeveral other ways of working this ſame Question; but I ſhall forbear inſerting them, ha- ving dwelt too long upon this Rule already. Take only one Queſtion more with the Anſwer, the Opera- tion being left for your Exerciſe. Exa. 7. A Gentleman has L. 100 Sterling, which with the Intereſt thereof (ſuppoſe at 5 per cent.) he is to ſpend in 20 Years, ſo as to ſpend equally each Year, and lo exhauſt the whole Sum and Intereſt at the End of 20 Years: Quær. How much he muſt ſpend yearly? Anfr. L. 80--4-10-I ferè per annum. CHAP. XXIII. Rule of Five Numbers. INI N this Rule are given five Numbers to find a fixth, of which three contain a Suppofition, and the other two a Demand. All Queſtions in this Rule may be ſolved, either by two Operations of the Rule of Three Numbers; or, by one Diviſion. I ſhall begin with the firſt Method; for which take the following Directions. 1. Of the three Terms of the Suppoſition, for firſt down that one which is like the Thing fought, the o- ther two place on the left, (ic matters not in what Or- der) and thoſe that belong to the Demand, ſet on the right. ſo as the fourch may be of the ſame Name with the firſt, and the fifth of the fame Name with the fe- cond. 2. Take the firſt, third and fourth Terms, and irih S. chele 1 198 Rule of Three, &c. theſe make a Queſtion in the Rule of Three, and find an Anſwer. 3. Take the ſecond Term, the Anſwer to this firſt Queſtion, and the fifth Term, and make another Que- ſtion of the Rule of Three, the Anſwer to this laſt is the Anſwer to the general Queſtion, or the Thing re- quired. Exa. 1. If 8 Men are boarded 6 Months for L. 202 how much will ſerve 32 Men for 4 Months? Men Mon. L. Men Mon. By the firſt Opera- State 8 : 6:20.:: 32 : 4 tion I find, that if 8 Men L. Men. Men ſpend L. 20 iſt, 8-: 20:: 32 (in any Time) 32 20 Men (in the ſame Time) will ſpend 8)640 L. 80. 80 ) 2dly, Mon. L. Mon. 6: 80:: :4 4 By the ſecond Operation, I find that if 8 Men (or any Number of Men) be inain- tained 6 Months for L. 80 the ſame Number will be maintained 4 Months for L. 53-6-8. Both theſe Proportions are direct. 6),320 L.53-6-8 Exa. 2. If 12 C. of any thing carried 100 Miles coft L. 5--12, how many Ć. may be carried 150 Miles for L. 12-12? L Rule of Five Numbers. 199 20 20 L. fb. M. C. L. fhM. State 5--12:100: 12:: 1: 2-12 : 150 Iſt, 5--12:12::12--12 In the ſecond Opera- tion I conſider, that if 27 C. be carried 100 252 Miles (for any Sum) leſs Weight muſt be carried 1-50 Miles for 112)3024(27 the ſame Sum :. So that 224 the firſt Proportion is direct and the other 784 inverſe. 784 LI I2 M. C. M. 2dly, 100:27: : 150 1:00 1510)27010 18 c. Anfr. Exa. 3. What Principal Sum will gain L. 3-7–6 in 9 Months, when L. 100 gains L. 6 in 12 Months ? L. M. L. L. b. 4. M. State 6: 12: 100 :: 3-7--06:9 Iff, 6:100::3-7-6 Firſt, I find that if L. 6 is gained by L. 100 (in any time) L. 3-7--6 67 will be gained by L. 56ms in the ſame time, 20 I 2 810 Io0 6)31000 12) 13500 21011215 56-5 2dly, 200 Rule of Three Numbers, 12 2dly, M. L. M. M. In the ſecond Operation 12 : 56-5::9 I conſider, that if 12 Months require L. 56-5 for any other Principal) 9) 675-00 to gain any Sum, 9 L. 75-00 Anfr. Months will require a greater Principal to gain the fame Sum, becauſe the time is ſhorter, therefore the Proportion is inverſe. Exa. 4. If the Produce of 6 Pecks of Corn be 4 Bolls 14 Pecks, i Lippy in a Year, what would 19 Bolls 8 Pecks yield in 7 Years at the ſame Race (ſup. poling that 19 Bolls 8 Pecks be ſown each of theſe 7 Years?) P. Y. B. P. lip. B. P. F. State 6:1:4-14-1::19-8:7 r. lip r. ift, 6:4-14-1::19-8 2dly,, 1: 16276::7 16 16 7 122 78 4 19 16 4)113932 4128483 Pecks. 241 7123 3: 1780-3 312 313 312 626 313 939 . 6)97656 B. Pecks. 16276 lip. Anfr. 1780--3 Exa. 5. If 6 L. is the Intereſt of 100 L. for 12 Months, what is the Intereſt of 75. L. for 9 Monibs ? L. M. L. L. 11. State 100 : 12:6 :: 75: 9 11. Rule of Five Numbers. 201 M. L. 1. M. iſt, 100:6::75 2dly, 12:410 :: 9 6 9 , 4150 12) 40--10 20 Iolo L. 3-7--6 Anfr. Exa. 6. If 75 L in 9 Months gain L. 3--7--6, what is the Intereſt of L. 100 for 12 Months ? State 75:9:3-7er 6::100: 12 L. d. L. M. d. Mon. 117, 75:810::100 2dly, 9: 1080:: 12 IOO 12 75)81000(1080 d. 9) 12960 12)1440 210) 1210 6 L. Anfi. Exa. . What Principal Sum will raiſe L. 6 in 12 Months, when 75 L. raiſes L. 3amla in 9 Months ? L. b. d. M. L. L. M. State 3--7-6:9: 75 : 75 :: 6 : 12 M. L. M. iſt, 3--6: 75 :: 6 2dly, 9:1331:12 20 20 9 67 120 12)1200 100 L. Anff. 12 12 810 1440 75 7200 10080 8.1103/1080ch L. 133 ExA. 3 202 Rule of Five Numbers. Exa. 8. What Time will L. 75 take to gain L. 3-7--6, when L. 100 gains L. 6 in 12 Months ? State 100: 6.:: 12:: 75 : 37-6 Ift, 100: 125 : 75 . 2dly, 6:.16:: 376 100 20 20 15)1200016 75 67. 120 67 I 2 12 1440 450 450 810 16 4.860 810 1441231211788 ୨ Mon. Anfi. Exa. 9. If 75 2. in 9 Months gain l. 3--7-6, what Time will l. 100 take to gain 1.6? State 75: 3----7~6:9:: 100:6 L. p. d. M. L: ift, 75:9::100 2dly, 3---7-6:63:: 6 9 20 20 Iloo)6175(62 67 I20 12 12 8:10 1440 6314 8640 360 720 83109197219 1108 12 Mon. Anfr. Anda Rule of Five Numbers. 203 And thus I bave varied the chird Example, and turn'd it into all its Shapes, by continually altering the De- mand. Exa. 10. How many Buſhels of Corn will 150 Horſes eat up in 40 Days at the Rate of 14. Buthels for three Horſes in 5 Days ? H. D. B. H. D. By the firſt Operation State 3:5:14:: 150:40 I find, that if Horſes H. B. H. up 14 Buthels 1.ft, 3:1f::150 in any Times. 150 14 Horſes in the ſame Time will eat up 700 3)2100, Buthels. 700 D. B. D. Then, if 5 Days ſpend 700 2dly, 5 : 700:: 40 Buſhels, 40 Days will ſpend 40 5600 Busheis. eat 5)28030 5600 In the Operations of theſe 10 Queſtions, I have uſed none of the contracted Methods mentioned in. Con- tractions in the Rule of Thrée, particularly in Cafe V. that the Learner may the better underſtand the Rule; though I might have conſiderably abbreviated the most of them. When there is any Remainder in the firſt Operation, let it be reduced to the loweit Denomination, and if any Thing yet remains, annex it fractionwiſe to the Number of the loweſt Species, and make it a part of the middle Number in the ſecond Operation: For if you ſhould neglect the firſt Remainder, or even the laſt, the fival Anſwer would be incomplete, and in ma-. ny Caſes the Defect very conſiderable. Now I proceed to thew how all Queſtions in this Rule may be ſolved by one Operation, which Method is much eaſier, more exact, and more compendious than the preceding. RULE. 204 Rule of Five Numbers, RULE. State the five Numbers as before, and reduce the correſponding Terms, viz. Iſt and 4th, alſo ad and 5th to the ſame Denomination ſeverally (if neceſſary) and the middle Number (if mix'd) to a ſimple one. 2. Compare the firſt, third and fourth Terms, and find what Extreme would be Diviſor, if working by two Operations, which mark : Then compare the ſecond, third and fifth, marking the Extreme that would be Diviſor there. 3. Which two Terms thus marked, multiply toge- ther for a Diviſor, and the other three for a Dividend, the Quote reſulting from this Diviſion is the Anſwer to the Queſtion, in the ſame Name with the middle Number. For Examples, we ſhall repeat thoſe adduced for exemplifying the Rule of Five Numbers by two Oce- rations, to let you fee the Conſonancy of boch Me thods: But be ſure to have a clear Underſtanding of the firſt Method before you commence this. Exa. I. repeated. Men Mon. L. Men Mon. X8: X6 : 20 :: 32 : 4 6 20 48 640 4 1 48 6)2560 : 28) 426-13- L. 53- Omad Here I ſay, If 8 Men ſpend L. 20 (im any Time) 32 Men will ſpend more in the ſame Time; there- fore I divide by the lefler Extreme, viz. 8, which I mark thus X. Then I ſay, IF 6 Months ſpend If 20 l. (or by one Operation. 205 (or any Sum) 4 Months will ſpend leſs; therefore, I divide by the greater Extreme, viz. 6; which two ſo marked, I multiply together for a Diviſor, and the o- ther three for a Dividend, and the Anſwer is L.53-6-8, as before. Exa. 2. repeated. L. 1. M. C. L. Ñ. M. 5-12 : 100: 12:: 12-12:X 150 20 20 XII2 150 252 100 560 25200 12 II2 168120 )3024p0(18 C. 168 1344 1344 Here I reduce the firſt and fourth Terms to b. and finding that if 112 h. carry 12 C. (any length) 252 fb. will carry more weight the ſame length, mark the leíſer Extreme 112 for one of the Diviſors ; chen if 12 C. be carried 100 Miles for any Sum of Money, I conſider that leſs Weight will be carried 150 Miles for the fame Sum; therefore I mark the greater Ex- treme, viz. 150 for the other Diviſor, and after mul- tiplying and dividing according to the Rule, the Quote is 18 C. for the Anſwer. T 206 Rule of Five Numbers Exa. 3. repeated 6:12 : 100:: 3—7-6:X9 20 120 120 67 12 12 810 X 1440 9 100 12960 81000 12 1296ł0)9720010(75 L. Anfr. as before. 9072 6480 6480 Exa. 4 repeated. P. r. B. p. lip. B. p. 7. x6:X1 : 4-14-1:: 19-8: 7. 16 16 78 4 122 19 * 313 312 313 936 312 936 97050 7 61683592 Brought by.one Operation. 207 Brought over 61683592 41113932 28483 16 71203 1780mm3 Anfr. as before. Exa. 5. repeated. M. L. L. M. X 100: X12:6: : 75: 9 9 L. 573 In I 200 6756 10 4051 12 40-IO L. 3—7~6 Anfo. as before. Exa. 6. repeated. L. M. L. h. d. L. M. X 75 : X9 : 37mob:: 100:-1.2 9 20 675 67 I 2 810 IOO 81000 I2 Ile 675)972000 (1410 d. 675...210)12121. 6 L. Anfr.as before. 2970 2700 2700 T 2 Exo. 2700 208 Rule of Five Numbers Exa. 7. repeated: 3-7-6:9:75 :: 6:12 X 20 20 67 120 12 12 x 810 1440 75 12 9720 7200 1008 108000 9 1 9720)972000(100 l. Anfr. as before. Exa. 8. repeated. I. L. M. L. L. M. d. 100: 6:12:: X 75: 3-7-6 20 20 120 67 12 12 X 1440 810 75 12 7200 10080 9720 Ιοο 1081000 9721300(9 M. Anfr. as before. 972 Exa. by one Operation. 209 Exa. 9. repeated. 75 : 3-7-6:9:: X 100:6 20 20 67 120 12 12 X 810 100 1440 9 81lood 12960 75 64800 90720 }/ 81 9721000 108 12 Mon. Anfr. as before. Exa. 10. repeated. H. D. B. H. D. X 3:X5 : 14 ::150:40 5 40 * 15 6000 14 15} }}| 31 84000 28000 5600 Buſh. Anfr. as before. T 3 Exs. 210 Rule of Five Numbers. Exa. 11. If 12 Men build a Wall 30 Foot long; 6 Foot high, and 3 Foot thick, in 15 Days, in how ma- ny Days will 60 Men, build 300 Foot long, 8 Foot high and 6 Foot thick (according to the fame Rate ?) 30x6x3=540 folid Feet, and 300x8x614400 ſolid Feet. M. Feet D. · M. Feet. 12:X 540 : 15:: X 60: 14400 60 15 Diviſor 324100 216000 I 2 324)25920700(80 Days, Ans. 2592 0 APPENDIX. 2II APPEN D I X. CH A P I. 1. Of Simple Intereſt. ALL Queſtions relating to limple Intereſt may be folved by the Rule of Three Numbers, or that of Five Numbers, after the Method of Exa. II, 16, 22, 25, 31, Pages, 147, 148, 152, 155, and 160; or of Exa. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Pages, 199, 200, 201 and 202. 5 per cent. is Or, by finding the Intereſt of 1 L. for 1 Day, at the Rate per cent. propoſed, and thereby multiplying the Sum whoſe Intereſt is required, and the Product by the Number of Days for the Anſwer. Now, the Int. of 1 L. for 1 Day at .00013698, &c. Alſo, the Int. of 1 L. for 1 Day at 6 per cent. is .00016438,&c. Found thus: L. L. L. D. L. D. 100:5:: 1:.05. Then, 365:05::1:.00013698, do. Alſo, L. L. L. D. L. D. 100:6:: 1:.06. Then, 365:.06::1:.00016438, 8, And ſo for any other Rate per cent: Exa 212 APPEN D I X. Exa. 25, Page 175. repeated and wrought this Way. .00016438 546 L. P. d. 00098628 Anfr. 76-0-41 00065752 00082190 00.08975148 847 62826036 35900592 71801184 76.01950356 Intereft. Another Exainple. What is the Intereſt of L. 4.20 for 160 Days at L. 5 per cent. per annum ? .00013698 420 27396 54792 .05753160 160 L. 9.205056 Anfr. or L. 9-4-14 ferè by this Method. The ſame Example wrought by the Rule of Five. 100: 365:5:: 420 : 160 160 67200 5 365100)336oloo(9 L. 3285 Brought Of Simple Intereſt. 213 Brought over 3285 75 20 )1500(4 1. By this Method the An- 1460 ſwer is more complete. 40 I 2 )480(1 d. 365 115 4 46011 f. 365 95 II. Of Rebate or Diſcount at Simple Intereſt. This you have in Exa. 35. Page 162, which it is unneceſſary to repeat. I ſhall therefore propoſe an- other Method; namely, Find the preſent Worth of I L. due at the end of any Number of Years to come, diſcounting at a propoſed Rate per cent, by which mul tiplying the Sun propoſed, the Product is the preſent Worth required. Now, to find the preſent Worth of 1 L. due at the end of any Number of Years to come, diſcounting ſimple Intereſt at any Rate per cent. uſe the following Method. If 214 A P P E N D I X. 1 2 IIO : 100 If the Intereſt is at 5 per cent. ſay, Years. L. L. L. L. 105 : 100 :: 1 :.9523817 :I:.9090917 3 115 : 100 :: 1 : I:.869565- 4 120 : 100 :: 1 :.833333- And ſo on to as many Years as you pleaſe. But if the Diſcount be computed at L. 6 per cent. per annum, the Proportions will be, Years. L. L. L. L. 106 : 100 :: 1.943396 : 1 .892857 3 118 : 100 : ; 1.847457 4 124 : 100 : : 1.806451 And ſo for any other Rate per cent. Thus are cal- culated the Numbers in the following Table I. ex- tending to 30 Years, which may be continued to any Number of Years you pleaſe. And tho' I have only made one ar 5 per cent. you may by the fame Me. thod (mutatis mutandis) compoſe other Tables at other Rates, 1 2 I I2 : 100 TABLE Of Simple Intereſt. 215 T A BL E I. Shewing in Decimal Parts of i L. the preſent worth of 1 L. due at the End of any Number of Years to come under 31, diſcounting at the Rate of 5 per cent. per annum, Simple Intereſt. rears, Years. 11-952381-41167-555555 2.9090914 17.540540- 3.869565+ 181.526;16-7- 4 .833333— 191:512820– 51.8 2015 0.7692317 21.487804- - 740 740—22 +761917 81.714286+ 23 -465114 9.639655= 24.454545 10666666-251.4 11.645161-26 -134783 121.625 27-445532+ 13.606060–281.415666- 141.588235-29 -408163 151.571428-1301.4 Such as are marked with the Sign + are ſome- what more than the Truth, and thole marked with the Sign -- are ſomewhat leſs. Exa. What is the preſent Worth of L. 150 due at the end of 5 Years, Rebate being computed at 5 L. per cent. per annum, Simple Intereſt ? Tabular Number againit 5 Years is -.8 Which multiplied by 150 Gives L. 120 for the Apfwer 120.0 Operation 216 A P P E N D I X. Operation after the common Way. 125 : 100:: 150 150 125)15000(120 125. 250 250 o And fo of others. III. Of Annuities in Arrears at Simple Intereſt. When an Annuity is in Arrear for any Number of Years, and you want to know the Amount of it, Simple Intereſt being computed for each particular Payment from the time it became due to the End of the Number of Years propoſed, work as in the fol- lowing Example. There is an Annuity of L. 150 forborn to the End of 5 Years, what is then due, Simple Intereſt being computed at 5 per cent ? Here you muſt find the Intereſt of L. 150 for + Years, 3 Years, 2 Years and 1 Year: All which be- ing added to the Sum of the yearly Annuity, the Ag- gregate is the Anſwer or Amount of L. 150 Annuity foreborn for 5 Years at Simple Intereſt. 7:10 Now, the Intereſt of L. 150 at 5 per cent. for 3 4 30: 71 Years is 15: 22: 10 con Sum of the Intereſts, 75: 5 times 150, viz. the Sum of the Annuity, 750: Amount, L. 825: But Of Simple Intereſt, 217 But the Intereſt of any Sum for 4 Years + 3 Years + 2 Years + 1 Year, is equal to the Intereſt of that Sum for 10 Years; wherefore, to find the Sum of the Intereſt at once, take the natural Series of Numbers, 1, 2, 3, &c. to the Number of Years lefs 1, and find the Intereſt for the Sum hereof, which added to the Sum of the yearly Annuity gives the Amount as before. Thus in the laſt Exa. It2+3+4=10 Years. L. r. L. L. r. And 100: 1:5:: 150 : 10 IO 1500 5 Intereſt, L. 75 100 Sum of the Annuity, 750 L. 825 Anfr. Hereupon is grounded the Conſtruction of the fol- lowing T A B LE II. Shewing in L. and Decimal Parts of a L. 'the A- mount of i L. Annuity being forbore to the end of any Number of Years under 31, Sinple Intereſt being computed at 5 per cent. per annum. I. 2 2.0511. Il 13.75121 31.5 15.3 22 33.55 3 3.15 316.9 23 35.65 4 4.3 18 55/24 37.8 5 5.5 59120.25250. 6 6.75 16/22. 7 8.05 17123.8 2744.55 8 94 1825.651 28 +6.9 9 10.8 119127.5529149.3 101 12.25, 121 29.5 3. ir og 5 U 261 42.25 Eiga. 218 A P P E N D I X. Exa. There is an Annuity of L. 150 forborn to the End of 5 Years, what is then due, Simple Intereſt be- ing computed at 5 per cent. per annum? Tabular Number againſt 5 Years, 5.5 The Annuity, 150 Anfr. L. 825.0 IV. Of the preſent Worth of Annuities at Simple Intereſt. When an Annuity is to be ſold for ready Money at Simple Intereſt, its Value will be found by the Method of operating the following Queſtion. There is an Annuity of L. 150 to continue 5 Years to come, what is it worth in ready Money, Rebate be- ing allowed at 5 per cent. Simple Intereſt ? Here you muſt find the preſent Worth of L. 150 due at the End of 1 Year, the preſent Worth of L. 150 due at the End of 2 Years, its preſent Worth due at the End of the 3d Year, likewiſe its preſent Worth due at the End of the 4th and sch Years, the Sum of all which is the preſent Worth of the Annuity. There ſeveral Worths are thus found : Year. 105 : 150 : 142.85714285 150 : 136.36363636 3 100 :: 150 : 130.43478261 150 : 125 125 : IGO : 120. I IIO: II: I20 : 1 vt vu to L. 654.65556182 Anſa. or L. 654:13:1 and a Fraction more. Whence Of Simple Intereſt. 119 Whence is conſtrued the following TABLE III. Newing the preſent Worth of L, I Annuity to con- tinue any Number of Years under 31, Simple Intereſt being computed at 5 per cent. Thus: Preſ. Worth of I l. due 105 : 100 : : : Preſ. Worth of il. due at 2 years end. 1.861471 { Pre W, of 1 2. Ann Pref. W. of Il. Ann. due at 2 years end. Preſ. Worth of 1 l. due 115 : 100 :: 1 : .869565 869565 { at 3 years end. Pref. W. of 1. I. Ann. 2.731036 due at 3 years end . Pref. Worth of il. due 120 : 100 :: 1 : :I: .833333 at 4 years end. 3.564369 Pref. W.of il. Ann. due at 4 years end. U2 TABLE 220 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DIX. TABLE III. I 2 Shewing the preſent worth of 1 L. Annuity to con- tinue any Number of Years under 31, Simple late- reſt being computed at 5 per cent. Tears. Years. 952381|16|11.536386 1.861471 17 12.076926 3 2.731036 18 12.603242 4 3.56+36919 13.116062 54.364369 20 13.616062 6 5.133600 21 14.103866 7 5.874340 22 14.580057 8 6.588626 23 15.045171 ୨ 7.278281 24 15.499716 IO 7.944947 25 15.944160 8.590108 26 16.378943 9.215108/27 16.804475 139.821168 28 17.221 141 14 10.40940329 17.629304 15 / 10.980831/30/18.029304 Exa. What preſent Money will ſatisfy for an An- nuity of L. 150 to continue 5 Years, Rebate being made at 5 per cent. per annun, Simple Intereſt? Tabular Number for 5 Years, 4:364369 150 II 12 21821845 4364369 Anfr. L. 654.65535 And now, for the Solution of all Queſtions con- cerning Annuities in Arrears at Simple Intereſt, take the following Caſes. CASE Of Simple Intereſt. 12I CASE I. Having the Annuity, Time and Rate (viz. the Inte. reſt of i L. for a Year) to find the Amount. RULE. "Take the natural Series of Numbers, 1, 2, 3, es to the Number of Years leſs 1, the Sum of this Series multiçly by one Year's Intereſt of the An- nuity, and the Product is the whole Intereſt due upon the è unuity, vi, which adding the Total of the An- nuities, the Sun is the Amount required. Ex41. What is the Amount of L. 150 Annuity for 5 Years, allowing Simple Intereſt for each Year after it falls due at 5 per cent? 1+2+3+4=10. Then .05X150=37.5 and 7.5X10 75 and 150x5=750. Laſtly, 750+75=825the Amount iequired. CASE II. Having the Amount, Rate and Time, to find the Annuity. RUL E. Take the Sum of the natural Series of Numbers, Y, 2, 32 &c. as before, to the Number of Years leſs 1, which multiply by the Rate, and to the Product adding the Years by this Sum; divide the A- mount, and the Quote is the Annuity. Exa. What Annuity will in 5 Years amount to L. 825 at 5 per cent. Simple Intereſt? Thus it2+3+4=10. Then 1oX.053.5 and.5.45 55.5. Laſtly, 5.5)825(150 Anfr. CASE. III. Having the Annuity, Amount and Time, to find the Rate. RUL E. Take the Difference betwixt the Amount and the Produ£t of the Annuity and Time, which di- vide U 3 722 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X. vide by the Product of the Annuity, multiplied into the Sum of this Series, 1, 2, 3, Qur. to the Number of Years leſs 1, and the Quote is the Rate. Exa. At what Rate of Intereſt will an Annuity of L. 150 amount to L. 825 in 5 Years, Simple Inte- reſt? 150X55750; then 825_-750575 for a Dividend, and 150x10=1500 for a Diviſor. 1500)75.000.05 Anfr. CASE IV. Having the Annuity, Amount and Rate, to find the Time. RULE. Divide twice the Amount by the Pro- duct of the Rate into the Annuity, then ſubtracting the Product of the Rate into ihe Annuity, from double the Annuity, divide the Difference by the Product of the Rate into the Annuity, and ſquare the Quote, di- viding che Product by 4; which laſt Quote add to the firſt, and from the Square Root of the Sum fubtract I of the Number you ſquared, and the Remainder is the Anſwer or Time ſought. Exa. What time will L. 150 Annuity take to a- mount to L. 825 at 5 per cent. per annüm, Simple Intereſt? 825 150 .05 2 1650 twice the Amount. 7.50 Product of the Rate into the Annuity. 7.5)1650(220 150 Of Simple Intereſt. 123 Then 39x3951521 and 4)1521 150 2 300 7.5 Subtr. 380,25 } Add 7-5)292.5(32 600.25(245 4 44)200 176 485)2425 2425 Laſtly, = 195 and 24.5–19.5=5 Anfr. Of the Purchaſe of Annuities at Simple Intereſt, CASE V. Having the Annuity, Rate and Time, to find the preſent Worth. For the Solution of this caſe, work as in Article 4th, Page 217; CAS E VI. Having the preſent Worth, Rate and Time, to find the Annuity. RUL E. Take any Annuity at Pleaſure, and find its preſent Worth as before, then fay, As that preſent Worth is to its Annuity, ſo is the given preſent Worth to its Annuity. Exa. Whiat Annuity to continue 5 Years is worth 654.65535 preſent Money, allowing Simple Intereſt ac 5 per cent? The I 24 A P P E N D I X. The preſent Worth of i L. Annuity for 5 Years at 5 per cent. is 4.364369; therefore, 4.364369:1 :: 654.65535: 150 Anfr. CASE VII. Having the Annuity, preſent Worth and Rate, to find the Time RULE. Divide the given Annuity by the Series of the Amounts of i L. Annuity for 1, 2, 3, &c. Years, taking the Sum of the Quotes at every Steps and thus proceed till you find a Sum equal to the given preſent Worth; and the Number of Diviſions is the Number of Years required. Exa. What Time muft an Annuity of 150 L. con- tinde, to be worth 654.6555617, ready Money, at the Rate of 5 per cent. Simple Intereſt ? 1.05)150(142.857142851 Year. 1.1 )150(136.3636363=2 Years. 279.2207791 1.15)150(130.4347826=3 Years. 409.6555617 I. 2)150(125 =4 Years. 534.6555617 1.25)150(120. 55 Years. 654.6555617 Anfr. 5 Years. СНАР. Of Compound Intereſt. 125 CH A P. II. Of Compound Intereſt. WHEN the Amount of any Sum at Compound Intereſt is required, work as in Queft. 39. Page 165, only it is eaſier to do it by Decimal Fractions. But all ſuch Queſtions are more expeditiouſly ſolved by finding the Amount of 1 L. for any Number of Years at any Rate per cent. by which multiplying the Sum propoſed, the Product is the Anſwer. Thus, Intereſt being at 5 per cent. Tears. 100 : 105 : 105 :: 1 : 1.05 100, : 105 105 :.: 1. 05.: .1.1025 3 100': 105 : : 1.1025 :: 1.157625 4 100: 105 : : 1.157625 :: 1.21550625 And thus is conſtrued the following i I 2 TABLE 1 26 A P P E N D I X. T ABLE IV. Shewing the Amount of 1 L. forborn to the End of any Number of Years under 31, Compound Inte- reſt being computed at 5 per cent. Years, Years. Il1.05 16,2.1828746 211.1025 17 2.2920183 3.1.157625 18 2.4066192 4 1.2155063 192.5269502 5 1.2762816 202.6532977 1.3400956 21 2.7859626 711.4071006 22 2.9252607 8 1.47745542313.0715238 91.5513282 24 3:225099 10 1.6288940 25 3:3863549 II 1.7103393 26 3.5556727 12 1.795856327 3.7334563 131 1.8856491 28 3.9201289 14 1.9799316 29.4.1161356 1512.07892823014.3219424 Exa. What will L. 315:10 amount to, being for- born 3 Years, Compound Intereſt being computed ac 5 per cenzt. per annum ? Tabular Number for three Years, 1.157625 315.5 Ariſt. L. 365:4:7 5788125 5788125 1157625 3472875 365.2306875 Il, of Of Compound Intereft. (127 II. Of Rebate or Diſcount at Compound Intereſt. Exa. There is 365.2306875 due at the End of 3 Years to come, I demand how much preſent Money will ſatisfy for the ſaid Debt, diſcounting at the Rate of 5 per cent. per annum, Compound Intereſt ? L. L. L. L. 105 : 100 :: 365.2306875 : 3+7.83875 105 : 100 :: 347.83875 : 331.275 . 105 : 100 ; : 331.275 : 315.5 Anfr. or L.315:10 And upon this is founded the Calculation of the fol- lowing Table: For, L. L. L, L. 105 : 100 : : 1.952381 fere . 105 : 100 : : .952381 :.907029, &c. 105 : 100 : : .907029 : .863837, &c. 1 TAB L E V. Shewing the preſent Worth of 1 L. due at the end of any Number of Years to come under 31, diſcount- ing at 5 per cent. per annum, Compound Intereſt. 2 I! .952381161 .4581115 :9070294 171 4362967 3.863837618 4155207 .822702519 .3957339 -7835262 20 :3763895 -7462154 21 :3589424 7 710681322 ·3418499 6768394 23 3255713 9.6446089 24 .3100679 .6139133 25 2953028 : 584679 26.2812407 12 5568374/27 .2678483 13 -5303213 28 .2550936 14 505067929 .2429403 .48101711301 .2313774 IO 15 Exa 228 APPENDI X. Exa. What preſent Money will ſatisfy for a Debt of 365.2306875 due at the end of 3 Years to come, dil- counting at 5 per cent. Compound Intereſt? 365.2306875 25566148125 10956920625 2.9218455000 10956920625 21913841250 29218455000 315.4997813979375 A 12fr. L. 315 : 10 ferè, becauſe the Tabular Number is ſomewhat too ſmall. III. Of the Amount of Annuities at Compound Intereſt. There is an Annuity of L. 150 forborn to the end of 5 Years, what is then due, Compound Intereſt be- ing computed at 5 per cent. per aninam ? L. L. L. L. 100 : 105 : : 150: 157.5 100 : 105 : : 157.5 : 165.375 100 : 105 : : 165.375 : 173.64375 100 : 105 : : 173.64375 : 182.3269375 150. Here you muſt work as if it was a Principal lying out for any Number of Years at Compound Intereſt. For, 150 Of Compound Intereſt. 229 165.375 150 L. due at the end of the 5th Year is 150. And 150 L. due at the end of the 4th Year, will at the end of the 5th Year amount to 157.5 And 150 L. due at the end of the 3d Year, will at the 5th Year's end amount to And 150 L. due at the end of the 2d Year, will at the 5th Year's end amount to 173.64375 And 150 L. due at the Iſt Year's end, will at the 5th Year's end amount to 182.326937 The Sum of all which is what is due at the 5th Year's end. But ſuch Queſtions are more eaſily ſolved by the following } 828.845687 T A BL E VI. I. I 1 2 18 28.1323799 Shewing the Amount of 1 L. Annuity to continue any Number of Years under 31, Compound Intereſt being computed at 5 per cent. per annum. Tears, Tears. 16, 23.6574918 2.05 17 25.8403664 3.1 3.1525 4 4.310125 1930.5389989 51 5.525631220133.0659189 6.8019128 21 35.7192518 71 8.1420079 22 38.5052144 81 9.5491079 23 41.4304679 9 11.0265639 24 44.501999 10 12.5778925 25 +7.7270899 I14.2067871 2651.1134537 12 15.9171265 27 54.6691264 13 17.7129799 : 28 58.4025827 14 19.5986289 29 62.3226999 15121.5785599 : 30166.4388474 X For 230 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X. For 1 L. Annuity due at the end of 1 Year is 1.000000 And I L. Ann. due at the end of 2 Years is 2.05 Thus found; 100: 105 :: 1:1.05, to which adding the I L. Annuity, the Sum is 2.05. Alſo, I L. Ann. due at the end of 3 Years is 3.1525 Thus found; 100: 105:: 2.05: 2.1525, to which adding the I L. Annuity the Sum is 3.1525. And i L. Annuity due at the end of 4 Years is 4.310125 Thus found; 100:105 :: 3.1525: 3.310125, to which ad- ding the i. L. Ann. the Sum is 4.310125. And after the ſame Manner is the preceding Table calculated, where the Numbers are ſomewhat deficient of their true Value; ſo that the Anſwer found thereby, may perhaps want i Farthing, and in ſome caſes I Halfpenny. Exa. What is the Amount of L. 150 Annuity for- born 5 Years, at 5 per cent. per annum, Compound Intereſti 5.5256312 150 2762815600 55256312 Anfr. L. 828.8446800 IV. Of the preſent Worlb of Annuities at Com- pound Interest. The preſent Worth of Annuities at Compound In- tereft, is found after the Meihod of the following Ex- ample. Exa. What is the preſent Worth of an Annuity of 150 L. to continue 5 Years, rebating at 5 per cent. Compound Interest? L. Of Compound Intereſt. 232 L. L. 150. : 142.8571428531. year. L. L. 142.85714285:136.05613605=2. year. 105:100 :: 136.05613605:129.57727243=3. year. 129.57727243: 123.4069261254. year. 123-40692612:117.53040583=5. year. Sum of the ſaid preſ. Worths 649.42788328 Anſi. Hence is caculared the following T ABLE VII. 1 2 Shewing the preſent worth of 1 L. Annuity payable by yearly Payments, and to continue any Number of Years not exceeding 30, diſcounting at 5 per cent. Compound Intereſt Tears. Years. -952381 16 10.8377695 1.8594103 17 11.2740662 32.7232479 18 11.6895869 4 3.5459499 19 12.0853208 4.3294759 20 12.4622103 6 5.0756999 21 12.8211527 5.7863734 22 13.1630026 8 6.64632122313-4885739 9 7.1078217 24 13.7986418 7.72 1734925 14.0939445 8.3064142 26 14.3751853 8.8632516 27 14.6430336 139.3935689 28 14.8981272 141 9.89864082915.1410735 15 / 10.37965811 30115.3724509 5 7 IO II 12 X 2 For 232 A P P E N D I X. L. L. L. L. For 105 : 100 :: 1:.9523815ift Year. 105 : 100::.952381 .907029 1.859410=20 Year. 105 : 100::.907029: .863837 2.723247=3d Year. 105 : 100::.863837 : .822702 3.54594954th Year, &c. Exa. What is the preſent Worth of an Annuity of L. 150 to continue 5 Years, Rebate being at 5 per cent. Compound Intereſt. Tabular Number for five Years, 4.329475 150 21647375 4329475 649.421250 41f1. Here follow the Solutions of the moſt common Caſes coi.cerning Annuities in Arrear at Compound Intereſt. CASE 1, Having the Annuity, Rate and Time, to find the Amount. RULE. Multiply the Annuity by the Amount of I L. for the Time, and at the Rate propoſed, and the Product is the Anſwer. CAS E II. Having the Amount, Rate and Time, to find the Annuity. RULE. Divide the Amount given by that of 1 L An- Of Compound Intereſt. 233 Annuity for the Time, and at the Rate propoſed, and the Quote is the Anſwer. Exa. What Annuity will amount to L. 828.84465 in 5 Years at 5 per cent. per annum, Compound In- tereft? 5.525631)828.84465(156 Anfr., CASE. III. Having the Annuity, Rate and Amount, to find the Time. RULE. Find a Principal of which 1 Year's Inte- reft is equal to the given Annuity, the Sum of this and the given Amount is the Amount of that Principal for the given Rate and Time fought : Then divide that Amount by its Principal, and multiply the Rate conti- nually by itſelf till the Product be equal to the former Quote, and the Number of Multiplications is the An- ſwer or Time fought. Exa. In what Time will L. 150 Annuity amount to 828.84465 at 5 per cent. Compound Intereſt? .05:1:: 150: 3000,and 3000+828,60=3828.84465 Then '3000)3828.84465(1.2762815531.05 raiſed to the 5th Power, or multiplied 5 times into itſelf. So the Anſwer is 5 Years. . Of the Purchaſe of Annuities at Compound Intereſt. CAS E IV. Having the Annuicy, Rate and Time, to find the preſent Worth. RULE. Find the preſent Worth of each Year's Annuiry by itſelf, the Sum of all which is the preſen, Worth fought. Or, 2. Multiply the Annuity by the preſent Worth of I L. Annuity for the Time, ani at the Rate propoſed, and the Product is the Anſwer. X 3 CASE 234 APPEND I X. 5 per cent? CASE V. Having the preſent Worth, Rate and Time, to find the Annuity RULE. Divide the preſent Worth given by that of 1 L. Annuity, and the Quote-es che Anſwer. Exa. What Annuity, to continue 5 Years, will 649.42125 purchaſe, allowing Compound Intereſt at 4:329475)649.42125(150 Anfr. CAS E VI. Having the Annuity, preſent Worth and Rate, to find the Time. RULE. Find a Principal whereof 1 Year's Inte- reſt is the Annuity given, from which ſubtract the pre- fent Worth, and the Remainder is the preſent Worth of chat Principal, conſidered as a Sum due at the End ofthe Annuity ; then find what Time this preſent Worth will take, to amount to the Principal found. Exa. What time muſt an Annuity of L. 150 con- tinue to be worth 649.42125 in ready Money? :05:1:: 150 : 3000; then 3000-649.42 125= 2356, 7875 preſent Worth of L. 3000, due at the end of the Time ſought. Then 2350.57875)3000.00000(1.276281,6r. which being the 5th Power of 1.05,5; is the Number of Years fought. V. To find the preſent Value of a Free-hold Eſtate or Annuity to continue for ever. RULE. Find a Principal of which 1 Year's Inte- reſt is the Rent or Annuity given, and this is the Price fought. Exa. What is the Price or preſent Value of an An- nuity of 150 L. to continue for ever, diſcounting at 5 der cent. Compound Intereſt? 05:1:: 150: 3000 Anfr. OF Place this beforPay. 2355 d h A B a Fig.2. Fig. 3. m Fig.le. C B a P Р Fig.4. Fig.5. A Fig.6. HB I 5.5 M A Fig. 7 H A Fig 4 9 C 5 Fig. 8. M B 9 A B Fig. 10. Fig.11. A B Di H D b E F с Fig. 13. D IT C Fig. 112. D B Fig 15 D с B D B с с Fig. 14 9 С L A B В A Fig.19. B Fig 16 с с C с d Fig.17. A B Fig 18. C B D c 235 OF MENSURATION OF SUPERFICIES and SOLIDS. SECT. I. Of Superficies. PRO P. I. HAVING the Diameter of a Circle, to find the . RULE. The Diameter of a Circle, being 1, the Circumference is 3.1416 fere, and all Circles being to one another as their Diameters; therefore, as 1 : 3.1416 :: ſo is the Diameter of any Circle to its Cir- cumference. Exa. What is the Periphery or Circumference of a Circle, whoſe Diameter is 15 (Inches, Feet, Yards, &c.) I: 3.1416::15:47.124. Circumference. PROP. JI. Having the Circumference of a Circle, to find the Diameter. RULE. This being the Converſe of the laſt Prop. fay, As 3.1416 is to I, ſo is the Circumference given, to the Diameter required. Exa. What is the Diameter of a Circle whoſe Cir- cumference is 47.124? 3.1416:1:: 47.124: 15 Diameter. Or, becauſe I divided by 3.1416 quotes :3183 therefore the Circumference of any Circle multiplied by : 3183 gives the Diameter, for 47.124X.3183315 ferè, for it is =14.999, &c. PROP. 23.6 MENSURATION OF PROP. II. Having the Diameter of a Circle, to find the Area. RULE. Multiply of the Circumference by the Diameter, and the Product is the Anſwer. Or thus : The Diameter of a Circle being 1, the Area is .7854 ferè; wherefore, multiplying the Square of the Diameter of any Circle by the foreſaid Num- ber, you have the Area. Exa. What is the Area of a Circle whoſe Diameter is 15? By Prop. I. the Circumference is 47.124, where- 47.124 fore, XI5=11.781X15=176.715 Area. 4 By the ſecond Method 15X153225, and 225X.78.54 =176.7153 as before. PRO P. IV. Having the Area of a Circle, to find the Diane'er. RULE. Divide the given Area by .7854, and he Quote is the Square of the Diameter, whole Root is the Thing fought. Exa. What is the Diameter of a Circle, whoſe Arca is 176.-15? -7854) 176.715(225 Square of the Diameter, whoſe Root is 15 PRO P. V. Having the Circumference of a Circle, to find the Area. RULE. Say, As I is to .079577, ſo is the Square of the Circumference to the Area. But this being too tedious, find the Diameter by Prop. 2d, and thence the Area by Prop. 3d. Exa. What is the Area of a Circle whoſe Circum- ference is 47 134: By the firſt Method 47.124 ſquared, is 222.671376, which Superficies and Solids. 237 which multiplied by .079577 produces 176.698.82,66. for the Area. By Prop. 2. the Diameter is found to be 15, and by Prop. 3. the Area is 176.715. PRO P. VI. Having the Area, to find the Circumference. RULE. Divide the given Area by .07957.7, and the Quote is the Square of the Circumference, whoſe Root is the Thing fought. Exa. What is the Circumference of a Circle whoſe Area is 176.715? 176.715 =2220.68, whoſe Root is 47.124. .079577 PRO P. VII. To find the Area of a Semicircle, as abdemc, Fig. I. RULE, Multiply the Square of the Diameter by -3927 (viz. į of.7854) and the Product is the An- fwer. PROP. VIII. To find the Area of a Quadrant, as acdb, Fig. I. RULE. Multiply the Square of twice the Radius by .19635(viz. 1 of.7854) and the Product is the Anſwer. PRO P. IX. To find the Area of a Sector and Segment of a Circle, as the Sector bced, and the Segment bed, Fig. 1. In order to find the Area of the Segment of a Circle, there muſt always be given the Circle's Diameter, or elſe its Circumference or Area, to find the Diameter ; and 2dly, the Segment's Baſe, otherwiſe called the Chord, as be, or the vers’d Sine dh, which is the Seg- ment's Height: Then 'tis plain, that if the Area of the Triangle bce, be taken from the Area of the Sector bred, 238 MENSURATION of borit, ihe Remainder will be the Area of the Segment bhed; and if the Area of the Segment bhed be taken from that of the whole Circle, the Remainder will be that of the other Segment bakme: Let the Diameter am be 15 Then cd is 7.5 Let db be 3 Then bc is 4.5 nd bh is found by fubtracting the Square of he, viz. 20.25 from the Square of bc, viz. 56.25 ; and taking the Square Root of the Remainder, viz. 6=bh. Now, the Arch bd, or the Quantity of the Angle bed, muſt be found by Trigonometry, thus, bc: bh:: Radius : Sine of c; that is, 7.5:6:: 10.0000: 53° 7'; Ther, as the Circumference of the whole Circle in Degrees, is to the Circumference in equal Parts, ſo is any Arch in Degrees (here bd 53°7') to the ſame Arch in e- qual Parrs. The Circumference of a Circle whoſe Diameter is 15 is (by Prop. I.) 47.124: therefore, 360° : 47.124::5307: 6.948=bd, conſequently 6.948 x7.5552.u (found by Prop. 18. Sect. 1.) Area of the Sector bced; and bh being 6, be muſt be 12 ; where- fore, by the ſame Prop. 18. Sect. 1. 12X2.25=27, Area of the Triangle bce; and their Difference is 25.11, for the Area of the Segment bed. The Area of the Segment of a Circle may be other- wiſe found, viz. RULE. Take 2 times the Square of the Semi- diameter of the Circle, from which ſubtract 13 times the Product of the Semidiameter into the Difference betwixt che Segment's Height and the Circle's Semidi- ameter, as alſo the Square of the ſaid Difference; the Remainder divide by il times the Semidiameter + the Difference betwixt the Semidiameter and the Seg. mene's Height, which Quote multiply by half the Seg. ment, and the Product is the Segment's Area. 7.5x7.5X2}=131.25 and 7.5X4.5X11=45. 4.5X4.5=20.25. The Sum of thele two laſt is 65.25; therefore Allo, Superficies and Solids. 239 therefore 131.25-65.25=66, which divided by 15.75, viz. 11 times the Semidiameter, br. quores 4.19, and this multiplied by half the Segment, viz. 6, gives 25.14 for the Segment's Area. PRO P. X. To find the Area of the Lune, or ſuch a part of a Circle as armca. RULE. Find the Area of the Semicircle abdeme, from which ſubtracting that of the Segment armia, the Remainder is the Area of the Lune armia. PROP. XI. To find the Area or ſuperficial Content of a Square. A Square is a Figure conſiſting of 4 equal Sides, and as many Right Angles, as ABC”, Fig. 2. RUL E. Multiply the length of a Side by itſelf, and the Product is the Anſwer. Exa. How many Square Feet are contained in a Table, each of whoſe Sides is 3 Feet 6 Inches, or 42 Inches? 3.5X3.5=12.25=12 Sq. Feet. Or, 31x3=121 as before : For Or thus: 42 31 42 3:6 10:6 84 168 I : 9 12 : 3 144)1764(121 as before. (1 1728 36 Exa. 2. There is a ſquare Piece of Ground, the length of cach of whoſe Sides is 136.25 Yards, what is the Content in Acres? 136 240 MENSURATION of 136.25X136.25=18564.0625, which divided by 4840, A. R. P. Tds. Feet. Ilicha. quotes 3.83555 Acres=3.: 3:13 : 20 : 7 : 44 P RO P. XII. To find the Area or ſuperficial Content of a Rec- tangle, Parallelogram or Oblong, Fig. 3. This Figure conſiſts of t Right Angles, having its oppoſite Sides equal. RULE. Multiply the Length by the Breadth, and the Product is the Area ſought. Exa. There is a Table in form of a long Square or Oblong, whoſe Length is 5 Feet 4 Inches, and Breadth 3 Feet 8 Inches: How many ſquare Feet doch it con- tain ? Feet. Inch, 4:5–53 Inchi 3 : 8544 Inch. Then, 53X4432332 fq. Inches, which divided by 144 (the ſq. Inches in a ſq. Foot)= 16 fq. Feet, and 28 ſq. Inches, Anfr. Or thus; 4:5 3:8 for 3 13 : 3 2 : 2.5 for 6 Inches. 0 : 8.833 for 2 Inches. 16 : 2.333, &c. that is, 16 ſq. Feet tiç or of a fq. Foot +_333;&c. 1000,&c. Parts of i'a of a ſquare Foot: So that the Anſwer is 16} fq. Feet fere. Exa. 2. There is a Room in form of a long Square, whoſe Length is 20 Feet and Breadth 15: How many Yards of 3 Quarter Broad Cloth will be ſufficient to hang the ſame, its Height being 7 Feet ? 20 Szuperficies and Solids. 241 1 204-15535 and 35x2570 and 70x7=490= the ſq. Feet contained in the 4 Walls=70560 fg. Inches, and 27X36==972 the fq. Inches contained in i Yard ; rds. Ors. Nails. wherefore 972)70560172--2-I Anfr. PROP. XIII. To find the Area or ſuperficial Content of a Rhom. bus or Rhomboides, Fig. 4 and 5. A Rhombus has 4 cqual Sides, whereof the two op- polite Sides are equal, and the Sides parallel, and may be repreſented by a Diamond, or a Square out of its true Poſition, as Fig. 4. A Rhomboides has 4 equal Sides, whereof the two oppoſite are equal and parallel, and the oppoſite Angles equal, being a Parallelogram out of its crue Poſition, as Fig. 5. RUL E. In either of theſe Figures, multiply the Baſe into the perpendicular height, and the Product is the Antwer. Exa. There is a piece of Wainſcot in form of a Rhombus, whoſe Baſe or Lengch is 2 1 Feet, and the Height or Perpendicular CH, 2 Feet 4 Inches; What is the Area in ſquare Feer? 2 Feet 30 fuch. 21 Feet = 28 inch. Then 30x28=3.10, and this divided by 144 quotes sis fq. Feet = 5 q. Feet and 120 19. Inches. Or chus; Or thius; 2 : 4 2 : 4 2 : 6 21 4:8 I : 2 4:8 I : 2 5:10 5:10 Y PROP 242 MENSURATION of PRO P. XIV. To find the Area or ſuperficial Content of a Trape- zium. This Figure conſiſts of 4 Sides and 4 Angles, which are generally neither parallel nor equal, as Fig. 6. RULE. Divide it into two Triangles, by drawing a Diagonal Line from one of its acute Angles to the oppoſite one, and thereon letting fall 2 Perpendiculars from the oppoſite Angles, multiply half the length of the Diagonal into the Sum of the Perpendiculars (or the Length of the Diagonal into half the Sum of the Perpendiculars) and the Product is the Area. Exa. Suppoſe the Diagonal AC 40 Yards, the Per- pendicular Pp 19 Yards, and the other Perpendicular PP 12 Yards; What is the Area of the Figure ? =20; and 19+12=31. Then 20x31=620 ſq. Yards for the Anſwer. 14 2 PROP. XV. To find the Area of any regular Polygon, as Fig. 7. A Regular Polygon is a Figure conſiſting of more than 4 equal Sides. RULE. Circumſcribe it with a Circle touching the angular Points; and from the Centre det fall a Per- pendicular (on any Gde) half of which multiplied into the Sum of the sides gives the Area. Exa. Required, the Area of the Pentagon ABHDE, each of whoſe Sides is 75 Yards, and the Perpendicu- ·lar CG 51 Yards ? 75x5=375Sum of the Sides, and 255 half the Perpendicular, wherefore, 3754.25.5 =9562.5 ſquare Yards, which divided by 4840, the ſquare Yards in an Acre, quotes 1.976 ferè Acres for the Anſwer. PROP. Superficies and Solids. 243 PRO.P. XVI. To find the Area or ſuperficial Content of an irre- gular Polygon, as Fig. 8. An irregular Polygon is a Figure cooſiſting of more than 4 Sides, all of which, as alſo the Angles, are ge- nerally unequal. RULE. Reduce it into Triangles by drawing Dia- gonals, and the Sum of their Areas is the Area requi- red. Exn. Required the Area of the irregular Polygon, HIKLM, the Length of the Side HI=5, IK=51, KL= 81 LM=9, and MH-7, and the Perpendicu- lar li=4.5, Mm=6, and Kk-6.5. 3.5X4,5=15.755 Area of the Triang. HIM. 2.75X6=16.5 Area of the Triang: IMK. 4.5X6.5=29.25 Area of the Triang: KML. 61.5 Area of the whole Fig. HIKLM. PROP. XVII. To find the Area of a Parallelopleuron, as Fig. 9. This Figure conſiſts of 4 Sides, having two oppoſite ones parallel, and the 2 Angles at each end equal to one another. RULE. Draw a Diagonal, on which letting fall 2 Perpendiculars, by of their Sum multiply the Dia, gonal, and the Product is the Area. Exa. Suppoſe the Diagonal AB 36, the Perpendicu- lar Pp 21, and the other Perpendicular pp 13.21 +13 =34 and 342=17; and 36X17=618 for the Area of the Figure ApBP. PROP. XVII. To find the Area or ſuperficial Content of a Trip angle, as Fig. 1o. RULE. Of what kind foever it be, multiply the Lungth of the Baſe by half the Length of the Perpen- dicular Y 2 244 MENSURATION of dicular, or Height: Or, multiply the Length of the Perpendicular by half the Length of the Baſe, and you have the Square Content ſought; for every Triangle is half its circumſcribing Parallelogram. Exa. In the Triangle ABC, ſuppoſe the Baſe BC 43> and the Perpendicular AD 27 ; What is the Area ? 43 =21.5 and 21.5X27=580.5 Area ſought. PRO P. XIX. To find the Area or ſuperficial Content of an Ellipſe or Oval, as Fig. II. An Oval or Ellipſe is formed by cutcing a Cone through flaunt-wiſe, or not perpendicular to the Baſe. RULE. Multiply the greateſt Diameter by the leaſt, and the Product by .7854, and this laſt Product is the Area required. Exa. Suppoſe in the Ellipfis ABCD, the greateſt Diameter AC is 41, and the leaſt Diameter BD 28; What is the Area? 41X2851148 and 1148x.78543901.6392 for the A- rea or ſquare Content. PROP. XX. To find tbe Area of a Parabola, as Fig. 12. This Figure is form’d by cutting a Cone parallel to irs oppoſite Side. RULE. Multiply the Height by the greateſt Breadth, and of the Product is the Anſwer. Exa. Suppoſe the Height AB 46, and the greateſt Breadth CD 32, what is the Area 46x32=1472, which multiplied by 2, and the pro- duct divided by 3, quotes 931 } for the Anſwer. PROP. XXI. To find the Area or ſuperficial Content of a Cute. A Cube is a Solid, bounded by 6 equal Squares in form of a Die. RULE. Superficies and Solids. 245 RULE. Find the Area of any of the Sides 'by Prop. II, and multiply it by 6 for the Anſwer. Exa. Suppoſe a Cube having its Side 16, what is the fuperficial Content? 16x16=256 and 256X6=1536 Anfr. PRO P. XXII. To find the Area or ſuperficial Content of a Globe or Sphere. A Globe or Sphere is a Solid, bounded or included within one regular Superficies; and is formed by the Rotation of a Semicircle about its Diameter. RULE. Multiply the Diameter or Axis into the Circumference of a great Circle upon it: Or, multi- ply the Area of a great Circle upon it by 4; and the Product is the Anſwer. Exa. What is the Arca of a Sphere or Globe whoſe Diameter or Axis is 16 Inches, Feet, &c? By Prop. 1. the Circumference of a great Circle upon it is 50.2656, which multiplied by the Diameter 16, gives 804.2796, for the fuperficial Content re- quired By the other Method, I find the Area of a great Circle upon it (Prop. 3.) to be 201.0624, which mul- tiplied by 4, gives 804 2496, as before. PRO P. XXIII. To find the Area of a Fruitum of a Globe or Sphere, as the Fruítun ACF, Fig. 13. RULE. First, find the Altitude of theother Fruſtum, by dividing the Square of the Semidiameter of the given Fruſtum's Bale by its Altitude; which add to the given Fruitum's Altitude; then fay, As the Axis of the whole Sphere is to its Superficies, ſo is the Height or Axis of the Segment or Fruftum given, to the Curve Superficies thereof; to which adding the Area of the Segmene's Baſe, the Sum is the ſuperficial Content of che whole Segment. Y3 Exa: 246 MENSURATION of Exa. What is the Superficial Content of a Fruftum of a Sphere, whoſe Altitude is 6 Inches, and the Dia- meter of the Fruſtum’s Baſe 24 Inches? The Square of the Semidiameter of the Fruſtum's Bale (12X12) is 144, which divided by 6 (the Fru- ſtum's Alcicude) makes 24 Inches for the Altitude of the other Fruftum; which added to 6, makes 30 for the Axis or Diameter of the whole Sphere, whoſe Su- perficial Content is found to be (by laſt Prop.) 2827-44; therefore, 30: 2827.44 ::6:565.488, the Curve Su- perficies of the Fruſtum, to which adding the Area of its Baſe 452.3904 (found by Prop. 3.) gives 1017.8784 for the Anſwer or Area of the Fruſtum. PRO P. XXIV. To find the Area or Superficial Content of a Priſm. A Priſm is a Solid, contained under ſeveral Planes, two of which being oppoſite, viz. the two Ends, are called the Baſes, and theſe are parallel and equal, and the other Planes are Parallelograms, in which a Right Line may be every where applied from Baſe to Bale. Priſms are either triangular, multangular, circular or elliptical, dr. according to the Figure of the Baſe; thus a Cube is a Priſm, bounded by 6 equal Square Planes; a Parallelopipedon is a Priſm having its Sides bounded by 4 equal Parallelograms, and 2 Square Baſes or Ends; a Cylinder (or Solid, like a Rolling Stone in a Garden) is a circular or round Priſm. Now, to find the Area or ſuperficial Content of any triangular or mulrangular Priſm: RULE. Take the Sum of the Areas of the qua- drilateral Figures, which terminate or bound it, and you have the Area required. Exa. There is a triangular Priſm, i. e. a Priſm ha- ving a Triangle for its Baſe, the Length of the (Baſe's) Side 12 Inches, and the Priſm's Height 30 Inches; what is the Area or ſuperficial Content? 12X30-360 Area of one side ; and 360x3=1080 A- rea Superficies and Solids. 247 rea of all the ſides. Then to find the Area of the Baſe, ſuppoſe the Perpendicular let fall from any one Angle upon the oppoſite Baſe to be 10.3, wherefore 10.3x6 = 61.8, which doubled, makes 123.6 for the Areas of both Baſes, and 1080+123.651203.6 fq. Inches for the Area or ſuperficial Content of the whole Priſm. Exa. 2. There is a multangular Priſm, having for its Baſe a Polygon of 8 equal Sides, each of which is 2 Fect, and the Height 2 Feet ; What is the Area or fuperficial Content? By Prop. 12; 24x30=720 and 720x8=5760 Area of all the Sides. Then to find the Area of the Baſe, ſuppoſe a Perpendicular . let fall from the Center of its inſcribed or circumſcribed Circle on any of the Sides to be 29; wherefore, by Prop. 15; 14.5x8=116, which doubled, makes 232 for the Area of both Baſes; and 5760+232=5992 ſq. Inches for the Area or ſua perficial Content of the whole Priſm. PROP. XXV. To find the Area or ſuperficial Content of a circu- lar Priſm or Cylinder. RULE. Multiply the Circumference of one of the Baſes into the length of the Cylinder, and to the Product add the Area of both Baſes. Exa. There is a Cylinder, whoſe Length is 3 Feet, and Diameter of the Baſe 10 Inches, what is the ſuper- ficial Content ? By Prop. 1. the Circumference of the Baſe is 31.416, which multiplied into the Length, 3 Feet =36 Inches, makes 1130.976 ſq. Inches for the Curve Superficies of the Cylinder. Then the Area of the Baſe is found by Prop. 3d to be 78.54, which doubled, gives 157.08 for the Area of both Baſes; wherefore 1130.9767157.08=1288.056 [q. Inches for the Anſwer. PROP 248 MENSURATION of PROP. XXVI. To find the Area or ſuperficial Content of a Pyra- mid. Solids, which decreaſe gradually from the Baſe till they come to a Point, are in general called Pyramids, and are of different kinds according to the Figure of the Baſe. Thus, a Pyramid having a Triangle for its Baſe, is called a Triangular Pyramid. If the Baſe is a Parallelogiam, it is called a Parallelogramic Pyramid; and if a Circle, it is called a Circular Pyramid, or ſimply a Cone. The Point in which the Pyramid ends is cilled the Vertex, and a Line drawn from the Vertex perpendicular to the Baſe, is called its Height. And firſt, to find the Area of a circular Pyramid or Cone. RULE. Multiply the Circumference of the baſe in- to the Length of the Side, (not the Perpendicular Height) and the Product is the Area required, when thereto you have added the Aica of the Baſe. Exa. There is a Cone whole Diawerer at the Baſe is 16 Inches, and Length of the Side 48 Inches; What is the ſuperficial Content? Fig. 14. 3.1416x16=50.2656 Circumference of the Baſe, which multiplied by 24, viz. haif the Length of the Side, gives 1206.3744 for the Area of the Curve Superfi- cies. Then to find the Area of the Baſe 16x16=256, and 256x.7854=201.0624. Laſtly, 1206.3744+ 201.0624=1407-4368 [g. Inches. Or thus, bs the Semidiameter of the Baſe is to the Length of the Side, ſo is the Area of the Baſe to the Area of the Convex Superficies, to which adding the Area of the Baſe, as by ihe firſt Rule, the Sum is the ſuperficial Conient of the whole. PROP Superficies and Solids. 249 2 PROP. XXVII. To find the Area of all other Sorts of Pyramids. RULE. Take the Sum of the Triangular Figures which conſtitute the Pyramid, and cherero adding the Area of the Baſe, the Sum is the Area ſought. Exa. There is a Pyramid, having for its Baſe a Triangle, one Side of whoſe Baſe AC is 18 Inches, CB 16, and AB 20, and the Length of the Pyramid's Side 48 Inches; what is the Area or ſuperficial Content? By Prop. 18th, 18X24=132; 16X24=;84, and 20X245480, whoſe Sum is 1296 (or 18+16+20= 54and 54X24=1296) for the Content of the three Sides of the Pyramid. Then to find the Area of the Baſe, ſuppoſe the Perpendicular CD let fall on the Baſe AB to be 13.75, by the ſame Prop. 20x +3.75 or 10X 13.75=137.5; to which adding 1296, the Sum is 1433.5 ſq. Inches for the Anſwer. PROP. XXVIIT. To find the Area of the Fruftum of a Cone cut by a Plane parallel to its Baſe. Fig. 14. RULE. Add to the ſuperficial Content of the whole Cone cwice the Area of the Baſe of the ſmall Cone, and from that Sum taking the fuperficial Con- tent of the ſmall Cone, you have the Anſwer or ſuper- ficial Content of the Frultum. Exa. Let ABCD repreſent the Fruſtum of a Cone, the Diameter of whoſe greater Baſe AB is 16 Inches, and that of the lefler 6 Inches, and Length of the Side of the Fruftum 30 Inches. Suppoſe the Height of the side of the whole Cone 48 Inches (ivhich is eally found, either by laying down the Pyramid by Scale and Compaffes, or by applying Lines to the Solid or oppoſite Sides, and meaſuring from the Vertex where they incet, to the Circumfe- rences 250 MENSURATION of rence of the Baſe) then by Prop. 27, the ſuperficial Content of the whole Cone is 1407-4368 ſq. Inches. Then to find the Area of the Bale of the ſmall Cone (or Top of the Fruſtum) 6x6=36, and 36x:78545 28.2744, which doubled, makes 56.5488, and this ad- ded to 1407.4368, makes 1463.9856. Next, the A- rea of the ſmall Cone is found (by Prop. 27.) to be 197.9208; therefore 1463.9856 -- 197.920831266. 0648 for the Area of the fruſtum ACDB. After the ſame Method is found the ſuperficial Con- tent of the Frultum of any other kind of Pyramids. SECT. II. Of Solids. PROP. I. To find the Solidity of a Priſm. RULE. Multiply the Area of the Baſe into the Priſm's Height, and the Product is the ſolid Content. Exa. There is a Triangular Priſm, having the Side of the Baſe 12 Inches, and Height 30 Inches; Whar is the Solidity in Inches? By Prop. 18. Sect. 1. the Area of the Baſe is 61.8, which multiplied by the Height 30, gives 1854 folid or cubic Inches for the Anſwer; and this divided by 1728 (the ſolid Inches in 1 Foot) produces I ſolid Foot and 126 folid Inches. Exa. 2. There is a circular Priſm, whoſe Length is 5 Feet, and Diameter of the Baſe 10 Inches; What is the Solidity ? By Prop. 3. Sect. I. the Area of the Baſe is 78.54, which multiply by 60 Inches = 5 Feet, makes 471.24 cubic or folid Inches for the Anſwer. Exa. Superficies and Solids. 251 Exa. 3. There is an Elliptical Priſm, the greatett Diameter of whoſe Baſe is 41 inches, and the leaſt 28, the Length of the Priſm being 6 Feet; What is the Solidity in Inches? By Prop. 19. Sect. 1. the Area of the Baſe is 901.6392, which multiplied into the Height 72, gives 64918.0224 ſolid Inches = 37 folid Feet, 982.0224 folid Inches. PROP. IT To find the Solidity of a Pyramid. RULE. Multiply the Area of the Baſe by of the Perpendicular, Height, and the Product is the Anſwer: for every Pyramid is of a Priſm, having the fame Baſe and Height. N. B. To find the perpendicular Height, having the Height of the Side, from the Square of the Side- Height, ſubtract the Square of the Semidiameter of Bale, and the Square Root of the Remainder is thé perpendicular Height. Exa. There is a Pyramid, having a Circle for its Baſe, whoſe Diameter is 16 Inches, and Height of the Side 48 Inches. Firſt, the perpendicular Height is 47:328, then by Prop. 3. Sect. 1. the Area of the Baſe is 201.0624, which multiplied by 47.328=15.776, produces 3171.96 3 cubic Inches, or one folid Foot and 1444 folid Inches ferè. Exa. 2. There is a Pyramid having a ſquare Baſe, each of whole Sides is 12 Inches, and the perpendi- cular Altitude 40 Inches ; What is the Solidity ? 12X12=144 the Area of the Baſe ; and 144x40= 5760 Cubic Inches, which divided by 3 quotes 1920 for the Anſwer. PROPO 252 MENSURATION of PROP. III. To find the Solidicy of the Fruſtum of a Cone, cut by a plain Parallel to its Baſe, Fig. 14. RULE. Find the Solidity of the whole Cone by laſt Prop. and from thence taking the Solidity of the Imall Cone, the Remainder is che Solidity of che Fru- ftum. Exa. Let ABCD repreſent the Fruftum of a Cone, the Diameter of whoſe greater Baſe AB is 16 Inches, and that of the lefler ČD 8 Inches, and Length of the Side 30 Inches; What is the Fruftum's Solidiny? Firſt, 30x 30==900 ſquare of the Side Height, and 64 (viz. 8x8) the ſquare of the Semidiameter of the Baſe; then 900—6=836, whoſe ſq. Root is 28.914 ferè che Height of the Fruitum. Now, to find the Height of the whole Cone, and conſequently its Solidity, Tay, 4.8:8::28.914:48.18, that is, as the Difference betwixt the Fruitum's greatest and leaſt Semidiameters is to che gieareſt Semidiameter, fo is the Fruftuni's Height to thit of the whole Cone. By Prop. 2d, the Solidity of the whole Cone is 3229.06214, and by the fame Prop. the Solidity of the ſmall Cone is 206.59574, wherefore 3229.06214 206.5957453022.4664 for the Solidity of the Fru- ftum. The Solidity of the Fruſtum of a Cone may be o- therwiſe found, viz. Find the Area of both Baies, and take a Geometrical Mean berwixt theſe two cireas ; which Mean add to the Suin of the Areas, and multi- plying the Toral by of the Fruitum's Height, the Product is the Anſwer. Now, to find a Geoinetrical Mean between any two Numbers, you must take the ſquare Root of their Product. Or chus, Square the greateſt Diameter, as alſo the leſſer, and multiply the two Diameiers together, the Sum of which three Numbers mulcipiy by the Height, s and the Product divide by 3.8197 ; or that Sum mul- ciplied Superficies and Solids. 253 tiplied into of the Height, and the Product by .78543 gives the Solidity. If ſuch Fruſtums are cut thro' the Extremities of the Baſes by a Diagonal Line, they are called Hoofs, and the Solidity is found, if it be a Cone, by ſquaring the greater Diameter, and adding thereto į the Rectangle of the two Diameters, more the Difference betwixo the Diameters, and multiplying the Sum by the Height, and laſtly dividing the Product by 3.8197Or, by multiplying the ſaid Sum into of the Height, and multiplying the Product by .7834 for the greater Hoof Fig. 15 And for the Content of the lefſer Hoof, ſquare the leffer Diameter; and take the Rectangle of the two Diameters, from the Sum of which ſubtract the Diffe- rence betwixt the 2 Diameters, and the Remainder multiply and divide as before. And if it is a ſquare Pyramid, Take the Square of the greater Diameter, the Rec- tangle of the two Diameters, as alſo the Difference be- twixt the Diameters, multiply the Sum of theſe three Numbers by { of the Height for the grea c er Hoof And rake the Square of the leſſer Diameter, and { the Rectangle of the two Diameters, from the Sum of which ſubtract the Difference betwixt the two Dia- meters, and multiply the Remainder by f of the Height for the Content of the leffer Hoof. PROP. IV. To find the Solidity of a Globe or Sphere. RULE. Multiply the Superficies by → of its Axis : Or, 2. Multiply the Cube of the Axis by 5236: Or, 3. Becauſe every Globe is į of a Cylinder of the fame Height and Diameter of the Baſe, with the Globe's Axis, multiply the Area of a great Circle by the Di- amerer, and take } of the Product for the Anſwer. Exa. What is the Solidity of a Sphere, whoſe Dia- meter is 16? Z Ву 254 MENSURATION of By Prop. 23. the ſuperficial Content is 804.2496, which multiplied by 2.6666, br. (viz. Ź of the Axis) gives 2144.66, buc. for the Solidity. 2. The Cube of the Diameter is 4096, which mul- tiplied by .5236 gives 2144.66, &c. as before. 3. The Area of a great Circle upon it is 201.0624, which multiplied by the Diameter 16, makes 3216. -9984, of which is 2144.66, &c. as before. PRO P. V. To find the Solidity of the Fruftum of a Globe, ha- ving the Diameter of the Fruſtum's Baſe and its Alti- tude. RULE. Multiply the Square of half the Diameter of the Baſe by 3 times the Altitude, and to the Pro- duct add the Cube of the Altitude, the Sum multiply by .5236, and the Product is the Anſwer. Fig. 13. Exa. There is a Fruſtum of a Globe, the Diame- ter of whoſe Baſe is 24, and its Altitude 6, what is the Solidity ? 12X12=144 Square of half the Diameter, and 18 = 3 times the Altitude. Then 144x18=2592; and the Cube of the Altitude is 216'=6x6x6 wherefore 2592-+-2162808 Laſtly, 2808x.5236–1470.2688 for the Anſwer or Solidity of the Fruftum. PROP. VI. To find the Solidity of a Fruſtum of a Sphere, ha- ving the Sphere's Axis and Height of the Fruftum. ŘULE. From the triple Product of the Axis into the Square of the Fruſtum's Height, ſubtract twice the Cube of the Height, and multiply the Remainder by .5236 for the Anſwer. Éxa. There is a Fruftum of a Sphere, whoſe Axis is 30 Inches, and the Fruftum's Height 6 Inches, what is the Solidity? 36x30x3=3240 triple Product of the Axis into the Square of the Fruſtum's Height, and 432 = twice the Cube Superficies and Solids. 255 Cube of the Height; wherefore 32404+322808 and 2808x.5236=1470.2688 as before. And the Content of the one Fruſtum taken from that of the whole Sphere, leaves the Content of the o- ther Fruftum. If having the Altitude of the Fruftum with the Dia- meter of irs Baſe, you want to know the Height of the other Fruſtum, or the Sphere's Axis, divide the Square of the Semidiameter of the one · Fruſtum's Baſe by the Height of the Fruſtum, and the Quote is the Height of the other Fruſtum, whoſe Sum is the Sphere's Axis, PRO P. VII. To find the Solidity of the middle Zone of a Sphere. Fig. 13. as CDGHEF. RULE. To twice the Square of the Diameter or Sphere's Axis add the Square of the Diameter of the Baſe, and dividing the Sum by 3.8197, multiply the Quote by the Zone's Height for the Anſwer. Exa. Suppoſe the Diameter DE or AB 30, the Di- ameter of the Baſe 24, and the Zone's Height 18; What is the Solidity ? 30X30X2=1800 twice the Square of the Diameter; and 24X245576 ſquare of the Diameter of the Bale Then 1800+57652376, and 2376 divided by 3 8197, quotes 622,038, which multiplied by the Zone's Height 18, the Product is 11196.684 for the Anſwer. Or from the Solidity of the whole Spherc ſubtract that of twice the Fruſtum CAF, and the Remainder is the Solidity of the middle Zone. By Prop. 4. the Solidity of a Sphere whoſe Axis is 30 Inches, will be found to be 14137.2, from which ſubtracting twice the Fruſtum CAF, found by Prop. 5, viz. 1470.2688x2=2940.5376, the Remainder is 11196.6624, the ſame as before, ferè. Z 2 PROP. 256 MENSURATION of PRO P. VIII. To find the Solidity of a Spheroid, Fig. 16. A Spheroid is a Solid, formed by the Rotation of the Semi-cllipſis ABC, about its tranſverſe Diameter AC, which is called the Spheroids Axis: This Body much reſembles the Shape of an Egg. RULE. Every Spheroid being of its circum- ſcribing Cylinder, whoſe Baſe is = to the greateſt Dia- meter, and its Height that of the Spheroid ; therefore find its Content by multiplying the Area of its greateſt Circle by Ź of its Axis. Exa. What is the Solidity of a Spheroid, whoſe Axis is 40 Inches, and greateſt Diameter 22 Inches ? By Prop. 3. Sect. I. the Area of its greateſt Circle is 380.1336, which multiplied by 40 gives 15205.3447 two third Parts whereof is 10136.896 for the Anſwer. PROP. IX. To find the Solidity of the middle Zone of a Sphe- roid, as abde. Fig. 16. RULE. To twice the Square of the Diameter DB, add the Square of the Diameter of the Baſe ab or cd, and divide the Sum by 3.8197, the Quote of which Diviſion multiplied by the Height produces the An- ſwer. Exa. Suppoſe the Height of the middle Zone 24 Inches, the Diame:er of the Baſe 17 Inches, and the greateſt Diameter 22 Inches; What is the Solidity? 22X22=4847 and 484x2=968 17X17=289. Their Sum is 1257, which divided by 3.8197, quores 329.057, and this multiplied by the Height 24, gives 7897-368 for the Anſwer. PRO P. X. To find the Solidity of any other Fruſtum of a Sphe- roid, as Aab. RULE. Find its Solidity as if it was a Sphere, and ſay, Superficies and Solids. 257 ſay, As the Solidity of the whole Sphere is to the Soli- dity of the whole Spheroid, fo.is any part of the Sphere to the like Part of the Spheroid. Exa. Suppoſe the Height of the Fruftum 6, and the Diameter of the Baſe 16; What is the Solidity ? By Prop. 5th of this ſection, the like Fruítum of a Sphere would be 716.2848, and by Prop. 4. the Soli- dity of the whole Sphere is found to be 2423.878 ; therefore, &c. 3.2 PRO P. XI. To find the folid Content of a Parabolic Conoid, Fig. 12. This Solid is form'd by the Rotation of a Semipa- rabola CAB, about its Axis AB. RULE. Multiply the Area of the Bafe by the Altitude, and the Product is the ſolid Content ; for eve- ry parabolic Conoid is equal to its circumſcribing Cylinder. Exa. There is a parabolic Conoid, whoſe Baſe is Inches, and its Height 46 Inches; What is the Solidity? -7854X1024=804.2496 Area of the Baſe, which mul- tiplied by 23 (viz., the Altitude) gives 18497.8408. PROP. XII. To find the Solidity of the lower Fruſtum of a a para- bolic Conoid, as EFCD. Fig. 12. RUL E. Square the Diameter at each end, and multiply their Sum by the Height, and divide the Product by 3.8196. Exa. Suppoſe ÉF 24, CD 32 and bB-21.3; What is the Solidity? 32X32=1024, and 24x243576; their Sum is 1600, which multiplied by 31.95 (viz. of 21.3) gives 51120, and this divided by 3.8196 quotes 133836 for the Anſwer, 2 3 PROP. 258 MENSURATION of PRO P. XIII. To find the Solidity of a Parabolic Spindle or Pyra midoid. This Solid is formed by turning the Parabola about its Bafe. Fig. 17. RULE. Find the Contents as if it was a Cylinder, and take it of that Content for the Content of the Py- ramidoid. Exa. Suppoſe the Length AB 66 Inches, and the greateſt Diameter CD 27; What is the Solidity ? By Prop. 1. Sect. 2. The Contents of a Cylinder of the above Dimenſions: is found: to be 37788.7356, which multiplied by 8; and the Product divided by 15% gives the Content of the Pyramidoid, viz. 20153.9256. PROP: XIV: To find the Solidity of the middle Fruſtum of a Pa- rabolic Spindle, ſuch as aCcdDba. Fig. 17. RULE: Square the Diameter CD, which double, and thereto add the Square of the Diameter at the Baſe ab or cd, from the Sum of which take of the Square of the Difference betwixt the 2 Diameters, and dividing the Remainder; by 3.8197; the Quote multiplied into the Height is the Solidity required. Exa. Suppoſe the Diameter CD 27, as before, the length mm 33, at the Diameter at either Baſe ab or cd 20; What is the Solidity ? 27x27=729 and 72.9X2=1458. Then 20X20= 400, their Sum is 1858. Alſo 27--20=7, and 7x7 x=19.6. Then 1858–19:6=1838.4, which di- vided by 3.8197 quotes 481.294, and this multiplied by the Length 33, gives 15882.902 for the Anſwer. PROP. XV. To find the Solidity of a Cylindroid. This Figure has an elliptical or oyal Baſe, whereas a Cylinder has a circular one. RULE. 1 Superficies and Solids. 259 RULE. Find the Area of the Baſe by Prop. 19. Sect. 1. and this multiplied into the Height gives the Anſwer. Exa. Suppoſe the greateſt Diameter of the Baſe 41, and the lefſer Diameter at the Baſe 28, and the Height of the Cylinder 72; What is the Solidity ? By Prop. 19th, Sect. I. the Area of the Baſe is 901. .6392, which multiplied by 72 gives 64918.022 for the Anſwer: PRO P. XVI. To find the Solidity of an hyperbolic Conoid. This Figure is formed by the Rotation of a Semi- hyperbola ACD about its Axis AC. Fig. 18. RULE. To 6 times the tranſverſe Diameter Ag, add 6 times the intercepted Diameter AC for a Diviſor. 2. To 3 times the tranſverſe Diameter add twice the intercepted Diameter, and by the Sum multiply the Content of a Cylinder, whoſe Height is AC, and the Diameter of the Baſe BD; the Product is a Dividend; which divided by the Diviſor above found, gives the Content of the hyperbolic Conoid ABCD This Body is more eaſily meaſured by reducing it to 1 Cylinder by help of a mean Diameter. PROP. XVII. To find the Solidity of any Body by immerſing it into Water. RULE. Immerfe it in Water in a Parallelopiped; whoſe Sides are exactly divided into Inches and Parts, and the Solidity of the Water raiſed, will be equal to that of the Body immerſed. Or thus: Fill any Veſſel with Water, and having immerſed the Body, carefully reſerve the Water which flows over into another Vefſel; and find the Solidity of this Water by meaſuring it in a Veflel of a known Ca- pacity, for the Content or Solidity of this ſhall be that of the Body immerſed... SECT 260 Of GAUG ING. SECT. III. Of Gauging: divide by PRO P. I. TO *O find the Content in Ale, Wine or Corn Gallons Engliſh Meaſure, or in Scots Pints, of a Square Ton or Veffel. RULE. Multiply the Length or Breadth in Inches by itſelf, and the Product is the Area or Content at one Inch deep, which multiplied by the Height or Depth gives the folid Content in Inches, which to reduce to Ale Gall. 282. Wine Gall. 231. Corn Gall. 268.8 Scots Pints, 102.3 Or multiply the forefaid Solidity in Inches by.003546; 6004329; .003722; .009775 reſpectively, which Mul- tipliers are thus found. 282) 1.00000, &c. (.003546 231)1.00000, br. 1.004329 268.8)1.00000,&C.( 003722 102.3)1.00000,&C.1.009775 Exa. Suppoſe the side of a Square Veſſel 40.2 Inches, and Height 10.3; How many Gallons of Ale, Winé or Corn or Scots Pints doch it contain ? 40.2X40.2=1616.04, which multiplied by the Height 10.3 gives 16645.212, and this divided by 282, or multiplied by .003546 makes 59.024 ferè Ale Gallons, which you may alſo reduce to Wine or Corn Gallons, &c. by dividing or multiplying, as is before taught. PRO P. II. To find the Content in Gallons of a Vefſel in form of a Right-angled Parallelogram. RULE. Multiply the Length by the Breadth; and that Product by the Depth for the ſolid Content in Inches, which reduce to Gallons, as before.... Еха. . Of GAUG ING. 261 Exa. Suppoſe the Length 60 Inches, Breadth 40, and Depth 18; What is the Content in Gallons ? 60X4052400 and 2400X18343200, which divided by 282, or multiplied by .003546 gives 153.1872 for Ale Gallons. PROP. III To find the Content in Ale, &c. Gallons of a Vefſel of a Triangular Form. RULE. Find the Area of the Baſe by Prop. 18th Sect. 1. which multiplied by the Height gives the ſolid Content in Inches, and this laft divided or multiplied as before, gives the Content in Gallons. Exa. Suppoſe the Length of the Baſe of any Trian- gular Veffel be 25 Inches, the perpendicular Breadth 15, and the Depth 12 ; What is the Content in Gal- lons ? 25x7.5=187.5. and 187.5X12=2250 folid Inches, which divided by 282 or múltiplied by .003546 gives 7.9785 for Ale Gallons: and ſo on for Wine, Corn Gallons and Scots Pints. PROP. IV. To find the Content in Gallons of a Vefſel in form of any other regular or irregular Figure, the Veſſel be- ing equally wide throughout. RULE. Divide it into Triangles, and multiply the Sum of their Areas into the Depth, the Product is the ſolid Content in Inches, which reduce to Galions, by multiplying or dividing as before. PRO P. V. To find the Content in Gallons of a Veffel that's circular, and equally wide throughout, i. e. in form of a Cylinder. RULE. Multiply the Area of the Baſe in Inches by the Veſſel's Depth, and the Product is the Solidity in 262 Of GAUGING. } 48.3 in Inches, which reduce to Gallons, &c. by dividing or multiplying as before. Exa. Ler che. Diameter of a Cylindrical Veſtel be Inches and the Depth 60.5; how many Gallons doch it contain ? By Prop. 3. Sect. 1. the Area of the Baſej is 1832 -2518, which multiplied by 60.5 produces 110851 .234263 ſolid Inches; and this divided by 282, or mul- tiplied by .003546 makes 393.0784, for Ale Gallons, dc. Or thus : Divide the Square of the Diameter by 359.05 for Ale Gall. The Quotes are the Areas 294.12 for Wine Gall. at 1 Inch deep, which there- 342.24 for Corn Gall. fore muſt be multiplied by 130.25 for Scots Pints. the whole Depth for the Anſwer. N. B. Thefe Diviſors are found by dividing 282, 231,:268.8, 102.3 ſeverally by .7854 the Area of that Circle whoſe Diameter is I. PROP. VI. To find the Content in Gallons of a Veffel of ani Elliptical Bottom or in Form of a Cylindroid equally wide throughout. RULE. Find its Solidity by Prop. 15. Sect. 2. and divide or multiply as before, in order to reduce it to Gallons, &c. Or (which is the ſame Thing) multiply the Length of the Bottom or Top by its Breadth, and that Product by .7854 for the Area at one Inch deep, which multiplied by the whole Depth, and the Pro- duct divided by 282, bo. gives the Anſwer in Gal- lons, Quc. Exa. Suppoſe the greateſt Diameter of the Top or Bottom 41 Inches, and the leſſer 28, and Height or Depth of the Vefſel 72 Inches; What is the Content in Gallons, bouc. By Prop. 15. Sect. 2. the Solidity in Inches is 64918.022, which divided by 282, quotes 226,66 for Ale Gallons. But Of G AUGING. 263 But if the Veffel, whether circular or elliptical, be wider at the Top than at the Bottom (as they general- ly are) the beſt Way of finding its Content, is by ta- king the Sum of the Areas of Top and Bottom, and multiplying the ſaid Sum by the Height or Depth, and dividing as before, in order to reduce it to Ġal- lons. Exa: What is the Content of a Tub, whoſe Dia- meter at the Top is 37 Inches, and at the Bottom 30 Inches, the Depth being 24 Inches? 37x37=1369 and 1369X.7854=1075.2126 Area at 30x30x.78545706.86 Area at the ort om. Their Sum is 1782.0726, of which is 891.0363, which multiplied by 24, makes 21384.8712; and this divided by 282, gives 75.8329 Ale Gallons. the Top PRO P. VII. To find the Content in Gallons of a Priſm, having for its Sides Parallelograms ſtanding at Right Angles with the Baſe. RULE. Find the Solidity in Inches by Prop. I. Sect 2. and divide the ſame by 282, Loc. for the An- [wer in Gallons, &c. Exa. There is a Triangular Priſm, the Length ofone of the Sides of whoſe Bale is 12 Inches, of another 16, and of the other 18, and the Depth 24 Inches; What is the Content in Gallons ? By Prop. 1. Sect. 2. the Solidity of the Priſm, (fup- poſing the Perpendicular let fall on the greateſt Side of the Baſe, 10.5 Inches) is found to be 2268 folid Inches; which divided by 282, quotes 8.04 Ale Gallons. PRO P. VIII. To find the Content in Gallons of a Vefſel in form of a Pyramid, having Right Lines for its Baſe. RULE. Find its Solidity in Inches by Prop. 2. Sect. 2. and divide by 282, &c. for the Anſwer in Gallons, &c. Exa: 264 OF G AUGING. Exa. How many Scots Pints doth a Pyramidical Veſſel consain, whoſe Baſe is a Circle of 16 Inches Di- ameter, and the Perpendicular Height or Depth of the Veſſel 30 Inches? 16x10x.7854X10=2010.624 Solidity in Inches, and this divided by 102.3 or multiplied by .009775, gives 19.65519 Pints, 2 Mutchkins, 2 Gills feré. If it is a ſquare Pyramid, its Content in Gallons may be thus found; Square the Side of the Baſe and multiply the ſaid Square by the perpendicular Height, dividing the Product by 3 Times the conſtant Divi- ſors, 282, 231, 268.8, 102.3 for the Anſwer in Ale, &c. Gallons. PRO P. IX. To find the Content in Gallons of the Fruſtum of a Pyramid cut by a Plain, parallel to its Baſe. RULE. By Prop. 3. Sect. 2. find its Solidity in Inches, which divide by 282, br. for the Content in Gallons, &c. If the Veſſel is in Form of a Fruftum of an Elliptical Pyramid, or indeed of any other Form, find the Areas of the Top and Bottom, then a Geometrical Mean be- twixt them, and multiply the Sum of theſe two Areas and the Mean by į of the Fruſtum's Height, and di- vide the Product by 282, c. for Gallons, &c. PROP. X. To find the Content in Gallons, doc. of a Vefſel in Form of a Globe. RULE. By Prop. 4. Sect. 2. find the Solidity in Inches, and divide or, multiply as before, to reduce it to Gallons, dc. Or çhus. Multiply the Cube of the Axis by.001856, or divide by 538.57 for Ale Gallons: multiply by .002266, or divide by 441.17 for Wine Gallons, and the Quotes or Products are the reſpective Contents. For if the Cube of the Axis being multiplied by .5236 gives the Con- Of GAUGING. 265 Content in Inches, (Prop. 4. Sect. 2.) therefore by di- viding the faid Content by 282.231, &c. the Quote gives the Content in Gall. but 282).5236 (.001856 Multiplier for A. Gall. 231) .5 236 0.002266 Multiplier for W. Gall. Or, -5236) 282. (538.57 Diviſor for A. Gall. -5236) 282 (441.17 Diviſor for W. Gall. PROP. XI. To find the Content in Gall. of the Segment of a Spherical Veſſel, having the Diameter of its Baſe and Height. Rule. Find the Content in Inches by Prop.5. Sect. 2. and divide or multiply as before, for the Content in Gall. Or thus, To the triple Square of half the Diameter, add the Square of the Height, which Sum multiply in- to the Height, and divide the Product by 538 57 or multiply by .001856 for Ale Gall. and divide or mule tiply by 441.17 and .002266 for Wine Gallons. PRO P. XII. To find the Content in Ale, Wine, doc. Gall. of a Veffel, in Form of the middle Fruſtum of a Globe. RÚLE. By Prop. 7. Sect. 2. find its Solidity in Inches, and multiply or divide as before, for the An- ſwer in Gallons, PROP XUI. To find the Contents in Gallons, doc. of Vefſels in Form of a Spheroid, middle Zone of a Spheroid, Pa- rabolic Conoid, lower Fruftum of a Parabolic Conoid, Parabolic Spindle, middle Fruftum of a Parabolic Spin- dle, Cylindric and Hyperbolic Conoid. RULE. Find their contents in Inches by Prop. 8. 9. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Sect. 2. and divide or multi- ply as before, for the Content in Gallons, &c. PROP Аа 266 Of G AUGING. PROP. XIV. . To find the Content in Gall. buc. of any clare Cask, as Fig. 19. The Contents of ſuch Casks cannot be found by a- ny one general Rule; and therefore they are ſuppoſed to be either 1. The middle Zone of a Spheroid, or 2. The middle Zone of a Parabolic Spindle, or 3. The lower Fruftums of 2 equal Parabolic Co- noids, or 4. The lower Fruſtums of 2 equal Cones. 1. If the Staves of the Cask have a great Curve as the outward Lines of the Figure, it is ſuppoſed to be the middle Zone of a Spheroid, whoſe Content in Inches is found by Prop. 9. Sect. 2. and thence in Gall. Soc. by dividing or multiplying as before. Exa. Suppoſe the greateſt or Bung Diameter Dd, 20 Inches, the leffer Cc, 16, and Height of the Cask AB 31. What is the Content in Ale Gallons ? 20x20 5400 & 400x2=800 16X16=256 = and 32736 divided by 3.81917, quotes 8570.306 for the Sólid Content in Inches, which divided by 282, or multiplied by .003546, gives 30.39 Ale Gallons. 2. If the Staves are not ſo much curved as before, the Cask is ſuppoſed to repreſent the middle Fruſtum of a Parabolic Spindle, whoſe Content in Inches is found by Prop. 14. Sect. 2. Exa. Suppoſe (as before, the greateſt Diameter 20 Inches, the leſſer 16, and Height of the Cask 31 loches, what is the Content in Ale Gallons? 20x20 5 400 & 400X2 400 & 400X2=800; then 16x16=256 Their Sum is 1056; and 20 – 16=4: alfo 4.XIX = 6.4 and 1056 — 6.4 = 1049.6, which divid: ci by 3:8197, quores 274.73, and this multiplied into the Height 3i, gives 8518.18 folid Content in Inches, which Of GAUG ING. 267 which divided by 282, or multiplied by .003546, makes 30.205 Ale Gallons. 3. When the Staves are very little curved, the Cask is ſuppoſed to repreſent the lower Fruftums of 2 equal Parabolic Conoids, joined together by their greater Baſes at the Bung, whoſe Contents may be found by Prop. 12. Sect. 2. Exa. Suppoſe (as before) the greateſt Diameter 20 Inches, the lefſer 16, and the Height 31. What is the Content in Ale Gallons ? 20x20=400, and 16x16=256; their Sum is 656, which multiplied by 91, produces 30504, and this di- vided by 3.8197, quotes 7986.17 for the Content in Inches; which divided by 282, or multiplied by .003546, gives 28.31 Gall. of Ale for the Anſwer. 4. Laſtly, if the Staves are pretty ſtreight from the Bung to the Head, as the prick'd Lines in the Figure, the Cask is ſuppoſed to be in Form of the lower Fruſ- tums of 2 equal Cones joined together by their greateſt Baſes at the Bung, and its Content may be found by Prop. 3. Sect. 2. 20X20=400 16x16=256 976X31=30256, and this divided 20x16=320 by 3.8197, quores 7921.04 folid Inches, which di- vided by 282, or multiplied by .003546, gives 28.088 Gallons of Ale for the Anſwer. So the ſeveral Anſwers (according to the ſuppoſed Forms of the Cask) are, 30.39 30.205 3. 28.31 4. 28.088 But ſuch Casks as theſe ought to be reduced to a Cy- linder, by taking a mean Diameter, for which obſerve the following Rule. Multiply the Difference between the Head and Bung Diameter, by :7;.65;.6; or -55, according as the Staves are more or leſs arching, which Product add A a 2 } I. 2. to 268 Of GAUGING. . 3 to the Head Diameter, the Sum is the mean Diameter, and the Cask is thereby reduced to a Cylinder, whoſe Con crit is found by Prop. 5. Sect. 3. Moreover, if you want to know what Quantity of Liquor is drawn out, or remains in any ſuch Cask, when it ſtands upon one of its Baſes ; RULE. As the Square of half the Length of the Cask, is to the Difference between the Head and Bung Areis ; so is the Square of any Circle's Diſtance from the Bung to the Difference between the Bung A- sea and that of the Circle, or of the Area of the Li- quor's Surface: which found, froin the Bung Area take of the foreſaid Difference, and multiply the Remain- der by the Liquor's Diſtance from the Bung, and the Product will ſhew what Quantity of Liquor is either above or under the Content of the Cask. ExQ. Suppoſe (as before) the Bung Diameter 20 Inches, the leſſer 16, and Height 31, what is the Con- tent in Ale Gallons, when there is' 12 Inches wet ? Half of the Cask's Length is = 15.5, whoſe Square is 240.25 ; The Liquor's Diſtance from the Bung, is 15.5 - 12=3.5, whoſe Square is 12.25. The Area at the Bung is 1.11404 Gall . at the Top.71298, and their Difference is .40106. Therefore 240.25 : .40106 : : 12.25: .02045, the Difference between the Bung Area and that of the Circle. Then 1.11404-.02045 =1.09359, which divid- ed by 3, quotes : 364532 and 1.11404 - .36453'= .74951, and this laſt multiplied by 3.5, makes 2.62328 =to what the Cask wants of being half full; where- fore 15.195 (viz. balf the Content of the whole Cask found by Prop. 14.) -- 2.62328=12.57172, the Num- ber of Ale Gallons in the Cask át 12 Inches wet. If the Cask had wanted but 12 Inches of being full, the Content would have been 15.195+-12.57172=27. 76672 Gallons. PROP. Of G AUGING. 269 PROP. XV. To find out what Liquor is in a Cask (not full) when it lies with its Axis parallel to the Horizon. RULE. By Prop. 9. Sect. 1. find the Area of the Segment in Inches, which reduce to Gallons, &c. as is before taught. But becauſe the Area of a Segment may be readily found in Gall. &c. by Help of a Table of Segnients, as follows: The Quantity of Liquor drawn out or remaining in any Cask lying with its Axis parallel to the Horizon (being firſt reduced to a Cylin- der) is beſt found this Way, viz. From the Bung Di- ameter ſubtract the mean Diameter, and half the Dif. ference; alſo from the wet Inches ſubtract the ſaid half Difference, and ſay, As the mean Diameter is to 100 (the Diameter of the Tabular Circle) ſo is the laſt Difference to a vers’d Sine in the Table; then if the Segment ſtanding againſt that vers'd Sine, be multi- plied into the Content of the Cask in Gall. or Inches, the Product will ſhew what Quantity of Liquor (in Gall. or Inches) either remains, or is drawn out of the Cask. Exa. Suppoſe the Cask to repreſent the middle Zone of a Parabolick Spindle, whoſe Bung Diameter is 20 Inches, Head Diameter 16, Length of the Cask 31, and 8 Inches wet. What is the Content in Ale Gall? Firſt 20 — 16 = 4, and 4x.65 = 2.6, and 2.6+16= 20-18.6 18.6 mean Diameter. Then =.7, half the Difference between the Bung and mean Diameters, and 7.3 Difference betwixt the wet Inches and the foreſaid half Difference. Therefore * 18.6: 100:: 7.3:39 3.3611 Segment. The Content of the whole Cask is found by Prop. 5. Sect. 3. to be 29.8685 Gail. wherefore this multi- plied by :3611 gives 10.7855 for the Number of wet Gall. and 20-8-12, Number of dry Inches; then 2 8.7 A a 3 I 2 270 Of G AUGING. 12-.711.3; therefore 18.6 : 100: : 11.3:60 V. Sine = .62659 .6265, which multiplied by 29.8685, gives 18.7126, the Number of dry Gall. the Sum of both is 29.5 = the Content of the whole Cask fere. A TABLE of the Segments of a Circle, whoſe Area is 1, the Diameter (1.128378) being di- vided into 100 equal Parts. 77/0.8262 V S. I Segm. 117.S.] Segm. 11V.S. Segm. 117.5.1 Segm. 110.0017|| 26 |0.2006 510.5127 76 0.8155 2 0.004827 10.217852 0.5255 310.00872810.22921530.5382 78 0.8369 410.0134 29 10.2407115410.5509 79 0.8474 5 0.91871 30 10.252311550.5635 800.8576 6 0.0245 310.26401 56 0.5762 81 0.8677 7 0.03081 32 0.27591 57 0.5888 82 0.8776 8 0.03751 33 0.287858 0.601483 0.8873 90.0446 || 34 (0.2998159 0.6140 840.8968 100.0520|| 35 10.3119||60 0.6265 85 0.9059 Il 0.05981 36 10.3241 610.6389. 860.9142 12 0.068037 0.3364|| 62 0.6514187 0.9236 130.076438 0.34861163 0.6636 88 0.9320 14 0.0851 390.3611 640.6759 89 0.9402 15 0.094.1||40|0.3735116510.6881 90 0.9480 16 10.103241 0.3860 910.9554 17 0.1127|| 420.3986116710.7122 92 0.9625 180.1224 || 430 4112 93 0.9692 19 0.1323||44 0.42381169 1.7360 941 0.9755 20 0.1424 145 10.4365117010.7477 950.9813 210.1526|| 46 0.44911711 9.7593 96 0.9866 22 0.16311147 0.461811720.7708 97 0.9913 230.1738148 0.4745 1732.7822 98 0.9952 24 0.1845 || 49 10 4373 174 5.7934 99 0.9983 25 10.1955|150 10.5000/175 10.804511100 1.0000 6610.7002 6810.724-1 of Of G AUGING. 271 Of M A L T-GAUG IN G. According to an Act of an Engliſh Parliament anno 1697, every round Buſhel with a plain and even Bot- tom, 18 Inches wide throughout, and 8 Inches deep, ſhould be eſteem'd a legal Wincheſter Bushel: Now ſuch a Veſſel will contain 2150.42 Cubic Inches ; for 18.5X15.5 =342.25, which multiplied by :7854, gives 268.80315, and this laſt multiplied by the Height 8, produces 2150.42. And therefore to find the Number of Buſhels contained in any Veſſel, firſt find its Solidi- ty in Inches, according to the Form of the Verrel, and divide by 2150.42 for the Anſwer. If the Malt be lying on the Floor, in order to know the true Depth, you muſt take the Depth in ſeveral (ſuppoſe 6, 7, 8, or more) Places, the Sum of which di- vided by the Number of Places you took the Depth in, quotes the mean Depth. Exa. Suppoſe a Quantity of Malt lying on the Floor, in Form of a Rectangular Parallelogram, Length 160 Inches, and Breadth 100 Inches, what is the Number of Buſhels contain'd in it ? Suppoſe I 5.5 6. 2 3 4.8 Depth to be 4 5 6 7 5.9 4.8 6. I 5.7 38.8 the Sum is 38.8, which divided by 7, the Number of Places, the Quore 5.543 is the mean Depth. Then 160X100 = 16000, and 16000X5.543 produces 88688 Cubic Inches, which divided by 2190.42, quotes 4.1.242 Buſhels for the Anſwer. I N Į S. BOOKS printed for John OSWALD, at the Roſe and Crown, in the Poultry, near the Manſion-Houſe. A mates. I. Treatiſe of Fractions in two parts. Part iſt, Con- taining the whole Doctrine of practical com- mon Fractions, with their Ule and Application, handled at great lengih. 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