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SECOND EDITION ALREADY REQUIRED AMONG MANY WITNESSES A BOOK FOR BIBLE STUDENTS By M. B. WILLIAMS, Evangelist This little volume, prepared by a popular Evangelist, is brimful of suggestive helps for the Bible student. It contains among other chapters : “ Short History of the Bible," “ Structure of the Book," " Outline Sketches of the Books of the Old and New Testaments," “ Thoughts on the Great Controversy," etc. PERSONAL OPINIONS. REV. J. B. CULPEPPER, Macon, Ga. Worth ten times the price. No student of the Word should be without it." REV. J. G. BLUE, Marinette, Wis. "The book and its author have been to me a great in spiration to Bible study. "The chapter on Sketches of the Books' impressed me, as never before of the necessity of Bible teachers knowing vhat each book contains and why written. •Among Many Witnesses,' will help any one obtain this information. REV. W. LAUDRUM, D.D. "A good book for Bible students who have neither time nor qualifications for studying a larger work. The style is clear and cogent, the spirit evangelical, and the aim is mani. festly to facilitate intelligent study of the Word of God. Its analysis of the books of the Bible is very helpful.” Jssued in Fine Vellum Cloth. 240 pages. Price $1.00, Postpaid. FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY 30 Union Square, East 148 & 150 Madison St. NEW YORK CHICAGO T . WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS . ht A WORKER'S HAND-BOOK comment BY EVANGELIST M. BY WILLIAMS Author of “Among Many Witnesses.” FLEMING H, REVELL COMPANY CHICAGO: I NEW YORK : 148 & 150 Madison St. | 112 Fifth Avenue. 1. Publishers of Evangelical Literature. 1892 Copyrighted 1892, by Fleming H. Revell. INTRODUCTORY IN presenting this little manual to the workers for God the author pleads as an excuse the need of something a little differ- ent in this line from anything now in gen- eral use. This seeks, in the first part, to cover very briefly the entire field, from the pastor to his humblest child ; stirring the nominal church member to activity and encouraging the worker to more earnest effort; instruct- ing the ignorant and aiding the student; showing the need and applying the remedy. In the second part all of the most com- mon cases found in the after meeting are dealt with. To go farther is but to subdivide these classes. ;. Many Christians are aroused in revival meetings and would like to work, but they feel the lack of training in methods and in the Scriptures, and so hesitate. Any one can take this brief course and then begin work. . Many workers do not know how to 3 [5] win . uias INTRODUCTORY. use the Scriptures when they have them before their eyes, so in place of assorted verses only, the author has gathered for each class a few scriptures that the Spirit has most blessed with him in his own per- sonal work, and epitomized a sample of the conversations which he is continually hav- ing with seekers, only in monologue. If you cannot do better, you can memorize : them, and then you need no longer make the excuse, “I do n't know what to say." You will find your own words coming, however, when you get into the spirit of the work. Again, if this little book is placed in the hands of the unconverted, it is like a series of gospel tracts, and the Spirit may use the Word without any other human agency. Notice as you look over this little book, first, its brevity ; second, its conciseness ; third, its pointedness: then stop and think over the condition of affairs from various standpoints, and see whether or no such words are needed. M. B. W. Atlanta, Ga., June, 1892. E E! .. . ... ... .. 94 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. PART 1.- THE WORKER. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his har- vest. Matt. 9:37, 38. When Jesus spoke these words, He looked on Judea, where alone the seed had been sown or the ground prepared. To-day, the words mean a thousand-fold more to us, for the field is the world, and the world is pre- pared. Nineteen centuries of seed sowing for the harvest of these last few days ! Never was there an age of such responsi- bility, never were times frought with such danger. The world lying in wickedness, the Church asleep; man at ease in sin, Christians at ease in Zion; Satan going about like a roaring lion, the lambs of God's flock his prey ; poverty and distress [7]. 8. WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. increasing; the Church growing rich and ." increasing in goods; infidelity rampant in the land, rank' unbelief preached from many :: a pulpit. A century ago aggressive Christianity was restricted by ignorance, bigotry, supersti- tion, idolatry, conservatism, and apathy on the part of both Church and world ; to-day the one thing in the way is the apathy of the professed followers of Christ. In the latter part of the sixteenth century Francis Xavier, standing before the walls of China's conservatism, cried, “O Rock, Rock, when wilt thou open to my master ?" No Joseph Neesima had opened the schools of Japan to missionaries; the zenanas of India seemed impenetrable; Africa was an un- known continent, Alaska a wilderness,., America a desert and a forest, the isles of the sea inhabited by cannibals to whom a missionary was but a choice tidbit. To-day the condition of the world is completely changed, and over a thousand million. who know not Christ must depend on us for their knowledge of Him. Not a country WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. on earth but is ready to receive the gospel. Truly the field is white for the harvest. But how can we expect to bring about a change abroad until there is a change at home? The Master's commission, Disciple all nations beginning at Jerusalem, is being forgotten. In 1891, 485 churches reported not an accession this year on profession of faith.' Was your Church among that num- ber, Brother Pastor? Then for the sake of Christ's Kingdom, if you love it, see a change this year or go back to your planta- tion or your store. Much of this deadness is induced by the worldly spirit which has .crept into the Church. A ship may ride · the waves through many a storm in safety if she has no leak, but let her spring a leak, and the water soon fills the hold and she is sinking. So with the old ship of Zion, - she is in the world but not of it; let the world get into the church, and activity is paralyzed, for there is never an aggressive gospel without spirituality, and without ac- tivity the Church soon sinks. A Pastor said in a meeting not long ago : T 10 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. "I used to think when I had held up Christ and commented on his precepts, I had done my duty, but I find I must preach against sin.”—Correct. “The law is our school-mas- ter to bring us to Christ.” A man said he would not go to hear me preach because I did not preach the gospel. I inquired into his life and found, though prominent in the Church, he was more prominent in sin. I said, in stronger terms than I use here: "You are not fit for the gospel. It is not the balm of Gilead, but a good, old-fash- ioned fly blister of the law that you need." Man is not ready for the gospel until he feels the smart of sin. Don't be afraid to preach the law, “for by the law is the knowledge of sin." - Another Pastor said: “I thought I had done my duty when I had preached my ser- mon. I always said if anybody wanted to talk about religion they might hunt me up." He had inverted Christ's method. Christ preached the sermon and then hunted up. his audience, which often consisted of but one person. WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 11 The world never will be converted by ser- mons to people in the mass; it must be brought to Christ as Andrew brought Peter, and as Philip brought Nathanael. You may not be a preacher; neither was Andrew, but, “He first findeth his own brother," who in turn found three thousand on the day of Pentecost, but he had one hundred and nine- teen workers to help him in the after meet- ing. The world will never be saved by an unaided clergy. A few years of that, and another Luther must be raised up; and the clergyman who believes it will, cares more for his living than he does for the souls of the lost. Or, like the average preacher who “ does n't believe in Evangelists,” it simply means that he is having a nice nap and does n't care to be disturbed. No, the command comes to you, "Son, go work to-day in my vineyard.” It is ap- plicable to the theme and the day. You may not be called abroad or to the pulpit at home, but God, is more in need of conse- crated laymen in office, home, and store, in shop, in round-house, and on the road, than 12 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. he is of more pastors or missionaries just now. The fact that I can, if converted, bring some one else to Christ ought to be my greatest incentive to a Christian life. A young man said to me, “The main rea- son for my settling this matter now and coming into the church is the hope that I may win my brother to Christ.” But my country should be limited only by the bor- ders of the universe, and every man is my brother. Christ created a great brother- hood of humanity as well as a brotherhood of Divinity. The burden of every saved soul, in room of the burden of sin rolled off at Calvary, should be the burden for some unsaved one. We are workers to- gether with Him, partners with the Son of God in saving a lost world. Sometimes it means self-sacrifice and self-denial. How willing we are to be joint heirs in His glory, how unwilling to know the fellowship of His sufferings ! Secker says, “He that deems His yoke heavy, will not find His crown easy." The Christian's work is to make the world better on his journey to A WORDS FOR ?'HE ANXIOUS. 13 15 . heaven by winning souls from sin to God; his secular business is for paying expenses while at it. How often the Christian seeks to salve his conscience over by doing some other line of service; freezing cream, stirring lemonade, and moving chairs and benches at picnics. Jesus is not particularly in need of such service now; there are always plenty to do that; the greatest need in the world is a Church made up of soul winners on fire with the Holy Ghost. Men are saved, as a rule, only by hand to hand personal contact with soul winners. Put it to the test in any audience of Chris- tians, and the majority will rise while most of the remainder can't tell when they be- came followers of Christ. No follower of Christ is too young or too feeble to be a soul winner. To the man just saved Christ says: “Go home to thy friends and tell them what great things the Lord hath done for thee.” To the youthful Timothy, Paul writes: "Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example to the believer." Never 14 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. a great revival but souls go from the altar or inquiry room to find some one else for Jesus. Many a child has gone home from the children's meeting to bring papa and mamma back to night service and then to Jesus. Are you doing this work? If not you are just living on the husks of a Chris- tian experience. Try the kernel and see how much sweeter it is... It is true some fitting is needed, but first of all comes soul hunger. If you have n't it, pray for it. O God, make me hunger to win souls for Thee. Given this longing, and all lack of other fitness or education will be- gin to melt away. Secondly, we need some knowledge of the Word. He promises, “My word shall not return unto me void.” Learn to handle the sword of the Spirit. "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Some one has said, “A workman is known by his chips.” That is a mistake; you can't tell by a pile of chips whether they were made by an apprentice or WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 15 ; a skilled mechanic. A workman is known by the finished workmanship which he turns out. How many chips are found in the in- quiry room, but how few skilled workmen for God! A Pastor in a western town went out to work among the audience after the sermon. Among others, he found a worldly young lady; he asked her to accept of Christ. She said, “I am not doing anything so very bad.” He turned to James 4: 17, “To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” She replied, “Well, some- time I am going to be a Christian." "When?" said he. “ Perhaps to-morrow, I do n't know.” Again he read, “Go to now ye that say to- morrow whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow." "These are God's words, not my words," said he. The next day she sought him out, and said, “O sir, those words kept me awake all night; every time I would fall asleep I would see your face and hear you say, "These are God's words, not my words;' can you tell me what to do to be į saved ?” She was saved that day, but I 3. . 16 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. - OM doubt if anything he could have said would have produced the same result. Contrast it with this case. I saw a man throwing his arms one night and shouting over a kneeling penitent; almost every min- ute he would bring down the flat of his hand on the kneeling man's back with great force. I hastened up and said, “What is it?" He replied, “ Bless God, it's my brother," and struck him again. I knelt by the young man, and asking him a few questions, found him in need of immediate instruction. So I said, “Stop, friend, do n't hit him any more, he is penitent already, let's lead him to Christ." This was an easy matter, and we had soon opened the word to his needy soul. In a few moments his brother was trusting in Jesus...' Third, there is need of tact not only to get at men but wisely to diagnose their various cases and apply the correct reme- dies. What would you think of a doctor who came into your house, and without examin- ing his patient, would simply take out his WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 17 medicine chest and give some powders, say- ing, “It is all good medicine," or, “I am giving this remedy to everybody to-day." You would throw his physic to the dogs (if you did n't value them highly), saying, “I don't believe he knows what he is about," or, “I have no confidence in him." You would expect him to look at your tongue, feel your pulse, take your temperature, etc., and then prescribe the remedy. How much confidence do you think an inquiring soul has in us as students of the Great Physician when we blunder along at our work ? Find out who you are talking with, and what his difficulties are. Don't go up un- announced to a stranger and say, “ All you have got to do is to believe.” Perhaps his belief has nothing to do with his case. Per- haps his heart is full of malice. Jesus says, “If you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father in Heaven forgive you your trespasses.” I heard a worker thus daubing a man with untempered mor- tar one night, and stepping up began to investigate. The man believed everything, 2 * 18 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. but was living an unclean life, and unwill- ing to break with the partner of his sin. Get the confidence of a seeker, and he will tell you, as a rule, all you need to know about his case, then use the word that fits it. : Fourth, an earnestness to press for an immediate decision. This, to be effect- ive, must be of the Holy Ghost through a conscience void of offense. A successful worker must be a good man or woman liv- ing in communion with God. He must have a strong, abiding faith, or he cannot teach another of its mysteries. He must have an experience, for how can he expect to lead another where he himself has never been? He must realize the danger of de- lay, or he will not feel the urgent need of immediate action. "Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." GENERAL HINTS. Be alone and quiet with the seeker, if you can. If you are working in the crowd, for- get that any one else is near Lose yourself in your work. WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 19 . 1116 It is better, as a general thing, for but one to talk with him at a time. Better work can usually be done if no third party is listening. Be natural in all your work. Introduce yourself to the one you wish to talk with and find out who it is, if a stranger. · Remember your work is not to convict or convert; the Spirit of God alone can do that, but to use the word, and “Knowing the terrors of the law, persuade men." Be constantly watchful and prayerful, trusting in the Holy Spirit to do the work. Be patient; do n't get discouraged, often it is darkest just before dawn. One of the clearest, brightest cases I ever had, required nearly three hours of interrupted pleading out of the Scriptures. Memorize your scriptures; classify them, and know where to find them, with the help of this or any other hand-book. If you fail to bring the inquirer through, get some one else to help you. Change off, another may finish what you have begun.. Don't be so formal or methodical that you lose your own individuality. Be easy, be free, be natural. 20 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. Kneel down and pray with him. Get him to pray aloud for himself if he will. Some- times when you have failed in your work, the seeker will be converted at prayer. As a last resort, when everything else has failed, give him some scriptures to read, and get a promise from him to settle it on his knees, or at least to try to do so before he sleeps. PART II.- THE ANXIOUS. CLASS 1.-"How can I be Saved ?" Scriptures.- John 5 : 24; 3: 16; Isa. 55: 7; John 3 : 18; 6:37; Rom. .8:1. John 3 : 18 shows that you “are con- demned already.” You may have broken God's holy law, therefore you have incurred the penalty, which is condemnation to eter- nal death; but (1 John 3:5) "He,” that is, Christ, was manifested to take away our sins." In His tender mercy He says, "Come unto me." (Matt. II:28.) He also says, “ Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out." (John 6:37.) Now He could not deceive us,-He would not mock us, so I believe His word. If He does not cast us out, what will He do? Why, take us in, of course. Now turn to Rom. 8:1 and you will find, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in [21] ..... . . 22 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. Christ Jesus.” I have come forsaking my sins, that is repentance; I have come be- lieving His word, that is faith; therefore, "I know whom I have believed.” The pen- alty is lifted. In place of condemnation I have justification, for I am "in Him,” the just One. I am "in Christ a new creature." (2 Cor. 5:17.) And as a new creature or a new creation, “ye are complete in Him." (Col. 2:10.) CLASS II.-" The Backslider." Scriptures. Jer. 2:19; 3:12, 14, 22; Hos. 14:1-4; 1 John 1:9; Isa. 55:7. God's word says, “It is an evil thing and a bitter that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord God of hosts.” It means being untrue to God. It means the breaking of the most sacred vows. It means utter un- worthiness of His mercy. Nevertheless, He says (Jer. 3: 12, 14, 22), “Return, . ; ; and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 23 ... only acknowledge thine iniquity. ... Return, and I will heal your backslidings.” Again He says (Hos. 14:1-4), “Return unto the Lord thy God, for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity. Take with you words." That means confession. We are to return confessing our sins. Now the promise: "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him.” Why? - Because he came back humbly with words of confession. Again (Isa. 55: 7): Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts [that is true repentance], and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him, and unto our God, for He will abun- dantly pardon." Will you rest in His offer of mercy and love? CLASS III. -"I am not Fit.” . Scriptures. -- Isa. 1:18; 1 Tim. 1:15; Luke 19:10; Isą. 53:6; Eze. 33:14-16. An old hymn reads, “All the fitness He requireth is to feel your need of Him." i WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 24 Apart from that, coupled with a hearty turn- ing from my sin, there is no such thing as getting fit to be saved. It was for sinners unfitted for salvation or heaven that Jesus died. Listen (Isa. 1:18): “ Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." The fact that you see yourself as lost and undone is helpful to your case, as Jesus came " to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19: 19.) If you believe yourself a very great . sinner, listen to the word again : ".This is a faithful saying and worthy of all accep- tation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief." : (1 Tim. 1:15.) Again :" If the wicked turn from his sin and do that which is lawful and right, . . . he shall surely live, he shall not die. None of his sins which he hath com- mitted shall be mentioned unto him." (Eze. 33 : 14-16.). Now if you want to be saved, you must believe God, and turn from sin to Him. If you do n't believe Him, you make Him a liar... WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 25 CLASS IV.-"I do n't Believe I Could Hold Out." Scriptures. Heb. 10:23; 13:5; I Cor. 10:13; Heb. 7:25; Isa. 42:6, 16. It is n't your part to hold out, but to hold on. "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering : for He is faith- ful that promised." Promised what? (Heb. 13:5.) "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." He also says, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is com- mon to man: but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (1 Cor. 10:13.) “Wherefore He is able also to save them to the utter- most that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.” (Heb. 7:25.) So you see there is a promise for every need. It is not help for the future but the present that you want. You need a new birth. God never gives grace in advance. In the wilderness the 26 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. manna fell fresh every day. That is a type of God's sustaining grace. Have you heard the story of the clock? A new clock was · brought into a castle where an old one had ticked out a century. Said the new one, “ How-did-you-do-it, -how-did-you-do-it ? " " One-tick - at- a - time, -one-tick-at-a-time,” solemnly replied the old clock. “Well-I- can-do-that-yes-I-can-do-that,” responded the new one, and I suppose it is ticking there yet. Thus do we live the Christian life, one tick at a time. CLASS V. -"Some Other Time,- not To- night.” Scriptures.--Heb. 3:7, 8; 2:3; Jas. 4:13, 14 ; 2 Cor. 6:2. God never gave but one time for salva- tion. That time is now. The past is gone forever, the future is rolled up with God; man has the present and that only. So God says, “To-day if ye will hear His 'voice, harden not your hearts.” (Heb. 3: 7, 8.) Neglect is ruin, Neglect of salva- WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 27 tion is the ruin of the soul. More are lost from this sin than all others combined. “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation ?” (Heb. 2: 3.) "For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away." (Jas. 4:13, 14.) God says there is a time coming when you shall seek for Him and not find Him. “Behold, now is the ac- cepted time; behold, now is the day of sal- vation.” (2 Cor. 6: 2.) Again, every day you remain away from Christ is a lost and wasted day. You-can- not make the world better, you cannot bring a friend or loved one to the knowledge of Jesus until you have first come yourself. CLASS VI.—"I do n't Know that I am Such a Great Sinner." Scriptures.-- Jas. 2 : 10; Rom. 3:23; 1 John 1:8; Jer. 17:9; Matt. 15:9. • What! have you never broken God's holy law? Well, then, as sin is the trans- 11 28 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. ų yet.. gression of law, and the law of God is but one, if you have broken it in any respect, you are guilty of all. (Jas. 2: 10.) “For · whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet : offend in one point, he is guilty of all." Now none of' us have kept it perfectly, “for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23.). If we trust in our own morality and “ say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (1 John 1:8.) The reason for this is that “the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked." (Jer. 17:9.) . If my heart, the fountain of my life, was pure, then my life would be pure also. "For, out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies." (Matt. 15: 9.) We need to cry out with the psalmist : “ Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Ps. 51: 10.) 1 1 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 29 CLASS VII. -"I don't Have the Right Feel- ing.” Scriptures.- Prov. 23:26; Rom. 22 : ! 17; Isa. 1: 18-20. It's not a matter of feeling, it's a matter of faith and obedience. Scriptural repent- ance is something more than feeling sorry for sin. It is a hearty forsaking of sin. Saving faith believes God's word and makes it a personal matter. There is nothing said in Scripture about feeling in connection with salvation. The religion of Jesus Christ is a principle, not an emotion. Happy feelings are the result of a heart at peace with God and a life spent in His service. God commands you to give Him your life. "My son, give me thine heart.” (Prov. 23:26.) Your part is to obey. Is it not as bad for a child to refuse to obey when he is told to do something, as if he does some- thing when told not to? What excuse will it be at last when God asks you why you did n't serve Him, to say, “I did n't feel ' like it"? 1 30 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. “The Spirit and the Bride [that is the Church] say come.” That is a command as well as an invitation. God says, “Come now.” That is a command also. Then He says, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land : but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword : for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” (Isa. 1:18–20.) God's bless- ing always comes through obedience. To the man born blind Jesus said, "Go, wash.” He went blind, but came seeing. We get sight by faith and obedience. We get feeling by the exercise of faith ; it is one of the natural results of faith in action.. CLASS VIII.--"I can't Believe.”. Scriptures.- Acts 10:43 ; John 24 : 31; 3:19; 12:46 ; 7:17. If you mean you can't believe in the. Bible, which is the story of Jesus Christ, promised and given for the sins of men, it is probably because you have n't thoroughly investigated its claims. If you will care- WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 31 fully study its prophecies and their fulfill- ment, its claims and how substantiated, you will have to believe in its central personage, JESUS THE CHRIST. " To Him give all the prophets witness, that through His name whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins.". (Acts 10: 43.) Perhaps you have not searched these writ- ings and the evidences carefully. “But these things are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name.” (John 20:31.) So if you . do n't believe, it may be no one's fault but your own. Still there is another reason for unbelief, which Christ gave. (John 3 : 19.)" Light is come into the world, and men loved dark- ness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." Christ condemns nothing but sin, so if my life is good and pure, there will be no difficulty between Him and me, but the farther men get from God the more skeptical they always become. But again Jesus says (John 12:46), “I am come a 32 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. . light into the world, that whosoever believ- eth in me should not abide in darkness.” If we do God's will, we always know of the docrine, and doubts never fail to disappear in a life of service to God. (John 7:17.) CLASS IX.—“Many Church Members are no Better than the Rest of Us.". . Scriptures. - Matt. 7:21-27; Rom. 14:4; John 21:21, 22; Rom. 14:12, 13 ..“Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? To his own master he standeth or falleth." (Rom. 14:4.) , "What is that to thee? Follow thou me" (John 21:21, 22), said Jesus to Peter, when he was asking about John and inquir- ing what he should do. It is without doubt true that many false professors get into the church, but they are no excuse for us. Jesus settles that matter when He says, “ Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 33 devils ? and in thy name done many won- derful works? Then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." (Matt. 7:22, 23.) No coin was ever counterfeited unless it was genuine. The Christian life and profession have a worldly value, for that reason they are counterfeited also. Don't let that fact swerve you from your path of duty. “So, then, every one of us shall give an account of himself to God. Let us not therefore judge one another any more.” (Rom. 14: 12, 13.) CLASS X. — “I am not Much Concerned.” Scriptures. --- Eph. 5:14; Mark 16: 16; Heb. 10:28, 29; John 3:18. All the more reason for you to be alarmed. If a man is sleeping in a burning building, he is in more danger than if he was awake. So with one asleep in sin. God calls, " Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” (Eph. 5: 14.) 34 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. The fact that Christ says: “He that be- lieveth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned” (Mark 16:16), is enough to make one con- cerned. It is an awful thing to spurn the offer of God and trample the sanctifying blood of Christ underfoot. “He that de- spised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?” (Heb. 10:28, 29.) You may think that in the great day you will have a chance, when the Books are opened; but God's word teaches that it doesn't depend on that, as you are "con- *demned already because you have not be- lieved in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3 : 18.) Sentence is pro- nounced, and you are merely awaiting its execution. WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 35 CLASS XI.—“I am Trying to be a Chris- tian, but do n't Know Whether I am One or Not.” Scriptures.-- Jer. 29:13 ; John 1:12; 5:24; Rom. 10:9, 10; Luke 7:50. God says, “Ye shall seek me and find mė, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” (Jer. 29:13.) Are you a half- hearted seeker? Does n't God have little enough when we give Him all our heart? Now His promise is, “As many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." (John 1:12.) Have you re- ceived Him? How? — Why, by faith in His word, of course. Listen: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.” You have heard His word. This does not mean the forgetful hearer, but the doer of the word, and you believe 36 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. on God who sent His Son for the forgive- ness of your sins. Then laying hold upon it by faith and making it personal, you have passed from death unto life. (John 5:24.) Perhaps your trouble comes from not con- fessing Christ before men. « If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Rom. 10:9, 10.) The difference between heart belief and head belief is, that with my head I think it out, while with my heart I live it out. Christ confesses us to the Father and leaves us to confess Him before the world. Are you willing now to stand on the promises ? If so, Jesus says : “Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.” (Luke 7:50.) WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 37 CLASS XII.—"I am Just Beginning the Chris- tian Life and Would Like Some Advice." Scriptures. -- John 5:39; Matt. 26 : 41 ; 2 Pet. 3:18; 2 Tim. 2:15; Eph. 6:10, II; Rev. 2:7, 10, II, 17. First of all, “Search the Scriptures.” Let God talk to you. God speaks to us by His Spirit and by His Word, but the Spirit still uses the Word. It is impossible to be- come strong in the Christian life without the "sincere milk of the Word.” Jesus is the bread of life," but we find Him, His life, and His words, in the Scriptures, not only in the New but the Old Testament. "In the Volume of the Book it is written of Me,” — “ Learn of me." Don't be satisfied with simply reading a chapter now and then, but study your Bible carefully. Search out something and thoughtfully and prayerfully meditate upon it, comparing scripture with scripture. Be Prayerful. Christ says, “Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation." 38 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. Great and good men have found it necessary. to pray a great deal. “Luther had to pray four and six hours a day. If we devote only three or four minutes a day to prayer, we will certainly become careless, if not in- deed openly wicked. Plan to pray at least twice or three times a day alone. When little troubles arise, take them to the Lord in prayer. Form a habit of constant com- munion with God. If you are tempted in any way, lift up your heart in prayer, ask- ing Jesus what He would have you do. Grow in Grace. You are in a new king- dom. God has transplanted you into the kingdom of His dear Son; and He com- mands you to grow. You cannot keep still in the kingdom of grace. You will either grow in it or backslide. We grow first by our food. Shun the light novel and feed on the strong meat of the word. We grow not only by our food but by our exercise. Keep busy for God. We grow by sacrifice. Be willing to know the fel- lowship of His sufferings.” Don't be al- ways thinking of glory with no thought of WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. 39 suffering or sacrifice. We grow by getting better acquainted with Jesus. Grow in the knowledge of Him. Study His life, His promises, His discourses, and your life will unconsciously pattern after Him. Study to be an Approved Workman. Remember the workman is not known by his chips, but by his finished workmanship. Be a wise soul winner. Do n't be satisfied with anything short of winning souls for God. The only true life of happiness is the life hid with Christ in God: and that life is never a barren one. He was ever at work; and so will we be if we walk with Him. Don't be misled and think the revival is the only time to work. We should keep a re- vival in our own hearts all the time. Stand Fast. Do n't be tempted away from Christ. Don't be moved by every wind of doctrine. Be anchored in the faith. Many are now losing, their moorings and slipping away from the faith ; but the Church alone is permanent, and His word only is eternal. The wiles of the devil may allure you toward the world of fashion or 40 WORDS FOR THE ANXIOUS. society, but remember that “the world passeth away and the lust thereof,” while the Church is adorning herself in bridal robes for her upward flight to meet her Lord. 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