alabraical Problems 46 ARTES 1837 SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUS TUEBOR SI-QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM` CIRCUMSPICE QA .35 A823 HE YOUNG 1757 N PALY ST's EXERCISE. BEING. A Choice Collection of a Hundred AL- GEBRAICAL PROBLEMS, exhibiting all that is curious in Simple and Quadratic Ad- fected Equations. The Whole Illuſtrated With various Methods of COMPUTATION, as well by plain Numbers and Geometry, as by Algebra; and calculated to the Capacity of Young Beginners. By SAMUEL ASH BY, Teacher of the MATHEMATICS. LONDON: Printed by C. Jephson, in West-Smithfield, For JOHN WILCOX, at Virgil's Head, oppofite the New Church in the Strand. M, DCC, XXXVII QA 35 .A823. • ΤΟ ΤΗΕ MATHEMATICAL SCHOOLS OF Great Britain, AND AL L YOUNG STUDENTS I N ALGEBRA, This fmall TREATISE is moft humbly Infcrib'd by the AUTHOR. + に​な ​THE PREFACE EETING with the fol- 1 ? } M lowing Propofitions, pub- lifhed by a certain Latin Author, well known to the World for his eminent Skill in ALGEBRA, but without their Solu- tions, and finding them a curious Collection, was prevailed upon by my own Inclination to draw out all their Anfwers. Which ha- ving finished, and fhewn to fome of my Ac- quaintance, very well skilled in Mathema- tical Learning, they thought it a Pitty Such } The PREFACE Such a Variety of useful Propofitions should lie hid in Oblivion, for that they would be of great Service, and very much inftruct and exercife the Young ANALYST, and prepare him for higher Speculations in Al- gebraical Inquiries, if they were made public. I therefore complied to their Pro- pofal, and it was thought most proper to print them by themselves, without the Ele- ments of ALGEBRA, because whoever in- tends or propoſes to learn ALGEBRA, are generally furnished with Ward's Introdu- ction, or at leaſt ought to be, that by being the ſmaller, the Book may come within the Compass of every ones Circumftance to pur chase it. AS the chief Defign of this Treatiſe is to exercise the Young ANALYST in Sim- ple and Quadratic Equations, and Suppo- fing him but barely acquainted with the first Principles of ALGEBRA, I have traced every Operation Step by Step, that thereby. nothing * The PREFACE. nothing might seem obfcure to the Learner, and likewife have explained whatever I thought was not fufficiently evident, leaſt he Should spend his Time too much in Ufeless Cogitations. AND notwithstanding it is adapted to the Capacity of Young Beginners, I doubt not but the more skillful ANALYST will find fomething in it worth his Obferua_ tion. For to many of the lineal Problems I have not only given their Algebraical In- veftigations, but also the Geometrical Con- ftruction and Demonftration; and the Nu- merical Solutions to many others. And to Prob. xxxII. I have annexed three Ex- amples, wherein is fhewn the Geometrical Reafon of ambiguous Equations, with the original Derivation of the Method of com- pleating the Square, together with a ſhort Specimen of Quadratic Equations, in which is proved, Algebraically, that the third Cafe of Quadratic Adfected Equations, is not univerfally 嗣​。 The PREFACE. univerfally ambiguous, as Algebraifts gene- rally take it to be, but only fo in particular; with many others too numerous here to men- tion; which are beft fpecified by the Ex- amples themselves, to which I must refer the curious Reader. 1: 1 A 2 i ་ A HUNDRED Algebraical Problems. T HE principal Uſe of the Ana- lytic Art, is to bring Mathe- matical Problems to Equati- ons, and to exhibit thofe Equa- tions in the moſt fimple Terms that can be. And the Rules required to bring out Equations to fuch Pro- blems, are chiefly thefe following, viz. Addi- tion, Subſtraction, Multiplication, and Divifion; Involution and Evolution. But if the Learner underſtand the firſt four Rules abovementioned, fo as to manage Equations by them; he will be fufficiently qualified to anfwer many knotty and curious Queftions without the help of In- volution or Evolution; as he will find by the I, II, III, IV, V, and many other of the fol- lowing Operations. B WHEN [2] -> WHEN the Learner has been fome time exer- cifed in fuch Problems as naturally produce fimple Equations, he may then proceed to the Principals of Involution and Evolution, and learn to compleat the Square, and then the Calculations to thofe Problems that genuinely bring out Adfected Quadratic Equations, af- ter they are ſtated, will be very eaſy to him, fuch as the LXXXIII, LXXXIV, LXXXV, and the like. + By this Method aforegoing (if ftrictly ob- ferved) all thofe who have a Defire to learn this miſterious Art, and are unacquainted with the Elements thereof, will find Algebra not fo difficult to attain as perhaps they may ima- gine: And when the young Analyft has pro- ceeded fo far in this kind of Arithmetic as the above Rules will lead him, he will eafily percieve of himſelf what more is requifite to make him a compleat Algebraiſt. Which that The may attain to with more Certainty, let me adviſe him not to aim to learn a great deal in a little Time, but to learn a little well; for it is not the Multiplicity of Propofitions, but the Method they are delivered in, that ought to be confidered. HAVING thus laid down a brief, but plain, Method for ſpeedily attaining to the Solutions of Problems producing Simple and Adfected Quadratic Equations; I will now proceed to the [ 3 ] the following Hundred Queſtions and An- fwers; but firft fhall premiſe theſe three Parti- culars, viz. That in all Queſtions whatſoever theſe three Things are chiefly to be obſerved; first, The Data or Things given; fecondly, The Quæfita or Things fought; and thirdly and laftly, The Conditions or Form of a Queſtion; which three Diftinctions are fully illuftrated in the following Operation. PROBLEM I. To find a Number, which being multiplied by 3, fubftracting 5 from the Product, and the Remainder divided by 2, if the Number fought be added to the Quotient, that the Sum may be 40. FOR a perfect Idea of this, or any Queſtion propofed, divide it into theſe three Particulars; first, The Data, which in this Problem are thefe Numbers 3, 5, 2, and 40; fecond, The Quafita, which is the Number to be found; and third, The Condition or Form of the Queſtion, which in this Problem runs thus. Which being multiplied by 3, fub- ftracting 5 from the Product, and the Re- mainder divided by 2, if the Number fought be added to the Quotient, that the Sum may be 40. B. 2 Now [4] Now to folve this Queftion, for the Num- ber fought put any Symbole or Letter, as for inftance x; which by the Condition of the Pro- blem, muſt firſt be multiplied by 3, and 3* will be the Product; fecondly, Subftract 5 from that Product, and the Remainder will be 3x-5; thirdly, Divide the faid Remainder by 2, and the Quotient will be 35; fourthly, 2 and lastly, Add the Number fought, viz. x to this Quotient 40. 3x-5 2 and the Sum is " 3x-5 2 +x; which Sum by the Queftion is equal to And thus the Queſtion is tranflated out. of the Verbal into the Symbolical Expreffion, and therefore is brought to this Equation 3-5 1 × I +40. And to find the 2 Value of x proceed thus, 23x-5+2x=80 2 +535x=85 354-17 the Number which was to be found, or the Value of x required. W. W. D. FROM this Operation aforegoing the Learner may obferve, that to the Solution of Queſtions, which only regard Numbers, or the abſtracted Relations of Quantities, there is ſcarce any thing elfe required, than [ 5 ] than that the Problem be tranflated out of the English, or any other Tongue it is propofed in, into the Algebraical Language, that is, into Characters fit to denote our Conceptions of the Relations of Quantities. For when a Queſtion is expreffed Analytically, the Calculation or Form of the Reduction, for the moft part, is feldom any thing more, than the Condition of the Problem repeated backward; and thus the Condition or Form of a Queſtion, in a man- ner, may ferve for a Rule to inveſtigate the unknown Quantity by. BUT the moſt commodious and univerfal Solutions of Algebraical Problems are gene rally performed by Symboles or Letters repre- ſenting the Quantities given as well as thofe required. Thus, put 3-4, 5-6, 2=c, and 40= d; and fuppofing x fignifies the Number fought as before; then inftead of this Nume- 3x-5 ral Equation x=40, we fhall have this 2 Literal one ах axi-b x=d, from whence the C Quantity x will be found zx-b Thus, 1 +x=d. 1 2 I xc{2\ax b + cx=cd. x = b+cx=cd. +b/3/ax+ cx=cd+b cd + b 3 ÷a+c/4/2 at 41% a + c 1 the Value of x required. B 3 BY [ 6 ] .. Tilly • By this Method of Computation it appears, that not only the unknown Quantity is inve- ftigated, but a general Theorem or Rule is dif- covered for folving all Queſtions of the fame Nature; for the Letters a, b, c, and d, may be put for any other Numbers than what they here repreſent. atc Therefore this Equation Ex is a general Theorem for finding the Number fought to all Queftions having the fame Data and Quæfita as that above. N. B. THAT the affumed Quantities in all Operations are eſteemed the very fame as tho' really known: For any of the known Quan- tities may be brought to one fide of the Equa- tion, and made equal to all the reft, by the fame Principals of Algebra as the unknown Quan- tities are calculated. To explain which, let any of theſe known Quantities a, b, c, in this Equa- ax-b tion +x=d, as b for inftance, be cleared C and brought to one fide the Equation, and all the reft to the other, The Equation being thus ax-b Stated, I +x=d. Work as follows, C W ~ H 2 3 I xc 2 ax-bcx=cd +b3/cd+b=ax+cx -cd|4lb=ax+cx-cd. But [ 7 ] But if it had been required to have brought out c, then, -cx 5/cd-cx= 5\cd-cx=ax-b 2 ax-b 5 -d-x 6c= d-x Or a, Then, 5 +37ax=cd-cx+b 7 x 8a= cd-cx+b X Or 2+b-cx 9ax=cd|b-cx 9 cd+b-cx x10 a: X Hence it is, that Algebraifts fuppofe thofe things given, which notwithſtanding are the fole Objects of their Inquiry, until by Re- duction they become equal to fome certain Pofition of the given Quantities; and then the true Value of fuch feigned Numbers are dif. covered. FARTHER; to ftrengthen the young Ana- lyft's Idea in Algebraical Computation, he muſt underſtand, that the Method of affuming Letters for the unknown Quantities, is no more than gueffing the Value of fuch Quanti- ties at randum. So in the foregoing Propo- fition, inſtead of making uſe of x, I may fup- pofe the Quantity fought to be any Number at Pleaſure, and the Queſtion being Stated with that Number and thofe given, according to the [ 8 ] the Condition or Form of the Problem, the true Quantity required will then come out by the fame Laws of Algebra, as tho' the Number fought was repreſented by any Letter in the Alphabet, or other Symbole. Thus, for the Number to be found put 9, and by the Con- dition of the Queftion, there will be had this numeral ! Equation 1 13×9-5 +9=40. 2 I 2 X223×9-52X9=80 +533×9+2×g=85 85 33249= 17. Here the Cal- 3x2 culus is the very fame, and brings out the fame Conclufion, as either of the foregoing Methods, and likewife fhews the Suppofition to be falfe; for inſtead of 9 I fhould have gueſt 17. Whence we may conclude, that the ultimate Defign of Algebraical Operations, is no more. than to diſcover the Truth from falfe Suppo- fitions. MOREOVER feeing my Suppofition was too little, I may fupply that defect with x, and fo call the Number fought 9+x; and having exprefs'd the Problem Algebraically, there will be obtain'd this Equation [ 9 ] 5 Equation 127+35+9+x=40. 2 1 x2 2/27+3x-5+18+2x=80 2+ 35x=40 40 3548. Wherefore 9+8=17 the Number which was to be found, the fame as before. FROM what is here fpecified the Artiſt may obferve, that let the affumed Number be what it will, there will ftill Refult the fame Conclu- fion to the Queſtion propoſed; fo that it mat- ters not whether the whole or a part of the Quantity, or fome other Number, be made the Scope of our Inquiry, fince they all bring out the true Anſwer to the Problem. BUT let the unknown Quantity be what it will, the Algebraiſt muſt accomodate it, ſo as to bring out the moft fimple Equation poffible. And fince from the various Species of Pro- blems different Equations arife, fo thoſe where- in only one Power of the unknown Quantity is contained, as in thefe following, Jax + cx=cd+b I. Viz. 2,5x²+16x²=16a XVI. Ix²=2ab. 3 x²=ab², &c. Thefe Num- bers fhew the XXXVI. each Equation Operation XXXVII. is taken from. are [ 10 ] are called Simple Equations. And thofe wherein different Powers of the Quantity fought are contained, as for Example, x²+ax=-ab. 2 LXIX. bx²-cx²-zacx-ac. LXXVI. X -cx²=ab, &c. LXXVII. are called Compound or Adfected Equations. 3. 2 As there arife different Powers of the un- known Quantity in Algebraical Operations, fo there are different Forms of both Simple and Compound Equations; for ax-ex-cd, is called a pure Simple Equation, 25x²-16x² =16a or x²=2ab a Simple Quadratic, and x³-ab² a Simple Cubic, &c. And in Com- pound Equations, thofe wherein the unknown Quantity is found of no more than two different Powers, whofe Indices are double to each other, are called Adfected, and is either Quadratic, or Biquadratic, &c. according to the heigheſt Dimentions of the Quantity fought. That is, x²+ax=ab or bx²-cx2acx-a³c, is called a Quadratic Adfected Equation, but x*--cx² ab is called a Biquadratic Adfected, &c. HAVING thus defined the different kinds of Equations contained in the following Pages, I will now fhew the Learner how the faid Equa- tions are brought to a Solution. And firſt then, for Simple Equations take this general RULE. [ n ] RULE. - Exit fuch a Root of the Equation, whoſe Index Shall be the Power of the unknown Quantity, and it is done. As per Example, In this Equation x=2ab, becauſe the unknown Quantity x is fquared, I extract the Square Root, and there comes out zab. So alfo in this Equation x³-ab², by extracting the Cube Root we have x=³√ab², and ſo on. 3. I SHALL omit the Rule for folving Qua- dratic Adfected Equations at preſent, until the Learner has been fome Time excercifed in Simple Equations; becauſe the Learning of Rules without having an immediate Ufe for them, very often ferves more to perplex than inftruct the Artift; for tho' a Learner be ne- ver fo expert in the Elements of Algebra, yet when he comes to the Application of theſe Principals in the Solution of Propofitions (ex- cept he is Mafter of a good genious and ftrong Memory) he will find fuch a Crowd of confu- fed Ideas in his Mind, that if he is not helped by the Inftruction of a Maſter or fome other Ac-- quaintance, he will be ready to cry out ne plusul- tra. But by proceeding according to the Methods laid down in the foregoing Pages, and obfer- ving well the following Operations, he will in a great I [ 12 ] a great Meaſure, be freed from fuch Inconve- niences, and find, that Algebra is no more difficult to attain, than common Arithmetic. For both are founded on the fame Principles, and aim at the fame End. And differ from each other only in this particular, that Vulgar Arithmetic begins it's Computation from the Quantities given, and fo proceeds forewards to thofe that are required, whereas Algebraic Com- putations proceed in a retrograde Order, viz. from the Quantities fought, as if they were "given, to the Quantities given, as if they were fought, to the End that we may fome way or other come to a Conclufion or Equa- tion, from which we may bring out the Quan- tity fought. Which the Reader may obferve from the Solution to the tenth Queſtion, and ſeveral others in the proceding Pages. Note, The Signs made Ufe of in the fol- lowing Pages, being the very fame as thofe in Ward's Introduction to Mathematics; the Reader is referr'd there for their Explanati- ons. PROBLEM 4 [ 13 ] PROBLEM II. To find a Number, which being multiplied by 12, and 48 added to the Product, as much may be produc'd, as if the fame Number fought were multiplied by 18. PUT 12a, 48=b, 18c; and let the Number fought be called x. Then by the Queſtion we ſhall have 1ax+bcx ax 2 cx—ax=b I b 48 2 -a3x== 8. The Num- ca 18-12 ber required. > PROBLEM III. To find a Number, to which if 11 be added, and 7 fubftracted from the fame Num- ber, (viz. the first) the Sum of the Ad- dition may be double the Remainder. PUT 11=α, 7=b, and call the Number fought ; then by the Queftion it will ſtand thus I 2 1x+a=2x-2b +2b2x+a+2b=2x x3x=a+2b=11+7x2=25. The Number which was to be found. C PROBLEM [ 14 ] PROBLEM IV. To find a Number, to which if it's double (treble, quadruple, &c.) be added, the Square of the fame Number may be pro- duc'd. CALL the Number fought x, to which, by the Queſtion, add it's double, viz. 2x, and the Sum is x-2x or 3x; which Sum, per Query, is equal the Square of x, that is, x². Ergo 3x=x²; this Equation divided by x, gives x 3. But the Queftion fays, if treble the Number fought, viz. x, be added to itſelf, the Sum will alfo be equal the Square of x; therefore x3x, or 4x=x², and dividing this Equation by x, we ſhall have x=4; and again, if we add to it's Quadruple, the Sun will like- wife be equal to x², confequently x+4x=x², that is, 5x=x²; which being divided by x, the Queſtion will give x=5, &c. 2 Q; E, I. PROBLEM : [ 15 ] : , PROBLEM V. To find a Number, which if added to itſelf, and the Sum multiplied by the fame, and the fame Number ftill fubftracted from the Product: And lastly, the Remainder di- vided by the fame, that it may produce 13. FOR the Number fought put x, which added to itſelf, the Sum is 2x, this Sum mul- tiplied by, the Product is 2x²; from this Product fubftract x, and the Remainder is 2x²-x: And laftly, divide this Remainder by x, and the Quotient is 2x²-X X but becauſe x is found in both the Terms of the Numerator, the Quotient will be 2x-1, which, by the Queftion, is equal 13-a. Therefore, I 2 12x-1=a 1230 +12/2x=a+1 at1_13|1=7. 2 2. E. I. 2 : C 2 PROBLEM .. [ 16 ] PROBLEM VI. To divide the Number 16 into 2 Parts, je 10 that the Square of the greater Part may exceed the Square of the lefs by 32. y To folve this Propofition, according to Ward's Method, put the greater Part, and the leſs; and the Square of the greater Part x is ², and the Square of the leffer is y², the Difference of theſe two Squares is my², which is equal to 32 by the Queftion. x Therefore I 30 2 2x } x+y=16 -y²=32$ - y² === 32 3y=16 4y²-256-32x² 2 ty² 5x² = 32 + j² 532 6 y²=x 4 7 =6 32 7256-32x+x=x-32 8256-32x32 8 +32 9256=32x-32 9 +321032x=288 10 3211x 288 32 2 Note, This Method of Exter- minating unknown Quantities, is called Comparative Algebra. 9, the greater Part, which taken from 16, the Remainder is 7, the leffer Part. Q. E. I. BUT the great and incomparible Ma- thematician, Sir Ifaac Newton, has, in his Uni- verfal [ 17 ] verfal Arithmetic, Page 68, moſt wifely noted, That the Solutions of Queftions are (for the moft part) fo much the more expedite and ar- tificial, by how fewer unknown Quantities you have at firft. That is, in thofe Queftions where two, three, or more unknown Quan- tities are required to be found, by the Affump- tion of one unknown Quantity only, the reſt, many times, will be exprefs'd by fuch and fuch Laws or Properties of Algebra and Geo- metry, as the Query happens to fall under: With which Expreffions, the Queſtion being ftated, and the unknown or affum'd Quantity being inveſtigated, the other unknown Numbers will be had from the Expreffions themſelves. THE better to conceive this Method of Refolution, the Algebraift is defir'd to obferve the following AXIOM S. 1. IF from the Sum of any two Quantities be taken either of them, the Remainder will give the other Quantity. 2. THE Difference of any two Quantities. added to the lefs, gives the greater Quantity; and fubftracted from the greater Quantity, gives the leffer; or the whole is equal to all the Parts taken together. 3. THE Product of any two Quantities divided by either of them, the Quotient arifing will give the other Quantity. C 3 4. [ 18 ] 4. THE the Quotient of any two Quan- tities, being multiplied by the leffer, the Pro- duct is the greater Quantity. N. B. That what is here faid of fimple Quantities, the fame may be understood of Squares, Cubes, and Biquadratic Quantities, &c. Now, by a right Application of thefe Axioms, many Queftions in Algebra, where 2, 3, 4, &c. Quantities are requir'd to be found, may be expeditiouſly ſolv'd, by the help of one unknown Quantity only. Thus : PUT 16-a, 32=b, call the greater Part x, as before, then (by Axiom 1.) the leffer Part will be a-x; now, the Square of the greater Part is a², and the Square of the leffer Part is a²-2axx², which taken from x², the Square of the greater Part, the Remainder is 2ax—a², which (by the Queſtion) is equal to b. Therefore, 12ax-aª—b +a²22ax=b+a² b+a² b 2 I a 2 ÷2a/3x= 20 32 16 2a 2 2X16 2 the greater Part, the fame as before, whence the leffer Part is 7. 2. E. I. By comparing this Method with that afore- going, we fhall find the very fame Conclufion is produc'd with quarter the Trouble; for, in that [ 19 ] that Operation, as there are two unknown Quantities, x and y, concern'd, there muſt be one of them, as y, exterminated before the other can be found; which Trouble of Exter- mination is entirely avoided by this Method of Subftitution. ས ས ལ 1:“、·༦ ག ༥་ ་ PROBLEM VII. To divide the Number 36 into two Parts, Jo that if 12 be added to the first, and 6 to the fecond, the former may be the double of the latter. PUT 360, 12, 6=c, and call the firft Part x, then the fecond Part (by Axiom 1.) will be a-x; now, if to the first Fart x be added b, the Sum is xb, and to the fecond Part a-x be added c, the Sum is a-x-c, which is half the Sum a+b, per Query. Therefore,[1+1=2a-2x+20 1 +2x23x+6=2a-2c 2 —633x=2a2c—b 3 ÷ 34x=2a + 2c-b_2×36-12x612 334x 3 3 24, the firſt or greateſt Part ; which being known, the leffer Part is 36-24 =12; and theſe two Numbers will answer the Conditions of the Queſtion. 2. E. I. PROBLEM [ 20 ] PROBLEM VIII. Let the Line A B (of 70 Parts) be di- vided any how in C, [fo that AC may be 42, BC 28] it is required to divide the fame Line again in another Point : For Example, in D, jo that the Rect- angle A D C may be equal to the Square D B. Let the Segment CD be enquired, [which being obtained, AD, BD will be known.] PUT 70-a, 42=b, 28=c, and let x re- preſent the Segment CD, and AD (by Axiom I and 2.) will be bx, DB-c-x; now mul- tiplying AD by DC, or their Equivolents bx by x, the Product is bxx², which (by the Queſtion) is equal the Square of DB, or it's Equivolent cx, which is c-2cx+x². (See Fig. 1.) Therefore,¡¡¡bx+x²=c²—2¢x¯†x²· I -x² 2 bx=c²-2cx +2cx/3 bx+2cx=c² 13 22 3 ÷ 6+204x= c² 28×28 b+20 42+56 8, the length of CD, which being known, gives AD=50, and DB=20. 2. E. I. The [ 21 ] De a 亨 ​I 2 The fame otherwiſe. LET X=AD, whence a-x=DB, and CD=x-b, as is evident by the Line AB; and multiplying x-b by x, the Product is x`—bx, which is equal to the Square of a—x or to a¹-2ax+x² by the Queſtion. 1 Therefore, 1x-bx—a²—2axx² 2 2 -x² 2 bx=a²-zax -x^2 - +2ax32ax-bx=a² 3 →2a-14x= a² 70x70 24-b 2×7042 hence 50—42=8=CD, as before. Geometrically thus. 50=AD, 2. E. I. ON the given Segment CB, (by the 46 Prop. of Euclid's first Book) defcribe the Square cbBC, and draw the Diagonal Cb; this done, compleat the Parallelogram ab AB, and draw it's Diagonal aB, which cuts the other Diago- nal Cb in the Point e. Now, through the Point e, and Parallel to bB, or cC, draw the Line D, and it cuts the Segment CB in D, the Point requir'd, (See Fig. 2.) Demonftration. DRAW through the Point e the Line trs, parallel to the given Side AB; then (per Cor. to [ 22 ] [ to Prop. 4. of Euclid's fecond Book) the Rect- angles reDC and dbSe are Squares, therefore eD is CD, and bS-eS-DB, confequently □bs=☐es=DB; but the Square of bS or eS is equal the Square dbSe, therefore the Squares dbSe and DB are equal; and (by Prop. 43. of Euclid's firft Book) the Square dbSe is equal to the Parallelogram teAD,” which is equal the Rectangle of AD into De, which is equal to AD into CD, for eD and CD are equal; therefore the Rectangle of AD into CD is- the Square of DB. 2. E. D. OR by conftructing Equation the third, of Operation the firft, aforegoing, will likewife give the Point D Geometrically. But the Limits of this Book being fo fmall, obliges me to refer the young Analyft to J. C. Stur- mius's Mathefis Enucleata, or to Harris's Alge- bra, where he will meet with ample Satif- faction in this kind of Geometry. PROBLEM IX. Let the Line EF be divided any how in G, [fo that EG may be 6, GF 4] it is re- quired to produce this right Line EF, [for Example unto H] fo that the Rect- angle EHF may be equal to the Square GH; the Length of FH is required. PUT 10=a, 4b, and x-FH; then (by Axiom 2.) EH-a-tx, and GH=b‍fx; multiply 參 ​[ 23 ] 詈 ​2 " multiply ax by x, and the Product is ax+x and the Square of btw is b²+2bx+x², which (by the Queftion) is equal to ax-x². 2 2 (See Fig. 3.) Therefore, axx² =b²+2bx+x² 2 1 |2|ax = b²+2bx ·2bx = b² 2 I 2 -2bx 3 ax 4x4 ÷a- -264x= 8; and a- -26 10—2×4 thus much muſt the Line E F be produced, to fulfill the Conditions of the Queſtion. Or thus. PUT X EH the whole compounded Line, and (by Axiom 2.) x-a-FH, and GH=x a+b; the Rectangle of x-a into x, is x²-xa, and the Square of x-ab is x²-2ax —2ab+a²+2bxb, which is equal to x-ax by the Queſtion. Therefore, 1x²-ax=x²—2ax—2ab+a²+² 2 b.x+b² 2ax-2bx—a²—2ab+b² I b² 2 2a--26 3x=a 18, from which a2b take 10, and there remains 8=FH, as before. Note. In the Margin, at the fecond Step + fignifies Tranfpofition, or the Rectification of the first Step by Addition and Subftra&tion. Or [ 24 ] Or likewife thus. LET AGH, and (by Axiom 2.) FH =x-b, and EH=x-b+a; which Terms being ſtated as the Queſtion requires, will ſtand 1 x 2 = x²+ax—2bx—ab+b² ——2|2bx—ax—b² —ab thus, I b² -ab b 2÷2b-a 3 x = 2b—a ab 12, from 2 4b-2a which take 4, and the Remainder is 8=F H, as in the foregoing Operations. b² —ab b BECAUSE this Equation x= 2b-a 2 ab is ſomewhat uncommon, and per- 4b-2a haps may non-plus the Learner, tho' to the more ſkilful in Algebra it is moft evident, it will (I prefume) not be improper to give the Reader its Explanation. b2-ab IN this Fraction ſeeing a is greater 2b-a, than b, it is plain, by the Laws of Addition, that the Sum of bab, the Numerator, is a negative یکھو [ 25 ] 26 way of a is a negative Quantity; and by the fame Reaſoning, the Denominator negative Quantity alfo: But a negative Quantity divided by a negative Quantity, by the Laws of Divifion, the Quotient will be Affirmative; therefore if you write 10 for a, and 4 for b, the faid Fraction will become 4×4-10×4 -24 that is, =12=x. And fo 2X4-10 2 b ab likewife when thrown into 2 4b-2 a 4 IOX 4 Numbers will ftand thus 2 4X4 2 X 10 40 2 =2+10=12. Which was to 4 be explained. PROBLEM X. A General difpofing his Army into a Square Battle, finds he has 284 Soldiers over and above; but increafing each fide with one Soldier, he wants 25 Soldiers to fill up the Square: How many Soldiers had be? PUT 2842, 25-b, and let the Number of Soldiers placed in Rank and File be called x; which being fquar'd is x2, which is lefs than the Number of Soldiers in the Army by D 284 [26] 284 or a (per Query.) But increasing each fide with one Soldier, that is, adding one to x the Sum is x1, whofe Square is x²+2x+1, which (by the Queftion) is greater than the whole Army by 25 or b, confequently taking b from x²+2x+1 the Remainder is x2+2x +1-b the whole Army, and Adding a to x², the Sum is likewife equal the whole Army, that is, the Sum of a and x is x²+a. X -b 2 2 Therefore|1|x²+a=x²+2x+1−b. x²/2a=2x+1- + 32 x 32 x = a+b=1 I 1 2 3 응치 ​a+b1_284—25—1154, 2 2 the Soldiers in Rank and File, which being fquar'd, and 284 added to it, that is, add 284 to 23716 the Square of 154, and the Sum is 24000 the Number of Soldiers requir'd. The fame otherwife. PUT the whole Army, then x-a (by the Queſtion) is a Square Number, whofe Square-Root is √x-a the fide of the Square equal the Number of Soldiers in Rank and File, to which add 1, and the Sum is x-a. -a. 1, the Square of which is x—-a+2√x +1, and becauſe this Square exceeds the Num- ber of Soldiers by b or 25, fubtract b from it, and the Remainder is x-a-2x-a.+1—b, which [ 27 ] which (per Query.) is equal the whole Army. Therefore 1 x-a-2√x—a.†1—b—x. I 2 土 ​2'2√x—a=a+b—1—308=c 23.4x-4a=c² 3 +4a44x=c²-4a c²+4a_308×308 +4×284 4 45 4 4 24000. The fame as above. Numerically. THIS numerical Solution depends on the Fourth Propofition of the fecond Book of Euclid. For feeing the Number of Soldiers exceeds the leffer Square by 284, and wants 25 to fill up the greater Square, confequently 284 +25 =309 is equal the double Rectangle of the fide of the leffer Square into 1 more the Square of 1 (by the above faid Propofition.) But becaufe the Square of 1 is but 1, therefore 308 is the double Rectangle of the fide of the leffer Square into i; whence dividing 308 by 2 the Quotient gives 154 the fide of the leffer Square as before, which fquar'd produces 23716, to which add 284 the Sum is 24000 the Number of Soldiers in the Army. Q. E. J. D 2 PROBLEM [ 28 ] PROBLEM XI. A certain Captain fends out of his Sal- 10, and there remain'd ÷ + 15. diers How many Soldiers had he? PUT 10a, 15b, and x the Num- ber of Soldiers; then the Number of Sol- diers fent out are -a, and thoſe remaining NIX 3 +b, which together are equal to x. Therefore+a++b=x. I 2 3 x3 2x+3a+32x²+3b=3x ×232x+6a+3x+6b=5x+6a+6b || = 6x. 35x4x=6a+6b=6×10+6×15—150, the Number of Soldiers. Or thus. To avoid Fractions put 6x of Soldiers, of which is 2x, Q. E. J. the Number and is 3x; 2 whence, by the Queftion, we ſhall have this |1/2x+a+3x+b=6x.Y 2/5x+a+b=6x, Equation, Or, 2 - -5x D 3 3}x=a+b=10+15=25, which multiplied [ 29 ] multiplied by 6 gives 150, the fame as a bove. SEEING as, Numerically. of any Quantity is the fame. the fame as that (by the Queſtion) 15 together makes ber of Soldiers; it is 5 of the whole; and +- or +10, and or 25 the Num- evident that 25, the Sum of 10 and 15, is Part of the whole Company. Therefore 25×6=150 the Num- ber of Soldiers required. W.W.D. PROBLEM XII. There is an Army to which if you add, 1 } 44 , and of itſelf, and take away 5000, the Sum total will be 100000. What was the Number of the Army?: To avoid Fractions put 24x the Num- ber of the Army, for 24 is a Multiple of 2, 3, and 4, the Denominators of thefe Fra-- ctions,, and; Now of 24x is 12x, is 8x, and is 6x, whence (by the Que- ftion) I 2 D 3 we [ 30 ] we have 124x+12x+8x+6x-5000 Or, = 100000. 250x5000 = 100000. 2 +5000 3 50x105000 3÷5041 105000 x= =2100 which mul- 50 tiplied by 24 gives 50400, the Number of the Army. 2. E. J. PROBLEM XIII. In the Rectangle ABCD, the Difference of the greater Side AB, and of the leffer Side BC, is 12, but the Difference of the Squares of the Sides is 1680. What are the Sides of the Rectangle ABCD ? PUT AB-BC—12—2, AB²—BC²-1680 b, and x-BC the leffer Side; and (per Ax. 2.) the greater Side AB=x+a, whofe Square is x²+2axa², and the Square of the leffer Side is x²; the Difference of theſe two Squares is 2ax+a, which (per Query) is equal b. Therefore 1/2 axa²=b. 2 a² 22ax-ba³, (See Fig. 4.) 1 I 2293 b a 1680 12 =64—BC, 24 2 24 2 hence AB 64+12=76, the Sides required. PROB, [ 31 ] PROBLEM XIV. The Length DE of the Rectangle DEFG, is twice the Breadth EF; and the Sum of the Squares of the Length and Breadth is ten times the Sum of the two Sides DE, EF. What are the Sides of the Rectangle DEFG? } PUT the Breadth EF, and the Length DE will be 2x; the Sum of the Length and Breadth is 2x+x or 3x, and the Sum of their Square is 4x²x² or 5x², which (by the Queſtion) is equal 10 times the Sum of the Sides or 3*. (See Fig. 5.) 2 Thefore 15x30x. 2 1 ÷÷5x|2|x=6=EF, the leffer Side, con- fequently the greater Side DE is 12, the Side of the Rectangle, as was required. If the Learner is not yet acquainted with the Doctrine of Proportion, let him peruſe the feventh Chapter of the fecond Part of Ward's Introduction to Mathematics; or the fifth Book of Euclid's Elements of Geometry, and then he will the eafierly underſtand the following So- lution, and feveral others where the Buſineſs of Proportion is required. PROB. [ 32 ] PROBLEM XV. To find two Numbers in the Proportion of 2 to 3, whofe Product, if they be mul- tiplied by one another, shall be 54. PUT 54=a, x the leffer Number, and as 2:3 3x 2 the greater Number; the is 3x2 , 2 which (by the Product of x and 3* 2 Queſtion) is equal to a. Therefore t 3 x 2 a. 2 2 I X- 3 alm 24 2 3 2 a 2×54–6, the leffer 3 3 = Number. Q. E. J. 2 w 23x= Number, and as 2:3::6:9 the greater LEAST the young Algebraift ſhould not readily percieve the Reafon of multiplying 3x3 this Equation alm 2 a, at Step the firſt, by to bring out of the Fraction, which to the [ 33 ] the Profecient will be moft confpicuous, it is thought proper to give him the following. EXPLANATION. 3x 2 THAT multiplying -a a by brings 24 2 3 out x²= at Step the ſecond, will appear 3 very plain if we retain the whole Multiplica- 2 tion; thus, 3x² 2 2×3x² 2a X For fince 2 3 3×2 3. 2×3 the Co-efficient of x is and becauſe the , 3×2 Numerator and Denominator are the fame in all Refpects, they confequently deſtroy each other, therefore x²- 2a 3 HENCE We have the following general Method for freeing any litteral Quantity of a Fractional Co-efficient. Multiply the Quan- tity by it's Co-efficient inverted, and it is done. Note, What I mean by an inverted Fraction 3 is this, 2 when inverted becomes 2 3 FROM hence alſo appears the Reaſon of multiplying a Fractional Quantity by it's De- nominator, [ 34 ] nominator, by only taking away the Deno- minator. For 3x-5 (at Step 1. Operation 1. 2 of the firſt Propofition) multiplied by 2 it's Denominator, that is, 3x=-5x2 = 3x-5×2 2 2 becomes 3x-5, at Step 2; becauſe 2 is found both in the Numerator and Dénominator, and fo confequently vaniſhes. Numerically. SEEING that 54 is the Rectangle or Pro- duct of the two Quantities required to be found, which Numbers having the fame Ratio to one another as 2 to 3: Therefore multiply 2 and 3 together, and the Product is 6.ˆ Ñow be- caufe (by the twentieth Pröpofition of the ſixth Book of Euclid's Elements) all fimilar Planes. are in a Duplicate Ratio of their like Sides, fay, as 6: is to 4 (= the Square of 2 the leaft Ratio) fo is 54 to 36, whofe fquare Root is 6 the leffer Number; and divide 54 by 6, and the Quotient is 9= the greater Number. W. W. D. + : + PROBLEM I 35 ] ས PROBLEM XVI, To find two Numbers whofe Ratio is to one another as 4 to 5: and the Sum of the Squares of both, is 2624. PUT x 5x X the leffer Number, and as 4: 5 :x: = the greater; the Square of the 4 leffer Number x is x², and the Square of the greater Number is 25x2 16 > and the Sum of theſe Squares is 25x2 , which by the Queſtion I 16 is equal 2624= a. Therefore XIC 225x216x²=16a 16 Іба 2 ÷ 25+163x2 = 25+16 3 พ 16a 2516 16×2624 25+16 F32 $ the leffer Number, which being known, fay, as 45: 32: 40 the greater Number. Q, E. J. Or [ 361 Or thus. TAKE 2 the Square of the leffer Number, from a, and the Remainder is àx² the Square of the greater Part (per Note following the Axioms), and the Square of the Ratios is 16 and 25; now (by the twenty fecond Propofition of Euclid's fixth Book), fay, as |1|16:25:: x²: a-x2: And (by the XVIth of the farne Book) we have 216a-16x²=25x² 2 2 +16x² 3+1x²=16a, the very fame with Step 2, above, only contracted. 16a น 3 414x 4I , I ба 16×2624 4 w 4/5/20 =32, &c. 41 41 Numerically. THE Squares of the Ratios added toge- ther is 41, and the Sum of the Squares of the Numbers required being given 2624, fay by Proportion, as 41: 16:: 2624: 1024 the Square of the leffer Part, whofe Root is 32=the leffer Number, from 2624 take 1024, and the Remainder is 1600, whofe Square Root is 40 the greater Number. W.W.R. Note, [ 37 ] ! Note, This Numerical Rule is founded on the twenty fecond Propofition of the fixth, and the eighteenth of the fifth Books of Euclid's Elements of Geometry. PROBLEM XVII. To find the fide of a Square, whofe Area is to the Sum of the fides in a given Ratio, as 45 to 12. PUT 45=a, 12b, and x = the fide of the Square; then 4x is the Sum of the fides, and x² the Area of the Square, which are to each other as a to b, by the Propofition. 2 Therefore 1a: b:: x² : 4%. 1 Ergo 2 bx²=4ax 2 ÷ 4a bx 3 x = 40=4x+5=15 the fide of b the Square required. 12 N. B. The Word ergo in the Margin at the fecond Step, fignifies the fame, as tho' I had quoted the fixteenth Propofition of Euclid's fixth Book for the Reafon of this Equation bx=4ax; as is done at Step 2. Operation 2. of the foregoing Problem. E Numerically [ 38 ] Numerically. ALL Squares are fimilar Planes; therefore divide the Ratio of the Perimiter or Sum of the fides by 4, and with that Quotient divide the Ratio of the Area; this laft Quotient will give the fide of the Square required. Thus, the Quotient of 12 divided by 4 is 3, and 45 divided by 3 quotes 15 the fide of the Square as above. THE Reaſon of this Arithmetical Solution, is this, that that Number, that expreffes the Ratio of any Quantity, whether a Line, Su- perficies, or Solid, hath the fame Properties as that Quantity, of which it is the Ratio. PROBLEM XVIII. To find the fide of a Cube, whofe Superficies is to the Solidity in a given Ratio, as 6 to II. PUT 6a, 11b, and x = the fide of the Cube; then the Solidity will be x³, and the Superficies 6x2. Now by the Queſtion we ſhall have \ra: b: 6x²: x³. Ia Ergo 2 ax³-6bx² I 2 ax² 2 ༔} 6b 6XII X = 11 the fide of a 6 the Cube required. Numerically. [ 39 ] ! Numerically. ALL fimilar Solids are to each other as the Cubes of their like fides (by the thirty third Propofition of Euclid's eleventh Book), whence divide the Ratio of the Solidity of the Cube, by part of the Ratio of the Superficies, and the Quotient is the Side of the Cube re- quired. Thus, part of 6 is 1, andȚI ह is e fide of the Cube as above. Or II ſuppoſe the Proportion of the Superficies and Solidity had been as 243 to 2916, the fide of the Cube would then be 72; for a fixth part of 243 is 40.5, and 2916 divided by 40.5 the Quotient is 72. W. W. D.. PROBLEM XIX. A certain Man hires a Labourer, on this. Condition, that for every Day he work'd he ſhould receive 12 Pence, but for every Day he was idle, he should be muleted 8 Fence. When 390 Days were past, neither of them were indebted to one another. How many Days did he work; and how many was he idle? 8=c, x PUT 390a, 12b, 8 = c, and the Days he was idle; then (per Ax. 1.) the Days E 2 he [ 40 ] he work'd will be a-x. Now feeing the 8 Pences difcounted for the Days he play'd was equal the 12 Pences he was to receive for every Day he work'd, we fhall I have 11cx=ab-bx. For c:b:: a—x: x. + bx2 bx + cx=ab 叶 ​ab 2 ÷ 0 + 4 3 x = 6 + 390 X 12 128 =234 234 the Days he were idle, which taken from 390 leaves 156 the Days he work'd, Numerically. As by the Queſtion 8 times the Number of Days the Labourer was idle, are equal 12 times the Number of Days he work'd; there is nothing more required, then to divide 390. Days into two fuch parts, that 8 times the one fhall be equal 12 times the other, and this Di- vifition is done Reciprocally (by virtue of the fourteenth Propofition of Euclid's fixth Book.) Thus: As 12+8 (=20): 12:: 390:234 the Days idle; and as 12-8 (= 20): 8 :: 390: 156 = the Days he work'd, the fame as before, for 156×12=1872=234×8. W.W.D. PROBLEM. [ 41 ] PROBLEM XX. A certain Gentleman hires a Servant, and promifes him 24 Pounds yearly Wages, together with a Cloak. At 8 Months End the Servant obtains leave to go a- way, and instead of his Wages receives a Cloak 13 Pounds. How much did the Cloak coft? To folve this Problem put 12, the Months in a Year, a, and 8 Months he ferved b, let the Price of the Cloak be called x; like- wife put 24c, and 13 d. his yearly Wages, and x+d received at 8 Months End (by therefore fay, as [1c+x: a :: x+d : b. 1 Ergo 2 axad=bcbx -bx 3 ax-bx+ad=bc ・ad 4 ax-bx=bc-ad 2 3 CA -bx Then ctx is the Wages he the Queftion),.. bc-ad____ 8×24—12×13 4a-b x = a a-b =9 12-8 Q. E. J. Pounds the Price of the Cloak. Numerically. 2 To folve this Propofition Arithmetically, Reaſon thus; 8 Months is or of a Year; therefore E 3 [ 42 ] 爹 ​2 herefore at the End of 8 Months, at the rate of 24 Pounds and a Cloak per Year, the Ser- vant muft receive of 24 Pounds, together with of the Cloak for 8 Months Service; but becauſe he received the whole Cloak +13 Pounds, inftead of of his Year's Wages, which is 16 Pounds and of the Cloak, there- fore take 13 from 16, and the Remainder is 3 Pounds, equivalent to part of the Cloak, confequently the Cloak coft 9 Pounds. W.W.D. PROBLEM XXI. A Perfon being ask'd how old he was, an- fwered, If I quadruple of my Years, and add of them 50 to the Product the Sum will be ſo much above 100, as the Number of my Years is now below 100. ; To anſwer this or any Queſtion of the like Nature, the Learner ought to be acquainted with Arithmetical Progreffion; with which if he be unacquainted, confult the fixth Chapter of the first or fecond Part of Ward's Introduction to the Mathematics. To avoid Fraction, put 6x = his Age, of which 4x, and the Quadruple of 4x 16x, to 16x add 3x (= his Age) +50, and [ 43 ] ; and the Sum is 19x+50, which (by the Que- ftion) as much exceeds 100, as 6x (= his Age) wants of 100. Whence 6x, 100, and r9x-50 are a Series of Terms in Arithme- tical Progreffion, and will ſtand 21 Thus 16.x. 100. 19x50. Ergo 225x+50=200 (per Lemma 1. chap. vi. Part I. or Sect. 1. chap. vi. Part II of Ward's Intro- duction, &c. 50325x=150 3254x=6, therefore 6x=36 his Age as was required. THIS Queſtion may alſo be ſtated other- wife. Thus, for the Difference between 100 and 6x being the fame as betwen 1950 and and 100 (per Query), that is 100-6x, and 19x50-100 are equal. I Therefore 1100-6x=19x+50-100. +6x225x+50-100=100 2-50-100 325x=150 3 25 14x=6, &c. the fame as before. PROB- [ 44 ] PROBLEM XXII. One being asked what Hour of the Day it was, anfwered, The Day at this Time is 16 Hours long; if now of the Hours past be added to of the Remainder, you will have the Hour defir'd, reckoning from Sun-rifing. x= PUT 16a, the Hours paft, and (per Ax. 1.) a-x is the Hours remaining; 2a- 2x of which is and the half of x is-, , 3 2 X 24 2X whofe Sum, viz. -+ 2 Hours paft (by the Queſtion). 1 x Therefore 1 + 2 is equal the 3 24 2x =x. 3 I X2 2 + 4a-4x =2x 3 2 x333x+4a-4x=6x 3-3x+4x47x=4a 4 ÷ 75x= 4a 4× 16 9 the Hour 7 7 of an Hour paft One of the Day, which is o' Clock, reckoning from Sun-rife; and may be [ 45 ] 2 ་ 2 be proved thus, I 12 7 the whole Day, or the Hours remain- 6448 16 Hours) 7 7 2 ing, of which is = 96 64 and = is half ΣΙ 14 96 the Hours paft: but theſe two Fractions 64 27 and are to each other, for as 96: 21 14 ::64:14. Ergo 96×14=64×21. W.W.P. Numerically. 4 I 2 BECAUSE the Hours paft, and of thofe remaining in one Sum,. are equal the faid Hours paft; it is plain that of the Hours remaining and the Hours paſt are equal: Therefore of the Hours of the Day remain- ing is equal the prefent Time of the Day or Hours paft, confequently the Hours of the Day paſt and thoſe remaining, are to one another in the Ratio to, or as 1 to 1. Now the Sum of theſe Ratios is, and to divide 16 into two parts that ſhall be to each other 4 उ as to, }{\ 44 :: 16: 9 Τ or 94. 61. the fame as by the foregoing Operation. W.W.D. PROB. [ 46 ] PROBLEM XXIII. From Noremberg to Rome are 140 Miles: A Traveller Jets out at the fame Time from each of the two Cities, one goes 8 Miles a Day, the other 6. In how many Days from their first fetting cut will they meet one another, and how many Miles will each of them go? PUT x the Number of Days they travel before they meet; then 8x is the Number of Miles he goes that travels 8. Miles a Day, and 6x is the Number of Miles the other goes that travels 6 Miles; and the Sum of 8x and 6x is 14: which, by the Queſtion, is equal 140 Miles, the Diſtance between Noremberg and Rome. Therefore 14*140, which Equation divide by 14, we ſhall have x = 10 the Num- ber of Days each travelled before they met,. whence one travelled 80 Miles and the other 60. BUT the Number of Days they travelled before they met each other may be found by Divifion only; for feeing they both travel the fame Number of Days, and that each Day's Journey of both is 14 Miles. Therefore di- vide 140 by 14 and Quotient gives 10 the Number of Days as before. Moreover, be- caufe [ 47 ] caufe every Day's Journey is the fame, there- fore the Place where they meet, divides the Diſtance between Noremberg and Rome, into two fuch parts, that are to one another, as the Number of Miles each travels a Day. That is, as 8 to 6, or as 4 to 3. 8 80. Whence, as 8 +6 (= 14): :: 140: 6 60. the fame as above. W.W.D. ****** PROBLEM XXIV. A certain Meffenger goes 6 Miles every Day: 8 Days after, another follows him, and he goes 10 Miles a Day. In how many Days will he come up to the first? PUT 6a, 10=b, 8=c, and x the Days he travelled that goes 10 Miles a Day, and the Number of Days the other travelled will be c-x: Now the Number of Days each travelled, multiplied by the Number of Miles each Meffenger goes every Day, gives the Miles both travels feparately, which are equal, becauſe they both began their Journey from the fame Place, and ended it at their over- taking each other; whence ac ax is the Miles the firſt Meffenger travelled, and by the Num- ber [ 48 ] ber of Miles he travelled that goes 10 Miles a Day. Therefore 1bx ac tax. I ax2 bx ax = ac ac 6x8 2 ÷b—a|3x= ba 12, the Days IO - 6 he travelled that goes 10 Miles a Day, and in To many Days he came up to the firit Meffen- Q. E. J. ger. Or thus THE firft Meffenger had gone 48 Miles be- fore the ſecond Meffenger fet out; but becaufe the fecond Meffenger gains 4 Miles every Day of the firft; therefore 48 divided by 4, the Quotient is 12 the Number of the Days as be- fore. W.W.D. PRÒ B LE M XXV. A certain Meſſenger goes 6 Miles a Day: And after he has gone 56 Miles, another follows him who goes 8 Miles a Day. In how many Days will he come up to him? THE foregoing Solution being rightly un- derſtood, it will be needlefs to give this an Algebraical Inveſtigation; and indeed the Arith- [ 49 ] い ​Arithmetical Solution is the very fame as that aforegoing, for divide 56 by 2 (8-6) and the Quotient is 28, the Number of Days in which the ſecond Meffenger came up to the firft. Q. E. J. If the Learner defire to ſee more of thefe kind of Problems, let him perufe the fifth Propofition (Page 72.) of the Arithmetical Queſtions, in Sir Ifaac Newton's Univerfal Arith- metic, with it's Cafes and Examples. PROBLEM XXVI. One bought 3 Books, whofe Prices were in Proportion as 12, 5, 1: If the Price of the first be doubled, of the fecond trebled, of the third quadrupled; the Sum of theſe Products will as much exceed 10 Crowns, as the Sum of the Prices of the greatest and middle is below 5. How much did the faid Book coft ?. PUT x the Price of the firft Book, and 12 5x as 12 x: 5: the Price of the fecond, X the Price I 2 and again, as 12 : x : : 1 : of the third: Now double the Price of the firſt F Book [ 50 ] Book is 2x, treble the fecond — druple the Price of the third is of theſe Products is 2x+ 5x and qua- 4 ༩ ; the Sum 3 5x X which as 4 3 5x (the 1 2 much exceeds 10 Crowns, as x+ Sum of the greateſt and middle Prices) is be- low 5. (per Query.) Therefore 12x+5x+10=5x-5 1 X 12243* 2+17x360x 4 3 120=60 17x 12060 3+120460x=180 5x 12 4605x=3, the Number of Crowns the 4 firſt Book coſt = 15 Shillings, and, as 12 : 15 56 Shillings, the Price of the fecond, and again, as 12: 15 :: 1: 1 Shilling, the Price of the third Book. I I Q. E. J. PROBLEM : [ 51 ] PROBLEM XXVII. : Suppose the Number 50 were to be divided into two Parts, ſo that the greater Part being divided by 7, and the less multiplied by 3, the Sum of this Product and the former Quotient may make the fame Number propofed, which was 50. a PUT 50, 7=b, 3c and the greater Part; then the lefs (per Ax. 1.) will be * a x: again, is a 7th part of x, and ac b cx is three times a x; the Sum of this X +ac-cx, which Quotient and Product is ~ +ac b (by the Queſtion) is equal a. Therefore I +ac cx = a. I 2 b xb2x+abcbcx= ab + 3 bcx-x=abc — ab +3/bcx abc ab 3 bc 14 x 141** =35, the greater bc I part, confequently the leffer is 15. QE. J. F 2 PRO- [ 52 ] PROBLEM XXVIII. Let the Number 20 be divided into two Parts, fo that the Square of the less part, being taken out of the Square of the greater, may leave the very Number pro- pofed, which was 20 (or may leave the double, treble, &c. of the Number pro- pofed.) PUT 20 = a, x= the leffer part, and (per Ax. 1.) the greater part will bea-x; the Square of the greater part is a2-2ax+x², and the Square of the leffer x², which taken out of the Square of the greater part, leaves a²-2ax, this Remainder (by the Propofition) is equal to a, or.2a, or 3a, &c. Therefore/1a² 2ax=a. I 1 +•2ax2a +2ax=a² 2 1 a32ax=a² a a a- I 20-I =9.5 24 2 2 32a4x= the leffer part, and 20-9.5= 10.5 the greater. Q. E. J. AND becauſe a²-2ax may be equal 2a, we ſhall have this new Equation ་ [53] Equation/1a² +12/2ax 2ax=2a. a² I 20 2 A-2A a 22a3x= -19 the leffer =9 2a 2 part, and the greater is 20-9=11. AND again, a-2ax being made equal 34, we fhall 2ax=3a. +22ax = a² have Iaz I за a² за a 3_20 3 2 24 3x=. 8.5 20 2 2 2 2 the leffer part, and 20-8.5=11.5 is the greater, and fo on. W.W.D. PROBLEM XXIX. If a Man gains 30 Crowns a Week; how much muſt be ſpend a Week to have 500 Crowns, together with the Expence of 4 Weeks remaining at the Year's End? SUPPOSING the Year to confift of 52 Weeks, he will gain 52×301560 Crowns every Year: Put x = his weekly Expence, and 52x Crowns is what he lays out yearly, which taken from 1560 the Remainder is 1560 -52x, which, by the Queftion, is equal to 500 + 4*. Therefore F 3 [ 54 ] Therefore 11560-52x= 500 +4. 256x=1060 I 2 ÷56 A 응 ​w 1060 56 = 18, the Crowns he ſpends per Week, equal to 4 l. 7 s. 1 d. §. Q. E. J. PROBLEM XXX. A Labourer, after 40 Weeks in which he had been at work, lays up 28 Crowns the Pay of three Weeks; and finds that he had expended 36 Crowns -- the Pay of eleven Weeks. What Pay did he receive a Week? PUT x his weekly Pay, and 40x is the Number of Crowns he received for 40 Weeks Labour; in which Time he laid up 28-3x Crowns, and expended 36+11x Crowns, which two Sums together make 8x+64 Crowns, equal to 40x. Therefore 118x+64-40%. -8x232x=64 I 2323x 64 2. Whence he recieved 32 2 Crowns or 10 Shillings a Week. W.W.R. • PRO- [55] : PROBLEM XXXI. In the Rectangle ABC, is given the Bafis AB=9 and the Difference of the other Sides, that is, the Segment BD, = 3. Required, the Sides AC, BC? LET 9=a, 3=b, and x = CA. and be- caufe CA and CD are equal (See Fig. 6.) BC =b+x. Now (by the 47th Propofition of Euclid's firft Book) BC=ACAB, but BC²= b²+2bx+x², AC-x, and AB=a2. x²-—a². Therefore 12+2bx+x²= x² -† a². 2 x² 2b² = 2bx = a² 26²+2bx 2 a² — b² 2 I 2 -b232bx a² b2 3 ÷ 264x= 26 -9x9—3x3 2X3 = 12, the Side CA, and 12315 the Length of the Side CB. Or thus. Q. E. J. THE fame Geometrical Problems may be ſolved by different Principals of Geometry, as well as Arithmetical Queftions by different Laws of Arithmetic. For by drawing the Circle ADE from C as Center, with the Ra- dius CA, and continuing the Side BC to E; then [ 56 ] then will BE be =b+2x, and (by the 36th Propofition of Euclid's third Book) it will be, as, IBE: BA:: BA: BD. Or rather BEX BD = BA². That is, 262x: a: a: b. +2x:a: 2 Ergo 362 2bx = a² 3 · b² | 4|2bx = a² — b². 4265x a² ! 2 ·b² 9×9—3×3 =12 26 2×3 the Side CA, &c. the fame as before. FROM the Solutions to the foregoing Pro- blem, the Analyft may obferve, that in an- fwering Queſtions of this Nature, how well he ought to be acquainted with the Principals of Geometry. For when a Queſtion of this kind is propofed, it will be impoffible for him to give an Anſwer to it, unless he thoroughly underſtands the Nature of the Figure the Quere is propofed in, and the different Properties that may arife from the Application of new Lines not firft concerned in the Diagram. For as Propofitions relating to abſtract Quantities, are folved by the Laws of Arithmetic; fo we muſt have recourſe to the Laws and Properties of Geometrical Figures, to anſwer Queſtions in Geometry. And how the faid Properties may be employed in bringing Geometrical Problems to Equations, the moſt illuftrious Geometer Sir ISAAC NEWTON, in his Uni- verfal [ 57 ] ፡ verfal Arithmetic, from Page 86 to 101, hath largely ſpecified by a Variety of Examples; which ought to be dilligently and moſt atten- tively peruſed, and well underſtood by every one that defigns to be a Proficient in this Branch of Mathematical Learning. THE thirty fixth Propofition of Euclid's third Book being well understood, it will be eaſy to inveſtigate the Side CA independent of Algebra, by reafoning thus, feeing BEX BD BA'. And becaufe BD and BA are given, BE will be known alfo; and taking BD from BE, the Remainder DE will be given likewife; but (by the Fig.) DE is 2CA. Therefore DE CA==DC: Whence, dividing 81 2 (=BA²) by 3 (=BD) the Quotient gives BE 27, from which take 3, and there remains. DE=24=2CA, confequently CA=12. Ha- ving thus found CA, add to it BD=3, and the Sum is BC= 15 the other Side of the Triangle ABC. Which was required. Geometrically. BECAUSE the Side CA, and the Segnient BD are together in one Sum equal to the Side BC, and that the Angle BAC is a right one` by the Propofition. Therefore draw Ab (BD) perpendicular to BA, and join Bb with [ 58 ] I with a right Line (See Fig. 7.) which Bifect in a, at this Point a erect the Perpendicular aC until it concurs with bA produced to C, laftly,. draw the Line BC, and BAC is the Triangle that was to be conftructed. Demonftration. THE Angles at a being right, and the Ba- fis of the Triangles BaC and baC, viz. Ba and ba, and alfo Ca common to both, the Sides CB and Cb (by the fourth Propofition of Euclid's firſt Book) are equal, and ſo (by Defi- nition 21 of the fame Book) the Triangle BCb is Ifofceles. With CA Radius, defcribe the Arch AD, ſo ſhall BD be equal bA. Therefore, &c. 2. E. D. PROBLEM XXXII. In the Rectangle Triangle ABC, is given the Bafis AB = 5, and the Sum of the other Sides AC+BC-25. Required, the Sides AC, BC feverally? PUT 25=a, 5=b, and x=CA; then (per Ax.1.) CB=a-x. And becauſe the Angle CAB is right, we have (by the forty feventh Propofition of Euclid's firft Book) BC2 CA+BA; but BC2 a² 2ax = CA²= x², and BA²= b².. (See +x², Fig. 8.) 2 Therefore י 1 7 . 1 I ¿ :. [ 59 ] Therefore 1a2 - 2ax + x² = b²+x². I 2 2 2ax +32ax = a² b2 2 b2 a² - b² 2 a 3 ÷2a4x 12=CA, 20 2 2a W.W.R. * and 25 1213 CB. x= Or thus. PUT BC, and (per Fig.) AC will be -a-x; having thus expreffed every Side of the Triangle ABC, we fhall have (by the forty ſeventh Propofition of Euclid's firft Book) BC2 AC²+ AB². 2 2 That is, 1x2 = a² I x20 2+2ax 32ax 3 小 ​2 -2ax + x²+b². zax + b² 2 2 a a² + b² a b2 25 +5x5 2 24 2 + = 13 2X25 BC, and 25-1312 AC. The fame as before. Note, The Sides AC and BC may be found Numerically, Thus, compleat the Circle ADE, and (by the thirty fixth Propofition of Euclid's third Book) the Rectangle of BE into the Seg- ment BD is to the Square of AB, There- fore BD is equal to the Square of AB divided by BE (BC+AC 25.) That is, BD =5×5 [60] 5×5 25-I ! = 1, and (per Fig.) =12=AC, 25 2 hence 25 12 = 13= BC. The fame Geometrically. THUS, Draw the Line AB= 5 from any Scale of equal Parts; at right Angles to which, draw the Line Ab 25 the given Sum of the Sides AC and BC. This done join Bb (See Fig. 9) with a right Line; which divide into two equal Parts in the Point a; from a erect the Perpendicular aC, and having drawn the Line BC, the Triangle ABC is that requi- red to be conſtructed. Demonftration. THE Line aC being perpendicular to Bb and cuts it into two equal Parts, the Triangle BCb (by the fifth Propofition of Euclid's firft Book) is Ifofceles. Ergo BCbC, confequent- ly ACBD = A+¿C. 2. E. D. HAVING [61] AVING thus far exercised the young Analyſt in fimple Equations only, it may not be improper to fhew him what quadratic adfected Equations are, and how fuch Equations are brought to a Solu- tion: And for the better Understanding of which, it is requifite he should know how they are first produced, and this he will ea- fily perceive by the following Examples. EXAMPLE I. IF inſtead of what is given and required to be found in the foregoing Problem, there had been given the Sum of the Legs forming the right Angles (See Fig. 8.) Viz. AB+ AČ = a, and the Hypothenufe or longeft Side BC= b; to find the faid Legs feperately. Then for the Leg AB put x, and (by Ax. 1.) the other Leg AC will be equal a x; hav- ing thus exprefs'd every Side of the Triangle ABC, we ſhall have, by Virtue of the 47th Propofition of Euclid's firft Book, this G Equa- [ 62 ] 1 + Equation, BC2=AB² + AC² That is, 2b2x² + a² 2 ± 32x 2ax = b² 2 2ax--x². a². Ъ 2 3 -24x³-ax= 2 -C. 2 2 a a² સ 4 CO 15x2 ax + 2 C 4 4 а LO 16: 6x 2 5 w 21 พย 6 + a 2 2 +1 va 2 4 4 2 Co C. Becauſe a² is greater than 62, their Dif- ference will be a Negative. Having thus found the Leg AB, the other Leg AC is given from what is ſhewn above. SEEING therefore at the fourth Step of the foregoing Operation, there is produced this Equation x ax x² b² 2 2 ·a² which becauſe it is conftituted of two different Powers of the unknown Quantity, viz. x2 and x, whofe In- dices are double to each other, is called a qua- dratic adfected Equation. Which, with re- ſpect had to the Signs three Varieties or Cafes, viz. +mx=n. and admits of Sx²+mx² = n. I x2 2x2 2 mx=n. men's Mx 2 =n. 1. &c. 371x 2 x² = 1. 2 4 mx 72. N. B. [ 63 1 N. B. That the Forms of the above Equa- tions may be rendered the more Univerſal, I put m for any Number that may happen to be the Co-efficient for the unknown Quantity x, b2 and n for the abfolute Number, as 2 and the like. a 2- > AND for the Solution of fuch Equations, the Learner muft obferve, that the Method took it's firft Original from this Confideration. That feeing on one Side of the Equation in every Cafe, there is the Square of x, and the Rectangle of x drawn into the given Quan- tity m; or what comes to the fame Purpoſe, the Square of x, and the double Rectangle of x drawn into it is evident (from the 4th 2 m 2 ; Propofition of Euclid's fecond Book) that xmx in the firft Cafe, xmx in the fecond, and mx -- 2 in the third, wants only m mn 2 the Square of that is to make the faid 2 4 Quantities compleat Squares; for the Square IN 2 of x + 2 is = x²+mx+ = x² + 2 2 772 772 , ofx is 4 2 -mx + M2 m and of x is = x² 2 mx 4 2 " which tho' in every Refpect is the 4- G 2 fame 2 M² [ 64 ] fame in Form to that next before it, yet it be- ing in the third Cafe is of a different Quality, becauſe equal to a negative Quantity, as fhall be fhewn by and by. Whence proceeds this general Rule for compleating the Square in all quadratic adfected Equation whatſoever. RULE. ADD the Square of the Co-efficient of the unknown Quantity, to both Sides the Equation, and the Square will be compleat. See the following Operations. m² 1 | x² + mx + "==n+" 4 2 mx+==n+ 2²x² ~-mx+ 4 2 2 m 4 2 m 4 m ทา 2 or x²+mx²+? 4 -mx²+" m² 4 2 m 4 ent 4 m 2 M1 4 3, xz -mx+: m² n. mx²+ m 4 4 -n. 4 4 and fo on. Hence, by extracting the fquare Root, we ſhall have the following Equations. 1 ↑ 1[x [65] 2 2 m m IN m I 2 4 2 4 2 IN 2 2 √nt m m m or x2 2 4 2 772 772 3 n. X 2 4 212 2 m 2 ·n. 4 &c. 1 m 2 And by tranſpoſing to the other Side, every Equation will give the Value of x. 2 m m 777 2 m I X x m 2 2x ==+un+ 2 4 2 4 2 m m m2 or x 2 = 4 2 4 2 m 2 士 ​ገን .m 2 ∙n. 2 ∙n. 4 4 Except in thoſe Equations on the right Hand, which muſt have the Root again extracted. Thus, 2 m m 2 4 2 m m X 2 4 m² 2 2 tv 4 G 3 ·12.. N. B. [66] N. B. In the third Cafe, or this Equation mx-x² = n, before the Square can be com- pleated, the Signs of every Term in the Equation muſt firſt be changed, which being done, will ftand thus x INX n, and then by compleating the Square, it will be- 2 2 come x mx + M² 4 = m² 2 4 n. as is fpe- cified in the foregoing Operations. To what is here faid concerning quadra- tic adfected Equations, much might be ad- ded, but I fhall content myſelf by inferting only theſe Obfervations following. And if the induftrious Reader defire to fee more of this Doctrine, he is referred to Ward's Introduc- tion, Chap. viii. Part II. or to John Parfon's Clavis Arithmetica, Chap. xv. where he will meet with Plenty of Examples of this Kind. FIRST then, It may be obferved that x, the unknown Quantity, in the firft Cafe, may be either greater or lefs than it's Co-efficient, becauſe all the Terms in the Equation are af- firmative. But in the fecond Cafe, x is al- ways greater than it's Co-efficient; becauſe x 2 mx is equal to an affirmative Quantity. And in the third Cafe, x is always lefs than it's Co-effi- cient, becauſe mx and n are both negative. Hence, in compleating the Square, in the first and fecond Cafes it matters not whether the Square of half the Co- [ 67 ] KÝ VEZ kan skalita: m² 2 Co-efficient, that is, be greater or lefs than the 4 abfolute Number n. But in the third Cafe it muſt always be greater than n, elfe there will be required to extract the fquare Root of a ne- gative Quantity, which is impoffible. SECONDLY, In the third Cafe, after the 2 m² Square is compleated, if and ʼn happen to 4 2 be, then, becauſe n is negative, x²- mx + m² 4 2 IN 2 =0. whofe Root being extracted 112 0, and therefore x = confe- 2 quently 2x=m. THIRDLY, In the Solution of Equations of the third Form, the unknown Quantity will fometimes have two affirmative Values, the one juft, and the other more than juft; for which Reafon, this Sort of Equations are generally called ambiguous; but properly fpeaking they are only particularly fo. For when the Co-efficient of x, that is m, is lefs than 2x, then there will be no Ambiguity at all: So this Ambiguity can only happen when m is greater than 2x; for if m be equal to 2x, then, by the laft Obſervation, the Quan- [ 68 ] tities 2 m 4 and n will be equal, and confe- quently deftroy each other. which, in this Equation x = To prove IN m² 2 土 ​n. 4 which is of the third Form, let us affume 2x for the Co-efficient of x inftead of m, and fuppofing 2x-r any Co-efficient of x lefs than 2x, but greater than x; and by ſubſti- tuting this Co-efficient, viz. 2x - r, for m in this Equation x = 2x have x = + 2 m 2 2 m² + n. we ſhall 4 4xr-x² 2 n. 4 1412 And for the Value ofn, form the original Equation with the unknown Quantity x and and it's Co-efficient 2x r, or which comes all to the fame Thing, fubftitute 2xr for m in this Equation xmx1, and we fhall have − n == x² + rx; which being ſubſti- tuted in the abovefaid Equation for n. then 4x²+4rx+r² 2x- go X 2 + 4x 4xr 4 which being contracted will become x= 土 ​4 whence it is plain x = 2x· 2 2X за 2 2 and R [ 69 ] and not 2x 2 r x r. . Therefore 2 this Cafe is not ambiguous when the Value of the Co-efficient of the unknown Quantity, is fome Number greater than the faid Quantity, but lefs than it's Double; which was to be proved.. BUT to prove that any Co-efficient of x greater than 2x will render this Cafe ambigu- ous; put 2xr for any Co-efficient of x greater than 2x, which being fubftituted for ทา m in this Équation x == 土 ​m 4 2 bove ſpecified, it will become x = n. as a- 2x - Fr 2 H 2 √4x² + 4xr 4x2 4xr + r² .whence 4 2x + r tr 2 r H+ 2x + or x= 4 +1 jo 2 2 2x + r r but 2 +=x+r, which is one af- 2 firmative Value of the unknown Quantity: but too much by r, the Excefs of the Co-ef- ficient above twice the Quantity fought; and 2x + r J 2 2 x is the other, the true Value of the Quantity required. Hence proceeds the Ambiguity which was to be proved. SCHO- [70] SCHOLIU M. FROM what is proved above, it appears, that the Difference between the Co-efficient 2 of x and 2x, that is, is always equal to 2 m n. and that ſeeing from the firſt De- 4 2x y r monftration gives the unknown 2 Quantity too little, and from the fecond, 2 x² + ² + 2/2 2 r too much by r. Therefore when this Cafe is not ambiguous, always add m n. to 2/22 4 and the Sum will give x the Quantity required, but when ambiguous, 2 then always ſubſtract/m² m n. from and 4 the Difference will give the Quantity ſought; thus, in the former x = in the latter x = 2 2 m + √m² 2 n. and 4 n. But the 4 m 2 Learner muſt know that the Ambiguity of this Caſe cannot be determined when the Equa- tion [71] נ 1 tion is expreffed literally; and for this Reafon m the Quantities m² 2 and - n. are always 4 connected together with a doubtful Sign. 2 m Thus, x = n. See the third Cafe 2 4 $ ៩ aforegoing. FOURTHLY, In every quadratic adfected Equation, or indeed all compound Equations whatſoever, are as many Roots or Values of the unknown Quantity, either affirmative or negative, as the Index of the higheſt Power of the Quantity fought contains Units; and when one of thofe Roots is diſcovered, every Root befides is 'found by dividing the whole Equation by that Root continually, or in quadratic adfected Equations, having found one Root, fubftract it from the Co-efficient of their refpective Equations, and the Re- mainder will give the other Root. one FIFTHLY and Laftly, In the firſt and ſe- cond Cafes of quadratic Equations, Root will be affirmative and the other a ne- gative Quantity; but in the third Cafe, both Roots will be affirmative, tho' but one of them will anſwer the Queftion, which muſt be taken according to the Conditions thereof; and in the other two Cafes, or indeed all Equa- [72] Equations whatfoever, the affirmative Quan- tity always folves the Problem, for the nega tive Quantities are of no other Ufe than to help to form the original Equation. 2 THUS much I prefume is fufficient for what may be required in quadratic adfected Equations; from whence it appears, that this E- quation x ax = c at the fourth Step in the Calculus to the foregoing Example, is of the third Form, and therefore from what hath been fhewn above relating to this Sort of Equations, it is evident x = a 2 土 ​2 4 Со FROM the 47th of Euclid's first Book it will eaſily appear that the Legs of a right angled Triangle are equally related to the other Side, or Hypothenufe. So that if in- ftead of putting ≈ for AB (See Fig. 8.) I fuppofe it = AC; then (per Ax. 1.) a-x - AB, which Expreffion is the very fame as before, tho'x repreſents a different Part of a; and being ſtated according to the above- faid Propofition of Euclid, will ſtand 1 Thus, [ 73 ] Thus, I IX 2 |x² + a 2 a 22x 2 2 zax+x²= b² 62 2 2ax b2 a² 2 2 a² 2 2 2 3x ax= 3 C4x2 a 4 w 25x 2 a 5+ ७ a 2 + ax + 2 2 4 а a² 4 2 2 2 a² C. Co C 4 2 4 Seeing a² is greater than b it is evi- dent their Difference will be nega- tive, or 1 I ነ + Now by comparing this Operation with that aforegoing, we fhall find, that both the Form of the Calculus and Conclufion is the fame in each, notwithſtanding different Quantities are the Scope of our Enquiry. And hence it is that fome Geometrical Problems are ambigu- ous, and when fuch occur, the great and in- comparable Mathematician, Sir Ifaac Newton, adviſes, that when there happens to be ſuch an Affinity or Similitude of the Relations of two Terms to the other Terms of the Queſtion, that you ſhould be obliged, in making Ufe of either of them, to bring out Equations ex- actly alike; or that both, if they are made Ufe of together, fhould bring out the fame Dimentions, and the fame Form (only except- H ing [74] ing perhaps the Signs and -) in the final Equation (which will be eafily feen) then it will be the beſt Way to make uſe of neither of them, but in their Room to chufe fome third which ſhall bear a like Relation to both, as fuppofe the half Sum, or half Difference, or perhaps a mean Proportional, or any other Quantity relating to both indifferently and without alike. Page 126. See the Univerſal Arithmetic THAT is, in this Example feeing the Simi- litude of the Relations of the two Terms or Legs AB and AC to the other Term or Hy- pothenufe BC, is fuch, that making uſe of either of them, brings out Equations exactly alike; therefore for a more commodious Elec- tion of the Terms for the Calculus, by the foregoing Advice, chufe fome third Term, which, becauſe the Sum of Legs are given, let be their Difference, for which put x, and by the proceeding Lemma, the greater Leg a X will be, and the leffer Leg both which being fquared will A x ; 2 2 become 3 [75] become I 2 ༡ས་. a 4. a ax +~+ 2 4 whofe Sum 2 ax X + 4 2 4 + X 2 b². 2 + x² 2 =2b2 4 3 +5 is X 2 a w 2 3 2 4 15/06 2 2 22b2a2, a Simple Quadratic. a. AB AC, √262 = or AC-AB, according as AB or AC re- preſents the greater or lefs Leg. HENCE by computing after this Method, it appears, that not only the final Equation is reduced to a fimple Quadratic, but the Am- biguity of the Propofition is likewife avoided; and therefore in fome Queſtions it is more commodious to feek not the Quantities that are required, but fome others from whence they may be found; as the Reader will find if he obſerves ſome of the foregoing and fol- lowing Operations. BUT to render the Ambiguity or Nature of this Example more confpicuous, take the following Geometrical H 2 CON [76] CONSTRUCTION. DRAW the Line BD (See Fig. 10.) equal to the Sum of the Legs AB and AC, in which take the Point e any where at Pleaſure; from which Point erect the Perpendicular eb equal to the Segment eD; from D, by the End of the Perpendicular eb, draw the Line Dbf of any convenient Length. This done, with the Hypothenufe BC as Radius, and from B the Center defcribe the Arch gcC, and from the Point C where the faid Arch cuts the Line Dbf, let fall the Perpendicular CA; and the Triangle required to be conftructed is ABC. DEMONSTRATION. THE Lines be and CA being both drawn from the fame Line Dbf perpendicular to the Line BD, it is evident the Triangles be D and CBD are fimilar, and therefore eD: eb: : AD AC. but eD and eb are equal by Conftruction, confequently AD is equal to AC. Whence it is plain AB AC is ABAD = BD. Q. E. D. COROL- ! [ 77 ] COROLLARY. FROM the foregoing Conſtruction, ſeeing the Arch Ccg cuts the Line Dbf in another Point c, it will be eafy to demonftrate Geome- trically the Reaſon of the Ambiguity in this Example. Thus, let fall the Perpendicular ca, and with a right Line join the Points B and c. Then by fimilar Triangles be: eD :: ca: aD; but be and eD are equal by Conſtruction, therefore ca is equal to a D, confequently Baca Ba + aD = BA +CA; whence the Triangles ABC and aBc are equal in all Refpects, for BA is ca, and CA. Now fince from each of the Points of Interfection C, c, the fame Trian- gle is produced, it is therefore indifferent which of the faid Points the Triangle is con- ftructed from, fince they both bear alike Re- lation to the Line BD. Ba= Ba 2. E. D. EXAMPLE II. OR if inftead of the Sum of the Legs, as in the laft Example, there had been given their Difference a, and the Hypothe- nuſe bas before, to find the Legs. Then by the common Method of Computation H 3 put 1 [ 78 ] put & the greater Leg, and (per Ax. 2.) the leffer Leg will bex - a. And by the 47th Propofition of Euclid's first Book, we shall have BC AB+ AC² (See Fig. 9.) That is, I 2 2 = 1116² = x² — 2ax+a2+x². I 2 a² 22 x 22x2 223x 3 Co 41 ४ 4 w 25 x a 5 + 26 N 2ax = b² a² b2 a2 2 ax 2 a² 262 4 2 212 ax + 4 262 4 a 262 a² 2 壮 ​2 4 the greater Leg, which was to be found, whence the leffer Leg will be known. But by putting x= the leffer Leg, then the greater Leg will be xa, and by the abovefaid Propo- fition of Eucild, we fhall have this Equa- [79] 2 Equation [122ax + a² + x² = b² I a² 22x² + 2ax = 2 ÷ 23x² + ax = W. 2 b2 a² 2 b2 22 2 262 a² 4 CO 4x² + ax + w 25x + 3 4 a 5 26x = a = a 2 4 √262 4 a 2 2 a 262 a + 2 4 SEEING that in the foregoing Operations. their final Equations are the very fame in both, except that in the former is affirma- a 2 tive, which in the latter is a negative Quan- tity; the third Term therefore to be made ufe of for the better Election of the Terms for the Calculation, muſt be the Sum of the Legs, becauſe their Difference is given, for which put ; then (per Lemma following) the x greater Leg will be+, and the leffer ४ ल x a 2 > 2 2 2 and the Sum of their Squares *? [ 80 ] ર 2 + gure. 2 which is equal to b2 by the Fi- Confequently I | N 2 2 + a² 2 2 = b². I X a2=2b2 2 a2 3 =262 2/2x² + 2 a 3 พ 2 41 x = √26² a. AB+ AC. = AND thus, by Help of the half Sum and half Difference, I have brought out the refulting Equation in a fimple Quadratic Form, and freed of Ambiguity: tho' I might have omitted this Expreffion, for no fimple Equation, of what Kind foever, can be ambiguous. GEOMETRICALLY. DRAW the Line BD equal the given Diffe- rence of AB and AC (See Fig. 11) to which add the Line De of any convenient Length; from e erect the Perpendicular be equal to De, and draw the Line Dbf of any Length at Pleafure; then from B fet off the Hypothe- nufe BC to the faid Line in C, and let fall. the Perpendicular CA, fo is ABC the Trian- gle which was required. DEMON [ 81 ] 7 } DEMONSTRATION. BECAUSE the Lines AC and eb are both perpendicular to the Line De, &c. the Tri- angles DAC and Deb are fimilar, whence DA AC. but De is eb by Conſtruction, therefore DA is AC. confe- quently AB DA=BD. : De eb - : Q; E. D. FARTHER, to fhew the Utility of this Me- thod of Sir Ifaac. Newton's, take another Example; and the better to conceive the Rea- fon of exprefling the half Sum and half Dif- ference of any two Quantities, obſerve the following LEMM A. IF from half the Sum of any two Quan- tities be taken half their Difference, the Re- mainder will give the leffer Quantity; but if added to the half Sum, gives the greater Quantity. DEMONSTRATION. X PUT the greater Quantity, and y = the lefs; and make their Sum xys, and Difference x-y=d. The half Sum will be [82] be x + y and half Difference 2 2' x y 2 d Bla x + y Now x + y d 2 2 2 2 =y. and x + y + x y d + x. 2 2 2 2 EXAMPLE III. Q. E. D. IN the right angled Triangle ABC (See Fig. 12.) there is given the Hypothenuſe AC = a, and BD, the Perpendicular let fall from the right Angle to the Hypothenufe AC, b. To find the Legs AB and BC; and the Segments of the Hypothenufe AD and DC? To folve this Example by the common Method put x = one of the Segments, as ſuppoſe the greater, and (per Ax. 1.) the leffer will be = a X.. Now, by the eighth Propofition of Euclid's fixth Book, the Tri- angles ADB and BDC are fimilar. Whence [83] { ! 2 Ergo, 3 ax 3 + 4 CO 5 ww 2 Whence That is, | AD: BD :: 2x : b : 2 x : b:: b: a BD DC. x. } SAn Equation of 2 the third Form. } x² = b² b2{ 2 4x ax= b2 a² 2 a 5x 2 ax + 62 4 4 6 x 2/2 a 11 2 b2. 6 + 012 a X - 4 2 a b², = AD or 2 4 1 } DC, which foever is the longeft. Having thus found the Segments of the Hypothenufe, the Legs AB and BC will be found by Virtue of the 47th Propofition of Euclid's firft Book; for in the Triangles ADB and BDC there is given the Legs AD, DB, and DC. BUT if x be put for the leffer Segment, then ax will be the greater, and feeing the Expreffion is the fame in both Suppofi- tions, that is, ax reprefent indifferently the greater and lefs Segment, it is evident this Example ambiguous, and therefore fince the Sum of the Segments are given, repreſent their Difference, and (per Lem- let ma) [ 84 ] ma) the greater Segment will be a x a 012 +212 and the leſs ——-*. And ſo by the above 2 2' cited Propofition of Euclid, we ſhall have this Equation, IAD: BD:: BD: DC. That is, 2 2 Ergo, 3 X 4 4 士 ​5 พ 2 w 45 212 a а 2 4 2 2 a + :b: :b: 2 2 λ 2 = b² 2 4 x 2 -- 4.62 5,x² = a² 4b2 1 2 N! X 6 x = √ a² = 462. the Difference of the Segments of the Hypothenuſe AC, which а x a X being ſubſtituted for x in 2 2 + and 2 2 a 2 .b². 2 the greater Segment will be equal to to and the leffer = A 2 4. a 4 -b². which exactly agrees with the 7th Step of the laſt Operation. Hence it appears, that by fubftituting the Va- lue of x found by this Method of Computa- tion, for x in the Quantities expreffed by the half. Sum and half Difference, gives the very fame [85] | > Theorems for finding thoſe Quantities, as tho' they were inveſtigated by the common Me- thods of Algebra. GEOMETRICALLY. ON AC draw the Semicircle AbBC, draw alfo the Line ac parallel to AC at the Dif- tance of the given Perpendicular BD, and where the faid Line ac cuts the Semicircle, as in the Point B or b, let fall the Perpendicular BD or bd; this done, draw the Lines AB and BC, or Ab and bС. and ABC or AbC is the Triangle required. The Truth of this Con- ſtruction is evident from the Figure itſelf, and therefore needs no Demonſtration. HAVING thus fhewn what Quadratic ad- fected Equations are, and how they are brought to a Solution; Solution; with fome ufeful Animadvertions on every Cafe, wherein, I prefume, is fpecified all that is requifite for finding that Root of an Equation that truly anfwers the Queftion: I will now conclude this Synopfis, and fo proceed to give the So- lutions to the following Problems. I PROBLEM [86] PROBLEM XXXIII. Suppofe two Towers, AB 180 Feet high, and CD 240, at the Distance AC 360 Feet. A Ladder is to be fet upon the Line AC, at fome Point, fuppofe in E, of fuch a Length, as from thence it may reach the Top of both the Towers. We require the Point E in the Line of Distance, as alfo the Length of the Ladder EB, ED? = PUT 180 a, 240 b, 360c, and x = AE (See Fig. 13.) and (per Ax. 1.) c X EC; but becaufe BE is equal to DE, by the 47th Propofition of Euclid's firft Book, we fhall have AB² + AE² = EC² + DC². which in Species will itand thus, I 2 2 I a +x²=c²—2cx-|x²+b². ४ 2 2cx + 2 a² = c² +2cx32cx + a² = c² + 2 X 2 3 a.2 - 20 5 420x c² + b² c²~—b² a² b2 b 2 a2 2 =215=AE, 20. which taken from 360 leaves 145 = which gives the Point E required. Whence EC, the [ 87 ] 2 the Length of the Ladder will be found to contain 280.4 Feet. W. W. F. Conftruction Geometrically. JOIN the Points B and D with a right Line, which divide into two equal Parts in F, from which Point raiſe the Perpendicular FE, and where it cuts the Line AC, as in the Point E, there the Ladder muſt be fet to reach to the Tops of both Towers. For BF is = FD, and FE common to both, therefore the Triangle BED is Ifofceles, and confequently BE is equal to ED. 2. E. I. and D. PROBLEM XXXIV. In the Triangle ABC, the feveral Sides AB = 13, AC AC = 14, BC = 15 are given; and the Perpendicular BD being drawn. Requir'd the Segments of the Bafis AD, ÓC? PUT 13a, 146, 15=c, and x = the Segment BD, then (per Ax. 1.) cx is equal the other Segment DC; and becauſe the Triangles ADB and ADC are right angled, and the Perpendicular AD common to both, I 2 we [88] we ſhall have (by Virtue of the 47th Propo- fition of Euclid's firft Book, (See Fig. 14.) this a 2 Equation 1AB-BD-AC-CD', which in Species is 242x² = b² — c² + 2cx — x². + x² 3 a² = b² — c² + 2cx 3-b² + c² 4/2cx = a² = b² + c² 2 2 } 2 4 ÷ 205x= 205 b² -+- c² 20 =6.6=BD,and 156.6 8.4 the other Segment DC. 2. E. I OR, by the Application of the 36th Pro- pofition of the third Book of Euclid's Ele- ments, the Segments DB and DC may be found by Proportion, thus as BC AB +AC:: AC-AB: DC- DB, that is, as 15: 13 + 14 (= 27.): : 14 13(1.) :(DC- DB.) Now the Half of added to half 15 gives 8.4 DC the greater Segment, and fubftracting half 7 from the Half of 15, the Remainder gives 6.6 DB the leffer Segment, the fame as before. W. W. D. 27 = SCHOLIU M. 2 I FROM the foregoing Operation it may be obferved from the third Step, that by tranf- pofing c² to the other Side the Equation, we fhall [89] fhall have a² + c 2 = b² - 2cx. that is + AB² + BC² = AC² + 2 x BC × BD. an Equation that exactly agrees with the 13th Propofition of the fecond Book of Euclid; whence the Learner is to take Notice, that by carefully looking into the Calculations of Al- gebraical Problems, many curious and uſeful Theorems are often difcover'd, and fometimes new Properties of the Figure the Calculus belongs to, is brought to Light; and to this Property of Analytical Operations, both Arithmetic and Geometry chiefly owe their greateſt Improvements. PROBLEM XXXV. In the obtufe angle Triangle DEF, the feve- ral Sides are given, viz. DE 11, EF 13, DF 20; and the Perpendicular FG, being let fall upon the Bafis produced. Required the Prolongation of the Ba- fis EG. PUT 20 = a, 13 b, 11 = c, and ✰ = EG the Prolongation of the Bafis DE; then (per Ax. 2.) c + x = DG, now becauſe the Triangles DGF and EGF are right an- gled, and the Perpendicular FG common to both, it is evident (by the 47th Propofition of Euclid's firſt Book) that DF2 2 = EF² EG2. that is, I 3 DG 2 in [ 90 ] 1 2 I in Species [1a2 + x²/2a² + - 3 204x= (See Fig. 15.) 2 c² - 20.x-x² = b² — x² 2cx = b² 2 ± 32cx = a² — c² — b² 2 2 b= = a² 20 C² 2 =5=EG. 2. E. I. SCHOLIU M. AT the fecond Step by tranfpofing - c² - 2cx to the other Side of the Equation, it will be a² = b²+c22cx, the fame with the 12th Propofition of Euclid's fecond Book of Geometry. GEOMETRICALLY. UPON the Side DF draw the Semicircle DGF, and produce out the Side DE till it cuts the faid Semicircle in the Point G, then the Segment EG will be the Prolongation required. DEMONSTRATION. DRAW the Line FG, and (by the 31ft Propofition of Euclid's third Book) the Angle DGF is a right Angle, confequently the Line FG is perpendicular to the Side DE produc'd to [91] to G. Therefore EG is the Prolongation fought. Q, E. D. PROBLEM XXXVI. In the Rectangle ABCD, is given the Difference between the Length AB and the Diagonal BD, that is DE = 2; and likewife the Difference between the Breadth ÁD and the Diagonal BD, that is, FB 9. Required the Sides of the Rectangle AB, AD? PUT 9a, 2b, and x = AD=DF; then DB = a+x, and AB = EB = a + x b. Now the Triangle ABD being right angled, there will be had (by the 47th Pro- pofition of Euclid's firft Book) this (See Fig. 16.) Equation, | 1| DB² = AB² + AD². That is, 2 a2+2ax+x²= x²+a² + 2 3 3x2 2ax-2ab+x² 2bx 2abb² 2 2bx+b². C4x² - 2 bx +b² = 2ab 4 ww 25x -b=√zab. 5 + 6/6x = √2ab. -+ b = √2 × 9×2. +6. +2=8= AD, the Breadth of the Rect- angle, [ 92 ] angle, which being known, the Length AB will be found = 15. Q, E. I. OR put xEF; then (by the Figure) a + x = AB, b+x= AD, +x x and AD, and a +6 BD, which being ſtated as above di- rected, it will ftand thus a²+2ab +2a 2 +2b x+b² +²x² a² + + 20 十 ​+- x² 2 X 2 b² -|- 26 + 2 X I 士 ​४ 2 2ab 2 WJ 2 131x =√2ab. =√2×9×2.=6=EF, whence the Side AB = 15, AD = 8, and BD = 17. W. W. R. SINCE the End and Defign of Algebraical Solutions is to bring out the moſt elegant and fimple Equations poffible; and becauſe ſome Ways are much neater than others; where- fore (fays the great Sir Isaac Newton, in his Univerfal Arithmetic, Page 98) if the Method you take from your firft Thoughts for fol- ving a Problem, be but ill accommodated to Computation, you muſt again confider the Relation of the Lines, until you have hit on a Way as fit and elegant as poffible. For thofe [ 93 ] X 21 < thoſe Ways that offer themſelves at firſt Sight, may often create fufficient Trouble if they are made Ufe of. Thus, it would not have been more difficult to have fallen upon the following Method than upon one of the precedent ones. = DB, For having put x = b, and AD = x X whence, by the Property of the Figure or Triangle ABD, this Equation will be then AB a; obtained 1x2=x²-2bx+b²---x²-2ax+a³. +19 I 2 3 W 2x2 2bx 24x a 2 -62 x²-2bx2ax + b²+2ba+a²=2ab 3/x 241 x a-b √zab. 4 +a+65x==a+b+√2ab.=17=DB, &c. HENCE, by computing after this Rate, I have fallen into larger and more perplexed Algebraical Terms, than either of the former Methods. BUT of all theſe three Ways of Computa- tion, the fecond Operation is much more fim- ple than either of the other two; for in thofe Calculations their refulting Equations come out in an adfected quadratic Form, whereas this produces a fimple Quadratic only. From which may be drawn the following SCHO- [ 94 ] 1. SCHOLIU M. 2 SEEING, at the fecond Step, there comes out this Equation x² = 2ab, which turned into an Analogy, will be 2a:x:x:b, or 2b:x:: 2b: x: xsathat is, 2FB: EF:: EF: DE, or 2 DE: EF : : EF : FB, whence x or EF is a mean Proportional between 2a and b, or 2b and a; or between 2 FB and DE, or 2 DE and FB. Hence it will not be difficult to conftruct this Problem Geometrically, which I ſhall leave to exerciſe the ingenious A- nalyſt. PROBLEM XXXVII. 3 In a Rectangle DEFG, the right Line DK is drawn from the Ang e D to the oppofite Side, cutting the Diagonal EG at right Angles in H: And there is given the Segment HK 2, and HE = 16. Required the Sides of the Rect- angle? To folve this Problem put 16 = a, 2 =b, and x = GH; and becauſe the Triangles KGD and GDE are right angled, and DK and GE cut each other at right Angles in H by the Queſtion. Therefore by fimilar Tri- [ 95 ] * Triangle { That is, (See Fig. 17) 1 KH: GH::GH: HD. 2 GH: HD:: HD: HE. S 3b:x:x: 4x: X b Ergo, 5 ax = 2 X 4 b2 X xb² 6 ab² x= 4 5 7 w 38 8 x= x 7 x 3 ab 2 * b 2 2 X x2 b : a. =³√ab². =√16 × 2 × 2. =4. having thus found GH = 4, DH will be given 8; whence (by the 47th Propoſition of Euclid's firſt Book) the Length PE will be = 18.02; and the Breadth DG = 8.75, the Sides of the Rectangle. W. W. F. OBSERVATION. THIS Problem, if rightly confider'd, is no other than the finding two mean Propor- tionals between two given Quantities; for fee- ing HK HG :: HG: HD:: HD: HE; it is evident the Lines HG and HD, are two mean Proportionals between the given Lines HK and HE. Put the firſt Mean, and, x from ** [ 96 ] from the Laws of Geometrical Progreffion, 202 the ſecond will be = ; having thus obtain- a ed the two Means in Species, multiply them 203 together, and their Product will be which a is equal to the Rectangle of a into b; that is, X3 a =ab. This Equation multiplied by a, be- 3 2 comes x = a²b, and extracting the Cube Root x = √ab. the fame as before. But if it be required to find three mean Propor- tionals between a and b ; and putting x = Mean, the ſecond will be X x² a X firft and the third or into itſelf, and a 2 = multiply x by 2, or 2 a23 which is a x b; that a there will be had X4 is, а a=== x² a ab, which multiplied by a², x²=a³b, and extracting the fourth Root, Root, or the fquare Root of the fquare Root, we fhall have x = 4√a'b, or x = ✔✔ab.. Or if it were required to find four mean Proportionals be- tween a and b, then if x repreſents the firſt Mean, [ 97 ] 20 2 Mean, the ſecond will be, the third the fourth 4 23 205 3 a is a 3 x a 2 > and and the Form of the Equation ab; which reduced, and the Root 3 Nab. √a*b. extracted, gives x Now from thefe Equations x³ a²b, x4 a'b, and a¹b, it appears, that x, the firſt mean Proportional, will always be raiſed to a Power, whofe Index is the Number of Means fought more 1, and a, the firft Term of the Series, will be raiſed to that Power whofe In- dex is the Number of Means required. Hence, putting n any Number of mean Proportionals between a and b, we fhall have this univerfal Theorem for folving all Quef- N+I aions of this Nature, viz. √a^b. but to ef fect the fame Logrithmetically, put : a 1:a = Logrithm of a, and 7: b = Logrithm of b, 1: and we ſhall have this Logrithmetical Theo- n x l : a nxl:a+1:6 rem, viz. n + > I either of which Theorems gives the firft mean Proportional of any Geometrical Series whatfoever. But the latter, for it's Facility and Expedition in Cal- culation, is far preferable to the former. K BECAUSE [ 98 ] "BECAUSE moft of our Writers of Arith- metic have only fhewn how to extract the quare and cube Roots of Numbers, it may not be improper, in this Place, to give the Reader a Rule by which all Roots may be extracted univerfally, taken from Sir Ifaac Newton's Arithmetic, Page 31. RULE. EVERY third Figure beginning from Unity is first of all to be pointed, if the Root to be extracted be a Cubic one; or every fifth, if it be a Quadrato-Cubic, or of the fifth Power, &c. and then fuch a Figure is to be writ in the Quotient, whoſe greatest Power (i. e. whoſe Cube, if it be a Cubic Power, or whofe Qua- drato-Cube, if it be the fifth Power, &c.) fhall either be equal to the Figure or Figures before the first Point, or the next lefs; and then having fubftracted that Power, the next Figure will be found by dividing the Remainder aug- mented by the next Figure of the Refolvend, by the next greatest Power of the Quotient, multi- plied by the Index of the Power to be extracted, that is, by the triple Square of the Quotient, if the Root be a Cubic one; or by the Quin- tiple Biquadrate, i. e. five Times the Biqua- drate if the Root be of the fifth Power, &c. And having again fubftracted the greatest Power of [ 99 ] of the whole Quotient from the first Refolvend, the third Figure will be found by dividing that Remainder augmented by the next Figure of the Refolvend, by the next greatest Power of the whole Quotient multiplied by the Index of the Power to be extracted; and fo on in infi- nitum. 2 NOTE. When the Biquadratic Root is to be extracted, you may extract twice the fquare Root, for the fquare Root of x is x², and the fquare Root of x² is x. And when the Root of the fixth Power is to be extracted, you may first extract the fquare Root, and then the Cube Root out of that ſquare Root, for the fquare Root of x is x, and the Cube Root of x³ is x.. And the fame is to be obſerved in other Roots, whofe Indexes are not prime Numbers. 6 PROBLEM XXXVIII. Let there be a Circle, whofe Diameter is AB, with another lefs Circle whofe Dia- meter AC, touches within in A: and from the Center of the greater Circle D, draw the Radius DE at right An- gles to AB, cutting the Periphery of the leffer Circle in F. Now there is given K 2 BC [100] 5.. BC (the Difference of the Diameters) 9, with the Segment EF Required the Diameters AB, AC of the Said Circles? BECAUSE the Circles AEB and AFC touch each other within, the Center of the leffer Cir- cle (by the 11th Propofition of Euclid's third Book) will be in the Diameter of the great Circle drawn from the Point of Contact. Wherefore putting x = DB DE DA the Radius of the greater Circle, 9a, and 5b; then (per Figure) DE=x-b, and DC=X a; now (by the 13th Propofition of Euclid's fixth Book) it 2 ♡ will be (See Fig. 18.) ADXDC=DF2. which exprefs'd 2bx+b². 2 in Species 22 — ax = x² — x23 ax=2bx+b² +2bx42bx ax = b² b² 2 3 5 X5 42b-a5x= =25 26 a 2X5-9 DB. Confequently AB the Diameter of the greater Circle is 50, which being known, the Diameter AC of the leffer Circle will be =41 (509.) 2 E 1. Or Thus. FROM this evident Principle, that the Dif ference of the Halves of any two Quantities is [101] is equal to the half Difference of the Quantities themſelves; it follows, that PD, the Diffe- rence between the two Radii AD and AP, is a equal the half Difference of the Diameters 2 AB and AC. Whence putting x AP the Radius of the leffer Circle, then AD- DE 1! = DB = ≈ B 十 ​DC ५ DE a a 2 and DF 2 FE =x+2 - b; which, by 2 the aboveſaid Propofition of Euclid, will be brought to an Equation in the very fame Manner as Step the fecond of the preceding Operation ſpecifies. N} Thus, ADXDC=DF. which expreffed in Species, will become 2x 2 a² 4 a a 2 (=x+-xx- =x +ax-2bx+ ±32bx-ax= 2 ·ab+b². ab+b², a 4 a² 2 2 ·ab-fb² 2 3÷2b-a4x=- 2 b2 26 a 26 a 2 Q 2 + 20.5= AP, which being known, the Dia- K 3 meter [102] I meter AC will be twice 20.5, that is, and 419 as before. 41. 50 the Diameter AB the fame W. W. D. PROBLEM XXXIX. Two Companions have got a Parcel of Guineas; fays A to B, if you will give me one of your Guineas, I shall have as many as you will have left. Nay, re- plies B, if you will give me one of your Guineas, I fhall have twice as many as you will have left. How many Guineas had each of them? PUT x A's Number of Guineas, and the Number of Guineas B had will be x +2; and by the Condition of the Queſtion, we fhall obtain this. Equation, 1x+3=2x-2. I x23=x 2 2 + 23 x = 5, hence A had 5 Guineas and B had 7. Q, E. I. PROBLEM 1 * [ 103 ] PROBLEM XL. A certain Perfon bought two Horfes, with the Trappings, which coft 100 Pounds; which Trappings if laid on the first Horfe A, both Horfes will be of equal Value: but if the Trappings be laid on the other Horfe, he will be double the Value of the firft. How much did the Said Horfes coft? To folve this Problem put 100 a, the Value of the fecond Horfe and Trappings together, and (by Ax. 1.) the first Horfe will bea-x; but by the Queftion, double the Value of the firft Horfe is equal the Price of the fecond Horſe and Trappings together; whence this Query will be reduced to the fol- lowing Equation, which being stated will ftand Thus, Ix = 2a. I + 2x2 3x = 2a 2 ÷ 313 ༡༩ 2X. 2a 2 X 100 = 663 Pounds, 3 3 and 100 6612 = 33 Pounds the Price of the firſt Horſe; from 66 take 33 and the Remainder is 33, which divided by 2 the Quo- [ 104 ] Quotient is 16 Pounds the Price of the Trappings, and the Sum of 33 and 163 is Pounds what the ſecond Horſe coſt. 50 NUMERICALLY To folve this Problem by Numbers, rea- fon thus; fince the Trappings laid on the firſt Horſe makes both the Horſes of equal Value, and becauſe both the Horfes and Trappings together coft 100 Pounds, the fecond Horfe confequently muft coft 50; but (by the Quef tion) if the Trappings be laid on the other Horſe, he will be double the Value of the firft, therefore the firft Horſe coſt of 100 which is 33 Pounds; now take 33 from 50, or 50+ 33 from 100, the Remainder will be 163 Pounds, the Price of the Trap- pings. W. W. D. PROBLEM XLI. A Vintner has two Sorts of Wine, viz. A and B: which if mixed in equal Parts, a Flaggon of mixed will coft 15 Pence; but if they be mixed in fefqui-alter Pro- portion, as if you should take two Flag- gons of A as often as you take three of B, a Flaggon will coft 14 Pence. Re- quired the Price of each Wine fingly? SEEING [105] جام شود ; SEEING by the former Part of the Quef- tion, a Flaggon of Wine of equal Mixture coft 15 Pence, two Flaggons of the fame Mixture will coft 30 Pence; and becauſe, by the latter Part of the Queftion, two Flaggons of the Wine A mix'd with three Flaggons of the Wine B coft fourteen Pence a Flaggon, it is evident that five Flaggons of this Wine comes to 70 Pence. Put 30= a, 70=b, and the Price of a Flaggon of Wine A, and a Flaggon of the Wine B will coft a-x Pence; and fince the Sum of the Prices of two Flaggons of A or 2x, and three Flag- gons of B or 3a 34 3x, added together, is equal to 70 Pence, or b, x Therefore 12x 1/2x + 3a 3a 3x=b. I 3x22x + 3a + 3a = b b+3x 2 b 33x за b + 2x 3 2x 4x=3a — 6 = 3 × 30~70=20 Pence, which taken from 30 leaves 10 Pence, the Price of a Flaggon of the Wine B. W. W. R. I HAVE hitherto given the Arithmetical So- lution to many of the foregoing Problems, and fhall obferve the fame Order in fome of the following Propofitions alfo; purely to fhew the young Analyft, that fome Queſtions that [106] that are propoſed in Algebra, may, by ma- ture Confideration, be folved by Arithmetical Principles only. HENCE, in this Queftion, it will be no hard Tafk to find the Price of a Flaggon of each Sort of Wine independent of Algebra, and that too, even by the moft fimple Laws of Arithmetic. Thus, becauſe the Wine when mix'd with equal Quantities of each Sort coft 15 Pence a Flaggon, it is evident that two Flaggons of A mixed with two Flaggons of B will coft 60 Pence; and when mix'd in fefqui-alter Proportion, it is plain that five Flaggons of fuch a Mixture, at the Rate of 14 Pence the Flaggon, will amount to 70 Pence: now, fubftracting 60 from 70, that is, fubftracting the Price of two Flaggons of A mix'd with two Flaggons of B, from the Price of two Flaggons of A-mix'd with three Flaggons of B, the Remainder is ten Pence. the Price of a Flaggon of the Wine B, whence a Flaggon of the other Sort of Wine A will coft twenty Pence. The Prices re- quired. Thus you fee, that by a right Way of thinking, fome Things that may feem dif- ficult to Algebraic Computation, may be fòlved by the eafieft Rules in Arithmetic. PROB- I 107 ] PROBLEM XLII. A Son afk'd his Father how old he was; his Father anfwer'd him thus; If you take away 5 from my Years, and di- vide the Remainder by 8, the Quotient will be of your Age; but if you add 2 to your Age, and multiply the Whole by 3, and then fubftract 7 from the Product, you will have the Number of Years of my Age. What was the Age of the Father and the Son? PUT the Father's Age, and (by the X Queſtion) the Son's Age wil be or 8 5 × 3 315 ; but by adding 2 to the Son's Age, and multiplying that Sum by 3, and 7 fubftracted from the Product; this laſt Remainder is equal the Father's Age, or x. Therefore, I 2 ♡? 3 19** 53 8 x. +8 829x ·53=8x 8x+53 5339x8x + 53 8x4x53 Years, the Father's Age. Hence [ 108 ] t Hence the Son's Age will be found to be 18, the Anfwer which was required. PROBLEM XLIII. To find out two Numbers, to the Sum whereof if you add 6, the Whole fhall be double the greater; and if you fubftract 2 from their Difference, the Remainder will be half of the least. X PUT the greater Number, and y the leffer; which being ſtated according to the Conditions of the Queftion, will ftand 9x+y+6 = 2x. Thus, I X 2 X 2 1216 32x 2 = 212 2 I- 5 X 2y4=y 4y=x-6. Subftitute x-6 for y in the third Step, and 58 X 6 +66x14 the greater Number, and by the fourth Step, the leffer will be found 8. Which was to be fought. = NOTE. This Method of exterminating Quantities by fubftituting their Adequates for the } [ 109 ] the Quantities themſelves in fome other Equa tion, is called fubftitutive Algebra. And if the Learner defires to fee more of this Kind of Calculation, let him read Sir Isaac Newton's Univerfal Arithmetic from Page 60 to 66; where he will meet with the beſt Inftructions of this Kind. PROBLEM XLIV. To find two Numbers, the Product whereof is 240, and the Triple of the greater divided by the less is 5. PUT 240 a, 5 = b, x = the greater Number, and (per Ax. 3.) the leffer Number a will be = The Triple of the greater Number is 3x, which divided by the leffer the Quotient is is equal to b. Whence, I 3 a I 2 2 3x² ' a 3x2 ♡ x a 2 which, by the Queſtion, = b. ab 1 2 W 2 3 x 18/ 11 √240 X 5: 3 L =20 20 the [110] the greater Number, and the leffer will 240 be 12. 20 Q. E. I. PROBLEM XLV. Two Men have a Mind to purchase a Houſe rated at 1200 Pounds; fays A to B, if you will give me of your Mo- ney, I can purchase the House alone, but fays B to A, if you will give me of yours, I shall be able to purchase the Houfe. How much Money had each of them? PUT 1200a, x= A's Money, and of B's Money will be ax, to which add ½ itfelf, and the Sum is за 3x 2 the Money that ½ B had; now, by the Queſtion, of A's-Mo- ney added to B's Money, that Sum will pur- chafe the Houfe, whence it is plain that 1 ~ ♡ I X 4 2 + 3 ÷ 3* + 4 ба 3x за 2 3x = a. 3x=4.a =20 24 1200 X 2 4x= 3 3 =800 Pounds A's [ 111 ] A's Money, hence B had 600. for of 600 of 800 added to 600, added to 800, or either Sum will be 1200. W. W. F. PROBLEM XLVI. Some young Men and Maids had a Rec- koning of 37 Crowns to pay for a Treat, and this was their Conditions, that eve- ry young Man ſhould pay three Crowns, and every Maid two. Now, if there had been as many young Men as there were Maids, obferving the fame Condi- tions, the Reckoning would have come to four Crowns less than it did. How ma- ny young Men and Maids were there? 3.x PUT 37 = a, x = the Number of young Men, and the Number of Crowns they paid is 3x, whence, according to the firft Condi- tion of the Queſtion, the Maids paid a Crowns, and becauſe they paid two Crowns a piece, the Number of Maids will be expref- fed by this Fraction a 2 3* Now, by the fe- a 3* cond Condition, there being fuppos'd 2 young Men, and x Maids, and the Men pay- L 2.. ing ༈ [112] ing three Crowns each, and the Maids two, the Number of Crowns the Men paid will be за 2 9% and the Maids 2x Crowns, the Sum of which, viz. за 9x +2x, by the 2 Queftion, is equal to a — 4. Therefore, I за 9 x 2 +2x= a -4° .I × 223α за 5x=2a - 8 2 +35: 35x = a +8 a + s 37 +8 3 4. 9. the 5 5 Number of young Men, hence the Number of Maids will be found to be 5. for 9 × 3 +5×2 = 37, and 5x3 + 9×2 = 33 2. E. Ï. 37 - 4. 37 PROBLEM XLVII. A General, who had fought a Battle, upon reviewing his Army, whofe Foot was thrice the Number of his Horfe, finds that before the Battle 120 of his Foot had deferted, and of his Horfe +120, befides of his whole Army were fent into Garriſons (reckoning the Sick [ 113 ] 1 Sick and Wounded) and of his Army remained; the reft, who were wanting, being either flain or taken Prifoners; now, if you add 3000 to the Number of the Slain, the Sum will be equal to half the Foot he had at the Beginning. What were the Numbers of each? For the Number of Horfe put x; then 3x is equal the Number of the Foot, and 4x will be the whole Army; the Number of the Foot 120, and of the Horfe deferted 3x 12 120, and likewife 4 Part of the whole at 120, 20 now the Sum Army fent into Garriſon is x; of the Horfe and Foot together with the whole Army is Part of de Ser 3x X + +x, or 13x tod ; 12 20 ΙΟ I2X 8 8 12X 142 or 8 5 to which add of the whole Army, viz. and the Sum will be + 13x 10 which Sum taken from 4x (= the my) the Remainder will be 4x whole Ar- 14x or 5 6x equal the Number of the Slain or taken 5 Pri 1 [114] A Prifoners. Whence, by the Queſtion, 6х اق 5 3000 is equal to half the Foot he had at the Beginning. 6x+15000 = 6x Therefore, + 3000 = 3* 5 2 15x IF X5 2 2 2 3- 4 x2312x + 30000 = 15× 12x43x= 30000 · 3 5x 10000 the Number of the Horfe, and the Number of the Foot will be found to be 30000, whence there was 12000 flain or taken Prifoners, and the whole Army he had at first was 40000 Men. W. W. F. PROBLEM XLVIII. To divide 100 twice into two Parts, fo that the major Part of the first Divi- fion may be treble the minor Part of the fecond Divifion; and the major Part of Second may be double the minor Part of the first.. PUT [ 115 ] $ x PUT 100= a, the major Part of the first Divifion, and (per Ax. 1.) the minor Part will be a x; and, by the Queſtion, the major Part of the fecond Divifion will be =20 = -- 2x, and minor Part = 7. Now the 3° Sum of the two Parts of the fecond Divifion (per Query) is equal to a, whence this Prob- lem will be reduced to the following E- quation, Viz. I 2a 2x+ =a. X326a-5x=3a 35x=3a 35% X 3 I за 2 ± за за 3X100 354 x =60 the major 5 5 Part of the first Diviſion, which being known, the minor Part will be = 100 60 40; hence the major Part of the ſecond Divifion will be found to be 100 =80, and the minor Part = 100 60 3 60×2 80 (or ) 20, the Divifions which were quired. re- t PROB- [116] / PROBLEM XLIX. To divide 30 twice into two Parts, fo that the major Part of the first Divifion with the minor of the fcond may be 333 and the Sum of the minor Parts fub- Atracted from the Sum of the major, may leave 14 remaining. PUT 30= a, 14 b, 33 = c, x x== the major Part of the firſt Divifion, and (per Ax. 1.) the minor Part will be ax; but in the ſecond Divifion the minor Part will be = cx, and the major Part = a - c c+x. Having thus exprefs'd the Parts of both Di- vifions, the Sum of the major Parts is 2x+a -c, from which take the Sum of the minor, viz. a + c = 2x, and (by the Queftion) the Remainder is equal to b; whence there will be obtained the following Equation. Viz. 114x20=b. I +2c24x=b+2c b+2c 2 X 14+2×33—20 4 4 which the major Part of the first Diviſion, taken from 30 there remains 10 nor; and again take 20 from 33, the mi- the Re- mainder [ 17 ] mainder, viz. 13 gives the minor Part of the Second Divifion, which Part taken from 30 leaves 17 the major, which was to be di- vided. 17= PROBLEM L. A Man, his Wife, and his Son's Ages make up 96 Years, ſo that the Husband's and and Son's Years together make the Wife's +15; but the Wife's and the Son's make the Husband's 2. What was the Age of each? FOR the Hufband's Age put x, for the Wife's put y, and for the Son's put z. Then S I 4 + 5 I ENN & W 7 +y 8÷2 2 1x+y+2=96. 2x+2=y+15. by the Queftion. 3y┼x=x+2. 4x=96—x—2 52x=94 6x=47, Years, the Huſband's Age. 7y=96-y-15 8 2y=81 9y=40, the Wife's Age. 6+9 10x+y=87 / 1—10 (11| 2=8 the Son's Age. 2. E. I. The [ 118 ] ~ & The fame otherwife. x THUS, put the Huſband's Age as be- fore, and (per Ax. 1.) the Wife's and Son's Ages together will be 96 -x; which, by the Queſtion, is equal to the Hufband's Age 2. Whence we have this Equation, 1196x=x+2. I 2 22x94 131x = = 47 Years, the Hufband's 2131x Age. Hence 96 - 47 is equal to the Wife's and Son's Ages together, that is, 49. Now let x repreſent the Wife's Age, and the Son's Years will be 49 xthen, by the former Part of the Queſtion, this Problem will be reduced to the following Equation, 1147 +49 +22x = 81 I x+15. 2 2/3/x = 40 Years, the Wife's Age, and the Son's Age will be 96 47 428. the fame as before. W. W. D. PROB- [ 119 ] : # 3 PROBLEM LI. Three Merchants from three different Fairs meet together at an Inn, where they reckon up their Gains, and find them the Sum of 780 Crowns. Moreover, if you add the Gain of the first and fe- cond, and fubftract the Gain of the third from the Sum, there remains the Gain of the first +82 Crowns; but if you add the Gain of the fecond and third, and from the Sum fubftract the Gain of the first, there remains the Gain of the third 43 Crowns. What was the Gain of each? each To anſwer this Query, let x, y, and z re- preſent each Merchant's Gain, then ftating the Queſtion according to the Conditions thereof, it will Stand thus. I 3 Ixy +y+x=780. 2xty-z =x+82. +xxz-43. 342x823Z 2|5|22—698- 5 [120] 7 8 x -349- 2' ſubſtitute 349- for z in the fourth Step, and 72x=474+ 812 ml a 3* 18 2 =474 x *=474×- = x 2 2 = 316 Crowns, 3 which being known, the third Merchant's Gain will be found at the fixth Step to be 191 Crowns, and the Sum of thefe two Merchant's Gains, viz. 316 + 191 (= 507) ſubſtracted from 780 the Sum of all their Gains, gives 273 Crowns the fecond Merchant's Gain, which was to be found. NOTE, This Problem may be folved by the Help of one unknown Quantity only, which the Learner may try at his Leifure; but that Method of Computation is too ab- ftruce for young Beginners, in Propofitions that are pretty much compounded, as this is. And for this Reafon I have affumed Letters for every Quantity fought, in fome Queſtions, purpoſely to render the Calculus more intelli- gible to the young Analyſt. BROB- 1 [ 121 ] # { บ + PROBLEM LII. Three Perfons, A, B, C, owe a certain Sum of Money, fo that A and B together owe 210 Crowns; B and C 290, and C and A 400. What did each of them owe? By obferving the Form of this Problem, each Perfon's particular Debt may be readily found by one unknown Quantity only. Thus, put 2104, 290=b, 400=c, x=the Num- ber of Crowns A owes, and (by Ax. 1.) a-x will be Number of Crowns B owes, which taken from b, gives b-ax the Number of Crowns C owes; now the Sum of x and b a+x is b-a+2x, which, by the Que- ftion is equal to c, and will ſtand ba+2x=c. =b+ a Thus, I 1-b+ a22x=c- c—b+a_400—290+210 2 } 2 2 160, the Crowns A owes, which taken from 210 leaves 50, the Crowns B owes, and 50 fubftracted from 290 there remains 240 the Number of Crowns C owes, which was to be found. M PROB- [122] 1 PROBLEM LIII. To find three Numbers, fo that the first and half of the Remainder, the fecond and of the Remainder, and the third and of the Remainder, may always make 34. FOR the Numbers fought put x, y, z. And y + z IX =a=34. 2 x per Query, 2 ルート ​+x =a=34. 3 3x+ -ty a=34• 4 I 2 хх 2 42xty-tx= 2a 207 ×3 531 + x + z = za X3 64x+x+y=4a. 3 X4 ×42 4- 2X Z7y =20 2X z, fubftitute this for y in the 8.6a 5x = 2x=3a. Or 5x 92a 22 за +2x=za x+32=4a. +32 5&6Steps 9 +x 1032 = 10 311Z =2a 十七 ​2a + x Or - X 2ax which fubſtitute 3 for z in the 8 Step, V [ 123 ] 8 Step, 12 4a + 17 x === - за. 3 12 ×3 13 40 17x=9a 5a 5×34 141715x= 10, the firſt 17. 17 1417x 13 4a 14 17x=5a Number, whence the fecond Number will be 22, and the third 26. Q. E. J. PROBLEM LIV. Let a Square be divided into 9 Small Squares: We are to find and difpofe the Numbers through the feveral fmall Areas, jo that the Sum of every three, taken either laterally or diagonally, may be al- ways 15. THIS Queſtion, or any other of the like Nature, is only to be folv'd Mechanically, ex- cept in thoſe Problems where the Numbers of fmall Squares are odd, as in this we are about to anfwer; then the middle Numbers will be found Analytically, but the Pofition of the Reſt Mechanically. Thus let the fmall Squares be repreſented by the Letters a, b, c, &c. as the Fig. Specifies; ab C elf gbm M 2 A Then أم [124] Then by the Queftion, 1\a+e+m=15 2b+e+b=15 3/ +e+g=15 1+2+3 4a+b+c+3ẹ + m + b + g 45. Again, 5a+b+c=15 per Query,m+b+8=15 5 4 8 +6 677a+b+c+m+b+8=30. +1小 ​7 8 зе 15 ÷ 3 9e5, the middle Number. W. W. F. Now to find the Pofitions of the other Numbers Work Mechanically. Thus, fet down all the Numbers in their progreffive Or- der, and they will ſtand I 2 3 thus, 4 5 6 ; and having 7 8 B drawn the Square ABCD fo as 1, fall. 3, 7, 9, may without, 1/2 3 A 4 5 6 c 78/9 D Then [ 125 ] Then place I between 8 and 6,9 between 4 and 2, 3 between 4 and 8, and 7 between 2 and 6; and there will come 2 7 out 9 5 I : The Anfwer 4 3 8 which was required. F If the curious Reader defire to be more ac- quainted with the Principles of Magic Squares let him perufe Ronayne's Algebra. LV. THEOREM. Let any Numbers whatſoever be given, if you fubftract every lefs Number from that which is the next greateſt: I say, that the Sum of thofe Differences is equal to the Difference of the greatest and leaft Numbers. DEMONSTRATION. LET the Lines fa, hb, Kc, md, and oe, (See Fig. 19.) reprefent any Series of Num- bers, all drawn from the fame right Line ae, and Parallel to each other; and having drawn the pricked Lines mr, Kl, hi, and fg, all pa- rallel M 3 [126] rallel to ae, it is evident that oemd on, md md=on, Kc=nl, Kc—bb=li, bb — fa=ig, confe- quently the Sum of theſe Differences, viz. on +nl+li+ig is equal the Difference between the greater Number or Line ce and the Num- ber or Line fa, that is, oe- fa= on +nl +litig. PROBLEM 2. E. I. LVI. To find a Number, which being multiplied by 6, and the Product fubftracted from the Square of the Number to be found, the Remainder will be 280. x = 2 PUT 280 a, 6b, and the Number to be found, whofe Square is x², and multi- plied by b, the Product is bx, which Product fubftracted from x2, the Remainder is equal to a, by the Queſtion. Therefore, 1x2 bx = a. b² b2 I CD 2'x² bx + 4 4 b bz 2 w 2 3x vat 2 4 b b b² 6 6x6 3 + 4 trat~ +√280+ 2 2 4 2 4 20, the Number which was to be found. The } [127] The fame otherwiſe. 2 THUS, let x + 3 be the Number fought, whofe Square is x²+6x+9, and Product when multiplied by 6 is 6x+18; whence by the Queſtion we have 1x2+6x96x-18=280. That is, 2x²-9280. 2 2 +9;3x² = 289 3 w 214x=17, and 17 +3=20, the fame as before. W. W. F. AND thus, by affuming a compound Quan- tity for the Number to be found, the refulting Equation of the above Calculus is reduced to a fimple Quadratic, which the Learner is di- fired to obferve. PROBLEM. LVII. To find a Number, which being multiplied by 8, and the Product added to the Square of the Number to be found, the Sum will be 660. PUT 660-a,8=b,and x=the Number fought, whofe Square is x2, and multiplied by b, the Product [ 128 ] Product is bx; whence by the Queſtion, we fhall have, 1x2 bx=a. + I CO2x² + bx + 23x+ b 2 w 2 b b 3 4x 2 2 а b2 2 a+ 4 4 b² 4 b2 = 22 the 4 trat Number which was required. Or thus. X = 2 PUT 4 the Number to be found, the Square of which is x²- 8x16, and 8 times x4 is 8x32; whence (per Query) there will come out this, Equation, 1x28x168x-32-660 That is, 2x²-16660 2 +16 3x²=676 ws 3 us 2 14x=26, and 26 =26, and 26 - 4 22 the fame as above. ୧ W. W. F. PROBLEM [ 129 ] PROBLEM LVIII. To divide 140 into two Parts, ſo that the Product of thofe Parts may the Square of 56, that is 3136. PUT 140=a, 3136=b, x= one of the Parts, and (by Ax. 1.) a-x will be the other Part; which Parts multiplied together, the Product will be ax-x, which Product, by the Queſtion, is equal to b. That is, I'ax-x² — b. 1 + 2x² I 士 ​2 2 CO 3x² 3 w IN 2 131x 14'x a ax + 12 ا{ ax=- -b a² b 4 Ą b. a 140 b. = 2 2 4 140 X 140 +√ 3136. =112, having thus 4 4 + 2/5/20 H 4 a 2 found one of the Parts, ſubſtract it from 140 and the Remainder is 28 the other Part. 2. E. F. Or [ 130 ] Or thus. PUT the Difference of the two Parts, and (per a X Lemma) the greater Part will be, and the leffer Part faid Parts a 2 2 a² 2 4 4 2 ; and the Rectangle of the or a 2 Queſtion, is equal to b.. That is, , which, by the 4 Q2 2 b.. I X × 7/2/22 4 X 2 46 2.3x² 2 =a2 46 3 w 24x=√ a²-4b.=√140×140—4×3136. 84. the Difference of the two Parts requir'd, which being known, the greater Part will be 140 84 + 2 2 84 2 112, and the leffer Part =28, the fame as before. 140 2. PRQ B- - LU [ 131 ] } } 4. PROBLEM LIX. Let 969 Soldiers be drawn up into an ob- long Battle, fo that the Difference of the greater and lefs Sides is 40. Required the Number of the Soldiers of each Rank in Length and Breadth ? NOTE, The Import of this Problem is no other than to find two Numbers whofe Product is 969, and Difference 40. Put 969 =a, 40=b, x the Number of Soldiers in Breadth, and the Number of Soldiers in Length (by Ax. 2.) will be xb, which multiplied by the Breadth, the Product is x2 + bx; and by the Queſtion, 12+ bx = a. Queſtion, | 1 | 2 I CO2x² + bx + 2 b2 b² a + 4 4 b 2 2 พว b 3 + vat 2 4 b² 2 40 3 2 4jx λ= trat 2 4 2 40 X 40 4 +√969 + Soldiers in Breath, and 401757, the =17; the Number of Soldiers in Length. W.W.R. Or [ 132 ] X Or thus. { PUT the Sum of the Soldiers in Length and breadth, and (per Lemma) the Number of Soldiers in Length will be Breadth b 2 2 X b and in 2 2 which Length and Breadth multiplied by each other, the Product is bz 4 " 4 and this Product, by the Queſtion, is equal to a. That is, 1 I X x 4 ลง 2 2 a. } 2 = 4a 2 X 2 4 2 2 +b² 3 = 4a+b² 3 พ 24 x = √ 4a+b² = √ 4×969+40×40=74. the Number of Solders in Length and Breadth, whence the Length will be = 74+ 40 57, 2 2 74 40 and the Breadth 17. the fame as 2 2 before. PROB- [ 133 ] 1 PROBLEM LX. Again, let 480 Soldiers be drawn up into an oblong Battle, fo that the Sum of the greater and lefs Sides is 52. Required the Number of the Soldiers of each Rank in Length and Breadth? PUT 480=a, 52=b, x=one of the Sides of the oblong Battle, and (by Ax. 1.) the other Side is b-x; which Sides multiplied together the Product is bxx2, which Product, by the Queſtion, is equal to a, hence the Problem is reduced to this Equation. 1bx-x²-a. 2 2 X · bx = — a I I 2 b2 2 CO CD 3x x² - bx + 4 b 3 w24 x 2 b b 2 4 + 5x = + 2 2 4 b 2 4 b2 4 A a a. = 40, the Number of Soldiers in Length, and the Num- ber in Breadth will be 52-4012, the Ranks which was required. N The [ 134 ] PUT The fame otherwife. the Difference of the Ranks in Length and Breadth, then (per Lemma) the b X Length will be + + 2 2 and Breadth b X > 4 2 2 h2 4 whoſe Product when multiplied together is > 4 which, by the Queſtion, is equal to a. That is, I x426 2 4 2 2 4 = a. x² = 4a x = b² 13* 4a 3 ww 24 x = √b² —4a.√52×52-4×480. พ 28, the Difference of the Ranks, &c. whence the Length of the Oblong will be =40 Soldiers, and the Breadth 2 52 28 + 2 52 28 = 12. 2 2 W. W. R. PROBLEM. [ 135 J PROBLEM LXI. In the Square ABCD is given the Diffe- rence of the Diagonal and the Side, that is EC=6. Required the Side of the Square? FOR AC the Side of the Square put x, and' (by Ax. 2.) the Diagonal BC 6+x; and, by virtue of the forty feventh Propofition of the firſt Book of Euclid, we fhall (See Fig. 20.) have, 1x 2 + 12.x +36=2x². I-x²-12x2x 2 4 CO 3 x 3 4 Side of the Square. 12x=36 12x+36= w 24x-6=√72. = 6√2. +65x=6+6√2.14.48, the Q. E. I. BUT by confidering that all Square Plains are fimilar Figures, this Problem will be eaſily folved Numerically. Thus, if the Side of a Square be 1, the Diagonal of that Square will be 1.414, and confequently the Difference between the Side and Diagonal will be .414 +. Now by Proportion it will be, as .414 16:14.49 the fide of the Square. And Univerfally, by dividing the Difference be- tween the Diagonal and Side of any Square, N 2.. by [136] 3 by .414, the Quotient will give the Side of the Square required. GEOMETRICALLY By the forty fixth Propofition of Euclid's firft Book, make a Square abCd (See Fig. 21.) of any Magnitude at pleafure, and draw the Di- agonal bC, then with bd Radius defcribe the Arch de, and join the Point d and e with a right Line; this done, on the Diagonal bC, fet off EC=6, and draw the Line ED Parallel to ed until it meets with Cd produced to D. And CD will be the Side of the Square re- quired to be found. DEMONSTRATION. A BECAUSE the Lines ed and ED are Parallel to each other, the Triangles eCd and ECD (by the fecond Propofition of Euclid's fixth Book) have their Sides Propotional, whence it will be. eC:EC:: Cd: CD, therefore &c. Q. E. D. PROB- [137]: : PROBLEM LXII. The Rectangle EK is added to the Square DF (being of the fame Heighth ;) whoſe Breadth EL is given=2, and also the Area of the whole compound Rectangle DK, =60. Required the Side of the Square? PUT 60= a, 2=b, and x=ED the Side of the Square; then the Area of the ſaid Square will be x², and bx the Area of the Rectangle EK, which Areas add together their Sum is x² + bx the Area of the whole compounded Rectangle DK; whence comes (See Fig. 22.) out this 2 Equation, 1x2 bx=a. rx + b2 2 : I CQ 2x² + bx + a + 4 4 h b= 2 w z 13x =√a+ 2 4 b b² 2 3 4x +wa+ = 6.8г 2 2 4 =ED, the Side of the Square which was to be found. N 3 Or } [ 138 ] Or thus. PUT x=LD+LK, and (per Lemma)· b X x b LD + and > LK; whence, 2 2 2 2 b the Product is 2. 2 multiplying+by x2 b2 " 4 4. which, by the Queſtion, is equal to the compound Rectangle DK. Therefore, I Ii 2. 1x 2 b2 a. 4 4 ba 44. X N x2 41 2 22 +62 3x² = 4a+b² 3 zw2/4/x = √4a+b². = √ 4×60 +4.. 15.62 =LD+LK, which being known, 15.62 2 there will be given LD 2 2 it 8.81. and LK 15.62 2 = 6.81 = ED, the 2 2. fame as before. PROB- 139] PROBLEM LXIII. A Man buys fome Ells of Cloth for 70 Crowns; and finds, that if he had 4 Ells more, he had then bought every Ell 2 Crowns cheaper. How many Ells did be buy? LET 70a, 4b, and 2 c. And for the Number of Ells of Cloth put x, and the a Price of Ell will be Crowns: But fuppo- < x fing he had had x-b Ells for a Crown, then a I Ell at that rate will coft x+ which is 2 or c Crowns less than Crowns, C Now, X fince the Difference of theſe two Quotients is 2 or c Crowns, add that Difference to the leffer a Quotient x + b² to the end they may become equal, and there will be had this a Equation, 1 xt b to 1 x x + b² a + cx + cb = 2 a X a + ab ** × x 3 ax + cx² + cbx = ax + ab 3 = ax14/cx² + cbx=ab 4 ÷c ཊ» ༥ ན༨ལབ* ག&བྷཡོ [140] + 4 ÷ c5 x² + bx == ab С 5 СО 6 w 2/7x+ 2 2 ca6, x² + bx + b2 ab C ab 4 + b² 4 C b 81x 7 2 2 b² 4 ! ab b² = +. 10 the C 4 Number of Ells he bought for 70 Crowns, which coft him 7o 7 Crowns an Ell, for had ΙΟ 70 he had 4 Ells more, then =5 Crowns 10+ 4 would be the Price of an Ell, which is 2 lefs than 7, the Anſwer which was required. PROBLEM LXIV. A fet of boon Companions dining at an Inn the Reckoning in all came to 175 Shil- lings: But, before the Bill was paid. off, two of them flunk away, and then the Club of those that remained came to How many 10 Shillings a Man more. were there in Company? PUT 175=a, 10=b, and for the Num- ber of boon Companions put x; then, had not [141] . " not 2 of them flunk away, each muſt have paid 12 Shillings towards the Reckoning, but becauſe X thofe that remained cleared the Score, each paid X a Shillings a-piece, which by the 2 Queſtion is 10 or Shillings more than a Now to bring theſe two Quotients to an Equa- lity add 10 or b Shillings to the leffer, and we ſhall have the following Equation, I +b= , I XX-22 2 W3 ax 20 X X a + bx 2b a x x 3 ax2a + bx² -2bx = ax 2 +4bx² - 2bx=2a 46x2 2 a 4 -65x2 2x= 5 CQ6 CO6x22x 2X b 2x+1= b 24 +I 2a 6 ww 217 x I = b +1. 24 2x175 +1. 2x175+1 IO =7 the Number in Company, which was re- quired. And had not two of them flunk off,. each [ 142 ] 175 each would have paid = 25 Shillings, 7 but becauſe 5 paid the Reckoning, they will 175 pay 5 35 Shillings a-piece, which is 10 Shillings more than 25. PROBLEM LXV. To divide the Number 21 into two Parts, So that if the greater be divided by the lefs, and again the lefs by the greater, and then the first Quotient being multi- plied by 4, and the latter by 25, the Number produced may be equal. LET 214, 4b, 25=c, and xthe greater part, and y 2 the lefs; then by the 1x + y = a: 7 ty= 1bx y cy x; which fubftituted in the fecond Step Queſtion. I x 3 y = n bx ac CX for y, gives 4 a X * bx 2 4 xx5 ас CX a X Ly - x6bx²=a²c — acx acxcx² — 424 ! 6 [143] 1 i L 2 +7cx² - bx 6 7 - cb8x2 CO 10x 8 in Numbers 9x2 9 IO I I w 21 IX 2 = 2ACX- arc часк a²c C b cb 50x=- 525 50x625=100 25=√ 100. = 10 +25/12x=25+10=15, the greater part, and 21-15=6 the leffer, the parts re- quired to be found. PROBLEM LXVI. Let the Line AB be divided in C, fo that AC may be 8, and CD 6: We are to divide the fame Line AB in D, So that the Rectangle under AD and DC may be equal to the Rectangle un- der AC and CB, or to the Product from 8 and 6, which is 48. Required the Segment CD? LET 8 a, 6b, 48 = c, and for the Segment CD (See Fig. Segment AD will be Queſtion we fhall 23.) put x, and the ax. And by the have [ 144 ] have 1px²+ax=c. 1 C= 2x² + ax + ²² = c + 2 = 2 a 4 trot 2 a² 8 ∞ol a 4 2 =4=CD the Segment re- 2 ww 23x + a +; 2 a 3 4 2 8 × 8 + √48 + quired. 4 ** *** PROBLEM. LXVII. Let there be a Rectangular Garden ABCD, the Length of which AB is thrice the Breadth AD: And reckoning 18 Per- ches from B towards A, that is BE, and drawing EF parallel to AD, let the Area of the remaining Rectangle ED be given 120 fquare Perches. What was the Length and Breadth of the ſaid Garden? = PUT 120=a, 18=b, and x= AE; then (per Fig.24.) AB= b+x, and (by Ax. 3.) AD a AB. A B. Now fince by the Queftion 3AD Therefore, [ 145 1 * I 2 со 3. за Therefore, 16+x=34 X xx2x² + bx = za 2 ca! 3! x² + bx + за b2 3a+ 4 4 b b 2 3 w 24x 十 ​3a-+-- 2 4 b² 2 4 5x = +√3a+ = 12. 2. 2 4 Hence the Length AB 18+12=30, and the 120 Breadth AD= 30 =10= 2. E. J. 12 3 १ ! PROBLEM LXVIII. Let 600 Soldiers be difpofed into an oblong Battle; which the Colonel willing to make broader, finds that if he takes away 10 Ranks from the Length, he fhall aug- ment the Breadth with two Ranks. What was the Number of his Soldiers through every Rank in Length and Breadth? PUT 600a, 10b and 2c; and for the Number of Soldiers in Length put x, then (per Ax. 3.) the Soldiers in Breadth will be` a ; x and by the Queftion -b multiplied X by [146] ན a by the Product will be equal the given Number of Soldiers a; hence the Prolem will be reduced to the following Equation, acx I 12 × x2ax + cx² X 2 ab bca. X ab —Ùcx = ax box + 3 cx²-bcx=ab · ab 2 3 94/x bx= C 4 CD52 15/20 bx + 5 2 4- ab C 4 2 ab b2 + b = + C 4 b b Gb 2 6 ÷ + 60, and fo 2 C 4 many Soldiers the Colonel placed in the longeſt Rank or Length, which being known, the Number of Soldiers placed in the leffer Rank 600 or Breadth will be = 10; for 60 ΙΟ 60 (= 50) multiplied by 102 (12) the Pro- duct is the fame as 10 times 60, that is, 600. Q. E. F. P.ROB- K [147] PROBLEM LXIX. A Man buys a Horfe, which he fells again for 56 Crowns, and gains as many Crowns in 100 as the Horfe coft him? How much did he give for the Horfe? PUT 100=a, 56b, and x = the Num- of Crowns the Horſe coſt him; then (per Ax. ) he will gain b-x Crowns by felling the Horſe again. Now to bring this Queftion to an Equation, fay by Proportion, Thus, asa : : : : bx: Therefore by multi- plying the Means together, and Extremes, there will arife this * I Equation, 1x2 — ab — ax.¨¯ 1 +ax 2x² + ax=ab. аг a 2 CO 3x² + ax + 2 == ab + == 4 4 a 3 w24x x + = √ ab +²²² 2 a 2 4 z a 4 5x= 21 2 + √ ab + = = 40 a 4 Crowns, and ſo much he gave for the Horſe, which was required to be found. L PROB-:- [ 148 ] PROBLEM LXX. A certain Linnen-Draper buys two Sorts of Linnen for 30 Crowns, one finer, the other coarfer. An Ell of the fineſt coſt as many Crowns as he had Ells: And alfo 28 Ells of the coarfeft at fuch a Price, that 8 Ells coft as many Crowns as one Ell of the fineft. How many Ells of the finest Linnen did he buy, and what Price did he give for them both? To folve this Problem, put x = the Num- ber of Ells of fine Linnen; and fince one Ell coft as many Crowns as he had Ells of that fort, confequently x Ells coft x2 Crowns; and by the other Condition of the Queſtion, 28 Ells of coarfe Linnen will amount to 28x 8 or 3.5x Crowns, whence x²+3.5x is the Price of both Sorts of Linnen, which, by the Que- ftion, is to 30 Crowns. Therefore, 13.5x=30. I 2 C□ 2x² + 3.5 +3.0625=33.0625 W 23x1.75=5.75 31.754x=4, the Number of Ells of fine Linnen, as was to be found, for which he gave [ 149 ] 7 gave 16 Crowns, and the 28 Ells of coarfe Linnen coft him 14 Crowns. Q, E. F. A PROBLEM LXXI. In a certain Rectangular Garden, the Length of which AD is 22 Perches, and the Breadth AB is 10, the Walk DG is to be made in a Situation parallel to the Sides of the Figure, ſo that the Area of the faid Walk or Gnomon DG may be equal to the remaining Rectangle FC, or that the Gnomon DG may be half of the whole Figure ABCD propofed. Required the Breadth of the faid Gnomon DE, BG? 10=b, PUT 22a, 10 b, and for the Breadth of the Walk DE (See Fig. 25.) puts then GB=b-x, and the Area of the Gnomon GD is axbxx2; which, by the Queſtion, is equal to half the given Parallelogram AC, Therefore, ax+bx — x² 土 ​ab 2 I + 2x²-ax-bx -bx= ab 2 2 I CO 3- ab. b a 4 2 4 0 3 3 ? [ 150 ] a b 3 พ w 24 √ a² + b² 2 .9.29 4 4+ a+b 2 15/2 x=6±9.29=3.29 Perches, the Breadth of the Gnomon. W.W.R PROBLEM LXXII. Of three proportional Numbers there is the middle Term givin = 12, and the Diffe- rence of the Extremes 10. Required the Extremes? = PUT 12 =0, 10 = b, x = the leffer Ex- treme, and (per Ax. 2.) the greater will be +b; and by the Laws of Geometrical Pro- portion we ſhall have this Analogy, a :: a : x+b. 1 Ergo, 2 x2 bx = a² + b² 2 2 2 со C□ 3x² + bx + = a² + ! 4 4 62 3 214 14/x+ a²+ 2 4 b b 2 4 2 15 2 2 +√a²+ leffer Extreme, and the greater will be 8-10 18, for 8: 12 :: 12: 18, which was to be found. BUT b². 8, the 4 [ 151 ] BUT becauſe there is given the Difference of the Extremes, let x reprefent their Sum, and X (per Lemma) the greater Extreme will be +: and the leffer 8/28 x b 2 2 Ђ 2 b2 And from this :a::a: X Ъ 2 2 b 2 2 we fhall have this = 26=the Analogy, 1 Equation, 2 2 4 2 4 2 a² × 43x² - b² = 4a². 3 + b² 4²x² = 4a² + b² 4 2 ww 215 x = √ 4a²+b². 26 the Sum of the Extremes, which being found, the greater 26 Extreme will be + =18, and the leffer 26 ΙΟ 2 2 2 ΙΟ 2 =8, the very fame as by the fore- going Method. PROBLEM [ 152 ] * PROBLEM LXXIII. Of three proportional Numbers there is given the Sum of the first and fecond = 10, and the Difference of the fecond and third = 24. Required the feveral Numbers? LET 10a, 24b, and for the ſecond Number put ; then (per Ax. 1.) ax the firſt, and the third is bx. And by the = Property of Geometrical Proportion it will be, as Ila x:x :: x : b+x. Ergo, 2 ab-bx+ax — x² = x² 32x² + bx ax = ab bx ax ab 2 3÷24 ४ 4/x² + x²+ b. a make 2 2 2 ab Then, 2 α, 2 CO + 4 2 +1 5x² + cx 5 C☐ 6x²+cx+ ab + C 2 4 6 w27x + 2 2 ab 7 012 + =8, the fe- 2 2 4 2 8x=- cond Number in the Series, whence the firft and the third = 24 +8 will be 10 8 = 32; for as 2:38:32. W.W.R. PRO- T : [ 153 ] PROBLEM LXXIV. Of four proportional Numbers there is given the third = 12, alfo the Sum of the first and fecond = 8; befides the fecond Num- ber being fubtracted from it's Square, the Remainder is to be the fourth. quired the faid Numbers? Re- To folve this Problem, put 12a, 8b, and for the fecond Number put x; then (per Ax. 1.) the firft Number will be b-x, and by the Queſtion, x2-x will be the fourth Number. And from the following Analogy, viz. b x:x:: @: x² 4: -x, there will ariſe, by multiplying the Means and Extremes, this I 3 in 2 3 4 5 6 4 Equation, 11x2 I 2X 13.x Numbers, 4x CO - X3 bx +x²= = ax. 2 3 bx 2 ax bx X bx 2 a_b 9x= 20 9x+20.25.25 w z 6'x 6x-4.5=√.25.=.5 +4.5.7x=4.5.5=5. Having thus found the fecond Number, the first will be 853, and the fourth =25 = -520; for as 3: 5: 12: 20, the Num- bers which was required. PRO- [154] ( PROBLEM LXXV. Of four Numbers in continued Proportion there is given the Sum of the Means =24, and likewife the Sum of the Extremes = 56. Required the faid Numbers (fuppofing that the first is the least of all?) PUT 24 2a, 56=b, and 2x = the Dif ference of the fecond and third Terms; then (per Lemma) a-x will be equal the fecond Term, and the third will be a-x; and by- this Analogy, as a-xatxa + x a²+2ax + x² a-x gain, as a +x: 2ax+x a² 2 a + x 2 the fourth Term. A- x : a x : : a Hence there = the firſt. will arife the following Equa- tion, I |a²——2ax+x² + a²+2ax+x³=b. a+x a X 1 × a+ x 2 a² —2ax+x² +ª³+3a²x+3ax²+x², x =ab + bx —3a²x+3ax²-x³ 2 2 2 2 a- X 2xa-x ²+3a² x+3ax²+x²}= }=a² =a² b———bx² - 2 3 [ 155 1 } A 3 6 * ويم 6. thus, ÷ = 2 2 2 +46ax² + bx²=a²b— 2a³, this Equation in Numbers will ſtand 5128x2 = 4608 1286x2=36 WJ ⇒ : : ~ 2|7|x = √ 36. = 6, which being found, the fecond Term will be 12—6—6, and the third = 12+6=18; and as 18: 6::6 2 the firft Term. Again as 6 18 18 54 the fourth, or having found the first Term, the fourth will be = 56—2.54, for as 26: 18: 54. PROBLEM : W.W. R. LXXVI. Two Country-women, A and B, carry 100 Eggs together to Market, in the Jale of them, one took as much Money as the other: but A (who had the largest, and confe- quently the best Eggs) Jays to B, had I carried as many Eggs as you, I ſhould have had 18 Pence for them; B replies, if I had brought as many Eggs as you, I should have had but 8 Pence for them. How many Eggs had each? To anſwer this Queſtion Univerfally, put 100=a, 18=b, 8=c, and a the Number of Eggs A carried to Market, and (by Ax. 1.)the Number of Eggs B carried will be a-x. Now fince the Eggs A carried to Market were fold at fuch a Price, that had they been equal in [ 156 1 in Number to thofe B carried, he would have had b Pence for them. Therefore as bx a-x x: b:: x: a-x the Pence A fold her Eggs for and again, had B had the Number of Eggs A carried to Market, fhe could have made but c Pence of them. Therefore ас CX x: c :: a X: the Number of Pence X B received for her Eggs. Hence, by the Queftion, there will be had this, bx ac-cx Equation, a- X X a²c-acx-acx+cx² 1 xa-x2 bx = 2 3 xx 3 bx²= a²c 2 X acx acx + cx² +4 bx² - cx² + 2acx= a²c 2 4÷b-c5 x² + 6 x²+ 5 CO 6x2 СО 2 ACK banc 240x a²c bc + a2c2 6 ac b2 2 b² = 2b c + c ² a²bc 2bc + c²² a²bc zbc + ws 27: b- b² 2 C а ас b-c 18'x b — c b ac ✔ bc. a ✔ bc. = 40, + b- C the 1 [ 157 ] I $ 1 } the Number of Eggs A carried to Market, and the Number B carried will be 100-40 60. 40=60. 2. E. J. PROBLEM LXXVII. Two Country-men, A and B, fell their Corn at different Prices: A fells 20 Bufhels; and B received for one Bushel as many Crowns as he fold Bufhels: A perceives that if he had fold as many Bushels as B received Crowns, he should then have received 252 Crowns ; but both together received 176 Crowns. How many Bushels did B fell, and what Price had A? PUT 204, 252 = b, and 176=c, and x= the Number of Bufhels of Corn B fold, for which, by the Queftion, he received x Crowns: And fuppofing A had fold x² Buſhels of Corn for b Crowns, at the rate he fold a Bufhels for. Therefore for a Bufhels he will ab 2 receive Crowns; which two Sums are equal -to c. x P That [ 158 ] I That is, 1x2 I H 2 3 ab x 2 C. Xx2 2x²+ab=cx² Xx 2 x +3 H CD } 다 ​2 CX -ab cx² + C 4. aù ...4 2 C 2 4. พ wJ 25 x 12 ab. 4. 5+6x 2 2 áb. 2 4 6: wJ 217 ab.. 6 the - 2 4. + 5 Bufhels of Corn B fold, for which he received 36 Crowns, and the Price A had for his 20 Bufhels will be found, by what is fhewn above, to be 140 Crowns, for as 36: 252:20: : 140. > PROBLEM LXXVIII. Two Merchants fell 21 Ells of Cloth: The first fells 1 Ell for as many Crowns, as is of the Number of Ells that the ſe- cond bad; and the fecond fells 1 Ell for as many Crowns, as is of the Number of the Ells that the first had. The Sale being [159] 7 being over, they had taken 48 Crowns "in all: How many Ells did each fell, and at what Price? x To folve this Queftion put 21 = a, 48=b, and the Number of Ells the firft Merchant fold; then (per Ax. x.) ax will be the Num- ber of Ells the fecond Merchant fold, and be- cauſe the firſt Merchant fold one Ell for as ma- ny Crowns as is of the Number of Ells that the fecond had. Therefore as 1: ax 5 2 5 X :: X X the Crowns the firft Merchant * fold his Cloth for; and again, fince the fecond Merchant fold one Ell for as many Crowns as is of the Number of Ells that the firft had. ร x Therefore as 1: :: a - X: ax x the Number of Crown's the fecond Merchant -föld his Cloth for. ax A N- Confequently I + 5 3 1 X 2 H 3/8x2 and 312 8ax8x215b 8ax=156 15b 3 84x axi ী P2 1 =b. = b. [ 160 ] 4 со 2 5x ax + а a 2 ?? 2 a 2 5 u 2 6 : 2 4 a 6 + 4 2 a² 15b 8 4 2100 156 8 15b -7 2 2 +1 土 ​<= 15, 4 8 the Number of Ells the firft Merchant fold, and the fecond fold 21 156 Ells. Ha- ving thus found the Number of Ells of Cloth each fold, fay as 1 ::: 15: 18 the Number of Crowns the first Merchant received for his Cloth, and as 1 ::: 6:30 Crowns, the Price the fecond Merchant fold his Cloth at, for 18+30=48. Which was required. I PROBLEM LXXIX. Two Merchants have a parcel of Silk; the firft 40 Ells, the fecond 90: The firſt Jells for a Crown of an Ell more than the fecond: When the Sale was over, they had taken between them 42 Crowns. How many Ells did each of them fell for a Crown? FOR the Number of Ells the firft Mer- chant fold for I Crown put x+, and the fecond [ 161 ] T fecond will fell x Ells; then as x Ells: 1 40 Crown: 40 Ells: Crowns, and Ells x x + 1/ 90 : : 1 Crown: 90 Ells: Crowns; which X. two Sums together are equal to 42 Crowns ; whence there will be had the following Equation, Viz. 7 40 x + // IXX+240 + 90 + =42. x 1 90x +30=42x+14 x xx3130x+30=42x²+14x 3130x442x²-116x=30 2 3 4 425x2 2 2.76x=.7143 5: CO 6x -2.76x+1.9044-2.6187 6. w 27 x 1.38=√ 2.6187. · 7.+1.388x=2.998, or rather 3, the Number of Ells the fecond Merchant fold for 1 Crown, whence the firft Merchant muſt fell 3 Ells for the fame Money. 2.E.J.. P 3 : PROBLEM B [[162] 1 PROBLEM LXXX. To find a Number, to the quadruple of which if you add 91, the whole fhall be to the Square of the Number fought, as 3 to 4. To folve this Queftion Univerfally, put 91 a, and for the Ratios 3 and 4 put m and n, likewife for the Number fought put x, then it's Quadruple-will be 4x, and Square=2; hence by the Queftion we have this Analogy, 14x+a: 262 :: m : N. 1 Ergo, 24nx + an = mx². ·4nx3 mx² 2 4nx= an 3 -34x² 2 4xx an m m 4 CD 2 4Nx 4n m m 2n - 5 w 2 6 m 472 2 ・amn + 4nº amn+4n m2 2 m2 2n 2n 6+ 7x= amn + 4n² m m M2 =13.99 or rather 14, the Number which was to be found. ;PROB- i I [ 163 ] 1 PROBLEM LXXXI. : To find a Number, from the double of which if you fubtract 12, the Square of the Remainder lefs I, will be nine times the Number fought. PUT 12a, 9=b, and for the Number fought put x, then the double of x leſs a is 2x -a, whofe Square is 4x-4x+a², from which take 1, and the Remainder, by the Queftion, is equal to b times x. That is, 14x2 I 24x 4ax+a 4ax bx= i = bx. bx a²+ I a² + 1 2 3/* ax 4 4 b Subſtitute 2m for a 4 a² + I Ι and n for 4 And 4 2mx 2 12. 4 5 CO5x w 2 6 2mx+ m² = m² M². - N x = m = √ m² n. 7\x = m + √m² n. 11, the Number required. For the Square of 22 — 12 (10) is 100, and 100-1 (=99) is=9×11. PRO B- [ 164 ] PROBLEM LXXXII. To divide the Number 19 into two Parts, So that the Sum of the Squares of the Parts will be 193. PUT 19a, 193b, and x = one of the Parts; then (by Ax. 1.) the other Part will be a-x; and the Sum of the Squares of the faid Parts is a22ax+2x2, which by the Queſtion is equal to b, hence we. 2ax+2x²=b. 2ax = b — a² b- a² have I a² 2 I • a² 22x 2 2 2 2 x ax= 3 3 CO 4x 2 ba a 2b-a 2 4 2 4 4 a 2b a } 4 w25 5 x 2 4 a 5 + - 26 2 2 6x= + the greater Part, and 19 127 the leffer, which was to be divided. 2b- a² 12, equal 4 OF [165] Or thus. PUT X the Difference of the two Parts, then a (by the Lemma) is the greater Part, 2 2 a and will be the lefs; and the Sum of 2 2. 2 Squares of the faid Parts will be а + 2 2 * which by the Queftion is equal to b. 2 а That is, + 2 I X 十七 ​a² 2 3x 2 3 X 2 2 2 =b. × Σ2 a² + x² = 2b =2b ws24x=√2b 2 a a². 5. Having thus found the Difference, the Parts are given from what is fhewn above. PROBLEM LXXXIII. To divide 7 into two Parts, fo that the Difference of the Squares, which are made from the treble of the lefs Part, and the double of the greater, may be 17. PUT 7a, 17 b. and call the greater Part x; then (per Ax. 1) the leffer will be [166] ; → . a; the treble of the leffer Part is 34 - 3x, and double the greater 2x; which parts being ſquared becomes 9a2 18ax +9x² and 4x2, and 4x2 taken from 9a2 -9x2 is equal to ga² 18ax+5x2, which by the Queftion, is equal to b. Hence we have this 2 Equation, 119a2 -18ax+5x²=b. 1- 9a² 25x2 18ax=b 18ax 2 дач 18ax b 25 53x2 9a2 5 5 18ax 3 CO l · 5 4 w 25 x +324a² 100 · 18a =√√√206 +144a² ΙΟ 20b+144a² 100 189 ·IO 5+ 6 which is the greater Part fought, whence the leffer will be 7-43, for 3×39, and 9 times 9 is 81: Again 2 x 48, and 8 times & is equal 64; take 64 from 81, and the Re- mainder is 17. 2. E. 7. and D. 100 18a + 20b+1440 =·4, ΙΟ 100 PROB [167] PROBLEM LXXXIV. A Man buys a Piece of Linnen, and by felling it again, he gains 12 Crowns of what he bought it for: And finds by this Means that he had gained as much for 100 Crowns as the Linnen cost him. What price was the Linnen bought and jold at ? PUT 124, 100 b, and 10x the.. Number of Crowns the Linnen coft him; then a-x is what he gained by felling it again. And from this | : } Analogy 1b 10x :: 10x : a have 2abbx 100x 2. -x, we fhall 2 + bx 3100x2 bx-ab, and becauſe b hap- pens to be equal to 100, we fhall 4x²+x=a have CD 4 CQ 5 x²+x+25=a+.25: w26x+5=√ a¯†.25. 5 7'x •5+√a+.25.=3, which multiplied by 10, the Product is 30, the Num- ber of Crowns the Linnen coft him, and 12 30 10. =9 Crowns, is what he gained by felling it 1 [168] it again, confequently the Linnen was fold for 39 Crowns; the Anfwer required. PROBLEM LXXXV. ; A Man buys 18 Ells of Cloth of different forts and colour, fuppofe red and black what he bought of each coft 40 Crowns: And he pays for every Ell of red Cloth 1 Crown more than for the black. How many Ells of each fort did he buy? PUT 40a, 18 b, and x- = b, and the Num- ber of Ells of black Cloth; then (by Ax. 1.) the Number of Ells of red will be bx. And, fince he gave a Crowns for each fort, a 1 Ell of black Cloth will coft - Crowns, a b-x X Crowns will be the Price of 1 Ell and a of red; but, by the Queſtion, exceeds b x a a 18 by Crown, therefore add 1 to , and there will arife this Equation, [ 169 ] Equation, I X a bx ax ax 3 abbx 1 xx2a+ x b X 2xb-x χ - ax 3 and +19 5 6 7 w 2 4x²+2ax-bx=ab. Put 2m=2a-b, -bx=ab.Put2m=2a–b, 5/x²+2mx= ab 6x² + 2mx+ +2mx 2mx+ m² = ab + m² 7x+m=√⋅ab +m². m 8x=- m + √ ab + m² = 10, the Number of Ells of black Cloth, and 18 108, the Number of Ells of red. W. W. R. PROBLEM LXXXVI. A Man buys 120 Pounds of Pepper, and as many of Ginger: and received for a Crown one Pound of Ginger more than of Pepper. So that the whole Price of the Pepper came to 6 Crowns more than the Price of the Ginger. How many Pounds of each did he buy for a Crown ? the Number PUT 120a, 6b, and of Pounds of Pepper he bought for 1 Crown, and for 1 Crown he had +1 Pounds of Ginger. And by this Analogy, as x Pounds е of [ 170 ] Y of Pepper a :- Crowns X 1 Crown: : a Pounds of Pepper the Price of the Pepper; and a- gain, as x Pounds of Ginger : 1 Crown :: a Pounds of Ginger: a x + 1 I Crowns, the Price of Ginger. But becauſe the whole Price of the Pepper came to b Crowns more than the Price of Ginger, to the end therefore that they may become equal. add b to a > and the X Sum is x + I +b, or x + a+bx+b I M I we ſhall have a + bx + b a I x + I b whence 2 3 4. 5 1 x x + 2a + bx + b = ax fa xx√3 ax + bx² + bx=ax+a I 4 bx² + bx = a 2 十七 ​= 65 x² + x = 1/ b CO | 6x²++.25 = 1/25 b 6 UN 217 x+.5= √ / +.25. .5 Co 8 ४ ·5 + +25=49 [ 171 ] the Pounds of Pepper bought for 1 Crown, and 4+15 is the Number of Pounds of Gins ger bought for the fame Money. Q. E. J. PROBLEM LXXXVII. A Man buys 80 Pounds of Pepper and 36: Pounds of Saffron, fo that for 8 Crowns he had 14 Pounds of Pepper more than he had of Saffron for 26 Crowns, and what he laid out amounted to 188 Crowns. How many Pound of Pepper had he for 8 Crowns, and how many of Saffron for 26? To folve this Queſtion, put x = the Num- ber of Pounds of Saffron bought for 26 Crowns, and the Number of Pounds of Pepper bought for 8 Crowns will be 14. Hence as x Pounds of Saffron : 26 Crowns :: 36 Pounds the Price of 36 936 of Saffron : Crowns ↑ Pounds of Saffron. And again, as x+14 Pounds of Pepper : 8 Crowns: : 80 Pounds 640 of Pepper: Crowns N+ 14 the Price of 80 Founds of Fepper. But the 80 Pounds of Pep- per and 36 Pounds of Saffron together coft 188 Crowns by the Queſtion. Q 2, Therefore, [172] { • ៩ ་ +. 1936 640 Therefore, I + =188. 5 x + 14 640x I xx2936+ = 188% x+14 2xx+143 936x+13104+640x=188x2 3 +2632x. +4188x21056x= 13104 41885 x²+5.6x=69.7 + 5 6 7 CO 2 C6x² +5.6.x +7.8477.54 w27x2.8=√ -2.8,81x=6, the Pounds of Saffron bought for 26 Crowns, and for 8 Crowns he had 20 Pounds of Pepper, which will be ea- fily proved from the Analogies above. Q. E. J. PROBLEM LXXXVIII. A and B between them owe 174 Pounds, A pays 8 Pounds a Day, and В pays the first Day 1 Pound, the fecond 2, the third 3, and fo on. In how many Days will they clear the Debt, and how much did each of them owe? PUT 174a, 8b, and for the Number of Days they required to pay the Debt in put x; then the Number of Pounds A muſt pay of [173] of the Debt will be bx, and, by the Laws of Arithmetical Progreffion, multiply the Num- ber of Terms leſs 1, viz. x— 1, by the com- mon Difference of the Series, which is 1, and the Product is x1 equal the Difference be- tween the two Extremes, to which add 1, and the Sum is x the laft Term. Now the last Term more the firſt is = x 1, which Sum - x-1, = x- multiplied by ~ (=the Number of Terms). 2 the Product will be x² 2 2 +, the Sum of all the Series = the Number of Pounds B owes, which added to bx the Sum will be = a, That is, I I 3 4 Fix² + x +x 2 + bx = a. × 2'2x² + x + 2bx=2a. Put 1+26=2m, And 3x2 x² + 2mx=2a CD4x2 СО 4x² + 2 mx + m² = 2a+m² ww 25x+m=√ 2a+m². พบ 5 — m'6 x = — m + √2a + m² = 12, the Days in which A and B paid the Debt, of which, by what is fhewn above, A owed 96 Pounds, and B 78, the Anſwer required. Notwithſtanding the foregoing Method of Computation produces an Adfected Quadratic Q3 Equation, [174] 174-8 165 155-8 3 = 11 Equation, the Number of Days of Payment: may be found by Subtraction only. Thus, 8+ I 9 165 8+2=10155 23 144 144 8 4=12 132 4 132 8 5 13 119 5 119 105 90 74- со со сосо 8 14 105 8 — 7=15 8 = 16 90 7 61= 74 57 + 9= 9=17 8+10= 18 57 9 39 10 39- 8 --- 11 19 2011 20 8 3 +12 12 20 =2015 012 THE greateſt Number in the right Hand Column being 12, give the Number of Days of Payment, the fame as before; which be- ing known, the reſt is obvious.. PROBLEM LXXXIX. A certain Man intends to travel as many Days as he has Crowns: It happens that every following Day of his fourney be had as many Crowns as had the Day before, befides two Crowns over and above: and when he came to his four- ney's end he finds he had in all 45 Crowns. How many Crowns had he at first? THIS [ 175 ] THIS Queſtion imports no more than to find a Series of Numbers in Arithmetical Pro- portion whofe Sum is given 45, and common Difference 2; fuch, that the firſt Term and Number of all the Terms fhall be equal. the Number of To effect which put Crowns he had in his Pocket when he firſt ſet- out, or Number of Days he Travel'd, and (by Corollary 2. Chap. 6. Part I, of Ward's Introduction) we fhall have x 1X2 2x 2 the Difference between the two Extremes, to which add the firft Term, viz. x, and the Sum is 3x2 the laft Term. Now the Sum of the firft and laft Terms, multiplied by the (= 2 the Product will be 2x2 = viz. 4x — 2, Number of Terms.) x the Sum of all the Series, which by the Queftion is equal to 45 Crowns, hence there comes out this Equation, 12x2 x = 45• I 22x² 2 ४/० <= 22.5 32 ++=22.5+: to 22.5十六 ​2. CO 3 3 2 3 w24x-1=√22.5+18=44 4 +5x=5, the Number of Crowns he had at first, for 5+7+9+1+13 =45. 2. E. J. PROBLEM [176] PROBLEM XC. A certain Traveller goes 9 Miles a Day, three Days after another follows him, who the first Day travels 4 Miles, the Second 5, the third 6, and so on, gaining a Mile every Day. In what Time will he overtake the former. X PUT the Number of Days he Tra-- veled that goes 9 Miles a Day, and the Num- ber of Days the other Traveled will be x-3; hence he that Travels 9 Miles a Day, Travel- ed in all 9x Miles, and the other, becauſe he makes his Journey in Arithmetical Proportion,. whofe firft Term of the Series is 4, and com- mon Difference 1, and likewife the Number of Terms x 3, by the Quotation in the foregoing Solution, will Travel x²-x 2 2 12 Miles, which must confequently be equal to 9x, whence arifes this * 2 Equation, I x²+x- 12 9x. 2 I X 2 2 2x2x-12=18x 2 3 4 2 + 3x² = 17x=12 4x 2 ·17x+72.25=84.25 WJ 2 5x 8.5=√ x=17.67, the Number of Days 5+8.5/6x= he [ 177 ] he travelled that goes 9 Miles a Days, whence the other Traveller will overtake him at the end of 14.67 Days, the Anfwer required. PROBLEM XCI. Two Travellers fet out at the fame Time from two Cities, the one from A, and the other from B, which are 78 Miles diftant one from another; one of them goes 6 Miles every Day; and the other 2 Miles the first Day, 2 and a half the fe- cond, three the third, and fo on, adding half a Mile to every Day's Journey. In what Time will they meet with one another? In order to folve this Problem, reduce the diſtance between the two Cities into half Miles which will be 156; and he that Travels 6 Miles a Day will go every Day 12 half Miles, and the other will go 4 half Miles the firſt Day, 5 the fecond, 6 the third, &c. increaſing a Mile every Day 'till he meets with the former. Now fince they both fet out from the two Cities at the fame Time, and proceed towards one another, they will each make his Journey in the fame Number of Days, which Number call x, then he that Travels 12 half Miles a Day will defcribe the ſpace 1 [178] ſpace 12x half Miles in x Days, and the other, fince the Number of half Miles he Travels every Day is a Rank of Numbers in Arithme- tical Progreffion, whofe firft Term is given = 4, and common Difference 1, and the Number of Terms=x, will make his Journey x²+7x Σ 2 half Miles in the fame Time, which added to 12x, the Sum will be equal to the diſtance between the two Cities; whence the Problem will be reduced to this Equation, I |x² + 2+7x 12x156. 2 I 2 со 3/2.2 +31x240.25 = 552.25 x22x231x312: 3 w 24 x 15.5= √ 552.25.=23.5 4-15.55x8, the Number of Days they muſt travel before they meet. Or thus. W.W.R. ADD together fucceffively the Number of Miles they both Travel every Day, until the Sum amounts to 78 Miles the Diſtance between the two Cities A and B; and the Number of fuch Additions will give the Anfwer required. fee the Operation Days. [ 179 ] 7 5 1 Days. 216 3456 6 +2 ナナト ​2.5 +8 +3+ 16.5 +3.5+ 25.5 +4+ 35 +4.5 +45 6+5+55.5 6 +5.5 + 66.5 8.0 16.5 25.5 35.0 45.0 55.5 66.5 78.0 Miles. Seeing in the left Hand Column the Num- ber of Additions are 8, they therefore met each other after eight Days Travel. the fame as before. PROBLEM XCII. Again, Two Travellers fet out at the fame time from two Cities, the one from A, and the other from B, which are 120 Miles diftant from one another; the firſt goes 5 Miles a Day, and the other 3 Miles less than the Number of Days in which they meet. When will they meet? X PUT the Number of Days in which they meet, and the Number of Miles the fe- cond Traveller goes every Day will be x-3. And they will meet one another after the firſt has gone 5x Miles, and the other x 3x Miles. 2 Whence, [ 180 ] Whence, 1x 2 2 Or, 2x²+2x= 120 CO 3x+5x=120. 3 CQ 3x² + 2x+1=121 · 214 ພ 4x+1 = √ 4 ✓ 12-1. = II -5x= 10 Days, the Time required. 15100 PROBLEM XCII. A Poft fets out from A towards B, who travels 8 Miles a Day: After he had gone 27 Miles, another fets out from B to meet him, who goes every Day of the whole Journey, or Distance of the Places A and B, and meets the firſt Poft after fo many Days as is of the faid Diftance. Required the Distance of A and B? FOR the Diſtance between the two Places A and B put 20x, and the fecond Poft will go every Day x Miles; and becauſe he met the firft after he had travelled as many Days as was an x Part of the whole Diſtance, he will make his Journey x2 Miles in x Days; and the firſt Poft will make his Journey to the Place where they meet 8x+27 Miles. Whence, [181] Whence, | 1'x²+8x+27=20x. + 2 I 2 CO 3 4 ४ ४ ४ 2 2 12x27 3 ~12x+36=9 w 24x -6=3 x=9.confequently 20x=180Miles, the Diſtance between A and B. Which was required. PROBLEM XCIV. Two Merchants A and B go Partners, B brings 420 Crowns, and A receives out of the Gains 52 Crowns, and the Sum of both their Shares is 854 Crowns. 54 Crowns. How much did A bring, and how much did B receive out of the Gains? To anſwer this Problem put 420a, 52 =b, 854c, and for the Stock A put in put x; then as x (A's Stock): b (what he received out of the Gains) :: a ( the Number of Crowns B brought in): ab B's Gain; and by adding both the Merchants Shares together, the ab Sum, viz. x++a+b, will be equal to X c, hence we have the following R Equation, [ 182 ] Equation, I 2 ab x+=+a+b=c. xx 2x²+ab+ax+bx=cx ² + ax + bx-cx=-ab + 3 x² 2 3 in Numb. 4 X -382x=-21840 4 over A 5 6 со 5 + W 2382x36481=14641 26x-191=√14641.=121 +1917x=312 the Numb. of Crowns. A put into the Stock. And as 312: 52: 420: 70 the Number of the Crowns B received out of the Gain. PROBLEM W. W. R. XCV. A Son asks his Father how old he was? his Father replied thus; If you take 4 from my Age, the Remainer will be thrice the Number of your Years: But if you take 1 from your Age, half the Remainer will be the Square Root of my Age. Required the Age of the Father and Son? PUT the Father's Age, and the Son's X Age will be = X -4 Years, now divide x-4 3 3 X 4 I which, 6 2 1 by 2 and the Quotient is و by the Queſtion, is equal to the fquare Root of x. Whence [ 183 ] 4 I 2 x28x+16 x. +4 I \3_8x +16_ *1=, Whence, I 6 I O 2 2 +14 са นย 5 23 + 4 36 6 4 -8x+16-6x+24+9=36x 50x=-49 ·50x625=576 6~25=√576.=24 6 +2517x=49 Years the Father's Age, and the Son's Age, by what is fhewn above, will be found to be 15 Years. IV. W. R. PROBLEM XCVI. To find two Numbers, the Sum of whose Squares may be 317, and the Product, if they may be multiplied by one ano- ther, 154. PUT 317a, 154b, and Number; then (per Ax. 3.) leffer, and by the h2 Queftion, x²+==a. I 2 1 2 X XX 2x +b²-ax 士 ​=3/204 ax 2b? -b? R 2 w the greater b will be the 3. #the [184] 3 外 ​со ww 25 a x 2 ax²+ a² a 2 4 2 a 4 4 5 12 -b². 2 4 6 w27 x = v -b².. = 14, = 14, the 2 4 greater Number, and the leffer will be 154 14- 11; for the Square of 14 is 196, of a in 121, and 196121=317. QE. I. and D. The fame otherwife. x=Sum THUS, put } of the two Numbers. y=Diff. then (per Lemma.) the greater Number will be+2, and the leffer= • leffer=X_Y which being- 2 2 ftated according to the Condition of the Que- ftion, will ftand Thus Y_—b. 4 xy ドーナ ​4 2 2 xy, y² 4 2 4. 2 Con- [185] 2 Y 2 Contracted 3+ 2 a 2 X2 I X 24 =26 2 2 3+4 5 ת! 5x²=a+2b ww 26x=√a+26=25. which being known, the Numbers required will be found from what is fhown above. But if for the leffer Number be put x, and xy for the greater. Then by the Queſtion,{ | 1 | x²y=b. I 2 x2 3 3x for x², gives 4 4 5 6 xy. C +x²y²=a. y } which fub. in the 24 Step b by² + =a لو لا 5b+by² = ay 2 ay b ay b a + 46 2 2 22 462 i I 7 [186] a 2 462 a² 7 ربية 3 28 26 a 8 + a 26/9/9 = 2 b 462 2 I. .24 1.1.27 the Value of y being thus found, known from this Equation x will be b · (See Step y the third) for the Root, being extracted gives } 11.01 or rather 11, the leffer Num- y ber, and the greater Number will be xy = 11 X 1.27 = 13.97 or rather 14. the fame as by the foregoing Operations. II This Method of Computation I never met with in any Author; nor will I prefume to fay it is my own Invention; for it was firft communicated to me by my moſt ingenious and worthy Friend Mr Samuel Waters. But how he came by it, or whether it was his own Contrivance, I am at a lofs to determine, PRO [187] 1 PROBLEM XCVII. To find two Numbers, the Product of which may be 108, and the Difference of the the Squares 63. PUT 108 a, 63=b, and call the greater Number x; then (per Ax. 3.) the leffer Num- ber will be, and fince the Difference of the " Squares of the faid Numbers is equal to be, we fhall have this Equation, I 2 2 I a² 2 X 2 =b. X 4 x x² 2 x ±3x4 СО ++ 4,8 w 215 x ४ a² = =bx2 bx² = a² -bx² b 2 22!2 2 [] 2 b² 十 ​4. 2 a² + =√a² + 2 a √e² + 4 2 b = 4. 2 3 4 5 + 16 4 b2 6 w 2 2 12, the 2 4 108 greater Number, and 12 gives 9 the leffer. Q. E. J. The - Ъ [ 188 ] The fame otherwiſe. x= leffer THUS, put greater} Number, and the xygreater Difference of their Squares will be x2y2-2, and Product x²y. I x² y = a. 2 x2 y22 by the Queſtion. Whence, 2y2—13 x2 2 y² by y 2 b I 4 a I er by = азг a 2 by لا I which fubftitute for x in the ift Step, and 2 4× y² — I 응 ​5 5 ± &÷61 6 CO7Y w28y h 2 b b a 2 by + 402 a 20 162 4a2 2 7 8 + 9 = 24 20 + 4a2 bz 4a2 ti + 1. = 1.03 +1. = 1.31 +. Having thus found y, x may be known from any of the three firft Steps, which the Learner may find at his Leifure. PRO- 1 [ 189 ] PROBLEM XCVIII. Two Farmers fell two forts of Corn : A fells 6 Bushels; B receives in all for his 20 Crowns: Now, fays B to A, if we add the Number of my Bushels to the Number of your Crowns, the Sum will be 28. Says A to B, and if I add the Square of my Crowns to the Square of your Bufhels, the Sum will be 424. How many Bushels did B fell, and how many Crowns did A receive? 2 LET 6=a, 20 b, 28c, 424 d, and for the Number of Buſhels B fold put x; then c-x will be the Number of A's Crowns, whofe Square is c² -2cxx², and the Square of B's Bufhels will be x2; which Squares added together, their Sum is c²- 2cx2x2 which, by the Queſtion, is equal d; whence arifes this 2 Equa- [ 190.] Equation,! 1 /c2 C I 2 2 - 2cx + 2x²=d. 2/2x²-2cx=d.c² 23x²-cx= CO 3 CD 2 4/2 dc² 2 2 -180. For c is greater than d. -cx+ zd. 4 4. WW2 5x 2 zd- 2 c² 2 с dc² 4 2 d. 2 - C 4. C 3 2 2 ー​ト ​+ ር 2 4 2 4. L 6x 5 +3 210 11 له ان 2 4 2d-c 2 C 土 ​4 له أن 18 the Number of Bufhels B fold, which taken from 28, will leave 10 the Number of Crowns A received. W.W.R. • PRO- 3 [ 191 ] PROBLEM CXIX. To find two Numbers, the first of which +2 multiplied into the fecond—3, may produce 110: and on the contrary, the firſt-3, multiplied by the fecond + 2, may produce 80. FOR the first Number put x, and y the fe- cond, then x + 2 multiplied into y3, and x2 multiplied into y + 2 produces the following Equations, 2x+2x-3y-6-80. S|1|xy=3x+25-6=110. 1 +3x+63 xy+2y=116+3x 2 =2x64xy-3y=86-2x M 3 ÷ +2 116+3x 51 x+2 86—2x 4x36y= x-3 116+3x 86—2x 5=6 7 xx+28116+3x= 8 x+2 X-3 XX-39116x-3x²-348-9x= 86x - 2x²+172-4x 86x-2x²-172-4x X3 [192] 9 IO I I I 2 13 土 ​± 105x² + 25x=520% 2 ÷ 511x²+5x=104 C☐ 12x²+5x+6.25=110.25 213x+2.5=√110.25.=10.5 -2.514x10.5 2.58, the firſt Number, and, by the 5th or 6th Step, the Second will be found to be 14: for 8+2×14 -3=110. and 8-3×14+2=80. Or thus, 2. E. I. and D. LET x repreſent the firft Number as above, IIO and is equal the fecond lefs 3. therefore x+2 IIO 3 will be the fecond Number, to x+2 which add 2, and the Sum is Sum multiplied by x- 110x-330 x-2 110 x+2 +5,which 3 the Product will be +5 15, and the faid Product, by the Queſtion, is equal to 80, hence is ob- tained the following Equation, [ 193 ] 110x-330 Equation, I +5x15=8o. x+2 2 3456 I XX-22 110x-330+5x²- 5× — 30 2 =80x160 + 35x²+25x=520 5 4x²+5x=104 52757-6.25—IIO.25 CO wΣ 6x+2.5=√ ber, and before, 2 •257x=10.5-2.5-8 the first Num. +2+3=14 the fecond, the fame as HAVING now finiſhed thefe XCIX Queſtions and Anfwers further to excite the Genius of the young Analyft, I fhall conclude thefe few Pages with the following Problem, but leave the Solution to imploy his leiſure Hours. ro. S PRO- 3 [134] + PROBLEM C. Suppoſe a Cask holds 81 Gallons of Wine when full, out of which a certain Quantity is exhausted, and then the Cask is filled up again with Wa- ter; the fame Quantity being again drawn out as at first, and the Cask again filled up with Water, and ſo on four Times (always filling the Cask with Water after every Evacuation) there is at laft found 16 Gallons of Wine left in the Cask befides Water. The Question is, what Quantity of Wine was drawn out each Time? see found" voli page 235 * $ 2 FINI S. Fig. 1 A a CP B c d b Fig. 8 Fig. 12 a B C D A C D B Fig. 13 D G F H F B A Fig.4 В B Fig. 2 t Fig.3 E Fig. 4 b d A c D Fig. 22 I L C F K E C C D B Fig. 23 CD B D C Fig. 9 a Fig. 15 A Fig.16 D E e F E 3 D E G D F B Fig.18 Fig.24 A E B Fig.5 G Fig.17 D H E C Fig. 6 Fig.10 Fig. 19 nm F PA F D F D Fig. 25 A It- K B A h B A e ag C B Fig. 7 D Fig. e d сБа ΑΓ Fig. 2.1 G BA а B la Fig.20 B E B D. A e. e ЈЕ C Place this at y End of Bock UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 06360 9369 4 735