• Agterma Sina R 13 16 ANS & CO hobia adrian di kezd A 546123 1 1837 SI ARTES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TAS E PLURIBUS UNUM". שננו TUEBUF SCIENTIA OF THE QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE DADAGDAGANURGARARAUCO 1900 _________ ! i brg QA 623 P96 7076 THE GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS LONDON: PRINTED BY AND Co., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET SPOTTISWOODE FIG. 1. PLATE 1. C B Α΄ B C B b E T K K K 7: A- E D' Ε D' E' d FIG. 19. B B THE EPICYCLOID. P p P A A B THE RIGHT CYCLOID. FIG. 45. L B THE PROLAte Cycloid. FIG. 46. I A E יח a A C +c q B Z THE CURTATE CYCLOID. Q I '7' L P T A E Ρ D E D ༤ E d FIG. 20. B Q C A B P THE HYPOCYCLOID. L L E A L 7 Q B B ά A C h A TREATISE ON THE CYCLOID AND ALL FORMS OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES and on the Use of such Curves in dealing with the MOTIONS OF PLANETS, COMETS, &c. MATTER PROJECTED FROM THE SUN Berat AND OF AUTHOR OF 'SATURN AND ITS SYSTEM 'THE UNIVERSE OF STARS' STAR ATLAS' ( RICHARD Ar PROCTOR, B.A. =3 SCHOLAR OF ST JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE MATHEMATICAL SCHOLAR AND HON. FELLOW OF KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON BY thony 1 · > 'THE MOON THE SUN TRANSITS OF VENUS ESSAYS ON ASTRONOMY' 'THE GNOMONIC LIBRARY STAR ATLAS' ETC. > WITH 161 ILLUSTRATIONS AND MANY EXAMPLES FOR the USE of STUDENTS in UNIVERSITIES &c. LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1878 All rights reserved } } • 198 10-4-37 Realasted PREFACE. THIS WORK deals primarily with the geometry of cycloids, curves traced out by a point in a circle roll- ing on a straight line, or on or within another circle, and trochoids (or hoop-curves), curves traced out by a point within or without a circle so rolling. Although the invention of the cycloid is attributed to Galileo, it is certain that the family of curves to which the cycloid belongs had been known, and some of the properties of such curves investigated, nearly two thousand years before Galileo's time, if not earlier. For ancient astronomers explained the motion of the planets by supposing that each planet travels uniformly round a circle whose centre travels uniformly round another circle. By suitably selecting radii for such circles, and velocities for the uniform motions in them, every form of epicyclic curve can be obtained, including the epicycloid and the hypocycloid. When the radius of the fixed circle is indefinitely enlarged, or, in other words, when the centre of the moving circle advances vi PREFACE. uniformly in a straight line, the curve traced out by the moving point becomes a trochoid, and may either be a prolate, a right, or a curtate cycloid, according as the velocity of the moving centre is greater, equal, or less than the velocity of the point around that centre. Lastly, if the radius of the moving circle is indefinitely enlarged, so that a straight line is carried uniformly round a centre while a point travels uniformly along the line, the curve traced out becomes a spiral of the family to which belong the spiral of Archimedes and the involute of the circle. It is of these curves, which are all included under the general name epicyclical curves, that I treat in the present volume, though the cycloid, epicycloid, hypocycloid, and trochoid are more fully dealt with, in their geometrical aspect, than the epitrochoidal and spiral members of the epicyclic family. Ancient geometers were not very successful in their attempts to investigate any of these curves. It is strange indeed to find a mathematician even of Galileo's force so far foiled by the common cycloid as to be reduced to the necessity of weighing paper figures of the curve in order to determine its area. Pascal dealt more successfully with this and other problems. Yet he seems to have regarded their rela- tions as of sufficient difficulty to be selected for his PREFACE. vii famous challenge to mathematicians, to try whether a priest who had long given up the study of mathematics was not a match for mathematicians at their own weapons. The argument, in so far as it was intended to prove the soundness of Pascal's faith, was feeble enough. But the failure, or partial failure, of many who attacked his problems, is noteworthy. We find, for instance, that Roberval laboured for six years over the quadrature of the cycloid, and only succeeded at last in solving it by the comparatively clumsy method indicated at p. 199, inventing a new curve for the purpose. It will be seen that in the present work this famous problem comes very early (Prop. III., pp. 5, 6), and is made to depend on the fundamental (and obvious) relation of the cycloidal ordinates. The method-which so far as I know is a new one-is extended to the epicycloid, hypocycloid, trochoid, epitrochoid, and hypotrochoid. It will be found that, in all, thirteen distinct methods of solving the problem geometrically are either given in full or indicated (seven of these methods being new so far as I know), while seven independent methods are indi- cated for determining the area of the epicycloid and hypocycloid (of which five are new), besides one method (see footnote, p. 50) derived from the properties of the cycloid. After the first demonstration of the viii PREFACE. area, however, those methods only are given in full which involve other useful relations. The position of the centre of gravity of the cycloidal arc, and of the cycloidal area, has been fully dealt with geometrically in Section I. (so far as I know, for the first time). It seems to me that the treatment of such problems by geometrical methods usefully in- troduces the student to the use of analytical methods. For instance, Prop. XIV. is a geometrical illustration -in reality, so far as my own mathematical studies were concerned, a geometrical anticipation*—of the familiar relation Su dv ገ dx = uv dx -So du dx, dx of the Integral Calculus. Most of the propositions in the first three sections were established in the same manner as in this volume, in notebooks which I drew up when at Cambridge; * I may mention, as a circumstance in which some may perhaps find encouragement and others a warning, that (owing chiefly to my liking for geometrical studies) I knew very little of the Diffe- rential Calculus, and scarcely anything of Astronomy, when I took my degree. Possibly I owe to this circumstance no small share of the pleasure derived from the study of these and other mathematical subjects since. The hurried rush made at our universities over the domain of mathematics has always seemed to me little calculated to develope a taste for mathematics, though it may not invariably destroy it when it already exists. The withdrawal of the mind during three years from other subjects of greater importance,--- general literature, history, physical science, and so forth,-is still more pernicious: yet it is practically forced on those who wish for university distinctions, fellowships, and so forth. PREFACE. ix but the proofs have been simplified and their arrange- ment altogether modified more than once since then. In fact anyone who compares the first two sections with recent papers of mine on the Cycloid, Epicycloid, and Hypocycloid, in the English Mechanic, will perceive even that in the interval since those papers were written the subject-matter has been entirely rearranged. In defining epicycloids and hypocycloids I have made a change by which an anomaly existing in the former treatment of these curves has been removed. The definitions hitherto used run as follows: circles being in The S epicycloid hypocycloid is the curve traced out by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls with- out sliding on a fixed circle in the same plane, the two { external internal S For this I substitute :- contact. The {epicycloid hypocycloids is the curve traced out by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls with- out sliding on a fixed circle in the same plane, the rolling circle touching the f outside } of the fixed circle. That the latter is the more correct definition is proved by the fact that, while the former leads to an altogether unsymmetrical classification of the resulting X PREFACE. ! curves, the latter leads to a classification perfectly symmetrical. According to the former every epicy- cloid is a hypocycloid, but only some hypocycloids are epicycloids; according to the latter no epicycloid is a hypocycloid, and no hypocycloid is an epicycloid. In the fourth section on motion in cycloidal curves I have adopted a somewhat new method of arranging the demonstrations to include cycloids, epicy cloids, and hypocycloids. The proof that the cycloid is the path of quickest descent is a geometrical presentation of Bernouilli's analytical demonstration. The section on Epicyclics was nearly complete when my attention was directed to De Morgan's fine article on Trochoidal Curves in the Penny Cyclopædia, the only complete investigation of any part of my subject (except a paper by Purkiss on the Cardioid) of which I have thought it desirable to avail myself. I rewrote portions of the section for the benefit of those who may already have studied De Morgan's essay, deeming it well in such cases to aim at uniformity of definition, and, as far as possible, of treat- ment. It will be observed, however, by those who compare Section V. with De Morgan's essay, that my treatment of the subject of epicyclics remains entirely original, and that in some places I do not adopt his views. For instance, I cannot agree with PREFACE. xi him in regarding the angle of descent as negative under any circumstances consistent with the definition of the epicyclic itself. The radius vector indeed ad- vances and retreats in certain cases; but in every case it advances on the whole between any apocentre and the next pericentre. De Morgan has also misin- terpreted the figures on p. 187, as explained, p. 186. In two respects this treatise has gained from my study of De Morgan's essay. In the first place, I had not originally intended to devote a section to the equations of cycloidal curves. Secondly, and chiefly, I was led, by the study of the very valuable illustrations engraved by Mr. Henry Perigal for Prof. De Morgan's article, to cancel all the drawings which I had constructed to illustrate Section V., and to apply to Mr. Perigal for permission to use his me- chanically traced curves. A study of Plates II., III., and IV., and of other figures illustrating Section V., will show how much the work has gained by the change. For figs. 119 to 122, and two of those of Plate IV., also mechanically drawn, I am indebted to Mr. Boord. I may add, to show the value of these illustrations, Budget of Paradoxes,' that Prof. De Morgan, in his says that without Mr. Perigal's diagrams direct from the lathe,' his article on Trochoidal Curves could not have been made intelligible.' Yet even those cuts, C C 6 xii PREFACE. 6 and many others added to them in this volume, will give the reader but inadequate ideas of the immense number, variety, and beauty of the sets of diagrams published by Mr. Perigal himself, in his Contributions to Kinematics.' In these the curves are shown white on a black background, and hundreds of varieties at once instructive and ornamental are presented for study and comparison. Even for the mere patterns thus formed, and apart from their mathematical interest, these sets of diagrams possess great value. (See further the note, pp. 193-195.) The portions of Section V. relating to planetary motions, and the concluding section relating to the graphical use of cycloidal curves for determining the motion of bodies in elliptical orbits under gravity and of matter projected from the sun, will be useful, I trust, to students of astronomy. In some respects cycloidal curves are even more closely related to astronomy than the conic sections. If planets and comets travel approximately in ellipses about the sun, and moons in ellipses about their primaries, the planets' paths, relatively to our earth regarded as at rest, are epicyclic curves; while the cycloid and its companion curves supply an effective construction for dealing with Kepler's famous problem relating to the motion of a body in an ellipse round an orb in the focus attracting according to the law of gravity. PREFACE. xiii A treatise such as this is rather intended to afford the means of solving such problems as may be suggested to the student than of supplying examples. I have, however, added a collection of about 150 examples. All except those to which a name is appended are original. They are, in fact, a selection from among those which occurred to me as the work proceeded. Many which I had intended to present as riders have ultimately been worked into the text among the co- rollaries and scholia. If these had been included as examples, the total number would have amounted to about 300; but it seemed to me better in their case to indicate the nature of the proof. LONDON: December, 1877. On p. 59, line 11, for ,, 129, 17, "" P.S.-As the last sheets are receiving their latest corrections for press, I receive, through Mr. Boord's kindness, the eight figures on p. 256. Of these, figs. 154, 158 represent orthoidal, figs. 155, 159 cuspidate, and figs. 156, 160 centric epicyclics; while fig. 157 is a transcentric, and fig. 161 a loop-touching epicyclic. " RICH. A. PROCTOR. Errata. Area ABD,' read 'Area OBD.' 'D,' read O.' 2 CONTENTS. THE RIGHT CYCLOID. SECTION I. SECTION II. THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID TROCHOIDS Appendix to Section II. The Straight Hypocycloid. Useful General Proposition The Four-pointed Hypocycloid The Cardioid The Bicuspid Epicycloid The Involute of the Circle Centre of Gravity of Epicycloidal and Hypocycloidal Arcs and Areas SECTION III. Appendix to Section III. Elliptical Hypotrochoids The Trisectrix The Spiral of Archimedes Planet's Shadow in Space shown to be spiral · • • PAGE 1 40 8888 66 68 72 73 79 888888 80 85 92 124 125 127 133 xvi CONTENTS. EPICYCLICS MOTION IN CYCLOIDAL CURVES SECTION IV. EXAMPLES. SECTION V. Appendix to Section V. Right Trochoids regarded as Epicyclics Spiral Epicyclics Planetary and Lunar Epicyclics. Forms of Epicyclic Curves Forms of Right Trochoids The Companion to the Cycloid PLATE I. PLATES II. AND III. PLATES IV. and V. PLATE VI. EQUATIONS TO CYCLOIDAL CURVES SECTION VI. SECTION VII. GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES TO DETERMINE (1) the Motion of Planets and Comets (1) the Motion of Matter projected from the Sun PLATES. "" • "} "" PAGK 135 148 167 168 169 182 195 197 201 frontispiece to face each other between pp. 182, 183 192, 193 to face p. 209 209 216 234 THE GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. SECTION I. THE RIGHT CYCLOID. NOTE. Any curve traced by a point on the circumfer- ence of a circle which rolls without sliding upon either a straight line or a circle in the same plane is called a cycloid, but the term is usually limited to the right cycloid, and will be so employed throughout this work. DEFINITIONS. The right cycloid is the curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls without sliding upon a fixed straight line in the same plane. The rolling circle is called the generating circle; the point on the circumfererce the tracing point. Similar terms are employed for all the curves dealt with in this work. Let AQB (fig. 1, Plate I.) be the rolling circle, KL the fixed straight line. Let the centre of the B 2 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. rolling circle move along the line 'C c parallel to KL through C the centre of AQB, in the direction shown by the arrow. Then it is manifest that at regular intervals the tracing point will (i.) coincide with the line KL, as at D' and D (E'q'D' and Eqd being corresponding positions of the generating circle), and (ii.) will be at its greatest distance from KL, as at A (AQB being the corresponding position of the genera- ting circle), this distance being the diameter of AQB, so that ACB the diameter through the tracing point is at right angles to KL. It is clear also from the way in which the curve is traced out that the parts AP'D' and APD are similar and equal. Therefore ACB is called the axis of the cycloidal curve; D'D is the base; and A the vertex. The points D' and D are called the cusps. The radius CA drawn to the tracing point is called the tracing radius, the diameter through the tracing point the tracing diameter. The radius of the generating circle may be conveniently represented by the symbol R. Where the tracing diameter coin- cides with the axis, the generating circle is said to be central, and AQB so placed is called the central gene- rating circle. A diameter to the generating circle parallel to ACB, that is perpendicular to D'D, is said to be diametral. The line c' Ce is called the line of centres. The complete cycloid consists of an infinite number of equal cycloidal arcs; but it is often convenient to speak of the cycloidal arc D'AD as the cycloid. It is clear that if D'E' and DE be drawn perpen- THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 3 dicular to D'D, the semi-cycloidal arcs on either side of D'E' and DE are symmetrical with respect to these lines. Therefore D'E' and DE may conveniently be called secondary axes. A straight line E'AE through A parallel to D'D manifestly touches the cycloid at A; for there is one position, and one only, of the generating circle (be- tween D'E' and DE) which brings the tracing point to the distance AB from D'D. E'AE is called the tangent at the vertex. PROPOSITIONS. PROP. I.-The base of the cycloid is equal to the circumference of the generating circle. This is manifest from the way in which the curve is traced out; for every point of the generating circle AQB (fig. 1) is brought successively into rolling con- tact with the base D'D; so that necessarily D'D circumference of the circle AQB. Cor. 1. BD BD semicircular arc AQB. Cor. 2. Drawing D'E' and DE square to D'D and c' Cc parallel to D'D, Area E'D = 2 area AD = 4 area CD 4 rect. under CB, BD = 4 rect. under CB, arc AQB 4 times area of generating circle AQB. = B 2 4 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. 4 PROP. II.-If through P, a point on the cycloidal arc APD (fig. 2), the straight line PQM be drawn parallel to the base BD, cutting the central generating circle in Q and meeting the axis AB in M; then QParc AQ. Let A'PB' be the position of the generating circle when the tracing point is at P, C' its centre, A'C'B' diametral, cutting MP in M'. Draw the tracing dia- meter PC'p. Then MQ M'P; MM' QP; and = arc AQ =arc A'P. Now, since PC'p is the tracing diameter, p is the point which had been at B when the FIG. 2. A IM C B S Α' R QM' C B P 9 P E = tracing point was at A; hence the arc p B' BB', for every point of p B' has been in rolling contact with BB'. But Arc pB'arc A'Parc AQ; and BB'= MM'=QP. Wherefore, QParc AQ. / Cor. 1. PMarc AQ+MQ. Cor. 2. Since BD=arc AQB-arc AQ+arc QB, BD>PM; wherefore the whole arc APD lies on the left of DE, perpendicular to BD. THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 5 10 Cor. 3. Let MP produced meet DE in m. Then Pm-Mm-PM-arc AQB-arc AQ-MQ =arc QB-MQ. Cor. 4. Arc A'P=BB'; and arc PB'B'D. Cor. 5. If through P', a point on the arc PD, P'qQ' be drawn parallel to BD, meeting AQB in Q and cutting A'PB' in q; then Q'P'arc A'q, and QParc A'P; wherefore S s = QP = A'P; and SR= arc A's; wherefore Rs = arc s P = arc SQ. qP' (=Q'P' — Q'q=Q'P' — QP) = arc A'q-arc A'P; that is, 9 P'=arc P q. Cor. 6. If through R, a point on the arc AP, s RS parallel to BD meet the arcs AQB, A'PB' in S and s, then PROP. III. The area D'AD (fig. 1, Plate I.) between the cycloid and its base is equal to three times the area of the generating circle. A, B, D, E, C, &c. (fig. 3), representing the same points as in the preceding proposition; take CL=CL' on AB, and draw LP 1, L'P'7' parallel to BD, cutting the cycloid in P and P', and the central generating circle in Q and Q', respectively. Complete the ele- mentary rectangles PN, P'N', Lk, of equal width, (PM=P'M'). Then = QP =arc AQ, and Q'P' arc AQ' =arc BQ; therefore QP+Q'P' semicircle AQB Ll; and the two rectangles NP and N'P' are together equal = 6 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. to the rectangle Lk. gular elements as NP limit area AQBDP = (Prop. I. Cor. 2.) Hence the area between the cycloid and its base (= 2AQBDP+ circle AQB) = three times the area of the generating circle. Q.E.D. Another proof.-Let AP"D be a cycloidal arc having A as cusp, D as vertex, and DE as axis. Let N A K C B P m T Taking all such pairs of rectan- and N'P', it follows that in the rectangle CE = circle AQB. FIG. 3. N N P H 盒 ​I = 1 M D. P 7 = E τ k A IL cut AP"D in P" and be produced to meet the circle AQB in Q". Then τ' = LP are AQ+LQ; and LP" arc AQ - LQ (Prop. II. Cor. 2). Wherefore P"P=LP-LP"=2LQ=Q"Q; and the elementary area Pm=the elementary area Q″N. Taking all such elementary rectangles, we have in the limit area AP"DP circle AQB rectangle CE. Hence, taking these equals from the rectangle BE, it follows that the equal areas ABDP" and APDE are together equal to the rectangle CD, that is, to the THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 7 Therefore AP"DB = the semicircle circle AQB. AQB; APDB = three times the semicircle AQB; and the area between the cycloid and the base = three times the generating circle. Cor. 1. Rectangle Al-area AQP+ area BQ'P'D. Cor. 2. Rectangle Cl=area QPP'Q'. Cor. 3. If AE and BD be bisected in H and I, and HI cut PQ and P'Q' in h and i; then if, as in the figure, P and P' are on the same side of HI, Ph+Pi Ph+P"h P"P = = Q″Q=2LQ. If P falls between AB and HI, as at p, then, com- pleting the construction indicated by the dotted lines, p'ï' — ph' — p″'h' —pk=p"p=gq=2 qj» = That is, if two points are taken on the cycloidal arc equidistant from Cc, the sum or difference of the per- pendiculars from these points upon HI will be equal to the chord of the generating circle formed by either perpendicular produced, according as the points on the cycloid are on the same or on opposite sides of HI.. This relation will be found useful hereafter in deter- mining the centre of gravity of the cycloidal area. Cor. 4. When the tracing point is at P, the gene- rating circle passes through P"; for its chord through P parallel to AE=QQ″=PP”. Cor. 5. Area AQ"Q area AP"P; and area AQ"P" area AQP. The latter relation, established independently (by showing that QP = Q″P”), leads to a third demonstration of the area. = 8 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. : PROP. IV.—If P (fig. 4) is a point on the cycloidal arc APD, APB' the generating circle when the tracing point is at P, A' C'B' diametral, then PB' is the normal and A'P is the tangent to the cycloid at the point P. Since, when the tracing point is at P, the generating circle A'PB' is turning round the point B', the direc- tion of the motion of the tracing point at P must be FIG. 4. M N C B Α΄ Β΄ I P Ag G E D at right angles to B'P; wherefore PB' is the normal and A'P is the tangent at the point P. Another demonstration.-The objection may be raised against the preceding proof, that, by the same reasoning, B' would be proved to be the centre of curva- ture at P, which is not the case. Although the objection is not really valid, an independent proof may conve- niently be added. Take P'a point near to P, and draw PQM, P'Q'N parallel to BD, cutting AQB in Q and Q', and P'Q'N cutting A'PB' in q. Join PC'. Then q P' arc Pq (Prop. II. Cor. 4), and ultimately PqP' is an isosceles THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 9 triangle, whose equal sides Pq and qP' are respectively perp. to the equal sides C'P and C'B' of the isosceles triangle PC'B'; wherefore the third side PP' is perp. to the third side PB'.* That is, PB' is the normal at P, and therefore PA' the perp. to PB' is the tangent at P. Cor. 1. If Pn be drawn perp. to P'N, then the figure PP'n is in the limit similar to the triangles A´B´P, A'Pm, PB'm (m being the point in which A'B' and PM intersect). Cor. 2. If B'P cut P'N in 7, the triangle /P'P is similar to the four triangles named in Cor. 1. Cor. 3. Triangles Pql, Pq P' are similar respec- tively to triangles PC'A' and PC'B' ; and 1q = q P'. Cor. 4. AQ is parallel to the tangent at P. Cor. 5. If AQ prod. meet P'N in r, QQ' ulti- mately = Q'r. SCHOL. A tangent may be drawn to the cycloid from any point on the curve. For if we draw PQ parallel to BD, the tangent PA' is parallel to AQ. To draw a tangent from any point A' on the tangent at vertex, we draw A'B' perp. to base, and the semi- circle A'PB' on ADB' intersects APD in the point P such that A'P is tangent to APD. M Saja. *Thus, let the triangle Pq P' be turned in its own plane round the point P till P coincides with PC'—that is, through one right angle; the other sides q P' and PP' will also have been turned through a right angle, therefore q P' will be parallel to C′ B', and 4 P' being equal to q P, P' will fall on B'P (for any parallel to C'B' will cut off an isosceles triangle from B'PC'); hence B'PP' is the angle through which PP' has been turned, and is therefore a right angle. 10 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. V.-If PQ (fig. 5), parallel to the base of cy- cloid APD, and above the line of centres Cc, meets the central generating circle in Q, and QN, PM are perpendicular to Cc, Area Ah QP+ rect. QM=rect. CF (F being the point in which NQ produced meets the tangent at the vertex AT). If P'Q' be a parallel to the base below the line of centres Q'L, P'M', perpendicular to Cc, Area Ah Q'P' rect. Q'M' = rect. CF' (F' being the point in which LQ produced meets the base BD). Take p a point near to P, and let pn perp. to QN cut arc AQQ' in q; join AQ and produce to meet pn FIG. 5. A B h - FƒT So n N LKC P K M P m R Mm'e D. P p D SFT in r; draw fq L, rK, pm perp. to Cc, and join C q. Then in passing from P to p,area Ah QP+rect. QM is increased by Ppm M and diminished by Q9LN, or in the limit, increased by rect. Mp or Nr (since Qrp P THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 11 is a parallelogram, Prop. IV. Cor. 4) and diminished by rect. Ng; wherefore total increase rect. Lr. But ng : qQ (=qr, Prop. IV. Cor. 5) :: qL : Cq(=NF), rect. under nq, NF = rect. under qr, qL; that is, rect. Nƒ= rect. Lr, or incrt. of rect. CF incrt. of (area AhQP+ rect. QM). But these areas start together from nothing, at A, ... rect. AhQP + rect. QM =rect. CF. .. = Cor. 1. Area AQC'RP=square CT=square CT', TCT' being the tangent to AC'B at C' on the line of centres. Again, making a similar construction for the second case (for convenience in figure Q'q' is so taken that Qq' and q Q' are perp. to Cc), we have ultimately decrement of area (Ah Q'P' - Q'M') = Lq' + P'm' rect. Lyrect. n'K' (ultimately) = rect. Nr. But since n'q': Q' d′ (= q'r') :: q′N : C q′ ( C q′ ( = Nƒ˜), rect. under n'q, Nf' rect. under q'r', q' N; = that is, rect. NF' = rect. Nr', or decrt. of rect. CF = decrt. of area (AhQ'P'-QM'). But these areas begin together from the equal areas AQC'R and square CT', ... area AhQ'P' S rect. Q'M' =rect. CF'. Cor. 2. Area AC'BDR=rect. CBD c-generating circle, so that we have here a new demonstration of the area. 12 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. : PROP. VI.—lf from P a point on the cycloid APD (fig. 6) PQ drawn parallel to the base, meets the generating circle in Q, arc AP = 2 chord AQ. With the same construction as in Prop. IV., join AQ and B'q; produce B'q to meet PP' in k; and draw C'K perpendicular to B'P. Then ultimately, FIG. 6. (Join Aʼq.) M L 2 B T Β΄ K a = P d b R qk is perpendicular to PP', and the triangle PqP' is isosceles ; ... PP' 2P ultimately. But PP' is ultimately the increment of the cycloidal arc AP; and Pk is ultimately the increment of the chord A'P (for A'q= A'k ultimately). A´k ultimately). Hence the increment of the cycloidal arc AP = twice the incre- ment of the chord A'P or of the chord AQ. There- fore, since the arc and chord begin together at A, Arc AP = 2 chord AQ. Cor. 1. Arc APD = 2 AB = 4R, and the entire cycloidal arc from cusp to cusp = 4AB = 8R. THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 13 Cor. 2. Since the square on AQ = rect. AB.AM, sq. on st. line equal to arc AP = 4 rect. AB. AM, and we have, Arc AP 2/2R. ✓AM, = that is, Arc AP AM. Cor. 3. Arc AP: arc PD :: AL: LB. PROP. VII. PROB.-To divide the arc of a cycloid into parts which shall be in any given ratio. Let a straight line ab (fig. 6) be divided into any parts in the points c and d: it is required to divide the arc APRD in the same ratio. Divide AB in L and I so that AL: LI:7B: ac: cd: db. With centre A and radius AL and Al, describe circular arcs LQ, Ir, meeting the semicircle AQB in Q and r. Through Q, r, draw QP, rR, parallel to BD. Then 2AQ 2AL; and arc AR = 2A1. Arc AP = Therefore Arc PR = 2L7; and similarly arc RD = 27B. Therefore Arc AP: arc PR :: arc RD :: AL:LI: IB :: ac:cd: db; or the arc APD has been divided in the points P and R in the required ratio. Similarly may the arc APD be divided into any number of parts, bearing to each other any given ratios. 14. GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. VIII. With the construction of Prop. IV. Area APB'B: sectorial area A'B' Ph :: area PB'D: segment PFB' :: 3 : 1. Let a P'b (fig. 7) be the position of the tracing circle when the tracing point is at P' near to P, on the A B Sp Á a Q M FIG. 7. (Join a P'.) K IN' c h L h GTA E D side remote from A; a cb diametral. Join b P', draw P'ql parallel to BD meeting A'PB' in q and PB′ in 1, join 7 B', which is parallel to b P', because qP' = P q = B'b. Then ultimately P'q ql (Prop. IV. Cor. 3), wherefore parallelogram qb = twice the tri- angle 1q B' and trapezium P'b B' 3 times the triangle 1q B': that is, ultimately (when the triangle 1 PP' vanishes compared with IP'b B'), the elementary 1 area B′PP′ 6 = 3 times the elementary area PB'q = 3 (area A'B'q h - area A'B'P h) = 3 (area a bP' area A'B'P). Thus the increment of the area ABB'P = 3 times the THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 15 increment of the area A'B'P, and the decrement of area PB'D = 3 times the decrement of the area PFB'. But the areas ABB′P and A'B'P commence together, and the areas PB'D and PFB' end together, as P passes from A to D. Hence ABB'P 3 times sectorial area A'B'P h. 3 times the segment PFB' Area PB'D and = Area APB'B: sectorial area A'B'P h :: area PB'D: segment PFB' :: 3: 1. Cor. 1. Area PFB'D = 2 segment PFB'. This is easily proved independently. For any elementary parallelograms ff" and FF' (having sides parallel to BD), are manifestly equal; wherefore area q Fb F parallelogram qb twice triangle B'ql (ulti- mately) twice the decrement of segment b F'P'. Cor. 2. Area AQBB'P (BQ straight) = 2 sec- torial area AQB. Cor. 3. Area Qs BDP = 2 seg. QsB+ par. PB = 2 seg. QsBrect. BM'. = = SCHOL.-Prop. VIII. affords another proof of the relation established in Prop. III. The first corollary, established independently, gives another proof. 16 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. 2-2 Prop. IX.—With the same construction as in the pre ceding propositions. Area APA segment A'hP. Join PA', q A', and P'a. Then A'PP' is ulti- mately a diameter of the. parallelogram A'aP'q, and the ultimate triangle A'PP'a is equal to the triangle A'PP'q, or in the limit to the triangle A'Pq. But A'PP'a is the increment of the area APA', and A'Pq is the increment of the segment A'h P. Since these areas then begin together and have constantly equal increments, they are constantly equal. Therefore Area APA' segment A'hP. Cor. 1. Draw PL, PM'M perp. to AE, AB respec- tively, PM intersecting AB in M'. To each of the equal areas APA' and A'h P add the equal triangles A'PL and A'MP. Then the area APL = area A'h PM' area AQM. This may be proved independently. For drawing P'K, P'N' perp. to AE, A'B', we see that A'PP' is ultimately a diameter of the rectangle N'K, and therefore the rectangles PK and PN', being com- plements to rectangles about the diameter, are equal: or ultimately the increment of the area APL = incre- ment of the area A'h PM'; wherefore, since these areas begin together, area APL= area A'h PM' area AQM. Cor. 2. Area AQP rect. ML-2 area AMQ. Cor. 3. Area Qs BDP = circ. AQB area AQP = circle AQB rect. ML + 2 area AMQ = 2 (semicircle AQB + area AMQ) — rect. ML. Gam = 1 THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 17 = Cor. 4. Area AA'h P 2 area AA'P=2 segment A'h P. This may be proved independently, in the same way as Cor. 1, Prop. VIII. Area A'a P'qh, ultimately equal to the area A'a P'Ph, is shown to be equal to the area of the parallelogram A'aP'q, that is, to twice the area A'PP'a or A'PP'q (the ultimate in- crements of AA'P, A' h P, respectively). SCHOL.-Prop. IX. and Cor. 1 and 4 (established independently) afford three new demonstrations of the area of the cycloid. For they severally show that area APDE = semicircle DQ'E, on DE as diameter; and since BE twice the generating circle, the area APDB 3 times the semicircle AQB. It will be noticed that the area AEQ'DP = area As BDP. This, which may easily be proved inde- pendently, affords yet another proof of the area of the cycloid. Thus let APD, AP'D (fig. 8) be cycloidal FIG. 8. P A B a jand Q Á α B' b P E arcs, placed as in Prop. III.; A'PB'P' and ap·b pº adjacent positions of the tracing circle. Then, Prop. III. Cor. 4, P'P and p'p are both parallel to BD. Hence ultimately area A'a p P = area A'ap' P'; but C 18 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. = these are the increments of the areas AA'P, and AA'P', which commence together. Hence area AA'P area AA'P', wherever P and P' may be. Wherefore (taking P to D) area AEQ'DP = area AE qDP' area AQBDP. Therefore the arc APD divides the area AEQ'DBQ into two equal parts. But area AEQ'DBQ = area AEDB = twice the generating circle. Hence area AQBDP area APDQ'E = the generating circle; area APDB = 3 the semicircle AQB; and area AEDP semicircle AQB. PROP. X.-The radius of curvature at P (fig. 9) is equal to twice the normal PB'. With so much of the construction of fig. 7 as is con- FIG. 9. (For O′, O read o, o'; and join o a'.) A A' E B d = for a" น To e D tained in fig. 9, produce P'b, which is parallel to q B', THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 19 to meet PB' produced in o'. Then since ultimately IP' = 2lq; lo' ultimately =2lB'. So that if the normals at the adjacent points P and P', intersect ulti- mately (when P' moves up to P) in o (which, there- fore, is the centre of curvature at P), Rad. of curvature P o = 2 normal PB'. Cor. The radius of curvature diminishes from the vertex, where it has its maximum length, to the cusp, where the radius vanishes or the curvature becomes infinite. PROP. XI. The evolute of the cycloid APD (fig. 9) is an equal cycloid Do'd, having its vertex at D, and its cusp d on AB produced to d so that Bd AB. = Complete the rectangle DB de, produce A'B' to a', and join o a'. Then in the triangles A'B'P and a'B'o the sides A'B', B'P, are equal to the sides a'B', B'o, each to each, and enclose equal angles; therefore, the triangles are equal in all respects, and the angle a′o B' (― the angle B'PA') is a right angle. Hence a circle described on B'a' as diameter will pass through o. Again, in the equal circles A'B'P and a'B'o, the angles A'B'P and a'B'o at the circumference are equal. Therefore the arc o d = the arc PA' = BB' (Prop. II. Cor. 4) da'. Wherefore o is a point on a cycloid having de for base, a cusp at d, and B'o d' as tracing circle. Since de BD = arc B'o a', De is the axis and D is the vertex of the evolute cycloid. = Cor. oP = 20 B′ = arc o D (Prop. VI.); so that, © 2 20 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. if a string coinciding with the arc do D and fastened at d be unwrapped from this arc, its extremity will always lie on the cycloid APD, which may, therefore, be traced out in this way as the involute of the arc do D. PROP. XII.—If APD (fig. 9) be a semi-cycloidal arc, do Dits evolute, and o B'P the radius of curvature at any point P on APD, cutting the base BD in B', then the area APB'B = three times the area d BB'o. If P'o' be a contiguous radius of curvature cutting BD in b, and P'l parallel to BD meet PB' in 7; then in the limit ol 2 o B', and therefore the area of the ultimate triangle ol P' 4 times the area of the ulti- mate triangle o B'b; or ultimately the area B'l Pb = 3 times the area o B'b. But these areas are the element- ary increments of the areas APB'B and d BB'o, which begin together from AB d. Wherefore the area APB'B - 3 times the area d BB'o. Cor. 1. Area ABD = 3 times area d BD = 3 times area AED rect. BE=3 times the generating circle. We have here another demonstration of the area. Cor. 2. Area o B'D area B'DP = segm. Pq B' (Prop. VIII.). This may be proved independently; for triangle o B' b = triangle B'lq = (ultimately) tri- angle B'Pq; but triangles o B'b, B'P q, are decre- ments of area o B'D and segment Pq B' which end together at D; .. o B'D = seg. Pq B'. 1 Hence, d B'D = generating circle. We have here, then, yet another demonstration of the area. THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 21 PROP. XIII.-If G (fig. 10) is the centre of gravity of the cycloidal arc APD, then GK, perp. to AE (the tangent at the vertex A) = AB. A Let PP' be an element of the arc APD and let PM, P'N perp. to AB intersect the semicircle AQB in Q and Q. Join AQ cutting MQ in n. Then ultimately PP' is parallel and equal to n Q' (Prop. IV.). M 2 3 IS N C B FIG. 10. K m 2 E Now, representing the mass of element PP' by its length, the moment of PP' about AE ultimately = PP'. AN = n Q'. AN = MN. AQ' (since n Q': MN :: AQ': AN) and may be represented therefore by the elementary rectangle MN q'm, of which the side Ng AQ'. Thus the moment of the arc APD about AE may be represented by the area A q'b B obtained by draw- ing the curve A q'b through all the points obtained as q' was. But since square of Ng = square of AQ' =rect. under AB, AM; Aqb is part of a parabola = 22 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. having A as vertex, AB as axis and parameter (focus at S, such that ASAB). Therefore area AB b AB. Bb; and moment of arc APD about AE 2 AB.Bb arc APD. B b = arc APD. KG) 3 3 B b = AB. MN. AQ. KG = Cor. 1. Moment of PP' about AE Cor. 2. Still representing the mass of arc by its length, that is, taking for unit of mass the mass of one unit of length of the arc, Moment of arc APD about AE = } (AB)². Cor. 3. Momt. of AP about AE is represented by area AM 7 AB. AM ÷ AM¹. AB¹. do 202 9 = AM ep or PROP. XIV.-If G (fig. 11) is the centre of gravity of the cycloidal arc APD, then GL perp. to the axis AB = BD - AB. A With same construction as in Prop. XII., FIG. 11. (AQ' and NQ intersect in ".) a' N M L B a P 22 = k G = To E H momt. of PP' abt. AB=PN. PP'=2PN. inct. of AQ THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 23 (Prop. VI.). Draw P a, P'a' parallel to AB and equal, respectively, to AQ, AQ'; complete the rectangles Na, Ma'; and produce a P to meet MP' in k. Also join BQ and let NP, MP' prod. meet a cycloidal arc BE having B as vertex and E as cusp in p and p'. Then, rect. Ma ultimately exceeds rect. Na by rect. under PN, (P'a'—P a) + rect. under a´P'. k P'. That is, inct. of rect. Na PN. inct. of AQ + AQ'. k P' momt. of PP' about AB+BQ'. MN (since AQ': BQ' :: k P` : k P′) momt. of PP' about AB+momt. of p p' about BD (Prop. XIII. Cor. 1). or Wherefore, taking all increments from A, where rect. Na has no area, to D, where N a=rect. AD, we have 2 rect. AD=momt. of arc APD about AB + 2 momt. of B p E about BD; that is, DE arc APD. GL = 2 AB. BD – 2 are Bp E. 3 2AB. GL = 2AB. BD AB. DE; ... GL = BD – } AB. 1944942 - Cor. Draw GH perp. to DE. = BD = GL + GH. Therefore GH ; Then GL + AB AB. 24 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. XV.-If G (fig. 11) is the centre of gravity of the cycloidal arc APD, and GH, GJ be drawn perp. to DE and BD, JH is a square, whose sides are each equal to AB. = 2 From Prop. XIII. EH = AB; .. DH AB. ≈ & From Prop. XIV. Cor., GH AB. Therefore, the rectangle JG is a square having each of its sides = AB. PROP. XVI.-Iƒ G' (fig. 12) is the centre of gravity of the area APDE, then G'K perp. to AE=AB. Take PP' an element of the arc APD; draw P'n perp. to AE, and PQM, P'Q'N perp. to AB, inter- ½ A Σ N C+ B FIG. 12. 1 K secting AQB in Q and Q. Complete rectangles Pn, QN. Then from Prop. IX. Cor. 1, rect. Pn = rect. QN. Now momt. of element Pn about AE, ultimately P' n. rect. P n E AN. rect. NQ momt. of NQ about AE. THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 25 Taking all such elements, we have Momt. of area APDE about AE AQB about AE. That is, G'K. area APDE But, M = K K PROP. XVII.—If G' (fig. 13) is the centre of gravity of the area APDE, HI parallel to AB through H the bisection of AE, and G'L perp. to HI, then G'LAB AB: 3B1, or G'L= AB. с N Take elements MN and M'N' equal to each other and equidistant from A and B respectively; draw M B area APDE = area AQB; .. G'K = q FIG. 13. H L P AC. area AQB. ra 2. momt. of area AC = AB. ກ. . 4 3π n' E R MQP, NP', N'R, and M'q R' parallel to BD, meet- ing APD in P, P', R and R' (Q and q being points on circle AQB). Draw P'n and R'n' perp. to AE, and complete the elementary rectangles Pn, Rn', QN and q N'. These four rectangles are equal. Now, sum of · 26 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. moments of Pn, Rn' about HI = Hn. rect. Pn + Hn' rect. R n' (H n + H n') rect. QN 2QM. rect. QN (Prop. III. Cor. 3) = 2 moment of rect. QN about AB. [This relation holds whether Pn and Rn' lie on the same side as in fig. 13 or on opposite sides of HI; for in the latter case, the moments being in opposite directions, their difference is the effective moment, and instead of (H n' + Hn) rect. QN, we get (H n' — H n) rect. QN; but when n' and n are on opposite sides of HI, Hn' — H n = 2QM. Prop. III. Cor. 3.] - Wherefore taking all the elements such as MN, M'N', from A and B to the centre C, we get Momt. of area APDE about HI= 2 momt. of semi- circle AQB about AB; that is, LG'. area APDE 2 Cg. area AQB (g being the centre of gravity of the semicircle AQB and Cg perp. to AB). And since area APDE=area AQB, LG′ = 2C 9. But we know that Cg AB AB: 3 arc AQB* (= 3BD); : : (or Cg 2AB 3π wherefore LG: AB: 2 AB 3 BD :: AB: 3BI; } (or LG'₁ = 44B) * If the reader is unfamiliar with this property, he may esta- blish it thus:-First show that projection of any element of semi- circle on tangent at the middle point of the arc has a moment about THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 27 PROP. XVIII.—If G and G' (fig. 14) are the centres of gravity of the areas APDB and APDE re- spectively, O the centre of gravity of the rectangle BE (that is the point in which HI, drawn as in last proposition, and CC, the line of centres, bisect each other), and GK, G'L are drawn perp. to HI, then ·AB= 4 OK=1AB=1AC; and GK=LG' = 2 Уп A C M F B Since O is the centre of gravity of the rectangle BE, that is, of the area APDB + the area APDE, the FIG. 14. H L P 3π Cg: 2r: 2r: 3 arc of semicircle. K E C´ D 8AC 16 That is to say Cg: 4r:: 1: 3″ :: 7 : 3πï, or moments of APDB and APDE about COC' are equal; that is, diameter equal to the moment of the element; therefore moment of semicircular arc, or π rad. x dist. of C.G from diameter = diameter × rad.; that is distance of C.G from diam. = diameter ÷ ñ. Now a semicircular area may be supposed divided into an infinite number of equal small triangles having centre for apex, and each triangle may be supposed collected at its C.G. at a distance from centre Hence C.G. of semicircular area lies at a dist. from diameter 2 diameter rad. = 28 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Similarly, 3 area APDE. OK or 4 GK = 3LG': LG'= AB 9TT Cor. 1. Since LG': AB:: AB: 3 BI (Prop. XVII.), = area APDE. OL; OK = {OL OLAB =¿ AC. 1 2 GK: AB:: AB: 9 BI. Cor. 2. G, O, and G' lie in a straight line, and OG'=30G. Cor. 3. Since moment of area AQBD about BD = (moment of ABDP-moment of AQB) about BD TAC2 3AC 4 (.3ACAC) 2 7. AC2; it follows that the C.G. of area AQBD lies at a distance = AC from BD. SCHOL.-The position of G may be thus ob- that is, or tained:- Take OKAC. Also, take BM = AB ; join MI, and let MF perp. to MI intersect DB pro- duced in F: draw KG perp. to OI and equal to BF. Then G is the centre of gravity of the area APDB. For OK = AB; and 1 2 M 8 AC 9π KG (=FB): BM ::BM : BI; KG: AB::AB: BI:: AB: 3 BI, 1 3 KG : AB :: AB : 9 BI. THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 29 PROP. XIX.-If from G (fig. 15), the centre of gravity of semi-cycloidal arc APD, GL be drawn perp. to AB, and Gl making with AB produced the angle GIA = the angle ADB; then the surface gene- rated by the revolution of the arc APD about the axis AB is equal to eight times the rectangle having sides equal to AB and Ll. By Guldinus's First Property (see note following this Proposition), the surface generated by the revolu- FIG. 15. A B 7% = P K E H D A tion of APD about AB = rect. under straight lines equal to APD and circumference of circle of radius LG. But APD-2AB, and since GL is similar to ABD, and BD the circumference of circle of radius AB, it follows that Ll circumference of circle of radius LG. Hence the surface produced by the revolution of APD about AB =rect. under 2 AB and 4 L 7 = 8 times the rectangle under AB and L 7. 30 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Cor. 1. In revolving round AB through half a right angle, APD generates a surface equal to rectangle under AB and L 1. Cor. 2. Since GL = BD-AB (Prop. XIV.), L1 = (BD —÷AB); and the surface generated by re- volution of APD about AB 4AB (BD-AB) T =8AC (T. AC-‡AC) π = π (π —‡) (AC)², 2 = 8 (7) generating circle. NOTE.—Guldinus's properties, usually demonstrated by the in- tegral calculus, are essentially geometrical. His First Property may be stated and established as follows:- If a plane curve revolve through any angle a about an axis in its own plane, the curve lying entirely on one side of the axis, the area generated by the curve is equal to a rectangle having its adjacent sides equal in length to the curve and to the are described by the centre of gravity of the curve, in revolving about the axis through the angle a. Let APB (fig. 16) be a curve lying in the same plane as OX, and entirely on one side of OX, and let it revolve around OX through FIG. 16. M ==== A X B ** an angle a to the position a p b. Then PP', an element of the arc APB, generates a corical shred of constant breadth PP' and of area ultimately PP'. arc Pp PP'. PM . a = a. moment of PP' about OX. Taking all the elementary arcs of APB in this way, the sur- face generated by the arc APB = a. moment of arc APB about OX = a. GN. arc APB; (G being the centre of gravity of the arc APB, and GN perp. to OX). a, and the area of the Or, if length of curve APB L, GN surface generated A, then A = L. ù . * THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 31 If the axis intersect the curve, then the two portions of the curve lying on either side of the axis must be separately dealt with. It is easily seen that if the curve APB is not plane, or if (whether plane or not) it is not in the same plane as OX, a similar property may be established. Let the curve be carried once round OX, and let a plane through OX intersect the surface thus generated in a curve A'P'B' (any parts of A'P'B' through which more than one part of APB may have passed being counted twice or thrice or so many times as they may have been traversed in one circuit of APB). Let L' be the length of A'P'B' (thus estimated); G' its centre of gravity (correspondingly estimating the weight of its various parts), and ū' the distance of G' from OX. Then the surface generated by the revolution of APB round OX through the angle a = L'. '. a (any part of the generated surface traversed more than once by the generating curve being counted as often as it has been so traversed). Again, if APB so move as to generate a cylindrical surface either right or oblique, and two planes through OX intersect the surface thus generated, the portion of this surface intercepted between those planes may be thus obtained :-through OX take a plane perp. to the axis of the cylindrical surface and intersecting that surface in a curve A'P'B' of length L' and having centre of gravity G'at distance a' from OX; let the portion of a straight line through G' parallel to the axis of the cylindrical surface, intercepted between the boundary planes = h; then the surface intercepted L'. a'. h. The proofs of this and the preceding extensions of Guldinus's first property depend on the same principle as the proof of 'the pro- perty itself given above. In fact, the student who has grasped the principle of that proof will perceive the extensions to be little more than corollaries. - It may be of use to note that the two extensions require two lemmas. The first requires this lemma :-If an element of arc PP' be projected orthogonally on a plane through OX and P into the elementary arc Pp, then PP' and Pp in rotating through any angle round OX generate equal surfaces. This is obvious, since they generate equal elementary surfaces in rotating through an elemen- tary angle round OX. The second extension requires this lemma :- If two planes through OX cut two parallel lines Pp, P'p' in P, P' and p,p′, the lines PP' and pp' being elementary, then two other planes through OX near to these last cutting Pp and P'p' in R, R′ and r, r', such that PR=pr, intercept equal areas PRR'P' and prr'p'. These areas are in fact ultimately parallelograms on equal bases and between the same parallels. 32 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. XX.-If from G (fig. 15), the centre of gravity of the semi-cycloidal arc APD, GH be drawn perp. to ED, and Gh making with ED produced the angle Gh H= angle ABD, then the surface generated by the revolution of the arc APD about ED as an axis is equal to eight times the rectangle under AB and Hh. The demonstration is in all respects similar to that of Prop. XIX. Cor. 1. In revolving through half a right angle, APD generates a surface equal to the rectangle under AB and H h. 3 Cor. 2. Since GH = AB (Prop. XIV. Cor.), TAB; and the surface generated by the revo- Hh= 3 lution of APD about ED=8.AB. (AB)2 32π 3 AB 3 (AC)² = 32. generating circle. = 14 8π 3 PROP. XXI.—If from G (fig. 15), the centre of gravity of the semi-cycloidal arc APD, GK be drawn perp. to AE, and G k parallel to AD meet AE in k, then the surface generated by the revolution of the arc APD about AE as axis=eight times the rectangle under AB and Kk. The demonstration is similar to that of Prop. XIX. Cor. 1. In revolving through half a right angle THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 33 FRO APD generates a surface equal to the rectangle under AB and Kk. Cor. 2. Since GK = AB (Prop. XIV.), K k = AB; and the surface generated by the revolution of 6 APD about AE=8πAB. AB_4π AB2= (AC)² 6 3 generating circle. 16 3 • APD about BD PROP. XXIII.—If from G (fig. 15), the centre of gravity of semi-cyclvidal arc APD, GJ be drawn perp. to BD, and Gj parallel to AD to meet BD produced in j, then the surface produced by the revo- lution of the arc APD about BD as axis=eight times the rectangle under AB and Jj. The demonstration is similar to that of Prop. XIX. Cor. 1. In revolving through half a right angle APD generates a surface equal to the rectangle under AB and Jj. Cor. 2. Since GJ = AB (Prop. XV.), Jj = 16π 3 8πT 3 π AB; and the surface generated by the revolution of 3 32π (AB)²=== (AC)². 3 generating circle. 32 3 A 34 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. XXIV.—If from G (fig. 17), the centre of gravity of the cycloidal area APDB, GL be drawn perp. to AB, and Gl making with AB produced the angle GIA angle ADB, then the volume gene- rated by the revolution of the area APDB around the axis AB is equal to six times the volume of a cylinder having the generating circle AQB for base and height equal to Ll. By Guldinus's Second Property (see note following this proposition) the volume generated by the revolu- 3 4 A B FIG. 17. a H た ​K h [[]] tion of surface APD around AB= volume of a right cylinder having APDB as base and height circum- ference of circle of radius LG. But area APDB- generating circle; and, as in Prop. XIX., L1= circumference of circle with radius LG. Hence the volume generated by the revolution of area APD around AB is equal to (×4 times, or) six times the volume of a cylinder having circle AQB as base and height = L % Cor. 1. The volume generated by the revolution of E = THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 35 APDB through one-third of two right angles about AB is equal to a cylinder having circle AQB as base and height = L 1. Cor. 2. Since LG = OC π =3. AC_8 AC 9πT (Prop. XVIII.) L1 = (· •G.AC-AC π; and the sur- face generated by the revolution of APDB about AB = 67 (AC)² (= AC - 44C) × = (37³ – 8″) (AC)². T 4 2 3 4AB = AL Cor. 3. Since the rectangle BE in revolving around AB generates a cylinder whose volume = AB. 7. (BD)²=2AC . π (TAC)²=2π³. (AC)³, it follows from Cor. 2 that the volume generated by APDE in revolving around AB 元 ​V = A. a. a. 16 8 3 8 = 2*³ (AC)³ — (37³ — 3- ) (AC)³= ('~' +3) (AC)². — 2 3π NOTE.--Guldinus's Second Property may be thus stated and es- tablished:- If a plane figure revolve through an angle a about an axis in its own plane (the figure lying entirely on one side of the axis), the volume of the solid generated by the figure is equal to that of a cylinder having the figure for base and its height equal to the are described by the centre of gravity of the surface in revolving through the angle a, Let AQB (fig. 18) be a plane figure, and let it revolve through an angle a about an axis OX in the same plane (AQB lying en- tirely on one side of OX) to the position of aqb. Then PP', an ele- ment of the figure's area, generates a ring of constant cross section PP' and of volume ultimately PP'. Pp PP'. PM. α = a. moment of PP' about OX. Taking all the elements of area of AQB in this way, the volume generated by the surface AQB = a. moment of the area AQB about OX = a. GN. area AQB, G being the centre of gravity of the figure AQB, and GN perp. to OX. A, GN = π, and the volume of the solid Or if area of AQB generated V, = Ca D 2 36 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. XXV.-If from G (fig. 17), the centre of gravity of the cycloidal area APDB, GH be drawn perp. to BD and Gh parallel to AD to meet BD in h, then the volume generated by the revolution of the area APDB about BD as axis is equal to six times the volume of a cylinder having the generating circle AQB for base and height equal to Hh. The demonstration is in all respects as in Prop. XXIV. Cor. 1. The volume generated by the revolution of APDB through one-third of two right angles about It is easily seen that if the figure AQB is not plane, or if, whether plane or not, it is not in the same plane as OX, a similar FIG. 18. M X A P ¿ B property may be established. Let the figure AQB be carried once round OX, and let a plane through OX intersect the surface thus generated in a curve A'Q'B' (any parts of the plane figure A'Q'B' through which more than one part of AQB may have passed being counted twice or thrice, or so many times as they may have been traversed in one circuit of AQB). Let A' be the area of A'Q'B' (thus estimated), G' its centre of gravity (correspondingly estimating the weight of its various parts), and 'the distance of G' from OX. Then the volume generated by the revolution of AQB round OX through the angle a = A'. a'. a (any part of the volume generated which is traversed more than once by the generating curve being counted as often as it is so traversed). THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 37 BD is equal to a cylinder having the circle AQB as base and height=H h. Cor. 2. Since GH=&AC (Prop. XVIII.), Hh= 5πAC; and the volume generated by the revolution of 12 APDB about AB=T. (AC)². TAC=§T² (AC)³. Cor. 3. Since the rectangle BE in revolving around BD generates a cylinder whose volume = .π (AB)²=πAC.4π (AC)² = 4π² (AC)³, it follows from Cor. 2 that the volume generated by APDE in revolving around BD 2 = 4π² (AC)³ — §π² (AC)³ = 3π² (AC)³. Again, if AQB so move as to generate a cylindrical surface either right or oblique, and two planes through OX intersect the surface thus generated, the portion of the volume of this cylinder inter- cepted between these planes may be thus obtained: -Through OX take a plane perp. to the axis of the cylindrical surface, and inter- secting that surface in a curve A'Q'B', enclosing a figure of area A', and having its centre of gravity G' at a distance a' from OX; let the portion of a straight line through G' parallel to the axis of the cylindrical surface intercepted between these bounding planes then the volume intercepted = A'. ā'. h. h; The proof of this and the preceding extension of Guldinus's second property will be found to require the two following lemmas: First, if an element of area PP' be projected orthogonally on a plane through OX and P into the elementary area Pp', then PP' and Pp' in rotating through any angle around OX generate equal elementary solids. This is obvious, since they generate equal ele- mentary solids in rotating through an elementary angle around OX. Secondly, if two planes through OX cut a parallelopipedon of ele- mentary cross section in the parallelograms PP' and pp', Pp and P'p' being two opposite edges of the parallelopipedon, then two other planes through OX near to these last, cutting Pp and P'p' in R, R', and r, r', such that PR pr, intercept equal elementary solids, P’RR'P' and prr'p'. These solids are, in fact, ultimately parallelo- pipedons on equal bases and between the same parallel planes. 38 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. XXVI.—If from G' (fig. 17), the centre of gravity of the cycloidal area APDE, G'K be drawn perp. to AE and G'k parallel to AD to meet AE in k, then the volume generated by the revolution of the area APDE about AE as axis is equal to twice the volume of a cylinder having the generating circle AQB for base and height equal to Kk. The demonstration is as in Prop. XXIV., except that the area APDE = a third only of the area APDB. Cor. 1. The volume generated by the revolution of APDE through two right angles about AE = a cylinder having circle AQB as base, and height equal to K k. Cor. 2. Since G'K=AC (Prop. XVI.), Kk = ZAC; and the volume generated by the revolution of APDE about AE = π (AC)². (AC)². "AC="²(AC)³. 2 2 Cor. 3. Since the volume generated by the revolu- tion of rectangle BE around AE=472 (AC)³ (see Prop. XXV. Cor. 3), it follows from Cor. 2 that the volume generated by APDB in revolving around AE = 4″² (AC)³ — ~² (AC)³ = 77² (AC)³. π2 2 2 THE RIGHT CYCLOID. 39 PROP. XXVII.-If from G' (fig. 17), the centre of gravity of the cycloidal area APDE, G'J be drawn perp. to DE and G'j parallel to AD to meet DE in j. then the volume generated by the revolution of the area APDE around DE as axis is equal to twice the volume of a cylinder having the generating circle AQB for base and height equal to Ïj. The demonstration is as in Prop. XXIV., modified as in Prop. XXVI. Cor. 1. The volume generated by the revolution of APDE through two right angles about AE = a cylinder having circle AQB as base, and height equal to Jj. Cor. 2. Since G'J = AE 8 2 3π AC (Prop. XVII.) 8 4 = (¦) — 3,2) AC, J ;= (1,2 − 1 ) AC; and the volume j (7 2 generated by the revolution of APDE around DE T 8 .2 7 = π (AC)² ( 7 ² — § ) AC = ( ;² — 87 ) (AC)². 2 3 Cor. 3. Since the volume generated by the revo- lution of the rectangle BE around DE=27³ (AC)³ (Prop. XXIV. Cor. 3), it follows from Cor. 2 that the volume generated by APDB in revolving around DE 3 = 2π³ (AC)³ — (1² — 8,7) (AC)³ = (37³+87) (AC)². — 2 3 40 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. SECTION II. THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. DEFINITIONS. The Epicycloid is the curve (as D'AD, fig. 19, Plate I.) traced out by a point on the circumference of a circle (as AQB) which rolls without sliding on a fixed circle (as BDB') in the same plane, the rolling circle touching the outside of the fixed circle. The Hypocycloid is the curve (as D'AD, fig. 20, Plate I.) traced out by a point on the circumference of a circle (as AQB) which rolls without sliding on a fixed circle (as BDB') in the same plane, the rolling circle touching the inside of the fixed circle. What follows applies to both figures unless special reference is made to one only, and in every demonstration in this section two figures are given, one illustrating a property of the epicycloid, the other illustrating the same property of the hypocycloid, but the de- monstration applying equally to either figure, unless special refer- ence is made to one only. The student will do well to read each proof twice, using first one figure, then the other. For convenience the word 'cycloidal' throughout this section is to be understood to signify either epicycloidal or hypocycloidal according to the figure followed. [NOTE.-It will be shown in Prop. I. of the pre- THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 41 sent section that if two circles AQB and AQ'B', touching at B, touch a fixed circle BDB' at the ex- tremities of a diameter BOB', then the same curve is traced out by the point A on the circle AQB rolling in contact with the circle BDB', as by the point A on the circle AQ'B' rolling in contact with the same circle BDB'. We may therefore, in what follows, limit our attention to cases in which the centre O lies outside the rolling circle. According to the definitions given above, the curve traced out by A, fig. 19, is an epi- cycloid whether AQB or AQ'B' is the rolling circle. It may be well to mention that it has hitherto been customary to regard the curve traced out by A on AQB, fig. 19, as an epicycloid, and the same curve traced out by A on AQ'B' as an external hypocycloid. Instead of defining the hypocycloid as the curve ob- tained when the rolling circle touches the outside of the fixed circle, it has hitherto been usual to define it as the curve obtained when either the convexity of the rolling circle touches the concavity of the fixed circle, or the concavity of the rolling circle touches the convexity of the fixed circle. There is a manifest want of symmetry in the resulting classification, see- ing that while every epicycloid is thus regarded as an external hypocycloid, no hypocycloid can be regarded as an internal epicycloid. Moreover, an external hypo- cycloid is in reality an anomaly, for the prefix 'hypo' used in relation to a closed figure like the fixed circle implies interiorness.] Let BDB' (radius F) be the fixed circle, AQB 42 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. (radius R) the rolling circle. If the centre of the latter circle move in the direction shown by the arrow, it is manifest that at regular intervals the tracing point will coincide with the circumference BDB', as at D', D, &c. (E'q'D' and EqD being the correspond- ing positions of the rolling circle), while midway be- tween two such coincidences the tracing point will be at its greatest diametral distance from D'BD as at A (AQB being the corresponding position of the rolling circle), ACB the diameter through the tracing point passing when produced through O, the diameter of the fixed circle. It is clear also from the way in which the curve is traced out that the parts AP'D and APD are similar and equal. Wherefore AB is called the axis of the cycloidal arc D'AD. The circular arc D'BD is the base, A the vertex, and the points D' and D are the cusps. It is convenient to call the radius to the tracing point the tracing radius, and the diameter through the tracing point the tracing diameter. The tracing circle in the position AQB is called the central generating circle; and straight lines passing through the centres of both the fixed and rolling circles are said to be diametral. The arc Ce is called the are of centres, and the circle of which it is part the circle of centres. Let a circle EAE be described with centre O and radius OA, and let OD' and OD (produced if neces- sary) meet this circle in E and E'; then it is clear that D'd' and Dd, the parts of the cycloidal curve on either side of D'E' and DE, are symmetrical with regard to THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 43 these lines respectively, which are therefore secondary Also E'AE touches the curve D'AD in A. axes. The complete curve, either of an epicycloid or of a hypocycloid, consists of an infinite number of equal cycloidal arcs, but when the radii F and R are com- mensurable in length, the curve is re-entering, and may be described as consisting of a finite number of arcs.* Thus if R = F the rolling circle will make one complete circuit of the fixed circle between each suc- cessive coincidence of the tracing point with the fixed circle; hence D and D' will coincide, and there will be but one cusp. (No hypocycloid can be traced with these radii.) If RF, each base as DD' will be equal to half the circumference of the fixed circle, and there will be but two cusps. Similarly if RF, 1F, 1F, &c., there will be 3, 4, 5, &c., cusps, respectively. In these cases the complete cycloidal arc will consist of a number of equal arcs, standing on equal parts of one circuit of the fixed circle's circumference. Again, if mR = nF, where n and m are integers prime to each other, then m circumferences of the smaller circle will be equal to n circumferences of the larger. Con- sequently there will be m cusps in the complete cy- cloidal curve, and the base of each cycloidal are will be equal to one mth part of n circumferences of the N fixed circle, that is to theth part of the circumfer- M. *Theoretically it consists in that case of an infinite number of arcs, occupying a finite number of positions, and consequently each are coinciding with an infinite number of other ares belonging to the curve. 44 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. ence of this circle. Wherefore if n > m, the base is greater than the circumference of the fixed circle, but if n QK perp. to AB; .'. .arc BQ > OB ML, perp. to AB and meeting OQ produced in L (for : : OM OB > OM OK). But ML are MQ. > A fortiori, then, OM OB arc BQ> arc MQ.] ... since arc M m = OM OB · • arc AQ+arc MQ. arc AQ arc AQ + while and P falls between OA and OE; arc M m > arc MP, that is, the whole arc APD lies between OA and OE. Cor. 3. The arc P marc M m are MP OM OB padahal OM OB are AQ + are MQ, ов arc BQ. W . * • arc AQB. My • OM ов arc BQ, arc MQ. Cor. 4. If through P', a point near P, arc P'pQ be drawn concentric with the base BD, meeting AQB in Q and cutting A'PB' in q, then in the limit arc AQ arc MQ * The part in [] fails for hypocycloid. Substitute the follow- ing:---Let OQ produced meet arc BD in H, draw BF perp. to OH and describe BFO. Then, arc BH=arc BF (of half rad. and double Z at centre); but arc BF < arc BQ, .chd. BF OM BQ'Q. Hence arc BQ > arc > are MQ. ΟΜ OB arc MQ; i.c. • arc BQ THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID, 49 OM OB and (when P' is very near to P), arc P'Q': arc PQ OM arc P'Q'-arc PQ (=qP')= OB (arc A'q — arc A'P) ов or, in the limit, OM OB are A'P; • : = OM arc Pq; OB I P' arc Pq:: OM : OB. arc A'q; PROP. IV.—A, B, C, D, E, &c. (figs. 25 and 26, p. 51) representing the same points as in the preceding propo- sition, the area APDBQ = half the area ABDE; or area APDBQ generating circle: OC: OB. E therefore, Take CL=CL', on AB; and LK, L'K' equal ele- ments of AB, both towards C. Draw LQ, Kq, K'q', and L'Q' at right angles to AB to meet AQB; and about O as centre describe arcs QP, qp, q'p', and Q'P, meeting APD. Let Oq, produced if necessary, meet QP in n; draw Qk perpendicular to Kq; join C q, and draw Cm perpendicular to O q, produced if necessary. Then ultimately the triangles Qkq and q KC are similar, as are the triangles Q qn and q C m (for Q4 C being ultimately a right angle, Qq n is ulti- mately the complement of C q m and therefore equal to q Cm). Hence the quadrilateral Q nqk is similar to the quadrilateral qm C k, and qn : Q k(=LK) :: Cm : Kq :: CO : 90 (triangles CO m and 9 OK being similar). Hence 50 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Area QP p q (ult.=rect. n q, QP): rect. LK, QP :: CO: 90; but, : rect. LK, QP rect. LK, Aq: QP: A q :: 90: BO (Prop. II.); area QP p q rect. LK, Ag:: CO: BO :: Cc: BD; ... ex æq. similarly, area Q'P'p'q': rect. L'K', A q' (or LK, Bq) :: Cc: BD; с · ·. QPpq+Q'P'p'q' : rect. LK, Aq+Bq (or LK, BD) :: Cc: BD; wherefore QPpq+Q'P'p'q' rect. LK, C c. ... summing all such elements between AE and BD, Area APDBQ=rect. under AC, Cc area ABDE. or, area APDBQ gen. :: OC: OB. : Cor. 1. Since, for epicycloid, C c = F+R F+R F O AQB, F gen. O F+R area APDBQ= F.AC. AQB= and the area between epicycloidal arc and base F+R 3 F+2R (2. F +1) gen. F gen. O For the hypocycloid, area APDBQ = F-R • F gen. ; • and the area between hypocycloidal arc and base 3 F-2 R F . gen. O Cor. 2. If AB is the axis of a cycloid (A the ver- tex) and LQ produced meet this cycloid in R, then Area AQP area AQR:: OC: OB.* * This relation, which follows directly from the proportion on the fifth line of this page, might have been employed to establish the main proposition. I preferred, however, to give an independent proof. THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 51 Cor. 3. Epicyc. area APDE = (F+R) gen. O Hypocycloidal area APDE = A K RX. a FIG. 25. m D F+2R F-2 R E APDBQ — AQB 2 F gen. 0. P 2 F gen. O P FIG. 26. ALK B Cor. 4. Area AQP + area BQ'P'D=rect. AL, C c ; and, area QQ'P'P rect. under LC, C c. PROP. V.—If P is a point on the epicycloidai or hy- pocycloidal arc APD (figs. 27 and 28) A'PB' the generating circle when the tracing point is at P, A'C'B' diametral, then PB' is the normal and A'P is the tangent at the point P. Since, when the tracing point is at P, the generat- ing circle A'PB' is turning round the point B', the direction of the motion of the tracing point at P must 52 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. be at right angles to PB';-wherefore PB' is the normal and AP is the tangent at P. Another Demonstration. (See p. 8.) Take P'a point near to P and draw PQM, P'Q concentric with BD; PQM meeting AB in M and cutting AQB in Q; and P'Q'N cutting AQB and FIG. 27. (Join PC', AQ.) A M L K B 4. P R R G FIG. 28. (Join AQ.) di ["] E E PnP A IM JO K B A'PB' in Q and q. Join PC', PO, and let C's pa- rallel to PO meet PB' (produced in case of epicycloid) in s. Then (Prop. III. Cor. 4) arc q P' arc Pq:: PO B'O:: C's: C'B' (= C'P); or the sides about the angles Pq P', PC's are propor- tional; but these angles are ultimately equal, for P q is ultimately perp. to C'P, and P'q to PO, that is to C's. Therefore the triangles P q P' and PC's are ultimately similar; and the third side PP' of one is perp. to the THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 53 third side P s of the other. That is PB' is the normal at P, and therefore PA' perp. to PB' is the tangent at P. Cor. 1. If PB' intersect Q'P' in l, and s C' pro- duced meet PA' in k, the triangle PP'7 is ultimately similar to the triangle s P k. Cor. 2. If B'q be joined and produced to meet PP' in n, then qn is ultimately perp. to PP'; wherefore if C'N be drawn perp. to B'P, the figure P'q P'n l is ulti- mately similar to the figure PC's Nk; whence PP' Pn:: Ps: PN. SCHOL. As in Schol. p. 9 (obviously modified), a tangent may be drawn to APD from any point on APD or AA'E. djm PROP. VI. With the same construction as in Prop. V., Arc AP chord AQ: 2CO: BO. : Since qn is ultimately perpendicular to PP', Pn is ultimately equal to the excess of chord A'q over chord A'P. Now from Cor. 2, Prop. V., PP' PnsP: NP: 2 s P : B'P : ::2C0:B0::2CO : B0, or, inct. of AP: inct. of ch. A'P (or AQ):: 2 CO: BO. But arc AP and chord AQ begin together, wherefore Arc AP chord AQ:: 2 CO : BO. Cor. 1. Arc APD: AB:: 2 CO: BO. Cor. 2. For the epicycloid, Are APD = AB. 2 ( F + R) __ 4 R (F + R) F F 54 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. For the hypocycloid, Arc APD = AB. 2 (F-R) 4 R (F-R F F Cor. 3. PP': Pn :: 2 CO: BO. Cor. 4. PP' n P' :: 2 CO: 2 CO-BO :: 2 CO : 40. Cor. 5. P n n P' :: BO : AO. PROP. VII.—PROB. To divide the arc of an epicycloid or a hypocycloid into parts which shall be in any given ratio to each other. Let a straight line ab (figs. 27 and 28) be divided into any parts in the points c and d it is required to divide the arc APD in the same ratio. : Divide AB in L and K, so that Similarly Therefore AL LK KB:: ac: cd: db; : : with centre A and radii AL and AK, describe circular arcs LQ, Kr, cutting the semicircle AQB in Q and r ; through which points draw the arcs QP, r P, concen- tric with BD. Then Arc AP chord AQ (= AL):: 2 CO BO. : Arc AR Arc PR AK:: 2 CO: BO; LK :: 2 CO: BO. Similarly Arc RD: KB:: 2 CO: BO, therefore Arc AP arc PR arc RD:: AL: LK : KB accddb; .. ► • THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 55 or, the arc APD is divided into the points P and R in the required manner. Similarly may the arc APD be divided into four, five, or any number of parts, bearing to each other any given ratios. PROP. VIII.—With same construction as in Prop. V., Area ABB'P (figs. 27 and 28): sectorial area A'B'P :: area B'PD : segm. PFB' :: 2 CO + BO: BO. Let b be the point of contact of tracing and fixed circles, when tracing point is at P'; join b P', BQ, and BQ'; and draw bi perpendicular to Ps. Then triangle b B'i is similar to B'C'N, therefore to PC'N, and therefore (Prop. V., Cor. 2) to Pqn; and B' b=Pq: therefore P qn and b B'i are equal in all respects; and Pn=bi. Now elementary area PP'b B' is ultimately equal to trapezium Pib P, -half rect. under Pi and (PP' + bi) half rect. under PB' and (PP' + Pn) ultimately and elementary area QBQ' is ultimately equal to tri- angle PB' q = half rect. under PB' and P n, ultimately. ‚·. area PP' b B': area QBQ' :: PP' + P n : Pn :: 2 CO + BO : BO (Cor. 3, Prop. VI.). Thus the increment of area ABB'P, or the decrement of area B'PD, bears to the increment of area A'B'P, or the decrement of area PFB', the constant ratio 56 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. (2 CO+BO): BO. But the areas ABB'P and B'PD commence together, and the areas A'B'P, PFB′ end together, as P passes from A to D; hence Area ABB'P: sectorial area A'B'P :: area B'PD: segment PFB' :: 2 CO + BO : BO. and Cor. 1. Pn = bi; PP' bi :: PP' : Pn :: 2 CO: BO. : Cor. 2. Area B'FPD: seg. B'FP :: 2 CO : BO. This can be proved independently, in the same manner as the corresponding relation for the cycloid, Cor. 1, Prop. VIII., Cycloid.* SCHOL.-The above affords a new demonstration of the property proved in Prop. IV. Cor. 2 also, if independently established, gives another proof of the area. * The proof may be effected in two ways, both analogous to the proof for cycloid,-viz., either by making the sides of elements such as ff' and FF' concentric with BD, or by making them perpen- dicular to A'B'. In the former case we find the decrement of space PFB'D P'q B'b, that is (ultimately) = P'n B'b, and the rest of the proof is like the above. In the latter case we find the decrement of PFB'D = a rect under C'e' (c' centre of F'P') and projection of B'q on A'B'; and decrement PFB′ = triangle PB'b = rect. under B'b and projection of B'q on A'B'; therefore = decrement of PFB'D: decrement of PFB' :: 2C'c': B′b; area PFB'D: area PFB' :: 20'c': B'b: 2CO: BO. that is, THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 57 PROP. IX.—If P(figs. 28 and 29) be a point on the epicycloidal or hypocycloidal arc APD, ånd OP, OA, OD be joined, and PM be drawn perp. to A'B', the dia- metral of the generating circle A'PB' through P, then Area APO : rect. OC (arc A'P+ PM) :: OA : 2 BO. The area APO sector OBB' + AOB'P ± area ABB'P (taking the upper sign for the epicycloid, and the lower sign for the hypocycloid, throughout); FIG. 30. M BA M therefore, FIG. 29. C B 2 area APO = OB. arc BB' + OB'. PM 2 CO + BO BO (2 area A'B'P); = OB arc A'P + OB. PM + 2 CO+ BO BO (OBAC) arc A'P + (OB ± AC) PM . (AC. arc A'P+AC. PM); 58 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. +1 = (co Now, and ... ex æq., But ... 2 CO. AC BO CO± • arc A'P + 2 CO. AC)arc A'P BO 2 +(CO±²CO.AC) PM; BO± : 2 CO. AC BO = CO OA CO. (arc A'P + PM); BO BO 12 AC) (arc A'P + FM); BO therefore, area APO : rect. OC (arc A'P + PM) :: AO: 2 BO. Cor. 1. Area APDO: rect. OC, BD:: AO: 2 BO. Cor. 2. Area DPO : rect. OC (arc B′P – PM) :: AO: 2 BO. Cor. 3. APDO: sect. OBD:: AO. CO: (BO)2. Cor. 4. APDO: sect. OC c (figs. 25 and 26) ::sect. OA a: APDO :: AO : CO. • NOTE.-The above demonstration might have been readily made geometrical in form as it is in substance; but it would have been more cumbrous and not so easily followed. The student should, however, note the following independent demonstration (which occurred to me after the above had been corrected for press) :- In figs. 27, 28, p. 52, let OP intersect P' in h; draw PH perp. to sk and PM' perp. to A'B'. Then the ultimate increment of area APO = rect. OP, h P'; while the corresponding increment of rect. OC (arc A'P+ PM') = rect. OC, inct. of (arc A'P + PM'). Therefore, former inct. latter inct.::OP.h P: OC, inct. of (arc A'P + PM'). h P': Pq :: s H: C'P : Pq inct. (arc A'P + PM') :: C'P: B'M' h P' inct. (arc A'P+ PM'): :sH: B'M' OP: ::s C': C'B' OB' . PM; OP. h P': OB'. inct. (arc A'P + PM') : : 8 H . s C′ : B′M'. C'B' ::s P.SN: B'P. B'N (since C', P', H, P, N, lie on a O). THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 59 or, Wherefore, increasing OB' in 2nd term to OC, and B'P in 4th to 8 P (or both in the same ratio, since triangles & B'C, PB'O are similar), OP.h P': OC. inct. (arc A'P + PM'): :s P. s N:s P. B'N :: 8N B'N :: C'B' + B'O : B'O ¦ :: AO: BO; inct. area APO: inct. rect. OC (arc A'P + PM')::AO: 2 BO Area APO rect. OC (arc A'P + PM') :: AO : 2 BO. Cors. 1, 2, 3, and 4, follow as before. SCHOL.-We have here an independent demonstration of the area of the epicycloid and hypocycloid, since Area APDO = area ABD ± area APDB. OBD PROP. X.-With the same construction as in former Propositions (figs. 31 and 32), Area APA': segment A' h P :: AO : BO. Let a P'B be the position of the tracing circle when tracing point is at P' near to P; a cb O diametral. Draw q P' concentric with BD and AE, join A' q, a P', A'P'; also producing A'a to T and qP to t, draw P'T and A't perp. to A'T and P t respectively. Then A'PP'a, the increment of AA'P=rect. under A'a, P'T ultimately; and A'P 4, the increment of segment A'h P=rect. under P q, A't ultimately. But ultimately the right-angled triangles A'tq and P'T a are equal in all respects (since A'q= a P', and angle A'qt angle at circumference on segment A'q angle at circumference on segment a P′ angle P'at) therefore P't A'T, and increment of AA'P: increment of segment A'h P :: A'a : Pq (= B′b) :: AO : BO; 60 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. : or since these areas begin together, area AA'P: segment A'h P :: AO : BO. Cor. Area AA'h P: seg. A'h P :: 2 CO : BO ( :: AO+BO : BO). This may readily be established independently—by showing that ultimately area A'ah' P’Ph: ▲A'P q:: 2 C'c : B′b :: 2 CO : BO.* FIG. 31. A SOR C B -X Q B b T q 12 B' P T X- SCHOL. Since it follows that area APDE: ! E B ทา A R FIG. 32. gen. o :: AO : BO, * A line from h', perp. to A'B', to meet A' P= C'c; and a line from P, perp. to A'B', to meet A'q=Pq=B' b. THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 61 we have here another demonstration of the area of APDE. Further, since. 1 gen. o: area ABDE:: CB, BD : 2. CB, arc C c' :: BD:4Cc :: BO:4CO, it follows, ex æquali, that area APDE: area ABDE :: AO: 4 CO. Yet again, from the corollary we see that Area APDQ´E: generating circle :: 2 CO: BO :: ½ area ABDE: generating circle, ... area APDQ'E = area ABDE, which is the relation established in Prop. IV. If established independently, as explained above, this leads to another demonstration of the area. NOTE. Arc APD divides the area AQBDQ'E into two equal areas. PROP. XI.—If PB'v (figs. 33, 34) is the radius of curvature at P, and PB' the normal, then Po: PB' :: 2 CO: AO. With so much of the construction of figs. 27, 28 as is shown in figs. 33, 34, produce P'b to meet PB' produced in o', then o is the limiting position of o' as P' moves up to P. Now since PP' is ultimately parallel to bi, therefore ultimately Po B'o' PP' bi: 2 CO: BO :: : (Prop. VIII., Cor. 1), wherefore Po: PB': 2 CO: 2 CO - BO:: 2 CO: CO + AC, or ultimately Po: PB': 2 CO: AO. 62 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Cor. 1. For the epicycloid, radius of curvature = and for the hypocycloid, radius of curvature = A B a FIG. 33. C O. 2 (F + R) F+2R 2 (FR) F-2R E • E NA · FIG. 34. normal; B normal. A C B d Cor. 2. PB': B'o :: 2 CO-BO: BO :: AO: BO :: F + 2 R : F for the epicycloid; :: F-2 R: F for the hypocycloid. SCHOL.-We see from Cor. 1 that when F = 2 R the radius of curvature of the hypocycloid is infinite, or the hypocycloid degenerates into a straight line. See further the Appendix to this section, pp. 66 to 68. THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 63 you PROP. XII.—The evolute of the epicycloid or hypocy- clvid APD (figs. 33 and 34) is a similar epicycloid or hypocycloid, do D, having its vertex at D, and its cusp d so placed on OA (produced if necessary), that dB: BA: OB: 0A; or, which is the same thing, Od: OB :: OB : OA. Join OD and describe the arc dae with O as centre and radius Od. Produce A'B' to O, cutting (fig. 33) or meeting (fig. 34) de in a', and join o a'. Then B'A': a'B' :: BA: dB:: AO: BO :: PB': B'o (Prop. XI., Cor. 2); that is, the sides about the equal angles o B'a'; PB'A' are proportionals; therefore the triangles 'B'a', PB'A' are similar, and the angle a'o B' (= the angle B'PA') is a right angle. Hence a circle described on B'a' as diameter will pass through o. Again the angles A'B'P and a'B'o at the circumferences of the circles A'B'P and a'B'o being equal, arc o a: arc PA' (=arc BB') :: a'B': B'A':: OA: OB :: OB: Od :: arc da' : arc BB'. Therefore, arc o d'arc d a', and o is a point on an epicycloid (fig. 33) or hypocycloid (fig. 34) having de for base, its cusp at d and B'o a' as tracing circle. Since de BD:: od: OB:: Bd: AB : :: arc B'o a': arc A'PB' (= BD); de arc B'o a'; therefore so that e D is the axis and D the vertex of the epi- cycloid or hypocycloid do D. 64 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Cor. If c is the bisection of e D, с oP: 0 B': 2CO: AO: 2c0: DO; therefore (Prop. VI.), o Parco D. If, then, a string coinciding with the arc do D and fastened at d, be unwrapped from this arc, its extremity will always lie on the arc APB, which may thus be traced out as the involute of the arc do D. SCHOL. A convenient construction for finding the base, &c., of the evolute do D is indicated by the dotted lines in the figures: thus, join AD, then Be parallel to AD gives Oe (on OE, produced if necessary), the radius of the base e d. PROP. XIII.—If do D (figs. 33, 34) be the evolute of the epicycloid or hypocycloid APD, and o B'P, the radius of curvature at any point P on APD, cut the base BD in B', then area APB'B: area d BB'o :: rect. under AO (AO + 2BO): square on BO. If P'o' be a contiguous radius of curvature cutting BD in b, and bi is drawn perp. to o B'P, then in the limit o Poi: 2CO: BO; therefore ult. area Po P' : ult. area o ib :: 4(CO)² : (BO)², whence, ultimately area PB'b P: area o B'b: 4 (CO)² — (BO)² : (BO)² ::rect. (2CO - BO) (2CO + BO): sq. on BO :: rect. AO (AO + 2BO) : sq. on BO. THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 65 But the areas PB'b P' and o B'b are the elementary increments of the areas APB'B and d BB'o, which begin together. Therefore, area APB'B: area d BB'o :: rect. under OA (AO + 2BO) : sq. on BO. Cor. 1. Area APDB: area do DB :: area PB'D: area o B'D ::rect. under OA (AO + 2BO): sq. on BO. Cor. 2. Since area do DB : area APDE :: (BO)² : (AO)², it follows (ex æq.) that area APDB: area APDE :: AO (AO+2BO) : (AO)² :: AO + 2BO: AO :: (3F + 2R) : (F + 2R) for the epicycloid :: (3F — 2R): (F2R) for the hypocycloid. SCHOL.-It follows from Cor. 2 that Area APDE: area ABDE :: AO : 2(AO + BO) :: AO: 4CO, which is one of the relations established in the scho- lium on Prop. X. Hence we have in Prop. XIII. another method of demonstrating the area of the epi- cycloid and the hypocycloid. F 66 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. APPENDIX TO SECOND SECTION. There are many forms, both of the epicycloid and of the hypocycloid, which possess interesting proper- ties. For the most part the general properties esta- blished in the preceding section will suffice to enable the student to deduce the properties of special forms of these curves. For this reason, and also because of the requirements of space, I shall only touch briefly here on a few points in connection with the forms assumed by epicycloids and hypocycloids for certain values of the radii of the fixed and rolling circles. I do not make set propositions of these points, but present them in such sequence as appears most convenient and suit- able. THE STRAIGHT HYPOCYCLOID. The hypocycloid becomes a straight line when the diameter of the rolling circle is equal to the radius of the fixed circle. This in reality has been already demonstrated, be- cause we have seen in the scholium to Prop. XI. that the radius of curvature of the hypocycloid becomes infinite when F 2R. Also the relation is involved. in the demonstration of Prop. I. For when the two roll- ing circles (figs. 21 and 22) are equal, each having its dia- meter equal to the radius of the fixed circle, the curve THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 67 traced out by each must be a straight line. Thus,- let BOB' (fig. 35) be the diameter of the fixed circle, and its halves BO, OB', the diameters of the two equal rolling circles; then by what is shown in Prop. I. of this section the point O on BQO will trace out the same curve as the point O on B'Q'O, but since the circles BQO and B'Q'O are equal, this curve, regarded 0. FIG. 35. B D as traced out by O on BQO, must bear the same re- lation in all respects to the axis OB that the same. curve regarded as traced out by O on B'Q'O bears to the axis OB', and the only line which can possibly fulfil this condition is the diameter D'OD at right angles to BOB'. This then must be the path traced out by the point O in each case. Let us proceed, however, to an independent de monstration. F 2 68 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. When the circle OQB has rolled to the position Opb (Ocb its diameter), let p be the point which had been at B, so that drawing the diameter pc P, P is the position of the tracing point. Then the arc pb is equal to the arc Bb; and therefore, since F=2R, the angle Bob is equal to half the angle bep, that is to the angle bPp: but BOp and Ob P are alternate angles ; wherefore bP is parallel to BO; and OP, which (OP¿ being a semicircle) is perpendicular to bP, is perpen- dicular to BO. P therefore lies on the diameter D'OD at right angles to BOB'; which was to be shown. Cor. The point p lies on OB (the angles c Op and c OB being each equal to half the angle b cp). USEFUL GENERAL PROPOSITION. The following property is worth noticing. It is true of course for the cycloid also. A diameter of the generating circle of an epicycloid or hypocycloid constantly touches the epicycloid or hypocycloid which would be generated by a circle of half the diameter, alternate cusps of this epicycloid or hypocycloid falling on successive cusps of the former. It will suffice to demonstrate the property for the epicycloid. Let AQB (fig. 36) be the generating circle of an epicycloid when the tracing point is at A, the vertex of the epicycloid. When the circle has rolled to posi- tion a Pb, let pc P be the position of the diameter which had originally been in position ACB. Draw b P' perpendicular to p P, and on cb describe the semi- circle cP'b, having c' as its centre and passing through THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 69 } P' because c P'b is a right angle. Then because the angle P'c'b twice the angle P'cb, and c'b = half cb, the arc P'b = arc pb =arc Bb. Wherefore P' is a point on an epicycloid traced out by the rolling of c Pb on BD, B being a cusp. D is the next cusp, be- cause the base of the smaller epicyloid being equal to the circumference of generating circle e P'b circum- ference of semicircle AQB=BD. Also p P'c P is the tangent at P' by what has been already shown respect- ing the tangent to an epicycloidal arc. The student will find it a useful exercise to prove the property established in Prop. I. of the present Fic. 36. (Draw in epicyeloid on base BD, touching cp in P'.) A B a D : section in the manner illustrated by figs. 37 and 38, where APB is the arc traced out by point A on each of the circles AQB, AQ'B'. The construction and proof for the epicycloid (fig. 37) run as follows: ABOB' being a common diameter of all three circles at the beginning of the rolling motion, let P be the position of the tracing point of the smaller rolling circle when its centre is at c. Draw the diametral line acb Of, and the diameter Pep. Join Pb and pro- 70 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. 20 duce to meet the circle BDB' in b', produce b’O to c', taking Oc' R, so that b'e F + R, and join Pe; = then since bPbb abbf: R: F:: Oc': Ob Pc' is parallel to Ob, and the triangle b'e'P, like tri- angle 'Ob, is isosceles (c'b' d'P). With centre d' and radius c'P or c′b′ ( = F + R) describe the circle b p' FIG. 37. A R B B = ૧ b a D 'Pa'; produce Pc' to meet this circle in p'. Now, arc Bb arc b p; ... angle pcb: angle BOb:: F: R; = but angle pcb 2 angle cb P = 2 angle Obb' = angle l'Of ...angle b′Oƒ(= angle b'c'p') : angle BOb :: F: R; and b'ép': U'′OB' :: F: F+R :: B′O: b'c'. टोक THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 71 Whence it follows that arc b'p' = arc b'B'; and P is, therefore, a point on the curve traced out by A (on the circle AQ'B'), rolling so that its inside touches the outside of the fixed circle BDB', ABOB' being ori- ginally diametral. The same curve APB is traced out, then, by the point A on each of the circles AQB and AQ'B'. के FIG. 38. p Q p Cor. If we produce b'O to meet the circle b'P a' in a', and join Pa', then a P and Pa' are in the same straight line. The construction and proof for the hypocycloid (fig. 38) are similar, writing only - R for R. The curve enveloped by a diameter of the gene- rating circle of an epicycloid produced by the rolling 72 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. of a circle larger than the fixed circle, and touching this circle internally, will be an epicycloid if the radius of the rolling circle exceeds the diameter of the fixed circle; but if the rolling circle has a radius less than the diameter of the fixed circle, the curve enveloped by a diameter of the rolling circle will be a hypocycloid. The proof for both cases is easily derived from the demonstration in pp. 68, 69, the dotted line and circle. of fig. 37 showing the nature of the construction. The curve enveloped by a diameter of the gene- rating circle of a hypocycloid is shown by reasoning similar to that in pp. 68, 69, to be the hypocycloid traced out by a generating circle of half the diameter, alternate cusps of the smaller hypocycloid agreeing with successive cusps of the larger. The dotted line and circle in fig. 38 indicate the requisite construction when the rolling circle has a diameter greater than F. THE FOUR-POINTED HYPOCYCLOID. It follows from the property indicated in the preced- ing paragraph that the diameter OB of the rolling circle BQO (fig. 35) constantly touches a hypocycloid having four cusps, at B, D, B', and D'. As the extremities p and P of the diameter lie always on BB' and D'D respectively, we have in this result the solution of the problem to determine the envelope of a finite straight line pc P, whose extremities slide along the fixed straight lines BOB' and DOD' at right angles to each other.'" The direct proof is simple, however. Thus let p P be C THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 22 the straight line in any position. Complete the rect- angle Opb P, whose diagonals Ob and p P are equal and bisect each other in c. With centre O and radius Ob, describe the circle BbDB', and draw b P' perpen- dicular to pP. Then a circle on cb, as diameter, passes through P'. Let c' be the centre of this circle; then c'b=10b: but ▲ bc'P' 2 ≤ b c P′ = 4 ≤ b OB; therefore arc b P' arc pB. Hence P' is a point on the hypocycloid traced out by circle b P' c rolling on the inside of the circle BDB', the cusps lying at B, D, B', and D'.* = THE CARDIOID. The cardioid, or epicycloid traced by a point on the circumference of a circle rolling on an equal circle, has some interesting properties. Here, however, space cannot be found for more than a few words about the chief characteristics which distinguish this curve. Let AQB (fig. 39) be the rolling circle, B b S the fixed circle, A the tracing point when at the vertex, so that ACBOS is diametral. Now let a Pb be another *The four-pointed hypocycloid BDB'D' is interesting in many respects. It bears the same relation to the evolute of the ellipse that the circle bears to the ellipse. Its equation may readily be obtained. Thus, let DOD' be axis of x, BOB' axis of y, and r, y co-ordinates of P'; put Bob = 0; OB = a; then, x = p P' sin - pb sin 0-a sin ³ 0; 0 = PP' cos 0 bp cos2 0=a cos³ 0; = 3 У .. x²+y=a³, the required equation. 2 Come + y² b2 The equation to the evolute of the ellipse び ​# (*) + (42) = 1; where a' = a — 44 > and l' * = 1) is V. a² b 74 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. position of the rolling circle, a cb O diametral. Draw the common tangent bm, meeting ABS in m; draw also mpc P through c, the centre of circle a Pb; join PS, cutting mb in n; bk perpendicular to AS; and join b P, b S. Then, since cb = b 0, and 1 m is perp. to c O, triangle cbm triangle Obm in all respects; and arc bp arc b B. Wherefore, P is the position of the tracing point; Pa is the tangent to the cardioid FIG. 39. (Produce Pb to meet Ob BS in g; join pb, b' P′.) A ఆ g = C V ሙ B R Q U a } I es S P at P, Pb is the normal. The curve will manifestly have the shape indicated in the figure, the only cusp being at S, and the tracing point returning to A after tracing the other half SP'A. AS divides the curve symmetrically. Note first that Pn=nS; or the cardioid is similar to the curve obtained by drawing perpendiculars from THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 75 S (as Sn) to tangents at all points of a circle Bb S. We might then obtain the cardioid P'APS, by draw- ing a circle on AS as diameter, and from S letting perpendiculars fall on tangents to this circle. This property is expressed by saying that the pedal of a circle with respect to a fixed point on its circumference is a cardioid. Secondly, n Pb alt. Pbc4bPm = = ▲ bSm; hence Sn-Sk. So that if we draw any line Sn from S, and from b, in which the bisector of BS n meets the circle on SB as diameter, draw bn per- pendicular to Sn, the locus of n is a cardioid. [The larger cardioid, P'APS, would be similarly described by producing Sn and Sb, and from point in which Sb meets circle on AS as diameter, letting fall perpen- dicular on Sn (meeting S» in P).] Or, thirdly, we may obtain a cardioid by taking any finite line as SB, drawing Bb square to bisector of any angle BS n, and from b drawing bn square to Sn: the locus of n will be a cardioid. Fourthly, draw circle OGD about S as centre cut- ting Sn in e, and draw el perp. to SB; then Sn = S k = SO+ O k = SD + S 1 (because Se is parallel and equal to Ob)=DI. Thus the cardioid may be obtained by drawing radii as Se to a fixed circle OGD, and on Se, produced if necessary, taking n so that Sn = D l. This is the usual definition of the cardioid. Fifthly, let Pn S cut circle Bb S in f. Then pro- ducing Pb to meet circle b BS in g, we have b P = bg, and rectangle P b . P g (= 2P 7²) = rectangle Pƒ, PS 76 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. •* 2 rect. Pf. Pn. Hence Pb² Pn. Pƒ, and Pb ƒ is a right angle. Wherefore pbf is a straight line, and (Pb bisecting angle p Pƒ) Pƒ=Pp= SB. Hence the cardioid P'APS may be obtained by drawing straight lines as Sf to circumference of circle BƒS, and taking on Sf produced Pf= BS. (The cardioid is therefore a limaçon.)* = Cor. If we draw s'S s tangent to circle BfS at S, and take Ss Ss' = BS, then s, s' are points on the car- dioid. We see that s's SA; and it is easily seen that if P'SP is a straight line through S, PP'SA. For, according to the definition just obtained, we should have P' on a point on the curve if ƒ SP' = BS=ƒP; therefore P'SP=SA. It may be well, however, to show how this can be directly proved when the cardioid is regarded as an epicycloid. For this purpose we have only to notice that if on ab O produced we set centre of generating circle as at c', then 'P', the arc of the generating circle to tracing point P', must equal 'S, wherefore P'S is parallel to c'O, and in same straight line with PS. But since PSP' is parallel to cc' joining centres of equal circles a P b, b'P'a', a P is parallel to 'P', and therefore PP'b'a=2ba = SA. This pro- perty gives a method of tracing out the cardioid me- chanically. For if there be a circular groove as BfS, and we take a ruler of length SA (twice diameter of groove), having a vertical pencil point at each extremity * The limaçon is the curve obtained by drawing radii rectores to a circle from a point on its circumference, and producing and re- ducing all of them by a constant length. THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 77 and a point at its middle point moving in the groove, while the rod itself always passes through S (either through a small ring there or by having a projecting point at S and a groove along the rod), the pencils at the extremities of the rod will trace out the cardioid. While one pencil moves over APs the other will move over SP's', and while the former passes on from s to S, the latter passes on from s' to A, completing the tracing of the curve. The evolute of the cardioid As Ss' is a cardioid Sr O, having its vertex at S, cusp at d, on OB, such that O d= OB, and linear dimensions equal to one- third those of the cardioid A s s'. S, the cusp of the cardioid, is also called the focus. Since Pb is the normal at P and angle SP b = = angle bPm, we perceive that if S be a point of light, and the arc of the cardioid reflect the rays, P m will be the course of the ray reflected from P. Hence the caustic or envelope of the reflected rays will be the curve constantly touched by the diameter Pp in the tracing out of the cardioid. This curve, as shown at pp. 68, 69, will be the epicycloid traced out by a circle whose diameter CB, and which has S as one of its cusps. The other cusp will be at B, and the curve will have the position shown by the dotted curve BRS and its companion lobe in fig. 39. Let us now determine how far the cardioid ranges in distance from the diameter AS, and beyond ss'. We note that (i.) when P (fig. 39) is at the greatest possible distance from AS, the tangent Pa must be 78 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. parallel to AS; and (ii.) when P' is at its greatest distance from sSs, the tangent at P' must be parallel to s s', and therefore P'b', the normal, must be parallel to SA. Wherefore, since P'b' has been shown to be parallel to Pa, we see that when P is at its greatest distance from SA, P' is at its greatest distance from ss'. Now, when Pa is parallel to AS, so also is pbf, and as the arc bf arc Bb, the position of bf is at once assigned: for if a chord bƒ (fig. 40) is parallel to = CL IN P n = 3 b n = FIG. 40. A SO On = 2 72 S f C BS, arc B b = arc Sf, and since arc bf arc Bb Sf, we have Bb=3rd the semi-circumference Bb S, and the angle BSƒ= two-thirds of a right angle. Sƒ= SO = SP'; and SP = 3SO. Also, SO 3 3 2 2 ; and Sm S a SO; and P'n = 1/3 2 SO. It follows from the parallelism of the tangent Pa and the normal P'b', that when the cardioid is being THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 79 described by the continuous motion above indicated, one end of the rod is always moving in a direction at right angles to that of the other end of the rod. Thus the tangents and normals at P and P' (fig. 39) intersect on the circle which has PP' for its diameter. The normals also intersect on the circle B g b' (at g), and the tangents on the circle having centre O and radius OA. Cor. The curve cuts s s' at equal angles, each equal to half a right angle. THE BICUSPID EPICYCLOID. The epicycloid with two cusps (the dotted curve of fig. 39, which, from its shape, we may call the nephroid) presents also many interesting relations. I merely indicate, however, in a few words the chief points to be noticed at the outset of an inquiry into the re- lations of the bicuspid epicycloid. Let P (fig. 41) be a point on the epicycloidal arc traced by the rolling of AQB on the circle DBD', whose radius BO = AB.* Let a Pb be position of rolling circle through P. Draw common tangent bt, meeting OA in t; and join ta, cutting a P in p. Then, since Obbu, angle tOb= angle ta O, and arc pb=arc Bb; wherefore pc P is a diameter of circle APb. Angle ca P = compt. of cap compt. of t0b-angle bOD'. Hence TO a is isosceles, and tb T is a straight line. Draw * The curve has been omitted from fig. 41. The student should trace it in pencil from the cusp D through A and P (touching PT) to D'-forming a branch like either half of the dotted curve of fig. 39. 80 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. bn perpendicular to OT, and join n P, b P, bp; then triangle p b P= triangle On b in all respects, b P = b n, and Pm = m n. Wherefore the bicuspid epicycloid may be described thus: draw from any point b on FIG. 41. (Join b p.) D A ט V B A 72 m D' T circle DBD', bn perpendicular to fixed diameter, DOD', and nm perpendicular to tangent at b; then if nm is produced to P so that m P = mn the locus of P is a bicuspid epicycloid. THE INVOLUTE OF THE CIRCLE REGARDED AS AN EPICYCLOID. The curve traced by a point on a straight line which rolls on a circle in the same plane may be regarded as an epicycloid whose generating circle has an infinite radius. The curve is the involute of the circle. Thus, let DQB (fig. 42) be a circle, T'DT a tangent at D, and let this tangent roll without sliding over the circle DQB (DOB a diameter), the point D tracing out the curve DP. Then when the tangent has the position PB'p, having rolled over the arc DQB' once only, B'P THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 81 having been in contact with every point of the arc B'QD is equal in length to this arc. Therefore the point P lies on that involute of the circle DQB' which commences at the point D. But T'DT may be re- garded as part of a circle of infinite radius touching the circle DQB' in D, and the arc DPR therefore as an epicycloid. In fact this arc is the extreme case of the epicycloid when the radius of the rolling circle is indefinitely enlarged, precisely as the right cycloid is the extreme case when the radius of the fixed circle is indefinitely enlarged. The part of the curve near to DQB manifestly has the shape shown in the figure, D being the cusp. The branches of the curve extend without limit outwards. It is obvious that if the line B'P be produced to meet the next whorl of DPR (not the curve Dp R), the portion of this line intercepted between P and that whorl will be equal to the circum- ference of the circle DQB. Again, if PB' produced meet the branch Dp R in p, PB'p is also equal to the circumference of DQB'; for B'Parc B'QD, and B'parc B'B'D. The straight line r DR, perp. to T'DT, passes through all the points of intersection of the two branches, for the curve must necessarily be symmetrical on either side of OD from the way in which it is traced out. Qt, the tangent parallel to OD, and equal to the quadrant QD, determines the greatest range of the branch DtP above DT, for the curve is perp. to Qt at t; also, if Qt be produced both ways indefinitely, its intersections with the prolongation of DtP above DT determine the greatest range of G 82 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. each successive whorl of that branch above DT, while its intersections with the branch Dp R below DT determine the greatest range of each whorl of that branch below DT. Similarly of the tangent to DQB parallel to Qt, and of the tangents perp. to DOB. Many other relations of a similar kind exist which the student will have no difficulty in discovering for him- self. Both branches manifestly approach more and FIG. 42. T Que R P NA O B Q А N M M T more nearly to the circular form as their distance from the centre increases; for from the manner of generation the normals to the curve touch the circle DQB, and for branches at an indefinitely great distance the di- mensions of DQB are relatively evanescent, wherefore the normal at any remote point of the curve is inclined at an evanescent angle to the line joining that point with O. Or, a whorl of the spiral may be regarded as changing its distance from the fixed point O during one THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 83 complete circuit by a distance, as p' R', p'R", &c. (these lines being diametral), equal to the circumfer- ence of DQB, and this distance vanishes compared with the radius vector of the spiral in its remote parts, so that the radii vectores of a single whorl, though differ- ing by a finite quantity and therefore not absolutely equal, are yet in a ratio of equality; and in that sense the whorl corresponds with the definition of a circle. The circle DQB is the evolute of the curve RpDPR, &c.; but we have seen (second section, Prop. XII.) that the evolute of an epicycloid is a similar epicycloid: hence we must regard the circle DQB as consisting of an infinite number of infinitely close whorls, similar to the remote whorls of the curve Rp DPR. The rectification and quadrature of the epicycloid in the preceding section manifestly fail for the involute of the circle regarded as an epicycloid. But it is easy, as follows, to compare the length of any arc DtP with the corresponding arc DQB' of the fixed circle, and the area DtPB'Q with the area of the sector DQB'O. ARC OF THE INVOLUTE OF THE CIRCLE. Let PP (fig. 42) be an elementary arc, PB', P'B" the corresponding positions of the tracing tangent, then since OB' is perp. to B'P and OB" to B'P', the angle B'OB" = the angle PB'P', in the limit. Hence : Arc PP' arc B'B' :: B′P : OB' :: arc DQB': DO. Now in Dr take Dd OD; and in DT take DM = = € 2 84 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. arc DQB', and MM' arc B'B". Complete the rect- angles Dd NM, NM'. Also draw MK DM, perp. to DM, and complete the rectangle KM'. Then if we represent the arc B'B" by the area NM', the arc PP' will be represented by the area KM', for KM: NM' :: P'P: B'B". But since KM DM, K lies on a straight line, DK, bisecting the angle rDT; and every element of arc as PP' has a corresponding representative element of area, as KM', in the space KDM. Therefore the length of the arc DtP is represented ultimately by the area DMK; or = Arc DtP: arc DQB':: area DMK: area d M DM. KM: DM.OD or, :: :: :: arc DQB': BD. DM OD (since DM = KM) arc DQB': OD That is, the arc DtP is a third proportional to BD and the arc DQB'. This is the relation required. It may conveniently be replaced by the following: Cor. Rect. under arc DtP and BD=square on B'P, (B'P)2 BD Arc DtP= AREA BETWEEN CIRCLE, ITS INVOLUTE, AND THE NORMAL TO INVOLUTE. Take Dn = OD and complete the rectangle » M. Draw ML perp. to DM, cutting n N' parallel to DM in N', and take L so that THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 85 ML: MN' (= Dn) :: (PB′)² (= DM²) : (OB′)². Complete the rectangle LM'. Then by construction Area N'M' = triangle OB'B" ultimately; and ultimately ▲ B'PP': A OB'B" :: (PB')2: (OB')2 ::rect. LM': rect. NM'. Rect. LM' triangle B'PP'. Therefore Now from the construction L is a point on a parabola DIL, having D as vertex and n as focus, or BD as parameter. Hence, every elementary triangle as B'PP' has a corresponding representative elementary rect- angle LM'. Therefore = Area DtPB'Q = parabolic area DILM rect. under DM. LM. DM=arc DQB'; Now and by property of parabola, .. LM . BD=-(DM)² = (PB′)²; or LM is a third proportional to BD and PB', and therefore, as shown in last page, LM = arc DtP, ... area DtPB'Q=3. rect. under arcs DQB' and DtP. (B'P)3 Cor. Area DtPB'Q 13 OD CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF EPICYCLOIDAL AND HYPOCYCLOIDAL ARCS AND AREAS. There is no simple geometrical method for de- termining the position of the centre of gravity of an 86 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. epicycloidal or hypocycloidal arc or area; and there- fore, strictly speaking, these problems do not belong to my subject. But it may be as well to indicate the analytical method of solving them, which has not hitherto, so far as I know, been discussed in any mathematical treatise. I shall consider the case of the epicycloid only. The solution for the hypocycloid is similar, and the result only differs in the sign of R, the radius of the rolling circle. FIG. 43. A ROR m C B -X Q B b 모 ​pand R P E B' T X Q E T A 77. B FIG. 44. First, then, to determine the ordinates x, y of the THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 87 centre of gravity of the arc APD, fig. 43 (fig. 44 for the hypocycloid), O being taken as origin, OX perp. to OA as axis of x, and OA as axis of Y. Let A'C'P=0; PC'q=d0. Then, 2R (F+R) Ө COS. 3.2.do. arc PP' = F Also, if P n is perp. to OA, then ultimately, moment of arc PP' about OA = P ǹ. PP' N = {(F (F + 2 R) sin X and similarly, 2 R(F+R) F = { (F+2R) cos R X F+R 2 F sin Ө 0 + 2 R sin COS 2 2 R (F+R) F R moment of arc PP' about OX=0n. PP' F COS Ө 2 m¸ d◊, say; Mx do ◊ + 2 R sin 2 R (F+R) F 2 R(F+R) F F-2 R 2 F Ө 2 COS På la sin Ө R 0 + sin 2 (F+2R) 2 F m, do, say. We have to integrate these two expressions between the limits =0, and ≈7, to obtain the moments of the arc APD around the axes OA and OX. Ө Now Sm,de =S [F+2R in F+2R 2 F d o F+2R F R} } 3 F+2R] do, d◊, да 1 88 : GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. 0 ··S m₂ do = 2 F sin 2 Mx π Similarly + ... x X + S π + 0 My d o F(F+R) F-2 R FR 3 F+2R 2 F(F+R) F-2R 2 FR 3 F+2R = {(F+2R) sin 2 R(F+R) F F+2R F sin R F F+2R 4 F 0 + (F+2R) F R2 sin² sin 2 sin 2 F sin sin 3 F+2R 2 F 2 R 3 Ө F-2 R 2 F and similarly ÿ = M₂. To determine X and Y, the coordinates of the centre. of gravity of the area APDE, we have,— Area of element A'P'a: F+2R F π 3F+2R 4 F F-2 R 4 F and if g be the C. G. of this element, ultimately a triangle, A′g=}A'P′ =² 2 R 3 sin ultimately. Also if gm is perp. to OA, moment of element A'P'a about OA=gm. area A'P'a, Ө d o Mr arc APD 2 F+2R 2 F " π Ө sin COS 2 75 π = M,, say. π= Mx, say. π == Mr; Ө R2 sin² do; 2 2 R². ax do, say; F+2R 2 F Ө } THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 89 and similarly, moment of element A'P'a about OX=0m. area A'P'a, 2 R sin 02 sin 3 = { (F+2 R) cos F+2R F + R F + ..X R2. sin² d o 2 (F+2R) R2 F Now Ө So,de=f [2F-3R sin R I F 0 + Similarly Lay d0 = (2 F-3 K) ㅠ ​(3 F +5 R)F 3 (F-R) FR 3 (2F+R) 6 (F-R) FR (3 F+5R) F sin2 and similarly Y= 3 F +5 R F-R + sin Ө 6 F 6 F R 2 - Ja, d9 = (2 F-3R) } sin² B --Fsin? F+R, απ R 2 F 2 F F R 2 F 6(2 F+R) F 2 R sin sin π 2A, a, dô, say. sin2 2 F+R 2 F Ay sin F+2R) F since area APDE R2. R F F-R F π 2 F+R F π F+R F+R 2 F R 2 F + Ro] do; sin F F+-2 R 2 F 元 ​1 7 = sin π = Ax, say. F Ar area APDE F+2R 2 F 2 sin Ay, say. 3 } 2 A π R²; F+R F T A t π 90 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. It is easy to obtain in a similar manner X and Y', the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the area APDB, though the expressions are rather more cum- brous. We take such elementary areas as PP' B' in fig. 27 (fig. 28 for hypocycloid), and find, R Moment of element about OA= [(3 F+2R) sin F + 5 F +4 R F + 5 F +4 R R Moment of element about OX= cos R X'= (I B3 B³, Ө 2 sin X Y' = (B³ Ө R cos 2 These expressions can be easily integrated. It will, however, be more convenient to proceed as follows: Moment of area ABDE about OA F+2R 2 F COS ม Moment of APDB about OA=B³- Moment of APDB about OX=B³½ F+2R R² Ax) :). F = [(3 F+2R 2 F R = }} [(F+2R)³ - F³] sin2 2 F Moment of area ABDE about OX = } [(F+2R)³ — F³] sin RB,³, say. Ꭱ 3 F R Ө (3 F + 2 R) cos F Ө •] R² cos² 2 de. Ө dĉ. ? R². Ay »). 0] - = 14 A R² cos do. 2 3 Bó, say. F+2R F Ө F+2R F 3 F+2R 2 F - π R². F+2R 3 F+2R 2 F π R2. F SCHOL.-It should be noted that these solutions might be presented geometrically, if it were worth R² Ar. R² A,, THE EPICYCLOID AND HYPOCYCLOID. 91 while; but only at great length and with complicated diagrams. The student will observe that all the rea- soning in each demonstration, up to the point where the integral calculus is employed, is manifestly capable of being presented geometrically, the ratios dealt with (including the trigonometrical ones) being those of lines to lines, areas to areas, or solids to solids (in deal- ing with moments of areas). Again, the only relations derived from the integral calculus, are these— S a 10 J sin a 0 d0 = a 1 a 1 a (1—cos a) = 2 sin² 2 sin a. cos a 4 do a These (which are in effect one) are both capable of easy geometrical demonstration, and are in fact de- monstrated further on in the quadrature of the 'com- panion to the cycloid.' The student not familiar with the integral calculus, will find no difficulty in proving by trigonometrical series,* that the sum of the series whose general term is sin (r taking all integral values from 0 to n), is a ra 22 22 G a 2 sin2 when n is indefinitely increased; and that the comm a sum of the series whose general term is COS is sin a. τα N > N These summations (or such as these) suffice for sum- ming the elements dealt with in the above demon- stration. * See the chapter on the Summation of Trigonometrical Series in Todhunter's Plane Trigonometry.' ( 92 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. SECTION III. TROCHOIDS. NOTE. Any curve traced by a point, within or without the circumference of a circle, which rolls without sliding upon a straight line or circle in the same plane, is a trochoid; but the term is usually limited to the right trochoid, and will be so employed through- out this section. DEFINITIONS. The right trochoid is the curve traced out by a point either within or without the circumference of a circle, which rolls without sliding upon a fixed straight line in the same plane. If the tracing point is within the circle, the trochoid is called a prolate or inflected cycloid. The shape of such a trochoid is shown in fig. 45, Plate I. If the tracing point is outside the circle, the trochoid is called a curtate or looped cycloid. The shape of such a trochoid is shown in fig. 46, Plate I. An epitrochoid is the curve traced out by a point either within or without the circumference of a circle which rolls without sliding on a fixed circle in the same TROCHOIDS. 93 plane, the rolling circle touching the outside of the fixed circle. A hypotrochoid is the curve traced out by a point either within or without the circumference of a circle which rolls without sliding on a fixed circle in the same plane, the rolling circle touching the inside of the fixed circle. It may readily be shown that every epitrochoid can be traced out in two ways-viz., either by a point · within or without a circle which rolls in external con- tact with a fixed circle, or by a point without or within a circle which rolls in internal contact with a fixed circle of smaller radius. Also every hypotrochoid can be traced out either by a point within or without a circle which rolls in internal contact with a fixed circle of radius larger than rolling circle's diameter, or by a point without or within a circle which rolls in internal contact with a larger fixed circle, but of radius not larger than rolling circle's diameter. Instead, however, of giving a demonstration of these relations, after the manner of Prop. I., Section II., I leave the point for more general demonstration in Section V. J In what follows, reference is made to right trochoids, unless special mention is made of epitrochoids and hypotrochoids. Either fig. 45 or fig. 46 may be fol- lowed. The reader is recommended to read the follow- ing remarks twice over-once with each figure, and to adopt the same plan with the demonstration of each of the following propositions. Let AQB (radius R) be the rolling circle, KL 94 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. the fixed straight line. Let the distance of the tracing point from the centre be r, so that the tracing point lies on the circumference of the circle a qb, of radius r, and concentric with AQB. This circle, aqb, is called the tracing circle. Let D'D be the fixed straight line, touching the circle AQB in B. Let the centre of the rolling circle move along a line c' Cc, parallel to D'D through C, the centre of AQB, in the direction. shown by the arrow. Draw ee and dd parallel to c' Cc, and touching the tracing circle a qb. Then it is manifest that at regular intervals the tracing point will fall upon the straight lines e e and d' d. When at a on the straight line e' e, the tracing point is turn- ing around the centre of the rolling circle in the direc- tion in which this centre is advancing, and is at its greatest distance from the fixed straight line. When at d' and d, the tracing point is turning round the centre of the rolling circle in the opposite direction, and is at its greatest distance from c'e on the side towards which lies the fixed straight line KL. The curve will manifestly be symmetrical on either side of the diameter a Cb, perp. to KL. Therefore ab is called the axis of the trochoidal curve: d' d is the base; and a the vertex. The radius Ca, drawn to the tracing point, may conveniently be called the tracing radius. D'AD is called the generating base. The rolling circle AQB is called the generating circle, and when in the position AQB, is called the central generating circle. The circle a qb is called the tracing circle, and when in the position aqb, is called the TROCHOIDS. 95 1 central tracing circle. The complete trochoid consists of an infinite number of equal trochoidal arcs, but it is often convenient to speak of a single trochoidal arc, d'a d, as the trochoid. It is clear that if D'c' E', Dc E, be drawn perp. to the fixed straight line through d' and d, and inter- secting e'a e in e' and e, respectively, the parts of the trochoid on either side of d'e' and de are symmetrical with respect to these lines. Therefore d'e' and de may conveniently be called secondary axes. The straight lines e'a e and dbd are tangents to the trochoid at a, and at d' and d, respectively. PROPOSITIONS. PROP. I.-The base of the trochoid is equal to the circumference of the generating circle (figs. 45, 46). For dbd D'BD = circumference of the circle AQB. Cor. 1. d' b = b' d = half the circumference of the generating circle. Cor. 2. Area e d d'e' = 2 rect. a d = 4 rect. C d 7° R T =4 rect. CD = 4 circle AQB. R Cor. 3. The base d'bd: circumference of the trac- ing circle a qb: circumference AQB: circumference a qb Rr. :: Cor. 4. Area ed de 4 rect. under R R = 4 rect. under Cb, r 7° arc aq b=4 Cb, bd circle aqb. 96 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. II.—If through p, a point on the trochoidal arc apd (figs. 47, 48), the straight line pq M be drawn parallel to the base bd, cutting the central tracing circle in q, and meeting the axis AB in M; then, A → Let A'PB', a' p b' be the position of the generating and tracing circles when the tracing point is at p, FIG. 47. M C น B · A M N ♡ qp = 的 ​A' IM' B' a R r a Mq FIG. 48. ♡ 19% arc aq. n 71 P P 7 TAL L d C' their common centre, A'C'B' diametral cutting p M in M'. Draw the diameter P p CB. Then it is TROCHOIDS. 97 M'p; MM' = q p ; and arc a q manifest that M 9 - M' arc a' p. Now ẞ is the point which was at B when the tracing point was at a, and since every point of the arc ẞ B' has been in rolling contact with BB', the arc ß B′ = BB'. B' But arc ß B' = arc A'P = r Cor. 1. M R and BB'= MM'=qp; wherefore qp == r Ip 11 R R r Cor. 2. Since b d = AQB R R ጥ arc a' p = arc a q + M 1. R 7' agb R arc a q″ + N q″ Ağa για (arc a g+ arc q b), 2 R . arc qb necessarily > M q, it follows that in the case of the prolate cycloid, where R>r, and therefore bd> Mp, and the whole arc apd lies on the same side of de as a b. y But in the case of the curtate cycloid (fig. 48), where R R (fig. 51), the tangent at p passes through O. This deter- mines the position of the tangent from the centre to the curtate epicy cloid corresponding to the direction of the stationary point in the looped epitrochoid, regarded as a planetary curve. It is well to note the construction for determining this point. Produce C'b' (fig. 51) to O, the centre of the fixed circle, and on B'O describe a semicircle cutting a'p b' in r'; then B'r' is perp. to r'O, and therefore a circle described about O as centre, with radius Or', intersects the curtate epicycloid in the point where the tangent passes through O. This relation is demonstrated and dealt with under Prop. X. Cor. 8. In the case of epitrochoids and hypotro- choids the triangle p qp' is similar-not to p CB'— but to p C's (the s accented throughout for hypotro- choid); p p' : p q :: p s : p C', and pp': np::ps: PN. Since then Np and n p are the same for the epi- trochoid or hypotrochoid as for the right trochoid, with the same generating and tracing circles (and, of course, the same angle, p C'a', between tracing radius and diametral), while p B' B's: F: R, and therefore p B′ : p s :: B′O : C'O (see figs. 28 and B' 29), it follows that p p', regarded as an arc of an epitro- 106 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. choid or hypotrochoid, bears to pp', regarded as an arc of a trochoid (p q being the same for both), the ratio sp : p B', or C′O : B′O, or F±R : R (the upper sign for epitrochoid, the lower for hypotrochoid). The student will find it a useful exercise to com- plete the construction indicated in the scholium, noting that the figs. 51 and 52 are correct for the cases there considered, as well as for the case considered in the text, except only that the lines p M and p'y M' must be concentric with the generating base through B'— that is, must have for centre the point O mentioned in the scholium. PROP. VI.—From a point p (figs. 53 and 54), on the trochoid ap d, above the line of centres cc' C, let q p be drawn parallel to c C to meet the central tracing circle a cb in I, and qn, pm, perp. to c C′; then, if the rectangle a c nf be completed, area a hq p+rect. pn: rect. cf:: R: r. And if from p' on a pd below c C, p'q' parallel to c C meet a c′b in q' ; q'n', p'm' are drawn perp. to c C ; and rect. n cbf' is completed, then area a h c'q'p'-rect. p'n : rect. cf' :: R: r. Let a PD be a semi-cycloid having a b as axis; then it is easily seen that every element of either area a hq p + p nor ahq'p'-p'n parallel to c C, bears to the corresponding element for the case of cycloid a PD, the ratio R r; and therefore the sum of all such ele- TROCHOIDS. 107 ments of either area in case of trochoid : sum of all such elements of either area in case of cycloid (¿.e., a ¿ "}' FIG. 53. D f FIG. 54. cf or cf, as shown in Prop. V. sec. 1) :: R: r. That is, area a h qp+rect. qm: rect. cf area a h q'p' - rect. g'm': rect. c'f' Cor. Area ac'bdrrect. cd= ::R: r. Ꭱ R T . circle a qb (Prop. I., cor. 4). Thus we have here another de- monstration of the area of trochoid. 108 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. VII.-Let a (fig. 55) be the vertex of the trochoidal are ap, a'p b' the tracing circle through p, a' C′b' diametral, A' C'B' the corresponding diameter of generating circle. Describe the quadrant A'PA" having b' as centre and b'A' as radius; produce b'p to meet A'PA" in P; and draw Pl perp. to b′A″. Then, if b'B' = b'B', and B"PA", an elliptic quadrant having b'B" and b'A' as semi-axes, inter- sect Pl in P', arc ap = twice the elliptic arc B'P′. Let p'* be a point on the trochoid near p, and let p'q parallel to the base meet a'p b' in q. Produce b'q A FIG. 55. A" to meet A'PA" in Q; draw QL perp. to b’A″, cut- ting B'Q'A" in Q'. Join a'p, B'p, and draw b'n parallel to B'p (dividing a'p in n, so that a'n: np :: a'b' : b'B' :: A'B' · B'b'′). Join C'p, PQ, and P'Q'. The secants PQ, P'Q' being ultimately tangents at * p' does not lie on Pl. TROCHOIDS. 109 P and P', meet ultimately when produced on b'A" ; let them thus meet in T. Then P'Q' PQ :: P'T : PT :: b'n b'a' (since tri- angle a'b'p is similar to PT1, and a'p and Pl are similarly divided in n and P' respectively) :: B'p: B'a'. Also, PQ pq :: A'b' (=a'B'): a'b' (because Pb'Q is an angle at centre of quadrant A'PA" and at circumference of semicircle a'p b').* Where- fore, ex æquali, P'Q pq :: B'p a'b'. But pp': p q :: B'p: C'p (Prop. V., cor.1):: 2 B'p: a'b'; therefore, Pp' = 2 P'Q'. But p p' and 2P'Q'are increments of arc ap and are B''P' respectively, which arcs begin together. Therefore, arc a p=2 arc B'P'. Cor. The arcs apd (figs. 45 and 46) = elliptic are B'A'B', and arc d'ad circumference of an ellipse having semi-axes b A, b B, that is, R+r and R~r. PROP. VIII.-If a'p b' (figs. 56 and 57) is the position of the tracing circle through p, a'b' diame- tral, a b the axis, and pb' be joined, then area a pb'b: sect. area a bq (or a'b'ph) area pb'd segment bs q (or b' fp) :: 2 R+r: r. Let a PD be a cycloid, having ab as axis, and let Pp be parallel to bd; then area a qb B'P = 2 sec- * PQ A'b' = circ. meas. of p b'q=circ. meas. of p C'q = } PI_P_1 C'aa'b'' 110 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. torial area A'B'P. But every element of the area a qb b'p parallel to base b d (as in Prop. III.): corre- sponding element in case of cycloid :: Rr. Wherefore area a qbb'p sectorial area ab q:: 2 R r, and area ac bb' sectorial area a bq :: 2 R+r: r. Similarly area pb'd segment b s q:: 2 R+r: r. FIG. 56. M Z a n ♥ a'A' B b Z H H2 C D area q s b d p =rect. bm, q P + d FIG. 57. Cor. 1. Area pfb'd segment pfb' :: 2 R: r. Cor. 2. Area a qbb'p: sectorial area abq:: 2 R: r. Cor. 3. If p q produced meet a b in m, 2 R segment b sq. r SCHOL. Two independent methods of demonstra- ting the area of trochoids can be derived from the above proposition, as in the case of cycloid. For, carrying p to d, we have area a p db: circle a qb :: 2 R+r: r, as in Prop. III. The proof may be extended to epitrochoids and hypotrochoids, and the following proportion esta- blished:- TROCHOIDS. 111 Area abb'p sectorial area a' b p :: area b'p d seg. b sq :: (2 CO+BO) (2 R + r): BO . r, where BO is the radius of the base, and CO is the radius of the arc of centres, or :: (3 F±2R) (2 R+r): F. r (where F is the radius of fixed circle), the upper sign for epitrochoid, the lower for hypotrochoid. PROP. IX.-To determine the area of the loop of the curtate cycloid a p d, fig. 48. By cor. 3, Prop. VIII., area q'p'r db, fig. 48, (=rect. Nd+ loop r'r — area N bq") ½ 2 R =rect. b N, q'p" + seg. q'Lb; + ... loop r r' = .loop r'r = area Nb q″- rect. under b N, Nq' 2 R seg. q'L b T 2 R+r r 4 R+2r ** ľ seg. q'L b-triangle b N q' ; seg. q'L b-rect. N n. PROP. X. With the same construction as in Proposi- tion VIII., area a pha': segment a'hp::2 R: r. : Since area a q p area AQP :: Rr :: area aqpha' aq PHA' (PHA' being the arc of tracing ○ A'PB', for cycloid, not wholly shown in the figure); : 112 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. it follows that area apha' area a PHA':: R: r. But area a PHA' = 2 segment A'HP or 2 segt. a'h p; ... area a pha' segt. a' hp :: 2 R: r. Cor. 1. Area apdge circle e q'd:: 2 R r. : : ap de + circle a q b, 1224 Since a p d q'e and rect. be: circle e q'd:: 4 R: r, it follows that rect. be area ap de + circle a q b b::2 as in schol. to Prop. III., so that we have here a new demonstration of the area. 2:1 Cor. 2. In the case of the prolate cycloid, fig. 57, in which po' does not intersect the arc a p, area apa' segment a'h 2 R-r: r. P: 2 R circle e q'd Cor. 3. Proceeding to d, area ap de :: 2 R-r: r, in case of prolate cycloid. Cor. 4. In the case of the curtate cycloid, fig. 56, pa' cuts the curve in some point k, between p and a'. Here then area a ka' area kp: segment a'h p :: 2 R−r:r, or passing to d, area a re-semi-loop r p'a : circle eq'd :: 2 R−r : r. SCHOL.-Another independent demonstration of the area of trochoids is worthy of notice. Let us suppose that the circle a qb, figs. 49 and 50, slides uniformly between a e and b d to the position e Qd (e d diametral). Let p'a'p be the position of the upper segment when the circle passes through p'p (=q'q, so that the circle reaches p' and simultaneously), and let a closely į } TROCHOIDS. 113 adjacent segment, as in the figure, give the elementary areas a'p and a'p". These are ultimately in a ratio of equality, but they are the respective increments of the areas a pa', a p'a' (or as actually drawn in the figure, they are the elementary increments next before the attainment of these areas a pa', a p'a'), and these areas begin together. Hence area a p a' = area a p''a' ; and carrying the moving circle to its final position, area a pd Qe area a p''d Q'e area a p db q', whence the result of Prop. III. follows at once. PROP. XI.-Let p o (figs. 58-62) be the radius of curvature at p, on the trochoid; a'p b' the tracing circle through p. Then, if a' C'b' meet the generating base in B', and C'N be drawn perp. to p B', pop B' :: p B': p N. With so much of the construction of Prop. V. as is indicated in fig. 58 (illustrating the prolate cycloid), let p'L be the normal at p' (near p). Then R arc p q (Prop. II., Cor. 5) = B′ L. 7° I p' Join q B'. Now p'L, being parallel to 9 B', is not parallel to p B', unless the point q falls on p B'; that is, unless the tangent to the circle a'q b' passes through B', the case illustrated by fig. 60. In this case the radius of curvature is infinite, or p is a point of inflec- I 114 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. T tion. In all other cases, p B' and p'L meet when pro- duced,―towards B'L, when p'q has to be produced to meet p B' (in 7), and towards pp' when p B' intersects FIG. 58. FIG. 59. FIG. 61. ά -O b 3 PO N B' L H FIG. 60. T K D' N C d 0 T FIG. 62. T p'q (in 7) between p' and q, fig. 59. Then in the limit in o. ດ. H K ex Let them meet lo IB': lp' 1qpB': pN (Prop. V., cor. 3). : That is, ultimately, opp B'p B' p N. Cor. Rect. under o p, p N=square on p B'. SCHOL.-The following construction is indicated for determining the centre of curvature. On B'p, pro- duced if p is beyond N, otherwise not, take p H=p N, nd on the tangent p KT at p take p T=p B'; then -H TROCHOIDS. 115 To perp. to HT will meet p B' produced in o, the centre of curvature at p. For op, pH=(p T)², that is, op, p N=(p B')². ор, The student will find no difficulty in dealing with the corresponding demonstration for the curtate cy- cloid. Fig. 61 gives the construction for one general case, p above the base; and for the case of a point on the generating base where B' becomes the centre of curvature (for the latter case r and r' are put for P and p', while the letters H, T, and N are accented). Fig. 62 gives the construction for a general case, p below the base. For the vertex, N coincides with C',p N=a'C' = r, and p B' a'B' R+r. = = Therefore, (R+ 2)² r radius of curvature at a = both for prolate and curtate cycloids. For the point d, N also coincides with C',p N=r in absolute length, and must be regarded as negative in case of prolate cycloid, because N falls outside p B' beyond p, whereas in case of curtate cycloid N falls on the same side of p as B', though beyond B'. Also ±p B' = (R − r). Therefore, rad. of curvature at d (R − r)² negative for prolate cycloid, and positive " 2' for curtate cycloid. But it is to be noticed that in considering the curvature in the case of the curtate cycloid as constantly positive, regard is had to the intrinsic nature of the curve. If the curvature is considered with reference 1 2 116 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. f to the base, there is a change of sign at the moment. when N passes the point B', or where the curve cuts the generating base-viz., at r. . At this point r, (r B')² = r B' ; r B' square on rad. (r B')² = (C′ r)² — (CB')² = r² — R². radius of curvature = ΟΙ PROP. XII.—Let p o (figs. 63, 64) be the radius of cur- vature at the point p of an epitrochoid or hypotrochoid; a'pb' the tracing circle through p; and a'b' O dia- metral, cutting generating base in B'. Draw C'N perp. to p B'; and C's parallel to p 0 meeting p B' (produced if necessary) in s. Then pop B'ps: ps - NB'. [Two illustrative cases only are dealt with (one of a prolate epicycloid, one of a prolate hypocycloid). The student will find no difficulty in modifying the demon- stration and figure for other cases.] Let p' be a point near p; p'L the normal at p'; p'q concentric with generating base B'L, meeting a'p b' in 7. Draw I n perp. to pp'; qiin direction perp. to a'b' to meet p p' in i, and Lh perp. to B'p. Then, as in case of right trochoid, R qi= arc p q = B'L, p and triangle B'Lh is equal in all respects to triangle qin. Also triangles pqn,pqi,pqp' are similar to triangles p C'N,p C'B',p C's. (See Prop. V., Cors. and Schol.) Now Lh is parallel to p'p; wherefore, po: hopp : hL (= n i) :: ps: NB', or ultimately pop B': vs: (ps - NB'). TROCHOIDS. 117 Cor. Since ps: C'O::p B': B'O, we see that po : C′O :: (p B')²: (ps-NB') B'O (p B')² : p B'. C'O— NB'. B′O. See p. 166. At vertex, and at pt. on base, rad. of cur- (R+r)² (F+R) R− r)² (F+R) R² + r (F+R) R² —r (F+R)' respectively, R being regarded as negative for hypo- cycloid. vature K FIG. 63. N " and FIG. 64. K SCHOL.-A construction similar to that for the radius of curvature at points on right trochoids can readily be obtained. Thus produce B'p to H (as in fig. 58), taking p H-ps-NB'; on the tangent p K take p T, a mean proportional between p B' and ps; then To perp. to TH will intersect p B' produced, in o, the centre of curvature at p. For by the construction po (ps - NB') = (p T)² = p B' . ps .. pop B'ps: (ps NB'). " At a point of inflection the radius of curvature becomes infinite. Now p B' is always finite, and į 118 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. since ps p B':: C'O: B'O, ps is also necessarily finite. Wherefore, the radius of curvature can only become infinite by the vanishing of p s-NB', that is, when NB' ps, or Np B's, or p must have such a position as is shown in figs. 65 and 66, for the epitrochoid and hypotrochoid respec- tively. Wherefore, NB' p B': ps p B':: C'O: B'O:: F±R: F (upper sign for epitrochoid, lower for hypotrochoid), FIG. 65. FIG. 66. - 30 = N d d or, drawing p I parallel to NC'—that is, perp. to B'N -to meet C'O in I, C'B' B'I:: C'O: B'O::FR: F. Wherefore, the construction for determining points of inflection is as follows:-Take I in C'O (figs. 65 and 66), so that C'B': B'I':: C'O' : B'O::F±R: F or B'I = C'B'. B'O C'O R. F FR TROCHOIDS. 119 Then if the circle on IB' as diameter cuts the tracing circle, as at p, a circle about centre O with radius Op cuts the epitrochoid or hypotrochoid in its points of inflection. If the circle on IB' as diameter does not cut the tracing circle, there are no points of inflection. Cor. C'B' C'I:: C'O: C'B', } R2 and (C'B')²=C'I. C'O; that is, C'I = FR If, in case of epitrochoid, I falls at b',-that is, if C'B': B'b' :: C'O: B'O::FR: F, the radius is infinite at the point d; but there is no change of curvature: two points of inflection coincide, and the curvature has the same sign on both sides of the double point of inflection. In this case, C'b' : C'B' :: C'B' : C'O::R: F + R orr R R F + R. → : This indicates the relation between r, R, and F, when in the case of epitrochoid the curve just fails, at d, of becoming concave towards the centre. If, in case of hypotrochoid, I falls at a', that is, if C'B' B'a':: C'O: B'O:: FR: F, the radius is infinite at the vertex ɑ. Two points of inflection coincide, the curvature having the same sign on both sides of the double point of inflection. In this case C'a': C'B':: C'B': C'O:: R: FR or r: R:: R: F R. This indicates the relation between r, R, and F, when, — 120 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. : in the case of the hypotrochoid, the curve just fails at a of becoming concave towards the centre. PROP. XIII.-If p (figs. 65 and 66) be a point of in- flection of an epitrochoid or hypotrochoid, a'qp the corresponding position of the generating circle ; a' CO diametral, meeting the generating base in B'; pz perp. to B'C' ; and k the centre of semi- circle B'p I; then will rect. C'B'.C'I± sq. on C'p = 2 rect. C'k, C'z (the upper sign for epitrochoid, the lower for hypo- trochoid). We have (C'p)² = (C'z)² + (p z)² = (C'z)² + (k I )² — (k z)², and for epitrochoid C'B'. C'I (C'k)² — (k I)² ... C'B'. C'I + (C'p)² = (C'z)² + (C'k)² — (k z)² = 2 C'k. C'z. For hypotrochoid C'B'. C'I = (I)² - (C'k)² k ... C'B'. C'I (C'p)² = (k z)² — (C'z)² — (C'k)² — = 2 C'k. C'z. = SCHOL. This prop. may also be treated in the manner adopted for the next-i.e., starting from the relation (Ip)² + (B'p)² = (I B')², and taking triangles I C'p and B'C'p. TROCHOIDS. 121 PROP. XIV.-Let p (figs. 67, 68) be the point of the loop of an epitrochoid or hypotrochoid where the tangent to the curve passes through the centre of the fixed circle; o'p b' the corresponding position of the tracing circle; and a' C'B' diametral, meeting the gene- rating circle in A' and B'; then, if p K is drawn perp. to OC", Rect. OA', C'K = sq. on C'b' + rect. O C', C'B', for epitrochoid, and =rect. OC. C'B'-sq. on C'b', for hypotrochoid. Since p B' is the normal at p, B'p O is a right angle, and sq. on B'p+ sq. on p 0 O sq. on B'O. FIG. 67. A that is, C K ܩ 72 C PP P T FIG. 68. C BAZ ៨ IK Now (B'p)² = (C'p)² + (C'B')² — 2 C'B' . C'K and (Op)² = (C'p)² + (C′O)² + 2 C'O . C'K (lower sign for hypotrochoid) .·. (B'p)² + (Op)² = 2 (C'p)² + (C'B')² + (C'O)² — 2 (C'B' + C'O) C'K; (B'O)² = 2 (C'p)² + (C'B')² + (C'O)² 2 OA'. C'K. 122 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Or, for epitrochoid, — 2 OA'. C'K = 2 (C'b')² + (C'O)2 + (C'B')² - (B'O)²; i.e. (Euc. II., 7) OA'. C'K = (C'b')² + OC' . C'B'. For hypocycloid, 20A'. C'K'=(B′O)² — 2(C′b′)² — (C′O)²—(C'B')²; i.e. (Euc. II., 4) OA'. C'K' OC'. C'B' —(C'b')². SCHOL.-This prop. may also be treated in the manner adopted for the preceding, bisecting KO in », and noting that rect. OC' . C'B'= ± [(C'n)² — (n B′)²], upper sign for epitrochoid, lower for hypotrochoid. Observe that C'K (regarded as positive or negative, according as K lies on C'O, or C' on KO) r² + R² + FR F+2R the upper sign for epicycloid, the lower for hypocy- cloid. 72 (FR) R F± 2 R or = This is the relation existing at a stationary point in an epicycloidal planetary orbit. PROP. XV.-If G (figs. 47 and 48) is the centre of gravity of the trochoidal area d'a d, b G : 3 R + 2 r :: r : 2 (2 R + r). Since every elementary rectangle of the part of area d'a d outside circle a q b, taken parallel to base : corre- sponding element of part of cycloid having ab as axis lying outside same circle a qb:: R: r, it follows that the distance of CG of former areas from bd (along TROCHOIDS. 123 b C, evidently) = distance of CG of latter areas from b (along b C)=6C (Prop. XVIII., sec. 1st, cor. 3). ... Mom. of d'a d about b d and ... bG.. R 2 circle a q b r 2 R + r r area d'a d O a q b 3 R + 2 r 2 bG. 3r 4 + circle a qb.r circle a qb circle a qb = 2 R + r 3 R + 2 r 2 p or b G : 3 R + 2 r :: r : 2 (2 R + r). 3 R + 2 r Cor. b G 2 R + r 2 R+r για 2 R + r r π r 2 PROP. XVI.—The volume generated by the revolution of a trochoid about its base is equal to that of a cylinder having the circle a qb for base and height equal to the circumference of a circle of radius R+r; that is, this volume= r²(3R+2 r) π². (area d'a d) 2π b G r=aqb (3R+2r) π = vol. of cylinder having circle a qb for base, and height equal to circumference of a circle of radius R+ r; or, vol. = r² (3 R + 2 r) «². By Guldinus' 2nd prop., vol. = 3 R + 2 r 2 R + r circle a q b 3 R + 27 circle aq b r 2 124 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. APPENDIX TO SECTION III. ELLIPTICAL HYPOTRO CHOIDS. The hypotrochoid becomes an ellipse when the diameter of the rolling circle is equal to the radius of the fixed circle. Let BB'D (fig. 69) be the fixed circle, BQO the rolling circle, when tracing point a is on the radius FIG. 69. (Note that two lower a's are Greek.) = B b a a Q с 7 N M d BCO. We have already scen (p. 68) that when the circle has rolled to position B'A'O, the tracing radius has its extremity A' on OD perp. to OB, and B'A' is perp. to OD (OC'B' being diametral). Take C'a' on C'A', equal to Ca, then a' is the tracing point. Taking съ Ca, describe arc b b'd about O as centre, cutting OB' in b'. Then C'b' C'a', and... b'a' is parallel to B'A' and perp. to OD, which let it meet in M, and draw C'N perp. to B'A', bisecting b'a' in n. Then Spanjem p 07 TROCIIOIDS. 125 a'M: a'n :: a' A' : a'C' :: a O: a C ... a'M : U'M ( = a'M + 2 a'n): a 0: Ob. Wherefore a' is a point on an ellipse having O a as semi-minor axis, and bb'd as auxiliary circle,- i.e., having Od and O a (or R + r and Rr) as semi- axes. M If r > R, or the tracing point is in CO produced, as at a, it may be shown in like manner that when the tracing radius has any other position C'A'a', the tracing point a' lies on an ellipse having O 8 (DS = 0 a) and O a as semi-axes, that is, having semi-axes equal tor + R and r R, respectively. SCHOL.—An ellipse with given semi-axes, a and b, can be traced out equally by taking the radius of the fixed circle equal to (a + b) or (a−b). In the former case, the tracing radius = (a+b)− b = 1 (a−b); in ½ the latter the tracing radius = ( a − b ) + b = 1 (a+b). THE TRISECTRIX. When the radius of the rolling circle of an epitro- choid is equal to that of the fixed circle, and r = 2 R, the curve is called the trisectrix. The property of trisecting angles from which it derives its name may be thus established. Let BDB' (fig. 70), centre O, be the fixed circle; EQD, centre C, the rolling circle (ECDO diametral), when the tracing radius is in the position CDO, or (since CD=D0=R=1r) the tracing point is at O. When the rolling circle is in position B'QA', A'C'B'O 126 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. diametral, let C'Pp be the tracing radius, cutting Then arc PB' = arc B'D; ... angle OC'p angle C'OC; and since C'p = OC, the tri- angles OC'p and C'OC are equal in all respects. B'QA' in P. Thus, and ... angle pOC = angle pC'C right angle right angle right angle - = angle p OC' = angle CC'O angle COC' = angle p C'O; E w Qu P — R [૨ 3 angle OC'Cp C'O angle COC' - angle p C'O angle p C'O angle OC p. FIG. 70. a Wherefore, if Op produced meet in R a circle de- scribed about C as centre, through O, angle ROC +angle CRO = 2 angle p OC = 2 right angles - 3 angle OCp; TROCHOIDS. 127 h but angle ROC + angle CRO C 2 right angles — angle RCO; ... angle RCO 3 angle OC p. = Hence the trisectrix affords the following construction for trisecting any given angle RCO. With centre C and radius CO describe arc OR, cutting CR in R. Join OR, cutting the loop OBC in p; then angle RCO = 3 angle p CO, or Cp trisects the angle RCO. SCHOL. Both the tricuspid epicycloid and the tricuspid hypocycloid are trisectrices. See Exs. 91, 92. THE SPIRAL OF ARCHIMEDES REGARDED AS AN EPITROCHOID. The curve traced out by a point retaining a fixed position with respect to a straight line which rolls without sliding on a circle, in the same plane as line and point, may be regarded as an epitrochoid, whose generating circle has an infinite radius. Supposing the tracing point on R r, fig. 71, T'DT the rolling straight line, it will easily be seen that if this point is near D, the curve will resemble DPR, only instead of a cusp near D there will be simply strong curvature convex towards O, and two points of inflexion, one on each side of Rr. When the point is remote from D, the curve will be concave towards O throughout. It is easily seen from the formula at page 119 (or it can be readily proved independently*) that * For the independent geometrical proof, it is only necessary to show that the tracing point recedes from Rr initially at the 128 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. if the tracing point lies at d such that D d = DO, the radius of curvature will be infinite at d, the two points of inflexion coinciding there, for from the proportion we have R T R r: RR: F+R, R-r стра = FIG. 71. TL RF: F+R. B ♡~~~ M M' Wherefore, since the ratio R: F+R is one of equality when R is infinite, T R-r F; that is, d D DO. * When the tracing point is on DR there will be a loop. We need not consider the various curves traced out according to the varying position of the point d, either same rate at which the point of contact between the generating line and the fixed circle recedes from Rr; which is obvious, since D d as it moves with the rolling tangent is constantly parallel to the radius from 0 to the point of contact just named, and in its initial motion the point D moves in direction Dr. TROCHOIDS. 129 on Dr or on DR. There is, however, one case which is historically interesting, and may therefore be considered here, though briefly. When the tracing point is at O, the curve traced out becomes the spiral of Archimedes, a curve so called because, though invented by Conon, it was first inves- tigated by his friend Archimedes. It was defined as the curve traversed by a point moving uniformly along a straight line, which revolves uniformly around a centre. So traced it is only perfect as a spiral when the moving point is supposed first to approach the centre from an infinite distance, and after reaching the centre to recede along the prolongation of its former course to an in- finite distance. Regarded as a trochoid, the complete spiral (or rather the part near the centre) will be traced out by supposing TDT' to roll first in one direction from the position where the tracing point is at D, and afterwards in the other direction. The identity of this epitrochoid with the spiral of Archimedes is easily demonstrated. Thus, let p (fig. 72) be a point on the curve, B'P the corre- sponding position of the rolling tangent, P p being the position of the line which had been coincident with OD, so that Pp is perp. to B'P, and B'P equal in length to the arc DQB'. Then, since OB' is perp. to B'P and equal to Pp, Op = B'P. B'P. And Op is parallel to B'P, the rolling line, whose direction has changed through an angle measured by the arc DQB', which is equal to B'P or Op. Hence the distance of p from O is proportional to the angle through which K 130 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Op has revolved from its initial direction OQ' (parallel to DT'). Therefore p is a point on a spiral of Archi- medes. AREA OF THE SPIRAL OF ARCHIMEDES. The area of the curve is thus determined :--Let p p' be neighbouring positions of the tracing point; B'Py', B'P'p' corresponding positions of the rolling tangent T k B FIG. 72. d B B R @ U Pod N TMM' WE ARE IKI with its perp. Then Op is equal and parallel to B'P; Op' to B'P'. Wherefore, in the limit, area p Op'= area PB'P'. Hence, increment of area O krp=incre- ment of area D t PB'Q; and these areas begin together: they are therefore equal. But PB' and P'B" are nor- mals to D t P, the involute of the circle DQB; TROCHOIDS. 131 therefore, that is, or or area D t PB'Q = ÷ 1/48 or, area Orp = } ARC OF THE SPIRAL OF ARCHIMEDES. The arc of this spiral may be thus determined. Drawing DK (fig. 72), as in fig. 71, and representing element of arc PP' by an element of area KM' (KM = DM = B'P), let LM be so taken that element of area LM' represents the increment of arc pp'. Now the tangent at p is perp. to B'p, so that in the limit (angle p Op' being equal to angle PB'P'), pp': PP' :: B'p : B'P ; (B'P)3 OD 3 (Op)³ OD ··· (pp')² : (PP′)² :: (B′p)² : (B′P)² ::(PO)²+(OB′)² : (B′P)² (LM)² : (KM)² :: (DM)²+(OD)² : (DM)² ::(KM)²+(OD)² : (KM)² ... (LM² = (KM)²+(DO)² (LM)² — (KM)² = (OD)² (B'P) 2 2 OD since arc DtP= rect. DL Arc Orp = 2 OD ; (see p. 85) Wherefore L is a point on rectangular hyperbola d q'I, having D d = OD as semi-axis, D as centre, and DK as an asymptote; and arc Orp arc DtP:: hyperh. area DdLM: ADKM. DM+ML ::rect. DL+sq. on OD(log. ML) DO + (p. 84) (loge : sq. on DM. DM2 2 OD ³ ML) DM+ML DO K 2 132 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Cor. The loop cuts the axial line BO d in a point r, such that Or Qt (the tangent drawn to DQB, parallel to OD, meeting involute DtR in t)= arc DQ. SCHOL. The curve, as it recedes from O, ap- proaches more and more closely to the involute of the circle Q'DQ, the curves being asymptotic. All that has been said about the figure of the involute of the circle at a great distance from O (pp. 82, 83), applies there- fore to the spiral of Archimedes. We have seen that the epicycloid, traced by the point O, fig. 72, carried along with T'DT, as it rolls on the fixed circle Q'DQ, is a spiral of Archimedes. To prove the converse of this,— Let a point start from O in direction OQ', tra- velling uniformly with velocity v along radius OQ', while this radius turns uniformly with angular velocity w around O in direction Q'DQ. After a time t, let the point be at p; then Op = vt and = angle Q'Oq (greater than 2 rt. angles) = wt. Now if, with radius OQ F, we describe a circle Q'DQB about O as centre, intersecting Op in q, then arc Q'Dq Fwt; and if F be such that F w = v (in other words, if F be such that motion in a circle of radius F, with angular velocity a round the centre, gives linear velocity v), then arc Q'Dq (= F w t) vt=Op. Wherefore, drawing OB' perp. to Op, and completing the rectangle OB′P p, = and B'P Op arc Q'D q = arc B'QD; = OB' = F. = = = Pp: TROCHOIDS. 133 .. P is the position of the point D on tangent DT after rolling round arc DQB' to tangent at B', and P p is the position then taken up by DO. Hence as T'DT rolls on the circle Q'DQ, the point O regarded as rigidly attached to TOT, the tangent to circle Q'DQ of radius F, at D, will trace out a spiral of Archimedes in which the linear velocity of the moving point along the revolv- ing radius is equal to F. angular velocity of the latter. PROP.-The axis of a planet's shadow in space is a spiral of Archimedes. The spiral of Archimedes is interesting as the path along which the centre of a planet's shadow (the earth's for example) may be regarded as constantly travelling outwards with the velocity of light. This is easily seen if we suppose the earth and its shadow momentarily reduced to rest, and, with the sun as pole, imagine a radius vector carried from an initial position coinciding with the earth and retrograding through the various portions of the shadow. Let V be the velocity of the earth in her orbit, D her distance from V the sun, and therefore her angular velocity about the D sun. Also let L be the velocity of light. Then if our radius vector, carried back through an angle 0, corre- sponding to the earth's motion in time t, is equal to r, we V D L.D have t = = 0, or t= 0; and r = Lt: Ꮎ . D V V Wherefore, since the radius vector varies as the vecto- rial angle, the corresponding point of the shadow's axis : 134 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. (which was at the earth at time t before the epoch we are considering) lies on a spiral of Archimedes. We have in fact L, the velocity of light, for the velocity along the radius vector (v in the preceding demonstra- tion), when the angular velocity about the sun is taken V w equal to the earth's angular velocity in her orbit, or D (corresponding to o in preceding demonstration). The radius F of the fixed circle by which this tremendous spiral could be traced out, would therefore V L D L, or F = V be such that F the radius of D the earth's orbit increased in the ratio in which the velocity of light exceeds the velocity of the earth in her orbit. Thus F 92,000,000 miles x — 187,000 18.4 = 5,000,000 x 187,000 miles (roughly) 935,000,000,000 miles. [It is convenient to remember that the sun's dis- tance is nearly equal to five million times the mean distance traversed by the earth in one second.] NOTE.--The student will find further information respecting spiral epitrochoids in the examples on pp, 254-256. The solution of these examples presents no difficulty. 135 SECTION IV. MOTION IN CYCLOIDAL CURVES. LEMMA.—When a body at rest at ▲ (fig. 73) is acted on by an attractive force residing at C, and varying as the dis- tance from the centre, the body will travel to C in the same time whatever the distance CA; and if µ. CA is the measure A fro of the accelerating force at A, time of fall to ▲ = Α Let AB, perp. to CA, represent the accelerating force at A; join CB, then Mp perp. to CA, meeting CB in p, repre- FIG. 73. B' b ♫ M B T √ µ μ A 2. sents the accelerating force at M; (vel.2 at M) is represented by 2. Mµ BA* =2CAB (CA)²—(CM)²=rect, b A. QMY (OM)² 2 CA² CQ (AQA' being a circle about C as centre). That is, * Any elementary rectangle pm represents M m.accelerating force at M; or since the force may be considered uniform throughout the space Mm, p M represents half the increase of the square of the velocity (by well-known relation in case of uniform force). Hence, area p A represents (vel.² at M-vel,² at A) = į (vel.² at M). 136 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. or, Vel. at M is represented by Vel. at M QM CQ Therefore time of traversing m M incrt. of time from beginning • m M = where V is the velocity with which a particle would reach C after traversing distance AC under the force at A con- tinued constant. • But if Qg is a small element of arc at Q and qm perp. to CA, then, ultimately, QM CQ QM V CQ Qq. • 1 V time of fall from A to M = Thus, time of fall to C= 1 • • ν μ rect. b A ; m M vel. at M པ་ or V = √μ. CA; 4 Hence, But if μ CA is the measure of the accelerating effect of the force at A, V²=2 µ CA. CA=µ (CA)² 2 2 the incrt. of arc AQ. arc AQ V Q X V Thus, vel. at M=√μ. QM; and time of fall from A to M 1 arc. AQ √μ. CA circular measure of CQA. ν μ or, circ. meas. of rt. angle= 2√ μ and is therefore independent of the original distance CA. " SCHOL.-The general relation of this lemma may be re- garded as obvious, seeing that a force varying as the dis- tance from the centre is in this case a force varying as the distance remaining to be traversed; and this relation holding from the beginning, it follows that whether such distance be MOTION IN CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 137 large or small, it will be traversed in the same time. The general relation may be considered, in this aspect, as follows: Let C, fig. 74, be the centre of force, and let one particle start from A, another from a, in the same straight lin~ CA. Divide CA and Ca each into the same number of equal elements, and let l, m, n, and L, M, N be the points of divi- FIG. 74. nza la لب NMLA sion nearest to a and A, respectively. Then the force on the particles starting from A and a may be regarded as severally uniform while these particles traverse the spaces AL, a respectively; hence these spaces being proportional to AC, a C, that is to the uniform forces under which they are tra- versed, will be traversed in equal times; and velocities pro- portional to the forces, that is to ML and Im respectively, will be generated in those times. Again, since the forces acting on the particles at L and I are proportional to the spaces LM, 7 m, and the velocities with which the particles begin to traverse these spaces also proportional to LM, lm, it follows that the times in LM, lm, will be equal; and the total velocity acquired at the end of those times will still be proportional to ML and ml, or to MN and m n, the spaces next to be traversed. And so on continually. Hence the particles will arrive at C simultaneously; and the velocities with which they reach C will be proportional to AC and a c. It is manifest, also, that if the particles during their progress to C be resisted in a degree constantly proportional to the velocity, the times of reaching C will still be equal. 5 138 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROPOSITIONS. PROP. I.-If A (fig. 75) be the vertex, A B the axis of an in verted cycloid DPA, a particle let fall from a point F on the arc APD (supposed perfectly smooth) will reach A in the same time wherever F may be. Let P be a point on the arc AF; draw PM perp. to AB cutting the generating circle in Q and join AQ. Represent FIG. 75. (Join AQ.) D' 또 ​B K =g. M నన AQ AB H p g. ར * 、 ༠༦༨,、……….… the accelerating force of gravity by g. Then since the tan- gent at P is parallel to AQ, N Accs. force at P along PP' : g :: AM : AQ :: AQ : AB ; or, the accelerating force at P in direction of motion q D arc AP 2 AB Hence if the straight line ad arc AD, and we take af=arc AF, and a parc AP, the acceleration of the particle at P is the same as that of a particle moving from ƒ to a under the action of a force varying as the distance from a, and ap ad or at d to g. =g. The time of fall, g. equal at p to g· 2AB' 2AB then, (by lemma, p. 135) is independent of the position of F. MOTION IN CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 139 Since in this case the accelerating force at D = g = arc APD, the µ of lemma, and time of fall from any μ g 4R 2R' 4R π point of arc APD to A = VR 2 g The time of oscillation from rest to rest on either side of A /R g SCHOL. This proposition is easily established indepen- dently. Thus take an elementary arc PP; draw ordinates FHK, PQM, and P'Q' (Q,Q', on BQA); arcs Qn, Q'n' about A as centre, to AH; and nq, n'q' perp. to AH, meeting quadrantal arc HqN on AH in q, q'. Then, (vel.)2 along PP = 2 g. KM = 2π =2g (AK-AM) = (AH²— AQ²) 2g AB .. vel. at P = √3 time along PP' · 2 n n' ÷ and time along FPA 2g (nq); & PP=2(AQ—AQ)=2 nn'; AB 2AB g 2AB g √20 (ng)= AB ㄒ​ㄧ​2 • π に ​2g AB (ng)=√√√2AB !!! √ R > g 2 (nq)²; or, circ. meas, of q A q' ; 2AB II as before. A q ; PROP. II.-A particle will pass in the same time to A along a smooth epicycloidal arc APD (A the vertex, APBO dia- metral,) under the action of a repulsive force at O varying directly as the distance, from whatever point on APD the particle starts. Let the particle start from F. At P on the arc FA, draw the tangent A'PT, and the normal PB'; then OB'A' cuts 140 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. the generating circle through P diametrally in B'A', (B' on the base BD); and OT perp. to A'T is parallel to B P. De- scribe arc PQ about O as centre, to meet central generating circle AQB, and join OP, AQ. Then if the measure of accelerating force at A µ. OA, accelerating force at P. OP; and the accelerating PT force in direction PP/ μ PT OP καταστατικού μ AP. OB' BA μ. F2 4R(F+R) Sa μ OP. 2AQ.OC (OB)2 2BA.OC ов Arc APD (Prop. VI., sec. 2). μ. • FIG. 76. (Accent upper n and q.) M IB R B' Therefore (applying lemma, p. 135, as in the case of cycloid) the time in which particle reaches A 7 2 T √4R(F+R) F √ μ ✓R(F+R), μ The time of oscillation from rest to rest on either side of A is twice this. π F SCHOL.-This proposition may be proved independently of the lemma, by a demonstration similar to that used for the cycloid. The figure indicates the construction. We begin 1 MOTION IN CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 141 by showing that (Vel.)2 at M = μ [(OP)² - (OF)2] µ — = µ [(OM)² + (MQ)² — (OK)² — (KH)²] =µ[MK (OM+OK)+AM (MK+KB) — KB(MK + AM)] = ≈µ· 2MK (OA+OB) G Galant an µ [(AH)² ~ (AQ)²)] = μ and (ng)2 R The rest follows directly, as in case of cycloid. F+R PROP. III.-A particle will pass in the same time to the ver- tex of a smooth hypocycloidal are under the action of an attractive force at the centre varying directly as the distance, from whatever point on the arc the particle starts. The construction and demonstration are in all respects similar to those in the case of epicycloid, Prop. II. /R (F-R) μ Time of motion from F to A F+R R Since this gives μ F = F+R F Magg F (Vel.)² at P = µ (ng)² (F=R). SCHOL.-The time of oscillation in the epicycloid under force above considered: time of an oscillation in cycloid under gravity (the radii of generating circles being equal) :: √/g (F+R) : F√µ This follows directly from the values above determined for the times of motion to A. That the times of oscillation may be equal, we must have F+R (F+R) g = μ F2; or μ= g. F2 g, it follows that the accele- 142 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. rating force at A in the epicycloid must exceed the force of gra- vity in the ratio OC : OB, in order that the oscillations may be performed in the same time as in a cycloid of equal generating circle, under gravity. The force in the epicycloid will equal F2 gravity at a distance from 0 = OK', obtained as in F+R fig. 76 by drawing BK' perp. to OC to meet semicircle on OC as diameter in K'. If we take μ F g, a cycloid in which the oscillations under gravity will be the same as the oscillations in the epi- cycloid must have a generating circle whose radius OC. CB ов 2 (CK')² ов Bb, obtained by draw- ing semicircle Bk O, taking Bk CK', and drawing b k perp. to BO. (F+R) R F Corresponding considerations and constructions apply in the case of hypocycloid. It is manifest (see scholium to lemma) that if the par- ticle in its passage along the epicycloidal, hypocycloidal, or cycloidal arc, be resisted in a degree constantly proportional to the velocity, the periods of oscillation will still be isochro- nous; the arc of oscillation, however, will no longer be sym- metrical on either side of the axis, but will continually be reduced, each complete arc of oscillation being less than the arc last described. A weight may be caused to oscillate in the arc of an inverted cycloid in the manner indicated in fig. 77. Here a A is a string swinging between two cycloidal cheeks a p D, a p' D', a being a cusp, and DD, the common tangent at the vertices D, D, being horizontal. The length of the string a A being equal to twice the axis of a p D, or to the arc a p D, the weight swings in the cycloidal arc DAD' (Prop. XI. section 1). Such a pendulum would vibrate isochronously, MOTION IN CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 143 if there were no friction and the string were weightless; but in practice the cycloidal pendulum does not vibrate with perfect isochronism. An approach to isochronism is secured in the case of an ordinary pendulum by having the arc of vibration small compared with the length of the pendulum. In this case the small circular arc described by the bob may be regarded as coincident with a small portion of the cycloidal arc DAD' (fig. 75) near to A, and the isochronism thence inferred. But D P FIG. 77. a A in reality the approach to isochronism in the case of a long pendulum oscillating in a small arc, is best proved as a direct consequence of the relation established in the lemma. Thus, let ACA' (fig. 73) be the arc of oscillation of a pen- dulum, whose length l is so great, compared with AA', that ACA' may be regarded as straight. Then the accelerating force in the direction of the bob's motion when at M CM g. sin. deflection from the vertical=g . ι very nearly, or varies as CM. Hence the time of oscillation is very nearly constant, whatever the range on either side of C, so only that the arc of oscillation continues very small com- pared with 7. The accelerating force towards C at M being. CM, 144 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. the time of an oscillation from rest to rest is π g Vel. at M=QM√√√√√√ (CA²—CM²). D D P and the A pendulum may be made to swing in an epicycloidal arc in the way shown in fig. 78, or in a hypocycloidal arc in FIG. 78. P P d A A P' the way shown in fig. 79 (Prop. XII. sect. 2); but of course the oscillations will not be isochronous under gravity. In the FIG. 79. d √√ g g p case of the hypocycloid, if the plane of fig. 79 be supposed hori- OF MOTION IN CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 145 zontal, P a smooth ring running on the arc DAD', and this ring be connected with the centre of the fixed circle by an exceedingly elastic string, very much stretched, the oscilla- tions of the ring will be very nearly isochronous. For the tension of a stretched elastic string is proportional to the extension, and if when the ring is at A the string is stretched to many times its original length, the extension when the ring is at different parts of the arc DAD' is very nearly proportional to the extended length. Suppose, for instance, that when at A. the string were extended to 100 times its original length, then the extension would only be less than the actual length by one 100th part. If the circular arc DD' represent part of a great circle of the earth's surface, DAD' a hypocycloidal tunnelling hav- ing DD' as base, then, since the attraction at points below the surface of the earth varies directly as the distance from the centre, a body would oscillate in DAD in equal periods. It would not, however, be possible to construct such a tun- nelling, or to make its surface perfectly smooth. PROP. IV. The path of quickest descent from D to any point F not vertically below D, is a cycloidal arc through F, having its cusp at D and its axis vertical. The following is a modification of Bernouilli's original demonstration. The path of descent will necessarily be in the vertical plane through D and F. Let it be DPF, and let PP' P" be a small portion of this path, represented on a much enlarged scale in fig. 80a. Let P be a point on a horizontal line through P', and close to P. Then since DPF is the path of quickest descent, the L 146 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS, time of descent down the arc PP'P" is a minimum, and from the nature of maxima and minima it follows that the change in the time of fall resulting from altering the arc PP'P" into the arc Pp'P" is evanescent, compared with the total time of fall down PP'P". If this time were increased in an appreciable ratio by passing from P' to a point p on one side, it would be appreciably diminished by passing from P' to a point on the other side of P', which is contrary to the supposition that DPF is the arc of quickest descent. Now regarding PP' and P'P" as straight lines, draw p'l perp. to PP' and P'm perp. to P" p', so that ultimately Pl= Pp', and D' FIG. 80. cos PP'p' cos P'p'P" B • A d' IQ FIG. 80a. P"m=P"P'. Therefore, if we suppose PP and Pp' traversed Pl with the uniform velocity V, then V represents the ex- cess of time in PP' over time in Pp'; and if we suppose P' P" and p' P" traversed with the uniform velocity V', p'm then represents the defect of time in P' P" from V time in p'P". along Pp' P", we must have V ¿ Therefore since time along PP'P" = time Pl V Ρι √₁ = p'm V That is, the velocity at different points along the arc of descent varies as the cosine of the angle at which the arc is inclined to the horizon at these points. But D-A-D p'm V or OF MOTION IN CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 147 this is a property of motion in an inverted cycloid. For if DPFAD' is a cycloidal are having D and D as cusps, AB as axis, and AB vertical, and PL is drawn perp. to AB, cutting central generating circle in Q, then (Vel.)² at P = 2 g. BL = (BQ) 2 B = 4g R. g AB 29 • BQ (B9) AB i.e. Vel. at P=2g R. cos ABQ = 2√7 R. cos AQL, vg the required relation, since AQ is parallel to the tangent at P. 2 Hence DPF is part of a cycloid having its cusp at D and its axis vertical. To describe the required arc, draw any cycloid Df d' having D as cusp, its base D d' horizontal, and cutting DF in ƒ; then D' so taken that DD' : D ď' :: DF : Dƒ is the base of the required cycloid through F. The axis BA, bisecting DD' at right angles, bears to ba, the axis of D a d', the ratio DF: Dƒ SCHOL. The arc is not necessarily one of descent throughout. If F' be the point to be reached, and the angle of inclination of Df' to the horizon is less than the angle b Da, the path from D to F' will include the vertex A, and the particle will be ascending from A to F'. The cycloid DAD' is the path of quickest motion from D to D' at the same horizontal level as D. L 2 148 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. } SECTION V. EPICYCLICS. DEF.- If a point travels uniformly round the circumference of a circle, whose centre travels uniformly round the cir- cumference of a fixed circle in the same plane, the curve traced out by the moving point is called an epicyclic. Let AQB (fig. 81) be the circle round which the tracing point travels, CC'K the circle in which the centre C of the moving circle AQB is carried, O the centre of the fixed circle CC'K. Then the circle CC'K is called the deferent, AQB the FIG. 81. (Join C'p.) 1 K B P epicycle, O the centre, C the mean point, P the tracing point. At the beginning of the motion let the tracing point be at A in OC produced, or at its greatest possible distance from O. When the centre is at C' let the tracing point be at P. Draw the epicyclic radius C'a parallel to CA, and let OC produced EPICYCLICS. 149 ↑ meet the epicycle in A'; also let OA and OA' cut the epicycle respectively in B and B'. Then C'a is the position to which CA has been carried by the motion of the epicycle, and a A'P is the arc over which the tracing point has tra- velled, in the same time. The angle PC'a is called the epi- cyclic angle, and the angle C'OC the deferential angle. Both motions being uniform, the deferential angle bears a constant ratio to the epicyclic angle. Call this ratio 1 : n; so that 1 is the ratio of the angular velocities of mean point round centre, and of tracing point round mean point. If we represent the radius of the deferent by D, and the radius of the epicycle by E, the linear velocities of the motions just mentioned are in the ratio D:n E. ጎ The deferential motion may be conveniently supposed to take place in all cases in the same direction around 0,-that indicated by the arrow on CC'. Such motion is called direct. Angular motion in the reverse direction is called retrograde. When the motion of the tracing point round the mean point is direct, n is positive; we may for convenience say in this case that the epicycle is direct, or that the curve is a direct epicy- clic. When the motion of the tracing point round the mean point is retrograde (as, for instance, if the tracing point had moved over arc a q' P' while mean point moved over arc CC'), n is negative, and we say the epicycle is retrograde, or that the curve is a retrograde epicyclic. The straight line joining the centre and the tracing point in any position is called the radius vector. A point such as A, where the tracing point is at its greatest distance (D+E) from O, is called an apocentre. A point where the tracing point is at its least distance (DE) from the centre is called a pericentre. Taking an apocentre as A for starting point, OA is called the initial line, and the angle between the 150 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. radius vector and the initial line is called the vectorial angle. This angle is estimated always in the same direction as the deferential angle: so that if at the beginning the motion of the tracing point round O was retrograde, the vectorial angle would at first be negative. Whatever value n may have, save 1 (in which case the tracing point will manifestly move in the circle AA'), the tracing point will pass alternately from apocentre on the circle AA' to pericentre on the circle BB', thence to apocentre on the circle AA', and so on continually. The angle between an apocentral radius vector and the next pericentral radius vector is called the angle of descent. It is manifestly equal to the angle between a pericentral radius vector and the next apocentral radius vector, called the angle of ascent. PROP. I.—The angle of descent: two right angles :: n~1 : 1. When n is positive and greater than 1, the epicyclic angle PC' a (fig. 81) exceeds the deferential angle C'OC, or A'C'a, by PC'A', or angle PC'A' (n-1) deferential angle. But, at the first pericentre, angle PC'A'=2 right angles, and the deferential angle is the angle of descent. Hence, PROPOSITIONS. 01' − 2 right angles = (n - (n − 1) angle of descent, the angle of descent: two right angles::n 1: 1. When n is positive and less than 1, A'C' a exceeds the epicyclic angle p C'a by p C'A', or angle p C'A' = (1 — n) deferential angle; and proceeding as in the last case, we find the angle of descent: two right angles :: 1 n: 1. When n is negative, we have the epicyclic angle a C'P' +angle A'C'a angle P'C'A', or (taking the absolute value = = EPICYCLICS. 151 of n without regard to sign) angle P'C'A' (n+1) deferen- tial angle. Wherefore (proceeding as before), the angle of descent: two right angles: (n+1): 1. But n being negative, the sum of the absolute values of 1 and n is the difference of their algebraic values, or n ~ 1. Hence for all three cases, ~ angle of descent: two right angles n1: 1. SCHOL.-The angle of descent is always positive. See note, p. 185. • PROP. II.—The epicycle traced with deferential and epicyclic radii D and E, respectively, and epicyclic vel. : deferen- tial vel.::n: 1, can also be traced with deferential and epicyclic radii E and D respectively, and epicyclic vel. : de- ferential vel. :: 1 : n. • In fig. 81, complete the parallelogram PC'Oc'. Then O c = C P = E and c'P OC' = D. Moreover c'OC = ▲ PC'a, and c'P is parallel to OC'. Wherefore we see that while the epicyclic curve is traced out by the motion already described, the point c' travels in a circle of radius E about O as centre, with the same velocity as P round C; while P travels uniformly in a circle of radius E round c, and with the same velocity as C' round O. Therefore the same epicyclic curve is traced out with deferent and epicycle of radii D, E, respectively, having angular velocities as n 1, or by deferent and epicycle of radii E, D, respectively, having angular velocities as 1 : n. SCHOL. Thus the deferential and epicyclic radii, D and E, can always be so taken that D is not less than E. When D = E, the curve can still be regarded as traced in either of two ways, viz., with epicyclic vel, to deferential vel. ::n: 1 or ::1: n. In this case all the pericentres fall at the centre. 152 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. III.-Every epitrochoid is a direct epicyclic; and every hypotrochoid is a retrograde epicyclic. Let O be the centre of a fixed circle BB'D (fig. 82) on which rolls the circle AQB; and let the tracing point be at ron CA. Let the circle AQB roll uniformly to the position. A'Q'B', C'p P being the position of the generating radius, p the tracing point. Draw C'Q' parallel to OC. Then the centre C of the rolling circle has travelled uniformly in circle CC' about O as centre. Again ≤ Q'C'p = ≤ Q'C'A' + ▲ A'C'p=COC' (1+) (since are A'P = are B'B). ≤ Wherefore p is a point on an epicyclic arc, whose defer- ent and epicycle have radii OC and Cr, or (R + F) and r respectively, and whose epicyclic angle: deferential angle ::R+F:R. Or, by preceding proposition, we may have rand RF for radii of deferent and epicycle respectively, having R: R+F for ratio of epicyclic and deferential angles. In this case n is greater than 1 and positive. Next, fig. 83, let the circle AQB roll around instead of on the circle BB'D. Then the above proof holds in all respects, save that the angle Q'C'p now = 4. Q'C'A' 4. Q'C'A' — ▲ A'C'p, and radius OC = R F instead of R + F. Thus in this case, the epitrochoid gives an epicyclic curve having for deferential and epicyclic radii (R-F) and r, respectively, and deferen- tial angle: epicyclic angle:: R-F: R; or else, deferential and epicyclic radii r and (R-F) and ratio of deferential and epicyclic angles as R R-F. : In this case n is less than 1 and positive. Next let O be the centre of a fixed circle BB'D, inside which, figs. 84 and 85, rolls the circle AQB; and let the * Or at r', on CA produced, in which case read p' for p through- out the demonstration, for all four cases. 4 EPICYCLICS. 153 D tracing point be at r. Then following the words of proof for the case of epitrochoid with modifications corresponding to the two figs. 84 and 85, the student will have no difficulty in showing that the hypotrochoid, in the case illustrated by each of these figures, may either have deferential and epi- cyclic radii (F-R) and r, and deferential angle: epicyclic angle :: F F - R: R; or epicyclic and deferential radii 7 FIG. 83. B a R M P D M B FIG. 82. σ p B B C TA D M B M P B D B FIG. 84. FIG. 85. and (FR), and deferential velocity epicyclic velocity :: R: FR. cases. Since P has moved round C' in a direction contrary to that in which C' has moved round O, n is negative in both If F R> R or F> 2 R, n is >1; this is the case illustrated by fig. 84. If F - R < R or F <2 R, the case illustrated by fig. 85, n is < 1. 154 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. SCHOL.-We may find in this proposition another reason for regarding the curve traced out by a point on, or within, or without a circle which rolls outside a fixed circle, but is touched by that circle internally, as an epitrochoid, not as a hypotrochoid, for this definition leads again (while the other does not) to a symmetrical classification, giving epitrochoids. as direct epicyclic curves, and hypotrochoids as retrograde epicyclic curves. PROP. IV. Every direct epicyclic is an epitrochoid; and every retrograde epicyclic is a hypotrochoid. Let p be a point on an epicyclic curve pp', OC ( = D) the radius of deferent, Cp (= E) the radius of epicycle;. FIG. 86. T N Σ P 1 17 k B n positive and > 1. Then the motion of p may be resolved into two, one perp. to CO, the other perp. to Cp. Repre- sent these by the straight lines p N, p M, taking p M=p C ; then the diameter p T of the pa- со ጎ and therefore p N rallelogram Np MT represents the motion of p in direction and magnitude. Complete the parallelogram pCO c; take PN'=p N; and draw N'B parallel to c O to meet OC in B. EPICYCLICS. 155 Suppose the parallelogram NM turned (in its own plane) round the point p through one right angle in the direction shown by the curved arrow, making p M coincide with pC and the parall. NM with parall. N'C. Then p B, the dia- meter of the parallelogram N'C, is the normal at p. Now, by the preceding proposition, if a circle DBB, having centre at C and radius CB, roll on the fixed circle KBL having centre at O and radius OB, the epitrochoid traced out by p, at distance Cp from C, will be the epicyclic having Cp as radius of epicycle, CO as radius of deferent, and epicyclic ang. vel. deferential ang. vel. :: CO; CB :: n: 1. It will therefore be the epicyclic p p'. : FIG. 87. d N D "P´ Z" B N B ד 个 ​N FIG. 88. m 8 Thus the epicyclic pp' is an epitrochoid having D ; R = CB = ; and r = F = BQ = D ( 1 - 11 ) =E. ብ N We get precisely the same construction for the position of the normal p B by interchanging the radii and the angular velocities of deferent and epicycle, that is, taking Oc as radius of deferent and cp as radius of epicycle. Let p B and c O, produced (if necessary) intersect in b'. Then с 156 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. b'Ob'c::OB: cp::n-1: n; and by the preceding propo- sition, if a circle dbb", with centre at c and radius cb', roll outside but in internal contact with the circle k b'l having centre at O and radius Ob', the epitrochoid traced out by p at distance cp from c will be the epicyclic having cp as radius of epicycle, c O as radius of deferent, and epicyclic ang. vel. : deferential ang. vel. :: c0: c b' :: 1 : n. с It will therefore be the epicyclic pp'. Therefore p p' is an epitrochoid having F = b'0 = · D (n − 1); R = cb' = D.n; and r = E. It will be found that the demonstration applies equally to the case of the direct epicyclic where n < 1, illustrated in fig. 87, only that N' lies on pc produced. sponding epitrochoids have J The two corre- D (1) F = B0 = D D - (1 − 1 ) ; R = CB = N N (2) F=6'0=D (1 − n) ; R = cb =D n ; and r =E. Moreover, it will be found that the demonstration applies with slight (and obvious) alterations to the case of T M FIG. 89. P Z O C T M N FIG. 90. " B b ; and r =E. the retrograde epicyclic illustrated in fig. 88. (In the case illustrated, n> 1: it is not necessary to illustrate sepa- rately the case in which n < 1). We obtain for the two corresponding hypotrochoids,- EPICYCLICS. 157 D (1) F = B0 = D ( 1 + 1 ) ; R = CB = BÓ N (2) F = 60 = D (1 + n) ; R = cb' =Dn; and r = E. SCHOL.-A number of cases resulting from varieties in the position of p are illustrated by the dotted constructions, and in figs. 89 and 90 (cases in which there is retrogression about O, b lying between O and B). The reader will have no difficulty either in understanding these, or in illustrat- ing many other cases resulting from variations in the values of D, E, and n. ; and r = E. PROP. V.-The normal at any point p of an epitrochoid or hypotrochoid passes through the point of contact B of the fixed circle with the rolling circle when the tracing point is at p. " The demonstration of the preceding proposition includes the proof of this general proposition. The motion of p being at the instant precisely the same as though the circle B were rolling on the tangent to the fixed circle at B, it follows that if Np (CB) represent the linear velocity of p in direc- tion perp. to CO due to the advance of centre C of rolling circle D BB p M C represents on the same scale the p linear velocity of p in direction perp. to Cp; wherefore p T, the diameter of the parallelogram NM, represents the re- sultant linear velocity of p; and as in the demonstration of preceding proposition, if the parallelogram NM be rotated round p in its own plane, through a right angle, in the direc- tion indicated by the curved arrow, p T is brought to coin- cidence with p B, which is therefore the normal at p. 158 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. VI.—To determine the apocentral and pericentral velocities in epicyclic curves. From Prop. IV. fig. 86, we see that if the linear velocity of p around C is represented by p C, that is, by E, the linear velo- city of p is represented by p T, perp. to p B, in direction, and D by p T in magnitude, where CB (= ) represents the linear 22 velocity of C about 0. Hence the velocity at an apocentre is represented on the same scale by Ba, and the velocity at a pericentre by O b, a and b being the points in which OC, produced if necessary, meets the circle pp₁p3, a the remoter. That is, the linear D +E. On the same scale the linear velocity at apocentre = n D velocity of the mean centre = D n n lin. vel. at apocen. lin. vel. of mean cen. lin. vel. at pericen. D D E + E : ; and n n :D+nE: D : D − n E; n being positive in case of direct epicyclic and negative in case of retrograde epicyclic. Thus in the case of the direct epicyclic the motion at an apocentre is always direct; while the motion at a pericentre is direct, retrograde, or negative, according as D < or n E, or as CB, fig 86, (= 2)>or or or < Ca, EPICY CLICS. 159 .. ܝ PROP. VII. To determine the position of the points, if any, where the motion of the radius vector becomes retrograde. ܂ܘ It is manifest that if, as in the cases illustrated by figs. 86, 87, and 88, the point B lies outside the circle pP₁ P3, or D > n E, the motion, direct both at apocentres and pericen- tres, is direct throughout. For the motion to be retrograde in part of the epicyclic, then, we require that D be b B a O bo' E sin (n−1). PIO The transverse vel. and the angular vel. about O vanish, if D² + n E² + (n + 1) DE cos (n-1)=0, the condition already obtained. If v is the velocity in epicycle, v = D n E or V-v which value substituted for V in the above formulæ gives formulæ enabling us to compare the various velocities with the velocity in the epicycle. SCHOL.-We see from the geometrical construction that the radial velocity has its maximum value towards or from the centre, when the moving point is at p or ps (figs. 86, &c.), where a tangent from O meets the circle a p₁ b; for then Bh or Bh has its greatest value. This also may be thus seen: —Since the deferential motion gives no radial velocity, the radial velocity will have a maximum value when the epicyclic motion is directly towards or from the fixed centre,—that is, at the points where a tangent from the fixed centre to the epicycle meets this circle. or as VnE D Cor. The angular vel. at apocentre> or < angu- lar vel. at pericentre, according as a B > a O b B = 10 : M 2 164 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PROP. IX. To determine when epicyclic loops touch. For this we must have Z p0d (figs. 93, 94) descent; that is, see Schol. to Prop. VII., FIG. 93. 1 / 100-1 [ -1 COS 18-1 - J a L D² + n E²- 1 + pob' - T (1 + n) DE +tan-1 FIG. 94. 10. }} ດ K 180° n — 1 [ √ N 180° n-1 • angle of n2E2-D27 D2-E2 ] Now by Cor. to Prop. XII., Sect. III., C'I= 2 C'k. C'z C'B'. CI (C'p)2 (lower sign for retrograde epicyclic) or (C'B C'I) C'z C'B'. C'I (C'p)² ± C'B' . C'I ±(C'p)² (C'B'± C'I) C'p C' z cos (n-1) o C'p = (1/2)² + or' PROP. X.-To determine the position of points of inflexion. If p, figs. 95, 96, as in Prop. XIII., sec. 3, is a point of inflexion, we have as in that proposition ÷D 360° n - 1 Ala D no EPICYCLICS 165 } Cos (n-1) o to be regarded as negative for retrograde epicyclic. Hence D D N N2 FIG. 95. C D 360° n-1 p N + ย + E2 D n2 9 tan pOb (figs. 95 and 96) = E n being negative in case of retrograde epicyclic. Cor. If p2 be the value of 4 determined from this equa- tion, there is a point of contrary flexure when ቀ Փշ and another when FIG. 96. p z ≈0 wherefore, if d be the pericentre 180° P O d 22 — 1 It is easily shown that sin (n-1) 42: D² + n³ E² n (1+ n) DE $2. SCHOL.-The angular range round O of the arc between the points of flexure can be determined, as in case of arc of retrogradation, see scholium to Prop. VII. We have ; E sin (n-1) 2 D+Ecos (2-1) 2 P2 − p 0 b, is also known. √ (n² E² — D²) (D2-24 E2) n (1 + n) DE " 166 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. and For the critical case where the points of inflexion coincide, we have, from Cor. 1, cos (2-1) ₂ = −1 ; D² + n 3 E2 2 = n(1 + n) DE that is (the same condition, both for direct and retrograde epicyclic, due account being taken of the sign of n); n (n² ED) E = (n² E D) D D (n E D) (22² E D) = 0,. which is satisfied, (i), if n = the condition (Schol. p. 158) E' ΟΙ or' ✓ — tan p 0 b' — √ (n² E² — D²) (D² — „ª E²) = D (n² + n − 1) — n³ E² for a cusp (at pericentre in case of direct epicyclic, and at apo-. D centre in case of retrograde epicyclic), and (ii), if n²= cor- E' responding to the case when this curve becomes straight at pericentre both for direct and retrograde epicyclic. Com- pare scholium to Prop. XII., Section III., from which the relation between n², D, and E, can be directly obtained. ――― PROP. XI.-To determine the radius of curvature, p, at a point on epicyclic where deferential angle = 4. ρ From Cor. p. 117, noting value of p B' (as in p. 162); that C'O=n. C'B'; and that BN=C'B cos p B'C'; while p B cos p BC=B'C'+p C' cos (n-1), it is easily shown that 2 [D²+n² E² + 2 n DE cos (n−1) ø D²+n³ E² + n (n+1) DE cos (n-1)p (D+n E)². D+n² E ; at pericentre p at apocentre, p= (D—n E)² D-n² E EPICYCLICS. 167 APPENDIX TO SECTION V. RIGHT TROCHOIDS REGARDED AS EPICYCLICS. It is often convenient to regard right trochoids as epicyclics. The radius of the deferent is in their case infinite, the centre of the epicycle moving in a straight line. It is necessary to substitute linear for angular velo- cities, the value of n becoming infinite when the deferent becomes a straight line. It is manifest that if the centre of the rolling circle of a right trochoid moves with velocity v in the line of centres, the tracing point moves with ve- J' locity v around the tracing circle; and conversely, it is R manifest that if a point moves with velocity m v round the circumference of a circle of radius E, whose centre moves with velocity v in a straight line in its own plane, the point will trace out a right trochoid, having a tracing circle of radius E and a generating circle of radius m E. We may put v= 1, in which case m represents the velocity of the tracing point round the circumference of the moving circle (m). It is obvious also that if m 1 there is a loop; if m=1, a cusp; if m<1 the curve is inflected. These cases correspond to those of right trochoids in which r > R, r = R, and r < R. Since right trochoids may be regarded as special cases of epicyclic curves, it is not necessary to discuss them further in their epicyclic character. It will be found easy to deduce any required relation for right trochoids from the relations above established for epicyclics, combined with the considera- tions noted in the preceding paragraph. A single illustra- tion will suffice to show how this may be effected. M 168 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Suppose we wish to determine when the tracing point ceases to advance in the looped trochoid. We have, from Prop. VII., in case of epicyclic, D² + n E² (1 + n) DE and if m represents the ratio of linear velocities in epicycle and Also n is the angle swept out in cos (n − 1) 41 Φι D deferent, n = m E • epicycle, and when D becomes infinite is the same as (n−1)ø, so that the angle 1 (the angle a CL of fig. 48) is deter- mined by the equation cos 91 D² + m DE (E+ mD) D when D is infinite. The student will, however, find it a useful exercise to go independently through the various propositions relating to epicyclics, for the case in which the deferent is a straight. line. The relations involved are simpler than those dealt with in the present section. It is to be noticed that m may always be regarded as positive, the same curve being obtained for a negative value of m as for the same positive value, if r remains unaltered. 1 M SPIRAL EPICYCLICS. When the radii of epicycle and deferent are both infinite but (D-E) finite, the epicyclic becomes one of the system of spirals of which the involute of the circle and the spiral of Archimedes are special cases. We must of course suppose the curve traced out on either side of the pericentre, since the remoter parts of the curve pass off on each side to infinity. Instead, however, of imagining a deferent of infinite radius carrying an epicycle also of infinite radius, it is more con- venient, in independent researches into these spirals by epicyclic methods, to consider a deferent radius as revolving EPICYCLICS. 169 uniformly round a fixed point, this radius bearing at its extremity a straight line perp. to it in the plane of its own motion, along which line a point moves with uniform velocity. Let the length of the revolving radius=d, velocity of its extremity 1, and velocity of moving point m. Then if m= 1, the curve is the involute of the circle traced out by the end of the revolving radius; if m> or < 1, the curve is one of the system of spirals bearing the same relation to the involute of the circle which the curtate and prolate epi- cycloid respectively bear to the right epicycloid. If d= 0, the infinite straight line revolves about a point in its own centre ; and the curve traced out by the moving point is the spiral of Archimedes, whatever the uniform angular velocity of the revolving line, and whatever the uniform velocity of the tracing point along the line. See also examples 131-133. PLANETARY AND LUNAR EPICYCLES. The ancient astronomers discovered that the paths in which the planets travel with reference to the earth are approximately epicyclic. It is easily shown that this follows from the fact that the planets, as well as our earth, travel in nearly circular paths about the sun as centre. The general property is as follows :— PROP. I.-Regarding the planets as travelling uniformly in circles about the sun as centre, and in the same plane, the path of any planet P (fig. 97) with reference to any other planet, p, regarded as at rest, is the same as the path of p with reference to P regarded as at rest, the corresponding radii vectores lying in opposite directions; and each such path is a direct epicyclic. Let S be the sun, p and P two planets (p being the inferior planet, and P the superior), in conjunction on the line 170 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Sp P. Let the planet p move to p', while P moves to P'. Draw pQ and Pq parallel and equal to p' P'. Then, with reference to the planet p, regarded as at rest, the planet P has moved as if from P to Q; while considered with refer- ence to P, regarded as at rest, the planet p has moved as if from p to 9 and since p Q is equal and parallel to Pq, the path of the outer planet with reference to the inner, regarded FIG. 97. S Pa MANGA q h S' m _M as at rest, is the same as the path of the inner planet with reference to the outer regarded as at rest,-each path being, however, turned round through 180° with regard to the other. Join p'q, P'P, p' p, and P'Q. Draw S s' parallel to p'q, and SS' parallel to P'Q, and join s'q, s'P, S'p, and S'Q. Also draw s'm and S M parallel to SP, and complete the parallelograms PMS'S, and pm 8'S. Then, by construction, the figures S'p', p' Q, S'P, Sq, q P', and s'P', are parallelograms. Wherefore p S'=p'S= Sp; and SpS' LpSp'; S'M SP=SP'S'Q and Z < MS'Q= 4 PSP'; so that the relative motion of the outer planet from P to Q around p may be regarded as effected by the uniform motion of S to S' in a circle about p as centre EPICYCLICS. 171 (corresponding to the real motion of p to p' around S as centre), accompanied by the uniform motion of P (which, if at rest, would have been carried to M), in a circle around the moving S as centre to Q,-that is, through the arc M Q P P'. Hence the motion of P with reference to p is that of a direct epicyclic having D = Sp, ESP, and N N Since Ang. vel. of P round S Ang. vel. of p round S Similarly the relative motion of the inner planet from p to q, around P, may be regarded as effected by the uniform motion of S to s' around P as centre (corresponding to the real motion of P to P' around S as centre), accompanied by the uniform motion of p (which, if at rest, would have been carried to m) in a circle around the moving S as centre to q,—that is, through the arc m q = p p ⋅ Hence the motion of P with reference to P is that of a direct epicyclic having D = SP, E = Sp, and • Ang. vel. of p round S Ang. vel. of P round S SCHOL.—If the distances of the planets p and P from the sun are r and R respectively, the epicyclic of either planet about the other has DR, E=r, and N R\ 3 ( 10:00 Ꭱ (27) 9 >> R 2* ; for the angular velocities of planets round the sun vary inversely as the periods-that is, as the sesquiplicate power of the mean distance. D or n > E' the motion of one planet with reference to another is always retrograde when the planets are nearest to each other; therefore every planetary epicyclic is looped. 172 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS The arc of retrogradation of one planet with reference to the other may be obtained as explained in scholium to Prop. VII. of this section. The duration of the retrogra- dation follows directly from the formula for determining cos (n - 1), as in that proposition; for ₁ is the angle swept out by the superior planet around the sun between the time of inferior conjunction and first station. This formula, with the values above given for D, E, and n, becomes 1 COS sin COS P P R$ -r3 2.3 P-p p Φι $1 = √1 Φι or, putting P, p, for the respective periods of the planets, P R²r + R³ p2 Rr + Rr Rr³ + R³r• R} + ri Rr R - Rr + r S (R R² + Rr+ RY (+1) 3 A K The arc of retrogradation,- ( Ꭱ 2º¹³½ ) √R + r Rå rå + r 2. 、/ (R + 2) ( R − 2 R³ r³ + r) R Rir + r 2.2 Rr √ Rr (R + r) cos (n− 1)ø, √1 + cos (n − 1) ø1 Φι Rr M =241 +2pOb' - 360° R Wherefore tan p Ob' (see fig. 91, and schol. p. 160) r² ) √/R + r r (Ri R(RR + 2) — R} r} rì r) r (R − r) √/R+r R(R+r)-R r (R + r) ; and 2° R$ √ R + r 360° (p2 (p2-7) - can be readily determined. Thus, the arc of retrogradation EPICYCLICS. 173 =24pOb' 2 tan-1 y P P - P p R√R + r P - P ; ( (180° 360° - cos-1 180°+cos-i √ Rr √ Rr - R-r Rr R−√Rr+rl Apocentral distance = R + r; Pericentral distance = R — r p P - P This formula gives the arc of retrogradation. The angle between pericentral and stationary radii vectores is half the arc of retrogradation. Thus the epicyclic path of a superior planet (period P) with respect to an inferior planet (period p), or of latter planet with respect to former, will have— 180°. • (1) Angle of descent The arc of retrogradation is determined by formula (1) above. All the tables of planetary elements give R, r, P and p. If one of the planets is the earth, the calculation is simpli- fied, because the tables of elements give the distances of other planets with the earth's mean distance as unity. If a satellite be regarded as travelling uniformly in a circle around its primary, while the primary travels uni- formly in a circle in the same plane around the sun, the path of the satellite is an epicyclic about the sun as fixed centre. All the satellites travel in the same direction round their primaries as the primaries round the sun, except the satel lites of Uranus, whose inclination is so great that their motion does not approach the epicyclic character. The 174 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. direction of the motion of Neptune's satellite, sometimes given in tables of astronomical elements as retrograde, can- not yet be regarded as determined. The inclination of Saturn's satellites, seven of which travel nearly in the same plane as the rings, is considerable; but these bodies may be regarded as having paths of an epicyclic character. Our own moon's path is but little inclined to the ecliptic, and the paths of Jupiter's moons are still nearer the plane of their planet's motion. The discussion of the actual motions of these bodies belongs rather to astronomy than to our present subject. We need consider here only some general relations.* PROP. II.—To determine under what conditions a satellite, travelling in a direct epicycle about the sun, will have its motion (referred to the sun) looped, cusped, or direct throughout, or partly convex towards the sun, or just fail- ing of becoming convex at perihelion, or partly concave towards the sun. Let M be the sun's mass, m the primary's, R the dis- tance of primary from the sun, the distance of satellite from primary; also (though these values are only for con- venience) let P be the primary's period, p the satellite's, and assume that m is so small compared with M, and the satel- lite's mass so small compared with m, that both the ratios (M+m): M, and (m + satellite's mass): m may be regarded throughout this inquiry as equal to unity. We have first to obtain the means of comparing the velocities in the primary and secondary orbits under any * In a work on the 'Principles of Astronomy,' which I am at present writing, the nature of the planetary and lunar epicycles will be found fully treated of. EPICYCLICS. 175 or and given conditions. The most convenient way of doing this is perhaps as follows:-Let V, v, be the respective velocities of bodies moving in circles around the sun, and round the primary, at the same distance, R; and let v be the velocity of the satellite at distance r. Then we know that or as V2 R or as 2 V :: M: m, R V: v': √M: √m, v': v VT: VR. .. V:v: √/Mr: √m R, V v Rr and This is the ratio of the angular velocities of primary and satellite in their respective orbits. It gives us M µ³. The path of the satellite will therefore be looped, cusped, or direct throughout, according as :: √/M 7³: √m R³. 7.3 3 n: 1(:: P:p): √m R³: m R³ > R ✓ M23 R3 V m R≥ Mr; or m R² ≥ Mr²; or < And the path of the satellite will be partly convex towards the sun, or just fail of becoming convex at perihelion, or be partly concave towards the sun, according as m R³ > R M 3 m M 7" → V ^|| V m > r MZR !! 2.2 R2 Or' V v m M> X R The student will find no difficulty in obtaining formula for the range of the arc of retrogradation, if any, or of the 176 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. arc of convexity towards the sun, if any, following the course pursued at pp. 172, 173 (using in the latter case the formula of p. 165), remembering that in this case D = R and E = r as in the case of planetary motion, but that in > and n = P P reducing the formula he must employ the relation N V m R3 M 1.3' I have not thought it necessary to occupy space here with the reduction of these formulæ, because they are of no special use. The path of our own moon has no points of retrogradation or of flexure, and the position of such points on the paths of Jupiter's moons, or Saturn's, is not a matter of much moment. We may pause a moment, however, to inquire into the limits of distance at which, in the case of these planets and our earth, convexity towards the sun, or retrogradation, would occur. M In the case of our earth, mi 322,700 = = (568)2 about; and R = 92,000,000. Therefore a moon would travel in a cusped epicycle, or come exactly to rest at perihelion, if (the earth's whole mass being supposed collected at her centre) 92,000,000 the moon's distance from the earth's centre were 322,700 miles, or about 285 miles. That a moon should travel in a path convex to the sun in perihelion, the distance should not 92,000,000 exceed or about 162,000 miles. Thus the 568 moon's actual distance being 238,828 miles, her path is entirely concave towards the sun. M In the case of Jupiter, ՊՈՆ **** = 1,046 = (323)² about; and EPICYCLICS. 177 ⠀ R=478,660,000 miles. Therefore a moon would travel in a cusped epicycle, or come exactly to rest in perihelion, if its 478,660,000 1,046 distance from Jupiter's centre were 457,600 miles. Thus the two inner moons, whose distances are 259,300 and 412,000 miles, have loops of retrogradation ; whereas the two outermost, whose distances are 658,000 and 1,155,800 miles, have paths wholly direct. But all the moons travel on paths convex towards the sun for a con- siderable arc on either side of perihelion; since for the path of a Jovian moon to just escape convexity towards the sun at 478,660,000 perihelion, its distance from Jupiter should be 321 miles, or about 14,804,000 miles; which far exceeds the distance even of the outermost moon. M In the case of Saturn ጎራ cusped epicycle if its distance from Saturn were 3,510 (59)2 about, and R = 877,570,000 miles. Hence a moon would travel in a 877,570,000 3,510 or about 250,700 miles. This is rather less than the distance of his fourth satellite, Dione, 253,442 miles; and, owing to the eccentricity of Saturn's orbit, it must at times happen that Dione comes almost exactly to rest for an instant at a cusp in epicyclic perihelion, or only has a motion perpendicular for the moment to the path of Saturn. The three satellites nearer to Saturn travelling at distances of 124,500, of 159,700, and of 197,855 miles, have loops of retrogradation, as have all the satellites composing the ring system. The other satellites, having distances of 353,647, of 620,543, of 992,280, and of 2,384,253 miles respectively, have no loops; but their paths are convex towards the sun for a considerable arc on either N = " or about 178 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. side of epicyclic perihelion; since, for a satellite's path just to escape convexity towards the sun, the satellite's distance 877,570,000 miles, or about 14,874,000 miles. 59 should be PROP. III.-Regarding the planets as moving uniformly in circles round the sun in the invariable plane, the projec- tions of the paths of the planets in space upon a fixed plane parallel to the invariable plane of the solar system are right trochoids. This follows directly from the fact that the sun is advancing in a right line (appreciably, so far as ordinary time-measures are concerned), with a velocity comparable with the orbital velocities of the planets. His course being inclined to the invariable plane, the actual path of each planet is a skew helix, as shown in the last chapter of my treatise on the sun. PROP. IV.—To determine the tangential, transverse, and radial velocities (linear) of a planet in its orbit relatively to another planet, and its angular velocity about this planet Let R be the distance, P the period, V the velocity of the planet which is regarded as the centre of motion; the distance, p the period, v the velocity of the other planet. " Then, in the formula for the tangential transverse, and radial velocities in epicyclics, we have to put R P • (1) ' = 1; but it will be convenient to retain n, remembering its value. We may also conveniently write = p, so that n = p- 2° R D=R; E =r; and n = 3 EPICYCLICS. 179 Moreover, with the units of distance and time in which R, r, P, and p are expressed, V RɅ V Also is the angle swept out around the sun by the planet of reference since the last conjunction of the sun and the other planet, the conjunction being superior in the case of an inferior planet.* Thus the tangential velocity is equal to R { R² + V = R\ 3 2 TR P 2* 3 = (p− −1) V. R² + • = V √] + p¬¹ + 2 pi cos (n − 1) p = V j² + 2 (R The formula can obviously assume many forms, but per · haps this, which enables us at once to compare the tangential velocity with V, the velocity of the planet of reference in its orbit, is the most convenient. The transverse velocity (direct) © (1) ³ (+) = √R² + r² + 2 R r cos (n − 1) p P-P p COS The radial velocity (towards centre) V. 1 + p³ + (p¬³ + p) cos (n − 1)ø. √1 + p² + 2 p cos (n 1) φ R² + rå x² + -R r cos (n - 1)} 22 Φ − r sin (n − 1) √ R² + ¿² + 2 Rr cos (n − 1) p 0 (0-3 p) sin (n − 1) p √1 + p² + 2 p cos (n − 1)ø • * The conjunction must be such that the sun is between the two planets. It is a convenient aid to the memory, in distinguishing between the superior and inferior conjunctions of inferior planets, to notice that inferior conjunction is that kind of conjunction with the sun which only inferior planets can enter into. N 2 180 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. The angular velocity of the planet about the planet of reference V = R ω. 3 p² + R² + (p˜³ +1) Rr cos (n − 1) ø R² + 7² + 2 r cos (n 1) Ξω p² + 1 + (p + p) cos (n - 1) 1 + p² + 2p cos (n − 1) ø V putting == angular velocity of the planet of reference ω R in its orbit. Cor. 1. In conjunction (superior if moving planet is in- ferior) = 0; .. Angular velocity in superior conjunction p³ + 1 + p˜ } +p ω 1 + p² + 2 (1 + p) x (1 + p ) (1 + p)² • (1+p+). 11 3 C Cor. 2. Similarly since in opposition if the moving planet. is superior, or in inferior conjunction if the moving planet is inferior, (n-1) = 180°, angular velocity of a planet in op- position or inferior conjunction (n−1) ø W pi + 1 − p 2 1+p² - 2 p (1 - p) - p- (1 - p) (1 - p)² - ω 1 - pi p A ♥(=엄​) ω p ω P √p + p SCHOL.—All the above formulæ are susceptible of many modifications depending on the relations subsisting between the periods, distances, real velocities, and angular velocities of the planets in their orbits. From Kepler's third law all such modifications may be directly deduced. EPICYCLICS. 181 PROP. V.--A planet transits the sun's disc at such a rate that the sun's diameter S would be traversed in time t ; assuming circular orbits and uniform motion, determine the planet's distance from the sun. * sun's Let the planet's distance = p, earth's distance being unity, and let w be the earth's angular vel. about the sun = angular vel. about earth. Then, if t' be the time in which the sun in his annual course moves through a distance equal to his own apparent diameter, wt' S, and the planet's angular velocity about the earth when in inferior conjunction or Wherefore, the planet's retrograde gain on the sun (which advances with angular velocity w) a quadratic giving or ω věto ω +w, věto ω = ~( 1 + √p + p ) = &= ~ " ω > √p + p t P+ √ == 1) vē ť' t √p = − } ± √ ³ ¢ + "' = ↓ √3t+t' 2 J t t $ ( + + + + √ G t → ܒ t t' ( ± √ 38 +8 - 1), + t' - t →→ 3 t + ť - t 1). Magda The lower sign must be taken, the upper giving a value of ℗ greater than unity. Cor. Let us take the supposed case of Vulcan, whose * This was the problem Lescarbault had to deal with in the case of the supposed intra-Mercurial planet Vulcan. He failed for want of such formulæ as are here given. 182 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. rate of transit was such that the sun's diameter would have been traversed in rather more than four hours. Since in March (the time of the supposed discovery) the sun traversed by his annual motion a space equal to his own apparent diameter in rather more than 12 hours, we may say that (with as near an approximation as an observation of this kind—inexact at the best-merits) t' = 3 t. Thus p = 1 / (2 − √✓ 3) - = (2 — 1·732) = (0·268) = 0·134. ½½ This is very near the estimated value of the imagined planet's distance. FORMS OF EPICYCLIC CURVES. The relations discussed in the propositions of this section enable us to determine the shape and general features of epitrochoids or direct epicyclics and of hypotrochoids or re- trograde epicyclics, for various values of D, E, and n. I propose to consider these features, but briefly only, because in reality their consideration belongs rather to the analytical than to the geometrical discussion of our subject. In the first place, since we obtain the same curve by interchanging deferent and epicycle, and at the same time interchanging the relative angular velocities of the motions. in these circles, we shall obtain all possible varieties of epi- cyclic curves by taking D as not less than E, so long as we give to n all possible values from positive to negative in- finity. The whole curve lies, in every case, between circles of radii D+E and D-E, the apocentres falling on the former circle, the pericentres on the latter. When DE, the whole curve lies within the apocentral circle; and all the pericentres lie at the fixed centre. FIG. 98. FIG. 99. PLATE II. FIG. 100. FIG. 102. FIG. 104. FIG. 101. FIG. 103. FIG. 105. FIG. 106. FIG. 108. FIG. 110. FIG. 112. ' PLATE III. FIG. 107. FIG. 109. FIG. 111. FIG. 113. & EPICYCLICS. 183 If n be infinite, whether positive or negative, we may consider the deferential velocity zero, and that of the epicy- clic finite, giving for the curve the direct epicycle itself if n is positive, and the retrograde epicycle itself if n is negative. When n is very great, we obtain such a curve as is shown in fig. 98, Plate II. (p. 184) if n is positive, and such a curve as in fig. 99, if n is negative. As n diminishes the angle of descent increases, the loops separate and we obtain such forms as are shown in figs. 100 and 101, for n positive or negative respectively. With the further reduction of n, the loops become smaller, the point of intersection approaching the pericentre when n is positive, the apocentre when n is negative, until D finally, when n= the loops disappear and we have peri- E' central cusps as in figs. 102 and 104, or apocentral cusps as in figs. 103 and 105, according as n is positive or negative. In the former case the curve is the epicycloid, in the latter the hypocycloid. As n diminishes from towards unity the cusps disap- D E pear and we have points of inflexion on either side of the pericentres if n is positive, or of the apocentres if n is nega- tive, as shown respectively in figs. 106 and 107, Plate III. As n further diminishes the points of inflexion draw further apart for a while in case of direct epicyclic, and after- D wards approach until n² when they coincide again at E' the pericentres, the curve being entirely concave towards the centre for all smaller values of n. In the case of the retro- grade epicyclic, the points of inflexion draw apart on either side of the apocentres, and continue so to do till they meet points of inflexion advancing from next apocentres on either 181 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. have when 122 side; so that in this case, as in that of direct epicyclic, we D two points of inflexion coinciding at E the pericentres. These two cases are illustrated in figs. 114 and 115. The former is a direct epicyclic; n=5; and D: E:: 25: 1; (apocentral dist. : pericentral dist. :: D+E D-E 13: 12. The latter is a retrograde epicyclic; :: n=-3; and D: E:: 9:1; (apocentral dist. : pericentral dist. D+ED-E:: 5:4). Compare figs. 118, 121, 154, 158. As n continues to decrease from the value FIG. 114. ос In diminishing from the value √ angle of descent continually increases if n is positive and we have curves of the form shown in fig. 108. FIG. 115. D E' E the " passe; through the value unity. When n + 1 the curve is a circle hav- ing the fixed point as centre, and having for radius whatever distance the tracing point may have from that centre ini- tially; the radius vector therefore always lies in value between D + E and D-E. As n continuing positive diminishes in absolute value from 1 to 0, the angle of descent which had become infinite dimi- nishes, remaining positive.* The curve continues concave * De Morgan says, 'becomes very great and negative.' This is correct on his assumption that the angle of descent is to be re- EPICYCLICS. 185 towards the centre, resembling the appearance it had had before n reached the value unity. As n approaches the value 0, however, the angle of descent becomes less and less, until when n=0) it becomes 180°, the curve being now a circle hav- ing radius D and centre at distance E from the fixed centre. Thus, if the tracing point is initially at A, fig. 81, p. 148, the centre is at c, but if the tracing point is initially at P, the centre is at c, (Oc being parallel to C P). As a diminishes in absolute value from- K //// D E to -1, the angle of descent increases till it is equal to 90°, the curve, always concave towards the fixed centre, forming a series of arcs more and more approaching the elliptical form, as in fig. 109, till when n = -1 the curve is the elliptical hypocycloid, see p. 124. We see that the equality of the diameters of the fixed and rolling circles is equivalent to the condition n = 1 for retrograde epicyclic. The semi-axes are (D+ E) and (D-E). Lastly as n, still negative, diminishes from -1 towards 0, the curve at first resembles in appearance that obtained before n reached the value -1, but the angle of descent gradually increases, until at length, when » = 0, it is 180° and the curve becomes the circle already described. garded as positive when the radius of the epicycle gains in direc- tion on the radius of the deferent, and negative when the radius of the deferent gains in direction on the radius of the epicycle. There is no occasion, however, to make this assumption, which is alto- gether arbitrary. If we consider the actual motion of the tracing point coming alternately at apocentre and at pericentre upon the deferential radius, which constantly advances whatever the value of n positive or negative (except + 1 only), we must consider the angle of descent as always positive. We arrive at the same conclusion also if we consider that the radius vector advances on the whole be- tween apocentre and following pericentre, for all epicy clics, direct or retrograde. 186 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. The varieties of form assumed by epicyclics according to the varying values of n, D, and E, are practically infinite. It will be noticed that in all the illustrative figures, n is a commensurable number, so that the curve re-enters into itself. Of course, no complete figure of an epicycle in which n is not a commensurable number could be drawn. Certain special cases may here be touched on briefly. When D = E, the direct epicyclic assumes such forms as are shown in figs. 110, 112, the retrograde epicyclic such forms as are shown in figs. 111 and 113. The distinction between the two classes of epicyclics in these cases is re- cognised by noting that the angle of descent, which must be positive, can only be made so by tracing the curves in figs. 110 and 112 the direct way, and by tracing those in figs. 111 and 113 the reverse way. A distinction must be noted between direct and retrograde epicyclics, when D is nearly equal to E, and n approaches the D value which is nearly equal to unity. For the direct epi- E' cyclic, the angle of descent, 180° ÷ (n−1), becomes very great, and we have a curve which passes from apocentre to pericentre through a number of revolutions, before beginning to ascend again by as many revolutions to the next peri- centre.* On the other hand, in the case of the retrograde epicyclic, when D is very nearly equal to E, the angle of descent 180° (n + 1) approaches in value to 90°, or the angle between successive apocentres approaches in value to two right angles, so that the curve has such a form as is shown farther on in fig. 119. We have followed the effects of changes in the value of * Prof. De Morgan strangely enough takes figs. 116 and 117 as illustrating this case. But in both these figs. n=1; in fig. 117, D= E. In neither is E very nearly equal to D. EPICYCLICS. 187 } n, where D and E are supposed to remain unchanged through- out. The number of apocentres and pericentres depends, as we have already seen, on the value of n. It will be a useful exercise for the student to examine the effect of varying the value of E, keeping D and n constant, or (which amounts FIG. 116. really to the same thing) to examine the effect of varying the E keeping n constant. Since the angle of descent value of D' is equal to 180° ÷ (n − 1) if n is positive, and to 180° ÷ FIG. 117. (n+1) if n is negative, changing the value of E D will not give all the curves having any given number m of apocentres or pericentres (for each revolution of the deferent). For this purpose it is necessary to assume first n= (m + 1), giving all the direct epicyclics having m apocentres and m peri- 188 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS, centres, and secondly n-(m-1) giving all the retrograde epicyclics having m apocentres and m pericentres, for each revolution of the deferent. (Of course, m is not necessarily a whole number.) Suppose we take n=, so that the angle of descent (=180°÷) is equal to ths of two right angles. Then if E> D we have such a curve as is shown in fig. 116. As E diminishes until E=D, the loops turn into cusps as 5 II FIG. 118. T21 FIG. 119. shown in fig. 117; as E diminishes still further until E D D (that is n² E form shown in fig. 118. Again, take n= 4. Then > the curve assumes the orthoidal K EPICYCLICS. 189 when E is nearly equal to D the curve has such a form as is shown in fig. 119, merging into the cuspidate form as in fig. 120, when E 3D; and into the orthoidal (or straightened) form, as in fig. 121, when ED (or = FIG. 120. 122 = 1). For further illustrations see p. 256. E If we compare fig. 98 with fig. 122, we perceive that in the former the loop between two successive whorls overlaps FIG. 121. two preceding loops, while in the latter each loop overlaps but one preceding loop. A number of varieties arise in this way. The determination of the condition under which any given preceding loop may be just touched is not difficult; 190 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. but in no case does the condition lead to a formula giving n directly in terms of D and E. The simplest of these cases is dealt with in Prop. IX. of this section. (See fig. 160, p. 256.) Figs. 123 and 124 illustrate eight-looped epicyclics direct and retrograde. By noting the different proportions between FIG. 122. their respective loops, and by comparing fig. 123 with fig. 100, a ten-looped direct epicyclic, and fig. 124 with fig. 101, a ten-looped retrograde epicyclic, the student will recognise the effect of varying conditions on the figures of epicyclics. (In FIG. 123. A fig, 100, n = 11; in fig. 101, n - 9; in fig. 123, n = 9, and in fig. 124, n = - 7). It is a useful exercise to take a series of epicyclics and determine the value of D, E, and n, from the figure of the Suppose, for instance, the curve shown in fig. 125, curve. EPICYCLICS. 191 is given for examination. This closely resembles fig. 108 in appearance; but in reality fig. 125 is a retrograde, whereas fig. 108 is a direct epicyclic. The character of the curve in this respect is determined by tracing it directly from any apocentre and noting that the next apocentre falls behind FIG. 124. the one from which we started. The values of D and E are determined at once from the dimensions of the ring within which the curve lies,-its outer radius being D + E, its inner D E. The value of n is conveniently determined FIG. 125. by noting the angle between two neighbouring apocentres (indicated best by the intersections of the curve next within the apocentres, for from the symmetry of the curve all inter- sections lie of necessity either on apocentral radii vectores or on these produced). This angle one-tenth of 360°, so 192 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. 9 ΤΟ ths of 180°; or n + 1. that the angle of descent is Thus in absolute value n = 1. , but n is negative. 9 In like manner we find that in fig. 126, n = } In each of the figs. 127, 128, and 129, n = 2, since there is only one apocentre. In fig. 127, the trisectrix, FIG. 126. FIG. 127. ö DE; in fig. 128, the cardioid, D= 2 E; in fig. 129, D = 3 E. Figs. 130 and 131, Plate IV., illustrate some of the pleasing combinations of curves which may be obtained by the use of the geometric chuck, the instrument with which all the curves of the present part of this section have been drawn. In FIG. 129. Fir. 28. fig. 130 we have two direct cpicyclics, (D – E) of the outer being equal to (D + E) of the inner. It will be found that for the outer n = 7, while for the inner = 15. In fig. 131 we have four direct epicycles, having (D + E) constant, but ratio D E different in each. It will be found that there : вит FIG. 130. Fig. 134. #:1::29: 7. MERCURY. COUNTRIE n: 1:21. D: E5 2. FIG. 136. MARS. PLATE IV. D E:3: 2. Dod " FIG. 131. FIG. 135. VENUS. #: 1:13: 8. Fig. 137. JUNO. n: 1:13: 3. APPROXIMATE FORMS OF D: E::10: 7. D: E::8: 3. Fig. 138. JUPITER. e FIG. 132. x00000 ė # : 1 :: 12 : 1. Fig. 140. n: 1:85: 1. D: E::5: 1. URANUS, $0.00 PLATE T. FIG. 133. FIG. 139. SATURN. O 2000 n: 1:59:2. D: E:: 19: 1. THE PLANETARY EPICYCLICS. 000 Fig. 141. NEPTUNE. #:1::217: 1. D: E::19: 2. DE: 36: 1. EPICYCLICS. 193 GL are 5 apocentres in each circuit; whence (n 1)= 3 1. 360 = 67, and n = 68. The inner part of the figure is a retrograde epicyclic having 5 apocentral distances in each circuit; whence in absolute value (n + 1) = 67½½, and N 661/2. Figs. 132, 133, Plate V., are further examples for the student. • The remaining eight figures of Plates IV. and V., for which I am indebted to Mr. Perigal, present the approxi- mate figures of the epicyclics traversed by the planets, with reference to the earth regarded as fixed Of course the real curves of the planetary orbits with reference to the earth do not return into themselves as these do, the value of n not being in any case represented by a commensurable ratio. Moreover, the orbits of the earth and planets around the sun are not in reality circles described with uniform velocity, but ellipses around the sun as a focus of each and described according to the law of areas called Kepler's second law. Therefore figs. 134-141 must be regarded only as repre- sentative types of the various epicyclics to which the plane- tary geocentric paths approximate more or less closely. In the case of Mars, I may remark that either of the ratios 158 or 32 17 would have given a more satisfactory approximation to the planet's epicyclic path around the earth. It so chances that I have taken occasion during the opposition-approach of Mars in 1877 to draw the true geo- centric path of Mars around the earth for the last forty years and for the next fifty, taking into account the eccen- tricity and ellipticity of the paths, and the varying motion of the earth and Mars in their real orbits around the sun. The resulting curve, though presenting the epicyclic cha- racter, yet falls far short of any of the curves of Plates IV. 0 194 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. and V. in symmetry of appearance. The loops are markedly unequal, a relation corresponding of course to the observed inequality of the arcs of retrogradation traversed by Mars at different oppositions. NOTE.—Mr. H. Perigal, to whom I am indebted for all the illus- trations of this part of the present work (except figs. 118-121, 132, 133, and 154-161, engraved by Mr. L. W. Boord, with a similar instrument), gives the following account of the geometric chuck:— 'The geometric chuck, a modification of Suardi's geometric pen, was constructed by J. H. Ibbetson, more than half a century ago, as an adjunct to the amateur's turning-lathe. It is admirably adapted for the purposes of ornamental turning; but is still more valuable as a means of investigating the curves produced by compound cir- cular motion. In its simplest form it generates bicircloid curves, so called from their being the resultants of two circular movements. This is effected by a stop-wheel at the back of the instrument giving motion to a chuck in front, which rotates on its centre, while that centre is carried round with the rest of the instrument and the train of wheels which imparts the required ratio of angular velocity to the two movements. A sliding piece gives the radial adjustment, which determines the phases of the curve dependent upon the radial-ratio. By the simple geometric chuck a double motion is given to a plane on which the resultant curve is delineated by a fixed point; but it may act as a geometric pen when it is made to carry the tracing point with a double circular motion, so as to delineate the curve on a fixed plane surface. The curves thus produced being reciprocals, all the curves generated by the geometric chuck may be produced by the geometric pen, and vice versâ, by making the angu- lar velocity of the one reciprocal to that of the other. For instance, the ellipse may be generated by the geometric chuck with velocity- ratio 1: 2' (see, however, remarks following this extract), and by the geometric pen with velocity-ratio 21, the movements of both being inverse, that is, in contrary directions. 'The accompanying curves were turned in the lathe with the geo- metric chuck (by myself, many years ago), of sufficient depth to enable casts to be taken from them in type metal, so as to print the curves as black lines on a white ground. These curves are therefore veritable autotypes of motion.' Mr. Perigal has invented, also, an ingenious instrument, called the kinescope (sold by Messrs. R. & J. Beck, of Cornhill), by which all forms of epicyclics can be ocularly illustrated. A bright bead = == EPICYCLICS. 195 is set revolving with great rapidity about a centre, itself revolving rapidly about a fixed centre, and by simple adjustment, any velo- city-ratio can be given to the two motions, and thus any epicyclic traced out. The motions are so rapid that, owing to the persist- ence of luminous images on the retina, the whole curve is visible as if formed of bright wire. He has also turned hundreds of epicyclics (or bicircloids, as he prefers to call them) with the geometric chuck. There is one point to be noticed, however, in his published figures of these curves. The velocity-ratio mentioned beside the figures is not the ratio n : 1 of this section, but (n−1): 1, i.e., he signifies by the velocity-ratio, not the ratio of the actual angular velocity of the tracing radius in the epicycle to the angular velocity of the deferent radius, but the ratio of the angular gain of the tracing radius from the deferent to the an- gular velocity of the deferent. This may be called the mechanical ratio, as distinguished from the mathematical ratio; for a mecha- nician would naturally regard the radius C'A' of the epicycle PA'P' (fig. 81) as at rest, and therefore measure the motion of the tracing radius C'P' from C'A', whereas in the mathematical way of viewing the motions, C'a is regarded as the radius at rest, and the motion of CP is therefore measured from C'a. The point is not one of any im- portance, because no question of facts turns upon it; but it is neces- sary to note it, as the student who has become accustomed to regard the velocity-ratios as they are dealt with in the present section (and usually in mathematical treatises on epicyclic motion), might other- wise be perplexed by the numerical values appended to Mr. Perigal's diagrams. These values, be it noticed, are those actually required in using the geometric chuck or the kinescope; for in all adjustments the epicycle is in mechanical connection with the deferent. K FORMS OF RIGHT TROCHOIDS. Right trochoids may be regarded as epicyclics having the radius of deferent infinite, the centre of the epicycle travel- ling in a straight line. A good idea of the form of trochoids may be obtained by regarding them as pictures of screw- shaped wires (like fine corkscrews), viewed in particular directions. This may be shown as follows :— If a point move uniformly round a circle whose centre advances uniformly in a straight line perpendicular to the 0 2 196 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. plane of the circle, the point will describe a right helix, the convolutions of which will lie closer together, relatively to the span of each, as the motion of the point in the circle is more rapid relatively to the motion of the circle's centre. Now if any plane figure be projected on a plane at right angles to its own, by parallel lines inclined half a right angle to each plane (or perpendicular to one of the two planes bisecting the plane angle between them), the projection of the figure is manifestly similar and equal to the figure itself. Therefore if the circle and the point tracing out the helix just described be projected on a plane parallel to the axis of the helix, by lines making with this plane and the plane of the circle an angle equal to half a right angle, the circle will be projected into a circle whose centre advances uniformly in the plane of projection in a right line. The projection of the tracing point will be a point travelling uniformly round this circle; and therefore the projection of the helix will be a right trochoid. We may say then that every helix viewed at an angle of 45° to its axis is seen as a trochoid,—or rather that portion of the helix which is so viewed from a distant point appears as a trochoid. When the tracing point of a helix moves at the same rate as the centre of the circle, the helix viewed at an angle of 45° to its axis appears as a right cycloid. Thus a helicoid or corkscrew wire having a slant of 45° and viewed from a great distance at the same slant (so that the line of sight coincides with the direction of the helix where touched, at one side, by a plane through the remote point of view), appears as a cycloid. The helix is projected into other curves if the line of sight is inclined to the axis at an angle less or greater than 45°. In this case the projected curve is that generated by a point. travelling round an ellipse in such a way that the eccen- tric angle increases uniformly while the centre of the ellipse EPICYCLIC'S. 197 advances uniformly,-in the direction of the minor axis if the angle of inclination exceeds half a right angle, and of the major axis if the angle of inclination is less than half a right angle. A set of such curves, obtained from a helix of inclination 45°, are shown in fig. 144, plate VI., A bio T' being a semi- cycloid, and Ab, T, A bg T', &c., other projections of the 10 9 8 same portion of the helix by lines inclined to the plane of projection at an angle exceeding a right angle, A b T' being the orthogonal projection of this portion of the helix. Such curves, and varieties of them resulting when the helix is skewed (the centre of the circle advancing in a direction not perpendicular to the plane of the circle), possess interesting properties; but they do not belong to our subject, not being trochoidal. Moreover, for their thorough investi- gation much more space would be required than can here be spared. But one of these curves, the orthogonal projection AbT' (fig. 144, Plate VI.) of a helix of inclination 45°, must be briefly mentioned here, because associated histori- cally as well as geometrically with the right cycloid. THE COMPANION TO THE CYCLOID. This curve, called also 'Roberval's Curve of Sines,' may be obtained as follows:- Let AB (fig. 142) be a fixed diameter of a circle AQB, and through any point Q on AQB draw MQp perp. to ACB and equal to the arc AQ; the locus of this point p is the companion to the cycloid APD having AB as axis. If CO c, the line of centres of semicycloid APD, be bisected in O, the curve passes through O, because CO quadrant AQC'. Drawing pm, Q, n, perp. to CO c, we have mo 198 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. CO-Cm=AC' — AQ=arc QC'; pm: 0m :: Qn: arc QC' sin QCC circ. meas. of QCC'. Hence the part A p 0 of the companion to the cycloid is a curve of sines. Produce Qn to meet AC'B in Q', draw M Q'p' paralle 23 M N M B 78 Ta him T FIG. 142. x P 22. ת) K to BD to meet the curve Ap D in p' and AB in M', and draw p'm' perp. to CO c. Then M'p' = AC Q', and OC = AC' arc C'Q' = arc C'Q = 0 m ; = n Q' = n Q =pm. And C m' .. Om' p' m' Therefore the part Op'D of the curve bears precisely the same relation to the line Oc, which the part Ap O bears to OC. Thus the entire curve is a curve of sines. Area Ap OC = area Op' Dc; wherefore, adding CODB, area AODB = rect. CD rect. BE circle AQB. It is also obvious that the same curve D p' Op A will be ob- tained by taking Ec' D as the generating semicircle, and drawing m'q'p': =arc q'D, m q p arc q q' D; so that the figure ED p Op A is in all respects equal to the figure BA p Op D. EPICYCLICS. 199 Since MQP arc AQ + MQ ; and M p = arc AQ, MQ = p P; so that an elementary rectangle QN elementary rectangle p L of same breadth; whence it follows that area Ap D P = semicircle AQB: for we may regard pL and NQ as elementary rectangles of these areas respectively, and the equality of every such pair of elements involves the equality of the areas. Since area AODB=circle AQB; and area A p DP=1 circle AQB; .. Area APDB = 3 circle AQB; and 2 area APDB = 3 circle AQB: this is Roberval's demonstration of the area of the cycloid. Draw 8r parallel and near to Qp, and ksh, CT, rl perp. to OC; then Ꮣ Ꮯ A 8 ; mC = AQ ; .. m l — Q 8; and ml: nh: Q 8 : nh:: CQ (hk): Qn (ult. rl) (= ..rect. m l.rl=rect. nh.hk; that is, rect. rm=rect. nk; or inct. of area A pm C-inct. of rect. A n. But these areas begin together. Hence area Apm C=rect. A n ; also Area AOC rect. CT; and area pm 0= rect. n T. Representing angles by their circular measure :--- Om pm=r sin QC′ r sin yo r 0 Se and rect. n Tr² (1 ·(1- sin x dx = 1 - cos x; and similarly, since pmr cos therefore, the proof that area pm0rect. n T, may be re- garded as a geometrical demonstration of the relation AQ T ↑ COS C m gr os0 m); до COS- the proof 200 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. that area A pm C = 'rect. A n may be regarded as a geome- trical demonstration of the relation 0 I a cos x d x = sin x. It will easily be seen that for points on Op'D, Area AO p' M' rect. M'm' rect. A n, or Bn, S leading again to the relation. = area AODB = rect. B c. } 201 SECTION VI. EQUATIONS TO CYCLOIDAL CURVES. Although, properly speaking, the discussion of the equa- tions to cycloidal curves belongs to the analytical treatment of our subject, it may be well, for convenience of reference, to indicate here the equations to trochoids (including the cy- cloid), epicyclics, and the system of spirals which may be re- garded as epitrochoidal (see p. 127, et seq.). For the sake of convenience and brevity I follow the epicyclic method of considering all these curves. Let the centre of a circle a qb (figs. 45, 46, Plate I.), of radius e, travel with velocity 1 along a straight line C c in its own plane, while a point travels with velocity m round the circumference of the circle. Take the straight line Cc for axis of x, Ca for axis of y, and let the point start from a, in direction a qb. When it has described an angle mo about C, the centre has advanced a distance e p along Cc, and there- fore, if x and y are the coordinates of the tracing point, x = e 4 + e sin m ø, y = e cos m p. (1) If we remove the origin to b, the centre of the base, taking b d as axis of a and b a as axis of y, the equations are, x x=ep + e sin m 4, y = e + e cos m p. (2) If we remove the origin to a, the vertex, taking a e as axis of x and a b as axis of y, the equations are x = e o + e sin m p, (3) y = c e cos m p. Kalpagtatan 202 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. If we remove the origin to c', taking c' C as axis of x, and c' d' as axis of y, the tracing point starting from d in the same direction as before, the equations are y = e cos m 4. x=e& еф e sin o, (4) If in this case we remove the origin to e', taking e'e as axis of x and e' d' as axis of y, the equations are Car y = e + e cos m p. x=e8 еф e sin o, (5) And lastly, if we remove the origin to d', taking d'd as axis of x and d' e' as axis of y, we have the equations x = e p e sin o, y = e e cos m 0. FIG. 143. (Join C'p.) Barbar K T M (6) = If m 1, these equations represent the right cycloid; if m < 1, they represent the prolate cycloid; and if m > 1, they represent the curtate cycloid. rent= For epicyclics, take O (fig. 143), the centre of fixed circle as origin, OA through an apocentre A as axis of x, and a perp. to OA through O as axis of y. Put OC, radius of defe- d; CA, radius of epicycle=e (using italics as more convenient in equations than capitals); COC′ = p, and angle a C'P=nø. Then, if x and y are the co-ordinates of P (7) x=d cos 4+ e cos n p, y=d sin +e sin n p. Φ EQUATIONS TO CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 203 If OC, instead of passing through an apocentre when pro- duced, intersects the curve in a pericentre at B, the equations are y=d sin o x=d cos o e cos n o, e sin n o. (8) For a retrograde epicyclic, angle a C'P=n4, and the equations (A being an apocentre) are A x=d cos + e cos n o, y=d sin p e sin np. (9) If B is a pericentre of retrograde epicyclic, the equations are ― x=d cosp e cos no, y=d sin +e sin n o. (10) But all these equations are derivable from form (7) ;—(8) by rotating the axis through the angle of descent, and ; 1 N (9) and (10) from (7) and (8) respectively by changing the sign of n. So that equations (7) may be used as the equa- tions for the epicyclic in rectangular coordinates, without loss of generality. d e When, in (7) and (10), n = the equations are those of the epicycloid and hypocycloid respectively, when an axis coin- d cides with the axis x; if, in equations (8) and (9), n=~ e' equations are those of the epicycloid and hypocycloid, respec- tively, when a cusp falls on axis of x. It will be remembered that if F is radius of fixed circle and R radius of rolling circle, d=R+F, and e=R; R being regarded as negative in case of hypocycloid. W Τ From (7) we get 2¹² + y² = r² = d² + e² + 2 d e cos (n − 1)ø, and tan 0 = the (11) d cos + e cos n o d sin o + e sin n o ; (12) which are the polar equations to the curve, O being the pole 201 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. and OA, though an apocentre, the initial line. [Equation (11) is obviously derivable at once from the triangle OC'P.] For the epicyclic spirals, suppose OC', fig. 143-ƒ, and that a tangent at C to circle CK, carrying with it the perp. BCA, rolls over the arc CK, uniformly, till it is in contact at C, the angle C'OC being p. Then if AC g, and x and y are the rectangular coordinates of the point to which A has been carried, it is obvious (since CA in its new position is parallel to OC) that (taking projections on axes of x and y) x=(f+g) cos &+fp sino; y=(f+g) sin o-ƒ cos; (13) the equations to the epicyclic spiral traced by A. The spiral traced by B obviously has for its equations x=(ƒ−g)cosp+ƒpsinp; y=(ƒ—9) sin p—ƒ¢ cos p. (14) From (13) we get x² + y² = r² = (ƒ + g)² + ƒ² q2; p2 2 (f+g) sin of cos o = (f+g) cos +ƒo sin (15) & ƒ¢= √ r² — (ƒ²+g²); tan 0 the polar equations to these spirals. See also Ex. 133, p. 253. If g=0, or the tracing point is on the tangent, equations (13) become y=fsin of cos; & x = ƒcos & +ƒo sin o, (16) the equations to the involute of a circle. The polar equation to this curve is (from 15), ftan giving and tan 0 = √72 - ƒ2 f2 f √ p² — ƒ”² f √72 - ƒ2 + √ p² -ƒ2 ftan If gf, equations (13) become x=fsino; y = ƒ cos ; - & o x² + y² = ƒ² 42; or r=fo; tan 0 = cot &; or 0 = 0 M or π (17) EQUATIONS TO CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 205 whence r = ƒ 0 + ƒ√ ; =ƒ0 f 2 (18) the polar equation to the spiral of Archimedes, with OD, fig. 72, p. 130, as initial line. If OQ be taken as initial line, the equation is r =ƒ0. (19) All the pairs of equations in rectangular coordinates can readily, by eliminating p, be reduced to a single equation between x and y. Thus (1) becomes e ( m the general equation to the right trochoid. From equation (11) 1 12 — 1 P = x = COS cos-l + √e² - 1²; 2 x² + 3/2 - 172 +2 2 de (20) which combined with either of equations (7) gives the general equation to the epicyc'ic in rectangular coordinates. To obtain this general equation in a symmetrical form, note that from (7) y cos o x sin o = e sin (n − 1)ø. (21) However, in nearly all analytical investigations of the properties of these curves, it is more convenient to use the pair of equations (1) for trochoids, (7) for epicyclics, and (13) for epicyclic spirals, or the polar equations (11) and (12) for epicyclics, and (15) for epicyclic spirals. The only use I propose to make, here, of the equations to these curves, is to obtain the general equations to the evo- lutes of trochoids, epicyclics, and epicyclic spirals. These general equations, though they may be deduced from rela- tions established geometrically in the text, are more con- veniently dealt with analytically. We have in equations (1), (7), and (13), x and y expressed as functions of a third variable ; wherefore 206 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Also, d x ἀφ and the equation to the evolute is derived from the two equations Jus η d2 y do 2 wherefore d x (2/2)² and if we put XC y + J W where and ŋ are coordinates of the point in the evolute corresponding to the point x, y, on the curve. In the case of trochoids, we obtain from (1) d² y d x •dq² do + 2 2 V2 { (dx)² + (dy)² } } =e+me cos m p; Y d x d² x dy 2 2 d q² do d q² do ρ d² to the evolute are 2 d x dys 23{(c)² + (D)") (1/7/20 d o do Φ d² y d x do² do ψ 14 T 2 2 x x da { (da)² + (1 %)² )"} d² y d x dø² do ἀφ (2% d 2 m² e cosmo; d² x d y dy² do φ dy d o e² (1 + 2 m cos m 4 + m²). d² x dy do² dp d² x dy 2 dø² do 12x d q² 2 me sin mo ; (1 + 2 m cos m p + m²) m² (cos m 4 + m) me sin mo; e² m² (cos m 4 + m) ; e (1 + 2 m cos m o + m²); m² (cos mp + m) ; k, the equations E = eo + e (1 + km) sin m p, n = ek + e (1 + km) cos m 4. (22) EQUATIONS TO CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 207 Φ 1+hm If we put may be written I x ἀφ &= = e(1 + km) p' + e (1 + k m) sin m'p', ทุ ek + e (1 + km) cos m'p'; and from which we see that the evolute of the trochoid may be regarded as traced by an epicycle of variable radius e (1 + km), in which the tracing point moves with velocity bearing the variable ratio m' to the velocity of the epicycle's centre, while the deferent straight line shifts parallel to the axis of x so that its distance from this axis is constantly equal to ek on the negative side of the axis of y. If 1 (or curve (1) becomes the cycloid), k and equations (22) become (23) ६ = =e& e sin o; n= 2 e — e cos mp; showing that the evolute is an equal and similar cycloid, with parallel base, removed a distance 2 e, or one diameter of the tracing circle, from the base of the involute cycloid towards the negative side of the axis of y (that is from the concavity of the involute), and having vertices coincident with the cusps of the involute cycloid. From equations (7) we obtain =p' and m (1+km)=m', these equations - -d sin p—n e sin no; - ď²y dx d q² 2 d x 2 dy •· ( 1 ) ² + ( 1 ) y ) = d² + n² e² + 2 n d e cos (n−1) 4, Φ Φ №² y d 1 42 d2x 2 d q3 p d y = d cos q+ne cos n 9 ; d o d sin o 2, M n² e sin no, d cos o n² e cos no dy =d²+n³ e² + (n² + n) decos (n − 1) Y 4 d² x do do² dy 2 208 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. wherefore, p = and and if we put we obtain for the equations to the evolute n = d sin & + e sin no } {d² + n² e² + 2 n de cos (n − 1) d² + n³ e² + (n² + n) d e cos (n − 1)p d² + n² e² + 2 n d e cos (n−1) p d²+n³ e² + (n² +n) d e cos (n − 1) ø E = d cos o + e cos n o - k (d cos o + n e cos n 4), or ¿ = d (1−k) cos and η d (1−k) sin US 77 S 2 — 1 n+1 17 -1 n+ 1 _______ whence we see that the evolute may be regarded as traced by an epicycle of variable radius e (1−n k) carried on a de- ferent also of variable radius d (1−k). It is easily seen (see p. 117, and figs. 63, 64), that C'B' k C'O' +e(1−nk) cos no + e (1 − n k) sin n o 2 1+2 • ( When d = ne, so that the involute epicyclic is the epi- cycloid or the hypocycloid (according as n is positive or ne- gative), k reduces to and the equations of the evolute become ‚d cos - Makka • k (d sin o + ne sin n ø) } ps ps - NB' d sin - 3 5.). n-1 n+1 n — 1 n+1 =k, e cos no e sin no ; (24) ; (25) which (we see from 8) are the equations of an epicycloid or hypocycloid (according as n is positive or negative), whose deferential and epicyclic radii (and in fact whose linear pro- portions) bear to those of the involute the ratio (n−1): (n+1), and whose vertices touch the cusps of the involute epicycloid or hypocycloid. If n is positive the ratio (n−1) : (n+1) is the same as (-e): (d+e), or F: (F+ 2 R), as in Section II. If n is negative the ratio (n-1): (n+1) is the same as (d+e): (d—e), or F: (F-2 R), as in Section II. PLATE VI. A M Ma Mi S Se 2 Sa S+ S& Se S4 SA Sa ΑΙ Bo Ba B BSBF 92 91 M فن P2 by by by Bra be FIG. 144. CONSTRUCTION FOR MEASURING MOTION IN ELLIPTIC ORBITS UNDER GRAVITY. T C' Τ 209 SECTION VII. GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. GRAPHICAL USE OF THE CYCLOID AND ITS COMPANION TO DETERMINE THE MOTION OF PLANETS AND COMETS. [From the Monthly Notices of the Astronomical Society for April 1873.] The student of astronomy often has occasion to deter- mine approximately the motion of bodies, as double stars, comets, meteor systems, and so on,-in orbits of considerable eccentricity. The following graphical method for solving such problems in a simple yet accurate manner is, so far as I know, a new one. * By its means a diagram such as fig. 144, Plate VI., having, once for all, been carefully inked in on good drawing card, the motion of a body in an orbit of any eccentricity can be determined by a pencilled construction of great simplicity, which can be completed (including the construction of the ellipse) in a second or two. Let APA', fig. 145, be an elliptical orbit of which ACA' is the major axis, C the centre, S being the centre of force, so that A is the aphelion, and A' the perihelion. Let H be *New as a method of construction, though the principle on which it depends is of course not new. The curve Ap T' (fig. 145), for instance, is an orthogonal projection of a particular prolate cycloid which, as Newton long since showed, if accurately drawn, gives the means of determining the motion in the ellipse APA'. But, as he remarks, this prolate cycloid cannot readily be drawn; whereas the curve A p T can be very readily drawn. P 210 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. half the periodic time, and T the time in which the body moves from A to P. On AA' describe the auxiliary semicircle Ab A'. Then A M CS AU QM: AQA' AC Now if Am1' be a cycloid having AA' as its diameter, then C S A T: H area ASP area ABA' we have • :: (ACQ + SCQ); area A b A' :: AC . AQ + ČS . QM ; AC. AQA' P :: AQ + Ordinate M m = AQ + QM. FIG. 145. B b IP • · 17 And if we take M I AQ, we have q a point on A q T', the companion to the cycloid. The line qm is then equal to QM; and if we take a point p on mQ such that I SC SC AC IM AC·• QM 1 T GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 211 Mp = AQ + wherefore SC AC QM; and A'T′ = AQA'; TH:: Mp: A'T' Thus we may represent the time in traversing the arc AP by the ordinate Mp to a curve Ap T', obtained by dividing all such lines as qm (joining the cycloid and its companion, and parallel to A'T') so that qp: q m as SC: AC. 10 Accordingly, if we construct such a diagram as is shown in fig. 144, plate VI., in which AT' is a semi-cycloidal arc and Ab T' its companion, while intermediate curves are drawn dividing all such lines as b b₁, into ten or any other convenient number of equal parts, the curves through the successive points b, b₁, ba, &c., to bio, give us the time-ordi- nates for bodies moving in ellipses having A and A'as apses, and their centres of force respectively at C, S1, S2, S3, S₁, and A'. In the plate the semi-ellipses corresponding to these posi- tions of the centre of force are drawn in, and it will be manifest that any ellipse intermediate to those shown can be pencilled in at once, with sufficient accuracy. Ellipses within AB,A' have their focus of force between S, and A', and are exceptionally eccentric.* It is easy to construct such an ellipse, however, in the manner indicated for the semi-ellipse AB,A'. For the radial lines and the parallels to AT through their extremities are supposed to be inked in; and (taking the case of ellipse AB,A') we have only to draw the semicircle a B, a', and parallels to AA' through the points where the radial lines intersect this semicircle, to obtain by * It is manifest that when the centre of force is at A' we have the case of a body projected directly from a centre of force, and the time-curve becomes the cycloid A b₁T. Thus the above lines give a geometrical demonstration of the relation established analytically in the paper which follows. + P 2 212 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. the intersections of these parallels with the parallels to AT a sufficient number of points on the semi-ellipse. The illustrative diagram has been specially constructed for the use of those who may have occasion to employ the method, and will be found sufficiently accurate for all ordi- nary purposes. Before proceeding, however, to show how the method is applied in special cases, I shall describe how such a diagram should be constructed :- First the semicircle ABA' must be drawn, and the lines AT, A'T' perp. to AA'. Then CA' must be divided into ten equal parts (and when the figure is large, a plotting scale for hundredths, &c., should be drawn). Next A'T and AT must be each taken equal to 3·1416 where CA' is the unit. Join TT'. Now AT and A'T' represent, as time-ordinates, the half-period of any body moving in an ellipse having AA' as major axis. Each must now be divided into the same number of equal parts, and it is convenient to have eighteen such parts. (So that in the illustrative case of our Earth, three divisions represent a month.) Next the semicircle. ABA' must be divided into eighteen equal parts. Through the points of division on the semicircle, parallels to AT and A'T' are to be drawn,* and the points of division along AT and A'T' are to be joined by parallels to AA' and TT'. Then the curve Ab T', the 'companion to the cycloid,' runs through the points of intersection of the first parallel to AT and the first to AA', the second parallel to AT and the second to AA', the third parallel to these lines, the fourth, and so on. We have now only to take b bio equal to CB; q₁ P₁ equal to M₁ P₁; q2 P₂ equal to M, P₂; and so on, to obtain the re- quired points on the cycloid A b₁0 T'; and the equidivision 10 2 2 * Practically it is convenient to draw another semicircle on TT, divide its circumference into eighteen parts, and join the correspond- ing points of division on the two semicircles. 1 GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 213 of all such lines as b bio, q1 P1, 42 P₂ (into ten parts in the illustrative diagram) gives us the required points on the interme liate curves. Next let us take some instances of the application of the diagram. I. Suppose we wish to divide a semi-e lipse of given eccentricity into any given number of parts traversed in equal times, and let the eccentricity be, and 18 the given number of parts * :— 5 Then S, is the centre of force; AB,A' the semi-ellipse; and Ab, T' the time-curve. The dots along A b,T' give the intersection of the time-curve with the time-ordinates parallel to AA'; and therefore parallels to AT, though these dots (not drawn in the figure, to avoid confusion) indi- cate by their intersection with the semi-ellipse ABA, the points of division required. II. Suppose we wish to know how far the November meteors travel from perihelion in the course of one quarter of their period, that is, one half the time from perihelion to aphelion :- The curve AB,A, is almost exactly of the same eccen- tricity as the orbit of the November meteors. To avoid additional lines and curves, let us take it as exactly right. Then Ab, T' is the time-curve. For the quarter period from the perihelion (or aphelion), we take of course the middle vertical line, which intersects Ab,T in c. This point by a coincidence is almost exactly on a parallel to AT, and this parallel meets the semi-ellipse AB, A' in n, the re- quired point on the orbit. In other words, the journey of the November meteors from A to n occupies the same time as their journey from n to A', S, being the position of the 9 * This selection is made solely to avoid the addition of lines and curves not necessary to the completeness of the diagram. 214 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Sun, and the Earth's distance from the Sun approximately equal to A'S,. III. Suppose we require, in like manner, the quarter- period positions in different orbits, all having AA as major axis, but their centres of force variously placed along CA'. We get any number of points, n, 1, k, precisely as n was obtained; m, of course, is on the parallel through Co; and we obtain, in fine, the curve mnlk B, which resembles, but is not, an elliptic quadrant. IV. Suppose we require to know in what time the half orbit from aphelion or perihelion is described in orbits of different eccentricity. The required information is manifestly indicated by the intersection of CC' with the time-curves, in b, b₁, b₂, &c. Thus in the circle, AB is described in the time represented by Cb; in the semi-ellipse AB, A, AB, is described in the time represented by Cb3, and B,A' in the time represented by b,C; and so on for the other semi- ellipses. V. Suppose we require to determine approximately the 'equation of the centre' for a body when at any given point of its orbit of known eccentricity. Take the case of Mars, whose eccentricity being nearly 1o, his path is fairly repre- sented by the ellipse next within ABA', and his time-curve by Ab, T. Then the equation of the centre, when Mars is at his mean distance, is represented by bb,; when Mars is at P, (not on the circle, but on the curve just within), the equation of his centre is represented by q₁ r₁; and so on. Many other uses and interpretations of the time-curves will suggest themselves readily to those who are likely to use the diagram. After the above method had been briefly described, Pro- fessor Adams, who was in the chair, mentioned a method GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 215 6 (devised by himself many years since) by which the same results can be obtained from the companion to the cycloid' or curve of sines.' Professor Adams's method may be thus exhibited :—Let a ba' be the y-positive half of one wave of the curve of sines,' C its diameter: AbA', a semicircle with radius C. Let ABA', fig. 146, be a half-ellipse having its ↳ focus at S. Then the time in any are AP of this ellipse may he thus determined. Join b S, produce the ordinate PM to Q on circle ABA', draw Qq parallel to a a', and qp parallel to bS; then ap represents the time in traversing AP, where a a' represents the half period. And vice versâ, if we require + A M Trc. 146. 3 IB C P is a' the position of the moving body after any time from the apse. say aphe'ion, then take ap to represent the time, where a a is the half period, ACA' the major axis, S the centre of force; join Sb, draw pq parallel to $7, 9 Q parallel to AA', and QP perpendicular to AA gives P the point required. It will be manifest that in principle my method is iden- tical with this, for in my figure the time is represented by Mp, where M q (fig. 145) is equal to the arc AQ, and 9 p is equal to QM reduced in the ratio of CS to CA. Now a P fig. 146 is the projection of a q and 9p; and the projection of aq is equal to the arc AQ (see p. 200), while the projection in 216 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. of q P is equal to QM reduced in the proportion of CS to AC. Although Professor Adams's construction has the advan- tage of requiring but a single curve, yet for the particular purpose described my construction is more convenient. We see from the fig. 146 that to give the relation between the times and positions in the case of the ellipse Ap A', we require a series of parallels to bC, aa' and bS; and the parallels to bS only serve for this one case. Therefore we could not construct a reference figure for many cases, without having many series of parallels and a very confusing result. In my construction we have, instead, many curves, but a result which is not confusing because each curve is distinct from the rest. GRAPHICAL USE OF THE CYCLOID TO MEASURE THE MOTION OF MATTER PROJECTED FROM THE SUN. [From the Monthly Notices of the Astronomical Society for December 1871.] Whatever opinion we may form as to the way in which the matter of certain solar prominences is propelled from beneath the photosphere, there can be little question that such propulsion really takes place. It seems clear indeed that some prominences, more especially those seen in the Sun's polar and equatorial regions, are formed-or rather make their appearance-in the upper regions of the solar atmosphere, and even assume the appearance of eruption- prominences by an extension downwards, somewhat as a waterspout simulates the appearance of an uprushing column of water though really formed by a descending movement. But it is certain that other prominences are really phenomena of eruption. GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 217 4 In the case of any matter thus erupted, we shall clearly obtain an inferior limit for the value of the initial velocity of outrush, if we assume that the apparent height reached by the matter is the real limit of its upward motion (that is, that there is no foreshortening), and that the solar atmosphere exercises no appreciable influence in retarding the motion. The latter supposition is, however, wholly untenable under the circumstances, while the former must in nearly all cases be erroneous; and I only make these suppositions in order to simplify the subject, noting that their effect is to reduce the estimated velocity of outrush to its lowest limiting value. We are to deal then, for the present, with the case of matter flung vertically upwards from the sun's surface and subject only to the influence of solar gravity; I propose to consider the time of flight between certain observed levels, not the mere vertical distance attained by the erupted matter; and (as I wish to deal with cases where a great distance from the sun has been attained) it will be necessary to take into account the different actions of the solar gravity at different distances. Zöllner, in dealing with prominences of moderate height, has regarded the solar gravity as con- stant; but this is evidently not admissible when we come to deal with matter hurled to a height of 200,000 miles, since at that height solar gravity is reduced to less than one-half the value it has at the surface of the sun. It is easy to obtain the required formula; and though it is doubtless contained in all treatises on Dynamics, it will be as well to run through the work in this place. In re- ducing the formula I have noticed a neat geometrical illus- tration (and a partial proof) which I do not remember to have seen in that form in any book. It not only presents in a striking manner the varying rate at which a body 218 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. falls towards a centre attracting according to the law of nature, but it supplies a means whereby the time of flight between any given distances may be readily obtained from a simple construction. K Let C, fig. 147, be the centre of a globe ABD, of radius R, and attracting according to the law of nature; let y be the accelerating force of gravity at the surface of the globe. Then the attraction exerted at a unit of distance, if the whole mass of the globe were collected at a point, would be g R2. T g Q וד FIG. 147. 25 20 a 1/5 12x d t2 1.5 10 Let a particle falling from rest at E time t; and let AE = H, and CP = x. of motion is Y R2 H Illustrating the motion of a body descending from rest towards a globe attracting according to the law of nature. x:2 F 1 M f reach the point P i Then the equation GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 219 giving Thus so that, since the particle starts from rest at a distance (R+ H) from C, we have R 2g R N D d t A x Integrating, we have R Z ༡ (da) ² For convenience write D for (R + H); then we have 2 (da) ² = (1 - 11) 금​) t /29 D • 0 t =v2 2 g R2 R+H = v² = 2 g R² Dx 2 g R2 X = VD x x2 + C. 2 g R2 / D x² + D 2 MAN, K +C; 2² (D = x). X But when t=0, x = D; so that C hence we have √3/1/1 = √ Dx - 202 ✓ t D x2 D ·D cos-2 (D-24). COS Dπ cos-1 (1) + C. (2 x D), (2) D (where D is equal to the radius of the globe added to the height from which the particle is let fall). Equation (1) gives the velocity acquired in falling (from rest) from a height H to a distance x from the centre, and (2) gives the time of falling to that distance. The geo- metrical illustration to which I have referred, relates to the deduction of (2) from (1). We see from (1) that at the point P 220 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. so that 27 211 R2 (D D Bisect CE in F, and describe the semicircle CDE; then if DE is a tangent to the circle DAB, and if DM is drawn perpendicular to CE, ·292 = Hence, from (a), so that J the vel. at P { CM = (11) But if close by G, either on the tangent GH or on the arc GE, we take G' and draw G'P' perpendicular to CE, and Gn perpendicular to GP, we have -(D=2). (CD)2 CE PE r = √29. UM PP. VCP 23 CM GG' + Gn GF + FP PP GP }:{ 27 • √2g. CM R2 D CP PE CP ✓CP. PE PP' GG + Gn J velocity acquired in falling through space CM, under const. accel. force y }: [ elem. space PP' Therefore the falling particle traverses the space PP' in the same time that a particle travelling with the velocity acquired in falling through space CM under constant accelerating force g, would traverse the space (GG' + Gn). It follows that the time in falling from E to P is the same as would be occupied by a particle in traversing (arc EG + GP) with the velocity acquired in falling through the space CM under a constant accelerating force g. In other words, sum of elementary spaces GG and Gn } GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 221 or PG arc GE v2y. CM Ꭱ . · J D t = √PE. PC + CF arc GE √(D − x) x + D 可 ​COS -1 (2 x D). D as before. The relation here considered affords a very convenient construction for determining the time of descent in any given case. For, if PG be produced to Q so that GQ = arc GE, Q lies on a semi-cycloid KQC, having CE as diameter; and the relative time of flight from E to any point in AE is at once indicated by drawing through the point an ordinate parallel to CK. The actual time of flight in any given case can also be readily indicated. For let T be the time in which LC would be described with the velocity acquired in falling through a distance equal to LC under accelerating force y, and on LM describe the semicircle Lm M; then clearly Cm ( CL. CM) will be the space described in time T with the velocity acquired in falling through the space CM under accelerating force g; and we have only to divide Cm into parts corresponding to the known time- interval T, and to measure off distances equal to these parts on PQ to find the time of traversing PQ with this uniform velocity, i.e., the time in which the particle falls from E to P. The division in the figure illustrates such measurements in the case of the sun, the value of T being taken as 18 minutes. Moreover it is not necessary to construct a cycloid for each case. One carefully constructed cycloid will serve for all cases, the radius CA being made the geometrical variable. As an instance of this method of construction, I will take Professor Young's remarkable observation of a solar out- (mai ))) GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. burst, premising that I only give the construction as an illus- tration, and that a proper calculation follows. Fr. 148. Ul Vi a 12h 55m. Fig. 149. " 14.5m. } GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 223 On September 7, 1871, Professor Young saw wisps of hydrogen carried in ten minutes from a height of 100,000 miles to a height exceeding 200,000 miles from the sun's surface. A full account of his observations is given in the second and FIG. 150. (I 1.40m third editions of my treatise on the sun. Figs. 148, 149, 150, and 151, with the times noted, indicate the progress of the changes. I assumed in what follows that there was no fore- FIG. 151. " 1.55". shortening. The height, 100.000 miles (upper part of cloud in fig. 148), was determined by estimation; but the ultimate height reached by the hydrogen wisps (that is, the elevation 224 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. at which they vanished as by a gradual dissolution) results from the mean of three carefully executed and closely ac- cordant measures. This mean was 7 49", corresponding to a height of 210,000 miles (highest filaments in fig. 149). We may safely take 100,000 miles as the vertical range actually traversed, and 200,000 miles as the extreme limit attained. We need not inquire whether the hydrogen wisps were themselves projected from the photosphere,-most probably they were not,--but if not, yet beyond question there was propelled from the sun some matter which by its own motion caused the hydrogen to traverse the above-mentioned range in the time named, or caused the hydrogen already at those heights to glow with intense lustre. We shall be under- rating the velocity of expulsion, in regarding this matter as something solid propelled through a non-resisting me- dium, and attaining an extreme range of 200,000 miles. What follows will show whether this supposition is ad- missible. Now g for the sun, with a mile as the unit of length and a second for the unit of time, is 0.169, and R for the sun is 425,000. Thus the velocity acquired in traversing R under uniform force y, √2y. R = √338 × 425 =379, very nearly. (This is also the velocity acquired under the sun's actual attraction by a body moving from an infinite distance to the sun's surface.) And a distance 425,000 would be traversed with this velocity in 18m 40° (T). Let KQE, fig. 152, be our semi-cycloid (available for GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 225 many successive constructions if these be only pencilled), and CDE half the generating circle. Then the following is our construction :-Divide EC into 6 equal portions, and let EP, PA be two of these parts, so that EA represents 200,000 miles and CA 425,000 miles (the sun's radius). Describe the semicircle ADL about the centre Cand draw DM perpendicular to EC; describe the half circle M m L. Then m C represents T where the ordinate PQ represents the time of falling from E to P. FIG. 152. K Q 35 20 m a 15 15 10 5 A M L Illustrating the construction for determining time of descent of a particle from rest towards a globe attracting according to the law of nature, T 18h 50m, and PQ (carefully measured) is found to correspond to about twenty-six minutes. Thus a body propelled upwards from A to E would traverse the distance PE in twenty-six minutes. But the hydrogen wisps watched by Professor Young traversed the distance represented by PE in ten minutes. Hence either E was not the true limit of their upward motion, or they 226 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. were retarded by the resistance of the solar atmosphere. Of course if their actual flight was to any extent fore- shortened, we should only the more obviously be forced to adopt one or other of these conclusions. But now let us suppose that the former is the correct solution; and let us inquire what change in the estimated limit of the uprush will give ten minutes as the time of moving (without resistance) from a height of 100,000 to a height of 200,000 miles. Here we shall find the advantage к FIG. 153. CL M 13 10 G p' A F f M с Illustrating the construction for determining time of descent between given levels when a body descends from rest at a given height towards a globe attracting accord- ing to the law of nature. of the constructive method; for to test the matter by calcu- lation would be a long process, whereas each construction can be completed in a few minutes. Let us try 375,000 miles as the vertical range. This gives CE 800,000 miles, and our construction assumes the appearance shown in fig. 153. We have AC-425,000 miles; GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 227 AP PP'100,000 miles; and Q 1 or (PQ-P'Q') to repre- sent the time of flight from P to P'. The semicircles ADL, M m L, give us m C to represent T or 18m 50s; and QL carefully measured is found to corre- spond to rather less than ten minutes. It is, however, near enough for our purpose. It appears, then, that if we set aside the probability, or rather the certainty, that the sun's atmosphere exerts a retarding influence, we must infer that the matter projected from the sun reached a height of 375,000 miles, or there- abouts. This implies an initial velocity of about 265 miles per second.* But it will be well to make an exact calculation,-not that any very great nicety of calculation is really required, but in order to illustrate the method to be employed in such cases, as well as to confirm the accuracy of the above con- structions. In equation (2) put 2 g R = 379; R = 425,000; D = 625,000; and x = 525,000; values corresponding to Professor Young's observations. It thus becomes— x= 125 (379) t (379) t(100,000) (525,000) + 312,500 cos-1 (10505625 The value is of course deduced directly from (1), p. 219; but it is worthy of notice that it can be deduced at once from fig. 153, by drawing A a parallel to KC, and mf parallel to a E; then Cƒrepre- sents the required velocity, CL representing 379 miles per second. A similar construction will give the velocity at P, P', &c. Applied to fig. 147, it gives Cf to represent the velocity at A, C' to represent the velocity at P; mf and mf being parallel to a E and GE re- spectively. Applied to the case dealt with in fig. 152, we get Cf t represent the velocity at A, where E is the limit of flight: Cƒi found to be rather more than 5 of CL; so that the velocity at A is rather more than 210 miles per second. Q 2 228 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. or 379 √/17 . t = 250,000 √21 + 1,562,500 cos−1 1562-7 t = 1,145,100 1,285,800 + 2,430,900, t = 1,556ª = 25m 56s. This then is the time which would have been occupied in the flight of matter from a height of 100,000 to a height of 200,000 miles, if the latter height had been the limit of vertical propulsion in a non-resisting medium. In order to deduce the time of flight t between the same levels, for the case where the total vertical range is 375,000 miles, we have, putting t, for the time of fall to 200,000 miles above the sun's surface, and t₂ for the time of fall to 100,000 miles, the equation, 125 (379) = √(175,000) (625,000) ti 800 +(400,000) cos-1 N 425 800 (379) t₂ = √(275,000) (525,000) t2 + (400,000) cos-1 (12580), giving (since t₂ — t₁ = t') V − 125 (379) t' = 25,000 { ✓11 × 21 − √7 × 25 } 800 (18) - C 16 161,066, 25 (105-80), cos-1 + 400,000 { cos-1 276.25 t' 49,250 + 111,816 t' = 583$ = 9m 43s. I had This is very near to Professor Young's ten minutes. found that an extreme height of 400,000 miles gave 9m 24s for the time of flight between vertical altitudes 100,000 9 (1/2)} GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 229 miles and 200,000 miles. It will be found that a height of 360,000 miles gives 9m 58s, which is sufficiently near to Professor Young's time. Now to attain a height of 360,000 miles a projectile from the sun's surface must have an initial velocity ✓ = 1/2gR. 360,000 785,000 379 √ 72 157 257 miles per second. The eruptive velocity, then, at the sun's surface, cannot possibly have been less than this. When we consider, how- ever, that the observed uprushing matter was vaporous, and not very greatly compressed (for otherwise the spectrum of the hydrogen would have been continuous and the spectroscope would have given no indications of the phe- nomenon), we cannot but believe that the resisting action of the solar atmosphere must have enormously reduced the velocity of uprush before a height of 100,000 miles was attained, as well as during the observed motion to the height of 200,000 miles. It would be safer indeed to assume that the initial velocity was a considerable multiple of the above-mentioned velocity, than only in excess of it in some moderate proportion. Those who are acquainted with the action of our own atmosphere on the flight of cannon-balls (whereby the range becomes a mere fraction of that due to the velocity of propulsion), will be ready to admit that hy- drogen rushing through 100,000 miles even of a rare atmo- sphere, with a velocity so great as to leave a residue sufficient to carry the hydrogen 100,000 miles in the next ten minutes, must have been propelled from the sun's surface with a velocity many times exceeding 257 miles per second, the result calculated for an unresisted projectile. Nor need we wonder that the spectroscope supplies no evidence of such 230 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. velocities, since if motions so rapid exist, others of all degrees of rapidity down to such comparatively moderate velocities as twenty or thirty miles per second also exist, and the spectral lines of the hydrogen so moving would be too greatly widened to be discerned. Now the point to be specially noticed is, that supposing matter more condensed than the upflung hydrogen to be propelled from the sun during these eruptions, such matter would retain a much larger proportion of the velocity origi- nally imparted. Setting the velocity of outrush, in the case we have been considering, at only twice the amount deduced on the hypothesis of no resistance (and it is incredible that the proportion can be so small), we have a velocity of pro- jection of more than 500 miles per second; and if the more condensed erupted matter retained but that portion of its velocity corresponding to three-fourths of this initial velocity (which may fairly be admitted when we are supposing the hydrogen to retain the portion corresponding to so much as half of the initial velocity), then such more condensed erupted matter would pass away from the sun's rule never to return. The question may suggest itself, however, whether the eruption witnessed by Professor Young might not have been a wholly exceptional phenomenon, and so the inference respecting the possible extrusion of matter from the sun's globe be admissible only as relating to occasions few and far between. On this point I would remark, in the first place, that an eruption very much less noteworthy would fairly authorise the inference that matter had been ejected from the sun. I can scarcely conceive that the eruptions witnessed quite frequently by Respighi, Secchi, and Young -such eruptions as suffice to carry hydrogen 80,000 or 100,000 miles from the sun's surface-can be accounted for GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 231 without admitting a velocity of outrush exceeding consider- ably the 379 miles per second necessary for the actual rejec- tion of matter from the sun. But apart from this it should be remembered that we only see those prominences which happen to lie round the rim of the sun's visible disk, and that thus many mighty eruptions must escape our notice even though we could keep a continual watch upon the whole circle of the sierra and prominences (which unfortu- nately is very far from being the case). It is worthy of notice that the great outrush witnessed by Professor Young was not accompanied by any marked signs of magnetic disturbance. Five hours later, however, a magnetic storm began suddenly, which lasted for more than a day; and on the evening of September 7, there was a dis- play of aurora borealis. Whether the occurrence of these signs of magnetic disturbance was associated with the appearance (on the visible half of the sun) of the great spot which was approaching or crossing the eastern limb at the time of Young's observation, cannot at present be deter- mined. I would remark, however, that so far as is yet known the disturbance of terrestrial magnetism by solar influences would appear to depend on the condition of the photosphere, and therefore to be only associated with the occurrence of great eruptions in so far as these affect the condition of the photosphere. In this case an eruption occurring close by the limb could not be expected to exercise any great influence on the earth's magnetism; and if the scene of the eruption were beyond the limb, however slightly, we could not expect any magnetic disturbance at all, though the observed phenomena of eruption might be extremely magnificent. In this connection I venture to quote from a letter 232 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. addressed to me by Sir J. Herschel in March 1871 (a few weeks only before his lamented decease). The letter bears throughout on the subject of this paper, and therefore I quote more than relates to the association between terrestrial magnetism and disturbances of the solar photosphere. C After referring to Mr. Brothers' photograph of the corona (remarking that the corona is certainly extra-atmospheric and ultra-lunar'), Sir John Herschel proceeds thus :- 100 'I can very well conceive great outbursts of vaporous matter from below the photosphere, and can admit at least the possibility of such vapour being tossed up to very great heights; but I am hardly yet exalted to such a point as to conceive a positive ejection of erupted particles with a velocity of two or three hundred miles per second. But now the great question of all arises what is the photo- sphere? what are those intensely radiant things-scales, flakes, or whatever else they be-which really do give out all (or at least ths of) the total light and heat of the sun? and if the prominences, &c., be eruptive, why does not the eruptive force scatter upwards and outwards this lu- minous matter? .. Through the kindness of the Kew observers I have had heliographs of the two great outburst- ing spots which I think I mentioned to you as having been non-existent on the 9th, and in full development on the 10th, both [being] large and conspicuous, and including an area of disturbance at least 2' (54,000 miles) across. They were both nearly absorbed, or in rapid process of absorption, on the 11th. In my own mind I had set it down as pretty certain that the outbreak must have taken place very suddenly at somewhere about the intervening midnight. Well, now! The magnet's declination curves at Kew have been sent me, and, lo! while they had been going on as smoothly as • GRAPHICAL USE OF CYCLOIDAL CURVES. 233 possible on the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th, and up to 11 P.M. on the latter day (9th), suddenly a great downward jerk in the curve, forming a gap as far as 3 A.M. on the 10th. Then comparative tranquillity till 11 A.M., and then (corresponding to the re-absorption of the spots) a furious and convulsive state of disturbance extending over the 11th and the greater part of the 12th. I wonder whether anything was shot out of those holes on that occasion! and, if so, what is going on in the inside of the sun?' 8 234 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. ! EXAMPLES. All the examples which have no name appended to them are original, except four or five familiar ones (as 125, 126, &c.), the authors of which are not known. 1. A chord of a cycloid parallel to the base is equal in length to the perimeter of the uppermost of the two seg- ments into which the chord divides the generating circle. from 2. A'PB' is the generating circle through P on the cy- cloidal arc APD; A'B' diametral; and equal arcs P q and Pq' are taken on A'PB'. Show that straight lines drawn q and q', parallel to the base, to meet APD, are equal. 3. AQB is a semicircle on diameter AB; and from Q, QL is drawn perp. to AB, and produced to P, so that QP= arc AQ. Show that the locus of P is a cycloid having a cusp at A, and AB as secondary axis. 4. If B'P (fig. 4, p. 8), the normal at P, be produced to meet AA' produced, in G, then PB'. PG = A'P². 5. If the tangent A'P (fig. 4, p. 8), produced, meet the tangent at D in T, show that A'T: A B :: arc PB': PB. 6. Show that the rectangle under PG (fig. 4, p. 8) and the diameter of curvature at P = (arc AP)2. 7. Show that the chord in which the tangent at P (fig. 4, p. 8) intersects the circle on B'G as diameter, is equal to the arc AP. 8. PC'p is the tracing diameter of P on the cycloidal arc EXAMPLES. 235 D'APD. If p P', parallel to the base, meet the arc D'A in P, show that the tangents and normals at P and P' form a rectangle. 9. An equilateral triangle AQC is described on AC (fig. 4, p. 8) as side; show that QP, parallel to the base of the cycloid, bisects the arc APD in P. 10. If through C, CP be drawn parallel to the base, to meet the cycloid in P, show that (arc AD) 2 = 2 (arc AP)2. 11. If there are two cycloids APD and AP"D placed as in fig. 3, p. 6, and the straight line drawn from any point P in one to a point Q in the other, P and Q lying on different sides of Cc, is equal to the diameter of the generating circle, show that the circle on PQ as diameter touches BD and AE. 12. When the angle BAQ (fig. 4, p. 8) is equal to two thirds of a right angle, then in the limit when P' moves up to P, 14. In fig. R, show that 2 n g = 2 7 n. 2 n q PP' 2 MN, and q P' = 13. When the angle BAQ = one-third of a right angle, then in the limit PP' = q P' = 2n q = 3 l n. ៖ 3, p. 6, if arc AQB intersect arc AP'D in area AQRP" = area BRD. 15. APD, AP'D are two equal semi-cycloids placed as in fig. 8, p. 17; show that every generating circle A'PB' divides the area APDP' into three parts, which are equal each to each to the three parts into which the area of the circle A'PB' is divided by the arcs APD, AP'D. 16. In the same case, if two generating circles P'RA'PB' and p'r a pb cut APD in R, P and r, p, respectively, and AP'D in P', p', show that area P'R r p' = difference of areas RA'P, r a p. 236 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. 17. In fig. 5, p. 10, Area RD c = area AQC'T. 18. In fig. 11, p. 22, Area AQB p" - area E p'' D = generating circle. 19. If in fig. 5, p. 10, RJ is drawn perp. to BD, and a quadrant AIC about T as centre, show that area RJD = area AQC’I. 20. If CQP parallel to base BD cut the central genera- ting circle in Q and meet the cycloid in P, show that the area AQP is equal to the triangle ABQ. 21. A semi-cycloid having BA as axis, B as vertex, cuts the semi-cycloid APD (A vertex, AB axis, and D cusp) in P, and AQB is the central generating circle, Q lying on the same side of AB as P; show that the area AQBP is equal to the square inscribed in the circle AQB. 22. The normal at any point of a cycloidal arc divides the area of a generating circle through the point, and the area of the cycloid, in the same ratio. 23. In Example 20, show that (arc AP)²= (arc APD)2. 24. If a cycloidal arc DAD' is divided into any two parts in P, and PB' is the normal at P (B' on the base), show that arc DP. arc PD' — 4 (PB') ² 2 1 2 25. D is the cusp of a cycloid APD, C' the centre of the tracing circle PKB' through P. If DC' cut the tracing circle PKB' in K, and DP = 2 arc PK, show that DP touches the tracing circle at P. 26. If APD is a semi-cycloid, having axis AB and base BD; AP'D the quadrant of an ellipse having semi-axes AB, BD; and AP"D the arc of a parabola, having AB as axis, show that area APDP area AP'DB: area AP/DB:: 9: 3π: 8. EXAMPLES. 237 27. With the same construction, the radii of curvature of the three curves at A are in the ratio 16: 22: π². 28. On the generating circle AQB the arc AQ = } cir- cumference is taken, and through Q a straight line parallel to the base is drawn, cutting the cycloid in the point P; show that the radius of curvature at P is equal to the axis AB. 29. The axis AB of a cycloid APD is divided into four equal parts in the points D, C, and E, through which straight lines are drawn parallel to the base, meeting the cycloid in the points P1, P2, and P3; if the radii of curvature at A, P1, P2, and P3, are respectively equal to p₁, P2, P3, and p₁, show that P12: P22 P32: P2: 4:3: 2: 1. P1, 4 30. OI (fig. 14, p. 27) is produced to a point J, such that I J = 2 OK, and on OJ as base a cycloid is described; show that radius of curvature at vertex of this cycloid = LG'. 31. If a cycloid roll on the tangent at the vertex, the locus of the centre of curvature at the point of contact is a semicircle of radius 4 R. 32. If a cycloidal arc be regarded as made up of a great number of very small straight rods jointed at their extremities, and each such rod has its normal (terminated on the base of the cycloid) rigidly attached to it, show that if the arc bet drawn into a straight line, the extremities of the normals will lie in a semi-ellipse, whose major axis 8 R, and minor = 4 R. axis 33. PB' and P'B' are the normals at two points P, P', close together on a cycloidal arc, and PQ parallel to the base BD' meets the central generating circle in Q; show that if PP' is of given length, B'B" varies inversely as the chord BQ. 34. From different points of a cycloidal arc, whose axis is 238 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. vertical, particles are let fall down the normals through those points; show that they will reach the base simultaneously in R time 2 g If they still continue to fall along the normals pro- duced, they will reach the evolute simultaneously in time. 2 R 2 V/ g 35. If the distance of P on semi-cycloidal arc APD (fig. 10, p. 21) from base BD 2 AB, show that 3 moment of PD about AE = 14 moment of AC about AE. 36. In same case, if PM parallel to BD meet AB in M, show that moment of PD about AE= (AB); [(AB) } 37. Show that the moment of arc AP (fig. about AB (AM); }. 10, p. 21) = 2 (NQ+arc AQ) AQ- AB (AB - BM). 38. If equal rolling circles on the same fixed circle trace out an epicycloid and hypocycloid having coincident cusps, the points of contact of the rolling circles with the fixed circles coinciding throughout the motion, show that the tangents through the simultaneous positions of the tracing point intersect on the simultaneous common tangent to the three circles. 39. A tangent at a point P on an epicycloidal arc APD is parallel to AB the axis, and a circular arc PQ about O as centre intersects the central generating circle in Q; show that Arc AQ arc BQ:: F: 2 R. 40. Two tangents P'T, PT to the same epicycloidal arc D'P'APD intersect in T at right angles, and through P' and EXAMPLES. 239 P circular arcs P'Q' and PQ are drawn around Q as centre to meet the central generating circle in Q and Q, neither arc cutting this circle; show that are Q'AQ a semicircle :: F: F+2R. 41. If the rolling circle by which an epicycloid is traced out travel uniformly round the fixed circle, the angular ve- locity of the point of contact about centre of fixed circle being w, show that the directions of the normal of the tangent also F+2R 2 R change uniformly with angular velocity 42. On the same assumption, the direction of the tracing F+R radius changes uniformly with angular velocity R ω. W. W. 43. If the rolling circle by which a hypocycloid is traced out travel uniformly round the fixed circle, the angular velocity of the point of contact about centre of fixed circle being w, show that the direction of the normal and of the tangent also change uniformly with angular velocity F-2 R 2 R 44. On the same assumption the direction of the tracing F - R radius changes uniformly with angular velocity R W. 45. A is the vertex of a hypocycloidal arc APDP', D the cusp, P' a point on the next arc; and the tangent at P' is parallel to the axis AB. If a circular arc P'Q around O as centre intersect the remoter half of the central generating circle in Q, show that Arc ABQ arc BQ:: F: 2 R. 46. Two tangents P'T, PT to the same hypocycloidal arc D'P'APD, the base D'D less than a quadrant, intersect in T at right angles; and through P' and P circular arcs P'Q'and 240 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. PQ are drawn around O as centre to meet (without cutting) the central generating circle in Q' and Q; show that Arc Q'AQ: a semicircle :: F: F-2 R. 47. AQ, QB are quadrants of the central generating circle of an epicycloid or a hypocycloid, and the circular arc QB about O as centre meets APD in P; show that Area APQ triangleABQ:: CO; BO. 48. In last example, show that (arc AP)² = ½ (arc APD)². 49. At any point B' in the base of an epicycloid DAD' a tangent PB'P' is drawn to the fixed circle, meeting the epicycloid in P and P; show that PB' < arc DB', and P'B' < arc D'B'. 50. With the same construction, show that PB'P' has its greatest value when B' is at B, the foot of the axis AB. 51. At P, a point on the epicycloid DAD', a tangent PKD' is drawn cutting the fixed circle in K and K', and the normal PB'b' cutting the fixed circle in B' and b' (B' on the base DBD'); show that PK . PK': (PB')2 :: F +R: R:: (Pb)²; PK . PK'. 52. With the same construction if OM be drawn perp. to PKP', show that OM PB Pb': F+2R: 2R: 2 (F+ R). • 53. If tangent at P to epicycloid DAD' touches the fixed circle, and PB'b' the normal at P meets the fixed circle in B' and b' (B' on the base DBD'), show that PB' (F+2R) = 2 R2; and Pb' (F+2R) = 2R (F+ R). 54. If tangent at P to epicycloid DAD' touches the fixed circle and cuts the rolling circle in A', then (A'P)2 (2R)2:: (F + R) (F+3R): (F+2R)2 EXAMPLES. 241 55. In figs. 21 and 22 (pp. 44, 45) the points P, B', b, lie in a straight line. 56. In figs. 21 and 22, the tangent to DP at P cuts Oc' produced in a point a such that ba 2b c'. 57. At D the cusp of an epicycloid D'AD (fig. 19, fron- tispiece) a tangent Dt to the fixed circle DBD' meets D'AD in t, and from t another tangent K is drawn meeting the fixed circle in K; show that Dt is always less than the arc DBK if the radius of the rolling circle is finite. 58. ACB is the axis of an epicycloid DAD'; D, D′ its cusps; CQ, Oq radii of central generating circle and fixed circle respectively, perp. to ABO and on same side of it. If C'q cut Qq parallel to CO in K, and a straight line d K d' り ​I through K parallel to O q is the generating base of a prolate eyeloid having AQB as central generating circle, show that the area between the epicycloid DAD' and its base DD' is equal to the area between the prolate cycloid d A d'aud its base d'd'. 59. ACB is the axis of a hypocycloid DAD ; D, D' its casps; CQ, Oq radii of central generating circle and fixed circle perp. to BAO and on the same side of it. If Ca cut Qy parallel to CO in K, and a straight line d K d' through K parallel to Oq is the generating basis of a curtate cycloid having AQB as central generating circle, show that the area between the hypocycloid DAD' and its base DD' is equal to the area between the curtate cycloid d A d' and its base d' d'. 60. The area between the cardioid and its base is equal to five times the area of the fixed circle. 61. The area between the cardioid and a circle concentric with the fixed circle, touching the cardioid at the vertex, is equal to three times the area of the fixed circle. R 242 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. I 62. The area of a circle touching the cardioid at the vertex and concentric with the base, is divided into three equal parts by the arc of the cardioid and the axis produced to meet the circle. 63. Area A o P (fig. 39, p. 74) 3R (6k+ arc Bb). 64. If 0 = ▲ BO b (fig. 39, p. 74) Area PSA R² (30 + 4 sin 0 + 1 sin 2 0). 65. The area between one arc of the tricuspid epicycloid and the base is equal to 3 times the area of the generating circle. 66. A complete focal chord is drawn to a cardioid. Show that the lesser of the two segments into which the focus divides the chord, is equal to the portion intercepted between the fixed circle and the tracing circle through the extremity of the longer segment. 67. A circle is described on the axial focal chord as diameter, show that the segments of a complete focal chord intercepted between the curve and this circle are equal. (Purkiss.) 68. Lines perp. to focal radii vectores through their ex- tremities have a circle for envelope. (Purkiss.) 69. From S, the focus of cardioid, a perp. SQ to a com- plete focal chord PSP', is drawn, meeting the fixed circle in Q; show that SQ is a mean proportional between SP and SP'. 70. If SP be any focal radius vector of a cardioid whose vertex is A, and the bisector of the angle PSA meet the circle on SA in Q, SQ will be a mean proportional between SP and SA. (Purkiss.) 71. PSP' is a complete focal chord of a cardioid; SQAQ' a circle on SA as diameter; SQ, SQ' bisectors of the angles EXAMPLES. 243 PSA, P'SA respectively; and Sq perp. to PSP' meets circle SQA in 9 ; show that q SQ : Sq :: SB ; SQ'. 72. The pedal of a cardioid with respect to the focus is also the locus of the vertex of a parabola which is confocal with the cardioid and touches the circle on SA as diameter. (Purkiss.) The demonstration of this will be more easily effected by taking for the cardioid the locus of n, fig. 39 (see p. 75). From a draw ny a parallel to bf, then Sy, perp. to ny, gives y a point on the pedal of this cardioid with respect to S. It can readily be shown that a parabola having S as focus and y as vertex touches the circle BS in b. 73. From a fixed point A any arc AQ is taken and bi- sected in Q'. If P is a point on the chord QQ' such that QP = 2 Q'P, show that the locus of P is a cardioid. 74. If rays diverge from a point on the circumference of a circle and be reflected at the circumference, the caustic will be a cardioid. (Coddington's 'Optics,' or Parkinson's 'Optics,' Art. 72, which see.) If Sb, fig. 39, p. 74, represent path of a ray, to circle B b S, re- flected ray bg is in the line Pbg, normal to the caustic APS, and therefore the envelope of the reflected rays is the evolute of the cardioid APS, or is a cardioid having its vertex at S, SO diametral and linear dimensions one third those of APS. This, however, is not a direct proof. The preceding proposition will be found to supply a direct proof. For if from A two rays proceed to neighbour- ing points Q, q, and thence respectively after reflection to neigh- bouring points Qʻ and q', arc Q' q′ = 2 arc Q4 ; and the point of in- tersection of QQ' and q q' therefore lies on QQ' (equal to AQ), at a point ultimately equal to one-third of the distance QQ' from Q. - 75. A series of parallel rays are incident on a reflecting semicircular mirror and in the plane of the semicircle; show that the caustic curve is one half (from vertex to vertex) of R 2 244 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. } a bicuspid epicycloid or nephroid. (Coddington's 'Optics,' or Parkinson's Optics,' Art. 71, which see.) 76. A series of rays are incident on the concave side of a reflecting cycloidal mirror to whose axis they are parallel and in whose plane they lie; show that the caustic curve consists of two equal cycloids each having one half of the base of the cycloidal mirror for base, and the axis of this larger cycloid as the tangent at their cusp of contact. 77. The linear dimensions of the evolute of the bicuspid epicycloid (or nephroid) are those of the curve itself. 78. The area between one arc of the nephroid and the base is equal to four times the generating circle. : 79. The evolute of a nephroid is drawn, the evolute of this evolute, the evolute of this second evolute, and so on continually show that the sum of all the areas between all the evolute nephroids, and their respective base-circles, are together equal to one-third of the area between the original nephroid and its base-circle. 80. If in the epicycloid m R = n F, show that the linear dimensions of the evolute are to those of the epicycloid as m: m + 2n. 81. If m R = n F, area between an arc of epicycloid and 3 m + 2 n (3 m + 2 n) n² its base fixed O. .gen. m M3 82. If PB'o Q is the diameter of curvature at the point P of an epicycloid, o the centre of curvature, B' a point of the base, then * Area of epicycloid area of gen. :: QB': B'o. 83. If the arc of an epicycloid, from cusp to cusp = a, and m R = n F, show that a + arc of evolute from cusp to cusp + arc of evolute's evolute from cusp to cusp, and so on ad infinitum, (m + 2n) a 2 n EXAMPLES. 245 84. If the area between an epicycloid and its base = A, and m R = n F, show that A+ area between an arc of the evolute and its base + area between an arc of the evolute's evolute and its base, and so on ad infinitum, (m + 2n)² A² 2 ±n (m + n) 85. If in the hypocyloid m R= n F, show that the linear dimensions of the evolute are to those of the bypocycloid as m: m-2n. F Interpret this result when R = 2 86. If m R = n F, area between an arc of hypocycloid 3 m 2 n (3 m −2 n)n² and its base fixed O. gen. M3 M 87. If PB'o Q is the diameter of curvature at the point P of a hypocycloid, o the centre of curvature, B' a point on the base, QB: B'o::3CF-2R: F. 88. If the arc of a hypocycloid from cusp to cusp=a, and m R = n F, show that a + arc of hypocycloid of which the given hypocycloid is the evolute + arc of hypocycloid of which this hypocycloid is the evolute, and so on ad infinitum, ጎ 2 n A 89. If the area between a hypocycloid and its base A, and m R = n F, show that A + the area between one arc of the hypocycloid of which the given hypocycloid is the evolute, and its base the area between one arc of the hypocycloid of which this hypocycloid is the evolute and its base, and so on ad infinitum, m²A 4 n(m—n)' 246 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. " 90. D'AD is an arc of a tricuspid epicycloid, from cusp to cusp, ACB the axis, AQB the central generating circle, C its centre, OBCA diametral; show that an angle may be tri- sected by the following construction :-Let ACQ be the angle to be trisected. Join QB, QO; about O as centre describe arc QP meeting D'AD in P (on AD): join PO; make the angle OPB equal to the angle OQB, and towards the same side, PB' meeting the base D'BD in B'; and join B'O. Then the angle BOB' is equal to one-third of the angle ACQ. 91. D'AD is an arc of a tricuspid hypocycloid from cusp to cusp; ACB the axis; AQB the central generating circle, C its centre, OACB diametral. Show that an angle may be trisected by the following construction. Let ACQ be the angle to be trisected. Join QB, QO; about O as centre describe arc QP meeting D AD in P (on AD); join PO and make the angle OPB' equal to the angle OQB, and towards the same side, PB' meeting the base D BD in B'; and join BO. Then the angle BOB' is equal to one-third of the angle ACQ. 92. D'AD is an arc of an epicycloid from cusp to cusp ; ACB the axis; AQB the central generating circle, C its centre; OBCA diametral. A radius CQ is drawn to AQB; and BQ, OQ are joined. About O as centre the arc QP is drawn meeting D'AD in P (on AD); PO is joined, and the angle OPB is made equal to the angle CQB and towards the same side, PB' meeting the base D'BD in B'. If OB' is joined, show that R F. angle ACQ, angle BOB' so that, by means of a suitable epicycloid, an angle may be divided in any required ratio. 93. D'AD is an arc of a hypocycloid from cusp to EXAMPLES. 247 C cusp; ACB the axis; AQP the central generating circle, Cits centre; OACB diametral. From C a radius CQ is drawn to AQB; and BQ, OQ are joined. About O as centre the arc QP is drawn meeting D'AD in P (on AD); PO is joined; and the angle OPB' is made equal to the angle OQB, and towards the same side, PB' meeting the base D'BD in B'. If OB' is joined, show that angle BOB = R F angle ACQ, so that by means of a suitable hypocycloid an angle may be divided in any required ratio. 94. If PC p is the tracing diameter at P on an epicycloid or hypocycloid APD (vertex at A), o the centre of curvature at P, show that op produced meets the tangent at P in a point T such that TP is equal to the arc AP. 95. If an epicycloid roll upon the tangent at the vertex, show that the locus of the centre of curvature at the point of contact is a semi-ellipse having semi-axes 4 R (F+R) K R) and 4 R2 / F+R FF+2R • and 96. If a hypocycloid roll upon the tangent at the vertex, show that the locus of the centre of curvature at the point of contact is a semi-ellipse having semi-axes 4 R²/F Ꭱ F F-2R 97. An arc DAD of the bicuspid epicycloid, or nephroid, has its axis AB coincident in position with A b, the axis of a cycloid whose vertex is at A; but AB = Ab. If the nephroid and the cycloid roll on T'AT, the common tangent at A, in such sort that they simultaneously touch the same point on TT, show that the centre of curvature of the nephroid at the point of contact will trace out the same curve as the foot of normal to the cycloid at the point of 4 R (FR) F 248 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. contact (the foot of normal being understood to mean the intersection of the normal with the base). 98. If a quadricuspid hypocycloid (radius of fixed circle F) is orthogonally projected on a plane through two opposite cusps, in such sort that the distance 2 F between the other two cusps is projected into distance 2f, show that the pro jected curve is the evolute of an ellipse having axes equal to Fƒ2 F²ƒ and F2 -ƒ2 F2 -ƒ'2' 99. Show that the arc of the projected curve in 98, from cusp to cusp, 2 F² + Fƒ +ƒ² F+ƒ 100. ACA', BCB' are the major and minor axes of an ellipse, C its centre; and a Ba' B' is a similar ellipse having BCB as major axis; if the ellipse ABA'B' is orthogonally projected into a circle, show that the evolute of a Ba'B' will be projected into a quadricuspid hypocycloid, and determine its dimensions. 101. With the same construction, show (independently) that the portion of the projection of any normal of a Ba B, intercepted between the projections of AA' and BB', is of constant length. (This will be found to follow readily from Propos. X. and XIV. of Drew's 'Conics,' chapter ii.) NOTE.-This proposition, demonstrated geometrically, combined with what is shown at pp. 72, 73, affords a geometrical demon- stration of the nature of the evolute to the ellipse. See next problem. 102. Let ACA', BCB be the major and minor axes of an ellipse, b C b' the orthogonal projection of BCB on a plane through ACA', so situated that bb': BB' :: BB : AA. From B draw BL perp. to AB to meet A'C in L; and about EXAMPLES. 249 C in the p'ane Ab A, describe a circle with radius LA cutting CA, CA, C' b, and C'b', in K, K', k, and k, respectively. Draw a four-pointed hypocycloid, having cusps at K, k', K', and h. Then a plane perpendicular to the plane Ab A'b', through any tangent to the hypocycloid K k'K'k, will intersect the plane ABA'B' in a normal to the ellipse ABA'B', and a right hypocycloidal cylinder on K 'K'k as base, will inter- sect ABA'B' in the evolute of this ellipse. 103. Two straight lines intersect at right angles in a plane perpendicular to the sun's rays, one of the lines being horizontal. If the extremities of a finite straight line slide along the fixed straight lines, and the shadow of all three lines be projected on a horizontal plane, show that the envelope of the projection of the sliding line is the evolute of an ellipse. Determine the position and dimensions of this ellipse. If the sun's altitude is a, and the length of the sliding line 7, then taking for axis of the shadow of the horizontal fixed line, the equation to the envelope is x²+ y² sin a = 1²; and the equation to the involute ellipse is a² cos¹ a + y² sin² a cos¹ a= a = 1'. 104. At P a point on the hypocycloid DPAD' the tan- gent KPK' is drawn, meeting the fixed circle in K and K', and the normal b'PB' meeting the fixed circle in b′ and B' (B' on the base DBD'); show that KP. PK' (PB')2: F-R: R:: (P): KP. PK'. : 105. With the same construction, OM is drawn perp. to KPK'; show that OM : PB': Pb' :: F-2 R : 2 R : 2 (F− R). 106. If the tangent to the cardioid at P touches the fixed circle, and cuts the rolling circle in A', and the normal at P cuts the fixed circle in B' and b', then 250 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. 4 R PB' = R; PÚ 107. In the trochoid, if R b', the normal at p, meets the generating base in B', and the tangent at p meets the tangent at vertex in T, a'b' being diametral to tracing circle; show that triangle TB'p' is similar to triangle a'b'p. 108. With same construction 3 ; and A'P= ▲ TB'a' = ▲ b'p B' = ¿ Tpa'. R 109. In fig. 48, triangle Cbq"= 110. In fig. 48, p. 96, show that (r 2R) loop p' rdr =2 4√2 3 2" R. - sector b C q". -R) arc a b NLq"+2 rect. N n. за Jo 111. Show that the result obtained in the last example agrees with that obtained in Prop. IX., Section III. 112. If in Q'q', fig. 48, produced, a point X is taken such that (CX)2 =rect. a B a C, and a circular arc XY (less than semicircle) with C as centre and CX as radius cuts a duced in Y, show that b pro- loop p'r d = 2 segment XY rect. N n. 113. In fig. 48, p'' x is drawn parallel to q'b to meet the base b d in y; show that area y d r p': seg. q'Lb:: a B ; a C. 114. From B (fig. 45, frontispiece) a straight line Bq q' is drawn cutting the central tracing circle in q and q', and straight lines qp and q'p' parallel to the base meet the arc a d in p and p'; show that the tangent at p is parallel to the tangent at p'. 115. P and P' are two points on an epitrochoid or hypo- trochoid, C and C' the corresponding positions of the centre of generating circle, O the fixed centre, OA, OB the apo central and pericentral distances. If OP. OP' = OA . OB, EXAMPLES. 251 show that the tangents at P and P' make equal angles with OC and OC' respectively. 116. A cycloid on base BD (fig. 45, frontispiece) has its cusps at B and D; show that it touches the prolate cycloid a pd at a point of inflexion. 117. A series of prolate cycloids have the same line of centres, their axes in the same straight line, and their bases equal. Show that their envelope is a pair of arcs of a cycloid having its base equal to half the base of each prolate cycloid of the system, and the line of their axes as a secondary axis. 118. If the normals at p and q, two points on a prolate cycloid a p q d, are parallel, and meet the generating base in b' and b' respectively, then p and p' being the radii of cur- vature at p and q respectively, p: p' :: (p b')² : (9 b'')². 119. If p is the radius of curvature at the point where a curtate cycloid cuts the generating base, and μ is a mean proportional between the radii of curvature at the vertex and at d on the base, show that p² μη. 120. Show that that involute of the central gene- rating circle of a cycloid which has its cusp at the vertex passes through the cusps of the cycloid. 121. That involute of any generating circle of a cycloid, which has its cusp at the tracing point, passes through the cusps of the cycloid. 122. The sum of the two nearest arcs of the involute of the circle, cut off by any tangent to the circle, is least when the tangent touches the circle at the farther extremity of the diameter through the cusp of the involute. 123. If the rolling straight line by which the involute of a circle of radius ƒ is traced out has rolled over an arc a from the cusp, show that the arc traced out f = 1/2 a². 252 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. 124. If the rolling straight line by which a spiral of Archimedes is traced out, has rolled over an arc a from first position, when the extremity of perp. carried with it was at the centre of the fixed circle (radius f), show that f = 1/2 { ~ a √I + u² + log (a + √1 + a²) } . arc traced out= 125. All involutes of circles are similar. 126. All spirals of Archimedes are similar. 127. If a straight line carrying a perp. of length d roll on a circle of radius f, and another straight line carrying a perp. of length D (on same side with reference to centre of fixed circle) roll on a circle of radius F, show that the curves traced out by the extremities of these perps. will be similar Pp:: Fƒ Ff. if 128. In the spiral of Archimedes the subtangent is equal to that arc of a circle whose radius is the radius vector, which is subtended by the spiral angle. (Frost's Newton'). The subtangent is the portion of a perp. to radius vector, through pole, intercepted between pole and tangent at extremity of radius vector. What is required to be shown in this example is that if p'p (fig. 72, p. 130), produced, meet B′O produced in Z, OZ is equal to the arc corresponding to DQB' in a circle of radius Op. 129. Establish the following construction for determining the centre of curvature at point p (fig. 72, p. 130) of a spiral of Archimedes. Draw radius OB' to fixed circle, perp. to Op; join p B'; and draw OL perp. to p B'. Then if B'L is divided in o so that . B'o: oL:: B'p : B'L, o is the centre of curvature at p. 130. From this construction (established geometrically) show that, taking the usual polar equation to the spiral of Archimedes, viz., r = a 0, p = a(1 + (42) 3} 2+02 EXAMPLES. 253 0 = 131. A straight line turns uniformly in a plane round a fixed point, while the foot of a perpendicular of length l moves uniformly along the revolving line; show that the other end of this perpendicular will trace out one of the spirals described at pp. 128, 129. 132. If the angular velocity in preceding problem is w, the linear velocity of the foot of perpendicular v, and l v the perpendicular lying on the side towards which the revolv- ing line is advancing, show that the other extremity of the perpendicular will describe the involute of the circle. 133. If DT, fig. 42, p. 82, rolls on the circle DQB of radius a, and a point initially on DO and distant b from D is carried with DT to trace out a spiral in the manner described at pp. 128, 129, show that the polar equation to the spiral, OQ being taken as initial line, and the rolling taking place in the usual positive direction, is /p2 (a - b)2 a + tan-1 3 (a² p² + b²); ९२ L (a - b) (a - b)² 2 ز + ab + b²° j.2 — (α, 134. Show that the construction given in Example 129 for determining the centre of curvature at a point on the spiral of Archimedes is applicable to all the spirals of Ex- amples 131 and 133. 135. In the case of one of these spirals, putting the arc over which the rolling line has passed from its initial position =4, show that W 136. The locus of the foot of perpendicular from a point on a cycloid upon the diametral of the generating circle through the point is the companion to the cycloid. 254 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. 137. From D, the cusp of an inverted cycloid, and P, a point near D, two particles roll down the smooth arc to the vertex; show that in the limit the path of either relatively to the other is a semicircle. 138. A particle is projected with given velocity from the vertex of a cycloid whose axis is vertical, and vertex upper- most; find where it will leave the curve, and the latus rectum of its future parabolic path.-(Tait and Steele's 'Dynamics.') 139. A particle falling from rest at a point in an in- verted cycloid has its velocity suddenly annihilated when it has passed over half its vertical height above the lowest point; then proceeds, again losing its velocity when half- way down from its last position of no velocity, and so on continually. Show that it will be at 1th of its original 22n height above the vertex after n times the time it would have taken to fall to the vertex undisturbed.—(Tait and Steele's 'Dynamics.') 140. If a curve of any form is rolling upon another curve in the same plane, and p is a point on the curve traced by any given point carried with the rolling curve and in the same plane with it, b the point of contact of the fixed and rolling curves, show that the following relation exists. between P1, P2, the radii of curvature of the fixed and rolling curves at b, and p, the radius of curvature of the traced P3 curve at p (putting pbn and the angle between pb and the normal of fixed curve at b A), {n (p₁ + P₂) - P1 P2 cos 0} P3 = n² (p₁ + p₂). 141. A tube of uniform cross section, small compared with its length, is bent into the form of a cycloid, its open ends EXAMPLES. 255 and lying at the cusps, and this cycloid is placed with its axis vertical and its vertex downwards. Equal quantities of fluids of specific gravity, and σ, are poured in at the two cusps, the quantity of each being such as would fill a length a of the tube (a being the length of the cycloid's axis, so that 4a is the length of the tube). If the fluids do not mix and the distance of the upper levels of the fluids from the vertex (measured along the cycloidal arc) be x₁, x, respectively, show that 4x,(σ₁ + σ₂) = a(σ₁ + 30₂), 4x₂(0₁ + σ₂) = a(302 +03). 142. If in problem 141 an equal quantity of a third fluid of specific gravity 3 is poured in upon the free surface of the second fluid (sp. gr. σ2), and x1, x2, are the respective distances of the free surfaces of the first and third fluids from the vertex (measured along the cycloidal arc), show that 4x₁(~1 +0₂+03) = a(1 + 3 0₂+ 503), (T 4X2(1 + σ₂+03) = a(5 σ, +32 +03). and Under what condition will either the first or third fluid run over? 0 o 143. If n fluids are poured in, as in Ex. 141, the specific gravities of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, &c., to the nth, being 1, 2, 3, &c., to on, respectively, the arcs occupied by the respective fluids being 1, 2, 3, . . . „, and no fluid overflowing; and if x is the distance of the free surface of the first fluid from the vertex (measured along the cycloidal arc), show that 4x(014 + 0212 + 03/3 + ... + 0,1) = 0,1,² + 0₂(12² + 2₁₂) 21/2) + 03(13²+271/3+22/3) + . . . 2 + o₁(?„² + 27, 7, +224 + ... + 2n_Vn). ก 250 GEOMETRY OF CYCLOIDS. Ex. 144. Fig. 154. Ex. 145. FIG. 155. Ex. 146. FIG. 156. Ex. 147. FIG. 157. Ex. 148. Fig. 158. Ex. 149. FIG. 159. Ex. 150. FIG. 160. Ex. 151. FIG. 161. Spottiswoode & Co., Printers, New-street Square, London. Interpret figs. 154 161 in the way explained in pp. 191-193. ! GENERAL LISTS LISTS OF NEW WORKS FEBRUARY 1881. MESSRS. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. J PUBLISHED BY HISTORY, POLITICS, HISTORICAL MEMOIRS &c. Armitage's Childhood of the English Nation. 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