E. The Gift of WILLIAM H. BUTTS, Ph.D. A.B. 1878 A.M. 1879 Teacher of Mathematics 1898 to 1922 Assistant Dean, College of Engineering 1908 to 1922 Professor Emeritus 1922 RADCLIFFE OBSERVATORY OXFORD. ક્ ARTES 1817 SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LURIBUS UMUN TUEBOR SI-QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM CIRCUMSPICE * Entesso William 1 A TREATISE O F ALGEBRA, In TWO BOOKS. + ན BOOK CONTAINING, I. The Fundamental Principles of this ART. Together with All the Practical Rules of OPERATION. воо к K II. CONTAINING, A great VARIETY of PROBLEMS, In the most important BRANCHES of the MATHEMATICS. Vix quicquam in univerfa Matheft ita difficile aut rduum occurrere poffe, quò non inoffenfo pede per hanc methodum penetrare liceat. SCHOOT. Pref. to DES CARTES. THE SECOND EDITIO, LONDON: RADCLIFFE UBSENTÍTORY OXFORD. Printed for J. NOURSE, in the Strand; Bookfeller to His MAJESTY, M DCC LXXX. • When Willis. H. B.. } 10.14-17307 825 111 Li THE PREFACE. T HE fubject of the following bock is Alge- bra, a Science of univerfal use in the Ma- thematics. Its business and ufe is to folve difficult problems, to find out rules and theorems in any particular branch of science; to discover the pro- perties of fuch quantities as are concerned in any ſub- jet we have a mind to confider. It properly follows theſe two fundamental branches, Arithmetic and Geometry, but is vastly superior in nature to both, as it can ſolve questions quite beyond the reach of either, of them. THIS is an art truly fublime, and of an unlimited extent; for if the conditions of a problem be never ſo complex, and though the quantities concerned are never So much entangled with one another, yet the Algebraist can find means to diffolve and feparate them; or if they be ever fo remote, his art can furniſh him with methods to bring them together and compare them. It is true he is often obliged to traverse by many round- about ways, to get the relation of the quantities con- cerned; yet by certain rules he can purſue the computa- tion of his problem through all theſe intricate turnings and windings; and by his ſkill and fagacity can hunt it through all these labyrinths, till he arrives fafely A 2 at رت , iv PREFACE: The * at the end of the chace, viz. the folution of the pro- blem. THE extent of this curious art is fo great that it bas gained the title of Univerfal Mathematics; and is called by way of eminence, The Great Art; and bas been esteemed the very apex of human reafon. It is alfo called Specious Arithmetic, Univerfal Arithmetic, The Analytic Art, The Art of Refolution and Equation; with a view to fome or other of its pro- perties or operations. THE nature of this excellent art is fuch, that it may be applied to any fubject, provided the principles of that fubject, it is applied to, be understood. Its great beauty is, that it deals in generals. For whilst other branches go no farther than their own particular fubject, and can only find folutions in particular caſes ; this art finds out general folutions, general rules, ge- neral theorems, and general methods. THIS noble Science has alſo this peculiar property, that it not only investigates rules in all the other parts of the Mathematics; but by the most fubtle art and in- vention, it finds out its own rules, models them ac- cording to any form, and varies them at pleasure, fa as to answer any end proposed. It would be in vain to attempt to enumerate all the uses of this admirable art. By making use of letters instead of numbers, it has one great advantage above arithmetic, viz. that in the feveral operations of arithmetic, the numbers are loft or fwallowed up, and changed into others but here they are preferved distinct, visible, and unchang- ed. By which means general rules are drawn from particular folutions, to answer all cafes of like nature. By 1 The PREFACE: By help of algebraic characters, geometrical de- monftrations are often rendered more fhort, compendi- ous and clear. So that by this means we avoid the tedioufneſs of a long verbal proceſs, which otherwiſe we should neceffarily be involved in, and which never fails to darken and obfcure the fubject. Ir is highly probable the ancients made uſe of ſome fort of analyfis, whereby they found out their noble theories. For it is hardly poffible fo many fine theorems in Geometry, should be groped out or stumbled on, with- out fome fuch method. But as it was then only in its infancy, it must have been far fhort of the perfection we have it in at prefent. As to the Reader's qualifications, it is abfolutely ne- ceſſary that he understand Arithmetic and Geometry, as the keys to all the rest. And it is also neceffary that be understand the principles of every branch of science, to which he would apply algebraic calculations; other- wife it would be in vain to attempt the folution of any problems therein, by the help of Algebra. THEN as to the method I have followed, it is this. I have gathered together the most valuable rules and precepts, which lie fcattered up and down in all the best books of Algebra; and what was deficient, I have Supplied as well as I could. Then I have thrown all thefe precepts and rules of working, into ſo many pro- blems; which I have reduced into as fort a compaſs, and expreſſed in as plain terms as poffible, fo as they may be clear and intelligible. And the method I have taken I fuppofe will appear to be very fimple and eaſy, and will readily be apprehended by fuch people as have found confufion and difficulty in other methods. 1 be- lieve I have omitted nothing that is fundamental; and if མ་ན་ Vi PREF Á C E. The F if any thing of lefs moment is paſſed by, it is either because it is of little ufe, or is supplied by fome other method or rule. And all the rules and problems arê in Juch order, that the eafieft appear firft, and lead on to the harder, which follow in due course after- wards: thefe make up the first book. And the fecond book contains the application of Algebra to all forts of problems, of which there is great variety, and many of them perfectly new; others that are not jo, have generally new folutions to them. So I hope I have delivered both the principles and the practice at large, and yet have not clogged the Reader with any fuper- fluity. W. Emerfon. 9 ! I TH1. $ 1 THE CONTENTS. D Efinitions Characters Notation Axioms BOOK I. The fundamental Principles. Sect. I. The Operations in Integers Sect. II. Fractions Sect. III. Surds Sect. IV. Of managing Equations Page I 3 5 7 31 48 Sect. V. Subftitution, Extermination, &c. Sect. VI. Infinite Series · 90 110 Sect. VII. Several fundamental Problems 132 difference is given Prob. LXV. To find two quantities whofe fum and 198 198 198 Prob. LXVI. To find the leaft common dividend Prob. LXVII. To find the difference of the fquares, having the fum and difference given 201 Prob. LXVIII. Two quantities given, to find the ſquare 201 of the fum wả 203 202 Prob. LXIX. Two quantities given, to find the ſquare of the difference Prob. LXX. Given the fum and difference to find the rectangle Prob. LXXI. Given the power of a binomial, to find the difference between the fquare of the ſum of the odd terms, and the fquare of the fum of the even Prob. LXXII. To find any root of a binomial furd 204 203 Prob. LXXIII. To explain the properties of o, and infinity terms 209 212 Prob. LXXIV. To find the value of a fraction, when both numerator and denominator are o Prob. LXXV. To find whole numbers anſwering the equation axby + c 215 Prob. LXXVI. To find a number that being divided by given numbers, will leave given remainders 219 Prob. 鳥 [ t vili The CONTENTS. Prob. LXXVII. To find the limits of an equation con- taining feveral unknown quantities pag. 225 Prob. LXXVIII. To find the limits in two fuch equa- tions 228 Prob. LXXIX. The investigation of the rule of alli- gation 231 234 Prob. LXXX. Inveſtigation of the rule of falfe Prob. LXXXI. Inveftigation of the rule of exchange 236 Prob. LXXXII. To find rational fquares, cubes, &c. 237 Prob. LXXXIII. To find the maxima and minima of quantities 241 Prob. LXXXIV. To turn numbers into logarithmic feries 1 244 Prob. LXXXV. To turn logarithms into numerical feries 247 Prob. LXXXVI. To demonſtrate a propofition fynthe- tically, from the analytical folution 250 Sect. VIII. The refolution of equations, and extraction of their roots in numbers 251 Sect. IX. The geometrical conftruction of equations 297 Sect. X. To inveftigate a problem algebraically 316 BOOK II. The Solution of particular Problems. Page Sect. I. Numerical Problems 328 Sect. II. Problems concerning intereſt and annuities 348 Sect. III. Problems in arithmetical and geometrical pro- greffion 358 Sect. IV. Unlimited problems 368 Sect. V. Problems for finding rational fquares, cubes, &c. 8 ¿ Sect. VI. Geometrical problems Sect. VII. Problems in Plain Trigonometry Sect. VIII. Problems in Spherical Trigonometry Sect. IX. Problems of the Loci Sect. X. Mechanical problems Sect. XI. Phyfical Problems 375 385 419 434 450 464 475 489 497 507 ALGEBRA, Sect. XII. Problems concerning feries Sect. XIII. Problems concerning exponential quantities Sect. XIV. Problems of Maxima and Minima [ 1 ] ALGEBRA. I. AL DEFINITION S. LGEBRA is a general method of com- puting Problems, by help of the letters of the alphabet, and other characters. It is of the fame nature as Arithmetic, but more gene- ral, and therefore it is called Univerſal Arithmetic, as likewife the Analytic Art. The peculiar practice of this method is, to affume the quantity fought as if it was known, and proceeding to work by the rules of this art, till at laft the quantity fought, or ſome powers thereof, be found equal to fome given quantity, and confequently itſelf becomes known. 2. Like quantities, are thoſe that confift of the fame letters; as a, 44, -3a. Alſo bb, 3bb, -11bb; alſo 2abc, 15abc, -abc; &c. 3. Unlike quantities, are thofe confifting of dif- ferent letters, or of the fame letters, differently re- peated. As a, b, 2c, -3d. Alfo a, 2aa, -5aaa. 4. Given quantities, are thoſe whofe values are known. 5. Unknown quantities, are thoſe whoſe values are not known. 6. Simple quantities, are thofe confifting of one term only; as 5b, 3a²c, 13dcc, &c. 7. Compound quantities, are thofe confifting of fe- veral terms, as a+b, za−3c, a+2b-3d, &c. 8. Pofitive B 2 DEFINITIONS. 8. Pofitive quantities, are thofe to be added. 9. Negative quantities, are thofe to be fub tracted. 10. Like figns, are either all +, or all, (See the Characters.) 11. Unlike figns are and -. 12. The Coefficient, is the number prefixed to any letter or letters in any term. As 3 is the coeffici- ent of gaa. If no number be prefixed, then r muſt be understood, as a a fignifies aa. 13. A Binomial quantity, is one confifting of twó terms, as 2a +36. A Trinomial of 3 terms, as a + b C. A Quadrinomial of four, &c. Refidual is a binomial, where one of the quantities is negative. A 14. Power of a quantity, is its fquare, cube, bi- quadrate, &c. 15. An Equation, is the mutual comparing of one thing with another, by the ſign of equality put between them. 16. A dependent Equation, is an equation which may be deduced from fome others. 17. An independent Equation, is one that cannot, by any means, be produced from the others. 18. Pure Equation, is an equation containing but one power of the unknown quantity; as a fimple Equation, a pure Quadratic, a pure Cubic, &c. 19. An affected Equation, is that which contains. feveral powers of the unknown quantity; and is de- nominated according to the higheſt power in it; as an affected Quadratic; an affected Cubic; an affected fourth Power; &c. Thus a fimple equation con- tains only the fimple quantity itſelf. A quadra- tic, a quantity of 2 dimenfions; a cubic, a quan- tity of 2 dimenfions; a biquadratic, of 4 dimen- fions; &c. 20. Index or Exponent, is the number ſet over a letter, fhewing what power it is as a3; here 3 fhews DEFINITIONS. 3 thews it is the third power; or that a is equiva- lent to a a a. And thus at is the fame as a aaa; as the fame as aa aaa; &c. the index always fhewing how oft the letter is repeated. 21. A Fraction, confifts of two quantities placed one above another, with a line between them, a as; the upper (a) is called the numerator, the lower (b) the denominator. 22. A Surd, is a quantity that has not a proper root, as fquare root of a (a), cube root of bb (3/bb), &c. Roots of compound quantities that contain other furds, are called Univerfal Surds. 23. A rational quantity, is a quantity that has no radical fign. A + Characters used in Algebra. more, to be added, being the fign of ad- dition. This is called an affirmative fign. Thus a + b fignifies added to a. b lefs, abating, the fign of fubtraction. This is alfo called a negative fign. Thus b fignifies b ſubtracted from a. a Thefe figns always affect the quan- tity following; and are always to be interpreted in a contrary fignification. If+fignifies upward, forward, gain, increaſe, above, before, addition, &c. then is to be interpreted down- ward, backward, lofs, decreaſe, below, behind, Jubtraction, &c. And if be underſtood of theſe, then interpreted of the contrary. B 2 + is to be is dif ' 4 CHARACTERS. difference; as ab, fignifies the differ- ence between a and b. x multiplied by; as a x b, fignifies a mul- tiplied by b. Likewife a b, fignifies a multiplied by b. All letters joined together fignifies a multiplication. For brevity's fake points are often ufed inſtead of X, as n 12- 1. N~2 2 N2 nifies n × X 2 3 figè 3 divided by, as ab, fignifies a divided. 4 by b. And fignifies the ſame. b equal to, as a + b = 2d, fignifies a and b equal to 2d. greater than, as ab, is a greater than b. Cleffer than, as a □ b, is a leſs than b. a root, as a, is fquare root of a; 3/a, cube root of a ; /a, fourth root of a; &c. It is called a Radical Sign. 2, involved to the involved to: as fquare; 3 involved to the cube; &c. Еш extracted: lw 2, fquare root; lu سا 3, cube root; &c. a+b+c, a line, or vinculum, drawn over feveral quantities a, b, c, denotes that com- pound quantity to be confidered jointly as a fimple quantity. EXPLANATION. a a − b b † 3 c d, fignifies bb fubtracted from aa, and 3 cd added. a a b b — c d dd, fignifies, that cc-dd is cd — fabtracted from a ab b. aat zab 1 EXPLANATION. 5 aa + 2 aborr-ss, fignifies the difference between a a + 2 ab and rr SS. abcc fignifies the product of a and b and c c. a + bx aa, fignifies the fum of a + b multi- plied by a a. a + bxa a, fignifies the product of b into a a is to be added to a. 2 ea-2 ab, fignifies the fquare of the com- pound quantity a a-2 ab. ✔bb+cc fignifies the fquare root of bbc c. √2ab — cc, fignifies the cube root of 2ab—cc. 3 a a X X b- fignifies a a divided by a — b. a3 vided by xx a a fignifies the fquare root of a³ di- aa. a³ b² fignifies a aa × bb, or the cube of a mul- tiplied by the fquare of b. 3ax--xx √ 5ax, fignifies the fquare root of 5 a x multiplied by 3 axxx; and fo of others. Quantities that have no fign prefixed, muſt be underſtood to have the fign+, leading quantities ſeldom have the figns put down, when they are af- firmative. If A B and CD be two lines; then A B × CD, in a geometrical fenfe, fignifies the rectangle made by the lines A B and C D. A B Alfo fignifies the ratio that A B has to CD. CD' NOTATION, 1. In the computation of problems, put the firſt letters of the alphabet, b, c, d, f, g, h, &c. for known quantities, and the last letters of the alpha- bet for unknown ones. Yet fome put vowels for B 3 unknown 6 } AXIOM S. } unknown quantities, and the reſt of the alphabet for known ones. 2. For general forms, put the capitals A, B, C, D, &c. for the general quantities. 3. Or in univerfal forms, let the quantities be denoted by the Greek capitals, г, ^, Z, ®, A, II, Σ, T, Þ, Y, N, and indices, coefficients, &c. by the fmall letters, d, e, n, O, λ, µg V₂ π, T₂ Q. > 4. In caſe of neceffity, make uſe of any other ſort of letters, or of any characters, that have names, as ½, 2, ♂, 0, ?, ☀, D, 8, &, ‡, x, &c. J AXIOM S. 1. If equal quantities be added to equal quanti- ties, the fums will be equal. 2. If equal quantities be taken from equal quan- tities, the remainders will be equal. 3. If equal quantities be multiplied by equal quantities, the products will be equal. 4. If equal quantities be divided by equal quan- ties, the quotients will be equal. 5. The equal powers or roots of equal quantities, are equal. 6. If to or from equal quantities, unequal ones be added or fubtracted; the fums or remainders will be unequal. 7. If equal quantities be multiplied or divided by unequal quantities; the products or quotients will be unequal. 8. Quantities feverally equal to a third, are equal to one another. $ 9. The whole is equal to all the parts taken to- gether. 10. If a quantity be added, and the fame quan- tity fubtracted, they deftroy one another, and are both reduced to nothing. BOOK } Į 1 1 1 [ 7 ] * I воок І. The fundamental Principles of Algebra. SECT. I. The primary Operations of Algebra in Integers. PROBLEM I. . To add feveral Quantities together. I RULE. F the quantities are like and have like figns; add all the coefficients together, for the coef- ficient to that quantity, and prefix the fame fign. Ex. 1. to + 5 a to 16 ab add + 70 add 5ab to + 4a add + 5a 3 x X add 2 a b add + a 5x Sum + 12 a 23ab Sum + 10 a — 9 × Ex. 2. to + 135 ab² 202 x x y³ add + 17abb 105 xxy3 + 3abb 17 xxy3 + abb 324xxy3 Sum + 156 a b b 2 RUL E. In like quantities with unlike figns; add all the affirmative coefficients, into one fum; and all the BA negar ADDITIONO N. B. I. * . negative ones into another; fubtract the leffer fum from the greater, and to the difference prefix the fign of the greater, with the proper quantity. Ex. 3. 1 to + 6 a 16d add 3 a + 3d 3a7b 3 a +86 Sum + 3a 13 d + b ¿ S ++1 125 ab 37 a b ab + 99 ab 162 a b +100ab 1 Sum 62 a b 2 aa Ex. 4. Ex: 5: + 34x²y 8 x²y. xzy +92x²y - 67x²y +126x²y - 76x²у + 50 x²y 9 b c d + d d + 2 e +7aa-20 bcd-dd + 5e +3aa + 4 b c d Sum +8aa- 2 5 b c d 3 RULE. +7e 1 Set down all the unlike quantities with their pro- per figns. 1 Ex. 6. +2a +36 +1+ C d Sum 2a + 36 - ç + d 1 f Ex: Sect. I. $ ADDITION: Ex. 7. 413a a +1+ 4ab 2 a 3 a bc + 5 a 2 d d + 6 d Sum + 13 aa→ 4 a b + b c — 2 d d + 6 d. Ex. 8. zee+3ef-ƒƒ + 17 ·3ee5ef + 2 ƒ ƒ + 6ee II ef + ƒƒ- 3 Sum + 5ee + 7 eƒ + 2ƒƒ + 3 The reaſon of this rule is evident for like figns; and in unlike figns, it follows from the nature of affirmative and negative quantities, that the diffe- rence ought to be taken, to make up the total. if a man owes 10%. then 10%. ought to be deduct- ed from his ftock to find his real worth. As Cor. 1. When feveral quantities are to be added to- gether, it is the fame thing, in whatever order they are placed. Thus a + b c = a − c + b = −c+ a + b =b+a-c, &c. for all theſe are the fame. Cor. 2. Hence the fum of any number of affirmative quantities, is affirmative; and the fum of any number of negative quantities, is negative. PROBLEM II. To fubtract quantities from one another. RULE Change the figns of all the quantities to be fub- tracted; and then add them all together by Prob. I. and the fum will be the remainder fought. Ex. 10 B. I. SUBTRACTION. } + 8a +3a Rem. 8 a or 5 a from за Ex. I. 500 166 56 16b5b or 21 b 20 6 20+ 6 or 14 Ex. 2. 6a3x+6y - 7 take + 8a+ 4x + 6y + 5 II C +3¢ II C — 30 Or 140 t } Rem. 2 a -7x+0 I 2 Ex. 3. from a + b a + b a+b take a b Rem. + 2b 24 Ex. 4. from aa + 2 a b + b b take +4ab +bb Rem a a 2 a b + bb Ex. 5. from a a- · bb take cc d d Rem. a a bb-cc+dd Ex. 6. from take 24 a 5 a 3aa2a+ c d -d d -ff Rem. 5a a + 3 a + c d + ab + dd—ff a b 2 d d Cor. } t I Sect. I. II MULTIPLICATION. } Cor. Hence, To fubira one quantity from ano- ther, is the fame thing as to add them together, when ail the figns of the fubtrabend are changed. a- •b = a + b. For it is the fame thing to fubtract, as to add ; and to add, as to fubtract +. For ſuppoſe a man to owe 10/; becauſe it is a debt it muſt be writ 10%. therefore if any body would take away this -10, it is the fame thing as if he added 10 to his ftock: but before it is diſcharg- ed, this 10 is the fame, as + 10 deducted out of his ftock. PROBLEM III. To multiply one quantity by another. RULE. Multiply every particular term (or fimple quan- tity) of the multiplier, into every term of the mul- tiplicand, one after another; fo that the coefficients be multiplied into the coefficients; and the letters into the letters, by placing them all together, like letters in a word. And prefix + to products of like figns, and to unlike ones. - to unlike ones. The fum of all is the product fought. Ex. 1. ta a + 3 a + b h 2 b 4 c +5d tab tab 6ab -20 cd Ex. 2. a+b a+b Q a + b b a a + a b +ab+bb aa +2abbb catab a b - b b a a b b Ex. 12 MULTIPLICATION. B. I. 1 1 } за Ex. 3. 2 b 5a+4b 15a a 10 a b +12ab - 8bb 15aa + zab Ex. 4. aa+ab - b b 8 bb. ЪЪ a - b a³ + a ab a b b Bab a b b + b 3 a3 zabb + b³ Ex. 5. a b - 3 c d + r s 5r-7d 5 rab 15red + 5rrs 7abd +21cdd- Ex. 6. 3aa2ab+ 5 aa + 2 a b — 3 3 at — 2 ba³ +5 aa +6ba³ — 4 aabb + 10 ab -7rsd gaa, + 6 ab 15 3a4 + 4ba3 — 4 bbaa -4aa + 16 ab 15 Ex. 7. a a + b b CC d d c ca a + c c b b ddaad db b } ccaa-ddaa + ccbb - d db b } } t Ex. J { Sect. I. MULTIPLICATION. Ex. 8. a³ a² 463 365 13 25 1268 له That every term in the multiplicand muſt be multiplied by every term in the multiplier, is thus made evident. Let a + b be multiplied by c+d; it is plain, a+b muſt be taken ſo often as there are fuppofed units in c and d, that is, as often as there are units in c, and alfo as oft as there are units in d. Therefore the product will be a + bxc+a+bxd. But for the fame reafon a + b x c = ac + bc, alſo a + bx d = a d + b d. Whence the pro- duct will be a c + b c + a dbd; that is, the fum of all the products of every term multiplied by every term. That like figns give +, and unlike figns, in the product, will appear thus. Cafe 1. Let + a be multiplied by + b. Then fince this multiplication fuppofes, that + a is to be fo often added together as there are units in+b; and the fum of any number of affirmatives is affir- mative, therefore the whole fum is affirmative, that is + ax + b = + ab. Cafe 2. Leta be multiplied by b. Now fince this implies that a is to be as often fub- tracted as there are units in b; and the fum of any number of negatives, is negative, therefore that whole fum, is negative, that is, axb = + ab. Cafe 3. Leta be multiplied by + b. plain here, thata is to be fo often taken as there are units in b; and the fum of any number of negatives being negative, therefore the whole fum is negative; that is, ax + b = −ab. It is Otherwife, } 14 B. I. MULTIPLICATION. Otherwife, Let da be multiplied by +b; then (Cafe 1.) the product will be bd together with ax+b: but bd is too big, as being the product of d by b, inftead of da by b (da being less than d); therefore bd, being too much; the product- ax + b muſt be ſub- tracted; that is, the true product will be db-ab; and confequently ab ax + b. = Cafe 4. Leta be multiplied by -b. Here a is to be fubtracted as often as there are units in b: but fubtracting negatives is the fame as add- ing affirmatives (Cor. Prob. 2.); confequently the product is + ab. Or thus. Since aao, therefore a- a x -bo, becauſe o multiplied by any thing pro- duces o; therefore fince + a − a x − b = 0; and the first term of the product is a b (Cafe 2); therefore the laft term of the product muſt be +ab, to make the ſum o, or a b + ab = 0 ; that is, а х ax. b = +ab. - 1 b. Other wife. Let da be multiplied by Then (Cafe 2.) the product will be bd toge- ther with ах b; but bd the quantity to be ſubtracted is too big, being the product of d by -b, inſtead of d a by — b, (d - a being lefs than d); therefore the quantity bd to be fubtracted being too much, fomething must be reftored, that is a X-b muſt be added; and the true product will be bd + ab; and there- fore+ab — axb. = Cor. 1. If feveral quantities are to be multiplied together; it is the fame thing in whatever order it be done. Thus abc acb cab = bca, &c. for all these are equal. = Cor. 2. The powers of the fame quantity are multiplied together, by adding their indices. Thus a² × a³ = a²+3 = as. Cor. 1 Sect. 1. MULTIPLICATION 15 } Cor. 3. Any odd number of -, multiplied together produce -; and any even number of -, pro- duce +. SCHOLIUM. In the multiplication of compound quantities, it is the best way to fet them down in order, accord- ing to the dimenfions of fome of the quantities. And in multiplying them, begin at the left hand, and multiply from the left hand towards the right, the way we write, which is contrary to the way we multiply numbers. But this will be moft expedi- tious, and the feveral producs will by this means be fo ranged under one another, that like quantities will fall in the fame places, which is the eafieft way for adding them up together. In many cafes, the multiplication of compound quantities is only to be performed by writing their fums, each under a vinculum, and putting the fign (X) of multiplication between. As if the fquare of a axx was to be multiplied by ag bh, and that by ac + bd, it may be writ ten thus, ex- ≈≈ × ag b b xa 6 + bd. PROBLEM IV. To divide one quantity by another. I RULE. In fimple quantities, which will divide without a remainder; divide the number by the number, and put the anſwer in the quotient. Then throw out all the letters in the dividend which are found in the divifor, and place the remaining letters in the quotient. And like figns produce +, and un- like figns-, in the quotient.. Ex. 16 DIVISION. B. I. a a) a ab (b aab — aa) a ab (— aab Ex. I. 3 ab) 1 5 a a b c d ( 5 a c d 1 5 a a b c d Ex. 2. b|-zab)-15 a abcd (5acd → 15a a b c d 7 Ex. 3. - 3 cdd) — 6 cc d d (+ 2 c -6ccdd 1 Ex. 4. b³a³d³c 1 + 6a²b²) — 18 b³a³ d³c (— 3 a b c d³ 18 b³a³d³c O Ex. 5. - 5 a²b) 10 a²b b d ( — 2 b d 10 a² b b d Ex. 6. 9x²y) — 9ײy²b (—y b 9x²x²b 1 ! 今 Ex. Sect. I. $7. DIVISION. h - Ex. 7. 8xx) — 16 x³ († 2 * 16 x³ 2 RUL E. In compound quantities, range the terms of the divifor and dividend, according to the dimenfions of fome letter. Then, by Rule 1, divide the first term of the dividend by the firft term of the divi- for, placing the refult in the quotient. Multiply the whole divifor by the quotient, and fubtract it from the dividend, to which bring down the next term of the dividend, call this the Dividual. Divide the firft term of the dividual by the firft term of the divifor; then multiply and fubtract as before, and repeat the ſame proceſs till all the quan- tities be brought down. This is in effect the very fame rule as is uſed in arithmetic. $ Ex. 8. a) ab + ac➡a (b + c 1 the quotient ab +ac +ac A a Ex. 9° 3 caa (a a 2 b 3 c) 2 ba a − z baa-3 ca a C B ** 18 B. I. DIVISION. I A " > Ex. 10. a + b) ac + b c + ad + b d (c+d a c + b c + ad + b d + ad + b d Ex. II. 3yy4y+ 12 (y-3 ¶y — 4) y³ 4) y³ — 3yy y3 -4y 39 9 + 12 399 + 12 Ex. 12. a + b) a a−bb (a-b aa+ab ab-bb a b - b b O Ex. 13. 34—b) 3a³—12aa-baa+10ab—2bb (aa—4a+2b 3a3 -12aa -12aa -baa +10ab + 4ab 1 * + 6ab-2bb +6ab-2bb 3 RUL E. When the divifor does not exactly divide the di- vidend; place the dividend over the divifor, in form Sect. I. 19 DIVISION. 1 & form of a fraction; throwing out fuch letters, as are found in all the terms of both the dividend and divifor. Ex. 14. a x) a に Ex. 15. ax−xx) ax+xx(ax+xx ax XX Ex. 16. the quotient. a+x quote. a-x (1+x+~~+x³+x4 + &c. fine fine. :) I ---X +x X- XX +xx (or 1+x+x+x³+ I { ca ee) aaе XX-X³ +x3 aae- e3 e3 X3 X4 +x+ &c. Ex. 17. (e + e3 + a a es e3 + + aa es aa es e7 aa a4 es 04 + + C 2 ет Q+ Rem. * e7 a6 ·eea+ This 20 B. I. DIVISION. This and fuch like examples will be better under, ftood after the next fection. Ex. 18. a³) 2as (243 245 = 20². 26²) 1866 a a XX Ex. 19. 1866 62 Ex. 20. 5 a a — x x (a a aa - X X 5 -9b4. 3 X X That like figns give +, and unlike figns, in the quotient, will appear thus. The divifor multiplied by the quotient mult produce the divi- dend. Therefore, i. When both are +, the quo- tient is, becauſe then + x + 1. +)+(+ muſt produce + in the dividend. 2. —)-(+ 2. When they are both the 3. +(quotient is again, becauſe +x- 4. −)+(— must produce. in the dividend. Again, 3. When the divifor is + and the dividend, the quotient is, becauſe - ×+ muſt produce in the dividend. Laftly, If the divifor is, and the dividend +, the quotient will be, becauſe X- - produces in the dividend. 4. Cor. 1. One power of a quantity, is divided by another power thereof; by fubtracting the index of the divifor, from the index of the dividend. Thus, as Q3 a 5-3 =a²: And !6b 4b3 4b-2 4 1263 3 == 3 == 3bb. Cor, Sect. I. Zi INVOLUTION. Cor. 2. Hence any power of a quantity may be ta- ken out of the denominator and put into the numerator, and the contrary; by changing the fign of the index. a 262 ab-2 b = ba³. Thus And 2 a-3 Cor. 3. Hence divided by +, or + divided That is, a a -b by give the fame quotient, viz. -. 응 PROBLEM V. To involve a quantity to any power. IRUL E. Multiply the quantity fo often into itſelf as the index denotes. And where the root is +, all the powers are +. And where the root is, all the odd powers are, and all the even pow- ers +. Ex. 1. a root a a fquare a³ cube 04 4th power &c. ab root aabb ſquare a3b³ cube &c. 2a3 root a² root 24 fquare 26 cube as 4th power &c. + 40° fquare 849 cube +16a¹² 4th power &c. Ex. 2. 3abb root + gaab+ fquare bo -27 a³ b6 cube, C 3 &c. Ex. 22 B. I. INVOLUTION. A f Ex. 3. Involve a + b to the cube or 3d powers fquare a+b a + b aa+ab +ab+bb a a +2ab+bb a + b å³ + 2 a ab + a b b + aab+za b b + b² cube a³ + 3a ab + 3 abb + b³ 2 RULE. Multiply the index of the quantity, by the index of the power, and make the figns as in Rule 1. root a or or a ſquare a¹×2 or a² cube a¹×³ or a³ th om power a Ex. 4. --- 2 bba; or 25²à X 2 + 4 b² x ² a +46 8 b 2 x 3 ax IX2 or + 4b+q² 1 X3 or 866a3 2″ × b2m a 773 Ex. 5. root a-x fquare a-x 2 X 2 4 or a—x -2X3 -2 X 3 6 cube a-X or a-x th 2 X m 2772 m" power a-x or A-X : 3 RULE. ? Sect. I 23 INVOLUTION. A 3 RULE. I In a binomial. The power will confift of 1 term more than the index of the power. The higheft power of both is the index of the given power, and the index of the leading quantity continually de- creaſes by one in every term, and in the following quantity, the indices of the terms are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. Then for finding the unciæ or coefficients. The firft is always 1; the fecond, the index of the power. And in general, if the coefficient of any term be multiplied by the index of the leading quantity, and divided by the number of terms to that place; it gives the coefficient of the next fol- lowing term. Laftly, When both terms of the root are +, all the terms of the power will be +; but if the ſe- cond term be then all the odd terms will be +, and all the even terms Ex. 6. Involve ate to the 5th power. The feveral terms without the coefficients will be a³, ate, a³ee, a²e³, 5X4 10X3 coefficients 1, 5, 2 > ae4, es; and the 10X2 5XI ; 3 - 4 LO 5 5, I. that is, 1, 5, 10, 10, And therefore the 5th power is as + 5ate + 10 a³ее + 10 a²e³ + 5 ae4 + es. Ex. 7. Involve a-x to the 4th power. thepower is a+-4a³x+4×3 a²x²- a4 2 that is, at 4a³x + 6a²x² C A 6×2 4XI ´ax³ + 3 4 40x3 + x4. 4 RULE. 24. B. I. INVOLUTION. 4 RULE. مصر In trinomials, quadrinomials, &c. Let one letter remain, and put another letter for the reſt of the quantities; then involve this binomial by Rule 3; then inſtead of the powers of the affum- ed letter, find (by Rule 3.) the powers of the compound quantity it reprefents, which put in its ftead. Ex. 8. Involve a + bx to the third power. Put e for bx, then the cube of a te is à ³ + з a α é + з a еe + e³ (Rule 3), that is, аз засе ез 2 2 3 3 ¿³ +zaa × b−x+zexb−x + 5—x. But (Rule 3.) b—x — bb−2bx + xx, and b—x —b³—3bbx+3bx² -x. Therefore a+bxa³ + 3aab - zaax + 3abb—6abx+ zaxx+b³—3bbx+ 3bxx-x³ 3 Cor. 1. The nth power of a +e, that is, 12 I a+e =a"+na²-¹e +nx a^ − 2 ee + n x N I 2 ท I 2 n-2 ท 11 2 X an-3e3+nx X X а n~ 3 an― A e 4 + &c. 3 2 3 4 This rule is proved by involving a+e as far as you will, for the feveral powers will always agree with the rule. Cor. 2. All powers of an affirmative quantity, are affirmative. And all oad powers of a negative quan- tity, are negative; and all even powers affirmative. Cor. 3. The index of the power of any quantity, is the product of the index of the power, and index of the quantity. Cor. 4. The nth power of any product, is equal të the nth power of each factor, multiplied together. in 12 a b² ²² = a² x b²". X PRO. 3 ป Sect. I. 25 EVOLUTION. PROBLEM VI. To extract the root of any quantity. Evolution is juft the reverſe to involution; and is performed as follows. I RULE. For fimple quantities; extract the root of the coefficient for the numerical part, and divide the index of the letter or letters, by the index of the power, gives the index of the root. Ex. I. 3 The cube root of a³ is a³ or a. the Square root of 25at is the Square root of 2a2b 4 5a² or gaa. 6 is a b√//2. or ab³√2. 9 the cube root of -1256 is—563 or-56³. 2 RULE. For the fquare root, of a compound quantity range the terms according to the dimenfions of fome letter. Then find the root of the firft term (1 Rule), and fet it in the quotient subtract its fquare, and bring down the next term, which di- vide by double the quotient, and let the anſwer in the quotient. Multiply the divifor and quo- tient by this laſt quotient, which fubtract from the dividual. Proceed thus, juſt as in common arith metic. Ex. 26 B. I. EVOLUTION, Ex. 2. Extract the fquare root of aa+4ab+4bb—2ax 4bx + xx. aa+4ab+4bb—2ax−4bx+xx (a+2b—x root aa 2a+2b) 4ab+466 4ab+4bb 2a+4b-x) -2ax—4bx+xx -2ax-4bx+xx Ex. 3. Extract the Square root of aa-6na+2za+9nn➡ 6nz + zz. aa +22 -6n a +9nn (a бnza •3n2 十万 aa +zz 20 ·3210 +21 +9nn. 6n6nz a +22+zZ. -6n+gnn a +22 6nz +zz Ex: Seat. I. 27. EVOLUTION. Ex. 4. Extract the Square root of aa + **. XX 2.4 24 893 ㅇ ·+ 16as &c. aa+-xx aa (a+ XX za+ 0+xx aa ~4 +xx+ 4a6 XX 24 X4 20+ a 8a3 44a 1 X4 дов + 4aa 8a+ 64a6 20+) x8 o + 8a+ 64a³ 3 RUL E. In higher powers. Find the root of the firft member, which place in the quotient: fubtract its power, the remainder is the refidual. Involve this root to the next lower power, and multiply it by the index of the given power, for a divifor by this divide the firft term of the refidual, the quo- tient is the next term of the root. Then involve the whole root as before, and fubtract: and repeat the operation, till all the terms of the root be had. Ex. 5. Extract the cube root of x+6x5—40x³+96x-64. x+6x5—40x³ +96x-64 (xx+2x—4 root. 246 3x4) 6x5 (+2x x+6x5 + 12x4+8x³=xx +2x. 3x4) 0 — 12x+(-4 3 ·3 x+6x-4x³+96x-64=x+2x-4 · 1 EN 28 B. I. EVOLUTION. 1 Ex. 6. Extract the 4th root of 16aª—96a³b+216aabb ·216ab³ +81b4. 16a4—96a³b+216aabb-216ab³ +81b4 (2a-4b 1624 24a³) 0-96a³b (—4b двазъ 16a+—96a³b+216aabb-216ab³ +81b4 О root. 4 RUL E. The roots of compound quantities, may fome- times be diſcovered thus. Extract the roots out of all the fimple powers or terms in it; then connect theſe roots by the figns + or, as you judge will beft anfwer. Involve this compound root to the proper power; then if it be the fame with the given quantity, you have got the root. If it only differs in the figns, change fome of them, till its power agrees with the given one throughout. Ex. 7. To extract the cube root of a³—6a²b+12ab²—8b3; Here the root of a³ is a, and the root of -8b3 is -2b. Then a-2b is the root, for its cube is a³—6a²b+12ab²-8b³, as required. Ex. 8. t Extract the 4th root of 16a4-96a³x+216a²x² 216ax³ +81x4. The roots of 16a4 and 81x4, are 2a and 3x. Therefore if 2a+3x be made the root and in- volved, J Sect. I. 29 EVOLUTION. volved, it is 16a++96a³x+216aaxx+216ax³ + 81x4, which differs in the figns, from the quantity given. Therefore make 2a-3x the root, which being involved fucceeds; the power being 16a+ — 96a³x + 216aaxx — 216ax³ + 81x+. 5 RUL E. When the quantity given has not fuch a root as is required, fet it down in form of a ſurd. Ex. 9. Square root of a³, is 3 a³. Cube root of 15aa, is 15aa. 4th root of 2a5x³, is √2a³x³. Ex. 10. The cube root of a³—6a²b+12ebb +8b³, is 3 √ a³ —ba²b+12abb+86³. Ex. II. What is the 5th root of as-xs. the root is 5 @5-x5. Cor. 1. The fquare root, or any even root, of an affirmative quantity, may be either + or -. For the fquare root of a a may be a ora, for+ax+aaa, and -ax-aaa: alfo the 4th root of at is +a or —a, for the 4th power of a is at, as well as of +a. Cor. 2. Any odd roet of a quantity, will have the fame fign, as the quantity itself. } For the root of +a and -a, will be +a and -a; for a cubed is a³, and a cubed is 1 Cor. { 30 B. I EVOLUTION. Cor. 3. The Square root, or any even root, of a negative quantity, is impoffible. For neither +axta, nor aX-a, can pro- duce —aa. Cor. 4. The nth root of a product, is equal to the nth root of each of the factors, multiplied together: VAB VA XVB. √B. 4 } * SECT. T SECT. II. Of FRACTIONS. 31 HE operations of algebraic fractions are ex- actly the fame as thofe of vulgar fractions in arithmetic; therefore he that has made himfelf maſter of vulgar fractions, will eafily underſtand how to manage all forts of algebraic fractions, as in the following problems. PROBLEM VII. To reduce a given quantity to a fraction of a given denominator. RULE. Multiply that quantity by the given denomina- tor, and under the product write the fame de- nominator. Ex. I. Let a+b have the denominator x. F a+bxx ax + bx anſwer. > * X Ex. 2 Let xx-yy have the denominator 1: xx-yyXI xx-yy , anſwer. I I Ex. 3. Let 2 have the denominator b—c. a x b-c ac a b b b-c b. 11 bc anſwer, Cor. K 32 B. I. FRACTIONS. Cor. The value of a fraction is not altered, by multiplying both numerator and denominator by the rab rabd ab Tame quantity. Thus rc rcd = PROBLEM VIII, To reduce a mixed number to a fraction. RULE. Multiply the integral part by the denomina- tor of the fraction, and to the product add the numerator, under which write the common deno- minator. Ex. 1. b ac-b be given. Then is the C C Let a --- fraction required. Ex. 2. aa ax Suppoſe a-x+ x ax- -xx+aa ax aa XX Here or is that re- X XX quired. PROBLEM IX. To reduce an improper fraction to a whole or mixed number. RULE. Divide the numerator by the denominator, as far as you can, gives the integral part; and place the remainder over the denominator for the frac- tional part. ! Ex: Sect. II. FRACTIONS. 33 Ex. I. aba a Given b) ab-ac 1 b ab い aa + xx Suppose A-X a-x) aa + xx aa ax -44 Ex. 2. 1 a a b anſwer. (a+x+ 2XX 1 anfwer. +ax+xx +ax-xx - 2xx PROBLEM X. To find the greatest common divisor, for the terms of a fraction, or for any two quantities. RULE. The quantities being ranged according to the dimenfions of fome letter; divide the greater by the leffer, and the laſt divifor by the laſt re- mainder, and fo on continually till nothing remain; then the laft divifor is that required. But obfèrve, firſt to throw out of each divifor, all the fimple di- viſors, (or others) that will divide it; and then proceed. The fimple divifors are had by infpection, Let cd + dd aac+aad Ex. 1. 37 be the fraction propoſed. cd + dd) aac + aad! or c + d ) aac + aad (aa aac + aad D There- { 34 B. I. FRACTIONS. 1 " Therefore c+d is the greateſt common divifor. cd + dd +d) aac + aad Ex. 2. ď. aa 03 abb Let aa + zab + bb be proposed. aa +2ab+bb) a³ abb (a zaab-zabb remainder. a³ + zaal Tabb -2aab—2abb) aa+2ab+bb ( or a + b) aa+zab+bb (a+b aat ab +ab+bb +ab+bb Therefore a + b is the greateſt common divifor. Ex. 3. a4-64 Suppose be given. asbbas 24b4) as—bbas (a a5b4a rem. —bba³+b^a) a4—b4 (- or a a - bb) aª— b4 (aa + bb a4-bbaa the common divifor is aa +bbaa64 +bbaa-b4 O bbª. PRO Sect. II. 35 FRACTIONS. PROBLEM XI. To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms. RUL E. Find the greateſt common meaſure (Prob. X), by which divide both numerator and denominator of the fraction; the quotients will be the numera tor and denominator of the fraction required. à Ex. I. cd+dd Let be propofed. cd+dd d aac+aad the greateſt common divifor is r+d. Therefore +d) the fraction required. aac+aad aa Ex. 2. a3-abb Let be proposed. aa+2ab+bb Here a+b is the greatest common diviſor: then a3abb a+b) aa+2ab+bb aaab the fraction a + b fought. Ex. 3. a4-64 Suppoſe to be given. asbba³ the greatest common divifor is aa—bb; then Bbb bb). a4b4 as_bbas( aa+bb a3 the fraction re- D 2 quired. PRO- J 36 B. I. FRACTIONS. } و PROBLEM XII. To reduce fractions of different denominators, to frac- tions of the fame value, having a common deno- minator. I RULE. Multiply each numerator, into all the other de- nominators, for a new numerator; then multiply all the denominators together for a common de- nominator. G Let 2 a + b Ex. I. be given. C ac ab+bb theſe become bc" bc Ex. 2. f a Let b' ? J' they become £ be propoſed. مة adg cbg fb d bdg bdg bdg 2 RULE. Divide the denominators by their greateſt com- mon divifor, then multiply both numerator and denominator of each fraction, by all the other quo- tients, which will produce as many new fractions. Ex. 3. a C d Suppose or 2bb' 26 b 26 2 I 2a 2bc 4bd 4bb 465 466 a bc 2bd • 2bb´ 2tb 216 the fractions required. Ex. L Sect. II. FRACTIONS. 37 Ex. 4. 2aa Given zab-zbb aaab 2ac a-b 2.6 400€ 2aac-zabc 4008 2030 gab--ṛbby, a—.b 2αac 2abc 3aab-5abb4263 2abc 2aac zabc , that is, PROBLEM XIII. To add fractional quantities together. R U L E. If the fractions have not a common denomina- tor, reduce them to one (Prob. XII); then add the numerators, and under the fum, write the common denominator. Ex. i. Add 2 to 29 } C d bc reduced and bd a aa bd Add 'g ad + b c ; then = fum. bd Ex. 2. C f together. reduced adg bcg bcg bdf; then bdgʻ bdg. bdg bdg adg+bcg+bdf bdg fum. Ex. 3. d--b 2b1a+d Add to 30 30 ab+2b-48+d b-za+d. the fum= 3C 36 D 3 Es 1 38 B. I. FRACTIONS. 41 } To a add b + a a 6 Ex. 4. C ab-bb-caa fum a+b+ сь PROBLEM XIV. To fubtract one fraction from another. RULE. Reduce them to a common denominator; then fubtract the numerators: and under the difference, write the common denominator. Ex. 1. a+b C From d Subtract • d a+b-c difference. d Ex. 2. a+b ab+bb From == d bd aad Subtract 22 bd v ab+bb-aad then remainder. bd Ex. 3. ab From take 26 40 30 5d reduced remainder 5ad5bd 6bc-12ac 15cd. 15cd 5ad—5bd—6bc+1200 15cd Ex. Sect. II. FRACTIONS. 39 } Ex. 4: a a aac take b + From a - 72. a--b C or a bc 2 or b + ab-bb bc difference a-b + -aac-ab-bb bč PROBLEM XV. To multiply fractions. IRUL E. In fractions, multiply the numerators together for a new numerator; and multiply the denomi nators together for a new denominator. Ex. I. Multiply 2 a by / d ахс then or b x d ac bd = product, b Ex. 2. a+b Multiply by b+c b a + b ab + bb here X > product. b + c bc + co Ex. 3. aabb aa+bb Multiply by bc b+c abb aa ÷bb a4b4 then X product. bc b for C bbc + bcc D 4 2 RULE. 40 B. I, FRACTION S. 1 3 2 RULE. When the numerator of one, and denominator of the other, can be divided by fome common di- vifor, take the quotients instead thereof. C Ex. 4. Let multiply aa I reduced X I 3dd #1- 9 aabb 3cdd bb bb 3dd product. } Ex. 5. dà cd-dd by 1 a+b reduced a+b d ad+bd X c-d I c-d > › product. ! Multiply aa+2ab+bb 3 RUL E. If a fraction is to be multiplied by an integer, which happens to be the fame with the denomina- tor; take the numerator for the product. Ex. 6. aa-2bb Multiply by a-b. a-b quotient aa-2bb. 4 RULE. When a fraction is to be multiplied by an inte- ger; multiply the numerator by the integer. Ex. 7. Multiply aa+3bb by xx. > 3cd then aaxx+3bbxx aa+3bb or 3.cd 3cd XX xx = the prod. Ex. Se&t. II. 41 FRACTION S. Ex. 8. 2 A--2 X Multiply by a + x 35 200--- 2. XX then 36 product. Ex. 9. b - C Multiply a + d b + c by b d product ab + d bb_bc — ab+ac __bb—cc d dd Schol. By this rule, a compound fraction may be reduced to a fimple one. PROBLEM XVI. To divide one fraction by another. IRUL E. In fractions, multiply the denominator of the divifor by the numerator of the dividend, for a new numerator; alſo multiply the numerator of the di- vifor into the denominator of the dividend, for a new denominator. Ex. 1. Divide Ђ by 2 d 응) ad bc the quotient. Ex 42 B. I. FRACTION S. 3 Ex. 2. a + c a+b Let divide a bi a at a+baa−bb quotient. a-b a aatac 2 R RULE. If the fractions have a common denominator; take the numerator of the dividend, for a nume- rator; and the numerator of the divifor, for the denominator. Ex. 3. Divide aa-bb zab-bb by a+d a+d aa-bb quotient zab-bb Ex. 4. aa+2ab+bb a³-abb Let divide c-d c-d a³-abb then =quotient. aa+2ab+bb aa ab or =quotient reduced. a+b 3 RUL E. When fractions are to be divided by integers; multiply the denominators of the fractions, by fuch integers. Ex. 5. a Ђ Divide by d. C a b quotient is cd Ex Se&t. II. FRACTION S. 43 Ex. 6. Let ab divide aa-2bb then a=bxq+b а aa- -2bb aa-2bb aab5 9 quotient. ! 4 RUL E. When the two numerators, or the two denomi- nators, can be divided by fome common divifor; throw out fuch divifor, and proceed by Rule 1. Ex. 7. a-b a abb Let divide cd c+d reduced cd d) Fd ( a+bacd+bcd quotient. c+d Ex. 8. aa+ab Let divide ab aa-zab÷bb a a3a²b+ abbb3 reduced a³-aab abb — b3 I B b acab the quotient. bb that is, the quotient + a From hence may be deduced the following co- rollaries. Cor. 1. The value of any fractional quantity is not at all changed, by changing all the figns of both nu- ab-ac ac ab merator and denominator. Thus Cor. 2. The value of any compound fractional quantity, is equal to the sum of all the particular fimple Į 44 B. I. FRACTION S. 1 Simple fractions, that compofe it. Thus rx+2cx—11rz 3r-2x rx 2CX + 3r-2x 3r2x IITZ 3r-2x Cor. 3. If a fraction be multiplied by any given quantity; it is the fame thing whether the numerator be multiplied by that quantity, or the denominator di- dabd dab dab vided by it. xd= dc dc. = C Cor. 4. The product of two fractions, is equal to the fraction, that has the product of the numerators for the numerator; and the product of the denomina- tors for its denominator. a b + x X axr-c = ar-ac b+xxx bx+xx Cor. 5. If a fraction is to be divided by fome quantity; it is the fame thing whether the numera- tor be divided by it, or the denominator multiplied. For 24Z X ÷r= 2az rx And 2ar X 20 == X Cor. 6. If any fort of quantity is to be divided by a fraction; it is the fame thing, as to multiply the faid quantity, by the fraction inverted. Thus γ S ab ÷ = = ab × =—= .• a And 小 b or r a ar c X Ъ C b b c PROBLEM XVII. To involve fractional quantities. RULE. Involve the numerator into itſelf, for a new numerator; and the denominator into itſelf for a new denominator; each as often as the index of the power. Ex. Sect. II. FRACTION S. 45 Ex. 1. a Involve and I b a a a root b aa a a I fquare cube 4th power &c. a4 b b a4 аз 1 b3 I as Ex. 2. Let 3bc -ad and zad' 466 > 3bc ad root zed 4bb fquare 9bbcc aadd 4aadd + 1664 cube 276303 a3d3 8a3d3 6466 &c. be involved. aa Involve bc a4 Ex. 3. to the Square, &c. a + c 2acbc + bbc aa + 2αc + cc aε — 3a+bc + 3a³bbcc — a³ + 3a²c + zac² + > the Square. b³ç³ b3c3 , cube, &c. c³. Ex. 5 t $ 1 46 B. I. FRACTIONS. ax Involve 26 it is Ex. 4. to the 4th power. a4-4a³×бacxx—40x3+x4 1064 4 4 ax or thus a-X ΟΙ 2 b 1664 XVIII. PROBLEM To extract the root of a fraction. RULE. Extract the proper root of both numerator and denominacor, if it can be done. If not fet the radical fign (✔) before one or both of them, as they happen to be furd. Ex. r. What is the Square root of 9a2b4 4dd завъ root 2d Ex. 2. What the cube root of the root is -b a+b a³ —— ·3a²b+3ab² —bi a³ +3a²b-f3ab² -63 Ex. 3. aabb The Square root of > is Jaabb or ab # Ex. Sect. II. FRACTIONS. 47 Ex. 4. What is the cube root of -27a3b3 a3b3 ·3ab the root is √ a³ — b³ Ex. 5. What is the cube root of a³+4abd-d³ 8a0b3 the root is 3a3+4abd—d³ √ a³+4abd—ď³ 2 or 8a6b3 24ab Ex. 6. What is the 4th root of x434 8ax³—8x²yy+yª the root is 4 or 4 x4—y4 8ax³—8x²yy+34. √x+—y4 8ax³—8x²y²+y4 Cor. The nth power or root of a fraction, is equal to the nth power or root of the numerator, divided by the nth power or root of the denominator. a an = = And */ xn a X n SECT. 48 ✡ 穹 Su SECT. III. 1 Of SUR D S. URDS are fuch quantities as have not a pro- per root. Simple Surds are thofe which confiſt but of one term. Compound Surds are thofe which confiſt of feveral fimple ones. And Uni- verfal Surds are thofe confifting of feveral terms under any radical fign. Surds are faid to be commenfurable, when they are as, one number to another; and incommenfura- ble, when their proportion cannot be expreffed in numbers. PROBLEM XIX. To defignate or express the roots of quantities by fractional indices. I RULE. Divide the index of the quantity by the number expreffing the root; the quotient is the index of the root required. Ex. I. Let the quantity a be propofed. 2 3 4 then √a = a³, Va = a³, î/a =*a³, &c, Ex. 2. Let 3ab² be propofed. ✔ zab² — zabbi³ = a*b./3. √3ab² = a*b•3• √3ab² = a³b}\/·3. √3ab² = a²b¹³/3. √zabb = a¹³√3, &c. 4 I a*b* 4 as b 4 . Ex. Se&t. III.' 49 SURD S. 1 Let as be given. 3 3 Ex. 3. then a¹ = a¹, Va¹= a* or a, v/a = a¹, &c. Ex. 4! Let aa-xx be propoſed. then ✔aa xx = aa then✔ then ✔ Vaa—xx xx = aa Ex. 5. Let I be given. Let a--b a ४ abbc³ 4 A4 &c. Ex. 6. be given. I X3 XX 플 XX &c. &e. * ==>看 abbc³ a-b až b c abbc³ Ex. 7. a3b3c a a Let a a a 3 63 be propoſed. a a a a &c. v#=jv#=tv#=q»«« 63 63 E Es. 50 B. I. 9 URD S } Let a+2x a + 2x a a -- XX HIN Ex. 8. be proposed. a+2x wl. e+2x1 2 a+2x = aa-xx aa-xx¡ Ι X ag- XX aa-xxl 3 a + 2x3 1 aa 2 RULE. When any quantity is in the denominator of a frat- tion; fet it in the numerator, and change the fign of the index. Ex. 9. I I Q Z H a = a A 1 Ex. 10. Let 1 I I I I I a aa Q3 a4 as &c. be given. then they become a1, a2, a¨³, a¨¹, a¨³, &c, reſpectively. Ex. II. ab Given This becomes abx-2y-³. x²y3 Ex. 12. I I I Given 29 &c. 1 3 9 aa XX aa XX aa XX they become aa-xx 2 aa -XX A A XX &c. Ex. Sect. III 51 SURD S. Let aab Ex. 13. aab a + x a + x 2 they are aab xa + x aab xa + x³. aab a + x I 2 3 be given. 2 aab × a + x + In order to explain this; let there be a rank of powers; as I, a, aa, aaa, aaaa, aaaaa, &c. the fame will (by Def. 20.) be denoted by 1, a, a, a³, at, as, &c. Now thefe quantities. a, a², a³, &c. are in geometrical progeffion, and their in- dices, in arithmetic pregreffion, as is plain. Now fince 1, a, a, a, &c are geometrical propor- tionals, therefore thefe will alfo be geometrical proportionals, I, √a, Vaª, √a³‚ √aª, √a³, √aº, √a”, Va³, &c. 3 that is 1, a, a, Ja³, aa, Ja³, a³, √a¹, aª, &c. and 1, ✔a, Vaa, a, Vat, Vas, a³, Vo, Vas, &c. 4 and I, Va, Vaa, Ja³, a, Jas, Ja, †/a7, aa, &c. and ſo on. Therefore by the rule of analogy, the indices of all theſe, are alſo in arithmetic progreffion. 3 3 3 Take any one of theſe ſeries as 1, √a, √ào, a, Vat, &c. thefe will be equivalent to 1, a a², a, a³, &c. Suppole now the feries 1, a, a, a³, &c. con- tinued backwards, the powers of a will come in- to the denominator; and the indices, which con- tinually decreaſe, will then become negative, and will stand thus: E 2 Powers 52 B. I SURD S. P Powers Indices ? I a 3 a² 2 I I, a, a², a³, at, &c. 3, 2, 1, therefore a 3, a², a, a, a', a~3 will reprefent thefe powers; that is, 2, 3, 4, &c. a², a³, aª, &c. 1, I I -39 a³ Q2 I I a-¹, I : a°, &c. a In like manner, let the feries 1, a³, a³, a', a³, &c. be continued backwards; thefe powers, and their indices will be as follows: 4, ---I, ત 244 WIN a¹, as, &c. I I I I, a, a 4 I a a 03 аз 2 I I 2 0, , [, 3 3 3 3 Then, I 号 3 a a Q 2 2 Q 2 3 4, &c. 3 $ a a°, a˚‚ª‚à°‚&c will denote the fame powers; that is, 1 - I I ---3-3 2 a a a 2. 2 a a 03 I a3 @° = 1, &c. And therefore the feries, 季 =2 I I 2 3 3 3 I ✔ aaaa ✓ aaa ✔ aa 3 3 Jaa, Vaaa, ✔aaaa, &c. 3 Ι ร Vas 3 3 I ? I Va³ va² Vat, &c. I I 1 4 2 a शु A3 1 3 , I; I; Va, √ a may be expreffed thus, I 3 3 3 2 3 Va Or thus, I 1 1, aï, a³, a³, a‡, &c. Of Sect. III. 53 SURDS. I or thus, a¯³, a¯¹; a¯¾³, a¯³, aº, a³, a³, a', 4 @*, &c. and the fame is equally true of any of the other feries. Cor. 1. The powers of any quantity are a fet of geometrical proportionals from I; and their indices, a fet of arithmetic proportionals from ọ. 1, a, a², a³, at, indices 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, •1. increafing. thus, powers :: ட் increafing. alfo, powers I, I 1 I I decreaf. , a a a a; a4 indices 3,-4, decreaf - ÷ 0,-1,-2, Cor. 2. Hence the double, triple, quadruple, &c. the index of any quantity, is the index of the fquare, cube, biquadrate, &c. of that quantity. Cor. 3. Hence also, the index of the product of any two powers (whole or fracted) of any quantity, is equal to the fum of the indices of thefe powers. And therefore to multiply any two powers together, is to add their indices. Thus a² Xa³=a³, a² Xa³ —a—, &c. I Cor. 3. The index of the quotient of two powers, dividing one another, is equal to the index of the di- vidend the index of the divifor; whatever the indices be. And therefore, to divide by powers, is to fubtract their indices. Thus = a², and a² 05 =a-3. Alfo a 2 a3 = as, &c. Cor. 4. Any power is taken out of the denomina- tor, and put into the numerator, by changing the hign of the index: and the contrary, Thus I b = a -ba-2 Alfo Q I a² 6-3 -- &c. • bi E 3 Cor 54 B. I. SURDS. } Cor. 5. In fractional indices, the numerator fhews the power, and the denominator the root. Schol. In all the following problems, it will be the beſt way to reduce the furds to fractional in- dices. PROBLEM XX. To reduce a rational quantity to the form of a furd. RUL E. Multiply the index of the quantity, by the index of the furd root given; to which fet the radical fign, or index of the furd. Ex. 1. Reduce 6 to the form of √ Here 6¹×2 or 6² = 36, : 36, and 36 is that required. Ex. 2. 3 Reduce a to the form of b. I a³, and 3/a3 is the anſwer. Ex. 3. Here a¹×3 Reduce a + b to the form of ✔bc. Anfw. a + b², or √ aa + zab + bb. Ex. 4. a Reduce to the form of vão aa Anf. is of the form. bbc PRO Sect. III. 55 SURD S. PROBLEM XXI. To reduce quantities of different indexes, to other equal ones, that fhall have a common index given. RUL ULE. Divide the indexes of the quantities by the gi- ven index; the quotients will be the new indexes for theſe quantities. Over thefe quantities with their new indices, place the index given. Ex. i. I Reduco 12% and 7% to the common index 1. 2 2 4 1/1)/( I I first index. 2 then 12212 and 713 are I I =) ( fecond index (the quantities required. 2 I 6 ·3 Ex. 2. Reduce a and b, to the common index 3 3 I =) = (6 first index. 3) 2 (2 fec. index. 3 then 41¹, and 62³are the furds. XXII. PROBLEM To reduce quantities of different indices, to others, equal to them, that fhall have the least common index. RULE. Then Reduce the indices of the given quantities, to a common denominator, in the leaſt terms. involve each quantity to the power of its nume- rator; and take the root denoted by the co- mon denominator. E 4 Fx 56 B. I. SURDS. Ex. I. Reduce b and c to the least common index. I I and 4 6 I 3 are= and 12 3 2 2. Therefore 12 bª =·b™³½³, and c³ =¿¹²². I or b* and become band, bbb¼” and ccl™½. 2 Ex. 2. OF 20 2 9 Let b³ and dcl be given. 2 3 6 and are reduced to and 2 9 Therefore band de or 6313 and del³, or Let Va+b, and I 2 9 9 become band de³, 1 and ddcc. Ex. 3. Vaa aa-xx be propofed. xx³. The indices Theſe are a + b² and aa-xx³. are reduced to 3 and 2/20 5 3 6 6 Therefore the furds become a+ble and aa-xx 2 or a³+zaab+3abb+b³, and a-za²xx+x+1%, or ✅a+zaab+3abb+b³, and Va4—2a²xx+xª. 6 PROBLEM XXIII. To reduce furds to their meft fimple terms. RULE. Divide by the greatefi power contained in it, and fet the root before the furd containing the remain- ing quantities. Elite Sect. III. 57. SURDS. Reduce Ex. 1. 48 to a fimpler form. √48 √3 × 16 43 the furd required. Ex. 2. Let 64aabc be propofed. √64aa8a. Then 64aabc8a√/bc. Reduce a³x Ex. 3. Hère ✔aa = a, and the furd becomes a×ax+xx or avax Ex. 4. Let Ja³b-4 a3b-4aabb + 4ab³ be given. CC The furd is aa 4ba4bb Xab. And cc aa-4ba4bb CC a-26 C a 25 becomes × Vab, or Vab. C C Therefore the furd Ø-26 Given 3 ✓ 270453 8b Ex. 5. 3 Sa reduced, becomes 3ab 2. 3 27a3b³ × a 8 x b- V a PRO 1 58 B. I; SURD S; PROBLEM XXIV: To find whether two furds are commenfurable or not. RUL E. Reduce them to the leaft common index, and the quantities to a common denominator, if frac- tions, except when like terms are commenfurable. Then divide them by the greateſt common diviſor, (or by fuch a one as will give one quotient ratio- nal;) then if both quotients be rational, the furds are commenfurable; otherwiſe not. Ex. I. Let ✓18 and Vo be propofed. Theſe are 2 x 9 and 2 X 4. Divide by 2, and the quotients are 9, and √4; that is, 3 and 2; therefore they are commenfurable. Ex. 2. Let the furds be✓ 50 16 and √12. 72 25 Theſe are 50 and 72. Divide by 2, 5 4 and the quotients are 25 and 36, that is 5 and 6, and the furds become 52 and 4 6 5 5 and are therefore commenfurable, being as 6 to 5 Ex. 3. Let 48 and 8 be propofed. Divide by 8, the quotients are 6 and VI QË 1; therefore they are incommeaſurable, I Ex. Sect. III. 51 SURD SI Let Here Ex. 4. 21 and 1² be given. C b 61 - C N and C b MIN are reduced to b C I HIN 2 64 A and and theſe to and Die b3 cb3 vide by s and the quotients are 64 and cb3 { that is, bb and cc; therefore the furds are commenfurable, Ex. 5. Suppoſe ✔a++aabb and ✔aabb + 64 Theſe are aa xaa + bb, and bb xaa + bb. Therefore dividing by aa + bb, the quotients are bb, or a and b, and therefore they aa, and are commenfurable. Ex. 6. andaa be given. 16aa Let 146 86 That is, 4a and 3a Divide the de- √146 √86° 49 nominators by 2, за and 776 √46 commenfurable. or then they are reduced to 3a and are therefore in- PRO { SURDS: B. 1. 4 PROBLEM XXV. To add furd quantities together. RULE. Reduce quantities with unlike indexes, to thofe of like indexes. ! Alfo reduce fractions to a common denomina- tor, or elſe to others that have rational denomina- tors (or numerators). Then reduce the quantities to the fimpleft terms (Prob. 23.) This being done; if the furd part be the fame in all, annex it to the fum of the ra tional parts, with the fign (x) of multiplication. If the furd part is not the fame in all, the quan- tities can only be added by the figns and Ex. 1. Add √6 to 2√6. The fum is I + 2 × √6 or 36. Ι Ex. 2. Add 8 to √50. √822, and √50 = 5√2, and the fum =2+5×√2 = 7√2 = √98. 3 3 Ex. 3. 3 Add 500 to 108. 3 3 √500 =√4X 125 = 54. And 108 = 3 3 == √4×27 = 3√4. Therefore the fum 3 3 5 + 3 × √ 4 = 8√/4. Ex. 4. Add 48a4b to ✔zaab³. They are reduced to 4aa3b and ab3b. And the fum4aa + ab × √3k. Ex. ' Sect. III SURDS, Ex. 5i Given ✔4a and 4 aº. 4 = √16aa = √4a=4a² = 4a² = 16aa* = 4 4 2/aa. And Vaº a√√aa. And their fum 4 = a + 2 × √ aa = a + 2 × √.a. x Ex. 6. Add 24 to to v 25 } 61 -< Theſe reduced to a common denominator, be- come ✓12 and 75 that is, 62 2 75 1 75 75 50, or or ✔ 2 X 35 2 X 25 and ✔ 75 75 and 2 and 5√ whoſe fum is 75 Or thus, ex | 11 5 6 6 And their fum Here 24 √24 √ 4 X 6 25 5 5 2 Alfo 11 11 3 9 H 2 5 + 1 × √6 3 Add 3 4 I I 3 V6 I I 1/6 = = = √1/6 = = = = √1/23/1 3 15 Ex. 7. to 16. 3 شد I 27 Theſe become and ✔ 4. 5 3 64- or 108 3 4 and 62 B. I. SURD S 3 and 4√ 4 X 27 that is whoſe fum is I + Vand 4 X 3 4 = 3 I 4 V² = 127 شد 4 108 and √16 — √64 V==== 27 108 And the fum= Or thus, ==X27 = = 3√ 33. I 4 X 27 3 4 I 4 3 4√ 3 4 73 3 4 4 bb b b Ex. 8. C 3 Add $104. C to Theſe are reduced to I I 64 1 1/2/25 and C4/2 cb31 or cb3 ve and And their fum is bc CC I b bc bb + cc I bb + cc b bc bbc Ex. 9. Add √ccddaa-ccddxx√√2 to √d+aa—d+xx√√✅2• They are reduced to cd aa-xx√2, and dd √ aa-xx√2, and the fum is cd + dd × √ aa—xx/2• Ex. 10. To 23/aa-√a³ + √/13. Add Vaa +2√α-√7. Sum 33/aa—√a³ + √13+2√/a−√7. PRO- Sect. III. 63 SURD S PROBLEM XXVI. To fubtract furd quantities. R ULE Reduce, as in the laſt rule; then fubtract the rational quantities, and annex the difference to the common furd, with the fign (X) of mul- tiplication. 1. Subtract EXAMPLE S. 6 from 26, the remainder is 2—1 × √6 = √6. 2. √50 √/8=5√2—2√/2 = 3√2. 3 3 3 3. ✔500—108 = 5√4 −3 √4 = 2√46 4. ✔48a4b ·√3aab³ = 4aa√3b — ab√35 = 4aa―ab × √36. 4 ·√4a=a√a— 5. √/a° — √ 4à = √✓ a³ √4å a√ a- 2√/a = a−2× √a. 6. √24 - √ 2 72 50 2 = 6√ 25 3 75 75 75 2 2 - 5√ 75 75 or ✔ 24 25 2 24 = 3 25 2 √6 6 3 16 3 7. 11 +1 27 3 3 3 V. 3 4 4 6 3 Or thus, 27 3 4 I I === 3 4 4 3 3 I 4 √6. I 4 3 9 4 3 4 64 4 X 27 8. 64 SURD S.. B. 1. b 1ā C b 8. 1 C I 2 C b bc 9. cdy aa-xx X J bc I cc x 1 |² = b b = cc x = ; ccddaa-ccddxx b bc ✓ d+aa-d+xx = dd√ aa—xx cd-ddx✓aa-xx. = to. From 23/aa- ·√a³ + √13⋅ take 3 √aa + 2√a — V70 3 rem. Vaa√a³ +√13−2√a+√7• PROBLEM XXVII. To multiply furds. 1 R UL E. Surds by furds; if they have not the fame index already, reduce them to the fame; then multiply the quantities under the common index. Ex. 1. Multiply 5 by √3. 15155 the product 15 Ex. 2. Multiply2ab by gad 30 26 } { 8aabd product = = obc 3aad Ear Se&t. III. 65 SURD S Ex. 3. 3 Multiply ✔d by ✔ab. I Reduced to do and aabble; the produc 3 a²b²¿°³ = aabbd³. Ex. 4. Product a³ x a² = a²¾³±± — a Multiply a³ by a³. X I 3 + IL I 2 а 2 RULE. A furd by a rational quantity; connect them with the fign (X) of multiplication; or elfe re- duce the rational quantity to the form of that furd, and multiply by Rule 1. Ex. 5. √4a Multiply 4a 3x by 2a. The product is 2a XV 4a 3x Or 2a = √4aa, then the produ&t= 1623 12aax. 3 RULE. 1 When rational quantities are annexed to furds. multiply the rational by the rational, and the furd by the furd. Ex. 6. a Multiply 26 a x by c -d Vax. axc - d a xXax The product = ac ad 26 26 aax axx F 66 B. I. SURD S a Multiply ✔ax by a Here & Vax = b Ex. 7. ! b— b- * 3 b a xax¹² = 2x4x1. b-xx b And b-x Vax³ b aax b xx Therefore • bb ЂХ b H a de × ³×³° × into b X X аахб ab = ax × aixļi — ab — ax b ab 6 ax X b bb a5x3 b bb 6 /* the product. bb Multiply a+b by a-√b Ex. 8. aa + a√b d ad who a5x9 bb -ab-b+d √ b product aaad — b + d√b Ex. 9. Multiply 24- 30√d by 36-20/d 6ac -9ac√d ·4ac✓d+bac✓dd product 6a613ac√d + 6acd Exi Sect. III. SURDS. # Multiply product a Ex. 10. √6−√3 bý √a + √b-√3 Jaa_av b√3 or Vaa + a b aa − b + √3• √3−6+√3, Schol. If impoffible or imaginary roots be muf- tiplied together, they always produce, other- wife a real product would be raiſed from impoffi- ble factors, which is abfurd. Thus, BD √~ax√-b=ab, and—ax-√-b= ✓ab, &c. Alfo -ax√ — a = −8₂ and Vax-√—a =+a, &c. PROBLEM I To divide furds. XXVIII. RULE., In furds of the fame fimple quantity; fubtract their indices from each other. Ex. I. 2 Divide a³ by a*. quotient a3—1 I = 72 a S ΙΣ Ex. 2. Divide a " by a I I = 777 quotient a " m me a F 2 2 RULE. 68 B. I. SURDS: 1 2 RULE. If they be different quantities, reduce them to the fame index, if they are not fo already. Then divide the quantities under the common index. Ex. 3. Divide 15 by √5. 5) 15 (3 the quotient. Ex. 4. Divide √3aad, by √2ab аб C 30 2ab) Baad (9ad, quotient. 30 6 C Ex. 5. Divide aabbd³ by √d. 6 3 √d=√d³. d³) aabbd³ (✅aabb = √ab, quot. 3 RUL E. If rational quantities are annexed; divide ra- tional quantities by rational quantities, and furds by furds. Divide √16a3 Ex. 6. 12aax by 2a. ✓16 "баз 12aax 4aa quotient√16a3 — 12aax = √ 40 20 3*• 11 Ex. : 1 Sect. III. SURD S. Ex. 7. Divide ac ad 26 Vaax a axx by a X 26 a x) aax axx (✔ax, 2) ac = ad (c = d. 26 に I Then cdxax = quotient. Divide ab 3 ax³ b — b ax = 6 6 Ex. 8. 3 by b 3 ax³ x x asx³ by б Vaaxs b2 b — x ) ab — axx (ax. b bb Then the quotient b. * aax's) art (2 bb 11 6 ax b ax a a = [ * = ax. X3 b x —√b) aa Ex. 9. b) aa—ad — b+d√b (a + √b−d ab +a√b +a√b-b quotient. Q... O ad F 3 ad + d√b 70 B. I. SURD S: Ex. 10. aa + a√/bc) a³b — abbc (ab — b✅bc a³b + a²b√bc a²b✓ bc — abbc a²b√ bc ✓bc abbc Ex. II. Divide Vaa-b+√3 by √b−√3) aa−b+√3 (Va+√b=√3 aa—a√ b—√3 +a√b−√3−b+√3 +a√b—√3−b+1/3 { Divide Ex. 12. bbca+✓aab-bc-✓abc by √bc + √a √bc+√a)√kbca+√ aab_bc—✅abc(✅ba—//bc ✔bbca+✔aab -bc - ✓ abc bc abc O 4 RULE. < ↓ When the quantities will not divide, fet them down in form of a fraction. Ex. Se&t. III. 7 * SURD S. Ex. 13. Divide bcd+abb by ✓ab - √4bc √bcd + √abb The quotient is Vab √ ab — √ 4bc PROBLEM XXIX. To involve furd quantities to any power. IRUL E. Multiply the index of the quantity, by the in- dex of the power to be raiſed. V2 be cubed. Ex. 1. Let √2 2 = 21. Then 2 1/2 X 3 that is 23 or What is the Square 3√bec 34 or 2 is the cube, 8 = the cube of √2. Ex. 2. 3 of 3bcc. 3× = 3x bed. Its fquare = 3 3 9 × bccl³ = 9√/bbc4 = 9cv/bbc. Ex. 3. What is the cube of ava-x. .I a√ a — x = a¹×a-x; cubed it is a³Xax that is, the cube a√ a 3a²x ± zax² -x³ — X3 K'N Exi F 4 72 B. I. SURD S. $ Ex. 4. What is the 4th power of a 24 1 a 26 Here ✓2 = 2 x 24. : power is 26 a 26 = 2a And its 4th 2a a4 24 c-b 1654 c-b 26 2 } 16b4xc-b 464 × cc. 2bc + bb 496 2 RULE. If quantities are to be involved to a power de- noted by the index of the furd root; take away the radical fign. Ex. 5. Let ab be Squared. CC 3 - Its fquare is 4ab CC Ex. 6. ・b³ What is the cube of Va³ — b³ + 3b√abb.. Anfwer, a³-b³ + 3b√abb. 3 RUL E. Compound furds are involved as integers, obferv ing the rule of multiplication of furds. Ex. 7. Let 3+✓5 be ſquared. 3+√5 3+√5 9+3√5 +3√5+5 the ſquare 14+6√5 Ex. Sect. III 73 SURD S. L Ex. 8. Let a-b be cubed. a-√.b a-√b aa-a✓b -a/b+b aa-2ab+b the cube a-√b a³ —2aa√b+ab — aa√✓b+zab―-bb a³—3aa√/b+3ab—b√✅✅b. PROBLEM XXX. To extract any root of a furd. RUL E. Divide the index of the quantity or quantities, by the index of the root to be extracted. Ex. I. Extract the Square root of a³. The root 3 a√ã³. Ex. 2. Extract the cube root of ab". I 2 3 The root is a³b³ = √abb. Ex. 3. What is the 4th root of 3aa. 2 4 4 The root is a√3 = a³ √3 = √ a × √3• Ex. 74 B. I. SURD S. } Ex. 4. What is the cube root of ✔aa xx. 6 The root is aa- XX = aa-xx = aa-xx² aa-xx. 2 RULE. When the index of the root to be extracted, is the fame as the index of the power of that quan- tity; take away that index, and the quantity itſelf is the root. Ex. 5. What is the Square root of 32a. Anfw. 3a, the root. Ex. 6. What is the cube root of 5x-3xx Anfw. 5ax-3xx, the root. 3 RUL E. 3 Compound furds are extracted as integers, due regard being had to the operations of fimple furds. When no fuch root can be found, prefix the radical fign. Ex. 7. For the fquare root of aa- 4a√b + 46. aa — 4a√ b + 4b (a — 2 √ b aa 2a — 2 √ b) 0-4a√/b + 4b 4a√6 +46 Q Ex Sect. III. 75 SURD S. Ex. 8. Anfw. Vax- What is the cube root of aa 3 √ az XX. √ ax xx, the root. PROBLEM XXXI. To change a binomial furd quantity into another. RULE. This reduction is performed by an equal involu- tion, and evolution. Involve the binomial to the power denoted by the furd or furds, then fet the radical fign of the fame root before it. Ex. I. To transform 2 + √3 to another. Its fquare, 4+3+4√3=7+4√3 the fquare root, √7+4√3. Ex. 2. Reduce √2+√3 to a univerfal furd. Its fquare 2+ 3+2 √6=5+2√6 the root √5+2√6. Ex. 3. Let Va-2√x be given to reduce. The fquare a + 4x-4√/ax. the root √a + 4x — 4√ax. Ex. 4. 3 3 Let Va a + a+b b be given. The cube a + 3√aab + 3√abb + b 3 the root 3 3 a + 3√aab + 3√abb + b. Cor. 76 B. I. SURD S. √a + √bl; and in ge Cor. √a+√b = √ √ a + I I neral a" + b +Б 12 א n I 12 a + b 12 PROBLEM XXXII. To extract the Square root of a binomial (or refidual) furd, AB, or A-B; or a trinomial, &c. I RULE, for binomials. AABB D. Then A+B = A-D Take A+ D + √ 2 2 and √A — B = √ A+ D A D 2 2 For if VA+D+A A-D be involved by 2 Prob. 29. it will produce A + √AA that is A+B, as it ought. And A-D will alſo produce A-B. 2 Ex. 1. To extract the root of 7 +✔20. Here A7, B = √20, and ✔A A — BB √29 = D. Then the ſquare root of 7 +20= 2 DD, A+ D 2 ✔AA—BB: √ √ 7+ √29 + /7 — √/29 2 2 Ex. Sect. III. 77 SURD S. ? Ex. 2. What is the fquare root of 3-2/2. = Here VAA BB =√1=1 D, and A+ D 2 — A-D = 2, = 1. And 2 √3—2√/2 = √/2−√1=√2−1, the root. Ex. 3. To extract the root of 27 + √704. √AA—BB=√25=D=5. And the 32 +22 that is, root✓ 2 2 √27 + √704 = √16+ √11 = 4+√11: Ex. 4. What is the ſquare root of 6 — 2√5. Here VA ABB √36—20 = D = 4. = And ✔A A+ D = 5, and №5, A-D = 1, 2 2 And the root √51. Ex. 5. Extract the root of √21 + √5: √AA—BB = √16 D = 4. And A+ D 2 == √21+ 4, 2 =D=4. A-D √21-4 4. 2 √√21 +4 2 And the root 21+ 4 + √√214, 2 2 Ex 78 B. I. SURDS. Ex. 6. Extract the root of a² + 2x√aa 2x√ aa— xx. Here Aaa, B = 2x√ √AA—BB =√ aa—4a²x²+4x4 = aa XX. Then 2xx = D. A+ D Then AD aa xx, and 2 -xx, xx, and 2 the root = x + √ ax XX. Ex. 7. What is the root of 6+√8—√12−√24. Let A=6+/8, B=√12+/24. Then √AA—BB=D=√44 + 12√8—36—2/12×24 A+ D A-D = √8. = 3 + √8, = 3. 2 2 And the root = √3 + 3+ √8-√3. 3. But √3 + √8 = 1 + √2, (fee Ex. 2.); there fore the root=1+ √2 −√3. 2 RULE, for trinomials, &c. For trinomial, quadrinomial furds, &c. divide half the product of any two radicals by a third, gives the fquare of one radical part of the root. This repeated with different quantities, will give the ſquares of all the parts of the root, to be con- nected by and But if any quantity occur oftener than once; it must be taken but once. For if x+y+z be any trinomial furd, its fquare will be x²+y²+z²+2xy+2x≈+2yx; then if half the product of any two rectangles as 2xyX2xz (or 2x22) be divided by fome third 2yz, the quotient 2x²yz xx, muſt needs be the fquare of one of 2yZ the parts; and the like for the reft. { Ex Sect. III. 79 SURDS. Ex. 8. To extract the Square root of 6+√/8−√12/24. Here ✓8X12 I, and 2√24 and ✓ 8× √24 = √4=2, 2√12 √12X√24 = √93. And the root is 12X1/24 2/8 I + √2 −√3. Ex. 9. To find the Square root of 12+√32−√48+√80−√24+√40-√60. Here 32X48 = √24, 24, this produces no- 2/80 thing. Again, 32X48 2√24 5 = √16 = 4. And V40x60 =√/25=5; and √24×40 =√4=2; 2√24 and √ 48X24 2√32 260 = √9 = 3; and√32 × 80=√16=4, 240 &c. therefore the parts of the root are 4, 5, √3, √2, √4, &c. and the root 2+2 — √3 +5; for being fquared it produces the furd quantity given. Cor. 1. In binomials, if D be a rational quan- tity, the root will confift of two furds; and the parts of each under the radical fign will confift of a rational quantity (D), and a furd (A). Cor. 2. If both A and D be rational, the root will confift either of the two furds, or elfe of a ra- tional part and a furd; which is the only cafe that is useful in this extraction. PRO. 80 B. I. SURDS: PROBLEM XXXIII. To extract any root (c) of a binomial furd A + B₂ or A B. RULE. Let AA-BB=D, take Q fuch, that QD=cò the leaſt integer power. the neareſt integer number. C Let A+BXQ=r; Reduce AQ to the fimpleft form p/s. r + n r Let =t, the nearest integer. 215 Then the root = tv/s± √tts—n 2C , if it can be extracted. ! Note, is for the binomial A+ B, and for the refidual A- B. Ex. I. What is the cube root of 968 + 25. Here D = 343 = 7×7×7. QX7³n³, and 3 3 Q=1, n=7. Then VA+B×√Q=√56+ =r=4. A√Q = √968 = 222 p√s, and = n r + 4 + 7 4 √s = √2. = t = 2. And 21/5 2√2 ¿√5=2√2, √tts—n =√8—7— 6 √Q=1: And the root 2√2+ I = 2√2 + 1, which fucceeds. Ex. Sect. III. SURD S. Ex. 2. Extract the cube root of 68√4374. Here D=250=5X5X5X2. And 5³×2³=4D =QD n³, and Q = 4, n = 2 x 5 10. And X 3 A + B × √ Q = √134×2 = 6 = r. A√Q = 136√1 = p√s, and √s = 1. r + = 7323 3 उ 23 =4=t. t√s = 4• 21/5 2 6 And the root n 12 √16 16- ΤΟ 4-6 6 3 √4 for its cube is 68–276. t Ex. 3. Extract the 5th root of 296 +41√3. Here D=3, n=3, Q=81, r=5, √s=√/6, 20 ΤΟ t = 1, t√/s = √6, √its—n = √3, VQ=√1 5 9. And the root to be tried SCHOLIU M. √Q=√8$ √6+√3 19 If the quantity be a fraction or has a common divifor, extract the root of the denominator or of that common divifor, feparately. They that would ſee the demonftration of this rule, may confult Gravefande's or Mac Laurin's Algebra For as it feldom happens that fuch quantities have a proper root; it is not worth while fpending any more time about them, PRO- 82 B. I. SURD S. PROBLEM XXXIV. A compound furd being given, confifting of two, three, or more terms; which are furd Square roots: to find fuch a multiplier or multipliers, by which mul- tiplying the given furd; the product will be rational. RULE. Change the fign of one of the terms in a bi- nomial, or trinomial, or the figns of two terms in a quadrinomial; and by this multiply the gi- ven furd. Ex. I. Let a +√3 be given. Multiply by a √3 product Multiply by product aa 3. Ex. 2. Given √5-√. ✔5 √5+ √x 5-x rational. Ex. 3. Let √5+√3-2 be given. 5+√3+√2 Multiply by 5+✓12-10 +√15+3−√6 6+215 +√10+√6—2 product multiply by product 6+2√15 60 — 36=24. Ex. Se&t. III. 83 SURD S. Ex. 4. There is given √a+√b-√c + √d Multiply by Va+v/b+√c−√d product or a+b−c−d+2✓ab+2√dc multiply by ƒ+2√ab−2√✓dc product or ƒ+2√ab+2√dc. ƒƒ+4f√ab+4ab-4dc 8+4f√ ab 88-16ffab multiply by g-4ƒ√ab product In this proceſs f is put for the rational part +b-c-d; and g for ff+4ab — 4dc. Cor. A binomial becomes rational after one opera- tion, a trinomial after two, and a quadrinomial after three, &c. PROBLEM XXXV. A binomial being given, confifting of one or two furds, whofe index or root is any power of 2; to find a multiplier or multipliers that hall make it ra- tional. RULE. Multiply it by its correfponding refidual (that is when one fign is changed); and repeat the fame operation, as long as there are furds. Ex. 1. Let Va-b be given. Multiply by a + √b product a-b rational. G 2 Ex. 84 SURDS. B. I. Xy 4 Ex. 2. 4. Let √5+ √3 be propoſed. 4 Multiply by ✔5 4 √3 I product √5 -√3 multiply by ✔5 + √3 2 product 5 - 3 = 2, rational. Ex. 3. 8 % Let there be given √a + √b. 8 Multiply by ✔a - √ b I product 4 4 a—b 4 multiply by ✔a + √b 2 product ✔a — mult. by ✔a + √b 3 product a b rational. Ex. 4. 4 Let a +√b be given. Multiplier a- √b I prod. aa- mult. aa + √b 2 prod. a4 — b Cor. The number of operations is equal to the power of 2 in the index. PROB. Sect. III. 85 SURD S. PROBLEM XXXVI. Any binomial furd being given, to find a multiplier which shall produce a rational product. RUL E. If the furds have not the fame index, reduce them to the fare, (Prob. 21.) Take the two quantities (throwing away the radical fign or index); change the fign of one of them. That done, involve theſe to the next in- ferior power denoted by the index of the root (Prob. 5. Rule 3), but leave out the unciæ or co- efficients then place the common radical ſign be- fore each quantity, but after its fign. And this will be your multiplier. n Shorter thus, Binomial A±/B. ✔A”- I Multiplier A¹ ± 7/A”−² B + "/A”—3 B² ±²/A”−4B³ + &c. The upper figns muſt be taken with the upper, and the lower with the lower; and the feries con- tinued to ʼn terms. Ex. 1. 3 3 Let √7 + √3 be given. 3 3 3 Multiplier √7×7−√7×3 + √3×3 3 3 7 + √7X7X3 ✓7X7X3 — √7×3×3 3 + √7×3×3+3 product 7+3=10, rational. G 3 Ex, 86 B. I. SURD S. Ex. 2. Let a-3/2 be proposed. Va³—3/2. 3 Multiplier aa + a³/2 + √2X2 product Ex. 3. Let a + Mult. Vaa 3 b be propofed. Vab + 3bb product C + b a3 -- 2. 4 Ex. 4. Let 5+ √3 be given. 4 reduced 5+/9, given. 4 4 Multiplier ✓53—✓5³×9 + √5×9² — ŵ/93 product 5 -9=-4. } Or thus, 4 Surd 9+5. 4 4 4 mult. √ 9³ — √9³×5 + √9×5² 4 √ 53 product 9 -5 Ex. 5. 3 4 =4 Let /a³/b³ be given. 4. 4 3 Multiplier Va+ŵ/a6b³ +ŵ/a³b³ + ÷/bº. Or Sect. III. 8.7 SURDS. Surd Or thus, Va³/b³. mult. cat/a + a‡aab³ + b¾ƒa³bb + bb‡ƒb 3 product a³ b³. Ex. 6. 3 Let ab be propoſed. 6 a³ — ✓bb put x = a³, y = bb. 6 reduced to 3 6 Surd ✔x-Vy 6 X 6 6 6 6 4 mult. √x³+√x+y+√x3y²+√x²y³ +√xy++√ys• product x-y — a³ — bb. = PROBLEM XXXVII. Afraction being given whofe denominator is a com- pound furd, to reduce it to another whofe deno- minator is rational. RULE. Find fuch a multiplier (by Prob. 34, 35, or 36), as will make the denominator rational. By this multiply both numerator and denominator. 3 Ex. I. Let √ √ be propoſed. Here 3 × √5+ √2 3√5 + 3√2 √5−√2 × √5 + √ ² =√5+ √2. 5 -2 = 3 G 4 11 Ex $8 B. I. SURDS. > A Ex. 2. Let there be given Multiply both terms by √42 — √18 becomes V42— 7-3=4. √6 √7+ √3 7-3, the fraction Ex. 3. Suppose خو 2 3-√2 Multiply by 3+√2, then 3/2+2 is the fraction required. 9-2-78 Ex. 4. ab bbc Let be propoſed. a + √ bc Multiply by abc, then is the fraction fought. aab-2abbc + b² c aabc Ex. 5. 3√a +2√//b Let be given. 5-√3 Multiply by 5+√3; then 15√a + 10√b + 3√3a + 2√36 25322 Ex. 6. 10 Suppose 3 3 -5 3 3 3 Multiply by √7+√7×5+√5³, and the frac- 3 3 3 tion becomes 10/49 + 10/35 + 10/25 3 51/19+ 51/19 + 51/35 +5√25• 19+5√35+5√25. 7-5 = Exi Sect. III. 89 SURDS. Let Vab Ex. 7. 4 √5+ √3 4 Multiply by ✓535²·3 +√5·3² −√3³, 4 And the fraction is 4. 4 ✔ 125 −√75 +√45 —√27 √✓ab. 5-3=2 339 Or thus, Multiply the terms of the fraction Vab √5+ √ 3 4 4 4 by 5-3, and it becomes √5−√3 ✔ab; √5−√3 again multiply the terms of the laft fraction by √5+√3, and it becomes 5—5*3+*3*5*—3* √/ab. 5-3=2 Let Ex. 8. 8 be the fraction. √3+ √2+ I Multiply by 3+√2-1, and the fraction will be √3 + 84/2 — 8 4√3 + 4√/2 4 = 5+2√6 2+ √6 Again, multiply by 26, and it becomes 4/6 8√/3 −81/2 + 8 + 4√18 + 4√12 6 4 = 2 - = 4+2 √/18+ 2√/12—2√/6 — 4√3 — 4√2 =4+6√2 + 4√3 → 2√6 — 4√3—4√2 4+21/2 21/6. SECT. 1 90 1 1 1 SECT. IV. Several Methods of managing Equations. A N Equation is the mutual comparing of two equal quantities, by the help of this charac- ter (=); the part on the left hand is called the firft fide of the equation; that on the right, the fecond fide. And the fingle quantities are called terms of the equation. An equation is either two ranks of quantities equal to one another, and feparated by this mark (=); or one rank equal to nothing. And they are to be confidered either, as the laft conclufion to which we come in the folution of a problem; or as the means whereby we come to it. In the firſt cafe, the equation is compofed of only one unknown quantity mixed with known ones, and may be called the final equation. But thoſe of the laſt fort involve feveral unknown quantities; and therefore they are to be fo managed and re- duced, that out of all the reft there may emerge a new equation, with only one unknown quantity, which is that we feek. And this is to be made as fimple as it can, in order to find the value of the unknown quantity. A An equation is named according to the dimen. fion of the highest power of the unknown quan- tity in it. A fimple equation is that which con- tains only the quantity itself; as ab-c. quadratic equation, is when the higheſt power is a fquare, as aa-bad. A cubic equation, when the d. A higheſt power is a cube, as a + ba² — cad. fourth power when the higheſt power is fuch, as a² — za³ + ad, &c. PRO Sect IV. Managing EQUATIONS, 91 PROBLEM XXXVIII: To turn proportional quantities into equations; equations into proportions. and 1 In the folution of problems, it often happens, that we have ſeveral quantities in geometrical pro- portion, which are to be reduced into an equation; which will be done thus: RUL E. Multiply the extremes together for one fide of the equation, and the two means for the other fide; or the fquare of the mean, when there are but 3 terms. On the contrary in a given equation, divide each fide into two factors; and make the two fac- tors of one fide the two means; and the two fac- tors of the other fide, the extreams. Ex. I. If a:b::c+f: d. Then ad = bc + bf. Ex. 2. C Let a+b:a------ :: d ˇ aa xx : S ar + br ca-cb Then Vaa XX. S d Ex. 3. If ad be+bf. Then a:b::c+f: d. Exi 92 B. I. Managing EQUATIONS. Ex. 4.1 ar + br ca -cb If = S d Jaa XX. a+b ca ch Then :: aa xx: r S d or a−b: a+b:: ✔aa xx. S d Ex. 5. Let bcbdda-cg. Then I 1: b:: c + d: da— cg. or b: √da-cg:: ✓ da — cg: c + d. PROBLEM XXXIX. To reduce an equation. 3 When a queſtion is brought to an equation, the unknown quantities are generally mixed and en- tangled with the known ones; and therefore the equation muſt be fo ordered that the unknown quan- tity may ſtand clear, on the firſt fide of the equa- tion; and the known ones on the fecond fide. Which is done thus: I RULE. When any quantity is on both fides the equation, throw it out of both. Ex. I. If 3x+6b = 4c — d + 9b. Throw out 66. Then 3x 4c — d + 3b. 2 RULE. 1 When the known and unknown quantities are both on one fide; tranſpoſe any of them to the contrary fide, and change its fign. } Ex Sect. IV. Managing EQUATIONS. 93 Ex. 2. If 5x + 3b = rx + bd. Then 5x rx + bd - 3b. And 5xx bd3b. rx = For to tranſpoſe a quantity with a contrary fign, is the fame thing as to add it, or elfe to fubtract it from both fides; therefore the quantities on each fide, remain ſtill equal, by Axiom 1. and 2. 3 RULE. If there be fractions in the equation, multiply both fides by the denominators. aa Suppoſe +c=f=ax Ex. 3. dx b a Multiply by b, a a + cb — fb = bdx a multiply by a, a³ + bca - bƒ a = bdx. This proceſs is plain from Axiom 3. 4 RUL E. When any quantity is multiplied into both fides of the equation, or into the higheſt term of the unknown quantity; divide the whole equation thereby. 1 Ex. 4. If 7ba³ + bcaa = bcda. aa + ca = cd. ca Divide by ba, divide by 7, aa + 7 cd 7 The truth of this appears by Axiom 4. 5 RULE. J 94 B. I. Managing EQUATIONS. 5 RULE. If the unknown quantity is affected with a furd; tranſpoſe the reſt of the terms; then involve each fide according to the index of the furd. Ex. 5. If✓ aa—ba + c = d. ✔ea Then Vaa-bad-c. fquared, aa- badd2dc + cc. This proceſs is plain from Axiom 5. 6 RULE. 1 When the fide containing the unknown quantity is a pure power; or if being adfected, it has a ra tional root: then extract fuch root on both fides of the equation. } Ex. 6. if a3b3bbc. Cube root. a = 3/b³ 3/b3-bbc. Ex. 7. If xx+6x + 9 = 20b. Square root + 3 = ±√ 20b. and " x = ±√206 — 3. Schol. All theſe rules are to be uſed promifcu ouſly, as one has occafion for them, till the equa- tion be duly cleared. PROBLEM XL: To explain the nature and origin of adfelled equations. 1. Any adfected equation may be confidered as made up of as many fimple equations, as the di- menfion Sect. IV. Nature of EQUATIONS. 95 menfion of the higheſt power is. Suppofe xa, xb, and x = c, &c. then x a = 0, x b=0, x-co. And if all theſe be multiplie i together, ax х b x x then x =0; that is, x3 x³ — ax² + abx-abco, a cubic equation, b + ac c + bc whoſe roots are a, b, c. In like manner, x—a x x -b xxc × x-d=0, produces a biquadratic equation, x4 — a x³ + ab x²-abc abcd=0, -b +ac -abd ·C +bc -acd -d d+da - -bcd x +db +dc whoſe roots are a, b, c, d. Theſe two equations may be written or de- noted thus, 2:4 X3 px² + qx rx + s=0. 7 and · px³ + qx² And any fuch e- quation being found in the folution of a problem; the business is then to refolve it into its original compounding fimple equations, and fo to find the roots a, b, c, &c. For each of theſe ſimple equa- tions gives one value of x, or one root. And if any one of theſe values of x be fubftituted in the equation inſtead of x, all the terms of the equa- tion will vanish and be 0. For fince o. It is plain, when ≈-axx-bx xc, &c. one of the factors xa is o, the whole pro- duct will be ≈ 0. And of confequence there are three roots in the cubic equation, and four in the biquadratic; and in general there are as many roots, as is the dimenfion of the higheſt power in it, and no more. 2. If 96 B. I. Nature of EQUATIONS. 2. If it happen that the roots a, b, c, &c. be equal to one another, then xa will be = 0, or x 4 3 a o, &c. and x a is had by evolu- tion, fince the given equation is generated by in- volution. 3. That there are no more roots than theſe is plain; for if you put any quantity, as f for x, which is equal to none of the roots a, b, c, &c. Then fince neither fa, f-b, nor f-c, &c. is o, their product cannot vaniſh or beo, but muſt be ſome real product; and therefore ƒ is no root of the equation. 4. Since the fquare root of a negative quantity is impoffible; therefore if we have ſuch an equa- tion as this, xx + aa = 0, or xx = aa, then x=±√ aa, which are two impoffible roots of that equation. So that a quadratic equation has either two impoffible roots or none. And there- fore in any equation, there is always an even num- ber of impoffible roots; fince each quadratic that goes to the compounding it, muft have either two or none. Therefore no equation can have an odd number of impoffible roots. Hence therefore the number of real roots in a cubic equation, will ei- ther be one or three; in a biquadratic, four, two, or none. In a fifth power, 5, 3 or i 1 ; &c. 5. From the foregoing equations it is plain, that the coefficient of the first term (or that of the high- eſt power) is 1. The coefficient of the fecond term, (or next higheft power), is the fum of all the roots, a, b, c, &c. with their figns chang- ed. The coefficient of the third term, the fum of the products of every two of the roots. The coefficient of the fourth term, the fum of the pro- ducts of every three of them, with contrary figns, &c. The odd terms having always the fame fign, and the even terms a contrary one. And the abfolute Sec. IV. _Nature of EQUATIONS. 97 abfolute number is always the product of all the roots together. 6. Hence it follows, that when the fum of all the negative roots is equal to the furn of all the affirmative, the fecond term vanifhes, and the con- trary. And if all the negative rectangles be equal to all the affirmative ones, the third term vanishes. And if all the negative folids be equal to a!! the affirmative ones, the fourth term vanishes, out of the equation; and fo forward. 7. But the roots of equations may be either + or, yet ftill the fame rules hold good. For let the fign of any of them as c be changed intoc, that is, let x+c=0; then in the cubic equation the ſecond term will be-a-bc; that is, the fum or the roots with a contrary fign; the third term will be + ab bc, that is, the fum of the products of all the roots; and fo of the reft. ac 8. Hence alfo in every equation cleared of frac- tions and furds, each of the roots, each of the rec- tangles of any two of the roots, each of the folds under any three of them, each of the products of any four of the faid roots, &c. are all of them juft divifors of the laft term or abfolute number. Therefore when no fuch divifor can be found, it is evident there is no root, no rectangle of roots, no folid of roots, &c. but what is furd. For in the cubic equation, a, b, c, and ab, ac, bc, are all of them divifors of the laft term abc: and ſo of higher powers. - 9. In any equation, change the figns of all the terms but the fift; then let the coefficients of the firſt, fecond, third, &c. terms be 1, p, q, ", S, t, v, &c. refpectively. H Then 98 B. I. Nature of EQUATIONS. Then obferving the figns, we fhall have pfum of the roots, a+b+c &c. +29 pA + 29 = fum of the fquares of the roots = a² + b² &c. the fum of their cubes pB + q A + 3r = a³ + b³ &c. pC + q B + r A + 45 drates, &c. Where A, B, C, &c. &c. terms. the fum of the biqua- are the firſt, ſecond, third, For +pa + b + c &c. 2 A. Alfo pA or a + b + c = a² + b²+c²+2ab+ 2ac+2cd=B 29. Therefore B-pA+29, &c. To go through the calculations of the reft would be tedious, and of little uſe. But if the 10. In equations of the third and fourth power, we find, when the roots are all affirmative, the figns are + and alternately; fo that there are as many changes of the fines as is the index of the power, or as the number of roots. roots are all negative, the figns are all through. out, there being no changes of the figns. Whence in theſe cafes, there are as many affirmative roots, as changes of the figns in all the terms, from + to, and from to +. And the fame rule holds in general, that is, there are as many affir- mative roots in any equation as there are changes of the figns. But the equation is fuppofed to be compleat, that is to want no terms, and to have numeral coefficients. And likewife the number of negative roots is known thus; as often as two of the figns, or two of the figns ſtand next one another, fo often there is a negative root. It would be needlefs to trouble the reader with the proof of thefe things; fince it can only be done in particular cafes, and not in a general way. And Sect. IV. Nature of EQUATIONS: 99 And befides when impoffible roots happen to lie hid in the equation, they cauſe the rule to fail. + 11. When the roots are all affirmative, the terms of the equation are alternately and through the equation; but when the roots are all negative, the figns are all ; and therefore, as by changing the figns of the roots, the ſigns of the alternate terms are changed; fo on the con- trary, changing the figns of the alternate terms, changes the figns of all the roots. And this holds in general, as will be evident by producing two equations from the fame roots, with contrary figns. as x a = 0, x 3 12. Since any adfected equation, as x³ — px² + qx-ro, is made up of fimple equations, fuch b =o, &c. Therefore if one root as a be known, the whole equation may be exact- ly divided by x-a; and fo reduced to a lower dimenfion. Also when all the roots a, b, c are found out, then will the continual product of x—a, x — b, x-c, exactly produce the fame equa- tion. It is no wonder that an equation has feveral roots; becauſe in fuch cafes, there are more folu- tions to a problem than one. So that in one cafe of it, x isa, in another cafe xb, in a third x= c, &c. and they are all comprehended in the general equation. And hence though there be fe- veral roots in an equation, yet only one of them will answer one cafe, or the particular queftion propofed. 12. That any root fubftituted for x in the given equation, will make the whole equation to vanish, by deſtroying all the terms, is proved thus. Let the equation be, a x² + ab x abco. -b C + ac +bc H 2 And 100 B. I. Nature of EQUATIONS. And let the roots be a, b, c, as before. Then fubftitute any one, as a, inſtead of x, and the equation will become 3 a³ — a³ 3 + baa abco, baa + caa caa + a b c Where the terms manifeftly deftroy one another. And the fame will happen, by fubftituting b or c, for x. 13. If the laft term of an equation vanifhes (as abc, Art 12), then one root will be o; for then the whole equation may be divided by the un- known quantity ≈ or x 0. If the two laft terms vaniſh (abx + acx + bcx, and — abc), then two roots are o; if the three laft terms vaniſh, then three roots will be o; &c. And on the contrary, if one, two, or three roots, &c. beo, the laft term, the two laft, or the three laſt terms, &c. will vanifh out of the equa- tion, and the remaining part of the equation will contain the reft of the roots. Thus in the equa- tion, Art. 12. if the roots b, c be = 0; there remains only ³— a + b + c × x²=0, or x—a=0, an equation containing the remaining root a. x 14. And in any power of a binomial, if each term be multiplied by the index of the unknown quantity therein; it will thereby be reduced to the next inferior power. To prove this, we muſt ob- ferve, that the coefficients of a binomial, are the very fame, whether you reckon forward from the beginning, or backward from the end; that is, the first and laft are the fame; the ſecond and laft but one; the third and last but two, &c. For the coefficients of any power of x + b, are the fame as of b+x. In the quadratic xx+2bx+ bb, the Sect. IV. Nature of EQUATIONS. ΙΟΙ 1 the coefficients are 1, 2, I. In the cubic x³ + 3׳b + 3xb2 + b³, they are 1, 3, 3, 1. In the fourth power they are 1, 4, 6, 4, 1. In the fifth power, 1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1; and ſo on. Therefore, let any power of x+b be denoted I thus, x" + x²-1b + 4 น n n.n 92- I 2.3 1. n 2 · 3 n.n I Mn-26b + 2 2 x^2-363 &c. + 2. x36x-3+ n.n I x² En-2 + 2 ; n being the index of the power, and let m be that of the next inferior power, or I. Now let each term be multiplied by m = n the index of x in each term; that is, by n, n — I, 珏 2, &c. and we fhall have nxn + n. n → [.x²-1b + • xπ-2bb + 2 12 n I. n. 2.12 3 xn-3b3 &c. + 2.3 N. N — I. n 2 x3b-3+n.n— 1. x²bπ-2 + 2 nxt-o. I And dividing all by nx, it becomes 12 AM-! + N — I . **-26 + 1. n 2 ..ท 3 x²-4b3 &c. 2 072-366 + N I. n · + 2.3 N i .n 2 n x²/"_3+12—1b-2b-1; that 2 is, reſtoring m, xm + mxm-1b + m • ? — ▲ . 232 sm-26b+ 2 m. 712 I .m 2.3 2 x²¿m −2 + mxbm−1 +bm, which is manifeftly the th 2 Xxm-3b3 &c. .... + 712 772 I power of b. H 3 15. Alſo f 102 B. I. Nature of EQUATIONS. 15. Alfo if the equation refulting from the last operation be taken, and its feveral terms again multiplied by the index of x in each term; it will be reduced to the next power below that, and ſo on for more operations. And therefore after each operation one root will be deſtroyed; or ſo many roots will be deſtroyed as there are operations, and the reſt will remain. 16. And further: If there be feveral equal roots of one fort, and alfo ſeveral equal ones of another fort, in any equation. And if the terms of that equation be multiplied by the feveral indexes of the unknown quantity in each term; an equation will arife wherein one of the equal roots of each fort will be deſtroyed. And in general, whatever roots there be in any equation, if the terms be refpec- tively multiplied by the indexes of the unknown quantity therein, an equation will come out where. in one root of every fort will be deftroyed, whether there be equal roots, or all different. But theſe things being of little confequence, I fhall not de- tain the reader any longer about them. 17. As impoffible roots are fuch as are produced from the ſquare roots of negative quantities: fo impoffible equations are thofe produced from im- poffible roots; as this equation a4-4a³ +aa+ica 220, which is produced from theſe two, aa + 2a + 2 = 0, and aa 6a+ 11 = 0; the for- mer produced from a + 1 +√ I, and a +1- √-1; and the latter from a 3 + √— 2, and a—3—√~2. Thefe fort of equations have roots that are barely impoffible. - Likewife, there are equations that are doubly impoffible, or impoffible equations of the fecond degree. And thefe are produced from equations involving two degrees of impoffibility, as this a*+4a³+8aa+8+5=0, which is produced from the Sec. IV. Nature of EQUATIONS. 103 I the equations, aa + 2a + 2 + √ — 1 = 0, and aa+za+2-✓-10. Such as thefe cannot be reduced into rational quadratics, as the others may. PROBLEM XLI. To increase or diminish the roots of an equation, by any given quantity. RULE. For the unknown letter fubftitute a new letter, the given increment, or the given decre- ment. And fubftitute the powers thereof, in the equation, inſtead of the powers of the unknown letter. x3 Ex. I. Let x³ — px² + qx-ro, be given; and let the roots be leffened by the quantity e. Suppoſe y=x- e, or x = y + e. Then ≈³ = y³ + 3ey² + 3e²y + e³ X3 Px² +qx r Dayz 2 2pey Pe² +qy + qe O =0, which is the equation required. Ex. 2. Increaſe the roots by 4, of this equation a³ + a² 1 10a + 8 = 0. +8 Suppoſe a + 4 = e, or a = e 4. Then a3 + a² — =e³ 12e² + 48e64 ee 8e + 16 10a +8 £3 10e + 40 + 8 11ee + 30e =0, the * equation required; reduced, e²-11e +30=0, a quadratic. H 4 Cor. 104 B. I. Nature of EQUATIONS. Cor. 1. The last term of the transformed equation, is the very fame as the equation given, baving e in the place of r (in Ex. 1.) Cor. 2. When the last term vanishes, the number affumed (-4, Ex. 2.) is one of the roots in the equation propoſed. Schol. By this rule, all the roots of an equation may be made affirmative; by increafing them by a proper quantity. PROBLEM XLII. To multiply or divide the roots of an equation, by e given number or quantity. RULE. Affume a new letter; and divide or multiply it by the given number; and fubftitute its powers in the equation, inftead of the unknown quantity. Ex. 1. Multiply by 3, this equation y3-4 y — 145 0. Suppofey, then fubftituting for y, 23 we have 4 146 Z = o, or reduced 27 9 27 3 12Z 146 = 0. Ex. 2. Divide by 3, the equation x3 2x + √3 = 0, Let xy√3, which 3√3, which put for x, we have 3.1³ √3.—— 2y√3 + √3 = 0, or 3y³ — 2y +1=0. Cor. By this rule, frallions or furds may be taken out of an equation; by dividing the new letter by the common denominator; or by multiplying the new letter by the furd quantity. PRO- + Sect. IV. Nature of EQUATIONS. 105 PROBLEM XLIII. To change the roots of an equation into their reciprocals. RULE. In the given equation, inſtead of the root, fub- ftitute a unit divided by fome other letter. Example. Let 3y³ — 2y + 1 = 0, be given. Put y == I, then 3 2 +I=0. Z Z3 reduced 3- or 23 2x² + 23 = 0. 2≈² + 3 = 0. Schol. By this rule the greateſt root is changed into the leaft, and the leaft into the greateft, &c. PROBLEM. XLIV. To compleat a deficient equation. An equation is compleat, when it has all its terms, or thoſe containing all the powers of the unknown quantity; and deficient, when any power is wanting. RULE. Increaſe or diminish the roots of the equation, by fome given quantity (by Prob. 41). Example. Suppoſe a³ + 2a 50, deficient. Let e+1 = &, then — = e³ + zee + 3e + I аз + za -5 = + 2e + 2 5 e³ + 3ec + 50—20, compleat. o, Schol. 106 B. I. Tranjmutation of Schos. An equation may be rendered compleat, by multiply ng by the fame letter with fome quan- tity added, as a + 1; but then it raifes the equa- tion a degree higher. PROBLEM XLV. To deprefs an equation to a lower dimenfion; one of its roots being given. I RUL E. Put the equationo, and divide it by the un- known quantity the root given. Example. a—4. Given a³+a²-10a +8=0, one root a = -4. 8+4=0) a³+a²-10x+8=0 (aa-3a+2=0 the a3 a³ +4a² ·3a² — 10a -3a² - 12α +20+8 +20+8 O equation req. 2 RUL E. Put a new letter added to that root, equal to the unknown quantity; and fubftitute that and its powers in the equation. 3 Example. Let a³+a²-10a +8=0, be given, and a=-4. Put a = e 4. Then + @³ = e³ ез 12e² + 48e — 64 + a² + ee 8e of 16 100 10e + 40 + 8 O 11 11 8 11e² + 30e + reduced & Je + 30 = 0 PRO Sect. IV. EQUATIONS. 107 PROBLEM XLVI. To find how many roots are affirmative, and bow many negative, in a given equation. RULE. Range the terms of the equation according to the dimensions of the unknown quantity. And if the equation is not compleat, make it fo by Prob. 44. - Then obferve how often + follows, or - follows, that is, how many changes of the figns there are; and there are fo many affirma- tive roots in the equation. Alfo, as often as two like figns ftand together, fo often there is a negative root. Ex. 1. 30 = 0; + and Given 4x³-19xx + 49x Here the figns are are + there are three changes; from the first to the fe- cond, from the third to the fourth, and from the fourth to the fifth term: therefore there are three affirmative roots. Alſo, in the fecond and third terms, two negatives ftand together, and in none elfe, confequently there is one negative root. Ex. 2. Suppoſe x++ 5x³ — 7x² x4 5223 29x+30= 0. The figns are ++ + roots neg. af. neg. af. So there are two affirmative, and two negative roots. Ex. 108 B. I. Tranfmutation of Ex. 3• Let the equation be a37a+6=0. This equation being defective is to be compleated. a3 * -7a+6= o. mult. by a + I O. 24 * 7a² + ba * ча 70 +6. 702 a + 6 = + a³ 04 +03 So there are two affirmative, and two negative roots in this laft equation, and one of the negative roots being-1, (by the multiplication of a+1=0,) therefore, the given equation contains two affirma- tive roots, and one negative. The reaſon of this rule appears from Art. 10. Prob. 40. SCHOLIU M. This rule does not hold good, if there be im- poffible roots in the equation; except fo far as thefe impoffible roots may be taken for ambiguous ones, that is, for either affirmative or negative roots. As in the equation x³-6x² + 13x-10=0, which by this rule gives three affirmative roots, but in reality it has but one root, which is 2, the reft are imaginary. There are alfo fome rules whereby to judge how many impoffible roots are in an equation, but they are fo very tedious, and of fo little ufe, that I fhall not trouble the reader with them. See Newton's Univerſal Arithmetic, p. 197. PRO- Sect. IV. EQUATIONS. 109 PROBLEM XLVII. To change the affirmative roots into negatives, and the negatives into affirmatives. RUL E. Place cyphers for the deficient terms, if there be any; then change the figns of all the even terms, that is, of the fecond, fourth, fixth, &c. terms of the equation. Ex. I. Given x³ + 8x + 24 = 0. That is, x³ +o+ 8x + 24 = 0. transformed ³ — + 8x240. o In the given equation x——2, in the transform- ed equation x = + 2. Ex. 2. Suppoſe +x+- 4x³· 19x² + 106x 120 = 0. transformed +4 + 4x³—19x²-106x-1200. In the former equation the roots are 2, 3, 4 and 5; and in the latter 5, 2, 3, and 4. The reaſon of this proceſs is plain from Art. 11. Prob. 40. and may be demonftrated thus. In the given equation, we have + x for the root. Now fuppoſe-x to be a root. Let this be ſubſtituted in the given equation, and it produces-x3-8x+24=0, that is, x³+8x 240, as in Exam. 1. And *4 + 4x³ —— 19x² — 106x—120—o, as in Exam. 2. For it is plain, all the odd powers of x will now be negative, which before were affirmative, the reſt remaining as before. Whence the figns of all the odd powers will be changed, according to the rule. SECT. 110 SECT. V. Ranging the terms; working by general forms; fubftitution and reftitution; taking away any term of an equation; extermination of un- known quantities; the defignation of quantities by letters; regiſtering the steps. PROBLEM XLVIII. To range the terms of an equation, or difpofe of them in the best manner for any operation. TH RULE. HIS is done by placing theſe terms foremoſt that contain the higheſt power of the un- known quantity; and in the following places, thoſe of leſs dimenſions; fo that the powers in the feveral terms may continually decreaſe from the highest, according to the feries of the natural num- bers. But in many cafes, the contrary method is to be followed, and the loweſt power taken firſt. Ex. I. Let az³ + 24 — b.x3b4 + ab³o. 0. Place it thus, z✦ + az³ * * + ab³ = 0. z4 -b 64 Ex. 2. Suppoſe x4+ax³ + bx²-bx³+cx=dx—ab³+b4. ranged x4 + ax³ + bx² + cx + ab³ = 0. b -d-b4 PRO. Sect. V. GENERAL FORMS. III PROBLE MXLIX. To work by a general form. RULE. Write down each letter or quantity in the ge- neral form, and after it (with the fign =), each letter it reprefents in that particular cafe; which will give feveral equations. 1 Then caft your eye over the general form, and obferve the general quantities therein, and look for them on the first fide of the equations; and what you find them equal to, on the right hand, write down, inſtead of them, each one by one, till you have gone through the general form; and you will have the folution. When the quantities are many, it will be the beſt way to write down the general form firft, and the particular one under it, each quantity under its correfpondent; then it will appear by inſpection what letters to fubftitute. Ex. I. To involve aa -xx to the 5th power. This is to be done by the general form in Cor. 1. Prob. 5. therefore we have a = a a e XX n = 5, n Whence a + e = aa xx + 5× 5 - 2 3 2 5 2 × a a × ×+ + 5 × a a x − x²+5×5—1x × a a xx³ +5X 5 5 -4 xx = aa + 5 × a a X -3 5 I X 2 5 2 X 5-3 2 3 4 5 2 5 - 3 X X X 5-4 2 3 4 5 x10 = aro X 5a8x² + 10°×4 -x, the power required. 10a4x6 + 5aax³ Ex. 112 B. I. GENERAL FORMS. Ex. 2. I Extract the fquare root of 28-300. This is to be done by the form in 1 Rule, Prob. 32° Here A 28, B=√300, D=V784-30022, A+D 28 +22 A-D == <= 5, 2 2 2 11 ✓ 28 — 22=✓ 3. Therefore v/A — B = 5 —√/31 2 the root required. Ex. 3. To find a quantity, by which if 2-√6 bè mul- tiplied, the product will be rational. This is to be done by Prob. 36. Heren 5, A2, B6. 5 = 5 And the multiplier 5 √16 + √/8 × 6 + √⁄4 × 36 + √2 × 216 + S √1295. mult. ✔16+✔8×6+√4×36+√2×216+✓1296 by 2-6 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 √32+ √96+ √⁄8 × 36 + √ 4 × 216 + √2592 ✔96—√/8×36—√4×216–√2592—✓7776 2-6= =-4. product. PROBLEM L. To fhorten the work by fubftitution and reftitution. In any operation, when the quantities grow very numerous, or very much compounded, it will make the work very tedious; and therefore it ought to be made fhorter as follows. RULE. Sect. V. SUBSTITUTION, &c. 113 : RULE. Affume a new letter to reprefent or ftand for any number of given quantities; and likewife fome dif ferent letter to ftand for the coefficient of any power of the unknown quantity; do fo for as many of the coefficients as are compounded. Likewife, put let- ters for the numbers concerned; then work with theſe inſtead of the or ginal quantities, which will make the work eafier. And this is called Subſti- tution. When the operation is over, each number or compound quantity muſt be restored again inſtead of its letter; and this is called Reftitution. Ex. I. Let aa + baca + dade. Putsb-c+d. Then the equation becomes aa + sa=dc. Ex. 2. bx Let a 2x X aa XX dx² + cx: Put c-d=p. Then a 2x aa xx = Xx pxx + cx bx multiply by pxxcx. прих 2px³ + acx qxx Then 2cxx × √aa — xx — bx. Put ap2cq. Then 2px³ + acx × Vaa -xx = bx. or acx+qxx 2px³ × √ aa — xx — bx. X fquared acx+qxx - 2px × aa-xx bbxx, &c. where the values of p, q, may be reftored. I PRO 114 B. I. SUBSTITUTION, &c. 12 PROBLEM LI. To take away the fecond term of an equation. RULE. Divide the coefficient of the fecond term by the index of the higheſt power; annex the quotient, with its fign changed, to fome new letter, which ſubſtitute for the root, in the given equation. Ex. I. Suppoſe a³ + aa — 10a + 8 = 0. 1 Put e = a. Then 3 3 a³ = e³ e² + 3 2 + I 27 I + aa = + ee 3 9 •10a = + 8 = O es * required. + 10e + 10 3 +8 1oje + 111, the equation Ex. 2. 27 Let y4 — Say³ + a+ =0, be given. 8a Let y=x+ = x + 2a. Then 4 y4 = x++ 8ax³ + 24a²x² + 32a³x + 16a+ 8ax³ 48a²x² 96a³x — 64a4 Say3= 04 =24 24a²x² 2 + a4 64a³x 47a4=0. Schol. Hence by this and the 43d problem, an equation may be found, which wants the laft term but Sect. V. EXTERMINATIOŃ. 115 but one. For if the fecond term be taken away by this problem, and the equation transformed by Prob. 43, you will have the equation required. PROBLEM LII. To take away any term out of an equation. RULE. Take a new letter for the root, to which add an unknown quantity; and ſubſtitute this fum and the powers thereof, into the given equation. Then any term put equal to nothing, will determine the va lue of that affumed unknown quantity. 1+ 1 Ex. I. Suppofe x+3x³ + 3x² — 5×2 = 0. Put y+ex, x. Then ** 3x3 +3x² •5x = y++ 4y³e + 6yyee + 4ye³ + 84 3y3 gyye 9ye² 3e3 + 2 = + 31y +6ye + 3e² 5y 56 + 2 =0. Then, if the ſecond term is to be taken away, make 49³e—3y³=0, or 4e3; therefore e = 3 મ Ex. 2. 4 The fame fuppofed, to take away the third term. Here we fhall have 6y²ee — gy²e + 3jy = 0; re- duced, 2ee3e + 1 = 0, the refolving of which quadratic equation gives the value of e. Then y + e gives the value of x, fo that the third term may vaniſh. 1.2 Ex 116 B. I. EXTERMINATION. Ex. 3. The fame thing still fuppofed; to take away the fourth or fifth term. For the fourth term, 4e39e² + 6e5=0, a cubic equation whofe root is e; and y+ex, makes the fourth term vaniſh. For the fifth term, et3e3 + 3e² — 5e + 2 =0, a fourth power whofe root is e. Then +ex, which ſubſtituted in the equation, makes the laft term vaniſh. Cor. 1. Hence the third, fourth, fifth, &c. term, may be taken out of the equation; by refolving a qua- dratic, cubic, fourth power, &c. equation. Cor. 2. Hence if the last term of an equation (as e4 — 3e³ + zee — 5e + 2) beo, then one root (x) is зез =0; for then ao, or x will divide the equation. If two of the laft terms beo, two values of the root will beo, and so on. But if the last term does not vanish, there is no root o. Schol. After the fame rule any term may be made equal to any given quantity; by putting the faid term equal to that quantity. PROBLEM LIII. To exterminate a fingle letter, or a quantity of one di- menfion, out of feveral equations. I RULE. Seek the value of the quantity to be expelled, in two equations; and put thefe values equal to one another. Ex. Sect. V. EXTERMINATION. 117 12 Ex. 1. Let a + x = b + y and 2x+y=36 to exterminate y. By tranfpofing b, a + x — by, and by tranfpo- fing 2x, y=3b-2. Therefore a +xb=3b2x, And by reduction 346a, and z = a Ex. 2. 2 by = ab} Let ax and xy = bb, 46 3 to exterminate y. 黾 Here ax ab2by, and y = ax ab 26 bb Alfo y = ax ab b b therefore and re- X 26 263 a ducing xx- -bx = 2 RUL E. Find, by reduction, the value of one unknown quantity, in one equation; and ſubſtitute that va- lue for it, in all the other equations. Proceed thus, with another unknown quantity, &c. Ex. 3. Let a += 2b and 3axyx d = "} to expell y. = By the first equation y 2bax, put this value in the ſecond equation; then зах 3ax-xx2b-a-d, that is, 3ax-2bx+ax +xxd, or 4ax 24x + xx=d. 2ḥx 1 3 Ex. 118 B. I. EXTERMINATION. } Ex. 4. Suppoſe x+y+z = a } 3y = x + 2x az = xy to expunge x and y. By the first equation, za-X —y, By the fecond equation, 2y+ 2a — 2x — 23, By the third, a xa — x — y = xy, or aa ax ay xy. The former reduced, 5y = 2a-x. and fince ca ax ay = xy. From theſe to expunge y. By the former y = 20 5 aa—ax = ay + xy, and y = 20 X ac -- ax == > 5 a + x X aa 9 and by the latter ax Therefore a + x in which equation there is only one unknown quantity x. Cor. 1. By each given equation, one unknown quan- tity may be taken away. And confequently when there are as many equations as unknown quantities, they may be all taken away but one. Cor. 2. If there be more unknown quantities than equations, there will remain in the last equation more unknown quantities by 1, than that excefs amounts to. PROBLEM LIV. To exterminate an unknown quantity of feveral di- menfions. IRUL E. Find the value of its greateſt power in two equa- tions; then if they are not the fame, multiply the leffer Sect. V. 119 EXTERMINATION. leffer power, fo that it may become equal to the greater. Then put theſe values equal to each other, and there will come out a new equation, with a lefs power of the unknown quantity. And by repeat- ing this operation, the quantity will at laft be ta- ken away. Ex. I. to expunge e. Let aee + be + c = and fee +ge + b = oS By tranfpofing and dividing, ee- ge+b. Therefore f be + c ני and ee= a be + c ge+b. a f And multiplying, bef + cf = age + ab, and by tranf- pofing, bfe age = ab cf, and dividing, abcf. And multiplying bye, e = bf — ag -abe + cfe be + c -abe+cfe Whence ee- bf — ag a bf — ag e = bbf And multiplying alternately,bbfe+bcf — abge — agc = acfe-aabe. And tranfpofing and dividing, agc-bef abgacfaab Therefore ab cf agc bcf = Then multi- bf-ag bbf — abg — acf + aab plying and reducing, bhaa + cgga + bbfb = 0. 2cfb bg fc bgb + ccff 2 RULE. For two quadratic equations. ax² + bx + c = 0₂ } to exterminate x. and fxgx + b = o, S Here a, b, c, f, g, h, are either given quantities, 1 4 Of 120 B. I. ÉXTERMINATION. or compoſed of given quantities, and fome other unknown quantity y. Thus make bfag A, bbcg B, and ef cg= =D, then AB + DD = 0. To prove this rule, we have - x² = 8x + b f that is, > therefore bx + c a ab which reduced is bf-agxx + cf-ab=0; Ax+Do. Whence Ax² + Dx = 0; Dx bx + c xx = which reduced > A a са Dx is x = In like manner XX eD — bA A gx + b bA which reduced is x = Whence f ƒDgA CA hA And this reduced is aD — bA ƒD — gA cf — abxD+bb —cgxA=o, that is AB+DD=0. The Newtonian Rule is, ab × ab — bg—zcf +bf xbb-cg+cxagg+cff=0. 3 RUL E. For a cubic and a quadratic equation. ax³ + bx² + cx + d = o, and fx²+gx + b = o. Make fab cb = D, fb — ag=A. 2 Then D-gAxbD-fdg + dff — bao. For, multiplying the first equation by f, and the fecond by ax, and fubtracting one from the other, we have bf-ag Xx² +ƒc — ab xx + fd=0; and fince fx²+gx+bo, these two equations come un- fc fc der Sect. V. 121 EXTERMINATION. der the laſt rule,making abf-ag, b=fc-ab,c=fd. And Afxfc-ab-gxhf—ag, B=bxfc-ab-fdg, D=ffd― bxbf ag. Whence by that rule, fxth h -g x vj ag xbx fc — ab -fdg + ffd - b x bf — ago, that is, according to the pre- fent defignation of the letters A, B, C ; ƒD — gÂ× bD — fdg + ffd — bA” — 0. The Newtonian Rule is, abbah — bg — 2cf + bfbx bb — cg — 2 df (=0. +cb-ig ×agg + cff + dfx sagh+bgg+dff S 4 RULE. For a quadratic and a fourth power. ax+ + bx² + cx² + dx + e = 0, and fx² + gx+b=0. Make Abfag, D= cf — ab. Then df³-gfD+gg-fbx Ax dbff—egff—bbA + eƒ³ +gbA —ƒ bD¹² = 0. For, multiply the first equation by f, and the lat- ter by axx, their difference will be bf-ag xx3 + cf — ab × x² + dfx + ef = o. Or Ax³ + Dx² + dfx +ef=0. And ſince fx² + gx + b = o. Therefore theſe two equations come under the laft rule; in which writing A for a, D for b, df for c, ef for d; and laſtly ƒD-gA inſtead of A, and ffd-bA for D, you will get the rule, as above. The Newtonian Rule is, ab³ Xab-bg-2cf + bfbb× ób — + agg + cff × cbb dgh egg- + + dfb × zagh + bgg + dff + eff × 2abb + 3bgb — dfg + eff efgh × bg + zak cg--2df zefb =0. 5 RULE. } 122 B. I. EXTERMINATION. 5 RUL E. For two cubic equations. ax³ + bx² + cx + d = o, and ƒƒ³ +gx² + bx + k − 0. Make Abf ag, C = df — ak, D = cf — ab ; 2 and PCA —aAC —bAD + aDD, Q = c AC — aCC — dAD, RdAAbAC + aCD. Then PQ+ RR = 0. For, multiply the first equation by f, and the latter by a, and their difference will be found bf — ag xx² + fc — ab xx +ƒd — ak = 0; that is, ab×x+fd Ax² + Dx + Co. And fince ax + bx + cx + d = 0; theſe two equations come under the third rule; in which writing A, D, C for f, g, h, refpectively; and likewife cA aC for A, and bAaD for D; the rule will be evident. The Newtonian Rule is, I + ab- bg 2cfx adbb achk cg zdf + bdfb×ak + bb + aakk× bk — ak + 2gc + 3df + bbfk × bk — 2 dg + cdb―ddg cck + 2bdk Xagg + cff + zagh + bgg + dff3afk x ddf + bcfk × cg + df зак bb agk× bbk + 3adh + cdf = 0. 6 RULE. For a cubic and a fourth power. ax4 + bx³ + cx² + dx + e='o, fx² + gx² + bx + k = 0. and Make A =fbog, C=fd—ak, D = cf — ab. Then Sect. V. EXTERMINATION. 123 ५ Then put P=C׃D—gA˚— A׃D—gA ×ffe-kA 2 DxƒD — gAxƒC — bA + A xƒC — bA³, Q=CxƒD—gA×ffe — kA — A×ffe — kĀ¹² 2 -efxfDgA × ƒC — bA, R = ef × ƒD — g A²-DxƒDgA× ffe kA + Ax ffe — kA x fC-bA. Then PQ+ RR = 0. Or thus, Put EfD-gA, Fffe-kA, G =ƒC—bA, PCEAF x E+ AG-DEX G, Q = CEAF x F-feEG, RfeEDF x E + AFG. Then PQ+ RR = o, as before. For, multiplying the firſt equation by ƒ, and the laft by a, the difference is Ax + Dx² + Cx+ef=0. And fince fx³ + gx² + bx+ k = 0; it will come un- der Rule 5, in which write A, D, C, ef, for a, b, c, d refpectively; and likewiſe ƒDgA, ffe kA, and ƒC-bA, for A, C, D, refpective- ly; and the rule will appear. Ex. 2. Let xx+5x-3yy=0, 5× and 3xx-2yx + 4 = 0, to exterminate x. By Rule 2, a = 1, b = 5, c = 3yy, ƒ = 3, 8 = 2y, b = 4, and A = 15 + 23, B = 20—6y³, D = 9yy 4. Then AB + DD = 15 + 23 × 20 + 6y³ + 2 -9yy 4 = 300+ 40y—90y² — 1 234 + 81у4 + 72y²+16= 0. Exi 124 B. I. EXTERMINATION. Ex. 3. Suppoſe y³ - xyy — 3x0, and y²+xyxx + 3 = 0, to expunge y. Here by Rule 3, a=1, b=—x, c=o, d=—3x. and ƒ = 1, g = x, b = − xx + 3. Ax-x=2x, D=xx alfo ƒD—gA f - 3. fD-gA = xx 3 + 2xx = 3xx 3, bD—fdg — — x++6x²→→9+3x² ——x++9x²—9 dffbA 3x2x³+6x=3x-2x³. Then 3xx-3X−x49x²—9+3×—2׳1² = 0. Or, 3x5 +27x427x²+3x4-27x² +27 +9x² 12x4 4x6 = 0. And reduced 618x445x² + 27 = 0. x Let y4 Ex. 4. 3x³y + 3 = 0, and 2y³ + xy² - 4x³ = 0, to expunge y. 4x³. Whence By Rule 6, a=1, b=o, c=o, d=-3x³, e=3° f = 2,g=x, b = 0, k = Then Ax, C= Exx, F 12 = 2x³, Do. 4x4, G-4x³. And 4x5 Xxx + 4x4 X 3 16x7 = 12x³ 6x7 P 2x512X =12x¹ Q = 2x5 + 12x 12X 4x5 X 12 4%3 22x', 4x4 + 24x5 6x5 X 12 4x4 + 24x5 14496x5 + 24x³, R=6x++ 4+ X 12 - 4.2454241642 Whence Sect. V. 125 DESIGNATION. Whence PQ+ RR = 12x³-22x7 X 144x96x5 +24x9 8 +54x+16x³)² = 1728x4—4320x8+ 2400x¹²—528x16+2916x*—1728x¹²+256x¹ =0. Reduced, 68x12 — 168x8 + 351x4—432 SCHOLI U M. = 0. In the folution of determined problems, you will often have three or more equations, involving as many unknown quantities. Then theſe muſt be exterminated one after another, by degrees, by re- peating the foregoing rules, till at laft there re- mains only one unknown quantity contained in one final equation. But a perfon uſed to theſe forts of computations, will often find fhorter methods than by theſe particular rules, but the finding thofe, is only to be attained by conftant practice. PROBLEM LV. To defignate or denote any affections of literal quanti- ties, as fums, products, &c. RULE. The original quantities being written down; any affections of them, as fums, differences, products, quotients, &c. are got by the rules of algebraic addition, fubtraction, multiplication, divifion, &c. before laid down. Ex. 126 B. I. DESIGNATION. Ex. 1: There are two quantities, a the greater, and e the leffer, to find the fum, difference, product, &c. as follows. The fum .. difference product greater divided by the leſs leffer divided by the greater fum of their ſquares difference of their fquares fum of their fum and diff. diff. of their ſum and diff. prod. of the fum and diff. fquare of the fum fquare of the difference fum of the fquares of the fum and difference difference of the ſquares of the fum and diff. fquare of the product cube of the greater cube of the leffer cube of the fum cube of the difference a te a a e a e e a aa+ee aa- ee 2a 2e atexa-e, or aa-et aa + zae + ee aa Qae + ee 2aa + 2ee 4ae aaee a3 C3 a³ +3a²e + 3ae² + e³ a³ — 3a²e + 3ae² — e³. Ex. Sect. V. 127 DESIGNATION. Ex. 2. There are two quantities, whofe fum is b, and the greater is a; what is the leffer, the difference, &c. Leffer difference 2a Ъ product ab- aa greater by the leffer a b. a 2aa+bb-2ba zba bb fum of their ſquares difference of their fquares fum of the fum and difference 2a difference of the fum and dif- ference product of the fum and dif- }20—20 ference 24 zab bb 4aa 4ab + bb 4aa fquare of the difference difference of the fquares of the fum and difference 4ab — fquare of the product ! a²b² 2ba³ + a4 Ex. 128 B. I. DESIGNATION. 1 Ex. 3. There are two quantities the greater is a, and the greater is to the leffer as r to s, what is the leffer, &c. The leffer (r: s :: a :) the fum difference product 1 fum of the ſquares } A sa r sa a t sa a * 11 saa r ssaa aa+ rr ssaa difference of the fquares a a gr greater divided by the leffer product of the fum and differ. a a fum of the fquares of the fum' and difference S ssaa rr fum} 2ssaa zaa+ rr } 4saa r difference of the fquares of the fum and difference the fum divided by the greater the difference divided by the leffer I до I. Ex Sect. V. 129 DESIGNATION. Ex. 4. The product of two quantities is p, and the leffer is e, what is the greater, &c. Greater ium difference 0 8 P e ༤ e P + e. leffer by the greater fum of their ſquares difference of their ſquares • fum of the fum and difference diff, of their fum and diff. ee P PP + ee ee PP ee ee 2P e - 2e ſquare of the fum fquare of the difference diff. fquares of the fum and diff. the fum by the difference PROBLEM PP ee + 2p + eë 2p + ee } PP ee 4p 4P p + ee p- ee LVI To keep a fhort account of the steps in any operation. In long and tedious operations, it is neceffary to fhew, how one ſtep is produced from another, or K one $30 TRACING THE STEPS. B. I. one equation derived from other foregoing ones; which to explain in words would take up a great deal of room. Therefore the method of tracing the ſeveral ſteps, will be beft done by regiftering them in the margin. RULE. Against every step write the numbers 1, 2, 3, &c. in order, and fet down, in the margin on the left hand, the ftep or steps in figures, that each ftep is produced from; with the figns +X, c. according to the feveral operations, ufed; by which means one may fee at one view how any equation comes, or is produced; and when an ab folute number is registered, it must be put in a pa- renthefis (); and if any quantity is added, fub. tracted, &c. it must be put down. Let Example. 112 + e = b. 24 e = C. I + 2 1 2 2 I X 2 312a = b + c ize = b baa I 2 6 I lw 2p 4 & G 2p 3 + 7 4 X 5 = a te a е C ee be b C 7 √o + at e = ск 4ee = bb 2bc + cc 9/2a + √a+e = b + c + √b 10/2Дaе 2e3bbc bcc 112a + 4 = b + c + 4 3 + (+) e b C 4 (4) 12 2 4 b_ 9-√ate 132a = b+c+ √b - √ate ་ 3 = 13 I ab + c = b+c+ √b-√ata &c. EXPLA 1 Sect. V. TRACING THE STEPS. 131 : EXPLANATION. 1+2 fignifies that the third ſtep is found by adding the first and fecond ſteps together. 1-2 fignifies, the fourth ftep is got by fubtracting the fecond from the firft. Likewife, the fifth ſtep (1X2) is had by multiplying the firft and fecond: the fixth ftep, by dividing the first by the fecond: the feventh, by extracting the ſquare root of the firft: the eighth (402p) is had by fquaring the fourth the ninth (37), by adding the third and ſeventh ſteps: the tenth (4 X 5), by multi- plying the fourth and fifth fteps: the eleventh (3+(4)), is had by adding the number 4 to the third ftep: the twelfth (4(4)), fhews that it is gained by dividing the fourth ftep by the num• ber 4 and the thirteenth (9a+e), is had by fubtracting a te from the ninth the four- ✔a+e teenth (313) is got by making the third and thirteenth equations equal; and fo for others. K 2 SECT. 132 * A SECT VI. Infinite Series. N infinite feries is formed, either by actually dividing any fractional quantity having a compound denominator, or by extracting the root of a furd; and fuch feries being continued will run on ad infinitum, in the manner of a decimal frac- tion. And in many cafes the law of the progref- fion of the terms will be evident, by obtaining à few of the foremoft; and confequently may be continued without actually performing the whole operation. 7 PROBLEM LVII. To find the value of a fraction or furd, to be defignated by an infinite feries. IRUL E. Proceed in the fame manner as is taught in Prob. iv. Rule 2. for divifion; or in Prob. vi. Rule 2 and 3, continuing on the operation at pleaſure. Ex. + Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 133 } Ex. 1. I. í ax Let be given. a X XX x) ax ( x + a ax XX + xx + xx a + + *||s & X3 a X+ aa x4 + aa Therefore X3 / * + x4 аз ཅི| + ax x + + aa ६ + 213 aa + &c. 24 ི། + &c. }& 24 + 05 &c. ad infinitum. Exi K 3 134 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. 1 Let the fraction o b + x) aa + 0 ( aa + aax b Ex. 2. be proposed. aa b + x aa aax aaxx aax³ aax4 + + &c bb 63 b4 bs Anſwer. } -aax +o b -aax aaxx b + bb bb aaxx 1 aaxx a²x3 + + bb 63 -32x3 &c. Ђз Or thus, aa ŵ + b) aa + 。 (aª — aab + a²b² — ab o X2 a2b3 X4 &c. a2bz 213 baa aa + X -baa -aab aabb X XX + aab² XxX &c. Ex. Se&t. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 135 } Ex. 3° Suppoſe I I + xx ×4 + x8 I + xx) I + O( I − xx + x + — x6 x³ — &c. I + xx XX XX x4 +x4 +x++x6 доб 226 Ex. 4. Let the fraction be I I ४ x8 ४ +xs &c. I 2x2 I X MN I 1 + x²- 2 ·3% 2x + 7׳ — 13x² 1 + x²---- 3x) 2x²— x² +0 (2x² -— 2x + 7׳ I S + 34 x = &c. 2x² + 2x 6 x ž - 2x + gx² 2x 2x² + 6x² + 7 x 212 3 6x2 3 2 +7x² +7x² - 21X K 4 5 13x² + 21x ? 13x² — 13x * I + 31" NC. Ex. 136 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. Ex. 5. Extract the Square root of aa + xx. aa + xx XX + X4 26 + 5x8 24 8a³ a5 12797 XX aa za + **) 0 + xx 20+ 24 X4 + xx + 4aa XX 4 114 С 8a ) 4aa + &c. = √ aa + xx 24 208 + 4aa 8a+ = 496 2a + XX X4 a 893 &c.) + 210 23 8a3 649° X6 + + 8a+ 48 &c. 16a6 578 6486 &c. Here fuch terms are neglected whofe dimenfions exceed thofe of the laft term root is to be continued. 50 128a7 و By the fame way it may be to which the By the fame extracted in this form a a a4 xx + aa = x + 2X 8x3 - &c. 16x5 1 Ex. Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 137 Ex. 6. Extract the cube root of 1 x³. X3 From 1 take 5x9 X3 I &c. I 3 9 81 3 -3) - x³ From take I I · 3). ४ 3 26 3 From I-x³ take I- X3 * + 206 X9 X3 3 I 3 3 9 27 27 M 5x9 + &c. = X3 ४ xo = [ 27 3 9 3) 5x9 &c. 27 2 RUL E. Affume a feries with unknown coefficients, to re- preſent it. Which feries being multiplied, or in- volved, &c. according as the queftion requires; the quantities of the fame dimention must be put equal to each other; from which equations, the coefficients will be determined. Ex. 7. I Let be given. a X I Suppoſe = A + Bx + Сx² + Dx³ + Ext a * &c. the feries required. Multiply by Multiply by a -x. Then I 138 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. 1 = aA + aBx + aСx² + aDx³ + aEx¹ &c. Ax Bx2 Cx3 Dx4 &c. Whence equating the coefficients of the fame pow ers of x, we have cA1, aB — A = o, aC — B =0,aD-C=0, aE-Do, &c. Therefore A I I A B = 1, C= B C D= ร I a aa a Q3 a a4 D I E = a feries is $188 aa + 218 I + a + 1 a4 &c. by reduction. Therefore the X aa + + 24 95 + 2 I I &c. or + a a + &c. Let CC Ex. 8. be given. cc + 2cy-yy Suppoſe it = A + By + Cy² + Dy³ &c. Mul- tiply by cc2cy-yy. Then — ccccA + cc By + ccCy²+ ccDy³ &c. + 2cAy + 2cBy² + 2cCy³ Ay² By³ 3 And equating the homologous terms, ccccA, ccB + 2cA ccc2cBA 0, = : ccD + 2cC — B = 0, &c. and by reduction, 2 A 2 A 2cB A = 1, B C = C C CC I + 4 5, D = B — 2cC -2 10 CC CC CC CC &c. Whence ≈ al 215 + 5 y² cc + zcy-yy C CC 1 12y3 &c. 63 Ex. Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 139 What is ✔aa Ex. 9. XX. Let Vaa-xx = A + Bx² + Cx4 + Dx &c. which being ſquared, 2 aa — xx = A² + 2ABx² + B²x4 + 2ADx &c. +2ACx4 + 2BCx Here Aaa, 2AB —— I, 2AD + 2BC= o, &c. 1, BB + 2AC BB+2AC = 0. Whence A = a, BB I T I B = C = 2 A 2a 2 A 8a3 BC I D = 2 &c. Therefore Vaa-xx A Ibas XX 24 доб =a &c. LVIII: 24 803 16as PROBLEM To reduce any binomial furd to an infinite feries, or to extract any root of a binomial. RUL ULE. This is done by fubftituting the particular let- ters or quantities, inftead of thefe in the following general form, duly obierving the figns. A B m m m P + PQ|" = P D m 211 371 m C +AQ + "=" BQ E + "CQ + " = 3" D Q + &c. 422 2n Where P is the first term, Q the ſecond term divided by the first, m or root, A B, C, D, with their figns. 22 the index of the power &c. the foregoing terms ! Ex. I 40 B. I. INFINITE SERIES: Ex. 1. Extract the Square root of rrxx. Here Prr, Q = -XX 772 I There- диза 12 2 -xx MM fore rr- xx|² = r + A X B x 2 rr 3 -xx -XX X 6 Сх DX &c. =r A rr 2rr XX + B + c+ 3xx EXX D&c. that is, reftor- 4rr orr 8rr ing the values of A, B, C, &c. rr XX - Xx 204 5x8 &c. 27 8r3 1675 12877 Ex. 2. дида r + x What is the value of Here vy • + x = rr x r + xl and P = 1, Q==", 9 I, n = 1. Therefore go m n I, or m ·I X x r + x1 =7- IAX IB X r X X IC X r །༞།* X B- › D x = &c. C &c. And rr x r + xl xr I -A I I =rrx: g 203 z 2 213 + + XX X3 rz XX &c; that is, x + добр r + x X4 &C. g3 Ex. Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 141 Ex. 3. I To find the value of Trx-xx I I XX 27x xx, and P = 27x; 27x Q = 2rx xx] X 27 -플 by N XX m = 2rxl 플 MIN I, n = 2. Then I 2 1÷4 X- 3 AX BX 27 4 27 -동 -X -X 1 сх DX &c. = 2r 2r 2rx + 11 -A + X + A 4r I 1/2rx + √2rx X: 1+ &c. X 4r√2rx 3B + 5x 8r 127 C + 7x D + &c. 16r D+ X 3xx I + &c. = 32rr2rx √2rx 3.5x3 anfox + + 3.5.7x4 + 4r 3272 4.8.1273 Ex. 4. What is the cube root of 1-µ³. Here P1, Q = — x³, m = 1, = I x3. n = 3. Whence I 3 3 x ³ 1 ³ = · = 1 + 3 — A × − ׳ — X X3 2 — B×—x³ — 5 8 II 9 CX X3 DX — x³ EX- x³ &c. 12 15 3 X3 == -A + 5x B + 2x3 2X 11x³ C+ D+ E 3 3 9 3 15 3 X 3 xo &c. that is, 3 5x9 X Į 3 81 10X12 22x15 &c. 243 729 } { Ex 142 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. What is 3/ aa Ex. 5. 2 in an infinite feries. aa + xxl 3 This reduced is a xaa + xxi. Here P = aa, XX Q = II 12 + D aa aal aa 2 2 110x8 243a93 m = — 2, n = 3. And aa + xxl³ aa 1 2 XX A 3 동B Xx 8 C XX aa 9 aa XX &c. I 2XX == 5x4 a 3 a ³ 35 + 40x6 3 9a53 81973/3/30 I &c. I 2x2 I X: 5x4 a a 3a3 9a5 40x6 I 10X8 + 8107 &c therefore a 33 2 a3 243a9 aa + xxl I 2x² Vaa X : I + 5x4 40x6 3a² + &c. 9a4 8125 Ex. 6. What is the value of Vaa xx. 5 t 5 a a xx = aa xxl s Here Paar. Xx Q = m > I, n 5. Therefore aa xxl³ aa 2 CX = aa|³ + — -A X -XX 5 -xx 4 10 AB X -xx В ал aa 14 -XX DX 15 20 aa aa 2XX + 5aa 5aa &c. = a ³ ³ C + 7xx D &c. 3xx B + 10aa === 2 5aa a3 x : 2 XX A XX 2X4 6x6 21x8 I &c. 5aa 2564 12520 625a8 Ex. Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 143 } } Ex. 7· 4 To reduce a + x x √ a — x to a x to a feries. Va — x = a - *|². Where P = 4, 4. Then a 4 Q =➡, X- m = 1, n = 4. Then a — x² = a + A × 7 3BX 12 8 a 3x 8a 4 - Bx-/Cx= &c. = a* — + B + 7x C &c. 124 a -X x сх A a 40 I X 322 7x3 3 4a+ 32at I I &c. 128a Multiply by a + * I 5 Then a4x + a 32.2 7x3 4 32dt &c. 128a7 x+2 + a*x 3x3 4a fax 32a4 &c. a + x x √ a = x = a $ 4 3a²x IIX² aª + 19x3 3 &c. 7 4 32a 128a 4 = √/ax: a + 3x I Ix² 2 19x3 -&c. 4 32a 128aa Ex. 144 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. Ex. 8. To defignate↓ aa + xx a a aa + xx = aa + xxl. XX by a feries. Where P = aa, m = 1, n = 2, and aa + xxl² = a + LB 3/C XX Q ea LA XX XX 2 aa ad Xx 24 x6 + &c. 24 16as XX &c. = a + aa i Q Again, Jaa -xx I aa XX xx. Here Paas XX n " I, n = 2. 2. And aa HIN xx aa I I -xx 11 A X a 2 3B X -NX aa 4 aa // c x -XX I XX & C ==== + + aa a 24 3x4 + 5000 8a5 Ibar &c. Whence ✓ aa + xx aa XX √ aa + xx XX X4 205 or XX I XX + 2 A³ 3 ✓ca- X + 244 a + 25 286 &c. by multiplication. =a+ + &ca 2a баз 16as 3x4 + 546 xx &c. = 1 + 805 16a7 aa Ex. Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 145 Ex. 9: What is the value of aa ax ax + xx Put This may be treated as a binomial. Then aa ax + xx = aa j. And y = ax xx. ax =ax × aa—y. Here Paa, ax + xx aa Q = aa -y m , I And aa—yl + +... - IC x2 y aa aa او 1, n = 1. -1D X 2 y IA X Y 3c. = c+ D &c. aa aa I い y 1B X + A + 24 aa + yz ーツ aa y aa 30 x B J:3 $100 aa -y &c. = aa aa I + aa y4 of &c. = I aa + a4 ax X ax xx15 3 ÷ ax + f xxl 4 as a 98 &c. which аго + (by reftitution) ax a xx involved and reduced into order will be I X and + aa a3 04 XX 2x3 4 + ི་ + + હું ** as 3x4 &c. X4 + &c. 26 Ι X + > હું કહું છું * X3 X4 &c. ♦ as 26 | + * X4 X5 &c. 04 as L The ax aa aa —ax + xx [ 146 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. The truth of this rule will appear by induction. For if any of thefe feries be involved according to the index of the root, it will produce the original quantity. Thus if r- XX x4 27 8r3 &c. be fquar- ed, it produces rrxx, as in Examp. 1. 2.6 If &c. be cubed it produces 1-x3, Ex.4. X3 I 3 9 XX 2x4 If a³ X : I : &c. be involved to 1 5aa 25a4 the 5th power, it gives aa-xx, Ex. 5. and the like of others. m m m Cor. 1. P+ PQ|" =P" X: I + LQ + n m n m m 12 m 2n X Q² + X X Q³ + 12 2n n m m. 12 2n } X X X n 2n Cor. 2. a + x\"² = a² + 372 m 2n 4n 3″ Q+ &c. 3n 7X n + I A+ X B a + x 2 a+x n+ 2 X n + 3 X + X C + X D+&c. 3 a + x 4 a + x where n is any index; terms with their figns. A, B, C, &c. the foregoing X ay For put y = then x = and a +x I -y 72 a a + x = Therefore a + x1" a == I y a" X 1 Here P1, Q = −y, m = n; = y". Here P n = 1 (fee Prob. xlix); then by this problem, I او - -yl N Ах = 1 y [ n + 2 Cx-y- 3 CX I n + 1 B x − y 2 n + 3 D x − y &c. 4 1 + ny A Sect, VI. INFINITE 147 SERIES. I + ny A + n + I B y + n2 + 2 Cy+ n + 3 Dy 2 -12 &c. and a" X 1—y" = 4 a" x 1 + ny A + : (reftoring the value 3 n+i n + 2 By + Cy &c. 2 n 3 of y) a X: 1 + NX n + I A + X -B+ a + x 2 a + x 22 + 2 X X C+ n + 3 X X D &c. 3 a + x 4 a + x PROBLEM LIX. To involve the feries z ×: a + bx + cx² + dx³ + ex4 &c. to any power m, whole or fractional. RULE. Subſtitute the particular letters or numbers in the given feries, inftead of theſe in the following general form. Z m z" × a + bx + cx² + dx³ + ex+ &c.]™ x into a mb A + X a + 2mċ A + m 1 . bB 24 + Befo + 3mdA+2m-1 . cВ + m — 2. bC за 4me A+2m-1.dB+2m-2.cC+m3.bD 4a 203 X4 5mfA+4m-1. eB+3m-2. dC+2m—3. cD + m 4.be 50 L 2 + 6mg A 1 < 148 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. + 6mg A+5m—1 .ƒB+4m—2. eC+3m−3 ⋅ dD ба + 2??? 4. cĘ + m−5. bF 26 + 7mbA+6m+1.gB+5m−2.ƒC+4m−3 ⋅ eD +372 7a 4.dE+2m-5.cF + m 6.bG x7 &c. Where A, B, C, D, &c. are the coefficients of the terms immediately preceding thoſe wherein they first appear. And the law of progreffion is evident. Ex. I. What is the Square of 1 + x + xx + x³ + x4 + &c. d = 1, &c. c d : Here ≈ 1, a = 1, b = 1, ( = 1, z And m2, then 1+x+x² + x³ &c |² = 2 A i + of x + 2 2 3 4A + B 6A + 3B + 0 ׳ + x+ &c. C D E 8A+ 5B + 2C - D A B 4 = 1 + 2x + 3x² + 4x³ + 5*4 &c. Ex. 2. What is the Square root of 1 + x + xx + x³ &c. Here ≈ z 1 1, a = 1, b = 1, c = 1, d= 1 &c. and m ==. Whence 1 +∞ + x² + ׳ + ** &c.]² 2 A-B A+0-C Ax+ x² of X3 2 2 3 2 A + B — C D 3 of + x+, &c. = 1+ - - x + 3 8 24 4 + 5 x³ + 35 x 4 &c. 16 3 128 Ex. Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 149 Find the cube Here z = 1, a = Ex. 3. of 1 + x + x² + x³ &c. Etc. m = 3. Then 1, b = 1, c = 1, d = 1, e = 1, + x + x² + x³ &c. 1³ 3 1 + 3 Ax 6A2B 9A + 5B + C 2 + x² + x³ + 2 3 12 A + 8B + 4C 4 1544 + &c. x+ &c. = 1 + 3x + 6x²+10x³ + Ex. 4. What is the value of 2 I rr zyy + y4 5 ys ys 8 472 + &c. 824 1 бро I Here ≈ = 1, * = yy, a = rr, b = — —, c = rr x 2 I d > ļ = 874 16763 &c. m I. Then I 14 rr 2 yy f yo &c. = 422 876 rr I A+ B 3 A - 3 2rr 814 + 31 + A x + 2rr B+ 3C xx + 4rr N- x³ &c. 2rr 3rr 11 I rr I + x + ox² + ox³ &c. = I 274 + rr I x 2r+ + yy'. Ÿr 274 Ex. 5. $ To Square the feries y-y³ + y -- y7+ y⁹ &c. This is equal to yx: 1-y+y+ —y° + y³ &c• Herey, yy, a = 1, b = — 1, c = 1, d= —I, ند I £ 3 e = 1.2 1 150 SERIES. B. I INFINITE e = 1, &c. and m2. Then I—y²+y4 &c.l² = I-2Ax + 4A B -6A +3B x² + x³ &c. = 2 3 I- 2x + 3x² 4x³ &c. and y — y³ —ys &c.[² = y² × 1 − 2x + 3x² &c. = yy — 234 + 336 — 438 + &c. Ex. 6. To Square the feries. 1 23 √2rx:07 + 3v 2 5 3.5.vž + The feries is 2rvl² ×: 1 + + 2.2.3r I + &c. ข 302 + 3 с ( = d = 5 2 > 896r3 I บ 2rv| 127 3 A + + I 40rr 2 503 896r3 127 160r2 I &c. Here z = √2rv, a = 1, b = Iбory 2rul² x : 1 + + GA x + &c. m = 2. Then 2 127 &c. = 2ru ×: 1 + 3v² &c. 160r2 I В 12r x² + 30 A + 9 B 89брз 3 16orr 3 x³ &c = 2 ru X : 1 + 3 $།& 2x2 57x3 + + &c. 45rr 4480r3 Ex. 7. Find the m power of· • + c x за r+2n + dx n r+3n &c. xx: a + bx" + cx² = go n x, xx, m = 2, 2n &c. r + n ax + b x This reduced is dx3" &c. Here ≈ Then Sect. VI. 151 INFINITE SERIES, Then xx: a + bx" + cx²² &c. lx TM TIL x: a mb + Ax² + 2mc A + m 1.bB 212 X + a 20 3mdA +2m 1. cB + m 2. bc 372 + за 4me A +3m-1.dB + 2m-2.cС + m −3.ED bD X42 &c. 4a 2 RUL E. Subſtitute each letter in the given feries, inſtead of the correfpondent one, in the following ge- neral form. m zm xa + bx + cx² + dx³ + ex+ &c.1" = 2" X into m-I a" 712 + mbam-x x + m 2 a71-2 bb 2 777-I +m. m 2 +m. m + ma C 2 a m-3 b3 3 I 2am-2 bc X3 2 + mam- d m I 2 m 3 + m m-4 64 2 3 4 I m + m 2 3 m I + m 2 + ma 2 3am-3 bbc за m-2 a m-x L 4 e X S2bd +cc X+ + 2:3; 152 B. I, INFINITE SERIES. m I m 2 m- 3 m 4 + ግንጌ am-5 bs 2 +m. m 2 + m 3 m m 2 3 + m 4 5 2 m 3 4 I m 2 · 3 m I 2 m-4 b³c 4am 39-3 Sbcc 2 +bbd Scd 2 be m-2 20m- + ma' m-I f 17 5 4 m I m 2 72 3 +m. 2 3 4 m 1. m 2 m 3 m + m 2 3 4 5 m I 772 2 m +m. 2 3 m + m. 1 N|| +m. 4 m 3 3 132 6 5 712- a. .6 Z6 5am-5b4c m-4 a 2 772-3 a I 2 a M-2 6bbcc {4b3d 3bbe 6bcd C3 S2bf + mam-i g 2ce dd &c. доб For let y bx + cx² + dx³ &c• p m 2 q = 3 m p₁r = " = 3 q, s = 4 m =m, I m, 2 m 4 r, &c. Then 5 a + bx + cx² + dx³\" &c. = a + yl" = am+mam-1 y + pam-2 y² + 9am-3 y³ + rom-4 3 = bx + cx² + d∞³ + e~4 yy = bbxx + 2bcx3 + 2bd + cc X4 M4 y4 &c. &c. But + zře +2cd x5, &c. y3 = b3 Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 153 y³ = b³x³ + 3bbcx4 + 3bbd x5 + &c. + 3bcc 34 = 64x4 + 4b³cx² + &c. jsb5x5 6505 &c. Then the power a" + ma"-ly + pam-2xy qam-³y³ &c. becomes да ат m-I + ma x: bx + cx² + dx³ + ex4 + fxs &c. + pa +qa 712-2 M-3 M-4 X: X: + ra X: M-5 - så X: &c. bbx² + 2bcx² + 2bdx4 + 2bexs + cc +2cd b³×³ + 3b²cx4+ 3bbdxs + 3bcc b4x4 + 46³cx³ bsxs Theſe being actually multiplied, and the coef- ficients of each power of collected; will give the feveral terms as in the form above. And the firſt Rule is in effect the fame as this: For let a + bx + cxx + dx³ &c.l" = 2 A + Bx² + Cx³ + Dx4 &c. Then by Rule 1, A, a", as in Rule mb A 2d. Alfo B = = mba M-I as in Rule 2d. a McA m Likewife C + a 24 m 7712-2 mbba > as in Rule 2d. bB = mca 7-I + 2 Again 1 154 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. 2m Again D = m-i = mda + M-2 mca + m 2 mdA + a 2m I 3 I за X mcba mb ba™-3 I.CB 772-2 + + M-I m 2 ЂС 3 = mda + × mbcam-2 + m за 2 b x m-2 2m I 3 am~3 + m + 3 m 2 63. 2 3 m I 77-2 m-I + m. zbca + 2 m I m 2 = mda 2 fo for the rest. 3 123 ¿³am-3, as in Rule 2d, and In ufing this laft rule, it will be the eaſieſt way to divide all by the firft term, that a may be 1. Ex. 8. What is the fourth power of 1 + x + x² + x³ &c. Here z = 1, a = 1, b = 1, c = 1, I, &c. d = I, 4 m = 4. Then I + + x² + x³ &c.]+ = 1 + 4bx+ 6b²x² + 4b³x³ + b²x4 &c. + 46 +12bc + 12bbc + 4d + 6cc +12bd +4e = 1 + 4x + 10x² + 20x³ + 35x4 &c. Ex. 9. What is the Square of I X + + XX I I X X X = 1, &c. m 2. In this Example, z= c = 1, d d = 1, I X3 I + &c. X4 a = 1, b = 1, b=1, Then Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 155 I 1 Then + + &c. | I = X: X XX I X3 I XX I I X XX +2c I = X: 1+ + XX 3 + 26 × — + bb × 1 + 2bc × 1 + 2bd× — &c. 2/8 3 XX + 2d + 4 263 + X3 + cc + 2e 5 1 &c. == X4 XX 2 3 4 + + X3 + + &c. X5 200 Ex. 10. To Square the feries y —y³ +ys —y7 + &c. Here zy, a = 1, b = 0, c = e = 1, ƒ = 0, g-1 &c. and m = 2. = y — y³ + ys &c.]² I + ox - 20x2 +0x5 &c. 28 = y² × : Ox³ + ccx4 + 2e 1, d= o, d=0, Whence 2cex &c. = y² X: 1 — 2y² + 334 — 476 =y? — 2y+ + 336-438 &c. Or thus, z = y, x = yy, a = 1, b = − 1, c = 1, d= — 1, &c. and m = 2. Then y-y+ys &c." = yy x. 2 1 + 2bx+bbx² + 2bcx³ + 2bdx4 &c. + 20 + 2d + ce + 3c x: = y² × : 1 — 2y² + 3y4 — 4y6 + 5µ³ &c. = y² — 2y+ + 3y6 — 43·8 +570 &c. Ex. 156 B. I, INFINITE SERIES. Ex. II. What is the fquare root of rr-zz + Z8 + &c. 3156 226 3r2 45% + 70100 Here z = 1, x = zz, a = rr, b = −1, c = =3 3r² -2 I d = e = > &c. and m 4524 31576. 2 112 2 I &c. Then rr I M 2 I m 3 4 3 2 4 Z+ N I L ZZ + &c. =r+ X ४ 3rr 2 r I I ZZ Z4 x² + x² &c. =r. &c. 873 6r3 ?r + 24r3 Rather thus, The quantity reduced is rr x: 1- ZZ Z4 + rr зна 226 4520 &c. Here z = rr, a = 1, b I == rr 2 d = 2 &c. Whence 324 rr Zz+ 24 45%G &c.]² Ι HIN 2 X rx : I 3rr 2rr I I x² x3 82+ подой x³ &c. =rX : I X 2rr I I 1 + + + + I x² 1276 x³ + 247+ 72026 &c. 4520 ZZ ལྟུ¢ zo f + &c. 1.27 ENA Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 15 Ex. 12. What is the Square root of I ZZ Z4 + 2 Z6 ૮૪ + &c. 8 доб 4rr 674 The quantity reduced is I I X rr ZZ Z+ I + &c. 2rr 424 бро I I Where z = x = ZZ, a = 1, b = rr 2rr I -I C = d = 676 &c. and m 2 3 M-2 5 M-3 7 2 > 3 4 100 &c. I And X.: ZZ rr + &c. 2 4rr X I + + 322 + 5218 &c. 4rr 3274 12876 1 3 Ext 327° I - + 1275 I X + I IX3 + &c. 473 3275 38427 SCHOLIU M. From this problem the powers of a compound quantity are deduced as follows, which will be ſerviceable upon particular occafions. If 58 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. If y = A+B+C+D &c. Then y=A+B+C+D+E+F+G+ H ²=A²+2AB+2AC+2AD+2AE+2AF+2AG+2AH &c. + BB +2BC+2BD÷2BE÷2BF + 2BG + CC+2CD +2CE +2CF +DD + 2DE ¿ƒ³—A³+3A²B+3A²C+3A²D+3A²E+3A²F+3AAG &c. +3ABB+6ABC+6ABD+6ABE+6ABF + B³ +3ACC+6ACD+6ACE +3BBC +3BBD +6BCD +3BCC +3ADD +3BBE + C³ ƒª—Aª+4A³B+6A²R² + 4AB³ + 6A²C² + 4B³C &c. +4A³C +12A2BC+12AB2C+12ABC2 + 4A³D +12A²BD+12AB²D + 4A³E +12A CD + B4 +12A2BE +4A³F y5=A³+5A4B÷10A³В²+10²³ + 5AB÷ + B³ &c. + 5A4C +20A3BC +30A2B2C+20AB³C + 5A4D +20A³BD+30A2BC² +10A³CC+30A2B2D +5A4E +20A³CD +20A³BE +5A4F ➡A6+6A5B+15A4B2+20A³B³ + 15A²B+ &c. + 6A°C +30A+BC +60A3B2C + 6A³D +30A4BD 3 +15A4CC + бASE 7=A7+7A°B+21A5B2+35 A+B³ + 35A³B4 &c. +7A°C +42A5BC +105A4B2C + 7A´D + 42A BD 42A³BD + 21A5CC + 7 A°E y³—A®+8A?B÷28A°B²+56A³B³ + 70A+B+ &c. +8A7C +56A 6BC+168A5B2C +8A'D + 56A6BD + 28A6CC + 8A7E y⁹A Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 159 yº≈A⁹+9A³B+36A7B²+84A6B³ +126AB4 &c. + 9A°C +72A7BC+252A6B2C + 9A³D + 72A7BD 3 + 36A7CC + 8A8E ¸¹º—A¹º+10A9B +45 A° B²+120A7B³ +210A°B4 &c. +10A°C +90A8BC +360A7B¹C &c. + 10A⁹D + 90A³BD +45A°CC + 10A9E In making uſe of any of thefe forms, the terms of the given feries muſt be ranged in or- der (Prob. xlviii.), and the whole terms thereof fubftituted one by one, in the room of the quan tities A, B, C, D, &c. (Prob. xlix). Ex. I. Let a + bx + cx² + dx² + ex4 &c. be cubed. A+B+C+D + E &c. = a + bx + cx² + dx³ + ext &c. that is Aa, B = bx, &c. Then (y³) A³ + 3A²B + 3A²C &c. +3AB2 @³ + 3aabx + 3aacx² + zaadx³ + 3aaex+ &c. +zabbx² + 6abcx³ + 6abdx4 + b³ x³ +3accx4 +36bcx4 Ex. 2. What is the fourth power of 2 ༣༩ + P 2cd + + + A + B + C + D A+ 2 X P M 2cd Then 160 B: I: INFINITE SERIES: 4 Then y*—*—4³ 2+6xxx — — 4x × y=x 443 X 12 &c= X XX + 4x³ x 1 -I2XXX 20 X3 x 2cd X5 4 8x²+24+4P 1 32 +240 + 8cd Ex. 3. 5 XX II 2 &c. Involve 2x + 3x² — 4x² + 5x2 - 6x &c. to the 5th power. 5x² A + B + C + D + E &c. = 2x² + 3x½ — 4x² + 5x2 — 6x²² &c. y³ = 32x² + 80xª × 3x² + 80x³ × 9x¹2 +80x + × 4x 7 = y. = y. i z 160x X.12x 2 + 80x± × 5x2 &c. II 80xª × 6x³½³ &c. = 32x + 240x² + 720x™½ 1920x½-480x¹ &c. that is 3 420x¹³½ &c. js = 32x² + 240x2. -320x² + 720x Orys = 32x² + 240x² I S 2 + 400x 2 320x LI &c. 一+ 1920x125 480x15 320x² + 1120x 13 2400x &c. Here I omit all theſe terms, where I ſee the index of x exceeds 15. 2 Or A Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 161 Or thus, A+B+ C + D + E + F &c, 7 ร II 2 = 2x²+0+ 3x² —4x² + 5x² — 6x²² &c. then ys = 32x² + 0 + 80x1 4 7 2 80xª × 4x² + 80xª × 9x — 160x* × 12x2 4 + 80x 2 × 5x2 I I 2 X 80x1 × 6x2 — 32x² + 240x² — 320x + 1120x³-2400x &c. } Ex. 4. If y = 1 + x³ — 2x, what is y³. A+B+C+D+E+ F &c. = 1 2x + x³ + 0 + o &c. I ys—1—16x+28×4x²-56×8x³ +70×16x4 &c. + 8x³-56×2x++ 168 X 4xs × + 28x6 = I 16x + 112x² + 8x3 448x³ + 1120x4 &c. 112x4 + 672x5 =116x + 112x²+ 8x3 112X4 &c. that is, + 28x6 448x3 + 1120x4 3 y81-16x+112x²-440x³- 1008x4 &c. This is fuppofing x to be very fmall; but when x is very great, then x muft begin the feries; Thus, A + B + C + D + E + F &c. 2x + I + o &c. Then µ³ = x²4+0—8x21x2x + 8x¹¹×1+28x¹³×4xx or y³ = x²4 — 16x²² + 8x²¹ + 112x20 &c. M PRO- 162 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. PROBLEM LX. To abridge an infinite feries, or denote it in a short manner for working. When a feries confifts of terms very much com- pounded, or having a great many factors; it is very laborious to reduce them into numbers. And when feveral factors in any term are contained in the fucceeding terms; the work may be fhortened, by making ufe of the preceding term or fome part of it, inſtead of ſuch factors as are equivalent to it, in the following terms; as follows. I RULE. Put A, B, C, D, &c. for the firſt, ſecond, third, fourth, &c. terms of the given feries. Then to get the coefficients thereof, divide every term by the preceding one, gives the coefficient of that term. Whence you will have a new feries. equal to the former, and fhorter defignated. ZZ 24a Ex. 1. A B C D E 23 325 If z+ 242 Z3 + Then x) (= 2a2 :+3.5.729 &c=Ÿ. +3.527 2.4a4 2.4.626 B - coefficient of B = A Α' 23 325 322 C coefficient of C= 2a* 2.4a44a2 B 325 ) 3.527 2.4a4) 2.4.6a° | 6a² Hence the feries א x + ZZ 24A 522 coefficient of D- 010 › &c. becomes 322 A + 4aa 522 B + C+ 723 D&c. y 6aa Saa Ex. Seft. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 163 Suppoſe 1 + + 2 Ex. 2. v2 1.3.5 23 V4 + + + 507-9 1.3 3.5.7 05 &c. = y. 79.11 B Here A 야 v D 3 B 5 E 30 F 50 &c. 2 D 9 E Then the feries is, II || ข I + A + B + • c + 30 D + 3 5 7 9 50 5° E + 7ལ 72 F &c. = y. II 13 Ex. 3. 322 52·3 7x+ Let x &c. 1.2 be given. -5x3 x ) = 3 +127 3.4) -7x4 ) 5.5.6 And the feries is X 3 A + 3.3.4 2 -3x -3x² 1.2 1.2 ) -5x3 ( 5x 3.3.4 ( 7x &c. | -3x12 2 ) 5303 ( 2.3.4\3.4 5x B + 5.5.6 7x C &c. Or thus, 5 "5x3 -7x+ 2.3.4) (5.6 M 2 &c. And 7 V 164 B. I. INFINITE SERIES: And the ſeries = x - 3* A + ૬× B + 5 2 3.4 Where A, B, C, with their figns. ४ 5.6 C &c. &c, are the foregoing terms Ex. 4. bz³ 3 bzs bz7 Suppose bz 2.3aa 5.2.4a4 bz9 &c. d. Then bz) -bz3 -ZZ coefficient of B, 2.3aa2.3aa -bz3 -bzs ZZZ ) 2.3aa / 5.2.4a4 \ 4.5aa 2.3aa) 5.2.4a+( -625 5.2.4a4 ) (6.7aa • And the feries is coefficient of C, -bz7 522 coef. of D, &c. ZZ 32 bz A + B + 522 C 2.3aa 4.5aa 6.7a2 + 7zz D &c. 8.9aa 2 RUL E. If there be fome fingle factor or factors, which are not in all the terms; fet them afide at preſent. Then put A, B, C, D, &c. for the remaining terms; and proceed as before. And at laſt re- ftore theſe ſingle factors into their proper terms. Ex. Sect, VI. INFINITE SERIES. 165 $ Ex. 5. 3x² 5x³ 7x4 If x 1.2,5.6 &c. y. = 9x5 Here the factors 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. are not in all the terms, and being left out, the feries is x² X3 * 1.2 X4 &c. X abridged to x- 1.2 X x 5.6 7.8 &c. and the factors restored, the feries becomes X 3.4 A + B+ C+ D X * AX 3+ X X BX 5 + 1.2 3.4 5.6 Cx7+ 50 D x 9 &c. y. = 7.8 Where A, B, C, &c. are the ſeveral terms with their proper figns; without the numbers, 3, 5, 7, &c. Ex. 6. If bz- bz3 bzs bz7 + 3.2aa 5.2.4a4 + bz9 &c. = y. Then the factors 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. not being common to all the terms, are left out, and the feries is bz3 bzs bzi bz + &c. 24a 2.484 2.4.6a ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ Бать A B 24A 4aa C- баа D &c. 8aa M 3 And 166 INFINITE SERIES. B. I. And restoring the numbers, the feries will then be ZZ ZZ ZZ A B C D bz 2aa 400 6aa 8aa I 3 5 7 9 &c. = y. Where A, B, C, &c. are the fore- going numerators, with their proper figns. Ex. 7. There is given 32 curtailed, -- x or ſhortened, x— + 2 2.4 compleat, x- AX 0x3 bxs + 5.2.4 X3 x+5 CX7 dx9 + &c. XX XX A B X7 + 2.4.6 XX C X9 &c. XX D &c, 2 4 6 8 XX a XX BX 2 3 4 015 b XX с XX CX 6 7 8 DX &c. 9. Where A, B, C, &c. are the foregoing terms, exclufive of the following quantities. Cor. 1. If the first term of any transformed feries be multiplied by any number or quantity; the whole feries is multiplied thereby. For the first term is vir- tually contained in all the following terms. This is made plain by Ex. 4. Cor. 2. In like manner A, B, C may be made to stand only for the coefficients, or otherwife, as any one pleaſes. PRO. Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 167 PROBLEM LXI. To find the finite value of an infinite feries, or what furd it is involved from. RULE. Divide all the terms by the firft; then the first term will be 1. Then compare three terms of this feries with three terms of the feries Rule 2, Prob. lix. each with each, fuppofing a to be 1, and c, &c. o; which two equations will find the in- dex, and the fecond term, if it is a binomial. If this does not fucceed, compare four terms with four, for a trinomial; or five terms with five, for a quadrinomial; making do, or eo, &c. Ex. 1. Suppose this feries I - ༧* Compare this with... 1+mbx +m= y + + &c. a aa Q3 Q$ m I bbx². 2 Then mbx = 2, and and m . m I yy bbxx · * 2 aa m I and dividing the laft by the first, bxx = y 2 a 777 I mbx; therefore =m, and 2m = m I, 2 bx = y a } whence m = -1. Therefore mbx = - or bx. Whence the index is -1, and a the ſecond term of the binomial (if it is one) is Y. And the binomial 1 + y ajo a that is a + y I or > a I + y a the root required; which fucceeds. M 4 Ex. 168 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. Ex. 2. Suppoſe a + xx x6 + &c. 24 8a3 1645 XX X4 Reduced ax: 1+ &c. 200 8a+ I Rule 1 + mbx+ m. bbxx. 2 XX m I Here mbx = and m 24 bbxx 2aa 2 8a4 112 XX and by divifion, bx = Then 2 4aa xx = mbx × 200 = - ท I 2aa 4aa X bx; whence 2 I mm 1, and 2m I, or m= the index. 2 I And mbx = bx = 2 XX 200 XX or bx = the fe- aa 94 XX cond term. And the furd is a × 1 + or aa aa + xx√ž. Radikal Ex. 3. Let x/8 5aa /8 75a4 8x 512x3 7/8-&c. be given. 4 Rule ting bx=y. Here my = -5aa 8.xx' m and m. I -75a4 -yy= 2 512x and Reduced /8x: 1- I + my + m. -y', put- 5aa 75a+ &c. 8xx 512x4 m I 2 Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 169 and by dividing 5aa Iy 15aa then y 3 m y = ; 2 64xx 15aa T and m 4 X m 8xxm 32xx.m I -4m + 4 = 3m, and 7m 4, whence m = -5aa index. Alfo y = 8mxx 5aa 32 XX 7 2 or 4 the 7 35aa 32xx the ſecond term. And the binomial furd is 4 * 8 × 1 35aa 32xx + Ex. 4. Let the feries až - y 4a 5y² + + _5y3 + 35%* 96a2 384a 2 &c. be proposed. 18432at This example reſolved like the foregoing, gives 3 m and y for the fecond term of the 2 ба Mic binomial. But až × 1 + y alı does not produce 6a the given feries. Whence we may conclude it has not a binomial root. For a trinomial root; for brevity's fake put 1, z, v for a, bx, cxx in the Rule, Prob. Îix. which rule then becomes 1 +z+ulm = m I m 2 3 I + m² + m. zz + m. 2 2 3 m I + of- Mv + m 22V 2 and 170 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. 플 2 and a y 512 5y3 X I + aigh is the 4@ given feries reduced. equations, mz= and m. 9&aa 384a³ Then we have theſe three zz + mv -y m I m 4a 2 m m 2 m 23 +m 2 3 2 5yy 96aa > 533 .22V= 384a³ Divide the third by the firſt, and there comes out M - I m I m 2 zz+m 2 3 m 2 zz + 2m 3 ZZ + 2m the fecond, and we have m. -5yy I.V= ; add this to 96aa m I m τ zz + 2 2 m 4112 - 2 X 2 3 1.v=o, or I.V=0. And fquaring the firft, yy MMZZ = and yy =16mmzz. Alfo 16aa' aa 5yy m I 5 ตบ m. ZZ = × 16mmzz 96aa 2 96 913 - I • ZZ. And v = 5 71 - I MZZ ZZ = 2 6 2 2m + 3 6 712 I ZZ. Therefore 4m 2 ZZ of 2 3 122 I 2m - I.V • 2m - 1.22 + 2m 3 2m + 3 6 2m−2+2m+3 22=0; or 6 ×2M —1=0, 4m + I that is 6 X 2m 2 113 Z V 4am I 4 O, Which =0, and 4m + 1 x equation has two roots. I I and m = If m = then > 2 2 4 y and v = 2112 ++3 ZZ 6 Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 171 X 6 aa 5yy 12aa 3 فولو And the furd root is a X ax -1 y 5yy I + + which involved produces a 12aa four terms of the feries but not the laft. I And if m= Then z = 7 世, 2 4am 24 2m and v = 3 yy yy ZZ = Х And 6 4aa 6aa 46 I then the furd is a X: I y yy +. 2 which 2a 6aa involved, produces all the terms of the given fee ries; and therefore is the root required. PROBLEM LXII. To revert an infinite feries; or to find the root of fuch a feries. IRUL E. If the ſeries confifts of all the powers of z, as Az + Bz² + Cz³ + Dz4 + Ez³ &c. y; then ſubſtitute the values of the coefficients, A, B, C, D, &c. into the following form, for the root. + + + B 2 BB — AC z= y ·y² + y³ A³ As A7 5 ABC — A¹D — 5B³ 14B4-21 ABC + 6A BD + 3A°C² — A³E y+ A⁹ -42Bs84ABC-28A2B2D28A2B2C A" + 7A³BE + 7A³DC A4F ys yo &c. This rule often diverges when y is great. See another Rule, Prob. XCIII. For 172 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. For put zay + by²+cy3 + dy4 &c. Then ZZ aay² + 2aby³ + bby+ &c. +2ac a³y³ + 3a²bу4 &c. a4y4 &c. Whence Aay + Aby² + Acy + Ady4 &c. Ba²y² + 2Baby³ + Bbby &c. 23 24 &c. Az + B2² = + Cz³ + Dz₁ = &c. + 2 Bac Ca³y³ + 3Ca²by* &c Da4y4 &c. and a = Then making the homologous powers equal, Aay=y, I -B A' A・ And Ab + Ba² = 0, or b = Α' 2BB-AC Likewife Ac + 2Bab + Ca³=0, and c In like manner Ad+Bbb+2Bac+3Ca²b+Da+=0, 5ABC — A³D — 5B³ whence d = ; and fo on. As A? 7 1 Ex. 1. Suppoſe xxx + x³ — x4 + x³ &c. =y, to find the value of x in terms of y. Here z=x, A=1, B=-1, C=1, D=-1, &c. B=—1, D=—1, I 2 — ] Whence x =+²+ -33 + I I &c. = y + y²+y³ + y4 + ys &c. XX Ex. 2. -5+1+54 I Let x = x + x + x² + + + + z 2 find x in a fries of ≈. 3 4 Here, yz, A = 1, B = y* &c. to 5 I I C= 2 3 D= Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 173 I I D= E = &c. and x = I z + 4 I 2 I I I I I 5 X 5 X + 2 I 3 4 +100 23 + 24 &c. I I I I I x² + 24 + zs &c. 2 24 120 2:3 22 1 + 2.3 Z A 2 ZZ I. 2 that is, x = x where A, B, C, with their figns. &c. are the foregoing terms, 24 25 + &c. 2.3.4 Z Z Z B- В C - D &c. 3 4 5 &c. c, to find a. Ex. 3. aa 04 аб Suppoſe r + 21 24r3 720rs as + 4032017 Put rcv. Then aa a4 25 + 27 a8 2473 720rs 40320r7 & &c. = v. Here aa, y = v, I A = 1/12 B = -I 2r 2423 &c. Whence C = _L 720rs' I -I D = 4032017 I I -I 3 24r ġa = 2rv vv t I 28826 1440r6 I v³ &c. 823 32rs 4 I = 2ro + vv + 3 45r jj³ f 35r2 v4 &c. And V extracting the root, a√2rv X: 1 + + 127 302 503 + 16orr 896r³ + &c. 2 RULE. 174 B. I. INFINITE SERIES, 2 RULE. If the ſeries confifts of the odd powers of 2, as Az + B2³ + Cz³ + Dz' &c. y. Subftitute the values of the coefficients A, B, C, &c. into the following form; which will give the root. 2 = B A A+Y³ + A4 8ABCA'D — 12B³ 3BB AC A' ·ys + A 10 دو } 55B4-55AB²C +10A2BD + 5A¹C²—A³E + &c. A¹ 13 For put zay + by³ + cys + dyr &c. || || Then z³ = a³y³ + 3a²bу³ + 3a²cy¹ 25 + zabb asys + 5a+bу7 a7y7 ورو Aay + Abys+ Acys + Ady &c. + Ba³y³ + 3Ba³bys + 3Ba²cy" Z7 27 = &c. And Az + Bz³ = + Czs= + D2 = + 3Babb + Dały, + Casys + 5Ca+by7 Then equating the coefficients of like terms; Aa≈1, Ab + Ba³ = 0, Ac + 3Ba²b + Cas = 0, Ad+3Ba²c+3Babb+5€a+b+Da¹o, &c. whence I a = b == A c = 3BR- AC A¹ " Ba3 d = A B : Likewife A4° 8 ABC — A¹D→ 12B³ 1. &c. A 10 Ex. Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 175 Ex. 4. Q3 as Let a 07 + 2.3dd +&c. y; to find a. Hereza, y = y, A = 1, = 1, B = — I 2.3da' I C= 2•3•4•5d4 > D = I I y,7do Whence a =ý + 2.3dd33 + I > &c. I 3.1d+ I I xys + 1 +°° + Xyl 2.3.3do &c. = y + I 3 yз + 2.3dd 2.4.5d+ ys + 3.5 }?'s + &c. Ex. 5. Suppoſe y + уз 335 3.5y + 2.3dd 2.4.5d4 + &c. = a, io find y. + Here≈y, ya, A = 1, B = I C=_3 2.3dd 2.4.5d+ D- 3.5 &c. Then y = A I a³ + 2.3dd 1 3 xas + 5 I 2.2.3d+ 2.4.5d+ X 2.5 2.3.3 a7 I &c. = a 3 I +i as 2.3dd I a7 + &c. € Exì 176 B. I. INFINITE SERIES: ! Ex. 6. Given bz bx³ bzs bz7 bz9 6ag 4044 d 11 &c. =d, to find z. Dividing by b, z- n. Then = n. Then yn, A = 1, B = 33бa 3456a8 Z3 25 27 6ea 40a4 336a6 &c. I ? 6aa C = I I D = 40a4 336a6 &c. then will n3 I I z = n + + + x ns + 6aa 8 I 12 + + 6.40 336 6.6.6 1244 ከ7 40a4 X + &c. = n + N3 26 бай 13 463 + ns + n² + &c. 12044 840 3 RULE. m When the feries confifts of any powers of z de- noted by m and n, as Az" + Bzm+n+ Czm+2n + Dzm+3″ + Ezm+4″ &c. =y. Then ſubſti- tute the values of the coefficients, A B, C, &c, into this form, for the root or value of z. Put v = नांद Then 1+ 1 22 + I B V m མ mA m + I + 2n.BB 2mm AA - 2 MAC 1+218 抛 " 2mm Sect. VI. 177 INFINITE SERIES. 2mm +9mn + 9nn` + 3m + 6n + 1 B³ 1+372 m 6m³ A³ 3 m + 3n+ I + BC mm A² Ꭰ MA &c. 1+n i+an m m + co ข = 1+ 332 i do m + &c. 1 For put z vm + bo Then dividing the given feries by A, we have B C m z" + m + n m + 2n y + &c. = V. A A A AK OKAK א Z m Whence by involution, = v + mbv m + n m + n zm+zn 312 = 11 PA C A X m+3 = &c, m+ 2n in 772 + mcv &c. 111 I +m. bb 2 m + n m + zn =vi m m V +m+n.bv &c. m+ 2n m V &c. Then equating the coefficients, mb + And mc + m -B b= MA = o, and c = B A =0, and O, m I bB C bb +m+n. 2 A + A &c. 2m² A² N Note, m + 1 + 2n.BB — 2mAC 178 B. I INFINITE SERIES. Note, in all theſe rules, I have only purfued theſe ſeries to a few terms; to have gone farther would have taken up too much room: but the method is vifible. Ex. 7. Suppoſe 1xx + 3׳ + 1x4 + 3x5 &c. =y. Here zx, v = 2y, 工 A, B = 1, C = 1/2 D, &c. and m 2, n = 1. m2, Whence x = vž I I vž 5BB — 4AC v² + vž &c. = v ***IN 3 I V + 2-18 3 3 + 270 8AA I v² &c. Ex. 8. 24 аб Let x + + &c. =y=v. 2X 6x3 24x5 aa Here ≈ = x, m = 1, n = — 2, A = 1, B = 2 c = /% 04 аб D = &c. and x = y + y} aa 24 2 -2BB 2 AC aa + y³ &c. = y + 5a4 2A2 2y 1233 586 + &c. 83.5 12/ I I Ex. 9. I 16 X 8 Let x" — — — — — — *-** 2 &c. z, to find x. In this Ex. z=x, v = 2, m == I = I 16 - 2 22 == 1, A=1, 1 16 E E = 5 B = 1, C, D = 128 2 &c. Whence Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 179 Whence x -2 Z -4 2BB+C -6 + Z t 2 I 14 14B³ + 14BC + 2D × 2-8 &c. that is I x = ZZ 1 I I + &c. Z4 Z6 28 Cor. 1. If you would find any power of y; find y in a ſeries of z, and then involve that feries to the power required, or elſe put s = y; then find s (yr) from juch a jeries as this, m r As + Bs by the last rule. m+n m+2n r + Cs z &c. =y, Cor. 2. The reverted feries is of the fame form as the given feries; for otherwife they are not convertible into one another. PROBLEM. LXIII. To extract the root of a feries containing all the powers of two letters. I RU RULE. If the feries confifts of all the fingle powers of z and y, as az+bz² + cz³ +dz+ &c. =gy+by² +jy3+ ky4 &c. fubftitute the values of the coefficients in the following form, for the root. b- bA² j — 2b AB — cA³ -26AB-CA³ y² + a — 2bAC-3cA2B dA4 A y4 y³ 7—2bBC bAD-3cAB'—3c A¹C-4dA³B ༧ z = &y + a a k— bB² + + -eAs ys m-2bBD-bC²-2bAE-cB³-6cABC- + a a 3 c A²D—6d A²B²-4d A³C—5€ A4B —ƒA6 N 2 ys &c. Where 180 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. Where A, B, C, &c. are the coefficients of the firſt, ſecond, third, &c. terms. Let ≈ Ay + By² + Cy³ + Dy &c. Then azaAyaBy² + aCy³ + aDy4 &c. +bA²ð² +2bABy³ + bBBy4 + 26AC + bz² = 3 + cz³- +dxt = &c. + CA³y³ + 3cA2By+ + dA+y+ =gy + by² + jy³ + ky4 &c, And equating the coefficients, aA = g, and A = 2 Alfo aВ+bA² = b, and B = b-bAA a g ~ a Alfo aC + 2bAB + cA³ =j, and C —j—2bAB—cA³ a Again aD+bB+2bAC+3cA2B+dA+k, and k— bВ² — 2bAC 3cA2BdA4 D= Co &c. Let x 1 2 + 216 Ex. 1. X4 &c. = 24 I اد 2 Y po I I — y² + y² + y² &c. to find x. 3 Here z d=- I I — — 5 x, y = y, a = 1, b = — 24&c. and g = k = = —, &c. > 2 る= 3 I I j 4 The } 2 Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 181 Then HIM II I + x = + 2 ** 2 1 3 II I 8 y+ y² + 24 y² + 100 + 4 48 48 y³ &c. or I II 1381 y³ + yu &c. 24 2880 Ex. 2. Suppoſe z + 2:3 325 + + 527 6dd 40d4 112d6 &c.ny+ ny3 6dd + of 3nys 5 5ny7 40d+ + 112d6 &c. to find z. Whence 22 n I 6dd Comparing this with the rule, and we have d=0,e= 3 ƒ=0,&c. I a = 1, b = 0, c = 6dd n → k = 0,1 = 6dd g = n, b = 0, j = z= ·y + oy² + 40d4 зи 40d4 m = 0, &c. > A³ 6dd xys + Oy4 + 3n AAC 3As 40d+ 2dd 40d+ Xys &c. where B, D, &c. N n3 =o; that is z=ny + 3n n3 + 40d4 12d4 120ďt 9n Ion³ + n³ 120d+ 225 y³ + × y³ &c. =ny + n I y³ = ny + 1/2 x = = 6dd I X 6dd n n³ -y³ + 6dd nn n n³ ·№3 + 6dd 9 nn X ys &c. 20dd I Or z = ny + nn 2.3dd where A, B, &c. are the foregoing terms. N 3 yy A+ 9 nn 4.5dd yyB &c. 2 RULE. 3 182 B. I. INFINITE SERIES, 2 RUL E. In two feries confifting of the powers and pro- ducts of z and y; as az+bz²+cz³+dz4 &c. +fy+gzy+bz²y+jz³y &c. +ly²+my²z+ny²z² &c. +py³+qy³z &c. +sy4 &c. = 0. Then fubftitute the values of the coefficients, into the following form; f y a l+gA+b A² a ·y² 2bAB +¢A³ + p + gB + mA + hA² -y³ a 2bAC+bBB+3cA²B+dA++s+gC+mB+qA а + 2bAB + nA² +jA³ y+ &c. Where A, B, C, &c. are the coefficients of the firft, fecond, third, &c. terms. For put z Ay + By² + Cy³ + Dy4 &c. az + bzz + cz³ + fy + ly² + py³ +gyz + my²z 11 || || || Then aAy + aBy² + eСy³ &c. 1 bA²y²+2bA Bу³ 3 3 cA³y³ fy + Zy² o. + pys +gAy² + gBy³ + mAy³ + byz² &c. + bA²y³ Then equating the coefficients, aA +ƒ=0, aB+ ¿A²+1+gA=ò, &c. whence A =— B = bA²+1+gA C= a +bA² &c. f a 2bAB+cA³+p+gB+mA a Ex. Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 183 Ex. 3. I I I Suppoſe 2y + ——y³ + 12 + x²y² = 0; to find y. 2 Here zy, y = x, a = 2, c = xx + xy - 3 xyy 8 I I , f = 2 I 2 n=1; b, d, j, m, P, q, s = 0. 3 g= 1, b = 1 = , 8 4 Therefore I 2 72 A³ +B-3AA 8 y 4 2 2 I x4 &c. = + x 4 I 212 4 J = = = = = = = + A A¹B+C¬AB÷A² 173 768 2 43 x³ + x4 &c. 384 PROBLEM LXIV. To extract the root of an adfected equation, by a feries. I RULE. t +D++' If the equation confifts of terms which contain the powers of x and y; and you want the value of y, in a ſeries of x. Make the equation = o, and affume an indetermined feries for the root, asy Ax" + Bx"+" + Сx"++ Dxn+ &c. where- in the indices n + r, n + s, &c. continually increaſe if x be very fmall; but they decreaſe if x be great; the first is an afcending feries, and the latter a defcending one. By this means the feries will converge; every following term growing ftill lefs, till they vanish or become of no moment. For y and its powers in the given equation, fub- ftitute the first term Ax" and its powers. Then to determine n, put the two leaft indices equal to N 4 each 184 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. each other, for an afcending feries; or the two greateft, for a defcending one. And if it ap- pears not at first fight, which is the two leaft, or two greatest; it will be known, by comparing every two of the indexes. Then to determine r, s, t, &c. fubftitute its va- lue for n, in all theſe indices, and having taken the leaft for an afcending feries, or the greateſt for a defcending one; fubtract it from each of the reft. Then take theſe remainders, and add them to themſelves and to one another, all poffible ways; and theſe remainders, and the fums refulting, taken in order, will be the values of r, s, t, &c. which will be affirmative, in an afcending feries; but negative in a deſcending one. Then put theſe values in the feries, Ax² + Bx”+” + Cx²+2r &c. n Then to find the coefficients A, B, C, D, &c. fubftitute the laft feries for the powers of y, in the equation; and put the coefficient of each pow- er of x, fucceffively o; and A, B, C, &c. will be gradually found from thefe equations. Let a*x²-a^xy + x Ex. I. = ay³, to find y. By reduction a4x² — a¹xy + x6 — ays = 0. ayo. Put y = Ax” + Bx²+r + Cx²+s + Dxn+ &c. ſub- ftitute Axn for y, in the equation, and we have aˆx² — aªÂƒ²+¹ + x³ — @ŧ×5” — o. Then equa- ting the indices, 212, for the leaft, or 526 for the greateſt indices. 4 12 a A sxs n For an afcending feries. # Here +2, and 1. Then the indices 2, n† 1, 6, 51, become 2, 2, 6, 5. Subtract 2 from Sect. VI. 18.5 INFINITE SERIES. from the reſt, and you have 3, 4; out of which is compoſed this feries 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, &c. for the values of r, s, t, &c. whence the form of the feries will be y≈ Ax + Bx² + Cx5 + Dx² + Ex³ &c. This feries fubftituted for y in the given equation, will be as follows: a²x² = a²x² +x6 = -a4xy = xo a4 Ax² a4Bx5 a4Cx6 a4Dx8 &c. * * + 208 -ays O || | || a Asxs ·5a A4Вx³ &c. O Then equating the homologous terms a4-a4A=0, and A1. Alſo—a4В'—a A³ = 0, i Alfo-a4B-aAso, and B = I аз 5 Again, 24C + 1 = 0, and C = - a4D5aA4Bo. Likewife D = + quired is 2. Whence -As I a3 a4° &c. Then the feries or root re- X4 y = x + a3 218. X5 + 5x7 &c. For a defcending feries. Here 576, the greateſt indices, and n = 1, and fubftituting this value of n, the indices 2, n + 1, 6, 5n become 2, 23, 6, 6, and the re- mainders 4 3 +/-, -4; and r, s, t, &c. will be 4, 7, -8, &c. and the feries 3 Ax's + B✩ 23 becomes y = Ax 2. + Cx-23 + Dx-6323 &c. which fubftituted in the given equation, will be 186 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. a4x² * * + 2343² a4xy 04 Ax -13 a4 Bx +xo = + x6 &c. — @µ³ — — aA³ x6 — 5aA+Bx² - 5aA+Cx² — 5aAª¹Dx˜¯ ay5 = = 0. * 10ª A³B² &c. Then equating the coefficients of like terms, I-a Aso, and A = 5aA4B=0, and B = - 3 I aš 33 3 Likewife-a & A -- ša³¹³, alſo e4—5@A¹C=0, 5 and Ca³. Alſo — aªB — = = o, and D = root is - a4B -5aA&D — 10a A³B² 73 &c. 2250 Whence the 1 풍 3 a a a73 y + &c. 3 2 a 5x 25x 5x23 If you put n + 16, the indices will be 2, 6, 6, 25; but 6 is neither the greateſt nor the leaft, therefore this fucceeds not. 2; If you put 52 = 2, the indices will be 2, 12, 6, but here alſo 2 is neither the greateſt nor the leaft. Therefore this will not fucceed. If we put n + 1 = 52, the indices will be 2, 14, 6, 14; and 1 being the leaft, this will do for an afcending feries; and the form of it will be + Dx²² &c. y = Ax Ax² + Bx + Cx I 2 Ex. 2. Let a3x + 2x3 = Putting Ax for y, the equation becomes a³x ax³- @³ Ax" + a a³y — y4 = 0, be propofed. n A 4x4 = 0. 0. Then put n = I for Sect VI. 187 INFINITE SERIES. for the leaft indexes, then the indexes become 1, 3, 1, 4; and the differences 2, 3; and r, s, t, &c. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. and the feries Ax+Bx³ + Cx4 + Dxs &c. y. Whence a³× = a³x x +ax³ = + ax³ — a³y — — a³Ax—a³Bx³—a³Cx+—a³Dx5 —— a³ Ex˜ = &c. - •y4 a4x4 -4a³Bx6 &c. Then equating the coefficients, a³A a³, and Ar. In like manner B = C= I aa &c, and the root is D0, E = 4 Q5 y=x+ X3 I I 4 аз 4x6 &c. as I a3 3 aa Otherwise for a defcending feries: 3 Put 34, then n, and the indices are 1, 3, 2, 3; and the differences -2, -2, and ", s, t, &c. = 2, 3 4 y= Ax+ Bx Whence a³x * 2, 4, 41, &c. and - 11/ + C x = 1 ½ + Dx-3 &c. + a³x * * a³ Ax +ax³ = ax³ a³y = −y+ —— A¹µ³ — 4A³Bx — 4A³Cx* 4A³Dx 6A2B2 Then by equating the coefficients, A4 = a, and I A = a; alfo B = D = 12 11 2호 a a C = 4 I &c. 32 327 за And 188 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. And y = at x = + a 21 4 зада a 2-13 4 x-34 &c. 32 Ex. 3. Suppose y³ + aay+axy x³-2a30, to find y. Put Ax, for y, and the equation becomes A³x3+ aa Ax² + aAx²+¹ — X3 20³x° 0. For an afcending feries. Put the leaft indices no, and the indices be- come 0, 0, 1, 3, 0; and the differences 1, 3; I, and r, s, t, &c. = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. and the feries y A+ Bx + Cx² + Dx³ &c. Then y3 = A³ +3A2Bx + 3AB²x² + 3A²Dx³ &c² ÷ 3A²C + B³ +6ABC + a²y = a²A + aaBx + aaСx² + aaDx³ + aAx + aBx² +axy = X3 2a3 203 + aСx³ Xx3 3 Then equating the coefficients, A³+aaA-2a³=0, and extracting the root, Aa; alfo 3A²B+aaВ+, aAo, and B = I 4 In like manner C = I 640 and D = 131 51244 " &c. Whence ya — | 8 4 XX 64a 131x3 I + &c. 512aa E Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 189 Ex. 4. Let y³ + y²+y — x³ = 0, to find y in a defcend- ing feries. 3 Putting Ax" for y, the equation becomes A³×³¹² + A²y²² + Ay² for the greateſt indices. indexes are 3, 2, 1, 3; -2; and the feries — 1, I x³o. O. Put 32 = 3, 3n Then n = 1, and all the and the differences - I, 2, 3, 4, &c. and 2 y = Ax + B + Сx˜¹ + Dx˜2 &c. Then y³ | A³x³ +3A2Bx² + 3A²Cx + 3A¹D + y² + " x² x3 + 3ABB +6ABC > &c. + B₁ S + A²x²+2AB+ BB } &c. + 2AC + Ax.. + B &c. Then equating the coefficients, A³ 1, and A = 1. I 2 Likewife B- C = D = 1, &c. and 3 9 therefore y = y = x I 2 7 + &c. 3 دو 81xx 2 RULE. n ntr n+zr Affume y = Ax” + Bx + Cx + Dx n+ 3r its value into &c. and having found 7, and put the indices, as in Rule 1; fet them down in or- der, and fubtract each of them from the next greater; and you will have a ſeries of differences. Then find the greateſt number, which will mea- fure all theſe differences; and this is the value of r, which must be affirmative in an afcending feries, or when x is fmall; and negative, in a deſcending one, 1 B. I. 190 INFINITE SERIES. one, when x is great. Then the values of n and r muſt be fubftituted in the affumed feries. The proceſs muſt then go on as in Rule 1; and if there be any fuperfluous terms, which will be known by ſome of the coefficients A, B, C com- ing out o; theſe terms must be thrown out of the feries, and the operation begun anew. Ex. 5. Let y³ — axy + x³o, be given. ኪ 0, Put Ax for y, and the equation becomes 312 = A³x aAx +x³ = o. Let n + 1 = 3, = 3, and n = 2; and the indices are 6, 3, 3; that is, 3, 6. Then 6-3 3, then r = 3; and the leaft indices. being compared, the feries will be an aſcending one, which is this yAx²+ Bxs + Cx8 + D &c. Dx¹¹ which ſubſtituted in the given equation will be as follows: y3 3 + A³x + 3A²Bx⁹ axy — a Ax³ — aBx6 3 + x³ + Ix³ Then aA = 1, and A = aCx? + 3A²Cx¹² &c. +3ABB aDx12 + C = 3 3x8 a7 I B = I a 205 y = + a Q4 D= &c. Whence y 12 210 12xII + &c. 1 B7 Ex. 6. Let ys — by²+9bx². x3 = 0. Subſtitute Ax* for y and the equation is ´A³× 5” — bA²x² + 9bx² — x³ = 0. Put 2n = 2; whence Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES. 191 } whence n = 1, and the indices are 5, 2, 2, 3; and the differences 1, 2. Whence r 1. = 1. There- fore yAx+ Bx² + Cx³ + Dx &c. Then 315 3 + Asxs by² —b A²x² - 2bABx32bACx+-2bADX³ + 9ỏx² 1 + 9bx² 3 X3 -bBB 26BC 2 = Here bА² 9b; and A=3: alfo B =— I 6b I 8 I I C = D= Whence 216bb 26 388853 x3 81 I y = 3x + X X4 66 2166b 26 3888b³ &c. 3 RULE. If the equation determining A, be an adfected equation, which has feveral equal roots or values of A, then you muſt divide the leaft remainder, found by Rule 1, by the number of equal roots, one of which you take for A; and take this quo- tient for another remainder. Or elfe divide r found by Rule 2, by that number, and make uſe of the quotient, inſtead of r. Ex. 7. 14 Let y⁹ — xy³ + 2x³y² — x³y — x¹4 = 0, to find y'. y9 for y, and the equation becomes Put A 32+1 212 +2 Ax⁹ A³x 3 +2A2x n+3 Ax x140. Let 3n+1=2n+2; whence n = 1, then the in- dices are 9, 4, 4, 4, 14. But the fum of the coefficients for the leaft index 4, is A³ + 2A² A=0, or A² 2A +1 = o, which equation has two 192 B. I. INFINITE SERIES. J two equal roots AI, and A1. Now the difference of the indexes will be 5, 10; there- fore divide 5 by 2, gives, and we have 5 5, 10 for the differences. Therefore r, s, t, &c. will be , 5, 7—, 10, &c. Or (Rule 2) r — 5 ; 5 2 therefore = 2 the ſeries will be I 2 5 94 2 = 2 to be taken for r; whence y = Ax+Bx³² + Cx³ + Dx³ ولو муз 6/1/1 8/1/125 &c. Then + Ax⁹ A3x4 3A Bx · 3A²Сx⁹ 6/1/1 3AB2 +2x²y² +2A²x² + 4ABx² + 4ACx⁹ - x³y X¹4 Ax4 + 2BB Cx⁹ &c. 3 Hence - A³ + 2A² Ao, and A = 1; 4B-4B = 0, and B may be taken at pleaſure. Suppoſe B-1, then 1-3C-3+4C+2—C=0, or 4C=4C, and C may be taken at pleaſure. Let C= 1; then y=x x6 &c. = Or thus; In the fecond equation, 4B 4B; which concludes nothing; alfo 1-3C-3BB + 4C+2BB-C=0; that is, 1-BB=0, and B = 1 -I, &c. or Ex. 8. Let A4y²-2a4xy + a*x² + x4y² = ¯` Put Ax" for y, and the indices become 21, n + 1, 2, 2n + 4. Let 2n = 2, or n= 1, and the indices Sect. VI. 193 INFINITE SERIES. indices are 2, 2, 2, 6; and the difference 4. The 2 n 2 2n equation is a¹A²x²” — 2 aª Ax²+¹+ a4x² - A² µ²² + or a4 A²x²-2a4Аx² +a4x²- A²x60, where the coefficient of the firft term is A2A + 1 = 0, +I= which has two equal roots A = 1. Therefore di- vide the difference 4 by 2, and the quotient 2 is r or the common difference; whence the feries is y = Ax+ Bx³ + Cx5 + Dx7 &c. o. Then a¹Â²x²+2aªABx² +2a¹AСx+2a¹ADx³ a4yy +a+BB = +2a4BC &c. -2a+xy-2a+Ax²—2a+Bx4—2aªCx6—2aªDx$ +a+xx x4y² + a4x² A²x6 2 ABx8 Hence A² 2A+10, and A1; again, BB, and B may be taken at pleafure. Sup- poſe B = 1. Again, oC + a¹B² — i = 0, or I aa CC=1-10, and C may be taken at pleaſure, Let C = 1. Then oD = 2AB — 2a4BC = 0, and a+ I D may be taken at pleafure. Let D= &c. X3 Then y = x + a a X5 X7 + + + &c. a+ a6 Or rather thus, when A is determined to be 1, the firft and third lines vanish; whence a4BB = I 2 A² = 1, and B = ; alſo 2a4BC = 2AB, and aa 1 C- Q4 &c. 4 RULE. If the quantity forming the feries (x) be nearly equal to fome given quantity, put a new letter + that quantity for it, and fubftitute it in the equa- a tion; 194 B. 1. INFINITE SERIES. tion; then find the root in an afcending feries of the new letter, Or if the quantity (x) be very great, and the feries for y is to afcend by x'es. Take fome quantity nearly equal to x, and fub- ftitute the fum of that and a new letter for x. Ex. 9. 2 Let yaay-x30, where x = a, nearly. 3 2 8 4 Put a v=x. Then x³ a3 aav + 3 27 3 8 a 3 + 4aav ·aav—2av²+03 27 3 zav²-v³, then y³+aay— o. Let y 0, 1, 2, 3. Av", then the indices are 3n, n, Let no, then the indices become 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3; and y = A + Bv + Cv² + Dv³ &c. 1 + Then A³ + зA²Вv + 3A¹Cv² &c. a a A + aa Bv 33 + day 8 8 03 a3 27 27 4 4 + a²v + + + + av 3 3 ·2av² +23 t + 3ABB + aaСv² 3 Then A³ + 2 4 B = 3 26 C: 2002 + &c. I 8 aaA a³o, let A=r. Alfo 3 27 ; and 3A2C+3ABB+aaC=2a. Whençe 53 r 3rraa &C. " 1 Ex. Sect. VI. INFINITE SERIES: 195 Ex. 10. Let y4-x²y²+xy²+2y²-2y+1=0, where x=2 very near. Let x=2+%, which fubftituted for x, there arifes y — z¹² — 3zy² — 2y + 1 = 0. 4 ay Let y Az", then the equation is A44 —A²±²²+² — 3A²x²+¹ — 2Az” + 1 = 0. Let n = o, and the indices are 0, 2, 1, 0, 0; and the differences 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. whence y = a + Bx + Cz² + Dz³ &c. Then n y4 A+ + 4A³B≈ + 4A³Cz² &c. +6A2BB 111+ z'y² A Azz 2 3zyz 3A2z -6AB≈2 2y + I 2A 2 Bz •2Cz² +1 Here A4 2A + 1 = 0, and A1; alfo 4B — 2B = 3, and B = 3; and 4C + 6BB—1— 2 6B2C = 0, and C —— 1, &c. and y = 1 + 3 2 א 7 zz &c. 4 4 Cor. 1. In all these cafes of extracting roots, the feries must be made to converge, or else they are of no ufe. For in a converging feries, the terms grow con- tinually less and less, and fo approach nearer and nearer to the true root, till the difference is as small as you will. But a diverging feries always runs far- ther from the root, and therefore gives a falfe value thereof. Cor. 2. If y be denoted by a ſeries of x afcend- ing; the leffer x is, the fafter the feries converges. O 2 And 196 INFINITE SERIES: B. I. So And in a ſeries of x defcending; the greater x is, the fafter likewiſe it converges. Therefore we are to contrive the feries, that we may have the least quantity in the numerators, or the greatest in the de- nominators. Cor. 3. If the equation for finding the first term A, be an adfected equation; as many roots or different values of A, as that equation has, ſo many different feries will arife. For the first term A being differ- ent in each, the coefficients B, C, D, depending thereon, will also be different. Likewife, if two roots are equal, thecond term will vanish, and the coefficient B will be found in the third, which will be a quadratic equation. And if there be three equal values of A, the fecond and third equations vanish, and the fourth contains a cubic equation of B, &c. Cor 4. An equation will also admit of feveral different feries for the roots, according to the different values affumed for n. Alfo there are other equations that are impoſſible, and will admit of no roots. Cor. 5. When the first equation, or that for de- termining A, bas feveral equal roots; then the va lues of r, s, t, &c. must be divided by that number. Or, which is the fame thing, the indices of x (r, s, t,) found by Rule 1, must have others interpofed between them, according to the number of equal roots. As for two equal roots, the feries Ax" + Bx"+" + Cx"+s &c. must be reduced to this, Ax² + Bx"+er inf 플 ints Cx²+ + Dx²+½s + Ex²+s &c. If this be not aone, the fecond term B will be infinite, and all the following ones. Cor. 6. If the ſeries A+B+C××+D+E+F Xz² + G + H + ! + K × ≈³ &c. !+ 23 o, z being an indetermined quantity; then whatever value is put upon z, it will be Ao, B+C=0, D+E+F=0, G+H+I+K=0, &c. For < Sect. VI. SERIES. 197 INFINITE For this being a general equation, where z may be of any value; therefore put zo, and then will Ao, and B+Cx≈+ D + E + F × z² &¿. =0, divide by z, then B+C+D+E+F×≈&c, =0. Again, put zo, and then B + C = 0; whence D+E+FX≈ + G + H + I + K × ≈² &c. = 0• Divide again by z, and D+E+F+G+H+1+K xzo. Again, put z = 0, then D + E + F = 0, and G+H+1+K×%=0, and G + H+I+K = 0, &c. • Reversion of feries, and the extracting the roots of all infinite feries, depends upon this. For the coefficients of the feveral powers of the indeter- mined quantity, must be puto, or elfe the whole equation cannot vanifh, as it ought to do. And this being done, the feveral affumed coefficients A, B, C are determined as in the problems above. SCHOLIU M. 1 in the feries agile + byl to + cyμ +24 To find y &c. = fx" + gx' y = Ax" + Bx' π + S n + r + bx π+28 &c. n+s + Cx &c. Affume &c. Then by ſub- aA + bAμ + nx un ‡ v n + &c. ftitution we get, π = ƒx" + gx Whence making the leaſt indices equal, n; then n = un πν ferences will be ę; &c. μ greatest common divifor of form of the feries will be T TV π and the dif. , شا Then find 7 the .and g; and the "0" 3 πT +9 y = Ax + Bx سم + Cx! TO +29 +39 +DxM &c. in which the coefficients will be determined as before. O 3 * SECT. 198 1 1 SECT. VII. Some general and fundamental Problems, useful and neceffary in algebraical calculations. PROBLEM LXV. The fum and difference of two quantities being given; to find the quantities. then L ETs d a e the fum the difference greater quantity the leffer. a+es, by the problem. and a e = d. then 20s+d by addition and zesd by fubtracting. Whence a or s+d and e= 2 S d 2 a=s+d, and es- d. Cor: 1. Half the fum added to half the difference of two quantities, is equal to the greater. Cor. 2. Half the difference of two quantities, ta- ken from half the fum, gives the leſſer quantity. PROBLEM LXVI. To find out the least common dividend, or the leaft quantity, that can be divided by several given quantities. RULE. Refolve each of the quantities into all the fim- ple divifors contained therein, by firft dividing by the Sect. VII. FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS. 199 * the leaſt, and then by the next, and fo on, till they are all exhaufted; and collect thefe divifors together for each quantity. Then if there be any divifors in the fecond quantity which is not in the first, multiply the first by fuch divifors. Likewife, if there be any diviſors in the third quantity which is not in this laft, multiply it thereby, or put them into that quantity. Likewife fuch divifors as are in the fourth quantity and are not in this laft, muſt be put into it, and ſo on. And lastly, all theſe di- viſors, in this last quantity must be multiplied to- gether for the leaft common dividend. Or shorter thus, Divide the product of any two of the quantities by their greateſt common divifor, (found by Prob. x. Sect. II.) take this quotient and a third quan- tity, and divide their product, by their greateſt common divifor. Take this quotient and another quantity, and proceed as before; and fo on to the laft quantity. And the last quotient will be the leaft common dividend. Ex. I. What is the greatest common dividend of a'bc, and 2ab2d. The divifors of abc are a, a, b, c of 2abbd are 2, a, b, b, d. Here 2, b, d are in the laft but not in the firft; therefore a xaxbxcx2bd, or 2aabbed is the leaft common dividend. Or thus, The greatest common meafure is ab, then the product is 2a³b³cd. leaft dividend. ab)za b³cd(zaabbed the 0 4 Ex. 200 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL t Ex. 2. Let abcd and ac + bd be propofed. Theſe have no divifors but 1. Therefore ab + cd × ac + bd or aabc + abbd + accd + bcdd, is the dividend required. Ex. 3. Let 3a²b, a³ +a'b, and aa — bb, be given. The greatest common divifor of 3ab and a³ + a³b is aa. Then aa) 3a5b+3a4bb (3a³b + zaabb. ·bb Then the greateſt common divifor of 3a3b + zaabb and aabb, is a+b; then 3a3b + 3aabb × aa— divided by a + b is a+b) 3a5b+3a4bb — 3a³b³ — 3a²b4 (3a4b—3a²b³ the leaſt common dividend. Ex. 4. Let the given quantities be a b₁, aa + ab, at + a²b², and a + b. a+b. Thefe quantities refolved into their divifors are aa+bb×a+bxa−b, axa+b, a×a×aa+bb, and Now becauſe there is one factor a in the fecond which is not in the firft, put it in the firſt, which becomes na + bb × a + bx a ~ b xa, the leaft dividend for the first two quantities. Likewife, there is a, one factor in the third, which is not in this laft; let it be inferted, and it becomes aa + b b x a + b xa-bx aa, the leaſt dividend for three quantities. Laftly, Since a+b the last given quantity is in the laft dividend; it will be the dividend for all four; that is, aa + bb xa + bxa-bx aa, or во Sect. VII. 201 PROBLEM S. q6a4bb is the leaft common dividend for the four given quantities. SCHOLI U M. All the fimple divifors of a quantity, are found the fame way, as in Prob. 6, 7. Chap. iv. B. II. Arithmetic. PROBLEM LXVII. The fum and difference of two quantities being given; to find the difference of their ſquares. Let s fum, d= difference, A = greater quan- s+d tity, E the leffer. Then A = and E (Prob. lxv). Whence AA = 2 ss + 2sd + dd 2 s-d 2 4 SS- and EE - 2sd + dd 4 and AA-EE = 4sd = sd. 4 Cor. The product of the fum and difference of two quantities, is equal to the difference of their Squares. 7 PROBLEM LXVIII. Two quantities being given to find the square of the Sum. Let a be the greater quantity, e the leffer ; then the fum is a +e; and a +e being fquared is aa + zae + ec. Cor. 1. Hence the fquare of the fum of two quan- tities is equal to the fum of the fquares of the quanti- ties, increafed by double their product. Cor. 202 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL Cor. 2. The fquare of the sum of any number of quantities, a + b + c &c. is equal to the fum of all the Squares, together with twice the sum of all the pro- ducts of every two. For by this Prob. a+b+cl² =a+bl² + 2 ×a+b Xc+cc; that is aa+2ab+bb+2ac+2bc+cc, and fo for more quantities. Schol. By the fame way, theorems may be found for the cube of the fum of two or more quantities. PROBLEM LXIX. Two quantities being given to find the Square of their difference. Let a be the greater, e the leffer; then the difference is ae, which being fquared, pro- duces aa 2ae + ee. Cor. Hence the Square of the difference of two quantities, is equal to the fum of their Squares abating twice their product. Schol. By the fame method a rule may be found for the cube of the difference of two quantities. PROBLEM LXX: The fum and difference of two quantities being given; to find their rectangle. Lets fum, d difference, A the difference, A the greater, E the leffer. Then A+ Es, and A-E-d; and adding theſe equations 2A =s+d; and ſubtract- ing, 2Es-d. Then 2A X2E or 4AEs+d SS dd × 5-d=ss-dd, and AE = 4 > Cor. The fquare of the fum, leſs the fquare of the difference of two quantities, is equal to four times their rectangle. PRO. Sect. VII. 203 PROBLEM S. PROBLEM LXXI. Given the nth power of the binomial a +b; to find the difference between the Square of the fum of the odd terms, and the fquare of the fum of the even terms. The nth power of a + b, that is a + bl" = an + nan-1b + n. ท n I n 2 a²² bb +n. 2 2 3 an-3b3 &c. Put A, B, C, D, E, &c. for the firſt, ſe- cond, third, fourth, &c. terms. Then A+C+E &c. fum of the odd terms; and B + D + F&c. fum of the even terms. But A + C + E &cl B + D + FĽ² = A+B+C+D+E &c. X A-B+C-D+E &c. - a" + na"-1b + n. 2 N L a"-2 bb + &c. X 2 n 7- I Q na b + n a7-2 bb &c. 2 = a + bl²² × a 12 612 =aa bbl". Cor. 1. Hence aa 66172 ស N.NI N—1. 22—2 11-3 a² + a^2-2 bb +12. an-4b 2 2 3 4 &c. n I 12 2 n- I 12-X no b + n Q2-3b3+n. 2 بن 2 ท 2 n 3 n 4 а 272-5 b5 &c. &c. 1² 3 4 5 Cor. 2. aa Cor. 3. aa 6613 bbl² = aa+bbi² bb\³ = a³ ÷ 3abbl² — zaab + b³1². + ·zabl Cor, 206 FUNDAMENTAL } B. I. 22 √A+B+ √A - B whence x = 12 บ 2 n VA+B-VA-B 2 Therefore xv will be had, at leaft in decimals, +1 Cor. Hence, VA±B = n n √A + B −√A — B 2 VA - 12 22 ✔A+B+✔A−B Ex. 1. 2 Extract the Square root of 11+6√/2. Here A11, B = 6/2, AA — BB = 49 = D; XX •7 and D7. Therefore x²+ ✓D x² = 11, or XX 2xx-7=11, and xx 9, or 3. Likewiſe √3 = +√9=7=+√2, and x +√v=3+√2 the root. Or thus, A+B=11+6√/2=19.484, and A—B=2.516. √19.484 + √2.516 Whence = 2 4.4141.586 3, and v = 4.414 - 1.586 2 2 1.414√2, and x+v=3+2, the root. Ex. 2. Suppoſe 37-203 be given, to extract the Square root. Here A=37, B=20√3, AA—BB=169=D, and ✔D=+13. Therefore 2xx-13=37, and xx 25, or x 5. Alfo } Sect. VII, 207 PROBLEM S. Alſo √y = √25 — 13 = √12, and vy *+√y=5−√12. Or the root may be 12-5, putting ✓D—13. Or thus, √71.64+ √2.36 20 ט 2 ✅/2.36—√71.64 2 10.00 = 5. 2 6.92 = 3.46 2 =-2√3, and x + v=5—2√3 the root. Ex. 3. Let 7-5√2 be given to find the cube root. Here A=7, B=5√2, A²-B¹=-=D, and D³ = — I. 2 2 xx I Then x3 + 3X x³ = 7, or 4x³ + 3* =7, XX and the root of this equation is x = 1. Alfo vy √xx * + √y = 1−√2. xx + 1 = −√2, and 7 Or thus, 3 VA A + B : 3 3 VA-B V- Then x 3 B = 14.07 = 2.414, and -.07 = -414; -4142.414 = 1. I 2 -.414 2.414 And v = 1.414=-√2 2 for here B is negative; therefore x+v=I√//2. Ex. 4. What is the cube root of 25 +✔968. Here A 25, B√968, AA BB - 3/D 343 D, and D7. Then ³ + 3x³ + 21x = 25, and x = 1. And √y = √8, and the root, I + √8. A Ex. 208 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL ī Ex. 5. + Extract the cube root of — 10+√243. Here A²- B 100+ 243 = 343 D, and D7. Therefore x3 + 3x xxx-710, or 4x3 21*= 10, and the root is x 2, whence = = x³ = vor√y=√ 47 =√−3, and x + √y=2+ ✓ -3, as required. ΙΟ In like manner the cube root of 10√243 is 2√3. Ex. 6. Extract the 5th root of 843-589 √2. Here AABB = 16807, and D' = 7: 7. And 16x5-140x³+245x=843, and the root is x=3; and √/y =—√9—7——√2, and x + √y = 3−√2 the root required. Ex. 7. What is the 7th root of 568 +3284/3. Here A-B2128 D, and D 2. 128D, and/D= 1136.112, A-B-112, and Then A+B X √1136.112 — V112 2 2.732 —.732 = 1. I. 2 √1136.112 + √~.112 And v = 2.732 +.732 2 = the root. 2 =1.732=√3, and x+v=1+√3 SCHOLIU M. In the former method, if "/D is not rational, neither member of the root will be rational, and هم " in Sect. VII. 209 PROBLEMS. in the fecond, if neither the fum nor difference n n of A+B and AB, is rational; neither member of the root will be fo: and in thefe cafes the rules are of no ufe, Logarithms will be ufe- ful here in finding thefe roots, being exact enough in finding whether any of the quantities be ratio- nal or not. When none of thefe quantities are rational, multiply the given equation by fome number, till 12 n 12 But D, or √A+B±√A−B, comes out rational; then extract the root as before. remember to divide the values of x, v, at last, by the root of that number. Thus 22 + √486 has not fuch a cube root; but multiply by 2, and then 44+ √ 1944 will have a cube root, 2 for the numerator. > PROBLEM LXXIII. To explain the feveral properties of (0) nothing, and infinity. It is plain, nothing added to, or fubtracted from, any quantity, makes it neither bigger nor lefs. Likewife, if any quantity is multiplied by o, that is, taken no times at all; the product will be nothing. b Let =q; that is, let the quotient, of b di- a vided by a, be q. Then if b remains the fame, it is plain the lefs a is, the greater the quotient q will be. Let a be indefinitely fmall beyond all bounds, then q will be indefinitely great beyond all bounds. Therefore when a is nothing, the quo- tient a will be infinite. Whence P Alfo * 210 B. I FUNDAMENTAL b infinity, therefore nothing Alfo fince X infinity. Let there be feveral geometrical proportionals, x, x², x³, x4, xs, &c. If this feries be continued 3 backwards, it will be x, 1, I I X XX that is, x', x°, x-I, x-², the indices continually decreafing by 1. Then its plain x is equal to 1, whatever be; for it may ftand univerfally for any thing. Therefore o° is I. Let x be an indefinitely fmall quantity, beyond all conception; then in the feries x, x², x³, &c. each term will be indefinitely greater than the fol- lowing one. And when is o, then in the fe- ries 1, 0, 0', o*, &c. O nothing, by what goes I is infinite, and o is before. Therefore the mean o° is a finite quantity. Suppoſeb, whence I IXO 1×0 = bb, that is bb = = 1, and ɓ = 1, whence it is plain again, that Let O (b) 0° = 1. a be an infinite + I a a - I or its equal quantity, then by actually dividing, +e+, and Therefore I a a I+1 =a+ ca + a a a a—a—a+ - I+I a +a+a+a &c. = a II I- I a &c. that is, an infinite quantity is neither increaſed nor decreaſed by finite quantities. Cor. 1. If o multiply any finite quantity, the pro- duct will be nothing. Cor. Sect. VII. 211 PROBLEM S. Cor. 2. If o multiply an infinite quantity, the product is a finite quantity. Or a finite quantity is a mean proportional between nothing and infinity. For o infinity b. Cor. 3. If a finite quantity is divided by o, the b quotient is infinite ( inf.). O Cor. 4. If o be divided by o, the quotient is a finite quantity of ſome fort. For (Co. 1.) ¿ ×0 = 0, and therefore, a Sinite quantity, or nothing. Cor. 5. Hence allo 0° 1, or the infinitely fmall power, of an infinitely small quantity, is infinitely near 1. A Cor. 6. Adding or fubtracting any finite quantities to or from an infinite quantity, makes no alteration. Cor. 7. Therefore in any equation, where are fome quantities infinitely lefs than others; they may be thrown out of the equation. Cor. 8. An infinite quantity may be confidered ei- ther as affirmative or negative. h b For infinity = or +○ SCHOLIU M. There is fomething extremely fubtle, and hard to conceive, in the doctrine of infinites and nothings. Yet although the objects themſelves are beyond our comprehenfion; yet we cannot refift the force of demonftration, concerning their powers, proper- ties, and effects; which properties, under fuch and ſuch conditions, I think, I have truly explain- ed in this propofition. Any metaphyfical notions, that go beyond thefe mathematical operations, are P 2 not 1 212 B. 1: FUNDAMENTAL 2 not the bufines of a mathematician. But thus much may be obferved, that o, in a mathemati- cal fute, never fignifies abfolure nothing; but always nothing in relation to the object under con- fideration. For illuftration thereof, fuppofe we are confidering the area contained between the baſe of a parallelogram and a line drawn parallel to the bafe. As this line draws nearer the bafe, the area diminiſhes; till at last, when the line coincides with the baſe, the area becomes nothing. So the area here degenerates into a line; which is no. thing, or no part of the area. But it is a line ftill, and may be compared with other lines. PROBLEM LXXIV. To find the value of a fraction, when the numerator and denominator, is each of them nothing. IRUL E. Confider, from the nature of the queftion pro- pofed, what quantities are infinitely greater than others, when they are all taken infinitely fmall. Then throw out of the equation, all thofe terms that are infinitely lefs than others; retaining only thoſe that are infinitely greater than the reft; by which expunge one of the unknown quantities, and the value of the fraction will be known. Ex. I. Let x³ +y³ = axy, and y infinitely greater than x, when they vanish; to find the value ofÿ, when x and y are = 0. x Here ³ is infinitely lefs than axy or y³, whence yзaxy, or yy ax. Then y X value of the fraction propofed. ax = =a, the X Ex. Sect. VII. 213 PROBLEMS. t Ex. 2. If 2ax + xxyy, what is the value of x and yo, and y infinitely greater than x. X when yy Here reject xx being infinitely leſs than the reft; then yy 2ax, and X yy I = 2a Ex. 3. What is the value of 1, when 2ay + yy = rx ; y, being 0. x = Here yy is infinitely less than 2ay. Whence 2ay = rx, and y ↑ 응. X 24 2 RUL E. Obferve what the unknown quantity is equal to, when the numerator, &c. vanishes; put the un- known quantity that value e, where e is fuppofed infinitely fmall. Which being fubftitu- ted for that unknown quantity, and the roots of all furds, extracted to a fufficient number of places of e; at laſt you will have fome terms in both the numerator and denominator, which will determine the value of the fraction. What is the value of Ex. 4. XX when x = a. avax a Vax Put x=a+e, then expunging x; P 3 } a√ax XX a Vax 214 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL a × aa + ael½ a + · el² a a aa + Lae &c. aa 2ae &c. e a aa + ael a ×: a + ½ e &c. že &c. aa 2ae &c. - ae -że зае 3a, the value of the fraction. What is the value of x = a. Ex. 5. 2a3x X4 aaax 4 a Vax³ > when Let the fraction =y, and put = a—e, then ✰ 3 2a³ X a e a el* y = But 4. 3 а a xa-el √2a³ Xa ax a 2a³ × a—e—a- a—el a+ + 2a³el½ = aa + ae je = aa 1+ = √ 2a+—2a³e—a++4a³e &c. 3 Alſo ava³ — aae 4 ae &c. And a. x a e] = a+ — 3a³el == = a 3 e &c. Whence aa + ae &c. aa +}ae &c. 4-ae 16a } = 3 a a + 2e &c. 3 9 Ex. 6. av Let a²² 4a³ + 4x³ ax aa =y, what is its √zaa + 2ax * a Let a e = x. value when x = a. And expunging *, 3 3 a 4a³ + 4x a е -aa + ae aa =y. But 2 zaa + 2 x a· el X a av Sect. VII. 215 PROBLEMS. 3 a² 4a³+4Xa—el³=ax8a³—12aae+12aee³ 2aa¬ ae+ee &c. And 2aa+2xx=4aa-4ae +2eel½ ce 20 -et &c. Whence 40 20a ae + Lee &c. > aa + ae + Zee y: = ee 24 e + &c. 44 ee za te + 46 2aee = 20° ee Here, if I had gone no farther, than the firſt power of e, it is evident by infpection, that all the terms would have vanished; by which nothing could have been concluded. SCHOLIU M. If e remains at laft in the numerator, the value of the fraction is o, and if e remains in the de, nominator, the fraction is infinite. But if all the terms vaniſh out of both numerator and denomi- nator, the feries must then be carried to more places, to have a ſolution. PROBLEM LXXV, To find two whole numbers x, y; in the equation axby+c, being in its leaft terms: a, b, c, bea ing given numbers. ULE. Let wh. ftand for the words a whole number. Reduce the equation, then x = by + c a = wh. By an abridged fraction, I mean the fraction refult- ing by throwing all whole numbers out of it, till the terms in the numerator be less than the deno- minator. P 4 216 B. I FUNDAMENTAL れ by + c be a- a minator. Thus let the fraction bridged to dy+f. Then to find y. a The method confifts in leffening the coefficient of y continually, till at last it becomes 1. this is done by fubtracting dy+f a And or fome multi- ple of it, from y, or any multiple of it, which comes very near it; that is, from ay, 2ay 3ay a a a &c. or this from it. And the refulting fraction abridged, or its neareft multiple, is in like man- ner to be fubtracted from the neareft foregoing fraction; or from any wh. which is nearer; or this from that. And theſe wh. may ay be &c. or 2ay a a ay ±a ay ± 2a 2ay±34 &c. or any you a 2 a a can find, which has the nearest coefficient to y. By this means the coefficient of Y is continually leffened, till at laſt we have " +3 =whp; then a will yap-g: where p may be any whole num- ber taken at pleafure. And y being known, x will be found from the given equation. You muſt obſerve in this whole proceſs, to keep the fame denominator a, throughout. For whole numbers fubtracted from one ano- ther, will always leave whole numbers. And whole numbers multiplied by whole numbers, will always produce whole numbers. And upon thefe principles the rule is founded. گر Ex. Sect. VII. 217 PROBLEM S. Ex. I. Let 19x 14y-II, to find x, y in whole num- bers. By reduction x = 14y I I = wh, Alfo Alfo 19 ·y 19 19 wh. Then by fubtraction, 19y [ 4y — I I 19 19 5y + 11 19 20y+44 19 19 = 197 wh. Subtract = = wh. And multiplying by 4, 20y+6 19 +2=wh. And 20y+6 ; and Whence y 19p-6. Let p = firmative value of y, and y = 13. wh. = P. Whence x = 9. 19 y+6 19 1, for the leaft af- Or thus, 19% + II 5x + II y x + =wh. Then 14 14 5x + II =wh. And multiplying by 3, 15x +33 14. 14- 14x + 28 =wh. But =wh. And fubtracting, 14 x+5=wb. 14 x wh.p. And ≈ to have the leaſt; and x = 9, and y = 13. Ex. 2. Suppoſe 3x=8y-- 16, query x, y. x 14p-5. Let p=1, * бу 16 Here x = = 2y―5+ 3 2y I 3 = wh. 2y And = wh. And multiplying by 2, 3 4Y 2 = wh. But 3y wh. And their dif 3 3 ference 14. 218 B. I FUNDAMENTAL ま ference 2 3 wh. p. Whence y = 3 + 2; and taking p = 0, y = 2. Ex. 3. Let 24x13y+ 16. 3P Whence xo. Here x = 13y+16 wb. multiply by 11, and 24 1437 + 176 - wh. But 6 × 243 + 7 X 24 or 24 1441 +168 24 24 y 8 wb. From which ſubtract the for- mer, and =wh.p. And then y=24p+&, 24 and putting po, y = 8, and x = 5. Ex. 4. Let 14x4y+7. Then x4y+7 = wh. And multiplying by 14 28y +49 28y+7 7, or +3= + 3 = wh. And 14 14 283+7 28y = wh. But wh. Therefore their 14 14 difference 7 wh. which is abfurd; for an even 14 number cannot divide an odd number, nor a greater number a leffer. See Cor. 2. Prop. VIII. B. II. Arithmetic. } Ex. 5. 16y. Let 27x1600 1600 — 16y Here x = wh. abridged 7-163 27 27 16y wb.or •7 27y wh, Subtract it from and 27 27 Se&t. VII. 219 PROBLEM S. and 11y +7 — wb. multiply by 2, and 229 +14 27 27- wh. Subtract it from 27y+27, and 5y+13 27 27 wh. multiply by 2, and 10y+26 = wh. ſub- 27 19-wh. = p, and 27 27 tract it from 11y +7, and y=px27+19, and if p = 0, y = 19, and x = 48. Cor. 1. All the values of y are bad, by continual- ly adding the coefficient of x; as y, y + a, y + 24, y+ 3a, &c. And all the values of x are bad, by continually adding the coefficient of y; as x, x + b, x + 2b, &c; or by fubtracting them, for negative numbers, and both are in arithmetical progreffion. Cor. 2. When the process brings out an odd num- ber divided by an even number, or a leffer number di- vided by a greater, which ſhould be a whole number; the question is impoffible. Cor. 3. If it be required to find y a whole num ber, ſo that the fraction by + c a may also be a whole number. You must proceed the very fame way, by y ± abridging the fraction to 8, and then find a y=aPg, where P is any whole number, taken at pleaſure. PROBLEM LXXVI. To find fuch a whole number x, that being divided by the given numbers a, b, c, &c. fhall leave the given remainders f, g, h, &c. RULE. Since the fractions x-ƒ x-g x-b &c. are whole 220 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL whole numbers; put the first f x-f =P wh. Then xaP+ƒ. aPf. Put this value of x in the ſe- cond fraction; then b == wh. Then (Cor. 2. laft Prob.) find PbQ+m, where Qwh. then will x = abQ+am + f. Put this abQ+am+f—b value of x in the third fraction; then C wh. Then, as before, find QcR+n; and put this inftead of Q in the laft value of x; then this value of x must be put into the fourth frac- tion; and proceed the fame way through all the fractions. This is the method of proceeding; but numbers muſt be uſed all along inftead of the fmall letters. And the leaſt wh. number R may be taken at pleaſure. Ex. 1. To find a number which divided by 3, 5, 7, and 2; will leave the remainders 2, 4, 6, 0, respectively. 5 4 X 6 > 7 X 2 X Let the number be x, then 3 X and are whole numbers. Let * 2 = P, 2 X and 3P + 2; then 4 5 3 3P+24 5 3P — 2 wh. fubtract it from 5P 2P + 2 and 5 5 5 -wh. Subtract this from wh. Q, and P≈ 5Q+4, and ≈ =15Q+14. X 6 Again 7 wb. and Q+i 15Q+8 = wb. 7 7 =wh.=R, and Q-7R—1, and x=105R I. 3P 2 P - 4 ; then 5 5 Laftly, I Sec. VII. 221 PROBLEM S. X Lattly 105R-1 = wb. and R!=wh. 2 2 2 =S, and R2S+1. Whence x 210S+104, the number fought; and putting So, the leaſt value of x is 104. Ex. 2. To find a whole number, which being divided by 16, 17, 18, 19, 20; will leave 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, remainders. Let x number. Then X 7, x 8 16 17 18 X 9 X ΙΟ > are whole numbers. Put X 6 19. 20 16 =P, then ≈≈ 16P + 6. x = Then X-7 $6P I wh. And thence 17 17 P+I = wh. =Q, and P = 17Q — 1, and 17 x=272Q IO. x-8 Alfo 18 =R, and Q9R, whence x = 2448R 18 2.72Q— 1.8 18 2.Q = wb. wh. and =wb. 10. Again -X 9 2448 R 19 = wh. and 19 19 -3R = wb. wh.or 3R 18R wh. and = wh. whence 19 19 19 R wh. S, and R = 19S. Then 19 * = 46512 S 10. X IO Laftly 465128 - 20 wh. and 20 20 12S = Whence 20 = = wh. T, and S 5T. x=232550T-10. And if T = 1, then the leaft value of x=232550. Ex. 222 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL Ex. 3. To find a number (x), which being divided by 3 7, 14, 20; there fhall remain 1, 3, 7, 14. X I X Here 3 x 14 7, are whole 3 7 14 20 numbers. Let = P, and x = P, and x 3P + 1. 3 Then x-3 3P-2 wh. and 6P — 4 = wh. 7 7 7 P+4 Whence 7 x=21Q-11. II. Alfo x - 7 2IQ — 18 wh. Q, and P = 7Q—4, and = wb. and 70-4 14 14 14 =wh, and 14Q — 8 8 wh. Whence = wh. 8 14 14 which is abfurd. Hence the queftion is impoffible for the three firft fuppofitions; but will hold good for two of them in which cafe x leaſt value of x is 10. 2 21Q-11, where the RULE. When two divifors and their remainders are given; then find two fixed multipliers M, N: fuch, that dividing them, leaves o, and leaves I remaining. M M a b N N and leaves 1, and leaves o remaining. a b Then divide Mg + Nf, ab x, the number fought. and the remainder is Likewiſe Sect. VII. 223 PROBLEM S. Likewife for three divifors and remainders; find three fixed multipliers M, N, P; fuch, that by dividing them, M M leaves I, and leaves o, remaining. a bc N leaves I, leaves o, remaining. ac P P leaves I, leaves o, remaining. C ab Then dividing Mf+Ng+Ph the remainder abc is, required; and the like for more quantities. To prove the truth of this. Since (Cafe 1) N M as alſo leave o, by divifion; therefore a Ъ Mg, and Nf leave o. a b M N And fince as alſo leave 1. Therefore b a M-I N and b a and Nf a a leave o. Therefore Therefore Mg-g الله leave o; that is, Mg leaves g, b Mg + Nf leaves f. Therefore and Mg + Nf b leaves g+o. a b and leaves o + f, But fince Mg + Nf may exceed ab, and there- fore is not the leaft number; therefore divide by ab, and the remainder is the leaft number re- quired. And the fame way, Cafe 2, or any other, is proved. Ex. 224 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL Ex. 4. Having the cycle of the dominical letter f, and cycle of the moon g; to find the year nyfian period. 11 Let be the year fought. Then of the Dio- ! x - f and 28 are whole numbers. Here a 28, and wh. P, and M 28P. Alfo ; and multiplying by 2, x-g 19 M M—I — —wh. 28 19 28P I 56P — 2 19 19 =wh. Alfo 57P wh. Therefore P+ 2 ! =whi 19 19 =Q, and P=19Q-2. Whence M-28x19Q-2 =532Q-56, and if Q = 1; then M N N Then = =wh.=P, and N = 19P. Alſo 476. Ъ 19 N I = 28 19P - 1 28 wh, multiply by 3; then 57P — 3 wh. and 56P wh. therefore P - 3 28 28 28 =wh.=Q, and P=28Q+3. Whence N=28× 19Q + 57, and if Q = o, N = 57. Therefore remainder of 476g + 57f, which x 532 ferves in general, for any numbers, ƒ, g• Let f 10, g= 12; then x = 430. Ex. 5. 2 Having the cycle of the Sunday letter f, the golden number g, and indillion h; to find the year of the Julian period. Here a = 28, b = 19, c=15, ab=532, ac=420, bc 285, and abc = 7980. Then Sect. vii. 225 PROBLEM S. M Then 285 M 28 I 285P wh. P, and M 285P. Alfo 1 28 wh. This at laft gives ' P 17 the leaft; and then M 4845- wb.P, and N = 420P. Alſo N Again, 420 N-I 420P — I 2 P — I = wh, and wb.which 19 19. 19 P Laftly, will give P10, and N4200. wh.Q, and P=532Q. Alfo 532 P- 532Q — I wh. and = wh. at 15 15 15 laſt Q13, and P = 6916. Whence the re- mainder of 4845f + 4200g + 6916b 7980 is = x. Let f 0, or 28, g=1, b = 2; then x2072. = Cor. When the operation brings out a leffer num- ber divided by a greater, instead of a whole number the problem is impoffible. PROBLEM LXXVII. ; An equation being given, containing feveral unknown quantities; to find their limits. When an equation contains feveral unknown quantities, the values of all of them, except one, may be taken at pleafure; and when their values are affigned, and numbers put for them in the equation, that fingle quantity may alſo be found, by reducing the equation. And fuch equations will admit of an infinite number of folutions, if we admit of fractional and negative numbers. But fince thefe folutions are moft ufeful where af- firmative quantities are concerned; and more ufe- ful ftill, when only affirmative whole numbers are admitted; 226 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL admitted; therefore I propofe to confider only theſe two cafes, and particularly the laft: becaufe in that cafe fuch an equation will have a deter- mined number of folutions. And therefore it is neceffary to know the limits of the unknown quantities; left we go about to feek their values beyond theſe limits. RULE. Tranſpoſe the negative quantities to the con- trary fide; that all the terms may be affirmative. Then to find the limits of any one, put all the refto, or ſuppoſe them to vaniſh; and from hence find the value of that quantity, which will be one limit thereof. And to know which limit it is, conceive the other quantities to increaſe and have fome certain value; then if by this, the value (of the unknown quantity under confidera- tion) increaſes; it is the leaft limit you found if it decreaſes, it is the greatest limit. And in cafe you find no leait limit, then o is its leaft limit. This procefs relates to fractional quantities. But if you only defire whole numbers; put for each of the other quantities, which is the leaft value they can have; then from the refulting equation, find your unknown quantity and its li- mit, as before directed. Proceed the fame way with all the unknown quantities. Let 30+ 5e = 28, Let eo, then 3a Ex. I. to find the limits of a, c. 28 28, and a = =9 3 Now let e be fome real quantity; it is I 9; 3 plain the greater e is, the lefs a muft be; therefore 9 is the greater limit. Whence a 93. For Sect. VII. 1 PROBLEM S. 227 For e let a = 0, then 5e = 28, and e= 28 5 53. But if a increaſes, e decreaſes; therefore 53 is the greater limit, and e53, and the leffer limit of both a and e, is ó. All this including fractions. For whole numbers. Let e 1, then 3a 28 = = =73, the leffer limit, and a 73. 23 523, and a = 3 Again, let a 1, then 5e 25, and e= 25 25 5 5. =5, the greater limit, and eor Ex. 2. Let 3a5e 28, to find the limits of a, e in whole numbers. Then 3a 28 +5e; let è = 1, then 3a 33, 33 =11; but when e increaſes a in- 3 and a = creaſes; therefore 11 is the leffer limit, and a = or Il. Let a = 1, 285e3, and e will be negative, which we exclude. But whilft a increaſes e in- therefore o is the leaft limit of e, or eo and it has no greatest limit. creaſes; Ex. 3. Let 3x+5y+ 82 = 10003, to find the limits in whole numbers. Suppofe y=1%, Then 3=10003-13, and 9990 3 z =3330. And fince x decreaſes, whilft y and increaſe; therefore 3330 is the greater limit, and x or 3330. Q & Again, 228 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL Again, let x 2 = 1; then y 9992, and 9992 1998; and y decreaſes whilft x, z 5 increaſe: whence 1998. J Lastly, for z; let xy=1, then 8z10003 8 89995, and z = 9951249. But ≈ de- creafes, whilft x, y increafe; therefore ≈ 12493. Ex. 4. Let 13x-59 + 8% = 10, to find the limits of y. Sz I Here 13x + S≈ = 10 + 5y; let x = 1 = 2; then gy+10=21, and 5y = 11, and y2; and whilft x and z increafe, y increafes; therefore 2 is the leaft limit, and y C 2. Note, the limits of x and z cannot be found till the value of y be affigned. PROBLEM LXXVIII. Two equations being given, containing three or more unknown quanities; to determine their limits RULE. Having pitched upon the quantity you would limit; expunge one of the other quantities, and you will have one limiting equation. Then ex- punge another of them, and this gives another limiting equation. By thefe two equations find the limits of the quantity pitched on feparately, by the last problem. But note, In any limiting equation, all the other unknown quantities therein, (being put on the fame fide of the equation, with the abfolute num- ber,) must have the fame fign: otherwife, (if they have different figns) they cannot limit the quantity propofed, till the value of fome of the reft be known. If F 1 Sect. VII. 229 PROBLEMS. If there be more equations, the procefs is the fame with any of them, Let a + e + y = 56. Ex. I. and 32a + 20e + 16y=1232; to limit a. Multiply the first equation by 20, produces 20a + 20e + 20y=1120. Subtract this from the fecond, and you have 120-43112: whence (Prob. lxxvii.) e ≤ 93. 2 Multiply the first equation by 16, gives 16a+ 16е+ 16y 896. Subtract it from the fe- cond, and 162 + 4e = 336; whence a 203. In like manner, to limit y, multiply the firſt equation by 32, and 320+32e+32y=1792. Sub- tract the fecond from it, and 12e+16y=560 This gives y 34. And the equation 124-4y=112, gives yo. To limit e; the equation 16a + 4e336, gives e80. And the equation 12e + 16y=560, gives e453 But here is no leffer limit for e; there- fore eo, and 45. Ex. 2. Let 3x - y + 24 = 202 and 12x + by + 5 = 150° 5u 1ft x 5 is, 15% 5y + IOU = 100 2d X 2 is, 24x + 12y + 104 = 300 difference 9x+179 This equation gives x 20, and y = = 200 4 I7 Ift x 6 is, 18x6y+izu 120; add this to the ſecond: then 30x+174 whence x 83, and u 1ft x 4 is 12x-47+ Su 80. fecond, = 101312 = 70. 270, 1477• Subtract from the And y 7%, and uco. There is no leaft limit for x; therefore C. O, and 83. Q 3 Ex. * ; I 230 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL Ex. 3. 1 × (6)⋅ | 3 > Let a + e + y + u 100. and 16a+ 10e + 8y + бu = 1200. u 1 a + e + y + z = 100 216a + 10e + 8y + 6u = 1200 36a + 6e + 6y + 410a + 4e + 2y 600—4—2 6u = 600 = 600 594 4 4÷ 5 Į X (10) 5a 10 10 IO =59 at moſt 6a5910. 2 8 tr. 7100 + 10e + 10y + 10 = 1000 86a zy 41 200 96a = 200 + 2y + 4ų 9 ÷ (6) |10|a = 206 6 I 34 at leaſt, and a□34; fo a is between 341 and 593. Then for the other quantities. Sa + 8e8y + Su= 800. 16u = 1600. I X (8) I Į X (16) |12|16a + 16e + 16y + 2 N. II 13 Sa + 2e au = 400. น This equation will limit u but not e. Here uo. 6e + 8y + 10u = 400. 400-14_386 12 2 14 14, 15 u 38%, or 38%. IO 10 600-4e-Ica 586 4, Isy= = 293, or 2 2 } y293; but, fince the limits of a, are known; y may be determined more exactly; thus 595-10 × 35 246 y = y123. 2 2 123, or 14 Sect. VII. 231 PROBLEM S. 14 17 Again y= 400-16 384 = 48, or 8 8 yor 48. But there are all greater limits of y, and there wants the leffer limit; therefore yo, and 48. 400-18 382 14 18e = 6 6 = 633, or e= 633, But the leaſt limit of a can- not be found; therefore take eo. SCHOLI U M. When three numbers are fought by two equa- tions; all the values of each of them, in whole numbers, make three feries of arithmetical pro- greffion, taken within the limits of thefe numbers. And if four or more numbers are fought, the va- lue of each is to be found in feveral arithmetical progreffions. But yet the values of any three will be in arithmetic progreffion, when the values of all the reft are affigned, as before for three numbers. For in the cafe of three numbers, and two equa- tions; any one of the three may be expunged; and then you will have but one equation, and two un- known quantities; which brings it under Prob. lxxv. But by Cor. 1. of that problem, theſe two remain- ing quantities are contained in two feries of arith- metical progreffion. And as any of the three may be expunged; therefore any two of them will con- ftitute two feries of arithmetical progreffion. PROBLEM LXXIX. The prices of feveral ingredients being given, to find the quantities thereof; fo that the mixture may be jold at a given price. Suppofe four fimples A, B, C, D, are to be mixed; and their prices to be as follows: Q 4 Mean 232 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL i Mean price = m Price of A = m + a of Bm + b of C m of D = m C d. And let the quantities to be taken of A, B, C, D, be x, y, z, v, refpectively. Place them in order, thus: prices quantities 1 m + a m + b x y m m C m d א ← Z Then by the nature of the queſtion; if each quantity be multiplied by its price, the fum of the products will be equal to the fum of all the quan- tities multiplied by the mean price; that is, d X v m + a x x + m +m+ bxy + m =x+v+ y + zxm. > CX Z Let m+a X x + m² xoxoxm And m + bxy + mcxz = y + zxm. That is, mx + ax + mu my + by + mz by the former, ax dv = mx + mv cz = my + mz. dvo, or ax = dv. by the latter, by - cz cz=0, or by = cz. o, Now fince x and y may be taken at pleaſure. Therefore put xd, and y = c. Then will v = a, and b. Whence the quantities will be ranged thus: z 713 Sect. VII. 233 PROBLEM S. m m + a m + b d m C b 112 d a which gives this RULE. Couple every greater rate with one leffer than the mean price (m+a and m-d; alfo m + b and m c); then take the difference between each rate and the mean rate, and place it alternately, that is, against the quantity it is coupled with; do the fame with all the rates, (thus place a againſt m-d, b againft mc, c againſt c, c againſt m + b, d againſt m + a); then if none of the quantities of A, B, C, D, be given. Then d, c, b, a will be the quantities of each to be taken for the mixture. But if any one quantity be given; then all the quantities d, c, b, a muſt be increaſed or de- creaſed in proportion. Or if the fum of the quan- tities be given, then other quantities muſt be taken in proportion, ſo that d+c+b+a may be to the fum given, as any of the differences d, c, &c. to the refpective quantity required. And this is the common rule of Alligation Alternate. Again, Since ax = dv, and by = cz. y = no; Take xmd, and then v v=ma, and ≈=nb. Then putting md, nc, nb, ma, for x, y, z, v refpectively; and the cafe will ftand thus: m + a m + d md no 772 711 C ub 172 d ma. which gives this RULE. Having coupled the rates as before directed, and taken the differences. Then inftead of any couple a 234 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL couple of the differences, you may take any equi- multiples thereof; and place them alternately. And theſe (or other quantities proportional to them), will be the quantities required. And this is the Rule of Alligation improved. PROBLEM LXXX. If the numbers A and B be produced from a and b, by any fimilar operation; to find the number from which N is produced, by the like operation. Sup- pofing the differences of the numbers A, B, N, to be as the differences of a, b, and the unknown number. a b Let z be the number fought, Z and put the differences NA=r, ABNN-Bs. Then by the queſtion, ↑ (N — A) : s (N − B) : : ≈ — a: z-b. Then rz-rb=sz-sa. And by tranfpo- fition, rz-sz-rb-sa, and z = rb. sa ; or if s до S be negative (or B greater than N), then z = rb + sa r+s 2 the number fought. Cor. 1. Hence is derived the practice of the double Rule of Falfe. For if both N, or both greater; then z A and B be leffer than rb sa = But if only r S one as В be greater than N, then s is negative, and z = rb + sa r + s That is, if each fuppofed number be multiplied by the error of the other, and the difference of the pro- ducts be divided by the difference of the errors, when the errors are like; or the fum of the products di- vided by the fum of the errors, when the errors are unlike; the quotient gives the number fought. Cor. Sect. VII. 23 PROBLEM S. Cor. 2. Hence alfo is derived another method of avorking the Rule of Approximation, or Rule of Falfe, which is this. Multiply the difference of the fuppofed numbers, by the least error, and divide the product, by the dif ference of the errors, if like; or by the fum if unlike. The quotient is the correction of the number belonging to the leaft error. Then this correction is to be added or fubtracted, according as that number was too little or too great. For lets be the leaft error, being the error of , and q = the correction; then if A, B be lefs g rb - ṣa than N, 6+q=≈, and q=z— rb sarb + sb - gue S b = b = g - S è a S. ↑ S But if B is greater than N, then b-qz, and rb + sa rb + sb — rb- sa q=b―z=b — r+s rts b a S. g s S.CHOLIU M. Since it has been fhewn, that the number fought will come out exactly, by this rule, when the er- rors are exactly proportional to the differences of the ſuppoſed numbers from the true one. There- fore it follows, that when the errors are nearly pro- portional to thefe differences, that the anfwer will come out nearly true. And theſe proportions will be the nearer to an equality, the nearer theſe fuppofed numbers are taken to the true number. And therefore in all queftions where this rule is applied, every operation will bring us the true anfwer, if we always take the neareſt numbers, (where the errors are leaft) for new fup- pofitions. And thus repeating the operation, one nearer may 236 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL may continually approximate to the true number, within any degree of exactnefs required; let the particular queftion be of what nature it will. Upon this rule alfo is founded the rule of finding proportional parts. PROBLEM LXXXI. Suppoſe A, B, C, D, &c. to be feveral forts of goods; and m, n, p, q, &c. given numbers; and the values of theſe goods are mA = nB pB = qC ~C SD tD = vE To find what quantity of the last fort is equal to a given quantity of the first: and the reverſe. Let z times the laft be y times the first, that is, let zE ≈yA. Multiply all theſe equations together; the firſt fide by the firſt, and the fecond by the fecond. Then we have mAxpBxrCxtDxzE=nBxqCxsDxvExуA. Then nqsvy. Then if the quantity of the laſt mprtz = nqsvy. ngon = fort be required, ≈ngsty. But if the quantity mprt of the first fort be fought; y = mprtz Whence ngsv this RULE. Place the terms in two columns, fo that there may not be two terms of a fort in either column. Then multiply the numbers in the leffer column for a divifor; and the numbers in the greater co- lumn (with the odd term) for a dividend. The quotient Sect. VII. 237 S PROBLEM S. quotient is the quantity of that fort which ftands fingle in the two columns. And this is the Rule of Exchange in arithmetic. PROBLEM LXXXII. To inveſtigate numbers for rational ſquares, cubes, &c• Problems of this fort are often capable of an infinite number of anfwers; and yet none of the quantities can be affumed at pleaſure, but muſt be inveſtigated as follows. RULE. Put one or more letters to denote the root of the ſquare, cube, &c. Which letters muſt be ſo affumed, that when the equation is involved, ei- ther the given number, or the higheft power of the unknown quantity, may be on both fides of the equation, and confequently vanishes out of it. And then if the unknown quantity be but of one dimenfion, the problem is folved, by reducing the equation. But if the unknown quantity is ftill a fquare or higher power; you muſt farther affume other new letters, to denote the root, and proceed as before; till you get the unknown quantity of one dimenfion; and from this un- known quantity all the reft are to be determined. For the whole art is, fo to denote the root of the given power, that the unknown quantity may be reduced to one dimenfion. But no general rule of proceeding can be given to fuit all cafes; and therefore the folution will often be left to the fagacity of the analyſt, in con- triving fuch a defignation of letters as is proper for the purpoſe. J Ex 238 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL Ex. 1. To find two fuch numbers, ſo that the fum of their fquares is a fquare. Let x, y, z be the roots of the fquares, fo that xx+yỳ=zz. Affume z=y+r, then xx+yy=ZŻ =yy+2ry+rr, and xx=2ry+rr, and 2ry-xx-rr, where y the unknown quantity is of one dimen fion, which reduced gives y= XX 2r rr ; and XX дада xx + rr y+r= y + r +r= %. Therefore 27 27 XX за да xx + rr the numbers are x, and " where x 27 27 and r denote any numbers taken at pleaſure. But if the answer is required in whole numbers, then 2rx, xx - rr, xx + rr will denote the roots of the fquares, where the fum of the two firft is equal to the laſt fquare. Cor. The three fides of a right-angled triangle will only be commenfurable, when xx + rr denotes the hypo- thenuſe, and xx-rr, and 2rx the two fides; x, r being any numbers taken at pleasure, fo as x is greater than r. Ex. 2. To find two numbers, the fum of whofe fquares is equal to the fum of two given Squares. Let x, y be the roots; aa, bb the given fquares. Affume xa-v, j = vz-b. Then xx+y=aa +bb = aa— zav + vv +vvzz-2bvz+bb; and vv + vvzz = 2ev+2buz, and v+vzz=2a+2bz; 2a +2bz and v = ZZ + I Where is any number ta- ken at pleaſure. Then x= AZZ 2bz a and 2 ZZ + 1 2 2 ax + bzz — b y = 22 + 1 Or Sect. VII 239 PROBLEM S. Or thus, Let xav, then aa-zav+vv+yyaa+bb; and Yy—2av+vvbb. Put y=vz-b; then vvzz- 2bzv+bb-zav+vv=bb, and vvzz+vv=2bzv+ 2bz+2a zav, or vzz + v = 2bz + 2a, and v = as before. Ex. 3. ZZ + I To find two numbers, fuch that when either of them is added to the ſquare of the other, the fum will be a Square number. 24 Let the numbers be *, y; then xx+y= 0› and yy+x=0, Let xx + y = r — x = rr — 2rx +xx; then y = rr2rx, and 2rxrry, whence z = rr — y 2r Again, affume yy+x or yy + gro Y = y + v = 27 gy+2yv + vv. Then rr — y = 2yvvv, whence Friy = 4ryv + 2rvv, and 4rvy+y=rr2rvv ; 2r ry 2rvv whence y = 400+ i 2rro + vv And x = 4rv + I where r, v may be taken at pleaſure, provided * be greater than 2vv. Otherwife, зада ・y y Since x = = 17 — ——, and yy+w or yy— 27 2r 2 + r = 0, put yy - 2+vr=y−2+m= 2r yy- I Then r = 1бr r 3 and r³, which is a cube 240 B. I FUNDAMENTAL I a cube number. And therefore will answer the queſtion; and we have r = 1; whence x = —y, and y may be any thing less than Ex. 4. I 2 I 4. To find two numbers in a given ratio, ſo that either of them added to the fquare of the fum, may make a Square. t Let the ratio of the two numbers be as b to c, and put b+c=d, and let the numbers be bx and cx. Then the fquare of the fum is bx + cxl² = ddxx. Therefore ddxx+bx=0, and ddxx+cx=0. Put ddxx+bx dx—vľ²=ddxx—2dxv+vv; then bx=vv-2dxv, or bx+2dxvvv, and x = Then ddxx+cx or ddx + c x x = ขบ b+2dv ddvv+bc+2cdv b + zdv VV VV X =0, but b + 2dv = therefore b+2dvl² ddvv-2dvz ddvv + bc + 2cdv□ (See Cor. 27. II. Arithm.); affume ddvv + bc + 2cdv=dv—zľª — ddvv + zz; then 2cdv + 2dzv = 2Z bc; and bc ZZ V Where zz muſt be greater than 2cd + 2dz ZZ zz bc2 bc, and expunging v, x = 4ddz × b + x × c + z SCHOLIU M. It appears from theſe operations, that when a quantity, which is to be a fquare by the problem, is not an algebraic fquare; we muſt make it ſo, by affuming fome new quantities to compleat it. Then thefe fquares being compared, an equation is had for determining the unknown quantity. And in Sect. VII. 241' PROBLEMS. in working, one may multiply or divide by any quantity which is a fquare, and what is left will be a ſquare, in a more fimple form. The like for other powers. PROBLEM. LXXXIII. To determine the maximum or minimum of a quantity proposed. When a quantity is required to be the greateſt or leaft poffible, it is called a maximum or mini- mum. And at the time it becomes fuch, it is at a ftand, and at that moment neither increaſes nor decreaſes. Therefore to compute it. RULE. Calculate the value of the maximum or mini- mum two different ways, which is done by in- creafing the unknown quantity therein, by an ex- ceeding fmall part; then thefe values are to be put equal to one another. The fame muſt be done, if there be feveral variable quantities. But go no farther than the firft power of the ſmall added part. Or, If the maximum or minimum confifts of two parts; compute the exceeding ſmall increment of one, and the decrement of the other; and put them equal to one another. Ex. 1. What fraction is that whofe fquare exceeds its cube the greatest poffible. 3 3 Let x be the fraction, then x²-x³-max. Take e an exceeding fmall part to be added to x, then you will alſo have x + el-x+el³ x+el = max. that is, xx + 2xe 223 3x²e max. max. Whence x² 2xe X3 3x²e, and 2xe 2xe, and 3x=2, or x 3. R 2 Whence x-x³-xx 3*²e=0, or 3*²e Or 242 B. i. FUNDAMENTAL Since x² Or thus, max. let e be the finall increaſe of x, then 2xe is the increment of xx, and is the decrement of x3; therefore 2xe 1x20 3x²e, and * 3 as before. Ex. 2. To divide a given quantity into two parts, that one of the parts multiplied by the cube of the other part; the product may be a maximum. Let a be the quantity, and one part, and ' ax the other part, and e a ſmall additional part tỏ x. Then x³ X a x or ax³ 3 x4 = max: = ax³ + 3ax²e—x44x³e. Then 3axe 4x³e, and xa, for one part, and a-xa, the other part. Ex. 3. To find a³ — a²x + x³ a minimum, x being un- known. Putxe for x. Then a3a²x + x³ min. = = a³——a²x—a²e+x+3x²e, and -a²e+3x²e=0, and 3xxaa; whence x = a. Then a³-a2x+x³ 3 J @³—a³ √ {} + {{a³ √ ÷ a³×1-√, the minimum. // 2 3 3 Ex. 4. baaxaaxx-6x3 x 4 Let -a+x be a maximum. baa + x³ This reduced to a common denominator is 2bbaax+aaxx-bx³-ba³-ax³ max. Put x + e baa + x3 for y Then Sect. VII. 243 PROBLEMS. 2baax + aaxx bx3 ba³ 0x3 Then baa + x³ 2baax + 2baae + aaxx+2aaxe—bx³ — 3bx²e—ba³ — ax³ захте ; baa + x³ + 3xxe Then multiplying alternately, zbaax+aaxx-bx³-bas-ax³ x baa+x³ + 2xxe- : 2baax+2baae+aaxx+2aaxe-bx³-3bx²e—ba³ — 2 ax² 3ax¹e: × baa + x³. what is common on both ſides, 2baax + aaxx bx3 And throwing out baz ax³ × 3xxe = baa + x³ 36x5 × 2baae+2aaxe—-3bxxe-zaxxe. That is (dividing 4 by e), 6baax³ + zaax+ — 2bba4 + 2ba+x — 3ba3xx 3axs = 3bbaaxx-3ba xx+2baax³+2aax4 36x5-3ax. Reduced, 4baax³ +aax+ =2bba+ + 2ba+x-3bbaaxx; or dividing by a, and tranfpofing, *4 + 4bx³ + 3bbxx — 2baax — 2bbaa = 0. Ex. 5. Suppoſe y³-3yyx + 3yxx = nyx — nxx. and x 4 y = max. Zy x Suppole the maximumm. Then my This fubftituted in the firft equation, and reduced, gives y³+3m²y=uyy-mmn. And y+12mmy- nyy + 4mìnn = o. Where m is a fixt quantity. Put ye for y; then y³ + 12m³y-nyy + 4m²n =0= y³ + 3y²e + 12m³y + 12m²e — ny²-2nye+4m²n=0, and 3y²e + 12m²e 2nyeo, whence 3y+12m²- From this equa- tion, and y+12m³ynyy + 4m no, the quan- tities y and m will eafily be determined. 2ny=0, or 2ny 33y = 12mm, Ex. 6. Through a given point P within the angle BAC, Fig. to draw a right line BPC, making the area of the 1. triangle BAC, the least poffible. Draw AP, and bPc extremely near BPC; then the area ABP + ACP minimum, R 2- In the very fmall 244 B. Í. FUNDAMENTAL Fig. fmall triangles BPb, and CPc, the vertical angles I. at P are equal, and BPbP, as alſo CPCP, extream near. Therefore the areas BPb, and CPc, are to one another as BP to CP (Geom. 19. II). But CPC is the increment of the area APC; and BPb is the decrement of the area APB. There- 2. 2. fore BPb CPc, or BP CP2; therefore = = BPCP. Whence if PD be drawn parallel to CA, then DB = DA. Ex. 7. To find the greatest triangle inscribed in a circle ACBD. Draw the diameter AB, and CD perpendicu- lar thereto; alfo draw AC, AD. Let AB = d, AE¤×, EC≈y: then triangle ACD = xÿ=max. x, or xxyy = max. but yy dx *** therefore dx³-x+= max. dx³ + 3dx²e-x-4x³e (putting xe for x), and 3dx'e 4x³e, or 4x 3d, whence + x = 3d. x4 = 3 SCHOLI U M. When any quantity is a maximum or minimum, its root, or its fquare, or its cube, &c. will like- wife be a maximum or minimum. Alfo when any quantity is a maximum or minimum, any given quantity may be added to it, or fubtracted from it, and it will still be a maximum, or minimum. Likewiſe it may be multiplied or divided by any given quantity, and ftill remain a maximum or minimum. PROBLEM LXXXIV. A number or quantity being given; to find its loga- rithm by a feries, or to turn numbers into logarithms. X Let be the quantity given; M = 1, for y Neper's logarithms, or M =,434294482, for the common Sect. VII. 245 PROBLEMS. common logarithms. And let x-y=v, x+y=z. Then the logarithm of will be denoted theſe y feveral ways following, deduced from the nature of logarithms. X 1. Log: =MX: y X 2. Log: Mx: y ४ c บ V 22 V} 74 95 + + y . 2y² 3y³ 434 535 Or, + v2 23 23 24 5x5 &c. + 3203 + 25 + 4x4 + &c. Or, + + 323 525 3. Log:2MX: y 212. V7 + + &c. 727 Cor. 1. If v be far less than 1. Then ขะ VV 23 Log: 1Mx:~— + + &c. 2 3 4 5 I.. For then This is plain by putting y = 1. * = I +V, and X I + v. Y ข Cor. 2. Log: y+v=lógy,+Mx: -- y 73 74 + &c. 2y 3y3 4y4 or log:y+v=lag:y, +Mx: དུ or log:y+v=log:y, +2Mx; For log: ≈ or y+v=logy× + + V 222 V3 + Z V 323 213 V4 + &c. 4204 vi &c. 727 X + + 323525 =log: y+log: R 3 Cor 246 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL logarithm of n, Cor. 3. If I and 1+ slogarithm of n + v. Then the ad- ditional part of the logarithm, that is, S=MX: or s = Mx : or s = 2MX: V ་ 73 24 + n 272 3n3 &c. 424 ข 22 V3 + + &c. n + v 2.1+01² 3.n +01³ 3 ข Vi + + &c. 2n+v 3.2n+v³ S 5.2n+v For fince 1+s=log: n+v, and 25 log: n; there- n + v foreslog: n+v-log: n= log: n + v that is, slog: n n And by this prop. (writing a for y, n+v for x, and 2n+v for z); s or log: will come out as above. Cor. 4. If x be far less than a, then n+v n Log: a + bx + cx² + dx³ &c. = log : a + M × : bx + cxx + dx³- &c. bx + ccxx &c.l 2 a 2aa 3 bx &c. + &c. 3a3 a and log: -MX: a bx CXX dx³ &c. bx + cxx + dx³ &c. 3 bx + cxx &c [2. + : a of bx &c. 13 303 &c. 200 and Sect. VII. 247 PROBLEM S. a + bx + cxx + dx³ &c. and log: ! a bx 2M X :: CXX dx³ &c. bx + cxx + dx³ &c. bx + cxx &c | 3 + a 303 bx+ &c.15 + &c: 5a5 and The firſt cafe appears from Cafe 1, Cor. 2. writing a + bx + cxx &c. for x, a for bx + cxx &c. for v. ولا The ſecond appears from Cafe 2. of this prop. writing a for x, abx cxx &c. for y, and bx + cxx &c. for v. The third appears from Cafe 3 of the prop. writing a + bx + cxx &c. for x, abx for y, 2bx+2cxx &c. for v, and 2a for z. SCHOLIU M. cxx &c. 2 Mv The log: y+v = log : y : + very near, 2y+v when is very fmall, which is only the firft term of the feries, Cafe 3. Cor. 2. PROBLEM LXXXV. A logarithm being given; to find the quantity belong- ing to it, or its number, by a feries. Or to turn logarithms into numbers. $ บ Lets be the logarithm given, n + its num- ber, and let / be the logarithm of the number n. I Put m = 2.302585093 2.302585093 = √, for the common lo- M garithms, or m = 1, for Neper's logarithms. Then by Cor. 3. laft Prob. s = MX: V n 23 + &c. 2n² 3223 R 4 and 248 B. I. FUNDAMENTAL 1 and orms =+ &c. Then by re- M n verfion of ſeries (Prob. Ixii ), 23 3n3 ข ms/2 ms + n 2 ms [³ 3 ms 4 + + &c. Then 2.3 2.3.4 ms!² msl³ 1. v=nx: ms + m2.5 ms 2.n+v=nX:1+ms+ + + + &c. Whence 2 2.3 ms|3 ms|4 &c. and 2 2.3 2.3.4 n+ v msl² ms/3 3. ள் = I + ms + + &c. n 2 2.3 That is, Number of + s = number of / × : 1 + ms + ms 2 ms 3 ms! 4 + + &c. 2 2.3 2.3.4 Cor. 1. If n = I + v or 1, and l = 0; then number of = I + ms + ms 2 ms13 ms14 + + &c. 2 2.3 2.3.4 l - Cor. 2. If I log: n, and l+s=log: n+v; then the additional part of the number, that is, 4 v=nX : ms + ms² + ms/3 msl¹ + &c. 2 2.3 2.3.4 Cor. 3. If L be the log: N° 1+mxL + of the number N, then 3 mxL[² + mx Ll mx LI MxLİ + 4 &c. 2 2.3 2.3.4 For f Sect. VII. 249 PROBLEM S. For, by Cor. 1. I + v (numb. of s log.) = ms 2 ms13 I + ms + + &c. Where I 2 may 2.3 There- repreſent any number, and s its logarithm. v = N, and sL; then fore let mLl² 2 N (numb. of L log.) = 1 + mL + + 2 &c. therefore by the nature of logarithms, N* (numb. of xL log.) = 1 + mxL + mx L 3 &c. mL 3 2.3 mxL|z 2 2.3 Cor. 4. If yn+ v, x = r + e, l=log: n. Then e 3* or n + vl =n'×: 1+ mel + mell mell³ 3 + 2 2.3 &c. X: I + r te rte r+e- VV X + X X I ท I 2 nn rte r+e- r te 2 203 + X X X &c. I 2 3 223 = te For n+vr+en" +ex I + but by Cor. 3. ne = 1 + mel + v irte = nr x ne X n irte 1+ n mellz mell³ irte v + &c. and i + =i+ r te X 2 2.3 n I 17 r+e r+e I ขา + X X &c. I 2 nn Cor. 5. If I = log: n; then x: For here = 0. v Note = n² X : I + mel + mell² mell³ 3 + &c. 2 2.3 Cor. 250 FUNDAMENTAL, &c. B. I; 13 Cor. 6. If v, è be exceeding fmall, then rv n + v² + e = n² × : 1 + mel + nearly, being on n ly the first power of e and v. Cor. 7. If n = number of the logarithm a; then the number of the logarithm a + bx + cxx + dx³ 1 =nx into I + m × bx + cx² + dx³ &c. + m3. &c. m² 2 X n24 bx + cxx &c.¹² + × bx + cxx &c.1³ + 3 X 263 2.3.4 bx + &c.1+ + &c. This follows from this problem, putting a, and s bx + cxx. &c. PROBLEM LXXXVI. A problem being refolved analytically, to demonftrate it fynthetically. RUL E. When a problem has been folved algebraically, the demonftration of it is to be deduced from the ſteps of the algebraic procefs; by going backward from the end of it to the beginning; obferving how each step is formed from the foregoing, and forming your procefs accordingly. SECT. .1 251 SECT. VIII. The Refolution of Equations; and the extraction of their roots in numbers. PROBLEM LXXXVII. To find the limits of the roots of an equation. W! HEN an equation is propofed to have its root extracted, it is proper to find the li- mits of the roots; left we lofe our time in feeking the roots beyond thefe limits. RULE. Reduce the equation, that the higheſt term may have I for its coefficient; then fquare the coeffi- cient of the fecond term, from which ſubtract twice the coefficient of the third term, then the fquare root thereof is greater than the greateft root of the equation. But the equation fhould be clear of impoffible roots. For that quantity is the fum of the fquares of the roots, by Prob. xl. Art. 9. and that fum, is greater than the fquare of any one root. Or thus, Subſtitute ſeveral numbers fucceffively for the unknown quantity; till at laft you find two num- bers which give, one a pofitive, and the other a negative refult. Then the root is between theſe numbers. There are other rules among the writers of Al- gebra, which come nearer; but then they are more laborious. Ex. 252 B. I. RESOLUTION of Let x+3x-5% Ex. I. 200. = Then 3 × 32x-5=9+10 19. and 194.3, &c. Therefore 4, 3 is greater than any of the roots. Ex. 2. Suppoſe xxx-5=0. If x 2, then the refult is 2—5—3. = If x 3, the refult is 6-5 +1. = = Therefore the root is between 2 and — 3. PROBLEM LXXXVIII. To refolve a quadratic equation, and extract its root in numbers. I comprehend all equations under the name of quadratics, in which are two terms involving the unknown quantity; and where the index of one is double to that of the other. As in theſe, aa + ba = d a4 + ba² = d a+ba³d, &c. where b, d, may repreſent any numbers, affirma- tive or negative. Every quadratic equation has two roots, though perhaps only one of them will answer the queftion propoſed, And to find theſe roots the equation propoſed muſt be first reduced, by dividing all, by the coefficient of the higheſt term; and then tranfpofing the known quantity to the contrary fide. Which done, the equation will appear thus, aa+bad. Now add to both fides bb the ſquare of half the coefficient of a, and we have ɛa + ba + 1 bb bbd, where the firft fide is a compleat } Sect. VIII. EQUATIONS. 253 compleat ſquare; therefore extract the ſquare root, and a +16=±√bb+d, tranfpoſe b, then a = − b ± √ ÷ bb+d. So a becomes known, be- ing either equal to 1b + √ 1bb + d, or to Whence this b 1 — 16 - ✓ 1bb + d. I RULE. The equation being cleared, compleat the fquare by adding to both fides the ſquare of half the co- efficient of the ſecond term. Then extract the root of both fides, which may be either+ or -; then tranſpoſe the known quantity. Note, If the abfolute number is negative, and greater than the ſquare of the coefficient; the equation is impoffible. 4 If aa + bad, Then a√ ±bb + d — 2 b. And the root extracted in numbers gives a; but ifbb is leffer than d, and d negative; it is im- poffible. If aa+5a=68. Ex. I. Then a =±√68+6=-=±√74.25 — 2.5 3 74.25 (8.6168 &c. 64 166) 1025 +6/996 17212900 +1/1721 17226) 117900 +6 103356 17232) 1454400 + 8.6168 2.5 + 6.1158 = a 11.1168 = a Ex. 254 ·B. I. RESOLUTION of Į Ex. 2. Let aa 6a= 27• 9+27=3±√36. Then a 3+ = that is, a = 3 + 6 = 9. or a 3- 6 = -3. Ex. 3. Suppoſe aa - ·236a1155. Then a 118±√1182—1155; that is, a = 118 + 113 = 231 or a = 118-113 = 5. 2 RULE. When you have large numbers to deal with it is better to proceed thus. Clear the equation, And if aa + bad, d then a = the form. ว b ta d To find the firſt quotient figure, take, when b is far greater than a; or take √d, when a is far greater than b; or take when a and b d 26 are nearly equal; thus it will eafily be found by a few trials. Or in general, take the firft figure fuch, that when it is multiplied by the fum of it. felf and b, it will produce the first figure or fi- gures of d, or the next lefs: this is all the dif ficulty. Then multiply and fubtract as ufual, the remainder is the refolvend. Then to continue the divifion; you muſt find a new divifor for each quotient figure, thus. Add the last quotient figure to the laft divifor (duly obferving their places), for a new divifor; fee how } Sec. VIII. EQUATION S. 255 how oft this is contained in the refolvend, fet the anſwer in the quotient, and alſo add it to the di- vifor; then multiply the whole divifor by that quo- tient figure; and fubtract the product, for a new refolvend. But when any of the figns are nega- tive, the proper quantities are to be fubtracted, in- ftead of being added. This work is always to be repeated for each quotient figure. When any quotient figure is fo great that the product exceeds the refolvend, place a leſs figure in the quotient. When you have got more than half your in- tended number of figures in the quotient, you may continue the divifion without adding the new quotient figures to the divifor. Obferve, each quotient figure is to be added twice to the divifor; once before multiplication, and once after; juft as in extracting the fquare root, and for the fame reaſon. For this method extracts the fquare root, when bo. When one root is had, the other is found, by adding this to the coefficient b; for the fum, changing its fign, is the other root. This rule is the foundation of the method for extracting the roots of adfected equations. 品 Ex. 4. Let aa + 32a = 4644. then 4644 a 32+ a 4600 Suppofe = 100 too great for a. 32 4644 60, which is alfo too great for a. Take 4600 64 =7, too great. Take a 50. 32 256 B. I. RESOLUTION of 32 + 50· 82) 4644 (50 + 54 410. 136) 544 (4 544 ·| 54 = a Ex. 5. Let aa + 35a=28349994 aa+35a 28349994 a 35 a 5000 nearly. Here a√28 &c. +35 5000 5035) 28349994 (5307 ≈ ₫ 5300/ 25175 10335 31749 307 31005 10642) 74494 74494 Ex. 6. == Suppose aa—5307a —— 184520. 184520 184520 then a = 5307+a 5307-a 184 Here a= = 30 nearly. 5 5307 Se&t. VIII. 257 EQUATIONS. 5307) 184520 (35 = a. -30 15831. 5277) 26210 -35 26210 5242) Ex. 7. Let aa +463a = 26698 26698 a = 463+a' 463) 26698 (51.855342 a +50 2565. 513) 1048 +51 564 564) 484.00000 +1.8 45264 565.8) 31.3600 +.85 283325 566.65) 30275 +.5 28335 566.70 1940 1700 240 226 14 II 3 Scholium. If x++ bx²=d. Put a xx, then aa + bad; and find a as above. Then x = √ɑ, S by ! 2-58 RESOLUTION of B. I. by extracting the root. And the fame for higher equations. To prove the truth of this rule. Let x+y+z &c. be the true value of a; the firft figure, y the fecond, and z the third, &c. aa + bad, the value of d will be Then fince bxx+y+z+x+y+zl³, whence x+y+≈ &c. or { d @= b+ a 3 = bx + by + b≈ + x + y + b + x + y + z The operation. 2. bx+by+bx+xx+2xy(x+y+z &c. b +) bx+by+ +yy + 2xz +zz+2yz +x/ I divifor b+x) bx + xx by+bz+yy+zxy refolvend +zz+2xz +x+y 2 divif. b + 2x+y) +y+z +232 by+2xy+yy 3 divif. b + 2x + 2y +z) bz+zz+2xz refolvend +2yz bz+2xz+2yz+zz Here bx+by &c. being divided by b gives in the quotient, and x added to b, gives b+x for the divifor, and bxxx for the product, which fubtracted, leaves the refolvend by + bz + 2xy +yy &c. Then in order to get the fecond figure y, the refolvend by + 2xy + yy &c. is to be divided by b+2x+y. Therefore x + y is to be added to the Therefore+y laſt diviſor b + x, to get the new divifor b+2x+y. This divifor multiplied by y, gives by + 2xy + yy, which Sect. VIII. EQUATION S. 259 which fubtracted, leaves bz + 2xz + zyz + zz for the refolvend. Then to get the third figure z, it is plain, the refolvend bz + 2xz + 27% + zz muſt be divided by the divifor b + 2x + 2y +z, but this new divifor is b+2x+y+x+z, that is, it is the old divifor with *+≈ added. Then this divifor multiplied by 2, z ż, and ſubtracted, o remains. Therefore the root is rightly extracted, and the rule true. As I am upon this fubject, I fhall alfo fhew the truth of the rule for extracting the fquare root in Arithmetic, which is the cafe here, when b=0. Let x + y + zl be the fquare, that is, 1 div. x) xx+2xy +yy+2x+2yz+zz (x+y+≈ + x) xx 2xy+yy+2xx+2yz+zz 2x) +y 2xy+yy 2 div. 2x+y) +y+z 3 div. 2x + 2y + z) +2xz+2y%+zz +2x+2yx+zz Here being the root of the first term, its fquare fubtracted, leaves the refolvend 2xy+yy &c. Then to find y, the refolvend muſt be divided by 2x+y. That is, to the old divifor x, add x+y for a new divifor 2x+y; this multiplied by y, and fubtracted, leaves the refolvend 2xz +2yz + zz. Again to find z, the refolvend is to be divided by 2x + 2y + z that o remain; that is, to the old divifor 2x + y add y +≈, the fum is the new divifor 2x+2y+z, which multiplied by z, is equal to the refolvend, ſo that o remains; and the root is x + y + zo S 2 PRO- 266 B. I. RESOLUTION of PROBLEM LXXXIX. To extract the root of a cubic equation. iRU RULE. Take away the fecond term of the equation, (by Prob. li) which then will be in this form, a³ + bad. Then fubftitute numbers in either of the following forts, and extract the roots, by which means a will be found. avid+ √÷dd+z7b³ 3 I 3 ¿d+✓ dd+b³. or a = √1d+✓ dd +376 + 27 27 Note, When b is negative, and 63 greater than dd, the equation is impoffible. Ex. I. and — 4 Let x³ 6x ود = 60 Here b-6, d-9, and dd + b³ √/124 = 31/1 3 + 34 = √/ — 1 — — I. 3을 2 27 1. Therefore a = I 1 — 2 — — 3• I Or a 4 z — 32 = √// — 8 = 3 - I — 2 2, whence -3, as before. Èx. Be&. WHI. 261 EQUATION S. Ex. 2. Let a³ + 6a — 20. Here b6, d=20, and √dd+,6³ 3 27 Ando+ 1981+√3 (Prob. Ixxii.) and ご 108. 4 3 V10108 = 1−√3. √108 I Whence 2 a = 1 + √ 3+1 −√3 = ?. Ex. 3. Let a³ 15a = 4. Here b = 15, d = 4, and ✔áá + ½², b³ دن 27 121 = 3 And √2+11-1 = 2 + √ - 1. 3 2. √2-11-1 = 2 — √ — 1. I. And Whence a 2+ √−1 +2 -√-1 = 4. = Ex. 4. Suppoſe a³ + 24a587914. Heré b = 24, d=587194. ✔dd + 1763 = 293957.000878. 8 3 And Vid + 29 &c. 83.7731. And 83.77 =.0958; therefore = a = 83.7731.0958 83 6773. SCHOLIU M. It fometimes happens that the root may be found, though the negative quantity be great- I 271³ er than dd; and that is when the furd cubic root can be extracted. For then the irrational parts, in different parts of the equation, will deftroy one another, and vanifh; as in Ex. 3. S 3 To $ 262 B. I. RESOLUTION of To prove the truth of this rule. Put r = √da+ 2,b³, s=Vid+r. Then a=s- b bb b³ bb and as³-bs+ and babs - > 35 35 2753 35 63 2b3 therefore a³ + ba = s³ id + r 27 2753 ed + r Add + dr + gq — id + r I 27 63 = (reftoring rr) Add + dr + Idd + 2, 1b3 I f³ ъз ždd + dr 27 27 =d; ½ d + r id + r that is, a³ + bad, according to the first part of the rule. And the fecond part is proved, by fhewing that b 35 Vidr. It is plain id + rx id-r +r — \dd—rr —— b³, therefore d—r— = b3 › and 27532 be proved. 3 27 i d + r 1 d — r = b 35 Which was to Some of the cafes of cubic equations may alſo be refolved trigonometrically by the table of fines. As fuppofe the equation x3pxq, to be gi ven. By Prop. 24, 25. Trigonometry, if rra- dius, y fine of an arch; then gy thrice the arch. And by Prop. 26. if x arch, then 4x3 3 rr 4 4y3 rr - S. of cofine of an x = cofine of thrice that arch. Theſe equations reduced give y³ ry 3 rry 4 4 X fine of thrice the arch. And x³-3rrx+rr X cofine of thrice the arch. Or putting y for ei- ther the fine or cofine of the arch, C for the fine or cofine of thrice the arch; then y3. Sect. VIII. 263 EQUATIONS. y3 — 4rry = ± — C, the fign+being for colines, 93 and - for fines. 4 Then, if the given equation x3px q is to + be refolved; it must be compared with the fore- going, and all the parts made fimilar in both. Therefore let the equation x3pxq, be de- noted thus, x³-2RR≈≈±‡RRS, S being the fine or cofine of thrice the arch. Therefore RR = p, and R = √p. Alſo 9 = RRS=1pS, and S = 39. Whence by proportion R (√): S (39) S= P ::r: C = 3rq 4 P√ AP 4 P the cofine or fine of an arch. Of which, y is the cofine or fine of the third part. Then y being found, it will be r: y :: R (√‡p) as required. Hence this :*= 3 2 RULE. Take away the ſecond term (by Prob. li.) if it have any; and the equation will be reduced to this form, x³- px = ± 9. Then take 39 X3 3rq the cofine of an arch (if PV P Find y = cofine J√ +P до it be+q), or the fine (if). or fine of that arch; then quired. 3 4 =* re- And this laft arch may be either that we found, or, that + 120°, or the fame + 240°. By which means you will have three roots or values of y. But note, when 3rg 4 P√ + P is 8 greater than I, the There- queftion is impoffible by this rule. S 4 264 RESOLUTION of B. I. Therefore this rule fupplies the defect of the first rule, which only folves equations that have but one root real, and two impoffible ones: while this rule folves fuch as have three roots real. Ex. 5. Let as 91a = - 330, Here xa, p=91, q=330, and √p=11.015, and if r = 1, 3rq 4 PV P√ 3 P .987655 fine of 81° very near; and the third part is 27, or 147, or 267; whoſe fines are, y = .45399, or .54467, or -.99863; thefe multiplied by 11.015 produce 5.0004, and 5.9991, and the three roots are 5, 6, and Ex. 6. Suppoſe x³- 19* = 30. 10.9998; therefore - II. 4 Here p 19, 9 = 30, and ✔√†p = 5.03323 ; and 3rg = .94112 cofine of 19° 45', and PV + P the third part is 6° 35', or 126° 35', or 246° 35', whoſe cofine is y.99340, or .59599, or -.39741; which multiplied by 5.03323, pro- duce 4.99998, and 2.99974, and 2.00024. So the three roots are theſe, 5, 3, and PROBLEM XC. 2. To refolve a biquadratic equation, by diffolving it into two quadratics. Take away the fecond term (by Prob. li.), and let the refulting equation be x + qx² + rx + s=0. Suppoſe it to be generated by the two quadratics, x + ex +ƒ= o, and xx-ex+go. Thefe being multiplied Sect. VIII. 265 EQUATION S. multiplied together produce x*+fx²+egx+fg=0. +g -ef ee Comparing the terms of this with the firft equa- tion, we have f+g—ee=q, eg—ef=r, and fg=s; whence g +ƒ = q + ee, and g—ƒ == ; and confe- quently g = (fg =) q+ee + == 2 99+2gee+e4- 4 f= e 9+ee-=-= e and f= e And 2 ee s. And by reduction, gy eε +29e4 + qgee — rr = 0. Put yee, and then 45 y³ +2qy²+qqy―rro. A cubic equation; whence 45 the following RULE. To refolve the biquadratic equation x4+qx²+ra +so. Take the cubic equation y³+2qyy+qqyrr 45 o; out of which take away the ſecond term (by Prob. li.); and find the root by the laft problem, or otherwiſe; and from thence find y. take e√y, and f q + ee e == and 2 Then q + ee + e g 2 Laftly, find the roots of thefe two quadratic e- quations, xx+ex+fo, and xx-ex + g = 0. And theſe will be the four roots, of the biquadratic *4 + qx² + rx + s = o. Example. 266 B. I. RESOLUTION of Example. Let x4-25x² + 60x360. From this you have the cubic equation y³---- 50y²+769336000. co. Take away the fecond term, by writing v + 193 1150 v 3 27 50 for y. 3 And we have And by Rule 2. 2. Prob. I laſt, v = 8.3333 &c. =8—, whence y = 8 1 - 3 ++ Il w/ 60 50 11 25, and e e = 5; therefore f f = 3 60 ·25+25— 5 —6, and g g= 2 2 ―25+25+ 5 +6. Whence xx+5x-6=o, and xx-5x+6 o; and the roots of the former equation are i and -6; and of the latter, 3 and 2. Therefore the four roots of the biquadratic, x425x+60x 360, are 1, 2, 3, and 6. And the fame roots will be found, by making ufe of the other values of v, which - are 2 and > 23 3 3 Schol. But this and fuch like rules are of little value; for there is far more labour here in get- ting the roots than by the method of converging feries, which is to follow. PROBLEM XCI. To extract the root of any pure power in numbers. Let G be the number given to be extracted; m the root required, r the neareft root, and e the Sect. VIII. 2.67 EQUATIONS. the remaining part of it; then rel" G, that is (Cor. 1. Prob. v.) rm + mrm-s e + m. m. I m 2 gm-2 ee + m 2 3 m I ym-3 e³ &c. = G, and rejecting e¹ and the higher powers, as very ſmall; we have mym-se + m. and this m. m I go42 −2 el = G —— gesti, 2 mrm-x G — gr ??? e tee = Hence m I m I g-11-2 m. gr M-2 2 2 Let G ↑ IRUL E. abfolute number. the neareſt root you can find. the true root. the index of the root. 27 re rte: m b M - I G- gottle D= m 1 m. rm-2 2 Then beee D, or e= D b + e nearly. Which equation is to be refolved by Prob. lxxxviii. When e is had, then re is to be taken for a new value of r, and the operation repeated, perhaps of- tener than once. This rule generally triples the number of figures. But if the third power of e be takea in, then mrm-se + m m I M I m 2 rm-2 ee + m. 2 2 3 rm D, there- fore gr M−3 e3 = G — and fince beee 268 B. I. RESOLUTION of fore ee-D-be, and e³ De-bee, and m. m I 2 m. 2 m m 2 rm-3 e3 m. gM = 3 × De- bee, 3 2 3 m I 111 M2 whence mrm-1 e + m. ym-3X De-bee Gym, and rre + pm-2 ee + m. 2 2 — 3 2 992-2 Det 3 M-1 2 M-I }} -- 2 ree- bee= G-gm =rF, 2 3 Mrm-3 Gg772 by fubftitution, (putting F= D, then rre + трт-г ); expunge b and 712 I n 2 G- ·7-722 e t 2 3 712 I m. z Mne 2 2 MI M—Į M— 2 2r ree X eerF; that is, 2 2 3 172-I m 2 m I 712 2 gre + × Fe + ree reerF, 3 2 3 m 2 m + I Fxe+ reerF, 3 6 * : that is, rr + whence this Let G 2 RULE. abfolute number. r = neareſt root you can find. rte = true root. g m = index of the root. G- y m mrm-2 F = 6r + 2m-4. F 6F Then e tee nearly. m - 1 m + I Which } Sect. VIII: 269 EQUATIONS. Which is to be folved as Prob. lxxxviii, and re- peated with new r, if there be occafion. This rule commonly quintuples the number of figures in the root, true; at each operation The root of any number may alſo be extracted by Prob. lviii. after this manner. 3 RULE. Let P+Pq, be the number given to be extracted. P, the greatest power contained in it. Pq, the remainder; and q, the quotient arifing by dividing the re- mainder by the greateft power. n, the index of the root. 2/ P + Pq = P ^ + די 1 Then I n Aq Bq ท 2n 3n Cq Dq &c. Where A, B, C, 3n 4n 2n &c. are the preceding terms. In this rule, when two or three figures are got, put them equal to I > P " and begin the operation anew; and the ſeries will then converge exceeding faft; and fo much fafter as q is lefs. Cor. Hence it follows, that I VP + Pq = √P + =/ Aq — 2 7 -Dq — — Eq &c. 10 I I — Bq — 3 Cg — 4 for the ſquare root. 2 VP + Pq = VP + − Aq — — Bq · V 8 Dq 12 I I 15 √ P + Pq = √P + 3 6 - 5 Cq - 9 Eq &c. for the cube root. 4 7 Aq — 3 Bq — — Cq · 8 12 I I Dq &c. for the biquadrate root. 16 V } 270 B. I. RESOLUTION of I 4 9 V P + Pq = VP + — Aq − 1 Bq - 2 Cq- 14 20 5 10 Dq &c for the fifth root. 2 15 P + Pq|³ = P³ + — Aq — 6 — Bq Bq — — Cq - 3 1Dq - &c. for the 7 fquare; and fo on. Ex. 1. What is the cube root of 2. 9 cube root of the Here G2, r=1, m = 3, by Rule 1, 6} b = D= 3 I. 1+ =.3333; and e= +2) .3333 (.26e 24 1.2 ) .0933 +26 876 D andre1.26 b+e 1.46 57 L Again, for a fecond operation; Let new r 1.26; then Gg3.000376, and m."―r=3r=3.78, and D= 000376 2 3.78 .000099471, and becauſe is negative here, .000099471 ļ = 1.26- 1 1.2600000 Sect. VIII. 271 EQUATIONS. 1.2600000) .0000994710 (-.000078950106 -7 881951 1.2599300 11275900 -78 10078816 1.2598520 11970840 -89 11338587 1.259843 632253 629921 2332 1259 73 до I .26000 e=.000078950106 √2 = 1.259921049894 Ex. 2. Extract the 5th root of 2327834559873* Firſt point every fifth figure thus 2327834559873, Then for brevity's fake, take only the firft pe- riod, as an integer, that is 232. Then proceed- ing by Rule 2, we fhall find 2 the root of the greateſt power contained therein; and thence, r = 2, and and Whence 232 G 32 деть 200 = G―rm 40 200 40 mrm-2 = 5 = F. Therefore ! 1 B. I. 272 RESOLUTION of 2 Therefore 4е + ee = 5, or e= 41+ 4.5) 5.00 (.92 = e. 4.5+ e 5 +9 4.86 5.4) 1400 whence r = 2.92; +92 1264 6.32) 136 Suppoſe again new r = 290. Then r³ 24389000. G = 2327834559873 r52051114900000 G-rs 276719659873 = F 2269.217 whence 297.825e+ee = 2269.217 2269.217 ore= 297.825 + e 297.825) 2269.217 (7.43375 +7 2133.775 304.825) 1354420 +7.4 1248900 312.225) 105520 + 43° 93796 312.6515 11724 + 33 9380 312.68 2344 2188 156 Whence re=297.4337, which may be ta ken for new r, and the operation repeated, if there be occafion. Ex. Sect. VIII. 273 EQUATIONS. Ex. 3. What is the 7th root of 100000. The neareſt root of 100000 is 5, whence by Rule 3d, P + Pq = 100000 Р = 78125 Pq 21875. whence q 9 .28 &c. And VP+Pq = VP + — Aq Aq-Bq- 6 14 13 Cq — 20 Dq - 27 Eq &c. 28 21 That is, 7 35 VP = +5.000 + Aq= -3B q - 2 232 C q - = 5 - Dq = &c. .200 024. +.004 ΠΟΙ 5.204.0255.179 But becauſe this converges flow, take 5.179 for the root, and involve it to the 7th power, and we have P+ Pq = 100000. P Pq 9 === 11 99435.8652873094 64.1347126906 =.0006417587 5.1790000000 = A Then VP = +÷Aq = +.0004748097 = B 7 -3 Bq 1306 C 2 ~ 1 3 C q = + I D 5.1794748098 -1306 5.1794746792 = √1000CO. T S.bol. 1 274 B. I. RESOLUTION of Schol. i. If the root is required for only a few places of figures; the eafieft way by far, is to ex- tract it by the help of logarithms. Schol. 2. From the foregoing process, the rule for extracting the cube root in arithmetic, may be demonftrated. 3 ; Let a + be the root, a the firſt figure, e the fecond. Then the cube is a³ + za¹e + zað² + e³ then a the greateſt cube contained in it, being fubtracted; there remains 3ate + 3ae, fetting afide e as being very fmall. Divide this remainder by 3, and we have a'e - aee, from which to find e, this remainder or refolvend muſt be divided by aa + ae. That is, the refolvend muſt be divided by aa, the fquare of the root, and then to the divifor, there must be added de, the product of the root by the quotient figure; and the whole will be the true divifor for finding e. But as e¹ was left out of the account; the root got this way will deviate from the true root; and therefore you muft, after a few figures are had, begin the ope- ration again, with the new root which you have already got. PROBLEM XCII. To extract the root of any adfelled equation, in numbers. Preparation. = Suppoſe Ax+Bx²+Cx³+Dx44-Exs &c. N. Put rex, r being the firft figure of the root; and to find r, put 1, 10, 100 fucceffively for x; and the neareſt value of thefe being found, try the intermediate numbers 5, 50, &c. then expung ing *, we have Ar + Ac Rect. VIII. 275 EQUATIONS. 1 Ar + Ae Br²+2 Bre + Bee Cr³ +3Cr²e +3Cree +Ce³ =Ax~ =Bxx =Cx)=N. N, Dr++4Dr³e+6Dre²+4Dre³ +De+ Dx4 &c. &c. Sum P+ae + bee + ce³ + de4 &c. = N. And ae+bee+ces+de+ &c. f N-P=f. Then fince e= nearly, we ſhall have f a + be x = = f. Or ae + bf e=f. From whence ae + a we ſhall have this a IRUL E. f nearly. a+b x 1 f a Or, if more exactnefs be required, we may bring in ee; then ae + beef, whence this 2 RULE. b Ge+ a = / f b ce³ +de+ &c. or e a te a + be Ъ nearly, to be wrought by LXXXVIII. Rule 2. Or if e³ be taken in for more exactneſs; pro- ceed thus, bee =ƒ—ae, and ce³ = ae bee + ce² = ae + bee + + cfe-caee whence of ca b eef, whence T 2 3 RULE. 246 B. I. RESOLUTION of 3 RULE. e+ of f e + ec = > b ca very near; to be wrought ca b. b b as Prob. lxxxviii. Rule 2. In any of theſe rules the operation muſt be re- peated after a few figures are had, by taking a new value of r, and proceeding as before. Ex. I. Let 120x³ +3657** — 38059x 38059* = 8007115. By a few trials, you will find x to be greater than 30, and lefs than 40. Therefore fuppofe 30, and 30+ex the root fought, which be- ing involved, and taking the leaſt powers firſt, as in the rule, we have -1141770-38059e +3291300+219420e+ 3657ee +3240000 + 324000e + 10800еe + 120e³ Which being added, =8007115. 5389530+505361e+14457ee+120e38007115 505361e+14457ee+120e=2617585. and or ae + bee+ce³ =f. Then to ſhorten the work, divide by 1000, and then 505 +14ee &c. 2617, and by Rule 1, e=2617 2617 505 5.18; or rather e = 2617 505 +14X5.18 4.53. Whence re or 34.5 for a 577 x new operation. Which being involved, beginning at the higheſt power first, we have 4927635 + 42849e + 12420ee) + 4352744 + 252333e + 3657ee8007115. 1313035 38059e That Seal. VIII. EQUATION S. 277 That is, 79673434 + 257123e + 16077ee = 8007115. 257123e + 16077ee = 39771.25 or whence 15.9932e+ee = 2.473799 and by rule 2d, e = 2-473799 15.9932 + e 15 9932) 2.473799 (.1532 = e 1.60932. +.l 16.0932) 864479 r = 34.5 +15 812160 e = 16.2432) 52319 .1532 r+e=34.6532 = x. +.53 48888 16 29612) 3431 +3 3260 16.30 171 Ex. 2. Let 24 3ײ — 75% = 10000. Here by a few trials z will be found very near 10. Therefore let r 10, and rez. 24 322 = = 10000 + 4000e + 600ee &c. 300 +750+ +75% = +750 + 60e 75e Being added, 3ee Then } = 10000. 104504015e +597ee10000. or or 40150 +597ee4.50 6.725e+ee == 0.753769 therefore e is negative, and by Rule 2. -0.753769. e 6.725+6 I 3 6.725 5 278 B. I. RESOLUTION of : 6.725) -0.753769 (-0.114 e I 6625) -6625•• 9126 I I 6515 6.515) 26119 - 14 26004 115 ↑ 10.000 e .114 r+e=9.886z. ર 6 501 Again, put r 9.886, and r+ez; then 9551.738507135 + 3864.753593824e -293-198988 +741.450 +586.397976ee -zee 59316e + 75€ = 10000; that is by addi- And e= tion, 9999.989519135 + 3880.437593824€ +583. 397976ee10000; and tranipofing, 3880.437593824e + 583.397976ee010480865. .010480865 3880.437 =.00000270095, nearly. 1 = Then re 9.88500270095 %. = Ex. 3. Suppoſe 7ys + 2100y3 8000y² = 3850000000. By a few trials y will be found between 50 and 60; therefore put r = 50, and rey; then ex- punge y. Or rather thus: Since the numbers are Jarge, transform the equation (by Prob. xlii.), by I F putting *==-y, or y = 10x, which done we have 700000x5+2100000x³-800000x² = 385000cooo, or 7x + 21x³- 8x38500. Then to extract the root of this, put r5, and re or 5 + e = x; and x being expunged, we have 3 21875 Sect. VIII. 279 EQUATION S. 21875 + 21875e + 8750еe + 1750e³ +2625 + 1575e + 315ce + 21es >= 38500. 200 80e 8ee That is, 2430022370e +9057ee + 1729e³ 38500. 23370e +9057ee1729e³ and of ca b 14200. Then by Rule 3,2711, 4461, whence 5.675e+ee = 3.0900. 5.675) 3.0900 (.5004 = € + 5 30875 6.175 25 + 5 6.675 Again, put r5.5, and repeating the operation, 35229.90625+ 32027.187e+11646.25ee' +3493.875 242. + 1905.75 et 345.5 ee 88. 548.5 ees ¿ That is when added, = 38500. 38481.78125 + 33844.9376 + 11984.75ee = 38500. And 33844937e + 11984.75ee = 18.21875. Then 18 21875.0005383 = £e nearly. 33845 a Then bx=6,451, and (Rule 1.) a 18.21875 33844 937 +6.451 exactly. = .000538198 = e, more Then r+e= 5.500538198, and y=10x- 55.00538198. T 4. The } 280 B. I. RESOLUTION of The root may alſo be extracted as follows. Hav. ing got aebe² + ce³ + def, as before direct- ed; let v be the firſt figure of the value of e, s the fecond. Then putting v+s for e; a × v +st bxv+s¹² +cxv+sl³ &c. =ƒ; that is, av+as+ bv² + 2bus &c. + cv³ + 3cv²s &c. = f. f. And as + 2bvs + 3cv's &c. fav bv² — cv³ &c. Whence T S= ƒ— ev — bv² — cv³ &c. av a +260 + 3cv² &c. 4 RUL E. ---- Whence this Having any equation given, proceed as in the other rules, till you get ae+bee+ce³+de+ &c. =ƒ. Then find by repeated trials, the firſt figure v, of the value of e, fo that vxa + bv + cv² + dv³ &c. may be nearly f; and take that product from f to find the remainder. Then to find the next figure or figures; divide this remainder by a+b+3cvv +4dv³ &c, the quotient is the faid figure, which must be added to, for a new value of v. Then repeat the ope- ration with new v, viz. take v xa + bv + cv²+dv³ &c. from ƒ, and divide the remainder by a + 2bv + 3cv² &c. and add the quotient to laft v; and fo on. And note, after the divifor once takes place, each new quotient may be continued to near as many gures, as all the preceding ones. Alfo in the divifor, you need not continue the parts of the di- viſor 2bv, 3bv? &c. any farther in decimals, than to anſwer the number of figures, you would have true in the root. General Sect. VIII. 281 EQUATIONS. General form. ย f a = 2 f f ; or v nearer; or v 2= at bo ? a + bv + cvV fav bv² nearer ftill; &c. then, next figure cv³ &c. a + 2bv + 3cvv &c. Ex. 4. Let 23- 17%² + 54% = 350. Here ≈ is greater than 10, and lefs than 20. Letr 10, r+ez; then 3 1000 + 300e + 30e² + e³ 1700 340e + 540 + 54e 17ee e3 ww = 350. or 160 + 14e + 13e² + e² = 350. that is 14e + 13eee³ = 510. To find e, try 1, 2, 3, &c. and you will find e very near 5, but fomething lefs. Therefore take v = 5, and vxa+bu+cv² = 5×14+65+25 520, and 510-52010, then a +260 + 219, and = 3082 3cv² 10 " = .045 219 5.000 .045 e = 4.955 Let new v4.95; then a + bv + cv² × v = 509.119875, and 510-509.119875 = Allo a + 2bv + 3cv² = 216.2075. 0.880125. Whence 0.880125 = .00407, and e= 4.95407; 216.2075 whence 282 B. I. RESOLUTION of whence z 14.95497. Or, if you pleaſe, put ย 4.95407 for a new operation. Ex. 5. Let 2x* 4 -16x³ +40x² 30x=-1. By a few trials, it appears that x is between i and 2. Therefore put r = 1, r + e putri, r+ex. expunging x, Then 2 + 8e + 12ee + 8e3 + 2e4' 16 48e 48ee - 16e³ +40 + 80e + 40ee 30 - 306 The fum is or a 4 + 10e + 4ee 10e + 4ee b 8e³ + 2e4 = 8e³ + 2e4 = 3 I m - I C d 1 1. Here we have e- 38 3 e = 10+ 4e 3 II.2 ΙΟ = .26 = v. f 3, or more exactly ་ས Then for the next figures of the root, vxa+bv+cv²+dv³ = 2.73893, and 3 -2.73893 =.26106. Alſo a +2bv + 3cv²+4dv³ 10.598, and .26106 = .0246 10.598 v=.26 thene = .2846 Take new v.2846, then vXa+bv+cv²+dv³ 2.99869539, and 3--2.99869539.00130461. Alſo a +260 + 3cv² + 4.dv³ = 10.51728. Then .00130461 Sect. VIII. 283 EQUATIONS. .00130461 10.5173 ད = .00012404 .2846 = v .284; 2404. l, whence re or x 1.28472404. = The roots of equations may alſo be extracted by help of the Rule of Falſe Poſition in Arithmetic, as follows. 5 RUL E. In fuch equations as contain furds, exponential quantities, &c. make two fuppofitions in numbers, for the root, as near as you can get them. Then each of theſe being put in the equation instead of the root, you must mark the errors (that is, the exceſs or defect) arifing from each of them. Then multiply the difference of the fuppofed numbers by the leaft error, and divide the pro- duct, by the difference of the errors, if they are like, (that is, both exceffes or both defects); or by the fum, if unlike. Then .. The quotient is the correction of the number belonging to the leaft error; and is to be added if that number was too little; or fubtracted, if too great. This gives the root nearer than before. In like manner try this root, and the neareſt of the former, or elfe take a new fuppofed number; then find their errors, and proceed as before, and you will get a root ftill nearer. And thus by re- peating the operation, you may continually ap- proximate, as near as you will, to the true root. Ex. 284 RESOLUTION of B. I. Ex. 6. : ** Suppose x 100, to find x. By the nature of logarithms x x log: x = log. 100 = 2. = Herex, by a few trials, will be found greater than 3, and lefs than 4. Suppofe 3; then l:x=.5440680, and xl:x=1.9042380, which ſhould 2 —.0957620 = 1 Er. too be equal to x = l:x little. Again, ſuppoſe 3.6, then x .5563025, and xl:x=2.0026890 we have 2 F +.00268902 Er. too great. Hence I num. 3.5 2 num. 3.6 diff. I er. -.095762 2 er. +.002689 fum .09845! O. I Then 0.1X.002689 = .00273 cor. = .09845 2 num. 3.60000 correct. -.00273 3.59727 = x; x Again, ſuppoſe = 3.597, then l:x=.5559404, and xl:x = 1.9997176, which fubtracted from 2, gives -.0002824 the error, too little. Whence 2 num. 3.600, 2 er..0026890 3 num. 3.597, 3 er. .0002824 diff. .003, fum .0029714 Then Sect. VIII. 285 EQUATIONS. Then .003 X.0002824 .0029714 3 num. 3.597 =.000285 the cor. cor. + .000285 x = 3.597285 as required. Ex. 7. If s be the fine of an arch z, rad. = 1, and 4sz = 5, to find s and z. By divifion sz 1.25. The length of 1 degree is = .01745329 &c. By a few trials, we may find z between 70 and 80 degrees. Suppoſe z = 70 deg. then .01745 X 70 1.2215; alfo S. 70 .939s, and sz=1.1469, and 1.251.1469 =.1031 the first error, too little. Again, fuppofe z 75 deg. then .01745 X 75 × = 1.3087, and s.965, and sz= 1.2642; and 1.2642-1.250142 the fecond error, too much. Hence = .1031 2 er. +.0142 1 num. 70 2 num. 75 I er. 5. fum .1173 5X.0142 .0710 Then .60 the cor. .1173 .117 2 num. 75.0 cor. .6 2 = 74.4 Again, let z 74.474° : 24°, s.9631626; = then .01745329 X 74.4 = 1.298524, and 1.2985245 = 1.2506895, from which fubtract 1.25, then .0006895 = 3d error, too much. 2 aum. } 298 B. I. RESOLUTION of 2 num. 75 3 num. 74.4 diff. .6 2 er..0143937 3 er. +.0006895 diff. .0133105 Then .6X.0006895.0310. .01331 3 num. 74.400 cor. .031 and 74.369 74° 22′ 8″ z = = : and s.9630372. SCHOLI U M. There are alfo other ways of extracting the roots of equations, though not much different from ſome of the foregoing ones, particularly a method of Sir I. Newton's, which is like the procefs ufed in the ſecond method foregoing; the principal dif- ference being, that he every where takes a new letter, where we find a new value of e. Alfo furd or tranfcendental equations, may be refolved by reducing fome of the quantities to in- finite feries; proceeding by the rules of Sect. VI. In equations, where the terms involve a great many factors, which makes it tedious to multiply them together; it will be a fhorter way to add the logarithms of the feveral factors together; and then find the number belonging, which will be the numeral coefficient of that term. And thus all the coefficients of the particular terms may be found. We may note, that though the third rule con- verges fafter than the reft; yet, as there is fo much trouble in finding the coefficients, and di- vifors, it will be found not fo expeditious as the fecond, or even the firft. In Sect. VIII. 287 EQUATIONS. In making ufe of the fecond rule, after half the number of places are found for the value of e; it will be needleſs to form new divifors; for the reſt of the figures will be as truly found by plain di- vifion. For what is added to the divifor, in places fo far back, does not at all affect the quotient. The root may alſo be extracted as in the follow. ing problem, and the coefficients a, b, c, &c. found as there directed; which is a compendious method, when the equation confifts of many terms. PROBLEM XCIII. To extract the root of the infinite feries Az + Bx² + Cz³ + Dz² + Ezs &c. = N, in numbers; fuppo- fing this feries to converge fast enough. Preparation. Taker as near the root 2, as you can find it; and let rez, and z being expunged, we have Ar + Ae Br2 Bre + + Cr³ + 3 Cre + + Dr4 + 4Dr³e + Be² 3Cre² + Ce³ 6Dr²e² + 4Dre³ + De4 + Ers +5Erte + 10Er³e² + 10Er²e³ + 5Ere4 +- Ee' &c. the fum 3 P + ae + be² + ce³ + det + ges=N and ae + be² + ce³ + de4 + ges = N —P=ƒ. Whence this RUL 2, E. Take r very near ≈, and let r+e, then fub- ftitute the powers of re for thofe of z, till you get P+ae+be+ces &c. N, and ae + bee &c. N-Pf, which equation is to be refolved by Prob. lxxxviii; or elfe the equation ae+be+ce³ + det =N 288 RESOLUTION of B. I. +de+ &c. =ƒ, is to be refolved by fome of the rules in the last problem, and the operation re- peated if there be occafion. And here the coefficients a, b, c, d, &c. are moſt eaſily had from the terms, which compoſe the value of P; for we have P Ar + Br² + Cr³ + Dr4 &c. Whence a = z = Ъ c : Ar + 2 Br² + 3Cr³ + 4Dr4 &c. Br² + 3Cr³ + 6Dr4 + 10Ers rr Cr³+4Dr4+ioErs &c. 6 дов 8 5 and fo on; where the numbers in a, are 1, 2, 3, 4, &c; in b, 1, 3, 2X3, 2X5, 3× 5, 3×7, 4×7, 4×9, &c. in c=1, 4, sp, q, Ir, is, 2t &c. where p, q, r, s, t, &c. are the foregoing terms. And in finding a, b, c, &c. you must go through all the terms, till they grow very ſmall, and at laft vaniſh. But you need not find above two or three of theſe co- efficients a, b, c, &c. and each fucceeding one may conſiſt of fewer places of figures. Example. I I I Let z x² + Z3 24 + ZS 2 2.3 23.4 2 &c. = Here by feveral trials z is found nearly 3; therefore put r, and r+ez. Then PA+ Br² + Cr³ &c. that is, += Sect. VIII. 289 EQUATIONS. r = .333333 6172 I дов 2 1 дов 34 720 +ㅎ 3 + Tors ΤΖΟ then a •339539 -.056071 P=.283468 .333333 + 18516 170- + 716523. Alfo b = I 3 .IIIIIO 2056 055555+.018516 3084 + 30 L 340 12 11 .055555 514 2 -.056071 •352019 -113178 X3= -.058669 +.018856 × 9 I -.3583. Hence .283468+.71652e-.3583ee ==.285714 .71652e-.3583ee.002246 1.9998e and and e = ee = .00627 .00627 1.999 — e 1.999) .006270 (.00314 = e 5988 3 1.996 282 199 83 79 4 U Then 1 290 B. I. RESOLUTION of Then r .33333 e = .00314 Z z = .33647 or putr.33647 for another operation. SCHOLIU M. If the ſeries breaks off, then it is no matter whe- ther it converges or not. And in that caſe it co- incides with the last problem, and may be folved by any of the rules therein. And if e be very ſmall, the equation ae + bee + ce³ &c=f, may be expeditiously folved by Prob. lxii. Rule 1, in which you need only uſe the three first terms; which will be fhorter than taking new ". But that rule cannot fo conveniently be ap plied to the given feries, becauſe it does not con- verge fo faft as this. PROBLEM XCIV. To extract the root in numbers of the infinite feries Az + Bz³ + Cz³ + Dz7 &c. =N; fuppofing it to converge faft. Preparation. Taker as near the root as it can be found by trials, and put rez, and expunging z, we fhall have, Ar + Ae ÷Br³+3Br²e+ 3Bree + Be³ +Cr³+5Cr4e+10Cr³ee+10Cr²e³ + 5Cre4&c. +Dr²+7Dr°c + 21Drsee + 35Dr4e3 +35Dr³e4=N. +Er9+9Er³e +36Еriee +84Er6e3+126Erset the fum P + ae + bee + ce³ +de4 &c. - N. and Sect. VIII. EQUATION S¿ 29f and ae + bee + ce³ + de¹ &c. =N—P=ƒ; Whence this RULE. Affume by trials very near z, and r+e=2; then fubftitute the powers of r+e for 2, in the given feries, till you get P+ae+be²+ce³ &c.=N, And ae+be+ct³ &c. N→P=ƒ. 3 Where P Ar + Br³ + Crs + Dr² + Ero &c; Ar + 3Br³ + 5Cr³ + 7Dr7 &c. a = а b C == &c. * 3Br³ +10Сrs + 21 Dr7 &c. rr Br³ + 10Crs + 35Dr &c. z3 Where the numbers of a, are 1, 3, 5, 7 &c. of b; 3, 2X5, 3X7, 4X9, 5X11, 6X13, &c. And each feries is to be continued till the terms become very ſmall and vaniſh; which will happen in a lit- tle time, becauſe the given feries converges. The terms of a, b, c, are easily had from the terms of P, as above, without much labour; then having got ae + bee + ce³ &c. =ƒ, in numbers; find the root e, by Prob. lxxxviii. or by fome of the rules in Prob. xcii. Example. Let ŷ + // y³ уз + 3 ys + 4.5 3.5 37 źryy 3 3.5.7 ·y³ &c. = y⁹ &c. = .698132, to find ý. The feries abridged will be y + U 2 1 f Qxy 5 37 -1 292 RESOLUTION of B. I. + Ryy &c. =.698132; Q, R, S, being the & 7 numerators. By a few trials, y is nearly.6, put r = .6; then = .600000 Q.1080co = .606000 = Ar 3) Q = 36000 = Br3 R 29160 5) R S 8748 7) S T 2756 9) T 5832 = Crs - 1249 Dr? 306 &c. V 893 11) V 81 W 295 13) W 23 X 98 15) X 6 Y 33 17) Y 2 Z II 19) Z I .643500 P. Then a 1.2500, the fum of the first column di- vided by r. b.585; whence .643500 +1.250e +.585ee = .698132 and 1.250 .585ee = .054632 + .0545 and e= = .043 nearly. 1.25 and e= .054632 .054632 1.2500+.585X.043 1.2500 + .0251 .054632 11 1.275 add r = .04284 more exactly. r = .60000 .64284 = y. or take new r = .6428 for another operation. PRO- Se&. VIII. 293 EQUATIONS. PROBLEM XCV. To extract the roots of two given equations, containing two unknown quantities x,y; though never ſo com- pounded. RULE. By feveral trials find two near values of x and y, viz. r and s, and put r+ex, and s + v = y. And instead of the powers of x and y, put in thofe of r+e, and s+v. Then involve all furds by the bynomial theoremi (Prob. lviii.), alfo re- duce logarithmic quantities to feries feries (Prob. lxxxiv, lxxxv.), and the like for all compound quantities; fo that at laft the equations may con- fift only of ſimple terms. And in doing this, re- ject all powers of e and y above the firft, and ? alfo their products. Then you will have two fimple equations of e and v, which being refolved, will give their ya- lues; and from hence x and y will be known. Then put new r and s for theſe values of x and 3, and repeat the operation, which may be done as often as you pleate, till you get the roots as near as you have a mind. And the fame form may ſtand and ferve for all theſe operations. Ex. I. 2xy Suppoſe √yy—xx + 20 = b yx + 2x and log:x + √xx + yy += 0.096 = c. y S Let a = 2. And by fome trials we find x near 4, and y near 13; then put r = 4, 13, and by involution, and putting re for x, and for y, we have U 3 v 294 B. I.. RESOLUTION of SS rr + 250 2rel + 2rs + 2rv + 256 × ss + 25v + ar + ael² = b and 2 I log: r + e + rr + 2re + ss + 250 1플 2 = c. s + v SV re but ss- rr + 250 arel = √ss rr + √ss-rr I and ss+ar+25v+ael² = ss+ar 25v+ae 2Xss+arl re+ sv allo rr + ss + 2rẹ + 2svl² =✔rr + ss + 3 √rr+ss Put dd-ss-rr, f=ss+ar, gg=ss+rr. Then we d sure I 25v+ae have d+ +2rs+zro+2se × 25 r ars xe + f d f3 18 f + 21 f 2f3 arss f3 =b, that is, (1) xv=b―d- 275 f f ¿ log: r+e+rr + ss +?re + 2solž Again, re + sv log:r+e+g+ 5+v g and log:r+e+8+ > l = =s+vxc. Put tr+g, log: t, C re+su g m. =.4342945, then (Prob. lxxxiv) / + mte + msv =cs + cv, which reduced, is (2) tg stemsv cgt - tg X cs-l. Then numbers being fubftituted in thefe two equations, give (1) 1.588€ + 1.075 = 0.190 (2) 7.6430 17.33260 + 0.59536; And Sect. VIII. 295 EQUATION S. And theſe equations equations being refolved, give e=.0743, and v——.0671; whence r+e or = 3.926; and s+vor y = 12.933. Or for another operation, put = 3.926 and $12933, and finding new values for d, f, g, t, and, you will have two equations, which will give e and v more exactly. Ex. 2. Let xlog:yb 8.7679114. and y+log: xc = 3.4760046. By a few trials, we find x nearly 3=21. 8, and 2. Putr 8. and r+e=x; alſo s = 2½, and s+v=y. Alfo M.4342945; then we have r+e+lis+v=b=r+e+lis+ and s+v+l:r+e=c=s+to+lir + Thefe equations reduced become Μυ (Pr. 84.) Me S Μυ e + b. 1:s. S Me v + l:r. p And put into numbers are e .17370 = .3700. and v+.0543e = .0730. Which equations being refolved give e.3608, and v = .0535; whence r = 8.0000 +e=.3608 x = 8.3608 U 4 s = 2.5 + v = .0535 y = 2.5535 Again, 296 RESOLUTION, &c. B. I. Again, put r 8.3608, and s = 2.5535, for a- nother operation; whence will be found .170078, M y M =.051944; and b-r-l: S = — 0000245, c—slr=.0002568, and from thence will arife theſe two equations, e +.170078v = - .0000245, and v+.051944e = .0002568. Which being refolved, give e-.0000688, and v = .0002604; therefore g +e= 8.3608000 8890000' * 8.3607312 s = 2.5535000 += .0002604 y = 2.5537604. ? SECT. → 297 SECT. IX. The Geometrical Conftruction of Equations. HE conftruction of equations, is the drawing Trights liners or curves, after fuch a manner, rights lines or curves, after fuch a manner, as by their interfections, to give the roots of the equation propofed. This method is ufed for a- voiding the tedioufnefs of computation; and is exact enough for finding two or three of the firſt figures of the root, but not more. For where great exactness is required, we are not to truft to a conftruction by lines; but make a computation in numbers, to find the root. In geometrical conftructions, the fimpleft is al- ways to be made uſe of, or that by which we can come the ſhorteſt way, to the roots of the equation propoſed. But fince the extraction of roots by converging feries, is now brought to fo great perfection; geo- metrical conſtructions are almoft laid afide. There- fore I intend to trouble the reader only with the fhorteft methods of conftructing equations as far as the fourth power. When we come to higher pow- ers, there is fo much trouble and difficulty in draw- ing the lines proper for them, that their interfec- tions cannot be depended on; and one may fooner extract the root in numbers. PROBLEM XCVI. To conftruct a fimple equation. RULE. 1. When there are feveral fimple quantities, con- nected by the figns + and - From a certain point, 298 B. I. CONSTRUCTION of है Fig. 3. point, draw a right line, from which point fet all affirmative quantities one way, one ad. joining to another; from the lat point, fet all the negative quantities the contrary way, adjoining to each other as before. Where the laft ends, the distance from thence, to the firſt point, gives the fum (or difference) of all; which is affirmative or negative, according as it lies on the affirmative or negative fide of the first point affumed. 2. When you have the fquare root of two quantities, find a mean proportional between them, by Prob. 16. B. VIII. Geometry. 3. To reduce two compound quantities to the fame defignation. By Prob. 15. B. VIII. Geometry, find one or more proportionals thus; fay, as the first letter of the first quan. tity, to the first in the fecond, fo the fecond in the fecond to that fourth proportional. A- gain, as the fecond letter in the firft quantity to the third letter in the fecond; fo the fourth proportional laſt found, to another fourth pro- portional. Proceed thus till all the letters in one quantity be exhauſted. 'Note, when any term is of too low a di- menfion, make 1 to be one of the factors, as oft as it is wanted. And when you have fe veral fimple quantities, add them into one, by Art. 1. 4. For many compound quantities, reduce them all to the fame defignation by Art. 3. Ex. I. Suppoſe a + b C = X. = Draw the line DAB, and from the fixt point A, fet off ABa, and make BC b, both forward; laftly, make CEC, backward. Then AE = x. + Ex. Se&t. IX. 299 EQUATIONS. Ex. 2. Fig. Let ax = bc, to find x. Make AB (a) : AC (b) :: AD (c) : AE 4. =x, (by Prob. 15. Geom.) Ex. 3. Suppoſe zabcx=5defg. Make as 2a 5d::e: m (Pr. 15. Geom.) and b : f : : m : n and C g::n: :n: p then 2abc: 5dfg: :e: p and 2abcp = 5defg = 2abcx or px, Ex. 4. Let abx-f√bc x x = ddvac-bd. × am, By Prob. 15. Geom. make a : b::d: m; then bdam; and ac-bd = ✓ ac make c-mn, then vac bd = √a an. Find a mean proportional between a and n, and q a mean between b and c, (Prob. 16. Geom.) then the given equation becomes abx — fqx — ddp. Reduce theſe three terms to the fame defig- nation, thus @ :f::q:r, whence fq = ar, in like manner ddas; then the equation is abx-arx-asp, or bx-rx sp. Put b-rt, then tx sp, and t:s::p:x required. Ex. 5. Let 2abcdd-eefgb+3kllmn=4qrstz-5noplz, to find z. Reduce all the quantities to the fame de- fignation, then 497s% 300 of B. I. CONSTRUCTION Fig. 4. 4qrsx = 5nopl 4qrstv zabcdd 4qrstw = eefgh = 4qrsty=3kllmn. then the equation becomes 4qrstv—4 grstw+4qrsty=4qrstz—4qrsxz. that is, tv-tw + ty = tz - XZ Put v-w+y=A, t-x B, then At B, or B: A: : t : z. PROB. XCVII. To construct a quadratic equation. IRUL E. If it is a pure quadratic; reduce the quan- tities concerned therein to the fame defigna- tion (Prob, xcvi. Art. 3.) by which means furds will be denoted by fimple quantities, and at laſt you will get all the known quantities equal to a known fquare, whofe fide is the root. Suppoſe yy = ab Ex. I. cdd + d√ aa—bc. b Make b c d :: m, (Prob. 15. Geom.) cdd bmd = md. Alfo b b then cd bm, and make a bcn, then be an; whence : yy = ab — 'md + d√ aa—an. Let p be a mean between a and a-n, (Prob. 16. Geom.) then aa-an-p. whence yy = ab — md + dp. = Let dab: q, then ab dq. then yy = dq dm + dp. Laftly, put q-m+pr, and finds a mean between d and r; then yydrss, and ys. 2 RULE. Sect. IX. 301 EQUATIONS: 2 RULE. Fig. In adfected quadratics, reduced to this form 5. aa+bann. Draw a right line AD, then take any point C; and make CBb, towards the right hand if + b, or towards the left, if - b. Erect the perpendicular BF n. From the center C through F, deſcribe the circle AFD, to cut AD. Then (BD, BA) the diſtances of B, from the interfections A, D, are the two roots, the affirmative to the right hand, the negative to the left of B. Ex. 2. Let aa + 3a = 10. Draw the line AD, make CB = 1½ on the right; find a mean proportional between I and 10, fet it in the line BF, perpendicular to AB, with the radius CF defcribe the circle AFD; then a BD+2, and a BA=-5, the two roots required. Ex. 3. Suppoſe aa— 3a = 10. за 5. Draw the line AD, make CB (on the left 6. of C) 1, find a mean proportional between 1 and 10; at B erect the perpendicular BF, and make BF the mean; with the radius. circle AFD; to cut AD in A BD=+5, and a=BA=—2, CF defcribe the and D; then a the roots required. 3 RULE. In fuch quadratic equations as may be re- duced to this form, aa+ba-nn. From any point C as a center, in the right line BD, with radius 1b, deſcribe the circle BFD, erect a per- pendicular at D on the right, if it be + b, or on 302 B. I. CONSTRUCTION of * 7. Fig. on the left at B, if it is-b; whofe length is BA=n. Through A draw AFG parallel to BD, to interfect the circle in F and G; then AF and AG are the two roots of the equa- tion; which are affirmative, if they lie to wards the right hand from A; or negative, if on the left. Note, if the parallel does not cut the circle, or touch it, the equation is impoffible. = Ex. 4. Suppoſe aa+ja —— 10. With the radius 31, and center C, defcribe 8. the circle BFD. At the end of the diameter D, on the right, raife the perpendicular DA, a mean between 1 and 1o. Through A draw AFG parallel to the diameter BD, to cut the circle in F and G; and AF, AG, being on the left from A, are two negative roots : a = AF== 2, and a = AG = - 5. 7. Ex. 5. 7a= Let aa-7a 10. With the radius CB = 3½, and center C; defcribe the circle BFD; at the end B, of the diameter BD on the left, raiſe the perpendi- cular BA, equal to the mean between 1 and 10. Through A, draw AFG parallel to the diameter BD, to cut the circle in F and G; then AF, AG, lying on the right hand from A, are the two affirmative roots; and a=AF 2, and a AG = 5. 4 RULE. When the unknown quantity is higher than the ſquare, and the index in one term double to that in the other; it may be brought to fome of the foregoing forms, whofe higheſt term is a fquare. Sect. IX. 303 EQUATION S. a fquare. Affume an unknown quantity, whofe Fig. rectangle with ſome given quantity, is equal to the fquare of the unknown quantity propoſed; for this fubftitute that rectangle; and you will have an equation as required. Ex. 6. Let Z4 bzz = n. Affume dx=zz, then by ſubſtitution, ddxx b n -bdxn, and xx- X x = Let d: b: : d dd' :: Ip; then bdp; alfo make dn: 1:q, and d: 1 ::q: r, then' dd : n::1:r, and And the leaft equation becomes ddr = n. *** dp d ddr X = that is, xx-px=r, which is dd to be conſtructed by fome of the former rules. To demonftrate thefe rules. Let aa + ba = nn. Here we have CB¦b, BF = n, and 5. if BDa, then CD or CF = a + b, and +žb, CF CB²+BF2, that is, a+b² =÷bb+nn. CF²=CB²+BF², 2 But if BA-a, then CA or CF-a-b, and —a—;b)²=bb+nn. In both cafes aa + bann. Again, if aa-bann, we have as before CB=1b, BF=n, and if BD=a, then CD or 6. CFab, and ab² = 4bb + n. = But if AB-a, then AC or FC a +b, and aa bann. a+b)²=nn + bb, in both cafes Again, if aa-bann; here BCb, BA=n, and AG BD-AF, therefore if 7• a, then AG ba, and AG × AF AF = = AB, that is, ba×a = nn. But 304 CONSTRUCTION of B. I. Fig. 8. 9. But if AG=a, then AF-BD-AG-b-as and AFX AG AB', or baxa = nn. In both cafes al -ba nn. Lattly, when aa + ba—nn, then BC=1b, BA=n, as before; then if AF-a, then AG=BD-AF=b+a, and AFX AG=AD', ora x b + a= nn. But if AG——a, then AFBD—AG=b+a, and AFX AG = AD², or b + a × — a = nn. In both cafes aa + ba = nn. PROB. ------- XCVIII. To construct cubic and biquadratic equations: To conftruct a cubic equation, that has all its roots real, by a circle. Let the radius OB = R, fine EF = s, GH the fine of the arch GB or 3BE. Then by trigonometry, 35. 453 RR =GH. Draw CD parallel to AB, and put SF = c, ES = x, GH = 6, then +x 4 ول Es, whence 3 Xc+x- RR Xc+x³b, this reduced gives x³+3cx²+3ccx + c³ = 0. 2/ RR + 46R R 3 CRR Suppoſe this cubic equation be given, x³+px²+qx+r=o. Comparing this with the former, and equating the coefficients, we have p=3c, and cp. Alfo q=3cc — & RR={pp -RR, whence Rpp-39, and rc² +RRRR; whence b = Hence arifes the following gr -pq PP-39 + 23 p. I RULE. Se&t. IX. 305 EQUATIONS. IRUL E. Fig. Having the equation x3+p+q+r=0. 10. given; I. 2. 3. 4. With the radius pp the circle BGAK, PP 32, defcribe Draw the diameter AB, and CD parallel 3 to it, at the diſtance of p; above it, if it bep, but below it, if Draw alſo ZG parallel to AB, at the di- ftance gr - pq 2 P. +3p, above it, if it is af PP-39 firmative; or below it, if negative. Let it cut the circle in G. Take the arch BPBG; and make PQ = QK KP. 5. From the points P, Q, K, let fall perpen- diculars, upon the line CD, which will be the roots of the equation; the affirmative above the line, and the negative below it. SCHOLI U M. If 34 be greater than pp, the equation is impoffible; for in this cafe the equation has two impoffible roots. Allo if p = 0, then the radius of the circle po, OB = 3√ — 39; and CD coincides with AB; and the distance of ZG from AB is sr And if q is affirmative, the equation is im- poffible. Thefe conftructions are extreamly cafy. EN. 1. Let x9m². 22X 120 0. Here the radius OB = 3√pp --- 81+66=8.0829, and p3, et CD, above AB. X 39 the diſtance And I IF 306 B. I. CONSTRUCTION of Fig. And 9rp q + 3 p -1080+198 PP-39 उ 2 = 81+66 + 3×6 i1. =—6+6=o, the distance of GZ from AB; therefore ZG coincides with AB; and the arch BG and alfo its third part is o, and P falls on B; and making PQ=QK=KP, and letting fall perpendiculars on CD, we fhall have PS3, QT +4, and KT-10, the three roots required. C3 : 13. 14. I Ex. 2. Suppose x317x²+82x-1200. The radius OB√289246 P 3p = and 4.37. 5.66, the diftance of CD below AB, gr pq PP 39 2 + 3 p = -1080+139+ 209246 24 3 7.302 11.3334.031, the diftance of GZ below AB. Take BP the third part of BG, and making PQ = QK=KP; and mea- juring the perpendiculars upon CD, we have PS = +4, QT+10, and KV+3, the roots of the equation. Ex. 3. Let y³ — 13y+12= 0. In this example po, therefore CD coin- cides with AB; and radius OB=3√—39= 3√394.18; and 3 3r q -36 === = 2.77 the -13 diftance of ZG above AB. Take arch BP arch BG, and make PQ=QK=KP; and let fall perpendiculars on AB, then PS= +1, QT +3, and KV4, the = three roots required. Cubic equations may alfo be conftrued by a cubic parabola and a right line. Let FVAC be a cubic parabola, whofe latus rectum is r. Draw مجھے F { ว * 1 C B LA B + C Fig. 1. 12 3 D E B D E B E 5 F 4 B D F A G 6 B A B G F A 8 T D G 9 E I S D K A H F B ' G 2 D P 0 A B 10 Algebra } K K D B T 11 S -D BEG P Z 12 P B G Z さ S Pl. I. pa. 3c6 pa.3c6 UN OF H. Sect. IX. 307 EQUATIONS. Draw VE the tangent at the vertex, perpen- Fig. dicular to the axis VS, and BI parallel to it, 14. and SBC perpendicular to AB. Then put VHb, VDc, VI or SB=n, BC=a, Vox, then SC=n+a, and by the property of the parabola VS = SC³, or x = =n+a. By fimilar triangles, VH (b): 3 : VD (c) :: SH (x—b) : SC = cx-bc cx-cb b ; and BC or a= -n, and bacx — cb — nb, b Ъ whence cx-ba cb + nb, or x— — a = b + nb 7 = C that is (expunging x) n³ + 3n'a + 3na² + C h ¿ ³ C nb a = b + which reduced is C a² + + 3na² + 3nna + 22² = 0. b a b nb C Let a³ + pa² + ga + r = O, be any cubic equation. By comparing them, and equating the like terms; we have 3np, and np. Alfo b =3nq = s PP -9. b 3nn = 9, and C C b n Again, nb I 27 =r, or p³ -b — p C X = PP -q=r, whence bpqP' -r. 1 2 3 3 b b And fince C pg 2 p³ — 3r PP - 39 = 3 PP - 9, c = C 3 PP - q Whence we have the fol- lowing construction, by this X 2 2 RULE. 308 CONSTRUCTION of B. I. 1 Fig. 14. 1. 2 RUL E. 3 Given the equation a³-+pa+qa+r=0. With the parameter 1, and the axis VS, deſcribe the cubic parabola FVAC, draw the diameter RAB, diftant p from the axis VS, to the right hand, if affirma- tive; and draw the tangent at the vertex IVD. 2. In the axis VS take VH = {} downwards, if affirmative. I 2 { 9 — √ √ P³ — p q ~ 3. In the tangent IVD, take VD = tive. pq — ~ p³ — 3r PP - 39 > VH = PP - i q to the left, if affirma- 4. Through the points D, H, draw the right line FDHC, to cut the parabola. From all the points of interfection, let fall per- pendiculars on the diameter AB, which will be the roots of the equation; thofe on the right hand of AB affirmative; thefe on the left, negative. 5. When any of the aforefaid quantities are negative, they must be laid the contrary way to what is directed above (Art. 1, 2, 3). SCHOLI U M. If the fecond term be wanting, po, and AB coincides with VS; and then VH-1', and VD = g 9 ・ If the numbers given in the equation, be too great for your parabola; the equation is eafily changed into another with lefs numbers, by Prob. xlii. Ex. Sect. IX. 309 EQUATIONS, Ex. 4. Let the equation be a³ + 1.8a².51250 — 1.05 = 0. g P 2 Z The parabola being defcribed, we have VI=6, the diftance of IB from the axis VS, on the right; and VHpq — √ √ p² — r .3105, taken downwards from the vertex V. VH 195, on the left from V. And VD= SPP-9 Through D, H draw the right line FDHC, cutting the parabola in F, G, C; from which points letting fall perpendiculars on AB, we have FR1.75, GL.8, and CB= +75,, the three roots of the equation. Let x3 3 Ex. 5. 1x+4=0. Fig. Here po, and therefore AB coincides with VS; then make VH1, up- 3 3 ward; and VD = ———, to the right hand. 9 7 Then through H, D draw the line FDC, to cut the parabola, in F, G, C; from which letting fall perpendiculars on VS, we have FR = — 11, GL = +1, and CB+1, the three roots required. 14: 15% Cubic and biquadratic equations may alſo be conftructed by the common parabola. Let 16. FVAC be a parabola, VS its axis, AB a dia: merer parallel to it. EA, and SBC two or. dinates perpendicular to VS. Draw alfo HD perpendicular, and HQ parallel to VS; draw HC. X 3 Put # 9 1 310 Fig. ร 1 CONSTRUCTION of B. I. Put EA or SB = c, AD =d, DH=g, 16. HC =ƒ, and BC-a. Then QC=g+a, la- tus rectum of the figure 1. Then by the property of the figure AB FBX BC2ca + aa, and DB or HQ=2ca+ aa-d, and HC²=HQ²+QC², that is, ff= a4+ 4ca³ + 4ccaa+dd—4cad—2daa+gg+28 aa; which reduced is, @4 + 4ca³ + 4cca² + 2ga + gg = o. + 2d 4dc + dd -f Let a¹ + pa³ + qa² + ra + s = o, be any biquadratic equation; compare this term by term with the other; to find the values of the quantities c, d, f, g. Then we have 4cp, and c = p. Again, 4cc-2d+1=9, and 2d=4cc+1— + pp + 1 — 9. I 9 = 4PP + 19, and d = Again, 2g4cdr, and g = = pd + r 2 A 2 4cd + r 2 Laftly, gg+dd-ffs, and ff=gg+dd—s. From hence arifes the following construction. 3 RUL E. Having the equation, or a4 + pa³ + qa² + ra + s = o. aš + pa² + qa +r=0. 1. Defcribe a parabola FVAC, whofe pa- rameter is I, and axis VS. Draw the diame- ter AB at the diftance of p from the axis, on the right hand, if p is affirmative. Then, for the central rule. 2. From Y ま 1 } 1 i * } } : 1 A Fig.13. ང་སེད་ C T K -Z } I S R H 15 D ! G } C 3 F R 14 G E D H } F 绥 iz H S B A 3 I 16 E D 102 S B * C Pl. II. pazo NIV OF CH. Sect. IX. 311 EQUATIONS. 2. From A, the top of the diameter, take Fig, AD = ipp + 1 2 downwards, if affirmative. 2 3. From D in the perpendicular DH, take DH = mative. p× AD + r 2 towards the left, if affir- 4. But when any of theſe quantities are ne- gative, fet them the contrary way. 5. Ha 2 From the center H with the radius VAD² + DH' —- s == VHs defcribe a circle which will cut the parabola in feverai points as C. 6. From the points of interfection, let fall perpendiculars upon the diameter AB, and thefe will be the roots of the equation; thefe (BC) on the right fide of AB, are affirmative roots; and on the left fide, negative. And there are always as many real roots, as there are points of interfection; and the reft are impoffible. SCHOLIU M. If the ſecond term be wanting; then po, and the diameter AB coincides with VS. Then alfo AD = I 9 and DH = žr. 2 In cubics s is wanting, and then the ra dius HC becomes = HA. If the numbers or coefficients be too large for your parabola, you must transform the equation, into another to fuit your parabola, by Prob. xlii. and then conftruct it; and laft- ly, reſtore the true roots. 16. Ex. X 4 312 B. 1. CONSTRUCTION of Fig. 17. 3 Ex. 6. Suppose y³ +20y² 500у- 6000 = 0. The numbers being too large, put x=y, του, ory IOX; then the equation becomes 1000x200cx-5000x60000, that is, x³+2x² — ~60, where the numbers are fmall, The parabola FVC being defcribed, make EA, on the right, and draw AB pa- rallel to the axis VS. Make AD= - pp + 1 - 9 2 + 5 11 32, 2 2 downwards. Draw DH perpendicular to AD, and make DH = pxAD + r 2X3-6 2 18. 2 , to the left. From the center H, with radius HA, defcribe a circle, cutting the pa- rabola in R, A, C, F; from which letting fall perpendiculars on AB; we have RA-1, BC: +2, FB 3, the roots of the equa- tion x³-2x²—5—6—0, and multiplying by 10, we have 10, + 20, and 30, for the roots of the given equation y +20у²-500y 6000 = 0. Ex. 7. Let x4 - 1.75x³- 4.625 +4.875% + 6.75 = 0. Defcribe the parabola FVC, and draw the axis VS, and make EA p.44, to the left, and draw AB parallel to the axis, make 10p+1-9 3.19 downwards. Draw AD= 2 DH perpendicular to AB, and make DH p X AD + r .36, to the right. } From Se&t. IX: 313 EQUATIONS. From the center H, with the radius Fig. √AD² + DH' -6.752, defcribe a circle 18. cutting the parabola in F, R, G, C; from which drawing perpendiculars to AB, we have RO 1, FB — — 1½, GI=2, CP= 2.25, the roots required. = Ex. 8. Given the equation x1.5x + 5x² — 9× — 6=0. Deſcribe the parabola RVC to the axis VS, 19. and make EA=4p=—.375, to the left, and draw AB parallel to VS. Take AD = ± pp + 19 2 1.72 upwards. Then (per- pendicular to AD) take DH = + pXAD+r 2 3,21, to the right. With the center H, and radius 4.39 (= √AD² — DH² + 6), de- fcribe a circle, to interfect the parabola; from the points of interfection, letting fall perpen- diculars on AB, gives the roots, RO.5, and CB = + 2. The other two roots are im- poffible, which is known from this, that the circle interfects the parabola in no more points than theſe two. Let x4 Ex. 9. 567x² + .S06x +3.8640. Here po, therefore deſcribe the parabola 20. FAC, whofe axis is AS; and make AD = 2 9 = 3.335, downwards; and DH== 403, perpendicular to AD, to the left. With radius AD+DH² -3.864=2.72, defcribe a circle cutting the parabola, in R, G, C, F; and 314 CONSTRUCTION of B. I. 3 } f [ Fig. and the perpendiculars from thefe points up- 20. on AS, give RE--.8, GI=+1, CB=+ 2. 1, and Fs-2. 3, the roots of the equa- tion. 21. SCHOLIU M. Geometrical equations may be constructed by lines as well as by numbers. For proper lines may be found for the coefficients, by proceeding according to Prob. xcvi; and fo the whole may be done geometrically.. Quadratic equations, whofe general form is a² + pa + q = o, may alfo be conftructed by the laft rule; and then r and s will be = 0; but the method of conftructing by the circle, is eaſier. 4 RULE. Any cubic or b'quadratic equation + + px³ + qx² + rx + so, may be conſtructed me. chanically thus: 1 1. Upon a plain fmooth wall, draw a hori zontal line AB, and CD perpendicular to it, and take CP = p, to the left hand if p is af- firmative. Hang a thread and plummet EPF to any point E, in the perpendicular EP; make a knot in the thread at n, and tie the other ends fo to the fixt point E, that Pn may be = ½. Then with a pin or the point of a compaſs, move the thread EF fideways toward CD, till the knot n falls in the point C; mark the point D in the line CD, where the pin is, when that happens. 2. From D take DG=PP+I—9 downwards, if affirmative. pendicular GH, take GH= 2 $ (=d), And in the per- dp+r 2 to the left, if > 1 : ¡ 1 - D R 19 V E B + *** Fig. 17. R E H 02 S B R I A E 18 P DH C } D S F. B A R E H I F S H D B 1 S 20 Pl. III. pa. 314 UNIC OF Sect. IX. 315 EQUATIONS. : if it is affirmative. But if any of thefe quan- Fig. tities be negative, they must be taken the con- 21. trary way, to what is directed above. 3. Then with the radius. or diſtance ✔HD's, and one foot of the compaffes in H, move the other foot along with the thread, round in a circle, and the weight F will afcend and defcend, as the thread EF moves laterally. Obferve always, when the knot n falls in the line AB, and mark all thefe points, Q, N, O, R. Then the di- ftances of theſe points from C, are the roots of the equation; the affirmative on the right, the negative on the left hand of C; thus RC is an affirmative root, and QC, NC, OC, negative ones. It is plain, this rule is founded on the laft. For the moving point of the compafs is al- ways in the curve of a parabola, when the point n is in the line AB. To prove which, fuppofe the parabola ADB, to be deſcribed, whofe focus is E. Then by the property of the figure, EL + LR EP + ½ parameter = EPPn or EnED + DC. Therefore the circle cuts the parabola in L; and the diftance of L. from DC, that is RC is one root of the equation; and the like for the reft. SECT. 316 SECT X. Rules and Directions for the investigation and Jolution of Problems. A PROBLEM XCIX. To find if a question be truly limited. Queſtion is faid to be truly limited, when it admits but of one folution; or at moft, of as many as is the index of the higheſt power of the unknown quantity in the final equation. And whe- ther a queſtion be limited or not, may be known from the equations, by this RULE. When the number of unknown quantities, is juft as many as the number of given equations, not depending on one another; then the question is truly limited. But when the number of unknown quantities exceeds the number of equations given; then the queftion is unlimited, and capable of innumerable anſwers. And when the number of unknown quantities is less than the number of given equations; then the queſtion is abfurd and impoſſible, except theſe equations be dependent upon one another; in which cafe the dependent ones may be ftruck out. ** Equations are faid to be dependent on one ano- ther, when they may be formed or derived from one another, by any operations, with the help of the known axioms. For Sect. X. 317 RULES for folving PROBLEMS. For by Cor. 1, 2. Prob. liii, one unknown quan- tity may be taken away by each equation; fo that at laft there will remain but one equation, and one unknown quantity in it; and therefore it is truly limited. But if there were more unknown quantities than equations, there will remain more unknown quan- tities than one, in the laft equation. And then the queftion is not limited; for all of them, but one, may be taken at pleafure; and this is the reafon of queftions being unlimited. Laftly, if there be more equations than unknown quantities, then at last there will remain one un- known quantity for feveral equations; and then the queſtion is more than limited; and will there- fore be impoffible. For the unknown quantity be- ing exterminated, there will be an equation con- fifting of all known quantities; which must be con- tradictory to one another, except they were fome way or other depending on one another, fo as to make an equality. SCHOLIU M. As a problem is truly limited, when the number of independent equations, is equal to the number of unknown quantities; fo likewiſe a problem is truly limited, though there be never ſo many equa- tions, provided all, above that number, are de. pending upon theſe, and derived from them. This is plain from any algebraic procefs; for in the ration, all the fucceeding equations are derived from thefe, first given; and all equations fo de- rived, make no alterations in the limitation of the problem. ope- A problem may be impoffible and more than li mited, though the number of equations be less than the number of unknown quantities; and that is when the equations are contradictory. As 318 B. I: RULES for folving As if a + e + 2y = b, And 2a + 2e + 4y = c; a, e, y being unknown quantities, and b, c, known ones. Now if it hap- pen that c = 2b, the problem is unlimited; but if is not 2b, then the problem is impoffible. And therefore in general, problems are abfurd, when the equations given are derived from abfurd equations, or may be reduced to fuch: even though the number of equations be equal to or less than the number of unknown quantities. The equations given in a problem, ought to be independent, otherwife they will either be confe- quential, or contradictory to one another. In the firft cafe, you will at laſt find fome quantity equal to itſelf. And in the ſecond cafe you will arrive at fome abfurdity, where a greater quantity is equal to a leſs. And it often happens, that at the end of an operation, the equations given, are found to be either dependent or inconfiftent with one ano- ther; which at firſt, could not ſo eaſily be diſcovered. PROBLEM C. To investigate an algebraic Problem. RULE S. 1. When a queftion is propofed to be refolved algebraically; the first thing to be done, is to con- fider the nature and circumftances thereof, to find out what is given therein, and what required. And the nature and tenor thereof being clearly under- ſtood; reject every condition or circumftance, which has no neceffary connection or relation with the thing enquired after. Then give names to all the quantities concerned in the calculation, whether gi- ven or fought; that is, for the feveral numbers or quantities, or at leaſt for the principal of them, put fo many different letters, as directed in the notation. Sect. X. 319 PROBLEMS. notation; taking care to make the fame letter ftand invariably for the fame thing, throughout the whole operation. And in general problems, it will be convenient to make choice of fuch letters or fymbols, as may fome way reprefent to the mind, the things de- figned by them; as r for radius, s for fine, for I latus rectum, v for velocity, t for time, &c. And if there be never fo many quantities of dif- ferent forts, we may reprefent them by any num- bers we like; or even all of them by 1, which is the moſt fimple notation. Thus we may call any degree of motion 1, any degree of velocity, and we may put 1 for any quantity of space, time, matter, &c. But then we must take care to re- prefent other quantities of the fame fort, by pro- portional numbers. We can alfo meafure any kind of quantity by any other kind of quantity, by taking parts or de- grees of one fort, proportional to the parts or de- grees of the other. Thus, quantities of force may be meaſured by right lines proportional to them; bodies or quantities of matter by their weights; velocities by the ſpaces defcribed in equal times; and all forts of quantities or things by numbers. 2. But as that folution of a queſtion is reckoned the more artificial, the fewer unknown quantities are affumed at firft. Therefore when the princi- pal quantities are denoted by letters; fome of the quantities, that may be eafily derived from the reft, are left without a name. As when the whole is given and a part, the other part is eafily had from thence, or the parts being given, you may find the whole. Alfo when two fides of a right- angled triangle are denoted in algebraic terms, the third fide is had from thefe, by addition or ſub- traction of fquares. Likewife three terms of a proportion being given, the fourth term is eaſily derived 320 B. I. RULES for folving derived from thefe three; and in all fuch like cafes, where the values of fome are eaſily derived from the reft. And by, this means there will be fewer terms to exterminate. 3. After the defignation of the quantities, by letters, as aforefaid; we muſt next abftract it from words, and tranflate it out of the Engliſh into the Algebraic language: that is, we must de- note all the conditions of it, by fo many algebraic cquations; and this is called ftating the question. In order to this, we muſt fuppofe the thing done which was required; and then, without making any difference between the known and unknown quantities, affume any of them, known or un- known, to begin your computation from; taking fuch as you think will bring out the fimpleft equa- tion, or give the eafieft folution. And it is beft to affume that quantity to begin with firft, which is eafieft found or brought to an equation. And therefore it is often more convenient, not to begin with that which is directly required, but with fome other, from which the quantity required may be eafily had. From thefe firft affumed quantities, you must proceed in a ſynthetic method to find other quan- tities wanted, and from thefe to find others, &c. according as the nature of the queſtion directs, till you get what equations you want. To this pur poſe, you must attend ftrictly to the nature, de- fign, and meaning of the queftion, and fearch in- to all the circumftances of it, and examine into the particular relations of the quantities to one another; To that from thence you may get a proper number of equations. But fometimes thefe equations can- not be had from the words of the queftion; but depend upon the hidden properties of the quanti- ties concerned therein; and then the equations are to be deduced from them, by a proper chain of reafoning, Sect. X. 321 PROBLEM S $ 10 reaſoning, according to the nature of the fubject under confideration. Thus, in numerical que- ftions, we muit proceed by the properties of num- bers: in geometrical problems, by the elements of geometry in mechanical problems, by the principles of mechanics: in trigonometrical pro- biems, by the rules of trigonometry: in philofo- phical problems, by the laws of motion; and fo of other fufjects. And here great care muſt be taken that your equations do not depend upon one another; and that there be as many as there are unknown quantities, otherwife the queftion will not be limited. > 4. Having got a proper number of equations, our buſineſs is now, to exterminate them one by one, as faft as we can, till there only remains one unknown quantity, in one final equation: then the problem is faid to be brought to a folurion. And by thele equations, you muſt exterminate thefe quantities first, that are most eafily exterminated; that is, the fimpleft firft, and fo on; till the quan- tity that remains at laft, may give the fimpleft equation poffible; cr more fimple than if any other of the unknown quantities remained in the final equation. And in all your procefs, great care must be taken, to keep to a juft equality; which will certainly be, if you obferve all along, to work according to thefe juit rules or axioms, ac the beginning of this book. 5. As to the chufing fit terms or quantities to begin the calculation with; it fometimes happens that there is fuch a relation of two terms of the queſtion, when compared with the reft, that in making use of either of them, they will bring out equations exactly alike; or that both, if they are made ufe of together, fhall bring out the fame final equation, as to form. Then it will be the belt way to make ufe of neither of these terms; but instead thereof, 1 { + 322 B. I. RULES for folving thereof, to chufe fome third, which has a like rela- tion to both. As fuppofe the half ſum or half diffe- rence, or perhaps a mean proportional;, or any other quantity related to both indifferently, and without a like. 6. The proper defignation of the terms will often much abridge the operation. As if two numbers are fought, whofe fum or difference (7) is given, it will be convenient to take in+a, and in-a, for the numbers. Alfo when feveral numbers are fought in arith- metical progreffion, where the common difference (d) is given; we may properly put a➡d, a, a + d₂ d, for the numbers, when there are three or a-11d, 13 id, a + id, a +rid, for the numbers, when four are required; and ſo on. Again, if feveral numbers are fought in geome. trical progreffion; put aa, ae, ee, for three numbers: and a³, a²e, aе², e³, for four numbers: and a*, a³e, a²e², ae¹, e¹, for five numbers; and fo on. Or de- note them by fuch other feries, as will give them all, with the feweft letters. 7. Sometimes problems will run up into very high equations, where the unknown quantities cannot be expunged without great difficulty. Therefore in fuch a caſe, if you can ſubſtitute new letters for the fums, or products, or powers, &c. of fome of the old quantities; and then expunge all theſe old ones, and get a proper number of equations; you may often find the value of thefe new quantities, by eafy and low equations; from whence the old quan- tities may be more eafily determined. And you muſt find theſe new quantities by trials, fuch, that when they are ſubſtituted, they may render the equations eafier. See Prob. xxiv, xxv. B. II. Likewiſe in any operation, when you have a mul titude of unknown quantities, for the coefficient of any power of the unknown quantity; put a fingle letter Sect. X. 323 PROBLEM S. letter for them all, which will much abridge the operation. 8. In geometrical problems, there is often more labour and ſkill required, than in numerical ones. In theſe you must first draw a figure, according to what the queſtion requires to be done. And then it is often requifite to produce right lines; or to draw lines parallel or perpendicular to other lines; and to certain points, or through certain points; or to make fimilar triangles, and fuch like; all preparatory for the folution of the problem: always endeavouring to refolve the ſcheme into fimilar triangles, or right- angled ones, or given ones. Then affume fuch a line, &c. for your unknown quantity, as you judge will bring out the fimpleft equation. For you may begin your computation with any quantity, known or un- known: which done, you muft proceed fynthetical- ly to find the reft. In general, let theſe quantities be denoted by letters, that lie neareft the given parts of the figure, and by means of which other parts ad- joining may be eafily had, without furds. In trian- gles draw a perpendicular from the end of a given fide, and oppofite to a given angle. Such prepara- tions as theſe being made, juſt as you find neceffary for the method of folution you intend to try; pur- fue your computation according to the nature and property of lines, and the conditions given in the queition, proceeding from the quantities affumed, to other quantities, as the relation of the lines di- rect; till you get two values for one and the fame quantity, or find one quantity denoted two different ways, by which you will get an equation. The ge- neral principles for carrying on the computation are fuch as thefe, the addition or fubtraction of lines, to find the fum or difference. The proportionality of lines (arifing from fimilar triangles), where three terms being given to find a fourth. The addition or fubtraction of fquares in right-angled triangles, where Y 2 324 B. I. RULES for folving two fides being given, the third may be found. Likewife the doctrine of proportion will be of fre- quent ufe. Befides we must make ufe of fuch pro- pofitions in geometry as are fuitable to the purpoſe; fuch as B. I. prop. 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 11. B. II. 2, 3, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26. B. III. 1, 6, 7, 17, 20. B. IV. 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 27, 31; and fome in the following books, as occafion requires. By help of theſe principles, and a chain of right reaſoning, we ſhall obtain as many equations as un- known quantities, which being had, we muſt change our method, and exterminate the fuperfluous quan- tities, and find the root of the final equation. g. If the method you go upon at firſt, for the folution of the problem, proceeds but badly, as running into high equations and furds. You muſt draw freſh ſchemes, and begin your computation anew, till you have hit on a method as elegant as poffible. For the principal art, of refolving pro- blems, is to frame the pofitions with fuch judg- ment, that the folution may end in as fimple an e- quation as poffible. For fome methods will pro- duce more intricate equations and folutions, than others. But the fkill of finding out the moſt fim- ple and eaſy ways of refolution is not to be pre- fcribed by any rules, but is only attained by con- ftant practice and experience. 10. If you have any doubt what quantity to take for the quantity fought, fo as to bring out the ſim- pleft equation. Suppofe you have got a final equa- tion with x, take fome other quantity y, which you fufpect may be as fimple, feek an equation between * and y; then if y be of as high a power as x; the final equation, if y were uſed, would be as high as is the final equation with x. Or, Having got an equation between x and y; fubftitute for x its value in terms of y, in the faid final equation with x; and you will find what pow- er Sect. X. 325 PROBLEMS. er y will arife to, without forming the procefs anew for y. But if the equation between x and y be not a fimple equation; it will often be as well to begin the process anew for ry. Or, If there be feveral quantities, and you do not know which will bring out the fimpleft équation. Put letters for them all, and get as many equations. Then by expunging fuch as are inoft eafly ex- punged; you will, for the moft part, get the moſt fimple equation. 11. Lastly, when the final equation is obtained, extract its root by Sect. VIII, and you have the anſwer in numbers. Note, The numbers given in a queftion, cannot always be taken at pleaſure, but must often be ſub- ject to one or more determinations or reftrictions, which for the moft part are difcoverable by the theo- rem refulting from the refolution of the queftion. 12. When you have an equation containing the quantity fought; and the equation is alfo effected with a fecond unknown quantity, which you want to get rid of; the extermination of which runs you to a very high power. Now if it happens that this fecond unknown quantity, is but in a few of the terms, which are but ſmall in refpect of the reft. Then if you can nearly gueſs at its value, you may retain it in the equation, putting that value for it, which will make little difference in the equation, a- mong fo many quantities, if you mifs its value a little. Then the root of the equation being extract- ed will give the other unknown quantity very near, And this being had, the fecond unknown quantity will then be found more exactly, and may be fubfti- tuted for it again, and the operation repeated, &c. And one may often guefs nearly at the value of this ſecond quantity, from the conditions of the pro- blem; eſpecially if it be a geometrical one, from the conftruction of the figure. Y 3 Theſe 1 326 RULES for folving, &c. B. I. } Theſe forts of equations may alſo be refolved by the Rule of Falſe Pofition, as directed in Pr. xcii. Rule 5; as alſo by Prob. xcv. 13. When you want to compute a problem for fome practical uſe in common life, but by purfu- ing it in its mathematical rigour, you fall upon fome irrefolvable equations or intricate furds or fe- ries. Then you may often refolve it on very fim- ple principles, by neglecting fuch quantities or fuch conditions, as ferve only to embarraſs the problem, but make little or no difference for the purpoſe you want it. In fuch caſe, neglect fuch quantities or fuch conditions, as are of little moment; and in- ftead of fuch quantities as make the calculation dif- ficult, take others nearly equal to them, which will make the operations more fimple, or as fimple as poffible. Or fome of the leaſt moment may be en- tirely left out. And thus one may come at an eaſy folution of the problem. Theſe are the general rules of working; all which will be made clear, by the examples in the follow- ing Book II. BOOK BOOK II. The Solution of Problems. 327 A Problem is a queftion propoſed to be re- folved; and the Solution of a problem, is the finding fuch numbers, lines, &c. as will fulfil the conditions of the question. Of problems thefe are determined, that have a determinate number of anfwers: and indetermined, which have innumerable answers. Problems are of feveral kinds, as numerical, geometrical, trigonometrical, philofophical, me- chanical, &c. A problem of one, two, three, &c. dimenfions, is that which has one, two, three, &c. folutions or anſwers. We have hitherto been laying down fuch rules, as are neceffary for the inveſtigation and ſolution of problems. The reader must take particular care, to make himſelf well acquainted with thefe rules, and keep them in mind, fo that he may have them ready for ufe, upon all occafions; for with- out them no problem can be folved. But as pre- cepts are but of little ufe without examples, and generally reach no farther than mere fpeculation; I fhall therefore, in the next place, apply them to practice, and that in the folution of a great variety of problems, in the most material branches of the mathematics; which I fhall now begin with di- rectly. I 4 SECT. 328 B. II. SECT. I. Numerical Problems. PROB. I. There are two numbers whofe fum is 25, portion of one to the other is as 2 are the numbers? Suppoſe { per queft. 3 X 1a I 2e greater. e = leffer. 3e:a:: 2:3 42a = 3e 4 (2) 5a per queft. 6 a + 6 X (2) ÷ 7 (5) 5, Suppofe per queſt. 2 X 3 tranf. 4 (5) зе c = e + 32e25 e 7ze + 3e = 5e = 50 50 and the pro- to 3, what 8 e == 10, the leffer. 9 a = 2e = 15, the greater. او Otherwife thus, a greater, sfum, 25; then $ a = leffer. 22: 3 :: S 3: 320 = 35 45a= 35 a: a за 5α = 35 = 15 = 15, the greater num a ber. 6sa= 10, the leffer. PROB. Sect. I. 329 NUMERICAL PROBLEMS. PROB. II. A man having a certain number of pence, gives to A of them, to B, to C, and to D, and then had 3 remaining. How many bad he at first? Let per queſt. 2, 3 tranf. Ia number of pence he had. I 2a +÷a+ša + ½ a = a - 3 თა 24 4 a = a -3. J 4 a = 3 4 X I 5 a = 72 PROB. III. A man hired a labourer, on condition, that for every day he wrought, he should have 12d. and for every day be idled, he should forfeit 8d. 390 days, neither of them was in debt. the number of work days and play days. Let per quest. 2 tranfp. 3 ÷ (20) 1, = After To find I a = the working days, b = 390;' then ba the play days. 212a = 390-ax83120-8a, 3 20a 3120, 320a 2 12a 3120 4 α = =156, the work days. 20 56a234, the playing days. PROB. 330 B. II. NUMERICAL PROB IV. Some young men and maids had a reckoning of 37 fhillings; and every man was to pay 3 Shillings, and every maid 2; now if there had been as many men as maids, and maids as men, the reckoning would have come to 4 fhillings lefs. What is the number of each? Suppoſe amen, e = maids, b = 37, c = 4. 23a + 2e = b 32a+3e = b = c 4 9a + 6e = 3b perqueſt{ 2X (3) 54a + 6e = 2b 20 3 X (2) 4-5 6 5a = b + 2c b+2c 6 ÷ (5) | 7|a = =9, the men. 5 2 - за 82eb за b ÷ 8 (2) ge за =5, the women. 2 PROB. V. A man being asked what a clock it was? answered, that it was between 8 and 9; and that the hour and minute hands were both together. Let x= time required, b = 8, c = 12, d = 1. 2 fince the two hands divide the hour, and the whole circumfe- in the fame proportion, rence :: d: x-b₂ therefore c 2 X 3 tranf. 3 cx 4 cx cb = dx dx = cb cb 96 4+ 5x= h. m. fec. = 8 43 38 T 2 PROB. Sect. I. 331 PROBLEM S. PROB. VI. ठ of the the ठ I Ğ A man gives the first beggar he meets with, pence be bad and 4d. more: to the fecond remaining pence and 8d. more: to the third the remaining pence and 12 d. more, and fo on, in- creafing 4d. every time, till at last. he had nothing left, and then all the beggars had equal shares. Query, the number of pence and beggars. Suppoſe per queſt. I 2 3 ÷ (6) a pence he had at firſt. a 2 +4= pence given to the firſt 3 6 동 363 w/n win olu beggar. a-4 remainder. a 4+ (8) 5 a +110, +/0 11 the remainder.' +8=pence given to fe- cond beggar. + + 8, per queſt. 7 6a+ 144 = 5ª — 24+ 288 36 2=5 이응+4= 5 a 36 吉+ 6×(36) 5a 7 tranf. 2, 120 8, 9 IO 5 24 8 a 120 = 920+ 4 = 24 = ſhare of each. number of beggars. PROB. 332 B. II. NUMERICAL PROB. VII. 3 the other two There are three numbers, the first with the other two makes 14, the fecond with makes 8; the third with the other two makes 8. What are the numbers? Let उ a, e, y be the numbers. e + y 2a+ = 14 3 perqueft a ty 3e + =8 = 8 1 4 ate 4y+ =8 = 8 5 2 X (3 3 X (4) 5-6 5 × (5) 4 X (5) 8 •9 7X (4) 10 X (3) 5 3a + e + y = 42 6 4e + a + y = 32 4e+a+y 7 20 3e = 10 815a + 5e + 5y = 216 9a + e +5y = 40 10 14a + 4e 170 118a 12e = 40 12 42a12e = 510 11 + 12 13 50a= 550 13÷(5) 14 a = II 53e2a IQ tranf. 15 3e 15 ÷ (3) 16 e 20 IO 4 3 : 5 tranfp. 17y=42— 3a — e = 5• PROB. VIII. Having given the sum of two numbers 8, and the difference of their ſquares, 16; to find the num- bers. Let 1x leffer number, a = 8, b = 16. * greater number. 20 I 2 Seat. I. PROBLE M S. 333 1 & 2 2 & 2 ~ 3 x fquare of the leffer. aaaxxx fquare of the greater 5aa2ax = b per queſt. 62ax = aa 4. 3 5 tranf b a a b 624 71 x = =3, the leffer. 24 2, 8a-x=5, the greater. PROB. IX. There are three numbers, the fum of the first and Second is 9, of the first and third 10, of the fe- cond and third 13. What are the numbers? Let perquest 2 ४ ४ 1x, y, z, be the numbers, a 95 b = 10, c = 13; 2x + y = a 3x + x = b C X X x + b − x = 6 4+2 5y=a حب 6z=b 4, 5, 6 7 tranf. 7a 82x = a + b a+b. C 8 (2) a + b - C 9x= 3 2 51 Io y = a 10 x = 6 6, Z 11/z = b −x=7 PROB. X. Two travellers A and B, 365 miles dijtance, fet out at the fame time. A travels 10 miles an hour; How far does each travel before they meet? B 8. Suppofe A travels x miles, then B travels 360 — x. by propor. 2x: 360-x:: 10: 8 2 X 38x3600 · IOX 3 tranf } 334 B. II. NUMERICAL 3 tranf. 4 18x=3600 3600 4 ÷ (18) 5 x = 200, A's journey. 18 6 I, = XI. 360-x -x=160 B's journey. PROB. If three agents A, B, C, can produce the effects a, b, c, in the times e, f, g, respectively. In what time will they all jointly produce the effect d? Let I time fought. 2 e: x : : a: ax A's effect in the time x. by pro- portion bx 3f: x :b: B's effect in time x. f CX 48 : x :: c : g ax bx CX 2, 3, 4, 5 + + e f g d 5 reduced 6 x = C's effect in time x. = di time required. a b C + + e g PROB. XII. A woman can buy apples at 10 a penny, and pears at 25 for 2 pence; if he lay out 9 pence for 100 apples and pears together. How many of each must she have? Let by pro- portion 1a apples, then 100 a = pears. a 2 10: Id. : : @ : —, apples. a IO price of the 3 25 2d.:: 100 a: price of the pears. 200 24 25 per Sect. 1. 335 PROBLEMS. per queſt. 4 + a 200 2a = 9-1-1. 50 4x150) 5 5ª + 400 55a+ 400-40 = 475 5 tranfp. ง 75, the apples. 7100 100 - a a=25 the pears. PROB. XIII. A vintner would mix wine at rod. the quart, with another fort at 5d; to make a 100 quarts to be How much of each muſt be take? fold at 7 d. Let by pro- portion per qu. { a = quarts of 10 penny, e quarts of 6 penny, b10, c = 6, m = 100, ƒ = 7. 21: baba, value of a quarts. 31: c :e: ce, value of e quarts. 4.ba+ce = mf. 5a+e=m 6e = m 7 ba+cm а ca = mf cm ca = fm 5- 4, 6 7 tr. a 8 ba 8 9α= fm cm b C bm fm 6, Io e = b - c PROB. XIV. A faltor exchanged 6 French crowns and 2 dollars for 45 billings; and 9 French crowns and 5 dollars for 76 Shillings. What is the value of a French crown and a dollar? x Suppoſe = French crowns, y dollars, | 1 x a=6, b=2, d=9, e=5, c=45, f = 76. per "3 336 NUMERICAL B. II. per qu. 2 X 3 Xb 2 ax + by = c 3 dx + ey=f 4 eax + eby = ec 5 bdx + ety = bf 6 aex bdx ecbf = I = 61. a + by = c 4-5 ec bf 6 ÷ * - 7 ae bd ec bf 2, 8 ae bd ec bf 8 tr. 9 by = c a ae bd ae bd af cd I 10 y = = 44• ae bd bfa-bdc PROB. XV. To divide a number b, into four parts; ſo that the first being increafed with d, the fecond diminiſhed by d, the third multiplied by d, and the fourth di vided by d; may be all equal. Let Il a, e, u, y, be the four parts. 2a + e + u 3 a + d = e 4 a + d = dy 5a+d= И d per qu. 3+ d 4 ÷ d a + d 7y= d 6e=a+2d + y = b, d 9 reduced 10 a = 5 x d 8uad + dd 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 a + a + 2d + bdd32ddd at d + ad + dd = b d dd + 2d + I Sect. I. 337 PROBLEMS. bd + d³ + 2dd + d 6 II e e= dd + 2d + I b 7 12 y = dd + 2d + I bdd 8 13 น = u dd + 2d ÷ 1 PROB. XVI. A merchant bought (a) bushels of wheat, (b) bushels of barley, and (c) bushels of oats for (m) pounds. Afterwards he bought (d) bushels of wheat, (e) buſh- els of barley, and (f) bushels of oats, for (n) pounds. And after that, (g) bushels of wheat, (b) bushels of barley, and (k) bushels of oats for (p) pounds, each fort at one price. What was each per bushel? Let per qu. 2X fk 3 X ck 4 x cf 5 6 x, y, z, be the prices of the wheat, barley, and cats. 2 ax + by + cz = m 3 5 dx + ey + fx = n 4 gx + by + kz = p. afkx + bfky + cfkz = fkm 6 ckdx + ckey + cfkz 7\ cfgx + cfby + cfkz = cfp 8 afkx & 7 9 ckdx ckn ckdx+bfky-ckey-fkm-ckn. cfgx+ckey-cfby ckn-cfp. fubftit. 8, 10 Ax + By C 9,11 Fx + Gy = H. V 1 C - Ax 10 reduc. 12 y = B H-Fx 11 reduc. 13y = G C- Ax H-Fx = 12 13 14 B G 14 X 15 GCGAx BH-BFx Z 15 tr. 338 NUMERICAL B. II. 15 tr. [16] BFxGAx BH-GC — BH-GC 17 x = BF GA by refti- tution 10, II. 18 x = 8 is_cfk 19] x cfk bcfkkn + ccfkep + cffkhm · cffbpk — cfkkem — cefkbn bcfkkd + ccfkge + acffkh -bcffgkacfkke - ccfkhd bkn —— bfp + cep―kem+fbm—chn bkd-bfgeeg-aek+afb-cdb being had, y may be found by ftep 12th; and then z, by reducing the equation in ftep 2d. PROB. XVII. If the number of oxen a, eat up the pasture b, in the time c; and the oxen d eat up as good a pafture e, in the time f; and the grafs grows uniformly. To find how many oxen will eat up the like pasture` g, in the time b. State it thus: Oxen, Weeks. Acres. a C b d f e b g Let by pro- portion y Il y 21 X y number of oxen fought. grafs upon an acre at firſt. 3grafs growing upon an acre, in a week afterwards. I 41 grafs which an ox eats in a week. 5 bx, ex, gx = grafs on the paſtures b, e, g. 61 cbz, fez, bgz = graſs grafs grown grown af wards on the paſtures b, e, g, in the times c, f, b. 7 ac, df, by grafs eaten by the oxen, a, d, y, in the times c, f, b. per Sect. I. 339 PROBLEMS. per qu. I 8 x ef 9 × cb 13 ÷ 14 x = 8 ac = bx + cbz 9 df = ex+fez 10 yb=gx + bgz 11 acef = efbx ✈ efcbz 12 cbdfcbex + chefz + 11-1213 acef- cbdfefbx cbcw. acef―cbdf - efb. есь 9X8 10 Xe 15gdf = gex+gfez 16 eyb = egx + ebgz 16-15 17 eybgdf 44 ebgz-gfex 17 ÷ 182 = eyb-gdf r ebg-efg ac 8-b 19 = x + cz 19, 14, 18/20 Put 20, 21 Ъ b ac b acef-cbdf == ceyb-cgdf + efb ecb ebg-efg 21 p = ƒ—c, r = b—f, r + p = b-co acef — cbdf ceyb cgdf b. 22 ac = pe + reg 22 Xpreg 23 acpregacefrg-cbdfrg +pceybb 23 tr. 24, pcdfgb 24 peybb apreg-aefrg + bdfrg+ = pdfgb. — 25 pebby = areg × p−ƒ + bdfg × r+p. 21, 2526 pebby — — aregc + bdfgxr+p. 26, 21, 27 pebby = aceg × f − b + bdfg × b f—b - c aceg xf-b+bdfg xb-c 27 28 y beb xf-c Z 2 PROB. 340 B. II. NUMERICAL PROB. XVII. To divide ten thousand into two fuch parts, that when each of them is divided by the other, the fum of the quotients, may Let per qu. be 5. c Ila, e be the parts, b = 100ca, 5 < 2a+e=b a e + e 2 2 + a 42 4 e b a. 3 X ae 5eebb zba + aå 6 cae = aa + ee 4, 5, 6 7 cab caa = 240 zba + bb 7 ± 82 + c.aa 2b+bc.a = bbi -bb 8 9:aa ba = 2+ c 9 reduc. bb bb b + 4, 11e=1726,732 4 c + z =8273,268 2 XVIII. PROB. A general would range his army in a ſquare battle, but finds he has 284 foldiers to spare; but if he in- creafes the fide of the fquare with one man, he wants 25 to fill up the fquare. How many fol diers had be? fide of the ſquare. 2aa284 = number of men Let I a per qu. 2 = 3 4 tran 52 3 a + 1² 25 number of men 4aa284 = aa + 2a + I 52a = 308 - 25 a 6α = I 154 7aa284 = 24000, the number of men. PROB. Sect. I. 341 PROBLEM S. PROB. XIX. Y Several perfons dining at an inn, the reckoning came to175 billings, but two of them flinking away, the reft bad 10 fhillings a-piece more to pay. Query, the number of perfons? Put number of perfons at firft. - each man's fhot. a 175 2 a per qu. 175 31 a 2 X +10= 175° a 3 X 4175a +10aa 350- 20a=175a 4 tranf 5 10a 20a= 350 } 5 ÷ 6 aa 2a = 35 6 refolved 7 a = 7 2 8 175 25, the club. a PROB. XX. There is a number, confifting of three digits, whoſe product is 315, and the fum of the first and left is double the fecond; and that number with 396 added makes a number confifting of the fame digits but inverted. Suppofe 1 a, e, y the digits. per qu. 4 ± 2a + y = 2e 3 aey = 315 ве у y e a 4 1000 + 10e + y + 396—100y+102 +a, 5 99ª + 396 = 99y 5÷(99) 6a+ 4 = ÿ 2 a 72e 6 = 7 a = y 8a+ 4 = 20 B Z3 8, 342 B. II. NUMERICAL 8, 19a = e 2 6, 10 yea 3, 9, 1011 11 refolv. 12 9, 10 |13 aey = exe-2 Xe + 2 = e³—4e=315 e = 7 = a = 5, y=9. PROB. To find the value of a, when XXI. a³-Vaa=4.962a. 3 2 per queft. 2 a 2 3 = ba Put I b = 4962 2, affume 3 a 426 9 6 4 ठ a = ba a, then 4 5a x, and a = x² 6x9 + x4 = bxo 4, 3, 4, 5 6x+ 7 tranf. 7x5 I = bxx 81x5 bxx I 8 refolv. 9 x 1.74256 4, 10 a = 27.998 Given { 2 - I — e3 PROB. XXII. = 1 a³e³ + a²e³ = 234000 b. 2/ ae + ae² + ae³ = 1860 = c. to find a, e. 3a= C e + ee + e³ 4a³ + a² = 3, 4 5 C3 le + ee + e³] 3 b 3 e + CC e + ee + e³l" 11 b 5 Xe Sect. I. 343 PROBLEM S. cce C3 5 Xe3 6 + e + e + eel³ 6 X reduced i te + cel² = b 76x1+e+ eel³=ccex I +e+ee + c² 8/ be + 3bes + 6be4 + 76e³ + 6be² зве + 360 +8} +6}= c²e = c³ 2 C²e³ 3 c²e² PROB. XXIII. There is a cask of rum, out of which was taken 41 gallons, and filled up with water, and the fame rc- peated three times more. At last there was found "by the proof, to remain 25.2935 gallons of rum in it. What was the content of the cafk? Let 1| 6=41, c=25.2935, a cafk's con- tent, then ab firſt remainder. 2 And fince the quantity of liquor is as the ſpace it poffeffes; therefore a: a -b (1 rem.) : a b: a-b12 (2 rem.) :: abla a-bl³ a a aa (3 rem.)-:: a-613 a—b 4 (4 rem.) aa 03 a 614 = C. a? 3 G 4 tr. 4a4 per queft. 3 5 refol. a44ba³ + 6bba² — 4b³ i + 64 = ca³ 5a4 3 4ba³ + бbba² C 6 a 124.84 gallons. ·4b³a==b4 24 PROB. 344 B. II, NUMERICAL 1 PROB. XXIV. Given 1 x³ + x²y + y²x + y² = dxy! 2 I, 2, Put { 3, 5, 6 x6 + x+y² + y4x² +y6 = bbxxyy. 3 x² + y² × x + y = dxy 4x++y4 × x² + y² = bbxxyy. 5 xy = a 6 x + y = e eezaxe 7 ee da = x² + y² Xx + y ×x+y da 7÷e 8 ee 2α = = xx+yy e ddaa 4, 8 9 2aa = x4+y4 ee 9 X » | ེས་ ddaa da 10 20a X = x++y4 X e ee e IO X Il dd x² + y² = bbxxyy = bbaa. 2ee × da = bbe³ bbe³ 11- 12 a d3 2 dee 2bbe+ db2e3 8, 12 13 e3 ds - 2dee d³ 2dee 13 X 14 d³e³ 2 des 2bbe+ = dbbe³ 14÷ 15 23 bb 2 ee + 2dee2bbe dbb a e = dd- bb which gives e, ſtep 12, and x found from itep and then a by and y may be 5 and 6. 2 a quadratic PROB. Sect. 1: 345 PROBLEM S. Given that is, I, 2 Put PROB. XXV. 1/ ase — bda+ + 2ba³ee+bbae³-2dbba²e b³ de² = do 2 a*ee2bda³e + bbdda² + ba²e³ — 2dbbae² + bbd + b³d²e — bªd”. 3 aa + bel² xae — bd — do. 4 ae- bdl xaa + be = b+d², 5 aa+bex bd = y 7 x²y = do 6 ae 3, 5, 6 4, 5, 6 8 y²x = b+dd. 7 X 8 9 x³y³=b4d8. 3 سا و ساو 10xy = bddbdd d6 d³ 710, 11 x = 3 bddbdd bb bbd 8÷÷ 10 12 y b+dd bb bdd 3 √bbd bdd 5- be 6, + 14 a I3| aa = x = y+bd X be e 13, 14 15 aa = yy + 2bdy + bbdd =* - be ee 15 red. 16 xee-be³ = yy + 2bdy + bbdd, a cu- bic equation which gives e, whence a is known by ſtep 14. PRO B. XXVI. To find four numbers x, y, z, v, having the produ& of every three given. Suppofe xyz = b 2jzv= 3 zvx = d =f 41 vxy = f I X 2 X 3 X 4 345 B. II. NUMERICAL 1X2X3X4 | 5] x³y³z³v³ = bcdf 5 lw 3 3 6 xyzv = bcdf Vbcdf 6÷2 7x= C 3/bcdf 6÷3 8y = d Vbcdf 6÷÷4 9 22 f 3/bcdf 6÷1 [0 V = b XXVII. PROB. To find 3 numbers, x, y, z, having the product of each and the fum of the other two, given. 1 x x y + z = b per qu. 2 y x x + % = c 3 xxx+y=d 1+2+3 4 ÷ (2) 5 xy+xz+yz= 5 4 2xy + 2xx + 2yz = b+c+d 6 ÿz = s jz b+c+d =s, by fubft. 2 5-2 7x2 = S XZ 5-3 8 xy=s d | 6x7x8 9 xxyyzz = s—bx S-cX S x -d 2 سا و Io 10 xyz= S bxs. c X s - d 106 SX IS S- [ 1 x = S b -bxs- d 107 12y = S C 108 13 x = ~ bxs- P PROB Sect. I. 347 PROBLEM S. Fig. PRO B. XXVIII. To find any polygonal or figurate number. A figurate or poligonal number is the fum 226 of a ſeries of numbers in arithmetical pro- greffion from 1. And theſe are fo called, becauſe they denote the number of points, which fill a regular poligon, placed at equal diſtances, on lines drawn parallel and equidi- ftant, to the fides of the figure. The fol- lowing table fhews the arithmetic proportio- nals, and the poligonal numbers formed from them. The numbers of the arithmetical fe ries fhew what number of points are placed on the ſeveral parallel lines of the poligon; and the poligonal numbers, fhew the whole number of the points contained in the figure. Rank. Arithm. propor- tionals. 2 3 4 Poligonal num- bers Names. I I, I, I, I, I, I 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 laterals. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 61, 3, 6, 10,15,21 triangul. I, 3, 5, 7, 9,11 1, 4, 9,16,25,36 quadran. I, 4, 7,10,13,16 1, 5, 12,22,35,51 pentang. 1, 5, 9,13,17,21 1, 6,15,28,45,66 hexang. 6 I, 6,11,16,21,26 1, 7, 18,34,55,81 heptang. 7,13,19.25,311, 8,21,40,65,961 Octang. rany rank, x = poligonal num. ber fought. 7 I. Let I T n = place of x; then r-com- mon diff. of the arithm. feries. 2+2 —¡×?—I the nth term in the arithmetic progreffion. arith. prop Pr. 6. ib. Pr. 7. 3 n X r 2 ÷ 22 n I X r 2 = x n = nth term' in the poligonal numbers. 2 + n I X r I, 3, 4 20 X 12. 2 348 B. II. SECT. II. Of Intereft and Annuities. PROB. XXIX. The principal, time, and rate of intereft being given ; to find the amount, or money due at the end of that time; at fimple intereſt. Let 2 by pro. portion 3 principal, t=time, r = rate of intereft of 1. for a certain time, as a year, &c. s &c. s = fum of all the arrears. 1:r::p: rp, the intereft of p for a year. Irpt: prt, the intereſt for the time t. whole arrear at the end 4p+ prt = whole arrear of the time t. 5p+ prts, the arrear fought. I, 4 S Cor. 1. Hence p = when s, r, t, are rt + I 1 given. Cor. 2. t = when s, p, r, are given. pr S Cor. 3. r = Р when s, p, t, are given. pt PRO B. Sect. II. INTEREST and ANNUITIES. 349 ་ PROB. XXX. The annuity, time and rate of intereft being given; to find the arrear, at the end of that time, at fimple interest. a Put I a 2 o = annuity or yearly rent; t = time of forbearance; r = inte- reſt of 11. for a year, &c. s = whole arrear. intereft due at one year's end. 3 ra = intereſt at 2 year's end. intereſt at 3 year's end. intereft for 4 years. by pro- portion 4 2ra 53ra ₺ — 6 t1.ra= intereft for t years. I 7 ta rents due at the end of t years. 2,3,4,5,6, 80+1+2+3... to IX into 7 ra + ta = $. arith.prop txt - I 0+1+2+3... t − 1 I = Prop. 7. 2 txt- I 8, 9, ΙΟ rata = $. 2 t I.r++ 2 IO, II ta=s. 2 25 Cor. 1. a = t I.r + 2 x t 2 25 Cor. 2. t = 2 2 js + ar 2r 2r 25 ta Cor. 3. r = I - IX ta PROB. 350 B. II: INTEREST and PROB. XXXI. Let To find the preſent worth of an annuity, to continue à given time, at a given rate of fimple intereft. P = pretent worth, a time, r annuity, t= intereft of 1 Prob. 29. 2 p + prt =S t Prob. 30. I. r + 2 3 ta=s 2 t − 1 . r + 2 2 = 3 4 p + prt = ta 2 r + I t-1.7+2 2 4 ÷ 5 P = ta = ta. 2rt + 2 } rt + I rt + I Cor. 1. @ = a X P. t - I t r + I 2 2 20 20 Cor. 2. tt + Ixt= शु whence t may ra be found. 2ta 20 Cor. 3. r = > 2pt-1.axt PROB. XXXII. The principal, time, and rate of intereft being given ; to find the amount at the end of that time, at compound interest. Let p = principal, t = time, r = inte- reft of 1. R= I +r the amount of 17, and its intereft. sfum of money due at the end of that time, per ! Sect. II. 351 ANNUITIES. per queft. by pro. portion 21 +r or R = money due at 1 year's end. 31: R::R: RR = money due at 2 year's end. 3 4 IR :: RR : R³ = money due at 3 year's end. 5 R money due at t year's end. 6 I: I : Rt : ::p : pR = the amount of p for the time t. 7 PR' = s. 1, 6 S Cor. 1. p: = R S log: s- Cor. 2. R' = log: P. or t > log: R S Cor. 3. R or log: R = log: s- log:p 古 PROB. XXXIII. The annuity, time, and rate of intereft, being given; to find the arrears due at the end of that time, at compound interest. Let Ia annuity, or yearly rent, t time of forbearance, r = intereft of 1. for a year, &c. RI+", s=fum of all the arrears. 2 a = money due at 1 year's end. 32a+ra =a+Ra≈ arrear at 2 years end. 4a+aR+aRR arrear in three years. by Prob. 5 a + aR + aR² + aR³ 32. years. 6 a + aR + @R² + øƑ³. aR arrear for 4 . to arrear for t years. geom. 352 B. II. INTEREST and geom. propor. prop. 26 = 2 3 1 + R + R² + R³... to R-1 Rx R¹-1 R-I R- I I r Rt I 6, 7 8 а a = money due at the end of t years. R- f '1, 8, a=s. go rs Cor. 1. α = R - I rs Cor. 2. R' ==+ 1, or i = S a Cor. 3. - R— R' = a found, and then r. rs log: +1 a log: R S a whence R may be PROB. XXXIV. To find the prefent worth of an annuity, to continue a given time, at a given rate of compound intereft. Let 1pprefent worth, a = the annuity, t = the time, r = intereft of 1 l R=1+”. Prob. 32. 2 PR¢ = s. Rt. I Prob. 33 3 a = s. gro R₁ — I 2 = 3 4 PR, = 4 ÷ R 5P = R' — I TR 2 G 11 I I R 121 g I a. Cor. ļ Sect. II. ANNUITIES. 353 Cor. 1. a= pr ร I I R a or t= a pr ? log:a-log:a-pr log:R a a Cor. 2. R' = Cor. 3. R— R² — - Reti P. and r will be found. PROB. XXXV. whence R To find the value of an annuity to continue for ever; at a given rate of compound intercit. p = preſent worth, a annuity, r = intereſt of 17. R =ıtr. P = 2 P RtI TR a Let Pr. 34. ſtep. 5. Prob. 73. cor. 7. 2, 3, 4 p = (TRE =) / 3 but fince t is infinite, R is infi- nitely greater than 1, whence Rt 1 = R. R a a Cor. 1. apr. Cór. 2. r = a 1 P PROB. XXXVI. At what rate of intereft will 1001. amount to 2001. in 9 years, at compound intereft. rate of R = 1 + r,t=93 I Let r 39 Prob, 32, 2100R 4 =200. per queſt. A' a $ L 2 → 354 B. II. INTEREST and 2- 3 & 4 سا 4 lw 39 5 6X 100 39 3 RF 2 4 R39 = 16 39 = 5 R16 1.0737 by logarithms 6 R R=1==.0737: 77.37 rate of intereft per cent. PROB. XXXVII. If a principal x be put out at compound intereft, for x years, at x per cent. to find the time x, in which it will gain x. Prob. 32. 1 PR₁ = 5 X per queft. 2px, r= x R=I+ t = x; 1.GO 100 2X. I, 2 3*XI+ X 100 = 28. Xx 3 X 41 + = 2. IOO nature of X logs. 5XXI + 100 x M.3010300 Prob. 84. X XX. X3 cor. I. 6xX: + 100 20000 3000000 &c. = .30103 : M 3 xx X4 6, 7 + &c 100 20000 3000000 =,693147 by reverf. 8 x 8.49824 years. PROB Sect. II. 355 ANNUITIES. PROB. XXXVIII. Given the rate per cent. for a year (51.), to find what the amount of any fum (1001.), will be at the year's end, at compound intereſt; ſuppoſing it to arife from the principal and intereſt due every day,&c. rintereft of 1 l. for a year. 2n=365 the parts of a year. Let intereft for 1 day. r 3 n 3, 4I+ n 172 money due at the year's money due at one day's end. Prob. 32. 51 + 12 end. 6nx log: 1+= log: log: amount 72 for a year .0215694. amount for amount for a year. amount of 100%. by logs 6, 71.0509 6X100 8 105.09 |n r or 5, I + rr + ท 2nn n.n- I. n 2 r³ &c, the amount =1+r+ 2.3ni for a year. If the intereft is fuppofed to gain intereſt every moment, by be- coming part of the principal; then n is infinite, and r 12 1 + 2 |=1+r+ ²² + n за з 74 + 2 2.3 2.3.4 &c. the amount at the year's end. But this feries is the num- ber belonging to the hyperbolic logarithm r, whence A a 2 The 1 856 B. II INTEREST and 10, The number belonging to the lo- logarithm .43429448r amount of 1. for a year = 1.0513; and for 100 = 105.13, to gain intereft continually. Schol. If the intereſt for a day be required, fo that it may amount to 1 + at the year's end, at compound intereft; then the amount at day's end, will be Vi +r; which is ſomething less than 1 + 12 12 PROB. XXXIX. 1 A man puts out a sum of money at 6 per cent. to Continue 40 years; and then both principal and in- tereſt is to ſink. What is that per cent. to conti- nue for ever? The queſtion amounts to this; if 100 7. be paid for an annuity of 61. a year for 40 years, what is that per cent ? Put a = 6, p = 100, t = 40, r=rate of 1. R=1+r. Prob. 34 cor. 2. 21t= log:a log:a-pr log:R 2 X 3 Log: R = log: a log : a-pr t 1:6 1:6 40 10Or Suppofe 4 R = 1.05; then r = .05, and L:R.019454; whence R = 1.046 which is too little. 5 R = 1.053, then r .053, and L:R.023324, and R = 1.055, too big. Suppofe 5 R = Then Sect. II. 357 ANNUITIES. Then by Rule 5, Prob. xcii. B. I. you will find R1.052, and the rate = 5.2 per cent. which may be repeated for more exactnefs. PROB. XL. If 2001. be due 3 years hence; and 801. 5 years bence; in what time must both be paid together, at 5 per cent. It the time. Let Prob. 32. 200 2 cor. I. 1.05|' =172.76, the prefent worth of 2007. 80 ib. 3 1.05 5 62.68, the prefent worth 2+3 Prob. 32. 5 of Sol. 4 235.44, the whole prefent worth. log: 280- log: 235 44 =3.5527 cor. 2. log: 1.05 years. XLI. PROB. What must I pay for an annuity of 791. to begin 6 years bence, and then to continue for 21 years, at 5 per cent ? Let 1/a = 70, t = I I R Prob. 34. 2 if 21, R 1.05, x = 6.. prefent worth of the annuity 7 years hences. I I Prob. 32 3 R a cor. i. R₂ *R* Ri-I *R+ a prefent worth of s, 7 years hence, = 669 704 7. the preſent worth of the annuity in reverfion, A a 3 SECT > 358 · B. II. " SECT. III. Arithmetical and geometrical Progreſſion. PROB. XLII. A traveller feis out and goes 9 miles a day; 3 days after, another follows him, who travels the first day 2 miles, the fecond 3, the third 4, and ſo on. what time will be overtake the first? Ix X per queſt. 2 2 x days the laſt travelled. 1+2 = his laft day's travel. arith. pro. greffion. X I + 4 3 2 In xx his whole journey. 5 4 ≈ + 3 = days the first travelled. per qu. { 5 3=5 6 x + 3×9= firft man's journey. xx + 3x 2 =9x+27 6 reduced 7 xx15x=54. 7 extr. 8 x = 18. PROB. XLIII. There are three numbers in arithmetic progreffion, the Square of the first together with the product of the other two is 16; and the Square of the mean to- gether with the product of the extreams is 17. What are the numbers? Put 1 a—e, a, ate for the numbers, b = ;6, c = 17. 22aa ae tee = b per qu. 32aa لمقدونية ee C 2+3 Sect. III. 359 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 3 tran. 6xaa 52 16a4 2 + 3 4 tran. 4 4aaae = b+cs by fubſt. 4aa — s 5 ae = 4aa 6 ee = zaa 7 aaee2a4 aaеe C caa 8sa² + ss 7 = 8 9 1684. 8sa² + ss = 2a4 cac 9 reduced 10 142¹ 85 c.aa + ss = 0 10 ext. 11 aa = 9, a = 3. 4aa S 5 ÷ a 12 e= I. a 1, 13 and the numbers are 2, 3, 4° PROB. XLIV. There are four numbers in arithmetical progreffion, whofe common difference is 2, and product 3465. Let 1 262, or b=1, p = 3465; a — 3b, a —b, a + b, a + 3b, the num- bers fought. per queft. 2 aa- ·9bb × aa- 2 X 3 extr. I, 3 a bb = P a+ — 10bba² +9b4 = p. 4aa64, a 8. a=8. the numbers are 5, 7, 9, 11 PROB. XLV. : To find five numbers in arithmetic progreffion, whose fum, and product are given. Put la 2e, a e, a, a te, a + 2e for the numbers, bfum = 25, P = product = 2520. 25a- →3e +3e5a = b. = m by ſubſt. b per qu. a 3α = 5 a X aa 4ee xaa ee = p. A a 4 3,4 360 B. II. GEOMETRICAL 3, 4, 5 m x mm 4ee X mm ee = p. 5 X 6 m x m² 5mmee+4e4 = p 6÷m 74e+ 5mmee + m4 = P ทะ 7 extr. 8 ee = I, e = 1. Į 91 and the numbers are 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. PROB, XLVI. To find three numbers in geometrical progreffion, where the fum is 20, and the fum of their Jquares 140. Let per qu. 3-y 5 & 2 6, 2 7-yy 3, 8 9 ÷ 2 X 4 6-11 12 h 2 1x, y, z be the numbers, b = 20, c = 140. 2 xz = yy 31 x + y + z = b 4 xx+yy + zz = c 5x+x=by 1 6 xx + 2xz + zz = bb — 2by+yy 7xx + zz + zyy — bb — 2by + yy. 8 xx + zz + yy bb bb — 2by = c. 9bb 10 y = 1 4x2 = 4yy = 2by bb C = 6. 6/1/2 zb 2xz + zz = bb - 2by-3yy $3 z - Z 2 by ЗУУ 2 by ་ 3yy X = 2 12 XX ♡ 5+13 14 5 - 13 ८२ ♡ + √ bo 13 ½ + √ 13 1. 2 by —√bb 2 by · 3yy 2 I I Ca PROB. Sect. III. 361 PROGRESSION. PROB. XLVII. To find four numbers in geometrical progreffion, whose fum is 15, and the fum of their Squares 85. Let per qu. 22 1v, x, y, z be the numbers, b = 15, c = 85. 2 v + x + y + z = b. 3 v² + x² + y² + z² = c. 4v+x+y+2]² = x+y)²+v+≈1²+ 2 x x + y x v + z = xx + 2xy + yy + vv + 2VZ + ZZ + 2 x x + y. xv+x= bb. 5c+2xy+2vZ +2 × x+J ×v+z=bb 3, 4 by propor. 6 Put 2, 7 VZ vz = xy. 7a=x+y, e=xy=vz by proportion, 8 y + z = b — A. 5, 7, 89c + 4e + 2a x b — a = bb. - But XX y z = yy =2, by the nature of proportion. X yy + x + y + 2/2 = b : XX 2, 10 I y. X x3 + y³ +№3 7, II = b xy 7 & 3 [ 3 13 13 tran. 14 x³ + y² 3 x + yl³ = a³ =x³ +3x²y + 3xy² + y³ a x³ + y³ 23 14,751 3xy Xx + y Q3 за xy за 34. xy e Q3 12, 15 16 î + e 16 × e 17 tran. 1723 2ae 3a=b. be 18 be + 21e = g³ 18 - 362 B. II. GEOMETRICAL a3 18÷ 19 e = b+2a 4a3 9, 19 20/c+ + zab zaa = bb b+2a bb 20 reduc. 21 baa + ca 21 extr. 22 a =˝6, 23e8. 24y = e b 2 19 7 , x+ a = x + * 0183 24 X 25 ax = xx + e 25 reduc 26 xx 26 extr. 27 x = 2. 10, 24 28y = 4, v = 1, ≈ 8. ax +e=0. = PROB. XLVIII. To find four numbers in geometrical progreffion, fuck that the difference of the means is 100, and the difference of the extreams 620. Let per queſt But a, e, u, y be the numbers, b = 100, c = 620. 2y=a a—c, u = e b. 3 au ee, ayeu, by the nature of progreffion. abee, aa acee eb. e - b Elaa-ac= e. ex cee 3, 2 4 ae ee 4 - ÷ 5a= 4, 5 ee- eb. е b 3 6 x ce x e b e bi 7 tran. 835 c.ee + cb ·3bbie — b³. == b3 8 red. 9 ee be = C 36° ез 9 extr. 2, 5 ice = 125 11a = 625, y = 5, v = 2 . а 1 PROB. Sect. III. 363 PROGRESSION. PROB. XLIX, The Sum of four quantities in geometrical progreſſion being given, and the fum of the Squares of the means, to find the quantities. Let 1 a³, a²e, ae², e3 be the quantities, b = ſum of all, c = ſum of the fquares of the means. ? ?² + a²e + ae² + e³ = b. aªe² + a²e+ = c. + a² + a²e + ae² + e³ = a² + e²xa+e= aˆe" + a²e+ X are + ae² a³é³ = b. Put 5y = a²e + ae², 6, 52 ( yy = ate² + 2a³e³ + a²e4. ~ = аз ез су yyc 2 b 3, 4, 5 !vy — //c 8 red. 9 byy 7, IC ae = 2cy = bc 3/yy 3/3 = c = d 2 5, y y late= = ae d 10- a 12 e = a d y II, 12 13 a + = a 14 aa d ya+d=o, whence a, e, and all the numbers are known. PROB. 354 B. II, GEOMETRICAL PROB. L. There is given the sum of the fquares of the extreams (b), of four quantities in geometrical progreffion; and the fum of the means, or their Squares (c); to find the quantities. Let per qu. { 2+3 5 × a4e+ Put 4-7 3, 6, 7, 8 3, 7 10 to 21 lw t a³, a²e, aе², e³ be the quantities; 2 a6 + eε = b. 6 3 a4e² + a²e+ = c. 4 51 a6 + a4e² + a²e4 + e² = b + c = d. a² + e² × a² + e² = aa + eel² 6a" + a¹e² × a²e+ + e° = a+e² + a²e4l² ; y = a + a²ee 8 a²e4 + eε = d y yxd—y = cc, ·α a⁰ + zatеe + aae4 = y + c a³ + aee = √y + c = p. 2a4ee + 2a²c+ + e = c + d—y 3, 4, 7, 12 lw 2 13 11 + 13 14 are + e³ = √ c + dy = q a3 + a²e + ac² +ep+q. Whence the numbers will be found as in the laſt problem. Or thus, XX Let vy , x, y, y be the quantities. y x+ y4 + :b NY XX 2 3 x + y = Eg per qu. 3. X 4y = c 2 x yуxx 5 + X x² + y = bxxyy 4, 5 6 2 = bxx xc → *1 1 6 Sect. III. 365 PROGRESSION. 6 có 3 7/x6 + cε — 6c5x + 15c4xx — 20c³µ³ + 15c²x46cxs+x6bccx²- 2b cx 3 6cxs + 15ccx4. + bx4 reduced 82x6 20c3x3 ·b +2bc + 15c+xx 6c5x + co=0. · bcc PROB. LI. Given the sum of the extreams (b) of five quantities in geometrical progreffion, and the fum of the three means (c), to find the quantities. Let per qu. .༨ Put 2, 4, 5 6 reduced 2±5 8w2 a², a³e, a¹è², ae³, et be the quan- tities. 204 +64 = b. 3 <a³e + a²e² + ae³ = c. 4 a²e² × a++2a²e²+e+ = a²e² ×aa+ee\² = a³е + ae³|². 5y = aaee. 6 y × b + 23 = 2xy +by+2cy yy cc. 8 at ± zaace + eª = b ± 2y 9 aa + ee =√b + 21 +23 10 aa—ee = √b-2y Whence a, e, and all the quantities are eafily found. PROB. 366 B. II. GEOMETRICAL PROB.´´ LII. Of five quantities in geometrical progreffion, there is given the fum of the extreams (b), and the fum of the fquares of the three means (c); to find the proportionals. Let per qu. If a4, a³e, a²e², ae³, e4, be the quan- tities. 2a4 + et = b. 3 a6ε² + a¹e+ + a²e° = c. 4 a² e² X at + e4 = a°ee & a²eĢ 5 yaaee 56yxb yx b = c = c — a4e4 — c — yy. 7 yy + by = c. Put 2, 3, 4, 6 + yy 2, 5 8 lw 2 10 8 a4 ± 2a²ee + e4 = 6 ± 23 9 ca + ee = √b + 23. √b+2y. b aa—ee = √6—2y. whence all the reft are found. PROB. LIII. There are four quantities in geometrical proportion difcreet, whofe fum is b, fum of the Squares cy and Jum of their cubes d; to find the numbers. Let per qu. Put { Ix, ex, y, ey, be the numbers. 2x + ex + y + ey = b 3x² + e²x² + y² + e²y² = c 4x³ +´e³µ³ + y³ + e³y³ = d 3 x + y = v, x² + y²=z. 61 +e=s, I + eet, 1 + e³ = u 52&c. 7 xy= VV Z 2Z ยบ x² + y³ = P 2 2 2, 5, 6, 8 sv = b 3, 5, 6 Sect. III. 367 PROGRESSION. 3, 5, 6 | 91 tz = c 4, 6, 710 32 VV vu = d. 2 h 8, 9 IV= Z 414 3bcu b3u 10, 11 12 = d 2st 253 reduced 6, 13, 1 13 3b cs¹³u — b³tu = 2s³td. 14 and reſtoring the values of s, t, u; then 3bc XI + e³ x 1 + el b³ x I + e³ x 1 + ee = 63 x I + ee, a 5th power. 2dx 2 2d XI + el³ And e being known all the reft are eaſily found. # ### # SECT. 368 B. II. : SECT IV. Unlimited Problems. PROB. LIV. ミ How many old guineas at 21 s. 6d and piftoles at L 21s, 17s. will pay 1001; and how many ways can it be done ? Let a=guineas, epiftoles; 21 s. 6 d.= 43 fix-pences, 17 s. 34 fix-pences, and 100 l. 4000 fix pences. = per queft. 2 43a + 34e4000 2 3 334e4000 4 e 11613. 5.=34 43a. 3 ÷ 34 4000 34e 2- 5 a = wb. 43 5 abridg. 6 I 34e = wh. 43 43e +67 Je + I = wh. 43 43 7 × (5) 8 45e + 5 wb. 43 43e 8 9 2e + 5 = wb. 43 43 8e+20=wb. 43 9X (4) 10 7 10 II e — 19 - wh. = P• 43 II X (43) 12 e = 43+ 1919, 62, 105, the pi- ftoles. 5 13 a = 78, 44, 10, the gui neas; being three anfwers in whole numbers. PROB. Sect. IV. UNLIMITED PROBLEMS. 369 PROB. LV. What number is that, which being divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, there will remain 1; but divided by 13, then o will remain. Put { It is plain 5 X 7 × 8 × 9 × II, or 27720 is divifible by any of theſe numbers. 2a föme whole number. 3 13e per queft. 4 27720a += 13e the number fought. 277200 + I 4 → 51e= =wh. 13 4a + i 5 abrid. 6 wb. 6X(3) 7 13 12a + 3 = wh. 13 a 3 (1)-7 8 wh. p.. 8 X 5, 13 ( a = 13p + 3 = 3, 16, &c." 10 e = 6397. 10X (13)1113e83161 the number fought. PROB. LVI. A man bought 20 birds for 20 pence; geeſe at 4d. quails at half pennies, and larks at farthings. How many did he get of each ? Let per qu. = 1 a = geefe, e quails, y larks. 2afety = 20. 340+10+ y 34a + e + y = 20. 2 tr. 4 y 20 a е ate 3, 4 5 r ed. 54a + e +5 - 20. 4. 615a+e=60 B b 6, 1 370 B. II. UNLIMITED 6, 2 tran. 7a4. 8 e 20 a y a + y 3, 8 9 red. 940+10+起 10 70 - y = 20. 1070 I BC 2. 20 2 10 7, 11 12a = 3 2, 12 13 ety = 17. 3, 12 14 že + y = 8. 14 X (2) 15 e + y = 16 13 - 15 16 17 = 1, y = 2. 13, 1710 = 15. PROB. LVII. A, B, C, and their wives P, Q, R, went to the market to buy bogs. Each man and woman bought as many bogs as they gave fhillings for each bog. A bought 23 hogs more than Q; and B bought II more than P. Also each man laid out 3 gui- neas more than his wife. Which 2 persons were man and wife. Let per qu. IX Ix = hogs fome man bought, xywife's hogs. 2 the money for the man'sxx, 3xx-2xyyy wife's money. XX XX 4 xxxx--- 2xy +yy + 63. 5 2xy = 63+yy 4 tr. 63+yy 5 ÷ 6x= = wb. 2y 63-yy 6-y 7 x -y zy But 8 In this cafe y must be an odd number, 1, 3, 5, 7, &c. but it cannot be 5. = wh. 8, Sect. IV. 371 PROBLEMS. 8, If 9 y = 1, x - y = 31, x = 32 y = 3, x - y = 9, x12, y = 7, x - y = 1, x = 8 per queft. 10 A has 32 hogs, and Q 9, Alfo B has 12, 11 Whence B and Q and PI, C C and P are man and wife. A and R PROB. LVIII. + To find e, y in whole numbers, fo that yyee 22e = 184. 1) To deprefs the equation, put y=x+e. 2 yy-ee+22e xx+2xe+22e=184. 184 XX 92-xx 2 → 3e= 22 + 2x therefore x 2 → 4, II + x = web. muſt be an even number. Therefore 4 rather make 2e = 184 XX b. II + x 5 reduce the equation as low as it can, then 20 63 II + x 63 I 1 + x 711 + x = P 6 5, Put 63 6, 7 8 = Р 7, 8 8 = wb. } wb. x + II + wb. Therefore take pany divifor of 63, that is 1, 3, 7, 9, 21, 63. = 9 then x 10,-8,-4,-2,10, 52 IO 63 P =63, 63, 21, 9, 7, 3, 5, 9 II 2e = 84, 40, 24, 20, I 1 4, 4, -40. II (2) 12 e = 42, 20, 12, 10, 1, 131y = 32, 12, 8, 8, 12, B b 2 2, 20. 32. And 372 B. II. UNLIMITED And any pair of theſe will folve the problem, which are all the poffible anſwers in whole numbers. PROB. LIX. A vintner bas wine at 24 d. 22 d. and 18 d. per gallon of which he would mix 30 gallons, to be fold at 20 d. How much must be take of each? Let ; per qu.{ 2X(24) 2 X (22) 4-3. 6 ÷ (2) 7, 5-3 1a, e, y be the quantities of each. 2a tety =30, 3/ 24a + 22e + 18y = 600. 424a + 24e + 24 = 720. 5 22a +228 + 22y=660. 62e+6y=120. 7e + 3y = 60.e 60 - 33. 8 20. 92a +4y=60. a 2y 30% 10 4y = 60 + 2a. — 9+24 10, 11y. 15. 8, 10, 12 y 16, 17, 18, 19. 9, 13 a = 2, 4, 6, 6, 8. クラ 14 e = 12, 9, 6, 3. PROB. LX. To find the value of e, y, u, x, z in whole numbers, in the two given equations following. Given { 1 X (4) IX (9) + iety J u + x + z = 60. 23e +43 + 5× + 7x + 9z = 440. 3 4e + 4y + 42 + 4x + 42 = 240 4 ge+gy + gu + 9x + 92 = 540 + u + 3x + 52 = 200.eLa. 6 6e + 5 + 4μ + 2x = 100.e148, 5 2 3 4 2 Suppofe 7 e e = 10. 8 y + u + x + z = 60 e 50 = 2 ·34 Sect. IV. PROBLEM S. 373 1 23e94y+5u+7x+92=440-3e=410. 8 X (5) 10 5y+5u+5x+52=250. 8 × (9) 11 9y+9u+9x+9%=450. +2x+4x=160. y Co. 9- 10 12 y 11-91353+4+2% Suppoſe 14 y = 4. = 40.y 6%. 8-y 15 u + x + x = 50y=.46. 943 16 15 X (5) 15 X 718 17 54 +7x+92 = 410 54 + 5% + 5% = 239. 74 +7x+72=322 4y 43 = 394. 16 17 19 16 - 18 20 21 = Suppofe 21 2x + 4 = 164.40. +22= 72.2 or 37. 2 = 40. 15222 u + x = 46—2—6. 1692 23 5u+7x= 394 -92 = 34 22 X (5) 24 24/25 23- 22 5μ+5x=30 2x = 4.x=2 x [26] u = 6- x = 4. -x = And one anſwer is got, viz. e 10, y = 4, u = 4, x=2, 240. for 10 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4060. and 3×10+4×4+5×4+7×2+9× 40 = 440. PRO B. LXI. To find a perfect number, or one which is equal to the Jum of all its aliquot parts. Suppofey" x a perfect number. = 2 then y 4-y²... to y², +x+ I xyxy... to xy- all the aliquot parts. fum of per queft. 3y" x=1+y...y" + xx I + y... J¹²-s Bb 3 1 1 I Cor. 2 + ? 1 I 374 B. II. UNLIMITED, &c. Cor. 3. Pr. 26. 4 I + y... y² y22 = y² 4. 1 I y I propor. 5+ y yn I J22-1 -I y I I n 3, 4, 5 6 y I yn x + X y- y - I y- 6 x tr. 7y 1.y x yn • I x = yn+1 I I 7 ÷ 8 yn + I I x = y I. yn yr + I 9 But that x may be a whole num- 1.y" =yn ber, y I. yn y" + 1 = 1, 9 tr. 10 y 10- II y II tr. 12y = 2. I, 12 8, 13 I = I 132"x a perfect number. I 142" X 2"+1= perfect number, where 2"+i muſt be a prime, as appears by ſtep 2. 15 If n is an odd number greater than 1, then 2"+1 I will be a come pofite number. SECT. SECT. V. Rational Squares, Cubes, &c. 375 PROB. LXII. To find two fquare numbers, whofe difference is given. Let xx and yy be the numbers, difference, a z + v Z V Put 2 x, = } 2 2 ZZ + 22v + v v 22 تي 3 XX 4 ZZ ZZV + VV 2 ✪ 2 4 =yy 4 3 4. 5 zv I, 5 If a 27. If a = 20. 61 ZV 7 ZVa XX yv Take v at pleaſure, then z = a whence x and y are known. And 8 If a is a whole number, and x and y are defired in whole numbers ; take any two factors that produce a, fo they be both even or both odd numbers, if poffible. therefore a must be either an odd number greater than 1, or a number diviſible by 4, to have x and y in whole numbers. Take v=1, z=27, or v=3, 2=9. V=2, 2=10, B⋅ b 4 PROB. } 376 B. II. RATIONAL PROB. LXIII. To divide a given fquare into two other Squares. Let the fquares required, bb = aa, ee the given fquare, 2a = SV affume 3e = rv b 2 2 4 aa = SSVV 3 & 2 5 eerrUV 2rbv + bb 4 + 5 per queft. 6 aa + ee = rr + ss vv 2rbv + bb 7 rr + ss.vv — 2rbv + bb bb 7 tr. 8 rr + ss.vv = arbu 2rb 8 9v= rr + ss 2rbs 2, 9 10 a = rr + ss gr SS 32 9 Ile= b rr + ss LXIV. PROB. To find a Square number (aa), which multiplied by a given number (n), and a given ſquare (bb) added to it; the fum may be a fquare. Let 1 naa bb = yy. affume → 2 va usb = y 3 v²aa 2bva + bb = yy 4/ v²aa 5vvaa 2 2 1=3 4 tr. 6vv 7a= 5÷a VV 2bva + bb naa = 2bva n. a = 2bv 26v n at pleaſure. naa + bb where may be taken PROB. Sect. V. SQUARE S, &c. 377 PROB. LXV. To find two Square numbers (aa, ee), that their pro- duct added to a given number (d), may be a fquare. Let 1 aaee + dyy affume 2 2 de v = y zaev + vv = yy 2 3 aaee I 3 4 aaee + d = aaee 2aev + vv 4 tr. 52aev VV = - d VV d 6c where a and v may 2av be taken at pleaſure. PROB. LXVI. To find three fuch numbers x, y, z; ſo that yy = xZ; and x+y, and z+y, may be two fquares. Affume { I-y 2 y 3 X 4 5 X 6 tr. 1 x + y = aa 2x + y = ee 2x+y= 3x=aa 42 = ee ee - y y xz = aa—y xee-yyy per queſt. 6yya²e² aayeeyyy. +ee.y 7 a²e² = aa + ee.y 8 y = aaee aa + ee where a, e, may be taken at pleaſure. 3, 8 aaee a4 X aa = aa + ee aa + ee 4, 8 aaee e4 10 Zee z = ee = aa + ee aa + ee PROB, 378 B. II. RATIONAL PRO B. LXVII. To find a number, from which two given numbers (a, b) being feverally fubtracted; the remainders Jhall be two fquares. Let · per qu. 1x the number fought. 21 X a yy 3 X b = zz 22 1 2+a 3, 4 affume 61 v v - Y y=z 6 & 2 5 = 7 7100 8 a บบ b + yy 8 tr. 9 2vy 4 x = a+yÿ a + yy — b = ZZ 2vy+yy = ZZ vv + b - a VV vv + b vv + b a 9-2010 Y = 271 vv + b 4, 10 [ 1 x = a + 40v 2vy+yy PROB. LXVIII. To find three numbers (x, y, z), whoſe ſum ſhall be a Square, and alſo the ſum of any two to be a square. Suppofe 4 X (2) 1+2+3 5 = 6 Put 7, 8 9 tr. зада 1 x + y = page 2x+x=ss V tt 3y+z = it 4x + y + z = v v 52vv 52VV 2x + 2y + 22 2Z 62x + 2y + 22 = rr + ss + tt 7/200rr + ss + tt v, ss = p-v₁ t = q = v 9 2vv = rr + pp 2pv + vv +99290 + vv |10| 2pv + 2qv = rr + pp + 99 2 I I Sect. V. 379 SQUARE S, &c. t II V ལ= qq rr + PP + 99, where r, p, q are 2p+29 taken at pleaſure; whence s and t are known (ſtep 8). tt 4-3 12 X VV บบ 4-2 13y = vv SS 4-I [14] 2 = VV дода 1 PROB. LXIX. To find three Squares in arithmetic proportion. Suppofe 1+3 affume { I XX y = vv 2 XX 3xx + y = 22 4 2xx vv + zz 50 = S 6 x = t : X 25x + xx 7 2xx = 5S - + tt 2tx + xx 25 + 21.x = ss + tt 4, 5, 6 7 tr. 8 ss + tt I 8÷ X { 25 +2t 5, 9 ΙΟ 10 v = X 11 6, 9 ss + 2st tt 25 +20 2st+tt SS 1 x = t Z x = 25 + 26 PROB. LXX. To find two numbers (x, y) fo that xy +x, and xy+y, may be fquares. per qu. I-X xy + x = vV 2xy + ya fquare. VV 3y+1= X 1 3-1 380 B. II. RATIONAL 3 4y= VV X * VV X 2, 4 5 X 5, 6 red. Let 7, 8 9 red. XX × ≈ + I = D 6 to effect this, let VV · then טיט ४ +1 be the fide, X = + I 7 vv = xx+2x=fquare. 8 r x = fide, 9rr − 2rx + xx xx + 2x 10 x= rr 2r + 2 4, 6, 1011y=1+ rr 2 + 2 ken at pleaſure. where r may be ta PROB. LXXI. To find two numbers, whofe fum and difference, ſhall Let per qu. { 2 3. 4 Put be two Iquares. 1 a, e, be the numbers. 2a+e = yy = 3a-e a fquare. yy · e 5yy2e a fquare. r-y= root of it. 4 a 6 r 5, 6 7 tr. 8 → 27 rr + ze 9y= · — 7 rr2ry+yyyy 20 8 2ry = rr + 2e where r, e may be ta 4, 27 " ken at pleaſure; then 10 a = yy · C. PROB. Sect. V. 381 SQUARES, &c. PRO B. LXXII. To find three numbers (a, e, y), that the fum of their Squares may be a fquare. per queft. 1 aa + ee + j'y = vv 2v=d+y 3 v² = dd + 2dy + yy 4 aa + ee + yy = dd + 2dy + yy affume 2 2 I = 3 aa + ee 4 = 5y= 2d dd where a, e, and d are taken at pleaſure. PRO B. LXXIII. To divide a number into two parts, fo that the fum of the fquares may be a ſquare. Let s per qu. 2 & 2 4 a the number; a, e, the parts. 2s=a+e 3 aa + ee = vv. 4 aa + zae + ee = ss. 5aa +ee = ss 61e = s a 2ae 91 ss 2 3, 6, 57 aa + ee = ss affume 7, 8 2as + 2aa = vv 8 rams = Ve 2as + 2aa = rraa arsa + ss 9 reduc. 10 a = X 25 rr 2 r 2 6, 10 [e= Xrs. rr 2 PROB. भ 1 382 B. II. RATIONAL PROB. LXXIV. To find two numbers in the ratio of b to c, ſo that either of them added to the Square of the other, Shall make two Squares. Let per qu. { Put 1 ba, ca, be the numbers. 2 bbaa + ca a fquare. 3 ccaa + ba = a ſquare. 4bbaa + ca — ba —v² — bbaa + vv 52bva + ca = vv. VV zbva 4 tr. 5 ÷ 6a= 2bv + c 3, 6 C C V V VV 7 ccaa + ba= h +bx 200 to 7, 8 ccaa + ba = x 8÷0 Put 9, 10 2 260+c ccvv + 2bbv + bc × VV = a fquare. 260 of cl 9 ccvv + 2bbv be a fquare + bc = 10 2 = CV r. I 1 ccvv + 2bbv + bc = ccvv. = ZZ. 2 cur+rr rr bc II reduc. 12V = 2bb + 2cr PROB. LXXV. To find a number, to which adding a given cube num- ber, the fum fhall be a cube; and ſubtracting ano- ther cube number, the remainder shall be a cube. Let per qu. Il be the number; b³, c³ the two cubes. 2 x + b² = a cube 31x c³ = a cube affum Sect. V. 383 SQUARE S, &છે. . affume Ђз 4, 5x = 3c² α + c4 x + b³ = 6 + сб bb 3674+ aa + 18 a². bo 3 36 aa + a². bo 3 а CC a = b³ + 3c² a + 304 b3 affume 6 x 3 C3 c3 = a cl³ = a³ 3a²c + 3 засс 6, 7x a3 5 = 7 8 a³ 3 C³ 3a²c + 3acc зас + засс = засс + 3a²c+3acc 3C4 aa + b3 сб a3 03. 8 → 3c4 co 9a 3c= 63 + a. bo 9 reduced ca= b3+c³ 3cb3 bu. •Co х × 3cb3 = b³ PROB. LXXVI. To divide the fum of two given cubes into two other Let cubes. 1 x³, y³ be the cubes fought; b³, c³ the given cubes. x = b + v 3y = c 2 affume bb v cc 2 & 3 4 ׳ = b³ + 3bbv + 3bv² + vs 3 33 5 y³ = c³ — 3 bbv + 354 56 100 V3 со 4+ 5 6 x³ + y³ = b³+c³+3bπ² + 354 v² + v³ 63 b5 сб v³ = b³+c³, per queft. 6 tr. 384 B. II. RATION-AL, &t. 6 tr. 3bv² + 384 63 ラメニ v2 bo 8] 3bc6 + 3b4c³ — b°v — c°v. 73 ~3. b³ + c³ 8 gv= х 66 × 3bc3 = звез 63 + c3 PROB. LXXVII. To find three fuch cube numbers, whofe fum may be both a fquare and a cube number. Let a, e, y be their roots; x -the fum of their cubes. per queft. 2 a³ + e³ + y³ = x6 2 y3 affume 3e3+ y³ = x6 — a³ X4 aa 5 xx บ a = e v = y 6] a³ = a cube 4 @ 3 + 5 3 6, 7, 8, аб 9 X VV Suppofe or fuppofe со 2012 Q6 8+x6 G X12 25 IC XI² V ဒ 4,6 23 3x8 a³ v²+3x4v-a³ =46 per qu. 3x4v+3x²v2 23 або 3xs a3. vv + 3x²v² 23 O. aбv=x³ x²a³ × 3a³. × 3a3x² = IA v= х XIZ ・a' 6 3a3xx x² + a³· where x and a may be taken at pleaſure; then being known, e and y are known by step 4 and 5. x = 1, a = 1/2, then v, whence 2 3 e=3, y=, and the numbers are I ठ 8. 1/3 + 1/25 +234 = 1, ठ 276 x=2, a=1, then u, and e=127, y = 24; and the numbers 85 2048383 I+ + 274625 15252992 = 64. 274625 SECT SECT. VI. Geometrical Problems. HA AVING hitherto in all the foregoing fec- Fig. tions, kept an account of the whole proceſs by regiſtering the feveral fteps at length in the mar- gin; fo that the reader may fee at once how each ſtep is derived from the reft; and by this means become acquainted with the manner of proceeding, in any operation. It may be prefumed, that by this time, he will be able to fee the connection of the feveral parts of the proceſs in any folution, without fuch a formal explanation. Therefore, for brevity's fake, in what follows, I fhall not tie myſelf to this method, but generally write down the process after a fhorter way, without notifying all thefe particu- lars; and content myfelf with mentioning only fuch deductions as are leſs obvious. PROB. LXXVIII. In the triangle CAD; there are given AC, AD; 23. and the lines CE, DB, drawn to the given points E, B; to find the point of interfection F. Put AB=r, CB=⇒m, AE=p, AD=d, CE=ƒ, DBg; and the line fought CF = a. Draw EI I to DB. By the fimilar triangles CBF, CIE (Geom. II. BI, and d:p::r: 12,) a:f-a::m: pr mf. ma a = AI. Then AI + BI = AB, that is, pro d Cc of } 385 386 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. mf ma 23. + a =r, and multiplying by da, pra + dmf-dma-dar, and dra+dma-pra=dmf, whence + dinf dr dm-pr PROB. LXXIX. 24. To divide a triangle ABC in a given ratio, by a line drawn through a given point P. Through P draw ED parallel to BA, and put AB=b, AC=d, BC=ƒ, BE=g, EP÷p, BF=x, and the ratio as m to n, and m + n = s. 8+x px By fimilar triangles, g +x:p::*: = BI; then (Geom. II. 19.) BIXBF: BAXBC::m: m+n, that is, pxx 8 + x : bfms; then bmf spxx & + x 2 and spxx = bmfx + bmfg: by which equation x is found. PROB. LXXX. 25. To divide a triangle into two equal parts, by a line of a given length. Let BD be perpendicular to AC, KH the given line, and HL parallel to BD. Put AC-a, BC=b, HKc, CD=d, CK=x; then (Geom. II. 19) AC × BC = 2KC × HC, or ab = 2x x CH, and að CH= 2X ab b:d: " and by fimilar triangles (Geom. II. 13.) abd 2X 2bx =CL; and KL-KC-CL=> abd zbxx-abd But (Geom. II. 21. cor. 5.) 26x 26x Sa HK- Sect. VI. 387 PROBLEMS. 2 HK-KL CH' CL2, or = 4bbccxx—4bbx4. 4 b b c c x x -4bb x4 — a²b²d²+4ab2dx² 4bbxx or 4bbx4 -4bbccx² found. Fig. a² b4a²b² d² 25. 4bbx -4adbb = -ab4, whence will be PROB. LXXXI. To find the inacceffible distance AB, by help of the 26. triangle ACD; CAB being one right line. Through B draw BEF, and draw EG parallel to CD. Put AC-a, AD=b, CD=c, AE=d, CF=ƒ, and ABx. Then, by fimilar triangles, AD (b) : CD (c) :. : AE (d) : EG = and AD (¿): CA (a) :: AE (d) : AG = ad cd Then GB= ad + bx And by the fimilar tri- t b angles BGE, BCF; CF (c) : GB (ad ad + bx E). cda+cdx b (ƒ): CB (a + x) : : EG adf+bfx Therefore bfx-cdx-cda-fda, and x = PROB. LXXXII. b c-f da bf-cd If the line EFB be drawn from the angle E, per- 27: pendicular to the diagonal AD of a right-angled parallelogram, and BF, FD are given. To find the fides of the paralellogram. Let AF, EF=y, BF=¿, DF c. angles AFB, AFE, and DFE are fimilar. Cc 2 The tri- There- I fore 1 } ! 388 B. II. GEOMETRICAL 1 XX Fig. XX fore b:* * : *=FE=y, and b:x::y or : C. 27. X3 b Whence = 3 bc, and bbc, and x = Vbbc. b x³- Then AEVx+yy, and ED =√cc + yy. PROB. LXXXIII. 28. To defcribe a square in the given triangle ATE. Draw TC perpendicular to AE, and let BFGD be the fquare. Put AE=b, AC=c, CE=d, TC=p, BF or BD = x. AB = y. Then : The triangles ABF, ACT are fimilar, and yxcp, whence cxpy. Alfo the triangles EDG, ECT are fimilar, and ED-b-x-y, whence b-x-y :x::d: p, and dx=pb-px—py=pb. d:p, pb px · CX. Whence x = pb d + c + p 6+ P PROB. LXXXIV. 29. Six equal circles of 2 inches diameter are infcribed in an equilateral triangle, touching one another and the fides of the triangle. To find the fide of the triangle. Draw AF perpendicular to BC, and from the centers O, S, draw OD, SE perpendicular to AB, and let DOr, AB = x. The triangles ABF, ADO, ESB are fimilar, and (Geom. II. 39. cor.) AF AB. Then BF rx/23/ (2x): (1×) : AF (×√√√3 : : DO (r) : AD = I 2x = 2rv EB, and DE 4r, whence AB or x 4r + 4r 3 2 + √3 × 2r = 4 + 2/3. I PROB. Sect. VI. 389 PROBLEMS. PROB. LXXXV. Fig. There are two circles BDA and BFC touching in B, 30. and if DE be perpendicular to BA at the center E; then there is given AC and DF; to find the dia- meters. Let radius BE=a, DF b, CA=d; then FE a-b, EC-a-d, then FE-BEXEC (Geom. IV. 17), that is, aa—2ab+bb—aa—ad, and 2ba- bb da bb, and a = whence BC 26 d > LXXXVI. za-d. PROB. In the triangle ABC, there are given the three perpen- 31. diculars, from the angles upon the oppofite fides; to find the fides. Let AQ=a, CP = b, BR = c, and AB = y. Then twice the area by ACX CB xa, = CCB by by whence AC = and CB. And (Geom. bbyy II. 21.) CC C 2 a -bb-AP²; and (Geom. II. 23. cor.) ACAB CB² bbyy bbyy +yy - CC aa AP = 2AB zy bby I bbyy bby I bby v + У ; whence + y 200 2 24a 200 2 244 bbyy CC 10 bb. That is, aabby + aaccy - bbccy = 2aac bbyy bbcc; put aabb+aacc-bbccd, then dy=2aac√bbyy aabcc bbcc; and by reduction, y = ✓ a + bbc c — AddⓇ 4 Cc 3 PROB 390 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. PRO B. LXXXVII. 32 In the triangle ABC, there is given the rectangle of the fides; the rectangle of the fegments of the baſe, made by a perpendicular; and the area: to find the rest. Let the area = b, AD × DC=c, ABXBC=d, and BD=≈, 2y=difference of the fegments AD,DC. 26 b Then = AC, and +y=DC, Z Z b y= Z bb DA. Whence h -'c, and 22+ +ulx Z b e bb ZZ ZZ =d; and fquaring all the quantities, -c for yy, and v for zz + and putting and then + 2by xv- 2by χυ Z Z 4bbyy ZZ +cc+4bb-2czz- 2bb ZZ = dd = VV (reftoring the values of v and y) + + 464 24 ZZ + or z4 Z4 ZZ 4cbb 464 4bbc 2czz + 4bb + ccdd. Whence z is known, and ! y = bb ZZ will be found. c, and then AD, DC, and AB, BC PROB. LXXXVIII, 33. In the right-angled triangle ABD, there is given the perpendicular on the hypothenufe; and the radius of the infcribed circle to find the fides. Put the perpendicular BQ = p, radius CR=r, AD=a, AB=e, BDy. Then (Geom. II. 21.) aa = I 4 * } 1 44 • Fig. 21. H G N } ? 22 3 0: R B 72. D P B E E I 23 B 24 } B F * کا 1 G B F 26 A B* E the . } H 25 K D L C F G 27 28 D A в с D S E 30 R WOA 29 E B 31 B Pl. IV. pa.39 ม NIV Sect. VI. 391 PROBLEM S B aaee+yy. And (II. 20. cor. 2.) pa ey. But Fig. AD or AF+FD=AR+DI, and AD + 2CR = 33. AB+BD, that is, a+are+y; whence aa+2pa =ee + 2ey+yy=e+y!" =a+2rl²=aa+4ra+4rr, therefore 2pa-4ra 4rr, and a= = 2rr pir Alfo ca-2pa — ee — 2eyyy—e—yl², and ey aa 2pa. Whence e == ✔aa == a + 2r+ √aa-2pa 2 and y = a+2r√aa-2pa 2 PROB. LXXXIX. There is an ifoceles triangle, in which two circles are 34 infcribed, touching one another and the fides of the triangle; their diameters are 8 and 12: to find the fides of the triangle. From the centers D, F, draw DG, FH to BC, and FO || to CB . . draw CFDA. Put DG=r, FHS, DO=r-s=c, FD=r+ s=b. Then FObb-ccd, and CB = a. The triangles DFE and BCA are fimilar, whence da b: d::a: = AC, and rb b r: = CD, b C rb da bbr then r + = AC = whence a = + C cd by 360 √96 C c 4 PRQ 392 B. II: GEOMETRICAL Fig. PROB. XC. 135. There is given AD, and CD the radius of the femi- circle CEG, to find the radius of a circle infcribed between AC, the tangent AE, and the circle CE. Draw from the center O, the line OI perpendi- cular to AC; through. O, draw AOF bifecting the angle DAE, and put radius DE =r, AD = &, Ola, then AE- ✓dd-rr = b. Then (Geom. II. 25.) AD AE:: DF: EF, and AD+AE: AE :: DE: EF; that is, d + b: = EF, DO = a + r, and DI b: br ::7: d+ d + b DO²—UI²=√rr+ara, and AI=d—√rr+2ra, and by the fimilar triangles AEF and AOI, dbr d-√rrera: a::b: br b+ď Then ba b+ b + d br Vir+zra. Put b+d=c, and reducing, b + d ccaa 2r3a zdrc 24 ddrr. XCI. 1: PROB. 36. Through a given point B,to draw the right line BDC, So that the part DC comprehended between the two lines AC, AH, equidistant from B, may be of a given length. Produce CA to E, and compleat the rhombus EABH; make the angle CDF CAF, and let CD=a, AE or AH, BA=d, AÇ=x, AF=y. The triangles CAD, CEB are fimilar, therefore CA (~): CD (a) :: AE (b): DB = ab X Since FDC FAC, therefore their fupplements FDB = Sect. VI. 393 PROBLEM S. FDB CAB, and fo the triangles BAC and BDF Fig. are fimilar, whence BA (d): AC (x): : DB 36. (ab) : DF X ab d + But the triangles FAD and FDB are fimilar; for <PDF FAD, (for BAD BAE FAC, add DAC, then CAB FAD, that is, FDB = FAD;) and is common; therefore AF (y): DF (44) d :: DF: ced is ddyy + d³y gabb ddy FB d+y, which redu- aabb; whence y will be had. DAF and BAC are alto fi- ab Again, the triangles ab milår, and CB= a + then DF (42) : AF : AF (y) X abx aby :: CB: CA (x); whence +ay, re d. X Then duced abxx-adyx abdy, whence x is had. bx CE (b+x):EB (3)::AC(x):AD = b + x PROB. XCII. Through a given point B, to draw the right line BDC, 36. So that the part DC, included between the lines AC, AH, may be given. Through B. draw BH, BE parallel to EAC and AH, and put CD=a, AE=b, AH≈c, AB=d, PHf, BP being perpendicular to AH, and AC = x. The triangles CAD and CEB are fimilar, and CE (≈ + b) : EB (c) :: CA (*) : AD = CX b + x CX bc and DHC- And (Geom.II. b + x b + x ccb b 2 bif 22.) BD = bb + and > bb+¿6x+xx + b + x b: 394 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. 36. b: bb + ccbb 2bcf a; 2bcfxx + b + x :: X bb + 2bx + xx + b + x whence bbaabbxx + ccbbxx bb + 2bx + xx which reduced is x4+2bx³ +bbx²—2baax—bbaa—…. 2cf + 2cf + b aa XCIII. PROB. 37. The difference of the height of two hills being given, and their distance; to find their heights. Let BA, ED be the hills, put radius r = CR = 698000, DE-BA=b=119, AB=a, BE=c=63. Then CB=r+a, CE=r+b+a. Then (Geom. II. 21.) BR = √2ra + aa, RE = bb + 2br + 2ra + 2ba + aa, whence BE = ✔zra + aa +√bb+2br+2ra+2ba+aa=c, and √bb+2br+2ra+2ba+aa=c−√2re+aa, and by fquaring, bb+2br+2ra+2ba+aa=cc+2ra+aa➡ 2c√2ra+aa, and 2c√2ra+aa = cc—bb—2rb— 2ba=dd—2ba (by fubftitution); and when ſquared 8ccra +4ccaad44ddba + 4bbaa, and when re- duced, aa+2ral cc-bb-4rb rrbb +65 = + and 4 CC ᏏᏏ ? bb a = 164,69. PRO B. XCIV. 38. Three lines drawn from the three angles of a triangle to the middle of the oppofite fides, being given; to find the fides. Put AD = b≈ 18, E = c = 24, BF =d=30, CBx, AB=y, AC = z. Then (Geom. II. 28.) yy+zz=2bb+xx, yy + xx = 2dd + 1zz, zz + xx=2cc+yy; and adding thele Sect. VI. 395 PROBLEM S. theſe three equations, 2xx+2yy+2≈≈≈2bb+2cc Fig. I I I +2dd + 1/2 xx + 1/2 yy + =—=zz, and xx+yy+zz= 2 2 2 4 3 bb 38. 4 + 3 3 4 cc++ dd, from this fubtract the firſt equa- tions, then xx=dd- 3 +1 2 bb+ 3 3 I CC- xx, or 9xx 2 =8cc8dd-4bb,9yy—8bb8dd—4cc, 9zz=86b+ Scc-4dd, whence x=34,176; y = 28,844; ≈≈20. PROB. XCV. ABC is an equilateral triangle, O a point in it equi- 39: diftant from A, B, C. If the fides, and the line BO be all produced till they cut the line PD in D, E, R, P; then there is given DE, ER, RP ; to find the fide of the triangle ABC, and the area. Draw EF, EG parallel to BP, BR; and put DE=a=304; ER=b=121.6; RP=c=159,6; and DRd, DPs, CL or AL=x, CG or FG=y. Then (Geo. II. 39. cor.) BL=x√3, EG=yv 3. The triangles DEF and DPA are fimilar, whence a: zy :S: = AP, and PB = 2x + 25y a 2sy a Since <PBR=<EBR, therefore (Geo. II. 25.) 2x + 25y: 2x+2y: :c : b, and 2bx+ 2bcy = 2cx + ·ba a a i 2cy, whence cx - bx= bsy ca- cy, and y ya x a bs-ac fx > by ſubſtitution; Again DE (a): EG (√√3) :: DR (d) : =RL = dfx PB 2x + ag ✓3, and RBX√3+ 2sfx ag 2 dy √3 dfx ✓3, and ag 2fx g But and BE 2x+2y=2x+ 396 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. But (Geom. II. 26.) BR'+PR-RE=PBXEB, +bc=4xxx1+ 3xxX1+ = 39. that is, 3** X 1 + df ag f sf XI+ g ag And by reduction, 1 + I + + g 4saff - 3ddff aagg 4f 45f 6df ag x into xx bc. Whence x 78.4, y=40, and the area ABC 10646.16. PROB. XCVI. 40. In the triangle ABC, there is given the baſe, and dif- ference of the fides, and the area: to find the triangle. f Let the area =ƒ= 796; difference of the fides CA, CB=b=10; bafe AB-d=50; perpendicu- lar CD = 2f =p = 35.84, and AD = a. P Then AC = √aa+pp, and CB=√d-al+pp; there- fore by the queftion Vaa + pp + b = ✔aa PP ✔del—2da + aa+pp, which fquared is aa+bb+pp +2b√aa+pp=dd—2da+aa+pp, and 2b√aa+pp =dd-bb-2da, and fquaring both fides 4bbaa + 4bbpp=d++b+2ddbb-4d³a+4bbda + 4ddaa. Which dd bbpp reduced is aa— da = dd bb 4 bb whence a = 16.739, AC = 36, BC = 46, BD = 33.261. PROB. XCVII. 41. There is given the fide of a rhombus, and the fide of its inferibed fquare; to find the area. Let AB BD=d=4%, CO=CE=s=3, BC=x. 4-w, and AC = d +x. Then DC d EAR The Sect. VI. 397 PROBLEMS. The triangles ACE and CDO are fimilar, and Fig. d + x d- X d+x:s::d-x: s=DO. And (Geom. II. 41. 1 d- 24 2x,) ss--ss X d +x l² 2 =-x; that is 2ssxdd+xx dx\ -dd-xx; reduced, x4-- ddxx + d+ 255 2ssdd 5 0. Whence x=√ss + dd ±√ss + 4dd = √, and 8 AC=5, AE=4, DO=24, DQ=54, area=731, QA = 7• PROB. XCVIII. Given the four fides of a trapezium, infcribed in a cir- 42. cle; to find the diagonals, and diameter of the circle. Let AB=a, BC=b, CD=c, AD=d, BE=x, the triangles ABE, and CED are fimilar; for <ABE = ECD (Geom. IV. 12. cor. 2.); and the angles at E are vertical; therefore AB (a) : BE (x) : : DC (c) : CE = CX a ; alſo the triangles AED and BEC are fimilar, and BC (b) : CE (* a dcx AD (d): DE = And BC (6) BE (*) :: ab dx dcs AD (d): AE = Then BD = x + b ab and AC= + dx CN b Then (Geom. IV. 32.) AC a dxx ddcxx CXX xBD=ABXCD+ADXBC, or + + b abb a decxx + acbd, whence x is had, and then AC baa and BD are known. Then C 398 B. II. GEOMETRICAL 1 Fig. 42. Then ſuppoſe a perpendicular from A upon BD, then (Geom, II. cor. 23.) the diſtance of the per- pendicular from D is = AD² + DB² AB =f. 2BD p; and And ✔AD² —ff ff the perpendicular (Geom. IV. 28.) p: AD:: AB: diameter of the AD × AB circumfcribing circle = P XCIX. PROB. 43. The three femicircles HFG, HEI, and GOI touch one another in H, G, and I; to draw a fourth circle FOE to touch all the reft. From the centers A, B, C draw the lines ADE, BD, and CD; and DP perpendicular to AC, and let AG = a, BE or BI=6, CGc, and DE=x. Then AD=a+x, BD=b-x, CD=c+x, AC= a+c, BC = b—c. In the triangle ADC (Geom. II. 22. cor.) PC = c+al² +c+xl² —a+xl² 20+ 20 gle BDC, PC = Ъ b=d² +c+x1² and in the trian- 26 26 b Whence cc + zca + aa + cc + 2cx + xx aa 22x c+ a That is, XX bb2bc + co cc + cc + 26x + xx bb + 2bx XX វ 2Cc+200-2 CX --- 2 ax c + a 2CC i 2bc + 2cx + 2bx ; And Sect. VI. PROBLEM S. And multiplying alternately, 2bcc+2bca+2bcx-2abx-2c3—2bcc+2ccx+2bcx 2c3 — 2 acc-2ccx+2cax +2cca-2bca+2cax 399 Fig. 43. +2bax And } 4abx+4ccx = 4bcc + 4bca 4bcc + 4bca — 463 4cca, Whence x = a + c x b - - c c. ab + cc PROB. C. In the triangle ACB, there is given the fides AC, 44: CB; and the length and breadth of the infcribed rectangular parallelogram DEHF; to find the reft. Draw CP perpendicular to AB, and let CA = b; CB=c, DE or GP=p, DF-a, CP=z, AB=y; and let p b + c ₁ q = b — Co = cs g The triangles CDF and CAB are fimilar, and zy::z-p: a; whence za zy-py, and zy- zapy; therefore z= py y- a fegments of the baſe. Therefore AP= Again, (Geom. II. 24.) y: p::q: pq :9 = diff. y I y +23 ра 2 2g I pal 2y But (Geom. II. 21.) bb = zz + 2y + I I ppyy Z + 2 yy + 2 pg + PPqq. 4 Which equation 4yy reduced is y6—2ays+aay++8abby³+PPqqy²— 2ap¹q'y + aappqq = 0. + 4pp-2apq +2aapq +2pq 4aabb -466 PROB. } 3 $ 400 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. 45. PROB. CI, In the right-angled triangle AVP, KD is drawn pè- rallel to the bafe, and there is given the bafe AP, and the fegments VD, AK; to find the rest. Let AK b=200, AP=c=400, VD=d=260, and DPa; then (Geom. II. 12.) a: b::d: bd bd a =VK, and VA=b+ b Xa+d. But a a bb aa 2 2 AV²-VP² AP², or xa+d² a+di² = cc₁₂ or bb aa xa+daacc, that is, at + 2da³ + ccan = + dd bb 2bbddabbdd. And a 141,727, and a + d or VP = 401.727. PROB CII. ¿ 46. In the figure CAFD; CA, BP, DF are perpendi cular to AF; and the fides of the triangle being produced, there is given HA, AC, CB, and BD, DF, FT; to find the fides of the triangle HBT. Let HA=n, AC=p, CB=f, BD=d, DF=c, FTb, and TH = 4, TP≈≈, PH≈v, BP=x, BT = j, e = HB. y, The triangles TBP and TCA are fimilar, and y: xf+y: p, and py=fx+yx, or py-xy=fx; whence J'= fx P-X The triangles HBP and HDF are fimilar, and e:x::e+d c, or ce ex + xd, dic, = ! dx and ce-xe=dx, whence e= Likewife z:*:: } € a + 33 Sect. VI. PROBLEM S. 401 a+n Fig. P a+n: p, and pza+nxx, and z = x. 46. Likewiſe v:x::a+b:c, and cv=a+bפ, and a+b 2= X. a+n a+b But v+z=ɑ= P x + x, whence pca = pbx; therefore a = рс C cax+cnx+pax+pbx, and pca-cxa-pxa=cnx+ cnx + pbx CX Px° fx px Again, TCƒ+ p-x P-x" -pp = n + a = n + pcn−ncx―npx+ncx+pbx rb―n, and sc+p); and by fquaring, pf == and (Geom. II. 21.) PPH ✓ P=x12 pc - cx ppff. p4 + 2p³x-ppxx PP-2px + xx ppccnn+2ppcnrx+rrppxx РРСС 2 pcsx + ssxX which reduced is + ppss—2p³rr -2p³ss -ap³cs + p4ss pprrx4+2ppcnrx³ + ppccnnx²-2p³ccnnx+p+ccnn=0 -4p³cnr +2p+cnr +p°cc +p+rr -2cpss -ccp off +2cp³ffs -Ppffss -2ccps cnx + pbx pc-cx- px pcn + rpx (putting PC - sx + 4p+cs +p+cc PROB. CIII. Given the fides and area of a trapezium; to find the 47. diagonal. Draw the perpendiculars BE, DF upon the dia- gonal AC; and put AB a=4, BC=b=6, CD =c=7, DA=d=5, and ƒthe area, and AC=y. Dd Then 402 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. 47. } yy Then (Geom. II. 23. cor.) CE + bb — aa and BE = = 2y √ bb_yy+bb — aa 2 ✔4bbyy 2y 4bbyy — y² — 2yy × bb — aa — bb — aa y+ 4yy −y4+yy × 2bb+2aa — bb_aal² ner DF = 4yy −y4 +yy × 2cc + 2dd Put 2aa+2bb × yy and 2cc +2dd × yy I Then y× BE + DF 2 4yy In like man- CC ddj² 2 bb-aaľ = pyy cc-dal = ryy 2 99 19 = v. SS = %. = ƒ, and 2y × BE + DF =4ƒ, that is, √v—y4+√ z—y4=4f, and by ſquar ing v + 2—2y4 + 2√ -V 。、 -V •vz _2y++y³ = 16ff, and v+z v z = 2y+ + js = 8 ff— +y4, and by ſquar- -V -Z 2 ing, vzy4+y³ = 64ƒ4 — 8ff × v +%+ 64₤4 + 16f—v—z× y++ys. And vz = 0 +21² 2VZ v+x+ དུལ + VV + + 4 4 ZZ ~+21 M 4 64f4-8ff x +16ffy4 = 64ƒ4 — 8 ff x v + x + v+%+ + +16ffy4, or 16ffy4 — 8ffxv+% 4 2VZ + ZZ 4 +64f40; that is, 64ff4- 32 f×v+z+ v − 2)² + 256ƒ4 = o, and reftor the values of v and z, we ſhall have ing " 64f Sect. VI. 403 PROBLEMS. 64ff Fig. +p; } +2p=2r × ss-qq y4 } +55-99 47. -32 ff ++r +32/ff×55 +99 ( +25664 =0. and y = 7.68. PROB. CIV. In the right-angled triangle DCF, there is given DC+CF, and BA parallel to the bafe, and DA; to find the rest. Let DC + CFs, BA=b, DA=d, CF=a; then CDs-a, DF=✓DC_CF²=√55—250. The triangles CAB and CFD are fimilar, whence SS- 2sa : a :: b: ab SS - 25a = CA; and DA' — DF = √dd—ss + 2sa AF; whence ba √552502 = + √dd ss + 2sa = a, and multi. plying bv ss $5254, and tranfpofing, ✓ ddss-2ddsa-s++4s³a—4ssaa ssaa-25a³ ba; and ſquaring, — 4ssaa + 453a + ddss 2ddsa st = 25a³ + ssaa √4bbssa+ +bbaa tranfpofing again, 8bbsas; and ✓ Abbssa+8bbses —— 25a³ + 55saa — 453 a + st = +bb +2dds- ddss --ca³ + faa+ga +b, by ſubſtitution, and by fquaring, 4bbssa+ 8bbsas - 2cfas + ffa4 — 2cha³ +gga² + 2gha +bh. -2cg + 2ƒg +2fb =ccao D d 2 PROB. 48. $ > Į 1 404 B. II GEOMETRICAL Fig. PROB. CV. 49. There are given the three fides of the triangle ABC, and the angles A, and B, are bifected by the lines AD, BE; to find the length of one as AD, and alfo the distance AF to the point of interfection F. Put AB=a, BC=b, AC=c, and AD=x, AF=y. Then (Geom. II. 25.) AB: AC :: BD: DC, and AB+AC: AB:: BD+DC: BD; that is, a+c: a::b: BD; likewife a+c:cb: ab a+ c = bc =CD. But (Geom. II. 26.) AD'+BDC=BAC a+c abb c bb that is, xx+ = ac, and xx = ac X a+d² 2 a+d a+cl² — bb a+c+ bxa+c a c = ac X х = ac X х a + c² whence x= −b CAD. a + c ² √ acx a + c + bxa + c a + c Again, AB BD: AD: : AB: AF, that is, ab @ + a + c y = ac xa + c + b × a + c at c bxeto ab a√ acxa+c+b xa + c = a + c xa + a + c √ acxa + c + b x a + c b 11 b ::a: b that is, a+i+b a c xa + c b y = √ AF. a+c+b PROB 1 الله # Fig 32 A D }. A R 34 33. C I F D ··A O D H A E 35. F G B F E A R B E 36. D I C D Ꮐ 37. B H P + 38. E F A 39. GF B B D Ꮲ . R E D B 41. 0 42. E B F E C 44 45 F K i 40. E 43. F Ħ D A B GPC I 46. B E PHB A P A H P T 47. 48. F E 1 D. B F 49 E F D } P1.V. pa. 401 Sect. VI. 405 PROBLEM S. Fig. CVI. PROB. The diameters of three circles being given, which are 50. defcribed from the angular points of a triangle, as centers, whoſe three fides are given; to find the ra- dius of a fourth circle to touch all the three. Let ABC be the given triangle, D the center of the circle required; on AB let fall the perpendi- culars DE, CK, and draw DF perpendicular to AC. And put AB = b, AC = c, CB=d, and AO=r, BR = s, CT = t; and AK=g, KC=h; and AE x, AF=y, OD a. In the triangle ADB, (Geom. II. 23.) aa+2as+ss=aa+2ar+rr +bb--2bx. Whence 2bxrr+bb—ss—2as+zar, rr+bb-ss-2as+zar and x = 26 = And in the tri- angle ADC, aa+2at+tt=aa+2ar+rr+cc—20), and 2cy rr + cc tt 2ta + zra, and y = rr + cc. tt 2ta + zra 20 The triangles ACK, AFG are fimilar, and g:c::y:2=AG, then x-GE. Alſo the су g & triangles DGE (AGF) and ACK are fimilar; whence b: g су : X- : Vaa+2ar+rr—xx =DE. g Whence baa + zar + rrxxgx-cy. Put rrbb-ss, f=25—2r, mrr+cc―tt, n=2t2r, p = lg bm, q=bn-fg. Then x= l — fa 26 • and baazar frr- - 2b lg - fga 2b p+qa. Which ſquared is bhaa+2rbba m-na 2 2b D d 3 + ribb * 2 } 406 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. + ribb bbx Il — 2lfa + ffaa pp+2pqa+ggaa 50. 466 and reduced 466 4bbbbaa8bbbkra + 4bbbbrr = 0. 2dfbb bbll = fub = 2pq - PP PRO B. CVII. 1 51. To find the point D, from which three lines DA, DB, DC drawn to the three given points A, B, C; fhall have a given ratio. Draw AC, and DFG, BE perpendicular to it. Draw BG to EF; and put AE = a, AC = b, | EB c; and AF=x, FD=y. Then CF-b-x; EB=c; FExa, and let DA, DB, DC, be as 1, r and s. Then (Geom. II. 21.) AD² = xx+yy; BD² = ¢+yl² + x—al² =cc+2cy+yy+xx−2xa+aa; and CD2bb2bx+xx + yy. 2 But by the queſtion 1: rr:: DA: DB² = rr XDA', and I: ss:: DA²: DC²=ssxDA²; that is, cc + 2cy + yy + xx — 2xa + aarrxx+rryy, and bb — 2bx + xx+yyssxx+ssyy, and putting m rr 1, p = cc+aa, f=ss−1, we ſhall have theſe (b) (c) 2cy + mxx = 0. (0) + 2ax two equations, myy P (f) (g) (b) and ty +fxx = 0. +2bx bb Then Sect. VI. 407 PROBLEMS. Then to expunge y (by Prob. liv. rule 2.) we Fig. have 52. A == 2cf, B = D = mfxx + 2 afx mfxx 2mbx 2cfxx - 4bcx + 2cbb. pf mbb. Whence AB + DD = o, that is, 4ccffxx + 8bccfx — 4bbccf +4aaff-4apff +ppff 4ambf 4ambb + 2mbbpf + 4mmbb + 4mbpf + mmb+ + 4mmb³ PROB. = 0. CVIII. In a triangle, there is given a perpendicular, the dif- 53. ference of the fides, and the difference of the feg- ments of the bafe; to find the fides. Let the perpendicular CD-a, CB-CA-c, and BD-DA, DA. Then CA =√aa + xx, and CBaa+xx+c, and AB=2x+b. Then (Geom. II. 24.), b + 2x : 2√aa+xx + c : : c : b ; whence bb+2bx = 2caa+xx + ce, and 2bx + bb-cc=2√ aa+xx, and fquared is 4bbxx+4bxx cc + bb cc² = 4aa + 4xx × CC 3 bb reduced 4bbxx + 4b³x=4aacc. $ -400 4bcc b4 +2bbcc Roca C4 Dd 4 PROB +3 408 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. PROB. CIX. 54. There is given the perpendicular in a triangle, and the two differences between the leaft fide, and the other two; to find the fides. Let the perpendicular AD-a, BC-BA-b, AC -AB-c. AB=x; then BC=b+x, AC=c+x, and BD = √xx—aa, and DC = b + x -√xx—aa; and (Geom. II. 24.) BC (b+x) : AC+AB (c+2x) :: ACAB AB (c) : DC — DB (b+x—2√xx—a 2); whence b+x) 2b+2x × √xx—aa = cc + zcx; and 26 + 2x X XX aa = bb + 2bx + xx CC Put bbccd, 2b-2c=f; then × аа 20X 4bb + 8bx+4xx Xxx-aa = xx+fx+dl', which multiplied and reduced is 3x+ + 8bx³ + 4bbx² 8baax 4bbaao. 2f 4aa 2df dd 二 ·f 2d PROB. CX. 55. Having all the fides of a right-angled triangle ACB; to find either ſegment of the bafe AD, the perpendi- cular CD, the area, and the radius of the infcribed circle, &c. " a+b+c; 1. Let AC=a, CB=c, AB=b, z= 2 then (Geom. II. 20. cor. 1.) aab x AD, and AD = a a b fore AD = But aa = bb-cc=b+cxbc; there- b + c x b b C that is, the t Sect. VI. 409 PROBLEM S: the fegment AD = aa b + c x b = c Fig. b b 55. 2. For the perpendicular CD. CD2=AC2-AD-aa- 04 aaxbb-aa and bb bb a b a CD = b CD = = √ bb = aa = = √ b + axb—a; or ac b √cc = ==. Therefore the perpendicular ac a a CD= √bb b bbaa aa = b+axb—a. b b AB X CD 2 a√ b+axb-a 2 3. For the area. area; that is, the area = ac And fince aa+cc=bb, add 2ac, a+d² then aa+zac+cc or a+c" = bb+2ac, and 2ac ac a+cl²- bb, and or the area = a+c²-bb 2 4 a+c+6×a+cab 4 =xxx-b. And fince a+c z—b. +a-c2aa+2cc=2bb, therefore a+c-bbbb bb a d. Therefore the area a cl² = 4 b + a - cx by a + c =z-axz—c. Hence the 4 ac a+c+bxa+c-b area = 2 2 4 b. + a cxb-a + c =xxx−b = z 4 4 For $ 410 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. 55. 4. For the radius of the infcribed circle. The area circle (Geom. IV. 30. cor.) = a+b+c a+b+c × radius of the inſcribed 2 xr, putting 2 a+c-b = 2 ac " that is, the ra- a + b + c r for the radius; then r z-b; or the radius= א 2 area a + b + c dius of the infcribed circle is = Z b. ac a+c-b 22 2 5. For the circumfcribing circle. The radius of the circumfcribing circle = b (Geom. IV. 14.) 6. For the tangents. I 2 The tangent, or the diſtance from A to the point of contact of the infcribed circle = z-c, (Geom. IV. 30). a+b C 2 And the diftance from the right angle C is Er the radius. 7. For the distance of the center. The diſtance from Arr + √a+c= b² + 2 a+bd 4 2 afico 2 !! a+b- 2 a+b- (by Art. 4. and 6) = amb a+di² adi + An 4 4 (putting Sect. VI. PROBLEM 411 T S. (putting d=b—c)=√2aa+2dd 11 aa+bb -2bc+cc 2 bxb-c; that is, waa+b- za+b—c] Fig. 55. 2 4 2bb-2bc ✓ = √ bb——bc 2 the diſtance of A from the center of the in- fcribed circle is = = √ bx b = co PRO B. CXL. Having the fides of an oblique triangle ABC; to find 56, the perpendicular CD, the fegments of the bafe, and the area. a+b+c Let AC, AB=b, CB=c, = 2, 2 a+c=s, a c=d. > 1. For the Segments. AB AC + CB:: AC-CB (Geom. II. 24.); that is, b: s : : d : I AD-DB. Then —b + dif. fegments ds b ds bb + ds or 2 26 = great- bb-ds er fegment AD, and BD the leffer feg- 2b ment. 2. For the perpendicular. 2 bb + as CD aa- 26 = 4bbaa-b4-2bbds-ddss 4tb but 2a=s+d, and 4a0=s+d, and 4bbaa—bs+bd, therefore CD= 412 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. CD= ✓bbss + 2bbsd + bbdd—b4—2bbds—ddss 56. 4bb ss x b ss x bb-dd bb x bb-dd bb-ddx ssbb = 4bb 466 26 √ b+dxb-d xs+b.xs-b +c+b, s — b :—b=a+c—b, and b+d=a+b—c, b―d = b+ca, therefore a + b + c xa +c—b× a+b — c × b + c But s+ba CD= 26 a + b + c b + c a But s Z a = 2 2 a + b — a + c b Z - b b = Therefore 2 2 2Z X 2.Z CD = a X 2.2 2b C X 2.Z b CD = 2√zxz—a.z—biz-c that is, the perpendicular a+b+cxa+b-cx a−b+c xb+c=a 26 b + d x b - d xs + bx s dxs bxs- b 2b 2 V ZXZ Z XZ — a X Z hxx- C b 3. For the area. I Since the area is = ABX CD (Geom. II. 2 10. cor. 2.), and CD was found by the laſt ar- ticle, let CD p; fince AD = aa + bb CC 26 therefore Sect. VI. 413 PROBLEM S. therefore CD = aa aa + bb 26 - ccp² Fig. 11 56. Jaat 2aabb +2aacc + 2bbcc a4 - 64 C4 ; therefore 4bb I pb = 2 we have the area of the triangle ACB = 21 I 4 11 ✔zaabb + 2aacc + 2bbcc 04 br— c+ 4 a+b+c a + b + c xa+b―cxb+c — axa + c—b b + d x b — d xs + bxs—b = ZXZ- -axz PRO B. CXII. Having the fides of an oblique triangle; to find the 57: radius of the infcribed circle, &c. 1. In the triangle ABC, bifect the two angles A, B, by the lines AF, BE to interfect in O the center of the infcribed circle. From O, C, let fall the perpendiculars OD, CP, upon the bafe AB, And put AB=b, AC=a, CB=c, AP=d, PB=ƒ, CPP, and DO=x, DP =y; then AD=d-y, BD =ƒ +y. Then (Geom. II. 25.) CA: AP :: CS: SP, and CA + AP: AP :: CP: SP, that is, a+d: d::p: pd a+d =SP. Likewiſe c+f:f::p: pf c+f = LP. The triangle APS, ADO are fimilar, and d: pd :: d dy: a+d pd-py a + d triangles BPL and BDO pf f: ::fty: pf + py c+f c+f DO=x. Alſo the are finilar, and pd-py; then multi- a+d plying 414 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. plying, apf+dpf+apy+dpy=cpd+fpd-cpy-fpy, 57. and tranfpofing, apy + dpy +fpy+cpy=cpd-apf; that is, becaufe d+f=b, apy+bpy+cpycpd-apf, and y = cd-af a+b+c pcd-pat. a+dxa+b+c pba + pbd a+dxa + b + c Whence x = pd-py pd == a + d a + d pda+pdb+pdc-pdc+paf a + d x a+b+c pb And fince p may a + b + c be had various ways, from the laft problem; there- fore we fhall have the radius of the infcribed circle. Ja- →c + bxa+c=bxb+c-a b+nXbnXs -nxs—b == a + b + c x—axx—bxx—c .bp a+b+c 2 = I 2 Where z = s+b a+b+c Z s = a + c, n = a · C. 2 11 2. For the tangent AD. We have AD d — y = d — cd-af = a + b + c ad+bd+axb-d a + b + c aa + bb — cc ad+bd+cd-cd+af a + b + c 11 = 2 a + b/2 +612 ba + bå a+b+c , therefore CC 2 xa+b+c a+b-c 2 ; that is, a+b-c a + d b = Zl. 2 But (Geom. II. 23.) bd = AD = zab + aa + bb - CC 2 x a + b + c a + b + c x a + b 2 xa+b+c the tangent AD = C a + b + c 3. For Sect. VI. PROBLEMS. 3. For the central distance. 415 Fig. 57. AO AD+DO²=; -·a + dj² 2 PP bb + 24 a+b+c aa+zad+dd+aa-dd 2aa +2ad a+b+c a+b+c 2 bb= 2abb bb= a + b + c = b b bb= a+b+d² Xa+d. But d aa+bb-cc 26 ; therefore AO² = zabb zab+aa+bb-cc 2 X = ab x a+bl²-cc a+b+c 26 a+b+c² a+b+cxa+b-c a+b-c Xab × ab= Z-C a + b + cl² a+b+c Xab × ab = ab. Z That is, the diſtance of the center from the angle A is af b хаб Xab = a+b+c PROB. CXIII. א Xab. Having the fides of a triangle to find the radius of the circumfcribing circle. Let ABC be the triangle, draw the diameter CF of the circumfcribing circle, and let CP be perpendicular to AB. Put AC≈a, AB≈b, CB≈c, a+b+c CP=P, z= s=a+c, d=a-6, CH or HF = R. 2 Then (Geom. IV. 28), p : a : ; c : 2R, and ac R = 2P Now fince we have the value of p va- rious ways by problem cxi, we fhall have the value of R fo many ways. Hence R the radius of the circumfcribing circle = ac 2 D 58% 416 B. II. GEOMETRICAL Fig. 58. 11 abc a + b + c × a + b − c × a−b+cxb+c—a abc acb √ b + d x b d x s + bxs - b || = b.z C || 4√ z.z —a.z acb 4 X area Cor. Hence r the radius of the infcribed circle: to R the radius of the circumfcribed circle :: As Z a x z − b x ≈ — 0 C: to Labc. PROB. CXIV. 59. Given the bafe of a triangle, and the diameters of the infcribed and circumfcribed circles; to find the fides. Let QRW be the triangle, QDWB the circum- fcribing circle, DB (perpendicular to QW) its diameter. Draw BR, which will bifect the angle R. Let QS bifect the angle Q, then S is the center of the infcribed circle. Through S draw ASV parallel to QW. Then AP is the radius of the infcribed circle. Draw BV, BW. Let BD=a, QW=b, AP=c, BP=v, BR=x, then av 1bb, and v±ª±√ aa—bb vv=1bb, 2 Let BW = d = √vv+bbav. BA=v+c=s, X BV = p =✔BA × BD. The triangles BRD, BPT and BAS are fimi- lar, whence x: a :: v : x::: av = BT BT; and x: a X S: =BS. But (Geom. IV. 17. cor.) as = PP, as 26 and Sect. VI. 417 PROBLEM S. dd and av dd; therefore BT = and BSPP Fig. > x 95. Then RS=x-, and TSPP - dd But x X (Geom. II. 25.) TS: SR:: TQ : QR; and the triangles TQR and BWR are fimilar (Geom. IV. 12. cor. 2.), and TQ: QR:: BW: BR; whence pp-dd. TS: SR:: BW: BR, that is, PP-dd: xx-pp :: X * d:x, whence ppx-ddxdxx- dpp, and dxx + ddx = dpp + ppx, or d + xxdx = d + xxpp, and dx=pp, whence x= pp. Then BR (x): DR ལ/ aa XX (aa-xx): BP (v): PT = whence QT, TW are known. Then BW (d): BR (x) :: QT : QR :: and TW: WR, the two fides of the triangle. PROB. CXV. There is given the bafe of a triangle, the line that bi- 60. fects the vertical angle, and the diameter of the cir- cumfcribing circle; to find the fides. Let AB = b, EO or OF ≈r, CD=d, HD=x, FD=y. I Then AD = I b+x, DB = 2 2. b. — b— x, FH 1 1 yy xx. CDF, or 4 And (Geom. IV. 20. cor. 2.) ADB bb-xx-dy. The triangles FDH, FEC are fi- milar, and yyy-xx:: 2r: y+d, and yy+dy= 2 + √ yy — xx = 2 r√ wydybb. Which ſquared is, E e y + + ག 418 GEOMETRICAL, &c. B. II. Fig y4+2dy³ ddyy = 4rryy +4rrdy —rrbb, and re- + 60. duced y4+ 2dy3+ ddyy - 4rrdy+rrbb=0. Then x = √ bb — dy. 4rr Alfo BFyy — xx + bb, and the triangles ADF, CDB are fimilar, and AD (b+x) : AF or BF (Vyy -xx+bb) :: CD (d): CB = xx + ÷bb · d√yy zb + x Alfo the triangles ADC, BDF are fimilar, and BD (b-x): BF (√yyxx + bb) :: CD (d) : CA = dvy -xx + 1bb Ib- X # # ### # SECT SE C T. VII. SECT. Problems in Plain Trigonometry. 413 Fig. PROB. CXVI. In the triangle ABC, there is given the angle B, the 61. fide AB; and the sum of the fides BC, AC; to find the fides. L = ET ABd, BC + ACb, fine Bs, cof., AC = x, then CB bx. By plain Trigonometry rad. (1): AB (d) :: S.PAB or cof. B (c): PB cd. Then (Geo. II. 22.) xx=dd+bb—2bx+xx+2cdx b-x, x, reduced 2bx + 2cdx = bb + dd+2bcd, and bb + dd + 2bcd SA 2b+ 2cd PROB. CXVII. In the triangle ACB, there is given the two fegments 62. AD, DB, made by the perpendicular, and the angle ACB; to find the rest. Make DE DB, and draw CE, then put BDb, ADd, CB or CE, S.ACBs, S.ACE; then AE d—b, AB d + b. By Trigonometry, (in the triangle ACB) AB = (b + d): S.ACB (s) : : CB (y) : sy b + d = =S.CAB. Alfo (in the triangle ACE), CE (y): S.CAE sy ~——) :: AE (d—b): S.ACE (x), and x = +d, E e 2 d-b S. db b Then 420 B. II PLAIN TRIG. Fig. Then 62. ACB-ACE = ACD, and 2 2 ACE + ACB =BCD. Then S.ACD : AD : : rad : AC. And S.BCD: BD :: rad: CB. PROB. CXVIII. 63. In the triangle ABC there is given AB, and the angle B, and the ratio of AC to BC, to find the fides. Let fall AD on BC (produced); and put ABb, AC a, the ratio of AC to CB as I to r, then CB = ra, and cof. ACB = c. Then rad, (1): AC (a) :: S.DAC (c) : ca DC. Then (Geom. II. 22.) bb = aa + rraa + 2craa, whence bb b aa = ? and a = rr + I + 2cr √rr 1 rr + 1 + 2cr CXIX. 64. 65. + PROB. In the triangle CAB, there is given two fides and the included angle; to find the area. + Let CA, AB and the angle A be given; draw CF perpendicular to AB, and let AB b, AC=d, S. AS. Then in the triangle ACF, rad. (1) < : AC (d): S.A (s): sd CF. sdb area, or 2 Then CF × AB 2 area; that is, half the rectangle of the fides multiplied by the fine of the included angle, gives the area. PROB. CXX. Given all the fides of a trapezium, and two oppofiie angles; to find the area. Let the angles B, D be given, and through the other two angles A, C, draw the diagonal AC. Let 1 1 1 1 A Fig.50 D 0 K E R T F C B 52 C A 53 D A B D 55 A. D F 58 B C 56 D DR A P A B E F Ꮐ 51 B 54 57 V H S A W PT H 60 B + P 59 61 62 B P B E D B 63 F E E D A D P B B น B 2 Pl.VI. pa.420 UN Sect. VII. 421 PROBLEM S. Let AB=b, BC=c, CD=d, DA=f, S. <B=p, Fig. S.D=q. Then by the laft problem, the area of 65. bcp, and the triangle CDA the triangle CBA = 2 dfq bcp + dfq ; therefore the trapezium 2 PROB. CXXI. In the triangle WNE, there is given the fegment SE, 66. the angle WNE, and the ratio of NE to NW; to find the fides. Let WP be perpendicular to EN, and ſuppoſe NE to WN as I to p, S.Ns, cof. N = ‹, SE=b, NE=x, then WN≈px. In the triangle WNP, rad. (1): WN (px) :: S.PWN (c) : PN pex, and by the fimilar triangles ENS, EWP, ES: EN :: EP: EW, or b: x :: xx + pcxx = EW. But (Geom. II. 22.) x + pcx b x4 + 2pcx4 + ppccx4 bb : = xx + ppxx + 2pcxx, or 1 + 2pc + ppcc xxx = bb × 1 +PP+2pc, and x= 吉 VI + PP + 2pc. ! + P Or thus, EWN+E Let tang. of then WN+NE 2 tpx tx (px + x): WN-NE (px-x): : t : p. I 1+1 t = tang. diff. of the angles Whence the angles W, E are known. cof. E: & :: rad: x, required. Ee 3 px + x W and E. Then as PROB 422 B. II. PLAIN TRIG. Fig. PROB. CXXII. 67. In the right-angled triangle ABC, there is given, the Sum of AB and BC, the angle CDB; likewife <ACD=<DCE are given; to find CB, &c. Let S.ACBs, S.CAB=6, CB≈≈, AB + BC =6, and BA = b x. Then s:c: :b x: x, and sxcbcx, whence x = Then CB, cb S+ C BA are known. Let m, n be the tangents of BCE, BCD; then 1:~:: 1: BE :: n : BD. PROB. CXXIII. In the triangle ADC, there is given AB, BC; and the angles ADB, BDC; to find AD, DC. Let S.ADB=s, S.BDC=t, S.ADC=p, cotang. ADC=q, AB=b, BC = c, AC=d, AD=x. By plain Trigonometry, b: s::*: =S.ABD & or CBD. And t: c b SX CSX tb + CD (x + CSX) A+C (9): 2 tb SX b CD. Then AD : AD—CD (x — CSX) tbq-csq tb + cs :: tan. A-C = tang. Then <SA 2 and Care known; then p: d :: S.C : AD :: S.A: CD. PROB. CXXIV. 69. In the triangle ABC, there is given AB, the angle C, and CD, which is drawn to the middle of AB; to find the fides. Draw AF perpendicular to CB, and put AD or DB=b, CD=d, S.<C=s, cof. Ç=c, AC=x, BC=y, Then Se&t. VII. 423 PROBLEM S. € Then (Geom. II. 28.) xx+yy=2bb+2dd. By Fig. Trigonometry I :x :: s: sx = AF, and 1 :x:: 69. c: cx CF. Then BF-y-cx, and ssxx+yy— 2cyx+ccxx=4bb, fubtract this from the firft equa- tion, then xx-SSXX+2cy xccxx-2dd-2bb, that is (becauſe ss + cc = 1.) 2cyx 2dd2bb, and 2dd-2bb 2yx= C ; therefore yy + 2yx + xx yy+2yx xx=2bb 2dd-2bb and yx = + 2dd + C 2ad-2bb 2bb + 2dd + =m; m; in in like manner C 2dd-2bb y-x= 2bb + 2dd = 1. Then C m + n M-N y = , 2 2 70. PRO B. CXXV. Given the angles of altitude BCA, BDA, the hori- zontal angle BCD, and the line of ſtation CD; to find the height AB. b 47: 30; BDA = 40: 12; d = S.BCD = 87 5; CD =ƒ: Let cotang. BCA cotang. =f= 283.274 feet; AB = x. ~ = BC, db in the triangle BCD, cx: d:: bx: =S.BDC C Then in the triangle ABC, 1 : : : b: bx and in the triangle ABD, 1:x::c: cx=BD; and 50 39; whence DBC 42 16; let n then nfd: BD cx, and ncx fd = 355.458. S.DBC; fd, and 310 } E e 4 PROB. 424 B. II. PLAIN TRIG. Fig. PROB. CXXVI. 71. Given the ſum of the fides of a triangle, and all the angles feverally; to find the fides. Let S.As, S B≈n, S.C=t, AB+BC÷CA≈b, ACx. Then by Trigonometry, nxs: tx = CB, and ʼn :x::t: =AB. SK n SX n + tx n b, whence x = n nb n + s + t PROB. CXXVII. And x + 72. In the right-angled triangle VAB, there is given the perpendicular AB, the fegment VC, and the angle VAC; to find CB. Let AB = b, VCc, tang. VAC=t, BC=a. Then by plain trigonometry, b: 1 :: a : a b = ta a tang. BAC, and (trig. viii.) 1 - : I: b bt + a : tang. BAV. Whence 1: b :: bt + a b. ta bto bbt + ba :a+c= b-ta b - ta and multiplying, ba + bc - taa-tcabbt+ba, reduced aa + ca = PROB. CXXVIII. bc bb. t. 73. In the right-angled triangle ABC, BE EC, and < ABD = CBD; and there is given BD and <CAE; to find the fides. Draw DF parallel to CB; then in the triangle DFB, the angles at B, D are 45°, and BD being given, Sect. VII. 425 PROBLEM.S. given, DF and FB its equal, are given; and fince Fig. CE=EG, therefore DG=GF. Let DG or GF=b, 73. S.DAGS, AF, then AG=bb+xx, AD =√4bb+xx. And by plain Trig. AG(/bb+xx) : rad. (1) AF (x): : (√66 + xx) S. G に bb X √bb + xx =S.G. Alfo : AD (√4bb + xx) :: S.DAG (s): DG (b); whence 4 bx √bb + xx reduced ✰* + 5bbxx + 46ª = 0. = s√4bb+xx, bbxx SS PROB. CXXIX. From the point B, to draw the lines BC, BD, BA, 74. So that CD, DA, and the angles CBD, DBA, may be given. Draw CF perpendicular to AB, and put CD=b, DA = c, CAs, and S.CBDƒ, S.DBA =d, S.CBA = m. cof. CBA =n, and CB = x. Then by plain Trigonometry 1:x::n: nx=BF, =S.D, and d:c:: fx.cfx : b ba But in the triangle CBA, (Geom. II. 23). and b:f::x: fx b BA. ss = xx + ccffxx cfx 2nx X which reduced is b b d d bd' bds √l bid + ccf — zbdjne PROB. 426 B. II. PLAIN TRIG. Fig. PROB. CXXX. 2 75. In an oblique triangle there is given, the baſe, and perpendicular, and angle oppofite to the bafe; to find the fides. Draw AD perpendicular to CB; and put AB=b, S.ACB=s, cof. ACB=c, perp. CF=1, AC, CB=y. In the triangle ACD, 1:::s: sw = AD, and I:~::c:cx=CD. The triangles ABD and CBF are fimilar, and y: b::p : sx = AD, whence pbsxy. In the triangle ABC (Geom. II. 23.), bb = xx+yy2cxy; but xy= and y = therefore bb = xx + ppbb pb S pb ; SA op: which reduced 2cpb $5 S bb pp is w+ bbxx + SS 2bcp S Otherwife, Let AC+CB=x, AC-CB=y, the reft as be- pb fore; then AD=sxx+y, CD=cXx+y₂ =xx-yy. S Then in the triangle ABC, bb=x+yl² + x—-y| 2cxxx-yy; that is, 2x+2yy-2cxx+2cyy—bb, X XX pb and putting --- for yy, we have 2xx+2xx- $ apb 2cpb 2pb 2 CXX2CXN =bb, or 4xx S $ S 2cpb bb, whence x = ±bb + x bp = 1, S 25 51212 and y=465+ bp. Then AC= 25 717-12 BC = 2 Or Sect. VII. 427 PROBLEM S. Or thus, Fig. Let f cofine of the fum of the angles A, B; 75 v = cof. of their difference; the reſt as before. Then (Trig. II. io.) v-f;s::p : 1b, and v-f= 2ps 225, and v = +f. Then the angles A and B b b will be known, and confequently their oppofite fides. PROB. CXXXI. Given all the fides of a triangle, to find the center of 76. the circumfcribed circle. = On the middle of AB, AC, erect the perpendi- culars DO, FO, the point of interfection O, is the center of the circumfcribing circle. From O draw OI, OG, parallel to AC, AB; and put AB b, ACd, S.CA=s, col. A = 6, AI = x, 10=y. The <CGO CAB = OID; and in the right- angled triangles OID, OGF, it will be y:: ccy = ID, and 1: y::s: sy = OD. fo 1 : x::c: cx GF, and I FO. Then b-cy, and y=d-cx, and x = 1½ cy = 1b — x = 1 cd-ccx, and x — ccx = bcd, су : OD. Al- :. :x::S: SX = 1 d-cb b-cd b-cd or ssx whence x = 2 > and y = 2 255 255 d-cb b-cd Therefore DO = and FO = Like 25 25 ✓ bb + dd 2bcd wife AO = 25 CXXXII. PROB. In the given triangle ABC, the anglès AOC, COB, BOA, about the point O, are given; to find the distances AO, BÓ, CO. Produce CO to D, and BO to E. ABb, ACd, CB=f, S.As, cof. And let A = c, S.B = 4, 428 B. II. PLAIN TRIG Fig S.B=q, cof. B=n, S.AOE=g, cof. AOE=m, S.AODb, S.DOB = p, AO=x. 77. Then by Trigonometry, AB (b): S.O (g) :: gx AO (x) : &* = S.ABO, and = b ggxx I = cof. bb ABO =y; and (Trig. I. 6. cor.) 83* + my = col. b = S.OAB. Alſo mgx OAB; and (I. 6.) gy — S.OAB. b (Trig. I. 6.) 588* + smy — cgy + cmgx = SCAO; b and (I. 6.) qy- gnx =S.CBO. qy =CO, and And by Trigono- b metry, p:f::gy-31 gnxfqy gnfx b P bp dsmy - degy + + b b dcmgx 二 fay gnfx and multiplying, sggdpx + bb P bp b:d::S.CAO: CO = sggdx bb bpdsmy-bpdegy+pdcmgx=bbfqy-gnfbx; and tranf- pofing, bbfqy + bpdcgy—hpdsmy=sggdx+pdcmgx + gnfbx, and y = sggd+pdcmg+gnfb rx * = by fub. bbtq+hpdcg—bpdsm t 88xx ſtitution, that is, √√1_ggxx I rx ggxx and I " bb t bb ggttxx = bbxx, reduced rrxx = and bbtt tt bt א * ✔bb +88tt Or thus, 78. = Make the angle BAF fupplement of BOC and <ABF fup. AOC; through A, B, F de- fcribe the circle AOBF, to interfect CF in O, the point required. Calculation Sect. VII. 429 PROBLEM S. Calculation. In the triangle ABF, all the angles Fig. are given, and the fide AB, to find AF. In the triangle CAF; CA, AF, and <CAF are given; to find <ACF. In the triangle ACO, there is given AC, and all the angles; to find AO, CO. PROB. CXXXIII. 78. In the right-angled triangle ABC, there is given BA, 79. and angle CBD; alſo AT=TD, and <ABT= CBT; to find AC. Let BA695.23, tang. DBC=t=T. 15°, AT or DT-a, then AD=2a. By trigonometry, a b:a:: 1: tang.TBA, and b : 2ª:: 1 : b 20 b tang. DBA. Then (Trig. I. 2. Schol.) the tang. 1 zab 2TBA or tang. ABC = Alfo (Trig. I. 8.) bb-aa 2ta 2a bt + 20 : I : : / + b 6 6 tang. 2ta 2ab bb-aa ABD + DBC = tang. ABC. Whence reduced 2a³-3btaa=b³t, and a=65.13, bt+za , b-2ta zab and xb AC. bb-aa PROB. CXXXIV. Upon a horizontal plane, there ftands a tall pine-tree leaning towards the fouth A man standing on the north fide of it 50 yards from the foot, finds the tree to fubtend an angle of 39 deg. Afterwards go- ing direfly weft 73 yards, it fubtends an angle of 46°. What is the tree's length? Let AC be the tree; E, F, the two ftations. 89. Draw AB perpendicular to the horizon, and AD perpen- 430 B. II. PLAIN TRIG. Fig. perpendicular to FC produced; draw BD, AC. The 30. triangles ABD, ABC, ADC, BDC, CEF, DAF, BAE, are all right-angled. Put EF=6, CE=d, CF=c, CD=y, tang. AEB=s, tang AFC=t. By Trigonometry, It::c+y:c+yxt=AD, whence ACV yy + tt × c + y. The triangles FCE, BCD are ſimilar, and d:c::y:2 BC, су by and d: y :: b : = BD, Then AB 11 d 2 ccyy bbyy yy + ttx c+yl dd tt × c + y² dd And in the triangle ABE, d + су : I :: d bbyy dds + csy tt × c + y² : s, whence dd d bbyy tt × c+y|² ; and fquared dess+2cddssy+ dd ecssyy = dd × ttcc+2ttcy+ttyy — bbyy, and reduced ccssyy + 2cddssy = ddttcc. ddtt + zb 2cddit d+ss PROB. CXXXV. 1. Given two altitudes and two azimuths of a cloud in motion; to find the point of the wind. Let A be the firft, B the fecond place of the cloud, O the place of obſervation, ABC the plane of the cloud's motion; AB its line of direction. Let AD, BE, CO be perpendicular to the hori- zon, then DEO is equal and parallel to ABC, and MDE is the path of the cloud on the earth. Let OM be the meridian, Put p=tang. AOD, q=tang. BOE, t=cotang. DOE, OD = x. In the triangle AOD, 1:*:: p: px = ADBE; and in the triangle BOE, 9: + २ { } 1 1 3 * i A Fig. 64 65 66 MAA F 67 } B B 68 W C 69. A A A D E B B 70 B D D 73 A 71 C D E 74 B C B 75 : A F B F 76 B F 78 A A 6 B 72 F · PL.VII. pa. 430 B Sect. VII. 431 PROBLEMS. q: px:: 1 px - II. 6.) Px : Fig. =OE. In the triangle DOE, (Tiig. 81. 9 px + x w::t: p- t = tang. 9 q p + q and the fum and difference of 2 ODE-OED 2 ODE, OED being had; ODE, and OED will be known. In the triangle ODM, there is given ODM and DOM, therefore OMD is known, which is the way of the cloud or of the wind. PRO B. CXXXVI. On a clear day, the wind standing N. N. E. I obferved a fmall cloud W. by S. whofe altitude was 41°, and whilst the shadow of the cloud moved over 1230 yards upon a horizontal plane, the cloud itself moved through an angle of 9° 37′ as I obferved it with an inftrument. What was the cloud's height? Let E be the place of obfervation, CA the tract 83: of the cloud, FG its projection upon the horizon; AF, CG, BE being perp. to the horizon. Let BD be perp. to ACD, and AK to ECK. Let AC or GF=d=1230, S.DCB=c=5 points, cof. DCB=n, S.GEC=b=41°, cof. GEC=s, tang. AEC=1=9° 37; CG=x. By Trigonometry, in the triangle CGE, b:x:: 1: SX XX b CE, and bi x S: =CB, and in the triangle BCD, 1 : SX b b CSX SX nsx =DB, and 1 : : : 12 : CD. Then DE b b b √xx+ ftitution. CCSSXX bb X √bb+cess = 1/P, by fub- The 紙 432 B. II. PLAIN TRIG. Fig. 82. x The triangles CED and CAK are fimilar, and (CE) : 2* (DE) : : (AC) d : pd = AK; and — px b b (CE) : 5nx (CD) : : d (AC): snd=CK,´ And in the b triangle AKE, snd+ *.(EK): 1 (rad.):: pd (AK) tx : † (tang. AEK), whence sndt+=td, and tx= 83. bpd-sndth, and x = bpd-sndth bdp sndb. t t PROB. CXXXVII. In the triangle ACB, there is given AC, CB the Segment BD, and the angle ACB; to find the reft. Draw AF perpendicular to CB; and put 'AC=a, DB=b, CB=d, S.ACD=s, cof. ACD=6, and S.CDB=x. bx In the triangle CDB, d:x:: b: S.DCB, and ď in the triangle CAD, ≈ : a :: s: =AD, then AB as =b+ as bx + as But (Trig. I. 5. cor. 1.) Xx sbx dd d א z= I X c√1_bbxx bbxx); and in the triangle ACF, 1:a dd cof. ACB=cz- (putting sbx d bsx absx :: CZ --- : cza =CF. But (Geom. II. d d bx + asl² absx 23.) aa + dd - 2d × caz and XX d multi- Seat. VII. PROBLEM S 433 multiplying by xx, bbxx + 2absx + aass = aaxx + Fig. ddxx2dcaxxz +2absx³, and tranfpofing 2dcaxxż=2absx³+aaxx—2absx—àass, and reſtoring + dd bb %, and fubftituting for the known quantities, 2dacxx bbxx dd = px³ + qx² -rx-t, and fquaring, 4ddaaccx4 — 4aabbccx6 = p²x² + 2pqx5 — 2prx4 2ptx³ •2qtx - 2gr + rr + qq +artx + tt. 83. } Ff j SECT 434 B. IL Fig. SECT. VIII. Problems in Spherical Trigonometry. 84. PROB. CXXXVIII. Given the latitude of the place and the fun's longitude; to find the afcenfional difference. L e : ET b S. greateſt declination, S. fun's longitude AD, x = S. declination BD, ✰ = tang. latitude PCH. Then in the r<fpherical triangle ADB, rad. (1): S.AD (c) :: S.A (b): bc = S.BD, and (Trig. I. 1. fchol.) tang. BD = bc ✓ 1-bbc c ; and in the tri- angle CBD, rad. (1): co-tang. C (t) :: tang. BD bc bct x = bb66 (V) :) : S.CB (~), and ≈ PROB. CXXXIX, 84. Given the fun's declination, and the fum of the latitude and amplitude; to find each of them. Let a fine of half the ſum of CD and PH, b= the cofine, d=S. declination, s=S. fum of CD and PH, x=S. half their difference, y=S. whole diffe- rence. Suppoſe PH greater than CD. Then (Trig. I. 6. fchol.) b√1-xx-ax cof. PH; and a√1-xx-bx = S.CD. But in the triangle CBD, col. C (b√1−xx — 4x) : S,BD (d) : : rad. (1): --- S.CD Sect. VIII. SPHERICAL TRIG. PROBLEMS. 435 S.CD (a√1-xx aax√1-xx bx. or ab— x√1-xx = d Whence ab × 1-xx bbx√ 1-xx + abxx =d; (becauſe aa + bb = 1), But (Trig. 1. 2. fchol.) 2x VI-xxy, and 2ab =S. Whence s-y 2d, and y = 5 --- PROB. CXL. -2d.j Fig. 84. Given the fun's altitude at fix, and also when west; to 85. find the latitude. R is the fun's place when weſt, and O at fix a clock. Lett S.RC the altitude weft, s=S.OI the altitude at fix, x=S. latitude. In the triangle CIO, S.Ç (≈) : S.OI (s) : : rad. S (1) : — = S.CO the declination. In the triangle X DCR, S.C (~) : S.DR (~~) : : rad. S :: rad. (1): S.CR (t), and tx= or xx = and x = PROB. CXLI. AEC, BCD are two triangles right-angled at E and 86. D, and ſtanding on the great circle ECD; alſo AC=CB, and EC, CD, and the angle ACB are given; to find the angles and fides. = Let atang. DC, b≈tang. CE, s=S. half the fum of the angles BCD, ACE; c cofine, x = fine, y cofine of half the difference. Then sx+cy cof, leffer ACE, and cy-sx cof. greater cy—sx BCD. And in the triangle ACE, cy + sx : 1 :: b cy of sx 1 : : b : tang. AC. And in the triangle BCD, Ff2 Cy 436 B. II. SPHERICAL TRIG. Fig. a 86. су SX : I :: 0 : tang. CB. Whence cy-sx a = b cy-sx cj+5x and acy+asxbcy-bsx, and asx x +bsx-bey-acy, and y = bc-ac = tang, half the bs + as difference of the angles BCD, ACE; whence the angles themſelves are had. PRO B. CXLII. 87. Given the fun's amplitude, and altitude at fix; to find the latitude, and declination. Let P be the pole, Z the zenith, CB the ampli- tude, AP the altitude at fix. Let S.CB=b, p=S.AP, x=S. lat. PO, y=S. twice the latitude. In the triangle CBD, rad. (1) : S.C (√ï-xx) : : S.CB (b) : b√1−xx = S.BD or AC. And in the triangle CAP, rad. (1): S.AC (b√1−xx) :: S.C (*): S.AP (p); there- fore bx√1-xx = p, and 2xV1−xx = 20 but y = 2x√1-xx; whence y = 20 b ; then x will be known, and -xx, the declination. PROB. CXLIII. 88. Given two altitudes and two azimuths of the fun; to find the latitude. Let Z be the zenith, P the pole; S, O two places of the fun. Let s, f-fine and cofine of ZS; p, q=fine and cofine of ZO; m=cof. PZS, Then n=col. PZO ; x, y=ſine and cofine of PH. (Trig. II. 38.) cof. SP = sym + fx, and cof. OP= Sect. VIII. 437 PROBLEM S. OP = pyn+qx. Whence sym+fx=pyn+qx, and Fig. 88. fx — qx = pyn — sym; therefore x pn-sm y j-q tang. PH the latitude. PROB. CXLIV. Given the latitude of the place; and the fun's altitude 89: is equal to his azimuth from the fouth, and equal to the bour from noon; to find any of them. Z is the zenith, P the pole, ZP is given, and <ZPO=AZO=DO. Let s S.ZP, c=cof. ZP. y = S.ZPO = S.AZO. y : √i-yy : : * : √1-yy OP. But (Trig. III. 38.) Then 1-yy √1-yy = S.ZO, S.OP, and y = cof. sv1-yy × √1-yy + cy=y, or s syy + cy=y, and syy+y=s, or yy+y=1. PROB. - cy CXLV. There are two places, whofe latitudes are the comple- ments of each other to 90°, and the fun's declina- tion being given, he riſes an hour ſooner in one place than the other to find the latitudes. 1 Lett tang. declination, & tang. afcenfional 87. difference, xtang. one latitude, then tang. I X the other latitude. In the triangle CDB, rad (1) : cotang. DCB (x) :: T.DB (t): tx S.DC the afcenfional difference in the firft latitude, and I : I -::: * the afcenfional difference in the other latitude. But (Trig. I. 9.) 1 + #: 1 :: Ft FI 3 tx 438 SPHERICAL TRIG. B. II. Fig, 87. t t tx 1 : b, and tx — =b+btt, txx-tbx+ X X bttx, and xx btx = 1. b t * PROB. CXLVI. The ftile of an horizontal dial being turned down, fell upon the hour line of 8; query, the latitude it was made for. Lett tang, of 4 hours or 60°, anfwering to 8 o'clock, x=S. latitude; then x V. 1-XX tang. latitude hour angle of 8, by the queftion. Whence by the known proportion of dialling, १०. X I : x :: t : . and tx = or I-XX I-XX I WI 1-XX 44 = cof. lat. 1-xx = 1, and ✔ I-XX PROB. CXLVII. To find in what latitude, an erect fouth declining dial may be made, so that the declination of the plane, the distance of the fubftile from the meridian, and the . ftile's height, are all equal. Let ABC be the right-angled fpherical triangle, in which are found all the requifites; viz, AB = co-lat. <A ≈ co-declination, <B = plane's dif longitude, CB ftile's height, AC fubftile's di- ftance from the meridian, = Let x S.AB, y S.BC. Then (by the pro- perties of right triangles) : tang. BC: cotang. A S.AC, or S.AC tang. BC x cotang. A. But by Se&t. VIII 439 PROBLEM S. X by the queſtion, BC AC comp. A. Therefore Fig. tang. BC or cotang. A = y (S.AC) = y 90. Whence I-yy y (tang. BC x 1 1-yy L-yy cotang. A) = yy > and 1-yyy, or gy+y=1, 1 yy whence y = √5-1 2 1 cof. AC:: cof. AC x 1-yy × √ 1—yy y: And fince AC 1-xxy. Again, in the fame triangle, I cof. BC: cof. AB, whence cof. AB cof. BC; that is, 1-xx = Iyy, therefore =BC, therefore <B<A. Hence all thefe five are equal; 1. Plain's declination. 2. Diſtance of the fubftile from the meridian. 3. Stile's height. 4. Latitude of the place. 5. Comp. of the plane's diff. longitude; and each of them twice the fine of 18°.618034; whence the latitude and declination 38° : 10′½• PRO B. CXLVIII. Given the fun's meridian altitude, and alfo his altitude at two; to find the latitude. = Then (Trig. I. 6. = cof. PO, ay—bx And in the triangle Let Z be the zenith, P the pole; B, O two places of the fun. Let a, b fine and coline of BZ (PO— PZ); x, y = fine and cofine of PO + PZ, c = cof. P, d = cof. ZO. fchol.) ay+bx=S.PO, by — ax =S.PZ, by + ax cof. PZ. OPZ (Trig. III. 38.) ay+bx × ay—bx × c—by—ax Xby+ax=d; that is, canyy—cbhxx+bbyy—aaxx=d, but yy 1-xx, therefore caa-caaxx-cbbxx+bb = -bbxx-aaxxd, but aa+bb1, whence caa -- cxx+bb-xx=d, and xxcxx-caa+bb-d, and F f 4 91. 1 440 B. II. SPHERICAL TRIG. Fig. caa + bbd x = √ Whence PO (or PB), and 91. I с PZ are had. PROB. CXLIX. 92. In the fpherical triangle VAC, there is given the per- pendicular AB, the angle A, and the baſe VC's to find the fegments. Put b * = 10. S.AB, t=tang. VAC, tang. BC. In the triangle BAC, b:::*: tang. VC, 1 1 : = tang. BAC, and (Trig. I. 9.) 1 +cx : t = C X X : I + cx x tb X bb + tx tx tang. VB, and I + : I: Ъ tang. VAB. And in the tri- tb C X. : Whence b + tx 1 + cx angle VAB, 1:b:: C x tb = i + cx b + tx Ђс b. And multiplying, bx+tcx-txx=tb²-bx+bbctx-cbxx, and re- — duced, tbc.xx + bbct — tc.x = bc tbb. PROB. CL. Travelling in an unknown part of the world, I found by chance an old horizontal dial, whofe hour lines were fo decayed by length of time, that I could only difcover thofe of 4 and 5; whofe distance I found juſt 21 degrees; to find the latitude of the place. Let b tang. 60 the hour arch of 4. d tang. 75 the hour arch of 5. t tang. of their difference 21. * = S. latitude. Then Se&t. VIII. 44! PROBLEMS. Then by the known proportion of dialling, rad. Fig. tang. hour arch: tang. hour angle, that is, S. lat. 1 :x :: b: bx = tang. hour I I:x::d: dx = tang. hour But (Trig. I. 8.) 1—btx : 1 :: t + bx of 4. of 5. dx, whence t + bx = dx — bdtxx, and bdtxx + b = d.x +t=o, 2x = -.383864. In numbers 2.48133** and .49084 S.29 24 the lat. x pr x = .31518 = S.18 22 the lat. PROB. CLI. There are given the latitudes of three places lying in the arch of a great circle; and the diff. longitude are equal, between the middle one and each of the ex- tream places; to find their diftances. Let P be the pole, AE the equinoctial; G, V, 93, M, the three places. Put b-tang. MD, c=tang. VB, dtang. CG, ≈≈ S.AB, y S.CB or BD. Then (Trig. I. 5.) x√1-yy +y√1−xx and (Trig. I. 6.) x√1-yyy√1-xx XV ≈:c S.AD; S.AC. Then (Trig. III. 27. cor. 1.) x : c : : x√ I −yÿ +√1-xx: b; and x: c :: x-yy — y√I—xx bx : d. Whence x1-jy + y√1−xx, and ૐ dx = x√1–93 — 3√1−xx. Then adding and C 'bx+ dx C fubtracting theſe laft equations; bx-dx 2xV1-yy, and C b + d mer √1-yy = 20 21-xx by the for- 2 મ = cof. CB or BD. Hence y is known. Therefore in the triangles GPV, VPM, twa 442 B. II. SPHERICAL TRIG. } Fig. two fides and the included angle are given, to find 93. GV, VM, the diſtances required. 94. Or thus, I ปี (By Trig. III. 44. cor.) As rad: tang. PV :: tang. GC+tang. MD : cof. GPV or MPV. PROB. CLII. In the spherical triangle ABC, we have given the an- gles ADC, CDB, BDA, about the point D; and the triangle ABC itſelf; to find the distances AO, BO, CO. Lets, c be the fine and cofine of A; p, q=fine and cof. B, a=S.CDB, ƒ=S.CB, b=S.CDA, d= S.AC, b=cof. AB, #cof. ADB, x, v=fine and cof. DAB; y, z= fine and cof. DBA. Z Then (Trig. I. 6.) sv-cx=S.CAD, and pz--- gy=S.CBD, and in the triangles CAD, BAD, b: dsv-dcx d: : sucx : = S.CD; and a:f::pz- b adcx= gy: fpz-fqy a bfpz — hfqy. =S.CD; therefore adsu In the triangle ADB (Cafe ro. Trig.) bảy0z= But v = VIXX, % = √I Ι KK, Z adsvi XX adcx = bfpvi yy, therefore ولا لا gy bfqy. and bxy-√xx × √1 — yy = n. X I -- I From theſe two equations, the roots may be eaſieſt found by problem xcv; otherwiſe it will afcend to a high equation: or if you pleaſe you may proceed by rule 5, prob. xcii. PROB * } 1 } I ! 1 Fig.79, D T F A 80. E B A C D K A 82. 83 D * F B 2 E Z 85 E R E D C I z 88 H B { E 81. F 2 84. C H B A D B 86 D 27 P 87 2 P B P 89 2 90 B P H A 91 C D C HA P A 92 93 M V B A C C A B E D B 94 B 1 P1.VIII. på..440 つ Sect. VIII. 443 PROBLEM S. PROB. CLIII. Fig. Given the difference of the azimuths of three known Stars; to find their altitudes. Let Z be the zenith; A, B, C, the ſtars. Since 95. their places are given, the triangle ABC will be gi- ven. Put s, fine and cof. ABC, a ≈´S.AB, b=S.BC, n=cof. AC, q cof. AZC, d=S.AZB, CBZ-ABZ C e=S.CZB; x,y=fine and cof. 2 Then sy+cx=S.CBZ=v, and sy-cx=S.ABZ=z. And in the triangles ABZ, CBZ, d: a :: z: b az d = S.CZ ; and in the tri- ve S.AZ, and b : e : : v : angle AZC (Trig. III. 38.) x √1vv = n; and vv=n; qazve dò tranfpofing, + IZZ -ZZ X qaz ve I טים. -vv=n ; a bd and fquaring, I ZZ - vv + VVZZ - NN vuzz 2nqae bå qqaaee Vz + v²x²; and bbat tranfpofing, I- nn — zz + vv — 2ngae VZ + bb dd vz = ssyy· bd qqaæee-bbdd ¿²x², but z² + v² = 2ssy²+2ccxx, and ร CCXX. Therefore -nn2ssyy+2ccxx 2nqaess 2nqaecc qqaaee yy + xx + bbdd X bd bd bbdd $434 2 '<s² c²x²y² + c+x+. Let 1 2nqae = f, 2+ 2nqae bd bd =g 2 then mmfssy + ccgxx+ps4y+~~2 pc²s*y²x² + pc + x^, but yy-xx; therefore expunging y, and redu- cing, px4 +gcc -ƒss — 2pss × xx=mm -fss—ps"。 PROB. nn = 141 117, q q z ze e P: bbat D 444 SPHERICAL TRIG. B. IL 1 Fig. 96. PROB.CLIV. Given the fun's declination, the difference of two altitudes, the difference of azimuths, and the dif- ference of times; to find the altitudes, and the la- titude, Let P be the pole, Z the zenith; A, B, the places of the fun. Put d S. fun's declination, s=S. APB, c=cof. AZB; p, q=fine and cofine BZ-AZ 2 ; x, y fine and cof. BZ+AZ 2 ; then (Trig. 1. 6. fchol. 2.) qx+py S.ZB, qx-py= SZA, qy-px=cof. ZB, gy+px=cof. ZA. Then in the triangle API, 1: d::s: ds S. half AD, and (Trig. I. 2. fchol.) 1-2 ddss cof. AB; and in the triangle AZB (Trig. III. 38.) qqxx-ppyy Xc +qqyyppxx = 1-2ddss; but pp+qq1, and xxyy1; therefore cqqxx-cpp + cppxx+qq- qqxx-ppxx=1—2ddss, or cqqxx + cppxxqqxx- ppxx = 1-2ddss+cpp-qq; that is, cxx-xx = 1-2 ddss+cpp-1+pp=cpp + pp2ddss, whence Then the fides ZA, ZB X = T c+ 1.pp 2ddss are known. In the triangle PAI, find the <A; and in the triangle ZAB, find the angle A, and their difference ZAP; then in the triangle ZAP, there's given two fides and the included angle A; to find ZP, the co-latitude. PROB. CLV. Given two altitudes of the fun or a star, and the times of obfervation; to find the declination, and latitude. Let Z be the zenith, P the pole; B, A, the 97 places of the fun or ftar. Let = cof. BZ, f = Se&t. VIII. 445 PROBLEM S. f=col. AZ, b=cof. ZPB, d=cof. ZPA, x=cof. BPZP, y cof. BP + ZP. I Then (Trig. III. 42. cor. 1.) x-y: 2 :: x-c : 1-5, and x-y: 2 :: x-f: 1-d; therefore x-c: 1-b:: x-f: 1-d; therefore x-dx- +cd=x-f―bx+bf; and bx-dx=c—f+bf—cd, bf-cd+c-f. Allo 16xx-y whence x = b-d =2x-2c, or by-yxbx I- b x+bx-20 20 1+b bf—cd+f—c 2c, and y= = x= bI 1-6 I-b bd CLVI. Fig. 97. PROB. Given two altitudes of the fun, the difference of times, and difference of azimuths; to find the latitude and declination. Suppofe P the pole, Z the zenith; B, A, the 98 places of the fun. Put c=cof. BZA, s=cof. BPA, y=S.BP or PA; b, d=fine and cof. ZB; ƒ, p = fine and cof. ZA. × Then (Trig. III. 38.) in the triangle BZA, bcf + dp = cof. BA; and in the triangle BPA, syy + √I—yy XV y cof. BA; therefore, syy+1—yy=bcf+dp, and s—1.yy = bcf + dp — 1, =S.BP the declination. and y = 1-bcf-dp I-S Then in the triangle BPA, find the angle B, and in the triangle ZBA find the angle B, and then the difference ZBP. Then in the triangle ZBP there are given two fides ZB, BP, and the included angle B; to find ZP, the co-latitude. PROB. 446 B. II. SPHERICAL TRIG. 2 Fig. 98. PROB. CLVII. Given the fun's declination, two altitudes, and the time between them; to find the latitude. Let a, b fine and cof. PA; d,´f=fine and cof. PB; n=cof. ZB, m=cof. ZA; s, c=fine and co- ZPA+ZPB fine and cof. Z fine BPA; y, z v, xfine and cof. ZP. ; 2 Then (Trig. I. 6. fchol.) cz-sy cof. ZPA and cz+sy cof. ZPB, and (Trig. III. 38.) aczv —asyv + bx=m, and dezv+ dsyv +fx, and av n-fx and by adding and fubtracting, 2cx = + • m-hx CZ sy = and cz + sy = du n-fx m-bx an-afx+dm-dbx adv alfo 25y = dv n-fx av m-bx do an afx dm + dbx adv an+dm-afx-dbx 2cadv and y = Whence z = an-dm+dbx-afx 2sadv an + dm an dm Put =P, 2cad 2sad q, db + af = 1 =r, 2cad ¿b-af p-rx =t. Then z = and y = q+tx 2sad V บ But yy, and v√xx; then vi XX then ✔I-yy p-rx, and and I D-rx\ Σ yy = and tranſpofing Z VV D=rx1 Jy = I- ซบ พบ = I-xx-P-rx |² And yy = q + tx Sect. VIII. 447 PROBLEM S. 2 q + tz VV Whence 1-xx—pp+2prx—rrxx=qq + 2qtx+ttxx; and reduced Fig. 9.8. ttxx + 2tqx + qq = 0; + rr + I 2pr + PP. I Or thus, In the triangle BPA, 2 des and the included angle are given, to find <B, and BA. In the triangle BZA, all the fides are given, to find the angle B, and from thence ZBP. Then in the tri- angle ZPB, two fides and the included <B, are given; to find ZP the comp. of the latitude. PROB. CLVHI. Given three altitudes of the fun in one day, and the times, between them; to find the latitude, &c. Lets, a fine and cof. APB; t, b = fine and 99. cof. ABC, d=cof. AZ, ƒ=cof. BZ, g=col. CZ, ≈ — S.ZPA, y=S.AP, BP or CP; ≈≈ S.ZP. z Then (Trig. I. 5. cor. 1.) c√1—xx — sx = cof. c№ XX ZPB, and bi-xx-tx-cof. ZPC. And (Trig. III. 38,) zyVi-t vì vị gia zy√1 xx + √i ZZ X czyvi I -XX szyx + I--ZZ X xi-y=f, and byz√ I~~xx + tyzx +√ ZZ -yyg. By tranfpofition, I-22 XVI Vi -yy=d—zyvi [--XX. Then czy-xx-szyx+d—zvvxx=f, and bzy✓i—xx—tzyx+d—zy√1−xx=g. From the former of theſe two laft equations we get zy = d-f I xx + sx d-g I-W 1−xx + tx and from the latter y and making theſe laft equa- 1 tions *48 B. it. SPHERICAL TRIG: Fig. 99. Xx I-XX tións equal, and reducing, we have d-fx i-b-d-gx1-0 d-gxs-d-fxt tang. ZPA. Then will be known, and alſo ży. But Izz X √T—yy=d—ży√1—xx. zy=r, then Put yy—żż+zzyy—dd-2 dzy√1—xx +zzyy — zzyýxx, and tranfpofing, yy+zz-1-dd + 2dr√1−xx + rrxxp by fubftitution; ther jj+2yz+zz=p+2r, and yy-2ýz+zz = p-21; and y + z = 2r, and y 2= P 2r, whence y = p + 2r + √ p— 2r 2 and z = p+2r-√p—27 2 PROB. CLIX. Having at one inftant the altitudes of two known ftats & to find the latitude. 100. Let Z be the zenith, P the pole; F, A, thê ftars. In the triangle APF, there is given the fides AP, FP the co-declinations, and angle P, thẻ diff. right-afcenfions, to find AF, and <F. Then in the triangle ZFA, all the fides are given, to find the angle F; then <ZFP will be known. Let c=cof. ZFP; a, b fine and cof. ZF; d, f= fine and cof. FP; x=cof. ZP. Then (Trig. IH. 38.) adc + bf = x = S. latitude. PROB. CLX. If there be two known ftars in one azimuth, and having the altitude of either given; to find the latitude of the place. 101. Let Z be the zenith, P the pole; F, A the two ſtars in the azimuth circle ZFA, and ZF is 1 given Sect. VIII. 449 PROBLEM S { given. In the triangle APF, two fides and the in- Fig. cluded angle P, are given; to find the angle F. 101. Put c cof. <ZFP; a, b≈fine and cofine of ZF; d, ffine and cofine of FP; x = cof. ZP. Then in the triangle ZFP (Trig. III. 38.) adc + bf = x the fine of the latitude. If ZA is given, you must find the and put a, b S. and cof. ZA; d, f AP, &c. Otherwife thus, Let the altitude of A be given; s, c cof. APF; d, f angle FAP, S. and cof. fine and cof. AP; m, fine and n = fine x = cof. and cof. FP, a, b fine and cof. ŻA, ZP. Then (Trig. cafe 7. fpherical triangles) co- dn-mfc tang. A = and tang. A = ms ms dn-mf.c by fubftitution; and (Trig. I. 1. fchol.) cof. A = I Vitit And (Trig. III. 38.) the S. latitude. This is a uſeful problem. ad + bf = x Vi+tt $ ## # # ! G g SECT. 450 B. II. Fig. SECT. IX. Geometrical Loci, and Problems relating thereto, line 102. TF the right line AP be drawn from a given If point A, and any number of right lines PM, PM, &c. be drawn thereon, parallel to one ano- ther, or making any given angle with AP. And if the relation of the indetermined quantities AP, PM be denoted in general by fome equation; and if the lengths of PM be every where, fuch as that equation gives; then the curve paffing through all the points M, is called the Locus of the points M, or the locus of that equation. And that equa- tion declares the nature of the curve MM. The degrees of the Loci are denominated from the degrees of the equations, by which they are de- noted. Thus a locus, of the first degree is that where the indetermined quantities rife to one di- menſion; of the fecond degree, when they ariſe to two dimenfions; of the third degree, when they rife to three dimenfions, &c. Right lines are faid to be given in pofition, when they make given angles with one another. PROB. CLXI. 103. If the pole AC or BC revolves about the center C, and the weight D, and ſtring BD hangs at the end of it; to find the nature of the curve GD, defcribed by the weight D. Take AG, and CF, BD. Then fince CF, BD are equal and parallel, therefore (Geom. I. 5. cor. Sect. IX. 451 PROBLEMS of the Loci. cor. 3.) CB, FD, are equal, or FD = CB=CA. Fig. And fince FCGA, add CG, and then FGCA; 103. whence FD=FG. Therefore GD is a circle whofe center is F, the fame with AB, but in a lower po- fition. PRO B. CLXII. Suppofe ACD, acd, &c. to be right-angled triangles, 104. one of whofe angles falls upon the fixed point A, the other in the line AE; and if the fegments BD, bd, be given; to find the nature of the curve paffing through all the right-angles C, c, &c. Let AB=x, BC=y, BD=a; then in the right- angled triangle ACD; AB (x): BC (y) :: BC (y): BD (a); whence ax = yy, for the nature of the curve. Therefore the curve Cc is a parabola, whofe latus rectum is BD or bd, and A the vertex. PROB. CLXIII. A is a fixed point, AB a given line, ABD a given 105. angle; then ſuppoſe the curve AMB to be generated after fuch a manner that drawing any line AC, it may be, as BC to BP :: as r: to s to find the nature of the curve, or the locus of all the points M. Draw MP, mp parallel to DB, and let AP =%, PM y, AB = a, Then by fimilar triangles AP (x) : PM (y) : : AB (a) : BC = the problem, r: s :: BC (4) say Therefore =ra ra rx, X * GN A And by : BP (a-x). and y == Xax-xx, for sa the nature of the curve; and it paffes through A; becauſe when x is o, y iso. G g 2 1 ! PROB. 452 PROBLEMS of B. II. Fig. PROB. CLXIV. 2 106. Given the triangle ABC, and drawing PD parallel to BC; ſuppoſe it be always PM PD-BC2; to find the nature of the curve BM. Put AB=a, BC=b, AP=x, PM=y, then by bx fimilar triangles, a b x: =PD, and by a bbxx the queſtion, -bb-yy, or aayy-bbxx-bbaa, aa b and y = xx-aa. And the curve paffes a through B. PROB. CLXV. 107.The triangle ABC is given being right-angled at B, and drawing FM parallel to CB, it be every where PF2+ PM 2 — BC; to find the nature of the curve BM. Let ABa, BC=b, AP=x, PM-y. Then bx by fimilar triangles, a:b: :x : =PF. And a bbxx by the queſtion, bbxx b and aa aa ✓aa- y = the points M. or AD = CB. a aa-xx, the equation for all And in A, where x is o, y = b, +yy=bb, whence yy=bb- PROB. Sect. IX. 453 the LOC I Fig. PROB. CLXVI. If AB, CF, AC be right lines given in pofition; 108. and PD, pd be always parallel to AC; and if PM be every where equal to CD; to find the locus of the point M. Since AC, PD are parallel; AP will be to CD in a given ratio (Geom. II. 12. cor. 2.); put AP=x, PM=y, and let a b: AP (x) : bx CD; therefore y= bx a a right line, paffing through A. : Therefore AMm is PROB. CLXVII. If the three lines CA, CB, AB be given in pofition; 109. and PM be always drawn parallel to AB; and it be every where AP×PD=PM²; to find the nature of the curve Mm. Let CA=a, AB=b, AP=x, PM=y, then by fimilar triangles, a:b::a+x: b = PD, then a + x a a + x by the question, bx = yy, yy, and and y = a b a Xax + xx; and the curve paffes through A, ſince both x and y are o, at once. But if CB be parallel to CA, then PD and bxyy, or y=x. AB, And if C lie on the other fide of A, then PD = ^=-x k, and y = X ax XX. a a In which cafe, when x Ba then yo, and the curve paffes there through the axis C. G g 3 When 454 PROBLEMS of B. II. ? * Fig. When is greater than a, y is the fquare root 109. of a negative quantity, which is impoffible; and therefore the curve goes no further than A. PROB. CLXVIII. 110.There is given the right-angled triangle ABD; and drawing PM, pm" always parallel to BD; and making PM every where equal to BF; to find the nature of the curve DMm. Put AB=a, BD=b, BP=x, PM-y. by fimilar triangles, ab: a +x : <="PF, and BF² = xx aaxx+bbaa + zbbax + bb xx aa Then a + x b Q bb × a + x² aa ; therefore 266x aa+bb y = √ bb + + xx, for the nature aa of the curve. 1 PROB. CLXIX. 111. BA is a given line, draw PM perpendicular to BAP; and let AM be always a mean proportional between AB and AP; to find the nature of the curve AmM. Let ABa, APx, PMy, then AM = 'xx+yy, and per queſt. a: √xx+yy:: √xx+yv x, and ax = xx+yy, whence y = ax--xx. PROB } }, I } 1 1 T # Fig. 95 Ꮓ 96 B Z B 1 A १ B + Z 97 B A Z D 98. A 99. F B 100 C F Z 101 104 C M M P. M A P P P A B A DE 102 t 拾 103 105 MC D D 172 M 106 $ PP B В Р Р C B M # Τ P 107 A 108 m M DI F 109 C M M A P P B B D D a Pl. IX. pa. 454 N OF 7 Sect, IX. 455 the LOC I. Fig. 3 PROB. CLXX. The line CF and point A being given; from any 112. point D in that line, through A, draw DAM, and make DA´× AM always equal to a given Square; to find the locus of M. x Draw BAP perpendicular to CF, and PM per- pendicular to AP, and put AB = a, AP = ≈ PM=y, then AM√xx+yy, bb the given ſquare. By fimilar triangles x : √xx+yy :: a : a√xx+yy =AD. Then per queſt. a X x xx+yy X bbx bbx bb, and xx+yy= > whence y= -xx. 20 a PROB. CLXXI. AD is a circle, C its center; draw AB perpendicu-113. lar to CAP. Then draw any line CB, and BM parallel to AP; and make always BM = DB; to find the nature of the curve mM. = Draw MP perpendicular to CP, and let CA=r, AP = x, PM ≈y, then CB√rr+yy, and BD = √rr+yy—r. But AP or BM BD, that is, x =√rr+yy—r, and √rr+yy =r+x, and fquaring, rr+yyrr + 2rx + xx, whence y ✔2rx 2rx + xx. PROB. Gg.4 456 B. II. PROBLEMS of Fig. 114. 115. PROB. CLXXII. CAD is a given angle, CD a given line, M a given point in it. Let this line fo move in the angle CAD, that the ends D, C may always touch the fides AD, AC; to find the curve defcribed by the point M. Draw MP, MB parallel to AC, AD, and put DM a, CM, cof = <Ac, AP = x, PMy. By fimilar triangles, CM (b) : BM (x) :: DM (a): DP = ax But in the triangle b aaxx 2acxy = ao b MPD (Trig. cafe 5.) yy + or yy= aa 2acxy anxx + > bb the curve. PROB. bb for the equation of CLXXIII. The line CA is perpendicular to AP, ABM is a ſquare. whofe fides CB, BM are given; to find the curve defcribed by the point M, whilst the B, and end C, move along PA, AC. Draw MP perpendicular to AP, CB=a, BM=b, APx, PM y; the triangles CAB, BMP are cy fimilar, and by::a: AB. And BP = { b ay ✔bb bbyy, therefore ō + √ bb →→yy=x, and √bbyyx, 1 ay bb_xy = x — b and fquaring bb-yy — xx -- 2axy naviy aa + bb + And reduced h 66 bb vy = bb 2ayx f XX. PROB. Sect. IX. the LOC I. 457 PROB. CLXXIV. The lines AV, AB, AE are given in pofition, the point V is given; if the line VE be always drawn through V, and the part intercepted CE be divided in a given ratio at M; to find the locus of the points M, m. Draw MP parallel to AB, and DM, BE pa- rallel to AP, and put AP≈≈, PM=y, AV—a. r to s as CM to ME, S. <BAE=p, S. <EAP or BEA = q. + The triangles VAC, VPM, DCM, BCE are +x:x::a: ay a+x Fig. 116. fimilar, and = AC, and a+x y: (DM) x: xy a+x - DC. Alfo r:s:: CM xy : ME::CD : DB = a + x sxy ra+rx And CM r+s :CE::r:rts r angle BAE, : BA = r+s sxy qx = y + ' and r+sx qx × a + x pr rxa +x xBE, and in the tri- да BAE, p : 9 :: BE ("+s p: q: : BE ('+ x) ): = pry × a + x + psxy, which reduced is (putting r+s=d) dqxx + dqax = pray +dpxy, and y = daxx + dqax dq ax+xx X pra + dpx P ar + dx PROB. CLXXV. BCD is a given angle, D a fixed point, BM parallel to CP; and BM to MD are always in a given ratio; to find the locus of M. Draw MP parallel to BC; and put CA = a, AD=b, cof. <P = c, AP_=x, FMy; then PD= 117. 458 PROBLEMS of B. II. Fig. PD-b-x, and BM=a+*; then (Trig. caſe 5.) 117. 2 MD = √√yy + b—x| yy + b—x — 2cy × -x. Whence it 2 is, aba+x: yy + b = x[ -2cyxb-x; which fquared and multiplied, bbaa+2bbax+bbxx aayyaabb-2aabx+aaxx—2caaby+2caayx, and reduced aayy+2caayx2caaby=bbxx +aaxx + 2bbax + zaabx. PROB. CLXXVI. 118. C, D are two fixed points in the line CD; and CM Square is every where to MD Square, in the given ratio of r to s. To find the locus of M. X. Draw MP perpendicular to CD, and let CA=a, ADd, AP, PM =y, then CP = a + %, PD = b - x. Therefore it is rs: aa: bb:: (CM²) yy + a + x|² : (MD²) yy + b—xl; there- fore bbyy +bbaa + 2bbax + bbxx = aayy + aabb-- 2aabx+aaxx. Whence aayy-bbyy bbxx-aaxx + 2bbax + 2aabx; and yy = a+b aa-bb X 2abx ** = XX zab a-b X XX. PROB. CLXXVII. The lines AB, AD are given by pofition; the points 119. P, B, and angles CPD, CBD are given. Now if the angles CPD, CBD move about the centers P, B, whilst the interjection D (of the fides PD, BD) runs along the line AD; to find the curve which the in- terfection C, of the other fides, defcribes. Draw CS, DF perpendicular to AB; and put AP-a, Pbb, tang. <PAD=1, tang, CPD=p, tang. Sect. IX. LOC I. the 459 tang. CBD = 4, PF = v, PS = x, SC=y, and Fig. BF bv, BS = b — x. Then by Trigonometry, 1:a+v:;t: ta+to DF. And v: 1 :: ta + tv ta + tv tang. DPF. v y: =tang, CPS. 1199 Alfo : I: Y y X ta+tv And b-v: 1 :: ta+tv: I b-v tang. DBF. y And b-x: 1 :: y y: b-x tang. CBS. ta+tv ta+tv But (Trig. I. 8.) 1— y y: 1 :: + VX บ ta+tv And I يو ta+tv y X : I :: + b-x bv b-x and multiplying the extreams and means, pux-ptay ptvy tax + tvx + vy = taxtvx+vy And qx b-vxb-x-tagy-tqvy=ta+tv × b-x + by-vy; that is, gb x b-x-qvxb-x taqy tqvy=tab—tax+tv× b—x+by—vy; and tranf- pofing, tv+qux b−x + tqvy — vy = qb xbx × tabby. By this and the former 9bbqbattaqy—tab+taxby - tagy + tax equation, v= qb- b-qxtqy+tb-tx-y tax +ptay px-tx-pty-y And fubftituting for the known compound quantities, cx+dy+f tax + tapy ; reduced -gx+by+ l nx-sy sd taphyy tagxx C12 + tapgxy + telx + taply = o. fiz + sf tab + sc dn PROB. ト 3 460 PROBLEMS of B. II. Fig. PRO B. CLXXVIII. 120. To find the figure for the ſection of a groin, the bafes of the two folids being AFL a femicircle, and ABC, a right-angled ifoceles triangle. Groining in joinery is fitting two prifmatic fo- lids to join at right angles, fo that the furfaces of both may coincide, no part of one being higher than the other, and the ends of both of them muſt be cut away to a certain figure, or elfe they can never join truly. Let the perpendicular ſections AFL, ABC of the folids be perpendicular to the plane LACD, on which the figure is to be drawn. And ſuppoſe AMD to be the figure; draw MI, MP parallel to AC, AL; at I, P, draw the ordinates IF, PO, perpendicular to AL, AC. Now the nature of the groin requires that the lines FI, and PO, which are to coincide, muſt be equal. Therefore compute FI, OP in both figures, and put them equal to one another. X Let AL or AC≈a, AP=x, PM=y. Then IF = √AI × IL = a-yxy; and fince ABC is a right angle and AB = BC, OP will = AP; therefore OP=x, whence x✔ay-yy. Whence AM is an arch of a circle equal to AF. And for the ſame reaſon, the part at D of AMD is a like arch, and the whole curve AMD confifts of two quadrants of the circle AFL, meeting in the mid- dle, and turning contrary ways. Therefore if the ends of the two folids, be cut into the figures ELDMAF, and BCDMAB; they will exactly fit one another. PROB. Se&t. IX. 461 the LOC I Fig. PROB. CLXXIX. To find the figure of a groin, when the bafes or ends 121. of the bodies are AFL a femicircle, and ABC the Segment of a circle. Let AMD be the curve; draw MP, MI pa- rallel to AL, AC; and IF, PO perpendicular to AL, AC. ža I Put AL a, AC≈b, AP=x, PM=y. Then becauſe the figures APL and ABC muft always be of equal height, therefore a the height of ABC. Then to find the diameter of ABC, we fhall have bb+aa divided by a, for the diame- ter; put D diameter, then D-a the diſtance of the chord AC from the center, put D—a=c, and PO or 1F = v. Then by the nature of the circle (in the figure ABC), 2cv + vv = bx-XX ; and ay-yy vv, in the figure AFL. Therefore 2cv ay-yy=bx-xx, and 2cv=yy+bx-xx-ay, alfo v = √ ay-yy, and 2cv=2cay-yy yy - ay+bx-xx; which fquared and reduced gives an equation of the fourth power for the locus of M. PROB. CLXXX. To find a general equation to the ellipfis, referred to any line as an axis; which ellipfis will therefore be the locus of that equation. Let BFDG be the ellipfis, C the center: Let 1222 the point A be given, and any line AL, given in pofition, for the axis. Take the angle KAL at pleaſure, and through C, draw the diameter BD, parallel to AK, and FCG the conjugate to it, and AN, PM, LK parallel to FG. Put BC or CD=t, 462 B. II. PROBLEMS of $ Fig. CDt, p=parameter belonging to BD, AL-a, 122.LK = 6, AK = c, CN=ƒ, AN=n, AP =*, b, PM = y. By the fimilar triangles ALK, API; a:b::x 123. bx CX : PI; and a:c::x: - AI. Then PR a a bac bx = n + a a CX CX RM=y-n- CR = —f, BR = 1−f + C*, RD = 1+ f — c. a a And by the pro- perty of the ellipfis 2t: p:: BRD: RM² :: tt -- f+ 2cfx a 26xy 2bn x a bbxx CCXX : yy any + nn + aa aa + ; and multiplying extreams and a means, and reducing, 2aatyy—-—4abtxy+2tbbxx—4aatny+4nbtnx+2aatnn=0 +pcc -zapcf-paatt +paaff An equation to the ellipfis FD referred to the axis AL. ´Where note, yy and xx have the fame fign. And if xy is in the equation, the fquare of half its coefficient is lefs than the coefficient of xx multi- plied by the coefficient of yy. And if xy be want- ing, xx and yy have the fame fign. PROB. CLXXXI. To find a general equation to the hyperbola, referred to any line as an axis; and which hyperbola will confequently be the locus of that equation. Make Let DM be a hyperbola, C the center, AL any line drawn from the given point A. LAK any given angle; and through C draw the diameter BD, parallel to AK, and FCG its con- jugate, Sect. IX. 463 the LOCI jugate, and draw AN, PM, LK parallel to FG. Fig. Put BC or CD=t, p=parameter of BD; AL-a, 123. LK = b, AK = c, CN = ƒ, ANn, AP = x, PM = y. From the fimilar triangles ALK, get (as in the laſt problem,) PI = API, we fhall bx Al= сх a a bx bx whence PR n + , RM-y-- and CR a a CX -f-t, and BR = CX a a =-f, and DR = a f+t. And by the (BR × DR) p: 2t: p - nature of the hyperbola, 2cfx (MR) yy 2ny + nn - CCXX aa a +f-tt: 2bxy + 2bnx bbxx + a a aa And the means and extreams multiplied, and then reduced, 2taayy—4btaxy + 2tbbxx➡4tnaay + 4tnbax+2taann pcc +2acpf -paaff +paatt Note, when xy is not in the equation, yy and xx have different figns. And if xy be there, the ſquare of half its coefficient is greater than the co- efficient of xx multiplied by the coefficient of yy. SECT! 464 1 "3 B. II. Fig. F SECT. X. Mechanical Problems. PROB. CLXXXII. 124. If the weight P break the beam DE, when fupported looſe at A, B; to find what weight will break it, when the ends D, E, are fixed, that they cannot rife. SUP = > UPPOSE DA AG, and BE BC. Sup- pofe the beam cut through at C, and let P be laid upon D, whilft P remains at C; then the preffure at A will be P, therefore the beam will alfo break at A, having the fame ſtreſs there as it had at C. For the fame reaſon, if P be applied to E, CE will break at B. Confequently, if 2P be applied to C, the beam being whole; and the ends D, E fixed; the beam will break at A, C, and B; and therefore it bears twice the weight of 2P, at C, before it breaks. PROB. CLXXXIII. 125. The Strength of a beam AB, being given; to find its Strength when a hole (ac) is cut out of the middle, and alfo an equal one (rn) in the fide. By the principles of mechanics, (Mechan. 4to. Prop. LXX. and Cor.) the ftrength of the beams whoſe thickneffes are db, da, dc, will be as db², da", and de. Now as the ftrength of all the particles between b and d, is denoted by db², and the ſtrength of all the particles between a and C 1 1 } 1 در է Fig no. 712 D M M m M 112. m B APP A 111. B A 113. PB Př 114 XAM B D M M B 116. m 117. 115 M 118 11.9 A P P F S F H 12-2 B E A P E 120 L A I M B A P 121 A # M B D C. D C M F R D N C R K D C B N K A I 123 Ꮐ P L t G P I Pl.X.pa..464 UN OFF Ay Sect. X. 465 MECHANICAL PROBLEMS. and d, by ad'; therefore the ftrength of all the Fig. particles between b and a, (the point D being 125. fixed) will be db-da", add the ftrength between and d, which is cd; and the strength of ba and cd, that is, the ftrength of the hollow beam is db-da+cd. But at the fection r the ftrength is fn". 2 2. Whence if nrac, the ftrength at b to the ftrength at r is as db-da+cd to db-ca; that is, as db2dc X ca-ca² to db dbx ca+ca². Therefore if dh' be the ftrength of the whole db? beam, 2dc + ca x ca will be the be the defect of ftrength of the hollow beam, when it breaks at b; and 2db-ca × ca, the defect of ftrength when it breaks at n or f, which is greater than the former. And for the fame reafon the defect of ftrength to break at d, will be 2ba + ac X ca. PROB. CLXXXIV. To Support a long prifmatic body horizontally by two 126. props A, B; that it fhall as foon break in A or B as in C. AFGB BE=y, CF=CG=x, Let DA DC CE=n, then n 2y+x. = The parts AF and BG lay no ftrefs upon C, being balanced by the contrary weights DA, BE, equal to them. Therefore the ftrefs at C, arifes from the weight FG; and must be equal to the ftrefs at A, arifing from the weights AD, AF. The ftrefs at A by the weight DF is DFX DF or 2yy, (Mechan. 70. and cor.) and the ſtreſs (by FG fufpended) at C is AB x FG, or 2y+4x X 2. But (ib. cor. 5.) 2 AC (2y+2x): AF+AC (23+x) :: ftrefs at C, by FG fufpended at C (2y+2xx 2x): to the ſtreſs at C, in the poſition FG Hh 2y+*X 2x. Therefore 1 1 1 466 B. II. MECHANICAL Fig. Therefore 23y = 2y+-x×2x. Or yy=2xy+xx = 126.nxnxn—2y, and 2y, and yy+2n1y yy+2ny = nn. Whence y= And xnx 3—2√2• } PROB. CLXXXV. 127. If two weights P, T keep one another in equilibrio, on the two wheels whofe radii are AB, CB; the Strait tooth AB of the one, acting on the crooked tooth BD of the other; to find the proportion of the weights P, T. Draw EBF perpendicular to OD, EH perpen- dicular to AB, and FG perpendicular to BC. The point B of the end AB, is acted upon by three forces: 1. in direction AB; 2. in direction BE, 3. in direction EH by the weight P; and theſe forces are as BH, BE, EH. Again, the point B of the tooth BD is acted on by theſe three forces: 1. in direction BC ; 2. in direction FB; 3. in direction FG by the weight T, and theſe forces are as BG, BF and FG. But the action and reaction at the point B, being equal; we have BE BF, and in the right-angled triangle BHE, rad. (1): EB:: S.ABE: HE EBXS.ABE. EB::S.ABE And in the triangle BGF, rad. (1): BF or EB:: S.FBG : GF = EB × S.FBG. Whence P: T:: HE: GF:: EBXS.ABE: EBXS.FBG; that is, P:T:: cof. ABD: cof, CBD, when the weights are in equilibrio. Whence if ABC is a right line, P=F; and if <CBD≈o, then P: T:: cof. ABO : radius. PROB Sect. X. 457 PROBLEM S. Che PRQ B. CLXXXVI. To find proper numbers for the wheels and pinions of a clock, to go eight days; and to ſhew hours by the great wheel, minutes by the ſecond wheel, feconds by the balance wheel, and to beat feconds. For the moving part. Fig. Suppoſe four wheels in the moving part A, B, 128, C, D, and let the numbers for the wheels and pi- nions be denoted as in the figure, and let fi2, bheight the weight defcends, t time of going down in hours. A It is plain number of revolutions B has P B for one of A, and number of revolutions C 9 AB has for one of B; whence number of revo- Pq ABC lutions C has for one of A. And likewiſe pqr number of revolutions D has for one of A. 1 Since the arbor of D carries an index to fhew feconds, therefore D30, becauſe for every tooth there are two beats, and 2D = 60, Becauſe the arbor of B carries an index to ſhew minutes, and of A to fhew hours; confequently A goes about in 12 hours, and B in 1, whence A P 12. And becaufe D goes 60 times round for B's BC once, therefore = 60. qr BC qr Therefore the two equations. A 12, and P 60, will refolve the queftion; which being Hh 2 un- 468 B. H. MECHANICAL Fig. unlimited, many of them may be taken at pleaſure, 128. provided they be all whole numbers. Suppoſer 6, p=8, q=8; then A=96, and BC=6x8x60, and if Boo, then C 48; or B=72, and C=40. It will be better if B and q, C and r be prime to one another. To find the diameter of the wheel for the rope, it will be t:b:: f: fb t circumference, and fb 3.1416t = diameter. For the striking part. Let L be the fly, K the warning-wheel, I the detent wheel, H the pin-wheel, G the great wheel, F the count wheel, their teeth and pinions as in the figure; n = number of ſtriking pins, and there are 78 ftrokes in 12 hours: F goes round in 12 hours, I goes round for every ftroke of the clock. number of revolutions of H in 13 Now 78 n FG hours, and ab number of revolutions of H to FG ub one of F, that is, in 12 hours; therefore 78 12 Again, I goes round 2 times for H's once, and therefore =n. Therefore from theſe two equations FG ab 78 n H C > and Hcn, all the requifites may be found; but being unlimited moſt of the num bers may be taken at pleaſure, fo as they be all convenient whole numbers. Becauſe the pin in the warning-wheel muſt al- ways come to the fame place when the clock has ftruck Sect. X. 469 PROBLEM S. + } I ftruck out, therefore a whole number. L Fig. d 128. phenomenon to be fhewn by them. SABC p q r then H=72, and FG= 78×48 =4×78, there- 1 2 FG 13 and G = 24. But note ab and e may be any numbers, becauſe there is The train or beats in an hour is Suppofe 12, a=6, b=8, c=6; ʼn = no ABC 60 X p q r 12 = fore F may be may be put into one wheel or more as one pleaſes. If the ſtring go about the axis of F, its diameter is found as in the other. But if it go round the axis of G, it must be made lefs in proportion as a to F. If one weight carry both parts, their dia- meters muſt be but half the former quantities. PROB. CLXXXVII. Suppofing with BORELLI part. I. prop. 22. de motu animalium), that a ſtrong man can but bear 26 lb. at arm's end, and that the weight of his whole arm is equivalent to 4 lb at arm's end; from the length of his arm given; to find the dimenfions of that man's arm, that can bear no more than its own weight. Suppofe 4 lb. at arm's end equivalent to 8, the weight of the arm. And fuppofe the two arms, fi- milar folids, and the arm half the length of the body. Put a length of a common man's arm, b = 4 lb. w = 261b, x = length of the great man's arm. The weight of like bodies are as the cubes of weight of the the fides, ax³:: 26: 26x3 H h 3 AL 1 great 470 B. II. MECHANICAL 1 Fig. 6x3 great man's arm, and as the weight at arm's end, producing the fame ftrefs. And the ftrefs being as the length and weight, we have w+6 × a = trefs of the common man's bx3 arm; and xftrefs of the great man's arm. 4 But (by mechanics) the ftrefs in this cafe, is as the ftrength, that is, as the cubes of the Therefore a³ : x³ : : w + bx c : a³: like fides, bx4 935 whence bx+ = w + b x ax³, or x = w+b b 304 a = = 71a. 4 } = Now if a 1 yard; then if there be a man whoſe height is above 15 yards; he will not be able to ftretch out his arm. PROB. CLXXXVIII. 129. Given the length and poſition of the beam AD, leaning against the wall DE; to find the pofition of the plane BE, on which it may stand without moving. Let G be the center of gravity of the beam to- gether with any weight it carries. Through G, draw the horizontal line BH. And fuppofe DA put into the pofition da, infinitely near the former. Now fince the beam is to have no inclination of moving from the pofition DA, or da; the center of gravity G, g muit be in the horizontal line BH, by the principles of mechanics. Draw Gn, dm, Ar perpendicular to ad or AD. And let DG=b, AG=c, b=S.DHG, p, q=fine and cof. ADH; s, ƒ fine and coline DGH, x tang. DAE, f v = DF. = Since DG dgmn, and AG=ag=rn, there- fore Dmngar. In the triangle Ddm, SmdD (g) Sect. X. 471 PROBLEM S. Р (9) : S.mDd (p) : : mD : md = 2 × mD or x gn. 9 Fig. q 129. And in the triangle Ggn, S.gGn (f): S : gn: Gn = x gn. By the F S.Ggn (s) :: gn fimilar triangles Fdm, FGn, Fd ~) (b-v Р må (2 × gn) (×gn), whence (v): (v) : FG : n G v) : : : má q So - pb-pv and qsv = f 9 pbf —pfv, and v = pbf But (Trigon. I. 5.) pf+qs pf+qsb. Therefore v pbf. In the triangle b = Aar, I ar or ng : :x : rA≈≈× ng. And in the fimilar triangles FDm, FAr, Fd (v) : md ::FA(b+c− 7) :TA (Xng); ×gn) : ( 2 x P q therefore vx = × b+c—v, and vqx=pb+pc -pv, and vqx+pv=pb+pc, and fubftituting the value of v, qx + px =pb+pc, and bfqx + pbf b bb+ch-bfp bfp=bb+ch, whence x = bfq P Whence 9 b + c { ? bjq 1. If DH be perpendicular to the horizon, 1, s=q, f= p, and x = 2. If DH nearly coincides b + c P. 9 bpq with DA, bs, p=0, b+c b+c S q=1, then x=2 X b or X tang DGH. H h 4 PROB. : 472 B. II. MECHANICAL Fig. PROB CLXXXIX. Having given, the specific gravity of two things, and likewife the Specific gravity of a mixture of them; to find the proportion of the things mixed. Let A, B be the two things, and M the mix- ture, a, b, m, the ſpecific gravity of A, B, M; A, B, M their magnitudes. Then fince the abfolute weight is as the magnitude and fpecific gravity; therefore a A, B, mM will be the weight of A, B, M. And aA+bB=mM=mxA+B, and tranf- pofing aAmAmB-bB. Whence m-b: a m:: A: B. PROB. CXC. Having given the weights and velocities of two fphe- rical bodies perfectly eiaftic, meeting one another in a right line; to determine their velocities, after re- flexion. Let A, B, be the weights of the bodies, a, b, their velocities towards different parts, x and y their velocities the contrary way, after reflexion. Then Aa, Bb are the quantities of motion in their re- ſpective directions, before reflexion; and Ax, By after. As the bodies are elatlic, they will recede from one another, with the fame relative velocity they met, whence a+by+x. And (by mecha- nics) the difference of the motions, moving the fame way, will remain the fame after as before the ſtroke, therefore Aa-Bb-By-Ax, but y=a+b x, therefore Aa-Bb-Ba+Bb→Bx—Ax; and tranfpofing, Ax+Bx=aB÷bB—Aa+bB, and ≈≈ B-AXa+2Bb A+B and y= A−Bxb+2  a A+B PROB 1 Sect. X. 473 PROBLEM S. PROB. CXCI. ¿ Fig. ACDB is a thread fixed at. A and B, at the points C, D of this thread are fixed the two threads CE, DF, with the weights E, F; having given the weight F, and the pofition of the points C, D, to find the weight E. } Let the weight Fw, weight E=x, S.<CDB 130. =s, S.FDB=t, S DCA = p, S.ECA =q. The point D is kept in equilibrio by forces. in directions DB, DC, DF, which are to one ano- ther, as the fines of the angles they pafs through (Mechan. 8. cor. 2.): therefore S. CDs (s) : force at F (w) :: S.FDB (t) force in DC = tw کو = force in CD, becauſe action and reaction are equal and contrary. Again, the point C is drawn by three forces, in directions CD, CA, CE; therefore, S.ECA (q): force CD ( CD (120) (tw) :: S.ACD (p) : force at E (x), S therefore qx = ptw and x = pt w. S PRO B. # qs CXCII. Three points of the cieling, A, B, C are given, to 131. which are fixed the threads AF, BF, CF whofe lengths are given; to thefe is fixed the thread FD, with the given weight D; to find the tenfion of all the threads. Becauſe the triangle ABC is given, and the lengths of the threads; the point O will be given, where DF produced cuts the cieling. Produce AQ to E, and draw EF, which will be = √FO²+OE². All 1 474 MECHANICAL, &c. B. II. } Fig. All the fides of the triangles CFE, EFB, are gi 31. ven, and confequently the angles. Now inftead of the threads FC, FB, fuppofe the thread FE to fuftain the weight. And then the whole is fuſtain- ed by the two threads AF, FE acting in the per- pendicular plane AOEF. Draw OL parallel to AF, in the plain AEF, and LG parallel to CF in the plane CFB. Put AE, AF÷b, EO=c, AQ=d, EF=ƒ, OF = b, S.<CFB = p, S.CFE = 9, S.EFB = ș. Then (Mechan. &.) the tenſion of the threads DF, AF, EF, will be denoted by OF, OL, LF; and taking away the thread FE, the tenfion of the threads CF, BF, will be LG, GF. Then to find each, By fimilar triangles, EA (a) AF (b) :: bc : AO (d) :: EO (c): OL = And EA (a) a fd EF (ƒ): LF = And in the triangle FLG, ¿ 3 t a S.LGF (p) : LF (fd a :: S.LFG (s): LG = S.FLG (q) : FG = sfd and ap are refpectively as qd f pa Therefore the tenfions of DF, AF, CF, BF, bc sfd qfd b, a ap ap SECT 1 · 1 S E C T. XI Philofophical or Phyfical Problems. 475 Fig. PROB. CXCIII. Required the height of the tower, from the top of which a stone falling to the bottom, the found will reach the ear at the top, in the time of the fall. T2 UT b-16 feet, the height a body falls in a ſecond. PUT 1142 feet, the ſpace found moves through in a fecond. a = time of the body's falling. Then :c::a: cafpace found moves in the time I And 1: aa :: b: baa height the ball defcends. Therefore per qu, baa—ca, and a= CC C b =71 feconds. And baa = ca = 81088, the height. b PROB. CXCIV. There is a round tower, whofe circumference is 100 yards, a ſpiral tube runs about, from bottom to top, . at an elevation of 61° : 5'. A ball put in at the top of this tube will run down to the bottom in 8 fe- conds; to find the height. Let ABD be 61° : 5', AC perpendicular to 132. BD, and BC perpendicular to AB. Then whilſt a body falls through AC, another would defcend M through " 476 PHYSICAL B. II. Fig. through AB in the fame time (Mechan. Prop 34. 132.cor. I. 4to.) Fut b 16.1 feet, d=8", s=S.ABD. Then by the laws of falling bodies, Ib:: dd: bdd height fallen in 8"-AC. And rad. (1): AC (bdd) :: S.C (s) : bdds = AB. And rad. (1) : AB (bdds): S.ABD (s): bddss AD, the height required 789. PROB. CXCV. and Given the distance of the earth and the moon, their quantities of matter; to find the place where a body will be attracted to neither of them. t Let ddiftance of their centers, matter in /= the moon, matter in the earth, x = diftance from the earth where the body is, then d-xits diſtance from the moon. Then fince the force of attraction is as the mat- ter directly, and the ſquare of the diſtance inverſe- ly; therefore we have earth's attraction, and Z t XX moon's attraction; but per queſt. theſe A d-x1 t 1 are equal, therefore XX dd—2dx+xx reduced is t—l.xx t- 2dtx + ddto. which PROB. CXCVI. A clock that keeps true time on the furface of the earth; being carried to the top of a certain moun- tain, loft 2 minutes in a day. What was the mountain's height? Let r earth's radius=6982000 yards, b=1440 minutes, 2 minutes, a height of the mountain. But Sect. XI. 477 PROBLEMS. But (Mechan, prop. 40. cor. 6. 4to.) the length Fig. of a pendulum is as the force of gravity, and the fquare of the time of vibration; and the length be- ing given, the force of gravity is reciprocally as the fquare of the time of vibration But the force of gravity is alfo as the fquare of the diſtance from the earth's center; therefore the time of vibration of the fame pendulum, is as the diſtance from the earth's center and the number of vibrations in a given time, reciprocally as that diſtance. Therefore r : ::rta: I I and ? b b-c rta b r br and r+a = Whence b-c b-c° br cr $ = =9697. b-c b-c PRO B. CXCVII. A ball projected from the top of a tower, at an ele- 133. vation of 31 deg. above the horizon, did in 9% ſen conds fall 2000 feet from its bafe; to find the height. Let x=VB the tower's height, BA=d the di- Atance, tang. DVC = 31°, t=9% the time, b f16.1; then In the time t, the ball without gravity would arrive at D, and in the fame time it would defcend through DA. Whence 1:f: : tt: ttf = DA by the laws of falling bodies. And in the triangle DVC, 1 b::d: db DC, and DC+CA=DA, or db + x = ttf, and x=ttf db = 149. PROB. 478 B. II. PHYSICAL Fig. PROB. CXCVIII. If a ball be dropped from the top of a tower a mile high, on the fide facing the east, in latitude 51; where will it fall? 134. Let the body fall at D, whilft the tower by the rotation of the earth is carried to IC. Now by the laws of centripetal force, the area AIE, which the body, moving in the circle AIF defcribes; is equal to the area AGDE, which the body moving in the curve AGD defcribes in the fame time, that is, in the time of falling through AB. Hence the área AGIarea EGD; and AGDF-EIF. But by reafon of the fmall diſtance BD, the curve AGD. (which otherwife would be an ellipfis) is nearly a parabola; and the area of AFD=÷AFX AB=FIXAE, the area of the ſector EIF. Firſt, let A be a place in the equinoctial. Put BE21000000 feet, AB=m=5280, f=16.1, t=24 hours 86400", c=3.1410, a = DC, p col. 51%. Then by the laws of falling hours=86400″, bodies, f: 1 :: √m : : ول f time of falling m : BC = through AB. And t: 2rc:: M =d, and BD = a+d; alfo by fimilar 2rc t f m+r fectors, rr+m::a+d: Xa+d = AF. до And ra: :r+m: r+m a FI. Therefore r r+m r+m x a + d x m axr+m; therefore 3r 2r m r+m a + d x a, and 2am + 2dm = 3ra + 3 2 3ma, and reduced a = 2dm 3r+m 4.64; and pa= 2.88 for the lat. 51. PROB. 7 Sect. XI. 479 PROBLEMS. PROB. CXCIX. There are two iflands A, C; at C is a caftle. A fhip from A to C keeps pace with the waves of the fea, 100 in number, from A to B. At В he fires a gun, which ecchoes back from the castle to B, in 3 Seconds; and the time of failing from В to C was 3 minutes; to find the distance AC. Let b=100, c=3″, d=3', ƒ=39.2 in. the length of a fecond pendulum, a=1142 feet, the velocity of found in a fecond, AC=y, and breadth of a wave. Then by the motion of pendulums, √ƒ: 1 :: -time of vibration of the pendulum x. √x: √ And ✓ f " :*:: I': √fx = a fpace. But (by the principles of philofophy) while the pendulum x vibrates once, the fhip or a wave runs through the breadth ; or in fecond runs through the ſpace √fx. 6a 2 And "fx:: d": dfx = CB. Alfo by the motion of found r″ : a :: I • c : 2 །e CB, for the eccho returns with the fame velo- city the found went. Therefore d/fx ca and , 2 therefore AB = ccaa ccaa ddfx = and x = ; 4 4ddf bccad bx = 4ddf ca and y = y: + 2 4adj bccaa 1.g. 135. " PROB. 480 B. II, PHYSICAL } , Fig. 136. PROB. CC. * Suppoſing a planet and its fatellite to move in circular orbits. it is required to find, whether the path of a fatellite is concave or convex to the fun, when it is in a line between the fun and its primary. At the time of the conjunction, if the planet and fatellite, both defcribe very fmall arches in the fame time, whofe verfed fines are equal, the fatel- lite will then move in a right line. Let ABC be the orbit of the planet, EF that of the fatellite whilſt the planet moves through AB, the orbit of the fatellite EF is moved into the pofition ef, and the fatellite has moved from e to o. Draw BD, on perpendicular to AE, Be; and CG perpendicu- lar to AG. Now put AD ne, then fince the center (of the orbit EF,) A is advanced to B, nearer to the line CG, by the diſtance AD; and the point o is receded from the fame line CG, by the diſtance en equal to AD; it is plain, E and o are equidiftant from GC, and Eo is a right line, or the fatellite E, o, at that time moves in a right line. Let aeo, b=AB, r, s≈ the radii of eo, AB. Hence AD = = bb aa bb a a > and en = and > 25 27 25 27 Put p periodic time of the fatellite, 9 that of the primary; c=3.1416×2. Then crp: a : : time of de- pa time of defcribing a; and b q cr CS ра дв == qb, and ppaa qqbb r S 27r fcribing b, then vide this by the former equation, and pp = rqq. S PP r 25.5 ? 99 di- or Therefore as pp is greater, equal, or leffer Sect. XI. 481 PROBLEM S leffer than 2, then the fatellite's orbit is con- Fig. 136. cave, ftreight, or convex towards the fun, in its conjunction. PROB. CCI. To find the divifions of a monochord, to found all the half notes, according to equal intervals of found; and alfo to find the variations between thefe and the Strict harmonic divifions. It is well known an octave is divided into 6137. whole tones, or 12 femitones Let BA be the monochord or vibrating flring, C the middle point; then BC will be an octave above BA. Les Bd, Be, Bf, Bg, &c. be the ſeveral lengths of the ftrings founding the half notes, gradually afcend- ing, above AB, by equal degrees of found. Then will Ad, de, ef, &c. be all unequal in length; and whatever part Bd is of BA, the fame part will Be be of Bd, and Bf of Be, and Bg of Bf, &c. to make the ſeveral founds afcend equally. There- fore BA, Bd, Be, Bf, &c. are a fet of geometri- cal proportionals decreafing, continued to 13 terms, the laft of which is BC, Alfo Ad, de, ef, &c. are a fet of geometrical proportionals in the fame ratio. Put BA, BC, Bd=x. : Bd (x): Bexx; Bd (x): Bg, &c. and BC¹. •9439. Then BA (1): likewife Bƒ = x³, Bf x= And x = 12/1 = 2 Or, put X=log: *. Then X = log: 12 2 1.9749142, confequently 2X, 3X, 4X, &c. = logarithms of ², x³, x+, &c. Therefore x = I i •9439, ៩ 482 B. 11. PHYSICAL 137. 9439, 2.8909 for a mean tone, &c. and the reft are as in the following table. The harmonic divifions of the monochord, to found the pure concords will be, as follows; the leffer third, greater third, fourth, fifth, leffer fixth, greater fixth, eight; which fee in the following table, in decimals. Equal Errors. Names of Pure the chords. concords. divifions. whole ftring 1.0000 1.0000 0. b fecond •9439* # fecond .8909 leffer third 8333 .8409 bxJ greater third .8000 •7937 $15 fourth ..7500 .7492 # J # fourth .7071 fifth .6666 .6674 6700 leffer fixth .6250 .6300 bis IS greater fixth .6000 •5946 I 13 b feventh .5612 #feventh •5297 Eight .5000 •5000 O. 138. Then to find the errors or variation of the cor- reſpondent cords. Let Bt cord by column 2d, Br cord by column 3d, rp = a whole tone, n = number of mean proportionals between Br and Bp, then will be the error, for it fhews what part rt I n is of the whole note rp. Here then Bin Brπ-1 - Bp Brx.8909. For .8909 being a whole note for the Sec. XI. 483 PROBLEM S: ༣ the ſtring 1, Br x-8909 will be a note for the Fig. Aring Br. Therefore BA" n 138. .8909. And nxlog: Br Bt = log : .8909 = 1.94983; and # = Br -I 94983 .05017 As in a fifth, log: B-log: Br .05017 log: Bt-log: Br log:Bt-log:Br = .000500, and n 100; whence the error - I 100 .000500 But as this variation bears but a fall propor tion to the length of the ftring, there will be no heed to make ufe of logarithms. For fince 1-8909.1091 is the length of a note when the ftring is ; therefore .1c91 x Bt rt ftring Br. Whence or rp rt a note for the the error, or tp Br Bt which is the fame thing = the error. •1091 Bt As in the fifth, Br-Bt.6674-.66663.0007, .0727 and .1091XBt.0727, and =100, nearly, 0007 7 I or 727 100 = the error. Or fhorter thus. Since Br-Bt-twice the dif- ference of two adjoining numbers in col. 3. or = difference of two numbers 2 degrees diſtant, tak- ing one greater and the other lefs than the proper Br-Bt note; therefore Br-Bp = the error. As in the fifth, 6674-6666 8 7071-6300 771 97 the error. And in a greater third, .8000-7937 .8409-7492 .0063 T 11 the error. .0917 $4 2 I i2 The 484 B. II. PHYSICAL Fig. The errors for each concord being thus compu- ted, are fet down in the fourth column, which 138 fhews the error of the third column, as it differs from the fecond; thoſe below denoted by (b), theſe above, by (#). In tuning a harpsichord, fince the fifth must be 12 times repeated to make 7 octaves, therefore the variation, by tuning by true fifths, will be or about of a note, which is an error that 12 100 ४. a good ear can difcover; and being too fharp, the fifths therefore ought to be tuned as flat as the ear will bear. Hence the equal diviſion of the notes in an octave is the beſt ſyſtem, for the greateſt error is in the leffer third and greater fixth, which only amounts I to of a note. 13 PROB. CCII. To find the number of beats made in any imperfect concord, in mufic. I call that an imperfet concord that varies a little from the perfect one, which is made by a harmo- nial divifion of the monochord. Thus when the lengths of the ftrings are 4 and 5, you have the perfect cord (a greater third), but vary one length as 4, making it 3.99, and you will have an im- perfect cord attended with beats. A beat is a jarring found made by the irregular vibrations of two ftrings, founding together, when the due period, or coincidence of their vibrations is interrupted. Its noife is fuch as this waw, aw, aw, aw, or yâ, yâ, yâ, yâ, yâ, Our buſineſs is to find in how many vibrations this perturbation hap- pens, or how many yaws in a ſecond of time. Let N 4 } ! * ឋ } { } Fig. 124 D A C B E PQ C A P 127 E D B F P 125 1 B D $ A 126 FCG E D ア 128 d K TO C B P A my d B F A 129 130 H G D C a ། A E E A 132 D B 135 C B At A 133 G A A d e f g 136 EB A A } H F 131 F G G B 3 D T F G C 134 E с 137 B rt P P 138 B. 1 Pl. XI. pa. 48.3 برا الم 486 B. II. PHYSICAL Fig. 139 P 9 length of its ftring on the monochord. number expreffing the concord, 2 3 4 for the fourth, or for the fifth, &c. n 3 I Then AB = , and AC = 2; alfo ab = and ad = 2. P q =dC. 22 r n Then AC-ad= Then if dC ( (? e/s the time AC (2 1) be loft or gained in :: AB will be loft in the time P 12 n r × AB = 9 pr pr-qn pr X AB = pr-pt qu × AB = X AB, and Bc will be loft fooner, X r-t in proportion of AB to Bc, that is, in the time y × Bc, which is the time of the period. But -t by the laws of vibration, r::: I I : ::c: b₂ b C go and r-t: r : : c-b: c; whence × BC= C E-b r-t × Bc = the periodic time of the beats. And X if AZ be divided by the periodic time, you will have c-b AZ C X = number of beats in a fecond. Bc AB ᎪᏃ But Bc = AZ = n× AB, therefore Bc 9 nh x AB c-b ng. Whence ng AB 12 x 12 = = x²² = хр C umber of beats in a fecond. Hence Sect. XI. 48.7 PROBLEM S 4 ร Hence, from the length of the ftring or divifion Fig. of the monochord, as given in the table of the last 139. problem, and having alfo the number of vibra- tions; the beats will be found, as in this table. Where the ground or loweſt note is F the cliff- note of the baſe. Cords. Vibrations. b f p. 1. Beats. Eight 600 5000 g. fixth 500 5946 1. fixth 480 6300 5000 I 6000 3.5 62505.8 • 2 13 18 fifth 450 6674 6666 2.3 1 b fourth 400 7492 g. third 375 7937 7500 3 4 8000 4 · 5 • I I 1 1. third 360 8409 333 5.6 15 b Bafe F 300 10000 10000 I This table fhews the beats for all the concords, reckoning upwards from F; when the inftrument is tuned according to an equal afcent of notes; where the flats and fharps (b, ) fhew whether the upper note is lower or higher, than the true concord in the laft column. In the octave above, the beats will be twice as many; and in the octave below, but half as many; being always proportional to the number of vibrations of the baſe note. The fifth is moſt ferviceable in tuning, and the number of beats in one fecond, for the fifth is N 300 If it be fuppofed that the beat is not made at the points X, Y, but at fome intermediate place, where they fall thicker and more confufed; and that at the points X, Y, there is the leaft imperfection. Yet the periodic time will ftill be the fame, what- ever part of the cycle XY it falls in. When the 1 i 4 cycle 488 B. 11: PHYSICAL, &c. Fig. cycle XY is very fhort, the fingle beats are im- 139. perceptible, and we hear nothing but a difagreea- ble noife. All the concords beat, but being ex- ceeding quick, they are not perceived fingly; and being regular throughout, they exhibit an agreea- ble harmony. When the pitch of the two notes are not altered, the beats fucceed one another in equal times, but altering either of them nearer to a perfect har- mony, the beats fucceed in longer times, and the nearer the longer, till at last they vanifh, when the concord is perfect. All the beats are heard in organs; but only half of them are heard in ftringed instruments. : C 1 SECT " SECT. XII. Problems relating to Series. 498 Fig. PROB. CCIII. Given the diameter of a circle; to find the fide of any regular poligon, infcribed in it. L' = I ET d diameter, n number of fides, 140. x fide of the figure, EB. By Trigono 3.14159d metry, 2n =arch DE=a, by fubftitution. And (Trig. I. 12.) half the fide, or EA=a 4aa 4aa A 4aa B C&c. And 2EA or 6dd 20dd 42dd EB or x = 20 4aa 4aa 4aa A B C Odd 20dd 42dd 4aa D &c. 72dd Or thus, By a table of natural fines, find the fine of 180 =s, then x = ds. n PROB. 2 3 } CCIV. 31 Suppoſe x3 - cx² + x + bx* = dccx; to find x. 2 Divide by the leaft power of x, that is, by x, 5 44 2 and x- ·c + x + bxˆ - dccx Taker the near- eft root, and put r+ex. Then } 490 B. II, PROBLEMS of Fig. Then S मेरे = 2을 + 독 C + ** =+5 of + bx += = br² + decx-deer- 3 T }³½e + 1 = ee 돌을 2 1e S 645 be 3 5ee 720} = 0; 3bee T 4r7 dece 3277 decee z 2 x 12 + 87 2 r That is, p + qe + see = 0, by ſubſtitution. Whence 141. H 2 + e S more exactnefs. { which may be repeated for Or thus, Seek the leaſt common dividend of the denomi- nators of the indices of x, and reduce the equation, which will become x 3 T2 2 T2 3 TZ c + x + bx-dccx T3 0. Pute¹²; then the equation becomes e³°~~c+e² + be³-deceo, or eso dece + be³ +ee =c, and the root extracted gives e, and confe- quently x is had. PROB. CCV. Given the fides AC, CB, of the triangle ACB; and the ratio of AB to the arch CE is given; to find AB. Let AC=r14, CBs 22, AB=x, and AB: CE :: 10: 4, whence arch CEx. Let y cof. CAB. Then Sect. XII. SERIE S. 495 Then (Trig. cafe 5.) rr+xx—2rsy=ss, whence Fig, ŷ= rr+xx−ss 2rs rr-ss+xx 25 cof. A to the radius I, and ry = cof. A to the radius r. But (Trig. I. 12. cor. 1.) cof. A=r I 11. |+1 4x 200r 77-ss 25 4 4x + 24.10000r³ XX 2473 aa a4 + &c. r 21 4x &c. 720.100000ors + and tranfpofing, " 25 42 + Xx2 25 2007 44 240000r³ xx4 + 46 740000000rs rr-ss &c. = r — да or Ax² + Bx++ Cx³ &c. = b, 25 141, by ſubſtitution, then (Prob. lxii. I.) xx = b B 2BB-AC b² + A A³ As b³ &c. =836.95, and *=28.93. PROB CCVI. Given the arch of the circle BHE, and the fine BD to find the radius BC. Let BHE=d=8, BD=s=3. Take an angle p nearly equal to ACB, a fine, b its cofine, rad.=.=.0174533, ¢ = 3.1415926, then up = np arch belonging to the angle p. Let p + x = true angle ACB; then np+nx or np+x=correfpon- dent arch, (putting xnx). And (Trig. I. 13.), az2 bz3 az4 the fine of np+za+bz— 2 + + 6 24 &c. = c — — xp — — z per queft, that is, np - 1428 492 B. II. PROBLEMS of Fig. s a b a ZZ- r 2 6 24 142. 2 + b . 2 - 2/2 zz - 12/22² + = x+ &c. = = ‹ — S d np-a, or Az + Bzz + Cz³+Dz4 &c. = R. Affume p 55°, then a and b will be known, and R,0010292, and (Prob. lxii. I.) z or R 11x = A B A³ 2BB-AC R² + As R³ &c. = 001084, and x x=.0621 degrees, which is 3′43″; therefore p+x=54° 56′′ 16″½=<ACB. Hence BC 3.66513. PROB. CCVII. 143. The ordinate AC, and curve BC are given; and the equation of the curve is 2 = hyp.log z+√aa+zz a a and a+x=√aa+zz; where AC=y, BC=2; to find AB. Let y=6=h, z=9=g, a=r+e, taking r the neareft value of Then hyp. a. hyp. log log: g+√rr+2re+ee+gg &c. b b be = + rte r+e r bee r3 &c. And (putting frr+gg), by evolu tion, log: re re ee 8 + s + ² + " b ƒ+8+ + f f f3 r+e be bee + and rr доз number of the hyp, log: gg ee f3 &te be be² + 2 nhe = 12 + go rr goz nbee ri h. log: =) (Prob. lxxxv. I.) nbb 2n+ ee (putting n And Sect. XII. 493 SERIE S. & + ƒ+ + 88 And multiplying by r+e, re nhe nbree ee = rn of Fig. 143. 2ƒ³ 2r3 nhee + ne + rr nhee rr And reduced nb + F } r nbb nxe+ 2f3 273 × ee=rn f―g. Affume r3.7; then e-.00112, and a = 3.69885, and x√aa+zz-a=6.0316; ſubſti- tute this value of a for r in the laft equation, and the operation repeated, gives a ftill more exact. PRO B. CCVIII. Given the length of a pendulum, and the arch it de fcribes; to find the time loft by defcribing a greater arch. Let r length of the pendulum, c=cord of half the arch it defcribes, C of falling through 2r. any other cord, time 3.1416. P = 2 mechanics it is found that the time of Then by vibration, is PXI + CC 964 + 16rr &c. for the cord c. 4574 'CC And P:XI+ 9C4 + 16rr &c. for the cord C. 4574 and P X: CC-cc 9 + 16rr X C+ C+ &c. = 45r4 time loft in one vibration for the cord . But when ६ 494 B. II. PROBLEMS of Fig. when is o, P is the time of one vibration, which does not fenfibly differ from a vibration for the cord c. Therefore fince 86400 the number of 86400 feconds in 24 hours, therefore P number of vibrations for the cord c, in 24 hours. There- fore 86400 P x P x CC-cc 16rr &c. or 86400 X : 9 + Iorr 4574 X C464 &c feconds loft in : = 24 hours; that is, CC — cc ·CC + 9 64rr 24 hours; and 5400 X: × C4—C4 &c. feconds loft in 5400 gr × CC—cc, is nearly = the feconds loft in 24 hours. It ſwings feconds, then 39.2, and the time loft in 24 hours is nearly 3.52 X CC Cor. If c be o, and Ccord of yo°. dulum vibrating in the double arch of 90°, 4 b. 20 min, in 24 hours time. x cc. A pen- will loſe And if co, then to find the length of a pen- dulum vibrating in the arch of C in the fame time. Let r pendulum vibrating in the very fmall arch, pendulum vibrating in the arch of C. Then the lengths being as the fquares of the times of vibration, we fhall have in the firſt caſe ✔r for t, and in the fecond for t; 3.1416 whence in the firft cafe P= 3.1416 2 2 ✔r, in the fecond P = x. And the times being es qual we fhall have P x or 3.1416 √r = P x 2 I + Sect. XII. SERIE S. $495 CC I + 3.1416 CC or 16rr √xx 1 + 2 › 6rr or ✔ Fig. CC CC =√xX1+ and 'rx+ which re- 16xx 8x duced is rx-xx-÷CC; whence x will be found. And on the contrary x being given, r will be found. PROB. CCIX. Given the latitude failed from, the departure, and difference of longitude; to find the difference of latitude. کم Let d departure, 7 diff. longitude, arch of latitude come to, zits mer. parts, a the given lat. m its mer. parts. Then by Mercator's Sailing; as diff. lat. (a-x) : mer, diff latitude (m-z): :d: 1, whence allx= dm — dz, and dz-lx=dm-al. But Dr. Halley's Series for the meridional parts of x, is * + 1/3 ㅎ + I 61 x3 x5 f *7 &c. Therefore 24 5040 dx - lx + ཁ། d 6id x3 + *5 + X7 &c. 11 6 24 5040 dm-al. And by reverfion of feries (Prob. Ixii.) * will be found; then 3438x latitude in mi- nutes. Or this, Seek another latitude, by the table of meridio nal parts, fuch, that the proper difference of la utude divided by the mer. diff. latitude, will be d equal to the quotient which is easily done by a few trials; and that is the other latitude. PROB *496 B. II. PROBLEMS, &c. F A Fig. 144. PRO B. CCX. The curve BMD is defcribed with a pair of compafles upon the furface of a cylinder, which is afterwards Stretched into a plane; to find the ordinate PM. Let d diameter of the cylinder, a = AB the extent of the compaffes, AP, PM y, v= cord, whofe arch is y Then (Geom. II. 21.) aa-xx-vù. But (Trig. I. 12. cor. 2.) v=y— دو ✓aa-xx yy A 2.3dd 4.5dd B &c. Whence ✔aa yy A 2.3dd yy B 4.5dd yy C&c. and 6.7dd by reverfion of feries y is had. If the arch was in a given ratio to the chord, the figure would be an ellipfis, but as this is not fo, the curve will be a mechanical one. ** * * * * * 1 SECT قدام 497 SECT. XIII. Problems concerning exponential quantities. Fig. PROB. CCXI, Some maids driving a flock of sheep, were afked, kow many they had? To which they answered, that if the flock was equally divided among them, the share of each would be twice as many as there were maids. And if the terms of this double progreffion 1, 2, 4, 8, &c. be counted, as often as there are maids; the laſt term will be the number of ſheep. L ET afheep, emaids. Then E a e H 20, &c. and the eth term of the progreffion 1, 2, 4, 8, =2-1 (Propor. 25.), therefore 2-1 a, per queft. Whence a zee, and 2º 24, and ex- punging a, 2º 4ee, or 2-2 = ee. 2e e = Therefore 2 × log: 2 = 2 log: e, or .30103e—,50206 = 2 log: e, and.150515e-log: e.30103 Then to find e (by Rule 5. Prob. xcii.), aſſume e6, then •1505€-log:e=.125, which ſhould be .301, and the error is -.176. Again, affume e=7, then .1505e-log:e=.208, and the error is —.092. Then therefore e 8.1 nearly. IX.092 .176.-.092 =LI; 8.1; then .1505e-log: e=.2106, Suppoſe e = and the error + .0096. +.0096. And the correction 1.04, and e- 7.996; and e=8 exact, and a = 128. K k PRO B. 8.11.04 " 1 498 B. II: EXPONENTIAL Fig. PRO B. CCXII. Two travellers at 150 miles one another. In the feveral rate, 5, 10, 20, 40, &c. 18, &c. miles; to find in meet. x distance fet out to meet days, A goes at this B goes 6, 10, 14, what time they will Let days, (by Geom. Prog.) A's laft day, will be 5 X 21; and his journey 5 X 2-56 And (Arith. Prog.) B's laft day is 6+ 4x4 or 12+4x-4 4x+2, and 2 Xx, or 2x²+4x= B's journey. Whence 2* X 55+4x+2x²=150, 4 and 2* + x² + ΙΟ 8 10 ४ log: 31 4 10 8 ΙΟ 8 10 x= 31. And 2* = 31 xx. And log: 2* or * × log: 2 = found greater than b=4, c=log: 2. 8 4 ΙΟ XX. By trials x will be 4; let n = 4, and n + v=x, 8 Then cn+cvlog: 31- N 10 8 4 4 nn nv vv. But the number 10 ΙΟ ΙΟ 10 Mcv² belonging to cn + cv = cn × : 1 + mcv + &c. 2 c²nmv² (Prob. lxxxv.) whence cn + ccmnv + &c. 2 8 4 8 4 =31- 12 nn IQ 10 10 + n x v 10 10 +19 บบ. And Sect. XIII. 499 PROBLEM S com n And reduced, ccmnv + Fig. vv = 3 3 I 2 + + { 8 ΙΟ n 001000101 + 10 10 4 nn 10 cn Which put into numbers, and reverting the feries (Prob. lxii), v is had .32; then put new n for x+v or 4.32, and repeat the operation; and at laſt v =.3256, and x = 4.3256. PROB. CCXIII. To find x in this equation, xx=123456789: Here x will be found between 8 and 9. Put n=8,n+v=x,b=log: n, c=log: 123456789; then xlog:x=log: 123456789=c, or n+vxlog:n+v=c. Μυ But (Prob. lxxxiv.) log: n + v = b + พ Mv² Mv³ 323 + 2n² nMv = nb + n &c. and +x log: n+v nMv2 nMv³ if &c. 2222 323 + bu + and tranfpofing and reducing, Mv² Mv3 = c₁₂ &c. 12 2n2 Ъ v2 V3 24 +IXU+ 25 + M 21 2.322² 3.423 4.512+ &c. c-nb = And extracting the root (Prob. xciii.) M v=,64002, and x or new n 8.64002 for ano- ther operation, which will give x=8.6400268. Kk 2 PROB. 1 500 B. II. EXPONENTIAL Fig. PROB. CCXIV. To find the value of x in the equation 1000-x X log: 1000-x = x. Put b=1000, *=a+v, b—a=g, p=log: g; then gvxlog: g-v=a+v. And fubftituting the logarithmic feries inftead of log: gv (Prob. Ixxxiv.), g-vx:p— บ 22 03 24 &c. g 2gg 3g3 484 =a+v, which multiplied and reduced is, gp-a VV V3 602 -p+2.0+ + + &c. =0. 28 V4 + درح + 76 12g3 4.584 5.6gs Affume a=836, and extracting the root (Prob. xciii.) v.05315; and 836,05315. PROB. CCXV. To find x in the equation X J.000 log: 1000-x = 1000-X X Put ʼn n 1000, x = a+v, g=n-a, p=log: g. Since x is nearly 860, affume a 860; then = A a+v n the equation is log: g-v v= But g บ a+o ข VV log: g-v=R- a+v/². ·ng+nv &c. Whence g 2gz v VV = P &c. a + v × 8-V g 28g 303 Which equation reduced gives a a agp 3av + z² of v3 &c, 0. 28 6gg aa + ng + sp ор n ། I P + 2 28 In Sect. XIII gor PROBLEM S. In numbers, 4626.3 + 7138v + 3.870202 —.01088v3o; or 1 + 1.543v + .000836v² .0000023=0; whence, by extracting the root, v=-,64822, and x=859,35178. Fig. PROB. CCXVI. Having given the equations x+v=y*, and y¹t" =x"; to find x and y. m From the first equation y = x m x+y fecond, y=x ; therefore x equating the indices x+y x+y 22 x+y n , =X m and from the And m and x+y= mn m ✔mn. Whence y = × #n n = x Therefore √ 172 **** MR n =y" = x > n x+y by the first equation, x*+* and again equating their indices, x+x ✓ m = √mn: Then x being had y is known from the equa- m n tion y = x ก To find x put xv, then x mn " ✓. #L 172 or x 1 R and v+v =✔mn. And the root may be extracted by logarithms. Kk 3 PROB. < 502 B. II. EXPONENTIAL Fig. PROB. CCXVII. I * To find the value of x in this equation, X'+X= x in this equation, X²+X= - X being the hyperbolic log: of x. Here x is between 1 and 2, x=1+v, then (Prob. lxxxiv. cor. 22 therefore put 1.) X = v 2 73 04 ༣ 23 + &c. Whence v + ²² &c. + '&c.l+ 2 3 4 2 3 บ + །8 1 &c. = and multiplying and 2 3 I reducing v+ 3 v² — — v³ &c. = 1, and by re- 2 6 verfion (Prob. lxii.) v = .56, and x = 1.56. But becauſe this does not converge faft enough; put n 1.56, and +x, 1.4446858 hyp. log: n = mx log: n; then (Prob. lxxxiv. cor. 2.) x=1+ 972 V 213 + 9 whence we ſhall have n 2nn 32213 บ บร It n 2NN &c. +1+ ย บบ : Xn+v=L N 2 nn 5 And when multiplied and reduced, 1+3 l + 1 x ml + 1 + 11² + 1×0+ vv &c. = 1. In numbers, N 1.0021921 +2.53180222 + 1.2465930² = 1; or 2.031v+vv=.0017586. Whence (Prob. 88.) ~.000$651, and n + v or = 1.5591339. = Otherwife thus, x Let 7.4446858 the h. log: 1.56, or n, as be- fore, /+s=X; then the number (x) belonging to Se&t. XIII. 503 PROBLEM S. to 1 + s or X = n x: 1+ st ss + /s² &c. Fig, I 2 (Prob. lxxxv.); whence +++s: xn+ns + I nss &c. I; and by reduction, 2 = ¿+1×?n+l+1|²+l×ns+÷ll+2}/+2×ns² &c.=1. In numbers, 1.0021921+3.949611s +5.008515ss &c. = 1. or .788585 + ss = .00043768; And extracting the root (Prob. lxxxviii.) s = X .0005549, and 1+s or X = .4441309, and m .1928836 the com. log: x; or elſe m .0002410, and fince com. log: 1.56.1931246; therefore 1931246.0002410.1928836 thẹ common log: x. Whence x = 1.559134. • PROB. CCXVIII. To find x in the equation x 2 2 = 123456789 = b. Put b=123456789, and by a few trials you will find x near 2.8, put n=2.8, n+v=x, l=log:n. ml=hyp. log: n. Then (Prob. lxxxv. cor. 6.) * = n² × x" I + mlv + v. Put rn", e = n" × mlv + v₂ then x = r + e; let this be an in- X dex, then x 2 X rte X irte = n + v = (by the rv fame cor.) n XI + mle + =b per queft. Then 12 12 n reſtoring the values of r and c, n x: 1 + min Kk 4 X R 504 B. II. EXPONENTIAL Fig. n" v × mlu + v + b. Put g = mln" xml + 1, n n then nXI+gv + n²¬¹v=b, and by reducing, 22 n n ; here 12 here n = 97620000, bn ~= 72 n" × g + n N~~ I ml=1.02962, 837.3368, n=6.3810, there- fore v = b 25830000 4266000000 = .006054. Or let =f. Then v = .26466 44.7178 12 12 12 f-I 8+2"-1 n .006054; then n+v or x=2,806954 nearly; or put n=2.806054 for another operation. This problem is easily refolved by rule 5, pro- blem xcii. by making feveral fuppofitions for the value of x, and finding the correction every time; and fo you will continually approximate to the true value. PROB. CCXIX. If X be the log. x, it is required to find x, in the equation xx+X* = 100. Let n+v=x,1=log:n, 1+s=log:n+v, L-log:l Then (Prob. lxxxv.) n+v=nnms &c. whence n+wins)²+s+1+5ms 100. But (Prob. lxxxv. cor. 6.) n + nms\ And s in + nms S = n² x: 1 + mls + ims. ns = l®ª × 1 + m²Lns +7' Therefore Sect. XIII. 505 PROBLEMS. Therefore nlx1+2mls+l”×1+m²Lns+ ¹×2mls Or n + 1 x m² Lns + And s= d ns = 109. Fig: R ns = 100 100 — n'— l = d. Ī 2mln' + nLl”m² + nl^¬" X To approach nearly to the value of X, we fhall have X log:x or XX= log: x, and x log: X = log: X*. Therefore num. of XX + num. of x log: X = 100. By a few trials X is found be tween 1.25 and 1.26, but nearer 1.26; therefore ſuppoſe 1= 1.257, then 18.072, L=.09933, n² = 38.02, 1" = 62.41, d=—.43, 2mln'=220.1, nLl"m² = 594.0, nl”! = 897.4; Whence s= and x -.43 1711.5 =000251, and X=1.256749, 18.0613. Here we have fought the logarithm X, for vari ety; but the number x might have been found, after the manner of the laft problem. PROB. CCXX. X I ** X Given x + x = x + x = 200; to find x Take n very near the root, to be found by fre- quent trials, and put n+vx, 1=log:n, r = n", n4-v n n ↑ I f=ml + 1, p = n, q = mirf + — t = n", a = n M² I nn Then 1 1 F 506 EXPONENTIAL, &c. B. II. Fig. Then x Then x = n+v+v =n”x1+mlv+v (Prob‹ 1xxxv. cor. 2.) =r + frv. ར And x ทบ I + mlrfv+ 22 I Alfo = I r+rfu = n + v\+¹ƒv = n² × n+ =p+pqv, (ib. cor. 6.). 11 I r+fro N-V nn I-fv And X I n + v Alfo x* = n2+v (ib. cor. 6.) = t N-Y 1212 72 mlv n X I + nn t- atv. V Therefore writing for the feveral powers of x, their reſpective values, we have p + pqv + r + rfy + fv-I +t-tav = 200. r 200 prt + ཁ reduced v pq + rf + n ƒ ta t It easily appears that x is greater than 2, and trying 24, it will be found a little too fmall; therefore aflume 2.27, whence there will come out v.0009463, and therefore 2.26905372 which may be put for 2, for another operation. SECT. i 507 SECT. XIV. Problems of Maxima and Minima. Fig. PROB. CCXXI. The line AE, and the two points B, C, being given in pofition; to find the point P, fo that BP + PC may be the least poffible. T po AKE the point p extreamly near P, and draw Bp, Cp, and alfo pD+ to BP, and to CP. Then pD is the increment of BP; and PO the decrement of CP, therefore DP=OP, by the nature of the queftion. And fince the hy- pothenufe Pp is common, pD=p0. And <pPD pPO, that is BPA CPE; whence the triangles BAP, CEP, are fimilar. Put AE, AB = p, CE=q, AP=x, EP-b-x; then AB (p): AP (x) :: CE (9): EP (b-x) therefore qx-pb-px, Db bq and b-x- , and px+qx=pb, and x= P+ q PROB. CCXXII. P+q 145. The lines ABC, and CE being given in pofition, and 146. the points A, B, being given; to find the point D in the line CE, where the angle ADB is the greateſt poſſible. About AB defcribe a circle to touch the line CE; then the point of contact D is the point required. For 508 B. II. MAXIMA and Fig. For to any other point E, in the line CE, draw 146. AE, BE, and draw BF. Then the angle AEB is lefs than AFB, or its equal ADB (Geom. IV. 13.) Let BC=b, AC=d, CD=x. Then (Geom. IV. 21. cor. 2.) xx = bd, and x = √bd. PROB. CCXXIII. 147• To draw the shortest line poffible, through a given point P, placed within the right angle ABC. * Let CPA be the fhorteft line. Draw PD pa- rallel to AB, and PF parallel to CB, and let PD=b, PFc, CD=x, Cce an extreamly fmall quantity, PC=2. By the fimilar triangles CDP, PFA, ≈ :z:: CZ * AP, and by the fimilar triangles CDP, xe ¿HC, ≈:~::e = Hc. Alfo :b::e: ༧ be Z =HC. And by the fimilar triangles PCH, PGa, be cz bce 2: :: Z X XX = @G. triangles CDP, aGA, ≈ : b : : And by the fimilar bce bbce = AG. ZX ZXX xe bbce But Hc=AG, that is or x = bbc , and Z ZXX XX 3 x³ bbc, whence x = bbc. PROB. CCXXIV. 148. Given the line EF, and two points A, B; to find the point D, fo that a × AD+b × BD, may be the leaft poffible; a, b being given numbers. Take d infinitely near D, and draw on which let fall the perpendiculars Dr, Df. Ad, Bd; Then will Sect. XIV. 50g MINI M A. will a×AD+b×BD=axAd+bxBd; and by fub- Fig, traction ax AD—Ad—b × Bd-BD, or ax dr — 148. bxdf. But in the triangles Ddr, Ddf, the hypo- thenuſe Dd is common; therefore dr: df: : S.dDr S.dDf:: cof. ADF: cof. BDE. : ab: cof, BDE: cof. ADF. Whence Let AF, BE be perpendicular to EF; and put AF=c, BE=d, EF=n, DF≈≈, DE=v. Then DA (√cc+xx): 1 :: DF (x) : cof. ADF; then ba:: X X Cc+xx √ cc+xx =S.DAF √aa + vv; ax ax b cof. BDES.DBE. And b √cc+xx √cc+xx :v :: 1 : (BD) (BD) ax√ ad+vv aa + vv; therefore v bv cc+xx ax√dd and boy cc + xx = ax√ dd + vv And fquaring, bbccvv+bbxxvvaaddxx+aaxxvu, but v=n-x, put p=bb—aa, then bbcc+pxxxvv aaddxx, or bbcc +pxxxnn-2nx + xx = aaddxx; reduced, px+-2pnx³+pnnxx-2nbbccx+b²c³n²=o, -aadd PROB. CCXXV. Three points A, B, C being given; to find a fourth 149 point D, fo that axAD+ b × BD + c × CD, may be the least poffible; where a, b, c are given numbers. Let D be the point fought; with radius CD, deſcribe the circle GDH. Take the point d in- finitely near D, and draw Ad, Bd; on AD, BD, let fall the perpendiculars dr, df. Then fuppo- fing 510 MAXIMA and B. II. 149. Fig, fing CD to be given, ax AD + bx BD will be a minimum. But ax Dr is the increment of ax AD, and bx Df is the decrement of bx BD, therefore axDr=bxDf. But in the right-angled triangles Ddr. Ddf, Dr: Df:: S.Ddr : S.Ddf: : S.rDC, or ADC : S.mdf or EDC. Therefore b: a:: S.ADC : S.BDC. 150. : After the fame manner, fuppofing BD given, we ſhall have a S. ADB: S.BDC. There- fore when axAD+bxBD + cx CD = minimum; a, b, c, are reſpectively as the fines of BDC, ADC, ADB; or of BDm, ADm, BDr, which makes 180°. Therefore if a triangle be made of the 3 lines a, b, c ; the angles of this triangle will be equal to the an- gles at D, viz, that oppofite to a mDB, to bmDA, to c BDr. Therefore all the angles about the point D being given; the distances AD, BD, CD will be found by Prob. cxxxii. PROB. CCXXVI. Given the triangle ABD, and the circle CFK whose center is A; to find the point F in the circumfe- rence CFK, that the angle BFD may be the eft poffible. great. Through the points B, D, defcribe the circle BFD to touch the circle CFK in F, the point required. For to any other point C, in the cir- cle CK, draw DC cutting BFD in S, and draw BS, BC. Then the BSD or BFD=<BCD + CBS; therefore BFD is greater than BCD. On BD let fall the perpendiculars, AH, FI, GE; G being the center of the circle BFD, Then to find its radius GF; let BE-ED=b, HE=c, 2 AH=p, AF≈r, GE=x.,Then AG= √√√ p+xl²+cc Sect. XIV. 511 ΜΙΝΙΜΑ and GF Fig. = √pp + cc + 2px + xx, PP + cc + 2px + xx-r, and BG= √bb+xx, 150. whence √pp+cc+2px+xx-r=√bb + xx, and √pp+cc+2px+xx=r+√bb+xx, which fquared is cc+pp+2px+xx=rr+bb+xx+2r × √ bb +xx : √bb+xx: Put sccpp-rr- bb; then s+2px 2rX = √bb+xx,¯and ss+4spx+4ppxx=4rrbb + 4rrxx ; reduced, 4ppxx + 45px = 4rrbb. 4rr SS. Then x being found, it will be EG (x): rad. (1) :: BE (b) : tang. BGE, or its fupplement BFD. PRO B. CCXXVII. To find the greatest area contained under any number of 151. right lines given, and another line unknown. Let ABCDE be the figure; then fince ABE + BCDE is a maximum; it is evident, whatever the figure BCDE is, ABE muſt be a right-angled tri- angle, right-angled at B. Again, fince ABC + CDE + ACE is a maxi- mum; it is evident whatever ABC and CDE are, ACE muſt be a right angled triangle, right-an- gled at C. Alfo fince ABCD + ADE is a maximum; it is plain, whatever the figure ABCD is, ADE muſt be a right-angled triangle, right-angled at D. And fo on if there were never fo many lines. And therefore all the angles ABE, ACE, ADE, ſub- tended by AE, mult be right-angles; and confe quently the whole figure is infcribed in a femi- circle, whofe diameter is AE, fo that the whole may be a maximum. Therefore if it be required to find the area, we muſt find the diameter AE, and then find the 512 B. II. MAXIM A and 1 Fig. the area of the poligon ABCDE infcribed in a femicircle. PROB. CCXXVIII. 152. To find a line, which with three given lines, will con- tain the greatest area poffible. It is plain the line fought is the diameter of the femicircle in which the three given lines are in- fcribed. Let ABCD, be the quadrangle, draw the dia- gonals AC, BD, on which let fall the perpendi culars CP, BF. Let AB=b, BC=c, CD=d, diameter AD=y. Then BD-Vyy-bb, and ACVyydd. But (Geom. IV. 28.) CP = fore b+ √ od y bc d + y cd bc and BF= There- > y y yy bb 2 area ABCD, and y-dd 2 areab+ : by+cd × √yy—bò = dy+bc cd ✔yy-bb, and y -ad, and fquar- bbccyy dayy ing and multiplying, bby4 + 2bcdy³ + ccddyy- b + yy - 2 b ³ cdy - bbccddddy++2bcdy -2bcd³y bbccdd. And reducing bb y³ b4 y + 2bcd³ = 0. dd bbcc + ccdd + d4 263cd And dividing by bb - dd y³ —bb y = 2bcd, and y 2bcd, and y being known, the -cc -dd area is known from the foregoing ſteps. PROB. } 1 { ! I ६ $ 1 a L d e b c e f g h i A B C D E F X Fig. 139 B E 141 E C- 140 A D B B B C } A 143 M P 144 D Y B 142 H Z À C Ꭰ E A 145 D P A F E D 146 1 F G С Ꭰ . E 147 P H C B A A a F B D B 149 E D H 150 A E B M F A D G & B 148 151 D Pl.XII. pa. 572 UN L Sect. XIV. MINIMA; 513 [Fig. PROB. CCXXIX. SP is perpendicular to PM, and there is given SP, 153. SN; and drawing NL, fo that the angle LDM may be equal to SCP; to find CD, a maximum. Draw NA perpendicular to CD, then CA=AD, and CA is a maximum. Put SNb, SP =d, SC=y, then CN=b—y, CP=√yy-dd. Then by fimilar triangles, y: Vyy-dd :: by: CA= b-y yỳ-dd yy-dd max. and b—y² × y yy dd max. = byl xby'. Increaſe y by a yy very ſmall quantity e, then b-y-e = b-yľ² 2e X b-y. dd Alfo y + el dit A yyye, and by divifion 2dde dd Whence byl X xy+2ye yy درحمہ yy dob z dde "{² = b =byl ze X b y X yy y3 -2ex by, and tranfpofing, 2e x by 2dde 2dde × b −y + хё 13 y, and dividing yy a'd dd ڈو by 2e × b-y, I y, I = x by + and multi- plying by y³, we have y³ = ddb — ddy + dły, or y' bdd, and y = Vbdit. — 3 yy L1 PROB 514 B. II. MAXIMA and Fig. 154. PROB. CCXXX. Given the fituation of the two places A, E, and the river BD; and fuppofe a traveller going from A to C, can travel 6 miles an hour on this fide the river from A to C ; and 9 miles an hour an the other fide from C to E; it is required to know where he must cross the river BD, ſo that be may go from A to E in the least time poffible. Let AB, ED be perpendicular to BD; let AB a, DE=b, BD=d, m=6, n=9, BC=x. Then CD=d-x, AC= aa+xx, CE = √ bb+d=xl² • mil. ho. And per queft. m: 1 :: Vaa+xx : mil. ho. aa+xx m- = time in AC, and n: 1 :: dd + d -~1²: 2 bb + d―xl = time in CE. Therefore n ~ ✔aa + xx bb + dx} + minimum. Or m n n n√aa+xx +m√ bb+d—x for x; then xxxx + 2xe, and Xs 2e X d m² d. - x 1² naa+xx+2xe + m√ √ aa + xx + m Therefore bb + d—x1² ✓ bb + d bb + d aa+xx+2xe = √ aa + xx + xe d-x-el² aa + xx min. Write x+e = we have ze X d-x x1. But and 9 √66 bb + dx12 2e × d x = ex. Sect. XIV. 515 MINI M A. ex dux bb+ d—xl² Therefore naa+xx+ +m√ bb + d―xl² mexd-x bb + d-x1² nxe Fig. √aa+xx 154. = n✓aa+xx + m√ bb + d—x. Therefore m² mexd-x bb+d-xl nxe √aa+xx aa+xx =o. And multiplying, 0. nx√bb+dd—2dx+xx = md - mx√ aa+xx; and fquaring nnbbxx+nnddxx-2nndx³ +nnx4—mmddaa -2mmdaax + mmaaxx+mmddxx-2mmdx3+mmx+. And being reduced is, nnx+-2nndx³+nnddxx+2mmdaax-m² d'a²o. -mm+2mmd +nnbb -mmdd ·mmaa PROB. CCXXXI. Within the given angle ACB, to cut off a given area 1550. with the forteft line AB. Let the area; s, c=fine and cof. C; CA=x, CB=y, then per queft. sxy = b, and by Trigono- metry AB√xxyy2cxy min.; therefore b xx + yy — 2cxy min. but xy= and y therefore xx + bb 2cb S SSXX S = min. or xx + 2 b SX bb SSXX min. Put xe for x, then w+el²x² + 2ex, I I 2e -2 and or x + el # + el XX 2:3 1 Li2 Whence xx + 516 B. II. MAXIMA and Fig. xx + 2ex + £55. bb I bb 2e X SS XX SS X3 2bbe bb 2 ex $583 =0, and x = o, X =xx + bb SSXX whence x4 = and 2 bb SSX3 SS 64 64 But y4= bb X ; therefore S4X4 54 bb SS 34 = x4, and y=x PROB. S CCXXXII. 156. To find the greatest parallelogram infcribed in a triangle. Let the parallelogram BDEF be infcribed in the triangle ABC. Put AB=a, BC=b, DB=x, DE=y. Then by the fimilar triangles ABC, ADE, a — x ya: b, and ay ba bx, and y = bx b a — But xy=max, or bx ba-bx a bxx = max. С Pute for the fmall increment of x, then the in- crement of bx is be, and the decrement of xx is * + el -xx=2xe, and the decrement of bxx a 157. 2 bxe 2bxe 2x whence be= and I 1 = and > a a a x=a. Therefore y = b. PROB. CCXXXIII. Given the point P within the right angle ACB; to draw the line APB, fo that AP x PB may be a minimum. Draw DP, PF parallel to CB, CA; and put CF=6, CD=6, AD=x. Then by fimilar tri- angles Sect. XIV. 5'7 MINI M A. bc Fig. X angles xbcy, and xy be, and y = • 157. Then AP✓bb+xx, and PB =Vcc+yy; and AP x PB = √bb + xxx √l cut басс bbcc XX min. and fquaring, bbcc + + ccxx + bbcc min. and XX b+cc ccxx + = min. Whence cc Xx + el² + XX b4cc x + e² b+cc 男 ccxx + or cc xxx + 2xe + b4cc X XX I 2e b4cc 264cce = ccxx + Whence 2ccxe X3 XX X³ b4 37 XX 0, x = x37 or xb4, and xb, whence y=c. And AC=x+c=b+c, and CB=b+y= b + c. Therefore AC = CB. And if it be required to have AP+PB, a mini- we ſhall have ^/«b + xx + √ cc + yy = mum, min. or bb+xx + √bb + xx + √ cc + XX bbcc = min. But 2 bb +x+el² √bb + xx = xe = the √bb + xx increment of ✔bb+xx. And in like manner -bbcce bbcc *√ect is the increment of cc+ or XX bbcc cc+ XX bbce xx√xx+bb its decrement. Therefore xe √bb + xx 3 bbce xx bb+xx L 13 and x bbc, bbc, or bbc, as in Prob. ccxxiii. by another method PROB. f 518 B. II. MAXIMA and Fig. 1 CCXXXIV. PROB. Given the fum of the legs of a right-angled triangle; to find the legs, fo as to contain the greatest area poffible. x Let a fum of the legs, one of them; then xXa-x= 2 area = max. therefore x+exa-x =xX a x, that is, ax-xx xe+ae- xe ax e 109 xx, and ge 2xe=0, or 2xa, whence x = a, and a x = 1/2. 12. Therefore the legs are equal. And therefore when the area is given; the fum of the legs will be the leaft, when they are equal. PROB. CCXXXV. Given the area of a right angled triangle; to find the fides, when the perimeter is the leaft pofible. Let a area, x=fum of the legs, v, y=the two legs; then vv+yy+2vy — xx, but vy = 2a, and vv+yy=xx-2vyxx-4a, and the hypothenufe =√ vv +yy = √xx· xx-4a; therefore x+xx-40 = perimeter = min. min. write x + e for x; then 2 x + e 4a = √xx + 2x – 40 = XX* 4a xe ; whence x + e + √xx 40 + a ке xe ≈≈ 4 ww-44, and e + ·4%, 42 XX 4a 44 + CO. And e/xx 40ee xxee, and 400 € o, and ee xe, and eexx-4aee or e=0. And 40 therefore fince the increment of x is nothing; therefore x is a minimum, and when x or the fum میم Sect. XIV. 519 MINIM A. ५ fum is a minimum; then the legs are equal, by Fig. the laft problem; therefore v = y=x, and xx 2a, or x = √õa. ŏa. PROB. CCXXXVI. Given the folidity of a Square pyramid DF; to find 158. the flant fide AВ the leafi poffible. ≈ Let b = folidity, x=CB the height, y=2AC the breadth, then AB =√xx+4yy. But xyy=b, 26 उ and y = ; therefore AB = √xx + X minimum, and xx + x, then xxxx + 2xe, and 36 4x 36 min. Put x + e for 4% 36 3h 35 4x 4x+3e 4x 3le ; whence xx+2xe + 2be 36 xx+ 36 4xx 4x 4xx 4x and 2xe 3 be =0, and 8x3 8x³ = 35, whence 4xx /36 I 8 1/36. 2 PROB. CCXXXVII. Given the folidity of the Square pyramid DF, to find 158. that which has the leaft jurface, excluding the bafe. = Let b folidity, x = CB the height, y = 2 AC, or 2AD the breadth. Then AB =√xx + ¡y, and ÷y × √xx+yy DBL, and 2y√xx+yy = iurface. But xyyb, and yy 36 Whence the X 36 96b 4x L 14 36 surface = 2√3 × √xx+ X 2√3bx+ 4** = maxi- 520 B. II. MAXIMA and Fig. 158. maximum. And 36x+ 936 4XX maximum, or 1 ½ bx + obb max, write x+e for x, then gbb XX XX 11 12be + gb b xx+2xe gbb y3b 186be Therefore 12bx + XX X3 18bbe gbb = 12bx + ; and 12bc- XX 203 XX 18bbe 18bb = 0, or 12b = , and 12׳=186, and 203 X3 36 *3= whence 3 * V 3 2 26 PROB. CCXXXVIII. 159. To find the greatest cylinder, infcribed in a given cone. BC or or BF = b, c= Let axis AB = a, 3.1416, DB, DE or DG =y. Then by the fimilar triangles ABC, ADE, a — x: y :: a: b, and ay — ba ba— bx, or bx = ab But cyyx maximum, and X x = ab-ay b cyy X ab-ay b abcyy-acy³ b ac азд or = max. that is ex byyy max and byy-y = b max. put y+e for y, then byy becomes byy2bye, and y3 becomes y³ + gy¹e. Whence byy+2 bye-y³-3y²e—byyy³. byy+2bye—y³ And 2bye-2yyeo, or 2by 3yy, and y36. ab-zab Whence x = I .. 3 PROB. Sect. XIV. 521 ΜΙΝΙ Μ Α. Fig. PROB. CCXXXIX. Given the weights of two elastic bodies A, C; to find the weight of the intermediate body B; ſo that A Striking B at reft, and B with the mo- tion acquired, Ariking C at reft, may make C's motion the greateſt poſſible. Let x weight of B, a velocity of A. y velocity of B, acquired by the ſtrokes v velocity of C, by the ftroke. Then Aa is the motion of both A and B, af- ter the ftroke, as well as before; and a is the difference of their velocities; therefore y-a a is the velocity of A after the ftroke. And fince the fum of their motions remains the fame (Me- chan. 10.), therefore xy+y-axAAa, or xy-Aa Ay Aa, that is, xy + Ay = 2aA, and y = 2CA A+*' Again, xy is the motion of both B and C, and y the difference of their velocities, as well after as before the ftroke of B. Therefore v-y is the velocity of B after its ftriking C. Whence Cvv―yxx=xy, or Cv+xv=2yx. Whence = 2YX C+x H ftion; or 4a Ax A+xxC+x X A+xxC+x A+xxC+x X = maximum per que = maximum; or = minimum, that is, AC+A+C.x+xx X AC minimum, or ACC + A+ C 522 B. II. MAXIMA and Fig. A +C+x= minimum; therefore + mi- nimum; put x+e for x; then ACe AC and therefore XX X AC * AC X AC A C x + e ACe +x+e= XX +x, and throwing out the fuperfluous quan- 11 tities, e- : = o, and xx AC, whence ACe XX x = VAC. To find x* - PRO B. CCXL. the greatest poffible, fuppofing n greater than m. Write xe for 12 M-I x, then x+e!" =x™+m e, and xe = x² + nx el 12 *+ el² = xm NI - nx e=x 772 12.-I e; therefore x + el” → 112 R " + mx-le — x* 92 x²; ; that is, x². And by fubtraction, MI OF M-I mx TIL 2-I nx 11X o, or e = 0, mx nx". And n being have nx-mm, and x" = nx 27-I greater than m, we m 720-772 ; whence n 7- M m 30 = PROB. Sect. XIV. 523 MINIMA: Fig. PROB. CCXLI. To find the greateſt parallelogram infcribed in the gi- 160; ven curve AMC. Let MPBF be the greateſt parallelogram. To the point M where it touches the curve, draw the tangent TMD. Then if the fubtangent PT be equal to the height of the parallelogram PB, then MPBF is the greateft parallelogram, For it is plain from Problem ccxxxii, that this paralle- logram is the greateft that can be infcribed in the triangle TDB; and as this is greater than any other that can be infcribed in the triangle, fo, much more, is it greater than any other that can be infcribed in the curve, fince the angle M which is in the curve, will in all other cafes fall fhort of the tangent. Therefore knowing the method of drawing a tangent to the curve; you must feek the point P, where the ordinate PM being erected, and the tangent TM drawn, TP may be equal to PB. Thus if AM be a parabola; put AB-a, AP=x, then by the nature of the curve, AF=x, whence TP=2x, PB=-x, therefore 2xa-x, 3x = a, or x = a. And the fame will hold good, if not in all, yet in most curves which are convex to the axis. For. fince the parallelogram is the greateft for the tri- angle, it will allo be greateft for the curve, fince the curve at that place coincides with the tangent. Otherwife thus, Suppofe the nature of the curve be rx where AP, PM=y, alío AB=a, m = 3* BC = b, Then 524 B. II MAXIMA and Fig. Then PBax, and a-xxy max. 160. m 12 y = g X > therefore a m + n n maxim. put m ax * M 12 a. x + el m+n N =x + = ax n + m 72 c 1 But xxr X = max. or *; then put +e: ≈ = * ; m n M-1 12 ax e, and x + el m+m m+n 12 X e. Therefore n M-n 72 ax + ax ex m 1 m+n m m m+n R m+n n 72 12 x e=ax n 712-72 whence m 72 m+n ax N 12 772-12 M2 127 max = m + n xx 272-72 m 12 X € = 0, or ; and dividing by m-m +12 =m+nxx, whence 12 ma =m+ n x x X HIZ m+n 2 Which is general for all parabolical figures. Thus if m=1, n=2, as in the common parabola, then xa, and if m2, n= 1, then is xa, as in the fame parabola, with its con- vexity towards the axis. If m=1, n = 1; then a, for the triangle, as was proved before. PROB. CCXLII. 161,Given the distance of the point A from the perpen- dicular plane BC; to find the poſition of the plane AC, through which a body shail defcend in the fborteft time poffible to the plane BC. Let AB be perpendicular to BC, AD parallel to it, and CD perpendicular to AC. Put AB=b, BC=x; then (Mechan. prop 34. cor. I. 4to.) in the time Se&t. XIV. 525 MINIM A: time a body defcends thro' the inclined plane AC, Fig. another body will fall perpendicularly through the 161. ſpace AD. Therefore as the time in AC muſt be a minimum, the time in AD muſt be a minimum, and AD itſelf must be a minimum. By the fi- milar triangles BAC, CAD, it is BC (x) : CA (√bb + xx) :: CA (√ob + xx): AD = bb+xx bb minimum, And +x=min.write xe X hb bb bbe bb for x, then 11 ; therefore x+e XX bbe 318 bb bbe +x, and +e=o, or XX bb and xx bb, or xb, therefore x = 1 = XX XX +x+e= BCBA. Otherwife thus, Deſcribe the circle AGC with the center B, and 162. radius BA; draw AC and any other line AE, and CGF parallel to it. Then (Mechan prop. 37. cor. 1. 4to.) the times of a body's defcending through GC, AC, are equal. And the times of defcend- ing through the equal lines, of equal inclinations, AE, FC are equal. But the time of defcending through GC is less than the time of defcending through FC. Therefore the time of defcending through AC is lefs than the time of defcending through any other line AE. PROB. CCXLIII. AB is a horizontal line, BD an inclined plane. It is 163. required to find the position of the plane AD, through which a body defcending from A fall arrive at the plane BD, in the leaft time poffible. Suppoſe AD to be the plane, draw AL per- pendicular to AB, and DH perpendicular to AL, and } # 526 B. II MAXIMA and C Fig, and DF perpendicular to AD. And put b=AB, 163.s, fine and cof B, BD = x, AD=y. Then by plain Trigonometry bb+xx-2cbx=y; and } 2 AD (y) : S.B (s) : : BD (*) SX y S.BAD or ADH. And rad (1): AD (†) : : S. ADH : AH = SX. And by fimilar triangles, AH (1) (sx): AD (y) :: AD (y) : AF = yy SM 11 bb+xx-2cbx But the time of falling through SX AF is equal to the time of defcending through AD (Mech. prop. 34. cor. 1. 4to.). And this time is a minimum, therefore AF is a minimum, that is, bb+xx-2cbx bb+xx-2cbx bb SX min. and bb X = min. or +x-2cb= min. whence + x = min. X X as in the laft problem. And therefore xb, or AD AB. Or thus, On AF defcribe a femicircle ADF to touch the line AL in D; draw AD, which will be the line of ſhorteſt time. For the time of defcending through all the cords in the femicircle will be equal (Mechan. prop. 37, cor. 1. 4to.) to the time in AD. But the time in any cord is fhorter than the time in the fame chord when produced to the line BL, which lies without the circle. And therefore the time in AD is alfo fhorter than in any other line drawn to BL. PROB Sect. XIV. 527 MINIMA Fig. PROB. CCXLIV. To divide a given line AB, into three parts, x, y, z; 164. So that xyyz³ may be the greatest product poſſible. 2. First, fuppofe x+y=b a given quantity, to find xyy a maximum, Then x-b-y, and by xyy or byyy³ max. put ye for y, then bxy+el y+e³ max. that is, byy+2bye-y³—3yye—byy —y³, and 2bye-3yye=0, and 3y=2b, or y=3b, and xb. Therefore y = 2x. Again, let x+y+x=d, to find xyz³ = max. Then by what is gone before, whatever z be, y will be =2x. Whence 4x³z³max. But x+y =d-z, or 3x=d-%, and 4x32³ = = xd — 21³, 4. 3 - Xz³max, and d-vl³ X 23max. or d—zxz= max. or dz zz = max. put ze for 2, then dz + dez+el' = dzzz, or dz + de 2ze=dz-zz, or de-zzeo; whence 2z x+y+ ≈, and z=x+y=3x. Therefore ZZ d= + 2x +3x or 6x=d, and xd, and y = (2x=) zd, and z = (3x =) 3d. POST- POSTSCRIPT. HAVING met with an account of my book of Algebra in the Monthly Review, I intend to make a few Remarks. of what has been faid, that the reader' may not be miſled by the trifling Objections of ignorant Pretenders, that fet up to be judges in things they have no more than a fuperficial knowledge of. In commenting upon the 73d Prob. pag. 209. the Critic begins thus; Among the Problems in the Seventh Section, is one of fo extraordinary a nature, that we ſhall beg leave to lay it before the reader entire. Now I cannot think why this Prob. is faid to be of an extraordinary Nature, except it be that the Critic has not met with fuch a thing in all his reading before. But I can affure the reader, that there is not one of theſe things mentioned in that Problem, but what he will frequently meet with in prac- tice, if his defign is to uſe himſelf to Calculations, and to the folving of Problems. And, I believe, I fhould have been guilty of a great overfight, and therefore. ſhould have done a manifeſt injury to my reader, if I had not given him fome light in this affair, and ha' laid down fome rules how to manage fuch expreffions when they occur, rather than leave him in the dark without at all explaining their nature. After I had given fuch rules and obfervations as I thought proper; I tell the reader in the Scholium annext, that o in a mathematical fenfe never fignifies abfolute nothing, but always nothing in refpect to the object under confideration. To which this Objector replies, The above elucidation, however true in that particular, is not, we apprehend, fufficient to remove the difficulties that attend this Problem. For fuppofe inſtead of our being employed in con- fidering the area of a fuperficies, our attention had been en- gaged in confidering the length of a line. It will then furely follow, that when its length vanishes, it becomes a mathemati- cal point or nothing. I know not what fort of elucidation. may POSTSCRIPT. 529 may be fufficient to remove difficulties out of fome peoples heads. But it will furely follow, that this Objector does not know what he is talking about. For the very in- ftance he brings is fufficient to confute him. For when the length of the line is vanifhed, it then becomes a ma- thematical point, or nothing; that is, it becomes nothing when compared to a line. But will he fay that a geo- metrical point is abfolutely nothing? If fo, it would be impoffible for Geometers to give a definition of a point as a geometrical term, becauſe abfolute nothing has no manner of exiſtence, and cannot be a term in any ſcience. I faid a line is nothing when compared to a furface, though it is fomething in itſelf. And for the ſame reaſon, a point is nothing when compared to a line, and yet is a thing real in itſelf, and not abſolutely nothing. He proceeds, But we cannot compare mathematical points together, BECAUSE they are totally deftitute of parts; and without parts there can be no comparison. One would think that things are the moſt eaſily compared, when they are under equal circumftances, and of the fame kind. For points muſt either be equal or elfe unequal to one another; and I take equality to denote a compariſon. But if one be deftitute of parts, and the other has parts, there's an end of any compariſon among theſe, as being different kinds of things. But being deftitute of parts is not the reafon why things cannot be compared. For example, fup- poſe any one fhould try to compare a line with a fur- face, and give this as a reaſon that they cannot be com- pared, viz. that both of them are deftitute of parts; I think he muſt expect to be laught at for affigning ſo odd a reaſon, fince the true reafon is, that they are of dif- ferent kinds; and for that reafon no compariſon can be made. But whether we can or we cannot compare ma- thematical points together, is a thing I have nothing to do with; but Dr. Halley has taken fome pains to fhew the proportion of mathematical points to one another. And I leave him and this Critic to determine the matter between them. He goes on, befides (fays he) we have often Equations where o fignifies abfolute nothing. Thus, if x=y, then x-7=0. Yes, in abftracted Equations made at plea- M m } fure 530 POSTSCRIPT. fure among letters that have no meaning, or which re- late to nothing; and then it is no wonder if it is fo. That is, when his Problem is about nothing at all, the refult may be abfolutely nothing. But I was writing about practical things; and any body may understand, that when a man is folving a Problem in earneft, it is always in regard to fome fort of quantity, and then his o will always be of the fame kind as the quantity con- cerned, and has relation to nothing elſe. Even in his Equation x-yo, x and y if they be any thing, muſt be quantities of the fame kind, or no fubtraction can be made; and then his o will unavoidably be of the fame kind too. What follows is very extraordinary; he fays, multiplica- tion is nothing more than a number of additions, and diviſion a number of fubtractions. Confequently, if we can neither aug- ment nor leſſen a quantity by the addition or ſubtraction of 0; we can neither augment nor leffen it by the multiplication or divifion of o. For otherwife the very bafis of Arithmetie would be defroy'd, &c. That is, for example, becauſe 0+9=9, therefore o x 9 muſt alſo be 9, for other- wife the very bafts of Arithmetic will be deftroy'd. A moſt excellent reaſon furely to deftroy the principles of Arith- metic. Such fort of Critics as thefe, have I the luck to be concern'd with. Then he proceeds; In fact, the Cypher is ONLY the li mit or boundary between negative and affirmative quantities the point from which both begin; and through which they must pals in order to change their denomination. This Objector then feems to know nothing of the great ufe of the o in all arithmetical Operations. And as little has he been. uted to the folving Problems; or elfe he would ha' known what frequently happens, that o may be one of the roots of an equation; and then o has as real, intelligible, de- terminate a value as 1, 2, 3, &c. and this is fomething more than being the mere boundary between negative and affirmative quantities; about which the Algebraist troubles not his head, but attends only to the real uſe of that root when it fo happens. At laft he concludes, that the difficulties attending the Ideas of infinity and nothing, ought rather to be imputed to the folly of comparing things of different kinds. But this will not POSTSCRIPT. 531 not do, fin ce no body that ever difputed about theſe things, was ever fo ignorant, as to think, that there can be any compariſon made, by way of equality, among heterogeneous quantities. For inftance, whoever was fo fooliſh as to fay, that fuch a quantity of ſpace was equal to fo much folidity, or equal to fuch a length of a line. This therefore is not the reaſon why the ideas of o and infinity are fo difficult to us. For my part. I know no difficulty at all of comprehending them in a mathemati- cal fenfe, and that's all I have to do with them as a Mathematician. I ought to take notice for the fake of the reader, that he has made nonfenfe of the 5th Corollary. The true reading is, Hence alfo 0° 1, or the infinitely fmall power, of an infinitely fmall quantity, is infinitely near 1. 0°=1 The very next Prob. to this is of the like kind; which is, to find the proportion of o's in particular cafes. This he has not thought fit to meddle with, tho' of the fame extraordinary nature, altho' it is rather more excep- tionable than the former. The reafon he does not men- tion it, I fuppofe is, becauſe feveral of the most eminent Geometers have handled it, and he might be call'd to ac- count for contradicting them; and therefore he chooſes to let it pafs without any notice, not even fo much as to tell his readers, that he never faw it folved by common Algebra before. Thus I think I have anſwered all his Objections, and fhewn, that what I have afferted in that Prob. is folid and true, and that his Objections are mere Cavils, and amount to abfolutely nothing. W. E. * FINI S. ERRATA: In Plate VI. Fig. 54, for A read B, for B read C, for C read A. BOOKS printed for J. NOURSE, in the Strand, Bookfeller to His MAJESTY. I. CYCL YCLOMATHESIS; or an Eafy Introduction to the ſeveral Branches of the MATHEMA- TICS; being principally defigned for the Inftruction of young Students, before they enter upon the more abftrufe and difficult Parts thereof, by W. Emerfon, in 13 Vo- lumes Octavo, Price 41. 4 s. N. B. 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