QA 35 •F325 1 > ARTES LIBRARY 1817 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIOUS UNUM TUEBOR QUÆRIS PENINSULAM AMⱭNAM` CIRCUMSPICE TO SECOND VOLUME John The OF THE Waller 177 INSTRUCTIONS 어 GIVEN IN THE DRAWING SCHOOL ESTABLISHED BY THE ? UB LIN-SOCIETY. Purfuant to their RESOLUTION of the Fourth of FEBRUARY, 1768; To enable Youth to become PROFICIENTS in the different Branches of that Art, and to purfue with Succefs, GEOGRA PHICAL, NAUTICAL, MECHANICAL, COMMERCIAL, and MILITARY STUDIES: Under the direction of JOSEPH FENN, heretofore Profeffor of PHILOSOPHY in the Univerſity of NANTS. Quid munus Reipublicæ majus aut melius afferre poffumus, quam fi Fus ventutem bene Erudiamus ? CICERO, DUBLIN: Printed by ALEX. MCCULLO H, in Henry-ftreet, M.DCC.LXXII, Um Hist, of Scume Palusp 8-23-38 36938 HISTORY O F MATHEMATICKS, Containing an Account of the Progrefs of MATHEMATICKS from the Origin of that Science to the preſent Time; wherein are ex- hibited the principal mathematical Diſcoveries, the Diſputes they have given Riſe to, with an intereſting Detail of the Lives of the moſt eminent MATHEMATICIANS. 7 CHA P. I. Preliminary Difcourfe on the Nature, Divifions, and Utility of Mathematicks. I. HE Ancients are generally thought to have called this Science, Mathefis, THE Mathemata, by which is meant the Sciences, on Account of the luminous Certitude that characterifes it above all the other Branches of human Knowledge. This Etymoligy does fo much Honour to this Science, that we could wiſh to eſtabliſh it on a more folid Foundation; it muſt be confeffed, that it is not fupported by the Teftimony of any Author of Antiquity (a), and without Doubt is the Conjecture of fome modern Panegyrift. Proclus, who gives fuch great Encomiums to Mathematicks (b), and who relates with fuch Care the Sentiments of his Predeceffors concerning their Nature, Di- vifions, &c. fays nothing of this Etymoligy, but gives a metaphyſical De- rivation of it, more fubtle than folid (c), which we therefore omit. Some among the Moderns, not fatisfied with this Etymoligy, have given another, which they thus account for: That at the Time Mathematicks fu) Scapula in his Greek Dictionary, at the word parlava, cites Philon, or the author of the book De Mundo, in proof of this ety- moligy, but no fuch thing is found there. (b) Comm. in 1 Euc. 1, v. (c) Ibid c. 15. II OF HISTORY took its Rife, and for fome Ages after, they were the only Sciences taught in the Schools of Philofophers. Rhetorick, Dialectick, Grammar, Mora- lity, which in fubfequent Ages had fo great a Share in the Improvement of the Mind, being then unknown; Mathematicks and Natural Philoſophy alone occupied the human Understanding; the latter being always preceded by the Study of the former, as being the Avenue and Introduction to it. it is well known that in the School of Pythagoras, the Claſs of Mathe- maticians preceded, that of Natural' Philofophers, that Plato, in Times much pofterior, excluded from his Phyfical and Metaphyfical Lectures, thoſe who were not initiated in Geometry: it was, in fine, what gave Occaſion to the Speech of Xenocrates to one, who, ignorant of Geometry and Arithme- tick, attended his Lectures, withdraw, faid the Philofopher to him harſhly Anfas Philofophiæ non habes (d). > Hence it appears that the Study of Mathematicks was the first purſued in the Schools of Philofophers; and from this Priority of Time, not from its fuperior Perfection, fay the Authors we mentioned (e), has this Branch of Knowledge been called Mathefis, that is, Science, or rather Inftru&tion. II. As to the Nature of Mathematicks, they may be defined, the Science of the Relations of Magnitude and Number, that all Things fufceptible of Aug- mentation or Diminution can have to each other. Thus Geometry, for Example, confiders the Relations of the different Parts of Extenfion; fince to meafure, which is the principal Object of Geo- metry, is nothing more than to determine the Ratio of a certain Portion of Extenfion to another taken as a fixed Meafure. Aftronomy is wholly employ- ed in difcovering the Order and Pofition of the Stars, that is, their Dif tances from each other, in computing the Times in which they peform their Revolutions, in foretelling their Conjunctions, Oppofitions, &c. Me- chanicks, in compairing the Weights and Motions of Bodies with one ano- ther, in calculating the Powers acting in oppofite Directions, &c. In all thofe Confiderations, there are Relations of Magnitude, and to thoſe alone Mathematicks are confined. If the Mind attempts to reafon on the Nature of the Stars, of Extenfion, of Motion, or on the Caufe of Gravity, &c. it refers thoſe Reſearches to Phyficks. III. Mathematicks are naturally divided into two Claffes; one comprehending pure or abſtract, the other, mixed Mathematicks. The first confiders the Properties of Quantities after an abftra& Manner, precifely as it is ſuſcep- tible of Augmentation or Diminution; and as the Mind diftinguiſhes two (d) Diog. Laert. in Acnecrat. t ? (e) Ramus Proem in math, Barrow lect. math. lect, 1. MATHEMATIC K S. III Sorts of Magnitude, one confifting in Number or Multitude, the other in Space or Extenfion, thence arife the two principal Branches of the firft Di- vifion, viz. Arithmetick and Geometry. Numbers are the Object of the former; Extenfion, its Relations, its Meafure, that of the latter. Mixed Mathematicks confift of certain Parts of Phyficks, to which ab- ſtract Mathematicks may be applied: thus in Opticks, the Effects and Pro- perties of Light are investigated by Means of certain Principles, which re- duce their Confideration to pure Geometry. It is first affumed as a Prin- ciple, that the Rays of Light are propagated in ftraight Lines, if no Ob- ftacle is oppofed to their Paffage; that they are reflected making the Angles of Reflection equal to thofe of Incidence; that paffing thro' one Medium into another of different Denfity, they are deflected from their firft Di- rection, obferving however in their Deflections a certain geometrical Law. Thefe Principles once eſtabliſhed, the Mathematician examines no further the Nature of Light, or of the Mediums it paffes through, or that reflect it. He confiders the Rays of Light as ftraight Lines, the reflecting or re- fracting Mediums as purely Mathematical Surfaces, the Form of which is alone attended to. Thus he determines the Path of the Rays of Light on Mirrors, through Optical Glaffes, their Effects on the Sight, &c. It can- not be denied, but that thofe Reſearches are, properly fpeaking, Phyfical; but as they are intimately connected with and dependant upon abftract Ma- thematicks, from which they derive their Certainty, they are in fome Senfe raiſed thereby to the Rank of Mathematicks, of which they form the fe- cond Divifion, In this Refpect, they hold a middle Place between En- quiries purely Phyfical, which are commonly involved in Obfcurity, and pure Mathematicks, which fhine with unclouded Perfpicuity. They can- not have a greater Degree of abfolute Certainty, than the Principle upon which they are founded, and in this View they are Phyfical: on the other Hand, they have an hypothetical Evidence equal to that of abftra&t Ma- thematicks, that is, their Principle being fuppofed true, they are not lefs certain than this latter. They have even the Advantage of having a Kind of metaphyfical Certainty, tho' their Principle is not exiftent in Nature, provided that Principle is not repugnant to Reaſon. What Archimedes has demonftrated concerning the Ratio of Weights that are in Equilibrio at the Extremity of a Balance, is equally true whether the Directions of heavy Bodies are parallel or converge to a Point; in the latter Cafe only, the Theory of Archimedes can be applied to Weights that gravitate on the Sur face of the Earth, but it is likewiſe to thoſe which gravitate, or are con- ceived to gravitate, in parallel Lines, which is not metaphyfically impof- fible, and by Means of this Principle purely hypothetical, and that does not take Place in the prefent Order of the Univerfe. The Mathematician of Syracufa, fquared the Parabola. The Phyfico-mathematical Diſcoveries of Newton, on the Form of the Orbits, that the Planets fhould defcribe, ac ་ ❤ IV HISTORY cording to the different Laws of Attraction, would not be lefs true, tho' it had been demonftrated that this Attraction did not exist, they would then ſtand in the fame Rank with the Properties of a Triangle or Circle, if nonet fuch really exiſted in Nature. From what has been faid concerning mixed Mathematicks, it follows, that their different Branches cannot be fixed and determined, as thoſe of abftract Mathematicks. In Proportion às experimental Philofophy acquiring new Riches, has afcertained certain Facts that may ferve as firſt Principles, mix- ed Mathematicks have been extended. This the illuftrious Chancellor Bacon obferved, with that Sagacity wherewith he forefaw the future Im- provement of Natural Knowledge: Prout Phyfica, fays he (f), majora in dies Incrementa capiet, et nova Axiomata educet, eo mathematica nova Opera in multis Indigebit, et plures demum fient Mathematica mixte. It is therefore no way furprifing, that mixed Mathematicks made fo flow a Progreſs among the Ancients, whilft abftract Mathematicks advanced fo rapidly by a Variety of important Discoveries. The human Mind need only deſcend into itſelf to improve in pure Mathematicks, but to advance in the other, a quite contrary Method is to be parfued; it requires a Series of Experiments and Obfervations: in this the ancient Philofophers were de- ficient; in general they neglected Obfervation too much, they laid too great a Streſs on Reafoning and Metaphyficks. Excited by an impatient, and, after all, a very excufable Curiofity, they wanted to explain Nature before they were acquainted with her firft Operations: thus the Structure they had raiſed, like that erected by ignorant Architects on a weak Foundation, focr fell to the Ground. The fucceflive Rife of the different Branches of Mathematicks, confirm the foregoing Remark: The Pythagoreans divided this Science into four Parts only, two of the abftra&t and two of the mixed Mathematicks; the two latter were Muſick and Aftronomy. Already the Obfervations of Pythagoras upon Sound, with thofe made from Time to Time on the celestial Pheno- mena, joined to fome Hypothefes contrived to explain and calculate the Motions of the Stars, afforded an Opportunity of employing pure Mathe- maticks in Phyſical Enquiries. The Extent of thofe Sciences was not much greater in the Platonick School; their Divifion into Geometry, Stereometry, Arithmetick, Mufick, and Aftronomy (g), was injudicious, and comprehend- ed no more than that of the Pythagorean School: in Effect, the two firft Divifions are only a Subdivifion of Geometry. However, pure Mathema- ticks were confiderably improved by the Platonicks; but as thofe Philofo- phers were too much addicted to Contemplation, they were lefs fuccefsful in phyfical Inquiries It does not appear that they eſtabliſhed one Fact that (f) De Augmento Scient. lib. 3. cap. 6 (g) Plat. Dial. 7 de Rep. Theon de Smyrn in Loca Math. Platonis. MATHEMATICK V S. could ferve as a leading Principle to a new Science, if we except perhaps the rectilinear Propagation of Light, and the Equality of the Angles of Inci- dence and Reflection. However that may be, it feems Opticks and Mechanicks were not ranked among the mathematical Sciences 'till a long Time after; and that about the Time of Ariftotle, when they had at length traced out fome of the Laws of the Propagation of Light, of Vifion, and the Equilibrium of Bodies, the Queſtions of this Philofopher concerning Mechanicks, fome of his Pro- blems, the Treatife of Opticks attributed to Euclid, feem to have been the firſt Rudiments of thefe Sciences. The general Syftem of Mathematicks was then compofed of fix Parts, Geometry and Arithmetick, Mufick and Aftronomy, Opticks and Mechanicks; no other Branches were known to the Ancients, The Moderns, by cultivating natural Philofophy with Succefs, have re- duced a great Number of other Subjects to Geometry, fcarcely known to the Ancients: Opticks, among them, confifted only of a very fimple Theory of the Illumination of Bodies; Catopricks, or the Science of reflected Light; and a few Principles of Perfpective. The Science of Vifion or direct Opticks, they were ignorant of; Dioptricks likewife as yet were un- known. It is not much above a. Century and a half ago fince the Prin- ciple on which they are entirely eſtabliſhed has been difcovered, as alfo that which ferves as a Foundation to direct Opticks; thofe two Branches of a Science ſo far extended at prefent, owe even their firſt Outlines to modern Discoveries. It is alfo butlately fince Mechanicks emerged from that feeble State in which they were tranfmitted to us by the Ancients. Confined then to the Science of Equilibrium, they only included what we now call Staticks and Hydro- ftaticks, in which the Equilibrium of Bodies. is only confidered. At pre- fent, Mechanicks are the Science of Motion in general; and what that Science in former Ages totally confifted in, is now only a ſmall Part of it. Is Motion impeded by a contrary Refiſtance, which, without deftroying the Tendency, annihilates the Effect and produces an Equilibrium? This is the Mechanicks of the Ancients. Do we confider the actual Motion in Bo- dies, the Phenomena refulting from their Concurfe and Collifions, the Paths they deſcribe, and the Velocities with which they move when acted upon by a Combination of different Powers, the Refiftance of Fluids to Bodies that move in them, &c. theſe are the Subject of Dynamicks. Thus all the Parts of Mathematicks, without changing their Names, comprize, at this Day, Objects more vaft and extenfive; and each of them have fent forth a Num- ber of Scions, which cultivated with Care by the Moderns, foon furpaffed the Stock from whence they took their Riſe, VI HISTORY Y OF 1 t IV. A principle Part of our Plan being to unfold the whole Syftem of Ma thematicks, and to give a clear Idea of its different Branches, in order to exhibit the Progrefs of the human Mind in this confiderable Part of natural Knowledge, it will not appear unneceffary to trace its metaphyfical Generation. Bodies are endued with feveral Properties, as Extenfion, Impenetrability, c. but of all thefe Properties, that which feems to hold the first Rank, and that without which the others could not exift, and which is equally obferved by thoſe the leaſt accuſtomed to reflect as by the moſt fagacious, is Extenfion it does not require much Skill in Metaphyficks to form this Idea, to diſtinguiſh its different Species; tho' phyfically infeparable. The leaft in- formed know well how to diſtinguiſh in a Globe of any Size, Matter or Colour, what conftitutes it a Globe, and not a Cube, or a Pyramid.- Should you ſpeak of the Extent of a Plane, the Mind naturally lays afide the Idea of Depth, and only annexes to it the Idea of Length and Breadth. : Is the Diſtance of two Objects confidered, the Mind attends only to the Length; it even goes further, and excludes every Idea of Extenſion from the two Terms of this Diſtance. Such is the Origin of mathema- tical Points, Lines, and Surfaces, the Subject of fo many groundleſs Ob- jections made by Perfons, who, ignorant of Metaphyficks or Partifans of Scepticiſm, have ftrove to raiſe Doubts concerning the Solidity of Mathe- maticks. Bodies therefore confidered only with Relation to their Extenfion, will be the Limit to which the Mind can arrive, when by a natural Impulſe it analyſes the Objects of its Reſearch. Thus, Extenfion and the Figure that bounds it, will be neceffarily the firſt Confiderations that Men will attend to, when they examine the Nature of Bodies that furround them. They will begin by comparing them under thoſe two Points of View, which alone can be the Subject of Confideration, in confequence of the Abſtraction that lays afide all the other Qualities that may ſerve as a Foundation to any Com- pariſon fuch is the metaphyfical Origin of Geometry. The Idea of Multitude or Number, is not lefs natural to Man than that of Extenfion. Surrounded by diſtinct Objects, more or lefs Numerous, this Idea is every Inftant fuggefted to us by our Senfes; befides, at the fame · Time that the Mind gets the Idea of Space, conceives it divided into Por- tions of different Forms, and compares them with one another, it acquires the Idea of Number; Kence arifes the Divifion of Quantity into difcrete and continued. Quantity confidered as divided into Parts, more or leſs in Number, is the Object of Arithmetick; confidered as extended and inclofed by Boundaries, is the Object of Geometry, fome Divifions of which we hall proceed to point out. Among the different Dimenfions of Bodies, there are fome more fimple MATHEMATICKS. V-II than others: ftraight Lines are more fimple than Curves, and of thoſe the Circle is the leaft complex. In like manner, plain Surtaces, bounded by ftraight or circular Lines, Solids bounded by thofe Surfaces, are the moſt fimple of their Kind. Thefe Subje&s, therefore, of Confideration, fhould have paved the Way to more difficult Refearches; they are the Object of elementary Geometry. Tranfcendental Geometry is the Part of this Sci- ence by far the most extenfive, which treats of curvilinear Figures of a more elevated and abftruſe Nature, fuch as the Conic Sections, and an in- finite Number of others, to the Theory of which the former ſerves as an Introduction. Figures may be confidered as Spaces endued with certain Properties; or the Spaces may be analyzed and refolved, if we may fo ex- prefs ourſelves, into the infinitely fmall Elements of which they are com- poſed; whence arifes the Divifion of tranfcendental Geometry into Finite and Infinitefimal. The Speculations of the Ancients and Moderns on the Theory of Curves, furniſh an Example of the former; their Re- fearches refpe&ting the Meafure of Curves, Refearches which commonly proceed only by confidering the Law according to which their Elements in- creaſe or decreaſe, form the latter. The Mind, after being fome Time occupied in Reſearches purely geo- metrical, Reſearches fo much the more pleafing, becauſe always accom- panied by a pure and luminous Evidence, is foon forced, either by Necef- fity or Curiofity, to return to the natural World. The Motions of Bodies, and their mutual Efforts, occafioned by their impenetrability, are the firſt Objects that claim his Attention, and thus give Rife to the moſt important and uſeful Branch of mixed Mathematicks, to wit, Mechanicks. We conceive in Bodies confidered as moveable, either a fimple Tendency to Motion, a Tendency counteracted by contrary Efforts, or the Motion it- felf. From the first Confideration arifes Staticks, which is divided into Staticks, properly fo called, when it relates to Solids, and Hydroftaticks when it relates to Fluids. If Bodies are confidered in Motion, that Science is called Dynamicks, which is divided in the fame Manner as the former, into Dynamicks and Hydrodynamicks. From Dynamicks a Variety of Theo- ries arife, as the Laws of the Motion and Collifion of Bodies, the Theory of central Forces, Baliftic, Theory of Ofcillations, &c. Many Sciences are only a particular Application of Dynamicks, ſuch as the Theory of the Direction and Motion of Water, Navigation, or the naval Science, in as much as it is the Art of conducting a Ship by the Aid of mechanick Powers which put it in Motion, as the Oars, the Sails impelled by the Wind, the Rudder, &c. متنوع Next to the Knowledge of thefe Sciences requifite to fupply our Wants, Aftronomy is the moſt pleaſing. The Motions of the heavenly Bodies are fo regular, that they muſt have ever drawn the Attention of Men capable of Reflection. The human Mind was foon prompted to inveſtigate the B VIII OF HISTORY Caufe and the different Relations of the heavenly Motions. I call, with Kepler (h), Spherical Aftronomy, that whofe Object is the Phenomena ariſing from that ſeeming true Suppofition, that the Earth is in the Centre of a Sphere, in whofe Surface the Stars are placed; this is the firſt Branch of Aftronomy: the fecond is Theoretical Aftronomy, wherein it is propofed to trace the different Relations of Pofition, Diſtance, and Velocity, of the heavenly Bodies, that is to fay, to diſcover the real Form of the Univerſe. From Aftronomy arife fome fubordinate Sciences, fuch as mathematical Geography, wherein is determined the Figure of the Earth, and the Pofition of the principal Places by Obfervation. Navigation, or the Art of con- ducting a Ship across the Seas by the Obfervation of the Stars alone. Gnomonicks, or the Art of dividing Time, and marking its Divifions by Help of the heavenly Bodies, but particularly by the Shadow projected by Bodies expoſed to the Sun. Chronology, or that Part of the Science con- cerning Time, which confifts in regulating the Method of counting it, by making the civil Period coincide as near as poffible with thoſe of the Sun and Moon. The Phenomena of the propagation of Light, that is to fay, of the Mo- tion whereby it is tranfmitted from the luminous to illuminated Bodies, or from thoſe to our Eyes, have given Riſe to Opticks. The firſt Obſerva- tion upon the Rays of Light, is, that they are propagated in ſtraight Lines as long as they remain in the fame Medium. After this Manner we gene- rally perceive Objects, and the Senfation we thence receive is variouſly modified according to the Circumftances of their Diſtances, their Pofi- tions, &c. thofe Confiderations form what we call direct Opticks. It would be natural to rank under this, Head, Perspective, which is no more. than the Art of reprefenting on a Surface thoſe Degradations of Form and Magnitude obferved in Objects that furround us, and all its Rules are folely founded on the Principle of the rectilinear propagation of Light. But Light is only propagated in ftraight Lines, when its Motion is not impeded by any Obftacle; if it meets an opake Body in its Paffage, it is reficeted, and if the Surface of the Body be fmooth, the Rays of Light move on, making the Angle of Reflection, equal to that of Incidence; if the Body it meets is tranfparent, and more or less denſe than the firſt Me- dium, paffing into this Body, it moves in a Direction more or leſs O- blique than before, which is called Refraction. From the former Obſer- vation, the various phenomena of Mirrors are deduced, from the latter, thoſe of Glaffes and Inftruments for remedying the Defects of Sight. The two Sciences that are taken up with thefe Objects are called Catoptricks and Dioptricks. Acaufticks are nearly with regard to Sound, what Opticks are with re- gard to Light, but is not near fo rich as the former in certain and incon- (h) Epitome Aftron. Copern. p. 14. MATHEMATICK S. IX teſtable Diſcoveries, the Reafon of which appears from the Difficulty of reducing its Principle to the Simplicity of a Suppofition purely mathema- tical. This Principle is that of the Vibrations of the elaftic Particles of the Air, which, it is obvious, is complicated with feveral phyfical Difficulties. We may refer to this gencral Divifion, Mufick, that enchanting Art of raviſhing the Ear by the Harmony and Succeffion of Sounds; it is founded on a Principle partly diſcovered formerly by Pythagoras, partly in our Days by Rameau. Not that we pretend, that by the Aid of mathematical Rules alone agreeable Muſick may be compofed. No without Doubt, Harmony mathe- matically exact, may not be very pleafing: To Genius, to Tafle, it be- longs to ſelect the various Tones beft fuited to the Subject propofed; and the Muſicians who have treated this Art mathematically, have pretend- ed no more, than to affign the Reaſons of certain Phenomena obferved either in Melody or Harmony. To avoid Prolixity, we fhall only point out the other Parts of Mathe- maticks, the Confideration of the Relations of the Gravity, Elafticity, Denſity of the Air, and other Fluids endued with thefe Properties, has been called by fome Moderns, Pneumaticks. Calculation applied for determining the Probability of Events, has produced the Art of Conjecturing, of which the Doctrine of Chances is one of the principal Branches. Pure Geometry, applied to the Art of cutting Stones in fuch a Form, as from their Union certain Works of Architecture may refult, compofe what is called Stone-cutting; in general, the Symmetry neceffary to be obferved, whether in rearing Edifices for Defence as well as Orna- ment, is altogether owing to the mathematical Sciences. V. We have already obferved more than once, that all the Parts of mixed Mathematicks are intimately connected with abftract Mathematicks, of which they are only particular Applications. This is an Obfervation pro- per to be infifted upon, for the Advantage of thoſe who, defirous of ac- quiring a folid and extenfive Knowledge of thefe Sciences, might miſtake the Road to attain it, or would be defirous to know it: With this View, we ſhall endeavour to point out clearly their Connection and mutual Dependance. Every Queſtion in mixed Mathematicks is reducible to a Problem of pure Geometry, by ftripping it of fome phyfical Circumſtances immaterial to its Solution, as will appear by the following Example. In Gnomonicks, as it is well known, it is required to find the Pofition of the Shadow pro- jected at the different Hours of the Day, by a Style parallel to the Axis of the World, on a Surface whofe Pofition is given. A flight Knowledge of the Sphere is fufficient to fhew, that the Hours are determined by the Pofition of the Sun in the twelve horary Circles that divide his diurnal Revolution into 24 equal Parts, and that theſe Circles interfect each other in the fame Line; it is further obfervable, that the Style fixed in a proper Pofition, that M4 O F HISTORY is to ſay, parallel to this Axis, fenfibly coincides with it, and would fo in effect if we were at the Centre of the Earth; and our Diſtance from it, when compared with that of the Sun, is fo inconfiderable, that this Suppo- fition may be allowed. Laftly, it is manifeft that the Shadow of the folid Axis fixed in the common Interſection of all the horary Planes, is in the fame Plane with the Sun and this Axis, the Shadow therefore projected by this Axis, is only the horary Plane produced; hence the Problem for deter- mining the Pofition of this Shadow, is reduced to the following: A certain Number of Planes that cut each other in the fame Line and in the fame Angles every Way, being given; to find their Interfection with a Surface whofe Form and Pofition are alſo given. 1 Now it is eaſy to perceive, that this is merely a geometrical Problem; and whilſt he who is unacquainted with, or indifferently fkilled in Geometry, takes great Pains to learn the practical Rules of Gnomonicks and their Rea- fons, the intelligent Geometrician finds in Himſelf thofe Reſources; he folves the Queſtion, and invents and frames practical Methods of Solution. The fame may be faid of Perfpective; this Branch of Opticks confifts in a Problem very eafy to a Geometrician: it is required to determine on a Plane, whofe Pofition is given, the Interſection of the different Lines con- ceived drawn from the Eye to the Outlines of the Figure, which is ſuppoſed to be placed behind the Plane. Little ſkill in Geometry fuffices to refolve this Problem in its full Extent, whilft he that has made no Progreſs in it, is ſtopped every Inftant, meets continually Difficulties which he is unable to folve; and we fhall not heſitate to pronounce, that Geometry is the univerfal Key of Mathematicks: He alone can afpire to penetrate into thofe Sciences, who is Maſter of the firft; any other will ever remain confined in a nar- row Sphere, and in a State of Mediocrity. VI. Mathematicks were always held in great Efteem by the moſt celebrated Philofophers of Antiquity. We find, in Effect, that all thoſe who were eminent for their Learning and the Purity of their Morals, cultivated thoſe Sciences: I fay, all thofe eminent for their Learning and the Purity of their Morals, being well aware that a fophift Pratogaras, a voluptuous Ariftip- pus, an epicurean Zenon of Sidon, and fome others of the fame Stamp, have endeavoured to decry them; but the moft refpe&table Characters have rendered them the Juftice they deferve, fuch as Thales, Pythagoras, Demo- critus, Anaxagoras, and all the Philofophers of the Ionian and Italick Schools; in fine, Plato, Xerocrates, Ariftotle, &c. It is well known that the former were indefatigable in promoting thofe Sciences in Greece; that Plato was one of the moſt eminent Geometricians of his Time, and that his Works are full of honourable Teftimonies in Favour of Mathematicks. Xenocrates, one of his Succeffors, entertained no lefs high an Opinion of them; wit- T MATHEMATICK S. XI * nefs his Anſwer quoted above (i). The Principle of the Peripatetick School in his metaphifical Works frequently makes uſe of Examples taken from Geometry; which clearly evince that he confidered the geometrical Me- thod as the fittest to be employed in the Inveſtigation of Truth: befides, it is well known that he wrote upon ſeveral mathematical Subjects. We find among the Antients only Socrates, whofe Opinion can with any Shew of Reaſon be oppoſed to this general Suffrage in Favour of Mathematicks. This Sage, we must own, difapproved of too great a Curiofity to pener trate into thofe Sciences. When we know, fays he, as much Geometry as is neceſſary to meaſure our Land, as much Aftronomy as is requifite to point out the Hours and regulate Time, to guide us in our Journies, either by Sea or Land, we ſhould not affect to know more (k). We fhall make fome Remarks on thofe Expreffions of Socrates, in order to obviate the Confequences that fome might be apt to draw from them. Firſt then, does not this Philofopher make large Conceffions, and even more than in Appearance he intended, by allowing us to cultivate Mathe- maticks as far as the Exigencies of Society may require? If the Circumſtan- ces of the Times in which he lived, rendered the Ufe of Mathematicks very confined, it is not fo now; we no longer navigate thro' a narrow Sea, as they did at that Time; never more fecure from the Dangers of Navi- gation, than when out of Sight of the Coafts, we fteer thro' the Ocean, having, during a confiderable Time, no other Intercourfe but with the Stars: the Knowledge of the pofition of all thofe celeftial Bodies is there- fore neceffary. It is requifite that the Geography of our Earth ſhould be correct; this only can be effected by perfecting and increafing the aftrono- mical Methods. If fuch Pains are now taken to improve the Theory of the Moon, and fo great an Apparatus of Obfervations and Calculations em- ployed for this Purpofe, let it not be thought this is done merely to gratify Curiofity; tho' even that might be easily juftified: It is with a View to procure to Navigators a certain and perfect Method of diſcovering, at all Times, the Place of their Stuation. Thus we fee a profound Knowledge in Aftronomy becomes neceffary, even according to the Judgment of Socra- We choſe Aſtronomy for an Example, becauſe the Utility of this Branch of Mathematicks being lefs generally known, it might perhaps be confidered as a vain and ufelefs Science. What great Advantages do not accrue to Mankind from cultivating Mechanicks, Opticks, &c. tes. But we are principally to confider the Motives that induced Socrates to hold Mathematicks in fo little Efteem. This Philofopher devoting himself entirely to the Study of Morality, was ferve a juft Medium) that the fole Study to make him better and more virtuous. (1) Art. 1. of Opinion (fo difficult it is to ob- of Man ſhould be that which ferves We grant, it is the firſt and moſt (k) Diog. in Surat. Xenoph. b. 1x, de dię. fac. Sect. XII OF HISTORY { effential Study; that, without moral Virtue, the moſt eminent Qualities de- ferve little Regard: yet muft we not alfo allow, that it is too rigid to con- fine the human Mind to that Study alone. If it be neceffary to furniſh ſome Aliment to a Curiofity, too natural to Man, that to gratify it, fhould be look- ed upon as criminal, what can fuit it better than the Study of Mathema- ticks. Thefe Sciences, in effect, incapable of miſguiding the Heart, whilſt at the fame Time they enlighten the Underſtanding, anfwer beft this Pur- pole. Socrates, tho' his extreme Severity inspired him with little Efleem for them, however acknowledged they were highly, uſeful in fome Refpects. If we believe Plato, he regarded them as very fit to ftrengthen the Facul- ties of the Mind: "Have you not obferved, faid he (1), that thoſe who "naturally count well, are endued with an Underſtanding capable of making a rapid Progress in all Arts; and that thoſe who are flow and dull, be- "come, after being exerciſed in Arithmetick, more quick and ready of Apprehenfion." And elſewhere (m), he feems to acknowledge the Uti- lity of the Mathematicks in all Arts, which greatly foftens his harsh Judge- ment, or, at leaſt, renders it inconclufive: For it is inconteftible, that Branches of Knowledge ufeful to Society, fhould be the Occupation of ſome Men endued with Talents and Genius fufficient to improve them; and that it were to be wiſhed, that all could contribute by their Labours. In fine, it muſt be allowed, that a Study calculated to render the Underſtanding more ready to conceive, more capable of exercising the Faculties of Reaſoning and Reflection, ought to form a confiderable Part of the Education of all thoſe who are intended for a Way of Life that requires the Exertion of thoſe Faculties. The Teſtimony of Socrates, therefore, is no way unfavourable to Mathematicks. We might collect in all Ages a Train of Suffrages no lefs honourable to thefe Sciences, than thofe of the Philofophers of Antiquity. If there were found even in thoſe Days of Darkneſs that fo long reigned in the Weft, fome worthy of a more enlightened Age, who foared far above their Cotemporaries, we obferve that they cultivated Mathematicks. Such were the illuftrious Boetius, Caffiodorus in the fixth Century; the venerable Beda and Alcuin his Diſciple, Preceptor to Charles the Fifth in the eighth Century; Ferbert in the tenth; Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon, and fome others in the thirteenth Century: Thofe perfonages fo much the more to be admired becauſe they were able to make their Way through the ignorance and barbariſm of their Age, thofe perfonages I fay held Mathematicks in Eſteem, and culitvated them with Ardour, witnefs Roger Bacon, in whofe Writings we find the Seeds of fo many important Dif- coveries; witnefs Ferbert, who, thirsting after the Knowledge of thofe Sciences, fled from his Convent to feek among the Arabians the Aſſiſtance which he could not find among Chriftians. (1) In Phedro & in lib. v11. de Repub. (m) In Phul. MATHEMATICK XIII S. Let us now pafs to the Moderns; we fhall find that the moſt eminent Philoſophers who have flourished fince the Revival of Letters cultivated the Mathematical Sciences; fuch was the illuſtrious Chancellor Bacon, that great Genius, who at a Time that Learning only began to dawn, traced the Road to be purſued for its Improvement. Mathematicks appeared to him indifpenfably neceffary for the Restoration and Advancement of Phy- ficks, the Study of which he fo warmly recommends. Who does not know that Gallileo, Torrilicelli, Defcartes, Pafcal, &c. held the firft Rank among the Mathematicians of their Time, and that they have enriched Phyficks with ſeveral uſeful Difcoveries. Boyle, the principal Reftorer of experimental Philofophy, has often regretted (o) his not having cultivated Mathematicks; however, it cannot be faid that he was totally unacquainted with them, as fufficiently appears by his Works. But he was fenfible that a more profound Knowledge of thofe Sciences would have been of fignal Service to him. The fame Genius to whom we are indebted for the nobleft Im- provements in Geometry, the great Newton, is Author of the moſt ſublime phyfical Diſcoveries. It was referved for the first of Mathematicians to analyze Light, and to difcover and irrefragably demonftrate the Confti- tution of the World, and the Laws according to which it is maintained and preſerved. The moſt illuſtrious Metaphyſicians have likewife added their Suffrages to thoſe we have already collected. Mallebranche thought he could not propoſe a better Example of the Manner of proceeding in the Inveſtigation of Truth, than the geometrical Method (o). I fhall fi- niſh by the Teſtimony of Locke (p), I have mentioned, fays he, Mathema- ticks as a Way to fettle in the Mind an Habit of reaſoning clofely and in Train, not that I think it necessary that all Men ſhould be deep Mathematicians, but that having got the Way of Reasoning, which that Study neceſſarily brings the Mind to, they might be able to transfer it to other Parts of Knowledge as they fball have Occafion. To avoid Prolixity, I omlt feveral other Paffages of Locke favourable to this Science. If the Authority of great Men is of any Weight, what Names might we oppofe to the Enemies of Mathematicks, and to thoſe Writers who from Time to Time have attacked them, fo little verſed in thofe Sciences, that from their firfl fetting out they fall into the moſt grofs Miſtakes. The famous Bayle (q), who from a Propenfity to Scepticiſm, was induced to fay, that even Mathematicks had a weak Side, acknow- ledged however, that none but an able Mathematician could oppoſe thoſe Sciences with Succefs, but we confidently affirm, that this Attack would in no Reſpect be difadvantageous to Mathematicks; and that nothing would (1) In Confid circa utilit. Phil. experim. Exercit. VI. (o) Rech, de la Verité, liv. 6. chap. 5. & P Jim. (p) Of the Conduct of the Under. § 6, 7, &c. (4) Critical Dictionary, art. of Zenon de Sidon. XIV OF HISTORY contribute more to make the Enemies of Mathematicks retract, than prefcund Study of the Truths it contains. The Annals of Philofophy and of the human Mind furniſh a Number of Traits honorable to Mathematicks. The phyfical Diſcoveries we are now in Poffeffion of have for the moſt Part been made by Mathematicians, as we have ſhewn by the Examples of Defcartes, Pafchal, Gallilclo, Newton, &c. on the contrary, if fome ufeful Doctrines have met with Oppofition, it aroſe principally from Perfons unacquainted with mathematical Learning. The mechanical Diſcoveries of Gallileo, the Gravity of the Air were op- pofed only by Men who fhewed they were deftitute of this folid Branch of Knowledge. Who are thoſe in the prefent Age who attack the mechanical and optical Diſcoveries of Newton but Men for the moſt Part ignorant of this Science? If we now take a View of the literary Societies, where a Number of Mathematicians commonly take the Lead, we ſhall find the fain Opinions in Phyficks adopted a long Time before they have made their Way into the Unive fities, where in general Mathematicks are much ne- glected, they do not gain Admittance there 'till very late, and even then rather under the Denomination of popular Opinions than after a rational Difcuffion. The Phyficks of Defcartes were difcuffed in the Academies at the very Beginning of their Inſtitution, whilſt Ariftotle was implicitly received for more than forty Years after in the moſt learned Univerſities. Theſe illuftrious Societies rejected the Opinion of the French Philofopher reſpecting the Collifion of Bodies, the ebbing and flowing of the Sea, Colours, &c. They rejected his Vortices in Proportion as undoubted Ex- periments and new phyſical Phenomena demonſtrated their inconfiftency. } # VII. After fuch refpectable Teftimonies, fo well attefted Facts that depofe in Favour of Mathematicks, it perhaps would be unneceffary to attend to the vain Declamations of its Enemies (r); however, as there are fome ca- (*) In this Note wehall take Notice only of fuch as have endeavoured to ridicule them, or who have condemned them thro' Motives that do not deférve a ferious Anſwer. A Sun Dial being fhewn to Epicurus, to prove the Utility of Mathematicks, Admirable Inven- tion, faid he, not to miss the Hour of dining. Verdier Vauprivas (in his Biblioth.) thinks Euclid void of common Senfe: This is par- donable in a Man whofe Head was crammed ather with the Titles of Books, than with real Knowledge. → I omit mentioning a Multitude of other Au- thors who have declaimed against the pretend- ed. Vanity and Uncertainty of the Sciences, the greater Part excite the Laughter of the Mathematicians, by the Manner they treat Mathematicks; deferving no other Anſwer, but an Exhortation to make themſelves ac- quainted with their firft Principles, before they attempt to fpeak of them. Of this Kind are feveral Pieces inferted in the Literary Journals. There are others who have regard- ed Mathematicks as dangerous: The Under- ftanding of Picus de la Mirandula appears to have been greatly on the Declinc, when he affeited that Mathematicks were incompatible with Thcology, becauſe they accuftom the Mind to demonftrative Reasoning. Peter Hobbes, tho' praife-worthy in other Re- fpects, when convicted of the grofs Errors he had committed in attempting to fquare the Circle, maintained Mathematicks to be an illufory Science, The Particulars of this Content may be feen in the Philofophical Poiret, in a Book intitled De Vera falfa et Trankajons, fuperficiaria Eruditione 1694 Leips. treats it as MATHEMATIC K S. X V pable of miſleading thoſe who are not thoroughly acquainted with the Nature of thofe Sciences, it will not be improper to difcufs them and expoſe their Weakness. Two Sects among the Ancients were the declared Enemies of Mathe- maticks, the Pyrrhonics and the Epicureans. We fhall firft examine the Mo-:: tives of the Averfion of the former for this Science. This Sect, as it is well known, only ftudied to raiſe Doubts against all Branches of human Knowledge; it was but reaſonable therefore to expect that their firſt At- tacks would be levelled againſt Mathematicks. Sextus Empyricus has tranf- mitted to us the Arguments of his Sect in his famous Book against the Mathematicians, under which Denomination are compriſed all thoſe who make Profeffion of any Kind of Learning whatſoever, whom he attacks, one after the other, and the Mathematicians ftrictly fo called, in the III, IV, V, and vi Books. To anſwer thefe Obje&ions, it would be almoft fufficient to obferve, how ridiculous is a Doctrine that pretends, that there is no Demonftration, no Means of attaining the leaſt Certainty, that the Evidence of Reaſon is of leſs Weight than that of our Senfes fo liable to Deception; that, in fine, attempts to annihilate all Science founded upon Reaſon. We do not propofe here to refute in Form this Method of philofophifing, or to affert the conteſted Prerogatives of human Reaſon; there is Nobody that is ca- pable of the leaſt Reflection, who would not be able to anſwer thoſe vain Subtilities. What Man in his Senfes would not laugh to hear Empiricus un- dertaking to prove againſt the Geometricians, that there is neither Body nor Extenfion; againſt the Arithmeticians, that even Number does not exiſt ; againſt the Muſicians, that there are no founds? Paradoxes fo ridiculous in their Nature, that barely to mention them, is to refute them. The Objections ſtarted by the Pyrrhonics againſt Mathematicks that de- ferve any Attention, are thofe that regard the Nature of the Objects they are employed about, and particularly Geometry; to thofe a general An- fwer has been given by Men of Eminence. The Objects of Mathematicks, fay they, are fo Metaphyfical, that it is no Way furpriſing they are liable to Difficulties; but it is a Rule obferved in the Reſearch of Truth, that Objections, though they were unfurmountable, cannot invalidate a Doctrine fupported by Demonftration; and this is the Cafe with Mathematicks; the Doubts that are raiſed againſt them arifing from our imperfect Knowledge of the Nature of Bodies, Extenfion and Motion, cannot affect Conclufions deduced from evident Principles. à Study that rather weakens than frengthens the intellectual Powers; he difapproves of it particularly becauſe it diverts the Mind from the Contemplation of the Divinity. This de- vout Philofopher perhaps did not ftand in need C of being refuted; he has been however re- futed by the Count d'Herbſtein,in a Differtation intitled Mathemata adv. umbratiles P. Poireti impetus propugnata, 1709, in 8vo. 33. 1 XVI HISTORY OF We shall not, however, confine ourſelves to this Kind of Defence; and we fhall difcufs fome of thofe fo much boafted-Objections of the Scepticks, or of the Enemies of Mathematicks. The Objects of Mathematicks, fay they, have no Reality, and cannot exift; Lines without Breadth, Surfaces without Depth, a mathematical Point, that is, without Length, Breadth, or Thickness, are mere Chimeras: The fame may be faid of the Figures whofe Properties are demonſtrated in Geometry; there cannot be a perfect Circle, a perfect Sphere, &c. whence they conclude, that the Objects of this Science are purely chimerical. They enforce this Objection with feveral Arguments: If, fay they, from the Center of a Circle, Lines be drawn to every Point of the Circumference, they will fill up the whole Area of this Circle, and confequently the Cir- cumference of every Circle concentric to the former, being cut by thoſe Rays in as many Points will be equal to it, becauſe it will contain the fame Number of Points. If a perfe& Sphere be fuppofed placed upon a perfect Plane, their Contact will be a Point without Extent, a true mathematical Point; but when this Sphere rouls upon the Plane, it will defcribe a Line by the continual Application of its Surface to the Plane, and in this Man- ner will be generated a Line compofed of Points without Extenfion, that is, Extension formed of Parts that have no Extenfion, which is abfurd. it appears, that the Suppofition of a perfect Circle, of a perfect Sphere, &c. involves palpable Contradictions. Again, fay they, if thro" every Point of the Ray of a Circle, concentric Circles be deſcribed, they will all touch, and will fill up the Area, new Abfurdity, which confifts in this, that Surfaces may be made up of Lines, or the Geometricians will be obliged to allow, that Lines have Breadth, which is fufficient to overturn all their Demonſtrations. It will be unneceffary to produce more Objections of this Nature, becaufe, for the moft Part, they are only the fame Idea reprefent- ed in a different Manner, and that the Solution of fome of them may ferve as an Anſwer to all the reft. Hence To folve theſe Difficulties, it would be almoft fufficient to obferve, that the Mathematicians never pretended that there were Bodies extended in Length and Breadth without having Solidity. That there are others that have only Length without having any other Dimenſion, they only refolve Extenfion into its Parts, attending to fome of them, and abftracting from all the reft. All Bodies have Length, Breadth, and Thickneſs; but we may confider the Length and Breadth, without attending to the Thickneſs: Hence ariſes the Idea of a Surface, and this Idea refolved again by a new Degree of Abſtraction, produces the Idea of Length, thus the Surface is the Term of the Bulk of the Body, and confequently has no Thickneſs ; the Line is the Term of a bounded Surface, and the Point the Term of a Line. 1 MATHEMATICK XVII S. It follows from hence, that Bodies, Surfaces, Lines, are not made up of Surfaces, Lines, Points, for the Term of an Extenfion cannot be confider- ed as one of its conftituent Parts, whence the Hypotheſis on which the firſt and laft Objection is founded, is not admiſſable. Whatever Number of Lines are drawn from the Center of a Circle to its Circumference, or from the Vertex of a Triangle to its Bafe, they will never compofe a Surface, they will only be the Terms of the Divifions of this Surface into Parts, as the Points of the Circumference are only the Terms of the Portions of this Cir- cumference, for it is thofe Portions that compofe it, and not their Extremi- ties: When, therefore, it is pretended that there are as many Points in a little Line as in a great one, nothing elſe can be meant by it, than that one can be divided into as many Parts as the other, confequently there will be the fame Number of Terms of Divifions in each; but we can conclude nothing with Refpect to their Size, which depends on that of the Portions. into which they have been divided. The pretended Abfurdity that the laft Objection feemed to point out, is no lefs groundleſs: all thofe con- centric Circumferences do not fill up the Surface of the Circle, they only divide it into circular Zones, of which they are the Boundaries. It is of no Confequence whether a perfect Sphere or a perfect Plane exifts or not, thofe Figures are only the intellectual Limits of material Magni- tudes confidered by the Geometricians. What they demonftrate with re- gard to thofe Limits, is more fenfibly true with refpect to material Bodies, as they approach the nearer to them: Allowing therefore that the Truths of Geometry are only Hypothetical, that is, for Example, if a perfect Globe and Cylinder exifted, they would be to each other in fuch a Ratio, they would be very far from being ill grounded; it would be neceffary to demon- ftrate, that a perfect Sphere is the two Thirds of its circumfcribed Cylin- der, to diſcover that the fame Ratio fubfiſts ſenſibly between material Be- dies that approach to thoſe Figures, as far as we are able to judge by our Senfes. With refpe&t to mixed Mathematicks their Certitude depends partly up- on Geometry partly upon the Truth of the Hypothefis affumed for their Bafis. Hence by pleading the Caufe of that Science we have defended mixed Mathematicks, at leaſt as far as regards the Confequences deduced from the Fact they prefuppofe. As to this Fact or Principle, fince it is founded upon Obfervation or inconteftible Experiments, it would be carry- ing Scepticiſm further than the Scepticks themselves to difallow it; for thofe Philofophers did not conteft the Truth of Facts and Experiments. Empiricus who refufed to acknowledge the Truth of the Axioms of Geo- metry allowed that Part of judicial Aftronomy which confifts in foretelling the Viciffitudes of the Seafons, becauſe he believed it was founded upon aftronomical Obfervations. } XVIII HISTORY OF The Invectives of Ariftippus againſt Mathematicks, the contemptuous Opinion that Epicurus and his Followers affected to entertain of them can have but little Weight with thoſe who are acquainted with thofe Charac- ters. It is no Way furprifing to find a Science that requires a clofe Appli- cation of the Mind condemned by a voluptuary fuch as the former; the Pleaſures they afford, Pleaſures purely mental, are quite different from thoſe in which they made our fupreme Felicity confift. (s) With regard to Epicurus, to whom it would be unjust to impute fo fenfual a Syftem of Morality, other Motives induced him to reject the mathematical Sciences; it was becauſe his Opinions were incompatible with the Truths they con- tain. In Effect, what Mathematician could he have perfuaded that the real Magnitude of the Sun is the fame with the apparent, or even leſs that the Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon, the fetting of the Stars, are oc- cafioned by a total Extinction of their Light; that they are newly lighted up at their Riſing, &c. Such was the phyfical Syftem of Epicurus, a Syſtem well worthy of one who flighted Mathematicks. * ; Hence it is that Cicero ridicules him in feveral Places, among others (t), where he fays, he can be eafily induced to believe, without Epicurus fwearing it, when he afferts, that he never received any Inftructions from a Maſter, but that he would have done much better to have had one, and to have learned Geometry rather than to have decried it: Finally he adds, that this falutary Advice would have faved him from much Ridicule (u). It is obfervable that the greater Part of the Scholaftick Philofophers op- poſed the Study of Mathematicks thro' the fame Motives, as likewife in our Days fome pretended Philofophers, who efpouſe theſe Syſtems, by Means of which every Thing is explained in general and nothing parti- cularly and with Preciſion. Thofe Sciences expofe the Weakness of the Phyficks of the former, and Geometry deſtroys the phyſical Romances of the latter. I fhall fay nothing concerning thofe Edicts iffued by the Emperors againſt the Mathematicians. It is well known, that the Aftrologers, were diſtinguiſhed by that Name, who flocked to Rome during feveral Ages, even down to the Time of St. Auguftine, who wrote a Homily on the Ře- (s) Diog. Laert. in Ariftippo. (1) De finib. Box. et Mal. lib. 1. § 7. It is (u) It appears by another Paffage of Cicero, (Acad. Queft.B.2. Jthat Epicurushad gained over a certain Polyneus, reputed a good Mathema- tician, who afterwards maintained, that Geo- metry was a mere Tiffue of Falfehoods. very poffible that this Polyneus might have paffed for an able Mathematician, though very little verfed in them; it might alfo happen, that an able Mathematician might have been mifled, To this Example we may add that of Chevalier de Mere, who, in a Letter to Paf- chal, fet up for a first-rate Mathematician, (Bayle Dict. Art. Zenon de Sidon Let. du Che- val. de Mere, Num. 19.) treats as falfe the Demonſtrations of Pafchal and of Geometry. Thofe Arguments prove nothing againſt Ma- thematicks: either more Examples fhould be produced of eminent Mathematicians that de- ferted this Science after having founded it, or Objections equal in Force and Evidence to the Principles on which Geometry is founded. 1 $ XIX MATHEMATICK S. conciliation of one of thofe pretended Mathematicians with the Church; (x) but the Men of Underſtanding, the Philofophers, the Emperors themſelves who profcribed the Mathematicians through the Empire, knew how to diftin- guifh the real Profeffors of this Science from the Impoftors who ufurped their Name, conferred Marks of diftinction on the former, whilft they de- creed Puniſhments againſt the latter. There is a Decree of the Emperors Theodofius and Valentinian, (y) conferring the honorable Titles of Spectabi- les and Clariffimi on the Profeffors of Geometry. The Emperors Diocle- tian and Maximien declared by a Reſcript that the Cultivation of Mathema- ticks was an Object of public Concern; Artem Geometria difcere atque exercere publice intereft. VIII. It remains now to anfwer Objections of another Nature; theſe do not regard the Certainty of Mathematicks, but the Rank they fhouid hold among the human Sciences. It is common in theſe Days for Men of Li- terature, upon every Occafion, to undervalue thefe Sciences, and to ex- tenuate the Merit of thoſe who excel in them. According to theſe Cri- ticks, Mathematicks flouriſhed along with the Schoolmen in the Ages the moft deftitute of Tafte, Science, and Delicacy. The greateſt Mathema- ticians, fay they, elſewhere have been always the moſt aged or the moſt laborious. We can clearly difcern the Motive that induced them to ſpeak in this Manner. It is evidently in order to exclude all Genius from Mathematicks, and reduce them to the Level of the fcholaftic Puerilities, According to Scaliger, and others who have retailed his Opinions, Genius is not requifite to fucceed in thofe Sciences, and confequently thoſe who devote themſelves to the Study of them need not expect a diftinguiſhed Place in the Annals of Literature. Theſe Reproaches or Invectives rather, will not furpriſe thoſe who are acquainted with the human Heart; it arifes ftom that Failing to which the greater Part of Mankind are addicted, of over-rating their own Purfuits, and contemning thoſe of others. With regard to Mathmetaticks, there is a further Reaſon for this Conduct. Thofe Sciences being of a rude and diffi- cult Acceſs, and requiring much Pains and Study to become thoroughly ac- quainted with their fundamental Principles, the greater Part of thoſe who endeavour to decry them with fo much Malignity, are animated with a Sort of Defpight for their having wanted Talents to purfue fuch Enquiries, It was, for Example, Vanity mixed with Envy, that excited Scaliger to ſpeak with ſo much Contempt of the Mathematicks. Jofeph Scaliger, full of that Self-fufficiency which made him fall into fo many Errors, was de- firous of acquiring a Reputation even among Mathematicians; far from en- tertaining at that Time fo contemptible an Opinion of them, he attempt- (x) In Pfalm. 1. LXI. p. 32. Ed. Frot (y) L. 2. Cod. de excufat Artif. 1556. W XX OF HISTORY ed the Solution of all thofe Problems that hitherto had baffled all their Skill; fuch as the Quadrature of the Circle, the Trifection of an Angle, the Duplication of the Cube, &c. he at length diſcloſed (z) his pretended Diſcoveries with much Pomp. He propofed alfo a new Method of re- forming the Calendar, which he oppofed to that of Gregory XIII; but all thofe Novelties, far from being applauded by the Mathematicians, met with that Reception which a Tiffue of grofs Parallogifms, propofed with the greateſt Affurance, deferved: An univerfal Cry was raifed against Scaliger, and Clavius among others convicted him of the Miſtakes he had committed. From that moment, all thoſe who cultivated Mathematicks with Succefs, were only dull heavy men; and the Jefuit Geometrician, his principal Ad- verfary, was loaded with Abuſe in Proportion to the Affront he had re- ceived. They deſerve no other Anſwer than this ſhort Hiſtory. * Thoſe who applaud fuch groundleſs Imputations, fhew themſelves either very ignorant of Facts, or have very little Candour. Were then Pythago- ras, Plato, and all the eminent Mathematicians among the Ancients, were Descartes and Newton among the Moderns, dull and heavy Men? It would be the Excefs of Injustice, to treat thus the celebrated Mathematicians of our Times. Whoever can tafte the preliminary Difcourfe of the Encyclopedy, a Difcourfe wherein the Talents of an able Writer appear confpicuous; whoever, I ſay, can perceive the Beauty of this Difcourfe, will not heſitate to rank the Author among the firſt Men that grace the Republick of Letters. This is, however, the Production of one of our first-rate Ma- thematicians, who, with the fame Pen that he calculated the Action of Fluids, the Irregularities of the Moon's Motion, wrote this truly fublime Piece. There is another whofe Name has been rendered famous by one of the greateſt Operations that was ever attempted, by various mathematical and phyfical Diſcoveries, and who had the Talent of adorning the drieft philofophical Subjects. It would be eafy to cite a Number of others, in whom profound Meditation has not dulled the Vivacity of Imagination. If there are found Mathematicians of a different Caft, they are either not of diftinguiſhed Abilities, or it may be a Defect contracted by Solitude, fo apt to extinguiſh all Brilliancy and Livelinefs of Imagination. Great Ge- niufes of every Species have experienced this Fáte in different Ages, but particularly in thoſe Days when Men of Learning were confined folely to their Books, and never paffed the Limits of the Science to which they de- voted themſelves. If fome Mathematicians were then entirely Strangers to polite Literature, how few were the Profeffors of Belles Letters who were acquainted with the firft Elements of the Sphere? I fay, fome Mathema- ticians, for it would be eaſy to prove, by a Multitude of Inftances, that mofl of them were verfed in feveral Branches of polite Literature: But if (≈) Cyclometria. MATHEMATICK S. XXI there were even more that lived in a Kind of literary Barbariſm, this was common to them with many others; however, they are much reformed as to this Point, in this Age. It would be eaſy to find actually, Men of Letters, par- ticularly among the Poets, who know not the Reaſon why the Days are longer in Summer than in Winter. Should a Phenomenon, fo regularly and fre- quently occurring, leſs excite the Admiration and Curiofity of the human Mind, than the fublime Beauties of Poetry and Eloquence? ; Thoſe who ſpeak of Mathematicians with fuch Contempt, doubtless have miſtook the Compilers of voluminous Works for the ableſt Mathematicians and as Authors do not compile large Volumes in the Prime of Life, or with- out an immenſe Deal of Pains, they conclude from thence, that the oldeſt and moſt laborious were the moſt eminent Mathematicians. This Miſtake is only pardonable in a Stranger to mathematical Learning: Had theſe Cri- ticks been lefs fo, they would have thought otherwife. Mathematicians have always difcovered more Genius in fome Pages of Vieta, Kepler, Co- pernicus, Tycho Brahe, than in the voluminous Writings of Clavius, Renal- dini, Guarini, &c. Defcartes, while yet at the Flower of his Age, in- ftructed all the Mathematicians of his Time, by publiſhing his Geometry, written in a very concife Manner, The vaft Improvements Geometry has received within this laft Century, are almoft entirely owing to young Ma- thematicians: De Fermat was as young as Defcartes when he contended with him, and laid the Foundations of the Infinitefimal Calculus; Wallis was very young at the Time he grafted his Diſcoveries upon thofe of Defcartes and Fermat; Newton had ſcarce attained his 23d Year, when he was the first Mathematician in Europe, fince at that Age he had difcovered feveral of his fublime analytical Methods, and among others the Principles of the di- rect and inverſe Method of Fluxions; a few Years after, he analyzed Light, and at the Age of 28, publiſhed his profound Theory of Opticks; his im- mortal Treatife Principia Mathematica Philofophiæ Naturalis is partly the Pro- duction of his Youth, he had then laid the Foundation of that immenſe and admirable Structure; the Lives of many ordinary Men would ſcarce be fufficient to collect and digeft the infinite Number of Materials he has employed, and which he drew from Geometry and the moſt fubtle Me- chanicks; however, he had fcarce completed the Half of his Career, when at the repeated Solicitations of the Learned, he publiſhed this Work. Leb-. nitz, propofing Cartels to the Geometricians, or anfwering them, was but very young: This great Man's profound Knowledge in Antiquities, in Hif- tory, in Politicks, and Jurifprudence, his Tafte for the moft refined Meta- phyficks, are univerfally known; had it not been for these various Studies which equally fhared his Attention during his Life, probably his youthful Days would have been diftinguifhed, as well as thofe of Newton, by im- portant Discoveries. What fhall I fay of the illuftrious Brothers, James and John Bernoully, who, following in the fame Path Newton and Lebnitz, were, XXII OF HISTORY } after them, the ableft and youngeſt Mathematicians in Europe? In fine, we may venture to affirm, that there has not been a Mathematician of Repu- tation who has not diftinguiſhed himſelf in his Youth by fome Work of Genius. We may conclude from thofe Traits, of which it would be eafy to augment the Number, that the firft Accufation of the Enemies of Mathematicks is deftitute of Foundation; nor is the fecond more equitable. Thofe Mathe-. maticians that flouriſhed in the Ages of Ignorance and Barbarifm, were not ſuch as thoſe Criticks would reprefent them; independant of their Num- ber being very small, while the Seminaries of Learning fwarmed with Schoolmen; independant that the greateſt Part of even thofe oppoſed the falſe Taſte that prevailed in the Schools, could the moft eminent among them. enter into Competition with thoſe Geniuſes that Greece in her flourishing Days produced, with thoſe that appeared in Europe fince the Revival of Letters. Their Knowledge, confined to the elementary Parts of thoſe Sci- ences, to underſtand Euclid's Elements perfectly was confidered as an extra-. ordinary Effort of Genius; the Geometricians of a more diftinguiſhed Character, fuch as Archimedes, Apollonius, &c. were ſcarce known to them. But let us admit for a Moment, that theſe dark Ages produced fome eminent Mathematicians, why ſhould the Fecundity of Nature, that from Time to Time produces great Geniuſes, fhould it be fufpended? Thofe Men were fo much the more praife-worthy, becauſe they were able to make their Way in fpite of the Ignorance and Prejudice that prevailed in thofe Times; and no- thing is more honorable to Mathematicks, than that the great Geniuſes in all Ages were verſed in thofe Sciences: We might conclude from thence, that no Study is more proper to give that Strength and Vigour to the Mind, which enables it to triumph over the Obftacles of Prejudice and Ignorance. Beſides, might it not be asked, in what Age did Homer, Hefiod, &c. live? Was it not when Greece was plunged in Barbarifm? Was it not in an igno- rant Age that Dante, Petrarch, fhone forth in Italy? How many Poels of Merit, how many Men of found Literature, flouriſhed in the 16th Century, fo little productive of eminent Mathematicians every where but in Italy, where Arts and Sciences were cultivated with unremitted Zeal? The Ob- jection, therefore, of the Enemies of Mathematicks, proves nothing. Upon a more candid Examination it will appear, that for the moft Part Men famous for polite Literature, and thofe eminent for Mathematicks, lived in the fame Age. The eminent Mathematicians that Italy produced at the Revival of Letters in Europe, were cotemporary with Ariosto and Taffe. The fame Age that produced in France a Defcartes, a Pafchal, a Fermat, and a Marquis de L'Hopital, produced alfo Corneille, Moliere, Racine; in England, Wallis, Newton, and Halley, were cotemporary with Milton, Ad- difon, and Pope. MATHEMATIC XXIII K S. The Ancients, more equitable, feem to have been fenfible of this Truth, when they affigned to one of their Mufes the Employment of prefiding over the Study of the Heavens. As this Study, by the Noblenefs of its Subject, claims the moſt diſtinguiſhed Rank, they had it chiefly in View when they created that allegorical Being; but the Attributes (a) they gave it, apper- tain to Mathematicks in general: In effect, the Compafs and Square are the Symbols of Geometry, and evince that they had more extenfive Views than one would at firſt be apt to imagine; befides, it is only by the mutual Aids they afford, that we can attain to the fublime Knowledge of the Con- ftitution and Laws of the Univerfe; they are therefore of the Number of thoſe Sciences over which this Divinity prefides. The Mufe Urania, there- fore, not only guides the Aftronomer thro' the Heavens, but alſo infpires the Geometrician and the Mechanician, who alſo have a Seat on Parnaffus; it being but juft, that thofe who explore the Myfteries of Nature with fo much Sagacity, fhould afcend with thoſe who paint Nature with ſo many Charms. I might here avail myfelf of the Teftimony of Cicero, Not of Cicero ex- alting his own Profeffion, by fhewing how few had attained Perfection in it; but of Cicero the Philofopher, weighing the Sciences in the Balance of Rea- fon. What Encomiums does he not give to Phyficks and Mathematicks (b): Quid dulcius otio Litterato; iis dico litteris quibus infinitatem rerum ac Nature et in hoc ipfo Mundo, Cœlum, Maria, terras cognofcimus. He makes Wiſdom partly to confift in contemplating and unravelling thofe Mysteries: He ex- claims (c), What Riches, what Crowns, can be preferred to the Pleaſures tafted by a Pythagoras, a Democritus, an Anaxagoras, in contemplating the furpriſing Spectacle of the Univerſe! In another Place (d), he even ven- tures to call the Genius of Archimedes, divine, for having been able to imi- tate, in a frail Machine, the ftupenduous Structure of the Univerfe. The Sagacity of Aftronomers appeared to him fo great, that from thence he de- duces one of his principal Proofs of the Exiſtence of a Soul, Portion, or Image, of the Divine Being. IX. It now remains to fhew the Utility arifing from the Study of Mathema- ticks (e). I fhall confine myſelf here to the Advantages refulting from that (a) See the Frontispiece. (b) Tufcul. Quæft. lib. v. verf. fin. Ibid, lib. v. verf. med. (d) Ibid, lib. 1. verf. med. with Paffages and Texts taken from Mathe- maticks; in his Opinion, the Conic Sections. afford excellent Materials for Similes for the Ufe of the Pulpit. (e) Several Authors, thro' a miſtaken Zeal for Mathematicks, have extolled their Utility in a very puerile Manner. We think it ne- ceffary to obferve this, leaft fuch injudicious Pretenfions, if not taken Notice of, might expoſe thoſe truly valuable Sciences to ridi- cule. F. Merfennus (Harm. Univ. tom 2. lib. VIII. Syn. Mat. Pref. § 13.) does not fcruple to exhort the Orators to adorn their Difcourfes_the D Others have made ridiculous Applications of the mathematical Truths to Queſtions in The- ology, Metaphyficks, and Morality. Pythagoreans formerly thewed the Example, by Analogies of Figures and Numbers they The n گھر XXIV HISTORY OF Science, in fupplying our Wants and adminiftring to our Pleaſures; how this Study ſtrengthens and improves the Faculties of the Mind, we have al- ready hinted. It were to be wiſhed, as Mr. Locke fays, that all thoſe pretended to find in all Nature; but the Mo- derns have far outdone the Pythagoreans in thofe Conceits, particularly J. Caramuel de Lobkowitz, Author of the Book entitled Ma- thefis Audax, Rationalis, Naturalis, Superna- 4to: Naturalis, Superna- turalis, &c. Lov. 1644, 4to. All the Subtili- ties of Metaphyficks, all the Mysteries of re- vealed Religion, are explained by mathema- tical Reafoning, the Application of which is truly ridiculous. He examines whether God could create Angels whofe Degree of Perfec- tion is incommenfurable, if the Motion of the Earth be poffible admitting the Rapt of St. Paul, what Species of Triangle form the Tri-titude of trifling Queſtions, for the Sake of nity, &c. Caramuel had Imitators in one Michael Berns, Author of a Treatife wrote in High Dutch; in Gafpard Schmidt, who alfo found all the Mysteries and Precepts of Re- ligion in Mathematicks. His Work, a mere Rhapfody, is entitled Aftrologia Cathetica. Voffius does not give any great Proofs of his Difcernment in his Book De Scientiis Mathe- maticis, c. 7. when he difcuffes the Utility of the Mathematicks, he finds them fit for every Purpofe; for Poetry, Grammar, Economicks, Theology, &c. The Reafons he alleges are really curious: The Art of Combinations, fays he, will teach the Poet that the Verfe Rex, Lex, Sol, Dux, Fons, Lux, Mons, Spes, Pax, Petra, Chriftus, will admit of 3628800 Variations. The Gramarian will learn, that a Dictionary of the Size of Calepin, would fcarce be fufficient to contain the different Words arising from the Combination of 16 Letters. The Economift will learn from Mathematicks, that a Pea, in 12 Years would yield fo plentiful a Crop, that fold at a mo- derate Rate, would amount to more than 1000000000000 Crowns. But the honeft Vof- fius was ignorant of the firft Rudiments of Trade, fince a Commodity fo abundaut would be of no Value. The Divine, in fine, will find there Subject fufficient to calm the Ap- prehenfions of thoſe who might fear they would not find Room in Paradife: They would learn from Mathematicks, that tho' the World fhould fubfift 12000 Years longer, and there fhould be twenty thoufand Millions faved, the Empyreal Heavens are fo vaft, that God might. aflign to each of them a Space exceeding the Extent of feveral Kingdom's on the Surface of the Earth. We shall alfo take Notice of feveral Books + published by injudicious Perfons, with a View of fhewing the Utility of Mathematicks for explaining the Holy Scripture. Thefe are the Titles: Andreæ Arnoldi Mathefis Sacra, 1676, 4to. Altorf. Sam. Reyheri, Mathefis Mofaica, 1679. Krift. Sturmii, Math, ad. S. Script. in- terp. Applicata, Norib. 1710. Wideburgi, Spe- cimina Mathejeos Biblica. J. Schmidt. Mathe- fis Biblica, 8vo. 1736. There is no Doubt, that fome Knowledge of Arithmetick and Geometry is neceffary to explain certain Facts in Holy Writ; but it is quite ridiculous to rake together, as thoſe Authors have done, a Mul- applying to them the first Principles of Arith- metick and Geometry, for fuch are for the moft Part the Queſtions found in thofe Books as the Calculation of the Sand, mentioned in Genefis x111, 6; that of the Size of Goliath ; the Weight of Abfalom's Hair; and, of the Crown of the King of the Ammonites, &c. Voffius has taken Care to extract fome of the moft frivolous, to encourage Divines to ſtudy Mathematicks. A We Among the Abuſes of thofe Sciences, we may reckon the pretended Application of them to Metaphyficks and Phyfick. There are fome Authors who have imagined, that when they had digefted their Conceits in the Form of Theorems, Problems, Corollaries, they had raifed. them to the Rank of mathematical Truths. Of late, feveral Works have ap- peared. where the most contefted Points in Me- taphyficks are treated after the Manner of the Geometricians, whofe Authors, after having heaped up a Number of quod erat Demonftran- dums, Scholia and Corollaries have believed their Opinions, have thereby acquired the Certainty of a geométrical Theorem. fhall here obferve, that it is not from the Form of their Demonftrations, that Mathematicks derive their Certitude; they owe it chiefly to the Simplicity and Evidence of their Prin- ciples; to the clear and inconteftible Connec- tion of the Propofitions deduced one from the other. Sr. P. de Crofa feems to have intend- ed to expofe to Ridicule this improper Ufe of the Form of geometrical Realoning, in a Treatife on the Spirituality and Immortality of the Soul: The Arguments he propofes are quite humorous, and all in the geometrical Style, which are a perpetual Satire on the Metaphyficians we have ſpoken of. 3 MATHEMATICK S. XXV } who are deftined for a Way of Life that requires the Exertion of the intel- lectual Faculties, would apply themſelves to the Study of Mathematicks, we ſhould fee fewer precipitate Conclufions, fewer falfe Arguments, boaſted for Demonftrations; in fine, fewer Perfons feduced by the fpecious Appearances of Truth. But we have already fufficiently infifted on this Article. It muſt be allowed, that the Aid of Geometry and Arithmetick is abfo- lutely requifite in Society, and in an infinite Variety of Cafes, in Econo- micks, Jurifprudence, &c. As the Property of each individual muſt be aſcertained in Number, Meaſure, and Weight; in general a Knowledge of the Elements only of thefe Sciences fuffices, but there are Circumſtances in which the Aid of the moſt profound Knowledge of thofe Sciences is requifite: It is of Importance to a State, to private Companies, &c. that eſtabliſh Annuities on Lives, Infurances, &c. that authoriſes certain Games of Chance, as Lotteries, to know the Advantages and Diſadvantages, and to State a certain Equality. Upon thofe Questions, Mathematicians are always confulted; and the Inſpection alone of the Books wrote on thoſe Subjects, fufficiently evince that they are of a higher Inveſtigation than thoſe of common Arithmetick. this Problem: A Distemper being given, to af fign the Remedy for it. In all Probability, Pit- carn refolved it badly; for notwithſtanding his Solution, the Art of Healing is found every Day defective in the Treatment of the best known Diftempers. tent to aflift the Lawyers in difcuffing thefe Queſtions, the Motive is laudable; but if their Authors intended thereby to fhew the Univer- fallity of Mathematicks, by applying them to a thouſand frivolous Queſtions that have any Connection with Jurifprudence, we may claís fuch Compofitions with Mathefis Biblica, Mo- faica, St. Phyfick furnish feveral Examples of the A- bufe of Mathematicks. It is true, they may ferve to explain fome mechanical Effects ob- fervable in the human Body: Borelli's Trea- tiſe De Motu Animalium, is, in this Refpect, very valuable; but, to pretend to apply Cal- culation to the combined Motions of Fluids Queſtions fometimes occur in Jurifprudence,. and Solids, in a Machine the moſt complicated that require fome Skill in Arithmetick, and exifting, is an Attempt, we may venture to fome Knowledge in Geometry; this has given declare, chimerical. See Maupertuis' xiv Rife to the following Works: N. Vogt, Arith. Letter on this Subject. It is entertaining, at Juridita. N. Polackii, Mathefis Forenfis. IF leaſt to Mathematicians, to fee fome Phyfiolo-thofe Works have been compofed with an In- gifts refolve, by a few Strokes of the Pen, Problems, whole Solutions, thoſe who are moſt profoundly killed in Mechanicks and Geometry, would not attempt. The Differ- tation of Mr. Bernoully, De Motu Mufculorum, ought to be only confidered as an ingenious Effay of his Skill on an hypothetical Pro- blem, whofe Solution is modified by a thou- fand Circumſtances. Here follow the Titles of fome Medico-mathematical Books: N. Stroem. Ratioc. Mechanic. in Medecina ufus Vindicatus, L. Bat. 1707, 8vo. N. Gaukes De Med. ad. Math. Certitud. evehenda, 1712, 8vo. Archibaldi Pitcarnii, Elementa Medicine Phy- fico-Math. Lond. 1717, 8vo. No Man appears to have abufed Mathematicks more than this baft Phyfician: He afferts what is truly ridicu- lous; that by their Afffftance he had found out a Method of curing the Dilorders incident to the Eyes; lie even goes fo far as to propofe · A Mathematician (the Count d'Herbeſtein) has published a Differtation on this Queſtion: An Studium Geometriæ, rempublicam admini- tranti adminicule an Obftaculo (Prague). I know not how he refolves this Queſtion: I conjec- ture, however, he concludes that Sovereigns. should only chufe Mathematicians for their Minifters of State. We could not expect lefs from a Country and an Age, fo productive of frivolous Compofitions on the Utility of Mas thematicks. XXVI OF HISTORY It is by Mechanicks and the ingenious Combination of its different Pow- ers, that human Induſtry is enabled to remove and tranſport Weights fo fuperior to our natural Strength; to make Water ferve as a moving Power to feveral Machines, to raiſe it to the Tops of Mountains, and from thence diffuſe it as Occafion may require. Archimedes defended his Country for a long Time by his mechanical Inventions; and almoſt all the Engines em- ployed by the Ancients in War, were invented or perfected in thoſe Ages when Mathematicks flouriſhed in Greece; which proves that they were of great Uſe in perfecting that Part of the military Art. The Advantages refulting from Aftronomy, cannot be conteſted by thofe who will attend to the following Facts: This Science is the Soul of Geo- graphy, of Navigation, and of Chronology. It muſt be allowed, that it is of fome Importance to Man to know the Form, the Extent, the exact Situations of the different Parts of the Globe he inhabits. How can this Knowledge be attained, but by the Affiftance of Aftronomy? It is eaſy to perceive how infufficient for this Purpoſe the moſt exa& Journals of Tra- vellers are, at leaſt for determining the Situation of Places very remote from each other. Beſides, in how few Cafes can this Method be employed? And if it was the only one, we fhould not as yet have known the narrow Limits of the Places that environ us. By the Affiſtance of Aſtronomy, the moft diftant Countries, tho' feparated by innavigable Seas, Deferts, and barbarous Nations, &c. hold a Sort of Correfpondence by the Interpo- fition of the Heavens alóne. Commerce, that Source of Wealth and Power to a Nation, is in a great Meaſure indebted to Mathematicks for the extenſive Manner it is carried on at this Day. In effect, this Science has had a greater Share than is common- ly imagined, in the Diſcovery of thoſe Countries whence fuch Riches flow in upon us. When Infant Don John of Portugal, who principally promoted the Discovery of the Indies, propofed carrying this Scheme into Execution, he employed the moſt eminent Mathematicians to contrive Inftruments for ob- ferving, and to invent proper Methods for keeping a Reckoning at Sea; by theſe Means, he induced Men to enter into his Views, and emboldened them to brave the Dangers of unknown Seas: Such was the Origin of Nautical Aftronomy. This Prince, who was well fkilled in Mathematicks himſelf, was the Inventor of, the Charts employed in that Voyage; probably fo great an Enterprize would have never been carried into Execution, without theſe Circumftances. If we now are able to traverſe the Ocean with ſo much Security and Skill, it is owing to Mathematicks which has furniſhed the Means. To Mer- cator, an Aſtronomer and Geographer of the Low Countries, we are indebt- ed for the Invention of Charts by increafing Latitude, efteemed the beſt by intelligent Navigators. And, without Doubt, it is from Aftronomers that this Art will receive its laft Degree of Perfection, when the Motions MATHEMATICK S XXVII of the Moon will be fufficiently known as to enable them to determine its Place every Inftant with Accuracy. The Chronologers have always employed the celeftial Phenomena as a Means of verifying the Date: of certain fundamental Epochas; We find no Order in the Chronologies of ancient Kingdoms, arifing from their igno- rance of the celeſtial Periods. The Certainty of Hiftory, as far as it de- pends on the affigning to Events their proper Places, is entirely owing to Aftronomy. A well regulated Calendar feems to be the most important Production of this Science. What Pains did not the ancient Greeks, Per- fians, the modern Europeans, take to give to their Calendar a permanent and perfect Form, which they attained only in Proportion as they cultivated Aftronomy. I fhould not omit mentioning, that this Study has freed us from thofe Terrors fo difgraceful to human Reaſon, that ufed to affright whole Nations ignorant of the Cauſe of certain unufual Phenomena. We recall to Mind, with Pity, the Story of that weak Prince, who, upon fee- ing an Eclipfe of the Sun, ordered his Son's Hair to be cut off, as on a Day of publick Calamity. The Ignorance of Nicias, who commanded the Athe- nian Fleet in the War of Sicily, was the Cauſe of the fignal Defeat they received on this Occafion: Nicias, terrified by an Eclipfe, was afraid to fet Sail when it was Time, in Order to raiſe the Siege of Syracufa : The next Day the Wind proved contrary, and prevented his Departure, and he was taken Priſoner with his whole Army. It is not long fince, that the Ap- pearance of a Comet infpired fuperftitious Terrors; Aftronomy alone could calm them, by unfolding the Caufes of that alarming Phenomenon. The confiderable Progreſs of thofe Sciences, has occafioned the Fall of judicial Aftrology: That delufive Art, fprung from the Abuſe of Aftronomy whilſt yet in its Infancy, has loft all Credit, except with a few weak Minds, fince Aftronomy has been fo vaftly improved. The different Branches of that Science, have thrown great Light on the general Syftem of the World, an Object worthy of the Contemplation of rational Beings who enjoy that wonderful Spectacle; fuch will doubtlefs be the Opinion of all thofe whofe Eyes are not entirely turned to the Earth, and who recall to Mind thoſe fine Verfes of Ovid: Pronaque cum fpectent Animalia cætera Terram, Os Homini fublime dedit, Cœlumque tueri Juffit, et erectos ad Sydera tollere Vultus. X. To enter into a Detail of the Advantages refulting from the Cultivation of the other Branches of mixed Mathematicks, would be affecting a uſeleſs Prolixity; they are fufficiently obvious to diſpenſe us from infifting any further on that Head, we fhall therefore confine ourſelves to ſome Obferva- tions on geometrical Speculations, the End and the Utility of which might be queſtioned. It must be allowed, that there are a great Number that are merely intellectual Curiofities, and of no apparent Utility; but when wẹ XXVIII OF HISTORY confider that they are the only inconteftible Truths which the human Mind can, by pure Reafoning, attain to, we fhall ceafe to regard them as frivolous. In effect, Man being compofed of two Parts, the one Intellectu- al, whofe Nature is to reflect and to inveſtigate the Properties of Objects; the other formed to perceive and enjoy thofe fame Objects. It must be al- lowed, that if their fenfible Properties ſhould be ftudied with a View of fupplying our Wants and adminiftring to our Pleaſures, thofe that are purely intellectual, are particularly fuited to our intelle&ual Part. Befides, to what a narrow Compafs would human Sciences be reduced, if all thoſe were excluded, from cultivating which, no apparent Advantage accrue to Mankind, fhortly Ignorance would prevail, and bring back all the Evils at- tending the rude and barbarous Ages. We may further obferve, that thoſe purely theoretical Truths, whoſe Ufe is not obvious, may probably be productive of fome which future Ages may diſcover, but particularly may pave the Way to more important Truths. What an Apparatus of Geometry does not fome Queſtions in Me- chanicks and Aftronomy require? Among the latter, for Example, the Mo- tion of the Moon, from the compleat Refolution of which we ſhall probably derive the inestimable Advantage of a perfect Navigation. The Fate of mixed Mathematicks is clofely connected with that of abftract Mathema- ticks: Every Truth contained in the latter, is of Importance to the former. I ſhall conclude by a Reflection. A Philofopher aſked, what would be the Employment of Men, if they were exempt from Paffions and from the Wants their Nature fubject them to? Doubtless, the Enquiry after Truth and the Contemplation of the Phenomena of Nature, would be their only Purfuits thro' a Life equally tranquil and happy. Well, then, thofe Objects, ſo noble, the fole Occupation of perfect Beings, thofe Objects, I fay, are thoſe of the Mathematician. Abſtract mathematical Enquiries, and their Application to the Study of Nature, enter therefore into the Plan of the Inftructions given in the Drawing School eſtabliſhed by the DUBLIN So- CIETY, purſuant to their Refolution of the fourth of February, 1768; to enable Youth to become Proficients in the different Branches of that Art, and to purfue with Succefs, geographical, nautical, mechanical, commer- cial, and military Studies. W! XI. Introduction. ISE Regulations relative to the Education of Youth in England, Scotland, and other Parts of Europe. Fatal Confequences refulting to this Country from the Neglect of this important Object. How far the Drawing School established by the DUBLIN SOCLETY put on a proper Footing has fupplied this Defect. Plans of Inftruction put in Execution in this School. Plan of a Courfe of pure Mathematicks: Utility of this Science: Me- thod of teaching it: Is divided into Arithmetick numeral, and fpecious; into MATHEMATICK S. XXIX Geometry, Elementary, Tranfcendental, and Sublime. Conclufion. Au- thors who have fnrnifhed the Materials of this Courſe. Inftructions relative to young Noblemen and Gentlemen of Fortune. Plan of the Syftem of the Phyfical World. Utility of the Study of the Syftem of the World. Advantages refulting from the Knowledge of the Syftem of the World. Public Schools erected in England, Scotland, &c. for inſtructing young Nobleman and Gentlemen of Fortune, in what regards the Syftem of the World. Method of teaching the Difcoveries relative to the System of the World. Progrefs of the Diſcoveries relative to the Syftem of the World. Principal Phenomena of the Syftem of the World. Theory of the principal Planets. Theory of the Figure of the Earth. Theory of the Preceffion of the Equinoxes. Theory of the Tides. Theory of the Refraction of Light. Theory of the Moon. Theory of the Comets. Conclufion. Thofe Theories taken from the Principia, not as interpolated and anatomized by Pemberton, Clark, M'Laurin, &c. but from the Original. The Demonftrations being compleated by ſupplying the Steps, which were defignedly omitted by the illuftrious Author. Enumeration of the Improve- ments which thefe Diſcoveries have received from the united Efforts of the firſt Mathematicians in Europe. Plan of the Art of making Experiments, and that of employing them. Neceffity there was of furniſhing the School with a compleat Collection of the beſt executed Machines, adapted for experimental Enquiries, and of in- ftructing Youth in the Management and Ufe of thofe Machines. I Clafs. Machines for making Experiments on the Gravity, Motion, and Equilibrium of folid Bodies. II Clafs. Machines for making Experiments on the Gra- vity, Motion, and Equilibrium of fluid Bodies. III Clafs. Machines for making Experiments on the Air. IV Clafs. Machines for making Experi- ments on Fire. V Clafs. Machines for making Experiments on Light and Colours. VI Clafs. Machines for making electrical and magnetic Experi- ments. VII Clafs. Machines for making Experiments and Obfervations in Cofmography. VIII Clafs. Machines for making Experiments and Obfervations in Meteorology. Conclufion. The Conftruction and Uſe of thofe Machines in experimental Enquiries propoſed to be defcribed. Plan of the Syftem of the Moral World. Origin of Civil Society. The different Forms of Government. Particulars in which all Forms of Government agree. Particular Circumftances which fhould modify the different Forms of Government. The Relations of which the different Forms of Government are fufceptible. The Laws refulting from the Na- ture, Circumſtances, and Relations of the different Forms of Government. Conclufion. That the moral Philofopher does not employ his Time in Speculations and Subtilities foreign to common Life. Inftructions relative to Engineers, Gentlemen of the Artillery, and in general to all Land Officers. Plan of the Military Art. Neceffity there was of erecting a Military XXX HISTORY OF, &c. School. Studies there purfued. Mathematicks, Mechanicks, Dynamicks, Military Architecture, Baliſtic, Pneumaticks, Hydraulicks, Hydraulick Architecture, Draughting, Attack and Defence, Geography, Hiftory, Tacticks, Order of the Studies, practical Operations, public Examinations: Conclufion. Pointing out the Advantages the young Officer will reap from thofe Studies. Inftructions relative to thofe intended for Trade.. Plan of the Mercantile Arts. Dignity of the Trader. Diſadvantages in Point of Education he laboured under. The Neceffity there was of erect- ing a Mercantile School. Studies there purfued. Mathematicks, Drawing, Geography, Hiſtory, Navigation, moral Philofophy, Book-keeping, Com- pofition, practical Negociations. Conclufion. Recapitulation of the Ad- vantages which the young Trader, and the Public in general, will reap from this Inftitution Inftructions relative to Ship-builders, Sea Officers, and in general to all thofe concerned in the Bufinefs of the Sea. Plan of the Naval Art. The Neceffity there was of erecting a Marine School, where are taught naval Architecture, mechanical Navigation, the Art of Piloting, the different Branches of Drawing. Inftructions relative to Architects, Painters, Sculptors, Engravers, Clock Makers, &c. and in general to all Artifts and Manufacturers. Neceffity there was of erecting a School of Mechanic Arts, where Artiſts receive the Inftructions in Geometry, Perfpective, Phyficks, &c. which fuit their refpective Profeffions, and contribute to improve their Tafte and their Talents. •Soboter acuees ! [ 1 ] : ELEMENT S O F NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. CHA P. I. Of Numbers, of the general Principles of numeral Arithmetick, and of the Operations performed upon fimple Numbers. COMP COMPUTATION is either performed by Numbers, or by cer- tain Signs and Symbols which have been contrived for this purpoſe and found convenient; whence the Science of computing is divided into nume- ral and fpecious Arithmetick. I. By Number is meant a Collection or Affemblage of Units, and by an what is Unit,an arbitrary Quantity, which is affumed to be a Meaſure of other Quan- underſtood tities of the fame Kind. by number. upon for the It has been found neceffary for the convenience of Commerce, to em- ploy different Kinds of Units. In Money the Units authoriſed by Law, The diffe- are the Pound sterling, the Shilling, the Penny, and Farthing. In mea-rent kinds of furing Lengths and Diftances, the Units employed are the Fathom, the units agreed Foot, the Inch and the Line, and ſeveral other Meaſures that have been convenience introduced and confirmed by Cuſtom. In meaſuring of Areas and Surfaces, of trade. the fquare Foot, the fquare Inch, the fquare Perch, the fquare Acre are taken for Units: and when there is Occaſion of employing different Units in order to render the Computation more eaſy; it is ufual to affume for Units different Meaſures which have all the fame Length but different Breadths, from whence they take their different Denominations. In the Menfuration of Solids, the Units employ'd are the cubick Fathom, the cubick Foot, the cubick Inch, and different Solids which have all for Bafe a fquare Fathom but different Heights from which they take their different Denominations, not to mention a Number of other Meaſures fuch as the Gallon, the Bushel, &c. which vary in the different Parts of the World. In fine, every Species of Things have their particular Unit whofe Value has been fixed and authoriſed by Cuſtom or by Law. The Units we have fpoke of, and all others. to whatever Kind or Species Numbers are of Things they relate, are called concrete or applicate Units, and a Collec- either con- tion or Affemblage of thofe Units is called a concrete Number. There is a- ftract, crete or ab 2 A 157 ELEMENTS OF The forma- tion of num- bers. nother Unit which denotes no Kind of Things in particular, and is aplicable to every Kind or Species of Things; this Unit is called abftract or abfolute Unit and is expreffed by the Word One or once; and a Collection or Allem- blage of thofe Units is called an abſtract Number. II. By adding an Unit to another Unit, a Number is formed which is called Two; by adding to this Number a new Unit there refults the Number which is called Three; and by continuing in this manner to add new Units to the Numbers already formed, there will refult the following Numbers which are called Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, &c. As an Unit may be continually added to the Numbers that have been formed, let them be ever fo great; it is manifeft that the Series of Numbers has no Limits, If therefore each Number was to be expreffed by a Word or particular ency of ex- Character, the Number of Words and Characters to be employed would be preffing each number by infinite, and the Life of Man would ſcarce be fufficient to learn to reckon a partiular up to Fifty Thoufand, which is a ſmall Number not only among the Numbers poffible, but even among thoſe which are in daily Ufe: but the Computiſts obliged to employ great Numbers have found out the Art of counting by means of a very few Words and Characters repeated feveral times; this Art is called Numeration. Inconveni- word or character. Characters employed to repreſent numbers. How the Arithmeti- III. Thow there is an Infinity of different Numbers, the Computifts have found means of expreffing them all with ten Characters differently com bined and repeated, viz. O Cypher, I 2 3 4 5 6 7 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven 8 9 Eight, Nine. It is eafy to perceive that with thoſe ten Characters we can reckon from Nothing to Nine inclufively, without having recourfe to any new Arti- fice, but not further, if we have no other Unit but of the Species to be numbered. For Example, if the Units a Number confifts of are Feet, we can reckon from Nothing to nine Feet, but we cannot reckon beyond. 9 Feet, if we had no other Unit but the Foot. The Computits, therefore, befides the Unit of the Species to be rec- koned, which is called principle Unit, for Example, befides the Foot, which in the foregoing Example is the principle Unit, have imagined o- thers which are called collective Units, which may be reckoned alſo from Nothing to Nine inclufively; and by help of thofe collective Units, all poffible Numbers arifing from the Repetition of the principle Unit may be expreffed, in the manner we are going to explain. IV. When the Number of principle Units do not exceed Nine, and confe- tal charac- quently may be expreffed by one Character, this character is called Num- ters are dif- ber of Units of the first Degree,and the Place it ftands in is called the firſt Place. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK 3 Of ten Units of the Firſt degree is formed a collective Unit called Ten pofed to re- or an Unit of the fecond Degree, and may be reckoned from Nothing to Nine, by means of the Characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. To diſtinguiſh the Character which repreſents a Number of thofe new Units of the ſecond Degree, from that which reprefents a Number of Units of the first Degree; it is wrote down in the ſecond Place to the left Hand of the Figure, which repreſents a Number of Units of the firſt Degree, and which ſtands in the firſt Place, this firſt Place being always filled up with a Character reprefenting the Number of Units of the firft Degree, as will appear by the following Examples. ་ 1° When the Number of Units to be reckoned confifts only of Tens or of Units of the fecond Degree, and do not exceed Nine, the Character (0) which reprefents no Number, is fet down in the firt Place, and by denoting that there are no Units of the firſt Degree remove the Cha- racter which reprefents a Number of Units of the fecond Degree into the fecond Place, and determines it to reprefent a Number of this Kind of collective Units rather than any other. Thus 10 repreſents Ten, 20 reprefents two Tens, or, Twenty, 30 three Tens, or, Thirty, 40 four Tens, or, Forty, 50 five Tens, or, Fifty, 60 fix Tens, or, Sixty, 70 feven Tens, or, Seventy, 80 eight Tens, or, Eighty, 90 nine Tens, or, Ninety. preſent all poffible numbers. ty nine are two charac- ters. 2º Since by writing down fome one of the ten Characters 0, 1, 2, 3, All numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, in the fecond Place we can reckon a Number of Tens from noth- from Nothing to Nine, and by fetting down fome one of the fame Cha- ing to nine- racters in the first Place we can reckon a Number of fimple Units or of the reprefented first Degree from Nothing to Nine; it is ealy to perceive that we can by by help of help of the two Characters which ſtand in the two first Places reckon from Nothing to Ninety nine. The Characters which ftand in the fecond Place, preferve the Names Each charac of the Numbers of Tens they reprefent, and thoſe which ſtand in the firft ter retains Place retain the Names of the Numbers of fimple Units they reprefent. of the num- The following Numbers however are to be excepted, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, ber it repres 16, 17, 18, 19, which are read and wrote as follows, Eleven, Twelve, fents. Thirteen, Fourteen, Fiveteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, and not Ten-one, Ten-two, Ten-three, Ten-four, Ten-five, Ten-fix,Ten- feven, Ten-eight, Ten-nine, as the general Rule would require. V. the name All numbers nine As ten Units of the first Degree form an Unit of the ſecond Degree, in like manner ten Units of the fecond Degree, form an Unit of the third from noth- Degree, which is called a Hundred, and the Character which reprefents ing to a Number of thoſe new Units is fet down in the third Place to the left Hand. hundred and ninety nine Thoſe new Units of Hundreds may be reckoned from Nothing to Nine, are repre- with the fame Characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: and as we may fented by ELEMENTS OF 1 蟋 help of three reckon alfo with the fame Characters the Tens from Nothing to Nine, and characters. How anum- ber repre- fented by three cha- racters is read. All numbers poffible are repreſented by help of ten charac- ters. Every three gures are ods, and have the the fimple Units from Nothing to Nine; it is manifeft that we can by help of the three Characters which ſtand in the three firſt Places reckan from Nothing to Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine. The different Numbers of Hundreds have no particular Names, they are ſpecified by the name Hundred, preceded by the Word which expreffes their Number; thus, 100 is named one. Hundred, 200 two Hundred, 300 three Hundred, 400 four Hundred, 500 five Hundred, 600 fix Hun- dred, 700 ſeven Hundred, 800 eight Hundred, 900 nine Hundred. ; The Reading of a Number reprefented by three Figures, is performed by pronouncing firſt the Number of Hundreds reprefented by the Figure in the third Place and afterwards the Names of the Numbers repreſented by the two Figures which ſtand in the fecond and firſt Places; for In- ſtance 364 is pronounced three Hundred and Sixty Four, 576 five Hundred and Seventy Six, 193 one Hundred and Ninety Three, 916 nine Hundred and Sixteeen, 807 eight Hundred and Seven, 290 two Hundred and Ninety. VI. Of ten Units of the third Degree called Hundreds, is formed an Unit of the fourth Degree, which is called a Thoufand. Thoſe new collective Units may be reckoned as the other collective Units already mentioned, from Nothing to Nine, and the Figure which repreſents a Number of them is always fet down in the fourth Place to the Left of the Hundreds. repre- By continuing in this Manner to form new collective Units each con- fifting of ten Units of the Degree that immediately précedes; there will refult a Progreffion of Units decuple of each other, by means of which it is eaſy to perceive that all poffible Numbers however great may be fented, employing only the ten Characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The three Figures which occupy the three firſt Places, have parti- places of Fi- cular Names, that which ftands in the firſt Place is called fimple U- called peri- nits, that in the fecond, Tens, and that in the third Hundreds, par- ticular Names might in like manner be given to the Units of higher De- fame names, grees, but as thoſe new Names would burthen the Memory to no purpoſe, and it would be too difficult to pronounce a great Number of Words in a certain Order; the fame Names of Units, Tens, Hundreds are given to the three following Figures which ſtand in the fourth, fifth and fixth Places, and to every three fucceeding Figures: So that if the Figures which repreſent a great Number, be parted or diftinguiſhed into Periods of three Figures in each Period, beginning at the right Hand; each Period will contain a Number of Units in its firft Place to the right Hand, a Num- ber of Tens in its fecond Place; and a Number of Hundreds in its third Place, except the laft Period which will not always conſiſt of three Fi gures, but fome times only of One or of Two; viz. a Number of Units, or a Number of Units with Tens, NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 3 A To diſtinguiſh thofe Periods one from the other; a particular Name is Names of given to the firſt Figure of each of them, from which the Period alfo the different periods takes its Denomination. The firft Figure of the firft Period, is called fimple Units; and the first Period which alſo contains the Tens and Hundreds of fimple Units is call- ed the Period of fimple Units. The firſt Figure of the fecond Period is called Thouſands, and this fecond Period which contains alfo the Tens and Hundreds of Thouſands, is called the Period of Thouſands. The firft Figure of the third Period, is called Millions, and this Period which contains alfo the Tens and Hundreds of Millions, is called the Period of Millions After the Period of Millions comes that of Billions, of Trillions, af Quadrillions, of Quintillions, of Sextillions, of Septillions, of Octillions, of Nonillions, of Decillions, &c. each of which contain their Units, Tens, and Hundreds. of figures. A To read therefore any propofed Number, we have no more to do, than Rule for to divide it by Commas into Periods of three Characters each, beginning reading any at the right Hand, and read one after another, beginning at the left Hand, the propofed Numbers repreſented by each Period, expreffing the Names of each Period. VII. number. fand that earth In order to fhew at one View the Names of the different Periods of a The number great Number reprefented by Figures, with the Names of the Figures of of grains of each Period, we ſhall take for Example the Number of Grains of Sand that would form Archimedes found would form a Globe as big as the Earth, fuppof- a globe as ing that ter Grains of Sand were in Length equal to the Diameter of a Seed big as the of Coriander: that Ten Seeds of Coriander were in Length an Inch; that pofed as a twelve Inches, make a Foot; five Feet, a geometrical Pace; three thou- example. fand Paces, a League; that the Diameter of the Earth is two Thousand eight Hundred and Sixty four Leagues; and that the Circumference of a Circle is equal to three times its Diameter, together with the feventh Part of this Diameter. This Number of Grains of Sand, with the Names of the Names of the Places of each Period is as follows. its Periods and pro- } Simple Units { ~ Units +Tens Hundreds Millions { Thousands { Units Tens Hundreds ~ Units Tens Hundreds Units Tens Hundreds & Units Tens Sextillions { Quintillions { Quadrillions { Trillions { Billions { 71.764.5 46.80 9.2 70.8 57.1 4 2.8 5 7.1 4 2.8 5 7 · 14 2 Hundreds ∞ Hundreds in Tens Units Tens Units & Hundreds ∞ Hundreds O Tens Units +Units Tens Hundreds. Nonillions Qatillions { Septillions { & Taits Tens Hundreds - Tens Units 6 ELEMENTS OF Of decimal parts. Numbers fet down after the are decimal parts. This prodigious Number is thus pronounced: feventy one Nonillions, feven hundred and fixty four Octillions, five hundred and forty fix Sep- tillions, eight hundred and nine Sextillions, two hundred and feventy. Quintillions, eight hundred and fifty feven Quadrillions, one hundred and forty two Trillions, eight hundred and fifty feven Billions, one hundred and forty two Millions, eight hundred and fifty feven Thouſands, one hundred and forty Two Units or Grains of Sand. VIII. Having fufficiently Explained how from the various Combinations and Repetitions of the ten Characters, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, all poffible Numbers confifting of fimple Units of every Denomination may be repreſented: we fhall proceed to explain how by means of the fame Characters all Numbers confifting of Units that are only the tenth the hundreth or thoufanth Part, &c. of a fimple Unit confidered as the principle Unit are repreſented. Since ten Units of any particular Order form an Unit of an higher Or- der, belonging to the next Place to the Left; it is manifeft that if we divide an Unit of any degree into ten equal Parts, thofe Parts will be ten Units of a lower Degree, belonging to the next Place to the right Hand. For Example, if we divide a Hundred which is an Unit of the third Degree, belonging to the third Place, into ten equal Parts; there will refult Tens or Units of the ſecond Degree, belonging to the fecond Place: and if we divide again one of thofe new Units into ten equal Parts, there will refult fimple Units, or Units of the first Degree, which ſhould ſtand in the firſt Place. Whence by dividing continually the Units into ten equal Parts ; there continually refults new Units fubdecuple or ten times lefs, and the Figures which reprefent a Number of them, ftand in places more and more removed towards the right Hand, until we come to the fimple Units which ſtand in the firſt Place; but there is no reaſon why this Divifion may not be continued further on, TX. The Figures ftanding in Places continually removed towards the right Hand, repreſenting a Number of Units fubdecuple of thofe of the preced- ing Figures: if a Comma be prefixed to the Figure reprefenting the prin- units place ciple Units, to diſtinguiſh the Place of thoſe Units, and if any Number of Figures be wrote after the Comma towards the right Hand; as in this Number 576, 347892; it is eafy to perceive that the Figures 576 to the left Hand of the feparating Point, reprefents a Number of principle Units: and that the other Figures 347892 to the right Hand, reckon Units fo nuch the more fubdecuple of the principle Unit, as they are more remov- ed to the right Hand from the feparating point. For the Character 3 which ſtands next the Comma to the right Hand, or next the Character 6 which reprefents fimple Units, will reprefent Units fubdecuple or ten times lefs 45 1 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 7 than thoſe repreſented by the Character 6, whence the Units of this Num- ber 3 will be the tenth Part of a fimple Unit, and are called Tenths. In 3 to the like manner the Character 4 which ſtands next to the Character right Hand: repreſents a number of Units that are the tenth Parts of thoſe of the Figure 3, and confequently will be the tenth Parts of a Tenth, or the hundreth. Parts of the principle Unit, and for this reafon are called Hundreths. In fine the Units reprefented by the following Characters 7892 to the right Hand, becoming continually fubdecuple, will be the Thoufandth, the ten Thouſandth, the hundred Thoufandth, the Millionth, Part, &c. of the principle Unit, and for this Reafon are called Thousandths, ten Thouſandths, "bundred Thousandths, Millionths, as in the following Example. All the Figures which are to the right Hand of the fimple Units, whofe Place is diftinguiſh- ed by a Comma, are called decimal Figures, and their Units are called decimal Parts or deci- mal Fractions.. X. Hundreds 6 Decimal Figures Tenths Hundreths Thouſandths Ten Thouſandths ~ Millionths Hundred Thouſandths, Tens Units It is now eaſy to perceive how Numbers whofe expreffion contain deci- mal Figures are read. Let for Example 576,347892 be propoſed to be read. ? decimal decimal £< gures. 1º This Number may be confidered as confifting of two Parts, the First manner first part repreſented by the Figures 576 to the left Hand of the feparat- of expreffing ing Point, reckon fimple Units, and confequently may be wrote thus, 576 numbers fimple Units, as to the fecond Part reprefented by the Figures 347892 to the containing right Hand of the feparating Point, the first Figure 2' expreffes Millionths, and Ten of thoſe Units forming an Unit of the following Figure 9 to the left Hand, this Figure 9 expreffes Ninety Millionths, in like manner ten Units fimilar to thoſe of the 9, that is ten Tens or one hundred Millionths form an Unit of the Figure 8 which follows to the left Hand, confequently this Figure 8 expreffes eight hundred Millionths, and proceeding in this man- ner it will appear that the ſecond Part of the propofed Number 347892 reckon Millionths, confequently may be wrote thus 347892 Millionths, wherefore the entire Number reprefented by (576,347892) may be read as follows, five Hundred and Seventy Jix Units, and three Hundred and Forty feven Thouſand eight Hundred and Ninety two Millionths. 2. Since the Units of the propofed Number 576, 34789re continually Second man- decuples of one another, proceeding from the right Hand to the Left, and ner of ex- preffing the Units of the loweſt Degree are Millionths; it is eafy to perceive that numbers the entire Number may be confidered as confifting of Millionths only; con- containing fequently may be read thus; five Hundred and feventy fix Millions three Hun- decimal Fi- dred and forty feven Thouſands eight Hundred and ninety two Millionths, gures. 8 ELEMENTS OF In what a taining deci- one that has none. From whence it appears that a Number that contains decimal Figuress number con- differs from one that has none, only becauſe they confiſt of different Units- mal figures The Number which has no decimal Figures confifts of abfolute Units, or differs from of Units of the Species to be reckoned. The Number which has decimal Figures confiſts of Units which are only Parts of abfolute Unit or of the Unit of the Species to be reckoned; and it is the Place of the Comma which determines what Parts of the whole Unit the propoſed Number con- fifts of, for Example, if there are One, Two or Three decimal Figures after the Comma, the Number will confift of Tenths or Hundreths or Thouſandths. or Millionths of the principle Unit. Third man- ner of ex- preffing numbers or Six 3º Laſtly when Numbers contain decimal Figures, the Part to the left Hand of the feparating Point may be firſt read, and afterwards the Values of all the decimal Figures expreffed one after another, with the Names of their particular Units, for Example, the Number 576,347892 may be read decimal - thus, five Hundred and Seventy fix integer Units, and three Tenths, four Hundreths, feven Thousandths, eight ten. Thousandths, nine hundred Thou- fandths, and two Millionths. containing gures. How num- X I.. A Number very often has neither principle Units nor collective Units,, bers confift- but only decimal Figures and as the Value of decimal' Figures can only be ing only of decimal known from the Places they ſtand in; the Place of the fimple Units is diítin- guiſhed by a Cypher to which a Comma is prefixed denoting that repreſented, there are no fimple Units, and that all the Figures to the right Hand are decimal Figures. parts are of the com- It likewiſe often happens, that a Number not only has no principle Units, but alſo has no Tenths, nor Hundredths, nor Thoufandths, &c. and has decimal Figures of an inferior Denomination. In this Cafe in order to affign to each decimal Figure its proper Place, not only the Place of the fimple Units is filled up with a Cypher to which a Comma is prefixed, but alfo Cyphers are wrote in the Places of the decimal Figures that are want- ing; fo that a Number which has neither Units nor Tenths, nor Hun- dreths, nor Thoufandths, will have four Cyphers to the right Hand.. For Example, (0,000289) will reprefent 289 Millionths.. XII. Cyphers an- Since the Comma prefixed to a Figure determines it to reprefent fimple nexed to the Units; we may annex as many Cyphers as we pleaſe to the right Hand of right hand the Comma, without altering the Number to the right Hand of which ma or fepa- thofe Cyphers have been annexed. For Example, the number 389 will rating point not be altered by writing it thus (389,000) and will always reprefent do not alter three Hundred and Eighty nine fimple Units; becauſe the Cyphers annexed after the Comma, denote that there are no Tenths, no Hundreths, no Thouſandths, nor any Kind of decimal Parts. of a number its value. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK 9 By annexing Cyphers to the right Hand of the Comma of a Number, the Denomination of the principle Unit may be changed, or it may be re- duced into ſmaller Units. For Example, if it was required to reduce the Units of the Number 389 into Hundreths; by writing it thus (389,00) it will reprefent 38900 Hundreths. If it be required to reduce the Units of this Number into ten Thouſandths by writing it thus (389,0000) it will repreſent 3890000 ten Thaufandths, and fo of any other Transformation. XII. ons perform- duced to ad- After having fhewn how to read and write Numbers, we now proceed The diffe- to explain the Operations performed upon them, which are reduced to the rent operati- Four following. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Divifion; all ed on num- the other more complicated Operations being only different Combinations bers are re- of thoſe. We may perform thofe Operations either upon Numbers dition fub- that have only one principle Unit, as the Pound sterling, the Foot, or any traction other Unit affumed at Will, or eſtabliſhed by Cuftom, which are called multiplicati- fimple Numbers; or upon Numbers which have ſeveral principle Units, fion. fuch as 5 Pounds 6 Shillings and 8 Pence, 3 Fathoms 4. Feet 9 Inches, &c. which are called compound Numbers. We fhall treat of the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Divifion of fimple Numbers in this Chapter. XIII. Addition is an Operation by which a Number is found equal to the Sum of feveral Numbers. on and divi- added ſhould. confiſt of As all the Units of the fame Number ſhould be of the fame Species, The num- it is eaſy to perceive that the Numbers to be added together in order to form bers to be but one, fhould confift of Units of the fame Species, or that may be reduc- ed to Units of the fame Species. For Example, if it was required to add units of the together 20 Pounds fterling, 50 Horfes, and 60 Feet, three Numbers con- fame fpecies, fifting of Units of different Species, and not reducible to the fame Species- of Units, we are not fimply to add together 20, 50, and 60, their Units being different, but fet them down feparately with their particular Deno- minations. In like manner if it was required to add together 2 Fathoms, 5 Feet, and 8 Inches, we are not fimply to add together 2, 5, and 8, their Units being different. However as thofe different Units are reducible to the ſame Species, fince 2 Fathoms are equal to 144 Inches, 5 Feet are equal to 60 Inches, and that a Number may be found equal to the three Numbers 144 Inches, 60 Inches, 8 Inches, we can add together 2 Fathoms, 5 Feet, 8- Inches, fo that their Sum fhall form but one Number, by reducing all the Units to the fame Species XIV. To perform this Operation more commodiouſly, the Computifts place Proceſs of the Numbers to be added together under one another, in ſuch a Manner addition, 2 B 10 ELEMENTS OF Firft exam- ple of the that the Figures of the fame Degree ftand in the fame vertical Column and draw a Line under all thofe Numbers, to feparate them from that which is to reprefent their Sum. They afterwards add together all the Figures of the loweſt Degree, which are in the firſt Column to the right Hand. If the Sum of thoſe Fi- gures are lefs than 10, and confequently may be reprefented by one Fi- gure; they fet down this Figure in this firſt Column, under the Line; but if this. Sum exceeds 9 and cannot be reprefented but by feveral Figures; they write the firft Figure of Units of this Sum under the Line, and the other being of the fame Species of thoſe of the ſecond Column, is retained to be added to them. They perform the fame Operation upon all the Columns until they come to the laft which contains the Figures of the higheſt Degree; and ad- ding the Figures of this laſt Column with that or thofe that have been re- tained from the preceding Column; they fet down the Sum in this Column under the Line. This Operation being performed; all the Figures under the Line repre- fent the Sum of all the Numbers propofed to be added together. X V. Let the two Numbers 3456 and 4231 be given to be added together. Thoſe two Numbers being difpofed as in the Margin, to addition of determine one after another the Figures of their Sum, I pro- integers. ceed thus 1° I add together the two Figures 6 and 1 which form the firſt Column: and as their Sum is Seven, which may be re- preſented by the one Figure 7: I fet down 7 under the Line, in this firſt Column, 4th Column . + 3d Column 2nd Column 10 M ift Column O 3 4 5 4 23 I & 7 6 8 7 2º I afterwards add the Figures 5 and 3 of the fecond De- gree, which form the fecond Column: and as their Sum is Eight, which may be repreſented by the one Figure 8; I fet down 8 under the Line, in this fecond Column, 3º In like Manner I add together the Figures 4 and 2 of the third Co- lumn and as their Sum may be reprefented by the one Figure 6; I fet down 6 under the Line, in this third Column. 4° Finally I add together the Figures 3 and 4 of the fourth and laſt Co- lumn: and their Sum being reprefented by the one Figure 7; I write 7 un- der the Line, in this third Column, The Operation being finished; I find under the Line the four Figures 7687, which reprefents the Number feven Thoufand fix Hundred and eighty Seven, to which amounts the two Numbers 3456 and were propofed to be added together, 4231 which NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. II XVI. ample of the Let the four Numbers 5874,9956,459,15 be given to be added together. Second ex- Theſe Numbers being difpofed as in the Margin, to deter- mine one after another, the Figures of this Sum, I proceed as follows. 5874 addition of 9956 integers. 459 I 5 16304 1º I add together the Numbers repreſented by the Figures which form the firſt Column, faying: 4 and 6 is 10, and 9 is 19, and 5 is 24. As this Sum 24 is reprefented by two Fi- gures, viz. 4 which reprefents 4 Units, and by 2 which re- prefents 2 Tens, I write 4 in the firft Column under the Line, and I retain the 2 or rather the two Tens to add them to the four Numbers of Tens which form the ſecond Column. is 14, 2º.'I next add the Numbers of the fecond Column, whofe Figures confift of Units of the ſecond Degree, faying: 2 I retained from the firit Column and 7 is and 5 is 9, and 5 is 19, and 1 is 20. As this Sum 20 Units of the fecond Degree, is reprefented by two Figures, viz. 2 which denotes that there are two Tens of the Units of the ſecond Degree, which form 2 Units of the third Column or of the third Degree, and o which · denotes that there are no Units of the fecond Degree that were to be added; I write o under the fecond Column, and I retain 2 to add it with the Figures of the third Column. 4 1s 3º. In like manner. I add together the Figures of the third Column which repreſent Numbers confifting of Units of the third Degree, faying: 2 I retained from the fecond Column and 8 is 10, and 9 is 19, and 23. As this Number 23 is repreſented by two Figures, viz. by 3 which denotes three Units of the Column which were added, and by 2 which repreſents two Tens of Units of the fame Column, or two Units of the fourth Column, I fet down 3 under the Line in the third Column, and I retain 2 to add it with the fourth Column which follows. 4°. Finally I add together the Figures of the fourth Column with what I retained, faying 2 that I retained and 5 is 7, and 9 is 16. This Sum con- fifting of Units fimilar to thofe of the fourth Column, and of an Unit of a higher Degree, I write 6 under the Line in the fourth Column. As to the Unit of a higher Degree, I would have retained it, if there was another Column of Figures to be added, but as there is not, I advance the 1 to the left Hand of the 5, that is I fet down fimply 16. XVII. Example numbers Let the four Numbers (5874; 4631,752; 6872,44; 9797,5) the three laft of which contain decimal Figures, be given to be added together. of the ad I ſet down all thofe Numbers one under another, fo that the Figures of dition of the fimple Units are in the fame Column, and all the other Figures of containing the fame Denomination are likewiſe in the fame Column one under ano- decimal fi ther. Having difpofed the Figures in this Manner. gures 1 12 ELEMENTS OF decimal numbers performed by reducing nits of the 1º. I add the Figures of the loweſt Degree, which are Thouſandths and as there are but 2 Thouſandths, I fet down 2 under the Line in the Column of Thousandths. 2º. I add together the Figures 5 and 4 of the follow- ing Column which is that of the Hundreths; and as their Sum 9 is repreſented by one Figure, I fet down this Figure 9 in this Column under the Line. 5874 4631,752 68.72,44 9797,5 27175,692 3º. I add together the Figures of the Column of Tenths, ſaying 7 and 4 is II, and 5 is 16; and as this Sum 16 confifts of 6 Units of the De- gree of this Colnmn, and of a Ten which makes an Unit of the follow- ing Column; I fet down 6 under this Column and I retain I to add it to the following Column. 4°. Adding the Unit I retained to the Figures of the Column of the Simple or principle Units, I find 15, that is, 5 Units of this Column, and I Ten which makes an Unit of the following Column; whence I write 5 un- der this Column, and I retain 1 for the following Column. I 50. Adding in like Manner the Unit I retained to the Column of Tens, I find 27, that is 7, Units of this Column, and 2 Tens which make two Units of the following Column: whence I write 7 under this Column and I retain 2 for the following Column. I perform the fame Operation upon the other Columns, and I find (27175,692) for the Sum of the four propofed Numbers. XVII. The Numbers (5874; 4631,752; 6872,44; 9797,5) which were Addition of given to be added together in the laft Example, might be changed, or re- duced ſo as to have principal Units of the fame Denomination: and as one of thoſe Numbers (4631,752) repreſents 4631 fimple Units and 752 Thouſandths, or 4631752 Thousandths; the other Numbers may be reduc- ed fo as to have Thousandths for their principal Units: then the Number 5874 which reprefents 5874 fimple Units," will become 5874000 Thou- Jandths, the Number (6872,44) will become 6872440 Thouſandths, and the Number (9797,5) will become 9797500 Thousandths. All the propof- ed Numbers being reduced fo as to confift of Units of the fame Denomina- tion, they may be added as Numbers that have no decimal Figures, and their Sum will be 27175692 Thousandths: to fupprefs afterwards the Word Thouſandths,it fuffices to fet down the fame Sum thus27175,692 (Art. x). fame denc- mination. Quantities to be fub- tracted one from the o- ther fhould be of the fame ſpecies, XIX. The Operation by which one Quantity is deducted or taken from ano- ther, is called Subtraction. The Quantity therefore to be deducted muſt be contained in the Quantity from which it is to be deducted; and confequently thoſe two Quantities muſt be of the fame Species, or reducible to the fame Species, NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 13 'To perform this Operation more commodiouſly, the Computifts fet down Procefs of the Number to be deducted under the Number from which it is to be fubtraction. deducted, placing the Units of the one under the Units of the other, the Tens under the Tens, the Hundreds under the Hundreds, &c, and the decimal Figures of the fame Species under one another. The two Num- bers being thus diſpoſed, a Line is drawn to feparate them from their dif- ference fought. Then the Subtraction is performed by Parts, each lower Figure is deducted from the Figure that ſtands over it, beginning at the right Hand, and pro- ceeding from the Figures of the loweſt Degree to thoſe which are of a higher Degree. But in this Operation, there occur three Cafes; either the lower Figure is lefs than the Figure that ftands over it, or equal or Greater. If the lower Figure is less than the Figure that ftands over it, the For- mer may be eaſily deducted from the Latter, and there will be a Remainder which is fet down under the Line, If the lower Figure is equal to the Figure that ftands cver it, the former may alſo be deducted from the latter, and as there is no Remainder, a Cypher is fet down under the Line for the remainder. Finally if the lower Figure is greater than the Figure that ftands over it, the Former cannot be deducted from the Latter without a Preparation which confifts in borrowing an Unit from the Figure of an higher Degree and adding it to the Figure which is too Small: then the Figure from which an Unit is borrowed is accounted one Lefs than it is, and this Unit being carried to a Place one Degree lower, is accounted as Ten, confe- quently the Figure which is too Small being increaſed by Ten, the Figure immediately under it which cannot exceed 9 may be deducted from it. XX. Let it be required to deduct 324 from 466, Having fet down the Number to be deducted under the Number from which it is to be deducted, placing the Figures of the fame -Denomination under one another, and having drawn a Line as in the Margin,to determine the Figures of the Remainder one af- ter another, I proceed as follows. if from 6 be taken 1°. Beginning at the place of Units, I fay 4 there will remain 2, which I fet down under the Line in the Units Place. 4.66 324 1 4 2 2º. Then proceeding to the following Rank, I fay: If from 6 be taken 2, there will remain 4 which I fet down in the fecond Rank. 3°. Lastly, being come to the laft Rank, in which are the Figures of the higheſt Degree, I fay: if from 4 be taken 3, there will remain I which I write under the Line in the third Rank, and the Operation being finished, the Remainder of the Subtraction will therefore be 142. Firft exam- ple of the fubtraction of integers. 14 ELEMENTS OF Second ex- ample of the fubtrac- tion of inte- gers. Third exam- ple of the fubtraction of integers. XXI. Let it be required to deduct 51 from 552. Having placed the Numbers as in the Margin. 1° Beginning by the Figures of the loweſt Degree, Ifay; if from 2 be taken 1, there 5 5 2 will remain 1 which I write under the Line. I whence I fet down a 2º. Proceeding to the following rank, I fay: if from 5 be taken 5, there will nothing remain ; whence I fet down a Cypher un- der the Line to denote that the Figures reprefenting Tens being Subtracted one from the other, there is no Remainder. 5 I 501 3º. Laftly proceeding to the third Rank in which there is no Figure to be deducted, I ſay: if from 5 be taken Nothing, there will remain 5; whence I fet down 5 for the Remainder under the Line in this third Rank. The Operation being finiſhed, the Remainder required will be 501. XXII. Let it be required to deduct 599 from 758. Having difpofed the Figures of the fame Denomination under one another, as in the Margin, I proceed as follows. 1º. Beginning by the Figures of the loweſt Order, becauſe 9 cannot be deducted from 8, I take from the following Figure (5) of the upper Number an Unit, to add its Value to 8 which is too Small and as this Unit carried to the Place of 8 becomes 10, from 18 I deduct 9, and there remains 9, which I fet down under the Line in the firſt Place. 7 5 8 599 I 59 2º. Proceeding to the following Rank in which 5 is reduced to 4, on account of the Unit that has been taken from it, and which is denoted by a Point fet over it, becauſe 9 cannot be deducted from 4, I take an Unit from the following Figure (7) of the upper Number to add its Value to the 4 from which 9 is to be deducted, and as this Unit of the third Degree carried to an inferior Rank becomes 10, from 14 I deduct 9, and there re- mains 5 which I fet down under the Line. 3º. Proceeding to the Rank of Hundreds in which 7 is reduced to 6, on account of the Unit which has been taken from it, and which is de- noted by a Point fet over it; I fay if from 6 be taken 5 there will remain I which I fet down under the Line; whence the Remainder required will be 159. XXIII. It often happens that the Figure from which an Unit is to be borrowed is a Cypher, which reprefenting nothing, can lend nothing; in this Caſe the Computiſts borrow from the Figure to the left Hand of the Cypher or Cyphers, if there are feveral; and leaving 9 above each of thoſe Cyphers, referve only Ten to add it to the Figure from which the one immediately under it is to be Subtracted, i NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. is XXIV. وو Fourth ex- 700 4 ample of 5 4 8 6 the fubtrac 1 5 1 8 Let it be required to deduct 5486 from 7004. Having difpofed the Figures as in the Margin, I proceed as fol- lows, becauſe 6 cannot be taken from 4 and I cannot borrow from the Figure which is next to 4, to the left Hand, nor from the fol- lowing, becauſe they are two Cyphers; I borrow an Unit from the 7 which is next to thofe Cyphers. But as an Unit borrowed from the 7 is equavalent to 100 Tens, and only one Ten is required to add it to the 4 from which 6 is to be deducted, I leave above the Cyphers which are in the third and fecond Places the two Figures 99 which repre- fent 99 Tens: and adding the Ten to 4 I deduct 6 from 14, and there re- mains 8 which I fet down under the Line for the firft Figure of the Re- mainder fought. The upper Number being thus prepared, the 7 from which I has been borrowed is reduced to 6, and the two Cyphers over which the 9 have been left, are now to be confidered as 9. To continue therefore the Subtrac- tion, I deduct 8 from 9, there remains I which I write under the Line. I afterwards deduct 4 from 9, and there remains 5 which I fet down like- wife under the Line. Laſtly I deduct 5 from 6, and there' remains L which I alfo fet down under the Line. The Operation being finiſhed the Remainder required will be 1518. XXV. tion of inte- gers, numbers is When there are decimal Figures in the Number to be deducted or in How the the Number from which it is to be deducted, or in both; the Computits fubtraction firſt diſpoſe under one another the Figures of the fame Degree; and when of decimal one of the two Numbers has not as many decimal Figures as the other; performed. they annex Cyphers to the right Hand of that which has the Leaft, to make the decimal Figures equal in both; which will not change the Value of this Number, fince the Comma preferves to each Figure the Place it had before the Cyphers were annexed. The two Numbers being thus prepared and their Units of the loweſt Degree being of the fame Kind, the Subtraction is performed as if the Numbers had no decimal Figures. XXVI. Let it be required to deduct 8716,257 from 230009, 3. As thofe two Numbers have not the fame Quantity of decimal Figures, the Second having two more than 8716,257 Example of the ſub- traction of the firft; I annex two Cyphers to the right Hand of 230009,300 decimal the Firſt, and the two propoſed Numbers being transformed into theſe fet down in the Margin: whofe Units of the loweſt Degree are Thousandths, I perform the Subtraction as on Numbers thathave no decimal Figures. 221293,043 16 ELEMENTS OF How the XXVII. When there are Figures in the Number to be deducted greater than the foregoing correfponding ones in the Number from which it is to be deducted, and operation of fubtraction when placed under one another, to perform the Subtraction, Units may be con- are borrowed from the upper Figures of higher Degrees, to add their Va- tracted.. An exam- lues to the Figures which are too Small; inſtead of taking from the upper Figures the Units that have been borrowed before the Figures that are underneath are deducted from them, it is eafy to perceive that the Unit borrowed from an upper Figure may be added to the Figure under it; and fo from the upper Figure be deducted at once the Unit that was borrowed: and the Figure under it. 畔 XXVIII. Let it be required to deduct 5486 from 7004. Having placed the Numbers as in the Margin, to find all the Figures of the Remainder, I proceed as follows ple of fub- traction per- 1º. Becauſe 6 cannot be taken from 4, I add ten to 4 and de- formed by the contract- duct 6 from 14, fetting down the Remainder 8 under the Line.. ed method. 1 Subtra&icm 7004 5486 1 5 1 8 2º The Ten added to the 4 ſhould have been borrowed from the Cy-. pher which follows the 4. Confequently as this Unit fhould be taken from this Cypher, as alfo the Figure 8 which ſtands under it, I add the Unit borrowed to the 8, to deduct their Sum 9 from the Cypher but as this cannot be done, I borrow an Unit of a higher Degree, which being carried to the Place of the Cypher is equivalent to Fo; and deduct 9 from 10, and fet down the Remainder under the Line. : 3º. As the Unit borrowed fhould be deducted from the fecond Cypher, as alſo the 4 which flands under it, I add the Unit borrowed to the 4, to deduct their Sum 5 from the Cypher which is above it ; but as this can- not be done; I borrow an Unit of a higher Degree, which being carried to the Place of the Cypher is equivalent to 10, and dedu&t 5 from 10,. and fet down the Remainder 5 under the Line. 4°. Laftly as the Unit borrowed ſhould be taken from the 7, as alfo the 5 which is under it, I add this Unit to the 5, and deducting their Sum 6 from 7, I fet down the Remainder 1 under the Line. The Operation being finiſhed, the difference required will be 1518.. XXIX. To diſcover whether any Error has been committed in computing, a employed to particular Operation is employed, which is called the Proof. prove additi- on. 4 In Addition, as the Sum or total Amount ſhould contain all the Num-- bers which are added together, if from the Sum be deducted all the Parts which were added, there fhould be no Remainder.. Addition therefore may be proved, by deducting from the Sum all the Parts of the Numbers. added together, the Operation being acurately performed, if after the Subtraction there is no Remainder. * 1 NUMERAL 1-7 ARITHMETICK. The Order to be obſerved in this Operation, will appear in the following Example: in which the three Numbers 473, 567,924 were added together as in the Margin, and their Sum found to be 1964. If this Sum 1964 is exact and contains all the Parts of the Numbers added together; it is manifeſt that if all the Hundreds all the Tens and all the Units of the Numbers added together, be deducted from it, there fhould be no Remainder. 47 3 567 924 I 9 6 k I I Ø The Subtraction might be performed beginning at the Units Place as ufual; but as the Units, Tens and Hundreds would then be collected in the fame Order they were added together to find their Sum, and confequently this Operation would become liable to the fame Errors that might have been committed in performing the Addition. The Com- putifts perform the Subtraction beginning by the Figures of the higheſt Degree. To deduct, therefore 1° the Hundreds of the Numbers added together, from the Sum of thofe Numbers, I add thofe Hundreds, faying: 4 and 5 is 9, and 9 is 18; and deducting thofe 18 Hundreds from the 19 Hun- dreds of the Sum, I fet down the Remainder I under the 9, after having barred the two Figures 19. 2º. To dedu& the Tens, I add them together, faying: 7 and 6 is 13, and 2 is 15; and deducting thoſe 15 Tens from the 16 Tens that remain in the Sum, I fet down the Remainder 1 under the 6, after having barred the two Figures 16. I 3º. Laſtly I add the Units, faying: 3 and 7 is 10, and 4 is 14: and deducting thoſe 14 Units from the 14 Units which are ftill in the Sum, and there being no Remainder: I fet down a Cypher under the 4, after hav- ing barred 14. As there is no Remainder left after this Subtraction, I conclude, that the Addition of the three Numbers 473,567,924, has been acurately per- formed. XXX. Process of this operati- on explained by an exam- ple. prove fub- In Subtraction as the Quantity deducted is contained in the Quantity from which it is deducted, and the Remainder is alfo contained in this Addition Quantity; fo that the Quantity deducted and the Remainder are all the employed to Parts of the Quantity out of which Subtraction is made: if the Quan- traction. tity Subtracted be added to the Remainder; their Surn will be equal to the Quantity out of which Subtraction has been made. Subtraction therefore may be proved by adding the Number fubtracted to the Remainder, and their Sum, if the Operation has been acurately performed, will be equal to the Number out of which Subtraction has been made. 2 C 18 ELEMENTS OF t 5 48 6 Let, for Example, 5485 be deducted from 004, and the Re- Procefs of mainder be found to be 1518, as in theMargin, adding 1518 to 7 0 0 4 this operati- on explained 5486, Ifind their Sum 7004 to be equal to the Number out of in an exam- which Subtraction has been made, from whence I conclude that the Subtraction of 5486 from 7004 has been acurately per- formed. ple. The particu- lar denomi- nations given to the num- beit con- cerned in multiplicati- OB. 11. XXXI. I 5 1 8 7 0 0 4 Multiplication is an Operation by which a Quantity is repeated a certain Number of Times. Two Numbers therefore are required to perform a Multiplication, 1° The Number to be repeated, which is called the Multiplicand. 2º The Number that denotes by the Number of its Units how often the Multiplicand is to be repeated, and which is called the Multiplicator. The Multiplicand and the Multiplicator are alfo called the Factors of the Multiplication; and the Number which contains the Multiplicand as often as the Multiplicator contains Unity, is called the Product. For Example, if it was required to multiply 8 by 4, thofe twp Num- bers 8 and 4 will be the two Factors of the Multiplication; the firſt (8) which is to be repeated will be the Multiplicand; the fecond (4) which de- notes that the Multiplicand is to be repeated 4Times,will be the Multiplicator; laftly the Number 32 found by repeating 8 four Times, will be the Product XXXII. To denote that two Numbers are to be multiplied one by the other, the The fignx Computifts place between them the Note x which fignifies Multiplied by. is employed Thus 8 x 4 denotes that 8 is to be multiplied by 4; and as the Produ& arifing from this Multiplication is 32,it may be faid that 8 × 4 is equal to 32. If it was required to multiply again this Product 8 x 4 or 32 by a new Multiplicator 2; the Computifts would write down 8 x 4 × 2 or 3 2× 2, whoſe Product is 64; that is, they fet down one after another all the Fac- tors that enter into the Product, feparating them by the Note X. to denote that two quantities are to be multiplied one by the other. Multiplication may be performed by reducing it to Addition, for Example, the Multiplication of 32 by 4, might be performed by fetting down the Mul- Inconveni- tiplicand 32 four Times in the Order that Quantities are fet down which are ency of re- to be added; the Sum of this Addition containing 32 four Times, will be ducing mul- the Product of 32 multiplied by 4. But as this Method of performing tiplication to addition. Multiplication could only be applied when the Multiplicator confifts of very few Units; being impracticable when the Multiplicator is a great Number. The Computifts were under the Neceffity of employing parti- cular Rules to abridge the Operations. • XXXIII. The Product therefore of a Multiplication will confift of Units of the fame Species as thofe of the Multiplicand; for this Product reſulting from the repeated Addition of the Multiplicand, can have no other Units than it, NUMERAL ARITHMETIC K. 19 will 32 The product of two fi- gures multi- From whence it follows, 1° that if the Units of the loweft Order of the Multiplicand, are fimple Units, or Tens, or Hundreds &c. and the Multiplicator confifts only of fimple Units, the Units of the loweſt Order of the Product will be alfo fimple Units, or Tens, or Hundreds &c. whence the Produ&t ſhould have at the right Hand as many Places of Fi- gures as there are at the right Hand of the Multiplicand. For Example, if 8 or 80 or 800 be multiplied by 4, which will be effected by repeating the fignificative Figure 8 of the Multiplicand four Times, the Product have to the right Hand as many Cyphers or Places as there are after the Figure 8 which has been multiplied, and will be 32 or 320 or 3200. 2° If the Units of the Multiplicator are collective Units, as Tens, or Hun- one another dreds or Thouſands &c. each of thofe collective Units will denote that the as many Multiplicand is to be repeated ten Times, or a hundred Times, or a thou- places to the right hand fand Times: fo that the Product will be ten Times, a hundred Times, or a as there are thoufand Times greater than if the Multiplicand was multi; lied by a. Num- places to the ber of fimple Units; and confequently this Product will have alfo to the right hand in the multipli- right and as many Places as there are to the right Hand of the Figure em- cand and ployed for Multiplicator. multiplica- For Example, if 8 be multiplied by 4, or by 40, or by 400, or by 4000, &c. which will be effected by repeating 8 four Times; the Product 32 will have in all thofe Cafes as many Cyphers or Places to the right Hand as there are to the right Hand of the Multiplicator 4, and confequent- ly will be 32, or 320, or 3200, or 32000. From whence we may conclude that the Product of two Figures mul- tiplied one by the other ſhould have to the right Hand as many Cyphers or Places, as there are Cyphers or Places to the right Hand both of the Figure multiplied, and of the Figure employed as Multiplicator. For Example if 800 be multiplied by 4, or by 40, or by 400 or by 4000, &c; which will be effected by repeating the fignificative Figure 8 of the Multiplicand as often as there areUnits in the fignificative Figure 4 of the Multiplicator; the Product 32 will have to the right Hand the two Cyphers which are to the right Hand of 8, and all the Cyphers which are to the right Hand of the Figure 4, employed for Multiplicator, and will confe- quently be 3200, or 32000, or 320000, or 3200000, &c. XXXIV. A Number let whatever be the Nature of its Units, may be repeated any propoſed Number of Times; whence the Multiplicand of a Multiplica- tion may be an abſtract Number, or a concrete Number confifting of any particular Species of Units. plied into fhould have tor. always an It is not fo of the Multiplicator which fhould denote how often the The multi- Multiplicand is to be repeated. Each of its Units whether Simple or Collec- plicator is tive ſhould only repreſent a Number of Times; whence it ſhould neceffarily be abſtract confidered as an abftra&t or abfolute Number,and never as a concrete Number. number. 20 ELEMENTS OF In whatever order the factors of a multipli- cation are difpofed the However it is ſometimes propofed to multiply a concrete Number by a- nother concrete Number. For Example, if an oak Board coft 5 Shillings and the Price of 20 Boards be required at that Rate, it is propofed to multiply 5 Shillings by 20 Boards, but it is manifeft that this Propofition is contrary to the Rules of Multiplication and that 5 Shillings is not to be multiplied by the concrete Number 20 Baards, but by the abfolute Number 20 Times. Since to obtain the Price of 20 Boards at the Rate of 5-Shillings per Board, it ſuffices to repeat 5 Shillings 20 Times. XXXV. The Multiplicand remaining the fame, if the Multiplicator becomes dou- ble, or triple, or quadruple, &c. of what it was; the Product will alſo be- come double, or tr ple, or quadruple, &c. of what it was; becauſe the new Product will contain the fame Multiplicand Twice, Thrice, or four Times &c. oftner than the former Product contained it. The Multiplicator remaining the fame, if the Multiplicand becomes prodnat will double, er triple, or quadruple, &c. of what it was; the Product will be always alſo become double or triple or quadruple &c. of what it was ; becauſe the fame. the new Product will contain a Multiplicand double, or triple, or quadru- ple, &c. as often as the first Product contained the fimple Multiplicand; and it is manifeft that a Whole ſhould become double, triple, or quadruple, when its component Parts become double, or triple, or quadruple, &c. of what they were, 1 From whence it follows 1° that the Product of two Factors, fuch as 7 X 5, will be multiplied by 2, or by 3, or by 4 &c. by multiplying one of its Factors, either the Multiplicand 7, or the Multiplicator 5, by the new Multiplicator 2, or 3, or 4, &c. becauſe by thus multiplying one of the two Factors, their Product is rendered double, triple, or quadruple, &c. of what it was. It follows alfo from thence, that if any two Numbers, for Example, 3 and 7 are to be multiplied one by the other, there will always refult the fame Product whether we multiply 3 by 7, or 7 by 3, and conſequently whether we write 3 X 7 or 7 X 3. For every Number may be confidered as a Product of itlelf into Unity. Thus IX 7 is the fame Thing as 7, and confequently the Product of IX 7 multiplied by 3, is the fame Thing, as the Product of 7 multiplied by 3. But to multiply 1 X7 by 3 it fuffices to triple the Multiplicand 1, which will give 3 X 7; and to denote that 7 is to be multiplied by 3, it is fet down thus 7 X 3. Wherefore 3 X 7 is the fame Thing as 7 X 3; that is, when two Num- bers are to be multiplied one by the other, it is indifferent which of them is taken for Multiplicand or Multiplicator. From whence it follows 3º, that if there are three Numbers fuch as 2,3,7 to be multiplied together, their Product will always be the fame in NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 21 whatever Order they are multiplied, fo that they may be fet down the fix different Ways following 2 X3 X 7,3 X 2 X 7,3 × 7×2, 7 × 3 × 2, 7 X 2 X 3, 2 X 7 X 3. For fince the two Produ&s 3× 7, 7 × 3, are e- qual; if they be multiplied by the fame Number 2, the two refulting Pro- ducts will be alfo equal: and as the two Products 3 x 7, 7X 3, may be. multiplied by 2, either by multiplying the Factor 3, or by multiplying the Factor 7, and that the new Factor 2 may be fet down either before or after the Figure to be multiplied, there will reſult ſix different Arrange- ments of the three Factors 2, 3, 7. If there were a greater Number of Factors to be multiplied together, whatever way they are ranged, it is eaſy to per- ceive that the Product will be always the fame. XXXVI. To find the Produ& of two Numbers reprefented each by one Figure, that is of two Numbers, each of which is less than 10. The Computifts employ two different Methods. The first is a Table which Pythagoras is faid to have invented, containing the Products of all the Numbers that may be expreffed by one Figure. This Table which con- fifts of nine Rows of nine equalSquares,is conſtruct- ed thus. In the first ho- rofontal Row is fet down the Series of natural Numbers from 1 to 9. In the firſt Square of the fecond horofontal Row is fet down 2, and in the remaining Squares of this Row are fet down the Numbers found by con- tinually adding 2. In the firft Square of the third horofontal Row is fet down 3, and in the re- maining Squares of this Row are fet down the I นา 14 16 18 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 68 IO I 2 3 6 9 I 2 15 18 8 I 2 16 20 4 QO 5 ΙΟ 6 N 21 24 27 24 28 32 36 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 | 18|24| 30 | 36 | 42 | 48 4248 54 283542 35 42 49 56 | 63 12 7 14 2.I | 28 8 16| 2432 32 40 48 5664 72 918 27 36 45 5463281 Numbers found by continually adding 3. In like Manner in the firſt Square of each of the following Rows is fet down 4,5,6,7,8,9, and in the remaining Squares of each Row, the Numbers found by continually adding the Number which is fet down in the firſt Square of this Row. To make Ufe of this Table in the Multiplication of Numbers less than 10, the Multiplicand is to be looked out for in the firſt horofontal Row, and then deſcending to the horofontal Row that begins by a Number equal First method of finding the product oftwo auni- bers lefs than 10 by the table of Pythagoras, 22 ELEMENTS OF Second me- thod for finding the product of two num- bers lefs than 10. *Proceſs of plication of cator is re- to the Multiplicator, the Product required will be found. For Example, if it was required to multiply 8 by 7: the Figure 8 is to be looked out for in the firſt horofontal Row, and then defcending to the horofontal Row, that begins by 7, the Product of 8 into 7 required, will be found to be 56. XXXVIL The fecond Method employed by the Computiſts to multiply two Numbers leſs t'an 10, one by the other, confiíts in working with the Fin- gers; but for this Purpofe it is neceffary to know how to multiply two Numbers leſs than 6 one by the other. The Manner of performing this Operation is as follows. The Computift fhuts both his Hands, and attributing a Number to each Hand, he lifts up as many Fingers in each, as there are Units from the Number that is attributed to it,to Ten; then multiplying the Number of Fin- gers lifted up in one Hand, by the Number of Fingers lifted up in the other, he adds to the Product as many Tens as there are Fingers down in both Hands. Let it be required, for Example, to multiply 8 by 7. attributing 8 to the right Hand, I lift up two Fingers, becauſe there are two Units from 8 to 10, and there remain three Fingers down in this Hand; attributing 7 to the left Hand, I lift up three fingers, becauſe there are three Units from 7 to 10, and there remain two Fingers down in this Hand. As there are three Fingers lifted up in one Hand, & two Fingers lifted up in the other, I multiply 3 by 2, which gives 6 Units for the Product; and be- cauſe there are five Fingers down in all, viz Two in .one Hand, and Three in the other, I add 5 Tens or 50 to the 6 Units already found, and there refults 56 for the Product of 8 into 7. XXXVIII. To multiply any Number which has no decimal Parts, by another the multi- which has none alfo, and that is reprefented by one Figure. The Com- whole num-putiſts fet down the Multiplicator under the Multiplicand, and drawing a bers when Line to feparate the two Factors of the Multiplication, from the Product the multipli- which is fet down under it; they multiply each Figure of the Multiplicand prefented by one after another, beginning with the Units Place, by the Multiplicator. one fignifi- When each Product can be expreffed by one Figure, it is fet down under cativefigure. the Figure multiplied. But when fome Products cannot be expreffed but by two Figures, the First, which is of the loweſt Degree is fet down under the Figure multiplied, and the other is retained and added to the following Produc. All the Figures of the Multiplicand being thus multiplied, and all the particular Products fet down, all the Figures under the Line will reprefent the Product of the Multiplication required. . NUMERAL ARITHMETICK 23 XXXIX. Let it be required to multiply 964 by 4. Having fet down thofe Numbers as in the Margin, to find the Figures of this Product one after another. Firſt exam- 964 ple of the 4 multiplica-. tion of inte 3856 gers. 1° Begining at the Units Place of the Multiplicand, I fay: four times 4 is 16; and becauſe this firſt Produ&t is repreſented by two Figures the Firft of which (6) repreſents fimple Units, and thé fecond (1) a Ten or an Unit of the fecond Degree; I fet down 6 in the Units Place under the Figure multiplied, and I retain 1 to add it to the following Produ&t whofe Units will be of the fecond Degree. 2° Proceeding to the fecond Figure (6) of the Multiplicand which re- prefents fix Tens or fix Units of the fecond Degree; I fay: 4 times 6 is 24, and I that I retained from the foregoing Product makes 25, or rather 25 Tens or Units of the fecond Degree, and I fet down the first Figure (5) in the fecond Place; retaining the fecond Figure (2) which reprefents two Tens of Tens, or two Units of the third Degree, to add it to the following product whofe Units will be alfo of the third Degree. 3° Proceeding to the next Figure of the Multiplicand, I ſay: 4 times 9 is 36, and 2 that I retained of the foregoing Product make 38, that is 38 Hun- dreds or Units of the third Degree, and I fet down the firſt Figure (8) in the third Place, as to the fecond Figure (3) which reprefents three Units of the fourth Degree, I would have retained it to add it to the following Pro- duct, if there remained a Figure to be multiplied; but as the whole is multi- plied, I fet down this Figure 3 in the fourth Place to the left Hand of the Figure 8. All the Figures of the Multiplicand 964 being Multiplied by 4, and the Figures of the particular Products being fet down one after another, in the Manner we have explained; the Number 3856 under the Line is the Pro- duct required. XL. Let it be required to multiply 964 by 60. Having fet down thefe Numbers as in the Margin. I ob- ferve that if the Number 964 was to be multiplied by 6, the Product would be 5784 but the Multiplicator 60, being de- cuple of 6, the Product required fhould be decuple of the Product 5784 arifing from the Multiplication by 6. 964 60 Second ex- ample of the multiplica- tion of inte- gers, 5.7840 But according to the Rules of Numeration if each Figure of a Num- ber be removed one Place towards the left Hand, which is effected by fetting down a Cypher to the right Hand of this Number; it will be ren- dered decuple of what it was. Wherefore fetting down a Cypher to the right Hand of the Number 5784, we will have 57840 for the Product re- quired of 964 multiplied by 60. 24 ELEMENTS OF XLI. Let it be required to multiply 964 by 200. Multiplying 964 by 2 Units, I find 1928 for the Product but the Multiplicator 200 being centuple of 2: the Product plication of required fhould be centuple of 1928 and confequently the Third ex- ample of the multi- integers. Procefs of the multipli- ;. 964 200 0. fimple Units of this Number ſhould be, Hundreds or Units of 1 9 2 8 0 0 the third Degree, as thofe of the Multiplicator 2 Hundreds. Wherefore the Number 1928, ſhould have two Cyphers or two Places to the right Hand, to express the Product of 964 by 200. It will appear in like Manner that if the Multiplicator be reprefented by a Figure whofe Units are of the fourth or fifth Degree, the Multipli- cand is to be multiplied by this Figure, as if it reprefented only Units of the firſt Degree, and as many Cyphers are to be fet down to the right Hand of the Product as there are Places to the right Hand of the Multiplicator. XLII. When it is required to multiply a Number which has no decimal Parts, cation of in- by another which has none alfo, and that is reprefented by feveral Figures. tegers when it is eaſy to perceive that the whole Multiplicand muſt be multiplied by the multipli- each Figure of the Multiplicator; whence there will refult, as many parti- prefented by cular Products as there are fignificative Figures in the Multiplicator, and all feveral fig thofe Products being added together: their Sum will be the Product required. cator is re- nificative fa gures. ple of the XLIII. Let it be required to multiply 964 by 264 Since the Multiplicator 264 confifts of four Units, fix Tens, and two Hundreds, that is of 4, of 60, and of 200: First exam- the Multiplicand 964 muſt be multiplied by thoſe three multiplica- Numbers 4, 60, and 200. Having therefore fet down the tion of inte- Multiplicator under the Multiplicand as in the Margin. gers when they are 1° I multiply every Figure of the Multiplicand one after both repre- another by the first Figure 4, which reprefents 4 Units, fented by fe- fetting down the Figures of the Product 3856 one after another veral figni- keative fi- according as I find them. gures. . 964 264 3856 5.7840 192800 254496 2º I multiply by the fecond Figure (6) of the Multiplicator, that is, by 60, and becauſe the Units of the Product should be Tens, I fet down a Cypher in the Units Place under the firſt Product, multiplying afterwards every Figure of the Multiplicand by 6, I find 57840 for the fecond Product. 3º I Multiply by the third Figure (2), that is, by 200, and becauſe the Units of the Product ſhould be Hundreds; I fill up with two Cyphers the Places of the Units and Tens; multiplying afterwards by 2 every Figure of the Multiplicand one after another, I find 192800 for the third Product. Laftly I add together thofe three Products, and there refults 254496 for the Product required of 964 multiplyed by 264. 1. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK 25 XLIV. Second ex- 43216 ample of the 30050 Multiplica- tion of inti 2160800 gers repre- Let it be required to multiply 43216 by 30050. The Multiplicator confifting of two fignificative Figures only 5 and 3, the firſt denoting 50 or 5 Tens, and the fecond 30000 or 3 Tens of Thou- fands, there are no more than two particular Pro- ducts to be found. Having fet down the Multiplica- tor under the Multiplicand as in the Margin, and ob- ſerving that the firft Multiplication by 5 tens, will produce Tens; I fet down a Cypher in the Units Place and multiply the Multiplicand 43216 by 5; Saying: 5 times. 6 is 30, writing down the first Character (0) in the fecond Place, and retaining 3. I multiply the other Figures of the Multiplicand by 5, and there refults 2160800 for the firſt particular Product. A ? fented by le- veral fignifi-. cative fi- 296-4 8 1298640800 gures. The fecond Multiplication by 3 Tens of Thouſands will produce Tens of Thoufands, confequently will have four Places of Figures to the right Hand. I therefore fet down four Cyphers in the four firſt Places, or leave, them Void: and multiply the Multiplicand 43216 by 3; and there reſults 129648 for the Second particular Product. Laftly I add together thoſe two particular products, whofe Sum 1298640800 will be the whole Product of 43216 multiplied by 30050.. XLV. o, 1 700800 Third exam- ple of the 40600 multiplica- tion of inte- 420480000 gers repre- 2803200 fented by fe- veral fignifi- 28452480000 cative fi- Let it be required to Multiply 700800 by 40600.- 1° Becauſe the firft fignificative Figure (6) of the Multiplicator has two Cyphers, or two Places to the right Hand of it, and confequently ſhould produce Units of the third Degree, I fet down two Cyphers in the two firſt Places; then faying: 6 times o is 03 I fet down a Cypher in the third Place, and proceeding. to the Multiplication of the fecond Figure of the Multiplicand, I fay 6 times o is o, ſetting down a Cypher alfo in the fourth Place. Then I fay: 6 times & is 48, fetting down 8 in the fifth Place, and retaining 4. I afterwards fay: 6 times o is o and 4 I retained is 4, which I fet down in the fixth Place; then I fay: 6 times o is o, and fet down a Cypher in the feventh Place. Laftly I fay 6 times 7 is 42, and fet down 2 in the eighth Place, and 4 in the ninth Place, and there reſults 420480000 for the first particular Product. ܂ 2º Becauſe the ſecond fignificative Figure 4 tens of Thouſands of the Multiplicator will produce Units of the fifth Degree, I fet down four Cy- phers in the four firft Places of the fecond Product, or leave them void, and then multiply 700800 by 4, and there refults 28032000000 for the fecond particular Product. Laſtly I add together the two particular Products and their Sum 28452480000 will be the whole Product required. gures. 2 D 26 ELEMENTS OF the multi- numbers XLVI. If it be required to multiply a Number which contains decimal Parts, Procefs of by another Number that alſo contains decimal Parts or that does not contain plication of any. The Multiplicand is to be multiplied by the Multiplicator, as if nei- ther of them contained decimal Parts and in the Product fo many Places containing of decimal Figures to the right Hand are to be feparated with a Comma, as there are decimal Parts both in the Multiplicand and Multiplicator, as will appear by the following Examples. decimal parts. First exam- XLVII. Let it be required to multiply 74,964 by 264 Since the Multiplicand (74,964) expreſſes 74964 Thou- ple of the fandtbs, the Units of the Product will be thoufandths; and multiplica- this Product will be 19790496 Thousandths; becauſe the tion of num- Units of the Product are always of the fame Species as ing decimal thofe of the Multiplicand, when the Multiplicator con- parts. tains no decimal Parts (Art xxxIII.) bers contain- Second ex- ample of the multipli- cation of numbers 74,964 264 299,856 4497,84 I 4992,8 19790,496 In order therefore to fhew that the Units of the Pro- duct 19790496 are Thousandths, the fame as thofe of the Multiplicand. I feparate with a Comma three decimal Figures in the Product, or in general I ſeparate with a Comma, as many cimal Figures in the Product, as there are in the Multiplicand. de- To multiply therefore a Number which contains decimal Figures by another that has none; the Multiplication is to be performed as if the Mul- tiplicand had no decimal Parts, and afterwards as many decimal Figures are to be feparated with a Comma in the Product, as there are in the Multiplicand. As the Multiplicator has no decimal Parts, thofe in the Multiplicand are all that are both in the Multiplicand and Multiplicator, whence the Rule of the foregoing Article is applicable to this firſt Example. XLVIII. Let it be required to multiply 74964 by 2,64 Performing the Multiplication as if the Multiplicator was a whole Number; I find for Product 19790496 fim- ple Units. But the propofed Multiplicator (2,64) which expreffes 264 Hundreths, being only the hundreth Part of containing 264 Units: confequently the Product fhould be only the hundreth Part of the Product 19790496 arifing from the Multiplication by 264; the Units therefore of this Pro- duct muſt be transformed into Hundreths; which is effect- ed by ſeparating with a Comma as many decimal Figures in this Product, as there are in the Multiplicator. decimal parts. 74964 2,64 2998,56 44978,4 149928 197904,96 As the Multiplicand has no decimal Parts thofe in the Multiplieator are all that are in both the Multiplicand and Multiplicator; fo that the general Rule is alſo applicable to this ſecond Example, NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 27 XLIX. Let it be required to Multiply 74,964 by 2,64 Multiplying the Multiplicand (74,964) which con- tains three decimal Figures, by the Multiplicator confi- dered as a Number of fimple Units; that is, Multiplying (74,964) by 264; I find (197,90496) for the Product. 74,964 2,64 Third ex- ample of the multi- 2,99856 numbers 44,9784 149,928 197,90496 But this Product is centuple of the One required; be- cauſe it arifes from the Multiplication by 264 which is centuple of the given Multiplicator (2,64): whence this Product fhould be rendered a hundred Times lefs: confequently the feparating Point muſt be ftill removed fo many Places towards the left Hand as there are Places after the Comma in the Multiplicator. And as there are already in the Product as many Places to the right hand of the Coinma, as there are in the Multiplicand; there will neceffarily be in the Product as many Places to the right hand of the Comma, that is, as many decimal Figures, as there are in both the Multiplicand and Multiplicator. Confequently (197,90496) will be the Product of (74,964) into (2,64) agreeable to the general Rule. (Art. XLVI) L. 0,125 plication of containing decimal parts. Fourth ex- ample of the multiplica- tion of num- bers contain- 0,0625 625 ing decimal 250 750 Let it be required to multiply 0,125 by 0,0625. Having performed the Multiplication as if the two Factors had no decimal Figures, and added together all the particular Products; finding that there are not as many Figures in the Product as there are decimal Places in both the Multiplicand and Multiplicator: there being ſeven decimal Places in both the Factors, and only five Figures in the Product; I fet down two Cyphers to the left Hand of this Product in order to have feven decimal Figures, to which I prefix a Comma that they may be reputed as fuch: and fetting down a Cypher to the left Hand of the Comma, to ſupply the Place of the Units; there refults (0,0078125) for the Product required of (0,125) multiplied by (0,0625). LI. 0,0078125 parts. tion are pro- To explain how the Operations in Multiplication are proved, let us fup- pofe that 4872 was multiplied by 863, and the Product found to be How the o- 4204536. To prove it, the Figures 4,8,7,2 of the Multiplicand confider- perations in ed as reprefenting fimple Units are added together, and all the gs con- multiplica- tained in their Sum being taken away, the Remainder 3 is fet down. In ved explain- like manner, the Figures 8,6,3 of the Multiplicator are added together, ed by an ex- and the 9s in their Sum being taken away, the Remainder 8 is fet down, ample, Then the Remainder 3 of the Multiplicand, is multiplied by the Remain- der 8 of the Multiplicator; and the two Figures of the Product 24 being added together, if their Sum (6) not exceeding 9, is equal to the 28 ÉLEMENTS OF The parti-. minations Remainder of the Sum of all the Figures 4,2,0,4,5,3,6 of the Product, after all the 9s are taken away; there is a Prefumption that the Multiplication has been accurately performed, if not, it is a Proof that fome Error has been committed in the Operation. For it is eafy to obferve, that if the 9s contained in a Number expref- fed by a fignificative Figure followed by feveral Cyphers be taken away, the Remainder will be repreſented by a Figure equal to the fignificative Fi- gure of this Number. elor For Example, if all the gs contained in the Numbers 4000, 800, 70 be taken away, the Remainders will be found to be 4,8, 7.1 So that if the 9s be taken away from any Number, fuch as 4872, which is equivalent to 4000 more 800 more 70 more 2, the Remainder will be 4 more 8 more 7 more 2; and if the 9s contained in thoſe four Fi- gures whofe Sum is 21 be taken away; there will remain 2 more 1, or 3... From whence it follows that if all the Figures of a Number be confider- ed as repreſenting fimple Units, and from their Sum all the 9s are taken away; the Remainder will be equal to what remains when the gs are taken away from the given Number. J Now it is easy to perceive that when two Numbers fuch as 4872 and 863 are propoſed to be multiplied one by the other, that all the gs may be caft out of their Product, by cafting out of the Factors all the 9s (becauſe the Multiplication of thofe 9s by any Number, can only produce 9s, which by the Suppofition are to be taken away); and by multiplying their Remain- ders 3 and 8 one by the other, whofe Product 24 will be reduced to 6, after the 9s are taken away. LIL To divide one Number by another, is to inveſtigate a third Number which multiplied by the Second, gives a Product equal to the firft Number. The Number which is propofed to be divided is called the Dividend ; cular deno- that Number by which the Dividend is to be divided is called the Divifor; given to the and the Number which refults from the Divifion is called the Quotient. numbers "To denote that two Numbers are to be divided one by the other, the concerned in Dividend is placed above a ſmall Line, and the Divifor under it. For divifion. Example, to denote that 32 Feet is to be divided by 8 Feet, it is ſet down thus 32 Feet 8 Feet LIII. From whence it follows that the Divifor or Quotient muſt be an abſtract Number, and that one of them must confiſt of Units of the fame Species of thofe of the Dividend, otherwife the Divifor and Quotient multiplyed one by the other would not produce a Quantity equal to the Dividend; now acording as the Divifor is an abſtract Number, or a Number of the fame Species with the Dividend we may form two diftinct Notionsof Divifion. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 1° when the Divifor is a Number of the fame Species with the Dividend, the Quotient that will refult will be neceffarily an abftract Number, denoting how often the Divifor ſhould be repeated to produce the Dividend. In this: cafe Divifion may be faid to be an Operation by which is diſcovered bow often the Divifor is contained in the Dividend: and this bow often that is found,, expreſſed in Latin by the Word Qoties, is called the Quotient. For Example if it be propofed to divide 32 Feet by 8 Feet, or to find a third Number by which 8 Feet being multiplied will produce the firft Num- ber 32 Feet; the Number 4 that will be found will be an abfolute, Number, denoting that 8 Feet is to be repeated 4 times to produce 32 Feet, and confequently that 8 Feet are contained 4 times in the Dividend Different 32 Feet, whence the Divifion of the Dividend 32 Feet by the Diviſor notions that 8 Feet, is reduced to find how often the Divifor 8 Feet, is contained in the may be for- Dividend 32 Feet; and the abfolute Number 4 which is found, and denotes med of divi- 4 times, will be properly fpeaking the Quotient of this Divifion. fion accor- ding as the 'dividend are 2º When the Divifor confifts of abfolute Units, it denotes how often divifor and the Quotient fought ſhould be repeated, to produce the Dividend. So that of the fame to obtain this Quotient, the Dividend muſt be divided into as many equal or of diffe- Parts as the Divifor contains abfolute Units. In this ſecond Cafe, it may rent ſpecies. be faid that Diviſion is an Operation by which the Dividend is divided into as many equal Parts, as there are abfolute Units in the Divifor, to obtain one of thofe Parts which will neceſſarily be of the fame Species with the Dividend. For Example, if it was propofed to divide 32 Feet by the abfolute Num- ber 4, or to find a Number which repeated four Times will produce 32 Feet; it is manifeft that the Number which will be found will be the fourth Part of 32 Feet, and confequently will be a Number of Feet. So that the Divifion is reduced to divide 32 Feet into four equal Parts, to obtain one of thoſe Parts which will be 8 Feet: but thofe 8 Feet when found will be improperly ftyled the Quotient, becauſe not denoting 8 Times, it does not correſpond to the Word Quoties, which fignifies bow often. Q 3º when the Dividend and Divifor are both abfolute Numbers, the Quotient will be alſo an abſolute Number; and either of the foregoing de- finitions may be applied to Diviſion. For Example, if it be propofed to divide the abfolute Number 32, by the abſolute Number 8; according to the firſt Definition, the Diviſion will be reduced to find how often the Divifor 8 is contained in the Dividend 32 which is of the fame fpecies with it. And the Number 4 that will reſult and which will denote 4 Times will be properly fpeaking the Quotient of vided by 8. 32 di- But the Divifor 8 being an abfolute Number, may alſo denote that the eighth Part of the Dividend 32 is to be taken; agreeable to the fecond De- finition. 306 } ELEMENTS OF LIV. It is eafy to perceive that the Number of Units of the Quotient, will be the fame wether the Dividend and Divifor confift of Units of the fame Species, or wether the Divifor is an abſtract Number, and that the Quoti ents will only differ becauſe the Nature of their Units is different. "} For Example, if thoſe two Divifions be propofed, 32 Feet to be divided by In the ope- ration of di- & Feet, and 32 Feet to be divided by 8; both one and the other Quotient will confift of 4 Units, and will differ only becauſe the Units of the first will be abfolute Units, and the Units of the ſecond will be Feet. vifion the number of units of the dividend and The Computifts therefore when a Divifion is propofed to be performed, divifor is on- confider only the Numbers of Units of the Dividend and Divifor, without ly confidered and not their attending to the Nature of thofe Units; and feek for Quotient an abfolute fpecies. Number which denotes how often the Number of Units of the Divifor contained in the Number of Units of the Dividend, as if the Dividend and. Divifor confifted of Units of the fame Species. Determining afterwards, the Species of thofe Units, by obferving, that thofe Units fhould be ab- ſtract ones, when the Dividend and Divilor are really of the fame Species, and that they are of the fame Nature with thofe of the Dividend, when the Divifor is an abfolute Number, IV. I If the Dividend of a Divifion be multiplied by any Number, without altering its Divifor; the Quotient of the new Divifion will be equal to the Quotient of the former multiplied by the fame Number. + 8 For Example, if 32 is to be divided by 8, which is expreſſed thus 32 the Quotient will be 4: and if the Dividend 32 be multiplied by 2 or 3, &c. without altering the Divifor 8; thre will refult thofe new divifions 64 96 8' 8 &c. their Quotients 8, 12, &c. being equal to the former Quotient 4 multipli- ed by 2 or by 3, &c. for it is manifeft that a conſtant Divifor is contained twice oftener in a Dividend double, three times oftener in a Dividend triple, &c. And reciprocally if the Dividend of a Divifion be divided by any Num- ber, without altering its Divifor, the Quotient of the new Divifion equal to the Quotient of the former, divided by the fame Number. 1 96 For Example, if 96 is to be divided by 8, that is, 26, whofe Quotient is 12, and if the Dividend 96 be divided by 2 or by 3 &c; there will refult thoſe new Divifions 48, 32 &c. their Quotients 6, 4.&c. being 8 8 e- qual to the former Quotient 12 divided by 2 or by 3 &c. for by dividing the Dividend by 2 or by 3 &c it is rendered twice or thrice &c. less than it was; fo that the conftant divifor 8 fhould be contained twice or thrice, B NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 3r &c. lefs than before; confequently the Quotient fhould be twice, thrice &c. less than the former Quotient, that is, equal to the former Quotient divided by 2 or 3, &c. LVI. If the Divifor of a Divifion be multiplied by any Number, without altering the Dividend; the Quotient of the new Divifion will be equal to that of the former divided by the fame Number by which the Diviſor was multiplied. For Example, if 96 is to be divided by 8, that is, 20 whofe Quotient is 12, and that without altering the Dividend 96, the Di- vifor 8 be multiplied by 2 or by 3, &c. there will refult thofe new divifi- 96 96 &c. their Quotients 6, 4, &c. being equal to the former 16' 24' > Quotient 12 divided by the Numbers 2, 3, &c. by which the Divifor was multiplied: for it is manifeft that a Divifor become double or triple, &c. is contained twice or thrice lefs, &c. in the fame Dividend: fo that the Quoti, ent ſhould be twice or thrice &c. leſs than it would be if the Diviſor had not been multiplied by 2 or by 3 &c. ens And reciprocally if the Divifor of a Diviſion be divided by any Number without altering the Dividend, the Quotient of the new Divifion will be e- qual to that of the former, multiplied by the Number which divided, the Divifor, 96 whofe Quotient is 24 For Example if 96 is to be Divided by 24, that is 4; and that without altering the Dividend 96, the Divifor 24, is divided by 2 or by 3, &c. there will refult thofe new Divifions 2; 25 &c. their 12' 8. Quotients 8, 12, &c. being equal to the former Quotient 4 multiplied by the Numbers 2, 3, &c. by which the Divifor was divided; becaufe by divi- ding a Divifor by 2 or by 3, &c. it. is rendered Twice or Thrice, &c. lefs; and it is manifeft that a Divifor Twice or Thrice, &c. lefs, is contained Twice or Thrice &c. oftener in the fame Dividend. LVII. From whence it follows 1° that if the Dividend, and Divifor of a Divifion be multiplied by the fame Quantity; the Quotient of the Divifion The multi- of the new Dividend by the New Divifor, will be the fame as the Quotient plication or divifion of 32 the dividend 8 and divifor by the fame of the first Divifion; for Example if 32 is to be divided by 8; that is whofe Quotient is 4, and the Dividend and Divifor be multiplied by 2 or 3 or by a fame Quantity: there will refult thofe new Divifions 64, 25 &c, not alter by number does 16 24. 3.4. which give the fame Quotient 4 as the former Divifion. For by multiplying the 32 ELEMENTS OF ded by a the Dividend and Divifor of a Divifion by a fame Quantity, the Quotient of the firſt Divifton is at the fame Time multiplied and divided by this fame Quantity, (Art. LV. & LVI.) and its Value confequently is not changed. 2º If the Dividend and Divifor of a Diviſion is divided by a fame Quan- tity, the Quotient of the new Divifion will be ftill the fame as that of the former Division; becauſe by this Operation the Quotient of the former Divifion is divided and multiplied by the fame Quantity. (Art. LV,LVI.) For Example, if 96 is to be divided by 24, that is 4, and the Dividend 96 and Divifor 24 be divided by fame Quantity, there will refult thoſe new Divifions give the fame Quotient 4 as the former Divifion 96 LVIII. 24. 96 24. whofe Quotient is 2 or by 3 or by any 48 32 8 32 &c. which The quoti- When a Dividend is to be divided by a Divifor compofed of feveral ent of a di- Factors multiplied together; inſtead of dividing the Dividend by the com- vidend divi- pofit Divifor, it may be divided by a Factor of the Divifor, and the Quo- compofit di- tient of this Diviſion may be divided by a fecond Factor of the Diviſor,and the « vifor is equal new Quotient may be divided by a new Factor of the Divifor, and fo on to he quo until the Divifion is made by all the Factors: the laft Divifion being perfor- tient arifing from the med, the laft Quotient will be the Quotient of the Divifion of the Divi- continual .dend by the compofit Divifor. division by the compo- nent parts W For Example, if 840 is to be divided by the compound Divifor of the divi- 3x5x7; which may be expreffed thus for, 840 ; inſtead of multiply- 3×5×7 ing the three Factors 3,5,7 one by the other, and dividing the Dividend 840 by their Produ& 105; the Dividend 840 may be firft divided by 3, and the Quotient 280 that refults by 5, and the Quotient 56 arifing from this laſt Diviſion, by 7, which will give 8 for the laſt Quotient, the fame. that refults by dividing 840 by the Product 105 of the three Factors 3,5,7- 840 For repreſenting the Divifion of 840 by 3×5×7, if the 3 X5 X 7 Dividend 840 and Divifor 3X 5X7 be divided by the fame Number 3, the 280 new Divifion will give the fame Quotient (Art. LVII.), and if the 5 X 7 new Dividend 280 and Divifor 5 X 7 be again divided by the Number 5; the Divifion that remains to be performed will ſtill give the fame Quoti- ent (Art. LVII.) wherefore by dividing 840 by 3, and the Quotient of this divifion by 5, & dividing again the new Quotient by 7, there will refult the fame Quotient as will arife by dividing 840 by the compound Divifor 3 × 5 × 7. 56 7 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 33 LIX. The Quotient arifing from the Diviſion of any Number lefs than 90, by another Number lefs than 10, and the Remainder of fuch a Divifion is The divifion of any num- found by Help of the Table of Pythagoras, after the following Manner. ber leſs than The Divifor being looked out for at the Top of the Table; and then defcend- 90 by ano- ing vertically under it until the Dividend is found, or a lefs Number that ap- proaches the neareſt to it; the Number oppofite to it in the firft Column ed by help to the left Hand, is the Quotient of the Divifion required. Let it be propofed, for Example, to divide 72 by 8. I look out for 8 at the Top of the Table, and defcending vertically to 72; oppoſite to which in the firſt Column, I find the Number 9, which is the Quotient required. Let it be propofed to divide 78 by 9. I look out for 9 at the Top of. the Table, and defcending vertically under 9, and not finding 78; but 72 being lefs and opproaching the neareſt to it; oppofite to which in the firſt Column, I find the Number 8 for the Quotient of 72 divided by 9; but as it is 78 and not 72 that is propoſed to be divided by 9, there will be a Remainder 6 which cannot be divided. Let it be propoſed to divide 64 by 7. I look out for 7 at the Top of the. Table, and defcending vertically under 7, and not finding 64, but 63 approaching the neareſt to it ; oppofite to which in the firft Column, I find the Number 9 for the Quotient of 63 divided by 7; but as it is 64 and not 63 which is propoſed to be divided by 7, there will be a Remainder 1 which. cannot be divided. LX. لا therless than 10 perform- of the table of pythago ras. number by -one figure. To divide any Number by another Number reprefented by one Fi- Procefs of gure, the Computifts divide all the Parts of the Dividend by the the method Divifor, beginning the Divifion by the Figures whofe Units are of the of dividing a higheſt Degree. Suppofing, for Example, that the Dividend confifts of another re- three Figures, of Simple Units, of Tens and of Hundreds; the Computifts prefented by begin by dividing the Part of the Hundreds which can be divided into as many equal Parts as there are Units in the Divifor. Then reducing the Remainder of the Hundreds into Tens, and adding them to the Tens of the Dividend, they divide the Part of the Tens that can be divided into as many equal Parts as there are Units in the Divifor. Laſtly redu- cing the Remainder of the Tens into fimple Units, and adding thoſe to the Simple Units of the Dividend they divide the whole by the Divifor. So that there are as many particular Divifions to be perfor- med, and conſequently as many particular Quotients to be found, as there are different Parts of the Dividend to be divided. Thoſe Operations that have been announced in general, will be ren- dered obvious, by their application to the following Examples. ย " 2 E 34 ELEMENTS OF divifion of LXI. Let it be required to divide 952 by 4: Having fet down the Diviſor to the right Hand of the Firft exam- Dividend, feparating them by a ſmall vertical Line or ple of the Crotchet; and drawing a Line under the Divifor to fe- a number by parate it from the Quotient, under which is to be fet another re- down the Figures of the Quotient according as they are prefented by found; as in the Margin. one figure. I begin by dividing the 9 Hundreds by 4; faying: the fourth Part of 9 Hundreds is 2 Hundreds ; or more fimply, the fourth Part of 9 is 2; which I fet down in the Quotient in a Place which will be that of the Hun- dreds. To determine the Part of the 9 Hundreds, I divided and to find the Remainder of the Divifion; I multiply the Di- 952 { 8 15 1 2 32 32 00 4 235 vifor 4 by the Quotient 2 Hundreds," and fet down the ProduЯ 8 Hun dreds under the 9 Hundreds; then deducting 8 Hundreds from 9 Hundreds, the Remainder 1 Hundred will be the Part of the Hundreds which has not been divided by 4. Setting down to the right Hand of the Remainder of the Hundreds, the 5 Tens of the Dividend, there refults 15 Tens to be divided by 4; Í therefore take the fourth Part of thofe 15 Tens, which can only be 3 Tens with a Remainder. I therefore fet down 3 in the Quotient in the Place of the Tens, that is, to the right Hand of the 2 Hundreds which have been fet down for the Quotient of the first Divifion. To determine the Part of the 15 Tens that have not been divided. I multiply the Divifor 4 by the Quotient 3 Tens, and fet down the Frodu& 12 Tens under the 15 Tens; then deducting 12 Tens from 15 Tens, the Remainder 3 Tens will be the Part of the 15 Tens which has not been compriſed in the Divifion. Setting down to the right Hand of the Remainder 3 Tens, the 2 Units of the Dividend, there refults 32 fimple Units to be divided by the fame Divifor 4. I therefore take the fourth Part of 32, which is 8, and fet it down in the Quotient in the Place of fimple Units, that is, to the right Hand of the 3 Tens. To diſcover whether any Remainder is left after this laft Divifion, I multiply the Divifor 4 by the Quotient 8, and fetting down the Produc 32 under the 32 Units that were to be divided, I deduct one from the o- ther, and there being no Remainder left, and the diviſion being ended, I conclude that the Divifor 4 is contained 238 Times exactly in 952. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 3 LXII. Let it be required to divide 7264 by 9. Having difpofed the Dividend and Divifor as in the Margin; I divide one after another all the Parts of the Dividend, beginning by the Thouſands, and pro- ceeding afterwards to the Hundreds, and then to the Tens, and Units, 1° As the first Figure 7 cannot be divided by 9, I join it to the following Figure 2, and divide 72 Hun- dreds by 9, faying: the ninth Part of 72 Hundreds is 8 Hundreds, which I fet down in the Quotient in a Place which will be that of the Hundreds. 7264 9 807 7 2 064 63 I 9 To find the Remainder of this first Diviſion, I multiply the Divifor by the Quotient 8; and fetting down the Product 72 under the 72 which Second ex- ample of the was to be divided, I deduct one from the other; and as there is no Re- divifion of a mainder, I fet down a Cypher underneath to denote that the Divifion of 72 Hundreds by 9, gives exactly 8 Hundreds for Quotient. 2° I bring down to the right Hand of the Cypher, the 6 Tens of the Divi- dend to divide them alfo by 9; and as that is not poffible, I fet down a Cy- pher in the Quotient, in the Place of the Tens, as well to denote that there are no Tens in the Quotient, as to conferve to the firft Figure of the Quotient the Place of Hundreds: the 6 that has been fet down and that could not be divided, will remain for the following Divifion. 3º I bring down the 4 Units of the Dividend to the right Hand of the 6 Tens, which makes 64 Units which I divide by 9; and as 64 contains 9 feven Times, I fet down 7 in the Quotient in the Unite Place: and the Divifion will be ended, with reſpect to the Quotient required; fince all the Figures that it confifts of have been found. To determine the Remainder of the Divifion, I multiply the Divifor 9 by the laſt Quotient 7; and fet- ting down the Product 63 under 64, I deduct it from 64; and find 1 to be the Remainder of the Diviſion. Wherefore the Dividend 7264 being divided by the Divifor 9, gives 807 for the Quotient, with a Remainder 1 which has not been divided; fo that 807 is the exa& Quotient of 7263 divided by 9. I LXIII. number by another re- prefented by one figure. another. In General, when any Number is propoſed to be divided by another, the General me Computiſts first determine the Number of Places of the Quotient, by thod for di pointing off fo many Places from the right Hand of the Dividend, as are eviding one qual to, or not exceeding the Product of the Divifor into any of the Nine number by fignificative Figures; the remaining Places, in the Dividend more one, being equal to the Number of Places in the Quotient. To find afterwards the Figures correfponding to thofe Places, beginning by the Figure whofe Units are of the higheſt Degree, they divide the firft Figure of the Places 36 ELEMENTS OF { pointed off in the Dividend, which is called the firſt Member of the Divifi- on by the first Figure of the Divifor, when this Member and the Divifor confift of the fame Number of Figures, or the two firft Figures of this Member when it has one more; whereby is difcovered the Number of Times the Divifor is contained in this Member, which is repreſented by the firſt Quotient Figure fought. They then fubtract the Product of the Quotient into the Divifor from this Member, and to the Remainder affix the next Place in the Dividend, which will be the fecond Member of the divifion; with which they proceed as before, and if the Divifor is not once. contained in any Member, they increaſe the Quotient with a Cypher before any new Place is taken down to the right Hand of this Member LXIV. Let it be required to divide 32361 by 469. Having fet down the Divifor to the right Hand of The fore- the Dividend as in the Margin, I obferve that as the going me- thod explain- Dividend contains Tens of Thouſands, and the Divi- ed by an ex- for Hundreds, and that one Hundred is contained in ample. Ten Thouſand a Hundred Times, the Quotient may contain Hundreds, but no Units of a higher Degree, It is Queftion therefore to determine how many Hun- dred Times, how many Tens of Times, how many U- nits of 'Times, the Divifor is contained in the Dividend. 32361 2814 469 69 4221 4221 0.000 To determine how many Hundred Times the Dividend contains the Divifor, I point off fo many Places from the right Hand of the Dividend as there are in the Divifor, that is, I Point off the Part 323 of the Dividend, which really is 32300; ſetting aſide for a moment the two laft Figures 61, and divide 32300 by 469, to diſcover how many Hundred Times 469 is contained in 32300; to effect which, I obferve that it fuffices to divide 323 by 469, confidering the Quotient Figure not as repreſenting fimple Units, but Hundreds. But as 323 can not be divided by 469, I conclude that the Quotient will not contain Hundreds. It would have contained Hundreds if inſtead of 323 there had been 523, or in general a Number equal or greater than 469: for then the Quotient would contain at leaſt 1 Unit of the third Degree, or 1 Hundred. The Units therefore of the higheſt Degree that the Quotient can contain will be Tens, but it will neceffarily contain Tens, becauſe the Dividend having two Figures more than the Diviſor, is neceffarily ten Times greater than the Divifor, in effect 469 repeated ten Times gives 4690 which has a Figure less than 32361 I confider therefore how often 32360 contains 469, fetting afide for a mo- ment the Number 1, or what amounts to the fame Thing, I confider how often 3236 contains 469, remembring that the Quotient Figure will repre- fent a Number of Tens; but 3236 can not contain 469 oftener than the Number 32, (the two firft Figures of the Dividend) contains the firſt Fi- NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 37 gure 4 of the Divifor: for 32 contains 4 eight Times, and if, for Example, 9 is fet down in the Quotient inſtead of 8; multiplying 469 by 9 there would refult a Number greater than 3236 for 4 times 9 giving 36, the two first Figures of the Number equal to 9 Times 469 would be greater than the two first Figures 32 of the Number 3236; fo that it fuffices to di- vide by the firſt Figure of the Divifor the firft Figure of the Member of the Divifion, when this Member confifts of as many Figures as the Divi- for, or the two firſt Figures when it contains one more. дав However we are not to conclude that this Operation will never give too much, but it is certain it will never give too little, and it is for this Reaſon that the Computifts divide the firſt Figures of the Member of the Diviſion by the firſt Figure of the Divifor. When the Diviſion gives too great a Quotient, as in the preſent Cafe, where 8 is too great, and even 7, I di- miniſh fucceffively the Quotient until I find one that is not two great, which is 6 Tens, which I fet down in the Quotient. I afterwards mul- tiply the Divifor 469 by 6 Tens, fubtracting the Product 2814, which is really 28140 from 3236 which is really. 32350. To the Remainder 424 which is really 4220, I add the 1 I fet afide, which will be the fecond Member of the Divifion, and divide 4221 by 469: proceeding as before, I find it is contained 9 Times, which I fet down in the Quotient in the Units Place, that is, to the right Hand of 6, and multiplying the Dividend 469 by the Quotient 9, and fubtracting the Product from this Member of the Diviſion, and there being no Remainder, I conclude that 32361 is exactly di- vided by 469, and that 69 is the Quotient of this Divifion LXV. the number of places confiſt of. When as many Places has been pointed off in the Dividend to the General rule right Hand, as there are in the Divifor, or one more if neceſſary, it is eaſy to for finding perceive that the Quotient will confift of as many Figures more one, as will remain in the Dividend. For Example, let 523032 be propofed to that a quo- be divided by 469, having pointed off 523 which confiits of as many tient of a di- Places as 469, there will remain three Figures 032, I fay the Quotient fhould. vifion will contain three Figures more One, or Four: for it is manifeft that 523000 is a Thouſand Times greater than 523, which is greater than 469; and that 523032 is lefs than 469 repeated Ten Thoufand times, becauſe 4690000 confifts of a Figure more, therefore the Quotient ſhould contain Thouſands, and not Ten Thoufands, and therefore fhould confift of four Places, neither more nor lefs. If the Dividend was 1523032, pointing off 1523, which has a Figure more than the Divifor 469, it will appear in like Manner that the Quotient ſhould confift of four Places, neither more nor lefs; whence it is that a Cypher is fometimes fet down in the Quotient and fometimes feveral. ར་ Why in each It remains to explain why in the Quotient, more than 9, is never ſet down at once, which will eaſily appear when it is obſerved that a Mem- operation of 38 ELEMENTS OF 1 greater than divifion a ber of the divifion is always leſs than ten Times the Divifor; for a Mem- number ber of the Diviſion confifts of as many Figures as the Divifor, or of one 9 is not fet more : In the first Cafe it is manifeſt that it is less than the Divifor re- down in the peated ten Times, in the fecond Cafe, if a Figure be taken from the quotient. Member of the divifion it will be less than the Divifor, therefore the Member of the divifion with this Figure reſtored is less than ten Times the Divifor. Second ex- divifion of LXVI. 45711.12 4485 861 I Let it be required to divide 4571112 by 897. Having difpofed the Dividend and Divifor as ample of the in the Margin, and obferving that the three Fi integers re- gures of the Divifor, form a Number greater than prefented by the three firft Figures of the Dividend to the left feveral fig- Hand; I Point off 4571 for the firft Member of the divifion, and as there remain three Fi- gures 112 in the Dividend, the Quotient will confift of four Places of Figures. nificative fi- gures. I 8073 5382 5382 0000 5897 15096 To determine the Numbers correfponding to thofe Places, beginning by that whofe Units are of the higheſt Degree, I confider how often the Divifor 897 is contained in the firft Member of the divifion 4571, and find 5Thoufands for the firſt Figure of the Quotient. To find the fecond Figure of the Quotient, I multiply the Divifor 897 by the Quotient 5, and fubtract the Product 4485 from 4571, and to the Remainder 86 I affix the 1 Hundred of the Dividend, fetting a Point over it to denote that it has been brought down; which will be the fecond Member of the Diviſion, and divide 861 by 897, and as that can not be done, I fet down a Cypher in the Quotient, as well to denote that it con- tains no Hundreds, as to preferve to the firft Quotient Figure found its Place. To diſcover the third Figure of the Quotient, I affix to 861 the 1 Ten of the Dividend, (fetting a point over it) which will be the third Member of the divifion, and confider how often 897 is contained in 8611, dividing 86 by 5, and I find 9 for the third Figure of the Quotient. 1 + •I To determine the fourth and laft Figure of the Quotient, I multiply the Divifor 897 by the Quotient 9, fubtract the Product 8073 from 8611, and to the Remainder 538 I affix the Units of the Dividend (fetting a Point over it) which will be the fourth Member of the Divifion, and con fider how often 897 is contained in 5382, dividing 53 by 8, and. I find 6 for the Fourth and laft Figure of the Quotient, and multiplying the Divifor-469 by the Quotient 6, and fubtracting the Product 5382 from this Member of the divifion, and there being no Remainder, I conclude that 4571112 is exactly divided by 897, and that 5096 is the Quotient of this Divifion, 7 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 39 LX VII. 239200 - 208 Let it be required to divide 239200 by 52 The Dividend and Divifor being difpofed as in the Margin, the Divifor 52 not being contain- ed in the two first Figures of the Dividend to the left Hand; I Point off the three Figures 239, and there being three Figures 200 remaining in the Dividend, I conclude that the Quotient will confift of four Places of Figures. 312 312 000 {1 52 4600 To determine the Numbers correfponding to thofe Places, beginning by that whofe Units are of the higheſt Degree; I confider how often the Divifor 52 is contained in the Third ex- first Member of the Divifion 239 Thouſands, and find 4 Thouſands for ample of the the Quotient with a Remainder 31 Thoufands. divifion of integers re- To determine the fecond Figure of the Quotient, I bring down the 2 Hun- prefented by dreds of the Dividend to the Remainder 31; and dividing 312 Hundreds leveral fig- by 52, find 6 Hundreds for the Quotient without a Remainder. To continue the Divifion, according to the Rules already explained, the two Cyphers of the Dividend fhould be fucceffively taken down; but as each of thole affixed to the Remainder o, being divided by 52 will give o for Quo- tient; I fet down two Cyphers to the right Hand of theQuotient already found. Whence the Quotient of the Divifion of 239200 by 52, will be 4600. LX VIII. nificative fi- gures decimal The general Rule for dividing Numbers containing decimal Parts, con- Procefs of fifts in reducing the Units of the Dividend, and thofe of the Divifor to the divifion the fame Denomination; by fetting down after the feparating Point, or of numbers after the Decimals of the Term which has lefs decimal Figures than the containing other, as many Cyphers as are neceffary that the Dividend and Divifor parts. may have the fame Number of Characters after their Commas. The Divi- dend and Divifor being thus prepared, they are to be divided one by the other, without attending to the Commas which may be fuppreffed, and which are conferved only that the Values of the Dividend and Divifor may not be changed. For Example, if (172,8) was to be divided by (1,44) that is, 1728 Tenths, by 144 Hundreths; as the Divifor has a decimal Figure more than the Dividend, I fet down a Cypher to the right Hand of the Divi- dend. This Dividend being transformed into (172,80) which denote 17280 Hundreths, will confift of Units of the fame Species, with thoſe of the Divifor (1,44) which denotes 144 Hundreths. The Dividend and Divifor being thus prepared and transformed into (172,80) and (1,44) will not have changed their Value. The Quotient therefore of (172,80) divided by (1,44) will be the fame as that of (172,8) divided by (1,44). 40 ELEMENTS OF Divifion of Suppreffing the feparating Points both in the Dividend (172,80) and in the Divifor (1,44), all the Figures of the Dividend and Divifor will be ad- vanced two Places, and thereby will be rendered centuple of what they were, that is, they will be multiplied both one and the other by roo. The Quotient therefore will be the fame (Art. LVII.) as that of (172,80) divi- ded by (1,44). If therefore, to the right Hand of the Dividend and Divifor there be annexed Cyphers to make the Number of decimal Figures equal in both, and the new Dividend be divided by the new Divifor, after fuppreffing the feparating Points, the Quotient fought will be obtained. LXIX. When the Units of the Dividend and Divifor are reduced to the fame Denomination, by annexing to each the fame Number of decimal Fi- gures; and the Divifion is performed as if the Dividend and Divifor had no decimal Parts; the Quotient arifing will confift of fimple Units; but it feldom happens that the Divifor is contained in the Dividend a certain. Number of Times without a Remainder: and in this Cafe, it may be found neceffary to reduce into decimals the Part of the Units Time. that the Divifor is contained in the Dividend. Thoſe different Cafes. will be explained in the following Articles. LXX. To divide a Number which has decimal Parts, by a Divifor that has numbers con- none; the Dividend is to be divided by the Divifor as if the Dividend taining deci- had no decimal Parts: and when the Quotient is found; fo many decimal Fi- mal parts by gures are to be ſeparated with a Comma, as there are in the Dividend : ´as have none. will appear by the following Example. others that Example. LXXI. Let it be required to divide (79,58) by 23 79,58 { 5.23 3,46. 69 105 92 138 I divide (79,58), by 23 as if it was propofed to di- vide 7958 by 23: and having found 346 for the Quo- tient; I feparate with a Comma two decimal Fi- gures in this Quotient; and there refults (3,46) for the Quotient of (79,58) by 23. Which will eafily appear, when it is obferved that the Number (79, 58) propoſed to be divided, denotes 7958 Hundreths; and the Divifor 23 denotes that the twenty third Part of this Dividend 7958 Hundreths is to be taken. Now, fince a Part of a Number whofe Units are Hundreths, will alfo confift of Hundreths: the Quotient 346 found by dividing 7958 Hundreths, by 23, can confift of no other Units than Hundreths; confequently fhould exprefs 346 Hundreths; whence each. Figure of this Quotient fhould be removed two Places towards the right Hand which is effected, by feparating with a Comma two decimal Figures, ; 138 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK, 41 LXXII. To divide any Number by a Divifor that has no decimal Parts, and Method of carry on the Divifion until the Quotient ſhall not differ from the exact approxima- ting to the Quotient, by a decimal Unit of any propoſed Order. Cyphers must be Quotient of annexed to the Dividend, until the Place of the Decimals of the loweſt a Divifion Order that the Quotient ſhould contain is filled up. And the Dividend when the thus prepared being divided by the Divifor, as if it did not contain any tains no de- decimal Parts; fo many Decimals muſt be ſeparated by a Comma in the cimal Parts. Quotient, as there are in the Dividend prepared, as will appear by the following Example. LXXIII. Divifor con- Let it be propofed to divide (103,2) by 33, and to find a Quotient that ſhall not differ from the exact Quotient by a thousandth Part of an Unit. The forego- As the propofed Dividend contains in Decimals, only Tenths; I annex ing Method to it two Cyphers to fill up the Place of the Hundreths, and of the explained by Thouſandibs; becauſe the Error of the Quotient -an Example. must be less than I Thousandth, the Divifion ſhould be carried on to Thoufandths. The Dividend being thus prepared, I divide (103,200) by 33; without attending to the fepa- rating Point, and I find 3127 for the Quotient which fhould repreſent Thouſandths; as the Di- vidend is compofed of Thoufandths whence this Quotient fhould be (3,127). As it is not poffible to put an Unit more in the Quotient 3,127, without rendering it too great; and that this Unit can only be 1 Thouſandth; it is manifeft that the Quotient (3,127) found, tho' not exact, yet does not differ from the real Quo- tient by a thoufandth Part of an Unit. LXXIV. 33 103,200 (3,127 99 42 33 90 66 240 231 9 Divifor is To divide any Number by a Divifor greater than the Dividend, and Method of carry on the Divifion until the Quotient ſhall not differ from the exact approxima- Quotient by a decimal Unit of any propofed Order: If the Divifor ting to the Quotient of contains no decimal Parts, Cyphers must be annexed to the Dividend, a Divifion until the Place of the Decimals of the loweſt Order that the Quotient when the ſhould contain, is filled up. But if the Divifor contains decimal Parts; greater than its feparating Point muſt be fuppreffed, and that of the Dividend muft the Divi- be removed ſo many Places to the Right Hand as there were decimal dend, Figures in the Divifor: then Cyphers must be annexed to the Dividend, that it may contain as many decimal Places as it is propofed the Quotient fhould contain. The Dividend and the Divifor being thus pre- pared, they muſt be divided one by the other, as if they contained no decimal Parts. 2 F 42 ELEMENTS OF 1 Firſt Ex- ample. 1 Second ex- ample. As the Quotient fhould contain as many decimal Places as the Divi- dend; and it may happen that there will not be as many Figures in this Quotient as there are Decimals in the Dividend, in this Cafe, Cyphers must be prefixed to it for the Defect. LXXV. Let it be propofed to divide the Number 2 by 189, and carry on the Di- vifion until the Quotient shall not differ from the exact Quotient, by the hundred-thouſandth Part of an Unit. 2,00000 I 89. ΙΙΟΟ 945 189 Having placed a Comma to the right Hand of the Number 2 to be divided; I fet down five Cyphers to the right Hand of this Comma, that the Place of hundred thousandths may be fil- led up. I divide the Dividend (2,00000) thus prepared, by 189, as if this Dividend did not contain decimal Parts, and I find 1058 for the Quotient, which ſhould repreſent hundred thousandths, as the Dividend is compofed of bundred thousandths; whence its Figure 8 to the right Hand ſhould ſtand in the Place of Hun- dred Thousandths, and confequently in the fifth Place to the right Hand of the feparating Point. I therefore fet down a Cypher to the left Hand of the Quotient 1058 prefixing a Comma to it, that the Quotient may confift of five decimal Figures as the Dividend, and there refults (0,01058) for the Quotient. LXXVI. 1550 1512 38 1 Let it be propofed to divide (0,025) by (1,89), and to carry on the Divi- fion until the Quotient shall not differ from the exact Quotient by the Mil- lionth Part of an Unit. Having fuppreffed the feparating Point of the Divifor, I remove the Comma of the Divi- dend two Places towards the right Hand, be- cauſe there are only two decimal Figures in the Divifor. The Dividend and Divifor will- thereby be multiplied by 100, (Art. 1x) and the Value of the Quotient will not be altered (Art.. LVII). The Divifion therefore will be reduced to that of (002,5 or 2,5) by 189. As the Divi- fion is to be carried on to Millionths, which are Decimals of the fixth Order, which ſtand in the fixth Place to the right Hand of the Com- ma; and that the Dividend (2,5) has already a decimal Figure, I annex five Cyphers to this Dividend, and divide 2,500000 by 189. 1 The Divifion being performed, there refults 13227 for the Quotient: and as the Dividend I 189. 2,500000 1 89 00013227 610 567 430 378 520 378 1420 1323. 97 } 43 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. confifts of Millionths, this Quotient will alfo reckon Millionths; ſo that its laft Figure 7 fhould ſtand in the fixth Place to the right Hand after the Comma. I therefore fet down a Cypher to the left Hand of this Quotient, prefixing a Comma to it, and there refults (0,013227) for the Quotient, of (2,500000) divided by 189, or for that of (0,025) divided by (1,89). As the Dividend (2,500000) which denotes 2500000 Millionths is not exactly divisible by 189; after the Divifion there is a Remainder 97 Millionths, which cannot be divided by 189, unless it fhould be pro- pofed that the Quotient fhould contain Decimals of an inferior Order to Millionths. If the Divifion fhould be carried on to Hundred Millionths, which are Decimals of the eighth Order, two more Cyphers ſhould be annexed to the Dividend, that is (2,50000000) fhould be divided by 189 and there would refult for Quotient 1322751 Hundred Millionths, or (0,01322751) with a Remainder 61 Hundred Millionths. In fine, if the Divifion was carried on indefinitely, there would refult for Quotient (0,01 322751 322751 322751 &c.), the fame Figures 322751 being continually repeated. LXXVII. fion that cannot be When it is required to exprefs in decimal Parts, the Quotient of a A Quotient Divifion that cannot be obtained without leaving a Remainder, after a of a Divi- certain Number of Figures of this imperfect Quotient is found, the ſame Figure or Period of Figures will continually recur as in the foregoing obtained Example, and in the following. without leaving a Remainder 1º İf 1 be divided by 3, there will reſult (0,3333 &c.), that is, the Quotient will confift of three Tenths, three Hundreths, three Thou- is expreffed fandths, and fo on continually ad infinitum. by a decimal Series, con- 20 If I be divided by 6, the Quotient will be found to be 0,16666 &c. fifting of e- that is, the first Figure of the Quotient will be 1 Tenth and all the other decimal Figures will be 6s. I of Figures fucceeding 3° If I be divided by 7, there will refult (0,142857 142857 &c.) that each other is, after the fix first decimal Figures 142857 of the Quotient are found, ad infinitum the fame Figures will recur for the fix following ones, and fo on conti- nually ad infinitum. 40 If I be divided by 24, the Quotient will be found to be (0,041666 &c.) that is, the three first decimal Figures will be 041, which repreſent 41 Thouſandths, and all the decimal Figures following, ad infinitum, will be 6s. When the fame Figures recur in this Manner in a Quotient, two Periods only of thofe circulating Figures are fet down, with an &c. annexed to them, to denote that thofe Periods will continually recur, ad infinitum. 44 ELEMENTS OF Property of which di- bers lefs than itself. LXXVIIL Every Number lefs than 9 will give for Quotient an infinite Series the Digit 9 of Decimal Figures, the fame as that of the Dividend: For every Num- vides Num- ber lefs than 9 cannot be divided by 9, until it is reduced into Tenths, and then will be equivalent to as many Tens of Tenths, as it confifts of Units; now each ten Tenths will give 1 Tenth for Quotient with a Remainder 1 Tenth. Wherefore all the Tens of Tenths of which the Dividend is compofed, will give as many Tenths for the Quotient and Remainder as there are Units in the Dividend; confequently the first de- cimal Figure of the Quotient, and the first decimal Figure remaining will be the fame as that of the Dividend which is fuppofed lefs than 9. Method of "confifting of Since the remaining Figure of the first Divifion is equal to that of the Dividend, and is to be divided by 9, it muſt be reduced into Hun- dreths, and confequently will give as many Hundreths for Quotient and Remainder as the Dividend contains Units, and fo on ad infinitum. For Example, if 7 is propofed to be divided by 9, I reduce the Dividend into 7 Tens of Tenths. Now each ten Tenths being divided by 9 will give 1 Tenth for the Quotient, and there will remain Tenth. Wherefore the 7 Tens of Tenths being divided by 9, will give 7 Tenths for the Quotient, and will alfo give 7 Tenths for the Remainder. Since thofe 7 Tenths remaining after the first Divifion cannot be divided by 9, I reduce them into 7 Tens of Hundredths, and as each ten Hundreths divided by 9, will give 1 Hundreth for the Quotient with a Remainder 1 Hundreth, the 7 Tens of Hundredths will give 7 Hun- dreths for the Quotient, and 7 Hundredths for a Remainder, the fame is to be faid of the Thoufandths, &c. that is, each decimal Figure of the Quotient and of the Remainder, will be the fame as the Figure of the Dividend. LXXIX. Whence is derived an abridged Method of multiplying, when the multiplying Multiplicator is a Number reprefented by the fame Figure feveral by Numbers Times repeated. Let it be propofed for Example, to multiply 3787 by equal Peri- 5555. I multiply 3787 by the repeating Figure ods of Fi- 5, annexing as many Cyphers to the Right ceeding each Hand of the Product, as the Multiplicator con- gures fuc- other. 3787 50000 9)189350000 2 1 0 3 8 8 8 8 2103 fifts of Places. I then divide the Number that refults 189350000 by 9, neglecting the Remainder of the Divifion, and from the Quo- tient 21038888 I fubftract the Number repre- fented by as many Figures of this Quotient to the right Hand, as there are Places of Figures in the Multiplicator, the Remainder will be the Product required. 210367 85 For the particular Products of this Multiplication are 18935X1, NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 45 18935×10, 18935X100, 18935×1000, the Sum of which, or the Product required, is equal to 18935×1111, 18935X10000 but and I 9 or 21038888, 8888 &c. is equal to 18935X1111 more 18935X1111 &c. 18935XI or 2103,8888 &c. is equal to 1893X,1111 &c. where- 9 fore deducting 2103,8888 &c. from 21038888,8888 &c. that is 18935×,1111 &c. from 18935XIIII more 18935X,1111 &c. the Re- mainder 21036785 will be equal to 18935×1111 the Product required of 3787 into 5555. I LXXX. Every Number lefs than 99, divided by 99, will give for Quotient Property pe- an infinite Series of decimal Periods of two Figures equal to thofe of culiar to all the Dividend. For every Number lefs than 99, cannot be divided by Divifors lefs by an Unit 99, until it is reduced into as many Hundreds of Hundreths as it confifts than the of Units; now each hundred of Hundreths being divided by 99, will Terms of give 1 Hundreth for Quotient, with a Remainder 1 Hundreth; where- the progref- fion 10, 100 fore all the Units of the Dividend will give for Quotient a Number of 1000 Hundreths, expreffed by the fame Figures as the Dividend, and there 10,000 will remain the fame Number of Hundreths, and fo in like Manner of which divide the other Figures of the Quotient. 1000, Numbers less than For Example, if it was required to divide 42 by 99, I reduce the Di- themselves. vidend 42 into 42 Hundreds of Hundreths, and each hundred Hundreths divided by 99, giving 1 Hundreth for Quotient, with a Remainder 1 Hundreth, the 42 Hundreds of Hundreths will give 42 Hundreths for the Quotient, with a Remainder 42 Hundreths; fo that the Number of Hundreths of the Quotient, and the Number of Hundreths of the Re- mainder will be expreffed by the fame Figures as the Dividend 42. -- As the 42 Hundreths remaining, cannot be divided by 99, I reduce them into 42 Hundreds of Hundreths of Hundreths, that is into 42 Hundreds of Ten-Thouſandths, but each Hundred of Ten-thousandths being divided by 99, will give 1 Ten-thoufandth for Quotient, with a Re-. mainder 1 Ten thouſandth; whence 42 Hundreds of Ten-thousandths -- will give 42 Ten-thousandths for the Quotient, with a Remainder 42 Ten-thoufandths; wherefore the Number of Ten-thousandths, of the Quotient and the Number of Ten-tboufandths of the Remainder, will be expreffed by the fame Figures as thofe of the Dividend 42, and it will appear in like Manner that all the other Figures of the Quotient will be equal two by two to thoſe of the Dividend, which are fuppofed lefs than 99; whence dividing 42 by 29, there will refult for Quotient (0,42 42 42 &c.). If the Number to be divided by 99, was reprefented by one Figure, for Example, if 5. 40 ELEMENTS OF Method of finding from whence fim- or o5, was to be divided by 99, I transform 5 into 500 500 Hundredths, which I divide by 99, and there refults for Quotient (0,05) that is 5 Hundreth's with a Remainder (0,05), I transform this Remainder into 500 Ten-thousandths, which I divide by 99, and there refults 5 Ten- Thouſandths or (0,0005) with a Remainder 5 Ten-Thousandths or (0,0005); fo that the Quotient will be compofed of fimilar decimal Pe- riods, each confifting of the two Characters 05 equal to thoſe of the Dividend, that is, 5 or 05 being divided by 99, will give for Quotient (0,05 05 &c.). In fine, any Number divided by another Number greater than it, all whofe Figures are 9, will give for Quotient an infinite Series of decimal Periods, confifting of - as many Figures as the Divifor, and each of thofe Periods having the fame fignificative Figures as the Dividend; fo that if the Dividend has lefs Figures than the Divifor, there will be places in each Period filled up with Cyphers, fet down to the left Hand of the fignificative Figure or Figures, equal to thoſe of the Dividend. LXXXI. Reciprocally the Sum of an infinite Series of decimal Periods, con- fifting of the fame Figures, is equal to the Quotient of one Period di- ple and com- vided by a number, confifting of as many 9s as there are Figures in the -pound re- Period. petends are derived. } For Example, the Series (0,333 &c.) each of whofe Periods confifts of one Figure 3, is equal to the Quotient of the Divifion of 3 by 9, or of I by 39 The Series (0,23 23 23 &c.) each of whofe Periods (23) conſiſts of two Figures, is the Quotient of the Divifion of 23 by 99, The Series (0,087 087 087, &c.) each of whofe Periods (087) confifts of three Figures, is the Quotient of the Divifion of 087 or of 87 by 999, The Series 0,001 OCI 001 &c.) each of whofe Periods (001) confifts of three Figures, is the Quotient of the Divifion of oor or of 1 by 999, and ſo on. ´LXXXII. • • According as the Comma or feparating Point of any propofed decimal Method of Number, is advanced one Place towards the left Hand, its Value is finding from whence fim- thereby rendered ten Times lefs. For Example, if in the Series ple andcom- (0,298 298 &c.) the Comma be advanced one Place to the left Hand, pound repe- there will refult (0,0298 298, &c.) whofe Value is ten Times lefs than ded by Cy- that of (0,298 298 &c.) if the Comma be 'again advanced one Place phers are de- to the left Hand; there will refult (0,00298 298 &c.) whofe Value is ten Times less than that of (0,0298 298 &c.) or a hundred Times lefs than (0,298 298 &c.) and fo on. tends prece- rived. But the Series (0,298 298 &c.) compofed of equal Periods, the first beginning immediately after the Comma, is the Quotient of the Divi- fion of 298 by 999. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 47 Wherefore the Series (0,0298 298.298 &c.) whofe Value is ten Times lefs than that of the Former, is the Quotient of the Divifion of 298 298 by 9990, that is equal to and the Series (0,00298 298 &c.) whofe 9990 Value is ten Times lefs than the Former, is the Quotient of the Divi- and ſo on; that is, when 298 fion of 298 by 99900, or is equal to 99900 a Series of decimal Periods does not immediately begin after the fepa- rating Point, it reprefents the Quotient of a Divifion, the Dividend of which, is equal to one Period; and the Divifor confifts not only of as many 9s as there are Figures in the Period, but alſo of as many Cyphers, as there are Places between the Comma and the firft fignificative Figure of the firſt Period. LXXXIII. in- finding from the whence fim- &c. pound repe- tends preced ple and com- Beſides thofe decimal Series that confift only of equal Periods, there Method of are others, that independant of an infinite Series of equal Periods, clude a certain Number of decimal Figures, after which begin equal Periods. Such are the following, 0,1666 &c. 0,08 333 0,004 629 629 &c. The first of thofe Series 0,1666 &c. confifts of o, I and an infinity ed by acer- of Periods of 6s. tain number of decimal The fecond 0,08333 &c. confifts of a Part 0,08 and an infi- figures are nity of 3s. The third 0,004 629 629, is compofed of a Part 0,004 and an infinity of Periods 629, and ſo on. To diſcover from whence thofe Quotients are derived; for Example, to diſcover from whence the Series 0,004 629 &c. is derived, I feparate the infinite Series of Periods from the decimal Figures that precede them, in order to form two decimal Numbers of the propofed one, and there reſults 0,004 and 0,000629 629 &c. contained in the given Number 0,004 629 629 &c. to Now the first Part (0,004) which denotes 4 Thoufandths, is equal 4 1000 The fecond Part 0,000629 629 &c. an infinite Series of equal Periods, is equal to which confifts only of 629 999000 ; Wherefore the Sum of the two Parts 0,004 and 0,000 629 629 &c. or the propofed deci- mal Series 0,004 629 629 &c. is equal to the Sum of the two Divifions 4 629 1000' 999000 · Multiplying the Dividend and Divifor of the first Di- derived. ELEMENTS OF vifion by 999, there refults 3996 999000 and 629 999000 and their Sum 4625 I or 999000 216 (found by dividing its two Terms by the Dividend 4625) will be the Divifion from whence the propofed decimal Series 0,004 629 629 &c. is derived. LXXXIV. To abridge the foregoing Operation of Diviſion, the Computiſts inſtead of fetting down the Products of the Multiplication of the Divifor into the Figures of the Quotient, deduct from the Dividend the Figures of thoſe Products according as they find them. Let for Example 7958 be propoſed to be divided by 23, placing the Divifor at the right Hand of the Dividend, as in the Margin, and beginning the Diviſion by the Figures of the higheſt Denomination, I first divide 79. Hundreds by the Divifor, and there re- fults 3 Hundreds for the firſt Quotient Figure. 7958 23 346 105 138 000 To obtain the Remainder of this Divifion, I multi- ply the Divifor 23 by the Quotient, and deduct the Figures of the Product according as I find them from Method of the Dividual 79. Saying: 3 Times 3 is 9, which I de- contracting duct from the 9 of the Dividend, and there being no the Operati- ons of Divi- Remainder, I fet down a Cypher under the 9, then faying :3 Times 2 is 6, which I dedu&t from the Figure 7 of the Dividend, and fet down the Remainder under the 7, whence from the Divifion of 79 Hun- dreds by 23, there refults for Quotient 3 Hundreds, with a Remainder to Hundreds, which could not be divided by 23. fion. 4 To find the fecond Figure of the Quotient I bring down the 5 tens of the Dividend to the right Hand of the 10 Hundreds that remain after the firſt Diviſion, and divide 105 Tens by 23, letting down the Quotient Tens at the right Hand of the 3 Hundreds. To obtain the Remainder of this fecond Divifion of Tens, I multiply 23 by 4, and dedu& the Fi- gures of the Product according as I find them, from the fecond Member of the Diviſion 105, faying: 4 Times 3 is 12, which is to be deducted from 5, but as this cannot be done, I borrow 1 Ten, or an Unit of a fu- perior Degree, and adding it to 5, I deduct 12 from 15, and fet down the Remainder 3 under the 5, then ſaying: 4 Times 2 is 8 and 1 I bor- rowed, which is to be deducted, is 9, and deducting 9 from 10, I fet down the Remainder I underneath, fo that the Remainder of the fecond Division will be 13. I To find the third Figure of the Quotient, I bring down the 8 Units of the Dividend to the right Hand of the 13 Tens remaining of the forego- NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 49 ing Divifion, and there refults 138 Units to be divided by 23; which gives 6 Units for the Quotient, which I fet down to the right Hand of the two Figures 34 already found. To obtain the Remainder of the Divifion, I multiply the Divifor 23 by 6; and fubtract from this Member of the Divifion 138, the Figures of the Produ& according as I find them. And there being no Remainder left, I fet down a Cypher underneath. The Divifion being ended, I find 346 for the exact Quotient of 7958 divided by 23. LXXXV. The foregoing Operation is performed by fome Computifts in a man- ner ſomewhat different, in each particular Diviſion, the Divifor being fet down under the Dividend, and the Remainder above it. 10 7958 (3 Spanish Me- thod of per- forming Di vifion ex- For Example, if it was propofed to divide 7958 by 23, having point- ed off as many Figures to the left Hand of the Dividend, as will contain the Divifor: And as the two Figures 79 of the Dividend contains the Divifor 23, I fet down 23 under 79, and confider how often it is contained in 79, or how often 2 is contained in 7; and as it is contained 3 Times, I fet down 3 in the Quotient. 2z To difcover the Remainder of this Divifion, I multiply the Diviſor 23 by the Quotient 3; and fubtract the Figures of the Product ac- cording as I find them from the fuperior Figures, and fet down the Re- mainders over thoſe fuperior Figures. Saying: 3 Times 3 is 9, which I deduct from the fuperior Figure 9; and as there is no Remainder left, I fet down a Cypher over this 9 which I barr, as alſo the Figure 3 multiplied. Then faying: 3 Times 2 is 6, which I fubtract from the fuperior Figure 7, and fet down the Remainder I over the 7, and barr this 7 and the Figure 2 multiplied. By this firſt Operation, the 79 Hundreds of the Dividend will be divided by 23; the Quotient will be 3 Hundreds, and there will remain 10 Hundreds that could not be divided by 23. I 203 7958 (34 233 To continue on the Divifion, I annex the 5 Tens of the Dividend to the 10 Hundreds that remain after the first Divifion ; and fet down anew the Divifor 23 under the Dividend 105 Tens, fo that the 3 will stand under the 5, and the 2 under the Cypher; that is, I remove the Figures of the Divifor one Place towards the right Hand. I then confider how often 23 is contained in 105; and fet down the Quotient 4 to the right Hand of the Figure 3 first found. 2 4 Times 3 To obtain the Remainder of this fecond Divifion, I fay: 4 is 12; and as this particular Product cannot be deducted from the fupe- plained by an Example. 2 G 50 ELEMENTS OF rior Figure 5, I borrow 1 Ten to add it to 5, and deduct 12 from 15; and fet down the Remainder 3 over the 5, barring this 5 and the 3 multiplied. Then I fay, 4 Times 2 is 8 and 1 I borrowed is 9, which I deduct from. 10; fetting down the Remainder I over the Cypher, after having barred 10 and the 2 multiplied. By this fecond Operation, the 105. Tens will be divided by 23; the Quotient will be 4 Tens, and there will be a Remainder 13 Tens which could not be divided by 23. I: X0Z. To compleat the Divifion, I annex the 8 Units to the Remainder 13 Tens; and fet down the Divifor 23 under the new Dividend 138: So that the 3 will ſtand under the 8, that is, I remove the Figures of the Diviſor one Place towards the right Hand. And finding that 23 is contained 6 Times in 138, I fet down 6 in the Quotient to the right Hand of 34, and multiplying the Divifor 23 by 6, I fubtract the igures of the Product according as I find them from thoſe above them, as in the two foregoing Operations, and after the Subtraction, there being no Remainder left, I conclude that 346 will be the exact Quotient of 7958 divided by 23. LXXXVI. 7988 (346 2833 22 To render the foregoing Method of performing Divifion more com- modious, the Computifts have found Means of avoiding the Trouble of borrowing when the Product of the Divifor into the Quotient is fub- tracted from the Members of the Divifion. Let it be required, for Ex- French Me- ample, to divide 84162 by 98, as the Divifor 98 is not thod of per- contained in the two firft Figures 84 to the left Hand of forming Di- the Dividend, I point off the three Figures 841 for the plained by firſt Member of the Divifion, and ſetting down the Divi- an Example. for 98 under 41, I confider how often 98 is contained in 841 Hundreds, and fet down the Quotient 8 Hundreds, in a Place which will be that of the Hundreds. vifion, ex- 5 * 27 $4x62 (8 98 To obtain the Remainder of this firſt Diviſion, I multiply fucceffively the two Figures of 98 by 8,- beginning by the Figure 9 of the higheſt Degree; and deduct the Figures of the Product, according as I find them from thofe immediately over them. Saying: 8 Times 9 is 72, which I deduct from 84, fetting down the Remainder 12 over it, after having barred 84 and the Figure 9 multiplied. Then I fay, 8 Times 8 is 64, which I deduct from 121, and fet down the Remainder 57 over it, after having barred 121 and the Figure 8 multiplied. By this first Operation, the 841 Hundreds will be divided by 98; the Quotient will be 8, and there will remain 57 Hundreds that could not be divided by 98. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 51 18 82 2276 $4x62 (85 988 To continue on the Divifion, I remove the Divifor 98 one Place to the right Hand, fetting it down under 76, in order to di- vide the 57 Hundreds remaining with the 6 Tens, that is, in order to divide 576 Tens by 98. The Diviſor 98 being contained 5 Times in the ſecond Member of the Divifion 576, I fet down 5 in the Quotient at the right Hand or the 8 already fet down, and multiply 98 by 5, be- ginning by the Figure of the higheſt Degree; and deduct the Figures of the Produ&t according as I find them from the ſuperior Ones. Saying: 5 Times 9 is 45, which I dedu&t from 57; and fet down the Remainder 12 over 57, after having barred 57 and the Figure 9 multiplied. Then faying: 5 Times 8 is 40, which I deduct from 126, and ſet down the Remainder 86 over 126, or rather over 26, after having barred 126 and the Figure 8 multiplied. 9 By this fecond Operation, the Number 576 Tens will be divided by 98; the Quotient will be 5 Tens, and there will remain 86 Tens that could not be divided by 98. I 287 To compleat the Divifion, I remove the Divifor ftill one Place to- wards the right Hand, in order to divide the 86 Tens remaining with the 2 Units, that is, in order to divide 862 Units by 98. Finding that 98 is contained 8 Times in the Mem- ber of the Divifion 862, I fet down 8 in the Quotient to the right Hand of 85; and fearch for the Remain- der of this Diviſion, Saying: 8 Times 9 is 72, which I deduct from the fuperior Figures 86, and fet down the Remainder 14 over thefe Figures, after having barred 86 and the Figure 9 multiplied. Then laying 8 Times 8 is 64, which I deduct from 142; and fet down the Remainder 78 Units over 42. 5 24 22768 $4162 (858 98 8 8 99 Wherefore the Quotient arifing from the Divifion of 84162 by 98 will be 858, and there will remain 78 Units, which cannot be divided by 98. LXXXVII. in Divifion Since to divide a Number by another, is to find a third Number which multiplied by the fecond, will give a Product equal to the firft Number, Proof of the Divifion may be proved, by confidering it as a Multiplication of which Operations the Divifor is the Multiplicand, the Quotient the Multiplicator, and made by caf the Dividend the Product, that is, by cafting out the 9's out of the Di-ting out the viſor and Quotient, and multiplying the Remainders one by the other, af-nines, as in Multiplica ter having added to the Product the Figures of the Remainder of the tion Diviſion, when there is one; and cafting out the 9's, if the Remainder is equal to what remains when the 9's are caſt out of the Dividend; there is a Prefumption that the Divifion has been accurately performed, other- wife it is certain that fome Error has been committed in the Operation. 32 ELEMENTS OF Example. 1 1 For Example, if 5478989 was divided by 375, and the Quotient found to be 14610 with a Remainder 239, I caft the 9's out of the Divifor and Quotient, and multiplying the Remainders 6 and 3 one by the other, and adding to their Product 18 the Remainder of the Divifion 239, and cafting the 9's out of their Sum 257; the Remainder 5 being equal to what remains when the 9's are caft out of the Dividend 5478989, there is a Prefumption that the Operation has been accurately performed. LXXXVII. To prevent the Multiplicity of Errors and to diſcover them in the Courſe of the Divifion, the Computiſts verify each Figure of the Quo- tient according as they are found. 964 254496 2376 264 1689 For Example, if 254496 was to be divided by 264, beginning the Di- vifion, by the Figures of the higheſt Degree, I first divide 2544 Hun- Method of dreds by 264, and find 9 Hundreds for the Quoti- verifying each figure ent, I therefore fet down 9 in the Quotient in a of the quo- Place which will be that of the Hundreds; to difco- tient accord ver whether the Figure 9 placed in the Quotient is ing as they are found, exact, or if the Divifor 264 is contained 9 Times in the Member of the Divifion 2544; I multiply 264 by 9; fetting down the Product 2376, under the Member of the Divifion2 544, and fubtracting this Produ&t 2376 from 2544 I find 168 for theRemainder. 1584 1056 1056 0000 To diſcover whether this firft Remainder 168 Hunreds is exact; there are two Things to be confi- dered. 1°. We are to examine whether 2376 is the exact Product of 264 into 9; by taking the ninth Part of this Product: as this ninth Part ſhould be equal to the Divifor 264. 2°. We are to examine whether the Subtraction has been accurately performed; by adding the Remainder 168 to the Product 2376: as this Sum fhould be equal to the Number 2544 from which it is fubtracted. To côtinue on the Divifion, I bring down the 9 Tens of the Dividend to the right Hand of the 168 Hundreds, and there Refults 1689 Tens to be divided by 264; which gives 6 Tens for the Quotient. I then multi- ply 264 by 6, and deduct the Product 1584 from 1689; and there re- mains 105. I prove this fecond Divifion as the former. 1°. By taking the fixth Part of 1584, which is equal to the Divifor 264, and proves the Product 1584 to be exact. 29. By adding 105 to 1584 whofe Sum is equal to 1689, the fecond Member of the Divifion, and proves that the Remainder 105 which is less than the Divifor 5264 is exact. The Operations employed to obtain the 4 Units of the Quotient will be proved in like Manner. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 53 CHA P. II. Of Fractions and their various Reductions, &c. Of the Operations per- formed upon compound or applicate Numbers, and the Menfuration of Surfaces and Solids. T HE Numbers we have hitherto treated of are compofed of feveral integer Units, which for this Reaſon are called integer or whole Numbers, but it often happens that the Unit that has been adopted, or eſtabliſhed by Cuſtom, is too great to be contained once or ſeveral Times exactly in the Magnitude which is propoſed to be meaſured. In this Cafe the Computifts form fmaller Units that may meaſure exactly the propoſed Magnitude, that is, which may be contained in it once, or a certain Number of Times, exactly. I. To obtain Units fuitable to the Magnitude which is propofed to be meaſured; the Computiſts divide the principal Unit that has been adopt- Origin of ed into feveral equal Parts, which in general are called fractional Units, Fractions, and that receive their particular Denominations from the Number of Parts into which the principal Unit has been divided. For Example, if the principal Unit be divided into 2, or into 3, or into 4, or into 5 equal Parts, each Part is called 1 Half, or 1 Third, or I Fourth, or I Fifth ; and thofe Parts are fractional Units. A fractional Unit or a Collection of feveral equal fractional Units, is called a Fraction or broken Number. There are therefore two Numbers: required to reprefent a broken Number; viz. a Number to denote the Species of the fractional Unit, that is, to fhew into how many equal Parts the principal Unit has been divided, and another Number to denote how many Times thoſe new Units are repeated. To diftinguish thofe two Numbers, the Computiſts place ope above the other, with a Line drawn betwixt them, placing under the Line Notation of the Number which denotes into how many equal Parts the principal Fractions. Unit has been divided, and which confequently denotes the Species of the fractional Unit; and placing above the Line, the Number which de- notes how often the fractional Unit is taken. 7 For Example, is a Fraction or broken Number, the inferior Num- 8 I ber (8) denotes that the principal Unit has been divided into 8 equal Parts, and that confequently each Part is the 1 Eighth of the principal Unit; and the fuperior Number (7) denotes that there are 7 of thoſe new Units; ſo that the Fraction denotes 7 Eighths of the Unit or Quanti 7 पु ty that has been taken for Unit. 54 ELEMENTS OF The different fpecies of fractions. How a whole Num- 7 · 7 As the fractional Unit receives its Denomination from the inferior Number of the Fraction, it is called the Denominator, and becauſe the fuperior Number denotes the Number of thoſe new Units, it is called the Numerator. Thus in the Fraction the inferior Number (8) which repreſents Eighths, is the Denominator, and the fuperior Number (7) which denotes that there are 7 of thoſe Units called Eighths, is the Numerator. 8 The Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction are called the two Terms of this Fraction; the Numerator is called the firft Term, and the Denominator is called the fecond Term: 'FI. The Computifts diftinguiſh two Sorts of broken Numbers; abftract broken Numbers, and concrete or applicate broken Numbers. The broken Numbers, fuch as which denote 1 Fourth, 2 Fifths, 1 2 5 2 , ...4 5 6 5 Sixths, that are not applied to number any Species of Things are called abſtract or abfolute broken Numbers. Broken Numbers that are applied to Number the Parts of any Thing, are called concrete or appli- cate broken Numbers. For Example, Pound, Foot, Hour, I 4 2 5 -5 6 which denote one fourth of a Pound, two Fifths of a Foot, five Sixths of an Hour, are concrete or applicate broken Numbers. It is manifeft that all broken Numbers, whether abſtract or concrete, may be conſidered as Species of integer Numbers, having for principal Units their particular fractional Units. III. * A Fraction may be alfo confidered as the Quotient of a Divifion, of which the Numerator is the Dividend, and the Denominator the Divi- for. For Example, the Fraction may be confidered as the Quoti- 7 8 1 tient of 7 divided by 8. For to divide 7 by 8 is to take the eighth Part of 7, but to take the eighth Part of 7 the eighth Part of each of the Units which compofe 7 must be taken: and as each Unit will give 1 Eighth, for its eighth Part; 7 Units will give 7 Eighths, that is, the Fraction for their eighth Part. Whence the Fraction ~7 8 7 is the Quotient of 7 divided by 8. 8 As a Number is not changed when multiplied and divided by the fame ber is chang- Quantity; being rendered fo much leſs by Divifion, as it is increaſed by Multiplication, it is manifeft that an Integer may be changed into a Fracti- on; by multiplying it by any Number for to make a Numerator, and giving it this fame Number for a Denominator. ed into a fraction. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 55 whofe nu- merator and Since a Fraction is equal to the Quotient of the Divifion of its Nu- A fraction merator by its Denominator; it is manifeft that it is equal to an integer Unit, when its Numerator is equal to its Denominator, for the Denomi- denomina- nator will be contained once in its Numerator. IV. Since by multiplying or by dividing the Dividend and Diviſor of a Divifion, by a fame Quantity, the Value of the Quotient is not changed if the Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction be multiplied or divi- ded by the fame Quantity; the Value of the Fraction will not be chan- ged. 4 5 tor are e- qual, is an unit. The value of a fraction If, for Example, the Fraction be given, and the Numerator 4 and the Denominator 5 be multiplied by 3 or by 4, there will refult a new Fraction 12 or of the fame Value as the firſt. And recipro- ged by mul 15 16 20 cally, if the Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction 5 12 IS is not chan tiplying its numerator be divided, and deno- by a fame Number for Example,by 3, there will refult a new Fraction which will be equal to the firſt 12. 15 5 By dividing the Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction by a fame Quantity it is rendered more fimple, and fo much the more fo, as the Quantity by which it is divided is greater; and when the two Terms of a Fraction are divided by their greateſt common Divifor, the Fracti- - on which reſults whofe two Terms can no more be divided by a fame Quantity, is faid to be reduced to its loweft. Terms.. V. minator by the fame quantity, their lowest.. terms. To reduce a Fraction to its loweſt Terms, without altering its Value, Method of the greater Term muſt be divided by the leffer; and if there is no Re- reducing mainder, the leffer Term will be manifeftly the greateſt common Divi- fractions to for of the two Terms of the Fraction. If there is a Remainder, the leſ- fer Term must be divided by this Remainder, and if there is no Remain- der, the Remainder of the firſt Divifion will be the greateſt common Divifor of the two Terms of the Fraction. • If this ſecond Divifion leaves a Remainder, the firft Remainder muſt be divided by the fecond, and the fecond by the third, and fo on conti- nually, dividing the laft Divifor by its Remainder, till there is no Remain- der left And then the laſt Divifor will be the greateſt common Divi- for of the two Terms of the Fraction, and by dividing the two Terms by this laft Divifor, the Fraction will be reduced to its lowest Terms. But if it should happen that the laſt Remainder fhould be Unit, then is the Fraction already expreffed by its moft fimple Terms. 56 ELEMENTS OF fractions to VI.. 2016 5796 Let it be propofed, for Example, to reduce the Fraction -to its low- eft Terms. The forego 1°. I divide the greateſt Term 5796 by the leffer 2016. The Di- ing method vifion being performed, there will remain 1764. 2°. I divide 2016 by of reducing the Remainder 1764; without attending to the Quotient, but only to their loweſt the Remainder 252. 3°. I divide the firft Remainder 1764, by the terms, ap fecond Remainder 252; and as there is no Remainder left after the Divi- plied to an example. fion, I conclude that the laft Divifor 252, will be the greateſt common Divifor of the two Terms of the Fraction 2016 5796 and dividing the two 8 Terms of this Fraction by 252, there refults the new Fraction 8 23 whoſe Terms cannot be rendered more fimple, and which will have the fame Value as the propofed Fraction 2016 VII. 5796 Grounds of The ground of this Operation is as follows: 1º By dividing the Deno- 2016 , the Quotient will be found to be 2 5796 Whence the Denominator 5796 is compoſed 1764, and the Fraction the forego minator by 2016 of the Fraction ing method. with a Remainder 1764. of two Parts 4032 and 2016 5796 may be reduced 2016 to this Form wherefore any Number that is the 2×2016 more 1764’ greateft common Divifor of the two Terms of the Fraction 2016 > 5796 will be the greatest common Divilor of 2X2016 and of 1764, which are the two Parts of the Denominator, and confequently ſhould be the great- eft common Diviſor of 2016 and of 1764. 2º By dividing 2016 by 1764 it will be found to be contained once with a Remainder 252, that is, 2016 is compofed of two Parts, of 1764 and of 252. Whence the Number which will be the greateſt Diviſor of 2016 and of 1764 will be alfo a Diviſor of 252. But 252 is the greatest Divifor of 252, and divides 1764 exactly: It will there- fore alſo divide 2016 which is the Sum of 252 and of 1764, and will be alſo a Diviſor of twice 2016, that is, of 2×2016. The Number 252. being a Divifor of 2X2016 and of 1764, will be alfo a Divifor of their Sum 5796, and will confequently divide the Numerator and Denomina- 2016 tor of the Fraction Moreover, 252 is the greatest common Di- 5796* viſor of 2016 and of 5796; fince the common Divifor of thoſe two Numbers ſhould be a Divifor of 252. 7 57 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. { VIII. terms. There is another Method of reducing a Fraction to its lowest Terms, Another more eaſy, and upon feveral Occafions, more commodious than the method of reducing foregoing. 1. If the Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction are fractions to even Numbers, they may be both divided by 2, till one of thoſe two their lowest Terms becomes an odd Number. 2°. If the two Terms end by 5, they may be divided by 5, till one of them ceaſes to end by 5. 3°. When the two Terms of the Fraction are odd Numbers, and do not end by 5, Tryal may be made to divide them by 3, till one of them ceafes to be divifible by 3; afterwards Tryal may be made to divide the two new Terms by 7, then by 11, afterwards by 13, 17, 19, 23; and fo on by all the Numbers that have no other Divifors but themſelves and Unity. In fine, when one of the Terms is no more divſible, or when the two Terms can be no more divided by a fame Quantity, the Fraction will be reduced to its lowest Terms. IX. Let it be propofed, for Example, to reduce the Fraction to its low. eft Terms. 2016 3780 1008 I divide the two Terms which are even by 2, and there reſults 1890 The fore- I divide again by 2 the two new Terms, which are alfo even Numbers, going me- thod appli- and there refults I then divide thofe two Terms by 3, and there ed to an ex- ample. refults 168 315 504 945 Dividing again by 3, there reſults 56 105 Dividing after- 8 wards by 7, I find. And this Fraction will at Length be the 15 Fraction reduced becauſe its Numerator 8, cannot be divided but by 2, or by a Multiple of 2, and its Denominator 15 cannot be divided by. 2. ¸ X. If the two Terms of the Fraction have Cyphers to their right Hand, The fore- it is manifeſt that an equal Number may be fuppreffed in thoſe two Terms; going me- thod appli becauſe each Term will be divided by 10 each Time a Cypher is fup-ed to ane. preffed. Thus to reduce the Fraction 3150 to its lowest Terms, I first divide 11400 the two Terms by 10, by fupprefling in each of them the Cypher that occupies the Place of the fimple Units, and there refults 315 1140° Then becauſe the new Numerator ends by 5, and is confequently divisible by 5, as alſo the new Denominator which ends by a Cypher, I divide by 3, and there reſults I afterwards divide by 3, and there refults 63 228 2. H 21 76 ther ex- ample. 58 ELEMENTS OF And this Fraction 21 Method of any two mination, 76 1 will be reduced to its loweſt Terms; ſince the Nu- merator 21 is diviſible only by 7 or by 3, and the Denominator 76 is divifible neither by one or the other. XI. To reduce two Fractions to the fame Denominator without altering reducing the Value of thoſe Fractions; having reduced them to their lowest fractions to Terms (if they are not fo already) the Numerator and Denominator of the famede the first Fraction must be multiplied by the Denominator of the Second, and the Numerator and Denominator of the ſecond by the Denominator of the first, whence will refult two other Fractions of the fame Value with the two first; (Art. iv.) having the fame Denominator, fince the De- nominator of each of them will be the Product of the Denominators of the two firft Fractions. Application of this me- " XII. Let it be propofed, for Example, to reduce to the fame Denomination the ·Fractions — and 5. 2 .3 7 1º. I multiply the two Terms 2 and 3 of the firſt Fraction, by the 3 thod to an Denominator 7 of the fecond, and there refults a new Fraction 14 example. 21 equal to the firſt 2 3 cond Fraction 5 20. I multiply the two Terms 5 and 7 of the fe- by the Denominator 3 of the firft, and there refults General A 7 15 a new Fraction equal to the ſecond. 21 7 5 By this Means the two propofed Fractions and without hav- 2 3 7 ing changed their Value will be reduced to the two Fractions 14 and .15 -21 21 which have each for Denominator the Product of the Denomiators 3 and 7 of the propoſed Fractions. XII. To reduce any Number of Fractions to the fame Denominator; being method of reduced to their loweft Terms, 10. All the Denominators of the Frac- reducing tions must be multiplied into one another, and the Product will be the any number of fractons Denominator that all the Fractions reduced to the fame Denomination fhould have. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 59 1 20. To obtain the Numerator of the first of the Fractions that are to the fame denomina- propoſed to be reduced to the fame Denomination, the Denominators of tor. all the Fractions, except that of the firſt, muſt be multiplied into one another, and the Product that arifes multiplied by the Numerator of the firft will be the Numerator of this firft Fraction reduced. To obtain the Numerator of the fecond Fraction reduced, all the Denominators except that of the fecond, must be multiplied into one another, and the Product that refults multiplied by the Numerator of the ſecond will be the Numerator of this fecond Fraction reduced; and in like Manner the Numerators of the other Fractions will be found. XIV. Let it be propofed, for Example, to reduce to the fame Denomination the four Fractions —, —,,, Ι 2 6 2 3 5 7 Application n I multiply into one another all their Denominators 2, 3, 5, 7; and the Product 210, will be the new Denominator, which ſhould be com of this Me mon to all the Fractions. 105. 210 thod to an To obtain the Numerator of the firft of the new Fractions; I multi- Example.. ply into one another all the Denominators, except the firſt (2), that is, I multiply together the three Denominators, 3, 5, 7; and the Product that arifes 105 by the Numerator 1 of the firft Fraction, and the Product 105, will be the Numerator of the firſt Fraction, which will become To obtain the Numerator of the fecond new Fraction; I multiply into one another all the Denominators except the fecond (3), that is, I multiply together the three Denominators 2, 5, 7, which produce 70; I afterwards multiply 70 by the Numerator 2 of the fecond propofed Fraction, and the Product 140 will be the Numerator of the fecond new Fraction 140 In like Manner I find the Numerators of the two other Fractions 210. I 168 180 which will be 210 210 Whence the four Fractions 1 2 2. 3 105 140 168 180 4 } 5 77 9 reduced to the fame Denomination will be XV. 210 210 210 210 T By the foregoing Method any Number of Fractions may be reduced to the fame Denominator without altering their Value, but thofe Frac- Inconveni tions will not always be reduced to as low Terms as they might be, and retain ftill a common Denominator. 1º. If among the Fractions reduced to their loweſt Terms, fuch as the following I 2 6. 3 5 7 ; there are not ſeveral whofe Denomina- cyto ency which this foregoing Method of of reducing s бо ELEMENTS OF * fractions be tors have a common Divifor: When thofe Fractions will be reduced to the fame de- nomination the fame Denomination; the new Fractions is liable. 105 140 168 180 210 210' 210 210 , that refult cannot be reduced to lower Terms and retain ſtill a common Denominator. 2º. If among the Fractions which are fuppofed reduced to their low Method of eft Terms, there are feveral whofe Denominators have common Divi- remedying this inconve-fors: When all theſe Fractions are reduced to the fame Denomination, niency ac- they may be reduced to lower Terms, and retain ftill a common Deno- cording to minator, by dividing their Numerators and the common Denominator by the common Divifor fo many Times lefs one as there are Denominators to which thoſe Divifors are common in the firſt Fractions. For Example, if thoſe four Fractions were given —, ——, 2 the two different cafes that may occur. I I 4 I I 7 reduced to their loweſt Terms, among which are three whofe Denomi- Example of the art cafe nators 2, 4, 6, are diviſible by 2: When all thoſe Fractions are reduced 168 84 56 48 336 336 to the fame Denomination, and become 336 3369 the Numerator of each of them and the common Denominator may be divided twice fucceffively by 2, which will reduce them to the follow- 42 21 I 4 12 ing ones 84 84 84 84 , XVI. When the Divifors of the Denominators are compofite Numbers, if their Factors are common to a greater Number of Denominators, they should be employed, as Diviſors, preferably to thoſe compofite Di- Example of viſors. the fecond mfc. I I 1 I If thofe four Fractions • were propofed, which 2 4 12 I I I I > may be reduced to this Form. 2 2X2 2X3 2X2X3 Though the Denominators 2×2, 2X2X3 of two of them are divisible by the compofite Divifor 2X2; I do not make Ufe of this compofite Divifor, becauſe the ſimple Divifor 2 is common to a greater Number of Deno- minators than the compofite one 2X2: And I obferve, 1. That the four Denominators 2, 2X2, 2X3 2X2X3 are divifible by 2, and may be reduced to 1, 2, 3, 2X3. 2º. That of thoſe four Terms reduced by Divifion, there are two, viz. 2 and 2×3 ſtill diviſible by 2, fo that thoſe four Terms are reducible to I, 1, 3, 3. 3°. Laftly, that thofe four new Terms, ftill include two, viz. 3 and 3, which are divifible by 3. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 6I 1 Whence the four propoſed Fractions when redu- I I 2 등, 1 12' ced to the fame Denominator, and are transformed into 288 144 2 576' 576' 96 48 may be reduced to lower Terms and ftill retain a com- 576 576 mon Denominator, by dividing their Numerators and Denominators, three Times fucceffively by 2, or once only by 8, then once by 2, and 6 3 laftly once by 3, which will reduce thofe Fractions to 12 12' 2 I which cannot be reduced to lower Terms, and retain a com- mon Denominator. 12 12 XVII. The Operations performed upon Fractions will often produce other Reduction Fractions whofe Numerators will be greater than their Denominators. of improper And fince a Fraction is equal to a whole Unit when its two Terms are fractions equal, thofe Fractions will contain as many integer Units as the De- nominators are contained in their Numerators. Whence to find the Number of integer Units contained in a Fraction; the Numerator must be divided by the Denominator, and the Quotient of this Divifion will be the Number of integer Units contained in the Frac- tion. And the Remainder of the Divifion, if there be any, will be the Numerator of a Fraction having the Diviſor for Denominator. 18 4 For Example, being a propofed Fraction; I divide the Nu- Example merator 18 by the Denominator 4, and there reſults for Quotient 4 in- teger Units with a Remainder 2; and this Remainder being divided by the Denominator 4 will give the Fraction which is reduced to I 2 2 4 I fo that the Fraction will be changed into 4 Units and —• 18 4 XVIII. 2 The foregoing Reductions of Fractions are neceffary to prepare them for Addition and Subtraction, for we can really add together, or fubtract one from the other only Quantities which conſiſt of Units of the fame Species. Whence Fractions cannot be added together or fubtra&ed one from the other, but when their fractional Units are the fame; and then they must have the fame Denominator. 62 ELEMENTS OF XIX. 1º. If the Fractions which are propoſed to be added have the fame Dno- Addition of minator; their Sum will be obtained by forming a new Fraction of the the fame de-fame Denominator, and having for Numerator, the Sum of their Nume- nomination. rators. fractions of } For Example, if the Fractions 3 7 6 " 7 7 which have the fame Denominator 7, were to be added together; I confider them as con- crete Numbers, whofe principal Units are Sevenths; and I fay 3 Sevenths and 4 Sevenths is 7 Sevenths which joined to 6 Sevenths make 13 Sevenths, Example. which I fet down thus 3: That is, I add together the three Numera- 13 7 tors 3, 4, 6, and fubfcribe under their Sum 13, the Denominator 7 common to all the Fractions added together; and there refults for the Sum required. 13 7 2º. If the Fractions to be added together have not the fame Deno- Addition of minator: They must be reduced to the fame Denomination, and thofe fractions of new Fractions added, as in the former Caſe. different de- nominations For Example, if the Fractions, - · 3 2 4 6 5' 7 were propoſed to 140 168 180 Example. > 105 be added together; I transform them into 210 210 210 2109 which have the fame Denominator. I then add together their Nume- rators 105, 140, 168, 180, and fubfcribing under their Sum 593 the Denominator 210, there will refult the Fraction equal to the Sum 105 140 168 180 of the Fractions propofed ones. > 210 210 210 210 593 210 which are equal to the four XX. From the Addition of feveral Fractions, there often refults a Frac- tion whofe Numerator is greater than the Denominator. Such a Frac- tion being greater than the principal Unit, fhould be reduced to the integers it contains, and to a Fraction that it may contain befides. For Example, having found that the Sum of the three Fractions 3 4 is, whofe Numerator 13 contains the Denominator 7 > 7 7 7 7 once with a Remainder 6, whence this Fraction 6 13 7 may be divided in- to thoſe two others Zand 91 and confequently will be equivalent to 1 7 7 6 and 3 63 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. XXI. of the fame To fubtract one Fraction from another, 1°. If they have the fame De- Subtraction nominator, it ſuffices to deduct the Number of fractional Units of the of fractions one from the Number of the fractional Units of the other, fince their denomina- fractional Units are equal. Now the Numerators of the Fractions ex-tion. preſs the Number of fractional Units they contain; wherefore the Re- mainder of the Subtraction will be obtained, by deducting the Numera- tor of one from the Numerator of the other, and fubfcribing under the Remainder the Denominator common to the two Fractions; becauſe the Units remaining after the Subtraction fhould be of the fame Species as thoſe of the Number from which the Subtraction has been made. For Example, if it was propoſed to deduct from I fubtract 2 2 9 8 9 from 8, and under the Remainder 6, I fubfcribe the common Denomi- nator 9; and there refults for the Remainder of the Subtraction the Fraction which may be reduced to the Fraction 2 6 9 3 20. If the propofed Fractions have different Denominators, they muft Subtraction be reduced to the fame Denomination, and then deducted one from the of fractions other as in the foregoing Cafe. For Example, if it was propoſed to of different fubtract from =; I firſt reduce thoſe two Fractions to the ſame 2 3 6 7 14 21 18 21 و Denomination, whereby they will be transformed into and then fubtracting the Numerator 14 from the Numerator 18, I fubfcribe under the Remainder 4 the Denominator 21 ; and there reſults for the Re- 4 mainder of the Subtraction. XXII. 21 The Multiplications and Divifions of Fractions by Fractions, being Operations compofed of the Multiplication and Divifion of Fractions by whole Numbers, before we proceed to treat of the Multiplication and Divifion of Fractions by Fractions, it will be convenient to. explain the Multiplication and Divifion of Fractions by whole Numbers XXIII. denomina- tions. whole num- To multiply a Fraction by a whole Number, for Example, by 2, or Multiplica- by 3, or by 4, &c. is to repeat it twice or three Times, or four Times, tion of frac- &c. or in general as often as the Multiplicator contains Unity: confe- tions by quently it is to make a Fraction twice or three Times or four Times, &c. bers. greater than the propoſed Fraction. Now this Operation may be per- formed two different Ways, either by operating on the Numerator only, or by operating on the Denominator only. } 64 First me thod. ELEMENTS OF 10. If it be propofed to operate only on the Numerator, the Nume- rator of the propoſed Fraction muſt be multiplied by the whole Number which is to ferve as Multiplicator; and fubfcribing under this Product the Denominator of the propofed Fraction, there will refult a new Frac- tion, which will be the Product required; as will appear by the follow- ing Example. 2 If it was propoſed to multiply the Fraction by 4; I confider the 9 Example of Multiplicand 2 as a concrete Number (2 Ninths) which is to be repeat- this first Method. Second me thod. 9 ed 4 Times; whence I fay 4 Times 2 Ninths is 8 Ninths, which I fet down thus : that is, I multiply the Numerator 2 by 4, and ſubſcribe 8 9 under the Product 8 the fame Denominator 9; which will give 8 for the Product required. 9 2º. If it be propoſed only to operate on the Denominator, this Deno- minator muſt be divided by the propoſed Multiplicator; and fubfcribing the Quotient under the Numerator of the Fraction to be multipled; the new Fraction that will refult from this Operation, will be the Pro- du& required, as will appear by the following Example, 5 Let it be propoſed to multiply by 2: I divide the Denominator 12 12 5 Example of by 2, and there refults a new Fraction for the Product ariſing from this fecond Method. 5 12 the Multiplication of by 2. 6 For the principal Unit being divided into twice more Parts in the Frac- 5 6 tion than in the Fraction 12 5 944 the fractional Units of the Frac- 5 tion will be double of thofe of the Fraction 6 5 And as thoſe frac 12 5 tions confiſt of the fame Number of Parts, it is manifeſt that will be double of 12. 6 As it is always poffible to multiply one Number by another, and that one Number cannot always be divided by another without a Remain- der; it will always be poffible to perform the Multiplication of a Frac- tion by a whole Number, by multiplying its Numerator by this whole Number, but not by dividing its Denominator by this whole Number. • NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 65 XXIV. Fractions To divide a Fraction by a whole Number, for Example, by 2, or by Divifion of 35 or by 4, &c. is to form a new Fraction which will be twice, or 3 by whole Times, or 4 Times, &c. lefs than the Fraction propofed to be divided. Numbers. Now this Operation may be performed two different Ways; by ope- rating on the Numerator only, or by operating only on the Denominator. 1" If it be propofed to operate only on the Numerator: the Numerator First Me of the propofed Fraction must be divided by the whole Number which thod is to ſerve as Divifor; and fubfcribing under the Quotient the Denomi- explained nator of the propofed Fraction, there will refult a new Fraction which by an Ex- will be the Qotient required. As will appear by the following Example. Let it be propoſed to divide the Fraction by 4, I confider the Dividend 8 9 8 9. as a concrete Number which reprefents 8 Ninths; and to divide it by 4, I lay the fourth Part of 8 Ninths is manifeftly 2 Ninths Wherefore the Fraction found by di- which I fet down thus viding the Numerator 8 2 8 9.. 9 by 4, is manifeftly the Quotient of the Frac- tion divided by the whole Number 45- 9 ample. thod 2º. If it be propoſed to operate only on the Denominator; the Denominator of the Fraction must be multiplied by the propofed Second Me- Divifor and fubfcribing the Product under the Numerator of the explained propoſed Fraction; the new Fraction that refults will be the by an Ex- Quotient required. : → - 6 7. For Example, if it was propofed to divide the Fraction — by 4; without medling with its Numerator 6, I multiply only its Denomina- tor 7 by 4; and there refults the Fraction for the Quotient of the- 6 Fraction — divided by 4. ་ 7 6 28 For the principal Unit being divided into four Times more Parts in 6 the Fraction than in the Fraction, the fractional Units of the 6 28 Fraction will be only the fourth Parts of thofe of the Fraction 6 7 28 and as thoſe two Fractions confift of the fame Number of Parts, 6 that, 28 whofe Parts are four Times lefs will be contained four Times in the other 6 윽, that is, as often as there are Units in the Divifor 4. ample. 66 ELEMENTS OF. f The fecond As it is always poffible to multiply the Denominator of a Fraction by Method not a whole Number, and it often happens that its Numerator can not be di- always prac- vided exactly without a Remainder: it is manifeit that a Fraction can al- ticable. ways be divided by a whole Number, by multiplying its Denominator by this whole Number, but not by dividing its Numerator by this whole Number. Multiplica tion by Fractions. XIV. 1 To multiply any Magnitude by a Fraction, is to multiply this Quan- tity by its Numerator, and afterwards divide it by its Denominator, For let it be propofed, for Example, to multiply any propoſed Magnitude 2 by, if inſtead of multiplying it by the Fraction —, it had been multiplied by the Numerator; the Product arifing would be triple of the one required, fince the propofed Quantity has been multiplied by a Number triple of the given Multiplicator: confequently the third Part of this Product muſt be taken, that is, it must be divided by the Denominator 3, in order to reduce it to its juſt Value. 2 3 Whence it follows that the Multiplication by a Fraction, whofe Nu- merator is Unity, is really a Divifion by the Denominator of this Frac- tion. For Example, the Multiplications by,,, &c. are really Divifions by the Denominators 2, 3, 4 &c. of thefe Fractions. For to multiply by → .1 ·I or by or by, we muſt firſt multiply 3 by Unity, which will not alter the Quantity multiplied; and after- wards divide by 2, or by 3, or by 4. XXVI. The Multiplication of a Fraction by a Fraction may be performed Four diffe- four different Ways, three of which are confined to particular Cafes, rent Me- but the fourth is applicable to every Cafe. thods of multiplying 1. A Fraction may be multipled by a Fraction, by operating only on a Fraction the Numerator of the Multiplicand, and confequently without altering by a Fracti- the Denominator of this Fraction. en. 2º. A Fraction may be multiplied by a Fraction, by operating only on the Denominator of the multiplicand, and confequently without alter- ing the Numerator of this Fraction. 3. A Fraction may be multiplied by a Fraction, by operating on the two Terms of the Multiplicand, by Means of Divifion. 4°. A Fraction may be multiplied by a Fraction by operating on the two Terms of the firft, by Means of Multiplication. We shall explain thofe different Methods of multiplying a Fraction by a Fraction, in the following Articles. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK 67 } XXVII. ed by an To multiply a Fraction by a Fraction, by operating only on the Nu- Firft Me- merator of the Fraction which is confidered as the Multiplicand; the thod explain Numerator of the Multiplicand must be multiplied by the Numerator Example. of the Multiplicator; and this Product being divided by the Denomi- nator of the Multiplicator, and under the Quotient the Denominator of the Multiplicand being fubfcribed; there will refult a Fraction equal to the Product required, as will appear by the following Example. 9 9 Let it be required to multiply by; the Fraction being con- 10 3 10 fidered as a concrete Number 9 Tenths, I first multiply it by the Nume- rator 2 of the Multiplicator, faying: twice 9 Tenths is 18 Tenths or 18 10 3 but by multiplying by 2, I multiplied by a Number 3 Times too- 2 -which is the great; fince it ſhould have been only multiplied by 3 third Part of 2. Wherefore the Produ& 18 Tenths is alfo three Times too great; I therefore take the third Part of it, or divide it by 3; and there refults 6 Tenths or 2 9 for the real Product of multiplied by. 6 10 XXVIII. - 10 2 3 To multiply a Fraction by a Fraction by operating only on the De- nominator of the Fraction which is confidered as the Multiplicand: the Second Denominator of the Multiplicand must be divided by the Numerator of Method the Multiplicator; and the Quotient multiplied by the Denominator of explained the Multiplicator; and this Produ& being fubfcribed under the Nume- by an Ex- ample, rator of the Multiplicand; there will refult a Fraction equal to the Pro- duct of the two Fractions which were to be multiplied one by the other; as will appear by the following Example. IQ ; 3 Let it be propoſed to multiply the Fraction by by dividing the Denominator 10 of the firſt Fraction by the Numerator 2 of the fecond, the first Fraction will be multiplied by 2; (Art. xx111.) conſequently 9 10 the Fraction that refults will be triple of the one required, fince the 5 Multiplicand, has been multiplied by has been multiplied by 2 which is triple of 10 the Fraction by which it ſhould have been multiplied; this Pro- 3 68 ELEMENTS OF duct therefore ſhould be divided by 3 which is the Denominator of 5 - the Fraction. But by multiplying the Denominator of the Pro- 5 ・3 by 3, this Product will be divided by 3 (Art. XXIV.) Wherefore duct the Fraction that refults 9. $5 multiplied by. will be the real Product of the Fraction ? 10 XXIX. Third Method explained by an Example. Fourth Method explained by an 1 { * To multiply 2 Fraction by a Fraction, by operating on the two Terms of the Fraction which is confidered as the Multiplicand, by Means of Divifion. The Denominator of the first must be divided by the Numerator of the fecond, and the Numerator of the first by the Denominator of the fecond; and from thoſe two Operations there will refult a Fraction equal to the Product required. 9 10 3 Let it be propoſed to multiply by: I first divide the Denomi- nator 10 of the firft Fraction by the Numerator 2 of the Second, and by this Operation the Fraction will be multiplied by 2. (Art. xx111;) ✔ 9 ΤΟ but the Produ&will be triple of the one required; fince the Num- -5 ber 2 by which I multiplied, is triple of by which I ſhould have multi- 5 3 plied. This Produ&t 2 which I confider as a concrete Number 9 Fifths, fhould therefore be divided by 3; whence I fay the third Part of 9 Fifths is 3 Fifths or 3, and this Fraction will be the ProduЯ re- quired. XXX. 5 To multiply a Fraction by a Fraction, by operating on the two Terms of the Fraction confidered as the Multiplicand, by Means of Multiplica- tion, the Numerator of the first Fraction must be multiplied by that of Example. fecond, and the Denominator of the firft by that of the fecond: and the Fraction that reſults having for Numerator the Product of the two Numerators, and for Denominator the Produ& of the two Denomina- tors, will be the Product required. Let it be required to multiply by: I confider the Multipli- NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. ég cand 9 10 as a concrete Number 9 Tenths, and multiply it firft by the Numerator 2 of the Multiplicator, faying: twice Tenths is 18 18 9 Tenths or 15; this Product will be triple of the one required, becauſe the Number 2 by which I multiplied, is triple of the Fraction 18 3 by which I ſhould have multiplied: the Product therefore must be ΙΟ 2 3 divided by the Denominator 3 of the Multiplicator to reduce it to its juft Value: which is effected by multiplying the Denominator 10 by 3, (Art. xxiv.) which will give the Fraction for the Product required. XXXI 18 30 As a whole Number may be confidered as a Fraction of which it is the Numerator, and Unity the Denominator: when a whole Number The Multi is propofed to be multiplied by a Fraction, this Operation may be re- plication of duced to the Multiplication of a Fraction by a Fraction. For Éxample, Number by if it be propoſed to multiply 3 by; this Multiplication may be re-is the fame 3 duced to that of by 2 and 2. 5 5 4 ; and there will refult for Product 12 5 5 a whole a Fraction as the Mul- tiplication or of a Fractic Whence the Multiplication of a whole Number by a Fraction, for Example, of 3 by is the fame as the Multiplication of a Fraction by 4 3× is equal to 4×3 or X ·+x3. a whole Number 3. For 3x — or× XXXII I 5 5 To divide by a Fraction, is to divide by its Numerator, and after- wards to multiply by its Denominator. For let any Quantity (for Ex- ample) be propoſed to be divided by the Fraction 3 4 Let it first be di- on by a whole Num ber. Io what conffts the by Divifion by vided by the Numerator 3 of this Fraction: this Divifior being 4 Times too great, fince it was propofed to divide only by the fourth Part of 3, a Fraction will give a Quotient 4 Times too little; confequently this Quotient muſt be multiplied by the Denominator 4 of the fame Fraction, to reduce it to its juſt Value. } " 70 NUMERAL ARITHMETIC K. From whence it follows 12 that the Divifion by a Fraction, for Ex- ample, by 2, is reduced to a Multiplication by the converfe Fraction 4, 39 4 for the divifion by the Fraction, is performed by dividing by 3 The Divis- and afterwards multiplying by 4: now the Multiplication by the con- on by a Fraction verfe Fraction is performed by precifely the fame Operations; that reduced to & Multipli On, 4 3. is, (Art. xxv.) by multiplying by 4 and dividing by 3. It follows 2°. that the divifion by a Fraction whofe Numerator is Unity, is really a Multiplication by the Denominator of this Fraction. For to divide by the Fractions, &c. is to multiply by the converfe Fractions, 2, 4, &c. that is, by the whole Numbers 2, 3, 4, &c. XXXIII. The Divifion of a Fraction by a Fraction may be performed two dif ferent Ways. 1. Since the Divifion by a Fraction is reduced to a Mul- tiplication by the converfe Fraction; when a Fraction is propoſed to be divided by a Fraction, for Example, if 2 9 was propoſed to be divided 20 Firſt Me. by, it ſuffices to invert the Terms of the Divifor 3, to obtain its thod of. 4. 9 dividing a converfe 4: and afterwards multiply the Dividend by this con- Fraction by 1 Fraction. 3. 20 verfe of the Divifor, and the Product that arifes 36 4 3. 9 or will: 60 15. 3 be the Quotient of the Fraction-divided by the Fraction 20 · 2º. If the Dividend and Divifor have the fame Denominator or are reduced to the fame Denominator; the Divifion may be performed by dividing the Numerator of the Dividend by the Numerator of the Di-- vifor; or elfe by forming a new Fraction having for Numerator the Nu- merator of the firft Fraction, and for Denominator the Numerator of Method of the fecond Fraction, the Fraction refulting from this Operation being the Fraction by Quotient of the Divifion of the Dividend by the Divifor. a Fraction. Second- dividing a រ 8: 9. Let 19 the Fraction be propoſed to be divided by the Fraction; I confider thefe two Fractions as concrete Numbers 8 Ninths, 41 whoſe fractional Units are Ninths; whereby the Divifion of Ninths 8 by ୨ 9 ELEMENTS OF 78 will be reduced to find how often the Dividend 8 Ninths, contains the Divifor 4 Ninths, which is effected by dividing the Number 8 of the frac- tional Units of the Dividend by the Number 4 of the fracional Units of the Divifor, that is, by dividing the Numerator 8 of the Dividend 8 9' by the Numerator 4 of the Divifor ; which will give the whole Number 2 for the Quotient required. 4 9 9 8 9 or the 2º. If it had been propoſed to divide the Fraction by 5, concrete Number 4 Ninths by the concrete Number of the lame Spe- cies 8 Ninths; the Number 4 of the Fractional Units of the Dividend must be divided by the Number 8 of the Fractional Units of the Diviſor, which will give for Quotient the Fraction having for Nu- merator the Numerator of the Dividend, and for Denominator the Numerator of the Divifor 8 XXXIV. The diffe vitions of and the As the principal Unit is divided into feveral Fractional Units, fo a Fraction confidered as a collective Unit may be divided into ſeveral equal Parts, which are called Fractional Units of a Fraction; and a Quantity confifting of one or feveral Fractional Units is called a Fraction of a Fraction. For Example, if the Fraction confidered as an Unit be divided into three equal Parts; each Part which is only one third of the rent Subdi Fraction, will be a fractional Unit of a Fraction, and the Quan- Fractions tity confifting of one or feveral of thofe fractional Units is called Fraction of a Fraction. To exprefs a Fraction of a Fraction, two Fractions are required fe- parated by the Word of. For Example, to repreſent the two Thirds of the Fraction, it is fet down thus which expreffes 2 Thirds of Sixths. The Denominator 3 of the first Fraction denot- ing into how many Parts the fecond Fraction is divided; and the Nume- rator of the firſt Fraction denoting how many of thoſe Parts of the Frac tion are taken. 2 3 of 동, a Manner of expreffing them. As a Fraction may be divided into ſeveral equal Parts, one or ſeveral of which form a Fraction of a Fraction, in like Manner a Fraction of a Fraction may be divided into feveral equal Parts, one or feveral of which form a Fraction of a Fraction of a Fraction; and ſo on ad Infinitum, } 92. ELEMENTS OF All thoſe different Species of Fractions of Fractions are fet down one after the other, being feparated by the Article of. For Example, if the 2 of the Fraction be taken, it is expreffed thus, the two Thirds of 3 2 five ſixths, and ſet down thus of, and if the three Fourths of 3 this Fraction be taken, it is expreffed thus, the three Fourths of two A Fraction Thirds of five Sixths, and fet down thus of a Ai. on is equa to the Pro- duct arifing from the Multiplica- tion of the XXXV. 2 of of 동. 3 To determine the Value of a Fraction of a Fraction, let us take for Example the Fraction of a swo Practi- the one Third of five Sixths. ons by 2 Fraction of, which repreſents twice 3 Now the one Third of is obtained is one Third of which it is by dividing this Fraction by 3: confequently twice the expreſſed. ༨ will be obtained by dividing it by 3, and multiplying the Quotient by 2; - A Fraction: of a Fracti- that is, by multiplying one by the other, the two Denominators and the the famways two Numerators of the Fractions is whatever 2 and; wherefore a Fraction of 3 Way the a Fraction is equal to the Product arifing from the Multiplication of the two Fractions by which it is expreffed. Fractions by which it is expreífed Since a Fraction of a Fraction is the Product of the two Fractions by are arrang- which it is expreſſed, and this Product will be always the fame in what- 2 ever Order thofe Fractions are multiplied, it is manifeft that ed. A Fraction of a Fracti is equal to of 2. on of a Fraction, &c. is equal to a Fraction having for 3. of y le 3 6 XXXVI. Since a Fraction of a Fraction of a Fraction, E. g. 3 2 of 2 of 2 4 3 3 or of 18 and 4 Numerator is equal to the Fraction of a Fraction 3 of 2X5 the Produc of the Nu 3 10 meratork of that 2-of-18 is equal `to all the Frac tions by which it is and for deno Fraction of a Fraction 4 3×6 3X2X5 it follows that the Fraction of a 4x3x6 of is equal to the Fraction 3 2 of of 4 3 3X2X5 4X2x6 expreffed, and in general that a Fraction of a Fraction of a Fraction, &c. is equal minator the to a Fraction having for Numerator the Product of the Numerators of Product of all the Fractions by which it is expreffed, and for Denominator the = their Deno minators. Product of their Denominators. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. -73 XXXVII. If there was only one Kind of Unit for all Magnitudes of the fame Neceffity of Species; thofe Magnitudes could not be expreffed by Numbers with employing fufficient Accuracy, unles the Unit was very fmall; and in this Cafe the Units of Numbers requifite to exprefs the most ordinary Magnitudes would be ex- nominations ceffive, and confequently very inconvenient in Trade. different De for meafur- Kind of In Computations of Money, for Example, if the Farthing was al- ing the fame ways affumed for Unit, the Numbers reprefenting the different Sums Magnitudes. would be four Times greater than if the Penny was taken for Unit, and would be 48 Times greater than if the Shilling was taken for Unit, and 960 Times greater than if the Pound Sterling was taken for Unit. If the Pound Sterling was affumed for Unit, and no other was em- employed; all the poffible Sums could not be reckoned without omit- ting fuch as are lefs than the Pound Sterling, which though too confi- derable to be rejected; could not be attended to without dividing the Pound Sterling into different Parts, which would require a particular Knowledge of Fractions. 1 XXXVIII. To remedy thoſe two Inconveniencies, the Computifts employ Units The diffe- of different Degrees of Magnitude for meaſuring the fame Species of rent Kinds Quantities of Units em ployed in ures. In Computations of Money; they commonly employ four Sorts of Units, Money viz. the Pound Sterling, the Shilling, Penny and Farthing, they alſo em- Weights ploy for Units the Crown, the Guinea, and all the Coins current in Trade, and Mea- In Computations of Weights; the Units employed are the Pound, the Qunce, the Penny Weight, the Dram, the Scruple, the Grain; and in heavy Weights, the Stone, the hundred Weight, the Tun, &c. In Computations of Lineal Meafure; the Units employed are the Fathom, the Yard, the Foot, the Inch, the Line, the Ell, the Pole, &c. In Computations of Time; the Units employed are the Year, the Month, the Day, the Hour, the Minute, the Second, &c. the Week, which confifts of 7 Days, is alfo employed for Unit, and an Age which confifts of 100 Years. In Computations of Angles and of Arcs of Circles; the Units em- ployed are the Degree, the Minute, the Second, &c. the Signs each of which contain 30 Degrees are alfo employed for Units. In fine, for cal- culating each Species of Quantities, the Computifts employ for Untis fome of the known Parts of the fame Kind of Quantities. XXXIX. Value of Units em- ployed in The Value of the different Units, above mentioned, and the Charac- the different ters by which they are diftinguiſhed from each other are as follows. IN MONEY, 1. denotes Pounds Sterling, s. Shillings, d. Pence, and Money qrs. Farthings. Weights 2 K 74: ELEMENTS OF and Mea- fures, and the Charac- ters by which they are diſtin- guiſhed from each other. 1 Pound Sterling is equal to 20 Shillings, 1 Shilling to 12 Pence, and I Penny to 4 Farthings. IN WEIGHTS lb. denotes Pounds, oz. Ounces, dwt. Penny Weights, Scruples, 3. Drams, cut. hundred Weight. IN TROY WEIGHT ufed for weighing Gold, Silver, Seeds, Liquors, Bread, Medicines, &c. I Pound is equal to 12 Ounces, 1 Ounce to 20 Penny Weight, and I Penny Weight to 24 Grains. I - In compounding of Medicines, &c. 1 Pound is divided into 12 Ounces, 1 Ounce into 8 Drams, and I Dram into 3 Scruples, and 1 Scruple into 20 Grains. IN AVOIR-DU-POISE WEIGHT, ufed for weighing courſe and heavy Goods, fuch as grocery Wares, Pitch, Tar, Rofin, Wax, Tal- low, Flax, Hemp, &c. Copper, Tin, Iron, Lead, Steel, &c. 1 Tun is equal to 20 hundred Weight, I hundred Weight to 8 Stone, I Stone to 14 Pounds, and 1 Pound to 16 Ounces. I IN LINEAL MEASURE, F. denotes Fathoms, Y. Yards, f. Feet I. Inches, L. Lines, E. Ells. 1 Fathom is equal to 2 Yards, Inches, I Inch to 12 Lines, and 1-4 of a Yard. - Yard to 3 Feet, 1 Foot to 12 Line to 12 Points, Ell is equal to XL. In treating of the Addition of fimple Numbers, we defined Addition™ to be an Operation by which a Number is found equal to the Sum of fereral other Numbers. We proved afterwards that the Numbers to be added ſhould confift of Units of the fame Species, and that the Units of the Sum refulting from their Addition are of the fame Species. All which is likewife applicable to compound Numbers: for though the Units of all their Parts are not abfolutely the fame, they are reducible to fimilar Units; that is, a certain Number of Units of a lower Denomination, form an Unit of another Part of a higher Denomination. XLI. 1 Compound or applicate Numbers that are propofed to be added to-- Procefs of gether, muſt be ſet down one under the other; fo that all the Parts Addition of whofe Units are fimilar, may ftand in the fame Column; and all the Figures bers, of the fame Degree that are in decuple Proportion, may alſo ſtand under - mixt Num- one another. Then a Line being drawn under them, to ſeparate them from their Sum; all the Parts whofe Units are of the loweſt Denomi- nation muſt be firft added: and if their Sum contains one or feveral Units of the next fuperior Denomination; they must be retained to add them to thofe of the next Column; and what remains fet down under 'the Column that was added. The fame Operation being performed upon each Column, the Number under the Line will be the Sum re- quired of the compound Quantities which were propoſed to be added. r NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 75 XLII. To illuſtrate thofe Rules, we ſhall proceed to apply them to ſeveral Examples; in Money, affuming for Units the Pound Sterling, the Shilling, Penny and Farthing; in Weights, affuming for Units the Pound, the Ounce, Penny Weight and Grain; in lineal Menfuration, affurning for Units the Yard, the Foot, the Inch, and the Line. Thofe Examples well underſtood will be fufficient to fhew how thofe Rules are to be applied, for finding the Sum of any other Kind of compound Numbers. XLIII. Let it be propofed to find the Sum of the four following mix'd Numbers 3871. 125. 8d. 3qrs. 759/. 19s. Lid. 2qrs. 8961. 175. 10d. Iqrs. 45631, 19s. 9d. 3qrs. Having fet down thofe Numbers as in the Margin, 1°. I begin by adding the Farthings, as being the Units of the loweſt Denomination, faying 3 Farthings and 2qrs. is 5grs, and 1qrs. is 6qrs, and 3qrs. is 9qrs, and becauſe 9 qrs.con- tains twice 4qrs, which is 2d. and 1qrs, over. I fet down Iqrs. under the Line in the Column 1. d. qrs. 387 12 8 3 Addition of 759 19 II 2 17. 10 I 9 3 896 4563. 19 6608 10 4 .I 4 of Farthings, and retain 2d. to add them to the folowing Column. 2º. As the tens of Pence form no particular Species of Units, and that 12 d. is equal to 1 Shilling; I add together not only all the Pence, but alſo the tens of Pence; to find the Sum of the Pence. Saying: 2 Pence I retained from the Column of Farthings and 8d. is. 10d. and 11d. is 21d. and rod. is 31d. and 9 is 40d. and as 40d. contains three Times 12 Pence or 3 Shillings and 4d. over; I fet down 4 Pence in the Column of Pence, and I retain the 3 Shillings to add them to the following Column. 3º. Since 2 tens of Shillings is equal to 1 Pound Sterling, and that there are Units of Shillings which may amount to fome tens of Shillings; I add the Column of Shillings at twice, beginning by the Units place of the Shillings. And I find 30s, or 3 tens of Shillings, I therefore ſet down a Cypher in the Units place of Shillings, and retain 3 which I add to the tens of Shillings, whofe Sum is 7; and as 2 tens of Shillings is equal to one Pound Sterling, the 7 tens of Shillings will be equal to 31. 10s. I therefore fet down in the Column of tens of Shillings, and retain 31. Sterling to add them to the Pounds. 4°. Proceeding to the Column of fimple Pounds, I fay 3 Pounds I retained from the Column of tens of Shillings, and 77. is iol. and 97. is 197. and 67. is 251. and 37. is 281. which contains 2 tens of Pounds and 87. over: I therefore fet down 81. in the Units Place of the Pounds, and I retain 2 tens to add them to thofe of the following Column. And performing the Remainder of the Operation as explained in Addition of fimple Numbers, I find 66087. 10s. 4d. 1grs. for the Sum required. Pounds Shil lings and Pence explained by an Example. 76 ELEMENTS OF Addition of Pounds, Ounces, Penny and Grains explained by XLIV Let it be propofed to find the Sum of the four following mixt Numbers 47216. 1102. 19dwt. 22gr. 1438/b. 100%. 14diut. 21gr. 18det. 10gr. 3481b. 10oz. 17dwt. 9gr. lb. 472 1438 2568 348 25681b. 110%. f oz. dwt. gr.. II 19 22 ΙΟ 14 21' I f 18 10 IO 17 9 14. 4829 9 ΙΟ Having fet down the thoſe Numbers as in the Margin, I begin by adding the Grains, as being the Units of the loweft Degree. Saying 22gr. Weights and 21gr. is 43gr, and 10gr. is 53gr. and 9 is 62gr, which contains twice 24gr. or 2 Penny 20 Example. Weights and 14 Grains over. I therefore fet down 14gr. in the Column of Grains, retaining .the 2- Penny Weights to add them to the Column of Penny Weights. Proceeding to the Column of Penny Weights, I find 68 dot to which adding the 2 Penny Weights retained from the Column of the Grains, there refults 70dwt, which contains three Times 20 Penny Weights, or 3 Ounces with 10dwt, over. I therefore fet down 10 dwt, in the Column of Penny Weights, and retain 3 for the Column of Ounces, Inches and Lines ex J Proceeding to the Column of Ounces, and adding to it the 3 Ounces I retained, I find 450%. which contains 3 Times 12 Ounces, or 3 Pounds with 9oz. over; I therefore fet down goz. in the Column of Ounces, retain the 30z, to to add them to the Column of Pounds, and Proceeding to the Column of fimple Pounds, and adding to it the 3. Pounds that I retained from the Column of Ounces, I find 29/6. that is, 2 tens of Pounds and 9 Pounds over, which I fet down in the Column of fimple Pounds, and retain the 2 tens to add them to the Column of tens of Pounds, and performing the Remainder of the Operation as ex- plained in Addition of fimple Numbers, I find 4829lb. 9oz. 10dwt. 14gr. for the Sum required.. XLV. Vi fi 32 2. 144 I 9 67 2 10 78 I. L. 6 10 9 8. 2 II I.I I 3 2 Let it be propoſed to find the Sum of the four following mixt Numbers, 321. 2f. 61. 10L. 144. 1f. 91. 9L. 67Y. 2f. 101. 8L. 78r. 2f. 111. 11LA Addition of Having placed thofe Numbers as in the Mar-- Yards, Feet gin, I begin by adding the Lines, as being the Units of the loweſt Degree. Saying: 10L. and plained by L. is 19L. and 8L is 27 L. and 11L. is 38L. 2nExample. which contains 3 Times 12 Lines, or 3 Inches with 2 Lines over, I therefore ſet down 2L. in the Column of Lines,, and retain 34 to add them - to the Column of Inches. Proceeding to the Column of Inches, I fay: 31. that I retained from the Column of Lines, and 61. is 91. and 91. is 181. and 101. is 287. and III. is 391, which contains 3 Times 12 Inches, or 3 Feet, with 3 Inches over, I therefore fet down 3 Inches in the Column of Inches, and-retain 3f. to add them to the Column of Feet.- 334 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK 77 фото Proceeding to the Column of Feet, I fay: 3f. that I retained and 2f is 5f. and if is 6f. and 2f. is 8f. and 2f. is 1of. which contains 3 Times 3 Feet, or 3 Yards and 1f. over. I therefore ſet down 1.f. in the Column of Feet, and retain 3 Yards to add them to the Column of Yards. Proceeding to the Addition of the Column of Yards, I fay 3 Yards that I retained and 27, is 5 and 47. is 97. and 7r. is 167. and 87. is 24. which contains 2 tens of Yards, and 4 Yards over. I therefore fet down 4 Yards in the Column of Yards, and retain 2 tens of Yards to add them to the Column of the tens of Yards that follow, compleat- ing the Addition, after the manner explained in the Addition of fimple Numbers, I find 324F. 1f. 31. 2L. for the Sum required. XLVI. ་ In treating of the Subtraction of fimple Numbers, we defined Sub- traction to be an Operation by which one Quantity is deducted from another, whence we concluded that the Quantity to be deducted fhould" be contained in the Quantity from which the Subtraction is required to be made; and conſequently that thofe two Quantities fhould be both of the fame Species, or reducible to the fame Species, it is the fame with re- fpect of applicate Numbers; one Quantity cannot be Subtracted from another if they are not both of the fame Species, or reducible to the fame Species. For Example, a Quantity made up of different Weights, cannot be deducted from another Quantity made up of Yards and Parts of a Yard; but Yards, or known Parts of a Yard, may be deducted · from another Quantity confifting only of Yards or Parts of a Yard. XLVII. - tion of mixt To fubtract one compound Number from another compound or fimple Number, the Parts of the Quantity to be fubtracted muſt be dif- The procefs pofed under the fimilar Parts of the Quantity from which the Subtrac- of Subtrac- tion is required to be made, obferving to place the Units, Tens, Hundreds, Numbers. &c. of one Species, under the Units, Tens, Hundreds, &c. of the fame Species, then drawing a Line under thofe Numbers to feparate them from the Remainder, each Part of the Quantity to be fubtracted muſt be de- ducted from each corresponding Part of the other Quantity that ſtands over it, beginning by the Parts of the lowest Denomination, and pro- ceeding to the next fuperior Denomination, and fo on through the whole till all the Parts of the Quantity to be deducted are fubtracted. If the Number of Parts to be deducted, is lefs than the Number of the correfponding Parts in the other Quantity that ſtands over it, there will be no Difficulty in fubtracting them, and the Remainder muſt be fet down under the Line in the fame Column with thofe Parts. But if in the inferior Number that is to be deducted, there are Parts whofe Num- ber is greater than that of the correfponding. Parts of the upper Num- 78 ELEMENTS OF 。 Subtraction of Pounds, Shillings, and Pence. First Ex- ample. ber, an Unit must be borrowed from the following Parts that are of the next fuperior Denomination, in the upper Number, and this Unit reduced into Parts of the fame Species with thofe from which the Subtraction is required to be made, added to them, whereby they will be fufficiently increaſed, fo as the Number of Parts may be deducted from them, that could not be deducted before. The fame Operation muſt be performed for all the Species of Parts in the Quantity to be de- ducted, which are in greater Number than in the correfponding Parts of the Quantity from which the Subtraction is required to be made, and Care taken to deduct the Unit borrowed from the Number from which it has been borrowed. XLVIII. 1. 199 98 S. d. qrs. 14 I 6 2 10 3 6 7 3 Let it be propofed to fubtract 981. 14s. 10d. 34rs. from 1997. Is. 6d. 2qrs. Having placed the Numbers as in the Margin, to obtain the Remainder of the Subtraction, I first fubtract the Farthings, which are the Parts of the loweſt Denomination, but as the 3 Farthings to be fubtracted are not contained in the 2 corref- ponding Farthings of the upper Number, I bor- row I Penny from the Number of Pence in the upper Number, and reducing this Penny into 4 Farthings, I add them to the 2 Farthings from which the Subtraction is required to be made, and deduct 3 Farthings from 6 Farthings, and fet down 3 Farthings for the Remainder of the Farthings. 100 Proceeding to the Column of Pence, I have 10 Pence to deduct from 5 Pence, (becauſe the Unit borrowed from 6 to carry it to the Column of Farthings has reduced this Figure to 5) I therefore borrow I Shilling from the upper Number of Shillings, and reducing this Shilling into 12 Pence, I deduct 10 Pence from 17 Pence, and fet down 7 Pence for the Remainder of the Pence. Then proceeding to the Column of Shillings, I have 14 Shillings to fubtract from nothing, becaufe, the Shilling in the upper Number was borrowed and employed in the Pence: I therefore borrow 1 Pound from the Pounds of the upper Number; and reducing this Pound into 20 Shillings I deduct 14 Shillings from 20 Shillings, and fet down 6 Shil- lings for the Remainder of the Shillings. Proceeding to the Units Place of the Pounds, I fubtract 8 Pounds from 8 Pounds, (becauſe the Unit which was borrowed from the Figure 9 to carry it to the Column of Shillings has reduced this Figure to 8) and there remains nothing. In fine, continuing the Subtraction as in fimple Numbers, I find 100%. 65. 7d. 3grs. for the Remainder required. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 79 XLIX. 1. 40 S. d. 9 19 О 8 16 ΙΙ 3 9 9 30 Let it be propofed to fubtra& 9l. 16s. 11d. from 401. os. 8d. Having placed thofe Numbers as in the Margin, and as the 11 Pence to be fubtracted cannot be deducted from 8 Pence which ftand over it, and that nothing can be borrowed from the Shillings, or from the Units of the Pounds, I borrow one ten of the Pounds, leaving 9 Pounds in the Rank of the Pounds, and 19 Shillings in the Rank of Shillings, and adding the Shilling remaining reduced into Pence to the 8 Pence, I deduct 11 Pence from 20 Pence, and fet down 9 Pence for the Remainder of the Pence, and the Operation is there by reduced to deduct 97. 16s. from 39. 19s. I therefore dedu& 16s. from 19s. and fet down 3. for the Remainder of the Shillings, then proceeding to the Pounds I 'fubtra&to Pounds from 39 Pounds, and fet down 30 Pounds for the Remainder of the Pounds, and there refults 30%. 3s. 9d. for the Remainder required. L. Let it be propofed to fubtract 8lb. 1002. 7dwt. 22gr. from 161b. 802: 7dwt. 17gr. Having placed thofe Numbers as in the Margin, I begin the Subtraction by the Grains, which are the Weights of the loweſt Denomination; and as 22 Grains cannot be deducted from 17 gr. I borrow Idwt. or 24gr. which adding to the 17gr. I deduct 22gr. from 41gr. and fet down 19gr. for the Remainder of the Grains. lb. oz. dwt. gr. 16 8 7 17 7 22 Second Ex ample. Subtraction of Pounds, Ounces, Penny Weights 8 10 and Grains. 7 7 9 19 19 Proceeding to the Column of Penny Weights, as 7 Penny Weights cannot be deducted from 6 Penny Weights, to which the Penny Weights of the upper Number are reduced, becauſe idwt, has been borrowed from them, I borrow 1 Ounce or 20dwt. and adding them to the 6dwt. I deduct 7dwt, from 26dwt. and fet down 19dwt. for the Remainder of the Penny Weights. Then proceeding to the Column of Ounces, as 10oz. cannot be de- ducted from 70z: to which the Ounces of the upper Number are reduc- ed, becauſe 1oz. has been borrowed from them, I borrow I Pound or 120%. and adding them to the 70%. I deduct 100%, from 19oz. and fet down goz. for the Remainder of the Ounces. Laſtly proceeding to the Column of the Pounds, I fubtract 8 Pounds from 15 Pounds, becaúfe 1lb. has been borrowed from the 6 Pounds, and the Subtraction being finished, there refults 7b. 9oz. 19dwt. 19gr. for the Remainder required. ·80 ELEMENTS OF LI. r Let it be propofed to fubtract 97r. 2f. 111. from 100r. 2ƒ. 0Ï. Subtraction Having difpofed thofe Numbers as in the Margin, and as 11. cannot be deducted from ol. I borrow an Unit from the Feet, and dedu&t 11. from 121, and fet down II for the Remainder of the Inches. 100 97 f. 1. ΙΙ 2 2 2 2 I of Yards, Feet, and Inches, ex plained by an Example. Proceeding to the Column of Feet, as 2 Feet cannot be deducted from I Foot, to which the Feet of the up- per Number are reduced, becauſe 1 Foot has been borrowed from them, i borrow Yard, or 3 Feet, and adding it to the 1 Foot, I deduct 2 Feet from 4 Feet, and fet down 2 Feet for the Remainder of the Feet, and compleating the Operation according to the foregoing Rules, I find 2r. 2f. 11. for the Difference required. and Subtrac I LII. A Queſtion In the foregoing Articles we have explained all the little Difficulties for Practice that occur in the Subtraction of mixt Numbers, and that might embar- in Addition rafs Beginners, either in paffing from one Column to another, or in bor- tion of mixt rowing, when the Number of Parts to be fubtracted, is greater than Numbers. that from which the Subtraction is required to be made. For the further Exercife of the young Practitioner the following Queſtion is pro- pofed, in which Addition and Subtraction are equaly concerned. Process of ration of mixt Num bers. A Merchant in balancing his Books, finds he hath in ready Money, 1561. 175. in Goods, 1749/. 19s. 6d. his Stock in a Company Trade was 4997. 19s. 6d. 2qrs. due to him in open Accounts 29771. 19s. 7d. 39rs. In Confignments 479. 19s. 7d. He owes to A. 14561. 18s. 7d. 2qrs. To B. 991. 19s. Id. To C. 497. 17s. 10d. and to the Bank 4901. What is his nett Stock? Anſwer, 3319/. 18s. 10d. 3grs. LIII. The Multiplication of applicate Numbers, is performed by multiply- the Multipli ing the Multiplicand by all the Parts of the Multiplicator: but as the Multiplicator when it is a mixt Number confifts of Parts less than the principal Unit, and that each of thofe principal Units denote that the Multiplicand muſt be taken once, the Parts of the Multiplicator which are less than the principal Unit, will denote that Parts of the Multipli- cand muſt be taken for the Product. To render the Rules of the Multi- plication of applicate Numbers more intelligible, we fhall proceed to ex- plain them in their Application to feveral Examples. Multiplication being an Operation by which the Mutiplicand is re- peated a certain Number of Times, expreffed by the Number of prin- cipal Units in the Multiplicator; the Multiplicator fhould be confiderec as an abfolute Number, even when it is applied to reckon any particular Species of Units, and the Units of the Product fhould confequently be of the fame Species as thofe of the Multiplicand. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 81. LIV. Let it be propofed to multiply 5181. 14s. 8d. by 744 Having placed thofe Numbers as in the Margin. To Multiply regularly all the Parts of the propofed Multiplicand, by all the Parts of the Multiplicator; I begin by multiplying the whole Multiplicand by 74, multiplying af- terwards the fame Multiplicand by the Frac- tion. But the Multiplicand 5187. 145. 8d. con- fifting of three Parts, I multiply thofe three Parts one after the other by 74. 4. 1º. I multiply 5181. by 74, and fet down the particular Products 2072 Units of Pounds and 3626 tens of Pounds, as in the Margin. 70 The Multi &d. plication of Pounds, Shillings, and Pence explained by an Exampl. 518%. 145. 74 룸 4 4 2072/. 3626 IOS. 37 45. 14 Iбs. ¿d. 2 9 4d. 4 T29 13 8 385157. 195. oď. + 20. To multiply 14. by 74, I divide 145. into Parts that may be con- tained each a certain Number of Times in the Pound, which is the prin- cipal Unit of the Multiplicand. Thofe Parts will be 10s, and 4s. which I multiply feparately by 74. Σ of To multiply 10s. by 74 I obferve that 10s. is of a Pound, and that 1 Pound Multiplied by 74 will give 741, whence I conclude that the a Pound or 10s. fhould only give for Product the of 74. that is 371. To multiply 4. by 74, I obſerve that 45. being of a Pound, and I Pound multiplied into 74 giving 741. the of 17, or 4. multiplied by 74 fhould only give the of 741. which is 14. 16. for the of 74/. is 147. and there remains 41. or 80s. the of which is 16s. 3. 30 3º. To multiply 8 Pence by 74, I obferve that 8 Pence being the of a Pound, and that confequently 8 Pence multiplied into 74 fhould only produce the 3 of 74/. whence we may take for the Product the of the Multiplicator 74, confidered as a Number of Pounds. 36 30 But instead of taking the Part of 74. it will be more commodious to make ufe of the Produ& 14. 16s. found for 4. fince 8 Pence is the fixth Part of 4s. the Product of Sd. into 74 will be the fixth Part of the Product 14. 16s. found by multiplying 45. by 74; whence the Opera- tion is reduced to take the fixth Part of 14/. 16s. which will be 21. 95. 4d. becauſe the fixth Part of 14/. is 27. and there remains 21. or 40s, which adding to 16s. I take the fixth Part of 56. which is 9s. and there re- mains 25. or 24d. the fixth Part of which is 4 Pence. Having multiplied the Multiplicand 5187. 14s. 8d. by 74 it remains to multiply it by the Fraction, to effect which I obferve that if 5187. 14. 8d. was multiplied by 1, the Product would be the whole Multi- plicand 5181. 14s. 8d. the Product therefore arifing from the Multipli- cation of the fame Number by, will be the of 5181. 145. 8d. which I find to be 1291. 13. 8d. becauſe the 4 of 518 is 129/, with a Remain- 2 L 82 ELEMENTS OF 4 der 21. or 40s. which added to 145. makes 54s. the of which is 13. with a Remainder 25. or 24d. which added to 8d makes 32d. the of which is 8d. All the Parts of the Multiplicand being thus multiplied by all the Parts of the Multiplicator, and all the particular Products fet down, I add them together and their Sum 385157. 19s. will be the Produ& required of the mixt Number. 5181. 14. 8d. multiplied into 74 be taken fór LV. The Rules to be obſerved in the Multiplication of Money fufficiently appear from the foregoing Example. The only Difficulty that can occur in this Operation, is to find what Parts of the Multiplicator confidered as a Number of Pounds are to be taken for the different Numbers of Shil- lings and Pence in the Multiplicand, which, for the Afiftance of the young Practitioner, we ſhall proceed to explain. Table for When the Number of Shillings or Pence, or of Shillings and Pence. finding what Parts of the together, are contained exactly a certain Number of Times in 20s. that Multiplice- is, in a Pound, the Shillings or Pence, or the Shillings and Pence to- tor fhould gether, are faid to be aliquot Parts of a Pound. So that the aliquot Parts the different of a Pound is always a Fraction of a Pound having for Numerator Numbers of Unity, and for Denominator the Number of Times that the Shillings. Shillings, or Pence, or the Shillings and Pence together, are contained in a Pound. Pence, and Farthings in 10s. is the of a Pound, whence for 10s. the of the Multiplicator, 2 the Multipli conſidered as a Number of Pounds is taken. cand. I 4 ' I I 20 40 13 ΤΖ ठ of N4 TO 20 40 12 ठ of 55. Is the of a Pound, whence for 5s. the 4 of the Multiplicator is taken. For 4s, which is the of a Pound, the of the Multiplicator is taken. For 25. which is the of a Pound, the of the Multiplicator is taken. For Is. which is the of a Pound, the of the Multiplicator is taken. For 6s. 8d. which is the of a Pound the of the Multiplicator is taken. For 35. 4d. which is the of a Pound, the of the Multiplicator is taken. For Is. 8d. which is the of a Pound, the of the Multiplicator is taken, For 2s. 6d. which is the of a Pound, the of the Multiplicator is taken. For 6d. which is the a Pound, the the Multiplicator is taken. For 3d. which is the of a Pound, the of a Pound, the of the Multiplicator is taken. For 8d. which is the of a Pound, the of the Multiplicator is taken. For 4d. which is the of a Pound, the of the Multiplicator is taken. For 2d. which is the of the Multiplicator is taken. For Id. which is the 4 of a Pound, the 4 of the Multiplicator is taken. When a Number of Shillings is not exactly contained a certain Num- ber of Times in a Pound, it is called an aliquant Part of a Pound. A Number of Pence which is not contained exactly a certain Number of Times in a Pound, is alfo called an aliquant Part of a Pound. ठ 이 30 60 I of a Pound the 120 240 BO 35 1 I20 I 240 · When the Number of Shillings or Pence in the Multiplicand is not an aliquot Part of a Pound, but only an aliquant Part, the Computiſts divide it into two or three Parts, each of which are aliquot Parts of a Pound. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 83 LVI. one Opera The Multiplication of Numbers confifting of Pounds, Shillings, Pence, and Farthings, according to the foregoing Method, being often Times Method of tedious and perplexed, we fhall proceed to explain the more compendi- finding at ous Rules, the Computifts have found for remedying this Inconveniency. tion the The Pounds and Shillings of the Product, arifing from the Multipli- Pounds and cation of the Shillings of the Multiplicand by a whole Number, is ob- Shillings arifing from tained, at one Operation, by the following Rule. Multiply the Num- the Multipli ber of Shillings by the Figure in the Units Place of the Multiplicator, cation of a and if this Product be leſs than 20, fet it down in the Column of Shil- Shillings lings; but if this Product is greater than 20, retain 17. for every twenty into a whole Shillings it contains, and fet, down the Remainder in the Column of Number. Shillings. Then multiply one half of the Number of Shillings by all the other Figures of the Multiplicator, removing each Figure of this Pro- duct one Place towards the right Hand, and adding to the firſt Part of the Product the Number of Pounds that were retained. LVII. Let it be propofed to multiply ol. 1s. by 457. Having fet down thofe Numbers as in the Margin. 1. To obtain the Shillings of the Product, I multiply the Figure 1s. by the Figure 7 of the Units of the Multipli- cator; and as the Product 75. is less than 20s. I fet it down in the Column of Shillings. Number of First Ex-, ol. Is. ample. 457 221. 175. 2º. To obtain the Pounds of the Product, I multiply, which is the one half of the Number of Shillings, by the remaining Figures 45 of the Multiplicator, that is, I take the one half of 45, re- moving each Figure of the Product one Place towards the right Hand, which will be 22/. 10s placing the first Part 227. in the Rank of the Pounds, and for the 10s. placing I ten to the left Hand of 75. already fet down. By this Operation, I find 22/. 175. for the Product of Is. multiplied into 457. LVIII. 01 185. 457 Let it be propofed to multiply ol. 18s. by 457. Having placed thofe Numbers as in the Margin, 1°. I multiply 18s. by the Figure 7 of the Units of the Multi- plicator. But as it would be too difficult to perform this Multiplication at one Operation; I multiply firft 8s. by 7, 4117. 6s. which gives 56s. I fet down the Figure 6 in the Rank of the Shillings, and retain the 5 tens of Shillings, I then multiply the tens of Shillings by 7, and there refults for Product 7 tens of Shillings, which added to the 5 tens retained, makes 12 tens of Shillings or 61. there be- ing therefore nothing to be fet down in the Rank of the tens of Shillings, I retain 61. to add them to the Pounds. Second Ex- ample. مانية ELEMENTS OF Third Ex- ample. *Method of › finding at one Opera -tion the Pounds, 2º. I multiply the one half of the Number of Shillings, that is, gr. by the two remaining Figures 45 of the Multiplicator, removing the Figures of the Product one Place towards the Right Hand, and adding to this Produ&t the 61. that was retained, there refults 411. So that 4111. 6s. will be the whole Product of 18s. multiplied into 457. LIX. Let it be propofed to multiply ol. 17s. by 457. Having fet down thofe Numbers as in the Margin, 1º. I - multiply 175. by the Figure 7 of the Units of the Multipli- cator, which gives 51. 19s. I fet down the Part 195. in the Rank of Shillings, and retain the Part 57. ol. 175. 457 365 19 22 ΙΟ 3881. 9. 2º. I multiply by the two remaining Figures 45 of the Multiplicator, the one Half of the Number of Shillings, that is 8; but as this Operation cannot beperformed but at twice, I first multiply 8 by 45, removing the Figures of the Product one Place towards the right Hand, which with the 51. retained gives 365. I afterwards multiply by 45, that is, I take the of 45 confidered as a Number of Pounds which is 227. 10. By this Operation I find the Produ&t of 175. multiplied by 457, in two Parts, the Sum of which is 3887. 9s. • .LX. The Pounds, Shillings, Pence, and Farthings of the Product ariſing from the Multiplication of the Number of Pence or Farthings of the Multiplicand, which is an aliquot Part of a Shilling, by a whole Num- ber, is obtained at one Operation by the following Rule. Divide the Shillings, Figure in the Units Place of the Multiplicator, confidered as a Number Pence, and of Shillings, by the Number of Times that the Pence or Farthings arifing from are contained in a Shilling, and fet down the Quotient in the Rank of the Multipli the Shillings Pence and Farthings, if there be any; then divide the re- Number of maining Figures of the Multiplicator by double the Number of Times Pence or Far that the Number of Pence or Farthings of the Multiplicand is contained things into a in a Shilling; and the Quotient being removed one Rank towards the whole Num right Hand, will exprefs the Pounds, and the Parts of the Pounds if Farthings cation of a ber. Firft Ex- ample. of there be any. EXI. ol. OS 457 3d. Let it be propoſed to multiply ol. os. 3d. by 457. Having difpofed thofe Numbers as in the Margin, I obferve that 3d. being the one Fourth of a Shilling, the one Fourth of the Figure in the Units Place of the Multiplicator confidered as a Number of Shillings, and the one half of the one Fourth, or the one Eighth of the remaining Figures of the Multiplicator, muſt be taken, that is, the Figure 7 must be divided by 4, and the remaining Figures by 8. But as in Divifion, the Figures of the higheſt Degree 57. 145. 3d. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 85 must be first divided, in order that the Remainders may be reduced and added to the following Figures; I begin by taking the one Eighth of the Figures of the Multiplicator which precede that in the Units Place; re- moving the Figures of the Quotient one Rank towards the right Hand, to repreſent the Number of Pounds. I therefore take the one Fighth Part of 45 tens, which is 5 tens and as this Quotient mufl be removed one Place towards the right Hand, I fet it down in the Rank of the Pounds, the Remainder 5 tens being added to the Following Figure 7 makes 57, the one fourth Part of which is 144, which I fet down in the Rank of the Shillings and Pence, under this Form 14. 3d. whence there refults 57. 145. 3d, for the Product required of 3d. multiplied into 457. LXII. ol. 457 os. 8d. Second E 15. 45. 8d. ample. Let it be proposed to multiply ol. os. Ed. by 457. Having placed thofe Numbers as in the Margin, I obferve that the 8d. in the Multiplicand, being the two Thirds of a Shilling; the two Thirds of the Figure 7 Units of the Multiplicator, or the one Third of 14 double of this Figure 7, and the one Third only of the remaining Figures of the Multiplicator, must be taken. But as this Operation is a Divifion, we fhould begin by the Figures of the higheſt Degree, and take the one third of them, removing the Quotient one Place towards the Right Hand, I therefore take the one Third of 45 tens, which is 15 tens and as thofe 15 tens which confiſt of 1 hundred and 5 Tens, fhould be removed one Place towards the right Hand; I fet down I in the Rank of the tens, an 5 in the Rank of the Units of the Pound. I afterwards take the two thirds of 7 Units, or the one Third of 14 Units; which gives 43, which I fet down in the Rank of the Shillings and Pence, under this Form 45. 8d. whence 157. 4. 8d. will be the Product of 8d. multiplied into 457. I LXIII. : ol. os. IId. 457 Let it be propofed to multiply ol. Os. 11d. by 457 Having fet down thofe Number as in the Mar- gin, and obferving that the 11d. of the Multipli- card is not an aliquot Part of a Shilling; I di- vide id. into two Parts which are aliquot Parts, or at leaſt commodious Fractions of a Shilling. Thoſe two Parts will be 8d. and 3d. which I mul- tiply ſeparately by 457. I 1. Multiplying 8d. by 457, I find as in the fecond Example 157. 4s. 8d. for the Product. 8d. 15 3d. 5 00 4 14 3 20/. 185. 11d. 2º. Multiplying 3d. by 457, I find as in the firſt Example 57. 145. 3d. 3º. Adding together thole two Products, there reſults 201. 18s. Iid. for the Product of 11 Pence multiplied into 457. Third Ex- ample $6 ELEMENTS OF Fourth Ex- ample going Me- taining 1 LXIV. Let it be propoſed to multiply ol. os. Od. 3qrs. by 457. 01. 457 Os. Having placed thoſe Numbers as in the Mar- gin, and obſerving that 3qrs. is the of a Shil- ling, I divide 45 by 32, and place the Quotient I in the Rank of the Units of the Pounds, the Re- mainder 13, which with the Figure 7, makes 1375. I divide by 16, and fet down the Quotient 8s. 6d. 3qrs. in the Rank of Shillings, Pence and Farthings. LXV.- When a mixt Number, confifting of The fore- Pounds, Shillings, and Pence and Far- thod appli- things, as 1897. 18s. 11d. 2qrs. is pro- ed to anEx- pofed to be multiplied by a whole Num- ample, con- ber, for Example by 457; first the Pounds, whole Number 189 must be multipli- Shillings, ed into 457, according to the Rules of Pence, and the Multiplication of fimple Numbers; Farthings.. then the 18. muſt be multiplied into 457, according to the Rule for multi- plying Shillings, and afterwards the 11d. 2qrs. by 457, according to the Rule for multiplying Pence and Far- things. od. 3ars. 11. 8s. 6d. 3q¶rs. 1897. 18s. 11d. 2grs. 457 3 4 1323 50° 945 400 756 185. 4II Es. 8d. 15 4 8d. 3d. 5 14. 3 2qrs. 19 O 2qrs. 3 3. 4 2 冉 113 19 86920%. 35. 4d. oqrs. If the Multiplicator contained alfo a Fraction, for Example if the Mul- tiplicator was 457; after the whole Multiplicand 1897. 18s. 11d. 2qrs. is multipled by 457, it must be multiplied again by, that is 3 Times. the one Fifth of the Multiplicand must be taken; and when all the Parts of the Product are found, they must be added together, to obtain the whole Product of the Multiplication. LXVI. The Grounds of the foregoing Rule for multiplying mixt Numbers, confifting of Pounds, Shillings, Pence, and Farthings, will fufficiently the forego appear from the following Confiderations. Grounds of ing Method 1. by multiplying the Number of Shillings by the laft Figure of the for multiply Multiplicator, there will manifeftly refult a Number of Shillings; where- ing Shillings fore the Product arifing from this Multiplication fhould be fet down in the Rank of Shillings, when it does not exceed 20s. and when it exceeds 20s. one Pound fhould be retained for each 20s. and the Remainder fet down in the Rank of Shillings. by a whole Number. 1 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 87 The Rule next directs to multiply all the Figures of the Multiplica- tor, by one half of the Number of Shillings, and to remove each Figure of the Product one Place towards the right Hand. Now, 1º. The Product that refults by multiplying by one half of the Number of Shillings will be only the one half of the Product arifing from the Multiplication by all the Shillings. 2°. by removing each Figure of this Product one Place towards the right Hand, the tenth Part only of this Produ& is taken, and confequently only the one tenth Part of the one half of the Product refulting from the Multiplication of the Number of Shillings of the Multiplicand by the Multiplicator; but the tenth Part of the one half of this Product, that is, the twentieth Part of this Product is equal to the Number of Pounds it contains. Where- fore by multiplying all the Figures of the Multiplicator, except that in the Units Place, by the one half of the Number of Shillings, and removing each Figure of the Product one Place towards the right Hand; there will refult a Quantity equal to the Number of Pounds contained in the Product arifing from the Multiplication of the Multiplicator into the Number of Shillings of the Multiplicand. we by a whole one Number. 2º. If the Multiplicand contains but Is. according to this Rule, the Grounds of Figure in the Units Place of the Multiplicator confidered as reprefenting, the forego Shillings, together with the one half of the remaining Figures of the Mul- ing Method for Multiply tiplicator confidered as reprefenting Pounds, will be the Product of Is. ing Pence multiplied into the Multiplicator; and as for the one half, the one or Farthings fourth, the one third, the one fixth, the one twelfth, &c. of Is. ſhould take but the one half, the one fourth, the one third, the fixth, the one twelfth, &c. of what ſhould be taken for 1s. it is manifeſt that for the one half, the one fourth, the one third, the one fixth, the one twelfth &c. of 1s. we fhould take but the one half, the one fourth, the one third, the one fixth, the one twelfth, &c. of the Figure in the Units Place of the Multiplicator, confidered as reprefenting Shillings, together with the one half of the one half, or of the one fourth, or of the one third, or of the one fixth, or of the one twelfth, &c. of the re- maining Figures in the Multiplicator, confidered as reprefenting Pounds, removing each Figure of the Produ&t one Place towards the right Hand; that is, we ſhould divide the Figure in the Units Place of the Multipli- cator by the Number of times that the Pence or Farthings of the Mul- tiplicand are contained in a Shilling, and divide the remaining Figures of this Multiplicator confidered as reprefenting Pounds by double the Number of Times that the Pence of the Multiplicand is contained in a Shilling, removing each Figure of the Product one Place towards the right Hand; which is precifely what the Rule preſcribes. 88 ELEMENTS OF LX VII. Let it be propofed to multiply 24lb. 7oz. 6dwt. by 51 Having difpofed thofe Numbers as in Multipli- the Margin. 1º. I multiply 24lb. by cation of Weights ex 51, and fet down the two particular Pro- plained by ducts, viz. 24 and 120, as in the Mar- an Example. gin. 50 24lb. 70%. 6dwt. 51 I 2416. 120 402. 17 20%. 8 6oz. 10%. 4 3 ΙΟ 4dwt. 5 2 4dwt. 2dwt. 002. 125516. 6dwt. 2. to multiply 70%. by 51 I divide the 70%. into the 3 aliquot Parts of a Pound, 40%. 20z. 10z. and as the Product of 1lb. multiplied by 51 is a Number of Pounds equal to the Multiplicator 51, the Product of 40z, which is but the one third of a Pound, will be only one third of the Multiplicator 51. I therefore for 40%. take the one third of 5176. which is 1776. For 20z. which is the one fixth of a Pound, or the one half of 40%. I take the one fixth of the Multiplicator confidered as 51 Pounds, or the one half of the Product 17/6. found for 4 Ounces which is 8lb. 6oz. for 1 Ounce which is the one twelfth of a Pound, or the one fourth of 4 Ounces, or the one half of 2 Ounces, I take the one twelfth of the Multiplicator confidered as 51 Pounds, or the one fourth of the Product 1776. found for 4 Ounces, or the one half of the Produ& 8lb. 60z. found for 2 Ounces, which is 4lb. 30z. 3º. having found the Product of 1 Ounce multiplied by 51, I divide the 6dwt. which remains to be multiplied, into the aliquot Parts of an Ounce, and thofe aliquot Parts will be 4dwt, and 2dwt. For 4dwt. which is the one fifth of an Ounce, I take the one fifth of the Produ& 4lb. 30%. found for 1 Ounce; which is 100%. 4dwt. For 2dwt, I take the one half of the foregoing Produ& 100%. 4dwt. found for 4dwt, which is 5oz. 2 dwt. Having thus found all the Parts of the Product, I add them together; and there reſults 1255lb. ooz. 6dwt. for the Product required. LXVIII. Hitherto we have treated of Arithmetical Multiplication, we ſhall Multiplica tion of Lines now proceed to treat of Geometrical Multiplication, fo called becauſe it relates to Extenfion, which is the Object of Geometry. and Sur faces. As every Quantity is meaſured by fome other Quantity of the fame Kind, the Computifts are under the Neceffity of employing three dif ferent Species of Meaſuring Units, for meafuring the three different Species of Extenfion: Lineal meaſuring Units for meaſuring Distances and Lines; Superficial meaſuring Units for meaſuring Surfaces; and Solid meaſuring Units for meaſuring Solids.. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 89 LXIX. The Number which fhews how often the meaſuring Unit is contain- Figure ‹. ed in the Extention meaſured, is called the Content of the Extention fo meaſured. Let the Extention to be meaſured be a Rectangle ABCD, whoſe Baſe BC and Altitude A B have been meaſured, for Example, with a lineal Yard, fimply called a Yard; let B G, GI, IL, LN, NP, PC, exprefs the Yards contained in the Bafe B C, and let A Q, QR, RS, ST, T B, repreſent the Yards contained in the Breadth or Altitude A B. If through the Points G, I, L, N, P of the Bafe, be drawn GF, IH, LK, NM, PO, parallel to the Altitude A B; the Rectangle A B C D will be divided into as many Rectangles ABGF, FGIH, HILK, K L N M, MN PO, OPCD, as there are Yards in the Baſe B C. a is found by › Meaſures in Altitude. Each of thoſe Rectangles having one Yard in Breadth, and as many Yards in Length as there are Yards in the Altitude AB of the Rec- The Area of tangle, will manifeftly contain as many fquare Yards as there are lineal Rectangle Yards in the Altitude AB. Whence to obtain the Number of ſquare Yards multiplying contained in the Rectangle A B C D, the Number of Rectangles ABGF, the lineal FGIH, HILK, &c. which ſtand on the Bafe B C, or the Number of the Bafe by Lineal Yards BG, GI, &c. contained in the Bafe BC, muſt be re- thofe in the peated as often as there are fquare Yards in each of thofe Rectangles, that is, as often as there are lineal Yards in the Altitude AB. But to repeat the Number of lineal Yards that are in the Bafe BC of the Rec- tangle, as often as there are lineal Yards in the Altitude A B of this Rectangle, is to multiply the Number of lineal Yards in the Baſe BC, by the Number of lineal Yards in the Altitude A B. Whence the Number of fquare Yards contained in a Rectangle is found, by multi- plying the Number of lineal Yards in its Baſe by the Number of lineal Yards in its Altitude. For Example if the Length of the Bafe BC of the Rectangle ABC D be fix Yards, and its Altitude AB 5 Yards, the Rectangle ABCD Example, will contain 6 Rectangles ABGF, FGIH, HILK, KLNM, M N PO, O P CD, each of which are 5 Yards long, and 1 Yard broad, and confequently contains 5 fquare Yards. Whence the Rectangle will contain 6 Times 5 or 30 fquare Yards. LXX. It is manifeft that if the Bafe BC and Altitude A B of the Rectangle was meaſured in Feet, it would contain as many Rectangles 1 Foot Another Example broad as there are Feet in the Bafe A B, and that each Rectangle would contain as many fquare Feet as there are lineal Feet in the Altitude A B of the Rectangle ABCD. Whence the Number of ſquare Feet contained in the Rectangle ABCD will be found, by multiplying the Num- 2 M 90 OF ELEMENTS Figure 2. The conti ber of lineal Feet contained in the Bafe B C, by the Number of Feet contained in the Altitude A B. The fquare Yard, for Example, having 3 Feet in Length and 3 Feet in Breadth, its Superficies will contain 3 Times 3 or 9 fquare Feet. If the Square ABCD reprefented a fquare Foot, its Bafe BC would contain 12 lineal Inches, and its Altitude AB 12 lineal Inches. Whence its Superficies would contain 12 Times 12 or 144 fquare Inches. In like Manner it will appear that a fquare Inch whofe Bafe and Altitude are divided each into 12 Lines, contains 12 Times 12 or 144 fquare lines: and fo of any other Meafure that is employed. LXXI. It often happens that the fame Meaſures are not employed for mea- guous Sides furing the Bafe and the Altitude of the Rectangle. In this Cafe, the of the fnper fuperficial Meafures contained in the Superficies of the Rectangle, are not fquare Meaſures, but Meaſures whofe Length is the Meafure employed tained in any for meaſuring the Bafe, and whofe Breadth is the Meafure employed Figure are for meaſuring the Altitude. ficial Mea- fures con the lineal Meaſures of ons.. Example.. For Example, if it was propofed to determine the Number of Bricks its Dimenfi lying flat which are contained in a Rectangle: Since a Brick is 8 Inches long and 4 broad; the Length B C, fhould be meafured with a Mea- fure of 8 Inches, and the Altitude A B with a Meaſure of 4 Inches, and the Product arifing from the Multiplication of the Number of Meafures of 8 Inches contained in the Bafe B C, into the Number of Meaſures of Inches contained in the Altitude AB, will be the Number of Bricks, or of the fuperficial Meafures 8 Inches long and 4 broad, contained in Area of the Rectangle ABCD. The fuperfi cial Mea fures are divided and 4 LXXII. When the Length and Breadth of the Rectangle is measured by the Yard, and is not contained in them a certain Number of Times with- out a Remainder; the Computifts meafure this Remainder in Parts of a Yard, viz. in Feet, Inches, Lines, &e. and as the Products of thofe fubdivided Meaſures do not always produce fquare Yards without a Remainder, into Parts they eftimate this Remainder in Parts of a ſquare Yard. to thoſe of analagous. Though the moft regular Parts of a fquare Yard, are fquare Feet, the Lineal fquare Inches, and fquare Lines; thofe however are not the Parts that Meaſures. the Computifts commonly employ, they find it more convenient to di- vide the fquare Yard into Parts analogous to thofe of the lineal Yard: Example. and as the lineal Yard is divided into 3 lineal Feet, and the lineal Foot into 12 lineal Inches, and the lineal Inch into 12 lineal Lines, fo they divide the fquare Yard into 3 Rectangles, each of which is 1 Foot broad and I Yard long, expreffed thus, Foot-Yard, or Yard-Foot; on account of their two Dimenfions; they divide the Rectangle Yard-Foot into twelve equal Parts each of which is 1 Yard long and 1 Inch broad, NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 91 expreffed thus Yard-Inch; in fine they divide each of thofe new Rec- tangles into 12 equal Parts each 1 Yard long and 1 Line broad, ex- preffed thus Yard-Line on Account of their two Dimensions. And fo on of the other Meaſures employed. LXXIII. When the Sides of a Rectangle are measured by the Foot, and is not Another contained in them a certain Number of Times without a Remainder; Example. the Computifts meaſure this Remainder in Inches and Lines; and as the Product of the two dimensions meaſured will not always produce an exact Number of fquare Feet without a Remainder, they have recourfe to the Parts of a fquare Foot to meafure this Remainder. The moſt regular Parts of the fquare Foot with Refpect to the Di- vifion of the Foot into Inches and Lines, are the fquare Inch, and fquare Line. But as the fquare Foot contains 144 fquare Inches; and the fquare Inch 144 fquare Lines; and that the lineal Foot is only di- vided into 12 Inches, and the lineal Inch into 12 Lines: The Computifts chufe rather to divide the fquare Foot into 12 equal Parts, each of which is Foot long and 1 Inch broad, expreffed thus Foot-Inch on account of their two Dimenſions. They divide alfo the Foot-Inch as the lineal Inch, into 12 equal Parts, each of which is Foot long and Line broad expreffed thus Foot-Line. LXXIV. From what precedes it is eafy to conclude, that two Numbers of equal lineal Meaſures, multiplied into one another, produce a Number of fquare fuperficial Meaſures, whofe Sides are the lineal Meafures contained in the trical Multi Multiplicand and Multiplicator. For Example, a Number of lineal plication of Yards multiplied into a Number of lineal Yards produces a Number of a Line by & fquare Yards; a Number of lineal Feet multiplied into a Number of li- duced to neal Feet produces a number of fquare Feet: And ſo on. Line is re- arithmeti cal Multipli cand the tors. It is alfo manifeft that a Number of equal lineal Meaſures, multi-cation, by plied into a Number of other equal lineal Meaſures, different from the afcribing to firft, produces a Number of fuperficial Meaſures whofe contiguous Sides are the two Sorts of Meaſures of the Multiplicand and Multiplicator. two Dimen For Example, a Number of lineal Yards multiplied into a Number of fions affect- lineal Feet will produce a Number of fuperficial Meafures each of which ing the Fac is 1 Yard long and 1 Foot broad; a Number of lineal Yards multiplied into a Number of lineal Inches or Lines, will produce a Number of fuperficia! Meaſures each of which will be r Yard long and 1 Inch or Line broad; And fo on. The geometrical Multiplication therefore of a Line by a Line will be reduced to common Multiplication, by giving to the Units or Meaſures of the Multiplicand the two Dimenfions which affect thoſe of the Multiplicand and Multiplicator, and conſidering the propofed Multiplicator as an abftra&t Number. 1 92 ELEMENTS OF LXX V. The Value of the different Units relative to the fquare Yard, with the Characters whereby they are diftinguished from each other, are as follow. rr Square Yard Irr off If f ff Square Foot r" Yard-Second Ir" 12" or 3LL iff 14411 r Yard-Tierce Ir" - II Square Inch ALI III I 44LL LL Square Line rf Yard-Foot iff 12fI fl Foot-Inch If I 12fLor 12II Irr 3rf fL Foot-Line fL 12for ill Irf 12rlor 3ƒƒƒ' Foot-Prime YI Yard-Inch YL Yard-Line IrI 12 Y Lorfff" If 12f" or 12LL Foot-Second If m ILL ITL 12r or 311 III I2IL r' Yard-Prime IT' 12r" or II IL Inch-Line I/L 12ľ or 12LL I' Inch-Prime Il' ILL LXXVI. Method of finding the Area of a Rectangle whofe Di- Let it be propofed to find the Area of a Rectangle, whofe Length is 58r. 2f. 81. and Breadth 8r. if. 61. Though either of the Factors may indif- criminately be taken for Multiplicator, yet that which contains the leaft Number of fed in Yards Yards is commonly affumed for Multipli- menfions are expref- cator. and Parts of a Yard ex- When the Number of Yards of the plained by an Example. Multiplicator is expreffed by one Figure, 582. 2f. 81. 8r if. 6I. 471rr. orf. 4r1. 19 I IO 8rL. 9 2 5 4 as in this Example; the Computifts first 500rr. 1rf. 871. OYL. multiply each Part of the Multiplicand, beginning by the Parts of the loweſt Denomination, by the Number of Yards of the Multiplicator, afterwards taking for the Product arifing from the Multiplication of the Multiplicand into the other Parts of the Multiplicator, the fame Parts of the Multiplicand that the Parts of the Multiplicator are of a Yard. According to thofe Rules. 1º. I multiply 8 Inches by 8 Yards, which produces 64 Fard-Inch. As this Number of Yard-Inch contains 5 Yard-Feet and 4 Yard-Inch over, I therefore fet down 4 Yard-Inch in the Column of Inches and retain 5 f. to add them to the Yard-Foot of the Product. I next multiply 2f. by 87 which produces 161f. to which adding the 51f. I retained, there refults 21f. as this Number of Yard-Foot "con- tains 7rr. I fet down o in the Column of Feet, and retain 7rr. to add them to the Square Yards of the Product. Laftly multiplying 587. by 87, and adding to the Product the 7r. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 93 I retained; there refults 471rr. orf. 4rI. for the Produa of 58r. 2f. 81. multiplied by 8r. 2º. To multiply the fame Multiplicand 587. 2f. 81. by the Part 1f. of the Multiplicator; I obferve that if this Multiplicand was multipli- ed by 1 Yard, it would produce 58rr. 27. 871, that is, the Product would be equal to the Multiplicand, with this difference only that each Part would acquire a Dimenfion of 1 Yard: Whence multiplying by 1 Foot which is only the one third of a Yard, the Product will be the one third of the Multiplicand, each Part having a fecond Dimenfion of 1 Yard. Now this one third will be 19rr. 1rf. 10rI. 8YL. becaufe the one third of 58. is 19rr. and 1r. over which is equal to 327. which added to 2ƒ makes 5rf. the one third of which is If. with 21f. or 2471. over, which added to 8YI makes 32rI the one third of which is Iori. and 2rI, or 24YL. over, the one third of which is 87L. I 3º. To multiply the Multiplicand by the 6 Inches in the Multipli- cator, I obſerve that 6 Inches is the one Half of 1 Foot, and confe- quently ſhould give the one Half of the Product 19rr. 1rf. 10r1, 8rL. which is 9rr. 2rf. 5YI. 4rL. becauſe the one half of 197r. is 9rr. with a Remainder of Irr, or 3f. which added to 1f. makes 47. the one Half of which is 21f. and the one half of 10rI. 8YL. is 5r1.4rL. Adding together thofe three particular Products there refults 500ry.. Irf. 8r7. for the Product required. LXXVII. Let it be propoſed to find the Area of a Rectangle 68Y. 1f. long and 572 2f. 81. broad. 57 2 81. 68r. If 45 Irf. orf. 4rı. 0 IOYT 8YL 15 19 The Part 68 of the Multiplicator by which the Multiplicand is firft to be multiplied, con- fifting of feveral Figures; all the Parts of the 456. Multiplicand cannot be multiplied after a direct 342 Manner by this firft Part of the Multiplicator, as in the foregoing Example; but after the Part 572 of the Multiplicand is multiplied by 68r. to obtain the Product of the remaining Parts of the Multiplicand multipled into 68, the 3955 fame Parts of 68 must be taken that the Parts 2 Feet 8 Inches of the Mul- tiplicand are of a Yard; and the Sum of the feveral particular Pro- ducts that refult will be the Produ&t of 57r. 2f. 81. into 68 Yards. Af- térwards the fame Multiplicand 57. 2f. 81. muſt be multiplied by 2 Feet, after the Manner explained in the foregoing Example. 2rf 2r1 8YL 1º. Multiplying the Part 57, of the Multiplicand by 687, I find the two particular Products 456 Y, and 3420rr. Application of the fore going Me thod to another Example. ་ 94 ELEMENTS OF reducing 20. to multiply 2 Feet by 68 1ards, I obferve that I Fard multiplied into 68 will give 68 Jquare Yards, that is, a Number of fquare Yards equal to the Multiplicator. Whence 2 Feet which are only the two Thirds of a Yard, fhould only give the two Thirds of 68 Square Yards: and each third Part being 22YY, 2rf: I fet down twice 22r. 2rf or ·45XX, 1Xƒ. 3º. to multiply 8 Inches by 68 Yards, I obferve that 8 Inches are the one third of 2 Feet, which produced 45. 1f. Whence for 8 Inches I take the one third of 45r. If. which is 15r1. orƒ. 4rI. } + It remains to multiply the fame Multiplicand by 1 Foot, for which I take the 1 third of 57YF. 2¥f. 871. which is 19rr. off. 1ori. 8rL. Adding together all thofe particular Products, there refults 3955YY 2rf. 2ri. 8¥£. for the Product required. LXXVIII. + When the Area of a Superficies is found in fquare Yards, and in Parts Method of of the fquare Yard divided into 3 and fubdivided continually into 12 the Parts of equal Parts, as in the foregoing Examples. Thofe Parts may be re- fuperficial duced into fquare Meafures, fuch as fquare Feet, fquare Inches, fquare Meaſures Lines, after the following Manner. analogous to thoſe of the lineal Meaſures; into ſquare rº. The Number of f. being multiplied by 3, will produce fquare Feet. 2º. Each Yard-Inch being 36 Inches long and 1 Inch broad, contains Meafures. 36 Square Inches, or the one fourth of a fquare Foot. Whence the one fourth of the Number of Yard-Inch, will be fquare Feet, and every If. that remains will be 36 quare Inches. } 3°. Each Yard-Line being the twelfth Part of a Yard-Inch, and the Yard-Inch being equal to 36 fquare Inches, confquently the Yard-Line is equal to 3 Square Inches: Whence the Number of Yard-Line being multiplyed by 3 will produce Square Inches. 49. each Unit of the Meaſures affected by the Mark Y being equal to the twelfth Part of a Yard-Line, which is equal to 3 Square Inches, it will be the one fourth of a Square Inch, or 36 Square Lines; whence the one fourth of the Number of ' will be fquare Inches, and every Ir' that remains will be equal to 36 quare Lines. 1 I 5. Each " is equal to 3LL, becaufe 1" is the one twelfth of 12', which is equal to 36 Square Lines. Whence the Number of Y" multi- plied by 3 will produce Square Lines. 69. It will appear in like Manner, that each is equal to LL: Wherefore the one fourth of the Number of r" will be Square Lines: It is the fame with refpect of the other Parts continually 12. Times leſs which may be reduced into quare Primes, which are the one hundred and forty fourth Parts of a Square Line. When the Parts of the loweft Denomination in the two Factors of the Multiplication are Lines, and the principal Parts are Yards, the NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 95 Parts of the loweſt Denomination in the Product will be r¹, ·4ˆ of which make a fquare Line: becaufe when the two Factors of the Mul- tiplication are reduced into Lines, the Product can only confift of fquare Lines. LXXIX. Let it be propofed to reduce into Jquare Feet, Jquare Inches, and quare Lines, the Meafures that are less than the quare Yard in this Product. 120851rr 2rf 5r1 grl of 42" 82". The firft Part being compofed 120851YY 2Y 5YI 9YL oY 4Y" 8Y"" of Square Yards. which are the principal Mea fures, are not to be altered. To re- duce the other 3 3 6ff 361 I 27 12LL 2 3 HC 120851YY 7ff 63II 14LL under the YI, 3 under under the Y"", and Parts, it fuffices to fet down 3 under the Yf, the YL. under the Y', 3 under the Y", and multiply each Part of the Product by the Number wrote under it, viz. the first, third and fifth Parts after the fquare Yards, by 3; and the fe- cond, fourth, and fixth Parts after the fquare Yards, by 4; obferving that the firſt and ſecond Parts after the Yards that are multiplied by 3 and 4, produce Square Feet; that the third and fourth, multiplied by 3 and by 1, produce fquare Inches; and that the fifth and fixth Parts, multiplied by 3 and by, produce fquare Lines. I Whence I fay: 3 Times 2Yf is 6ff, which I fet down under the Line. Then I fay, the of 5YI is iff and 36II: I therefore fet down rff under 6ff, and 36II in the following Column. 4 I then multiply 9YL by 3, which produces 2711 which I fet down in the Column of fquare Inches under the 3611; and multiplyiny oY' by 4, which produces nothing more for the quare Inches. I Laftly I multiply 4Y" by 3, which produces 12LL; and 8Y" by which produces 21.L. Adding together the new fquare Meaſures of the fame Species, I find that the propofed Product 120851 YY 2Yf 5YI 9YL OY' 4Y""8Y" is reduced to fquare Meaſures 120851YY 7ff 631 14LL. LXXX. The forego- ing Method applied to an Example. When a Parallelogram ADCB is a Rhomboid, if from the Extremi- Fig. 4. ties A and B of one its Sides, there be drawn two Perpendiculars AE, BF to the oppofite Side the rectangular Parallelogram. AEFB will be The Con- equal to the Rhomboid ADCB. (Euc. Prop. xxxv. B. 1) And as the Parallelo- Number of the fquare Meaſures contained in the Superfices of the rectan- gram is tent of any 96 EMELENTS OF the Baſe into } found by gular Parallelogram AEFB, is found by multiplying the Number of multiplying Meaſures in the Bafe EF by the Number of Meafures in the Side AE; alfo the Number of fquare Meafures contained in the Rhomboid ADCB will be found, by multiplying the Number of Meaſures in EF or in AB or in DC, by the Number of Meaſures contained in the Perpendicular AE. Half the Altitude. Fig. 5. LXXXI. Since a Triangle DAC is the one half of a Parallelogram ADCB of the fame Baſe DC and Altitude AE (Euc. Prop. xx1, B. 1); and that The Con- tent of any the Number of fquare Meafures contained in the Parallelogram ADCB Triangle is found by multiplying the Number of Meaſures in the Bafe DC by found by the Number of Meafures in its Altitude AE; it is manifeft that the multiplying the Bafe in- Number of fquare Meaſures conrained in the Triangle DAC will be to Half the found, by drawing a Perpendicular AE from its Vertex to its Bafe DC produced if neceffary, and multiplying the Number of Meaſures in this Baſe DC by one half of the Number of Meafures contained in the Al- titude AE. Altitude. Fig. 6. Another Method of finding the Area of a Triangle. LXXXII. The Area of any Triangle ABC may be alfo found, thus: add to- gether the three Sides of the Triangle, take the one Half of the Sum; from this Sum fubtract fucceffively the three Sides of the Triangle; multiply the three Remainders into one another: multiply the Product again by the one Half of the Sum of the three Sides, and the Square Root of the Product will be the Content of the Triangle. Let, for Example, the Length of the three Sides AB, BC, AC of the Triangle ABC, be 4 Yards, 15 Yards and 13 Yards. I take the one Half of the Sum of thoſe three Sides which is 16 Yards, I then fubtract fuceffively from this Half Sum, each of the three Sides, that is, I fub- tract firft 4 Yards from 16 Yards, and there remains 12 Yards, then 15 Yards from 16Y, and there remains 1 Yard, and laftly 13Y from 16Y and there remains 3 Yards. I afterwards multiply thofe four Numbers 16, 12, 1, 3 into one another, and extracting the Square Root of the Produ& 576, I find 24 for the Number of fquare Yards contained in the Triangle ABC. LXXXIII. To demonftrate this Rule, from the Angle A of the Triangle ABC Grounds of let a Perpendicular AE be drawn to the oppofite Side BC; then the forego- ing Method, AC²+2BCXBF=AB²+EC² (Fuc. Prop. XII. B. 11.) Confequently BE 2 2 2 AB +BC —AC BC²¬AC fults BE 2 2BC 2 Squaring each Member ofthis Equation, there re- 2 2 (AB +BC-AC ), 2 (2BC2) 2 ·AC ³) AE²=AB¾— (AB²+BC² —Að ² (2 BC' ) ² 2 2 confequently AB-BE” or multiply ingeach Member by (2BC)², NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 97 there reſults AE¹× (2BC) ²=AB³x(2BC)² —(AB²+BC²—AC²)². Ex- racting the Square Root of each Member, and dividing them by 4, there AEXBC refults 2 2 =-=-√ [ABˆ× (2BC)²—(AB²+BC³—AC³)³]= Area 4 2 2 1 of Triangle ABC, but AB x (2BC)-(AB+BC-AC) is equal to [AB × 2BC + AB²+BC-AC X ABX2BC-AB—BC+AC³] I Whence the Superficies or the Area of the Triangle ABC is equal to {√/[(AB×2BC+AB+BC”—AC¾×(AE×2BC—AB¾—-BC¾+ac)] 4 2 2 2 2 2 but ABX2BC+AB² +BC-AC or AB²+BC²+2AB XBC¬AC₁s the Product of AB+BC + AC multiplied into AB+BC AC. And ABX 2BC-AB-BC +AC, or AC —AB —BC +2ABXSC is the -AB-BC²+2A5XSC Product of AC+AB—BC multiplied into AC-AB+BC, Whence the Superficies or the Area of the Triangle ABC is equal to ✔[AB+-BC+AC)X(AB+BC—AC)X(AC+AB—BC)×(AC+BC—AB] AB÷BC—AC AC÷AB-BCAC+BC—AB] equal [AB+BC+ACK 24 AB+BC-AC 2 X AB+BC+AC But 2 A B+BC+AC BC, and 2 2 2 AC, and 2 AC+AB-BC 2 AC+BC-AB AB+BC+AC 2 = 2 AB. Whence the Area of the Triangle ABC may be exprefled thus AB+BC+AC(AB+BC÷AC X 2 2 AB+BC+ACBC)X(AB+BC+AC __AB)] AC)X(A) LXXXIV. 2 2 The Content of any quadrilateral Figure ABCD, having two parallel Sides AB, CD, is found by multiplying the Sum of thofe Sides by Half Fig. 7: their perpendicular Diſtance CE. For if the Diagonal AC be drawn, the Triangle ACB will be equal to CEXAB, and the Content of the Rules for finding the Triangle DAC will be equal to CEXCD, and therefore the Content Content of a of the whole Quadrilateral ABCD will be equal to + CEXAB+ CEXCD=1 CEX(AB+CD). LXXXV. quadrilateral Figure whoſe op- pofite Sides are parallel, From the Manner of finding the Area of a Triangle, the Area of any Sale, right-lined plane Figure, as ABCDE, may be determined, by divid ing the whole into Triangles and finding the Content of each Triangle. Figure S. Thus let the dividing Lines AC and AD, be 20 and 16 Inches, and the Perpendiculars BF, DG, EH falling thereon, 8, 12 and 16 reſpectively; then the Content of the Triangle ABC being So, that of ACD 120, 2 N 98 ELEMENTS OF 1 Method of Figure by dividing it into Triangles. and that of ADE 80, it is evident that the Content of the whole Figure finding the will be the Sum of all thofe, or 280 fquare Inches. But, when the given Area of any Lines are expreffed by Fractions or very large Numbers, the Work right lined will be fome what fhortened by finding the Content of every two Tri- angles, having the fame Baſe, at one Operation; that is, by first adding the two Perpendiculars together, and then multiplying half their Sum by the common Bafe of the two Triangles. Thus, in the laſt Example, the half Sum of the two Perpendiculars BF and DG being 10, if this Number be therefore multiplied by 20, the Meaſure of the common Bafe AC, the Product which is 200 will be the Content of the Trapezium ABCDA, to which 80 the Content of the Triangle ADE being added, the Sum will be 280, the fame as before. Fig. 9. Role for LXXXVI. The Content of a regular Polygon ABCDEF, that is, one whofe Sides and Angles are all equal, is found by multiplying half the Sum of its finding the Area of any Sides by the Length of the Line KG drawn from the Middle of regular Po- AB to the Center of the Polygon. lygon. Grounds of the forego- ing Rule for finding the gon. 1; any Side For, from the Center K let there be drawn Rays to all the Angles of the Polygon, which will divide it into as many equal Triangles as it has Sides, and which will have all the fame Altitude. (Euc. Prop. XIV. B. IM.) Now if upon a fame ſtraight Line AH, the Baſes AB, BC, CD, &c. of all thofe Triangles be extended, and upon AH be conftructed the Triangle AKH having for Altitude KG, this Triangle AKH will be equal to the Area of any Sum of the Triangles which compofe the regular Polygon ABCDEF, regular Poly confequently the Superficies of any regular Polygon is equal to a Tri- angle AKH whofe Bafe is equal to the Contour of the Polygon, and whofe Altitude is the Line drawn from the Middle of any Side to the Center of the Polygon, but the Superficies of a Triangle AKH is equal to one Half of the Product of its Bafe AH into its Altitude KG, where- fore the Superficies of any regular Polygon ABCDEF is equal to the one Half of the Product arising from the Multiplication of its Contour into the Line drawn from the Middle of any Side to the Center of the Polygon. The Area of a Circle found by LXXXVII. By increafing the Number of Sides of a regular Polygon infcribed in a Circle, its Contour approaches continually nearer and nearer to the Periphery of the Circle, which is its Limit, and the Line drawn from the multiplying Middle of any Side to the Center of the Polygon, approaches nearer and its Periphery by Half its nearer to the Ray, which is its Limit, wherefore fince the Superficies of a regular Polygon, what ever the Number of Sides may be, is equal to a Triangle whofe Baſe is the Contour of this Polygon, and Altitude the Line drawn from the Middle of any Side to the Center of the Polygon, it is evident that the Superficies of a Circle is equal to that of a Triangle Radius. NUMERAL 99 ARITHMETICK whofe Bafe is the Circumference of the Circle, and Altitude the Ray of the fame Circle. If therefore a ſtraight Line could be found exactly equal to the Cir- cumference of a Circle whofe Radius is given, a re&tilineal Figure might be made equal to the Area of this Circle, and what is called the Quadrature of the Circle would be found. But though this Problem has not been folved, and is thought never will, yet feveral Ways have been invented by which the Value of the Circumference may be obtained to any affigned Degree of Exactness, whereof the following is one of the moſt fimple. LXXXVIII. Method of finding the If from the Extremity A of any Arch AB, there be drawn a Ray CA, and an indefinit Tangent AD; and from the other Extremity B of the fame Arch there be drawn a Line BE perpendicular to the Ray CA, and through the Points B and C, the Line BC which produced will meet the Fig. 10 Tangent in D: BE is called the Sine of the Arch AB, AD its Tangent, CD its Secant, AE its Verfe Sine. The Ray CF being fuppofed perpendicular to the Ray CA, that is, AF Ratio of the being a Quadrant of a Circle, and confequently the Arch BF being the Diameter to Complement of the Arch BA, if from the Extremity B of the Arch BF the Circum- the Line BG be drawn perpendicular to the Ray CF, and from the other Extremity F of the fame Arch be drawn a Tangent FI meeting the Secant CI in I, BG or its equal CE Sine of the Arch BF, is called the Co-fine of the Arch AB, FI its Co-tangent, CI its Co-fecant, and GF its Verfe co-fine. ference. Theſe Notions being premifed, let the Radius of the Circle be di- vided into ten Billions of equal Parts, or let CA=10000000000, and let the Arch ALB be 30°, Confequently its Sine BE, which is equal to Half the Radius, will be 5000000000. Whence is deduced the Sine AK of AL, half of the Arch ALB, that is, of 159. for EC/BC-BE= 8660254037, 84438, and CA-CE—AE=1339745962, 15562, and Fig. 11. 2 2 AB=BE +AF =26794919243112264579,77747602confequently AB or AK - 6698729810778066144, 94436901, and of Courfe AK or S. 15° 2588190451, 0252. 4 In like Manner the Sine of 7° 30' will be found to be equal to 1305261922, 2005, the Sine of 3° 45′ to be 654031292, 3014, the Sine of 1° 52′ 30″ to be 327190828, 2177, the Sine of 56' 15" to be equal to 163617316, 2649, the Sine of 28' 7" 30" to be 81811396, 0394, the Sine of 14' 3" 45"to be 40906040, 2624, the Sine of 7' 1" 52" 30"H 100 OF ELEMENTS Circle by Means of the forego- V VI to be 10453062, 911641, the Sine of 3′ 30″ 56" 15"" to be equal to 10226536, 8034, the Sine of 1' 45" 28" 7 to be 5113269, 0701, the Sine of 52" 44" 3" 45" to be 2556634, 6186, the Sine of 26" 22~ 1*52 30 to be 1278317, 3198, the Sine of 13" II" .0"""" be 639158, 66118383; the Sine of 6" 35" 30"""" 319579, 3307512: the Sine of 3" 17" 45" 14" 159789, 665396; and confequently the Sine of 1" 38" 52 30v will be found to be 79894, 8327005. 56 15 to VI 30" 28" 3 7V VI 3011 45 VII to be to be V 5.2"" 37 IV Now I" 38" 52" 37 IV' 52" 30" being reprefented by the Arch AL, half of the Arch AB, or of 3" 17" 45"" 14" 3" 45", if the Chord BF be drawn, which an account of the Angle FAB being a right Angle, will be perpendicular to AB, and confequently parallel to the Secant CH the two Triangles FEB, CAH will be therefore equiangular, and of Courfe FE: BE=CA : AH (Euc. Prop. Iv. B. vi.) but FE=EC÷CF¬R+ Coſ, AB=10000000000+9999999998, 723363=19999999998, 723363, BE= Sin. AB=159789, 665396 and CB=10000000000. Conſequently AH or T. AL or T. 1" 38" 52" 37° 159789,665396X10000000000 = 79894, 832703. 37V IV 520" 30v- 19999999998, 723363 From whence it follows 1. that fince the Sin. I" 38" 52""" 37" Iv! 52" 30", viz 79894, 8327005 is less than its Arch, and this Arch being found by dividing the Arch 300 by 65536 or 16 Times fucceffively by 2, and being confequently contained 65536 Times in 30°, or 6 Times 65536, that is, 393216 Times in the Semi-Circumference, it follows I fay, that 79894, 8327005X393216, or 31415926535, 159808 will be lefs than the Semi-Circumference, whofe Radius is expreffed by 10000000000. 2º. Since the T. 1" 38" 52" 37v IV 52" 30", viz. 79894, 832703 is greater than its Arch, 79894, 832703X393216, or 31415926536, 339456 is greater than the Semi-circumference whofe Radius is expreffed by 10000000000, whence the Periphery of a Circle whofe Radius is expreffed by i is equal to 6, 283185308 very nearly. LXXXIX. From the Periphery thus found, the Area of the Circle will alfo be Method of known, being equal to the Rectangle of the whole Periphery and half finding the Area of any the Radius, that is, equal to 6, 283185308X, 5 or 3, 141592654. Therefore fince the Peripheries of Circles are as their Diameters (Euc cor. III. Prop. xxxiii. B. vI.) and the Circles themſelves are as the Squares ing Propor- of thofe Diameters (Euc. Prop. II. B. XII.), it follows that as 2 to tion of the 6, 283185308, or 1 to 3, 141592654:: the Diameter of any Circle to the Circum its Periphery, and as 4 to 3, 141592654 or as I to 0, 785398163: the ference, Square of the Diameter to the Area very nearly. Diameter to ་ NUMERAL ARITHMETICK, ΙΟΙ A XC. found more by the Pro- But when the Cafe propofed does not require any great Degree of The Area Accuracy then thoſe of Archimedes may be uſed, viz. 7: 22 Diam: Cir- of a Circle cum. and 14: II 14: 11 fquare Diam: Area, which Proportions differ but expeditiouf- little from thoſe above as will appear from the following Example, ly but lefs wherein the Diameter of a Circle being 28, its Circumference and Area accurately are required, here according to the firft Proportions I multiply 28 by portions of 3, 141592654 for the Circumference, and the Square of 28 or 784 by Archimedes 0, 785398163 for the Area, and there refults 87, 964 &c. and 615, 75, &c. refpectively. But according to the Proportions of Archimedes the Cir- cumference willbe found equal to 88 and the Area 616, which differ very little from the former. After the fame Manner the Area of any other Circle will be found. XĊI. Area of a Since a Sector DKBCAD, or DKCAD, or DKA, contained by the Fig. 12. three fourths, or the one half or the one fourth, &c. of the Circumfe- rence, is equal to the three fourths or to the one half or to the one Rule for fourth, &c. of the Circle, and confequently is equal to a Triangle finding the whofe Bafe is the three fourths or the one half or the one fourth, &c. Segment of of a Line equal to the Circumference of this Circle, and Altitude the a Circle. Ray of the Circle; it is manifeft that the Content of a Sector will be found, by multiplying its Arch by one half of its Ray. If, for Example, the Arch AD of the Sector be fuppofed to be 60 Degrees, and the Ray AK 14 Yards, the Diameter of the Circle of the Sector will be 28 Yards; Whence the Circumference of the Circle will be found to be 88 Yards, and 60 Degrees being the one fixth of 360 De- grees, or of the whole Circumference, the Number of Yards contained in the Arch AD will be 14 Y 2f, confequently the Content of the Sector AKD will be 14Y 2f X7Y or 102 YY 2Yf. XCII. Since the Superficies of any Sector AKDFL is determinable, as alſo Method of the Area of the Triangle AKD contained by the two Rays AK, DK finding the and the Chord AD, it is manifeft that if the Area of the Sector Area of a AKDFL, and the Area of the Triangle AKD be feparately found, and Sector of a the Area of the Triangle be deducted from that of the Sector, the Re- mainder will be the Area of the Segment ADFL. If, for Example, the Ray AK be 21 Yards, the Chord AD 30, and the Perpendicular KE 14Y 2f 21, and the Angle AKD 100 Degrees. I first determine the Superficies of the Sector AKDFL, which I find to be 385 fquare Yards. I afterwards determine the Superficies of the Triangle AKD, by multiplying AD by KE and taking the one half of the Product, which will be 220YY 2Yf 6YI, then fubtracting from 385 YY the Area of the Sector AKD! L, 220YY 2Yf 6YI the Area of the Triangle AKD, the Remainder 164YY oYf 6YI will be the Area of the Segment ADFL, Circle, 102 ELEMENTS OF XCIII. From the Manner of computing the Areas of plane Figures, the Convex Superficies of folid Bodies may alfo be determined, thus. 1 The Convex Superficies of a Prifm AQPCB, is found by multiply- Fig. 13.and ing the Periphery of a Section RSTVXR perpendicular to one of the Sides AM, by the length of this Side. 14. Method of finding the convex Su- perficies of a Prifm. Grounds of this Method. That this may appear, let a Rectangle mr be conftructed, whofe Bafe ar is equal to the Periphery of the Section RSTVXR, and whofe Alti- tude am is equal to the Side AM of the Prifm; and let the Bafe ar of the Rectangle mr be divided into Parts af, ft, tu, ux, xr equal to the Sides. RS, ST, TV, VX, XR of the Section RSTVXR, and through the Points of Divifion let there be drawn Parallels to the Side am; I fay that the Parts F, G, H, I, K into which the Rectangle mr is divided, will be equal to the Parallelograms AN, BO, CP, DQ, EM which contain the Priſm. For fince the Side AM is perpendicular to the Section RSTVXR, all its Parallels BN, CO, DP, EQ will be alfo perpendicular to the ſame Section, (Euc. Prop. VIII. B. XI.) from whence it follows 1°. that the ſtraight Line RS will be perpendicular to the two Parallels AM, BN, confequently the Parallelogram AN will be equal to the Product of AM into RS, or to the Rectangle F whofe Altitude am and Bafe af are equal to AN, RS. Fig. 15 and .16. 2º. That the Straight Line ST will be perpendicular to the two Pa- rallels BN, CO; whence the Parallelogram BO will be equal to the Product of ST multiplied by BN, or by its equal AM, and confequently equal to the Rectangle G, whofe Bafe st and Altitude am are equal to ST, AM. In like Manner it will appear, that the other Parallelograms CP, DQ, EM are equal to the Rectangles H, I, K; whence the Sum of the Pa- rallelograms that contain the Prifm, or the Superficies of the Prifm, is equal to the Sum of the Rectangles F, G, H, I, K, that is, to the Rectangle whofe Bafe is the Periphery RSTVXR of the Section, and whofe Altitude is the Side AM of the Prifm. f From whence it follows that the convex Superficies of an erect Priſm, will be found, by multiplying the Periphery of the Bafe by the Altitude of the Solid, for in an erect Prifm, the Section perpendicular to any of its Sides, is parallel to the Bafe, and confequently equal to it. XCIV. Since the foregoing Conclufions hold univerfally whatever the Num- ber of Faces of the Prifm may be, and as the Prifm by increafing the Rule for de Number of its Faces approaches continually nearer and nearer to the termining infcribed Cylinder, which is its Limit, it is evident that the convex Su- ficies of a perficies of a Cylinder is equal to a Rectangle mr, whofe Baſe is a ſtraight Cylinder Line equal to the Periphery of the Section perpendicular to one of its the Super NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 103 Sides AM, and whofe Altitude is a Line equal to this Side: and if the deduced Cylinder be erect, its convex Superficies is equal to a Rectangle whofe from the contiguous Sides are equal to the Altitude and Periphery of the Baſe of foregoing this Cylinder. XCV. Methed. Method of The upper Superficies of a regular Pyramid SABCDE is found by Fig. 17 and multiplying the Periphery of its Bafe by half the Length of the Line 18. SG drawn from the Vertex to the Middle of any Side AB of this Baſe. For the Pyramid SABCDE being a regular one, its Bafe ABCDE finding the Superficies will be a regular Polygon, and confequently all its Sides AB, BC, CD, of a regular &c. will be equal, and the ftraight Line SF drawn from the Vertex to Pyramid. the Center F of the Circle defcribed about this Polygon will be perpen- dicular to the Plane of this Polygon, confequently all the ftraight Lines SA, SB, SC, &c. drawn from the Vertex of the Pyramid to the Angles of its Bafe, will be equal. (Euc. Prop. IV. B 1.) Wherefore all the Tri- this Me anglès ASB, BSC, CSD, &c. whofe Vertices coincide at the Vertex of thod. the Pyramid will be equal, and ifofceles Triangles, and their Altiudes will be equal to the Line SG drawn from the Vertex of the Pyramid to the Middle of any Side of the Bafe, as AB, and confequently per- pendicular to this Side. Wherefore the Sum of all the Triangles ASB, BSC, CSD, &c. which compofe the upper Superficies of the regular Pyamid SABCDE, is equal to the Triangle ZHI, having for Bafe the fum of all their Baſes, and whofe Altitude ZH is equal to the ftraight Line SG drawn from the Vertex of the Pyramid to the Middle of any Side AB of the Baſe. XCVI. Grounds of The Superficies of any Fruftum ABCDEMNOPQ of a Pyramid, is Rule for found by multiply ng the Sum of the Peripheries of the two Ends finding the ABCDE, MNOPQ, by Half the Length of the Line drawn through of a Fruf- Superficies the Middle of any two correfponding Sides AB, MN. tum of a Pyramid. Grounds of For the two Ends of the Fruftum MNOPQ and ABCDE being pa- rallel, the Sides MN, NO, OP, &c. of the one will be parallel to the Sides AB, BC, CD, &c. of the other, wherefore AB: MN=SB: SN this Rule. and SB: SN-BC: NO (Euc. Prop. II. B vI.) Confequently AB: MN- BC: NO, and alternately AB : BC-MN: NO; but the End ABCDE being a regular Polygon, AB BC, confequently MN=NO. By a fimilar reafoning it will appear that NO-OP, &c. and the Lines SA, SB, SC, SD, &c. which are all equal, will be cut proportionally, confequently SM, SN, SO, SP, &c. will be alfo equal, wherefore the Triangles MSN, NSO, OSP which compofe the Superficies of the Py- ramid will have their Sides equal each to each, and confequently all their Altitudes will be equal to that ST of the Triangle MSN; whence the Sum of all the Triangles MSN, NSO, OSP, &c. or the upper - 104 OF ELEMENTS Superficies of the Pyramid, is equal to the Trangle ZKL, whofe Baſe KL is equal to the fum of the Bales of all thofe Triangles, and whofe Alti- tude ZK is equal to the Line ST; but the Superficies of the Pyramid SABCDE is equal to the Triangle Z I; wherefore the Superficies of the Fruftum contained between the parallel Bafes ABCDE MNOPQ, is equal to the Trapezium HILK, whofe two parallel Sides are equal How the Su to the Peripheries of the two Ends of the Fruftum, wherefore &c. uperficies of an irre- gular Pyra mid is determined. Fig. 19. As to the Superficies of an irregular Pyramid, there is no other Rule for finding its Content, but to compute feparately the Area of each of the Triangles which meet at the Vertex of this Pyramid. XCVII. Since the foregoing Conclufions hold univerfally whatever the Num- ber of Sides of the Pyramid may be, and as the Pyramid by increaſing the Number of its Sides approaches continually to the infcribed Cone which is its Limit, it is evident that the convex Superficies of a Cone is termining equal to the Product of the Circumference of the Baſe of the Cone into the Super half the flant Side thereof, and that the convex Superficies of any Fruftum of this Solid is equal to the Product of the Peripheries into half the Slant-ſide of the Fruftum. Rule for de ficies of a Cone. XCVIII. The Superficies of a Sphere, is found by multiplying the Periphery of Method of the greateſt or generating Circle, by its Diameter; or by multiplying finding the Superficies the Square of the Diameter by 3, 1416. Fig. 20. of a Sphere. Let a Circle RQSq be infcribed in a regular Polygon ABCDE &c. of an even Number of Sides, from the Center O to the Point of contact Q of any Side BC, let the Radius OQ be drawn; alfo draw BbM, QPq, CcL &c. perpendicular to AF, and BN perpendicular to CL, and let the Polygon and its infcribed Circle be ſuppoſed to revolve about the pro- duced Diameter AF. this Me- thod. Becauſe the Solid generated by the Plane be CB is the Fruftum of a Grounds of Cone, the convex Superficies thercof generated by BC, is equal to the Rec- tangle under BC and the Sum of the two Peripheries defcribed by Bb and Cc: but the Sum of theſe two, as Qq is an arithmetical mean be- tween them, is equal to twice the Periphery Qq, and therefore the convex Superficies of the faid Fruftum is equal to BCX2 Periph. Qq BCX Periph. Qq, but becauſe of the fimilar Triangles OPQ, BNC, we have BC : BN(bc)=OQ: PQ=Periph. RQSq: Periph. Qq and confequently BCX Periph. Qq=bcx Periph. RQSq Superficies generated by BC. By the very fame Argument it will appear that the Superficies generated by any other Side CD is COX Periph. RQSq: Whence it is manifeft that the Superficies of the whole Solid is =Ab+bc+c0+, &c.X Periph. RQSq, and as the whole Superficies is NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. IOS equal to AFX Periph. RQSq, let the Number of Sides of the gene- rating Polygon be what it will, and as the faid Superficies, by increafing the Number of its Sides, approaches nearer and nearer continually to the Superficies of the infcribed Sphere, which is its Limit; it is evi- dent that the Superficies of the Sphere itſelf is likewife equal to a Re&t- angle under its Axis RS and Periphery R QS q; wherefore, &c. XCIX. Rule for de The convex Superficies of any Segment of a Sphere BALDB, is found Fig. 21. by multiplying the Square of twice the Altitude LB of the Segment, toge- termining ther with the Square of the Diameter of the Bafe of the Segment, by the Superfi 0,7854; as being equal to the Superficies of the Circle, having for Ray cies of a Seg the Altitude LB of the Segment, together with the Superficies of the ment of a Sphere Baſe of the Segment.. of For it is evident from the foregoing Article, that the convex Superficies Crounds of any Segment BALDB of a Sphere, is equal to the Product of the Al- this Rule titude multiplied into the Periphery of the greateſt Circle ABDGA of the Sphere, but if the Chords AB, AG, be drawn, the Triangles ABL, BAG being Equiangular, LB: AB AB: BG, and dividing = the Confequents of this Proportion by 2, then LB : = AB: BC: AB 2 But AB BC= Circum. AB: Circum. BC: Wherefore LB : 2 AB 2 AB 2 AB Circum.AB: Circum. BC, whence Circum. ABX = LBXCircum.BC. But the Produ& LBXCircum. BC, reprefenting the convex Super- ficies of the Segment BALDB, & Circum. ABX repreſenting the Superficies of a Circle whofe Ray is AB, which on Account of the Trian- gle ALB, being right angled in L, is equal to the Sum of the Circles, whoſe Rays are the Sides AL, LB of this Triangle, it is manifeft that the convex Superficies of the Segment BALDB is equal to the Super- ficies of the Circle, whofe Ray is the Altitude LB of the Segment, toge- ther with the Superficies of the Bafe of the Segment, C. be Fig. 22. Having explained how the Superficies of folid Bodies are determined, it remains to fhew how the Contents of the Solids themſelves may found. Let the Solid to be meaſured be a Parallelepiped A O, whoſe Length AB, Breadth B C, and Height A M, have been meaſured, for Example, with the lineal Yard, and let this Solid be cut by Planes D P, EQ, FR, GS, HT, IV, &c. parallel to its Bafe, into as many equal Solids one Yard high, as there are Yards in its Height A M. Each Solid as MV contained between two parallel Planes MO, IV, tent of a Pa The Con › rallepiped 106 OF ELEMENTS its found by being one Yard high, will contain as many cubical Yards as there are multiplying the Area offquare Yards in the Superficies of the Bafe MO; becauſe a cubical its Bafe by Yard may be placed upon each of the fquare Yards in the Bafe MO, its Altitude. and that the cubical Yards that occupy all the fquare Meaſures of the Bafe, will be exactly contained between the two parallel Planes M O, I V, diftant one Yard from each other. Example Another But the Number of fquare Yards contained in the Rectangle M O, is equal to the Product of its Length M N multiplied by its Breadth NO. Wherefore the Number of cubical Yards contained in each of the So- lids one Yard high, into which the Parellelepiped AO is divided, is equal to the Product of its Length MN multiplied by its Breadth NO; and as the Parallelepiped A O contains as many Solids one Yard high as there are Yards in its Altitude A M; it follows that thel Number of cubical Yards contained in the Parallelepiped A O wil be found by multiplying the Product of its Length MN and Breadth NO, meaſured in lineal Yards by the Number of Yards contained in its Altitude A M. CI. Let, for Example, the Length of the Bafe AB be 6 Yards; the Breadth B C 5 Yards; and the Height A M of the Solid 3 Yards; the Number of cubical Yards contained in the Paralellepiped A O, will be * equal to the Product of the three Numbers 6, 5, 3; and confequently will be go cubical Yards. CII. If the Length AB of the Bafe, the Breadth BC, and the Height AM Example. of the Parallelepiped AO were meaſured in lineal Feet, Inches, or Lines, it is manifeft that the Content of the Paralellepiped would be expreffed in cubical Feet, cubical Inches, or cubical Lines, A cubical Yard, being a Parallelepiped 6 Feet long, 6 Feet broad, and 6 Feet high, the cubical Yard will contain 6 × 6 × 6 or 216 cubical Feet. A cubical Foot being a Paralellepiped 12 Inches long, 12 Inches broad, and 12 Inches high, the cubical Foot will contain 12 X 12 X 12, or 1728 cubick Inches: In like Manner it will appearthat a cubical Inch which is 12 Lines long, 12 Lines broad, and 12 Lines high, contains 1728 cubical Lines, and fo of the other Meaſures that are employed. CIII. T When the Dimenfions of a Parallelepiped are meaſured by the Yard, and is not contained in them a certain Number of Times without a Remainder, the Computiſts meaſure the Remainder in Parts of a Yard, viz. in Feet, Inches, Lines, and as the Product of thoſe three Dimen NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 107 Meaſures are divided vided into Parts anala fions is not always an exa& Number of cubical Yards without a Remain- The folid der, they eftimate this Remainder in Parts of the cubical Yard. Though the cubical Foot, the cubical Inch, and cubical Line, are and fubdi the moſt regular Parts of the cubical Yard, thofe however are not the Parts that the Computifts commonly employ in eftimating the Parts of gous to Solids that are leſs than the cubical Yard, after the greateſt thofe of the Part of the Solid has been computed in cubical Yards, to render the Computation more eafy, they divide the cubical Yard into Parts analo- gous to thofe of the lineal Yard. They divide therefore the cubical Yard into 3 equal Parallelepipeds having each a fquare Yard for Bafe, that is 1 Yard long, 1 Yard broad, and I Foot high, which on account of their three Dimenſions is expref- fed thus Yard-Yard-Foot, They divide the Yard-Yard-Foot, or the third Part of the cubical Yard, into 12 equal Parts, having each for Bafe a fquare Yard, that is, 1 Yard long, 1 Yard broad, and I Inch high, expreffed thus Yard-Yard-Inch. They divide alfo the Yard-Yard-Inch, or the twelfth Part of the third Part of the cubical Yard into 12 equal Parts, having each a fquare Yard for Bafe and I Line for Height, which on account. of their three Dimenfions is expreffed thus, Turd-Yard-Line; and fo of the other Meaſures that are employed. CIV. lineal Mea fures, Example When the Dimenfions of a Parallelepiped are meaſured by the Foot, and is not contained in them a certain Number of Times without a Re- Another mainder, the Computifts meaſure this Remainder in Inches and Lines. Example. In this Cafe the Parallelepiped contains a certain Number of cubical Feet with a Remainder, which the Computifts eſtimate in Parts of a cu- bical Foot. To this End they divide the cubical Foot into 12. equal Parts, and thofe Parts which are 1 Foot long, 1 Foot broad, and 1 Foot high, are expreffed thus, Foot-Foot-Inch, on account of their three Dimenſions they fubdivide afterwards the Foot-Foot-Inch into 12 equal Parts, each I Foot long, 1 Foot broad, and 1Line high, expreffed thus, Foot-Foot-Line, to diſtinguiſh them by their three Dimenfions. In fine, whatever Meaſures are employed to meafure a Solid, it is ufual to affume cubical Meaſures for the principal Meaſures of the Solid, and to measure the Part which is lefs than the principal folid Meaſure with leffer Meaſures, formed by fubdividing the principal cubical Meaſure into as many equal Parts as are contained in the lineal Meaſure; ſo that all the folid Meaſures refulting from thofe Divifions, have two Dimenſions equal to thoſe of the principal Meaſure, ¡ 108 } ELEMENTS OF J } J CV. TheLength, From what precedes it is eafy to conclude that a Number of equal Breadth, and fuperficial Meaſures of any Length and Breadth, multiplied by a Num- the folid ber of lineal Meafures of any Length, produces a Number of folid Mea- Meaſures fures, having for Bafes the Meafures of the Multiplicand, and for Height the Meaſures of the Multiplicator. contained in any Solid, are the line For Example, if a Number of fquare Yards 1 Yard long, and 1 Yard al Meaſures broad, be multiplied by a Number of lineal Yards, the Product will be compofed of a Number of folid Meafures, 1 Yard long, 1 Yard broad, and 1 Yard high, that is, of cubical Yards. of its Di menfions. Ifff If a Number of fquare Yards be multiplied by a Number of lineal Feet, or of Inches, or of Lines, the Produ&t will contain a Number of folid Meaſures, 1 Yard long, 1 Yard broad, and 1 Foot or 1 Inch or Line high. If a Number of fuperficial Meaſures that have two different Dimenfions, be multiplied by a Number of lineal Meaſures that differ alfo from thoſe Dimenfions, for Example, if a Number of fuperficial Meaſures 8 Inches long, and 4 Inches broad, be multiplied by a Number of lineal Meaſures of two Inches, there will refult for Product, a Number of folid Meaſures, each 8 Inches long, 4 Inches broad, and 2 Inches high, and fo on. CVI. The Value of the different Units relative to the cubical Yard,. and the Characters whereby they are diftinguished from each other, are as follow. rryCubical Yard CubicalFoot III Cubical Inch LLL Cubical Line I rrr 27fff 1fff 1728III ₁ III 1728 LLL rrr 3rrƒ irrƒ 12rri or 9fff irri 12rrl fff 12YYL I 1rrl 12rr' YYL rrf Yard-Yard-Foot YYI Yard-Yard-Inch YYL Yard-Yard-Line Yard-Yard-Prime Yard-Yard-Second Irr" 12rr"" Yard-Yard-Tierce I XX!!! rri Yr rn Irr' 12rr" Υγ 12rr¹v Yr¹v Yard-Yard-Quart ¡YY'v 12YYv I Yr Yard-Yard-Quint Tv 12rY rv 12/II ■ III 12ff 144LLL 12ff" 12LLL ffL Foot-Foot-Line IffL 12ff ff Foot-Foot-Prime iff 1 2ff" ff Foot-Foot-Second iff" ff Foot-Foot-Tierce ff" ff Foot-Foot-Quart ff fff IIL Inch-Inch-Line 911II1 Inch-Inch-Prime ¡III 12IIL 1 LLL IIL 12' 144LİL III II" Inch-Inch-Second II" 7zIII 9LLL Yff Yard-Foot-Foot LLL YI Yard-Foot-Inch rrv LLLYfI I Irry' LLLYL Yard-Foot-Line rry Yard-Yard-Sext ffl Foot-Foot-Inch fff 12ff! iffI 12ffL YII Yard-Inch Inch YIL Yard-Inch-Line 144III|YLL Yard-Line-Line III' [2][" 1 2 LLL X 1 LLL I irff 4rri 4rri 3fff I r fl 4 r r l 4rrl #fff irfl 4rr! 36111 36111 3III IrII rr' I YIL 4rY" 1 YLL 4Y7"|| I NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 109 CVII. Let it be propofed to find the Content of a Parallelepiped the Area of whofe Baſe is 3957rr 2rf 8r1, and its Altitude 22Y 1ƒ 61. Having difpofed thofe Numbers as in the Margin, I first multiply the Num- ber of YY of theMultiplicand, by22Y, and afterwards take for the Products of the other Parts of the Multiplicand, multiplied by 22Y, the fame Parts of 23YYY, that the Parts 2 Yf 8YI of the Multiplicand are of a fquare Yard. 1º. Multiplying the Part 3957Y Y of the Multiplicand by 22Y, I find thoſe two particular Products to be 7914YYY and 79140YYY. 7914rr 7914 3957rr 2rf 22r If 8YI 61 14 2rrf 4 2 8rri О ΙΟ 8rYL I I I 4 1319 Method of finding the Content of a Parallele piped, whofe Bafe is ex preffed in fquare Yards and Parts of a fquare Yard, and Altitude in Yards and 659 890521rr 1r 6rri orYL Parts of a ÖYYL Yard. 2º. To multiply 2 Yf by22 Y, I obſerve that 1YY multiplied by 22 Y, will produce 22ŸŸY, whence 2 Yf which are only the two thirds of YY fhould give for Product the two-thirds of 22YYY, and each third Part being 7YYY 1YYf, I fet down twice 7YYYYYf or 14YYY 2YYf. 3º. To multiply the 8YI of the Multiplicand by 22Y, I obferve that 8YI are the one third of 2Yf, which produced 14YYY 2YYf, whence for 8YI I take the of 14YYY 2YYf, which is 4YYY 2YYƒ 8YYI, 4°. If the Multiplicand was to be multiplied by IY, the Product would be 3957YYY 2YYf 8YYI, but as it is only to be multiplied by Foot, or the of a Yard, the Product will be the of 3957YYY 2YYf 8YYI, viz. 1319YYY OYYf roYYI 8YYL. 5°. As 61 is only the one half of I f, it ſhould give for Product the one half of the Product 1319YYY OYYf 11YYI SYYL, which is 659YYY IYYf 10YYI 4YYL. 3 Adding together all thofe particular Products, there refults 89052YYY 1YYf 6YYL for the Content required of the Parallelepiped. CVIII. 81 Let it be propoſed to find the folid Content of a Parallelepiped 871 2f 81 long, 681 2f broad, and 32r if 61 high. As the Length is to be mul- tiplied by the Breadth, and that Product by the Height of the Parallelepiped, I multiply 87 Y 2f 81, by 68Y 2f, and the Product 6035 YY OYf IYI 4YL by 32Y if 61, from whence there refults 197138YYY 2YYf 1YYI 871 2f 682 2f 6035rr orf iri 4rL 6035rr orf ri 322 If 61 4YL OYL Method of finding the Content of a Parallelepi ped, whofe Dimenfions are expreff ed in Yards and Parts of 197138rrr 2rrƒ ırrı 4rYL OYL & Yard. 4 YYL for the folid Content required of the Parallelepiped. 110 ELEMENTS OF ! CIX. When the folid Content of a Body is found in cubical Yards, and in Method of other folid Meaſures that have all a fquare Yard for Bafe, and for reducing the parts be the Height the Parts into which the lineal Yard is divided, thofe Meaſures lid Meaſures may be reduced into cubical Meaſures, fuch as cubical Feet, cubical Inch- analogous to es, and cubical Lines, after the following Manner. thoſe of the lineal Mea fures into cubical Meaſures. I 1º. Each ſquare Yard containing nine fquare Feet, and 1YYf being the Product of 1 fquare Yard or of 9 fquare Feet multiplied by 1 Foot, which produces 9 cubical Feet, it follows that the Number of YYf being multiplied by 9, will produce cubical Feet. 2º. Each YYI being the one-twelfth Part of 1YYf, or of 9 cubical, Feet, it follows that IYYI is the of a cubical Foot; whence the Num- ber of YYI being multiplied by, will produce cubical Feet, and if there remains 1 or 2 or 3 Units, they will be equal to 432 or 864 or 1296 cubical Inches. 16 3°. Each YYL being the one-twelfth Part of IYYI or of the of a ž cubical Foot, it follows that 1YYL is the of a cubical Foot, or 108 cubical Inches, whence the one-fixteenth Part of the Number of 1YYL will be cubical Feet, and every 1YYL that remains will be equal to 108 cubical Inches. 4°. Each YY' being the one twelfth Part of 1YYI, or of 108 cubical- Inches, it follows that 1YY' is equal to 9 cubical Inches, confequently the Number of YY' being multiplied by 9, will produce cubical Inches. 5°. Each YY" being the one twelfth Part of 1 YYY', or of 9 cubical Inches, it follows that 1YY" is the of a cubical Inch, whence the Num- ber of YY" being multiplied by will produce cubical Inches, and if there remains 1 or 2 or 3 Units they will be equal to 432, 864, 1296 cubical Lines. I of a 6°. Each YY" being the one twelfth Part of 1YY", or of cubical Inch, it follows that 1YY" is the Part of a cubical Inch, or 108 cubical Lines, whence the one fixteenth Part of the Number of 1YY" will be cubical Inches, and every IYY" that remains will be equal to 108 cubical Lines. 7°. Each YY" being equal to the twelfth Part of 1YY", or of 108 cubical Lines, it follows that 1YY" is equal to 9 cubical Lines, whence. the Number of 1YY" being multiplied by 9, will produce cubical Lines. 8°. Each YYv being the twelfth Part of 1YY or of 9 cubical Lines it follows that 1YYv is equal to the of a cubick Line, where- fore the number of YY being multiplied by will produce cubical Lines. V 9º. Laſtly, 1YY being the twelfth Part of cubical Line, it follows that I YY will be the 1YY", or of of a of a cubical Line, and + NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. III confequently the number of YY being divided by 16, will produce cubical Lines. I When the Parts of the lowest Denomination, in the three mixt Num- bers that are propofed to be multiplied into one another, are Lines, the of the Number of 1 YY will always be an exact Number of cubical Lines, and the Number of IYYV will be always divisible by 16; be- cauſe the three Numbers when reduced into Lines, and multiplied into one another, can only produce cubical Lines. CX. Let it be propofed to reduce into cubical Feet, cubical Inches, cubical Lines, the Numbers of folid Meafures in the following Product, orrf orri 2rYL 3rr' 5rr" 5rr" 2r"""" 4rrv 48rr' that have all for Baje a Square Yard, and for Height the Parts into which the lineal Yard is divided. Το re- duce thofe orrf orri ₂rrь 3rr 5rr" 5rr" 2rrrrv 482v' The forego Meaſures it 9 fuffices, to fet down under the three first, the Num- bers 9, 4, I , which will pro- 3 4 2rYL I 178 Tъ 9 216/11 27 3 24711F V I 16 9 94 I To 1296LLL 540 18 3 3 132LLL Method applied to an Example. 3 duce cubical Feet, likewiſe under the three following the fame Numbers 9,416, which will produce cubical Inches, and under the three laſt the fame Numbers 9,,, likewife, which will produce cubical Lines, and multiply each Number of Meafures by the Number wrote under it. As the three firſt cannot produce an Unit, the Reduction will not pro- duce cubical Feet, but becauſe there remains 2 Yard-Yard-Lines, which multiplied by or divided by 16, will produee the of a Foot, or the of 1728 cubical Inches, I fet down 216 in the Rank of cubical Inches. ह Multiplying the three following Numbers 3YY', 5YY", 5YY", which fhould produce cubical Inches by the Numbers 9, 2, 3, wrote under them, I find for the first Product 27 II, for the fecond 3 III, 1296LLL and for the third 540LLL. Multiplying the three laſt Numbers of the Meaſures that ſhould pro- duce cubical Lines, by 9, the firft Produ&t will be 18LLL, the fecond 3LLL, and the third will be 3LLL. Having reduced all the Parts of the propofed Product, into cubical Meaſures, I add them together, and there reſults offf 247III 132LLL. 1 112 ELEMENTS OF Fig. 23. BG 2 CXI. From the Content of a Parallelepiped thus known that of a Prifm is alfo known. Let it be propofed for Example to find the Content of a triangular Priſm ABCDEF, becauſe this Priſm is the Half of its Parallele- piped (Euc. Prop. XXVIII B. XI) it will be equal to a Parallelepiped of equal Bafe and Altitude. Let therefore in its Baf e ABC, and from one of its Angles B, a Perpendicular BG be let fall upon the Side AC oppofite to this Angle; then ACX will reprefent a rectangular Parallelo- gram MNO whofe contiguous Sides MN, NO are equal to the Side AC and to one half of the Altitude BG of the Baſe ABC of the Priſm tent of any ABCDEF. Let a Perpendicular DI be drawn from any Point D of the found by upper Baſe of the Priſm to the Baſe ABC: then AC X X DI will re- multiplying the Area of preſent the folid Parallelepiped MR of equal Baſe and Altitude with the its Bafe by triangular Prifm ABCDEF. The Con Priſm is its Height. Fig. 24. The Con tent of a Cylinder BG 2 As all Polygons may be divided into Triangles, and that each Triangle may be transformed into a rectangular Parallelogram, it is manifeſt that every Priſm is equal to a Parallelepiped of equal Bafe and Altitude; therefore the Content of any Prifm will be found by multiplying the Area of the Baſe, (found by the Rules for Surperficies) by the Height of the Priſm, and the Product will be the required Content. CXII. After the very fame Manner the Content of a Cylinder is found (it being alfo equal to a Parallelepiped of equal Baſe and Altitude): There- found by fore, if for Example, the Diameter of the Baſe be ſuppoſed to be 20 multiplying Inches, and the Height of the Cylinder 15 Inches, then the Content of the Area of the Solid will be 4712, 4 cubical Inches, very nearly. For the Area of the its Altitude, circular Bafe being 314,16, this multiplied by15, gives 4712,4, as before its Baſe by Fig. 25. tent of a 3 CXIII. Hence alfo the Solidity of a Pyramid or Cone is likewife known; every The Con fuch Solid being of a Prifm or Cylinder of equal Bafe and Altitude Pyramid or (Euc. Prop. VII. Cor. II. Prop. x. B x11). Therefore the Content of a Cone, found Pyramid orCone is found by multiplying the Area of the Baſe by of by multiply the Altitude. ing the Meaſure of its Bafe into I third of its Altitude. CXIV. I 3 The Content of a Fruftum of a Pyramid is found by multiplying the Area of the two Ends, and a geometrical Mean between them by of the Height of the Fruftum. The Area of the two Ends of the Fruftum is found by the Rules for Superficies, but as thoſe two Ends are fimilar Figures, and confequently NUMERAL ARITHMETICK 113 proportional to the Squares of their homologous Lines, (Euc. Prop. xx. Fig. 26. Cor. II. B. VI.) when one of the two Ends of this Fruftum is found, the other may be determined by the following Proportion. Rule for finding the As the Square of any Line in one Bafe, whofe Length is known, is to the folid Con Square of the homologous Line in the other Bafe; fo is the Area of the first Bafe tent of to the Area of the fecond Bafe. Fruftum of a Pyramid When the Area of the two Baſes of the Fruftum is found, the Area of or Cone the Baſe, which is a geometrical Mean between them, is determined by the following Proportion. As a Line in one of the Bafes, is to the homologous Line in the other Baje; Jo is the Area of one of the Bafes to the Area of the geometrical Mean between them. CX V. the forego That this may appear let ABCDEF be the Fruftum of a triangular Pyramid, from an Angle A of the upper Bafe of the Fruftum, let there Grounds of be drawn in the lateral Faces, BD, CD of this Fruftum, two Diagonals ing Rule for AE, AF, and let the Fruftum be cut by a Plane EAF, paffing through determining the Solidity thoſe Diagonals. It is manifeft that this Fruftum will be divided into of a Fruf two Pyramids AEDF, ABCFE, the firft AEDF having for Bafe, the tum of a Baſe EDF of the Fruftum, as alfo the fame Altitude. Let the fecond quadrangular Pyramid ABCFE, be cut by a Plane CAE paffing thro' AC, AE, which will divide it into two Pyramids ABCE, ACFE; the first ABCE having for Baſe the Triangle BAC, and its Ver- tex in E, confequently the fame Altitude as the Fruftum. To find the Expreffion of the third Pyramid ACFE, I compare it with the Pyramid ABCE, and obferving that the Vertices of thoſe two Pyramids coincide in A, and that their Bafes BCE, CFE, are in the fame Plane BCFE, I conclude that they have the fame Altitude, and confequently that they are proportional to their triangular Bales BCE, CFE. will Now the two oppofite Bafes BAC, EDF, of the Fruftum of the Py- ramid, being parallel; BC and EF, will be parallel; whence the Trian- gles BCE, CFE, contained between thofe two Parallels BC, EF, have the fame Altitude, and will be proportional to their Baſes BC, EF and confequently the Pyramids ABCE, ACFE, will be proportional to the fame Lines BC, EF. But instead of taking the Point A for the common Vertex, and the two Triangles BCE, CFE for the Bafes of the two Pyramids, ABCE, ACFE; let the Point E and the Triangle ABC, be confidered as the Ver- tex and Baſe of the Pyramid ABCE, and let the Pyramid ACFE, be fup- poſed to be reduced to another Pyramid of the fame Height as the Fruf- Pyramid or Cone. 2 P } 114 ELEMENTS = OF X tum; the two Pyramids ABCE, ACFE having the fame Altitude, will be proportional to their new Baſes, BAC & X: and as thofe Pyramids have been demonftrated to be proportional to the two ftraight Lines BC, EF, their new Bafes will be alfo proportional to the Lines. BC, EF, or BAC: X BC: EF, but the but the two oppofite. Bafes EDF, BAC, ВАС, of the Fruftum being fimilar Figures. EDF: BAC EFXEF: B CX BC; wherefore by the Compofition of Ratios EDF : X = EFX EF X BC : BC × BC X EF-EF: BC,. and invertendo, X: EDF BC: EF; wherefore BAC: X= X: EDF.. From whence we may conclude that the Fruftum of a Pyramid or Cone is equal to the Sum of three Pyramids, or of three Cones, of the fame Altitude as the Fruftum, two of which have for Bafes the two Ends. of the Fruftum, and the third having for Bafe a geometrical. Mean be- tween the two Ends of the Fruftum. Confequently its folid Content is equal to one third of the Product, arifing from the Multiplication of the. Altitude of the Fruftum into a Bafe compofed of the two oppofite Bafes: of this Fruftum, and a geometrical Mean between them... 2 3 CXVI. The folid Content of a Sphere is found by multiplying the Area of its Rule for greateſt or generating Circle by of its Diameter; or becauſe the Area of fuch a Circle is to the Square of the Diameter, as 0,7854 to Unity; multiply the Cube of the Diameter by ,5236 which is of 0,7584. and the Product will be the Content of the Sphere. finding the folid Con tent of a Sphere. Grounds of the forego ing Rule. Fig. 27. Thus if the Diameter of a Sphere be 20, the Cube thereof will be 8000, which multiplied by the Fraction ,5236, gives 4188,8 for the Solidity of the Sphere very nearly. CXVII. 23 = To demonftrate this Rule, let AB be the Axis, about which a Sphere- and Cylinder are generated by the Rotation of a Semi-circle AGB, and a Rectangle ADCB; let HL be any right Line perpendicular to AB, meeting the Periphery of the Semi-circle in K, and from the Center O let OK and OD (interfecting HL in I) be drawn becauſe AD=OA, therefore is HI OH, and confequently HI (OH OK—HK') = HĽ—HK; whence becauſe all Circles are as the Squares. of their Radii (Euc. Prop. 2. B. XII.) it is evident that the Circle deſcribed by HI, or the Section of the Cone generated by the Triangle AOD is equal to the Difference of the Cireles defcribed by HL & HK, that is equal to the Anulus deſcribed by KL, or the Section of the Solid, which remains when the Sphere is taken out of the Cylinder; wherefore ſeeing the Sections are every where equal, the Solids themſelves must be alfo equal or the Cone EOD generated by the Triangle AOD, equal to the Ex- NUMERAL 115 ARITHMETICK.´ } cefs of the Cylinder, GDEg, above the Hemiſphere GAg, whence, as the Cone or Excefs is of the Cylinder, the Hemiſphere must confequent- ly be the other two thirds, and fo the whole Sphere equal to of its circumfcribing Cylinder CDEF CXVIII. 2 the folid Content of a The Content of a Segment of a Sphere is found by multiplying the Rule for Square of twice the Height or Thickness of the Segment by the Ray of the determining Sphere lefs by of the faid Height, and that Product again by 0,7854. For to obtain the Content of a Segment BAD of a Sphere, we muft Segment of fubtract the Cone CAD, from the fpherical Sector CABD. 3 a Sphere. But 1º. The ſpherical Sector CABD is equal to a Cone, having the Radius BC of the Sphere for Altitude, and the fpherical Superficies of the Segment BAD for Bafe, confequently is equal to the Sum of two Cones, Fig. 28. both having the Ray BC of the Sphere for Altitude, and whoſe Baſes have for Rays the two ftraight Lines AL, BL, that is, Sector Cir. AL X BC Cir. BLX BC CABD = 3 + 3 2º. 'The Cone CAD to be fubtracted from the Sector, having AL for Cir. AL x LC Ray and LC for Altitude, this Cone CAD= Grounds of the forego 3 confequent-ing Rule. Cir. ALX (BC-LC) + ly Sector CABD-Cone BAD or Segment BAD= Cir. BLXB C Cir. A LXBL, Cir. B LXB C. 3 + 3 3 3. But Cir.BL: Cir.AL-BL: AL and BL: AL-AL: LG and BL AL BL:LG. Wherefore Cir. BL: Cir. AL-BL: LG; confequently Cir. ALXBL Cir. BLXLG Cir. ALXBL = Cir. BLXLG and Hence the ſpherical Segment BAD = But 3 3 Cir. BLXLG Cir. BLX BC + Cir. BLX LG Cir. BLXBC 3 + 3 3 Cir. BL x (LG + BC) BLX (LGBC) Cir. BLX (3 BC — BL) = Cir. B L X (B C – BL). 3 3 3 3 But Cir. BL being the Area of a Circle whofe Ray is the Thickness of the Fruftum BAD, it is manifeft that Cir. BL X (BCBL) is the folid Content of a Cylinder, whofe Ray is BL, and Altitude is Equal to the Ray BC of the Sphere, lefs the one third of the Height BL of the Segment. Wherefore, &c. CXIX. Having fully explained the Method of multiplying mixed Numbers, and fhewn how Superficies and Solids are produced by the Multiplication of 116. } ELEMENTS OF } Method of dividing a ber by a fimple one. Numbers, fubllituted for Lines, we now proceed to explain the Method of dividing mixed Numbers, and to fhew how Superfices and Solids are are refolved by Divifion. The Divifor given to divide a mixed Number by, may be either a fim- ple or compound Number. When the Divifor given is a fimple Number, the Divifion of mixed Numbers does not differ from that of fimple mixed Num Numbers, and is performed by dividing each Part of the mixed Number by the given fimple Divifor, beginning the Divifion by the Parts of the higheſt Denomination. For Example, if the mixed Number that is pro- pofed to be divided, confifts of Pounds, Shillings, Pence, and Farthings, the Pounds are first to be divided, then the Shillings, after adding to them the Value of the Pounds that could not be divided; afterwards the Pence, after adding to them the Value of the Shillings that could not be divided; and lastly the Farthings are to be divided, after adding to them the Pence that could not be divided. dividing a ber by ano ther mixed. When the given Divifor is a compound Number, the Computifts re- Method of duce it to a fimple Number, by multiplying it by fuch Numbers as will mixed Num make all the Parts, whofe Units are lefs than the principal Unit, difap- pear; and, that the Quotient may be the fame as would refult if the Dividend was divided by the compound Divifor, they multiply the Di- vidend by the fame Numbers that the Divifor was multiplied by, to re- duce it to a fimple Number; the Reafon of this Operation is, that a Di- vidend and Divifor being multiplied by the fame Number, gives the fame Quotient as they would give if they had not been mutiplied. Number. exx. When the Divifor is an abſtract Number, the Units of the Quotient How to dif are of the fame Species as thofe of the Dividend, becauſe the abftra& tinguish Divifor denotes, by the Number of its Units, that the Dividend ſhould when the Quotient be divided into a certain Number of equal Parts, and it is manifeſt that fhould be the Parts of the Dividend are of the fame Species as this Dividend. concrete or abſtract Number. a Dimenfions of the Units When the Divifor is a concrete Number, its Units should be always of the fame Species as thofe of the Dividend, except the Dividend be a Num- ber of fuperficial or folid Meaſures, for in this Cafe the Divifor may be a concrete Number of Meafures that have one or two Dimenſions lefs than thoſe of the Dividend. If the Dividend and Divifor confift of the fame Species of Units, the Quotient is always an abſtract Number, fince it ſhould expreſs how often the Divifor is contained in the Dividend. If the Dividend contains a Number of fquare Meaſures, and the Di- of the Que vifor contains a Number of Meaſures that are the Sides of thoſe ſquare tient, when Meaſures, the Quotient will be a Number of Meaſures that will be the NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 117 Dividend Sides of the fame fquare Meaſures; and in general, when the Dividend Units of the confifts of a Number of Meaſures of a certain Number of Dimenfions, and Divifor and that the Units of the Divifor have fome of the Dimenfions of the confift of a Units of the Dividend, the Units of the Quotient always will have the certain Dimenſions of the Units of the Dividend, that the Units of the Divifor Dimenfions. have not: All which will be explained in the following Examples. CXXI. Let it be propoſed to divide the mixed Number 38386 £. 6s. 10d.½ by the abſtract Number 74. Having fet down the Divifor to the Right Hand of the Dividend, and drawn a Line, under which the Figures of the Quotient are to be fet down, accord- ing as they are found. 1º. I divide the Part 38386 £. of the Dividend by the given Divifor 74, and I find 518 £. for the Quotient, with a Remain- der 54 £. which cannot be divided by 74 under the Form of Pounds. 2º. This first Divifion being performed, I re- duce the 54 £. remaining into Shillings, by multi- plying it by 20, which will produce 1080 s. to which adding the 6 s. in the Dividend, there re- 38386 £. 6 s. 10 d. 1 370 138 74 646 592 54 £. 6 s. or 1086 s. 20 - 74 74 Number of The Divifi 518 £. 14s. 8.d. 1 on of 4 Pounds, Shillings, and Pence, by an ab ftract Num ber, explain ed by an Ex ample. 346 296 50s. 10d.orб10 d. 12 592 18d. £or 74 grs. 74 00 fults 1086s. to be divided by the given Divifor 74, the Quotient will be found to be 14s. with a Remainder of 50s. that cannot be divided by 74. 3º. Having fet down this fecond Quotient 14. to the Right Hand of 518. already found, I reduce the 50s. remaining into Pence, by multiplying it by 12, which with the 10 d. in the Dividend, will produce 610 Pence, to be divided by 74, the Quotient will be found to be 8 d. with a Remainder 18 d. which reduced into Farthings, and adding to the Product, the in the Dividend, there refults 74 Farthings, which di- vided by 74 gives for the Quotient without a Remainder; whence 38386 £. 6s. 10d. divided by the abſtract Number 74, will give for the Quotient required. 518 £. 14 s. 8 d. I 4 118 ELEMENTS OF CXXII. Let it be propofed to divide the mixed Number 1267 lb. 8 oz. 5 dwt. 15 gr by 51 4. i 1267 lb. 8oz. 5 dwt. 15 gr. 3r. { 51 % The Divi fion of Weights 5070 lb. 9oz. 2 dwt. 12 gr. S 205 by an ab } 410 { ftract Num 24lb.8 oz. 16 dwt. 12 gr. A ber explain ed by an 970 Example. 820 150lb. 9oz. or 1809oz. 1640 12 169 az. 2 dwi ver*3382 dwt. } 20 205 *8332 -1230 102 dwt. 12 gr. or 2460 gr. 24. 205 410 410 000 The Divifor 51 being a mixed Number, I multiply it by 4, to make the Fraction difappear, and there refults 205 for a new Divifor qua- druple of the one propofed; and that the Quotient may be the fame as if the Dividend was divided by the propoſed Divifor 514, I multiply the Dividend alfo by 4, which will produce 5070 lb. 9oz. 2 dwt. 12 gr. for a new Dividend, and having placed the new Divifor to the right Hand of the new Dividend. 1º. I divide the firft Part 5070 lb. by 205 and I find 24 lb. for the Quotient, with a Remainder 150 lb. which cannot be divided by 205. 2º. I reduce the Remainder 150 lb. into Ounces, by multiplying it by 12, and adding to the Product the 9 Ounces in the Dividend, there refults 1809 Ounces for a new Dividend, which I divide by 205, and I find 8 oz. for the Quotient, with a Remainder 169, that cannot be divided by 205. NUMERAL ARITHMETIC K. 119 3º. Ireduce the Remainder 169 oz. into Pennyweights, by multiplying it by 20, and adding to the Product the 2 dwt. in the Dividend, there re- ſults 3382 dwt, for a new Dividend, which I divide by 205, and I find 16 dwt, for the Quotient, with a Remainder 102 dwt. which cannot be divided by 205. 4°. I reduce the Remainder 102 dwt. inte Grains, by multiplying it by 24, and adding to the Product the 12 gr. in the Dividend, there re- fults 2460 gr. for a laſt Dividend, to be divided as the reft by 205, and I find 12 for the Quotient, without a Remainder, whence the Quotient required will be 24 lb. 8 oz. 16 dwt. 12gr. CXXIII. 38515. £. 19 s. { 518 £. 14 s. 8 d. The Divif 115547 £. 17 s. {1556 £. 45. {} 5:77739 £. 5 s. { 7781 £. 74 I Let it be propoſed to divide 38515 £. 19s. by 518 £. 14 s. 8 d. The Divifor being a mixed Number, I multiply it by fuch- Numbers as will make the Shillings and Pence difappear; to find thofe Numbers I ob- ferve that 8 d. is the one third of 2 s. confequently by multi- plying the Dividend and the Divifor by 3, there will reſult a new Dividend 115547. 17s. and a new Diviſor 1556 £. 4 s. in which there are no Pence. I obferve further that the 45. in the new Divifor being the one fifth of 1. by multiply- ing the Dividend and Divifor by 5, there will refult a new Dividend 577739 £. 5 s. and a new Divifor 7781 £ in which there are neither Shillings or Pence. 54467 33069 31124 1945 £ 5. The Dividend and Divifor being thus prepared, I divide one by the other. 1. Dividing 577739 £. the first Part of the prepared Dividend, by the prepared Divifor 7781. I find the abftract Number 74 for the Quotient, which denotes that the Divifor 7781 £. is contained 74 Times in the Dividend 577739 £. and there remains 1945 £. 5. that cannot be divided by 7781. but as this Remainder is precifely the one fourth of the Divifor 7781. I fet down in the Quotient; whence 74 is the exact Quotient required. CXXIV. I When the Dividend and Divifor confift of Units of the fame Species, as in the foregoing Example, the Diviſion may be performed after the on of Pounds Shillings, and Pence, by Pounds, Shillings, and Pence, explained by an Ex ample. 120 OF ELEMENTS " Another Method of dividing following Manner: Reduce the Dividend and Divifor to the loweſt De- nomination they contain: Thus the loweft Denomination in the mixed Num foregoing Example being Pence, reduce the Dividend and Divifor into bers of the Pence, by multiplying the Pounds by 240, and the Shillings by 12, and fame Spe then divide the Dividend reduced to one Term, by the Divifor reduced alfo to one Term, and the Quotient will be an abftra&t Number, expref- fing how often the Divifor is contained in the Dividend. cies. Divifion of fquare Yards and Parts of a fquare Yard by lineal Yards, and Parts of a lineal Yard, explained by an Ex. ample. CXXV. Let it be propofed to divide 512rr 1rƒ 8r1 1YL by 57r 2f 81. 512rr irf 8r1 1YL {57X 2f 81 1537rr 2rf ori 3YL{173r 2f 521r 4613rr orf orI 9YL 82 4168 »rz{gr_of_of_gt 445rr orf or 13351ƒ 2f 61 f 3 1042 12 293f oFI or 3516ri 3126 390ri gri or 4689 YL 12 4689 0000 To make the 8 Inches in the Divifor diſappear, I multiply it by 3; I likewiſe multiply the Dividend by 3, and there refults 1537YY 2Yf OYI 3YL for a new Dividend, and 173Y 2f for a new Divifor. To make the 2 Feet in the new Divifor diſappear, I multiply like- wife the new Dividend and Divifor by 3, and there refults 4613YY oYf, oYI 9YL for the prepared Dividend, and 521Y for the prepared Divifor; the Quotient of which will be the fame as that of the propofed Dividend, divided by the propofed Divifor. As a Number of Yards, Feet, and Inches, multiplied by a Number of Yards, produce a Number of fquare Yards and Parts of a fquare Yard, NUMERAL ARITHMETIC-K. 121 divided into 3, and fubdivided continually into 12 equal Parts, and that the Extention produced by Multiplication is refolved by Diviſion ; it is manifeft that 4613 YY oYf oYI 9YL, divided by 521Y, will give for Quotient a mixed Number, compoſed of Yards, and Parts of a Yard. Dividing therefore the Part 4613 YY, of the Dividend by the red Divifor 521 Y, the Quotient will be 8Y, with a Remainder 445 YY, which cannot be divided by the Divifor 521 Y. prepa- To continue on the Divifion, I reduce into Yard-Foot the 445 fquare Yards remaining, by multiplying it by 3, which will produce 1335 Yf, to be divided by 521 Y, and the Quotient will be 2 Feet with a Remain- der 293 Yf; becauſe a Number of Yard-Foot, arifing from the Multipli-- cation of a Number of Feet into a Number of Yards, when divided by a Number of Yards, will give a Number of Feet for Quotient. To continue on the Divifion, I reduce into Yard-Inches the Re- mainder 293 Yf, of the foregoing Divifion, by multiplying it by 12, which will produce 3516YI, to be divided by 521 Y, and the Quotient will be 61, with a Remainder 390YI; becaufe a Number of Yard-Inch divided by a Number of Yards, fhould give a Number of Inches for Quotient, To continue on the Divifion, I reduce into Yard-Line the Remain- der 390 YI, by multiplying it by 12, and adding to the Product the 9YL in the Dividend, there refults 4689 YL, to be divided by 521 Y, and the Quotient will be 9L, and there being no Remainder, the Quotient required will be 8Y 2f 61 9L. CXXVI. A In the foregoing Example, the Yard being the principal Dimenſion Divifion of of the Meaſures of the Dividend, we were under the Neceffity of fquare Feet reducing the mixt Divifor into Yards; and we found for the Quotient a fquare a Number compofed of Yards, Feet, Inches, &c. and Parts of Foot by lineal Feet and Parts of Foot, ex plained by 6off ifI 10fL { 2f 61 61 an Example 1443ff 8f1. 611 23 81 6L If the Foot was the principal Dimenſion of the Parts of the Dividend, the Divifor muſt be reduced into Feet, and the Quotient would be aa lineal Number compofed of Feet, Inches, Lines, &c. For Example, if it was pro- poſed to divide 6off ifI 1ofL,. by 2f 61 6L. To reduce the Divifor to a Number of Feet, I multiply the Dividend and Di- vifor by 24 and there refults 1443ff 8fI to be divided by 61f, and performing the Divi- fion, as in the Margin, I find the Quotient to be 23f 81. 122 223 183 40ff or 488f1 12 488 000 2 a 122 ELEMENTS OF 1 CXXVII. Let it be propofed to divide 90372rrr orrf 4rrI rYL by 22r 2f 61. qrrı 9037½rrr_orrƒ·4rri_xrrL{ 22r 2ƒ 61. 180744rrr orrƒ 8rrI 2rYL { 45r 2f Division of 542232rrr 2rrf orri 6rYL cubical 411 Yards and YL { 1372 Parts of a 3957rr 2rf 8r1 6YL cubical 1312 Yard by li Deal Yards 1233 and Parts of a lineal 793 Yard, ex plained by 685 an Example 1082 959 1 123 Irr 2rif or 371rŸƒ 3 274 97 rŸƒ orri or 1164rri 12 7 1096 68YYI 6YYL or 822YYL 12 822 '000 To make the 2 f 61 in the Divifor difappear, I multiply the Divi- dend and Divifor fucceffively by 2 and by 6, and there refults 542232YYY 2YYf oYYI 6YYL for a prepared Dividend, and 137Y for a prepared Divifor. As a Number of fquare Yards and Parts of a fquare Yard divided into 3, and ſubdivided continually into 12 equal Parts, multiplied by a Number of lineal Yards, produce a Number of cubical Yards, cubical Feet, cubical Inches, &c. and that the Extenfion produced by Multipli- cation, is reſolved by Divifion, it is evident that 542232YYY 2YYf oYYI 6YYL; divided by 137Y, will give for Quotient a Number of ſquare Yards, fquare Feet, fquare Inches, &c. } NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 123 Dividing therefore the Part 542232YYY, by 137Y, the Quotient will be 3957 YY, with a Remainder 123YYY, which I reduce into Yard-Yard-Feet, and adding to the Product the 2YYf in the Dividend, there refults 371YYf, which I divide by 137Y, and the Quotient will be 2Yf, with a Remainder 97YYf. Reducing this Remainder into Yard-Yard-Inch, and continuing on the Divifion, I find the Quotient required to be 3957YY 2Yf 8YI, 6YL. CXXVIII. Let it be propofed to divide 2747rII 1fII 4III by 7211. The Dividend and Divifor of a Divifion, being divided by the fame. Quantity, the Quotient arifing from the Divifion of the new Divi- dend, by the new Divifor, will be the fame as that of the firſt Divi- dend, divided by the first Divifor. Now the propofed Dividend 2747 YII 1fII 4III, being the Product of 2747Y If 41 into II, it may be divided by III, and confequently reduced to 2747Y f 41, and the Divifor 7211, being the Product of III, multiplied by the Divifion abſtract Number 72, may be alfo divided by III, and confequenrly of a Num reduced to the abfolute Number 72; wherefore the Quotient of Yard-Inch- the Divifion will be the fame, whether the propofed Dividend be di- Inch, Feet- vided by the propofed Divifor, or the abridged Dividend 2747Y If 41, Inch-Inch, be divided by the abridged Divifor 72; and as this new Dividend and Inch by a Divifor are more fimple than the former, they ſhould be employed the Divifion. 1º. Dividing 2747Y by 72, there refults 38 Y for Quotient, with a Remainder 11Y. 720 2747 216 if If of 4f 38r of 51 8L 8' ber of ? Inch-Inch- in Number of Inch-Inch, explained by an Ex ample. I 2º. I reduce the Re- mainder Y into Feet, by multiplying it by 3, and adding to it the If in the Dividend, there refults 34f, which can- not be divided by 72; I, therefore, fet down of in the Quotient, and reduce the 34 Feet into Inches, by multiplying it by 12, and adding to it the 4 Inches in the 587 576 112 if or 34ƒ or 412/ 360 3 12 521 or 624L 12 5.76 48 L or 576' -12 576 000 Dividend, there refults 412 Inches, which divided by 72, gives 51 for Quotient, with a Remainder 521, which being reduced into Lines, and 124 ELEMENTS OF divided by 72, gives 8L 8' for the Quotient, and there being no Remainder left, the Quotient required will be 38 Y of 51 8L 8'. CXXIX. Let it be propoſed to find the Side of a Square, whoſe ſuperficial Content is 24rr orf 2rI 3rL. Extraction 1º. I extra& oftheSquare Root of the Square Root compound of 24ŸY, and I Numbers, find 4Y for the explained by an Example first Part of the Root, with a Re- mainder 8 YY. 24rr orf 6YI 3YL 16 8 5 42 2f 91 8r 2f 24 2rr 2rf 8r1 4 2 2 8 2 2 2rr irf 2rI $6 2rr irƒ 2rI 3YL O O 5rr 2rf 4r1 gr If 91 O 2rr ilƒ 2ri 3rL 2º. To find the Number of Feet of the Root, I re- duce this 8YY into Yard-Feet, and adding to them the Yf in the propofed Number, there refults 24 Yf, which I divide by Double of 4 Y, or by 8 Y, and fet down the Quotient in the Root, and to the right Hand of 8 Y; cancelling the 24 Yf that I have no further Occa- fion for, then multiplying 8Y 2f by 2f, and the Product 5 YY 2Yf 4YI fubtracted from 8YY oYf 6YI, leaves 2YY 1Yf 2YI for a Remain- der. Continuing on the Operation, as in the Margin, I find 4Y 2f 9I for the Side required of the Square. CXXX. Let it be propoſed to find the Side of a Cube, whofe folid Content is 118rrr 2rrƒ˜ árri årrl 9rr'. 1º. I extract او 4r 2f ol the Cube Root 118rrr 2rrƒ 6rYI 8rYL 91r' of 118 YYY, 48rr 64 and I find sŸ 65rr irf Extraction for the first Part 54 164 of the Cube of the Root, Root of compound with a Remain- 101rry Irrf 10rr 81YL Numbers, der 54YYY. 2º. To find explained by an Example Feet of the the Number of 17rrr orrf grrl orrl 9rr! 620 Root, I reduce 118rrr 2rrf 6rrl 8rrl 9rr' this Remain- der into Yard- О О О О O Yard-Feet, and continuing on the Operation, as in the Margin, I find 4Y 2f 9I for the Side required of the Cube. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 125 CHA P. III. Of Proportion, and the principal Rules of Arithmetick which depend thereon. THE I. HE Compariſon of one Quantity with another, is called What is Ratio. meant by a Ratio Difference When two Quantities are compared, if it be confidered how much the one is greater than the other, and what is their Difference; this Difference is called their Arithmetical Ratio. For Example, comparing 12 with 3, if it be confidered how much 12 is greater than 3, or that 3 is exceeded by 12 by 9 Units; thofe 9 Units which is the Difference between 12 and 3, or 3 and 12, is the Arithmetical Ratio of 12 to 3. between an But when two Quantities are compared, it be confidered how many arithmetical Times the one is contained in the other, this Number of Times is called Ratio and their geometrical Ratio. For Example, comparing 12 with 3, if it be a geometri confidered that 12 contains 4 Times 3, or that 3 is contained 4 Times in 12, this Number 4 is called the geometrical Ratio of 12 to 3. From theſe two Definitions of Ratios, it follows that only Quantities of the fame Kind can have a Ratio to one another. cal Ratio. 1º. The Arithmetical Ratio being the Difference of two Quantities, Quantities this Ratio or Difference cannot be obtained, but by fubtracting the of the fame leffer from the greater; whence the leffer Quantity fhould be a Part of the greater, and confequently of the fame Kind with it. Kind can only have a Ratio to 2º. The geometrical Ratio of two Quantities, being the Number of one another Times that one contains the other, fuppofes manifeftly that the leffer is a Part of the greater, and confequently of the fame Species with it. II. metical Ra From what precedes it is alfo eafy to conclude, that the Arithmetical The arith Ratio of two Quantities is a Quantity of the fame Species with thofe tio is of the which are compared; becauſe the arithmetical Ratio being the Differ- fame Spe ence of the two Quantities compared, or the Excefs of the greatest the Quanti above the leaſt, is neceffarily a Part of the greateft, and is confequently ties compa- of the fame Kind with it. cies with red. The geome It is not fo with refpe& to the geometrical Ratio. This Ratio is always an abſtract Number, becauſe it repreſents a Number of Times, trical Ratio that is, the Number of Times, that one of the two Magnitudes compar- is always ed, contains the other. III. Since the geometrical Ratio of two Quantities is the Number of Times that one contains the other; and that this Number of Times is found an abftra& Number. 126 OF ELEMENTS trical Ratio The geome by dividing one by the other; it is manifeft that the geometrical Ratio is expreffed of two Quantities, is the Quotient arifing from the Divifion of one of the Quo the Quantities by the other. For Example, the Ratio fubfifting between tient of the 12 and 3, is the Quotient of the Divifion of 12 by 3. Divifion of the Terms When two Quantities are compared, for Example, 12 and 3, the of the Ratio Quantity 12 expreffed or fet down the firſt, is called the Antecedent, and one by the and the other 3 is called the Confequent; if 3 was compared with 12, the Number 3 exprefled the firft, is the Antecedent of the Ratio, and the other Number 12 is the Confequent. other. Becauſe the geometrical Ratio of two Quantities is the Quotient of the Diviſion of one by the other, the two Terms of a Ratio may be fet down after the Manner of a Fraction, that is, the Antecedent may be fet down above a fmall Line, and the Confequent under it, for Example, I 2 39 the Ratio of 12 to 3, may be fet down thus, which denotes 12 divided by 3, or rather the Quotient of 12 divided by 3, and the Ratio of 3 to 12 is fet down thus which denotes the Quotient of 3 divided by 12. 12 IV. Two equal Ratios for Example. The Ratio of 2 to 3, and that of 4 to 6, form a geometrical Proportion. Whence a geometrical Proportion confifts of 4 Terms; the first of which contains the Second as many Two equal Ratios form Times as the Third contains the Fourth; or of four Terms, of which a Propor- the First is contained in the Second, as often as the Third is contained tion. in the Fourth. finding the fourth 2 To reprefent a geometrical Proportion, for Example, that, compoſed of the two equal Ratios and, the Computiſts ſet it down thus, 2:34:6; which denotes that 2 is to 3 as 4 is to 6, or that 2 is con- tained in 3 as 4 is contained in 6. 3 The firft and fourth Terms of a geometrical Proportion, are called the Extreams, and the fecond and third are called the Mean Terms. V. The fourth Term of a geometrical Proportion is found by multiply- Method of ing the third Term by the Quotient of the fecond divided by the firft. To make this appear, we fhall diftinguith two Cafes; either the first Term is contained in the fecond, or the fecond is contained in the firſt. In the firft Cafe, it is manifeft that the fourth Term of a geometrical Proportion will be found by multiplying the third Term by the Number of Times it is contained in the fourth; but from the Nature of Propor- tion, the third Term is contained in the fourth as many Times as the Term of a Proportion. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. [27 first is contained in the fecond, and this Number of Times that the firſt Term is contained in the fecond, is equal to the Quotient of the fecond Term divided by the firft; wherefore the fourth Term of a geometrical Proportion is found, by multiplying its third Term by the Quotient of the ſecond Term divided by the firſt. For Example, if a geometrical Proportion begins by thofe three Terms 2:37, and that the fourth Term is required. I divide the fecond Term 3 by the first Term 2; and there reſults for Quotient the Fraction, which expreffes the Number of Times that the firit Term 2 is contained in the fecond 3, or that the third Term 7 is contained in the fourth fought. Whence, by multiplying 7 by, the Product 21 or 10 will be the fourth Term required, and the whole Proportion will be 2:3 = 7:10 1/1. I I Grounds of In the fecond Cafe it is manifeft that the fourth Term of a Proportion will be found, by dividing the third Term by the Number of Times that the fourth is contained in it. But from the Nature of Proportion, the fourth Term is contained in the third as many Times as the fecond is contained in the firft; and this Number of Times is equal to the Quo- tient of the Divifion of the first Term by the fecond. Wherefore the fourth Term of a geometrical Proportion will be obtained, by divid- this Methot ing the third Term by the Quotient arifing from the Divifion of the first Term by the ſecond, that is by a Fraction, having the firft Term for Numerator, and the fecond for Denominator. But to divide by a Frac- tion, having for Numerator the firft Term, and for Denominator the fecond Term, is to multiply it by the converfe Fraction, having for Numerator the fecond Term, and for Denominator the first, and which is confequently the Quotient arifing from the Divifion of the fecond Term by the firft. Wherefore the fourth Term of a geometrical Pro- portion will be obtained by multiplying its third Term by the Quotient of the ſecond Term divided by the first, as in the firſt Cafe. For Example, if a geometrical Proportion begins by thofe three Terms 12:8 20:, and the fourth Term be required, I divide the firſt Term 12 by the fecond 8; and there refults for Quotient the Frac- tion, which will exprefs the Number of Times that the fecond Term 8 is contained in the first 12, or that the fourth Term fought is contained in the third 20. Whence, by dividing 20 by 2, the fourth Term required will be obtained. But to divide 20 by the Fraction is to multiply 20 by the converfe Fraction. Wherefore, the fourth Term of a Proportion, whoſe three first Terms are 12:820:, will be found, by multiplying the third Term 20 by the Fraction, which is the Quotient of the ſecond Term divided by the first; and this fourth Term being 13, the whole Proportion will be 12: 8 = 20: 13 3. 11 128 ELEMENTS OF VI. To multiply a Number by a Fraction, is to multiply by the Nume- The fourth rator of the Fraction, and divide the Product by the Denominator of Term of a the fame Fraction; fince therefore the fourth Term of a Proportion. Proportion found by is found, by multiplying its third Term by a Fraction, having the multiplying the fecond Term for Numerator, and the firft for Denominator; this and fecond fourth Term will be obtained, by multiplying the third by the fecond, together, and by dividing the Product by the firft Term; that is, the fourth and dividing Term will be equal to the Product of the mean Terms of the Propor- by the firſt tion divided by the firſt Term. the third the Produc Term. The Tranf- the mean Terms of a Proportion do not alter For Example, if a geometrical Proportion begins by thofe three Terms 2:37: and the fourth Term be required; the third Term 7 must be multiplied by the Fraction; that is 7 must be multiplied by 3, and the Produ& divided by 2, which will give 2 or 10 for the fourth Term required, whence the Proportion will be 2:37: 101 VII. If there be three Terms of a geometrical Proportion given, for Ex- pofition of ample, thoſe three Numbers 2: 37, the third 7 may be put in the Place of the fecond 3, and the fecond 3 in the Place of the third 7, thus 2: 7 3, without altering the fourth Term required. For the fourth Term is equal to the Product of the Means, divided by the first, and in thoſe two Arrangements 2:37: and 2: 73, the Means being the fame, as alfo the firſt Term, the Quotient of the Divifion of the Product of the Means by the firſt Term will be the fame. the fourth Term. ometrical VIII. Since the fourth Term of a geometrical Proportion, for Example, of In every ge the following 2: 34: 6, is found by multiplying the third Term by Proportion the fecond, and dividing the Product by the firft; it follows that the the Product Product of the Extreams of a geometrical Proportion is equal to the Product of the Means of the fame Proportion, that is 6X2 and 4X3 are equal to the equal Products, as will appear when it is obferved, that the fourth Product of Term confidered as the Product of the Means divided by the firſt Term, of the Means is the Ex tremes. being multiplied by the firft Term, will produce the Product of the Means; becauſe the Diviſion of the Product of the Means by the firſt Term is deſtroyed by the Multiplication by the firſt Term. Wherefore the Product of the Extreams of a geometrical Proportion is equal to the Produ&t of the Means of the fame Proportion. IX. The Product of the Extreams of a geometrical Proportion being equal to the Product of the Means, if thofe two Produ&s be divided by an extreme or by a mean Term, it will appear that each extream Term of NUMERAL 129 ARITHMETICK. Terms of a a Proportion is equal to the Product of the Means divided by the other Any three Extream, and that each mean- Term is equal to the Product of the Ex- Proportion treams divided by the other Mean. Wherefore when three Terms of a being given, geometrical Proportion are given, and the Order in which they are dif- how to find poſed in the Proportion is known, the Term which is wanting in this that is want Proportion may be found. ing. X. the Term When three Terms of a geometrical Proportion are given; the Ope- What is ration to be performed to find the Term that is wanting in this Propor- meant by tion, is called the Rule of Three; it is alfo called the Rule of Proportion, the Rule of Three, or an I by fome Computifts The Golden Rule, on account of its great Utility Golden in Trade. Having fhewn how the Term which is wanting in a Proportion of which three Terms are given may be difcovered; we ſhall now proceed to give ſeveral Examples of this Operation, and to explain how the giv- en Terms are to be confidered. XI. Rule. The Computiſts diftinguish two Species of Rules of Three, the Rule of The diffe Three direct, and the Rule of Three inverfe, which are both either Simple rent Species of Compound. Whence there are four Species of Rules of Three; the of Rules of Simple Rule of Three direct, and the Simple Rule of Three inverſe, the Compound Rule of Three direct, and the Compound Rule of Three inverse. Three. The fimple Rule of Three direct, is that whofe three given Terms The Simple are the three firft Terms of a geometrical Proportion. The Object Rule of therefore of this Rule is to find the fourth Term of a geometrical Pro- Three Di portion, of which the three first Terms are given. rect. verfe. The fimple Rule of Three inverſe, is that in which three Terms are The Simple given, of which two are the Extreams of a geometrical Proportion, and Rule of the other a mean Term of the fame Proportion; fo that the Object of this Three In Rule is to find a mean Term of a Proportion of which three Terms are given. But becauſe the Computifts do not put the unknown Term fought in its Place, but fet down the three given Numbers one after the other, as if thoſe three Numbers were the three firſt Terms of a Propor- tion; the last Ratio of the Proportion is inverted, when the unknown Term required is really a mean Term of the Proportion; and it is for this Reaſon that the Operation to be performed to find the mean Term fought, is called Rule of Three inverfe. The Com The Compound Rule of Three is that in which more than three pound Rule Terms are given. But all thofe given Terms may be always reduced of Three to three, and the Term fought is always the fourth Term, or a Factor of Direct and Inverfe 2 R 130 OF ELEMENTS 7 The Simple Rule of Three Di rect explain ed by an Example. Of the three- Terms given in a Rule of Three the the fourth Term of a Proportion, when the Rule is dire&t, and is al- ways a mean Term, or a Factor of a mean Term, when the Rule is inverte. XII. It has been faid that the Object cf a Simple Rule of Three direct, is to find the fourth Term of a geometrical Proportion of which the three firſt Terms are given. For Example, in this Queſtion, If 37 Pieces of Cloth coft 148 £. what will 30 Pieces of the fame Cloth be worth? It is manifeft that the Price of 30 Pieces of Cloth, which is the Anſwer to this Queftion, is the fourth Term of a geometrical Proportion, of which 37 Pieces, 30 Pieces and 148. are the three firft Terms; be- cauſe it is manifeſt that 37 Pieces of Cloth fhould contain 30 Pieces of the fame Cloth, as the Price 148 £. of 37 Pieces, contains the Price re- quired of 30 Pieces: The like may be ſaid of this other Queſtion, which is the Converſe of the foregoing one. If 148 £. will buy 37 Pieces of Cloth, how many Pieces of Cloth may I buy. for 120 £? It is manifeft that the Number of Pieces of Cloth, which is the Anfwer to this Queſtion, is the fourth Term of a geometrical Proportion, of which the three firft Terms are 148£. 120£. and 37 Pieces of Cloth; becauſe the two Numbers of Pieces of the fame Cloth fhould be propor- tional to the two Sums 148 £. and 120 . which is to be paid for them, that is, 148 £. to be paid for 37 Pieces of Cloth, is to 120 £. to be paid for the Number fought of Pieces of the fame Cloth; as 37 Pieces of Cloth, to the Number of Pieces required of the fame Cloth. XIII. To perform thofe Rules of Three, that is, to difcover the fourth Terms of thofe two Proportions, whoſe three firſt Terms are given, we have feen, (Art vI.) that the fecond Term must be multiplied by the Third, or the Third by the Second, and that Produ&t divided by the firft Term; but here there occurs a Difficulty which however is eafily folved. In the Operation to be performed to find the fourth Terms of the Proportions propofed for Examples, we find concrete Numbers to be multiplied one by the other, which is contrary to the Rules of Multipli- cation, it having been proved that the Multiplicator is always an abſtract two which Number. are of the But if it be confidered that the two firft Terms whoſe Units are of cies fhould the fame Species, affect the fourth Term, but by the Number of Times fame Spe NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 131 ed as ab that one contains the other, fince to obtain the fourth Term, it fuffices be confider to multiply the third by the Quotient of the fecond, divided by the first, ftract Num and that this Quotient is an abftra&t Number fimilar to that refulting bers. from the Diviſion of an abftra&t Number by another abſtract Number, it will appear, that thofe two concrete Terms may be confidered as ab- fra& Numbers. In Effect, fince 37 Pieces contains 30 Pieces after the fame Manner that 37 abſtract Units contains 30 abftra&t Units, and that 148. con- tains 120. after the fame Manner that 148 abftra&t Units contains 1 20 abſtract Units; it is manifeft that the two Proportions propofed, as Ex- amples may be reduced to the two following, whofe two firft Terms are abstract Numbers. 37 is to 30 as 148 £. to a fourth Term required, And 148 is to 120 as 37 Pieces of Cloth is to a fourth Term required. whence of the three Terms given in a Rule of Three, the two which are of the fame Species fhould be conſidered as abftra&t Numbers. XIV. The fourth is of the With Refpect to the Units of the fourth Term which is the one re- Term re quired; it is manifeft that thofe Units are of the fame Species with thofe quired of a of the mean Term which is not confidered as an abſtract Number. For Proportion. in order to find the fourth Term, the concrete mean Term must be mul- fameSpecies tiplied by the other abftra&t mean Term, and that Product divided by the with that firſt, which is an abftra& Number, and it has been proved that the Na. which is not ture of the Units of a concrete Number is not altered whether it be mul- as an ab tiplied or divided by an abſtract Number. From what has been faid it appears, that if the three firft Terms of a Rule of Three be abftra&t Numbers, the laſt Term required will be alfo an abftra& Number. XV. In order that the two firft Terms of each Proportion might be of the fame Species, and form a geometrical Ratio, we were under the Necef- fity of inverting the Order of the fecond and third Terms of the Rules of Three propofed as Examples. But it is manifeft that this Inverfion does not alter the Value of the fourth Term required, (Art. vII.) as it is therefore unneceffary for difcovering the fourth Term, the Com- putifts fet down the Terms of the Rules of Three, in the Order they are expreffed, even when the two firft Terms are not of the fame Species, and in this Cafe the firſt and third Terms, which are of the fame Species, are confidered as abftra& Numbers. ftract Num ber. " 132 ELEMENTS OF $ Firft Exam XVI. If 37 Pieces of Cloth coft 148 1. what will 30 Pieces of Cloth be worth? To perform this Rule of Three, I confider the ple of the first and third Terms as abftra& Numbers, that is as if the Queftion had been propofed thus: Simple Rule of Three Direct. If 37 cost 148 £. what will 30 be worth? I multiply therefore 148. by 30, which pro- duces 4440. which I divide by the first Term 37, and there refults 120 £. for the Quotient, or for the Value required of the 30 Pieces ofCloth. XVII. 1 4 8 £. 30 37 4 4 4 0 %. {3206. 37 74 74 ОО I If 1481. will buy 37 Pieces of Cloth, how many Pieces of the Jame Cloth will 120 1. buy? I confider the firft and third Terms, which are of the fame Species, as abſtract Numbers, and as if the Queſtion was pro- pofed thus: If 148 Units will buy 37 Pieces of Cloth, bow many Pieces of the fame Cloth will 120 Units buy? Second Ex ample of the Simple I multiply the fecond Term 37 Pieces of Rule of Three Di- Cloth, by the third 120, which will pro- duce 4440 Pieces of Cloth; and I divide rect.. Third Ex 37 37 Pieces I 20 740 148 4440 Pieces 444 30 Pieces О this Product by the first Term 148, which gives 30 Pieces of Cloth, for the Anſwer to the propofed Queſtion. XVIII. 201 30 -/- 65. 9d. If 71. 135. 4d. gained 201. 6s. 9d what will 30l. 135. 4d. gain? I confider the Pounds of the first and third Terms as abftract Numbers, and ample of the their Shillings and Pence as Fractions of Simple Rule abftra&t Units; fo that 135. 4d. being the two-thirds of a Pound, I operate as if the Queſtion had been propoſed thus, If 7 gain 201. 6s. 9d. what will 303 gain? of Three Direct. The Queſtion being thus reduced to more fimple Terms, I multiply the fe- cond Term 201. 6s. 9d. by the third 30, and there refults 623. 135. 8d. for the Product, which I divide by the first Term 7, and I find 817. 75. for the Quotient, that is, for the Anſwer to the propofed Queſtion. 6231. 135. 8d. } 73 23 18717. IS. 184 2817. 75. 31 23 84. 15. or 161 J. 20 161 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 133 XIX, fes the first It often happens that the Shillings and Pence of the firft and third la what Ca- Terms are not easily reduced into Fractions; in this Cafe, it will be and third more ready to reduce thofe Terms into Pence; for Example, in the Terms of 2 propofed Question I might have reduced the first Term 7. 135. 4 d. Rule of and the third 30. 13. 4 d. into Pence, whereby the two Terms ſhould be will be transformed into 1840 d. and 7360 d. and the propofed Queſtion reduced to i to the following: Three the loweſt Denomina tion they If 1840 Pence gained 201. 6 s. 9 d. what will 7360 Pence gain? Confidering the first and third Terms in this Queſtion as abftra& contain. Numbers, I multiply the fecond 20l. 6s. 9d. by the third 7360, which produces 1496841. and divide this Product by the first Term 1840, and I find, as before, 817. 7. for the Quotient, and for the Anſwer to the propoſed Queſtion. The three firft Terms of the Proportion might have been reduced into Pence, and after the fourth Term was found in Pence, it might have been reduced into Pounds and Shillings; but this Method of ope- rating occafions two ufelefs Reductions. XX. Three be a concrete Since to find the fourth Term of a Rule of Three, the fecond Term If the fift muſt be multiplied by the third, and their Product divided by the firft, Term of a and that a Number divided by Unity gives a Quotient equal to this Rule of Number, it is manifeft, that if Unity be the firft Term of a Rule of Three, the fourth Term required will be found by multiplying the fe- Unit it is cond Term by the third, or the third by the fecond: However, it is to not to be be obferved, that when the firft Term is a concrete Unit, it is not to as ufelds. fuppreffed be fuppreffed as uſeleſs; becauſe the concrete Unit of the firſt Term ferves to determine the Nature of the Units of the Product of the two other Terms, by indicating which of the mean Terms of the Propor- tion fhould be confidered as an abſtract Number, viz. that which is of the fame Species with it. For Example, let the two following Rules of Three be propofed. If Yard of Silk coft 41. 10s. 6d. what will 27 Yards coft at that Rate? If I I. will buy 27 Yards of Galloon, bow many Yards will 41. 10s. 6d. buy? Unity being the firft Term, and the two other given Terms being the fame in thoſe two Rules of Three, viz. 27 Yards, and 4/. 10s. 6d. the fourth Terms of each of thofe Proportions will be found by multi- plying 27 Yards by 47. 10s. 6d. but the fourth Terms of thofe Rules of Three, tho' produced by the Multiplication of the fame Terms, do not confift of the fame Units; becauſe the first and third concrete Terms Example. 134 OF ELEMENTS How a Rule of Three In formed. 气 of the first Rule, confifting of Yards, and the fame Terms of the fe- cond Rule confifting of Pounds, they are rendered abftra&t Numbers by fuppreffing the Denomination of Yards in the first Rule, and the Deno- mination of Pounds in the ſecond. In the first Rule therefore the Pro- duct of 27 Yards into 47. 10s. 6d. is reduced to 4. 10s. 6d. repeat- ed 27 Times, which gives 1221. 35. 6d. for the fourth Term of this Rule; but in the fecond, the Product of 27 Yards into 41. 10s. 6d. is reduced to 27 Yards repeated a Number of Times, expreſſed by 4 and, or by 4 23, which gives 122 Yards for the fourth Term of this fecond Rule. Wherefore, when Unity is the firft Term of a Rule of Three, and that confequently the fourth Term is found by mul- tiplying the ſecond by the third, the Unity that conftitutes the firſt Term is not to be fuppreffed as ufelefs, fince it is the Species of this Unit which determines that of the fourth Term. 7 丁 Whence if it be propofed to multiply a concrete Number by another concrete Number; for Example, 27Y by 4. 10s. 6d. Since from the Multiplication of thoſe two Numbers there refults Products confifting of Units of different Species, as appears from the foregoing Rules of Three; it is manifeſt that the Units of the Product of a fimilar Multiplication cannot be determined, and confequently the Multiplicand and Multipli- cator of a Multiplication cannot be both concrete Numbers. XXI. It has been faid that a Rule of Three is inverſe, when of the three verfe is per given Terms there are two that are the Extremes of a Proportion, fo that the Term required is a mean Term of the fame Proportion. And as the Terms of the Rule of Three are expreffed one after the other; in order to obtain this mean Term, the first Terin muſt be multiplied by the ſecond which in Reality is the fourth Term of the Proportion, and that Product divided by the third Term, as will appear by the following Example. Example. XXII. If 30 Men can do a Piece of Work in 40 Days, bow many Days muſt 10 Men require to do the Jame Work? As 30 Men and 10 Men are to do the fame Work, fo much more Time is required as the Number of Men is lefs; that is, a Number of Men twice lefs, would require twice as much Time; a Number of Men three times lefs, would require three times more Time, &c. wherefore 30, which is the first Number of Men, will be to the fecond 10, as the unknown Time, required by the fecond Number of Men, will be to the Time, 40 Days, employed by the firft Number of Men. The Proportion being thus expreffed, the Time required will be the third Term; the Value therefore of this Term will be obtained by mul- NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 135 tiplying into one another the Extremes 30 and 40 Days, and dividing the Product by the mean Term 10 which is given, that is, the Time re- quired will be 30 X 40 Days ΙΟ > or 120 Days. But the two Terms 30 and 40 Days that have been multiplied, are the firſt and ſecond Terms of the propofed Rule of Three Inverſe, whoſe three Terms, 30 Men, 40 Days, 10 Men, are fet down one after the other; wherefore the unknown Term of a Rule of Three Inverfe is found by multiplying the firſt and ſecond Terms together, and dividing the Product by the third Term. General Rule of The foregoing Queſtion, and all others of the fame Kind, may be fo ſtated, that its Terms will be the three firft Terms of a geometrical Rule for Proportion, whence we are difpenfed from confidering two Species of performing Rules of Three. The Rule for placing the Terms is as follows; firft a fingle fet down the Quantity that is of the fame Kind with the Quantity Three, ci- fought, then confider, from the Nature of the Queftion, whether that ther direct which is given is greater or lefs than that which is fought; if it is or inverfe. greater, then place the greatest of the other two Quantities on the left Hand; but if it is lefs, place the least of the other two Quantities on the left Hand, and the other on the right: Then ſhall the Terms be in due Order, as will appear by the following Example. XXIII. If a Penny white Loaf ought to weigh S Ounces, Troy Weight, when Wheat is fold for 6s. 6d. the Bushel, what muſt it weigh when Wheat is fold Example, for 4s. the Bufbel & Becauſe it is a Number of Ounces that is fought, I firſt fet down 8, the Number of Ounces that are given; I easily fee that the Number that is given is lefs than the Number that is fought, therefore I place 4.on the left Hand, and 6 on the right, and 6X8 fay 4: 8 oz. =6/12: or 13 oz. confequently 4 6 1/2 X 8 4 , or 13 oz. is the Anfwer required to the propofed Queſtion. XXIV. 4:80%. = 6 1/ 16 /1/20 48 4 4 52) 13.02. 4 12 12 A compound Rule of Three is when the Queftion propoſed contains “ more than three known Quantities; and though it confifts of more than three Terms, it is ſtill called Rule of Three, becauſe it may be reduced to a Rule of three Terms refulting from the Multiplication of thoſe ex- preffed in the Queſtion. 136 ELEMENTS OF How a com To reduce a compound Rule of Three to three Terms, the Com- pound Rule of Three is putifts confider it as confifting of two Cauſes, and of two Effects; fet reduced to down under one another all the Terms which relate to the first Caufe; a fimple Rule of Three. ple. they alſo fet down under one another all thofe that compofe the firſt Effect; they difpofe in like Manner the Terms which belong to the fe- cond Caufe, as alfo thofe which compofe the fecond Effect: Obferving to diſpoſe alternatively the Caufes and their Effects, and to begin by the firſt Cauſe, or by the firſt Effect, according as the Term fought belongs to the fecond Effect, or to the fecond Caufe. They afterwards multi- ply together all the Quantities that compofe each Term, whence re- fults a fimple Rule of Three, whoſe three firſt Terms are known Quan- tities, fo that the fourth Term may be found (Art. XIII.) But after the Terms of the compound Rule of Three are thus redu- ced, there may happen two Cafes; either the Quantity fought will be the fourth Term of the Proportion, or only a Factor of this fourth Term. In the firſt Cafe, the Refolution of the Rule of Three (Art. x111.) will manifeftly give the Quantity required. In the fecond Cafe, when the fourth Term is found, it muſt be divided by the given Factors that enter into its Compofition, to obtain the Quantity required. All which will be explained in the following Examples. XXV. If 20 Perſons ſpend 991. in 15 Days, how much will 60 Perfons pend in 25 Days? In this Queſtion there are five Terms given to find a fixth Term, The forego which is the unknown Expence of 60 Perfons in 25 Days. Of thofe fix ing Method Terms, there are two (20 Perfons and 15 Days) which are the Cauſe of a explained first Effect, or of the first Expence 997. and two others (60 Perfons and by an Exam 25 Days) which are the Caufe of a fecond Effect, or of a fecond un- known Expence. I therefore fet down under one another, for a firſt Term, 20 Perſons and 15 Days which compoſe the firſt Cauſe; I then fet down for a ſecond Term the first Effect 99l. I afterwards fet down under one another, for a third Term, the two Quantities 60 Perfons and 25 Days which compofe the fecond Cauſe, and the fourth Term will be the unknown Expence of 60 Perfons in 25 Days. 2d Effect. Ift Caule 20 Perlons 15 Days ift Effect. 2d Caufe. } 991. bo Perions 25 Days } Unknown. 300 B 495!. 991. = 1500 As the Caufes are proportional to their Effects, thofe four Terms, of which the laſt is unknown, compoſe a geometrical Proportion; whence NUMERAL [37 ARITHMETICK. the fourth Term unknown, viz. the Expence of 60 Perfons in 25 Days, will be found by multiplying the fecond Term by the third, and divi- ing the Product by the firft. But before this Rule of Three can be performed, we muſt find what the firſt and third Terms of the Proportion are reduced to. To this End I obſerve that 20 Perfons will ſpend in 15 Days as much as 15 times 20 Perſons in a Day; and that 60 Perfons will fpend in 25 Days as much as 25 times 60 Perfons in a Day: So that the first and third Terms are reduced to thoſe two Products, 15 times 20 Perfons, and 15 times 60 Perfons; wherefore the propofed Queſtion will be folved by this Rule of Three. If 15 times 20 Perfons ſpend 991. how much will 25 times 60 Perſons Spend? The Rule being thus reduced, the fourth Term required will be found to be 495. that is, the Expence of 60 Perſons in 25 Days. XXVI. If 20 Perfons Spend 991. in 15 Days, in how many Days will 60 Perfons Spend 4951. Second Ex ample of the com In this Example, the Cauſe of the firft Expence 997. is compofed of 20 Perfons and of 15 Days, and the Caufe of the fecond Expence 495/ is compoſed of 60 Perfons and of a certain unknown Number of Days. pound Rule The unknown Number of Days fought being in the Caufe of the fe- of Three cond Expence, this Number of Days cannot be found in the fourth Term of the Proportion, except the Caufe of the Expence be fet down after the Effect; whence I fet down the given Terms of the Queſtion, as follows: 2 Caufe. Unknown Number Ist Effect. 991. Ift Caufe. 20 Perfons. 15 Days. 2d Effect. 60 Perfons. 4951 99 : 35 Days 495 of Days. 4th Term. As the two Quantities which produce each compound Term ſhould be multiplied one by the other, and that the fourth Term is compound- ed of 60 Perfons, and of the Number of Days required; this fourth Term muſt be inveſtigated, and, when found, divided by 60, to obtain the unknown Number of Days required. To diſcover this fourth Term, I confider all the other Terms, except 15 Days, as abſtract Numbers; and after having multiplied 15 Days by 20, which produces 300 Days for the fecond Term, I multiply this direct, 2 S 138 OF ELEMENTS Third Ex fecond Term 300 Days by the third 495, and there refults 148500 Days for the Product. In fine, this Product being divided by the first Term 99, I find 1500 Days for the Quotient, and for, the fourth Term of the Proportion; and as this Number 1500 Days is made up of the required Number of Days multiplied by 60, I divide 1500 Days by 60, and there reſults 25 Days for the Number of Days required. XXVII. If 60 Men, working 8 Hours a Day, can dig in 12 Days a Ditch 60 Yards ample of long, 5 Feet broad, and 7 Feet deep; what will be the Length of a Ditch 4 Feet broad and 6 Feet deep, that 50 Men will dig in 15 Days in the fame Pound Rule Soil, working 6 Hours a Day? the com of Three di rect. 1 1º. It is manifeft that 60 Men, 12 Days during which they work, and 8 Hours they are employed each Day, compofe by their Multiplica- tion the Cauſe of the firſt Ditch; becauſe 60 Men will do 12 times more Work in 12 Days than they would do in one Day, 60 Men ſhould be multiplied by 12; and as they would perform 8 times more Work by working 8 Hours a Day, than they would perform by working 1 Hour a Day; the first Product of 60 Men multiplied by 12 fhould be again multiplied by 8. 2. The Ditch 60 Yards long, 5 Feet broad, and 7 Feet deep, being confidered as a Parallelepiped, is an Effect compounded of thoſe three Dimenſions, 60 Yards, 5 Feet, and 7 Feet. 3º. Fifty Men, 15 Days during which they work, and 6 Hours they are employed each Day, compofe by their Multiplication the Caufe of the fecond Ditch. 4º. In fine, the fecond Ditch, compofed of the Multiplication of its unknown Length by its Breadth and by its Depth, is the Effect of the fecond Caufe. I therefore difpofe under one another the Factors of each Caufe; I range likewife under one another the Factors of each Effect, as follows. Ift. Cauſe. 60 Men 12 Days 8 Hours 5760 Ist. Effect. 2d. Caufe. 60 Y 50 Men 5 F 15 Days 7 F 6 Hours, 1 2d. Effect. Length required. 4 F 6 F 2100 Y = 4500 4th Term. I afterwards multiply together the Factors of the three firft Terms, confidering all thofe Factors as abftra&t Numbers, except that, 60 Yards of the first Effect, in order to obtain the Length of the Ditch in Yards; laftly, I'multiply the fecond Term reduced 2100Y by the third Term NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 139 reduced 4500, which produces 9450000, and dividing this Product by th firſt Term reduced 5760, there refults 1640 Y 1f 10l 6L for the fourth Term. But this fourth Term is the Length of the Ditch multiplied into the Product 4 X 6, or 24 of its Breadth and Depth; wherefore dividing 1640 if to 6L by 24, there refults 68Y if of 11L 3Y' for the Length required of the Ditch. I XXVIII. Three Men are employed to make a Ditch; the first could make the Ditch in II Days, the Jecond in 22 Days, and the third in 33 Days; it is required in what Time thofe three Men together would make the Ditch? 33 I 22 I 22 33 II pound Rule Here it is plain that the first Workman will dig the of the Ditch Fourth Ex in I Day, the ſecond Workman will dig of the fame Ditch in I Day, ample of and the third Workman will dig of the Ditch alſo in I Day, where- the com fore the three Workmen will dig, 2 and 3 of the Ditch in a Day; of Three adding together thoſe three Fractions, or Parts of the Ditch, after hav- direct. ing reduced them to the fame Denominator, I find their Sum to be 12 or, that is, the three Workmen together will dig of the Ditch in a Day. I I 726 As thofe Workmen the longer they are employed the more Work they will perform, the Quantities of Work will be directly proportional to the Times in which they are performed; wherefore affuming the Ditch for Unity, I fay, 6 I As % of the Ditch is to 1 which represents the whole Ditch; fo is 1 Day, Time employed to dig of the Ditch, to the Number of Days that the three Workmen will employ to dig the whole Diteb. Wherefore to find the Number of Days that the three Workmen will require to dig the Ditch, I multiply the third Term 1 Day by the ſecond I repreſenting the Ditch, which will produce 1 Day, and divide this Product 1 Day by the firft Term, that is, by the Fraction, or multi- ply it by 6, which will produce 6 Days for the Time required. XXIX. The Compound Rule of Three Inverſe does not differ from the fim- The Com ple Rule of Three Inverſe, except that the given Terms of the latter pound Rule are fimple, and thofe of the former arife from the Multiplication of feve- ral others; as will appear by the following Example. of Three Inverfe ex plained by If 30 Men can finish a Piece of Work in 40 Days, when they work 8 an Example Hours a Day, in how many Days will 10 Men finiſh the fame Piece of Work, when they work 6 Hours each Day? As the 30 Men and the 10 Men are to do the fame Piece of Work, the 10 Men will require more Time in Proportion as their Number is 140 OF ELEMENTS OF Direct Me lefs, and the Number of Hours they work each Day is lefs; whence there refults the following Proportion. As 30 Men working 8 Hours, are to to Men working 6 Hours; Jo is the unknown Number of Days employed by the 10 Men, to the 40 Days employed by the 30 Men. The firſt Term of this Proportion is reduced to 8 times 30 Men, or to 240 Men, and the fecond is reduced to 6 times 10 Men, or to 60 Men; becauſe 30 Men working 8 Hours, perform the fame Work that 8 times 30 Men working Hour; and that 10 Men working 6 Hours, perform the fame Work that 6 times 10 Men working 1 Hour; whence the Proportion is reduced to the following one. 240 Men, are to 60 Men; as the unknown Number of Days, is to 40 Days. Whence the Number of Days required will be obtained by multiply- ing 40 Days by 240, and dividing the Product 9600 by 60; which gives 160 Days for the Anſwer to the propofed Queſtion. XXX. Any Queſtion that falls under the compound Rule of Three inverſe thod of folv may be folved, by confidering in it two Cauſes and two Effects, and ing Quef comparing direaly the Caufes with their Effects. tions in the compound Rule of In the propofed Queſtion: If 30 Men, working tight Hours each Day, can do a Piece of Work in 40 Days; in how many Days will 10 Men Three Iq do the Jame Piece of Work, when they work 6 Hours each Day? verfe. Rule of Conjunc tion, 3 It is eaſy to obferve that 30 Men, 8 Hours, and 40 Days, compofe by their Multiplication the firft Caufe of the Piece of Work; and that 10 Men, 6 Hours, and the Number of Days fought, compole alfo by their Multiplication the Caufe of the fame Work which thofe 10 Men fhould perform. Now the two Effects, or the two Pieces of Work being equal, their Caufes are equal; wherefore all the Numbers given being confidered as abftra&t Numbers, except that of the Days, 30X8X40 Days, or 9600 Days, are equal to 10 times 6, or 60 times, the Number of Days fought; whence the fixtieth Part of 9600 Days, that is, 160 Days, will be the Number of Days required. Wherefore when all the Terms of a compound Rule of Three Inverfe can be reduced to two Cauſes which produce a fame Effect, you may obferve the following Rule: Multiply together all the Numbers that compofe the first Cauſe, and divide the Produ& by the Product of the Terms that are given in the fecond Cauſe, and the Quotient will be the Term required. XXXI. When it is propoſed to join feveral Statings in the Rule of Proportion into one, and by the Relation that the feveral Antecedents have to their Confequents, to difcover the Proportion between the firft Antecedent 7 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 141 and the laſt Confequent, this Operation is called the Rule of Conjunc- tion. To perform a Rule of Conjunction, the Computifts range the Ante- cedents in the left Hand Column, and the Confequents in the right Hand one; fo that the first Antecedent and laft Confequent, whoſe An- tecedent is fought, is of the fame Species, as alfo the fecond Confequent and third Antecedent: This Order being continued throughout the whole. They then divide the Product arifing from the Multiplication of all the Confequents into one another, by the Product of all the Antece- dents multiplied into one another, and the Quotient refulting from this Divifion gives the Antecedent required, as will appear by the following Examples. lb. XXXII, 16. 70 of Lyons. 100 of Rouen. 100 of Toulouſe. Suppoſe 100lb. of Venice weighs 70lb. of Lyons, and 120lb. of Lyons 100lb. of Rouen, and 80lb. of Rouen 100lb. of Touloufe, and 100lb. of Toulouſe 7416. of Geneva, how many Pounds of Geneva will equiponderate 100lb. of Venice? Let the Pound Weight of Venice be expreffed by 1V, that of Lyons by IL, that of Rouen by 1R, that of Toulouſe by IT, that of Gene- va by IG, becauſe 100XIV 70XIL, 100 of Venice 120 of Lyons 80 of Rouen 100 of Toulouſe How many of Geneva 70X100X100X74X100 100X120X80X100 R 11 74 of Geneva. 100 of Venice. 53 23 lb. 2.4 120×1L=100X1R, 80X1R=100X1T,100×1T=74X1G,it follows, that 1V: 1L=70:100,1L1R=100:120, 1R:1T=100:80, IT: 1G=74:100. Wherefore multiplying in order all the Antecedents by the Antece- dents, and the Confequents by the Confequents, IVX LXIRXIT: 1LXIRXITXIG=70X100X100X74: 100X120X80X100, IVXILXIRXIT 70X100X100X74 ILXIRXITXIG confequently IV ced to 70X74 = IG 120X80 = which is redu- 100X120X80X100' 7X74 12X80 7X37 259 Whence 6X80 Application of the Rule of Conjunc tion to an Example. 9 480* IV IG 259: 480, which denotes that the Pound Weight of Venice is to the Pound Weight of Geneva as 259 is to 480, or that the Pound Weight of Venice is only the Parts of the Pound Weight of Geneva. I now fay, if a Pound Weight of Venice is reduced to 288 of a Pound Weight of Geneva, what will 100 lb. of Venice be re- 259X100 23 duced to ? or I : lb. that is 53 <= 53 480 24 25 259 480 100: will equiponderate roo lb. of Venice. 23 16. 24 142 OF ELEMENTS Another Example. Varieties in XXXIII. If 1 French Crown be equivalent to 80 Pence of Holland, 415 Pence of Hol- land to 240 Pence English, 240 Pence English to 420 Pence of Hambourg, 64 Pence of Hambourg to Florin of Frankfort, how many Florins of Frank- fort are equal to 166 French Crowns ? Let the French Crown be expreffed by IF, the Penny of Holland by IH, that of England by 1A, that of Hambourg by 1h, the Florin of Frankfort by If, then, I French Crown 415 Pence of Hol. 240 Pence English 64 Pence of Hamb. How many F. of Frank. R 80 X 240 X 420 X 166 415X240X64 = 80 Pence of Hol. 240 Pence Engl. 420 Pence of Ham. I Florin of Frank. 166 French Crowns. 210 F. of Frank. IF: 1H=80: 1, 1H: 1A=240:415, 1A: 1h=420: 240 1h: 1f=1:64, IFXIHXIAX1h_80X2 0X420 IF hence IHXI AX1hXI Ι 1050 830 = or 80X420 8X10X105X4 415X240X64 If 415X64 415X8X4X2 105 Whence IF af = 105 : 83, and confequently 83 1FX83 If X 105, that is, 83 French Crowns are equivalent to 105 Florins of Frankfort; I now fay, if 83 French Crowns are equivalent to 105 Florins of Frankfort, what will 166 French Crowns be equiva- 105X166 lent to, or 83: 105 = 166: =210, that is, 210 Florins of 83 Frankfort are equivalent to 166 French Crowns. XXXIV. Having fully explained the different Rules of Proportion, it remains Proportion. to fhew their Ufe in the common Affairs of Life and Commerce, which, for greater Perfpicuity, the Computifts range under diftinct Heads. Things to which the XXXIV. Intereſt is an Allowance made by the Borrower to the Lender for the Loan of Money, or any other Goods. In Queſtions relating to Intereſt there are four Things confidered. 1°. The Sum lent, which is called the Principal. 2°. The common Standard at which the Intereſt is fix- Queſtions ed, which by common Conſent is at ſo much for the Forbearance of 100l. for 1 Year, and is called the Rate. 3°. The Time during which the Principal is lent out. 4°. The Amount of the Principal and Intereſt at the Expiration of the ftipulated Time, which is fimply called the Amount. Any three of thefe Things being given, we ſhall ſhew how the other may be found by the Rules of Proportion. in Intereſt. relate. I J NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 143 XXXVI. Rate, and CASE I. The Principal, Rate, and Time being given, to find the From the Intereft. Multiply the Principal by the Rate, and that Product by the Principal, Time, the laſt Product divided by 100 is the Intereft required, as will Time given, appear by the following Example. § to find the Let the Intereft, for Example, of 4261, 5s. 9d. lent out at 4 per Cent, Interest. for 6 Years be required. To folve this Queſtion I ſay, if 100l. in 1 Year gives 41. what will 4261. 5s. 9d. give in 6 Years? wherefore by the compound Rule of Three, 100XI: 41% = 426,2875X6: 1291. 95. 8d. 4. XXXVII. № Example. From the CASE II. The Amount, Rate, and Time being given, to find the Amount, Principal. Say, as the Amount of 100l. at the Rate and Time given, Rate, and Time given is to fool. fo is the given Amount to the Principal required. to find an Let it be required to find what Sum in ready Money is equivalent to Principal. 3998/. 12s. 10 d. due 3 Years and 145 Days bence. To folve this Question, I first find the Amount of 100l. in 3 Years. and 145 Days, at 3 per Cent. per Annum, ſaying 1: 3,4 = 3%. : § 10,2/. and adding 10,2/. to1ool. I fay110,2: 100=3998,64271.: ₪ 3628, 532391. XXXVIII. Example. CASE III. The Amount, Principal, and Time being given, to find From the the Rate of Intereft. Say, as the Principal multiplied by the Time, is Amount, to the whole Intereft, fo is rool. to the Rate per Gent. required. Principal, Let it be required to find at what Rate of Intereft will 500l, become given, to 5371. 10s. in 1 Year and 6 Months? and Time find the Rate of La To folve this Queſtion, I ſay if 500l. in 1 Year and 6 Months gives tereft. 37%. Ios. what will 100l. in 1 Year give, whence 500×1,5 : 100 = 37%, 10s. : № 5% I XXXIX. Example. From the CASE IV. The Principal, Amount, and Rate of Intereft being Principal, given, to find the Time. Say, as the Intereſt of the Principal for I Amount,. Year at the given Rate is to Year, fo is the whole Intereſt to the and Rate Time required. given, to find the Let it be required to find in what Time 500l. will become 5371. 10s. at Time. 5 per Cent. per Annum? To folve this Queftion, I fay if 100l. in 1 Year gives 57. in what Time will 5001. give 371. 10s. whence 5: 100x1Y= 37,5 : *X 500 ; wherefore the Time required x equal 37,5X100 Months, 5X500 equal 1 Year and 6 Example.. - 1 144 Things to which the Queſtions in Diſcount relate. From the Sum due, Rate and time given preſent Worth. ELEMENTS OF XL. Diſcount is an Allowance made for the Paying of Money before it falls due. In Queſtions relative to Difcount there are four Things to be confi- dered. 1°. The Sum due. 2º. The Rate per Cent. per Annum of the Diſcount. 3°. The Time that the Payment is anticipated. 4°. The preſent Worth. Any three of thefe Things being given, the fourth will be found by the Rules of Proportion. XLI. CASE I. The Sum due, Rate and Time being given, to find the prefent Worth. Say, as the Amount of 1ool, at the Rate and Time given, is to 1ool. fo is the Sum due to its prefent Worth; becauſe the prefent Worth is the Principal which laid out at Intereft at the given Rate of the Diſcount, as long as the Sum is paid before it is due, will amount to the Debt. A Bill, for Example, of 2000l. which has 17 Months to run, is prefented Example. to the Bank to be discounted, Intereft at 5 per Cent. bow much Money is the Holder to receive? To folve this Queftion, I find the Amount of 100/. for 17 Months, which 1285 85 is 1. and adding it to 100l. I ſay : 100= 2000 1: ₪ 18677. R 12 12 XLII. 181 257° A young Gentleman going to travel, depofits with a Banker 1500l. who fur- nifbes him with Bills of Exchange to the Amount of that Sum, en Condition of his paying 3 per Cent. of the Money be fhall receive. The Value of the Bills is required. To folve this Queſtion, I fay, if 1037. are reduced to 100l. what will 1500/. be reduced to? Whence 103: 100 1500l.: 14567. 6s. 2d. ½, which is the Value required of the Bills. XLIII. # CASE II. The Sum due, prefent Worth and Rate of Intereſt being From the given, to find the Time. Say, as the Intereſt of the prefent Worth for 1 Year at the given Rate is to 1 Year, fo is the whole Diſcount to the Time required. Sum due, preſent Worth and Rate given, A Gentleman who contracted a Debt of 13441. that becomes due a certain to find the Time bence, diſcharges it by paying 1200l. in ready Money; bow many Years did he anticipate the Payment, fuppofing the Difcount to be 3 per Cent. per Annum ? Time. Example. To folve this Queſtion I fay, if 100l. in 1 Year produces 37. in what Time would 1200l. produce 144/. whence 3: 100XIY= 144: xX1200; wherefore the Time required x equal 100 X Years. 144 3X1200 equal 144 or 4 36' NUMERA.L 145 ARITHMETICK. { 噼 XLIV.. Sum due, CASE III. 'The Sum due, prefent Worth and Time being given, to From the find the Rate of Difcount. Say, as the prefent Worth multiplied by the preſent Time is to the whole Difcount, fo is 100l. to the Rate per Ċent. Worth and Time given, A Gentleman who contracted a Debt of 2000l. payable in two Years, dif- to the charges it at the End of 7 Months by paying 1867 1371. ready Money, what Rate. was the Rate per Cent. per Annum of the Discount? 51. per Cent. XLV. Tare and Tret. In weighing feveral Commodities, the Weight of the Package is in- What is cluded in the Weight of the Goods, and the whole upon that Account meant by is called grofs Weight; the Allowance for which is regulated either by Cuſtom, or by fome exprefs Stipulation between the Buyer and Seller, and goes under the following Denominations. 1º. Tare, which is an Allowance for the Weight of the Cafk, Cheft, Box, &c. in which the Goods are packed, allowed to be either fo much per Bag, Barrel, Cheft, &c. or fo much per Cut.... 2º. Tret, which is an Allowance for Duft contracted by keeping, Waſte by Freight, Carriage, &c. When a Deduction is made for the Allowance: of Tare from the grofs Weight, the Remainder is called Nett, unleſs Tret is likewiſe allowed, and then it is called Subtle, out of which the Tret is deducted, and the laft Remainder is called-nett Weight. XLVI. I 1 When the Allowance is made at fo much per Cwt. the Nett is found Rüle for de by the following Proportion: As 112lb. is to the Difference betwixt the ducting the given Tare or Tret, and 112/b. fo is the given Grofs to the Nett required, Tare. What is the Net of 410Cwt. 2qrs. 12lb. at 20 per Cwt. ?. To folve this Queftion, I fubtract 20 from 112, the Remainder is 92, and then fay, if 112/b. is reduced to 92lbs what will 410Cwt. 29rs. 12lb. be reduced to? H337Cwt. 1gr. 4lb. When Tare and Tret are both allowed, to find the Nett. Say, as Rüle for de 112X112 is to the Product of the Difference betwixt the given Tare, ducting and 112 multiplied into the Difference of the given Tret and 112, fo is Tare and the given Grofs to the Nett required. Tare being allowed at 4lb. to 112lb. and Tret at 5lb. to 112lb. what is the nett Weight in 87lb. grofs. ? To folve this Queftion, I fay as 112lb. is to 1086. (viz. 112 lefs 4) fo is 871b, to the Subtle. I then fay, as 112lb. to 107lb. (viz. 112 lefs 5) fo is the Subtle to the Nett. Multiplying therefore the Antecedents of the Ratios of thoſe two Proportions together, as alfo their Confequents · together, 112 X 112: 108 X 10787 X Subtle : Nett X Subtle, that is, 112 X 112 : 108 X 107 = 87: Nett. Tret at one Operation, explained by an Exampler 2. T 146 ELEMENTS OF Rule of Mixtures. Firft Cafe. tities and XLVII. It is ufual in Trade to mix feveral Sorts of Wares together for the Convenience of Sale. The Operation to be performed, to proportion the Price of the Mixture to the ſeveral Prices of the Simples, or to find the Quantity of each Ingredient that will proportion the Mixture to a certain Price, is called the Rule of Mixtures. XLVIII. When the Quantities as well as the Prices of the Ingredients are given, to find the Rate of the Mixture. Multiply the Value of an Unit The Quan of each Ingredient by the Number of Units of that Ingredient, whence there will refult as many particular Products as there are Sorts of Wares the Ingredi- to be mixed; divide the Sum of thofe Products by the Sum of the In- ents given, gredients, the Quotient will give the Rate of the Mixture, as will ap- pear by the following Example, Prices of to find the Rate. Firft Exam ple. Second Ex ample. 1 Third Ex ample. XLIX. A Farmer mixes three Sorts of Grain of different Prices, viz. 10 Sacks of Wheat at 125. per Sack, 8 Sacks of Wheat at 14s. per Sack, and 6 Sacks of Qats at 8s. per Sack; what is a Sack of the Mixture worth? To folve this Queſtion, I ſay, 19. If 1 Sack coft 12. what will 10 Sacks coſt? R 61. 2°. If I Sack coft 14s. what will 8 Sacks coſt? R 57. 125. 3º. If I Sack coft 8s. what will 6 Sacks coft? y 21. 85. Whence the 24 Sacks of Corn mixed together are worth 14. I now fay, if 24 Sacks of Corn mixed together are worth 14%. what will 1 Sack of the Mixture be worth? R 11s. 8d. L. If 278 Gallons of Rum, at 11s. 6d. per Gallen, were mixed with 174 Gal- lons, at 9s. 3d. per Gallon, what would a Gallon of the Mixture be worth? Multiplying 11s. 6d. by 278, I find the Price of 278 Gallons, at 1 15. 6d. per Gallon, to be 159/. 175. Multiplying 9s. 6d. by 174, I find the Price of 174 Gallons, at 9s. 6d. per Gallon, to be 82. 135. Confequently the 278 Gallons and 174 Gallons mixed together, or the 452 Gallons of Rum, are worth 242/. 10s. Wherefore dividing 242/. 10s. the whole Price of the 452 Gallons of Rum, by 452, the Quotient 10s. 8 d. will be the Price of a Gallon of the Mixture. LI. A Goldsmith melted down together 60lb. of Silver of different Standards, viz. 32lb. of 110z. fine, 2016. of 110%. 12dwt. fine, 8lb. of 100%. 10dwt. fine. The Standard of the Mixture is required. If Silver is pure and free from Mixture, that is, if the 12 Parts into which the Pound of Silver is divided are fine, the Silver is faid to be NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 147 120%, fine. If the lb. is compofed of 11 Parts of pure Silver, and of I of another Metal, the Silver is faid to be 110z. fine. If the lb. of Silver is compoſed of 100z. and 10dwt. of pure Silver, and of 10%. 10dwt. of ano- ther Metal, the Silver is faid to be 100%. 10dwt. fine, and fo on. Theſe Notions being premifed, the Queftion is folved thus: As there are 32lb. of 110%. fine, 2016. of 110%. 12dwt. fine, 81b. of 100%. 10dwt. fine. Multiplying 110%. by 32, there refults 35202. Mul- tiplying 110z. 12dw, by 20, there refults 232 oz. Laftly, multiplying 100%. 10dwt. by 8, there refults 840z. The 60lb. therefore will contain in all 668oz. fine; whence dividing thofe 6680%. fine by 60, the Quotient 11oz. 2dwt. 16gr. will be the Quantity of fine Silver contained in a lb. of the Mixture, and confe- quently will be the Standard of this Mixture. LII. The particular Rates of two Simples to be mixed, and the Rate of Second Café the Mixture being given, to find how much of each Ingredient must be The Rates taken to compofe the Mixture. of two In and that of find the Form two Fractions that fhall have for common Denominator the gredients Difference of the Rates of the two Ingredients; the one having for Nu- the Mixture merator the Difference between the mean Rate, and the loweſt Rate will given, te expreſs the Portion to be taken of an Unit of the Ingredient of the higheſt Quantity of Rate; and the other having for Numerator the Difference between the each Ingre mean Rate, and the higheſt Rate will exprefs the Portion to be taken dient. of an Unit of the Ingredient of the lowest Rate, as will appear by the ollow in Example. LIII. How much Wheat, at 13s. the Sack, and Rye at 10s. the Sack, will com- pofe a Mixture that may be fold for 125, the Sack? To folve this Queſtion, let the three Sacks, that of 10s. the lowest First Exam Rate, that of 135. the higheſt Rate, and that of the Mixture to be fold ple. at the mean Rate 125. be conceived to be divided into a Number of equal Parts. The Difference 25. between the mean Rate 12. and the lowest Rate ros. being double of the Difference Is. between the higheſt Rate and the mean Rate; it is manifeft that every Part that is taken of the Corn of the loweſt Rate to compofe the Mixture, will diminish the mean Rate twice more than each Part of the Corn of the higheſt Rate will increaſe it, we ſhould therefore take two Parts of the Corn of the higheſt Rate for every one that we take of the loweft Rate, in order that the mean Price may not be altered, that is, of the three Parts that are taken in all to compoſe a Sack of Corn of the mean Rate, two fhould be of the Corn * ¿ £48 ELEMENTS OF -Second Ex ample. of the highest. Price, and one of the Corn of the loweft Price; whence the Sack of the Mixture to be fold for 125. will confift of of the Sack 43 at 13. and of the Sack at 10s. Now it is eaſy to perceive that the Denominator 3, common to the two Fractions and, which exprefs the two Portions of the Sack of the Mixture, arofe from the Difference 3 in the Prices of the two Sorts of Corn, and that the Numerators 2 and I of thofe Fractions are the Differences between the mean Rate and the particular Rates. LIV. Let it be propoſed to mix two different Subftances, a cubical Foot of one of which weighs 650lb. and of the other 480lb. Jo as a cubical Foot of the Mix- ture ſhall weigh 500lb. The heaviest cubical Foot weighing 650lb. the lighteſt 480%. and the cubical Foot of the mean Weight weighing 500lb. the Difference be- tween the lighteſt and the heaviest will be 170lb. the Difference between the mean Weight and the heaviest 150lb. the Difference between the mean Weight and the lighteſt 20lb. whence two Fractions having 170lb. or fimply 170 for common Denominator, and 20lb. and 150lb. or fimply 20 and 150 for their Numerators, will exprefs the Portions to be taken of the two given cubical Feet to compofe the cubical Foot required, weighing 500lb. that is, 1º. 20 170 or will be the Part to be taken of the cubical Foot weigh- ing 650lb. 20.1% or ing 480lb. T7 I S 7 will be the Part to be taken of the cubical Foot weigh- LV. The foregoing Queſtion is of Ufe in Gunnery. The Metal employed Ufe of the in the Conſtruction of Cannon is a Mixture of Copper and Block-Tin. foregoing Example in Some Founders, to every 100lb. of Copper, add 11lb. of Block-Tin; Gunnery. others, to every 100lb. of Copper, add 12/6. of Block-Tin. This laft Proportion being fuppofed to be the beſt, when old Pieces of Cannon, compoſed of thoſe two Metals, are to be melted down, it will be necef- fary to determine the Quantity of each Metal they contain, in order to difcover whether thofe Metals have been mixed in the Proportion, which Experience has proved to be the beſt. It is eafy to perceive, that if the Weight of a Quantity of Copper, as alfo of a Quantity of Block-Tin of the fame Bulk with the Mixture, could be determined, the Quantities of each Metal in the Mixture would be easily found. A heavy Body immerſed in Water lofes a Part of its Weight equal to the Weight of the Quantity of Water' that it puts out of its Place; whence Bodies that lofe, when weighed in Water, equal Parts of their NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 149 Weight, put equal Quantities of Water out of their Place, and confe- quently are of the fame Bulk, agreeable to this Principle. Let a Portion of the Mixture, weighing for Example 80lb. be taken; likewiſe a Piece of Copper and one of Block-Tin, each of the fame Weight, and let the Portion of the Mixture, when weighed in Water, lofe 9 lb. Copper lofing in Water the 9th Part of its Weight, and Block-Tin the 7th Part, the Piece of Copper will lofe 8. and the Piece of Block-Tin 11 lb. I J Now to find the Quantity of Copper and Block Tin feparately that compoſe the Mixture, it fuffices to find how much Water the Copper and Block-Tin fhould put out of its Place feparately, fo that the Mix- ture fhall put 9 lb. out of its Place. ठ To find which, I take the Difference between 11 lb. and 8 lb. which is 2 1/4 or 33, 2詩 160, the Difference between 23 and 83, which is or 3, and the Difference between 3 and 11, which is 2; wherefore the Frac- tions having for common Denominator 160, and for Numerators 28 and 132, will expreſs the Parts of the 9 lb. of Water, which the Copper and Block-Tin in the propofed Mixture put out of its Place; wherefore the Quantity of Copper in the propoſed Mixture is 661b. and of Block Tin igl. उ Having diſcovered after this Manner the Quantity of each Metal in the Portion of the Mixture, it will be eafy to find how much of each the whole Mixture contains. Let the Piece, for Example, be a 24 Pounder, weighing 5100lb. to find the Quantity of Copper in this Piese. I fay, if 80lb. of the Mixture contain 661b. of Copper, how much will 5100lb. contain? 4207 16. In like Manner the Quantity of Block Tin will be found to be 892, that is, 21. of Block-Tin for every 100lb. of Copper; but as the Proportion of the Quantity of Copper and Tin ſhould be as 100 12, I ſay, if 12lb. requires 100lb. what will 892 lb. require? R 7437 lb. Confequently there ſhould be added 323016. of Copper to the propoſed Mixture, that it may be of the Quality required. LVI. The Total of the Compound of two Simples, with the total Value of that Compofition, and the Value of an Unit of each Simple being given, to find the Quantity of each fimple Ingredient in the Compofition. To find the Quantity of the higher priced Simple, 1. multiply the leffer Price of the Unit by the total Quantity of the Compofition, de- du&t the Produ&t from the total Value of the Compofition, and divide the Remainder by the Difference in Value of an Unit of the two Simples given, and the Quotient is the Quantity of the higher priced Simple. Third Cafe. A Compoud two Sim Value, ples, its to tal of and that of Į 150 an Unit of ELEMENTS OF 2º. To find the Quantity of the lowest priced Simple, multiply the each Ingre greateſt Price of the Unit by the total Quantity of the Compofition, de- dient given, to find the duct the Product from the total Value of the Compofition, and divide the Quantity of Remainder by the Difference in Value of an Unit of the two Simples given, and the Quotient is the Quantity of the lowest priced Simple; as will appear by the following Example. each. Example. 1 A Com pound of any Num ber of Sim LVII. Suppose there are 20 Ounces of Gold melted into one Mafs, confifting of Gold at 4l. per oz. and Gold at 41. 5s. per oz. the Value of the whole being 821. it is required to find how much of each was taken to make the Compofition ? · If the 2002. confifted of Gold at 47. per oz. the total Value of it would be 80l. and confequently 27. lefs than the propofed Value 821. This Product 80%. must therefore be increafed by 27. without increafing the Number of Ounces. Now it is manifeft that it is this Increaſe of 21. that is found by the Rule, when it directs to multiply the leffer Price. of the Unit by the total Quantity of the Compofition, and dedu& the Product from the total Value." As 41. 5s. exceeds 41. by of a Pound, every Ounce at 4. 55. that is taken in the Room of an Ounce at 41. will increaſe the Product 80l. by 1. without increafing the Number of Ounces; wherefore, in order to increaſe the Product 80/ of 200z. at 41. per oz. by 21. we must take in the Room of the Gold at 41. per oz. as many Ounces at 41. 55. as 11. is contained in 27. that is, we muſt take 8oz. of the Gold at 4/. 5s. per oz. Now it is this Number 8oz. that is found by the Rule, when it directs to divide the Remainder by the Difference in Value of an Unit of the two Simples given.; wherefore there were 120z. of Gold at 41. per oz. and 8oz. at 41. 5. in the propofed Mixture. 2º. If the 20 Ounces confifted of Gold at 41. 5s. per oz. the total Va- lue of it would be 857. and confequently 37. more than the given Value 827. This Product 851. must therefore be diminiſhed by 37. without in- creaſing the Number of Ounces; to effect which, we must take as ma- ny Ounces of Gold at 41. per oz. as 4. is contained in 31. the Difference in Value of an Unit of the Ingredients, that is, we must take 120%. of the Gold at 41. per oz, and confequently 8oz. of the Gold at 41. 5s. per oz. LVIII. The Total of the Compound of any Number of Simples, with the to- tal Value of that Compofition, and the Value of an Unit of each Simple being given, to find the Quantity of each Ingredient in the Compofition. ples, its to Multiply the lowest Price of the Unit by the total Quantity of the Compo- tal Value, fition, and deduct this Product from the total Value of the Compofition; and that of divide the Remainder into as many Parts lefs one as there are Ingredients, each Ingre divifible by the Differences between the lowest Price of the Unit, and all an Unit of NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 151 the other Prices Thofe Parts being divided by thofe Differences, the dient given, Quotient will exprefs the Quantities of each Ingredient, except the loweſt priced one. LIX. How many Pounds of Gun-Powder at 2s. Is. and at 6d. per lb. muft be ta- ken to compound a Mixture of 221b. worth 30s.? to find the Quantity of each. If the 22/6. confifted of Powder at 6d. per lb. the total Value of it Example.' would be 132d. and confequently 228d. lefs than the propoſed Value 360d. whence this Product 132d. muſt be increaſed by 228d. without in- creafing the Number of Pounds of the Mixture. Now this Augmenta- tion of 228d. found by dedu&ting the Produ& 132d. from the propoſed Value 360d. cannot be made but by taking a Number of lb. of Powder at 25. and at Is. per 16. in the Room of a fimilar Number of 15. of Powder at 6d. per lb. 1º. Each lb. of Powder at 23, taken in the Room of a lb. at 6d. will give an Augmentation of 18d. equal to the Difference in Value of an Unit of the highest rated and loweft rated Powder; whence the Part of the Augmentation produced by taking a Number of Pounds of Pow- der at 25. per lb. in the Room of a like Number of Pounds at 6d. per 16. will be a Number of Pence multiple of 18d. and confequently diviſible by 18d. Difference in Value of an Unit of the higheſt priced and loweſt priced Powder. 2º. Every lb. of Powder at 12d. taken in the Room of a 1b. at 6ď. will produce an Augmentation of 6d. which is the Difference in Value of an Unit of the mean priced and lowest priced Powder ; whence the Part of the Augmentation, produced by fubftituting a Number of lb. of Powder at Is. per lb. in the Room of a like Number of lb. at 6d. per 1b, will be a Number of Pence multiple of 6d. and confequently di- viſible by 6d. Difference in the Value of an Unit of the mean priced and lowest priced Powder. We must therefore divide the Augmentation 228d. into two Parts, one of them divifible by the Difference 18d. in the Value of an Unit of the higheſt and lowest priced Powder, and the other divifible by the Difference 6d, in the Value of an Unit of the mean priced and loweſt priced Powder. The Parts of 228d. diviſible by 18d. and the corresponding Parts of 228d. divifible by 6d. are 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, 180, 198, 216, 210, 192, 174, 156, 138, 120, 102, 84, 66, 48, 30, 12, each lb. of Powder at 2s. fubftituted in the Room of a 1b, at 6d. produ- cing 18d. in the firſt Parts of 228d, and each 1b, at 1s. fubftituted in the * 152 OF ELEMENTS How the Profit or Lofs made upon any Article in Tráde is ekimated. Room of a 1b. at 6d. producing 6d. in the fecond Parts of 228d, it is ma- nifeft that if the first Parts be divided by 18, the Quotients will be the different Numbers of lb. of Powder at 25. that produce the first Parts, or that can compofe the Mixture; and that by dividing the fecond Parts by 6d. there will refult the different Numbers of lb. of Powder at Is. per lb. that can compoſe the Mixture. Thofe Divifions being perform- ed, the Number of lb. of Powder at 25. and at 1s. per lb. will be as follows: 1 lb. at 2s. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, гI, 12, lb. at Is. 35, 32, 29, 26, 23, 20, 17, 14, 11, 8, 5, 2, 1 As the Compofition fhould confift but of 22lb. it is manifeft that the ſeven first Numbers of 16, at 25. per lb. which with the correſponding Numbers of lb. at 1s. make more than 2276. fhould be rejected; and that the eighth Number 876, at 25. which with the correfponding Number 14b. at 1s. makes precifely 22/6. fhould be alfo rejected with its Fellow 14b. fince the Mixture fhould contain a Number of b. at 6d. whence there will remain but four different Numbers of 1b, of Powder at 25. with four correfponding Numbers of lb. at Is. per b. and as the whole Compofition is limited to 221b, if from 22 be deducted each Sum made up of a Number of lb. at 25. together with the correfponding Number of 16, at 1s. each Remainder will be the correſponding Number of 15. at 6d per lb. confequently the Particulars of the Mixture fhould be glb.. at 25. 11lb. at Is. and 2lb, at 6d. per lb. Or, 10lb. at 2s. 815. at Is. and 41b. at 6d. per lb. Or, 11lb. at 25. 51b, at rs. and 6lb, at 6d, per lb. Or, 12lk. at 25. 2lb. at Is. and 81b.. at 6d. per lb. LX. In buying and felling Goods the Merchant fhould be able, by compa ring both together, on the different Articles in which he deals, to make a true Estimate of his Trade, thereby to judge with Certainty what Articles turn out more or less to his Account. To effectuate which it was found neceffary to have fome common Standard, by which the Gain or Lofs made, or propofed to be made upon any Commodity or Article in Trade, fhould be tried and expreffed, and this by univerfal Confent feems to have been fixed to the Centum or Hundred; fo that when it is faid that the Gain is at 10 per Cent. it is to be underſtood that when 100%. 100s. &c. have been laid out in purchaſing Goods, 110/. 110s. &c. have been recovered by the Sales; and in the fame Manner if 100l. were laid out in the Purchaſe of Goods, and but 90l. received back, it is faid that 107. per Cent, was loft by fuch Goods.. 1 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK 153 LXI. The buying and felling Prices being given, to find the Rate per Cent, Caſe I. of the Gain or Lofs. Say, as the buying Price is to the Difference be- The buying tween the buying and felling Price, fo is 100 to the Gain or Lofs and felling Prices given per Cent. to find the A Merchant bought Cloth at 15s. 6d. per Yard, and fold it again for 18s. Rate. what did he gain per Cent.? To folve this Queſtion I ſay, if 15s. 6d. gained 2s. 6d. what will 100 Example. gain? 16 per Cent. A Merchant bought Cloth at 10s. per Yard, and fold it again for 9s. per Second Ex Yard; what did he lofe per Cent.? I fay, 10 : 1 = : 100: R 10 per Cent. A Merchant bought 5 Puncheons of Rum for 2451. 19s. 6d. for 2951. 195. 6d. what did be gain per Cent? I fay, if 245,9751. gain 50l. what will 100 gain? Cent. ample. and fold them Third Ex 3220 20 330 per ample. A Merchant bought a Puncheon of Rum for 661. 135. 4d. it run 150 Gal- Fourth Ex lons, which he retailed at 12s. 6d. per Gallon; whether did he gain or loje, ample. how much, and at what per Cent.? I fay, as 661. 13. 4d. the buying Price, is to 27%. Is. 8d. the Diffe- rence between the buying and felling Price, fo is 100l. to R 40%, the Rate required per Cent. LXI. The buying Price, and the propofed Rate per Cent. Profit being given, to find the advanced Price. Say, as 100 is to the Amount of 100 at the Rate given, fo is the buying Price to the advanced Price required. A Merchant bought Cloth at 15s. per Yard; how may be charge it per Yard to gain 25 per Cent.? Cafe II. The buying Price and the Rate per Cent. Profit given, to find the ad vancedPrice I fay, as 100 is to 125, fo is 15s. to 18s. 9d, the advanced Price. A Merchant bought 400 Spindles of Tarn for 411. Carriage and other Second Ex Charges came to 17s. how may be retail it per Spindle to clear 30 per ample. Cent, ? I fay 100: 130 41,85%. : 54,4051. the advanced Price of the 400 Spindles, which is at the Rate of 25. 8d§ d. per Spindle. A Merchant bought 80 Puncheons of Rum, containing 7548 Gallans, Third Ex at 10s. 6d. per Gallon. Lighterage, Porterage, and other Charges came to ample. 251. 75. There was of Leakage 25 Gallons. How may be fell the Remain- der per Gallon to clear 12 ½ per Cent. upon the whole ? To folve this Queſtion, I firſt inveſtigate the Price of the 7548 Gal- lons, at 10s. 6d. per Gallon, to which adding the Charges, I find the 2 U 154 ELEMENTS OF ple. first Coft to be 3988,057. 1 then ſay, 100: 112,5=3988,057.: 4485,431257. the advanced Price of the 7523 Gallons that remain after the Leakage is deducted, which is at the Rate of 11s.. 11d. per Gallon. Fifth Exam A Merchant bought 17Gut. 3qrs. of Sugar, at 60s. and 14Cwt. 2qrs. 14lb. at 70s. which he mixed together and propofes to fell it at 30 per Cent, ad-. vance, how must be value I Gwt. of the Mixture? Cafe III. The Rate given and To folve this Queſtion, I firſt inveſtigate the Prices of 17Cwt. 3qrs. of Sugar, at 60s. per Cwt. and of 14Cwt. 2qrs. 14lb. at 70s. per Cwt. and I find the firft Coft of the Mixture 32,375 Cwt. to be 104,4375. I then fay, 100: 130 104,437: 135,768751. the advanced Price of the Mixture, which is at the Rate of 41. 35. 10 d. per Cwt. . LXIII. at If the Rate proportional to another upon a new advanced Price is re- quired. Say, as the loweſt advanced Price is to the Amount of 100, another the given Rate; fo is the higheſt advanced Price to the Amount of 100 portional to at the required Rate. pro Firft Exam it required. A Merchant fold Tobacco. at 7d. per lb. upon which he gained 10 per Cent. Markets rofe to 8d. what did that advanced Price bring per Cent. ? I fay, 7: §d. 110 = 8d.: 125 d. 25 per Cent. - ple. Second Ex ample. Cafe. IV. The advan ced Price given, to find the A Merchant fold Cloth at 18s. per Yard, upon which he had 15 per Cent. How much per Cent. had his Neighbour, who fold his Cloth of the fame Coft at 19s. 6d. ? 24 per Cent. R 24 2 LXIV. If it be required to find the prime Coft. Say, as the Amount of 100 at the Rate given, is to 100; fo is the advanced Price to the prime Coft required. A Merchant fold a Pipe of Wine for 431. 15s. by which be bad 20 per Cent. prime Coft. what was the prime Coft? First Exam ple. Second Ex- ample.. What is meant by Barter. Method of folving Queſtions I fay, 120: 100=43,751. R 361. 95. 28. A Merchant fold 50 Pieces of Scotch Lawns, 10 Yards each, for 1351. by which he gained 15 per Cent. what did it cost him per Yard? * I fay, 115 100 1357.: 117,3917. the prime Coft of the 50 Pieces,, or 500 Yards of Lawn, which is at the Rate of 4s. 8 d. per Yard. 44 LXV. Barter is the Commutation of one Commodity for another, and teach- eth fo to proportion the Quantities to be exchanged, according to the Conditions of the Barter, that neither Party may ſuſtain Lofs. To folve Queſtions relating to Barter at one Operation. Say, as the Rate of the Quantity required per Yard, lb. Cwt. &c. is to the Rate of the affigned Quantity, fo is the affigned Quantity to the Quantity re- one Opera quired; as will appear by the following Example. in Barter at tion. First Exam ple. How many Yards of Shalloon may a Merchant barter for 80 Yards of broad Cloth, rating the broad Cloth at 15s. 6d. per Yard, and the Shalloon at 25.2 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 155 its I fay, as 1 Yard of broad Cloth is to 15s. 6d. fo is 80 Yards to x Value. I then fay, as 2s. is to 1 Yard of Shalloon, fo is x the Value of the broad Cloth to y, the Number of Yards of Shalloon required, Con- fequently. 1X2: 15XI=80YXx: yxx, or 2: 15-80Y: y equal 620 Y. How many Yards of Irish Linen, at 2s. 3d. per Yard, may a Linen-Draper Second Ex have in Barter for 80 Pieces of Holland, of 20 Yards each, at 3s. 6d. per ample. Yard? I fay, 2 80X20 Y= 3 R 2488 Yards. How many Pieces of Indian Chints may a Merchant have in Barter for 86 Third Ex Pieces of broad Cloth, rating the former at 251. 10s, per Piece, and the latter ample. at 151. 15s. per Piece? I fay, 25: 86 Pieces 15 53 How many lb. of Almonds may a Grocer have in Barter for Raifins, reckoning the Almonds at 7, and the Raifins at 3 I fay 7: 3791b. 3: R 189 lb. LXVI. ½ 2 7 Pieces. 37916. of Fourth Ex per lb? ample. Exchange is the Commutation of the Money of one Country for that of another, by Means of a Bill or Writ, commonly called a Bill of Exchange. When the Purchaſes and Payments of one Country in another exa&- From ly balance the Purchaſes and Payments of the latter in the former, the whence ari- Exchange on both Sides are at Par; that is, one who gives Money in one Country will receive as much in the other in Weight and Standard. But if one Country fupplies another with more than it takes from it, there will be a Balance against the latter, which it muft neceffarily pay; in order to which, the Demand for the Money, or Bills of Exchange of the former, becomes greater in the latter than the Quantity to fup- ply that Demand, and confequently puts the Price of their Money above Par, and that of the other below Par, and this conftitutes what is called the Courſe or current Rate of Exchange. LXVII. fes the Courſe of Exchange. Manner of In Ireland, Accounts are kept in Pounds, Shillings, and Pence, Iriſh. Britain exchanges with Ireland upon the rool the Par of which in Iriſh exchanging Money is 1087. 6s. 8d. fo that the Shilling Sterling is worth 13d. Irish. between The Courſe of Exchange runs from 5 to 12 per Cent, according as the Ireland. Balance of Trade is in Favour of Ireland, or againſt it. ठ If Iriſh Money is required; as, for Example, how much in Dublin for 3571. 18. in London, when the Exchange is at 10 per Cent. ? Say, if 100l. English gives 1101. Iriſh, according to the Courfe, what will 3571. 185. Engliſh give? R 3951. 18s. 6d. If English Money is required; as, for Example, how much in Lon- don for 395% 18s. 6d. in Dublin, Exchange at 10 per Cent. ? Say, if 110 Irish, the Courfe of Exchange equivalent to 100l Engliſh, gives 1ool, English, what will 3957. 18s. 6d. give? 357% 18. the English Money required. * England and Reduction of English Money to its equiva- lent Irish. Reduction of Iriſh Mo- ney to its equivalent English, 1 1 156 with the ELEMENTS OF Manner of In America and the Weft-Indies, as in other Parts of the British Do- exchanging minions, Accounts are kept in Pounds, Shillings and Pence, divided as British Plan in Britain, and their Money, for Diftinction's Sake, is called Currency. The Method of computing the Exchanges is the fame as with Ireland. tations, Exchange applied to LXVIII. When Britain exchanges upon the 100%. the higher the Exchange is, Drawing the Advantage to Britain in remitting is the greater, and in drawing and Remit- the lefs, as will appear by the following Examples. ting, Manner of between When the Exchange was at 12 per Cent. Britain remitted to Ireland 50001. for how much Sterling ought Britain to draw for a Reimburſement, when the Exchange falls to 6 per Cent. ? To folve this Queftion, I first fay, if 100l. English amounts to II 2. Irish, what will 5000l. English amount in Ireland to? R 5600l. I next fay, if 106d. Irish gives 100l. English, what will 5600l. Irish give? R 52831. os. 4 d. English; whence Britain gains by this Tranfaction 2831. Os. 4žd. which is above 5 per Cent. When the Exchange with Ireland rofe to 12 per Cent. Ireland drew on Lon- don for 5000l. English, how much Irish must be remitted to London to diſcharge the Debt, when the Exchange falls to 6 per Cent.? To folve this Queſtion, I firſt fay, if rool. English amount to 1127. Irish, what will 5000l. English amount to in Ireland? 5600l. I af- terwards fay, if 100l. English amounts to 106/. Irish, what will 5000l. Engliſh amount to in Ireland? 5300l. whence Ireland gains by this Tranfaction 300l. which is 6 per Cent. LXIX. In France Accounts are kept in Livres, Sols, and Deniers, divided as exchanging the British Pound. The Manner of exchanging between London and Paris, &c. is to give fo many Pence Sterling for the Crown or Ecu of 3 Livres, or of 60 Sols Tournois. The Par of Exchange, according to the prefent Currency of the Coins in England and France, is 29,149 Pence Engliſh per Crown, or per 60 Sols Tournois. According to this Par, their Coins may be eſtimated as follows. England and France. Eftimation of the French Coins. Reduction 3.9 I 3. 32 1º. A Denier d. 2°. A Liard of three Deniers d. 3°. A Dardene of 2 Liards d. 4°. A Sol of 2 Dardenes 32d. 5º. A Frank of 20 Sols of 1 Livre gåd. 6º. A Crown of Exchange or 60 Sols 25. 54d. 7º. A double Crown of 6 Livres 4s. 101d. 8°. A Louis d'or of 8 Crowns 19s. 6d. English Money. To compute the Exchanges with France. If French Money is re- of English quired, as, for Example, how many Livres in Paris for 5661. 135. 44. Money to its equiva- in London, when the Exchange is at 31d. per Ecu? lent French. Say, if 31d. the Courfe of Exchange, gives 3 Livres, what will 5661. 13s. 4d. English give? 13161 Liv. 5Sol. 93 Den. NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 157 If English Money be required, as, for Example, how much in Lon- don for 13161 Liv. 5 Sol, 9 Den, in Paris, the Exchange being at 31d. per Ecu? Say, if 3 Livres gives 31d. what will 13161 Liv. 5 Sol. 9 Den. give? 5661. 135. 4d. R LXX. Manner of In Genoa Accounts are kept in Piaftres, or Pezzos, which are di- exchanging vided into Soldi and Denari, as the Britiſh Pound. Some of the Mer- between chants keep their Accounts in Lires or Liras, Soldi and Denari, divided England and as before. This Money is only the of the Value of the other. The Manner of exchanging between London and Genoa, is to give fo many Pence Sterling for the Pezzo or Piaftre, according to the Courſe of Exchange which runs between 45 and 50d. per Piaftre. The Par of the Piaftre is 54d. Sterling, and the Par of the Lire 10 d. 9 Genda. of Genoa. According to which their Coins may be cftimated as follows: 1. A Eſtimation Denari zod. 2°. A Soldi or 12 Denari d. 3°. A Chevalet or 4 Sol- of the Coins- di 1d. 4º. A Teftoon or 30 Soldi 1s., 1 d. 5º. A Genouine or 6 Teftoons 6s. 9d. 6º. A Pistole 155. 7°. A Spaniſh Piſtole 17s. 11d. If Genoiſh Money is required, as, for Example, how much in Genoa for 1710l. 16s. 4d. in London, the Exchange at 47 d. Sterling per Reduction Pezzo? of Sterling to its equi- how valent Mo- Say, if 47 d. Sterling, the Rate of Exchange, gives I Pezzo, many Pezzos will 1710l. 16s. 4d. give? R 8644Pez. 2Sol. 6Den. If Sterling be required, as, for Example, how much in London 8644Pez. 2Sol. 6Den. in Genoa, the Exchange at 471d. per Pezzo? Say, if 1 Pez. gives 47d. what will 8644 Pez. 2Sol. 6 Den. R 1710. 16s. 4d. Sterling. I LXXI. for give? ney of Ge- noa. Reduction of Money of Genoa to its equiva- ·lent Ster- ling. Manner of In Leghorn Accounts are kept in Piaftres, Soldi, and Denari, divided as at Genoa. Some likewife keep their Accounts in Liras or Lires, di- exchanging vided as the Piaftre; but this Money is only of the Money of Ex-between change. The Par with London is 45. 4d. but the Courfe runs from 45 to London and 50d. Sterling only per Piaſtre. Leghorn. The Coins of Leghorn are eftimated as follows. 1°. A Denari. Eftimation 2º. A Quatrini or 4 Denari 3d. 3°. A Soldi or 3 Quatrini d. 4°. A of the Coins of Leghorn. Craca, or Grain of 5 Quatrini 3d. 5º. A Julio, or Paulo of 8 Grains 3d. 6º. A Piaſtre of Exchange 4s. 4d. 7. A Ducat of 150 Soldi 5. 5d. 8°, A Piſtole of 21 Lires 155. 6d. Reduction When Money of Leghorn is required, as, for Example, how much of Sterling in Leghorn for 4651. 19s. 6d. Sterling, the Exchange at 46d. Piastre? per talent Mo- to its equi- ney of Legh 158 ELEMENTS OF. 1 Reduction 1 Say, if 46d. gives 1 Piaftre, what will 465/. 19s. 6d. Sterling give? R 2431 Piaft. 3Sol. 5&Den. When Sterling is required, as, for Example, how much in London of Leghorn for 2431 Piaft. 3Sol. 5 Den. Exchange at 46d. per Piaftre? Money to its equiva- Say, if i Piaft. gives 46d. what will 2431 Piaft. 3Sol. 52Den. give? lent Sterling N 4651. 19s. 6d. Manner of between N LXXII. The Accounts of the Bank of Venice are kept in Livres, Sols and exchanging Deniers Gros. The Livre is equal to 10 Ducats Bank, or 240 Grofs, England and (the Ducat being equal to 24 Grofs) 100 whereof make 120 Ducats Venice. current Money, fo that the Difference betwixt Bank and current Mc- ney is an Agio of 20 per Cent. Eftimation London exchanges with Venice, by giving an uncertain Number of Pence Sterling for the Ducat Banco. The Par of a Ducat Banco is 45. 4d. Sterling, and the Courſe between 45 and 50d. The Venetian Coins are as follow: 1. A Picoli 66 181 163 I 7 5 5 d. 2°. A Soldi of the Vene- or 12 Picoli d. 3. A Jule or 18 Soldi 5 d. 4°. A Teſtcon or tian Coins. 3 Jules Is. 5 d. 5. A Ducat current or 124 Soldi 35. 4d. 6°. A Chequin or 17 Lires 9s. 2d. Lire Money is divided as the Britiſh Pound, and I Ducat Banco is worth 7 Lires. Reduction 4. 5 When Venetian Money is required, as, for Example, how much in of Sterling Venice for 541. 185. Sterling in London, the Exchange at 45 d. per to its equi- Ducat Banco ? -valent Ven. • Money. A Say, if 45 d. the Rate of Exchange, gives 1 Ducat Banco, how many Ducats will 5417. 18s. Sterling give? 2850Duc. 10Sol. 10Den. When Sterling is required, as, for Example, how much in London of Ven. Mo- for 2850 Duc. 10 Sol. 10 Den. in Venice, Exchange at 45d. per Ducat? Reduction ney to its equivalent Sterling. Manner-of between England and Portugal. 14 73 4- Say, if I Ducat gives 45 d. what will 285cDuc. 10Sol. 104 Den. 5417. 18s. Sterling. give? LXXIII. In Liſbon, and in general throughout the Portugueſe Dominions, exchanging Accounts are kept in Milreas and Reas, reckoning 1000 of the latter to one of the former. The Exchange betwixt London and Portugal is ra- ted at an uncertain Number of Pence Sterling for a Milrea, according to the Courſe of Exchange, which runs betwixt 5. and 5s. 8d. per Milrea. The Par of a Milrea is 5s. 7 d. according to which the Gold Monies of Portugal are eſtimated as follow: of the Coins 1º. The Piece of 25 600 double Joannes 71. 4. 2º. Of 24 ditto Eftimation 61. 15. 3°. Ditto of 12800 fingle Joannes 3. 125. 4°. Of 12 of Portugal. ditto 31. 75. 6d. 59. Ditto of 6 400 half Johannes 1. 16s, 6°. Ditto of 4800 Moidore ftamped 17. 75. 70. Ditto of 3200 quarter NUMERAL 159 ARITHMETICK. Joannes 185. 8°. Ditto of 2 of 1 400 half Moidore 13s. 6d. 9°. Ditto Coo Joannes 9s. 10°. Ditto of 1 ठ I · 200 quarter Moidore 65. gd. 11º. Ditto of o 800 Joannes or Teftoon Piece 4s. 6d. w 'The Silver Monies are as follow: 1. The Crufado of 400 Reas not ftamped 25. 3d. 2º. Ditto of 480 Reas ftamped in 1643, 25. 8 3 d. 3º. The 12 Vintin Piece of 240 Reas 15, 6d. 4°. The 5 ditto of 100 Reas 9d. 5. The 2 Vintin, ditto of 50 Reas 4 d. The Copper Coins as follow: The Vintin Piece of 20 Reas 1žd. the half and quarter ditto.. Reduction- of Sterling to its equi- When Portugueze Money is required, as, for Example, how much in Re Liſbon for 5781. 19s. 6d. in London, Exchange at 5s. 3d. per Milrea? Say, if 5. 3d gives 1 Milrea, how many Milreas will 5781. 1gs. 6d, give? R 2205 Mil. 619 Reas. valent Por- tuguiſe Mo- ney. Reduction of Portu- When Sterling is required, as, for Example, how much in London for 2205 Mil. 619 Reas in Lisbon, Exchange at 5s. 3d. per Milrea? Say, if 1 Milrea gives 5. 3d. what will 2205 Mil. 619 Reas give? guile Money R 5781. 19s. 6d. LXXIV. in to its equi- valent Ster- ling. Manner of exchanging between In Spain the foreign Bankers, or Remitters, keep their Accounts Piaftres, Rials, and Maravedies, old Plate, reckoning 34 Maravedies to a Rial, and 8 Rials to a Piaftre, The Shopkeepers of Madrid, the Cuſtomhouſe, and other Dealers England within the Kingdom, keep their Accounts in Rials and Maravedies, and Spain. Vellon or Copper Money. Some Merchants, particularly in Valentia, Alicant, &c. keep their Accounts in Piaftres, Sols and Denier, divided as the French Livre. The Exchange betwixt London and Spain is rated at an uncertain Number of Pence Sterling per Piaftre, or Piece of 8, ac- cording to the Courfe of Exchange, which varies from 35 to 40 Pence. per Piaftre. The Par of the Piaftre is 3s. 7d. Sterling, according to which the Spaniſh Silver and Copper Coins are eſtimated as follows: - 4.3 27 nifh Coins.. 1º. A Maravedie d. 2. A Quartil equal 2 Maravedies. Eftimation 3º. A Rial Plate equal 17 Quartils or 34 Maravedies 5 d. 4°. A Pif- of the Spa- trine equal 2 Rials Plate ros. d. 5°. A Dollar old Plate of Seville equal 10 Rials 45. 6d. 6º. A Dollar of new Plate equal 8 Rials Plate 3s. d. 70. Mexico ditto 4s. 6d. 8. Pillar ditto 4s. 6d. 9º. Peru ditto old Plate 4s. 5d. 109. A croſs Dollar 4s. 4 d. The Gold Coins are Piſtoles, Half Piftoles, &c. Double Pistoles, Quadruples. The Piftole is worth 4 Dollars or 175. 11d.. Sterling.. When Spanish Money is required, as, for Example, how much in Cadiz for 5761. 12. 2d in London, Exchange at 37 d. per Piaftre? Say, if 37 d. gives 1 Piaftre, how many Piaftres will 5761. 12. 2d. give? 3653 Piaft: 6 Ri. 7 Mer. * Reduction of Sterling valent Spa- to its equi- Biſh Money. 160 OF ELEMENTS Reduction of Spanish Money to its equiva- lent Sterling Manner of When English Money is required, as, for Example, how much in London for 3653 Piaft. 6 Ri. 7 Mer. Exchange at 37 d. per Piáſtre? Say, if 1 Piaſtre gives 37 d. what will 3651 Piaft. 6 Ri. 7 Mer. give? 5761. 124. 22d. LXXV. In Holland Accounts are kept in Pounds, Shillings, and Pence Fle- exchanging miſh, divided as the Britiſh Pound; but more generally in Guilders or between Florins, Stivers, and Phinnings, reckoning 16 Phinnings to a Stiver, England and Holland. and 20 Stivers to a Guilder or Florin, and 6 Guilders or Florins to a Pound Flemish. Britain exchanges with Holland upon the Pound Sterling, for which the latter gives an uncertain Number of Shillings and Pence, or Grotes Flemiſh, according to the Courſe of Exchange, which runs from 30 to to 40s. Flemish per 20s. Sterling. The Par of a Pound Sterling is 1. 16s. 6d. Flemish; but a Guinea paffes in Holland for 12 Guilders. According to this Eftimation their Coins may be reckoned, as follows: 1º. A Duke d. 2°. A Stiver 1 d. 3°. A Schilling 6d. 4°. A I zod. of the Dutch Guilder Is. 9d. 5º. A Zeland Dollar 2s. 7žd. 6º. A Rix-Dollar 45. 4 d. 7°. A Dry Guilder 5s. 3d. 8°. A Ducat 9s. 2 d. If Dutch Money is required, as, for Example, how much in Amfter- of Sterling dam for 270l. 8s. 2d. Sterling, when the Exchange is at 35s. 6d. Fle- to its equi- mifh per Pound Sterling ? Eftimation Coins. Reduction valent Dutch Mo ney. Reduction of Dutch 2 1 Say, if 1. gives 35s. 6d. Flemish, what will 270k. 8s. 2d. give ? 479. 19s. 5d. Flemish. If Sterling is required, as, for Example, how much in London for 4791. 19s. 6d. Flemish, the Exchange being at 35s. 6d. per Pound Money to its equiva- Sterling? lent Sterling between Say, if 17. 15s. 6d. Flemiſh gives 11. Sterling, what will 4797. 195. ád. Flemish give? ₪ 2701. 8s. 2d. Sterling. LXXVI. تجھے Manner of In Hambourg Accounts are kept in Rix-Dollars, Sols, and Deniers. exchanging Lubs, or in Marks, Sols, and Deniers Lubs. The Rix-Dollar is worth England and 3 Marks or 48 Sols Lubs, the Livre Gros or Pound Flemiſh is equal to Hambourg. to 7 Marks Lubs, or 20 Sols Gros, or 120 Sols Lubs. The Mark Lubs are divided fometimes into 32 Gros, but more generally into 16 Schillings Lubs, and each of thefe into 12 Phennings. The Exchanges betwixt London and Hambourg are rated at an un- certain Number of Schillings and Grotes Flemish per Pound Sterling, according to the Courfe of Exchange. The Par of their Rix-Dollar is reckoned at 4s. 6d. Sterling; fo that the Par of 17. Sterling is 13 Marks 5 Schillings Lubs, 35s. 6d. Flemish; according to which Eftimation their Coins may be eſtimated, as follows: 1 NUMERAL ARITHMETICK 161 128 1". A Tryling of a Phenning d. 2°. A Sexling of a Phen- ning d. 3. A Phenning of a Schilling Lubs d. 49. One Schil- Eftimation ling Lubs of a Mark 1 d. 5º. The Dollar equal 2 Marks 3. of the Co 60. The Rix-Dollar equal 3 Marks 4s. 6d. 79. The Ducat of 6 bourg. Marks 9s. 4 d. I When Hambourg Money is required, as, for Example, how much in Hambourg for 500l. Sterling, the Exchange at 35s. 6d. Flem. Banco per Pound Sterling? Say, if I gives 35s. 6d. Flemish, what will 500l. give? R 6656 Marks, 4 Schillings Lubs. Coins Ham- Reduction of Sterling to its equi valent Ham bourg Mo ney. of Hamb. How much in London for 6656 Marks, 4 Schill. Lub. in Hambourg, Reduction the Exchange at 35s. 6d. Flem. Banco per Pound Sterling? Say, if 35s. 6d. Flem. gives 17. Sterling, what will 6656 Marks, its equiva- 4 Schillings give? 500l. Sterling. Money to lent Ster- The foregoing are the moſt remarkable Places of Exchange in Europe ling. with which Britain hath Occafion to negotiate; and it is prefumed that thofe Examples are fufficient, to fhew how Sterling is reduced to its equivalent Value in the Money of Account in any other Country, and the contrary, the Courfe of Exchange being given. LXXVII. Being commiffioned to remit a certain Sum of Money to a Place, at Method of a certain Rate of Exchange, and at the fame Time to draw for the Re- arbitrating imburſement upon fome other Place, at a certain Rate of Exchange; Exchanges, to determine whether the Advantage in performing the one Part of the by an Ex- › explained Commiffion will be fufficient to compenfate for the Lofs that may arife ample. from the other. Say, as the Rate of Exchange affigned for remitting, is to the Rate of Exchange affigned for drawing, fo is the real Rate at which the Re- mittance can be made, to the Rate at which the Draught ought to be made to be at Par with the Rate of the Remittance; which being com- pared with the Rate of Bills upon that Place where the Draught is to be made, will fhew whether the Order is to be obeyed or not, as will appear by the following Example. LXXVIII. A Factor at London receives an Order to remit to Venice 1000 Ducats, at 4s. Sterling per Ducat, and, for this Purpoſe, to put himſelf in Caſh by draw- ing on Spain at 35. 2d. per Piaftre. When this Order came to Hand, Bills for Venice were at god. at what Price muft London draw upon Spain, to compen- fate the Advance on the Remittance to Venice by the Rife of the Exchange ? 2 X 162 ELEMENTS OF What is meant by Stock, The differ To folve this Queftion, let the Number of Piaftres, at 38d. per Piaftre, that the Factor is to draw from Spain, to put himfelf in Caſh to make the Remittance of 1000 Ducats, at 48d, per Ducat, be expreffed by x; then 1000 X 48d. equal x X 38d. or 48: x = 38: 1000. But fince he is obliged to remit at 50d, per Ducat, and yet not draw on Spain for a greater Number of Piaftres, the Piaftres must be rated higher than at. 38d. to anfwer this Remittance. Let this Rate be expreffed by y, then 1000 X 50d. = x Xy, or x: 50 = 1000: y; wherefore 1000:y; 48Xx: 50Xx= 38×1000: yX1000, or 48: 50'= 38d. y equal 39 7zd. 3, LXXIX. By the Word Stock is meant any Sum of Money lent to Government, or to publick Companies, on Condition of receiving a certain Intereft till the Money is repaid. Every Stock, or Fund of a Company, being raiſed for a particular Purpofe, and limited to a certain Sum, when the Fund is compleated, no Stock can be bought of the Company, though Shares already purchafed may be transferred from one Perfon to another; whence there is frequently a great Difproportion between the original Value of the Shares, and what is given for them when transferred; for if there are more Buyers than Sellers, a Perfon who is indifferent about felling, will not part with his Share without a confiderable Profit; and on the contrary, if many are difpofed to fell, and few Purchaſes appear, the Value of Stocks will naturally fall in Proportion to the Impatience of thoſe who want to turn their Stock into Specie. The prefent Government Funds are, 1°. Three per Cent. reduced ent Govern- Bank Annuities. 2. Three per Cent, confolidated ditto. 3º. Three ment Funds, per Cent. ditto, 1726. 4°. Ditto, 1751. 59. Three and a Half per and Stocks Cent. ditto, 1756. 6°. Ditto, ditto, 1758. 7°. Four per Cent. ditto, nies. 1760. 8°. Long Annuities, 1761. 9°. Four per Cent. Subfcription, 1762. 10. Long Annuities, 1762. of Compa- Computa tions in Stocks of Companies are, 1°. Bank Stock. 3º. India Stock. 4°. South Sea Annuities. 6. India Bonds. LXXX. 2°. South Sea Stock. 5°. India Annuities. The Price of a Quantity of Stock bought or fold is obtained by mul- tiplying the Quantity by the Rate per Cent. and dividing the Produc Stock-job- by 100; as will appear by the following Examples. bing. What must be paid for 135 Annuities 3, at 87 per Cent.? To folve this Question I fay, if 100 is reduced to 87, what will 135 be reduced to? R 1187. 2s. 6d. What is the Value of 971. 10s. Bank Stock, at 120 per Cent. ? To folve this Question I fay, if 100 becomes 120, what will 97%. 10s, become? R 117% NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 163 LXXXI. A TABLE, exhibiting at one View the intrinfick Value per Cent. of Table, ex- hibiting the the feveral publick Funds, and the Proportion they bear to each other, intrinuck by which any Perfon may know which it will be most advantageous to Value of purchaſe, and what Proportion fuch Purchaſes bear to the Value of land- the diffe- rent publick ed Eſtates, and Life Annuities. Funds. 3 per C. 3/4 4 1/2 Years Ann. Inter 3 per C. 3 4 556 Par. 5 per C. 3 per at 60 70 80 90 100 61171 3 2 120 20 5 O о 82 92102112123 2024 17 176 63 73 84 94105 1151126 21 4 15 6475 86 96 107118129 214 13 0 66 77 88 99 100 121 132 22 4 10 10 6778 90101112123135 224 8 10 698092103115 1261138 23 4 23 4 70829410421171201412324 T 6 11 5 } 72 84 96108 120 132 144 24 4 3 4 7385 98110 120 134147 2424 I 7 75 87 100 1124125137150 25 4 0 0 7689102114127140153253 18 5 78 91 104117 130 143 156| 26 |3 16 11 791922106119|13221453159 263 15 81 94108 121|135 |148|162 27 3 14 Years Ann. Inter. 6 Pur. 5 per C. at 829611012331372151165 273 12 C 84 98 112126 140 154 168 28 3 11 85 991141281421563171 283 102 87 1011161302145 1592 74 29 3 9 с I 881103118132147162177|29|3 7 4 2 7 7 5 6 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 30 13 6 8 911061221371521673183 303 5 93108124139155 170186 31 3 941101 261411572173189 313 3 96 112 128144 160 176 192 32 3 97113130146|1621|1782|195 32|3 I 6 99 11 1151132|148|165 181198 33 3 0 7 100117134150167184201 332 19 8 5 102 119 1 3153 170 187 204 34 2 18 10 10312031381554|172|1893|207 342 18 the forego To illuftrate the foregoing Table by an Example, let it be fuppofed that 3 per Cent. Annuities may be purchaſed at 84 per Cent. and India The Ufe of Stock at 140. In the Column of 3 per Cent. find 84, and oppofite there-ing Table 3 to, in the Column of Intereft, it will be found to produce 37. 11s. 4d. In explained the Column of 6 per Cent. the Dividend on India Stock ftands 168, which by an Ex- ple. ſhews, that when 3 per Cent. give 84 per Cent. India Stock ought to give 1681. fo that to purchaſe India Stock is, in this Cafe, by 28 per Cent, a better Bargain than 3 per Cent. Annuities. LXXXII. When it is propofed to divide a given Number into Parts proportional to thoſe of another Number divided any how, the Operation to be per- formed to folve this Queſtion is called a Rule of Company; becauſe it is uſually employed to divide Gains or Loffes among Merchants in Com- pany. Rule of Company. 164 ELEMENTS OF General It appears from this Definition, that each of the Parts of the Number Rule for to be divided will be found by the following Operation of the Rule of performing Three. a Rule of Company. Application As the Number already divided, is to one of its Parts; fo is the Number to be divided, to one of its Parts correfponding to the Part that has been taken for Second Term A Rule of Company may be either fimple or compound. It is fim- ple when the Rules of Three on which its Solution depends are fimple, and is compound when thofe Rules are compound. As the different Rules of Three have been fufficiently explained, a few Examples will be fufficient to fhew how every Rule of Company, either fimple or compound, is to be performed. LXXXIII. Three Merchants, A, B, C, were concerned in a Store of Corn, whereof of the fore A bad 3000 Sacks, B 2500 Sacks, and C 4500 Sacks. The Store was fold going Rule to an Exam off for 12700l. what is the Dividend of each? ple. A more commedi It is manifeft that in order to folve this Queftion, we muſt divide 12700/. into Parts proportional to the Shares 3000 Sacks, 2500 Sacks, and 4500 Sacks of the Merchants in the Store; and that the whole Number of Sacks is to their Produce, as each particular Number of Sacks is to the Dividend of each Merchant. I therefore add together the three Numbers of Sacks of Corn that compoſe the Store, and there refults 10000 Sacks of Corn, which is worth 12700/. I then fay, 1º. If 10000 Sacks are worth 127001. what will 3000 Sacks be worth? B 3810%. 2º. If 10000 Sacks are worth 12700l. what will 2500 Sacks be worth? R 31751. 39. If 10000 Sacks are worth 12700l. what will 4500l. Sacks be worth? B 57151. We might have found the Dividend of the third Merchant C without employing the Rule of Three; for adding together the Dividends of the two firft Merchants, 3810l. and 31757. and fubtracting their Sum 69851. from the Price of the whole Store 12700l. the Remainder 57157. will be the Dividend of the third Merchant. LXXXIV. When it is required to find a great Number of proportional Parts, it will be more commodious to inveſtigate the Part of the Number to be ous Method divided that correfponds to an Unit of the Number already divided, and of finding then multiply by this Part each Part of the Number already divided; by ional Parts. this Means all the proportional Parts required will be obtained, without employing as many Rules of Three as there are Numbers to be found. the propor NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. 165 LXXXV. Suppofe a Bankrupt's Effects bould amount to 17391. 13s. 8d. what Di- vidend thereof will fall to each of the following Creditors in Proportion to their respective Sums? He owes to A 3131. 7s. 3d. to B 2901. 4s. 6d. to C 700l. to D 4861. 135. 8d. to E 6ool, to F 500l to G 3811. 10s. and to H 4187. To folve this Queſtion, I firſt find the Dividend for 17. by the follow- ing Rule of Three. As the total Debt 36891. 155. 5d. is to the whole Subje& 17397. 13s. 8žd. fo is 1. to 0,4714875, the Dividend for 17. Whence the Dividend of A will be 3137. 75. 3d. X,4714875, that is, 1477. 14s. 114d. The Dividend of B will be 2901. 45. 6d. X4714875, that is, 136, 16s. 9 d. The Dividend of C will be 700l. X,4714875, that is, 330l. os, 10d. The Dividend of D will be 4861. 135. 8d. X,4714875, that is, 2297. gs. 32d. The Dividend of E will be 600l. X,4714875, that is, 2827. 175. 10d. The Dividend of F will be 500l. X,4714875, that is, 235/. 14. 10 d. The Dividend of G will be 3817. Ios. X,47148755- that is, 1797. 175. 54d. And the Dividend of H will be 418/. X-4714875 that is, 1971 is. 8d. LXXXVI. : pound Rule A Merchant put 40000l. into Trade. At the End of 6 Month's a Second Merchant takes a Share of 2500l. in the 40000l. and at the End of two other The com- Months the first Merchant made over to a third a Part 3000l. of his Share of Compa- that remained in the Capital 40000l. and at the End of 6 other Months there ay, explain- was a nett Gain of 18000l. Now it was agreed by the Parties, that each ed by an fhould have a Share of the Gain proportional to their Shares in the Capital, and the Time of their Continuance in Trade; the Dividend of each Merchant is required. Since the Capital 40000l. has been 14 Months in Trade, and confe- quently has gained during thofe 14 Months as much as 14 times 40000%. would gain in one Month, 5600ool. may be confidered as the Cauſe of the whole Gain. The fecond Merchant having, at the End of 6 Months, taken a Share of 2500/. in the 40000%. the 2500k of this Merchant have been 8 Months in Trade, and confequently will have gained during 8 Months as much as 8 times 2500l. or 20000l. would have gained in a Month; whence- 20000l. may be confidered as the Caufe of the Gain of the fecond Merchant. The third Merchant having taken, at the End of two other Months, a Share of 3000l. in the 40000l, the 3000l. of this Merchant have been 6 Months in Trade, and confequently will have gained during 6 Months as much as 6 times 3000l. or 18000l. in one Month; whence 18000l, may be confidered as the Caufe of his Gain. But the Causes of Example. 166 ELEMENTS OF J The diffe rent Species of Rules of falfe Pofi- tion. the Gains are proportional to the Gains; whence the Gain of the fe-- cond Merchant will be found by the following Rule of Three. As 560000l. reduced Caufe of the whole Gain, is to the whole Gain 18000l fo is 20000l. reduced Caufe of the Gain of the Jecond Merchant, is to the Gain of this fecond Merchant; which will be found to be 7017. 175. old. In what the fition con- The Gain of the third Merchant, who had 3000l. in Trade during 6 Months, will be found by the following Proportion. As 560000l. reduced Caufe of the total Gain, is to the total Gain 18000% fo is 18000l. reduced Caufe of the Gain of the third Merchant, to the Gain of this Merchant; which will be found to be 5787. 11s. 5d. To obtain the Gain of the first Merchant, there is no Rule of Three required; becauſe, the ſecond having gained 6421. 175. 1 d. and the third 5781. 11. 5d. deducting their Sum 12211. 8s. 6d. from the to-- tal Gain, the Remainder will be the Gain of the firſt Merchant 16778% 11s. 57d. LXXXVII. The Rule of falſe Pofition reſembles the Rule of Company, being employed to divide a given Number, or a Part of a given Number, into Parts proportional to thofe of another Number taken at Will, as the Nature of the Queſtion may require. The Computifts diftinguiſh two Species of Rules of falle Pofition, viz. the Rule of one falfe Pofition, and the Rule of two falfe Pofitions. In the Rule of one falfe Pofition there is only one Suppofition made of Parts, proportional to thofe into which the propoſed Number is to be divided; but in the Rule of two falfe Suppofitions 'there are two Sup- pofitions made, both falfe, whereby the true Parts of the propofed Num- ber to be divided are difcovered. LXXXVIII. The Rule of one falſe Poſition confifting in affuming Parts propor- Rule of fin- tional to thoſe into which the propoſed Number is to be divided, thoſe gle falfe Po- fuppofed Parts form a falfe Pofition, as not being equal to the Parts into which the propoſed Number ſhould be divided; but as thofe fuppofed Parts are proportional to thoſe required, the Totality of thoſe fuppofed Parts is to each of them in particular, as the Number given to be divi- ded is to each of its Parts required. fifts. The Rule of fingle LXXXIX. 2 A Father dying, left his Wife with Child, and an Estate worth 20000.. to whom he bequeathed, if fhe had a Son, of his Eftate, and to the Son; falle Pofi- but if he had a Daughter, to ber, and to ber Mother. It happened that tion explain ſhe had both a Son and a Daughter; how fall the Eftate be divided to anſwer ed by an Ex the Father's Intention ? ple. 3 NUMERAL 167. ARITHMETICK. N As the Father plainly defigned the Son to have double of the Mother's Part, and the Mother double of the Daughter's Part, therefore for every 1 the Daughter got the Mother muſt have 2, and the Son 4; whence the Queſtion is reduced to divide 20000l. into Parts proportional to 4, 2 and 1, ſaying, the Totality 7 of thoſe Parts is to each of them in particular, as the Number 200ool, is to each of its Parts required. The Operation being performed, the Dividend of the Son will be found to be 1428. the Dividend of the Mother 5714. and the Dividend of the Daughter 2857 3/4 XC. An Army employed three Days to pass thro' a Town: The of the Army paffel the first Day, the the Second Day, and 6000 Men the third Day. The Number of Men the Army confifted of is required. 3 3. Let the whole Army be expreffed by 1, the Part that paffed thro' the Application Town the first Day will be expreffed by, and the Part that paffed the of the Rule of fingle fecond Day will be expreffed by . Thoſe two Parts, reduced to the falle Pofi- fame Denomination, will be 2 and 3, whofe Sum is g, which fubtracted tion to ano- from the whole Army 1, leaves for the Part of the Army that paffed ple. thro' the Town the third Day. Now as the Parts are proportional to 2 the wholes, I fay, as, the Number expreffing the Part of the Army that paffed thro' the Town the third Day, is to I, the fuppofed Num- ber expreffing the whole Army; fo is 6000 Men, the real Part of the Army that paffed thro' the Town the third Day, to 36000, the real Num- ber of Men that the Army conſiſted of. XCI. In a Rule of two falfe Pofitions, it is Queftion of dividing a Num- ber into two Parts, and to divide again one of thofe Parts into Parts. proportional to other fuppofed Parts. Thofe two Divifions require two falfe Suppofitions, as will appear by the following Example. ther Exam- Let it be propofed to divide 1201. between three Perfons, fo that the firft The Rule may have twice as much as the fecond and 31. over, and the third as much as of double the two first and 41. over. falfe Pofi- tion ex- If the Share of the firft was fuppofed to be 17. the Share of the fecond plained by. would be 51. and the Share of the third rol. confequently the Totality of an Example. the Shares would be 16. Here is the firft Suppofition, which is falſe, not only becauſe the fuppofed Shares are not the real ones, but alſo be- cauſe thoſe Shares are not proportional to thofe into which 120/. is to be divided; for the two laft fuppofed Shares include each two other Parts, one of which is relative to the firft Share 17. and the other is a determin- ed Quantity. The fecond Share 51. for Example, is compoſed of two Parts, 21, and 3%. 168 ELEMENTS, &c. one of which ſhould be double of the first fuppofed Share, and will change its Value proportionally to the Variations made in the firft Share 17. whilft the fecond Part 31. is a determined Magnitude, which will not be altered when the Value of the firft Share 17. is changed. Each Share being thus confidered as compofed of two Parts, one of which is relative to the firft fuppofed Share, and the other is a determin- ed Quantity, we muſt examine which is the Portion of the Number 1201. containing the Parts of the Shares proportional to the firft fuppofed Share, and which is the Portion of the fame Number 120/. that contains the determined Parts of thofe Shares, and when this lat Portion of 20l. is found, fubtract it from 120/. in order to obtain the former. To determine this fecond Portion of 1207. I make a fecond Suppofi- tion, in which the determined Parts 31. and 4. do not enter, that is, I confider the Queſtion as if it was propofed thus: To divide 120l. among three Perfons, fo that the Jecond ſhall have twice as much as the first, and the third as much as the two others. I ſuppoſe as before the Share of the first to be 17. confequently that of the ſecond will be 24 and that of the third will be 37. This fecond Suppofition is alfo falfe, not only becauſe the fuppofed Shares are not the real ones, but likewife becauſe they are not propor- tional to the Shares required. As the Shares taken in this fecond Suppofition do not contain the de- termined Parts 31. and 47. their Totality 67. will not contain the Refult of thoſe two determined Parts, as the Totality 161. of the Shares of the firft falfe Poſition does. Wherefore, if the Sum 61. of the three Shares of the fecond Suppofi- tion be deducted from 167. the Sum of the three Shares of the first Sup- pofition, the Remainder 10l, will be the Portion for which the deter- mined Parts 31. and 47. enter into the Sum 120l. to be divided; whence deducing 10l. from 120l. the Remainder 110l. will be the Portion that contains the Parts of the Shares relative to the first Share; whence to find the first Dividend, I fay, as the Sum 61. of the three fuppofed Shares, is to the firſt Share 1. fo is 110l. to the firſt Dividend 181. 6s. 8d. The fecond Dividend being equal to twice the firft, and 31. over, will be 391. 135. 4d. and the third Dividend being equal to the two firſt, and 4% over, will be 621. END OF NUMERAL ARITHMETICK. [ ] ELEMENT S O F SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. CHA P. I. Of the analytick Methoi of expreffing Problems by Equations, and of the Refolution of Equations of the first Degree. AMONGST the different Problems which employed the firſt Mathematicians, called Analyfts, I chufe the following, as the moſt pro- per to fhew how they formed the Science ftyled fpecious Arithmetick. I. a Problem thoſe which To divide a Sum, for Example, £890 between three Perfons, in fuch a Example of Manner that the firft may have £180 more than the fecond, and the fecond fimilar to £115 more than the third. It is thus I imagine a Perfon would have argued, who, without the the firft Ana leaſt Tincture of fpecious Arithmetick, attempted to ſolve this Problem. have propo It is manifeft that if one of the three Parts was known, the other ed to them- two would be immediately difcovered; let us fuppofe, for Example, the felves. third which is the leaſt to be known, we muſt add 115 to it, and this this problem lyfts might Solution of Sum will be the Value of the fecond; to obtain afterwards the firft Part, fuch as we must add £180 to this fecond, which comes to the fame as if we ad- ded £180 more £115 or £295 to the third. Let therefore this third Part be what it will, we know that this Part, more itfelf together with £115, more itfelf again together with £295 ſhould make a Sum equal to £890. From whence it follows that the Triple of the leaft Part, more £115 more £295, or more £410, is equal to £890. But, if the 'Triple of the Part fought more £410 be equal to £890, this Triple of the Part fought muſt be lefs than £890 by £410, therefore it is equal to £480, therefore the leaft Part is equal to 160. The fecond will confequently be £275, and the first or greateſt £450. - It is probable the first Analyfts argued in this Manner when they pro- poſed to themſelves Queſtions of this Nature, without doubt in propor- tion as they advanced in the Solution of a Problem, they burthened their Memories with all the Arguments which had conducted them to might be found with- out fpecious Arithmetic. 3 A 2 ELEMENTS OF Algebraic the Point they had arrived at, and when the Problems were not more complicated than the foregoing, it was no difficult Matter; but as foon as their Reſearches prefented a greater Number of Ideas to be retained, they were under the Neceffity of having recourfe to a more conciſe Me- thod of expreffing themſelves, and of employing fome fimple Symbols, by Means of which however advanced they were in the Solution of a Problem, they might perceive at one View what they had done and what remained for them to do. Now the Kind of Language they ima- gined for this Purpofe, is called fpecious Arithmetick. II. To explain the Principles of this Science more clearly, we will re- Method of fume the fame Queſtion, write down in Words the Arguments which expreffing the forego- the Analyft employs to folve his Problem, and in analytick Symbols what ing Problem is requifite to affift his Memory. The Sign+ The leaft or third Part, be it what it will, I denote by one Letter, for Example by x. The ſecond confequently will be x more 115, which I denote thus, denotes ad-x+115 employing the Sign + which fignifies more to expreſs the Addi- tion of the two Quantities between which it is placed. dition. The Sign= As to the firſt Part or greateſt, fince it exceeds the fecond by 180, it will be expreffed by x + 115 + 180. Adding thofe three Parts we will have 3 x + 115 + 115 + 180, or when reduced 3 x + 410. = But this Sum of the three Parts fhould be equal to 890, which I defigns E- exprefs thus 3x+410 890, employing the Symbol which figni- quality. fies equal to denote the Equality of the two Quantities between which it is placed. An equation lity of two The Queſtion therefore by this Computation is changed into another, is the equa- where it is required to find a Quantity, the Triple of which being ad- quantities. ded to 410 makes 890. To find the Refolution of fimilar Queſtions, is To folve an what is underſtood by folving an Equation, the Equation in the prefent equation is Cafe is 3x+410890 it is fo called, becauſe it indicates the Equa- value of the lity of two Quantities, to folve this Equation, is to find the Value of unknown the unknown Quantity x from this Condition that its Triple more 410 quantity it makes 490. to find the includes. Refolution tion which III. To folve this Equation the Analyſt argues and writes down his Ar- equa- guments as follows. The Equation to be folved 3x+410890, teaches expreffes the us that we are to add 410 to 3 x to make up the Sum 890, wherefore foregoing 3 x are less than 890 by 410, which I exprefs thus 3 x 890-410 em- ploying the Sign which fignifies lefs to denote that the Quantity denotes which it precedes fhould be fubtracted from that which it follows. From this new Equation 3 x 890-410, we deduce, by fubtracting in effect 410 from 890, this other Equation 3 x = 480. Problem. The ſymbol fubtraction. = SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 3 = But if three be equal to 480, one x will be the third Part of 480 er 160, which I write down thus, x430 160, and the Queftion is folved, fince it fuffices to know one of the Parts to difcover the reft. IV. 3 If we were defirous of folving the Queſtion by inveſtigating the great- eft Part first, we might effect it in like Manner. Another fo- lution of the foregoing Let this firſt Part be expreffed by y, the fecond having 180 lefs, will Problem. 180, and the third having 115 lefs than the fecond, will be y 180 115. be y Now the Sum of thoſe three Quantities is 3 y 180 180 115, that is, 3 y 475. But this Sum fhould be equal to 890. We have therefore the Equation 3 y 475 890, by which we learn that 3 y exceeds 890 by 475, fince we muſt ſubtract 475 from 3 y to obtain 890. Wherefore 3y=890 + 475, or 3 y=1365. Where- fore y or the greateſt Part 455, as found above. V. If in the Problem it was propoſed to divide a Sum greater or leſs than the one employed, and that the Differences were Numbers different from thoſe made ufe of, it is manifeſt it would be folved after the ſame Manner. Let us fuppofe, for Example, the Problem to have been ex- preffed thus. Another ex- ample of the To divide 9600 between four Perfons, in fuch a Manner that the first may bave 300 more than the fecond, and the ſecond 250 more than the third, foregoing and the third 200 more than the fourth. We would have argued after the following Manner: Let the fourth Part be x, the third will be x + 200, the ſecond x + 200 + 250, and the first x + 200 +250 + 300.. But the Sum of all thoſe Parts fhould be equal to 9600, we have therefore the Equation 4x+1400 9600. = To folve this Equation, I obferve, as in the foregoing, that if to 4 % 1400 is to be added to make it equal to 9600, it muſt be equal to what remains of 9600 when 1400 has been fubducted from it, which is wrote down thus, 4 x = 9600 1400, or 4 x = 8200. x = But if four x be equal to 8200, one x will be equal to the fourth Part of 8200, that is, 8200 2050, the leaft Part x being known, the other Parts will be immediately difcovered, the third = 2250, the fe- cond 2500, and the firſt 2800. VI. The Problem may be ftill varied, and yet ftill depend upon the fame Principles; Let us fuppofe, for Example, that it was expreffed thus. To divide 5500 into two Parts, fo that the firft may have a third more than the fecond, together with 180. Problem, Third exam ple of the foregoing Problem. 4 ELEMENTS OF. It would be folved in the following Manner: Let the fecond Part be x, the firſt will be x+x+180. Now as their Sum fhould be equal to 5500, 2.x we will have the Equation. 2. + 3x + 180 5500. 3 To folve this Equation, I first add 2 x & x together, and their Sum will be x, becauſe two Integers is equal to fix thirds, and confequently thoſe two Integers with one third make up feven thirds. Wherefore the foregoing Equation is reduced to 3x + 180 5500, which, by the fame Reafoning employed in the foregoing Examples will become 3 x = 5500· 180, or x=5320. 7 3 7 उ Now if the third Part of 7x be 5320, the whole 7x will be three The fign X Times that Sum, which I expreſs thus, 7 x = 5320 X 3 employing the denotes mul Sign X to denote the Multiplication of the two Quantities it feparates. Afterwards, instead of 7x=5320 X 3, it fuffices to write 7x= 15960, which reſults on multiplying in Effect 5320 by 3. tiplication. A new pro- fame nature And by the Means of this new Equation we have x = 59602280, Value of the ſecond Part. The firſt Part will be readily found, fince we have only to add to this Quantity 2280 its third Part 760 and 180 more, agreeable to the Con- ditions, and we will have 3220 for this firſt Part. Beginners may exerciſe themſelves in varying ftill more the Expreffions of the foregoing Problem, and folving it in the different Cafes they may imagine, the Readineſs they will acquire will recompence them fuffici- ently for their Trouble. For their further Affiftance, I fhall propoſe another Problem, in feveral Reſpects fimilar to the former. VII. Three Merchants form a Society, the first furniſhes £17000, the fecond blem of the £13000, the third £10000; but as they have Need of a Perfon to tranfact the with the Bufinefs attending their Commerce, he who furnished £10000, is fatisfied to foregoing. take on bimfelf this Trouble, on Condition of being allowed 3 per Cent on the whole Profit that will arife more than the reft: It happens that this Profit amounts to £100000, it is required to determine the Share of each. Let the Part of the first be x. The ſecond having furnifhed lefs in the Ratio of 13 to 17 fhould have a Sum lefs in this fame Ratio, that is, only 1 x. 1. I 3 The third, ſuppoſing he received only a Sum proportioned to what he furniſhed, would have the ten 17ths of the firft, but as he is to have be- fides 3 per Cent upon the whole Profit, that is £3000 his Share will be 1 x + 3000. 10 17 be 1 3 17 And as the Sum of thofe three Parts fhould x + 13 x + 19×+ 3000 = 100000, or x + To difengage the unknown Quantity in this that x + x + 19 x, or 17 x + 13 x + 18 1 3 17. £rooooo, we will have x + 19x=97000. Equation, I obferve, is the fame as 49x; SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 5 wherefore 49x=97000, or 40 x 97000 X 17, or 40 x = 1649000, or x= 1649000 =41225. 40 The Share of the first being found, that of the fecond expreffed by 13 x, will be 1 X 41225, that is 31525, that of the third expreffed by 19 x + 3000 will be 19 X 41225 + 3000=27250. 17 VIII. The analy- tick folution problem By thofe two Problems the Readers may form fome Notion of Speci ous Arithmetick, they learn that in general the Solution of a Problem conſiſts of two Parts, in the firft the Analyſt expreffes by a Letter as x confifts of or y, &c. the unknown Quantity fought, or one of thoſe which when two parts. known, ferves to determine the reft, he afterwards endeavours to arrive the problem at an Equation including the unknown Quantity, which is effected by is expreffed expreffing the fame Quantity two different Ways. In the firſt by an equa- tion. cond the equation is In the ſecond it is Queftion of bringing the unknown Quantity to one In the fe- Side of the Equation, leaving only known Quantities on the other. The firſt of thoſe two Parts is not eaſily reduced to precepts intelligible folved. to Beginners, and perhaps can be learned only by Examples. As to the ſecond Part, it may be explained with much greater Eafe, after a general Manner. IX. degree are In the Queſtions which we have already folved, we arrived at Equa- Equations tions, in which the unknown Quantity was affected only by the Multi- of the firft plication or Divifion of known Numbers; thefe Kinds of Equations are thofe in called Equations of the first Degree, fuch are 2x- 10 = 56, which the 3 x + 15 = x x + 30, &c. and the Problems which lead to thoſe Equations, are called Problems of the first Degree. 5 ΙΟ They are fo called to diftinguish them from thofe in which the known Quantity is raiſed to the Square, Cube, &c. which are faid to of the fecond Degree if the unknown Quantity be fquared, &c. un- be unknown quantity is only multi- plied or di- vided by known quan tities. Let it be propofed, for Example, to find a Number, the Triple of which being added to its Square, will be 65, the Problem to be folved in this Cafe is of the ſecond Degree, and the Equation 3 x + x x =65, (in which x x denotes the Square of x) which expreffes the Conditions of this Problem is an Equation of the fecond Degree. The first Analyfts could not have attained to the Refolution of thofe Equations till they had been a long Time exercifed in folving Equations of the firſt Degree. We fhall therefore proceed to inveftigate the Rules which thofe require. X. To find them, let us firſt reſume the Equation 4x1400 9600 treated Art. v. which is compofed of three Terms, 4 x, 1400, 9600 The terms (thus are called all the Parts of an Equation feparated from each other of an equa- by the Signs+ or -) and let us obferve, that by the fame Reaſoning, by which we deduced 4 ≈ x = 9600 1400, we may in all Kinds of rated by the tion are its parts lepe- 6 'ELEMENTS OF I 3 figns+or Equations take any Term whatfoever preceded by the Sign+and carry it over to the other Side of the Sign by giving it the Sign. If we had for Example, '50+x=5x+30, we may carry the Term 10 x over to the other Side, giving it the Sign and write down the Equa- tion thus, 505 + 30-x; for we may fay, as in Art. v. that fince is to be added to 50 to make it equal to the Quantity 530, therefore 50 muſt be lefs than 5x+30 by the Quantity x, that is, it must be equal to 5 x + 30 LX. Any term may be car- ried over ΙΟ 3 50=5x+30 I We may in like Manner as we found, Art. III. that the Equation 31-475 890 was changed into 3 y890 +475, we may, I fay, per- 33-475890 ceive that in general, the Terms which have the Sign on one Side of the Sign of Equality, may be carried over to the other, by giving them the Sign+. If we had, for Example, 32-6x=9x+119, we would conclude that 32=6x+9×+ 119. For if 32 ſhould be diminiſhed by 6x to equal 9x+119, it muſt exceed this Quantity by 6 x, that is, it is equal to 6x+9x+119. XI. Hence there refults this general Principle for all Equations, that we may carry over what Terms we pleaſe from one Side of the Equation to the other, provided we change their Signs. Now this Principle is of fide of the infinite Ufe, in as much as it faves a great deal of Reaſoning. from one equation to the other on changing its fign. The mem- XII. By its Means we may change any Equation into another, in which there will be on one Side of the Sign, that is, in one of the Members of the Equation, the Terms affected by x, and on the other Side of the equation are Sign, that is, in the other Member of the Equation the Terms which its two parts are entirely known. bers of an ſeparated by the fign= Let, for Example, the Equation 8x + 30 x 250 be given; I deduce from it 8x 3 5 x = 250 / x=250-x, I deduce x other Equation. 60 XIII. 94 + 30; in like Manner from x=250-60, and fo of any When after the neceffary Tranfpofitions we have carried over all the Terms affected by x to one Side of the Equation, and the known Terms to the other; what moſt naturally occurs, is to reduce each of the two Members of the Equation to its moft fimple Expreffion. Let, for Ex- ample, the Equation 8 x x = 250 30 be given; I reduce it to - 3 x=220, by taking away in effect 30 from 250, and ½ x from 8 x₁ or from 24 x which is equal to it. The Equation 3x-4x=250-60 will be reduced to 12x190, becauſe x and x brought to the fame Denomination become 22 x and 12 x whofe Difference is 1x, and taking 5 1x away 60 from 250 there remains 190. 19 3 28 XIV. 7 3 5 £ By fimilar Reductions all Equations of the firft Degree, however com 1 SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK pofed, will be changed into others, confifting only of two Terms, one of which compofed of a certain Number of either integral or fractio nal, and the other a. Term entirely known; fuch are the Equations 4x=8200, 7x=5320 and folved in the Articles vandvI... $ 4 Let us now refume what we have faid concerning thofe Equations, in order to deduce from thence general Principles applicable to all other Equations. = 4 E tor which From the Equation 4 x 8200 we deduced x 8200 becauſe 4 Method of being equal to 8200, it followed that ene x must be the fourth Part of making the multiplica- that Sum, from this Reaſoning, and from thoſe which may be framed in like Manner for other Numbers of x, we deduce this general Principle, affects the that the Multiplier which affects the unknown Quantity in one of the unknown Members of the Equation may be taken away, by making it ferve as a appear. Divifor to the other Member. 3 XV. quantity dif From the Equation x 5320 we deduced 7 x=3× 5320, obferv- Method of ing that if the third Part of 7x was equal to 5320, the whole 7 x muft making the be equal to three Times that Sum. From whence we deduce this general which af Principle, that the Divifor which affects the unknown Quantity in a Member of an Equation may be taken away, by making it ferve as a quantity dif- Multiplier to the other Member. XVI. With thoſe Rules we are enabled to folve all Kinds of Equations of the firſt Degree. To exercife Beginners here are fome Examples. IS - = 7 $x 3 8 *** 15 I fects the unknown appear. * Examples of gree folved by the fore- ciples. § x − 90 + 3 x = 82 is changed by Tranfpofition into equations of { x + 3 x − 1 × 90 82, and by Reduction becomes x-x8, the firft de or 18 x 1 x = 8, or 948 8, or 8x8 X 15, or infine x 15. In like Manner x+9=4x-10 by Tranfpofition is changed in- going prin- to x 2 x = 10 + 9, or * x=19, or 21 *= 19, or x=399. Likewife x40x60 x, by Tranípofition becomes 3/2 x − 1 x + 3x=100, which by reducing firft 3 & 4 to the fame Deno- minator, becomes xx100, and by reducing & to the fame Denominator, becomes 24% x=100, or x = 80 4 5 I XVII. 18000 247 澧 36 Inſtead of reducing all the Fractions to the fame Denominator, all the Divifors of the Equation may be made to vaniſh one after the other, by the following Method, which must have foon occurred to thoſe who firft handled thofe Kinds of Equations. 2 Let the foregoing Example x-x+7x=100 be refumed, it is Method of manifeſt that if the two Members of this Equation be multiplied by 9, making the the two Products will be the fame; for equal Quantities multiplied by the fractions of fame Number ſhould give the fame Product, we will have by this Mul- difappear. tiplication - 2x + 3 x = 900, which on Account of x=2%, 18 x 63 18 an equation 1 $ ELEMENTS OF } Another method whereby once. ../ 2 is reduced to 2 x 63 2/2 x + 3/3 x900, in which the Divifor 9 has va- nifhed, and it is eafy to perceive that it fhould neceffarily do fo; for of any Quantity whatſoever multiplied by 9 fhould give 2 Integers of this. Quantity. To make 4 vanifh in the fame Manner, I multiply all the Terms of the Equation by 4, only obferving that with Refpect to the Termx, the Multiplication by 4 is performed by taking away the De- nominator 4. Hence there refults 8 x 9x+252 x = 3600, or 25.2 x-x=3600, which by multiplying the two Members by 5, will become 252 x − 5 × 5x=28000, or 247 x 18000, or x = 247 The general Principle which reſults from hence, is that to make a Di- vifor of a Term vanifh, we have only to multiply all the other Terms by the Diviſor, and take it away from the Term it affects. 5 We may } XVIII. ड 9 4. 1,8000 5 find another Method for taking away all the Diviſors at once, by obferving that if we multiply all the Terms by the fame Number di- vifible by each of thofe Divifors, each Term will be reduced. If we mul- they are made to dif- tiply, for Example, the Equation 3x-4x+3x= 100 by 180, which appear all at is diviſible by 9, by 4, and by 5, we will have 360 180 x + 1260 x 18000, or 40 x — 45x+252x=18000, or 247 x 18000. Now to find this Number which may be divisible by all the Diviſors, we have only to multiply fucceffively thoſe Diviſors into each other. Let the Diviſors of the Equation 3x + x = 160 x be propoſed to be taken away. I first multiply 3 by 5, and afterwards their Product 15 by 7, which gives 105 for the Number divifible by 3, 5, 7; this Number being found, I multiply the whole Equation by it, which gives me 235 x + 105 x = 16800 210 x, or 245 x + 21 x = 16800 3 5 7 · 7 30 x. To render this Operation more comodious, inftead of forming the Product 105 of the three Divifors, it fuffices to write it down thus, 3 × 5 × 7, and then we will have 7 × 3 × 5 × 7 7 X 5 X 3 X 2 ✡ 3. 7X3 X5 5 x = * + ZX 3 × 5 160 X 3 X 5 × 7 X2x, where we fee by Inſpection, that the Number 3 fhould vanish in the Numerator of the firft Fraction, becauſe the Divifion by 3 fhould be deftroyed by the Multiplication by 35 it is the fame with Reſpect to 5 and 7, which are at the fame Time in the Numerators and Denominators of the other Fractions. By this Means we arrive at the Equation 7 X5 X 7x+7×3x= 160 × 3 × 5 × 7 — 2 × 3 × 5 ×, which after performing the Multipli- cations indicated by the Signs X, becomes 245 x 21 x 16800-30% delivered from Fractions. XIX. · To follow in the moſt likely Manner poffible the Order of the Inven- tors, we ſhall dwell no longer on the Method of difengaging the un- SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 1 known Quantity, but return to the Manner of reducing Problems to Equations. The Refolution of Equations might, independent of the Pro- blems to which they relate, employ the firſt Analyſts when this Science had been advanced to a certain Point, but it is to be prefumed that thoſe who layed the Foundations of it, only examined Equations as they rela- ted to Problems, theſe being the Conclufions to which Problems were to be brought. Beſides, there fometimes occur Complications in Equations which had never been thought of, if the Nature of the Problems fought had not pointed them out. We cannot explain more fully, the Manner of reducing Problems to Equations, than has been already done, Art. vIII. but will proceed to give ſeveral Examples in order to render this Reſearch familiar to Begin- ners. blem. To pay a certain Number of Workmen at the Rate of £3 each, £8 is Third Pro- wanting to the Perfon who employed them, but on giving them £2 each be bas £3 left, it is required to determine bow much Money be had. Let x exprefs the Number of Pounds which this Man poffeffes, where- forex 8 will be the Sum fufficient to pay all the Workmen at the Rate of £3 each; and fince the Number of Workmen ſhould be three Times leſs than that which is expreffed by this Sum, it will be expreſſed In fpecious by the third Part of +8, which is denoted thus, *+; for in fpeci- as inaume- x x+8 3 ral - tick a bar is employed to indicate di- ous as in numeral Arithmetick, a Line placed between two Quantities indicates the Divifion of the fuperior Quantity by the inferior. Moreover, fince there Remains £3 after £2 has been given to each vifion. Man, x 3 will be the Sum fufficient to pay all the Workmen at this rate. Wherefore 3 will denote the Number of Workmen, but fince we have two Values of the fame Number, they must be equal, the Problem is therefore reduced to the Refolution of the Equation 2 * + 8 3 2 To folve this Equation, I first make the Divifor 2 of the Member 3 diſappear, by multiplying the other Member by this fame Num- 2x+16 3 2 ber 2, which will change the Equation into x-3= ; for it 3 is x-3, and that the Double of 2 is manifeſt that the Double of +8 will be 2x + 16 3 3 * for the fame Reaſon that 2 x + 16 is double of +8. I afterwards make the Divifor 3 vanish in the Equation 3 B - ΤΟ ELEMENTS OF 2x+16 3 3, by multiplying the fecond Member by 3 and taking it away from the firft, which will give 2 x + 16=3x 9, or x 25. If we would know how many Workmen there were, we muſt take one of the two Expreffions found for this Number, x-3 or 2 x+8 3 ≈ 3 for Example. Now fince x = 25, -3 will be 22, and confe- * X 2 quently 2 3 will be 2211 Number of Workmen fought. 2 XX. 3 * +8 3 It is to be obſerved with Reſpect to the Equation 2 that it is not permitted in order to apply the Rule of Art. XI. to change the Side and Sign of the Quantities 3 and 8, and write the Equa- - tion thus becauſe the Number 3 is not, properly Another fo- lution of the fame prob lem, X 8 2 x + 3 3 2 fpeaking, a Term of the firſt Member, but only a Term of its Dividend -3; the Quantity Equation, as alſo ·x+8 3 2 3 being in Reality only one Term of the 3. To apply therefore the Rule of Art. x1. we muſt firſt take, as indicated by the Number 2 which is under the firſt Bar, the Half of x 3 which will be ½ * 3; afterwards we muſt take, on Account of 3 which is under the other Bar, the third Part of +8 which will be x+: Then equalling thoſe two Quantities we will have the Equation x-x+3 in which we may make what Tranfpofitions we pleaſe. उ XXI. The foregoing Problem may be alfo folved after the following Manner. Let y exprefs the Number of Workmen, 3y will be the Sum of Mo- ney which ſhould be diftributed among them at the Rate of £3 each. But £8 is wanting to fatisfy them at this Price: Wherefore 3-8 is the Sum of Money which their. Employer poffeffes. ; On the other Hand 2 y will be the Sum fufficient to pay the Work- men at the Rate of £2 each, and in this Cafe there will remain £3 Wherefore 2 y 3 is another Expreffion of the Sum which their Em- ployer poffeffes. 8, We must therefore equal the two Quantities 2 y 3 and 3y or what amounts to the fame, we must folve the Equation 21+3=318 to obtain the Value of y. Which being done by the foregoing Principles, I will be found for y, that is, for the Number of Workmen required. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. II XXII. blem. A Meſſenger being departed 9 Hours from a certain Place, travelling at Fourth pro- the Rate of 5 Miles in 2 Hours, another Meſſenger is fent after him, who travels at the Rate of 11 Miles in 3 Hours; it is required to find what Number of Miles the fecond Meffenger will ride before be overtakes the firft. Let x be this Number of Miles, it is manifeft that this Diſtance fhould be equal to the Number of Miles which the firft Meffenger made during his 9 Hours of Advance, together with what he made whilſt the fecond Meffenger is on Rout. I inveftigate firſt the Number of Miles travelled by the firſt Meffenger in 9 Hours, by the following Proportion or Rule of Three. + As 2 Hours are to 5 Miles, fo 9 Hours are to a fourth Term, which, according to the known Rules of Arithmetick, is obtained by multiply- ing the fecond Term 5 of the Proportion by the third 9, and dividing their Product by the first 2; and which confequently will be 45 Num- ber of Miles made by the firft Meffenger in 9 Hours, Manner of But as the Analyfts always endeavour to exprefs their Operations in the moſt concife Manner; they denote this Proportion thus; expreffing Hours. Miles. 2 Hours. 9 Miles. 2 2 proportions in fpecious 5 : 45 the Signs: Serving, one to compare arithmetick 2 to 5 and the other 9 to 45, and the Sign= ferving to denote the Equa- lity which fubfifts between the Ratios of 2 to 5 and that of 9 to 45. To find afterwards the Diſtance rode by the fame Meffenger during the Time the fecond Meffenger travels the Number of Miles x, I in- veftigate, first, the Time which the fecond Meffenger takes to travel the Distance x, by Means of the following Proportion; Miles. Hours. TI 3 Miles. Hours. 3 II . Whereby, without embarraffing our- felves about the Number of Miles expreffed by x, we learn that it fuf- fices to multiply this Number by 3 and divide it by II, to obtain the Number of Hours employed by the fecond Meffenger in travelling the Number of Miles x. Now without minding whether the Number of Hours expreffed by x be known, or unknown, I make the following Proportion; Hours. 2 33 Miles. 5 Hours. 3 IT X Miles. 플돌x. I 22 The fourth Term of which 15 x expreffes the Number of Miles tra- velled by the firft Meffenger in the Timex, that is, before he has been overtaken. By this Means we have the fame Quantity expreffed two different Ways; for the Diſtance rode by the fecond Meffenger is firit expreſſed by x, fecondly it is the Sum of 45 Miles which the firſt Meſſenger had travelled before the other had fet out, and of 1x Miles which this fame Meffenger muſt have travelled, before he was overtaken. 2 22 12 ELEMENTS OF Equalling therefore thofe two Expreffions we will have the Equation x = 42 + 1 ½ x which by the foregoing Rule gives x 70 +3. 45 XXIII. If the first Meffenger, befides the Advantage he has of having fet out fooner, has alfo that of having fet out from a Place more advanced, the Problem though more complicated, will be eaſily reduced to the fame Principles. Let the firſt Meffenger, for Example, going to Londonderry, fet out from Cashel on Monday at 8 in the Afternoon, travelling at the Rate of 7 Miles in 3 Hours, and the fecond Meffenger purſuing the firſt ſet out on Tueſday at 10 in the Morning from Cork, fuppo'ed to be 34 Miles diftant from Cafbel, travelling at the Rate of 13 Miles in 4 Hours, it is required to find what Number of Miles the fecond Meffenger will ride before he overtakes the first. To folve this Problem, we must take the Difference between 8 in the Afternoon and 10 in the Morning, which is 14 Hours; and as the first travels 7 Miles in 3 Hours, we will have by the following Rule of three; Hours. Miles. Hours. : Miles. 98 3 : 7 = 14 23, which being added to 34 Miles af Advance will give 34+ 28 or 20 Miles for the Diftance of the firſt nce Meffenger from Cork, when the ſecond fet out. I afterwards make as 3 3 Miles. Hours. 13 : 4 Miles. x Hours. 4 13x above the following Proportion; Number of Hours in which the fecond Meffenger travels the Diſtance x. But during this fame Number of Hours, the first Meffenger would have travelled a Number of Miles with will be found thus Hours. Miles. 3 : 7 == Hours. 4 13 : 28 39 Miles 28 39 3 X. We will have therefore the following Equation, x=2x+200, from whence is deduced, by the Rules explained above x 236 +, Number of Miles travelled by the fecond Meffenger before he overtakes the firft. XXIV. As foon as the first Analyfts had found out the Solution of any in- tereſting Problem, they did not fail of making ſeveral Applications by varying the Numbers given in thofe Problems. For Example, they would have repeated ſeveral Times the foregoing Queftion, by varying the Ra- tio of the Velocities of the Meffengers, and the Diftances of the Places from each other they fet out from. In thofe different Applications, they perceived that a Part of the Operation was repeated in each particular Example of the fame Problem, which might be performed once for all by inveſtigating a Solution which was not reſtrained to any particular Number, but applicable to every Number given. To explain what they imagined in this Refpect we will refume the foregoing Problem, and treat it after as general a Manner as poffibly we can. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 13 folution of Let the Diſtance of the Meffengers from each other be expreffed by General a, when the Queſtion is brought to a Conclufion, we may make this the forego- Leiter reprefent any Number of Miles we pleaſe. Let the Number of Hours which the Departure of the first Meffen- ger precedes that of the fecond be expreffed by the Letter b. Let the Velocity of the firſt Meffenger be fuch that he travels the Number of Miles c in the Number of Hours d. Let the Velocity of the ſecond Meffenger be ſuch that he travels the Number of Miles e in the Number of Hours f. Finally, let the Number of Miles which the ſecond Meffenger tra- vels before he overtakes the firſt be expreffed by x. It is ufual in Specious Arithmetick to exprefs the known Quantities by the first Letters of the Alphabet a, b, c, &c. and the Quantities fought by the laſt s, t, u, x, &c. ing problem The first let ters of the al phabet ferve to exprefs the known laft To find now, according to the Method purſued in the foregoing Ex- ample, the Number of Miles travelled by the firſt Meſſenger in the quantities Number of Hours b, we muſt inveſtigate the fourth Term of a Propor- letters the tion, of which the first Term is the Number of Hours d, the ſecond the unknown Number of Miles c, the third the Number of Hours b, and it is mani- feſt that this Operation will be performed, as in all other Rules of three, by multiplying the ſecond and third Term,, one by the other, and dividing their Product by the firſt Term. ones. fol- As to the Manner of expreffing the Product of thoſe Terms which Letters are no more as heretofore Numbers, but Letters adapted to exprefs any which fano Numbers, what has appeared the moſt fimple, is to place the Letters ther with- to be multiplied, befide each other; with Refpect to Divifion, we have out having ſeen already that in fpecious as in numeral Arithmetick, a Bar is placed between the Quantities to be divided. By this Means the foregoing Proportion is wrote down d:c=b: bc d b c thus, 2 Having therefore to exprefs the Distance which the firſt Meffen- ger travelled before the fecond fet out, if we add to it the Diſtance a of the Places from whence they fet out, we will have for the Number of Miles which the first Meffenger is advanced at the Time of the De-- bc parture of the feconda + To find afterwards the Distance travelled by the first Meffenger whilst the other purfues him and rides Miles, I first inveſtigate, as above, the Time in which the fecond Meffenger rides the Diſtance x, by Means of the Proportione : fx: whofe firft Term is the ef fx e any fign be- tween them are to be con fidered as multiplied by each other. 14 ELEMENTS OF } { # Number of Miles e, the fecond, the Number of Hours f, the third the fx Number of Miles x, and the fourth the Time ſought. e Now, whatever be the Number of Hours fx e which the ſecond Mef- fenger employed to overtake the first, it is obvious if a Proportion be made of which the three firft Terms are, 1°. the Number of Hours d; e fx 2º. the Number of Miles c; 3°. the Number, the fourth Term will be the Diſtance travelled by the firſt Meſſenger in the fame Time that the fecond travelled the Diſtance x. fx I write down this Proportion thus d: c= fx : CX e ÷ e d Number of Miles travelled by the firft Meffenger in the Time the fecond rides. x Miles. But the Number of Miles travelled by the first Meffenger together with the Number of Miles a+ which he had advance, ſhould be bc d equal to the Number of Miles travelled by the fecond. ъс We have therefore the Equation x = a+b+cxf. Now recol- e d lecting the Operations on Fractions, I find that to multiply a Fraction as by 4, we are to multiply the Numerator by this Number and write or 24. in like Manner to multiply .down 6 X 4 3 tiply c by fx which gives cfx for c X fx e e C fx by c we muſt mul- e It alſo appears that to di- vide a Fraction as by any Number as 6, we are to multiply the De- nominator 3 by this Number 6, and write downX6 or. In like Manner to divide the Fraction cfx e C x ed. by d, we muft write down f Having thus changed the foregoing Expreffion c b c c fx cfx finto the e de Equation to be folved will be x = a++. Operation which d de requires we ſhould begin as has been taught Art. XVIII. by multiplying all the Terms, except the laſt, by the Divifor de in order to take it away from this Term. By this Operation we ſhall have de x = a de + b c d e + cfx, -d SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 15 d or de x = a de + b c e +cfx, becauſe bede is the fame as b c e, fince the Quantity bce remains the fame when multiplied and divided: by d. Carrying the Term cfx over to the first Member, we will have dex cfxa de + bce. In order to find in this Equation, I obferve that if the Numbers- de and cf which exprefs how often x is contained in the Terms dex and cfx were known, we would fubtract the fecond from the firſt, and the Remainder which would exprefs the Quantity of x contained in the firſt Member of the Equation, would' ferve as a Divifor to the fecond Member, to obtain the Value of x. But without knowing the Num- bers de and cf, it is manifeft that decf exprefs their Difference, and confequently the Quantity of x which is contained in the firft Member of the Equation de x cfx = ade+bce. Therefore the Value of x will be what refults dividing the fecond Member by this a de + boe Number de — cf. wherefore x by a.f. de, and this is the general Solution of the foregoing Problem; for when the Quantities a, b, c, d, e, f are known, we have no more to do than to make the Ufe of them in- dicated by this general Value of x, that is, to multiply fucceffively a, d, e, one by the other: To add to this Product that arifing from the Multiplication of the Quantities b, c, e, one by the other, and to divide the Sum of thofe Products, by the Number which is the Difference of the Product of c into ƒ compared to the Product of d into e, and we will have by this Operation any particular Solution we pleafe. * - 1 XXV. Let us fuppofe, as in Art. XXIII the Diffance of the two Meffengers Example of the forego- from each other to be 34 Miles, that the firft Meffenger fets out ing folution 14 Hours fooner than the fecond, and travels 7 Miles in 3 Hours, in numbers, and that the fecond rides 13 Miles in 4 Hours, we will have a = 34, b = 14, c = 7, d = 3, e = 13, ƒ = 4, which will give f ade = 34 X 3 X 13, that is, 102 × 13 = 1326, bce = 14 × 7 × 13 X X =1274, and confequently a de + b c e = 2600, de = 39, cƒ— 28, and cf of Courſe de cf= = II. From whence we deduce x = fame as found in Art. XXIII. ade+bce de-cf 2600 = 236+, the II. From this general Solution we may alfo deduce the firſt Cafe calculated in Art. XXII. in which the two Meffengers were fuppofed to ſet out. from the fame Place, the First 9 Hours fooner than the Latter, and travelling at the Rate of 5 Miles in 2 Hours the fecond travelling at the Rate of 11 Miles in 3 Hours, in this Cafe a=0, b = 9, c = 5; » 16 ELEMENTS OF Fifth pro- -blem. Example in d = 2, e = 11, ƒ= 3, and fubftituting thofe Values in the general Formula or Value of x, we will have x = 9 × 5 × 11 = 495 = 70+ 3, 7 2X11-5X3 as found in Art. XXII, in the fame Manner we may make as many Ap- plications as we pleaſe. XXVI. No fooner had the firft Analyſts found out the Method of rendering the Solution of a Problem general by making Ufe of Letters inftead of Numbers, but probably they ever after confidered Problems in their greateſt Generality; it is therefore proper to accuftom Beginners to treat them in this Manner. With this View we fhall folve the following Problem. A Workman can do a Piece of Work expreſſed by a in a Time expreſſed by b; a fecond can do a Piece of Work c in a Time d; a third can do a Piece of Work e in a Time f, it is required to determine in what Time thofe three Workmen together can do a Piece of Work g. Let x be the Time fought, the Work done by the firſt in this Time will be found by the following Proportion: b: a = x : ax. b The Work done by the ſecond in the fame Time will be found by the following Proportion: dc = x : ~ CX d Finally we will have the Work done in the fame Time by the third Workman, by Means of the following Proportion; f : e = x : ex CX ax 'ex f. Wherefore **+*+ is the Work done by the three Work- f d b men together in the Time fought, but this Work ſhould be equal g, we CX have therefore the Equation++ f ax = g. b To folve it, I multiply according to the Rules of Art. xvIII. the whole Equation by the Product fb d of the Divifors, and I have ed bf x + cdbfx + F a x ƒ d b = ax/ bdfg, which is reduced to e d b x + fc b x + ad fx = b d fg, in which obſerving that edb+ fcb+adƒ expreffes the Number of x contained in the fecond Member, I conclude that x = bdfg b de + b c f + adf XXVII. To make fome Application of this Problem, let us fuppofe that a Numbers. Maſon can do 7 Feet fquare of a Wall in 5 Days, that a fecond Maſon can do 10 Feet in 3 Days, and a third 11 Feet in 4 Days, it is required + SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 17: in what Time thofe three Mafons together, would do 150 feet fquare of the fame wall. According to thofe Suppofitions we will have a 7; b = 5; c = 10; d 3; e = 11; f = 4; 8 = 150; and confequently b d f g = 5X3 X4 X 150 9000, b de=5X3 X 11=165; b c f = 5 X 10X4 = =200, a⋅d ƒ = 7×3×4=84; wherefore x = = 20 + 449 number of Days in which the propofed Work will be finiſhed. XXVIII 9000 449 20 Let us fuppofe it be required in what Time a Ciftern of 200 cubick Another Feet will be filled by three Pipes, the first of which can fill 9 cubick Example, Feet in 2 Days, the fecond 15 cubick Feet in 3 Days, and the third 2 19 cubick Feet in 5 Days; we will have a Х d = 3, or; e = 19, ƒ = 54, or ; g ZI ΙΟ X Wherefore, x= 5 ΤΟ 5 X 2 3 which becomes 950 2 X 3 + 2 3. 3 9, b = 2 ½, or ½ ; c = 15; 200. 21 4 × 19 + 2 × 15 × 210000 2 X 3 X ÷ 1575 + X 200 21 X X +9x X 1890 2 X 4 3 X 4 10 3 21 4 To reduce this Quantity I multiply the Numerator and Denominator of the firſt Fraction of the Divifor by 4; the Numerator and Denomi- nator of the ſecond by 3; and the Numerator and Denominator of the third by 2, which gives 210000 3800 2 X 3 X 4 + 2 X 3 X 4 4725 2 X 3 X 4 + 3780 2 X 3 X 4 210000 or 2 X 3 X 4 12305 210000 or · or 17 + 12305 163 2461 Number of Days 2 X 3 X 4 fought in which the three Pipes running at the fame Time will fill the propoſed Cistern. XXIX. thoſe rules It appears from the two foregoing Problems that the Rules delivered The appli- in Art. x &c. for folving numeral Equations of the first Degree are cation of equally applicable to literal Equations; but it appears at the fame Time has produc- that Beginners require to be directed in the Manner of employing them, ed feveral we think ourſelf fo much the more obliged to affift them by a great of fpecious Number of thoſe Applications, as it is probable that it is to them we arithmetick operations : 3 C 1 18 First exam- ELEMENTS OF are indebted for a great Number of ufeful Operations of Specious Arith- metick, which we ſhall difcover as it were accidentally. Let it be propofed to folve the Equation 2 a c + a b ple of the 3 a c + zax 5abdx. refolution of literal equations. 1 Second ex- a x = I firft carry the Terms 3 a c and 5 a b over to the other Mem- ber of the Equation having changed their Signs, and there refults 2ac+ab a x 3 ac + 5 a b = 2 a x dx. . I carry likewife the Terma x over to the other Side, obferving alfo to change its Sign, which gives me 2 ac + ab 3ac + 5 a b = 2 a x — d x + ax. I afterwards reduce this Equation, 1°. by adding a b to 5 a b, which gives me 6 a b; 2°. by fubftituting ac for the Terms 2 ac and Зас 3º. by ſubſtituting 3 a x for 2 a xax; the propofed Equation there- fore becomes 6 a b dx which gives x Let ас 3, a x XXX. ab 2. a´x ав 3. ample of the the Terms 5 a b refolution of literal equations. 3 b d — 2 a b — 5 a x + 7 b d bd will become 6 a b a.c 3 a d ас d x ; 5 a b + 3 b d when carried ас 5 a x dx will become we will have therefore 5 a b + 3 b d, which is a c by ſubſtituting 7 a x for over to the ſecond Member, and the Terms +5ax + dx when carried over to the first; 2 a x + 5 a x + d x = 2 a b + 7 b d reduced to 7 a x + dx = 10 b d 10 b d — 3 a зав 2 a x + 5ax, 10 bd for 7 b d + 3 b d, Now difengageing x in this Equation we will have ≈ — XXXI. and ས 3 a b for 2 a b 10bd- ac 5 à b. зав 7at d Reduction In the Refolution of the two foregoing Equations we had Occafion to of quanti- ties to their reduce to a more fimple Expreffion different Terms of the fame Kind, moft fimple fuch as 2 a c and 3 ac; 5 ab and a b, &c. As this Operation is fre- quently neceffary in Equations which are to be folved and in the other Parts of Specious Arithmetick, Beginners fhould render it familiar to themſelves, to affift them thereto; Here follow fome Examples. expreffion. Affirmative terms are Let 15 abc-13 b c d 7 a b c + 29 b c d - 5 a bf + 9 a b c + 6 chi be propoſed to be reduced. b 6, I first take the Terms 15 a b c, -7 ча abc and 9 a b c which are of the fame Kind, I add the two Terms ab bc and 9 a 15 which are both thoſe which one and the other Affirmative, that is, affected with the Sign +; I after- are preced- wards fubtract from their Sum which is 24 a b c, the Term 7 abc be- ed by +. Negative cauſe it is negatif or preceded by the Sign, by this Means the three thoſe which Terms 15 ab c - 7 a b c + 9 a b c are reduced to 17 ab c. In like Man- inſtead of 29 b c d 13 b c d I ſubſtitute 16 b c d. As to the Terms 5a bf and 6c bi which are alone of their Kinds, I write them down as they are, hence the Quantity reduced will be 17 a b c + 16 b c d - 5 a b f + 6 cbi. are preced- ed by ner, $ SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 19 3 5 The Quantity abac + 2 ax-ad+7 ab + ax, will be reduced to 2 a b + 4 1 a x — acad. A 26 3 4. I 28 – The Quantity 2 acd-5ach-3acd + 3 a cb 6 b fi will become after being reduced-acd2ach-6bfi, which being en- tirely negative, fhews that the Quantity which was to be reduced includes more negative than affirmative Parts. XXXII. fame opera It is proper to obferve here that the Reduction which has been em- The alge ployed in the foregoing Examples, is precifely the fame Rule as that braick addi- which is called Addition; for when two Quantities are propofed to be ad- tion is the ded, it fuffices to write them down one after the other, and after- tion as the wards to reduce them to their moft fimple Expreffion: If it was foregoing. required, for Example, to add the Quantity 6 a b 2 a c 3 ad to 3ab + ac- 2 ad+bf, there is no more to be done than to re- duce the Quantity 6 a b 2 a c 3ad + 3ab + ac = 2 ad + b ƒ, which will confequently give 9 a bac-5 ad+bf for the Sum of the two propofed Quantities. formed there will refult 5.a c If it was propofed to add the two Quantities 2 ac-zad + af and ad 5 ac 2 af, no more is required than to reduce the Quantity 2 ac 3 ad + af + ad= 2 af. The Reduction being per- Зас 2 ad af. It may appear at first View furprizing that the Refult of an Addition fhould be a negative Quantity; but this Difficulty will foon be folved when it is obferved that the two Quantities 2 a c 3 ad af and ad јас 2 a f must be both Negative, or at leaſt one of the two negative and greater than the other. 2ac This will more readily appear by fome Examples in Numbers. Let us firſt ſuppoſe a = 2, c = 3, d = 4; f = 5, in this Cafe, inſtead of 3 ad + af we will have 12 24 +10 or fimply or fimply inftead of ad 5 ac 2 af we will have 8 30 20 their Sum will be 44, and it is no way furprizing that the Sum of two negatif Quantities fhould be negatif. Let us now fuppoſe a = 6, c -2 ac 2, and 42 and 3 ad + a ƒ = 18 and a d 5, d. 5 ac d = 3, f: 2, we will have 2 af = 156. Where- fore the fecond Quantity being negative, and greater than the first the Sum fhould be negative. XXXIII. It may perhaps be aſked, if a negative Quantity can be added to an af- in what firmative one, or rather can a negative Quantity be faid to be added. To fenfe a neẻ which I reply that this Expreffion is exact when the Words to add gative quan tity can be and to augment are not confounded. Let two Men, for Example, join faid to be their Fortunes, be them what they will, I would fay they add their For- added. tunes; let one have Debts and real Effects, if his Debts exceed his Ef- 20 ELEMENTS OF From the foregoing operation the algebra- tion is de- duced. fects, he will poffefs but a negative Fortune, and the Junction of his Fortune with that of the firft would diminish that of the firft; fo that the Sum will be found, either lefs than what the firft poffeffes, or even en- -tirely negative. a x a x 2 ax XXXIV. a x The Reduction taught in the foregoing Articles, has given rife to another Rule of Specious Arithmetick namely Subtraction; for when, for Example, in the Equation 2 ac + ab 3ac+2ax— 5 a b dx (Art. XXIX.) we carried over the Terms 3 a c 5 ab to the ick fubtrac- other Side, after having changed their Signs, and we arrived at the Equation 2 a c + a b 3 ac + 5 a b = 2 a x ab d x, or a c + 6 ab dx, I fay that the Quantity 3ac- 5 ab was fubtracted from the Quantity 2 a cab a x and the Remainder is a c6 ab-ax. For by making 3 a c-5 a b difappear in the fecond Member of the Equation, a Subtraction of this Quantity was ´performed, but to preferve the Equality, a fimilar Subtraction must have been made in the firft Member; therefore 2 ac+ab-ax-3ac+5ab or a c + 6 a b a x is what remains of the Quantity 2 acab after 3 ac- 5 a has been fubtracted from it. Proceſs of fubtraction. Hence when there are two Quantities of which one is to be ſubtracted from the other, we must change the Signs of the Quantity to be fub- tracted, and write it down after the other, then reduce the Quantities of the fame Kind, which independant of what has been faid may be demon- ftrated after the following Manner. b 3ac Let 2 ac+a ax be the Quantity from which it is propoſed to fubtract the Quantity 3 a c-5 ab. It is manifeſt that if 3 a c was on- ly to be fubtracted from it, we ſhould write down 2 ac+ab ax - зас, but by fubtracting the Quantity 3 ac instead of 3 ac5 ab a Quantity too great by 5 a b has been fubtracted: Wherefore we must add the 5 a b which has been taken away too much by fubtracting 3 a c. There- fore we must write down 2 acab 3ac + 5 ab for the Remainder of 2 ac + ab a x after 3 a c — 5 a b has been ſubtract- ed from it. a x To exerciſe Beginners in this Rule which it is obvious fhould frequent- ly occur I have added the following Examples.. If from 5 ab+10fg-3 ac+2 de we fubtract 2 a b-5fg+6ac+de, there will remain 5 a b + 10fg 3ac + 2 de ļ -- 2ab+5f8 -6acde, or 3 a b + 15 fg -9ac + de. 6a b+3a8 If from the Quantity 6 ae b + 3 a gb - 10 b c d we fubtract 8 ag b, there will remain 16 a e b a b c 10 ae b 10 b c d + 1 I ag b. a b c If from the Quantity 3 ac + ab + be we ſubtract ➡ac — 3 a by. there will remain 4 a c + 4 ab + be. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. XXXV. A quantity is increaſed tracted from· If it appears furprizing that in this fubtraction the Remainder 4 ac + 4 ab + be is greater than the Quantity 3 ac + ab + be from which it was propofed to ſubtract a c 3 a b, it can only arife when a ne-- from not making a proper Diftinction between fubtracting and diminish- gative quan ing; for if we confider that to fubtract any Quantity, a, for Example, tity is fub- from another b, is to determine how much b exceeds a, it will appear it. very poffible that a Quantity may be increaſed by a Subtraction. Let it be required to determine, for Example, how much one Man is richer than another, if the latter has only Debts, it is manifeft that the Ex- cefs of the Riches of the firſt will be what he poffeffes more a Sum equal to the Debts of the other. XXXVI. Let it be propoſed to folve the Equation CX 2 a ас 26 • Third ex-- the refolu- ample of tion of lite-- to make firſt the Divifor 2 a difappear, I make it ferve according to Art. xv. as a Multiplier to all the Terms of the Equation, 4 ad 3 c and we will a c X 2 a z b = 2 a Xx 4 ad X 2 a 3 с but it is ma- ral equati-- ons.. 骂 have c x nifeft that inſtead of a c X 2 a we may fubftitute 2 a a c, becauſe the Product of 2 a into a c fhould be double of the Produ&t of a into a c, and the Product of a into a c is a ac. Likewife 2 a Xx will be 2 a x and 4 ad X 2 a will be 8 a ad; for the Product of a d into a is a ad and the Product of 4 ad into 2 a ſhould be octuple of that of ad into a. The Equation is therefore changed into c x or c x a-ac = 2 a X 24 b are one and the fame. will beome b xc x 8 a ad 3 c 2a a c =24x 26 8aad becauſe , заас a a c or 30 26 b 8 a ad 3 с x bor Multiplying the Terms of this Equation by b, it хъ =20x x b аас 8 a a b d 3 с a a c x 3 c a a c = 2 a b x b c x into cbx x 3 c 3 Заасс 6 a b c x into cbx, a ac and 2 a b x, confequently the Products of 3 of the foregoing, that is, 3 b 1pofing we will have 3 b c c which at Length gives x = which will be again changed = 2 a b x X. 3 c 8 a abd, will be bcc.x, 8 a ab d, or for the Products of c a a cc, 2 a b c x, and by the fame Quantities fhould be triple 6 a b c x = c c c x, 3 a ac c, 6 a b c x; x - 3 a acc Заасс 3 b c c 6 a b c Заассасаси bc XXXVII. 8 a a b d now tran- 8 a a b d In the foregoing Example, the Multiplication of fome Quantities. 22 ELEMENTS OF the top of a A number which contained the fame Letters, produced the Repetition of thofe Let- placed at ters in the Products: Now as the Analyits always endeavour to expreſs letter to the themfelves in the most concife Manner, inftead of repeating a Letter right de- feveral Times one after another they write it down but once, placing at often it is the Top of it on the right Hand a Figure denoting the Number of Times repeated by that this Letter fhould be repeated. Hence, inſtead of the foregoing 8 a a b d notes how multiplica- tion, and in Expreffion x = this cafe the letter is faid to be raiſed x = to the power led expe- nent. заасс b 3 C C 6 a b c 3 a2 c2 8 a² b d 3 b c² ъс 6 a b c they write C expreffed by When in an Operation the Analyft has Occafion for a a a, that is, for this number the Product of a a by a or for a multiplied by itſelf twice, he puts down which is cal fimply a³. In like Manner for cc cc, he writes ct. When a Letter is thus repeated or rather confidered as repeated by Means of a Number, it is faid to be raiſed to the Power expreffed by this Number, and that this The num- Number is its Exponent, thus c or cccc which is the Product of c mul- are to the tiplied three Times by itſelf is faid to be raiſed to the fourth Power, left and on and 4 is its Exponent. Care is to be taken not to confound the Numbers the fame which ferve as Eexponents with thoſe which are on the left Hand of the line are cal- Letters and on the fame Line, which are called Coeficients; in 4a² c, for Example, 4 is the Coeficient of the Term, 2 is the Exponent of a. bers which led coefici- -ents. Fourth ex- ample of the XXXVIII. Let the Equation 2ab2x 3 c² d + refolution of to be folved, multiplying all its literal equa- 5 ac² X3c² d tions. 2ab² x + 62 = 6cd2 a² 5 ac² 3x, be propofed 62 Terms by the Divifor 3 c²d, we will have 6 c d² X 3 c² d a² 3 x X 3 c² d. To perform the Multiplications indicated by the Signs X, I obferve first that a c² multiplied by c² d ſhould give for Product a c4 d, for if in- ftead of a c² and of c²d we write acc and cc d, as may be done, their Produ& will be accccd, that is, according to the foregoing Art. a c4d. Having therefore a c4d for the Product of a c² into c²d, it is manifeſt that 15 a c4d will be the Product of 5 a c² into 3 c2 d. ་ In like Manner, the Product of 6 c d² into 3 c²d will be found to be 18 c³ d³ and the Product of 3 x into 3 c² d to be 9 c² d x. Wherefore the foregoing Equation will be changed into 2ab²x + 15ac4 d 62 18 c3 d3 24 a Multiplying afterwards this new 18 b² c3 d3 2 a b¹ x + 15 ac² d = a² -9 c² d x. Equation by b2 it will become 9 b² c² d x, and this laſt by 3 a², there will refult 2 a³ b4 x + 15 a³ c4 d = 18 b² c³ d³. — 9 b² a² c² dx, a3 SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 23 15 a3 c4 ď and by tranſpoſition 2 a3 64 x + 9 b² a² c² d x = 18 b² c³ d³ — 1 5 a³ c4 d, 18 b² c3 d3 from whence at length is deduced x = 2a3b4 +9a² bu cü d XXXIX. which con- In the foregoing Examples, we had Occafion to multiply Quantities Incomplex expreffed by a fimple Term fuch as 4 a d, 9 c² d, &c. which are com- quantities monly called incomplex Quantities or Monomes, and we found at the are thofe fame Time how this Operation was to be performed. The general Me- fift only of thod which refults from the Reaſoning employed in thofe particular Ex- one term. amples, is firſt to multiply the Coeficients; to add afterwards the Ex- plication ponents of the fame Letters, and to write thofe which are different one deduced after another. Hence according to this Rule, 3a4b3dX7a²bd² = 21a6b4d3; from the foregoing } a ² c d x } { a c³ b d = 13 a³ c4 b d² = { a³ c4 b d²; } a c² de X9 at fg = examples. 6 a5 c² d e f g. 2 ड a3 Let it be propoſed to folve the Equation Their multi - 6 a 34, Fifth exam- ple of the refolution of 6 a b², literal equa tions. XL. a²c 262 8b2 c x + 4 cx 3 a 5 ab C 10 a b3 3 a C 30 a² b3 -18· a² b², 62, C multiplying it by 2 621 have a²c + then multiplying by 3 a, I have 3 a³ c + 8 b² c x = and performing again the fame Operation to make the Divifor c vaniſh, there reſults 3 a³ c² + 8 b² c² x 30 a² b3 8 a² b².c, from whence. may = 30 a² b3 1 is deduced x = 18 a² b² c 3 a3 c² which 862 c² alfo be. wrote thus x - 30 a² b3 864 c² 18 a² b² c 862 c² 2 3 a3 c² 862 c² ; becauſe 8 b2c2 dividing the whole Quantity 30 a2 63 vides each of its Parts. 18 a² b² c — 3 a³ c² di- a3 Now the Value of x thus wrote may be more fimply expreſſed by re- ducing each Term. For 1°. inftead of 30 a² b3 " 15 n² b 4 c² , 8b2ch may be put down becauſe the Numerator may be confidered, as the Product of 2 b² into 15 a² b, and the Denominator as the Product of the fame Quan- tity 2 62 into 4 c²; dividing therefore both the fame Quantity 2 62, there refults 15 a² b we may put down 9 e² 4 c 4 c² one and the 2º. inſtead of other by 18 a² b² c 864 c C ; for the Numerator is the Product of 2 b² c into 9 a², and the Denominator is the Product of the fame Quantity 2 b2c a3 2 a3 into 4 c. Instead of 3 a³ c² 86 we may put down 3 43 862 Therefore the +24 ELEMENTS OF Value of x reduced is 15 a² b 4c2 9a2 3 a3 4 C XLI. і 862 Divifion of The Method to be purfued in general in all Operations of the fame incomplex Nature as the foregoing, that is, in Divifions of incomplex Quantities quantities is easily deduced from what has been faid, particularly after having feen. the Multiplication of incomplex Quantities. This Method may be ex- example. preffed thus. deduced from this Sixth exam- ple of rhe refolution . of literal } Divide firft the Coeficients if the Divifion be poffible, take away the Letters which have the fame Exponents in the Numerators and Deno- minators, divide afterwards the Letters which have different Exponents. in the Denominator and Numerator, by fubtracting the leaft Exponents from the greateft, and writing the Remainders in the Place of the great- eft Exponents. As to different Letters there is no more to be done than to copy them. As this Operation frequently occurs, to render it familiar to Begin- -ners here follow fome Examples. 9a5 d² b² 3 a4 c² d² C 3ab2 c2 2 = 9 a b c³, 5 m² b4 c² 15 a b 3 1 8 a 4 b c d 14 a b² 1 a b c² 3 XLII. 9a3 c d 76 > 27 43 62 c5 3 a² b c²² a²x b-c + dc = b x a c. Let it be propofed to folve the Equation To make the Divifor b c vaniſh, I multiply all the Terms by this Di- equations. vifor, which gives a² x + (b − c ) x d c = (b x — a c) x (b — c), X where I obferved 1°. to put b - in the firſt Member between Paren- Ufe of Pa- thefes left it might be imagined that only c was to be multiplied by dc; fpecious a- 2° to put b x- a c and b c in the ſecond Member between Paren- rithmetick. thefes in Order that it may appear that thoſe two entire Quantities are to be multiplied by each other. rentheſes in It is now queſtion to perform the Multiplications indicated by the Signs X. Let it be propoſed firſt to multiply dc by bc, it is mani- feſt that we muft multiply dc by b and from their Product fubtract the Product of dc into c; for b for bc being less than b by the Quantity the Product of b cinto de fhould be lefs than that of b into dc, by the Quantity c X d c. Therefore the Product of bc into dc is ccd. b d c To find the Product of b X a c into b— c; I obſerve that if the two Terms b x - ac be confidered as a fingle Quantity, the Product of this Quantity into be ſhould be, the Quantity which the Product of b.x a c into b exceeds the Product of b x a c into c. The Quef- SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 25 tion is therefore reduced to two Multiplications fimilar to the foregoing one and to a Subtraction. The first of thoſe two Multiplications, that of bx ac by b, will give b² x abc; the ſecond that of b xa c by c, will give bcx - ac². It remains therefore to fubtract this laft Quantity from the first, which will give, according to Art. xxxiv. 6²x — a b c — b c x + ac², and this is the Product of b x ac into b C. So that the Equation xcd= (bx — a c) x — a b c - b c x+ac², c² d + a b c b c d X b c d ૨૨ = + c d = b x — a c, or a² x + (b − c ) b-c (b—c) is become a² x + b c d — c² d = b² x which, by the ordinary Tranfpofitions, will give a c² = b² x b c x ax, and at length c² d + 62 b c a b c 22 ac² XLII. tities or mul In this Example, we had Occafion to form a Rule of fpecious Arith- Multiplica- metick, which we had not as yet employed, and which on feveral Occa- tion of com- fions may be of Ufe. This Rule is called the Multiplication of Mul- pound quan tinomials. A Multinomial or compound Quantity fignifies in general a tinomials de Quantity compofed of feveral Terms. When the Number of Terms of duced from the forego- a Quantity are ſpecified, if it confifts of two it is called a Binomial; if it confifts of three it is called a Trinomial, &c. ing article. To exercife Beginners in the Multiplication of thoſe Kinds of Quan- Example of tities, here follow fome Examples: Let first the Product of the multi- 2 a³ c² 5 a² 6 + 6 a5 into 3 a b² - 4 b c d be required. 3 plication of multinomi- By reaſoning in the fame Manner as in the foregoing Article, it will als. appear, that fince the Quantity 3 a b² - 4 b c d is less than 3 a b by 4bcd, the Product of this Quantity into 2 a3c2 — 5 a+ b + 6 a5 fhould be less than the Product of 3 a b² into 2 a³ c² by the Product of 4b c d into 2 a³ c² quence, I write the Product thus (2 a³ c² — (2 a³ c² — 5 a4 b + 6 a5 ) × 4 b c d . 5 5 at b + 6a5 a+b+ 6 a5. In Confe- 4 5 a4 b + 6 a5) X 3 ab² Performing now the two Multiplications indicated by the Signs X, after the fame Manner as thofe of fimple Quantities, we will have 6 a4 b² c² — 15 a5 63 + 18 a6 b² for the firſt Produ&t (2 a³ c² 5 a46 + 6 a³) × 3 a b². In like Manner we will have 8 a3 b c3 d 20 a 4 b² c d +24 a5 b c d for the ſecond Produ& (2 a³ c² — 5 a4 b + 6 a5 ) × 4 b c d . Then fubtracting the fecond from the firft, as indicated in the foregoing Expreffion, we will have 6 a4 b2 c2 15 a5 b3 + 18 q6 b² 8 a3 b c 3 d + 20 a4 b² c d 24 a5 b c d for the Product of the two propofed Quantities. > 3 D 20 ELEMENTS OF Fundamen- 1 XLIV. If the Multiplier of the foregoing Quantity, contained befides the two Terms 3 a b²-4bcd, another 5 a b c, for Example, it is mani- feft that to obtain the whole Produ&t, we muſt ſubtract from the fore- going Quantity, the Product of 2 a³ c² 5 a4 b + 6 a5 into 5 abc. For the Multiplier 3 a b² - 4 b c d 5 a be being less than the Multi- plier 3 a b² 4 b c d, by 5 a b c, the Product of it into 2 a³ c2 5 a4 b +6 a5 fhould be lefs than the Product of 3 a b² 4 b c d into 2 a3 c² - 5 a4 b + 6 a5 by 5 abc X (2 a³ c² 5 a4 b6a5). In like Man- ner if there was another Term in the Multiplier, 3 a c² for Example, with the Sign + the Product 3 ac² × (2 a³ c² — 5 a4 b + 6 a³) fhould be added to the foregoing Products. X It appears in general that any Quantity being given to be multiplied, tal principle with the Quantity which is to ferve as Multiplier, we are to form all of multipli- the Products of the Multiplicand into each of the Terms of the Mul- tiplier, and add or fubtract thofe Products, according as the Terms of the Multiplier are affected with the Sign + or -. cation: Method to cation. To perform this Operation after a regular Manner, proceed thus. XLV. First write down the Multiplier under the Multiplicand, and draw a be purfued Bar under the Multiplier. To form afterwards the firft Line of the in multipli- Product which is to be fet down under this Bar, multiply the firſt Term of the Multiplier by each of the Terms of the Multiplicand, obferving to prefix to each of thofe Products, the Sign of the Term of the Mul- tiplicand, if the firft Term of the Multiplier has no Sign, and conſe- quently is confidered as having the Sign +. To form afterwards the fecond Line which fhould be wrote under the first, multiply the fecond Term of the Multiplier by all the Terms of the Multiplicand, and if this fecond Term of the Multiplier has alfo the Sign+, the Operation is abfolutely the fame as for the firſt Line, but if it has the Sign, to each of the Products which compofe this Line, prefix a Sign contrary to that which affects the Term of the Mul- tiplicand to which it relates. All the other Lines of the Product being formed after the fame Manner, by Means of the other Terms of the Multiplier multiplied by all thofe of the Multiplicand, draw a Bar, and add or reduce all thofe particular Products; the Quantity which re- fults will be the Product required. We ſuppoſed that the firft Term of the Multiplier had the Sign+, if however it had the Sign, it is eafy to perceive that with Refpect to this Term, as with Reſpect to the others affected by the Sign-, Signs contrary to thofe of the Terms of the Multiplicand, are to be prefixed to the Product of thoſe Terms. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 27 XLVI. 2 a b 4ac + a d Mult. 3 a b 6 a² 62 5ac + 2 a d ad by I 12 a² b c + 3 a² b d 10 a² b c + 20 a² c² [ 5 a² c d Product. + 4a² b d 8 a² c d + 2 a² ď² 622 62 22 a²² b c + 7 a² b d + 20 a² c² 1 3 a² c d + 2 a² ď² Sum. За of the fore- To explain this Method, we fhall apply it to an Example: Let it be propoſed to multiply the two Quantities 2 a b 4 ac+ad and 3 a b Application -5ac + 2 ad. The firft being chofen for Multiplicand, and the going me- fecond for Multiplier, I write down this laft under the other, as above. thod to an Which being done, I remark that the first Term of the Multiplier is example. affirmative, and confequently all the Signs of the Terms of the first Line of the Product ſhould be the fame as thoſe of the Multiplicand. In Confequence of this Remark, I write down 6 a² 62 the Product of 3 a b into 2 ab, without prefixing any Sign to it, which comes to the fame as if it had been affected by the Sign +. I afterwards put down for the Sign of the fecond Term of the fame Line, becauſe it is the Sign of the fecond Term of the Multipli- cand, and after this I write 12 a2 b c Product of 4 a c into 3 a b. I prefix in like Manner the Sign of the third Term of the Multipli- cand to the third Term of the first Line of the Product, which is 3 a² b d Product of ad into 3 a b. The first Line of the Product be- ing thus finiſhed, I remark that the ſecond Term of the Multiplier has the Sign, and confequently that the Signs of the Multiplicand muſt be changed to form the Terms of the fecond Line of the Product. Wherefore the firft Term of this fecond Line ſhould have the Sign which I prefix to the Product 10 a² be of the two Terms 2 a b, 5 ac. The fecond Term of the fame Line fhould have the Sign +, fince the fecond Term of the Multiplicand has the Sign, I therefore pre- fix the Sign to the Product 20 ac² of the two Terms 4 ac, 5 ac. The third Term a d of the Multiplicand being preceded by the Sign+, the third Term of the fecond Line will be affected by the Sign- which I prefix to the Product 5 a² cd of the two Terms a d, 5 a c. As to the third Line of the Product fought, becauſe the third Term of the Multiplier has the Sign +, all the Signs of the Multiplicand are to be preſerved, confequently the firſt Term, that is the Product of 2 ab into 2 ad will be 4 a2 b d preceded by the Sign+, the fecond, that is, the Product of 4 ac into 2 ad will be 8 a² cd preceded by the Sign and the third, that is, the Product of 2 a d into ad will be 2 a² d² preceded by the Sign +. 28 ELEMENTS OF To render this Operation familiar to Beginners, here follow more Examples. Multiplicand. Multiplier. Product. 5 a3 b 2 a b3 + 4 a² c² 223 b a 63 + 3 a² cz 10 26 32. 4 24 64 + 8 95 b c² 2 a2 66 6 a3 b3 c² + 5 24 64 + + 15 a5 b c² 9a4 b4 + 23 a5 b c² + 2.a² 66 2a3 202 2 363 2 2 a3 x² + 3.63 y2 Sum. 10 46 62 Multiplicand. Multiplier. Product. 4 26x4 6 a3 63 y²x² 2 + 6 a3 b3 x² 332 9b6 y4 Sum 4 225x64 966 74 4 a3 63 c² 12 a4 c4 10 a3 b3 c² + 12 24 c4 5ab+3ac 5 ab + zac 25a262 15 6.2 a² b c + 5 a b c² + 15 a²bc + 9 a² c² — 3 a c³ 3ac3 c4 6 a c3 c4 + 5 a b c² + 3 ac3 25a² b²+9a2 c² Multiplicand. Multiplier.. 3y+2.ay. α a yy z a x + a a a ay y + 2 a³ y x x x + a a x a4 x3 a x x Product. Sum. —2 ay3-4 a ayya³y p4 + 2 ay³ — Zaayy y4 3.aayy + 3, a³µ — — a4 +axx лах a ax y Multiplicand. Multiplier. aa + b c 2 a a b aab Product. z a b c + b b c 46 2a + 4 +4 46 4 a a 8 a b a32aac a b c + 8 ab - 16 b b Sum. n³ + zaαc a ab 3 a b c + b b c дас 4 a a 16 bb. Multiplicand. Multiplier. Product. 4.a² bx z a b x − b x y + a² x + 3:02:39: 2 ax zab x²y + 2 a³ x² + 6 a³ x y 6 a² b x y + zab x y² 3 a3 x y 9a3 y 2 4 a² b x² - 2 a b x² + 2 a³ x² + 6 a³ xy-6 a² bx y + zab xy² - 3a3 xy-9a3y² 2 a 3 ay SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK.. 29* XLVII. Let it be propoſed to folve the Equation ax — ac, I first make the Divifor de difappear by multiplying folution of a x - ac by d C a b² + abd — a b x Sixth exam- d C ple of the re (a x acx + ac², a c) literal equa tions. which gives a b² + a b d · a b x = a dx a b x a c d × (d — c), or a b² + a b d which, by carrying over all the Terms affected by x to one fide, the known ones to the other, will become a b² + abd + ac a c d a b x + a d x acx, from whence is deduced X a b² + a b d a c d a b + ad a c a c² and a c² the divifion. A certain Relation which is perceived to fubfift between the Terms. of the Dividend and. Divifor in this Expreffion, might induce us to think that the Diviſion may be performed exactly, and confequently invites us to attempt this Operation, which ſhould appear eaſy to execute, af- ter having feen that of Multiplication of which it is the Converſe. To difcover in effect if a b + a d a c can divide exactly a b Manner of + abd + ac d a c². I divide firſt one of the Terms of this laft performing Quantity by one of thofe of the firft, for Example, a b by ab, and indicated in write down the Quotient b, I afterwards multiply this Quotient b, or this exam- rather this first Part of the Quotient fought, by the whole Divifor a b. ple. + ad a c, and fubtract the Product a b² + abd abc from the Dividend, the Remainder a b² + abd + acd azz a b d +abc, or ac d ac² + abc, is ſtill to be divided by the fame Diviſor, and its Quotient added to the foregoing b to form. the whole Quotient fought. a 62- To perform this Diviſion I divide one of the Terms of the Quantity acd acabe which remains to be divided, by one of thoſe of the Divifor. For Example, ac d by a d, which gives c for the Quotient; I multiply this new Quotient by the whole Divifor ab + ad ac and I fubtract the Product abc + ac d ac² from the remaining Dividend a c d ac² + abc; and as the two Quantities are the fame, there re- mains nothing to be divided, from whence I perceive that b + c is the exact Quotient of a b² + a b d + a c d a c² divided by a b + ad- a c and confequently the Value of x. LVNI. thod for di-- After having performed the foregoing Divifion, it is eafy to perceive General me. what Method is to be purſued in other Examples. To reduce this Ope- viding com-- ration to a regular form, the Analyfts write down the Divifor at the pound quan right Hand of the Dividend, feperating them by a Line, as in Diviſion tities. of Numbers, chufing afterwards a Term in the Dividend divifible by one of thofe of the Divifor, they write the Quotient of thofe two Terms. = 30 Manner of ELEMENTS OF under the Divifor, prefixing to it the Sign+, if the two Terms which are divided one by the other have the fame Signs, but prefixing to it the Sign, if thofe two Terms have different Signs. This being done, they multiply the Quotient by all the Terms of the Divifor, and write the Product under the Dividend. But as the Ufe of this Product ſhould be to fubtract it from the Dividend, they obferve when writing it under this Dividend to prefix to each Term a Sign contrary to that which reſults from the Multiplication. The Product being thus wrote down, they draw a Line and perform the Reduction with the Dividend, and the Quantity which remains, is to be divided a-new by the fame Divifor. They chufe as before a Term diviſible by one of thoſe of the Divifor, and write the Term which re- ſults for Quotient beſide the firſt, obferving to prefix to it the Sign +, or the Sign, according as the two Terms that have been divided one by the other have the fame or different Signs. They multiply after- wards this Term by all thofe of the Divifor, and write the Produc un- der the Quantity to be divided, obferving as before to change the Signs which refult from the Multiplication. Then drawing a Line and reduc- ing, if all the Terms do not deftroy each other they write the Remainder under this Line, and continue the Operation after the fame Manner un- til all the Terms of the Dividend have vanished. As in this Operation, it may be fome Times embarraffing to chuſe avoiding among the Terms of the Dividend and the Divifor, thofe which ſhould working by ferve to form the Terms of the Quotient. To remove all uncertainty conjecture in divifion. in this Choice: Here is what the Analyfts have imagined. They first chufe at will a Letter which is found in the Dividend and What is un- Divifor, and they difpofe the Terms of thofe two Quantities in fuch a derstood by Manner that the Terms may ftand first in which this Letter has the ordering a greateſt Exponents, and thofe next in which this Letter has the next quantity ac- cording to a greateſt Exponent and fo on. Having therefore ordered the two propof- ed Quantities according to the fame Letter (it is thus this Operation is called) the Terms to be divided are no more determined by conjecture, it is always the firft Terms of the Dividend and Divifor which are to be choſen. letter When the firſt Term of the Quotient is formed by thofe two Terms of the Divifor and Dividend, and the Product is wrote with different Signs under the Dividend, if this Operation introduces Terms of a different Kind from any of thofe in the Dividend; Care is to be taken. in writing the Quantity which refults after the Reduction to place the Terms, fo that the Quantity which remains to be divided be always ordered according to the fame Letter as the Divifor. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 31 XLIX. 2a4 — 13 ba³ + 31 b² a² — 38 63 a +2464 2 a² — 3 ba + 462 2a4 + 3 b a3 4622 a² — 5 ba +662 10 b a3 + 27 biz az 38 b3 a +24 64 +106a3 - 15 64 b2 a² + 20 63 a +1262a2 18 63 a + 24 12 62 2² + 18 b3 a 24 64 о To illuftrate this Method, we will apply it to fome Examples. - Let Application going me- it be first propoſed to divide the Quantity 31 a² b² + 2 a4 + 24 64 of the fore- 38a b3 13 a3 b by the Quantity 3 ab + 2 a² + 4 b². Having wrote down thofe Quantities in the Manner above, where they example. are ordered according to the Letter a. I divide the firſt Term 2 a4 of the Dividend by the first Term 2 a² of the Diviſor, and I write the Quotient a² under the Divifor, without pre- fixing any Sign to it, that is, I mak it affirmative, becauſe the Terms 2 a4 and 2 a² are preceded by the fame Signs. The Quotient a² being fet down I multiply it by all the Terms of the Divifor, and as this Mul- tiplication ſhould give me for firſt Term 2 a4 Product of a² into 2 a² with the Sign+, I fet down this Term under the Dividend with the Sign-, becauſe it is to be fubtracted. In like Manner, becauſe the fecond Term 3 b a3 Product of a² into 3 ba fhould have the Sign by the Multiplication, I write under the Dividend + 3ba3 fince it is to be fubtracted, finally becauſe the third Term 4b2a2 Product of a² into 462 fhould have by the Multiplication the Sign I write it under the Dividend with the Šign. 4. This being done, I draw a Line and reduce; the Quantity which re- mains is 10 b a³ + 27 62 a2 38 63 a + 24 64 which is to be di- vided by the fame Dvifor 2 a² 3ba + 462. To perform this Divi- fion, I divide the firft Term 10 b a3 of the Quantity to be divided by the first Term 2 a2 of the Divifor, I write the Quotient 5 ba befide a², and multiply this new Term of the Quotient by the Divifor, and write the Terms of the Product with contrary Signs under the Quantity to be divided. After the Reduction there remains 12 62 a² 1863 a +24 64 to be divided. The firſt Term 12 63 a² of this Quantity being divided by 2 a² of the Divifor, gives + 6 b² for third Term of the Quotient, and as the Pro- duct of this third Term into the Divifor deſtroys all thofe of the Quan- tity to be divided, I conclude that the Divifion is ended, and that a² — 5ba + 6 62 is the Quotient fought. thod to an 32 ELEMENTS OF Lo 404 96² c² + 663 c — 64 -4c4 +66-22262 c² 2c² 3 bc +62 2c² +36c-62 66c3 -{{ b² c² + 663 c →→ b2 84 6bc3 +9 62 c2 ር 3 63 с 2 62 c² + 3 33 с 64 +26² c² 3 63 c + 64 O Another ex- ample. Let it be propofed to divide 6 63 c — 64 — 3cb 9c262 + 404 by . + b² + 2 c², I write thofe two Quantities in the Manner above after having ordered them according to the Letter c. C Dividing afterwards the two firſt Terms, I have 2 c² for the firft. Term of the Quotient, which being multiplyed by the Divifor, gives, af- ter changing the Signs, the Quantity 4c4 +66c3 2 b2 c², which being placed under the Dividend, gives for Remainder 6bc3 II b² c² +663c 64, in which I obferved to place first the Term 6b c³ af- fected by c3 introduced by the Multiplication, in order that the Quantity may remain ordered according to c. Dividing afterwards this firſt Term 6bc3 by 2 c², I have 3 bc for Quotient with the Sign+. I multiply this new Term of the Quotient by the Divifor, and write the Terms of the Product under the Dividend, after having changed their Signs. After the Reduction there remains -262 c² + 363 c C 64 to be divided. The firſt Term of this Quantity being divided by that of the Divifor, gives for third Term of the Quotient b² affected with the Sign, be- cauſe the Terms 2 b² c² and 2 c² have different Signs, and as the Product of this third Term into the Divifor, deſtroys all thofe of the Quantity to be divided, I conclude that the Divifion is ended, and that 2c+3bc b2 is the Quotient fought. LI. . If in ordering the Dividend and the Divifor according to the ſame Letter, there occur feveral Terms in which this Letter has the fame Ex- ponent, we would fall into the fame Inconveniency which we propoſed to avoid; unleſs thofe Terms be ordered again according to another Let- ter, common to the two Quantities. Let us ſuppoſe, for Example, that the Dividend being ordered accord- ing to the Letter d, the firft Terms are, 3 ac² d3. c3 d3 3 a²c d3 +a³ d³, and thoſe of the Divifor, ordered according to the fame Letter a² d² + c² d² - 2acd. Arranging theſe two Quantities thus a3 d3 3ca2 d3 + 3 c² a d³ c3 d³, a² d2 2 cad² + c² d, that is, ordering them according to the Letter a, the Diviſion will be performed without being liable to be embarraffed in chufing in the Dividend and Divifor the Terms which fhould ferve to form thofe of the Quotient. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 33 Product. -14 Reduction, 1, 32 ½ To accuftom Beginners to be attentive to thofe Particularities in Di- vifion, here follow more Examples. Dividend, 3 — a² y² + 3a3 y — 1/2 at J43a² a4 +2ay³ — a² y² ауз +2 ay³ — 4 a² y² + 3 a³ y — — α4 Divifor. 2. zay + a² 32+2ay - 21/2 a² 44 Product. -2 ay3+4 a² y² — y2 2 a3 y Reduction. 2. 1/2 a² y² + Product. + // a² y² — a3 y — // a4 a³y + // a4 Reduction. 3.. O Dividend. Divifor. { 36 + a ay 4 - 2 b b y4 + b 4 yy 25 aa b b ayy 2 a4 b b a a 64 34 + za ayy b by y + at + a a b b Product, { Reduction, 1. { Product, { Reduction. 3. 1 Product Rednction. 5. { 35 + a a y4 bb y4 +2a ay 4 + b by 4 a y y —2nay4 + 2a4yy + 2 a² b²yy b by4 + b4 yy + at yy + zaabbyy Reduction. 2. Product. { + bb y4 Product. {{ Reduction. 4. { aabbyy b4 yy + at yy + aabbyy a437 + aabbyy 26 20466 a a b4 } as 2a4bb ·a a b4 25 2a4bb a a 64 +a6 111 ++|| I a4 b b a4 b b a a b4 a abbyy + aA bb + aa b4 } } } 64yy } } 3 E 34 ELEMENTS OF Problem in LII. In the Solution of the foregoing Problems, we had occafion to employ only one unknown Quantity, becauſe in thofe Problems there was, pro- perly ſpeaking, only one Quantity to be inveſtigated. But as we ad- vance in the Science of fpecious Arithmetick, there occur Problems, to folve which, it is requifite to employ feveral unknown Quantities, we fhall therefore proceed to explain how they are to be managed. There being given the Specifick Gravities of two Subftances which are which two mixed together, the Bulk and Weight of the Mixture, to find the Quantity of each of thofe Subftances which compofe the Mixture. unknown quantities are employ- ed. Let the Number of cubick Inches contained in this Mixture, or in ge- neral, its Bulk after whatever Manner it is meaſured, be expreffed by a, and its Weight by b. Let the Quantity of the firſt Subſtance contained in the Mixture, for Example, the Number of cubick Inches of this Subftance be expreffed by x. Let the Weight of a cubick Inch of this Subftance, or in general, its fpecifick Gravity be expreffed by c. Let the Quantity of the fecond Subſtance be expreffed by y, and its ſpecifick Gravity by d. The Weight of the Quantity of the firft Subftance contained in the Mixture will be expreffed by c x. C For if x expreffes the Number of cubick Inches of this Subſtance, and the Weight of each cubick Inch, their whole. Weight will be the Product of thoſe two Numbers. In like Manner the Weight of the Quantity of the ſecond Subſtance will be expreffed by dy. But thofe two Weights added together is equal to the Weight of the Mixture, hence we have the Equation cx + dy = b. x= C But this Equation is not fufficient to folve the Problem; for diſen- gaging one of the unknown Quantities, for Example, x, we find b-dy , whereby x cannot be determined unleſs we ſuppoſe y to be known. There is therefore fome other Operation to be performed: to diſcovery. To arrive at which we must examine whether all the Particulars expreſſed in the Queſtion have been attended to, or to ſpeak in the Language of the Analyfts, if all the Conditions of the Problem have been fulfilled; upon Examination it will appear that only one of the Conditions has been expreffed, and the Condition implying that the Quantity of the firſt Subſtance, added to the Quantity of the fecond, fhould be equal to the Bulk of the Mixture has not been em- ployed. Hence this fecond Condition furniſhes the Equation x+y=a, which, as the firſt, determines the Value of x only by Means of that of y, by giving xay. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 35 But if we cannot by either of thoſe two Equations, taken feperately, find x independent of y, by employing them both together we are en- abled to determine y. For fince each of thofe two Equations gives a Value of x, we may equal theſe two Values, which gives the Equation dy = a a - y, from which is deduced by the foregoing Methods b or C dyaccy, or a c-bcy—dy, or finally y = ac - b y being known it eaſily appears that x which is expreffed by a y', bdy is alfo known. We have therefore only to fubftitute in which of thoſe two Quantities we pleaſe, in the firft a-y, for Exam- ple, inſtead of y, · b a c b c = d and we will have a- a c for the c d ढ On examining the foregoing Value a - Value of x. acb it will eafily be ас C d perceived that it can be reduced; for if we put a to the fame Denomi- nator as the Fraction gives a c ad C d ac-b C we muſt multiply it by c-d, which inſtead of a; we have no more to do than to fub- tract from this Fraction the fecond. To this End ſubtra&- ing their Numerators, and dividing the Remainder by the common Denominator, we will have C ---- -d ас- ad ac + b or C d bad c-d for The Quantities required therefore of the first and fecond Subſtance the reduced Value of x. which compoſe the Mixture are expreffed, one by a c C b other by a d b and the confequently the Problem is folved. LIII. a c C b If inſtead of ſubſtituting the Value of y in a -y, we fubftituted it in b-dx C b C a c b d fult C Ъ ad lue from C and b C dy d of dy, which alſo expreſſes x. There would re- which at first View feems to be a different Va- But as we know that the two Values a x are equal, thoſe two Values of x expreffed in 36 ELEMENTS OF known Quantities muſt coincide. The Manner of reducing one to the- other is as follows. I first give the Denominator cd to the Letter b, by multiplying c- cd, that is, by fubftituting b c b d it by c for b, and then the C d d x ( a c b) b C d C foregoing Quantity b c - b d d x ( a c — b) C C d but instead of dx (ac * or , will be transformed into bcbd dx (ac - b) d c CC ; b) we may write a c d — b d, and as this Quantity fhould be fubtracted from bc bd, the foregoing Quantity b c — b d c² dx (a c do d c a b c b) when reduced is c² 2 — d c which by dividing the Numerator and Denominator by the fame Quantity 'c, da the fame Value as before. at length becomes Ъ d LIV. To apply this general Solution to an Example; let the Mixture be Application fuppofed to be compofed of Gold and Silver, its Weight to be 30 of the fore- Ounces, its Bulk 3 cubick Inches, the Weight of a cubick Inch of going folu- Gold 12 Ounces, and that of a cubick Inch of Silver 6 & Ounces. We will have a = 3, b = 30, c = 123, d = 63. Subftituting thoſe Values in the two general Formulas x = and y = tion to an example. Problem in which two unknown ac - b they will become x = 1 and y = ture will contain cubick Inches of Gold, and Silver. 13 LV. I 8 da c-d , that is, the Mix- 1 cubick Inches of I 3 It is eaſy to perceive after what we have ſeen in the foregoing Pro- blem, that as often as two unknown Quantities are employed in a Queſ- tion, there muſt be two Equations to difengage them, and when there are two Quantities required in a Problem, there must be two Conditions given to determine them, in order to deduce from thofe two Conditions two Equations. To explain the Method of employing thoſe Conditions we have added the following Problem. LVI. Two Pipes, each of which run uniformly together, filled a Ciſtern a, the one running during the Time b, the other during the Time c; the two fame SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 37 are employ- Pipes filled another Ciſtern d, the firſt running during the Time e, the fe- quantities cond during the Time f. The Discharge of each Pipe is required: Let x and y exprefs thofe Difcharges, that is, for Example, the Number of Hogfheads that each of thoſe two Pipes furnifh in a Day, fuppofing the Cisterns a and d to be meaſured in Hogfheads, whilft the Times b, c, e, f are counted in Days. The Quantity of Water furniſhed by the firſt Pipe, during the Time b, will be expreffed by. bx; and the Quantity of Water furniſhed by the fecond Pipe in the Time c, will be expreffed by cy. But thofe two Quantities of Water by the firft Condition of the Problem fhould be equal to the Ciſtern a, henee we have bx + cy = a. In like Manner the Quantities of Water furnifhed by the fame Pipes during the Times e, f will be expreffed by ex, fy, and confequently the ſecond Condition will give e x + ƒ y · d: We have no more to do now than to deduce from thoſe two Equati ons.the Values of x and of y, which will be performed, as in the fore- going Problem, by deducing a Value of x from each of thofe two Equa- tions, and then putting thefe two Values equal to each other. a су The first will be b e Putting theſe d-fy the ſecond df cy cey = b d a e, or fi- two Values equal to each other, there will arife a су Ъ e ed. } Subftituting this Value of y in one of the two or a e - cey b d b d bfy, or b fy nally y = Values of x, of in b d a e се a a e b су a - CX ( -) b of-ce or x = b for Example, there will refult x = ax (bf-ce) — cx (bd — ae) bx. (b.fce) • by giving the firft Term a the fame Denominator as the fecond, and by multiplying the two Denominators, one by the other. Performing afterwards the Multiplications indicated in this Value, and a f − c d reducing, there will arife x = bf-ce Wherefore when the particular Values of a, b, c, d, e, f, are afcer- tained, we have only to fubftitute them in thofe two general Values of x and of y, to obtain any particular Solution we pleaſe ولا it Inftead of difengaging in the two foregoing Equations, and putting the two Values which arife equal to each other, in order to obtain is, manifeft that if we difengaged y, and afterwards put the two Values which ariſe equal to each other, to obtain x, the Refult. would be the fame. 3.8 ELEMENTS OF LVII. Example of To make fome Application of this Problem, let us fuppofe that the the forego firft Pipe running five Days, and the fecond four, filled a Ciftern in numbers, which contains 330 Hogfheads. That afterwards the first Pipe run- ning two Days, and the fecond three, filled a Refervoir containing 195 ing problem Another ex- ample. Hogfheads. In this Cafe a confequently af fequentlyx= = 330, b = 5, c = 4, d= 195, e 2, f= 3, and 210, bf-ce = 7, bdae 315, con- = de af d c b f се 21030, and y = = b d a e bf - ce 35545. Hence the firft Pipe in this Example furniſhes 30 Hog- fheads a Day, and the ſecond 45. LVIII. Let us now fuppofe that the firſt Pipe running during 3 Days, and the ſecond during feven, filled a Ciſtern containing 190 Hogfheads, that afterwards the first running 4 Days, and the fecond 6, they filled a Cif- tern containing 120 Hogfheads. In this Cafe a≈ 190, b = 3, c = 7, d = 120, e = confequently a fdc = 300, bf - ce= which will give x = af b f d c се 400 4, ƒ: 4, ƒ = 6, and de = 400, d.b a e 10, bd 300 10 and y = bf - ce IO Singularity The firſt Time the Analyfts found fimilar Values, that is, negative of the ex- Quantities divided by negative Quantities, and pofitive Quantities divid- preffion ar- rived at in ed by negative ones; without Doubt they were embarraffed to know what they meant, and probably reſumed the Queſtion, in order to avoid thofe Kinds of Divifion, and in the prefent Cafe would have pro- ceeded thus. this exam- ple. Method of their mean- "They would have reſumed the two general Equations bx + cya, diſcovering and ex+ fyd, and fubftituting in thofe Equations for a, b, c, d, e, f, the Values which thoſe Letters have in this Example, there would re- fult 3x + 7y190 and 4x+6y= 120, deducing from thoſe two Equations 190 73, -7, and x = 2y, they would have ing. 3 3 3 190 3 3 put them equal to each other, which would have given y = 3037, or zyy190 - ༡༡ 30, or y = 40. Subftituting afterwards this Value of y in 30-y Value of x, they would have found x 30 60, that is, x = 30. In this Manner they would have affured themſelves that the Quotient arifing from 400 divided by 10 is + 40, and that arifing from 300 divided by IO is 30. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 39 LIX. Theorems They foon after eftabliſhed as general Principles that + divided by +, General produces, that divided by produces, that divided by concerning + produces that divided by produces +, and the fame for Mul- the figns of tiplication. Thoſe Principles were the more eaſily diſcovered as they refulted from the Obſervations which must neceffarily have been made on the Signs found for the Terms of the Products and Quotients, in applying the Rules given for the Multiplication and Divifion of compound Quantities, but it is probable that the firſt Analyſts did not adopt them until after they had verified them in feveral Examplès. a EX: quotients or products. -binto S d are not pre- To affure ourſelves that the Multiplication of -- by fhould pro- Demonftra- duce in the Product, let us fee what Affiftance we can draw from tion that the general Method of Multiplications delivered Art. XLV. According is +bd to this Method, we fee plainly that the Product of a Quantity, fuch as when thofe into another c d fhould be a c — b c ad + bd, and con- quantities fequently we ſee at the fame Time that the Term b d which arifes from ceded by the Multiplication of binto d has the Sign+, whilft its Factors b and d others. · have the Sign It remains therefore to know if when two negative Quantities, fuch asb and d are not preceded by any pofitive. Quantities, their Product will be ſtill bd, the Truth of which will eafily appear by obferving that the Method by which we found the Product of a b into c- d to be ac adbd was not reftrained to any particular Value of a or c, and confequently took Place when thofe Quantities were equal to nothing. But in this Cafe, the Product a c b c ad bd is reduced to + b d, wherefore- ―bxd = + bd. LXI. .bc - The other As to the other Cafes, that is, with Refpect to the Multiplication cafes are de and Diviſion of by, they will be proved after the fame Manner. LXII. 30 and Y. = + 40 we monſtrated in like man- ner. To return now to our laft Application of the foregoing Problem, it is to be obſerved that after having found x = fhould be ftill at a Lofs to know what this Value of x meant. The How the ne Method the firſt Analyſts probably would have taken to fatisfy them- gative value felves in this Point, would be to return back to the Conditions of the the problem found,folves Problem or which comes to the fame, they would reſume the two Equations 3x + 7y 190, and 4x+6y=120, and try. how the Values 30 and 40 of x and of y, anfwered thofe Equations, we find first, that in this Cafe 3x90 and 7 y 280, confequently 3x+7=90 90 + 280, which in effect is equal to 190. In like Manner 4x+6y is found to be 120 + 140 which is reduced to 120. 40 ELEMENTS OF ; Unknown quantities = Having therefore difcovered how the Values 30 and 40 of x and of y anſwer the Equations 3x + 7y = 190 and 4x + 6y ≈ 120, we perceive at the fame Time how they answer the Conditions of the Problem; for fince the Ufe that have been made of the Quantities 3x and 4x, which exprefs the Quantities of Water diſcharged by the first Pipe in the firſt and ſecond Operation, was to fubtract them from 7y and from 6y, which expreſs the Quantities of Water furniſhed in the fame Operations by the fecond Pipe. The first Pipe muſt be confidered in this Cafe as depriving the Cifterns of Water inſtead of Furniſhing any, as it did in the other Exampie, and as it was ſuppoſed in expreffing the Conditions of the Problem. We have here an Example of the Generality of the analytick Art, whereby we find in a Queſtion Cafes which we did not foreſee could be included in it. LXIII. In almost every Queftion folved after a general Manner, the Ana- becoming lyfts found Cafes fimilar to the foregoing, and they always concluded, negative are that when the Value of the unknown Quantity became negative, the Quantity expreffed by it ſhould be confidered as being of an oppofite Kind from what it was fuppofed in expreffing the Conditions of the of an oppo- fite kind from what they were fuppofed in the expreffi- on of the Problem. What has been faid with Refpe&t to unknown Quantities, is equally applicable to known Quantities, that is, when a general Solution is ap- problem, as plied to any particular Cafe, if any of the given Quantities a, b, &c. in allo known the Problem are negative. quantities. Example of knownquan tities made negative. LXIV. Let it be propofed, for Example, to find what ſhould be in the fore- the ufe of going Problem the Diſcharges of two Pipes that the first furniſhing Water during 3 Days, and the fecond during four Days, may fill a Cif- tern containing 320 Hogfheads, and that the fecond Pipe afterwards furniſhing Water during fix Days whilft the firſt diſcharges it during 3 Days, may fill a Cistern containing 180 Hogfheads. We have only to put in the general Solution a c = 4, d = 180, e = 3, ƒ = 6. .a e f = = And there will refult de 720, af 1920, ce = 18, − 960, d b = 540, and confequently af -ce30, d b a e = 1500, which gives x = e= and y d b bf-ce a e = 50. 320, b = 3, bƒ =— 12, dc 1200, bf af de bf-ce =40, From whence it appears that the Diſcharge of the firſt Pipe is 40 Hogfheads a Day either to carry away the Water as in the fecond Ope- ration, or to furnish it as in the firft, and the Diſcharge of the fecond 50 Hogfheads a Day, which it furniſhes in both Operations. ' 41 SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. LXV. To accuftom Beginners to the Manner of extending the Solutions of Problems to thofe Cafes in which the given Quantities are of an oppo- fite Kind from what they have been ſuppoſed to be at firſt, I ſhall give another Example taken from the Problem of Art. xxiv. in which it is required to know where two Meffengers will meet, and will endeavour to deduce from the general Solution, the Solution of the following Cafe. which the Two Meffengers at 50 Miles Diſtance from each other, one being, Another ex- for Example, at Newry, the other at Dublin. The first fets out from ample in Newry for Dublin at 8 in the Evening, running at the Rate of 4 Miles known quan an Hour, the fecond fets out the fame Day from Dublin for Newry, at tities are 11 in the Morning, running 3 Miles an Hour, it is required to know made nega at what Diſtance from Dublin they will meet. Comparing this Cafe with the general Expreffion of the Problem, it appears first, that the Letter c which denoted the Number of Miles run by the first Meffenger in a given Time, fhould be negative, fince in the general Solution the firſt Meffenger was fuppoſed to recede from, and, in this Cafe, he goes to meet the fecond. It alfo appears that the Letter b, which expreffes the Number of Hours that the firſt Meſſen- ger fet out fooner than the fecond, fhould be alſo negative, becauſe in this Cafe he fet out later than the fecond. Hence we have only to put in the general Formula - པ་ a de + b ce de - c cf =1, and we will have x = a = 50, b = - F 50 X 1 9,c=- 4, d = 1, e = 35 X 3 — 9 X — 4 × 3, X IX 3 + 4X I 150 + 108 258 = 3 + 4 7 = 36, by which we learn that when the Meſſenger from Dublin has run 36 Miles, he will meet the Meffen- ger from Newry. 7 LXVI. tive. foever of the known quan tities may One of the principal Advantages of fpecious Arithmetick, and which Two equa fhews the Utility of affuming at Will the Signs of the given Quantities tions what in the general Solution of Problems, is the reducing to the Solution of first degree, Equations expreffed indefinitely all thoſe in which the unknown Quan- including tities are difpofed after the fame Manner, for Example, by Means of two un- the two Equations bx + cya, and ex +fyd folved Article LVI. any two Equations whatſoever of the firſt Degree may be folved, be reduced provided they include only two unknown Quantities. Let, for Example, the two Equations mnx = p² y — b b m ny p3 nnx be propoſed to be folved. with the two first I write them thus m n x- to the fore- going ones. p² y b bg, and To compare them bbg, and Example. 3 F 42 ELEMENTS OF ་ Another ex- ample. = f p3. nnx + n my p³, then comparing them with the two Equations bx + cy a and ex + fy d. The firft with the firft, and the fecond with the fecond, we will have b = m n, c —— p², a= b b g, e = n², ƒ = m n, d = Which will give cd p³, a f = = m² n², a e = b² n² g, bd c d = m n b² g + p³, bf b f af = a e = m n p³ + b² 12² g. Now fubftituting thofe Values in a f - c d bf - ce p5 a e bf-ce b d > and } = y m n b² g 2 } = m² n² + p² m² Let the Equations + (p + q) × y = first this Form = - m n b² g, ce= p² π², m np³, and confequently ce = m² 12² + p² m², b d the general Formulas x we will have at length x= m n p3 + b² n² g m² n² + p² n22 3mpx P n q Þ - q 3mpx Þ - 9 9 LXVII. p2y. p + q 279 p. q and m x be propoſed to be folved, giving the p2 p + q y = 2 19 P 9 and com- 3 m p paring it with the general Equation bx + cy = a, b = C 2n9 p q Þ - 9 , comparing the fecond with the Equation ex+fy = d, we will have em, f = p + q, d = a p + q n q and thofe Values being fubftituted in the Formula x = p 9 19 af c d bf , gives x = p- 9 2n9 × (p+q) + $2 q n X p + q ce 3 mp p-q x(p + q) + $2 X. m p + q To reduce this Quantity, I first multiply the Numerator and Deno- minator of the Fraction changes it into - 2 ng X ( 79) p 9 (p − q) x (p + q) Numerator of the Value of x becomes by p+q, which 9, by this Means the whole Z 2 (p + q) X (p − q) 4) or [p² - 2 x (p + q) ²] × n q or q) (p −9) X (p + q) q n X +p² + 4 p q +29² (p −q)X(p + q) I operate afterwards on the Denominator of the Value of x, reducing its two Parts to the fame Denominator. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 43 2 Which gives 3 mp X (p + q) ² + تمر رو p² x (p − q) × m (p + q) X (p − q) 2 m p × [p² = p q + 3 x (p + q) ²], or (p + q) × (p − q) Thoſe two Operations change the p² + 4 p q + 2 q² q n X mp x (p + q)X(p − q) 4p² +509 +39² (p + q) × (p −q) X ; or m p × (4 p² + 5 p 9 + 39²) X (p + q) X (p − q) foregoing Value of x into but as the Numerator and De- nominator of this Fraction are each divided by (p + q) X (p- }, I take away this Divifor, and the Value of x becomes — q n X (p² + 4 p 9 +299) mp × (4 p² + 589 +39²) or finally x = like Manner the } = nq p p 4 m p³ + 5 m p² q fame Values of a, pp +49 +299 4 p p + 5 9 + 399 2193 9 9 n or X m p 4 p q q n + 3 m p q q Subſtituting in b, c, &c. in the general Formula b d bf-ce a e we will have y: } = 3 m p Þ - 9 3 m'p n q X + 214 X m p9 × (p + q) + pp X 112 p + q whoſe Numerator I reduce to this Form 3 m n p q + 2 m n q X p. (p − q) L 2 m n q by multiplying the Numerator & Denominator of the Fraction by p q. I afterwards reduce this new Form and it becomes m n q × (5 p − 2 q) (B درو 24 As to the Denominator of the Value of y, it being the fame as that of x, it will be reduced after the fame Manner, and confequently we رو m n q X 5 P 29 (p − q) 2 will have y: mp x 4 PP + 5P 9 + 3 9 9 (p + q) X (p − q) which by taking away the common Divifors pq, and reducing, there reſults q n X 5P-29 $ y p x App + 5 p 9 + 399 which, by putting the Divifor p + q p+q at Top, and the Divifor pq at Bottom, according to the Rules of the Divifion of Fractions, will at length become q n X (p + q) × (5 p — 2 q) P X (p − q) × (4 p² + 5 p q + 3 q²) ' ELEMENTS OF 44 or y Another manner of folving the 2 2 q3 n + 5 p² q n + 3 p q² n 2 2 2 p² q² + 4p4 + p³ q 393 LXVIII. If we had freed the Equations propofed in this Example from Frac- tions, before we compared them with the general Formulas, they would have been more readily folved. Let the two Members of the Equation foregoing example. 3 m p x or ppy p + q 3 mp x Þ - q ppy p+9 29 n 2nq p 4 be multiplied by pp — 9 9, Product of the two Divifors pq, p + q, and we will have the Equation (3 m pp + 3 m p q ) x x + ( p p q − p³) × y = — 2 n p q 2 199 In like Manner, let the two Members of the Equation m x + (p+ q) × y = n be multiplied by p— q р q A: xx + (pp - qq) × y = q ni q, and we will have m p mq Now comparing thofe two new Equations with the two general For- mulas b = 3 m p p + 3 m p q, C = p p q p³, a = 2 n q², e = mp m q, f 3 4 From whence is deduced c d = p² q² n 2 22 p² q² + 2 p q³ n + 2 n q², a e = 2 nm q³ b d = 3 m n p² q + 3 m n p q²; ce = 2 p³ q m -- b f = 3 m p³ q + 3 m p4 af b f b d c d = 2 се 3 3 m p q 3 m p² q², hence 3 n p² q² 3 2 m p² q² + m p³ q + 4 m p², m n p q² + 5 m n p² q, 2 n p q $2 q², d q n. p³ q n, a q3 af 2 n p³ q p3 m p4 2 n m p² q, m p² qz n qʻ 94 + 2 π p 3 m p q³ q³ ñ p³™ q, n p³ q mp3 q. + 3 n p² 4 m p4 q np3 + or x= and y 2 m p p q q 2 n m q3 2 m p p q q 3 p p q q n 4 m p4 — 2 n p 93 3 m p q3 2nq4 2 m p² 92 2 mp3 g + 3 m p q3 5 m n p² 4 m p4 q 3 m n p q q mp3 q + 3 m p q³ a e which gives x = 2 nm q³ + 3 2 q² + 2 p q 3 n + 2 n q4 મ Compariſon folutions. LXIX. Comparing actually thoſe two Values of and of y with thofe found of the two in the foregoing Article, firft the Identity of the two Values of y is foregoing eafily perceived. As to the Values of x to diſcover how the former can be the fame with the latter, we are to obſerve, that the Equality which fhould fubfift between thoſe two Expreffions, neceffarily fuppofes that the Numerator q n p³ + 3 n p² q² 2 12 p q3 2 n q4 of the lat- ter contains the Numerator former, after the fame Manner that 4 q n p² n 4 p q² n 2 q3 n of the the Denominator 2 m p² q² - 4m p² - mp3 g + 3 m p q³ of the latter contains the Denomina- SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. tor 4 p³ m q + 5 p² q m + 3 m p q² of the former, and dividing the fecond Numerator by the firft, we find in effect the fame Quotient pq, as refults by dividing the fecond Denominator by the firft, that is, the Expreffion n p 3 + 3 p² q² n — 2 n p q3 — 2n94 2 2 2 m p² q 4 m p4 ed into q. X (— nq p² p 9 p³ m p³ q + 3 m p q3 4 p q² n 2n93) p = q x ( 4 m p3 g + 5.mp² q + 3 m p q²) away p-q, becomes nq p² is chang- 2 or by taking 4 P. q² n 2n93 4 mp3 q + 5 m p² q + 3 mp q3 LXX. It was eaſy to difcover the Method employed to reduce the more complex Value of x to the moſt fimple, when both one and the other of thoſe two Expreffions were known; but if the more complex Value was only known, and it was propofed to reduce it, to its lowest Terms, it would have been much more embarraffing, fince we would not know by what Quantity to divide the Numerator and Denominator of the Fraction. Now as it would be an Imperfection in the Solution of a Prob- lem that a Quantity ſhould be reducible and not reduced, the Analyſts have fought a Method for reducing Fractions to their leaft Terms, or which comes to the fame, a Method for finding the greateſt common Divifor of any two given Quantities. To explain what they have imagined in this Reſpect, let us firft fup- poſe thoſe two Quantities to be Numbers; let it be propofed, for Ex- ample, to find the greatest common Divifor of the Numbers 637 and 143, or to reduce the Fraction, to its leaft Terms. Dividing 637 by 143, the Quotient is 4 and there remains 65, that is, the Fraction 33 is changed into 4+, hence the next Step is to reduce the Fraction, or to find the greatest common Di- viſor of the Numbers 143 and 65. For when this Number is found, it is manifeſt that it will be the greateſt common Divifor of the Numbers 637 and 143, fince we can not reduce the Fraction to its loweſt Terms, without reducing at the fame Time 4 + or to its leaft Terms alfo. 6 5 65 773 632 65 143 The two. Numbers 143 and 65, on which we are now to operate, being much fimpler than the two firſt 637, 143, it is eafy to perceive- that the Difficulty is leffened, and that proceeding after the fame Man- ner it will be ftill leffened. Inftead of the Fraction to be reduced, I write 143, not that thofe Fractions are the fame; but becauſe one cannot be reduced without the other being reduced alfo after the fame Manner. To reduce 143, I divide 143 by 65, and the Quotient is 2, the Remainder being 13. We have therefore no more to do according to the fame Principle, than to find the greatest common Divifor of 13 and 65, becauſe the greatest common Divifor of thoſe two Numbers, 65 45 46 ELEMENTS OF 3 General me bers. will be alfo that of 143 and 65, fince the Fraction 43 is changed into 2 + 3/3/3. 5 Now the greatest common Divifor of 13 and 65 is 13 itfelf, fince it divides 65 exa&ly. Wherefore 13 is alfo the greateſt common Divifor of 143 and 65, and confequently of the propofed Numbers 637, 143. In effect 637 is 49 X 13 and 143, 11 X 13, from whence is deduced 1434 an irreducible Fraction. 637 11 LXXI. It is eaſy to perceive that the Method employed in the foregoing thod for find Example, is applicable to any Numbers whatfoever. Let A and B ex- ing the grea prefs in general any two Numbers, and let a be the Quotient arifing teſt common divifor of from the Divifion of the firft by the fecond, and C the Remainder, the two num Queſtion is reduced to find the greateſt common Diviſor of B and C ; then b being fuppofed to be the Quotient refulting from the Diviſion of B by C, and D the Remainder, we have no more to do than to find the greateſt common Divifor of C and D, that is, to divide C by D, and if there is a Remainder to divide D by it, and to proceed thus con- tinually dividing until we find two Numbers, the leaft of which is con- tained exactly in the greateft, and this Number which is contained ex- actly in the other, will be the greateſt common Divifor of the two first Numbers A and B. This Rule in its full Extent, is founded, as, in the foregoing Exam- being changed into ple, on this Principle, that the Fraction 야야 C a + B 0. cannot be reduced until is reduced, and that C B B cannot be reduced but after the fame Manner that and В D С that being changed into b + c C cannot be reduced until C 3 D C is reduced, and fo on. LXXII. We now proceed to fhew what Alterations are to be made in this Method to render it applicable to fpecious or algebraic Quantities, to underſtand which, let us first take an Example. 63 Let it be propofed to find the greateſt common Divifor of the Quan- tities 3 a3 3 ba a + b b a b³, and 4 a a 5 ba + bb. We are, according to the foregoing Method to divide the firft of thoſe two Quantities by the fecond; but as the Divifion cannot be performed, the firſt Term 3 a3 of the Dividend not containing exactly the firſt Term of the Divifor, I multiply the firft Quantity by 4, obferving that as 4 is not a Divifor of the fecond Quantity 4 a a5 ba + bb, the SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 47 greateſt common Divifor of 12 a3 1 2 ba a + 4 b b a 4 a a 3 a3 4 b³, and 5 ba + b b muſt be alfo the greateſt common Divifor of 3 ba a + b b a 63 and 4 a a 5 ba + bb. I divide then, according to the foregoing Rules, 12 a3 12 b a² +46² a 4 63 by 4 a² 5 ba + bb; the Quotient is 3 a, and there remains 3 ba a + b ba—4 63, by which, according to the fame Rules we ſhould divide 4 a² 5 ba + bb; but as the Diviſion of thoſe Quantities can not be performed without firft preparing them, I obſerve 1º. that b being common to all the Terms of the firſt Quantity, and not to thoſe of the fecond, it cannot be a Part of the greateſt com- mon Diviſor of thoſe Quantities, wherefore I take it away from all the Terms of this firft Quantity, and I affume in its Place 3a a + ba +4 bb. I obferve 29. that if the fecond Quantity 4 a a5 ba +bb be multiplied by 3, which is no Divifor of 3 a a+ba- the Diviſion will fucceed; I divide therefore 12 a a 15 a b + 3 b² by 3 aa + ba 4 b², the Quotient is 4, and there remains — 19 ab + 1962. 4 62 We have therefore no more to do than to find the greateſt common Divifor of 3 a²+ba 4 b², and 19 a b + 19 62. As this Opera- tion requires that we ſhould divide the firft of thoſe two Quantities by the ſecond, and that it is neceffary in order to make the Divifion of the two firſt Terms fucceed, to multiply the first by 19 b, which is an ex- act Divifor of the fecond, I take away this Divifor from the fecond,, whereby it is reduced to a + b But the greateſt common Diviſor of 3 a a + b a 15 a b 4bb and a + b, is ab itſelf, fince the Divifion of thoſe two Quan- tities is performed exactly. Wherefore a+b is the greatest com- mon Divifor of 3a a + ba 4 b b and of 19 a b + 19 b b¸ . wherefore it is alfo the greatest common Divifor of 12 a a.- + 3b b, and of 3a a + b a 462, and confequently of 4 aa-56. +b², and 3 b a a + b b a 4 63, as alfo of 12 a3 iz ba a + 4bba 463, and 4.aa 5 b a + b b, and finally it is the greatest common Divifor of the propofed Quantities 3 a3 3 ba a + b b a 63 and 4 a² -5b a + b². LXXIII ba It is eaſy to perceive that the greatest common Divifor of any other two Quantities may be found after the fame Manner. The only Principle which we are obliged to add in this Enquiry to the Method of Art. LXXI. is that any two Quantities A and B will preferve their greatest common Divifor when one of thoſe two Quantities, for Exam- ple, A, is multiplied or divided by a Quantity which has no commen Divifor with B. 18 ELEMENTS OF General me thod for find gebraic The general Method for determining the greatest common Divifors, ing the great may be expreffed thus. Let A and B be the two propofed Quantities, eft common firft order thofe two Quantities according to the fame Letter, examine divifor offpe afterwards what Quantity m is moft proper to multiply A by. in order cious or al- that the Terms affected by the higheſt Power of the Letter according quantities. to which it is ordered may be divifible by the Terms of B affected by the higheſt Power of the fame Letter; if this multiplier m has no com- mon Divifor with B, multiply A by it, but if it has a common Divifor take away this common Divifor, both from m and B, and multiply A by which will form a new Quantity C, which affume in the Place of A. In like Manner affume in the Place of B the Quantity D, which reſults when B is divided by the Divifor n, common with m. Firſt exam- ple. ·979 • m n Then divide C by D, and the Divifion being performed, if it be exact, D will be the greatest common Divifor fought of A and B, but if there be a Remainder E, perform upon D and E the fame Operation as on A and B, and fo on until two Quantities are obtained, of which one divides the other without a Remainder, and that Quantity will be the greateſt common Divifor required. It is proper to obferve, that if before you attempt this Operation, you can difcover in one of the propofed Quantities A or B any Quan- tity which is an exact Divifor of it and not of the other, it will be convenient to take away this Diviſor. To render the Application of this Method familiar to Beginners, here follow more Examples. LXXIV. Let there be given the Quantities q n p3+3 n p² q² — 2 n p q³ 93 2´n q4, and 2 m p² q² 92 4 m p4 m p³ q + 3 m p q³, of which we found p q to be a common Divifor, only becauſe we knew be- fore Hand that the firſt of thofe two Quantities, divided by the fecond fhould give the fame Quotient as the Quantity 3 n q p² 2 4 p q² n 2 n q³, divided by 4 m p³ + 5 m p² q + 3 m p q²: To reduce now thofe two Quantities by the foregoing Method, I take away qn which is common to all the Terms of the first of thoſe two Quantities, and is not contained in thoſe of the ſecond; I take away likewiſe pm, which is common to all the Terms of the fecond without being contained in thofe of the firft, and thereby the Operation is reduced to find the greatest common Divifor of the Quantities (A) 4p3 p² q + 2 p q ² + 3 93 and (B) p³ + 3 p p q − 2 p q² 2q3. Dividing by B the Quotient is 4, and there remains (C) 11 p² q 6 p q² 5 q³, as B fhould be multiplied by 11 q in order to render its firft Term divifible by the firft Term of C, and that q is contained SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 49 in all the Terms of C, I multiply B fimply by 11, and I divide C by 4, hence the Queſtion is reduced to find the greateſt common Divifor of the two Quantities (D) 11 p + 33 p² q — 22 p q² - 22 q³, and (E) 3, бря 5.92. 11 p² 2 I divide the first by the fecond, the Quotient is p and there remains (F) 39 p² q- 17 p q² 22 93. As (E) must be multiplied by 39 9 to render its first Term divifible by that of this new Quantity F, and that 9 is common to all the Terms of F, I multiply E only by 39, and I'divide its Product (G) 429 p² - 234 p q — 195 q² by (H) 39 p² The Quotient is II, and the Remainder 22 92. 17 p q (1) 47 p q +47 9². 2 22 q². And To render H diviſible by I, we muſt multiply all its Terms by 47 9 ; but this Quantity is a Divifor of H, wherefore I take it away from H, and there remains q p for Divifor to 39 p² — 17 p q as it divides it exactly, I conclude that qp is the greatest common Divifor fought of the propofed Quantities. accc LXXV. · 5 ba 46c Let there be given the two Quantities ab + 2 a a 3 b b — 4 b c Second ex- cc and 9 ac + 2.a a − 5 a b + 4 c c + 8 b c 12b b, rang- ample. ing thoſe two Quantities according to the Dimenfions of a, we have 2 aa+ba — ca 366 48.0 ccc and 2 aa + 9 ca~--- 12 b b + 8 b c + 4 cc, or (A) 2 aa + (b. — c) x a 3bb -cc and (B) 2 a a + (9 c 5 b) x a 1 2 b b + 8 b c + 4 c c. Dividing the firft by the fecond, the Quotient is 1, and there re- mains (C) (6 b 10 c) X a + 9 b b + 1 2 b c 5 с с. To render B divifible by this Quantity, I obferve that it must be multiplied by 3b5c, but before I perform this Operation, I try the Divifion of C by 3 6 5c, which fucceeds, and gives (D) 2 a +36 + c for Quo- b tient; the Queſtion is therefore reduced to find the greateſt common Divifor of B and D; but B is diviſible exactly by D; wherefore D, or 2a + 3 b + c is the greateſt common Divifor ſought of a b + 2 a a 3bb 4 bc- a c cc and 9 ac + 2 aa 5.ab + 4cc 12 b b. The first of thoſe Quantities being the Product of 2a+36 +c into a — b. c, the ſecond the Product of 2 a +36 + c into a 4.b + 4c, and thofe two Quantities a 464c have no common Divifor. • +86 a b c · LXXVI. b Let there be given the two Quantities (A) (dd — cc) x a² + c4 Third ex- -ddcc, and (B) 4 d a² — (2 c c + 4 c d ) × a 2 c³ ranged ac- ample. cc cd) Xa+ cording to the Dimenſions of a. I first change B into (C) 2 d a² = (c.c + 2 cd) a + c3 by taking away from all its Terms the Divifor 2, which is not common with A. I afterwards multiply A by 3 G 50 ELEMENTS OF Another greateſt com 2.d, in order to make the Divifion fucceed, the Quotient is dd-ce and there remains (D) (d dc c) x (c c + 2 cd) xa (dd — cc) X &³ + 2 d. c4 2 d³ c c. d3 To make this Quantity ferve as a Divifor to C, we must first multiply C by (d dc c) x (c c + 2 cd). 64 (d d But before I perform this Multiplication, I examine whether (d dcc) x (cc+2 cd) be not a Divifor or a Multiple of fome Di- vifor of D. By inveſtigating the greateſt common Divifor of (dd-cc) X (cc + 2 cd) and - cc) x c³ + 2 d c4 2 d³ c², that is, of d dc c c4 + 26 d³ 2 c3 d and d d c³ + c5 + 2 d c4 2 d³ c²; and I find that the ſecond of thoſe Quantities is the Product of the firſt into c, and confequently that the Quantity D is the Pro- du&t of (d d c c) X (cc + 2 d c) into a - c; wherefore inſtead of multiplying C by (d dcc) X (cc + 2 dc). I divide D by this Quantity, and the Quotient is (E) a c, and as a -c divides C ex- actly, I conclude, that ac is the greateft common Divifor fought. LXXVII. The greateſt common Divifor of two Quantities may fometimes be manner of obtained without having recourfe to the general Method. For Example, finding the the two foregoing Quantities (d dcc) x a a + c4d dcc and. mon divifor 4 da a― (2 c c + 4 c d ) Xa+2 c3 being ordered according to d,. of the quan- and confequently being reduced to this Form (a a- cc) x d d + c4. tities in the a a cc and (4 a a 4 a c) x d + 2c3 2 c2 a, it is eaſy to per- foregoing example. Other quan- • ceive that a acc. is a Diviſor of the firſt, and c a a Divifor of the fecond. But a² 2 is divifible by c- a, wherefore ca is a Divifor of the two propofed Quantities; I divide therefore both one and the other by ca, and the Quotients are (c c d d) x (c + a); and (cc- 4 ad + 2cc; which by Infpection are found to have no common Divifor, confequently ca or ac is the greateſt common Divifor of the propofed Quantities. LXXVIII. Let it be propofed to find the greateſt common Divifor of the two tities whofe Quantities 6 a5 15 at b 4 a³ c² 10 a abcc and 9 a3 b-27 a abc + — greateſt common di- vifor is pendent of the forego- 6 a b c c + 18 b c³, I firſt take away aa from all the Terms of the first, and 3 b from all thofe of the fecond, whereby they are reduced- found inde- to 6 a³· + 1.5 a² b.--. 4 acc- - 10 b c c and 3 a³ 9aac 2 acc +6c3; but as b is not contained in any of the Terms of the ſecond ing method. Quantity, I conclude, that if it has a common Divifor with the firſt, it muſt have one with its two Parts 6 a³ 3 4 acc and 15 a² b. 10 b c c, and that thoſe two Parts ſhould alſo have the fame common Divifor. But it appears by Inſpection that 3 a a. — 2 cc is the common Divifor of thoſe two Parts, wherefore it is the greateſt common Diviſor of the propoſed Quantities, if they have one, and dividing, in effect, thoſe two SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 51 Quantities by it, the Divifion fucceeds, confequently it is their greateſt common Divifor. LXXIX. are three quantities re be three From what precedes, it is eafy to conclude, that when two Quanti- When there ties are required in a Problem, there must be two Equations given. Likewife when there are three unknown Quantities there must be three quired in a Equations in order to determine them, and in general there must be as problem, many Equations as Quantities required. As to the Manner of difen- there muft gaging the unknown Quantities involved in thofe Equations, it is pre- equations cifely the fame as for Equations involving two unknown Quantities. given to find For let three Equations be given, each involving three unknown Quan- tities x, y, z; if a Value of x be deduced from each of thoſe Equations, How the va- and thoſe different Values be put equal to one another, it is obvious unknown there will refult two new Equations, involving only y and z, which will quantities be refolved by the foregoing Method. If four Equations are given, in- involved in volving four unknown Quantities, their Values may be found after the tions are fame Manner, and fo on. The Ufe of this Method will be more clearly underſtood by Help of the following Problem, containing the greateſt Complication that Equa- tions of the firſt Degree involving three unknown Quantities are ſuf- ceptible of. LXXX. them. lues of the thofe equa- found. The Prices of three Magazines, each containing three Sorts of Grain, Problem in and the Number of Meafures which each Magazine contains of those three which three different Sorts of Grain being given; to determine the Price of a Mea- unknown fure of each Sort of Grain. quantities are requir Let a, b, c exprefs the Numbers of Meafures of each Sort of Grain ed. contained in the firſt Magazine, and let m be the Price of this Maga- zine. Let d, e, f exprefs the Numbers of Meaſures of each Sort of the fame Kinds of Grain, contained in the fecond Magazine, and let n be the Price of this Magazine. Let g, b, k exprefs the Numbers of Meafures of each Sort of the fame Kinds of Grain contained in the third Magazine, and let p be the Price of this Magazine. And let x, y, z exprefs the Prices of a Meaſure of each Sort of Grain. It is manifeft that the Price of the Quantity of the first Sort of Grain contained in the Magazine m will be expreffed by a x, fince a is the Number of Meaſures of this Sort of Grain, and the Price of a Mea- fure; in like Manner the Price of the Quantity of the fecond Sort of Grain contained in the fame Magazine, will be expreffed by by, and the Price of the Quantity of the third Sort of Grain contained in the fame Magazine, will be expreffed by cz. Wherefore fince the Price 52 ELEMENTS OF m of this Magazine is equal to thoſe three Sums together, we will have ax + by + c z = m. • Expreffing in like Manner the Conditions refpecting the two other Magazines, we will have dx+ey+fzn and gx+by+kz=p. It is now Queſtion to deduce from thofe Equations the Values of x, y, z; with this View I first deduce the Value of x from the first m by Cz Equation, which is and putting this Value of x a equal to that deduced from the fecond, we will have the Equation ey -f, putting afterwards the fame 772 by Value a CZ n d fx equal to that deduced from the third Equation, m by CZ a by C Z a we will have В by — k z g From the firft of thoſe two Equations I deduce a n an Rey - d by + afz dc c z, or y = from the fecond I deduce ap a p gm + gcz a b g b a k Z d m = a e d m + dc z d b a fz , b gy - 68 29 Manner of abridging or y = mg = a by tak˝z Putting thoſe two Values of y equal, it is manifeft that we will have an Equation involving no other unknown Quantity but z, and that folv- ing this Equation the Value of z will be found. As the Calculations in this Operation would be confiderable, I fhall fhew how they may be avoided by employing fome Abbreviations which the first Analyfts who were engaged in great Calculations eafily imagined. LXXXI. Thoſe Abbreviations confift in fubftituting new Letters in the Place of ſeveral Terms compofed of known Quantities. the calcula- tions by par ticular deno for a p minations. Inſtead of a n- gm, D, By thoſe new A + B z C db, C, Denominations the foregoing Equations will beccome D + E z B F z = dm I fubftitute A, for dc for g & c - a f, B, for a e —ak, ak, E, for a b gb, F. y = and y = F which gives AF + DC A F DC + CE %, from whence is deduced z = B F CE a e p - a b n + d b m a e k a b f + d b c (a e d b) p + (g b — a b) n + ( d b k + g b f (d b d b p + g + g⋅ b n gem g e c g e) m fubftituting after- (a e — db) k + (gb — a b) ƒ + (d b − g e) c' terwards this Value of z in one of the two foregoing Values of y, in, SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 53 A + B F BDC-BA F CE the firft, for Example, we will have y = or С BD - A E y akn afp + dcp-dkm+gfm — gcn BF CE aek-abfd b c − d b k + g b f − g e c (ak — gc) n + (dc — a f) p + (g f − d k) m (a e = 86) n + (2 6 = ab); + (b = db) m d b) k (g, b f (d c This being done, I fubftitute thoſe Values of y and z in one of the foregoing Values of x, in reſults x = or x = m a for Example, and there m C Z by a C DC- AF Ъ X ( -) X a Ᏼ Ꭰ A E BFCE a AE) m X (B F — CE) — (e k — f·b) m + (c b − (a e — d b) k + (g b — b BF-CE c X (D C A F) — b × (B D aX (BF-CE) 'k) n + (b ƒ − c e) p f a b) ƒ + (d b − g e) c. f LXXXII. To apply this Method to an Example, let us fuppofe that the firſt Magazine contains 30 Meaſures of Rye, 20 of Barley, 10 of Wheat, and that it cost £11 105. That the fecond contains 15 Meaſures of Rye, 6 of Barley, and 12 of Wheat, and that it cost £6 18 s. That the third Magazine contains 10 Meaſures of Rye, 5 of Barley, and 4 of Wheat, and that it cost £3 15s. To determine the Prices of a Meaſure of Rye, that of Barley, and that of Wheat, we must put — 20, c = 10, m = 230, d = 15, e = 6, f. = 12, a = 30, b k 4, p = 75. 42 n = 138, g = 10, b = 5, Subftituting thofe Values in the Formulas, you will find x y=3, and z = 5, confequently the Price of a Meaſure of Rye is 4 Shillings, that of a Meafure of Barley 3 Shillings, and that of a Mea- fure of Wheat 5 Shillings. LXXXIII. three quan- As the Equations of the foregoing Problem are the moft general of lems of the All prob the first Degree involving three unknown Quantities, fince each in- firit degree. volves three unknown Quantities combined with known Quantities, it in which follows that every Problem of the firſt Degree involving three unknown tities are re- Quantities, is included in the foregoing, as foon as it is expreffed ana- quired when: lytically. To give an Example, let the following Problem be propofed. There are three Ingots compofed of different Metals melted down to- are contain-- gether, of the first of which a Pound (Averdupois) contains, of Silver 7 Oun- ed in the ces,, of Brafs 3 Ounces, and of Tin 6 Ounces; of the fecond a Pound con- problem. reduced to foregoing 54 ELEMENTS OF In what caf- tains, of Silver 12 Ounces, of Brafs 3 Ounces, of 'Tin 1 Ounce; and a Pound of the third contains, of Silver 4 Ounces, of Braſs 7 Ounces, and of Tin 5 Ounces: How much of each Ingot muſt be taken to make a fourth, which fhall contain, of Silver 8 Ounces, of Brafs 34 Ounces, and of Tin 4 Ounces. Let x, y, z exprefs the Number of Ounces to be taken of each of thofe Ingots. ༡ It is manifeft that x will exprefs the Quantity of Silver in the Por- tion of the first Ingot, that 12y will exprefs what is contained in the Portion of the fecond Ingot, and that that contained in the Portion of the third. 4 As the Sum of thofe three Quantities fhould be 8 Ounces of Silver, there refults the Equation x + 3y + + z = 8, or 7 x + 12y +4% = 128. ठ 3 ठ In like Manner the Quantity of Brafs taken out of each of the three Ingots, will be expreffed by xy, and the Sum of which ठ x 16 3 ठ > hould be 3 Ounces, wherefore +1 +16% = 14, or 3 x +31 + 7 z = 60. 6 6 I I S 5 The Quantity of Tin taken of each Ingot, will, in like Manner be expreffed by x, y, z, the Sum of which ſhould be 4 Ounces, wherefore 18x + 789 + 182 = 4 + 4, or 6x + y + 5 z = 68. y We have no more to do now than to refolve thofe three Equations, which will be effected by putting in the foregoing Solution a = 7, b = 12, c = 4, m = 128, d = 3, e = 3, ƒ = 7, n = 60, g b=1, k = 5, p=68. Subftituting thofe Values in the Formulas, you will find x 8, 5 and z = 3, that is, we must take 8 Ounces of the firft Ingot, Ounces of the fecond, and 3 of the third to form the Ingot required. J 5 LXXXIV. f 6, It is eaſy to perceive that if there are more Quantities required than es problems Equations given, the Queſtion is not limited to determinate Quanti- are indeter- ties, but is capable of a Number of Solutions, which however are con- minate. fined within certain Limits, as will appear by the following Example, There are three Ingots of Gold: The Mark * of the first contains 23 Firft exam- Carats of fine Gold, that of the fecond 21, and that of the third 18. How ple. much of each Ingot must be taken to compofe a fourth, weighing 9 Marks, each Mark containing 22 Carats of fine Gold. Let x, y, z exprefs the Number of Marks to be taken of each of the Ingots. It is manifeft that 23 x will exprefs the Quantity of pure Gold in the Portion of the first Ingot, 21 y that in the Portion of the fecond, and 18 z that in the Portion of the third. Adding therefore thofe three I The Mark contains 8 Ounces. The Carat is the 24 of a Mark. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 5.5 Quantities, their Sum fhould contain 9 Times 22 Carats, confequently 23x + 2y + 18 z = 22 × 9. And as the fourth Ingot compofed of thofe three Portions fhould weigh 9 Marks, x + y + z = 9. All the Conditions of the Problem being expreffed, it is manifeſt that the Queſtion is not limited to determinate Quantities, becauſe there are three unknown Quantities and only two Equations, but it is evident that if one of the three unknown Quantities be determined, the other two will be alfo determined, and the Suppofitions which may be made and the Limits within which they are confined, will be difcovered by folving thoſe Equations; which will be effected by putting a = 23, 6 = 21, C 18, m = 22 X 9, d I e = 1, > I n = 9. > For then the Equation a n f md = a ey b d y + a ƒ z is reduced to an - m = (a (a - b) x y + (a or y = (a a n Y ***** m a (a—c) z - b a n m a C 2 — c) × Zg. f: 6 - c d z where I obſerve, 1°. that the Product = c) z of the greateſt Difference a- cinto z cannot exceed the Product an — m of the Number of Marks into the leaft Difference, otherwife would become negative. I obferve, 2°. that z cannot be fuppofed becauſe would in this Cafe become o, that is, the fourth Ingot would contain none of the fecond, which is contrary to the Conditions of the Problem, hence the Limits within which the Values of z are confined, are z < 1 + and ≈ > o. o. The Sign being employed by the Analyſts to denote the Inequality of the two Quantities between which it is placed, the Point being always di- rected towards the leaft Quantity. It is manifeſt that all the Suppofitions for z included within thoſe Li- mits will folve the Problem. 9 Let, for Example, z=1+ 2 8 Ingot, we must take Marks, then y = 9-5×9 2 1; which denotes that if we take 1 + Marks of the third a Mark of the fecond, and confequently 6 of + 3 Marks of the third Ingot contains 28 ₫ Ca- rats of fine. Gold, a Mark of the fecond contains 10 Carats, and the firft. In effect 1 9 이 5 2 6 Marks of the firft contains 158 Carats, and confequently the three Portions together contain 198 Carats of pure Gold, the fame Quantity that is contained in 9 Marks, each Mark conſiſting of 22 Ca- rats of fine Gold. If we ſuppoſe z = 1, then y = 2, which fhews that if we take r Mark of the third Ingot we muſt take 2 of the fecond, and confequently 6 of the firſt. In effect i Mark of the third furniſhes 18 Carats, 2 Marks of the fecond will give 42, and 6 Marks of the firft makes 138, 36 $ ELEMENTS OF ample. which together amount to 198 Carats, which is precifely the. fame Quantity, as is contained in 9 Marks, each Mark conſiſting of 22 Ca- rats of fine Gold. LXXXV. To accuftem Beginners to the Method of limiting the Anſwers to all Sorts of Queſtions of this Kind, here follows another Example. Suppofe a Piece of Metal to be compoſed of Tin, Gold and Copper, Second ex-melted down together, its weight to be 375 Ounces, its Bulk 80 cubick Inches, let the Weight of a cubick Inch of Tin be 4 Ounces, that of Gold Ounces, and that of Copper 5 Ounces, it is re- quired to determine how much of each of thoſe Metals are contained in the propofed Maſs. Let x, y, z exprefs the Quantities of each of thofe Metals. As the Quantity of Tin added to that of Gold and Copper fhould compoſe the whole Bulk, x + y + z = 80. And it being manifeft that 4 expreffes the Weight of the Quantity of Tin in the Mix- ture, II y that of the Gold, and 5z that of the Copper, and that thoſe three Weights together thould be equal to the whole Weight of the Mixture 4 x + 11 y + 5% 375 or taking away the Frac- tions 35 +939 + 41 2 = 3000. 5 Thofe two Equations expreffing the Conditions of the Problem, it is manifeft that it is not limited to determinate Quantities, but if one of the unknown Quantities be determined, the two others will be deter- mined alfo. In order therefore to folve thoſe two Equations, and there- by diſcover what Suppofitions may be made, and within what Limits. they are confined, I put a = 1, b = 1, c = 1, m = 80, d = 35, e = 93, ƒ = 41, n = 3000, fubftituting thofe Values in the Equation d m = (a e b d) y + (a fc d) x z, there refults a n 58 y + 6 z = 200. From whence it appears that z < 333, that is, that there cannot be 33 cubick Inches of Copper in the Mixture, for the Equation 58y+6z 200, becoming in this Cafe 58y + 6 × 33 200 will be changed into 58y + 200 200, from whence is deduced 58 y = 200 3 200 o, that is, there would be no Gold in the Mixture, which is con- trary to the Suppofition, but all the Suppofitions for the Value of z leſs than 33 will anſwer the Conditions of the Problem. = Let us fuppofe z 4, confequently 6 z 24, and 58 y 176, ory 325, which denotes that if the Mixture be fuppofed to contain 4 cubick Inches of Copper, it will contain 35 cubick Inches of Gold, confequently 72 23 cubick Inches of Tin, fince thoſe three Quantities fhould compofe 80 cubick Inches, and 4 X 72 29 + 11 § × 3 29 + 5 1 × 4 = 375 Ounces. 28 7229 28 SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 57. 1 8 2 62 58 = If we fuppofe z=3, then 6 z = 18, and the Equation 58y + 6 z 200 will be changed into 58y + 18 = 200, wherefore y 3, which denotes that if the Mixture is fuppofed to contain 3 cu- bick Inches of Copper, it will contain 3 cubick Inches of Gold, and confequently 73 25 cubick Inches of Tin. Thoſe three Quantities together making 80 cubick Inches, and 4 X 73 255 + 11 § X 3 4 + 5 1 × 3 = 375 Ounces. 29 LXXXVI. 29 which the It is obvious that when the Number of Equations and unknown Inconveni- Quantities is confiderable, the Calculation for finding their Values ac- ency to cording to the foregoing Method would be very laborious, we ſhall foregoing therefore proceed to explain what Means the Analyfts have found to re- method for exterminat- medy this Inconveniency. ing un- On examining the Formulas expreffing the Values of the unknown knownquan Quantities in the general Solutions of the Problems of Art. LVI and tities is lia- LXXX, it will appear, that the common Denominator of thoſe Values is formed of all the Products that can be made of a Number of Coefici- ents equal to the Number of Equations, and that are taken each from a ons which different Equation, and are prefixed to a different unknown Quantity; to improve thoſe which involve the Products of two fuch Coeficients having con- this method. trary Signs. For Example, in two Equations involving two unknown Quantities ax + by = c and d x + ey f, all the Products that can be made of two Coeficients taken each from a different Equation, and are prefixed to a different unknown Quantity, are a e, bd, to which if con- trary Signs be given, there will reſult a e b d, which is the common Denominator of the Values of x and y deduced from thofe Equations Art. LVI. In like Manner in three Equations including three unknown Quantities a x + by + c z = m, d x + ey +ƒz=n, and g x + by ax dx +kx= p, all the Products that can be made of three Coeficients ta- ken each from a different Equation, and are prefixed to a different un- known Quantity, are a e k, abf, d b c, d b k, g bf, gec, and if con- trary Signs be given to thofe which involve the Products of two fuch Coeficients, there will refult a e ka bf + db c — d b k + g b f gec, which is the common Denominator of the Values of x, y and z, deduced from thofe Equations Art. LXXX. z It alſo appears that the common Denominator is changed into the Numerator of any of thofe Values, by fubftituting in this Denominator in the Place of the Coeficients of the unknown Quantity in the given Equations thofe which affect no unknown Quantity. db, For Example, if we fubftitute in the common Denominator ae for the Coeficients e and b of y, in the Equations ax + by c, d x +ey=f, thoſe f, c which affect no unknown Quantity, there will = ble. Obfervati- have ferved 3 H 5.8 ELEMENTS OF I General rule for find ing the va- lues of any number of refult af d c, which is the Numerator of the Value of y, in like Manner fubftituting in this Denominator for the Coeficients a and d of x, thoſe c and f, which affect no unknown Quantity, there will reſult се bf, which is the Numerator of the Value of x. If we fubftitute in the common Denominator a ek a b f + d b c — d b k + g b f-gec for the Coeficients k, f, c of z in the Equa- tions ax + by + c z = m, d x + ey + f z = n, g x + b y + k z p, thoſe p, n, m which affect no unknown Quantity, there will re- fult a ep a b n + d bm d b p + g b n gem which is the Numerator of the Value of z. In like Manner fubftituting in this Denominator for the Coeficients b,e, b of y, thoſe p, n, m, there will reſult a k n — afp + dcp + gf m gen, which is the Numerator of the Value of y. Finally fubftituting in this Denominator for the Coeficients g, d, a of x, thoſe p, n, m, there will refult e fb m + c b n +bfp cep, which is the Numerator of the Value of x. k m LXXXVII. d k m b k n From theſe Obfervations the Analyfts have deduced this general Rule, for exterminating unknown Quantities in Equations of the firſt Degree. Let a, b, c, d, &c. be the Coeficients of thofe unknown Quantities and A that which affects no unknown Quantity, in the firft Equation. Let a', b', c', d', &c. be the Coeficients of the fame unknown Quan- quantities tities, and A that which affects no unknown Quantity, in the fecond required Equation. when as ma ny fimple equations are given. Let a", b", c", d", &c. be the Coeficients of the fame unknown Quantities, and A" that which affects no unknown Quantity in the third,. and fo on. a ba; Form the two Permutations ab and ba and write down with thoſe two Permutations and the Letter c, form all the poffible Per- mutations, obferving to change the Sign as often as a will change its- Place in ab, as likewife in ba; and there will refult a b c a c b + c a b — bac + b c a c b a: With thoſe fix Permutations and the Letter d, form all the Permu tations poffible, obferving to change the Sign as often as d will change. its Place in the fame Term, and there will refult abcd—abdc + adbc-dabc-acbd + acdb―adcb+dacb+cabd—cadb+cdab-dcab -bacd+badc-bdac+dbac+bcad-bcda+bdca-dbca-cbad+cbda-cdba+dcba and proceed in this Manner until all the Coeficients of the firſt Equa- tion are exhauſted. Afterwards preſerve the Letters which occupy the firſt Place, give thoſe which occupy the fecond Place the fame Mark they have in the fecond Equation, and thoſe which occupy the third Place the fame Mark they have in the third Equation, and fo on. And this Refult will be the common Denominator of the Values of the unknown Quantities. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 59 The common Denominator being thus formed, the Value of xe will be obtained by giving to this Denominator the Numerator which is found by changing in all its Terms a into A, and the Value of is the } Fraction which has the fame Denominator, and for Numerator the Quantity which refults by changing b into A in all the Terms of the Denominator, and in like Manner the Values of the other unknown Quantities will be obtained. Hence if there be two Equations and two unknown Quantities. a x + by = A, d' x + b'y', the common Denominator will be ba' or a b' — a' b. a b' C - ab" c + a b' c A", A", the b a' cl If there be three Equations and three unknown Quantities ax + by +cz = A, a' x + b' y + c' z = A', a'' x + b" y + c" z = common Denominator will be a b'c'l +bca" - cb' a", or a b'c" a b c + a" bď a" b' c, or (a b' — a' b) c" + (a" b — a b') c' + (a' b" — a'' b!) c. If there be four Equations and four unknown Quantities a x + by +cz+dt = A, a' x + b' y + c' z+d' t = A', a" x + b" y + c% · + d't = A', a'"' x + b'il y + c'll z + d""t=A"", the common Deno- minator will be found after ranging the Letters in alphabetic Order to be - a +a" b'll c d' +a" b' c'"' d a b' cli d'!! b' c''' d'"' + a bil c''' d' -- a bll c'll d ta b'll c' d" — a b'"' c'' d' + a b'll c'' d +ď b"c d'"' d' - a" b'll c' d ・a' b c" d'" + a b c"" d" +a" b c d'" a bil c' ¿!!! · abc d' a" b c" ď - all b' c d''! or [(a b' +[lab all' bi c d' a b ) c' + (all b d' a"" b c d" ta"" bc" d' a'" b" c .all! b' c'' d + a"" b" c' d a b''). c' + (a' b'l Q" b' ) c ] d'"' a b') c'"' + (a b'" +[(a""' b - a +[(a' B!!! a b''!) d'' + (a b'") c'' + (a b" bil all! b) — a""' b )' c' - a" b) c'" + (a" b'" - B!!! + (a"" b' a b''') c ] d' a""b" ) c } d' '' a"" b') c"' + (a""' b" — a" LXXXVIII. """) c' + (a" b' - a' b") c'''] d Now it is eafy to obferve, 1 that the firſt Term of any one of thofe Denominators, is formed of the foregoing Denominator multiplied by the next Letter in the Order of the Alphabet, which it does not in- clude, this Letter being affected by the Mark which immediately fol- lows the higheſt of thofe in this fame Denominator. 2º. That the fecond Term is formed of the first, by changing the higheſt Mark in it into that which is immediately below it, and that which is immediately below the higheft into the higheft, as alfo by changing the Signs. 3°. The third Term is formed of the firft, by changing. in it the higheſt Mark into that of two Numbers below it, and that of two Num- bers below the higheſt into the higheſt, as alſo by changing the Signs. Obfervati ons which have ferved this rule to render more fimple 60 OF ELEMENTS The fourth is formed of the first by changing the higheſt Mark in it, into that which is three Marks below it, and reciprocally, as alſo by changing the Signs. For Example, the fecond Denominator has for firft Term (a b'—a' b) c'd which is the firft Denominator multiplied by c", which is the Letter which follows immediately the Letters a and b, and which has the Mark ", which follows immediately the Mark', the higheſt of thoſe which enter in the Expreffion a b' a' b. 1 The fecond Term of this fecond Denominator is (a" ba b!) c', which is no other than (a b'a' b) c", in which the Signs have been changed, and the higheſt Mark" into which is immediately below it, and which is immediately below the higheſt into the higheſt ", and ſo on. Hence the common Denominator of the Values of the unknown Quantities in any Number of Equations is eafily determined, for Exam- ple, if there be five Equations and five unknown Quantities, the com- mon Denominator will be found by this Method to be [(a b' a' b ) ɗ" + (a" b a b'l ) c' + (a' b" — a" b') c ]d" + [(a b a b') c'"' + (a b'" -- a"" b ) c' + (a'"' b' · a' b"") c ]d" elllo + [(all b - a b'") c'" + (a b!! — a" b ) c"" + (a" b'"' B!!! a!" b" ) c ] d' + [(a' b'"' — a""' b' )c" + (a'll b"! - a"! b!!! ) c' + (a" b' · — a' b! ) c!" ] d +[(a' b - a b') c'' + (a b" — a" b ) c' + (all bt - a' b") c ] d'"""~ +[(a b' — a' b ) c!!!! +[(a b'""' - all!! b) c" + [(a'""' b' - a + (a!!" b - a b'''') c² + (a' b!!!! — a'''' b') c ]d" + (a" b a b") d'""' + (a"""' b"a" b'""') c ] d' e'll b!!!!) c'" + (a" b!!!! -a"""" b'! ) c' + (a' b' — a" - b') c'""'] d + [(a b +[(a b' — a' - a b') c''"' + (a b'""" — a!""" "b ) c ).c' + (a"" b! - a' b'""') c ]d" b ) c'"' + (all b + [(a b'll - all +[(a'""' b' - a b) c'!!!! + (a!!!! b - a b''') c!!!! + (a!!!! b!!! bill - +[(a""" b +[(a bill +[(a b'll — a b ) c" · a b'') c!! + (a b' — a" a!!!! b) c!!! + (all' bi + (a" b a a!!!! b''') c'i + (a!! b!!! b) c!'!!! + (a" B!!!! — B!!! ) c!!!! + (a!!!! B!! — b') a'"' + (all b" - 'a'"' b" :) c'!'"' + (a""""B" a'"' b' ) c ] d'!" 訓 a'""" b'"") c ] d' a!'""' b' ); c'"]d — a" b'''') c""'] d +[(a"" bill! +[(a' b'"" - a'""' b' ) c " + (a"""" b! a!! (!!!!) c! + (all bl +[(a'""' b' - a b'!!!) c'"' + (a""' b!!!! - a!" b'").c! + (a' b'll a"" b') c''''] d" + [(a!""" """" — a""' b'""") c'' + (a" a""" b'') c!!! + (a'""' b" -a" b'""') c!""'] d' a!!!! -+ [(a""' b! - a! B!!! ) c " a'"' 6'' ).c' + (a' b" - a"! b') c'"' ]d"" b!!!! + (a" b'" - B!!! e a b'!! ) c' ' + (a' bili b!!!!) c'!!! + (a!!! b!!!! a!!! B!!!!) c' + (a' b'll! — - a!'""' b!! ) c ]d' ) a a!"' b'"""") c ] d" a" b"") c ] det · SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. бI LXXXIX. oe niſh as many mited and When there are as many fimple Equations given as Quantities re- Problems quired, generally ſpeaking, the Problem is limited, but in fome parti- which fur- cular Cafes it may be unlimited or indeterminate, and in others impoffi- equations as ble, this happens when the common Denominator is found equal to no- quantities thing; that is, if there be two Equations given, when a b'a' bo, required are not always if there be three, when (a b'a' b) c' + (a" b — a b") c' + (a' b" limited, but — a" b'). c =.0, &c. then if the Quantities A', A', A", A"", &c. are in fome caſ-- ſuch that the Numerators are alſo equal to nothing, the Problem is inde- es are unli- terminate; becauſe the Fractions which ſhould exprefs the Values of the in others im unknown Quantities are indeterminate; but if the Quantities A, A', A", poffible. &c. are fuch that the common Denominator being equal to nothing, the Numerators or any one of them is not equal to nothing, the Prob- lem is impoffible, or at leaſt the Quantities required are all or fome of them greater than any affignable Quantities. For Example, let there be given the two Equations 2 = 3 x and =6x- 5 4y, there will refult x= and. y Now. as o is less than any affignable Quantity, it follows that x and y are greater than any affignable Quan- tities. 2 2 = 3 2 3 2. J 5 If the unknown Quantities be difengaged according to the ordinary Method, there would refult this abfurd Equation, for the first Equation gives xy+, and the fecond xy+. Wherefore 5 y y 3 3 ý + z = z + %, or = {, which is abfurd, if x and y are affign- able Quantities, but if they are greater than any affignable Quantities, it may be faid without abfurdity, that xy+, at the fame Time that x=; becauſe the finite Magnitudes and vanishing in Refpect of the infinite Magnitudes x and y, the two Equations x=3y+ 3 and x yare reduced to x = y, which involves no Contradiction. 2 3 5 3 XC. 2 2 3 2 2 3 I problems to The greateſt Difficulty which commonly occurs in the Solution of a Problem confifts in finding the Equations arifing from the Conditions, becauſe it often happens that the Relations neceffary for forming Equa- Rules for tions are not expreffed in the Conditions of the Problem. In this Cafe bringing the Analyſts examine, 1°. whether fome Quantity known or unknown, equations. whoſe Relation with the other Quantities can be expreffed by an Equa- tion, may not be introduced into the Problem; and if no fuch Quantity can be found, or if this Quantity is not fufficient, they examine, 2°. whether among the known and unknown Quantities there be any which may be expreffed by new Letters, whereby a new Equation may reſult. To underſtand which, let the following Problem be propoſed, 62 ELEMENTS OF { 1 Problem. There are three Meadows a, b, c, of the fame Quality, each of a given Extent, in which the Grafs grows uniformly; a Number of Oxen d will eat up the Pafture a in a Number of Days e, and a Number of Oxen f will eat up the Pafture ↳ in a Number of Days g. It is required to find the Number of Oxen x which will eat up the Pafture c in a Number of Days h. It is plain that the Conditions of the Problem do not exprefs the Re- lations requifite for forming Equations, but as it is Queftion of the Quantity of Grafs in each Meadow when the Oxen entered & what grew during their Stay, I divide the Oxen of each Meadow into two Herds, I ſuppoſe the firſt to eat up the Grafs grew in each Meadow when they entered, and the fecond to eat up the Grafs which grows, hence I fuppofe d y + z, ƒ = t + u, x = s + r. f I first confider the Oxen which eat up the Grafs already grew, and obferving that the Number of Oxen to eat up a Meadow fhould be greater in Proportion as the Meadow is greater and the Time is lefs, I make the two Proportions y : *= a Ђ a and y:s= e g e by есу from whence I deduce t = and s S= ag C a b I next confider the Oxen which eat up the Grafs which grows whilſt the others eat up the Graſs already grew, and obferving that their Num- ber fhould be greater in Proportion as the Meadows are greater, without any Regard being had to the Time. I make the two Proportions zua: b and z:ra: c, from whence I deduce the Values of z and r, Viz. z = 4 and r = b Now having ſeven Equations and ſeven unknown Quantities, dy+z, f = t + u, x = s+r, t = a u CZ a e by a g S= , ecy ab a u C2 Z = += a Subftituting in the third Equation for s and r their Values, there reſults си +, and deducing from the Equations dy+, e cy a b eby and ƒ= +u, y = a g b dg — afg and u = gb-be afg-ebd a g and > - a e ecy + cu ъя fubftituting thofe Values of y and u in the Equation x = I find x = 3 -- น a c f g h — a c e f g — b c d e b + b c d e g abab a beb ab To apply this general Solution to an Example, let the firſt Meadow contain 3 Acres, the fecond 10 Acres, and the third 24 Acres; and let 12 Oxen eat up the Paſture of the firſt in 4 Weeks, 21 Oxen eat up the Pafture of the fecond in 9 Weeks; and let it be required to find how many Oxen will eat up the third in 18 Weeks. By fubftituting thoſe Values in the general Solution, the Number will be found to be 36. SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 63 CHA P. II. Of the Refolution of Equations of the fecond Degree. HAVING fully explained what concerns the Solution of Problems of the first Degree, Order requires that we ſhould pafs to thoſe of the fecond Degree, which we propofe to treat of in this Chapter. As to the Manner of expreffing their Conditions, it is the fame as for Prob- lems of the firſt Degree, it is only to folve the Equations to which the Problems are brought, that different Methods are employed according to the Degrees of thofe Equations.. Of this we have an Inftance in the following Problem, which in its full Extent includes Problems of every Degree, and is not more difficult to be expreffed analytically in the moft complicated. Cafe as in the moſt ſimple.. It includes A Merchant having placed a Sum a in Trade, finding bimfelf to be a Problem loofer, is willing to withdraw at the End of the firft Year, but having which in its miffed the Opportunity and not being able to obtain it until the End of the full extent Second, third, or in general until the End of the ntb Year, he finds that the problems of Sum is diminished by the Quantity b, more than it was at the End of the every de-- firft Year. It is required to determine how much per Cent. bis Lofs amounted gree. to yearly. Let x be the Number fought, that is, what each £100 loft at the End of the firft Year. Making the Proportion 100: 100 100 100 a X , the fourth Term a X 100 100 or a X x(1- X=a: X 100 -) will expreſs what the Sum a is reduced to at the End of the first Year.. If this Proportion be continued by faying 100: 100 a X (100 10000 x) a X (100 x) 2 : the fourth Term 100 :) 2 or a X ) will exprefs what the Sum a X (100 10000 ax ( (1 - X 100 5)² a is reduced to at the End of the fecond Year, and what the fame Sum a is reduced to at the End of the third Year will be expreffed by x 100 ) 3 و and in general what it is reduced to at the End of ах ax ( I *(1- 100 the nth Year will be expreffed by a × (1 multiplied by the Quantity 1- 100 II. that is, by a raiſed to the Power n. If now it was propofed to find the Equation to be folved, fuppofing the Merchant to have withdrawn at the End of the fecond Year,, it is 64 ELEMENTS OF Equation of the forego- manifeſt that the Quantity a X Quantity a × (1 -—-- ing problem the Quantity a X ( for the fe- cond degree will give a X For the : give a × (1 - x 100 а х x(: (1- duced to x² X ΙΘΟ -): 2 2 (1 — _—_~_~_~)² ſhould be put equal to 100 diminiſhed by the Quantity b, which 1 * )² = ax (1 100 100 -) — b, or multiplying by itſelf, as indicated by the Exponent 2, 2 X 100 + +2 10000 =ax (1 ———*) — b, which is re- b 100 -) 100-10000 Equation of the fecond De- a gree, for to folve which the foregoing Methods are infufficient. III. If the Merchant is fuppofed to withdraw at the End of the third third degree Year, the Equation to. be folved will be a X I a x ΙΘΟ ) —b, which by multiplying felf, as the Exponent 3 indicates, becomes 180) 3 X twice by it- 100 ах Or x3 3 x + 3x2 100 10000 ex( *3 1000000 -) = ax (1 (1- b 300x² + 20000 x 1000000 cult to be folved than the foregoing. n. IV.. a 100 , an Equation more diffi- As to the other Cafes it is eafy to perceive how the Equations they furniſh may be formed, and that the Equation will be always of a De- gree expreffed by the Number . If this Equation in general without ſpecifying the Number n be required, it may be obtained by employing the general Expreſſion a x ( " of the Quantity to which a and the Equation will be ax(1- is reduced to after the nth Year, ах 100 * 100 -)½ -)” I = ax ах ( I X 100 V. 100 b a -)" X 100 -)- b, or We ſhall for the prefent confine ourſelves to the Inveſtigation of the Solution of 'that Cafe of the Problem in which its Equation is of the fe- cond Degree, that is, when it is x² 100 X= b 10000 or ra- ይ SPECIOUS ARITHMETICK. 65 ther we ſhall inveſtigate a Method for folving in general all Equations of the fecond Degree. Thoſe who are defirous of folving the higher Cafes of the fame Problem will eaſily effect it after they have feen the general Methods to be explained hereafter correfponding to the different De- grees of thofe Equations. on of the me What moſt naturally occurs in fearching for a Method for folving in Inveſtigati- general Equations of the fecond Degree, is to examine the Relation thod for folr which fubfifts between thofe Equations and the Equations of the firft ing equati Degree. Now it is evident that every Equation of the firft Degree will ons of the fe cond degree become one of the fecond, if the two Members be fquared, for Exam- ple, x+ab becomes, when ſquared, x² + 2 a x + q² = b², it re- mains therefore to know whether by a contrary Operation every Equa- tion of the fecond Degree may not be reduced to one of the firſt. = Let us take, for Example, the Equation 2-px-q, and let us try if x²-px-q is not the Square of fome Quantity, the firft Part of which is x and the ſecond a known Quantity, in order to find by this Means the Equation of the first Degree, which being fquared, would become x² - px p x = q. Now it is eaſy to perceive that 2px is not a Square, but at the fame Time it is manifeft that it may be made one by an Addition of fome Quantity, and we are at Liberty to make this Addition, provided the fame Quantity be added to the other Side of the Equation. x² To find this Quantity which added to x²-p x will render it a com- pleat Square, we have no more to do than to compare it with the Square x² + 2 a x + a², the Term px correfponding with 2 a x, p will correſpond to 2 a, and confequently a top. Now as a² is what compleats x²+2a x into a Square, the Square of -p, that is, p² will compleat x2px into a Square, that is, x2 px + 4 p² will be a Square, it is one in effect, Viz. that of xp when xp, and that of p-x when x